¦^¦¦^^H Yale University Library V 390020146932^ //? ¥ k ^ i* 'A 0&* + * 4 , ^ •f •" / & *m If P V* -•*- '/// // j YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY J937 A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF CENTRAL KANSAS I LLUSTRATED Embellished with Portraits of Many Well-Known People of this Section of the Great West, who have been or are Prominent in its History and Development. VOL. I. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO: THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1902 PREFACE. UT of the depths of his mature wisdom Carlyle wrote, "History is the essence of innumerable biographies. " Believing this to be the fact, there is no necessityof advancing any further reason fdr the compilation of such a work as this, if reliable history is to be the ultimate object. The section of Kansas embraced by this volume has sustained within its confines men who have been prominent in the history of the State, and even the nation, for a century. The annals teem with the records of strong and noble manhood, and, as Sumner has said, "the true grandeur of nations is in those qualities which constitute the greatness of the individual." The final causes which shape the fortunes of individuals and the destinies of States are often the same. They are usually remote and obscure, and their influence scarcely perceived until manifestly declared by results. That nation is the greatest which produces the greatest and most manly men and faithful women; and the intrinsic safety of a community depends not so much upon methods as upon that normal development from the deep resources of which proceeds all that is precious and permanent in life. But such a result may not consciously be contemplated by the actors in the great social drama. Pursuing each his personal good by exalted means, they work out as a logical result. The elements of success in life consist in both innate capacity and determi nation to excel. Where either is wanting, failure is almost certain in the out come. The study of a successful life, therefore, serves both as a source of information and as a stimulus and encouragement to those who have the capacity. As an important lesson in this connection we may appropriately quote Longfellow, who said: "We judge ourselves by what we feel capa ble of doing, while we judge others by what they have already done. ' ' A faithful personal history is an illustration of the truth of this observation. PREFACE. In this biographical history the editorial staff, as well as the publishers, have fully realized the magnitude of the task. In the collection of the ma terial there has been a constant aim to discriminate carefully in regard to the selection of subjects. Those who have been prominent factors in the public, social and industrial development of the counties have been given due recog nition as far as it has been possible to secure the requisite data. Names worthy of perpetuation here, it is true, have in several instances been omit ted, either on account of the apathy of those concerned or the inability of the compilers to secure the information necessary for a symmetrical sketch; but even more pains have been taken to secure accuracy than were promised in the prospectus. Works of this nature, therefore, are more reliable and complete than are the "standard" histories of a country. THE PUBLISHERS. INDEX. Abbott, Handsel A., 163 Ahlberg, G. F., 677 Ainsworth, Avery R., 626 Ainsworth, Jesse, 486 Albright, M. J., 378 Allen, Albert S., 598 Allison, Burton, 300 Allison, M. E., 298 American Steam Laundry, 104 ' Anderson, Joel M., 334 Anderson, Thomas J., 624 Andrews, Henry G., 142 Andrews, James A., 560 Appel, George A., 371 Appel, William E., 371 Astle, William, 222 Avery, George, 474 Axtell, J. T., 669 Bain, Millard F., 543 Bainum, Levi H., 606 Bainum, William G., 660 Bainum, William M., 657 Baker, Ira, 381 Baker, James F., 715 Baker, James R., 561 Baker, James W., 746 Baker, Lew, 117 Baker, Willis N., 20 Banfield, Albert, 736 Bardwell, John W., 93 Barkhurst, William, 457 Bates, Frank A., 517 Baxter, Jackson B., 505 Bay, C. M., 288 Beaman, Alonzo, 693 Bean, Nathan A. C. 529 Bean, Robert R., 685 Beers, Isaac, 138 Bellew, Noah, 269 Benedict, William H. S., 256 Bennett, William R., 192 Bettenbrook, Frederick, 338 Birney, David, 325 Bishop, G. A., 473 Blackhall, John, 515 Blakely, Henry H., 400 Blodgett, William C, 689 Bobb, Aaron, 216 Bolinger, Jacob, 756 Boroughs, Bartley C, 391 Boy, Charles F., 631 Boyce, David, 477 Branch, Andrew C, 535 Branch, Phineas C, 276 Brinckerhoff, Jermain W., 398 Bromley, John H., 204 Brown, G. W., 615 Brown, Jesse, 45 - Brown, John B., 65 Brown, Wesley S., 437 Brown, W. L., 147 Bruce, Frederick J., 29 Burdick, Barnett, 464 Burdick, Charles E., 465 Burke, Laurence, 737 Butler, John, 220 Butler, John F., 220 Caffry, Eugene M., 557 Caldwell, A. B., 40 Calhoun, Joseph W., 491 Campbell, James M., 452 Cannon, William T., 304 Cappis, William, 622 Carhart, William H., 124 Carnahan. Elias M., 589 Chamberlin, David C-, 272 Chambers, Robert R., 620 Church, Byron L., 132 Clark; Ira H., 663 Clark, William H.. 573 Clarke. J. W., 109 Clayton. W. B., 670 Cloud, Fred J., 633 Cole, Baxter, 215 Colladay, Frank, 539 Collett, George A.. 287 Collings, Albert W., 407 Collingwood, Daniel F., 374 Combs, Albert, 228 Conkling, Clark, 388 Connett, A. H., 712 Connor, Eugene, 701 Connor. W. B., 168 Cook, Fred W., 564 Cooper, E. C, 632 Cragun, John A., 406 Crawford, John C. F., 21 Crow, Martin, 329 Danner, Clark L., 340 Davis, Caleb R., 126 Davis, George T., 75 Davis, J. C, 343 Day, Claude D., 310 Day, John, 100 Dayhoff, Insley L., 88 Dean, Albert A., 520 Dean, C. A., 408 Deck, Peter, 720 Deissroth, Frederick, 237 Demoret, Joseph, 366 Demoret, Mrs. Ella, 375 Dern, B. F., 439 DeWeese, Carey, 584 DeWeese, William S., 360 Dickhut, Charles W., 174 Dillman, James M., 353 Dodge, D. P., 495 Dodge, E. J., 664 Dorr, Josephus, 509 Dotson, John W., 119 Doze, George W., 666 Doze, John C, 709 Duff, J. R., 654 Dukelow, James, 28 Dunham, Jay, 98 Dunkelberger, Samuel, 611 Dunkelberger, William, 612 Durham, LaRue H., 651 Duval, Claude, 178 Easton, Marquis L., 656 Ebbert, William, 202 Elbury, Thomas G., 600 Elwood, Robert J., 618 Endicott, J. S., 628 Engel, James P., 46 Eppley, Josiah T., 394 Evans, Charles J., 754 Evans, John G., 703 Evans, Perry A., 198 Everett, Elmer, 501 Faris, Winfield S., 629 Fendrick, Andrew, 610 Finley, M, 208 Fisher, E. C, 152 Fitch, D. D., 570 Fitzpatrick, William. 95 Ford, Patrick O., 662 Forsha, Alexander L., 155 Forsha, Sam W., 158 Forsyth, John D., 86 Forward, M. W., 739 INDEX. Foster, Frank H., 73 Foster, Frank S., 740 Fox, David, 648 Fox, Thomas O., 213 Franklin, John H., 719 Freels, W. H., 611 Freese, James A., 566 Frisbie, George M., 338 Fry, Frank A., 392 Fuller, F. E., 250 Fulton, Samson, 53 Funk, James F., 380 Gardner, John S., 70 Gaston, W. E., 577 George, Joseph S., 450 Gerber, John, 616 Gerber, Mike, 466 Giertz, Joseph, 202 Gilchrist, John. 166 Gile, William S., 385 Giles, Daniel, 33 Gillett, Preston B.. 136 Ginter, George W., 526 Goldsborough, H. J., 695 Gordenier, Fred B., 493 Gorman. John, 704 Grant. David F.. 528 Greenfield, Jesse, 608 Greenlee, Jasper J., 757 Gregg, Andrew J., 250 Gregg, Currence, 63 Griem, Renning H. 651 Griffith, Frederick J., 320 Griffith, John D., 751 Grosvenor, William S., 323 Groth, Henry M., 574 Grover, Dallas, 758 Hair, William T., 572 Hamilton, James W., 743 Handy, William, 749 Harbaugh, David, 492 Harding, John B., 373 Harlow, Frank, 324 ¦\ Harrison, William J., 118 Hauschild, Jacob, 307 Hauser, George F., 207 Hay, Geo. L.. 484 Heath, William V., 405 Hedden, Elisha, 15 Hedges, M. T., 682 Hedrick, Charles, 454 Heist, Michael B., 467 Helm, Wesley B., 308 Hendry, William F.. 488 Herren. Isaac W., 571 Heryer, David, 357 Hibbert, James, 55 Hill, W. W., 76 Hilton, James, 621 Hilyard, W. H, 363 Himes, Solomon P., 558 Hissemi, Henry Z., 552 Hoagland, Martin, 644 Hodgson, H. C, 122 Hodgson, William, 314 Hoesman, II. F., 32 Holcomb, T. C, 639 Holland, James M., 44 Holmes, John B., 342 Holmes, John E., 115 Holton, Richard H., 318 Honey, Henry R., 732 Hopkins, Isaac A., 332 Hopkins, James L., 171 Hopkins, O. E., 224 Howard, Daniel H., 533 Howell, David, 671 Hoyt, Henry S., 18 Hudson, Robert B., 540 Huey, Thomas J., 311 Huffman, J. R., 387 Hughes, Robert W., 446 Hummel, Peter, 23 Humphrey, Joseph E.. 35 Hunter, Alexander S., 246 Huntington, Frank H., 726 Hutton, Emmett. 96 Hutton & Oswald, 104 Huycke, George, 445 Inman, Henry, 506 Jellison, Charles R., 227 Jennings, Charles E., 259 Jewell, A. M.. 72 Jewell, Warren D.. 579 Johnson, DeWitt C, 78 Johnson, G. B., 725 Johnson, Henry, 472 Johnson, Jacob, 296 Johnson, William L., 362 Johnson, William R., 247 Johnston J'. E.. 718 Jones, Edward W.. 525 Jones, George W., 536 Jones, Samuel, 433 Jordan, James M, 22 Judson, John S., 109 Kabler, L. W., 696 Kansas Grain Company, 592 Kauffman, Samuel, 131 Kelley, Frank, 538 Kendall. Charles T., qi2 Kidd, T. M.. 617 King. William B., 47 Kirhy, Elisha W.. 575 Kirk, James, 412 Klose, Edward, 302 Koons, Simon W., 230 Kiev. Frederick, 283 Kunkle, Aaron, 738 Lackey, John T., 727 Landis, Levi F., 471 Lang, John A., 104 Lash, Albert R„ 603 Lashmet, J. E.. 468 Latshaw, Joseph, 92 Laverty, Lewis, 146 Lavielle, Bernard, 267 Lawrence, William, 43 Leighty, Stephen S., 662 Leonard, C. D., 692 Leslie, John F., 141 Levitt, George L., 568 Lewis, J. F., 516 Lewis, William N., 238 Libbey, Leon D., 172 Libby, William H.. 252 Light, Jacob W., 27 Lindsley, Herbert K., 469 Lippincott, E. M., 623 Livingston, Samuel B., 402 Logan, David W., 686 Long, Gabriel, 293 Lonnon, F, M., 425 Love, William R., 463 Lucas, William B., 251 Lydecker, John E., 411 Lyman, Herbert S.. 175 Maguire, M., 653 Majors, Samuel. 431 Malcolm, John G., 206 March, John, 15S Markham, John J., 500 Markle, H. C, 731' Martin, Andrew B., 128 Martin. John, 507 Masters. C. D.. 755 Mathews, Samuel, 326 May, James S., 56 May. W. L., }S? . McAlillv. M. L.. 358 McCandless. M. H.. 664 McClellan. Wylie. 395 McClelland, George F., 714 McConnell, J. A., 680 McCormack, W. B., 390 McCracken, Isaac L., 242 McDavitt, John L., 344 Mcllhenny, Henry L... 706 McKenry. Joseph F., 683 McKinnis, Robert. 312 McLaurin, John R., 270 McMillan, W. K., 594 McMurphy, Alonzo, 198 McPeek, Joseph, 478 McPherson, Owen P., 597 Md-Vay. Mrs. Cornelia (Buckles'). 377 Measer, John J., 165 Melville. William. 372 Meng, Michael. 183 Miller. Charles P.. '162 Miller, P. D.. 627 Miller. Robert C. 159 Milligan, S. C. 84 Minor, George H., 422 Mitchell, Ida Al., 441 Mitchell, William H.. 369 Monroe, A. J., 66 Monroe, G. A.. 07 MoO'ii, James V., 303 Morgan, William V., 9 Morris, Harvey, 483 Morris, Sainuel J., 544 Morris, T. E., 607 Morrison, John T., 508 Morter, G. W.. 531 Moscript, Robert O., 623 Moses, Brothers, 504 Moses, Clayton L., 594 Moses, Edward W., 594 INDEX. Moses, George N., 51 Mowery, G. H., 555 Murphy, Will R., 661 Murray, James, 399 Murray, William F. 354 Mustoe, H. A., 710 Mustoe, U. G., 635 Myers, Adolphus F., 569 Nash, J. T., 200 Negley, David M., 708 Nelson, John W., 189 Nesmith, William L., 13 Newkirk, R. R., 534 Newlin, William, 591 Xewmlanj Henry B., 243 Nichols, George H., 532 Nickason, G. M., 177 Norris, F. H., 162 Nunemaker, J. S., 232 Nutter, John N., 440 Obermowe, Henry, 135 Ogle, B. R, 667 O'Hara, Henry C, 210 Oswald, Charley W.. 97 Overton, Benjamin F., 541 Palmer, Daniel, 637 Park, Joseph E., 90 Patterson, J. W., 676 Peckham, Charles W., 458 Pennington, William R., 284 Peters, Samuel R., 641 Pickerill, Walter, 647 Pieper, Conrad H., 130 Pierce, William E., 54 Plank, C. V., 17 Plankenhorn, David, 416 Pollock, William C, 379 Porter, Frank S.. 597 Porter, William M., 346 Potter, Peter B., 125 Potter, William, 184 Presby, Solon P., 553 Price, John R., 275 Prigg, Frank F., 11 Proffitt, C. G, 219 Proffitt, J. M., 266 Prose, Joseph B., 495 Prouty, F. A., 690 Radcliffe, John C, 61 Radiel, George V., 521 Ramsey, James M., 511 Rankin, James. 77 Raup, William. 640 Rayl, Elijah, 248 Reaume, Paul, 417 Redfield, George Z.. 582 Reid, Daniel E., 285 Rice, Wilbur H.. 352 Rickard. J. W., 684 Riggs, Eli J., 700 Ritchey, W. R, 438 Robbins, William W., 546 Robinson, Charles. 292 Roff, John W.. 384 Root, Edwin S., 58 Rose, John W., 120 Rose, William A., 231 Ross, William J., 280 Russell, F. Vernon, 603 Ryker, Charles A., 355 Ryther, James, 48 Sallee, Samuel, 496 Sample, Charles W., 403 Sample, Edward, 711 Sanderson, Ernest W., 587 Sanderson, Samuel, 587 Schaeffer, August H., 599 Schall, Harry S., 456 Schardein, John, 134 Schermerhorn, Edward D.', 723 Schmidt, William, 368 Seeley, Loren L., 613 Sentney, Charles N., 688 Shaw, Kinsey, 382 Shaw, Simeon J., 602 Sheriff, William E., 742 Sherman, E. F., 586 Shideler, Jacob C, 448 Shiells, John, 171 Shock, Benjamin, 143 Shuler, Tillman A., 562 Shuler, William D., 191 Shumway, Reuben B., 426 Shuyler, i)avid M., 419 Shuyler, John S., 25 Siemsen, Henry, 277 Smith, C. B., 235 Smith, Edward B., 447 Smith, Edward L., 336 Smith, Ephraim A., 196 Smith, Francis M., 36 Smith, George, 81 Smith, Isaac N., 328 Smith, John L., 186 Smith, Joseph A., 519 Smith, Louis C, 279 Smith, S. J., 429 .Smith, S. L., 424 Smith, William, 523 Smith, Wilson, 279 Soden, William T., 694 Southerland, Charles Y., 569 Sparks, Chauncey C, 350 Speck, A. D., 435 Sperry, Samuel A., 442 Spickard, Samuel, 205 Sponsler, A. L., 106 Stahl, C. C, 485 Stephenson, John, 678 Stevenson, C. C, 728 Stewart, Henry M., 565 Stewart, J. E., in Stewart, Samuel W., 730 St. John, James. 153 Stockwell. John H., 90 Stoltenberg. Herman A., 12 Stone, Gilbert H., 476 Stone, Solomon, 513 Stratmann, Bert, 423 Strohmeyer, Henry, 672 Sturgis, W. D., 214 Sultzbach, Henry, 581 ' Summers, Alvin E., 22g Swartz, Simeon, 413 Swingle, Asa S., 636 Switzer, Alexander M., 102 Sykes, C. T., 393 Tampier, Joseph F., 226 Tanton, Robert E., 31 Taylor, Charles F., 490 Taylor, Ernest A., 244 Tedrick, William R., 409 Tellin, Peter, 716 Templer, Thomas J., 592 Teter, Samuel P., 149 Thornley, David M., 273 Tibbutt, George, 722 Tincher, J. N., 655 Titus, Henry, 697 Totten, Trustimon B., 420 Townsend, George, 504 Tracy, David B., 260 Truesdell, E. F., 255 Truitt, George, 39 Van Bibber, Moses H., 234 Vandeveer, George A., 67 Van Deventer, Cyrus C, 17 Van Patten, Myndert, 188 Van Sickle, William J., 498 Vaughan, C. L., 240 Venn, Harry, 752 Vermillion, L. E., 160 Vincent, Frank, 24 Vincent, John B., 218 Volkland, William, 99 Walker, John P., 4.80 Walters, Leonard, 679 Ward, Mahlon, 604 Ward, William AL, 734 Warner, H. C, 113 Warrell, Mark, 98 Warren, William^ A., 652 Waterman, William H., 482 Watkins, Robert J., 253 Watson, Robert N., 465 Weatherd, John W., 60 Weaver, Ezra, 278 Weigel, Jacob, 233 Wellman, Edward C, 555 Wellman, J. AI., 556 Wells, John W., 491 Wernet, Herman, 263 Wernet, Xaver, 356 West, William, 705 Westerman, Lewis H., 261 WestfaU, B. S., 418 White, C. C, 85 Whiteside, Houston, 713 Wiegel, Louis, 294 Wiggins, Harvey, 167 Wiggins, John, 349 Wildin, John F., 144 Willett, Thomas J., 514 Williamson, Cicero, 549 Wilson, Eli C, 699 Wilson, J. A., 301 Wilson, James AI.. 271 Wilson, W. Henry, 290 Winsor, George R., .80 INDEX. Winsor, James, 79 Wolf, Fred, 396 Wolfe, Gideon R., 576 Wood, C. A., 527 Wooddell, Charles N., 124 Wright, Benjamin, 542 Wright, Hannah, 264 Wyer, John W., 721 Wyman. David, 550 Yearout, N. J., 432 Yeoman, A. O., 351 Yeoman, J. A., 71 Young, Jacob A., 105 Young, John M., 82 Youngs, Francis L., 675 Yust, Fred, 547 Yust, John, 331 A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OK CENTRAL KANSAS WILLIAM Y. MORGAN. William Y. Morgan, president of the State Exchange Bank, is one of the lead ing representatives of journalistic interests in central Kansas, occupying the responsible position of state printer. For thirty years he has lived in Kansas and has made his home in Hutchinson since 1895. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 6, 1866, and was only four years of age when his par ents came to the Sunflower state. His fa ther, William A. Morgan, is a native of Ire land but was reared in America where he. arrived with the family when a little lad of four summers, his parents locating in Cin cinnati. Throughout almost his entire life he has been connected with the printing business, becoming familiar with it in every department. At the time of the civil war he enlisted as a member of the Twenty-third - Kentucky regiment and saw much active ser vice. He has been prominent in Grand Army circles and takes' an active interest in everything tending to advance the welfare of his comrades who wore the blue, when upon the southern battle fields they fought for the preservation of the union. He is at taining to distinction in civic life and1 has served in both branches of state legislature since coming to Kansas in 1871. He makes his home in Cottonwood Falls, where he is engaged' in the publication of the Chase County Leader. A man of strong mentality and marked force of character, he has left the impress of his individuality for good upon many lines of thought and action. He married Minnie Yoast, who is prominent as a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. William Y. Morgan, whose name begins this review, was well fitted for life's practi cal and responsible duties by a liberal educa tion which he pursued in the state univer sity of Kansas at Lawrence. There he pur sued a special .course that prepared him for the vocation which he had chosen for his life work. At an early -date he learned to set type in his father's office in Cottonwood Falls, and thus became connected with the art preservative of arts. The practical work which he had done in connection with the printing business, gave him a better insight into the instruction he received at the uni versity so that he profited much more by his college training than others who had no knowledge of the business, and in his class he took high rank. He is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta, a college fraternity. After his graduation, Mr. Morgan was engaged in local work on a Lawrence paper 10 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. and then purchased a newspaper in Strong City, which he edited and published for four years. On the expiration of that pe riod he sold out and purchased an interest in the Emporia Daily Gazette. His work in connection therewith was very successful and he conducted a paper, making it a first class publication, until 1895, when he sold to William Allen White, the noted writer and journalist, and came to Hutchinson. The collapse of the boom at this place had af fected the newspaper interests, as well as other lines of business, and the circulation of the papers was lessened thereby. However, recognizing the opportunity to build up a good business here, Air. Morgan organized the News Company, of which he is president and the principal stockholder. While he has followed the plan of having his co-work ers interested financially in the success and thus stimulating them to greater effort, he is the manager of the paper and has made it one o>f the leading journals in the state. Here, as in all other newspaper enterprises in which he has embarked, his own industry, capable management and enterprise have had marked effect in building up the business, increasing the circulation of the paper, and making it a paying investment. Few cities of the size of Hutchinson can boast of a daily (paper issued with as much general news as has the one of which Mr. Morgan has charge. He has an efficient corps of re porters in the field and he is a member of the Associated Press, thus receiving the latest telegraphic news. It has taken much labor and experience to place the paper in its ex cellent condition, but he brought to bear his long and varied experience in the newspaper field together with marked business ability. Its patronage has largely increased in every department and it is now the model paper of central and western Kansas, having marked effect in moulding public opinion and at the | same time greatly advancing the interests of the Republican party. Mr. Morgan has always been a stanch supporter of the Republican principles, and was only twenty years of age when he was made secretary of the Douglas county con vention. In whatever community he lias lived since, he has been honored with the position of either secretary or chairman of the Republican Central committee, and at the present time he is serving in the latter office here, having acted in that capacity for four consecutive years. He has never been a candidate for any office himself, outside of the line of his profession, in January, 1899, he was elected by the state legislature to the office of state printer and is still the incum bent. His work is highly satisfactory, ow ing to his thorough understanding of the printing business, and his efficiency is indi cated by most excellent workmanship pro duced under his control. Mr. Morgan was elected president of the State Exchange Bank of Hutchinson in Jan uary, 1902, and is deeply interested in all matters intended for the general good. He is a member of the board of managers of the Jubilee association, which has done so much to advance the musical interests not only of the city, but of the state. He is a member of both the Park and Fair associations, which he has since aided to a considerable extent in a financial way. He served for two or three years as secretary of the Commercial Club and later as its president. In Masonry he holds membership in the lodge of Emporia, in Reno Chapter, Xo. 34. R. A. M. : in Reno Commandery. Xo. 26, K. T.. and in Wichita. Consistory Xo. 2. S. P. R. S. He is an active member of the Sons of Veterans and has served as its commander in the state leg islature. He is also a member of the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias and belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. On the 20th of November. 1891. in Strong City, Mr. Morgan married Colie Adair, a daughter of Wit Adair of that city. He has just completed the erection of a fine residence at No. 416 Sherman street, which is the highest point on the street. Air. Mor- ' gan has a wide acquaintance throughout the state and is prominent among the best people of Kansas. He is known in the legislative and business circles, amid the members of 'THE NEWS" CORRESPONDENTS' REUNION. September 4, 1901. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 1 1 fraternal organizations, and wherever known, he is held in highest regard. His career is imbued with the enterprising spirit of the West, and progress has been his watchword. Every movement or concern with which he becomes connected feels the influence of his labors and is advanced there by. A natural leader, the impress of his in dividuality has ever been for good, and he stands to-day among the leading men of cen tral Kansas, known and honored for his genuine worth. FRANK F. PRIGG. Few citizens of Hutchinson, Kansas, are unacquainted at least by reputation with the scholarly, able and successful member of the legal profession, Frank F. Prigg, the senior member of the prominent firm of Prigg & Williams, of Hutchinson, Kansas. Since 1883 he has been identified with the business interests of this city. The birth of Air. Prigg occurred in Aladison county, Indiana, on June 5, 1853, and he traces an honorable ancestry from: a worthy Welsh emigrant on down to his loyal grandfather, who made the name of William Prigg respected in the war of 1812. For valorous services during this war the govern ment granted him land, and he removed from his former home at Havre de Grace, Alaryland, first to Ohio and later to Indiana. Here he was a pioneer and entered some land in what is now Aladison county. By trade he was a tanner, but after settling in Indiana followed farming. Edward C. Prigg, the son of William the father of our subject, was born during the family residence in Ohio, being still a lad when removal was made to Indiana. He assisted on the pioneer farm and always en joyed agricultural pursuits, although he be came a successful physician ; for many years he combined the two vocations. He be came active in the Republican party, al though never an office-holder, and was a leading member of the^Jniversalist church. e^noli :**TJni*, The first marriage of Dr. Prigg occurred in Indiana, to Aliss Harriet Curry, and the chil dren of this union are: Frank F., of this biography, and Alary F., who is now a Airs. Bryant and a resident of Xew York. The second marriage of Dr. Prigg was to Alar- garet Jones, two children also being born to this union, namely: Helen AI., who now is a Airs. Ginn, residing in Indianapolis, and Edward R., who is a salesman in Xew York. Dr. Prigg is passing the evening of life in his home in Indiana, his years now reaching seventy-four. The rudiments of our subject's education were acquired in the public schools of Madi son county, Indiana. The natural and ir resistible bent of his mind was in the direc tion of the law, and very early he foresaw that his own efforts must provide the neces sary education, although he was assisted by all that his father could provide, his mother having died when he was but seven years of- age. Taking a preparatory teacher's course, he contributed to his own support by teach ing, in the meantime employing all spare mo ments in study. A scientific course followed at Valparaiso, Indiana, and later he was en abled to graduate at the Central Xormal College, at Danville, Indiana. Beginning to teach in 187S, he followed this profession for three years in the country schools, and four years in the graded schools, continually reading law under instruction, both in Dan ville and Aliddletown. In 1882 he was ad mitted to the bar in Danville. In 1883 he came as a teacher to Hutch inson, Kansas, serving for two years as the efficient superintendent of the city schools, a position at that time of great responsibility and annoyance, hampered as he was by exist ing conditions. Although eminently success ful, this was not the career which he had marked out for himself and for which he had so carefully prepared. Resigning this lucra tive position, he started otit upon the untried path of the law. In 1885 he opened an office in the some building in which-he is now lo cated, where he has since remained. From his initial case our subject has been successful, his ability receiving immediate 12 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. recognition, bringing him a large practice which has resulted in social prominence and financial prosperity. In 1896 he formed a partnership with Charles M. Williams, the legal firm of Prigg & Williams being one of the strong combinations in the business world of Reno county. Both members, of the firm are men of thorough knowledge and judicial mind, and both are thoroughly equipped for the legal battles in which the}* are constantly involved. The library pos sessed by this firm needs a passing notice, being complete and1 kept entirely up'-to-date in all respects, and represents at the present time an outlay of over five thousand dollars. This gives the firm not only all past records, but also the latest decisions, so that the clients are assured of advice sustained by precedent, in every case. Aside from this Air. Prigg possesses an extensive library at his home, which represents the latest and best of the world's literature. While not making a specialty of any branch of the law, he has given close attention to real es tate and corporation law and is regarded as one of the safest and most thoroughly in structed lawyers in the state, and is entrusted with cases involving vast amounts of money and embracing many avenues of business activity. Although so constantly occupied with the cares and responsibilities of his profession, Air. Prigg, like his father, has a liking* for agriculture, and his recreation consists in experiments in horticulture, on his farm of forty acres, located in the rich Cow Creek •bottoms, adjoining the city on the east. Twenty acres of this tract he has set in fine young apple trees, which have just come to a bearing age, promising a great fruitage. When wearied with business care this is a pleasant retreat, although Mr. Prigg has a pleasant residence in the city, at No. 509 Avenue A, east. In his political affiliations he has always been actively identified with the Republican party ; but previous to this time, the stress of private business has precluded any ac ceptance of office except that for seven con secutive terms he served as city attorney, and during his administration important ques tions of. water works and sewerage were con sidered and settled. In 1891 he received the nomination of the Republican party for judge of the district court of the ninth judi cial district. The nomination was unsolicited and unexpected, and he was not present when the nomination was made. After con sidering the matter the nomination was de clined. The first marriage of Air. Prigg occurred in 1879, in Indiana, to Aliss Alinnie Gar rard, one daughter, Edna AL, being born of this union. Previous to locating in Kansas, Mrs. Prigg passed out of life. The second marriage of our subject occurred in this city, to Miss Laura A. Van Winkle, three children being born to this marriage, name ly: Jesse G., who died at the age of one year, Roberta Lucile and Mamie B. In fraternal circles Air. Prigg has been as prominent as he is in social and profes sional life, belonging" to Reno Lodge, No. 140, A. F. & A. M. ; Reno Chapter, No. 34, R. A. M. ; Reno Commandery, Xo. 26, Knights Templar; Byron Lodge, No. 197, K. of P. ; La Rue Division, Xo. 4. Uniform Rank, K. of P. ; and Reno Lodge, XTo. 99, I. O. O. F. He joined the latter order in In diana, and for many years has been active in its work, serving on committees' and repre senting it at the higher councils of the order. Locally he is connected with the Commercial Club, and takes an active interest in all mat ters pertaining to the progress and advance ment of the city, county and state. HERMAN A. STOLTENBERG. In a rapidly developing country like Kan sas, the hardware merchant and the imple ment dealer are as necessary to the work of advancement as any two men who can be named. The gentleman mentioned above is both a hardware merchant and an imple ment dealer and is a member of one of the leading firms of its kind in central Kansas. The firm of Stoltenberg Brothers, the part- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 13 ners in which are Herman A., William and Julius Stoltenberg, is the proprietor of one of the leading enterprises of Holyrood, Ells worth county, Kansas. The Stoltenbergs deal in hardware, implements, silverware, tinware, guns, ammunition, pumps and windmills, vehicles of different kinds, stoves, fence wire and machinery supplies, bicycles and bicycle repairs, and are agents for the Crescent paints and oils. Their fine new two- story building was erected in 1900, and is one of the best for the purpose in this part of the state. It occupies a ground space of sixty-four by seventy feet 'and the lower story is divided into double rooms extending the whole length of the building, the upper room being used as a storeroom for imple ments and vehicles, and heavy implements are stored in a large shed which has a depth of seventy feet and stands at the rear of the store. The firm makes a specialty of the Moline Blue Ribbon buggies and Old Hick ory wagons. Herman A. Stoltenberg, who is the act ive manager of this enterprise, was born near Davenport, Scott county, Iowa, Febru ary 21, 1868, a son of Henry and Annastina (Ott) Stoltenberg, both of whom were born in Holstein, Germany. Air. Stoltenberg's father came to America in 1853, when he was nineteen years old. Annastina Ott, who- became his wife, came over from the father land a year later and they were married in Iowa, where they farmed until 1881, when they located in Ellsworth county, where in 1878, Air. Stoltenberg had bought railroad land located in Palacky township. His holdings aggregated five quarter sections and he farmed successfully until 1888, when he removed to Holyrood. Herman A. Stoltenberg and his brothers were reared to farming. They were young men of enterprise and were the first in their vicinity to engage in threshing by steam power. They carried on a business of that kind in season for nine years, farming mean time with considerable success. Mr. Stolten berg is the* owner of three hundred acres of good agricultural land, which he rents to tenant farmers. He retired from farming in 1898, and engaged in the hardware trade in a building one-half the size of the Stolten berg Brothers' present store, the original building being utilized in the structure which has been described. In politics Mr. Stolten berg is a Democrat and has served his fellow citizens two years in the office of justice of the peace. For one year he was a member of the firm of Siemsen & Company, dealers in lumber at Holyrood. He is a member of the German Lutheran church. Plenry and Annastina (Ott) Stoltenberg had twelve children. The following memo randa concerning some of them will be found of interest in this connection: John is a farmer ; William and Julius are farmers and are members of the firm of Stoltenberg Brothers ; Agnes is the wife of Alexander Stratmann, a farmer of Ellsworth county : Bertha is the wife of Henry Siemsen, a well known lumber dealer at Holyrood; Lizzie is the wife of A. Besthorn, a farmer of Ells worth county; Gustav and Ferdinand are well known in the county. Herman A. Stol tenberg was married November 22, 1891, to Elizabeth Voss, and they have three children, namely : August, Edward and Mabel. WILLIAM L. NESMITH. If those who claim that fortune has favored certain individuals above others will but investigate the cause of success and fail ure, it will be found that tbe former is large ly due to the improvement of opportunity, thelatter to the neglect of it. Fortunate en vironments encompass nearly every man at some stage in his career, but the strong man and the successful man is he who realizes that the proper moment has come, that the present and not the future holds his oppor tunity. The man who makes use of the Xow and not the To Be is he who passes on the highway of life others who started out ahead of him and reaches the goal of prosperity far in advance of them. It is this quality in Mr. Nesmith that has made him a leader in the business world and won him a name in '4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. connection with commercial interests that is widely known. Mr. Nesmith is now engaged in dealing in groceries, lumber, furniture, hardware and coal in Wilson and has been a resident of Kansas since 1874. He was born in Van Buren county, April 24, 1852. His grand father, Henry Nesmith, was a native of Vir ginia and served in the war of 18,12, while his father-in-law was a Hessian soldier. When a young man Henry Nesmith removed to Ohio, becoming one of the pioneers of that state. He secured a tract of land and car ried on farming until the early '40s, when he emigrated: to Iowa, where he continued work as a pioneer. In his later years he re moved to Iowa county, Iowa, where he spent his last days, his death occurring when he had passed the eightieth milestone on the journey of life. In his family of ten chil dren Joseph T. Nesmith, the father of our subject, was the eldest. He was born in Perry county, Ohio, September 1, 1823, and was reared to farm work. In the early '40s he accompanied his parents on their removal to Van Buren county, Iowa, and cast in his lot with the pioneer settlers of that portion of the country, experiencing all the hard ships and trials which fell to the lot of the frontiersmen who established homes there. He aided in preparing the country for the in coming tide of emigration. He afterward re moved to Iowa county, where he secured a tract of land and improved a farm, becoming" one of the successful and well known agri culturists of that locality. In his early life his political support was given the Whig" party, and on the dissolution of its ranks he joined the forces of the new Republican party, with which he was allied until his death. He held membership in the Method ist Protestant church, was long one of its officers and was an active worker in its be half. He married Jennie Truscott, a native of England, and they became the parents of five sons and five daughters, of whorm three are residents of Wilson, namely : William: L., Mrs. D, AV Tilton and Mrs. "S. E. Barton.. About 1892 the father came to Wilson, where he spent his remaining days, passing away December 3, 1898, at the age of seven ty-five. His wife still survives him and is. living in Iowa. William' L. Nesmith is indebted to the public school system for the educational privileges which hfl enjoyed in his youth. He has added largely to his knowledge by experience, reading and observation. He was reared upon a farm, and in 1874 came to Kansas in order to take advantage of the government offer of cheap lands. He se cured a claim upon the flats, intending to follow farming here, but did not remain long. Returning to Iowa, he was there iden tified with agricultural pursuits until' 1877, when he came to Wilson and embarked in the grocery business, meeting with success in the undertaking from the beginning. Later he added a stock of hardware and afterward purchased a furniture store and undertaking" establishment — the only one in the town. In 1889 he purchased a lumber yard and has since conducted that industry in connection with dealing in coal. He handles both eastern and western coal and also mines coal on the river here, taking" out from one hundred to two hundred tons of the mineral each month during the mining season. He aided in erecting the stone mill — the first here — and built the stone store building which he now occupies, also one to the south, and his residence in the city. In many ways he has advanced the material in terests of Wilson. He has three quarter sections of land, which is devoted to farming" and grazing purposes, and on Coal creek he owns a section, which is devoted to the pro duction of cereals and to the raising of stock. He has both farms well stocked, but does not operate them himself. In his business affairs he has met with a high degree of suc cess, being a man of capable management, keen discrimination and far-sighted sagacity. In his work here he has found that his knowledge of the German language has been to him of great advantage. By the aid of a few lessons he acquired the rudiments of the tongue and by continuous practice he has BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '5 increased his vocabulary until he can now speak fluently with the German settlers of the neighborhood. In 1874 Air. Nesmith was united in mar riage to Clara H. Carhart, a sister of W. H. Carhart, and unto them have been born four sons, namely : Edgar L., who is engaged in business with his father in Wilson, Kansas ; Hal J., Verne and Aura, the last three be ing at home. In his political views Air. Nesmith is an ardent and earnest Prohibi- bitionist, laboring untiringly for the success of the party and the adoption of temperance principles. Whenever the party has a ticket in the field his support is assured. At other times, the nominees being of equal capability, he casts his suffrage with the Republican party. He has been a member of the city council and has also -filled the position of mayor of Wilson. During the greater part of his life Air. Xesmith has been a member of the Alethodist church, and has served as class-leader and as superintendent of the Sunday-school. He and his wife, together with W. H. Carhart and his wife, were the four charter members of the church on its organization in 1878, and he has ever since acted as one of its trustees. With the excep tion of a year and a half he served as super intendent of the Sunday-school since its or ganization. He aided materially in the erec tion of the house of worship here and has never abated in his zeal or energy in support of the cause of Christianity. He has been a leading factor in the progress of Wilson. Educational, church and social interests owe their promotion in a considerable degree to him. Twenty-four years has this city been his home, years largely devoted to the pub lic good. •»-?? ELISHA HEDDEX. Hutchinson has no more honored or highly esteemed citizen than the gentleman whose name introduces this review. He was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, on the 25th of March, 1834, a son of Elisha Hed- den, a native of New Jersey. The latter re- - moved with his father, Jacob Hedden, who was also born in Xew Jersey and of German descent, to Kentucky, in a very early day. He established a homestead about ten miles from -where General F. Jacob first settled, and was one of the early pioneers of that part of the country. He was a man of much force and strength of character and became one of the most prominent men in his com munity. He was very successful in his agricultural operations, and from time to time added to his original purchase until he owned about fifteen hundred acres of land, where he followed farming and stock-rais ing on a large scale, his being one of the best improved properties in that section. Such was the estimation in which he was held by the people that he was solicited to represent his district in the legislature, but he cared little for the emoluments of public life and refused to allow his name to be used. He was an active worker in the Baptist church, in which he held the positions of moderator and clerk, and was prominent in the organization of the First Baptist church of that locality. In Shelby county, Kentucky, Mr. Hed den was united in marrage to Alary Carriss, a native of the old Bluegrass state and of Pennsylvania German parentage. Her fa ther was also one of the early pioneers of that locality. His son, Henry Carriss, was a soldier in the war of 1812, having fought under Jackson at X'ew Orleans. The mar riage of Mr. and Airs. Hedden was blessed with eleven children, namely : Elizabeth, who died in Shelby county, Kentucky ; Alary, who died in Missouri; Rebecca, who also died in Shelby county; Simon H., who passed away in Alissouri; Jane and Jacob H., both of whom passed away in Shelby county; Xancy H., who died in Alissouri; John H., who was called to his final rest in Shelby county; Henry, who died in Spencer county, Kentucky ; Thomas, a retired farmer of Louisville, Kentucky ; and Elisha, the sub ject of this review. The mother of this fam ily passed away on the 10th of November, 1852, and on the 10th of October the follow ing year her husband joined her in the spirit world. i6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Elisha Hedden remained in the place bf his nativity until 1866, receiving his educa tion in the common schools of his locality, and his youth and early manhood was prin cipally spent in assisting his father on the home farm. After the death of his father, which occurred when he was nineteen years of age, the estate was divided among the heirs, our subject receiving the old home stead as his share of the property, and there he was engaged in agricultural pursuits un til 1886. In October, 1861, he enlisted for service in the Civil war, entering Company D, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, and on its or ganization, in December of that year, he was elected its captain, and as such served until January, 1864. At the battle1 of Shiloh he received a gunshot wound in the head, after which for a time he was confined in the United States marine hospital at Mound City, Illinois, and was later sent to Louis ville. After his recovery he rejoined his company and took part in the battles of Sto'ne River, Chiekamauga and many minor engag*ements, and while acting as second in command at the battle of Stone River he was a second time wounded. He now main tains pleasant relations with his old army comrades by his membership in Joe Hooker Post, Xo. 17. of Hutchinson. In 1886 Air. Hedden sold his possessions in Shelby coun ty and came to Kansas, arriving in Hutch inson on the 28th of October. Soon after his arrival here he purchased what was known as the Clifton House, and for three years thereafter was its genial proprietor, his efforts in that line having been attended with a high and well merited degree of success. During that period he also did a good business in a private way as a real-es tate agent of Hutchinson, in which he was equally successful. In 18S9, however, he sold his hotel property, and two years later, in 1891, was appointed to the police force, filling that position for one year, while for the following two years he served as assist ant marshal. His next public office was that o'f marshal, remaining as its incumbent for one year. In the Republican convention of April, 1899, Air. Hedden was nominated for the position of city marshal, was afterward elected and served therein for one year, and was then re-elected, his term of office ex piring May 20, 1901. While a resident of Kansas he was for sixteen years' in the United States revenue service, beginning on the 14th of July, 1869, first as a store keeper and afterward as a gauger. His present attractive and tasteful residence was pur chased in 1899, and there he now resides in the enjoyment of the fruits of former toil. In Shelby county, Kentucky, on the 5th of October, 1854, Air. Hedden was united in marriage to Aliranda Harrison, a relative of General Harrison, their grandfathers hav ing been first cousins. She is now deceased. passing away in Hutchinson on the 31st of October, 1892, in the faith of the Baptist church, of which she was a worthy and con sistent member. At her death she left six children, namely: Charles AL, born in Shelby county, Kentucky*. October 5, 1855, is employed as clerk for the Kansas City & Ironton Railroad Company at Lake Charles, Louisiana; Ben C, born February 28, 1858, is a prominent farmer of Vernon county, Alissouri; Alan* Jane, widow of Xoah Sinder, is a resident of Ansley, a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama ; Elisha is an inmate of the aryhun at Anchorage, Kentucky, his affliction having been caused by brain fever ; Sallie Belle is the wife of P. J. Connolly, a carpenter of Ensley. Alabama ; and Guthrie H., also follows the same occupation in that city. Our subject has been a second time married, his last union being with Airs. H. C. Carriss. formerly Susan D. Cardwell, a native of Shelby county, Kentucky. Her first husband, H. C. Carriss, came from that state to Hutchinson in Alarch, 1S86. and in June of the following year was called to his final rest. He was a relative of the mother of our. subject. In politics Air. Hedden is a life long Republican, and for many years has been an active worker in its ranks. He has served as a delegate to many county conven tions, and while in Kentucky was a member of the state convention that selected the Blaine delegates. He has been a member of the Alasonic fraternity for forty years, and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ¦7 since 1854 has been a member of the Baptist church, being a faithful worker in the cause of Christianity. CYRUS CLARKE VAX DEVENTER. Air. Van Deventer is a native of Buffalo, Xew York, born in 1856, and is a son of James and Jennie (Clarke) A'an Deventer, of the same city. The Van Deventers were natives of Holland and took up their abode at Xew Utrecht, on Long Island, in 1653. On the mother's side he was descended from Joseph Clarke, who located at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1638, and was one of the founders of that town. His wife was Be- thiah Hubbard, a great-granddaughter of Thomas Hubbard, one of the men burned at the stake during the reign of Queen Alary of England on account of their religious be lief. Peter Van Deventer. the great-grand father of our subject, belonged to the New Jersey branch of the family, for whose head the British government offered five hundred pounds during the Revolutionary war. His son, Alajor Christopher Van Deventer, was a graduate of West Point and served as ad jutant general to General Brown in the war of 1 81 2. At the battle of Chippewa creek he was captured and confined at Quebec until the close of the war. For some time he served as chief clerk under Calhoun. His son. James Van Deventer, the father of our subject, was born in Buffalo, New York, studied for the bar and became a practicing attorney there. He served as major and lieutenant colonel of subsistence during the war of the Rebellion. He was afterward president of the Iowa Railroad Land Com pany and was recognized not only as a most prominent and prosperous business man, but as a leader of public thought and opinion. He was a stanch advocate of the Republican party and its principles. He married Jen nie Clarke, a daughter of Cyrus Clarke, a well-known merchant of Buffalo, X'ew York. Cyrus Clarke Van Deventer was grad uated at Hobart College in 1876, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, while in 1879 that of Alaster of Arts was conferred upon him. He engaged in business in Buffalo from 1876 until 1886, when he came to Kingman, where he became one of the pro moters of the Telephone Company. Prominent in the .affairs of the city of Kingman, his ability and .trustworthiness being recognized by his fellow citizens, Air. A'an Deventer has been several times called to public office and for many years served as city clerk or city treasurer. He is an active Democrat and was a delegate to the Indiana polis convention in 1896. In religious faith he is an Episcopalian and was one of the or ganizers of the Episcopal church in King man. He served as its first, junior warden and upon the death of Dr. Lanning he be came senior warden and has since continued in that office. He belongs to Xine Scah Lodge, Xo. 230, F. & A. AL, of which he has served for two years as master. He has also been high priest of Kingman Chapter, No. 71, F. & A. AI. ; and belongs to Kingman_ Commandery. No. 34, K. T. His worth and prominence are widely recognized in frater nal, business, and political circles, and he is one of the intelligent, enterprising men of the west, influential in molding public thought, opinion and policy, and standing as a high type of our stalwart American manhood. C. V. PLANK. C. A". Plank, one of the early pioneers and leading agriculturists of Rice county. was born in Lagrange county, Indiana, on the 15th of June. 1852. His father, Isaac Plank, is a native of AA'ayne county, Ohio. and of German descent. He was reared on a farm in the state of his nativity, and when a vouug man was united in marriage to Elizabeth Xofziger, a native of the Buckeye state and a daughter of Valentine Xofziger, of Pennsylvania-German descent. After their marriage. Isaac and Elizabeth Plank removed to Elkhart county, Indiana, and IX . BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. five years later located in Lagrange county, that state, where they still reside, honored and respected Ijv all who know them. The father has been a fanner all his life, and he also owns a valuable farin of three hun dred and twenty acres in Rice county, Kan sas. He has rounded the Psalmist's span of three-score years and ten, being now in his seventy-ninth year, and his wife has reached the good old age of seventy-seven years. His political support is given the Re publican party, and both he and his wife hold membership in the Amish church. This worthy couple are the parents of seven chil dren, namely: Levi, a prominent farmer of Harrison township, Rice county; Jacob, who resides southwest of Lyons ; Elizabeth, who yet resides in Indiana ; Christian V., the subject of this review; David, a resident of Idaho; Ephraim, also of that state; and Isaac, who makes his home in Oklahoma. Christian V. Plank was reared on the old family homestead in Lagrange county, In diana, where he was early taught the value of industry and economy as a preparation for the active duties of life. He remained un der the parental roof until twenty-one years of age, when he began life on his own ac count, and as a companion and helpmate on the journey of life he chose Celesta Smeltz- ly, the wedding being celebrated in Lagrange count)*, Indiana, in 1877. She was born in Ohio, where she was reared until seven years of age, and was a daughter of Chris tian and Alary (Lehmer) Smeltzly, who still reside in Indiana. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed with three chil dren, — Claude, who is now twenty-one years of 'age, Mary and Florence. In the fall of 1878 Mr. Plank came to Kansas, and in the following spring he lo cated on one hundred and sixty acres of his present farm. As the years have passed he has prospered in his undertakings and has added to his original purchase until he now owns four hundred acres, in one body. His farm is located on section 2j, Victoria town ship, and there he is engaged in the culti vation of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate and in the raising of a good grade of cattle, horses and swine. He has a good farm residence, a barn thirty-eight by forty-eight feet, a beautiful grove and orchard, and all necessary outbuildings and improvements, and a glance at his well regu lated place indicates to the passer-by the careful supervision of a progressive owner. He is well versed in all branches of farm work, and his life has been characterized by energy, perseverance and hard work, quali ties which have won him a high and well merited degree of success. HEXRY S. HOYT. The year 1877 witnessed the arrival of Henry S. Hoyt in Ellsworth county, and he took up his abode on section fourteen, Gar field township, where he yet makes his home, although the farm of to-day, with its splen did equipments, bears little resemblance to the undeveloped tract of which he obtained possession almost a quarter of a century ago. The buildings, including a fine residence and large barn, are built of stone, and everything indicates the careful supervision of one whose methods are progressive, whose ideas are practical and whose efforts therefore are crowned with success. Air. Hoyt was born in what was then Xewburg, now Cleveland, Ohio, January 19, 1834. His father, LTriah Hoyt, was a na tive of Vermont and after spending a short time in Canada went to Ohio. He was a tanner and currier by trade. In the Green Mountain state he married Comfort- Day ton, who was descended from one of the Pil grim Fathers. They had eleven children, of whom Henry S. is the eldest son and the only one living in this portion of the country. The Hoyts are one of the old families of America and they have complete records back to tlie days when the first of the name came to the new world, but the copy which our subject possessed was destroyed by fire in 1895, his residence being burned at that time. The father was a Whig in his early political affiliations and afterward became a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 19 Republican. He took an active interest in politics and in educational affairs and was a member of the Disciples church. Both he and his wife died in Ohio. Henry S. Hoyt pursued his education in the district schools and when young he learned the tanner's trade under the direction of his father, while later he mastered the trade of paper-making. He started out upon his own account when about nineteen years of age, and at the age of twenty he was married and began keeping house. In the fall of 1855 he removed to Illinois and fol lowed farming in Lake county, that state, for six years, after which he returned to Ohio and worked at his trade. In the first year of the civil war he enlisted, and at the close of his three months' term was honor ably discharged. On the 17th of August, 1864, he again entered the army, becoming a member of Company C, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, with which he saw service in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. He was once wounded by a bayonet thrust through the flesh}* part of his right leg but did not leave the field on that account. He suffered more from exposure than from wounds. At Xashville, Tennessee, July 17, 1865, he received an honorable discharge. Returning to Ohio Air. Hoyt was con nected with a paper mill for a time and later engaged in farming there for three years. In 1878 he came to Kansas, arriving in April, where he bought out the man who had filed a claim on the place where Air. Hoyt now lives. He then started in to get the farm in good shape, erected a house and be gan raising both grain and stock. Having fine bottom land on the Alulberry he can raise corn when others fail. For twenty successive years he has raised good corn crops in the same field. He raises native cattle and always has good grades. He owns a pedigreed Durham bull and has thus graded his stock. Formerly he was exten sively engaged in dairying, but now that he and his wife are alone he has abandoned that branch of his business. They made such excellent butter that they could always se cure for it twenty-five cents per pound, even when the regular price of butter on the mar ket was ten cents. Air. and Airs. Hoyt have lived through the hard times here, but have persevered in their attempt to establish a home here and their labors have eventually been crowned with a high degree of success. He now owns two hundred and sixty acres of valuable land on the south bank of the Alul berry, and his improvements are all of the most substantial kind. The stone barn, erected in 887, is thirty-two by fifty feet. There are also two large corrals, both of stone, the walls being built by Mr. Hoyt. In X'ovember, 1895, he met with a severe loss, his dwelling with all its contents being en tirely destroyed by fire, and he and his wife having nothing left but the clothing which the}* wore. With characteristic energy he began the erection of a new home, which Phcenix-like rose from the ashes, and they now have a very comfortable residence. Upon the place there is also a good orchard and he has planted two acres of mulberries and a number of cottonwood trees. He is largely engaged in the raising of hogs and is the owner of two especially fine teams, his driving team, a span of large grays being particularly speedy. The lady who bears the name of Airs. Hoyt was in her maidenhood Miss Alarcia F. Oaks, and their marriage was celebrated July 12, 1854. Her parents were George and Eveline (Foster) Oaks, the former a native of Massachusetts, whence his parents removed to Xew York when he was ten years of age. There he followed farming and also carried on the same pursuit after going to Ohio, in which state his death eventually oc curred. The family is of English descent on the paternal side, but the grandmother was of East India Dutch stock. Unto Air. and Airs. Hoyt have been born three chil dren : Sarah, now the wife of AArashington Litch, of Topeka ; David Gerard, who also is living in Topeka; and Ellen, who died in infancy. In his political views Air. Hoyt has al ways been a Republican, but at local elec tions where there is no issue up before the people he votes independently of party ties. 20 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. He does all in his power, however, to secure the adoption of his party principles and his services have been recognized by the party which has frequently elected him to office. He has served as township treasurer, has been treasurer of the school district for nine years, was township trustee and assessor,- was county committeemen for three years from the first district, was county commis sioner for three years, and has always proved a good and efficient officer. Socially he is connected with the Masonic fraternity and among his brethren he is held in high es teem — a feeling which is entertained for him wherever he is known. AATLLIS N. BAKER. A native of Michigan, Mr. Baker was born at Battle Creek, on the 20th of Octo ber, i860, a son of James and Lucy A. (AA'ebster) Baker, the former a native of Xew York and the latter of the Wolverine state. The father was reared' in his native state and in early manhood went to Mich igan, engaging in mercantile pursuits in Battle Creek. Leaving that place he went to Belle Plaine, Iowa, where he again conduct ed a mercantile establishment. In 1887 he took up his abode in Hutchinson, Kansas, and engaged in the real-estate and loan business, and in 1892 became associated with the banking interests of the county. In con nection with his son, Willis X". Baker, he organized the Farmers State Bank at Pretty Prairie, Reno county, conducting that insti tution for five years, when in the fall of 1897 they organized the State Exchange Bank of Hutchinson, with the father as president, the son as cashier, in which positions they had respectively served in Pretty Prairie. Here they began doing a general banking business, making a specialty of farm loans and investments. The father died January 20, 1900. He was one of the successful busi ness men and respected citizens of Hutchin son who .during a comparatively short resi dence in this city became favorably known in financial circles for his strictly honorable dealings and his business ability, and socially for 'his many worthy and estimable quali ties. In his political views he was a stanch Republican and in his church relations was a Presbyterian. He often held office in the church to which he belonged and was serv ing as an elder at the time of his death. His widow is still living with her son. AA'illis X. Baker was the only child born to his parents and was reared under the parental roof, acquiring his preliminary edu cation in the public schools of Belle Plaine, Iowa. At the age of sixteen he matriculated in the State University at Iowa City and was graduated in the class of 1883, standing sec ond in a class of forty. After completing his college course he joined his father in busi ness, becoming his partner, an association that was maintained until the father's death, when he succeeded to the presidency of the bank. For a number of years he had been the virtual manager of the business, his fa ther encouraging him from his boyhood to assume personal responsibility and giving him all the aid possible that would fit him for the conduct of important affairs. As the son mastered business methods and principles the father more and more re legated to him the control of their banking interests and prior to his father's death he was the virtual president of the State Ex change Bank of Hutchinson, which is no.w widely recognized as a leading and reliable financial institution of this part of the state. He served as president of this bank until January, 1902. On the 20th of October, 1S87. Air. Baker was united in marriage to Aliss Nellie AI. Norton, a daughter of George and Frances (Stone) Xorton. She was born in St. Charles, Illinois, and is a most estimable lady who has made her hospitable home a favorite resort with their many friends. Air. Baker's reputation in banking circles throughout the state is indicated by the fact that at the state convention of bankers held- in 1901 he was elected to the office of vice- president for Group 3 of the state asso ciation. His influence and efforts, however, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 21 have not been confined entirely to business matters, as he has taken an active part in educational, religious and social affairs and withholds his support from no movement or measure which promises advancement along any of these lines. In fact he is a leader in such progress and his opinions carry weight with the public mind. In the Alasonic order he has attained the Knight Templar degree, and of Reno Lodge, Xo. 99, I. O. O. F., he is a past noble grand. He is an active and official member of the Presbyterian church. For several years he has served as deacon, has taken a leading part in the various branches of church and Sunday-school work, and has served as su perintendent of the latter. In politics he is Republican and while he keeps well in formed on the issues of the day, as every true American citizen should do, he has never sought or desired political prefer ment. The cause of education has ever found in him a warm friend and he is al ways on the side of progress, reform, and improvement. JOHX C. FREAIOXT CRAWFORD. John C. F. Crawford, who for a number of years has occupied a very conspicuous place among the leading business men of Reno county, was born in Allen county, In diana, on the 20th of Xovember, 1856. His father, John Crawford, claimed Ohio as the state of his nativity, his birth there occur ring in Columbiana county on the 6th of Xovember, 1820, and. in that county his fa ther, Samuel Crawford, lived and died. He was probably born in the Buckeye state, and was there married to Kate George, a native of Columbiana county. The great-great grandfather of our subject reached the re markable age of one hundred years, passing away in Columbiana county. John Craw ford, the father of him whose name intro duces this review was married in that coum ty, in 1853, to Elizabeth A. Bowman, and she, too, was born in Columbiana county. Prior to his marriage, however, Air. Craw ford had removed to Allen county, Indiana, and had purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty-three acres of heavily timbered land, and with his bride he located in the dense forest. At the call of one hundred day men during the war of the Rebellion he nobly put aside all personal considerations and responded to the call of duty, and on re turning to his'home after the expiration of his term> of service he found that his loving wife had passed away in death just the day before his return. About eleven years ago he retired from the active duties of farm life and since that time has made his home at Roanoke, Huntington county, Indiana. His political support is given to the Republican party, and socially he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Odd Fellows fraternity. His religious prefer ence is indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. By his first marriage he became the father of four chil dren, — Noah Henry, who is engaged with the Packard Organ Company, of Fort Wayne, Indiana; John C. F, the subject of this review; Christian Frank Y., an agent for the AA'abash Railroad Company at Catlin, Illinois; and Sarah Emaline, the wife of Austin Hamlin Lopshire, a hotel proprietor of Fort Wayne. About 1867, in Columbiana county, Ohio, Air. Crawford was united in marriage to Sarah Armstrong, and they* had three children, — Hattie, who died in child hood; Perry AL, who is engaged in the hard ware business at Rogers, Ohio; and Effie Elma, who died in Allen county, Indiana, in 1899. John C. Fremont Crawford, of this re view, remained on the home farm with his father until he was twenty-six years of age, after which for a short time he was employed in railroad work. In the spring of 1883 he took charge of his aunt's, Mrs. Sarah Bow man, farm, and in the following spring he came to Kansas, locating first in Saline county, where he formed a partnership with his cousin and together they purchased a quarter section of land, which they farmed during that season. Our subject then be- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. came dissatisfied with the place, as the land was hilly and unproductive, and he sold his interest to his cousin and came to Reno coun ty in the fall of 1884, where in the following spring he purchased the lots on which his present residence now stands, erecting a small house fourteen by eighteen feet. At that time his land was located in the wild prairie, there being then but eleven houses south of what is now East C street. From that time until the spring of 1886 he was engaged in teaming, after which he removed to Kiowa county, Kansas, and pre-empted one hundred and forty-five acres, but after a time he abandoned farming and returned to Hutchinson, although he still retains pos session of his land. In the spring of 1887 Air. Crawford took up the trade of carpen tering, which he had learned of David Boyle, of Hutchinson, and with him he carried on that occupation for the following" five years, since which time he has been alone in busi ness. He has assisted in building the many establishments for the Hutchinson Packing Company, having been employed by that company long before it engaged in the salt business, his work there covering the period from 1 89 1 until 1895. He has twice en larged and remodeled his home, which is now a tasteful and attractive residence, and has planted his ground with grape vines and pear, peach and apple trees. On the 3d of April, 1883, at Fort A AVayne, Indiana, Air. Crawford was united in mar riage to Anna Hamilton, who was born in Allen county, Indiana, a daughter of Will iam A. and Barbara (Scott) Hamilton, the father a native of Allen county, Indiana, and the mother of Licking county, Ohio. They now reside on the farm on which they orig inally located in Allen county. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed with two children, — Edna, who was born Jan uary 12, 1890, and Jay, born January 4, 1892, and both are attending the Alaple school, of Llutchinson. In matters of na tional importance Air. Crawford gives his support to the Republican party, but was made councilman of his city against both the Republican and Citizens tickets, having been elected to the position by a majority of one hundred votes, and in 1901 he completed his two years' term. He is now serving as a member of the school board, having been elected to that position on the Citizens ticket, and he is a member of the building commit tee. He has passed all the chairs and is now past grand of the Odd Fellows fraternity, and is also a member of the Red Alen, while both he and his wife are identified with the Court of Honor. JAMES AI. JORDAX. Few traveling men of Kansas and the southwest have a wider acquaintance or are more generally esteemed than James AL Jordan, of Hutchinson, who for seventeen years has represented upon the road the firm of R. L. McDonald & Company, of St. Joseph, manufacturers of men's furnishing goods. . He has been a resident cf this city since 1872 and has therefore witnessed the greater part of its growth and development, having become identified with its mercan tile interests in the early period of its up building. Mr. Jordan was born in Cabell county, Virginia, in 1849, and ia a son OI Chapman Jordan, who was also a native of the Old Dominion. Our subject is a representative of the fourth generation of the family that has resided in America. In 1867 his father removed westward with the family to Alis souri and after James AL came to Hutchin son he also took up his abode here, but sub sequently removed to Lawrence, Kansas, where he spent his remaining days. He was married near Gallipolis, Ohio, to Aliss Maria Sloan, and they became the parents of seven children. John AL. who came to Hutchinson in the fall of 1871 and started in business here, but is now a resident of Cedar Rapids. Iowa; Jackson, deceased; James AL ; Margaret A. and William AL, who have also passed away; Dallas and Emma, who are living in Leavenworth, Kansas. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 23 James AI. Jordan pursued his educa tion largely in the public schools of Indiana and when a young man became connected with mercantile life. Joining his brother John in Hutchinson in 1872 they made plans whereby a branch house was estab lished in Aledicine Lodge — this being the first general store in that place — and of this our subject took charge. After a short time, however, he sold out and returned to Hutchinson, entering the store here. He was thus engaged in merchandising until 1874, when he disposed of his interests and was afterwards associated with different mercantile firms until January, 1884, when he entered the service of R. L. AIc- Donald & Company, of St. Joseph, Alis souri, with whom he has since remained as their traveling representative in the territory covered by southern Kansas, northern Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Before Oklahoma was opened up he also made Xew Alexico and Colorado. He makes four trips annually to the more thickly populated districts and Texas he visits about twice each year. He is very popular on the road and with the many pa trons that he has secured for the house, and the firm which he represents allows him the utmost liberty and freedom in carrying on his work, for they have implicit confidence in his ability and trustworthiness. On the 26th of July, 1869, in Alissouri, Air. Jordan was united in marriage to Aliss Alargaret A. Burkhart, a daughter of George Burkhart, a farmer of Carroll coun ty, that state. They became the parents of seven children, but- only three are living : William S., a graduate of the high school of Hutchinson, who is engaged in the dry- goods business in Pittsburg, Kansas, and • married Bird Oviatt, of Astoria, Illinois, by whom he has one child, Eugene, who is with the Star Clothiers, of Hutchinson, and Nina Alay, at homet Air. Jordan has erect ed two residences in Hutchinson and the family now occupy an attractive home. In poltics he is a Democrat and served as sec retary of the Duval Campaign Club, but has usually taken no very active part in political work. He belongs to Reno Lodge, Xo. 140, F. & A. AI. ; Reno Chapter, Xo. 34, R. A. AI. ; Hutchinson Council, Xo. 13, R. & S. M. ; Reno Commandery, Xo. 26, K. T. ; Isis Temple of the Alvstic Shrine, of Salina; and his wife is a member of Acacia Chapter, Xo. 37, O. E. S. She also belongs to the Baptist church and is a most estimable lady. In addition to his Alasonic affiliation Air. Jordan is a charter member of the United Commercial Travelers' Asso ciation and was the second senior counsel of the organization in Hutchinson. He is a wide-awake, energetic and enterprising man, who in his business life has become I an excellent judge of human nature. Tact as well as industry has made him an excel lent traveling salesman and his honorable business methods have at all times won him the confidence of those with whom he has had dealings, while his genial manner and friendly disposition render him popular in all circles. PETER HUMMEL. From early in our history the German element in our population has been one of its best factors. The German character has always made for progress and prosperity of the most substantial kind. Kansas is justly proud of its citizens who were born in the fatherland, and among those best known in Ellsworth county is Peter Hummel, who lives on Blake's addition to Ellsworth and is the owner of a farm of two hundred and eighty acres in Xoble township and also of much town property. Peter Hummel was born at Heiback, Germany, October 19, 1843, a son of Lud- wig and Catherine (Clech) Hummel, both natives of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, where Airs. Hummel died, when her son, tlie subject of this sketch, was £our years old. In 1849, ^Ir- Hummel and his seven chil dren came to America, and located in Frank lin county, Pennsylvania, where thev lived until 1856, when they removed to Knox county, Illinois, where Air. Hummel bought a farm of two hundred and fortv acres, within five miles of Galesburg. 24 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. The subject of the sketch grew up on his father's farm near Galesburg", Illinois, and received such- education as was afforded in the public schools near his home. Novem ber 9, 1S63, he enlisted in Company D, Seventh Regiment of Illinois Cavalry, under Captain Reynolds and Colonel Prince, and saw active service with General Sherman's command in Hatch's brigade in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Alississippi. At Summerville his company was surrounded by Forrest's cavalry and did not escape without the loss of forty men. 'He served continuously until the close of the war and his last service was on relief guard duty at East Port, near Eureka, Alississippi, when General Forrest came in and surrendered to the federal commander. He was honorably discharged from the United States service at XTashville, Tennessee, Xovember 4. 1865, and, returning to Illinois, worked for farm ers for wages until he had saved sufficient money to bin* a team and wagon, when he rented a farm in Knox county, which he worked successfully until 1873, when he drove ,with horses from Illinois to Ells worth, Kansas, where he secured a soldier's land claimi within the borders of section 6, Columbia township. He put one hundred acres on his land under cultivation and otherwise improved the property and lived upon it until 1880, when he traded it for one hundred and sixty acres of section 1, in the same township, where he was engaged in sheep raising until August, 1897, when he removed to his present home, the old Ramonsbury place, at Ellsworth. He has a fine two^storv house, surrounded by a large yard, nicely laid out and ornamented with fruit trees and shrubbery. About that time he bought a half section in Enterprise township, and he has altogether six hun dred acres, which he rents to tenant farmers. Mr. Hummel is one of the representative citizens of the county, and has achieved a most worthy success. His public spirit is such that he always aids ever}- movement which in his judgment promises good to the people at large. He is especially inter ested in educational matters and has served ably as a member of his township school board, and he has also filled the office of township treasurer. In politics he is a Re publican and in religion he adheres to the creed of the Lutheran church. Air. Hummel was married February 22, 1S82, to' Aliss Qara Erdtmann, of Ells worth, Kansas, and has children named Amanda, George, John, Elma, Alata and Paul. HOX. FRANK VINCENT. Few men in Reno count}-, Kansas, are more widely known than Hon. Frank Vin cent, who has been prominently identified with the social, religious, educational and political development of this section of the state since the spring of 1874. His fellow citizens have honored him with many posi tions of trust and responsibility, and he is now distinguished as the senator from the thirty-sixth senatorial district. The birth of Senator Vincent occurred in Brown county, Ohio, in May, 1853, and ne is a son of J. P. and Sophia (Aliller) Yin- cent. The father was a native of Pennsyl vania, but in young manhood moved to Ohio and there engaged in business both as a merchant and farmer. There he married Sophia Miller, and two children were born, Air. Vincent of this biography being the only survivor. Later the father married Caroline Morehead, and had a family of nine children. In 1S54 he moved with his family to Lucas county, Iowa, where he was a pioneer, and the mother died soon after their arrival. Air. Vincent became a prom inent man in that section and an active work er and leader in the Methodist church. In 1886 he removed to Hutchinson, Kansas, and spent his last days here, dying* in 1898. Frank Vincent was" but a babe one year old when the family exodus was made from Ohio to- Iowa, and until he was seventeen years of age he attended school in that state. In March, 1874, he made his way to Hutch inson, Kansas, and in the latter part of that year took up a one-quarter section in Castle- ton township and engaged in farming for a couple of years and then turned his attention BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 25 to mercantile pursuits, for three years con ducting a store at Castleton. Having re ceived the appointment of deputy register of deeds, he sold his business in Castleton and removed into Hutchinson, where two years later he opened a business in real estate and loans. Until 1888 Air. Vincent was engaged in the above line, becoming then interested in the salt business, this having been one with which he lias been connected ever since, holding now the position of general manager of the Hutchinson Salt AA'orks. He was one of the incorporators of this company, and they had but one competitor. The Hutch inson Salt Company started the plant known as the Vincent plant, later bought other plants and now control ten. In January, 1900, the business was sold to the Hutchin son, Kansas, Salt Company, a wealthy syn dicate, and Air. Vincent was retained as gen eral manager. The salt business as now- managed is the largest industry in the city of Hutchinson. The united plant has a ca pacity of forty-five hundred barrels a day, but ships only one million barrels annually. Employment is given to from four hundred and fifty to six hundred men, according to the season, the business bringing comfort into many worthy homes. Senator Vincent invested largely in farm ing property and is among the largest land owners in the county, one of his valuable farms lying five miles north of the city, to which it is our subject's delight to drive. This comprises four hundred acres under cultivation, also three hundred and twenty- acres in pasture land, where are raised thor oughbred Black Angus cattle, the finest in this part of the state. Senator Vincent takes a personal interest and pride in his farm and fine cattle, enjoying the management more than either the strife of political or the com petition of commercial life. In almost all of the various organizations of a public char acter he has taken a leading position. He wa9 one of the organizers of the Wholesale Grocers' Company, and for four years wasi its vice-president, and was not only one of the organizers of the Hutchinson National Bank, but was also vice-president and direc- 2 tor. Every educational and religious move ment has had his hearty support, and he has liberally contributed to the erection of the various edifices. He has always been an active worker in the Republican party. For six years he served as mayor of the city, during which time he reduced the water rentals one-half and instituted many reforms. He was a delegate to the Republican national convention at St. Louis, at which the late lamented President McKinley was nomi nated, and has been one of the leading mem bers of his party in this locality. In 1900 he was nominated for senator and was elect ed by a majority of seven hundred. The marriage of Senator Vincent occur red in August, 1874, to Aliss Anna C. Payne, who was a daughter of Rev. John Payne, a farmer in Iowa and for over forty years a minister in the Alethodist church. He now lives a retired life in the home of our subject, at the age of eighty-nine years. Seven children were born to this union, namely : Lizzie, who is the assistant post mistress of this city; Frank, Jr., who is a shipping clerk in his father's office; George who superintends the farm ; Sophia.; Esther ; Louie ; and Jay. In fraternal circles Senator Vincent has long been active, holding a membership in the Ancient Order of United AVorkmen, and in the Masonic order, be longing to Reno Lodge, No. 140, to Reno Chapter, No. 38, and to the Commandery X"o. 26. The religious connection of the family is with the Presbyterian church, where Senator Vincent is a liberal contri butor. His record as a politician has been unstained, and he stands a true representa tive of the highest class of citizenship in Reno county. JOHN S. SHUYLER. Labor forms the foundation of all pros perity and it is to his enterprising and well directed efforts that our subject owes his position as a^ leading and representative farmer of Enterprise township, Reno coun ty. He was born in Spencer county, In- 26 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. diana, in 1846. His father, Alichael P. Shuyler, who was born about the year 1800, died in Spencer county, Indiana, in 1855. He followed blacksmithing as a means of livelihood, having learned the edge tool bus iness in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and was an excellent workman. As a companion for the journey of life he chose Elizabeth Cies, who was born near Hagerstown, Alaryland, and they had twelve children, of whom our subject was the youngest in order of birth, and of that large number, six sons and six daughters, all have passed away with the exception of John S. and his brother David, The latter is engaged in agricultural pur suits in Huntsville township, Reno county, Kansas. The mother of this family died when our subject was but an infant, and the father was again married, the second union resulting" in the birth of four children, of whom two, a son and daughter, still sur vive: Louis, a resident of Boonville, In diana; and Seleta, wife of John R. Bacon, of Topeka, Kansas. The mother is now Mrs. Bacon and makes her home at Boon ville, Indiana. John S. Shuyler, the subject of this review, made his home with his brother, David AL, from his ninth to his fifteenth year, receiving but meager educational ad vantages during that period, as his time was principally employed in the arduous task of clearing an Indiana farm from the heavy timber. At the early age of fifteen years, in January, 1862, he enlisted for service in the Civil war, entering the Sixty-second In diana Volunteer Infantry, which regiment was afterward consolidated with the Fifty- third Indiana, and as a member of Com pany G, he served in its ranks for three and a half years, during which time he participated in the battles of Corinth, Vcks- burg and Hatcher's Run, and was also with Sherman on his Atlanta campaign. Dur ing his army service. Air. Shuyler also spent three months in the Overton hospital, at Memphis, Tennessee, where he suffered with a relapse of the measles. After re covering his health he veteranized at Camp Heborne, Alississippi, and at Louisville, Kentucky, in August, 1865, he was honor ably discharged, for the war had ended and the country no longer needed his services. After returning home he spent one winter in school, and afterward engaged in farm ing the old Allen place, where he remained for two years, and for the following two years resided on a farm in Pike county, In diana. In August, 1872, he began the journey westward with his team and wagon, working on the railroad and at other occupations during the trip, and after traveling over one thou sand miles finally arrived in the Sun flower state, where he secured a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he located on the 12th of July, 1873. Here he has ever since made his home, but as the years have passed by and prosperity has . rewarded his efforts he has added to his original purchase until he now owns a half section of land, but farms in all three quar ter sections. His principal crop is wheat and corn, and in one year he raised fifty- five hundred bushels of the latter cereal, while in 1901 his wheat crop yielded him four thousand bushels. He has planted all the fruit and shade trees which add so much to the value and attractive appearance of his place, and the many other improvements upon his farm stand as monuments to his thrift and ability. His present beautiful residence was erected in 1889, and in the same year his large barn was also built, which is one of the finest structures of the kind in the county. In addition to the rais ing of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate Air. Shuyler is also extensively engaged in the stock business, keeping on hand from ten to fifteen horses and large numbers of hogs, which are of the Poland China breed. Success has abundantly re warded his efforts since coming to the Sun flower state, but the high position which he now occupies among the leading agricul turists of Reno county has been attained through his enterprising spirit and his de termined purpose. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 2/ On the 27th of Alarch, 1867, was cele brated the marriage of Air. Shuyler and Aliss Julia Al. Allen. The lady is a native of the state of Tennessee, born in 1848, a daughter of AA'illiam and Alary (Harden) Allen, natives also of that state. The fa ther, who was a farmer by occupation, died in Indiana, leaving his widow with their five children, four of whom still survive, — Airs. Shuyler; Alice, the wife of J. C. Kel- lum, a farmer of section two, Enterprise township; James L., who for many years has held an important position with the firm of Fuller & Fuller, in Chicago; and Rinda, now Airs. Ed Behler and a resi dent of Huntington, Indiana. Previous to her marriage with the father of these chil dren the mother had wedded Robert B. Shaw and by that union had one child. She is now the widow of Perry Chinn and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Shuyler, having reached the ripe old age of eighty-five years. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Shuyler are as follows : AA'. P.. Who is a prominent agriculturist of Enterprise township, and has a son and daughter; Adelia, wife of AA'. C. Detter, by whom she has two children; O. C, a farmer near Lerado, this county, and has one son; Florence, the wife of Jacob Detter; Harry A., who is attending the State Agricultural College; Mabel, a member of the Linsborg Musical College, where she is studying both vocal and piano music; Reynolds, a youth of fifteen years, who is attending the dis trict schools; Alary Alildred, a maiden of ten summers; and Dean AL, seven years of age. Those who passed away are: Alil- lard, who died at the age of nine months; Georgia Lee, who also died when only nine months old; and Floyd S., who died at the age of seventeen years. In his political affiliations Air. Shuyler is a Popu list, but previous to his identification there with he was a supporter of Republican prin ciples. He has served his township as a trustee for several terms, and for six years held the office of justice of the peace. He has a wide acquaintance in this section of the state, and his honesty in all trade transactions, his reliability in discharging his duties of citizenship and hs fidelity to the interests of private life have won him marked esteem. JACOB AV. LIGHT, AI. D. Dr. Jacob AAr. Light, who has been suc cessfully engaged in the practice of medi cine in Kingman since 1884, was born near Fostoria, Ohio, in January, 1859, soon after the removal of his parents from Penn sylvania to the Buckeye state. The fam ily is of German lineage and the name was originally spelled Lichte. Felix Light, the Doctor's father, was born in Pennsylvania and was. a shoemaker by trade. He was married in his native state to Susan Pef- fer, who was of the same family to which Senator Peffer belonged. They became the parents of eleven children, nine of whom attained years of maturity. The family were connected with the United Brethren church and were people of the highest re spectability. The Doctor attended the district schools until eighteen years of age and then entered the Ada Xbrmal College, at Ada. He en gaged in teaching as a means whereby to procure the funds necessary for the con tinuance of his studies, and1* this determina tion to procure an education no matter what the difficulties' which stood in the way showed forth the elemental strength of his character and gave promise of accomplish ment in later life. Before going to Ada he made arrangements to study medicine with a physician in Findlay, Ohio, but the accidental death of the physician forced him to change his plans, and after teaching for several years he became a student in the office of a physician in Columbus Grove, Ohio, reading under his direction all the time between the courses of lectures which he took in college. In March, 1884, he was graduated in the Pulte Aledical Col lege, at Cincinnati, Ohio, winning the prize there for the best work in physiology. 2S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Dr. Light then made his arrangements to remove to the west, and in June arrived in Kingman, which was then enjoying an era of marked progress. The railroad had just reached here and the Doctor complet ed his journey on the construction train. There was only one brick building in the town and many conditions were primitive, but the western spirit of enterprise was soon to dominate the place and produce a transformation. Our subject entered into partnership with Dr. Yancey, who was the owner of a drug store in Kingman, but in the autumn following his arrival the part nership was dissolved and Dr. Light en tered upon an independent business career. With one exception he is the oldest resident physician of Kingman and his practice is proportionate to the length of his stay. AArith the growth of the town his patronage in creased and from the beginning he has en joyed a successful professional career. In the early days of his location here he was called as far as seventy-five miles and had to endure many hardships by making long- drives across the country in storm as well as in sunshine, but he never refused to give his aid in alleviation of suffering. He is now called as far as thirty miles, and in Kingman and the immediate surrounding district he has a large business. He has been particularly successful in treating cases of dropsy, having effected cures in cases which others had pronounced incurable, and thus his reputation has gone abroad and won him high standing in his profession. He is a. member of the Kansas State Aledical Society and the American Institute of Hom eopathy, and thus he keeps in touch with the advanced thought of the day along the lines of medical and surgical investigation and practice. In order to still further per fect himself in his work he took a course in the Polyclinic in Chicag'O in 1893. Just before his removal to Kingman Dr. Light was married to Miss Aimee Sterling, the wedding being celebrated March 20, 1884, in her home in Columbus Grove. AArith his bride he came to this city and their home has been blessed with three children, but only one is now living, F. Man-in. In 1899 the Doctor erected a fine residence at the corner of Spruce street and Avenue F. It is an ornament to the city and is the most modern dwelling here, being supplied with the latest improvements and conveniences. He also owns another house which he rents. He also has extensive stock raising inter ests, having a fine herd of shorthorns. Dr. Light holds membership with the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen and was formerly connected with the team of Select Knights. He is likewise a worthy exemplar of Xlnnescah Lodge, F. & A. Ai. He is a member of the pension board and with the exception of four years has held the office of its secretary since 1888. He served for five years as county health officer and has been a member of the school board. In politics he has always been an earnest Republican, but has ever refused to become a candidate for office. He is regarded as one of the most skillful physicians of his locality. His knowledge and ability in med icine and surgery and all matters pertaining to the health of the body, his intelligence in other lines of study and his manly char acter alike entitle him to esteem, and he is regarded with the highest respect in this and other communities. JAMES DUKELOW. The eminent position which Reno coun ty, Kansas, has attained as a leading one in the state is in a large measure due to the class of citizens which makes up so large a proportion of her agricultural population. Among those who have succeeded and be come substantial pillars of the county through their own well directed and intel ligent efforts is James Dukelow, who has owned property here since 1880. _ The birth of Air. Dukelow was in Great Britain in 1846, and he came to America prior to attaining his majority. For some years he was located in New England, trav eling in the interests of the well known firm of J. Gould's Sons, tea importers of New York city, his business taking him through Maine, New Hampshire and 'Massachusetts, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 29 his headquarters being in Boston. His first visit to Kansas was made in the interest of this firm, being sent hither to make investi gations concerning its former representa tive, and while here he joined one of the Home Seekers' excursions which went to look at land in this territory. The party made stops at X'ewton, at Florence, and at Hutchinson, and the greater number went on to Larned, but the location of this city pleased Air. Dukelow the best, resulting in his buying the claim for the farm upon which he now resides, in 1880. He paid eight hundred dollars for the one hundred and sixty acres, having the original deed made out to him. Then he returned to the east and closed up his business affairs there, agreeing with his former employers to con tinue to represent their house in this locality. This he did until increasing private business made it inexpedient. The improvements on the place consisted of a small frame shanty, and a shed which was made out of a straw pile. About eighty acres of the land had been broken, and after his locating, in the fall of that year, he put in wheat, and in the following spring began to put out some fruit trees. X'o trees of any kind were there prior to this, the beautiful grove which is one of the adornments of this ideal country home having all been planted and nurtured by our subject. The soil re sponded so generously that he found it nec essary at times to cut down some of the trees of his planting, as their spreading branches crowded each other. He has made a special ty of fruit trees and he now has two hundred and sixteen acres in fruit alone, one hun dred acres in peaches, twenty-five acres in grapes and twenty-seven acres in berries. Each year he cultivates potatoes on fifteen acres, although the cereals, corn and oats, he considers his principal crops. He has yearly added to his land and now owns five farms and keeps all under his own supervi sion, having them worked on the share sys tem. In stock raising also he has pros pered, and keeps hogs on three of his farms and also has about one hundred and fifty head of cattle. In the fall of 1899 he erected his elegant residence, this being one of the most comfortable and attractive homes in Reno county. The marriage of Air. Dukelow was in September, 1873, to Aliss Elizabeth Justice, who was born in Boston, Alassachusetts. To j this union three sons have been born, name- : ly: Herbert L., Elmer R., and Howard AI. Air. Dukelow has been identified with almost all of the progressive movements in the county since his location here, and has been connected with many enterprises in a financial way. He was one of the organizers of the Citizens' Bank of Hutchinson, and for four years was its president, resigning that honorable position on account of -stress of personal business. The Presbyterian church in this locality owes much to his devotion, he being one of the pioneer members of that religious body, ever ready with time, influ ence and means to -promote its interests. For a long period he served as chairman of the board of deacons in that church. In politi cal sympathy he has always been an ardent supporter of the Republican party, although in no sense a politician, desiring none of the public offices, his own business demanding his constant attention. Although he has been unusually successful since locating in Kansas, there is no mystery in it. He pre- : pared himself by close attention to business | for the work he had undertaken and gained ! a thorough knowledge of the properties of j the soil and its adaptation to the various j growths, of the scientific breeding and eco- j nomical feeding of stock, and with energy i and intelligence carried this knowledge into practice. He is well and favorably known ! through Reno county, where he has hosts of friends, and many imitators of his methods. FREDERICK J. BRUCE. Frederick J. Bruce is a farmer and stock- : raiser residing on the east half of section 14. Garfield township, Ellsworth county, and is the oldest settler in this locality. Great indeed are the changes which have occurred since his arrival, for he found an . undeveloped section of the country, the land 30 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. as yet not claimed for the purposes of civili zation. Buffalo roamed over the prairies, and often going out on a hunt he has se cured all that he could bring home with an ox team. As men from the east came to this portion of Kansas dug-outs and sod houses were seen as the homes of the settlers, and these in turn were replaced by the more commodious and modern frame residences, and the district has become the abiding place of a contented and prosperous farm ing people, whose homes surround thriving towns and villages where all kinds of manu facturing and industrial interests are car ried on. All these changes Air. Bruce has witnessed since his arrival in Ellsworth county, in the fall of 1869. The family originated in Scotland but Air.. Bruce of this review was born in the duchy of Alecklenburg, Germany, Decem ber 27, 1839. His father, Frederick J. Bruce, was also a native of Germany, and in 1852 came to America in the old sailing- vessel Gibraltar, which was nine weeks up on the water before reaching the harbor of X'ew York. He was a fisherman in the old country and upon landing in the new world he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he followed the same pursuit until 1856, when he located upon a farm and there spent his remaining days. His political support was given to the Democracy. He married a Aliss Johnson and they became the parents of three children, but our subject is the only one now living. Frederick J. Bruce began work at a very early age, assisting in the cultivation of the home farm, upon which he remained until he had attained his majority. He enlisted in April, 1861, at the first call for troops, becoming- a member of the Buckeye Rifles, but this regiment was not furnished with arms and was discharged without going to the front. Upon the three years' call he re- enlisted, on the 2 ist of August, 1861, be coming a member of Company K, Second Ohio Cavalry, which was assigned to the Army of the Frontier, thus serving until 1863, when it was transferred to the Depart ment of the Ohio, and in 1864 became a part of the Army of the Potomac. Air. Bruce participated in the battles of Independence, Carthage and Xewtonia in Missouri; Cave Hill, Prairie Grove and AVhite River, Ar kansas; Alonticello and Columbia, Ken- tuck}' ; and Greenville, AA'alker's Ford, Knoxville, Blue Springs, Alorristown and Bean's Station, Tennessee. The regiment then changed its base of operations to Vir ginia and Air. Bruce participated in the bat tles of the AA'ilderness, Spottsylvania, Han over Court House, Ashland, Xottaway Creek, Stone's Creek, Ream's Station, AAln- chester, Berryville, Opequan, Luray Val ley, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, Aliddle Road, Lacey Spring, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek and Appomattox, Virginia ; and Charlestown, AA'est Virginia. On the 9th of Alay, 1864, he was wounded by a minie ball in the right breast and left hip, at Spott sylvania. From August, 1864, until dis charged he served as orderly to General Cus ter. He was honorably discharged on the ist of July, 1864, but re-enlisted as a vet eran on the same day. and his final discharge was received at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, September 11, 1865. Air. Bruce afterward began work upon a farm near Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and a year later he was married and began fanning on his own account. It was on the 18th of Oc tober, 1866, at Chagrin Falls, that he mar ried Aliss Alan- Aleeker, a daughter of Dan iel Abner and Sidney (Clark) Meeker. Her father was born in Xew Jersey, whence he removed to Ohio, where the birth of Airs. Bruce occurred. Our subject and his wife began their domestic life in Ohio, where he engaged in the dairy business and the manu facture of cheeses, carrying on that pur suit for three years. During the first year of his anny service he had visited Kansas and the Indian Territory, and believing- that he would have a better chance to getting a home of his own in the west, he came to the Sunflower state in 1869 and took up a soldier's homestead on the quarter section of land where he now resides. There were a few settlers living on the creek in Saline count}-, but there was not a house, nor had a furrow been turned, between his home and Fort Harker. It looked dismal enough as BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3i the prairie had been burned over and there was not a tree or shrub in sight. There were also many snakes on the prairie and Air. Bruce frequently killed rattlers around his home. He erected a small frame house and started in to cultivate the ground, raising potatoes and garden vegetables to sell in Ellsworth and Salina, the two nearest mark ets to his home. Later he began raising grain and aftenvard made a start in the cattle business by raising a few head of stock. He has living water upon his place, which makes the fann a good one for stock raising purposes. At the present time his attention is devoted to the raising of cattle and hogs. He owns a thoroughbred Dur ham bull which he is cross-breeding with his stock. He has had sixty acres of land and has given his daughter eighty acres, but cultivates the balance of his farm. He has planted all of the trees on his place and is now cutting cordwood, many of the trees being from eighteen to twenty inches in di ameter. He has also planted fruit trees, which are in good bearing condition. His farm is now valuable and especially attrac tive in appearance, and all of the improve ments upon it stand as monuments to his enterprise. The home of Air. and Airs. Bruce has been blessed with four children, but AA'illie and Anna died at the ages of fourteen and thirteen, respectively. Venelia S. is the wife of Eli Bradford, who is engaged in farming in this locality, and Frederick died at the age of one year. Air. Bruce has served as township treasurer, and for about fifteen or sixteen years has been a member of the school board. He assisted in the organization of the school district, built the first school house and was also a member of the United Brethren church, the services being held in the school house until 1883, when he was largely instrumental in secur ing the erection of the present stone church. In former years he conducted services here and in other places, but owing to the effects of the wounds he sustained in the war, he has given up active ministerial work, al though he still holds a license to preach, but seldom officiates in that capacity unless called upon to preside at some funeral. He has always been one of the trustees, and has labored effectively to promote the best in terests of moral advancement. Socially he is identified with John A. Logan Post, X'o. 127, G. A. R., of Salina. ROBERT E. TAXTOX. Robert E. Tanton, who since 1879 has made his home in Ellsworth county, is now carrying on farming on section 21, Sher man township. He is one of the worthy citizens that England has furnished to cen tral Kansas, his birth having occurred on the "Alerrie Isle" Alarch 12, 1836, his par ents being James and Rebecca (Brinsmade) Tanton. He was reared and educated in his native land and when seventeen years of age came to the- United States, crossing the Atlantic on the Rosalind Castle, which was five weeks in completing the voyage from Plymouth to Quebec. After reaching the new world he learned the w&gonmaker's , trade and remained in Canada for a year and a half. On the expiration of that period he removed to Boone county, Illinois, where he remained for two or three years and sub sequently he went to Alinnesota, where he engaged in teaching school through the win ter, near Red AA'ing. He next took up his abode at Beloit, Wisconsin, where he re mained for two years, and then went to Alis souri, spending a similar period in Alacon City, after which he purchased a farm and followed agricultural pursuits for about nine years. He then sold that property and went to Silver City. Colorado, but was not pleased with (that section of the country and returned to his family in Alissouri. The year 1879 witnessed the arrival of Air. Tanton in Ellsworth county, and here he purchased eighty acres of railroad land, upon which he has since made his home. There was not a tree or bush upon the place, all being in the native sod. He had driven from Missouri in a prairie schooner drawn by a team of horses, and with these he be gan breaking ground. Immediately after his arrival he erected a small frame house, which forms a part of his present residence. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. He began farming in a small way and grad ually was enabled to add to his possessions, purchasing an adjoining quarter section of land. He also engaged in the raising of cat tle, and he usually sells his calves when two years old. However, the greater part of his attention is devoted to the production of wheat, which crop always gives a good yield in Kansas and the products of his farm find a ready sale on the market. He has sold eighty acres of his land, but still owns the original tract and another eighty acres. On the- 1 2th of April, 1865, in Beloit, AATisconsin, Air. Tanton was united in mar riage to Aliss Emma Alaxworthy, a daugh ter of George Alaxworthy, who was born in England and came to America prior to the war of 181 2, in which he participated. He afterward returned to his native land and was there united in marriage to Sabina S. Huxtable. He located at Stafford, Gene see county, New York, where Airs. Stanton was born and reared. Later the family re moved to AA'isconsin, but both the parents died in Illinois. Mr. Alaxworthy had a great desire to see the world and traveled exten- snvely in Europe, Asia and Africa, thereby gaining that knowledge and culture which only travel can bring. Airs. Tanton was one of five children, two sons and three daugh ters. Her two brothers, Albert and George, were both Union soldiers in the civil war. The latter enlisted as a member of Com pany D, Second Delaware Regiment, and served with with the Army of the Potomac. He was captured at the battle of the \Vil- derness and after eleven months spent in Andersonville prison died while thus in carcerated. He was corporal of his com pany. Albert was attending college in Be loit at the time of the inauguration of the war, enlisting at that place. Airs. Tanton has one sister living, Mrs. Alary Hinman, a resident of Boone county, Illinois. In her girlhood days Airs. Tanton received excel lent educational privileges. For one year she was a student in Ingham University, in Leroy, XTew York, and subsequently con tinued her studies in the Haughton Sem inary at Clinton, Oneida county, Xew York. She is a member of the AAroman's Relief Corps and she and her two older sons are members of the Baptist church. The mar riage of Air. and Airs. Tanton has been blessed with three children, namely : George, who is now farming in Oklahoma; Max, a resident of Harper county. Kansas; and Burt, at home. The two elder sons were both successful teachers in Ellsworth county for three years each. In his political views Air. Tanton is in dependent, preferring to support the men whom he thinks best qualified for office rath er than follow the dictates of party. He has sened as road overseer and as school di rector and is known as a citizen of worth, true to the best interests of his county, state and nation. The many qualities which are characteristic of Air. and Airs. Tanton have gained for them the warm regard of a large circle of friends. CAPTAIX H. F. HOESAIAX. Captain H. F. Hoesman is one of the honored pioneer citizens of Ellsworth coun ty and veteran of the Civil war, whose loy alty to the Union was manifest upon south ern battlefields. He was born January 15, 1 84 1, in Auglaize county, Ohio, his parents being John A. and Engle (Klute) Hoesman, both of whom were natives of Hanover, Germany. In the state of his nativity our subject was reared to manhood, residing there upon a farm until nine years of age, when the family removed to Xew Bremen, where he attained his majority, being edu cated in the German free schools. In his youth he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked until July 8, 1861. when, in response to his country's call for troops, he enlisted as a member of Company D, Thirty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private. He was soon promoted to the rank of sergeant, and on the 14th of April, 1864, was commissioned captain and served until after the close of the war, receiving an honorable discharge on the 24th of April, 1866. He was first on duty in Alissouri, going down the Alississippi and taking part in the battle of Island X'o. 10 and in the Fort Pillow campaign. He was afterward BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 33 in the engagement at Corinth and the siege of that city, his regiment being the first to raise its flag in the town after its evacuation by the Confederate troops. His regiment was with the Army of the Tennessee and af terward in the Atlanta campaign. AA 'hen the country no longer needed his senices the Captain returned to Ohio, and in Alay, 1867, came to Ellsworth county, Kansas, where he embarked in the grocery business, which he conducted for two years. He was then engaged in the real estate busi ness for a time, after which he entered the hardware store of J. L. Bell as bookkeeper. That connection was maintained until 1881, when he established a hardware and imple ment business of his own, which he con ducted until January, 1899. He then sold out and has since been engaged in the real estate and insurance business, representing the Concordia, German, of Freeport, the Northwestern Xational and the Farmers and Alerchants insurance companies. He writes many policies, and also does a large real estate business. In 1899 he was elected justice of the peace, in which office he has sened in a capable and satisfactory manner, and for the past two years he has been no tary public. He has taken an active part in public affairs. He was elected the first mayor in 1870, was sheriff for two years, county clerk one year and township clerk one year. In 1872 he was elected to represent his district in the state legislature, where he served during the Pomeroy- York trouble. For two years he was deputy treasurer and was chairman of the board of county com missioners for three terms, or nine years, from 1878. In all his public offices he has manifested a loyal and patriotic spirit, dis charging his duties with promptness and fidelity. In politics he is a prominent Re publican, has been very active in his party and has served on various committees, being a delegate to many of its conventions, also a chairman of the county conventions. His labors have been of material benefit in pro moting the welfare and progress of Ells worth county along other lines, for he was one of the organizers and the secretary of the Ellsworth Alining Company, which was , the first to make the discovery of the salt deposit underlying this count}-, and also as sisted in locating the Alidland addition to Ellsworth. He has been interested in resi dence and business property in the city and has co-operated in everything which he be lieved would prove of general good along substantial lines of advancement. On the 21st of February, 1884, Captain Hoesman was united in marriage to Aliss Esther B. Lyons, a daughter of Airs. Sarah Lyons, of Ottumwa, Iowa. Her death oc curred December 29, 1898, and she left one child to mourn her loss, Sarah E., who yet resides, with her father. Socially the Cap tain is connected with Ellsworth Lodge, XTo. 146, F. & A. M., and was its first worship ful master. He assisted in organizing Ells worth Chapter, Xo. 54, R. A. M., of which he is past high priest, and also took part in the organization of St. Aldemar Command ery, No. 33, K. T., of which he was the first commander, and in forming Ellsworth Council, X'o. 9, R. & S. AL, of which he is a past thrice illustrious master. He is. like wise a member of Isis Temple of the Alys- tic Shrine at Salina. Wherever he is known he is held in high regard by reason of his sterling worth, his fidelity to principle and his loyalty in every relation of life. DAXTEL GILES. Daniel Giles occupies the important posi tion of foreman with the Kansas Grain Company. His rise in the business world is due to his determined purpose, unflagging energy and enterprise. He started out for himself at an early age without capital, and brooking no obstacle that could be overcome by resolution, he has worked his way stead ily upward until he is now a leading repre sentative of the grain trade in central Kan sas, his home being in Hutchinson. He was born in Carroll county, Indiana, December 6, i860. His father, AA^illiam Giles, was born in Kent, England, in 1812, and after his marriage came to America about 1830, bringing with him his wife and five chil dren. He landed at Quebec, Canada, but soon afterward removed to Rochester, Xew 34 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. York, where he remained for more than a year and then went to AA'hite county, Indi ana, where he followed farming for about twelve years. His next place of residence was in Carroll county, that state, where he carried on agricultural pursuits until 1861. He then returned to AA'hite county and bought a farm of one hundred acres partially improved, continuing its further develop ment until his death, January 15, 1883. He was a, Democrat in his political affiliations. He was twice married and by the first union had three children, who are yet living : John H., a retired farmer, now engaged in build ing and improving city property in Brooks- ton, AA'hite county, Indiana ; Alary Ann, the wife of John Foster, a fanner of Oklahoma ; and Janet, the wife of Gustavus Fewell, an agriculturist of AA'hite county, Indiana. For his second wife AA'illiam Giles married Han nah Butcher, who was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, about 1S21. They were married in Carroll county, Indiana, in 1858 and she is now living on the old homestead in AA'hite county at the age of seventy years. They were the parents of seven children, of whom. five are living, namely: Daniel, the subject of this review; X'elson, a farmer of AA'hite county, Indiana; Edwin, a farmer of AA'hite county. Indiana, located at Brooks- ton; Helen, who died in infancy; Zuillah, the wife of Benjamin Rush, a resident farm er of AA'hite county, Indiana; Lillie Belle, who married James Shigley, also a farmer of AA'hite county, Indiana; and Alice, who died in infancy. In the common schools of AA'hite countv, Indiana, Daniel Giles was educated, and up on his father's farm he assisted in the culti vation of the fields until fifteen years of age, when he began work as a farm hand in the neighborhood, his time being thus occu pied until he was twenty-two years of age. On the ist of Alarch, 1883, in Carroll coun ty. Indiana, he wedded Ida Alay Reed, who was born in AA'hite countv and was a daugh ter of Francis Marion and Hellen AI. (Compton) Reed, both of whom were na tives of the Hoosier state. ATrs. Giles is of Scotch and Irish descent. Her father en listed in the LTnion anuy during the Civil war and died in the service. His wife passed away in AA'hite county, Indiana. Air. Giles, abandoning farming, learned the carpaiter's trade -with Cockran Brothers, of Brookston, remaining in their employ for two years. In the spring of 1886 he lo cated in Conway Springs, Sumner countv, Kansas, where he followed carpentering for a year, working for a part of the time on his own account. He then removed to Fin ney county, where he secured a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, and during his three years' residence in that county he also pre-empted another quarter section of land and took a timber claim of one hun dred and sixty acres, making in all four hundred and eighty acres of land which he owned there. He lived on the pre-emption claim for a year and then removed to the homestead, where he continued for two years. On the former he built a frame house and on the latter a sod house and broke about sixty acres of land. In 1889, how ever, he sold his property there and came to Hutchinson, where he followed carpen tering until January, 1890, when he began working by the day for the Kansas Grain Company, being thus employed until June, when he was given the position of second foreman. He sened in that capacity until June, 1893, when the company was dis solved. It had been organized in Alissouri and was dissolved on account of a techni cality of the law which required the prefix "the" to the name of all such corporations of the state, and a word lacking in the title of the Kansas Grain Company. A new com pany was then organized with the article prefixed. During the time which elapsed between the dissolution and tlie organiza tion, perhaps six or seven months. Air. Giles again followed carpentering, but in October. 1893, became foreman for the new company and has since served in that capacity. His duties are by no means light for he has en tire supervision of all the complicated de tails of the work within the house, inspect ing- all of the grain, securing employes and in short acting as the real head of the practi cal working of the plant. He has gained this position by his thorough and conscien- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 35 tious service. Since becoming foreman he has not lost a single day's pay and he richly merits and enjoys the entire confidence of the company. The plant is strictly modern, and one feature that is seldom seen west of Kansas City is the dust collecting system, by means of which the dust is drawn from even part of the building to the furnace room, where it is consumed, thus greatly adding to the comfort and health of the em ployes. When the present company began business they had only an old building with a limited capacity, but in 1895 a large new elevator was erected with all modern equip ments. In addition to the purchase and shipping of grain, the company manuafac- tures two grades of chopped feed, the plant being equipped with one set of rolls and one steel mill. A regular transfer system is conducted in the grain business, and all cleaning, mixing and grading is here done. The motive power of the plant is furnished by a two-hundred- and-fifty horse power St. Louis Corliss engine. The engine room, sixty by seventy- five feet, was built only two years ago and is of brick. The cleaning capacity of the plant is from twenty to twenty-five thousand bushels of grain every ten hours. The offi cers of. the The Kansas Grain Company are T. J. Templer, president; L. B. Young, sec retary; AAr. K. AIcAIillan, treasurer; and Daniel Giles, foreman. Air. and Airs. Giles have a pretty modern residence on Twelfth Avenue AVest, of which they recently took possession. They have three children : Ethel Rosamond ; AAllbert Claud; and Alary Helen, aged re spectively, sixteen, thirteen and eight years. Both Air. and Airs. Giles are members of the Christian church, with which they have been identified for twelve years, and for about eight years he has served as deacon. Socially he is connected with the Modern AA'oodmen and Knights and Ladies of Se curity. In politics he is a supporter of Dem ocratic principles and votes with the party at state and national elections, but at local elec tions, where no issue is involved, he is in dependent, supporting the men whom he thinks best qualified for office. He is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause and does everything in his power to ad vance those interests which tend to uplift humanity, giving his support to temperance, educational and church work. High and honorable principles have actuated his en tire career and have gained him a reputa tion in business which is above reproach. JOSEPH E. HUA1PHREY. A genealogical work in three volumes published by Dr. Frederick Humphrey, of XTew York, shows that the Humphreys of America trace their ancestry to England. Two brothers of the name came from the mother country and one located in Virginia and the other in Pennsylvania, and from them' all or nearly all of the Humphreys in America are believed to be descended. A prominent representative of the family is ex-Governor Humphrey, of Kansas. Another representative of the family well- known in Reno county and throughout the surrounding country is Joseph E. Humph rey, postmaster at Xickerson. Joseph E. Humphrey was born Septem ber 6, .1861, in Athens county, Ohio, a son of E. C. Humphrey, who was born in AA'ash- ington county, Ohio, in 181 7, and is now living in Athens county, that state, aged eighty-four years and is in possession of all his faculties. E. C. Humphrey is a son of AV. E. Humphrey, a native of Pennsylvania and a pioneer in Ohio, who, while clearing up some land was accidentally killed by a tree which he was chopping down. E. C. Humphrey was a member of Company E, Seventy-four Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he enlisted from Athens county, Ohio, in 1862, and in which he served until he was discharged in 1863 on account of a wound which he had received while attending to his duties as a soldier. He re-enlisted in the same regiment and was detailed to take charge of a pack train which went over the Cumberland mountains. He was inactive service until the close of the war and long suffered from disabilities which came upon him while in service. 36 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Though often urged by friends to apply for a pension, ,he steadfastly refused to do so, but late in life he permitted bis son to make application in his behalf. His eldest son, John E. Humphrey, enlisted at the age of sixteen and he was killed in action at the age of seventeen years and fills an unknown grave on a southern battlefield. He was an unusually large youth, being nearly six feet in heighth and otherwise well developed and, young as he was and brief as was his sendee, he made a record as a brave and de voted soldier, of which any man might well be proud. E. C. Humphrey, father of the subject of this .sketch, married Sarah Rigg, who was born at Brownsville, AVashington county, Pennsylvania, in 1823, daughter of William Rigg. Airs. Humphrey, who was twenty- one years old at the time of her marriage, was born at Brownsville, of a Quaker fam ily. Her father, who was also bom at Brownsville, in 1792, was a boat builder on the Ohio and Allegheny rivers and was a man of more than ordinal*}- mentality and of fine and imposing physique, who was six feet and one inch in height and weighed two hundred and forty pounds. He reared three daughters and two sons, one of whom, Par ker Rigg, is ,a contractor and builder at Ath ens, Ohio, and another, Alary, married A. Cooley. E. C. and Sarah (Rigg) Humphrey had four sons. The eldest was Tohn E. Hum phrey, who was killed in the Civil war, as has been stated. The next in order of birth was Charles E. Humphrey, who became a coach finisher and died of congestive chills at Alaska, Ohio, at the age of twenty-two years. He was not married. William E. Humphrey, tlie third son. is a farmer and lives at Albany, Ohio. He is married and has three children. The subject of this sketch is >the fourth son of his parents in the order of birth. Their mother died in Alarch, 1889, aged sixty-six years. Their father was in early life a pattern-maker and was later a builder. Joseph E. Humphrey gained a high school education and then entered the office of the Athens, Ohio, Journal, to learn the printer's trade. Lie was a compositor in that establishment for eight years, and for two years filled the position of foreman. In 1886 he went to X'ickerson, Reno county, Kansas, and as a member of the firm of Hendry & Humphrey, bought the Nickerson Argosy at sheriff's sale. After publishing it about twelve years he was appointed post master at Nickerson and sold his share in the publishing enterprise to Air. Hendry, whose wife was Air. Humphrey's mother's sister and who had been a mother to him as she had to many others, who know her as one of the noblest women with whom they have ever met. Air. Humphrey is a member of X'ickerson Lodge, No. 43, A. F. & A. AL. of Nicker son ; of Nickerson Lodge, X'o. 90, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows ; and is a Knight of Pythias. He is at this time filling the office of worshipful master of his Alasonic Lodge. He is an active and influential Re publican and his appointment as postmaster, in 1899, came to him without a contest. He has been secretary of the Republican state convention several times and held that office in the convention of 1900, for the nomina tion of state officers. Air. Humphrey was married at St. Jo seph, Missouri, April 24, 1901, to Aliss XT el- lie B. McCoy, who was bom, reared and educated in Ohio, and who for the past six years has been private secretary to the Ham mond Packing Company, of Omaha. Airs. Humphrey has been a stenographer since she was fifteen years old and at seventeen filled the responsible position of court ste nographer. She is a member of the Episco pal church. Air. Humphrey has always taken an active part in advancing the prosperity of X'ickerson and of Reno county. He is a man who has a kind word for every one and there is not a more popular postmaster" in Kansas. FRAXCIS AL SMITH. The record of Francis AI. Smith con tains an account of valiant service in the civil war and of fidelity to duty in even- walk of life. He is numbered among the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 37 early settlers of Rice county, dating his res idence from 1873. He was born in Cass county, Illinois, January 30, 1841, and is a son of James Job Smith, one of the oldest and most honored citizens of Lyons. The father was born in Cumberland county, Ken tucky, on the 5th of January, 181 3, and was a son of James Smith, whose birth oc curred in Baltimore, Alaryland, in 1782. The great-grandfather of our subject was Samuel Smith, who removed to Xorth Car olina about 1792, and therefore his son, James, was reared in that state. After ar riving at years of maiturity he wedded Eliz abeth Job, a native of X'orth Carolina, and they became the parents of two children Avhile residing in that state. Subsequently they went to Kentucky, crossing the moun tains on horseback. They took up their abode in Cumberland county, that state, among the pioneer settlers, and aided in laying the foundation for the present pros perity and progress of that commonwealth. They were the parents of nine children: Samuel and Jane, who were born in North Carolina; Thomas, Levi, Ruth, James Job, John and AA'illiam, who were born in Ken tucky; and Elijah, who was born' in Indi ana, whither the family had previously re moved. After residing for a time in the Hoosier state they went to Morgan- county, Illinois, subsequently to Cass county and afterward to Aladison county, Iowa, where James Smith and his wife spent their last days, both passing away when about seven ty-three years of age. They were members of the Alethodist Episcopal church and were earnest and loyal Christian people, rearing their children in that faith and doing all in their power to promote the cause of Chris tianity among their fellow men. James Job Smith was reared in Ken tucky and Illinois, accompanying his par ents on their removal to Morgan county, of the latter state, in 1829. In 1845 ne be came a resident of Cass county, Illinois, but was married in the former county, at the age of twenty-two years, to Miss Eve Mil ler, who was born in Indiana, a daughter of Henry Miller, one of the honored pioneer settlers of that state, arriving there at a period when all was wild, the work of im provement and civilization being scarcely begun. The Indians still lived in the neigh borhood, and he had to flee with his family to a block house to secure protection from the red men. He had removed to Indiana from Pennsylvania and was of German lin eage. From the time of his first settlement in the Hoosier state until his death he aided in the work of development and advance ment there. His wife was Hester Aliller. In 1845 James Job Smith removed to Cass county, Illinois, and in 1853 went to Alahaska county, Iowa, where he remained for a year, after which he took up his abode in Madison county, that state, casting in his lot with its pioneer settlers. In 1873 he came to Rice county, Kansas, where he has since resided, and to-day is one of the venerable, honored and respected residents of this community. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Smith were born six children: Elizabeth Ann, who died at the age of eighteen; J. F., who was a soldier in the Fourth Iowa Infantry during the Civil war, and is now living in Lincoln township, Rice county; Francis AL, who was also a member of the same regiment; Isaac N., who, with his brothers, enlisted in the Fourth Iowa Infan try and is now living in Lyons; Elijah T., a resident of Douglas county, Kansas ; Will iam Thomas, who makes his home in Lyons ; and Mrs. Mary J. Summers, also of Lyons. The mother of this family was called to her final rest April 2, 1896, at the age of eighty- five years. She was loved by all who knew her for her kindness of heart and mind, for she was a devoted wife and moither, a faith ful friend and her generous and kindly spirit ! were recognized by all with whom she came in contact. A noble Christian woman, she held membership in the Alethodist Episco pal church, and her life was in harmony with her professions. For sixty-two years she traveled life's journey by the side of her husband, and as time passed their mutual love and confidence increased. Air. Smith devoted his attention to agricultural pur suits throughout his active business career, and thus provided a comfortable support for his family. Since the organization of the party he has been a stalwart Republican, and his sons are all of the same political 33 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. faith. For sixty years he has been a zealous member of the Alethodist Episcopal church and for a half century has sened as class- leader. He does all in his power to promote the work of the church in its various lines, and his upright life reflects credit upon tlie Christian teachings which he has so closely followed. Francis AI. Smith, whose name intro duces this review was a lad of twelve years when the family removed to Iowa, and upon a farm, in that .state he was reared. His education was acquired in the public schools and he was early trained to the work of the farm, assisting in its labors throughout the summer months, while in the winter season he pursued his studies. When the Civil war was inaugurated his patriotic spirit was aroused and in response to President Lin coln's call for 'three hundred thousand men he enlisted in July, 1861, becoming a mem ber of the Fourth Iowa Infantry, under Colonel Granville AI. Dodge, afterward General Dodge, and one of the most prominent statesmen that Iowa has pro duced. He has been very prominent in the affairs of .the nation, exercising strong- influence in the national councils. The cap tain of the company of which Air. Smith was a member was H. J. B. Cummings. Our subject participated in thirty battles, includ ing the engagements at Sugar Creek, Pea Ridge, the first attack on Vicksburg, the battles of Grand Gulf, Jonesboro, Chickasaw Bayou, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and the entire Atlanta campaign un der General Sherman, including the cele brated march to the sea, which proved that the Rebel forces had been drawn to other quarters and were thus almost exhausted. He was also in the battle of Goldsboro, pro ceeded thence to Richmond and afterward participated in the grand review at AA'ash- ington, D. C, where "wave after wave of bayonet-crested blue" passed by the stand on which stood the president, who wa.tched the return of the victorious army after the greatest war of that history has ever known. Air. Smith was honorably discharged, with the rank of corporal in Louisville, Kentucky, and was paid off in Davenport, Iowa, after which he returned to his home in the Hawk- eye state. In 1866 was celebrated the marriage of Air. Smith and Aliss Alaggie Coultrap, of Deersville, Ohio, who died in Aladison coun ty, Iowa, April 2, 1873, leaving three chil dren, of whom two yet survive, namely: The Rev. James O. Smith, of the Alethodist Episcopal church, now located in Arizona, and Rev. Ernest D. Smith, who is pastor of the Alethodist Episcopal church in Lowell. Indiana. One son, AA'alter S., died in in fancy. On the 25th of October, 1877, Air. Smith was again married, his second union being with Geneva B. Enoch, a lady of cul ture and intelligence, who has indeed proved to her husband a good helpmate. She was born in Ohio, but was reared and educated in Davis county, Iowa. Her father, George Enoch, was bona in Virginia and married Persis Cook, a native of Essex county, Xew York, and a daughter of Lewis Cook, who was born near Boston, Alassachusetts. The last named was a son of James and Persis (XTewton) Cook. Lewis Cook married Anna Peck, who was born in Alassachu setts ,and was a daughter of Ebenezer Peck. of that city. Air. Enoch, the father of Airs. Smith, died in Winfield, Kansas, at the age of ninety years. He was the father of eleven children : Henry, who is living in AA'infield; Airs. Malinda Dodge: Airs. Julia A. Pierson, of Lyons; Airs. Louise Kinnv.of Appanoose county, Iowa; Airs. Alary Alont- gomery, also of Iowa ; Airs. Smith,' of Ly ons; Airs. Clara Cook, of Ellsworth county, Kansas; Airs. Eliza Yermillya, who died in AA'infield Kansas ; and three who died in earl}- childhood. The mother of this family, however, is still living. She is a member of the Alethodist Episcopal church, to which her husband also belonged. She has reached the age of eighty-eight years and makes her home with her daughter, Airs. Smith. By the marriage oi our subject and his wife five living children have been born: Arthur O., Enoch F., Alaggie E., Leora B. and Geneva F. They also lost one daughter, Nona B., who was the fourth in order of birth and died at the age of thirteen years. For many years the family resided in Lin- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 39 coin township, upon the homestead farm which Air. Smith secured on coming to the county in 1873. There he resided until 1893, when, in order to provide better edu cational advantages for his children, he re moved to AA'infield, Kansas, placing* his chil dren in the Southwest Kansas College, an institution under the .auspices of the Meth odist Episcopal church. In 1898 he re- turned to Rice county, locating in Lyons, where he now makes his hime. He is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land, and the farm yields to him a good income. In his political affilia tions he is stalwart Republican, and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, in which he has filled several offices. He holds membership in the Methodist Episco pal church, of which he is a steward, and he takes a deep interest in everything pertain ing to educational, church and temperance 'Work and to the improvement of the com munity along substantial lines of progress. He has witnessed almost the entire growth and development of his community, and is one of the honored pioneers of the county, who for twenty-eight years has been iden tified with its progress, and well deserves mention in 'this volume. GEORGE TRUITT. In almost even- town and village in the country may be found men of worth who have retired from lives of activity on the farm to pass in ease and comfort their de clining years, surrounded by the results of past labors. One of these respected citizens was George Truf'tit, who was one of the most highly esteemed residents of the pleas ant little village of Langdon, Kansas. The birth of George Truitt occurred in Rush county, Indiana, on January 28, 1829, and was the grandson of Collins Truitt, who was brought by hiis parents from' England to America, when' but a small boy. Grand father Truitt took an active part in the Rev olutionary war, and his wife is remembered for many admirable qualities and also for her longevity and vigor. At the age of one hundred and one years it is related that she had the agility of a girl and still attended to her household tasks. Of their children Elias S. became the father of our subject. His birth was at Delaware, in 1786, and his death occurred in 1873, at AA'orthington, Indiana. The mother of our subject was named Sybil Reeves and she was born in Kentucky about 1790, and died in Indiana in 1863, while her son, George, was in the army. Of her ten children, six sons and three daughters grew .to maturity, the only sun-ivor of the family now being Austin Truitt, a bachelor of seventy-six years, who was one of the pioneers in the California gold fields more than fifty years ago.' He is a veteran of the Alexican war. and .is pass ing his last days in the Soldiers' Home. The parents lie buried in Indiana, both in the same state, although fifty miles apart. On October 22, 1856, our subject, George Truitt, was united in marriage, in Alonroe county, Indiana, to Aliss Sarah E. Eller, who was born there on August 12, 1836, a daughter of John and Alahala (Pauley) Eller, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Indiana. Air. Eller was a soldier in the Alexican war, where he died of fever, and his body was placed in a boat for conveyance home, in charge of his brother, James, but the boat struck a snag in the Ohio river and the body was lost. This was in October, 1846, when he was but thirty-four years of age. The widow was left with five children. Later she married ,Samuel Reeves and two chil dren were born to that union, her death taking place in 1853, and her burial was in Bloomington, Indiana. The Eller family is one of the old, honored and intellectual ones of Indiana, and its numerous members have kept bound together by establishing a yearly reunion, in Alonroe county, Indiana, on the farm which Grandfather Eller reclaimed from the forest. Early in the settlement of the county he came thither from' Kentucky and established a home and bought three hundred and twenty acres of land and here the grandparents died. Their posterity and that of the Pauley-s of the maternal side of Airs. Truitt's family are all settled within ten miles of the old home, and some of the 4o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. well-known survivors are Frank A. Eller, a minister of the Alethodist church; James Eller, now an octog-enarian, who without difficulty walked the five miles in order to attend the last family reunion and he is a veteran of the Alexican and the Civil wars. The military spirit has not been lacking in any generation of this family, for Grand father Eller was a soldier in the Revolution. Both Air. and Airs. Truitt had some ed ucational opportunities, which they em braced, both possessing bright intellects. They settled on their own small farm in In diana and there their seven sons and two daughters were born. These were : James Albert, on the Kansas homestead farm, who has two daughters and four sons; Eli AIc- Kee, who is a fanner in Indiana, near Jack sonville, and has six children; Elias Edgar, who is a farmer in Indiana, and has five children; Charles, who is a resident also of Indiana, and has one son and one daugh ter; Ella J. was the wife of Samuel H. Creig and died in 1896, leaving three chil dren; John O., who is a farmer on two hun dred and twenty acres, two miles north of Langdon, and has two sons and one daugh ter; George Homer, who is a farmer near Langdon, and has three daughters' and one son; Carrie, ,who is the wife of Lewis Cat- tie, of this vicinity, and they have one daughter; and Benjamin, who died at the age of two years. Both Air. and Airs. Truitt were reared in the Alethodist church, and in its faith he passed away in death December 3, 1902, at Langdon. On August 22, 1862, Air. Truitt joined the great army of loyal citizens and became a Union soldier, enlisting from Greene county, Indiana, in Company I, Xinety-sev- enth Indiana Infantry, and faithfully served until the close of the struggle, being mus tered out of the service in Washington, in June, 1865. Air. Truitt received a flesh wound in the left breast, which fractured his rib, thus necessitating a few days in the hospital at Barton Iron AA'orks, in Georgia, and he was1 then given a furlough home. For several years he was an invalid, the privations and exposures of his army life having left traces, but he could find no more devoted, sdf-sacrificing or capable nurse than Airs. Truitt, who in every sense proved a helpmate. In 1B87 he took his homestead farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Reno county. Kansas, but in April, 1 90 1, they took up their abode in the vil lage of Langdon. In politics our subject was always an active member of the Repub lican party, and before leaving Indiana held public office. He was one of the honored members of the G. A. R. HOX. A. B. CALDAArELL. Among the old settlers of tlie state of Kansas none possess any better claim than does Hon. A. B. Caldwell, of this biography, who is now an honored citizen of Hutchin son. His location here was after the close of the war and the organization of Reno countv. The birth of Air. Caldwell was near Ithaca, Xew York, in Alarch, 1838, his an cestors having founded the American branch of the family shortly after the battle of Boyne. In every generation members of it A^dtUJjurdUL BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 41 became conspicuous in seme walk of life, notably so was the great-grandfather of our subject, Capt. Thomas Caldwell, who, al though a minister in the Presbyterian church was a soldier and officer in the Patriot army. His helpless wife and innocent child were killed by the Hessian hirelings during the re treat from Philadelphia. Asa Caldwell, who was the father of our subject, became a clergyman of note in the Baptist church, exerting a power and in fluence through the state of Xew York which is still recalled in the annals of the church and in the reforms he instituted wherever he was given an opportunity to exert an influence. He was a man who lived up to the highest standard of Christian citi zenship. Always in the front rank, protest ing against oppression and lawlessness, he was the first clergyman to bring before an association of ministers a resolution con demning slavery and endured undesen'ed ob loquy for it. the time being not yet ripe for the opening of men's eyes. The marriage of Rev. Caldwell was to Pamelia Pennell, and to this union were born four sons and one daughter, our subject and his brother, John G., being the only members of the fam ily to locate in Kansas. The latter served through the Civil war, in Company A, Seventy-sixth Xew York Volunteers, and is now located on a farm in this county. The sister, Lydia A., married Barclay Pennock, who accompanied the celebrated Bayard Taylor during several years of travel. Both he and his wife were authors of note, being connected with Xew York journals. The early education of Air. Caldwell, of this sketch, was obtained in the public schools, in preparation for a thorough scien tific course of study, but failing health made it necessary to abandon this ambition. AA'ith a hope of regaining his health he decided to make a trip to the west, by way of the Santa Fe trail, reaching the village of Chicago in 1850. He went on to St. Louis, thence up the Alissouri river as faras AA'estpcrt. where was situated an outfitting depot for this trail. Here he was engaged as a trailer and made several trips from Leavenworth to Santa Fe, and in the fall of i860, he entered the employ of the Hudson Bay Company and engaged in trapping in British Columbia. In that day he lived a life of adventure, hav ing acted as a scout in Alinnesota against the Sioux Indians in their uprising, and was wounded by them, still carrying that bullet. AA'hile carrying dispatches from Big Stone Lake to Fort Zarah, Kansas, it was neces sary to pass through X'ebraska, among hos tile Indians, and he dared only travel at night. AA'hen he had covered about one- half of the trip he was attacked and wound ed, making the remaining four hundred miles in this condition. Recalling that time Air. Caldwell says that only his duty supported him through the torture he then endured, for it would have cost him much less to end his life than to prolong its agony. AA'hen the whole country was aroused by the outbreak of the civil war, the loyal spirit of his ancestors stirred the blood of our subject, and with as little loss of time as possible he started on a walk of eight hun dred miles in order to reach the recruiting station at St. Paul. At Fort Snelling he was taken as one of Berdan's sharp shooters, this company making a most enviable record during those trying years. AA'ith- this gal lant band Air. Caldwell became connected with the Army of the Potomac and took part in twenty-one of the dangerous engage ments, and at one time spent thirty davs con tinuously under fire. The records of histcry tell that at Gettysburg only thirty-one of our subject's company of sixty-three men sur vived that day of slaughter, and while these gallant soldiers were acting as pickets they discovered Longstreet's advance and were told to hold Little Round Top "as long as a man is left," and this was literally done these brave heroic men fighting until every man was either killed or wounded. X'o re stricted space such as the present can in any proper way, tell cf the courage, the daring, the prowess of that little band. General Daniel Sickles, himself a brave man, who ordered the point held, said later he would 42 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. rather have lost any regiment than that com pany of Berdan Sharp Shooters. The valued life of our subject was mirac ulously spared, but he received three serious wounds and still carries one bullet in his person. At Little Round Top Air. Caldwell was first shot through the body and as he fell, another bullet entered his neck and buried itself in the muscles of the loin, where it still remains. Recovering from the shock he again picked up his trusty rifle and man aged to fire five rounds, when a third bullet hit him, entering his right arm. During the night while lying on the field, he heard a call from some poor wounded comrade for water and he managed to stagger along between fainting spells until he reached the soldier's side, finding in him an old companion of his scouting and trapping life. But recently these two, who came back from the very jaws of death, had their first meeting since that dreadful day, and it was one affecting in the extreme, exciting all the nobler feelings of those of a later generation. During his army career Air. Caldwell participated in many hard-fought battles of the war, including those of Falmouth, Fredericksburg, Orange Court House, Guiney's Station, Rappahan nock Station, AArarrington Springs, Bull Run, South Alountain, Antietam, Chancel- lorsville, Gettysburg and many others. Strange as it may appear he shows little of all this stress and- strain to-day, his physical condition being remarkable. At the close of the war Air. Caldwell re turned to his old home in New York and there was married to Aliss Louisa Brown. AA'ith his bride he returned to the west, lo cating near Hutchinson, Kansas, just after the organization of Reno county. He hauled lumber from Newton, took up a soldier's claim in the southern part of the county and was prospering until the visit of the grass hoppers, an old landmark in Kansas history. He recalls the days when he saw in his vicin ity bones of buffaloes covering acres of land, they having been ruthlessly slaughtered for their tongues only. Later as they grew more scarce their hides were also taken. He continued on his farm until 1890, coming then into this city, where he has since been engaged in the real-estate business, having established the same while living in Arling ton, as early as 1880, living there and com ing to Hutchinson to attend to business. Air. Caldwell is the oldest in point of service of any man in his line in the county. He is now associated in business with Air. Rick- secker. and they handle the greater part of country* property in this locality, long ex perience making them valuable advisers. In politics he has always been a Republican, and while living in Arlington, in 1884, was elec ted to the legislature, serving for two terms, during which time he gave especial atten tion to the bill allowing the county commis sioners to have the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars to expend in the building of bridges. The sum, however, was reduced to two thou sand dollars. He also advocated changes in the townships in the county. Some ten years after locating in Kansas, Airs. Caldwell passed away. In 1886 our sub ject returned to Xew York and at Homer, in that state, was married to Aliss Anna Babcock, who was a daughter of Samuel Babcock. Airs. Caldwell is a most estimable lady, of great refinement and intellectuality, literary in her tastes, and for many years was connected with the Detroit News and the Detroit Tribune. Her immediate fam ily was sadly bereft during the Civil war. one brother, the brave Lieutenant Babcock, dying at Gettysburg, and another, General Babcock, at Winchester, while the third passed away a prisoner at Andersonville. To Air. and Airs. Caldwell two children have been horn. Florence and Addie. Few citizens have the congenial home life that Air. Caldwell now enjoys, and it com pensates for many of the hard experiences of earlier years. His pleasant, genial man ner makes the hospitality he delights to offer. all the more acceptable to his wide circle of old and devoted friends. For twelve years Air. Caldwell has written short stories de scribing western ife. most of which have been published in the Youth's Companion. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 43 WILLIAM LAAA'REXCE. Among the pioneer settlers and promi nent agriculturists of X'ickerson, Kansas, is William Lawrence, who was born in York shire, England, Alay 14, 1827. His father, AA'illiam Lawrence, was born in 1800 and died of smallpox at the early age of thirty- eight years, leaving children of whom the subject is the second child and oldest son. His mother was Alary Pocklington, who died a widow at the age of fifty-nine years. Our subject thus being left an orphan was bound out to a ,deep-sea captain and after serving for five years he continued to follow the sea until his twenty-second year. During that time he was wrecked three times, once on Prince Edwards Island, once near Yar mouth, vEngland, and the third time in the Irish Channel, barely escaping death. He was reared on the water, his father being a river man, serving as second mate and as first mate one year. His mother loved her boy and could not bear to have him exposed to the perils of the sea and for her sake he left the sea and came to America in 1849, when twenty-two years of age, the voyage from Liverpool to New Orleans consuming eight weeks. After coming to America he was for one vear on the Mississippi river running from St. Louis to Galena, Illinois, and on one of these trips he came near dying of cholera, but the clerk of the boat gave him some medicine which saved his life. Though his money was all gone he finally found his uncle, James Pocklington, in Ala- coupin county, Illinois, who was one of the early pioneers of the state, locating there in 1832 after spending seven weeks in X'ew York. He was a poor man and saw very hard times at first but afterward became well-to-do. AA'hen the Civil war was inaugurated our subject, AA'illiarn LaAvrence, enlisted as a private in August. 1861, in Company B, First Alissouri Cavalry Volunteers, and served until Julv. 186;. when he resigned on account of ill health, and was mustered out of the service as a first lieutenant, hav ing participated in forty-four battles, fear lessly defending the stars and stripes and the cause it represented. He has had many narrow escapes for his life by land and sea because of his fearless daring and faithful ness to duty, and believes that his mother is his guardian angel. As a souvenir of his experiences on the battlefield he has pre served his sword, and of his life as a sailor, a seaman's triangle. Air. Lawrence was first married in Gor- laston, England, when twenty-three years of age, but his wife died in seven months after their marriage, and her loss was so deeply felt by her husband that he remained a widower sixteen years and then was again married in Illinois, in 1866, to Aliss Nancy Johnson, by whom he had four children, but lost one. The mother was called to her final rest on the nth of July, 1873, when, thirty-five years of age. Five years later, in 1878. Air. Lawrence was united in marriage to Aliss Alartha Brigbtenst'ine, of Alahaska county, Iowa, who was born in Ashland county, Ohio. Her father, Peter Brighten- stine, moved to Iowa in 1848, when this daughter was ten years of age. By his sec ond wife, Air. Lawrence has three children. namely: Alay, wife of Frank Pittman, of Argentine, Kansas, and has one son; Emma, wife of AA'arren Smith, of the same place, and has four sons; and George A., a farmer, who has two sons and two daugh ters. The children by -the firsit marriage were Henry, who died in infancy, and Freddie, who died at the age of three years. Air. Lawrence owned several fanns in Illinois, which he bought and then sold or traded to good advantage, and in 1872 he drove his mule team from Illinois to Kansas, and after his wife's death, in the fall cf that year, he drove back with his children. Later he drove to Iowa and then in the spring drove back to his farm in Salt Creek township, Kansas, to the cabin home, which was fourteen by eigh teen feet and the first cabin in the town ship, as his present home is the fir=t house built twenty-one years ago. His farm consists of two hundred and forty acres cf excellent land, on which he does general farming, meeting with good success. 44 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the well tilled fields yielding abundant har vests and bringing to him a handsome in come. He is a very generous man and has spent much money in helping his friends. He also believes that one should enjoy some of the pleasures of life as well as its trials and labor, so he and his wife spent some time at the AA'orld's Fair at Chicago and left the farm for a few years and lived in one of the suburbs of Kansas City, but conclud ing that the dearest place on earth to them was the old home on the farm they returned to it and will there spend their remaining days. His wife has been a most faithful companion and helpmeet to her husband and a devoted mother to his motherless children and there are few, if any, happier couples to be found anywhere than Air. and Airs. Law rence. He is a stanch Republican in his political views and is one of the best known and highly respected citizens of Xickerson. JAMES AL HOLLAXD. Among the prominent farmers of Bell township, residing on section 19, is James AI. Holland who by industry and economy, combined with most excellent judgment, has become one of the substantial citizens of Kansas. His birth occurred in Sangamon county, Illinois, on Alay 27, 1857, and he is a grandson of Benjamin Holland, who at one time was a large slave owner and Kentucky planter. He was twice married, rearing two sons and three daughters by his first marriage and four children by the second marriage. The father of our sub ject was AA'illiam T. Holland and he was born in the Kentucky blue-grass region, on February 1, 183 1, and died in Langdon, in December, 1899. One of his brothers, Alonroe Holland, is a resident of Alis souri. The mother of Air. Holland, of this sketch, was Julia Ann Hurt, a native of Alenard county, Illinois, where she was married to A AVilliam Holland in 1852. They had a family of five sons and two daugh ters, all of whom still survive with the ex ception of Homer, who died in Atchison county, Kansas, about 1878. AA'illiam T. Holland was a carpenter by trade and came to Kansas from Sangamon county, Illinois, when our subject was a lad. He preempted one hundred and sixt}- acres of land in Kingman county, selling the same one year later and then bought one hun dred and sixty acres near Langdon, adjoin ing the property of his son-in-law, R. C. Aliller, and remained on that farm for twelve years, moving then into Langdon, where for several years he was postmaster and a justice of the peace, and was identi fied with the growth and development of the town. To tlie Alethodist church he was a liberal giver and both he and his wife were consistent members of the same. The hon ored mother of our subject still resides in Langdon. James Alonroe Holland enjoyed but limited school privileges during his youth in eastern Kansas, remaining with his fa ther and assisting in the farm work until his majority, coming then to his homestead. This consisted of one hundred and sixty acres of wild prairie land, and to subdue this wilderness and make of it the beautiful, well cultivated and fruitful farm which now attracts the eye and consoles the owner. Air. Holland was obliged' to set himself some hard tasks. He owned but little capi tal as far as money goes, but he was young, energetic and industrious, owned a pair of strong young horses, and during the first year he was able to break about forty acres of his land and sow it to wheat. He also built his log house, which was small, but snug and warm. He follows general farm ing and raises a considerable amount of stock, keeping from forty to sixty head of cattle and horses. He has been very suc cessful in raising- wheat and corn and in 1896 his land yielded three thousand bush els of that grain. Air. Holland wisely set out his orchards early and has one hundred and seventy-five bearing trees, thrifty and well cared for. He has never made the mistake of expecting his farm to do every thing that land in other locations and cli- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 45 mates might do, but he has studied its pos sibilities and has reaped most satisfactory results. Tlie first little home is attached as an outbuilding to his present handsome residence. All his life he has worked hard and although he has not retired, takes pleasure in the honest toil which brings its sure reward. The marriage of Air. Holland occurred on Xovember 29, 1885, to Aliss Ophelia Pry, who was a daughter, of Rev. John H. Pry, a prominent minister of the Baptist church, and the children born to this union are as follows: Cora B., thirteen years of age; Franklin D., five years of age; Elma, seven years of age; Raymond; and Xellie, who is a babe of seven months, all of them bright, intelligent children who promise to become the excellent citizens of the future. Air. Holland has been identified with the Republican party all his life, and has effi ciently served as constable and road over seer, while socially he is connected with the order of Alodern AA'oodmen. The rdigious connection of the family is with the Method ist church, where they are most highly es teemed. JESSE BROWX. Jesse Brown is a retired farmer and civil engineer living in the village of Alden. He was born in Israel township, Preble county, Ohio, on the 9th of February, 1835, and on the paternal side he is of AATelsh line age, while on the maternal side he is of English descent. His father, Thomas Brown, was born in Georgia, in 1785, and when twenty-one years of age went to Ohio. The grandfather of our subject was Sam uel Brown, a native of North Carolina and a representative of a family of Friends or Quakers. After arriving at years of ma turity Thomas Brown married Aliss Re becca Stubbs, who was born in Georgia, in 1793, and when a maiden of twelve sum mers was taken to the Buckeye state, where she remained until her marriage, which was celebrated in 181 5, when she was twenty- two years of age. Unto Air. and Airs. Brown were born twelve children, ten of whom reached mature years. Of this num ber seven were married and six have had children. Jesse Brown, whose name forms the caption of this review, was reared to agri cultural pursuits upon his father's large farm and was early inured to the labor of the field and meadow. He was also pro vided with good educational privileges, pur suing a high school course and also studied surveying. For thirteen years he has filled the position of county surveyor in Ohio and Kansas. Before leaving his native state he was married, on the 5th of June, 1 866, to Aliss Alargaret AIcBurney, a lady of Scotch- Irish descent, her people bdng connected with the Presbyterian church. There is but one son by this marriage, Elmer Brown, who is now the railroad station and ticket agent at St. John, Kansas. He was agent at Alden for twelve years, and in August, 1900, was transferred' to his present loca tion. He is married and has two children, a son and a daughter. It was in the spring of 1877 that Jesse Brown came to Kansas and purchased a claim of eighty acres for three hundred dol lars. There he engaged in farming for fif teen years, during which time he worked a wonderful transformation in the appearance of his land. He afterward owned another farm, but in 1893 ne r0°^ UP his abode at his present home in the village of Alden. He entered upon his business career with limited capital, owning a small farm in Ohio, on which there was an incumbrance. His determined purpose and resolute will, however, have enabled him to work his way steadily upward, overcoming all obsta cles in his path and surmounting all diffi culties. As the years have gone by he has added to his capital and to-day he is the possessor of a comfortable competence, • which enables him to enjoy rest from furth er toil. In his political views he is a Re publican. He is not a professor of religion, believing in deeds before creeds. He has, however, lived for sixty-six years without 46 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. using whisky or tobacco, and oaths never cross his lips. He is a man of sterling lien or, strict integrity and all who know him respect him for his genuine worth. JAMES P EXGEL. James P. Engel is an agriculturist and stock breeder of A'alley township, now car rying on a successful business. He was born in Northampton county, Pennsyl vania, April 13, 1846. and is a son of Charles and Ellen (Heller) Engel. The father was born about 18 10 and died in 1846, before the birth of their son James, who was his only child. Tlie mother was a daughter of Adam Heller, a native of Germany. She was thrice married, her first union being with John Bruch, by whom she had three children, rearing two sons, Adam and Andrew Bruch, who are yet living in Pennsylvania. Her third husband was Jacob Godshalk. In the state of his nativity James P. Engel was reared and the public schools af forded him his educational privileges. On the 1 8th of November, 1864, he was united in marriage, in Pennsylvania, to Aliss Clar issa Godshalk. a daughter of Jacob God shalk. She was born in Northampton county. Pennsylvania, December 10, 1847, and at the time of the marriage the groom was in his twenty-first year, while the bride was eighteen years of age. They removed to St. Joseph county, Alichigan, and were connected with farming interests there. Air. Engel continuing the operation cf rented land for a number of years and then pur chased property. He there remained alto gether for twelve years, after which he took his family to Indiana, settling in South Bend in 1872. However, he soon returned to Alichigan. and in the spring of 187S he came to Sterling, Kansas. Xot long after ward he settled on a pre-emption claim of eighty acres north of Alden, and there re mained for four years, after which he was engaged in business in Sterling for six years. On the expiration of that period he ' purchased his present farm, comprising one hundred and sixty acres of the Santa Fe ! Railroad Company paying eleven hundred dollars for the wild land, upon which not a furrow had been turned or an improvement made. Fourteen years ago, in the spring of 1S87, he removed to : the farm and has since made it his home. In 1S84 he had erected a part of his resi- | dence thereon and it was occupied by a ten- i ant until he concluded to make it his home. He has constructed all of the buildings on the farm and planted all of the trees, includ ing a good orchard of apple, cherry and peach trees. His fine, large red barn was built in 1899. He has for a number of years been engaged in the breeding of pure I blooded Shorthorn cattle, carrying on this I industry for more than two decades. He : also grows wheat, corn and broom corn, and in both departments of his business he is meeting with creditable success. Air. Engel served for one year during | the Civil war, joining the army in the fall : of 1S62. as a member of Company I, One i Hundred and Fifty-third Pennsylvania In- j fantry. He was taken prisoner at Chancel- lorsville and held in captivity for two long ' months, enduring many ot the hardships of | prison life. He has always been a loyal | citizen, as true to the interests of his coun try as when he followed the stars and stripes upon southern battlefields. In his political affiliations he is now a Populist and was ! formerly a Republican, but he largely votes independently. For one year he served as | township treasurer and for several years he | was a member of the school board. He be longs to the Grand Army of the Republic and for three years was sergeant at arms ' in his post. His religious faith is indicated by his connection with the Alethodist Epis copal church, in which he has been trustee, steward and Sunday-school superintendent ! for several years. The home of Air. and Airs. Engel has \ been blessed with four sons. Elmer Franklin, who was born April 7, 1868, in Plainfield, Xorthampton county, Pennsvl- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 47 vania, pursued his education in the Ster ling high school, after which he engaged in teaching for three terms and then took a five years' course in the State University, be ing graduated with high honors in the dass of 1892. He then became an assistant pro fessor in that institution, in which he had won the degree of bachelor of arts, and after pursuing a post-graduate course in Han-ard College he won the degree of master of arts. He is now pro fessor of German in the State Uni versity and is one of the prominent educa tors of Kansas. He is a man of fine personal appearance and of high mental and moral worth. On the 27th of June, 1891, he mar ried Aliss Essie Powers, and they have two sons and two daughters. AA'illiam Ezra, the second member of the Engel family, was born in St. Joseph county, Alichigan, June 10, 1873, and is a farmer, living upon a tract of land adjoining his father's prop erty. He has a wife and one daughter. Raymond Jacob, who is married and has one son, also resides upon a farm in this lo cality. Frederick Austin, born June 27, 1882, is a young man at home. He acquired a good education and is now of great as sistance to his father in carrying on the home farm. Air. and Airs. Engel are both young appearing people and are justly Proud of thdr children and grandchildren. For thirty-seven years they have traveled life's journey together, sharing with each other in its joys and sorrows, its adversity and prosperity, and, though they had to work hard in early life, they are now sur rounded by all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. WILLIAM B. KIXG. AA'illiam B. King is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Barton county, Kansas, who came to this portion of the state when the work of progress and development lay in the future. Only a few enterprising men from the east had come to this locality to establish homes and reclaim the wild land for purposes of civilization. Throughout the intervening years he has watched with interest the progress that has been made as the raw prairie has been converted into good farms and as towns and villages have sprung up, while churches and school- houses have been built and the modern im provements of a thriving and enterprising community have been added. He has borne his part in the work of development and his name is thus inseparably connected with the history of the county. Air. King Avas born in Greene county, Illinois, near Carrollton, June 19, 1844, and is a son of Samud P. and grandson of Isaac King, who was a native of Ireland and emigrated to America in colonial days. He became one of the heroes of the Revo lutionary war and aftenvard located upon a farm in Tennessee, where he reared a large family. Samuel P. King was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, and about 1836 re moved to Greene county, Illinois, locating upon a farm. He died in Carrollton. at the age of fifty-two years. On the 14th of No vember, 1832, he had married Aliss Eliza beth Sawyer, a native of Alabama, who died when about sixty years of age. Their children were : Rebecca, Sarah, Alary. Alar- tha, Jane, William B., Tletha, John, George and Etta. In the usual manner of farmer lads of the period AA^illiam B. King spent the days of his childhood and youth until 1861, when, on the 15th of October, he responded to the president's call for troops, although only seventeen years of age, joining Com pany B of the Sixty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and remained at the front until honorably discharged on the 25th of October, 1865, having in the meantime re-enlisted in the same company and regiment and partici pated in many hotly contested engagements, but was only once injured, being wounded in the battle of Nashville on the 14th of December, 1864, when he had the third fing er of his left hand shot off. His was a most creditable military record, for his valor and gallantry was displayed upon man}- a south- 48 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ern battle-field. AA'hen the war was over he returned to his home in Greene county, where he followed farming and railroading until June, 1877, when he came to Barton county and pre-empted land in Eureka township, thus becoming the owner of a quarter section. He at once began improv ing the property and also worked on the railroad. After a time he traded his first tract of land for another farm, which is to day owned by C. Samuels, and there he re sided until 1892, during which time he erected good buildings and planted a large orchard, which was the best in the county when he disposed of the property. It con tained one hundred and seventy-five bear ing fruit trees and a large amount of small fruit. In 1892 Air. King sold his property in Barton county and removed to Califor nia, where he remained! until 1895, when he returned and resumed fanning, which pursuit claimed his attention for two years. He then took up his abode at Hoisington, where he conducted the Arlington Hotel un til 1900, at which time he came to Great Bend, where he is practically living retired. However, he purchased the Arcade Hotd, in which he resides but rents out the greater part of that property. He also has charge of the city park. Air. King was united in marriage to Aliss Alary Pinkerton, a daughter of James AI. Pinkerton. a native of Tennessee, and a granddaughter of James Pinkerton, Sr., who was likewise born in Tennessee, but in an early day removed to Greene countv, Illi nois, where he carried on agricultural pur suits until his life's labors were ended in death when he was about seventy years of age. His children were: AA'illiam, AA'illie, Randall. John F., Alary. Alartha. Rebecca, Rhoda, Paulina and James AL The last named, tlie father of Airs. King, was a cooper by trade, and at an early period removed to Alonmouth, Illinois, whence he afterward went to Iowa, where his death occurred in 1883. His wife, who' bore the maiden name of Jane C. Reynolds, was born in X'orth Carolina and died in 1876. Their children were : Cecelia Ann, Annie J., Sarah E., James B., Alary. Alartha, Da vid and John. The marriage of Air. and Airs. King has been blessed with eight chil dren, namely: Sarah E.. wife of George Brisbie; Alary J., wife of Elena Crawford; Calvin, deceased: twin sons who died in in fancy; Iva AL. who has passed away: Ger trude, wife of Joseph AA'oodburn: and Leon Pearl, who has departed this life. Socially Air. King is connected with the Alasonic fraternity, in which he has taken the Royal Arch degree, and with the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias societies. In the blue lodge of Alasonry and the Knights of Pythias fraternity he is now holding office. He is also a member and the commander of the Grand Army Post at Great Bend and thus maintains pleasant re lations with his old army comrades with whom he fought for the preservation of the Union on the battlefields of the south. JAMES RYTHER. After a long and honorable career as a brick and stone contractor, James Ryther is now practically living retired at his pleasant home in Hutchinson, surrounded by a large circle of friends, who hold him in the highest regard. Born in Erie coun ty, Pennsylvania. August 24. 1838. he is a son of Hiram A. Ryther. a native of the Empire state, his birth having occurred in Oneida county, in 1807. The first of the family to locate in America was Adolphus Ryther. the grandfather of our subject, who came with a brother to this country about 1780, locating in the Black River country, in XeAv York, near AA'atertown. where he spent the remainder of his days, passing away in death about 18 14. The family, it is believed, is of pure English descent, and as far back as its history can be traced its members have been natural mechanics and artists. The name is a very uncommon one, and it is therefore believed that Ryther' s map of the city of London, published in 1600, a copy of which is now in the posses- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 49 sion of our subject, is the work of one of his ancestors. A daughter of Adolphus Ry ther, Dorothy, married David Shell, who be came prominent in the early Canadian re bellion. He was captured by the British and banished to the L mited States. Hiram A. Ryther, the father of our sub ject, was only seven years of age when his father died, and at that early age he Avas thrown largdy upon his own resources. AA Tien a young man he Avas noted for his great strength and endurance, and could cut more grain Avith a cradle in a day than any other one person in that locality. He Avas united in marriage to Cynthia AA'ood, a na tive of the Empire state, but she died at the early age of thirty-six years, leaA'ing tAvo daughters, — Alary. av1io became the Avife of O. S. Boughton and died in Berrien county, Alichigan, and Alartha, who .passed aAvay in the same locality, and Avas the Avife of J. S. Haskins. For his second Avife Air. Ryther chose Caroline Stancliff, a daughter of Charles Stancliff, and that union Avas blessed Avith five children, namely : James, the sub ject of this review: Franklin, who died in battle during the Civil war ; Solon, .deceased ; Alice, Avidow of Frank Pugh, Avho Avas a milhvright by trade and died in Alinne- apolis, Minnesota, and in that city his AvidoAv Avas a matron -for a number of years in the St. Barnabas Hospital ; and Ellen D., the Avife of Arthur Grey, a farmer of Lynch, Nebraska. About 1833 Hiram A. Ryther began op erating a saAA-mill about twenty miles from Buffalo, New York, Avhich he continued for the folloAving ten years, and our subject noAV has in his possession a turning tool used in the first mill built by his father in Edentown, that state. On leaving the Empire state in I843, with his Avife and five children, Air. Ryther drove to Alichigan, spending about five weeks on the road, and on thdr arrival in that state the family located in Sodus township, Berrien county. There the father purchased forty acres of land in the dense timber, erected a log cabin and began the arduous task of clearing his farm and plac ing his fields under cultivation. In addition to his agricultural pursuits his time was also employed as a millwright, ship carpenter and house builder. In 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil Avar, he enlisted in Company L, Third Alichigan Cavalry, entering the army in the fall of that year, arid in the folloAving spring he Avas discharged on account cf dis ability. He Avas confined in camp during a long period, and his death occurred six months after he had received his discharge. His son Frank also entered the same com pany during that struggle, and Avas killed in a skirmish near Rienzi, Alississippi. An other son, Solon, became a member of Com pany L, in 1864, and Avas ordered to the front, but died of measles on the Avay. In that year James, our subject, anSAvered to the last draft issued, but as his Avife and sis ter Avere both dangerously ill at the time a substitute Avas secured for him. The death of the mother of these children occurred in Nebraska, in 1890, Avhile residing Avith her daughter, Airs. Ellen D. Grey, passing aAvay in the faith of the United Brethren church, of Avhich he Avas a Avorthy and consistent member. Air. Ryther became an influential and prominent citizen of his locality, and in his political affiliations he Avas first a AArhig and afterAvard a Republican, ever taking an active interest in the progress and Avelfare of his party and Avas a great admirer of Grant. He held the office of justice of the peace Avhile residing in Michigan, and throughout his entire career he did all in his poAver for the adA'ancement and betterment of his fellow men. James Ryther, the immediate subject of this revieAv, enjoyed the educational ad vantages afforded by the common schools of Berrien county, Alichigan, and during his youth and early manhood he also assisted his father in the difficult task" of clearing and improving neAv land. After the close of the Civil Avar he cleared a timber farm on the shore of Lake Alichigan, the tract consist ing cf forty acres, fifteen acres of Avhich he planted Avith fruit trees, and in 187 1 he shipped three thousand baskds of choice peaches from his orchard to the Chicago market. Shortly aftenvard, hoAvever, a pe- 50 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. culiar disease affected the trees of that lo cality, almost ruining his orchard, and this, together with the financial crisis of 1S72, compelled him to sacrifice his place. In Feb ruary, 1S74, he came to the SunfloAver state, first locating at Emporia, where he Avas em ployed as a gardener and in stone and brick work until July, 1S76, Avhen he came to the city of Hutchinson, and during the first two years and a half of his residence here resided on East A avenue, subsequently purchasing lots adjoining and thereon erected a mag nificent residence, the structure costing thir ty-one hundred dollars. It was located at No. 32S A avenue, and Avas beautifully and tastefully furnished throughout. For a time Air. Ryther conducted a large and profitable business in this city as a stone and brick contractor, employing many men, and he shipped into Hutchinson nearly all of the heavy stone used in the erection of its build ings. He superintended the brick and stone Avork in the erection of the Avater Avorks, built the Atwood flats, and many of the fin est residences and public buildings of the tOAvn stand as monuments to his skill and ability. He also put in the first curb and gutter work in the city of Hutchinson. After building up a large arid lucrative trade in this line he admitted a partner into the busi ness, but the latter proved dishonest, and Air. Ryther Avas again compelled to part Avith his beautiful home. The next resi dence Avhich he erected Avas on B and Elm street, built at a cost of fifteen hundred dol lars, and aftenvard, on East Fourth street, he erected a one-thousand^dollar residence. His present residence, located at 328 East Ninth street, Avas erected in 1899, also at a cost of one thousand dollars, and is an at tractive and commodious dwelling. Air. Ryther has built in all five or six residences, but by a strange and fatal combination of circumstances, dishonesty of partners, sick ness of himself and family and the bursting of the great boom in Hutchinson, — each one has been SAvept from him in turn, and eight years ago, on account of failing health, he was compelled to abandon his trade, after Avhich he took up gardening, at one time having as many as forty lots under his care. He has also deA-oted a portion of his time to the setting out of shade trees in this city, and thus has assisted not a little in adding to the atractive appearance of this beauti ful little city. Another branch of his busi ness has been that of a correspondent to sev eral papers, including the Hutchinson News, the Kansas AA'orkman, and the Select Knights. During recent years, hoAvever, he has been greatly troubled Avith fail ing eyesight, and at one time he spent eighty-one days in Dr. Pitt's hospital at St. Joseph, Avhere he undenvent three opera tions, but his sight is still very poor. In 1862, in Berrien county, Alichigan, was celebrated the marriage of Air. Ryther and Aliss Frances A. Alillard, a native of NeAV Hampshire and a daughter of Na thaniel and Martha (Skinner) Alillard, the former a native of Troy, NeAV York, and the latter of A'ermont. The grandfather of Airs. Ryther, Charles Alillard, Avas a native son of the Empire state, and his father, Jonathan Alillard, Avas the first of the fam ily to locate on American soil. AA'ith tAvo brothers, Nehemiah and Thomas, he Avas driven from England to France on account of his Huguenot principles, and in 1638 they came to this country, locating in Alartha's Vineyard. The family coat of arms con sisted of a stag feeding on a hill and an ermine, and their motto Avas "Fortune fa vors the brave." Airs. Ryther has been called to her final rest. She Avas one of a family of eight children, namely : Charles O., who served throughout the Civil Avar as a member of the Fourteenth Brooklyn In fantry, but as a result of his army experi ence he became broken in health and his death occurred on the 10th of June, 1900; George B., avIio served in the Ninth Illi nois Cavalry as a sergeant, and died of apo plexy on his Avay home from the army; Frances A., the wife of our subject. A\ho died on the 10th of February, 1900; Helen, Avho died at Caswell, Xew York, at the age of nineteen years ; Louise, Avho is employed as our subject's housekeeper; Bessie, Avife of Rey. S. Hendrick, a retired minister of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hutchinson; David J., Avho died in Clay- ville, NeAV York, in 1852; and Armenia, who died AA-hen only eleAen months old. The daughter Louise is a lady of much literary ability, and during the past twelve years has contributed many valuable articles to both eastern and A\-estem periodicals. The union of Air. and Airs. Ryther Avas blessed Avith three children. The eldest, Charles S., a contractor and builder, is noAV traveling for his health. He is known throughout the Avest as big Tex, and since sixteen years of age much of his time has been spent in the southwest, largely among scouts and hunt ers. At different times he has been em ployed as a cowboy and stage driver, and he has also traveled Avith Buffalo Bill's show, encountering many thrilling adventures in the Avest. The second son, H. B., is em ployed as foreman for the_ Grant County NeAvs, and the youngest child, Fred J., died in Hutchinson. In political matters Air. Ryther is an ardent Republican, 'and many times has served as a delegate to county conventions. Socially he is a member of the Ancient Or der of United AA'orkmeh, the Select Knights and Ladies, and has attained a degree of honor in the Fraternal Aid. GEORGE N. MOSES. It is the enterprise and character of the citizen that enrich and ennoble the common- Avealth. From individual enterprise has sprung all the splendor and importance of this great Avest. The greatest merchants haA'e evolved from the humblest origins. From clerkships have emerged men who have built great enterprises. America is a self-made country, and those Avho haA-e cre ated it are self-made men. No influence of birth or fortune has favored the architects of her glory. Among those Avho have achieved prominence as men of marked abil ity and substantial Avorth in Great Bend is the subject of this sketch, George X'. Aloses, Avho occupies a prominent- position. No man in this city has been more closely cr prominently identified Avith its upbuilding and improvement. He has been the pro moter of all of its most important enter prises and from an early day has been a potent factor in the progress which has led to its present prosperity. The Avise system of industrial economics which has been brought to bear in the de- vdopment of Great Bend has challenged uni form admiration, for Avhile there has been steady advancement in material lines there has been an entire absence of that inflation of values and that erratic "booming" Avhich have in the past proved the eventual death knell to many of the localities in the Avest where "mushroom tOAvns" have one day smiled forth Avith "all modern improve ments" and practically on the next have been shorn of thdr glories and of their pos sibilities of stable prosperity until the exist ing order of things shall have been radically, changed. In Great Bend progress has been made continuously and in safe lines, and in the healthful grOAvth and advancement of the city Air. Aloses has taken an active part. George N. Aloses was born in Olean, Cattaraugus county, NeAV York, April 15, 1844, his parents being Anson G. and Alary Ann (Bonn) Aloses. The father Avas a mason by trade and engaged" in contracting along that line, spending most of his busi ness life in Philadelphia, NeAV York city and at other points in the Empire state. He did much contrading for the NeAV York & Lake Erie Railroad during the period of its construction. In 1855 he removed to Rock ford, Illinois, but died Avhile visiting in NeAV York, at the age of sixty-five years. His Avife passed aAvay at the age of seventy-nine. They Avere the parents of fourteen children, and with the exception of two all reached mature years. They are as folloAVS : Lou isa; Lucinda; Francis; Adeline; Reuben H., Avho died in early childhood ; Anson ; Reuben H., the second of the name; Theodore; Alarv ; George XT. ; Emma ; Laura ; Charles and EdAvard. George XT. Aloses pursued his education in the public schools until 1861, AA*hen, at 52 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the age of seA-enteen years, he offered his services to his country, enlisting as a mem ber of Company I, Fifteenth Illinois Infan try: He Avas Avounded near Memphis, Ten nessee, having the fore finger of his right hand shot away. He Avas then discharged on account of disability, but re-enlisted in 1864. becoming* first sergeant of his com pany, and Avith that rank he served until the close of tlie Avar. He then Avent to Se- dalia, Alissouri, Avhere he Avas on the police force for a time. Aftenvard he made his Avay to Leavemvorth, Kansas, Avhere he joined a company en route for Arizona. He Avas then engaged in prospecting from April, 1867. until 1 87 1. This brought him in con tact with tlie Avild Avest and he experienced all kinds of hardships, several months pass ing in Avhich the men of the party did not even see a hut. He engaged in hunting buffaloes and acting as scout over the plains. AA hile in Saline, Kansas, he became ac quainted with Luther Alorris. of Quincy, Illinois, a man famous as a builder of toAvns. Air. Alorris sought the senices of Air. Aloses to pilot him over the country, and to the site of Great Bend they at length made their Avay. Air. Aloses had ridden all over this country hunting buffaloes Avhen these animals Avere seen in herds as far as the eye could reach, the herds bdng so dense that it Avas dangerous to drive through them. Our subject conducted Air. Alorris to Bar ton county and they located on AAralnut creek, near a spring, and established a tOAvn site on secton 34. Air. Aloses secured a quarter section of land Avhere the tOAvn is noAV located and built a foundation for a building, but a combination of the railroad and land site companies Avas made, and this company concluded that Air. Aloses had a better tract of land than they could secure; so he disposed of his interests to them and took another quarter section further Avest. Here the Quincy ToAvnship Company built a shed. Avhich was constructed bv Lewis Fry. The men Avere then retained to erect other buildings, including a hotel, a store and a dance hall. Air. Alorris had his office in the hall. Among the first settlers Avere Air. O'Dell and P. Sneck, and T. L. Stone Avas proprietor of the first store Avhich Avas con ducted in the hotel. Thus the Avork of build ing a tOAvn and promoting its interests Avas carried on. Air. Aloses secured the north west quarter of section 32, iioav OAAiied by D. AA'. Heizer, and planted a fine grove of shade trees. This AA-as in 1872. and the groAe to-day is the finest in the county. In con nection with Samuel Hefty and J. F. Tilton he dug a hole, intending to make a dugout, and put on a log on Avhich to pile the brush,' but the Avork Avas never completed, although Air. Aloses slept in the hole for a long time. AA'hen it rained he had to sit up, but he never caught cold, the free out-door life enjoyed by the pioneers bringing to them iron con stitutions. Their principal food Avas game, but as the years passed and tlie country be came more thickly settled railroads Avere built and all of the comforts of ciA-ilization Avere added. After a time Air. Aloses erected a house, Avhich he enlarged in 1886, and it still stands on the ranch iioav OAvned by Air. Heizer. Since that time Air. Aloses has pur chased and sold and partly improved many places, and his oavii home is a beautiful resi dence of brick built in modern style of archi tecture. This is one of the largest and most attractive homes Avithin the county and Avas built by Air. Heizer. Since the time of his arrival in Barton county our subject has contributed in large measure to the progress and enterprises cal culated to prove of public benefit as AA"dl as to promote the prosperity of those financially interested. He yet oaviis much property in Great Bend. He established the largest hardware store, and in this Avas associated Avith his brother. Ed R. Aloses. After a time they added other lines of goods, thus introducing a department store, Avhich is still carried on by the brother. Our sub ject oaa-iis valuable farming lands and is connected Avith the ice plant and many other interests of the city. He is a man of excel lent business and executive ability, and his Avise counsd and sound judgment have been important factors in the successful control of many business interests in this place. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 53 Along another line Air. Aloses has been of great benefit to the city, by inducing sub stantial men to locate here and found busi ness interests and promote commercial act ivity, Avhereon depends the Avelfare and progress of every tOAvn. He is one of the prime movers and is financially interested in the Lake Koen irrigation and navigation scheme, which Avill improve land in this vi1 cinity and will also prove a pleasure resort, making the lake one of the finest bodies of Avater in central Kansas. Air. Aloses Avas united in marriage to Aliss Ida A. Alitchell, of Quincy, Illinois, and they haAe two adopted children, — Alor ris and Susie. Socially Air. Aloses is con nected Avith the Alasonic fraternity, in Avhich he has taken the degrees of the blue lodge and commandery. He is noAV a past master and has filled other offices in those organizations. Avhile in the Independent Or der of Odd FelloAvs he" is past grand. He Avas a charter member of the lodge and sen-ed for fourteen years as noble grand. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity and to the Fraternal Aid. He served as the first sheriff of the county, filling the position from 1871 until 1875 inclusively. He has also been county com missioner and has sened as a member of the city council and as mayor of Great Bend. He is a man of splendid capability and broad resource — a typical representative of the American spirit Avhich Avithin the past century has achieved a Avork that once arouses the admiration and astonishment of the Avorld. SAA1SOX FULTOX. Samson Fulton, the efficient night fore man of the Vincent Salt AA'orks, of Hutch inson. AAas born in Jackson county, Ohio, on the 27th of December, 1857, a son of Hugh and Catherine (Dixon) Fulton, and a grandson of Hugh Fulton, Sr.. Avho Avas a native of Ohio, and AA*as of Scotch de scent. The father of our subject Avas reared in the vicinity of Zanesville, Ohio, and in early life Avas engaged at the carpenter's trade, but later turned his attention to farming, in which occupation he is still en gaged, owning a valuable homestead of one hundred and seventy acres in Scioto county, Ohio. Throughout his entire life he has taken a prominent part in the affairs of his locality, and in political matters he is a sup porter of Republican principles, Avhile in his religious convictions he is a Baptist. His first Avife died Avhen our subject Avas but a child, leaving a son and a daughter! and the latter, Lucretia, is noAA" the Avife of Frank Martin, an express messenger in Chicago. For his second Avife Air. Fulton chose Jane Shoemaker, and of their six children five a^e now living. Samson Fulton, of this revieAv, Avas left motherless Avhen only tAvo and a half years of age, and from that time until he Avas eight years old his home Avas in the family of his grandmother Dixon, in Jackson coun ty. Ohio. He then returned to his father. Avhere he remained until sixteen years cf age, and he then again entered the home of his maternal grandmother, there continuing until his twenty-first year. Deciding to re- moA'e to the Avest, he took up his abode in Barton county, Alissouri, Avhere he Avas en gaged at farm labor for several years, and for the following tAvo years he carried on that business on his oAvn account on rented land. The year 1886 Avitnessed his arrival in the Sunflower state, locating at Cimar ron, the county seat of Gray county, where for a time he Avas engaged in the manu facture of brick. For a year and a half thereafter he Avas employed as a salesman in a general store; from that point Avent to Kansas City, Avhere he had charge of a transfer company ; Avent thence to • Butler, Bates county. Avhere for six months he Avas foreman of a livery stable: and from that city came to Hutchinson, Kansas. In July, 1889, Air. Fulton became an employe of the Vincent Salt AA'orks, in the packing depart ment, but his energy. perseA-erance and Avell known reliability soon secured for him a pro motion and for the past eleven years he has sen-ed as foreman of the evaporating de- 54 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY partment. This long senice AA-ith one cor poration illustrates in no uncertain manner his trustAvorthiness and ability, and his en tire business career demonstrates Avhat may be accomplished Avhen perseA'erance and de termination form the keynote to a man's life. During the past five years Air. Ful ton has also been engaged on a limited scale in the breeding of fine horses. In Barton county, Alissouri. on the 25th ci April, 1880, Air. Fulton Avas united in marriage to Ellen J. Weir, a daughter of James and Alary ( Hogland) AA'eir, and the parents and daughter are natives of Indi ana. One son has been born unto this union, Charles S., Avho Avas one of the organizers and is now a member of the Globe Coffee Company, of Hutchinson. The Republican party receives Air. Fulton's hearty support and co-operation, and in his social relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs. the Alodern AA'oodmen cf America, the Fraternal Aid, and the Inde pendent Order of Red Alen. Both he and his Avife are connected Avith the Rebekah ledge cf the Odd FelloAvs. AATLLIAAI E. PIERCE. AA'illiam E. Pierce, Avho since 1S77 na? been a resident of Rice county and for for ty-two years has made his home in Kansas. noAV resides on section 20, AA'ilson toAvn- ;hip, Avhere he oaviis and operates a good farm. He Avas born in Greene county, Ten nessee, on the 7th of Alarch, 1852, and is a son of Isaac AI. Pierce, a native of eastern Virginia. His mother bore the maiden name of Anna Robinson and Avas a native of Tennessee. For some time after their marriage the parents resided in the latter state, and then came Avest to Kansas bv steamboat and rail, locating first at Leav- emvorth, in 1859. A settlement Avas made in Atchison county, near Pardee, and they Avere pioneer people of that region. Sub sequently they remoA-ed to Springdale. in LeaAenAvorth countA*. Avhere theA* remained for two or three years, when they took up their abode in Leavenworth city, Kansas. there residing until January. 1867. In that year the family returned to Tennessee, and the parents died at Jefferson county, that state, the mother passing away at the age of fifty-one, the father at the age of fifty- four. He possessed considerable mechani cal ingenuity and was a AAagon-maker and machinist. Both he and his wife were mem bers of the Society of Friends and were people of the highest respectability, enjoying the confidence and regard of all who knew them. The}" had eleA-en children, of Avhom nine are living, namely: Airs. Alan- Rus sell, of Kansas : Airs. Amanda Battersby, of Saline county : A. K, who is liA-ing in Sa line county and aaIio sen-ed as a soldier in the Civil AAar; Airs. Sarah P. Stanley, of Saline; George, who is living in the same county; AA'illiam E., of this reA"iew: Joseph, of Arizona; Charles E.. cf Ottawa county, Kansas: Nate R., wh? is a resident of NeAv Alexico; Casper, who died at tlie age of twenty-two years ; and Alartha, who died at the age of seventeen years. AA'illiam E. Pierce was reared in the citv and county of LeaA-enAVorth and recdAed his education in the district and city schools. He entered upon his business career as a coav boy in the western part of the state of Dakota. In the latter place he Avas employed by a Air. Powers, a Avdl known cattle deal er and drover of Kansas. In 1876 Air. Pierce took up his abode in the southeastern portion of EllsAA-orth county, on Alule creek, where he remained for one A-ear. He then came to Rice county, locating AAhere the Ira Brothers noAV reside, there making his home until 1S83, AA-hen he sold that farm and pur chased a tract of land on section 20, AA'il son township. Here he has tAvo hundred and forty acres of land. This is one of the farms first settled in tlie county and is a tract of rich land, splendidly improved Avith all modern accessories and conveniences. The house is substantial and the outbuild ings are kept in good repair. Corn cribs and granaries are full of grain and everything about the place is neat and thrifty in appear- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 55 ance, indicating the progressive supervision of the OAvner. Near the house is a good grove of five acres, for this Avas a timber claim. There is also an apple orchard con taining three acres. Air. Pierce folloAvs general farming and stock raising, and his labors are attended Avith a richly mer ited success. He has Avitnessed the de velopment in the county and has con tributed in a large measure to its sub stantial upbuilding. At an early day he spent several Aveeks on Little river, putting up hay on the old Hutchinson cattle ranch. He also carried the mail for the United States government from Lindsburg to Hutchinson in pioneer days, and Avhile traversing his route he saAV many buffaloes on the plains. He has watched Avith com mendable interest the Avork of civilization and progress and in every way possible he has aided and abetted in the movements for improvement and upbuilding. In 1882 Air. Pierce Avas united in mar riage, in AA'ilson township, Rice county, to Aliss Frances Buckles, Avho Avas born in Lee county, IoAva, near Fort Aladison, a daughter of Robert and Alargaret (Anders) Buckles. The father is noAV a resident of Sterling, Kansas, but the mother has passed aAvay. In the family Avere two children, — Airs. Frances Pierce and Libby Rye, the lat ter of Iowa. The father is a mechanic and harnessmaker by trade, but for a number of years has engaged in farming in Rice county. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Pierce has been blessed Avith two children: Olive E., Avho Avas born January 9, 1883 ; and George H., born March 31, 1885. Both Air. and Airs. Pierce hold membership in the Wesleyan Methodist church, and they take an active part in the church and Sunday- school Avork, doing all in their power to pro mote the cause of Christianity among thdr felloAv men. Thdr support is not Avithheld from educational interests and is given in hearty measure to all movements for the general good. One of the honored pioneers of the county, Mr. Pierce has Avitnessed its development from the days Avhen this por- ¦ tion of Kansas Avas upon the frontier, Avhen much of its land Avas unclaimed and the greater part of it Avas still in its primitive condition. As the years have passed, Iioav- ever, the Avild prairie has been transformed into richly cultivated fields and the county has become the home of a prosperous and contented people, Avhose united efforts haAe gained Rice county a place among the lead ing counties of the commonwealth. JAMES HIBBERT. Our mother country, England, has con tributed to the United States an element of our population Avhich has afforded an ex ample of industrious endeavor and Avell earned success that has not been Avithout its effect in many^Avays in our general pros perity. Kansas has had her share of settlers of English birth and has been glad ahvays to Avelcome them. One of the most prominent citizens of the class in Reno county under consideration is James Hibbert, Avho is a farmer on section 2j, Hayes tOAvnship, and whose postoffice is at Sylvia. Mr. Hibbert Avas born in Lancashire, England, July 21, 1840, and AAas early in structed in the engraA-er's trade, at Avhich he Avorked from the time he AA'as fifteen years old until he Avas tAventy-fiAe, in his native land. He was married October 27, 1864, to Miss Hannah AIcGillivray, of Alanches- ter, England, Avho aa^s born October 29, 1 84 1. When he had attained to his twenty- sixth year Air. Hibbert came to the United States. He went to Kansas Avithout much means and homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land, on AA'hich he lived eight years in a box house, one story high and of the dimensions tAvelve by fifteen feet. He then built his present large modern house. He groAvs corn,-Avheat and other grains, but gives particular attention to corn and wheat, often planting one hundred and sixty acres to corn and soAving tAvo hundred acres to Avheat. For many years he and his Avife both Avorked hard, early and late, but during the last three years they have been resting from 56 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. their labors. They have taken great pleas ure in planting fruit and shade trees and in improving their home farm othenvise, and thev have given some time to travel and have spent some Aveeks in Chicago, Illinois, Avhere three sisters of Air. Hibbert have lived for tAventy-six years. Air. Hibbert is the OAvner of four hundred and eighty acres of fine land, of Avhich he cultivates all except sev enty acres. In politics he is a Republican and he has ably filled the offices of toAvnship clerk and justice of the peace. He and his good Avife are both communicants of the Protestant Episcopal church. James and Hannah ( AIcGillivray) Hib bert have had eight children : Salina, Avho died at the age of ten months; Sarah E., Avho married Ferdinand Aliller, of Okla homa, and the}- have had three sons ; Anna, the Avife of Charles P. Aliller, Jr. ; John, Avho is married and lives in Oklahoma; AA'illiam Emory, Avho Avas killed July 28, 1890, at the age of twenty-six years, by the explosion of a traction engine, and he left a Avidow : Hannah, Avho married George Crapo a farmer of Reno county, and has one son; Matilda, Avho is a member of her father's household, as is also the daughter Emily. JAAIES STEVENS AIAY, AI. D. Few citizens of the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, are more highly esteemed than is Dr. James Stevens Alay, of this short biog raphy, Avho bears the name of being a fine scholar, a ready and witty Avriter, a genial companion, and one who has long been dis tinguished in the Alasonic fraternity. He comes of honorable ancestry. Llis great grandfather, AA'illiam Alay, Avas a resident of Kentucky, at the time Avhen Daniel Boone Avas fighting savages and civilizing that state, and Air. Alay Avas shot by the Indians from ambush, and Avhen his horse galloped into camp it carried his dead body. Francis Alay, the son of AA'illiam and the grandfather of our subject, Avas prominent in military circles, serving Avith General Harrison. AndreAv Alay, Avho Avas the father of Dr. Alay, Avas born in Kentucky and»came to Indiana in 1816, the same year that it Avas admitted into the Union. As pioneers he and family cleared up a fine farm from the timber, succeeding Avhere others failed, both on account of fine physical conditions and by the industry and energy Avhich have char acterized the Avhole family. Those Avere the days of rail-splitting, and our subject can recall his feat of splitting as many as tAvo hundred and fifty in one day, doing tAvice as much as his brothers Avere able to accomplish in the same time. He Avas much interested in educational matters, and he contributed an acre of his land for the erection of a log schoolhouse, the AvindoAvs haA'ing greased paper in place of unobtainable glass and puncheon floor and slabs for benches. In those days in that locality books Avere rare and it was almost as difficult then to get an education as it noAV is to escape one. Tlie alphabet Avas learned by our subject from letters Avhich Avere cut from paper and pasted on a board, other ingenious methods being also used. X'o advance is more marked than that Avhich has been made in proA'ision for the education of the children in the public schools. Air. Alav became a local preacher in the Alethodist church and Avas a most Avorthy and highly esteemed citizen. His marriage Avas to a most estimable lady, and our subject had a number of brothers and sisters, seven of the former being loyal and patriotic soldiers in the Civil Avar, two of them giving their lives to their country, — Simon P., Avho Avas killed at Perrysville, Kentucky on October 8, 1862, and Henry, who Avas taken prisoner at Shiloh, and died about one year later. Dr. Alay of this sketch Avas born 0,1 a farm in Orange county, Indiana, on Aoril 1, 1S45, and Avas a son of his father's sec ond marriage, with Airs. (Stevens) Peters, Avhose first husband Avas a cousin of the late distinguished Judge Gresham, of Chicago, and Avas a brigadier-general in the Civil war. Our subject Avas given the best school privileges possible, as related above, and be ing very ambitious applied himself so closely BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 57 that at the age of seventeen years he Avas engaged in teaching school, continuing for five years, in the meantime studying medi cine, and Avas enabled to begin practice in the spring of 1868. In 1875 he received the degree of Doctor of Aledicine from the In diana Aledical College at Indianapolis. Until 1877 he folloAved his profession in Daviess county, Indiana, and then decided to try the great Avest, removing to Kansas and locating in Reno county. Here he took up a home stead of one hundred and sixty acres in Langdon tOAvnship, all Avild land, and this he improved and operated until 1883. He has ahvays taken an active part in politics, being an active Republican, and in this year he Avas elerted register of deeds and is noAV engagedin the abstract business. For some dght years he has been secretary and chair man of the county central committee and has frequently been a delegate to the various conventions of his party. During his four years' term of office as register of deeds his work Avas so efficient and he became so thor oughly conversant Avith eA'ery detail that he has become an authority in the abstract busi ness for Reno county. His personal deal ings in real estate, hoAvever, have only been in the way of investment. The marriage of Dr. Alay Avas in Indi ana, in December, 1865, to Aliss AI. J. Crotts, and the children of this union Avere as folloAvs: Ida, who is the Avife of J. E. AlcMeen, of Chicago; Elmer, Avho died in 1900; Lizzie, Avho died in 1892 ; Vinnie, Avho is the Avife of H. O. Skinner, and resides in Hutchinson ; James P., a resident of Kansas City; Madge, Avho assists her father in his abstract business ; and Tressie, at home. Dr. Alay is a leader in the Alethodist church, Avhere he is both beloved and es teemed. He is Avell knoAvn in Alasonic cir cles throughout the state. His record com menced in Moore Lodge, X'o. 303, in Indi ana, Avhere he received his first degree on April 14, 1870. On his removal to Kansas he affiliated with Reno Lodge, X'o. 140, A. F. & A. M., and Reno Chapter, Xo. 34. at Hutchinson, serving as high priest in 1890; Avas . annointed to the holy order of high priesthood in February, 1890; received the cryptic degree in XeAAi:on Council, X'o. 9, R. and S. AL, in 1885; and served as thrice illustrious master of Hutchinson Council, X'o. 13, during 1890-91. In 1895 he sened as most illustrious grand master of the grand council of Kansas. He Avas created a com panion of the order of the Red Cross in August, 1884, and dubbed a Knight Tem plar on October 7, of that year, in Reno Commandery, K. T., X'o. 26, being its- re corder for ten years; entered the order of the Xobles of the Alystic Shrine, in Isis Temple, Alay 10, 1887; and was a member of the Jubilee class of one hundred and sev enty Avho received the thirty-second degree, Scottish Rite, from April 15 to 18, 1901, in Wichita, Kansas. He has held the inter ests of this order as one of the leading ones of his life and in its higher circles holds a distinguished place. From the annual address of Dr. Alay, delivered before the grand council of Kan sas, at its session held in \Arichita, February 17. 1896, and which has been most favor ably commented upon by Alasonic Avriters, ; Ave quote the following : "Illustrious Companions — Some hun dreds of miles to the westAvard lie the mighty Rockies, from- AAhose glinting tops and rock- ribbed sides gush forth the Avaters pure and sweet, as if distilled in the laboratory of Heaven, which, rushing on their Avay to the sea, diffusing life and blessings every where, uniting Avith other streams as pure, form the stream on Avhose peaceful banks and in Avhose fruitful valley sits the Peer less Princess of the Plains — AA'hose guests AA_e are to-day, and Avhose hands are out stretched everywhere to extend salutations to us as Ave come at the opening of this, our tAventy-eighth annual assembly. X'ot many- generations ago Avhere you noAV sit encircled with all that exalts and embellishes civilized life, the rank blue stem nodded its tasseled head in the Avind ; the sunflower, the em blem of our state, turned its face to the great orb of day, and kept Avatch of his journey- ings ; here lived and loved another race of beings. Beneath the same sun that rolls BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. over your heads, gazing on the same fair queen of night, that smiles for all alike, an other aiid far different council Avas assem bled. To these poor sons of the then desert no light of the Bible had come, to them the laAvs of God Avere not traced on tables of stone, but in the book of nature, Avhose teachings are never distorted, in the stars that sank in beauty beyond the crimson Avest, AAhere earth and sky touched each other, in the midday flame, from the blazing sun, in the floAver that bloomed in the night-time and Avithered Avhen day had again come, in the sighing of the floAver-scented breezes as they came laden Avith the perfume of the sunny south lands, in his OAvn majestic form, on the tablets of his heart — in all these Avere traced the reA*elations of the universe, and to Avhose mysterious source he bent in humble and silent adoration. A traveler, in jour neying westAvard, came to the base of the mountain and saAv before him nothing* but impregnable rocky fastnesses, Avhich he could not climb. But there came also a skillful engineer Avhose cunning Avas equal to the skill of the architect at the building of the first temple, and by folloAving the mys terious inclinations of his instrument he sought and found a pathway Avhereby the mountain's mighty crest Avas reached. The ribbons of steel AA*ere laid, the commerce of a continent was transported over Avhat at first seemed an impassable barrier. So like wise, in assuming the duties of the station to which you elevated me one vear ago I felt as if there was no pathway by which I might reach the end of the journey, but with the assistance of the companions on Avhose avis- dona I confidently relied, the mountain heights have been climbed, the difficulties overcome, and now have Ave come to close the year's labor." Among the pioneer settlers of Reno county Dr. Alay is regarded with approba tion and affection. He is always ready and Avilling to tell the truthful tales of those early days, and his articles possess high lit erary merit. It is related that at one time he Avas called upon to deliver an address upon this subject, his auditors the next day scarcely believing that it Avas prepared over night for that occasion. His contributions to the press are Avidely read, his Avit and hu mor making them very enjoyable. EDWIN S. ROOT. Edwin S. Root is noAV living a retired life in EllsAvorth. He has reached the ripe old age of seventy-three years and until 1900 he continued actively connected Avith business affairs. Such a record should put to shame man}- a man of A-ounger years, who. grown weary of the strife and responsi bilities of business life. Avould relegate to others the burdens Avhich ho should bear. Young in spirit, progressiA-e and energetic, Air. Root could easih* pass for a man many years his junior. He has the respect of young and old. rich and poor, and AvhereA-er he goes he Avins friends. A native of Alonroe county, New York, he Avas born nine miles Avest of Rochester, on the 24th of February, 1828. His pa ternal grandfather, Thaddeus Root, Avas a colonel in the Revolutionary Avar, and the ancestry of the family can be traced back directly to one of the princes of England. The family Avas founded in the neAV Avorld soon after the first settlement Avas made on the shores of NeAV England by the Pilgrims Avho crossed on the Alayflower. EdAvin S. Root, Sr.. the father of our subject, Avas born in Alassachusetts and removed to Rochester, NeAV York, Avhen that place Avas little more than a marsh. There Avas no mill within forty or fifty miles and the en tire country around about Avas unsettled and gave little evidence of the development which Avould make it a large center of pop ulation. Air. Root built a tannery and also engaged in farming. He cleared seA-eral tracts from the timber and Avas thus actively connected Avith the substantial improvement and development of that section of the coun try. He Avas also interested in the formation of schools and churches and aided in the erection of the Presbyterian church in Roch- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 59 ester. His influence was ever given to the causes Avhich tend to uplift mankind and he Avas a valued citizen of his adopted home. He married Catherine Ensign, and they be came the parents of five sons and five daugh ters, but our subject and one brother are the only ones now living. EdAvin Sheldon Root, Avhose name in troduces this review, Avas reared to agricult ural pursuits and upon the home farm en gaged in raising Avheat, cattle and hogs. Soon after reaching his majority he started out in life on his oavti account. In 1862 he became a resident of Illinois, locating two miles from Dekalb, where he engaged in farming for nineteen years. In 1881 he came to Kansas and purchased a farm of three hundred and thirty-four acres, in Black AArolf township, south of the river. He after- Avard bought a tract of one hundred and sixty acres and later purchased dghty acres and again one hundred and twenty acres. Kansas tested the faith of her people in her possibilities and her future. There Avere several years of drouth, Avhen many settlers wished to sell and go elsewhere, but Air. Root believed that a splendid future lay be fore this rich section of country and he per severed in his efforts, AA-hich Avere ultimately crowned Avith a high degree of prosperity. In connection with the production of the crops best adapted to this climate and soil he carried on the stock business quite ex tensively, both raising and feeding cattle. In the spring of 1900 he sold all of his land to his son, Avith the exception of tAvo hundred acres, and retired* to EllsAVOrth, Avhere he has purchased a comfortable home, in Avhich he and his Avife are enjoy ing life quietly, having there a Avell earned rest. Air. Root purchased a half-section of land, Avhich he now rents, and the income therefrom provides him and his wife Avith all of the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. At the same time he has a substan tial bank account. He carried on active Avork until 1900, feeding his OA\n stcck through all the seasons. His is certainly a record of a long, useful and honorable ca reer. On the 24th of February, 1850, in his native state, Air. Root Avas united in mar riage to Aliss Susanna Fenner, a daughter of the Rev. James Fenner, D. D., of Alon roe county, NeAV York, Avho sened as pastor of one of the churches there for sixteen years. Later he retired to XeAv York city, Avhere he spent his last days. He sent Airs. Root the first seAving machine used in this section of the country Avest of Rochester. They also had the first kerosene lamp. Their oil Avas then crude and the lamp did not prove of great success until processes for re fining oil Avere introduced. Airs. Root has ever pro\*ed a faithful companion and help mate to her husband, and he gives her credit for much of his success in life. Their home has been blessed Avith twelve children, but James F., the eldest, died in early childhood. Cara Alatilda is the Avife of A. L. Johnson, of EllsAA-orth, and has nine children ; Elmyra J. is the Avife of James B. LeAvis, of IoAva, and has four children; Clarence AI. F. died in childhood; Cynthia AAr. is the wife cf C. P. AA^agonseller, of X'ashua, Alissouri, and has one child; AA'illiam Freeman married i Louisa Boots, and at his death, Avhich came by droAATiing, he left a AvidoAV and tAvo chil dren; EdAvin Sheldon, of Brookville, mar ried Addie Stark, and they became the par ents of five children, of Avhom thdr eldest son, EdAvin Sheldon, represents the third living generation of that name; James L. married Daisy Carey and is living in Kan sas City ; Susa Almina is the Avife of J. AA' Ross, of Herrington, Kansas, and has four children; Alary Elizabeth is the Avife of G. A. Doav, of Burlington, Vermont, and they have three children; Frederick F., a farmer of Barber county, this state, married Ollie Estes and has two children; Albert H. Avedded Ada Allen and is noAV a farmer of Ellsworth county. There are thirty grand- j children and tAvo great-grandchildren living. In an early day Air. Root Avas a silver-gray Republican, but is noAV a Democrat. He filled some local offices in both X'eAv York and Illinois and has sen-ed as clerk here. He Avas also a member of the school board from the time of his arrival in Kansas until 6o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. he removed to Ellsworth. Air. and Airs. Root are a genial, hospitable couple. They have experienced many difficulties and en countered many obstacles In life, but by de termined purpose they have pressed fonvard and are now in possession of a A*ery hand some competence. While in the country they ahvays kept open house and entertained freely. They have made it a point to haA'e a Christmas dinner for many years and an nually have entertained from twenty to thir ty-five guests on that day. In 1900 they celebrated their golden Avedding, Avhich Avas an occasion greatly enjoyed by their many friends and relatives, Ayho wish for them many happy returns of the marital anniver sary. At length they decided to leave the farm and reside quietly in tOAvn, and from Christinas until the 1st of Alarch they were never alone for a single day, so freeh* is their hospitality extended to their friends. Genial and kindly, this worthy couple have a circle of friends Avhich is only limited bv the circle of their acquaintances, and in the history of their adopted county they well deserve an honorable mention. JOHN AV. AVEATHERD. John AAr. AA^eatherd, Avho is filling the office of county commissioner, is one of the leading and influential farmers of Kingman county, his home being on section 4, A'inita tOAvnship. He has been a resident of the county since 1883 and has therefore Avit nessed much of its development and prog ress, taking his part in the Avork of ad vancement and doing all in his poAver for the general good. Lie Avas born in Hen dricks county, Indiana, near Danville, on the 10th of October, 1853, and lS 0I French de scent, his paternal grandfather, Thomas AAreatherd, bdng a native of France, Avhence he came to the United States Avhen a young man. He sened his adopted country as a soldier in the Avar of 1812. His son, Syl vester C. AAreatherd, the father of our sub ject, Avas born in Aladison county, Ken tucky, and Avas married there to Susan Bush, also a native of that county, Avhere both were reared and educated, she being of German descent. xAfter their marriage they removed to Hendricks county, Indiana, and in 1861 Avent to Alissouri, settling in Gentry county. The father Avas a farmer by occu pation and at the time of the civil Avar he put aside business and personal considera tions, offering his sen-ices to the govern ment. He Avas assigned to the Fifty-first Alissouri Infantry, under command of Col onel AlcPherris and proved a loyal defend er of the Union. He died in Gentry coun ty, Alissouri, at the age of sixty-five years, but his AvidoAV is still living and has reached the age of eighty-two. In his political affili ations he Avas a AA'hig in early life, and on the dissolution of that party he joined the ranks of the new Republican party, Avhich he continued to support until his death. Of the Alethodist Episcopal church he Avas a very active and influential member and Avas | a steward in the congregation Avith which he held membership. Unto Air. and Mrs. I AA'eatherd Avere born eleven children, of ¦ Avhom seven are yet living: Nancy; Sarah; j Virginia and America. tAvins; Thomas; ' John AA'. ; and P. B., of Bonvich, Kansas. Alalvina and Susan E.. both reached adult age but are now deceased, while tAvo of the family died in childhood. John AA\ AA'eatherd, whose name intro duces this sketch, Avas a little lad of dght years Avhen he accompanied his parents on their removal to Gentry county, Alissouri. He Avas reared on the home farm, and prac tical experience soon made him familiar Avith the best methods of producing crops and caring- for stock. He acquired his education in the schools of Indiana and Alissouri, also adding to his knoAvledge through practical experience, reading* and observation. He Avas identified Avith agricultural pursuits in Alissouri until 1883, Avhen he came to King man county, Avhere he has since made his home. He owns one of the best farms Avith- in its borders, a tract of three hundred and tAventy acres of land, on Avhich he erected a modern residence, at a cost of two thou- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY 61 sand dollars. It is comfortably furnished, indicating the cultured and refined taste of the OAvners. There are good barns and all necessary outbuildings for the care of grain and stock, feed lots, a windmill, orchard, pastures, a grcwe and every modern acces sor}- for facilitating the Avork of the farm. He is quite extensively engaged in farming and stock raising, and even-thing about the place is neat and thrifty in appearance. Air. AA'eatherd Avas married in 1886, to Aliss Alary Brady, a native of Pennsylvania, who Avas reared and educated in Pennsyh-a- nia and Kansas. She is a daughter of John R. Brady and accompanied her parents on their various remoA-als, arriving in Kansas when a maiden of tAvelve years. Her fa ther died in Cheney, Kansas, in 1901. at the age of eighty-one years, and his Avife, Avho bore the maiden name of Catherine OAven, is living in Cheney, at the age of seventy. The Bradys arrived in Kansas in 1874 and for a number of years resided in Yinita township, Kingman county. Unto Air. and Airs. AA'eatherd were born tAvo daughters : Hazel and Elsie. Their only son Earl, the second born, died in 1900, at the age of eleA-en years. Air. AA'eatherd has many times been called to public office, and his duties ha\-e been so faithfully and honorably discharged that he has Avon the commendation of all concerned. He Avas elected county commis sioner and once appointed to fill a vacancy and then re-elected for the full term of three years. Elected county commissioner, he filled the position so creditably and satis factorily to his constituents that he Avas chosen for a second term and is the present incumbent, and no doubt Avill be again elect ed, judging from the esteem in Avhich the people hold him. He never wavers in his allegiance to AA-hat he believes to be for the public good and is both practical and pro gressive in his endorsement of measures. He has served his tOAvnship as trustee and as township treasurer four years, and Avas elected justice of the peace but resigned that office AA-hen elected county commissioner. Like his father, he believes in reform and advancement in politics as Avell as other things. He belie\*es in taking all the good and rooting out the bad, and the neAV he be- lieA*es is ahvays the best. He affiliates Avith the reform party, but holds no malice against any party. Air. AA'eatherd belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is an acti\Te and consistent member of the Alethodist church, in AA'hich he has sen*ed as class-leader and Sunday-school superin tendent. Education, temperance and moral ity are causes dear to his heart, and he does all in his pOAver to uplift his felloAv men. His manner is open and free-hearted, and in his life record are no pages Avhich Avill not bear the closest scrutiny and investigation. He is one of the most popular and honored cit izens of Vinita tOAvnship, Kingman county. as Avell as one of its most prosperous and practical agriculturists. JOHN C. RADCLIFFE. John C. Radcliffe is a retired farmer re siding in EllsAArorth, and his rest is Avell mer ited, for his has been an active and useful career, in Avhich he has labored effectively and earnestly for the Avelfare and improve ment of his adopted county. He has done much to promote its horticultural interests, and along the lines of intellectual, moral and material improvement his Avork has been of marked benefit to those among Avhom he lives. He still OAvns a farm of six hundred and forty acres, on sections 14 and 15, Em pire township. Ellsworth county. Air. Radcliffe is a native of LeRoy. Cuyahoga county, Ohio, born on the 6th of August, 1830, his parents being AA'illiam and Anna CHalsell) Radcliffe, both of whom Avere natives of the Isle of Alan, where the marriage Avas celebrated. In the year 1833 they came to America, locating in Ohio. The father was an iron molder and in 1837 removed to Ontario, Canada, where he spent the remainder of his acth-e busi ness life, his last days. hoAvever, being spent in the home of his son, John C. in Illinois. 62 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Avhere he died in 1879, at the age of eighty- seven years. His Avife passed aAvay in Can ada, in 185 1. They Avere the parents of ten children, namely : AA'illiam, avIio resides in California: Airs. Alargaret Johnson. Avho died in Cuyahoga county. Ohio; John C, of this revieAv ; George, Avho died in Canada : James, a resident of AA uidsor, Canada : Jane, the Avife of Thomas AA'allace, also of Can ada : Alary, the Avife of Thomas Carson, of Indiana ; Kate, the deceased Avife of Bernard Clattenhof ; Jefferson, Avho is living in Cuya hoga county, Ohio: and Sarah, Avho married AA'illiam Collett, of AA'isconsin. It Avas during the earl}- boyhood of John C. Radcliffe that his parents removed to Canada, and he Avas there reared upon a farm until nineteen years of age. He as sisted in the Avork of the fields and meadoAv and also pursued his studies in the common schools. In 1850 he removed to Putnam county, Illinois, Avhere he arrived Avith only five cents in his pocket. Soon afterward he secured a position as a farm hand, and thus entered upon an independent business ca reer. In Alay of that year he Avas united in marriage to Alargaret Kester. a daughter of ReA\ Jesse Kester, a Baptist minister. After his marriage he operated his father- in-law's farm on the shares until the spring of 1865, and in the meantime he purchased a small farm of his oavii. On selling that property he Avas again employed bv others for a time and then purchased one hundred and sixty acres of desirable land, for Avhich he paid six dollars per acre. He had tAvo thousand dolars from the sale of his Put nam county farm. His new tract Avas raw land, entirely unimproved, and upon this he built a house and then began the deA-elop- ment of his land. He Avas someAvhat im peded in his labors, for he lost one of his horses. He also had to borrow five hundred dollars to complete the payment on his farm. but Avith characteristic energy and deter mination he prosecuted his labors and in course of time developed a good propertA*. He set out a good orchard, placed his fields under cultiA*ation, and in 1878 he sold his property for thirty-five dollars per acre. In Alay. 187S, he started Avestward, intending to locate in Alissouri, but concluded to come to Kansas, and, reaching EllsAA-orth county, purchased tAvo hundred and forty acres of land. Avhich he iioav oaviis. paying one thou sand dollars for the amount. A feAV acres had been broken and a small stone house was the only improA-ement up to that time. Returning to Alissouri, he then brought his family to Kansas, having left them in the former state Avhile he secured his location here. L'pon the farm he remained until Oc tober. 1899, Avhen he took up his abode in Ells-Avorth. Upon his farm he erected a tAvo- story frame residence, barn and outbuild ings, built fences and added all modern ac cessories and equipments for facilitating farm Avork and making his labors success ful. He also planted the first orchard in the county, containing seA-en hundred and thirty apple trees, together Avith an abund ance of small fruit. He has also an orchard of six hundred peach trees. As the years passed he made judicious investments in property, adding other land until he iioav OAvns six hundred and forty acres. He en gaged in stock and grain raising and now keeps one hundred head of ccavs and' a large number of calves, making two hundred in all. He has given considerable attention to the breeding of draft horses of the Per cheron breed and also raised mules. He iioav has about fifty head upon his place, includ ing some of the best in the locality. Hoaa- ever. Air. Radcliffe is best known in connec tion Avith fruit culture and has demonstrated the practicability of raising fruit successfully 01a a large scale in central Kansas. Al though iioav residing in Ellsworth, he still retains an active interest in his farm, upon which his son Jesse resides. To Air. and Airs. Radcliffe Avere bom four children, of Avhom tAvo are living. Alary and Jesse, avIio reside upon the heme farm. The latter married Ellen Adams, a native of Pennsylvania, and they have four chil dren, — George. Hubert J., Norman K. and Alarie. Felicia and Philander, children of our subject, died in early life. The mother of this family died December i**,, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 63 1897, and on the nth of October, 1899, Air. Radcliffe Avas again married, his second union being Avith Airs. Harriet Burton, the widow of Royal Burton and a daughter of Rev. Elam Chapin, a minister of the Aleth odist Episcopal church, Avho Avas born in Springfield, Alassachusetts. and Avas edu cated, ordained and spent his life in Hart ford, Connecticut. He married Harriet Olm sted, of that city, born in the old home of Samuel Olmsted, her great-great-grandfa ther, who Avas a captain of a militia com pany in the earl}- days. Airs. Radcliffe Avas reared and educated in the city of Hartford, and there gave her hand in marriage to Royal Burton, Avho AA~as born and reared in that locality. In 1885 they removed to Ells- Avorth, on account of Air. Burton's health, and here he died on the 18th of December, 1897. He was one of the first party of a hundred members that crossed the plains to California for the discovery of gold on the Pacific coast. For some time he remained in San Francisco and erected the first large hotel in that place, at a cost of righty thou sand dollars, but three days afterward it was destroyed by fire. He remained in Califor nia for nine years and made three fortunes, but three times lost all he had by fire. He then returned to Boston and engaged in the general commission business, becoming a prominent and enterprising business man of that place. Airs. Radcliffe is a lady of superior culture, refiiiement and intelligence and is an active leader in social and church circles. By her first marriage she had one daughter, Alice, Avho died at the age of eleven months. In educational matters Air. Radcliffe has ahvays taken a deep and artive interest and Avas a prime mover in the organization of the Radcliffe school district, donating the ground on which the schoolhouse Avas erected. The organization of the district AA*as perfected at his residence, and he did all in his pOAver to promote educational in terests in his locality, serving on the school board for many years. He has also filled the office of justice of the peace and in his political affiliations he is a Democrat. Pub lic spirited and progressive, he has withheld his support from no mOAement or measure | Avhich he belieA*es Avill proAe of general good. He Avas at the head of the movement to erect bridges across the river at AA'ichita ! Crossing, raising considerable money by | private subscriptions before any county ap propriation Avas made. He Avas the first to | introduce barb-Avire fences into this section of the country, securing the same at a cost of fourteen cents per pound. He is one of the solid, successful and progressive citizens of Ellsworth county and is yet deeply con cerned in the Avelfare and progress of his community. His Avorth is widely acknOAvl- edged and the people recognize that they OAve much to him for his efforts in behalf of this section of the state. CURRENCE GREGG. Currence Gregg came to Rice county | nineteen years ago, and through the inter- i vening period has been a Avell-knoAvn repre- ' sentative of the farming interests of AVash- : ington township, his home being noAV on sec- j tion twenty-seven. He Avas born in Rush ' county, Indiana, Alarch 6, 1848. His pa- : ternal grandfather, AAmliam Gregg, Avas a j Kentucky farmer and removed to the Hoosier state in pioneer days, there carry ing on the work of the farm until his life's labors Avere ended in death, in 1854. He Avas of German parentage. He reared five children, three sons and tAvo daughters, and among the number Avas AA'illiam Gregg. Jr., the father of our subject, Avho Avas born in the state of Kentucky, in 1810. Hav ing arrived at years of maturity he wedded Alary Hillegoss, also a native of Kentucky and a schoolmate of her husband's during ; her girlhood days. They Avere married in ' the Blue Grass state, but soon aftenvard ; Avent to Indiana, Avhere they became the parents of ten children, five sons and five daughters. They lost one daughter at the age of dght years, but seven of the number are nOAA7 living. The eldest, America, is the 64 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Avife of James Coer, of Rushville, Indiana, where she Avas born seventy years ago. All of the nine children Ave re married and had families Avith the exception of one son and one daughter, and the grandchildren num bered from three to eight in each family. The father of our subject Avas a life-long farmer and stock-dealer and dealt consider ably Avith the Indians. About 185*7* they re moved to Clark county, IoAva, Avhere the fa ther died in 1876. The mother survived him about three years, passing aAvaA* at the age of sixty-eight. Their remains were laid to rest in Clark county, Avhere they had been highly esteemed as AA-orthy citizens. Currence Gregg received but meager ed ucational privileges in the district schools, pursuing his studies in a log school house Avith puncheon floor, seats and desks. His services Avere largely needed upon the home farm and thus he had little opportunity to master the branches of English learning. He has been tAvice married, his first union being with Josephine Piper, Avhom he wedded in 1868. She lived for ten years after their marriage and then died, leaving four children. In 1882 Air. Gregg Avas again married, Aliss Alattie Thomas, of Rice county, Kansas, becoming his Avife. Her parents Avere Solomon and Ruth (Alorman) Thomas, natives of Indiana, and their daughter, Airs. Gregg, Avas born in Clark county, IoAva. In 1874 they removed to Rush county, Kansas, and in 1889 came to Rice county, Avhere the mother died in 1894, at the age of sixty-three years, leaving seven of her nine children. The father is noAV a farmer in Oklahoma and has been again married. Air. Gregg came to Kansas nineteen years ago, and1 in the spring of 1893 be removed to Oklahoma and made the run to the Chero kee strip. He improved one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon Avhich he engaged in farming for seven years. He not only built a home but added a fine orchard, con taining all kinds of fruit, of Avhich he made annual displays each year at the countv fairs, carrying off many premiums. In one year he gained tAventy-one prizes and each year took the lead among the exhibitors. He Avas the leading man in this enterprise in his sec tion of the country and Avas one of the most prominent shippers of fruit to other states. In his home he has seA-eral excellent pictures of his exhibits and of his Oklahoma prop erty. He there engaged in raising Avheat, corn and broom corn. He also exported Avatermelons Aveighing one hundred pounds and raised SAveet potatoes Aveighing eight pounds each. While residing in Oklahoma he made considerable money and at length sold his property there for three thousand dollars. . He then came to Rice county and pm chased a half section of land for Avhich he gave fifty-five hundred dollars cash. All of this he had made himself, for Avhen he came to Kansas he had nothing and Avas glad to get fifty cents per day for his sen-ices. His leading crop is Avheat and he noAV has tAvo hundred acres planted to that cereal. He threshed five thousand bushels in one year. He also has from forty to one hundred acres planted Avith corn and from thirty to fifty acres in broom corn, Avhich pays from sev enty-five to one hundred and sixty dollars per ton. Air. Gregg had eleA-en children. Those of the first marriage are : Homer AA'illiam. of Oklahoma, Avho has a Avife and tAvo chil dren: Lola, noAV the wife of Charles Geist, of Reno county. Kansas : Adolphus, at home ; and Josephine, iioav the Avife of James Ashley, of Clark county, IoAva. bv Avhom she has tAvo children. Those of the second mar riage are: Olive AL, a youth of sixteen: a son who died in infancy; Sulva, a lad of tAvelve summers ; Gola, avIio died in Okla homa, at the age of eight years ; Ethel, Avho is iioav seven years of age; Alurray, tAvo years old; and Alto, Avho is a year old. Air. Gregg votes with the Republican party and is one of its stanch advocates, believing firmly in its principles. He has, hoAvever, never sought or desired office, his attention being given to his farming interests, Avhich claim his entire time. He is an example of the boys who educate themselves and secured their oavii start in life, — de termined, self-reliant boys, Avilling to Avork BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 6; for advantages Avhich other boys secure through inheritance, destined by sheer force of character to succeed in the face of all op position and to push to the front in one im portant branch or another. As a man his business ability has been constantly manifest, shoAving large possibilities, and the farm of Avhich he is noAV the OAvner is a monument to his exceptional power. JOHN' B. BROAVX. John B. BroAvn Avas a well-known and highly respected citizen of Hutchinson, Avhere he Avas extensively and successfully engaged in the real estate busness for a num ber of years. He Avas born in Seneca coun ty, Ohio, September 24, 1840, and repre sented an old Virginian family. His grand father, Issacher Brown, resided in Loudoun county, Virginia, Avhere, according to tradi tion, he located a land grant which had been given him in recognition of his loyal service in the Revolutionary Avar. He became a Avell-knoAvn planter of that locality and ex tensively engaged in raising tobacco, Avhich he sold in the markets of Alexandria. He lived and died in Loudoun county and like the family was connected with the Socidy of Friends or Quakers. Giles Brown, the father of our subject, Avas born near Alexandria, Virginia, and in Loudoun county AA-as married to Harriet Briscoe, also a native of that state, although her people Avere originally from Xorth Caro lina. Giles Brown and his family removed to Beaver, Pennsylvania, and about 1827 Avent to Canton, Ohio, and thence to Salem, that state. Later he removed to Attica, Seneca county, Ohio, Avhere he purchased a tract of heavily timbered land. There he cleared a space on Avhich he built a log cabin and in course of time he erected a good brick resi dence, Avhich is still standing and A\-hich is knoAvn as the Giles BroAvn homestead. He died in 1842, leaving to his AvidoAv the care of thdr eight children, the eldest being only about fourteen' years of age. She remained upon the old homestead, superintended the cultivation of the farm and reared her fam ily. AALen her children had reached mature years and left home she bought a farm near Attica, Avhere she resided, superintending her farming interests until her death, Avhich occurred in 1880. John B. BroAA-n pursued his education in the public schools of Attica and early be came familiar Avith the Avork of the heme farm. At the time of the civil Avar he re sponded to his country's call for aid, enlist ing in the Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, Avith which he served throughout the Avar, mak ing a creditable record as a gallant and pa triotic soldier. He participated in the bat tles of Wild Cat, Alill Spring, Corinth, Hoover's Gap, Tullahoma, Chiekamauga. Chattanooga, Alissionary Ridge, Resaca, Allatoona, KenesaAv Alountain, Peach Tree Creek, Chattahoochie River, Atlanta, Jones- boro, Alilledgeville, Savannah and Raleigh. His regiment Avas ahvays connected Avith the western army and sen*ed under Generals Thomas, Buell, Rosecrans, Grant and Sher man. After his return from the Avar Air. Brown located in Napoleon, Ohio, where he engaged in the grocery business for three years, when he Avent to South Carolina Avith Governor Scott. He remained there for one year, doing constable duty during the recon struction period, and then returned to Na poleon. On the 15th of February, 1872, he was united in marriage to Aliss Alma Roff, who Avas born in Stark county. Ohio, Feb ruary 2, 1845, a daughter of Henry and Catherine (Frean) Roff, both of AA-hom Avere from Pennsylvania and Avere descended from Holland ancestry that settled in the Keystone state prior to the Rev-olutionary Avar. In the spring of 1872 Air. BroAvn em igrated AvestAvard to Kansas and in Novem ber of that year Avent into the land office Avith Air. Bigger. He was practically, throughout his entire residence here, engaged in dealing in real estate. In partnership Avith L. A. Bigger he located tAvo hundred and fifty thousand acres of land under the homestead 66 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. act. He represented the Santa Fe Railroad Company and in 1880 sold over one hun dred thousand acres of railroad land in Reno and adjoining counties during the "boom." Air. BroAvn Avas a very active, energetic and enterprising man and contributed much to the upbuilding of Hutchinson. He erected the Alasonic block and other structures in the city and he ever enjoyed the confidence of investors, being considered the standard authority on all real estate matters in Hutch inson. His judgment Avas ahvays sought on matters of public moment and his counsel Avas ever Avise, practical and judicious. He Avas an active promoter of many neAV enter prises Avhich contributed in large measure to the general good. AA'hen Hutchinson Avas incorporated in 1872 he Avas elected one of its councilmen, in 1874 he Avas elected mayor and also held the office of police judge. In politics he Avas ever a stalwart Republican. Socially he AA~as connected Avith the Grand Army of the Republic, attained the Knight Templar degree in the Alasonic fraternity and belonged to the Alen's Commercial Club. Unto Air. and Airs. BroAvn Avere born ¦ tAvo children : Catherine, Avho is employed in the pension office in Topeka ; and John B., avIio is attending school in Topeka. Airs. BroAvn is still a resident of Hutchinson and makes her home Avith her sister, Airs. Obee. Air. Brown contributed so largely to the de velopment and upbuilding of the city, Avas so prominent in public affairs and Avas so active in all measures for the public good that his name is inseparably associated Avith its history and this A*olume Avould be incom plete Avithout the record of his life. A. J. MONROE. A. J. Alonroe represents a family that came to Rice county among its first settlers, arriving here in August, 1871. Here our subject has since resided and made his home, and his life record illustrates the opportunities Avhich the SunfloAver state af fords to its settlers. A native of Ohio, his birth occurred in Ross county, on the ist of August, 1830. His parents Avere Samuel and Alary (AA'ishon) Alonroe, both of Avhom Avere natives of Virginia, and thdr marriage occurred in Pike county, Ohio. They after- Avard removed to Ross county, that state, Avhere they remained for a number of years. They then Avent to XeAvton county, Indiana, and there the father passed aAvay. The mother aftenvard moved to Iroquois county, Illinois, AA-here she also died. They had six children, as folloAvs: John H., AndreAV J., Mary Jane, George C, Hannah E. and George \\T. In the county of his nativity A. J. Alon roe remained until thirteen years of age, Avhen the family remoA-ed to Warren county, Indiana. The labors of the farm occupied much of his attention throughout the period of his youth and he gained good practical experience in the best methods of devdoping and cultivating land. He Avas married in NTerwton county, Indiana, on the 27th of January, 1856, to Aliss Julia A. Roberson, and through the intervening years she has been to him a good AA*ife and helpmate. She possessed much executive ability and cour age and Avas thus Avell fitted for the experi ences that come to pioneer settlers. Her birth occurred in Carroll county, Indiana, and she is a daughter of AA'illiam and Anna (Tinkle) Roberson. The father Avas born in the south, the mother in Ohio, and they became the parents of seA-en children, name ly: Airs. Alonroe, X'ancy, 'Alartha, George R., iioav deceased. Josephine, AA'arren and Alorgan. The father died in CoAvley county, Kansas, at the age of eighty. Throughout his 'life he Avas a farmer and a hard-Avorking, upright, honorable man. He held member ship in the Baptist church. His Avife passed aAvay in CoAvley county, at the age of sixty- four years, loved by all for her many good qualities. Air. and Airs. Alonroe made the overland trip to Kansas in 1858, traveling in a AA-agon draAA'n by ox teams and camped along the Avay Avhere night overtook them. They started on July 21, 1858, and arrived at their BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. destination on the 18th of September follow ing. They remained in eastern Kansas until the 15th of Alay, 1862, Avhen they started for Indiana, reaching their old home on the 27th of July. The return trip Avas made Avith both oxen and horses. Thev crossed a corner of Xebraska, a large portion of IoAva, the southeastern corner of Missouri, the state of Illinois and thus reached the Hoosier state. Through the following year Air. Alonroe Avas engaged in farming, but in 1863 he put aside agricultural pursuits that he might give his country the benefit of his services as a soldier in the civil war. He enlisted in the Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, Avith Avhich he served for eighteen months. He sustained a flesh Avound, but was never seriously injured. His regiment Avas with the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen eral Thomas, and he participated in the bat tles of NashA-ille, Clarksville and many others of lesser importance. When the war Avas over he Avas honorably discharged at Louisville, Kentucky, and thence rdurned to Indiana, Avhere he remained until 1871. In that year Air. Alonroe again started for sunny Kansas and cast in his lot among the early sdtlers of Rice county. Here he built a sod house and aftenvard a small frame house, but to-day he OAvns a large modern residence, built in a good style of architecture and containing a number of pleasant and well ventilated rooms. It stands upon an attractive building site and is surrounded by a fine grove and orchard containing fifteen acres, and has also erected excellent barns. The farm is complete in all its equipments. AA'indmills pump the Avater supply, good pastures afford excellent grazing for the stock and the fields bring to him a good rdurn. The Alonroe farm comprises nine hundred and sixty acres of Avel improved land. It is one of the most valuable farming properties in Rice county and is a monument to the thrift and enter prise of the OAvner, Avhose persistent pur pose and diligence have enabled him to gain a prominent position among the substantial farmers of his community. Unto Mr. and Airs. Alonroe have been born three children : Alary Ann, who Avas born in Kansas, in i860, is now the Avife of Aloses Baker, of AA'ilson tOAvnship, Rice county. George A., Avhose birth occurred in AA^abash county, Indiana, on the 16th of April, 1864, Avas married at the age of tAventy-seven years to Agnes McCabe, a cul tured and intelligent young lady, a daughter of AAresley McCabe, of AA'ilson township. She died in 1892, leaving a daughter. Clara Belle. George A. Alonroe Avas seven years of age Avhen he came to the county, Avhere he Avas reared and educated. Here he folloAvs farming. Charles E., the youngest of the family, Avas born September 16, 1878, on the old homestead AA'here he yet resides. The Monroes Avere originally Republicans, but the sons are noAV connected Avith the People's party. Since coming to Kansas our subject has achieved excellent success and is noAv numbered among the substantial citizens of Rice county. GEORGE A. YAXDEVEER. Probably no citizen of central Kansas is better knOAvn throughout the county in finan cial and legal circles than George A. Van- de\*eer, the senior member of the laAV firm of Vandeveer & Alartin, of Hutchinson. Admitted to the bar he entered upon the practice and from the beginning has been unusually prosperous in every respect. The success AAhich he has attained is due to his oaati efforts and merits. The possession of advantages is no guarantee Avhatever of pro fessional success. This comes not of itself. nor can it be secured Avithout integrity, abil ity and industry. Those qualities he pos sesses to an eminent degree and he has been faithful to every interest committed to his charge. Throughout his Avhole life Avhatso- eA*er his hand has found to do, AAhether in his profession or in official duties or as the representative of most important interests, he has done Avith all his might and Avith a deep sense of conscientious obligation. Thus he has Avon distinction and prosperity and 68 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. to-day George A. Vandeveer is one of the most honored members of the Kansas bar. He Avas born in Christian county, Illi nois. December 13, 1853. his parents being Aaron and Sarah C. (AIcAVilliams) Van deveer. The father was born July 4, 1830, in Avhat is noAV Christian county, but Avas then a part of Sangamon county, Illinois. Throughout his entire life he there resided, taking up his abode in Pana in 1867. There he engaged in the grocery trade until his death. His AvidoAv aftenvard married again, her second husband being Hugh A. Bab cock, of Hutchinson, in AA-hida city she yet makes her home. George A. A'andeveer Avas one of ten children, of Avhom four are yet living: Airs. E. X'. Alaxfield, of Stafford, Kansas : X'ellie V., the Avife of Hon. Frank L. Alartin, of the firm of Vandeveer & Alartin and the present mayor of Hutchin son ; Calvin B., a farmer of Clay township, Reno county, and George. But the ancestry of the A'andeA-eers may be traced back to a more remote period. George A'andeveer, the grandfather of our subject, Avas a native of Kentucky and be came a pioneer of Sangamon county, Illi nois. His father, J. Vandeveer, Avas a na tive of dther X'ew Jersey or X'orth Carolina and Avas a soldier in the ReA-olutionary Avar, while his father, avIio Avas born in Holland, became one of the early colonial settlers Avho took up their abode at Communipaugh, New Jersey. His descendants removed to North Carolina and some of them became associ ated Avith Daniel Boone in his explorations of Kentucky, that noted hunter and explorer being a relative of the A^andeveers. The family name Avas originally von der Veer, meaning "from the Veer." A member of the family Avell Avorthy of mention Avas Horatio AI. Vandeveer, a son of Aaron A'an deveer and a cousin of the father of our subject. He Avas an old-school law practi tioner of Illinois, avIio Avas the colleague and associate of Lincoln, Douglas and other dis tinguished men of that time practicing at the Illinois bar. While experiencing the difficulties and hardships of pioneer life he studied law by the light of the fireplace and the blaze of hickory bark, and he spent a long life engaged in practice in Christian county, Illinois. He sen-ed his country in the Avar with Alexico. Entirely through his oavii efforts he acquired his education and Avon adA*ancement to a prominent position among the noted men of his state, and at his death, Avhich occurred in 1892, he Avas Avorth three million dollars and possessed sixty thousand acres of valuable land in his county. He Avas at different times judge of various courts and represented his felloAV citizens in the house and senate of the state legislature. His son, AA'illiam T. Vande veer, Avas a member of the commission Avhich built the magnificent neAAr capitol building. He took a very prominent part in molding the history of the state at an early day and : was a notable figure in public affairs. The life of this eminent relation has been | an inspiration and source of encouragement [ to George A. A'andeA-eer, Avho in some Avay Avas deprived of a collegiate education and I professional training, but Avho through the 1 innate strength of his character has over- | come difficulties and Avorked his Avay upward | to success. He remained Avith his parents upon the farm, until fourteen years of age and assisted in the Avork connected there with, spending much of the time in the sad dle, herding cattle. The father OAvned a large farm of four hundred acres and kept a large herd of cattle, Avhich grazed over the prairies, Avhich Avere unfenced, therefore de- i manding that some one constantly be on the alert lest some of the herd stray away. Young George had very little opportunity of attending- school until the family removed to the tOAvn of Pana, after which he pursued his studies in the public schools for three years. From the time he Avas seventeen until 1872 he assisted his father in the con duct of the grocen- store, and in the fall of that year he accepted the responsible po sition of deputy tax collector of Pana town ship. He did most of the AA*ork of his su perior officer, collecting and conveying to the bank taxes amounting to over forty-six thousand dollars. He Avas next tendered a position in the Exchange Bank of Pana, act- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 69 ing in that capacity until the financial panic of 1873, when that bank, together Avith many others, closed its doors. On the ist of January, 1874, he became assistant cash ier of the Nokomis National Bank, of No- komis, Illinois, AAhich position he occupied for a year, AA'hen his father, in company Avith James P. AA'alker, established a bank at Morrisville, Illinois, our subject and Air. AA'alker's son conducting the same from February, 1875, until the fall of 1879. At that time George A. Vandeveer sold his interest and came to the Avest. While in Alcrrisville he Avas married. Septem ber 5, 1876, to Aliss Clara B. Edgcomb, a daughter of John Edgcomb, of LaSalle county, Illinois, and in the fall of 1879 he came to Newton, Kansas. During his resi dence in Morrisonville, Avhile in the bank he had pursued the study of law under the direction of his brother-in-laAv, David F. Alurry, now of Tacoma, Washington, and in December, 1879, be began practice in Newton in partnership with A. B. KjioavI- ton, AAhich connection Avas maintained for about a year. In 1880 he removed to Burr- ton, Haney county, Kansas and established a private banking business. AA7hen he had placed it in successful operation he had an opportunity to dispose of it to advantage and did so. In the fall of 1862 Hon. A. R. Scheble, of Hutchinson, Avho had been elect ed to the state legislature, desiring an active and capable young attorney in his office, of fered to make Air. Vandeveer a partner, and the laAv firm of Scheble & Vandeveer was accordingly formed, maintaining an exist ence as such until December, 1885, Avhen the senior partner died. In July of that year Frank L. Alartin had come to Hutchinson from Illinois and succeeding Air. Scheble became a member of the present firm of Van deveer & Martin. They enjoyed a large and representative clientage until September, 1890, when our subject removed to Kansas City, where he practiced until the spring of 1896. In the meantime he drafted the char ter and assisted in the organization of the National Surdy Company with Charles A. Dean as president, the headquarters being in Kansas City until the spring of 1876, Avhen the business Avas removed to New York city. In Alarch of that year Air. \'an- deveer Avent Avith Air. Dean to the eastern mdropolis to secure additional capital and extend the organization. Air. A'andeveer then took an important part in incorporating the company and drafted the charter for the NeAV York organization. He became gen eral solicitor for the Ne\v York National Surety Company, Avith offices at No. 346 Broadway, in the New York Life Insurance building, Avhere he remained until August, 1900, Avhen he resigned his position and re turned to Hutchinson, AA'here he once more entered into partnership Avith Air. Alar tin for the general practice of laAv. Since that time he has given his attention exclu sively to his legal Avork and his devotion to his clients' interests is proverbial. During his residence in NeAV York city Mr. Vandeveer had charge of a large num ber of important cases in the interests of the company throughout the principal cities of the United States. He prepared a form of fidelity bond Avhich Avas adopted and is noAV used by the American Bankers' Association. The success of the National Surety Com pany is largely due to 'his talent of organi zation as Avell as control of its affairs. It has become one of the leading institutions of the kind in the entire country and is of national importance in the business Avorld. It bonds the employes of over fifty per cent. of all the transportation companies of the United States, such as railroad and express companies and the employes of the United States mail service, also the employes of banks, and furnish bonds for guardians and executors. To-day Air. Vandeveer has a large and constantly growing laAv practice, which connects him Avith much of the most important litigation tried in the courts of this district, while in the supreme court of Kansas and the supreme court of the United States he has figured in connection Avith notable suits. His knoAvledge of the laAv is comprehensive and accurate, his mind is 70 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. analytical and inductive and lie has shown splendid ability in handling the most intri cate problems of jurisprudence. Unto Air. and Airs. Vandeveer have been born three children: Cossie, the Avife of Ernest F. Tietzel, Avho has business interests in NeAV York city and resides in Brooklyn; Fred Leroy, a graduate of Yale College and an attorney of St. Louis, aaLo married Vesta Hardy, of XeAV Haven, Connecticut, a daughter of George Hardy, chief engineer of the Xew York, XeAv Haven & Hartford Railroad Company ; and Harry D., Avho Avas admitted to the Kansas bar in 1901, Avhen in his nineteenth year and is noAV a student in the laAv department of Yale University. In the school of experience George A. Van deveer has been an apt pupil. Study, earnest investigation, close observation and laudable ambition have given to him the capability which a college course AA*ould have afforded. Alarked strength of character has been mani fest throughout his entire life; and the prom inence he has attained, the Avork he has ac complished, his manly principles and up right career have ever commanded for him the admiration and respect of prominent men throughout the country. AAmile in the localities in Avhich he has resided he has gained that friendship which is a tribute to personal Avorth. In politics he is a Repub lican. *—* JOHN S. GARDNER. History chronicles many changes in con dition, in progress, in business and in the Avays of life. No longer do the annals of a country consist of a record of Avars and conquests, but teem instead Avith the ac counts of business extension, of commercial prosperity and of the consequent progress and improvements Avhich appear in every Avalk of life. The conquests now made are those of mind over matter, not of man over man, and the victor is he who can success fully establish, control and operate extensive commercial interests. Although a young man Air. Gardner has become an important factor in the business life of Hutchinson, where he holds a responsible position as foreman of the Pennsylvania Salt Block. He has also been prominent in public affairs in the city of South Hutchinson and in mold ing public thought and action his opinions have carried Aveight. Air. Gardner Avas born in Coles county, Illinois, September 20, 1869, and is of Scotch-Irish lineage. His grandfather opened and operated a farm in Indiana and there folloAved agricultural pursuits through out his entire life. His son, Samuel Gard ner, Avas born in Scott county, Indiana, June 13, 1847, and was reared to the Avork of the farm, early taking his place in the fields. After his father's death he assumed the management of the old homestead, Avhich he successfully operated for some time. About 1865 he Avas united in marriage to Aliss Alargaret K. AA'eir, Avho Avas of German de scent, and Avas born in Indiana, Februarys, 1849. Her father, James AA'eir, Avas a farmer by occupation and became one of the pioneer settlers of the Hoosier state. Her brother, George AA'eir, sen-ed throughout the civil Avar as an officer. About 1866 Samuel Gardner removed Avith his family to Coles county, Illinois, Avhere he engaged in farming until 1875, Avhen he Avent to Barton county, Alissouri. There he folloAved tlie same pursuit until about 18S7. AA-hen he re moved to Alarion county, Oregon. He re sided in AAtoodburn and Oregon City dur ing his stay there and folloAved his original trade of stonemason and plasterer. In 1889 he became a resident of Gray county, Kan sas, locating in the tOAvn of Cimarron. Avhere he engaged in the same pursuits for six years, and in 1895 he took up his abode in Hutchinson. Here he accepted the posi tion of foreman in the packing department of the Hutchinson Salt Block and he makes his home at XTo. 800 Third avenue East. During the Civil Avar he served as a team ster in the Union army. In his political vieAvs he is a Democrat and fraternally he is connected with the Odd FelloAvs and the Modern AVoodmen. Both he and his Avife held membership in the Methodist church. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 7i In the family of this Avorthy couple Avere seven children, of Avhom four are noAV liv- ' ing. The record is : George, aaIio died in '¦ Illinois in childhood; John S., of this re- vieAv; Orrell, Avho is employed in a grocery- store in Hutchinson; Anna, the Avife of I Charles Aiason, Avho is engaged in the creamery business in Preston, Pratt county, Kansas; Dora, the Avife of Harry Alounts, Avho is employed by the Centney AAmolesale Grocery Company and lives in Hutchinson; Charlie, Avho died in infancy, Avhile the fam ily Avere in Alissouri; and a son aaIio died in infancy in the same state. In the common schools of Barton coun ty, Alissouri, John S. Gardner began his ed ucation, Avhich Avas continued in the public schools of Cimarron, Kansas, Avhere he re mained with his father until nineteen years of age, AA'hen he secured a railroad position in Greene county, this state. He was thus employed for about tAvo years, Avhen he ac cepted a position in the Hutchinson Salt Block, but after a year he became foreman of the Pennsylvania Salt Block, located on the other side of the Arkansas river in South Hutchinson and thither he removed his family. The Pennsylvania Salt Block Avas built about 1886, its dimensions bdng tAvo hundred by two hundred feet. It contains tAvo pans, each one hundred and fifteen by thirty-two feet and the capacity of the plant is three hundred barrels per day. The pro cess of evaporation by natural heat is used and tAvo grades of salt, fine and coarse, are manufactured. The output is sent mostly to packing houses in Omaha, Kansas City, and St. Louis. On the 24th of September, 1890, in Hutchinson Kansas, Air. Gardner Avas united in marriage to Aliss Anna Alillhouser, a na tive of Missouri and a daughter of Fred Millhouser, now a resident farmer of Pratt county, Kansas. His Avife died in Carroll county, in 1873, when Airs. Gardner Avas only three years old. Her uncle, John Alill houser, served as an officer in the Union army during the Civil Avar and on account of the Avound he sustained noAV draws a pension. Unto Mr. and Airs. Gardner have been born four children: Hubert S., Avho Avas born July 30, 1891 ; Dora, born Octo ber 5, 1892; Leslie, January 5, 1895; and Orrell, September 22, 1896. All Avere born in South Hutchinson. Air. Gardner OAvns a pleasant residence just outside the city lim its of South Hutchinson. This he pur chased together Avith seventeen acres of land, in June, 1899. There Avas a fine peach or chard on the place at the time he bought it and he has since set out a neAV orchard of peach and apple trees. The remainder of his land he usually plants in corn forage, and other grains. In his political vieAvs Air. Gardner is a Republican when party issues are involved but at local elections he votes independently. In the spring of 1895 he Avas elected coun cilman of South Hutchinson on the Citizen's ticket, an anti-license tickd, and sen-ed out his term. The following spring he Avas elected mayor and filled the position for three consecutive terms, Avhile in 1899 he Avas again elected councilman. He has been a member of the board of education from 1895 until 1901 inclusive. Socially he is identified Avith the following orders : the subordinate lodge and encampment of the Odd Fellows, in Avhich he has passed through all the chairs: the Alodern AA'ood- men of America and the Alodern Tonties, in Avhich he has filled all the chairs, and is noAV secretary of Council X'o. 83, of South Hutchinson. In his life history there are many elements Avorthy of commendation and of emulation a"nd the high regard in Avhich he is held as a man and citizen is indicated , by the prominence Avhich he has attained in social circles and in politics as Avell. J. A. YEOAIAX. J. A. Yeoman, a Avell knoAvn farmer of Kingman county, Avas'born in Fayette coun ty, Ohio, on the 2d of February, 1855. His father, Eli Yeoman, Avas a native of the Em pire state, his birth having there occurred in Dryden, and in his nath-e state he became a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. prominent farmer and stcck man. His wife bore the maiden name of Jane Knox and AA'as a daughter of James Knox and a cousin of James Knox Polk, president of the Uni ted States. She Avas a native of Ohio and was a member of a prominent and Avell knOAvn family of that commomvealth. In 1S50 Air. and Airs. Eli Yeoman removed from Ohio to Jasper county, Indiana, Avhere they spent their remaining days, the mother dying in the faith of the Presbyterian church, of Avhich she Avas a Avorthy and con sistent member. They became the parents of ten children, nine sons and one daughter, seven of Avium are iioav living, and those Avho make their home in Kingman county are O. A., J. A. and AI. AI. J. A. Yeoman, tlie subject of this re- vieAV, AA'as reared on the old home farm in Jasper county, Indiana, Avhere he Avas early inured to the labor of the fields, and he re mained under the parental roof until he at tained to years of maturity. In 1886 he re- moA-ed to Greensburg, KioAva county. Kan sas, Avhere he purchased a farm, but two years later he sold his place and Avent to the St. Louis valley, in Colorado, Avhere he Avas engaged in ranching for a time. On coming* again to this state he purchased a fine farm of three hundred and tAventy acres- on sec tion 10, Xinnescah tOAvnship, two and a half miles from Kingman, Avhere he is exten sively engaged in general farming and stock-raising. At the age of tAventy-five years Air. Yeo man Avas united in marriage to Amy Is rael, avIio Avas born, reared' and educated in Jasper county, Indiana, a daughter of AA'hit Israel. The father Avas a soldier in the Civil Avar, a member of the Eighty-sev enth Indiana Infantry, and Avas killed at the battle of Chiekamauga, Tennessee, leaving a AvidoAv and tAvo daughters, — Airs. Alaggie Kirchner and Airs. Yeoman. The former died in Berry, Oklahoma. The mother Avas killed by lightning at Greensburg, Kansas, in 1885. Air. and Airs. Yeoman became the parents of six children, but only tAvo are noAV living. — Don, a lad of seventeen years, and Joseph, iioav thirteen years of age. Guy, 1 their first born, died at the age of three years ; their second child, A'erne, died at the j age of six months; Frances also died at the i age of six months; and Bessie, the youngest child, died at the age of fifteen months. Mr. Yeoman votes Avith the Republican party, and socially he is a member of the Independ ent Order of Odd FelloAvs and the AVork men. Both he and his Avife hold member ship in the Christian church, and the family are among the Avell knoAvn and highly re spected residents of Kingman county. A. AI. JEAA'ELL. The real-estate business in the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, has been Avell and suc cessfully managed by leaders in this line, and one of the most prominent is A. AI. JeAvell, avIio since 1886 has dealt A-ery ex tensively in property in this vicinity. His birth occurred in LeAviston, Alaine, on June 29, 1850, a son of Benjamin and Ursula (Ham) JeAvell, both of AA'hom Avere natives of the same state. Both parents have passed aAvay and also all of the children of the fam ily with the exception of Air. JeAvell of this sketch, and one sister. . He Avas but tAvo years of age Avhen he lost his parents and he Avas reared by his maternal grandparents, obtain ing- his education in the schools of AI011- mouth, Alaine, and graduating at the Alon- mouth Academy. His business career began in his native state, but a year later he start ed for the Avest, locating in the state of Illi nois, and there he engaged in railroad Avork, in the transportation department, remaining as clerk, train dispatcher and agent for the folloAving eight or nine years. Leaving rail road work, he then embarked in the mer cantile bus-'ness. being associated Avith part ners for five years and traveling in the same line for seven years. It Avas in 1886 that Air. JeAvell's attention Avas particularly called to Kansas as a place of residence, and in 'that year he located in Hutchinson, soon aftenvard being associated in the real-estate business Avith several of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 73 the leading citizens. Three years later he purchased the interests of his partners and since then he has conducted his very pros perous business alone. He handles both city residences and farm property, has also done much toAvard the improvement and building up of many of the subdivisions of this city and has become an authority on values and the real-estate market. He fre quently buys property and places it in fine condition, eventually disposing of it to great advantage. His "beautiful residence at 209 Avenue A Avas erected in 1889, and he also has one of the fine farms of Reno county. The marriage of Air. JeAvell occurred on Alay 26, 1873, in Springfidd, Illinois, to Aliss Emma C, a daughter of H. Al. AA'ick- ham, Avho Avas a resident of that city. Four children have been born to this union, name ly : Clinton L. ; Helen G., Avho is the Avife of Frank H. Battise, a resident of Hutchinson and a conductor on the Hutchinson & South ern branch of the Santa Fe railroad; Edna AL ; and Howard AI. In politics Air. JeAvell supports the Republican party, although he is not a politician in the strict sense of the Avord. Socially he is connected Avith both the A. O. U. AA'. and the AA'oodmen of the AArorld, Avhile in religious matters he has long been a consistent member of the Aleth odist church, an official member of the same and a leader in its Christian Avork. Air. JeAv ell stands very high in the estimation of the business part of the city, Avhile his pleasing personality and courteous manner Avins for him friend's in every Avalk of life. FRAXK H. FOSTER. Air. Foster Avas born in Allen county, Indiana, June 19, 1858, his parents being Asher W. and Prudence (Thrasher) Fos ter, both of whom were natives of Virginia, where thdr marriage Avas celebrated. The paternal grandfather of our subject Avas one of three brothers who came from Ire land to America, landing in Boston, whence he made his way southward to Virginia. He Avas a tailor by trade and died during the early boyhood of his son Asher. The latter served an apprenticeship to the cabinet maker's trade, and in 1857 removed to In diana, Avhere he engaged in carpentering, folloAving that pursuit until his enlistment for service in the Union army, in April, 1 86 1. He Avas Avith the Army of the Po tomac, and after serving for three years veteranized and remained Avith his com mand until the close of hostilities, receiving an honorable discharge in August. 1865. He joined the army as a private but Avas later detailed as hospital steAvard, Avhich position he continued to fill until the Avar Avas ended. Aluch of his service Avas near his old home in Virginia, and he obtained permission to go through the picket lines to visit his old home. He found that all of his relatives Avere espousing the Rebel cause. He Avas taken in by his brothers and mother, and they gave him protection for three days, but his mother felt greatly hurt over, as she ex pressed it, his going back on his state and the interests of home. He remained at home until his command went north, Avhen he left Avith them. He never visited his home again and Avas cut off from the estate. Asher Fos ter had but one furlough during his entire army service, and that was Avhen he veter anized. He participated in the battles of Antietam, the AA'ilderness, the seven days' fight at Atlanta and Lookout Alountain, and Avas in the detail that sailed to X'eAv York to enforce army regulations. He Avas also in the fight at Pea Ridge. After the Avar Air. Foster rdurned to his family in Allen county, Indiana, and en gaged in carpentering, Avhich he folloAved until 1885, AA'hen he joined his son Frank in Kansas, locating in Alden, Rice county. There he AA-orked at his trade until his death, Avhich occurred July 2f, 1893', Avhen he Avas sixty-four years of age. He Avas a man of medium size, had acquired a fair education and had a good memory. His Avife died in Alden, in January, 1898. She Avas a daugh ter of a Air. Thrasher, a prominent farmer and slave owner of Virginia, Avho died in that state. His children were Airs. Mar- 74 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. garet Lipse; John P., avIio served in the Confederate army and died in A'irginia; George, a Baptist minister, Avho died in the Old Dominion ; Prudence, the mother of our subject; Alaria; Kate: Adeline; and Henry. Unto the grandfather Foster Avere born four children : Asher AA'. ; John, avIio removed to Missouri and aftenvard to IoAva, Avhere he died; George, Avho spent his last days in Missouri; and Harriet. Unto the parents of our subject Avere born five children: Frank H.; John, Avho died at the age of eleven years : Dora, the Avife of Lee AA' Ar nold, of Burdette, Kansas; Maggie, of In diana; and Nettie, aaLo is attending school in Emporia. The mother Avas a member of the EA-angelical church, and her Christian life and teachings had much influence over her children. Frank H. Foster remained under the parental roof until ten years of age, after which he spent three years in the home of the Rev. AA\ Y. B. Pierce, a Baptist minister of NeAV York. He then rdurned home and later Avas employed as a farm hand. Sub sequently he took charge of a livery barn, Avhich he conducted for a time, Avhen he ac cepted a clerkship in a store. He followed different lines of business until 1883, when he Avent to Xebraska, Avhere he Avorked on a cattle ranch until the spring of 1884. Avhen he removed to Colorado, being there em ployed on a ranch until the folloAving July. In that month he came to Rice county, Kan sas, and Avas first employed in connection with the operation of a threshing machine. Subsequently he secured a situation as a salesman in a store, and in Alarch, 1888, he was made a deputy sheriff, occupying that position for four years, after Avhich he Avas elected sheriff for a term of two years and re-elected for the same period, so that he Avas connected Avith the office for eight consecu tive years, filling the position Avith credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. During their long sen-ice no complaint Avas ever made and no prisoners escaped. While filling the position Air. Foster purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, and in 1896 took up his abode thereon. There Avere only a few improvements and after a time his barn Avas destroyed by fire. He then erected a Aery large barn, remodeled his house and has placed his farm in excellent condition, his fields being under a high state of cultiA-ation. He also purchased another quarter section of land and is now giving much attention to the groAving of stock of all kinds, including short-horn cattle and Peicheron horses. He has a fine Percheron stallion, also a saddle-bred stallion and roadsters. The stock prodaiced on his farm is among the best to be found in Kansas, and in this direction he has gained a very enviable reputation. Air. Foster Avas united in marriage at Chase, to Aliss Alinnie AI. Smith. Avho Avas born in Aladison county, Iowa, the Avedding taking place January 20, 1892. The lady is a daughter of O. F. and X'ettie (Compton) Smith, the former a nath'e of A'irginia and the latter of IoAva, in AA*hich state their mar riage Avas celebrated. During the Civil Avar her father joined the army and Avas in many hotly contested battles. He received Avhat Avas supposed to be a mortal Avound, the top of his head being torn aAvay. He Avas left to die, but his strong constitution enabled him to recover. A portion of his skull was torn off and he lost the sight of one eve. He has ahvays been a sufferer since the Avar, but life Avas spared to him. Later he received an honorable discharge and is iioav granted a small pension. He aftenvard engaged in the meat market business and in buying* and selling- stock. In 1880 he removed to Chase, Kansas, Avhere he conducted a meat market until his retirement to private life. He and his Avife are iioav living in Chase, where they are held in Avarm regard. In politics he is a strong Republican, has served as township trustee and in other positions. He AAas the eldest of seA*en children, the others being James, Thomas, HoAvard, AA'illiam N. AL, a physician, and Alary, avIio married Rev. A. Hestwood, a Alethodist minister. He also had a half-brother and sister by his mother's first marriage, namely, Rufus and Airs. Alartha Roaac Vnto O. F. Smith and his Avife Avere born eight children. Charles BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 75 O. is a resident of Hutchinson. Alinnie AI. is now Mrs. Foster. C. E. Avas in Colorado when the Spanish- American Avar broke out. He there enlisted, Avas sent to the Philip pines and ultimately Avas discharged as quartermaster, being now a merchant at Chase? Ernest is proprietor of a meat mar ket at Iola. Carrie is at home. George W. served Avith the Twentieth Kansas Regiment in the Philippines. Flora and Albert are still at home. The parents are devoted and loyal members of the^ Alethodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Airs. Foster also belong to the same church and he is identified Avith the Masonic fraternity, the Knights of Py thias lodge and the Sons of Veterans. He was reared in the Republican party and has frequently attended the county, state and congressional conventions and is a most ardent advocate of the party principles. GEORGE T. DAVIS. A man who has won for himself a prom inent place among the successful agricul turists of Galesburg township, Kingman county, is George T. Davis, Avho resides on section 27, He is a native of Callaway county, Missouri, his birth having occurred here on the 9th of April, 1849. His father, James Aladison Davis, Avas a native of Ken tucky, and in 18 10, Avhen a little lad, came to Alissouri and was reared and educated on his father's farm, the family being one of the first settlers in CallaAvay county. Air. Davis Avas married in Missouri to Mary Ely, Avho was born in Virginia. Her father, Harry Ely, was also a native of the Old Dominion. Airs. Davis died in Callaway county, Missouri, at the age of forty-nine, but her husband is still livinp*, at the ad vanced age of nindy years, in Grayson coun ty, Texas. They Avere the parents of five children, of which our subject is the young est, as folloAvs: Sally: Benjamin, Avho served in the war; Alolly; Amanda; and George T. Mr. Davis was married a second time, and by this union Avere born six chil dren, namely : Cynthia, Xancy, James, Emma, Lizzie and Charles. During his en tire life, Air. Davis folloAved the occupation of farming. He gave his political support to the Democratic party and held member ship in the Baptist church. George T. Davis Avas reared to farm life on the homestead in Alissouri, and there learned lessons of thrift and perseverance. His literary education Avas received in the schools of his native county, and early in life Avas thoroughly acquainted Avith the duties and labors of farming, as Avell as having laid a good foundation for later knoAvledge in the 9chool room. AVhen tAventy-six years of age he led to the altar Miss Martha Ste venson, who Avas a native of Kentucky, but was reared and educated in Missouri. She Avas a daughter of James R. and Sarah R. (Givens) Stevenson. The latter Avas born in Kentucky, AA'here she Avas reared, and died October 8, 1901, at the great age of over ninety years. In 1878 Air. Davis removed Avith his family to Kansas and they were numbered among the Missouri valley settlement families. Here he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of Osage Indian land1 to Avhich he has added from time to time until he has four hundred acres of high ly cultivated property, constituting one of the finest farms in Kingman county. A sub stantial residence and well built barns and sheds, together Avith a fine grove and or chard, are among the salient features of this Avell kept farm, Avhile Avell tilled fields and rich pasture lands shoAV the careful Avork of cultivation. The home of Air. and Airs. Davis has been blessed Avith three girls : Sallie ; Mrs. Jennie Endicott; and Eva, the last two of whom are tAvins. They lost one child, Ro- : salie, in infancy. Politically Air. Davis is a j faithful adherent x>f Democratic principles; ' and has served as road overseer, and also as | a member of the school board. He is a member of the Court of Honor, and he and his family hold membership Avith the Cum berland Presbyterian church, of Avhich the father serves as elder. He has always lived an upright and honorable life, and is inter- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ested in every movement which will promote the Avelfare of his community along relig ious and educational lines. AA". AA'. HILL. This Avell known farmer and honored citizen of Kingman county has throughout his active business career been prominently identified AA'ith agricultural interests and for a number of years has resided upon his pres ent farm. He Avas born in Essex county, NeAV Jersey, in 1840, and in that state his father, AA" R. Hill, also had his nativity, as did his parents, Ed and Elizabeth Hill. The grandfather was a loyal soldier in the Avar of 1812. AA'. R. Hill attained to years of maturity in the state of his birth and Avas there married to Caroline Harris, a native daughter of X'eAv Jersey, Avhere her parents, John Harris and his Avife, Avere also born. She Avas the mother of eleven children, eight of Avhom greAV to years of maturity, namely: Eliza, Alary, Abraham, AVilliam AA'., Catherine, Charlotte, Uriah and Alar tha. The first named passed aAvay in death at the age of sixty-one years, but the remain ing seven are all still living. In 1856 the family left their XeAv Jersey home for Taze well county, Illinois, and tAvo years later they located near Lincoln, Logan county, that state, Avhere the father passed to his final rest at the age of seventy-eight years. He folloAved both farming and carpentering as a means of livelihood, and his political support Avas given to the Democracy, Avhile religiously he Avas a member of the Alethod ist church. His AvidoAV survived until her eighty-sixth year, and she, too, passed away in the faith of the Alethodist Episcopal church. AA'. W. Hill, Avhose name introduces this revieAV, remained in the state of his birth until his fifteenth year of age, receiving his education in its public schools, and he theaa accompanied the family on their removal to Illinois. The year 1868 Avitnessed' his ar rival in the Sunflower state, and for a time thereafter he made his home near Quenemo, Osage county. Later he became the owner of a claim on One Hundred and Ten Creek, which he improved and made his home thereon until 1883, Avhen he sold that place and purchased his present farm on section 30, AA'hite tOAvnship, Kingman count/, one hundred acres of Avhich had been placed under cultivation. His homestead now con sists of one hundred and sixty acres of ex cellent land, where he has a fine bearing or chard of nine acres, de\-oted to the raising of small fruits of all kinds. He has carried forward Avith success the Avork of an agri culturist and fruit-groAA*er, and is to-day ac counted one of the well-to-do and prosper ous citizens of his community. His capable management, enterprise, Avell directed efforts and honorable dealing have been the important factors in his prosperity and have brought to him a very handsome compe tence. On the 15th of March, 1869, Air. Hill was united in marriage to Alan* A. ^Hay- Avood, Avho Avas born in Cass county, Illi nois, in 1845, and received her education in the city schools of Burlingame, Kansas. Her parents, James and Eliza Haywood, Avere born near Sheffield, England, Avhere they were married, and there they remained until after the birth of their first child, Fredrick, Avhen, about 1843, they emigrated to this country, settling in Illinois. The father had learned the blacksmith's trade in the old J country, but after his arrival in America he took advantage of the cheap land and en gaged in agricultural pursuits, becoming a successful and Avell-to-do farmer. In 1858 he sold his possessions in Illinois and came to Kansas, Avhere he spent the remainder of his life, dying in Osage county, at the age ! of seventy-five years. His Avife, avIio bore the maiden name of Eliza Farrar, died- in that county at the age of sixty-six years, in the faith of the Alethodist Episcopal church. She was a daughter of AA'illiam and Mary (AA'ilkerson) Farrar. Our subject and Avife are the parents of six children, namely: Uriah, of Alvaretta, Oklahoma; Fred, Avho also makes his home in that territory ; Laura, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 77 who Avas formerly a popular teacher in j Kingman county; AValter; James; and Pearl. Air. Hill gives his political support j to the "Third party," and socially is a mem- ! ber of the Ancient Order of United AA'ork- I men. Airs. Hill is a worthy and acceptable member of the Alethodist church, and the \ family is one of prominence in the locality in Avhich they reside. JAMES RAXKIX. James Rankin is a representative of the honored pioneers of a great commonwealth who have served faithfully and long in the enterprising west. He claims Pennsylva nia as the state of his nativity, his birth hav ing occurred in Indiana county, June 27, 1839. His father, Isaac X. Rankin, Avas a well known citizen of that county and was a son of Andrew Rankin, who was born in Ireland, of Scotch-Irish parentage. An drew Rankin married Ann Stitt, who Avas also born of Scotch-Irish parents, and they Avere members of the Presbyterian church. Isaac X., the father of our subject, was reared to manhood in his native county and was there married to Jane Alcorn, a daugh ter of James Alcorn. They were the parents of the following children : Andrew, a resi dent of Bedford, IoAva; James, our subject; John, a tAvin brother of James and a resi dent of Oklahoma; William, Avho resides in Rice county, Kansas. Two of their children are deceased, — Robert Johnson, who died at the age of eighteen months, and Mary, Avho died in Ringgold county. Iowa. In 1874 the parents came to Rice county, Kansas. where the father died in Harrison township, at the age of sixty-seven years. He was a carpenter and joiner by trade and Avas iden tified with the Democratic party. The mother, Avho was born in 1800, survived her husband until 1888. dying at the age of eighty-eight years. They were members of the Presbyterian church. James Rankin, whose name introduces this revieAv, Avas reared in his parents' home in Pennsylvania. He accompanied the fam ily on thdr remoA-al to Hancock county, Illi nois, locating near Laharpe, and later they removed to Des Aloines county, IoAva. A settlement Avas made near AliddldoAvn, and he AA'as there married to Cynthia Duke, AA*ho Avas born in Henry county, IoAva, and Avas there reared and educated. Her father, James AI. Duke, Avas born in Kentucky, of Avhich state the grandfather, John Duke, Avas also a. native. James Duke Avas but a boy Avhen he remoA'ed Avith his father to IoAva. He Avas a saAvyer by trade and operated many saAvmills in IoAva, Alissouri and Ar kansas. His Avife bore the maiden name of Elizabeth AAmliams and Avas a native of Ohio, a daughter of Xehemiah and Eliza beth (Borden) Williams. James and Eliz abeth Duke became the parents of Ave chil dren, but one, Francisca, died in childhood. The living are : Cynthia ; David AA'., a resi dent of Victoria township, Rice county : and Airs. Harriet Holmes, of Lyons, Kan sas. The father of this family died in AA'einer, Arkansas, at the age of seventy-six years. In early life he affiliated Avith the Greenbackers, but later Avas an advocate of Democracy. His widoAv noAV resides Avith her children in Rice county, Kansas, and is a Avorthy member of the Baptist church, Avith Avhich her husband Avas also identified. In the year 1875 Air. Rankin took up his abode in the SunfloAver state, casting in his lot with the pioneerg of Rice county. He first secured a timber claim, containing Cot tonwood, box-elder and mulberry trees. He noAV owns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, known as Grove Land, and this is one of the beautiful country seats of Vic- • toria tOAvnship. The place is located a half mile from Pollard, and is highly cultivat ed, the productive fields yielding a golden rdurn for the care and labor Avhich he be- stoAvs upon them. The marriage of Air. and Airs. Rankin has been blessed Avith three children, name ly: Andrew J., Avho married Aliss Lizzie Grumbine, and is a grain buyer, railroad agent and postmaster of Pollard: Hattie F.. Avho is employed as a clerk in a store in Pol- 73 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. lard; and Estella H., a successful and popu lar teacher of Rice county. The children re ceived excellent educations in the Normal College at Great Bend. In his political views Air. Rankin was formerly a Democrat, but iioav affiliates with the Populist party, but he has never been an office seeker, pre ferring to give his time and attention to his business interests. He is a member of the Alethodist Episcopal church, and his wife and daughters hold membership in the Re formed church. In his social relations he is connected Avith the Modern AA'oodmen of the World. He is imbued AA'ith fine sensibil ities and dearly defined principles. Honor and integrity are synonymous Avith his name and he enjoys the respect, confidence and high regard of the community. DeAVITT C. JOHNSON. DeAA'itt C. Johnson, a conductor on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, and a resident of Hutchinson, was born at AA'avne, Wayne county, Alichigan, on the 23d of August, 1843. His father, Stephen R. Johnson, Avas a native of the Empire state, and Avhen a young man began Avork on the Erie canal, in which he continued until the advent of the railroads rendered that business unprofitable and he then be came identified with railroading. He was first employed in furnishing telegraph poles to the Alichigan Central Railroad1 Company, and Avas later made general roadmaster of the division between Chicago and Detroit, Avhere he had charge of all construction and building. He remained Avith that company for thirty years, or until the time of his death, and. during that period the road Avas completed from Chicago to Ypsilanti, he purchasing and paying for all material used in its construction. After the completion of the road to that place Mr. Johnson removed to Niles, Alichigan, Avhere he spent the re maining years of his life, passing away on the 20th of Alarch, 1872. Lie Avas an ardent Republican in his political views and Avas active in the work of his party. He Avas married in XeAV York, his native state, and the union Avas blessed with ten children, but our subject is the only representative of the family in the SunfloAver state, the others re siding in Xiles and Detroit, Alichigan. DeAA'itt C. Johnson was only about six years of age when he accompanied his par ents on their removal to Alichigan, in Avhich state he Avas reared and educated, the first school Avhich he attended having been held in a log house, but that Avas about the last of those primitive structures. On first locat ing in AArayne county the family lived in a log cabin, and many a time our subject has hauled a fire log into the cabin Avith horses and wagon. AA'hen but sixteen years of age he began his identification Avith railroading, and his father, who was much opposed to his entering the service, would not assist him in obtaining a position, but by his OAvn efforts he secured the position of a brake- man, Avhich he folloAved for tAvo years. For the following four years he had charge of a construction train, and was then made road- master of the division between Xiles and Kalamazoo, but, preferring road work, he resigned that position after one year. In 1870 he came Avest and for a time had charge of repairs and building on the Coun cil Bluffs road, from Corning to Council Bluffs, after Avhich he Avas again employed as roadmaster, continuing in the latter posi tion until 1884. In that year he began Avork on the Santa Fe Railroad, first as brakeman, but a year and a half later was given charge of a train in the construction department, assisting in building the different branches of the road in western Kansas. After their completion he became a member of the oper ating department and has the exceptional record of running one train on the main line for fourteen consecutive years, or up to the present time, his run being from New ton to Jetmore, a distance of three hundred and six miles, and during that long period he has' been absent from duty only on three occasions, one haying been to visit the World's Fair. Air. Johnson has invested to a considerable extent in residence property BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 79 in Hutchinson, Avhere he has built and re paired several buildings, and his beautiful residence is located at Xo. 219 Fifth aAenue. On first coming to the SunfloAver state Air. Johnson located in Topeka, Avhere he resid ed for about two years, and then took up his abode in Burdette. AA'hile there residing he took the first train to Jetmore, Avhere they Avere met Avith bands of music and many other public demonstrations. Nine years aftenvard Air. Johnson removed to Nicker son, Avhere he was among the first to plant trees and flowers, and during his residence there the town was visited by a severe hail storm, rendering it impossible for one to venture out of the house for three days. His home was located on the boulevard in that city. In July, 1897, he took up his abode in Hutchinson, Avhere he noAV OAvns much valuable property, and during his absence from home his Avife looks after thdr inter ests and has proAed herself a capable busi ness woman. The marriage of Air. Johnson and Aliss Isabella Frost was celebrated on the 17th of April, 1873. The lady Avas born in Iowa, and is a daughter of Thomas D. Frost, Avho Avas also connerted with the Alichigan Cen tral Railroad. He Avas born in Fredonia, New York, in 1819, and in early life was engaged in the lumber business, selling the lumber and rafting it down the Ohio river to Cincinnati. He located in Niles, Michi gan, in a very early day, and there spent many years of his life, having been princi pally engaged in bridge Avork. In 1890 he came to Kansas, but he Avas not long per mitted to enjoy a residence in this state, as he passed away in death one year later, and his remains were interred in a cemetery in Niles, Alichigan. He Avas married in the latter city to Irene Al. Alerritt, and three children graced their union, but Airs. John son is now the only survivor of the family. Her maternal grandfather, Captain Daniel Hicock, Avas a Revolutionary hero, and many of his descendants noAV reside in Qeveland, Ohio. In his political affiliations Air. Johnson is a Republican, and although he takes an active and commendable interest in all matters pertaining to the public wel fare he has never sought political prefer ment, as his entire time is devoted to his railroad interests. His social relations con nect him Avith the Order of Railway Con ductors, No. 11, of NeAvton. His life has been a busy and useful one. He is a man of high intellectuality, broad human sympa thies and tolerance; honor and integrity are synonymous with his name, and he enjoys the respect, confidence and high regard of the community. JAAIES AVINSOR. Since 1878 James AA'insor has been a citizen of the great state of Kansas, and since 1880 he has occupied his present fine farm of eighty acres, located on section 36, Grove tOAvnship, Reno county, near the tOAvn of Turon. His birth occurred in Rensselaer county, NeAV York, on June 16, 1816, a son of John and Lydia (Boardman) AAlnsor, the former born in England about 1749 and the latter in Scotland. John AA'insor Avas apprenticed to the carpenter trade in his na tive land, and so faithfully did he perform his duties that his employer permitted him to leave six months before the contracted date, and Air. AVinsor immediately emigrat ed to America. After locating in the new country he displayed his loyalty to it by en tering the Patriot army and fighting Avith them to the close of the Revolutionary Avar, and AA'as one of its pensioners until his death. He married Lydia Boardman, and they reared four sons and three daughters. By trade he was a cooper, and he also OAvned land at the time of his death, Avhich occurred in 1829, in the town of BrunSAvick, Rensse laer county, NeAV York, in the eightieth year of his age. The AA'insors belonged to the yeomanry class in England, all respected for their industry and honesty. James AA'insor is the only survivor of his parents' family, of Avhich he Avas the sixth child and youngest son. From the age of twelve years he lived aAvav from home, earn- So BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ing his OAvn living by Avorking for farmers and then learning a trade, and he AVas per mitted by his parents to use his Avages, this being contrary to the general usage of the time. In 1838, at the age of tAventy-tAvo years, James AA'insor Avas united in marriage to Charity Feathers, in Peekskill, XeAv York, and seven of the eight children born of this marriage greAV to maturity, and those still surviving, are as fol lows : George ; David, Avho lives near To peka, Kansas : and Airs. Lydia Ann Austin and Mrs. Alary Burr, both of Avhom reside in Rensselaer county, XTew York. Their mother died about 1859, and the father then married Amanda Burr, Avhose death oc curred on Alarch 29, 1897, in the fifty-sixth year of her age. She left these children : William, Avho has one son and one daugh ter ; AA^esley, single, living at home ; Cather ine, who married Benjamin Bush, a farmer of Reno county, and they have three chil dren; and Jennie, avIio married Cyrus Huff, has one daughter, and they reside in the Sand Hills, in this county. Mr. AA insor entered the service of the Union arm}- early in the progress of the Civil war, enlisting in tbe Fourteenth XTeAV York Infantry as a private, later becoming a corporal. In 1862, at Antietam, he Avas wounded in the hip by a shell, this necessi tating a sojourn of fourteen Aveeks in the hosppital at Camp Curtin. The injury Avas so serious that he still receives a pension of twelve dollars a month from the govern ment. For three years he lived the life of a soldier, but gladly returned to peaceful times. After the close of the Avar Mr. AA'insor removed to Otto, Pennsylvania, Avhere he remained for seven years, coming to Kansas in 1878, Avhere he took up a government homestead of ninety acres. Three years later he settled on his present eighty-acre farm, paying three dollars per acre for raAV prairie land. In 1880 he lost his all in a ter rible prairie fire that swept over his section of the county, saving but two coavs. These could not take the place of a fine pair of horses he had owned, but as a necessity he used them for a time to enable him to do his ploAving. He is iioav retired from activity, his son cultivating the land. In politics he is a ver}- pronounced Republican, and he Avas one of the charter members of Fremont Post, of Turon. Air. AA'insor, Avith his sec ond Avife, attended the Alethodist church, Avith Avhich they had long been connected, the former wife having been a member of the United Brethren denomination. George R. AA'insor, a stock farmer in Grove township, Avas born in Rensselaer county, Xew York, on Alay 14, 1840, and son of James and Charity (Feathers) AA'in sor, both of whom Avere born in XeAv York, and the latter died in 185 1. Their surviv ing children are as folloAvs : Alary, aaIio married Hiram Burr, of Lewis county, New York ; George R., of this sketch : David, aaIio lives in Lecompton, Kansas : and Lydia Ann, Avho resides in Duke Center, Pennsyl vania. Air. AA'insor had but limited educa tional opportunities.. He Avas reared to the Avood and lumber business, but in 1861 he became a soldier, enlisting at Boonville, NeAV A'ork, in the Xmety-seventh XeAv York Infantry, and at his second enlistment en tered the same rebiment. serving his coun try AA-ith gallantry for four years lacking but forty-one days. On September 14. 1862, he was Avounded in the left thigh, and draAVS a' pension for the same at the present time. His AA-ound Avas so serious that he Avas obliged to remain in the hospital for seven months, his pluck and good constitution en abling him to finally recover sufficiently to return toi his regiment. Until 1874 he remained in LeAvis coun ty, Xew York, coming then to Butler, Kan sas, and one year later he took his one hun dred and sixty-acre homestead, moving his family here in 1876. A sod house tAvelve by fourteen feet in dimensions AA'as awaiting the family, and in it they resided until 1880, Avhen Air. AA'indsor built his first box house, Avhich is now used as an out-building. His present residence Avas erected in 1886, and in 1899 it: was remodeled and now is one of the most comfortable and attractive coun try homes in this neighborhood. Mr. AArind- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY sor feeds from thirty to forty head of stock, buys corn and fodder, believing this the most profitable way. He milks sixteen coavs and raises calves, his herd being Herefords mixed Avith common stock. The productive orchards, the small fruits and the beautiful shade trees Avere all planted by the industry of our subject. The marriage of Air. AA'indsor Avas in Turin. XeAv York, on October 21. 1868, to Flora C. Perkins, of LeAvis county, Xew York, a daughter of John and Caroline ( Smith) Perkins, both deceased. Air. Per kins Avas a mechanic, and Avas Avell known as a great deer hunter in the Adirondack mountains. Seven children Avere born to this union, namely : John, Avho Avas born in February, 1873; Arthur, Avho Avas born in Kansas, on June 12, 1877, and both of these sons are married, have families and are en gaged in the well, Avindmill and pump sup ply business under the firm name of AA'ind sor Bros., at Bucklin, Kansas. The third son Avas Charles B., A\ho Avas born on Au gust 14, and died at the age of four years; Alvrtle. Avho married AA'arren Thorp, of Pratt county ; Fred, Avho Avas born on No vember 10, 1886; Fay, who Avas born on April 20, 1890; and Maud, Avho Avas born on April 22, 1891. The children reflect much credit upon the parents. Air. AA'ind sor is a stanch Republican. GEORGE SMITH.. For many years George Smith has been a prominent figure in the annals of Reno county and has aided materially in its de velopment. By a life of uprightness, in dustry and square dealing, — a life devoted to the support of AvhateATer is good and true, — he has won the admiration and gen uine regard of a large circle of acquaint ances. He Avas born in Ross county, Ohio, on the 2d of Alay 1834. His oaternal grand father, Jacob Smith, Avas employed as a sailor on the ocean during his early life, but later he located in Ross county, Ohio, Avhere he folloAved farming for a number of years. About 1840, hoAvever, he re moved from the Buckeye state to Indiana, taking up his abode on a farm in Clinton county, Avhere he spent the remainder of his life, passing away in death in 1855. One of his sons, Thomas Smith, Avas a braA-e and loyal soldier during the Alexican Avar. James C. Smith, the father of him whose name introduces this review, AA'as born and reared in Ross county. Ohio, and after at taining to mature years he Avas there em ployed as a fuller in a Avoolen mill. Before leaving that locality he Avas married to Maria Thomas, also a native of Ross coun tv. After the birth of their second child the parents left their Ohio home and located in AA'arren county, Indiana, Avhere it was Air. Smith's intention to devote his time to agricultural pursuits and he accordingly rented' a farm for that purpose. He next removed to Tippecanoe county, and on AArea creek Avas located a Avoolen mill. which was OAvned and operated by a Quaker named Andy Yunts. The latter Avas in need of a competent superintendent to con duct his mill, and a former neighbor of Air. Smith in Ross county, Avho had also moA-ed to Tippecanoe county and found employ ment in the mill, told the OAvner of Air. Smith's ability in that line, and he accord ingly offered him a position, the latter to recdve nindy dollars a month for six months in compensation for his services. Air. Smith accordingly left his farm and assumed the position of superintendent in the mill, which he rdained for seA*en or eight years. On the expiration of that period he removed to Clinton county, Indiana, secur ing a farm in the dense Avoods, but he soon cleared a space sufficient to erect a cabin home and at once began the arduous task of placing his land under cultivation. In 1850 he sold that place and removed to ATermilion county, Illinois, purchasing a quarter sec tion of land cn the north folk of A'ermilion river. As the years passed by he succeeded in placing his fields under a fine state of cul tivation, and there he made his home until his life's labors Avere ended in death, passing 82 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. to his final rest in 1862. He Avas survived by his AvidoAV for many years, and her death occurred at the home of her youngest son in A'ermilion county in 1880. Air. Smith was a AA'hig in his political views, and in early life he held membership in the United Brethren church, but later he be came a member of the Alethodist denomina tion. Unto this Avorthy couple Avere born eight children, namely : George, the sub ject of this reA'ieAV ; AA'illiam, Avho died in Tippecanoe county, Indiana; Elizabeth, aaIio passed aAvay in A'ermilion county, Indiana; Eliza, the Avife of John G. BroAvn, a shoe maker of Newport, Vermilion county, In diana; Laura and John, Avho died in Ver milion county, Illinois; Alary. Avho passed aAvay in Fountain county, Indiana; and Alartha, Avho also died in Vermilion county. George Smith, of this revieAv, received his early education in the subscription schools of AA'arren, Tippecanoe and Clinton counties, Indiana, attending the primitive log structures so common at that early day, Avhich Avere furnished Avith slab benches and pins driven into the Avail supported planks for desks. Remaining on the home farm Avith his father until his twenty-second year, he then began learning the carpenter's trade in A'ermilion county, folloAving that occu pation until 1862, hut in that year his fa ther died and our subject then returned home and took charge of the farm, remain ing there until his marriage. Soon after that event Air. Smith removed Avith his Avife to A'ermilion county, locating near Danville, Avhere he Avas engaged in agricultural pur suits for four years, and for the folloAving year he made his home on his father-in-laAv's place. For the succeeding sixteen years he Avas engaged in operating the Collet farm, and he then cast in his lot with the early pioneers of Reno county, Kansas, securing the farm of one hundred and eighty acres Avhich he yet OAvns. At the time of the pur chase the land Avas but partially improved, but as the years have passed by he has suc ceeded in placing his fields under an excel lent state of cultivation, and has added many improvements, including a commodious and Avell built residence, a large barn and all other necessary buildings, and has also a beautiful orchard of seven acres. Mr. Smith follows general farming and stock- raising, and in his pasture he annually keeps about thirty head of a fine grade of* short horn cattle. In 1863 occurred the marriage of Air. Smith and Aliss Armina BroAAm. The lady Avas born on the 26th of December, 1844, and is a daughter of Thomas J. and Hanna ( AA'entAvood) BroAvn, natives of Kentucky. From that state they removed to Indiana, Avhere the father Avas engaged at his trade of shoemaking. Unto our subject and his Avife have been born six children : Frank, Avho died in Valley tOAA-nship, Kansas ; Ed- Avard, Avho also departed this life in Valley tOAvnship ; Flora, the Avife of AA'alter G. Har ris, a farmer of this locality; George, at home; Bernie, Avho is attending college at Alanhattan, Kansas ; and one Avho died in Vermilion county in infancy. Three years ago Airs. Smith sustained a severe fall, AA'hich resulted in breaking her hip. and since that time she has been almost an in- Valid, but she bears the affliction Avith re markable courage and Christian fortitude. In his political affiliations our subject is independent and socially is a member of the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen, Avhile his religious preference is indicated by his membership in the United Brethren church. His many admirable qualities of heart and mind have gained for him a large circle of friends, and he is Avidely and fa\*orably known in Reno countA-. JOHN AI. YOUNG. John AI. Young, Letter known as Alart V oung. is a representative agriculturist and stock man of EllsAvorth county, iioav resid ing on section eleven, Empire tOAvnship. He there owns four hundred and five acres of land, and the richly cultivated fields yield to Inn a golden tribute Avhile his extensive stock interests also a profitable source of in come. He is a southern man, possessed of the enterprising spirit Avhich characterizes BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 83 this portion of the country. His birth oc curred in Bates county, Missouri, November 7, 1846, his parents being Daniel E. and Margaret (Hornsinger) Young. The fa ther Avas a native of Wayne county, Ken tucky, and became a pioneer of Bates county, Missouri, Avhere he met and married Miss Hornsinger, whose people went to Missouri from Pennsylvania. He became an exten sive stock irian and farmer and was engaged largely in the breeding of horses and mules on the Osage river. During the war he had to leave Missouri, owing to his Union sym pathies, and for four years he remained in Illinois, after which he returned to his farm, upon which he spent the residue of his days, dying in 1878. He was prominent in tbe Republican party and was a Baptist in religious faith. His Avife died when their son John was ten years of age. They had three children: Jacob F., who is now a prominent farmer of Greene county, Illinois ; Mart; and Tabitha A., the wife of George W. Cherry, of Howell county, Missouri. After the death of his first wife the father was again married, his second union, being with Robindt Martin, of Missouri. They had seven children, but only two are now living, Nathan and Ingham, both of whom are residents of Indian Territory and with them ,the mother makes her home. The days of his minority J. Mart Young spent under the parental roof. He acquired but limited school privileges, being only able to attend school for about three months in the year. AVhen he had attained his major ity he received forty acres from his father's estate and made his home thereon,, devoting his energies to agricultural pursuits until 1868, Avhen he sold that property and went to Texas, there engaging in the stock busi ness. After a year spent in Grayson county, however, he returned to Missouri and rented land in St. Clair county, where he remained until 1876, when he came to Kansas with a horse and mule team and a covered wagon, accompanied on the journey by his wife and child. At length they reached Smoky river and Mr. Young purchased railroad land near Venango, securing the southeast quar ter of section thirty-five. He built a log house, sixteen by fourteen feet, dug a Avell and broke thirty acres of land, planting a crop of wheat the same year. Soon after- Avard, however, he had to abandon this place, for the season Avas a hard one and the crops produced were very small. Removing eight miles west, he located on section tAventy- two, Empire township, Ellsworth county, on Thompson creek. It was a squatter's claim, for which he traded a young team and wagon. About forty acres of the land had been broken, and Avith characteristic energy- he continued its further development and improvement, remaining thereon for eight years, during which time he added another quarter section. He broke all of the tillable land, made excellent improvements and in connection with the raising of grain was quite extensively engaged in the stock busi ness, keeping as many as four hundred head of cattle, which grazed on the rich pasture lands. The ranch of Captain Millett ad joins Mr. Young's farm, and the latter did considerable work for the Captain, the money thus earned aiding him to carry on the work of improvement in his OAvri fields. He did more or less work for the Captain for fourteen years and their dealings Avere always of the most pleasant character, Mr. Young eA*er retaining the highest regard for the worthy Captain, aaIio afterward suffered such heavy losses here. After the failure of Captain Millett, Mr. Young went to Colo rado and spent one year in the employ of D. B. PoAvers, one of the first as well as one of the most extensive cattle men of Kansas. While in that state his family remained upon the home place in order to care for the prop erty. After his return Mr. Young contin ued the development of his homestead, there engaging in farming and stock-raising until 1898, when he disposed of his land and pur chased his present home on section 11, township 16, range 8. This Avas formerly a well known sheep ranch and prior to that was part of the old Fort Harker reservation. Mr. Young has added excellent improve ments to the place and noAV has a good home, supplied with substantial buildings and equipped with all modern accessories and conveniences for facilitating farm work and H BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. making it profitable. He handles from three to four hundred head of cattle each year and has an excellent reputation as a reliable stock dealer. In Alarch, 1866, occurred the marriage of Air. Young and Aliss Samantha Fer guson, a native of Cedar county, Alissouri, and a daughter of Judge John and Eme line (Patterson) Ferguson, both of whom Avere natives of Virginia. Unto Air. and Airs. Young have been born tAvo children : Alaggie, the Avife of Fred Baker, of Ells- Avorth county, and Ella, avIio died at the age of tAvo years. They also have an adopted son, Bruce PoAvers, who came to them Avhen three years of age and noAV assists in the culth'ation of the home place. In his politi cal views Air. Young is a Republican, and for eight years he served on the school board in his old neighborhood and has occupied a similar position since coming to his present home. Socially he is a member of Charity Lodge, No. 109, I. O. O. F., and also be longs to the Daughters of Rebekah. Com ing to Kansas in pioneer days, he has Avatched with interest through the passing years its development and progress and has borne his part in its substantial upbuilding. He is knoAvn as one of its reliable and pro- gressh-e citizens and a man Avhose example is AA'dl Avorthv of emulation. S. C. MILLIGAN. There has been no more A-aluable or im portant element in our national citizenship than that furnished by Ireland. From the green island of Erin have come men of versatility and determination, ready and Avilling to take up any honorable occupation that Avould yield success and provide a com fortable living for themselves and their fam ilies. Of such a nationality came the an cestors of our subject. His paternal grand parents, Mr. and Airs. Robert Alilligan, cn. ssed the Atlantic from Ireland, locating in Jefferson county, Ohio, and thence re moving* to Guernsey county, Avhere they spent their remaining, clays. At the time of their emigration their son Thomas Avas but a youth. He was born in the northern part of the Emerald isle and in the Buckeye state Avas reared to farm* life. Having arrived at years of maturity he wedded Alary Camp bell, Avho Avas born in Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish parentage, her father and mother having been nath-es of northern Ire land. Avhence they came to the United States, spending their remaining days in Ohio. The following children Avere born unto Thomas and Alary Alilligan: Robert H. ; Jane; Joseph, Avho Avas a soldier in the Civil Avar; Nancv Isabelle: Thomas Clark: Sylvanus; Calvin ; Eliza K. ; and AA'illiam C. The fa ther died in Ohio at the age of sixty-nine years. Throughout his business career he had carried on farming and Avas knOAvn for his sterling honesty and many excellent characteristics. In his political A'ieAvs he Avas a stanch Republican, and both he and his Avife Avere devoted members of the United Presbyterian church. Airs. Alilligan passed aAA'ay at the age of eighty years, but her memory Avas long aftenvard enshrined in the hearts of those avIio kneAv her. S. C. Alilligan, Avhose name introduces this record, spent his youth on his father's farm in Guernsey county, Ohio. Avhere his birth occurred on the 2nd of January, 1848. His childhood days Avere passed' in the usual manner of lads of that period, the duties of the school-room and the pleasures of the play-ground claiming his attention. Avhile during the summer months he Avorked in the fields from the time he Avas old enough to handle the plow. He Avas married at the age of tAventy-ooe to Aliss Elizabeth Con nell, and since that time she has been an able helpmate to him on life's journey. She Avas a native of Columbiana county. Ohio, Avhere she Avas reared and educated. Her parents, Alexander and Alary Jane Connell, were residents of East Liverpool, Ohio. The mother passed aAvay on February 4. 1902, and her husband folloAA-ed her fifteen hours later, she being eighty-eight years of age, while he was in his ninetieth year. The fol lowing- children have been born to Air. and Airs. Alilligan, namely: Airs. Ella R. Bone, of AA'hite tOAvnship, Kingman county; Em- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. S5 ory C, aaEo lives -in the same township; Alary Amma Hemphill, of Kingman coun ty; Anna Pearl, Avho has been one of the successful and popular teachers of this local ity from the age of sixteen years; and Harry C, Avho completes the family. After his marriage Air. Alilligan contin- ; ued his residence in Ohio until 1885, AA'hen he came to the SunfloAver state, and pur chased one hundred and sixty acres of land \ on section 9, AA'hite tOAvnship, Kingman county, Avhere he has since lived. He built a little house, fourteen by tAventy feet, but this has since been replaced by a commodi ous residence, tastefully furnished, and is surrounnded by a good laAvn adorned Avith shade-trees, an orchard yields its fruit in season and annually the fields return a golden harvest for the care and labor that have been bestOAved upon them. By addi tional purchases Air. Milligan has extended the boundaries of his farm until it noAV com prises tAvo hundred and forty acres of val uable land. The farm is Avell supplied with the many improvements that go to facilitate agricultural Avork in the tAventieth century, and this property is a visible evidence of the enterprise and the thrift of the OAvner. In his political vieAvs Air. Milligan is an advo cate of Republican prindples, and has served as justice of the peace. He belongs to the United Presbyterian church of Pretty Prai rie, and his wife and two of the children are identified with the same denomination, Avhile the other children belong to the United Brethren church. Thdrs is a Christian fam ily, in Avhich high principles permeate the conduct of the members of the household, and throughout the community they are held in high regard. C. C. AVHITE. C. C. AATiite is one of the Avell known early settlers of Rice county Avho secured a homestead here in 1872 and has since been actiA-ely associated Avith the progress of this portion of the SunfloAver state. He Avas born in Polk county, Alissouri, December 30, 1849, and is a son of Captain AA'illiam AA'hite. whose birth occurred in Ohio. The grandfather, James AAliite, was a native of NeAV England, but removed to the Buckeye state at an earl}- period in its development. and there the Captain was reared and edu cated, subsequently removing westward to Alissouri. At the time of the Alexican Avar he sensed as a soldier in the regiment com manded by Colonel Price, aftenvard the noted Rebel General Price, of the Civil Avar. In 1846 Captain AVhite crossed the plains and served under General Fremont in the western district, remaining a member of the United States army in active sendee against the Indians upon the frontier. His gallantry and bravery Avon him promotion to the rank of captain in a Alissouri company. A mem ber' qf the Union army during the Avar of the rebellion, he was captured at Springfield, Alissouri, and one of the guards placed OA*er him was his OAvn brother, Avho Avas then a member of the Rebel army ! Captain AA'hite made a most brilliant record as a brave and loyal soldier and a gallant officer, and his own valor often inspired his men to deeds of bravery. He has indeed a brilliant mili tary record, for in the Alexican Avar, upon the plains of the Avest and as a defender of the Union he aided his country. He noAV re sides at Halstead, Harvey county, Kansas. He married Emma E. High, Avho Avas born in Tennessee and AA'as reared and educated in Polk county, Alissouri. They became the parents of the folloAving children: C. C, of this reA-ieAv; Sumner, Avho is living in Halstead, Kansas; AA'illiam, deceased; Airs. Fanny AA'oods, of Rice county; Joseph, av!io is living in Virginia : Airs. Ida Lehman, of Halstead, Kansas ; Airs. Rose Chapin, Avho died in Halstead; Airs. Hattie Southard, of Redlands, California. The father of this family was a avooI carder by trade and after- Avard deA-oted his energies to farming Avhen not engaged in military service in behalf of his country. He is noAV living retired at his pleasant home in Halstead, at the age of seventy-six years. His Avife passed away in the Avinter of 1900, and her loss Avas mourned by many friends, for she had manly esti mable qualities Avhicn Avon her high regard. So BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. C. C. White of this revieAv Avas reared in Alontgomery county, Illinois, and acquired a good education, which has been supple mented by the knoAvledge gained by travel. He has visited almost every state in the Union, and is thus familiar Avith his native land. In 1872 he came to Rice county, Kan sas, and took a homestead daim. During the first season after his arrival he Avorked' on the railroad. Upon his farm he built a stone house and dugout and lived alone for a time. During the greater part of the year he engaged in hunting buffaloes through out central Kansas, selling the hides, Avhich brought him a good return. Large herds of those animals Avere seen in central Kan sas, sometimes a thousand being seen in one drove. For three years Air. AA'hite contin ued hunting and thus gained a good living. He aftenvard turned his attention to the development of his farm and erected thereon a rock and frame residence, Avhich stands upon a natural building site and commands a fine vieAv of the river and surrounding prairie. None of the equipments of a model farm are lacking. A fine orchard of twenty acres yields its fruits in season. In addi tion to the development of the fields he is operating a quarry, selling much rock. It is this Avhich has given the name of AArhite Rock Farm to his place. In 1875 Air. White returned to the east and Avas there united in marriage to Miss Alartha A. Kellar, who AA'as born in Ma coupin county, Illinois, and was educated in Litchfield, that state. Her father Avas the Rev. J. AA' Kellar, avIio for fifty years was a minister of the Christian church, a most act ive and zealous worker in the cause of the Alaster. He died at Alt. Rose, Alissouri, in 1898, and his Avife, Airs. Sarah Kellar also passed aAvay in that state. Unto our sub ject and his Avife have been born four chil dren : AA'alter, Avhose birth occurred April 1. 1876; Laura, Avho married Menno Slo- bach of McPherson county, Kansas ; and Ida. They also lost one child in infancy. Air. AA'hite is a Republican in his political vieAvs, and for twenty years he has served on the school board. A man of intelligence, he keeps well informed on the general is sues and questions of the day and is able to suport his political position by strong argument. His Avife is a member of the Christian church, and he advances every measure for the uplifting of his fellow men and the advancement of the best interests of his community along lines of intellectual, moral and material progress. JOHN D. FORSYTH. The record of Air. Forsyth is that of a man who has AA'orked his way upAvard to a position among the substantial men of the community in Avhich he lh-es. His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable methods he has followed have Avon him the support and confidence of many. He Avas born in De catur county, Indiana, on the 14th of July, 1837. His father, John S. Forsyth, Avas a native of the old Bluegrass state, his birth occurring in Louisville, on the 6th of Au gust, 1796. In an early day he removed to Indiana, locating first in Decatur county and aftenvard in Boone county, Avhere he held the office of sheriff for four years. In the fall of 1844 he took up his abode in Marion, Linn county, IoAva, Avhere he made his home for tAvo years, on the expiration of which period he removed to A7inton, Benton coun ty, that state. In the latter place he served as a justice of the peace for several years, and for a period of four years was also a county judge. The death of his Avife there occurred in 1850. and in 1876 he came to the SunfloAver state, locating in Sumner county. Air. Forsyth Avas a stone mason by trade, but after the birth of our subject he did not follow that calling. In politics he Avas first a AA'hig, and after the organiza tion of the Republican party he joined its ranks. He became a member of the Chris tian church in his later years, and Avas an active Avorker in the cause of rdigion and temperance. In his social relations he Avas connected Avith the Good Templars. The marriage of Air. Forsyth was cele brated in Kentucky, Avhen Miss Jane Ale- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 37 Coy became his Avife. She was born in that commomvcalth, and her parents were both natives of Scotland. The parents of Mr. Forsyth Avere born in Ireland. Unto John S. and Jane (McCoy) Forsyth were born the folloAving children: Edwin P., who was killed in the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, Avhile serving in the Thirteenth Iowa, his enlistment having occurred in 18.61, and he had veteranized before his death; Ana- zett, who died in Wellington, Kansas; Rob ert AL, a retired carpenter of Wellington, having reached the age of eighty-two years ; Alary Ann, Avho died in Benton county, IoAva ; Alartha Jane, a twin of Nancy Ellen, who died in Wellington, Kansas; Nancy Ellen, Avife of J. S. Epperson; David M., Avho died in AA'isconsin; Christina, who also passed aAvay in that state ; John ~D., the sub ject of this revieAv; and Lucretia, the wife of S. B. Jones, who. resides near. .Hennes sey, Oklahoma. John D. Forsyth was only thirteen years of age Avhen his mother died, and for a time thereafter he made his home with' his broth- er-in-laAv. When about seventeen or dghteen years of age he began learning the carpenter's trade, Avorking first with Mr. Douglas, a prominent contractor of that vicinity, and Avas aftenvard with his broth er, who Avas also a carpenter by trade. Dur ing his youth he recdved but meager edu cational advantages, having only attended school a short time in Benton county, Iowa. On the 27th of March, 1859, in that county, he Avas united in marriage to Lucinda M. Jones, a native of Indiana and of Welsh and German descent. She. was a daughter of Hugh B. and Mary (Douglas) Jones. After his marriage Air. Forsyth temporarily abandoned his trade, and from that time until 1861 Avas engaged in farming. On the 7th of August of the latter year he en listed for service in the Civil war, joining Company D, Eighth Iowa Infantry, and was first sent to Springfield, Alissouri, thence to Sedalia, and from there to Pittsburg Land ing, participating in the battle of that city, where he was under command of General Lew Wallace. A part of Wallace's com mand Avas sent to the assistance of General Prentice, Avho Avas being severely handled, and Avith others our subject Avas captured while holding out against OAenvhelming odds. He Avas taken to Tuscaloosa, Ala bama, Avhere he Avas .incarcerated for ten months, on the expiration of Avhich period he Avas paroled. In the fall of 1862 he Avas exchanged and participated in the A'icks- burg campaign, also in the battles of Ray mond and Jackson, Alississippi, and on the 22a cf Alay, 1862, he AA'as in charge of the rebel Avorks at Vicksburg, Avhere he lay in the trenches for thirty-tAVo days, acting as a sharpshooter. After the surrender of that city he Avas sent to Black River, thence to Jackson, Mississippi, participating in the siege and capture of that city, and aftenvard AA'as in the battle of Brandon, Alississippi. Rdurning to Vicksburg, he Avas sent from there to Memphis, thence to Pocahontas, and on the ist of January, 1864, veteran ized and was again sent to Vicksburg. At this time Sherman had returned from his memorable march to the sea, and Avith others Mr. Forsyth Avas given a thirty days' fur lough and returned to his home. After his leave of absence had expired he Avent to Memphis, Avhere he Avas engaged in doing patrol duty for ten months, after Avhich he joined Canby at X'eAv Orleans and Avas Avith him on his great expedition against Alobile. After participating in the capture of Span ish Fort and Fort Blakely, Air. Forsyth was transferred to Canby's headquarters as a guard, where he remained until August, 1865, and then joined his regiment at Alont- gomery, Alabama, where he Avas promoted to the position of first sergeant. At that place he Avas given charge of the jail. Again receiving a thirty days' furlough he Avent to Davenport and from there to his home, where he remained until he received a letter to rejoin his regiment at Tuskegee, Ala bama, and from that point Avas sent to Sel- : ma, there remaining until 1866. At Selma i he Avas given charge of the government sta bles, and at that place he was mustered out of sendee on the 20th of April, 1866, with the rank of sergeant and with a record of ss BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. nine hard-fought battles, thirty-tAvo days under fire at A'icksburg and thirteen days under fire at Jackson, Alississippi. During his entire military career he Was never Avounded. After hostilities had ceased Air. For syth returned to his home at Vinton, IoAva, Avhere he Avas engaged in agricultural pui- suits until 1878, and in that year, iu com pany Avith his Avife and six children, he made the journey Avith a team and Avagon to Kan sas, locating in Sumner county. He spent seventeen years in that locality, during Avhich time he follo\Axd the carpenter's trade, and Avas several times honored Avith positions of public trust and responsibility, having for tAvo years served as deputy sher iff, one year as city marshal and* two years as constable. AVhile there residing, on the 7th of Alay, 1894, he Avas called upon to mourn the loss of his Avife, and in the fol- loAving year he removed to Kansas City, Avhere he folloAved his trade for one year. In LaAvrence, Kansas, he Avas a second time married, choosing for his Avife Carrie L. Larry, Avho Avas born in Ohio and Avas £ dress-maker by trade. Soon after his mar riage Air. Forsyth removed to Hutchinson, where his Avife owned the property in Avhich they now reside, and he sold his property in AA'ellington. They have a commodious and attractive residence here, surrounded by beautiful and Avell kept grounds'. The union of our subject and Avife has been blessed Avith six children, as folloAVs: Olive, Avife of T. T. Robinson, of Kansas City ; Christina, Avife of Frank E. Phelps, a prominent farmer of AA'eAvoka, Indian Ter ritory ; Grace, Avife of E. R. Deyo, a plum ber of AA'ellington, Kansas ; Alarion E., a cigar manufacturer of XeAvton, this state; Mary E., Avife of AA'. H. Hart, a machinist of OttaAva; and XTellie, wife of Henry Fehr, a miner of Leadville, Colorado. Air. For syth is a life-long Republican, and in his social relations is a member of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., in Avhich he served for one year as chaplain. He is one of the leading and substantial business men of Hutchinson, and many of its finest public buildings stand as monuments to his thrift and ability, including the neAV opera-house. A man of reliability, he is held in the highest confidence and esteem by his felloAv citizens. INSLEY L. DAYHOFF. Few public officials in the state of Kan sas have displayed more enthusiasm, com bined Avith energy, than has Insley L. Day- hoff, the popular and efficient superintendent of the Reno county schools. Although young in years he is a man of erudition, ambition and business ability and the educational in terests of Reno county are in competent hands. The birth of Air. Dayhoff occurred near AA'orthington, Greene county, Indiana, on October 17, 1867. The family is an old and numerous one, eleven brothers having emi grated to America from the province of Hoff, Germany, but are noAV scattered over the United States, many of its members fill ing positions of prominence. It has ahvays been a family noted for its longevity also, there being no record of any male member of it dying before the age of seventy -five years, Avhile in occasional instances they have reached and rounded out a century. The father of our subject Avas George AA'. Dayhoff, avIio Avas born in Indiana and began the study of medicine, his education. hoAvever, being interrupted by the outbreak of the Civil Avar. He sen*ed with marked distinction during the entire period of that desperate struggle, having been in over sixty battles and skirmishes, often times in the thickest of the battle. After serving his country Avell he received an honorable dis charge after the "Grand RevieAv" at AA'ash- ington. After returning home from the Avar he settled doAvn on the farm near the old Scaffold Prairie homestead, near AA'ortlaing ton, Indiana. There he lived until 1887, Avhen he moved to Kansas? In 1863 he Avas married to Alary Amanda Johnston, at AA'orthington. Four children Avere born of this union that are now living: Insley L., Ella M., James Emmett and Lenora Al. In BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 89 1876 his first Avife died, and since that time he Avas remarried and is now living at Hondo, Texas. The boyhood and early youth of our sub ject Avere passed in AA'orthington, Avhere he graduated from the common school course into the high school, and later became a stu dent in the Bloomfield Xormal school, in Greene county. From there he Avent to De Pauw University, and still later to the Kan sas State Normal school, at Emporia. AA'hile this closed his scholastic career, it by no means completed his studies, for AA'hile Air. Dayhoff has enriched his mind far beyond the average, he is of a class whose ambition Avill continue to ever inspire him to efforts for higher culture. Prior to removing from Indiana he began Avhat has since become a life Avork, teaching his first school in his na tive tstate. On March 9, 1887, he reached Hutchinson, Kansas, and immediately ranged himself AA'ith the state educators, teaching tAvo terms in Langdon and three in Plevna, displaying such, ability that in 1896 he Avas made county superintendent, and he has had the honor of a third consecutive elec tion, this being an unusual occurrence. AA'ith characteristic determination he immediately began his onerous duties, Avhich in this coun ty are exceptionally hard, there bdng one hundred and fifty-seven districts and one hundred and seventy-four schools outside of the city schools. One hundred and seventy- four teachers come under his supervision, sixty-seven of these bdng males and the other sex numbering one hundred and seven, the salaries ranging from thirty-five to sixty dollars a month, aggregating from sixty-tAvo to sixty-three thousand dollars. AA'ith the other necessary outlay, ihe county expends on her schools the sum of ninety-five thou sand dollars. To A'isit these schools, as the laAv directs, once every six months, compels much driv ing and in this Avork alone the conscientious superintendent covers over four thousand miles, aside from trips on the railroad. Air. Dayhoff keeps one hundred and seventy-four reports, and the proper keeping of these and the selection of teachers, Avith its attendant 6 social and business features, requires not only a great deal of physical but also mental strain. AA'hen the reports of the entire num ber of people connected Avith this office are taken into consideration, it will give some idea of the duties of the office of county su perintendent in this state, as beside the num ber of teachers, there are four hundred and eighty school offices, and all of the justices of the peace report here as well. Since tak ing charge of this office he has organized and reorganized almost every department, and now has all of the schools properly graded and has had the satisfaction of graduating three hundred and fifty-four pupils. He has established the system of association Avork and has advanced the standard of teachers' examinations, resulting in a higher grade of work given and required. Air. Dayhoff has had his heart in this Avork and has untir ingly pushed it to its present stage, finding reAvard in the appreciation of his patrons. Mr. Dayhoff has ahvays been identified Avith the Republican party and has been one of the active Avorkers for its success. He has been one of the delegates to the various con ventions and as he is gifted in oratory and is always thoroughly posted in regard to all issues, he is in great demand as a public speaker. In the matter of his OAvn election, it has been a source of gratification to him that his elections have been accomplished Avith increased majorities, the first resulting in a majority of tbree hundred and seventy- six, the second by five hundred and eighty, and the third by nine hundred and fifty-six. The only one in this last election Avho re ceived a greater number of votes Avas the Avell known Judge Campbell. On February 7, 1890, Air. Dayhoff Avas united in marriage to Aliss A. AL Bordeaux, a daughter of R. D. Bordeaux, formerly of this city but noAV a resident of AA'ichita, and the three children born to this union are: Lamar, Don Richard, and Helen Alossman. The religious connection of the family is Avith the Alethodist church. Socially Air. Dayhoff belongs to the Alodern AVoodmen, the Odd FelloAvs, the A. F. & A. AL, the Commercial Club and the Park Association. 90 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. He has also been the president of the Central Kansas State Teachers' Association, and for the past five years has had a place on the state association program. A man of read ing, travel, culture and high attainment, his life is a strenuous one, given to the advance ment and prosperity of his adopted state. JOHN H. STOCKWELL. i John H. Stockwell, who has passed1 the seventieth milestone on the journey of life, is now an honored and respected resident of Rice county, Kansas. A native of the Em pire state, he was born in Chenango county, August 24, 1830, a son of Reuben Stock- wdl, who was born in Connecticut. He died when o.ur subject was but sixteen months old, and his Avife, who was in her maiden hood a Aliss Doran, was again married, and her death occurred in 1844. John H. Stockwell, the subject of this review, was reared on his brother-in-law's farm in Ohio from the age of ten years. In the autumn of i86i.he enlisted1 for ser vice in the Civil war, becoming a member of the Third Ohio Infantry, in which he served for three years, when be was discharged on account of disability. After regaining his health he re-enlisted for service, in 1865, en tering the Eleventh Michigan Infantry, in Avhich he remained until the close of hostili ties. He was' a brave and gallant soldier,. and his war record is one of which he has every reason to be proud. In 1853 Mr. Stockwell was married, and later, in 1864, he located with his family in southern Alicia- * r igan. In 1878 he took up his abode in Rush county, Kansas, where he remained for five years, and then located in Rice county. After spending a few months in that locality they came to the city of Sterling, Avhere he has since made his home. Fourteen years ago, on the 9th of September, 1886, he Avas stricken with paralysis, and this caused him to lose his hearing* and his speech, but since that time he has been free from chronic diarrhoea, with Avhich he was troubled for years. His illness has been a long and ter rible affliction to him and to his faithful Avife, who has been closely confined to his care for the past fourteen years. They have learned the mute language and are now able to converse rapidly and intelligently. He is also unable to walk ard has to be assisted from his bed to a locomotive chair, in which he wheels himself about the house and on the streets. He now receives a pension of seventy-two dollars a month. In Williams county, Ohio, on the 2d of January, 1853, Air. Stockwell was united in marriage with Miss Lydia P. Palmer, who was born in Jefferson county, New York. By the death of her mother she was left an orphan at the early age of fourteen years, and from that time until her marriage she was obliged to make her own way in the world. She has indeed proved to' her hus band a true and loving companion for the journey of life. Their union has been blessed with eleven children, eight of whom grew to years of maturity and are still liv ing. They also haA-e tAventy-three grand children and four great-grandchildren. . Mr. and Mrs. Stockwell are zealous members of the United Brethren church, and socially he is a member of the Grand Army of the Re public. His political support is given to the Republican party. He has ever borne his sufferings with Christian fortitude, and his life is a beautiful example of patience and perseverance. JOSEPH E. PARK. AA'idely knoAA'ia in Rice - county and in other portions of central Kansas, Joseph Ebenezer Park well deserves mention among the leading representatives- of agricultural interests in this portion of the state. He was born in Ford county, Illinois, January 31, 1863. His father, Thomas Park, was a na tive of Jefferson county, Indiana, born in 1819, and the family is of Scotch descent, the grandfather, AVilliam Park, having come from Scotland to America. By trade he was a stone mason and followed that pur suit for some time but afterward turned his attention to farming. In his native land he married Jane Anderson, and in 1821 he BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 9i crossed the Atlantic bringing with him his wife and two' children. They Avere then in moderate circumstances. He followed1 his trade until his sons were grown and1 then cleared and improved a farm in the midst of the dense forest. He had one hundred1 and sixty acres and became well-to-do, but his children started out upon business, careers for themselves Avithout his financial aid. They had seven sons and two daughters and all married with the exception of the young est son. Three of the sons settled in Jeffer son county, Indiana ; one daughter became a resident of Atchison county, Kansas, and Thomas also came to Kansas. One daugh ter is now living in Vermilion county, Illi nois, and has two sons and a daughter — John, who is living -in Vermilion county as is the daughter, Avhile the other son, William, is now in Nebraska or Idaho'. The paternal grandmother of our subject died about 1867, in the sixtieth year of her age, and the grandfather, surviving her about nine years, passed away in - his seventieth year. Thomas Park, the father of our subject, A\-as reared in the Mississippi valley and after arriving at years of maturity was mar ried in Jefferson county, Indiana, Decem ber 28, 1842, to Miss Jane M. Alann, who was born in Nova Scotia in 1824, and was then nineteen years of age. She is still liv ing, in her seventieth year. Mr. Park, hoAv- ever, passed away on his farm near Ster ling, Kansas, in 1900, at the age of eighty- one years. She is a daughter of Jabez and Mary (Jimmerson) Mann, both of whom were natives of Scotland and came to the new world in a sailing vessel, the former in 1822, the latter in 1823. Mrs. Mann was six weeks upon the ocean. They had five sons and four daughters-, of whom three daughters and two sons married. Mrs. Park, the seventh in order of birth, is now the only survivor. Her brother, Andrew Mann, was very wealthy, making the rhost of his money in farming in Jefferson county, Indiana. In 1880 he came to Kansas and died in Sterling in 1884, in the sixtieth year of his age. His wife had previously died in Sterling, and as he had no children he left most of his money to his sister, Airs. Park. Her uncle, Ebenezer Mann, was in the army for about one year during the war of the Rebellion and died of consumption, having contracted the origin of the disease while at the front. Mrs. Mann, the mother of Mrs. Park, died in Indiana, about 1875, when eighty-two years of age, and Mr. Mann passed away about ten years later, when eighty-nine years of age. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Park settled upon his1 small farm in Indiana where they lived for three years, and then removed to Laporte, that state, where the father carried on agricultural pur suits1 for eight years. In 1853 he went with his family to' Boone county, IoAva. For tAvo years he conducted! a sawmill there and then returned to Kankakee county, Illinois, where he was a tenant farmer for six years. On the expiration of that period he went to Paxton, Ford county, Illinois, thence to Vennilion county, that state, and. afterward came to Kansas, settling upo-n a claim' in Kingman county. Eventually he came to Rice county, where he spent his remaining days and where his widow is still residing. They were among the most highly respected citizens of the community, their sterling worth of character winning them warm friendship. They had seven children, five sons and two daughters: James AndreAV, the eldest, served in the Union army during the Civil war for more than a year and was held as a prisoner at Belle Isle from Janu ary until March. He Avas then paroled but died in the hospital at Annapolis, Maryland;. in 1864, at the age of nineteen years, his remains being interred there. William, the second of the family, is a farmer of Jeffer son cornty, Indiana, and is married and has five children. Thomas A., who is living in Hartshorn in the Indian Territory, has three children. King A. died in Kankakee coun ty, Illinois, at the age of ten years; Mary J. is the wife of Henry Lakey, of Kingman county, Kansas, and has three children. Mar garet is the wife of W. R. Carter, of Ster ling, and has four children. Joseph, of this review, is the youngest of the family. During the first nine years of his life 92 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Joseph Paik Avas a resident of Illinois and then accompanied nis parents on their re moval to Kingman count}', Kansas, in 1872, Avhile in 1878 he came with them to Rice county. The fa t!ur purchased a hundred and sixty acres of land a mile south of Ster ling and there carried on general farming until his death, our subject assisting him as his age and strength Avould permit. Lie re mained at home most of the time until his marriage, which occurred on the 22c! of De cember, 1889, the lady of his choice being Aliss Annie Schlazer, avIio Avas born in Cleveland, Ohio. Her parents, Jacob and Barbara ( Alher) Schlazer, now reside about eleven miles from Sterling. They emigrated from Germany to Ohio, settling in Cuya hoga count}-, and in 1873 they came to Kan sas. Unto Air. and Airs. Park have been born two children: Ralph Herbert, born October 12, 1893, and. Elsie Maud;, born February 2, 1898. For two years: after his marriage Air. Park resided upon the old home farnai and then came to his present place of residence on section 16, AATashingtOn township, Avhere he purchased one hundred and sixty acres in 1897. He carries on general farming, rais ing the cereals best adapted to the soil and climate. He is: also a carpenter and builder and: a tinner and can construct a house en tire from the cellar to the roof. He has built several residences and barns in this lo cality which are monuments to his enter prise and! business versatility. On his; farm he groAvs Avheat, having about sixty-five acres planted to this crop, yieldipg about twenty bushels to the acre, Avhile the corn yields about forty bushels to the acre. Lie also raises some cattle and is now carrying* on a profitable business. His political pref erence is for Republican men and measures. He has served for tAvo years as justice of the peace and is iioav assessor of AVashington township, having been elected in 1900. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian church, in Avhich he served as trustee and in its work are actively inter ested. They have many friends, for their characteristics are such as everywhere com mand confidence and good will. JOSEPH LATSHAAV. The unostentatious routine of private life, although of ¦ vast importance to the av el- fare of the community, has not figured to an}- great extent in the pages of history. But the names of men avIio have distin guished themselves by the possession of those qualities of character Avhich mainly contribute to the success of private life and to the public stability, and Avho ha\-e en joyed the respect and confidence of those around them, should not be permitted to per ish. Their example is more valuable to the majority of readers than that of heroes, statesmen and Avriters, as they furnish means of subsistence for the multitude Avhom they in their useful careers have employed. Such are the thoughts that iiwoluntarilv come to our minds Avhen Ave consider the life of him Avhose name initiates this sketda. He is en gaged in dealing in grain and coal in Ells worth, Avhere an extensive business attests his executive ability, his enterprise and his determined purpose. Mr. LatshaAv is a native of Canada, his birth having occurred near Paris, on Grand River. The family is of French lineage and was founded in America by Joseph LatshaAv, the grandfather of our subject, avIio took up his abode in Pennsylvania, Avhere occurred the birth of Samuel Latshaw, the father of Joseph. The latter Avas a lad of tAvelve sum mers when Avith his parents he removed to Canada, there spending hjs remaining days, his time and attention being devoted to agri cultural pursuits. He held membership in the Baptist church, took a very active part in its work and frequently seived in a church office. He married Cynthia Nellis, and they became the parents of six children: John, who is engaged in the grain busness in Dur ance, Kansas; Joseph, of this review; Alary; Maria; Edwin, avIio is a box manufacturer at AVinston, Wisconsin; and Alexander, who is living in Los .Angeles, California. The father died at the age of forty-six years, but the mother is still living and iioav makes her home with her son, Joseph, in Wilson. In the public sdiools Joseph LatshaAv pursued his education until it became neces- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 93 sary for him to assume the management of the home farm upon his father's death. He was then only thirteen years of age, and he and his brother took charge of the property and carried on the work of the fields. He remained with his mother until 1868, when he went to Kansas City and with his brother embarked in the dairy business. Later they operated an elevator there, but lost most of their earnings through fire in the fall of 1873. Mr. Latshaw of this review then em barked in the grain business in this county. He Avas first at Perryville, his brother at that time being connected with the grain trade in Wilson. Mr. Latshaw remained at Perryville for eighteen months and then came to Wilson, where he has since resided. The brothers erected an elevator east of the depot, but in 1885 removed it to its present location. In 1884 Ed and Alexander Lat shaAv purchased the mill in Wilson, and since that time our subject has carried on the grain business alone. He has been very successful in the enterprise, making large purchases and sales. He has shipped as high as four or five hundred car loads of grain in a year. His elevator has a capacity of twelve thousand barrels and was built so as to handle large quantities of grain in a short time. It is well equipped for this pur pose, having two drive-Avays and a bloAver to Woav the grain in the cars, Avhich sends it to the further end of the cars without shoveling. The engine, located in a sepa rate engine room, is a new one, of tAventy- horse power. The arrangements are so corhplde and perfect that forty-five hundred barrels of grain can be handled daily. Mr. Latshaw is the leading grain merchant in this portion of the county, and his business affords a market for the farmers as Avell as proving. a source of revenue to himself. In 1900 he also began dealing in coal, handling the product from both the eastern and west ern coal fields. He is likewise interested in mining in Arkansas, and is one of ten men who own a trad of land of nine hundred and sixty acres, another of eighty acres and a third of forty acres. These are underlaid with rich coal fields and are promising prop erties. Mr. Latshaw exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and is a stanch advo cate of its principles. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and has attained the Thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite in AA^ichita Consistory, No. 2, S. P. R. S. He is also connected with the Eastern Star and Avith the Knights and Ladies of Secur ity. He aided in organizing the Presby terian church of AA'ilson and attends its ser vices. As a citizen he is public-spirited and progressive, withholding his support from no measure that is intended to* prove of gen eral good. His life record stands as an ex emplification of the opportunities afforded young men in America, where ambition and energy are not hampered by caste or class. He has Avorked his Avay upward, placing his dependence upon the reliable qualities of la bor .Avhen guided by sound judgment, and his efforts have resulted in Avinning for him a place among the substantial citizens of his adopted county. JOHN W. BARDWELL. The subject of this revieAv is a Avell known farmer of Kingman county, Avhose skill and ability in his chosen calling are plainly manifest in the Avell tilled fields and neat and thrifty appearance of his place. He was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 17, 1853, and is a son of Seth and Talitha (Woolen) Bardwell. The father Avas born on the 7th of September, 1800, and his death occurred on the 16th of March, 1876. He Avas first married November 8, 182 1, to Nancy Jones, who was born February 25, 1803, and died on the 30th of June, 1825. On the 5th of February, 1831, the father was again married, Talitha Woolen becom ing his wife. She was born September 1, 1812, and died April 21, 1899. She accom panied our subject on his removal to Kan sas, and for twenty years she made her home Avith him in this state. Seth Bardwell, a carpenter and builder by occupation, located in Indianapolis, In- 94 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. diana, when it was but a small village, pur chasing the first town lot ever sold there and also erected one of the first hotels of the town, known as the Indiana House/ which he conducted on Market street for several years. He also erected the first brick resi dence in the town. In 1857, however, he left his Indiana home for Missouri, where he purchased a farm near the city of Cali fornia, and for a time was there, engaged in farming and stock-raising, but finally re turned to Indianapolis. After remaining at his old home but a short time he located in Jasper county, Indiana, where for ten years he was engaged in the tilling of the soil, and on the expiration of that period located in Clermont, Indiana, there spending the re mainder of his life. He was a prominent factor in the early history of Indianapolis, Avhere he became an extensive landed pro prietor. While residing in Missouri the Civil Avar broke out, and, being an ardent Republican and abolitionist, Mr. Bardwell Avas compelled to leave the state and was thus obliged to dispose of his property there at a great sacrifice. Religiously he was prominently identified with the early history of the Christian church in both Indiana and Missouri, and was ever an active worker in the cause of Christianity. By his first mar riage he became the father of one son, Nel son, who was born November 14, 1824. By his second union he had ten children, name ly : John L., Avho Avas born on the 6th of July, 1833, and died September 9, 1834; Clarissa, who Avas born July 13, 1835, and Avas first married to Joseph Sanborn, after ward becoming the wife of James Bice, and both are now deceased; Thomas J., who- was born August 15, 1837, and is a painter in Cincinnati, Ohio; Seth W.j.born October 15, 1840, and is a resident of Eureka Springs, Kansas1; Ellen, who Avas born December 18, 1843, and1 was first married to Barnum B. Paff, afterward becoming the Avife of D. C. Taylor, of Rensselaer, Indiana; Henry C, who Avas born January 9, 1S44, and makes his home in Kansas City; Malvina C., avIio was born January 3, 1846, and is the Avife of H. Graves, of Wichita; Azubah, avIio Avas born on the 7th of September, 1848, and is the Avidbw of D. Duval and a resident of Denver, Colorado; Emma H., who was born December 30, 1851, and is the wife of Nel son Button, also of Colorado ; and John W., the subject of this review. The latter was, only four years of age when he Avas taken by his parents to Mis souri, and he can vividly recall the troublous days incident to the Civil war. In the fall of 1859, Avhen seven years of age, the family returned to Indianapolis, and shortly after ward he accompanied them on their removal to' Jasper county, his education having been received in the common schools of the dif ferent localities in Avhich he resided.' AVhen twenty-one years of age he became the real head of the household, remaining under the parental roof until April 7, 1880, Avhen he located in Kingman county, Kansas, and im mediately pre-empted his present homestead. One hundred and twenty acres of his land is under an excellent state of cultivation and he also farms one hundred and sixty acres of rented land and in his pastures may be seen an excellent grade of stock. The first dAvelling Avhich he occupied after coming to this state iioav forms a part of his present residence, Avhich is a commodious and Avell built structure. Mr. BardAvell Avas married on the 25th of May, 1886, at Lecompton, Kansas, to Aliss Jennie LaAvrence. She is a native daughter of the Sunflower state, her birth having occurred in Douglas county, and'she is a daughter of Joseph K. and Helen Law rence. She Avas reared in the county of her nativity and received an excellent education in Lane University, of Lecompton. This union has been blessed Avith six children, — ¦ Mabel, Nelson, Ira, Seth, Lucy and Walter. In political matters Mr. Bardwell gives an unfaltering support to the Republican party. For three terms he served as clerk of his township and he assisted in the organiza tion of school district No. 69, of which he has since served as clerk and treasurer, hav ing held the latter office for the past seven years. He also bears the distinction of hav ing secured the establishment of the first rural mail route of Kingman county, desig nated as route No. 1. He circulated the pe- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 95 tition and through the assistance of Post master Harlow, of Kingman, the route was granted, and Mr. Bardwell Avas appointed carrier, the first delivery being made on the ist of August, 1901. The route now covers a distance of tAventy-six miles, ex tending into Reno county, and at the pres ent time contains sixty-two boxes. Mrs. Bardwell is the assistant carrier, and much of the time, Avhen the weather permits, makes the delivery, probably being the only lady carrier in the Avest. She is a member of the United Brethren church, and has long served asi superintendent of the Sunday- school. In his social rdations Mr. Bardwell is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Kingman. WILLIAM FITZPATRICK. The farming interests of Sterling town ship, Rice county, Avere Avell represented by William Fitzpatrick, who resided on section 19, where in 1877 he purchased a quarter section of land for fifteen hundred dollars. This has many times Increased in value since he took possession of it, for the place was then a tract of raw prairie, not a fur row having been turned or an improvement made. There were many wild geese and 'prairie chickens in the neighborhood and the successful hunter could thus supply his table with game. The work of progress and im provement was in its incipiency, but it has been carried steadily forward by the enter prising and resolute pioneer settlers, among which number Avas Mr. Fitzpatrick. Our subject was born at Conneautville, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, October 16, 1840. His father, John Fitzpatrick, Avas born prior to 1800, a native of Ireland, whence he came to the new world Avheaa a young man. The voyage across the Atlantic consumed seven weeks and he landed at Halifax, Nova Scotia. He Avas a laborer and worked on the capitol grounds at Wash ington, D. C, for some time. About 1837 he was married, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and he became the father of three children. He died in Erie, Pennsylvania, January 21, 1857. The children were: John, who was born in Pittsburg, July 18, 1839, and died in Youngstown, Ohio, October 27, 1870, leav ing three children : William, of this review ; and James, who was a soldier in the Civil war and was killed May 28, 1864, at Dallas, Georgia, while in his second year's service. Our subject and his brother both enlisted on the 14th of August, 1862, at Aurora, Ohio, becoming members of Company D, One Hundred and Fourth Ohio Infantry. James Avas promoted to the rank of corporal and after serving for two years was accidentally killed by a ball, which struck him in the head. An Ohio paper, the Portage City Democrat, had a long article in which it paid him a high and just* tribute. It read : "J. P. Fitzpatrick was a young man who possessed the qualities and qualifications of a true soldier and those that rendered life happy and won friendship. He was manly, honest and upright, of good habits and in dustrious and Avith a good share of native talents, which he cultivated with care, ren dering him worthy of the best society, and such he always chose. Of Irish descent, he possessed warm, affectionate, genial traits so characteristic of that nation and people. A typical soldier, he performed his duties most promptly and enthusiastically. Though Avarmly attached to his mother and his home he went forth to fight for the nation, nor did he ask for furloughs or accept any, but he was eagerly anticipating his return in honor to his dear ones, but the day Avas not to come, and on that fatal 28th of May, 1864, he was among the slain with his no ble Captain McHorton, both shot through the head by sharpshooters. 'What will be come of mother now' was the burden of his dying breath, but he was not afraid to die, and thus a noble soldier's career came to an end." William Fitzpatrick, the subject of this review, served for nearly three years or until the ist of July, 1865, and was mustered out with the rank of sergeant. He was spared, although his comrades fell thick around him, including his brother and" his captain. The remains of his brother were embalmed and 96 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. buried there, but they have since been trans ferred to Erie, Pennsylvania, and now rest by the side of his parents. The father be came a railroad contractor in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, taking contracts for the construction of from eight to twelve miles at a time. He Avas very successful iri his business, but he ultimately lost heavily through investment in the Clinton Air Line Railroad. His death occurred in 1857 and his wife survived him a number of years, passing away in 1873. At the time of the father's death Will iam Fitzpatrick began to earn his own live lihood, securing a situation as a farm hand, and for seventeen years he was an overseer on an estate of fourteen hundred acres. Coming to Kansas in 1877, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land on sec tion 19, Sterling- tOAvnship, Rice county, and with characteristic energy began the im provement of a farm of his own. He erec ted all of the buildings upon the place, and some of them haA^e been built a second time, as the first lot were destroyed in a wind storm. He OAvned six hundred and fifty acres, divided in three farms, but nearly all in one body. He raised from one to tAvo thousand bushels of Avheat each year and held over about four thousand bushels. He kept from fifty to one hundred and seventy head of cattle and ten head of horses, Avhich Avere used in Avorking the farm. He fed and shipped his own stock and Avas one of the few farmers engaged in the raising of sheep in this locality, having a fine flock of Shropshire. Everything about the place is neat and thrifty in appearance and indicates his careful supervision. He Avas Avidely known as an enterprising and progressive farmer and his own efforts Avere the secret of his success. In 1883, in Wooster, Wayne county, Ohio., Mr. Fitzpatrick Avas united in mar riage to Miss Kate Wirt, a most estimable lady, who has indeed proved to him a faith ful companion and helpmate on the journey of life. She is a native of Ohio and a daugh ter of John and Luretta (Dresser) Wirt, both of whom Avere natives of Germany. In his social relations Air. Fitzpatrick was con nected Avith the Grand Army of the Repub lic, and politically he was a Republican. He was reared in the Catholic faith and his wife is a member of the Lutheran church. He Avas a man of sterling Avorth, widely and fa vorably known, his circle of friends being almost co-extensive Avith his circle of ac quaintances. To Mr. and Airs, Fitzpatrick were born three children : Carl, deceased; Carl AArilliam and Jay John. Mr. Fitzpatrick died at his home near Sterling, April 7, 1902, at 4:15 a. m., aged sixty-one years, five months and tAventy-two days. EAIA1ETT HUTTON. Emmett Hutton, a young man of super ior business ability and executive force, whose labors are bringing to him creditable and gratifying success in industrial circles, Avas born in Bedford county, Tennessee, De cember 1, 1866. His father. George D. Hut ton, Avas a native of Virginia and removed thence to Tennessee, Avhere he Avas united in marriage to Airs. AA'hiteside, a Avidow and the mother of Houston AA'hiteside, one of the representative citizens of central Kansas. Three children Avere born unto Mr. and Mrs. Hutton: Samuel, Avho is in the office of H. AA'hiteside; Emmett; and Leota, the Avife of Dr. J. L. Conn, of Hutchinson. In the schools of his native state Emmett Hutton pursued his education and Avhen tAventy years of age came to Kansas. For a short time he Avas connected Avith the lumber trade and for three years he Avas employed in the postoffice, after Avhich he became in terested in the laundry business and as the senior member of the firm of Hutton & Os- Avald, proprietors of the American Steam Laundry, he has a Avide acquaintance and a very large business, Avhose profitable return has placed him among the substantial citi zens of the county. On the 25th of October, 1899, Mr. Hut ton Avas united in marriage to Miss Lottie Bay, a daughter of C. AL Bay, a resident farmer of Reno county. He has remodeled FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE OSWALD FAMILY. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 97 their home, which is situated at No. 320 east Sherman street, and is now one of the attractive residences of the city, one of its most delightful features being the warm hearted hospitality which pervades the place. In his political vieAvs Mr. Hutton is a Democrat, but the honors or emoluments of office have no attraction for him and he desires to give his entire attention to his business affairs, Avhich he is managing so successfully. Socially he is connected with Byron Lodge, Xo. 197, K. P. ; Hutchinson Camp, Xo. 506, AI. AA'. A. ; and Hutchinson Lodge, No. 453, B. P. O. E. He is Avidely knOAvn and popular in the city where he has resided throughout the period of his man hood, and his friends are almost as many as his acquaintances. CHARLEY AA'. OSAA'ALD. A native of Ohio, Charley AA'. Oswald Avas born in AA'ooster, AA'avne county, X'o- vember 3, 1867, a son of Anthony and Aia- ria (Ewing) OsAvald. The family Avas founded in Pennsylvania during the early settlement of that state, the ancestors of our subject joining a colony that became active in the pioneer development there. In the '30s AA'illiam Oswald, the grandfather of our subject, removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio and became identified with its pioneer interests. He has since been a Avitness of the progress made by the state and has borne his part in the Avork of improvement in his local ity. He has never been 'ill a day in his life and is still living at the advanced age of dghty-five years. For fifty years he en gaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes. Anthony Oswald, the father of our subject, Avas born in Wayne county, Ohio, and during much of his life has engaged in speculation and in dealing in real estate, while to some extent he has followed farm ing. In 1877 he came to Kansas and for twenty years resided in Reno county, after which he removed to Texas. He is now liv ing in Beaumont, that state, and is interested in the oil business. AVhen a lad of ten years Charley OsAvald accompanied his parents to Kansas and here entered the public schools, being graduated in the high school of Hutchinson, in the class of 1885. For tAvo years he engaged in teaching school in this county, after AAhich he entered the postoffice and Avas the first letter carrier appointed to the position in Hutchinson. He served in that capacity for three years, Avhen a change of administra tion caused his removal from the office and he entered into partnership Avith Emmett Hutton as proprietor of the American Steam Laundry, Avhich they have, made a very prof itable investment, its business having reached an immense volume. On the 25th of Alay, 1896, Avas celebrat ed the marriage of Air. OsAvald and Aliss Myrtle LeAvis, a daughter of S. C. LeAvis, and they have tAvo children : Anthony LeAvis and Charley AA^allace. Theirs is one of the fine residences on Ninth avenue Avest, located at No. 301. In his political affiliations Air. OsAA'ald has ahvays been an active Democrat and for the last ten years has been actively connected Avith the organization of that party in Reno county. For three years he has been chairman of the Reno county central committee, and he Avas sergeant-at-arms in the national Democratic convention at Kan sas City in July, 1900. AA'ith many fraternal and social organizations he is also connected, holding membership in Reno Lodge, X'o. 140, F. & A. AI. ; Reno Chapter, Xo. 34, R. A. Al. ; Hutchinson Council, Xo. 13, R. & S. AI. ; Reno Commandery, X'o. 26, K. T., and to the order of the Eastern Star, the la dies' branch of Alascnry, his Avife belongs. He also has membership relations Avith Hutchinson Lodge, Xo. 453, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and both Air. and Airs. OsAvald attend the services of the Alethodist church. His life record is an ex cellent example cf the opportunities that are afforded young men in the neAV Avorld and of * the success that can be achieved by deter mined purpose and unflagging energy — for therein lies the secret of the prosperity Avhich has attended our subject in his busi ness career. 9S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. At a family reunion of the OsAvald fam ily recently held in AA'ooster one of the most pleasant events Avas the taking of a photograph of four generations. In this group each one is the eldest son of each family, namely : AA'ill iam OsAvald, aged eighty-six years, of Lodi, eldest son of the pioneer, George Oswald; Anthony OsAvald, aged fifty-six years, of Beaumont, Texas, eldest son of AAllliam Os Avald; Charley AA'. Oswald, aged thirty-five years, of Hutchinson, eldest son of An thony OsAvald; and Anthony L. Os Avald, aged three years, eldest son of Charley AA'. OsAvald. It is a fine family picture, from great-grandfather to great-grand son, covering a period of eighty-six years and representing an old and highly re garded family, second to none in the annals of esteem and good reputation in all respects. DR. JAY DUXHAAI. In the methods of the treatment of dis ease great progress has been made in recent A'ears ; study and investigation have brought forth neAV rules of procedure in the treat ment of the sick and science has made rapid strides. Dr. Dunham is among the younger physicians now engaged in the practice of osteopathy, being a graduate of the School of Osteopathy at KirksA'ille, Alissouri, in the class of 1899. He Avas born in Knox county, Missouri, near the tOAvn of Edina, in October, 1872, and is a son of James G. and Edwilda (Pugh) Dunham, the latter a daughter of Jacob Pugh, a prominent citizen and early pioneer settler of Knox county. She was reared and educated at Edina, and the Doc tor's parents are both- well and favorably known- in that portion of the state. The father is a farmer by occupation and in fol- loAving that pursuit has provided a comfort able living for his family. His children are: Jay, of this revieAv ; Joseph ; Catherine, Avho is engaged in teaching; Bruce; Nora; Ber tha ; and James. Air. Dunham: exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, and both he and his. wife are consistent Christian peo ple, holding membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Dunham was reared near Hurdland, Knox county, Missouri, and after acquiring a good literary education in the public schools he began preparation for the medical profession, and, believing in the methods of practice promulgated by the school of osteo pathy, he entered the institution at Kirks ville, there complding the course, being graduated in the class of 1899. In his chosen profession he has been successful, effecting many cures among his patients, thus gain ing a merited reputation for skill and abil ity. He is a close student and his compre hensive knOAvledge, combined Avith sound judgment, has made his efforts of great avail. The Doctor is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen and also holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. His unfailing courtesy and his genial and unassuming manner make him popular in the commun ity in Avhich he is noAV located and he has many friends, both in the county of his na tivity and the county of his adoption. .MARK WARRELL. An honored resident of the SunnOAver state for the past eighteen years, Alark AA'ar- rell is entitled to a prominent place in the annals of Kingman county. He Avas born in Coshocton county, Ohio, in 1850, a son of John and Nancy (Heaton) AA'arrell, both natives of Ohio. The mother passed away in death Avhen her son Alark Avas but a babe, leaving six children, only iavo of whom are noAV living, the brother of our subject being Isaac, a resident of HoAA-ard county, Ne braska. The father died when our subject was thirteen years of ag*e, in his fifty-second year. He folloAved the tilling of the soil as a life occupation, Avas a Democrat in his po litical vieAvs, and Avas honored and respected by all Avith Avhom he came in contact. Alark AA'arrell AA'as left an orphan at an BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 99 early age, and his youth and early manhood were spent on a farm in Ohio^ the educa tional privileges Avhich he enjoyed bdng those afforded by the common schools of his locality. From a very early age he was obliged to make his own Avay in the Avorld, and the high position Avhich he now occu pies in the business world is due entirely to his unremitting toil, his perseverance and his close attention to duty. In 1883 he removed from the Buckeye state to Kansas, taking up his abode on a farm in Dale township, Avhere he made his home until 1893. In *at year he came to the farm which is yet his home, where he owns a tract of two hundred and forty acres of excellent and well improved land, and here he is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. In 1 87 1 Susan AA'ilson became the bride of Air. AA'arrell. She was born near Ed- wardsville, Aladison county, Illinois, and is a daughter of William and Agnes Wilson, both natives of Scotland. The father has passed to his final rest, but the mother is still living and now makes her home with our subject. Unto this worthy couple were born six children, four of Avhom are living, namely : James, Susan, AA'illiam and Pder. Eight children, five sons and three daugh ters, have been born unto the union of Mr. and Airs. AArarrdl,— John AV., James Ed- Avard, Airs. Flora Ellen Calhoun, Isaac C, Alaggie Ann, Edith Belle, Frank and Albert Grover. The Democracy receives Air. War- rell's hearty support and co-operation, and socially he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs. AVILLIAAI VOLKLAND. As a representative of that class of sub stantial builders of a great commonwealth Avho served faithfully and long in the enter prising Avest, Ave present the subjert of this sketch, avIio is a pioneer of central Kan sas and Avho has nobly done his duty in establishing and maintaining the material interests, legal status and moral welfare of his community. AA'hatever tends to benefit his state and promote the Avelfare of his community is sure to elicit his interest and co-operation, and thus his name is insepar ably interwoven Avith the history of Rice county during the past twenty-three years. Air. Volkland Avas born in Fond du Lac, AA'isconsin, September 2j, 1864, a son of AVilliam A'olkland, Avho Avas born in AA'ei- mar, Germany, AA'here he Avas reared and educated. There he learned the carpenter's trade and for one year he served in the Ger man army. In 1848 he came to the United States and was here married to Pauline Roehr, who also Avas a native of AA'eimar, Germany. For a number of years the father engaged in contracting and building in Fond du Lac, AArisconsin, and after Avar d came to Rice county, being identified Avith the agricultural interests of Farmer town ship until his death, AA'hich occurred in 1888, Avhen he Avas sixty-three years of age. He Avas honored and respected for his integrity and upright life and to his family he left the priceless heritage of an untarnished name. His AvidoAV still resides in Farmer tOAvnship. In his political views he Avas a Republican, unsAverving in his advocacy of the principles of the party, and in religious belief he Avas a Alethodist, his Avife being also a member of the same church. They had seven children, and those living are: Mrs. Ottilia SteliAvien, of Bushton; AVill iam ; and Albert, postmaster of Bushton and the partner of AA-'illiam in the hardAvare busi ness. He is one of the Avell known and lead ing business men of the town. He Avas born in Fond du Lac, AAlsconsin, February 15. 1867, and acquired his education there and ; in Kansas. He married Alatilda Korf, of i Bushton, Avho Avas born in Illinois, a daugh ter of Frederick Korf, deceased. Her mother, hoAvever, is still living. Unto Al bert Volkland and his Avife have been born four children: Nettie A. P., Otto F AV., Oscar and Alabel. In his political vieAvs the father is a Republican and in religious faith is identified Avth the Alethodist church. His prominence in business circles in Bushton is widely acknoAvledged and in his life he ex emplifies the enterprising spirit of the Avest. William Volkland, Avhose name intro- IOO BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. daices this review, spent his youth in his na tive state, and by improving the educational advantages afforded by the public schools there he became a well informed man, well fitted for the practical and responsible du ties of life. In 1878 he accompanied his parents to central Kansas and here became familiar with fanaa Avork through actual ex perience in the labors of field and meadow upon his father's farm. In 1888 he became a factor in the business interests of Bushton by establishing a hardware store, Avhich he still conducts in connection with his brother Albert. They have a fine store, occupying a building twenty-four by ninety fed. Their stock is extensive, embracing a large line of heavy and shelf hardAvare, and their patron age is continually increasing, OAving to their reliable business method's, their earnest ef forts to please their patrons and the moder ate prices Avhich they ask for their goods, desiring only to make a fair and legifihnate profit. Air. Volkland is also president of the Bushton State Bank, one of the solid, finan cial institutions of this part of the state, designated as the county depository of Rice county. A fine bank building has recently been erected, twenty-four by forty-eight feet. It is suitably and tastefully furnished and: everything is in excellent condition for carrying on the enterprise. They conduct a general banking business, buy and sell ex change, pay -interest on deposits and, in fact, conduct a banking business which is profit able and Avorthy of patronage. Tlie officers are popular and reliable business men, name ly : AA'illiam Volkland, president ; William Schmidt, vice-president ; George F. Hauser, cashier; and George Cramm, Frank Shon- yo, AA'illiam Schmidt and AA'illiam Volkland, directors. AA'hen twenty-five years of ase Air. Volk land Avas married to Aliss Sophia Roehr, of Bushton, a daughter of Fred Roehr, de ceased. They no ay- have six children, two sons and four daughters': Ella Viola: AA'ill iam F., Maud G., Florence, Pauline Selnaa and Paul Albert. Mr. Volkland exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and labors earnestly and effectively in its behalf, but he is not a politician in the sense cf office seeking. He and his Avife hold mem bership in the Methodist Episcopal church and he is filling the position of trustee of the church. For thirteen years he has been closely identified Avith the history of Bush ton as a representative of most important business interests. He is a man of keen dis crimination and sound judgment, and his executive ability and excellent management have brought to the concerns Avith Avhich he is connected a large degree of success. HON. JOHN DAY. Since early pioneer days John Day has resided in Kingman county. *the year of his arrh-al being 1878, and through many years has Avatched Avith interest the progress and advancement of this section of the common wealth. He has eA-er borne his part in the Avork of improvement as a loyal citizen and as one Avhose public spirit has been manifest in his active co-operation with many meas ures that have contributed to the public good. He Avas born near Bluffton. in AVells county, Indiana, on the 29th of September, 1849. The family trace their ancestry through many generations to England, to tAvo brothers Avho came from that couutry to the United States prior o the Revolution ary Avar. Thev Avere silk merchants in their native land. AVilbur Day, the father of our subject, Avas born in North Carolina, and was there reared and married, Aliss Alar garet Sale becoming his Avife. She Avas also a native of North Carolina, and both she and her husband Avere members of prom inent old southern families1 of that state. After their marriage, in 1841, they located near Bluffton, in Wells county, Indiana, where they were among the pioneer settlers, and there they made their home for the fol- loAving eight years, on the expiration of which period, in 1853, they took up their abode in Jasper county, that state. There they A\-ere also among the early pioneers, and during their residence on the Avestern BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 101 frontier they suffered all the privations and hardships knoAvn only to the settlers of a new and unsettled country. Unto this Avorthv couple were born fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters, namely: LeAvis, who died at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1864, AA'hile serving as a soldier in the Civil war ; AA'illiam, who Avas a soldier during the Civil Avar, and is noAV a resident of Indiana ; Amanda; John, the subject of this review; George; Martha; Jesse, deceased; Louisa; Lizzie, deceased; Charles; and four who died when young. The father of this family passed aAvay in death in Jasper county, In diana, on the 4th of March, 1892, at the age of seventy-two years. He followed' the till ing of the soil throughout his entire business career, and in all life's relations he was ever found true and faithful to duty. His wife has reached the ripe old age of seventy-nine years. She is a member of the Christian church, as Avas also her husband. John Day, of this review, was reared to manhood on an Indiana farm, both in Wells and Jasper counties and in addition to at tending the common schools of his locality he Avas also a student in the Battle Ground Academy, Avhere he enjoyed1 superior educa tional advantages. After putting aside his school books to take up the artive duties of life on his own account he chose as a life occupation that to which he had been reared, namely, farming, Avhich vocation he followed in his native state until 1878. In that year he came to Kansas, first securing a tract of Osage Indian land and for a num ber of years after coming to this state the family resided in a sod house. As prosperity attended his efforts he has added to his land ed possessions until he is now the owner of eight hundred and eighty acres, of excellent and Avell improved land, on Avhich he has erected a large and comfortable dwelling, barns and other outbuildings, and has now one of the finest homesteads in this part of the county. In Rensselaer, Jasper county, Indiana, on the 4th of March, 1873, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Day and Miss Mary Ann Burns, who was born in Jasper coun ty, Indiana, July 30, 1849, and was reared and educated in the Hoosier state. Her pa ternal grandparents Avere James and Delilah (Barnes) Burns, and the former Avas a sol dier in the AA-ar of 18 12. Her father, AA'ill iam Burns, Avas born in Champaign county, Ohio, and was there reared until eighteen years of age, Avhen he removed to White county, Indiana. He was there married to Susanna Barnes, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of James and Elizabdh (Rigor) Barnes, natives also of the Old Dominion. The father served as judge of the courts in Indiana, and was a very prominent man in his locality. Mr. and Mrs. William Burns became early pioneers of Jasper county, In diana, and at that time only four families resided Avithin the boundaries of the county and Indians were still very numerous. They became the parents of ten children, eight of whom grew to years of maturity, namely : James I., deceased; Franois Marion, aaLo served as a soldier during the Civil Avar, and who died in a hospital at Nashville, aged tAventy-two years; John M., who died at the age of twenty-one years ; Vilena, also de ceased; Mary A., the wife of our subject; James AL, who resides on the old home farm in Indiana; Margaret, now Mrs. J. AAr. Groom; William, Avho resides with his brother on the Indiana farm. The father of this family died at the comparatively early age of forty-nine years, his death resulting from exposure. He was a Republican in his political views, and Avas a progressive and public-spirited citizen. His Avife survived until sixty-eight years of age, when she joined her husband in the home beyond, both dying in the faith of the Christian church. The union of our subject and Avife has been blessed with tAvo sons, the eldest of Avhom, Ernest F., is a popular and success ful physician of Arkansas City, Kansas. He is a graduate of the Medical University of Kansas City, a member of the class of 1900,. which Avas the largest ever graduated from that institution. The youngest son, Ev- art C, is noAV tAventy-one years of age,. and is a resident of Oklahoma. He married Ldtie Hobson, of Kingman county, and a daughter of Newton Hobson. Mrs. Day is a member of the Christian church. Mr. Day, 102 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of this revieAv, gives his political support to the Populist party, and on its ticket he was elected to represent his district in the legis lature of 1 89 1, discharging the duties en trusted to his care in a manner highly satis factory to all concerned. He has, however, never sought or desired public honors, pre ferring to give his. undivided time to his business interests. ALEXANDER AI. SAATTZER. Alexander AI. SAvitzer, a prominent fanaaer, stockman and fruit-grower of Reno county, Avas born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, Alarch 7, 1849, a son OI John and Elizabeth (Anderson) Switzer. The father AA'as a native of Switzerland but Avhen only five years of age he accompanied his parents on their removal to the United States, the family locating in Ohio, Avhere he spent the remainder of his life. He engaged in the tilling of the soil as a life occupation, and as a supporter of Republican principles he took an active part in the public affairs of his lo cality, having served for many years as a county commissioner and as a trustee. His death occurred Avhen he had reached the age of seventy-six years. His wife was a native of the Emerald Isle, but she Avas brought to the United States in childhood, also locat ing in Ohio. She passed aAvay at the age of sixty years. Unto this Avorthy couple were born seA-en children, four of AAhona grew to years of maturity, and three of the number, Robert, Eliza and Thomas, remained in the Buckeye state. The last named oaviis the old family homestead in that commomvealfh. Alexander M. Switzer, Avhose name in troduces this review, was reared to manhood in the place of his nativity, and in the dis trict schools of the neighborhood he received his educational advantages. In 1864, when but fifteen years of age, he enlisted in the one-hundred-day service as a substitute for his father, becoming a member of Company D, One Hundred and Sixty-first Ohio Na tional Guards. During his military career he sened four months in the Shenandoah valley, under Hunter, Sigd and Sheridan, and on the expiration of his term of enlist ment he re-enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Volunteers. Go ing Avith his command to Kentucky, he was engaged in guarding Cumberland Gap and in suppressing guerrillas. During their first campaign in the Shenandoah valley the regi ment started out complete, but they returned with only about one hundred men. Mr. Switzer still has in his possession a treas ured memento of President Lincoln in the form of an autographic letter which was presented to each of the one hundred sur vivors of his regiment as a personal recog nition of their gallant sen-ice. After the close of hostilities Air. SAvitzer received an honorable discharge at Camp Chase, Columbus, and returned to his home with a most creditable military record. In March, 1866, in Ohio, he Avas married to Jennie Knee, and in the folloAA-ing Septem ber he remoA-ed to Champaign county, Illi nois, where he Avas engaged in agricultural pursuits for the folloAving five years. In the spring of 1872, Avith his Avife and tAvo sons, he came Avith a team and Avagon to Reno county, Kansas. Tlie family left their Illi nois home in Alarch, and in the folloAving April they arrived in the SunfloAver state. Their first residence here AA'as a combination of a sod house and a dug-out, located in a rather low spot and excavated to a depth of about tAvo feet. During the first heavy rain the house was flooded and everything Avithin was set afloat, and they Avere thus compelled to move to higher ground. Mr. Switzer ac cordingly erected a small box house, eight by twelve feet, Avhich was their place of abode during that season, and although it Avas only partially enclosed it proved a com fortable residence during the pleasant sum mer Aveather. In the folloAving fall a snug little box house, ten by tAvelve feet, Avas erected, Avhich at that time Avas the finest residence in the neighborhood. In that early day game was plentiful and buffaloes could be secured by going only a short distance BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 103 from their home. There were no clearly defined roads across the prairie from one town or settlement to another at that time, and to mark the Avay Air. SAAitzer during the first year of his residence here ploAved a fur- roAV nine miles across the prairie to Castle ton. By arduous labor he soon succeeded in placing about ten acres of the place under cultivation, which he planted. Avith corn, and in order to secure money he Avas also obliged ,to break sod for his neighbors. He Avas one of the first in this section of the state to en gage in the fruit and nursery business, hav ing as early as 1876 about forty acres of his farm devoted to that purpose, and for some years he made that line of work a spe cialty, raising all kinds of the larger fruits, but during the past f eAV years he has devoted his attention to the raising of small fruits, principally grapes and strawberries. He supplies the Hutchinson market Avith the choicest fruits, and in this enterprise he fur nishes employment to many young people during the fruit season. There are few men better knoAvn in Reno and adjoining counties than Alexander SAvitzer, for during his entire residence in the SunfloAver state he has been actively and prominently identified Avith the affairs of his tOAvnship, county and state. He has served in all of the tOAvnship offices, Avas the first overseer of highAvays of his township, and from 1879 untu J885 Avas an efficient county commissioner. Upon his retirement from that position he Avas presented Avith a beau tiful gold watch by the citizens of Reno county, as a recognition of the efficiency with which he had discharged the duties de volving upon him while in that office. He was a member of the town board when the present bridge across the Arkansas river Avas built at this point, and it Avas largely through his persistent efforts, in the face of much opposition and adverse criticism, that it was built at that time, but those Avho were among the most bitter adversaries now ad mit that the undertaking Avas a profitable one. In 1896 he recdved the Republican nomination for the thirty-sixth senatorial district, but with the rest of the ticket was defeated. X'o citizen of Reno county has rendered more faithful or efficient service to his party than Air. SAvitzer, and he is widely recognized as a Republican leader Avho has labored earnestly for its success. He Avas one of the organizers and for many years president of the Reno County Horticultural Association, and Avas also one of the prin cipal organizers and the first president of the Farmers' Institute. He holds membership relations Avith Joe Hooker Post, X'o. 17, G. A. R., Avith the Court of Honor and Avith the Sons and Daughters of Justice. He is -also a member of Reno Lodge, X'o. 140, A. F. & A. AI. ; Reno Chapter, No. 34; Hutchinson Council, Xo. 13 ; and Reno Com mandery, X'o. 26, K. T., and is also a Scot tish-Rite Alason and a member of the Shrine and Eastern Star. He has been a command ing officer in all of these bodies Avith the ex ception cf the Scottish Rite, and has attend ed the Knights Templar conventions for the past fifteen years. His religious preference is indicated by his membership in the Mdhodist Episcopal church. He Avas one of the organizers of the Elmer Sunday- school and for fifteen years Avas its efficient superintendent, Avhile for one year he Avas president of the County Sunday-school As sociation. Airs. SAvitzer passed aAvay in death on the 1 8th of January, 1885, leaving two sons, LaAvrence P., of Pueblo, Colorado; and Percy E., a resident of Oklahoma. On the 30th of January, 1886, our subject married Annie Ingham, a daughter of AA'illiam and Sarah Ingham. She Avas born in Alassa chusetts, but in childhood she came Avith her parents to Kansas. She Avas reared near Topeka and experienced all the horrors of the border troubles. This union has been blessed with two children, Gladys and Ethel. Air. SAvitzer is a man of strong mentality, keen discernment, great tact and resolute purpose, and is therefore Avell fitted for the political honors Avhich have been conferred upon him. He is ever a generous friend and Avarm advocate of those Avho are battling for the right and of principles and policies for the public good. io4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. HUTTOX & OSAVALD. The field of business is limitless and op portunity is only hampered by the inability or negligence of the individual. The man who is energetic, determined, honest and persevering can ahvays Avin success and it is such qualities that have placed the firm1 of Hutton & Oswald in their present enviable position. They are proprietors of a laundry business Avhich Avas conducted by ten com panies or individuals before they took hold of it, — this being betAveen the years 1886 and 1 89 1, but Avhen these gentlemen assumed the management there Avas straight av ay a change in the outlook. They determined to succeed, Avent about getting patrons in a business-like Avay that inspired confidence and retained their trade through the excel lence of their Avorkmanship, their prompt ness and reliability. The story seems simple but in it lies the secret of enviable success. The proprietors are Emmett Hutton and Charley AV. Oswald and the enterprise is known as the American Steam Laundry of Hutchinson. They began business here April 20, 1 89 1, in a small building, tAventy- five by seventy feet, and started as successors to ten different parties Avho had previously made a failure of the Avork. They combined the plants of the American Steam Laundry and the Hutchinson Steam Laundry. The plant had been shut doAvn for three or four months, but Air. Hutton took a mortgage on it and began business in connection Avith Willis Brothers. Six months later he and Mr. OsAvald bought the plant, and from the start both gentlemen gave their entire time and attention to the business. It Avas not long before they needed more space and doubled the capacity Avithin the first three years, renting the room on tlie east. It Avas about tAvo years later Avhen they took an up stairs floor of the same size, giving them three times the space they first had, but still their business grew, demanding more com modious quarters, until iioav their plant occu pies ten times the original space in Avhich theA" began business. In January, 1898, they purchased the building in Avhich they are lo cated and by building a large addition in the rear have more than doubled their space. They first employed four hands, noAV they haA-e an average force of seventy-five em ployes and on rush occasions increase the number by ten. They have the reputation of paying the help better salaries than are elseAvhere given in the same line of business and thus they are enabled to retain their em ployes, some of .Avhom have been Avith them for nine years, Avhile the majority have been continuously in their service for five years. Both Air. Hutton and Air. OsAvald have given their entire attention to the business and their close application has been an im portant factor in their prosperity. They have often AA'orked at midnight and some times later, so that their business has never got the start of them and they never disap point customers by not having the work ready at the time promised. Now they make it a point to close the laundry at six o'clock, employing a sufficient number to make this possible and the majority of the time the work of the day is over at the time designated. , From the first they sought trade in the surrounding toAvns and this has grown until it is noAV limited only by express charges. They are in receipt of applications almost daily for agencies at different points and their business reaches as far east as Herring- ton and equal distances to the north, south and Avest. In fact it extends into Oklahoma and Texas and they are noAV doing business in one hundred tOAvns outside of Hutchin son. They have gained their reputation solely on the excellence of the work. In their building they haA'e a concrete floor twenty-five by one hundred and forty-five feet. The building is also specially lighted and ventilated. Condensed steam is used and no colored goods are Avashed in anything but distilled Avater; steam, Avater, light and poAver come from the Hutchinson AA'ater, Light & PoAver Company, and throughout Kansas there is no more flourishing laundry business than that conducted by the enter prising firm of Hutton & Oswald. To such a degree has success attended their enter- AMERICAN S'l'F.AM LAUNDRY, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. io: prise that they ha\-e not found it necessary to continue all of their capital in the busi ness, but have made judicious investments in farm property, .Avhich is Avell improved and now contributes not a little to their income. JACOB A. YOUNG. Tlie fine farm of three hundred and tAventy acres on sections 14 and 23. Roscce township, OAvned by Jacob A. Young is the visible eA'idence of his Avell spent and useful life. His property has all been acquired through his oavii efforts : Industry and per severance haA_e formed the foundation stones upon which he has reared the superstructure of his success. He is a native son of Penn sylvania, his birth having occurred in Alif- flin county, that state, February 4. 1845, his parents being John and Harriet (Rudy ' Young, both of Avhom Avere natives of Penn sylvania. The family removed from Penn sylvania to Cedar count}-, IoAva, in 1864, and from IoAva to Kingman -county. Kan sas, being among the early settlers there. The father pre-empted a claim and through his remaining days resided thereon, deAOt- ing his energies to the development and cultivation of his farm. His Avife died cn the same farm in 1898, at the age of sixty- nine years. In their family Avere thirteen children, ten of whom are living: Jacob A. ; Daniel J., a farmer of Roscoe tOAvnship, Reno county; Xoah, of Oklahoma Terri tory; Adam, of Hutchinson; John, a resi dent of Lincoln township, Reno county; Airs. Amanda Knight; James, of Okla homa; Ella, the wife of Grant Lee; Airs. Ab- bie Brady, cf Kingman county; and Alli son, a resident of Pretty Prairie, Kansas. Those deceased are: LeAvis and Elizabeth, who died after reaching mature years ; and one AAho died in infancy. In his parents' heme Jacob A. Young spent his boyhood days, and when only seventeen years of age he enlisted as a de fender of the Union, becoming a member of Company I, TAvelfth Pennsylvania Reserves of McCall' s Division, which. Avent Avith AIc- Clellan's command into the Peninsular 7 campaign. After the seven days' engage ment at Richmond the Union troops fell i back to the James river, Avhere Air. Young ' Avas taken sick, and efter some time spent | in the hospitals at Fortress Alonroe and , Hampton Roads he Avas discharged, in Xc- . vember, 1862. X'ot content to thus end his military service, he re-enlisted, in February, 1864, as a member of Company B, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Atolunteer Infantry, and Avas transferred to the Army of the Tennessee, going to Bridge port, Alabama, Avhere he joined Sherman on the march to the sea. AA'hen that Avas accom plished, shoAving that the strength of the | confederacy had been darwn from the inte rior to protect the borders, he proceeded Avith his command to Raleigh, X'orth Carolina, ; then on to AA'ashington, Avhere he partici pated in the grand review, the most cele brated military pageant Avhich the continent has Avitnessed. In July, 1S65, he returned to his home, having received an honorable discharge. After the Avar Air. Young remained in Pennsylvania until February, 1866, Avhen he joined the family in Iowa, Avhere he Avorked on his father's farm for a year and then rented land in order to engage in farm- , ing on his OAvn account. He resided in IoAva until February. 1874, Avhen Avith his wife and two children he came by team to Kan sas, accompanied by tAvo other families, that of George Fisher and of S. AI. Eegarty, the ! latter a cousin of Airs. Young. Reaching Reno county he stopped the first season in Albion tOAvnship, where Alexander He- garty, a cousin of S. AL. had settled in 1873. He raised one crop here and in the spring of 1875 came to his claim, constituting his present homestead. He secured one hun dred and sixty acres on section 23. Roscoe township, and a timber claim, constituting the. soutliAvest quarter cf section 14. He lost all of his crop of 1874 on account of the grashopper scourage, and like many cf the other pioneers in the Avinter of 1874 and 1875 he had to resort to any available means of earning a livelihood. He joined Avhat Avas known as the "horse brigade," engaged in freighting to the distant markets of io6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hutchinson and Wichita. In the fall of 1874 he had gone to the mill in Sterling, then called Peace, driving his team, and during his absence his stacks were struck by lightning, causing his stable to burn, also his coavs, hay and grain, his team being for tunately saved on account of the trip he Avas making. He then built a new stable, but within tAvo weeks it Avas destroyed by another fire. In the year 1875 Mr. Young again made a start and from that time on has been more fortunate. He is noAV en gaged in general fanning and stock-raising and keeps from fifty to seventy head of cattle. He makes quite a specialty of dairy ing, milking from fifteen to twenty coavs, and this branch of his business adds mate rially to his income. On the 20th of October, 1870, Air. Young Avas united in marriage to Aliss Sarah E. Hegarty, a native of Pennsyl vania and a daughter of S. K. and Rebecca (Lanborn) Hegarty, avIio Avere also born in the Keystone state. Unto our subject and his wife have been born' nine children : Samuel E., a farmer of Roscoe tOAvnship; Albert D., an agriculturist of the same town ship; Paul J., at home; Rebecca A., the wife of E. P. Young, a teacher of Roscoe town ship; Rosa, Delia, Pearl, Elizabeth and Helen, all yet -with their parents. The mem bers of the family belong to the United Pres byterian church and in its Avork take an act ive part, Avhile Albert D. is very prominent in temperance Avork. In politics Mr. Young is an ardent Republican and a member of the Republican executive committee, while to various local and state conventions he has been sent as delegate. He has been es pecially prominent in local affairs and has filled' nearly all of the toAA'nship offices, in cluding those of trustee, treasurer and clerk, at the present time acting as treasurer. He has also been a leader in the work of secur ing good schools and his service on the school board has been very effective. His name is on the membership roll of the Odd Fellows lodge in Pretty Prairie and his brethren of the order have honored him AA'ith various offices. Both he and his Avife belong to the order of Rebekahs, of Avhich she is past grand. He is also identified Avith Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R. He is a good citizen and gives hearty co-operation to every movement for the general good. Christian, educational, social and material interests have been promoted through his efforts, and Avhile the county has benefited by his labors he has also Avon for his family a comfortable competence and Avell deserves the proud American title of "a self-made man." A. L. SPONSLER. The name of this gentleman is one which stands conspicuously forth on the pages of Kansas' political history. He has been an active factor in shaping the affairs of the gOA*ernment in the AA'est, and is AA"idely recog nized as a Republican leader avIio has la bored earnestly for the success of the party and yet has never placed partisanship before citizenship or self-aggrandizement before the national good. Close study has given him a keen insight into the important polit ical problems, and his interest in the issues of the day that affect the state or national Aveal or Avoe has ever been of the highest. The Sponsler family are of Pennsyl- vania-Dutch extraction, and according to Avell founded tradition the first of the name to come to the new Avorld Avas a captain in the French army, Avho came to America during the French and Indian Avar. After hostilities had ceased he located in Phila delphia, from which place the Sponsler fam ily in America dates its origin, but in after years they spread over the colonies as farm ers, merchants and mechanics. The pater nal grandfather of our subject Avas Lewis Sponsler, who resided in Perry county, Pennsylvania, Avhere he Avas employed in a factory, and there his death occurred at an early age. LeAvis Sponsler, the father of our subject, was born in that count}-, October 3, 1825, and was there reared to manhood and learned the wagon-maker's trade, which he folloAved for a number of years in Cum berland county, Pennsylvania. In 1849 be Avas united in marriage to Maria Wolfe, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 107 Avho Avas born in Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, in September, 1827, a daughter of Christian and Sarah (Stoner) AA'olfe. On both the paternal and maternal sides Airs. Sponsler Avas descended from,' German an cestry, and her grandfather, Henry Wolfe, Avas a soldier in the Revolutionary Avar. In 1856 Lewis Sponsler removed Avith his Avife and four children to Keithsburg, Alercer county, Illinois, Avhere for four years he Avas engaged at the carpenter's trade, and on the expiration of that period he pur chased a farm seven miles east of that city, which he continued to operate until 1881. In that year he retired from the active Avork of the farm and located in Aledo, Alercer county, Avhere he spent the remainder of his life, passing aAvay in death on the 4th of April, 1893. Throughout his entire life he never courted notoriety or sought the honors of public office, preferring to deA'Ote his energies to his business, his church and to the advancement of the principles of Repub licanism. For many years he Avas a leading member of the Presbyterian church, and Avas ever active and earnest in its support. Al though his educational opportunities during his youth Avere limited, in later years he be came a great reader and acquired a most re markable knoAvledge of Biblical, ancient and modern history. He is still survh-ed by his Avidow, AA'ho makes her home in Aledo, hav ing reached the seventy-fourth milestone on the journey of life. The union of Air. and Airs. Sponsler was blessed with seven chil dren : William J., who came to Reno coun ty, Kansas, in 1874, and is now a prom inent farmer and stock-raiser of Reno town ship; Sarah, the Avife of AAr. D. Reynolds, of Alorton Alills, Iowa, Avhere he is engaged in the breeding of Angus cattle; George W., avIio is also a farmer and breeder of Angus cattle and resides in Alercer county, Illi nois; Alice AL, Avho makes her home with her mother in Aledo, Illinois ; A. L., the sub ject of this review; Anna, the Avife of L. McAA'horter, AA'ho ranks among the foremost breeders of pure Angus cattle in the United States, having held the office of president of the National' Association of Angus Breed ers in 1900, and his home is in Aledo; and John L., who Avas formerly engaged Avith his brother A. L. in the neAvspaper business in Hutchinson, but is now a journalist of LaAA-ton, Oklahoma. A. L. Sponsler, Avhose name introduces this revieAV, Avas born in Alercer county, Illinois, April 30, i860, and during his youth he Avas a student in the district schools of his neighborhood. Aftenvard he com pleted the course in Knox Academy, at Galesburg, Illinois, after Avhich he entered Knox College, of the same city, but left that institution after attaining the sopho more year to engage in the study of laAv in the office of John C. Pepper of Aledo, be ing then in his twenty-tbird year. He re mained Avith his preceptor for two years, and Avas then, in Alay, 1885, admitted to the bar by the supreme court after a Avritten examination. This event, memorable to him in itself Avas made doubly so by the fact that it occurred the day after John A. Logan, whose election he Avas advocating, Avas elect ed to the United States senate for the last time and after one of the most memorable contests of the kind that has ever occurred in the United States. Immediately after his admission to the bar Mr. Sponsler began the pradice of his chosen profession in Aledo, under the firm name of Pepper & Sponsler, Avhich relationship Avas maintained until 1887, AA'hen he came to the SunfloAver state, locating in Arlington, Reno county, Avith the intention of practicing laAv, but Avith the "Lost Heads," Avho Avere assembling in Kan sas at that time to pursue a real-estate specu lation, began booming Kansas tOAvn prop erty to an extent never before or since re corded. To such an extent did he partici pate in this business that he found no con venient opportunity for folloAving his chosen profession, and it required tAvo or three years after its abandonment to settle the affairs of his partnership. In 1888 Air. Sponsler made a remark able race for the position of state senator, the convention meeting at Pratt, and after balloting for three days it adjourned to meet in Turon, Reno county, Avhere it Avas also in session for about three days, but during this time our subject Avas called to Illinois by io8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY the sickness of his Avife, and the convention, finding it impossible to arrive at a conclu sion, adjourned sine die. The next con vention met in August, in Turon, and Avas composed of one delegate from each voting precinct of the counties of Reno, Pratt and Kingman. After several hundred ballots had been cast, in Avhich Air. Sponsler came Avithin one vote several times and at one time Avithin a half a vote of gaining the nomina tion, he Avithdrew his name from further consideration, believing then that his nomi nation Avas impossible, and Hon. Frank E. Gillett, of Kingman, Avas nominated. In the meantime Air. Sponsler had also become in terested in tAvo newspapers, and in the fall of 1889 he removed to Hutchinson, Avhere, in company Avith his brother John L., he be gan publishing the Hutchinson Times, and in the folloAving year the Times and Repub lican Avere consolidated. The brothers con tinued its publication until 1891. Avhen they purchased the Hutchinson Daily X'ews, in cluding the job offices and book bindery, and thus they Avere engaged until 1895, when they sold their interests to AA". Y. Af or gan, a sketch of Avhom appears elsewhere in this volume. After retiring from journal istic Avork the brothers engaged in the grain business, buying and cribbing corn in A_ari- ous toAvns in this section cf the state, in which they continued for three years, their business having been carried on under the firm name of E. L. AA'olff & Company. They Avere then engaged in various other enter prises until the year 1899, when our subject purchased his present farm of four hundred and fifty acres and engaged in the breeding of registered short-horn cattle. At the time of the purchase the farm Avas raw prairie land, but he has since placed his fields under cultivation, has erected a good residence and has built substantial barns and fences. The farm is devoted to the raising of grass Avith the exception of one hundred and seventy acres, and he is noAV recognized as one of the leading breeders of registered short-horn cattle in the locality. During all these years Air. Sponsler has been actively engaged in promoting a num ber of measures for the public advancement. It Avas through his efforts in 1892 that the Republican state convention Avas secured for Hutchinson, Avhich Avas the first time it had ever been held as far Avest. During the pre- A'ious Avinter by his tireless activity he had succeeded in organizing the Hutchinson Commercial Club, and Avhen the convention Avas secured for this city it Avas found that no building in Hutchison Avas large enough to meet its requirements. Then it Avas that the Commercial Club and other citizens erected the Auditorium. AA'hen Chester I. Long Avas nominated against Jerry Simp son for congress in 1892 there was no one man avIio spent more time and money in the support of Air. Long than Air. Sponsler. He Avas chairman of the Reno county delega tion to the state convention Avhich met at Topeka in 1S94, Avhen the vote of Reno county nominated Governor Alcrrill. Avas a delegate to the X'ational Editors' Associa tion at Asbury Park, X'eAv Jersey, in 1893, and Avas a delegate to the Trans-AIississippi Congress in 1894. He has been in even- session of the Kansas Legislature since 1889 as an observer and student of affairs. He AA'as one of the chief organizers of the Cen tral Kansas Fair Association. Avhich Avas or ganized in 1901, and of Avhich he is iioav president, and Avas also one of the original promoters of the Kansas Day Club. On the 27th of September, 1887. at the home of the bride in Aledo. Illinois. Air. Sponsler Avas united in marriage to Alinnie P. Bentley. avIio Avas born in the vicinity of that city on the 5th of September. 1862, a daughter of James L. and Nancy (Smith) Bentley, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Aledo, Illinois. About 1855, AA'hen a young man, the father removed from the Buckeye state to Alercer county, Illinois, where he Avas engaged in teaching in the public schools and farming, and Avas yen- successful in both lines of labor. On both the paternal and maternal sides Airs. Spons ler is of Scotch and English ancestry, and the fantily located in America in a very early day. Airs. Sponsler is active in AA'omen's Club affairs and served as president of the AA'omen's Club of the city of Hutchinson for the year 1899 and 1900. In his social BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 109 rdations Air. Sponsler is eligible to member ship in the folloAving orders, — Ancient Or der of United AAtorkmen, the AA'oodmen and the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs. He is and ahvays has been most liberal in sup porting and promoting all measures for the public good, has ahvays kept fully abreast of the times, and his large and Avell selected library contains only the most substantial Avorks. in Avhich history, both ancient and modern, has a prominent place. He is a man cf strong mentality, keen disceriament, great tact and resolute purpose. He com mands the respect of his felloAv men by his sterling AA'ordi, and Kansas numbers him among her honored residents. J. AAT. CLARKE. J. AA'. Clarke is the county attorney of Barton county and has attained a distin guished position in connection with his pro fession. Avhich stands as the ccnsen-atcr of human rights and justice. His prominence is based upon a thorough knoAvledge of the principles of jurisprudence and of accuracy in the application of them to the points in litigation. Earnest and discriminating in his preparation of cases, a strong pleader before court and jury, he has Avon the favor- able commendation of the public and the complete confidence and high regard of his professional brethren. Air. Clarke Avas born in Liberty. Tennes- •see, cn the 22d cf December, 1852. His fa ther, Robert L. Clarke, was also a native of that state and a fawner by occupation. He learned and has followed the carpenter's trade and yet makes his home in Liberty. On the old homestead farm there the sub ject of this review was reared and in the dis trict schools of the neighborhood he acquired his preliminary education, Avhich was sup plemented by a course in the Cumberland University. He Avas graduated in the IaAV department of that institution with the class of 1879, and thus prepared for his chosen profession he at once began practice in Smithville, where he secured a good patron age. However, he became interested in the great west, and having a desire to visit the country and see if its opportunities were such as represented, he came to central Kan sas in 1884 in company with his two broth- ers-in-law. They went on a prospecting tour and visited all portions of the state, ultimately deriding that Great Bend was to ' have a bright future on account of its healthful location and natural beauty and Air. Clarke concluded to locate here, at once opening an office. He was alone in business for a time but aftenvard was associated in practice AA'ith F. A'. Russell for six years. He soon secured a large and groAving pat ronage as he demonstrated his ability to han dle tbe' intricate problems of jurisprudence. He is a fluent and earnest speaker and his oratorical ability, combined AA'ith his pro found knoAvledge of the law, has gained him enviable and well merited distinction. In 1880 Air. Clarke Avas unnited in mar riage to Aliss Jennie L. Yelton, a daugh ter of John P. Yelton, of New Aliddleton, Tennessee. She died, hoAveA-er, in 1897, at the age of thirty-seven years — leaA'ing no children. Air. Clarke was a second time married, July 16, 1901, to Aliss Nettie Ber- nis. of Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a prominent and A-alued member of the Alasonic fraternity, has taken the degrees cf blue lodge, council, chapter and command ery and is a past master of the lodge. He is also connected with the Alodern AA'oodmen fraternity. In his political vieAvs he is a Democrat and takes a very active part in political affairs, being an active factor in the | campaign Avork. In 1900 he received the j nomination for county attorney and being i elected to that office is noAV discharging his ; duty in such a manner as to Avin the high ¦ commendation of the people for his faith fulness and capability. JOHN S. JUDSON. If a society of the sons cf New York should be organized in central Kansas, sim ilar to a club of the same name which exists in Chicago, it is probable that John S. Jud- 1 10 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. son, of Kanopolis, would be oiie of its prom inent members. Air. Judson, avIio is man ager of the Kanopolis Land Company, and one of the best known real-estate ahd insur ance men in EllsAvorth county, Avas born at Utica, New York, December 12, 1827, a son of Silas and Mary (Lunnon) Judson. His father Avas a native of Connecticut, and his mother Avas born at Savannah, Georgia. Air. Judson Avas educated in the common schools in vogue in his part of his state in his boyhood and at one of the old-time acad emies once so popular there. In 1849, he Avent to South and Central America, im the interest of his cousin George Curtis, and filled a responsible position in connection with the building of hotels and the establish ment of transportation across the isthmus of Panama. After some years spent in that tropical and malarial region, he was taken suddenly and seriously ill and lay for three days helpless and unattended, and after his recovery he returned to the United States and located at Detroit, Michigan, Avhere he remained a year and a half. From Detroit he Avent to tbe Sagina.AV valley, to the site of the now flourishing city of Bay City, to take a position as an accountant for a lumber firm which, Avhile he Avas in its employ, built tAvo neAV saAvmills. AA'hile he Avas at Bay City the Bay City Salt Manufacturing Company Avas organized, the second salt company in Alichigan, and he became one of its stock holders and its secretary. Later, AA'hen the SaginaAV & Bay City Salt Company Avas or ganized he became its secretary and remain ed Avith the concern in that capacity until it Avent out of existence. He then accepted the position of secretary and treasurer of the SaginaAV River Towing Association, which owned a line of tugs plying on SaginaAV river and bay, a position Avhich he Avas event ually compelled to resign because of hisi ill health and that of some members of his fam ily. After living two years at Tampa, Flor ida, he returned north and located at Spring field, Ohio., Avhere for several years he Avas in charge of the accounts of different finns. Later he Avas offered a position Avith the Kanopolis1 Land Company, of Kanopolis, as its accountant, and in April, 1888, he was sent to Kanapqlis to act as general manager for the company. Soon after his arrival at Kanopolis Air. Judson became convinced! that there was an immense amount of salt underlying the whole region round about the tOAvn, and after mi nute examinations of boring made at Ells Avorth, he became convinced that salt-min ing there Avas feasible. At last, after much correspondence and many earnest confer ences, he succeeded in interesting the di rectors of the Kanopolis Land Company, and after a prospect well had! been sunk to a depth of eight hundred and eighty-one feet, Avhich was accomplished between March 1 and 16, 1889, active operations Avere be gun. The Royal Salt Company Avas organ ized February 4, 1890., in avhich the stock holders Avere members of the Kanopolis Land Company and others. A diamond drill was brought into requisition and a shaft was sunk, taking a core out of the earth to the depth of nine hundred feet. Operations on this shaft Avere begun May 12, 1890, and the plant was in operation February 28, 1 89 1. Mr. Judson bad charge of the disr- bursements of funds, etc., for the sinking of the shaft till 1891, since Avhich time the AA-ork has proceeded - under James Cowie's efficent management. The Kanopolis Land Company Avas or ganized in 1886, Avith Ross Alitchell as presi dent, J. S.CroAvell as secretary, F. AI. Brook- wait as vice-president, J. H. Thomas as treasurer, and General J. AA'arren Keifer, as attorney. Other members of the com pany Avere F. Half ord, of Springfield, Ohio; General AAmliam Alartindale, H. C. Cross and H. C. AA'hitley, of Empora, Kansas. The company purchased about four thou sand acres of land, iioav in EllsAvorth, Empire and Clear Creek toAvnships, EllsAvorth coun ty. A portion of this land, at the Fort Har ker reservation, includes the site and build ings of the post. AA'hen it began operations there the company laid out the city of Kan- opolij. It erected the Kanopolis hotel, a three-story brick structure containing fifty rooms, and also more than a dozen dAvellings and several other buildings. Since he came to Kanopolis Air. Judson has had entire BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. charge of the general business of the com pany, making sales, renting property, leas ing and sdling farm lands and residences and attending to other important interests. ; Colonel Snyder preceded Air. Judson as j manager at Kanopolis. Air. Judson believes that Kanapolis Avould be an excellent location for a sani tarium and he is doing Avhat he can to pro mote a movement to utilize the hotel for that purpose. He has devoted his time and en ergies entirely to the interests of his com pany, AA'hich from time to time has given him numerous intimations that his conscien tious sendee is highly appreciated, and Air. Judson has received many testimonials from former employers as to his ability and dis cretion. Our subject has one son, AA'illiam B. Judson, of Chicago, founder, proprietor and publisher of the Northwestern Lumber man, Avhich A.vas merged with the American Lumberman, published at Chicago, of AA'hich Mr. Judson is manager. Air. Judson' s mother died June 28, 1890; she was born at Savannah, Georgia, December 20, 1783. She married Silas Judson April 19, 1822, and Avent Avith him to Utica, NeAV York. Mr. Judson died in 1838, in Connecticut. Mrs. Judson remained at Utica until 1865, but passed her declining years at AA'aA-erly, IoAva. She Avas a devout member of tbe Protestant Episcopal church and Avas highly j esteemed for her many Christian virtues. Air. Judson Avas received as an entered apprentice in Bay City Lodge, No. 129, A. F. & A. AL, January 30, 1861, passed the felloAvcraft degree February 9, 1861, and was raised to the sublime degree. of Alaster Mason February 20, 1861, and is a past master of that lodge. He Avas past high priest of Blanchard Chapter, No. 59, R. A. AL, at Bay City, in which he took the degrees of capitular Alasonry, and Avas there exalted to the august degrees of royal-arch Alason. He is past eminent commander, of Bay City Commandery of Knights Templar. He is a member of Isis Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Salina, Kansas. He is an honorary member of Saint Aldemar Commandery, No. 33, Knights Templar, of Ellsworth, and is a charter member of Joppa Lodge, No. 315, A. F. & A. AL, of Bay City, Alichigan. He is a member of Kanapolis Lodge, No. 321, Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs and is one of its past noble grands. He has rep resented his lodge in the grand lodge of the state of Kansas and has served three terms in the office of district deputy. J. E. STEAAVART, AI. D. One of the notable institutions of Hutch inson is the SteAvart Hospital, conducted by the SteAvart Brothers, both distinguished and capable physicians and surgeons Avhose marked ability has placed them in the front rank of the representatives of the medical fraternity in this portion of the state. Their reputation, however, is not limited by the confines of Kansas, for many of their pa trons come from other states and the history of their successful treatment is continually increasing their practice. This is a utilitarian age in AA-hich man is judged by his useful ness in the Avorld. Tbe public has no place for tbe misanthrope or the individual Avho lives to himself alone, and public opinion commends or condemns according as the in- diA'idual has Avrought along the lines of greatest good to his felloAV men. or other- Avise. It is this which has won for the med ical fraternity its high standing, and Avell does the honorable, able and conscientious physician deserve the gratitude and respect of his fellow men. Dr. J. E. SteAA*art, the senior member of the firm,* Avas born in Bedford county, Vir ginia, Alarch 19, 1857, a son of Robert B. and Angdine (Arrington) SteAvart, both of Avhom are representatives of prominent old southern families. The branch of SteAvarts to Avhich the Doctor belongs is descended from the Scottish clan of that name. The great-grandfather, emigrating to America, took up his' abode in Beaufort. South Caro lina, Avhere he spent his remaining days. His son, the Rev. James SteAvart, the grand father of the Doctor, Avas a pioneer minister of the Alethodist Episcopal church and for I I 2 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sixty years Avas a member of the Baltimore conference, the scene of his labors bdng A'irginia. There he gave his time and ener gies to ministerial Avork until 1868 Avhen he came to Kansas, and his death occurred in Reno county Avhen he had attained the ad vanced age of ninety-five years. In early life he had married Betsey Bush, of A'ir ginia. His last years Avere spent in the home of his son Robert. Robert SteAvart Avas the father of the Avell known physicians of Hutchinson, Avho are conducting the SteAvart Hospital. He Avas reared on the old plantation in Bedford county, A'irginia, and there resided for many years. He oAA*ned extensive landed interests and many slaA-es and in common Avith other property OAvners of the southern states he lost considerable during the period of the Civil Avar. In 18S1 he removed Avith his family of seven children to Rice county. Kansas, AA'here he purchased a tract of land upon Avhich he yet resides — an honored and representath-e agriculturist of the commun ity. In his political A-iews he is a standi Democrat and like the other members of the SteAvart family is a devoted member of the Alethodist church. He has five children Who are still living: Samuel AA*., avIio operates a part of the homestead farm in Rice coun ty; Robert O., an agriculturist of the same county; James E., a tAvin brother of Robert and the subject of this review; R. A., avIio is in partnership Avith his brother James ; and Olive, the Avife of Samuel Steimmetz, of Rice county. On the old A'irginia plantation Dr. James E. SteAvart spent his early youth and acquired his preliminary education in the common schools. He began the study of med icine under the direction of Dr. E. AA'. Sale, of SteAvartville, A'irginia, avIio directed his reading" for two years. He then entered the Hospital "Medical College, of Louisville, Kentucky, Avhere he remained for one tenn, Avhen he accompanied his parents on their removal to Kansas. After a residence of six months in Rice county he became a stu dent in the office of Dr. P. P. Trneheart, of Sterling, Kansas, and then returning to the east entered the University of Maryland, at Baltimore, where he spent one term. On the expiration of that period he returned to the Hospital Aledical College, of Louisville, Avhere he Avas graduated in the spring of 1883. Six months later he established an office in Alden, Rice county. Kansas, AAhere he engaged in practice for eight years, re- niOA-ing then to Hutchinson, AA'here he has since remained, forming a partnership with his brother in the establishment and conduct of the SteAA'art Hospital, Avhich has become one of the leading private hospitals in the state. On the 7th of Alarch, 1894, Dr. J. E. SteAvart married Aliss Lillian Young, a daughter of John AA". and A. E. (Furge- son) Young. They have tAvo children,' Helen and AA'illiam Y. The family attend the Alethodist church, in Avhich the Doctor holds membership. He is independent in his political A-ieAvs and has neA*er sought of fice, his time and attention being fully en grossed by the demands of his practice. Robert A. SteAvart, the junior member of the firm, Avas born in Bedford county, A'irginia, January 20, 1808. and Avas only thirteen years of age Avhen he acompanied his parents to Rice county, Kansas, Avhere he continued his education Avhich had been begun in the public schools of his native state. Through the summer months he as sisted his father in the operation of the farm until 1888. Avhen he matriculated in the Hospital Aledical College, of Louisville. and Avas graduated in the class of 1891. Immediately afterward he entered into part nership AA'ith his brother. Dr. James E. Stewart, an association Avhich has since been maintained. He Avas married June 12. 1895, to Alary C, daughter of James P. AlcCurdy, and they have two children, Alargaret and John R. They haA-e an elegant residence at Xo. Soi X'orth Alain street, Avhich Avas erec ted by the Doctor. His political views are not bound by party ties, his support bdng" given to the men and measures that he be lieves will best promote the general good. His religious faith is indicated by his mem bership in the Alethodist Episcopal church. Both brothers gh-e their undivided atten tion to their professional duties and their ' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. •"3 Avork has been croAA*ned by a high measure of success. Since his graduation Dr. R. A. SteAvart has taken tAvo private courses of study under Professor Reynolds, of Louis ville, Kentucky. In Alarch, 1891, the hos pital Avas established in Hutchinson, Avitli modest pretensions, in a small building on AA'est Tenth street. They abandoned gen eral practice, making a specialty of surgery, gynecology and the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear and throat. It took time to demonstrate to the public the worth of the institution and for about four years the finan cial outlook Avas anything but promising, but since that time a constantly increasing patronage has rendered their business lucra tive and profitable. Well do they desene success. They haA-e founded a hospital just ly meriting the public support. In 1897 they purchased their present property at 724 North Alain street, the location bdng one of the* most desirable in the city. It is far enough removed from the business portion to escape the noise of traffic. The building was originally a fine residence, and this they haA-e remodeled and added to, making it Avell adapted for the purpose for Avhich it is now used. The grounds are Avell kept and of attractive appearance and the house is bright and cheerful and arranged Avith ad mirable taste. Perfect sanitary conditions 'exist and the steam heating, electric lighting and Avater systems are equally admirable. There are more than thirty rooms in the building, each perfectly A-entilated. The clean Avhite Avails and spotless floors in the tAventy-tAvo rooms fitted up for patients pre clude the possibility of disease germs of any nature finding a harboring place. The kitch en is in a separate building so that no odors of cooking reach the rooms of the patients. On the second floor is located the laboratory containing apparatus for making all of the delicate tests and analysis so essential to correct diagnosis and subsequent successful treatment of disease. The institution is Avell equipped Avith all necessary appliances and instruments for the successful performance of all ordinary surgical operations in the operating room on the first floor and the past four years has demonstrated the fact that the percentage of recoveries here is greater in proportion than in many of the larger insti tutions. Skillful and scientific methods of treatment, salubrious climate, careful nurs ing and perfect sanitary conditions and quiet and pleasant surroundings, all doubtless contribute their share in accomplishing this desirable result. In summing up the value of man's Avork in the Avorld that of the phy sician has a prominent place and no mem bers of the profession are doing more along the line of their chosen A-ocation than the SteAvart Brothers, Avhose professional skill, high Christian character and individual AA'orth have gained them the unqualified re gard of all Avith Avhom they have been asso ciated. H. C. AAWRNER. H. C. AA'arner, president of the Citizens' State Bank, is a leading and influential busi ness man of Arlington, not alone because of his connection Avith financial circles, but also by reason of his extensive farming and stock-raising interests. He oaatis a large and valuable ranch on section 34, Arlington tOAvnship, AA'here he resides, dividing his at tention betAveen the bank and the ranch. He Avas born in Union county, Ohio, No vember 6, 1850, a son of Elijah and Lois (Burdick) AA'arner, the former a native of New York and the latter of Ohio. During his boyhood days the father accompanied his parents to the Buckeye state, AA'here he was reared to manhood and married. He then engaged in farming on his oavii accouitt and acquired a good property of one hun dred and sixty acres. This he cleared of heavy timber, transformed it into richly cultivated fields and made his home thereon until his death, Avhich occurred in 1870. His Yvidow still survh-es him and yet resides on the old home place at the age of eighty- five years. In the family Avere ten children and our subject is the fourth of the surviv ing members, now numbering seven. One son, Joshua, came Avest, located in Gage county, Nebraska, and there died in 1890.. The living members are: Pernintha, the n4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. wife of I. H. Embry, of Gage county, Ne braska; Emma, the Avife of Foster Graham, of Dundee county, Nebraska; Hezekiah C, of this revieAv ; Isaac, who is living on the old homestead in Ohio ; and Xettie and Ada, Avho reside Avith their mother upon the same farm together with Albert, avIio also oper ates the home place. On his father's farm in Ohio H. C. AA'ar ner spent the days of his boyhood and youth, and through the short Avinter terms he pur sued his education in the common schools. AA'hen he Avas but tAventy years of age his father died and as he Avas the eldest son the Avork of the farm and the management of its business affairs devolved largely upon him. For tAventy-five years he there remained, cul tivating the fields and looking after the in terests of the family. In 1875 he left the old homestead and engaged in merchandis ing in Union county, Ohio; in company with B. YY. EA-ans, the partnership being main tained for five years, Avhen Air. AA'arner sold his interest to Air. Evans, and in 1880 Avent to Gage county, Nebraska. There he en gaged in the stock business until his re moval to Reno county in 1881. Here he lo cated first in the tOAvn of Arlington, Avhere for a feAV months he engaged in handling and dealing in range horses. He then took charge of the Arlington Hotel, Avhich he conducted for about tAvo years, and in July, 1883, in company Avith J. E. Eaton he en gaged in the real-estate business at Arling ton, buying and selling property for five years. During this time, in company Avith Charles Ford and A. B. Crebbs, he founded the Arlington State Bank, of Avhich he be came a director. This Avas the first bank in the town. Later the Citizens' State Bank AA-as organized and the Arlington State Bank sold out to them, for there was not enough business to enable two banks to profitably continue here. Subsequently Air. AA'arner and other prominent business men purchased the Citizens' Bank, in Alay, 1896, and he AAas made its president, in which office he has since served, capably controlling the af fairs of the institution and making it one of the most substantial financial concerns of the county. AA'hile engaged' in the real-estate business Air. AA'arner embraced the opportunity he had of making judicious investments in farming* land and thus became the owner of considerable property. When he arrived in Reno county in the fall of 1881, he pre empted the southwest quarter of section 35, Arlington tOAvnship, AA'hich he improved, gaining the title thereto from the govern ment. He still OAvns this, it constituting a part of his present extensive ranch. In 1884 he took up his residence on the place, which AA-as then a tract of raAv prairie, but he has transformed it into one of the best stock ranches of the county. AVithin its boundar ies are comprised fourteen hundred and forty acres, of Avhich six hundred acres is under culti\*ation. The entire amount is under fence and substantial buildings pro vide shelter for grain and stock, Avbile the home is a very pleasant and commodious residence. Air. AA'arner keeps on hand three hundred or more cattle, feeding from' one to two hundred head each year. AA'hile he raises a great deal of feed on his place he annually buys from one to ten thousand bushels of corn, Avhich he purchases from his neighbors. His affairs are capably man aged and his thorough understanding of the best methods of caring for stock and of raising crops has made him a very successful farmer of Reno county. On the 15th of June, 1884, Air. AA^arner AA-as united in marriage to Aliss Rose D. Crane, Avhose father gave his life to his coun try, falling in the Avar of the Rebellion. Airs. AA'arner is a native of Kentucky and repre sents an old and distinguished family of the south. Unto our subject and his Avife have been born four children: Harold, Chester, Don and Raymond. In public matters Air. AA'arner takes an intelligent, interested and active part, but is not an aspirant for office as his varied personal interests occupy his attention completely. He has, however, done effective Avork in the interests of the Republican party, has been a member of the Republican county central committee and a delegate to the county and congressional conventions. He is a charter memberof Ar lington Camp, Alodern AA'oodmen of Amer- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 1 1 ¦¦ ica, and is a progressive, public-spirited man Avhose Avorth makes him a valuable acquisi tion to the citizenship of Reno county. His business record is Avithout a blemish and through his unaided efforts he has advanced steadily to the goal of success. JOHN E. HOLMES. John E. Holmes, a retired farmer of Hutchinson, Avas born in Bradford, York shire, England, March 3, 1847. His father, Edward Holmes, was born in Northumber land, England, in 181 3, and was a _ miller by trade. The latter came to America with his family Avhen our subject was nine years of age, the voyage being made on the sail ing vessel, Frances P. Sage, and during the trip severe storms and contrary winds were encountered and they Avere beaten back sev eral hundred miles. At one time, when the storm. AAas at its height, the passengers were locked in the hold and immense waves swept over the deck. After six weeks spent upon the ocean the passengers were finally land ed at Castle Garden, and from that place Air. Holmes made his Avay to Macoupin county, Illinois, AA'here he secured employ ment Avith XT. Howard, a prominent miller of that place, Avith Avhom he remained for tAvo or three years. He then removed about five miles into the country, purchasing Avhat was knoAvn as the Boggis grist and saw mill, together Avith about five acres of land, on AAhich his family resided while he en gaged in the operation of the mill. After about two years thus spent he sold his prop erty there and removed to Alton, Illinois, where for the following two or three years he AA-as employed as a miller by the Schuy ler Distillery Company, going thence to Jersey county, Illinois, where for three or four years he Avorked in the Haycroft & Herdman mill at Fidelity. Air. Holmes' next location Avas at Jerseyville, in Jersey county, Illinois, where he was employed in a large mill until 1865, AA'hen he removed to Greene county, that state, and purchased a mill on Macoupin creek, Avhich Avas oper ated by Avater poAver. There Air. Holmes spent the remainder of his life, passing aAvay in the fall of 1865. In political matters he gave his support to the Democratic party. In England, his native country, he Avas united in marriage to Mary A. Fox, who was born near Leeds, England. Her father, who AA'as also a miller by occupation, met his death Avhile oiling machinery, his necker chief having caught in the machinery and he was drawn into the wheels and crushed to death. After his death his widoAV came to America, and her death occurred in Jersey county, Illinois, in 1853. The mother of our subject is still living, and now makes her home at Springfield, Illinois, having reached the ripe old age of eighty-two years. Unto this worthy couple Avere born nine children, namely: Jane, the wife of MattheAv AA'il- kinson, a rdired miller of Alton, Illinois; Alfred, a prominent farmer of Reno coun ty, Kansas; Susanna, the Avife of Alanning F. Price, a carpenter of Springfield, Illinois ; Edward and a sister, both of whom died in England in childhood; John E., the subject of this revieAV ; AA'illiam H., a retired farmer of Hutchinson, Kansas; Phoebe, Avife of George Parker, a saAvyer of Alton, Illinois ; and Alary, AvidoAV of Ralph Smith, and a resident of Sterling, Kansas. John E. Holmes received his early edu cation in the schools of his native land, and after coming to this country he attended school at Fidelity and Alton, Illinois. When only about fifteen years of age, hoAvever, he laid aside his text-books in order to as sist his father in the mill and on the farm, and he also drove a coal and flour Avagon. At the time of the Civil Avar our subject Avas but seventeen years of age, but he A-aliantly offered his service in the protection of the stars and stripes, becoming a member of Company B, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and in the spring of 1865 was sent to Fort Rosecrans, located on the battlefield of Stone River, Avhere he did garrison duty until the folloAV- ing July or August. Between Louisville and Nashville, Avhile on his Avay to the front and Avhile traveling on a freight car, he Avas shot from ambush, the ball grazing his lip. n6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. He Avould' have fallen between the cars and probably have been Idlled but for the brave act of his comrade, John McGee, avIio saved him from the fall. He was sent to Tulla- homa, Tennessee, thence to Nashville, and at the last named place he Avas taken sick and AA-as confined in the hospital for several Aveeks. He has never fully recovered from the exposure and hardships, endured during his army career, and has ever since been dis qualified from performing active work. Re ceiving his discharge at Nashville, Tennes see, in the fall bf 1865, he Avas mustered out of service at Springfield, Illinois, and re turned to his home in Greene county, that state, near Carrollton, but his home-coming AA-as attended by a sad event, as his father" passed aAvay in death only two Aveeks after his arrival. In the following spring our subject, in company Avith his mother, sisters and tAvo brothers, removed to Alton, Illi nois, AA'here he secured employment in the roundhouse of the Chicago & Alton Rail road, but after a short time thus spent he began AA'ork on the road as a fireman. After his father's death he became the head of the family, and nobly did he perform his duty toAvard his mother and sisters, although he received able assistance from his younger brother AA'illiam. After about six months spent upon the road Air. Holmes removed to Alacoupin county, Illinois, Avhere for the folloAving year he was employed as. an agri culturist, and at the end of that time, in company with his younger brother, he leased a farm for a term of five years, receiving all the crops raised in return for caring for the place and clearing off a portion of timber. After his term had expired he and his broth er purchased eighty acres of land, also rent ing a tract adjoining, but after a time the brother married and our subject then began farming by himself, 01a the eighty-acre tract. After a time, however, he sold that land and went toi Litchfield, Illinois, Avhere he rented a farm for one year, paying five dollars per acre cash rent; but becoming dissatisfied AA'ith this exorbitant rate he decided to come to the Sunflower state, arriving in Reno county in the fall of 1881, AA'here he home steaded one hundred and sixty acres of land in Huntsville township, on the southeast quarter of section 28. Air. Holmes made the journey from Illinois to Kansas Avith three horses and a feAV household goods, and on his arrh'al here he had just ten cents in money, but he soon began work in earnest, erecting a sod house, and in a short time he had eighteen acres planted Avith Avheat. At the close of his third year he had prospered to the extent that he Avas able to purchase an adjoining one hundred and sixty acres from the railroad on the northeast quarter of section 33. Several years later he extend ed his landed possessions by purchasing one hundred and tAventy acres in PleA'iaa town ship, eighty acres on section 9 and forty on section 16, adjoining the toAA'n of Plev na, and on the forty-acre tract he erected a magnificent residence, tAventy-eight by thirty-six feet, and containing nine rooms, and this is regarded as one of the finest dwdlings in the township. On his original one hundred and sixty acres he has also made many A-aluable improvements, erect ing a good residence, barns, granaries and all other necessary outbuildings, AAhile a beautiful orchard and a grove of mulberry and cottoiiAvood trees further add to the value and attractive appearance of the place. He has principally devoted his attention to grain farming, making a specialty of wheat and corn, and in his operations he has been remarkably successful and is noAV the owner of a comfortable competence. In 1886 he traded his forty acres in Plevna for his present commodious and beautiful residence in Hutchinson, and in this city he also owns lots on Sixth avenue, and has a house and tAvo lots in X'ickerson. He still retains pos session of his four hundred acres of farm ing land, Avhich is operated by tenants, but from his city residence in Hutchinson he keeps a general oversight over his entire possessions. Mr. Holmes Avas married in Alontgom- ery county, Illinois, near the tOAvn of Ray mond, in 1883, to Jennie Anderson, a na tive of that county and a daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Anderson, both of Avhom Avere born in Scotland. Unto this union were born four children, — Elizabeth, Alar- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 117 garet, Alurray and John Logan, all of whom are attending the Fourth Avenue school in Hutchinson. In 1892, Avhile residing at their beautiful residence in Plevna township, the Avife and mother passed away in death, and on the 19th of December, 1893, at Springfidd, Illinois, our subject married Carrie AI. Robbins, Avho Avas born in Chau tauqua county, Xew York, near JamestOAvn, a daughter of George AA" and Phoebe (SAved) Robbins, the father a native of Scotland and the mother of Germany. Airs. Holmes Avas employed as a dress-maker be fore her marriage. For many years Air. Holmes has been identified Avitb the Repub lican party, and AA'hile residing in Hunts- ville tOAvnship he served for two terms each as road overseer and school clerk, and dur ing his residence in Plevna township he Avas the efficient tOAvnship treasurer for one term, ever discharging his public duties AA'ith fidel ity and honor. In his social relations he is a member of the G. A. R., Joe Hooker Post, Xo. 1 7, and previous to his connection there- Avith he Avas connected Avith Sylvia Post, X'o. 386, in Avhich he held every office up to and including that of senior vice commander. He Avas formerly a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. His religious prefer ence is indicated by his membership in the First Alethodist church of Hutchinson, of Avhich denomination his Avife is also a valued member. The business career of Air. Holmes is one that should encourage others to press on, for AA'hen he came to Kansas he AA'as without money and Avithout influential or Avealthy friends to aid him, but he sd to work to overcome all difficulties that might lay in his path to success. Earnest labor, unabating perseverance, good management and a laudable ambition, — these are the ele ments Avhich brought him prosperity and have made him one of the influential citizens of the locality. His career has ever been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business Avorld, for he has ever con ducted all transactions on the strictest prin ciples of honor and integrity, Avhile his de votion to the public good is unquestioned and arises from a sincere interest in his fel low men. LEW BAKER. Upon section 21, AA'ilson township, Rice county, resides Lcav Baker, Avho follows ag ricultural pursuits and is engaged in the raising of stock. He is well known as an enterprising citizen and has made his home in Rice county since 1880. He was born in Xonvalk, Huron county, Ohio, October 4, 1863, and is a son of Ansel Baker, Avhose birth occurred in the Empire state in 1818. AA'hen a young man the father emigrated AvestAvard to Ohio, and in that state Avas united in marriage to Aliss Martha Foster, who Avas born in Vermont. She Avas greatly beloved for her kindness of heart and mind. Her death, Avhich occurred Avhen she Avas fifty-five years of age, was mourned by all who knew her. Air. Baker, the father of our subject, Avas born in 1818, and died April 14, 1890, at the age of seventy-tAvo years. after devoting his attention to agricultural pursuits as a life Avork. In politics he Avas a Republican and- in religious belief Avas a Alethodist, holding membership in the church of that denomination in his boyhood. His children are: Airs. Frances Robbins. of Huron county, Ohio; AI. F., one of the prominent early settlers of AA'ilson toAvn- ship, Rice county; Norman, Avho is also liv ing in Ohio; Charles, AA'ho makes his home in Chicago, Illinois; LeAv, whose name in troduces this revieAv; and Thomas, avIio is likewise a resident of the Buckeye state. The boyhood days of LeAv Baker Avere quietly passed. He Avorked upon the home farm1 during the summer months and Avas trained to habits of industry and economy. In the Avinter season he pursued his studies in the public schools and by business experi ence has also added to his knoAvledge. At the age of seventeen he made his Avay Avest- Avard to Kansas, locating in Rice county, where his brother, Al. F., resides. Here he engaged at farm work, and by industry and economy he secured a capital sufficient to purchase a small tract of land and thus gained a start. As time has passed he has added to his property until he now oaviis a valuable tract of three hundred and tAventy acres, upon which are splendid1 buildings, i iS BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. and his excellent pasturage affords golden opportunities for stock-raising. There is an orchard upon the place and he has every fa cility for raising and feeding cattle. Besides being a splendid judge of cattle, he is a good manager, and in his business efforts he has Avon creditable success. In the year 1893 Mr. Baker was united in marriage to Miss Lulu Black, a lady of intelligence and culture, who has spent her entire life Avest of the Mississipppi river. She was born in Lee county, IoAva, near Fort Aladison, Avhere she Avas reared and educat ed. She is a daughter of A. and Frances Black. Her father is now a resident of Wilson tOAvnship, but her mother departed this life in Lyons, in 1901. The marriage of our subject and his Avife hasp been blessed with tAvo children, Foster M., whose birth occurred December 23, 1897, and Everett LeAvis, born April 2, 1902. Mr. Baker is a man of strong mentality, of splendid busi ness ability and is frank and genial in man ner. His business associates find him relia ble and trustAvorthy and he is an enterpris ing and successful farmer. WILLIAM J. HARRISON. Among the citizens that Illinois has fur nished to the Sunflower state is William: J. Harrison, Avho resides in Sterling township. He was born in Lagrange, Cook county, Illi nois, October 3, 185 1. His father, John Harrison, Avas a native of England, born near Carlysle, in 181 8, and there he AA-as reared to farm life. In 1845 he married Aliss Jane Burrow, Avho Avas bona in June, 1824, and they became the parents of ten children, five sons and five daughters, all born in America with the exception of three. One born in England died ere the emigra tion to the iicav world. In June, 1851, Mr. Harrison Avith his family sailed for the Uni ted States, and after thirteen' Aveeks spent on the bosom of the Atlantic reached the American harbor. He arrived in Chicago with only eighty-four cents in his pocket. He went into the country and Avorked as a farm hand for a dollar a day and thus gained a start, after which he purchased a farm on credit. His indefatigable labor and econ omy, however, enabled him to soon dis charge his indebtedness and not long after- Avard he bought a farm of one hundred and seventy acres, where he prospered, OAving to his marked diligence and1 the increase in realty values. His farm Avas at length sold for two hundred- and fifty dollars per acre. On it Avas located a valuable stone quarry. His Avife died December 24, 1889, at the age of seventy-five years, and his death occurred in 1892. William J. Harrison, whose name begins this record, received but meager educational prh-ileges. He attended the district schools during the Avinter months and in the sum mer, from the time he Avas seven years of age, he Avorked in the fields. AA'hen a youth of fourteen he did a man's Avork, for he Avas strong and rugged. At twenty-tAvo years of age he left home to make his own way in the Avorld, and, as usual Avith young (men' starting- out for themselves, he sought a com panion and helpmate for the journey of life. On the 30th of October, 1883, he Avas united in marriage to Harriet Selfridge, of Ran dolph county, Illinois, a daughter of J. S. and Susan Jane (AA'oodside) Sdf ridge, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Kentucky. The father Avas born in August, 1825, and their marriage AA-as celebrated in Illinois, in 1844. He Avas a carpenter and builder by trade, folloAving that pursuit in order to provide for the support of his fam ily, AA'hich as the years Avent bv grew in numbers until he Avas the father of five sons and four daughters. One daughter, Alary Ellen, died at the age of fourteen years. The sons Avere reared to assist in the work of carpentering and farming, and eight chil dren are iioav living. The parents also: sur vive and are noAV residents of Sterling, where they located in 1876. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Avas celebrated at _ the home of the bride, after yhich they_took up their abode six miles northwest of the vil lage of Sterling, Avhere Air. Harrison pur chased a half section of improved land. He aftenvard made other purchases, paying six- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 119 teen hundred dollars for one hundred and twenty acres and tAventy-seven. hundred and thirty dollars for tAvo hundred acres. He has a tenant upon the last mentioned farm. In the spring of 1899 he took up his abode at his present home, Avhere he has tAvo hun dred and forty acres, and he also OAvns a forty-acre farm near Sterling. He has three valuable tracts of land, supplied Avith good buildings, and he is extensively and success fully engaged in the raising of cattle, horses and hogs. He breeds polled Durham cattle — registered stock — the most of them being one-half or three-fourths Durham. For eight years he has been engaged in the stock business and is now breeding Xorman horses. He grows from three to five thou sand bushels' of AA-heat and from tAvo to four thousand bushels of corn annually. Unto Air. and Airs. Harrison have been born four children : Mabel, Avho is now sixteen years of age; John Logan, fifteen years old; Benjamin, a lad of ten- summers; and Lorenzo, who is right years of age. In his political views Mr. Harrison is a Repub lican and has served on the school board, but has never sought or desired office, pre ferring to give his time and energies to his business affairs, in which he is meding Avith signal success. He belongs to the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, holding member ship in both the subordinate lodge and en campment. He is also identified Avith the Congregational church and his Avife is a member of , the Reformed Presbyterian church. The secret of his success is not difficult to ascertain, for in the legitimate lines of busines he has met with prosperity, placing his dependence upon the substantial qualities of energy and resolution. JOHN AV. DOTSON. Among the Avorthy citizens that Ken tucky has furnished to the Sunflower state is John AV. Dotson, who is successfully en gaged in agricultural pursuits on section 25, Raymond township, Rice county. The year of his arrival here was 1879, and he has since been one of the county's most substan tial and reliable citizens. He Avas born No vember 21, 1836, and is a son of George Dotson, a native of Virginia and a repre sentative of a prominent family of that state. AA'hen a young man the latter removed to Kentucky. In Alason county, that state, he AA-as united in marriage to Aliss Ellen AVhite, who AA'as born in North Carolina, and they became the parents of seven children, name ly : Elizabeth ; John AAr. ; Mary ; Absalom, Avho Avas a loyal soldier in the Confederate service; Saphronia; George, who aided in the defense of the Union in the Civil Avar; and James. The father of this family was a blacksmith by occupation and in his political vieAvs AA-as a Democrat. His death occurred in Fleming county, Kentucky, at the age of fifty-one years. His wife died at the age of fifty-four years, and both were faithful members of the Baptist church. John W. Dotson, Avhose name intro duces this revieAV, Avas reared to farm life in the state of his nativity, and there received his education in the common schools. In 1 86 1, at the outbreak of the Civil Avar, he enlisted for service in the Union army, join ing the Sixteenth Kentucky Volunteer In fantry. He became a member of Company A, and was a loyal defender of the Union for three years and eleven months. He par ticipated in seventeen battles and man}' skirmishes, including the engagements at Franklin, Nashville, Town Creek, Ivy Mountain, Kingston, Resaca, Lookout Mountain, Mossy Creek, King's Hill, Pine Mountain, Atlanta, Lost Alountain, Kene- saAV Mountain, Jonesboro, Columbia, Fort Anderson, AAmmington and many others. During his service he Avas sick in a hospital for eight or ten months, but Avas never Avounded. He Avas honorably discharged in July, 1865, returning to his home Avith an honorable military record. In the year 1867 Mr. Dotson Avas united in marriage to Aliss Alary Seever, a lady of intelligence and culture, AA'ho has proved to her husband a faithful companion for the journey of life. She Avas born in Fleming county, Kentucky. July 13, 1849, an(i is a daughter of Helms and Eliza (Choate) 120 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Seever, also natives of Kentucky, but both are iioav deceased, the. mother dying in mid dle life and the father at the age of sixty years. They were the parents of eight chil dren, six of Avhom still survive: Charlotte, Elizabeth, Henry, George, Peter and Alary. The sons Avere all members of the Confed erate army during the Civil Avar. The chil dren who haA-e passed aAvay are Echvard and Hannah. There is also a half brother, James Seever. The father cf this family fol- lo'Aved the occupation of farming and affili ated Avith the Democratic party. Both he and his Avife AA-ere members of the Alethodist Episcopal church. The union of our subject and his Avifp has been blessed AA'ith seven children, as follows : Airs. Ellen Bees, a resident of Oklahoma ; Henry and George Casper, also of Oklahoma; Elizabeth; A'aughn AlcCanlass, of Raymond, -Kansas ; Bessie; and Absalom. Air. Dotson located on his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres in 1879, and here he is iioav engaged in general farming. He has made many substantial improve ments upon his place, including the erection of buildings and the planting of an orchard and grove. His fields are under a high state of cultivation and everything- about the place is neat and thrifty in appearance. Air. Dot- son is a stanch advocate of Democratic prin ciples. In all relations of life he has been upright and honorable, and he gives his hearty support and co-operation to every movement and measure for the public good. JOHN AA". ROSE. This is an age of specialization, for busi ness interests have become so- complex that it is almost impossible for one man to be thoroughly proficient in every department of a profession, and, therefore, gaining a gen eral knoAvledge of the fundamental princi ples he devotes his energies to some special line, thereby advancing to a prominent posi tion as a representative of his chosen field of labor, Avhich he could not do if his efforts Avere disseminated over a broader field. Such a course has John AV. Rose pursued and to day his reputation as a corporation and com mercial laAvyer is not limited by the confines of this state, but extends widely throughout the country. He maintains an office in the First National Bank building of Hutchin son, from which points he controls the prac tice Avhich comes to him from an extensive clientele, including many of the most import ant corporations in this city and throughout the state. Air. Rose was born near Valparaiso, In diana, Alay 13, 1857, his parents being N. B. and Esther A. (Price) Rose, both of Avhom Avere natives of Ohio. His paternal grandfather, N. B. Rose, Sr., Avas born in Pennsylvania and, emigrating westAvard, took up his abode in the Buckeye state. He Avas a farmer by occupation. His son and namesake became a pioneer preacher of the Christian church. In the early '40s he lo cated in Indiana and Avhen gold Avas discov ered in California he Avas among the first to make his Avay to the Eldorado of the west. There he engaged in mining Avith some suc cess but eventually returned to Indiana and devoted his attention chiefly thereafter to the AA'ork of the church. In addition to his ministerial labors, hoAvever, he managed his investments, being an extensive OAvner of farm lands. He spent his later years near Henderson, Kentucky. In his political vieAVS he Avas first a AA'hig and on the dissolution of that party became a Republican. In his fam ily Avere seven children, of whom only two are iioav living: John AA'., of this review; and A. B., a Avell knoAvn and successful drv goods merchant of Abilene, Kansas. John AA". Rose Avas born on his father's farm within eight miles of Valparaiso, In diana, and Avhen a lad of three years accom panied his parents on their removal to that city. There he Avas reared to manhood and its educational system provided him with the knowledge that prepared him for the practi cal duties of life. Desiring to engage in the practice of laAv, Avhen nineteen' years of age he became a student in the law' office of N. J. Bozarth, of Valparaiso, who directed his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 121 reading for two years, and on the 20th of May, 1878, he Avas admitted to the Indiana bar. Prior to this time, in the intervals of study, he had engaged in teaching school and thus provided the means necessary to the prosecution of his course of reading. Air. Rose at once opened an office in Val paraiso and after being alone in business for a year entered into partnership Avith his former preceptor, Air. Bozarth, with Avhom he AA-as associated for a year. He then be came a partner of J. H. Skinner and estab lished the laAv firm1 of Rose & Skinner, his partner being a son of J. N. Skinner, a prom inent resident and mayor of the city. That firm maintained an uninterrupted existence until 1883, Avhen Air. Rose entered into part nership Avith the Hon. Alark L. DeAlotte, a member of congress, under the firm style of DeMotte & Rose. In September, 1884, this connection Avas dissolved by mutual consent and Air. Rose came to the west, locating first at St. John, Kansas, Avhere he Avas alone in practice until 1886. He then entered into partnership relations with T. AA". Aloseley, and after practicing thus for several years Mr. Dixon Avas taken into the firm, under the style of Rose, Moseley & Dixon. In 1889 Air. Rose Avithdrew, for in August of that year he Avas induced to accept the Re publican nomination for judge of the tAven- tienth judicial district, including Rice, Bur ton and Stafford counties, and entered upon the canvass. His personal popularity and the confidence reposed in him by those who knew him best is indicated bv the fact that he recdved almost the entire vote of his own city, but in the general Populistic landslide of that year he Avas defeated. From 1890 until 1893 he then engaged in the practice of laAv alone. In the latter year Air. Rose came to Hutchinson, Avhere he opened an office, and in March, 1894, formed a partnership Avith John W. Roberts under the firm name of Rose & Roberts, a relation that was main tained for three years, Avhen, in October, 1897, he became associated with AA'illiam Witelaw, the firm of AVitelaAV & Rose con tinuing until April, 1899, when it Avas dis- 8 solved. Air. Rose Avas then alone in business until the ist of June, 1901, Avhen Howard LeAvis, city attorney of Hutchinson, became his partner and the firm of Rose & Lewis riOAV exists. In 1885-6, Avhile residing in St. John, Air. Rose served as deputy attor ney of Stafford county and the greater part of the district work devolved upon him. His practice is and has been of a very important character. He was assistant general attor ney for the Hutchinson & Southern Railroad Company for two years prior to its consoli dation Avith the Santa Fe Railroad system and is at present general attorney for the Texas & Southern Railroad Company, hav ing occupied the position since March, 1901. He is also general attorney for the DelaAvare Construction Company, engaged in the building of one hundred and fifty miles of railroad in Oklahoma. Air. Rose has given his attention almost entirely to corporation and commercial laAv in recent years and in this department of the profession has be come widely known and has built up an ex tensive and important practice, his reputation being not confined to Kansas, especially in the department of banking laAv and the trial of banking cases. He has one of the most complete law libraries in the city, including over fifteen hundred volumes oh laAv. His clientage includes some of the most import ant cCrporations and business firms in the city and vicinity, among these being the Senthey Wholesale Grocery Company, the St. John Trust Company, the Monarch Mills Company, the L. J. White Lumber Company and ten: different banking houses. He yet retains all of his Stafford county business of that class and is attorney for the National Bank of Commerce, of Kansas City, Avhile for the Phoenix Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, he is attorney for Kansas. The character of his business and the important concerns Avhich he represents is a guarantee of his superior ability, his comprehensive knoAvledge and of the care Avith which he handles the intricate problems which arise in connection Avith corporation and commercial la\v. On the 20th of September, 1881, was 122 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. celebrated the marriage of Air. Rose and Miss Winifred Furness, the Avedding taking place in Furnessville, Indiana. The lady is a daughter of the Hon. E. L. Furness, a prominent citizen of Indiana, living at Fur nessville. He is extensively interested in agricultural pursuits and is regarded as authority on such matters. Three sons have been born unto Air. and Airs. Rose : Arthur B., Fred F. and DAvight, and the eldest two are students in the State Agricultural Col lege of Kansas. The family occupy a prom inent place in the social life of Hutchinson and the hospitality of the best homes is freely extended to them. Since coming here Mr. Rose has purchased an elegant residence, containing ten rooms and supplied Avith all modern conveniences. It is located at XTo. 802 Avenue A, east. In his political A-ieAvs Mr. Rose has ahvays been an inflexible ad*- herent of the Republican party, has attended many of its conventions and his opinions carry weight in its councils. Socially he is identified with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Avith the Masonic fraternity. In a profession where advancement depends upon individual merit he has attained to a position of distinction. He is a man of schol arly attainments, of liberal culture, broad minded and public spirited, and Kansas ac counts him among her representative men. H. C. HODGSON. One of the most prosperous farmers and horticulturists of Rice county is H. C. Hodg son. Indefatigable energy has been the key which has unlocked for him the portals of success and from its storehouses he has gar nered rich fruits. He came to the county in the epoch of its primitive development and as the years have passed he has not only added to his individual prosperity but has also largely promoted the av el fare and prog ress of the community, co-operating in all measures and movements Avhidi tend! to con tribute to the general good. Classed among the representative citizens of the commun ity he Avell deserves mention in this volume and Avith pleasure Ave present his record to our readers. He belongs to a Virginian family honor able and prominent. His birth occurred in Frederick county, Virginia, November 4, 1843, and his younger days Avere spent on his father's plantation and in the school room. He is a son of Samuel and Rebecca (Beam) Hodgson, both representatives of prominent families1 of the Old Dominion. The father was a son of Abner and Rebecca (Johnson) Hodgson, also of Virginia, dae former a leading and influential farmer Avho died in his native state. During the Avar of 18 12 he sent a substitute to the army. He had three children, Elizabeth, Alary and Samuel. The last named was born, reared and spent his entire life in Virginia, where he Avas a Avell knoAvn and successful farmer and slave owner. He Avas identified with the farming interests of Frederick county and his Avork netted him a good financial return. During the war of the rebellion he Avas loyal to the Union, although he kneAv that the success of northern arms meant the loss of his slaves. His home Avas in the path of the contending armies, but his house Avas searched by neither, although he suffered heavy losses in his farm products and stock. He, however, Avas never harmed, for he Avas widely and favorably knoAvn and command ed the respect of all. Politically he was a - AA'hig and later a Republican. He lived the life of an honest, unostentatious planter and never aspired to political preferment. His Avife yet survives him and is living at the old homestead in A'irginia, at the age of ninety years. Her father, James Beam, Avas an extensive farmer of the Old Dominion, in which he spent his entire life. His chil dren were: Nathan, avIio died in McPher son county, Kansas; Uriah, who departed this hfe in Alissouri ; Eliza. Judith, and Re becca. Unto Samuel Hodgson and his wife were born eight children : Abner, who died in Virginia; James, who died in Iowa; John R., Avho passed aAvay in AA est Virginia-; H. C, of this review ; Ann E., the Avife of A. J. Howard; George, a leading farmer of Rice BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 123 county, Kansas; Alary R., Avho is with her mother; and Airs. Florence AA'illis. The mother is a consistent and Avorthy member of the Presbyterian church and into the minds of her children she instilled the prin ciples of right living. H. C. Hodgson AA'as reared in the Old Dominion and remained at home until twen ty-five years of age. During the rebellion he AA'as enrolled in the militia and Avas thus forced into the Rebel sen-ice, but after nine days succeeded in obtaining his release and like the others of the family remained loyal to the Union cause. In 1869 he married Aliss Hannah AA'right, a lady of intelligence and culture, Avho Avas born in Virginia in 1845. a daughter of Amos and Rachel (Lup ton) AVright, both of Avho-m Avere natives of A'irginia. They_were prominent people and members of the Friends society. Her father would take no part in the Civil Avar and the secessionists therefore put him in prison, but after a short time he Avas, released. He Avas opposed to the Avar and therefore would take no part in the fighting. His death oc curred in Virginia, after which his wife found a good home with her daughter, Mrs. Hodgson, in Kansas, Avhere she died. They had four children. Rebecca, who gave Gen eral Sheridan the infoirm'ationi concerning the situation at AA'inchester before the fight, Avas reAvarded for that service by an ap pointment to a position in the treasury de partment at Washington, Avhere she has re mained for thirty-three years. She is now the Avife of AV. C. Bonsai, and resides in AA'ashington, D. C. George, the second of the family, was killed Avhile serving in the Rebel army; Hannah, now Airs. Hodgson, is the next of the family; and John T is a resi dent of Ohio. All are members of the So ciety of Friends. Unto Mr. .and Airs. Hodg son have been born five children.: John W., at home; Edward H., Avho is attending school in Manhattan, Kansas; Frederick E., also at Alanhattan; Alary B. and Henry C, at home. After his marriage Air. Hodgson en gaged in farming the old homestead until 1871, Avhen he came to Kansas, locating in Rice county, where he filed a homestead claim in the valley of Little River. His first Avork was to build a dugout, in Avhich he settled his family and then began the improA-ement of his land. Like most of the pioneers he had limited capital and had to endure many trials and difficulties. He bought a team and AA'hen winter Avas over his money Avas gone and hard AArork lay before him, but he soon began the develop men of his fields and from that time his ¦fann has been self-supporting. In 1874 he suffered the loss of his corn crop and vege tables by the grasshoppers, but he had Avheat and other supplies and did not suffer as many of his neighbors did. He worked hard and prosperity folloAved his indefatigable labors. He early began setting out fruit and shade trees and finding that the fruit Avould grow and mature he kept extending his or chards until he is noAV one of the leading horticulturists of the state. In .1886 he planted a large orchard and now has about five thousand bearing apple trees and about two thousand peach trees besides other smaller fruits. He has the largest and finest orchard in Rice county, if not in central Kansas. He AA-as reared in a good fruit country, ahvays took an interest in horticul tural pursuits and ddermining to make the venture in Kansas he found that he .could succeed here as a fruit gnwver, and this branch of his business has proA'ed quite suc cessful. He has had some short crops, but many years his trees have yielded bounti fully and his fruit sales have thus materially increased his income. He also manufactures pure cider vinegar quite extensively and finds a ready market for all the products Avhich his farm yields. His farm and or chards are fenced Avith hedges and he has planted1 many forest trees, having fine groves for windbreaks. As his financial resources have increased he has added to his home stead and now oaa-us eight hundred acres of valuable land Avithout any incumbrance. His land is under a high state of cultivation and he raises and handles stock besides carrying on general farming. In 1888 he erected a large barn and in 1899 he built a commodi ous tAvo-story frame residence, supplied Avith all modern conveniences and situated upon I24 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a natural building site and in the midst ot beautiful groves of evergreen, fruit and for est trees, making his place one of the best improved farms in the state. He started Avith his dugout and sod house, tAvo years later erected ai small frame dwelling and now has a most beautiful residence. These homes indicate his steady progress on the highroad to success. He is ever reliable and straightfonvard in business, commanding the respect and confidence of all Avith Avhom he is associated and winning the high re gard of many friends. WILLIAM H. CARHART. AA'illiam H. Carhart, deputy county treasurer, is a native of Ellsworth county, born April ii, 1875, near AA'ilson. His par ents, William- H. and H-ettie Carhart, came to Kansas from Iowa, in 1872,. and here the father engaged in farming for a time, but afterAvard became connected Avith mercan tile interests in AA'ilson, Avhere he is now re siding. The son pursued his education in the public schools of AA'ilson and in the Kansas AA'esleyan University, at Salina, where he was a student for four years. He also spent one year in the University Aledi cal College, at Kansas City, intending to. make the practice of medicine his life AA-ork, but upon the breaking out of the AA'ar with Spain he enlisted in his country's senice and AA-as made sergeant of Company I, Twenty-first Kansas Infantry, and the regi ment AA'as sent to Chiekamauga and then to Kentucky. He is 'still interested in military affairs and is now first lieutenant of Com pany H of the Second Regiment of the Kan sas National Guard. AA'hen his brother-in-laAV. G. L. Danner, AA-as elected county treasurer he chose Air. Carhart as his deputy, and -as Air. Danner, on account of his extensive bus'iiess inter ests in AA'ilson, finds it impossible to locate at the county seat, the managerial part of the duties of the office devolves upon our subject, aaIio is now capably serving and winning- high commendation lay his faithfulness and ability. He has filled the office since Au gust, 1899, during which time the detail work has devolved upon him- In politics he is a Republican and takes an active in terest in the success of the party. In November, 1900, Air. Carhart Avas united in marriage to Miss Alinnie, daughter of Rev. Dr. J. H. Lockwood, presiding elder of Beloit district. He has since made Ells Avorth his home and has purchased an at tractive residence here, the large house be ing surrounded by beautiful shade trees and the Avell kept lawn. The young couple are popular in social circles and enjoy the hos pitality of many friends. Air. Carhart is identified Avith the lodge of Independent Or der of Odd FelloAvs, at AA'ilson, and is treas urer of 1 the Ellsworth Club, in Avhich he takes great pride. CHARLES N. AA'OODDELL. Charles N. AA'ooddell, one of the most prominent dealers in coal, grain and feed in Nickerson, Kansas, is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Highland county, June 8, 1861. His father, J. AI. AA'ooddell, Avas born in A'irginia about sixty-five years ago. He married Aliss Catherine Ellen Stout, a native of High land county, Ohio, and the daughter of John Stout and a Aliss Nailor, who died about the time Catherine Avas born. Her parents Avere married in Highland county, Ohio. She and her husband had nine children, seven of Avhom greAV to years of maturity. Charles N. AA'ooddell, the subject of this review, is the third child and second son of his parents. He Avas reared in his native village and attended the district schools un til sixteen years of age, Avhen he left home and the folloAving year he Avent to LTrbana, Ohio, as an employe of the United States Rolling Stock Company, engaged in car manufacture, and remained Avith them two years. He then accepted a position Avith the Lima Car AA'orks, of Lima, Ohio*, and later Avith the Chicago & Atlantic road, iioav the Chicago & Erie, at Huntington, Indiana, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 125 and for one summer Avorked for the Pull man Company, at Pullman, Illinois. In 1884 he Avent to Hutchinson, Kansas, Avhere he Avorked on the Alethodist Episcopal church and other buildings, and made his home there several years Avith his uncle, I. N. Wooddell, iioav in Garden City, Kan sas. For one year he Avorked for the Santa Fe Railroad Company, and then Avith the St. John & Aiarsh Company, of Great Bend, Kansas, from the fall of 1885 until 1889, AAhen he Avent to Nickerson and Avas Avith the same firm in the lumber yard there. On Alay 28, 1890, he Avent to work in the round house there, being thus engaged tAvo years. He Avas then made a locomoth'e fireman, and, being a member of the Order of Loco motive Firemen, he went out in the Ameri can Railway Union strike in 1894. He then located in Nickerson and bought out the lumber, coal and grain business of S. Al. Cooper, Avhich he has conducted since Sep tember, 1894, though in 1899 he discon tinued the sale of lumber. Air. AA'ooddell Avas married at Topeka, Kansas, on the 15th of September, 1886, to Aliss Georgetta AlcCoy, of Highland county, Ohio, and their union has been blessed AAith three children : Dorothy, Avho died of diphtheria Avhen four years of age; Earl, a bright boy of fourteen years; and Helen, noAV four years of age. The parents are members of the Aldhodist Episcopal church, in Avhich he is serving as an officer. His father Avas an invalid in his later years and our subject gave his earnings to the family from the time he was seventeen years of age until he Avas twenty-five, but he has been very successful in his business and he now o\Ans his own home and place of busi ness. He buys grain at AVherry, Lorraine and at Fruit Valley, and is doing the lead ing business in Nickerson. Air. AA'ooddell is a great admirer of horses, has shipped many and has a valuable \A11kes stallion, Alashtar, register number 25>5Q8, a very fine animal of high breeding. Fraternally Air. AA'ooddell is 'a Alason, an Odd Fellow and' also a member of the Re bekah Degree, the Alodern AA'oodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen. In his political affiliations he is a stanch Republican, does everything in his poAver to promote the groAvth and secure the success of his party, and was elected a mem ber of the city council, in Avhich capacity he served tAvo years in a most acceptable man ner to his constituents, and by his consci entious and faithful performance of his official duties he did much for the substan tial upbuilding and progress of the city, thus Avell deserving the confidence and high esteem Avhich is universally accorded Mm by his fellow citizens. PETER B. POTTER. . The people of Nonvich, Kingman coun ty, Kansas, and vicinity haA*e come to con sider the store of Peter B. Potter, of that tOAvn, as headquarters for dry goods, cloth ing, furnishing goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes, notions, millinery, groceries and queensAvare. Air. Potter is a native of Dodge county, AA'isconsin, born December 12, 1856. His parents AA'ere Peter and Sophronia (Coles) Potter. His father was born in the state of New York, his mother in Ohio. The former settled in Dodge county, AA'isconsin, before their marriage and took up a timber farm, on Avhich he made some improvements and on Avhich he died Avhen the subject of this sketch Avas about one year old. After his death the farm Avas sold and the family broken up. Peter B. Potter, the youngest of the five children of his parents, literally made his OAvn way in the Avorld after he Avas ten years old. He found employment at farm Avork, for a time receiving for his services only his board and clothes. AA'hen he was twenty- tAvo years old he hired out to Avork in a saAV- mill, and a year later became clerk in a store at Alerrillan, Jackson county, AA'isconsin, Avhere during six years' continuous senice he obtained quite a practical knoAvledge of mercantile life and affairs. In October, 1885, he AA'ent to Cowley county, Kansas, and opened a general store at NeAV Salem in a building Avhich he erected at that 126 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. point. A year later he traded his store building for land and removed his stock of goods to Nonvich, which town Avas then only one year old. For a year he Avas a tenant in the building Avhich he iioav occu pies and Avhich he bought at the expiration of that time. From the first he has kept a stock of goods fresh and up-to-date and from time to> time he has enlarged it until he has brought it to its present goodly pro portions, and throughout all the territory tributary to Nonvich he has an enviable reputation for honesty and fair dealing. Ah*. Potter has taken an active part in public affairs, and as a Republican has been elected mayor of Nonvich and has served three terms as a member of the common council and four years as a member of the board of education of that city. He has been an active Avorker in his church, in Avhich he has filled the office of Sunday-school superin tendent for many years ; has passed the chairs in the local branch of the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen, and is also a member of the orders of Royal Neighbors and Alodern AA'oodmen of America. December 19, 1881, Air. Potter married at La Crosse, AA'isconsin, Aliss Ella B. Nash, daughter of Edmund and Catharine (AA'ilkenson) Nash, the former of English, the latter of Scotch extraction. Airs. Pot ter, who AA-as born at Delafield, AA'aukesha county, AA'isconsin, has borne her husband children as follows : Nina F., avIio died at the age of eight years and eight months; Inez C, who is a student at Wlinfield Col lege, Kansas; Harrison E., Grace E. ; and Donald C. Rufus Coles, Air. Potter's grandfather in the maternal line, Avas a practicing- phvsi- cian in Ohio and a pioneer physician iu AA'isconsin, and Captain Coles, of the United States army, is a cousin of. Air. Pot ter's mother. Peter Potter, Sr., the father of our subject, was active in the political life of Dodge county, and in 1855 he Avas. elected by the Democratic party as a mem ber of the state senate, but he died during his term of service. Airs. Potter is one of nine children of her parents, seven of whom sunive. Her brother, John Nash, who- is an architect, carpenter and builder, lives in the state of Washington. Richard X'ash is a farmer and mechanic and lives on the old family homestead at Camp Douglas, AA'is consin. Henry X'ash is a citizen of Alil- Avaukee, AA'isconsin. Edward Xash is as sociated in business with his brother in AA'ashington. Ralph Xash lives in New York city. Dennis Nash lives on the Nash homestead in AA'isconsin. Anna Nash died at the age of eight years. Alichael Xash, who Avas a railroad man in the service of the Chicago & Xorthwestern Railway Com pany, Avas killed by a railroad accident at the age of tAventy-four years. EdAvin Nash, the father of Airs. Potter, Avas born in York shire, England. His father died Avhen he Avas a child, and Avhen he Avas sixteen years old he came to America Avith his mother and her four youngest children. Thev remained for a time in New York city, Avhence they moved to AA'aukesha county. AA'isconsin. After his marriage Air. Nash Avorked at the cooper's trade and improved a fann Avhich he sold in order to remove to Juneau coun ty, AA'isconsin, where he bought a large farm, on which he died in 1S91. aged fifty- eight years, and on \\liich his AvidoAV is liv ing at the age of seventy-four. He Avas active in public affairs and for fifteen years held the office of assessor of his tOAvnship, and Avas a member of the Protestant Epis copal church. Air. Potter has recently remodeled his family residence at Nonvich. and it is one of the pleasantest and most hospitable ones in that city. He is not only a progressive merchant but a progressive citizen, avIio takes a helpful interest in all movements for the public good and whose public spirit may be safely depended upon in any emer gency. *—* CALEB R. DAVIS. The subject of this sketch is widely known as a pioneer in central Kansas, and he is one of the oldest settlers in Rice coun ty. AA'hen he came to the locality the land was in the possession of Indians and buffa- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 127 loes and no counties had been organized, and there Avere no settlers Avithin forty miles of the place in Ellsworth county, Avhere he and tAvo other families located. Through all the grOAvth and development of Ells Avorth and Rice counties he has been promi nently identified Avith their interests. Caleb R. Davis, Avho is an honored resi dent of Little River, Rice county, Kansas, Avas born in AA'arren county, Indiana, De cember 23, 1835, 'a son of Andrew and Zella (Grant) Davis. His father was born in Massachusetts and reared in NeAV Jersey, and he Avas married in Ohio. Joseph Davis came from Wales to America when a small boy and Avas brought up in Alassachusetts and bravely served the cause of the colonies during the entire period of the Revolution ary Avar, during a portion of which he Avas one of Washington's most trusted personal attendants, looking after his Avardrobe and baggage and attending to many important matters under his direct supervision. He rrturned to Alassachusetts after the Avar and later removed to NeAV Jersey, where he lived out the remainder of his days. He was a prominent farmer and an influential citi zen. His children were named Andrew, Joseph, Asher, Elijah, Amelia and Pris cilla. Andrew grew to manhood in NeAV Jersey, Avhere he entered the army and served through the Avar of 1812, doing gar rison duty much of the time at Sandy Hook. After the Avar he lived for a time at Trenton, Ncav Jersey, whence he re moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, then an unim portant village, where for a time he worked at the carpenter's trade. Subsequently he located in Alontgomery county, Ohio, not far from Dayton, Avhere he farmed and worked at his trade to obtain money with AA'hich to secure his homestead. He was married there and remained until 1833. From 1833 until 1867 he lived in AA'arren county, Indiana, where he developed a good farm, which he sold in order to remove to Kansas. He bought a small tract of land near Alanhattan, Kansas, and built on it a good residence and improved it into a good farm, which he sold in order to remove to his life. He was a broad-minded and intelli gent man, of great charity and public spirit and of unsAverving integrity, who was most worthily successful in life and acquired a good property. His wife was the daughter of James Grant, who Avas a distant relative of General U. S. Grant, and who became a well-to-do farmer in Ohio, where he died. | Air. and Airs. Grant had children as fol- I Ioavs: Susan, Zella (Airs. Davis), Charity, Alice and John. The folloAving facts con cerning the children of Andrew and Zella (Grant) Davis will be of interest in this con nection: Elizabeth married George Little. Alary married N. Farden. James -died in Illinois. Joseph was captain of a company in the Fifty-third Regiment, Illinois Volun teer Infantry, and was later promoted to the command of his regiment, with the rank of colonel. He Avas made a prisoner of Avar at Jackson, Alississippi, and was soon after- Avard paroled: Some time after the close of the Avar he went to California, AA'here he died. William is lh'ing in Alissouri and Thomas in Cailfornia. Evaline married John Curran. Andrew lives in Oregon. Amelia is the wife of R. Stone. Caleb R. is the immediate subject of this sketch. John fought in the Union army three years during the rebellion and lives in southern Kansas. Caleb R. Davis passed his childhood and youth in AA'arren county, Indiana, and after he had attained to his majority went to Illi nois, AAhere he worked on a rented farm for tAvo years, meantime returning to Indiana to be married. After that he rented a farm in Newton county. Indiana, for six years, and in 1865 remo\*ed to Kansas. He passed the Avinter of 1865 and 1866 at Manhattan, and in tlie spring of 1866 he and his Avife and two other families located Avithin the present borders of Ellsworth county, on Thompson's creek, squatting on land Avhich they afterward pre-empted and held, thus effeding the first settlement in that portion of Kansas. There Avas no other settlement nearer than forty miles, but Camp Ells worth, the site of Fort Harker, Avas tAvehe miles distant and Air. Davis could buy sup plies from the army settler at the military post there, and he remembers that on one 128 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY occasion he paid fifteen dollars per hundred weight for flour. There Avas no market nearer than the Alissouri river and no grist mill Avas available. Game was plenty and Air. Davis killed many buffaloes and some antelopes. There were many Indians in the country, but they were not at that time dangerous. He built a small dugout house, broke some land, and as soon as possible got to farming in a small way. It Avas not long before he Avas Avell embarked in the cattle business, in which he has continued, to the present time. After the little band of pio neers had become established in EllsAvorth county the Indians began stealing their stock and such depredations became so fre quent that at times the settlers would band together for mutual protection against their raids. Alore than thirty men, women and children passed one Avinter under the pro tection of a fort, but no member of their colony AA-as killed by the savages. About 1866 emigration set into that quarter of the state and in 1867 most- of the creek land was claimed and within 'a feAV years about all the prairie land had been taken up and the development and improvement of cen tral Kansas had begun in earnest. Air. Da vis improved a good farm there, which he sold in 1875, Avhen the filed homestead and timber claims in the Little River valley, on the Rice side of the county line. Later he gave the timber claim to his daughter and in 1893 he sold the homestead claim and bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Rice county. AA'here he iioav lives and to which he has added by subsequent purchase until he owns eight hundred acres, mostly in Little River valley, all well improved and under profitable cultivation. He has been successful as a general farmer and cattle- raiser and is one of the well-to-do farmers of the county. FeAv improvements had been made on his home farm AA'hen he bought it, but he has built an expensive and attractive residence on a natural elevation that over looks the valley and a wide stretch of sur rounding country. This beautiful home, three miles northwest of Little River, is provided with ample outbuildings, barns and appliances for successful farming. Air. Davis is an influential Republican and is regarded as a citizen of public spirit, avIio may ahvays be depended upon to fa vor to the extent of his ability any move ment promising to benefit the general pub lic. He Avas married January 20, 1858, to Aliss Catherine Byard, of AA'arren county, Indiana, Avho Avas born in Benton county, same state, a daughter of John and Alargard (Smith) Byard, nath-es of Ohio. John By ard was the son of John Byard, Sr., of Ohio, Avho AA-as a prominent farmer and aaIio had children named David. Alary and John, Jr. Alary married Air. Collins and John, Jr., Avas the father of Airs. Davis. John Byard. Jr., Avas reared to manhood on his father's farm in Ohio, and married Alar garet Smith, a daughter of James Smith, avIio removed from Ohio to Indiana and improved a farm in Benton county, became prominent there as a citizen and died there. His children Avere Alargaret (Airs. Byard), James, Thomas and Henry. John Byard, Jr., and his wife. Alargaret Smith, AA'ho Avere earnest Christians of the Baptist faith, had children as follows : James ; Thomas ; Henry; Catherine. avIio married the subject of this sketch ; and Alargaret. avIio died young. Caleb R. and Catherine (Byard) Davis have a daughter. Alargaret, avIio is the Avife of John L. Smith, a prominent farmer of Rice county, Kansas. Airs. Da vis is a Avorthy and helpful member of the Christian church. ANDREW B. MARTIN. For many years Andrew Black Alartin was one of the intelligent and popular citi zens and reliable business men of Rice coun ty, and his loss to the community AA-as Avidely felt. He Avas a representative of that class of American citizens avIio while advancing their individual interests also promote the general good. While carrying on business for himself he contributed to commercial activity, whereon depends the groAvth and development of every community. His name was ahvays an acth-e factor in church circles, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 129 and Avherever he was knoAvn he Avas highly esteemed, for he possessed those qualities which in every land and in every clime command respect and admiration. Air. Alartin Avas born in Kirkwood, AA'arren county, Illinois. June 3. 1853, anQ is a son of James P. Alartin, Avhose birth occurred in the east and he Avas of Scotch- Irish lineage. The members of the family perhaps Avere neATer distinguished for prom inence in political or military life, but they belonged to that sturdy class of citizens whose reliability and devotion to the public good formed tbe bulwark and strength of the nation. The mother of our subject Avas Aliss Alaxey Talcott. She had receh'ed a good education and Avas a lady of intelli gence, Avhose innate culture Avas manifest in her home and in her influence over her children. She died at Des Aloines, IoAva, and Air. Alartin, the father, passed away in AA'arren county, Illinois. In the state of his nativity Andrew Black Alartin spent his youth, and his pre liminary education acquired in the common schools was supplemented by collegiate training in Alonmouth College, of Alon- mouth, Illinois, an institution under the auspices of the United Presbyterian church. In connection with his brother, John Alar tin, he aftenvard established the Galesburg Business College, which became one of the best known and popular schools for business training in the state. This they conducted successfully for some time, but at length our subject abandoned educational work and turned his attention to commercial pur suits. In the enterprise he was connected also Avith the firm of S. K. Alartin & Com pany, lumber dealers of Chicago, Avhere they carried on operations until 1885, when Air. Alartin became identified with the in terests of Rice county, establishing his home in Lyons. Here he opened a lumber yard and Avas soon in command of a good trade, for he carried a complete line of all kinds of lumber, and in his business dealings he AA-as so reliable and straightfonvard that those AAho once became his customers re mained as his regular patrons. He possess ed excellent and executive ability, keen dis cernment and strong sagacity, and these qualities rendered him well worthy of the splendid success Avhich croAvned his efforts. On the 17th of January, 1882, Air. Alartin Avas joined in Avedlock to Aliss Alary Newman, who Avas born in Burling ton, Iowa, but was reared and educated in Galesburg, Illinois , a daughter of Isaac and Salina (Patrick) Newman. Her fa ther was a representative of a prominent southern family and her mother was born in Alichigan, her ancestors haA-ing remoA'ed from NeAV York to the AVolverine state. Unto Air . and Airs. Alartin were born three children: A. Newman, now a young man of eighteen years; A. B., a lad of ten summers; and Ruth Alaxim, a bright little girl of five years. After the father's death Airs. Alartin remoA-ed with her chil dren to a farm three miles southwest of Lyons, where they haA*e a fine modern resi dence, tastefully furnished in a manner that indicates the refinement and culture of the inmates. Both Air. and Airs. Alartin held membership in the Presbyterian church, of which he was a very active and earnest Avorker. He sen-ed as leader of the choir and A\ras also Sunday-school superintendent. His love of children Avas one of his most marked characteristics, and his superior manhood Avas indicated by the free confi dence gh*en him by the little ones. There is an intuition Avhich seems to teach a child AA'here its confidence can be placed, and this quality is more reliable than the judgment of our mature years. It Avas the most easy matter for Air. Alartin to Avin the love of children on account of the deep love Avhich he bore for them and the interest Avhich he took in their welfare. He Avas a man of strong temperance principles, and by pre cept and example promoted the cause. So cially he AA-as identified Avith the Independ ent Order of Odd FelloAvs, and in his po litical views he Avas a Republican. He found his greatest happiness in the midst of his family and counted no sacrifice too great that Avould promote the welfare of his wife and children. In business life he sus- 130 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tained an unassailable reputation, and in so cial and home relations he Avas the soul of honor, so that he left to his family not only a handsome competence, the rich reAvard of his labors through many years but also the priceless heritage of an untarnished name. His death occurred February 13, 1900. CONRAD H. PIEPER. Conrad Pieper, a farmer, thresher and liveryman of Nickerson, Kansas, Avas born in Lippe, Germany, December 7, 1841, and Avhen three years of age accompanied his parents, Antone and Dora (Hillkirk) Pie per, to America in a sailing vessel. They landed at NeAV Orleans and then came by river to Evansville, Indiana. The father Avas a cabinet maker by trade but after com ing to America Avas mostly engaged in farming. He came to this country Avith scant means and borrowed money to begin life here. He proved up' on a small claim of thirty-six acres and made several additional purchases until he OAvned one hundred and eight}- acres, improved a good farm and stocked it Avith horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Unto this Avorthy couple Avere born seven children, six sons and one daughter, and four of the number were born in Ger many. The daughter and one son died in childhood and the other five sons are: Fred, a farmer living in Bicknell, Indiana; Conrad, the subject of this sketch; Her man, avIio is living in Pratt county, Kan sas, and has three sons ; Theodore, a farmer living in Indiana, avIiO' has a family of sons and daughters ; and Charles, avIio died in Indiana in December, 1900, leaving a wife and four children. The mother of this fam ily died in Indiana in 1872, at the age of fifty-six years, her birth having occurred in 18 1 6, and the father died in 1896, at the age of eighty-seven years. Conrad IT. Pieper, Avhose name forms the caption of this sketch, Avas reared to farm life and labored at grubbing the land when a lad of ten years, and he and tAvo of his brothers dmv rails and wood by hand on the little truck wagon, made by their fa ther, before they had their first team of steers, Avhich they raised. His educational privileges Avere very meager. He Avent tc the little log* school-house, with puncheon floor, seats and desks, the AvindoAvs being- single panes of glass rudely placed in space Avhere a part of tAvo logs had been cut out. The books Avere A-ery feAV, reading, Avriting and arithmetic being the principal studies taught, and the methods of teaching were the most primitive and simple. He re mained at home until August, 1862. when he enlisted in Company C, Eightieth Indi ana Volunteer Infantry, and served three years or until the close of the Avar. He Avas wounded in the left side at Perryville, Ken tucky, and Avas in the hospital seven Aveeks. At the battle of Atlanta, Georgia, he Avas taken prisoner Avhile he Avas with Sherman and AA-as held fifty-six days in the Ander- sonville pen in 1864, being captured on the 22d of August and not paroled until Oc tober, Avhen he joined his company at once. AA'hen the Avar closed he returned from Alosely Hall, North Carolina, to the old homestead farm near Bicknell, which is now owned by his brother Theodore. Air. Pie per has been a thresher since his youth, Avhen the power and the separator had to be loaded and unloaded by hand, but iioav he oaviis tAvo steam threshers in complete run ning order. He purchased his first land, one hundred and sixty acres, in Linn coun ty, Kansas, in April, 1866, paying four hundred and sixty dollars for it, and he later sold it for one thousand. dollars. That in- A-estment proved so profitable to him that eighteen months later he bought a quarter section in the same county, for four hundred dollars, which he sold in 1880 for fifteen hundred dollars, Avhich amount he Avas offered for it Avithin one year after purchasing it. His next venture was in Sedgwick county, Kansas, Avhere he purchased a quarter section for seven hundred dollars, Avhich he sold in less than a year for eleven hundred dollars. He then Avent to the western part of Reno county and bought a claim of a half section for four hundred dollars, and proved up on BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 131 one quarter at a dollar and a quarter per acre and sold the claim to the other quarter for four hundred dollars. In 1888 he pur chased a quarter section for sixteen hun dred dollars, in 1890 another quarter ad joining for sixteen hundred, and in 1893 eighty acres for eight hundred dollars, and in 1 90 1 bought one hundred and sixty acres more, so that he noAV owns seven hundred and tAventy acres in four farms, all improved with good buildings and the fields are under a high state of cultivation through the en ergetic efforts and good management of the OAvner and his tAvo sons. On the 4th of December, 1858, in Linn county, Kansas, Air. Pieper Avas united in marriage to Aliss Alary Jane Sproul, Avho was born in IoAva in 1849 and is a daughter of Thomas Sproul, a native of Ireland, Avho Avent to Ohio, thence to IoAva and then to Kansas in 1856, becoming one of the first settlers, driving over the country in a Avagon Avith tAvo yoke of cattle, and Avas one of the best farmers in Linn county. His Avife died in 1863, leaving five children, two daugh ters and three sons, all living but one daugh ter. He died in 1894, at the age of seventy- two years. Air. and Airs. Pieper lost one daughter when she was seventeen years of age, and they have six living children, namely : Byron E., a dealer in groceries, farm implements and grain in Kingman county, Kansas, in Avhich business he is making money; Theressa, the Avife of Charles AA'dls, Avho is noAV living in King man county and has three children ; Thomas A., a farmer of Reno county, Avho Avas mar ried in Alarch, 1901 ; Laura E., avIio mar ried John AYoodson, by whom she has three children, and they are living in Kingman county; AA'illiam Theodore, Avho is on the home farm; and Leonard S., also on the home farm. Air. Pieper is a stanch Republican in his political vieAvs and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He has never sought or desired political office, but his fel low townsmen, realizing his fitness for lead ership and positions of trust, have elected him at different times as justice of the peace, road overseer and a member of the school board, all of Avhich positions he has filled Avith entire satisfaction to his constituents. He began the livery business in Nickerson in December, 1900, has since taken his son into partnership, under the style of Pieper & Son, and they are doing a fine business, keeping many rigs and boarding horses. SAMUEL KAUFFAIAN. Samuel Kauffman, one of the Avell- knoAvn citizens of Rice county, Avho is de- A-oting his energies to agricultural pursuits and Avhose efforts in that direction result in making him one of the substantial citizens of the community, came to this locality in 1878, and here he has since made his home. He Avas born in Lehigh county, Pennsyl vania, December 2, 1842, a son of Samuel Kauffman, Sr. The latter's father, Abra ham Kauffman, Avas likewise a native of Pennsylvania and was of German descent. He married Aliss Sarah Shantz, a native of the Keystone state, and both died on the old home farm in Lehigh county. Samuel Kauffman, Sr., Avas reared and educated in the state of his nativity, and Avas there mar ried to Esther Alusselman, AA'ho was born in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania. Their union AA-as blessed Avith seven children, namely : Airs. Sarah Gehman; Airs. Susanna AA'ar ner; Elizabeth; Abraham, AA'ho Avas a min ister of the Alennonite church and is iioav deceased; Samuel; Milton; and Airs. Alary Ann Aloore. The father of this family fol- loAved farming as a life occupation, and Avas honored and esteemed by all Avho kneAV him. He was an elder in the Alennonite church, and in his life exemplified his Christian faith. Politically he Avas an advocate of Republican principles. He Avas called from this earth in 1853, and his AvidoAv survived until 1894, Avhen she, too, Avas called to the home beyond, at the age of eighty-nine years. Samuel Kauffman, Avhose name forms the caption of this revieAV, Avas reared on a farm in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, Avhere he Avas early taught lessons of in- 132 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. dustry, perseverance and economy. The public schools afforded him his educational privileges, but he has largely supplemented this training by practical experience, read ing and observation. The year 1878 Avit nessed his arrival in Rice county, Kansas, Avhither he came from Alichigan. He lo cated on a tract of unimproved land, but his farm is iioav one of the finest and best im proved places in the county, comprising seA-en hundred and twenty acres of rich and productive land. Here he not only follows general farming but is also extensively en gaged in the raising of cattle, horses and hogs, and in both branches of his business he is meeting Avith a Avell-merited success. As time has passed he has secured all of the improvements and accessories of a model farm, erecting a good residence, large barn and 'all necessary outbuildings, and the school-house also is located on a portion of his place. In the year 1866 Air. Kauffman Avas united in marriage to Caroline Godshalk, who AA_as bona in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, a sister of the Hon. A. J. Godshalk, of Alden, Rice county, Kansas. On the 1 8th of October, 1874, in St. Joseph county, Alichigan, Airs. Kauffman Avas called to the home beyond, and her loss Avas deeply mourned, for she Avas loved and re spected by all Avho knew her. In 1878, in St. Joseph county, Alichigan, Air. Kauff man Avedded Savilla, a daughter of John AA'. and Alary (Hile) Kline. The father, a native of Snyder county, Pennsyhania, is a Avell-known and honored citizen of Cen ter tOAvnship, Rice county. The mother died at her home in Center tOAvnship, June 19, 1900. She Avas an affectionate Avife and mother and Avas loved by all' for her kind ness of heart and mind. At her death she left six children, namely : Charles, Airs. Savilla Kauffman, Airs. Ella Coonfer, Airs. Elizabeth Rathbun, Airs. Catherine Aliller and Albert AA'. Airs. Kline Avas a AvortliA* member of the Evangelical church, in which her husband also holds membership. Unto Air. and Mrs. Kauffman have been born three children, — Eva Grace, Roy L. and Floyd Earl. The family are members of the Evangelical church. On the 5th of April, 1882, their resi dence was completely destroyed by a cy clone, and although the family Avere in the house at the time, none of the members Avere injured. Air. Kauffman casts his ballot in favor of Republicanism, stanchly advo- cating the principles set forth by the party. - His felloAV tOAvnsmen haA*e recognized his worth and ability and haA-e called him to the office of treasurer of the school district in Avhich he resides, and in this position he has served AA'ith credit and ability. He is a Avarm advocate of education, temperance and religion, and in all relations of life he has been true to principle and to duty. BYROX L. CHURCH. Among the leading and substantial citi zens of Holyrood, EllsAvorth county, Kan sas, is Byron L. Church, farmer and stock man, and also president of the Holyrood Bank. Air. Church Avas born in Jackson county, Alichigan, on January 26, 1854, being a son of Munson Church, avIio Avas born in NeAV York, in 1S25. and Charity (Clark) Church, avIio Avas_ born in Ohio, in 1827, and died in 1862. Thomas Church, the grandfather of our subject, Avas a pioneer of Jackson county. Alichigan, and Avas active in its early or ganization, spending his whole life there. He married Alary AA'arner. and the five sur viving members of his family are these: Alunson, the father of our subject; Eli,, a farmer in California; Alonzo, a farmer in Alichigan; Bolona, the Avidow of Leonard Cutler, of Fulton, Illinois; and Sarah, the AvidoAv of Alonzo Cutler, of Laporte, In diana. AA'hile still a child Alunson Church, the father of our subject, accompanied his par ents to- Alichigan and there greAv to man hood and married. He Avas there engaged in farming until 185S. Avhen he moved to Fulton countv, Illinois. Here also he Avas BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. i33 engaged in farming for about six years and then returned to Michigan, locating in Cal houn county, Avhere he remained until 185*9 and then followed our subject to EllsAvortb county, Kansas. Air. Church located on section 33-16-9, in Lincoln tOAvnship, buy ing one-half section of land, and here he carried on agriculture until 1884, moving at that date to the city of EllsAvorth. Five years later he removed to a farm belonging to our subject, in Geneseo, Avhere he noAv resides. His second marriage Avas to" Airs. Amelia Eldred. Through life Air. Church has been one of the active members of the Alethodist church and is a much-respected citizen. Five children have been born to Air. Church, and our subject Avas the sec ond in order of birth, the others being as follows : Lydia, the Avife of C. G. Thomas, of Kalamazoo, Alichigan ; Alary, the wife of Charles Chase; EdAvard, of Ithaca, Alichi gan; Emma, Avho died at the age of twelve years ; and Richard, a stock dealer of Holy- rood. Byron L. Church, Avho is the subject of this sketch, Avas about five years of age when he came to Illinois Avith his parents, and he Avas reared on a farm in that state until he Avas seA-enteen years of age, Avhen he Avent to Grand Rapids, Michigan, Avhere he found employment in a stove foundry, and remained there until he Avas twenty-one years old. Air. Church Avas too ambitious and energetic to settle doAvn to this life when adventure and land Avere aAvaiting courageous men in Kansas, and in 1876, Avith about one hundred dollars Avhich he had been able to save, he bade his friends fareAvell and started out in the Avorld to make a career for himself. His reading and investigation had given him a prdty fair idea of the part of the state in AA'hich he Avished to locate, and upon reaching Ells Avorth county he took up homestead and ' timber claims, the west one-half section of 32-16-9, and settled right doAvn to hard Avork. This Avas in April, and during the first year he succeeded in breaking fifty acres, thirty of Avhich Avas ready in time to put in Avheat that same year. For a home Air. Church constructed a dug-out of dimensions ten feet by sixteen, and in this place he kept Avhat Avas termed '"bachelor's hall" for about three years, Avorking Avith all the energy and industry of which he Avas capable. He Avas fortunate in raising a good crop of Avheat the first year, and in the second year Avas able to utilize the Avhole fifty acres for Avheat, this also proving productive, and this encour aged him to continue for seven years rais ing wheat. It Avas some five years after lo cating in the county before he had saved enough to buy another one-half section of land, and since that time he has done con siderable land buying and selling, his ex cellent judgment being rarely at fault in the matter. Mr. Church still retains five hun dred acres of land in the home farm and OAvns eight hundred acres in other parts of EllsAvorth and Rice and Barton counties. In 1885, in company Avith his brother, our subject entered into the cattle business, in Ness county, where they fenced five thou sand acres of good land, upon Avhich they conducted an extensive business for six years, or until the laAv requiring the removal of fences from large grazing tracts made it impradicable. Air. Church then continued in the cattle business to a large extent on the home farm, keeping some two hundred head, but during late years has more closely confined his attention to his farming inter ests, mainly Avheat, raising this cereal on four hundred acres, and renting out the re mainder of his land. Air. Church is a man of large ideas ard progressive spirit, and in 1888 he purchased a controlling interest in the Holyrood Bank, Avhich institution Avas founded by H. S AA'estfall, and since that time our subject has served as president, his policy placing it among the safe, reliable and conservative institutions of the county. The capital of the Bank of Holyrood is tAventy-five thou sand dollars, and its officers are as follows : B. L. Church, president ; H. C. Trevert, vice- president; F. AA" Thomas, cashier, and Philip Church as assistant cashier, and there is probably no business concern in this coun ty doing a more satisfadory business. Lo cated as it is in the heart of one of the best 134 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Avheat producing sections of the state, and at a distance from other banks, it is not only a convenience but a necessity to the farmers, stockmen and business citizens. During the shipping season, Avhen thousands of bushels of wheat are handled daily, the business amounts to an almost incredible sum. Then it is that an honest, reliable and conservative concern like the Bank of Holy- rood is appreciated. In public affairs Air. Church has always- taken an active part in promoting all en terprises for the improvement and advance ment of the county and has been identified with even progressive movement. In poli tics he is a Republican, but a desire for office has never disturbed the even tenor of his Avay, and he has accepted only that of tOAvn- ship trustee, for three consecutive terms, and has acted as treasurer of the school board. His interest in educational matters has been sincere and he has ever done his duty in promoting every measure looking toAvard any improvement. Fraternally Air. Church is a Knight Templar Alason, belonging to chapter, con sistory and council in EllsAvorth, and is a charter member of Wichita Consistory, No. 2, and Holyrood Lodge, No. 362. The marriage of Air. Church Avas on December 29, 1879, to Aliss Alary Durr, who Avas a daughter of John P. and Cath erine Durr, and she Avas born in Sheboygan county, AA'isconsin. Seven children have been born to our subject and Avife, namely : Ray, Avho was assistant cashier of the Bank of Holyrood and noAV carries on the Avork on the farm; Philip, assistant cashier; Alax; Levi ; Alunson ; James ; and Donald. The home of the Church family is lo cated five miles northeast of the tOAvn of Holyrood and attracts attention on account of the fine improvements and excellent cul tivation. Mr. Church is in a great measure a self- made man. He came Avhen but a boy to this state and by the application of energy and industry founded his oavii fortune. Lie is held in high esteem in EllsAvorth countv and is justly regared as a thoroughly repre sentative citizen of EllsAvorth county. JOHN SCHARDEIN. A Avork purporting to give an account of the leading citizens of Reno county, Kan sas, could not Avell omit adequate mention of John Shardein, a prominent farmer AA'ho lh-es on section 20, Salt Creek township, not far from Nickerson. He is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Avas born August 24, 1837. Bernard Schardein, his father, AAas a native of Alsace or Lorraine, Germany, who some time after 1820 came from his native land to NeAV York city, making the voyage in one of the old-fashioned sailing- vessels. He had then just been married, and he and his young bride went Avest as far as Ohio. He Avas a Aveaver by trade, but Avent to Louisville, Kentucky, in 1837 or 1838 and became a groceryman there. Later he Avent to Clarke county, Indiana, and became a farmer there and prospered. Air. and Airs. Schardein reared five sons and tAvo daughters, all of Avhom greAV to ma turity and Avith exception of one son and one daughter all had children. Three of the sons fought for the Federal cause in the Civil Avar. Philip died of disease at Savan nah, Tennessee, and is buried at Shiloh. Adam Avas Avounded in the Shenandoah val ley and died at AA'illiamsport, Alaryland. John, who is the immediate subject of this sketch, volunteered August 31. 1861, in the Eleventh Indiana Infantry, and served three years or until he Avas mustered out, August 31, 1864, at Harper's Ferry, A'irginia. During the three years he Avas in the hos pital at New Orleans, a sufferer from oph thalmia. Though often urged to apply for a pension, he has never done so. He is an ardent Populist and is iioav the treasurer of his tOAvnship and has sen*ed his felloAV citi zens as tOAvnship trustee. He and his Avife are members of the Christian church, in which he is an elder. Air. Schardein Avas married in Clarke county, Indiana, April 20, 1857, to Aliss Nancy McKinley, avIio died in the fall of 1862, Avhile Air. Schardein Avas in the army, and left a daughter named Luella, aaIio mar ried James Miller and lives in Floyd county, Indiana. In 1865 Air. Schardein married BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY L35 Aliss Eliza J. Grady, aaIio has borne him eight children, seA-en of Avhom are living. Their son, John A. Schardein, is a merchant in Orange county, Indiana, and has one daughter. Their daughter. Emma Ade laide, Avho married Frank Green, of Salt Creek tOAvnship, has tAvo sons and a daugh ter. Their son Charles B. is a farmer in Salt Creek tOAvnship and has tAvo sons. Their daughter Clara L. married George Gillock, of Salt Creek tOAvnship, and has two daughters. Their son AA'illiam E. Schardein, of X'ickerson, has three sons. Their daughter Hettie AI. is the Avife of Frank Johnson, of Aledford tOAvnship, Reno county, Kansas. Their son Fred G., a youth of sixteen, is a member of his parents' household. After the Avar Air. Schardein Avent to Macoupin county, Illinois, Avhere he Avas a tenant farmer for thirteen years. In 1878 he Avent to Sterling, Rice county, Kansas, by rail and arrived there August 31. He brpught Avith him stock and a cash capital of five hundred dollars and his belongings Avere conveyed in a chartered car. He bought a claim to a quarter section of land and proved up a soldier's claim on it, mak ing a cash payment of one thousand dollars. The place AA-as in a state of nature and his first house Avas a shanty, tAvelve by fourteen feet in size. The man aaIio had lived on the claim before he had bought it had occupied a leaky shed of the same dimensions. For some time his style of living Avas primitive, but better things Avere in store for him and his family. His present residence is a sub stantial and attractive farm cottage, built in the midst of a group of shade trees and an orchard of fruit trees. This sightly and rural home, Avith the large barn and other commodious buildings near by, stands some distance from the dusty street and alto gether presents a very inviting appearance. Air. Schardein takes pride in breeding good stock and he ?hvays h.as fine horses and good cattle. In every sense he is a pro gressive and up-to-date farmer, Avho farms in a thoroughly business-like Avay and reaps a substantial and satisfactory reAvard. He has a Avide acquaintance among the leading business men of the county and Avhile quiet and unassuming is influential in public matters and helpful to all worthy local in terests. HEXRY OBERAIOAAE. Emerson has Avritten: "KnoAvest thou Avhat argument thy life to thy neighbor's creed has lent?" The influence of a man is immeasurable by any of the knoAvn stand ards of the Avorld, but its potency is no less marked, and the X'eAv England poet, Avriting along the same line, has said again that eA-ery individual in greater or less degree, but ahvays to some degree, leaves an im press upon the lives of those Avhom he meets. If this be true, and the great minds of all ages acknoAvledge it to be so, then the question propounded in old Judea, "Am I my brother's keeper?-' is ansAvered. It is this everlasting truth of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God that has led to the religious work of the Avorld. A most potent factor in church circles in EllsAvorth county is the ReA*. Henry. ObermOAve, nOAV pastor of St. Paul's church, in Sherman tOAvnship. His labors haA-e been attended Avith excellent results and a visible evidence of his Avork is found in the splendid house of Avorship Avhich has been erected under his direction and as the result of his untiring- efforts. Air. ObermOAve Avas born in AA'estphalia, Germany, October 2, 1857, a son of Chris topher and Christine ObermOAve. He pur sued his education in the state schools and then took up a course in theology that he might fit himself either for teaching or the ministry. He Avas connected Avith educa tional Avork for a short time in Germany and in 1883 he came to America, making his Avay to Springfield, Illinois, Avhere he be came a student in the German Lutheran Col lege, studying in both English and German. He there pursued a four years' course and AA-as graduated in 1887. Soon afterward he came to Kansas, and the same year Avas or dained, in Alitchell county, as a minister of the German Lutheran church. For one vear 136 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. and seven months he served as pastor of a congregation there, and on the ist of No vember, 1888, he received and accepted a call to come to Ellsworth county and take charge of St. Paul's church, in Sherman tOAvnship. At that time there Avas a mem bership of forty families, but the number has since been increased to sixty. Air. Ober- moAve placed the church on a good working foundation, and soon marked advancement was seen along its various lines of labor. Deciding that a neAV edifice Avas needed here, and after considerable solicitation and en treaty, he let the contracts for the building and saAv it actively under way in June, 1898. In six months it Avas completed. It is a fine stone edifice, forty by seventy-eight feet, Avith a side Avail eighteen feet high and a spire one hundred and eight feet. The foundations are four feet Avide at the bot tom and five feet high and the Avail of the church is two feet thick. It has fine Avin- cIoavs of cathedral glass and has other, mod ern equipments and adornments. The church AA'as erected at a cost of eight thou sand dollars and has a seating capacity of six hundred. The old church was used as a school-house until 1900, Avhen the pastor secured the erection of a more modern school building, tAventy-four by forty feet. The students come from a radius of over . seven miles. The term covers nine months during the year and the attendance is be tween sixty-five and seventy, instruction being given in both German and English. The church building is a very handsome one, being one of the finest in central Kan sas, and the congregation is connected Avith the Alissouri synod. On the 28th of October, 1887, Air. ObermOAve Avas united in marriage, in Lake county, Illinois, to Aliss Louise Knigge, and they noAV have five children, — Christina, Lena, Amelia, Alary and Alfred. Their home life is extremely pleasant and Airs. ObermOAve heartily co-operates -with her husband in his Avork for the uplifting of their felloAV men. Their home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality, Avhich is freely extended to all. In his political vieAvs Air. ObenuoAve is a Republican, believing firnah- in the principles of the party, although he takes no active part in political Avork. In the pulpit he is forceful, earnest and con vincing, using arguments deduced from the Avord of God, and firmly impressing his points upon the minds of his audience. His language is Avell chosen, showing his mas tery of the art of rhetoric, and underneath all is a substratum of thought, feeling and truth Avhich never fails to arouse the atten tion and thus aAvaken conviction in the minds of those Avho sit under his teachings. PRESTON B. GILLETT. A Avell knoAvn jurist of Illinois said, "In the American state the great and good la\v- yer must ahvays be prominent, for he is one of the forces that move and control society." Public confidence has generally been repos ed in the legal profession. It has ever been the defender of popular rights, the cham pion of freedom regulated by laAv, the firm support of good government. In the times of danger it has stood like a rock and breast ed the mad passions of the hour and firmly resisted tumult and faction. No political preferment, no mere place, can add to the poAver or increase the honor Avhich belongs to the pure and educated laAvyer. Judge Preston B. Gillett, of Kingman, is one Avho has been honored by and is an honor to the legal fraternity of central Kansas. He stands to-day prominent among the leading members of the bar of his district — a posi tion to Avhich he has attained through mark ed ability, and as judge of the twenty-fourth judicial district he has made a most credit able record. Judge Gillett Avas born in Saybrook, Ohio; July 9, i860, but has spent almost his entire life in the SunflloAver state. On the pa ternal side his ancestry can be traced back to Jonathan Gillett, avIio Avas one of the hundred and forty Puritans avIio formed a company in Dorsetshire, England, and started on the Alary and John for this coun try, Alarch 30, 1630, landing at Nantucket, on the 30th of Alay, exactly two months PRESTON B. GILLETT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. i37 after setting sail. In 1636 he removed to Connecticut and numerous branches of the family Avhich he there founded are still liv ing in that state. Alany representatives of the name became prominent in professional life and in the Revolutionary Avar the Gil- ldts Avere enrolled among the private sol diers and the officers of the American Army. Asa Gillett, the father of the Judge, Avas born in Connecticut, but during his early boyhood his parents removed to Ohio, where he AAas reared. After attaining to man's estate he folloAved merchandising there. In Ohio he married Aliss Cornelia Fisk, Avhose ancestry can be traced to Sergeant James Fisk, Avho Avas born in England and crossed the briny deep to the neAV Avorld in 1637. He too took up his home in Connecticut, and records shoAv that he joined the Salem church in 1642. He was descended in di rect line from Lord Synaond Fisk, of the county of Suffolk, England, Avho Avas born in 1399. The Fisk family has also been Avell represented in the professions, the name figuring conspicuously in connection with the church, law and medicine, while in every Avar into Avhich the country has been engaged the Fisks have stood as loyal defenders of this land, fighting on hotly contested battlefields as officers or privates, but ahvays Avith the same determined and patriotic spirit. Some years after his marriage Asa Gil lett removed Avith his family to Kansas, and in 1 86 1 secured a homestead at Emporia, as soon as it Avas decided whdher Kansas should be a free state or a slave state. Emporia Avas laid out shortly before, and his claim lay adjoining the corporation limits, Avhich part he improved and engaged in business at the same time, becoming a leading resi dent of that locality. He was a warm per sonal friend of , Senator Preston B. Plumb, who was A-isiting at the home of Air. Gillett at the time of the birth of the Judge, who was named in his honor. Air. Gillett Avas a most ardent Abolitionist and Avhen the new Republican party Avas formed to prevent the further extension of slavery he joined its ranks and remained one of its stalwart supporters until his death. He was also a devout Aldhodist and aided in organiz ing the church of that denomination in Em poria. He served as one of its officers, con tributed generously to its support and did all in his poAver to advance its interests. He died of pneumonia at the age of ^fty-seven years, and his Avife passed aAvay June 15, 1865, after Avhich Air. Gillett Avas again married, his second union being Avith Bar bara Campbell. By the first marriage he had five children. Frank E., the eldest, is noAV a prominent attorney of Oklahoma, and for many years he Avas numbered among the distinguished laAvyers and statesmen of Kansas. ' He Avas educated in the State Nor mal School at Emporia, and after prepar ing for the bar practiced laAv in Hutchinson and later Avith our subject in Kingman. He was elected and sened for six years in the state legislature and for four years in the state senate and Avas a most influential and active member of the general assembly. He studied closely the questions Avhich arose for the settlement in the laAv making body of the commonwealth and his broad judicial and his practical mind made him a A'ery valued member of both dh-isions of the house. Charles E. Gillett, the second mem ber of the family died in 1874. Nellie G. is noAV the Avife of AA" C. Fullena, of Em poria. The Judge is the next younger, AA'hile Guy R., the fifth member of the fam ily, is living in Hennessey, Oklahoma. By the father's second marriage there Avas one son, Don A. Judge Gillett Avas reared on the home farm adjoining Emporia and pursued his early 'education in the schools of that city, later continuing his studies in Cottomvood Falls and in the State University, at Law- rence, Kansas, Avhere he remained as a stu dent for three years, his studies being large ly directed toward preparation for the bar. Upon his return home he read laAv in the office of his brother, Frank E. Gilldt and subsequently Avent to AA'ashington, D. C, and entered the Columbia LaAv College and Avas graduated in June, 1885. Return- 138 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ing to Kansas he located in Kingman and en tered into general laAv practice Avith his brother, continuing an active and leading member of the bar until November, 1898, when he Avas elected district judge of the twenty-fourth judicial district, comprising Kingman, Harper, Barber and Pratt coun ties. AVWle the district had a nominal Dem ocratic majority of several hundred, his per sonal popularity and the confidence of the public in his legal ability enabled him to overcome this and Avin the election by one hundred and thirty-five votes. Before his elevation to the bench his laAv practice was large and remunerative and connected him with most of the important litigation heard in his county. He Avon for himself very favorable criticism for the careful and sys tematic methods which he folloAved. He has remarkable powers of concentration and application, and his retentive mind has often excited the surprise of his professional col leagues. As an orator he stands high, es pecially in the discussion of legal matters be fore the court, Avhere his comprehensive knoAvledge of the laAv is manifest and his application of legal principles demonstrates the wide range of his professional acquire ments. On the bench his course has fullv justified the confidence manifested in him by the large vote given him. His decisions are models of judicial soundness, and he is largely Avithout that personal bias or mental prejudice which ofttimes rather darkens a judicial career. The Judge has ahvays been an active member of the Republican party since at taining his majority, but is not a politician m the sense of office seeking and has never sought preferment outside the strict path of his profession, save where his felloAv to\vns- men have conferred upon him local office. He has served on the city council and on the school board and is ever alert to the best in terests and progressive measures of King man. On the 19th of August, 1887, Ridge Gil lett married Aliss Etta A. Goodson, the Aved- ding taking place at Deansboro, NeAV York. She is a daughter of Caleb Goodson, a farm er of the Empire state. They now have two children, AVilber G. and Josephine. Airs. Gillett belongs to the Presbyterian church and the Judge attends its services. He is past chancellor, and representative to the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, belongs to the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen and to the Alodern AA'ood men of America. As his financial resources have increased he has made judicious in vestment in country and city property, but has disposed of the former although he vet oaviis much valuable real estate. He has Avitnessed almost the entire development of Kansas from a border country to its present proud position in the Union and has been an active factor in the upbuilding of Kingman and the county. ISAAC BEERS. Reno county, Kansas, and the city of Hutchinson have been fortunate in the char acter of their progressive, yet conservative, business men avIio in shaping successful careers for themselves have had much to do AA-ith insuring the success of the community Avith Avhich they have been identified. Isaac' Beers, a retired farmer and merchant, avIio lives at No. 514 East Fourth avenue, Hutch inson, is a Avorthy representative of the class of substantial men of affairs referred to. Isaac Beers Avas born in Cayuga countv, New York, Alarch 11, 1826, a son of LeAvis Beers, Avho Avas born in Redding, Fairfield county, Connecticut, Alarch 20, 1798. Isaac Beers, father of LeAvis Beers and grand father of the subject of this sketch, Avas born in Connecticut about 1765 and sened dur ing the last four years of the Revolutionary Avar as a soldier in the American army, and his grandson has an iron ramrod Avith which his grandfather loaded his gun dur ing tbat period. AA'hen LeAvis Beers Avas eight years old, about 1806, his parents moved to Cayuga county, NeAV \rork. where his father had bought a piece of land in a densely tim bered region in the town of Aurelius, Avhich he improved until it Avas as good a farm as BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. L39 any in the vicinity. LeAvis Beers Avas a member of his father's household until he attained to the age of tAventy-four years and after that he farmed on his OAvn account un til 1826. He AA-as married in Cayuga coun ty, NeAV York, in 1824, to Eliza C. Lane, Avho Avas born in Coos county, Xew Hamp shire, in 1804, a daughter of Stephen and Lois ( Currier) Lane, both of Avhom Avere born in XeAv Hampshire. This family of Lanes has in all generations been one of un usual ability and has given to our country several statesmen and scholars, one of whom became the incumbent of the high office of governor, and Homer Lane, a first cousin of Air. Beers'' mother, gained a na tional reputation as a mathematician and some time before 1850 entered the employ of the LTnited States government in connec tion Avith coast surveys. FeAV men have more reason to be proud of their family con nection than has the subject of this revieAV. AAmen the latter Avas three months old, in 1826, the father remoA-ed from Cayuga county, X'eAv York, to Livingston county, that state, where he bought a farm of one hundred acres, on Avhich some little im provement had been made. He built a fine residence and improved the place until it was known as the best farm in the county and doubled its area by the purchase of mere land. There he farmed until poor health compelled him to retire from active life. Politically he Avas a Whig, and Avhile he took an active interest in political affairs he Avas not in the ordinary sense a politician and neither sought nor accepted office. An old-school Presbyterian, he Avas one of the trustees of his church and Avas thoroughly devoted to all its interests, never failing to take his place in his peAV promptly at any- stated service and giving to the church lib erally of his means. His Avife died July 13, 1837, and in course of time he married Hannah Thorp, a native of Cayuga county, XeAv York. By his first marriage he had four children, as folloAvs : Isaac, Avho is the immediate subject of this sketch : Lois. Avho is living unmarried at Fort Collins, Col orado; Emily C, Avho married John RichJ ardson, of Ohio, a farmer and dealer in Avood and grain; and Jane, avIio died in Kalamazoo, Alichigan. By his second mar riage he had three children : Hannah, Avho is the Avife of a Air. George, a farmer at Alount Alorris, Livingston county, NeAV York: AA illiam L.. avIio Avas a member of a Xew York volunteer regiment in the Civil Avar and Avas killed at the battle of An tietam; and Charles L., aa1io died in child hood. LeAvis Beers died at his home in Livingston county. New York, September 18, 1845. Isaac Beers Avas a member of his father s household until he attained the age of twenty years, receiving a meagre educa tion in the public schools and Avas brought up to farm Avork. He Avas possessed of a consuming desire for knoAvledge. He made many plans by Avhich he hoped to secure a liberal education, but they Avere thAvarted one after another by circumstances over Avhich he had no control, such as sickness in the family and finanda! losses. So well knoAA-n AA'as his hope to the Avhole commun ity that all Avho kneAV him sympathized Avith him deeply and mourned Avith him Avhen it became evident that it Avas neA-er to be realized; but he Avas a great reader and trained himself to close and exhaustive study at home and for fifteen years after he left school to read and studied patiently and systematically and in time became really better posted than many men Avho had enjoyed superior educational advantages. At the present time he takes sixteen news papers and periodicals and has gathered to gether the nucleus of what he hopes will be a fine library, it being one of the ambi tions of his life to leave a library to his children. He buys well-selected books from time to time, gives all his spare time to read ing, and, possessing a retentive memory and a logical mind, he is a man of thorough and varied information. In 1846 Air. Beers began active life for himself as a teacher of district schools in Livingston county, NeAV York. He taught there in 1846 and 1847 and then Avent to Alichigan and engaged in farming on neAV j land. AA'hen not busy Avith his home Avork ' he found employment in season Avith other 140 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. farmers and taught school during the win ter months. He Avas married in Alichigan, Alarch i'i, 1849, t0 ^ss Pollie H. Blanch ard, a native of Cayuga county, NeAV York, born July 9, 1828, a daughter of Adonijah and Pollie (Leberteaux) Blanchard. Air. and Airs. Blanchard Avere both natives of Xew York state and Airs. Blanchard Avas of French descent. In 1852 Air. Beers gave up farming and located at Alarshall, Alichi gan, Avhere he entered the service of Charles Dickey, a manufacturer of fanning mills, by Avhom he Avas employed for three years. until he became a clerk in a hardAvare store, Avhich he bought four years aftenvard and conducted until 1S00, and after that he re mained in Alichigan, engaged in a variety of pursuits, until 1S73, when he removed to IoAva. There he Avas engaged at farming until 1880. Avhen he Avent to Hutdiinson, Kansas, as bookkeeper for the firm of Beers & Lee, dealers in horses and mules, in Avhich his son Avas a partner. He Avas thus em ployed for tAvo years and since then he has been practically retired from business. Air. Beers' first Avife died at Alarshall, Alichigan, October 2, 1865. He married Amanda G. Olin, of that tOAvn, January 7. 1866. Aliss Olin Avas born in Calhoun county, Alichigan, a daughter of Charles and Scynthia (Hopkins) Olin, both of whom Avere born in Rhode Island. She Avas educated in a female college at Albion, Alichigan, and after her graduation, in i860, she taught school until her marriage. By his first marriage Air. Beers had four children, ail of Avhom are living, Avith the exception of the oldest, avIio died in in fancy. By his second marriage Air. Beers has one son, Herbert Eugene Isaac, Avho is now tAventy-one A*ears of age and is a member of his father's family. His sun Hennan AL was born at Alarshall, Alichigan, July 8, 1853, and Avas educated in the high school at Alarshall. He went to Reno county, Kansas, in 1879, and began dealing in mules and horses and he soon took in a partner and the firm Avas knoAvn as Beers & Lee. In 1800 the firm of AAral- cott, Beers & Company Avas organized and did a good business at Hutchinson until 1897. Avhen the business Avas remoA'ed to Kansas Lit}-, Alissouri. and associated AA'ith tAvo ether firms, those of Envin Grant & Company and Hendrick & Ryan, and jointly the three firms practically controlled the horse and mule market of Kansas City. handling as many as fifty thousand head a year. In the great sales, Avhich occur eA*ery tAvo Aveeks and last several days, an average of one head of stock per minute is sold. Herman AI. Beers married, in 18S3. Frances Tibbetts. of Reno county, Kansas, but a na tive of Alichigan, and they have tAvo daugh ters, Frances and Louise. He is iioav Avorth fully one hundred thousand dollars and is adding to his Avealth rapidly. Air. Beers' daughter, Louise A., Avas educated at Alar shall, Alichigan, and Corning, IoAA*a. She has been a teacher for tAventy-five years, having taught tAvelve years in IoAva and thirteen years in the public schools of Hutch inson, during the last ten years in the seA- enth grade. Air. Beers' third son, Licester AL, remained Avith his father until he Avas tAA'enty-one years old, then he engaged in farming and in speculation. He Avas mar ried in Reno county, Kansas, to Alary Libby, and has tAvo children, Florence and Alaud. He holds the position of shipping clerk and foreman in a Avholesale produce house at AA'ichita, Kansas. Air. Beers Avas formerly a Republican, but is noAV a Democrat. He is a member of the Episcopal church. He Avas received as an entered apprentice, passed the fellou* craft degree and Avas raised to the sublime degree df Alaster Alason in St. Albans Lodge, Xo. 20, A. F. & A. AL. in Alichi gan; also took the Alark Alaster' s degree, the Past Master's degree and the Alost Ex cellent Alaster's degree of capitular Alasoii- ry and Avas exalted to the august degree of Royal Arch Alason in Lafayette Chapter, No. 4, R. A. AL, in Alichigan, and has filled all the chairs in his blue lodge and all in his chapter except that of high priest. Air. Beers had never knoAvn that he possessed much mechanical ability, especially such as would enable him to do creditable carpen ter Avork, until the fall of 1900. In the sum mer of that year he bought his present home, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 141 which consists of four lots, on Avhich Avas a fine residence. There being no barn on the place, he determined to build one by himself. He laid out a building eighteen by twenty-eight feet in area and fourteen feet to the eaves and began its construction. He had about completed his task in a Avork- manlike manner AA'hen he Avas so seriously- injured by a vicious horse that he Avas com pelled to forego any- acth'e Avork for many months. Noav almost recOA-ered, he declares that he will complde the barn, and those AA'ho know him best believe that though he is seventy-six years old he will yet complete his task. His hair is scarcely beginning to lose its color, he is quick and agile in his movements, possesses a remarkable mind and memory and is in many ways a man of more than ordinary note. JOHN FRANK 'LESLIE. Alissouri, a sister state of Kansas, has given to Kansas a considerable percentage of its leading citizens in different walks of life. Prominent among its farmers of Alis- sourian nativity in Rice county is John Frank Leslie, who lives on section 7, Wal nut township, and whose postoffice address is Thurber. John Frank Leslie was born in Clark county, Alissouri, August 28, i860, a son of Alexander Leslie, who was born in Alont- gomery county, Xew York, December 19, 1804, and died in Walnut tOAAnship, Rice county, Kansas, July 2, 1878. Alexander Leslie settled on one-half of sedion 30, township 22, range 9, in the municipal township mentioned, February 16, 1876. Hi; father, Daniel Leslie came to America with his brother, Benjamin Leslie, when a young man. He married and Avas left a widower Avith four children. He afterward married Elizabeth (Carmen) Butts, widoAV of Edmund Butts, who had two daughters by her first marriage. Air. Butts was born October 20, 1807, and died September 19, 1843. ^Irs- Leslie, Avho Avas born in Hardin county, Kentucky, July 29, 1824, is noAV liv ing, aged seventy-seven years. She is a daughter of Joseph and Alartha (Duncan) Carmen. Joseph Carmen Avas born in the year 1800, and died in his seventy-ninth year. His wife Avas born in 1806, and died in her fiftieth year. Joseph Carmen was a native of France. Of their eleA*en children he and his Avife reared nine. Their daugh ter, Airs. Leslie, reared ten of eleA'en chil dren and has four sons and four daughters, thirty-one grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, and one of her great-grand sons and one of her great-granddaughters are grown to manhood and Avomanhood. John Frank Leslie was the oldest son of his parents, Daniel and Elizabeth (Car men) (Butts) Leslie. AA'ho had eight chil dren, and he Avas reared to farm life and AAas gh'en a meagre schooling. He lh'ed on his father's farm until he was tAventy years old. Alay 14, 1882, he married Alan* A. Grist, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of AA'illiam Grist, deceased, and they haA'e five children : Pearl, aaLo is eighteen years old, is a student at Cooper College; Frank Leslie is fifteen years old: Ethel is nine years old; A'ernie is six years old; and Eston is two years old. In Air. Leslie's home farrn there are three hundred and tAventy acres and he leases five and half sections. Giving attention principally tc stock farming, he feeds and ships annually one hundred and fifty head of cattle and usually from fifty to sixty head of horses and mules. He gives his attention largely to Hereford cattle, with special reference to registered stock. At this time he owns one hundred and seventeen head of grown stock and OAvns altogether six hundred head of cattle. His manner of stock farming has in certain respects commended itself to the emulation of neighboring farmers and his influence upon the development of the in terest in his locality has not been inconsid erable. Realizing the fact that it costs no more to feed fine stock than ordinary stock and that fine stock is much more profitable than ordinary- stock, his aim has been con stantly to improA-e the standard of his cat tle, and other farmers desiring to sell a? advantageously as Air. Leslie and farmers 142 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of his school have been likewise progress ive. He is public-spirited and enterprising and exerts a recognized influence in local affairs. He is an independent voter and has never yd been prevailed upon to' accept any public office. He is a Knight Templar Ma son and is favorably knoAvn to' a Avide circle of acquaintances. Mrs. Leslie and their children are members of the United Brethren church. HENRY G. ANDREWS. For tAventy-eight years, Henry G. An- dreAvs has been a resident of Ellsworth coun ty and is now a, Avell knoAvn representative of its agricultural interests. He successfully folloAvs fanning on section 28, Sherman tOAvnship, Avhere he has a valuable and high ly productive tract of land. He was born in St. Lawrence county, New York, in 1836. His father, Orin Andrews, Avas a native of Vermont, born March 4, 1801, and as he was left an orphan Avhen only four years of age he was reared by his maternal grandfa ther, early becoming familiar AA-ith the du ties and labors Avhich fall to the lot of the ag riculturist. Throughout his entire life he followed farming as his chief occupation. AA'hen a young man he removed to New York and AVas there married. In early life he supported the men and measures of the Democracy, but Avhen 'the abolition move ment resulted in the formation of a party to oppose slavery he joined its ranks and was one of its well known advocates, becoming one of the leaders of the Republican party, and voting for its candidates until the close of his life. In early days he Avas connected Avith the close-communion Baptist diurch and at all times, he lived a consistent Chris tian life, commanding the respect of all by his fidelity to' principle. He attained the very advanced age of eighty-five years and then his eyes closed in the eternal sleep, but the memory of his upright life remains as a ben ediction to all who- knew' him. He married Miss Sallie Remington and they became the parents of two sons and six daughters, but the youngest, one of tAvins, died in infancy. Henry G. Andrews, is the only member of the family now living in Kansas. He pur sued his education in the district schools and as soon as able began Avork upon the home farm, following the plow Avhen scarcely large enough to manage the heavy farm im plement. When about eighteen years of age he Avent to Boston and became connected Avith seafaring life on a merchant vessel, re maining on the briny deep for two years. On the expiration of that period he made a trip to the west and after a few months spent in Alichigan removed to Illinois, Avhere he was engaged in fanning for several years. But when the tocsin of Avar sounded he put aside all personal considerations in order to respond to' his country's call for aid, and on the 15th of September, 1861, he enlisted as a member of Company H, Fifty-seventh Illi nois' Infantry. He learned of the realities of Avar in the battle of Fort Donelson and also participated in the engagement of Shi loh and in the siege of Corinth, and -was present at the capture of the city. There he was stationed until the fall, guarding trains and keeping the lines of communication open until Generals Price and Van Darn, the Con federate commanders, attempted to . recap ture the place, in October. From Corinth Mr. Andrews proceeded with the regiment to Chattanooga and afterward participated in the entire Atlanta campaign, being Avith Sherman's advance troops. He Avas sta tioned at Rome, to guard the road from Kingston,and partof his regiment Avas in the severe battle of Allatoona Pass, Avhere an effort AA-as made by the Confederates to break the line and capture or destroy a large load of supplies that belonged to Sherman's army. Having the advantage of position and being aided by the veil of the mountains: they Avith- stood the charge of a body of rebel trops numbering about seven or eight to their one, yet the carnage Avas so: great that Mr. An drews says that after the battle he could have Avalked half a mile Avithout putting foot on the ground. With his command he after- Avard proceeded from that point to Savan- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 1 43 nah, Avhere he AA'as mustered out on Christ mas day of 1864, having sened his country in a most loyal manner for almost three and a half years. After winning an honorable discharge Air. AndreAvs returned to. Illinois and through the succeeding three years Avas upon the road as a traveling salesman. He then Avent to Iowa and Avas engaged in farming in the northern part of the state, Avhere his fa ther was living. His parents Avere then weft advanced in years and Mr. Andrews assisted them in placing the farm in good shape. In the spring of 1873 be came to Kansas to make a start in life, and homesteaded the southeastern quarter of section' 28, Sherman tOAvnship, Ellsworth county. The shanty which he first ereded is still standing and is noAV used as a granary. His present resi dence AA-as erected in 1884 and is an attrac tive home. Air. Andrews is engaged princi pally in the raising of Avheat, and the ricjh land enables him to annually harvest large crops, the sales of Avhich bring to him a good income. He is enterprising and progressive and his diligence has won for him' a com fortable competence. In the winter of 1900 Henry G. AndreAvs erected a neAV barn upon his farm Avith stanchions for ninexoAvs. The floor is boarded and drained and the barn affords ample shelter for the stock. He also keeps seven head of horses and has some pure-blooded Poland-China hogs. On the 18th of June, 1875, was celebrat ed the marriage of Air. AndreAvs and Aliss Susan Schock, a daughter of Henry and Magdaline Shock. Unto them were born three sons and three daughters, but the old est son died at the age of two years. The others are: Charles H., who enlisted for ..service in the Spanish-American Avar as a member of Company I, T'wenty-first Kansas Infantry; Laura; Alinnie, Florence Gertrude and Frank, who are still under the parental roof. In his politics Mr. Andrews has al ways been a Republican, and, like every true American citizen should do, takes an active interest in the work of his party. He is a recognized leader in the ranks in that local ity and has frequently served as' a delegate to county, congressional, senatorial and' state conventions, being a member of the state convention Avhich first nominated Governor Stanley. He has sen-ed on the tOAvnship board, but his party service has never been performed Avith the hope of receiving the reAAards of office. He is a member of the school board and is now serving as its clerk for the third term. He has also senred as treasurer and has long been connected Avith the board, Avhich has charge of the educa tional interests of this locality. Socially he is identified Avith EllsAvorth Post, G. A. R. Air. AndreAvs is not only an enterprising farmer and valued citizen of the community but is also an honored pioneer. AVhen he came to the county- there were only two set tlements betAA-een his home and EllsAvorth, and none to the north until Lincoln county Avas reached. He has therefore Avitnessed much of the growth and development of this portion of the state and can relate many interesting incidents of the early days. He is a hospitable, genial man and his many ex cellent qualities render him a favorite Avith a large circle of friends. BEXJAAIIN SHOCK. Benjamin Shock, Avho is engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 4, Ells worth tOAvnship, has been a resident of Ells worth county for almost thirty years, the time of his arrival here being in 1872. He Avasborn inCanton, Ohio, February 5, 1854. His father, Henry Shock, Avas a native of the same place, and his grandfather, Lucas 'Shock, AA-as born in NeAV Bavaria and came to America Avhen about eighteen years of age. He located in the northern part of Maryland, near HagerstoAvn, where he fol- loAved farming, and there he resided until about 1816, AA'hen he removed to Ohio. There he cleared some land in the midst of the forest, and upon his farm1 reared his children, seven in number, Henry bdng the youngest. His childhood and youth were spent in the homestead in this state and his education Avas here acquired. He followed farming until i860, Avhen he removed to 144 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the tOAvn and Avas engaged in the manufac turing- business in Canton for four years. He also spent nearly three years in Bucyrus. During the succeeding five years he Avas at Ottumwa, Iowa, Avhere he. operated a coal mine. He then again turned his attention to manufacturing, Avhich he folloAved until 1872, Avhen he came to Kansas and pre empted the land upon Avhich our subject iioav resides, although Air. Shock of this re- A'ieAV proved up. on it. The father carried on the place until 1878, Avhen, OAving to his suf fering from rheumatism, he retired from acth-e business life. He was reared in the German Reformed church, but after coming to Kansas united Avith the Presbyterian church. On the 4th of April, 1844, in Can ton, Ohio, he Avas united in marriage to Magdalena Triem, a daughter of Peter Triem, avIio emigrated from Germany to Canton, Ohio, in 1831. Mr. and Airs. Shock became the parents of nine children : Susan, the Avife of Henry G. AndreAvs , Henry, Avho remained in Ohio; Emma, de ceased; Mary, the Avife of Olden Flanders, of Ellsworth; Benjamin, of this revieAv; Louisa M., of Canton, Ohio; Luke, avIio is living in Ellsworth ; Ferdinand, Avho died at the age of three years; and Laura E., who also bas passed aAvay. The father of this family died August 29, 1890, but the mother is still living, making her home Avith our subject. Benjamin Shock pursued his education in the public schools of Ohio and also con tinued his studies for tAA-cn years after the (family removed to pOttumAva,, IoAva. He there learned the blacksmith's' trade, but worked at it for only two years before com- ' ing to Kansas. Here he turned his attention to fanning, and thus AA'hen his father AA'as obliged to abandon that pursuit the son took charge of the home place and' has since con ducted it. Some stray buffalo: Avere seen in the county after his arrival and he has killed antelope and other game. He broke about half of the land on the home place and has kept everything about the farm in good shape. He raises Avheat and corn, having some good bottom-land, for there are tAvo creeks that cross his place. He makes a specialty of raising high grade Poland-China hogs, having brought some good stock" from Illinois. He Avas one of the first to intro duce a high grade of hogs into this: part of Kansas and has raised some animals that have Aveighed eight and nine hundred pounds. His business affairs are conducted with diligence, enterprise and perseverance, and his labors are attended Avith gratifying- success. There is considerable timber upon the place and he has sold cord-Avood grown since he came to the county. In his polit ical views Air. Shock is a Republican^ vot ing Avith the part}', yet never seeking office. He has served as road supervisor but has declined to accept official preferment, save that of school director, having been a mem ber of the board for fifteen or sixteen years. He has in his possession one of the old "grandfathers' clocks" that was' purchased by his grandfather in Alarvland. JOHN F. AATLDIN. John F. AA'ildin, the son of George and Caroline AA udin, was born November 13, 1 85 ,1, in York county, PtJnnsvlvania, where he lived with his parents until he was seven years of age, when thev removed back to Pike county, Illinois. He learned to till the soil at an early age, commencing to plow when he was but ten years old. He worked on the farm in the summer and went to school in the winter until he was tAventy years of age, receiving a common- school education. He remained with his parents until tAventy-five vears of age, farm ing partly for himself and also helping his father. ** b J. F AA'ildin Avas married to Aliss Electa Hoskin Alarch 11, 1877, she being the daughter of Isaac and Alary- Jane Hoskin, Avho also resided in Pike county, Illinois. Mrs. Electa AA'ildin Avas born January 7, 1854, in that county. After their marriage they removed to a tenant house on his fa ther's place, farming his father's land until the fall of 1880; but in the meantime he fipJ^jtaL ^/J^ J <$ -^z&<^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '45 Avas trying to purchase land of his OAvn for the purpose of farming and stock-raising. Thinking land too . high priced in Pike county, he concluded to go Avest, and in August, 1879, Avith his father and several friends took a trip to Emporia, Kansas, looking over Lyons county. They not be ing satisfied Avith the land there, his father returned home Avhile he and his cousin went on to AA'ichita, and, after looking over Sedgyvick county and not finding a suitable location, returned to old Pike.. Then the fall folloAving his father took a trip to Rush county, visiting some friends there, and Avas well pleased Avith the devel opment of the country for farming and stock-raising. His father returned home and reported to his son that he AA^as satisfied he had found the place AA'hich they had been looking for. Then in the spring of 1880 J. F. concluded to go to Rush coun ty and see for himself, his father and cousin accompanying him. After looking over the country and seeing . the cattle being win tered on the buffalo grass Avithout any other feed, they conduded that Avas certainly the place to buy ; so J. F. purchased a half sec tion of land on Walnut river, four miles Avest of Rush Center. His father also pur chased tAvo hundred and forty acres ad joining his farm. On account of having a large crop of wheat soAved in Pike county he decided not to move to his neAV farm un til fall, and rented it to his cousin for that summer. In November, 1880, J. F.. Avith his f am il}-, moved to his neAV home in sunny Kan sas, Avhere he engaged in fanning and stock-raising, handling as many as three or four hundred head of cattle each year. Be ing in need of more pasture he bought one hundred and sixty acres more, making him in all four hundred and eighty acres. In the spring of 1889, renting out his farm and putting out his cattle on the shares, AA'hich he still continues, he conclud ed to move to Reno county, Kansas, resid ing in Hutchinson tAvo years, being en gaged in real-estate business. In the fall of 1889 be purchased a half section cf land in Enterprise township and rented the same un til the spring of 1891, Avhen he concluded ! to go to farming again himself and moved to this farm. The folloAving August, not being satis- ¦ fied for seA-eral years Avith Kansas, — ahvays haA'ing for a saying, he "Avanted to go back Avhere the red clover greAv," — he sold this farm and in January, 1892, took a trip back to Pike county to visit his parents and Avith a A'ieAV of buying. He looked at quite : a number of farms, but he remained only a feAv days Avhen he made up his mind that sunny Kansas Avas good enough for him! ; After visiting his parents and friends for tAvo Aveeks he returned home and bought his present farm of tAvo hundred and sixty-two acres deeded land and one hundred 1 acres of river-made land, made by the changing of a channel in the Ther, situ ated four and one-half miles north av est of ! Hutchinson on sections 5 and 6. He pur- | chased this farm Avith the intention of farm- 1 ing, stock-raising and fruit-gOAving, in Avhich he is engaged at the present time. | The farm being run doAvn Avhen he came i here, there being only- six aces of orchard and improA-ements being very poor, he built, I in the fall of 1892, his present residence, ] and in the spring of 1893 planted thirty- 1 four acres of apple orchard, making in all : forty acres of apple orchard, also quite an ] orchard of peaches, pears, plums, apricots I and cherries also a three-acre vineyard, | Avhich has proved to be a profitable invest ment. In the fall of 1896 Air. AA'ildin built a I large barn and in the spring of 1897 con cluded to rent out part of his farm, there fore ereding a tenant house on his farm. In the spring of 1898 he concluded to en gage in the dairy business and erected a dairy barn in connection Avith his tenant house, found an experienced dairyman and furnished him Avith coavs and equipments for running a dairy. After engaging in this business for six months and finding it not a profitable business he sold out. Afterward he rebuilt this dairy barn and put in a self-feeder especially Fr full-feed- 146 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ing cattle, in Avhich he is iioav engaged, and finds it a profitable business in connection Avith his farming and fruit-raising. In the summer of 1901 J. F. purchased the old homestead in Pike county, having it rented out at present. Air. and Airs. AA'ildin's family consisted of seven children, — five daughters and tAvo sons, namely: Alary E., Orville H., de ceased, Carrie E., Susie A'., Janie L., Electa H. and John F., Jr. On the 13th of January, 1902, Air. and Airs. AA'ildin and family united AA'ith the Alethodist Episcopal church and our sub ject is a member of the board of trustees of Poplar church, three miles south of his farm, AA'hich he Avas active in erecting. In his political vieAvs he is a Democrat, neA-er holding any office except as a member of the school board for the last tAventy years. His life has been characterized by unflagging industry and strong purpose, and, overcoming all difficulties and ob stacles in his path, he has Avorked his Avay upAvard to prosperity. LEWIS LAVERTY. LeAvis Laverty is one of tlie representa tive merchants of Kingman, Avhere he is successfully conducting a carriage and im plement business. His business qualifica tions have Avon him a place among the lead ing representatives of the mercantile inter ests of this city, and his honorable career has gained him uniform confidence and regard. Air. LaA-erty is a native of the Hoosier state, his birth having occurred in AA'abash county, Indiana, on the 27th of June, 1861. His paternal grandfather, James Laverty, Avas the first of the family to come to Amer ica,, and after his arrival in this country he located in Boston, Alassachusetts, Avhere he became well known as a Aveaver. He subse quently moved to South Carolina, there re maining until some time in the '30s, Avhen he journeyed to Tennessee. From the latter state he Avent to Indiana in 1850. His son and the father of our subject, George S. Laverty, Avas born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1809. AA'hen eighteen years of age he assisted in the Avork of preparing the ne groes for emancipation, visiting many of the southern states Avhile engaged in that Avork and encountering many exciting experiences. He AA*as arrested at Island' No. 10, in Alis sissippi, but made good his escape to the north, Avhere he AA'as engaged in farming in Indiana for a t.me. In 1871 he came to Kansas, securing a claim in Reno county on Avhich the Reformatory is now located, and there began the arduous task of improving neAV land Avith ox teams. He passed through all the trying experiences Avbich fall to the lot of the frontiersman, but he bravely sur mounted the obstacles Avhich lay in his path- AA-ay and eventually- his efforts Avere crowned Avith a high and Avdl merited degree of suc cess. During the winter months he engaged in hunting, often making trips as far as Texas, and he ahvays found a ready sale for his game. In 1878 he sold his land in Reno count}* and came to Kingman countv, his sons having preceded him to this locality and taken up claims on sections 25 and 36, Hoosier tOAvnship. Here Air. LaA-erty again undenvent the trying ordeal of improving neAV land, but eventually his fields Avere placed under a fine state of cultivation and all the improvements of a Avell regulated farm added, his becoming one of the fine country seats of the locality. There he made his home for six years, on the expira tion of Avhich period he removed to the city of Kingman, AA-here the remainder of his days Avere passed in quiet retirement, his life's labors being ended in death in 1896, at the age of eighty-seven years. Air. Laverty Avas tAvice married, his first union being AA'ith Polly Collier, and they had three children, all noAV deceased. His second marriage occurred in Indiana, Eliza beth Dorsey becoming his Avife, and that union Avas blessed with five children, only two of whom, LeAvis and George, attained to years of maturity, and the former is the only one iioav living. The mother of these children passed away in death on the 26th BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '47 of January, 1896, and April 10 of the same year her husband joined her in the spirit world. He Avas an active worker in the ranks of the Republican party. The cause of education also found in hinu a strong sympathizer and willing Avorker, and while in Reno county he took an active interest in the establishment of schools. Of the Christian churdi he Avas a Avorthy and con sistent member. Lewis Laverty, whose name introduces this review, Avas but ten years of age when he removed with his parents to Reno county, and at that time there Avere but six families residing Avithin its borders, — Captain Bell, Robert Bell, John Shahan, James Freese and his two sisters, Hannah and Mary. Our subject and a sister of Henry P. Aliller, Avho iioav resides in Hutchinson, were the first to attend school in the county. After com pleting his education in the common schools of that locality Air. Laverty followed farm ing in that county until his removal to King man county, Avhich occurred in 1877, and Avith his brother he engaged in farming in Harrison township. In the following year, however, he removed to Aiarion county, where he learned the trade of stone cutting, following that occupation there until 1886, Avhen he again came to Kingman county. For a number of years after his return to this locality he found employment at his trade, and from 1893 until 1898 took con tracts for moving buildings. In the latter year he became identified with the grain and implement business in the city of Kingman, and as the years have passed success has abundantly rewarded his efforts and he is now knoAvn as one of the leading implement dealers in Kingman county. He occupies two store buildings, twenty-five by one hun dred and fifty feet, and also has a large ware house. He handles the Canton and Pea body line of buggies and implements, the J- I. Case thresher, has a large and com plete line of harness and saddlery, and car ries two tubular pump outfits and the AA'ood- mansee Avindmills. During the year of 1900 there was but one engine and not over four separators brought into the county Avhich were not purchased at his store. He is a AA-ide-aAvake, energetic and progressive busi ness man, and the prosperity that has come to him is the result of his OAvn Avell directed efforts. In Aiarion county, Kansas, on the 25 th of March, 1885, Avas celebrated the mar riage of Air. Laverty and Aliss Tula AIcAI- lister. The lady Avas a daughter of James McAllister, a prominent early settler of Marion county. One daughter, Olive, AA'ho died at the age of fourteen years, came to bless the union of our subject and Avife. On the 2d of November, 1900, Air. Laverty Avas a second time married, Maggie L. Castle- man becoming his wife. She is a daughter of Rev. A. Castleman, of Lyons, Kansas. The Republican party receives Mr. Laver ty' s active support and co-operation, and for one year he served as marshal of the city of Kingman. Socially he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern AA'oodmen of the World. MAJOR W. L. BROWN. There is no resident in Kingman county who' has borne a more important part in re claiming this section of the state for pur poses of civilization than has Alajor BroAvn. He has been acth-ely associated Avith the work of developing wild land, of instituting horticultural and stock-raising pursuits and has been the promoter of many movements for the common good. He was for a num ber of years a representative of its journal istic interests, is prominent in social, fra ternal and political circles and at the present time is largely aiding in the sdtlement of this portion of he state as a member of the Kingman County Colonization Company. His residence in the county covers a period of more than twenty years and since settle ment in the state dates from1 1876. A native of Steuben county, New York, the Major was born January 28, 1854. His father, Solomon Brown, Avas a native of the same state and there folloAved agricultural pursuits. The family is of Scotch origin but 148 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. was early planted on American soil and has furnished its loyal representatives to all the Avars in which the United States has been engaged, including that Avhich brought in dependence to the nation. One of the num ber served under General Ethan' Allen and was sergeant at the battle of Ticonderoga. In Steuben county, New York, Solomon BroAvn Avas united in marriage to Aliss Ruth E. Carpenter, a daughter of James Carpen ter, Avho Avas one of the pioneer settlers of western New York. They became the par ents of three children but Avith the exception of our subject the only surviving member of the family is a sister of the Major, who lives in the Empire state. The father died when his son W. L. was only twenty months old. The latter has not a single rdative west of the Mississippi river. The ancestry of the Carpenter family can be traced back to the time of the landing of the Mayflower AA*hen the first of the name in this country settled at Plymouth Rock. One of his de scendants AA'as a major in the Union army during the war of the Rebellion. AA'hen quite young Major AV. L. Brown was left an orphan. He enjoyed but meager educational advantages, save Avhat his own determination and industry won for him. Realizing the value of education he resolved to prepare for the responsible duties of life by acquiring a good knowledge of the Eng lish branches of learning at least. He worked his way through school, attending Waodhull Academy, now known as the AA'estern NeAV York College, in Avhich he pursued the regular collegiate course and fitted . himself for teaching, a. profession which followed for a number of years. As he was only fourteen years of age Avhen he Avon his certificate and the laAvs of the state forbade one teaching under eighteen years of age, he made his AA'ay Avestward and, for three years engaged in teaching in Alissouri, where his years were no' bar to: his work. He then returned to New York and' Avhile teaching* in the Empire state he. also com pleted his own education. In 1876 Major Brown arrived in Kansas and Avas for six months engaged in hunting on the buffalo range south of Dodge City, and afterward in Texas along the Red river. Returning to Pawnee county, Kansas, he there took up a claim and also engaged in teaching. Later he removed to McPherson county, where he continued his educational labors and resided for two years, coming to Kingman in 1881. In AVhite township, Kingman county, he secured a claim,, which was two and a half miles from the nearest dwelling. He at once began to break and' improve this tract of wild prairie, and while thus engaged lived in a dugout. He also taught a select school, taking his pay in Avhatever his patrons found most convenient to give. Some of his land he left for pas turage purposes and gradually got this stocked up Avith cattle. Soon aftenvard, however, he disposed of that property and purchased his present ranch of six hundred and forty acres, seven miles north of King man and just over the line from Reno coun ty. Here he again started in AA'ith raAv land and gave all his time to getting this in shape. He engaged both in raising grain and stock and also devoted some time to the cultiva tion of fruit. He has spared no expense or effort to make this one of the finest ranches in central Kansas and has succeeded in the undertaking, having his farm well improved Avith all modern accessories, Avhile a fine or chard Of forty acres yields good crops of apples, peaches, apricots, plums and grapes. He has1 a grove of fifty acres which he plant ed, and as there is running water upon his land the place is well adapted for stock- raising. He oayiis a number of cattle, horses and hogs, and altogether has one of the best farmls in this portion of the Sun- floAver state. ) Tlie Alajor made his home thereon until 1890, Avhen he built his present residence in Kingman. He purchased the Kingman Journal and started to build up the paper, Avhich Avas considerably run down: It had been a seven-column folio but he trans formed it into a six-column quarto' and soon added materially to its business aifd circu lation. His entire attention was given to the paper, Avhich soon became recognized as one of the leading fusion journals in the state. This he edited and published until BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 149 January, 1891, Avhen he sold it and has been an active fador in the Kingman County Colonization Company. For a year and a half preA*iously he had been interested in the real estate business, and there is no man in the county better qualified to carry on the work Avhich he is noAv undertaking, for he has a most comprehensive knoAvledge of realty values. Until 1890 Major BroAvn Avas a sup porter of the Republican party, but in that year he felt that he could not conscienti ously support its platform and has since acted Avith the Fusionists.- He has taken a very active part in political Avork and has held a number of state offices, but has de clined the nomination for state senator. From 1893 until 1895 he served as secre tary of the Kansas state senate, and in April, 1897, AA'as made president of the state board of charities, an office Avhich he resigned in 1898, tAvo years before the expiration of the term, in order to enlist in tbe army being raised for the Spanish-American Avar. He organized a regiment and Avas the first man in the state to be SAvorn into the service. He Avas first commissioned adjutant and later major. In 1901 he was a candidate for the nomination for congress, but Avhen Avithin two votes he AvithdreAv his name. His prominence in political affairs is equaled only by his high position in social circles. He is a leading member of the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs, and has filled all the chairs from the minor offices in the subor dinate lodge to the highest in the grand lodge of the state. He Avas grand master in 1898, in 1899 Avas elected representative to the sovereign grand lodge for tAvo years and in Alay, 1901, Avas again chosen to that position, tbe first time the honor of a re-elec tion to that office had ever been conferred in Kansas. He is also a member cf the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and of the Alodern AAtoodmen of America. For three years he Avas an officer in the State Ed itorial Association and for the past eight years has been one of the directors in the State Historical Society. In July, 1881, was celebrated the mar riage of Major Brown and Aliss Sadie J. Blake, a daughter of Aladison Blake, a farmer of AlcPherson county, in Avhich place the Avedding occurred. They haA-e three chil- ¦ dren; Alaud, AVayne and HarloAV, and also j an adopted daughter, Hallie. Airs. BroAvn is an officer in the Rebekah State Assembly and is one of the charter members of the Shakesperean Club of Kingman. Like her husband she shares nn the high regard of many friends. His active life has brought to him az wide acquaintance, his labors haA-e made him a valued citizen of the community and his name is inseparably intenvoA'en Avith' the history of progress and improA'ement along material, social, and intellectual lines in Kingman county. SAMUEL P. TETER. Samuel P. Teter, a leading and influen tial agriculturist of Reno county, maintains • his residence at 15 17 North Alain street, in Hutchinson, and in this city Avhich has for so many years been- his home he has made many friends, aaLo esteem him highly for many excdlendes of character. A native of the Old Dominion, he Avas born in Pen dleton county, on the 22d of February, 1842. His father, Laban Teter, Avas a native of the same locality, born about the year 1810, and he followed the tilling of the soil as a life occupation. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a native of the fatherland, and after coming to this county located in Virginia. He Avas a brave and loyal soldier during the terrible struggle for liberty. In the Old Dominion he spent the remaining years of his life, having followed the trade of a blacksmith. Laban Teter Avas one of a family of deven children, all of whom have long since passed to the home beyond. AA'hen about twenty-four years of age he Avas united in marriage to Sarah AA'ayman, a native also of Virginia. In 1849 Mr- Teter emigrated with his family to AicLean county, Illinois, making the journey Avith one two-horse team and one five-borse team, and, having started in the fall, they encountered very severe Aveather during the trip, at times the 150 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. siioav having fallen to a great depth and they suffered many hardships and privations. Be fore starting- on the long, wearisome jour ney Mr. Teter had sold his farm of one hun dred acres in Virginia for fourteen hundred dollars, and a part of this money he invested in a one hundred and sixty acre tract in McLean county, Illinois, then raw prairie land. As time passed, however, he im proved his land and added to his original purchase until his landed possessions con sisted of six hundred acres, on which he made many substantial improvements, and upon this valuable tract 'he spent the remain der of his earthly pilgrimage. At the time of his death he was residing with his youngest son, Reuben, who had taken charge of the farm. Airs. Teter had passed to the home be yond about two years prior to her husband's demise. He was a very prominent man in his community, having filled many of the local offices, and in political matters he was identi- . fied Avith the Republican party. He was a stanch Union man, and was a prominent and worthy member of the Methodist church, in Avhich he long served as a deacon. His death Avas occasioned from blood) poisoning, caused by having his finger pricked by a hedge thorn. Unto this Avorthy couple Avere born thirteen children, of Avhom our subject AA-as the fourth in order of birth, but several of the children died in infancy. Those who reached mature years Avere: Alalinda, who died in McLean county, Illi nois ; Jonathan, also deceased; Huldah, the Avife of AVill Edmunds, a farmer of Hutch inson, Kansas; Laban C, deceased; Samuel P., the subject of this review; Sallie E., Avife of Solomon Phillips, a veteran of the Civil Avar and now a prominent farmer of AIcLean county, Illinois ; Reuben D., who is engaged i • fruit farming near Salem, Oregon; Sina, who makes her home with her sister in McLean county; Almada, Avho died in Haven township; and Hezekiah B., also deceased. The second son, Jonathan, AA*as a member of Company F, Ninety-fourth Illinois Infantry, during the Civil Avar, but after nine months' service Avas discharged on account of disability. Lie took part in the battles of Prairie Grove and Spring Hill, and in the last named engagement suffered the loss of one of his eyes. His death oc curred in Hutchinson, Kansas, in 1899. La ban C. also rendered valuable service to his country during the war of the rebdlion, be coming a member of Company K, Twenty- sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, his1 mili tary career covering a period of three years, nine months and twenty-one days. He Avas wounded in a charge made on a fort in front of Atlanta. He was loved and honored among his fellow soldiers: foi* his strict ad herence to the standard of Christian man hood, and all who knew him entertained for him the highest respect and esteem. He passed to the home beyond about 1885, while residing near his father's home in Mc Lean county. Samuel P. Teter, whose name introduces this review, received only meager educational advantages during his youth, having attend ed school but tAventy days in all, and that having been during his absence from the army on a furlough. AA'hen only fifteen years of age he performed a man's Avork in the harvest fields, , and after the close of the day's labor in the field it Avould be his task to feed the horses, cattle and hogs and milk the coavs. his Avork extending until late in the evening. His father Avas at that time extensively engaged in the stock business, owning about one hundred head of cattle and one hundred and fifty hogs, while his landed possessions consisted of six hundred acres. In this manner our subject spent his youth and early manhood. AVhen the trouble be- tAveen the north and south culminated in civil war he nobly offered his services to the Union cause, enlisting, in 1 861, at Blooming ton, in Company K, Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. On account of sick ness, hoAvever, he AA'as unable to accompany his regiment on their march to the south, but he joined it in St. Louis, and from' there the regiment Avas sent to' Aladrid, its first en gagement being at Island No. 10. For about four months thereafter Mr. Teter Avas absent from duty on account of sickness, caused by typhoid fever, but in the spring of 1862 he rejoined the army at Holly Springs. Reaching La Grange, he was among the one BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 'Si hundred who were left there to hold the fort. He was at that time much broken in health and Avas daily expecting his discharge, but it was delayed and when it finally arrived he had grown so strong and rugged that his captain burned the paper without telling him of its arrival, nor Avas he acquainted of the fact until the Avar had closed. Mr. Teter en tered the service as a fifer, but after regain ing his health he demanded a place in the ranks as a soldier, and the request was granted him. From La Grange they went to Memphis and participated in the taking of that city, and Avas next stationed on the Yazoo river, where they were engaged in guarding the city of Vicksburg. On the 4th of July following the regiment started for Jackson, Mississippi, waded Black river, camped on the opposite side during the night and in the morning proceeded on their way. During that engagement the regiment of which our subject was a member charged and finally captured the deep ditch, but dur ing the combat Mr. Teter was struck in the back, probably by a piece of shell, and was temporarily disabled for service. After the capture of Jackson he returned with his reg iment to Black river, AA'here he Avas taken sick with chills and fever, and with many other soldiers was sent to Vicksburg, where, in company with five hundred sick and wounded comrades, he was placed on a hos pital boat bound for Memphis, and a few days later his regiment passed that city on their Avay to Iuka. After remaining in the hospital for two days he and a comrade start ed to rejoin the regiment, and on reaching Iuka they were informed that in three days the regiment would start on a forced march to Chattanooga. With others who were too weak to walk Mr. Teter was taken to that city in Avagons, where he was engaged in doing guard duty for one month, and during that time Avitnessed the taking of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, after which the army sd out to the relief of Burn side at Knoxville, where AA'ith many other invalids he was stationed for a time at Whiteside Station. There they suffered severely for the want of potatoes, as gueril las had infested the country and had cut off all supplies. For eleven days those there stationed subsisted on a half an ear of corn each per day, but they finally organized a party and set out on a foraging^ expedition, their first find having been a half bushel of flour, which the immediately converted into flapjacks and ate until their appetites were satisfied. From that point they proceeded to ScottsboropUgh, Alabama, after Avhich Air. Teter returned home on a thirty days' fur lough, on the expiration of which period he rejoined his regiment near Atlanta and was engaged in the battle on the 22d of July, 1864, Avhere the beloved AlcPherson fell, and his: death was mourned by the entire army. During Hood's attack on the Fif teenth Corps, Mr. Teter was struck in the face by a spent ball, inflicting a slight wound, and on the 26th of August following, Avhile sitting Avithin about ten feet of the enemy's lines and while waiting for his mail, he was' again wounded, a minie ball striking him: in the left side of the head, crushing the skull and inflicting a very severe Avound. After being treated for a time in the field hospital he Avas put in an ambulance and taken to Marietta, Georgia, .where he was confined in Mother Becker dyke's ward, there receiv ing excellent care. Although so severely Avounded, his recovery was rapid, and after sufficiently regaining his: health he returned homfe on a thirty days'1 furlough, but his absence from the army extended over a period of two months. Rejoining the army, he went first to: New York, thence to Hil ton Head and next to Beaufort, and ten miles from that city, on the march to Raleigh, he once more entered the ranks. During their journey to that city they AA'ere informed by Logan that Lee had surrendered, and the long, continued and deafening cheers which followed the. announcement can better be imagined than described. From Raleigh they proceeded to Goldsboro, where Mr. Teter, on account of wounds and haA'ing no shoes, was mounted and with the regiment made foraging expeditions. From there they proceeded to Washington, D. C, where tliey participated in the grand review, the grandest military pageant ever Avitnessed in 152 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. this country. He Avas mustered out of ser vice at Louisville, Kentucky, and at Spring field, Illinois, received his honorable dis charge. Returning to McLean county, Mr. Teter once more took up the quiet and peaceful duties of the farm, remaining with his father for one year. The home farm was then di vided, he receiving as his share a seventy- acre tract, Avhich he farmed until 1887, and in that year came to Hutchinson, Kansas. During his first year's residence in this lo cality he was employed at various occupa tions, but he then purchased a team and en gaged in farming tAAO and a half miles north west of Hutchinson, AA'here he remained for two years, and for a time thereafter was en gaged in the dairy business in NeAvton. His next place of residence Avas in Oregon, but after six months spent in that state he re turned to Kansas and resumed the dairy bus iness. After a time he again went toi Ore gon, Avhere he remained for nine months, and since that time he has followed1 farming in Reno county, Kansas, during a portion of which period he also served on the police force. In AIcLean county, Illinois, Mr. Teter AA'as united in marriage Avith Phoebe Jane Stewart, a native of the Old Dopini.nion and a daughter of John and Phoebe Jane (Hun ter) SteAvart. Ten children have blessed this union, namely: Dicey Albert, Avho is engaged in farming five miles north of Hutchinson; Allie Estella, who died in in fancy; Ira J., who is engaged in farming near the old homestead; Maggie G., wife of Robert Reed, a stone mason of Hutchinson ; Jonathan Edwin, a farmer of this county; Nancy Alay, wife of O. Archer, avIio ahso follows agricultural pursuits in this county ; Jesse, Samuel Carl, Jennie Myrtle and Al fred, who are still at home. Mr. Teter casts his ballot in favor of the men and meas ures of the Republican party, and on its ticket has been elected to many positions of honor and trust, including that of school director. He maintains pleasant relations with his old army comrades through his membership with Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., and for efficient service Avhich he rendered his country in her time of trouble he now draws a pension of twenty-four dol lars a month. His has been a well spent life, true to all public and private duties, and his scrupulous regard for the right has gained him the esteem of a large circle of friends. E. C. FISHER, M. D. In an analyzation of the character and life Avork of Dr. Fisher we note many of the characteristics AA'hich have marked the English nation for many centuries — the perseverance, reliability, energy and uncon querable determination to pursue a course that has been marked out. It is these ster ling qualities Avhich have; gained Dr. Fisher success in life and made him one of the substantial and valued citizens of Lyons, 'where he is actively engaged in the prac tice of his profession. A native of England, the Doctor was born in NeAV Castle on the Tyne April 25, 1844, and is a son of John Fisher, whose birth occurred at Newcastle on the Tyne, in 1 81 6. He represents a Avdl-knoAvn and prominent English family. After coming to America he Avas for many years engaged in mining on the Ohio river, but noAV he is living in retirement, at the age of eighty- five years, making his home Avith his son, the Doctor. In early manhood he Avedded Ann Combie, and for many years they trav eled life's journey together, the labors of one supplementing and rounding out the Avork of the other. Mrs. Fisher Avas also born and reared in Newcastle on the Tyne, and it Avas after their marriage that they crossed the briny deep to the neAV Avorld, becoming residents of the Buckeye state. Her death occurred at Middleport, in Meigs county, Ohio, at the age of seventy-three. In his political opinions Mr. Fisher is a Re publican, and in the Methodist Episcopal church he holds membership, as did his Avife, avIio A\*as an earnest Christian,' kind- hearted, true and loyal. This Avorthy couple were the parents of four children, namely: E. C, of this review; Joseph, who is living in Braman, Oklahoma; Mrs. Ann Beiler, S) .6 &£^h.<& BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 153 of Buffalo, XTeAv York; and John, Avho is connected Avith mining interests in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Fisher Avas reared in the county of Meigs, Ohio, and completed his literary ed ucation by a high school course in Aliddle- port, Ohio, but put aside his text-books in order to respond to his country's call for aid. He volunteered on the 12th of May, 1862, as a member of the Fifth 'Ohio Cav alry. This Avas a noted cavalry regiment, under command of Colonel Judson Kilpat- rick, and Avith that organization he served for three years, being with General Sher man's army. He took part in the Atlanta campaign and Avent Avith Sherman on the celebrated march to the sea. All through the Avar he Avas loyal to the cause Avhich he espoused, faithfully folloAving the old flag upon the battlefields and proving his loyalty both upon tlie picket and the firing lines. AA'hen the Avar Avas over he returned to his home and resumed his studies in Athens College, the oldest college in the state of Ohio. Believing that he Avould prefer pro fessional life, he took up the study of med icine in the State University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and on the completion of the prescribed course Avas graduated with the class of 1 87 1. Dr. Fisher then returned to Aliddleport, Ohio, opened an office and Avas a represent- tive of its medical fraternity until 1874, when he visited Europe. AVhile there he was married, in 1876, to Aliss Stella Reiche- nau, a lady of highly cultivated mind, and many natural graces of character and dis position. She AA'as born on the Rhine, in Germany, and was a daughter of Charles Reichenau, avIio belonged to one of the dis tinguished families of that country. She obtained her education at Deitz, Germany, and was a popular and successful teacher in Scotland at the time Avhen she formed the acquaintance of the Doctor. Return ing Avith his bride to his native land, Dr. Fisher became a resident of Racine, Ohio, in 1876, but on the solicitation of his par ents he rdurned to the old home in Alid dleport, where he remained until 1884. In 10 that year he came to the Sunflower state and took up his abode in Lyons, where he has; since remained. His broad knowledge and his marked ability have secured for him a liberal patronage, and his name is en rolled among the representatives of the medical fraternity in this portion of tbe state. The marriage of the Doctor and Mrs. Fisher has been blessed with six children, namely : Charles A., who is iioav a student in Lawrence University, of Kansas ; Anna Florence, who received a good musical ed ucation in Cologne, Germany, AA'here she Avas a student for six years, attaining high proficiency in that art ; Wilhelm and Thekla, both of whom are students in the high school of Lyons; and Elsie Nancy, who completes the family. The Fisher house hold is celebrated for its gracious Hospi tality, and the Doctor and his wife occupy a very enviable position in social circles. In his political vieAvs and affiliations he is a Republican, and is now serving as presi dent of the school board, of Lyons, his, labors proving of value and benefit to1 the cause of education here. He has also been a member of the city council and takes a deep interest in everything pertaining to the progress and material advancement of his adopted county. A valued Mason, he has passed all the chairs in the blue lodge, and he is likewise a member of the Lyons Post, No. 20, G. A. R. The family attend the services of the Methodist Episcopal church. His fine personal appearance is an indica tion of his character. He is easily approach able and his unfailing courtesy Avins him friends wherever he goes. To-day he stands among the valued and respectedi citizens of central Kansas and is: Avell worthy of men tion among the representative residents of the state. JAMES ST. JOHN. The life of James St. John — pre-emi nently that of a business man — has been croAvned Avith success and shows the poAver 154 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of untiring energy and industry in over coming obstacles, meeting competition and gradually advancing to the goal of prosper ity. He is now the president and manager of the Huthinson Lumber & Planing Mill Company, a leading industry which contrib utes to the commercial activity of the city as well as to the individual success of its stockholders. The company Avas organized under the present form in 1897 and its large trade: indicates that the business method's of the house commend it to public patronage. James St. John was bona in Preble coun ty, Ohio, June 5, 1838. Tradition says that the family is of French lineage but the orig inal American ancestors came to this coun try from England. The grandfather of our subject Avas another James St. John and Avas born in Dutchess county, New York, April 4, 1788, his parents being John and Ann (Lockwood) St. John. In 1807 he married Elizabeth Payne, a native of Culpeper coun ty, Virginia, and to provide for his family he followed agricultural pursuits. Remov ing to Ohio his son, Seth St. John, was there born and reared. He learned the tanner's trade, Avhich he followed in the Buckeye state until 1840, Avhen he removed to Van Buren county, Iowa, Avhere he established a tannery, Avhich he conducted for some time. He took an active part in public affairs dur- in the early history of the county and For two terms served as sheriff. After his elec tion to that office he removed to Keosauqua, the county seat, AA'here he spent his remain ing days, his death occurring in 1865. He was a man of pronounced character and fear less in defense1 of his honest convictions. He gave a, stalwart support to the principles of Democracy and AA'as an active and' consistent member of the Alethodist Episcopal church. Fraternally he Avas connected with the Ma sonic lodge and Independent Order of Odd1 Fellows. His Avife, Avho Avas a native of Pennsylvania., died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Kreigh, of Johnson, Kansas, in February, 1888. They Avere the parents of nine children, seven of whom! reached mature years, Avhile, five, aire still liv ing, namely : Carlisle, avIio is a sheet metal worker in Des Moines, Iowa; Jacob M., an attorney of Des Moines; James of this re- vieAv; Sarah R., AA'ife of L. H. Kreigh, post master of Edwin, Stanton county, Kansas; John F., aaIio served through the entire Civil Avar as sergeant of Company K, Tenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and died at the Soldiers' Home in Kansas, in 1891 ; Mary A., the Avife of Al. C. Davis, for many years special examiner in the pension department in AA'ashington, D. C. ; and Seth, Avho for many years Avas engaged in business in Os ceola, IoAva, and died in Texas in 1891. James St. John Avas only two years old when his parents Avent to IoAva, AA'here he was reared to' manhood under the parental roof. He attended the public schools until thirteen years of age and then entered upon an apprenticeship to the tinner's trade at Keosauqua, IoAva, AA'here he remained for eight years, AA'hen, haA'ing attained his major ity, he entered into partnership' AA'ith his father in the establishment of a stove and tinning business in Keosauqua, Iowa. He Avas there located for four years and on tlie expiration of that period be removed into the country in that county, Avhere he im proved a new farm and engaged in agricul tural pursuits for about tAvo years. He next Avent to: Bloomfidd, IoAva, AA'here he conducted a lumber yard for about six years and in 1877 he removed to Kansas, locat ing at Burrton, Harvey county, Avhere he was connected AA'ith the lumber trade for a year. In 1878 he arrh*ed in Hutchinson and organized the Hutchinson Lumber Company, a stock company, of AA'hidi he became pres ident and manager, conducting the enterprise until 1885, Avhen the company Avas merged into the St. John & Alarsh Company, busi ness being carried on under the latter name until 1887 when Mr. St. John disposed of his interest to the Marshes. In 1889, in con nection A\ith Air. McCandless, he purchased the banking business of J. F. Redhead & Company, and continued it under the name of James St. John & Company until 1897, when the bank was sold. The folloAving year Air. St. John established the Hutchin son Lumber & Planing Mill Company, with which he has since been connected as its president. It Avas established on much the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 155 same plan that is iioav folloAved, but the trade has constantly grown in volume and impor tance and the enterprise is iioav accounted one of the leading industrial concerns, of the city. In addition to the manufacture and sale of lumber the company 'does a large .building contract business, employing a number of competent mechanics, as many as from tAventy to twenty-five during the building season. The office of the company is at No. 13 Sherman street, Avest, and the plant on Avenue A, Avest. The present of ficers are James St. John, president; M. H. AA'agner, vice-president ; A. AA" AlcCandless, secretary and treasurer. The firm carries a complete line of lumber and building ma terials of ever}- description and in the plan ing mill employs fifteen operatives. Every branch of their business is Avell managed and is profitable. The partners are men of en terprise, practical, progressive and reliable, and the house sustains an unassailable repu tation in trade circles. Air. St. John is pre-eminently a busi ness man, devoting almost his entire time and attention to his industrial and commer cial affairs. He has never sought or desired office * and has seldom ever consented to accept political positions. His felloAv toAvns- men, however, elected him to the office of city councilman Avhile he resided in Bloom- field and much against his desire he was compelled to accept. In a quiet Avay, how ever, he aids largely in the city's progress and improvement and endorses! every meas ure for the general good. He votes inde pendently, supporting by his ballot the men and measures Avhich he thinks will best ad vance the welfare of the city, state and na tion. On the 25th of December, 1861, Mr. St. John AA-as married to Aliss Margaret Trebil- cock, a daughter of Frank and Anna (Dow- erick) Trebilcock, both of whom Avere na tives of England, while Mrs. St. John was born in Ohio. By her marriage she has be come the mother of three children : Frank T., who is controlling a branch of the lum ber business, located at Frederick, Kansas; Agnes, the wife of A. W. McCandless, the secretary and treasurer of the Hutchinson Lumber & Planing Mill Company; and Mary Avho died in infancy. The parents hold membership in the Presbyterian church, con tribute liberally to its support and1 take an ac tive part in its work. Mr. St. John is one o'f the oldest, best known and most highly respected business men of Hutchinson, hav ing been an active factor in the trade circles of this city for tAventy-three years. While in Iowa he Avas one of the organizers of the Fort Madison Chair Company, which is still in existence, and Avas one Of the organizers and the first president of the Valley State Bank of Hutchinson. Besides his other in terests in this city he owns valuable fruit lands in the stlate cf California. He is a man of superior business force and exec utive poAver, forms his plans readily and is determined in their execution. He has keen foresight and his judgment is rarely, if ever, at fault. His treatment of his employes is just and considerate and. his reputation is one over which there falls no shadoAV of wrong. His splendid success has beea AA-orthily achieved and his career excites the admiration and respect of all. ALEXANDER L. FORSHA. One of the most notable places in Reno county is the ranch and milling property owned by Alexander L. Forsha, a veiv prominent business man Avhose success is the result of his OAvn earnest labors, directed by sound business judgment. His life his tory again proves the truth of the old adage that "the achievement depends1 upon the man." It is not he who Avails for opportu nity to aid him, but the individual avIio can make his opportunity, who can make condi tions serve his purpose that gains AA'ealth. Such has been the career of Colonel Forsha, Avho noAAf resides at a beautiful home in Hutchinson and yet spends much of his, time upon his ranch, his beautiful country seat proving a most attractive feature of the land scape. The Colonel is a native of Oxford, Ohio, born on the 27th of December, 1832, his par- i56 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. entsi being William and Elizabeth (Louis) Forsha, the latter a native of New England. The father was born and reared in New York and was a ship carpenter by trade. In early manhood he removed to Ohio, where he Avas married and soon afterward, in 1836, Avent to Scotland county, Missouri, casting in his lot among its early settlers,. He became an extensive land owner aiad stock raiser and a Avell known and popular citizen actively iden tified with public and official affairs in Scot land county. He spent the last years of his life in retirement from business cares in Alonticello, Missouri. In his family were ' five children : Mary, the Avife of J. Al. Fish, a Avealthy merchant of Eddyville, Iowa; Siles E., avIio is engaged in the real estate business in Los Angeles, California; Alex ander L. ; Lizzie J., wife of Williami F. -Staples, of Los Angeles; and William: B., Avho died at the age of eighteen years. The Colonel AA'as only three years old when the family took up their abode in the new home in Missouri and there amid the Avild scenes of pioneer life he was reared, early becoming familiar with the 'work of the farm, Avhile in the common schools be pur sued his education, also attending St. Charles College. At the age of twenty-two years he engaged in business on his own ac count as a. merchant in Eddyville, Iowa, AA'here he remained for six years, when he re turned to Alissouri, locating in Schuyler county, that state, where he had large landed interests. There he engaged in farming and milling until 1883. He had previously purchased a large tract of railroad land in Reno county, and in that year he disposed of his Missouri property and removed to Hutchinson in order to superintend his groAving business interests here. He had first purchased ten sections of land and here he devoted his attention to the real-estate business. A man of resourceful business ability, he extended his operations to other lines and became one of the founders of the Hutchinson Street Railway Company. In December, 1889, he began improvements on AA'hat has become Avidelv known as the For sha Ranch, then comprising sections 7, 17, 19 and 29 Castleton township, to AA'hich he has added until the place now comprises over four thousand nine hundred and eighty acres. It is conducted as a .stock ranch, AA'here they graze and feed about one thousand head of cattle and sell each year from1 four to five hundred head. Since developing the ranch Air. Forsha has given his chief attention to it, disposing of many of his other business interests. He has a fine residence in Hutch inson, at No. 317 Sherman street, east, which he considers his home, although he spends much of his time on the ranch. In his political views' Mr. Forsha is an ardent Republican and keeping Avell inform ed on the issues of the day is able to support his position by intelligent argument.' His first vote was cast for John C. Fremont and in this he did not follow the example of his father, who Avas first a Whig and then' a Democrat, favoring the slavery position of the south. In his fraternal relations the Colonel is a Mason, having been made a member of the craft many years ago. On the 13th of February, 1862, at Eddy ville, Iowa, Colonel Forsha Avas united in marriage to Miss Jean Irvin, a daughter of James M. and Louisa (Castell) Irvin. She was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and during her infancy was taken by her parents to Nodaway county, Missouri. Later the father removed with his family to Doniphan county, Kansas, and took an ac tive part in the border difficulties attendant upon the settlement of this state. AA'hen the Civil Avar AA'as inaugurated he became a colo nel in the Union army and Avas a brave and loyal officer. He served as a member of the first senate of Kansas and left the impress of his individuality upon the early history of the state. He died March 7, 1900, at his home in Pasadena, California, Avhere for several years he had lived ai retired life. In his family were six children, of Avhom four are now living : Frank, of Los Angeles, California; Airs. Forsha; Flora, the wife of E. E. Ward, a business man of Chanute, Kansas; and Emma L., the widow of Jo seph L. Barbee, of Chicago. One son, Wal ter, Avho AA'as connected with railroad service, died in West Virginia in 1898. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Forsha have been born two sons: BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '57 Fred A., who is vice president of the Na tional Live Stock Company, of Kansas City, Chicago and Omaha, and resides ini the first mentioned place; and Sam \Y., aaIio carries on the Forsha ranch. This ranch has become a aaluable and remunerative property under the personal supervision of Sam. AAr. Forsha, Avho. since its establishment has been in charge of the place. His ability as a financier and man ager is amply demonstrated by the success and profitable results of one of the largest and most compldely equipped and systemat ically conducted stock ranches in southern or central Kansas. One thousand acres are planted to' alfalfa, about three hundred and fifty are cultivated in forage crops and the remainder is pasture land. The first im provement AA'as made on the ranch in 1889, a small house being erected, in Avhich Sam W. Forsha slept for the first time on the 24th of December, although the house Avas not completed until the 2d of January, 1890. Business avas first carried on exclusively as a stock ranch and cribs Avere erected1 for one hundred thousand bushels of corn Avhich would be required for feeding purposes. In July, 1895, a new department avas added to the business by the erection of a mill, avhich was built largely for their oavii use in grind ing feed for the cattle, but an increasing cus tom trade induced them to erect a modern mill and in Alay and June, 1899, Avork on the Forsha Roller Mills Avas carried forward to compldion, the plant constituting a three- story building, equipped Avith the latest im proved machinery, and having a capacity of one hundred and seventy-five barrels per day. Mr. Forsha and his son have demon strated their ability to manufacture as: good flour as can be produced in the country and they have a large and constantly increasing patronage. Their principal brands are Peer less, Standard and Eakers' Delig't, and these are Avdl known throughout central and southern Kansas and in the Indian Terri tory. They also ship largely for the export trade, and in addition to the merchant trade they have a large custom trad^and exchange covering an area of from twenty-five to thirty miles. The mill is operated by power furnished from a large Corliss engine. In connection AA'ith the mill is a large storage room, for mill products, fifty by seventy-two feet, steel covered. The mill in all its equip ments is strictly in line with all general im provements and is in keeping AA'ith the1 mod ern stock ranch on AA'hich it is located. Since it has been remodeled it grindsi from; eighty to one hundred thousand barrels annually. They sell at the door all coarse mill prod ucts, besides shipping* from tAventy to thirty car leads each year. The Forsha mill and ranch creates! a good demand and excellent local market for both wheat and corn. The feed lots and yards are arranged with a view to convenience and economizing time. There are large roofed feed sheds and a large dou ble barn for winter feeding, AA'hile substan tial pens and yards are arranged in the man ner of city stockyards. Water is piped from an eighty-foot standpipe mounted on a steel tOAver and thus the feed lots, outbuildings, mill and residence are supplied. There are also tAvo fire plugs AA'ith hose attachments, furnishing adequate fire protection. The place is equipped avith a modern blacksmith shop where a competent mechanic does the Avork in his line for the ranch besides the custom work of the neighborhood. In the yards is a dehorning chute and a sixty thou sand pound Fairbanks stock scale. A well drilling apparatus is kept for sinking their own Avells, AA'hich are located in different parts of the pasture lands. There are alto gether ten Avells and Avindmiilils, avhich fur nish abundant Avater supply. The feeding- is conducted in the most careful and system atic manner, and account being kept of all feed consumed, and the cattle are AA*eighed every thirty days. The care and precision avhich is manifest in the conduct of this large ranch avith its varied interests are a credit to the executive ability of Sam AV. Forsha, the genial and hospitable manager and host. The office and residence at Hutchinson are connected with local and long-distance phones with the ranch, and few conveniences of the modern city home or office are missing at Forsha. The elegant and comfortable residence is three stories in height avith base ment, and is furnished in a manner that is a 158 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. supervision and is justly accounted' one of credit to the good taste of the host. It has all modern conveniences, including furnace heat, hot and cold water, toilet and bath and gas is furnished by their oavii gas plant. The ranch presents an inviting prospect and the Colonel and his avife spend' much of their time there ih the summer months in prefer ence to their elegant city home. In public affairs Sam AA'. Forsha has taken an active part since locating upon the ranch. He is identified avith the, Republican party and is a member of the toavnship cen tral committee. He has also: been a delegate to the county, state, congressional and na tional conventions, and his opinions carry weight in the councils of his party. Frater nally he is a thirty-second degree Mason, holding membership in Friendship1 Lodge, No. 208, F. & A. M. ; Reno Chapter, R. A. Ai. ; and Wichita Consistory, No. 2, A. A. S. R. He is also connected Avith the Com mercial Travelers' Association. Since tak ing charge of the ranch, hoAvever, he has given his attention almost exclusively to its the roost capable and reliable business men in Reno county, possessing sound judgment, keen foresight and earnest purpose. He forms his plans readily and yet not Avithout mature consideration, and is determined in their execution. The Forsha ranch is indeed a creditable monument to the business ability and Avorth of its founder and its manager. JOHN MARCH. For almost a quarter of a century John March has resided upon the farm which is noAV his home, having taken up his abode here in 1877. Kansas tested the bravery, endurance and' faith of her early settlers in the years of pioneer life here, but those avho had the courage and the resolution to meet hardships and difficulties have ultimately been reavarded. "Hard times," occasioned by droughts and grasshoppers, are noAV no longer known. The advent of the railroad has bought all the comforts of civilization knoAvn to the older east, and moreover has afforded shipping facilities so that the citi zens are in direct contact avith the great market centers of the country- to whidi an nually millions of bushels of grain and thou sands of heads of cattle are sent. Air. March is one among the brave pioneers avho faced the trials to eventually Avin success and he is iioav in very comfortable circum stances financially. Aloreover, he has won the high regard of his felloAv tOAvnsmen and one of the popular residents of • Ellsworth county is John Alarch. He Avas born October 29, 1837, in AVel- lingborough, Northamptonshire, England, a son of John and Dinah (Chamberlain) March. The father, who Avas connected Avith the railroad service there, died during the early boyhood of our subject, and Avhen fourteen years of age the latter came to America Avith his uncle, crossing the ocean on the ship Leviathan, avhich avas forty- nine days in making the Neav York harbor. Air. Alarch avent avest to Columbus, Ohio, and remained with his uncle until tweruty- one years of age, avhen he offered his aid to his adopted country for military service, en listing July 22, 1 86 1, as a member of Com pany E, Twentieth Indiana A'olunteer In fantry, which Avas assigned to the Army of tbe Potomac. He participated in the battles of Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, where he served as a sharpshooter during the fight betAveen the Alerrimac and the Alcnitor. He was also in the battles of Fair Oaks, AA'hite Oak Swamp, Alalvern Hill, Alanassas, the second battle of Bull Run, Chantilly, Fred- ricksburg, Chancellorsville and many minor engagements and skirmishes. He avas Avounded by a minie ball AA'hen before Rich mond and AA-as confined in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, AA'ashington, D. C, AA'here his thumb AA'as amputated. He avas also wound ed at Fair Oaks. He received an honorable discharge at Camp Pitcher, Virginia, De cember 24, 1862, on a surgeon's certificate of disability, and then returned to Ohio. From- there Air. March avent to Iowa with the intention of following farming there, but finding that a regiment avas being raised, and the Avar spirit being still strong within him, he re-enlisted at NeAvton, Iowa, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '59 for three years' service, being mustered in at Davenport, ' November 30, 1863, as a member of Company L, Ninth Regiment of Iowa Cavalry. The command avas assigned to the army at the frontier, and he avas mostly on detached service in Arkansas, tak ing part in a number of engagements avith the bushwhackers. They lost one hundred and ninety-four men by death from wounds and disease. At Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 3d of February, 1866, Air. March re ceived his final discharge, and avith a most commendable record for faithful military service and for bravery he returned to his Ohio home. Renting a fanaa in Delaavare county, that state, he continued its operation until 1877, when he came to Kansas, and bought out the man AA'ho had pre-empted the land upon which Mr. Alarch noav resides, giving him one hundred and fifty dollars for his right. He then purchased a yoke of cattle with which he broke the land, and here he has car ried on his farming pursuits ever since. He raised considerable corn at first, as he had a tract of bottom land that never entirely failed of yielding a crop. He has given most of his attention, hoaA'ever, to. the production of Avheat. He has added sixty acres to his land and with the exception of seventy-five acres all is under the plow. The other is largely used for pasturage, for he raises some cattle. On the 20th of September, 1866, Mr. March led to the marriage altar Aliss Alary ' A. Dickinson, a daughter of Edward W. Dickinson, a farmer of Ohio. He Avas born in Northamptonshire, England, and: came to America in the spring of 1851, spending ten years in Saratoga county, New York, after which he removed to' Obio. Unto Mr. and Mrs. March have been born seven children : Emma J. ; John H. ; Edward A., who is farming in Illinois; Margaret, the avife of Bert Story, of Ellsworth township, Ells worth county; Samuel E., a resident farmer of Illinois; Melvina and Charles AL, at home. For eleven or tAvelve years after coming to Kansas the family lived in a small house of only two rooms, but additions Avere made to this and they now have a nice home, Avhile all modern improvements, in the Avay of good buildings, are found upon the place. Air. March continued the active manage ment of the farm until 1900, since which time he has lived practically retired1 in the enjoyment of a well merited rest. In his political views he is a Republican, and for twelve years he has served as treasurer of the school district. He belongs to Ellsworth Post, No.. 22, G. A. R., and attends the ser vices of the Methodist Episcopal church. The years of his life have passed in activity mostly given to business, yet he has never neglected his duties of citizenship' or the: ob ligation of private and social life. ROBERT C. MILLER. Among the Avell known citizens of the flourishing town of Langdon, Kansas, is Robert C. Miller, a farmer and merchant, who Avas born in Washington county, Indi ana, on June 16, 1844, a son of William and Susan (Truman) Miller. William: Aliller, the father of Robert C, avas born in Ten nessee, in 1819, and he died in Georgetown, Indiana, in 1892, at the age of eighty-three years. He married Susan Truman, avho avas born in Kentucky in 18 18, the marriage tak ing place in Indiana about 1839, and there they have followed a farming life. They reared these children j Louise, avho married Thomas J. Tea ford, of Indiana; Robert C, our subject; John N., avho is a -farmer in Kingman county, Kansas; and Charles A., avho resides in Reno county, Kansas. Both parents had been previously married and each had one son, AVilliam Bright, avho lives in Martinsburg, Indiana, and Thomas Mil ler, who died in Vermilion county, Illinois. After the death of the mother of our sub ject, in 1867, the father again married. Robert C. Miller avas reared to farm life and had but feav educational opportunities. At the age of eighteen years he left home to become a soldier, enlisting for service in the Civil war in the Eighty-first Indiana In fantry, becoming a private in Company C, and remained faithful to duty for three' i6o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. years, being mustered out at the close of the war. He did not escape all of the disasters of war, having been captured by the enemy at Lookout Mountain and confined for six and one-half months at the military prison on Belle Isle. On April 8, 1875, Mr. Miller Avas united in marriage to- Fannie, E. Holland, who' Avas born in Sangamon county, Illinois, a daugh ter of AVilliam T. and Julia A. (Hurt) Hol land, the former born in Kentucky and the latter in Menard county, Illinois. Mr. Hol land Avas a carpenter and also a farmer and lived to be sixty-nine years of age, dying on December 14, 1899. They came with their six children to Atchison county, Kan sas, in 1873, and in 1879 removed to Reno county, Airs. Holland still enjoying vigor ous health. Air. and Mrs. Miller began farming as tenants, thus continuing for one year in Atchison county, but in 1874 our subject took up a quarter section of homestead land on section 29, in Langdon township, and in 1876 he and Avife moved o,ut to their land. The first house was what is locally known as a "dugout" and its dimensions were twelve by twenty feet, avith a dirt roof and board floor, and here industry and happiness made it a most comfortable home. This home avas succeeded by a small frame: build ing, fourteen by twenty-four feet in dimen sions, but the contrast is great betaveen it and his present commodious residence, a story and a half in height avith an annex of twenty-six by sixteen feet. One of the feat ures of the place which testifies to the pros perity that reigns is the large red barn, avhich was erected in 1882. As a reavard for his persevering industry Mr. Miller now oavns two hundred and fourteen acres of fine, pro ductive land, and here carries on a general line of farming. He keeps fifty head of cat tle, milks nine or ten coavs and ahvays owns from eight to ten horses. Lie uses one hun dred and sixty acres of his land for the rais ing of wheat and seventy acres for corn. The fine shade trees which adorn the landscape and the tavo hundred and fifty apple trees he planted here, and has thus benefited the lo- 'cality by turning unproductive land into a veritable garden, pleasant to the eye of the public and remunerative to its owner. Since 1887 he has also been engaged in the mer cantile business', his establishment being the first opened in the village proper. Until 1900 his brother avas associated avith him, but since that date he has successfully con ducted it alone, having a very lucrative trade, retaining the customers whom, he first served fourteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had a family of nine children born to them, tavo dying while in fants, the others being as folloavs : William T., a railroad official, living at home; Lou ise, a resident of St. Joseph, Missouri ; Frank B., in charge of the store; Stella A. ; Helen Gertrude; Jessie B., a little lady of nine years; and Howard, a lad of five. In politics Mr. Miller has never wavered in his alle giance to the Republican party, and has serv ed as the efficient township' trustee for two terms, in 1890 was census enumerator, and for two years has been a justice of the peace. Mrs. Jones, of this village, is the postmistress and Mr. Miller is the assistant, the office: be ing located in his store, this being the most centrally located and appropriate building in the tOAvn, and is Air. Miller's oavii prop erty. Socially he is a member of the G. A. R., avhile the religious connection of the fam ily is AA'ith the Christian church. L. E. VERMILLION. For almost a quarter of a century Dr. Vermillion has been a resident of Kansas and to-day he ranks avith the ablest physi cians and surgeons of this portion of the state. He avas born in Loudon county. Vir ginia, April 30, 1850, his birthplace being near Buckland, the family residence. On both the paternal and maternal sides he is descended from old and prominent families of his native state, his ancestors having lo cated in the Old Dominion prior to the Rev olutionary avar. Jonathan Vermillion, the Doctor's father, avas a miller by trade, and in his business affairs avon a high degree of success. Lie avas born in Virginia, and x^^^^^c ?tfJ2>. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 161 there wooed and avon Miss Elizabeth War- ford, who was connected with the Lees and other prominent families of Virginia. She acquired her education there and was a lady of culture, avho' proved to her husband a faithful companion on the journey of life. In his political vieavs Jonathan Vermillion was a stalavart Democrat, and his religious belief avas indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal' church. He was active and zealous in its work and had much influence among the young people by rea son of his genial avays and hearty sympathy and the interest avhich he took in the boys and girls through youth as they approached manhood and womanhood. Socially he avas identified avith the Masonic fraternity. He died .in 1868, at the age of forty-four years, and his avife passed away at the age of forty- eight, loved and respected by all who knew her by reason of her many good qualities of head and heart. This worthy couple were the parents of three children: Lou in E., of this revieav; Oscar, of Sullivan coun ty, Indiana; and Mrs. Annie Pascoe, of Great Bend, Kansas. In taking up the personal history of Dr. Vermillion ave present to our readers a life record avhich cannot fail to prove of interest, for the subject is so widely and favorably knoavn in this portion of Kansas. He avas reared in Virginia and in Clark county, Illinois, near York, pursuing his educaton in the common schools and in the high school and academy near his home. De termining to make the practice of medicine his life avork, he began study under the di rection of Dr. Beard, of Rice county, Kan sas, and further continued his studies in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Keo- ,kuk, Iowa, avhere he avas graduated with honor in the class of 1890. In the mean time, hoAvever, in 1890, he had begun prac tice in Mitchell, where he remained until 1892, Avhen he came to Lyons and opened an office. From the beginning of his prac tice here he has met AA'ith a high degree of success. When called upon to attend some difficult cases he soon demonstrated his abil ity to handle the intricate problems that fall ,to the lot of the medical practitioner and has since enjoyed a constantly increasing success. By reading and study he keeps in touch avith the advanced thought and prog ress made by the medical science as exem plified in the avork of the fraternity, and his labors have been of great value to the community in avhich he is located, as avell as proving- a source of good income to him self. In 1871 Dr. Vermillion avas united in marriage to' Aliss Amelia G. Ball, avho avas^ born in York, Clark county, Illinois, a daughter of Aaron and Susan (Bennett) Ball, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Neav York. Her father is noav deceased. Unto Dr. and Airs. Vermillion were born four children : Jonathan, of Kan sas City, Missouri; Carl, avho is living in Lyons; Mrs. Mary Suttle, of Rice county, Kansas ; and Clyde, avho is yet under the parental roof. Mrs. Vermillion died Feb ruary 19, 1883, and October 5, 1887, Dr. Vermillion avas united in marriage to Aliss Ida Nichols, of Kingsville, Alissouri. To this union have been born six children, viz. : Archie, Harry Percival, Grace, Charlie, who died at the age of three years, Louin Edgar, Jr., and Frank. The Doctor exer cises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Democracy, and socially he is connected avith the Alasonic fraternity and avith the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, exemplifying in his life the beneficent spirit of those orders, avhich recognize the brotherhood of mankind and the claims of humanity for forbearance, charity and aid. He is likewise a repre sentative of the Ancient order of United Workmen. Both he and his avife hold mem bership in the Methodist Episcopal church, of avhich he is serving as trustee. The Doc tor is iioav acting as physician for the Mis souri Pacific Railroad Company and his standing in his profession is indicated by the fact that he is chairman of the Rice County Medical Society. He is a man .of fine per sonal appearance, being six feet and two inches in height and Aveighing-. tAvo hundred and thirty pounds. His manner is frank and l62 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. courteous, and he avins friends Avherever he goes. As a citizen he is public spirited and progressive. The causes of education, of temperance and of morality are all dear to his heart, and he is a champion of every measure calculated to prove of general good. •-•--* CHARLES P. MILLER. One of the best knoAvn farmers of Ger man birth in Reno county, Kansas, is Charles P. Aliller, of section 3, Huntsville town ship, avhose post office address is Huntsville. Like most American citizens of his nation ality he is a man. of enterprise and thrift who. believes in doing for the community in avhich he lives as much as the community can possibly do for him. Charles. P. Miller avas born in the old family home of the Millers on the Rhine^ in Germany, July 29, 1835, a son of John Mil ler, Avho owned lands and mill property and avho died in Germany in 1837, leaving a AvidoAv and five children, three of avhom are sons. Mrs. Miller disposed of her property in her native land and avith some little cap ital came to. America with her children about 1845. She located in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and died at the residence of her son, George F Miller, -a successful farmer jn Franklin county, Alissouri, in 1872, aged seventy-five years. The subject of this sketch received a fair education in- Germany and avas reared on a farm about five miles from Cleveland, Ohio, which avas owned by his mother. In 1857 sbe sold her land in Ohio, and with many others, avent to Alis souri, avhere cheap and good land avas pro curable at that time and avhere they bought one hundred and eighty acres and later eighty acres'. This property avas purchased by Charles P Miller and his brother, George F., and is located in Franklin county, Mis souri, fifty-four miles avest of St. Louis. August 16, i860, Mr. Miller married Sophronia Paulina Woodland, avho avas born in Missouri, in 1835, a daughter of James AVoodland. August 23, 1863, cur subject enlisted in Company D, Eleventh Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry, with avhich he saw active service until he was honorably discharged, January 15, 1866. He avent into the service as a private and came out avith the rank of a corporal. He went to Stafford county, in western Kan sas, in 1879, and in 1883 removed to Hunts ville township, Reno county, where he bought one hundred and sixty acres of un improved prairie land, in the following year, for ten hundred and. forty dollars. He had previously sold his eighty-acre farm in Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have had three sons and three daughters, all but one of whom, are married. Their son, John Thom as Miller, who is unmarried, manages his father's homestead. Ferdinand, born May 8, 1861,'is a farmer in Oklahoma, and has three sons. Eliza Jane married Jacob Dean and has tavo children. She lives in Kansas City, Kansas. Charles Aliller is a farmer in Oklahoma territory. He is married but has no children. Amelia married John Speniol, of Livingston county, Illinois, and1 has tAvo sons and a daughter. Emma married Oron Saxton, and lives in Hayes township. When Mr. Aliller entered the army as a volunteer it Avas not Avithout a good knowl edge of the perils he Avould be called upon to endure, for he had seen active service in the home guard, and his services in behalf of the flag avere so avell appreciated that he is the recipient of a pension of seventeen dollars a month. Politically he is an inde pendent voter. He is a Protestant and has been guided through life by the Golden Rule. A man of much public spirit, he has given an active and liberal support to every movement avhich in his good judgment has promised to benefit his toavnship and county. F. H. NORRIS. Among the enterprising business men of Geneseo is F. H. Norris, avho is at the head of an extensive mercantile establishment. He avas born in Van Buren county, Iowa, Jan uary 8, 1856, a son of S. M. Norris, who avas called to the home beyond in 1900, at BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. '.63 the ripe old age of eighty-five years. He was a member of a prominent and influen tial Indiana family. His Avife bore the maid en name of Racbel Moore, andl they were the parents of seven children, five sons and two daughters. One son, R. M. Norris, is now an enterprising business man of Paw nee county, Kansas. F. H. Norris was reared under the pa rental roof and received a good common- school education. He came to Kansas in 1884, locating in Hodgman county, avhere he was engaged in business for three years. On the expiration of that period, in 1887, he took up his abode in Rice county, avhere he has since been identified with its mercan tile interests. He is now recognized as one of the leading merchants of Geneseo. His large store is located in the bank block, and there he carries a large line of dry goods, boots, shoes, groceries and everything to be found in a first-class establishment of that kind. When twenty-four years of age he was united in marriage with Miss Viola Brook, a lady of intelligence and culture, who was born, reared and educated in Iowa. Her father, William Brook, is now deceased. Three children have come to bless the home of Mr. and Airs. Norris, — Earl F., Cecil B. and Fern. Our subject is a Mason and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as a member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in him a Avarm friend. He is a public-spir ited and progressive citizen, lending his aid and co-operation to every movement for the public good an is a reliable business man avho fully merits the confidence reposed in him. HANDSEL A. ABBOTT. Kansas, which before the Civil war avas the theatre of dire sectional strife, is now ground common to both federal and' confed erate avhere they may not only talk over the events of those days of battle and of death from 1861 to 1865, but avhere they meet as friends and live together as brothers. This thought is suggested by the fact that Kansas contains a large percentage of citizens from the south, and these are among her most progressive, successful and highly appre ciated business men. Of the prominent citi zens of Reno county of southern birth and experience none is1 known more widely or more favorably than the gentleman avhose name is above, and none has better reasons for remembering the Civil war and the -sec tional hate and personal animosity avhich avere engendered by the causes, avhich led to it and avere fostered by its strenuous activ ities. Handsel A. Abbott, of the firm of Abbott & Henshaav, dealers in lumber, hardware, grain and coal, at Plevna, Reno county, Kansas, was born on Lookout Mountain, Franklin county, Tennessee, Alay 26, 1853, and his' earliest recollections are of those days and scenes which so sorely tried' men's souls in every part of the United States. His father, Thomas' Henry Abbott, avas born near Atlanta, Georgia, in 1818, and died' at East St. Louis, Illinois, in June, 1899. His mother avas Huldah L. Simmons, and she came of an old Georgia family. Thomas Henry and Huldah L. (Simmons) Abbott had four sons and three daughters, of avhom in order of birth the subject of this sketch was the third son and fourth child. All of their children except tavo of the daughters are living. Monroe, who is a cattle rancher in northwest Texas, Avas through the avhole period of the Civil war captain of a mili tary company in the Confederate service. Louisa, Elizabeth ' died: at the age of twenty-seven, leaving one son. George B., a dealer in lumber and coal at East St. Louis, Illinois, has tavo daughters. Handsel A. is the immediate subject of this sketch. Lorenzo Doav, a dealer in lumber and coal at East St. Louis, Illinois', has a daughter. Julia Ann died at about the age of thirty years and left one daughter. Lydia N. is the wife of a Mr. Doyle, of AlcPherson county, Kansas. The mother of these chil dren avas born in 18 19 and1 died at East St. Louis, Illinois, in 1896. Thomas Henry Abbott avas by profes- 164 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sion a dentist and was the owner of a sec tion of land and of about three slaves, and his AA'ife's parents avere planters and slave owners. Notwithstanding the fact that his financial interests might have appeared to be jeopardized by such action, he enlisted in the federal army at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1861, and served much of the time for three years as a scout and as a guide to the" Union froces. He avas tavice captured, and once, with a rope around his neck, avas threatened avith a speedy death, but Avas saved through recognition as a member of the Masonic order by some of the leaders of these Avould- be executioners. Once, while he Avasi on a visit to his old home, enemies approached and he Avas obliged to flee and Avas pursued by bloodhounds. He managed to climb into a mulberry tree, from avhich he fired at the dog's until they avere all dead, after avhich he escaped to the.Union camp at Huntsville, Alabama. So strong avas the feeling against Union men in his vicinity that he found it impossible to remain there and, sacrificing all his property, including several blooded horses and considerable other fine stock, he escaped avith his family, and they made their Avay to Alattoon, Illinois, where he joined them at the close of the avar. Mr. Abbojft avho Avas a Avell educated man of gentle manly bearing and avas known as a temper ance advocate, avas an outspoken abolition ist before the avar began and avas averse to the avar. Tavo attempts avere made to con script him and compel him to do duty as a Confederate soldier, but those who made them avere outavitted and as has been stated he did everything in his power to aid, the federal cause. Handsel A. Abbott avas married Alay 26, 1882, to Aliss Ida Campbell of Plevna town ship, Reno county, avho Avas born at Bay City, Alichigan, a daughter of N. R, and Al- mira( Dickson) Campbell, natives of the state of New York, and early settlers at Bay City. In August, 1873, Mr. Campbell went Jto Plevna township and' secured three hundred and twenty acres of land, partly on a home stead claim and partly on a tree claim, and his son, J. AV. Campbell, took up one hun dred and sixty acres on a homestead claim. At that time no one lived where the village of Plevna has since grown up, and the Campbells had but one neighbor within four miles. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell reared six children, all that were born to them and all are living in central Kansas. Mr. Campbell died in January, 1892, at the age of seventy- two and his Avidow removed from: their farm to Plevna, Avhere she is living, aged sixty- nine years. Mrs. Abbott's mother, Airs. Almira (Dickson) Campbell, avas born in Taberg, Oneida county, Neav York, June 30, 1832, a daughter of George and Sarah (Smart) Dickson. Her father, avho avas a foundry- man, reared seven children to years of ma turity and five of them married. At this time there are living Mrs. Abbott's aunt, Adelia (Dickson) Berry, in Lebanon coun ty, Pennsylvania, and her uncle, O. A. Dick son, of AA^est Alton, Missouri. N. R. Camp bell, Mrs. Abbott's' father, avas born in Erie county, New York, in 1820, and avas mar ried in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, in 1850, to Almira Dickson, and they settled at Bay City, Michigan, avhere he avas em ployed' in lumber mills.. X. R. and Almira (Dickson) Campbell had six children, as follows: J. AA7"., a farmer near Plevna, and has tavo sons; Ida, the avife of Handsel A. Abbott; J. J., of Hutchinson, Kansas, and has four children ; Dean, avho married John AV. Hanon, avho lives near Plevna, and they have four children; Julia, avho married A. T. Dunham, of Plevna, and has six children- Georgia, avho married AVilliam H. Mitchell, and has tavo children. Mr. Campbell avent from Oakland county, Michigan, to Plevna toavnship in the fall of 1872 and avas a suc cessful farmer until he avas stricken by par alysis, avhich for tavo years before his death made him a helpless invalid. Air. and Airs. Abbott haA-e a, daughter of eighteen years avho is iioav securing an edu cation and giving much attention to music, being an accomplished musician on the piano. She is taking lessons from1 one of the best teachers in Hutchinson. Mr. Abbott is a, member of the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs, of the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica and of the Good Templars. He is a man BIOGRAPPIICAL HISTORY. 165 of much public spirit and is well and widely known through central Kansas. He came to the state with his parents in 1870, locat ed in Plevna township in 1880 and bought a half section of land and engaged in stock- raising. He located in Plevna in 1885 and bought out the Knapp, Stout & Company's enterprise for three thousand dollars. He new does a prosperous business, aggregat ing about tAventy thousand dollars' annually. His lumber plant is a good one, with a com modious office and ample sheds for dry lum ber. His hardware store is one of the best in his part of the state, and besides selling- much hardware and building material he sells a considerable number of buggies and wagons every year. He built his modern two-story residence in 1886, and his home is one of the pleasantest in Plevna. He owns about five acres of village property, on which he has built several houses for sale and lease. An enterprising, successful man, he is re- .garded as one of the prominent citizens of his county and is highly respected by a wide circle of acquaintances,. JOHN J. MEASER. If a special blessing awaits the one who makes tavo blades of grass grow avhere one greav before how many blessings should be showered upon one who has turned acres of sandy and unproductive land into fruitful orchards, delightful both to the eye and to the palate! This has been accomplished by one of the prominent and deservedly suc cessful citizens of Reno'' township, Reno county, Kansas, who has been a resident of the state since 1881. John J. Measer, the subject of this re- vieav, avas born in Tioga county, New York, near Oavego, on June 16, 1839, a, son of Peter and Dora (Stauff) Measer, the form er of avhom avas born in Germany but after their marriage came to America and located upon avild land in Tioga county, New York. There he cleared a fine farm' and there the parents passed the remainder of their lives, dying consistent members of the Lutheran church. Mr. Measer was the seventh and youngest member of their family and re mained at home, in attendance at school and at work on the farm, until he avas taventy- one years of age. During a part of the Civil war he was connected avith the construction department, with headquarters at Chatta nooga, Tennessee, and assisted in the build ing of the bridge at Loudon and helped to rebuild all the bridges between Chattanooga and Atlanta, Georgia. He was on his way home at the time of the assassination of President Lincoln. After his return from the Avar he remained at his old home in New York for one year, after which for the fol lowing three years he was engaged in farm ing iri Kendall county, Illinois, and he then came to Kansas, securing a homestead in Pottawatomie county. He had Avisely brought his team with him, and he broke his land and engaged in grain sowing and in planting nursery stock, continuing in that line until he came to: Reno county, in 1881, the former county not yielding sufficient re ward for his effort on account of its hilly and rocky character. After locating in this county, upon a quarter section of land pur chased from the Santa Fe Railroad', he be gan in the same industrious aa-ay avhich had partially rewarded him at his former home. This avas then avild prairie and he under went all his former pioneer experiences. At first he cultivated grain, but .his inclinations were in the direction of nursery planting, and' with his knowledge, observation and ex perience he believed he could grow as fine fruit on his land as on any other. His neighbors gave him much advice upon the subject of a very discouraging nature, but Mr. Measer persisted and soon had his sandy acres covered avith flourishing peach, apple, cherry and plum trees, avhich have never failed to produce the best and most luscious fruit to be found in the county. He owns tavo hundred and forty acres of land and raises corn, avheat and oats, but forty acres of his land is covered with his orchard. The only fruit he does not attempt to raise is pears, as he has found' they blight in this climate. Mr. Measer has been quite a trav eler, going from1 one ocean to the other and 1 66 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. far both north and south, and has been a close observer in every locality. In addition to his other industries he has an apiary, con sisting of seventy colonies of bees, and has a local market for all of his honey. Mr. Measer is also a breeder of fine poultry and owns some of the finest specimens of geese in the state, having imported them from Ioava, and they are known as the Toulouse breed. The marriage of Air. Aleaser occurred in New York, in 1862, to Jane AViggins, a native of that state and a daughter of Henry Wiggins. Seven children avere born of this marriage, one of avhom, Charles, died at the age of seventeen. The others are: William, avho is a farmer in this township; Mary, the avife of Carl Jacobson, of Portland, Oregon ; Sadie, noav Airs. Casey, and a resident of Ioava; Jessie, the avife of E. Al. Corrie and resides on the homestead ; Freda, avho lives in Hutchinson; and Millie, at home. In 1899 Air. Aleaser remodeled and rebuilt his residence and noav owns one of the most attractive and delightful homes in Reno county. His success has been so remark able and his surroundings are so delightful that the Orange Judd Farmer, a large agri cultural journal, devoted its front page in its issue of Alarch 2, 1901, to a. picture of Mr. Aleaser and his beautiful home. In pol itics he is in sympathy with the Republican party, but has never consented to. accept of ficial position. Fraternally he is connected Avith the Independent Order of Odd Fel- loavs, Avhile he has long been a leading mem ber and a cheerful and liberal supporter of the Presbyterian church. JOHN GILCHRIST. Among the honored pioneers and repre sentative citizens of Kingman county none are more highly respected than John Gil christ, Avho now owns a, fine farm on sec tions 14 and 15, Ninnescah toavnship. He is a native of the land of hills and heather, his birth having occurred in the county of Argyle, Scotland, in November, 1842, the same year in which King Edavard avas born. The parents of our subject were Neal and Isabella (Gillis) Gilchrist, also natives of the highlands of Scotland, and they spoke the Gaelic language. The father avas acci dentally killed while yd in the prime of life, passing away at the early age of thirty-seven years. He was honored and respected by all who had the pleasure of bis acquaintance, and at his death he left a avidoav and four children, — John, of this revieAV ; Duncan, of Canada ; Dugald, AA'ho was accidentally killed at a barn raising; and Jane McLean, of Can ada. John Gilchrist, avhose name introduces this review, Avas but a lad of tAvelve years avhen Avith his parents he left the land of his nativity for the new world, the family locat ing in St. Thomas, County Elgin, Canada. At the age of fifteen years he Avas appren ticed to learn the shoemaker's trade, and during the greater part of his business career he has folloaved that occupation. In 1864 he came to the United States, and for some years thereafter he resided in different local ities, traveling through Michigan, Illinois and Indiana, and at Detroit, Michigan, he was employed by McGraw, Smith & Bald- Avin. The latter aftenvard became governor of that state. For a time he also Avorked at his trade in Alonrovia, Indiana, and Avas there married. Mr. Gilchrist remained in the Hoosier state from 1867 to 1878, during AA-hich time he made a visit to his old home in Canada, and then came to Kansas in the latter year, aaliere he secured a claim and also folloaved his trade in AVichita and Kingman for a number of years. In recent years, however, he has 'abandoned the shoemaker's trade and noav devotes his entire time and attention to the farm, avhich consists of three hundred and twenty acres of excellent and avell cultivated land on sections 14 and 15, Ninnescah toavnship, Kingman county. In addition to the raising of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate he is also engaged quite extensively in stock-raising, and in both branches of his business he is meeting avith a high and well merited degree of success. The lady avho now bears the name of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 167 Mrs. Gilchrist avas in her maidenhood Miss Sarah Broavn. She is a daughter of Stephen and Ann (Wass) Brown. Six diildren have blessed the union of our subject and avife, four sons and tAvo daughters, namely : Ste phen, of Gary, Oklahoma ; Neal, in the res taurant business in Alva, Oklahoma ; Bruce, at home; Finley, avho is iioav twenty-one years of age; Lula J., a prominent and suc cessful teacher of this county; Laura, a1 maiden of sixteen years. Tavo of their chil dren have also passed away in death, — Belle, avIio died at the age of eight years ; and Du- gald, aaIio died at the age of six months. Mr. Gilchrist gives his political support to the People's party, and religiously his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He holds to the old Presbyterian faith. of his fathers. HARVEY WIGGINS. The agricultural interests of Rice county are well represented by Harvey AViggins, who devotes his time to farming and stock- raising in Atlanta toavnship. For twenty- six years he has resided in this locality. He was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, No vember 3, 1849, an^i is a son OI Benjamin Wiggins, whose birth occurred on the same farm,- aiid he is noAV eighty-one years of age. The grandfather, Edward AViggins, AA*as born in the panhandle of AA^est Vir ginia. His parents, hoavever, avere natives of Ireland, and AA'hen young people left the Emerald Isle for the neav Avorld. Remov ing from1 his native state Edavard Wiggins took up his abode in Coshocton county, Ohio, on Wills creek, a branch of Muskin gum river. There he cleared a tract of land and developed a farm, upon which he made his home from. 1807 until his death. His son, Benjamin Wiggins, avas there reared amid the wild scenes of frontier life and became familiar with pioneer experiences in Ohio. Having attained man's estate he married Jemima Magnus, avho avas born in Coshocton county, a daughter of George Magnus. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins avere born ten children, of whom six are living, namely: Edward, avho was a sol dier in the Union army and is now living in Coshocton county; Samuel, who has a similar record for army service and is also a resident of Coshocton county; John, avho avore the blue during the Civil war and noav makes his home in Rice county, Kansas; Harvey, of this review; Airs. Alary Will iams, of Coshocton county ; and Mrs. Aman da Workman, avho is living in the same county. Those avho have passed aavay are: Seth, avIio died at the age of thirty years; Benjamin, avho died at the age of ten years ; and tAvo who died in infancy. The mother reached the, psalmist's span of three-score years and ten and then departed this life, honored and respected by all avho kneav her. The father, hoavever, has reached the age of eighty-one years and is still living on the ancestral home in Coshocton county, avhere throughout his active business career ha carried on farming and stock-raising. In politics he avas a stanch Republican and gave three of his sons to the Union dur ing the Civil avar. Like him they avere all stanch admirers of Lincoln. Honored and respected he has lived an upright life and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of young and old, rich and poor, wherever he is knoavn. Harvey AViggins, the avell known resi dent farmer of Atlanta toavnship, Rice coun ty, avas reared on the old homestead, and the ploAving, planting and harvesting be came familiar to him in youth. His liter ary training AA-as received in the public schools of Ohio. At the age of twenty-tavo years he avas united in marriage to Isabella Sturtz, avho avas born in Muskingum coun ty, Ohio, a daughter of Adam and Jane (AViggins) Sturtz, of that state. The young couple began their domestic life in his na tive county, Avhere they resided until 1875, AA'hen they removed to Jefferson county, Ne braska, but after five months there passed came to Rice county, Kansas. Here Mr. Wiggins purchased a homestead claim, upon which he yet resides. He has greatly im- i68 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. nroved it, making it one of the valuable farms of the county, and his tract of land of three hundred and tAventy acres yields to him a g"ood return. Its improvements are modern and indicate his progressive spirit. A comfortable residence, a substantial barn, sheds, an orchard and richly cultivated fields give evidence of his thrift and care. He also has three hundred and tAventy acres of fine land in Alitchell tOAvnship', Rice county, and is thus extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits. Stock-raising has also proved to him a profitable source of income. In 1884 Air. AViggins Avas called upon to mourn the loss of his Avife, avIio died Sep tember 21, of that year, in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Avhich she was a consistent member. She Aa*as also a devoted avife and mother and a kind neigh bor. She had three children : Ada, noav the avife of David Foreman, of Harrington, Kansas; Ella, avife of Daniel Brubaker of Washita county, Oklahoma; and Jesse, avho married Delia Alonroe and resides in Alitch ell toavnship, Rice county. On the 22c! of February, 1888, Air. Wiggins avas joined in avedlock to Mary E. Brubaker, an estimable lady, aaho was born in Greene county, Ten nessee, her parents being Jonathan and Mar garet (Carter) Brubaker. Her father was born in Virginia and has now passed away, but her mother is living in Rice county. He devoted his energies to agricultural pur suits until his life's labors avere ended in death, avhen he had attained the age of sixty- three. In politics he avas a Democrat, and was an elder in the German Baptist church, in avhich his avife also held membership, while his children are of the same religious faith. In the Brubaker family avere four daughters and three sons, namely: Nancy, Mary E., Margaret, John, Benjamin, AVill iam and Lucy. The marriage of Air. a,nd Mrs. Wiggins has been blessed avith four children,— John F., Leora AL, Blanche and Harvey Stanley. In his political views Mr. Wiggins is a Republican, and has served as township' treasurer, avhile for fifteen years he has labored earnestly and effectively as a member of the school board. His Avife belongs to the German Baptist church. His landed possessions comprise six hundred and forty acres in Rice county, and his property- is the visible evidence of a life of usefulness and activity. He is a champion of educa tion, temperance and morality, and is re garded as one of the valued, progressive and upright citizens of his adopted county. JUDGE AV. B. CONNER. Judge W B. Conner is an honored pio neer settler of Rice county." He came to this portion of the state many years ago and found the broad prairies unmarked by the homes of sdtlers, the land being in its primitive condition. AArild prairie grass, Avaving in the Avind, resembled a billowy sea of green. Buffaloes, antelopes and other wild animals found here excellent pasturage, and the most far-sighted could not have dreamed that Avithin a brief interval of time a. great transformation could have taken place, changing the broad prairies into rich ly cultivated farms. In the Avork of im provement and progress Air. Conner has borne his part, and his name is thus insep arably interwoven AA'ith the history of cen tral Kansas, in whose advancement and im provement he feels just and commendable pride. He avas born in Butler county, Ohio, April 7, 1825, and avas reared to the hon-: est toil of the farm, avhile in the common schools he pursued his education. His par ents, James a.nd Jane (Brooks) Conner, were both natives of Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, and Avere there married, while the grandfather, Caliph Conner, was born on the green isle of Erin. Crossing the Atlantic to the new world, he took up his abode in the Keystone state and became a prominent farmer there, following that pursuit until life's labors were ended in death. He had but tAvo children, the elder Q-ynn^tSz^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 169 dying in Pennsylvania. Both the grandfa thers were soldiers of the Revolutionary- war. James Conner, the father of our subject, remained in that state until his marriage and soon afterward removed to Butler coun ty, Ohio, becoming one of the pioneer set tlers there. He entered land from the gov ernment, developed a farm and there re mained until 1829, Avhen he removed to' Montgomery county, Indiana, where he again purchased land and carried on farm ing. On selling that property he Avent to Kankakee county, Illinois, Avhere he pur chased a farm, but after his children were married and had left home he broke up housekeeping and Avent to live Avith a daugh ter in Iroquois county, Illinois, Avhere he died in 1863, at the venerable age of eighty-eight years. In early life he had learned the trade of a stone and brick mason, and also weaving, but during the greater part of his business career he carried on agricult ural pursuits. In politics he Avas a sta-ncli Democrat, yet never aspired to' office. Reared in the faith of the Presbyterian church, he ahvays' adhered to that doctrine, and Avas a man of stern disposition and sturdy integrity. His children Avere : James, Avho died in Ness county, Kansas; Eleanor, deceased Avife of E. Richardson; Agnes, Avho married L. Tender and after his death became the Avife of Rev. E. Sargent; Su sanna, the wife of J. R. Frogg; Elizabeth, Avho married A. R. Frogg; Mary, the wife of J. Wadkins; AV. B., of this revieAv;' John, who died in Ioava; and Martha, who died in childhood. AV. B. Conner aaas reared in Indiana, where his parents remained, during his early childhood. He remained at home until eight een years of age, when he avent to Will county, Illinois, and secured a claim. Subse quently he sold that property and entered another tract of land, on avhich he made improvements. On again selling out he re moved to Ioava and entered land in Mahaska county, making it his home for tavo years, when he disposed of the same and returned to Will county, Illinois. There he purchased and sold a farm and bought another one, and on the second place he remained until 1872, aahen he again disposed of his prop erty and came to Kansas, locating in Rice county. Here he secured three claims and homesteaded a pre-emption and a tree claim, all of avhich he proved up and still oavns the land, yet residing on the old homestead claim. At different times he purchased other property and has sold four hundred acres, but still owns a tract of more than four hundred acres. He was first to lo cate upon the farm Avhich has since been his place of abode, and it Avas then five miles distant to the home of any neigh bor. He hauled lumber from the tOAvn of EllsAvorth in order to. build his house. Game of all kinds Avas plenti ful, a.nd from his oavh doorwapy he has shot buffaloes. Wild geese and other kinds of game Avere also- in the neighborhood. Mr. Conner brought Avith him horse teams and soon began breaking his land, carrying on stock farming". His home became self-sus taining, although at times crops have not been A*ery good, and in 1874 the grasshop pers destroyed nearly everything raised in this section of the country. Many' people became dissatisfied and left Kansas, but it was a. time of merely temporary depression, as almost uniformly the fields yield good crops, SO' that the farmers have a. splendid return for the labor and time Avhich .they bestOAV in cultivation. Many years have passed since Judge Conner first won a place among the substantial citizens of the county. In addition to general farming he has en gaged in stock-raising, and his labors in this direction have been crowned avith pros perity. While residing in Indiana: the Judge was united in marriage, in 1846, to Miss Betsy A. Mullen, Avho AA'as born in Ohio, but Avas reared in Indiana, and was a daughter of Samuel Mullen, of New Jersey. Her father was a, cooper by trade, but folloaved farming through much of his life. He died in Indiana. His children were: Asenath, Avho became the Avife of P. Mitchell; Betsy A., Avife of Judge Conner; AA^illiam, a banker, who died in Winfield, Kansas; Al- myra, who married H. Harlan and after his 170 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. death became the Avife, of John Rose, Avhile her third husband avas John Funk; and Kelsey, avho. completes the family. The parents avere members of the Alethodist church. By his first marriage Judge Con ner had five children : James, noav of Chi cago ; John, avIio died in Rice county ; Airs. Matilda J. Rife; Alary, the Avife of James Pogue; and Abraham L. The mother avas a consistent member of the Methodist church from the age of eight , years. She avas called to the home prepared for the righteous in September, 1872. In 1873 the Judge married Mrs. Sabine Ambrose, a Avidoav, and a daughter of Oaven Johns, of Ohio, avIio removed to Illinois and in 1872 came to Kansas, locating in Rice county. He built a hotel at Atlanta, avhich he car ried on for some time. He also OAvned a farm, and when Lyons avas made the county seat he removed bis hotel property to that place and there resided until his death. He voted avith the Democracy. His chil-. dren avere : Oaven, a resident of Wilson county, Kansas; AA'illiam; Mrs. Jane Chis- 011; Mattie, the Avife of a, Alethodist mis sionary .minister; Sabine; and Belle, the avife of John Keys. The marriage of the Judge and Airs. Conner has been blessed avith four children : Cora, noav the avife of E. AA'ilson; Alary, aaho is attending college; Frank B., at home; and Hugh, avho is a student in AAmifield College. Judge Conner has ever been knoavn for his marked loyalty to his country and its interests, and during the avar of the rebel lion he enlisted as a defender of the Union, joining the army in AAT11 county, Illinois, in 1862, for three years' service or during the AA'ar. Lie became a member of the One Hundredth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, un der command of Colonel Fred Bartleson, and AA-as assigned to the Army of the Cum berland, with the Fourth Corps, Second Division, Third Brigade. Lie saw much arduous service, Avas in many skirmishes and in eighteen hotly contested battles, went on many long and tedious marches and Avas avith General Thomas on the campaign after General Li'ood. On the 19th of September. 1864, at Chiekamauga, he was struck by a minie ball in the right shoulder. He acted as chief sergeant of his company and was detailed to- serve as com mander at Gallatin for four months. His AAOund troubled him and he was granted a forty days' furlough, but as he had not recaa'ered on the expiration of that period the time was extended to eighty days. He then joined his command, with avhicb he re mained until the close of the war, and was at Bull's Gap. at the time of General Lee's surrender. Alustered out at Nashville, Ten nessee, he then returned to Chicago, aahere he received an honorable discharge, after AA'hich he madef his AAay home. He had been reared in the Democratic faith, but in 1856, when the Republican party was or ganized, he voted for Fremont and contin ued Avith the party until Grant's second term, AA'hen he joined the Greenback party. Later he assisted in organizing the Reform or Populist party, attending- its conventions and doing everything in his poAA*er for its progress. He avas a delegate to the first county Republican convention in Rice coun ty, but he there bolted and had many fol- loavers and admirers who nominated him for the office of probate judge, to avhich he was elected by a large majority, being the second person chosen to that office in Rice county. During his term he resided in At lanta,, then the county seat. He has ahvays been a, leading factor in political circles, has been active in naniing successful candi- dates and his opinions carry Aveight and in fluence in party councils. During his early life he studied laav and Avas the first young man admitted' to the bar in Rice county, but , he has nea-er engaged in practice to any ex tent. He has filled many local offices of honor and trust, including that of township treasurer, in avhich he served for tavo terms. He is, indeed a citizen of avorth, loyal and faithful to every trust reposed in him. On account of adA*anced age he does not take an active part in public affairs as he for- ( meri}- did, but in 1900 he attended the Pop ulist convention at Clay Center, where he avas heard avith interest. He is yet a mem ber of the county central committee of his party. His acquaintance is very avide and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 171 the circle of his friends is almost co-exten sive thereAvith. His life has been an hon orable and upright one, commending him to the confidence and respect of all. JAA1ES L. HOPKINS. Among the representative citizens of the county none are more deserving of repre sentation in this volume than James L. Hop kins, avho has for many years been connected avith its agricultural interests. For over taventy years he has made his home in the Sunfloaver state, and throughout tbis long period he has ever borne his share in the avork of development and improvement nec essary to produce the wonderful change avhich has here taken place. He has re mained true fo its interests when the dark clouds of adversity have swept over the state, and as the years have passed by prosperity has abundantly rewarded his efforts,- he be ing now the owner of a fine farm of two hundred and forty acres. Mr. Hopkins was born in Putnam coun ty, Missouri, in 1853, a son of James Laban Hopkins, a native of Kentucky, and a mem ber of a prominent old family of the Blue- grass state. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Emily Wade, and was a daughter of Richard Wade. She was also a member of a prominent old southern fam ily, and prior to the trouble between the north and the south they owned many slaves, but on account of that conflict they removed to Missouri. The father of our subject passed away in middle life, at the age of fifty-one years, and the mother reached the psalmist's span of three score years and ten. Ten children were born unto this worthy couple, eight of whom are now living, name ly: Elijah, Avho Avas a soldier in the Civil Avar and is now a, resident of Emporia, Kan sas ; Martha ; Sarah ; Elizabeth ; George ; James L., our subject; Mary; John J., a resident of Unionville, Missouri ; Dennis, of Hilgard, Oregon; and Thomas Fletcher, who received the honor of being the first governor of Missouri, a,nd is now a resident r of Billings, Oklahoma. James L. Hopkins, the subject of this re- vieAv, AA'as reared in the state of his nativity, where he was early inured to the labors of field and meadow. After attaining to years of maturity he chose as a life occupation the vocation to Avhich he had been reared, and he AA'as engaged in the tilling of the soil in Missouri until 1879, the year of his arrival in Kansas. Soon after coming to this state he secured a claim of two hundred1 and forty acres in Evans toavnship, Kingman county, where he has ever since made his home. As time has passed he has placed his fields under a fine state of cultivation, has, added all the improvements found upon a well regulated farm, and is noav the owner of one of the best and most productive properties in his adopted county. Two hundred acres of his place is planted with wheat, avhich annually yields handsome returns. Mr. Hopkins avas married at the early age of nineteen years, Miss Margaret C. Franklin becoming his wife, and during the many years in which they have traveled life's journey together she has ever proved to her husband a loving companion and helpmate. Ten children, four sons and six daughters, have blessed their union, name ly: Mrs. Sarah Emily Summers, Jonathan Laban, Mrs. Lillie Terry, Oliver Tucker, Laura, Ralph, Albert, Nettie, Zena and Her bert. Mr. Hopkins i* an active worker in the ranks of the Republican party, and his last presidential vote was cast for AlcKin- ley. The cause of education also receives in him a avarm friend, and for seventeen years he has served as a member of the school board. JOHN SHIELLS. John Shiells, one of the extensive and progressive agriculturists of Rice county, has been a resident of this section of the Sun floaver state since 1882. He is a member of a prominent Scotch family, avho trace their ancestry back to the warlike days of that country, members of the family having ta ken an active part in the historic battles of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Our 172 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. subject AA-as born in Xeavcastle, on the Tyne, in Northumberland county, England, on the 25th of March, 185 1. His father, John Shiells, avas a native of East Lothian, Scot land, born on the farm on avhich the famous battle AA'as fought by Prince Charles against the English croavn. It Avas an old farm, and Avas noted far and near as a historical bat tleground. John Shiells, Sr., grew to man hood there, and after reaching mature years he Avas united in marriage to Marian Flem ing, avIio Avas also a representative of an old Scotch family. She Avas born and reared in the same neighborhood as her husband. They became the parents of four children, — John, the subject of this sketch; Janet, avIio still resides in England; Mary, \vho aVas former ly a resident of Rice county, Kansas, but noAV makes her home in England ; and Alice, also of the old country. In 1882 the family bade adieu to home and native land preparatory to seeking a home in the new world, and after landing in the United States they took up their abode in Gait tOAvnship, Rice coun ty, Kansas, Avhere the father purchased a farm from the Union Pacific Railroad Com pany. Lie became the owner of three hun dred and tAventy acres, and there his death occurred in 1893, passing away at the age of sixty-five years. He followed farming as a life occupation, and his political support AA'as given to' the Democratic party. His re ligious preference Avas indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church. He AA'as a man of fine physique, and at one time aa-eighed over tavo hundred pounds. The mother survived her husband until 1900, avhen she, too, avas called to the home be yond, having reached the ripe old age of seventy-tavo years. John Shiells, the subject of this: revieav, accompanied his parents on their removal to the neav Avorld. He Avas reared to the hon est toil of the farmer in his native land, and his education was received: in the schools of South Durham, England. At that place, at the age of taventy-four years., he was united in marriage to Miss Emeline Hankey, Avho aa"as born, reared and educated at South Durham. She is a daughter of John and Caroline (Alorrison) Hankey, the former a native of South Durham and the latter of Gloucestershire, England. The father was called' to his final rest at the age of forty- seven years, and his wife survived him a number of years, passing away at the age of sixty-one years. He was a mason by trade. This worthy couple were the parents of five children, — Thomas, Emeline, Harriet, Car oline and Jane Ann. The family Avere active and zealous members of the Methodist Epis copal church. Seven children have graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Shiells, two sons and five daughters, — Robert, Emeline, Mar ian, Mabel, Herbert, Caroline and Hilda. Air. Shiells now owns tAvo hundred and forty acres of the best land to be found in central Kansas, and his place is improved with all the improvements and accessories known to the model farm. He formerly voted Avith the Democracy, but in the last election cast his ballot in support of AlcKin- ley, and in his religious vieAvs is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is a fine type of the hardy Scotchman, being six feet in height andweighing two hundred pounds1. As a man and citizen he enjoys the added popularity which comes to those genial spirits who have a hearty shake of the hand for all those Avith Avhom they come in con tact from day to day, and avIio seem to tliroAV around them so much of the sunshine of life. LEON D. LIBBEY. Among the successful, energetic and representative citizens of Hutchinson, Kan sas, is Leon D. Libbey, avIio is the capable superintendent of the Morton plant for the Hutchinson, Kansas, Salt Company, AA'hich is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. Leon D. Libbey comes of New England parentage, where distinguished an cestors took prominent parts in the Revolt tionary and Colonial Avars and filled offices of trust and responsibility. Jacob Libbey, who Avas the grandfather of our subject, was born in NeAV Hampshire and in his early days AA'as a stage driver, later being one of the first railroad conductors in that locality. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 173 He became avell known in political circles, Avas1 a colonel of the local militia and repre sented his district in the legislature. His marriage was to Harriet Wadleigh, who was a daughter of a Revolutionary patriot. George A.- Libbey, the father of-LeOn D., of this sketch, was born in Laconia, New Hampshire, on November 25, 1836, and in 1855 he came west to Madison, Wisconsin, residing there for some five or six years, dur ing which time he became a skilled machin ist. Then he moved, to Black Earth, Wiscon sin, returning later to Madison, where he bought a printing office. From there he re moved to Palmyra, Wisconsin, and engaged for a time in farming, still later Avorking in a factory in Farmington. On. August 25, 1864, he enlisted in Company E, First Wis consin Heavy Artillery, and during the re maining years of the Civil war, was sta tioned in the neighborhood of AVashington and Alexandria. Returning then to- Wis consin, he folloaved his trade in Palmyra, but later moved to Janesville, that state, and for twelve years was a resident of that city. In the fall of 1883 he went to Kansas City, where he entered into the business of con tracting on a large scale, being so occupied until compelled to give it up on account of impaired health. Air. Libbey was united in marriage, in Madison, AA^isconsin, to Mary A. Hadley, a daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Seavey) Hadley, both of whom were natives of New Hampshire, the former having been a prom inent man in his locality and a representative in the legislature. Isaac Hadley was a son of Moses Hadley, the family having been founded in America in 1600. The grand mother of our subject, Abigail Seavey, was a daughter of John Seavey, who served gal lantly in the Avar of 1812 and who was a son of a Revolutionary father. The children born to George and Mary (Hadley) Libbey were: Leon D., of this skdch; Abbie H., now Mrs. AA^alter Helms, of Janesville, Wis consin; George H., of Burlington, Ioava; and Ella May, who died at the age of four teen years. Leon D. Libbey Avas born in Madison, Wisconsin, on Alarch 15, 1857, and acquired his education in the schools of Janesville. He resided with his father, assisting him in his various business enterprises, until he at- taned his thirty-second year. About this time he embarked in street contracting and building in Duluth, Minnesota, and began the practical study of mechanical engineer ing. He was very successful in this line, an evidence of his excellent and enduring work being afforded by the water Avprks plant at Madison, Wisconsin. Later he folloaved contracting and building in Kansas City, but in the spring of 1897 he came to Hutchinson, Kansas, to take charge of the Hutchinson Packing Company's plant, which avas then operated by the Salt Company. This, man agement continued for three years, but about one year ago Mr. Libbey became superin tendent of what is known as the Morton plant of the Hutchinson, Kansas, Salt Com pany, and since then has made many im provements in machinery looking to greater capacity of production. This is the largest plant of its kind in the United States, and is a model one in all respects. It has, ten evap orating tanks, one hundred and twenty by twenty-six feet and seven feet in depth, which are kept in operation day and night, the output being eleven hundred barrels daily. About one hundred tons of coal are consumed in a day, there being two- batter ies of boilers, under which the fires have never been banked for more than eighteen months. Some eighty hands are employed here, although the principal Avork is done by machinery, all modern appliances being in use. The finished product is shipped in sacks, barrels and bricks, and over as aa-ide a territory as the freight rates avill alloav, principally through Kansas, Nebraska, In dian Territory, Oklahoma, Colorado, Ari zona, Neav Mexico and Texas. As an or ganizer and manager Mr. Libbey has dis played wonderful ability, good judgment and thorough knowledge, this business be ing now one of the most important in the industrial world of Hutchinson. The marriage of Mr. Libbey occurred on July 5, 1891, in Superior, AA'isconsin, to Miss Mabel R. Burrill, a daughter of John H. Burrill, avho avas a farmer in Llaavley, 174 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Clay county, Alinnesota. The birth of Mr. Burrill occurred in Fitz William, New Hampshire, and he avas a pioneer to Minne sota in 1871. He became prominent in his section and was a county judge. In politics Mr. Libbey has always been an ardent Republican, and he has been ac tive in the social order of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, where he is highly valued. Mr. and Mrs. Libbey are among the most esteemed residents in Hutchinson and are devoted members of the Episcopal church. CHARLES AV. DICKHUT. Charles W. Dickhut is the Opwner of a valuable farm on se'ction 18, Miami town ship. Many years of his life have been passed in Reno county, and he is therefore widely knoavn to its settlers. He was born in the far-off state of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Pittsburg, on the 2d of March, 1833. The family is of Ger man descent, and the grandfather of our subject, Zachariah Dickhut, was a wool dealer in the fatherland, where he spent his entire life, and for a number of years he served in the German army. Three «f his sons came to this country, namely : Chris tian, the father of our subject; Christopher A., who died leaving two sons; William, who avas a lumber dealer in Quincy, Illi nois, and his death occurred in 1891 ; and Zachariah, avho remained in Germany. Christian G. Dickhut was born near Meil- housen, Germany, in 1804, and in his native land, in 183 1, he married Johanna E. Smith, who avas, born in the fatherland about 1814, and they became the parents of ten children, but their first born, a son, died during the voyage to this country. The other children are: Charles W., the subject of this re view ; George, city collector in Quincy, Illi nois; William, avho was born in 1837, and died in Quincy, Illinois, in 1898, leaving one daughter; Elizabeth Webber, who also passed away in that city, leaving one daugh ter; Emily Bentle, of California, and she is the mother of one child; Christian G., a dray man of Quincy, Illinois; Caroline 'Bentle who makes, her home in Montana; Matilda Smith, of California; and Albert, who lost his life while on a hunting expedition in California. The father of this family passed aavay in death in Quincy, Illinois, August 12, 1878, and was survived by his wife until 1 88 1, avhen she joined him- in the home be yond, dying in California, and her remains noav lie at rest in the beautiful Golden state. Charles W. Dickhut, the immediate sub ject of this review, received such educational privileges as were afforded by the public schools of Quincy, Illinois, to which place his father had removed in 1836, but at that time it was only a small hamlet. When the trouble between the north and south resulted in Civil war, Mr. Dickhut nobly offered his service in defense of the Union cause, join ing the army in February, 1862. He be came a. member of Company H, One Hun dred and Eighteenth Illinois Volunteer In fantry, serving in its ranks until hostilities had ceased and the country no longer needed his services, having been mustered out at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in October, 1865. During his career as a soldier he Avas avound- ed in battle. After his discharge he returned to his home in Quincy, AA'here he remained until his removal to the Sunfloaver state, Avhich has been his home since the 9th of Oc tober, 1878. He made the trip from Illinois to Kansas With tAvo double teams and cov ered Avagons, seventeen days having been spent upon the road, and after his arrival here he pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of raav prairie land. During the erec tion of his residence the family lived in tents, and their house, which avas completed in the fall of 1878, was one of the first in the locality, their only neighbors between their farm and Turon at that time having been G. W. Slatar, M. Lamont and T. A\<. Hickman. Since coming to this favored section success has abundantly rewarded the well directed efforts of Mr. Dickhut, and he is noav the owner of a valuable and highly improved farm. His home is surrounded by a beautiful gro#ve of cottonwood, avalnut, box elder, Russian mulberry and coffee nut trees, and a large and productive orchard BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 175 yields its fruit, in season. Everything about the place indicates the supervision of a prac tical and progressive OAvner, and in the lo cality where he has so long made his home he is recognized as a progressive and leading agriculturist. Air. Dickhut avas married in Quincy, Illi nois, on the 23d of Alarch, 1856, to Mar garet C. Sterk, avho avas born in southern Illinois November 9, 1837, a daughter of John Stork, a native of the fatherland. Ten children have blessed the union of our sub ject and avife, namely- : Oliver B., a prom inent farmer of Miami toavnship, Reno coun ty, and the father of tavo sons; Cora, wife of F. A. Lamont, of this county, by whom she has eight children; Charles AV., who makes his home in Scott county, Kansas, and has three sons and one daughter ; Eliza beth, wife of R. Hafeman, of New Jersey, by avhom she has six children; Clara, avife of Max Lamont, also of New Jersey, and they haye four children; Archibald Grant, avho is still at home, but is engaged in farm ing for himself; Emma Thatcher, who makes her home in Oklahoma, and has three children; Maggie Hinds, whose husband is engaged in farming in Aliami township, and they have tavo children; Albert E., a grain buyer and drayman of Turon; and Ida, a young lady of taventy years who is in Den ver, Colorado. The children have all re ceived excellent educational advantages, and Albert, avIio Avas a student for a time in the normal school at X'ickerson, followed the teacher's profession for two terms. The Re publican party receives Air." Dickhut's' act ive support and co-operation, and on its ticket he Avas elected to the office of township trustee, in which he served for four years. His social relations connect him1 with Fre mont Post, No. 403, G. A. R., of Turon, which avas organized ten years ago, and for tavo years he served as its commander, while during the remainder of the time he has held the office of senior vice, commander. For the past fifty-one years he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, joining that denomination when only sev enteen years of- age, and has ever since been an active avorker in the cause of Christian ity. His Avife is also a devoted member of tbat church. His life has been exemplary in all respects, and he merits and receives the confidence and respect of his fellow men. HERBERT S. LYMAN. Herbert S. Lyman, a prominent and well known agriculturist of Reno county, was born in Lewis county, New York, on the 13th of January, 1856. His father, Hamilton Lyman, was also a native of that locality, his birth. having there occurred on the 28th of January, 1832. The latter's fa ther, Samuel Lyman, lived and diedin Lewis county, his death resulting from his team, of oxen running away and throwing him from the Avagon. He Avas of English descent and was related to the celebrated novelist Dick ens. He was united in marriage -to Amy Allen, a descendant of Ethan Allen, and her death also occurred in Lewis county, New York, AA'hen she had reached! the age of eighty years. She was a second time mar ried, becoming the Avife of Jeremiah Bib- bins. Hamilton Lyman was reared to years of maturity on his father's farm' in Lewis coun ty, and was but seventeen years of age at the time of his father's death. On the nth of October, 1853, in Lewis county, he was united in marriage to Lucind'a Lampher, a native of that county and a daughter of Jonathan Lampher, a prominent farmer of that locality, where his widow by a second marriage is still living. In 1861, avhen the Civil war was inaugurated, Mr. Lyman of fered his services to his country, entering the Fifth New York Volunteers on the 9th of August of that year. During his: military career of three years he saw both cavalry and artillery service, and on the 26th of June, 1864, at Harper's Ferry, he was honorably discharged avith the rank of sergeant. Re turning to his home in Lewis county, he there folloaved farming until 1868, when he removed with his avife and three children to Fond du Lac county, AVisconsin, avhere the family made their home until the fall of 176 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 1870. In that year they removed to Atch ison county, Missouri, but in the spring of 1 87 1 they came to Kansas, securing a home stead claim on the northeast quarter of sec tion 20, Valley township, Reno county, where the father made his home during the remainder of his life, passing away in death on the 26th of February, 1873. The jour ney from Wisconsin to Missouri was made avith a team and wagon as was also the trip from Missouri to Kansas. On their arrival here this portion of the state Avas an un broken prairie as far as the eye could reach, and buffaloes, antelopes and other avild ani mals roamed at avill over the vast plains. Their first residence in the Sunflower state avas a: sod house, avith a hay roof, and in this primitive abode the family made their home for a number of years. Their nearest neighbor at that time avas located seven miles away. A little circumstance worthy of men tion in this connection is that C. C. Hutchin son, avhen starting on his journey to. locate the city which noav bears bis name, secured a horse from' Mr. Lyman avith which to make the trip. Mr. Lyman gave his politi cal support to the Republican party, and for a time he served as a clerk of his toavnship. His wife passed a.avay in Hutchinson, on tbe 2d of March, 1894, in the faith of the Bap tist church, of AA'hich both she and her hus band were avorthy and consistent members. Unto this couple were born three children, — Herbert S., the subject of this revieAv; Har low A., who Avas born August 10, 1859, and at the present time is living in Hutchinson, Kansas; and Howard' E., who avas born De cember 27, 1869, and is employed as a clerk in that city. Herbert S. Lyman attended the common schools of Leavis county, Neav A'ork, during his early life, but he Avas only thirteen years o'f age when his parents removed from that locality. Four year? afterward his father died, and he Avas then obliged to take charge of the home farm. On the 9th of February, 1879, he AA-as united in marriage to Mary McArthur, avho avas born in Canada, a daughter of Dougal McArthur. Her par ents avere both natives of Scotland, and after coming to the United States they eventualh: took up their abode in Reno county, where they resided on a farm, which they after ward sold and removed to Hutchinson. There the mother passed away in death. The father died at Burrton, Harvey county, Kan sas, a few years later. By this marriage three children avere born : Grace, aaho is a young lady of twenty-one years, and is liv ing at home; AA'illiam M., avho- died at the age of fifteen months; and Eddie D., de ceased in infancy. Shortly after his mar riage Mr. Lyman removed from the old family homestead to his present farm, and here his avife died on the 13th of May, 1884. For his second Avife he chose Addie Schmidt, their Avedding having been celebrated on the 30th of June, 1886, in Burrton. She avas born at Bunker Hill, Boston, and is a daugh ter of Augustus Theodore and Priscilla (Blanchard) Schmidt. The father avas born in Berlin, Germany, and came to Amer ica about 1850, locating in Boston, avhere he first folloaved his trade of a cooper. After a time, however, he turned his attention to the study- of chemistry, and his researches along that line resulted in his giving to the world the process of manufacturing color less carbon oil, avhile later he also discov ered the art of making vulcanized: fiber pa per. In 1 86 1 he remoa-ed to Pittsburg and engaged in refining oil. remaining in that city until 1885, avhen he came avest to Valley toavnship, Reno county, Kansas, purchasing one hundred and taventy acres of land on section 16, and there his death occurred on the 17th of December, 1890, avhile living a retired life. In his political vieavs he avas a Republican, and avhile living in Pittsburg he held the position of assessor for a number of years. His religious vieavs connected him avith the Lutheran church. Air. Schmidt married Priscilla J. Blanch ard, avho avas born in Falmouth, Alaine, June 23, 1829, a daughter of Captain Samuel and Rebecca (Merrill) Blanchard.. The father avas born in Alaine, on the 28th of March, 1 78 1, and avas master of a vessel, but on one occasion he avas shipwrecked off Cape May and his ship avas lost. He then re tired from the active duties of life, becoming the owner of tavo farms, and he also donat- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 177 ed the land on which the town hall and the Congregational church of Falmouth avere located. He seiwed in the avar of 1812, dur ing avhich time he took part in the defense of Portland. On his side the family is of Pur itan stock, his ancestors having emigrated from England to France during the time of AVilliam the Conqueror. About the time of the arrival of the Mayflower there came to this country a family consisting of the fa ther, surnamed Joshua, his avife and five sons and they became the founders of the Blanch ard family in America. The mother died during the voyage, but the father and sons located in New England. On the Merrill side the family is also descended from' old NeAV England ancestry. The great-grand mother of Mrs. Lyman- lived prior to the Revolutionary avar, and she frequently rode to church on a pillion behind her husband, who, in common with the other settlers of that day, carried his gun to church to protect them from the Indians. Their daughter, Mary Merrill, was born, reared and married in Falmouth, Maine. Priscilla Blanchard, the mother of Mrs. Lyman, is of the six generation in which a daughter of the fam ily AA-as named Priscilla. George Blanchard, a cousin on her father's side, received an excellent education in Germany and for a number of years served as an alderman of Boston. By his second marriage Mr. Lyman, of this review, has become the father of one son, Raymond S., who was born on the 18th of July, 1889. In political matters our subject gives his support to the Republican party, and on its ticket he has been elected to a number of positions of honor and trust. He AA-as first made road overseer, was justice of the peace, constable, trustee, and has in fact held every township' position within the gift of the people. For sixteen years he was a member of the school board, and the cause of education has ever found in him: a warm friend and active worker. Socially his is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and religiously he is a member of and an elder in the Presbyterian church. He is indeed a manly man, and the honor and esteem in Avhich he is held by all aa-ho have come in contact with him is but a just tribute to his Avorth. G. M. NICKASON. G. Al. Xickason, avho folloavs agri cultural pursuits on section eleven. Black AArolf toavnship, Ellsworth county, has re sided here since 1878. He is a native of the Empire state, his birth having occurred in AValden, Orange county, on the 8th of May, 1830. He Avas only eleven years of age AA'hen he started out on his own account, be coming a' driver on the Erie canal. He avas thus employed for about seven years, avhen the Neav York & Erie railroad avas built and he secured avork in preparing the road bed. Later he avorked on the laying of the track, serving as section boss avhen he avas only eighteen years of age. He had a nat ural aptitude for mechanics and decided to folkw this line of business. Accordingly, in April, 1849, be began learning the car penter's trade and that of a house joiner. In those days sash, doors and blinds Avere most ly manufactured by hand, and Mr. Nicka- soii entered the employ of a firm engaged in that business, remaining Avith them for twenty-five years. He became the main re liance of the house, and soon after he sev ered his connection therewith their business had to be abandoned. In September, 1861, Mr. Xickason re sponded to the country's call for aid, enlist ing in the Taventieth New York Infantry, in avhich he served for fifteen months. He then joined the Fourth New \tork Heavy Artillery. He avas unacquainted avith all of its members and joined the regiment as a private, but avas steadily pro moted until he held the office of quartermaster sergeant of the regi ment, also serving on the non-commissioned staff of General Hancock. He participated in many engagements, among avhich avere the battles of Centerville, the second battle of Bull Run, South Mountain and Antietam, i78 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. where General George B. McClellan saved the Union cause. He then avent on, south to Ream's station. Much of the time he avas in the commissary department and can relate many interesting anecdotes, concern ing* his experience in foraging. On the 3d of September, 1864, he avas wounded at Pe tersburg and avas taken to Lincoln Hospital on the 8th of October, there remaining until the army avas discharged,, in July, 1865. Air. Nickason then returned to his na tive state and again resumed work at his trade, carrying on business with his brother. They were very successful, owing to the im provements in machinery avhich our subject avas enabled to introduce as the result of his thorough knowledge of mechanics. At length he determined to come to Kansas and disposed of his interests in the east. Mak ing his avay to this state in 1878, he pur chased a quarter section of land in Black Wolf toavnship, avhere he now resides, and all the improvements on the place are his work and stand as monuments to his energy. In 1900 he erected a handsome neav resi dence. In 1890 he built a fine shop in FJls- worth, equipped it with the best machinery and carried on business along that line for a few years, but ultimately resumed farm ing, to which he noav devotes his entire at tention. Throughout his entire life he has been a hard avorker, although for the past thirty-seven years he has suffered avith an open wound. His diligence and energy enabled him to triumph over an adverse fate, and he is noav one of the substantial citizens of his community. Air. Xickason has been tavice married. In 1855 he wedded Ellen Mance, and unto them avere born tavo children : Marietta, avho is noav in an Indian school, in Pahuska ; and Frederick. Both have been avell educated. The mother died and in August, 1867, Mr. Nickason was again married, his, second union being avith Alargaret Tice, by avhom he has tavo children, — Ellen and Lemont. In his home our subject has a grand roller organ, and in his leisure hours greatly en joys playing thereon. His accomplishment in this direction has also enabled him to af ford much pleasure to others. In politics clerk of the township board and as township he is independent, but has served as clerk of the township board and as toavnship treas urer. His advancement in business, affairs has been creditable and gratifying since he came to Ellsworth county and he has never bad occasion to regret the fact that he allied his interests with those of the Sunflower state. CLAUDE DUVAL. Claude Duval, who for fifteen years has been a resident of Hutchinson, is widely known throughout Kansas as a traveling salesman, and is no less honored and dis tinguished in business circles than he is in the ranks of the Democratic party, of which he is leading member. He was born in Morganfield, Kentucky, May, 19, 1859, and not only can he claim descent from one of the honored pio neer families of that state but also from those avho avere among the first permanent settlers' on the Atlantic coast. The first of the Duval family in America avere two brothers, avho came from France avith Gen eral La Fayette. Both served in the Revo lutionary war and one settled in Aiarylandl and the other in Virginia. It is from the latter that our subject is descended. Through his paternal grandmother, who bore the maiden name of Jane E. Russell, the family history can be traced back through several centuries to about iooo A. D. The first of the name in America avas AVilliam Russell. It has ahvays been under stood from tradition that he was a member of the family of Russell in England, rep resented by the ducal house of Bedford, but of avhich particular branch of the' family is not knoavn. Hoavever, it is knoavn that the Russell family in England is one of great antiquity and came originally from Nor mandy, .avhere the name avas Du Rozel. AA'iffin, in his memoir of the house of Rus sell, says : "It derived its distinctive ap pellation from one of the fiefs avhich the first chieftain of that name possessed an terior to the first conquest to England. In €X BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. U9 lower ' Normandy in the ancient bourey of Briquebec, in 1066, they occupied the castle and territory of Du Rozel, avhich was a portion of their appanage, as a younger branch of the Bertrands, barons of Brique bec, a house the head of which took the title of sire, being accounted second only in rank to the barons of St. Sauvenr, avho avere styled vicomtes of La Manche. Hugh Du Rozel, who appears to have been the first of the name, was born about 102 1. Soon after the Norman conquest the Du Rozels crossed the channel into England, where land was assigned to them in Northumberland and Avhere the name Avas anglicized into Russell. In 1 141 Robert De Russell led his company of knights into the battle of Lincoln and distinguished himself in that conflict. The earliest coat of arms of the family in Eng land bore a lion rampant; gules on a chief sable; three escallops argent." AA'illiam Russell, the first representative of the family In America, crossed the Atlantic avith Sir Alexander Spotts- Avood in 1 710, arriving within the capes of Virginia on the Deptford, a man of war, of which Tancred Robinson was commander, the landing being ef fected on the 20th of June. The following day they proceeded up the James river in the Bedford galley, commanded by Captain Lee, who landed his, boat at JamestOAvn. William Russell soon became a prominent character in the early history of the col onies. When he left England for Virginia he was a young lawyer from', the inner tem ple, of the court in London. As he was at that time twenty-five years of age, the year of his birth must have been 1685. Before embarking for America he obtained a com mission in the British army. The old ac count says he "was an officer in the British army of occupation and defense in Vir ginia." Tradition says that he was one of the party of cavaliers who accompanied Governor Spottswood on his expedition across the Appalachian mountains, and, that in consequence thereof be became one of the famous Knights of the Golden Horse Shoe. The old account says that he obtained large grants of- land from the British government and the records show that in 1735 two tracts of land in Frederick county, Virginia, one containing forty-nine hundred and fifty acres and the other thirty-six hundred and fifty acres, were patented to him from the King's office; also other tracts in Augusta. The records' of the Virginia land office also show that in 171 2 he purchased from Lord Fairfax several thousand acres located in several counties of the Old Dominion. He belonged to' the church of England and was an active member of the old colonial church known as Buck Run, in St. Mark's parish. The Rev. Mr. Slaughton, in his history of St. Mark's parish, says : "Colonel William Green and Colonel William Russell were made church wardens for the ensuing year (1756) ; also that payments were made by the church to William Russell, Charles Mor gan, R. D. Parks and others for providing for certain poor persons." In 1730 he avas married to Mary Henley, and their children were William, Henry and Catherine. Will iam Russell died after a few days' illness, October 18, 1757, when about seventy-two years of age. He was buried in the Buck Run church yard. His son and namesake, General AVilliam Russell, was born in Virginia in 1735 and acquired a classical and scientific education in William and Mary College, at Williams burg, Virginia, the oldest seat of learning in the United States, with the exception of Harvard University. He educated himself for the practice of law, but, oaving to his marriage shortly after leaving college, he changed his plans and sdtled on a planta tion in Culpeper county, Virginia. He early became active in military operations and the greater portion of his life was spent in. act ive service, defending the colonies from In dian attacks. The year 1775 found him captain of a company of rangers, serving under General Braddock. In 1765 Captain Russell was sent by the ¦ British authori ties on some mission among the Indians in the section of country avhere Chattanooga, Tennessee, is now located. It took twelve months to execute the trust, during avhich i8o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. time he endured great hardships among the Creek Indians. Captain Russell Avas soon called into public service. At the battle of Point Pleasant, October io, 1774, he led his company; and of this engagement Col lins, in his History of Kentucky, says: "It avas probably the most severely contested conflict ever maintained avith the northwest ern Indians. The action continued from sunrise to sunset and the ground for half a mile along the bank of the Ohio was al ternately occupied by each of the contend ing parties in the course of the day. So sanguinary avas the conflict that blood was found on each of the trees behind which the combatants avere posted. The Indians un der the celebrated chief Comstock aban doned the field under cover of the night. Their loss, according to official report, ex ceeded that of the Americans, the latter amounting to sixty-three killed and eighty Avounded. This report Avas drawn up by Captain Russell, reported to be the best scholar in the camp." In 1776 Captain Russell was promoted to the rank of colonel, commanding a regi ment of mounted men. He Avas constantly engaged in repelling the attacks of the In dians on the frontier of Virginia and Ten nessee. It Avas during this year that Col onel Russell lost his beloved avife, avho in her maidenhood was Tabitha Adams. On his return from active service to his family he found that the home Avas left desolate through the death of the faithful avife and mother. OAving to the Revolutionary Avar Colonel Russell avas again called into active service. In the section of the country in which his family of children resided the In dians Avere carrying on the avork of devas tation by fire and massacre, so he removed his children to a farm which he purchased, adjoining the Aspenville tract, belonging to Colonel William Campbell, near the seven mile ford. He placed his children in charge of an old negro man and his avife, avhom he selected from among his slaves because of their faithfulness and dea-otion to his fam ily, and after committing the little ones to tbeir care Colonel Russell gave his service to the cause of liberty. The negro couple proved most faithful to the trust reposed in them, and though the children avere many times in danger of capture by British raid ers, yet the caretakers managed to keep them free from harm. In the avinter of 1776-7 Colonel Russell received the appointment of colonel in the regular army and took com mand of a Virginia regiment, Avhich he re tained until the close of the avar. He avas one of the colonels in the Virginia line in continental establishment and avas brevetted on that account. He took an active and prominent part in the battles of Brandy- wine, GermantoAvn, Monmouth, and the siege of Charleston, and avhen that place was captured avas made prisoner and sent on a British prison ship to one of the West India islands. Subsequently he avas released on parole and: sent to Virginia, Avhere he was exchanged and again took the field. In 1777, 1778 and 1779 he Avas in AA^ash- ington's army. He avas also avith the army at Yorktown and avitnessed the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, October 19, 1781. There is abundant evidence that he exhib ited great bravery and military tact as an officer and retired from the sera-ice avith an honorable record. Because of having served through the entire Revolution he avas brevetted to the rank of general and re tired on half pay for life. For his services he avas entitled to large grants of land, much of avhich avas located in the Green river section of Kentucky. In his honor Russell county, Virginia, and Russellville, Kentucky, avere named, the latter being built upon land originally oavned by him. After peace avas restored giving integrity to the republic, he returned to civil life and avas soon elected to the Virginia senate, of avhich he avas a leading and influential mem ber for many years. He avas a high type of the gentleman of the old school "avithout fear and avithout reproach." After his return home General Russell avas married, about 1783, to Mrs. Elizabeth (Henry) Campbell, the avidoav of General AAllliam Campbell, of Kings mountain fame, avho died a feav aveeks before the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 181 siege of Yorktown, in 1781. She Avas the daughter of John Henry and a sister of Patrick Henry, Avhose words of burning eloquence probably did more than any other agency to arouse the people to resistance of the oppressive measures of the mother country at the opening of the war. It Avas in 1788 that General Russell became a convert to the Meth odist faith, , uniting avith that church. The Rev. T. AA'are, speaking .of this, said : "Our first conference in Holston Avas held in Alay, 1788. As the road by which Bishop Asbury Avas to come Avas infested with hos tile savages so that it could not be travded except by considerable companies together, he Avas detained for a Aveek after the time to commence it, but Ave were not idle and the Lord gave us many souls in the place avhere ave were assembled, among whom were General Russdl and Lady, the latter a sister of the illustrious Patrick Henry. I mention this particularly because they were the first fruit of our labors in this confer ence." It appears from the complete ac count of Rev. AA'are that Avhen General Rus sell enlisted as a soldier of the cross he did so Avith his whole heart and soul. Both he and his avife avere zealous in their faith and consistent in their devotion. Family pray ers avere offered night and morning and they frequently had preaching at their house. Bishop Asbury avas a frequent visitor and he says in his journal : "General Russell's home is one of the harbors of rest for the weary Alethodist preacher." AA^ithin a year or two from the time of his conversion the entire household, both white and black, were converted and' brought into church. After an active life spent in serving his country as a legislator and spl- dier, he passed away Monday morning at four o'clock, January 14, 1794. His death was caused by exposure on his journeying to and from Richmond, where the general assemblies avere held in the winter months. In his letters he expressed a dread of such exposure and avhen finally he contracted a severe cold on going to Richmond,' and the next day became avorse, so that a physician was summoned, he felt that the illness avould be his last. At the close of his hon orable and useful life he exhorted his fam ily and those around him to live according to God's word and frequently prayed that the grace of God might rest on all. His son, John Coats Russell, the great grandfather of Claude Duval, was born in Culpeper county, Virginia, in 1768, and in 1793 was married to Miss Amy Clay, of Chesterfield county, Virginia. In 1880 he removed with his family to Kentucky and settled on a portion of "Russell's Green river survey," avhich he inherited from his father. In 1809 be was elected and served as a member of the house of representatives from Muhlenberg county, Kentucky, and later he removed to Butler county, that state, avhere he spent the remainder of his life, passing aaaay November 17, 1822. His daughter, Jane E. Russell, was born July 30, 1794, in Virginia, and died in Union county, Kentucky, January 10, 1861. She became the wife of Claiborn Duval, one of the pioneer ministers of Kentucky, avho was born in the Old Dominion, but. at an early date avent to. the Blue Grass state to preach the gospel among the first settlers there. H. C. Duval, the father of our subject and a son of the Rev. Claiborn and Jane (Russell) Duval, avas a native of Kentucky and a farmer by occupation, folloaving agri cultural pursuits up to the time of the Civil war. He owned a large number of slaves and of course lost all at the time of the hos tilities between the north and the south. For tavo terms he served his county as sheriff. He avas a member of the Aleth odist church and avas long regarded as one of the most prominent residents of the com munity. He married Miss Mobley, a rep resentative of an old southern family and they became the parents of ten ¦ children, eight of whom are living, one having died in infancy and Claibourn AL, avho avas a member of Company K, Twenty-first Kan sas Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish- American war, died at Phoenix, Arizona, December 13, 1901-. His body avas brought 182 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. to Hutchinson for interment. Our subject is the eldest of the family. One brother, AA'r J. Duval, is grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias fraternity of the state of Kansas, avith headquarters at AVichita. A daughter, Airs. K. B. Ringle, the avife of a avell knoavn stockman, is living in Reno county. The father died in 1894. Born upon his father's farm in Ken tucky, Claude Duval, avhose name heads this rea-ieav, spent his early youth in his native state and for thtee months in the avinter season attended the public schools, avhile in the summer months he assisted his father upon the farm. At the age of sixteen he entered college in Morganfidd, avhere he re mained for three years, and then putting aside his text books he entered upon his business career as an employe in a mercan tile house, avhere he remained until he went upon the road as a traveling salesman. For the past twenty-one years he has thus been engaged avith the exception of a brief in- terval of two years. From 1882 until 1886 he was traveling representative for the Ohio. & Mississippi Railroad in Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee and at the latter date he came to Hutchinson, where for two years he was engaged in the retail grocery business. He Avas then one of the promoters in the or ganization of the Hutchinson Wholesale Grocery Company, for Avhich he traveled continuously until ApriPi2, 1900, largely augmenting its business through his introduction of its goods. At the last date he accepted his present position avith the Springfield Hat Company, AA'hich has its headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, and its factory in Orange, New Jersey. He represents this company throughout the en tire state of Kansas, and has already se cured a large patronage for the house. In business affairs he is energetic, prompt and notably reliable, always courteous and ge nial and succeeds not only in winning cus tomers but also in gaining their high regard. Mr. Duval has long taken a deep and active interest in political questions and is a Avell knoavn factor in the councils of the Democracy. He is an entertaining, force ful and logical speaker, endowed with supe rior gifts of oratory and his campaign ad dresses are very effective. He always takes an active part in selecting delegates for the county, congressional and state conventions, so that competent men may be nominated for office and the principles of the party firmly upheld. In 1900 he received the party nom ination as candidate for congress, and al though Kansas gave a very strong Repub lican majority, he made a remarkable race for the office— acknowled,ged so to be by even the western Republican. press. Hye was defeated, but it was a defeat that amounted almost to victory for he ran fifteen hundred ahead of his ticket, after making a canvass through thirty-six counties covering one- third of the area of the state. He assumes no credit for this, but modesty says the re sult was due to the effective leadership of Hon. George T. Pitts, of AVellington, Kan sas, chairman of the congressional commit tee, and to the unswerving loyalty of Mr. Duval's personal friends, regardless of party ; but his friends all believe and know that it was the personal popularity of the man and confidence so uniformly re posed in him that gained for him such a flattering vote. He has the respect and confidence of many prominent men of the opposition, for his loyalty to Ameri can institutions and his honest convictions above question. Air. Duval is are a valued member of Byron Lodge, No. 197, K P. and Hutchinson Council, No. 34, United Commercial Travelers. He has filled all the offices of the local U. C. T. Council, for three terms was grand treasurer of the state, has been elected grand counselor and takes a deep and helpful interest in the move ments tending to advance the interests of the traveling men. He likeavise holds mem bership avith Reno Lodge, No. 140, F. & A. M., and avith the Ioava Accident Insurance Company. Fourteen years ago he joined the First Presbyterian church of Hutchinson, Kansas, and has ever since been an active working member, taking special interest in the Sunday-school work, and is noav serving his third year as superintendent of the First BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 183 Presbyterian church Sunday-school. Under his management the school has prospered and grown and is to-day one of the best and most actia-e avorking schools in the city. On the 26th of April, 18S2, in Kentucky, Mr. Duval avas united in marriage to Miss Cora AA'hite, a daughter of H. AAr AVhite, formerly a merchant of AlcLeansboro, Illi nois, and later a traveling salesman out of St. Louis, Missouri. They have one daughter, Clara, avho is giving considerable attention to the study of vocal music, in which direction she manifests pleasing tal ent. Their home is noted for its cordial hospitality and their friends throughout, the community are many. Reliable in busi ness, considerate in the home, genial and friendly in social circles, loyal in citizenship, and above all without ostentation in manner — these qualities have gained for Claude Duval the respect and in, many instances the warm friendship of those with. whom he •comes in contact. MICHAEL MENG. One of the prosperous and progressive farmers of Galesburg township, Kingman county, has so ably conducted his business in terests that success' has crowned his efforts and given him a place among the substantial citizens of his commpunity. He was born in Seneca county, near Bellevue; Ohio, in 1850. His father, Martin Meng was born in Alsace, on the Rhine, Germany, in 1818, and in his native country he attended school until his fourteenth year. He then learned the weaver's trade, following that occupa tion for four years. On the expiration of that period, being then eighteen years of age, he left his home and native land for the new world, and after his arrival in this country he located near Bellevue, Ohio. In Seneca county, that state, he was united m marriage to Agnes Fritz, who was born in Alsace, Germany, but came to America when six teen years of age, locating in the Buckeye state. Seven children were born unto this worthy couple, four sons and three daugh ters, namely: Alichael, Lena, Anna, Mar tin, Philip, Joseph and Mary. Philip and Joseph are twins, and the former noav resides in Evans toavnship, this state, and the latter still makes his home in Ohio. The parents are also living in that commonwealth, the father having reached the ripe old age of eighty-three years, while the mother died at sixty-three years of age. Michael Meng, avhose name introduces this review, was reared to manhood on an Ohio farm, and in that state he received his early educational privileges. He remained in the state of his nativity until 1880, and in that year located near Decatur, Adams county, Indiana, where for the following six years he was engaged in agricultural pur suits. The year 1887 witnessed his arrival in the Sunflower state, and in -Kingman county he first purchased a tract of one hun dred and sixty acres of land, to avhich he later added another tract of one hundred and sixty acres located one mile south of his original purchase, and still later he bought eighty acres on the southeast, being now the possessor of four hundred acres of excellent and productive land. As the years have pass ed by and prosperity has reavarded his efforts he has placed many substantial improve ments upon his, place, and this is now one of the finest homesteads of the locality. Mr. Meng is also- operating a threshing machine, which is the second one he has owned and operated in Kansas. At the age of twenty-eight years Mr. Meng was united in marriage to Philopena Gerber, a daughter of Jacob and Barbara^ (Heitz) Gerber. The father is still' living, making his home in Ohio, but the mother has passed to her final rest. They became the parents of six chil dren, four of Avhom are iioav living, namely: Jacob, a prosperous farmer of Evans township, Kingman county ; Mary, a resident of Ohio ; John, who makes his home in Galesburg toavnship, Kingman county; and Philopena, the wife of our sub ject. The union of. Mr. and Mrs. Meng has been blessed Avith ten children, as folloAvs : Leo, Christina, Otto, Charles, Emma, Mary, Minnie, Lucy, AVilliam and Lizzie. The 184 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. last named died Avhen ravel ve years of age. The Democracy receives Air. Aleng's active support and co-operation and of the Catholic church he is a avorthy and acceptable mem ber. He served as a trustee of the build ing committee for the neav church, avhich avas erected at a cost of thirty-five hundred dollars, and in 1901 he took an active part in the building of the fine neav edifice at AA'aterloo. As a citizen he is public-spirited and progressive, avithholding his support from no measure or movement avhich he be lieves avill prove of public benefit. WILLIAM POTTER. AA'illiam Potter, superintendent of the Reno county poor farm, has been a resident of the locality since 1877, and during that period he has so lived as to gain for himself by his honorable, straighfoiward career the confidence and respect cf the entire com munity in Avhich he lives. Lie avas born in Drake county, Ohio, September 2S, 1840. Llis paternal grandfather, Daniel Potter, was one of the very earl)- pioneers of the Buckeye state, avhere he cleared a farm from the native timber. Llis son, Daniel Potter, Jr., also improved a farm in that state, and became one of the prominent and influential early settlers of his locality. When he was nine years of age the Indians forced the family to take refuge in a fort and every thing avas then new and avild, avhile game of all kinds avas so numerous that they would at times almost destroy the corn crops. The family made their sugar and spun and wove the material for their clothes, and if they raised crops sufficient to pay taxes and pur chase their salt they avere considered suc cessful. Air. Potter married Catherine Crumrine, of Pennsylvania, and our subject is the eldest of three living children. The father died at the age of fifty-tavo years, avhile the mother avas called to the home be yond at the age of forty-three years. William Potter, avhose name introduces this review, Avas reared on the home farm until he had nearly reached mature years. September 1, 1861, he enlisted for service in the Civil avar, becoming a member of Company G, Fortieth Ohio Volunteer In fantry. In 1862 he joined the army of the Cumberland, avas avith Garfield of the Big Sandy, took part in the Atlanta campaign, and AA-as five times avounded, though never seriously. At the battle of Chiekamauga, he avas in the thickest of the fight, and in all the engagements in avhich the regiment took part he nobly did his duty as a brave and loyal soldier. On the expiration of the term of enlistment the atmy avas disbanded, but Mr. Potter veteranized, and before the last fight at Nashville his regiment consolidated Avith the Fifty-first Ohio and avent to Texas, remaining in the Lone Star state from. July until the folloaving October, avhen they were mustered out at ATictoria, that state, and avere discharged at Columbus, on the fifth of November, 1865. That year, avhile in Texas he avas ill avith a fever, avhich finally settled in his ankle, and from that time to the present he has never been free from pain. During his illness he avas cared for at the home of a Texan, avho avas a southern sympathizer. For meritorious service during his military career, Mr. Potter was appointed coi'poral of his company and avas aftenvard' made first lieutenant. At the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 185 battle of Resaca his only brother, John D., who avas a member of Company K, Ninety- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Avas killed. Returning to his home Avith an honor able military career, our subject again took up the quiet and peaceful duties of the farm in Drake county, Avhere he continued to re side until 1876, and in the spring of that year came to' Kansas, locating on a home stead quarter section of timber land in Ar lington toavnship and also took a home stead claim in Lodi toavnship. In the fol lowing fall, hoavever, he returned to Ohio, • and in the. spring of 1877, brought his fam ily to his Kansas home. Buffaloes still roamed over the country at that time, and for three or four years aftenvard antelope were numerous in this section. Mr. Potter improved one-half of his three-hundred-and lAventy-acre tract, his principal crop being AA-heat, and he continued to cultivate the place until 1895, when he sold his farm and afterward assumed the duties of super intendent of the Reno county farm, being a member of the tOAvn board at that time. AVhen he was given charge of the office his only instructions were to conduct the place as he would his own, and that he has done so is evinced by the fact that dur ing each succeeding year he has been re elected. The number of inmates rioav num ber twelve, but at one time as many as thirty-four made their home upon the farm, and two servants are constantly em ployed. The principal crops raised are wheat and corn. In 190 1 the latter cO'inmodity averaged thirty-seven bushels to the acre, while the oats crop yielded an average of forty-six and a half bushels to the acre. FeAv public institutions are conducted so profit ably as this, and for many years the sale of the crops not consumed upon the place and that of the stock have, been sufficient to meet the other expenses. The greatest revenue of the farm is derived from the sale of stock. About three hundred head of hogs and from ten to fifteen head of cattle are sold each year, while apples and grapes also are mar keted. A fine grade of stock is- raised upon the place, a beautiful orchard yields its fruit in season, and everything about the farm in- 12 dicates the supervision of a progressive and thrifty agriculturist. Since assuming the duties of this responsible position his salary has been increased from eight hundred to twelve hundred dollars, thus showing the high regard in avhich he is held by those in authority. In Ohio, on the 12th of April, 1866, Mr. Potter avas united in marriage with Miss E. J. Ryan, a daughter of Rudolph Ryan, avho avas born in Germany, but avhen nine years of age avas brought by his parents to Amer ica, the family locating in Virginia. He avas there married to Ellen Hamilton, a na tive of Alaryland. She avas married in that state and later located in the Buckeye state. Rudolph Ryan was a farmer by occupation, and became an early pioneer of both Ohio and Indiana. He passed aavay in death when Mrs. Potter avas only eight years of age, but his avife reached the ripe old age of seventy-odd years. Five of their sons were brave and loyal soldiers during the Civil Avar. John Alexander, avho avas a member of the Ninety-fourth Ohio, avas wounded1 and captured at the battle of Resaca and died in Andersonville prison; G. AV. and F. L., twins, the former a member of the Fourth United States Cavalry, was also wounded in battle, while the latter avas a member of the Thirty-fourth Ohio Zouaves; Daniel T., was a member of the Ninety-fourth Ohio; and William, a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteers, died of meas les at Gamp Chase. Unto Air. and Mrs. Pot ter have been born seven children, namely: Catherine Ellen, wife of D. C. Banks, of Oklahoma ; Mary Annatta, avife of William Banks, of Lodi toavnship, Reno county; Sarah Olive, wife of Charles Vaughn, also a resident of Lodi toavnship ; John D.,' avho proved a claim in the "Strip," but. now re sides in this county, and he married Mary Amanda Wilburn, a daughter of John Will iam Wilburn; Emma Jane, avife of M. A. Minor, Arlington toavnship, Reno county; Rosa Lee, wife of Fred Vaughn; and on daughter who died when a year and a half old. Mr. Potter maintains pleasant relations with his old army comrades through his membership with 'the Grand Army of the i86 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Republic, Perryville Post, No. 222, at Ar lington, Kansas, and of the Christian church he has been a worthy and acceptable member for a half century and Mrs. Potter has been a member of same church for thirty-nine years. She is noAV serving as matron of the county home and is a woman Avhose pure life and most amiable mannd- admirably fit her for the great trials and increasing responsi bilities of the home, and wherever she is known she is highly respected and loved. Mr. Potter's political support is given the Republican party, and in 1886 he Avas elected to the office of county commissioner, which he has served for four years. For twelve years he was a justice of the peace in Lodi township, and for tAventy-tAvo years both in Ohio and Kansas, he Avas a member of the school board. He is avidely and favorably knoavn, and has the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact,' either in business or social life. t-» • »— JOHN LAFAYETTE SMITH. • Among the business and -professional men of Hutchinson, Kansas, none are more closely identified with the growth and best interests of the Sunflower state than John Lafayette Smith, familiarly known among his friends as "Fay," having been, a resident of Reno county since 1872, locating south of the city of Hutchinson. At that time the city could boast of but one store and very few residences, and between the farm of Mr. Smith and the city there avere but two resi dences, indicating the unsettled condition of the country at that time. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Alexander Smith, was a native of the south, as avas also his avife, avho was born in North Carolina. He avas of English-Irish lineage, and she of Dutch. Two of his sons were soldiers in the Civil war, one fighting for the preserva tion of the union, and the other taking up arms in favor of the Secessionists, and' in the battle of Gettysburg they fought against each other. John Lowry 'Smith, the father of our subject, although born in North Car olina, avas reared in Tennessee, and in 1839 went to Ioava. The following year he brought his family from. White Oak Springs, Illinois, to Iowa, avhere he took up a timber claim and partially improved it, but later made a home for his family out on the prairie. He avas an important factor in the organization of the county in which he resided, and it being a time of Indian out breaks, he shoaved great courage in protect ing the citizens of the surrounding country. He took part in the Bellevue avar, being" a member of the vigilance committee, and the old building in avhich he and a number of brave men helped to protect the settlement, is still standing. His clothes avere pierced with seven bullets, but he escaped Avithout a wound. He aided in the formation of schools and churches, and' gave his support to any movement tending toavard the ad vancement and dea'dopment of the commun ity in avhich he lived. He avorked at Galena, Illinois, and avas obliged to go there for sup plies. In those primitive days travel avas tiresome and dangerous but he made his journeys avith comparatively little trouble. Mr. Smith built the first frame house in that part of the country, and deer and avild geese were so abundant that thev avere driven off the farm in order to permit of the cultiva tion of the land. AA'hile in Illinois, Air. Smith aa-as married to Alary M. Smith, a second cousin, by avhom he had eight chil dren, four sons and four daughters, five of avhom are noav living, namely: Nancy R., the avife of Al. N. Sisler a resident - utation. He was born in Aberdeen, Scot land, in 1830. His father, Francis Mal colm, was also born in Scotland, avhere he resided until early in the year 1832, avhen he came avith his family to' Ontario, Cana da, locating in Oxford county. He avas a man of education and progressive ideas, and avas instrumental in . a large degree in the establishment of schools in his neighbor hood, and contributed liberally to the Bap>- tist church, of avhich he avas a member. Lie avas married to a Scotch maiden, Janet Mitchell, and four sons avere born to them, our subject's eldest brother being the only survivor. The death of the father was in 1866, but the mother survived until 1878, and possessed almost the vigor of youth, although she had reached her ninety-third year. During her last years she enjoyed1 the walk of nine miles through the woods to the market at Woodstock. The educational advantages of our sub ject avere those obtainable in the .country schools and the Normal school of Toronto-. Undecided for a time avhat vocation in life to adopt, he at length decided to be a farmer, and it Avas only the un warranted advance in the price of desirable land that prevented him from becoming a tiller of tbe soil instead of the leader of many lines of modern research, both in and out of his profession. His first instruction in the science of medicine avas under a phy sician in AVoodstock, and later in London, Canada. At the latter point he remained one year and then avent to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and later to the Homeopathic College of Neav York, at AA'hich he graduat ed in the spring of 1866. Dr. Alalcolm first located for practice in Alichigan, and continued practice there for the succeeding eighteen years, at the end of avhich period the failing health of his avife induced him to try the effects of the climate of Kansas. This advantage caused the location of our subject, in the fall of 1884, in Hutchinson, Kansas, and he remained in active and successful practice here until the time of his death. The marriage of Dr. Alalcolm occurred in 1 86 1, to Aliss Alargaret Alatheavson, a daughter of Joseph Alatheavson. Her death occurred in October, 1892, her tAvo chil dren being: Oliver F., avho is a broker in Neav York city ; and Alargaret, avho is the wife of Frank V. Barton, of Hutchinson. As previously noted, Dr. Malcolm' was an original thinker as avell as a convincing speaker. AVhile not a follower in full of Henry George, he believed in the truth of many of his theories. On financial questions BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 207 he held advanced ideas, and one of these he claimed avould do aavay avith the incentive to crime and the accumulation of riches by the feav at the expense of the many. He. ad vanced some excellent arguments in support of this theory, and did a great deal of writing along this line. He avas but a boy avhen, in experimenting, he proved the principle which has been later demonstrated of use in avire- less telegraphy. He avas a correspondent for a number of medical journals and issued a number of avorks which met avith marked approval by the profession. In 1895 he1 brought out a avork entitled "A Regional and Comparative Materia Aledica," which has a classification concerning the use of medicines in use in certain cases, different diseases and medical agents, and in 1898 he issued a supplement, which covers neav ma terial in the same line. Dr. Malcolm's death occurred December 22, 1901, and in this connection the Detroit (Michigan) Times, of December 28th, contained the fol- loaving in its telegraphic neavs : " Dr. J. G. Malcolm, a former resident of this city, is dead at his home in Hutchinson, Kansas. He became prominent in Michigan medical circles by diagnosing- the location ot the bullet which was fired into the body of President Garfield and caused his death. When the post mortem was held Dr. Mal colm's statement as to the location of the leaden mis sile of death was found to be correct. He was the author of several medical works." GEORGE F. HAUSER. Banking interests are the heart of the commercial body and indicate the healthful ness of trade. In times of financial depres sion the bank which continues business along safe yet progressive lines does more to estab lish public confidence than any other agency, and at all times it is a poaver in the business world whose influence can scarcely be exag gerated. One of the reliable financial con cerns of central Kansas is the Bushton State Bank, of avhich George F. Hauser is cashier, and in his official capacity he has become widely known, commanding uniform con fidence by his straightforward methods. He has been a resident of Bushton since 1887 and of central Kansas since 1874. Like many of the leading citizens of this portion of the state Air. Hauser is a native of Germany, his birth having occurred in the village of Langenau, Baden, on the 22d of November, 1858. He is a representative of a good family Avhose salient characteris tics are integrity, industry and morality. His father, Fritz Hauser, was born in Baden, July 6, 1822, acquired his education there and after arriving at years of maturity mar ried Elizabeth Obser, who was born July 8, 1826, and whose, childhood was also passed in Baden, tbe place of her nativity. Their son George avas a lad of ten summers when the family came to the United States, settling at Columbus, Platte county, Ne braska, in the spring of 1869, avhere they re mained until 1874, avhen tbey came to cen tral Kansas, locating at Ellinwood, Barton county. The father was. a farmer by occu pation and carried on that pursuit in Barton county until his death, which occurred July 31, 1884, when he avas sixty-tavo years of age. His wife died in Ellinwood, October 6, 1900, when seventy-four years of age. Both avere honored and respected for their many good qualities and for their fidelity to the principles of right living. Five children survived the mother : Ernest, of Ellinwood ; William F., a resident of McMinnville, Ore gon; George F., of Bushton; Ludwig F., a resident of Nashville, Kansas; and August F., of Bushton. They also lost one daugh ter, Elizabeth, who- died at the age of seven years and is buried at Columbus, Nebraska. Leaving the fatherland at the age of ten years, George F. Hauser avas principally reared in Nebraska and Kansas, pursuing his education in the schools of the two states and gaining practical experience in farm work by assisting his father in the field. At the age of eighteen he began teaching school in Barton county, Kansas, andl later he was employed as a clerk in the postoffice at El linwood. He aftenvard went to New Mex ico in the service of the Santa Fet Railroad Company and avas also employed by the Adams and AVells-Fargo Express Compan ies, avhile later he had charge of the freight 208 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. department of the Santa Fe Railroad, at El- linavood. This avas followed by a period de voted to the real-estate business, and in 1887 he came to Bushton, avhere he was interested in a hardavare and implement store. On re tiring, in 1893, from that line of trade, he managed a private bank in Bushton, and in 1898 took up his abode upon his farmi of two hundred and forty acres adjoining that village. The place is knoavn as Cedarlawn Farm and is one of the best places, in Farmer toavnship, improved avith an attractive resi dence, large barns and outbuildings and all modern improvements. There is a granary, a avindmill, an orchard and a beautiful grove of cedars, from avhich the place takes . its name. Everything is neat ani thrifty in appearance, indicating the careful supervi sion of an enterprising owner, avho in addi tion to his agricultural interests fills the office before mentioned: — that of cashier of the Bushton State Bank. Also, he is specially interested in his orchard and select herd of shorthorn cattle. During the years 1874-6 he herd'ed cattle on the plains in the sum mer, being in the saddle day after day, rain or shine, and attended school during the avinter months. Alarch 28, 1883, avhen taventy-five years of age, Mr. Hauser avas united in marriage to Miss Bianca Volkland, avho was born in Fond chi Lac, Wisconsin, June 17, 1858. a daughter of William and Pauline Volkland. She died near Bushton, August 12, 1887, leaalng tavo children: AArillie E., born in Ellinwood, February 9, 1885 ; and Lola Florence, born in the same city February 2f, 1886. On the 29th of November, 1888, in Bushton, Mr. Hauser avas again married, his' second union being avith1 Emma Savartz, AA'ho avas born in Bettsville, Sandusky coun ty, Ohio, January 9, 1859, an'd sbe is a lady of intelligence avho has made his home very pleasant and attractive. She is the second daughter of the Rev. S. and Sarah Savartz, the former and honored pioneer and avell known minister of the Methodist Episcopal ¦ church. He avas for many years a leading and influential citizen of this community, but is noav living in Oklahoma. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Hauser have been born tavo sons : Ernest S., born June 17, 1897, and Theo R., born July 22, 1901. In his political opin ions our subject is a Republican, and he and his avife are members of the Methodist Epis copal church, in which he is serving as one of the trustees. His name is synonymous avith honorable dealing in all business af fairs; he is uniformly courteous and consid erate, and wherever known is esteemed for his genuine worth of character. He, how ever, gratefully acknowledges that whatever success he may have attained in life is largely due to the teachings of Professor J. R. Bick- erdyke, his former preceptor, avhom he holds in high regard and gratefully remem bers as a teacher and- a proven friend. Al. FINLEY. M. Finley is a prominent and represent ative farmer and stock-raiser of Rice coun ty, where he located at an early day, and throughout the intervening years he has been knoavn as an enterprising business man of the community. He avas born in Ross county, Ohio, N'ovember 30, 1846, and avas reared to the honest toil of the farm. His parents avere Isaac and Alary (Henness) Finley, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Virginia. The paternal grandfather avas John Finley, a native of the Green Isle of Erin, in Avhich country he avas married, and all of his six children avere there born avith the exception of the father of our sub ject. By occupation John Finley avas a farmer, and in folloaving that pursuit pro vided for the support of his avife and chil dren. The following is the list of his sons and daughters, — John, Aloses, AA'illiam, Mary, Jane and Isaac. The last named avas reared to manhood in the Buckeye state and learned the car penter and cooper's trades, avhich be fol loaved for many years. In Ohio he married Miss Mary Henness, and there they spent the residue of their days, the father passing away in 1862. He avas a Whig in his po litical affiliations in early life and afteravard joined the ranks of the neav Republican BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 209 party. However, he never aspired to office, preferring that his attention should be given to his business affairs. His avife survived him only a short time, passing away the same year. It avas the mother who practi cally reared the children** and instructed them, for the husband avas aavay from home working at his trade in order to provide for their support. She was a devoted and lov ing avife and mother, avhose gentle counsel and kind avords had marked influence over the lives of ber children. She early im pressed upon their minds lessons of integ rity and industry, and they have become an • honor to her name. Of the Baptist church she avas a consistent and honored member, and her Christian faith permeated her entire life. John Finley; her eldest son, avas among the first to enlist at the call of the president for troops to aid in crushing out the rebellion. He received a avound and then returned home on a furlough, but after recuperating his health rejoined his com mand and continued at the front until after the close of the avar. He then once more took up his abode in Ohio, where he after- avard died. William, the second son, en listed as a member of the Twenty-sixth Regiment .of Ohio Volunteers and was killed at the battle of Chiekamauga. James also sened as a Union soldier, and, becom ing ill, was brought to his home, where he died not long afterward. The next of the family is he. avhose name introduces this review, and the younger members are Scott, who also avore the blue in the Civil war; Isaac, avho is living in Ohio; Mrs. Mar garet Guess ; Nancy, avho died at the age of eighteen years; Mrs. Martha Wilson, of Ohio; Mary, who died in childhood; and Mrs. Ida Hurst. Mr. Finley acquired a knowledge of the elementary branches of English learning in the public schools, and by reading and study, as well as practical experience in later life, he has added largely to his knowledge and is now a avell informed man. He is the only member of his father's family avho left Ohio. His father died when he was quite young and he avas then thrown upon his oavn re sources, being strictly a self-made man. Soon after the death of his parents he was employed by the month as a farm hand, and continued to serve in that capacity until his marriage, except during the period when he aided in the defense of the Union. He was only seventeen years of age avhen, in 1864, he enlisted in the Ohio militia, and after serving there for a short time he joined the United States volunteer service as a mem ber of Company E, One Hundred and Forty- ninth Ohio Infantry. This regiment avas assigned to the Army of the Potomac, un der the command of General Thomas, and saw some hard service. The troops were sent on long and difficult inarches and were almost daily engaged in skirmishing with the Confederates. Mr. Finley participated in the battle of Frederick, Maryland, where the Union troops avere repulsed and made a retreat of forty miles. After his second en listment he avas engaged in guardng the White House at Washington, and on the expiration of his term of service he received an honorable discharge, in September, 1864. After returning to his home Mr. Finley learned the carpenter's trade, which he fol lowed in connection with farming. In 1868 he went' to Illinois, avhere he was employed as a farm hand, and after his marriage he rented a tract of land, which he cultivated for six years. AVith the capital he had ac quired in the meantime he then purchased a small farm, avhich he continued to operate until 1887. He then sold that property and removed to the neav Eldorado, for at that * time the attenion of the country avas direct ed toward Kansas and its possibilities. He settled in Rice county, avhere he leased three quarter sections of land, upon avhich he yet resides. It was then a tract of raw prairie and he has made all of the improvements upon the place, including the erection of a commodious house and barn. He has the entire place under fence and the land is de voted to the raising of crops and to grazing purposes. In connection with general farm ing he makes a specialty of handling stock, keeping on hand only high grades.. He has a herd of fine Hereford cattle and a large 2 IO BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. herd of coavs, avell graded, oavning several full-blooded animals. Lie has a reputation for tlie excellent grade of stock which he places upon the market, and he finds a ready sale for all of the calves of avhich he avishes to dispose, receiving high prices. For many years he has ahvays purchased and bunched cattle and he ahvays has a good bunch on hand on his farm. His business ability has made him avidely recognized as a capable financ'er, and his enterprise and thrift have Avon for him a very desirable competence. He has purchased a avell improved farm, which he rents, and he also owns two resi dence properties, in Lyons, the rental from avhich adds materially to his income. Mr. Finley avas first married in 1869, to Aliss Alary AAtood, avho avas born in San gamon county, Illinois, and avas a daughter of Solomon and Mary (Preston) Wood, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Xeav York, in avhich state they Avere mar ried. At an early day they removed to Illi nois, Avhere her father followed the black smith's trade until his life's labors were end ed in death, in May, 1852. Only a few days elapsed betAveen the deaths of the parents. The mother Avas a consistent anl avorthy member of the Methodist church. Their children avere Harriett, of Ioava; Harvey, avho died in Illinois in 1901 ; Aurilla, who is the present avife of Mr. Finley; Franklin H., of Ioava ; Mary, the first avife of our sub ject; Angelia, noav Airs. Connor, of Illi nois; Elmira, of Ioava; and Scott, avho is living in Lawrence, Kansas. By his first marriage Air. Finley had two children, Will iam I. and Scott, but the latter died in early childhood. The former is still at home and assists his father in the conduct of the farm and in his stock-raising interests. He is also township clerk. The mother, avho avas a loyal and devoted member of the Alethodist Episcopal church, passed aavay on the 10th of February, 1876, and in July, 1877, Mr. Finley was again married. She avas born and reared in Illinois. Mr. and1 Mrs. Finley and their son AArilliam are identified avith the Alethodist Episcopal church, in avhich the last named has held membership since the- age of ten years. Mr. Finley joined the church at the age of eighteen and has lived a consistent Christian life. He has been a liberal contributor to the support of the church, has served as class leader and has filled all other positions and does all in his power to promote the work of the church and Sunday-school. For fourteen years he has been superintendent of the Sunday-school in this district and has done much to promote the cause of religious education through this channel. He has also been president of the township Sunday-school organization for six years and has given freely of his means toAvard the building of many houses of wor ship. In his political vieAvs he is a stalwart Republican, using his influence for and fur therance of the party's good. He has at tended tOAvnship and county conventions, has filled the office of toavnship treasurer and has served in many other local positions. Socially he is connected avith Kit Carson Post, No. 20, G. A. R., of Lyons, and in political, social and business, circles he is widely and favorably, knoavn, his salient characteristics being such as command con fidence and respect and aavaken the favor able consideration of all avith avhom: he comes in contact. To-day he occupies an enviable position among the men of prom inence in his adopted county, and his life demonstrates the advantages avhich Kansas offers to her citizens, for he came here avith little capital and all that he noav possesses has been avon through his persistency of pur pose and unflagging diligence. HENRY C. O'HARA. Since the days of pioneer development in Reno county the name of Henry Clay O'Hara has figured conspicuously and hon orably in connection with progressive meas ures which have contributed to the improve ment and progress of this portion of the state. He avas for some time identified with agricultural pursuits and is now engaged in general merchandising in Partridge, avhere BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 211 he also owns and conducts a livery stable. His life record began in Evansville, Indiana, avhere he first opened his eyes to the light of day on the 17th of February, 1841, his par ents being John and Elizabeth O'Hara. His father avas engaged in steamboating on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, devoting his entire life to that vocation. He died in 1849, avhen our subject avas only eight years of age. In the family were three children: James E., noav deceased; Henry C, and Alice E., the avife of Hugh Hampton, who resides, at the old Hampton homestead in Memphis, Tennessee. Soon after his father's death Mr. O'Hara of this revieav avent to Hancock county, Illi nois, to make his home, and there grew to manhood. AA'hen twenty years of age, in response to the first call for Union men to serve three years, he enlisted, becoming a member of tbe Black Hawk Cavalry, August 16, 1 86 1. The quota was full and there fore he avent to Missouri where he did scout ing and other service until February, 1862, when his regiment avas consolidated with the Seventh Missouri Cavalry, under com mand of Colonel SchofieM'. Previous to this time he had received no pay for his service's. After the organization was effected he did service in Missouri and Arkansas, pursuing bushwhackers and guerrillas. At Lone Jack his command encountered Price, Quantrell and Coffee avith their troops, about eight hundred Federal troops bdng surrounded by some five thousand Confederates. Sev enty of his. company survived and some of them were wounded. Other companies of the regiment suffered as severely. This was on the 1 6th of August, 1862. Another se vere engagement was at Prairie Grove, Ar kansas, December 7, 1862, when his com mand went on a forced march to reinforce General Blunt, but before they reached him the enemy turned on them, inflicting severe loss. They succeeded, however, in reaching Blunt and dispersed the Rebels. In this en gagement twenty of the company to which Mr. O'Hara belonged were captured. The enemy rdreated to Fort SmitfTwith prison ers, where the following day the Union forces overtook them and succeeded in res cuing all of the captured Union troops. Mr. O'Hara had been wounded at Lone Jack, and on account of his injury he avas mus tered out at Springfield, Missouri, February 23, 1863. He enlisted as a corporal but was made orderly sergeant, and thus command ed the company a portion of the time. After leaving the service Mr. O'Hara re turned to Hancock county and for one season took charge of a large farm oavned by a Mr. Chandler, near Warsaw. The following winter he became a student in the high school of that town with the intention of pursuing his studies longer, but in the spring he entered a recruiting office where he con tinued for some time. He afterward lo cated in the southeastern part of the county, where he engaged in farming, and while there residing he was married to Durella Dilly, a daughter of the Rev. Samuel Dilly, of the Congregational church. . She was born in Illinois. For a year after their marriage they resided upon her father's farm and then removed to' Lewis county, Missouri, where Mr. O'Hara purchased! a tract of land, upon which he remained for a year. He then sold and returned to Han cock county, Illinois, avhere he bought forty acres of land in Wythe township, making his home thereon for three years. Again he disposed of his property and this time "re moved to Galesburg, Illinois, where he en gaged in the transfer business. He next ac cepted a position in the freight office of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, and after three years spent in Galesburg returned to BpOwen, Hancock county, avhere for eight months he conducted a grocery and meat market. On the expiration of that period he sold his store and went to Clay county, Arkansas, where he followed agricultural pursuits for three years and in the mean time he became interested in the manufac ture of candy in Galesburg, Illinois, dividing his time between the two places. On the 20th of September, 1873, Mr. O'Hara arrived in Reno county and located a homestead claim in the northwest quarter of section 24, township 26, range 7. This he at once began to cultivate and improve. His first home Avas a dugout in which he ,212 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. lived for two years avhen1 he built a frame house, availing the cellar avith rock. _The first year he broke some sod and in the spring of 1874 planted thirty acres to corn, but the grasshoppers entirely destroyed his crop. This left him destitute and he had to go aavay from home and find work to support his family. That fall he planted about sixty acres of avheat but the grasshoppers ate the seed avheat in the ground. The following spring he sowed a small amount of spring avheat. He resided upon the homestead for seven years and in the meantime he pur chased the south half of section, 16, township 24, range 7. To this place he removed in the spring of 1880, building a good ho-use of seven rooms. Improving the place he made it his home for some time, but when the rail road avas built through the locality he. sold to the company one hundred and twenty acres of his land for the toavn site of Part ridge. In the meantime, in 1880, in com pany avith C. Bussinger and others, he be came largely interested in the cattle business, grazing about a thousand head or more in the Indian Territory, with winter quarters at Mule creek, in Barber county, where they had land for the purpose. After disposing of their interests in the territory he contin ued avith Air. Bussinger in the same line of business in Reno county for two. years, graz ing and feeding some tavo hundred and fifty head of cattle. After the town avas estab lished on his land in Center township, Mr. O'Hara remained at that place for a number of years and engaged there in the real-estate and insurance business until 1891 Avhen he took charge of the Farmers' Alliance store in Partridge, Avhich he later purchased. The business Avas at first an exclusive grocery trade, but in 1899 he added a general stock of goods, including dry goods, men's fur nishing goods, queensware and in fact ea-ery- thing found in a first-class general store. He still carries on the real-estate and insurance business, representing the old Hartford In surance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. In addition to his pther interests he is pro prietor of a livery stable and in the various departments, of his business he is meeting AA'ith excellent success. Unto Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara were born ten children : Levi A., a member of the TAventy-first United States militia, now in the Philippines; Hugh S., a resident farmer of Reno county; Henry P., Avho owns the old homestead; Asaph, who died at the age of five years; Alice G., the Avife of W. Al. Hemphill, a farmer of Reno county; Ina, the wife of Harry Lusk, _postmaster of Part ridge; Elsie; Don C. ; Seth, avIio died at the age of three years ; and Veazie. Mr. O'Hara has given his children good educational priv ileges and his daughter Elsie is an accom plished musician and teacher of music. Mr. O'Hara has ahvays taken a deep' in terest in public and political affairs and al- avays gave his support to' the Republican party until recently avhen he has voted Avith the People's party. He has served in nearly- all the toavnship offices, avas postmaster of RenO' Center for five years, and for four years has served as postmaster of Partridge. His service on the school board covers a period of sixteen years, during avhich time he did much to raise the standard of educa tion in his district. Fraternally he is identi fied avith the Ancient Order of United AArork- men. In Partridge he is a most valued citi zen and has been identified avith nearly every movement that has contributed to its up building and progress. He assisted in the building of the elevator and creamery and was a member of the building committee of the school board avhen the neav school house avas erected. Since 1886 he has been agent for the Santa Fe Toavn Company, transact ing their business' and looking after their in terests in Partridge. He has erected alto gether eight residences and business blocks in the toavn and he avas one of the organizers of the Congregational church here, both he and his avife becoming charter members in the fall of 1873. He has since served on the official board and has also been active in Sunday-school avork as teacher and super intendent. In the fall of 1888 he avas com missioned notary public and for tavelve years served in that capacity ; he has also been jus tice of the peace, and thus in official, busi ness, church and social life he has contrib uted in large measure to the advancement BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 213 and upbuilding of the toavn, deserving men tion among its most prominent and enter prising men. THOMAS O. FOX. Thomas O. Fox, avho is carrying" on ag ricultural pursuits on the southeast corner of section taventy-tAvo, tOAvnship' fifteen, range nine, EllsAvorth toavnship, claims Ohio as the state of his nativity, for his birth occurred there in Ashland county on the 8th of Alarch, 1850. On the paternal side he is of Geiman lineage, for his father, David Fox, avas a native of that country. When a lad of fourteen years he crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in Ohio, avhere he form ed the acquaintance of Matilda AVatson, avho avas reared in Ohio. They were married and began their domestic life in the Buck eye state. The father avas an attorney-at- la-Av, but devoted much of his life to farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of the breeding of fine stock. His death occurred in Ohio, in 1884, and his wife passed away in 1898. He avas prominent in public and official life, and his opinions carried weight among his fellow townsmen, who recog nized his devotion to the public good. Thomas O. Fox was one of five children, of avhom four are now living, namely: James AV., a policeman in Wichita, Kansas ; Allan C, avho is living on the old homestead at Hayesville, Ohio; Mrs. Elizabeth Far- shing, of Cleveland, Ohio; and Thomas O., who was the third of the family. Under the parental roof at Hayesville our subject avas reared and when he was quite young the care of the farm devolved largely upon him, for his older brothers had enlisted in the service of their country as members of the Union army. He pursued his education in the common schools and re mained at home until 1873, when, in the month of March, he started- with, three com panions for the Sunflower state, where he arrived on the anniversary of his birth, the 8th of March. He continued in Ellsworth county until the following September, avhen, in company with his brother, J. W., and a Air. Zimmerman, he engaged in the stock business, going to Iowa, where he purchased ten hundred and sixty-five head of sheep, which tliey drove across the country, being seventy days upon the road. Until 1897 Mr. Fox engaged in the conduct of his sheep ranch. In 1875 he purchased his present home property, comprising one hundred and sixty acres, to avhich he added until he had' eight hundred acres in one body, and upon this he annually kept from fifteen to thirty-five hundred head of sheep. He also engaged in the raising of grain, having about three hundred acres of land under cul tivation. In 1897 he severed his connection with the sheep industry and has since de voted his attention to the raising of cattle, keeping on hand about one hundred head. He has also given some attention to fine stock, making a specialty of thoroughbred Poland China hogs. On his place is one of the finest buildings in the county, a long stone barn which was built for defense against the Indians. At one time "Wild Bill" made his home on this place for a con siderable period. In his political views Mr. Fox is a Republican, and takes an active in terest in the growth and success of his party, which he believes to contain the best ele ments of good government. Official prefer ment, however, has had no attraction for him, although he has served on the central committee and was active in the organiza tion of school district No. 49, serving as a member of the school board during the greater part -of the time since. Fraternally he is connected avith Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M. Mr. Fox, has been tavice married, hav ing in Ohio, in 1872, wedded Miss Mary L. Rankin, who died in June, 1873, leaving one son, James O., who is a soldier in the regular army, now serving in the Philippines avith the Twenty-second United States Infantry. In 1875 Mr. Fox was married, in Ellsavorth, to Emma A. Green, who was born in Au gusta, Georgia, and is a daughter of AL Green. Her death occurred in July, 1889. By the second marriage there were four sons and a daughter : Edward, who is in the em ploy of the Union Pacific Railroad Com- 214 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. pany ; AVilliam C. ; Herbert ; Harry, who is in the emply of the 'Frisco Railroad Com pany at Joplin, Missouri ; and Nellie, who is in school. Mr. Fox is one of the respected pioneer citizens of Ellsworth county. For almost thirty years he has shared in the for tunes and aided in the development of cen tral Kansas. He has thus manifested his faith in the future, a faith which time has justified, for through the labors of its pro gressive citizens the counties of central Kan sas have taken rank among the best in the state. W. D. STURGIS. The firm of Kreider & Sturgis occupies an enviable position in commercial circles in Kanopolis. The junior member in con trol of this avell equipped hardware and im plement establishment is W. D. Sturgis, avhose name heads this review and who' is a man of sterling worth, well deserving of mention among the representative citizens of central Kansas. He avas born in Smith- field, Jefferson county, Ohio, February 22, i860, a son of the Hon. William and Kesiah (Beresford) Sturgis, both of whom were also natives ,of the Buckeye state. The father avas a school teacher by profession and resided upon a farm in the east. He took a very active part in public affairs and avas honored with a number of offices. In 1865 he removed to Moniteau county, Mis souri, where he served as superintendent of the county schools. He is also a recognized leader in public thought and opinion and has the confidence and high regard of the citi zens among whom he lives. They have manifested their confidence in his ability and trustworthiness by electing him' to the office of representative to the state legisla ture in 1900. He has given careful thought to the questions which have come up for con sideration in the general assembly and has labored earnestly for the best interests of the commonwealth. His wife is also sur viving, and in their family of thirteen chil dren our subject is the second in. order of birth. The record is as follows : J. T., a prominent attorney of Newton county, Mis souri, and a partner of the Hon. M. E. Bur ton; Horatio Edward, who is living at Neosho, Missouri; George, who is principal of the schools of Windsor, Missouri ; Reed, who makes his home in Clarksburg, Mis souri; Stewart, who is engaged in teaching at Clarksburg; Alfred Elmer; Ella, avho is the avife of Homer Henry, of Latham, Mis souri ; Irene, the wife of J. H. Seaver, of Springfield, Missouri; Corrine, the avife of Budd Osborn, of Deepavater, Missouri; Kate, and Mary. Three of the sisters have been successful teachers. W. D. Sturgis, avhose name introduces this record, remained at home until seven teen years of age, and was a little lad of five summers avhen the family removed to. Mis souri. He pursued his education in the public schools, and in Central College of Clarksburg. At the age of seventeen he re turned to the old home in Ohio and avas en gaged in teaching in the district schools of that locality for three years. At the age of taventy he avent to Stanwood, Michigan, where he accepted a position as teacher in the public schools, acting as principal for two years. He aftenvard served' as prin cipal in Bluffton, Indiana, and in 1885 he came to Kansas, after visiting his family in Missouri. In this state he engaged in teaching in the district schools for tavo terms and then accepted a position in the city schools of Kanopolis, being thus identified with the educational interests of the city until 1888, when, in connection avith Henry Kreider, he established the firm of Kreider & Sturgis and bought the small hardavare business owned by Mr. Hallenstein. Since that time he has been connected avith the harware and implement trade. The firm' has increased its stock, enlarged its facilities and is now enjoying a liberal patronage. In January, 1886, Mr. Sturgis avas united in marriage to Miss Mattie Kreider, a daughter of his partner, and they now .have six inter esting children: Ethel, Fay, Kate, Ruth, Alfred and Emily. Mr. Sturgis is a mem ber of Kanopolis Lodge, No. 324, I. O. O. F., and is a charter member of the Camp of Alodern AAtoodmen, in avhich he has filled all BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 215 of the offices. In 1893 be was made post master of the town, under President Cleve land, and served for about five years. He has also' been a member of the" city council and of the board of education since his ar rival in the toavn. His. worth as a business man and citizen is avidely acknowledged and he has had marked influence upon public progress along intellectual, social, moral and material lines in this place. BAXTER COLE. The stock interests are among the lead ing ones in many parts of the great west and are particularly important in Reno coun ty, Kansas, avhere conditions are so favor able for men of ability and good judgment to pursue this line avith the greatest success. One of the leaders in this locality is Baxter Cole, member of the well-known and pros perous firm of Cole & Bigger, of Hutchin son, Kansas. Mr. Cole is not a native of this state, his birth having taken place, on April 11, 1873, in Darke county, Ohio. His parents were AArilliam and Clarissa (Alexander) Cole, tbe former of whom was born in Darke county, Ohio, on March 3, 1849. His fa ther was Samuel Cole, a native of New Jersey, and he is still residing on. the farm where he settled as a pioneer, and when the country was still the home of various tribes of Indians. The marriage of Samuel Cole was to Elizabeth Cox, also of New Jersey. Soon after their marriage they moved to the reputed rich lands in Ohio, located on a heavily timbered* tract and through hard work and tireless energy, changed the wilderness of the forest into the smiling landscape, which is not only a pleasure to the eye but which is the equiva lent of an immense amount of money. Mr. and Mrs. Cole were blessed with health and strength, and the kind father was able to provide each son with a farm of eighty acres, while the youngest has the home place, con sisting of one hundred and sixty acres. Ten children were born into this pioneer home, eight of avhom inherited the robustness and vigor of their parents, tavo of their sons also rearing large families. The youngest,# El mer, is the only one unmarried. The mother of our subject avas a daugh ter of Samuel Alexander, of Union City, Indiana, and there at the age of eighteen years slie was married to William Cole, avho at that time had just reached his majority. They settled on a farm near Greenville, and there Mr. Cole still oavns a valuable farm of one hundred and sixty acres, its selling price being not less than ten thousand dol lars. In the spring of 1886 they left their Ohio home to make a neav one in the state of Kansas, and on Alarch 16, of that year they reached the farm they noav occupy, in Lodi toavnship, near Bonesprings, in Reno county. Here Mr. Cole oavns four hundred and eighty acres of valuable land. Twelve children avere born to AVilliam Cole and his wife, ten of avhom still survive, as follows : Baxter, Samuel, John, George, Clifford, Liz zie, Perry, Burley, Rosa, and Hobart. Those who have passed away are Willie, who died at the age of two years, and Elmer, avho died in January, 1901, at the age of fifteen. Baxter Cole, of this sketch, avas well ed ucated in the common schools, at first with the idea of becoming a teacher, in avhich his brother Clifford has succeeded avell, but later this idea was abandoned in preference for a business life. He made his home with his parents until his marriage, avhich took place on March 1, 1897, to Josie Lee Brown, avho was born in Iowa, a daughter of Robert Brown, avho is now a farmer in Osage coun ty, Oklahoma. One son avas born to this union, Robert Leoto, avho died at the age of thirteen months. The extensive stock operations of Cole & Bigger are carried on on four hundred and eighty acres and they have the same amount of land under cultivation. At pres ent they have three hundred head of stock cattle and two hundred and fifty head of Po land-China hogs, and considering that but four years have been occupied in the ven ture their success has been remarkable. The corn crop in 1901 avas not up to their ex pectations, but it avas more than compensat- 2l6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ed by the enormous yield of avheat. Mr. Bigger is the manager of a mercantile busi ness in Hutchinson, while Mr. Cole looks after the management of the farm and stock He is thoroughly conversant avith every de tail, understands the properties of the soil and has studied and put into' practice the scientific breeding and economical feeding of cattle and stock. He takes an intelligent in terest in politics and is one of the leading Republicans in his locality. Socially he is connected avith the order of Odd Felloavs, and is regarded as one of the rising young men of the country. AARON BOBB. The name of Mr. Bobb is inseparably intenvoven Avith the history of Rice county. He is one of its honored pioneers and most esteemed and avorthy farmers. He avas the first man that plowed land and put in a crop in Rice county, and from that time his labors have continuously demonstrated the possi bilities that lie before the agriculturist in this portion of the Sunfloaver state. He arrived here in January, 1871, bought a tract of land and planted a field of potatoes in March. His first home was a sod house, in which he resided for two years. Buffa loes roamed oa*er the prairies in large herds, deer and antelope could ahvays be killed, and the animals furnished an abundance of meat to the early settlers. Indians avere still in the neighborhood, spending much of their time in hunting buffaloes, after AA'hich they would tan their hides and use them for clothing or sell to the Avhite men. Such Avere the conditions Avhich Air. Bobb found Avhen he emigrated avestavard and took up his abode in Rice county, here to become an active factor in the development and prog ress which has since placed the county on a par Avith any community in the state. A native of Union county, Pennsylva nia, he avas born March 7, 1830, and is a representative of a family of Pennsylvania Dutch people, whose chief characteristics Avere energy, perseverance and fidelity to their word. Daniel Bobb, the father, was born in the Keystone state and was a son of Peter Bobb, also a native of Pennsylvania and a, son of a German emigrant, who was the founder of the family in the new world. Daniel Bobb was united in marriage to Sa rah Close, also a native of Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Solomon and Sophia (Gift) Close. Their marriage was blessed with seven children, namely: Mary; Aaron, who is now living in Kansas; Phebe; Levi; Jo seph, now deceased; Samuel; and Amelia. In 1847 the Bobb family removed from the Keystone state to Illinois, locating in Ste phenson county, that state, near Freeport, Avhere the parents spent their remaining days, the mother passing away April 9, 1892, in her eighty-fourth year, Avhile the father's death occurred May 1, 1893, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. Throughout his entire business career he devoted his en ergies to farming, and thereby provided a comfortable living for his family" Like his ancestors he Avas indentified with the Lu theran church, to avhich his avife also e- longed. They were people of genuine avorth, honest, faithful and reliable, and avherever knoavn their sterling characteristics won them high respect and confidence. Aaron Bobb, avhose name introduces this review, was reared in Pennsylvania until seventeen years of age and avas early taught lessons of industry, honesty and per sistence. He acquired his education in the public schools, and at the age of nineteen he began serving an apprenticeship to the car penter's trade, avhich he mastered, becom ing a good mechanic. After the removal of the family to- Illinois he followed that occu pation, and has ahvays been identified with the building interests of Rice county since coming to Kansas. His knowledge of car pentering proved of great value to him in this state, for, far from towns and rail roads, he had to depend largely upon his oavn efforts for everything avhich he wished not only in an agricultural but also in the AARON BOBB. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 217 mechanical line. His use of tools enabled him to secure improvements much more easily than many of his neighbors avho avere not familiar avith such departments of avork. Air. Bobb avas married' in 1856, in St. Joseph, Michigan, to Amelia Ann King, avho AA-as born in Union county, Pennsyl vania, a daughter of James King. He died in Rice county, Kansas, at the age of eighty-seven years, and his avife, Airs. So phia King, passed aavay in Alichigan, at the age of seventy-four. They avere farming people and avere consistent Christians, hold ing membership in the Lutheran church. Mr. and Airs. Bobb took up their domestic life in Alichigan, avhere they remained until 1869, avhen, believing that better opportun ities could be secured in the avest, they Avent to Daviess county, Alissouri, avhere they re mained for tavo years before coining to Kan sas. Air. Bobb avalked tavo hundred miles on making the journey to the Sunfloaver state, and after vieaving the country, being pleased Avith its prospects, he returned to Missouri for his family, his team and his carpenter tools. Here he secured a tract of wild land and immediately began the im provement cf his claim, for not a furrow had been turned. A sod house gave shelter to the family, aiid there hospitality reigned supreme, the latch-string being ahvays out. A cordial avelcome avas ever extended to the weary avayfarer, and many of the neav com ers through Rice county enjoyed the good cheer avhich pervaded the Bobb home. In September, 1893, ^ir- Bobb removed to his present farm, avhere he neav has a large and attractive residence and a commodious barn, togdher avith extensive granaries, containing three thousand bushels, of wheat. •There are also sheds for the shelter of stock, cribs for the storing cf grain, feed lots, ver dant pastures and highly cultiaated fields. In fact, everything about the place is in ex cellent condition, the farm being one of the finest in this portion of the country. It com prises seven hundred and taventy acres of rich land, which yields to him an excellent return for the grain that is each spring plant ed in the fields. Good groves and orchards 14 add to the value of "the place and no im provement of the model farm is lacking. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bobb avas blessed avith a family of nine children, six sons and three daughters, namely1: James a farmer Avho is residing near Noble, Kan sas; Mary A., the Avife of John Altaian, of Rice county; Frank S., avho is living in At lanta toavnship, Rice county ; Oscar David, a carpenter of De:iA*er, Colorado; Joseph Calvin, who is employed as a salesman in that city; Charles Alfred, avho is living in Oakland, Californina ; Anna S., wife of Clark McFarland, cf Miami county, Kan sas ; John Peter, who avas a soldier in the Spanish-American war, and is also engaged in clerking in Denver, Colorado; and Ida Louise, avho is noav at home with her father. The greatest loss avhich Air. Bobb ever sus tained avas in the death of his avife, avhich occurred June 16, 1888. She had indeed been a faithful companion and helpmate to him on life's journey through a period of thirty'-tavo years. She avas of even temper ament, ahvays genial, neyer complaining, and avas avidely loved for her kindness of heart and mind.' Her neighbors knew her for a kind and faithful friend, and to her husband and children she avas a devoted avife and mother. She belonged, to the Lutheran 'church, and the principles of Christianity permeated her career. Formerly Mr. Bobb avas a supporter of Democratic principles, but is now a Pdpu- list. He has reached the psalmist's span of three score years and ten, but possesses the vigor and appearance of a man much younger. He came to the county with lim ited means, but as the years have passed has acquired a handsome competence. He owes no man, has a valuable farm free from debt, and his avord is as good as his bond, for in all business transactions he is found straight forward and reliable. He possesses the ster ling qualities of the sturdy pioneers avho bravely faced the trials and hardships of life on the plains in order to make homes for their families and thus aided in laying the foundation for the present prosperity and progress of this portion of the state. 218 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. JOHN B. VIXCENT. John B. Vincent, the efficient postmaster of Hutchinson, avas born in Frankfort, Ken tucky, on the 5th of December, 1845, bis parents being Leonard and Laura ( Kackby) Vincent, the former a native of Xeav York and the latter of Virginia. In early life the father avent to the Old Dominion, avhere he was married, and later removed to: Franklin county, Kentucky, avhere he engaged in con tract avork. In 1858 he became a resident of Knox county, Indiana, avhere he spent his remaining* days, passing aavay in 1876. In his family were seven children, of avhom three are yet living, the sisters of our sub ject being Catherine, the wife of George W. Martin, of Bruceville, Indiana, and Carolina, the avife of William AlcEnder, of Frankfort, Kentucky. When only thirteen years of age John B. Vincent accompanied his parents to Indi ana and there he remained until sixteen years of age, when his patriotic spirit was aroused by the attempt of the south to secede and at the first call for troops for three years' service he enlisted in Company H, Fifty- first Indiana Infantry. The regiment was attached to Rosecrans' division of the Four teenth Army Corps and he participated in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River and other engagements. In the raid of Sand mountain he was captured near Rome, Georgia, by General Forrest and avas sent to Libby prison and aftenvard to Belle Isle, but avas soon paroled and a little later was exchanged. Returning to his regiment, he took part in the battles of Franklin, Tennes see, and Nashville, and after the surrender of General Lee his regiment avas sent to Texas, doing duty on the frontier until the command avas discharged, on the 13th of January, 1866. Although so young avhen he entered the service, his military- record avas creditable and he displayed valor equal to that of many a veteran pf tavice his years. Returning to his home in Indiana, Mr. Vincent began work at the carpenter's trade, avhich he folloaved until Ai*r:l, 1878, avhen he came to Reno county, Kansas, to secure a claim. He located on school land in Ros coe toavnship and there made his home for tavo years, during avhich time he broke sixty acres of land and made other improvements. He then removed from the farm to Nicker son, avhere he accepted a position in the shops of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, there remaining until the fall of 1884, avhen he avas elected clerk of the district court. He filled the position for three consecutive terms and was nominated for the fourth term, but the Populist movement swept over the country that year and together AA'ith the other members of his party in this locality he AA*as defeated. He, however, retired from office as he had entered it, with the confi dence and good avill of the public. On laying aside official cares Mr. Vincent engaged in business at Galena, Kansas, in operating mines and developing mining property. Later he avas engaged ih business in Polk county, Arkansas, and there became interested in coal mining in connection avith AA'. E. Burns, under the firm, name of AA'. E. Burns & Company. He continued in that position for only six months, for the exces sive freight rates entirely consumed the prof its on coal. On the first of April, 1896, Mr. Vincent avas appointed by Governor Morrill to a position as a member of the live stock sanitary board of the state of Kansas, a board established to stamp out and prevent the spread of disease among live stock. He served in that capacity for a year and on the ist of July, 1897, avas appointed post master of Hutchinson by President McKin ley, in avhich capacity he has since served, his administration of the affairs of the office being practical, business-like and commend able. ITe has resided in Hutchinson since May, 1887, and is numbered among the lead ing citizens. He has sened as justice of the peace in his toavnship and in politics has al-* avays been stanch Republican. On the 25th of December, a 870, in Bruceville, Indiana, Air. Vincent avas united in marriage to Aliss Alice Bruce, a represent ative of an old and prominent family of the Hoosier state. She is a daughter of H. J. Bruce and her grandfather, Major Bruce, after serving as an officer in the Avar of 181 2, secured a land Avarrant avhich he located in BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 219 Indiana, the tract including the present site of Bruceville, avhich town was named in his honor. Socially Mr. Vincent is connected with Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., of Hutchinson, is a past commander and has represented the local post in the encamp ment. In the Masonic fraternity he has at tained the Knight Templar degree, and he has also belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellopws and the Knights of Pythias fraternity. Feav men are better or more widely known in Reno county and through out tbe state than Mr. Vincent, whose long official service has. gained him. a Avide ac quaintance, avhile his personal qualities have won for him the friendship and respect of those with avhom he has been associated. C. G. PROFFITT. One of the finest ranches in Rice county — known as Sunny Ridge Stock Farm — is the property of C. G. Proffitt, a leading and enterprising farmer and' stock-raiser of Ray mond township. Here he owns and oper ates eleven hundred and twenty acres of land, his energies being devoted to the culti vation of the crops best adapted to this soil and climate and to the raising of the best grades of stock. He was born in Sullivan county, Tennessee, in 1855, a son of John M. Proffitt, a prominent early settler of Rice county. The grandfather, AVilliam Proffitt, AA-as a native of Virginia, and was a son of Robert Proffitt, who was born in England. John Al. Proffitt, the father of our subject, married Ellen Smith, who died in this coun ty in 1874, loved and respected by all who knew her. The father is still living, and his history will be found on another page of this volume. C. G. Proffitt, whose name initiates this review, was a lad of eleven years when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Marion county, Iowa, taking up their abode near Pleasantville, where he assisted in the labors of the farm. His education was re ceived in the public schools of Tennessee and Iowa. He first came to Rice county, Kansas, in 1873, but shortly afterward re turned to Ioava. In 1885 he again took up his abode in this county, avhere he has since remained, proving an active factor in the upbuilding and improvement of his adopted county. He now owns eleven hundred and twenty acres of the best land to be found in the locality, it being improved with a good residence, large barns, wind-mills, feed lots and all other necessary improvements. In addition to the raising of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate he is exten sively engaged in stock raisng, dealing in cattle and hogs. He keeps on hand from, four hundred to one thousand head of cattle on his large farm, and is also an extensive grain buyer. His Polled Angus cattle are among the finest to be found in central Kansas. He has been largely instrumental in improving the grade of stock raised in the state, and his efforts have therefore been of public benefit, for the improvement of stock adds to its market value, and the wealth of the agricultural class is therefore augmented. In Marion county, Ioava, in 1876, oc curred the marriage of Mr. Proffitt and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Schirner, who was born, reared and educated in Marion county, a daughter of Andrew Schirner, a native of Germany. After coming to the new Avorld he served as a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war, enlisting in the Iowa Graybeard Regiment, and served for three years. He was married in Indiana to Mar garet Titus, who was born in Knox county, Ohio., and her death occurred in 1876, at the age of sixty-two years. She was tavice married, her first husband being James Walker, and they had four children : Jesse D. ; F. M., avho was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war ; Emily J. ; and Eliza. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Schirner avere born five children, namely : Margaret, Si las, Hannah, Sarah E. and Lawrence. Air. Schirner was called to his final rest in 1876, when seventy-four years of age. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed AA'ith six Children : Leonard, who was married, October 8, 1899, to Bertha Wood, by avhom he has one daughter, Frances Margaret, and they reside in Raymond toavnship; Everett, 220 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Ralph, Frank, Esta and Beryl. In his po litical affiliations Mr. Proffitt is a Democrat, and he has served as a member of the school board. His life has been a success, but all his achievements are the result of patient ef fort, unflagging industry and self-confi dence. During his residence in the- Sun flower state he has so deported himself that as a citizen and as a man of business no man has a cleaner record or is more highly esteemed than he. JOHN and JOHN F. BUTLER. Feav citizens of Ellsworth county, Kan sas, are better knoavn or have been more suc cessful in farming and stock raising, than John and John F. Butler, uncle and nephew, avho operate a ranch of eight hundred and forty acres in this county. This is one of the most desirable stock farms in this part of the state, being located on both the Smoky Hill river and on Thompson creek. This noted ranch is owned and managed by John Butler, Jr., and his nephew, John F. Butler. The Butler family is of Irish extraction. John Butler avas born in Neav York city, on December 22, 1839, ana be avas a son of James and Margaret (Hister) Butler, both of avhom avere born in Ireland, but lived a feav years in New York after their emigra tion, dying avhen their sons, John and James, avere but three and five years of age. An aunt took charge' of the orphans for some four years and then our subject, John, Avas bound out to a farmer, in Sullivan county, NeAV York, and remained in his employ until he avas of age. At this time he received fifty dollars in money and a suit of clothes in payment for his twelve years of service. A stirring life followed. In December, 1863, our subject enlisted in the United States navy, from Brooklyn, on board the frigate Niagara, which was the flagship of Commodore Somers. The ship remained in harbor until the following June, starting- just one day too late to witness the engage ment between the Alabama and the Kear- sarge. The cruise extended to Antwerp, Bel- ¦ gium, the port being reached in thirty days, and until September, 1865, the vessel was engaged in cruising along the French and Spanish coasts and along the English chan nel, in search of privateers. In September of this year the vessel re turned to XTeav York and our subject avas discharged in October. Starting westward in search of a permanent career, Mr. Butler reached St. Joseph, Missouri, aahich avas then the terminus of the Hannibal & Mis souri railroad. Here he spent a short time Avorking on the construction of the Hanni bal & St. Joe road, going thence to Leaven- avorth, avhere he was engaged as a govern ment teamster on the overland Sante Fe trail. Air. Butler started in as a driver in a train of thirty avagons, avith thirty-five other men, and they reached Kit Carson Crossing of the Arkansas river and there they avere snowbound. It Avas necessary for them to: go into camp' here and it Avas not until the following Alarch that they Avere released, an eastbound train then coming to their rescue. This unfortunate band was by that time reduced to almost the last ex tremity, their provisions being" exhausted and their clothes so Avorn out that "gunny- sacks" AA*ere made use of in place of neces sary articles. For a considerable period their only food had been parched corn, which they used in all forms. The avhole party, hoavever, survived, and although exhausted and ill, safely reached Leavenavorth. In the spring of 1867 Air. Butler avent to the Delaavare Nation, south of Leaven avorth, and engaged in farming and railroad- tie making for some three months, return ing then to Leavenavorth and hiring his services to a Ah*. Bailsman for a period of four months. In the following September our subject avent to avhat is noav Valley Falls, but avhich then avas called Grasshop per Falls, and there engaged for eighteen months in farm avork, going then to Atchi son, avhere he remained during the succeed ing tavo years. In July, 1869, Mr. Butler came to Fort Harker, in Ellsworth county, and was en gaged as a driver in a wagon train from BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 221 Fort Harker to Fort Sill, returning in De cember of the same year. In the folloaving Alarch he located a homestead claim on the Dry Fork of Thompson Creek, on section 34-16-7, a strip Avhich Avas eighty rods Avide and one mile long. Here he made his home until 1874, engaging in stock raising in a small Avay at first, and gradually increasing until he owned some eighty head. In 1875' he sold out his claim for four hundred dol lars, and during the next tAvo: years, he con tinued grazing his oavn herd and also took in stock for others. In 1882 Mr. Butler bought tavo hundred acres of land from Eli jah and Samuel Johnson, this being a part of his present home. A year or tavo later, his brother and tavo children joined him in Kan sas. At this time his brother Avas a Avidoaver, in NeAV York, his tAvo children being: Ella, Avho AA'as the Avife of EdAvard Peary, but iioav deceased, a farmer and stockman of Mitchell county, and John F., avIio is at present asso ciated Avith our subject in his large opera tions. As soon) as the latter reached his majority, he Avas taken into partnership by his uncle.Since this firm Avas formed the entire of section 23 has been added to the original tract, making the present estate to comprise, eight hundred and forty acres, some three hundred of Avhich is under cultivation, Avhile from taa-O' to three hundred head of cattle are continually kept. All of the excellent .improvements on this estate have been made by Air. Butler, the fencing alone being an enormous expense. In all public matters Mr. Butler has taken an intelligent and public spirited inter est, ahvays doing- his full share to promote enterprises for the advancement of Ells worth county. In politics he has ahvays been' a Democrat, but has never accepted any office except a membership on- the school board, on account of his interest in educa tional matters. Fraternally he is connected Avith Ellsworth Post, G. A. R. John F. Butler was born in New York city on October 22, 1869, and he was left motherless at the age of ten years. In 1883 he accompanied his father to Ellsworth county to make his home with his uncle John, receiving a hearty Avelcome and later becoming his partner in business. On De cember 6, 1 89 1, he was united in marriage to Rebecca E. Brown, who was a daughter of James and Rebecca (Evans) Broavn. Airs. Butler Avas born in Harrison county, Ohio, and came to' Kansas with her parents in 1889. Air. Butler hals developed into one of the leading stockmen of this county, is universally esteemed, and is prominently identified avith the Masonic fraternity, avith the A. O. U. AV. and the M. AV. A., of Kan opolis. In .politics he adheres to the prin ciples of the Democratic party. The home is brightened by the presence of one beauti ful little daughter, named Ella M. James Butler, avho is the other mem ber of this family, and the father of John F. Butler, avas born in Neav York city on February 28, 1835, and on February 28, 1867, AA'as married to Catherine McGovern, ' aaIio Avas also born in that city. During the Civil avar he Avas connected with the Army of the Potomac and took part in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and after faithful service was honorably dis charged in June, 1863. Until the fall of 1865 he AA'as engaged in Xeav Jersey at his trade and then accepted a position as freight agent for the *N. Y. & N. J. railroad, later traveling in the interests of the firm of Kemp, Day & Co., from 1867 until 1870. He then engaged in building until 1883, when he came to Kansas to make his home Avith his brother and since that time has as sisted on the ranch. Mr. Butler has taken an active part in Democratic politics, has frequently been a delegate to congressional, state and county conventions, and has most acceptably filled the office of overseer of highways. Fra ternally he is connected with Ellsworth Post, G. A. R., and has been sergeant in that body at the state encampment. The home life enjoyed by this family- elicits good najjured envy from the neigh borhood. Mr. John Butler, Sr., after an early life of so, much adventure and struggle, is able iioav to enjoy some of its fruits, sur rounded by those of nearest kindred, by Avhom he is beloved and appreciated. The 222 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. family is one of the most highly respected in Ellsworth county, not only on account of the business ability it displays, but for its estimable domestic virtues and exalted citizenship. AVILLIAM ASTLE. A avorthy' representative of one of the most prominent and honored pioneer fam ilies not only of Haven township, but of central Kansas, is William Astle. They have ever borne their part in the upbuilding and development of this region and have ina-ariably been exponents of progress and liberal ideas upon all subjects. In 1872 the Astle family, consisting of the father, moth er and eight sons and daughters, located in the Sunflower state, where they Avere among the very earliest settlers of Avhat is noav Haven toavnship', and from that time to the present no' family has been more prominent ly identified avith the various interests of the community than the Astles. AA'illiam Astle, of this review, avas born in Derbyshire, England, on the 21st of No vember, 1840, a son of Richard Astle, avIio avas a native of the same locality, his birth having there occurred on the 15th of Febru ary, 181 1. In his native land the latter avas united in marriage to Sarah Hibbert, also a native of Alelbourne, Derbyshire, Eng land, born on the 3d of February, 1810, and there twelve sons and daughters avere born unto them, but three of the number, Sarah, Harriet and Alary, died in infancy. In 1852, after several of the children had grown1 to years of maturity, and the taa"o oldest, John, and Elizabeth, had married and located in Derbyshire, England, the family, consisting of the father, mother and seven children, em igrated to America, and after their arrival here they located near Quincy, Illinois, avhere the father avas eng'aged principalia' in gardening until 1861. In that year the fam ily removed to' Godfrey, Illinois, near Al ton, avhere they folloaved agricultural pur suits until 1866, and then removed to the eastern portion, of the county, at Alhambra. In 1872 Air. and Airs. Astle and several of their children took up-their abode in avhat is noav Haven township, Reno county, Kansas, and in the following fall they were here joined by the remainder of their children, consisting of six sons and tavo daughters, and the father and each of the children' se cured claims. The father's land avas located on section 20, and there he spent many years of his life, during which time he greatly im proved his land and took a very active and prominent part in the public affairs of the locality. He served as a justice of the peace during the early days of Haven, avas very prominent in tbe organization of the First Methodist church in Haven toavnship, of which he was long one of the leading mem bers, Avas an ardent supporter of Republican principles and was a member of the old Manchester Union of Odd FelloAvs. His death here occurred on the 10th of June, 1883, and his Avife survived him several years, passing aAvay January 22, 1891, aged eighty years and eleven months. Like her honored husband she, too, Avas a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. Unto this worthy couple Avere born thirteen chil dren, ten of Avhom greAv to years of matur ity: John, Avho' avas born November 17, 1832, avas a gardener by occupation and died in England, September 2, 1896, aged sixty- three years ; Elizabeth, avho avas born March 15, 1834, and died September 28, 1899, avas the avidoav of Henry Barber and resided in Melbourne, England; Richard, born Feb ruary 15, 1836, is a retired farmer of Haven city, avhere he has served as marshal and street commissioner; AA'illiam is the subject of this review; George, born October 21, 1842, is a prominent farmer and stock raiser residing two miles north of Haven, and dur ing the Civil avar he served for three years as a member of the Ninety-seventh Illinois Infantry, Company I; Joseph, born April 27> I845, died in Haven in 1899, avhere he avas one of the leading hardavare merchants ; Sarah, born February 16, 1847, is the de ceased avife of Henry Challacombe, a farm er of Cornelius, Oregon; Mary, born Feb ruary 20, 1849, is the avife of G. W. Van Buren, a prominent early settler and farmer residing one mile northeast of Haven; BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 223 Harry, born January 21, 183 1, is a success ful fanner and stock raiser northwest of Haven: and Charles AA'., the youngest of the family and the only one born in America, his birth occurring* on the 21st of Xovem ber, 1854, in Quincy, Illinois, is a retired farmer of Haven, avhere he has served as postmaster and mayor. AA'illiam Astle, avhose name introduces this review, received his early • education in England, and after coming to this country he attended school for three months in the vicinity of Quincy, Illinois. He assisted his father in tbe AA'ork of the farm until 1858, avhen he learned the blacksmith's trade in Quincy, Illinois, following that occupation until 1862. In that year he enlisted for service in the Civil Avar, entering Company I, Ninety-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infan try, at Alton, Illinois, and in August he was mustered into service at Camp Butler, Spring-field, Illinois, first under command of Colonel Rutherford, and later the regiment avas under the command of Colonel Vif- quain, avho commanded Bryant's regiment during the Spanish-American avar. From Springfield the regiment avas sent to. Ken tucky, where it formed a part of the army under Buell in the campaign against Bragg, participating in the battle of Perryville. The regiment then Avent by boat from Louisville to Alemphis, and from there avas taken by boat to Vicksburg in November, avhere they formed a part of Sherman's army and attacked A'icksburg from the north at Chick- asaav bayou. This attack being. unsuccess ful, the army- then fell back and Avas taken by boat to Arkansas Post, the army being then commanded by John A. AlcClernand. The post avas captured in the following Jan uary, after avhich the army avas sent to Alilli- ken's Bend, just across the river from Vicks burg, avhere it remained camped, until in April, 1863. The regiment of avhich Air. Astle avas a member then participated in the campaign against Vicksburg, avas also in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hills and Black River, and on the 19th of Alay they drove the enemy into, the forts around Vicksburg. On the 22d of that month he pa.rticipated in the assault on the works and aftenvard in the siege of the city until it surrendered. The regiment then formed a: part of the army that avent to the capture of Jackson, Mis sissippi, starting on the march on three o'clock of the 5th of July, and after besieg ing the city for three or four days it was finally evacuated and they then returned to' Vicksburg, from avhich -place the regiment was sent by boat to New Orleans, remain.- ing in camp in avestern Louisiana until the Red river expedition, avith General AVash- burn in command, after avhich they avere or dered to Xeav Orleans to be fitted out as mounted infantry. On the avay, however, the train was avrecked, leaving less than two. hundred men fit for duty, and these were put on provost duty for ten months in New Orleans, during avhich time the regiment avas recruited and participated in the expe dition against Mobile. They embarked on a ship at Neav Orleans for Pensacola, ad vancing thence by the Mobile & Charleston railroad to. Fort Blakely, and on the 9th of April, 1865, the fort avas caried by storm, but during the assault the regiment suffered greatly. From Alobile they proceeded up the Alabama river to Selma and Montgom ery ; thence on to the coast, where they em barked on ss ship for Galveston, Texas, avhere they avere discharged ini July, 1865, and at Camp Butler, Illinois, on the. 19th of August, 1865, they avere mustered out of the service. After the close of the avar Air. Astle re turned to Alton, Illinois, avhere he avas en gaged in agricultural pursuits until 1872., and in that year he came to Kansas, locating in Haiven toavnship, Reno county, and at that time only about eight families resided in the toavnship. Lie immediately secured a homestead claim on the southwest quar ter of section ^2, also a timber claim on the southwest quarter of section 34, and this section of the state avas then inhabited' principally by Indians, buffaloes and ante lopes. At one time Air. Astle killed a buf falo ten miles east of avhere the city of Ha ven iioav stands. He began life on thie avestern frontier in a small avay, first erect ing a small tavo-room house, but as time 224 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. passed by he gradually improved his claim and has also spent some time at his trade of blacksmithing, having a shop on his farm. As he prospered in his undertakings he has added to his original purchase until he is iioav the owner of about twelve hundred and forty acres in Haven and Castleton town ships, but much of this, hoavever, he has given to: his sons. He still carries on general farming on his original soldier's homestead, which he secured' on coming to this state, and Avhich iioav almost adjoins the toavn of Haven on the north, avhere he maintains his residence. On this old homestead in 1885 he erected one of the finest country residences in Reno county, the structure costing about four thousand dollars, and his residence and grounds aire among the most beautiful to be found in this section of the state. He also, has one of the largest barns in Haven toavnship. In addition to: the raising of the cereals best adapted to this soil and cli mate, Air. Astle gradually avorked into the stock business, and in 1886 he became ex tensively engaged in the grain and live stock business, establishing an office in Haven, avhere business is carried on under the firm style of AVilliam Astle & Son. They have a well furnished office located near the Mis souri Pacific railroad on Kansas avenue, avhere they are extensively engaged in buy ing and selling* grain and live stock. In the spring of 1901 Air. Astle erected a magnifi cent grain elevator, the largest in the toavn, having a capacity of taventy thousand bush els. Shortly after his return from the war, on the 25th of December, 1866, and avhile residing at Alton, Illinois, Air. Astle avas united in marriage to Louisa L. Tisius, a native of AA'isconsin and a daughter of Henry and Louisa (Frank) Tisius, both na tives of Germany and noav deceased. The father, avho avas a shoemaker by trade, passed aavay at Alton, Illinois, several years ago, and the mother died in Haven in 1900. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith five children, namely: Henry J.; avho is engaged avith his father in the grain and live stock business; T. F., a farm er near Haven ; AA'illiam R., avho is a farm er and stockman near this city; J. AAr., avho makes' his home with his parents; and Rose,' the Avife of O. P Gilmore. In political mat ters Ah*. Astle Ava.s formerly a Republican, but in recent years he has supported the People's party, believing it to represent the best interests of the American people. In 1875 he avas elected to the position of county commissioner, and for the past fourteen years he has served as a justice of the peace and also as a notary public. He Avas one of the original members of the toavn com pany, of avhich he avas vice-president for several years, and he still retains a number of lots in Haven. The toavn is located on railroad land originally oavned by Mr. As tle, and it avas laid out in 1886, the same year in avhich the Alissouri Pacific railroad avas constructed through this place. In his social relations he has been an Odd Felloav for the past thirty-five years, in aahich he has passed all the chairs, is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, of Haven, and carries a life insurance in the Ancient Order of Pyramids. He has given his aid in many generous avays to the perpetuation of those forces avhich conserve the best in terests of the community, and the course that has folloaved in political, business, social and home circles commends him to1 the high est esteem of all. O. E. HOPKINS. The laav stands most prominent among our learned professions because it is the only one that involves the study and pursuit of a stable and exact science. Theology, it is true, AA-as once considered an inimitable science, but in these modern times Ave see the props of every creed attacked and neav denominations multiplied. So it is avith med icine, for its practice and theories succeed each other in rapid revolution. But amidst them all the science of laav remains un changed, its principles as finn as the rock of Gibraltar. Is it any avcnder then that men Avho folloav the legal profession claim more than a passing interest from their felloav men? And this is especially true avhen they BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 225 have, through their oavn efforts acquired more than ordinary prominence and are knoavn to exercise more than ordinary care in sifting the contents of fact and brain, avell knowing that it is only on the anvil of discus sion that the spark of truth can be struck. One of the most prominent legal practi tioners at the bar of Rice county is O. E. Hopkins, avho is noav occupying the posi tion of county attorney, to avhich office he AA-as elected on the Republican ticket in No vember, 1898. He stands as an able repre sentative of his profession in central Kan sas, his ability being Avidely recognized. He avas born in AA'arren county, Indiana, near AA'illiamsport, on the 26th of Xovember, 1868, and is a son of AA'. H. Hopkins, Avhose birth occurred in Illinois, where the grand father of our subject located in pioneer days. AAr. H. Hopkins, the father, Avas reared in Indiana, and- at the time of the Civil Avar he manifested his loyalty to his country by don ning the uniform of the nation and joining tbe Thirty-third Indiana Infantry, avith avhich he served until hostilities had ceased and the preservation of the Union avas an assured fact. He married Susan Schoon- over and in 1871 came AvestAvard avith his family to Kansas, securing a homestead claim in Farmer toavnship, Rice county. This aa-as before the county was organized, and in the avork of its establishment.. Mr. Hopkins took an active part. He still owns the homestead, and is one of the leading and valued citizens: of Rice county. In his po litical vieavs he is a Republican, and avas the choice of his party for sheriff in 1896, but avas defeated by a fusion ticket. Socially he is connected avith the Grand Army of the Republic and avith the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, and in his religious belief he is a. Methodist, taking an active interest in the Avork of the church. His life has been honorable and upright, and he is as faith ful to all duties cf a civil nature as he Avas to the military duties Avhich devolved upon him avhen he folloaved the stars and stripes through the south. He had but tavo children O. E., and Bertha, avho is avith her parents. Mr. Hopkins, avhose name forms the caption .of this revieav, avas reared upon the homestead farm and there developed the physical strength avhich formed the founda tion of his success in life. He avas early taught lessons of industry and honesty and avas trained in the common branches of Eng lish learning in the common schools, after avhich he pursued his studies in Salina,. Kan sas. For a time he engaged in teaching school, and, avith the intention of making the practice cf laav his life avork, he matriculated in the laav department of the State Univer sity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, avhere he avas graduated AA'ith honor in the class of 1894. He is still a student and prepares his cases avith great thoroughness1 and pre cision. From the beginning of his profes sional career he has met avith a fair degree of success, and his clientage is noav of a distinctively representative character. In October, 1897, avas celebrated the marriage of Air. Hopkins and Aliss Lura C. Collins, of Salina, a lady of superior in tellectual culture and refinement and a daughter of S. \\T. Collins, avho is noav de ceased. Socially Mr. Hopkins is connected Avith the Masonic fraternity, Avith the Inde pendent Order of Odd Felloavs and avith the Knights of Pythias lodge, being a valued representative of those organizations. In politics he has ever been, a stanch Republi can and takes an active interest in the growth and success of his party. At his second election in November, 1900, to the position of county attorney he received a ma jority of, five hundred and fifty-six votes, a fact Avhich indicates his personal popularity and the confidence reposed in his ability and official integrity. He discharges the duties of the office in a prompt and reliable manner. He is a strong advocate before the jury and concise in his appeals before the court. He is so thoroughly avell read in the minutiae of the laav that he is able to base his arguments upon thorough knoavledge of and familiar ity Avith precedents and to present a case upon its merits, never failing to recognize the main points at issue and never neglecting to give a thorough preparation. His pleas have been characterized by a terse and de cisive logic and lucid presentation rather than bv flights of oratory, and his poaver is 226 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the greater before court or jury from the fact that it is recognized that his aim is ever to secure justice and not to enshroud the cause in a sentimental garb of illusion, avhich thavarts the principles of right and equity involved. JOSEPH F. TAMPIER. In the past ages the history of a country avas the record of avars and conquests; to day it is the record of commercial activity, and those avhose names are foremost in its annals are the leaders in business circles. The conquests noav made are those of mind over matter, not of man oa'er man, and the victor is he avho can successfully establish, control and operate extensive commercial interests. Joseph F. Tampier is one of the strong and influential men avhose lives have become an essential part of the history- of Ellsavorth county. Tireless energy, keen perception, honesty of purpose, genius- for devising and executing the right thing at the right time, joined to every day common sense, guided by great avill poaver, are the chief characteristics of the man. As mana ger of the leading grocery house in Wilson the place that he' occupies in business circles is in the front rank. Air. Tampier has been a resident of Kan sas since the spring of 1880. He Avas born across the Avater, November 15, 1864, and came to America- in 1867 Avith his parents, Air. and Airs. Joseph F. Tampier. The fam- ih.- located first in AA'isconsin, and for a year the subject of this revieav avas con nected avith the farming interests of the state. They aftenvard removed to SaginaAV, Alichigan, and avhile residing there the mother died. In 1880 the father, avith his son and daughter, came to Kansas, and the three noav occupy a fine residence in AA'ilson, aadiich was erected in 1893. On coming to Kansas Joseph F. Tam pier secured a quarter section of land in Russell county, and for some time devoted his attention: to the cultivation and improa-e- ment of the tract. After three years, hoav ever, he sold the farm and purchased a stock of goods in Wilson. The building in which he began his mercantile enterprise stood on the east of his present location, and there he carried on operations until 1887. In 1887 he erected a tavo-story business block, hi, AA'hich he now conducts his store. He is a avell known and highly esteemed resident of the county, having been actively- connected avith its mercantile interests for many years, and in business circles he sustains an unas sailable reputation for reliability. Joseph F. Tampier, whose name intro duces this record, pursued his education in the public schools of Saginaav and accom panied his father on the removal of the fam ily to Kansas in 1880. A year later he, cajme to, AVilson and has since been asso ciated with mercantile interests in this city. He induced lis father to: dispose of the farm and enter commercial life bere. From, the beginning Mr. Tampier has met with a high degree of success in his efforts. He is the manager of the store and carries a large line of hardware and queensware, as Avell as gro- cries. As the years have passed his trade has constantly and steadily increased as the result of the enterprise and honorable efforts of Mr. Tampier, and to-day the volume of business amounts to forty thousand dollars annually. He also engages in shipping eggs to both eastern and Avestern markets, hand ling that product to the value of about twelve thousand dollars each year. In connection avith other interests he is a partner in a general store in Sterling. He is a very prac tical, enterprising" and progressive business man, manifesting keen discrimination in the control of his affairs, and at all times com- mandng the confidence and respect of those AA'ith aa-hom he is associated. Mr. Tampier donated half pf the avest avail of the building and eight feet of the lot to the Turners, avho erected a lodge room and onera house ad joining his business block on the east. In his political vieavs Air. Tampier is a stahvart Republican and keeps avell informed on the issues of the day. He has several times served as a member of the city council and has given his support to all measures of reform and progress. Socially he is iden tified avith Samaria Lodge, No. 298, F. &' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 227 A. AI. ; Ellsworth Chapter, No. 33, R. A. M. ; Ellsworth Council, R. & S. Al. ; and in AAlchita Commandery, No. 20, has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. He is likewise identified with the Knights of Pythias fraternity and avith the Knights and Ladies of Security. He withholds his co-operation from no movement that is cal culated to prove of benefit to the city and is justly regarded' as one of the valued resi dents of Ellsworth. In manner he is pleas ant and genial, in disposition is kindly, and the high regard in avhich he is uniformly held is Avell deserved. His success in life may be ascribed to positive, determined pur suit of business and to the fact that he is a man of honesty and integrity. CHARLES R. JELLISON. Charles R. Jellisoni is a lumber merchant of AAllson and is accounted one of the lead ing representatives' of business interests in the city. He is a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred on the 8th of February, 1 87 1, in Apple River, that state. He was not yet four years of age when the family came to Kansas, and in the schools here he began his education, which AA'as afterward supplemented by study in the Wesleyan Uni versity, at Salina, Kansas, where he pursued a commercial course . and was graduated avith the class of 1890. Not long afterward he entered upon his business career, and in 1893 formed a partnership avith his brother, A. C. Jellison, in the lumber business. This connection avas maintained and the business carried on avith a eood degree of success un til the fall of 1897, avhen Mr. Jellison, of this revieav, sold bis interest, and from, that time until the summer of 1900 devoted his attention to the operation of a farm adjoin ing AA'ilson, avhich he had purchased. He has one hundred and sixty acres of land, of avhich one hundred acres is under culti vation, the remainder being devoted to pas turage. He makes a specialty of the rais ing of fine stock, having some very valu able Hereford cattle and draft horses. This enterprise proved a very profitable one, and to it he gave his undivided attention until 1900, when he again became interested in tbe lumber business: with his brothers, W., D. and A. D. Jellison, since avhich time he has acted as manager of the lumber yard in Wilson, in addition to supervising his farm. He has made many improvements upon his place, which is noav in excellent condition, and his lumber yard also indi cates the superintendence of a man avell acquainted with business and in touch with the progressive spirit of the times. It is located on the railroad, which affords ex cellent shipping facilities, and he handles hard wood as well as pine lumber, buying direct from southern and northern mills. His trade extends over a avide area, sales being made to a distance of forty miles to the 'north and ten) or twelve miles to the south, and over a radius of ten miles to the east and west. In addition to lumber he handles brick, lime, cement and other build ing materials, and has. a large and growing trade. His sales have already reached a proportion that brings to him a very hand some income, making the business one of the most important in this line in this sec tion of the county. On the 27th of September, 1893, Mr. Jel lison was united in marriage to Miss Iva Bertie, daughter of AAr. H. and Mattie J. Humphrey, of Wilson. Their union has been blessed avith two children, Arthur A. and Marion Lucile. In his political vieavs Mr. Jellison is a stawart Republican, giving an inflexible support to the principles of the party. His fellow toaviismen, recognizing his worth and ability, have called him to public office, and he has served both as city alderman and as city treasurer. He is iden tified avith the Pyramids and avith the Inde pendent Order of Odd Felloavs, and is a consistent and faithful member of the Pres byterian church, in avhich he is now choris ter, having been a member of the choir since he avas fourteen years- of age. Personally Charles Reynard Jellison is the most genial of men, and, though his time is fully occu pied by the details of his large business inter ests, he aavays finds time to devote to. those 228 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of his friends whose calls are purely of a social character. He is a thorough exem plification of the tpyical American: business man and gentleman. ALBERT COMBS. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since Albert Combs came to Kingman county. He took up' farm aa-ork here, and throughout the intervening years has been engaged in the tilling" of the soil, ranking among the leading agriculturists. He avas born in A^an Buren county, Tennessee, June 9, 1 83 1. and is a son of Simon and Martha (Alurrill) Combs, avho avere also natives cf the same state. The former died in 1833' and the latter in 1839, leaving the folloaving ohildren: Alahala1; Ella; Theresa; Nancy; Elizabeth ; Athelia ; Julia ; Gideon ; and Al bert. They also had a daughter avho' died in her childhood. Albert Combs was left an orphan at the early age of eight years and avhen a little lad cf ten years began earning his own livelihood1 by avorking for twelve cents per day and his board. He avas industrious, honest and reliable and therefore could ahvays obtain employment, but the necessity of earning his lia-ing made it impossible for him to attend school. His youth avas largely passed upon a farm in Camden county, Missouri, and in 185 1 he avas united in marriage to Miss Alary Ellen Kelley, a native of Missouri, and a daughter of Jesse H. and Lavina: (AAliitenburg) Kelley, both of avhom are noav deceased. Her father avas a native of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Combs became the parents of three children, but tavo died in early life. The surviving daughter, Mar garet Lavina, became the wife of AA'illiam McKee, of AA'hite toavnship, Kingman coun ty. The mother died iri the fall of i860, in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, of avhich she avas a consistent member, and for a second avife Mr. Combs chose Airs. Nancy A. Vestal, a avidoav. They AVere married in 1865, but she died eight months later. In 1869 he Avedded Airs. Sarah E. (Smith) NeAvman, a Avidow of Samuel G. Neavman, avho avas a soldier of the Civil Avar and died in Libby prison, January 5, 1865. To his Avidoav he left the care of three children, namely: Edavard A., of AA'ichita, Kansas ; Mrs. Alary J. Cory, of AA'atonga, Oklahoma; and Albert E., of Texas City, Texas. ¦ Airs. Combs Avas a daughter of J. AAr. Smith, avho died in Springfield, Alissouri. Her mother is still living and makes her home in Neavton coun ty, Alissouri. Unto Mr. Combs and his present avife have been born tavo children: Eliza, avho married \Y. F. AA'infrey, and Al- man Ernest. Both are. residents of White toavnship, and the latter is serving as toavn ship trustee. He married Almeda Herald, avho died in Alay, 1891, leaviung a son Herald Albert. At the time of the Civil avar Mr. Combs of this revieav offered his services to the gov ernment, becoming a member of Company D, Sixth Alissouri Cavalry, avith avhich he served for, three years under command: of Captain Crockett and Colonel AATight. He avas avith the battalion of scouts in Spring field, Greene county, Alissouri, and avas largely engaged in figthing the bushavhack: ers and guerrilla bands in the avoods and swamps of Missouri and Arkansas. He avas present at AA'ilson Creek avhen General Lyon avas killed. He avas also avith Colonel AATight at Springfield, Alissouri, and avas in General Davis' command. In a number of battles and skirmishes he displayed his brav ery and loyalty, and at the expiration of his term of enlistment received an honorable discbarge at St. Louis. Alissouri, returning to his home avith a creditable military record for gallant sendee. Air. Combs continued his connection with the farming interests of Alissouri until 1878, avhen he came to Kingman county and here secured a claim avhich he cultivated and im proved until 1892, avhen he purchased his present farm of one hundred and fifty acres in AA'hite toavnship. Upon the place is a pleasant residence and substantial barns and outbuildings. He has a good vineyard and orchard and the avell tilled fields promise a golden harvest. His thorough knowledge of MR. AND MRS. ALBERT COMBS. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 229 farm work and his progressive spirit have made him a capable and prosperous agricul turist. His political support is given avith unsaverving loyalty to the Republican party. He is a member of the Baptist church, and his wife belong-s to the Presbyterian church. For thirty years he has been a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and main tains pleasant relations avith his comrades of the blue. In manner he is frank and gen ial, in business straightforavard, and at all times is knoavn as a good^ citizen avell avorthy of mention among the representative men of his adopted county. ALVIX E. SUMMERS. Among the prominent and enterprising agriculturists and stock raisers, of Rice coun ty, Kansas, is numbered Alvin E. Summers, avho avas born' in Putnam' county, Indiana, January 30, 1872, his parents being AVilliam C. and Mary (Lake) Summers. The pa ternal grandfather of our subject was a native of Kentucky and a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church who came to Indiana at a very early day and settled in Putnam' county, avhere he improved a good farm, aahich he carried on in connec tion avith his ministerial duties until called to his final rest. He avas the father of five children, namely : James H., of Mitchell county, Kansas; Daniel T., deceased; Will iam C., the father of our subject; Amanda anjd iAlmaza. AVilliam C. Summers, the father of our subject, was born in Kentucky, in 1830, but avas reared' in Putnam, county, Indiana, where he married and engaged in farming until 1872, avhen he came to' Kan sas, locating a homestead in Rice county, on which our subject noav resides, and in the spring of 1873 he built a farm house upon it and moved his family into it. He then commenced making permanent improve ments. There were feav permanent settlers in that locality at that time and the land was a vast unbroken prairie, but with char acteristic energy he plowed and prepared a portion of his land for cultivation and in 1874 he planted his first crop, but the grass hoppers appeared and destroyed all vegeta tion. This was enough to discourage most men, but with determined purpose he per severed in his efforts to make an honest liv ing and finally his labors were crowned with success. He engaged in general farming and stock raising and became avell and fa vorably known, commanding the respect and confidence of all that knew him. In 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Fifty-first Indiana' Volunteer Infantry, under command of Cap tain J. W. Sheete for three years' service or, during the war. His regiment was assigned to the army of the Tennessee and he partic ipated in some of the most important battles of the war, Shiloh, Stone River and Day's Gap in Alabama, and many other minor battles, and skirmishes. He avas never wounded but was made a prisoner and placed in Libby prison, where he suffered from' hunger and disease so severely that he , never . recovered his health. Later he avas exchanged and at the expiration of three years received an honorable discharge No vember 12, 1864. For a few years after his return home from, the war he avas not able to perform any manual labor and never reJ gained his full strength and vigor. For this sacrifice to his country he receives from the government a small pension. He avas married in Putnam county, Indiana, to Miss Mary Lake, a native of that state, born in 1833, and a daughter of Elisha L. Lake, of Neav Jersey, who' became a farmer and early settler of Indiana, remaining on his homestead there until his children married and scattered to homes of their oavn, and his wife died, when he came to Kansas, find ing a good home among his children, and died in this state at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Wright. Unto Elisha Lake and his wife avere born the following children : Caroline, avho- mar ried Dr. Collings, and he died in the Alexi can avar; Mary, the mother of the subject of this sketch; Hannah, the avife of S. Wright ; and Martin, who died in childhood. William C. Summers was a very energetic and progressive agriculturist and by his hard labor and honest dealing accumulated a 230 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. handsome- competence. In manner he avas very genial and delighted in gathering around him his friends and neighbors for social converse. He was kind-hearted and charitable, ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy or distressed. Socially he was connected avith the Masonic fraternity and avith the Grand Army of the Republic. He and his avife avere members of the Methodist Episcopal church and were actively inter ested in all of its work. Their home was blessed avith eight children, namely : Ethan B., of Indiana; Elisha L., also of Indiana; Daniel T., of Chicago', Illinois; Mattie F., the avife of E. N. Curts; William C, a druggist of AAlieaton, Kansas; Laurel A., a physician and surgeon of Wheaton, Kansas ; Sarah E., the avife of F. A. Becker; and Al- vin E., the subject of this sketch. The fa ther of this family died November 26, 1898, and was buried in Lyons cemetery, but his avife still survives him and has a good farm and home in Kansas. Alvin E. Summers, whose name intro duces this revieav, was about a year old avhen his parents moved to Kansas, avhere he was reared among the pioneers' of Rice county, AA'here he still makes his home. He was ed ucated in the common schools of Kansas and remained under the parental roof, assist ing his father in the work of the home farm, until the latter's death, when the property Avas divided and our subject received eighty acres of the original homestead tract and later he bought the other eighty from his brother and now oavns the original one hun dred and sixty acres of the ho'inestead. His father had also' given' eighty acres of land to each of his other children, and built his residence on another quarter and the home stead land had no buildings upon it. In 1895 our subject married and settled on one of his father's farms and after the latter's death he built a good house, barn and out buildings on the bomestead and is carrying- on the work inaugurated by his father. He has placed the fields under a high state of cultivation, and carries on general farming, and stock raising. In 1895 our subject was united in mar riage to Aliss Alina M. Hill, a lady of in telligence and culture, born in Sullivan coun ty, Indiana, October 3, 1875, a daughter of W. F. and Elizabeth (Norrick) Hill. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania and her mother of Ohio, where they were married. He was a carpenter by trade and also en gaged in farming. In 1864 he enlisted for service in the rebellion and served until the close of the war, when he received an hon orable discharge and rdurned to his home in Ohio, there remaining until 1872, when he removed to Sullivan county, Indiana, and bought a farm. In 1878 he sold the farm and moved to Kansas, locating in Rice coun ty, where he rented a farm and later bought a farm, upon which he remained a number of years. He then again sold his place and moved to Oklahoma, where he took up a claim, which he has since sold and is noav lh'ing among his children in Oklahoma. His wife died in Rice county, Kansas, in 1888. She was a consistent member of the Aleth odist Episcopal church and a most estima ble woman. He is an industrious, honest farmer and mechanic, plain and unassum ing and does not desire notoriety or public office, though he was formerly a Republi can and now votes independently. He is a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is a consistent member. He and his wife were the parents of ten chil dren, namely: Serepta J., the avife of R. D. Hall; Ida, who married J. W. Tarr; Daniel N., of Lyons; George \Y., deceased; Stewart, of Lyons; Grant, now living in Perry, Oklahoma; Rose R., avho marrried George W. Par-coast; Anna E., who is yet single; Mina M., the avife of our subject; and Jessie B., avho became the avife of C. Bailey. Mr. Summers, of this review, is one of the most prominent agriculturists and stock raisers of Rice county, who by his unflag ging industry, determined purpose, enter prise and capable management has won a comfortable competence for himself and family. As a citizen he takes a deep and ac tive interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the community. He and his Avife are consistent and AVorthy members of the Methodist Episcopal church and take an BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 231 active interest in the work of the church and charitable and benevolent enterprises. They have no children, but their pleasant home is noted for its gracious hospitality and the circle of their friends is co-extensive with that of their acquaintance, and they well de serve the respect and high regard in avhich they are held by all avho know them. WILLIAM A. ROSE. One of the most highly respected, intel ligent and valued citizens of Reno county is William A. Rose, the pastor of the German Baptist church of Lincoln toavnship and a well knoavn and enterprising farmer who since pioneer times in the history of this county has been identified avith its agricul tural interests. He oavns and operates three hundred and taventy acres of land and there is not in the township, if in the county, a better impoved place than the property of' our subject. Air. Rose is a native of Franklin county, Ohio, born July 16, 1844, his parents being S. G. and Jane (Ogden) Rose, both of whom avere natives of the same county. He accompanied them on their removal to Lu cas county, IoAva, and assisted his father in the work of the home farm until sixteen years of age, when, in September, 1861, he offered his services to the government as a defender of the Union, whose destruction was threatened by the spirit of secession in the south. He became a member of Com pany C, Thirteenth Iowa Volunteer Infan try, and took part in the battles of Shiloh, Pittsburg Landing and the. siege and battle of Corinth. He was also in the campaign Avith Grant through central Mississippi, then back to Memphis and by way of the river to Vicksburg,* participating in the siege of that city. After that campaign he marched to Meridian and then returned to Vicksburg. He then returned home on a thirty days' furlough, and after rejoining the army he participated in the Atlanta carhpaign from May until the 23d of August, being contin uously under fire avith the exception of but tavo clays. Mr. Rose also avent with Sher man on the memorable march to the sea, avhich proved that the strength of the Con federacy avas broken, and. was detached for forage duty on that march, running many- narrow escapes from being captured by the enemy. With his command he aftenvard went north by boat from Savannah to Beau fort, South Carolina, and was present at the capture of Columbia, the capital of that state, his regiment pulling doavn the Rebel flag that waved from- the dome of its capitol building. Mr. Rose carried the flag and pre sented it to General Sherman's Avife at South Bend, Indiana. He served throughout the Avar as a non-commissioned officer — cor poral and sergeant — and his valor and brav ery Avas equal to that of many a veteran of tAvice his years. He participated in the, grand revieav in Washington, where "wave after Avaa'e of bayonet-crested blue" swept by the stand from avhich the president watched the march of his victorious armies. Returning to Iowa Mr. Rose entered Mount Pleasant University to resume his in terrupted studies avith the purpose of prepar ing for a teacher's profession. He afterward spent four years in teaching in Iowa and after his marriage turned his attention to farming. As a companion and helpmate for the journey of life he chose Aliss Kate Cut ler, a daughter of Joel Cutler. She avas born in Licking county, Ohio, and avith her parents avent to Ioava in 1859, the marriage being celebrated in the latter state on the 15th of October, 1868. After his marriage Mr. Rose purchased a farm of eighty acres of brush land in Ioava, and clearing it he continued its cultivation until March, 1873, when he came to Reno county, Kansas, and located his present claim. He then returned to the Hawkeye state, and in September came by team and wagon to his new home. All was still avild and unimproved in this region, buffaloes could still be shot in this locality, and Mr. Rose could count not less than forty car casses within sight of his home. He built a residence that Avas somewhat in advance of the prevailing style of the country at that time — a tavo-story frame dwelling, tavelve by 232 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sixteen feet, one story being- under ground. In the spring of 1874 he planted sixteen acres in corn, but his crop was entirely de stroyed by the grasshoppers. Discouraged he returned to Iowa, avhere he remained for a year, engaged in farming. The following year, with a. replenished exchequer and neav courage, he again came to Reno county, and this time avas more successful. He rapidly improved his place and the rich fields soon returned to him, a golden harvest as a re ward for the care and cultia*ation he be stowed upon them. Lie purchased the south west quarter of section 29, Lincoln town ship, adjoining his first purchase — one hun dred and sixty acres on section 32, so that he iioav oavns an entire half section in one tract. He has intelligently folloaved farm ing, his methods being practical and pro gressive and his efforts have therefore been attended avith success. He feeds a large number of cattle, selling usually two hundred head each year, and buying a large portion of the grain used for feeding purposes. The grounds which surround his home are the most tastefully arranged in the toavnship, and his farm is one of the finest and most de sirable in the county. He -has a comfortable and beautiful residence and his orchard com prises ten acres. The home of Air. and Airs. Rose has been blessed avith five children: Walter L., avho. is noav a practicing physician of Har per, Kansas; John G., a student in Nicker son College; Loda, the wife of Alonzo. Rob erts, of Oklahoma ; and Frank and Lena, who are still under the parental roof. The family hold membership in the German Bap tist church, of avhich Air. Rose has been a minister since 1889. This church avas or ganized by Lemuel Hillery and Abraham Shipler in 1886, avith a membership of about twenty, including Benjamin Shester, A. F. Miller, John Young, Amos Hartman, Peter Hartman, Hetty Engle, William A. Rose and wife, George Rexrood and wife, Minnie Negley, noav Mrs. L. P Smith, David Neg- ley and avife, William Rexrood and avife, John Showalter and avife, Catherine Al bright, G. AV. Keedy and avife, Levi Llertz- ler and avife and daughter Rhoda, noav the avife of Guy McMurry, Samuel Kechler land wife, Ella Miller and Mrs. Mary Gardner. The building avas erected that year on the southwest quarter of section 27, Lincoln toavnship, 'at a cost of about eleven hundred dollars. The first regular ministers avere Lemuel Hillery and Abram Shipler, avho were followed by Enoch Eby and A. F. Mil ler, the latter the present elder. He has re mained in charge for the last three years. The congregation has increased to a mem bership of ninety-five. Mr. Rose has not only been an active worker in the interest of the local church but gave his aid and influence toward the establishment of the state institution of that church — The Old Folks' & Orphans' Home, avhich is situated on section 27, Lincoln toavnship, and is surrounded by eighty acres of land belonging to the institution. Mr. Rose has led a busy and active life aside from his ministerial duties and the care of his farm, for he has taken an active part in promoting the general good along many lines of progress. The cause of education has found in him a avarm friend and for a number of years he has served on the school board, acting as its clerk for some time. His. life has ever been honorable and upright and his influence has been avidely felt for good. J. S. NUNEMAKER. J. S. Nunemaker is a leading represen tative of the agricultural interests of King man county, avhere he oavns and operates a most desirable farm. Of excellent busi ness ability and broad resources, he has at tained a prominent place among the sub stantial citizens of his part of the county and is a recognized leader in public affairs. He has ay on success hy his well" directed and energetic efforts, and the prosperity that has come to him is certainly, well deserved. Air. Nunemaker avas born in Clinton county, Indiana, forty-four years ago, and is of German lineage, his grandfather, James Nunemaker, having been born in the fatherland. His father, Joseph Nunemaker,. MR. AND MRS. J. S. NUNEMAKER AND FAMILY. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 233 was born and, reared in Hocking county, Ohio, and after reaching years of maturity he aa'as there married to Clarissa Taylor, a native also of that county and a daughter of William Taylor, avho _ claimed Pennsyl vania as the state of his nativity and was of English parentage. Soon after their marriage Air. and Airs. Nunemaker re moved to Clinton county, Indiana, avhere die former died at the age of fifty-three years. He folloaved the vocation of farming as a means of lia-elihood, and in political mat ters he upheld the Democracy. His avidoav avas called to' the home beyond avhile re siding in Kansas, passing- aavay at the age ' of seventy-four years. A family of ten chil dren Avere born unto this avorthy couple, namely: Lovina Jane, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Daniel, Amanda, Thomas, Joseph S., Rachel, George and Alice. Joseph S. Nunemaker, avhose name intro duces this revieav, avas reared to years of maturity on an Indiana fann, and his edu cational ada-antages avere those afforded by the common schools of Clinton county. He remained in his native state until 1885, in which year he came to Kansas, and after his arrival here he purchased the quarter section of land which he yet oavns, located on section 26, Ninnescah toavnship, and on this place he has ever since been engaged in general farming and stock-raising. When he took possession of the farm only a small amount of the land had been placed under cultivation by its former owner, William Weiler, but he has since improved the entire place, and his fields now annually yield to him a handsome financial return for the care and labor avhich he bestowes upon them. Substantial and commodious build ings adorn the place, and everything about the farm bears evidence of a progressive and thrifty owner. In 1880 avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Nunemaker to Miss Elda Lamberson, avho was born in Clinton' county, Indiana, in 1857, a daughter of William Lamberson and a granddaughter of Levi Lamberson, both natives of Maryland and of English descent. The mother of Mrs. Nunemaker bore the maiden name of Alary Fryer, and both she 15 and her father, James Fryer, avere also. natives of Maryland. Unto Air. and Mrs. AVilliam Lamberson avere born seven chil dren, — Ira, John, Sarah, Phoebe, Elda, Levi and - AVilliam. The father was a life-long farmer, avas a Democrat in his political views, religiously- a- Baptist, and his death occurred in Clinton county, at the age of seventy-one years. His wife reached the age of seventy-eight years, dying in the faith of the Christian church, and she was loved and honored , by all who knew her. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Nunemaker have been born seven children, six sons and one daughter, namely: Ernest J., AA'illiam E., Mittie Alice, Dennis A., Schuyler and John and Joseph, twins. Mr. Nunemaker casts his ballot in favor of the men and measures of the Democracy, and for many years he served as a member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in him a avarm friend and active avorker. Such is the record of one avho has been an important factor in the public improvement as avell as the business interests of his adopted coun ty. His code of morals is such as to impel him to a just consideration of the rights of all avith avhom he has been brought in contact and to a conscientious observance of all proprieties of life. Thus he has retained throughout his career friendships which have grown stronger avith more intimate ac quaintance, and all avho know him esteem him for his sterling worth. JACOB WEIGEL. Nearly every state in the Union has sent her quota of men to Kansas, and among those that Pennsylvania has furnished to the Sunflower state is Jacob Weigel, aa-ho was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, Septem ber 19, 1843, his parents being Nicholas and Alargaret (Iseavorth) AVeigel, both of whom avere natives of Germany. The father was born about 1808, and avhen taventy-eight years of age came to the United States. In Pennsylvania he met and married Miss Ise avorth, the avedding being celebrated about 234 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 1837. He avas a farmer and took up his abode upon one hundred and taventy acres of land, avhere he and his avife spent their remaining days. Unto them avere born thir teen children, eight of avhom reached years of maturity, and tavo of the five sons served in the Union army. John, the eldest of the family, Avas for three years a member of the army and Avas wounded January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher, North Carolina, his injuries and causing him much being very severe -suffering for several years. Mrs. Weigel, the mother, years of age. to her i8q8, Avhen he memory, living died avhen about forty-five The father ever remained true as a widoaver until passed aavay-, at the age of ninety years. He avas in good financial cir- • cumstances and avas a strong man physically, -.mentally and morally. Both he and his avife were reared in the Catholic faith, but sev- ered their connection avith that church. In his parents' home Jacob AA^eigel spent his youth. In 1864 he responded to the /country's call for assistance to aid in presen ting the Union, enlisting as a member of Company I, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania In fantry, avith avhich he remained until the close of the avar, avhen he avas mustered out at Raleigh, North Carolina. He noav draavs a pension of twelve dollars a month. On the 4th of July, 1868, after return ing from tbe war, Mr. AA'eigd avas joined in ¦wedlock to Miss Henrietta C. Stricklin, of Richland, Michigan, in avhich place the aved- ding avas celebrated. The lady is a daugh ter of James Stricklin, noav of Michigan. The young couple began their domestic life -upon a rented farm in Kalamazoo county, 'where Mr. AVeigel carried on agricultural pursuits for thirteen years. On the 26th of March, 1878, he arrived in Sterling, Kan sas, and soon afteravard took a soldier's homestead in Reno county, near Sterling. His avife avas in poor health, and on this .account they returned to- Alichigan, avhere she died December 31, 1880, at the age of thirty-five years. She lost her first daugh ter at the of eighteen and her second daughter also died at the same age. For the past tAventy-one years Air. AA'eigel has resided in the Kimball family and has en gaged in the operation of the Kimball farm as avell as his OAvn. He has ahvays been a hard avorking man, industry being one of his marked characteristics, and though he has acquired a competence he does not be lieve in idleness and therefore continues in the active control of his farming affairs. In politics he is a Republican, giving a stal wart support to the principles of the party. Socially he is connected AA'ith the Grand Army of the Republic and avith the Benea*- olent Association of St. Louis. He is a man of sterling avorth, of strong convictions and unquestioned honesty, holding his word as obligatory as his bond. AlOSES H. VAN BIBBER. Moses H. Van Bibber is a well knoavn agriculturist of Huntsville toavnship, Reno county, Kansas, and the success avhich he has achieved is the merited reavard of his oavn labor. He has avorked his avay stead ily upward, overcoming all the difficulties and obstacles in his path by determined pur pose, and to-day he is recognized as one of the most substantial citizens of the com munity, his labors having brought to him a handsome competence. Air. Van Bibber avas born in Xicholas county, AA'est Virginia, on the 7th of Feb ruary, 1828, of Avhich counta- his father, Da vid C. R. Van Bibber, Avas also a native. The latter held the rank of captain in the militia. The grandfather of our subject, Mathias Van Bibber, Avas the first avhite male child born in a fort in Greenbrier county, AA'est Virginia, and he held the rank of cap tain in the militia, avhile his father, John Van Bibber, served as a colonel therein. About 1824 David C. R. Van Bibber, the father of our subject, avedded Jane AA'ill- iams, avho avas born in Greenbrier county, AA'est Virginia, December 12, 1804, and they became the parents of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, and eight of the number still sura-ive. The mother passed aavay in Xicholas county, AA'est Virginia, in 1872, and in 1889, from that county, her BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 235 husband joined her in the spirit avorld, dy ing at the age of about ninety years, his birth having occurred on the 16th of No vember, 1799. Moses H. Van Bibber, avhose name in troduces this revieav, enjoyed but limited ed ucational advantages during his youth, but since putting aside his text-books he has largely added to his knoavledge by observa tion, reading and study, and has thus be come a well informed man. In early life he learned surveying by himself, and for a number of years folloAved that occupation in his native state. On the nth of May, 1874, he left his home in the south and avith a team of horses and a covered wagon made the journey to the Sunflower state, arriving in AA'alnut tOAvnship, Reno county, in the following June, and avas at that time almost avithout means. He secured eighty acres of land, to avhich he aftenvard added another eighty-acre tract, but in 1884 he sold that place for fourteen hundred dollars and pur chased the farm which he iioav OAvns. It then consisted of one hundred acres of rail road land, and the purchase price Avas five hundred and ninety dollars. The principal crop Avhich he raises is corn and wheat, an nually harvesting about tAvo thousand bush els of corn, and during the year ai 1901 his wheat crop yielded a return of two thou sand one hundred and sixty bushels.' His beautiful orchard and shade trees were planted by his own hands, and the many substantial and valuable improvements here seen stand as monuments to his thrift and ability. In the Old Dominion, on the 14th of Sep tember, 1858, Mr. Van Bibber avas united in marriage to Joanna Pierson, a native of that commonwealth, and they had a family of four children, namely: David, avho re sides in Peoria, Illinois, and has tavo chil dren; Franklin, avho makes his home in AA^est Virginia; Margaret Jane, avife of Henry, Jones, of Peabody, Kansas, and they have five children; and Lizzie McClintosh, avho died leaving one daughter. For his second avife Mr. Van Bibber chose Virginia Ann Holt, who avas born in Charleston, West Virginia, and was married September 14, 1867, and by this union there avere also four children : John, avho' is married and resides in Oklahoma ; Ulysses Simpson Grant, avho makes his home in Lluntsville toavnship, and has one daughter, and one son; Alinnie, avife of O. C. Andel, by whom she has two daughters, and they reside avith her parents ; and Fred, at home. The mother of this family died on the 27th of October, 1892, at the age of forty-nine years. On questions of national importance Air. _Van Bibber casts his ballot in favor of Repub lican principles, but at local elections he votes for the men avhom he regards as best quali fied' for public office. » He has ever been a loyal and public-spirited citizen, and during the Civil war he served for two years as a corporal in the state service. He is also a worthy member and active worker in the Missionary Baptist church. As a citizen he is progressive and loyal, as a business man straightfonvard and honorable, and as a friend he is faithful and consistent. C. B. SMITH. C. B. Smith, is extensively, engaged in farming and stock-raising. Success in any calling is an indication of close application, industry and' faithfulness, qualities avhich are numbered among the leading character istics of our subject, and the greatest re ward of the successful man is his conscious ness of having acted avell his part. This Air. Smith has ever clone, and to-day he stands among the highly respected citizens of his community. A native of Canada, Mr. Smith was born at Port Stanley, July 24, 1847, and' is a son of Alvin and Eleanor (Clark) Smith, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Nova Scotia. Their marriage avas celebrated in Canada. The paternal grand father of our subject, Grove Smith, avas a member of an old and prominent Massa chusetts family and avas a soldier in the avar for American independence. He avas a mechanic by profession, and his death oc curred in Canada. His children avere : Su- 236. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. san, avho married James Tobinc, he being a member of an old pioneer family of Illi nois ; Aloses, Aaron, Zenos, George AV., Montgomery, Alvin and Safronia, avho be came Airs. Benedict. Alvin Smith, the fa ther of our subject, avas reared to manhood in the state of his nativity. He aftenvard emigrated to Canada, going the entire dis tance on foot, walking on an average of sixty miles a day, and there he settled avith his father and family. They bought land and improved a farm from the native tim ber. In 1853 Mr. Smith removed to Illi nois, locating in Boone county, where he rented a farm, but death claimed him four years later and he passed aAvay in 1857. His avife survived him for many years and nobly succeeded in keeping her family together and providing them avith the necessaries of life. After many years she came to Kansas, and her death occurred at the home of her son, our subject, in McPherson county. Both she and her husband avere Free AVill Baptists. They avere the parents of ten children, namely : Hiram', avho died in Minnesota ; Lucy A., avho avas tavice married, first to J. Aloss and afterward to D. Thurston; Mary E., avho became Mrs. Higbee, and after his, death she avedded AV. Phelps; Harvey J., avho died in Arkansas; Henry T., a resident of Rockford, Illinois; Alvin M., who makes his home in Arkansas; Ella G., the avife of G. H. Irish; Sarah J., who married C. A. Wing; Charles B., the subject of this re view; and Carrie V., who married A. C. Church and died at Belvidere, Boone county, Illinois, about 1864. The mother of this family avas tavice married, her first husband having been a Mr. Johnson, by avhom she had one son, AA'illiam Johnson. He avas reared by Mr. Smith, and on reaching his majority the latter gave him a good farm, he being at that time in good circumstances, but afterward misfortune overtook him and his oavn children avere obliged to begin life for themselves avithout assistance. C. B. Smith, avhose name introduces this . review, was only six years of age avhen he accompanied his parents on their removal to Illinois, avhere he grew to manhood, re ceiving his education in tne common schools. After the death of his father he remained with his AvidoAved mother and, with his brothers, Alvin M. and H. J., assisted her in the support of the family. In 1870 he left that state and made his way to Kansas, first locating in AlcPherson county, where he se cured a homestead claim. His mother after Avard joined him in this state and he nobly cared for her during the remainder of her life. He remained in McPherson county until 1885, avhen he sold his property there and came to Rice county, settling on the farm on avhich he noav resides. Only eighty acres of this place had then been broken, there avere no fences and a small frame davel- ling stood upon the land. Mr. Smith has since enlarged and remodeled his residence, which is tavo stories in height, and has a large barn and all necessary outbuildings. The place is located five miles southeast of Little River and is one of the avell improved and valuable farms of the county. In addi tion to his general farming and stock-rais ing Mr. Smith also operates, a threshing machine. In AlcPherson county, Kansas, in 1878, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Pinkerton, avho avas born at Kirksville, Alis souri, June 7, 1855, a daughter of Thomas and Llarn-iet (Norman") Pinkerton, both na tives of Ohio. They avere married in the Buckeye state, and in 1855 removed to Mis souri, avhere the father followed farming. During the Civil avar he fought for the presera-ation of the Union in a Missouri regiment, having enlisted at Kirksville, that state, and during his military career he saw much hard sera-ice. He avas never wounded or captured, and on the expiration of his three years' service he received an honor able discharge and returned to his family in Alissouri. Lie subsequently removed to No- komis, Illinois, avhere he folloaved farming until 1873. That year witnessed his arrival in Kansas, avhere he purchased a tract of raw prairie land and began the improvement of a farm. He avas only permitted to enjoy his new home for a short time, however, as death claimed him the following year. He was a loyal and patriotic soldier, a success ful business man and a true friend, and he BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 237 won the love and esteem of all with Avhom he came in contact. His family carried on the avork which he had begun and remained there until 1885, when they sold that prop erty and removed to Kingman county, Kan sas,' avhere they pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land, and there began the work of improving another farm, where the moth er lived until her death, avhich occurred in 1891. Both she and her husband held mem bership in the Free Methodist church, in which he served as a minister for many years, using his influence in behalf of Chris tianity and in the uplifting of his felloav men. He avas a avell educated man and was a competent school teacher in early life. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton were: Amanda, the avife of J. E. Stanley; Lewis W., deceased; Alargaret, the avife of our subject; A. P., a resident of Kingman coun ty, Kansas ; Joanna, the avife of J. C. Fair- childs ; Rhoda, avho married D. Hess; and Sarah J., the wife of B. Durr. The union of Mr. and Airs. Smith has been blessed with three children, — Arthur D., avho avas born August 25, 1880; Hattie E., born Novem ber 27, 1881 ; and James L., born September 12, 1884. Of the Alethodist church Mrs. Smith is a valued and active member. In his social relations Air. Smith is a member of tbe Woodmen of the AA'orld. He form erly voted with the Democracy, but is now a stanch advocate of the Reform' party. He has served as trustee and assessor of his township and has filled many other minor offices, and in all his public duties: he has been true to the trusts reposed in him. FREDERICK DEISSROTH. It is a fact to AA'hich due recognition is not always accorded that the German ele ment of our national commonavealth has been a very important one in advancing the material interests of the nation, but on in vestigation it will be found that a large per centage of the successful business men are of German birth or lineage. Mr. Deissroth is a representative of the fatherland and is now one of the leading and enterprising merchants of AVilson, avhere he is engaged in dealing in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes. He aaas born in Guntersblum, Darm stadt, Germany, July 11, 1846, his parents being William and Elizabeth Deissroth, the former a carpenter and builder. In the fam ily avere seven children, of avhom Frederick is the eldest and the only one living, and his parents have also passed aavay. Frederick Deissroth avas educated in the common schools and pursued a course in draaving and mathematics preparatory to learning the trade avhich his father had fol- lowed. He avas then instructed in the study of architecture and carpentering, and en gaged in avork along that line until nineteen years of age, when he came to America, crossing the Atlantic in the avinter of 1864- 5, on the steamer Saxonia, avhich avas nine teen days upon the trip. The vessel avas commanded by Captain Meier, avho said that it avas his thirty-fifth voyage and that the storm which they encountered avas the avorst he had ever experienced. The A'essel avas driven about by the gale, its staterooms avere damaged and the berth occupied by Air. Deissroth avas also broken doavn. Hoavever, in safety they at length reached Neav York, and, landing in the eastern metropolis, Air. Deissroth proceeded thence to Philadelphia avhere he avas engaged in carpentering for fifteen years. He came to Kansas avith the intention of following farming, believing that his health would be benefited thereby. The exhibit made by the Sunflower state, in the Centennial Exposition had favorably im pressed him and avas the thing avhich in duced him to seek a home. here. In the spring of 1877 he came on a prospecting* tour to the avest and upon his return organized a colony of forty families avith avhom he came to Wilson. Six of them, hoavever, settled in Russell and Lincoln counties. Mr. Deissroth secured a homestead in Russell county and also established a gen eral mercantile store in AA'ilson, in connec tion avith J. H. Claussen, their partnership being maintained for five years. On the ex piration of that period Air. Deissroth sold his interest in the store and at a sheriff's ' 238 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sale purchased the store formerly oavnecl by AA". G. Thompson, and avhich he has since conducted. Lie resided upon his farm for many years, driving back and forth daily to his place of business. He first carried on mercantile operations at the corner south of his present location and there suffered a loss by fire in 1879, but, phenix-like, a new store arose from the ashes. The day following the fire he had seventeen carpenters at avork on the ground clearing aavay the debris and making preparations for the erection of a neav structure. Five years avere there passed, after avhich, in February, Air. Deissroth sold his interest in the establishment, as before mentioned, and purchased the Thompson store. He avas for three years on the oppo site corner and then rented his present site. In 1898 he purchased the entire corner avhere he is noav located and erected the two-story building, having a frontage of seventy-five feet facing the railroad and one hundred and fifty feet on Main street. This building is divided into six stores. The one occupied by Mr. Deissroth is forty by fifty feet and contains a large stock of dry goods, cloth ing, boots and shoes. Mr. Deissroth has been very- prosperous in his undertaking. He gives personal attention to the business and has the unique record of never having had a bill presented to him or a draft made on him for payment of his accounts. He makes it a point to discount all bills. He sustains an unassailable reputation in business circles, his honesty being proverbial, his word being as good as any bond that avas ever solemn? ized by signature or seal. He has added to hi- landed possessions and noav operates four hundred acres, mainly planted to grain, raising betaveen nine and ten thousand bushels of avheat each year. He is also one of the directors of the AVilson bank. On the nth of July, 1869, in Philadel phia, Air. Deissroth avas united in marriage to Miss Ernestina Linsenbarth. They haa*e nine children: Frederick is the foreman of Hook and Ladder Company Xo. 4, of Neav York city. On one occasion he saved the life of Air. Raymond, the president of the Home Insurance Company, avho avas in the Windsor Hotel fire, and for this he received a gold medal and a gift of five hundred dob . lars. The other members of the family are : August R., avho is engaged iii farming; Ernestina, deceased ; Charles, avho also car ries on agricultural pursuits ; Grace, Frank, George, Otto and Ruth, avho are still avith the parents. The family home is a fine resi dence AA'hich Avas erected by Mr. Deissroth in 1897. It extends from one street back to the next and the grounds are attractive and avell laid out. There is also a good stone barn upon the place. His farm is equipped avith all modern accessories and improvements, in cluding* a good grain barn and sheds, and it is characteristic of Mr. Deissroth that every thing about him shall be neat and thrifty in appearance and thoroughly up to date.- Air. Deissroth exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Democratic party. He has served as mayor of AA'ilson and as a member of the city council, avhile for three years, from 1880 until 1883, he Avas county commissioner for the third district. He belongs to Samaria Lodge, No. 298, F. & A. M., of Avhich he was the first master, serving in that capacity for several years. He also belongs to Ells Avorth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. AL ; Ellsavorth- Council, No. 9, R. S. Al. : St. Aldemar Com mandery, No. 33 ; and Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is also connected avith AVilson Lodge, Xo. 225, I. O. O. F., and is a member of the German Lutheran church. He has every reason to be proud of his rec ord, avhich indicates his business ability to be of a high order, combined AA'ith unflag ging perseverance and keen discrimination. His entire life has been one of unusual activ ity and industry and his methods have al ways been in keeping avith the highest prin ciples of fair dealing' and avith conscientious regard for the rights of others. AVILLIAM N. LEWIS. A leading business citizen of Hollyrood, Kansas, avho conducts one of the important lines of sale and manufacture in this little city, is William N. Leavis, a native of, Penn- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 239 sylvania, born in Cumberland county, on November 21, 1863. He avas a son of Xich olas and Margaret (Finkenibinder) Leavis, the former of avhom avas born in Germany, and the latter of avhom avas a native of Pennsylvania. Nicholas Leavis Avas a shoemaker by- trade, and until 1872 Avas located at Stone- ham, Pennsylvania. At that date he re moved to Ellsavorth county. Kansas, Avith his family, and located at AAllson, opening up at this place a shoemaking shop. A short time later he removed to Avhat is noav Russell county, avhere he purchased three hundred and taaenty acres of railroad land Avhich Avas entirely unimproved. Air. LeAvis avas one of the early pioneers and spent five years in the improvement of his land, in farming and stock-raising, selling out at that date and again engaging in avork at his trade, in Wil son. Until 1893 -,ir- LeaA'is conducted a business in this line but failing health urged a return to the more actia'e life on the farm, and he purchased a desirable tract of land in Barton county and carried on general farm ing there until 1899, returning at that time to Russell county, avhere he noav resides. The children born to the parents of our subject numbered eight, and five of these still survia-e, as follows : Fred R., avho is in the harness business in AVilson; AVilliam N, avho is the subject of this sketch; Daniel A-, who is in the employ of the government ; Jennie B., avho is tbe wife of R. Poavell, a farmer of Ellsavorth county; and Samuel A., who resides at home. William X. Leavis of this sketch was a lad of nine years avhen his parents came to Kansas, and he acquired his education in the public schools of his district. As soon as old enough to learn a trade, he avas in structed by his father and thus gained a knoaaledge of leather and other necessi ties of the shoe and harness trade, avhich later in life, avhen he avas prepared to estab lish a business for himself, proved' of the greatest value. As early as eighteen years Air. Leavis be gan the business of grain buying, in asso ciation avith his eldest brother, and this avas carried on avith success for tavo years. In 1889 our subject came to Hollyrood and started the first business in his line, in this town, offering to the public a complete line of both heavy and fancy harness, plain, or ornamental, avith all modern designs and conveniences, and soon began the manufac ture of the same, this branch of the business being satisfactory both to himself and his many patrons. He has given close atten tion both to the management and promotion of his business and has gained the confidence of the public over a large extent of terri tory. In addition to his manufactured arti cles, avhich are complete and entirely up-to- date, he has on sale an excellent line of less expensive harness and horse furnishings. In politics Mr. Leavis has ahvays been an adherent of the Democratic party, but has never accepted any office except that of con stable, his service in that position being sat isfactory to both parties, although he re tained the office but one term. He is well and favorably knoavn in a number of frater nal orders, the leading ones being : F. & A. M., of Hollyrood; R. A. AL, E. M. Chapter, of Ellsworth; and has filled many official positions and has been a representative to the grand lodge; is also a thirty-second de gree Mason and belongs to AVichita Con sistory; Hollyrood Lodge, X'o. 380, I. O. O. F., in avhich he is past grand; and in the Knights of Pythias, where he has passed the chairs and lias been a representa tive to the highest lodge. Mr. Lewis is highly regarded in his local ity and is recognized as a man of high char acter who conducts his business on princi ples avhich reflect honor and benefit not only upon himself, but also upon his town. Our SIMON AV. KOONS. Simon AAr. Koons avas born in AVayne county, Ohio, Alarch 12, 1848, and is now engaged in farming on section 2, Valley toavnship, Rice county, Kansas. His par ents Avere John and Rebecca (Gesleman) Koons. The former avas born in Lancaster counta', Pennsylvania, in 1797, and died 240 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. upon the. farm there in October, 1872. By his marriage he became the father of eleven sons and four daughters, of avhich number •¦ten sons and three daughters reached adult age and all avere married: avith the exception of one daughter. The youngest daughter of the family avas accidentally poisoned avhen ¦one year old, and: they lost an infant son. The parents began life in humble circum stances and in the midst of the heavy forest the father cleared and developed a farm of one hundred and sixty acres and the rich fields yielded to him a golden, tribute for the care and labor he bestoaved upon them. He served in the avar of 1812 and avas ever a{ loyal and devoted citizen. He and his avife were members of the United Brdhren church and the latter died in 1884, being an octo genarian at the time. Simon W. Koons spent his youth in the usual manner of farmer lads of the period. He acquired a good common-school educa tion, such as avas given! to' the other mem bers of the family. The nine sons engaged in teaching school and tavo of them, Samuel and Isaac, became ministers of the gospel, the former noav preaching in California, while the latter is located in AA'ichita, Kan sas. Joseph was the inventor of the Min nesota Chief Thresher and makes, his home in Glencoe, Minnesota. Jacob was a soldier for four years in the Civil avar and now resides at Ncav Auburn, Minnesota. He has a son who is engaged in military service in the Philippines. During fourteen Avinter terms Simon AV. Koons engaged in teach ing school in, Ohio and Kansas and Avas a capable educator, who imparted clearly and concisely to others the knowledge he had ac quired. He remained at home until his mar riage, Avhich Avas celebrated oil the ist of December, 1870, Miss Minerva Grady be coming his Avife. She Avas born in Ohio1, August ii, 1850. Her parents came to Kansas in the fall of 1884, but both are noav deceased. Mr. Koons of this revieav arrived in the SunlloAver state on the 23d of August, 1877, settling on a quarter section of land. He homesteaded eighty acres and paid tavo thousand dollars for the other eighty. Lie has since carried on general farming, his principal crop being avheat and corn. He has raised twenty-three hundred and fifty bushels of avheat and three thousand bush els of corn in a single year and has kept on hand from six to ten bead of horses, most of which he has avorked in the operation of his land. He also: keeps about thirty-five head of cattle and an equal number of hogs. In 1 90 1 he erected a good residence upon his farm and to-day he has a Avell improved place, neat and thrifty in appearance, the richly cultivated fields bringing to him a splendid return for his labor. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Koons has been blessed avith six children: Frank lin Walter, who married Bertha Talbott, is a graduate of the Kansas1 City Medical Col lege and is noav engaged in practice in Chase, Kansas ; Xola Maud is the avife of Bruce Burroavs, and they have tavo. children; Carrie Alay is the avife of AA^illiam Coldava- ter, a farmer lh'ing near Chase. Kansas, by Avhom she has one son : Guy Grady assists his father in the operation of his farm; and Lena Catherine and, Bryson are both at home. Mr. Koons is a member of the sub ordinate lodge and encampment of the In dependent Order of Odd Felloavs and has membership relations avith the Ancient Or der of United Workmen. He supports the men and measures of the Republican party, has been toavnship trustee for one term and has served on the school examining board; He and his family- are members of the United Brethren church" and he is a public spirited and progressive citizen avho gives all his aid and influence to support every measure avhich he believes avill prove of gen eral benefit. COL. C. L. VAUGHAN. An important business interest of Hutch inson, Kansas, is the insurance line, and a leading representative is the A'aughan-Font- ron Agency, the senior member of the firm being Col. C. L. A'aughan of this biog raphy. Although long identified with the interests of this state, Colonel Vaughan Avas born in Medina, Ohio, on September 18, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 241 1845. He comes of a pioneer ancestry and also belongs to a family avhich has been con spicuous in the military life of the country from the* time when Orlando Vaughan avas a distinguished soldier in the avar of "the Revolution doavn to the brave young* soldier avho worthily bore honors in the Spanish- American avar. The early family records tell of three 1 English brothers of this name coming to America and settling, one in Rhode Island, one in Massachusetts and the third in Con necticut. The ancestor of the Vaughan* branch under consideration avas Orlando, and after the close of the Revolutionary avar he moved to Neav York and took part in the Indian Avars of the period. His son Rufus, avho was the grandfather of Colonel Vaughan, was a loyal soldier in the avar of 181 2-14 and at that time was a resident of Ohio, having been one .of tlie pioneers in that state. In 1848, following the example ¦of his ancestors, Chauncy Vaughan, avIio, although born in New York, was reared in Ohio, migrated to Wisconsin and settled near the present town of Chilton, in Calu met county, before that great state was ad mitted to the Union. Whatever prompted these early pioneers, avhdher it was a spirit of adventure or a desire to better provide for their offspring, the life brought avith it exacting conditions which required great physical courage and robust constitutions. At the time of settlement Chauncy Vaughan and avife found a forest surrounding their little log cabin and Indians were their only neighbors. Sometimes these children of the woods were friendly, but occasionally they avere savage. Colonel Vaughan recalls one occasion avhen his mother avas badly frightened by finding three Indians grinding knives at her husband's grindstone, near the spring avhere she had gone for avater. Greeting them in a friendly avay she escaped injury by giving them food, but it required strong nerves in these pioneer mothers to enable them to go about their daily tasks under such conditions. The mother of our subject avas Amanda (Hyatt) Vaughan, aaho avas born in Ohio, and she passed aavay in 1863. The father survived until March 28, 1893. Their surviving children are : Col. C. L, who is the subject of this sketch; Mrs. Mary Walsh, who lives in Seymour, Wisconsin; Rufus, avho is the talented editor of the Jewell County "Monitor,'' at Man kato, Kansas,' and Ida, avho is Airs. AValsh and lives at AntigO', Wisconsin. The subject of this biography avas reared on the pioneer farm in Wisconsin and avas attending school in Chilton avhen, at the age of seventeen years, he, in the avake of his ancestors, also became a soldier. Enlist ing on July 14, 1863, in Company F, X"eav York Heavy Artillery, he took part in the operations of the Army of the Potomac until August, 1864, when he avas made prisoner and avas confined in Libby prison, and was later transferred to Belle Island. AVhile there he cemented a friendship avith a colored man by the gift of a pipe, avhoi frequently suc ceeded in getting him something to eat, avhich was a matter of vital importance. By this means he was able to keep his strength'; and when the poor victims of imprisonment became so desperate that they avould even commit murder to obtain something and it became necessary to police them, he was the one placed in charge of thirty-eight of the most desperate characters. This posi tion Colonel Vaughan had forced upon him' by Lieutenant Ballou, the officer in charge, and he avas promised a parole at the avinter break-up if he would consent, and avith this understanding our subject took the distaste ful position. Like many of the promises made in that dreadful place, this avas not fulfilled, and even President Davis refused to notice it, as the idea was to only parole or exchange those who avere unfit for ser vice. Hoavever, in this emergency, Lieu tenant Ballou privately gave him medicine avhich made him, temporarily sigk and in this avay he secured parole. After his ex change, hoavever, he suddenly greav better and lost no time in rejoining his regiment at Fort Steadman, only to again suffer cap ture, in Alarch, 1865, and avas again sent to Libby prison, and avas, exchanged again at Aiken's Landing, on April 2. He avas then given a furlough home of thirty clays, return ing thence to his regiment, and avith it avent 242 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. to AA'ashington, avhere it Avas stationed until Jul)', 1866, being discharged in Rochester, New York. On account of his excellence as a drill master, our subject obtained his honorable title, haA'ing had charge of a batallion at Neav York, his instruction in cluding both officers and privates. After his return to: civil life, Colonel A'augha.n avas successfully engaged in the manufacture of avagons and carriages in AA'isconsin until his property avas destroyed by a disastrous fire. In 1871 he made a trip to Kansas, but did not permanently locate in this state until 1873, avhen he took up a quarter section on Buffalo creek, in JeAvell county, and here did some farming, but Avas principally engaged at Avork at his trade in Beloit. In 1875 he invented and patented a breaker, avhich avas a success, but about this time he received an injury avhich incapacitated him from active avork physi cally and he then entered into the real-estate business at Alankato. In 1885 the Com- monavealth Loan and Trust Company, of Boston, avas organized and our subject avas made one of the three district agents in this state, the location being first at AlillbrOok, then at AA'akeeney, avhere the United States land office avas located. In 1887 the three agencies avere consolidated and Colonel Vaughan avas given charge of the entire state and also of Texas. In 1889 he moved to Dallas, but in 1891 returned to Kansas in order to close up the affairs of this busi ness, on account of the prevaihng hard times. Before accomplishing this the Phoe nix Insurance Company of Hartford, Con necticut, offered him the position of avestern manager, covering the states of Kansas, Ne braska and North and South Dakota, prac tically all of their investments in this section. They had at that time three-quarters of a million dollars in avestern investments, but through defaulting creditors their business avas in bad shape. Colonel Vaughan en tered into this with characteristic energy and enthusiasm, and has managed so avell that tavu'-thirds of the amount has been paid and the balance has been so arranged that it is noav profita.ble. In 1896 a partnership avas formed and in 1898 Judge Fontron be came a partner, the firm style being the Vaughan-Fontron Agency, and they repres ser]* some of the oldest and most reliable insurance firms in the United States and England. Colonel Vaughan was married on Au gust 4, 1867, to Miss Eliza Jane Godding, a daughter of Joseph O. Godding, and a son of this marriage, A. E., is associated with the business of his father. In political life Colonel Vaughan has been actively identified avith the Republican party as far as good citi zenship extends, and has done his civic duty in the city council, but his tastes are not in the direction of political honors. In this city he stands high in public esteeni and is recognized as one of its most reliable and capable business factors. ISAAC L. AlcCRACKEX. Isaac L. McCracken is noav living re tired in Sterling, the rest avhich crowns hon orable, continued and avell directed efforts having been vouchsafed to him, and now as he approaches the evening" of life he is en abled to enjoy quiet retirement. He avas born in Butler county, Ohio, July 18, 1836. His father, the Rev. S. AA' AlcCracken, avas born in Hamilton county, Ohio, near Cin cinnati, in 1800, and avas a son of AA'ilson McCracken, but aside from this little is knoavn concerning the remote ancestral his tory. During the greater .part of his life the Rev. AlcCracken devoted his labors to gos pel avork as a minister of the United Pres byterian church, and avas at one time pro fessor of mathematics in the Aliami Univer sity, of Ohio. Lie married Aliss Catherine E. Monfort, avho avas born in Butler coun ty, Ohio, about 1809, and avas a daughter of Peter and Anna Maria (Spinning) Mon fort. The parents of our subject avere mar ried in Oxford, Ohio, and the mother died at Morning Sun, Preble county, that state, in 1S49, while the father, surviving her about ten years, passed aavay in the same counta-, in October, 1859. He avas for tAven ty years the pastor of HopeAvell church in BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 243 that county and his remains avere laid to rest in the churchyard there. They avere the par ents of nine children, but only four reached years of maturity, namely : John Calvin, avho is noav a merchant in Urbana, Ohio; Isaac L. ; Charlotte A., avho became the avife of AA7. Craig and died in Oxford, Ohio, April 23, 1893, at the age of forty-nine years, leaving four children; and Samuel, avho avas killed at the battle of Resaca, and sleeps in the soldier's cemetery at Atlanta, Georgia. He left the Aliami University at President Lincoln's second call for troops, served for three years and on the expiration of that period, avhen his first term of enlist ment had expired, he re-enlisted, meeting death upon the battlefield. Isaac L. AlcCracken, the immediate sub ject of this revieav, and the member of the family in avhom the citizens of central Kan sas are most interested, avas a student in the Alorning Sun Academy, after avhich he en gaged 111 teaching for one term. He a'olun- teered for service in the Union army August 8, 1862, becoming a member of Company G, Ninety-third Ohio' Infantry. He joined the army as a private and was sergeant when mustered out. He avas never wounded, but avas accidentally injured avhile on the sick list. Brave and loyal he avas ever found at his post of duty and with a creditable mili tary record he returned to his home. Air. McCracken avas united in marriage October 2j, 1857, to Miss Ella W. Stewart, of Preble county, Ohio, born December 9, 1835, her parents being Joseph and. Naomi (Hart) Steavart. Eight children have been born of this union: Alia AL, wife of A. D. Ramsey, of Sterling, and they have three living children and have lost one; Frank AL, avho died at the age of tavo years, while his father avas in the service of bis country ; Alyrta C, Avho is the wife of N. C. Elliott, of Union county, Indiana, and they have tAvo living children ; Charley S., avho is now a ranchman in Texas; Lee S., a resident of Sterling, avho is married and has four chil dren ; Gilbert G., avho is married, and also resides in Sterling; Josiah C, avho graduat ed in the University of Pennsylvania with the class of 1901, and avas for four years a member of the football team and one of the finest athletes of the school, avhile he is also renowned' for his, mental superiority and his moral avorth; and Daisy E., avho' is the avife of O. B. Johnson, of Lyons, Kansas. Air. McCracken continued to- reside in Ohio until the fall of 1872, avhen he ' re moved to Lincoln county, Tennessee, going thence to Emerson county, Kansas, in the fall of 1884. Lie folloaved' farming and milling. In the spring of 1886 he avent to Ness county, Kansas, avhere he secured four quarter sections of land and thereon carried on farming" for five years. In 1891 he came to Sterling, taking up his a.bode in his pres ent good residence, and is now living re tired. Socially he is connected avith the Grand Army of the Republic and has been junior vice commander. He has seiwed- as street commissioner , for four years and is a stanch temperance man. He also belongs. to the United Presbyterian church, in avhich he is a trustee, and he is deeply interestd in all moral avork calculated to uplift his fellow. men. HENRY B. NEWMAN. Henry B. Neavman is a progressive farmer residing one mile north of the city of Sterling. He was born in Rising Sun, Indiana, October 30, 1854. His father, Henry B. Newman, was accidentally drowned avhen the son was only six months old. He avas a cripple, and in falling from a boat at Rising Sun was unable to help him self and thus found death in a avatery grave. He left three sons and tavo daughters. The mother bore the maiden name of Alary AAral- ton and died in Prising Sun in the fall of 1893, at the age of sixty-seven years. The father of our subject was a native of Eng land, but avas brought to America during his childhood. Llis crippled condition avas caused from a avhite swelling. At the time of his death he avas engaged in the drug bus iness in Rising Sun, and to his family he left a comfortable home and a small prop erty. His children were: Charles, now a painter of Rising Sun; Oliver, a farmer of 244 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. that locality ; Sarah Frances, who became the wife of A. R. Talbott and died when about thirty years of age, leaving two children; Harriet, avho died when! about tavelve years of age; and Henry B. Air. Neavman, of this review, received a fair common-school education, continuing his studies until thirteen years of age, when he began avorking in a avoolen mill, avhere he avas employed for six years. He subse quently avorked in a brick yard, , receiving but small avages. At the age of taventy- three years he left home and came to Rice countv, Kansas, reaching his destination on the 27th of February, 1877. He made his avay to the home of his brother-in-law, A. R. Talbott, a miller of Rising Sun, Indiana, and later came to Rice county. After his arrival here Air. Newman formed the ac quaintance of Miss Isabel Heter, and their friendship ripened into love, their wedding being celebrated ou the 20th of April, 1879. The lady avas born in Bellevue, Ohio, a daughter of Levi and Mary (Schock) Heter. The mother avas. a native of Pennsylvania, born in February, 1834, but was reared in Ohio. The father was born in the latter state on the 17th of April, 1829, and was married in Ohio in 1852. Their daughter, Airs. Neavman, was the eldest of their eight children, of whom' four sons and three daughters reached mature years, and all are vet living and are married with one excep tion. The parents still reside in Bellevue, Ohio, AA*here the father for many years con ducted a, large farm, but is noav retired. Air. and Airs. Neavman took up their abode six miles northwest of Sterling, remaining for tavo years upon the Talbott farm, after making a purchase of one hundred and sixty- acres- of land for one thousand dollars. The former oavner had been Air. Heter, the father of Airs. Neavman, avho had come to Kansas on a prospecting trip and purchased this land as an investment. There avere a feav improvements on the place and Mr. Newman has added many others, making his' farm' a very desirable property. The home has been blessed with four children : Ralph A., Avho was born June 27, 1884, and is noAV a student in the high school in Sterl ing; May Gladys, born May 3, 1886; Rose Fern, born December 21, 1889; and Winnie Belle, born October 28/1891. All are stu dents in the schools of Sterling. Mr. Newman carries on general farm ing, making a specialty of the production of wheat and corn and also raises cattle and horses. At one time he was extensively en gaged in raising hogs, but cholera rendered this unprofitable and he noAV devotes his energies to- other lines of farm work. He is a man of marked industry, energy and determination. His home is emboavered amid many ornamental shade trees and he has also planted many fruit trees, avhich have reached a bearing condition and add to the value of the place. Fe\v farmers starting out in life Avithout cash capital have in so short a space of time achieved as creditable success as has croavned the efforts of Air. Newman. He is noav the possessor of a handsome competence, avhich avill enable him to carry over his crops for better markets if he does not desire to dispose at the pre vailing prices. He and his avife are mem bers of the Congregational church and en joy the avarm friendship of many avith whom they have come in contact, for their many sterling characteristics have ever com manded the respect and regard of those avith whom they have been associated. They have labored together' earnestly, the avork of the one supplementing and rounding out the avork of the other, and their attractive home is a fitting monument to their labors. ERNEST A. TAYLOR, AL D. Prominently identified avith the inter ests of Reno county, Kansas, and one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Hutch inson, is Dr. Ernest A. Taylor, avho since 1886 has been iu the active practice of his profession in this city. He is a resident of the avest by choice, for his birth occurred in the east, in LIunterdon county, Neav Jersey, on August 13, 1834. Prior to the' Revolu tionary avar some of his ancestors founded the great industry knoaa-n still as the Tay- £, J. Sp^WAxx, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 245 lor Iron AA'orks, at Highbridge, Neav Jer sey, and it Avas from these great foundries that the army of General AA'ashington ob tained many of the cannon balls which so effectually enforced the demands of our paL triot fathers avhen they* called upon the British troops and the Hessian hirelings to depart from our shores. Archibald Taylor aa-as the grandfather of our subject, and during the progress of the Revolutionary avar bought this iron busi ness, in association avith his sons. Some members of the family are still connected avith' it. John B. Taylor, the father cf Dr. Taylor, AA'as not by nature a avorker in iron. He became a teacher, avas a man of high attainment, but never accumulated large means. His marriage avas to Susan Ade line Bray, a distant relative and a daugh ter of John AAratsonj Bray, avho. traced an honorable descent from Scotch ancestors. These came among the early settlers to Neav Jersey, avhere the name still represents public-spirited and financial stability. He served in the avar of 181 2, was identified avith many public affairs and avas the orig inator of the idea- of the feasibility of the building and success of the New Jersey Central railroad. His son, Augustus, made a trip to Salt Lake, Utah, in the early days of the reign of Brigham Young, driving the entire distance with six yoke of oxen. He avas employed by the great Mormon prophet and later took out one thousand head of cattle. Still later he avent to Cali fornia,, avhere he sold cattle for a time and then engaged in milling, becoming both prominent and avealthy. Our subject avas the fourth member, of a family of five chil dren born- to his parents, namely : Robert, a\*ho hps passed aavay; John, avho lives in Boulder county,- Colorado; Alexander, avIio is our subject's twin brother; and Mary C, who married Byron Bliss and died in Boulder county, Colorado. In 1840 Air. Taylor removed avith his family to Missouri, and continued to fol- loav his profession of teaching. Our sub ject was instructed by his father, whom he aftenvard remunerated, the latter being in. limited circumstances. Very early in his career he engaged in farming, and was so occupied at the; outbreak of the Civil Avar. The family became divided on this great question, Dr. Taylor becoming a mem ber of Company F, Seventh Missouri State Cavalry, on April 11, 1862, avhile his twin brother espoused the other side. Governor Crittenden avas lieutenant-colonel and Judge Phillips was colonel of the regiment of avhich Dr. Taylor avas a member. His serv ice aa"as principally in Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. For forty-one days he avas on Price's raid, and avas captured on the third day of the battle of Lexington, Mis souri, but just afterward he avas paroled. Some eight months later he re-enlisted and soon afterward avas appointed by the col onel as fifth sergeant of Company F, and later was made hospital steward. This po sition he held until the close of the avar, and this: determined his future career. • The practical experience that he had received in medicine and surgery during these years of strife awakened in him an enthusiasm. for the profession -which he has adorned for so many years. With about a thousand dollars Avhich he had saved, Dr. Taylor entered the Uni versity of Ncav York and took his first med ical course, returning then to Missouri and locating for one year in Leesville, in Henry county. A favorable op-ending presenting itself both for practice and study at Cole- camp, he removed thither, remaining for six years at that point. Then he entered the St. Louis Medical College, remaining until graduation in 1871. A short time Avas again spent in Colecamp, avhen removal avas made to Aullville, in La Fayette couiir ty, Missouri, where he remained for two years, opening* then a practice in Concordia, avhere he remained for eleven years. In 1886 he came to this city and since that timle has built up' a lucrative and still in creasing practice, due to: his skill, medical ability and the possession of those personal attributes avhich go so: far to incite confi dence in a physician. During the first term of the late President McKinley, Dr. Taylor was appointed by him a member of the pension examining board, and ever since 246 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. then he has retained this position. He is serving his third term as county coroner, having made it his aim ever since taking ¦charge of this important branch of the coun ty business to make the costs as little as will subserve justice. In politics he is a stanch Republican and is fraternally con nected Avith Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R. For many years our subject has been prominent in the Presbyterian church, for fifteen years serving* as retiring elder. Dr. Taylor has1 been twice married, first in Quincy, Illinois, to Miss Florence Alc- Kee, and ten children were born to: this union, eight of these still surviving, namely : Adeline, avho married James H. Stratton, of Hutchinson; Alberta, who' married Bert Ai. I ver, of Abbeyville, Reno county; Ern est, Avho is a tobacconist, in Preston, Colo rado; Robert, avho is in the insurance busi ness with' AAr S. Thompson, in this city; Grandon, avIto is- a resident of Creston, Colo rado; Clarence, avho is a, resident of Hutch inson; Josie, AA'ho: lives in St. Louis; and Augustus A., avho avas born om his father's birthday. The second marriage of Dr. Taylor avas to Mrs. Samantha (George) (Newcomb) Scott. The children born to her first marriage are : James Newcomb, who served in the Spanish-American war; Mae, avho is Mrs. Thorpe; and Guy New comb, avho. is now in the army in the Philip pine Islands. The children of her second mlarriage are: Orville, Fairy, Hattie and Annie. ALEXANDER S. HUNTER. The subject of this sketch is a man who in his progressive career -has demonstrated the value of a good name in the business avorld, avhich is worth more than cash. As a merchant and man: of affairs: he has not only prospered in a substantial manner but has avon a name which stands for business stability and insures him a high standing. Alexander S. Hunter, of Norwich, King man county, one of the prominent merchants of southern Kansas, was born in the state Neav York, January 1, 1831, a son of Sam uel and Mary A. (Calvert) Hunter. His. father avas born in the state of New York and was descended from' an old New Eng land family, the founder of avhich in Amer- . ica was Mr. Hunter's great-grandfather, a Scotch-Irishman, -who came to the colonies a British soldier to. help subdue the patriot insurrection of 1776, but who, soon recog nizing the injustice of the British cause, transferred his allegiance to. America and in the army of Washington . fought for Ameri can liberty. After the Revolution he lived for a time in Connecticut and later removed to New York state, avhere he avas a farmer and where he died within, the recollection of his great-grandson. Samuel Hunter, in 1842, emigrated from New York state to McHenry county, Illi-' nois, where he died in 1872, aged seventy- three years. In politics he avas a Democrat until the organization of the Republican party, with which he aftenvard acted. In religion he was an old-school Presbyterian. He had ten children, the following informa tion concerning some of avhom avill doubt less interest readers of this article. His daughter, Mary, married a Air. Shearer, and, now a widow, lives at AA'oodstock, Illi nois. His son, S. H., lives in Kansas City, Missouri. His daughter, Sarah, married a Air. Austin, and lives in Alissouri. His daughter, Martha, is Mrs. Furney, of Genoa, Wisconsin. His son, AV. H., lives at Goav- ens, Iowa. His son, Thomas G., lives at Los Angeles, California. Three others of his children died in childhood and youth. When his father removed avith his fam ily to AlcHenry county, Illinois, Alexander S. Hunter avas eleven years old. He ac quired some education as was available to him in public schools near his home, and avhen twenty-one years old he began farming on rented land. In 1854 he bought land in Brenner county, Iowa, avhich. he oavnecl until 1857, but on avhich he never lived. In 1856 he opened a general store at Crystal Lake, Illinois, which, five years later,. he re moved to Algonquin, Illinois. After trad ing two years at Algonquin he removed his stock of goods to Elgin, Illinois, avhere he sold dry goods and groceries until 1866. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 247 From! that time until 1873 he Avas in his - old home in Mcllenry county, looking after his parents and attend ing to his father's farm. After the death of his father in September of the year mentioned, he avent to AAAoming, avhere for two years he operated mines and looked after- mining investments. In' 1875 he lo cated at Mount Pleasant, Ioava, avhere he was a leading merchant until 1886, when be removed to Nonvich, Kansas, Avhich had been founded the previous year, avhere he opened a general store, avhich he has man aged successfully to the present time. He has invested to a considerable extent in town property, oavning several davellings in Nor wich and the Nonvich flouring mill, and has acquired eight hundred acres of good land in Bennett township, AA'hich he leases. As a member of the People's party he has been active in public affairs and has been elected justice of the peace and a member of the city council. Since 1883 he has oavned mining interests in southern Colo rado: and in 1900 he became financially in terested in the Nonvich flouring mill, al ready mentioned, which has a capacity of seventy-five barrels of flour a day, and which has recently been equipped with up-to-date machinery and is under his own manage ment He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. December 12, 1855, Mr. Hunter was married, in Illinois, to Mary A. Lynd, and they have four children : Viola, who is the wife of William E. Haynes, a merchant of Emporia, Kansas ; Fannie, avho married Dr. Frank Boyington, of Chariton, Iowa; Albert O., Avho lives at AVichita, Kansas; and Jay Alexander, who assists his father in the man agement of the store. As a merchant Mr. Hunter has made it the rule of his life never to procrastinate in any business affair or to depend on another to attend to matters of importance about Avhich he felt any solici tude. During his many years active career he has never asked for an extension of time on any obligation and has discounted all bills, and his thoroughness and carefulness have carried him safely through several fi nancial panics which have wrecked many of his competitors. His friends rejoice avith him in his success because they knoav that it has been fairly avon. WILLIAM R. JOHXSOX. Among- the successful and prominent farmers and stockmen of Ellsworth county, Kansas, as AA'illiam R. Johnson, avho resides on the east one-half of section f,2, in Gar field toavnship. Ah*. Johnson has a ranch of ten hundred and thirty acres in cultiva tion and raises some enormous crops of corn, Kaffir corn and sorghum, employing eight men. The birth of Air. Johnson occurred in Laavrenceburg, Anderson county, Kentucky, on December 6, 1858, and he is a son of Berry AV. and Elvira (Mount joy) Johnson, both of avhom are natives of the same state. The father followed farming in that state until 1869, avhen the family removed to Bates county, Missouri, avhere the parents remain ed until 1895, at avhich period they returned to their old Kentucky home, avhere the fa ther died in April, 1899, but the mother still survives. Mr. Johnson of this sketch avas the eldest in a family of eight children, tavo of his bro thers, James and John, also being residents of Ellsavorth county. His school days had to be shortened in order that he might also become a wage-earner, as he avas the eldest of a large family, and avhen only eleven years of age he started out, securing avork with neighboring farmers, and spent thirteen years thus, avorking for four years for one man, J. C. Farrar. Industrious and provi dent, our subject accumulated means and bought a one-half interest of Air. Farrar. One year he spent in Arkansas, but not lik ing the country, he returned to Missouri, where he remained until October, 1895, when he came to Ellsavorth county. Prior to this Mr. Johnson had been engaged in farming and later in mining for coal, but the vein gave out, and he decided to move to Kansas. Air. Johnson shipped the first coal, over the Kansas City & Southern rail- >48 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY road, avhich avas ever sent south of the Marais des Cygnes and the Cypress rivers. Upon coming to Ellsworth county Mr.. Johnson could not at first find and buy a place that suited him, so he leased the Mc Lennan ranch, consisting of nine sections. This extends for four miles on the creek, avith luxuriant pasture on, both sides, seem ing to be especially adapted1 to stock-raising. He buys almost exclusively avestern cattle, both on the ranges and in Kansas City, and at the present avriting he is feeding six hundred and forty head of his oavn, and avintering tavo hundred head for another in dividual. This is not the extent of the cat tle interests Air. Johnson is a large farmer, Johnson, for he buys and sells from two thousand to three thousand head, his plan being to buy in large numbers and to sell in small lots to other feeders, avho do- not do so extensive a business. Aside from his cat tle interests Air. Johnson is a large farmer, cultivating ten hundred and thirty acres. The amount of energy and ability required to manage all these large interests, is abund ant proof that Air. Johnson is gifted with great executive force and the most -excellent judgment. The marriage of our subject avas solem nized in Bates county, Alissouri, on October 12, 1881, to Aliss Ruth Woodfin, who avas the daughter of John and Emily Woodfin, the former of avhom avas born in Vermont but became one of the pioneer settlers of Alissouri, and one of the most extensive farmers of that state. Tavo children were born to the marriage of Air. and Airs. John son, one son and one daughter, namely : Samuel F. and Emma V. In his political sympathies Air. Johnson has ahvays been a Democrat, but he has neaer consented to accept office, avith the exception of membership on the school board, on account of his interest in education, al though feav men in this locality are more fitted to assume such responsibilities. Fra ternally he is high up on the roll of avorthies both in the I. O. O. F., of Brookville, and' in Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, A. F. & A. M., as avell as the chapter, commandery of Knights Templar, and Consistory No. 2. S. P R. S., at Wichita, and of Isis Temple of the Alystic Shrine, at Salina. Mrs. John son is a devoted member of the Christian church, and our subject is an attendant and liberal supporter. He is avidely knoavn in this part of Kansas, his large business op erations bringing him into contact avith many residents of all sections, and he most worth ily represents that type of the progressive and successful avestern business citizen avho has done so much to build up- the interests of the great state of Kansas. ELIJAH RAYL. Diversified interests claim the attention cf Elijah Ravi, avho is noav successfully en gaging in stock-raising, horticultural pur suits and the nursery business, and each in dustry returns to him a good income. Since 1874 he has resided in Reno county and has aided in its development from primitive conditions and surroundings to its present advanced stage of progress. Air. Rayl avas born in Hoavard county, Indiana, January 27, 1861. His father, Thomas Rayl, avas a native of Kentucky and avhen a boy- removed avith his parents to the Hoosier state, avhere he aa-as reared upon a farm amid pioneer surroundings. He began farming upon his oavn account when entering upon an independent busi ness career and avas thus engaged until the close of the Civil avar, avhen he removed to the tOAvn of Kokomo, and began general contracting, making a specialty, hoavever, of the building of streets. In his political vieavs he avas a Democrat and for sea'erai terms he served as councilman and once as mayor of the city. His administration avas a practical and beneficial one and he was avidely regarded as one of the repre sentative and influential residents of his community. He avas deeply interested in the cause of education and aa'hile serving on tbe school board exercised his official prerogatia'e to advance the interests and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 249 efficiency of the schools and raise the stand ard of intellectual attainment. In Kokomo he married Miss Julia Ann Connell, and unto them avere born seven children1: AVill iam, a farmer of Clay toavnship, Reno coun ty, Kansas ; Harless, avho is living in Hutch inson; Katie E., the wife of William1 Brown, of Arlington township, Reno, county; Elijah;' Alary Jane, the wife of Fred Malick, of South Reno township; Levi and Thamias, avho are also living in the same township. In 1874 the family came to Kansas and railroad land was purchased, upon avhich Levi Rayl noav resides. The trad com prised a half section, and here in pioneer style the family began life in the Sunflower state. Prairie was broken, crops planted and in course of time good harvests' were garnered and the family also: aided in the avork of devdopment and improvement, in cluding the organization of the schools. The father died in 1890. Lie avas a man of upright principles, who did what he be lieved to be right; and so fair and" just was he in all things that it is doubtful if he ever had an enemy. In his business career he aa-as successful and in addition to his farm made investments in real estate and in busi ness interests in Hutchinson. His avidoav still survives him. In the public schools of Kokomo Elijah Rayl began his education, which he has largely supplemented through practical ex perience and observation. When fourteen years of age he came with the family to Kansas and here bore all the hardship and trials of frontier life which' came to the household. His youth was a busy one, as he aided in breaking prairie and in per forming all the tasks incident to the develop ment and cultivation of a new farm. He remained on the old homestead until thirty- one years of age, and long prior to that time the management and operation of the farm largely devolved upon him: In 1880 he made a trip to the mountains and helped to build the railroad from Albuquerque to California, continuing in the west for tavo years. He prospered in his work there and upon his return he purchased the old home 16 place, and when his youngest brother, Levi, became of age, deeded one-half of it to. him. They continued in business together for some time and invested largely in property west of the old farm. They had seven hundred and twenty acres wben they di vided their interests.. In connection with general farming they engaged in raising and handling cattle and also began the culti vation of fruits, their specialty being apples. Since the brothers divided their business in terests Elijah Rayl has continued in the same line of activity, and is the owner of one of the finest farms in the river bottom. He has one hundred acres in fruit, includ ing apples, peaches., pears and grapes, and had forty acres in nursery stock, fruits, shrubbery and other plants. His business in this direction is constantly increasing and year by year his sales have groavn larger and his profit thereby increases. He owns altogether five hundred acres of rich and productive bottom land, and iri connection avith horticultural pursuits he is engaged in the raising of short horn cattle, keeping from! fifty to two hundred head of good stock. In 1892 he erected his present com modious and comfortable residence and to his farm' he has added all modern improve ments and accessories. He has a blacksmith shop on his place and his practical under standing of that business enables him large ly to facilitate his avork. On the 23d of May, 1892, Mr. Rayl married Miss Minnie L. Thompson, a, daughter of Joseph Thompson, avho died in Indiana prior to1 the removal of the family to Kansas. AVith her mother Airs. Rayl re moved to Wichita. By her marriage she has become the mother of one daughter, Ethel. Mr. Rayl is a member of the park and fair associations and is interested in every measure and movement that tends to benefit the community. He votes avith the Democracy, is quite active in political af fairs and frequently attends the county, congressional, senatorial and state conven tions. In 1890 he received the nomination for sheriff, but his party strength avas not equal to: that of the opposition. His life has been guided by sound principles, his 250 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. work has been: carried along the lines of strict commercial ethics, and his reputation for reliability as well as industry and enter prise is one most enviable. F. E. FULLER. F. E. Fuller, who is engaged in general merchandising in Geneseo, and is one of the successful merchants of the town, avas born in Colebrook, Ashtabula county, Ohio, De cember 9, 1862, a son of William. O. and Laura (Cotton) Fuller. The father was a well known citizen of Ashtabula county, Ohio, and his death occurred at Colebrook at the age of forty-three years. The mother died at the age of forty-two years. F. A. Fuller, the subject of this review, was reared in the county of his nativity, avhere he received a good common school ed ucation. He afterward entered the New Lyme Academy, where he avas graduated in 1885, and he is also a graduate of the'Spen- cerian Business College and of Rusk's School of Oratory. Being thus well fitted for life's practical duties by a thorough education, he entered upon his business career in his na tive state. He was engaged in the memorial business at Neav Lyme for two years and also 'folloaved the same occupation at Ul- richsville, Tuscarawas county, Ohio. He avas next engaged in milling in Trumbull county, that state, for a time. The year 1899 avitnessed his arrival in Rice county, Kan sas, and since the spring of 1893 he has been an important factor in the business circles in Geneseo. In that year he embarked! in general merchandising in this city, and he noav carries a large and avell appointed stock, his being one of the leading stores in his line in this locality. He carries a general line of dry goods, boots, shoes, groceries and notions and also handles furniture and hardware, and his trade is steadily increas ing. Hb -tore room is fifty by seventy feet. By his chse attention to- business and honor able methods be has acquired the confidence and gor.fl -will of the citizens of Geneseo and the surrounding country. In the year 1886, in New Lyme, Ohio, occurred the marriage of Mr. Fuller and Miss Bernice E. Hyde, who1 was reared and educated in Ohio and' is a daughter of Perry G. Hyde. Three children have come to bless this union, — Frances, Obediah and Temperance. Mr. Fuller is a leader in the ranks of the Democratic party, believing firmly in its principles and doing everything in his power to promote its advancement. He has served his fellow townsmen as town ship treasurer, and for three years was a member of the school board. His. social re lations connect him Avith the Knights of Pythias fraternity and with the Modern Woodmen of America. He has been the architect of his own fortunes and has builded wisely and well, placing his confidence in those reliable qualities of energy, industry and honesty, which in the end never fail to bring the merited reAvard. ANDREW J. GREGG. In central Kansas are many fine stock farms. In the pastures are seen high grades of horses and cattle and in the barn yards splendid animals give evidence of the care of an ambitious owner Avho Avishes to im prove his stock and therefore make it of high market value. Mr. Gregg owns a good farm on section 34, Valley tOAvnship, Rice county, and is devoting the greater part of his attention to this branch of agricultural labor. He Avas born in Winchester toavn ship, Adams county, Ohio, July 3, 1858. His father, James Gregg, avas a native of Broavn county, Ohio, born Alarch 4, 1823, and the family is of Irish lineage, for the grandfa ther, Andreav Gregg, Avas born on the Em erald Isle. After coming to America ha was married in Ohio to a Scotch avife. They reared tavo children, the daughter being Ellen Houston, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The son Jamesi Gregg, avas reared in his parents' home and established a home of his1 oavn through his marriage to Miss Sarah Dilling- er, avho avas born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a daughter of AVilliam Dillinger, a farmei, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 251 avhose property is noav included avithin the corporation limits of the city of Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg were married in 1857, and their union avas blessed avith seven chil dren, namely : Andreav J. ; Margaret, the wife of Del Cummings, of Portsmouth, Ohio; Harriet, avho. married James Larkin, of Valley township; Catherine, the avife of William Hibbard, of Portsmouth, Ohio; Edward, a stock farmer of Reno county, Kansas; Mrs.. Laura Hawkins, who died at the age of twenty-five years; and Stewart, who is also living in Reno county. The fa ther carried' on agricultural pursuits in Ohio and died in Scioto county, that state, in De cember, 1900, at the age of sixty-seven years. His widoav is now living in Kansas, keep ing house for her son, Edward, and is a very active old lady of seventy-five years. Andrew J. Gregg recdved but limited school privileges' for his services were needed upon the home farm in his youth, and he early began to assist in the labors of field and meadow. He remained at home until twenty-five years of age. In 1884 he came to Kansas, arriving at Sterling on the 10th of July, with only twenty-five cents in his pocket after he had paid his hotel bill. He came here as a feeder of a threshing ma chine, and during the first winter after his arrival he was employed to feed cattle own ed by Tom Harper. Later he erected a blacksmith's shop on the Arkansas river, south of Sterling, and there conducted busi ness for one Spummer. His first purchase of land comprised eighty acres, for which he gave eleven hundred and ninety dollars. He afterward bought a tract of two hundred and forty acres, one mile to the north and in 1900 he became the owner of a quarter sec tion adjoining his farm. He carries on gen eral farming and does an extensive business as a stock raiser, having fifty-two horses and mules and seventy-five cattle of his own, while each year through the winter season he cares for from' one hundred and twenty to two hundred and fifty bead of cattle. On the 19th of September, 1885, Mr. Gregg was joined in wedlock to Miss Caro line Elhuff, a native of Ohio. Both of her parents were natives' of Germany, and her father died in the Euckeye' state, but her mo ther is noav living in Rice county and has at tained the age of eighty-four year-s. She had tavelve children, of avhom five are yet living. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg has been blessed avith three children : Sadie, avho died at the age of two years ; a son avho died in infancy; and Pearl, who is now eleven years of age. Socially Mr. Gregg is con nected with the subordinate lodge and en campment of the Rebekah order of the Odd Fellows society, and is likewise a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. His avife belongs to the Methodist church, in which he is serving as one of its trustees. Politically he is a Republican and is noav overseer of the highways. WILLIAM B. LUCAS. William B. Lucas, who occupies the po sition of clerk of the courts of Barton county and resides at Great Bend, was born in High land county, Ohio, October 30, 1865. His parents were John S. and Rebecca (Steel) Lucas, both of whom were natives of the Buckeye state. The father was a farmer by occupation and died in the prime of life, at the age of forty-one years, but his avidoav is still living and is now making her home in Great Bend. There are also two sons of ' the family yet living, the brother of our sub ject being Clay Lucas, a prominent agri culturist of Buffalo township, Barton county. William' B. Lucas of this revieaa*' had been provided avith excellent educational privileges and avas thus well equipped for the responsible and practical duties of life. After attending the public schools he entered the Wesleyan Normal School, at Salina, Kansas, and was afterward a student in the Central Normal College at Great Bend. In 1886 he began teaching in a district school in Buffalo township and folloaved that pro fession for ten years., becoming a most ca pable instnictor, readily imparting the knoavl- edge that he had acquired to those avho aa-ere under his direction. After a decade devoted to the profession, hoavever, he turned his at- 252 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tention to farming avhich he folloaved in, Buf falo township until 1900, becoming one of the enterprising and prosperous agricultur ists of the community. He avas then elected on the fusion ticket to the position of clerk of the courts of Barton county as the suc cessor to F. G. Strothman. Entering upon the duties-of the position, he has since proven a capable officer, his career reflecting credit upon himself and his constituents. He is very popular in both business and social circles and is an esteemed and valued mem ber of the Masonic fraternity and the An cient Order of United Workmen. AVILLIAM H. LIBBY. AVilliam H. Libby is residing upon the old Libby homestead, avhere he located on the 2 ist of March, 1873, the farm being one of the desirable country seats of Rockville township, Rice county. He avas born in Saco, York county, Maine, January 29, 1840, the year of the great Harrison cam paign, when "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," Avas the rallying cry of the AA'hig party, and every one spoke of the "log cabin and hard-cider campaign." David Libby, the fa ther of our subject, avas born November 30, 1796, on the farm! which was the birthplace of his son William and of his father, David Libby, Sr. The latter avas born Alarch 26, 1765, and avas a son of Joseph Libby, avhose birth occurred at Kittery, Alaine, on the 14th of December, 1725. He avas a son of Solo mon Libby, who: was born at Portsmouth, Xeav Llampshire, in 1695, and his father avas David Libby, who avas born in Scar- boro, Mlaine, in 165 1. It avas his father, John Libby, avho' became the founder of the family in America. He avas born in Eng land, in 1602, and in 1630, braving the dangers incident to an ocean voyage at that time in order to' establish a home in the neav aa'orld, he settled in Scarboro, Maine, his descendants in America noav numbering many hundred. Representatives of the name have been prominent in peace and brave in avar and have attained distinguished positions in connection with the great ma terial industries and with the professions. One of his1 descendants is Air. Libby, the fa mous pork packer of Chicago. The name is found in almost every state in the Union and is borne by men and women of sterling worth. David Libby, Sr., the grandfather of our subject, was married on the 17th of -No vember, 1793, to Miss Elizabeth Cleves, avho avas born in Saco, Maine, a daughter of Robert Cleves, avhose birth occurred in Beverly, Massachusetts. Their son, David Libby, Jr., was1 reared upon the old family homestead in the Pine Tree state and en gaged in farming and lumbering. As a companion and helpmate for the journey of life he chose Miss Sarah Berry, a daughter of John and Jane Berry, of Saco. The lady avas born and reared in Alaine, and their marriage was celebrated on the 5th of Oc tober, 1823, while their union avas blessed avith seven children, namely : Martha Jane, deceased wife of S. M. Harmon; Sarah Elizabeth, who has also- passed away ; David, avho is living in Thomasville, Georgia; Car oline, avho became the avife of O. R. Ham ilton and died at Lynn, Alassachusetts; Jo seph F., avho died in 1853 ; Gideon, avho avas a minister of tlie Alethodist Episcopal church and died in Kings, Illinois, in 1879; and AAllliam H., avhose name introduces this record. The father devoted much of his life to agricultural pursuits, but avas also a saw yer in the pine avoods of Maine and engaged. in the lumber business. In early days he gave his political support to the AA'hig party* and avas an honored and respected citizen of the community in avhich he made his home. His death occurred at the age of seventy- six years, and his avife passed aavay at the age of eighty-four. She avas a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church and her Christianity formed a part of her daily- life. AA'illiam H. Libby avas reared on the old family homestead and early became familiar avith the aa"ork of cultivating the fields. He avas also employed in the pine woods and at intervals he attended the public schools of Allaine, acquiring a good education. At the: BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY 253 age of nineteen he began teaching, and after the inauguration of the Civil war he put aside all personal considerations that the country might have the benefit of his services on the field of action. He enlisted on the 2d of July, 1861, donning the blue uniform as a member of Company B, Sixteenth Massadiusetts Infantry, under command of General Mason and Colonel Powell T. Wy man. He Decame a member of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by General Mc Clellan, and served until honorably dis charged on account of disability. Wben he was again able to avork he secured a posi tion in the navy yard at Charlestown, Mas sachusetts. Before leaving for the front and after his enlistment, Air. Libby was married in his soldier's, uniform, on the 5th of August, 1861, to Aliss Emily A. Crosby, and then bade adieu to his bride in order to assist his country in her struggle to preserve the Union intact. The lady avas born at Calais, near Passamaquoddy bay, Alaine, on the 1 8th of September, 1839. Her father, Jeremiah Crosby, avas a native of Machias, Maine, a son of Joseph and Sarah Crosby, of the Pine Tree state. After arriving at years of maturity Jeremiah Crosby wedded Susan L. Keyes, avho was: born in Orland, Maine, a daughter of William Keyes, of Orland, avho: avas of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby became the parents of four children, namely: John, who was an officer in the Civil war and is now in the United States navy at Boston, Massachu- srtts, holding the rank of captain, and has been all over the avorld ; Mrs. Libby, who is the next younger; Helen, who died at the age of taventy-tavo years ; and Frederick, who died at the. age of four years. The mother of this family died avhen Mrs. Libby was only nine years old, and the father was afterward again married, his second union being with Martha Smith, by whom he had one son, Algernon Crosby, of Bos ton, Massachusetts, and one daughter, Fan nie, avho is also living in Boston. The fa ther was a millwright by trade and at the time of the discovery of gold in California he made his -way toi the Pacific coast and died in that state in 1849. I11 religious be lief he avas a Universalist. The marriage of Air. and Airs. Libby has been blessed avith three living children: Irene M. and Walter G., at home; and Edna C, wife of A. L. Alanassa, of Little River, Kansas, by avhom she has one daughter, Helen. Mr. and Airs. Libby also lost four children avho died in infancy. After his return from1 the wan the sub^ ject of this review, resided in Massachusetts for some years, avorking at his trade of car pentering , and stepr-building. In 1865, however, he removed to Louisville, Ken tucky, avhere he folloaved his chosen pur suit for eight years, and on the 2d of March, 1873, he came to Rice county, locating on avhat is noav the Libby homestead, in Rock- ville toavnship'. He first resided in a sod house and afterward in a dugout avithin the site of his present home. The date on avhich the material for this sketch was' secured-N was the twenty-eighth anniversary of his arrival in the county. During* the period of his residence here he has accomplished much in a business line, and is to-day the owner of a valuable property, avhich stands as a monument to his thrift and industry. A grove and an orchard are upon his farm, together with modern buildings, the latest improved machinery and all the equipments of a model farm of the twentieth century.. Mr. Libby votes with the Republican party, but the honors of office have had no attrac tion for him, as he prefers to devote his en ergies to his business affairs. He is a man of intelligence, broad minded and liberal in his opinions and wherever he has gone he has avon avarm friends, by reason of his sterling worth. Both he and his avife are held in high regard in the community, and their oavn home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality. ROBERT J. WATKINS. Grand Vieav is one of the finest farms in Rice county and is the property of R. J. Watkins, a practical, enterprising and pro gressive agriculturist, avhose possessions 254 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. have been acquired entirely through his own efforts, resulting from' capable management, untiring industry and keen discrimination in business affairs. He came to the county in 1879 and is therefore numbered among its early settlers, having been a witness of its growth and development for twenty-two years. Mr. Watkins was born in Logan county, Ohio, near Bellefontaine, on the 26th of April, 1855, an'd represents one of the old families of Virginia. His grandfather, John AAratkins, was a native of that state, which indicates that at an early period the family AA'as founded in America. Robert J. Wat kins, Sr., the father -of our subject, was also born in Virginia and avas reared near AA'heeling, West Virginia, his boyhood days being passed in the usual manner of farmer lads of the period. The public schools afforded him his educational privileges. When a young man he went, to Ohio, and avas married in Logan county, that state, to Miss Lydia Cowgill, a native of Logan county, avhere they began their domestic life, the father devoting his energies to' farming and stock-raising until his death, Avhich occurred when he Avas fifty-eight years of age. The political principles of the Republican party received his loyal support. He AA'as a member of the Society of Friends, Avith Avhich his wife was also identified, and in that faith, they reared their children. Mrs. AAratkins died in Ohio, August 20, 1901, at the age of eighty-nine years. Her noble Christian life and her kindness of heart Avon her the love and esteem of all Avith avhom she was brought in contact. This avorthy couple were the parents of thir teen children, but only three of the number are itoav living, namely : John W. and Ed. avho reside in Logan county, Ohio, and Robert J., of this review. Those avIio reached mature years but have now passed aAvay avere Thomas, Deborah, Alary and Louisa, and the others all died in infancy or childhood. Robert J. Watkins, whose name forms the caption of this review, avas reared upon the old home farm in Ohio and avhen old enough to handle the ploav took his place in the fields, preparing the ground for culti vation in the early springtime, aiding in the work of planting as the season pro gressed and assisting in the harvest fields when the crops were ready for the garner ing. He acquired a fair education in the public schools and supplemented his early study by a course in Earlham Academy, in Richmond, Indiana. He continued at bome until twenty-five years of age, when he re solved to try his fortune in the west, believ ing that he might have better opportunities for advancement in the less thickly set tled district beyond the Mississippi river. Coming to Kansas, he took up his abode in Wilson township, Rice county, in 1879, and secured four hundred and eighty acres of rich land. The soil, hoavever, was rich in its latent possibilities, needing only the cul tivating powers of man to make it produc tive. As the years passed Mr. AVatkins transformed the place into rich and fer tile fields and added all modern improve ments. He also secured the machinery nec essary to facilitate farm avork, erected sub stantial buildings and developed a farm which is well entitled to the name of Grand View. Upon the place is a fine grove of maple trees and box-elders. There is a good bearing orchard, commodious barns and sheds for the shelter of grain and stock, good feed lots and yards, rich pastures and grain fields avhich give evidence of coming harvests. Everything on the place is in good condition and the oavner has every reason to be proud of his valuable farming property. In addition to the production of the cereals best adapted to' this climate he breeds finest stock, including short-horn cat tle and Poland-China hogs. Mr. AVatkins avas married on the 15th of February, 1898, in Lyons, Kansas, to Miss Lena E. Coavdry, a cultured lady, Avho avas reared and educated in Lyons a daugh ter of J. A. Coavdry, a prominent and avell- knoavn resident of that city, bier father AA'as born in Meigs county, Ohio, in 1847, and at tbe time of the Civil AA-ar responded to the call for aid, serving as a member of Company I, Second Ohio Infantry. He married Abbie AAtolf, a native also of Meigs BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ¦'¦$$ county, Ohio, and a daughter of John and Rebecca Wolf. They became the parents of four children, as follows : Mrs. Lena Wat kins; Elbert E., at home; J. Ray, a dentist, AA'ho' is engaged in practice in Lyons; and Herman, who is still avith his parents. They also lost tavo children, Neil and Laurel, who died in childhood. The marriage of Mr. and Airs. AAratkins has been blessed with one child, a little daughter, Helen, who is the life and light of the household. Air. AA'atkins is quite prominent in pub lic affairs and his influence is strongly felt as a supporter of the Populist party. i In the fall of 1895 he avas elected sheriff and filled the position in such a capable and com mendable manner that he avas re-elected for a second term. An exemplary member of the Masonic fraternity, he has' taken the de grees of the blue lodge in Sterling, Kansas, and also belongs to the Royal Arch Chapter at that place. Lie is likewise a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His disposition is cordial and genial, his manner friendly and courteous and his so cial qualities are such as have aa'On for him a avide circle of friends, while in business affairs he is known for his reliability, and he has gained the confidence and good will of all. +—+ E. F. TRUESDELL. The agricultural interests of Rice coun ty are wdl represented by E. F. Truesdell, avho owns a fine farm on section 31, Victoria toavnship. He has been, a resident of the Sunflower state since the 28th of March, 1879, and has ever borne his part in the avork of improvement and development. He avas born in Warsaw, Wyoming county, New York, on the 19th of August, 1856, and is a son of, John Truesdell, a native of Lake George, New York, of which locality the grandfather,. John Truesdell, was also a native. The latter married Miss Nancy Smith, also' of the Empire state. John Truesdell, Jr., was reared in the place of his nativity and was there married to Jane Waldron, avho was born at Warsaw, New York, a daughter of Benjamin Waldron. He joined the Mormons and avent Avith them across the plains to Salt Lake City, Utah. The mother of our subject died, leaving five children, — Frank, a resident of Lyons; George, also of that city; John, avho is em ployed as a boiler-maker by the Truesdell Company in Hutchinson, Kansas; Grace, who still resides in Neav York; and E. F., the subject of this review. For his second wife the father chose Ella Gifford, and they also became the parents of five children; Gifford, a well-known and successful physi cian of AVarsaw, Neav York; Artie, at home; Emily, also at home; Willie ; and one other. The father has now reached the ven erable age of seventy years. He is a farm er and stock man and votes avith the Re publican party. For many years he has been 'a worthy and adive member of the Baptist church. E. F. Truesdell, the immediate subject of this review, was reared in his parents' home in Warsaw, New York, and avas there taught lessons of industry, honesty and per severance. After 'reaching years of matur ity he was employed for a time in the serv ice of the Lake Erie Railroad in Buffalo, New York. On the 28th of March, 1879, he came to Rice county, Kansas, and his first employment was as a brakeman on the Atch ison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. He avas subsequently promoted to the position of conductor. After four years of railroad senice he again rdurned to the quiet pur suits of the farm. In 1883 he chose as a companion for life's journey Aliss Flora L. Gay. She is a daughter of Frank Gay. The father and his son Floyd avere killed in a railroad accident in Attica, Neav York. The son was then only five years of age. The mother is still living and is noav sixty years of age. Air. and Mrs. Gay had five chil dren, — Flora L., Charles, Josie and Fred and Floyd, twins. Unto our subject and wife have been born five children, but two are now deceased, — Grace, who died at the age of three years, and a daughter avho died in infancy. The living children are Gertie, Herbie and Glenn, aged respectively four teen, twelve and three years. Air. Truesdell 256 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. is independent in his political vieavs, prefer- ing to cast his vote for the men whom he regards as best qualified for public office. For, six years he served as justice of the peace of \rictoria township. He is well knoavn to many citizens of the community and has lived so as to- comjmand their con fidence and respect. He has many warm friends, avho esteem him for his sterling worth and1 many excellencies of character. WILLIAM II. S. BENEDICT. AA'illiam H. S. Benedict, a prominent business man of Hutchinson, was born in Fond du Lac .county, Wisconsin, Alay 4, 1855. His father, Cyrus Benedict, avas a native of the Buckeye state, born near Co- lurrtbus, Alay 4, 1823. When but seven years of age he avas called upon to mourn the loss of his mother, and he avas then bound out to a man named Savage, who: for six years demonstrated to the lad that he, Savage, was well named, in fact treating the boy avith such cruelty that at the age of thirteen years he ran away, making his avav to Pennsylvania, where he found em- ployment in a Quaker community and there grew to manhood. On the 2d of August, 1844, he avas there married to Hannah C. Cope, who was born in Pennsylvania on the 14th of April, 1826, and was a member of an old and prominent family of that state. Their family history can be traced back to 1 68 1, when Oliver Cope came to America from AVilkshire, England, becoming a landed proprietor in Pennsylvania. Out subject now has in his possession a deed to land granted to one of his mother's ances tors by William Penn. After their marriage Mr. and Airs. Ben edict took up their abode with her parents, intending to make their home there for at least that season. On one occasion the mother, forgetting- that her daughter had risen to the dignity of a married lady, pun ished her for a supposed falsehood, accus ing her of spilling the milk on the floor of the milk house, which the daughter, being innocent, stoutly denied. Then followed the punishment, which SO' incensed the young husband that he gave up his contract to farm his father-in-law's place and avith his avife started for the avilds of Wisconsin, notavithstanding the fact that he was warned by his Quaker father-in-laav that if they left he avould disinherit his daughter, and that threat was afterward carried out. The young couple located in the woods near the vicinity of Milwaukee, which avas then a mere hamlet, the year of their arrival being 1846, and there they encountered many hardships and privations, but they avere am bitious and for a time the husband avorked at any honorable occupation that avas of fered him. He was engaged in splitting rails at forty-seven cents a day, walking three miles to his aa-ork, and their first win ter in Wisconsin was a very severe' one, the snoav lying to a depth of six feet. Mr. Ben edict avas naturally a very strong man, but avhile assisting another man to carry a large beam, which they had on their shoulders, the latter misunderstood the order to throw it off and let his end drop too quickly, thus injuring Mr. Benedict's spine, and during the remainder of his life he avas practically a cripple. In 1850 the family removed to Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin, locating* about four miles from the toavn of Brandon, where they remained until 1856, going thence to AA'innebago county, that state, that event taking plaice avhen, -our subject was only fourteen months old. A location Avas made in the toavn of Omro, on the Fox river, about tavelve miles from Oshkosh, where Mr. Benedict was employed in conducting a restaurant for several years. AAHiile there residing he also spent several years in ex- perimienting avith a cough remedy, which he avished to make as nearly perfect as pos sible, and after perfecting it avaited three years before applying for a patent, wishing to test the keeping qualities of the medicine, avhich he found to' he perfect. He was scru pulously conscientious and honest in every respect, and avould never enter into an en terprise unless it avas aphsolutely honorable. In his cough remedy he used only the purest and best ingredients that could be procured, V ^ ? BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 257 and his medicine possessed great virtue as a cure for coughs, colds and lung trouble. Before his death he sold a half interest in this business to John Wilcox, they form ing a stcck company with a capital of fifty thousand dollars, and erected a fine two- story brick building in which to manufac ture medicine, and of this company Mr. Benedict Avas made treasurer and Mr. Wil cox superintedent. Previous to this time, hoAvever, Air. Benedict had taken our subject into his confidence and had entrusted him. with the secret of the compounding and manufacture of this valuable remedy. Short ly after the formation of the company the father avas confined to his bed with a serious illness, and while in this condition his part ner substituted various cheap and worthless ingredients for the pure ones formerly used, and our subject, who was then work ing in the factory, reported it to his father. This proved his death blow, but before his death he called his partner to his bedside and expostulated avith him, but to no pur pose. The preparation which Mr. Wilcox put upon the market spoiled as soon as the warm aveather came, and the reputation of the firm avas ruined, and to complete the misfortune the building burned to the ground, leaving not a trace of what would have been a fine business if honorably con ducted. Air. Benedict passed to his final reward on the nth of April, 1870. In political matters he was first a Whig and afterward a Republican, and during the Civil avar he enlisted in Company C, Fourteenth AViscon sin Volunteer Infantry, but c6uld not pass the physical examination. Fie was a man of intense loyalty to his country, and would have served as a brave and fearless defender had his health permitted. His social rela tions connected him with the Odd Fellows fraternity ; and religiously he remained true to his Quaker teachings. He never sought or desired the emoluments of public office, but he avas often solicited by his friends to accept positions of trust, and he some times consented. About five years after his death his avidow married, at Brandon, AAlsconsin, Samuel Hubble, a Quaker, and they removed to Oniro, that state, where they remained until the 30th of Alay, 1878, when Mrs. Hubble also passed aaa-ay, dying* in the Quaker faith. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Benedict were born four children, namely : Anna, wife of Felix Gunning, a hotel pro prietor of Salem, Oregon; David, avho is en gaged in the grocery business in Newton, Kansas; Charles C, a machinist Dy trade, and for nineteen years was employed by the Santa Fe Railroad Company, but noav makes his home at Nickerson, Kansas, where he has a large vineyard and orchard ; and Will iam H. S., the subject of this review. The second child, David, avas a soldier in the Civil war, becoming a member of Company C, Fourteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infan try. He began his military career when only fifteen years of age, and for twenty- two' months: was a brave and loyal defender of the stars and stripes. He was avith Grant at Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg, and avas with Sherman on his memorable march to the sea. Williami H. S. Benedict, the immediate subject of this review, received his educa tion in the schools of Omro, Wisconsin, and after the burning of his father's medical avorks he learned the machinist's trade, be ing then about sixteen years of age. In I une, 1876, he came to1 Kansas, two of his brothers having' preceded him to the Sun flower state, the eldest, David, arriving in 1 87 1. He purchased a farm north of Great Bend, where his family resided, but he avorke'd at his trade in the town, and our subject and his brother, Charles, the latter having come to this state in 1875, operated the farm for two and a half years, when they took a claim north of Great Bend. On his land our subject erected a sod house and soon had fifty acres under cultivation and planted with wheat, but his crop avas de stroyed by the drouth of that year, in conse quence of -which the government granted an' extra time of eighteen months to the home steaders. In the spring of 1879 Mr. Ben edict avent to New Mexico-, avhere his broth er and G. L. Brinkman owned an outfit for 258 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. freighting, our subject going there to re lieve his brother, who was called to his home at Great Bend, Kansas, by his wife's sickness, and for two and a half years there after our subject followed freighting for the railroad company. In 1882 he removed to San Pedro and engaged in the same oc cupation for the big copper mines, hauling ore with four mule teams and there he final ly secured the position of timekeeper, while still later he arose to the position of fore man, looking after the machinery in the mines, for which he received six dollars a day. This was an old Mexican mine, but at that time was owned by a New York and Boston syndicate, avIio had purchased the property from an old Mexican named Otera. Tavelve months after our subject began work there the mine was captured by about fifty armed miners, who had been bribed by the sons of the former owner, they dis.- puting the title of the company then' operat ing it. The employes were taken entirely by surprise, and were forced to surrender. Af ter this event Mr. Benedict removed to: So corro and assisted in the construction of the railroad from' that point to the Magdalena mines, his time being thus employed for one year, when he removed to Golden, a mining camp near San Pedro, and was there married on the 8th of August, 1883. His wife bore the maiden name of Louisa E. Talbott and avas born in Brooklyn, Pow eshiek county, Iowa, a daughter of John AL Talbott, a Quaker. After his marriage Mr. Benedict was employed for six months in the grading of the Santa Fe railroad at Socorro, after avhich' he moved to a ranch on the Rio Grande, the land having a frontage on the river for six miles. He obtained a squatter's right to the land and was there engaged for three years, employing several cowboys to take care of his large herds of cattle. In 1885 he sold his property there and came to Kansas, spending the following four years in Sylvia, avhere he avas engaged in the coal, flour and feed business with his father-in-law. They erected a large store building, and for a time conducted a paying business, handling the famous Rockvale coal of Colorado. In 1889 our subject again sought a neav loca tion, this time selecting Hutchinson, and in this city he engaged in the same line of busi ness at No. 318 North Main street, there remaining for nine months. On the expi ration of that period he located at X"o. 400 North Main street, and about six years ago he added a line of groceries to his already extensive business. On the ist of April, 1901, he came to his present quarters, No. 113 North Main street, where he carries a full line of groceries and field and garden seeds, and in connection therewith has an extensive bakery. Associated avith him in business is his nephew, Frank AA'. Gunning, and the firm of Benedict & Gunning occu pies a conspicuous place among the leading business houses of the city. They sell from seven to eight hundred loaves of the B. & G. bread each day and this brand has be come famous throughout the locality, its popularity also extending into the surround ing towns. The firm occupy a floor space of twenty-five by one hundred and sixty-five fed, and seven assistants and three delivery wagons are kept constantly employed. Dur ing the month of May their sales amounted to thirty-one hundred dollars. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict has been blessed avith three children, Jessie, born in Neav Mexico, in 1885; Arthur, avho died at Sylvia avhen three months old; and Harry AL, born in Sylvia, Kansas, in 1888. The daughter is noav a member of the sophomore class of the high school. In his political affiliations. Air. Benedict is a Re publican, and socially is a member of the Alasonic fraternity, the Ancient Order of Red Men and the Alodern Tontine. Mrs. Benedict holds membership relations avith the Methodist church, in avhich she is an active and zealous worker. Our subject has perhaps the finest collection of old coins, old scrip, bank notes and geological speci mens to be found in this part of the state. An English farthing of 1669 and an Ameri can dollar of 1798 are among his rare coins, avhile among his collection of bills is a con tinental scrip dated 1776. BIOGRAPPIICAL HISTORY. 259 CHARLES E. JENNINGS. Ea*ery community has a few men avho are recognized as leaders in public affairs and to avhom are due the prosperity 'and progress avhich have led to the substantial development of the locality. To this class in Kanopolis belongs Charles E. Jennings, avho is now engaged in general merchandising there. He was born December 5, 1864, at AA'hite Cloud, Kansas, and is a sion of C. F. and Jennie (Seaver) Jennings, The father avas a native of Virginia and there resided until the time of the Civil war, when, on ac count of his loyal adherence to the Union cause, he avas forced to leave the state, and together avith hisi brother. Samuel L. Jen nings, came to Kansas. The latter had re moved to this state in 1854, but after a time returned to the Old Dominion. When the brothers once more sought a home in the Sunflower state they took up their abode in Doniphan county and Mr. Jennings was a,p- pointed to the government position of pay master of the Shawnee agency, in which he served until about 1869. He then removed to Jasper county, Missouri, where he became largely interested in mining operations, which were attended with a high degree of success at an early day, but afterward proved of a disastrous nature. In 1885 he removed to Wyandotte county, Kansas, and in 1886 came to Kanopolis, where, in connection with his sons, H. S. and Charles E., he es tablished his present general mercantile busi ness, under tbe firm name of C. E. Jennings & Sons: He was an active partner in the enterprise until 1887, when he withdrew, the sons continuing the business togdher until 1 891, since which time Charles' E. Jennings has been sole proprietor. The father died in August, 1888 or 1889. His widow still survives him and is now a resident of Car- neiro, Kansas. He was very prominent in church work. In early life he held member ship with the Methodist Episcopal church but afterward became a Presbyterian, and throughout his remaining years he did all in his power to promote the cause of Chris tianity and thus aided in the uplifting of his fellow m'en. He was a liberal and generous contributor to church avork and aided large- ly in the building of both houseSp of worship in Kanopolis. The father was, twice mar ried, and by his first union had three chil dren, — Hugh, a resident of Joplin, Mis souri; Mary L., the avife of E. D. McCul- Lorn, of Aurora, Missouri ; and Florence, the deceased wife of John M. Shannon, also, of Joplin. After the death of his first wife C. F. Jennings married Miss Jennie Seaver, and they had four children, namely : Seaver, who is noav deceased; Charles A., of this re view; Will H., avho is living iri Joplin, Mis souri; and Annella, the avife qf F. N. Rew- ick, a merchant of Carneiro., Ellsworth county. Charles E. Jennings spent the first six teen years of his life in his' parents' home, during which time he pursued his, education in the public schools of Joplin, Missouri, and in Drury College, of Springfield, Missouri. He then determined to see something of the world and traveled in the southern and east ern states, and in 1882 he made a trip to South America, spending a year or two> in that country, visiting various portions of the continent. While there, in company with two American companions, he became involved' in one of the local insurrections frequent in that country. He continued traveling until 1884, and through this means ' he gained an extensive and comprehensive knowledge of North America and of the southern continent. In 1884 he turned: his attention to railroad construction, taking siome contracts from the Fitz L. Malloy Con struction Company. He was thus engaged for two and a half years, when, in 1886, he cam-e to Kanopolis and joined his father in merchandising, since which time he has re mained in active business. He is now sole proprietor of a large and well appointed store, in which he carries everything found in a first-class general establishment. In addition to dry goods' and groceries and other commodities he deals in coal and feed. His patronage is now extensive, and those who once become his , customers remain as his regular patrons, owing to the fact that he is ever courteous, obliging and reliable in his dealings. 26o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. On the 6th of June, 1885, occurred the marriage of Air. Jennings: and Miss Allie Kir'by, a daughter of John J. and Mary (Funk), Kirby. She was born in Missouri and by her marriage has become the mother of one son, Claude S. Mr. Jennings is iden tified with the Knights of Pythias fraternity and the Modern Woodmen of America, also with the Royal Labor and is a charter mem ber and past noble grand of Kanopolis Lodge, No. 321, I. O. O. F. He has been very prominent in public affairs and has left the impress of his individuality upon prog ress and improvement. He. is one of the enterprising and successful young business men of Ellsavorth county, who has experi enced the adversity as well as prosperity of Kansas. He has also been postmaster of Kanopolis for five years. He has reason to feel justly proud of his success, which has come to him: through good management, close application to business and fidelity to duty. Public-s,pirited and progressive, be is accounted one of the most valued citizens1 of his community, and this work would be in complete without mention of his career. DAVID B. TRACY. Among the veterans of the Civil war who now find homes, in Kansas, who' are rep1- resentativesi of its farming interests and who are numbered among the valued residents of the Sunflower state is David' B. Tracy, who noav follows agricultural, pursuits and stock- raising on section 14, Garfield township. He is one of the best known men in the county, and his standing among his fellow men is indicated by the fact that for eight years: he has occupied the position of county com missioner. His writings, too, — for be is a well known newspaper correspondent — are , favorably received, as be treats intelligently and comprehensively every subject which' he discusses,. Air. Tracy was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, April 24, 1845, and' is of Irish lineage, his grandfather, James Tracy, having been born on the Emerald) Isle, whence in early manhood he crossed tbe At lantic to. tbe new world, taking up his abode in this country during colonial days! When tbe colonies attempted to throw off the yoke r of British oppression he joined the army and loyally served as a soldier of the Revolu tionary war. His son, Peter Tracy, tine fa ther of our subject, was born at Morrison's Cove, in the state of Pennsylvania, and was likewise a soldier, belonging to a Maryland regiment that did active duty in the, war of 1812. By trade he was a blacksmith, and in connection with that pursuit he followed farming. He wedded Mary Knowles 'and they became the parents of eight children, but only five are now living. In the usual manner of farmer lads Da vid B. Tracy spent his yo,uth, pursuing his education in the schools of the neighborhood and assisting in the work of the farm in such a manner as his years and strength would permit. He was only fifteen years of age when with loyal spirit he responded to his country's call and joined Company H of the One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania In fantry. He afterward re-enlisted, on tbe 8th of January, 1 864, as a member of Company A, Second Pennsylvania, Heavy Artillery. The principal engagements in which, he par ticipated were those at Cold Harbor, the siege of Petersburg, and the battles of Fort Harrison and James Landing, and he also took part in a number of minor engage ments. He remained in the army until 1866, Avhen he received an honorable discharge and Avith a most creditable military record returned to bis home. When again in the north Mr. Tracy fol loaved various occupations, bdng a part of the time engaged in farming in Pennsylva nia, until 1876. His leisure moments, how ever, avere devoted to literary pursuits and he has gained quite a reputation as a writer of ability and merit, his productionsi_being at once interesting and instructive. At that time he wrote a pamphlet called Five Months on Cape Fear, avhich was sold out right to a book company of Augusta, Maine. He also wrote a. avork which was' published by the Baltimore News & Book Company, in 1872 and 1873, three editions being issued. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 261 Its title avas Life- Around the Knob, and treated of the humorous side of mountaineer life and of the "happy-go-lucky" dlispos.ition of such people. In 1876 Mr: Tracy came to the aa-est, lo cating on Mission Creek in Wabaunsee coun ty, Kansas, where he remained for two years when he came to Ellsworth county. Here he entered from the government a claim of one hundred and sixty acres on a branch of the Elkhorn creek, and opened up the farm upon which be now resides. His first resi dence, a little dug-out, now forms the kitchen of his present home. He chose a tract of land bordering the creek so that he could have running water, as it was his intention to engage in the stock-raising business. He makes a specialty of the production of corn and avheat and the raising of cattle, and: be also sdls calves to feeders. The secret of his success is found in unremitting toil and close application. To his farm he has added another half-section of land, so that he now has quite an extensive tract, and its value has been greatly increased owing to the im provements avhich he has made upon the place. On the 14th of October, 1868, Mr. Tracy was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Belle McLaughlin, and they now have tavo children: Johnson, who is living in Kan sas City, and Mrs. Bdt Adamson, who is noav living upon the home farm. Mr. Tracy' exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, and has: served as a delegate to its conventions. While in Pennsylvania he acted as town treasurer, and also, filled other township offices, in an early day. He was chosen a director of the school board in Ellsworth county in 1882 and has since served in that capacity, exer cising his official prerogative in behalf of good schools and doing all in his: power to increase their efficiency. He was appointed postmaster of Masmer under President Cleveland's first administration and was cen sus enumerator of Garfield township in 1890. In 1893 he was elected county commissioner, was re-elected in "1896 and again in 1899, so that for more than eight years be has been continued in the office, avhich fact stands as incontrovertible evidence of his ability and his fidelity to duty. Lie was elected county commissioner on promises, of having suitable bridges put across the Smoky Hill river, and he has kept these promises, and, even with all the extra expense he has succeeded1 in having taxes reduced three mills ¦ on the dollar. He has indeed been a very faithful officer, and his official record is one which is above reproach. Mr. Tracy maintains, pleasant relation ship with his old army comrades through his membership in Ellsworth Post, No-. 22, G. A. R. , and takes, delight in recalling the „ scenes which occurred on the tented fields or in the midst of battle. He continues his lit erary work as a newspaper correspondent. Mr. Tracy is one of the best known men of Ellsworth county, and his genuine worth of character command's for him the confidence and respect of all avhom he comes: in, contact. The success which has attended his efforts lias enabled him in the past ten years to take life easier and to enjoy more of its rest and comforts. He finds more time for the read ing avhich he so much enjoys, and being an excellent sportsman he finds great pleasure when with his gun he travels through the forest or across the prairies in search of LEWIS H. WESTERMAN. Lewis H. Westerman, avho is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, owns and operates nine hundred acres of land on sections 5 and 8, township 15, range 8, Ells- worthy county. He avas born in Hanover, Germany, September 19, 1840, his parents being Frederick and Dorothea (Oldenburg) Westerman, both of whom avere also natives of Hanover. The father was a farmer by occupation and remained in Germany until 1845, when he came with his family to America, locating at Dunkard Grove, Illi nois, where he remained for two years. He then removed to Loekport, that state, where he also spent two years, going thence to Lake county, Indiana, avhere he procured 262 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a tract of land, upon avhich he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1868. The mother died in Hastings, Nebraska, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lepin, at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. In their family were five children, namely : Frederick, a resident of Toledo, Ohio; Leavis PL, of this review; Wilhelmina, the avife of H. Lepin, of Hastings, Nebraska; AA'illiam, who is general state agent in Alin nesota for the McCormick Harvester Com pany, making his home in St. Cloud, that state; and Sophia, the deceased wife of Christ Thurman, of Blue Hills, Nebraska. Lewis Westerman was only five years of age when the family crossed the broad Atlantic to the new, world. He acquired his education in the common schools of Illi nois and was reared to farm. life. On the 4th of May, 1864, he was married, in Bruns- Avick, Lake county, Indiana, to Frances. A., a daughter of Samuel F. and Sarah (Judd) Holbert. The lady was born in Broome county, New York, and her parents were,also natives of the Empire state. In 1857 they emigrated westward, locating in Lake coun ty-', Indiana. They had six children, but the eldest died in infancy. The others are : Mrs. Westerman; Almeda, the deceased wife of Sylvester Bartholopinew, of Lake county, Indiana; Martha, who died in in fancy ; Jessie, the wife of Marion Albin, of Jasper county, Indiana; and James A., who is living in Lake county, Indiana. Mr. Westerman's first business venture was in connection avith merchandising at Brunswick, Indiana. He formed a partner ship with his brother, William, and together they carried on business for about five years, but in 1867 Lewis H. Westerman turned his attention to farming, cultivating a tract of land just across the state line in Will county, Illinois. There he remained for a year, when, in 1868, in connection with his brother, William, he purchased the flouring mill at Lovell, Indiana, where for ten years he engaged in the milling business. In 1878 he organized a colony from, his county and with fifty families' shipped his. household goods, teams and farming implements, to Kansas. The party utilized twelve freight cars and one passenger coach, and arrived at Ellsworth on the 12th of March, 1878. The various families sought homes in Ells worth and Lopgan counties, while a feav lo cated in Russell county. Of all those who caine with the colony and located in Ells worth county, Mr. Westerman and- his fam ily are the only ones who have braved the harships and reverses of ptoneer life in Kansas and remained residents of the com monwealth to the present time. He home steaded the northwest quarter of section 34, township 14, range 8, five miles north of Ellsworth, and with characteristic energy began its improvement, erecting thereon, a comfortable frame residence and also build ing what was at that time one of the best barns in the county. He planted an orchard and otherwise improved the place, which he made his home for six years. In 1884 he traded his farm for a half interest in the Ellsworth Flouring Mill, becoming a mem ber of the firm of Jameson & Westerman. Fifteen months later the mill avas destroyed by fire, but, phoenix-like, it arose from the ashes. The new mill was equipped with a roller process, the first in the county, and was iknown as the Ellsworth City Roller Mill. In this industry Mr. Westerman re tained an interest until 1887, when he sold out to Mr. Gooddell, taking a farm property in exchange. He then took up his abode on the Gooddell place, avhere he remained until 1889, when, in connection avith H. Ramels- burg, he again bought the roller mill, aahich he conducted for two years, when he dis posed of his interest to his partner. Air. AA'esterman next became proprietor of the Farmers' Hotel, at EllsAvorth, and in con nection therewith for tavo years conducted a livery barn. In 1894 he purchased -his pres ent farm, then consisting of sixty-four acres of land, on which avas a good, set of farm: buildings that had been erected by Mr. Mc- Lennon. From, time to: time he has added to the place until he now owns nine hundred acres of land in one body, constituting one of the best farms: in the county. It is ad.- mirably adapted to mixed husbandry and stock-raising, to which Mr. Westerman has given considerable attention. The residence BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 263 and buildings: are among the best to be found in this portion of the county and everything about the place indicates the thrift and progressive spirit of the owner. He has Avon distinction by introducing im proved stock, and has done much to. advance the grade of stock-raising. 'He was proba bly the first man to bring standard-bred horses into Ellsworth county, having intro duced these in 1888, at which time he pur chased from P. R. Evoke, of Washington Court House, Ohio, eight head of horses, avith the famous Dalbrino., No.. 4323, and Mayflower at their head. He has since raised a number of other fine animals: of more than local fame, including Dandy O., avith a pacing record of 2:11, now owned in Vermont; Otto W., 2:13%; Mambrino, 2 -.26% ; Albrino, 2 :o8, now owned in Can ada ; and St. Patrick, 2 :28, with a trial record of 2:16. Mr. Westerman] has also purchased a number ¦ of full-blooded draft,' -horses, avhich he has brought to the county, and probably no man in this locality has done more to' improve the grade of stock than he. He bought thoroughbred short horn cattle and was the first to introduce imported Holstein cattle. He also founded a herd of registered PolandrChina swine, and- for several years engaged in breeding those hogs. He has made the breeding of fine stock his principal business and in this avay he has1 contributed in a large measure to the avelfare and prosperity of the com munity, for improved stock commands higher prices, its market value is increased and thus the income of the community is greatly augmented. He was 'the first man in the county to open a coal mine, having in 1879 opened a mine in the northern part of the county, which is still operated and is knoavn as the Westerman mine. Of the Ellsavorth Creamery Company he was one •of the organizers. His varied interests show that he is a man of resourceful ability and one avho is capable of successfully con trolling extensive interests'. The home .of Mr. and Mrs. Westerman avas blessed avith eleven children, namely: Alma, noav the wife of T. T. Burnham, of AA'akeeney, Kansas ; Martha, the wife of AV. A. Bauer, of Ellsworth county; Lizzie H., the wife of Jesse Forrest, also of Ells avorth county; Capitola, who married Sam uel Earlenbaugh, of Plainsville, Kansas; Willie, avho died at the age of twenty-three years; Bertha, who died in childhood; Sarah; Mary; Otto; Sylvia; and Edwin. The family is one of prominence in the community and the -members of the house-. hold occupy enviable positions in social cir cles. In public affairs Mr. Westerman has been quite prominent, taking an active part as a worker in the ranks of the Republican party, although he has never been an aspir ant for political honors. He has served, on the Republican central committee, has acted as delegate to the various county, congressional and state conventions and was chosen chairman of the congressional con vention held in Hays city in 1900. In edu cational matters he has also taken a deep interest, has sened as a member of tbe school board for a number of years and has done everything in his power to promote the cause of the schools in this locality. He belongs to Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M., and to Chapter No. 44 of the Order of the Eastern Star, of whioh Mrs. Wester man also is an esteemed member. Few men in central Kansas have done more for the material upbuilding and substantial im provement of this section of the state than Mr. AVesterman, who avith strong faith in the future of Kansas came here in pioneer days, endured all the hardships and trials incident to frontier life, invested his capital here and assisted in the work of establishing many lines of business' which have proven of great value to thei community. His fellow towns men' recognize his worth and ability and ac cord him a place among the prominent citi zens and extend to him their warm, regard. HERMAN WERNET. Herman Wernet is one of the prominent, enterprising and successful residents of Rockville township, Rice county. The Ger- 264 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. man race has ever been noted for persist ency of purpose, and this: has been a salient feature in the career of Mr. Wernet, who is one of the sons of the fatherland. Hav ing come to America, to seek his fortune, be has found in the opportunities of the new avorld the advantages whioh he sought, and today he is numbered among the agricultur ists of affluence in his adopted county. Mr. AArernet is a son of Jacob and Mary (Baden) AA'ernet, who- were also natives of the fatherland and there spent their entire lives. They had nine children, seven sons and tavo daughters, namely: Aver, a prom inent citizen of Rockville township; Her man, of this review; Albert, also a well known farmer of the same township; and six others who never became residents of Rice county. The subject of this review pursued his education in the schools of Ger many until fourteen years of age, when he ddermined to> seek a home in the new world, having heard favorable reports: of its ad vantages and opportunities. Accordingly he took passage on a westward bound vessel at Bremen, and on the twelfth day of the voyage landed at New York. He did not remain long in the metropolis, however, but proceeded at once to Harvard, McHenry county, Illinois, avhere he followed agricul tural pursuits for eighteen months. On the expiration of that period he remoa-ed to' An drew county, Missouri, and in 1873 came to Rice county, casting in his lot avith. its early settlers. He hais here one hundred and sixty acres of land and has resided continuously upon the old homestead which he secured from the government. As his financial resources have increased, however, he has added to his property until he noav owns nine hundred and sixty acres of land, and as the result of care and culti vation it yields him' a splendid re turn. His farm is improved avith a good residence and substantial barns. There are also1 feed lots, pastures and meadows and highly cultivated fields. He raises a large amount of wheat each year and keeps on hand about one hun dred head of cattle, one hundred hogs, thirty horses and other stock. He is justly ac counted one of the leading and enterprising agriculturists of Rockville township and his well directed labor have brought to him a handsome profit. Mr. Wernet was married in Rice county to Miss Rachel Bergman, who has proved to him a faithful companion' and helpmate on the journey of life. Their union has been blessed avith two: children, — -Minnie and Harry. In his political views Mr. Wernet is a stalwart Republican and in religious faith is a Catholic, but his Avife belongs to the Lutheran church. He is noAV in the prime of life, intelligent, enterprising and successful, honest in his dealings and of unquestioned integrity, his word being as good as his bond. His life record is an excellent example of Avhat may be accom plished in the neav avorld, where effort is not hampered by caste or class, AArhere abil ity and worth are recognized and labor finds its just reward. HANNAH WRIGHT. The life of the late Aaron H. Wright, the name of whose avidoav appears above,' avas terminated untimely and the career thus ended was one full of promise. Mrs. Wright,. avho lives 011 section 7, in, Huntsa-ille toavn ship, Reno county, Kansas, and avhose post- office address is Huntsville, is a avoman of much character and ability and avas to Air. AVright a most worthy helpmeet and avho has ably succeeded to tbe management of his home affairs. Aaron H. AVright avas born in Alont- gomery county, Ohio, and died at his home in Reno county in his fifty-first vear, No vember 15, 1881. His father, Aaron Wright, from Neav Jersey, avas an early settler in AVarren county Ohio, and moved thence to Montgomery county. He avas a tanner by trade and owned several farms, on avhich he had a tannery, and avas considered a wealthy man in his time. He died at Brook- ville, Ohio, after having lived nearly eighty years. He was twice married and by his two wives had eleven children. His first MRS. HANNAH WRIGHT. AARON H. WRIGHT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 265 wife, aaIio AA-as Ruth Hackett, was the mother of Aaron H. and eight others of his children, of Avhom only one, Sarah Burke of Darke county, Ohio, is living. Mrs. Wright's maiden name was Aten and she was of Low Dutch ancestry on her father's side. Her father Avas Adrian Aten, a na tive of Maryland, who died in 1832, at the age of seventy-one years. His wife, Eliz abeth Castle, avas born inl A'irginia, noav West Virginia, about 1788. and died near Clermont, Preble county, Ohio, in 1866. She married twice and had four children by each of her husbands. Three of her chil dren by her marriage to Air. Aten are now living: John Aten, her only son, lia-es in Darke county, Ohio, and has eight sons, all of them middle aged or approaching middle age. Elizabeth Aten married Rob ert A. Clark, of Greenville, Ohio, and has tavo children. Mrs. Hannah AVright, of Huntsville, township, Reno county, Kansas, widow of the late Aaron H. Wright, and daughter of Adrian and Elizabeth (Castle) Aten, first attended school in a log house with pun cheon seats, and all the recollections of her childhood and girlhood are of pioneer life. She married Aaron H. AATight February 22, 1853, and they lived on an eighty-acre fann belonging to Air. AVright' s father un til after the death of Mrs. Wright's mother, Avhen they bought the Aten place, on which they lived eight years, until they removed to Montgomery county, Ohio, where they bought an eighty-acre farm, which was their home until they removed to Kansas. They located on Mrs. AATight's present farm in 1879, which originally consisted of one hundred and sixty acres of Santa Fe rail road land, for which Mr. Wright paid about five hundred dollars. The farm' was new, uncultivated prairie land and they set about ¦ improving it and putting it under cultiva tion, in planting fine orchards of apple, peach and cherry trees and numerous box elder and mulberry trees to provide needed shade in the summer season. For a time they lived in a box house covering a ground space of fifteen by twenty feet. Mrs. AVright's present residence is of ample size 17 and up-to-date in all its appointments. Her barn, which is first class in every respect, avas built in 1893. Mr. Wright g-ave his attention to' general farming, which since his death has been con tinued under Airs. AATight' s direction. She raises corn and avheat and gives considera ble attention to hogs and cattle. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. AATight inherited much prop erty and their farm of one hundred and sixty acres has been divided info two. farms o'f eighty acres each, one of which is, oavned by Mrs. Wright and the other by her sons. The following items of interest concerning the children of Aaron H. and Hannah (Aten) AVright will be of interest in this connection. Their son, Adrian Aten Wright, married Aliss Jennie Garrwood, who died at the age of twenty-nine years, leaving four children, John, who is married; Orville A., avIio is married; Ellery P., avho, is not married; and James A., a young man' of eighteen years. Adrian A. Wright is the manager of his mother's home farm. Their son, A. B. AATight, is married and is en gaged in farming near Huntsville. Their son, Orville E. AATight, is married and has four children. He Avas graduated in music at Cincinnati, Ohio, and for three years past has been musical director of the Day ton, Ohio-, high school. Their son, John Elmer AATight, is married and has a daugh ter. He is a raihvay mechanic and lives at Hutchinson, Kansas. Their son, Harry A. Wright, is married and has a son, He formerly taught school in Nebraska and in Michigan and is now a missionary, laboring in the avork of the Presbyterian Sunday- schools, under the auspices of the American Sunday-school Lhiion, in southern Ohio. Their son, Charles AATight, is a student at AA'infield College, of AA'infield, Kansas. Their daughter, Alargaret, married George Gantz, a farmer of Reno county, and has five children. Their daughter, Mettie, mar ried J. Leavis Feggett and lives three miles southeast from her mother's farm. Mrs. AATight has been a member of the Methodist church fifty-seven years, and her husband, avho- was gifted as a speaker, avas an exhorter and in that capacitv did effective 266 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. service in Ohio. Some time before his death he entered Delaware College to. prepare him self for admission to the bar, but his health failed and he returned to his farm in Kan sas, avhere he died after more than tavo years' illness. J. Al. PROFFITT. A farm avell developed and equipped, located on section 14, Raymond toavnship, Rice county, is the property of J. AL Proffitt, avIio has been a resident of this portion of the state for almost thirty years. He arrived in the fall of 1873 and avas one of the first to secure a homestead claim. He made his avay to Kansas from Ioava, but is a native of east Tennessee, his birth having occurred in Sullivan county, that state, on the 2 ist of May, 1830. He represents one of the old families of Tennessee and his an cestry can be traced back to the old avorld. AA'illiam Proffitt, the father of our subject, avas born in Sullivan county, Tennessee, and avas a farmer by occupation. He married Aliss Malinda Willard, also a native of that locality and a daughter of George Willard, avho removed to Tennessee from North Carolina. Unto AA-mliam and Malinda Proffitt avere born six children, namely : Eulanda AV., avho is living in Ioava; John M. ; Matilda, avho makes her home in Mis souri ; George \Y . and Christina, avho are likewise residents of the HaaA'keye state ; ..and Malinda, avho. makes her home in Ioava. The mother of this family died at the age .-of thirty-seven years, and- the father passed ;the age of three score years and ten, being seventy-five years of age at the time of his death. Llis religious vieavs avere in har mony Avith -the teachings of the Baptist church, and avith that denomination he held membership, avhile his political support avas ¦was given to the Democracy. John M. Proffitt, avhose name intro duces this record, avas a Tennessee farmer, and during the Civil avar he served as cap tain and superintendent of the Nitre Works in Tennessee. In that state, in 1855. he avas united in marriage to Miss Barbara Ellen Smith, avho avas born in Sullivan county, Tennessee, a daughter of Jasper and Rachel /(Hampton) Smith. Her death" occurred in Rice county, in 1874. She left eight chil dren to mourn her loss, namely: G. C, who is a valued resident farmer of Ray mond township; Airs. Alice Davis, avho is living in Oklahoma ; John and Will, twins, both farmers of Rice county; Mrs. Mary E. Eaton, of Alissouri; Mrs. Sarah Riggs, of Oklahoma; and Airs. Nancy Alitchell and Airs. Christina Reed, avho are also liv ing in Oklahoma. For his second avife Air. Proffitt chose Aliss Abigail Browning, the avedding -taking place in 1876. The lady avas born in Scotland county, Alissouri, near Alemphis. and is a daughter of Caleb and Elvira (Fuller) Browning, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Illi nois. Both have noav passed aavay, the mother's death having occurred in Ioava, in 1865 avhen she avas thirty-three years of age, avhile the father died in 1880, at the age of eighty years. The mother left five children: America, avho is a resident of Rice county; Ann, avho died in this county; lesse, avho is living in the same county: and Zelpha, avho became Airs. Safford and died in Garden City. Kansas. The parents were members of the Baptist. church, thus indicating their religious faith and prefer ence. Unto Air. and Airs. Proffitt have been born five children, namely : Albert, Harvey, Jessie, Ray and Roy..' The last tavo named are tavins. In the year 1865 Air. Proffitt became a resident of Aiarion county, Ioava, aahere he opened up a neav farm, continuing the avork of cultivation and improA-ement untjl 1873, when he took a homestead of eighty acres and a tree claim of one hundred and sixty acres in Raymond toavnship, Rice county. He proved up on both places and aftenvard received his title from the gov ernment for tavo hundred and , forty acres of rich land. The avork of further cultiva tion and improvement has since been car ried on and has resulted in making Air. Proffitt's property one of the valuable and desirable farms in this locality. He carries BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 267 on general farming and stock-raising in a progressive manner and his has been a busy and industrious career, shoaving that earnest labor is competent to cope Avith all the diffi culties and hardships of life and eventually Avin success. His study of political ques tions has led him to espouse the cause of Democracy and he keeps Avell informed on the issues and questions of the day. He has never been a politician in the sense of office seeking, yet has served as township treasurer, as assessor and as a member of the school board, and has ever discharged his duties in a manner reflecting credit upon himself, Avhile at the same time his avork has been satisfactory to his constituents. Lie is a member of the Baptist church, serving on its official board and is noav one of the church trustees. He has passed the allotted Psalmist's span of three score years and ten, for he has iioav reached the age of seventy-tAA'O, but he still maintains an active interest in everything around him that tends to benefit his felloav men or to promote the material avelfare of the com munity. For taventy-eight years he has been a resident of Rice county, and avhere- • ever he is knoavn, he is held in avarm esteem, for he possesses all those qualities avhich in every land and clime command respect and confidence. BERNARD LAVIELLE. Since the days of our struggle for inde pendence Frenchmen have felt friendship for America and our American institutions and in the establishment of a Republican government in France the inhabitants of that country have had the heartfelt sym pathy of Americans. Emigrants from France have been avelcomed to all parts of the United States and for the most part they have developed into citizens of enter prise and usefulness. Among the best known residents of central Kansas, of French nativity are Bernard and Isaac Lavidle, of Walnut township, Reno county, Avhose postoffice is at Avery. Bernard Lavidle was born near Biscay, France, July 15, 1844, and came to Amer ica in 1874, in company AA'ith a man named Dacey and the latter's family. The tAvo men started from their native land with considerable money in gold coin, but they avere made the victims of a confidence scheme and arrived in America with prac tically nothing. In 1874 Mr. Lavidle, John Dacey and eight others, constituting a party of ten, avent avest to Kansas City, Missouri, and thence to Sterling, Rice county, Kan sas, avhere Air. Lavidle arrived a little in debt. His success since that time has demonstrated the fact that he is not only capable of learning by experience but is pos sessed of good business, ability aahich avas necessary only for him to1 exercise in order for him to better his fortune. John Lavidle, father of Bernard and Isaac Lavidle, married Mary Gollare, and they had four daughters and five sons; and three of their daughters died young. Ber nard and Isaac Lavidle had little oppor tunity for education in France except that afforded by night school. Their father, aaliO' avas possessed of well developed me chanical ability, earned a living by making- snuff boxes from . horn, avhich he melted and pressed into various designs and avhich he lined avith peach tree wood. His son Bernard has a snuff box like those made by his father, but this avas made by his uncle, and also has a small gimlet with a horn handle, avhich his father used in avork of that kind. Bernard Lavidle walked from Hutch inson, Kansas, to the vicinity of his present place of residence and found employment at ten dollars a month herding cattle for Thomas Bundser, in avhich he continued for six months. He lived a bachelor life with his brother for fifteen years, until 1888. December 10 of that year he mar ried Aliss Alartha Deadmond, a native of Marion county, Illinois, and a daughter of James and Margaret (Johnson) Deadmond, natives of that state. Mr. and Mrs. Dead mond removed to Kansas in 188^, arriving' at Sterling August 17, and they live on a good farm in Walnut township, Avhere Air. Deadmond busies himself as a fanner and 268 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. as a mechanic. They have had ten chil dren, of whom three are living. Mr. and Mrs. Laalelle1 have had seven children, of avhom six are living, one daughter having died young. Those living avere born at the dates here given: Ernest F., April 15, 1891 ; Clarice Alay, September 6, 1892; Ora Aurelia, September 28, 1895 ; Marshall Ivory, November 7, 1897; James Irvin, February 19, 1899; Cora Almeda, Decem ber 15, 1900. Mr. Lavielle's land aggregates three hundred and tAventy acres, embraced in tAvo farms. He settled in Walnut township avhen the country avas new prairie, pre empting eighty acres and later homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres more and added to his acreage until he had acquired his present holding. His house is modern and comfortable and his barns and outbuildings are adequate to all demands upon them. In the fall of 1874 he walked from Kansas to Douglas -county, Illinois, and the following spring he returned to- Emporia, Kansas, and avalked from Emporia to' his present home, carrying a heavy pack on his back, and was three days in making the journey. He spent six months in Neav Mexico, where he avas employed upon the construction of the Santa Fe railroad. His progressive char acter is indicated by his material progress and prosperity and by the esteem in which he is held by his felloav citizens. Four acres of his land is given up to a fine orchard of apple and peach trees, but he gives his attention principally to general farming. AA'beat and corn are his leading crops, but he also raises some broom corn. He keeps about fifty head of stock cattle and eight horses and mules. His house is emboavered among fruit and shade trees and he gives considerable attention to grape culture. Llis residence avas erected in 1889, his large red barn in 1891. Isaac Lavidle, sun of John and Mary ( Gollare) Lavidle, is as avell known in AValnut toavnship, Reno county, Kansas, as his brother Bernard. He avas born near Biscay, France, September 23, 1852, and avas educated in his native toavn. At the age of fourteen he avas apprenticed to learn the manufacture of corks, in avhich he was employed for eight years, becoming an ex pert workman and earning good wages. He and Bernard served as volunteers in the French navy for ten months, six months of the time in actual avar. He marched twen ty-eight consecutive hours overland to. es cape capture by the enemy and his feet avere blistered so that his stockings clung to them. Early in 1875 he came to' the United States and arrived at Hutchinson, Kansas, April 22, that year. Alay 5, fol lowing, he reached Walnut toavnship, Rena county, with ten dollars left out of the two hundred and thirty dollars with which he had left home. Mr. Lavidle joined his brother in farming on their tavo original eighties of land, AA'hich lay side by side. They set up housekeeping together in a dugout, ten by tavelve feet in size, covered avith a thatched • roof, and began breaking land avith four ¦ avild steers, which Mr. Lavidle bought at Hutchinson, Kansas, for one hundred dol lars, and one of avhich soon broke its neck. After that they avorked the three in pairs and the difficulties under avhich they labored were increased by the fact that one of them avas a avild and ferocious animal, avhich no one but Air. Lavidle could control or han dle. Like his brother he gives his atten tion to general farming and he has at con siderable trouble and expense provided him self avith orchards of fruit of various kinds. Lie took great pleasure in planting and watching the growth of his fruit trees and in setting" out shade trees of different kinds. About eight years ago he cut down an im mense cottonavood tree avhich had grown from a small tavig avhich he had planted with his oavn hands. Ah*. Lavidle avas married April 15, 1886, to Aliss Josephine Boner, a native of Kankakee county, Illinois, a daughter of Joseph Boner, a fanner in Reno, coun ty. Lie located in Kansas in Octo ber, 1878, when Mrs. Lavidle was tavelve years old. Isaac and Josephine (Boner) Lavidle have six children, named as follows: Louis M., avho is fourteen years old; Lawrence is in his tavelfth year; BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 269 Elert, who is in his tenth year ; Alfred, avho is in his eighth year; Pearl, who> is five years old ; and Alta, who: is five months old. The brothers are independent in politics and are consistent members of the Roman Cath olic church. , NOAH BELLEAV. Deeply engraved on the pages of pioneer history of Reno county is the name of Noah Bellew, for he avas the first settler in Miami toavnship, and during his long residence in this section of the state has borne an important part in the substantial develop ment and material improvement of tbe county. Air. Bellew is a native son of the Buck eye state, his birth having occurred in Guernsey county, on the 28th of June, 1847, of avhicb locality his father, Samuel Bel- leAv, avas also a native, his birth having oc curred in 1823. The original ancestor of the Bellew family in America avas the great- great-grandfather of our subject, who came to this country from the Emerald Isle. The grandfather of our subject, Joseph Belleav, aa-as a prominent farmer of Ohio, and his avife avas a member of the noted Astor fam ily. Samuel Bellew was reared to the hon est toil of the farm, and followed that occu pation throughout his entire business ca reer. About 1850 he removed to Vinton county, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his days. He avas first united in mar riage to Eliza Riggs, who avas born in AA'est Virginia, about 1826, and they became the parents of five children, one of whom, Jo seph AV., died at the age of seven years, and those still living are: Noah, the subject of this review; Mary Jane, wife of James L. Lay, a farmer of Yuma county, Colorado; Nancy A., avife of S. M. Johnson, who is engaged in the mercantile business in King fisher, Oklahoma, and he has two sons ; and Isabella, now Mrs. Dyer, of Colorado'. The mother of this family passed to her final reward, at the comparatively early- age of forty-two years, and the father was a sec ond time married, Maggie Cains becoming his wife. She bore him one son, Samuel. noav a resident of Cheney, Kansas. Noah Bellew, the immediate subject of this sketch, enjoyed but limited educational advantages during his youth, as his time was almost constantly employed upon his father's farm. Remaining in the state of hHs nativity until 1868, he then removed avith his avife to: Coles county, Illinois, and from that state came to: Kansas on the 10th of November, 1873, having* been the first settler to locate in Miami township, avhere he immediately filed a homestead claim, his first residence here being a box house twelve by sixteen feet. He still owns this farm, and in addition he also has another tract of one hundred and sixty acres, on avhich his son-in-law now resides. Both places are under an excellent state of culti vation, and the improvements found upon his land are among* the best in the locality. He has a beautiful orchard of four acres, containing apple, peach, pear and plum trees, while his residence is literally em bowered Avith coftonwood, mulberry, mlaple and catalpa trees, many of his maple trees being eighteen inches in diameter. Six years ago, however, Mr. Belleav left his beautiful country home and located in Turon, where, in 1900, he embarked in mercantile pursuits and is noav extensively engaged in dealing in groceries, notions, flour and feed. This is one of the leading business houses of the toavn, and in this line of trade he is meeting avith a avell merited degree of success. The marriage of- Mr. BelleaA'1 occurred in August, 1868, Avhen Aliss Annie Camp became his wife. She is a native of Vinton county, Ohio, and a daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Sprawl) Camp, early pioneers of Ohio' and Illinois, Avhere the father folloaved agricultural pursuits. They passed aavay in Coles county, Illinois, leaving- six sons and tavo daughters. All of the sons avere brave soldiers during the Civil Avar, and one, Walter Camp, was wounded in the en gagement at Fort Donelson, from AA'hich his death occurred. His tAvin brother, John Camp, is a resident of Joplin, Missouri. Unto our subject and Avife have been born 270 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY the folloaving children : Louisa Belle, avife of O. AL P. Boavles, by whom she has three children, and the family reside on the Bel leav homestead; Minnie E., at home. In political matters Mr. Belleav is an advocate of Republican principles, and for tavo terms he sen-ed as a township' trustee, and avhile residing- on his farm: he avas for ten years a school director. During the Civil war he served as a private in the Ohio National Guards, his military career covering a period of five months, during avhich time he avas principally engaged in doing guard duty. He is indeed an honored pioneer of Reno county, and in the active avalks of business life has ever been honorable and upright, commanding the respect of those AA'ith Avhoni he Has been brought in con tact. JOHN R. McLAURIN. Canada has furnished to the United States many bright, enterprising young men avIio: have left the Dominion to' enter the busi ness circles of this country with its more progressive midhods, livelier competition and advancement more quickly secured. Among this number is Mr. McLaurin. He inher ited somewhat of the strong, rugged, per severing and plodding Characteristics devel oped by his earlier environment, which, coupled with the livelier impulses of his Scottish blood, made him at an early day seek avider fields in avhich to' give full scope to his ambition and industry — his dominant qualities,. He found the opportunity he sought in the freedom and apprecia tion of the growing avestern portion of the country. Though born across the border, he is a thorough. Ameri can in thought and feeling, and is patriotic and sincere in his 'love for the stars and stripes. His career is identified avith the prosperous city of Ellsavorth, avhere he has acquired fortune and is an honored and re spected citizen. John R. McLaurin, avho is noav proprie tor of the Lake Superior Lumber Company, at Ellsavorth, avas born in East Tempieton, in the province of Quebec, Canada, February 16, 1857. His grandfather, Alexander Mc Laurin, avas a native of Scotland, and in the year 18 15 came to the neav Avorld, locating in Canada, where occurred the birth of his son, John McLaurin, the father of our sub ject, who Avas for many years successfully engaged in the lumber business in Canada, but at length retired from active business life, having acquired wealth through the careful conduct of his industrial interests. Lie avas very active in the Presbyterian church, in avhich he held membership and filled several of its offices. He avas married in Canada, to Clarissa Dunning, and they be came the parents of four sons, of whom our subject is the third in order of birth. John R. McLaurin pursued his early ed ucation1 in the public schools and in the Can adian Literary Institute, at AATodstock, On tario. His businesss training avas received under the direction of his father, for dur ing two years he avas connected avith his fa ther's lumber interests. He then avent to Ottaava, Canada, avhere he remained for five years, and on the nth of October, 1881, he came to' Kansas, locating in AA'ellsville, Franklin county, avhere he began business in connection avith Air. Laing. They pur chased a lumber yard, avhich they conducted for about a year, avhen Air. AIcLaurin sold out and avent to Manitoba. There he en gaged in the same business until the spring of 1884, avhen he removed to Minneapolis., Minnesota, AA'here he avas connected avith the avholesale grain and flour trade for a feav months. In the fall of the same, year, hoavever, he disposed of his interests and in February, 1885, came to Ellsavorth, avhere he has since: been a representative of the lumber business. Foi" a feav years thereafter financial depression aa-as manifest in the county, but he persevered and in course of time his business reached extensive propor tions. In addition to a large line of lumber he carries paints and oils. He has erected all the buildings and sheds for the conduct of his enterprise, and in the avinter months he ships in his stock of lumber so that it is ready for the opening of the folloaving sea son in the early spring. He is still interested BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 271 in the lumber business in Canada, avith his brothers, under the firm name of AIcLaurin1 Brothers, having control of extensive yards in Montreal and Lachine. In 1887 avas celebrated the marriage of Air. AIcLaurin and Aliss Georgia Long, a daughter of D. B. Long of Ellsavorth, avho is extensively engaged in dealing in cattle. They noav haa'e tAvo living children, — Ber- nice and' Genevieve. Air. AIcLaurin is a member of Ellsworth Club, and is identified Avith Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. AL, in Avhich he Has filled all of the chairs, and Avith AA'ichita Consistory, No. 2, S. P. R. S. His political vieavs are in harmony avith tlie principles set forth by the Democracy, and he is recognized as an active and effective avorker in the interests of the party. He has served as a delegate to the county, congresi- sional and state conventions, has been, chair man of the counta* central committee and is now a member of the congressional commit tee. He has never entered the political arena as an office-seeker, yet his felloav townsmen, recognizing his avorth and ability, have tavice elected him to the position of mayor of Ellsavorth. and his administration has been one characterized by a progressive spirit. He is a man of keen discrimination in business affairs, and he capably controls extensive interests, his avell directed labors having gained for him a position among the prosperous residents of his adopted county. JAMES AI. AVILSON. James AI. AAllson occupies the position of clerk of the circuit court of Ellsavorth county, and on the roster of the county of ficials appears the name of no man avho is more faithful to duty or avho enjoys in a higher degree the confidence and good: avill of his fellow townsmen. He avas born, in Bath, New York, September 12, 1864, a son, of James and Lucinda (AIcKey) Wilson, both natives of Scotland. Coming to Amer ica, they resided for some years in Bath, Neav Atork, and at the time of the civil avar the father enlisted for service in the Union arma*. as a member of Company A, Ninety-first Neav York Infantry, avith avhich he remained until the close of hostilities and the declara tion: of peace. AA'hile he was in service at the front his son James avas. born. The father of our subject died in 1881, at Bath, Neav York, In his family were seven chil dren, five of avhom reached mature years, namely: Alan-, the avife of A. Highman, a real-estate dealer of Ellsavorth ; William M., avho is engaged in the bakery and restaur ant business at Dodge City, Kansas ; Isa- ' bel, the avife of C. J. Evans, a prominent attorney of Ellsavorth; Charity, the avife of J. A. Chase, a banker of Mountain: Grove, Missouri, and James Al. Two sons, John and Samuel, died in childhood. James AL AVilson Avas reared in his na tive state and his boyhood days were spent under the parental roof. His youth avas passed in school, pursuing his studies in the public schools of Bath, New York. AVhen fifteen years: of age he became an apprentice in a book bindery at Albany. He folloaved that line of avork until the spring of 1882, when he determined to' try his fortune in the avest, and made his avay to Ellsavorth, avhere his sister. Airs. Evans, resided. Here- he accepted a clerkship in a goeery store,. avhere he avas employed for five years. He- then became a clerk in the office of the county attorney, under his brother-in-laav, Air. Evans, acting as deputy, and after ward serving as deputy register of deeds. In the fall of 1897 he was elected to his present position, as clerk of the cir cuit court, and that he has been most loyal to his duty is indicated by the fact that he has been tavice re-elected. On the 24th of July*, 1890, occurred the marriage of Mr. AA'ilson and Miss Addie M. Alyers, a daughter of C. L. and Anna (Hal stead) Myers. She avas born in Illinois, and came with her parents to Ellsworth county, her father being one of the early settlers here. He engaged in the nursery busi ness near the city and planted all the shade trees in Ellsworth, caring for them until they avere in good growing condition. His death occurred August 16, 1900. In his political vieavs Air. AATiscn is a Republican and has 272 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. served on various committees and attended various conventions. He has taken an active part in the work of the Sons of Veterans and served on the staff of J. Redmond, of Wich ita, in the capacity of division surgeon, traveling throughout the state. He is a man of sterling purpose, splendid characteristics and of genial manner, and is a popular, well knoavn and highly esteemed citizen of Ells avorth county. DAVID C. CHAMBERLIN. David C. Chamberlin, the popular pro prietor of the City Hotel of Pretty Prairie is a self-made man in the fullest and best sense of the term, for at the early age of nine years he started out to fight life's bat tles and in the contest he has avon the vic tory. To-day he is numbered among the successful men of his locality and all that he possesses has been acquired through his oavn unaided efforts, his life proving that prosperity is not a! matter of genius, but the outcome of persistent and honorable pur pose. Mr. Chamberlin avas born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1837, his parents being David and Jane (Bradly) Chamberlin, both of avhom avere also natives of the Keystone state. The father avas a farmer and blacksmith by occupation and after his sons became old enough they per formed the Avork of the farm Avhile he de voted his attention to the smithy-. About 1858 he removed to Brooks county, AA'est Virginia, and avithin a year avas droavned in the Ohio: river. In his political faith he avas a Democrat and in religious belief avas a Methodist. In his family avere tavelve chil dren, one of avhom died in infancy, avhile the remaining eleven greav to years of ma turity. Tavo of the sons, Alexander and Jacob, avere soldiers of the Civil avar and the latter was killed at the battle of Richmond, avhile the former was crippled for life in the same engagement by his horse falling upon him,. The family became scattered and trace of some of them were lost. George lo cated in Vermont, Fulton county, Illinois, and in, i860 removed to Iowa. He devoted his energies to the milling business, which he learned in early life. James, the second son of the family, avent to California in 1849, returned in 1852, and then again made his way to the Golden state, avhere he was living when last heard from. The other1 members of the family, avith the exception of our subject, all remained in the east. When only nine years of age David C. Chamberlin began avorking in the coal mines of Pittsburg as a driver, for avhich service he received one dollar per day. He re mained as an employe in the mines until eighteen years of age avhen be avent to Ver mont, Illinois, AA-here his brother, George, was engaged in the milling business. For three years he remained in Fulton county, that state, employed as a farm hand, and then went to Schuyler county, Illinois, Avhere, on the 28th of November, i860, he secured as a companion and helpmate for the journey of life Aliss Elizabeth Garrison. Af ter their marriage he rented land in Schuy ler county, avhere he carried on agricultural pursuits until the fall of 1869, at avhich date he avent to Bates county, Alissouri, and purchased a small farm of fifty-three acres. He avas there engaged in general farming and stock raising until 1875. avhen he lost his place through an imperfect title. On the 24th of July, of that year, he started avith [team and avagon, accompanied by his family of three children, to Kansas. Llis avife had died a short time before. On the nth of August, he arrived in Reno county, avhere he located a claim, compris ing the southeast quarter of section 23, toavnship 26, range 7 — avhat is noav known as Roscoe toavnship. Thereon he erected a small frame house avith basement and had a comfortable, if small, home. In February, 1886, hoavever, Air. Chamberlin lost his farm residence and all that it contained by- fire. This avas during the terrible blizzard of that year. AA'ith characteristic energy he began the development of his land and car ried on the raising of grain and stock at that place, until 1887, avhen he removed to Hutchinson, avhere he avas employed in a MR. AND MRS. D. C. CHAMBERLIN. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 273 packing house for eighteen months. On the expiration of that period he returned to his farm, which was his place of residence until May, 1895, when he again put aside agricul tural pursuits and came to Pretty Prairie to take charge of the hotel. He rented the property for the first tavo years and then purchased it, and as the increasing business necessitated he has made commodious addi tions. In 1 90 1 he again enlarged his facili ties by erecting a good two-story building adjoining the main structure, and fitting it up for business houses below and sleeping apartments above. His hotel receives a very * * liberal patronage, oaving to the excellent maimer in which it is conducted, being sur passed by no hostelry in a town of this size in central Kansas. During two years of the time he has conducted the hotel he avas also owner of a livery business, but in the fall of 1901 he disposed of this. The City Hotel is noted for all that makes a hotel attractive — good wholesome fare, clean beds and cordial and accommodating manner in the host. All these make the hostelry a homelike place to the "knights of the grip" and other travelers. In addition to the ho tel Air. Chamberlin still retains the farm and the rental derived therefrom adds materially to his income. Mr. Chamberlin avas a second time mar ried November 19, 1876, Mrs. Sonora Ar- mond becoming his avife. She avas born in Cincinnati, Ohio, a daughter of AA'illiam and Alargaret (Buttemer) Haywood, both of avhom' avere natives of Sheffield, England. In childhood they came to America and were married in Cincinnati, from which city the father engaged in steamboating on the Ohio river and eventually lost his life in that avay when Mrs. Chamberlin avas only a little child. He owned a farm on the Ken tucky side of the river just below, Coving ton, avhere the family resided until Mrs. Chamberlin was eight years of age, when the mother sold the farm and removed avith her family to Edgar county, Illinois, locat ing in Paris, the county seat. Subsequently they came to Kansas and after living in Os wego for three years avent to Montgomery county, this state, avhere Sonora Haywood was married to Henry Armond. He lived for only about a year, leaving to- the care of his avidow an infant daughter, Flora Ar mond, who makes her home with her mother and greatly assists her in carrying on the home farm. By his first marriage Air. Chamberlin had three children: Arbina F., deceased wife of F. L. Landis, of Fulton county, Illinois; Eugene D., a prosperous farmer of the same county ; and Zetta. By the second mariaee of Mr. and Airs. Cham berlin five children have been born: Aiin- nie, the avife of William Seward, a dealer in agricultural 'implements in Kingman, Kansas; William, of Pretty Prairie; Mabel, the wife of K. Turner, a traveling sales man in the employ of the T. B. Hate Grocery Company, of Omaha, Nebraska; Louis Frank; and David A. In his political vieavs Air. Chamberlin is an advocate of the principles of Democ racy- as expounded by Jefferson. He has never sought nor accepted office save that of constable of Roscoe township, avhich he filled for two terms of tavo years. Frater nally he is connected avith Pretty Prairie Lodge, No. 447, I. O. O. F He is one of the sterling citizens of the county, honored for his upright life, straightforward busi ness methods and his genial nature. DAVID MORTON THORNLEY. For many years David Alorton Thorn- ley has been successfully engaged in busi ness in Reno, county, Kansas, locating- here before the establishment of the town of Turon. He has seen avith pleasure the avonderful growth and development of this favored section, and has been identified avith its progress in many avays. The birth of Air. Thornley occurred in Clermont counta'. Ohio, in the same section in avhich General Grant avas born, on De cember 3, 1823. His grandfather, Ephro- ditus Thornley, avas born in King George county, A'irginia, and later moved to- Ken tucky, avhere he died in 1814, having reared three sons and one daughter. The. latter' became Mrs. Beckett and after marriage re- 274 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. moved to Daviess county, Indiana. The three sons avere : Enoch, avho' settled eighteen miles north of Indianapolis, Indiana, and became avell knoayn in that locality as a scholarly man and a wonderful mathema tician; Thomas, avIio remained in the south and became a large slave oavner and for a number of years, operated a "plantation on the ground avhich during the Civil avar be came the camp of the United States troops during the siege of Vicksburg, and Reuben, AA'ho became the father of the subject of this sketch, and avas born in Cynthiana, Harri son county, Kentucky, in 1798. His death occurred in Dewitt county, Illinois, Sep tember 6, 1846. The mother of Air. Thorn ley avas named Anna W'alriven, and she avas born in Ohio in 1802 and married in 1818. Her parents avere Samuel and Eliza (Sargent) AValriven, avho avere natives of Alaryland and avho settled in Clermont .count)-, Ohio, in' 1796, avhen it avas a dense forest and avild beasts had not yet been ex terminated. The land avas located tavo miles from the Ohio river and avas both valuable and productive. The children born to Reuben Thornley and avife avere as follows : Samuel, avho died at the age of tavo years ; Edavard, avho- avas born in 1S21, is noav a farmer in Nebraska, haA'ing removed there from Ioava in 188*5, and to Ioava in 1852 from Deavitt county, Illinois : David Alor- ton, of this sketch ; Leroy, avho avas killed in the Alexican avar, at Cerro Gordo, avhere he is buried ; Eliza Hall, avho married and died in Deaaitt county, in 1897, leaving a large family; Sally and Rebecca, avho. avere tavins, and both are noaa* deceased, leaving large families ; Lucy Ann Hall, avho is mar ried and' a resident of Deaaitt county; Alary Walker, avho resides in Hydeville, Cali fornia; Enoch, avho is a farmer of Deavitt count)', Illinois, and served four years in the Civil avar, in the Tenth Illinois Cavalry; James A., avho removed here in 1868 and died in Leavenavorth, Kansas, soon after; Susan, avho1 is a resident of California; and Peter A., who died in childhood, in 1851. After the death of the father the mother married Jesse Stout and bore one son, avhich died in infancy, the mother's death taking place in 1884, and she avas buried on the home farm by the side of her first husband. David Morton Thornley avas reared on his father's farm, which consisted of four hundr/ed and eighty acres, tavo hundred and forty of avhich avas in timber and the remain der in prairie land. Here the parents settled in 1863, Air. Thornley being the first man to locate out on the prairie. His nearest mar ket avas Chicago, and the long journey avas made avith o.x-teams, it being necessary to camp out on the avay. The first house he built avas of logs, avith dimensions of eight een by twenty feet, and the floor to the loft or attic aa"as made of boards, four feet long, riven out avith a froav. He recalls very dis tinctly the sudden, terrible cold -avhich fell over the country in December, 1836, avhen the mercury fell to thirty-six degrees below zero, folloaving a thunder storm. Mr. Thornley embraced every possible chance to obtain an education, attending a school aavay from home tavo years after reaching his majority and he avas the first individual in that section to obtain a teach er's certificate. He taught school very suc cessfully for seven winters, leaving home in 1845. On Februara-, 1849, be avas united in marriage to Aliss Mary J. Lapham, aaho avas born in Edgar county, Illinois, and six children aaere born to this union, as f olloavs : Alargaret, avho is the avife of D. Smedley, of Oklahoma Territory ; Ann Eliza, Avho died at the age of one year ; AA'illiam Hairy, avIio lives in Deavitt county. Illinois, and has five children ; Florence, aaho is the avife of A. Loave, and lives in Grove toavnship, Reno county, and has five children; and Alta D. and Eva. Air. Thornley arrived in Kansas in Alarch, 1886, and his first abode avas the small frame house which forms a part of bis present handsome home. In 1900 he bought a quarter section of valuable land in Gray county, his real-estate business en abling him to select from a large acreage. His business has been as a commission deal er in land, and probably no. one in this lo cality is better posted on values and loca tions. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 275 Air. Thornley joined the order of Odd Fellows in 1850, in Decatur, Illinois, and has been an active member ever since. In politics he is an ardent Republican, and he has efficiently served as justice of the peace and as notary public, and has taken an act ive part in public affairs in Turon. Both he and avife are avorthy and consistent mem bers of the Mdhodist church, in avhich he is a trustee, and they are among the most highly esteemed citizens of .this pleasant little toavn. JOHN R. PRICE. Among the substantial, prominent and highly esteemed citizens of Reno, county, Kansas, is John R. Price, aaho owns large tracts of land in Aliami township, in addi tion to much other valuable property.' His birth occurred in Breaconshire, South AArales, on September 16, 1826, a son of Rees Price, avho avas born in the same house, about 1799. The Price family occupied an estate of four hundred acres of valuable land for many generations, and in 1891, avhen Air. Price, of this biography, with his tavo daughters, visited the old family home, he avas offered the large sum1 of twen ty-five thousand pounds for it. Here his great-grandfather avas born and lived to an advanced age, and here his grandfather, Joshua Price, was also born, and lived to be ninety-six years old. Their remains lie in the little Episcopalian cemetery of the Stone church located there. The father of our subject died at the age of forty-one years, of pneumonia, contract ing this disease avhile seining fish. The mother of our subject avas named Janet Jones, and avas a widoav living at Glyneath, AVales, at the time of her marriage to Mr. Rees Price, and lived to be ninety-four years of age, dying in 1873. She reared to maturity nine of her ten children, five, sons and four daughters, one daughter dying at the age of three years. Our subject is the youngest of the sons, although he has two younger sisters. These nine children mar ried, and the venerable grandmother was permitted to see seventy-four grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Mr. Price comes \ of a family noted for its longevity. Two' of his aunts are hoav liv ing in AArales, near the castle of the great prima donna, Adelina Patti, and they have children avho are old, the names of the aunts being Airs. Sarah Evans, who is one hundred and six years old, and Mrs. Nest Morgan, avho is one hundred and eight years of age. The early educational advantages of our subject were very limited, but his schooling avas not confined to books. The world and its great movements have been teachers, and few men have studied with greater profit. Seven years of his life in- young manhood avere spent in apprentice ship, four to the trade of stone cutter (dur ing which time he did a part of the avork on Madam Path's castle, for such the world will ahvays remember her) and three in the building trade. In 1861 he came to Amer ica, landing at Neav York, and as he wished to engage in gold mining he avent to Cali fornia, by avay of the Isthmus of Panama, the trip consuming tavo months. Air. Price avas married in Wales, in 1856, to Margaret Jones, of his own neighborhood, and when he came to the United States he left her and their little son behind. His gold mining did not prove as successful as he hoped, and six years passed before he returned to his dear ones in the old country. When he returned, in 1867, he brought them avith him and the family settled in Oskaloosa, Ioava, where they remained for fourteen years, and there the children were born, avith the exception of the only son, Rees, avhose death occurred in Hutchinson, Kansas, at the age of thirty- six years, of appendicitis. He came to Kan sas after the World's Fair in Chicago'. He was a man of great business ability, was in business avith his father, and avas president of the Hutchinson Salt AA'orks. His wife and one daughter live in Genea-a, Switzer land, his estate being very large, and his life insurance amounting to ninety-seven thousand dollars. It was in Oskaloosa, Ioava, in 1873, that Mrs. Price, the beloved avife, avas removed from the family circle, and three years 276 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. later Mr. Price removed to Topeka, Kan sas. There he resided until five years ago, avhen he came to his present home and ranch, comprising twenty-two hun dred acres. Here are raised in the greatest abundance wheat and corn, the land yield ing from three to seven thousand bushels a year of the former, and from tavo to four thousand a year of corn and oats. He feeds all he produces except his wheat, and is obliged to buy corn, this not being remark able avhen it is remembered that he raises from six to- seven hundred head of cattle and from twenty-five to thirty-five bead of horses and keeps many eligible to register, as they are full-blooded. This ranch Air. Price bought eighteen years agO' and he had Colonel Johnson as a tenant for some years. It avas originally but raav prairie land, but is now attractive and valuable, avith its groves of shade trees, four acres of pro ductive orchards, and its cultivation and im provement in ever)- direction. The tenant hi, use, avith the barns and granaries, make a village of themselves, and here Mr. Price is preparing to erect a handsome, modern residence. This property is located one mile east of Turon, and all the land avithin that toavn, north of Price avenue, is located on what avas a part of the estate. In addition to this magnificent property he also has his fine home in Topeka, avhich cost over thirty thousand dollars and a farm of one hundred and sixty acres near that city, valued at ten thousand dollars. Air. Price has been largely interested in contracting and building, principally in the line of railroad avork. One contract alone. taken in Boston, amounted to1 four million dollars and avas for a railroad in old Alexico, Mr. Price has built over three thousand miles of railroad avest of the Mississippi river. Fraternally he has long been a a-alu- ed member of the Masonic order, and in pol itics is a Republican1. Although so avell fitted to assume the responsibilities of office, he has aha-ays declared himself too: busy. With him reside his tavo lovely daughters. Cordelia is the avidoav of Henry Stevenson, of Cayuga, Neav York, avhere he avas a mer chant. She avas educated at Blauvelt Insti tute, in Boston, Massachusetts, and is pro ficient in music, while her sister, Miss Jen nie, is equally avell educated in mathematics and art, both being charming and cultured ladies. Although Mr. Price has been de prived of a wife's affection for twenty-eight years, he has found tender and loving care from his dutiful and beloved daughters. PHINEAS C. BRANCH. In a record of those avho have been prominently identified avith the dea*elopment and progress of Reno county it is imperative that definite consideration be granted to the subject of this revieav, for not only is he a prominent representative of the agricultural interests of this favored section, but has the distinction of being one of the pioneers of the golden avest, avith avhose fortunes he has been identified for nearly thirty years, and so ordering his life as to gain and retain the confidence and esteem of his felloav men. Phineas Colver Branch is a natiaie of Vermont, his birth having occurred in Mid- dletown, Rutland county, on the 8th of July, 1824. His paternal grandfather, Daniel Branch, emigrated from Connecticut to Ver mont with ox teams and covered avagons, taking avith him his household goods, avhile the ladies of the family rode on horseback. He AA'as a farmer by occupation and avas a teamster in the Revolutionary Avar. Our subject's maternal grandfather, Nathaniel Colver, avas a soldier in that remarkable struggle, and his daughter, the mother of our subject, cut and made the uniforms aa-orn by a number of the soldiers in the avar of 18 1 2. Minor Branch, the father of him avhose name heads this skdeh, avas born in Nonvich, Connecticut, in 1769, and his death occurred in LaPorte county, Indiana, in 1838, at the age of sixty-nine years. He avas a avell educated man, and avas an able and efficient teacher for his day, being an excellent penman. Our subject now has in his possession tavo choice souvenirs from his father's pen, one bearing the date of July, 1787, and the other of February, 1794. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 277 When the trouble arose between the north and the south Air. Branch, of this re vieav, put aside all personal considerations and loyally responded to the call of his. coun try. In August, 1862, from Iowa, he en listed in the Thirteenth Ioava Volunteer In fantry, Company G, and served until the long and terrible struggle avas past. He received an honorable discharge at Daven port, Ioava. Prior to the outbreak of the re bellion Mr. Branch avas married, the aved- ding having been celebrated on the 14th of Alay, 1854, in Vinton, Iowa. Tlie lady of his choice avas Aliss Sarah Chapin, who was born in Holyoke, Massachusetts, in 1826, a daughter of Stephen and Lovina (Humis- ton) Chapin, natives also of the old Bay state. The Humistons avere among the first settlers on the Connecticut river. After his marriage Mr. Branch removed avith his wife to Galena, Illinois, locating next door to tbe leather store oavned by the father of General Grant. From that city he removed to Iowa, securing eighty acres of unimproved land in Bentopii county, and to that place his avife' s peqple had also removed. The year 1873 avitnessed the arrival of Air. Branch in the Sunfloaver state, avhere he secured a timber claim and a quarter section of prairie land in Reno county. His son also oavns a half section here, and together they are farming the entire section, avhich is located in Med- ford toavnship. The place is under a fine state of cultivation and is adorned with good buildings and beautiful shade and fruit trees. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Branch has been blessed avith tavo children. The eldest, Charles Branch, is cashier in the Citizens' State Bank. The second son, Andrew, avas formerly a student in the Agricultural Col lege, as was also his brother, and he is now married and has three children. Mr. and Mrs. Branch now reside in Hutchinson, Kansas, where their eldest son resides with them. Mr. Branch is an advocate and earn est supporter of the Prohibition party. His aa-orth and ability have been, recognized by his fellow townsmen, and for one terni he served as county commissioner of Reno county. He has also served as township trustee and township clerk. He is an up right and reliable citizen, true to all the du ties of business, official and private life, and his sterling worth has gained him high re gard. HENRY SIEMSEN. The lumlber dealer is a public necessity in any rapidly developing community, and in Kansas, during all the years of her ad vancement, lumbermen have been among her foremost business men. There is no man in 'the trade in Ellsworth county bet ter knoavn than Henry Siemsen, of Holly rood. Mr. Siemsen avas born in Holstein, Germany, March 20, 1869, a. son of Fred erick and Anna (Johansen) Siemsen, na tives of Holstein. His father, avho avas a carpenter and builder, came to. America in 1883, and located in Ellsworth county, Kansas, avhere he bought land and engaged in farming and in doing carpenter avork as occasion dmanded. In 1889 he. took charge of a lumber yard at Hollyrood, avhich he managed for five years, avhen he retired from active business life. He is an hon ored resident of Hollyrood. Of the two sons of Frederick and Anna (Johansen) Siemsen, the subject of this sketch was the second in order of birth. Lie learned the carpenter's trade avith his father and followed it avith success for several years. In the spring of 1899 he bought his present enterprise from George AA'. Ultch, and took up the business under the firm name of H. Siemsen & Company, avith C. H. Rebber and H. A. Stoltenberg as part ners. On the 3d of December, the same year, he purchased the interests of Messrs. Rebber and Stoltenberg and has since con ducted the business individually, carrying a stock of lumber and building materials of all kinds, and also paints, oils, brushes, glass, etc., and- he has been able to build up and maintain a good trade. Politically Mr. Siemsen is a Democrat of considerable local influence, and he has filled the offices of constable for one year, 278 ¦BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. township trustee four years and road over seer four years. He is a member of the German Lutheran church and of the Na tional Alliance Aid, of Hollyrood. May 16, 1893, he married Bertha, daughter of Hen ry and Annastina (Ott) Stoltenberg, and has five children, namely : Dora, Clara, Bert, Hattie and Arthur. EZRA WEAVER. Descendants of early settlers of Pennsyl- A-ania, born and reared in an atmosphere of industry and frugality have sought fortune and found it in all parts of our country, and in acbieA'ing' personal prosperity have con tributed to the prosperity of the communities Avith Avhich they have become identified. One of the most prominent citizens of Pennsylvania nativity living Avithin the bor ders of EllsAA*orth county, Kansas, is Ezra AAreaver, of Hollyrood, avho avas born in Huntingdon county, in the Keystone state, September 25,, 1865, a son of George B. and Mary • ( Smith) AVeaver, both natives of Pennsylvania, his father born in Hunting don county, his mother in Berks county. His father, aa-ho avas a prosperous farmer, avas an active promoter of public education and a member of the Lutheran church and an old-school Democrat. He died in his native county, in 1884, aged sixty-three years; his avife died in 1876. Ezra, of Hollyrood, avas one of their eleven children, four of avhom died in childhood and youth and seven of avbom lived to maturity. Lafayette lives at Alarkleysburg, Pennsyl vania; Isaiah is a farmer at Oregon; Lydia is the avife of Salmuel Hirst, of Pennsyl vania; Caleb is a farmer of Pennsylvania; Sarah is the avife of George Herman, of Quakertoavn, Pennsylvania; and Anna mar ried Olia-er Krause, of Greenville, Pennsyl vania. Air. AA' caver spent his early life on his father's farm and his educational facil ities avere such only as avere afforded by win ter sessions in the common schools near his home. Lie remained at home in Pennsyl vania until the death of his father, and at the age of nineteen: began working at the carpenter's trade, for thirty-seven and one- half cents a day. He was thus employed in his native state until September, 1887, avhen he went to Wilson, Kansas, where he was employed as a carpenter until January 1, 1888, avhen he avent to Hollyrood, avhere he began: business as a contractor and builder. He erected many of the early buildings in the toavn, employing at one time as many as thirteen men and varas a leading contractor and builder there for tavo years. In June, 1889, Mr. AAreaver bought the general store and stock of goods of Jacob Bolinger, avho avas conducting a mercantile business on the site of the present drug store at Hollyrood. About three monthe after he bought the business Air. AA'eaver removed it to its present stand. Beginning avith a stock of goods worth about one thousand tavo hundred dollars and avith a limited pat ronage, he has by good and enterprising methods built his business up to its present magnitude. In 1885 he built a tavo- story stone house, which is one of the com fortable residences of the town. Those avho know him best rejoice avith him in the suc cess that he has attained, because tliey knoav that, beginning poor, he lias built up an enterprise of avhich any man might be proud, and that he richly deserves the good fortune that he has sonvorthily created. Mr. AA'eaver avas married June 14, 1889, to Miss Alinnie Richter, of EllsAvorth coun ty, and they haA-e one son, named James Floyd AA'eaver. Air. AA'eaver Avas for five years treasurer of tbe township board and has also sened as clerk of that body. In politics he is a Democrat and he has sened as a member of the Democratic county com mittee and as a delegate to county conven tions. Though not a member of any church he is a liberal supporter of the Mdhodist church of Hollyrood. He is a member of Hollyrood Lodge, No. 380, Independent Or der of Odd Felloavs, and avas its noble grand in 1 90 1. Lie is a member also of German Lodge, No. 340, Knights of Pythias, and is one of its past chancellor commanders. As an Odd Felloav and as a Pythian he has rep resented his lodges in the grand lodges of the respective orders. BIOGRAPHICAL- HISTORY. 279 LOUIS C. and WILSON SMITH. Among the enterprising fanners of Reno ¦county there are probably none more ener getic or thorough-going than the Smith brothers, avho are 'successfully carrying on operations in AA'estminster township. Louis C- Smith avas born in Philadelphia, Penn sylvania, on the 1 6th of September, 1856, avhile his brother first opened his eyes to the light of day in Peoria, Illinois, Septerm ber 28, i860. Their parents, Henry and Alargaret (AA'ilson) Smith, avere natives of the Emerald Isle. Margaret AA'ilson came to this country avith her mother and Henry Smith avith his brothers. They avere mar ried in Pliiladelj">hia, Pennsylvania, on the 2 ist of November, 1850. The mother was called to her final rest avhile residing in Peoria, Illinois, passing aavay on the 29th of July, 1863, leaving three sons, one of whom, Robert H., resides in Colorado. Two of her children are also deceased. Die fa ther avas a second time married, and by the last union reared two sons and one daugh ter, namely : Alaria, the wife of Ed Rough- enburg, of Peoria, Illinois, avhere she is em ployed as a bookkeqier; Neavell, also of that city; and Loren, Avho resides with his parents in Peoria. The father has now reached the ripe old age of seventy-five years. For eleven, years he avas employed as a avatchman for a large pottery firm, and during that long period he avas never off duty' but one night. Die maternal grand parents of the Smith brothers, John and Sarah (Buchanan) AVilson, avere also na tives of the Emerald Isle, and the latter avas a relative of President Buchanan. The grandfather died in Durm- Lodge, County Donegal, Ireland, in January, 1837, when about thirty-five years of age, having been a practicing physician. He left his family in humble circumstances, but the mother nobly cared for and supported her children, and succeeded in providing them avith the necessaries of life by taking in sewing. In 1847 sbe came with her family to the new world, landing in Philadelphia after a, jour ney of five weeks, and in that city she made her home for eleven years. About 1859, hoavever, in company Avith her daughter, Sarah Jane, noav Airs. AA'illiam A. Birket, she removed to- Ioava avith Henry Smith, but taa-o years later they removed to Illinois, locating at Peoria, avhere she made her home avith Airs. Birket and the three Smith brothers until her death, avhich occurred the 27th of July, 1875, at the age of seventy years. Airs. Smith also passed away in the Prairie state. Louiis Smith received a common-school education in Peoria, Illinois, avhere he re mained -until fourteen years of age, when he aa-ent to the home of his uncle, AVilliam Birket, avho resided on a farm near that city. In 1877, avhen taventy-one years of age, he came to. the SunfloAA'er state, locat ing in Butler count)', avhere he farmed on rented land for nine years. He came to this state aa'ith an outfit of three horses and a wa,gon, and on his arrival here had just one ' hundred dollars in money. His brother, AA'ilson Smith, resided Avith his Uncle Birket betAveen the ages of ten and twenty- two years, and in 1882 he joined his brother in Butler county, coming to this state with a1 cash capital of three hundred dollars. He subsequently returned to AA'ashington coun ty, Illinois, and avas there married to Aliss Alice Thompson, a native of that counta* and a daughter of William. P. and Mary A. (Kizer) Thompson, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Virginia. Their wedding was celebrated in Ohio, and in 1850 they removed to: Illinois, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres of land, the purchase price being $1.25 an acre. He has noav reached the ripe old age of eighty-five years, but is -well preserved both mentally and phys ically. His avife died in 1893, at the age of seventy-two years. This worthy couple were the parents of ten children, seven of whom grew to: years of maturity, six daugh ters and a son, and all are living with the ex ception of one daughter, and the son. Mrs. Peyton Cress, the daughter, was- killed in a railroad accident at Chatsworth, Illinois, leaving a son and daughter. The son, Elijah. M., was shot by accident December 21, 1901, and died immediately. He Avent hunting at the time and accidentally the 280 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. weapon avas discharged. Mrs. Smith, the youngest of her parents' surviving children, received a common-school education, and by her marriage to. AA'ilson Smith has become the mother of tAvo children, — Laura, a bright little daughter of ten years, and Edith, avIio Avas born on the 31st of Decem ber, 1893. After the marriage of AA'ilson Smith the brothers purchased a quarter section of rail road land in this locality, for which they paid sea-enteen hundred dollars, going in debt to the amount of five hundred dol lars. The)- made their home in a small three-room house until 1898, AA'hen they erected their present commodious davell- ing, Avhich is tavo stories in height. In 1888 the brothers divided their land, a quarter section, and AA'ilson noav oavns a tract of four hundred acres, tavo hun dred and forty acres of avhich is in one body and the remaining one hundred and , and on his land he in: the raising of sixty acres is detached is extensively engage* avheat and corn, having about three hundred acres planted with the former cereal. Louis Smith oavnis three farms, aggregating in all seven hundred and taventy acres, seven hundred acres of avhich is planted avith avheat, yielding an annual return of about fourteen thousand bushels. During the year of 1901 he shipped about thirty car-loads of that cereal to market. The brothers have made a success in their farming operations, and during their residence in the Sunfloaver state they have so lived as to gain and retain the esteem and good avill of a large circle 1 >f acquaintances. They are Republican in their political affiliations, and Louis Smith has served as a toavnship trustee for tavo terms. +-—+¦ AA'ILLIAM J. ROSS. From early boa-hood AA'illiam: J. Ross has been identified avith pioneer life west of the Mississippi and since the fall of 1S73 he has made his home in Reno county. Of the avork of improvement be has not only- been a avitness but has aided in the develop ment and upbuilding of the county and has shared in the trying experiences and hard ships avhich beset the pioneers avho laid the foundation for the present prosperity and progress of the county. The days were sometimes dark and dreary, for drouth and the grasshopper scourge Avorked havoc in fields and meadows, but avith steadfast pur pose and firm faith in the 'future of Kansas Air. Ross maintained his residaice here and in due time his labors avere rewarded with prosperity, so that he is noAV enabled to: live a retired life in his attractive home at Pretty Prairie. Ah*. Ross Avas born in Rush county, In diana, Ala)- 21, 1824. The Ross family to Avhich he belongs comes of the Scotch clan of Hamilton. AA'illiam Ross, the grandfa ther of our subject, avas a native of Neav Inverness in the north of Scotland and at a very early age avas left fatherless. He avas then apprenticed to a shoemaker. His mother Avas a sister of the Duke of Suther land, Avho, to make provision for the family, purchased a commission for AA'illiam Ross as ensign in the royal army, and avhen, in 1775, the avar broke out in the American col onies he became a member of the celebrated Scotch Black AVatch, AA'hich avas sent to America to bring the colonies again into a state of subjection to the British croavn. He served through the entire seven years of the avar and after hostilities had ceased he re turned to his native land and avas mustered out. But he had become interested in Amer-* ica and alt once came again to* the new re public, settling in Pennsylvania. Later he engaged in merchandising- in Kentucky and in traffic between the United States and the AA'est Indies. In 1833 he accompanied, his son, Sullivan, to Ioava, avhere he died in the same year. So far as is known he is the only British soldier of the Revolutionary avar ever buried on Ioava soil, avhile a Mr. Shepherd avas the only member of the Co lonial army that found a, grave in the Hawk- eye state. Sullivan S. Ross, the father of our sub ject, avas born in Lexington, Kentucky, Feb ruary 4, 1800, at the time his father was en gaged in merchandising there. He was- one m z^r. & X><^3 **% BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 281 of the earliest residents of the town and there erected the first brick house within its borders. Later the family removed to Rush county, Indiana, where Sullivan Ross cleared a farm from heavily timbered land. At that time Indians, were still living in the locality and the work of improvements and civilization seemed scarcely begun. The family remained in Rush county until sev eral years after the birth of our subject, when, in 1830, Sullivan Ross, with his wife and children, went to northeastern Missouri, where the father took up government land, upon which he lived until 1832. Then in company with his brother, Dr. William R. Ross, and their father, William Ross, Sr., he engaged in general merchandising in Quincy, Illinois, carrying a large line of dry goods, groceries and drugs, but the fol lowing year, 1833, Quincy was almost de populated by cholera. The wife and two children of Dr William Ross died, as also the mother of our subject and one of her chil dren. She was in her maidenhood Miss Alary A. Junken, and was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 1803. After the two families were thus bereaved in the cholera scourge, the business in Quincy was. closed out and Sullivan Ross, with bis surviving children, removed to Burlington, Iowa, where they continued in, the same business, trading with the Indians, as well as the white men. The subject of this review recalls an incident which occurred in his father's store at Burlington about 1835. Tbe noted In dian chief, Black Hawk, came into his fa ther's store1 with his twelve wives and bought a black felt hat for each. In 1838 Sullivan Ross removed to the eastern part of Jefferson county, Iowa, where he entered a claim from the govern ment, residing thereon until 1849. Then leaving his son, William, and daughter, Margaret, in Iowa, he started with the other members of his family for California, where he engaged in mining with indifferent success until 1852. In that year he re turned to. Iowa and purchased a farm in Henry county, where he spent the remainder of his days, dying in 1855. He was a very prominent and influential citizen in the early 18 history of that state and tavice served as a member of its constitutional convention, for, the first constitution being rejected, another convention Avas called, to which he was again sent as a delegate, thus aiding in fram ing the present organic law of the state. The Democratic party numbered him among its leading members and his opinion carried weight in the councils of the organization. He left the impress of his strong individu ality upon the events avhich go to frame the sarly annals of Iowa and was a most promi nent citizen of that state. In his family were the following children : William L is the eldest of the family. Nancy E. is the wife of S. J. Bonnifield and resided in Iowa until 1859, when she went to California. Margaret is the wife of Charles Maguire, of Jefferson county, Ioava. Thomas E. died in 1 85 1, at the age of twenty-one, upon his return, from California. James H., who was a soldier of the Civil avar, located in Mont gomery county, Kansas, and became a min ister of the Alethodist Episcopal church, de voting the greater part of his life to preach ing the gospel. He died at Jefferson Springs, Arkansas,' in 1886. Sullivan S., also a soldier of the Union army*, now resides at Mount Pleasant, Ioava. Christopher laid down his life on the altar of his country, dying in the service in 1862. Lucinda is tbe wife of George Schmidtline, of AVoodville, Oregon. The Other member of the family- died in infancy. William J. Ross remained with his fa-. ther through the period of his minority and acquired his elementary education' in the primitive schools of the time and between his thirteenth' and fifteenth years was a student in McKendree College, in Lebanon, Illinois. After reaching the age of fifteen he assisted his: father in the store, the saw mill and on the farm, and avhen be entered upon an independent business career it was in the line of the manufacture and sale of lumber, conducting a lumber yard' and oper ating a sawmill on the Des Moines and Skunk rivers in Iowa until 1850. He after ward followed the carpenter's and mill wright's trades for a time a.nd in 1852 he accepted a position as salesman a.nd book- 282 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. keeper at Ottumwa, Ioava, avhere he re mained until 1857, when he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the office of treas urer and recorder of Wapello county, Iowa. After serving for tavo 'years he was re elected and thus continued in the office for four years. 'On retiring from office he be came cashier of the Bank of Ottumwa, with the firm of Bonnifield Brothers, and acted in that capacity for a year and a half. In 1863 he avent to the territory of Nevada and organized a mining company at Humboldt, devoting a year and a half to silver mining. When he had spent all of his capital in the enterprise without receiving profitable re turns he gave up the business and returned to Ioava, avhere he engaged in the insurance business until 1867. In that year he was again elected county treasurer, and after serving* one term again accepted" a position in tbe Bank of Ottumwa as teller, assistant cashier and bookkeeper, there remaining un til 1873. The fall of that year Avitnessed the ar rival of Mr. Ross in Reno county, Kansas. Here he homesteaded the northeast quarter of section 22, township 26, range 7. This he improved and resided upon until Alarch, 1900. AA'hen he located' there his was the farthest settlement to the south. His first home avas a dugout, sixteen by twenty-four feet, and became knoavn as the "big dug out." The first winter of his residence here there avas no settler either to the south or west of his. claim and his nearest neighbors avere Mr. Jordan1 and AVarren Field, avho were on the adjoining sections. In the spring of 1874 Mr. Ross planted taventy acres of sod corn and three or four acres of spring avheat and a similar amount in oats and vegetables. The small grain pro duced little on account of the drouth and was used for feed, avhile the grasshoppers ate all the corn. Great suffering folloaved this year of calamity among the pioneers. A mass meeting avas called . at Hutchinson to discuss, ways and means of relief, and of that meeting Mr. Ross avas chosen chairman. A committee was then appointed to go east and secure aid, and Mr. Ross avas also- chosen for this task and in company with Judge G. V. Ricksecker, of Hutchinson, he avent to New York city, where they suc ceeded in securing much needed assistance. Mr. Ross experienced all the hardships and privations incident to this calamitous year of 1874, but he determined to stand by the state in which he had cast his lot and remained upon his farm, oushing forward the avork of cultivation and improvement as fast as possible. He engaged in general farming and stock raising and when his money supply avould become exhausted he avould replenish the exchequer by accepting employment elseavhere, spending some time in Hutchinson at different intervals in book keeping and similar positions, avhile his sons carried on the farm. It was on the 2d of September, 1844, bi Jefferson county, Ioava, that Air. Ross avas united in marriage to Catherine Bonnifield, a daughter of Rodham and Nancy (Minear) Bonnifield. She avas born in Randolph county, AA'est Virginia, and avith her par ents avent to Ioava in 1837. Unto Mr. and Airs. Ross avere born eight children: Lou isa S., the avife of AA'. C. Holden, of Kan sas City ; Thomas, avho is engaged in mer chandising in Hutchinson; Annie E., the avife of George A. Barton, of Grant county, Kansas ; Nellie, the avife of Herbert Field, a farmer of Roscoe toavnship, Reno county ; AA'illiam, avho died at the age of thirty years; Charles AV., of Enid, Oklahoma; Alack, a farmer of Sedgavick county; and Ida, the wife of the Hon. E. R. Watkins, of Sego, Kansas. In his political vieavs Mr. Ross has al- aa-ays been a stanch supporter of the Democ racy and has three times been the party's nominee for the legislature, but as the polit ical strength of the county is overwhdmiing- ingly Republican he Avas not elected. He has served in: the office of justice of the peace for ten years and his decisons were ever fair and impartial. Fraternally he is a Royal Arch Mason, belonging to- Qinton Chapter, ,No. 9, R. A. M., and has been elected a member of the grand lodge in rec ognition of his faithful senice in bdialf of the craft. He is a past master of Ottumwa Lodge, No. 16, F. & A. M. He avas sen- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 283 ing as master of his lodge in Ottumwa avhen the war broke out and by a great effort he maintained the organization and kept up the lodge during tbat period, serving as, master for six years and as secretary for the same length of time. In recognition of his senice he Avas presented by the lodge with an elegant gold watch, appropriately en graved, avhich he still carries. Air. Ross has ahvays been an advocate of any move ment in the line of morality, reform, edu cation and general progress. He is an ac tive avorker in the temperance cause and avas formerly a leading member of the. Grange and the Farmers' Alliance. Since 1854 — almost half a century — he has been a. consistent member of the Alethodist Epis copal church and has taken an active part in its various branches of avork, acting both as teacher and superintendent in the Sun day-school. Since the spring of 1891 he has resided in Pretty Prairie. He has led an exemplary life, is a gentleman of refined and courteous bearing and commands the uni form regard of all with avhom business or social relations have brought him in con tact. FREDERICK KREY. Alen of German parentage and of Amer ican birth have everywhere made good and patriotic citizens. Of such nativity is Fred erick Krey, a prominent farmer and stock man of Reno county, Kansas, avho lives on section 30 in Hayes township, and avhose post office address is Peace-Creek. Frederick Krey was born in Lee county, Iowa, September 19, 1854, a son of Conrad Krey, who is now a retired farmer on sec tion 14, Hayes township, near Sylvia. Mr. Krey was born in Germany, May 31, 1822, a son of Peter Krey, a farmer, avho died in 1830, at the age of fifty-five years, leaving a wiidow and four sons and three daughters, two other children having died. Mrs. Krey reared her family to useful and industrious lives and died in Germany when past her seventy-fifth year. Conrad Krey learned the trade of a shoemaker and avorked at it for many years. He served four months in the German army. At the age of twenty-seven years he came to America, embarking at Bremen for Neav Orleans on a sailing ves sel, and avas sixteen weeks in making the voyage, the- ship having encountered a storm in avhich it came near being wrecked. From Neav Orleans he made his avay up the river to St. Louis, Missouri, avhere lie landed: Avith plenty of clothing and bedding but avith very little money. April 11, 1849, he mar ried Henrietta Hartman, whose birth place in the fatherland avas identical avith his own and avho avas born in 1832. They had twelve children, of whom ten are now living and they have fifty grandchildren and about twenty great-grandchildren. Air. Krey left St. Louis in 1850 and bought forty acres of land in Iowa, on which he paid four hun dred dollars, money he had accumulated at- his trade as a shoemaker. In 1880 he re moved to Alissouri, where he improved a farm of tAVO' hundred acres, which he sold in the fall of 1885 and removed to Kansas, here purchasing his present farm of one hun dred and sixty acres, on which he made a cash payment of eight hundred dollars. He worked at shoemaking one year after he settled in Missouri, but since then he has done nothing in that line. In politics he has been a Republican since the Civil avar. He and his wife are German Methodists and services of that denomination were held in lilis house tavo years, while during two suc ceeding years he preached to a German con gregation in his native language. Frederick Krey avas reared to a farm life and educated in the common schools. He avas married June 21, 1874, to Alartha Grose- close, who was born in Missouri, January 10, 1856, a daughter of Adam and Mildred (Asher) Groseclose. Her father died at the age of fifty-four years, leaving* a widow and five children who Were named as follows : George, a. farmer near. Sylvia; Mary, avho married Adam Shaverbush, of Hayes toavn ship; Martha, the wife of the immediate sub ject of this sketch; Eliza, the wife of John Yust, a biographical sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work; and Emma, avho married Henry Lynden, of Oklahoma Terri- 28.4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tory. Airs. Groseclose died in April, 1885, aged fifty-four years. Mr. Groseclose avas a fanner in Missouri and the children were reared in that state. Frederick Krey began active life as a farmer on his father's farm in Missouri, avhere he remained two years, until he re moved to Kansas, avhere he began his ca reer in a box house covering a ground space of fourteen by sixteen feet on a homestead of one hundred and sixty ' acres. That small building, once his resi dence, he now utilizes as a hen house. He is now the owner of two1 quarter sections of land — one in Hayes toavnship, and a section and a quarter in Stafford coun ty. He farms his three-quarter-section in Hayes township, pastures stock on a three- quarter-section and rents two- quarter-sec tions. He usually has from fifty to. two hun dred head of cattle and raise's annually from twenty-five to forty calves. His stock is of the short-horn variety, of good grade and brings good prices. He sells the milk of eight cows to' a creamery. He has from ten to fifteen horses and raises several every year. Wheat is his leading crop to' which be devoted two hundred and sixteen acres in 1901, the aa'erage yield being fifteen to' taventy-five bushels per acre. He plants seventy-five to' one hundred acres to. corn and harvests from taventy-five to fifty bush els per acre. He planted and has brought to maturity a five-acre orchard, avhich yields fruit in considerable variety. His large and fine farm house was erected in 1885 and an addition to it was erected in 1900. His commodious red barn was erected in 1885 also. Mr. Krey is a Republican in politics, and is active in local affairs and: for tavo years has held the office of school director. Being a man of much public spirit he may be safely depended on to. do his utmost to assist any measure which in his good judg ment is calculated to advance the public good. Frederick and Martha (Groseclose) Krey have had eleven children : John is a far mer in Stafford county on a twodiundred- and-taventy-acre farm. Lie married Mil dred Pruner and has one son. Anna mar ried Bernard McKeown, a farmer living a mile and a half east from Mr. Krey and who is also in the livery business at Sylvia. They haye three children. Ella died at the age of seven years, on May 22, 1885. Gertrude died at the age of four years, June 5, 1885. Nettie Josephine married Benjamin Bagle, of East Cooper, Stafford county. Mattie Birdie is an attractive girl of fifteen years, who is acquiring an education and giving special attention to music, in which she is taking lessons on the organ. Harvey Frederick is a manly boy of twelve years. Cephas Marion is nine years old. Ralph Gilbert was born in 1893, Francis Clarence in 1896 and Talta Leo in 1899. WILLIAM R. PENNINGTON. Among the Avell knoAvn and highly es teemed citizens of Reno county and one of its oldest residents is AA'illiam R. Penning ton, the- proprietor of the noted Penning ton orchards, located in section 4, in North Reno tOAvnship. The birth of William R. Pennington Avas in Sullivan county, Penn sylvania, on September 13, 1843, and he is a son of J. R. and Susan (Rodgers) Pen nington, the second child in their family of five children. The mother of our subject died avhile the latter AA-as still young. The father remarried, but no children avere born to the second union. In 1854 J. R. Pen nington moved to Lee county, Illinois, and remained there for eleven years, engaged in farming, removing thence to Jones coun ty, IoAva, avhere he continued some five years, later settling for the same period on a farm in Marshall county, Iowa. The next change of residence aa-as to Marion county, Kansas, and later to Reno county, aaliere he died in 1899, at the age of eighty- taao years. He was' a avorthy and consist ent member of the Methodist church, and a stanch believer in the principles of the Democratic party. The grandfather of our subject was Jesse Pennington, and he came from England and established his home in Pennsylvania. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 285 William R. Pennington of this biog raphy was eleven years of age avhen the family located in Illinois and there had some school advantages, accompanying his father to Iowa and remaining Avith him un til twenty-one years of age. In February, 1865, he enlisted in Company G, One Hun dred and Fifty-sixth Illinois Infantry. With his regiment he Avent from Louis ville to Chattanooga, thence to Georgia, and from there back to' Memphis, finally return ing to Springfield, Illinois, Avhere he was discharged, the war being over. After this experience he settled down to the peaceful vocation of farming, following the same in Cedar and Marshall counties, Iowa, until 1873, at which time he came to Reno coun ty. Here he took up a homestead claim of the quarter section Avhich he now owns, on April 7, 1873. At that time the country surrounding the beautiful home of Air. Pennington presented a treeless prairie, ex tending for miles westward without a break, wind-swept and uncultivated, still the home of many wandering bands of sav ages and sometimes visited by the avild ani mals of the locality. Mr. Pennington went through many of the trials of pioneer life and had some losses, but it is upon record that he never accepted assistance which was sent by the east to the Kansas pioneers after their losses through the visitation of the grasshoppers. Air. Pennington avas confi dent that the soil of Kansas would produce . wheat while many of his neighbors devoted their sole energies to corn. When the grass hoppers came he thus lost less than others. His wheat became such an abundant and flourishing crop that agriculturists from far and near came to admire and went away to follow his example. Very early in his ex perience our subject saAV the advisability of raising cattle, and has always done some thing in that line, and now has some sixty head. In 1880, avith John J. Measer, Mr. Pen nington started into raising nursery stock, and at the same time he ¦ set out a number of trees for an orchard, as an experiment. He has continued to increase his orchard and now includes eighty acres of his own' land and seventy acres of his son's land, the one-hundred-and-fifty-acre tract being- known as the Pennington orchards. Here the yield has been abundant, principally of apples, although the yield of cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, pears, grapes and berries has also been very satisfactory. Air. Pen nington has three hundred acres of tillable land and does some grain raising. For ten years he very successfully managed the nursery business, but as his orchards pros pered he found more profitable use for his land. The trees planted by him, not includ ing those raised and distributed through his energy, have completely changed the ap pearance of the country, and have had a noted climatic influence. In 1892 he erected his fine, modern residence and here enjoys the results of his former industry and intelligently applied energy. The marriage of Air. Pennington was in Iowa, in 1869, to Miss Lucinda Jeffs, and three children have been born to this union : Leon, a well-known horticulturist of this .township; Rella, who married George Kearney, of Grant township, in Reno coun ty; and Harold. Mr. Pennington has been a prominent member, of the Republican party and for three years has efficiently served as township treasurer. When he settled here there were neither school nor church edifices, and he has been an organ izer of both, contributing time and money to advance both educational and religious enterprises. In the interests of the Presby terian church he has been particularly act ive, of avhich he has long been a member and for twenty years an elder. He did much to assist, in its establishment here. Fraternally he is connected avith Joe Hook- - er Post, No. 17, G. A. R. DANIEL E. REID. "Through struggles to success" is the epitome of the life record of Daniel E. Reid, who now occupies a prominent and honored position in financial circles in cen tral Kansas. Residing in Hutchinson, he 286 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. is there engaged in the banking and broker age business and is the avell knoavn vice- president of the State Exchange Bank. In one of his avitty after-dinner speeches Chauncey Depew said: "Some men achieae greatness, some men are born great and some men are, born in Ohio." The last is applicable to Mr. Reid and it is also a avell known fact that his good fortune has been achieved) — through untiring perseverance, honorable effort and commendable de termination and ambition. Such a life record is avell worthy of emulation and proves that success is not a matter of genius but the outcome of avell directed labor. His birth occurred, in Neav Paris, Ohio., October 3, 1844, his parents being William B. and Alary A. (Jones) Reid. His pa ternal grandfather, Adam Reid, avas born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, and avas a soldier under General William Henry Harrison in the Indian Avars. His Avife avas Hannah Reid, and among- their chil dren avas AA'illiam B. Reid, avho avas born, reared, lived and died in Jefferson town ship, Preble county, Ohio. In early life he learned and followed the hatter's trade. He recruited a company for service in the Mexican war and avas chosen its captain, but although the avar closed before his troops avere called out he avas ahvays known as Cajj-tain Reid. About 1850 he located on a farm, avhere he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1889, when he had reached the age of eighty-tavo years. Llis political support aaas first given the AA'hig party and on its dissolution he joined the ranks of the neaa1 Republican party. Although he avas not identified avith any religious denomination he" believed in the doctrines of the Christian church, attended its sei'A'ices and gaae to the support of the cause. His avife, aaho bore the maiden name of Alary A. Jones, avas born in Fred erick county, Maryland, and avhen a child accompanied her parents to Preble count)', Ohio. She aa"as a cousin of Colonel Ethan Allen, the distinguished Revolutiiiiiary sol dier. Her mother, Mrs. Helen Jones, lived to the extreme old' age of ninety-tavo years and avhen she removed from Virginia to Ohio she liberated all her slaves. Like her husband, Airs. Reid believed in the faith of the Christian church and avas a constant and faithful member thereof, ardently en dorsing its teachings. Her death occurred in 1884. In the family avere six sons and four daughters : Susan, the avife of Joseph Aliller, of Neav Paris, Ohio; Adam, of New Westallle, Ohio.; Celestia, the avife of Allen Holderman, a merchant of Camden, Ohio ; Martha A., the avife of AA'ashington Clark, of Neav Paris, Ohio.; George J., a resident farmer of Preble county; Daniel E., of Hutchinson, Kansas ; AA'illiam B., of New- Paris, Ohio; Lurton D., a resident farmer of Neav Aladison, Ohio; and Charles S., also of New Paris. In the days of his youth Daniel E. Reid enjoyed the advantages of a country boy avho takes from the hard avork of the farm time for study and self-improvement. That such surroundings in boyhood are an actual advantage to a man in this country is prov en by the innumerable company of success ful men avhose career began on the farm. It is thought by some that the pressure of poverty is in the nature of a discrimination against a man in the race of life, but the truth is that the old-fashioned country homestead has produced nearly all of the successful men of this generation, because it produces health of body and mind as avell as of moral disposition' — three things that are the chief conditions of success. Attending the neighborhood school through the short avinter dons and avorking in the fields in summer, the youth of our sub ject avas passed until he avas sixteen years of age, avhen, on the 16th of August, 1861, he responded to the first call for troops to serve for three years and enlisted in Company E, Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Lie participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka and the Atlanta campaign. Lie avas captured at Corinth and held as a prisoner at Alobiie, Montgomery, Atlanta, AVeldon, Libby and Belle Isle for eleven months and taventy-one days. AA'hen cap tured he aveighed one hundred and sixty pounds and avhen paroled only ninety-three pounds. During tbe cold avinter of 1863-4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 287 he suffered all the horrors that have ever been depicted in relation to- life in the southern prison pens. They had no- fuel, tents, blankets or shelter of any kind and the aavful prison fare avas served in starva tion quantities. On the 21st of Alarch, 1864, he avent home on parole, rejoining his command at Huntsville, Alabama, in June folloaving. He remained in the serv ice until after the campaign of Atlanta and the expiration of his term of service, being discharged December 3, 1864. After his return from the war Air. Reid began farming on his oavn account, renting the old homestead until he avas able to pur chase a farm, which- avas his home until 1884, avhen' he sold his property in Ohio and came avest, locating first in Kansas City, avhere he avas for five years engaged in the loan and brokerage business. In the meantime he avas looking about him for a favorable location and in 1889 be chose Hutchinson as the place offering the best inducements. Accordingly he took up his residence here, where he bas since engaged in the loan and brokerage business, buy ing and selling farm and city property and negotiating loans. In Alarch, 1899, he erected a bank building and in company avith Joseph and Willis Baker organized the State Exchange Bank of Hutchinson, Kansas, avith Joseph Baker as president, Daniel E. Reid, vice-president, and Willis Baker, cashier. This institution was based upon sound business principles and has ever enjoyed an unassailable reputation and a liberal patronage. On the 4 th of December, 1867, Mr. Reid Avas united in marriage to Miss Han nah Fall, a daughter of John L. and Re becca (Hart) Fall. She avas born and reared in Preble county, Ohio, in the same neighborhood as her husband. They have an elegant home, beautifully and tastefully furnished and supplied aalth all modern improvements, including electric lights, hot and cold avater and other accessories avhich add to the comforts and convenience of life. In his political vieavs Mr. Reid is a Republican and for one term served as a member of the city council, taking an active part in directing the affairs of the city. For thirty years he has been a mem ber of the Christian church and much of the time has served on the official board as deacon. Airs. Reid has also taken an act ive part in religious and benevolent work and the poor and needy find in them warm friends. Air. Reid is a member of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., and his avife belongs to the AVoman's Relief Corps, in avhich she has served in several official positions. Lie is also1 a member of Reno Lodge, No. 140, F. & A. M., and Reno Lodge, No. 99, I. O. O. F. In the line of his military connection he has served as commander of his post, as representative to the state encampment and for one year avas adjutant of his post. His life has been suc cessful and commendable and without any extraordinary family connections or pe cuniary aid to assist him he has steadily ad vanced to a prominent position in financial circles in central Kansas. GEORGE A. COLLETT. One of the most popular places in Ells avorth, Ellsworth county, Kansas, is the "Postoffice Book Store" of George A. Col- ldt, at the corner of Douglas avenue and First street. Air. Collett carries a complete line of standard books, current literature, periodicals, daily papers and school books and school supplies, together with station ery, notions and sundries, confectionery, ci gars, tobacco and smokers' goods, and being a popular citizen and his store the repository of articles of interest to persons of every age and class, he is achieving a success to which his fair and enterprising business methods justly entitle, him. George A. Collett avas born at Cornwall, Vermont, October 25, 1855, a son of John and Hannah (AA'illis) Collett. His father was of French-Canadian birth and his mother, avho was descended from English' ancestry was born in Neav Hampshire. John Collett, who avas a farmer, died in Ver mont at the age of thirty-five years, when his BIOGRAPPIICAL HISTORY. son, George A., his oldest child, was only six years old. Eugene, John Collett's sec ond son, is a farmer in Union county, Ohio, and John Collett, hiis third son, has for some years been a proof reader in the office of the Denver (Colorado) Times. After the death of the husband and. father the family removed to' St. Laavrence county, Neav York, where they remained until the subject of this sketch avas tavelve years old, when they removed to Athens county, Ohio, where they lived until 1879. George A. Collett spent his life on a farm until he avas seventeen years old, avhen he found employment in the office of the Athens Journal, at Athens, Ohio, avhere he worked two years as a printer and obtained a practical knowledge of country journal ism. He passed the next three years in mer cantile business at Coolville, Ohio. In 1879 he came to Ellsavorth, Kansas, avhere for a short time he avas employed in the office of the Ellsworth Times, but soon accejDted a position with Gephardt & Huycke, in the Reporter office, avhere he was employed until 1885. In that year in company avith Frank S. Foster, be bought the Ellsworth NeAvs, which then became the EllsAvorth Democrat, and later the Ellsworth Alessen- ger, which is still published by Air. Foster, and Avith which Mr. Collett was connected ten years, until he Avas appointed postmas ter at EllsAvorth by President Cleveland. In 1894 he entered the book and stationery- trade in a small Avay, and his management of his enterprise has been so efficient that his store is regarded as the best of its class in central Kansas. Air. Collett has ahvays taken an active • interest in public affairs. He avas a member of the Democratic state central committee for many years and in 1888 he avas a dele gate the national convention, at St. Louis, avhich nominated Grover Cleveland for the presidency. Always an active partisan, he has rendered his party much efficient service. For three years he was clerk of the city council of Ellsavorth and ' he has been a member of the board of education. He is a Knight' Templar Mason, being past eminent commander of St. Aldemar Commandery, No. f)^, in Ellsworth, and is past noble grand of Ellsworth Lodge, No. 109, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. He holds membership in the Modern Woodmen of America and in the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. Collett is an affable, cour teous gentleman, avhose list of friends equals his list of acquaintances, and he is one of the most popular and successful business men of Ellsavorth. His executive ability was amply demonstrated during his admin istration of the office of postmaster, which has never been filled more satisfactorily by any other incumbent. Mr. ColleJtt avas married October 29, 1876, to Miss Clara Streicher, a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, who is descended from a family prominent in military circles in Europe. They have three children, Tena E., Mame and Tohn S. C. AI. BAY. One of the most extensive farmers and stock raisers of Reno county is C. M. Bay, who resides on section 18, Roscoe township. He has depended entirely upon his own re sources from earla- manhood and has met difficulties and disasters ; but the avord de feat does not appear in his vocabulary, and avith undaunted spirit he faces every situa tion and makes conditions result to his own benefit, avhere a man of less resolute pur-' pose avould be utterly- disheartened and dis couraged. Within the last three years he has become the oavner of the extensive prop erty interests avhich he now enjoys and his stock raising enterprise is represented by sea-en hundred head of cattle of good grades upon his ranches. Air. Bay avas born in Gallia, Ohio, in 1858, a son ,:f Joseph N. and Emily (Camp bell) Bay, both of avhom avere also natives of tbe Buckeye state. The father, a farmer by occupation, removed avith his family from Ohio to Alonroe county, Iowa, and now resides in Clark county, that state, en gaged in agricultural pursuits and stock raising. He is a prominent citizen of the ^o 2&?48* BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. locality and a leading representative of the Masonic fraternity. In his family were four Children, of avhom tavo are noav living : C. M., avho is the eldest, and Samuel E., a farmer of Roscoe township, Reno county. During his infancy Air. Bay was taken by his parents to Iowa, and there he avas reared to manhood upon the home farm, ac quiring his education in the public schools of the neighborhood. His mother died when he avas only seven years of age, but he con tinued avith his father until seventeen years of age, when he left bome to make his own avay in the world. He began farming on his oavn account on a tract of .eighty acres in AA:ayne county, Iowa, and after two- years sold that property and with his capital pur chasing two good teams and wagons, avith avhich he started for Kansas in 1878. On arriving in Reno county he traded one team and wagon for the southwest quarter of sec tion 19, Roscoe township: — a tract of raav prairie land, on which he built a sod house. Immediately afterward he began improv ing the farm, remaining thereon for two years. He also- took up a timber claim, on the same quarter, on which he planted about eleven acres of catalpa trees, from which he has sold for the last three years fence posts to the value of five hundred dollars each year. In 1880 Air. Bay purchased four hun dred and eighty acres in Roscoe township on sections 28 and 29, and took up his abode on the northAvest quarter of section 29. There he erected another sod house, in avhich he lived for a year and then removed to his present location on section 18, Ros coe toavnship. In 1882 he erected his pres ent residence, hauling the lumber from Hutchinson. In 1883 he removed from the farm to the town of Kingman, renting his land, and there engaged in the land and loan business, handling much property and carrying on an extensive business. He was also active in- promoting various enterprises which proved of value in promoting general prosperity as well as individual success. He remained in Kingman until 1890 and from 1884 until 1887 prospered, making one hun dred thousand dollars, but during the finan cial panic of 1887-88, when there was a marked depreciation in the value of all kinds of property and because he had to make payment of some twenty thousand dollars of security debts, and in addition, losing thirty-eight thousand dollars in vari ous corporations, he lost all in the general crash, saving only from the wreck of his fortunes the timber claim- on the southavest quarter of section 19, Roscoe township. In 1 89 1 lie retired to the fann and again took his place behind the plow. Gradually he gained another start and engaged in the raising of grain and stock. In 1895 he pur chased one thousand head of cattle, which he kept for three years and then found the venture unprofitable. Since then he has been largely engaged in buying* and selling land and in cultivating his fields and deal ing in live stock. He now has thirty-six hundred and eighty acres. He cultivates about sixteen hundred acres and therefore annually harvests large crops. He also has about seven hundred head of cattle upon his place and among the leading and most ex tensive farmers and stock raisers of the county he is numbered. When disaster- has overtaken him, with renewed courage, his trouble serving as an impetus for greater diligence, he has taken up the avork of re trieving his lost possession, and, with unfal tering spirit, he has once more gained a place among the leading and prosperous business men of Reno county. Undoubtedly he pos sesses business ability of a high order, to gether with executive force, keen discern ment and marked poavers of management. Mr. Bay avas married in Ioava, Septem ber 27, 1876, to Miss Maggie J. Sloan, a daughter of H. R. and Charlotte (Gibson) Sloan. She is a native of Ohio, and with her parents went to Ic-AA'a, avhere the family were numbered among the early settlers. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Bay fiae children have been born: Lottie F.,au accomplished lady well knoavn in Hutchinson and vicinity, avho is now the wife of Emmet Hutton, one of the proprietors of the American Steam Laundry, of Hutchinson; Clyde and Del- mer, at home; and tAA-o who died in infancy. Like many other settlers in pioneer times 290 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Mr. Bay frequently did freighting betaveen AAlchita and Aledicine Lodge, Lake City and' other points, during the winter months, in order to bring in some ready money. Lie is numbered among the early settlers, avhose labors contributed in large measure to the development and progress of the county and he is yd actively interested in all movements for the general good. In politics he has al- avays been a stalwart Republican, but has never aspired to. office, and has never con sented to serve in public positions, save on the school board. In his fraternal relations he is an Odd Fellow, bdonging to Kingman Lodge, No. 99, and he also, has membership relations avith the Modern AA'oodmen Camo at Pretty Prairie. His example should serve as a source of inspiration and encour agement to others, showing avhat can be accomplished even in the face of great diffi culties, when one has the avill to- dare and to do, and avhen labor is guided by sound business principles. AV. HENRY WILSON. AA'. Henry Wilson has avell earned the proud American title of a self-made man, for in the active avorld of business he has overcome difficulties and obstacles and en tirely unaided has avorked his avay upward until he is noav numbered among the most most prosperous: representatives of agricul tural interests in central Kansas. He owns a farm of sixteen hundred acres in AA'ash- ington township, Rice county, but makes his home in Hutchinson, from: avhich place he superintends the operation of his land and the raising of stock. Air. AA'ilson avas born in Greene county, Pennsylvania, February 23, 1839, his par ents being Isaac and Alary (Roberts) AA'il son. The family is of English lineage and avas founded in America by Henry AVilson, avho avas born on the "merrie isle" and be longed to a avealthy family there, his father being an: extensive ship oavner. At the age of tavelve years he avent to sea and avas ma rooned on a lone island. Finally be avent to America, locating- in eastern Pennsyl vania, where he married Miss Mary A. Sny der, a German lady. They went across tbe mountains toi Waynesburg, Greene county, Pennsylvania, and there spent their remain ing days. At the time of the Revolutionary Avar Henry Wilson served his adopted coun try as a drummer in the American army. Throughout his active business career lie folloaved farming and died in Greene county, Pennsylvania. The parents of our subjed avere both natives of that county. The fa ther learned the tanner's trade in- AA'aynes- burg, the county seat of Greene county, and on leaving that place went to NeAvton and subsequently to Morristown, Pennsylvania. In 1849 be took up his abode in Bureau county, Illinois, and later went to Putnam county, that state, where he died in 1875. He AA'as one of the early settlers of the Prairie state and became an extensive land oavner there. In his political faith he avas first a AA'hig and aftenvard a Republican and in public affairs he avas quite prominent, although he never aspired to public office. Of the Methodist Episcopal church he avas a zealous and consistent- member, avas a strong advocate of the temperance cause and endorsed every reform movement aahich tended to- uplift mankind. In ante-bellum days he avas an ardent Abolitionist and did effective avork in behalf of the slaves by making his home a station on the "under ground railroad," avhich line conveyed many a poor boiidsman to liberty in the north. He started out upon his business career in very limited circumstances but prospered as the years passed by and also Avon that good name aahich is rather to be chosen than great riches. He avas tavice married and by the first union had five children, of avhom four are yet living, namely : James, a farmer of AlcPherson county, Kansas ; XV. Henry ; John, a farmer of Reno countv ; and Alar garet, the Avife of Emanuel Hise, of Reno county. After the death of his first avife the father married Phoebe Alartin, of AA'est Virginia, and they had three children: Frank, of East Portland, Oregon; So- phronia, the avife of John Montgomery, of Honton, Kansas; and Isaac, of Arlington, this state. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 291 AA' Henry AA'ilson spent the first ten years of his life in the Keystone state and then Avent Avith his parents to Illinois, where he avas reared to- manhood in Bureau and Putnam counties. His educational advan tages avere very meager. He attended the common schools to a limited extent but his father avas a poor man and needed his assist ance upon the home farm, avhere he lived and labored until thirty-three years of age. While residing in Putnam county he was married June 4, 1866, to Mary D. Lackey, ' avho was born in Broome county, Neav York, June 22, 1847, a daughter of John W. and Rachel (Mitchell) Lackey, the former a na tive of the Empire state and the latter of AArayne county, Pennsylvania. The father was a carpenter by trade and when Airs. AVilson was a maiden of ten summers he re moved with his family to Bureau county, Illinois, arriving there in 1857. He then turned his attention to farming- and later went to Peoria county, Illinois, where he remained until he came with Mr. Wilson to Kansas and secured a claim in Rice county. There he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1897, while his wife passed away in 1891. They were the parents of ten children : Orlando R., of Kansas City ; Eugene, deceased; Mrs. Wilson; Geraldine, the wife of James P. Brady, of Ellsworth county; Curtis G., a farmer of Rice county; Fidelia, the wife of Edward Bich, of Rice couhty ; Franklin G., a farmer of that coun ty; Jerome, deceased; Fred, a farmer of Pratt county; and Agnes, the wife of Charles Burdick, of McPherson county. After bis marriage Mr. Wilson engaged in the operation of the old home farm in. Illinois until the spring of 1872,- when he shipped teams and implements to Newton, Kansas. He first pre-empted the southwest quarter of section 6, toavnship 21, range 5, in McPherson county and avas the first man to develop a farm in that toavnship. During the first year his nearest neighbor was Lewis Thomas, who lived ten miles south in Reno county. For tavo years after his arrival buf faloes avere killed in this vicinity and in the spring of 1874 he killed on his place the last one seen in the neighborhood. He built a box house, sixteen by thirty-tavo feet, hauling the lumber from Newton, and after remain ing there for a year he secured a homestead claimi in Rice county — the north half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 2, township 21, range 6. Here in 1873 he built a dugout in which he lived for about eight years, avhen he removed to another farm — the southeast quarter of the same section, Aahich he pur chased in 1873. In 1874 he had eighty acres planted in corn and anticipated selling his crop for a dollar per bushel to drovers, after avhich he intended buying yearling Texas cattle at three 'dollars per head ; but his plans av'ere set at naught, for it avas the year of the grasshopper scourge when his crops were entirdy destroyed. Through the fol lowing winter he had a hard time to get along and frequently his food supply avas exhausted and he did not knoav Avhere he was to: obtain the. next meal, but a Avay Avas opened up and in the spring he obtained a situation at hauling rock to Hutchinson. The next year he raised a good crop and thus once more got a start. Mr. Wilson began raising and dealing in stock and in 1878 had fifty head of cattle. For twenty years he has handled from four to eight hundred head of cattle annually and each year feeds for the market from one to two hundred head and at times as many as five hundred. He has added to his farm un til it now comprises sixteen hundred acres, of which two' hundred and fifty acres is un der a high state of cultivation, Avhile much of the remainder is used for grazing pur poses. He has a good grade of shorthorn cattle and has raised from one hundred to three hundred head of hogs each year, Avhile he also' keeps on hand a good grade of horses and mules, having! sixteen head of avork horses and mules besides young animals. The buildings upon his place are substantial and commodious. There is a seA'en-room residence with good cellar and extensive cat tle barns, one hundred and ninety-tavo by thirty feet. There is also a feed grinder with engine to' operate it and living avater upon the place, the feed yards being supplied avith water tanks and all modern conven- 292 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. iences for the care of the stock. Mr. Wil son remained upon the farm until May, 1897, when he purchased his comfortable residence in Hutchinson and removed to: the city, although he still operates the place, keeping a reliable foreman1 in charge. He has a team in town and at least once a week drives to- the farm in order to see that every thing is being avell conducted. He has given his attention exclusivly to' his farming and stock raising interests and is one of the pros perous self-made men of this portion of the state. In politics Mr. Wilson is a stalwart Re publican, voting with the party since cast ing his first presidential ballot for Lincoln. The cause of education has always found in him a warm friend. He assisted in or ganizing the first school district in Wash ington toavnship, Rice county, and was one of its first directors, serving in that posi tion for many years. In the fall of 1874 he became the first overseer of highways and continued in that office until he refused longer to serve. For the past four years he has been a member of the First Presbyterian church, of Hutchinson, and since 1879 he has been a member of Victoria Lodge, No. 212, I. O. O. F., of Little River, Kansas. Such in brief is the life history of one avho came to Kansas in limited circumstances and has found here the opportunity he sought of gaining success through earnest and un remitting labor. Well does he deserve his prosperity, avhich is the just reward of in defatigable and honorable effort. CHARLES ROBINSON. The pinoeer history of central Kansas is familiar to Charles Robinson from active connection avith the experiences of frontier life in this portion of the state. His history forms a connecting link between the primi tive past and the enterprising present, from the clays of dugouts, sod houses and un improved farms1 to those of marked pros perity, Avhen farms are supplied with splen did accessories and conveniences for carry ing on agricultural pursuits, while in the towns and villages are found all of the en terprises and business establishments known to the older east. Mr. Robinson now en gages in feeding and shipping stock, mak ing his home in Ellsworth. He was born in Detroit, Michigan, March 31, 1846, and is a son of William and Mary Robinson, both of whom were natives of England, whence they crossed the Atlantic to Canada in early life, locating in Ontario, avhere they were married. The father was a drover and stockman, and about 1838 went to Michi gan, locating in Detroit, where he engaged in the stock business until 1862. He then moved to Niagara Falls, New York, and after two years became a resident of Iowa City, Iowa. His death occurred in that state in 1883, and his avife, who still sur vives him, is now living in Omaha, Nebras ka. Charles Robinson is the third in order of birth in their family- of eight children, the others being George W., avho served in the Civil war as lieutenant in a Michigan cav alry company and avas killed in the cavalry charge at Marksburg, Virginia, in 1864; Ed win, a stock dealer in Vinton, Iowa ; Arthur A. ; Albert, a stockman of Cedar Rapids, Ioava; Charlotte A., who became the wife of E. A. Benson, of Omaha, Nebraska, and died in October, 1900; Belle, the wife of Theodore Robinson, of Plankinton, South Dakota'; and Harriet, avho died in early womanhood. Charles Robinson spent his boyhood days avith is oarents and attended school until the spring of 1862, avhen, at the early age of sixteen years, he responded to his country's call for assistance, and enlisted in the Taventy-fourth Alichigan Volunteer In fantry, as a member of Company I. His command avas associated avith the Second, Sixth and Seventh AVisconsin Infantries and the Nineteenth Regiment of Indiana Volun teers, in forming the First Brigade of the First Division of the First Army Corps. This avas knoavn as the Iron Brigade and as such attained fame for the loyalty and un daunted valor of its members. The brigade took part in all the severe battles of the Army of the Potomac. The troops saav BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 293 service at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and at the last named Mr. Robinson avas severely avounded by a gun shot in the left shoulder, necessitating his remaining in the hospital at that jnlace and Baltimore and in a convalescent hospital from the ist of July until the 19th of De cember, when he was discharged. Mr. Robinson then went to Colorado' to engage in business, but on account of the Indian troubles, supplies could not be pro cured in that district and he again entered the government sendee, avith which he was connected from January, 1865, until the folloaving November, as a member of the Second Colorado Cavalry, which was en gaged in guarding and protecting the stage routes and wagon trails from Denver east- avard to Leavenavorth. He was mustered out of the volunteer service at Leavenworth in November, 1865, but remained in the government employ as a driver of supply trains, proceeding westward from Leaven worth. His time was thus passed for two or three'years. In 1866 he came to old Fort Ellsavorth, avhere he remained for a few months,, when he resumed driving on the Santa Fe trail to Fort Union and other southern points, also going to Denver on the Denver trail. In 1868 he returned to Ellsworth county, which has practically been his home since 1866. He took up a claim in 1868, on section 12, Empire town ship, aahere he secured one hundred and sixt)' acres of land, upon which he erected •a tAvo-room log house, fourteen by sixteen feet, Avith an "L" twelve by twelve feet. This Avas a roomy mansion for that day and continued to be bis home until 1875. There he. engaged in handling stock in connection with the raising of cereals, and soon made the first mentioned 'branch an important in dustry, keeping on hand between one and two hundred head of cattle. In 1878 he left the farm and removed to Ellsworth, where he engaged in the transfer business, employing a number of teams in that way. About 1 89 1 he embarked in the stock busi ness, buying, feeding and shipping, and to ' this enterprise he has since given' his entire attention, being one of the largest shippers in the county. He has feed yards conveni ently located near the town limits on the river side, where he constantly feeds large numbers of cattle. He ships in grain for this purpose and i$ now doing an extensive business, which yields to him a good profit. Mr. Robinson has been tavice married. On the 27th of April, 1873, he avedded Sa rah E., a daughter of Robert and' Sarah Hudson, prominent pioneer people of Ells avorth county. She avas born in Canada, but came avith her parents to this locality in 1866. Her death occurred November ¦ 9, 1875, and Mr. Robinson was again married May 9, 1877, bis second union being with Sarah M. Cunningham, avho avas born May 9, 1859, in Marshall county, Illinois. By his second marriage he has eight children : Charles A., who is associated in business with h'is father, and Clara P., Belle, Harry, Mary, Irma, Nira and George. The Re publican party receives his loyal support and in religious faith he is a Presbyterian. He belopngs to the Grand Army of the Repub lic, holding membership in Ellsworth Post, No. 22, G. A. R., In which he has filled ah of the offices, and is the past commander. He also belongs to Ellsworth Lodge, No. 109, I. O. O. F., in which he is past noble grand; to Golden Belt Encampment, No. 47, in which he isa past chief patriarch, and he has been a representative, to the grand lodge. His name is also on the membership rolls of Ellsworth Lodge, No. 186, A. O. U. W., of which he is past master workman, and on the membership list of Select Knights. His long residence in Kansas classes him among the honored pioneers of the state, and he has aided in laying the foundation for the present prosperity and • progress of this portion of the common wealth. GABRIEL LONG. Gabriel Long, who follows farming on section 33, Galesburg township, Kingman county, and whose postoffice is Waterloo, ranks among the honored and well knoAvn 294 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. citizens of this portion of Kansas. He came here avith the Missouri Valley settlement in 1878 and took up his abode on, his present farm in Alarch, 1879, it being a part of the Osage Indian trust land. He had previously been a resident of Chariton county, Mis souri, but Avas born in Caroline county, Vir ginia, fifty miles from Richmond, Novem ber 13, 1833. His father, Richard Long, Avas a native of Spottsylvania Virginia, born in 1S12, and avas a son of James Long, a native of England. The latter had a son, Gabriel, avho served as a soldier in the avar of 1812, and it avas in his honor that our subject avas named. Richard Long spent his boyhood and youth in the Old Dominion and there married Gabriella Gale, a native of Care line county, Virginia, and a daughter of John Gale, avIiO' avas born in England. In 1S38 Air. and Airs. Long made the journey overland to Alissouri and established a neav bome in the far avest. They avere the: par ents of sixteen children, of avhom thirteen reached years of maturity, namely : James AL, Gabriel, Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret, John, Richard, Fanny, Josiah, AATiliam, George, Alollie and Lucius. The father was a sun-eyor and did much Avork in sur veying the iicav country. He also folloaved farming, and his death occurred in Alis souri 'at the age of seventy-seven years. In politics he avas a Democrat and from the age of taventy-one years until his death, he AA-as a, faithful member of the Baptist church. His avife, avho belonged to the same church, died at the age of seventy-four. Gabriel Long avas a little lad of five sum mers avhen the family removed to Alissouri, and there he avas reared to farm avork, avhile "in the public schools he obtained his educa tion. After entering upon his business ca reer, he served as manager of a tobacco' fac tory for tavo years and avas engaged in the manufacture of brick for a similar period. Coming to Kingman county in 1878, he took up his abode upon his present farm in March of the following year. The land avas avild and unimproved, and with characteris tic energy, he began its further development, transforming it into one of the valuable properties in this portion of the state. It has all the modern improvements, and com prises one hundred and sixty acres of pro ductive land, which annually yields to him good harvests. Mr. Long was married November 15, i860, to Margaret Isabella Stevenson. She avas born in Kentucky and avas a daughter of James R. Stevenson, also a native of that state, avhere occurred the birth of her moth er, avhose maiden name avas Sarah Givens. They had eight children, and in 1858 they removed avith their family to Missouri. Mrs. Stevenson died October 8, 1901, at the ad vanced age of ninety-one years. Unto' Mr. aiid Mrs. -Long have been born nine chil dren, sea*en avho are yet living: Edward B., a resident of Galesburg township; John S.; AATiliam C. ; Ernest, a Avell knoavn editor of the Kingman Journal; Effie Smith; AAral- ter, avIio is noav a clerk ; Lee L. ; and Cecil B. They also, lost tAvo children, AA'illiam C, who died at home at the age of thirty years, and Joseph R., Avho died at the age of tAventy-four, leaving a AvidoAV and two- chil dren. Three of the sons, Lee L., AAralter and Ernest, have all become successful teach ers. The mother and five of the children hold membership: in the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Mr. Long gives his political sup port to the Democracy and is deeply* inter ested in everything pertaining to the avel- fare and progress of his community along lines of substantial improvement. His-home is noted for its hospitality. He is frank and genial in manner, and' he and his family en joy the warm regard of very many friends" throughout Kingman counta-. LOUIS AVIEGEL. The fatherland has furnished to Amer ica many of her valued citizens, and_arnong the number is Louis AA'iegel. who owns a valuable and highly improved farm on sec tion 10, Salt! Creek township, Reno county, Kansas. Lie was born in Hanover, Ger many, February 2, 1836. His paternal grandfather, Louis Wiegel, was a tailor by occupation, and was the father of one son BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 295 and a daughter. He reached the age of about sixty years and avas then called to- the home beyond. His son, also named Louis, and the father of our subject, was born in Hanover, Germany, about 1806, and his death occurred in Pennsylvania, in about 1886. He married Anna. Crittenden, the wedding" being celebrated in Germany in 1832, and in 1846 they left their little home across the sea and sailed for tlie neav world, landing at Baltimore, Maryland, after a voy age of eight aveeks. After their arrival they resided in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, for about a year, and tben removed to what was knoavn as Locust Grove in that state, where he avorked in the coal mines for two years. He then moved to McKeesport, Pennsylvania, avhere he remained for six years and avas then able to purchase an eighty-acre farm in Monroe county, Ohio, avhich had been improved, and as time passed he added forty acres more to that tract, becoming the owner of a valuable and desirable home. He came to this country avith but little capital, but by taking advan tage of opportunities and by unabated en ergy and good management he Avon a hand some competence and was numbered among the substantial citizens of his adopted land. He avas a carpenter in Germany, but after his arrival here he worke 1 for a time in a foundry in Pennsylvania, securing any em ployment that would yield him an honest liv ing and assist him in becoming familiar Avith the English ianeuage. Mr. and Mrs. AViegel avere the parents of tavelve children who greav to years of maturity, eight sons and four daughters, six of avhom avere born in Germany. All avere married and had families of their own, and nine of the num ber still survive. The father of this family died at the home of a younger daughter in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and the mother died December 4, 1901, in her eighty-ninth year. Louis Wiegel, the third child in his father's family, received but limited school privileges in his native land, and at the early age of eleven years he began work in the coal mines. He remained under the parental roof until sixteen years of age, avhen he again entered the coal mines, and from that time until his majority he gave his father the benefit of hu earnings. During the Civil avar he floated government coal down the Ohio river and in the summer of 1864 he enlisted for service in the Fifteenth Penn sylvania Cavalry and served one year. He was at Chattanooga, Nashville and in the march- from Atlanta to the sea, and his reg iment AA'as almost constantly on the move. He avas married when twenty-two years of age, in the fall of 1858, to Caroline Balt- housen, a native of Germany. This union avas severed by the hand of death on the 30th of October, 1868, avhen the avife was called to the home beyond, her death oc curring in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, She left three of her six children, namely : Louise, the wife of Samuel Ivel, of Pennsyl vania, and they have five living children ; AVilliam, who is engaged in farming in Cas tleton, Reno, county, and has eight children ; ' and Caroline D., avho is still at home. Af ter the death of his wife and mother the father was again married, his second union being with Miss Jane Taylor, also a native of the Keystone state and a daughter of John and Catherine (Bluebaker) Taylor. The father was killed on a railroad in 1900, at the of seventy-six years, and his avidoav still survives him, residing avith one of her sons. This avorthy couple were the parents of seven children, but one son is now de ceased. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Wiegel has been blessed with five children, as fol lows : Edwin, a resident of Dallas, Texas, and the father of one son; Katie, wife of Philip Elliott, who resides east of Nicker son, and they have three children; John, who is serving as a soldier in the Philippine Islands ; Anna, the wife of George Leonard, a successful physician of Hutchinson; and Emma May, a winsome little lady of eleven years. The son, John, is a member of the Fourth United States Cavalry, stationed in the Philippines, and has participated in many fights and skirmishes, the principal one being at the bridge, avhen General Laav- ton avas killed. 2Q6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Mr. Wiegel carried on his mining oper ations in Pennsylvania until 1878, when he came from Allegheny count)', that state, to Kansas. He took up his abode in Hutchin son, Reno county, and the first aveek after his arrival here erected a little board shanty, sixteen by sixteen feet, avhich noav forms the kitchen of his present residence. His first purchase of land consisted of eighty acres, for avhich he paid three hundred dol lars, and after the first year had passed he added another eighty acres to the tract, pay ing four hundred dollars for the last pur chase. Lie avent in debt for that amount. Up to- this time he had had no experience avhat ever in farming, but by avatching his neigh bors and by industry and capable manage ment he mastered the avork of the farm in all its departments and soon succeeded in paying off all his indebtedness. Mr. Wie gel began life in Kansas with but little capi tal, but he has battled energetically and earnestly, and by indomitable courage and integrity has achieved both character and affluence. His first team was a yoke of oxen, and he has many times walked to and from. Hutchinson, a distance of eleven miles. In the struggle for existence he has been no bly' assisted by his loving avife, who has shared with him the joys and sorrows, the adversity and prosperity of life. She has also avalked to Hutchinson and back avith her basket of egps many times, and has also avalked to Nickerson, a distance of five miles. By their united efforts they have succeeded in avinning a competence avhich noav numbers them among the leading and substantial citizens of Reno county. During the past five years. Air. Wiegel has lived re tired from active business life, owing to ill health, and in their pleasant and comforta ble home he and his avife are enjoying the fruits of their former toil. Of the Lutheran church both are active and worthy mem bers. His political support is: given the De mocracy, and although he keeps .well in formed on the issues and questions of the day he has never aspired to political prefer ment, although for eight years he served as a member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in him a wann friend. JACOB JOHNSON. Air. Johnson has a remarkable record, and through the study of his life history one may learn valuable lessons. The spirit of self-help is the source of all genuine worth in an individual and is the means of bring ing to him success when he has no advan tages of wealth or influence to aid him. He illustrates in no uncertain manner what it is possible to- accomplish when perseverance and determination' form the keynote to a man's life. Depending upon his own re sources and looking for no outside aid or support, he has risen from comparative ob scurity to a place of prominence in agricul tural circles. Air. Johnson was born in Rock Island county, Illinois, July 20, 1842. His father, Aloses Johnson, was born in Trenton, Neav Jersey, on the 15 th of May, 1801. The fam ily is of German lineage, and in that coun try the grandfather of our subject first opened his eyes (to the light of day. He it avas who founded the family on Ameri can soil. His son, Moses, having arrived at years of maturity, married Catherine Woods, who Avas born in Savitzerland, in 181 1, and when seven years of age crossed the Atlantic on a sailing vessel to Phila delphia. Her mother died on the voyage and her father died in Pennsylvania within tavo weeks after their arrival. Thus trie three children, tavo daughters and a son, avere left orphans. Airs. Johnson was the youngest. She was bound out and therefore she had no educational prialleges and very little advantages in other directions. At the age of nineteen she gave her hand in mar riage in Galena, Illinois, to Aloses John son, and they took up their abode in Rock Island county. The father served in the Black Hawk war. He was a shoemaker by trade and in later years carried on agricul tural pursuits on his farm of eighty acres. Eleven children were born unto this worthy couple, of whom they reared six sons, and tavo daughters : 'Alexander, who died in Knox county, Illinois, at the age of fifty- one years, leaving a wife, one son and one daughter; D. AV., a retired farmer now liv- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 297 ing in BarstOAv, Illinois ; E. N., a stockman of Montana, avIio- has a, wife and one son; Mary Ann, the avife of Ephraim Lambert, residing in Shannon county, Iowa, by whom she has a son and two daughters; Jacob, of this review; Ebenezer, who is living in Montana and has one daughter; George H., who resides on the old family homestead in Illinois and has two sons and three daughters; and Cather ine, the wife of John Sharp, of Reno coun ty, Kansas,, by whom she bas'two sons, and, one daughter. The father of this family died in Rock Island county, Illinois, Marcb 18, 1871, and the mother, remaining true to his memory, lived a widow for twenty- dght years. Her death occurred in Mon tana, where she was taken in the hope that her health might be benefited. She passed away January 20, 1899, at the ripe old age of dghty-seven years. Jacob Johnson was reared upon a farm and early became familiar with the work necessary to its cultivation and im provement. He was thus engaged until his enlistment for service in the Civil war, in April, 1861, as a member of Company H, Twelfth Illinois Infantry. The call was for three months' troops, and on the expiration of his term of service, in July, 1861, he re- enlisted as a member of Company H, Fifty- first Illinois Infantry, with which he served as a private until September 26, 1862. He ' then enlisted in Company K, of the Fourth United States Cavalry, and served for three years. He received but two slight wounds, although he was in thirty-five battles .and his comrades fell on every side. At Love- joy Station, Georgia, his regiment had a hard fight, seventeen men from his company having been lost, and although his horse was shot under him and he was obliged thereafter to go on foot, he was not in jured. At the battle of Stone River seven of the boys in blue who stood near him were killed. He now receives a small pen sion of twelve dollars a month as a com pensation for his services and the ill health engendered. In the year 1870 Mr. Johnson' married Miss Eliza F. Wesley, of Rock Island coun- 19 ty, Illinois, born in 1848. Her parenlts, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wesley, are both now de ceased. The father AVas a carpenter and skilled mechanic. He died in the '70s and his wife pased .away six years later. They left two sons and five daughters. Leaving Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to Rice county, Kansas, in August, 1871, and secured a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, to: which our subject has added as opportunity came !to him, making judi cious investments. He now has nearly seven hundred and twenty acres in one body. He grows wheat, having from one hundred to three hundred acres planted to that crop, harvesting from four to five thousand bush els each year. He has- two hundred acres in corn and has raised as high as from five to six thousand bushels annually. He also raises stock, making a specialty of Hereford cattle and he has. some fine thoroughbred animals. He keqjs on .hand from fifty to one hundred and fifty head, which he feeds and ships, and in both departments of his business he is meeting with good success. The home of Mr. and Airs. Johnson has been blessed avith four sons and four daugh ters, and six of the family are yet living: Alice, the first born, became the wife of J. F. Willie, and died at the age of twenty- twoi years, lea-vine two' sons ; George D., the second child, is at home; Mary Eliza is the wife of Ernest McCracken, a farmer of this vicinity, by whom she has one son ; Ida May is at home; Frank Jacob is a substan tial farmer of the community; Clyde died at the age of seventeen years, in 1898; Phil Sheridan and Rosa Hazel, aged, respective ly, sixteen and twelve years, are AA'ith their parents. Mr. Johnson exercises his voting privileges in support of the men and meas ures of the Republican, party and has served as a member of the school board, but has never sought public office. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and his wife is a member of the Christian church. His is a creditable record and the salient features of his career has- been unflagging industry, which has enabled him to over come all obstacles and avork his avay steadily upward to success. 298 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. M. E. ALLISON. One of the men of note in central Kan sas is M. E. Allison, of Hutchinson, avho for many years avas a most prominent factor in business circles in this portion of the state, his extensive interests bringing to him a handsome financial return. He also, gained more than a national reputation as the pro prietor of the finest greyhound kennel in the world. Ill health, hoavever, caused his re tirement from active life, and be is noaa1 quietly living in his beautiful home in Hutchinson. On account of the active part Avhich he has taken in advancing the prog ress of Kansas through the establishment of important business concerns, his life history can not fail to prOve of wide-spread interest. Mr. Allison avas born in Nicholas coun ty. Kentucky, near Blue Lick Springs, in 1 84 1. His father, J. T. Allison, also a na tive of Kentucky, avas born about the year 181 o and avas of Scotch-Irish descent. Be fore leaving* his native state he married Catherine M. Mains, avho avas of Pennsyl vania-German lineage. In Kentucky he owned and conducted a large farm of three hundred and. twenty acres, carrying on ag ricultural and horticultural pursuits and stock raising. He also operated a large saAv- mill and manufactured lumber on quite an extensive scale for the local trade. In pub lic affairs in Kentucky he was prominent and influential and by all avho knew him avas held in high regard. In 1852, however, he sold his farm in that state and with is fam ily removed to- Rush county, Indiana, avhere be purchased land, continuing its cultiva tion for three years, avhen he disposed of the property and avent to Decatur county, that state, settling near Greensboro. There he purchased a half section of land and engaged in the tilling of the soil for five years, erect ing substantial buildings and making many excellent improvements on the place. At length he traded this for tavo or three thou sand acres of land in AVhite county, In diana, and in Gentry and Harrison counties, Alissouri. He lived in White county for about tavelve years, folloaving farming throughout the time, and improving his place Avith good buildings and modern ac cessories. On the expiration of the period he removed to Andrew county, Alissouri, and spent his remaining days upon one of his farms there. His avife had passed aavay several years previous, avhile they avere liv ing in AA'hite county, Indiana, her death oc curring avhen she avas fifty-four years of age. In politics he avas a Democrat and avas a consistent member of the Methodist church. This avorthy couple avere the par ents of tavelve children, of avhom our sub ject, avas the fifth in order of birth. Eight of the number are still living, namely : N. T., a resident farmer of AAliite county, In diana ; John, a farmer of Council Grove, Kansas ; Alary, the avife of Isaac Snap, an agriculturist of Andrew county, Alissouri; Fannie, aaho married AA'. D. McKee, avho is bookkeeper for D. J. Fair, a lumberman of Sterling, Kansas ; Rosalie, avife of John Broavn, a farmer of South Dakota; Emma, avife of AA'illiam Barber, chief clerk in the Pullman office in Chicago, Illinois ; Charles, avho is in the restaurant business in Pekin, Illinois; and AI. E., of this revieav. Those avho' have passed aavay are AA'atson, avho avas a soldier in the Thirty-third Indiana In fantry during the Civil avar, and died in the hospital ; James ; Reuben and Sallie. AI. E. Allison spent the first eleven years of his life in Kentucky and then accompa nied his parents to- Indiana. He acquired his education in the schools of the tavo states and at the age of eighteen entered the Col lege of Indiana, avhere he remained for about a year, avhen the avar of the Rebellion avas inaugurated and the school avas broken up by the enlistments of the students. He then entered AYabash College, at Craav- fordsville, Indiana, avhere he continued his studies for a year, after avhich he matricu lated in a college situated on the old Tippe canoe battle ground. At that place he con tinued his studies for tavo years, and from there he avent to Indianapolis, Indiana, avhere he entered commercial college and completed the course. About this time his father traded one of his farms in AA'hite countv for a store and stock of general merchandise in Rey- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 299 nolds, Indiana, and AI. E. Allison took charge, conducting the business at that point for a avhile, after avhich he removed the stock to Fairbury, Livingston county, Illinois, avhere he carried on business for five years. He then sold out and removed to Rosendale, Andrew county, Alissouri, where he engaged in the drug business for a year. He next avent to Bolckow, in the same coun ty, and engaged in the same line of business, conducting the enterprise for three years. In the spring of 1875 he avent avest as far as Colorado, seeking a better location for his business and being much pleased avith the prospect at Hutchinson he resolved to: iden tify his interests avith the toavn and pur chased a stock of drugs here. Lie then re turned to Bolckoav, sold his store there and avith his family returned to. Hutchinson, avhere he engaged in the drag, business alone for a year. On the expiration of that period he admitted a partner and established a grocery department, the business being car ried on under the firm, style of Allison & Devier. After about four or five years the firm sold out, but again entered the commer cial field under the name of the Allison-De aler Mercantile Company, as proprietors of a drug and avholesale grocery house, busi ness being carried on much more extensively than it had previously been. In fact an enormous trade was built up and brought to the partners a splendid financial return. In the meantime Mr. Allison became a part ner in the milling business of AA'est, Allison & Company, which was also a very profita ble investment. The business of the firm caused a large annual output and the sales increased continuously OAving to the excel lence of the product and the reliable business methods of the house. In 1892, hoavever, he sold out and previous to this time he had disposed of his drug and grocery business. He then became traveling salesman for the Neavton Milling & Elevator Company and also for the Halstead Milling & Elevator Company, representing these firms in both the east and the west. After a time his son, Burton, became associated avith him in the business and had charge of the western territory, avhile Mr. Allison traveled in the east!. He was thus engaged until about 1898, avhen he became disabled from rheumatism and avas obliged to retire. Since that time he has also- become blind, and al though he has had two operations 'per formed On his eyes, they have proved in effectual. Llis rheumatism, too, has groavn worse, so that he is now unable toi avalk. Mr. Allison was married April 18, 1865, in Reynolds, Indiana, to Alartha Firth, a daughter' of Samuel Firth, of Rey nolds. The lady avas a native of Rochester, New York, avhile her parents avere natives of England. Her father was very avealthy and oavnecl the greater part of the toavn of Reynolds. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Allison avere born eight children : Burton, who- is mar ried and resides in Hutchinson; Harry F., also of Hutchinson, who is married and is a conductor on the Southern Texas railroad ; W. G., a barber of this city; Lena, the avife of Clif Chappel, a carpenter of Hutchinson; Flora F., Mabel, Quincy and Babe, avho are still at home. The mother died October 23, 1886. They have a very beautiful residence in Hutchinson, of avhich Burton Allison took possession in 1900. In connection avith his other business interests Mr. Allison invested in city and farming property and had some valuable real estate. He was formerly a great hun ter and lover of the chase and also a avell known dog fancier. Beginning in the year 1883 with the magnificent full-blooded Eng lish greyhounds, Sandy Jim: and Reno Belle, he established a kennel which in time became famous throughout this country and its fame also spread to England, the pictures of Sandy Jim and Reno Belle even appear- ing in London papers. Mr. Allison started his kennel entirely for his own benefit, but there Avas such a strong demand for his dogs that he could not refuse to supply his friends and in time his stock became scattered not only over Kansas but through the far avest as avell. These dogs he bred simply for the chase of large game — antelope, deer and wolves, and it is doubtful whether as per fect specimens of these animals could have been found anywhere in the avorld as Mr. .Allison once oavnecl. No antelope or deer 300 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. avas so savift but avhat the dugs could pull it doavn and no avolf so fierce but avhat they could conquer him. Accounts of many of Air. Allison's big hunting trips haye been published throughout the length and breadth of the land, appearing in such periodicals as Outing, American Field and Forest and Stream. For the last two years Air. Alli son has written many interesting- articles. The editor of the Forest and Stream became so- much interested in Air. Allison's hounds that he sent tavo representatives to Hutchinson to go avith Mr. Allison on a hunting" trip in the Indian Territory for Avolves, deer and antelope, and they spent tavo months there avith the hounds. Tliese gentlemen, Mr. Ricker, a sketch artist and Mr. Hough, a writer, prepared a most in teresting history of this great hunt and it appeared in a long serial in the Forest and Stream, edited bv Mr. Loave. Mr. Allison has the proud distinction of being the first man to- organize a coursing club in America, and at Great Bend, Kansas, the first meet occurred. He afterward es tablished a coursing park in Hutchinson, stocking it avith jack rabbits, and the fame of this locality became so great on account of its coursing hounds that people came from all over the United States and England to. enter their hounds or to- see Air. Allison's kennel, for at that time he had the reputa tion of producing the finest greyhounds in the avorld. Among the number of distin guished dog fanciers avho sent their repre sentatives with hounds to' enter the coursing in Air. Allison's park was August Belmont. For five years Air. Allison Avas actively con nected Avith the coursing club, at which time its headquarters avere removed to South Da kota. After being in the business of breed ing fine hounds for about taventy years Mr. Allison finally sold his kennel to- Air. Hig gins, a ranchman of northern Montana. One of Air. Allison's famous hunts is graphically described in that interesting volume called Big Game in America. Socially Mt. Allison has been a Mason for many years, haaing taken the degree in Reno Lodge, No. 140, F. & A. M., and Reno Chapter, No. 34, R. A. M. He also became a charter member of the Wood men's Camp. In politics he is a, Democrat on questions of .state and national import ance, but at local elections votes independ ently, supporting the men whom he thinks best qualified for office. He takes an ac tive interest in both local and national poli tics, although he has never sought or de sired office. His life has been an active, busy and useful one and his career has gained for him avarm regard and respect by reason of his genuine worth. BURTON ALLISON. Burton Allison avas born in Fairbury, Illinois, January 16, 1866, and is a son of M. E. Allison, avhose sketch is given above. AA'hen a lad of only nine summers he ac companied his parents to the Sunfloaver state and in- the schools of Hutchinson pursued his education,' although his privileges avere somewhat limited, for at that early day the school system of the city had not reached its present high standard. In his early man hood he engaged in buying and selling city property and to a greater or less extent has continued to deal in real estate. In 1893 he formed his present business relations, that of traveling representative for the Halstead Alilling & Elevator Company and the Neavton Alilling & Elevator Company, and has since represented those houses throughout the avestern portion of Kansas and through the states of Colorado, Neav Alexico. .Arizona and California. Lie is the only representative of the tavo companies in this vast field. On the 30th of April, 1896, Mr. Allison avas united in marriage to Miss Stella M. Barclay, a native of Hutchinson and a daughter of George B. Barclay. Both her parents were natives of Pennsylvania. Unto Air. and Airs. Allison have been, born two children, Corinne, born November 16, 1897, and Gretchen, born July 24,* 1899. Mr- A1" hson is a supporter of Democratic princi ples when state and national issues are in voked, but at local elections, avhere the fit- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 301 ness of the ccandidate depends upon his abil ity to discharge the business of town or county, he does not consider himself bound by party ties and votes independently. Fra ternally he is connected avith the Modern AA'oodmen of America and the Court of Honor. J. A. WILSON, Al. D. John A. Wilson, the local surgeon of the Santa Fe railroad at Nickerson and one of the leading practitioners of the city, was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, August 15, 185 1. Llis paternal grandfather, Gibson Wilson, was a; native of Beaver county, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in farming during his entire life and died, after hav ing reared four sons and two daughters, all now deceased. One of his sons, James Wil son, was the father of the subject of this sketch, and was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in October, 1812. He married Miss Mary Hutchinson, of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Asa and Re becca (Battles) ' Hutchinson, avho lived in Niles, Ohio-, avhere he carried on merchan dising. They were the parents of five sons and three daughters, Avho grew to years of maturity, and one daughter and two sons are still living. The grandparents spent their entire lives in Pennsylvania and died at a ripe old age. The parents of our sub ject Avere married in Pennsylvania about 1835 and settled in the woods in Trumbull county, Ohio, where they reared their five children: William, a teacher who died un married at the age of taventy-four years; James, a farmer and fruit grower of Trum bull county, Ohio, avho has two sons; George, who died in Ohio in 1868, leaving one daughter; Mary, who makes her home with her brother_in Ohio; and John A. The father of this family died in Ohio in 1899 at the age of seventy-seven years. John A. Wilson, whose name introduces this review, was reared to farm life, early becoming familiar with all the duties that usually fall to the lot of farmer lads. In the summer months he assisted in the work of the fields, plowing, planting, sowing, cul tivating and harvesting the crops, and in the winter season he attended tbe district schools and the academy. AVhen he had completed his literary education he chose the practice of medicine as his life work and accordingly he began to read medicine in 1877 with Dr. Henry Parish, in Decatur, Iowa, remaining with him three years. He then studied in the medical department of the University of Wooster at Cleveland, Ohio, and Avas graduated at the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, on the 29th of June, 1 881. In September of the same year he began practice at Lucas, Iowa, avhere he remained until June, 1887, Avhen he Avent to Nickerson, Kansas, and opened an office and, although there were already four physicians there, he has since been the leading physician of the city. Dr. Wilson has been twice married, his first union being avith Elizabeth Earl, of Decatur, avhere they Avere married on the 24th of May, 1882. She avas the daughter of Daniel and Hannah Earl, and after a happy married life of ten years, she died at her home in Nickerson, Kansas, on the 16th of August, 1892, at the age of thirty-three years, leaving one daughter, Alabel, iioav sev enteen years of age, and attending college. The Doctor avas again married January 24, 1896, to Miss Emma Sain, of Nickerson, a daughter of Noah and Jane (AA'ilson) Sain, both now deceased. Sbe has one sister and four brothers living, namely : George, a former employe of the Santa Fe railroad, noav living in Nickerson, Kansas; AVilliam, banker and hardware dealer of Neosho Falls, Kansas; Jo,hn, a druggist in San Francisco, California; Benjamin, avho avent west to Washington; and Addie, avife of Henry Williams, a foreman in the railroad shops at Elmoro, Colorado. Mrs. Wilson was reared on a farm in Bureau county, Illinois, and avas educated in the district and high schools. In 1882 she left her home in Illinois and started avest- ward, locating for a time in Larned, Kan sas, then in Orleans, Nebraska, and Neosho Falls, Kansas. In 1885 she spent a short time with her brother, George Sain, in 302 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Nickei son, Kansas, and in 1899 she filed a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres in Gove county, Kansas, avhich she still owns. She avas assistant postmistress in Nickerson for seven years under E. AA' Elliott and with J. AA'. Claypool. She has great artistic talent and studied art avith Airs. Lillian Hurd, under avhose instruc tion she has painted some very beautiful pic tures. She is devoted to her art' and among the avorks of her brush are a picture of Joe, a beautiful and sagacious Scotch collie dog and a former pet of hers, avho though dead seems ready to' speak from the canvas, so life-like is tbe picture; one entitled The Set ting Sun, a fine landscape scene avith an In dian and his jaded pony in the foreground ; another unique painting is done in raised avork that seems like a fine carving, a lone stork being the central figure ; and the avails of her home are hung avith many fine spec imens of her art in oil, pastel, etc. AVhile upon the farm, she learned to love animals and she noav has a beautiful pet horse and raises many fine varieties of poultry, though their beautiful home is in the business cen ter. It is one of the prettiest places in the city aiid the family are noted for their hos pitality, as they haare a very avide circle of friends and acquaintances. Dr. AVilson is a Knight Templar Alason and is also' identified avith the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. As a loyal citizen he exercises, his right of franchise in support of those aa'liom he deems best fitted for the offices for aahich they are nominated, but has never sought or desired political office or preferment for himself, preferring to cle- aute his time and energies to his profession, in avhich he is very much interested and keeps in touch avith the most1 advanced thought and discoveries in. the medical sci ence by reading the best medical journals of the days. He is very skillful as a sur geon and physician and has a vera' large and lucrative practice among the avealthy and cultured classes of society, yet is ever ready to respond to the call of the poor and needy avho' need his professional sera-ices, as he is very kind-hearted and sympathetic. The late President Garfield avas a frequent visitor at the home of the Doctor's parent's and he often dandled the Doctor on his knee and put on his stockings and shoes many times avhen he avas a little tow-headed toddler. He settled in his present beauti ful residence in 1895 and, having accumu lated a handsome competence, he surrounds his family aaith all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. He, like his wife, is very fond of a fine horse and uses three in making his professional visits. He is also raising some aery fine horses of high grade. The Doctor is very avidely knoavn through out the community not only as a fine physi cian but as a genial and courteous gentle man1 of unquestioned integrity and sterling avorth and has the confidence, respect and high regard of all avith avhom he comes in contact in public and private life. EDWARD KLOSE. "AVe build the ladder by avhich ave rise" is a truth avhich is certainh- applicable to EdAvard Klose. He is a type of the pro gressive spirit of the age, a spirit avhich* has gh'en America pre-eminence along its va rious business lines ; and the undaunted en terprise, indomitable perseverance and reso lute purpose avhich have characterized him have been the means of raising him from a position of comparative obscurity to one of affluence. A native of the Buckeye state Ah*. Klose avas born in Seneca county, on the 22d of December, 1855. His paternal grand father, David Klose, avas a native of Ger many, and, accompanied by his avife and chil dren, left bis little home across the sea and sailed for the neav avorld, the year of his arrival being 1784. Their family consisted of six children, four sons and tavo daugh ters. This avortha- couple now lie buried near Three Rivers, Alichigan. Ephraim Klose, the father of our subject, was born in Aiarion county, Pennsylvania, in 1817, and his death occurred in Ohio in 1889. Llis AvidoAv still resides at the old home there, avhere they located in the fall of 1885, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 303 and she has noav reached the ripe old age of eighty-tavo years. She is the mother of eleven children, Of avhom eight are now liv ing: Robert, avho died in Ohio, in August, 1896, at the age pf fifty-tavo- years, leav ing' one daughter; Daniel avho also- died there, a the age of tavo years ; Christina, avife of Conrad Hensinger, and resides near the old home; Elizabeth, avife of Anthony Harpster, also of Ohio ;. Amelia, avife of Alartin Loose; -George G., a real estate- dealer of Peabody, Kansas, and he has two sons and tavo daughters by his first mar riage and one son by' his present avife; Jo seph, avho resides avith his mother on one of her tavo farms; Edward, the subject of this revieav: and Eli D., who resides near the old home and has tAvo daughters. Edavard Klcse received a common school education in the state of his nativity. He started out upon his business career at the early age of sixteen years, and for tavo years avorked by the month, giving his father the benefit of his avages. In 1877 he came 'from the Buckeye state to Kansas, settling tavo and a half miles north of Sterling, on one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land, for avhich he paid seven hundred and seven- five dollars in cash. He avas engaged in agricultural pursuits there for six years, keeping bachelor's hall, and during that time he placed his fields under a fine state of cul tivation, making his farm one of the best in the locality. He first avorked only one team of horses on his place, but later tavo and three teams avere needed to do the avork. His principal crop avas corn, grow ing from j-avo to six thousand bushels of that cereal, and he also raised avheat to some ex tent. His first crop avas ruined by 'the hail, but since then his annual sales of that com modity have reached as high as three thou sand dollars. In 1897 he left his farm and came tc Nickerson, aaliere he embarked in the real estate business. For the first two years he avas a member of the firm of Klose & Dushane, but during the past two years he has been alone in business. Lie deals principally in farming property, and his ef forts in the line of his chosen vocation have added not alone to his individual prosperity but have also been of material benefit to Nickerson and the surrounding country. On the 23d of September, 1883, oc curred the marriage of Mr. Klose and Miss Susan B. Leslie, a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of Samuel Leslie, who came from that state to Kansas in 1882. He died at the home of his daughter in Rice county, July 9, 1900, at the age of eighty- one years, leaving six of his seven children. His first avife died in Kentucky. The home of Mr. and Airs. Klose is brightened by the presence of one daughter, Christine, a young lady of sixteen years and a graduate of the Nickerson high school. Air. Klose exercises his right of ranchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, and in his social relations he is a member of the Alodern Woodmen. His life has been char acterized by energy, perseverance and hard avork, and to these principles his success is due. Depending upon his oavn resources, looking* for no- outside aid or support, he has risen from comparative obscurity to a place of prominence in the business avorld. JAMES V. MOON. James V. Moon, avho is proniinuitly identified avith the building, interests of Nickerson, avas born in Clinton county, Ohio, on the .14th of February, 1831. His paternal grandfather, AA'illiam Moon, avas a native of Tennesse, born in 1766, and avas a member of a Quaker family from great-grandfather came England. The from England to South Carolina, aftenvard removing to Tennessee, and he and his son and grandson avere gunsmiths and farmers. Our subject also had four uncles avho avere gunsmiths. AVilliam Aloon avas tavice mar ried, but his first avife' s name is not knoavn, and his second union avas avith a Aliss Hock- ett. His death occurred in Clinton county, Ohio, in 1850, at the age of eighty-eight years. James Aloon, the father of our sub ject, avas born in Tennessee, in 1801, and his death occurred in Riley county, Kansas, in November or December of 1882. He 304 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. was married in Ohio to Miss Sarah Clark, a native of Pennsylvania, but avhen a child she was taken by her parents to the Buck eye state. She avas nineteen years of age at the time of her marriage. One of her three brothers avas killed in the Civil avar, and her father is thought to have been killed by the Indians when she was seven years of age. Unto James and Sarah Moon avere born sixteen children, eight sons and eight daughters, fourteen of avhom greav to years of maturity, eight sons and six daughters. All of the sons are noav liv ing avith the exception of one, and the seven avere soldiers in the Civil war, one of avhom, Daniel, avas avounded and was incarcerated in a rebel prison. Five of the number served in Ohio regiments, and one avas a member of the Eleventh Kansas. James V. Moon, avhose name forms the caption of this article, '.emained on a farm until eighteen years of age, when he ap prenticed himself to learn the millwright's trade, but he aftenvard became a saayyer and miller. In 1856 he began railroading on the Marietta & Cincinnati railroad, en tering the service as a brakeman, but by* his close application to business, his effi ciency and trustAvorthiness he avas success ively promoted to the positions of engineer, conductor and yard master. On the 22d of August, 1850, he avas united in marriage avith Tabitha Stambrough, and they became the parents of eight children, but one daugh ter, Jessie Alabel, died at the age of eleven years. Those living are : Nancy Cora, widoav of James J. Clough of Ioava, and who has eight children; Hannah Ann, widoav of Benjamin Cole and the mother of sea-en children; Frank O., avho is living m Nickerson and has six living children ; Mary A., the avife of James AL Vickers, of Texas; Joseph H., a resident of Sterling, and he has five children; Clara R., the avife of E. G. Birdsey, of Barton county, Kan sas, and they have four children, and Airs. Linnetta Carter, avho resides near Nicker son and has one child. The mother of this family avas called to her final rest in April, 1890, and the father avas afteravard married to a avidow Fox, aaho died in 1895. On the 26th of June, 1897, Mr. Moon was a third time married, Mrs. Alary A. Wyatt becoming his wife. In the year 1873 Mr. Moon came to Aledford toavnship, Reno county, where he was the first settler, and his daughter was the first child born here. During the many years avhich have come and gone since he took up his abode in this locality he has participated in and assisted the slow, per sistent avork' of development which was necessary to produce the wonderful change avhich has taken place here. As a carpenter and builder he is widely and favorably knoavn in Nickerson and the surrounding country and many of the finest buildings stand as monuments to his skill and ability. His political support is given the Republi can party, and during the troublous times of the Civil avar he spent five months in the service of his country, being a member of the Twenty-fourth AVisconsin Infantry. He now maintains pleasant relations avith his old army comrades by his membership in the Grand Army of the Republic, in avhich he served as chaplain for five years. His re ligious preference is indicated by his mem bership in the Alethodist Episcopal church. WILLIAM T. CANNON. Prominently identified with the indus trial activities of Kingman county foi a long term of years, one avho has left a distinct impress upon the public life of the county and state and has been a poaver for good in the community, Mr. Cannon must be ac corded no indefinite recognition ih a avork of this nature, for failure to re-ert to the more salient points in his honorable and use ful life avould augur, in a prima-facie avay, that the compilation had not met the de mands avhich called it forth. Our subject ably represented his county in the state leg islature, has ever maintained the deepest in terest in all that touches the public avelfare and has labored vigorously to foravard the same and protect it. avhile he is knoavn as one of the leading farmers and stock-grow- WILLIAM T. CANNON. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 305 ers of the county and as a man of indubit able probity in all the relations of life. This brief review of his career can not fail to proA*e of interest to his many friends, and those who know of, his sterling caracter. In Brown county, Illinois, on the 9th of March, 1854, William T. Cannon Avas born, being one of the eight children of Levi T. and Sarah (Kirkpatrick) Cannon, natives respectively of Delaware and Ohio. The family name of our subject has been long and prominently identified with, the annals of DelaAvare, where occurred the birth of Minas Cannon, grandfather of our subject, and also that of his great-grandfather, so that it is evident that the family is of old colonial stock. The Kirkpatrick family is of Scotch-Irish derivation, and representa tives of the name were numbered among the pioneers of Pickaway county, Ohio. As a young man Levi T. Cannon accompanied his parents on their removal from. Delaware to Ohio, where his marriage was eventually solemnized. In 1847 be removed to Brown county, Illinois, where he accumulated a large landed estate and became one of the representative citizens of the locality. He was- the owner of about five hundred acres of land, in Brown and Adams counties, and was a successful- farmer and stock-groaver. In his political adherency he has been identi fied with the Republican party from the time of its organization and has been an ardent advocate of its principles, while during the crucial epoch which culminated in the Civil war be was an uncompromising abolition ist. In 1887 he removed from Illinois to Cunningham, Kansas, where he remained until the death of his cherished and devoted wife, who passed away in May, 1901, at the age of eighty-one years, and since that time the venerable gentleman has resided in the ¦ home of his son, the subject of this review. Levi T. and Sarah (Kirkpatrick) Cannon became the parents of eight children, of whom1 two died in infancy, — James M. and Luther. Of the others we incorporate the following brief record: Abraham W. is a farmer of Hancock county, Illinois; Milby S. is likewise a resident ' of Bowen, that county; Mary J. is the Avife of David Kemp, of the same town, where also resides James AL (2d) ; the next in order is William T., the immediate subject of thisi sketch; and Joseph, avho came to Kansas in 1884, in company avith our subject, avas avell knoavn in Kingman county, having been station agent at Calista for several years, but he re turned to Illinois in 1890 and now resides in Bowen. That invigorating discipline which at taches^ to the avholesome life of the farm came as the portion of William T. Cannon in his boyhood days, and it is gratifying to note that be has never faltered in his alle giance to the great basic art of agriculture. In the public schools in 'the vicinity of the old homestead in Brown county, Illinois, he laid adequate foundation for the broad gen eral education avhich has come to him through, avide reading and active association with men and affairs. Mr. Cannon remained at the parental home until the spring of 1884, when, in company avith his, brother Joseph, he came to Kingman county, Kansas, and pre-empted a claim on section 13, Rural toavnship, improving the place and there continuing to reside until November, 1894, avhen he removed1 to his present fine home stead, which he had purcbased in 1887, the same comprising a half section of excellent land, on sections 13 and 24, avhile the entire tract under his control reaches the notable aggregate of eight hundred acres. Air. Can non has devoted his attention to' agriculture and to the raising of and dealing in live stock on an extensive scale, his operations in the latter lines having had important in fluence on the industrial development of this section of the state. In 1887 he shipped to Calista the first car of hogs to be unloaded at the Wichita stock yards. He is conceded to be one of the best judges of stock in the county and is known as one of the state's progressive and public-spirited men. A man of marked individuality and strong convictions, Air. Cannon proves a stahvart supporter of any cause which he es pouses, and thus he has been a distinct fac tor in the political affairs of the county and 306 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. state, giving an unequivocal allegiance to the Republican party and the principles for avhich is stands sponsor. Lie avas one of the organizers of the party contingent in Rural township and has been from the start an active aa'orker in the cause. In 1884 he a\as chosen as a member of tbe county central committee of his party, and served , in this capacity for a decade thereafter. In 1886 he avas elected chairman of the committee, and he has been called upon to act as dele-* gate to. the state conventions and the vari ous congressional and senatorial conaen- tion**, — in fact, since he attained his legal majority he has attended every congressional convention of his district save on one occa sion. He is a, man avhose life and character mark him as one avorthy of unqualified con fidence and esteem, and the public have not failed to accord this in due measure. In 1887 Air. Camion avas elected to. the office of county commissioner of Kingman coun ty and served in this capacity for a period of three years. Higher political honors avere in store for him, and in 1894 he was the nominee of his party for representative of his county in the legislature of the state, rendering able and effective service and making a record: avhich reflected much credit upon him and the constituency avhich gave to him the preferment. He avas renominated in 1898 and avas defeated by only three votes, the normal Republican! majority in the county being greatly reduced on this oc casion, — in fact to a decidedi minority, — by reason of the Populist movement avhich savept the state. Air. Cannon rendered sig nal senices to his county during bis term in the legislature, especially in securing the passage of the act legalizing the removal of the courthouse outside tbe original site in the city of Kingman. During his term as a member of the hoard of county-' commission ers the condition of the affairs of Kingman county improved until its script rose in value from eighty-five cents to par. Ah*. Cannon has ever maintained a lively interest in edu cational affairs, having seraed on the school boards of districts Xos. 05 and 2^, avhich are considered the most progressive in the county. He has taken an advanced stand in this important field and has constantly used his influence in securing ably qualified instructors and in providing the best possi ble accessories for forwarding educational work, believing that cheap schools stand rep resentative of an entirely false economy. Fraternally Mr. Cannon is a Alaster Ala son, retaining membership in Kendrick Lodge, No. 430, A. F. & A. AL, at Alound, Illinois ; and he is a charter member of Cun ningham Lodge, Knights of Pythias. On the 28th of August, 1879, avas sol emnized the marriage of Air. Cannon to Miss Emma Shafer, of Alount Sterling, Broavn county, Illinois, in avhich count)- she avas born, being the daughter of Perry and Rachel (Shirley) Shafer. Air. and Airs. Camion became the parents of four sons and one daughter, their names in order of birth being as folloavs : Ralph AA'., Leroy, Shir ley, Carlos and AA'inona. All of the children are living. The family are prominent in the social life of the community and the attrac tive home is one in AA'hich the refined ameni ties are ever in distinct evidence. In conclusion Ave may avell say that Air. Cannon has ever avielded a beneficent influ ence in furthering the avelfare of his home Community, his countv and his state, avhile he is recognized as one of the leaders of the Republican party in this section. One ser vice of particular note avhich he rendered to his toavnship avas in connection avith defeat ing the ends of the proposed moa-ement to bond the toavnship for taventy thousand dol lars to aid in the construction of the AA'ichita AA'estern Railroad, this measure coining up for consideration in the year 1885. He en tered a vigorous protest against saddling' this inconsistent burden on the toavnship. op posing the measure in timely and logical articles avhich appeared in the neavspaper press of the count)', as avell as through pub-i lie speeches, and by strenuous and persistent effort the measure avas defeated, by a ma jority of taventy-three a-otes. He has been a tireless avorker in the cause of the Repub lican party, and his services as a public speaker are in requisition in the a-arious cam paigns. Lie is a man avho avins lasting friend ships, and his sturdy integrity of purpose is BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3°7 never questioned, even by those avho» oppose him' in thought or action. In this record of the representative citizens of Kingman coun ty it is signally fitting that Mr. Cannon be prominently considered, and this slight trib ute is eminently merited. JACOB HAUSCHILD. Nature has been lavish in her gifts to America. Each section of the country has been -provided with at least one rich source of income. New England* has its splendid lumber regions, Pennsylvania its coal fields, the south produces cotton, the west has its rich mineral deposits and the broad Missis sippi valley is the agricultural district of the country, and it is upon the agriculturist more than any other class of citizens that the prosperity and upbuilding of the coun try depends. Central Kansas is one of the best avheat producing portions of the entire land. Its corn crops are also, extensive and the rich pasture lands afford ample opportunity to the stock-raiser. Mr. Haus- child is among those avho are devoting their time and energies to farming, his home being in AVashington township, Rice county, upon section 13. Pie avas born in Schlesavig, Germany, near the Den mark line, June 4; 1843. His father, John Hauschild, avedded Eva Diode, and they became the parents of five sons, four of avhorn came to the neav avorld, the eldest, John, hoaa'ever, remaining in his na tive land. The others are : Hans, who died upon his farm at the age of forty-four years; J. F., an enterprising agriculturist of AA'ashington toavnship ; Jacob, of this "re vieav; and Joseph, avho- oavns about seven hundred acres of land, in this township. George Hauschild avas the first of the name to come to' America, crossing the Atlantic in the spring of 1865. In the following fall our subject made the long journey across the Atlantic and took up his abode in Alacoupin county, Illi nois, avhere he secured employment as a farm hand, avorking for seventeen dollars per month. Lie avas not only avithout cap ital when he arrived but avas indebted to his cousin for the sum of seventeen dollars. In the fall of 1869 he came to, Kansas, mak ing his avay to Topeka, and in that locality he secured farm avork, at avhich he made twenty-five dollars per month. He avas em ployed in that aa*ay until 1872, avhen he be gan the operation of his homestead farm of eighty acres, avhich he had entered from the government on the 17th of June, 1871. He is one of the pioneer settlers of AVash ington township, Rice county, and is fa miliar with the early history of this section of the state. He lived alone until 1878 and then completed his arrangements for a home by his marriage to Huldah Jenkins. avho avas born in Johnson county, Ohio. They began their domestic life in a little board cabin fourteen by sixteen feet. He owned tavo: good teams, avas energetic and determined and therefore has made a suc cess of farming. He mortgaged his home stead for seventeen hundred dollars and added this to one. hundred dollars avhich he had already saved. He then gave the entire amount for a quarter section of land. This he aftenvard traded for a half section of raav prairie land and continuously he has added to his property until his landed pos sessions now comprise four hundred and eighty acres, constituting a fine, fertile farm, avhich is under a, very high state of cultivation. It is fenced and improved avith all modern accessories. He has erected a large farm residence, substantial barns and outbuildings and has planted an orchard and shade trees. He avorks four double teams of horses and mules and four young ones. Lie raises large crops of corn and wheat, having taa-0 hundred acres planted to avheat and one hundred and forty acres to corn. Llis soil is rich and productive and for seventeen consecutive years he has raised good corn crops in the same fields, producing from taventy-five to thirty bushels per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Hauschild have nine chil dren, namely : Eva, Laura May, Anna, John, Delia, Dora, Arthur, Frederick and Jacob, and they also lost an infant. The 3o8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. father is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to. both the subordinate lodge and encampment. He votes Avith the Populist party and he and his family are connected with the Lu theran church. Coming to Kansas without capital, he began life as a. farm hand here, but is now numbered among the prosperous agriculturists, a fact avhich indicates that his life has been a busy, active and useful one. WESLEY B. HELM. While the disposition to do honor to those who have served avell their race or their nation is prevalent among all the en lightened people and is of great value every- Avhere and under all forms of government, it is particularly inappropriate to, and to be fostered in, this country, avhere no man is born to public office or to public honor, or comes to either by inheritance, but where all men are equal before the laav, avhere the race for distinction is over the road of public usefulness and is open to every one who chooses to enter, hoAvever humble and ob scure he may be, and where the advan tageous circumstances of family avealth in the vast majority of cases count for little or nothing. According to a true democratic doctrine they should never count for any thing at all. Under our system, whose very existence depends upon the virtue of the people themselves, avho are not only the source of all political poaver, but on, avhom depends the very existence of our free insti tutions, those avho- have distinguished them selves in the public service, avhether in statesmanship or in arms or in any other sphere of usefulness, should not fail of rec ognition ; and this is not only in justice to the people avho should not seem unmindful of great sacrifices or of great efforts in their behalf or of notable exhibitions of public spirit, but also in the interests of our insti tutions themselves. In honoring those avho have deserved avell of the republic the peo ple do credit to themselves and also supply a powerful stimulus to honorable ambition to incite like services of achievements or sacrifices for the public good. VA'esley B. Helm is one of the leading and influential citizens of Ellsworth coun ty, and has left the impress of his individ uality upon the legislation of the state, for during eight years he served in the senate. Lie is a farmer and stockman, residing on section n, Black Wolf toavnship, Ellsworth county. A native of the Empire sta^e, he avas born in Sullivan county, New York, October 8, 1844, and traces his ancestry back to Michael Helm, avho was a native of Holland and was one of the Knickerbockers avho settled in Neav Amsterdam in the ear liest period of development in the state of New York. He avas in the French and In dian war and was killed by the red men at Summitville, Neav York, on the old Conti nental road. The Indians cut off his hand, as in aveighing furs he used that hand as a balance weight, and they, thinking that they had not been fairly dealt avith, cut the mem ber off, but found that the furs had aveighed just as he had said. His son, Peter Helm, avas the next in line of direct descent to our subject and avas the father of Daniel Helm, the great-grandfather of Wesley B. Helm. He served in the Revolutionary- avar and several of the great-uncles of our subject were in the avar of 1812. He avas born in Sullivan county, Neav York, as was Jacob Helm, the grandfather of our subject. Rus sell G. Helm, the father, avas likewise a na tive of that locality- and engaged in farming and in the manufacture of lumber. When the country became engaged in civil avar he aided in the defense of the Union which his grandfather had helped to establish, and re cruited a portion of the One Hundred and Forty-third Neav York Infantry. The regi ment avas transferred from the Army of the Potomac to the Army of the Cumberland., but as this quota avas full he avas notified not to send any more men. He acted as lieutenant of his company, and his son, AA'esley B., was one of its members. Al though the family- has been represented in every avar in avhich the United States has been engaged, none of its members have BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 309 ever received a foot of land from the gov ernment. Russell G. Helm avas, united in mar riage to Aliss Alary Travis. Her father, Joseph Travis, avas born in Paris and after- avard avas sent to the Jesuit College, in Alontreal, Canada, but disliking the way affairs Avere conducted there he wrote to his father that he wished to return home, but his father Avould not listen to this plan and bade himi to stay, threatening to' disinherit him. Mr. Travis, however, could not en dure the open immorality there and left the school and came to the United States. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Helm was blessed avith nine children, of avhom: the subject of this rea-ieav is the eldest. All are living with tavo exceptions and are residents of Neav York and Neav Jersey. The parents also' survive, and the father has reached the age of seventy-eight years. Prior to the Civil avar he avas a stanch abolitionist and did everything in his poaver to thwart the cause of slavery. AA'esley B. Helm avas educated in the common schools and avhen seventeen years of age began teaching, folloaving that pro fession through the winter months, while in the summer season he avorked at farming. He remained at home until twenty-four years of age, after which he secured a po sition as assistant engineer on the Ontario & AA'estern Railroad, remaining in that serv ice for six and a half years. Subsequently he, Avas for five years employed as principal of the graded schools in his native toavn and on the expiration of that period resigned his position in order to come to the west. In 1878 he made his way to Ellsworth county and purchased the east half of section 11, toavnship 15, range 9. Only a small portion of the tract had been broken and no im provements had been made thereon. With characteristic energy, hoavever, he began the development of the place and broke the sod avith avild ponies and avith oxen. Lie erected a small house 'and experienced , all the hard ships and difficulties incident to founding a home in this portion of the country when central Kansas was a frontier district. During the second year after his arrival he engaged in teaching in the school one mile south of his present home, and for eight years he folloaved that profession through the avinter seasons in, this locality. His first residence was eighteen by twenty-four feet. Gradually he wrought a transformation in the affairs of his place, which has become one of the most valuable and attractive farms in this portion of the county. He has given most of his attention to the cultivation of grain and has raised wheat in the same fields for twenty-three successive years, a fact which indicates the great productive ness of Kansas soil. He has also given some attention to stock-raising and to the production of fruit, and is the owner of some valuable orchards. On the 31st of December, 1868, Air. Helm was united in marriage to Ella AI. Tice, a daughter of John N. and Huldah (Gumaer) Tice. Her mother's family were early settlers here, having comle to America with the Huguenots. Her father, Jacob Gumaer, avho avas a colonel, gave Huldah a table cloth for waiting on the table at one of the meetings, and Mrs. Helm now has that cloth, a cherished heirloom. John Tice, Jr., was a farmer by occupation and avas prominent in church work, holding- membership avith the Methodist denomina tion. His father, John Tice, Sr., avas of Holland descent. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Helm were born the following children : Clair- mont W., Avho1 is engaged in market garden ing in Leavenavorth county, Kansas ; an in fant deceased ; Annie, avIio- died at the age of five and a half years ; Mamie H., avho is engaged in teaching; John Russell, avho is studying preparatory to entering the teacher's profession; Harriet; Josephine; and Elizabeth AL Mr. Helm is prominent in Republican circles and up to 1890 there were fifty voters in the family at one time, every one of whom voted the Republican ticket. Since the date mentioned Mr. Helm, of this re view, has acted avith the Populists, believ ing that they are the true followers of the teachings of Abraham Lincoln. He has been honored with a number of public offices. He was first elected justice of the 3io BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. peace and subsequently avas toavnship treas urer. In 1892 he avas chosen to represent his district in the state senate, avhere he served for tavo terms of four years each. He gave to each question that came up for settlement his careful thought and consid eration and labored earnestly to advance the best interests of the commonavealth. He took a special interest in railroad legisla tion, in shipping interests and in the legisla tion concerning mortgages, aa'hereby eight een months' time is given for redemption. This has been the means of saving many homes to oavners avho otheravise avould have lost them. He Avas also interested in secur ing the passage of' the acts concerning the adoption of text-books in the schools, and his many years of teaching Avell qualified him for his labors in this regard. He like- Avise took a deep interest in the legislation concerning insurance, and as a result of this, many mutual insurance companies baA-e been established in the state and have proven of great value. His labors proved of great practical benefit along many lines of progress and reform. He Avas one of the organizers and is a charter member, also one of the officers, of the Kansas Alutual Hail Insurance Association AA'hich Avas estab lished at AlcPherson, and this has proven the result of his theories concerning the im mense good' that can arise from mutual in surance. In 1900 he erected his present commodious residence, avhich avas very thoroughly constructed. It avas closely sheathed avith lumber, then covered avith sheet steel, making it impervious to heat or cold. Air. Helm is likeavise a stockholder and director in the Ellsavorth Milling and Elevator Company, and his co-operation has been accorded in many business inter ests avhich have proven of public benefit and at the same time contributed to the pros perity of the stockholders. In connection with his other business affairs he is successfully and extensively engaged in the raising of pure-blooded Leghorn chickens. He is a member of the National Aid Association, and both he and his avife hold membership in the Alethodist church. A strong ada'ocate of temperance, he does all in his poaver to promote its welfare. and, happening to be in Topeka when Mrs. Carrie Nation went to give bond, he avas one of the three avho signed the bond. He has been a leading factor in the progress of his adopted county, and educational, church and social interests oave their promotion in a considerable degree to him. For many years has Ellsavorth county been his home, — years largely devoted to the public good. His path has ever been upward, both in the spiritual and temporal sense. As this re vieav shoavs, he is distinctively a self-made man, — one of nature's noblemen, and one avhom no force of circumstances could pros trate or draav into obscurity. His friends are many and on the list are numbered many of the representative men of the state. CLAUDE D. DAY. The last half of the last century avit nessed as great advance in dentistry as in any other field of human endeavor. The dentists of 1901 are as much superior to the dentists of 1850 as are the electric lights of the present day to the candles avhich avere burned in many parts of our country at that • time. One of the most up^to-date dentists in central Kansas is Claude D. Day, of Ells avorth county. Dr. Claude D. Day avas born in Frank lin, Neav York, a son of Dr. Clark and Clara (Tibbals) Day. Llis father avas a native of Neav York state and his mother was born in Connecticut. Dr. Clark Day took his family to Ellsavorth, Kansas, in 1876, and avas the first dentist there. He practiced his profession continuously until 1888, avhen he died. Dr. Clark Day was popular not only profesionally but also politically and seri ally, and tbe Democrats twice elected him mayor of the city. Dr. Claude D. Day finished his primary education in the public schools of Ellsworth, and in 1888 he entered the Dental College of IoAva, at Ioava City, avhere he avas a student one year. Lie Avas graduated from the Dental College of Kansas City, Missouri, in BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3n 1893, and immediately aftenvard entered upon the practice of his profession at Ells avorth, avhere, in a sense, he is the successor of his father. In politics he is a Democrat ; he stands high in Alasonic circles and is a member of the Alodern AA'oodmen of Amer ica. He stands at the head of his profession and has built up' a reputation for honest and conscientious avork avhich goes far to insure him a large patronage. He avas married October 28, 1897, to Eveline Sheriff, whose father aaas an early settler at Ellsavorth and avas prominent in connection avith educa tional and other public matters. Dr. and Airs. Day have three children, — Dorothy, Janet and Elizabdh. THOMAS J. HUEY. Thomas J. Huey, a retired farmer of Kingman, avas for many years actively iden tified avith agricultural interests in central Kansas, and is now closely associated with progressive movements in the city tending to advance the best interests of the com munity. He avas born in Robinson county, Tennessee, Alay 10, 1848. His father, Car roll Huey, avas also a native of Tennessee, and throughout his business career caried on farming, but during the later years of his life he removed to town and there lived re tired until his death, avhich occurred when he avas sixty-six years of age. His political support AA-as given the Democracy. He married Aliss Caroline AA'alton and they be came the parents of two: children, Thomas J. and Joseph AAA the latter a school teacher in Springfield, Tennessee. Amid primitive surroundings Thomas J. Huey acquired his education, pursuing his studies in a log school house with a puncheon floor and crude furnishings. Reading, experience and observation, hoav ever, have made him a avell-informed man. He avas reared on the home farm and there remained until his health seemed to demand a change of climate, avhen in 1878 he vis ited Kansas on a prospecting tour. Being pleased avith Kingman county he returned in 1879 and secured a claim in Canton toavnship'. Lie had one neighbor living a mile to the east, but no settlement had been made to. the avest. He broke only enough land for a garden, intending to devote the greater part of his time and attention to cattle-raising. He built a one-room house, and as the country avas all open he put up a corral into avhich he could drive the cattle at night. Success attended his efforts and as his financial resources increased he added to his landed possessions until he oavnecl tavelve hundred acres, all in one body. He has placed one-half of this under cultivation, raising corn and avheat, and he also has large herds of cattle, mostly short-horns. He made many excellent improvements upon his farm, including the erection, in 1888, of a six-room] residence, with a bay avindoav, a avide porch and other attractive and mod ern improvements. He also planted trees upon the place and added many of the mod ern accessories and conveniences. There he resided until 1900, when he rented his farm and removed to Kingman, Avhere he has since made his home, purchasing his pres ent residence on Avenue C. To- this he has added improvements and made alterations, converting it into- an attractive home. He has also become interested in business prop erty and Avas one of the organizers of the Kingman State Bank, in avhich he has since served as a director. In Tennessee, in 1875, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Huey and Miss V. E. Holland, who was born December 4, 1854, a daughter of Daniel Holland, a farmer of that state. They have four children : Jo seph C, who was born December1 27, 1877, and is noav in the Kingman State Bank ; Mary C, born February 16, 1882; Fred Holland, born April 26, 1884; and Henry Clay, born October 4, 1887. In his polti- cal affiliations Mr. Huey has always been a Democrat. He served as township treas urer for a number of years, but has never desired office or been a politician in the sense of office seeking. As a member of the school board he has labored earnestly to give ah impetus to educational advancement in thislocality and avith his co-avorkers . on ,12 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the board has succeeded in establishing ex cellent schools. He is also deeply interested in everything pertaining to the substantial growth and development of the toavn and was instrumental in having good brick avalks laid in Main street. Both he and bis avife belong to the Baptist church, and they are people of the highest respectability and sterling worth, enjoying the avarm friend ship and regard of many acquaintances. ROBERT AlcKINNIS. In pioneer days in the development of Rice county Robert McKinnis came to. Kan sas and secured1 a homestead, avhich has been his place of abode since 1871. His avife avas the seventh avhite woman avithin the: borders of the county, and the first white female- child born in the county came to them in their little sod home. Great changes have occurred during the years avhich have since come and gone, as the early settlers have coped with the hardships and difficulties of pioneer life in transforming the avild land into richly cultivated farms. Good homes have been erected, churches and school- houses built and the avork of progress and civilization has been carried forward until Rice county noav occupies a foremost posi tion among the counties of the common wealth. Robert McKinnis is a natia-e of Hancock county, Ohio, avhere his birth occurred Jan uary 28, 1845, and upon the farm he AA-as reared to manhood, while' in the common schools he was educated. His parents, James and Lucy* (Wickham) McKinnis, avere na tives of Pennsylvania and Neav York, re spectively, and their marriage occurred in the Buckeye state. The McKinnis family, hoavever, is of Scotch lineage and avas found ed in America by Robert McKinnis, the grandfather of our subject, avho on coming to the neav world settled in Pennsylvania. He served as a teamster in the avar of 1812 and later removed to Ohio, where he re mained for a, number of years. There his wife died, and subsequently he avent to Ioava, in 1849, making his home with his son James, in Dubuque county. There he passed away. His children were Philip, Charles, James, John, Rachel, Polly, Sarah and Eliza. James McKinnis, the father of our sub ject, was born in the Keystone state, but avas reared in Ohio, and a number of years after his marriage he avent to Dubuque coun ty, Iowa, where he purchased some land and also entered large tracts, improving a very extensive farm. He carried on agricultural pursuits, and in addition to the production of grain engaged in raising cattle. He was one of the leading and influential farmers of the community, a successful business man, aii excellent financier, and by persistent la bor and diligence accumulated a competence for old age. He avas a broad-minded, in telligent gentleman, charitable and kindly, and the latchstring of his pioneer home al- avays hung out so that the avayfarer might be sure of a avelcome. No. one was. ever turned from his door hungry, and among his friends and neighbors he avas held in the highest esteem, his many excellent qualifica tions avinning him avarm friendship. He voted avith the Whig party- until its dissolu tion, avhen he joined the Republican party but later became a Democrat. He held the of fice of justice of the. peace and many minor toavnship positions. At length he sold his property in Dubuque county, Ioava, and in 1876 came to Rice county-, avhere he pur chased a farm, making his home thereon for twenty years. His death occurred July 8, 1896, at the very advanced age of ninety, and his avife passed aavay November 20, 1900, at the age of eighty-eight. They avere Pres byterians in religious faith and their Chris tian belief moulded their entire lives and won for them unqualified confidence. They had eleven children: Crayton, of Kansas; Lovina, avIio became the wife of J. Pierce, avho avas a soldier in the Mexican war and avent to California in 1849, s'oon after the discovery of gold; John, avho was a Union. soldier and is now living in Colorado; Bar bara, the wife of AV. H. Kirk, of Rice coun ty, avho also defended the stars and stripes1; George, avho served for over four years in MRS. ROBERT McKINNIS. r^jfc-w. .-^lnr;,'$Mhw>^ ***** ROBERT McKINNIS AND GRANDCHILDREN. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3'3 the war of the Rebellion and died in Ipava ; Robert, of this revieav ;' Fulton and William, who have passed aavay; Elizabeth, the avife of L. Wood; Lydia, who married T. R. Ba- som; and James, who died in childhood. Upon the family homestead in Iowa Robert McKinnis was reared, remaining under the parental roof until eighteen years of age, when his patriotic spirit was aroused and he resolved to aid in tbe defense of 'the Union, enlisting as a member of Company G, Ninth Iowa Infantry, for three years, or, during the war. The regiment avas as signed to the Army of the Tennessee and he saw some hard service. He avas with Sher man until avoundcd at Atlanta, on the 22d of July, 1864, after which he was sent home on a furlough. When he had sufficiently re covered he rejoined his command, at Ra leigh, North Carolina, and was detailed as assistant cook. Prior to' the time when he was Avounded he was always found with his regiment on the field of duty, loyally de fending the' starry banner of the nation. When Lee surrendered the command marched to Washington a,nd participated in the grand review, after which the regiment was transported to Louisville, Kentucky, and there mustered out. Mr., McKinnis was then sent to Clinton, Iowa, where he re-' ceived an honorable discharge and was paid off. Making his way to his home in Dubuque county, Iowa, our subject resumed farm work, performing such duties as his health would permit, for he had not then recovered from' his wounds, nor has he ever fully re gained his original health and strength. He had been struck by a minie ball in the left shoulder, which broke his collar bone. The ball was extracted at the lower part of the shoulder blade, and he yet retains the piece of rebel lead as a souvenir of his: army ex perience. Throughout the intervening years he has suffered to greater or less, extent from his wound, which seems to grow worse as the years advance. After his marriage Mr. McKinnis re: mained with his parents for two years. His marriage was celebrated at the old home stead in 1869. In 1870 he came to Kansas, 20 spending the succeeding winter in Crawford county. In the spring of 1871, however, he came to Rice county and secured a home stead. At that time there were but feav settlers avithin its borders. Only six white women avere living in the county at the time of his arrival. He first built a sod house, with a dirt floor, and within the summer his wife killed upon the table a rattlesnake of considerable length. AVhile they were living in that primitive pioneer home twins were born unto them, a son and a daughter, the latter being the first baby girl born in the county. The home stead farm comprised one hundred and sixty acres in the valley of Cow Creek, and with characteristic energy he began its develop ment' and improvement. Later the secretary of the interior canceled his homestead rights in favor of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company. He then began a fight for the recovery of the property and would ultimately have won it, although at considerable cost, but he effected a compro mise by paying tavo dollars and a half per acre, which gave him. undisputed title to pos session. He has made substantial improve ments, including the erection of a go-Opd' house and barn and other substantial outbuildings. He has also planted an orchard, and every thing about the place is thrifty and neat in appearance. Tbe fields are well tilled, and the farm is pleasantly located two miles west of Lyons. Mr. McKinnis continued the ac tive cultivation of the land until a few years since, avhen he rented it. He is familiar avith all the experiences- of frontier life here, from the days when wild game was plenti ful and wild beasts, including buffalo, elk and antelope, roamed over the prairies. Tur keys and prairie chickens furnished many a ¦ meal for the settlers, and as Mr. McKinnis enjoyed hunting, wild game avas always to be found on the table. He has killed buffalo from- his own door-yard and his. wife has driven them from her garden. Roaming bands of Indians on hunting excursions fre quently came to the neighborhood, but they were always friendly, although at one time the community became frightened at the ap proach of the red men and' the McKinnis 3'4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. family spent tavo days from home on this account, but no harm avas done. For sea- eral years they secured supplies from Ells worth, but in 1876 Lyons avas platted, and after the county-seat avas located there the rapid avork of development and progress avas continued, so that Ah'. AIcKinnis is avithin easy- reach of the advantages of the city. Mr. McKinnis chose as a companion and helpmate for the journey of life Aliss Eliza beth Collins, who avas born in Galena, Illi nois, June 19, 1845, and she has indeed been a valuable assistant to him. She avas reared in Ioava, but avas left an orphan avhen thir teen years of age, by the death of her moth er, her father having passed aavay AA'hen she was three years of age. She Avas a daugh ter of John and Vinson (Ray) Collins, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the lat ter of Boston, Massachusetts. AA'hen four teen years of age her father' left his- home in the Keystone state and came avest. He never returned, so that little is known concerning the history of the family. He devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. His avife avas a Presbyterian in religious faith, and: their •children avere : Henry AV., avho was starved to death im Libby prison avhile a member of the Union army; Elizabeth, noav Mrs.' Mc Kinnis ; and AA'illiam H., avho entered the army but never returned1, so that his avhere- abouts are not knoavn. After the death of her first husband Mrs. Collins became the wife of F Farrell, and they had three chil dren, — Samuel, Francis and Thomas. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnis has been blessed avith three children : James AAA who. was born in Ioava and is noav a black smith of Lyons; and George A. and Laura A., twins, who avere born in the sod house on the old family homestead. The former is now a farmer and the latter is tlie avife of Charles E. Aloodv, an agriculturist living in the Indian Territory. Thev also have three grandchildren., George K, Frank L. and Ira D., sons of James AA' AIcKinnis. The subject of this rea-ieav is in religious faith a Universalist, and in political faith is a stalwart Populist. He has been called upon to fill some toavnship offices, but has never been a seeker for political preferment. He has desired rather to give his time and attention to his business affairs and has therein prospered. As one of the honored pioneers of the county he certainly deserves mention in this volume, and avith pleasure ave present his record to our readers. AATLLTAA1 HODGSON. Natives of England have proven good American citizens and haA-e become knoavn in all parts of our country for their industry, integrity and patriotism. A prominent English-born American citizen of Reno county, Kansas, is William Hodgson, a farmer, stock-raiser and fruit-groaver on section 20, Reno toavnship, avhose post- office address is Hutchinson. AA'illiam Hodgson avas born in Cumber land county, in the north of England, De cember 25. 1842, a son of Attherington Hodgson, also a native of Cumberland county. avIio took his given name from his mother's family. Attherington Hodgson Avas a son of AA'illiam Hodgson, avIio in his day aaas an immensely avealthy land pro prietor, and avas given an excellent educa tion in English universities and became a man of fine scholarly attainments and poav- erful intellect. He avas married in England to Rebecca Smithson, also a native of Eng land, avhere they resided some time after they Avere. married. Eventually. OAving to some disagreement Avith his relatives, Attherington Hodgson came to America, and not long after his departure the subject of this sketch Avas born. A year after he avent aavay his avife. avho then had three small children, folloaved him and the family located in Taunton, Alassachusetts. Up to that time Ah*. Hodgson had never found it necessary to follow ana' occupation and he then took up the avork of block-printing, a trade connected avith the manufacture of American cotton prints. He avas thus em ployed until about 1856, avhen he moved avith his family to Steele county, Alinnesota, avhere he and Thomas Smithson, his brcther-in-laav, each located on a quarter section of government land. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3'5 The part of Alinnesota to avhich refer ence has been made avas at that time one of the extreme outposts of civilization on our avestern frontier and avas on the border of a avilderness infested by Sioux and Win nebago Indians, avho avhile not hostile to the Avhites avere constantly engaged in tribal warfare and once fought a desperate battle near Air. Hodgson's homestead. The fam ily encountered many trials, hardships and privations in that neAV country and there came a time avhen they avere compelled to seek the avild products of the avoods near their home in order to eke out an existence; but as the years avent by their fortunes im proved and Attherington Hodgson became a prominent man in that part of the country and filled many local offices. He avas long active In the promotion of public education and influential in township, county and state affairs. He avas an earnest abolition ist, and once said in a public speech : "There is one laav that I avill break — I will- protect runaavay slaves." -Such1 unfor tunates avere often sheltered under his roof and on one occasion he harbored tavo' slaves, a man and a avoman of prominence, who had made their avay thus far from Charles ton, South Carolina. The avoman avas a daughter of Ex-Senator Reeves, of Vir ginia, and the man avas knoavn as Craft ; and they played the role of mistress and servant so cleverly that they had escaped all suspicion, for she was nearly avhite and was educated and of refined appearance and man ners, and at times, to keep up appearances, she avould cut her companion severely avith a whip, to' which indignity he submitted AA'ith the deference due to a servant from his mistress. The pair left Air. Hodgson's place at twelve o'clock at night and arrived safely in Canada, and the man, aaho had struck Air. Plodgson as being remarkably intelligent, avas afterward heard from as a lecturer in England. Originally an old-line Whig, Mr. Hodgson' naturally gravitated into the Republican party, of avhich he was an ardent member from its organization un til the end of his life. He and his avife had both been baptized into the English church. The latter died in 1861, and Mr. Hodgson remained on his farm in Minnesota until his death, avhich occurred in 1886. AA'illiam Hodgson avas the third in or der of birth of his parents' family of eight children, seven of aaliom are living. Rich ard LTodgson, Al. D., a. retired physician of Stonham, a. suburb of Boston, Massachu setts, pursued his professional studies at Lleidelburg, Germany, and received three diplomas and during the years of his active practice avas knoavn as one of the ablest physicians, in southeastern Massachusetts. Elizabeth married E. J. Crandle, a promi nent citizen and farmer of Deerfield, Steele county, Alinnesota. Aliss. Jennie Hodgson lives avith her sister, Mrs, AV. J. Sponsler, in Reno toavnship. Attherington Hodgson, noav living retired at Chicago, Illinois, avas formerly engaged extensively in the stock business iu Kansas, Montana and Indian Territory. Thomas Hodgson, M. D., gained his medical diploma in Boston, Alassachu setts, and since 1873 has been practicing his profession successfully at Middleborough, Alassachusetts, avhere he is very popular. Alary married AV J. Sponsler, a farmer, stockman and fruit-groaver, who lives in the south half of section 20, Reno township. Sarah, avhile on a visit in Massachusetts, contracted a severe cold, from, the effects of avhich she never recovered and died in Reno toavnship about 1879. Mr. Hodgson received the rudiments of his education in Massachusetts and finished his schooling in the little log school house near the family home in Steele county, Min nesota. AVhen not attending school or aa'orking on the farm! he amused himself by hunting or fishing with the Indians. At the outbreak of the Civil Avar his patriotic spirit impelled him to- enlist in the service of his country and his father permitted him to choose betaveen going to war or going to college. Without any hesitation he enlisted in Company E, Fourth Regiment, Minne sota Volunteer Infantry, at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, October 1, 1861. His regiment avas sent to the frontier to relieve regular troops who avere going south and did gar rison duty there until April 20, 1862, avhen it was sent to the seat of war. It AA-as at 3i6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the battle of Farmington, the siege of Cor inth and participated in the battle of Iuka, September 19, 1862, in the battle of Cor inth, October 4 and 5 following, and avas in the overland expedition aahich had for its object the capture of 'A'icksburg, when Grant's base of supplies avere broken up. Then the regiment returned to Memphis and during the avinter of 1862-63 it assisted to guard the railroad line between Memphis and La Grange. Alarch 1, 1863, Mr. Hodgson's regiment left Alemphis in company avith Ross' and Buford's brigades of Quimby's division of the Thirteenth Army Corps on the his toric expedition to Yazoo pass. A squad of cavalry from this command, with the assist ance of two gunboats and the ram India nola, cut the Mississippi levee on the Mis sissippi side seven miles below Helena, Ar kansas, and then the expedition proceeded as far as Greensburg, on the Yallabusha river, and from there returned to Helena. From there the regiment avas sent to Milli- ken's Bend and formed a part of the army engaged in the campaign which resulted in the capture of Vicksburg; and during that campaign it took part in the battles of Fort Gibson, Forty Springs, Raymond, Jackson and Champion Hills and in the assault on A'icksburg, May 22, 1863, in avhich Com pany E was terribly cut up, Mr. Hodgson and one comrade being the only ones of its members who reached the most advanced point in its forward movement. In the as sault on Fort Pemberton the Fourth Minne sota avas held in reserve, but Mr. Hodgson seized his musket and joined the attacking force and received a gunshot avound in the forehead, avhich rendered him unconscious for tavo hours, his life being saved only by the heavy visor of his cap which had only a feav minutes before been lowered top pro tect his eyes from the rays of the sun which avas shining in his face. Though his skull avas slightly fractured, he sprang up as soon as he recovered consciousness, and noting the fact that the fight avas still raging grasped his musket and fought desperately for perhaps three-quarters of an hour, until he fainted from pain and exhaustion. He lay on the field until almost morning, then recovering consciousness he dragged him self to the Union lines and there lay in a bomb-proof for two or three days until he was able to' report for duty. In recognition of his gallantry the Fourth Alinnesota avas designated as the first to march into Vicksburg after the sur render of that Confederate stronghold, and there it was stationed until after the battle of Chiekamauga, when the command tot avhich it avas attached aaas ordered to Mem phis. From Alemphis it was sent on a four- hundred-mile march across the mountains to the relief of General Thomas, who was shut up at Chattanooga besieged by the Confederate General Bragg. On this long, weary march the army suffered terrible hardships. On reaching Lookout Aloun- tain it skirted that eminence at night and during all of its sloav progress over a dis tance of thirteen miles not a member of the command aaas permitted to speak or light a match. It avas tavo o'clock in the morn ing when the river avas reached, and Colonel Tourtellotte volunteered to cross over with his regiment and capture the Confederate picket line on the other side, and Company E, of the Fourth Alinnesota, led the advance in canvas boats. The fog avas so dense that at the time nothing could be seen, and Air. Hodgson, avho aaas an expert riverman, stood in the foremost boat holding his hand in the avater, feeling the force of the current to determine the direction it should take. When a landing avas made the Confederate camp fires aa"ere alsible and the entire force, avhich constituted the Confederate picket line, extending for a distance of three-quar ters of a mile, avas captured, the prisoners numbering one hundred and sixty-nine. At daylight pontoons avere throavn across the river and the army avas soon crossing. The next day Air. Hodgson fought gallantly in the battle of Missionary Ridge. The regi ment wintered at AVlfltesburg, on the Ala bama river, and as Wheeler's cavalry was stationed on the opposite shore there avere mlany skirmishes. March 20, 1864, Mr. Hodgson was granted a veteran furlough for thirty days, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3i7 and after he rejoined his command he took part in the campaign against Atlanta, and when the Federal forces reached that point his regiment avas ordered to the railroad line between Chattanooga and the front. The fourth Alinnesota, the Eighth AViscon sin and the Ninety-third Illinois were sta tioned at Allatoona Pass, to guard that im portant point, avhen they avere attacked by French's division of Hood's army and a desperate fight ensued, avhich lasted from ten A. M. until two P. M. It avas to the Federal soldiers engaged there at that time that General Sherman sent his famous mes sage, "Hold the fort for I am coming." Mr. Hodgson was color bearer but he stuck the staff of his flag in a crevice in the ram part of the fort and got a gun and fired round after round at the enemy until com pelled to return to his colors by his superior officers, aand then as soon as he was no- longer under restraint he climbed a persim mon tree avhich grew Avithin the fort and fired rapidly for half an hour, during which time he aa-as a target for hundreds, of Con federate sharpshooters, the balls from whose guns struck the trees but did not injure him. Some idea of the fierceness of this fight will be afforded by the statement that of a Fed eral force of seventeen hundred and fifty- three seven hundred and fifty-two: were killed and avounded, avhile the Confederate loss avas taventy-two hundred. After that Mr. Hodgson fought under General Sher man until after the fall of Savannah. Lie took part in the battle of Bentonville, South Carolina, and in the final movement which resulted in the surrender of Johnston's army and his regiment had marched back as far as Raleigh Avhen neavs was brought to the victorious Federals of the assassination of President Lincoln. In the grand review at Washington, District of Columbia, after the confederacy had been overthroavn, the gal lant Fourth Minnesota was the first in line in Sherman's army and- Mr. Hodgson avas the first color-bearer in that regiment. He was mustered out of the service July 19, 1865, and a month later his regiment avas disbanded at St. Paul, Minnesota, and tavo aveeks after that he received his final dis charge and was paid off. Returning to his old home in Steele county, Minnesota, he remained aaith his father until November 8, 1865, avhen he married, at Deerfield, that county, Miss Ellen Ware, a native of Pennfield, Monroe county, New York, born October 18, 1846, a daughter of the Rev. Thomas and Sophia (Mixer) AVare. Airs. Hodgson's grand father in the maternal line avas a veteran of the war of 1812. The Rev. Thomas Ware was descended from Scotch covenanters and was born in the north of Ireland. He was pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, and died at Owatonna, Steele county, Min nesota, September 17, 1884, avhile his wife died at the same place September 13, 1896. For some time before her marriage Airs. Hodgson taught school successfully in Min nesota. After his marriage Mr. Hodgson bought an eighty-acre farm in Minnesota from his : father-in-law and lived upon it until 1867, when he removed to Springfield, Missouri, avhere for a year he Avas engaged in land scape gardening. Then he located in Jas per county, in southavest Missouri, Avhere he remained until the spring of 1873, Avhen he settled in Reno township, Reno county, Kansas, where he had taken up a soldier's homestead, which he has since improved into the fine farm on Avhich he now lives. He and his wife and their babe made the journey from: Missouri in a Avagon, arriv ing April 14. He erected a ten-by-sixteen- foot house, a mere makeshift, for a resi dence, and broke forty acres of his. land and planted it to corn. The next year he planted sixty acres to: corn and raised a good quan tity of wheat and oats, but most of his crop was destroyed by grasshoppers and drought. In 1894 he added to his farm the northeast quarter of section 20, and noav oaviis tAvo hundred and forty acres. He has an or chard of forty acres, about three acres of which is devoted to peaches, the remainder to apples, his apple trees being from eight to twenty-five years old. In 1901 he had a hundred acres of Avheat, one hundred and iS BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. taventy acres of corn and fifteen acres of alfalfa, and he usually keeps from forty to fifty head of cattle and does considerable business in breeding", buying and selling good stock. Air. Llodgson is a Republican in politics and has often been a delegate to county con ventions of his party. He is a member of the Knights and Ladies, of Security and of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, Grand Army of the Republic, of Hutchinson. He has filled the office of toavnship trustee and has been a member of his township school board ever since his settlement in Kansas. To Mr. and Airs. Hodgson have been born children as follows: Minnie R., the avife of Charles Theiss, a farmer, avho lives a mile and a half east' of Nickerson, Reno county; Alice and Ella, avho died in infancy in Jasper county, Alissouri; Edavard R., avho operates a part of his father's farm; Herbert C, avho: lives avith his father and assists him in the man agement of all his important business affairs; AA'illiam, avho. is a member of his parents' household and belongs to' the Sec ond Regiment, Kansas State Guards. On the section on avhich Air. Hodgson has his homestead six hundred avagon loads of buffalo bones avere gathered up after the buffaloes had become extinct in that locality, and during the hard times of the pioneer period the people made them a source of revenue. During the summer following Mr. Llodgson's settlement in Kansas a buf falo was killed on Main street in Hutchin son. There avere many avild horses in the country and sometimes some of them avould coax off team horses and mules. In the fall and avinter of 1873 Mr. Hodgson avent out avith hunting' parties to a distance of taventy- five miles and assisted in kiling many buffaloes for their meat and hides, and on one occasion, from a. knoll avhich commanded a aaide view, he saav a herd of buffaloes that ex tended even beyond the limit of his alsion. Sometimes a single herd passing over a farm avould trample and totally ruin a whole crop, though the animals never paused to eat corn or other grain. After the buffaloes avere gone people hunted their bones for years. Air. Hodgson has many interesting reminiscences of early days in Kansas and of the dangers and perils of the Civil avar, but, so modest is he, he cannot be induced to talk for publication about many events in avhich he avas conspicuous and not at all about certain ones in avhich his neighbors say he played the part of a hero. There can be no doubt that his avar record is as good as that of any man in Kan sas, and he is an earnest, patriotic citizen of the most substantial personal avorth, a gen tle and benevolent man, avhose sense of hon or is high and avhose deportment in all re lations of his busy and useful life has been admirable and in all avays avorthy of emula tion by young men. RICHARD H. HOLTON. The name of Richard H. Holton is deeply engraved on the pages of Reno county's history, for through many years he has been a most important factor in the agricultural and financial interests of this section of the state. The splendid success avhich has come to him is directly traceable to the salient points of his character. With a mind capable of planning, he has combined a avill strong enough to execute his avell- formulated purposes, and his great energy, keen discrimination and perseverance have resulted in the accumulation of a handsome property, avhich places him among the lead ing and substantial citizens of southern Kan sas. Air. H< lton avas born in Hancock coun ty-, Illinois, on the 4th of Alay, 1870, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. His paternal grandfather avas one of the early pioneers of the Prairie state, having been one of the first to locate in the alcinity of Plymouth, Hancock county, and during the entire period of his residence there he was engaged in the tilling of the soil. His death there occurred many years ago. He was the fa ther of three sons, — Charles, a minister of the Baptist church; AVallace, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Hancock county, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3'9 Illinois, of avhich place his brother Charles is also' a resident; and AA'esley, the father of our subject. The latter also' claimed Illi nois as the state of his nativity, and he avas reared to manhood on his father's farm near Plymouth. During the avar of the Rebel lion he offered his services to the Union cause, his military career covering a period of a year and a half, and after his return from the avar, about 1868, he avas united in marriage to Hattie Polite, a native of Ohio. AA'hen a child she avas taken by her parents. Richard and Nancy (AicElhaney) Polite, also natives of the Buckeye state, to Illinois, the family locating in Hancock county. She has tavo brothers and tavo sisters liv ing: R. H., a prominent stockman of Guth rie, Oklahoma; Leal, a farmer- of Osaavat- omie, Kansas ; Sadie, avife of J. J. Samp son, a farmer and stockman of Lacygne, Kansas; and Nancy, avife of Sol Fry, a brick-mason of Carthage, Alissouri. After their marriage Air. and Airs. Hol ton located on a farm in Hancock county, Illinois, and there the former died in 1883. He, too, followed farming as a life occupa tion, and in political matters he gave an un faltering support to the Republican party. The mother avas a second time married, avedding P. C. Reger, and shortly aftenvard they removed to the west, locating first in Linn county, Kansas, and from there they removed to Jefferson county, Nebraska. Their next place of residence was in Kins ley county, Kansas., thence removing to Larned, next to Reno and finally they lo cated in South Hutchinson, where Mr. Reger engaged in buying and selling stock. By her first marriage Mrs. Reger became the mother of two children, — Richard H., the subject of this revieav; and Lilly, the wife of C. AV. Granson, a prominent farmer of A^ alley toavnship, Reno county. The first tavelve years of our subject's life Avere spent in Hancock county, Illinois, his native place, avhere he attended the dis trict schools. On the expiration of that period he removed avith his mother to Linn county, Kansas, and after remaining avith her for a time spent a year in Bates county, avhere he again attended school. The suc ceeding four years avere spent in various lo calities in Alissouri, Kansas and Nebraska, during a part of avhich time he made his home avith his uncle, R. H. Polite, in Bates county, Alissouri. During those years he avas engaged at farm: labor, in taking care of cattle and at various other occupations. Returning to Larned, Kansas, Air. Holton avas there employed cn the stock farm of a Mr. Ripley for one year, and in 1888 he came to Reno county, Kansas, locating eight miles south of Hutchinson, and dur ing, the folloaving season he avas engaged in agricultural pursuits avith his stepfather, P. C. Reger. The folloaving year was spent by Mr. Holton south of Hutchinson, and he then took up his. abode four miles east of that city, avhere he remained for a short time. In the spring of 1893, in company aa-ith Samuel Spickard, avhose history will be found on another page of this volume, he purchased one- hundred and sixty acres of partially improved land avhere he noav re sides, and soon this enterprising firm began to do an enormous business in buying and selling stock. They also began adding to their landed possessions, purchasing the quarter section of land noav included in Air. Holton's present farm, and in the course of a few years they added the northwest quar ter of section 7, next the southwest quarter of section 8 and later the north half of the southeast quarter of section 7, all in Valley township. Their next purchase of land con sisted of the southeast quarter of section 12 in Clay toavnship, after avhich they became owners of the northeast quarter of section 7 and also the southwest quarter of section 17, all having been purchased about the same time; next they bought three-quarters of the north half and: the southwest quarter of section 2j, Sumner township •¦ and after ward the northwest quarter and the south- avest quarter of section 15, also in Summer township. Thus it will be seen that the firm of Hol ton & Spickard became owners of a, mag nificent tract of land, but on the 12th of December, 1901, this partnership avas dis- sola-ed and since that time Mr. Holton has carried on operations alone. He noav oavns 320 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. about one thousand eight hundred and forty acres of land, located in Clay, Valley and Sumner townships, about one thousand acres of which is under cultivation and the remainder is devoted to pasturage. On this magnificient estate he -has erected a beau tiful ten-room house, taventy-eight by twenty-eight 'feet, avith a kitchen fourteen by sixteen feet, the latter having been built in 1897. He also has a large barn, forty- eight by sixty-tavo feet ; tavo cribs, each one hundred, and forty by one hundred and sixty feet ; a mill house, sixteen by taarenty- four feet: an engine house, sixteen by twenty feet ; and a blacksmith shop, in which he has a fifteen-ton scale, avorth fiae hundred dollars. Three years ago he pur chased' a threshing outfit, avith a Nicholas & Shepherd engine and a J. I. Case sepa rator. His immlense shed for storing his farm implements is one hundred and sixty- feet in length, and is entirely filled avith the latest and best improved machinery used in his extensive farming and stock-raising in terests. Among them may be mentioned ten avagons, four binders, corn shelters and many other conveniences for facilitating his work. During the past year. Mr. Holton devoted three hundred and. ninety acres of land to the raising of avheat, and the re mainder avas planted avith oats, alfalfa and corn, which yielded bountiful returns. Dur ing the present year he has eight hundred acres planted with wheat and rye. Since 1889 Mr. Holton has also' devoted a part of his time and attention to the raising of stock, and in his pastures at the present time may be found about one thousand head of cattle, one hundred and fifty hogs, fifty mules and taventy-five horses. Until recent years he mainly confined this line to buy ing, feeding and selling, but a feav years ago he began tbe raising of cattle, and he noav has a fine grade of short-horns in his pas tures in Sumner toavnship. Llis plan in the past had been to. purchase yearling's, which he would hold until about three years old and then sell, and in this avay he consumed about five hundred bushels of corn annu ally. From 1897 until 1898 he did an enor mous stock business, having as high' as three thousand head of cattle in his pastures. During the present season he expects to avinter about one thousand head. He has steadily worked his way upward to a posi tion of wealth and affluence, overcoming many difficulties and obstacles in his path, and step by step he has advanced steadily along the tried paths of honorable effort un til he has reached the goal of prosperity. Mr. Holton has never married, and his home is presided over by Mrs. AVilbert, who, avith her husband, B. E. AVilbert, make their home avith him. In his political affiliations he is a stanch Republican, and although he is public-spirited to an eminent degree he has never been an aspirant for political hon ors, as his enormous business interests claim his entire time and attention. He is a stock holder in the famous elevator at Haven, and is also a stockholder in the Park Associ ation of Hutchinson. In his fraternal re lations he is a member of the Odd Felloavs. No one in the community enjoys a better reputation, for integrity of avord and deed, and his true avorth and kindly life have en deared him to all avho know him. CAPTAIN FREDERICK J. GRIFFITH. Captain F. J. Griffith, a descendant of an aristocratic family of England and AA ales, and an honored pioneer of Kansas, avas born at Longtown, AA'ales, February 2, 1820, a son of James and Charlotte (Pros- ser) Griffith, the former a native of Eng land and the latter of AA'ales, where they avere married. Both families had landed estates in AA'ales and had farming conducted extensively. Thus avhen his ancestors died James, the father of our subject, inherited large landed estates- in AA'ales, a portion of which yet remains his undivided estate. Dur ing the avar betaveen England and France he aaas in the commissary department and made heavy purchases of cattle and other supplies, but avas a heavy loser by the transactions. In 1824 liis wife died and left him avith seven children, namely : Char lotte, the Avife of P. Stephens: Elizabeth, CAPT. F. J. GRIFFITH. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3-zi who married William Harris and yet re sides in Longtowii, Wales ; Caroline, who became the Avife of George Lingham ; James J., Jr., who died in Wales; John, avho died in Battle Creek, Michigan; Frederick J., the subject of this sketch; and William, a min ister of the Methodist Episcopal church, now living in Ohio. The father of this family avas a man of considerable political influ ence. AA-as a Chartist, and used his influence to destroy the appointive poaver of the gov ernment, believing in a government by the people and that the House of Lords should be elected by the people. The government took action against all these agitators and he avith others was banished from Wales, and in 1828 he brought his family to America. One of his daughters, who had married, re mained in Wales and took charge of her father's .estates and interests there, where she died. He landed at Neav York city, where be remained a few years and then came to Ohio, locating in Lorain county. He was reared in the faith of the church of England but after coming to America uni ted avith the Methodist church. He had plenty of money and avas not compelled to engage in anv business. He never married again, and after his son, the subject of this sketch, avas married he made his home with him. and died in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Captain 'Frederick j. Griffith, whose name introduces this review, came to Amer ica when about eight years of age, went to Ohio when thirteen years of age and soon afterward apprenticed himself to a shoe maker. ' Later he joined a journeyman, shoe maker, traveled with him and so learned the trade. They went to Canada, working at 'London, Chatham and other towns in the Dominion for a number of years. While they Avere in Canada the rebellion broke out and pur subject volunteered, was made lieu tenant of his company and participated in the battle of Fighting Island, where he and all of the forces had to- rdreat. He buried his sword and returned to America, but after ward returned, secured his sword and then went to Ddroit, where he was employed1 at his trade for some time, and there he was married. He then returned to Ohio, where he joined his father and family, remaining with them until 1847, when he moved to Pittsburg, where he followed his trade for a time and then worked in a rolling mill. He Ava,s converted to "Christianity before he avas twenty years of age, and soon afterward began exhorting. Later he avas licensed to preach, and in September, i860, he avas or dained a minister by the Ohio conference. In 1883 he was made elder of southwest Kansas. He was under several conferences, traveled a circuit containing twenty-one dif ferent charges, and his ministry was blessed by the conversion of many souls.. About 1897, 0'n account of his age, he left the cir cuit and has since given less time and strength to ministerial work, only occasion ally filling vacancies. When he left Pitts burg he moved his family to Hanging Rock, Ohio, where he engaged as a clerk on a steamboat for eighteen, months, during which time he preached every Sunday. From that place he went to Portsmouth, avhere he engaged as a traveling salesman for a avhole- sale house, in which position he continued two years, preaching every Sunday. In 1871 he moved to Kansas, located in Rice eounty, entered the conference, received a charge and traveled one year, receiving for his ser vices only sixteen dollars and a half,, and as he had to furnish his oavn conveyance and pay his own hotel expenses he could not afford to continue the work longer. He avas then, elected to, represent his county in the legislature, serving in 1871-2, and avas chiefly instrumental in effecting* the organ ization of Rice county. The governor had proclaimed Atlanta as the county seat, and there considerable business had been done. and Captain Griffith secured the passage of the bill which legalized all transactions. He also introduced and secured the passage of a bill requiring every section to establish a public board. Later he received the appoint ment from the governor as mail agent on the Santa Fe Railroad, running avest from Hutchinson, avhich position he filled for eight years, after avhich he again entered conference aiid continued preaching until 1897, avhen he retired. AA'hile at Portsmouth, Ohio, he helped 322 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. raise a company of volunteers, entered the service as a private, but upon its organiza tion avas made captain of Company C, Fifty- third Ohio' A'olunteer Infantry, aahich avas consigned to the Fifteenth Army Corps, Second Division. Lie saav much hard ser vice, being engaged in seventeen hotly con tested battles and many minor engagements and skirmishes. At the battle of Shiloh he lost many of his men. The)' avere next en gaged in the battle of Corinth, and at the battle of Alissionary Ridge he avas severely avounded, a minie ball piercing his right shoulder, avhere it vet remains, causing him much suffering. He avas too patriotic to leave the field and never aaent to- the hos pital, but although he continued avith his command he avas disabled for active service and took charge of the camp. Later he re ceived from General Grant a furlough of thirty days, avhich avas later extended. Dur ing his furlough the term of enlistment of the regiment expired, the men avere honor ably discharged and returned1 home. Soon aftenvard, hoavever, most cf the regiment veteranized and Captain Griffith avas made chaplain of the regiment, in avhich position he continued to the close of the avar. The government recognized his A-aluable service and gave him a pension. After the close of the Avar he took up a homestead claim in Rice county and im proved a good farm, Avhich he conducted as long as his age avould permit. He built a commodious residence at Chase, avhere he yet resides, enjoying a avell earned rest and having retired from all actia-e labor. In 1840 he avas married, in Detroit, Michigan, to Aliss Mary Wood, a native of England, aalience her father emigrated to America, settling in Neav York state, avhere he en gaged in agricultural pursuits and he and his avife died in the faith of the Baptist church. Their children avere: Esther, avho became the avife of Henry Clay; Lydia; Mary, the avife of the subject of this revieav ; Jane, aaho. married John Al organ; and Ann, avho became the avife: of Hiram AA'ing. The marriage of our subject and his avife avas blessed avith the folloaaung children : James J., avIiq died Avhen nineteen years of age; Julia, who married H. Dodridge and died in 1897; Matilda M., who became the avife of Thomas Oliver and died in 1874; Fred erick J., avho died at the age of fourteen years; Amelia J., avife of AA'. Nichols; Ar ietta M., avife of Oscar Noyes; and Eugenia, avho became the avife of Albert James, and noav resides at the homestead and cares for her father. On the 26th of September, 1899, the mother aaas called to, the home beyond, after she had spent sixty years of loving and faithful companionship avith her hus band. Him she ably assisted in all his min isterial labors for the conversion and eleva tion of men, as she avas a very intelligent and cultured Christian avoman, and one avhose death avas deeply mourned by her many friends and the entire community, while to her sorrowing husband and chil dren the thought of her loving, self-sacri ficing devotion to them is a SAveet and hal- loaved memory and her earnest Christian fife of helpfulness to others is a constant incent ive and inspiration' to them to. emulate her noble example. In his political affiliations Captain Grif fith avas formerly a AA'hig, but avhen the Re publican party avas formed he joined its ranks and does all in his power to secure the growth and promote the success of the party. As a citizen he takes a. deep and active in terest in all measures for the advancement and upbuilding- of the community along ed ucational, material and moral lines., and he commands the highest respect and confidence of his felloav men, bv AA'homi he has been chosen and elected to- many positions of pub lic trust, all of aahich he filled avith great credit to himself and entire satisfaction of his constituents. He served as postmaster of Chase for four years, in a prompt, busi nesslike and acceptable manner, and avas a progressive, practical, energetic and enter prising business man avhile. engaged in the actia-e duties of life, avhile in the quiet retire ment cf old age he is still much beloved for his sterling traits of character and is avell avortha1 of representation in a avork devoted to biography. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 323 WILLIAM S. GROSVENOR. Great, indeed, have been the changes avhich time and man have aa* rough t since AA'illiam Shelton Grosvenor arrived in Kan sas, and no- one man had been more actively identified with the work of improvement in Kingman county than he: In the front rank of the columns which have advanced the civilization of the northwest he has led the avay to. the substntial development, progress and upbuilding of the central por tion of the state, being particularly active in the grOAvth of Kingman, avhere he still makes his home. Air. Grosvenor avas born in Buffalo, Xeav York, February 21, 1854, and is de scended from one of fhe old American fami lies, the first of the name in this country being Richard Grosvenor, who settled at Pomfret, Connecticut, in 1640, crossing the Atlantic from England. The . great-great grandfather and the great-grandfather of our subject both participated as loyal Amer ican soldiers in the war of the Revolution, avhile Thomas Grosvenor, avho entered the service as captain, avas promoted to the rank of colonel. Abel Moore Grosvenor, the grandfather of our subject, avas the first of the family to leave the Atlantic^ coast for regions westward, removing to Buffalo, Neav York, in 1804. He engaged in mer chandising there, the goods being trans ported by sloop to Troy, New York, and thence hauled across the country, for not not even a canal had been dug through in those days. He was one of the early set tlers of Buffalo and his letters containing his impressions of the country are now in possession of our subject. He owned lots that are now in the center of the city and he built the first cotton mill that was operated in that part of the. country. He served as captain of a militia company in the war of 1812 and avas shot at the time Buffalo avas captured by the English, the wound he thus sustained causing his death several years later. He married Serene Heacock, also a representative of a prominent family of Buffalo. Seth Heacock Grosvenor, the father of our subject, Aaas born in Buffalo, in 18 10, and after arriving at man's estate engaged in manufacturing staves on an extensive scale. Lie also oavned a number of vessels and engaged in the shipping business be tween points on the Great Lakes and the island of Cuba. His business interests were important and profitable. In his political vieavs he aaas first a Whig and aftenvard a Republican. Throughout the greater part of his life he Avas a vestryman of St. Paul's cathedral in Buffalo and took a deep inter est in everything that tended to promote the material, social and moral avelfare of the city. He married .Miss Jane AA'ey, a daugh ter of Dr. AVilliam AVey, a physician of Cats- kill, NeAV York, at avhich place Mrs. Grosr venor Avas born. They became the parents of three children, avho are yet living, AVill iam S., Abbie and Lucretia, and they also lost four children. The father died at the age of fifty-four years, avhile the mother reached the advanced age of seventy-eight. In the public schools of Buffalo William Shelton Grosvenor began his education, avhich avas continued in De Veaux College, at Niagara Falls, Neav York. He studied mechanical engineering and followed that vocation for several years in Buffalo, but determining to try his fortune in the avest he left the Empire state in 1880 and came to Kingman county, Kansas, proving up land in Ninnescah toavnship, avhere he erected a roller flouring mill, the second of the kind built in the state. The mill avas erected in 1881 and the machinery avas shipped from Buffalo' to Hutchinson and thence hauled to Kingman county by team. Everything avas placed in shape so that op erations were begun in January, 1882. Mr. Grosvenor built the mill race and thereby gave employment to' many of the early farmers here, avho, needing ready money, took this method of acquiring it. As there was no railroad here at that time and the county avas but thinly settled, the products of the mill avere sold mostly through the south and avest, chiefly to large ranchers. As this was the first roller mill in this part of the state his goods attained a reputation avhich made the demand tax the capacity of 324 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the mill to the utmost. For seven years Mr. Grosvenor successfully conducted his enter prise and then sold out, but later he again came into possession of the mill, which he still oavns, although he does not operate it. As the years had passed he had invested in laud and turned his attention to the real ' estate business. He has erected in the city both residence and business property, but has given his time mostly to the latter and many of the fine structures of the county- seat now stand as monuments to his enter prise and labor. He has charge of the farm property for the North American Trust Company of Neav York and manages the rental of this in addition to controlling his oavn extensive real-estate interests here. Air. Grosvenor is a man of resourceful business ability and his labors have been ex tended to many lines of activity, avhereby he has not only advanced his individual suc cess but has also promoted the general pros perity. He aided in sinking the first salt shaft in Kingman county, previous to which time there Avas no knoavledge among the people that there Avere any salt deposits in this part of the state. He has taken an act ive part in tbe development of all enterprises for the advancement of the community and his avise counsel and sound judgment, com bined ' avith his energy, have proven im portant factors in the successful conduct of many business interests. In St. Catherine's, Canada, in 1875, Air. Grosvenor married Aliss Julietta Frazier, a daughter of AA'illiam J. Frazier, a promi nent contractor and builder of that city. Three children avere born unto them, of avhom tavo are living, Alabel having died at the age of eight years. Lucretia S. is the avife of B. Anaaaalt, of AVichita, Kansas; and Jane AV married Clarence L. Barron, of Kingman. Air. and Airs. Grosvenor are communicants of the Episcopalian church of Kingman, of avhich he has sened as vestry man and is noaa' treasurer. In politics he is a stahvart Republican and has several times sera-eel as alderman and mayor of the city, in avhich offices he has used his prerogatives to advance the best interests of the city along- all lines of substantial development and progress. He is a prominent Alason, being one of the first to be initiated iu Ninnescah Lodge, No. 230, F. & A. AL, of which he has served as trustee. He has also' .been high priest of Kingman Chapter, No. 71, R. A. M., and commander of Kingman Commandery, No. 34, K. T. He likewise has membership connection with the Mod ern AVoodmen of America, the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs and the Ancient Or der of United AAtorkmen. Llis life has been one of unabating energy a.nd activity, and in the channels of legitimate business he has achiea-ed success, being now the possessor of a handsome competence. FRANK HARLOW. Frank Harlow, aalio is serving as post master of Kingman, is one of the leading representatives of the Republican party in this portion of Kansas and is a prominent and influential citizens, avell knoavn in busi ness circles as avell as in political councils. The width of more than half the continent divides him from his birthplace — Portland, Maine. His natal day avas in October, 1850, and he is a representative of the family in the eighth generation in America. The first of the name to come to this country Avas Sergeant William Harloav, avho crossed the Atlantic from England in 1643 anl located at Plymouth, Alassachusetts, avhere mem bers of the family make their home to this day. The great-grandfather of our subject avas the first to leave that locality, removing thence to Portland, Alaine. At that time there avas a heavy trade betaveen that point 'and the AA'est Indies and the family became interested in shipping. Lazarus Harlow, the grandfather, and AATiliam Harloav, the fa ther of our subject, avere both born in Port land. The latter AA'hile not a politician in 'the sense of office seeking, avas an earnest Republican, gialng an unfaltering* support to the party from the time of its organiza tion. In 1861 he left his native state and for a number of years resided in Syracuse, Neav York, but spent his last days in Con- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 325 necticut. Lie was a member of the Unitarian church and attained the good old age of seventy-fia'-e years. His avife died in 1851. She bore the maiden name of Louisa H. Daniels and avas a daughtr of Ebenezer Danids, an old sea captain who. was '.engaged in trade between Portland and the AA'est In dies, owning the ship, avhich he commanded. In the Harloav family avere three children, a brother, of Tibbe, Connecticut, and a sis ter,, of Seattle, AA'ashington. Frank Harloav, avhose name forms the caption of this review, pursued his educa tion in the schools of Syracuse, New York, being graduated in the bigh school. At the age of nineteen he left home and avent to Texas, remaining* for a little more than a year upon the plains of the Lone Star state. He then avent to Missouri and engaged in farming and in teaching, following the latter profession through the avinter season for twelve years. In 1884 he came to Kansas and secured a claim in Kingman toavnship, Kingman county. It was a tract of wild prairie, but he at once began to break and placed one-half the place under cultivation. He resided thereon for five years and then came to the city, where he bas since made his home. He first became • deputy in the office of the district court clerk. He had served on- the toavnship board of supervisors and has ahvays taken an active interest in local politics. Mn 1888 he was nominated for county superintendent of schools, but his opponent was the nominee of both the Union Labor and the Democratic parties and thus he was defeated, losing the election by only thirty votes, and receiving the greatest num ber of votes given to any candidate on the tided. After his rdirement from the office of the district clerk Air. Harlow embarked in the real-estate business and has handled some valuable and important property. He is also engaged in loaning money belong ing to himself, and then selling the loans to eastern parties. This business he noav con ducts and is making it a profitable venture. On the 10th of January, 1898, he was ap pointed by President McKinley. to the posi tion of postmaster of Kingman, and: in 1902 he avas reappointed by President Roosevelt, and since his incumbency the business of the office has steadily increased, his administra tion of its affairs being satisfactory to the government and to the local public. Mr. HarloiAV has long been acth-e in poli tics and his opinions carry aveight in the councils of his party. He has served on the county central committee at different times for tbe past twelve years and in 1892 he became a member of the congressional con vention, of which he was elected chairman in 1894. He has aided largely in effectively organizing the working forces of the party in his district and his capable management and sound judgment have been important factors in Republican successes in this lo cality. ' In February, 1879, m Bates county, Mis souri, Air. Harlow was united in marriage to' Miss Sarah E. Ballard, a daughter of John Ballard, a farmer of that county. They now have five children: Gertrude, Grace, Louise, Florence and Eugene, and the fam ily circle yet remains unbroken. Socially Mr. Harlow is connected with the Knights of Pythias fraternity, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He has a wide ac quaintance in his adopted county and has gained many friends. Dominated by the en terprising spirit of the avest he has become a successful business man and as a citizen is the embodiment of loyalty to his- honest convictions and progressiveness in all that pertains to the welfare of the community. DAVID BIRNEY. David Birney, avho owns a valuable and highly cultivated farm on section 22, Hoos ier township, Kingman county, has made his home in the Sunflower state almost since 1879, when he located near Lyons, Rice county. He claims Pennsylvania as the state of his nativity, his birth having there occurred in Cambria county on the 24th of April, 1848. His father, James Birney, was born in County Donegal, Ireland, and: was of Scotch-Irish descent and a protestant in his religious views. He was married in Phila- 326 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. delphia, Pennsylvania, to Jane Elliott, a na tive of County Fermano, Ireland. After coming to' this country the father and mother located in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, avhere he engaged in the tilling of the soil. On the loth of December, 1855, Xlr. Birney removed avith his family to Scott county, Ioava, avhere he folloaved agricultural pur suits near Davenport, and there he passed aavay in death in 1882, at the age of sea*enty years. His avife avas called to- her final rest in December, 1896. Unto this avorthy couple avere born six children, three sons and three daughters, namely: Margaret; Alan A., noav Airs. Duncan ; David, the subject of this revieav ; John, avho resides near Avoca, Iowa ; Jane, noav Airs. Fletcher, of Scott county; and Henry, also a resident of that county. David Birney, avhose name introduces this revieav, assisted his father in the avork of the home farm during his youth and early manhood, avhile the educational ad vantages avhich he enjoyed avere those af forded by" the common schools of his neigh borhood. In 1873 he removed to Pottawat tamie county, Ioava, locating near Avoca, avhere he made1 his home: for five years. In 1879 be took up his- abode in Kansas, pur chasing three hundred and twenty- acres of land on section 16, Center tOAvnship, Rice county, Avhich he improved and operated until 1894, avhen he sold his possesions there and located in Jasper county, purchasing a farm near Carthage, Alissouri, which contin ued to be his home for the folloaving four years. Selling his possessions in that state he then returned to Kansas, since avhich time- he has made his home in Kingman county, and his landed possessions noav consist of eleven hundred acres, located in Hoosier toavnship, avhere he is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. Llis efforts in the line of his chosen vocation have been at tended Avith a high degree of success and he iioav occupies a leading position among the business men of Kingman county. In Scott county, Iowa, in 1872, was cele brated the marriage of Mr. Birney and Miss Sarah A. Patterson. She avas born in Lee county, Ioava, but avas reared and educated in Scott county. She is a daughter of Jo seph A., and Mary (Jameson) Patterson. The father passed away in death in Ida coun ta-, Ioava, in 1896, but is still survived by his widow, who makes her home in that county. Ten children have: been born unto, this union, nine of whom are still living, — James A., David F., Eva J., now Mrs. Hoofnagle, John H., Joseph AV., Verdie A., Elmer R., Robert C. and Sarah. The second child in order of birth, a daughter, died at the age of six months. Mr. Birney is independent in his political views and support. He is em phatically a man of enterprise, positive char acter' indomitable energy and liberal views, and is thoroughly identified in feeling with the growth and prosperity of the locality which for so. many years has been his home. SAAIUEL MATHEWS. One of the most progressive and enter prising business men of Hutchinson: is Sam uel Mathews, a member of the avell known firm of Collins & Mathews. That the plenti- tude of satiety is seldom attained in the affairs of life may be considered a beneficial deprivation for avhere every desire is satis fied ambition and effort would cease and ac complishment avould have little place in the world, but men of enterprise and ddermina- tion push forward the Avheels of progress with the result that individual success is: not only Avon but the general prosperity is aug mented and improvement is seen along many lines. Mr. Mathews, by his progressive spirit and unflagging energy, has contrib uted in large measure to the business' activ ity and upbuilding of Hutchinson and is re garded as a man of force and avorth in the business Avorld. The firm of Mathews & Collins oavns and operates the Hutchinson Pure Salt Works, which is a leading in dustry of this locality. Mr. Mathews1 was born in the county of Tyrone, in the province of Ulster, Ireland, in 1845, and is a son of William Mathews, also a native of the same county and one of the prominent landed proprietors of that province, oavning and superintending the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. operation of a large farm. He avas origin ally of Scotch lineage and avas a leading member of the Presbyterian church. In his native province he avedded Aliss Alary Knox, avho avas also of Scotch descent and avasi a direct descendant of the illustrious John Knox, the apostle, of Christianity in Scot land. AAllliam Alatheavs died in county Ty rone aahen our subject avas only- eighteen months old, and his wife survived him until 1870, remaining a. resident of her native county through the intervening years. Like her husband she lived and died in the Pres byterian faith. In their family avere: six chil dren, of AA-hom five are iioav livin~ AATiliam, the third in order of birth, having passed aavay in 187 1. The others are: Robert, who is iioav living a retired life in Ireland; James, a avealthy ranchman of Neaa' Zea land, located at Houcks Bay, avhere he is engaged in the raising of cattle and sheep:; Hugh, an extensive real-estate oavner of city property in Belfast, Ireland; Samuel, of this revieav ; Dora, the avife of William. Irvin, who is engaged in the dry goods business in Belfast, Ireland. In the public schools of Londonderry,, Ireland, Samuel Alatheavs began his educa tion avhich Avas continued in the high school and later in the Royal Acad'emy. When his education Avas complded he became: connect ed Avith the grocery trade of Belfast* Ire land, where he in time became the senior member of the firm of Mathews & Co.mpany, wholesale grocers. Almost phenomenal suc cess attended the enterprise. He built up an enormous business, tbe volume of which amounted to five hundred thousand dollars per annum and thirty employes' were required to aid in conducting the enterjirise. In this line Mr. MatheAvs continued until 1882, avhen he determined, to ally his interests with those of the neav avorld and sailed for Amer ica. On landing in this country he made his way to Topeka, Kansas, and after a short time came to Hutchinson. He brought with him from the Emerald Isle thirty thousand dollars, a part of which he invested in a ranch of twenty-four hundred acres, located in Troy township, Reno county, about twen ty miles southwest of Hutchinson and em bracing sections 9, 17 and 21 and about three-fourths of section 16, all of aahich he purchased from the Santa Fe Railroad Com pany. He proceeded to stock his ranch avith about four thousand sheep and one hundred and fifty head of cattle and for four years he engaged in the stock business, on the ex piration of avhich period he sold his farm and stock to J. AV High and came to Hutchinson, avhere for a period of eight years he engaged in the loan business, rep resenting an English company, known as the AA'estern Mortgage & Investment Com pany, loaning money on both city and farm ing property to the amount of several hun dred thousand dollars. About 1898 the company he represented appointed him' man ager of the Hutchinson Pure Salt AA'orks, which they owned' at that time, and he occu pied the position until the latter part of 1900 Avhen in connection avith Charles Col lins', of Hutchinson, he purchased the plant, which he has since been operating. The plant avas erected about 1889 at a cost of eleven thousand dollars and at present fif teen employes are upon their pay roll, at tending to the various departments of the work. Their capacity is: about forty car loads per month and shipments' are made to Missouri, California, Nebraska, Indian Ter ritory, Oklahoma and Utah. Since pur chasing the plant the present owners have made and are making many improvements and their plant is now equipped avith mod ern machinery and all accessories for facili tating the work and rendering the product of -value on thernarket by reason, of its ex cellent quality. In Belfast, Ireland, in 1868, Air. Math ews avas: united in marriage to Miss Annie F. Leece, who avas born in Liverpool, Eng land, a daughter of George and Jane (Kel ly) Leece, the former a native of England, while the latter avas born in the north of Ire land. Mrs. Matheavs is connected avith some of the most prominent and aristocratic people of the British isles, including mem bers of the nobility. She was the youngest of four children : Elizabeth, the eldest, is the Avidoav of Charles AVilson, who. was: at one time the leading ranchman in Australia.' 32« BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. He avent to that country nearly sixty years ago and accumulated; an enormous amount of land1, extending over a broad area equal in size to almost the whole of Reno county, Kansas. He kept thereor» millions of sheep and won a vast fortune. About 1870 he re turned to England-and took up his residence at Cheltenham, the place where many people of old and aristocratic families live. There his death occurred. His son -Harold inher ited a part of the great estate in Australia and also owns a ranch of two- hundred thou sand acres in New Mexico. His winter home is located at Norfolk, England, and his summer months are spent at St. An- dreAvs, Scotland, where he has a palatial residence. John, the second member of the Leece family, is noav deceased. He was at one time an extensive ranchman of New Zealand, oavning about forty thousand acres there, avhereon he engaged in the raising of sheep. Fannie resides at Cheltemlham, Eng land, and Mrs. Mathews is the youngest of the family. She is an aunt of Sir George Baden Powell, now deceased, and also of Baden Powell, his brother, who. won fame in connection avith the events whereby Mafe- king has become celebrated. Mrs,. Alatheavs is a lady of superior cul ture and, refinement, capable of gracing any circle of society, and her home in Hutchin son is celebrated for its gracious and pleas ing hospitality. The family occupy a beau tiful residence in one of the most fashion able districts of the city. It is a large mod ern house and avas erected in 1889 at No. 526 Sherman . street, east'. They have three daughters, Frances Adeline, Mary Emily and Anna Lynette. The daughters have all attended the city schools of Hutchinson and the college at Emporia, and the eldest is an accomplished musician, having studied under the best instructors in Chicago. Mr. and Airs. Matheavs hold membership in the Pres byterian church in Belfast and he was form erly an elder in the church in Belfast. In politics he has always been a stanch Repub lican and has never sought or desired office, but has given an unwavering support to: the principles in avhich he believes and the cause which he thinks right and just. His char acter has been molded along such lines, his business policy shaped in accordance there with and as man and citizen he commands the highest respect and confidence. ISAAC N. SMITH. Isaac N. Smith is one of the intelligent and enterprising farmers of Rice county, whose entire life has been passed in the Alis sissippi valley, and he was born in Morgan county, Illinois, on the 20th of May, 1843. His father avas James Job Smith, avIio came to Rice county in 1873. He avas born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, in 18 13, and avas' a son of James Smith, avho removed to North Carolina during the boa-hood of James Smith. The latter avas there reared and married, Miss Mary E. Job becoming his avife. She avas a native of North Caro lina. A feav years after their marriage they started on horseback over the mountains to Kentucky, avith their two children, and set tled in Cumberland county, that state. They became the parents of nine children, namely : Samuel, Jane, Thomas, Levi, Ruth, James Job, William and Elijah. In 1829 James Smith removed to Alorgan county, Illinois, where he remained until 1845, when he avent to Cass county, that state. Subsequently they- took up their abode in Aladison coun ty, Illinois, avhere both the grandparents of our subject died, their death: being occa sioned by a fever, avhen they avere seventy- three years of age. James Job Smith, the father of our sub ject, avas married in Morgan county, Illi nois, at the age of taventy-two years, to Eve Miller, avho avas born in Indiana, a daugh ter of Henry Aliller, one of the pioneers of the Hoosier state, avho- avas forced to flee to the fort in order to seek protection from the Indians. He had come to the west from Pennsylvania and avas of German ancestry. His death occurred in Indiana. His wife, Hester Aliller, died in Illinois. In 1845 the parents of our subject removed to Cass county, Illinois, where they resided until J853, when they became residents of Iowa, JJ#4>e) OV, \J^xm^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 329 settling in Mahaska county. At a later date they removed to Madison county, Iowa, taking up their abode twelve miles east of Winterset, among the pioneer residents of that locality. There the father carried O'li farming until 1873, when he came to Rice county, Kansas, making his home in Lincoln township, where he resided for a number of years. In 1896 he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who passed away at the age of eighty-five years .and twenty days. They had Jived togdher as man and wife • for sixty-two years, sharing with each other in the joys and sorrows, the adversity and prosperity of life, their mutual love and con fidence increasing as the years went by. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, loved and respected by all for her many good qualities of heart and mind. This worthy couple were the parents of six chil dren, AA'ho are yet living. Tn his political views the father was in. early life a Whig and afterward joined the Republican party, and all of his sons have adhered to the same faith. He too is a devoted member of the Methodist church, in which he has. served as class-leader for fifty years,, and his: children haae been brought up in the church and have become honored and respected members of society. They are: Elizabeth, who: died at the age of eighteen; J. F., who sened as a soldier in the Fourth Iowa Infantry and is noAV living in Lincoln township, Rice coun ty; F. M., who was also a Union soldier and is now a resident of Lyons; Isaac Newton, of this review; Elijah T., who: makes his home in Douglas county, Kansas: ; and Will iam Thomas, and Mrs. Mary J. Summers, both of Lyons. Isaac ' Newton Smith spent bis early youth in Illinois and afterward accompanied his parents to Madison county, Iowa, where he assisted in the work of clearing and de veloping a farm. His education was ac quired in the schools of two states, and on the 2 ist of March, 1864, about the time he attained his majority, he offered his services to the government as a defender of the Union cause, enlisting in the Fourth Iowa Infantry, under Captain A. J. Tisdale, who commanded Company F. He served until 21 the close of the war and was engaged in ac tive duty Avith General Sherman's army. He AA'as io the battle in which General McPher son Avas killed. He participated in the en gagements at Resaca and Atlanta, and went Avith Sherman on the memorable march to the sea. He also, took part in the ba,ttles of Savannah and Goldsboro, marched on to Richmond and thence to Wasphington, D. C, to participate in the grand review, the most celebrated military pageant ever seen on the western hemisphere. He Ayas then honorably discharged and- rdurned to his home in Iowa. In the year 1873 Mr. Smith came fo Rice county, where be took up a claim, and in 1876 he further compldedl his arrange ments for a home by his marriage to Miss Amanda M. Young, an intelligent and cul tured lady, who was born in Harrison coun ty, Alissouri, and was there reared and edu cated. Her father, Jeremiah Young, was one of the first sdtlers of Harrison coun ty, but is now deceased. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been blessed with three children : Claude1 J., who- is engaged in farming on the old homestead in Lincoln township; Paul Palmer; -and Anna Maud. Mr. Smith owns a very valuable farm of three hundred and forty-six acres, well im proved and equipped with all modern con veniences. His attention is devoted to its- cultivation, and the rich fields annually yield to him golden hanests. His political sup port is given the Republican party, and both he and his wife are members of the Method ist Episcopal church, in which he. has served as steavard and class-leader. The causes of education, of temperance and of the right in every form find in him. a wann friend and he heartily endorses every movement that is calculated to. benefit the community and' up lift his felloav men. MARTIN CROW. Alartin Crow avas born in Noble county, Ohio, August 22, 1835. Hi? father avas Ja cob Crow and his .grandfather was Freder ick Croav, and they were both natives of 330 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Pennsylvania, where in early days Freder ick Croav achieved fame as an Indian fighter. Jacob Crow began his active life as a farmer iii' Pennsylvania, but early sold his interests there and avith relatives and other emigrants went to Ohio. He bought a half section in Noble county, then densely timbered, and in fested by hostile Indians and dangerous avild animals. For many years his life was one of toil, hardship and peril and he was frequently engaged in desperate fights avith savages, in one of avhich his brother was killed. He was" an earnest aa'orker in the Alethodist Episcopal church and as a Demo crat avas active and prominent in political avork. A man of forceful character and ready resource, he came to be known as the leading citizen of Noble county. In all re spects he avas a model farmer. He cleared and fenced his farm property, planted or chards and erected necessary buildings, and avhen he died, about fifty years ago', the property which he had redeemed from the avilderness avas avorth at least five thousand dollars. He married Alary Lasher, avhose parents came early to. Ohio from Pennsylva nia and avho survived him many years, until she avas more than eighty years old. He •died at the age of forty-five years, a victim of a disease known in that locality at that time as black tongue fever. The subject of this sketch avas reared on his father's farm and! when scarcely more than a youth began farming on his oavn ac count on a portion of the family homestead, for aahich he paid rent to his mother. His early educational advantages avere limited to those afforded by the public schools near his home, but by reading and observation he has become a well informed man. After farming several years, as stated, he avent to -Clark county, Illinois, avhere for a year he avas employed by John Briscoe, a leading* farmer. Returning to Noble county, Ohio; he located at Frederick, avhere he opened a dry coeds store, avhich he disposed of one year later and resumed farming. AA'hile he avas engaged in trade at Frederick he mar ried Alartha Ray, cf that town. In 1859 Mr. Crow sold his possessions in Noble county, Ohio, and removed' to Gen try county, Alissouri, avhere he bought a farm of tavo hundred acres, bit in that bor derland country, avhere the comimunity was dia-ided betaveen union and southern senti ments and avhere war seemed imminent, pub lic feeling ran so high that residence there avas almost impossible to one who. was in-. dined to: be at peace with his fellow citizens, and Mr. Croaa' soon sold his farmi and re turned to Ohio, avhere he farmed until the summer of 1862. August 20 of that year he enlisted in Company K, Ninety-second Regi ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and leaving a fine crop aavaiting the harvester avent to the seat of avar. His regiment avas sent to AA'est Virginia, avhere it participated in the work of drh'ing the Confederate force out of the Kanaavha valley, a movement which cul minated in a severe engagement at Loop creek late in the fall. The Aveather was ex tremely cold for the season, storms were frequent and the regiment Avas Avithout tents and as a consequence of such exposure Mi. Croav and others became ill. He contracted a fever avhich shattered his health to such an extent that he avas deemed unfit for fur ther military service and avas honorably discharged January 1, 1863. On his return to Ohio Air. Croav avas still too feeble to again take up the arduous avork of the farm and he engaged in cabinet-mak ing and in undertaking until 1878, prosper ing in a material Avay and gradually regain ing his health to a considerable extent. In the year last mentioned he Avent to Kansas and bought the southwest quarter of section 17, in Reno township, Reno county. Dur ing the first spring after his arrival he broke about eleven acresi of his ground and planted it avith corn, also erected a frame house, a story and a half high, covering a ground space of eighteen by taventy-tAvo feet. For several years thereafter he devoted himself successfully to general farming' and stock- raising, building outbuildings and an addi tion to his house, adding three hundred acres to his farm and improving hisi property in every way. About 1886 he removed to Hutchinson, avhere, in company avith his son, J. AA'. Croav, he engaged in important real- estate transactions, buying ninety lots in the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 33' town, avhich became knoavn as the fourth ad dition to .Hutchinson and selling them after three months at an advance of eight thou sand dollars on the purchase price. After that they bought eight thousand acres: of landi in Rice and Reno counties for forty thousand dollars, avhich they later sold at a handsome prro.fit. Since then Mr. Crow has not dealt much in farm property, but from time to time he has handled other real estate to good tdvantage. He bought four lots at North Alain and Fourth streets in Hutchin son for six thousand dollars and subsequent ly sold them several times andi in each case they reverted to him avith some profit in money, and eventually be sold two of them for seven thousand dollars, reserving the other tavo as building lots for himself and son. In 1887 he had practically gone out of business and considered that he had re tired permanently, but later opportunity was presented for profitable real-estate transac tions on quite a large scale and he took ad vantage of it, buying three fine business houses in Hutchinson fromi his son, J. W. Croav, and trading them for a large hotel •at Clinton, Iowa, which had been built at a ¦cost of eighty thousand dollars, but which was traded to Mr. Crow at a valuation of only forty thousand dollars. Mr. Crow later disposed of that -property advantageously through his son, who avas his agent in the transaction. His reputation for business integity and honesty is beyond reproach and he is known as a man whose word is. literally "as good as his bond." He bought his present home in Hutchinson five years ago. In politics he was a Democrat until 1888, when he cast his vote avith the Republican party for President Harrison and since then he has been a zeal ous Republican. Since he was fourteen years old he bas been a faithful and1 active member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, Grand Army of the Republic, and for two years he has been its junior vice commander. Jacob and Mary (Lasher) Crow had twelve children, as follows : Isaac, who is a farmer in Reno township, Reno county, Kan sas; Martin, the subject of this sketch; Rob ert, avho lives at the National Military Home at Dayton, Ohio; Diantha, avho married Joht Long, and is living in Wyandot coun ty, Ohio ; Elizabeth, who married John Jor dan, and died in Noble county, Onto; Mary and Rhoda, both of avIioitu died in Noble county; Ann, who married AVilliam Mast ers and died in Washington county, Ohio; Nancy, avIio became the avife of John Cald- Avell and died in Ohio; Jacob, who: died at the Belle Isle Confederate prison during the Civil Avar; Jane, who married a Mr. Her ron, who was killed in battle during, the Civil Avar, and she died in t866; and George, who died in' Kansas. Alartin and Martha (Ray) Croav had seven, children: John W. Croav, avho is a railway land agent with headquarters at Chicago, Illinois; Martin, Jr., avho lives in Kentucky; Humphrey, a. farmer in Reno county, Kansas; Sarah El len, who died in Ohio; Columbus, who- died in Reno county, Kansas ; Eveline, who- mar ried R. Coggsd'ell and died in Hutchinson, Kansas; and Jane, who. became the wife of Alexander Miller and died in Reno county, Kansas. Mrs:. Croav died in May, 1871. December 13, 1876, Mr. Crow was married, in Noble county, Ohio, to Linda Hallett, daughter of Orlena and Lucy (Blake) Hal lett. JOHN YUST. There will be found in this work a bio graphical sketch of Frederick Yust, father of John Yust. The latter is a prominent- farmer of Hayes township, Reno county, Kansas, and his farm is located on section 20. His postoffice address is Plevna and he lives on a rural delivery route. For much that is interesting concerning his family his tory the readers are referred to the bio graphical sketch mentioned above. John Yust was born in Missouri, August 31, 1857, and passed his boyhood there and attended the public schools until he was1 sev enteen years of age. In 1875, with his mother and sisteri he removedl to Haves township, Reno county, Kansas, where his father and three of his brothers had located 33: BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the previous fall. He w,as a member of his father's household until he was twenty-two years old and did his full share in improv ing the land and putting it under cultiva tion. January 21, 1880, he married Eliza J. Groseclose, a native of Missouri, a daugh ter of Adam and Mildred Ann (Asher) Groseclose. Mrs. Yust's father was a native of Virginia and her mother of Kentucky, and they were early settlers in Missouri, where tbey prospered as farmers!. Mr. and Mrs. Yust began domestic life in a fourteen by eighteen foot sod house, which Mr. Yust built on a hundred and sixty acres of home stead land in Hayes: township. He began farming there on new prairie land and now has six hundred acres all connected, which he devotes to mixed husbandry. One hun dred and thirty-seven acres is given to Avheat and one hundred acres to' corn. He has about forty acres of shade and fruit trees and twenty acres of timber, including five acres of fine black Avalnut trees. He keeps about forty-five head of high-grade Here ford cattle, about .twenty horses: and from sixty to' seventyffive Poland-China hogs. "In 1 881 he moved out of his old sod house into' a part of his present modern dAvdling, Avhich is an attractive residence, homelike in all its appointments, including a Avell fur nished parlor. His large red barn, avhich is one of the landmarks of his part of the toavn ship, avas built in 1892. Politically Mr. Yust is a Republican. He served his felloAv citi zens two years as township trustee and also filled the office of school director. He and ¦ his family are members of the United Breth ren church, in which he fills, the office of trustee and Sunday-school superintendent. Pie is progressive, prosperous, generous and public-spirited, a mail of exceptionally broad information, and his counsel is sought by all avho know him. John and Eliza J. (Groseclose) Yust have had children as folloavs : Robert J., born October 14, 1880, is a young man of de cided literary and musical ability. He has given much attention to. musical culture and is an accomplished performer on the cornet and organ. When not studying at home or at school he, assists his father about the avork of the farm. Their daughter, Minnie E., married Edward Kiemel, a farmer of Hayes township. Mildred A. is a charming girl of seventeen years, who is preparing to teach music. Ross M. is fifteen years old. Al bert M., fourteen years of age, Lorin P., eleven, and Earl E. is nine. Their daugh ter Pearl, twin sister of Earl E., died in in fancy, and their daughter, Ruth E., is five years old. ISAAC A. HOPKINS. All those valuable traitsi of character which contribute to the success of a high- minded man in one avalk of life avill as sure ly advance the interests. of a first-class man in an entirely different walk of life; hence those qualities which enable a man to achieve distinction in our geat cities will as surely make a man prominent and honored amid other surroundings. In any case, character is the keynote of success, and it is character that has enabled the subject of this sketch to avin the esteem and confidence of those with whom his. lot is cast and with whose public interests he has much- to do. Isaac A. Hopkins, chairman of the board of county commissioners, avas born at Na- chusa, Lee county, Illinois. October 15, 1846. a son of Thomas and Polly (Edson) Hopkins. His father Avas born in Connecti cut in 1809, and his mother AA-as1 a native of Massachusdts. His. grandfather in the pa ternal line was George W. Hopkins, avho was born: in Rhode Island. His great-grand father, Samuel Hopkins, also a native of Rhode Island, Avas a brother of Stephen Hopkins, avho attained undying fame as one of the signers of the declaration of inde pendence. In 1778 Samuel Hopkins organ ized a company for service in the Conti nental army, avhich avas assigned to the Nineteenth Regiment of Continental troops. That patriot, avho lived- to be nearly one .hundred years old, died about 1820. By trade he avas a. black smith. He had twelve sons and tAvo daughters. One of his sons avas impressed and compelled to sene in the British navy, and Eseck Hopkins, a near BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 333 relative, Avas the first admiral of the Ameri can navy. George Hopkins, born February 20, 1775, just before the battle of Lexington, became a seafaring mapii and was a soldier in the United States service in the war of 1812. He married Sarah White, of Rhode Island, and removed to Pennsylvania and thence to Lee county, Illinois, about 1846, after his son, who was the father of the sub ject of this sketch, had settled there. His brother. William, avas a pioneer settler in La Salle county, Illinois, and operated the ferry at Ottawa for years, until he came to his death by drowning. Thomas Hopkins, father of Isaac A. Hopkins, was born in Connecticut, February 4, 1809, and at the age of twenty-one went to Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in the log and lumber busi ness. He is described as having been a strong, rugged and athldic man, who could do an extraordinary amount of 'work with out much fatigue. From Pennsylvania he removed to Cataraugus county, New York, where he followed lumbering until 1844, when he located in Lee county, Illinois, there purchasing land' and engaged in farm ing. In 1850 he crossed the plain® to Cali fornia, as wagon master for a party who went there with ox-teams. After two years ' he returned to Illinois by the Nicaraugua route. In 1870 he went to Union county, Iowa, and he died in Afton, that county, .. December 7, 1892, and his wife passed away in 1878. Thomas and Polly (Edson) Hop kins had six children, four sons and two daughters: Mary, who married Captain J. T. Hale, of Company B, Twelfth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, who fell while leading a charge at Fort Donelson; Russell D., of Wilson, Kansas, a veteran of the Civil Avar, and has: been twice elected to the office of treasurer of Russell county, Kansas, and for seven years his daughter, Minnie, has been deputy treasurer; Franklin E., a farmer in Madison county, Nebraska; Isaac A., the next in order of birth; Emily F., whd married Joseph Mostoller, a vderan of the Civil war, and lives in Union county, Ioava; Thomas H., a contractor of railway construction, and is operating in the north- Avestern. states and territories. Isaac A. Hopkins was reared to the life of a farmer boy of all work and gained a primary education in the public schools of Lee county, Illinois, andl was for a time a student at Lee Center Academy, one of the oldest educational institutions in northern Illinois. At the age of taventy he began in the winter months to organize and teach country schools, and he wasi thus: employed during a portion of the year for some time, devoting himself to farming during the spring, summer and fall months. In 1868, when he was twenty-two: years old, he went to Union county, Iowa, wbere he taught and farmed until the fall of 1877, when he re moved to Ellsavorth county, Kansas, and took up a homestead in what is now Sher man township. He improved his farm and added to its acreage until he owned four hundred acres, on which he made his home for ten years. For five years after he came to Kansas he taught school during a portion of each year and in 1882 he was elected county superintendent of public schools, which office he filled two years. In 1887, Mr. Hopkins removed from his farm to Ellsworth, where for three years he wasl engaged in the grocery trade, but gave a portion of his time to agricultural: in terests. In 1890 he returned to his farm- and remained there until March, 1897, when he moved back to Ellsworth. He is now the owner of twelve hundred acres and raises and sells one hundred head of cattle each year, and while he lived on his f armi he made , a specialty of breeding full blooded Percher on horses. He made his start as a stock man in buying, selling and trading such stock as he believed he could handle- profit ably. His homestead place is well situated in sedion 34, toavnship 16, range 8, and is well equipped with everything essential to successful farming. Since his: young manhood Mr. Hopkins has been active in public affairs, especially in connection Avith educational matters, and he has for four years: been a, member of the school board of Ellsworth county and a 334 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. member of the board of examiners of that body. In 1888 he Avas elected to the office of county commissioner from the second district of Ellsworth county and has been four times: re-elected to that office, in avhich he is noav serving his fifth term; and for nine years he has been chairman of the board. He has also- served as clerk of the toavnship board one term, and altogether he has filled offices for seventeen years during the quarter of a century he has lived in Kan sas. Politically he is a strong Republican and he has served as chairman' of the county central committee andl as delegate to the county and congressional conventions. He AA-as received as an Entered Apprentice, passed the Fellow Craft degree and Avas raised to the sublime degree of Master Ma son in Afton, Ioava, Lodge No. 151, A. F. & A. AL, and served as, past coninnander of Elmer Ellsworth Post, No. 22, Grand Army of the Republic. He enlisted in the Third Regiment, Illinois Cavalry, in 1864, after having been: several times refused by recruit ing officers on account of his youth. A com rade, Avho enlisted avith him and avIio Avas his messmate during active service in Ala bama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Alissouri, avas Colonel O. Summers, rf Portland, Ore gon, who avent to the Philippines avith the rank mentioned and gained promotion to brigadier general. In the fall of 1865 Air. Hopkins took part in the campaigns against the Sioux Indians in Dakota, and Avas dis charged fromi the service October 10 of that year, at Fort Sndling. Mr. Hopkins avas married at Afton, Ioava, November 18, 1869, to Effie K. Sum mers, a daughter of John and Annie (Don- nell) Summers and a sister of General Sum mers. The folloaving facts concerning" their children will be found interesting in this connection. Their daughter Kate, I., is the avife of Harold Johnson, official stenograph er of the circuit court of St. Louis, Alis souri. Annie taught school ten years in Ellsavorth county, five years of tlie time in. the city of Ellsworth and is iioav a teacher in the EllsAvorth high school. She is a gradu ate of the state normal school and is consid ered one of the most efficient teachers in Ellsworth- county. Eugene O. was gradu ated in the Ellsworth high school and- in the Southwestern Business College, of St. Louis, Alissouri, and is chief clerk for Colo nel A. S. To-Avar, assistant paymaster gen eral of the United' States army. Stephen I. AA'as graduated in the Ellsworth high school and in the Southwestern Business College of St. Louis, Alissouri, and is an efficient sten ographer and bookkeeper. He is private sec retary for J. W. McKee, of Little Rock, Ar kansas, Avho is superintendent of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Raihvay Company. Bessie avas graduated in the high school at Ellsworth and has. since been the housekeep er for her father. Mr. Hopkins' first avife died in August, 1887. In December, 1888, he married Jessie Brough, avho died in Sep tember, 1896. He had one daughter by his second marriage, Louise M., avho is noav in school. Air. Hopkins first came to Kansas avhen the Country around Ellsavorth avas prairie land and only taa'o houses Avere to be seen there; and he has not only groAA'ii up avith the country but as a public-spirited cit izen he has greatly assisted the county in its wonderful development. JOEL AI. ANDERSON. Joel AI. Anderson is. one of the honored A-eterans of the Civil Avar, one of tbe pioneer settlers of Reno county and noav one of the reliable and enterprising- business men of Hutchinson, aahere he conducts a real-estate, rental and loan agency. He avas born in Guilford county, North Carolina, April 16, 1 84 1, a son of William D. and Sarah (Loud er) Anderson, avho avere .also natives of North Carolina and avere of Scotch ancestry. The father aa-as a pioneer minister of the AA'esleyan Alethodist church. Reared in a locality avhere slavery existed, the avrongs of the system appeared strongly before .him and he did not hesitate to openly and fearlessly express bis disapproval thereof. In fact he talked so strongly against it that his neigh bors denounced him and he prudently left the south, going- to Henry county, Indiana. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 335 About 1858 he removed to., Decatur county, Ioava, where he remained through the resi due of his days, giving" his. time and energies to ministerial work. His death occurred in February, 1890, and his avife survived him less than a week. Their influence was strongly felt for good in every community avith which they were identified and their memory remains as a blessed benediction to all avho kneav them. They avere the parents of eight children, one of avhom has noav passed aavay — Solomon, avho was a member of the Third Ioava Cavalry in the Civil war and1 died in the service in Louisville, Ken tucky. Those still living are: Rhoda, the widoav of AV. H. Sanford, of Leon, Ioava; John C, a farmer of Kennard, Indiana; Isaac B., a farmer of Cadiz, Indiana; Joel M. ; Mary A., the avife of J. P. Dunn, a, mer chant of Abbeyville, Kansas; William S., a farmer of Ringgold, Ioava ; Irene, the wife of Peter Deck, an agriculturist of Abbey ville, Kansas. Joel M. Anderson was about eleven years of age avhen his parents removed from North Carolina to' Indiana, locating upon a farm' on which he avas reared. In the primi tive schools of the time he obtained his. ed ucation, remaining at home until he had ob tained his majority avhen he started out upon an independent business career as a farmer, renting land in Decatur county, Iowa. Soon afterward he purchased a small farm in that locality and continued its, culti vation until he came to Reno county, Kan sas, in the fall of 1873. Four horses avere used in drawing a covered wagon im which avere his avife and three children, together avith some household effects. Mr. Ander son located a homestead claim on the north- West .quarter of section 34, toavnship 23, range 8, and during the fall and avinter broke sod. In the spring he rented some land which had been broken the past year and planted forty acres in corn, but lost his entire crop on account of the grasshopper scourge of 1874. All vegetation avas de stroyed, and having nothing remaining to live upon lie again loaded up his effects and returned to Iowa, avhere he spent the winter, earning a living for his family by working for a dollar per day avith his team. By his first experience he was "silenced but not sub dued," and in the spring of 1875 be again started for Kansas, once more to: face the difficulties and trials of pioneer life. That year he planted only a small crop of avheat for he did not haa*e money enough to pur chase the seed. His first home avas a one- story house, fourteen by sixteen feet, in avhich he lived for several years, avhen he en larged and improved' it. He engaged in general farming and stock-raising and soon had a good herd of cattle. He remained upon his farm until September, 1888, avhen he purchased his present residence and re moved to: Hutchinson to assume the duties of the office of county treasurer. Mr. Anderson had been elected to that office on tbe Republican ticket in the fall of 1887 and' served for tAvo successive terms of tavo years each, being re-elected in the fall of 1889. In 1885 he had been elected county commissioner from the third district to sene one year, filling out an unexpired term, and on the expiration of that time he avas re elected for the full term of three years but resigned the office avhen elected county treas urer. In 1895 he avas elected police judge of Hutchinson and acted' in that capacity for two years. He avas also, township trustee for three years and AA'as one of the organiz ers of school district No. 58 and served, as treasurer of the school board for nine years. He has thus taken a very acthre part in pub lic affairs and no trust reposed in him: has been betrayed in the slightest degree. In the discharge of his duties he has been prompt and reliable and his official record is Avithout reproach. He is a leading Repub lican of the county, has served on the Re publican central committee and' has fre quently- befen a delegate to1 the conventions of his part)-. His. public honors have come to him unsought, his fellow townsmen call ing him to- office because they recognized his trustAvorthiness and ability. On another occasion Mr. Anderson man ifested his: loyalty to his country arid that was during the dark days, of the avar of the Rebellion. On the 8th of August, 1863, he. enlisted as a member of Company C, Ninth 336 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Iowa Cavalry, under command of Colonel Drumimond, of Cedar Rapids. The regiment was assigned to the western division arudi he saw two years' bard service, doing much scoputing and escort duty, guarding wagon trains in Missouri and Arkansas. At length ha was mustered out on account of disabil ity in 1865 with the rank of corporal. Since his retirement from' office his business in terests have been confined to real-estate deal ing, to renting property and making loans, and. he has also been administrator of es tates and guardian of children. He is a man of superior business judgment and unques tioned honesty in whose hands public and private interests are perfectly safe. He has in charge the renting and care of some forty residences in Hutchinson. Mr. Anderson was married! July 31,. 1862, in Iowa, to Miss Sarah A. Chambers, a daughter of Daniel E. and Elizabeth (Brenneman) Chambers, She was born in Pennsylvania, and by her marriage has be come the mother of four children : William A., who operates the old homestead in En terprise township, Reno county; Ida L., the wife of M. Wilmott; Cora, who married John S. Dueber, a miller of AVhiteavater, Kansas ; and Bertha, the wife of Walter Meade, a cigarmaker of Hutchinson. Air. Anderson is an active and prominent mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as trustee and elder, while in the work of the Sunday school he has been an important factor. He has served as teacher aiid Sunday school super intendent while residing* in1 the country and his interest in the church work has never abated. His life is in harmony AA'ith his profession' — honorable and straightforavard and crowned avith the high degree of success which is ever accorded sterling* worth. EDWARD L. SMITH. To trace the specific outcome of practi cal genius must ever prove profitable indul gence. It is conceded, however, that the mere subjective possession) of this almost in definable attribute will not of itself insure either success or an application of practical value to the world. Tbere must be a men tality that avill direct genius into the fields where good may be accomplished and; pre vent digression, or the turning of the power into abnormal or clandestine channels'. Mr. Smith, however, has directed his efforts along the lines of practical business activ ity, wherein he has won a handsome compe tence, his path leading him to a position among the most prominent, trustworthy and representative citizens of Barton county. He is now president of the Citizens' Bank, in Ellinwood. His birth occurred in Edwardsville, Illi nois, and he is a son of Christian P. Smith and grandson of Phillip Schmidt. Due grandfather was a native of Germany and at an advanced age came to America, locat ing near Edwardsville, where he spent his remaining days upon a farm. Since the es tablishment of the family in America, the name has undergone a change to its present form. Christian P. Smith, the father of our subject, avas born in Marienhagen Kreis Vohl, Germany, and was sixteen years of age avhen he came avith his father to the United States. For a time he worked at any honest employment which would yield him a good living. The family made their resi dence in a very primitive home without a avooden floor and endured many hardships in gaining a start in the new world. When taventy-one years of age Ohristian P. Smith aaas. the possessor of a blind horse and about eighty dollars in money, and his cash cap ital he invested in land which avas heavily timbered; but he converted the timber into money as fast as possible, selling it far use in the constructio.111 of plank roads, which aa-ere then very common but are now almost unknoavn. In this way he laid tbe founda tion for his later prosperity. After a time he erected a sawmill and devoted a part of his attention to farming. During the war he received three dollars per bushel for wheat, for prices were very high at that time. His ardent labor, unflagging energy BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 337 and good business management have enabled him to avrest fortune from the hands of an adverse fate, and to-day, in addition to his beautiful home farm of six hundred and twenty acres, he is also, the owner of seven hundred and thirty acres -of other valuable land, while he also has much money loaned in Kansas. In all his business dealings he has been not only just but very considerate, and although his loans have been extensive, he has never, with one exception, been oblig ed to foreclose on a mortgage. At that time the borrower had become discouraged and had 11111 away. The farm which Mr. Smith took in payment for the debt is now very valuable. In 1889 Christian P. Smith, asso- dated avith Edward L. Smith ; C. M. Hanna, of St. Louis; S. H. Chatten, of Kansas City: C. O. Williams, and J. L. Ruddick, of Barton county, established the Citizens' Bank of Ellinwood, beginning business where the restaurant is now located north of their present business block. In April, 1899, the bank was reorganized under the name of the Citizens' State Bank, by C. P., E. L. and Mrs. M. S. Smith, H. P. S. Smith and G. H. Kaiser, and was capitalized for fifteen thousand dollars. It has a surplus of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, and an average deposit of one hundred and eight thousand dollars. This indicates very clearly that the institution has enjoyed a splendid career and has been one of the re liable financial concerns of the county. In 1893 there was erected a fine brick bank building, two stories in height and twenty- five by sixty fed. It is supplied with Hall burglar and fire-proof a-aults and is splen didly equipped for carrying on the banking business along progressive lines. In bis early manhood Christian P. Smith was united in marriage to Miss Frances Kaiser, and they noav have six living chil dren: Henry P. S., of Illinois; Edward L., of this review ; Mrs. Emma Bohrn and Mrs. Clara Kriege, both of Illinois ; Ida, at home ; and Louis, who is a graduate of the Chicago Musical Conservatory and is now taking a three years' course in piano music in Ger many, having splendid ability in that direc tion. The family is one of prominence in central Kansas, and Mr. Smith has contrib uted in large measure to the substantial im provement and development of this portion of the state through his extensive business interests and at the same time his labors have brought to him merited success. His life illustrates the possibilities tbat lie before young men of determined purpose who have the resolute will to dare and to do, and who are actuated by sound principles that will bear the closest inspection. Edward L. Smith, whose name intro duces this record, was reared and educated in Edwardsville, Illinois. As bis health was somewhat impaired, he came to Kansas when a young man, hoping to be benefited by the change, and was so favorably impressed with the climate that in 1889 he accepted a posi tion as assistant cashier in the Citizens' State Bank, of Ellinwood. Afterward he was made cashier and then president, and thus he stands at the head of the institution, successfully conducting its affairs. He is now thoroughly familiar with tbe banking business in all of its departments and his labors have been of marked practical value in the continued prosperity of the institu tion of avhich he is the chief executive. Mr. "Smith was united in marriage to Miss Mattie S. Harrison, a daughter of Ben jamin L. Harrison, of Barton county, and their home is now blessed with two children ; Edward Aubrey and Elbert Francis. He has erected a very fine residence andl the home is one of the attractive and pleasant ones of Ellinwood. Socially he is connected with tbe Masonic fraternity. He is a public- spirited and progressive man, and his aid is ahvays sought in behalf of any measure or movement for the general good, for it is known that he will give his hearty support to every activity that will result to the bene fit of the community. He has served as mayor of the city and as president of the school board, and in public office he has been found loyal and faithful. His genial man ner and unfailing courtesy render him a pop ular citizen and one avell worthy of repre sentation in this volume. 338 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. FREDERICK BETTENBROOK. As the oavner of one of the finest farms in Ellsavorth county, Kansas, Frederick Bet- tenbrook, is justly considered one of the substantial agriculturists of this section. His land is located' in a most desirable locality, in section 15, Sherman toavnship. The birth of Mr. Bettenbrook occurred in Hanover, Germany, on February 28, 1845, and he is a son of Frederick and Mary Bettenbrook, the former of avhom avas a farmer in that country, although the condi tions there avere never so favorable as in this land. Our subject began to take care of him self from the tender age of six years, remain ing avith the family until 1872, avhen: he came came to the United States. His first work was in the employ of the Vandalia railroad, Terre Haute, Indiana, avhere he continued until he came to Kansas, in the same year, and he bought a claim of one hundred sixty acres, on Buffalo' creek. About forty acres of land had been broken, and a small house, twelve by sixteen feet avas standing, and in this tiny home he lived for tavo years and then erected a comfortable frame house. Almost all of the early settlers in Kan sas hud much to contend avith, and the case of cur subject avas no exception, the differ ence being that he had endurance and cour age and did not succumb to privation and misfortune as so many did. By 1885 he avas able to buy the north one-half section avhere he now resides, and immediately made his home here. This was avild, prairie land and he broke all of the sod himself, made all tbe impi ovements - and now deserves to enjoy the benefits. There is not a building here that he did not erect, and not a tree that he did not plant. Air. Bettenbrook noav oavns tbe southeast quarter of section 10, and the southavest quarter of section 15, and has five hundred acres under the plow, and the rest in orchards and pasture, and he raises great herds of Durham cattle, this breed being, according to his opinion, the best suited to this climate. In his native land in 1866, Mr. Betten brook was married to Miss Louisa Brummied and to this union have been born nine chil dren, as folloavs: Frederick, deceased; Henry, avho resides on the old place on Buf falo creek; Louisa, deceased; William, avIio resides in Garfield township, married Miss Mattie Plinsky, and they have tw.o: children ; John ; Frank ; August ; Emma, deceased ; and a babe that died at birth, Mrs. Bettenbrook passing away in 1888. She had been a good, Christian avoman, a devoted mother and an admirable helpmate, for her husband. In politics Air. Bettenbrook always votes with the Republican party in national affairs, but locally he exercises his judgment and supports men and measures rather than holding to close partisan lines. For many years he has been a leading member of the Lutheran church. His residence in Kansas has led Mr. Bettenbrook to the belief that this stafe, like any other, must be studied as to location and climate and that, like any other, must not be expected to yield ea'ery advantage in the avide range of states, and that the time is coming AA'hen it avill take its place far toward the front among the sisterhood of states. His oavn success is easily explained, as it is due to his energy, perseverance and honest economy, the lack of these elements explaining the disappoint ment of many settlers. GEORGE Al. FRISBIE. George AL Frisbie, one of tbe leading agriculturists and1 stock men of Kingman county, aa-as born in Bradford county, Penn sylvania, on the 10th of August, 1861, a son of George C. and Huldah (Kuykeiudall) Frisbie. Chauncey Frisbie, the grandfather of our subject, avas born in Burlington, Hartford county, Connecticut, on the 16th of November, 1787, the eldest in the family of five children of Levi and Phebe (Gaylord) Frisbie, natia-es also of that state and of Eng lish descent. Lead Frisbie avas a loyal sol dier during the Revolutionary war, and in 1800 he located in Bradford county, Penn sylvania, avhich avas then a avild forest. His wife avas a survivor of the Wyoming mas sacre, in avhich her father avas killed. For BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 339 many generations the family have been stanch Presbyterians;. Chauncey Frisbie was one of the leading citizens of his local ity in that early day, both socially and po litically, and for many years he served as a justice of the peace, while his brother, Zeb- ulon Frisbie. held the office of associate judge. George C. Frisbie, the father of our sub ject, AA-as born in Onvell, Bradford! county, Pennsylvania,' March I, 1831, and has there spent his entire life. For many years he followed tbe tilling of the soil as a means of livelihood, but. is noav living in quiet re tirement, enjoying the rest which he so truly earned and richly deserves. He has ever taken an active interest in the public life of his locality and is a stanch supporter of the Democracy, Avhile religiously he is a life long member of the PresAyterian church. As a companion on the journey of life he chose Huldah Kuykendall, a native of Orange county, New York, but in an early day her parents removed from that state to Pennsylvania, where she gave her hand in marriage to Mr. Frisbie. She is also still living, arid lias ooav reached the sixty-eighth milestone on the journey of life. Unto this worthy couple avere born eight children, namely : Fred V.,' who for fifteen years was the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bellport, NeAV York, and is iioav stationed at Webster, that state; Hector H., treasurer under Commissioner Mitchell in the excise office for the port of New York; George M., the subject of this review; Frank C, whose home is at Brighton Beach, New York, where he is well known in connection with the turf ; Virginia, the Avife of Horace Jordan who is employed in the congressional library, while Airs. Jordan is the stenographer and secretary for the Hon. S. B. Elkins" a sena tor and an- ex-secretary of war; William K, who: resides ou the old homestead in Brad-. ford county, Pennsylvania, which was im proved by his grandfather, and he takes a very prominent part in local affairs; Ben jamin L.. avho- is engaged in the milling busi ness in the town of Orwell, Pennsylvania; and Hanson, who died in infancy. George M. Frisbie, the immediate sub ject of this revieav, avas reared in his native toavn of Onvell, and his youth and early manhood avas spent on the farm and in the schoolroom. At the age of eighteen years he graduated in the graded school of Orwell. and for three years thereafter followed the teacher's profession in Pennsylvania and Neav Jersey. , His intention: was to enter Lafayette College and there prepare him self for professional life, but on account of impaired eyesight he avas obliged to. abandon his cherished plans, and for several months he avas confined to a dark room. After spending one winter in the southern states in order to regain his health he returned to the home of his youth, and for a short time thereafter avas. engaged, in driving a stage from Canipton, Pennsylvania, to Nichols, Neav York, a distance of twenty-seven miles. He next accepted a position with the Hum phrey Homeopathic Medicine Company, in troducing their remedies in various cities in Ncav York, Pennsylvania and NeAV Jersey, and avhile thus engaged he began the study of veterinary surgery, intending to. make it his life occupation, but failing eyesight again compelled him to change his plans, and in the spring of 1882 he went to Chicago, Illi nois, there remaining for three months. In December, 1882, he took up. his abode in Topeka, Kansas, where he avas engaged in agricultural pursuits until the following August, and on the expiration of that period he secured a quarter section of land on sec tion 9, Peters township, Kingman county, which he pre-empted and improved, and there made his home until 1890, extensively engaged in- farming and stock-raising. . In that year he became oavner of tavo hundred acres of land in Union to-wnsip, Kingman county, to which he aftenvard added! another quarter section, but in 1893 be left that land to join the "boomers" in opening the strip, where he secured a claim, but not being fa vorably impressed with the country he re turned to Union township. In the spring Of T899 he located on the farm avhich is still his home and which had been purchased the pre vious year. Since coming to this county Mr. Frisbie has made stock-raising his chief occupation,; 34Q BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. buying and shipping not only to the local markets but also to outside points. He avas formerly extensivdy* engaged in shipping* cattle and hogs to Kansas Cita', avhile his horses avere sent to the eastern markets, to Neav York, city and Pennsylvania. He often relates an amusing incident avhich occurred aaliile in Washington, D. C. AA'hile visit ing the treasury building, being attired in a AAliite sombrero and other stockman's garb, he avas mistaken by his guide for Buffalo Bill, avho AA'as then in the city Avitb his Avild west sIioav, and Air. Frisbie enjoyed his bor rowed glory for a time to the fullest extent. As a judge of stodc he has feav equals and no superiors in this portion of the state, and has taken a deep interest in improving the grade of stock raised in Kingman county. He noav has in his pastures about one hun dred head of cattle and taventy-five horses, also from fifteen to taventy milch coavs. Tavo hundred and ten acres, of his land is under an excellent state of cultivation, containing a beautiful grove and orchard of fifteen acres, and the remainder of his section is devoted to pasturage. In April, 1900, Air. Frisbie sustained a most terrible injury. While roping a wild mule one of his feet avas caught in a loop of the lariat and he avas dragged through a dense grove of liarge trees and around the pasture until the ani mal avas exhausted. Mr. Frisbie had one limb broken in two places betaveen the knee and ankle, the bone protruding through the flesh and the other knee was dislocated. His life avas saved only by his great presence of mind in sliding himself as best he could while he avas being dragged and by his de termined avill during the months of his con finement. He sustained an injury avhich feaa* could have survived, but his great for titude and determination, avhich have been his most marked characteristics throughout life, doubtless insured his recovery, and to day, though a cripple for life, he attends to his farming interests AA'ith the same good judgment as before. The marriage of Ah*. Frisbie and Aliss Ella A. Dark avas celebrated in Harper, Kan sas, on the qth of December, 1885. She avas born at London, Ontario, and is a daughter of James AA'. and Sarah (Scott) Dark, of English ancestry. The father came to Kingman county, Kansas, in 1883, and at the "opening" went to Oklahoma, where he noav resides at Haavley. Mrs. Frisbie was the eldest of her parents' eight children, six of avhom are noav living. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed aaith seven children, — Chauncey AV., Nellie AT J. Han son, Coral B., Glen AA"., Frank and Ralph. The third child, J. Hanson, died when a year and a half old. Ah*. Frisbie has ever taken an actia-e and commendable interest in the public affairs of his locality and is a support er of the People's party. For four consecu tive tenns he sened as a trustee and assessor of his toavnship, avas clerk of the township board for sea-eral years, and throughout most of his residence in Kingman county has served as a member of the school board. In his social relations he is a member of the Alodern AVoodmen of America. He has long- been accounted one of the most prominent and progressive citizens of the community, and has earned for himself an enviable rep utation as a careful man of business, ahvays knoAA-m for his prompt and honorable method's of dealing, avhich have avon h'nuthe deserved and unbounded confidence of his felloav men. * > » CLARK L. DANNER. If those avho claim that fortune has fa vored certain individuals above others avill but investigate the cause of success and failure, it avill be found that the former is largely due to the improvement of oppor tunities, the latter to the neglect of them. Fortunate environments encompass nearly eaery man at some stage in his career, but the strong man and the successful man is he avho realizes that the proper moment has come, and that the present and not the fu ture holds his opportunity. The man avho makes, use of his no-iv and not the to be is one avho passes on the highavay of life others avho started out ahead of him, and reaches the goal of prosperity far in ad vance of them. It is this quality in Mr- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 34i Danner that has made him a leader in the ' business world and that in connection Avith commercial interests has won him a name that is avidely known. Qark Leal Danner, now treasurer of Ellsavorth county, is a member and man ager of the extensh-e business in Wilson conducted under the firm name of G. L. Leavitt & Company. He is a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Fanner . City, that state, June, 8, 1870. His father, I. M. Danner, followed farming in early * life and later gave his attention to' mer chandising, which he carried on in Wilson from 1879 until 1888. He served as a member of the city council, but was never an active politician, preferring to devote his attention to his business affairs. While in Illinois he married Aliss Mary F. Stans- bury, of Farmer City, and they became the parents of six children, two sons and four daughters, of whom our subject is the eld est. He and his sister Bertha, now the wife of A. T. Carhart, who is with the firm of G. L. Levitt & Company, are thp only ones living in Ellsworth county. The fatber re tired from active business life in 1888 and located in Oskaloosa, Kansas. He super intends some farming interests, but has prac tically put aside business cares in order to enjoy a well desened rest. His Avife is a member of the Methodist church. At the time of the Civil Aa*ar he manifested his loyalty to the government by enlisting, in 1 86 1, as a member of the Eighth Iowa Cavalry, with which he served until hos tilities had ended. He participated in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Alissionary Ridge, Chiekamauga and several minor en gagements, avas several times struck Avith bullets but AA-as never so severely injured as to make it necessary for him to go to the hospital. Clark L. Danner was only two years of age Avhen -the family came to Kansas and on the old home farm he was reared, pursu ing his education under Dallas Grover and Professor Crover, the present superintend ent of the city schools. In early life he started ont to acquire a good business edu cation, being employed in his father's store when only eight years of age. In 1885 he became connected with the dry-goods trade as an employe of the firm of Levitt Broth ers, and for the past sixteen years has de voted hs time and attention to this depart ment of commercial activity. From 1894 until 1898 he did the work of three men. He acted as bookkeeper for the firm of Levitt Brothers, and at half past nine each morning he avent to Ellsworth to serve' as deputy county treasurer, returning in time for supper and then spending the evening as bookkeeper for the Wilson Milling Com pany. This covered a period of four yrears of hard work, but opened the avay for him to a succesful business career. At the end of that time he was elected county treas urer and located in Ellsworth, avhere he re mained for about six months, but his lean ing for mercantile life was too strong to permit him to remain out of that line for a long period. On the ist of October, 1899, he became one of the members of the firm of G. L. Levitt & Company, aaho purchased the business of Levitt Brothers. They carry a large line of general merchandise, including clothing, dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, furniture, paints and oils. Their stock is aery com plete and is the largest avest of Salina, being a-alued at about thirty-five thousand dollars. The business is carried on in a store thirty- seven and a half by one hundred and taventy feet in dimensions, and both stories and the basement of the building are occupied. There are nine people employed in clerking, and the business, which is constantly grow ing in volume and importance, brings to the oavners a good financial return. This AA-as the pioneer general store in the tOAvn. Air. Danner has the manage ment of the business, while his brother-in- laAv, AA". H. Carhart, acts as deputy county treasurer and has charge of the treasurer's office in Ellsworth. In addition to his store Air. Danner is interested in farming and is also one of the stockholders in the mill of AA'ilson. He owns tAvo hundred and forty acres of land in Russell county, and this he rents.' This land is underlaid AA'ith coal fields and he receives a royalty from 342 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the mines as avell as the rental from the farm. On the 2d of June, 1895, occurred the marriage of Mr. Danner and Ziba Carhart, a daughter of AAr H. Carhart, of AVilson, Kansas. They now have one son, Van Earl. In his political views Mr. Danner is an ardent Republican and is deeply inter ested in the success and growth of his party, but his time is too fully occupied to permit of his giving* much active attention to po^ litical avork. Fraternally he is identified avith Samaria Lodge, No. 298, A. F. & A. M. ; Ellsavorth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. M. ; Ellsworth Council, No. 9, R. & S. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 33, K. T. ; and Wichita Consistory, No. 2, S. P. R. S., of the southern jurisdiction. He is also, iden tified avith Spartacus Lodge,. No. 248, K. P. ; with the Knights and Ladies of Se curity; avith the Sons of Veterans and the Select Knights of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. The business policy avhich he has always followed has been most commendable; he is methodical, care ful and thorough, requiring that the strict est honesty must prevail in his establish ment, and this course has won him the re spect of the business associates and all avith avhom he has dealings. JOHN B. HOLMES. In a compilation of a biographical his tory of Rice county mention should cer tainly be accorded John B. Holmes, for he belonged to the substantial class of citizens who confer honor and dignity upon the community avhich they represent by reason of their high worth of character. He was prominent and popular, and as one of the early settlers of tbe county he bore an im portant part in the avork of progress and improvement. Mr. Holmes was born in . Lawrence county, Ohio, March 28, 1836, a son of Isaac and Anna Eliza (Bennett) Holmes. The father was born in Pennsylvania and was of English lineage. The mother was born December 10, 1816, and died Alay 9. 1836, avhen her son John was only six aveeks old. The father afterward married again and died in Rice county, Kansas, in October, 1871. He was a tanner and farm er by occupation and in. politics was a Re publican, while in religious belief he was connected with the Christian church. John B. Holmes was reared in Laav- rence county, Ohio, s.pending his youth upon a farm, where he early became fa miliar avith the labors of field and meadow. In the common schools he acquired a good education, which avas supplemented by further study in Middleton, Pennsylvania. AVhen he entered upon his business career he secured the position of bookkeeper for the Union Iron Company, with avhich he remained for fifteen years, a most capable and trustworthy employe of the firm. Dur ing the war he assisted in organizing a com pany for the service, avhich became Com pany D, of the Thirty-sixth Ohio Infantry. He avas urged to' accept the captaincy, but declined ; however, he avent to the front and participated in a number of engagements, avhere his personal bravery on the field won him promotion, first to the rank of second lieutenant. He took part in the battle of Chiekamauga and in many other important engagements. He was ahvays found at his post of duty, faithfully defending the old flag and the cause it represented. For a time he lay near death's door in the hos pital and at length avas discharged on ac count of physical disability in 1864, having been in the hospital at Covington, Ken tucky, for some time previous. AVhen he had sufficiently recovered his health to resume business life Mr. Holmes secured his old position with the Union Iron Company, but on account of his health he came to Kansas, securing a citizen's claim or homestead in Atlanta toavnship, Rice county, in April, 1871. He avas one of the first settlers to locate within its borders and from that time until his death he was an active factor in the work of general im provement and progress. He succeeded in transforming his wild land's into fertile fields and avas one of the first to engage :a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 343 trade- at Atlanta, establishing there a gen eral mercantile store. Later, avhen the toavn avas removed to Lyons he went to that place and avas identified avith its com mercial interests, but all the time made his home upon his farm. Air. Holmes avas united in marriage on the nth of May, 1865, to Miss Irene TragO', a lady of intelligence and a repre sentative of a good family. She was born in Zanesville, Ohio, but was reared and ed ucated in Jackson, that state. Her par ents avere William and Mary .(Harvey) Trago, the former a native of Fredericks burg, Pennsylvania, avhile the latter was born in AA'ales. Tbe mother died in 1850, at the age of forty-eight years, and the fa ther passed aavay in 1872, at Gallia Station, Ohio, at the age of seventy-three. They held membership with the Baptist church and Avere people of the highest respectabil ity. Diree of their children are yet living, namely: Mrs. Mary Walden, of Colum bus, Ohio, whose husband Avas a captain in the Thirty-sixth Ohio Infantry, and after ward engaged in the practice of law, but is now deceased: Mrs. Irene Holmes; and Mrs. Emtma Morrow, of Hancock county, Virginia. Those who: have passed away are:' Elizabeth, who died at the age of seventeen years ; John H., who was born April 24, 1826, and died August 7, 1833; W. D., Avho was born March 12, 1829, and died in Jackson, Ohio, in 1891, leaving a widow and four children ; Ben, who was born July 15, 1831, and died August 13, 1897; David, who was born September 12, 1833, and died July 31, 1834; and Mary A., Avho' was born July 9, 1836, and died on the 13th of August following. Of this family W. D. was a soldier in an Ohio bat tery during the Civil war and Ben was a second lieutenant of the Seventh Ohio Cav alry. He participated in twenty-four en gagements. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Avere born ., five children: Chester W., who married Lvdia Stall!, is now an engineer in Mace, Idaho; Alva Curtis, who married Miss Sarah Gladys Day and resides in Atlanta toavnship; John Clyde and Carl B., young men of twenty-three and twenty-one years, respectively, are at home avith their mother and operate the farm; and one child, Ar- ligton, who avas the third in order of birth, died at the age of six weeks. John B. Holmes held membership in the Christian church of Lyons and avas one of its most active workers. He was an earnest soldier of the cause as avell as a loyal de-, fender of his country upon the battlefields of the south. He left the record of a pure and upright life. He was widely knoavn as a devoted husband and father, a faithful friend and neighbor aiid a good citizen, and to his family he left the priceless heritage of an untarnished' name. He died Septem ber 8, 1892, at the age of fifty-six, and the entire community mourn his loss. -Mrs. Holmes still resides upon the farm of one hundred and sixty acres, avhere avith her husband she took up her abode thirty years ago. She has borne her part in the estab lishment of a home and has been a faith ful and loving avife and mother, rearing a family of children who. do credit to' her teachings and her good name. Her many good qualities of heart and mind have won her the love and friendship of a wide circle of acquaintances and among the avorthy* pioneer people of the community she well deserves mention. J. C. DAVIS. J. C. Davis is engaged in the real-estate and abstract business in Lyons. For twen ty-six years he has been a resident of Kan sas and is deeply interested in everything pertaining to: the progress and welfare of his adopted state. He avas born in Peoria, Illinois, on the 2d of December, 1859, and the progressive and enterprising spirit which has wrought the wonderful develop ment in the Mississippi valley has been ex emplified in his career. His father, R. C. Davis, became a resident of Peoria in 1856, emigrating avestward from AVheeling, West Virginia, bis birthplace. He represented one of the honored families of that locality 344 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. and was a farmer and stock-raiser. After remaining in Illinois for a time he returned to West \rirginia for his wife, avho' bore the maiden name of Margaret Keyser and was born in that state, of German lineage. For a time the parents resided upon their farm and Air. Davis won a handsome com petence through his capable management and business ability. At length he put aside active duties of business life and is now liv ing retired at his -home in Elmwood, Illi nois. He had eight children, five sons and three daughters, but Mr. Davis of this re view is the only one now in Kansas. One son was killed by accident in an elevator; Elmer E. died in Lake City, Illinois; and the other members of the family are noav living. J. C. Davis was reared to farm life, early becoming familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agri culturist. He worked in the fields from the time of early spring planting to the garner ing of the harvests. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native state, and in 1876 he came to the west, mak ing his way to Rice county, avhere his fa ther owned a farm. For four years he de voted his attention to the management and cultivation of this property and then re turned to Illinois, where for a year he en gaged in merchandising in Abates City. On the expiration of that period he again came to Kansas, where he avas connected avith a store for a time, after which he spent one year as a traveling salesman, representing a Chicago firm. His next venture was in the abstract and land business, avhich has since claimed his attention. He has an ex cellent set of abstract books and has a good clientage in the real-estate department of his business. In 1893, in Stafford county, Kansas, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Davis and Miss Edna Scott, a daughter of the well known Judge H. W. Scott, avho has a avide acquaintance in the Sunfloaver state and in Oklahoma. Mrs. Davis is a lady of natural culture and refinement and prior to her marriage avas a successful and popular teacher in Larned, Kansas, for some time. Their union has been blessed with three children, — -Margaret, Charlotte and Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are people of the high est respectability, and owing to their ster ling worth the hospitality of the best homes of Lyons is extended to them. Mr. Davis is a member of the Presbyterian church and- his avife holds membership in the Christian church. Socially he is identified avith the Knights of Pythias fraternity, and in his political belief is a Republican, giving* his support to the men and measures of the party. Public-spirited and progressive, he co-operates with measures for the general good and possesses those qualities which render him a valued and esteemed resident of his adopted city. JOHN L. McDAVITT. One of the most prosperous and exten- sh-e farmers and stock-raisers of Kingman county is John L. MIcDavitt, who resides on section 28, Kingman -township. He was born in Edgar county, Illinois, June 24, 1852. The family is of Scotch-Irish lineage and Notley McDavitt, the grandfather of our subject, was probably a native of "Vir ginia, Aahere he was reared. Throughout his entire life he carried on farming.' In the Old Dominion he avas married and there re sided until 1838, Avhen he removed with his family to Edgar county, Illinois, locating on a. farm about ten miles from Paris, mak ing it his home until his death, which oc curred some time after the Mexican war. His AA'ife survived him for a number of years and our subject still retains a vivid recolleotion of her. In their family were six children: Japines R. ; Van Meter, who Avas accidentally killed in Illinois while riding a horse; Joseph, a farmer of Bates county, Missouri ; Ann, who Avas the wife of James Zimmerman and died in Coles coun- ¦ ty, Illinois, in March, 1901 ; Jehu, who was- . a tavin brother of Ann and followed farming in Coles county until his death, which oc curred March 15, 1899; and John, avIio died in Edg|ar county, Illinois, December MRS. JOHN L. McDAVITT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 345 8, 1899, on the old homestead, avhere his father had lived. James R. AIcDavitt, avho Avas the eldest of the family and became the father of our subject, avas born, in Virginia, January 4, 1825, and aaheii thirteen years of age ac companied his parents to Illinois. Soon af terward 'he left home, and, making his avay to Bloomington, Illinois, secured work on a farmi near that place. At that time lots could have been purchased in the city for dght dollars, eadi. For tavo years he re mained on the farm, and during that period often hauled Avheat to Chicago, for rail roads affording shipping facilities had not then been built. On the expiration of two years he! returned to Edgar county, and dur ing the Mexican war he enlisted as a. sol dier, serving under General Scott. He was married, in Edgar county, to Miss Wood- ard, who lived for only a year afterward. He later wedded Seleta A. Combs, who: was born in Tennessee, October 17, 1831, a daughter of Pleasant M. and Mary (Prince) Combs, both of Avhom were natives of Ten nessee, whence they removed to Edgar county, Illinois, where they spent their re maining days. After his marriage Mr. Mc- Davitt engaged in farming in Edgar coun ty for several years, and about 1859 he re moved to the to-ww of Kansas, where he established a hotel, which he conducted un til 1 861. He then traded his town prop erty for a farm in Coles county, Illinois, near Westfield, and after residing thereon for six years returned to Edgar county, pur chasing a tract of land near the old family homestead, making it his place of residence until 1890, when he sold out and removed to California, near Chico. There he en gaged in fruit raising until his death, which occurred in June, 1898. His second wife had died April 8, 1876, and he had wedded Mrs. Mary Houghman, who passed away in 1898. Mr. McDavitt was a Democrat in his political vieavs and for several years served as treasurer of Grandviewi township, Edgar county, Illinois. Socially he was identified with the Masonic fraternity, and both the parents of our subject were consist ent members of the Presbyterian church in 22 the avork of avhich they took an active part. They had five children, all of avhom are liv ing, namely : John L. ; Alary C., who. was born October 29, 1853, and is the wife of Harrison B. Thompson1, proprietor of a restaurant in Brockton, Illinois; Chester R., avho aaas born August 21, 1855, and is a farmer living near Kiowa, Kansas; Notley P., avho was born February 17, 1862, and is an insurance agent at Bridgeport, Iowa, but is now traveling for his health; and Nora M., who avas born October 4, 1869, and is the wife of Samuel Huffman, of San Fran cisco., California. In the district schools of his native coun ty John L. McDavitt pursued his education and remained upon his father's farm until be AA'as, twenty-one years of age. He was married January 14, 1875, to Frances E. Thompson, who was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Jones) Thompson. Her father was born . in Culpeper county, Virginia, Janu ary 30, 181 1, and her mother in Maryland, January 21, 1820. The Thompson family avas of English lineage. Thomas Thomp son was twice married, his first wife having been Anna Kinsey, by whom he had three children: Emily, the wife of Joseph Brill, a farmer living near Windsor, Illinois; Louisa, the avife of AVilliam H. McCord, an agriculturist of Edgar county, Illinois ; and Edward, a farmer of the same locality.. After the death of his first Avife Mr. Thomp son was married, August 25, 1835, in Guernsey county, Ohio, to Mary Jones, a. daughter of Andrew Jones, who was a cooper by trade and died in Guernsey coun ty, Ohio, about twelve years ago. By the second marriage there were also three chil dren1; Harrison B., proprietor of a restau rant in Brockton, Illinois; Anna E., the wife of John! N. Combs, of Edgar county; and Mrs. McDavitt. The father was a farmer by occupation and also conducted a hotel in Salesville, Ohio. In 1864 he removed to Edgar county, Illinois, Avhere he; purchased a farm, avhich he operated until his death, October 12, 1890, his avife surviving him until March, 1896, avhen she, too, passed aavay. Both avere members of the Metho- 346 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. dist church and took an active part in its work. His political support Avas given the Republican party. For tavo years after his marriage Air. McDavitt folloaved carpentering in Grand- vieav, Illinois, and then rented a farm near by, operating it for a year. Subsequently he resided on his father's farm for a time, then lived in tbe tOAvn of Dudley, and from there avent to Reclmon, Illinois. Later he resided east of AAralnut Grove for a, year and then removed to a farm one mile south of the toavn of Kansas, continuing its cultiva tion for six years. A year avas also spent on a farm a mile and a half north of Charles ton, Coles county, Illinois, and in April, 1886, he removed to AATllington, Kansas, but after a short residence there came to Kingman county, locating on the Hamilton ranch:, avhen all he had in the avorld in money avas fifty-five cents, avhile his other resources: avere represented by tavo cows and a feav household goods, — he did not even have a team. There he remained for one year, and then removed to the town of Bross, but after a feav aveeks came to- his present home, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres of land on avhich a feav improve ments had been made. That fall he built a house, twenty-eight by sixteen feet, and later he put up a good barn and a five-ton wagon scale. His farm is noav all under fence and he has an excellent orchard and ninety acres planted avith the cereals best adapted to this1 climate. The remainder of his home farm is devoted to pasturage pur poses and he rents about eight hundred acres of pasture land, for he has a fine herd of one hundred and fifteen graded short horn and Hereford cattle. The home of Mr. and Airs. AIcDavitt has been blessed avith four children: Claud AAA avho is in the railroad service and makes his In >me in Zenda, Kingman county ; Myrtle, the aaife of AATiliam IT. Boots, a farmer and carpenter of Portland, Oregon; Thomas R., avho' ably asists his father on the farm; and Frances L., avho is attending school. In his political affiliations Mr. McDavitt is a Democrat, and for tavo- terms he capably served as justice of the peace. He has been a delegate to the county conventions and avas made a delegate to tlie state convention at Ft. Scott, but business prevented his at tendance. He has been a member of the Alasonic fraternity since taventy-one years of age, at avhich time he joined Kansas Lodge, No. 280, A. F. & A. AL, in Illinois. He is now a member of Spivey Lodge, No. 347, and he also belongs to Nashville Lodge, No 383, I. O. O. F., in which he has filled all the chairs, avhile to the grand lodge he has been sent as a delegate. He holds mem bership in Alagnolia Camp, No. 5394, AI. AA'. A., of Nashville, Kansas, and is its ven erable consul. All that he possesses in life has been acquired through bis oavn efforts, — industry, perseverance and capable man agement being the foundation upon avhich he has built his success. He is honored and respected by his neighbors and many friends in the county, and avell deserves to be accounted a leading citizen of his portion of the state. WILLIAM AI. PORTER. AATiliam AI. Porter avas, born in Pella, Marion county, Ioava, in October, 1855, his parents being Joseph and Alary (Cheesman) Porter, the former a native of Delaavare and the- latter of Indiana, in avhich state they avere married. The paternal grandfather, Joseph Porter, avas of Scotch-Irish descent and Ids avife avas a relative of Henry Clay Dean, of avorld-avide reputation. The grand father died in Delaavare, and Joseph Porter left his natia-e state after he had attained! to early manhood and traveled on foot to In diana, avhere he secured avork as a farm hand and thus entered' upon an independent busi ness career. Lie had no money save that avhich he earned through his oaam labor. He purchased a horse, avhich avas almost his only possession at the time of his marriage, then rented land and began farming on a small scale, folloaving agricultural pursuits in the Hoosier state for tavo years, when he started for Iowa, taking AA'ith him his fam ily and all of his earthly possessions. He was BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 347 one of the first settlers of Marion county, where he entered land from the government. After making some improvements upon it he sold that property and erected the first grist and saav mill in Marion county, the products of Avhich he had to haul to market, sdling the goods mostly in Burlington. Sub sequently he traded his mill property for a large tract of land, on avhich a feav improve ments had been made, but they avere of very poor character. AA'ith resolute avill he be gan avork and soon transformed, the field into a good farm, thereon spending his remain ing days. He avas an excellent financier, was diligent, progressive and enterprising and thus avon success. He became an ex tensive land oavner and one of the most pros perous and prominent men of the county. In his youth he avas deprived of all advantages. His education Avas practically acquired under the direction of his Avife after they avere mar ried, but by reading, study and observation he became a well informed man and capable of conducting many branches of business. His political support aaas given the Demo cracy, but he reserved the right to vote for any man avhom he preferred at local elec tions. He filled many township and county offices and avas also chosen to represent his ¦county in the state legislature, avhere he served avith honor and credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. A leading member of the. Alethodist Episcopal church, he also took an active part in Sunday-school work and! did everything in his poaver to promote the moral advancement of the peo ple among whom, he lived. The poor and needy ever found in him a friend and he was ahvays avilling to give of his time and means to assist others. His many excellent qualities made him avidely and favorably knoavn and he commanded the uniform con fidence and respect of all by reason of his sterling integrity and honor. He avas a man above the average height, of an athletic build and avhen young he avorked very hard. He possessed natural mechanical ability and was a millwright by trade. In later years his attention avas given exclusively to his farm avork, and his enterprise and diligence avon for him a competence that enabled him to surround his family avith all of the ne cessities and many of the luxuries of life. He had an able assistant in his avife, avho avas a most estimable lady. His death occurred August 8, 1882, and Airs. Porter died Alay 11, 190 1, having reached the ripe old age of eighty-tavo. years. Her parents avere Scotch Irish and avere early settlers of Indiana, aadiere her father was a prominent farmer. After the death of her husband Mrs. Porter became the wife of J. H. AVoody, also from Indiana. Unto Air. and Airs. Porter avere boni eleven- children : John, who- died in childhood; James, of Ioava; Airs. Elizabeth Millison; George, avho died) at the age of twelve years; Marion, of Ioava; Mrs. Nancy Wray; William, of this revieav ; Charles, avho is living in the Hawkeye state; Mary, de ceased; Frank, a. tavin brother of Mary and noav a farmer of IoAva'; and Katy, deceased wife of Joe Kelly. William Porter avas born and reared in Ioava, and he remained in his parents' home until taventy-five years of age. He avas trained to the avork of the farm in its various department's and in the schools of the neighborhood he mastered some of the branches of English learning. In 1881 he avas united in marriage to Miss Clara Bitting, avho avas born in Indiana, although the wedding avas celebrated in Ioava. The lady avas a daughter of Lewis and Hannah (Redman) Bitting, both of whom Avere na tives of Pennsylvania and were of German descent. The father Aaas a farmer and me chanic and removed to' the Hawkeye state avhere he departed this life. They avere members: of the Presbyterian church and in that faith reared their family of six children, namely: Joseph; Mrs. Porter; Charles, of Ioava; Alvin'; Emma, the avife of T. Baker; and Mary. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Porter was born a daughter, Bertha, on the 28th of November, 1881.' The avife and) mother died April 5, 1883. She avas an earnest Christian avoman, devoted to the interests of ber family, and her loss Avas deeply felt. Subsequently Air. Porter Avas again married, his second union being avith Miss Alartha 348 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. J. Aliller, avho avas born at Pella, Iowa, April 17, 1859, her parents bdng* J. H. and Martha (Liter) Aliller, both of whomi avere natives of Illinois. Their marriage avas celebrated in Marion county, Iowa. Her pa ternal grandpfather, Isaac Miller, represented a family of Pennsylvania German) lineage. Lie married Jane Smith, a sister of Job Smith, of Lyons, Kansas. The father of Mrs. Porter avas a successful farmer and is now living retired at Truro, Iowa, yet own ing the old family homestead in tbat statd He formerly supported the Democracy, but is now an advocate of the Populist party, and was chairman of his township: organi zation for that party for some time. He is a very prominent and successful farmer and a man of sterling integrity and honor. His avife died at the a.ge of thirty-two years, leav ing four children, namely : John L. ; Martha J., now Airs. Porter; Sarab C, the wife of W. Zimmerman; and Mary J., the wife of S. Miller. After the death of the first wife the father wedded Miss: Mary Millard:, and bad five children : Cora,, now the wife of E. Bennett; Lora, who married E. Atkinson; Frank, avho. is operating- the home farm; Anna, the avife of F. Knott; and William, of Rice county. The parents, are members of the Methodist church. The home of Mr. and Airs. Porter has1 been blessed avith tavo children, — Bessie, avho died in infancy; and Clarence, born June 18, 1888. A f ter his first marriage Mr. Porter rent-. ed a farm and thus made a start in life. Sub sequently he purchased a small tract of land, avhich he afterward sold and then bought another farm. Prior to his marriage he had engaged in operating a threshing, machine, but subsequently to that event he devoted his time exclusively to farming. After the death of his, avife he ranted his fann and made a tour of the avest, going to Colorado-, avhere he spent a few. months. Subsequent ly returning to Pella, Iowa, he there engaged in merchandising for a short period. In 1885 he avas again married, and then sold his Ioava property, after which he came to Kansas, locating in Rice county, where he first purchased the quarter section of land upon which, he yet resides. It was improved avith- a small house, but the place was in poor condition, yet his marked determinatioo and and energy, hoavever, enabled him to readily take up. and carry on the work and in a short space of time he avas enabled to pay off the indebtedness upon the place and add manyi substantial improvements. Not afraid qf work, he took contracts for various kinds:, of labor, and his marked diligence, deter mination and enterprise thus enabled him toi alter his surroundings and conditions and to conquer an adverse fate. In the course of time he stocked his farm avith good grades of cattle, horses and hogs, and in addition carried on general farming, hanesting good crops. He has always had good corn crops, and in later years be has purchased corn: and other products, gaining a good financial return from the investments. As his finan cial resources have increased he has added' to his. landed possessions until he now has eight hundred and ninety acres, all undten a high state of cultivation, the place be ing located four miles northeast of Lyons. He is a very energetic, determined man, and his resolute avill has enabled him to conquer all difficulties and obstacles,. He is an. ex cellent judge of property and of stock, buys cattle in bunches and always has a bunch of ¦ cattle for sale. His felloav townsmen rec-i ognize his business ability and reliable judg ment and feel that in trade transactions he is ever straighforAvard and just. His place is improved with a good two-story residence, a large barn and splendid outbuildings. There is also an orchard and grove and all of the attractive features found upon a modfel farm of the twentieth century are here seen. By hard work and honest dealing he has be come one of the most prosperous agricultur ists of the community, and in his business career he has ever followed the honorable precepts laid doavn by his father, thus: sus taining an irreproachable character. In pol itics he is a Democrat and has filled many township offices, at the present time acting as township treasurer of Harrison township Both he and his avife hold membership » the Methodist Episcopal church. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 349 JOHN WIGGINS. Mr. Wiggins was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, November 13, 1847, bis par ents bdng Benjamin and Jemimah (Mag- ness) Wiggins, both of whom were natives of Ohio. Die paternal grandfather, Ed ward Wiggins, was born in West Virginia, and in 1807 riemoved' to Ohio, where he entered land and improved a farm from the heavy timber. There he reared his family, living in the plain, old-fashioned style of tbe time, yet training his sons and daughters to habits of industry and integrity. He ever commanded the respect and confidence of his fellow men and all avho knew him recog nized his sterling avorth. His death oc curred on the old Ohio' homestead. His son, Benjamin Wiggins, was born July 13, 1820, on that farm, where he has always liyed and where his children were also born. He yet owns the old homestead, which came into his possession after the death of his father and which Avas secured by the family from the government. In politics he was- a Whig, and when the Republican party was formed he advocated its issues arid supported its platform. He has never faltered in his allegiance thereto and has done all in his power to promote the growth and insure the success of Republican meas ures. He held a number of township offices and has frequently been called upon to: act as guardian to estates, being widely known for his competent business ability and his irreproachable honesty and integrity. He is now enjoying the fruits of a well spent and useful life, but in April, 1890, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife. This worthy couple were the parents of seven children, as follows : Edward, who is living in Ohio; Seth, Avho died at the age of thirty years, leaving one child; Samuel, who is living on the old homestead ; John, of this revieAV; Harvey, Avho also resides in Rice county; Mary, the wife of John Williams; and Amanda, Avho married T. Workman. § In the old home which was the birth place of his father, John Wiggins of ,this review was born and reared, and under the parental roof he remained until twenty- seven years of age. During that period he acquired a common-school education and became familiar with all departments of farm work, for- he assisted in the labors of field on the old place'. In October, 1864, although but seventeen years of age, he en- ' listed for one year's service as a member of Company H, Eightieth Ohio Atolunteer Infantry, and avas assigned to duty with the Army of the Tennessee. He went with Sherman on his celebrated march to the sea and took part in other long marches and in many skirmishes, but was never' wounded. At the time of General Lee's surrender he was in North Carolina, after which the regiment proceeded to AVash- ington, D. C, and there participated in the. grand1 review, the most celebrated military pageant ever seen in the new world. He was then sent to Louisville, Kentucky, and later to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was mustered out and returned to Colum bus, Ohio, and there received an honorable discharge and was paid for his services. On reaching home Mr. Wiggins re sumed farming operations and continued upon the old homestead until his marriage, which occurred in 1875, Miss Ellen McCune becoming' his wife. She was born January 20, 1850, in Ohio, a daughter of John and Sarah (McDowell) McCune,- natives of the Buckeye state and of Scotch descent, their ancestors having located in Ohio' in pioneer days. John McCune's father served in the avar of 1 812 and died in the state of his na tivity. John McCune, the father of Mrs. Wiggins, avas a farmer by occupation and passed aavay in 1892. His political sup port was given the Democracy and he filled a number of township offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. In 1857 he was called upon to mourn the loss of his first avife, and later he married Miss Nancy Glenn. The children of his first marriage avere : Mary, now Mrs. D. Craig; James, of Ohio; Nathaniel, Ayho1 died in Missouri and left a family ; Mar tha, deceased ; Salina, the wife of Dr. A. Jackson; and Ellen, avife of Air. AAlggins. By his second marriage Mr. McCune had 350 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tavo children: John, noav of Ohio, and Robert, avho is living on the old homestead. The parents of Airs. AViggins avere consist ent and loyal members of the Presbyterian church. The marriage of our subject and his avife has been blessed avith seven chil dren, namely : Alay, who married F. Wol- ford; Seth, Cecil, Alaggie, Delia, Benja min and Lowell. After his marriage, in 1875, Air. AViggins came to the avest with his brother, first locating in southern Ne braska, avhere they purchased teams, rented land and planted a crop. After their corn was matured and disposed of in the autumn they came to Kansas, our subject purchas ing a squatter's claim and later homestead- ing the land comprising one hundred and sixty acres. Only a small amount had been broken and a little house of cheap work manship avas the only improvement upon the place. Since that time he has carried foravard the avork of progress here and now has a splendidly developed farm, the fields being under a high state of cultivation, Avhile excellent barns and outbuildings fur nish shelter for grain and stock. There is a bearing orchard and a beautiful grove, and the home is a commodious and tasteful residence. In his avork Mr. AVliggins has been successful and has added another quar ter section of land to his farm. Although occasionally the crops have not been good, the farm has ahvays been self-supporting and usually his labors have been crowned avith abundant harvests. He makes a spe cialty of the raising of avheat and he also raises some stock and buys in bunches a-oung cattle. AAHien he first came to his farm it avas necessary to do his trading at Sterling, but Avith the growth of the county, markets have been established much nearer. His first vote after coming to Rice county aaas cast in behalf of establishing the coun ty seat avhere the town of Lyons noav stands. He has Avitnessed all of the ad vancement and development of this portion of the state and has had no occasion to re gret his decision to make bis home avithin the borders of Rice county, for here he has met avith creditable success and has gained many avarm friends. Lie avas reared in the Republican party and for many years ad hered to its principles, but recently has affil iated avith the Reform party, believing that its men best serve the welfare of the ma jority. He has been a member of the toavn ship board for ten years, avas also township treasurer, trustee and assessor, and his pub lic service has ever been commendable. CHAUNCEY C. SPARKS. Chauncey C. Sparks, proprietor of the Sparks stock farm, consisting of thirteen hundred and taventy acres, is one of the most prominent farmers and stock-raisers in Kingman county. He avas born1 in Clay county, Indiana, on the 3d of August, 1864, and is a member of a prominent and avell-knoavn family of the Hoosier state. His grandfather, Oaven Sparks, avas born in Kentucky, of French and Welsh ancestry, and his son and the father of our subject, David Sparks, avas a native of Vigo county, Indiana. Lie avas married in the. state of his nativity to Alary AA'elsh, also a native of Vigo county, and they became the parents of the folloaving children : Charlotta Isa dora, of Coles county, Illinois; Enola J., deceased; Rev. Charles C, a resident of Kingman county; Chauncey. C, the subject of this revieav ; Albert, a resident of Jasper county, Illinois; Sallie, avho makes her home in Coles county, Illinois; Fred, of Illi nois ; and Oaven, avho died at the age of four years. The parents of these children died at the age of sixty-three years, both passing aavay in the faith of the Baptist church, of avhich they avere avorthy and consistent members. Chauncey C. Sparks remained in his na tive state until thirteen years of age, and he then accompanied his parents on their re moval to Jasper county, Illinois, and in both the Hoosier and Prairie states he avas reared to agricultural pursuits. Remaining at home until his taventy-first year, he then came to this state, avhere for one year he Aa-as employed by his uncle, AATiliam Sparks. In 1887 he removed to Avestern Kansas, se- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 35i curing a government claim in Stanton coun ty, but a short time afterward he sold his possessions there and returned to- Kingman county, Kansas, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres of improved land avhere he noav lives. As the years have passed by and success has come to him as the result of in domitable energy and unfaltering persever ance, he has added to his landed possessions until he now oaviis thirteen hundred and taventy acres of land in Ninnescah toavn ship, Kingman county, four miles south east of the city of Kingman. His residence, AA'hich AA'as erected at a cost of one thousand dollars, is situated on a natural building site and is surrounded by a beautiful grove and orchard, avhile his barns and outbuildings are well built and neat in appearance. The Ninnescah river furnishes an abundance of pure avater to his stock, of avhich he keeps about tavo- hundred head. On the 24th of November, 1889, Air. Sparks avas united in marriage to Addie AA'ymore, who has proved to him a loving and devoted companion. She avas born in Ioava, but avas reared and educated in Kan sas, and is a" daughter of Ben and Florence Wymore, the former now deceased. After the father's death the mother avas again married, being noav Airs. Isaac Neavton and a resident of Ninnescah township. Four children have brightened and blessed the home of Air. and Airs. Sparks, — Effie, Ellis, Clifford and Florence, aged respectively eleven, seven, five and tAvo years. They Were also called upon to mourn the loss of one who died in infancy. The Populist- party receives Air. Spark's active support and co-operation, and he takes an active in terest in public affairs. He is progressive and public-spirited, and never avithholds his support from any enterprise Aahich he be lieves will prove 'of public benefit or avill in any way advance the interests of tbe com munity. +-+-+¦ A. O. YEOMAN. A. O. Yeoman, one of the successful and extensive agriculturists and stock- raisers of Kingman county, avas born in Fayette county, Ohio, near Washington Court House, on the 10th of September,. 1850. His paternal grandfather, Walter Yeoman, was born in England, of English parentage, and his father, Eli Yeoman, was a native of Ohio. The latter was reared to years of maturity on a farm in that state, and avas there married to Rebecca Jane Knox, also a native of the Buckeye state and a cousin of James Knox Polk, presi dent of the United States. In 1856 Mr. and , Mrs. Yeoman removed: to a farm near Rensselaer, in Jasper county, Indiana, Avhere they became avell and favorably knoavn for their many excellencies of char acter. Diere the fatber died at the age of sixty-eight years. , Lie Avas a Democrat in his political vieavs, and both he and his avife avere zealous members of the Baptist church. She reached the age of sixty-nine years. Ten children avere born unto, this avorthy couple, nine sons and one daughter, as folloavs : Andrew, a resident of Indiana; Robert, also of that state ; Jennie, deceased ; Alfred O., the subject of this sketch; L. K.,. who Was killed in a railroad accident at Rossville, Illinois, in 1901 ; James A., a suc cessful farmer of Kingman county; Charles, of Neavkirk, Oklahoma; D. F., also of that territory; Marcus AL, of Kingman county; and Joseph, deceased. AA'hen six years of age A. O. Yeoman, of this revieav, accompanied his parents on their removal to Jasper county, Indiana, and on a farm in that county he avas early taught the farm avork in all its departments. The educational advantages avhich he en joyed in his youth avere those afforded by the schools of Rensselaer. In 1878, one year after his marriage, he cast in his lot avith the early settlers of Kingman county, Kansas, first securing a claim of one hun dred and sixty acres on the northeast quar ter of section 34, Ninnescah toavnship, Llis first residence in this state was a dug out, tavelve by fourteen feet, in avhich the family made their home for a. time. Here they experienced all the hardships and pri vations familiar to the early frontiersmen, but they bravely met and overcame the ob stacles and difficulties avhich beset their ;52 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. path, and in this favored section they are no-av enjoying the comforts and conveni ences known to the older east. As the years have passed Mr. Yeoman has added to his original purchase until he is now the pos sessor of nine hundred and sixty acres of land, four hundred acres of aahich is un der a high state of cultivation, while the re mainder is devoted to' pasturage. The large and comfortable residence avhich now adorns the place avas erected at a cost of thirteen hundred dollars, and he has also erected large barns and .other outbuildings. In Jasper county, Indiana, in 1877, avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Yeoman and Miss Mary E. Moore, a native of that lo cality and a daughter of AV. E. and Dianna (Evans) Moore, well-known and highly esteemed people of Jasper county. Four children have graced the marriage of our subject and wife, — Mattie, a successful and popular teacher of Kingman county, Edna, Jennie and John Kno«. Air. Yeoman is identified avith the Republican party, and for eighteen years he served as treasurer of his township, avhile for a number of years he was a member of the school board. In his social relations he is a member of the Ancient Order of United AAtorkmen. Mrs. Yeoman is a member of the Alethodist church. WILBUR H. RICE. The industrial and commercial history of Kansas would be very incomplete and un satisfactory Avithout a personal and some what extended mention of those avhose lives are interwoven so closely avith the develop ment of the state. The subject of this re vieav finds an appropriate place in the his tory of those business men avhose force of character, avhose sterling integrity, avhose fortitude amid discouragement, avhose good sense in the management of complicated af fairs and avhose marked success in estab lishing large industries and bringing to completion business enterprises, have con tributed in an1 eminent degree to the de velopment of the best resources of this coni- monavealth. His career has not been helped by accident or luck, wealth of family or powerful friends. In the broadest sense of the term' he is a self-made man, being the architect and builder of his oavn fortune. Mr. Rice was born in Holliston, Massa chusetts, in 1844, a son of Professor Gard ner Rice, who devoted his entire life to edu cational work and avas very successful as a teacher, gaining prominence in that line. His son, our subject, therefore received an excellent education and became especially proficient in music. Believing that he would find shoe manufacturing a congenial line of business, he started to learn it, but at the age of eighteen years he put aside business cares and enlisted in his country's service, joining Company F, Thirteenth Massachusetts In fantry, on the 29th of July, 1861. He was transferred to Battery C, of the First New York Artillery, and served for three years, on the expiration of AA'hich period he was honorably discharged, in 1864. He took part in all of the engagements with the Army of the Potomac, but avas never Avounded. On his return to the north Air. Rice en tered into the reformation business and had charge of the musical departmdit in several reform schools in Neav \Ark city and state. This he folloaved until 1887, avhen the men tal strain became too great a tax on his con stitution and he decided to enter a line of business avhich avould not involve so severe a tension upon his mental energies. Accord ingly he made his avay avestavard to Kan sas, locating in Albion toavnship, Barton county, upon the northeast quarter of sec tion 8, township 17, range 14. Here he erected a small frame house, sixteen by eighteen feet, and later built an addition, yet it AA'as a very diminutive structure compared to his present home. He had to pay forty- dollars per thousand feet for lumber in the rough. Here he began to break prairie and improve the land. During the first year he broke fifty acres and raised an average of thirty bushels per acre of sod corn. After making substantial improvements upon this place, including the erection of a good home and barn, he purchased the southeast quarter MR. AND MRS. WILBUR H. RICE. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 353 of section 8 and the east half of the south east quarter and the east half of the north west quarter, thus becoming owner of one of the finest ranches in the county. It is improved with all modern accessories and equipmlents and is a most desirable country seat. The house is seventy by thirty-eight feet, the barn fifty by thirty and the gran ary forty by fourteeen feet, with a capacity of five thousand bushels. Lie also has other similar buildings for grain and stock and has an: abundant supply of pure cold water. He owns the largest portable well drill in the county and has drilled more wells than any other one man in this part of the state. His work in this direction has given entire satisfaction. He is now an extensive land owner and grain and stock raiser, and his farming interests have been of marked per sonal benefit and have also contributed in large measure to the progress of the com munity. The development and! improvement of any section increases the value of sur rounding territory, and in this way Mr. Rice has contributed in no' small degree to the prosperity of the community. In 1866 Mr. Rice was united in marriage to Miss Eliza S. Wilson, a .daughter of James Wilson, of Shrewsbury, Massachu- sdts, and they have one child, Sarah Jane, who is noav the wife of D. M. Southwick, of Plumerville, Arkansas. In his political views Mr. Rice is a stanch Republican, and in 1880-6 he served as justice of the peace. He was also a representative to the state legislature, elected on the Republican ticket. Socially he is connected with the Masonic fraternity, in which he has attained the thirty-second, degree of the Scottish Rite. His Masonic affiliations are as follows : Hoisington Lodge, No. 331 ; Mount Nebo Chapter, No.. 36; Ellswortb Council, No. 9; St. Omar Commandery, No. 14; Wichita Consistory, No. 2; Una Chapter, No. 119; and Isis Temple, Mystic Shrine. He also holds membership in the auxiliary organi zation, the Order of Eastern Star. He maintains pleasant relations with his old army comrades through his membership with' the Grand Army of the Republic, and is past commander of his .post. His felloav toavnsmen have rejoiced in the political hon ors avhich he has avon, knoaving his avorth and ability, and in the community avhere he resides he occupies a leading position as one of the most prominent and influential citi zens. *->-*¦ JAMES AI. DILLMAN. James AI. Dillman, one of the represen tative and well-know.li agriculturists of Kingman county, has been a resident of this favored section since 1886, and during the years which have since come and gone he has nobly borne his part in the work of progress and advancement avhich has here taken place. A native of the state of Indi ana, his birth occurred near Bloomington, in Monroe county, in 1856. His paternal grandfather, Andrew Dillman, claimed Pennsylvania as the state of his nativity, and he became a millwright by trade. In the state of his birth he was united in mar riage to Elizabeth Bruwner, a native daugh ter of that commonwealth, and both she and her husband were of good old Pennsylvania Dutch descent. Later in life they left the home of their childhood for Kentucky, and still later took up their abode in Indiana, where they both passed aavay in death in Monroe county. John Dillman, the father of him avhose name introduces this revieav, avas born in Kentucky, but was reared arid educated in Indiana. In the latter state he Avas united in marriage to Martha Perry, a native daughter of Indiana, and they became the parents of six children, — M'elvin, Susan Emly, James AL, Andreav G., AATiliam S. and Clara E. The avife and mother of this family passed away in death at the early age of thirty-nine years. She Avas a noble Christian Avoman and was loved for her many estimable traits of character. She Avas survived by her husband for many years, he baaing departed this life at the age of sixty-one years, and both avere zealous and consistent members of the Christian church. The father gave his political support to the Republican party, and in all matters pertain- 354 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ing to the avdfare of his county and state he took an active and commendable interest. James Ai. Dillman, the immediate sub ject of this biographical record, aaas reared to years of maturity on an Indiana farm, avhere he avas early taught tbe value of in dustry and honesty as a preparation for the active duties of life, and the educational privileges avhich' he enjoyed in his youth avere those afforded by tbe common schools of his neighborhood. In 1880, shortly after his marriage, he located avith his bride in Liberty toavnship, Lucas county, Ioava, avhere they made their home for the folloav ing six years, and on the expiration of that period, in 1886, cast in their lot avith the settlers of Rural toavnship, Kingman coun ty, Kansas. After his arrival here Air. Dili- man became the oavner of three hundred and eight)' acres of land, but he aftenvard sold that tract and in 1900 purchased his present farm of three hundred and taventy acres, one of the valuable and avell improved farms of Kingman county. A beautiful residence, avhich avas erected at a, cost of thirteen hundred dollars, is one of the at tractive features of the place, and a beauti ful grove and orchard also adds to its value and charming appearance. Air. Dillman's occupation through life has been the tilling of the soil, and in this honorable vocation he has met avith a high and avell merited de gree of success. The marriage of our subject avas cele brated in 1880, in Indiana, avhen Aliss Delia E. Bodkin became his avife. She aaas born, reared and educated in Indiana, a daughter of Josiah and Priscilla (Thresher) Bodkin. The father, avho avas a native of AA'est Vir ginia, has been called to his final rest, but the mother still survives and makes her home in Indiana. They became the parents of five children, only three of avhom sur vive, — Delia E., Louisa and Charles. The father aaas a brave and loyal soldier during the Civil avar, serving as a member of tbe Taventy-first Indiana Infantry. Airs. Dili- man avas a popular and successful teacher prior to her marriage and is a lady of ex ceptional refinement and culture. Three children haae brightened and blessed the home of our subject and .wife, — Arthur Raymond, avho is eighteen years of age; AVright, a lad of thirteen years; and Choc, a bright little daughter of six years. Mr. Dillman casts his ballot in favor of the men and measures of the Republican party, and for a number of years has served as a mem ber of the school board. Both he and his avife are members of the Christian church. WILLIAM F. MURRAY. AA'illiam F. Alurray, county superintend ent of schools in Kingman county has spent nearly his entire life in this locality, as he avas only tavo years of age avhen he avas brought here by his parents. A native of Trenton, Neav Jersey, he avas born on the 23d of October, 1875, a son of James Alur ray, a sketch of avhom avill be found on another page of this a*olume. AA'illiam F. received his education in the schools of his locality, graduating therein in the Latin course. Immediately after his graduation, 111,1803, he took up the task of instructing the young along lines of mental advance ment, teaching first in the countra* schools and aftenvard in the schools of this city, his time being thus employed until the fall of 1 80S, Avhen he avas elected to the position he noav holds, having been the first Repub lican superintendent elected in this county for ten years. At bis first election his op ponent AA'as the incumbent of the office, but Air. Alurray made a good canvass throughout the count)- and received a ma jority of seventy-three arotes. At his sec ond election a lady avas placed on the op posing ticket, but our subject avon the elec tion ha" tavo hundred votes. Since assuming the duties of this responsible position he has labored untiringly to build up the attend ance of the schools of the county and to ad vance the standard of teachers. He now has ninety-three districts under his charge, each of avhich is visited tavice a year. The school population of Kingman county num bers four thousand and eighty-nine pupils, avith an enrollment outside of the citv of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 355 Kingman of tavo thousand eight hundred and sixty-four and a daily attendance of one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, avhile ninety-nine teachers are given em- ploy-ment. The aa*erage salary paid to male teachers is thirty-eight dollars and ninety- four cents, and to female teachers, thirty- six dollars and fifty-four cents, and the a-aluation of the school property is noav esti mated at sixty-fia-e thousand dollars, avhile the bonded debt on June 30, 1901, avas eight thousand one hundred and ten dollars. The amount receh'ed for all school purposes from the state and county in 1901 avas forty-three thousand three hundred and thirteen dollars and fifteen cents, avhile the money paid out for all necessary- school pur poses amounted to thirty-five thousand one hundred and three dollars and sixty-six cents, leaving a balance of over eight thou sand dollars. Since Air. Alurray entered upon the duties of his present position five school houses have been erected, costing about three thousand five hundred dollars. Yearly institutes are held during the sum mer months, the attendance during the past year numbering one hundred and taventy, and for this purpose five special instructors avere furnished, Air. Alurray paying for the same three hundred and ten dollars, besides furnishing his oavn service. Monthly teach ers' meetings are also held in Kingman and at different points in the county, and able instructors are oftentimes secured to ad dress these meetings. On the 23d of Alay, 1900, Air. Alurray Avas united in marriage to Alary Haifley, a daughter of Airs. S. A. AArestiall, of this city. Airs. Alurray is a graduate of the Kingman high school, and for a number of years prior to her marriage avas also an efficient teacher in the city and county schools. Since attaining his majority our subject has given his political support to the Republican party, but has never sought or desired the honors of office outside of his oavn line of avork. He is, hoavever, a loyal and patriotic citizen and an efficient worker for the Republican party. * In 1900 he made many speeches throughout the county in favor of that grand old party, and he has many times served as a delegate to conven tions. Llis fraternal relations connect him avith the Alodern AA'oodmen, in avhich he is holding the high office of avorthy advisor. Llis religious preference is indicated by his connection avith the Presbyterian church, and for the past four years he has served as superintendent of the Sunday-school. Air. Alurray is a man of high intellectuality, broad human sympathies and tolerance, and imbued avith fine sensibilities and clearly de fined principles. He is noav regarded as one of the most eminent educators of his sec tion of the SunfloAver state, and his marked ability has gained him prestige. CHARLES A. RYKER. Among the prominent men of Reno county, Kansas, Avho have become Avell knoAvn through good citizenship and effi cient public service is Charles A. Ryker, the present treasurer of Reno county. He has been a resident of this county since 1887 and a citizen of the state since 1879. The birth of Charles A. Ryker occurred in Jefferson county, Indiana, on January 21, 1859, and he came of an ancestry Avhich originated in Prussia, Germany, members of the family having located in Neav York. Gehard Ryker avas the first settler in Indi ana and avas one of the first avhite men to make a home there. His son, avho avas the grandfather of our subject, avas born in In diana, as AAas also J. H. Ryker, the father of Charles A. The father died in 1881, hav ing been a man much respected in his lo cality and an elder in the Presbyterian church. The mother of our subject avas Eliza (AIcLelland) Ryker, also of Indiana, avhere she still resides, at the age of seventy- three years. She became the mother of seven children, our subject and his brother, Clifton J. Ryker, being the only tAvo avIio reside in Kansas. The early life of Charles A. Ryker Avas spent in Hanover, Indiana, Avhere he at tended the public schools and later Hanover College. At the age of taventy years he first 356 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. came to the avest and for four years engaged in a mercantile business at Burlington, Cof fey county, Kansas, later embarking in the lumber business, avhich he most successfully managed in Coffey county, and also pros pered in the same after locating in Hutchin son, in 1887. From early years he has shown a taste and capacity for politics, and has long been a member of the Republican party in his state. In all the various, dis turbances and controversies on leading ques tions he has never once wavered in his alle giance and has boldly supported the candi dates and measures of his party. In a small way his services have been recognized, se curing his election in 1899 as county, treas urer. He has so simplified and systematized the business of his office that when he is called to higher honors his successor can take charge with comparative ease. Some three . hundred thousand dollars passes through his hands during a year, the office being one greatly desired by local politi cians. The marriage of Charles A. Ryker oc curred in 1883, to Miss Eva Dickinson, a daughter of G. H. Dickinson, of Burling ton, Kansas, and to this union has been born one daughter, Miss Cornelia. The family residence is on F street, in Hutchin son, built here by our subject in 1889,, and1 is a comfortable little home, and here Mr. Ryker delights to show hospitality to his friends. Not all of our subject's time is occupied in the duties of his office, as he is socially inclined and is a valued member of the Commercial Club and the orders of Modern Woodmen and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is secretary of the Com mercial Club, in avhich he has taken much interest, and is a stockholder in the Park and in the Fair Associations. It is that class of citizens which Mr. Ryker so worth ily represents avhich have made the Kansas of to-day. They have put their energies and best endeavor into the upbuilding of the sec tion in avhich they located, and by precept and example stand for progress, law and order. Air. Ryker has long been one. of the leading members of the Presbyterian church and is a deacon in the Hutchinson congregation and one of the most liberal supporters of its various lines of extension avork. *—-+ NAVER WERNET. Xaver Wernet, who is engaged in gen eral farming on section 14, Rockville town ship, Rice county, is one of the avorthy citi zens that Germany has furnished to the neav world, and he possesses the sterling char acteristics of his race, being persevering, energetic and determined. He avas born in Baden, Germany, October 20, 1849, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Boden) Wernet, both of avhom were natives of that locality, avhere they spent their entire lives. They avere people of honesty and industry and reared a family of nine children, seven sons and two daughters, who do credit to the un tarnished family name. The members of the family are Xaver, of this review ; Her man, a prominent citizen of Rockville town ship, Rice county ,- and Albert, who is also living in the same toavnship. These are the only ones living in Rice county. In accordance avith the laavs of his na tive land Air. Wernet acquired a good edu cation in Germany, attending school until fourteen years of age, avhen he began learn ing the baker's trade, avith avhich he avas connected for several years. At the age of eighteen he bade good bye to home and friends and sailed from Havre, France, to the neav avorld, being upon the broad At lantic for eleven days. After reaching the American harbor he made his avay avest- Avard to McHenry county, Illinois, locating near Harvard, avhere he remained for eight een months upon a farm. Lie then avent to Andrew county, Missouri, avhere the fol lowing year and a half avas passed. On the expiration of that period he came to Kansas, taking up his abode upon the farm which is noav his home. In 1873-4 he en gaged in a big buffalo hunt and brought in eighty-tavo hides. Lie to-day oavns thirteen hundred and taventy acres of land, much of avhich is rich bottom1 land, yielding excel- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 357 lent harvests of corn, Avheat and other grains. Tbe farm is one of the most at tractive in this portion of the county, its large residence built in modern style of ar chitecture1- being tastefully adorned and fur nished, giving evidence of the successful business career of the owner. He has also erected a. large barn, Avith a rock basement, for the horses and cattle, and upon his place he keeps tAvo hundred head of cattle, two- hundred hogs and thirty horses, all good grade of stock, having some of the best horses in the township. Upon the place is a beautiful grove, a bearing orchard, tracts of woodland and pastures and the farm in its thrifty appearance indicates the ener getic nature of the owner. In 1897 Air. Wernet returned to Baden, Germany, on a visit to friends. He avas united in marriage, in McPher son county, Kansas, in 1878, to Miss Louisa Lueck, who was born in Hamburg, Ger many, and has been to her husband a faith ful companion and helpmeet on the journey of life. They became the parents of nine children, seven sons and two daughters, namely: William, George, Fritz, Ed, John, Charlie, Frank, Rosa and Mary. In his political affiliations Mr. Wernet is a Re publican and has served upon the school board, but has never been a politician in the sense of office-seeker, preferring to de vote his time and eregies to his business in terests, in avhich he has met with creditable success. * • » DAVID HERYER. The gentleman Avhose name appears above, Avhose residence is at No. 216 Fifth avenue, Hutchinson, Reno county, Kansas, and Avho is a traveling salesman for the Hutchinson AAmolesale Grocery Company, is as Avell known throughout the territory tributary to that enterprising city as any other man. David Heryer is a native of Boonville, Missouri, and Avas born January 17, 1849. His parents were Jacob and Eliza (Snyder) Heryer. The father came from Germany avith his father in 1836 to meet his brother, Philip Heryer, and landed at Neav Orleans, AA-here Mr. Lleryer's grandfather died of yellow fever. Jacob then started for the the north to find his brother Philip at Belle ville, Illinois, but the latter died three days before his arrival, and he then avent to Boonville, Cooper county, Missouri, avhere he set hirtiself up in business as a barber. Having some knowledge of surgery, he avas often called upon to bleed people in accord ance avith an obsolete medical practice, and in time made that operation a distinct feature. When David Heryer Avas nine years old his father moved to Brimfield, Illi nois, and there established a large depart ment store, in the management of Avhich he was successful and in which Mr. Heryer was employed. Jacob Heryer died at Brim field, Illinois, about fifteen years ago and his avidoav died1 there about seven years ago. Airs. Heryer avas in her maidenbood Eliza Snyder, a native of Pennsylvania. As far as is known our subject and his descendants are the only Heryers now living. David Heryer received a common-school education at Boonville, Cooper county, Mis souri, and at Brimfield, Illinois, and having a liking for books he has studied since in his spare moments and thus by travel and by association with his fellow men has become exceptionally avell informed. He began working in his father's. department store at Brimfield, Illinois, at the age of sixteen and was soon put in charge of the books of the concern and at the age of twenty avas taken into partnership with his father. He was married in Brimfield, Illinois, in 1874, to Lizzie Guyer, of Jewish extraction and a native of that state, who bore him three chil dren, as follows: Ralph, a bookkeeper in the employ of the Armour Packing and Provision Company, of Kansas City, Mis souri ; Olive L., a member of her father's . household; Fred W., a traveling salesman for the firm of Ford & Doane, of St. Louis, Missouri. On account of the illness of his first wife Mr. Heryer went to Kansas, and there en gaged in business at Lyons, and there his avife died and avas buried. June 17, 1888, 358 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. he married Ida Alay Sperry, daughter of Samuel A. Sperry, a biographical sketch of whom appears in this Avork. By his second marriage he has tavo children, Aladalina Marie, avho avas born August 15, 1889, and Eaerett, avho avas born July 2 7, -1891. Air. and Airs. Heryer both inherited decided musical talent, avhich has been highly culti vated and some of avhich has been trans mitted to their children, avho manifested it at an early age. Aliss Aladalina aaas able to play pieces on the piano, avhen she avas so small that she avas obliged to stand on tip toe to reach the keys, and she played a con test piece in the Musical Jubilee held at Hutchinson in 1901. Airs. Heryer avas edu cated in Fulton count)', Illinois, and her education in music, received at Akron, Ohio, and at Peoria, Illinois, is comprehen sive and complete and she is highly accom plished both in vocal and instrumental music. Her fine soprano a'oice is of such remarkable range.that she is able easily to sing as high as C sharp. .In part her ex perience as teacher of music covers a period of about taventy-five years in Fulton county, Illinois,, and McPherson county, Kansas, devoted to the organ and the piano. She became knoavn as a sole singer through her appearances at Hale chapel, at Peoria, Illi nois, and her reputation as a. soloist avas established in Kansas by her notable sing ing in the Alethodist and Baptist churches at AlcPherson. Tier husband has sung much in cin ruses and is an accomplished cornetist. After his marriage Mr. Heryer disposed of his business interests in Lyons, Kansas, and removed to Hutchinson, avhere he ac quired a financial and avorking interest in the Hutchinson AA'holesale Grocery Com pany. That connection avas formed in 1889, and during the past five or six years he has traveled for the firm throughout its trade territory. In politics he has voted the Republican ticket from his first vote to his last. He and his avife are members of the First Alethodist Episcopal church of Hutch inson. AVhile a resident of Illinois he took an active interest iu politics and held several important offices, including that of treas urer of Peoria county, representing that county as a member of the state legislature in the thirty-second assembly. He took an active interest in temperance movements Avhile a resident of Illinois, Avhich he has kept alive since he has been a citizen of Kansas. He has been active in church avork and avas a trustee of the Alethodist church at Brimfield, Illinois, and superin tendent of its Sunday-school. He is a Ala son, a member of the Ancient Order of United AVorkmen, a Select Knight and a member of the Degree of Honor, a Alodern Woodman and a member of .the Knights and Ladies of Security. He bought his home place in Hutchinson, consisting of three lots lying side by side, on avhich he has a modern residence, a fine garden and numerous fruit and shade trees. A man of much public spirit, he takes a deep interest in his city, county and state and to the ex tent of his ability ada'ances ea*ery movement avhich in his good judgment promises to benefit his felloav citizens. Al. L. McALILLY, Al. D. Dr. AIcAlilly has devoted his life to one of the most exacting of all the higher lines of occupation to avhich a man may lend his energies. The most scrupulous preliminary trainings is demanded and a nicety of judg ment little understood by the laity. Then again that profession brings its devotees into almost constant association avith the sadder phases of life — those of pain and suffering — so that a mind capable of great self-con trol and a heart responsive and sympathetic are essential attributes to those avho avould assay the healing art. Thus Avhen profes sional success is attained in any instance it may be taken as certain that such measure of success has been not an accident but a logi cal result. Dr. AIcAlilly is one avho has at tained to a distinctive position among the leading members of the medical fraternity in central Kansas and is noav enjoying a large and lucrative patronage in Reno county, avhere he has made his home for eleven years. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 359 The Dodor is a native of Highland, Madison county, Illinois, born February 23, 1852, and on both the paternal and maternal side is descended from ancestry long con nected avith America, the AIcAlillys being among the pioneers of Kentucky. Samuel AIcAlilly, the1 grandfather of the Doctor, avas the first to leave the Blue Grass state, removing thence to Illinois, before the ad mission of the latter state into the Union. He settled in the edge of the timber but had a farm of prairie land, avhich he placed un der a high state of culth'ation. He avas actively interested in the formation of schools and churches, and left the impress of his individuality upon the substantial de velopment and improvement of the county in avhich he made his home. He avas mar ried in Kentucky, and avhen he avent with his family to Illinois AATiliam C. AIcAlilly, the father of the Doctor, avas only a year old. There amid the avild scenes of fron tier life he avas reared, pursuing his edu cation in an old-time subscription school, to which he had to avalk about five or six miles. The building in avhich the sessions were held avas constructed of logs and the furnishings avere most primitive, AA'hile the methods of instruction Avere also somewhat crude. William C. AIcAlilly received am ple training in farm Avork and throughout his entire life carried on agricultural pur suits in Aladison county, Illinois, becoming one of the substantial farmers of his com munity. He avas deeply interested in church and educational avork and in every thing that pertained to intellectual or moral progress and avas a gentleman of the high est respectability and avorth. Long a mem ber of the Alethodist church, throughout the greater part of the time he served as one of its officers. He avas married in Fayette county, Illinois, to Catherine Wren, a -daughter of B. G. AVren, a farmer of that locality. Several of her brothers were loyal Union soldiers during the Civil Avar. Of the three children born to AATiliam C. and Catherine McAlilly the Doctor is the youngest and the only son, a fact that is peculiar to the family — there being only one son of the different families through many generations. The daughters are Alary, the avife of AATiliam Bryant, of Dixon, Alis souri; and Martha, avho died at the age oE fifteen years. The father died at the age of sixty-nine and the mother avas seventy years of age avhen called to her final rest. In the public schools Dr. AIcAlilly pur sued his early education and then entered McKendree College, in avhich he avas grad uated avith the class of 1873. He pursued this course as a preparation for his medical education and then entered the Alissouri Medical College, at St. Louis, avhere he avas graduated in 1880. Immediately after ward he began practice in Illinois, remain ing there until 1885, when he came to Kan sas, opening an office in Nickerson, Reno county. During the early days of his resi dence there he had to take long drives across the country and endure other hardships inci dent to a country practice in a newly settled region, but in course of time he built up a g'ood practice and the hope of widening his practice in the line of his specialty avas all that led him to leave Nickerson for Hutch- . inson. In 1900 he came to the latter city, and avhile he has a large general practice he also does a large amount of business as a specialist on the diseases of avomen and children. He has made a thorough study . along those lines and his knowledge is pro found and accurate, indicated by the excel lent success avhich has attended his efforts in treating the diseases avhich come under that classification. On the 5th of June, 1875, in Illinois, Dr. McAlilly avas united in marriage to Aliss Alice Stuart, a daughter of S. D. Stuart, a merchant of Greenville, Illinois. Unto them avere born tavo children, but both are noav deceased. Their 'home is a pleasant residence at No. 618 Avenue A east, and the improvements avhich the Doctor has made since he purchased the property render it a very desirable home. In his political vieavs he is a stanch Republican, but the duties of his profession leaae him no time for office holding. Socially he is connected with the Improved Order of Red Men and the Alod ern Tonties, and in religious faith he is 3 Methodist, holding membership in the 3°o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. church of that denomination in Hutchinson. His advancement to a foremost position in the ranks of the medical fraternity of cen tral Kansas is due to marked ability, enter prise and close attention to business, and avide confidence is reposed in him by his felloav townsmen avho accord him a leading position in social as avell as professional circles. WILLIAM S. DeAA'EESE. AVilliam S. DeAA'eese resides on section 3, Liberty toavnship, Kingman county, and is regarded as a most progressive and en terprising agriculturist. He avas born De cember io, 1865, in Darke county, Ohio, — - a state that furnished so many of the hon ored and valued early settlers of central Kansas. It is thought that the family is of French descent, and the name certainly gives proof of this. John DeWeese, the gra,nd- father of our subject, was born in Virginia, about 1805, and avhen in the prime of life emigrated avith bis family to Ohio., in 1833, locating in Darke county, avhere he entered one hundred and sixty acres of government - land, and lived there fifty-five years, — the remainder of his life. He was among the pioneer settlers of that part of the state, avhere he entered land in a region where the avork of improvement had not yet been be gun and avhere all kinds of wild game were found in abundance. He cleared a farm in the midst of the forest, increased his: pos sessions and became a well-to-do man, hav ing extensive landed and stock-raising in terests. He avas one of the best known and most highly respected citizens, of his. dis trict. In early life he voted with the Whig party, but later became a Republican. His death occurred in Darke county in the '80s, and he avas then eighty years of age. He avas tavice married and by the first union had four children: Barnabas, the father of our subject; and Peter, John and George, all of whom became prosperous farmers' of Darke county. John aa'as made a cripple in his boyhood by his brother Barnabas, aaho. accidentally bit him in the leg when they avere chopping Avood in the forest. After the death of his first, wife the grand father married again, his second union being* avith a Mrs. Dorman, and they also had four children: Thomas, aa'ho spent his life in Darke county and died about 1865 ; Ddmie, also a farmer of Ohio ; Carey, a prominent and successful farmer and stock-raiser of Rural township., Kingman county, Kansas ; and Joseph, who is proprietor of a saloon in Ohio. Barnabas DeAA'eese, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, April 17, 1829, and avas reared upon the old home stead, avhich he had aided in reclaiming from the avilderness for purposes of civiliza tion. He remained on the old home place until 1850, AA'hen he married Elizabeth Dor- man, a daughter of his stepmother by her first marriage. He then carried on farming operations in Ohio until about 1867, avhen he removed to Coles county, Illinois, avhere he engaged in the tilling of the soil until 1873, in which year he went with his fam ily to Harvey county, Kansas, settling about two miles east of Neavton. There he en gaged in farming and passed through the disastrous grasshopper pdague, which left him in very reduced financial circumstances. In 1875 be removed to Reno county and se cured a homestead and a tree claim in die southwestern district, gaining the title to both. Buffalo and antelope avere numerous and were hunted in the avinter time, for the first four or five years, by the father and his older sons, for the meat and hides, avith out aahich it is difficult to understand hoav many of the early settlers could have man aged to live through those first years avhen hardships and privations of every descrip tion avere to be endured. The meat fur nished many a meal and the skins were a source of revenue when the country pro duced little else that could be sold. Our subject then avas a small lad of ten years, and being eager to engage in hunting, he often accompanied his, father on his ex peditions after game. Lie did not kill any buffalo but he shot several antelope and also aided in catching wild horses. When the buffalo had disappeared from this section of MR. AND MRS. W. S. DEWEESE. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 361 the country he aided in searching for their bones, and many were the avagon loads which were gathered on the plains and hauled to Wichita and Hutchinson for sale. Mr. De Weese estimated that his. family alone took at least tavo hundred and fifty loads to mar ket, the last load being gathered on Eagle Chief, in" the Indian Territory, and hauled to Wichita, avhere they received dght dol lars per ton for the bones. Barnabas DeWeese resided in Reno county until 1880, when he came to King man county, locating on the Ninnescah, in Rural toavnship, where he pre-empted a claim which he transformed into: a fine farm, as he had done with his Reno' county land. He was offered sixty-five hundred dollars for his property here and finally sold it in 1884, removing then to Union township, in the same county. There he purchased an other farm and residence, which: he sold after tavo years, removing thence to the city of Kingman, where he lived for several years, after avhich he went to Oklahoma, where he located a claim nine miles west of Alvia. Later he rented this property and resided in the toavn of Alvia until he traded his property there for three hundred and taventy acres in Douglas county, Missouri, where he noav resides. His wife died Janu ary 12, 1892, and he has since married Elizabeth AA'oodford. During the Civil war Mr. DeWeese responded to his country's call for aid, serving for three years, six months and five days in the Twenty-first Ohio Infantry. He has always been promi nent in public affairs in the various com munities in which he has resided and while living in Reno county served as trustee. Of the Christian church he has long been a leading and active member and he also belongs to. the Grand Army of the Republic. Our subject is one of ten children, eight of avhom are now living: Sarah A., the avife of W. W. Wolfe, a retired farmer re siding in Kingman; Benjamin F., a leading farmer and stockman of Union township, Kingman county; Noah, proprietor of a ho tel in Kansas City, Missouri; Barney, who is engaged in railroad work and makes his home in Mound, Utah, ninety miles, from 23 Salt Lake City; William S., of this review*. Catherine, the wife of Robert Elliott, a blacksmith of Sugar Ridge, Ohio; John, an engineer in the mines at Cripple Creek, Col orado; and Mattie, who lives in Salt Lake City. William DeWeese was only two years- old when the father removed with his fam ily to Illinois and was a youth of nine when they came to Kansas. He assisted his fa ther in the development of the neav farm until sixteen years of age, when he found employment in herding cattle and sheep for Patrick McCurdy, and was thus engaged until his marriage. In Rural township,., Kingman county, September 2, 1884, he aven as a companion and helpmate for the journey of life Miss Mary M. Grett, a native- of Berks county, Pennsylvania, and a. daughter of Jonas J. and Emma (Fry) Grett, who were of Pennsylvania-German ancestry. They were married in the Key stone state, where the father followed farm ing until Mrs. DeWeese was four years old, ¦ when he removed with his family to Michi gan, locating in St. Joseph county, whence five years later he went to Missouri. Soon afterward, however, he returned to Michi gan, where he resided for a number of years, when he went to Woods county, Oklahoma, settling twelve miles south of Kiowa. Mr. Grett is a veteran of the Civil avar, having, been in the ninety-days service. He had\ eight children, but Johnnie, Benjamin F.. and Henrietta are all now deceased. Those- still living, besides Mrs. DeWeese, are:: Sarah, the avife of Herbert Hopkins, who. is engaged in the boat service on Lakei Alichigan and resides in the state of Michi gan; Abbie, the wife of Henry Phillips, a farmer and stock-raiser of Eureka tOAvnship, Kingman county; Hettie, the wife of B. F. DeWeese, of Union township, Kingman county; and Elmer G. Unto Mr. and Mrs. DeWeese were born six children : Alilfred,. Laura, Vera, Harry, Leora and Lottie. After his Marriage William DeWeese engaged in conducting a ranch in Reno county, where Alcott now stands,, the place being owned by Watson Wolf. This he managed for a year, and during that time 362 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. he pre-empted a, homestead claim. On the expiration of the year he came to Kingman county and conducted a hotel in the town of Aland for a year. He then removed to his farm and engaged in its cultivation for two years, after avhich he conducted a hotel in Oalisfa for a. year, avhile for a period of three years he followed railroading. His next place of residence was Viola, Sedgwick county, where he followed railroading for tavo years, after whidi he removed to Nash ville, which was his place of residence for five years. Aluch of the time spent in the railroad service he was employed as section boss. In the fall of 1894 he removed: to his present farm, whioh he had owned for two years previously. There Avere feav improve ments on the place when he took up his resi dence here, a small house having been built, while seventy acres had been broken. With characteristic energy, however, Mr. De- AVeese began the further development and improvement, and his persistent efforts, in telligently directed, have made his fann famous throughout this portion of the coun try. It is regarded as one of the show places .of the district and the Colonization Coni- jpany brings visitors here to demonstrate the possibilities of this portion of Kansas. Mr. De Weesehas enlarged his home, built large ".barns and sheds, for the shelter of grain and stock and has planted an orchard contain ing fifty-twO' varieties of trees, all iioav in bearing condition and yielding abundantly. The farm is all under fence and ninety acres of the land is richly in cultivation. While Mr. DeWeese gives some attention to the raising of other stock, he is principally en gaged in raising horses and mules for the market. He likewise has a fine drove of sixty Duroc hogs and almost every kind of • domestic animal can be found upon his place, including horses, cattle, asses, sheep, goats, hogs and all kinds of chicken® and other foAvls, turkeys, ducks, geese and a fine flock ¦of beautiful peafowls. Since coming to this county Mr. De Weese has frequently been called upon to serve in positions of public trust, being twice elected township trustee, once as township clerk and as roadmaster, and for eight years he has been clerk of the school board. In his political vieavs he is a stalwart Republi can and has never been anything else, nor is it known that any member of the family ever gave support to. any other party. He attends the primaries and conventions of the party and does all in his power to insure its success. Fraternally he belongs to' Nashville Lodge, No>. 383, I. O. O. F., in which he has filled all the offices, and is also a member of Magnolia Camp, No. 5394, M. AV. A., of Nashville, in avhich he bas also filled many offices. He avas a member of the Sons of Veterans camp in Kingman until it was disbanded, and he enjoys in high degree the regard of his brethren of these organiza tions. He deserves great credit for his suc cess in life, and his farm is the visible evi dence of his industry and business ability. WILLIAM L. JOHNSON. William L. Johnson, who. is engaged iri the undertaking business in Hutchinson and is one of the recognized leaders in his line, over a wide extent of territory, is a na tive of Boston, Alassachusetts, born Decem ber 17, 1848. His father, Patrick Johnson, removed to Lockport, New York, where he was engaged in contracting, and later went to Boston, Massachusetts, aahere he took a contract on the Croton viaduct. Subse quently, hoAvever, he returned to Lockport, where he remained until 1890, when he came to Hutchinson, avhere he made his home until 1894. In that year he went to Topeka, and avas a resident of that city until his death, avhich occurred after he had reached the extreme old age of one hundred and tavo years. His mother avas one hun dred and three years of age at the time of her death. William L. Johnson was one of a family of twelve children. He pursued his literary education in the schools of Lockport, Neav York, and then learned the cabinet-maker's ' trade, after avhich he engaged in the furni ture and undertaking business as a mem ber of the firm of Johnson & Company. He BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 363 attended the Rochester School of Embalm ing in 1878 and in the fall of 1879 he dis posed of his business interests in Lockport. In addition to his store he avas engaged in boating, oavning a couple of boats with which, in the winter season, he would go to Neav York, where he received ten dollars per day for the use of the boats. He con tinued in that business until 1886, when he sold out and came to Hutchinson. Here he spent about six months in the employ of a firm engaged in the furniture and under taking business, after which he purchased a half interest in the same, but in 1889 he sold his share and began the undertaking busi ness. Owing to his broad knowledge and his experience he has been successful from the start, and has seen nine or ten who em barked in the same line give up the business. His trade extends over a large territory, his services being in demand as far as Coffey- ville, Osawatomie and all the towns ad jacent to Hutchinson. He and his two sons are licensed embalmers and perform that part of the work when it is necessary to ship a body. They carry a large stock of caskets of all modern designs, their couch caskets being the finest of the kind made.- Their stock of metallics is also complete and they are even prepared to furnish the Baker burglar-proof vault, avhich, once closed, can not be unfastened. By reason of their straightforward dealing, systematic meth- . ods and earnest desire to please their patrons they have built up a large business. In Lockport, Neav York, in 1869, Mr. Johnson aaas united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Cunningham, and unto them have been born four children, of whom three are living, namely : Ida Frances, who is a grad uate of the high school and the Empire Col lege and is now a teacher in the high school ; William H. and Stephen T., who are asso ciated avith their father in business, while the latter also engages in teaching dancing in the avinter. Both sons are graduates of the Cincinnati School of Embalming. He isTdentified with various social and fraternal organizations, including Byron Lodge, No. 197, K. P. ; Dewitt Temple, No. 24, Rathbone Sisters; Hutchinson Lodge, No. 77, A. O. U. AV. ; Crystal Lodge, No. 41, Degree of Honor; Hutchinson Camp, No 566, M. W. A. ; SunfloAver Camp, No. 16, Royal Neighbors of America; Hutchinson Council, No. 34, Sons and Daughters of Justice; Supreme Court of Honor; Hutch inson Council, No. 137, Fraternal Aid As sociation; AVinnebago Tribe, No. 11, I. O. R. M. ; Daughters of Pocahontas, and is a noble patriarch in the Royal Mystic Tie. His fraternal relations are many and all his brethren entertain for him high regard. He is not only just but considerate in all his re lations Avith his fellow men, and rather than slight any one or perform an action that could be turned against any one in even the smallest degree he will sacrifice his own in terests and convenience. His friends are many and by all AA'ith Avhom he has become acquainted be is held in high esteem. AV. H. HILYARD. This well known farmer and honored citizen of Reno county, was born in Fair field county, Ohio, on the 23d of September, 1846, and is of German descent. His pa ternal grandfather, Thomas Hilyard, was born and married! in. that country, and after coming to America he located in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, but after a time there spent he took up his abode in Fairfield coun ty, Ohio, where he was among the early pio neers. He followed farming in that locality until his life's labors were ended in death, in 1853. He became the father of twenty children, but only the following can be re membered: Martha, who became the wife of a Air. Steman, and her death occurred in Allen county, Ohio; Catherine, the wife of Andy Sawmiller, a farmer of Allen county ; Mary, the wife of a Mr. McDongal, and Avhen last heard from they were living in Cass county, Indiana ; David, a merchant of Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio:; Wilson, who avas a soldier in both the Mexican and Civil avars, serving in the Seventeenth. Ohio Volunteers during the latter struggle, and he is now living a retired life in Monroe 3°4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. county, Ohio.; Elizabeth, who died in Col umbus, tbat state; Margaret, whose death occurred in Allen county, Ohio; Jacob, avho avas a Baptist minister, and death claimed him very suddenly one morning avhile he avas asking the blessing at the breakfast table at his home in Fairfield county; Simon, avho avas a soldier in the war of the rebellion and noav makes his home in Winfield, Kansas ; and Emily, who avas the youngest of the family. She avas an inmate of the home of General Sherman during the avar, and re mained with the family for many years, until after the General's death, when she avas mar ried ta a Frenchman, and noav makes her home in Paris. T. J. Hilyard, the father of our subject, avas born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1822, and avhen tavelve years of age he avas taken by his parents to- Fair field county, Ohio. At the age of taventy- tavo: years, in that, county, he avas united in marriage to Jemima Springer, a natia-e of that locality. About the year 1850, avith his wife and four children, our subject being then in his fourth year, Air. Hilyard left his home in Fairfield county and located in Van Wert county, Ohio, where he entered a heav ily timbered tract of land from tlie govern ment, making his home thereon until 1857. In that year he removed avith his family to Adams county, Indiana, avhere he purchased an improved farm1 of eighty acres. There this worthy couple resided for many years, it being their place of abode until the wife and mother avas called to her home beyond in 1898, and since her death the father has made his home avith his children. Lie has been a life-long farmer, and during the pe riod of the Civil avar he held the position of assistant provost marshal. During his life time he has been honored avith a number of public offices, and in the various communi ties in avhich he has made his home he has ea'er aa'-on the love and esteem of his fellow citizens, his noble characteristics avinning for him many friends. In political matters he has ever taken an active part in the work of the Republican party, and socially he holds membership relations with the Odd Fellows fraternity. Airs. Hilyard Avas a member of the Albright church, and in her daily life she exemplified its ennobling teachings. Unto this couple were born four children: AV. IL, the subject of this review; Margaret E., who died in -Adams county, Indiana1; Edwin H., an engineer of that county; and Joseph P., who follows agricultural pursuits in the same county. W. H. Hilyard is indebted to the public school system of the Buckeye state for the educational privileges avhich he enjoyed in his youth, attending school in both Van AVert and Adams counties, and during a part of the time he avas obliged to avalk a distance of three and a half miles to the school-house. Remaining avith his parents until he avas tavelve years of age, he then secured employ ment in a store at Decatur, Indiana, but after tavo years thus spent he entered the railroad shops at Fort AA'ayne, same state, avhere he remained until 1867, and on the 12th of De cember, of that year, he became a brakeman on the Pittsburg, Fort AArayne & Chicago Railroad, his run being from Fort AVayne, Indiana, to Crestline, Ohio. In January, 1868, he avas promoted to the position of fireman, avhich he continued to fill until in November, 1870, and from that time until 1872 he had charge of a freight engine. Dur ing his career as a railroad employe Mr. Hilyard avas in six avrecks. At Elida, Ohio, avhile he avas filling the position of brake- man, an axle on the engine broke, and sev eral cars Avere throavn into the river, the avater at that point being seven feet deep, and on another occasion, avhile filling the same position, the train fell through a bridge, Air. Hilyard sustaining a broken arm. His next two avrecks occurred avhen he aaas an engineer and avere caused bv an open switch, and in the last one he had" two ribs broken. In an accident occasioned by a hr. .ken. rail he had his right arm broken and his wrist put out of place. The last accident in avhich he avas in avas caused by the spread ing of the rails, overturning the engine and completely burying Air. Hilvard beneath the wreckage, where he lay for about three hours. He avas terribly scalded and had his left leg, four ribs and his right hand broken, and for many hours he lay unconscious. In BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 365 spite of these many accidents, however, he was an efficient and careful railroad man, and his services avere highly prized by his. superiors. After abandoning railroad avork Mr. Hilyard had charge of a stationary engine in a saavmill until 1876, and in that year he came to the Sunflower state, locating on the southwest quarter of section 1, Haven town.- ship, Reno county, securing his land from the railroad. At the time of the purchase his property was avild prairie land, and not a stick of timber could be found upon the place. He soon erected a small house, four teen by eighteen feet, and at once began work by the month, receiving twenty dol lars a month in compensation for his serv ices, while at the same time he hired others to place his fidds ready for cultivation. Late in the following fall he became the owner of two cows, and during the next season he began the operation of his fields, where he has ever since followed general farming and stock-raising. During the year 1878 be set out about two thousand shade trees upon his place, and two years later he planted five hundred apple trees, and his beautiful grove and orchard are now among the finest to be found in this section of the state. For the past several years Mr. Hilyard has made a specialty of the raising of thoroughbred short-horn cattle, of which he now has a herd of about fifty. Since locating on this place he has made many additions to his residence, and in 1882 he erected a fine large barn, while four years later, in 1886, a commodi ous building was erected for the shdter of his cattle. Everything about his place is neat in appearance and is suggestive of a practi cal and progressive owner. During the past year fifty acres of his place was planted with wheat, fifty acres with corn and the remain der was devoted to the raising of alfalfa, a large orchard and to pasturage. Since his residence in the Sunflower state Mr, Hil yard has met with many privations and hard ships. Shortly after his arrival here the grasshoppers came in such terrible num bers, and in 1898, about four o'clock on a May day, the locality was visited by a disas trous hail storm, which destroyed much of his fruit and avheat, killed about one hun dred chickens, broke many of the avindows of his dwelling and in many other ways did much damage to his property. On another occasion, while hauling a load of hay, he avas caught in a whirlwind and had his col lar bone and several ribs broken, and later, AA'hile watching a game of baseball at Mount Hope, Kansas, he received a "foul tip" from the ball, which broke his cheek bone. On the 7th of September, 1872, in Adams county, Indiana, our subject was united in marriage to Florence Babcock, avho was born in Portage county, Ohio, a daughter of Henry and Jane (Ferguson) Babcock, both also natives of the Buckeye state, the father born on the 10th of December, 1822, and the mother on the 26th of April, 1823. In 1876 they joined their daughter in the Sun flower state, and here the father died on the 24th of March, 1877, but he is still sunived by his widbw, who makes her home with our subject, having reached the age of sev enty-eight years. By her marriage with Mr. Babcock sbe became the mother of five chil dren : Amelia, who was born Sepptember 14, 1844, in Franklin, Ohio, and died in Adams county, Indiana, on the 17th of October, 1848*. Florence, avho was born on the 2d of May, 1847, m Portage county, Ohio, and became the avife of our subject; Ethan, who avas1 born July 19, 1849; Harriet E., born July 19, 1849, an'd' died July 19, 1849; and Marvin, born March 10, 1861, and died De cember 22, 1862. The son, Ethan Babcock, served during the Civil avar as a nuernber of tbe Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, and his death occurred at Larkinsville, Alabama, on the 24th of September, 1864. Mr. Ba.bcock has been a life-long Republican, and dur ing the war he also served as a member of the Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, which he joined at Decatur on the 19th of October, 1863. During the struggle he was employed as a teamster and was with his command at the attack on Decatur, Alabama, where a ball passed through his whiskers. Our sub ject has also been a life-long Republican, has ahvays taken an active part in the work, of his party, and for the past twenty-five years, avith but tavo exceptions, he has been made 366 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. either clerk or judge at every fall election. In 1880 he was elected census enumerator of Haven township, to avhich he avas re elected in 1890 and again in 1900, and, in 1886 was the choice of his party for the of fice of township clerk. For many years he has sened1 as a member of the school board, and during a part of the time he served as its clerk. In his social relations he is a member of the Ma sonic fraternity; has been an Odd Fellow for twenty-seven years, in which he has filled all the chairs of his order, and for tavelve years has been a member of the grand lodge; has been a member of the Knights of Pythias for tavelve years, in which be has also filled all of the offices and has been a member of the grand lodge; is a member of the Elks, his connection being with Hutchinson Lodge, No. 453 ; and is a member of the Rathbone Sisters and of the Daughters of Rebekah. Thus it will be seen that Mr. Hilyard' s life has been a success, but all his achievements are the result of patient effort, unflagging industry and self- confidence. He has so conducted all his af fairs, whether of private interest or public trusts, as to meet the esteem of all classes of citizens, and no avord of reproach has ever been uttered against him-. JOSEPH DEMORET. Joseph Demoret, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Reno county. Kansas, is a native son of the Hoosier state, his birth hav ing occurred in Alontgomery county, on the 26th of June, i860, a son of Samuel Dem oret, who was born* in Butler county, Ohio, near Cincinnati, January 2, 1822. The grandfather of our subject, Samuel B. Demoret, Avas born near the present site of that city, but the village avas then called Los Anterville, the date of his birth being about 1798. His father, in company avith his parents and one brother, sailed from France to America, but during the voyage the parents avere stricken avith some fatal malady and both died, leaving the tavo sons, then small boys, to care for themselves, and all trace of the family name was lost. How ever, the name was supposed to have been Demoree, and the great-grandfather of our subject was called Nicholas Demoret. Gradually the orthography was American ized to Demoret. On the landing of the ship in this country the tavo boys Were bound out, or virtually sold, to two men and were thus separated, but years afterward, by the merest chance, Nicholas met his brother. The latter had been bound out to a man by the name of Blackleech, and had been given his surname. Nicholas served in the Revo lutionary war, and avas afterward avith "Mad" Anthony Wayne in his campaign against the Indians in Ohio, during which the army passed through Los Anterville, now Cincinnati, and, being pleased avith the location, Nicholas located there. After the war was over he purchased land where Up per Market and North Hill noav stand, oavn ing about four acres in Upper Market and about fifty acres, on North Hill, and he also conducted a tavern in the village. He par ticipated in the avar of 1812, serving under Harrison in the battle of Tippecanoe, and his hfe s labors were ended in death in Los Anterville. His son, Samuel B., eventually removed with his family to Montgomery county, Indiana, avhere he folloaved the till ing of the soil during the remainder of his life. _ Samuel Demoret, the father of onr sub ject, greav to manhood in Butler county, Ohio, the place of his nativity, and there fol lowed agricultural pursuits. In that coun ty, on the 26th of January, 1844, he was united 111 marriage to Katie A. Alahan, and unto that union was born one daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Avhose death occurred on the 25th of March, 1870, and the mother has also passed to the home beyond. After the death of his avife Air. Demoret removed to Mont gomery county, Indiana, where he was a second time married, Sarah Ellen Van Cleve becoming his wife. The marriage was cele brated on the 26th of October, 1848, and tavo children avere born of the union,— Mary Catherine, avife of Francis Marion Smith, a carpenter of Alontgomery, Indi- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 367 ana; and Johnson T., an agriculturist of Montana, Kansas. The mother of this fam ily has also passed away in death, and on the 30th of August, 1859, in Montgomery county, Indiana, the father avedded Amanda Elizabeth Owens, a native of the Hoosier state, born February 19, 1837, and of En glish and Irish descent. This union was blessed with nine children, namely: Jo seph, the subject of this review; Frances, the wife of Charlie Hogue, a telegraph op erator at Pretty Prairie, Reno county, Kan sas; Samuel G., a banker, postmaster and farmer of Pretty Prairie; Sophronia, wife of T. B. Shadduck, who is engaged in farm ing near Manchester, Oklahoma; Sarah Jane, the avife of Roll Richardson, a farmer of Freeman, Cass county, Missouri; Rosa, the wife of Frank Richardson, a stock buyer of Freeman, 'Missouri ; Leora, wife of E. A. Green, a butcher and trader of Hutch inson; William and Lorenzo, at home. After locating in Montgomery county, Indiana, Samuel Demoret resumed the voca tion of farming, there remaining until the spring of 1882, avhen he sold his. splendid farm of two hundred acres in that county, which he had placed under a fine state of cultivation, and came with his family to Reno county, Kansas, locating on the farm which is still his home, on section 18, Valley township. Soon after his arrival here he purchased two hundred and forty acres of raw prairie land on what is now known as the sand hills, but as the years have passed by he has placed his land under an excellent state of cultivation, has added many valu able and substantial improvements and has made it one of the most attractive and de sirable homesteads of the locality. His ef forts along the line of his chosen vocation have been attended with a high degree of sucess, and from time to time he has: been enabled to add to his original purchase until his landed possessions now consist of three hundred and twenty acres on the north half of section 18 and two hundred and forty acres on the south half of section 7. He has now reached the eightieth milestone on the journey of life, but time has dealt gently witb him and he still enjoys good health. His wife passed away in death on the 26th of February, 1894, in the faith .of the United Brethren church, of avhich she was a worthy and consistent member. Mr. Demoret also holds membership relations with that denomination, and in his political affiliations he is a supporter of Republican principles. Joseph Demoret, the immediate subject of this -review, received his elementary edu cation in the common schools of Montgom ery county, Indiana, and in 1878 he became a student in the academy at Alamo, in the same county, while during the years of 1879 and I88o he pursued a course in the Green Hill College, at Green Hill, AA'arren county, Indiana. Previous to this time, however, his time and attention had been devoted to assisting his father on the home farm. In the spring of 1882, when taVenty- three years of age, he accompanied his fa ther on his removal to Reno county, Kan sas, where for several years he followed the teacher's profession in the district schools. During his career as a teacher he taught in the Willow Grove school, Crott's school, McKiver's school north of Arling ton and in the Swell Head school. After abandoning the teacher's profession he was for a time employed at various occupations, having spent four years as a drug clerk, and for the succeeding tavo or three years served as a foreman on a railroad. After the death of his mother his father avas left Avithout a housekeeper, and as he avas then too old to engage in active farm labor onr subject re turned to the old homestead, and here lie has since made his home, relieving his aged fa ther of much care and worry. In the opera tion of the farm he is assisted by his brother. About one hundred and fifty acres of the place is under cultivation, avhile the remainder is devoted to pasturage, and In both branches of the business the brothers are meeting avith a gratifying and avell mer ited degree of success. The marriage of Mr. Demoret avas cele brated on the 27th of June, 1889, avhen Miss Bothelda M. Nelson became his wife. She is a native of Sweden, and came to this country avith her mother in 1884. Mrs. 368 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Nelson noav resides in Hutchinson. In po litical matters Mr. Demoret is a stanch ad vocate of Republican principles, and is an active avorker in the ranks of his party. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist church, and in the locality iii avhich they make their home they have Avon a large circle of avarm friends. WILLIAM SCHMIDT. AA'illiam Schmidt, who follows farming on section 1 5, Farmer township, Rice coun ty, is one of the best-known and most highly esteemed agriculturists in this portion of the state. Broad-minded, enterprising, pro gressive and popular, the circle of his friends is extensive. He has resided in this locality since 1878, — covering tbe period of the greater part of the development and up building of the county. A native of Wisconsin, William Schmidt AA-as born in Fond du Lac county, April 2, 1855, and, as the name indicates, is of Ger man parentage. His father, who was born in Germany, is an expert mechanic and has been in the railroad employ for forty-five years as foreman. He is now living in To peka, Kansas. He came to- the United States after his marriage to Christena Stier, avho avas also born, reared and educated in the fatherland. One of their children died at sea while they were en voyage to the neav avorld. Locating in Wisconsin, the fa ther there avorked at the trade of cabinet- making for a time and continued his resi dence in the Badger state until 1880, when he removed to Topeka. Unto him and his A'vife aaere born four sons and three daugh ters, of avhom four are yet living: William, of this revieav; Mrs. America Steimauf, of Topeka ; Airs. Emma Rominger, Avho is also living in the same city; and Charles, also a farmer in Farmer township. The father is a Republican in his political affiliations and both he and his wife are Methodists in their religious faith. In that belief they have also reared their children. People of the highest respectability, they enjoy the confidence and trust of all who know them. In, the county of his nativity William Schmidt was1 reared, and the public schools of the neighborhood afforded him good edu cational privileges, AA'hich he improved, be coming a well-informed man. In early life he Avas employed as salesman in a drug store for a number of years, and afterward carried on business along that line on his oavn account. In 1876 he became proprietor of a drug store in Chicago, Illinois, which he conducted for some time, and in 1878 he came to Rice county, where he secured one hundred and sixty acres of wild land, from avhich he began the development of a home. Here he has since lived, and by his industry and good management has become the owner of a valuable farm. He noav has eight hundred acres of rich land in Rice county, and his home is an attractive resi dence standing on a natural building site and surrounded by a beautiful grove. Upon the place is an excellent orchard of five acres, a large barn, a granary, avindmill, good feed lots, pastures and all modern im provements and accessories avhich consti tute a model farm of the twentieth century. In addition to his farm' he has other busi ness interests, being a stockholder and the vice-president of the Bushton State Bank, and is avidely recognized as one of the sub stantia! citizens of the county. In Fond du Lac county, AA'isconsin, in 1878, Mr. Schmidt avas married to Miss Lizzie Bastian, avho avas born in Germany but was reared and educated in Wisconsin. She is a daughter of Henry Bastian, noav de ceased, and by her marriage she had become the mother of four children: Lydia, now the avife of A. Cranim, of Farmer township, Rice county; Emily Al. ; Ida J. ; and Esther Alice. In his political vieavs Mr. Schmidt is a Republican and takes an active inter est in the growth of the party, doing all in his poaver to insure its success. He has been honored with local office, serving as town ship trustee and assessor for fourteen years. He has been a delegate to the county, con gressional and state conventions and is rec ognized as one of the leading workers of the party in Rice county. As a citizen he is BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 369 in touch with all progressia-e and reform movements. The cause of temperance, edu cation and morality finds in him a friend, and he has done much to promote the ma terial interests of the county, so that he may justly be regarded as one of the representa tive and valued citizens of his community. WILLIAM H. MITCHELL. William H. Mitchell, a prominent stock farmer of Huntsville toavnship, Reno coun ty, was born in Lawrence county, Indiana, near Bedford, on the 8th of March, 1844. His grandfather, James Mitchdl, was a na tive of the Keystone state, born on the 14th of October, 1767, and his death occurred in Monroe county, Indiana, June 9, 1846. He wedded Nancy Campbell, and they reared six sons and three daughters, all of whom mar ried and had families of their own with the exception of one daughter. One son, Jo seph, removed to Ioava about 1850, and reared a large family of children, his son James having served as a soldier in the Civil war, while another son, George, removed to Iowa in a very early day, and had two sons in the war, Thomas J. and William Oscar. The latter is now a state senator in Iowa, and was twice deded to the legislature. Joseph C, a grandson of Joseph Mitchell, is a lead ing lawyer of Ottumwa, Iowa,, and an ex- judge. Another son of James and Nancy (Campbell1) Mitchell, James, removed to Arkansas, and three of his sons served in the Confederate army during the Civil war. Another son, David, removed to Texas. Mrs. Nancy Mitchell died on the iotb of Oc tober, 1844, at the age of sixty-three years, and she and her husband noav rest side by side in a cemetery in Alonroe county, Indi ana. William C. Mitchell, the father of our subject, was born in Kentucky, in 1807, and his death occurred in Indiana, on the 30th of July, 188S. In the latter state he avas uni ted in marriage with Elizabeth Francis, also a native of Kentucky, and they-- reared six children, namely: Elizabeth M., the avidoav of I. H. Waynick, and the mother of a large family of children; Martha A. Norris, of Chariton, Iowa, and she has one son ; David T., who served as a lieutenant colonel dur ing the Civil war, and now resides in Co lumbia, Missouri, and has two sons and a daughter; Nancy A. Douglas, a widow, and her only son is also deceased; W. H., the subject of this review ; and James E., a lum ber dealer of Indiana, and he has five chil dren. The mother of this family passed away in death when our subject was but four years of age, and the father afterward wedded Mary J. Eravin, who bore him four sons and one daughter. Two of the sons, Samud E. and Lewis V., reside in Indiana, and a third, George E., makes his home in Oklahoma, near Augusta. The oldest son, Bennett, died when he was three years old, and Katie, the daughter, at the age of five years. The second wife died about a year after her husband's demise. William H. Mitchell, of this review, was reared as a farmer boy in his native state. On the 9th of July, 1861, avhen in his sev enteenth year, he responded to- the call: of his country, and at Bedford, Indiana, became a member of Company A, Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantry, and was a brave and loyal soldier for three years, during which time he took part in the battles of Black River, Grand Prairie, Shiloh, and in the siege of Vicksburg, besides many skirmishes. Re turning from the avar in 1864, he again took up the quiet life of a farmer at his father's home, but in the fall oi 1865 he went to Iowa and entered school. His failing eye sight, however, caused him: to leave the school-room, and in March., 1866, he once more returned to Indiana, where he remained until the following December. He then came to Neosho county, Kansas, where he pre empted a claim: of one hundred and sixty acres and for a time made his home with his brother, D. T. Mitchell, who had come to this state in 1865. In August, 1867, how ever, our subject rdurned to his old home in Indiana, and on the 26th of September of that year was united in marriage to Amanda Wood. In company with his brother, James F., and others, Mr. Mitchell and his bride 37Q BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. drove through to Kansas, locating on the claim which he had entered in Canville town ship, Neosho county, on Elk creek, where they resided in a box house sixteen by twen ty-four fed. His wife bore him three sons, one of whom, Olla E., avas born June 22, 1868, and now resides near Augusta, Okla homa. He has a wife and tavo sons. An other son, Jesse W., resides near Bedford, Indiana. He is married and has a son and daughter. The twin brother of Jesse W. died in infancy. The mother of these chil dren has also passed away, dying on the 19th of September, 1869. For his second avife Mr. Mitchell chose Nancy L. Stipp, their marriage having been cdebrated on the 7th of September, 1870, in Indiana, after which he again rdurned to his Kansas home. In 1873 he sold his farm) in Neosho county and again made the journey to Indiana, where he farmed on rented land until Au gust, 1884, and in that year located perma nently in the Sunflower state, purchasing the farm which- he still owns:, then a timber claim. On this farm. Mrs. Mitchell died May 18, 1895, leaving nine children, as follows: Caddie A., avife of J. W. Spilman, of Okla homa, and they have two sons; Virgil W., a fanner of Huntsville; Lotta P., avife of Joseph Vazes, of St. Louisi, Missouri, and they have one son; David B., and Michael F., born June 11, 1883, both prominent young farmers of Kansas ; Mattie E. and Hattie M., born January 15, 1886, and are still at home; James L., born November 14, 1888; and Grace E., born Alarch 12, 1891. Two of the children are deceased, — Amer ica M., aaho: avas born on the 25th of March, 1875, and died on the 25th of September of the same year, and Edavard, a tavin brother of Virgil W., avho died in Indiana, Novem ber 27, 1877. Air. Mitchell has been a third time married, in Hutchinson, Kansas, on the 26th of Noa-ember, 1896, Airs. Frances J. Cox becoming his avife. She is a native of Jackson countv, Indiana, and came to Kan sas in 1885. She has one son, by her former marriage, Herber AV., a resident of Llunts- ville toavnship. He is married and has one son. Mr. Mitchell noav oavns a beautiful farm of four hundred and forty acres, and in ad dition to cultivating this large tract he also has charge of another farm of two. hundred acres. He is principally engaged in stock- raising, making a specialty of the breeding of swine, of which he raises from five hun dred to nine hundred: dollars worth a year. He is also engaged! in the raising of red short-horn cattle, of avhich he has about six ty-two head, and in addition to his extensive stock business he also: follows diversified farming. In his business affairs he has met with a creditable and gratifying success, but untiring labor has been the secret of his prosperity and has avon for him' the high po sition, which he noav occupies in the business world. In political matters he avas formerly- identified avith the Republican party, but dur ing the past few years he has given his sup port to the People's party. ' For taa'O terms each he served as a trustee and justice of the peace, and in 1890 avas elected to repre sent his district in the legislature, to avhich position he Avas re-elected in 1892, partici pating as a member of the "rump" house, but the disability thereby incurred Avas re moved to the supreme court. He Avas chair man of the committee on militia in 1891, AA-as one of a committee appointed to investi- gate the Judge Theodocia Botkin case, and Avas one of the board of managers before the senate in the impeachment trial. He took an active part in the Greenback movement of 1S76, headed by Peter Cooper, and Avas a member of the first Greenback club in Bed ford, Indiana. Since 1876 he has been in the front ranks of the Reform party, and was active in the railroad bend controversy in 1886-7, bi Kansas,. AATiile a resident of Indiana he avas a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, in avhich he sened as president, secretary and lecturer. In 1898 he took an active part in organizing the Farmers' Alli ance and avas president of the sub-alliance and vice-president of the county alliance. Lie also lectured at many meetings and avas first elected to the legislature as an Alliance member. Pie assisted in organizing the first G. A. R. post in Laavrence county, Indiana, of aahich he avas senior alee commander for BIOGRAPHICAL HISTdRY. 37i some years and till coming to this state,. when- be was transferred from' the Depart ment of Indiana to that of Kansas and be longed to Meade Post, No. 14, of Sterling, Kansas. He would have remained a mem ber of it had not certain members made a po litical party out of it, that is to. our subject's mind, and rather than violate bis pledge and constitution of the organization he asked for and receTved his discharge. A man of dis tinctive ability and one whose character is above a shadow of reproach, he has been faithful to the highest positions in which he has been called upon to serve, and is aviddy known and respected by all who have in any way been familiar with his honorable and useful career. GEORGE A. APPEL. George A. Appd is one of the leading and representative citizens of Rice county. His record as a business man and as a sol dier has been so honorable that he has gained the confidence and good will of all with whom he has been brought in contact. For taventy-four years has Rice county been his home, years largely devoted to the best in terests of his adopted county. Mr. Appel claims Illinois as the state of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Madison county, near Alton, in 184*2. His father, John Appel, was born in the great empire of .Germany, and was there reared and educated. When a young man he bade farewell to his native land and sailed for the United States, locating at once in Madison county, Illinois. In that county George A., the subject of this review, Avas reared to manhood, At the outbreak of the Civil Avar he became one of the boys in blue, enlisting in the Ninety-seventh Illinois Volunteer In fantry, and sened as a loyal and patriotic soldier for three years and three months, He took part in many battles and skirmishes, enduring all those hardships and privations Avhich Avere kn-OAA-n only to the brave sol diers of the Civil war, and during his army experience his health was greatly injured. After the close of hostilities he received an honorable discharge, and with a creditable military record returned to his home and' family. . Mr. Appel was united in marriage with Elizabeth Bloenker, who has proved to him a true and loving helpmate. The lady is a native of the far off country of Germany. Soon after their marriage our subject and wife located in Christian county, Illinois, where they resided until 1877, when they came to Rice county, Kansas. Their first tract of land consisted of one hundred and sixty acres of raw prairie, on which they erected a sod house, and in that little pioneer home they began the battle of life on the western frontier. The Appel farm- now com prises six hundred and forty acres1 of the best farming land to be found in central Kansas. The place is adorned with a beau tiful residence, and three large barns1 furnish , shelter for the stock and grain upon the place. He also owns a large elevator, which has a capacity of seven thousand bushdsi of grain, and which was erected at a cost of one thousand dollars. On. the lawn art found beautiful shade trees, flowers and shrubs, and one of the attractive features: of the place is a fish pond, one hundred and fifteen by one hundred and fifteen feet. In addition to his extensive agricultural inter ests Mr. Appel was one of the promoters' of the Bushton. Bank. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Appel has been blessed with seven children, namely: John H., who owns one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining the old homestead; William E., Amelia M., George O., Charles J., Orville and Albert, all at home. The sec ond son, William- E., is the proprietor of a large implement business in Bushton, where he carries a complde stock of wagons, car riages, farm machinery and everything- to be found in a first-class establishment of that kind. His business amounts to tAventy-five thousand dollars annually, and his fair and honorable dealing have Avon him the con fidence and good avill of his felloav citizens. The father and sons give their political sup port to the Republican party, and the former is- a member of the Grand Army of the Re- 372 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. public and of the Alethodist Episcopal churdi. He co-operates in all movements and measures intended for the betterment of humanity, and to-day he is as. true to bis country and its best interests as when he fol lowed the stars and stripes on the battlefield of the south. WILLIAM MELVILLE. Scotch thrift and industry have been ef fective for progress and civilization wherever they have been made active, and Scotch emi grants to America have assumed their full share of the burdens of citizenship and per formed their part in the pioneer work that has come to their hands. Reno county, Kan sas, has numerous citizens of Scotch birth, and one of the best known and most highly respected of them, is William Melville, a farmer on section 22, in Hayes township, and whose postoffice address is Plevna, rural delivery route No.. 1. William Melville was born in Perthshire, Scotland, January 11, 185 1, a son of David and Margard (Laing) Melville. His father, who was a fanner and weaver, died in his native land in 1866, aged forty-eight years,' leaving a widow and. eight children, of whomi the subject of this sketch was the first born. Mrs. Melville, who was born in 1 822, died in Scotland in 1875. William received a good common-school education and then served a four years' apprenticeship to the trade of stone cutter. During, the first year of this apprenticeship he received fifty cents a week and boarded himself. The next year he received seventy-five cents a week and during the two- succeeding years he received one dollar a week. In 1872 he came across the ocean to Canadla, under con tract to work on the Intercolonial railroad in the province of Neav Brunswick. After three months labor there he went to Toron to, Canada. He remained at Toronto three months and then Avent to Pittsburg, Penn sylvania, by way of Buffalo, New York, and worked for a large concern there three years at from three to six dollars a day. He came to Kansas in March, 1876, and stopped at Peace, now Sterling, whence he came to his present homestead of one hundred and sixty acres. He was accompanied to Reno county by Thomas Keddie, with whom, he had boarded in Pittsburg and whose wife had gone to Scotland on a visit. He and! Mr. Keddie kept house togdher on their claims until Airs. Keddie rdurned and! after that Mr. Melville again boarded with them: until his marriage. Mr. Melville was married November 23, 1879, to Aliss Florence E. Castleman, who. was born in Canada, a daughter of Robert D. and Sarah (Langhurst) Castleman. The father was born at Niagara, Ontario, and her mother in London, England. They had twelve children, of Avhorni they reared six. Mr. Castleman, Avho: avas a farmer, died at the age of sixty years. His avidow, noav sev enty-four years old, lives with her daughter, Mrs. Melville, and is the owner of a farm in Stafford county, Kansas. Mr. Melville began farming on new prairie land and has improved a fine farm on which he raises miscellaneous crops and fruit of many var ieties. His farm is Avell provided with luxurious shade trees, which he planted with his oavn hands. He now owns one half-section of land and also a quarter sec tion, forty acres of AA'hich is. devoted to pasture and one hundred and twenty acres to avheat, of avhich he has grown from, two thousand to three thousand bushels a year. His crop in 1901 avas the best he ever har vested. In 1876 and in 1877 Mr. Melville had an exciting experience hunting buffalo in the buffalo in the panhandle of Texas, and while there he killed about twenty of the big ani mals. At one time he saav a herd six miles long, a sight avhich, owing to the scarcity of buffaloes, no man will ever see again. Politically Mr. Melville is a Republican, de voted to the principles and work of his party. Lie has served twelve years as a member of the school board of his toavnship and ably filled the office of township treas urer for four years. He is a member of the Indepenent Order of Odd Fellows:. Mr. and Airs. Melville are not church members, but are liberal supporters of religious interests. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 373 He has made the Golden Rule the rule of his life and the man never lived anywhere in the world who could say that Mr. Melville had wronged him to the extent of one cent. AVilliam and Florence E. (Castleman) Alelville have had children as follows : Lulu, avho married Henry Hibbert, a farmer of Hayes toavnship; David Melville, who avas a young man of high character and of great intellectual promise and was killed July 28, 1900, at the age of seventeen, by the explo sion of a threshing machine boiler; Bessie, avho is fourteen years old; Roy, avho died at the age of one year; Nora, who is eleven years old; and Harley C, avho was born July 6, 1899. The sudden and terrible death of Mr. and Mrs. Melville's son and son-in- laav avas a blow to them from which they are not 'likely soon to recover. JOHN B. HARDING. John B. Harding has for a number of years been actively engaged in farming and stock-raising in Kansas and now has charge of the Carlisle ranch in Kingman county, his place of residence being on section 32, Liberty township. He has under his super vision twenty-two hundred acres of land, on which are pastured large herds of cattle. Mr. Harding was born in Virginia, Jan uary 12, 1848, and is a son of John A. Hard ing, who was born and reared in the Old Dominion and was a farmer and stockman, oavning a rich tract of land. He was mar ried in his native state to Mary Kiser, also of Virginia, and selling his property in that state he removed! to Delaware county, Ohio, avhere he purchased a farm- and also a saw mill and woolen mill, located on Mill creek, a tributary of the Scioto river. These mills he operated in conection with the cultivation, of his land for three years and then sold, giving his entire attention to agricultural pursuits. He also owned a residence and lots in the town of Bellpoint. After several years he sold his property in Ohio and re moved to Illinois-, settling in Cumberland coimty and afterward going to Moultrie county, where he still resides, making his home avith his son Hiram. He is now eighty-seven years of age and is blind. His political support has ahvays been given to the Democracy, and fraternally he is a Ma son of high degree. His wife, who' was a consistent member of the United Brethren church, died in Moultrie county, November 5, 1886. Of their family of seven children, five are yet living and our subject is the third in order of birth. The family record is as follows: Samuel, who is engaged in the cultivation of broom corn and the manu facture of brooms in Piatt county, Illinois; Catherine, the widow of William1 Wertz and a resident of Bement, Illinois ; John B. ; Su sie, the widow of James Kirkland, of Be ment; Hiram-, a farmer of Moultrie county, Illinois; Peter, who died in Cumberland county, that state, at the age of twenty years ; and Walter, who died in Cumberland county, at the age of ten years. In the usual manner of farmer lads John B. Harding spent his youth, giving his fa ther the benefit of his services until he was twenty years of age. After engaging in agri cultural pursuits for a year after his mar riage in Delaavare county, Ohio-, he removed with his young wife to Cumberland county, Illinois, where he carried on the same pursuit for three years and then went to Moultrie county, where he remained until 1885. In that year he took up his abode in Harper county, Kansas, and in the following spring he removed to Barber county, whert he pre empted eighty acres of land in Sharon town ship. After proving up this property he re moved to the town of Sharon where he spent the avinter and in the spring located on a farm' a mile and a half north of that place. After a year he went to a farmi five miles from Medicine Lodge, avhere he remained for ten years, there engaging in the culti vation of his. land, in the raising of stock and in the operation of a threshing machine. On the expiration of that period Mr. Harding came to Kingman county and for a year was foreman of the Carlisle ranch. The following year he also- remained on the ranch, operating it for a man from Arkan sas avho had rented it. Then he returned to Barber county and for one season was on 374 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the Tom Eads ranch, but the folloaving spring he came back to the Carlisle ranch, where he has since resided. It is owned by Mr. Carlisle of Kansas City, and the main business is pasturing stock through the sum mer and feeding them in the winter. The ranch comprises about twenty-two hundred acres in all, about fourteen hundred and forty acres being owned by Mr. Carlisle, while the remainder of the land is leased. Several hundred head of both cattle and horses are pastured here each summer and in the winter there are bdween two and three hundred head of cattle. Mpr. Harding has charge of all the cattle, looks after the fences and has about two hundred andl fifty acres of land under cultivation. In Delaware county, Ohio, Mr. Harding avas united in marriage to Sarah J. Sea man, who was born in that county, a daugh ter of David and Comfort Seaman, both of avhom were natives of Ohio and both died about twenty years ago. Her father was a farmer by occupation. Ten children have been born unto them and the family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death. AVilliam is a farmer and stock-raiser located tavo miles east of Isabel, in Pratt county, Kansas ; Mary is the wife of Wesley Clark, a farmer of Moultrie county, Illinois; Viola is the wife of Luke Chapin, a farmer and stockman living about a mile and a half from Medicine Lodge; Walter is a section boss located in Sedgwick county, Kansas; Anna is the wife of August Lonby, who is en gaged in railroad work in Sedlgwick county, Kansas; Mattie is the wife of George Wood- aid, a merchant of Medicine Lodge; David E., Charles, Sadie and Georgie are at home. In politics Mr. Harding is a Democrat but political office has had no attraction for him, he preferring to devote his time and ener gies to his business affairs. DANIEL F. COLLINGWOOD. The fiirn of J. A. Collingw.ood & Broth ers, of Pretty Prairie, Reno county, Kansas, bankers, merchants and dealers in grain and live stock, is one of the leading business con cerns of central Kansas. It was established under its present style as a mercantile com pany in 1896. Its elevator was erected in 1896 and has a capacity of thirty- five thousand bushels, accomodating tbe undivided products of the members of the firm, which aggregate from1 thirty- five thousand to forty thousand bush- ds a year, mostly wheat. The demands upon it were so great that it soon outgrew its sur roundings, and in 1901 its capacity was in creased to sixty thousand bushels. As it stands now the Collingwood elevator is one of the largest and most completely equipped in the state, having the latest improved mod ern machinery and conveniences for han dling, cleaning and grading grain, operated by a sixteen1 horse-power gas engine. This firm, composed of John A., James A., Daniel F. and J. G. Collingwood, owns a large general store, which is carriedi on in a fine brick building covering a ground space of one hundred by taventy-five feet, its stock of ten thousand dollars' worth of miscel laneous goods being so arranged as to give it something of the appearance of a department store. This enterprise is under the personal management of Daniel F. Collingwood. The grain business of this concern aggregates three hundred thousand bushels a year, for it handles all the grain shipped from Prdty Prairie, which is the favorite market place in the heart of the best grain-producing* part of the county. One of the most important features of the business of J. A. Colling- avoocI & Brothers is its farming and stock- raising operations, which are as extensive as any in their vicinity. The firm: oaviis about five thousand acres of land within the bor ders of the county, on about sixteen hun dred acres of which it raises from thirty thousand to forty thousand bushels, of wheat each year, and it has also three thousand acres in Ford and Kiowa counties. John A., James A.; Daniel F. and J. G. Col'lingavood are sons of Daniel and Mary (Newman) Collingwood, Daniel Colling- Avood', a son of 'William Collingwood, was born in Wigbam, England', in 1819, and when be was about sixteen years old was brought by his parents to America. The BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 375 family located at Poughkeepsie, New York, Avhere the elder CollingAvood engaged in the manufacture of shoes, in avhich business Daniel avas employed to some extent. The father lived only tavo years after his arrival in America, hoAvever, and- the mother took her family to Cincinnati, Ohio, and domi ciled it in a house oavned by Abner New man, father of Mary Newman, with whom Daniel became acquainted and whom he married April 23, 1842. Abner Newman Avas born in NeAV Jersey, and married a Pennsylvanian Avoman of German ancestry. When a boy he was apprenticed to the trade of a plasterer and brick-mason. He became prominent as a contractor and builder, erect ing ipany prominent buildings in Cincin nati, and owned much valuable property the, e. Mrs. Collingwood is one of his eight children, five of whom sunive. Christina married V. H. Alason, of Orange county, Florida. George is a farmer in Iowa. Sa rah married a Mr. Love and lives in Orange county, Florida. David lives at Indianapo lis, Indiana. Matilda married Charles Sey mour and is dead. Joseph died at Oakland, Kansas. Emma, who became Mrs. Robin son, died at Indianapolis, Indiana, At Cincinnati, Daniel Collingwood was engaged in the shoe business until 1843. In 1845 be removed to Connersville, Fayette county, Indiana, where he manufactured shoes quite extensively for- three years, and then located on the Ohio river in Crawford county, Indiana, where he continued in the same business until his death, which occurred April 25, 1866. Here he added the tanning business to his manufacturing enterprise and in time it grew to such proportions1 that it overshadowed the original venture, for at that time there was a good demand for leather throughout the whole surrounding country, and the Ohio river supplied excel lent shipping facilities not alone for hides and tanbark but for the finished product of the tannery. Mr. Collingwood, was not only prominent in business affairs but in public affairs as avell, serving for eighteen consec utive years in the office of township trustee. Politically- he was a Whig, later a Repub lican, and in religion he was reared a Meth odist, though after the avar he joined the United Brethren church. Daniel and Mary (Newman) Colling wood had ten children. The following in formation concerning them will be of inter est in this connection. The first born was named William, who died at the age of two years. Abner was named in honor of his paternal grandfather. Thomas, who was born in Crawford county, Indiana, Novem ber 9, 1849, is a farmer and stockman who owns four hundred and eighty acres of Kan sas land, and whose residence is .in the southwest quarter of section 32, township 26, range 6, Reno county. The next in-or der of birth was J. G., who is a member, of the firm of J. A. Collingwood & Brothers., John A. Collingwood, who is the senior member of the firm mentioned and president of the State Bank of Pretty Prairie, Kan sas, was born in Crawford county, Indiana, December 23, 1854. James A. avas born in Crawford county, Indiana, July 14, 1858. Jane lives avith her mother and her brother, Daniel F. Clara is the wife of M. E. Up- degraff, who is a stockman at Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Ella (Mrs. Samuel G. Demoret) is cashier of the State Bank of Pretty Prairie, Kansas. That institution was organized in September, 1897, with' John A. Collingwood as president, Daniel F. Col lingwood as vice-president, and Mrs. Demo ret in her present responsible postion. The original capital of the bank (five thousand dollars)' was in 1900 increased to ten thou sand dollars, and the concern is one of the best conducted and most profitable bank in this part of the state, proportionately to the amount of its capital, its deposits aggregat ing about eighty thousand dollars, its lonas from sixty to eighty thousand dollars, and its surplus having outgrown its original cap ital. Mrs. Demoret was born in Crawford county, Indiana, and was only six years old when she went to Kansas. She was reared on the family homestead, upon which the toavn of Pretty Prairie has grown up, and was educated in the district school near her home. She took a commercial course in Hutchinson Business College, and then taught seven terms in the home school. July 376 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 29, 1897, she married Samuel G. Demoret, avho is postmaster at Pretty Prairie. She began her business career in the store of her brothers and as a bank cashier she has made an enviable reputation for ability and cour tesy, and her brothers give her not a. little credit for the success of the institution. Her husband, Samuel G. Demoret, avho- is a director in the bank, was born in Montgom ery county, Indiana, April 16, 1867, a son of Samuel and Amanda (Owens) Demoret, natives, respectively, of Ohio and Indiana. He was reared to farm work and was edu cated in the common schools, and in 1882 avas brought to Kansas by his father, who bought land in Valley township, Reno coun- ' ty. After taking a preparatory course in the high school at Hutchinson, Kansas, he entered the business college in that city. He began his practical business career as a salesman in the store of J. A. CollingAvood & Brothers and continued in that capacity until the bank avas organized. In the fall of 1897 he avas appointed postmaster of Pretty Prairie, avhich office he has held sat isfactorily to the people of the town and the vicinity to the present time. Politically he is a Republican and takes an active interest in the work of his party, in which he has par ticipated as a delegate to county conventions and otherwise. He is a charter member of Prd-ty Prairie Lodge, No. 407, Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, of which he is a past noble grand, and avhich he has represented as a delegate to the grand lodge ; and he is identified also avith the local auxiliary lodge of the Order of Rebekah., of which Mrs. Demoret is also: a member, and he is a char ter member of the Pretty Prairie organiza tion of the Modern Woodmen: qf America. Mrs. Demoret and her husband are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Their homelike and attradive residence was erected' in, 1897. The first of the family of Collingwood to settle in Kansas was Thomas, avho made the journey here by team im 1870, and re mained! in eastern Kansas until the. fall of 1873, a member of the family of his uncle, Joseph Neavman, AA'hen he joined his family, who had about a year before located in Reno county. The family made the journey to the state by team, bringing two teams of horses and two avagons, and reached Hutchinson November 18, 1872. For two weeksi after their arrival, Avhile they were selecting a lo cation, they Avere guests in the household of Nathaniel Cory, in Lincoln township, five miles south of Hutchinson, an old Indiana acquaintance who had sdtled in Reno coun ty the previous spring. They located three- quarter sections, Mrs. Collingwood home- steading the northwest quarter of section 18, township 26, range 6, and James and Abner, the only ones of the children' who avere old enough to file a land claim, the west half of section 14, township 26, range ¦**. On the mother's claim was erected a small box house, which was lined with a. avagon cover to keep out the cold and storm, and in avhich the family lived during their first avinter in Kansas. The other sons squat ted on claims, avhich they filed on as1 soon as they became of age. Thus humbly was be gun avhat is iioav one of the most extensive interests in Reno county. The family began fanning as a avhole, improving and culti vating- the land, erecting buildings and rais ing stock, and the four brothers, who have never divided their interests, now keep about seven hundred head of cattle, usually buy ing and selling from about three hundred to four hundred head each year, and have about one hundred and taventy-five head of horses. Airs. Alary (Neavman) Collingwood was born in Cincinnati. Ohio, in 1826, a daugh ter of Abner and Elizabeth (Arbigast) Neav man, and noav lives at Pretty Prairie with her son, Daniel F., and her daughter, Jane, they having moved from the old homestead, avhich they still oavn, in 1897, in order that the son might be near the center of the fam ily's groaving business interests. She is a remarkably avell preserved woman for her age, reasonably strong physically and won derfully bright mentally, and she relates most interestingly not only many incidents of pio neer life in Reno county in the early '70s, but many reminiscences of her girlhood days in Cincinnati, avhere she remembers hav ing heard AA'illiam, Llenry Harrison speak "in the memorable log cabin in the "hard cider"' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 377 campaign of 1840. The postoffice at Pretty- Prairie avas originally established in her residence in 1S74 and avas continued there until 1877, a station on the mail and stage route from Hutchinson to Medicine Lodge. Not only in rearing her family- but in attend ing to her business interests she has demon strated that she possecses remarkable execu tive ability. In keeping her children Avith her until they Avere groAvn to manhood and Avomanhood she folloAved the definite plan avhich she made to inculcate upon them both by precept and example such principles as have made them successful in life, and every one of her children appreciate Avhat she has done for therm and each cherishes for her a sentiment of reverence Avhich is indeed beau tiful. Daniel CollingAvood died in CraAvford county, Indana, April 25, 1866. Mrs. CORNELIA (BUCKLES) McVAY. Airs. Cornelia (Buckles) McVay, avho has resided in Sterling for many years, is one of the most highly esteemed ladies of the community. Her husband, AVilliam Cecil Mc\ray, Avas a very prominent and influential citizen here, and his death, avhich occurred in Kirksville, Missouri, November 17, 1897, avhen he avas forty-three years of age, avas deeply regretted. He avas a na tive of Sidney, Ohio, and Avas the youngest of eight children born unto Henry and Mary (Cecil) AlcVay. His mother died when he was only seventeen months old, and avhen a lad of ten summers he was left an orphan by the death of his father. All of the children, however, reached adult age. AATiliam C. McVay avas reared by his, maternal grand parents amid1 the scenes of rural life, and through the summer months assisted in the avork of the farm, avhile in the avinter he at tended the district schools. When a young man he removed to Illinois and in 1877 came to Kansas from AArindsor, that state. He secured a claim ten miles south of Sterling, but for only a short time carried on farming. He then turned his attention to merchandis ing, securing a clerkship. He had previ- 24 ously had experience in that line of avork in Illinois. After several years spent as a salesman in different stores in Kansas he began business on his oavn account as a gen eral merchant, forming a partnership: with Aaron Keller. Thev opened their store in 1882 and later the firm name avas changed to Keller, AIcA'ay & Cline, by the admission of a third partner. It .aftenvard became AlcVay & Cline, and subsequently Mr. Mc Vay carried on business alone. In 1890, hoavever, the firm of AlcVay & Guild was formed, and under this title business was carried on until the death of the senior part ner. As a business man he avas energetic, discriminating, diligent and reliable. His transactions avere conducted along the line' of strict commercial ethics and his honesty avas proverbial. He avas ahvays genial and possessed an unfailing courtesy that made him. popular and Avon him the avarm friend ship of many of his customers, avho. contin ued their patronage through the fifteen years in avhich he aaas engaged in business in Ster ling. Not long after coming to this place Mr. McVay formed the acquaintance of Miss Cornelia Buckles, of Aluncie, Indiana, a sis ter of Mrs. Captain Lindsley and the young est daughter of Judge Buckles. They were married at the home of the bride in Muncie, on the nth of November, 1885, and began their domestic life in Sterling, where Mr. McVay avas then located. After her hus band's death Airs. McVay entered the store, avhere she remained for some months in or der to care for her interests until the stock avas sold and the business closed, out. Four children avere born unto this avorthy couple, — Cecil B., Wayne L., Joe B. and Virginia W. Joe died at the age of three years. The others are fourteen, eleven and eight years of age, respectively. In 1888 Air. McVay and his family took up. their abode in a com fortable home on East Alain street, where his avidoav and her children are yet living. Mr. McVay ahvays occupied a prominent place among the merchants and business men of the toavn and in social circles as avell, and aa-as a gentleman avell posted on the affairs of the day. He took an active and 378 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. abiding interest in civil and political affairs, and at his death he avas president of the Sterling Republican Club. Lie also served as a member of the city council and avas active in the fire department from its organization, serving as its chief for many years. Of various fraternal and benevolent societies he was a faithful member, belonging to both the lodge and encampment of the Odd Felloavs organization and the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen, and all of these lodges participated in the funeral service avhen he avas called from this earth,. For tavo years he suffered from trouble avith his liver and at last avent to the Kirksville Sanitarium, but medical aid could do noth ing for him, and avith his faithful avife at his bedside he passed away. In the memorial published in the Bulletin and Gazette of No vember 19, 1897, appeared the folloaving: "Those avho kneav AAA C. AlcVay most in timately knew that in him they- had avhat is sometimes hard to get and still more diffi cult to hold — a true friend. He never hesi tated to vindicate a friend unjustly attacked and ahvays gaA*e good sensible advice avhen any one in trouble came to him." To his family Mr. McVay certainly left the price less record of an untarnished name. Mrs. McVay is yet living in Sterling, caring for her children, and in the community she is widely and favorably knoavn. M. J. ALBRIGHT. Classed among the substantial and re spected citizens of Kingman county is found the subject of this revieav, M. J. Albright, avho dates his birth in Tennessee, in 1853, and is the son of William Albright, whose father, John- Albright, also claimed Tennes see as the state of his nativity. The son, AVilliam, greav to years of ma turity in that commoiiAvealth and Avas there married to Nancy Burney, a member of an old and esteemed family of Tennessee. She was a daughter of David Burney, also of that state. Unto AA'illiam and Nancy Al bright Avere born eleven^ children, six sons and five daughters, only five of the number — Tour sons and one daughter — are noav living. AI. J. Albright, avhose name introduces this review, greav to young manhood in his home near the Cumberland river, in middle Tennessee. From there he went to Illinois, avhere his father oavned lands and farmed for some years in that prairie state. In 1880 he aaas married to Miss S. L.' Hardy, a pop ular teacher of Christian county, Illinois. Aliss Hardy avas from the south, having spent most of her life and received her edu cation in Memphis, Tennessee. Her father, A. A. Hardy, avas a native of Georgia, and her mother avas Caroline Dennis of Ala bama, both descendants of pioneer families. Five children have been born unto- M. J. and S. L. Albright : Clarence B. : Burney L. ; May E. ; Augustus (avho died in infancy) ; and Anna H. Besides these they have tavo. adopted children. Robert Murray, avhose parents avere both avorthy people and of good families, came to their home from his native city, St. Louis, avhen a mere babe. Robert Al. Al bright has groavn to manhood in this home and no son is dearer to his home folks. He has taught school, built bridges and is iioav a farmer and stockholder, avith bright pros pects. February 2, 1902, Airs. Knight, the avife of the blacksmith of the village of Basil, Kansas, died, leaving four children, the youngest a babe five months old, avho avas taken by Airs. Albright to her home and tenderly cared for. Mr. Knight has since given his babe, Gertrude R., to Mr. and Airs. Albright to be to them as their oavn daughter. She is a bright, beautiful child, and each member of tbe family fairly idolizes her. Folloaving is an account of the most recent episode of note in the Al bright family, copied from a local paper of Kingman, Kansas : "On AA'echiesday, Alay 28, 1802, aout thirty guests assembled at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson on North Main street to avitness the marriage BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 379 of their daughter Dora to Clarence B. Al bright, son of Air. and Mrs. AI. J. Albright. At 12 :30 Airs. Kinsey sang 'Annie Laurie,' and this avas followed by the 'Bridal March from Lohengrin,' played by Airs. Belle Barber. While the strains of this beau tiful march avere sounding forth, the bridal party entered, taking their places in front of the beautifully decorated bay avindow avhen Rev. Pruen stepped foravard and in a feav avords made them man and avife. After congratulations an elegant dinner avas served. "Both young people are avell knoavn in Kingman, the bride being one of Kingman county's best teachers, and is a young lady of excellent qualities, and. has avon hosts of frjends during her three years' residence in Kingman. The groom1 has groavn to man hood in this county and is a prosperous young farmer and bridge-builder of sterling qualities, respected; by all. Feav young peo ple launch out upon the matrimonial sea with more* good wishes or brighter pros pects of a useful and happy life." In 1880 M. J. Albright came to King man county, Kansas, avhere he pre-empted land and, is still engaged in farming and stock raising. In addition to carrying on the avork of his farm he is also avell known as a bridge-builder and many of the large and avell built bridges of Kingman and ad joining counties are the result of his handi- Avork. He has met with a avell merited de gree of success in this line of endeavor, and as a stockman, an agriculturist and builder he has avon and retains the public confidence by reason of his strict integrity and excel lent workmanship. He considers his nast political career of no interest to the public. He is opposed to the party that fosters im perialism, trusts and combines. WILLIAM C. POLLOCK. Among the more recent accessions to the toavn of Nickerson is AA'illiam C. Pol lock, a gentleman of large business experi ence, avho, as an auctioneer, is meeting avith a, marked and wdl merited degree of suc cess in the line of his chosen vocation. He avas born in Deavitt county, Illinois, on the 30th of October, 1840. His paternal grand father, Robert Pollock, avas a native of Scot land, of Scotch-Irish descent, and avhen taventy-fia-e years1 of age, he came avith his avife from Ireland to- the United States, lo cating on a farm in Ohio, avhere he was among the early pioneer settlers. His wife avas a native of Ireland. The father of our subject, AVilliam B. Pollock, avas born in the Buckeye state, his birth occurring" in Cham paign county, in 1809. He died of hydro phobia on the 25th of December, 1845, his death resulting from the bite of a dog avhich he received thirteen years before. The mother of onr subject, avho avas formerly Catherine Cantrell, avas born in Kentucky, March 3, 1806, and avhen tavelve years of age accompanied her mother on the removal to Ohio. Her father had been shot by a drunken companion. The former avas six feet and six and a half inches in height and aveighed tavo hundred and thirty pounds, be ing a fine specimen of physical manhood. At his death he left to his widoav the care of their six children, five sons and one daugh ter, namely: Laton O., avho died ini Texas, during his service in the Civil Avar, leaving a Avif e and tavo children ; Ann, avho died in infancy ; Thomas, avho came to Kansas; sev enteen years ago and is noav a resident of Rice county; George P., a resident of Van Buren county, Ioava ; Polly Ann, avidow of Robert Ferriss and a resident of Sangamon county, Illinois; AA'illiam C, the subject of this revieav. After the father's death the mother avas left avith only a small amount of property in Kentucky, which avas mostly lost during the rebellion, but she heroically surmounted the difficulties avhich beset her path, and avith indomitable courage and en ergy succeeded in providing for her family. Her death occurred in December, 1867. William C. Pollock, avhose name intro duces this revieav, was taken to Iowa when three years of age, avhere he avas early in ured to the labors of field and meadow, and his school privileges were extremely limited. 38o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. AA'hen the trouble arose betAveen the north and the south, he nobly responded to the call for volunteers, and in 1861 became a mem ber of the Alissouri Home Guard. On the nth of October, 1862, he avas transferred to the Twenty-first Missouri Volunteer In fantry, in avhich he served until the nth of February, 1865, avhen he avas honorably dis charged at Eastport, Alississippi. He avas avouncled at the battle of Pleasant Hill, on the 9th of April, 1864, by a piece of shell. After the close of hostilities, he returned to his home im Ioava, avhere he remained until September n, 1867, avhen he returned to Deavitt county-, Illinois, his native place, avhere he avorked by the month on a farm for one year. While there, in 1868, he was united im marriage avith Jane Allington, a native of Deavitt county, and a daughter of Thomas1 Jenkins. Previous to this,1 time she had been married to David Allington, and they had two children. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Pollock avas blessed avith one son, Robert A., a resident of Austin, Texas. The avife and mother died when the son avas only two aveeks old, and Mr. Pollock was afterward married to Mrs. Margaret Bag- bey, avho was the mother of three children by her former marriage. Unto this union has been born three children, namely: Charles E., avho is married and resides at El Paso, Texas; Hattie E., avife of Edgar Haycock, and avith her little son she resides at Deer Lodge, Montana; and Frank G, avho is a soldier in Manila, being a member of Company F, of the Fourteenth Regiment, and be has just returned from China. In September, 1898, Mr. Pollock came to the beautiful little city of Nickerson, where he is now recognized asi one, of the leading and responsible citizens. As an auc tioneer he has met avith a high degree of success, and both as a business man and cit izen: he is a valuable accession to the thriv ing little city of Nickerson. Since 1861 he has been a stanch supporter of Republican principles, and in the year 1864 his regiment cast seven hundred and seventy-five votes for Lincoln and two for McClellan. Mr. Pollock has been the choice of his party for marshal, street commissioner and constable in Nickerson, serving in the last named po sition for tavo years. Before coming to' this city he avas also engaged as an auctioneer in Lyons count)- for taventy-one years. In bis social relations he is a member of the G. A. R. Post, and avhile residing in Lyons county he served as post commander. Mr. Pollock is a man of fine physique, being five feet and eleven inches in height and Aveigh ing one hundred and sixty-five pounds. In manner pleasant and agreeable, in business reliable and in office trustworthy, he has Avon many friends in this locality. JAMES F. FUNK. The flourishing toavn of Nickerson, in Reno county, Kansas, has become prominent for the large shipments of cattle avhich are made at that point. One pf its leading ship pers is James F Funk, avhose stock farm, one mile east of the city, is one of the best appointed in the county. Air. Funk is a na tive of Pennsyh-ania and avas born in AATst- moreland county, Alay 6, 1853, a son of John Funk, also a native of AVesitmoreland county, avho avas born in 1815 and died in Cass county, Alissouri, im 1888. Daniel Funk, father of John Funk and grandfather of James F. Funk, avas born in Germany in 1784. He avas a farmer and a distiller and aaas a man of influence in his day and gen eration. He had nine diildren, five of whom avere sons. ^ John Funk married Anna Monroe, of AA'estmoreland county, Pennsylvania, daugh ter of James Alonroe, avho came to Pennsyl vania from Scotland. Their marriage was celebrated in AA'estmoi eland county in 1853. After his marriage Mr. Funk settled on a farm of four hundred acres, in Westmore land count)-, for avhich he paid forty dollars an acre and avhich he sold afterward atone hundred dollars an acre. Later coal Avas dis covered on the land and the property was sold at seven hundred, dollars an acre. Mrs. Funk, aalio died in 1863, ten years: after their marriage, avas Mr. Funk's second wife. By his first marriage he had five children, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3«i and by this marriage four, as follows : Nan nie E. married D. AI. Clendennin and lives in Cass county, Alissouri; James F. is the immediate subject of this sketdi ; Florence is the Avife of Alexander Lightcap of Cass county, Alissouri ; and Alaggie married AA'ill iam Seymour, and lives in Allen county, Kansas. Air. Funk married again after the death of his second avife and in 1870 emi grated from Pennsylvania to Alissouri. He AA-as during all his life Avell-to-do financially and for a considerable period he Avas Avealthy, but in his declining years he sus tained heavy reverses. James F. Funk received a good primary education aiid took a commercial course at Kansas City, Alissouri. For a year after leaving the commercial- college he Avas em ployed as a bookkeeper at Lincoln, Nebras ka, and since then he has been engaged in farming and stock-raising, a business to Avhich be avas reared under, his father's per sonal instruction and in avhich he Avas. his father's assistant until he attained the age of tAventy-one years, and for some time before his father's death he avas the latter's partner. Mr. Funk avas married August 30, 1887, to Aliss Belle Vaughn, of Independence, Mis souri, a daughter of Dr. J. Al. and Anna K. (Abbott) Vaughn, the latter of Yorkshire, England. Dr. Vaughn, avho avas born in Kentucky, is noav in the real-estate and money-loaning business at Guthrie, Okla homa territory. Airs. Funk, avho aaas a young lady of many accomplishments, avas their eldest daughter. She hasi borne her husband four children : Goldisola, a bright miss of thirteen years, is a student of much diligence and promise. Kemper AlcAiullen Funk is a boy of nine years. Paul Funk is seven years old and Hugh Shepherd is five years old. Mr. Funk is a Knight Templar Alason and an ardent Republican, and is one of the prominent ,and public-spirited citizens of Reno county. He lived at the home of his father in Missouri until 1888 and removed to Hutchinson, Kansas, during that year. For several months in 1889 be avas at Col orado Springs, Texas. For three years pre vious to his marriage he avas in the stock- business at Fort AVorth, Texas, as a mem ber of the firm of Shannon & Funk, avhich handled many thousand head of cattle each year. He returned to Hutchinson, Kansas, in 1897 and soon after located on his stock ranch a mile east of Nickerson. He removed to his present home in the city in 1900. He owns tAvo farms in the vicinitA" of Nicker son, Avhich aggregate three hundred and taventy acres and he leases pasture land of other land owners. Lie feeds three hundred head of cattle each year and handles alto gether about tavo thousand head of cattle, taventy thousand hogs and from fifty to sixty mules annually. IRA BAKER. Ira Baker, avho is> engaged in the tilling of the soil on section 29, AA'ashington toavn ship, Rice county, is a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred in Shelby county, on the 4th of August, 1834. His father, Elijah Baker, avas born in a hunter's shanty twelve miles northavest of Lexington, Kentucky, July 3, 1793. The grandparents, John and Alsha ( AA'ainright) Baker, avere both na tives of North Carolina and avent to Ken tucky at the time that Daniel Boone avas carrying on his explorations of the dark and bloody ground. Their son, Elijah,- avas born by the side of a log on the claim avhich the father avas holding. The family exper ienced all the hardships and trials of life in the avestern region, far separated from all the comforts of civilization. They also, avent to Indiana before it avas a state. The grand father died in 1S40, but Air. Baker of this revieav still remembers him, although he avas only six years of age at the time. The grandmother passed aavay four years later and both had attained an advanced age, the former having passed the seventy-fifth mile stone on life's journey. After arriving at years of maturity Elijah Baker married Sa rah Vance, avho avas born in 1797, in tbe block house avhich stood on the present site of Cincinnati. Their marriage occurred about 182 1, and they- became the parents of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. four sons and tAvo daughters, and Avith the exception of one son all reached mature years, namely: Elias, avho died in 1857, leaving* a son and daughter ; Alsha, avho died in Coffey county, Kansas, in 1883 ; Alalinda, the avife of Riley Ho-avard, of Nickerson, Kansas, by avhom she has six children:; John, avho lives in the district of Oklahoma knoavn as the Strip, and has six, sons and three daughters; and Ira, of this revieav. The father avas a farmer in good circumstances. He, hoavea-er, obtained a start by clearing land and then selling it. He avorked so hard that he became prematurely aged, but he lived to the age of seventy-four, passing aavay in 1867, avhile his avife died in Coffey county, Kansas, in 1884, avhen about eighty- seven years of age. Ira and his brother John Baker avere the first of the family to come to Kansas, the year of their arrival being 1881. Die latter purchased one hundred and sixty acres, while our subject became the oavner of eighty acres. Lie resided thereon until 1885, avhen he came to his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 29, AA'ashington township. He avas tavice married, his first union being" avith Susan Kessler, of Indiana, in avhich state the avedding avas celebrated in 1853. She died about six years later, leaving three children: Jane, avho passed aavay at the age of eight years ; Alalinda, the aaife of Michael Alartin, of Clinton county, Missouri; and Theresa, avho died at the age of one year. In Indiana, in 1859, Air. Ba ker avas again married, his second union be ing avith Elizabeth Burkett, by avhom he had six children : John C, avho resides in the Strip, in Wood county, Oklahoma, and has tavo sons; AA'illie L., a resident of Reno county, Kansas, and the father of one daugh ter and one son; Rosella, avho. is the avife of Homer Hinman, of Reno1 county, by whom she has two sons and a daughter; Lena, a teacher and freeholder in Oklahoma; Julia, the avife of Harry Angus, of Ed- avards county, Kansas, by avhom she has one son; and Dolly C, wbo married Henry Shultz, of Reno county. Air. Baker carries on general farming, but has devoted much of his time to con tracting and building. He avas a builder in Indiana and Alissouri and has folloaved the same pursuit to a considerable extent in Kansas. It has been this labor that has brought to. him most of his success. All that he has has practically been made since he came to the Sunfli .aver state, and to-day he oavns a valuable property, avhich is a monu ment to his thrift and ability. Fraternally be is connected avith the Alasonic Lodge and avith the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. Im politics he is a Republican and has served on the school hoard and the toavnship board, but has never sought or desired public office. His avife belongs to the Alethodist church. They are avell knoavn people of the commun ity, and their friends in this portion of the county are many. KINSEY SHAAA". A prominent and extensive farmer and cattle-raiser of Grant toavnship, Rice county, is Kinsey Shaav, avho settled on section 13, taventy-four years ago, becoming- one of the pioneers of that section of the country. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Coshocton county, on the 6th of June, 1832. His father, James Shaav, avas born, in Alaryland, in 1782, and avas a farmer by occupation, oavning three hundred acres of land, avhich avas covered avith a heavy groavth of timber avhen he bought it. and avhich he cleared and placed under cultiva tion. He married Aliss Sarah Treaclavay, of Alaryland, in avhich state they avere mar ried. They became the parents of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, all living but tavo sons, Dan and John, avho served through the Alexican war, married, and both died in Coshocton county, Ohio, in the year 1899, aged, respectively, seventy- four and seventy-five years. One sister lives in Oklahoma and another 'in Kansas. The father of this family died in Ohio, in 1862, and the mother some six years later. Kinsey Shaav, whose name introduces this record, avas reared upon his father's farm, early becoming familiar avith all the BIOGRAPHICAL PIISTORY. 583 duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. Thus he gained that practical knowledge avhich fitted him for carrying on farming on his oavn account avhen he greav to man's estate, but it left him little time for study and his love for his dogs and gun robbed him of many golden liours that should have been dea*oted to his books, so that his education Avas very limited. He remained at home until taveiity-seven years of age and then avent to Hancock county, Illinois, and worked out by the month foi George AA' Berry, avho avas a trader. This occupation just suited Air. Shaav, as he had a propensity for it from his youth avhen he used to buy shoats to1 speculate on. He avorked for Air. Bern for three years and theii married his employer's daughter and settled on his maternal grandfather Howe's farm' in Illinois. In 1865 he left his home in Illinois and avent to Clark county, Alis souri, avhere he bought timber land, for AA'hich he traded an improved farm,' of one hundred and sixty acres and gave one thou sand dollars in money. He engaged in farm ing and stock-raising in Missouri for ten years and made money, especially on his stock. Lie had two carloads of cattle and one of hogs avhicb he shipped to Chicago and sold at a good profit. In March, 1877,, he bought one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land in Kansas of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, at six dollars and sixty cents per acre, and as his financial resources increased he bought other tracts until he and his sons noav oavn eight hundred and eighty acres of land in a body, or one and a half sections. He is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of short-horn and polled Angus cattle. He has fed from one hundred to five hundred head at one time. His large red barns and fine residence are surrounded by shade and: fruit trees avhich he has planted, and ea-era-fhing about the place is neat and thrifty in appear ance, indicating the careful supervision of the oavner, though he is noav someavhat broken in health and leaves the active labors of the farm to his sons. On the ist of January, 1861, avas cele brated the marriage of Air. Shaav to Aliss Sarah E. Berry, avho avas born in Kentucky in 1842, and unto them have been born eleven children, namely : A AVilliam, an ec centric bachelor ; George, avho married and has one son and three daughters ; Viollette, avife of Joseph Staley, by avhom she has three sons; AA'arren, avho- is married and has one son and one daughter ; Edward, still sin gle; Jesse, avho is married and is living on his own farm; Daniel, still single and living in Oregon; Fannie, aaho married Frank Bruce, and has tavo children ; Bertha, avho is still single and lives in Hutchinson; Thomas., at home; Gertrude, now sixteen years of age. Edward, the fifth child in order of birth, is a bachelor avith peculiar tastes Stnd traits. He has marked and phenomenal ability in computing figures avhich he does mentally and avith great rapidity. When given a date of birth he can in an incredibly short time give the age of the person in years, days, hours, minutes and seconds, and this is but one of his rare gifts or talents. He reads many things in sounds that others do not understand. Is a great student of nature, in Avhich he takes great delight, seldom rides but is a great pedestrian. Fraternally Air. Shaav is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs and po litically he exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Democratic party. He has ahvays been a very energetic, progressive and enterprising man and has been very successful in all his undertakings in life so that he noav has a comfortable competence. AV L. AIAY, Al. D. Among the medical practitioners of Rice county is numbered Dr. May, a capable physician and surgeon, located in Lyons, avhere he has made his home since 1893. He claims Pennsylvania as the state of his nativity, his birth having1 occurred near Philadelphia in Schuylkill county, on the 19th of Alarch, 1859. He is of English lineage and is a son of Thomas George and Lucy (Struman) Alay, both of avhom are natives of England, the former born in 384 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY Cornwall and the latter in County Kent. The father acquired his education in the schools of his natia-e country and remained in Cornavall until sixteen years of age. After crossing tlie Atlantic to America he located in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, but spent his last days in the anthracite coal regions at Shamokin, Pennsylvania, avhere he died at the age of fifty-six years. His avidow still suraives him and has noav at tained the Psalmist's span of three score years and ten. In their family avere thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters, of whom five greav to mature years, namely ; Joseph, avho makes his home in Pennsyl vania; James, avho died April 30, 1901 ; W. L., of this revieav : Airs. Lucy Ward, who made her home in Chicago-, Illinois, and died April 15, 1901 ; and Airs. Julia Francis, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The parents avere both Christian people, identi fied with the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1895 Dr. Alay, of this revieav, mar ried Mrs. C. Cromer, of Defiance, Ohio, who. prior to her marriage bore the maiden name of Cornelia Renolett. They noav have one child, Nora. The Doctor is a Republi can in his political aleavs and is connected avith the Knights of Pythias fraternity and with the Rice County Aledical Society. In an analyzation of the character and life work of Dr. Alay Ave note many of the char acteristics avhich have marked the nation for many centuries, the perseverance, reliabil ity, energy and unconquerable determina tion to' pursue a course avhich has been marked out. It is these sterling qualities which have gained Dr. Allay success in life and made him one of the substantial and val ued citizens of Lyons. He has been in the regular practice of his profession for six teen years. JOHN AV. ROFF. John AAr. Roff is numbered among the veterans of the Civil aaar and is a leading representative of the agricultural interests of Kingman county. He aaas born in Zanes ville, Muskingum county, Ohio, on the 22c! of April, 1839. His father, Henry S. Roff, avas born in AA'ashington county, Penn sylvania, of German ancestry, but avas taken to Ohio in his early infancy, there remaining on the farm until his four teenth year. He avas afteraa-ard employed in a store and spent his life in mer cantile pursuits. In Muskingum county, Ohio, he Avas united in marriage to' Eliza beth AIcBride, a daughter of John and Mary- (AA'alker) AIcBride, and in 1876 they took up their abode in PaAvnee county, Kan sas, Avhere. Henry S. passed aAvay in death at the age of seventy-tayo years. In his politi cal relations he Avas a Republican, and he avas an ardent and zealous member of the Baptist church, in avhich he long held the office of clerk and trustee. His social rela tions connected him aalth the Alasonic fra ternity. Unto Air. and Airs. Roff avere born three children, John AA' , of this revieav, being the eldest in order of birth. Henry PL served as a member of the United States navy during the Civil avar and avas killed at the taking of Fort Jackson. He served on the United States steamer Brooklyn, and. participated in the capture of Neav Orleans. The third son, Albert, is a resident of To peka, Kansas. John AA'. Roff received his elementary education in the public schools of his native locality, and a portion of his youth avas spent in his father's store. In 1862. he enlisted for service in the avar of the Rebellion, en tering Company E, Ninety-seventh Ohio In fantry, in avhich he served until the close of hostilities, and during his military career he participated in taventy-three regular engage ments, including those of Nashville, Chiek amauga, Perryville, Missionary Ridge, and he avas avith General Sherman in the Atlanta campaign. In July, 1865, avith the rank of sergeant, he avas honorably discharged from the service and returned ' to his home at Zanesville, avhere he avas shortly aftenvard married. In 1876 he left the Buckeye state for Kansas, locating in Pawnee 'county, Avhere he at once secured a claim and en gaged in farming and stock-raising. The year 1892 avitnessed his arrival in Kingman county, Avhere he soon became the possessor MR. AND MRS. JOHN W. ROFF. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 385 of a half section of land,— the east half of section 2^. Hoosier toavnship,— and- this- is noav one of the best improved and most valuable farms of the county, containing a good residence and barns and a beautiful grove and orchard of tavelve acres. Air. Roff avas married. in Coshocton, Ohio, October 5. 1865. to Elizabeth Flagg, avho avas born in Coshocton county, Ohio, February 5, 1S43, a daughter of Thomas AA". Flagg, avho avas a native of Vermont and a son cf the eminent Doctor and Eliza beth Flagg, of Neav York city. Thomas AA". Flagg married Catherine Conley, and they became the parents of ten children, five of whom are uoav living, namely : John, avho served as a member of the Ninety-seventh Ohio Infantry during the Civil Avar, his services being principally in Kentucky ; Elizabeth, iioav Mrs. Roff ; Virginia Neff, of Coshocton county, Ohio ; Cornelia Beal, of Lafayette, Ohio; and AA'ebster, avho also makes his home in Coshocton county. The union cf Air. and Airs. Roff has been blessed avith six children : Charles H., avho is em ployed as a printer and teacher in Eureka, Kansas ; Leavis E., a merchant of Emporia, Kansas: John AL, a prominent farmer of Hoosier toavnship; Anna V. Holland, of Zanesville, Ohio; and Frank E. and Tillie S., at home. Airs. Roff is a zealous member of the Alethodist Episcopal church. In political matters our subject gives an un faltering support to the principles of the Re publican party, and socially he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, in avhich he holds pleasant relations avith his old army comrades of the blue. Strictly upright and above reproach in all his dealings avith others, he merits the high esteem in avhich he is held by all avho have the pleasure of his acquaintance. WILLIAM S. GILE. The subject of this notice is postmaster of Venango, Ellsworth county, Kansas, and is the oavner of a fine ranch comprising a half section of land in section 26, toavnship 16, range 6, and is knoavn as one of the most enterprising and progressive citizens of his part of the state. Colonel AA'illiam S. Gile avas born Jan uary 5. 1812. at Oxford, Chenango county, Neav York, a son of Deacon AA'illiam and Annie ( Stephens) Gile. natives respectively of Rhode Island and of Holland. AA'illiam Gile located in Chenango county, Neav Y> irk, about the beginning of the last century avhen that part of the country avas a avilderness and remained there until 1823, avhen he be came a pioneer in Gallia county, Ohio. After living there seven years he Avent back to his old home at Oxford, Chenango county, Neav York, and remained there until i860, avheii he emigrated to Hannibal, Alissouri, AA'here he died in 1874, some years after the death of his avife. They avere both active mem bers of the Presbyterian church, in avhich he held the office of deacon for many years. AATiliam Gile, father of Deacon AA'illiam Gile and grandfather of Colonel AA'illiam S. Gile, was born and lived and died in Rhode -.Island. Abraham Stephens, Colonel Gile's grandfather in the maternal line, came to America from Holland avith Cornelius Van- derbilt, avho aaas his cousin, and they brought as ballast in the hold of their vessel, bricks for their houses, avhich avere built at Yonk- ers, Neav York, and Air. Stephens built a sloop avhich ran on the Hudson betaveen Neav York and Albany, as a packet. AA'hen Robert Fulton made his first trip on a steam boat up that noble river. Air. Stephens com ing doavn met his a'essel, the construction of AAhich marked an era in the history of navi gation. Later, AA'hen steamboats superseded, sailing vessels. Air. Stephens, his occupation gone, retired from the water and located in Chenango county, Neav York, avhere he bought land for each of his fourteen chil dren, the youngest of avhom avas Annie, mother of Colonel Gile. Until he avas fifteen years old Colonel Gile remained under the parental roof. After his graduation in the Oxford high school, avith a class the most of the members of avhich continued their education at either Yale cr Harvard, it had been arranged by' his father that he should enter the laav office of Lieutenant-Governor Tracy, of the state 386 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of Neav A'ork, but the boy had determined to learn a trade, and, against his father's avisli, he became an apprentice to the baker's trade, at Oxford, avhere he labored until he avas nineteen years old, avhen, his employer sell ing out, he avent to Utica, Neav York, avhere he avorked in another bakery tavo years. Within that period he met Adaline P. But ler, daughter of Henry Butler, of tbat city, and they avere married September 25, 1837. In 1838 he went to Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and three aveeks after his arrival avas put in charge of a packet boat, of Leach's line, on the Pennsylvania canal, and he commanded the same until the close of the season, avhen the canal avas prac tically superseded by the Pennsylvania Rail road, the original portion of avhich avas then just completed. In 1839' he avent to Steu ben county, Neav York, where he engaged in merchandising and avhere, in 1840, he AA_as elected sheriff, in avhich responsible office he served 'ably for three years, and_ then removed to Lock Haven, Clinton coun ty, Pennsylvania, where he Avas a merchant Avith a partner, to whom he soon sold his in terest, and later he became local agent for the International Express Company, avhose agency at Lock Haven avas established at his solicitation and upon his advice. The first aveek's business of the company at that point amounted to only three dollars and Air. Gile delivered all his packages on a avheelbarroav, but in a short time, by his unaided efforts, he increased the' local business of the company to one hundred and fifty dollars a month. In the spring of i860 Colonel Gile ac cepted the superintendency of the avestern business of Iravin Jackman & Company, avho. had entered into a contract to transport gov ernment supplies from. Atchison, Kansas, to a-arious militara* posts avest of the Alis souri river, and he proceeded to Kansas to undertake his neav duty. In the avinter of 1861, avhen the civil avar began, he avas at Des Aloines, Ioava, in charge of about five thousand head of cattle avhich his concern had avinterecl there, and Avas laboring under a tavo years' contract, from avhich he could 'not at that time obtain release, though he desired very much to offer his services to his countiy. A feAV weeks later, Iioav-" ever, he brought about a cancellation of the contract and returned to Lock Haven, Penn sylvania. During his previous residence he had become rather prominent in militia, af fairs and had made a favorable reputation as a military man, having organized and drilled a company, Avhich, in competition Avith others, was pronounced most perfect in drill and tactics, and he had been advanc ed to the office of major and later to that of lieutenant-colonel of the militia. Upon his return from the avest he avas offered the captaincy of Company D, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry Reserves, of avhich he took command June 1, 1861. After see ing service at Drainsville and at Fredericks burg, Virginia, at the last named point as sisting to save a railroad bridge, he re turned to Alanassas, avhere his regiment avas under General AlcDoavell's command, on that officer's march to Richmond. AVhen avithin forty miles of the Confederate cap ital the regiment avas ordered on a forced march to AVashimgton, D. C, StoneAvall Jackson's army having" been reported as ap proaching that point via the Shenandoah valley. It reached Port Royal, Caroline county, Virginia, and from there avent to Aa'dodstock, near avhich place it encountered a formidable force of Confederate cav alry and artillery. Avoiding a conflict, the Union force retreated across the val ley and remained there that night, next morning making a charge into AArood- stock to find that Jackson had evac uated the toavn, but they captured seven hun dred Confederate stragglers. Thea" pursued Jackson up- the valley to Cross Keys, avhere he made another stand and avhere the battle of Cross Keys Avas fought, continuing until dark, avhen Jackson again retreated. In that engagement Colonel Gile avas, by an un expected movement of his horse, throavn against the pommel of his saddle and receiv ed a rupture so serious in character as to incapacitate him for further military service. Resigning his command, Colonel Gile proceeded to Quincy, Illinois, avhere he re mained long enough to form some plans for BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 3§7 his future guidance. Locating at Chilli cothe, Alissouri, he Avas for the next ten years engaged in shipping stock to Quincy and Chicago, Illinois. In July, 1872, he avent to Ellsworth county, Kansas, and located the half section avhich he iioav oavns, in section 26, toavnship 16, range 6, avhich he secured as homestead and timber claims. He soon developed a good farm and engaged exten sively in farming, raising an average of one hundred acres of avheat and seventy-five acres of corn each year. He never before had had anything to do avith practical farm ing, but he accepted "Poor Richard's" dec laration that "He avho by the plow avould thrive, himself must either hold or drive." He gave personal attention to all the details of his Avork, beginning* by breaking the land on his place between the site of his present residence and the public road. Politically Colonel Gile avas reared in the Jacksonion faith. He issued the first call for Democratic organization in Ells avorth county and has served as chairman of every Democratic county convention since, and has been a delegate to every state, con gressional and senatorial convention. He avas appointed by Governor Glick to the of fice of fish commissioner of Kansas, in which he served several years, establishing eleven different varieties in the streams of the state and gaining by his efficient and painstaking methods the reputation of being the best fish commissioner that the state had had; and later he Avas given the Democratic nom ination for congress, to represent the sixth congressional district, embracing twenty-six counties, and although defeated he reduced the Republican majority of twelve thousand to eight thousand votes. Ahvays deeply in terested in public education, he has during most of the time since he lived in Kansas served as a member of his toavnship. school board. Airs. Gile avas commissioned post mistress at Ellsavorth in 1884, and since her death, avhich occurred Febraary 4, 1900, he has. under authority, administered the affairs of the office. Her last resting place is in the grounds surrounding his house and avithin sight from) his avindoav. The spot is decor ated Avith flo-Avers of her planting, and there, too, he has chosen the spot Avhere his re mains shall repose when he, too, passes aAvay. At the age of about ninety years Colonel Gile is a Avonderfully avell preserved man, both mentally and physically. His active mind is stored avith a avide range of general knoavledge. His conversation is entertain ing, even brilliant, and his manner and ad dress are such as are acquired only by long contact Avith the avorld in connection avith public affairs. During his congressional canvass he avon an enviable reputation as a public speaker and his masterly handling of national questions avas avidely commented upon. He avas made a Knight of Pythias at Atchison some years ago, but has never belonged to any other secret society. His hospitality is avell knoavn and he takes a special delight in avelconiing under his roof and at Tiis table bright and intelligent men and women AA'ith avhom he may profitably ex change ideas and reminiscences. His mar riage aaas blest avith only one child — Dr. Courtland H. B. Gile, a practicing physician at Falum, Saline county, Kansas. J. R. HUFFMAN, D. A". S. J. R. Huffman, one of the leading rep resentatives of his profession in . Kingman county, avas born in Clarion county, Penn sylvania, on the 7th of January, 1848, a son of William and Mar garet (Watterson) Huffman, also natives of that locality. In the place of his nativity the father became a prominent farmer and influential citizen, owning a large and fertile farm. In 1867, however, he left his Pennsylvania home and made his avay to Gasconade county, Alis souri, avhere he . purchased one thousand acres of land and extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1886. For, the following seven years he made his home in Gove county, Kansas, and then removed to Reno county, avhere he became the oavner of a half section of land in Miami toavnship, and there spent the remainder of his life, passing aavay in death in 1899. His politi- 388 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. cal support avas given to the Republican party, and religiously he avas an active and avorthy member of the Alethodist Episcopal church. Llis avidoav is still living, and noav makes her home avith her daughter, Airs. T. J. Grace, in Reno county. Unto, this avorth)' couple avere born eight children : Eliza beth, the avife of Dr. T. J. Grace; J. R., the subject of this revieav; John AA'., a promi nent farmer of Olcott, Kansas; Alary C, the avife of John B. Armstrong, a farmer and stockman of Gove count)-, Kansas ; Frances, the avidoAV of John Smith, avho aaas also a farmer and stock-raiser of that coun ty; and three avho- died in childhood. J. R. Huffman, of this revieav, remained on the old home farm in Pennsylvania until his nineteenth year, and he then accom panied his parents on their removal to Alis souri, the journey being made by boat doavn the Ohio river, thence up the Alississippi river to St. Louis and from there to- Gas conade county. Remaining under the par ental roof until taventy-four years of age. Air. Huffman then engaged in business on his oavn account, locating on one hundred and fifty acres of land adjoining his father's place, avhere he made his home until 1884. In that year he sold that farm and removed to Reno county, avhere he became the oavner of a quarter section of land noav located in Aliami toavnship', avhich he improved, but after a residence there of six months he again sold his land and purchased a. partially improved farm in the same township., there remaining for five years, during AA'hich time he avas extensively engaged in* farming and stock-raising. Before attaining to mature years Air. Huffman had engaged in the study of veterinary surgery, and ere leav ing the home farm he had follow eel its prac tice among his father's stock. As the years passed by his practice greav to such propor tions that he found it impossible to attend to both his farm avork and his practice, and in 1898 he left his country home and re moved to Kingman, avhere he has since gia-en his entire time and attention to his extensive practice. His patronage has con stantly groavn in volume and importance un til he noav occupies a front rank among the representath'es of the profession in King man county, and his reputation has come to him solely because of his ability- and his unfaltering perseverance. As a companion on the journey of life Dr. Huffman chose Alary Alclntosh, a na tive of Gasconade county, Alissouri, and a daughter of John and Alargaret (AIcAlles- ter) Alclntosh. Unto that union avas born one daughter, Alinnie, noav the avife of By- erley Laftavich, an engineer of Pueblo, Colorado. After a happy married life of only tavo years the avife and mother avas called to her final rest, and in 1878 the Doc tor married Ellen Scantlin, also of Gas conade county, Alissouri, and she passed aavay in death in August, 1888. For his third avife he chose Alary Garble, a native of Schuyler county, Illinois. Tavo children avere born of this marriage, but one died in infancy. The surviving daughter, Zella Grace, makes her home avith her sister in Pueblo. Since the organization of the People's party the Doctor has taken an act ive part in its growth and development, and in all matters pertaining to the public Avd fare of his locality he takes a commendable interest. He avas one of tbe organizers and directors of the Farmers' Bank of Turon, avhile later he became its president, and avhen its doors avere closed to the public he paid up its' entire indebtedness, although it nearly caused his financial ruin. In his fra ternal relations he is a member of the Knights and Ladies of Security and of the, American Benevolent Association. Al though not a member of any religious de nomination, he is a constant attendant and a liberal supporter of the Alethodist Epis copal church. Throughout his entire career he has so deported himself that as a citizen, as a man of business, as an honorable gen tleman no man has a cleaner record or is more highly respected than he. CLARK CONKLING. In the promotion and consera'ation of advancement in all the normal lines of hu man progress and cia'ilization there is no BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 389 factor AA'hich has exercised more potent in fluence than the press, Avhich is both the director and the mirror of public opinion. Rice county has been signally favored in the character of its neavspapers, AA'hich have been vital, enthusiastic and progressive, ever aiming to advance the interests of this favored section of the Union, to aid in lay ing fast and sure the foundations of an en lightened commonavealth, to further the ends of justice and to uphold the banner of Kansas. In a compilation of this nature then it is clearly- incumbent tbat due recog nition be accorded the neavspaper press of the state and those men avho are in control of its journalistic interests. Prominent among these has been Clark Conkling, avho is proprietor of the Lyons Republican, hav ing been at the head of this paper for taventy-tavc years. A native of Ohio, Air. Conkling was born in Hamilton county, near Sharons- ville, on the 9th of September, /i 851, and is a son of AAhlliam M. Conkling, a native also of Ohio and a representative of En glish and German ancestry. The family Avas founded in America at an early period in the development of the neAV Avorld by an cestors who located first on Long Island. Later representatives of the name avent to Alaryland, thence to Pennsylvania and sub sequently to Ohio. The paternal grand mother of Air. Conkling was a Miss Nash, who died in Ohio. William M. Conkling learned the blacksmith's trade in early life and folloaved that pursuit for a time, but aftenvard turned his attention to farming, Avhereby he provided for the support of his family. Pie married Miss Elizabeth Drake Glenn, avho Avas born in Hamilton county, Ohio, and they became the parents of six children, namely: Benjamin D., avho is living in Lyons; Hattie P.; Ed G., aaho re sides in Tooeka, Kansas ; Clark, of this re view ; Airs. R. C. Sheeley, of New York, avho died at the age of forty-five years ; and Alice D., avho died at the old home avhen taventy years of age. The parents have also passed aavay, the father having departed this life at the ripe old age of eighty-one years, while his avife also attained the same age. He avas a Republican in his political affiliations and avas an elder in the Presby terian church. His life avas upright and honorable, consistent avith his professions at all times, and avherever he avas knoavn he avas respected and esteemed for his many excellent qualities of heart and mind. Clark Conkling, avhose name intro duces this record, avas educated in the state of his nativity and acquired his education in Lebanon and in the Western Reserve Col lege, at Cleveland, Ohio. In 1873 he left the Buckeye state for the avest, removing to Colorado, avhere he avas employed in a store for a time. In 1879 be came to Lyons and established the Lyons Republican. He has made this paper a poaver for good in the county, and through its columns has avield- ed a wide and far-reaching influence in be half of the Republican party. The journal is a bright, neavsy sheet, devoted to local interests and to tbe dissemination of mat ters bf general interest. It is the champion of all measures for public good and is ever found on the side of progress, reform and improvement. Mr. Conkling avas married in Lyons, on the 2d of April, 1884, to' Miss Laura Stone, a native of Illinois and a daughter of D. F. Stone. Their marriage has been blessed with six living children, four daughters and two sons, namely: ATtta A., Enid, Clark, Glenn S., Catherine and Gerald AI. Mrs. Conkling is a member of the Alethodist Episcopal church and is a devoted avife, a faithful mother and a loyal friend. Mr. Conkling is identified avith the Knights of Pythias fraternity, avith the In dependent Order of Odd Felloavs and avith the Ancient Order of United AAArkmen. From the time he attained his majority he has given an unsaverving support to the principles of the Republican part)-, beliea- ing that it contains the best elements of good government. In every avay possible he has labored for its advancement, sets forth in strong argument the elements avhich pro duce its strength and avhich give it superi ority over the other great political organi zations. While Benjamin Harrison was sening as chief executive of the nation Mr. 39" BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Conkling, by appointment of the president, avas postmaster of Lyons and filled the office avith credit and honor1 to himself and to the best interests of the patrons of the office. He is a man of progressive vieavs, avho believes in education, in temperance and in continual advancement along all lines of substantial progress. In manner he is affable and genial, and unfailing courtesy renders him popular avith all avith avhom he has business or social relations. aa'. b. McCormack. AA'. B. AlcCormack is the oavner of one of the attractive and valuable homesteads in Kingman county. It is pleasantly located ¦on section 5, Vinita toavnship, avhere the comfortable and commodious residence is surrounded by a avell kept laavn, large barns and outbuildings afford ample shelter for grain and stock, avell tilled fields indicate coming harvests and a fine grove and or chard are not the least attractive features on this fine country seat. The oavner, AV. B. McCormack, is one of the most highly respected citizens of the community and a leading representative of the agricultural interests of this section of the state. He avas born in Henry county, Indiana, in 185 1, a son of AATiliam McCor mack, avho avas born in the Old Dominion, as aaas also the grandfather, John McCor mack. The latter avas a successful farmer and reared a large family, mostly boys, who settled on land adjoining their father and became quite avealtby. William avas reared to manhood on an Indiana, farm, and avas there married to Armitta Lindsey, also a native of Henry county, Indiana. She has been called to the home beyond, leaving four children, — James E., John, Mahala and AAr B. For his second avife the father chose Airs. Alary (Llyatt) Craig, and they had six children. Air. McCormack reached the ripe old age of seventy-five years, when he, too, avas summoned to his final rest. He folloaved the tilling of the soil as a life occupation, avas a Republican in his political vieav's, and his religious support avas given to the Christian church, of avhich he avas a avorthy and consistent member. AV. B. McCormack, the immediate sub ject of this revieav, was reared by his ma ternal grandfather, Edward Lindsey, a suc cessful farmer. His father avas stolen in England and av'as brought to this country avhen a boy and reared here and became a citizen of Pennsylvania. In 1877, after his marriage, Mr. McCormack left his Indiana home for the Sunflower state and after his arrival in Kingman county he purchased a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of Osage Indian land, which he has placed un der an excellent state of cultivation, and here he has ever since made his home. His present beautiful and attractive nine-room residence avas erected at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars, and his is one of the finest homesteads in this section of the county. Farming and stock-raising have been his life occupations, and in all his business un dertakings prosperity has attended his ef forts. On attaining his taventieth year Ah*. McCormack avas united in marriage to Maria C. Mogle, avho Avas born, reared and educated in Madison county, Indiana, a daughter of A. J. and Nancy (Gale) Mogle. The father, who avas a native of Pennsyl vania, is noav living in the state of Wash ington. He avas a carpenter and contractor and avas quite successful. His father, Jacob Mogle, a farmer by occupation, avas of German descent and raised a large fam ily. _ The mother's parents, AVilliam and Penina Gale, avere natives of Massachu setts. They avere married there and then moved to Indiana and engaged in farming, each living to be over four score years, and were respected by all avho kneav them. The union of our subject and avife has been brightened and blessed by the presence of eight children, six sons and tavo daughters, as follows: Arley C, aaho also makes his home in Washington; Charles AV., a resi dent of AA'infield, Kansas; Merton AL, of A Washington; and Henry E., Ben E., Ro- zilla Viola, Harry B. and Alalia True, at home. The cause of education has ever BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 39i found in Air. McCormack a Avarm and help ful friend, and for nine years he has served as a member of the school board. His po litical support is given to Republican prin ciples. Both he and his Avife are active Avorkers and avorthy members of the Bap tist church, in avhich he has served as treas urer and deacon, and for many years Airs. McCormack has been a teacher in the Sun day-school. They are people of genuine avorth and are honored and respected in all circles. BARTLEY C. BOROUGHS. The noble art of husbandry has ever been the conservator of our national prog ress and prosperity, and among those pronb inently concerned as its votaries in King man county is the subject of this review, avhose fine farm is located on section 27, Ninnescah toavnship. Air. Boroughs is a native son of the Hoosier state, his birth having occurred near AA'inche'ster, in Randolph county, in 1847. His paternal grandfather, John Bor oughs, Avas born in the Carolinas, but be came one of the early pioneers of Marion county. Indiana. He aftenvard removed to Randolph county, that state, where he im proved a good farm and became one of the leading and representative citizens of his locality. In Aiarion county, Indiana, Charles Boroughs, the father of our sub ject, avas born and reared, and was there married to Alary Evans, a daughter of John and Alary (Bunker) Evans, both of North Carolina. Unto Air. and Mrs. Boroughs avere born nine children, four sons and five daughters, namely: Martha, deceased; Laura Nickell, of- Kingman, Kansas ; Bart- ley C, the subject of this revieav; Jerome, a resident of Oregon ; Judith AA'ebb, a avidoav residing in Ninnescah township; Lettie Robinson, of Iola, Kansas; Dianna. Boroughs, also of Ninnescah toavnship; Zenus, of AVhite township, Kingman coun ty : and Frank, avho died in childhood. Die mother of this family passed away in death at the age of sixty-nine years. She Avas reared in the Quaker faith, and hers avas a beautiful and noble life. The father came to Ninnescah toavnship, Kingman county, Kansas, in 1878, and his death here oc curred avhen he had reached the eightieth milestone on the journey of life. In early- life he avas a Republican and later Avas iden tified Avith the Reform and Greenback par ties. He avas very firm in his convictions of Avhat he believed to be right, and Avas a believer in the universal salvation of man. Bartley C. Boroughs, Avhose name intro duces this revieav, Avas reared on the old home farm in Jasper county, and in addi tion to attending" the public schools of his locality he avas also a student in the Val paraiso normal school, at Valparaiso., In diana, avhere he enjoyed superior advan tages. He also took a course in Bryant & Stratton's Business College at Indianapolis. When the trouble arose betaveen the north and south and precipitated .the country into civil avar Mr. Boroughs avas only a boy in his 'teens, but he valiantly offered his serv ices to the Union cause, enlisting for service in 1864. He became a member of Com pany E, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth In diana Volunteer Infantry, in avhich he served for six months, and during that time took part in the battle of Nashville, Ten nessee. He Avas honorably discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana, and returned to- hi.s home Avith a most creditable military rec ord. On again taking* up the quiet duties of life he avas for a time engaged in the teacher's profession. In 1878 he came to the Sunfioaver state, securing a claim on section 27, Ninnescah tOAvnship, Kingman county, on Avhich he erected a house twelve by fourteen feet and immediately began the arduous task of improving new land. His homestead iioav consists of five hundred and sixty acres, AA'here he is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, and in both branches of his business his efforts haA-e been attended avith a high degree of suc cess. He has erected a modern and com modious residence upon his place, avhich is surrounded by a beautiful grove and or chard, and his is noav one of the best farm ing properties in this part of the county. 392 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. The marriage of Air. Boroughs was cel ebrated in Jasper county, Indiana, in 1870, Aliss Josephine Cox becoming his avife. She is a daughter of J. S. and Eliza A. (Rubble) Cox, avho came from the Lloosier state to Kingman county, Kansas. They avere the jjarents of four living children, — Airs. Josephine Cox; Edith Lecklider, of this count)- ; Inez Alargaret, of Oregon : and Charles Sumner, of Hutchinson. Airs. Bor oughs avas educated in the schools of Jasper county, and prior to her marriage avas a suc cessful and popular teacher. Three chil dren haae graced the marriage of our sub ject and avife, namely: Zelma, the avife of J. A. Bell, of Anthony, Kansas; Calvin, a young man of taventy-one years ; and Rob ert, avho is noav seventeen years of age. Airs. Boroughs is a member of the Aletho dist Episcopal church. On the Union La bor ticket Mr. Boroughs avas a, candidate for the office of clerk of the courts in 1888. In 1 89 1 he aaas elected sheriff of Kingman county on the People's party ticket, avhich position he held for tavo terms, serving to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. In his social relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. FRANK A. FRY Frank A. Fry is the proprietor of the Stone Corral ranch and occupies an enviable position among the leading and successful farmers and stock-raisers of Rice county. He has gained prominence as a leading cat tle man, and his extensive interests haare been acquired through his oavn efforts and bring to him a justly merited return for his labor. He came to the county in 1885 and has since been an important factor in the agricultural interests of his township. Air. Fry avas born in Clark county, In diana, November 26, 1862, and is a son of Abraham Fry, avho avas a prominent and well-to-do. citizen of Clark county, avhere his birth occurred. The grandfather, John Fry, avas a native Pennsylvanian and be longed to one of the old families of that state, being of German lineage. The rep resentatives of the name have ever been noted for industry, honesty and morality. John Fry became one of the pioneer settlers of Clark county, Indiana, avhere he spent his remaining days. His son, Abraham Fry, avas reared and educated in that lo cality, and after arriving at years of matur ity avedded Aliss Alargaret Alan 11, a most estimable lady, avho avas a good avife and deaoted mother. She avas born in New Al bany, Indiana, a daughter of Peter Mann, proprietor of one of the largest flour mills in that part of the state. The marriage of Abraham and Margaret Fry avas blessed avith eight children, namely: Mrs. Emma Johnson, Frank A. (of this revieav), Airs. Cora B. Graham, Airs. Ethel AL Jacob?, Abraham Recklings, AA'alter Thomas, Harry James and Grace. Throughout his business: career the father of this family has devoted his energies to the tilling of tbe soil and to the raising- of stock, and has found botli branches of industry profitable sources of revenue. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, takes an active interest in its avork and contributes liberally to its support. In the Alasonic order he has at tained the Knights Templar degree, and his life has ever been such as to command the esteem of his brethren of the craft and all with AA'hom he has been associated in other rdations. Ah*. Fry, avhose name forms the caption of this revieav, pursued his education in the schools of Indiana and received his business training as a farmer and stockman under his father's direction. Lessons of industry, economy- and honesty avere early instilled into his mind and have largely shaped his career in manhood. He has fed cattle from the time he could carry a basket of corn, and therefore has long been familiar with the best methods of caring for stock. At the age of taventy-tavo he left his native state, making his way to Ringgold county, Iowa, avhere he resided for tavo years, avhen he came to Rice county, Kansas. Since that time he has been a well-known resident of the Sunfloaver state, and as the years, have passed he has prospered in his undertakings, MRS. FRANK A. FRAr. JXc^A {2/ ^/ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 393 his perseverance, labor and keen business judgment enabling him to overcome all ob stacles and work his aa-ay steadily upward. His landed possessions noav aggregate nine hundred and sixty acres, and his corn crops yield from thirty to fifty bushels per acre. Alost of his fields are planted to that cereal, in order to provide an excellent food supply for his stock. He is one of the most exten sive cattle-raisers in the county, feeding on an extensive scale. He raises excellent grades, and his barns and feed lots have somewhat the appearance of a fat-stock shoav, owing to the excellent condition of the cattle which he prepares for the market. He keeps from one to two hundred head all of the time and the same number of hogs and has a large number of horses. Long experience has made him perfectly familiar avith the best methods of caring for stock and feeding them for sale, and his avell-directed business affairs have brought to him splendid success. In Rice county, on the 17th of March, 1887, Air. Fry was united in marriage to Miss Lapoldena Dewess, an estimable lady, aaLo AA'as born in Louisville, Kentucky, but Avas reared and educated in Rice county. Hes father, George AV. Dewess, is a promi nent and influential citizen of Sterling, Kansas. He Avas born in Kentucky and dur ing the Civil war espoused the cause of the Union, fighting for its defense on many a southern battlefield. He was joined in wed lock to Mary M. Knoblock, a native of Ger many, and thdr children are Mrs. Fry, Frank, Lillie, Reams, Effie D., Mattie and Georgia. The father is a miller and farmer and through his energdic business life has provided comfortably for his family. He now belongs to the Grand Army of the Re public, and through his membership main tains pleasant relations with his old army- comrades among whom he fought for the preservation of the Union. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Fry has been blessed with four children, namely: Maggie Lena, Ar thur Abraham, .Grover Cleveland and Clif ford Leroy. In his political views Mr. Fry is inde pendent, and he has been honored with vari- 25 ous local offices, having served as treasurer of his toavnship for a number of years, while for eight years he was a member of the school board of his district. He and his avife are active and zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Their home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality and is the abode of good cheer, culture and re finement. Music, books and other evidences of refined taste are there seen and a cordial welcome is ever extended to their large circle of friends. Mr. Fry is a man of frank and jovial disposition, warm-hearted, liberal- minded and at all times true and faithful, and is numbered among the popular resi dents of Rockville township. G T. SYKES. Among the best citizens of Kingman county, esteemed alike for his sterling avorth of character and his activity in the business world, is C. T. Sykes, who for many years has been recognized as one of the leading grain dealers and stockmen of the county. He is a native of the state of Massachusetts and a son of R. A. Sykes,. avho Avas born near London, England, where he was a member of an old and prom inent family. He subsequently left the land of his birth and crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in Massachusetts,. where for many years he has been the su perintendent of the Windsor Print Works. For his avife he chose Alice Howard, a most estimable woman, loved and esteemed for her mlany excellent traits of heart and mind. She passed away in death ten years ago. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Sykes was blessed with six children, four sons and tavo daughters. C. T. Sykes, avhose name introduces this review, was reared in the state of his nativity, where he received excellent edu cational privileges. In 1879 he left the home and friends of his youth and came west to the Sunflower state, locating in Sumner county, where he conduded a drug store at Bdleplaine for two years, after 394 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. which he sold out. In the meantime he was engaged in stock-raising in the Terri tory. In 1882 he came to Kingman coun ty, purchased land and became the pioneer of this locality. He shipped the first wheat that was sold in these parts and also- sold the first load of cattle that avas shipped from Cheney, as avell as Murdock, and has since continued in this line of business success fully, buying all the grain and cattle in this section. He has avon the confidence of the people and thereby has made his success. His ranch of one thousand acres is one of the valuable ones of the county, one hun dred and fifty acres of avhich is devoted to alfalfa, and in his pastures may be seen ex cellent grades of stock. Since 1883 he has been extensively engaged in the grain busi ness, and in both branches of his business success has abundantly rewarded his efforts. He is a man of rare energy and judgment, which he carries into all affairs in avhich he is interested, and his honorable business methods and strict attention to duty have placed him among the foremost business men of Kingman county. In his social relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs and the Alodern AA'oodmen of America, avhile in his political relations he gives an unfaltering support to the principles of the Republican party. Lie has given his aid in many generous avays to the perpetuation of those forces avhich conserve the best inter ests of the community, and the course that he has folloaved in political, business, social and home circles commend him to the high esteem of all. JOSIALI T. EPPLEV. Josiah T. Eppley, avho is one of the honored veterans of the Civil Avar and a progressive farmer of Kingman county, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, December 24, 1843. representing one of the -oldest families of that state. His father, Samuel Eppley, avas also- a native of Vir ginia, and his father avas a soldier in the avar of 1812. The mother of our sub ject bore the maiden name of Mary King, and the maternal grandfather of our sub ject aided his country in our second war with England. In 1845 Samuel Eppley removed to Ohio- with his family, making the journey in a one-horse wagon with his household goods, his wife and his children, across the mountains to the Buckeye state. Subsequently the family avent to; Randolph county, Indiana, and afterward to' Miami county, that state. The father was a black smith by trade, and during the greater part of his life followed that pursuit in order to provide for his avife and children. In pol itics he was a Democrat, entertaining the principles advocated by Jackson, and in re ligious faith he aaras a Methodist. He died at the age of seventy-eight years and is still survived by his widow, avho is living in In diana at the advanced age of eighty-five. They avere the parents of eight children, namely: Margaret Adair, of Louisville, Kentucky; Mary, deceased; Josiah; Cyrus, of Converse, Miami county, Indiana; and Andreav, Theodore, Eliza and Sylvester, avho have passed aavay. Josiah T. Eppley is the only member of the family living in Kansas. His boyhood days avere spent upon farms in Ohio and Indiana, and the public schools afforded him his educational privileges. He pursued his studies during the avinter months and in the summer successfully aided in the labors of the field. After the inauguration of the Civil avar, he offered his services to the government, enlisting on the 8th of August, 1862, in response to President Lincoln's call for sixty thousand more troops. He joined the boys in blue of Company D, Ninety-ninth Indiana Infantry, under com mand of Colonel Farrah, and aa"as in many battles, taking part in the campaign under General Sherman. He participated in the engagements at Holly Springs, Memphis, Charleston, the siege of Vicksburg, Chieka mauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Moun tain, and aa-ent avith General Sherman on the celebrated march from Atlanta to the sea. Lie also took part in the Carolina campaign, and the movement toward Rich-' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 395 mond, and when the was was ended, the stars and stripes having been victoriously planted in the capital of the Confederacy, he took part in the grand review in Wash ington, Avhere cheering multitudes wel comed the loyal soldiers aaIio had saved the Union. Haying recdved an honorable discharge, Mr. Eppley returned to Indiana, where he engaged in farming and also worked at the trade of blacksmithing. As a companion and helpmate for the journey of life, he chose Magdalene Furry, the marriage be ing celebrated in Miami county, Indiana, in 1867. The lady is a daughter of Henry and Catherine (Crane) Furry, who were na tives of Pennsylvania and were of Penn sylvania Dutdh lineage. Her parents both died in Miami county, Indiana, the mother at the age of fifty-two, the father when sev enty-eight years of age. He was a farmer by occupation. His political support was given the Democracy and he belonged to the Albright church, of which his wife was also a member. They had eight children: Franklin, who was a soldier of the Union army in the war of the Rebellion, and is noAv living in Kingman county ; Mary Ann ; Benjamin; Harriet; George; Charlotte; Magdalene; and William, who was also a defender of the Union. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eppley has been blessed with eight children, of whom five are living, as follows: Charles, avho makes his home in Kingman county; Milo, of Reno county, Kansas; Mrs. Eva Shepherd, and Mrs. Belle Wallace, both of Kingman county; and William T., who is a resident of Sa lina, Kansas. The three children whom they have lost were Maude, who died in in fancy; Harry, who died at the age of twelve months.; and Frank, who died at the age of six months. Milo and Belle have both been successful teachers in Kingman county. Mr. Eppley continued his residence in Indiana until 1878, when he came to King man county and secured a homestead claim, upon Avhich he built a house twelve by fourteen feet. This has long since been replaced by a commodious residence, built in modern style of architecture and stand ing upon a natural building site. It is well furnished and is noted for its generous hos pitality. A windmill, the latest improved machinery and substantial outbuildings, as Avell as an orchard and rich fields of grain, add to. the value and attractive appearance of the farm. All that Mir. Eppley pos sesses has been gained through his own ex ertions, and his life shows what may be accomplished through earnest and intelli gent effort. He is a member of the Pres byterian church, to which his wife also be longs, and he holds membership relations with the Grand Army of the Republic. He is as true to-day to his duties of citizen ship as when he followed the old flag upon the battle fields of the south and aided in the perpetuation of the Union. wylie McClellan. Wylie McClellan, who is Avell known as an energetic and capable farmer of King man- county, came to central Kansas in 1874, and has resided in this locality since 1880. He avas born in Monmouth, Warren county, Illinois, in 1846, and was a son of Robert McClellan, one of the pioneer settlers of that county, who was born and reared in Ohio, whence he emigrated to Uliniois in early manhood. The paternal grandfather avas Joseph McClellan, avhose ancestry could be traced for more than two hundred years to one of the Highland chiefs of Scotland that was at the head of a prominent and powerful Scottish clan. The father of our subject avas married in Princeton, Indiana, to Cassena Paul, who Avas born in Ten nessee and belonged to one of the old fam ilies of that state. Her father, AVilliam Paul, was numbered among the heroes of the Revolution, who fought for the indepen dence of the nation. Mr. McClellan died in AA'arren county, Illinois, in 1870, but his Avid oav is still living, at the venerable age of eighty years, her home being in Pretty Prai rie, Reno county, Kansas. They had five children, namely : Wylie ; Finley, a resident of Reno county; Mrs. Versie Collingavood, 396 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of the same county; Seward, of Portland, Oregon; and Nancy, deceased. AAtylie McClellan spent his youth in his parent's home and lessons of industry and honesty were early instilled into his mind. He acquired his education in his native coun ty and during the Civil war, although he had not yet attained his majority, he offered his senices to the government and became a member of the Forty-seventh Illinois In fantry, avhich avas attached to the avestern army. He participated in the engagements at Mobile, Alabama, Montgomery, Selma and other points in that district of the coun try and when the nation no longer needed his services he received an honorable dis charge and returning to his home again took up the quiet pursuits of civil life. In 1866 Air. McClellan made his avay to the Pacific coast, spending six months in ac complishing the trip overland. He engaged in ranching in the northern part of Califor nia until 1874, and then returned to Illi nois, but after visiting relatives and friends he again started avestward, taking up his abode in central Kansas. For six years he resided in Reno county, and in 1880 he lo cated on land in Kingman county avhereon he has since made his home, securing a tract of one hundred and sixty acres which he has developed, into a valuable farm. It is supplied avith all modern improvements, the comfortable residence standing in the midst of well tilled fields which yield to him good harvests. He also devotes considerable at tention to stock raising and in this branch of his business is successful. In Galesburg township, Kingman county, in 1888, Mr. McClellan was united in mar riage to Mrs. Isabella (Cox) Wakeman, a widow. Her father, William Cox, died in Missouri, but her mother is now living in Kingman county-. By her first marriage, Mrs. McClellan had two children ; Ina John son and Ora AVarren. Both our subject and his avife have a large circle of friends in Kingman county and by reason of their man)' excellences of character enjoy the high regard of all. He belongs to the Cumber land Presbyterian church, his wife to the Methodist Episcopal, and both are consistent Christian people. His political support is given to the Republican party and as a pub lic spirited and progressive man, he is in hearty sympathy avith every movement for the avelfare of his county. All that he pos sesses in life has been acquired through his oavn exertions and his history proves avhat may be accomplished through determined purpose and honorable effort. FRED WOLF. Fred Wolf is a member of the firm of Wolf & Heim, avholesale dealers in all kinds of high grade liquors and beer. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, in 1872, a son of of John Wolf and a grandson of Frederick and Dorrdta (Lenk) Wolf. His father was born in Bremen, Germany, in 1847, ana there his parents lived and died. He learn ed the butcher's trade in early life and with his father bought and sold cattle. In the year 1864 he crossed the Atlantic to America locating in Toledo, Ohio, where he engaged in the conduct of a meat market for some time. In 1876 he arrived in Kansas, settling in Sterling, avhere he carried on the same line of business. He came to America a poor boy and had to learn the English lan guage ; however, he possessed a strong con stitution, determining will and good judg ment and became one of the wealthy men of Barton county. AA'hile he was in Sterling in the early clays buffalo were still numerous on the plains. He purchased all the solid meat of the buffaloes at three cents per pound, salted and smoked it, and then sold it to be shipped to the east, where it brought taventy-five cents per pound. He also dealt largely in hides and skins which he sold at high prices, there being a good market for the skins of skunks and wolves. In 1876, avhen the town of Ellinwood had been avell established, he came to the city and purchas- . ed a breavery avhich had been founded on a small scale at an early day by John Hess, avho carried on business for the local trade.. Mr. AVolf, however, soon enlarged the enterprise and built up an enormous trade, manu fact- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 397 uring about two thousand barrels per year, the barley for the purpose being raised in this vicinity. His trade extended from Newton to the Kansas and Colorado line, and he successfully conducted the brewery until 1884, avhen a law avas passed abolish ing the manufacture of the liquors in this state. He then went into the wholesale wine and liquor business, also carrying beer of high grade. In this he prospered, carrying on the store until the ist of November, 1900, when he was succeeded by his son Fred and his son-in-laav, George M. Heim. Mr. Wolf extended his labors into other lines. He set out a large amount of fruit of all kinds, planted an extensive amount of small fruit and excellent vineyards. He has also built a large resenoir or lake in order to have ice of good quality. He has a deer park upon his place, comprising thirty acres and his home is a most beautiful one with its drives, walks, shady nooks and flow ers. In addition to this he erected the Wolf block and hotel, built in the years 1891 to 1895, and he owns much other property in the village. He has likewise made judicious investments in other real estate and to-day his property interests include several large farms in this and adjoining counties. Some of these he rents, while other portions he manages himself. He keeps about six hun dred head of fine graded cattle and about thirty horses. While sdting out trees Mr. Wolf found many remains of posts in the ground and on inquiry found that here was once located the old Clark trading post in the early days where business was carried on with the In dians, and back of the houses and barns on the banks of the creek he found where the first settlers had been killed as indicated by many scalps and skulls lying about, which were said to be those of white men. In public affairs Mr. Wolf has always taken a deep interest, doing much to promote the welfare and advancement of the city and contributing in large measure to its upbuild ing and progress. He has served as a mem ber of the council, as township treasurer and as a member of the school board. He likewise belongs to the Masonic fraternity, in which he has attained the Knight Temp lar degree in the York rite and has also taken the Scottish rite degrees, avhile of the An cient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Alystic Shrine he is a member. He has held membership rdations with tlie Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and is a life member of the Order of Red Men. He married Miss Katherine Haas, and they now have two children : Fred and Katie, the latter the wife of George M. Heim, by whom she has two children: George F., and Norman W. Fred Wolf spent his early days in his native city and there began his education, which, however, was continued in Sterling and in Ellinwood. He then became associa ted with his father in business and under his direction mastered all of the branches of the business and also followed his father's principles of business, — honorable and straightforward dealing. In 1900 in con- nedion with his brother-in-law, Mr. Heim,, he purchased the business which they have since successfully conducted. They have a very large trade, carrying on the enterprise along wholesale lines. Mr. AVolf was united in marriage in 1901 to Mrs. Lotta Schaeffer and he and his brother-in-law are now erecting two of the finest residences' in the county at a cost of nine thousand dollars. They will be mod ern throughout and equipped with all of the improvements and conveniences. There will also be carriage and horse barns and the homes will be located at the edge of the For est Park addition to Ellinwood, which the firm owns. They avill have the finest grounds in the county. — a place where thou sands of picnics and social functions have been. held. Mr. Wolf is a member of the Masonic fraternity in its various branches of York rite Masonry and is also connected with the Mystic Shrine. Of the blue lodge he is a past master and he also belongs to the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He served for ten consecutive years as city clerk -and for three years as township treas urer. He is a wide-awake, progressive young business man whose record has been one avorthy of commendation, having done 398 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. much for the upbuilding of Ellinwood, while his business affairs have brought to him a handsome fortune. JERMAIN W. BRINCKERHOFF. In no profession is there a career more open to talent than in that of the law, and in no field of endeavor is there demanded a more careful preparation, a more thorough appreciation of the absolute ethics of life, or of the underlying principles which form the basis of all human rights and privileges. Unflagging application and intuitive wis dom and a determination to fully utilize the means at hand, are the concomitants which insure personal success and prestige in this great profession, which stands as the con servator of justice; and it is one into which none should enter without a recognition of the obstacles to be overcome and the bat tles to be won, for success does not perch on the falchion of every person who enters the competitive fray, but comes only as the diametrical result of the capability and un mistakable ability. Possessing all the requi site qualities of the able lawyer, Mr. Brinck- erhoff has already attained a very promi nent position in the ranks, of the legal fra ternity in Rice county and undoubtedly will attain other successes in the future. He is a son of John Brinckerhoff, who Avas born in Lewis county, New York, in 1 83 1. The Brinckerhoff s are of an old and well known family in the Empire state and were of Holland lineage. At the time of the Revolutionary war and in the war of 18 12 representatives of the name fought for their country and manifested their 'loy alty on many battlefields. Samuel Brincker hoff, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Dutchess county, New York, and after arriving at years of maturity he mar ried Miss Ann Jones, aalio avas of AA^elsh lineage. They became the parents of tavo children, and both Mr. and Mrs. Brincker hoff died in St. Lawrence county, Neav York. They avere members of the Meth odist Episcopal church, of Norfolk, and avere people of the highest respectability, en joying the confidence and esteem of all with whom they associated. Their sons were John R. and Romeyn, the latter of whom is still living in Norfolk. The former, the father of our subject, was reared in the Empire state and acquired a good education, completing his literary course in Lowville Academy, and at the age of twenty he was engaged in driving a wagon of dry goods and notions out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, selling the com modities which he carried throughout the eastern districts of this portion of the coun try. Subsequently, however, he returned to Rome, New Atork. He was married in Lewis county, that state, to- Miss Susan Wilcox, who' was born, reared and edu cated there and represented one of the first families of the county, her parents being Ozias and Susan (Moulton) Wilcox, who removed from: Connecticut to the Empire state and spent their last days in Lewis county. John R. Brinckerhoff resided in the state of his nativity for many years and successfully engaged in the practice of law there until 1882, having filled the office of district attorney for three consecutive terms in St. Lawrence county. He then came west to Lyons, Kansas. He avas a promi nent and capable lawyer and for some time served as county attorney for Rice county. In his practice he avas associated avith J. AV. White, now in Chicago, Illinois, and ex- Judge Bailey, and his son, J. W. Brincker hoff. He had a avide and complete under standing of the principles of jurisprudence and aaon many notable forensic victories. He died in October, 1889, at the age of fifty-nine years. His life avas upright and honorable and he enjoyed the confidence and regard of all with whom he was asso ciated. In his political a,ffiliations he was a Republican and in his social relations was a Mason. Mr. Brinckerhoff was survived several years by his avidow, who passed aavay in 1895, at the age of sixty-five years. She avas a consistent and faithful Christian avoman of high moral character and won derful patience, avhich traits were strong ly exhibited during an illness which cov- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 399 ered several years. She held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. Jermain W. Brinckerhoff, whose name introduces this record, was 'born in Lewis county, New York, and acquired his pre liminary education in the public schools, after which he entered the State Normal, at Potsdam, New York, and subsequently was graduated in law in Albany, in 1881. He resided in Norfolk, St. Lawrence coun ty, until 1886, avhen he came to Lyons, Kan sas, where for a time he was associated in practice Avith his father. He now has a large and distinctive representative clientage. Along avith those qualities indispensable to the lawyer, — a keen, rapid, logical mind, plus the business sense, and a ready capacity for hard avork, — our subject brought to the starting point of his legal career gifts, — eloquence of language and a strong per sonality. An excellent presence, an earnest, dignified manner, marked strength of char acter, a thorough grasp of the law, and the ability accurately to apply its principles are factors in Mr. Brinckerhoff's effectiveness as an advocate. In addition to' his practice he is now serving as one of the directors of the First National Bank of Lyons. In October, 1893, avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Brinckerhoff and Miss Maude, daughter of John Sollitt, of Lyons, Kansas. She is a lady of sterling worth, born, reared and educated in Illinois. They now have one son, Phillip J., who avas born February 6, 1897. While residing in Nor folk, Neav York, Mr. Brinckerhoff was made a Mason in What Cheer Lodge and has at tained the Knight Templar degree, his membership being with Sterling Command ery. He is also identified avith Abdallah Temple of the Mystic Shrine, of Leaven worth, Kansas, and is actively connected avith the work of the Republican party. He has been honored with political office, hav ing served as city attorney, as county attor ney and for two terms as mayor of Lyons. He takes a deep interest in every thing per taining to the avdfare of the community and withholds his support from no move ment or measure calculated to prove of pub lic good, national progress and local ad vancement being both causes dear to his heart and his devotion to the country is above question. JAMES MURRAY. James Murray, one of the leading and successful farmers and blacksmiths of King^ man, is one of the oldest residents of the county, having resided continuously in this locality since 1877. He was born in the parish of Killearn, Sterlingshire, Scotland, January 29, 1847. He is a worthy descend ant of one of the oldest clans of that country, as the history of his branch of the family is traced directly back in Perthshire to the followers of Wallace. His father, William Murray, held a position of importance at Glasgow, having been commercial agent for a railroad there. He wedded Agnes Tay lor, and of their eight children six are now living, James being the only representative of the family in America. When a1 young man James Murray learn ed the trade of a blacksmith, Which he fol lowed In his native country until his twenty- fourth year, and he then came to America. After his arrival in the new world he located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, following his trade in and near that city for about six years. Deciding to seek a location in the new and unsettled avest, he then came to Kansas, securing a quarter section of land in Evans toavnship, Kingman county, the date of his arrival being about the 7th of February, 1877. At that time there was not a ho.use within seven miles of his home. Erecting a twelve by sixteen residence, he there made his home for three years, it being neither lathed nor plastered, and for a time a trunk aa-as used for a table and nail kegs for chairs. AAlth ox teams Air. Murray began the ardous task of improving new land,, and year by year, as prosperity attend ed his efforts, he added to his landed posses sions until he owned a large farm, aahich he soon had stocked avith a fine grade of cattle. He also erected a shop on his land, avhich proved a great convenience to the entire 400 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. neighborhood. After about six years resi dence on his farm he removed to Waterloo, where he gave his entire attention to the blacksmith's trade. About fifteen years ago, however, he sold his possessions there and came to Kingman, avhere he has ever since made his home. AVhen he first visited this city it contained but four buildings, and he has therefore been a witness to nearly its entire growth and development, ever contrib uting his full share to the work necessary to produce such a transformation. Although he has bought and sold much farm property since his location in this state, he has always retained possession of the old homestead, but the place is now farmed by tenants. In his shop in Kingman Mr. Murray, does all kinds of blacksmithing, and his well known honesty, as avell as his ability as a master workman, has gained him an enviable stand ing among the citizens of the county. His beautiful residence on West A avenue was erected shortly after his arrival in Kingman, and there he and his family now reside, sur rounded by a large circle of friends and ac quaintances. Mr. Muray has been twice married.. In 1874 he returned to Scotland, and on the nth of August of that year avas united in marriage to Maggie Little, a daughter of Andrew Little, a farmer of that country. Three children graced their union, — Will iam, the history of whose life will be found elseavhere in this volume ; Jessie, a teacher in the city schools'; and James, a prominent pharmacist of Kingman. After the death of the mother of these children the father Avas a second time married, on the 13th of Aug ust, 1882, when Louisa "Shafhouser became his wife. Their only child, Ross, is noav en gaged in mercantile pursuits. Mrs. AL was born in Vanderburg county, Indiana, but came to Kingman county, Kansas, in September, 1878, with her mother and as sisted in proving up a claim, so that she too has borne her part in the development of this section. She has always taken an active and earnest interest in everything for the good of her adopted county, and for many years was prominently connected with church and Sunday-school work. She has also given much of her time to fraternal so^- cieties, and has passed all the chairs in the Eastern Star, the Rebekabs and the Knights and Ladies of Security. Mr. Murray has ever taken an active interest in the cause of education, and has given his children excellent school privileges. The Republican party receives his support, and, although he has never sought the honors of public office, he served for six years as a member of the school board and for several years served as treasurer of Galesburg. In his social rela tions he is a member of the Masonic order, the Knights and Ladies of Security, and for twenty years has been a member of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Of the Presbyterian church he is an active and worthy member, having assisted in the erec tion of the church edifice in this city and for many years has held the office of deacon. In 190 1 Mr. Murray again made a trip to his native land, where he renewed the acquaint ances of his youth, and there spent many pleasant months. HENRY H. BLAKELY. AVhen the stability of the Union was threatened by the secession of the south Mr. H. H. Blakely donned the blue and went to the defense of his country. He has a some what remarkable military record and one in which his courage and loyalty were ever manifest. To such men the country owes a debt of gratitude which can never be re paid, yet avhile memory remains to the American people they will honor the patri otic sons of tbe nation who at the front braved the dangers of war in order to pre serve the Union. Air. Blakely is one of the leading, pro gressive and enterprising agriculturists of Kansas, and resides in Atlanta township, Rice county, where he owns and operates a valuable tract of land. He has been a resi dent of this locality since 1879, coming to Kansas from Knox county, Ohio, where he was born on 'the 18th of January, 1844. The family is of Scotch-Irish lineage and /V/^4^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 401 was founded in America by Francis Blakely, who Avas born in the northern part of the Emerald Isle, his ancestors having gone to that locality from Scotland. After making the long and perilous voyage across the At lantic, — for a voyage at that time consumed many weeks, — he took up his abode in Alaryland, whence he aftenvard removed to AA'ashington county, Pennsylvania. He married Miss Rachel Hardesty, who was born in Scotland, and their last days were spent at Liberty, Knox county, Ohio, where the grandfather of our subject died, at the ripe old age of nindy-sea*en years, while his avife was a year older at the time of her de mise. Their son, AATiliam Blakely, the fa ther of our subjed, was born in Washing ton county, Pennsylvania, and was reared to farm life in Ohio. After attaining man hood he married Miss Sarah Grubb, who was a native of Rockingham county, Vir ginia, and was the daughter of Daniel Grubb, who was born in the Old Dominion and represented one of the prominent fam ilies of that state, his ancestors having estab lished a home at Johnson, Virginia, during the period of its early settlement. William Blakely was a farmer by occupation and thereby provided for his family. His politi cal support avas given the Whig party until its dissolution, when ,he joined the ranks of the neav Republican party. Both he and his wife avere members of the Methodist Episcopal church and were loved and esteemed by all. The father died at the age of seventy-two years and the mother, long surviving, passed away at the ripe old age of nindy years. They became the parents of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters, namely: Mary Ann, Rachel, Nancy Jane, John, David, William, Sam uel, Daniel, Christy Ann, George W., Henry H. and Elkanah F. The family was well represented by loyal sons of the family in the Civil war, William being a member of an Ohio regiment, while George served in the Eighty-second Ohio Infantry and John was in the service for a time as a mechanic. Upon the family homestead in Ohio Henry H. Blakely was reared, and in the schools of the ndghborhood he acquired his preliminary education, which was supple mented by study in an academy. He was eighteen years of age at the time when Pres ident Lincoln called for six hundred thou-1 sand men, and he then joined Company F, Eighty-second Ohio Infantry, under Colonel Cantwell, who was killed at the battle of Bull Run. The company was commanded by Captain John Co&tin, who was killed at Gettysburg. Air. Blakely participated in the engagements of Chancellorsville, Fred ericksburg and Gettysburg and was- with Geii'eral Sherman on the celebrated march to the sea. He was one of thirty-six hun dred of the Union men who were taken prisoners' in Gettysburg and were placed in a rebel camp-prison at Staunton, Virginia, with six hundred others. With a comrade he made his escape over the dead line, which seemed well guarded, but they managed to effect their departure, after having spent thirty-one days of imprisonment. With his friend, O. A. Rhea, who is now living in Indiana, he proceeded toward the Union lines. For twenty-one days they were with out food except for one meal and such wild berries as they could get in the mountains. They crossed a range of mountains almost impassable for a white man, but with forti tude and determination they pressed for ward and Mr. Blakely was finally able to join his regiment at the front and again serve his country. When the war was over he received an honorable discharge and rdurned to his- home. He then engaged in teaching for a time and later took up farming. As a com panion and helpmeet on life's journey he chose Miss Mary E. Bailey, the wedding being celebrated in 1868. The lady was born, reared and educated in Knox county, Ohio, being a daughter of John and Mary (Caldwell) Bailey, both of whom were na tives of Ohio. Nine children were born to our subject and his wife: John T., who is now living in Wilson township, Rice coun ty; Mrs. Olive AL Sangster, of Atlanta township; Ralph W., who is living in El dorado, Kansas, where he is engaged in business as a bridge carpenter; H. Ray; Guy Wait; Mildred M., a student in Ster- 402 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ling College; Alay Gertrude; Sarah Theresa; and they lost one child, Henry Dahlgren. Mrs. Blakely avas summoned into eternal rest on the 18th of December, 1 90 1, and her loss was not only an irrep arable loss to the immediate family but was deeply felt by a wide circle of friends whom she had drawn about her. Mr. Blakely came to Rice county, Kan sas, in 1879, ^d he has been a prominent factor in the community. He to-day owns and operates two hundred and forty acres of valuable land, on avhich stands a good resi dence, surrounded by an attractive grove, an ordiard of five acres yields its fruits in season, and the many improvements which have been made upon the farm render it very valuable. In his political views Mr. Blakely is a Republican and for four and a half years has served as justice of the peace. He is recognized as one of the leaders of the party in this locality. He and his wife are members of the Congregational church and are interested in everything pertaining to the general avdfare. As a citizen he is as true to his duties to-day as when upon the battlefields of the south he aa-ore the blue uniform and followed the stars and stripes into the thickest of the fight. SAMUEL B. LIVINGSTON. Samuel B. Livingston, the president of the Livingston Furniture Company, of Kingman, has been, a resident of Kingman county since 1878 and has made his home in central Kansas since 1874, at which time he took up his abode in Reno county. He was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, July 10, 1854. His father, Samuel B. Liv ingston, Sr., was a physician and success fully practiced in the Buckeye state for some time, but died when his son and name sake was only four years old. He married Henrietta C. Bussinger, and they became the parents of five children, of wbom three are now living, namely: Mrs. S. J. Bugh, of Okmulgee, Indian Territory ; W. A., who is engaged in the music business in King man, Kansas ; and Samuel B. Die mother is still iving and makes her home with the last named. Mr. Livingston of this review pursued his studies in the schools of Terre Haute, Indiana, and on account of his father's death was early thrOAvn upon his oavii re sources, so that he Avas enabled to: attend school for only about three or four months in the year. He was employed in various Avays in Indiana and Illinois until 1874, when he came to Kansas and worked at farm labor in Reno county. He shot a buffalo on the Ninnescah river July 4th of that year, in company Avith M. C. Bus singer and Silas Maples. The grasshoppers were so. thick that year they destroyed every particle of vegetation. They even ate holes in Air. Livingston's shoes when he hid them' under fodder. The destruction caused by those insects made all farm Avork un necessary and as he could not obtain em ployment Mr. Livingston started to return to the -east. Accompanied by his brother, avho avas if], he made his avay to the eastern part of the state and by that time his sup ply of money avas exhausted. After a great deal of jjersnasion he obtained permission to sleep at night in a barn and avas cutting av'ood the next morning avhen the members of the household arose. This display of industry caused the oavner of the place to give him some corn to cut and he avorked so hard that the farmer recommended him to a man in St. Joseph, avho also- employed him', but he remained in that sendee only a short time as he received but fifteen dol lars per month. After a month spent in avorking in a livery barn he secured a po sition in the lumber yard of the Dougherty & Ray Company and Avas soon promoted by them. When they established their whole sale business he Avas given charge of the men, and out of business hours he did other avork, putting in about sixteen or seventeen hours each day. He also lived very econom ically at that tinie and thus through his in dustry and economy was enabled to enter upon an independent business career. He spent three years avith the Dougherty & Ray Company, and then resigning BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 403 his position came to Kingman in the fall of 1878. Here he established the first store in which a line of dry goods, clothing and boots and shoes Avere carried. He erected a two-story frame building on the south side, shipping the lumber, avhich was pur chased from! his old firm, from St. Joseph to Hutchinson by rail and from the latter place hauling it across the country to King man, as there was no railroad here at that time. Later he disposed of his store and entered the cattle business, in which he con tinued until 1 881, when he established his furniture store, also at that time hauling all his goods from Hutchinson. He erected another store building, in which he placed a line of undertaking goods. His new en terprise was situated on the north side of the river. Both buildings are still stand ing, although they have been moved from the original site. He now occupies with his furniture stock a large building one hun dred and fifty by twenty-five feet, while carpets and caskets are kept in an adjoining store room, twenty-five by thirty feet. He owns his own hearse and practically con trols all the undertaking business of the town. He is a good embalmer, a graduate of several undertaking schools. He carried a very large and well selected stock of fur niture, including high-class goods as well as that which sells more reasonably and is doing a constantly increasing business in that line. He has also put in a stock of musical instruments and music and is re ceiving a liberal patronage in that depart ment of the store. In August, 1901, the business was incorporated under the name of the Livingston Furniture Company with our subject as president and his son, Harry E. Livingston, as secretary. They carry a stock valued at from! eight to ten thousand dollars and are continually bringing in new goods. Their trade policy is one Avhich commends them, to the confidence and good avill of the public and has been a strong ele ment in their success. Mr. Livingston, since his arrival in Kingman, has been an important factor in the progress, upbuild ing and enterprise of the town. He was one of the three men who erected the opera house and the Brunswick hotel, the largest building in the city, and with many move ments he has co-operated when the general good could be advanced thereby. In 1877, at St. Joseph, Missouri, Mr. Livingston was united in marriage to Miss Alice M. Reynolds, and unto' them were born three cbildren, two of whom' are liv ing, — Harry E. and Ettie F., both of whom are associated with their father in busi ness, the daughter largely having charge of the music department. She is very profi cient in music and is thus well qualified for the business cares which she has assumed. In his political views Mr. Livingston is an earnest Republican. He served as toavn ship clerk in an early day when his town ship embraced about one-balf of the county. He has been a member of the school board on several occasions, but has always re fused to accept other office. He was one of the members of the first band ever or ganized 'in the county, belongs to the Mod ern Wloodmen of America, the Knights of Pythias fraternity, the Knights and Ladies of Security, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in the last two has filled all of the offices. He also' belongs to1 the Methodist church and aided generously in the erection of the house of worship. He is a public-spirited man, imbued with the progressive spirit of the west, and his labors and energies have not only made him a successful business man, but have advanced the general welfare. His success in life has been achieved entirely through his own efforts, and from a very humble financial position he has worked bis way upward to a place prominent among the substantial residents of Kingman. CHARLES W. SAMPLE. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since Charles W. Sample came to Kingman county. He was one of the early settlers to locate in White township and has therefore been a witness of almost the en- 404 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tire growth and development of the country as it has emerged from a wild, uncultivated plain to a trad of rich fertility, dotted here and there with substantial homes, school- houses, churches and business industries. On the 26th of February, 1879, he located a claim and since that time has been an active factor in the development and up building of the county along many lines. Mr. Sample is a native of Switzerland county, Indiana, his birth having there oc curred on the banks of the Ohio river, Oc tober 29, 185 1. His father, George W. Sample, was born in the same county, while his grandfather, Andrew Sample, was a na tive of Virginia. The former followed farming throughout his life and removed from Switzerland to Tipton county, Indi ana, where he continued to' carry on agri cultural pursuits. He was an active and consistent member of the Baptist church and his life was in harmpny with his pro fessions. He was married in the Hoosier state to Miss Adeline McKay, and unto them' were born nine children, of whom three died in infancy. Our subject is the only member of the family living in central Kansas. He died in 1868 and his wife, long surviving him, passed away in 1896, at the age of seventy-six years. Following a public school curriculum Charles W. Sample continued his education in Holbrook's Normal School, in Lebanon, Ohio. Early in life he became familiar with the work of the farm and through the sum mer months he engaged in the labor of the field, while in the winter season he engaged in teaching school in Indiana. At length he determined to test the advantages afford ed in the Sunflower state and making his way westward to Kingman county became the third settler in White township. From Sterling he hauled the lumber to erect his first house, which was a primitive struc ture, ten by twelve feet, but it served the purpose through the summer and in the fall he erected a substantial sod house. He hauled the lumber with oxen, which he also used in breaking prairie and the first year he got about three acres broken. Gradually he improved the place and within four years he had broken and cultivated seventy-five acres of land. During the building of the mill race he was also' employed on its con struction. He would arise at three o'clock in the miorning, walk nine miles and after working ten hours, would walk back to his home, arriving there about nine o'clock in the evening. Money was almost unknown in that locality, but the men working on the mill race were paid in cash, receiving a dol lar per day, which was considered very good Avages at that time. For several years Mr. Sample found it very difficult to get along, but he persevered and his determination and energy at length enabled him to tri umph over difficulties, and when better times came he reaped the benefit of his per sistence and labor. He gathered together a herd of cattle and continued in the cattle business until 1886, when he removed to Kingman, in the spring. For two years previously he had been engaged in busi ness in tbe county seat. In 1884 he began dealing in real estate there and that work has since occupied at least part of his at tention. He handles property on commis sion mostly, but has sold a number of farms on his own account. He continued to own the old claim, until 1901 when he disposed of it advantageously. He is a most hon orable and conscientious business man and makes it a point ahvays to represent land fairly so that the purchaser avill understand exactly what he is buying. He perhaps has not made as many sales in this way as he avould otherwise, have done, but he retains the friendship and confidence of his patrons — and a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. He also makes loans for the Warren Mortgage Company, of Em poria. In 1887 he again began dealing in cattle, raising short horns, of which he keeps on hand from] one hundred and sev enty-five to two hundred head. Mr. Sample has been twice married. In Indiana he wedded Laura D. Wooldridge, and they had two children: Orlando L, who- is now a minister of the Methodist denomination, and Willard S., who is a graduate of the Western Dental College and is noav doing a good business here. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 405 After the death of his first wife Mr. Sample was again married in 1885, his second union being with Clova C. Moore, a daugh ter of J. U. Moore, a farmer of Kingman county. They have two children, Walton C. and Hazel F. Mr. Sample is a very prominent and active member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Kingman, also belongs to the encamp ment and order of Rebekahs, and for the past ten years has represented the local lodge in the grand lodge. He likewise has membership relations with the Ancient Or der of United Workmen and the Modern Woodmen of America. Of the Methodist church he is an earnest and faithful mem ber. He is chairman of the board of trus tees, and has served as class leader, stew ard and treasurer of the church, and was a generous contributor toward the erection of the house of worship. Christian principles permeate his life, and throughout the years of his residence in Kansas he has ever com manded the respect and good will of his fellow men. > WILLIAM V. HEATH. A farm neat and thrifty in appearance, ,with all modern accessories and convenien ces, constitutes a portion of section 12, Gar field township, and is the property of the gentleman whose name introduces this re view and who has been a resident of- Ells worth county since 1878. Mr. Heath was born in Kenton county, Kentucky, June 15, 1863. His father, AVilliam Heath, was a native of Maryland and when a young man became connected avith steamboating, but when that method of travd- was superseded' by the railroad he entered the railway ser vice. At one time he was employed in Ohio by A. J. Warner, and in 1878 he came to Kansas, purchasing land eight miles west of Salina, where he engaged in farming for a year. On the expiration of that period he came to Ellsworth county, where he se cured a quarter-sedion of land, upon whicb our subject now resides. Soon he became connected with the Union Pacific railroad service as bridge foreman, and occupied that position for nine years, after which he en tered the employ of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, in a similar position, be ing nowi on their new, line which is being builded through to Texas. His many years of railroad work have gained him an excel lent reputation in his department, and he is one of the most trusted and reliable employes of the company. William Heath was mar ried', in Kentucky, to Miss Eliza Walsh, and unto them were born five children, namely : William V. ; Mary, now the wife of Andy McCluggage, a farmer residing in Carneiro township, Ellsworth county; Thomas, who1 is purchasing agent for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company; Ed ward, avho- is teaching school at Clifton, where he occupies the position of principal ; and Augustus, who is avith his father. The parents now reside at Herrington. -William V. Heath, whose name forms the caption of this review, pursued his edu cation in the public schools of Kentucky and Ohio, and in early life became identified with agricultural pursuits, to which he has given his attention throughout his entire ca reer. He followed farming until his re moval to Kansas, in 1878. With his father he improved the farm upon which he yet re sides, for when, they took up: their abode here the land was in its primitive condition, not a furrow had been turned o-f a build ing erected. He broke the land, built a res idence, barns and shops, and has now one of the finest farms in tbis portion of Kansas. His Avork has been carried on along practical lines, and his progressive spirit and enter prise have enabled him to overcome all diffi culties and to work his way upward to suc cess. As the years have passed and in finan cial resources have increased he has added to the boundaries of his farm until he has nine hundred and sixty acres: im the home ranch, of which' three hundred acres are under cultivation, being devoted to the pro duction of wheat and corn. He also raises cattle on an extensive scale, making a spe cialty of short-horns, avhich he sells to feed ers. He oavns some thorough-bred bulls and 406 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. graded stock, and has an average of about one hundred and fifty head upon his place. On the 7th of January, 1894, Mr. Heath avas united in marriage to Miss Katie Miller, a daughter of Amandus Miller, of Carmdro toavnship. Three children graced their union. — Bessie, Florence and Hazel, — and they also have an adopted son, Samuel. In his political views Mr. Heath is independent, preferring to support the mem whom he thinks best qualified for office avithout re gard to party affiliations. He served as clerk of the school board, but has never been an office seeker, preferring to devote his time and attention to his business affairs, in avhich he has met with signal success. He is a communicant of the Catholic church, holding membership in the church in Ells worth. JOHN A. CRAGUN. There is no man who has left the impress of his individuality more indelibly upon the pages of the history of Kingman county than has John A. Cragun, who has been an im portant factor in the material, intellectual, social and moral development of the county, and Who throughout tbe years of his resi dence here has so lived as to make his ex ample well worthy of emulation. He ar rived in this county in 1878, when there were but three houses in what is now the flourishing city of Kingman, and has therefore avitnessed the entire development of the: place, contributing to its advancement through his business interests and through his co-operation with many movements for the general good. Mr. Cragun was born in Kokomo, Indi ana, August 2, 1858. His father, John: R. Cragun, avas a wagonmaker, merchant and farmer. He was born in Kentucky but re moved to, Indiana at an early day in its de velopment. The family is of Irish lineage. His father, Joshua Cragun avas one of twins, and with four of his brothers he came to America. His brother John served in the war of 1 81 2 and' his brother Isaac removed to Nauvoo', Illinois, where he became one of the apostles in the Alormon church. John R. Cragun avas married after his removal to Indiana, the lady of his choice be ing Miss Ellen Slider. They became the parents of four children, of whom: John A. of this review and Elmer are residents of Kansas. The father is one of the six old est residents of Kokomo, Indiana, where he is now living at the age of seventy-nine years. His wife is also living. They have long been earnest and faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which they have taken an active part, and Mr. Cragun has held a number of offices in the church. In politics he has been an ardent Republican since the formation of the party and aided in defending Indiana at the time of the Morgan raid through that state dur ing the Civil war. John A. Cragun, avhose name introduces this realeav, avas the second child in his father's family. He pursued his education in the common and high schools of Kokomo, Indiana and in » DePauav University, at Greemcastle, Indiana, pursuing a classical course in the latter institution. He studied with the idea of entering the legal profession and has ahvays read laav to some extent, his knoaaledge of the science proving of ben efit to him in his business career. In 1878 he arrived in Kingman county and took up a claim in White toavnship. He at first set up a small tent, surrounded by dirt, but as soon as possible hauled stone with which to build a house ten by tavelve feet. It was one of the first stone houses in the county. He broke his ground avith oxen a,nd gradually placed his land under cultivation, developing an excellent farm. In the avinter he engaged in teaching school in Kingman and thus gave an early impetus to the intellectual devel opment of the county. As the city and county began to grow he assisted in the avork of the courthouse, act ing as deputy clerk of the district court and as deputy register of deeds. Seeing the need avhich tbe future would develop for a set of abstract books, he began their compila tion and has from that nucleus developed1 an BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 407 important business avhich is now conducted under the name of the Cragun Abstract Com pany-, of avhich he is the president. Im 1880 he avas elected register of deeds. He was nominated by the Republican party and the contest avas a heated one, but he gained a majority of fifty-nine votes; and in 1882 he was renominated and at the election received the largest majority ever given a candidate having an opponent — devem hundred votes. 'TAvas a splendid tribute to his fidelity and capability during his first term. For ten years he served on the city council and there gave his influence and support to every mea sure which he believed would prove of bene fit to the city looking beyond the exigencies of the present to the future and considering not only the possibilities of the present but those to come. His service as city clerk covered six years. He has attended the county judicial and state conventions as a delegate and for seven years he has been president of the school board, the cause of education finding in him a warm: friend whose labors have been of practical benefit. He has left every office as he has entered it — with the confidence and good will of the pub lic, and his official record is one against AA'hich a word of detraction could not justly be spoken by the most malevolent. AATth many of the financial interests of the county Mr. Cragun has been identified, having sened four years as cashier of the Kingman National Bank, of which he was one of the organizers, Avhile of the Fair As sociation of the county he is one of the stockholders. He erected two of the brick business blocks of the city and several resi dences in addition to his own home. In 189 1 he turned his attention to the real estate and abstact business and handles large quan tities of property for non-residents. He also makes loans and has been- so active in the business life of Kingman county that his name is interwoven with a majority of its leading departments of industry. He also represents a number of fire insurance corn- .panies, including the St. Paul's Fire and Marine, Delaware, Hartford, Shawnee, Proa-ident Mutual, Manchester and the Win chester of Neav York city. In 1879 Mr. Cragun married Miss Rosa B. Brananian, a daughter of James Brana- man, one of the early settlers Opf the county and they now have one child, J. Beach. So cially Mr. Cragun is connected with Chi- kaskia Lodge, No. 100, K. P. and the An cient Order, of United AVorkmen, im both of which he has. filled all the chairs, and he likewise belongs to the Modern Woodmen, Camp No. 86, and the Knights and Ladies of Security. He is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta Society and has been a dele gate to its state conventions. He was one of the organizers and charter members of the Mdhodist Episcopal church at Kingman and aided largely in the erection of its first house of worship. He has held all the lay offices in the church and served for seven years as superintendent of the Sunday- school. In 1886 he was a member of the building committee which erected the present edifice, the only brick church in the city, and was the most liberal contributor thereto. Honored and respected by all there is no. man in the community that more justly deserves the regard of his fellow townsmen. In whatever position he has been placed whether as an officer of church, of fraternal organi zation or of the city or in the walks of pri vate life he has commanded the esteem of those with whom he has come in contact, and with pleasure aye present his life record to our readers. ALBERT W. COLLINGS. One of the successful and well known citizens of Reno county, Kansas, who has prospered since his location in this state is Albert W. Collings, a reliable contractor and builder, who also oavns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres which is located within one mile of Langdon. The birth of Mir. Collings1 was in Jackson county, Indiana, on November 8, 1855. His grandfather was Thomas Collings, avho was born im Kentucky and became a pioneer set tler of Indiana when there were mo railroads in that part of the state, the journey to the 408 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. nearest mill entailing a ride of sixty miles on horseback. He became a famous hunter and Indian fighter, reared a family of three sons and three daughters, and finally died there at an advanced age. The maternal grandfather was Zephaniah Jackson, and his native state was Kentucky. He also re moved to Indiana, and lived there until he was one hundred and four years old. The parents of our subject were Isaac and Mary Jane (Hancock) Collings, tbe former of whom was born in 1835, on ms father's large estate, consisting of six hun dred acres, in Indiana. The latter avas a daughter of Taylor and Catherine (Jack son) Hancock, and she was: born in Clark county, Indiana, in 1835. Her parents were also pioneers in Indiana from Kentucky, and they reared three daughters; and five sons. The family was noted for its robustness and longevity, all of these children living to rear large families, the mother of our subject be ing the eldest. Her' father took part in the Revolutionary war and was: known well in the early sdtlement of Indiana. A family of eight children were born to the parents of Albert W. Collings, of this sketch, and he was the eldest, the other surviving members are as follows : Louisa, who is the widow of William' Ralston and lives in Langdon,; Isabelle, who is the widow of Ezra Johnson and lives in Sylvia, Kansas; Emma, who is the wife of John Sallee and lives on a farm near Hutchinson, Kansas; and Isaac Wes ley, who resides in Seattle, Washington, and has a wife and one son. Isaac Collings is a remarkable specimen of physical develop ment, being six feet and one inch in height and weighing two hundred and forty pounds, and he is an athlete avidely known for his feats1 of strength. Albert W. Collings, our subject, avas reared in Tipton county, Indiana, and there attended the district schools, growing to manhood on the farm. At the age of twenty years, on January 13, 1875, he was united in marriage to Aliss Sarah Sturgean, a na tive of the same county and a daughter of Ewing and Fanny (Hancock) Sturgean, and these children were born to this mar riage: Mary Frances, who died of mem branous croup, at the age of thirteen years ; Charles, who is associated with his father in business ; George, who is a manly youth of thirteen years; Fo,rest, who has reached the age of five years ; and Lulu, who is the baby of one year. On November 8, 1877, Mr. Collings reached Kansas, with the intention of mak ing this state his future home. He took a one-quarter section homestead, located two miles, south of Langdon, and resided there for a period of twelve years, engaging im general farming. After disposing of this property he came to Langdon, and followed the blacksmith trade for five years, but since that time has been busily employed in con tracting and carpenter work, although he owns a fine farm one mile north of Lang don, comprising one hundred and sixty acres, Aahich he rents for pasturage. The farm is the family home, although Mr. Col lings also oaviis a very nice residence in the village and a store building, both of which he rents to tenants. In his political views he has ahvays been a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, and his. services have been acknowledged by it, as for two years he was the very efficient postmaster of this town. In- the county he is held im esteem and he has demonstrated! that what the state of Kansas needs is a class of settlers like him self, Avho through industry, public-spirit and progressive mdhods can place the common wealth in the very front rank among the great sisterhood of states. C. A. DEAN. Air. C. A. Dean is a self-made man, who aaithout an extraordinary family or pecun iary advantages at the commencement of life, has battled earnestly and energetically, and by indomitable courage and integrity has achieved both character and fortune. By sheer force of avill and untiring effort he has Avorked his way upAvard. He is now man ager of the mercantile firm: carrying on busi ness under the style of M. A. Webb & Com pany in Lyons, Kansas. Theirs is the lead--- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 409 ing general mercantile house in Rice county and the firm is one of the most prominent in business circles in central Kansas, where for fourteen years Mr. Dean has made his home, having come to Rice county in 1887. A native of the Buckeye state, he was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1848, and is a representative of a sturdy race of Scotch- Irish people noted througb many genera tions for their good business ability and hon esty. Allen Dean, the father of our subject, was born and reared in Ohio and was a son of John Dean. After arriving- at years of maturity Allen Dean avas united in marriage in his native state to Miss Maria Webb, who was to him a faithful companion and help meet on the journey of life for many years. She, too, avas born in Ohio. Some years after their marriage the Deans removed to Taylorville, Christian county, Illinois. They became the parents of six children, four sons and tavo daughters. C. A. Dean, whose name introduces this record, avas a little lad at the time of the re moval to the Prairie state. He attended its public schools and at the age of fifteen years entered upon his business, career in the capa city of a clerk in a grocery store. He was thus employed for several years, on the expi ration of avhich period he came to Kansas, settling at Burton, on the Santa Fe railro*j| where for fifteen years he was engaged HI the general merchandise business. On the expiration of that period he came to Lyons, in 1887, and his business connection with this city began as an officer in the Ex change Bank where he remained as cash ier for four years. He then became con nected avith the firm' of Lantz, Marshall & Company and later avith Dean & Webb. This enterprise has proved of great value to the community by promoting commercial activity and has rdurned an excellent income to the stockholders. The business occupies. two large store-rooms, hav ing fifty feet front and a depth of one hund- dred and thirty feet. A large line of general merchandise, valued at fifty thousand dol lars, is carried and includes dry goods, boots and shoes, and clothing. Their stock is very complete in all of its departments, contain ing goods reaching from low to- high prices and thus being such as is demanded by gen eral trade. Operations are carried on along lines of strict honesty, the business policy of the firm being such, that commends itself to all^and wins a large patronage. Mr. Dean was: united in marriage in Macon, Illinois:, to Jennie Seamans, a lady of education and good family. Her father, James Seamans, is now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Dean have one child, Nira, now the avife of R. H. Benedict, of St. Joseph, Alis souri. The parents hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church and are deep ly interested in every thing pertaining to the avdfare and progress of the community. In his political views Mr. Dean is a Republican and his fellow townsmen have manifested their confidence in him by electing him' city treasurer for two terms. He is an exemp lary representative of the Masonic lodge and1 the Knights of Pythias fraternity and in his life closely follows its teachings concerning the brotherhood of mankind, mutual forbear ance and mutual helpfulness. As a busi ness man he is energetic, prompt and notably reliable and he has the confidence and respect of all who know him. 26 WILLIAM: R. TEDRICK. Nowhere more clearly and forcibly than in Kansas has: the idea been inculcated that pluck, energy, perseverance and good busi ness ability avill win success in spite of many obstacles and discouragements'. This thought is suggested by a . consideration of the career of William R. Tedrick, dealer in flour and feed at No. 320 North Main street. Hutchinson, Reno county, Kansas, avho is one of the progressive business mem of that city, where he has an exceedingly homelike residence at No. 210 First avenue, east. Air. Tedrick is a native of Ohio and avas born near Winchester, Guernsey county, in 1856, a son of Michael and Margaret (Turkle)' Tedrick, avho were married in Winchester in 1855. Michael Tedrick was born near AVin- chester in 1834 and was a grandson of 4io BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Michael Tedrick, a native of the state of NeAV Jersey, who traced his Englisji ances try to the old home of the family on the isle of Jersey. Margaret Turkic was a daugh ter of Joseph Turkle, of Guernsey county, avIio AA*as of Scotch descent. 'Alichael Tedrick, father of the subject of this sketch, AA'as the owner of a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Guernsey county, Ohio, and gave his attention to gen eral farming and stock-raising and eventu ally did a large business as a fruit-grower and nurseryman. In 1879 he sold his farm in Ohio and removed to Reno county, but after farming here for several years he went to Oklahoma Territory where, hale and hearty at the age of sixty-seven years, he is a successful farmer. His good avife, who has been spared to him during all of these years, is of the same age "as. her husband. Mr. Tedrick is of excellent judgment, is re garded highly for his many good qualities and his advice is sought in many important matters. Originally a Whig, he became a, Republican at the organization of that party and has cast his influence with it since then. He and his wife are earnest workers in the Methodist Episcopal church, in AA'hich he has held every important office. They have had born to them six children, four of Avhom sur vive: G. M., formerly a teacher but now a farmer in Kansas; H. P., a retail dealer in flour and feed at No. 608 South Main street, Hutchinson ; and C. E., principal of the North school, one of the large public schools of Hutchinson. AA'illiam1 R. Tedrick spent his youth and early manhood on his father's farm in Ohio, and received a practical education in the public schools near his home. In 1878, Avhen he was about twenty-tAvo years old, he went to Kansas and engaged in school teaching at Kent, six miles east of Hutchinson. Lie taught one term, of school at Kent and after ward tavo other terms at other points in the county, and then avent to Hutchinson, avhere he taught im the public schools under Su perintendent Wynans. Afterwards he taught in Burrton, Harvey county, for five years, then engaged in the grocery business at Ly ons, Rice county. In 1890, after a three years' business career at Lyons, he returned to Hutchinson, avhere for about two years he was employed by the Hutchinson Whole sale Grocery Company. After several years spent in the employ of different firms he ac quired the proprietorship, of the Royal Bak ery, at Hutchinson, which he retained for two years, building up an excellent trade and which he sold in February, 1901, to engage in the wholesale flour and feed trade. He began his present business in a comparatively small way and with many obstacles to- over come, but went about his duties: with a de gree of patience, industry and tact destined to bring about good results and soon ac quired a satisfactory trade which, is con stantly increasing. He deals specially in tlie products of the Halstead Milling and Ele vator Company and handles three grades of flour known as "The Boss," "True Grit" and "Crystal Patent" flours, their superior quality commending them readily to the trade. His business in his feed department is constantly extended and he is handling good quantities of bran, shorts and low grade flour. In 1901 he did much to im prove his residence property and enlarged his house very materially. In politics Mr. Tedrick, following in his father's footsteps, is a stanch Republican, ¦jgpd he is not avithout a recognized influence Th the local councils of his party. He is an active and helpful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, has for many years 'been a leader in Sunday-school avork and for the. past six years has been assistant superintend ent of his Sunday-school. He is a member of the Woodmen of America and of the Tontine society. In 1884 he married Miss Nettie Smith, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of H. A. Smith, whose parents were natives of Kentucky and early settlers in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Tedrick have a son, Chester A. Tedrick, who is a pupil in the Sherman public school at Hutchinson. In many ways Mr. Tedrick has demonstrat ed that he takes a deep and abiding interest in the prosperity of his city, county and state, and his willingness to assist to the ex tent of his ability any movement having for its object the general good of his felloav cit- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 411 izens marks him as a man of much public spirit. His influence in church and im secu lar matters is ahvays strong and helpful, and he is of that class of men Avho' believes that the best Avay to help his fellows is to' assist them to help themselves and that they can in no way better insure their own prosperity than by contributing to the general pros perity. JOHN E. LYDECKER. One of the best informed attorneys of Kingman county is John E. Lydecker, whose clientage is of a distinctively repre sentative character, his ability winning him the support of many of the leading residents of his district. He was born in Elmira, New York, May 31, 185 1, and is a repre sentative of one of the old and honored families * of the Empire state of Holland origin, the first of the name in America having crossed the Atlantic prior to 1660 and settled at Nyaek, New York. John Ly decker, the grandfather of our subject, en gaged in merchandising at Nyack and when avater routes furnished the principal way of travel he conducted a line of sloops on the Hudson river. Fenton Lydecker, the fa ther of our subject, was born and reared in Nyack and there married Catherine E. Polhemus, by whom he had three children, one of avhom died in early life. For many years he avas connected with railroad work, having charge of the shops of the New York & Erie railroad, the first road built in his part of the state. About 1857 be removed westward and for a short time was engaged in farming in McHenry county, in Illinois. He then again engaged in rail road avork, assisting in the construction of a road in Indiana, extending to Logansport, Laporte and Chicago, and upon the build ing of the shops in tbe last named place he was placed in charge. He resided in Chi cago until his retirement from active busi ness life, since which time he has been a resident of New Jersey. In the public schools of Chicago John E. Lydecker, of this review, pursued his studies and also attended the high school in Kankakee in 1872, studying avith the vieav of taking up law as his profession. He then entered the Ann Arbor Law School, in which he was graduated in 1874. He also read law under the personal supervision of Thomas, M. Cooley. Going to Peoria, Illi nois, he there opened on office and began practice. In 1877 Mr- Lydecker came to Kansas, securing a claim near Caldwell avhen that section of the state was wild and unimproved. He at once began its develop ment and later he went upon the range in the Indian Territory and Texas. He bought a herd of cattle and herded in what is now Harper county, Kansas, when there was but one other white man who had a farm in the county. Caldwell avas his head quarters, being the first town on the trail proceeding northward from Texas. Dur ing one winter he was forced to remain in Caldwell on account of an injury he sus tained, and while there he was called upon to go to Anthony just after the town avas started to take charge of a laAvsuit. He had tried to keep back the knowledge that he was an attorney, preferring to devote all his attention to the cattle business avhile en gaged in it, but in some way the report spread that he had studied for the bar and he became widely known throughout that country 'as the "cowboy lawyer." He tried some cases in Caldwell on behalf of friends but he has ever made it his policy to engage in only one kind of business at a time, and herein lies one secret of his success. At length he ceased to deal in range cattle and turned his attention, to domestic cattle, com ing to Kingman with his cattle to get feed. Here he ultimately abandoned stock-raising and has since devoted his time and energies to the practice of law, although he has car ried on a farm. However, his laav practice has occupied his attention chiefly and his legal business has assumed extensive pro portions. He tries only those cases in avhich he has reason to believe in the justice of his Client's cause and therefore he is usually successful in winning the verdict desired. He is thoroughly informed concerning all departments of the legal .science, and his 412 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. forceful argument, logical deductions and skillful pleadings never fail to impress court or jury and seldom fail to convince. Air. Lydecker is the owner of three hun dred acres of land adjoining* the city on the northwest, and thereon he raises corn exclusively. AVhen he came into possession of the property only ten acres had been broken. It had been proved up by Captain Sherman, who avas formerly chief of police in Chicago and avho had built a sod bouse, but there avere no other improvements. Air. Lydecker has made his home thereon con tinuously since and noav has a very valuable property, supplied avith all modern conveni ences and accessories. He has been inter ested in the banking business as a stock holder and officer but is now connected avith neither of the banks of Kingman in an offi cial capacity, although he oavns stock in one of them. In 1 88 1, in Kankakee, Illinois, Mr. Ly decker aa-as married to Aliss Fannie F Enos, a daughter of R. H. Enos, a prom inent farmer of that locality. They are people of culture and refinement, moving in the best circles of society in King man, avhere intelligence is taken as the standard of admission. Air. Lydecker, avith one exception, has the finest general library in Kingman. He has always been deeply interested in education and is himself a man of scholarly attainments and broad general information. In politics he has been a stal wart Democrat since attaining his majority and supported that party here when it had but three adherents in Kingman county. He is, however, a sound-money man. JAMES KIRK. James Kirk, the efficient superintendent of the Western Salt Works and a resident of Hutchinson, was born in Pennsylvania, July 14, 1864. His father, George Kirk, avas a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and a farmer by occupation. He was married near his native city, in 1861, to Jane Copper; also horn in the land of hills and heather, a daughter of James and Margaret Copper. In 1863 George Kirk crossed the At lantic to America, locating in Penn sylvania, avhere for seven years he avas superintendent of a coal mine sit uated near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In the fall of 1870 he removed to Harvey county, Kansas, avhere he secured a claim of one hundred and sixty acres located in Hal stead toavnship. He is still residing there and has placed many improvements upon his property, for avhich he has refused an offer of tavelve thousand dollars. He hasi erected a fine residence, substantial barns and com modious granaries, has planted a grove and has an excellent orchard comprising "ten acres. Since coming to Kansas he has fol loaved general farming and stock-raising and success has attended his efforts. In his political vieavs he is a stalwart Republican, and fraternally he is connected avith the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, Avhile both he and his avife hold membership in the Methodist church. In their family avere ten children, as follows: William, avho was formerly a master mechanic in the Independ ence mine and is now a machinist in the em ploy of the Denver Machine Company at Battle, Wyoming; James, of this: review; Agnes, the avife of AVilliam Curtis, a section foreman located at Halstead, Kansas; Jane, the avife of Frank Hamilton, of Barton, this state; George, avho died in Dighton, Lane county, Kansas ; Margaret, the avife of Sam uel Crouch, of Halstead; Thomas, an en gineer at the Western Salt Works, at Hutch inson; Albert, noav a student in the Baker University, of Kansas, his home being in Halstead, this state; Mary, who died in childhood in Halstead; and Charlie, avho died in infancy. Air. Kirk of this review avas only six years old avhen his father removed from Pennsylvania to Kansas and in the public schools of Halstead he obtained his educa tion. He remained avith his father until twenty yearsi of age and assisted in carrying on the avork of the farm. From 1884 until 1888 he avas engineer of a threshing machine through the threshing season and in the avin ter months acted as engineer in a flouring BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 413 mill in Halstead. During that time he also learned the plasterer's trade. In 1888 he came to Hutchinson and avas engaged in plastering for four years when he accepted the position of engineer at the Riverside Salt Works, being employed in that capac ity for fourteen months, when he was given the position of night foreman and acted in that capacity for three years. He them went to Cripple Creek, Colorado, and operated the hoisting engine in the Kitty M. gold mine, oavned by the Anaconda Mining Com pany, filling the position for five months. On the expiration of that period he returned to Hutchinson and took a position in the ice plant of Carey, Puterbaugh & Company, which he held for a short time, when- he ac cepted the position, of day foreman in the AA'estern Salt Works. He served so faith fully and efficiently for a year and a half that he avas made superintendent 'of the en tire Avorks and, in that capacity has remained continuously since, enjoying the unqualified confidence of his employers. Through years of experience while sening in various ca pacities in this line of work he gained a minute and thorough knowledge of every de tail of the work, and this knowledge, com bined AA'ith his natural ability to. direct and superintend, has placed him in the responsi ble position to which he was called. The Western Salt Works, of which Mr. Kirk is superintendent, were erected at a cost of about thirty thousand dollars, and the entire plant covers about three acres of ground. It is equipped with four pans, each twenty-five by one hundred and fifteen feet, with a capacity of six hundred barrels of salt per day. Forty tons of coal are daily con sumed in the operation of the works. The product is largely shipped to Kansas City, Omaha and St. Joseph. The present com pany has expended about nineteen thousand dollars on improvements on the plant, built a new packing room, remodeled the building and rebuilt the pans. Mr. Kirk has entire supervision of -the active working of the plant, and his justice and consideration for those who work under him' has won him their avarm esteem-, while the confidence of the company in his ability and trustworthi ness is indicated by his retention in the posi tion. On the 26th of March, 1887, in Hutchin son, occurred the marriage of Mr. Kirk and Aliss Rose Carey, who was born in Shelby county, Ohio, a daughter of Samuel and Jane (Bundy) Carey. Her parents avere both natives of the Buckeye state and' in early life were connected avith the Society of Friends, while later both joined the Meth odist church. Mrs. Carey died in -Hutchin son in 1896, but her husband is still living here. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have been born four children: Grace, born in 1888; Mamie, avho was born in 1890 and died in 1895; Arthur, born im 1892; and Harry, in 1894. Mr. Kirk belongs to the Odd FelloAvs fraternity and to the Fraternal Aid. In pol itics he is entirely independent, voting for the man whom he regards as best qualified for office without regard to party affiliation. He has never sought or desired political pre ferment, giving his attention entirely to his business and his enterprise, ambition and honesty have enabled him: to advance to a leading place among the prominent young business men of this portion of the state. REV. SIMEON SWARTZ. As one of the old and honored residents of Kansas, Avhere for many years he devoted his attention to the work of the Divine Mas ter, in the uplifting of his fellow men as a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, it is certainly incumbent that a re view of the life of Mr. Swartz be incorpor ated in this work, and the publishers feel that no better tribute can be, in the main, offered than to enter the modest autobiog raphy offered by Father Swartz himself: "I was born on the banks of Rush creek, in Fairfield county, Ohio, nine miles south east of where the city of Lancaster stands, on the 2 ist of December, A. D., 1832. I am of German descent, my great-grandfather having emigrated from- Wurtemberg, Ger many, about the year 1754. My grandfa ther, George Swartz, was born in Pennsyl- 4H BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. vania, in 1775, removed from Little York, Pennsylvania, to Fairfield county, Ohio, about the year 1800, and there my father, George Savartz, avas born in the month of August, 1807. He there married Miss Mary Beery, whose parents came from Vir ginia. All my grandparents, three of whom I avell remember, avere honest, upright Chris tian people. Both of my parents also lived strictly religious lives, and as far back as I can remember they kept up their family al tar, morning and evening. They were mem bers of the Evangelical Association to the end of their lives. "I was converted to God August 18, 1846, when not yet fourteen years of age, and avas licensed to preach in August, 1853, in my taventy-first year. I was married to Miss Sarah Kring, October, 2, 1856, she be ing the eldest daughter of Rev. Conrad Kring, late of Franklin county, Ohio. My marriage relations with her have been all these years, indeed, fraught with happiness. The Lord blessed our union with two daugh ters and six sons, and one of the latter died in infancy, but the rest are all living and doing avell. I think my avife and I can say what few parents can: Our children are all converted and members of the church. Our second son, William, L., is in the active ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church and is at present in the Oklahoma confer ence; while our third son, Daniel B., is a local preacher, living in the Concord circuit, Avestern district of the Oklahoma confer ence. "About two years after my marriage I entered the Ohio conference of the Evan gelical Association,' the church of both my own and my wife's parents, as an itinerant minister, and I labored in this conference for six years, soon after which we removed to a farm near Elpaso, Woodford county, Illinois, aa-here we maintained our home about three years, after which, in 1869, I entered the Illinois conference, in which I traveled for five years. In the spring of 1874 Ave fell in the current of the stream of emigration headed for the 'notorious' state of Kansas, made so by her alternate successes and failures. In my ministry, calls avere made through our church papers for aid, and I solicited means for the suffering in Kansas. My last charge in the east was at Savannah Mission, on the eastern bank of the Mississippi river. We left there for Kansas on the last day of March, in a two- horse wagon, crossed the 'great river' on a ferry-boat; came through Iowa by way of Ioava City, Oskaloosa and Sheridan, and while traveling through Missouri we met many teams returning from Kansas. 'Where are you bound for ?' would be the first salu tation of the returning parties. 'To Kan sas,' was my reply. TBdter turn around and go back,' was invariably returned. 'We have been there and tried it, and nobody can make a living there.' Some of them, avhen they saw we were determined to go on, avould hoot at us, and I fdt like telling some of them that 'Where the wasp gets her poison there the bee gathers honey.' Though some times my heart failed me Avhen looking on my almost helpless family, there Avas one thing of which I was ever conscious, — that a Divine Providence was watching over us. AVe regularly kept up our family devotions avhile on our journey. Every morning Ave avould not only ask the Lord to go avith us through the day but also ask Him to direct us to a suitable camping place at night ; and ave avere never disappointed. We also asked Him for a suitable place to stop over for the Lord's day, and this avas invariably grant ed^ We also asked Him to direct in our lo cation in Kansas, avhich I to this day believe He did. AVe avere headed for Great Bend and had previously arranged, to have our household good's consigned to that place, expecting to go northwest from there. But avhen ave arrived on Plum creek, on the 4th of June, 1874, and saw the beautiful prairies stretching away in every direction, as far as eye could see, and having been told that Rice county afforded protection by laav from be ing overrun by Texas cattle and that there avere yet many claims still vacant, we soon decided to go no further. "AATiile we avere camped near the gov ernment crossing on Plum creek I heard of Squire Earl, avhom I soon found and avho shoaved me tavo claims, in section 2, toavn- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 415 ship 18, range 10, — one for a pre-emption and the other for a timber entry. Air. Earl went with1 me next day to old Atlanta, then the county seat, and there made my filings before the county clerk. As it avas now al ready the beginning of June, I was anxious to inaugurate forthavith the avork of break ing sod, so I hired another team and with the two went thirty miles, to Great Bend, after our household effects and some lumber with which' to build a shelter for ourselves:. As our quarters were hurriedly arranged, I avent to breaking, and the children, with an old ox, planted the newly broken ground with corn, and Ave thus continued our work until we had taventy acres broken and plant ed to corn. Though the summer was dry, yet the sod corn greav remarkably well, and on the last day of July, as nearly as I now re call,' there came a good rain, the first plant ing of corn being then just producing good roasting ears. During the shower the wind changed to the north, and behold it began to rain grasshoppers! Our melons, onions, beds, corn and all, afforded the voracious little creatures hardly a breakfast and din ner, to say nothing of a supper, and during the several wedcs they afterward lay around some of the settlers cut some of their corn and shocked it, but the grasshoppers were not in the least baffled in their efforts to dis pose of the product as thus protected. This made the settlers feel blue. I sat around with nothing that I could do to relieve the situation, and this enforced apathy made the condition all the worse. Finally, a thought was suggested to my mind to make a cave, but the question would come, 'What for? There is nothing to put into it.' But the idea haunted me and I finally began to work. My neighbors would enquire what I wanted of such a thing as the cave, and all I could reply was that I might need it some time. I made the cave twenty by ten fed in dimen sions and saw to it that it was good and warm. In the month of September there came a three days' rain, which abundantly wet up the earth. I then secured the aid of three or four neighbors and we put up a sod house, with a door opening into the cave which I had previously constructed, the house being covered with the lumber which had afforded us shelter during the summer. After this I prepared twenty acres to sow in wheat and also rented ten acres: to a neigh bor. I procured the seed from the Union Pacific Railroad Company, who shipped in wheat and sold it to the settlers on time, ex tending therm credit until they were able to harvest the resultant crop. When seeding was. over and winter quarters1 for the stock were prepared, the question was discussed among the settlers as to whence provisions were to- be secured for the winter. It was decided1 by three of us to go1 out on the buf falo range to secure some meat. We started late in October, and went sixty miles south west of Dodge City before we found any buffaloes worth mentioning. For various reasons we Avere delayed there for more than four weeks, and during a severe storm some of our horses were 'alkalied,' and this and the scantiness of feed so cut them down in flesh that we could haul little meat after ave had procured it, while two of our horses died from the effects of the alkali. That winter (1875) was perhaps the severest in the history of the west. "On the night of January 8, 1875, there came such a blizzard that a mah' who has never experienced it can form, no idea of its terrific character. When it struck our house it piled our wooden roof on one side of the sod walls, and such a blinding snow bath as came in upon us I can never forget! My exclamation im the excitement of the moment was, 'What in this world will we do ?' Our son Charles, then about fourteen years old, said, 'Run into- the dug-out.' O'f course Ave did thus take refuge in the cave, and had it not been for the protection there afforded we would have all perished in the storm. From that day to- this I have not doubted! the providence of God that moved me to build the dug-out. The cold weather kept us in if for six Aveeks, and then the neighbors came and helped to replace the roof on the sod house. In the meantime aid also came to us from, our friends im the east, so that our , wants were supplied until the folloaving har vest, which yielded about twelve and one- half bushels per acre. Yet, notwithstanding 416 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. this seemingly rough experience, I think of our removal to Kansas as very providential, and that it has proven a great blessing to my self and my family. Truly the great west has made its impression on our minds and lives, — an impression for good which can not be obliterated. Western push, western enterprise and western prosperity, both in state and church, are characteristics not to be valued lightly." A few additional words from the editor ial pen may not prove inconsistent in sup plementing this interesting record given by Mr. Savartz. Both he and his avife were fre quently called upon in the early days to ad minister medical aid, assist in sickness, com fort the sorrowing and distressed, officiate at births, etc. Father Swartz has probably conducted more funerals and preached more funeral sermons than any otber clergyman in Rice county. He was an influential fac tor in the establishing of the first school, aahich avas conducted on the subscription plan, in his locality, and which was taught by Mrs. Alma D. Thompson in her sod house, one and one-half miles south of the present toavn of Bushton, in 1875. He dis tributed among his neighbors food and other necessaries avhich had been sent him. by friends im the: east during the memorable grasshopper years of 1874-5, and his influ ence im the community has ever been kindly, generous and helpful, so that he has gained a avide circle of devoted friends. In 1886 he was associated with others in having the Missouri Pacific Railroad rum its Colorado Short Line through Farmer township, and Avas one of the founders of Bushtoni station, located on this line and on his farm. Before this time the nearest railroad station avas Chase, fourteen miles distant, and prior to 1880 the nearest stations avere Ellsworth, on the Union Pacific, twenty-five miles dis tant, and Ellinwood, on the Santa Fe Rail road, twenty-one miles distant. He was the prime mover in organizing the First Meth odist Episcopal church in Bushton and' in the erection of the present church edifice in 1887. He and his family continued to re side on his farm, which he developed into one of the best in the county, until the year 1894, when they sold out and removed to a point near Concord, Woods county, Okla- boma, in order to secure a larger tract of land for the children, all of whom1 are at this time living on farms of their own in the im mediate neighborhood with their parents, with the exception of the second daughter, Emma, who is the wife of George F. Hau ser, who purchased the old homestead of Air. Swartz in 1897, adjoining the town of Bushton. During all these years Mr. Swartz continued to preach the gospel to the pioneer settlers, often being absent for more than six aveeks on his itinerant tours. He and his devoted avife occasionally visit their old neighbors, who always accord them a hearty welcome, and Father Swartz is invariably asked to preach, which he always does, in both English and German, having acquired the latter by personal study and reading and speaking it with no little fluency. The lives of him and his wife have proved a benedic tion to all who have come avithin the sphere of their influence, and their names are held in grateful memory by those avith avhom they endured the privations and vicissitudes of the early days in Rice county. DAVID PLANKENHORN David Plankenhorn, a avell knoavn and successful farmer residing on section 8, Kingman county, aa"as born near Richmond, AArayne county, Indiana, in 1851. His fa ther, John Plankenhorn, was a native of Germany, but came to the United States avhen a boy, and from the age of eleven years avas reared in AArayne county, Indiana. He avas there married, to Margaret Reigles, wh6 avas born, and reared in the Hoosier state. He followed the tilling of the soil as a life'oc- cupation, and avas a Democrat in his politi cal views. His life's labor's avere ended in death avhen he had reached the age of seven ty years, and his wife died 'at the age of sixty years. Unto this worthy couple were born thirteen children, namely: John; Henry; Joseph; Lizzie; Noah; Maria; Da vid; the subject of this review;; Malinda; cuj dT^yuL. (Bfcw-J^^cr^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 4L7 Jacob; Alary; Lewis, avho makes his home at Great Bend, Kansas; Daniel; and Lydia, avho died avhen young. David Plankenhorn avas reared on an Indiana farm, where he was early taught the value of industry- and honesty, and his educational advantages Avere those afforded by the common schools of his locality. At the age of taventy-tAvo years he removed to Illi nois, locating in DeAA'itt county, and he was there married to Lizzie Garrett, aaLo was born near Green Castle, Putnam county, In diana, and in that state and Illinois she was reared and educated. She is a daughter of Elijah and Amanda (Cheneworth) Garrett. The father, who Avas a native of Kentucky, reached the ripe old age of seventy-eight? years and ten days and his wife lived to the age of seventy-three years, two months and fourteen days. In their family were the fol lowing children : William- S., who was a sol dier during the Civil war ; Mary E. ; James M., avho also wore the blue in defense of his country; Hester Ann; Orlando; Carrie; Al mira; Emsley and Lizzie. The union of our subject and avife has been brightened and blessed by the presence of tavo sons, — Edgar Ernest, who is now nineteen years of age, and is a student in Nickerson College, and Elmer Wallace, a bright and promising youth of sixteen years. In 1885 Mr. Plankenhorn cast in his lot among the settlers of Kingman county, Kansas, and on section 8, Galesburg toiwn- ship, he now owns a valuable and highly im proved farm of two hundred and forty acres, located tavo miles east of Varner. His po litical support is given to the Democracy, and both he and his wife are prominent and zeal ous members .of the Alethodist Episcopal church. PAUL REAUME. Paul Reaume is a self-made man who has achieved splendid success in his business career, yet his prosperity has been so worth ily won that the most envious could not grudge him his success. Difficulties and ob stacles have impeded his progress, but he has persevered in the pursuit of a definite purpose and through his, indefatigable en ergy and sdf-reliance has worked his way upward until he now occupies a prominent position among the representative farmers and stock-raisers of Ellsworth county. He makes his home on section 28, Garfield town ship, where he has resided since 1877. Mr. Reaume was born at Chatham, Can ada, February 7, 1857, a son of Charles S. and Julia* (Demars) Reaume, both of whom died whem our SpUbject was about fifteen years of age. He afterward began earning his -living with a telegraph company, being engaged on construction work for four years. He then came to Kansas, residing in Junction City for a short time, and in the spring of 1878 he made his way to Ellsworth county, where he began dealing in stock. He herded cattle for a time and gradually se cured some capital, so that im 1886 he Avas able to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land, on section 16. The drouth and the fall in the price of stock in 1887 was a severe blow to him, entailing heavy losses, — in fact, all that he had accumulated up to that time. His business ability and integrity, however, were well known and secured to him good credit. Not discouraged, he la bored energetically to retrieve his lost pos sessions, and soon had made a second start. He has added to his landed estate until he- now owns six hundred and forty acres and leases over fifty-five hundred acres in this locality, including the Adams ranches. He has four miles on the Elkhorn creek, giving him excellent bottom land for the raising of corn and at the same time furnishing a splendid water supply for the stock. He cultivates about five hundred acres, raising all O'f the corn which he feeds, and upon, his place he has between five and six hundred head of cattle, which he purchased in Colo rado, New Mexico and as far south as old Mexico, his experience having proven to, him that the southern stock does best in this lo cality. The range here is so good that by feeding the grass alone he has increased the weight of cattle two hundred and fifty pounds in ninety days. With rough feed, such as Kaffir corn, be carries them through 4i8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the winter with ten or twelve bushels of corn. In all of his pastures there is but one that is not supplied with running water and in it is a well with wind-mill attachment. Most of his pastures are in section lots, com prising eight hundred acres. Mr. Reaume has broken the greater part of the land which he cultivates, operating all the bottom land, while the other is given to pasturage. At least eighty acres which he purchased was marshy and considered worthless,, but he dug a drain ten feet deep and from twenty to twenty-five feet wide and has made it one of the richest portions of his farm. He is a man of splendid business ability and keen discernment and knows how to utilize his facilities and make the best of his opportuni ties. On the 1 8th of April, 1888, was cele brated the marriage of Mr. Reaume and Miss Emma L. Gilkeson, a daughter of Ab ner Gilkeson, of Ellsworth ' county, born in Ohio. They have four children, — Ina, Earl, Mabel and Fay. In his political views Mr. Reaume is a Democrat, and socially he is a very prominent Mason, belonging to the lodge, chapter and council at Ellsavorth and to St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Tem plar. He is also a member of Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine, at Salina. His life proves conclusively that success avill crown enterprising efforts; that it does not result from genius, fortunate circumstances or the aid of influential friends. Fate has been at times unkind to him and he has received no assistance from wealthy relatives, but he has depended entirely upon his own resources, placing his faith on the foundation of earnest work. B. S. WESTFALL. B. S. WestfaU is one of the old and highly respected citizens of Ellsworth coun ty. Llis character is of such strength and symmetry that it must make am impression upon its surroundings. Men often achieve brilliant success in some special avenue of life, and their victories are permitted to shadow their defeats and defects. In some one feature of human character they are sometimes dazzlingly brilliant, while in otb> ers they are conspicuously lacking. But Mr. Westfall's character is roundly developed ; it is the healthy development of the virtues that make strong manhood. Absolutely hon est and upright, illustrating in his thoughts and life the nobility and reliability of loyal citizenship, and with a clear, strong mind to comprehend existing difficulties and to solve business, social and political problems, he is a pillar to popular government and an im perial shidd to' the best interests of the com munity. The world is none too rich in some men — men of practical judgment, of good intellect properly directed and of untarnished and unwavering patriotism, — in a word, of. robust and unbending manhood. As in the case of Mr. WestfaU, such mem are always successful, either in private business enter prise or public life. He has, however, never sought advancement save through the legiti mate channels of his business, wherein his keen discrimination, capable management and well directed energy have brought to him' success. Mr. AVestfall was born at Phelps, On tario county, New York, January 20, 1865, and is a son of Jacob and Amanda ( Savart- hout) WestfaU. His maternal grandfather, Samuel Swarthout, avas a pioneer of Orange county, New York, building the first mill within its borders, and avas prominently identified avith its early history, contribut ing in a large measure to its improvement and upbuilding. The father of our subject was also a representative of a prominent family. He made farming his life Avork and always remained in the Empire state, where he took an active part in public affairs. B. S. WestfaU remained upon the home, farm until eighteen years of age, during which time he laid the foundation for a good education* by attendance at the common schools. He afterward entered the Phelps high school and subsequently completed a commercial course in the Rochester Business1 College, in which he avas graduated. In March, 1883, when eighteen years of age, he started avestward, locating in Calhoun county, Michigan, where he engaged in. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 419 farming through the summer months, while in the winter season he followed school teaching for two years. In March, 1885, he took up his abode at Clyde, Kansas, where he accepted the position of bookkeeper in. the Bank of Clyde, acting in that capacity until the following September. In December- 1885, in connection with his brother, M. P. WestfaU, he established a bank at Glenelder, Kansas, under the name of the Bank of Glen- dder, conducting the institution until June, 1886, when they sold out. The business was carried on by our subject, the brother being only financially interested in the concern. In August, 1886, they organized the Wilson State Bank, at Wilson, of which B. S. West- fall became president, — a position which he still holds. In the fall of 1887 they insti tuted the Hollyrood ,Bank, which they sold in December, 1888, and im January, 1889, Mr. WestfaU and associates purchased a controlling interest in the Central National Bank, of Ellsworth, of which he is now pres ident. He also organized the Sylvan State Bank, of Sylvan Grove, Kansas, in 1892, and is still a member of its diredorate. He has a record in the banking business and in financial circles which many a man of twice his years might well envy. The banks of which he has had charge have 'passed through the panics and financial crises of the past decade, when many older institutions were overwhelmed with disaster and sank in the general ruin, but those of which Mr. Westfall had control weathered the financial storms and established a reputation for sta bility and financial soundness that has gained uniform confidence of their many depositors. On the 12th of September, 1893, Mr. Westfall was united in marriage to Grace W. Ballon, a daughter of L. M. Ballon, a representative of a Massachusetts family. Her parents removed to Minneapolis, Kan sas^ where the father engaged in the hotel business, and afterward came to Ellsworth, where he Conducted the White House. In 1899 Mr. Westfall was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 9th of December of that year, leaving one child, Pauline. In January, 1901, he married Miss Nellie M. Morton, of Clay Center, Kansas. Through his well conducted and extensive business interests he has become the possess or of considerable means, and is enabled to surround his family with all of the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. Nothing affords him greater happiness than to min ister to them and he cannot do too much to enhance their wdfare. He has one of the most elegant homes in the city of Ellsworth, which he remodeled and improved, supply ing it with all modern conveniences, while its furnishings are all that wealth cam secure Avhen guided by good taste and culture. In his, political views Mr. Westfall is a Democrat. Fraternally he is a Knight Tem plar Mason and has filled various offices in the different Masonic bodies, being now chairman of the committee on credentials, in the grand commandery. He also belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen. His has been an eventful record and one which illustrates most forcibly the power of enter prise, industry and sound judgment in con quering fate and winning prosperity. At the age of, fourteen years he was left an orphan and has since made his own way in the world. He was still in his minority when he first entered the banking business,, at Glenelder, and to-day he is recognized as one of the most successful business men and leading financiers of central Kansas. DAVID M. SHUYLER. The subject of this revieav is certainly entitled to be considered not only one of the enterprising farmers of Huntsville township, but is also one of its respected and honored citizens. He was born in Maryland, on the 22 d of August, 1828, a son of Michael P. Shuyler, who was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, about i"798, and his death oc curred im Spencer county, Indiana, in 1853. He was a mechanic by trade, as was also the grandfather of our subject. The original ancestor of the family in this country was Philip Shuyler, avIio came from Germany, and was am American general in the Revo lutionary war. 420 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. David Al. Shuyler, the subject of this review, attended tbe schools of his locality until twelve years of age, after which he be came a student in the Chambersburg Acad emy, where he enjoyed superior educational advantages. After leaving the school-room as a student he entered the teacher's profes sion, Avhich he folloaved for three winter terms in Cincinnati, but, preferring the. life of an agriculturist to that of instructing the young along lines, of mental advancement, he accordingly rented land in Spencer coun ty, Indiana, on which he remained for one year. He then became the possessor of an eighty-acre tract, on aahich only five acres had been improved, and immediately began the laborious task of clearing his land. Dur ing his residence in the Hoosier state he cleared three farms from the native timber, but in 1874 he sold bis possessions there and came to Reno county, Kansas, where he has ever since made his home, Avith the exception of the winter im which the grasshoppers vis ited this section in such great numbers and caused such terrible havoc. He was at that time residing in Hutchinson, to which place he had removed in order that his children might enjoy better educational facilities. As his means permitted, Mr. Shuyler has in creased his landed possessions until he noav owns two farms, each containing one hun dred and sixty acres, on which he is engaged in general farming and stock-raising. On the nth of June, 1901, he was stricken with paralysis, since which time he has been un able to engage actively in the work of the farm. While residing in Spencer county, In diana, om the 7th of November, 1850, Mr. Shuyler Avas united in marriage to Miss Lo- dema Burdick, a native of Llamilton county, Ohio, her birth having occurred within nine miles of Cincinnati, April 4, 1832. Her par ents, Squire and Hannah (Lovel'l) Burdick, were natives of the Empire state, but in an early day removed' to Ohio, casting in their lot among the pioneer settlers of that com monwealth. Her grandfather Avas a tavern keeper there in a very early day. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Shuyler have been born twelve children, nine of avhom greav to years of maturity, as follows: G. A., who was born August 7, 1 85 1, and is a resident of Hills dale, Oregon, having one son and two daughters; F. M., who is married and re sides at Bourbon, Missouri; Jane, the wife of James Wallace, of Dexter, Kansas ; Etta, wife of Charles G. Case, of Kansas City, Missouri ; Viola, who resides with her par ents and is engaged in teaching both piano and organ music ; W. G., avho is married and resides in Huntsville township, having a son and daughter; Cora, avife of Robert Con stant, of Pawnee, Oklahoma, by avhom she has five children, three sons and two daugh ters; Emma, avife of Melvin Cassill, of Langdon, Kansas, and they have a son and daughter ; and Alice Pliler, who is deceased, leaving a som and daughter. In political matters Air. Shuyler gives his support to the Republican party, and for seven years he held the office of justice of the peace. Both he and his Avife are worthy and consistent members of the Methodist church, and in tbe community where they have so long resided1 they are held in the highest esteem. He is indeed an honored pioneer of Reno county, and one avhose close identification with the interests' of this section avell entitles him' to representation in this a'olume. TRUSTIMON B. TOTTE'N. The avell knoavn resident of Reno county Avhose name is above avas the first postmaster at Huntsville, the postoffice having been es tablished in his dwelling February 15, 1878, and he. avas again appointed to the same of fice in April, 1899. He is also one of the lead ing farmers of Huntsville township and his farm on section 6, toavnship 23, range 9, is one of the best in its vicinity. Trustimon B. Totten was born in Oneida county, New York, March 12, 1838, a son of Joseph P. Totten, avho was born in that state September 6, 1800. He removed to- Indiana im 1842, and died there September 30, 1864. He was a grandson of James Totten, avho was born October 11,1771, and died in AVilmington township, De Kalb BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 421 county, Indiana, September 27, 1857. The American ancestors of the family of Totteii, came from Holland. James Totten mamed Joanna Wing, November 10, 1799, and they reared three sons and three daugbters, all of AA'homi except two of the daughters had chil dren and all are dead. Joanna (Wing) Tot ten died in Neav York, February 14, 1835, aged nearly sixty-four years. Joseph Totteii married Betsy Barnes, January 21, 1822. She was born in 1804 and died June 27, 1880, aged seventy-six years. Joseph Tot ten died September 30, 1864. They had children as follows : Leverett J., born April 2, 1823, who died in Gratiot county, Michi gan, leaving five children; Henry J., born December 9, 1824, now living in Toledo, Ohio; Squire Totten, of Natoma, Osborne county, Kansas, avho avas born May 31, 1827; William B., who was born November 21, 1829, and died at Gatesville, Texas, in December, 1890; Helen P., who was born April 4, 1832, and married E. W. Fosdick, and died May 15, 1856; Jonathan J., who was born May 8, 1835, and is a lawyer and a farmer avho lives near Castle Rock, Colorado; Trustimon, B., the immediate sub ject of this sketch; Panada J., who married David Beggs and died in 1871 leaving a son four years old ; Albert P., who was born in Indiana, September 2, 1844, and died at Evansville, that state, at the age of seventeen years and six months, March 8, 1862, while serving as a private in Company F, Forty- fourth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infan try, leaving an enviable record as a good sol dier avon im action at Fort Dondson and in other memorable engagemients. Trustimon B. Totten was reared to farm work and recdved a primary education in public schools, which he supplemented by attendance at a select school and at an acad emy. When he was twenty years old he taught one term of school. After that he was a clerk, in a store for a year and then he engaged in the grocery and provision trade at Auburn, Indiana. September 7, 1865, he married Hannah A. Davis, who was bora at Black Rock, Erie county, Neav York, January 21, 1840, a daughter of Will iam and Deborah (White) Dutcher Davis. The father was born April 6, 1801, and the mother August 15, 1804. They were reared in Cherry Valley, Oneida county, New York, and were there married September 25, 1825. They made their wedding tour by a packet on the Erie Canal to Black Rock, now suburban town of Buffalo, where the father engaged in making soft fur hats, bdng a hatter by trade. They davelt there until their family of four sons and two' daughters reached mature years. One daughter died at the age of six years and ten months. The parents and children have gone to their final rest, save one, their daughter, Hannah A. Totten. -She was a teacher in the district schools in northern Indiana. In 1864 she became a teacher in the contraband schools,. in which negroes were instructed under the auspices of the Indiana branch of the freed- men/s bureau, and was thus employed at. Murphysboro. Mr. and Mrs. Totten have had children' as follows: Herbert C, born November 12, 1866, who has a wife and one son and lives in Hutchinson, Kansas ; Hattie D., avho married Harry S. Schall and lives in Hutchinson, Kansas ; Marion D., who was. born February 14, 1869, and has a wife and three children and. is, a merchant im Hunts-* ville, Kansas ; Dora V.,who was born June 1, 1870, and died March 5, 1873 ; Norman R., a teacher and a law student at the State Uni versity at Lawrence, Kansas, who was born September 23, 1873; Carrie L., who was borm April 24, 1875, and is a member of her parents' household; 'Jennie, who was born April 6, 1877, and "died December 2, 1878; and Mervale E., who was born April 23, 1884, and is now assisting his father and attending school at the State Agricultural College, at Manhattan, Kansas. In September, 1861, Mr. Totten enlisted in Company F, Forty-fourth Regiment, In diana Volunteer Infantry, with avhich he served four years as a drummer and as a corporal. He veteranized at Chattanooga by re-enlistmemt. He was in action at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Chiekamauga and Stone River and in other historic fights. His eyes became affected and he was for a consider able time under medical treatment for chron ic ophthalmia. He removed from Indiana to 422 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Kansas in 1877, arriving om October 5. November 13, following, he moved to his one hundred and sixty acre homestead farm in Huntsville township, and he and his fam ily took up their residence in a house sixteen by twenty-four feet in area. Only twenty- five acres of this land had been improved and he paid a previous sdtler upon it three hundred dollars for his claim. Since then he has improved the place until it is one of the best farms in the county and has built upon it a good residence and adequate barns and outbuilding's. Politically he is a strong Republican, and he was once the nominee of his party for the office of register of deeds for Reno county. He and his wife are mem bers of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the local body of avhich he has long been an official; and be was instrumental in bringing about the erection of its present fine church edifice. He selected a site for the building ten years before work on it was1 begun and circulated the first subscription list to raise funds for it and gave his time to it almost entirely until the building was completed and turned over to the trustees in 1894. Mrs. Totten, who possess.es marked lit erary ability, has' for many years1 been a cor respondent for the press. Her avork long appeared in the Hutchinson News and is now a feature in the Sterling Bulletin. Her son, Marion D. Totten, is now the Hunts ville correspondent of the Hutchinson Daily News. Both Mrs, Totten and her son evince great capacity for local correspondence and their newsy letters to- the journals mentioned compare more than favorably with those of most local correspondents. Marion D. Tot ten Avas educated in: the schools at Hunts ville and Hutchinson. He left the farm at the age of -seventeen years and for three years attended school and clerked in a store at Hutchinson. The succeeding four years he spent in learning the machinist's trade avith the Eagle Manufacturing Company, at Davenport, Iowa.. Then,' in company avith Harry Scholl, he organized the Cedar Trans fer Company, avhich built up a very success ful business. He avas married im Septem ber, 1897, to Miss Mary E. Fleischer, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and they began their domestic life at Hutchinson, in their • oavn home in a house Wphich Mr. Totten still owns. He removed to Huntsville in 1899 and opened a small general store, upon a capital of less than five hundred, dollars, and tavo years later his establishment invoiced taventy-one hundred dollars. Marion D. and Mary E. (Fleischer) Totten have three daughters: Vera A., aged six years; Vita I., aged three years, and Lucile C, aged one year. Mt. Totten is a Knight of Pythias and a member of the AVoodmen of tbe World, He affiliates with the Republican party and while a citizen of Hutchinson was active in political work. Mrs. Totten/ is1 a member of the Fraternal Aid Association and of other local organizations. Her parents were born in Germany and emigrated to Penn- .sylvania, where they lived out their days, and died leaving two children, herself and a. brother, Fred Fleischer, of Pittsburg, Penn sylvania. Her father, who was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was late in life im the real-estate business. For a time Mr. and Mrs. Totten, of this review, lived in Hutchinson, Kansas, avhere they went to educate their children and avhere Mr. Totten avas in the mercantile business. Norman R. Totten avas a snare drummer in the regimental band of the Twenty-first Kansas Regiment during the service of that organization in the Spanish war. GEORGE H. MINER, D. D. S. Dr. George H. Aiiner, who: is engaged in the practice of dentistry in Hutchinson, has avona creditable position in the profession because his equipment avas good and be cause his mechanical skill ably supplements his theoretical knoavledge. He now enjoys a large and growing patronage and the suc cess AA-hich crowns his efforts is .well merited. The Doctor is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred; in Brookfield, that state, on the 1 2th of April, 1852. He is the second of the three children of Joel and Polly (Bushnell) Miner. His father was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1807, while his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 423 mother was a native of Trumbull county, Ohio. In 1828, avhen a young man, Joel Miner removed to Ohio where he avas mar ried and engaged in merchandising, con ducting a store first in Brookfield and after ward in Hartford, during an early epoch in the history of the Buckeye state. The coun try avas avild and neAV and the work of civ ilization was just being introduced into that portion of the country. Mr. Miner remained in Ohio until 1872 and in connection with his business' affairs he also took an active part in public interests, filling for years the offices of justice of the peace and postmaster. He avas most loyal to the trust reposed in him and his official service won him high commendation. In his political views he AA'as 'a Republican. In 1872 he removed to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he lived re tired until his death in 1898. His children were: Joel, a resident of Ann Arbor; -George H. ; and Alary L., a teacher im the ¦public schools of Detroit, Michigan. The boyhood days of the Doctor were •quietly passed in his parents' home, his time being divided betaveen. work on the farm and the duties of the school-room. His prelim inary education avas acquired in the public schools of Ann Arbor, ' Michigan, later he avas a student in Wayland Academy, at Beaver Dam, AVisconsin, and his collegiate work aaas accomplished in the University of Michigan, where he avas graduated with the -class of 1876, receiving the degree of Bach elor cf Science. After his graduation the Doctor went to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, where for a period of five years he avas the principal of the high school of that city. In 1881 he accepted the position of chemist for the Oxmoor Iron Company, of Birmingham, Alabama, and served' in that capacity for three years. In 1884 be entered the dental department of the University at Ann Arbor and after studying for several years established an •office at South Lyon, Michigan, where he remained for a year. Im 1887 be came to Hutchinson', Avhere he began practice, which he has followed here continuously since. As the years have passed he has demonstrated his ability and his satisfactory workmanship has gained for him a continually growing patronage. He has kept fully abreast of all the latest improvements in dental work and his skill has gained him prestige, winning him rank among the ablest representatives of the profession in this part of the state. His spacious and elegant apartments in the Ma sonic Temple building are fully equipped with all the latest devices that facilitate his work and the constantly growing support accorded him by the public is abundant evi dence of his high standing in public opinion. The Doctor was happily married August 23, 1882, to Aliss Fannie I. Miter, of Ri pon, Wisconsin, and their home has been blessed with three children, Helen, Harold and Fannie. The Doctor and his wife have a wide acquaintance in Hutchinson and the hospitality of many of the best homes of the city is freely accorded them. He is identi fied with the Masonic society and is a wor thy exemplar of the craft. Of the Odd Fel loavs Lodge here he is past noble grand and past chief patriarch of the encampment, while to the grand lodge of the order he has served as delegate. He also has membership relations with the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica and the Court of Honor. Prominent in politics he is a supporter of the Republican party and has served as a member of the Republican county central committee. He has been a delegate to the various county, congressional and state conventions and his opinions! carry weight in their councils. His labor in behalf of the party is purely disin terested, arising if rom' firm belief im the party platform, for he has never sought or desired office, preferring to give his attention in un divided manner to his profession, in which ability has gained him honorable distinc tion. BERT STRATMANN. That sturdy element of our .population avhich has come from Germany has long been avell represented in Kansas and has been greatly instrumental in the develop ment of leading interests of this state! One 424 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of the best known Germans of Ellsworth county is Bert Stratmann, a prominent mer chant of Hollyrood. Mr. Stratmann. was born in Hanover, Germany, May 2, 1859, a son of Christopher and Caroline (Clop- ner) Stratmann, both of avhom' avere natives of Hanover. Christopher Stratmann be came a contractor on railway construction, and for nearly forty years avas concerned in the building of railways in Germany, France and Russia. In 1877 he came to America and bought five quarter-sections of railroad land in Ellsavorth county, Kan sas, and engaged in farming. He improved his land and developed it into good agricul tural property. He died February 23, 1898, and his avidow lives on his old home stead avith their son Herman. Bert Stratmann is one of six children born to Christopher and Caroline (Clop- ner) Stratmann. Albert, the eldest, is op erating one of the Stratmann farms, and Alexander is a farmer in Ellsworth county; Emilie married William Stoltenberg, a farmer of Ellsavorth county; Freda married Ernest Peterman, a farmer of Ellsworth county; and Herman manages the Strat mann homestead. The subject of this sketch was eighteen years old when he was brought by his parents to America and to Kansas. He came to: this country equipped with a good literary education, gained in the sohools of his native land. Until he was twenty-five years old he assisted his father in the management of his business and after that he operated one of his father's farms until 1890, avhen he bought an interest in the firm of H. C. Frevert & Company, the name of which was changed to Frevert & Stratmann. Nine years later Mr. Strat mann bought the interest of Mr. Frevert, and he has one of the best equipped and most attractive general stores in his part of the state and carries a large and compre hensive stock of dry goods, clothing and household necessaries. The erection of his large and sightly store building was begun in 1886, avhen a one-story building, cover ing a ground space of thirty by seventy feet, was built. The size of the building has been increased to thirty by one hun dred feet, and in 1900 a second story was built by Mr. Stratmann. It is a substantial stone building, the only one of its class in toavn, except the bank building. Politically Mr. Stratmann is a Demo crat and he has always been active in con nection avith public * matters. He was the trustee of his township for three years, held the office of township clerk, avas for six years a notary public and for six years he lias been secretary of the school board. He is a member of the German Lutheran- church. S. L. SMITH. One of the successful and extensive ag riculturists of Kingman county is S. L. Smith, who owns a fine farm of three hun dred and twenty acres in White township. He was born in Ritchie county, West Vir ginia, in 1854, and is a member of a promi nent old southern family of that common wealth. His father, Barnes Smith, was a son of Barnes Smith, Sr.,and both wtere natives of that state and of English descent. The former married Harriet Dye, a native of the Old Domninon and a daughter of Dennis Dye, of Scotch-Irish descent. Unto this couple avere born seven children, as fol lows : Oliver; S. L, of this review; J. D.r a resident of the state of Washington; L. C, of Oklahoma; A. G. ; Rosa; and Mary. The father of this family was called to his final rest at the age of sixty-three years. He fob loaved the tilling of the soil as a life occupa tion, avas identified avith . the Republican party, and was a deacon in the Baptist church. His widow is still living, having reached the sixty-third milestone on the journey of life. S. L. Smith, the only representative of the above family in the Sunflower state, was reared on a farm in his native county, and in that state he continued to make his home until 1887, avhich year witnessed his arrival in Kansas. His first purchase of land in this county consisted of a, tract of one hundred OX? S. dsrruX&l MRS. S. L. SMITH. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 425 and sixty_ acres, but by giving strict atten tion to his business interests he has been en abled to add to his landed possessions until he is noav the oavner of three hundred and twenty acres, all of avhich is under a fine state of cultivation. When he purchased his land nine years ago it avas avild and un cultivated, but he noav has it all fenced, has erected a comfortable home, fourteen by twenty-four feet, avith an L sixteen by six teen feet" and with one of the best cellars in the county, has also erected a barn, twenty- four by forty feet, granaries and sheds for his hogs and cattle, keeping about seventy- five head of the latter. He also raises tbe Red Berkshire hogs, of which he keeps a nice drove. All of his possessions have been ac quired since locating on his present farm. . All the improvements of a well regulated . place are seen upon his premises, and in the county of his adoption he is now regarded as a leading and representative agriculturist. The marriage of Mr. Smith was cele brated in 1873, when nineteen years of age, Miss Mary McCray becoming his wife. She was born in the state of Pennsylvania, but avhile yet young she moved to Calhoun coun ty, Virginia, and avas reared and educated there and avas also married in that state. She is a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth McCray. Ten children have blessed the union of our subject and wife, namely: Montuzuma, Calvin A., M. Van Buren, Laura Al. Stanberg, Rosa F., Albertus G., Pearl, Maud and Kenneth. A little daugh ter also died when a babe. Mrs. Smith is a worthy and active member of the United Brethren church. Mr. Smith is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fello.ws, No. 199, of Kingman, Kansas. The Republican party receives Air. Smith's active support and co-operation, and on its ticket he has been elected to many positions of honor and trust. For many years he served as a jus tice of the peace, and was also treasurer of the schol board. A progressive farmer, a competent official and a man whose social qualities commend him to the friendship, and regard of all, he is both widely and favorably knoavn in Kingman county. 27 F. M. LONNON. In central Kansas F. M. Lonnon is well known, having been a resident of this por tion of the state since 1876, the year of his arrival in Ellsavorth county. He is now living in Atlanta township., Rice county, avhere he has a valuable farm. He avas born* April 4, 1842, in Holmes county, Ohio, a son of William; and Nancy ( Hoover) Lon non, the former a native of the Buckeye state and the latter of Pennsylvania. The mother avas of Holland descent and was a daughter of Abraham Hoover, who was also born in Pennsylvania. The parents of our subject have had nine children, namely: John, Mrs. Mary Crowley, Francis M., Abraham, Mrs. Delilah Jolly, Thomas, who is living in Miami county, Kansas, Airs. Elizabeth Wilson and two who are now de ceased. George, the eldest of the family, was a soldier in the Nineteenth Iowa In fantry during the Civil war, and died at Springfield, Missouri, while another son, AVilliam, has also passed away. The fa ther died at the age of seventy-seven years, in Miami county,. Kansas, and the mother passed away in Ellsworth county, Kansas, about 1884. He had made farming his life work, and through that occupation had pro vided comfortably for his wife and children. In politics he was a Republican. Both were honored and loved by all who knew them,. and they had a large circle of friends. F. M. Lonnon, the subject of this re vieav, spent the greater part of his youth in Van Buren county, Iowa, upon a farm, where from the time of early planting in the spring he worked in the fields until harvests were garnered in the late autumn. His edu cational privileges were those afforded by the public schools. His patriotic spirit was aroused at the time of the Civil war, and on the 15th of August, 1862, he responded to President Lincoln's call for three hundred thousand troops, enlisting for three years' service in the Nineteenth Iowa Infantry, under Colonel Crabb and Captain Payne. He participated in the battle of Spring-field, Missouri, in the siege of Vicksburg, the bat tle of Mobile, Alabama, and in the campaign 426 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. in Texas, and at the close of the avar was honorably discharged with a creditable mili tary record, having ever been found at his post of duty as a faithful defender of the Union. Laying aside bis suit of blue, he then resumed farming in Scotland county, Alissouri, near Memphis, avhere he resided until 1876, the year of his arrival in Ells worth county, Kansas. He was among its early settlers, and from that time to' the present has been an active factor in the sub stantial groavth and development of this portion of the state. He first lived near Lorraine, avhere he opened up a farm, con tinuing its cultivation for taventy-four years. He then sold that property and then purchased avhat was knoAvn as the God- schockt farm, adjoining Lyons. Here he yet makes his home. The property is improved with a good residence, substantial barns, a fine orchard, a avind-mill for pumping water to the pastures, all indicating the super vision of an energetic, practical and pro- gressive owner. Everything about the place is in excellent condition, and the farm is a valuable one. ' In Scotland county Mr. Lonnon was united, in marriage, in January, 1866, to Aliss Catherine Close, an estimable lady, avho was born in Holmes county, Ohio, and is a daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Thomp son) Close, the latter a native of the Buck eye state, Avhile the former avas born in Pennsylvania. Her parents had the folloav ing children : Alalinda Lonnon; Mrs. Caro line Lonnon; Alalachi; John; Thomas; Willard; Airs. Cornelia Mlallett, of Colo- rada ; Stephen, deceased ; Jeremiah, avho died in childhood ; and Eliza, avho has also passed aavay. Airs. Lonnon, the avife of our subject, aaas a little girl aahen her parents removed to Van Buren county, Ioava. There they remained until called to the home be yond, the mother passing aAvay at the age of sixty, avhile the father reached the sixty- liinth milestone on the journey of life. He aaas a carpenter by trade, and avas an active factor in the upbuilding of his adopted county. Llis political support avas given the Republican party, and in religions faith he avas a Methodist in his later life, but in former years avas connected avith the United Brethren church. The marriage of our sub ject and his avife has been blessed with six children : Ella, avife of W. K. Foster, of Ness county, Kansas ; Alma, wife of Charles Williams, of Rice county; Ross, of Ells worth county; Grace, wife of John Frantz, of Ellsavorth county; Pearl, who: has been a successful teacher; and Earl, at home. The parents belong to the Methodist Epis copal church, and Mr. Lonnon votes with the Republican party. He co-operates in all movements for the general good, and assists in every measure that he believes will bene fit the community. At the same time he successfully carries on his farming opera tions, and as the result of his diligence and capable management he is noav the pos sessor of a very comfortable competence. REUBEN B. SHUMiWAY. In all life's relations R. B. Shumway has enjoyed the confidence and respect of his felloav men, and to-day he is known as a representative and leading farmer and stock-raiser of Rice county, as one of its honored early settlers and as a veteran of the Civil war. He has also occupied pub lic offices, and as county treasurer displayed his fidelity to the best interests of the people whom he represented. Air. Shumjway is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Scioto county, on the 3d of January, 1844, his parents being John Q. and Hettie (Snyder) Shumavay, avho avere also natives of the Buckeye state. The father avas a son of Sylvanus T. Shumavay, of Pennsylvania, and the great-grandfather of our subject aaas Reuben Shumavay, a native of New York. He avas of French descent. His ancestors avere French Huguenots, avho were banished from their country on ac count of the religious difficulties with the Catholics and therefore came to America during colonial days, settling in New York, avhence they became loyal citizens of their adopted country. Reuben Shumway served through the avar of the Revolution, and his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 427 patriotic spirit has been manifest in the lives of his descendants, avho have ever been true and loyal to the best interests of America. He reared a family of four sons, namely : Darias, Alvah, Sylvanus and Cyrus, all of avhom served in the avar of 181 2. After re turning from the avar of 1812 Sylvanus Shumway, the grandfather of our subject, emigrated to Ohio. Building a raft, he with his family and effects floated down the Allegheny river to the Ohio river and thence to the mouth of the Big Scioto river, in Ohio. This occurred about 171 7 or 1718. He established a home in that state, and there resided until his death. He was a broad-minded, intelligent man and exer cised strong influence for good in the com munity with which he was associated. He was a civil engineer and in an early day fol lowed surveying in the Buckeye state. He also improved a large farm, upon which he spent tbe years of an active and honorable business career. He was enterprising and public-spirited and was favorably known for his sterling integrity and honor. His children were : Polly, avho became the wife of H. Van Gorder and after his death mar ried William' Jenkins; Harriet, the wife of N*. McCowan; John Q. ; and Mrs. Julia T. Crabtree. The parents held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and in his political views the grandfather of our sub ject avas a Whig. Both he and his wife avere people of the highest respectability, their lives being in harmony with their Christian professions. John Q. Shumway, the father of our subjed, was born and reared in Ohio and his was an upright and useful career. His birth occurred in Scioto county, July 24, 1823, and he died on the 7th of March| 1897. When he had arrived at years of ma turity he wedded Miss Hettie Snyder, who avas born November 27, 1825, and died De cember 14, 1893. They always resided in the state of their nativity and after their mar riage located on the old Shumway home stead, aahich had been entered and improved by his father. In early life John Q. Shum way joined the Methodist Episcopal church and remained a loyal member throughout the years of his earthly pilgrimage. He contributed liberally to the support of the church and avas a man of high Christian character, cheerful disposition and of broad charity. Llis many virtues made him an in fluential resident of his community, and he left the impress of his individuality not only upon the members of his own household but upon many friends, and his memory re mains as a blessed benediction to all who knew him. He voted with the Whig party in early manhood and on its dissolution joined the Republican party, but never sought or cared for office. In 1862 he aided in organizing Company F, of the One Hun dred and Seventeenth Obio> Volunteer In fantry, which on the 10th of August, 1863, was re-organized as a company of Ohio heavy artillery. At that time he became lieutenant, serving as such until the com pany was mustered out, August 10, 1865. He kept a complete diary during the war, giving a brief but concise account of army life avith all the engagements. It is now a valuable memoir, containing a record of the battles and incidents, and thus giving a correct and vivid picture of war life. He voted for Abraham Lincoln on the 8th of November, 1864, avhile at the front. No braver man shouldered a musket in defense of his country than John Q. Shumway, but it avas with great joy that be returned to his home and family avhen the war was over and the preservation of the Union was as sured. He re-entered the walks of civil life with an earnestness that was characteristic of the man and lived out his three score years and ten, until the Great Commander called his volunteers, and on the 7th of March, 1897, he answered the roll call above. His was a noble and upright char acter, commanding uniform respect, and he avas avidely knoavn as' a considerate neigh bor, a faithful friend and a devoted hus band and father, as avell as a man of sterling integrity and honor. His wife was a daughter of John and Sally (Mead) Sny der, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of NeAV York. After their marriage they located in Ohio, where they became prominent and well known farming people. 428 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Their children avere Judah, Ezra, Hettie, Jonathan, Esther and Mary. The three sons served their country in the Rebellion and Judah laid down his life in defense of the Union and was buried at Helena, Ar kansas. Both parents were members of the Baptist church. The children of John Q. and Hettie (Snyder) Shumavay were Reuben B.; Sarah, the wife of D. W. Strouse; Cy rus AV., who came as a pioneer to Rice coun ty in 1 87 1 and here spent his remaining days as a prominent and honored early set tler and a leading Republican, serving at one time as county treasurer; John, who- is liv ing in Ohio ; Milton, who occupies the office of auditor of Scioto county, Ohio; Maria, the avife of H. Ketter, of Ohio'; and James O., avho owns and operates the old family homestead in the Buckeye state. It avas upon that farm that Reuben B. Shumaaay avas born and reared. He re ceived his elementary education in the com mon schools and afteravard attended an academy, his training at farm avork being received in the fields under his father's direction. When about taventy years of age, aroused by a spirit of patriotism, he ¦ joined Company F, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Ohio Infantry, avhich avas as signed to the Department of West Virginia. He joined his regiment at Gallipolis, Ohio, and was there mustered out on the 3d of September, 1864, receiving" an honorable discharge. His command avas detailed to guard service and also engaged in skirmish ing to some extent, but Mr. Shumway re ceived no wounds. Returning home he re sumed work on the farm and there remained until December 24, 1865, when he was mar ried. In the spring of that year he had been elected assessor and the following. year avas re-elected to the same office, thus serv ing for tAvo years. Llaving located upon a small farm, he cultivated the fields and in connection carried on surveying, executing some contracts on public works, such as turnpikes and bridges. He superintended the construction of the big bridge over the Scioto river and continued farming and contracting until 1885. In that year Mr. Shumavay came to Kansas, Avhere he has since made his home, locating in Rice county. He took his fam ily to the home of his brother, avho was then county treasurer, and he employed Mr. ShuniAvay as his assistant. For eight years he filled the position of deputy treasurer and avas then elected to the office for a term of four years, so that he was connected with the position continuously for twelve years, a fact which indicates in an unmistakable manner his fidelity to duty and the care with avhich he superintended the financial inter ests of the community. While acting as treasurer he avas also made assignee of the Bank of Lyons to' settle up its business. In the fall of 1885 he purchased the farm upon Avhich he yet resides, and there located his family, Avhile each day for twelve years he drove to and from his business. During the boom in Lyons, Mr. Shumway Avas actively interested therein and lost considerable money in the collapse, but altogether his business career has been a profitable and successful one, and to-day he owns valuable farms, comprising altogether about twelve hundred acres. He carries on general farm ing and raises, buys and handles stock. He has improved the grade of stock, giving special attention to shorthorn cattle, and he noav has a number of fine registered ani mals upon his place, including a head of registered Jerseys. Air. Shumavay avas joined in avedlock to Aliss Barbara Schuster, avho avas born in Ohio, Noa-ember 19, 1844, a daughter of John and Margaret (Getschell) Schuster, aalio avere natia-es of Germany and became successful farming people of Ohio. Her father died in 1865, after avhich his widow found a good home avith her daughter, Airs. Shumavay, there spending her last days, her death occurring in 1895, at the very ada-anced age of ninety-one years. Both avere consistent members of the Luth eran church. Their children avere Mrs, Au gusta Groff, Airs. Laura Mink, Christina, who became the avife of LI. Myers and is noav deceased, and Barbara, wife of our subject. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs, Shumavay has been blessed with nine chil dren : John XV., avho is agent for the Wa- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 429 bash Railroad Company at Council Bluffs, Iowa; Ella, wife of W. D. Diompson, a resident farmer of Rice county; Henry, Charles and Edward A., who are also fol loaving agricultural pursuits in the same county; Bertha, at home; Hettie, wife of C. Plank; and Clay and James M., Avho are with their parents. Mr. Shumway holds membership Avith Kit Carson Post, No. 20, G. A. R., of Lyons. His wife belongs to the Lutheran cburch, while he is a worthy member of the Methodist church. He takes a very active interest' in Sunday-school work, is serving as superintendent and co operates earnestly in the work of the church along lines of advancement. During his residence in Kansas he has progressed finan cially and is to-day one of the substantial agriculturists of his adopted county. He has a commendable record for fidelity in office, for loyalty to the duties of citizenship and for the faithful discharge of the obli gations which devolve upon him in relation to his fellow men. S. J. SMITH. At an early period in the development of Rice county S. J. Smith came to Kansas, settling in this portion of the state, and since that time he has been numbered among its prominent and representative farmers. He was born in Richland county, Ohio, September 17, 1835, a son of Samuel and Mary A. (Soper) Smith. The Smith fam ily is of Scotch-Irish descent and the Soper family is of German lineage. The father of our subject was born in Washington coun ty, Pennsylvania, and was one of five chil dren, namely: Thomas and Jedediah, who died in Ohio; Samuel; Mary, the wife of W. Barnes, who removed to Iowa, where her last days were spent; and Nellie, who became the wife of J. K. Barnes and died in Ohio. Samuel Smith, the father of our subject, was reared and married in Pennsyl vania. His wife was a native of Maryland. Soon afterward they Avent to Ohio, where he purchased a tract of raav land and began the development of a farm. Subsequently he purchased, improved and sold three farms. All of his children were born in Ohio-, and in 1806 he removed with his fam ily to Michigan, settling in the northern peninsula, where he. purchased and sold real estate, there spending his remaining days. He died in Benzonia, Michigan, October 20, 1875. While in Ohio he served as captain of a militia company. Politically he was a Whig and abolitionist in early life, being strongly opposed to the institution of slavery. He filled many minor township offices and was a progressive and loyal citi zen. In early life he held membership in the Presbyterian church and later became identified with the Refo-nned or Congrega tional church, in avhich he served as deacon for many years. He was also superintend ent of the Sunday-school for more than twenty years. He contributed liberally to churcb avork and gave of his time and effort to' the advancement of the cause of religion. Much of his thought and labor was- devoted to measures calculated to prove of benefit to his fellow men and he was a liberal con tributor to all charitable institutions. A devoted Christian, he was enterprising and public-spirited and had a high sense of in tegrity and honor. The poor and needy found in him a friend and his neighbors knew him to be a considerate, just and straightforayard man. He passed away at the age of seventy-six years, and his wife, long surviving, departed this life in July, 1896, when eighty-six years of age. They had eight children, namely : Ruth A., the wife of J. H. Ford, who became the parents of Mrs. Governor Altgeld, of Illinois; Mar tha, the wife of C. C. Baldwin, a Congre gational minister of Ohio; James AV., Aamo died in childhood; Elizabeth, the wife of C. G. Bryant, a merchant of Knox county, Ohio; Charles, avho died at the age of six years; S. J., whose name introduces this review; Edward P., of Chicago; and Mary M., the avife of William Patterson, of Ohio. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for S. J. Smith in his youth. He remained at home until he had attained his majority and then 43" BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. went to- Illinois, avhere he engaged in teach ing school, for he had enjoyed liberal edu cational privileges, his early mental disci pline having been supplemented by a course in the Oberlin Academy. He continued to follow the teacher's profession until 1862, when, feeling that his country needed his service, he offered his aid to the govern ment, enlisting for three years or during the avar, as a member of Company E, Seventy- seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry,- under command of Colonel D. P. Greir. The regi ment avas assigned to the western depart ment, becoming a member of the Thirteenth Army Corps, with Sherman in command. Air. Smith participated in the siege of Vicksburg and the battle of Arkansas Post and avas with General Grant in all of his campaigning in the vicinity of Vicksburg until the capitulation of the city. After the close of that campaign he was granted a twenty-days furlough, the only leave of ab sence avhich he had during his entire term of military service. On its expiration he re turned to his command and continued with his regiment until the close of the avar. His military duty was often arduous. He avas in much skirmishing and in seventeen hotly contested battles. At the time of Lee's sur render he avas located in Alabama, in aahich state the regiment avas mustered ont and avent to Springfield, Illinois, avhere Mr. Smith received an honorable discharge and avas paid off in July, 1865. He then returned to his home and fam ily and resumed school teaching, avhich he followed continuously until 1867 when he accepted a position as bookkeeper in Peoria. A year later failing eye sight and close con finement compelled him to seek an occupa tion that avould enable him to have some out door exercise. Lie therefore purchased a small farm in Peoria county, upon avhich he remained for several years. In the spring of 1875 he came to Kansas, locating in Rice county, avhere he rented a, tract of land and began its cultivation. He lived alone through the summer, during* which time he located a homestead and built a house, and in the fall of the same year he sent for his family. Lie is yet residing on his original claim, avhich at first comprised one hundred and sixty acres, but to: this he has since added a tract of eighty acres. His home is a commodious two-story frame residence, in the rear of which stands substantial barns and outbuildings, and these in turn are surrounded by well tilled fields. He also has a good orchard and a grove of over five acres, in avhich are many squirrels which have their haunts in the trees. He and his wife planted seed and set out trees and are to-day enjoying the fruits of their la,bor. Their beautiful home and farm is situated six miles north of Lyons and is one of the most attractive country seats in this portion of the state. AVhen they came here there avere few permanent settlers and farming was carried on only on a small scale, but the country settled and developed rapidly and towns and villages avere founded. There were some buffaloes and many antelopes yet in the district, but Mr. Smith had no time to' hunt and Avithin a comparatively short period advancing civilization had driven all avild animals from this district. Occasion ally crops, have been poor, but usually the return for labor has been abundant. The avheat crop' is always reliable and his farm has ever been self-supporting and for many years his labors have been crowned with a high degree of prosperity. He has every reason to be pleased avith his adopted state, for here he has established a good home and has gained success. It was in i860 that Mr. Smith was united in marriage to Aliss Luanda A. Gardner, who was born in the city of Peoria, Illinois, November 3, 1840, and is a lady of intelligence and culture. Her parents, An sel M. and Lucinda (Bishop) Gardner, , were both natives of Neav York, avhere they avere married. The paternal grandfather, Adam Gardner, avas also born in the Em pire state and avas of English lineage. By trade he avas a shoemaker, and on leaving the east he removed to Illinois, where his last days avere passed. His children were: Otis, .avho died in Illinois; Ansel M., the father of Mrs. Smith ; Roxana, wife of W. Aleggs; Airs. Lydia Aleggs; Sophia, the avife of Judge Hunt; and Clarinda, who BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 43i married Isaac Spencer. Ansel M. Gardner was reared in New York and was ordained as a minister of the Baptist church. In 1835 he Avent to Peoria, Illinois, where he acted as local preacher until old age necessi tated his retirement. By occupation he was a mechanic, and in 1844 he took up his abode upon a farm, where he resided for a number of years, after which he retired to Osceola, his death there occurring. in 1876. Throughout his entire life his career was. in harmony avith his Christian teachings, and he died in the firm hope of everlasting happiness. His wife survived him' some time and spent her last days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Smith, avhere she found a good home. Her death occurred January 1, 1895. She AA-as a daughter of Joel Bishop, of New England, avIio served in the war of the Revolution and Avas a farmer by ocupation. His death occurred in the Empire state. He had thirteen children, namely: Chaun cy, Joel, Elijah, Reuben, Anna, Clara, Roxy, Sallie, Phoebe, Lucinda, Harriet, Martha and Rachel. The children of the Gardner family Avere: Martin A., who is noAV deceased ; Phoebe L., who became Mrs. Weaver and after the death of her first hus band she Avas again married ; Harriet, the widoav of AVilliam Calhoun and a resident" of-Craavford county, Kansas; Adam, who is living in the state of Washington; Mar tha F., the avife of Joseph A. Smith; Reu ben B., of Illinois; Lucinda, avife of S. J. Smith; Chauncy H., of Iowa; Mary J., the wife of C. H. Drury, of Illinois; and John A., who died at the age of twenty-two years. The parents of this family were members of the Baptist church and in that faith reared their children. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been blessed avith seven children, as fol lows: Charles J., of Utah; Samuel E., a farmer of Rice county; Ella M., avife of W. E. Cassingham, a grain merchant of Noble, Kansas; Frank, a stockman, at home; Lotta B., the avife of J. Blakeley, of Oklahoma ; Ransom T., of Utah ; and Mary L. Air. Smith is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, and likewise belongs to Kit Carson Post, No. 20, G. A. R., of Lyons, He avas reared in the faith of the Whig party and in i860 supported Stephen A. Douglas, avho avas the author of the Squat ter's Sovereignty plan for Kansas. After entering the army, however, he became a stanch advocate of Republican principles and has since supported the party. While in Illinois he filled a number of township offices and was clerk and treasurer for some time. Since coming to Kansas he has served for eight years as clerk of the courts and was deputy clerk for three years, while iu 1890 he AA'as elected to serve in the state senate. He is one of the most prominent and leading members of his party, and Avas at one time the nominee for county treas urer, but on account of the great strength of the Populist movement he Avas defeated. In the positions which he has filled he has discharged his duties with marked prompt ness and fidelity, and over the record of his public career there falls no shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil. He has con tributed) in no- unsubstantial manner to the progress and improvement of his portion of the state, and bis worth as a citizen is widely acknowledged. As an honored pio neer and man of genius, ability and worth he avell deserves representation in this vol ume. SAMUEL MAJORS. Samuel Majors is the efficient and popu lar postmaster of Waterloo, Kansas, to which position he avas appointed in June, 1897. He was born in AVhite county, Illi nois, April 14, 1837. The family is of English lineage, but for several generations has been represented in America. AArilliam Majors, the grandfather of our subject, avas a valiant soldier in the avar of 1812, and served under General Jackson at Horseshoe Bend. His son, Isaac Majors, the father of our subject, was born in Giles county, Ten nessee, and aa*hen he had reached man's es tate he married Martha Lay, avliO' avas born in North Carolina, and avas a daush- ter of Jesse Lay, a native of that state, of 432 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Scotch descent. Mr. Majors held member ship in the Baptist church and his wife in the Methodist Episcopal church. They instilled into the minds of their children les sons concerning the value of honesty and uprightness. Mrs. Major died at the early age of twenty-six years. By her marriage she became the mother of tavo sons and three daughters, namely: Samuel; Will iam ; Rebecca ; Mary ; and Martha. After the death of his first wife Mr. Majors was again married, and by the second union had a son, Jacob W. In his, political views the father avas a Democrat, and avas a citizen very loyal to the best interests of his county, state and nation. His long and honorable career covered a period of eighty years, at the end of which time he was called to- his final rest. Samuel Majors spent his youth in the usual manner of farmer lads, working in the fields on the Illinois homestead, while in the public schools of the neighborhood he ac quired his education. When the country became involved in the Civil war and needed the aid of her loyal sons, he enlisted on the 25th of July, 1 861, at the second call of President Lincoln for troops, becoming a member of Company C, Fortieth Illinois Infantry, under command of Captain E. Stewart and Colonel S. G. Hicks. He par ticipated in the battles of Belmont, Fort Denison, Fort Henry and Shiloh, and on being taken ill, was sent to the hospital at Louisville, Kentucky, where he was hon orably discharged June 14, 1862. Mr. Majors then returned to: his home and wife, for in i860 he had married Eliza beth A. Upton, a lady of culture and intelli gence, who has been a most able assistant to him in his life work. She was born, reared and educated in Springertown, Illi nois, a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Cain) Upton, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Tennessee. Both spent their last year in Illinois. Their family avas well represented by two brave sons who aided in the defense of the Union. James B. Upton, who: is now deceased, was a member of the Fortieth Illinois Infantry, and William W., avho became a member of the Fifty-sixth Illinois Regiment, was lost on the ship "General Lyons" at the time it was burned. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Majors has been blessed with eight children, namely : Martha A., Delpha E., Mlary E., Rebecca J., Charles E., Minnie A., Eliza A. and John A. The family are now living in Woodward county, Okla homa, near Curtis. In the year 1879 Mr. Majors disposed of his business interests in his native state and came to Kansas, locating first in Sum ner county, Avhere he remained until 1886, when he came to Kingman county. He has since been identified with the work of de- veloprhent and progress in this portion of the state, and is a citizen who places the public welfare before personal aggrandize ment. His political support is given to the Republican party and he never wavers in his allegiance to its principles. Appointed to his present position as postmaster of Waterloo in June, 1897, his administration has been one commending him to the con fidence and support of the best citizens, for he is prompt and reliable in the discharge of his duties. He keeps Avell informed on the issues of the day and takes just pride in public progress and improvement. Socially he is connected avith the Grand Army of the Republic and avith the Odd Fellows society, and in his life he exemplifies the beneficent spirit of these fraternities. N. J. YEAROUT. N. J. Yearout, superintendent of the Kingman County Infirmary and one of the early and highly respected residents of his locality, avas born in Blount county, Tennes see, in 1859. His father, J. J. Yearout, was a native of Knox' county, that state, and dur ing the war of the Rebellion he served for three and a half years as a brave and gal lant soldier. His wife, avho bore the maiden name of Jane Symerly, was born in Ger many. In 1866 Mr. Yearout removed with his family to Crittenden county, Kentucky, avhere they made their home for six years, MR. AND MRS. N. J. YEAROUT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 433 after which they took up their abode near Newton, in Neavton county, Missouri, there spending the folloaving five years. On the expiration of that period they came to the Sunflower state, securing a farm on section 35, Reno township, Reno county. The land Avas then knoavn as Osage Indian land and avas in its primitive condition, but Mr. Year out succeeded in placing his fields under a fine state of cultivation, and there the family made their home for many years. The fa ther's death occurred at Hunnewell, Sumner county, Kansas. He was a life-long farm er, and in his social relations was a mem- "ber of the Grand Army of the Republic, in Avhich he maintained pleasant relations with his old army comrades. His widow still survives and resides at Hunnewell, being now in her sixty-sixth y*ear. They became the parents of eight children, four sons and four daughters, — Jacob, Catharine, Martha S., N. J., Mary J., J. E., Alice, and J. C. N. J. Yearout, avhose name introduces this review, accompanied his parents on their various removals, and was reared and edu cated in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Kansas. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-two years of age, and in the following year avas united in marriage to Martha Whitehead, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Whitehead. They now make their home at Cheney, Kansas. Since as suming the duties of superintendent of the county poor farm and infirmary Mr. Year out has given to it his undivied attention. He has indeed proved himself an efficient and worthy man for the position, and the county commissioners are to be congratulated in securing him for this responsible office. The farm consists of three hundred and twenty acres of land, one hundred and twenty acres of which is under cultivation, while the re mainder is devoted to pasturage, in which may be seen an excellent grade of stock. About sixty head of cattle, seventy hogs and about seven horses are usually kept upon the place. The place is adorned with neat and substantial buildings and from six to twenty- three inmates yearly find excellent homes here. The Republican party receives Mr. Year- out's hearty support and co-operation, and- in his social relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. Mrs. Yearout is a member of the Christian church, and both she and her husband are highly, esteemed by all and enjoy the hospitality of the best homes in this section of the county, the circle of their friends being almost co-extensive with the circle of their acquaintances. SAMUEL JONES. In no profession is there a career more open to talent than in that of the law, and in no field of endeavor is there demanded a more careful preparation, a more thorough appreciation of the ethics of life or of the underlying principles which form the basis of all buman rights and privileges. Unflagging application and intuitive wis dom and a determination to' fully utilize the means at hand are the concomitants which insure personal success and prestige in this great profession, which stands as the stern conservator of justice; and it is one into which none should enter without a recog nition of the obstacles to. be overcome and the battles to be won, for success does not perch on the falchion of every person who enters the competitive fray, but comes only as the diametrical result of capability and unmistakable ability. Possessing all the requisites of the able lawyer, Mr. Jones is now occupying an enviable position among the leading attorneys in central Kansas, his home being in Lyons, where he has a large and distinctively representative clientage. He came here in 1888 and has since been a resident of the city. Mr. Jones is a native of Bloomfield, Da vis county, Iowa, born May 10, 1857, and is a son of M. H. Jones, one of the promi nent lawyers of the southern portion of that state through nearly half a century. The family is of English lineage and was founded in the south in early colonial days, the first of the name having come to' Amer ica with Lord Baltimore. A settlement was 434 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. made in Queen Anne county, Alaryland, the original American ancestor being the grand father of Benjamin Jones, the great-grand father of onr subject. Tlie family- has been represented in the Revolutionary war, the avar of 1812 and the Civil war, and have always been found on the side of liberty, of right and of progress. Benjamin Jones, grandfather of our subject, was reared in Maryland and Vir ginia and was a son of Mrs. Pamelia (Se- gar) Jones of Frederick county, Maryland. He became superintendent of a large mill race which was being erected in Virginia, and in that capacity directed the labors of many slaves, but being ' convinced that tbe habit of holding human beings in bondage avas unscriptural, he espoused the abolition cause and announced to his avife his inten tion of leaving Virginia and seeking a home in a neAV country free from, the nfluence of slavery. Lie had married Miss Kate Alex ander, who: belonged to' a prominent and distinguished family of Virginia that was also represented in the war of the Revolu tion. Her parents resided in Rockbridge county, Virginia, where they had many slaves. They were wealthy and influential and it will thus be seen that Mrs. Jones was descended from prominent ancestry. As Mrs. Jones' views were in harmony with those of her husband they liberated their slaves in 18 19 and removed to Putnam coun ty, Indiana, locating near Greencastle, avhere the grandfatber of our subject erected one of the first log houses in that portion of the state. He then devoted his energies to the development of a home for his family and to the work of preaching the gospel among his friends and neighbors, carrying the glad tidings of great joy into the frontier region. The Rev. Benjamin Jones and his avife became the parents of five children, namely: Peter A., deceased; Samuel; AL H., deceased; Benjamin, who served as colonel of the Third Iowa Cavalry in the Civil war; Thomas, of Wayne coun ty, Iowa; Airs. Kate Tolbert, deceased; and Airs. Jaiie May, who has also passed aavay. The grandfather died at the old homestead in Putnam county, Indiana, in 1845, at the age of sixty-five years. He has devoted much of his life to the work of the gospel and his influence had been far-reaching and beneficial. M., H. Jones, father of him. whose name introduces this revieav, was born near Greencastle, Putnam county, Indiana, and was reared on a farm, assisting in the ardu ous task of developing and improving the fields in those early days. He was in structed concerning the value of industry and honesty in the affairs of life and ac quired a good education in the public schools. Determining to enter professional life he became a student of law and Avhen a young man took up. his abode in Bloomfield, Davis county, IoAva, avhere for many years he successfully engaged in practice. For nearly'half a century he avas regarded as one of the distinguished attorneys and promi nent and influential citizens of the southern portion of the state. He avas an important ¦ factor in its progress and upbuilding and contributed in large measure to its general advancement. He left the impress of his individuality upon public thought and ac tion and his influence and efforts avere ever on the side of right and of improvement. Lie married Miss Emaline Judson Spencer, a lady of superior nature, culture and refine ment, avho was born in Coosco, Neav York, January 3, 1824. Her father avas Benjamin Spencer, of the Empire state. Her grand- . father, Thomas Spencer, and the latter avas a son of General Joseph Spencer, of Revo lutionary fame, avho served on the staff of General Washington. Benjamin Spencer married a Miss Abigail AA'heeler, of the Em pire state. Mr. and Airs. Jones became the parents of four children : Charles Benja min, avho is residing in Davis county, Iowa ; Samuel, of this revieav ; Airs. Alice Esther Deupree, noav deceased; and Al1. A., who is living in Iowa. The mother of this family pased away in 1889, dying in the faith of the Christian church, of avhich she had long been a consistent member. Mr. Jones was a Republican in his political affiliations and took an active part in the work of the party. He served as district attorney of the sec ond judicial district, avhich embraced seven BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 435 counties of Iowa, and also as district at torney Mly sustained the dignity. of the law. At the time of the Civil war M. H. Jones manifested his patriotism and loyalty by joining the Union army, serving as a lieutenant in the Forty-fifth Iowa Infantry, under General A. J. Smith. In his social relations he was a Alason and attained the Knight Templar degree in the command ery. In manner he was jovial and in social life avas easily approachable, but in the court-room had the dignified bearing of one avho recognized the fact, too often forgot ten, that he stood as the conservator of right, justice and the liberty of the people. AATierever he avent he won friends by his cordiality and genuine worth and he died at the age of seventy-one years, honored and respected by all who: knew him. Samuel Jones, the avell known attorney of Lyons, was reared in the city of his birth and acquired his preliminary education in its public schools, after which he matriculated in the State Normal, of Iowa, and was grad uated in 1876, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The following year he entered the Wesleyan University, where he was grad uated in 1877, as Bachelor of Science. In 1878 he was admitted to the bar and was elected district attorney for the second ju dicial district of Iowa in 1882, embracing the counties of Van Buren, Wayne, Appa noose, Lucas, Monroe and Davis. In 1888 he came to Lyons, where he has since en gaged in practice, being regarded as one of the most capable and distinguished lawyers of Rice county. He is remarkable among lawyers for this wide research and provident care avith avhich he prepares his cases. In no instance has his reading ever been con fined to the limitations of the question at issue; it has gone beyond and compassed every contingency and provided not alone for the expected, but for the unexpected, which happens in the courts quite as fre quently as out of them. His logical grasp of facts and principles and of the laav ap plicable to them has been another potent element in his success; and a remarkable clearness of expression, an adequate and pre cise diction, which enables him to make others understand not only the salient points of his argument but his every fine gradation of meaning may be accounted one of his most conspicuous gifts and ac complishments. In addition to his law prac tice Mr. Jones is also connected with finan cial interests in Lyons as one of the direcr tors of the Lyons National Bank. In 1 881, in Bloomfield, Iowa, Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Young, who: was born in that state and was educated at the Iowa Wesleyan Univer sity, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Her par ents avere Ephraim1 and Elizabeth (French) Young, formerly of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Jones now have three children: Rob ert Young, Benjamin Samuel and Eliza beth Z. They have lost one daughter, Mary, the second born, who. died at the age of four years. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Christian church and is an estimable lady, whose many excellencies of character have gained her a large circle of avarm friends. Socially Mr. Jones is a Mason and has taken the degrees of the blue lodge and chapter. He is also, a member of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Felloavs, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Knights of Pythias. In his political affiliations he is a Republican, unswerving in his support of the principles of the party. In social life he is a genial, cordial and courteous friend. He is avell versed in the principles of juris prudence and in addition to, his compre hensive legal knowledge he employs wit and satire with good effect as he presents to the court the points in litigation which bear upon his case. A. D. SPECK. A. D. Speck is one of the avell known, successful and prominent pioneers and ag riculturists of Rice county, whither he came in the year 1879. He was born in York county, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1839, and represents a well known and honored family, ever characterized for straightfor- avard dealing, energy and integrity. His 436 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. father, Martin Speck, was also a native of the Keystone state and was there reared upon a farm belonging to his father, Adam Speck, avho aaas born in Pennsylvania, but avas of German lineage. The family was founded in the new world at an early period in its development, and in Pennsylvania both Adam and Martin Speck followed farming". The latter w'as married in York county, Pennsylvania, to Miss Elizabeth Leighty, avhose birth occurred in that coun ty and avho also belonged to one of the old families of York county, of German origin. Alartin and Elizabeth Speck became the par ents of three sons and six daughters, name ly : Catherine ; Nancy and Joanna, both de ceased ; John ; Barbara, who has also passed away; Elizabeth, deceased; Margaret; Jo seph; and A. D., of this review, who, is the only one living in Kansas. The father was born Septemjber 2, 1798, and died Septem ber 21, 1849, after devoting his time and attention throughout his active business career to farming. He voted with the Whig party and in religious faith was a Lutheran. His wife, who was born in 1796, also' held membership in the same cburch, and her death occurred September 28, 1873. She avas loved by all for her many good qualities of heart and mind, and the father of our subject was recognized as a man whose word was as good as his bond. On the old homestead farm in- Pennsyl vania A. D. Speck was reared, and lessons of industry and perseverance were early in stilled into his mind and formed an excellent foundation upon avhich to rear a character of avorth. His education avas obtained in the public schools and in the practical school of experience, where he learned many les sons of value. He was married May 28, 1863, to Aliss Mary A. Shekel, who was born in York county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Peter and Margaret (Gentz- ler) Shekel. In 1863 Mr. Speck left his Pennsylvania home. In 1870 he removed with his family from White Pigeon, Michi gan, to Blackhawk county, Iowa, and there his Avife died, leaving four children, of whom' tavo are noav living* : Mrs. Laura E. Mertz, of Lyons, and Mrs. Clara Jane Mar- kle, wife of PI. Markle, of Rice county. Those who' have passed away are: Eliza beth M., who died in Iowa, and Albert E., whose death occurred in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. After the death of his first Avife Mk*. Speck was again married, on the 4th of July, 1873, the wedding being cele brated in Iowa, at which time Esther Ever- hart became his wife. She was born in In diana, but was reared in Iowa, and her death occurred August 3, 1874. For sev eral years Air. Speck remained single and was then married, on the 5th of July, 1879, in Hutchinson, Kansas, to Miss Carry- Stokes, a lady of intelligence and good fam ily, who was born and reared in Michigan, pursuing her education in 'St. Joseph, that state. Her father was Richard Stokes, who was born in England about 1828 and came to the United States in early manhood. He died at the age of forty-three years. Her mother was born in York county, Penn sylvania, and passed away at the age of fifty-three. They were Lutherans in relig ious belief, and the former made farming his life work. In their family were ten children, five sons and five daughters, as follows : William, avho died in early youth; Sarah; Alary; Emma, who has also passed away; Ella; Mrs. Speck; John, who died in childhood; Henry; George and Charles. Prior to his last marriage Mi*. Speck re moved from Iowa, in 1874, locating in St. Joseph county, Michigan, where he made his home until 1879, when he removed to Kansas'. He located in Atlanta township, Rice county, and has since successfully car ried on agricultural pursuits. He here owns five hundred and sixty acres' of valuable land, and his rich and fertile fields yield to him excellent harvests. Die land borders on Coav creek and is thus avell watered. In addition to the cultivation of the cereals best adapted to this climate, he has also de voted considerable attention to: the raising of stock. His farm is splendidly improved avith a comfortable and commodious resi dence, a good barn, fine orchard, a good grove, verdant pastures and fields of golden grain. He is now the owner of the finest BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 437 residence in Rice county. It is located in Lyons and is known as the Ed Dupree prop erty, having been erected by Mr. Dupree at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars. It is sup plied with all modern conveniences, includ ing hot and cold water, is tastefully fur nished and gives every evidence of the cul ture and refinement of the inmates. The house is surrounded by a beautiful lawn, and in the rear of the property stands a splendid barn and a good orchard. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Speck has been blessed Avith two sons, — Harry and John, aged respectivdy'sixteen and thirteen years. They also lost three children. Their appreciation of the absolute ethics rjf life, or beautiful home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality, and its social functions are among tbe most important given in the community. In his political affiliations Mr. Speck is a Democrat, and religiously is con nected avith the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Speck is also a member of that denomina tion. WESLEY S. BROWN. Among those who are devoting their en ergies to farming and stock-raising in Kingman county is Wesley S. Brown, of Ninnescah township. He was born in Holmes county, Ohio, in 1859, a son of Ste phen Brown, who was born on the banks of the Rhine, in France, eighty-one years ago. The latter's father, Paul Brown, was also a native of that locality, as was his wife, who bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Dedrick. They subsequently left the land of their birth and came to the United States, and both passed away in death in Ohio! The mother died at the early age of thirty- two years, leaving six children, — Catherine, Barbara, Anthony, Andrew, Frank and Stephen. The father reached the age of sixty-five years. Both he and his wife were active church members, and avere honored and respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Their son, Stephen Brown, the father of our subject, accom panied his parents on their removal to the new world in 1859, and was reared to agri cultural pursuits in the Buckeye state^ where he also received his education in the common schools of his locality. He was married in Carroll county, that state, to Margaret Shull, a native of Ohio and a daughter of Jacob Shull. Mrs. Brown died at the age of thirty-three years, leaving two children, both of avhom have joined their mother in the home beyond. For his sec ond wife Mr. Brown chose Ann Wass, who was born in England, a daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Wass. By this union Mr. Broavn had six children, namely: Sarah, the wife of John Gilchrist, a avell known citizen of Kingman county; Ella Weiler, a resident of this township; Wesley S., the subject of this revieav; and three mow de ceased. John Brown avas a loyal defender of the starry banner in the Civil avar, serv ing as a member of the One Hundred and Forty-second Volunteer Infantry, of Indi ana, and he was called upon to lay down his life on the altar of his country-, dying at the age of nineteen years. Two of the chil dren died when young. Stephen Brown, the father of this family, gives his political support to the Republican party, and relig iously he is a member of the Methodist church, in which he held membership, for fifty years. His wife was also a avorthy and acceptable member of that denomination. Wesley S. Brown, the immediate sub ject of this review, spent his youth and early manhood on his father's farm in Allen coun ty, Indiana, and the educational advantages which he enjoyed were those afforded by the schools of his locality. Remaining in the Hoosier state until 1878, he then came with his father to Kansas. After attaining to years of maturity he secured a claim in Ninnescah township, but after proving his land he went to Arkansas, where he re mained for a time. He then again came to Kingman county, where he has ever since made his home and has devoted his time and attention to agricultural pursuits and the raising of a fine grade of stock. He now owns eight hundred acres of land, three hundred of which is under cultivation! His well directed efforts in his chosen line 433 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of endeavor have been abundantly rewarded, and he now holds rank with the leading farmers and stock-raisers of the township. At the age of taventy-seven years Mr. Broavn avas united- in marriage to Martha Bell, avho avas reared and educated in Illi nois, a daughter of Josiah and Margaret (Jones) Bell, the latter now deceased. At her death she left four children, — Oscar, Lula, Martha and Henry. The father of these children is a native of the Prairie state, and is now living near Indianapolis, Indiana. The Republican party has long- received1 his hearty support and co-opera tion, and his religious preference is indi cated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. The union of our sub ject and wife has been brightened and blessed by six children, — Mabel, Roy, Roxie, Frank, Lawrence and Herbert. Mr. Brown also' votes with the Republican party, and in all matters pertaining to the public welfare he takes an active and commend able interest, although he has never desired tbe honors of public office. He has been a successful man in business affairs, and his success has been the result of earnest and persistent effort in the line of honorable and manly dealing. W, F. RITCHEY. AV. F. Ritchey, one of the extensive and leading agriculturists of Kingman county and one of its esteemed pioneers, avas born in Schuyler county, Illinois, November 22, 1848. His father, A. B. Ritchey, avas a na tive of Greene county, Ohio, and was a son of John Ritchey, who avas born in the east and avas of Scotch-Irish ancestry. He be came the father of the following children : John ; Alartha Sellers, of California ; Dan, avho Avas a member of an Illinois regiment during the Civil avar, and his death occurred during that struggle; and Addison. Boyd. The latter avas reared in both Ohio and Indiana, and in the latter state he avas mar ried to Mary A. Ha,yes, who was then but fifteen years of age. She was a daughter of John Hayes, of the Buckeye state. This union was blessed with fifteen children, namely : J. O., who was a member of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry during the war of the Rebellion; W. F., the subject of this revieav; W..W.; Sarah E. ; Mary ; Robert, deceased ; Cath erine; H. L. ; Ida; Charles D. ; Delia; Net tie; and three who died in childhood. The father, who avas born in 1817, passed away in death in" Schuyler county, Illinois, at the age of eighty years. Throughput his en tire business career he followed the tilling of the soil, and his' ballot was- cast in favor of the men and measures of the Republican party, while prior to the organization of that party he gave his support to the Whig candidates. His avidow is still living, hav ing now reached her seventy-second year, and she is a worthy Christian woman, hold ing membership in the Baptist church, with Avhich religious denomination her hus band also: was identified. W. F. Ritchey, of this review, was reared on the old family homestead in the Prairie state, avhere he was early taught the avork of the farm in all its departments, avhile the district schools of the neighbor hood afforded him the educational privi leges which he enjoyed im his youth. In 1877 he cast in his lot with the early pio neers of Kingman county, Kansas, securing one hundred and sixty acres of Osage In dian land in Vinita toaan-ship', on avhich he has ever since made his home. As the years have passed by and prosperity has attended his efforts he bas added many improvements to his place, has placed his fields under an excellent state of cultivation, has erected large and substantial buildings and in many other avays has added to the value and attractive appearance of his homestead. At the age of twenty-one years Mr. Ritchey avas united in marriage to Sarah J. Barnes, avho avas born near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, but avhen only three years of age she avas taken by her parents to Illi nois, avhere she avas reared to mature years. She avas a, daughter of John and Keziah (Cooper) Barnes. The father has been called to his final rest, but the mother still BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 439 .survives and makes her homje in Illinois. Their son, W. A. Barnes, assisted his coun try in the struggle betaveen the north and . .south. Four children have been born unto the union of our subject and wife: Hattie, the AA'ife of E. J. Goldsborough, of Sapulpa, Indian Territory ; Emmett, avho. is now six teen years of age ; Leonard, avho has reached the age of thirteen years; and Addison Clyde, Avho. died at the age of eight years. The Republican party receives Mr. Ritchey' s active support and co-operation, and on its ticket he has been elected to many positions of honor and trust, .having for four years served as township trustee, was a member ¦of the school board for many years and has been a delegate to many conventions. So- daily he is a member of Morton Lodge, No. 258, F. & A. M., and religiously both he and his Avife are members of the Methodist Epis copal church. They have hosts of warm- and sincere friends in this locality, and all speak in the highest terms of the Ritchey house hold. B. F. DERN. Among the prominent and useful citi zens of Kingman county, Kansas, who are thoroughly representative is B. F. Dern, avho resides on sedion 3, in White town- shy;!, having been a resident of this state since 1883, coming to this locality in 1891. The birth of B. F. Dern was in Carroll •county, Indiana, October 25, i860, and he was a son of Ethan and Zelda (Shaffer) Dern, the former of whom was born iu Ohio, avhere he was reared and married. Later he moved to Kingman county, Kan sas, avhere he successfully engaged in farm ing, and avhere he died January i, 1894, at the age of seventy-three. Mr. Dern was a man avhose life avas without reproach and he is remembered avith affection and respect. In his political affiliation he was a Repub lican, and all his life was a consistent and avorthy member of the Methodist church. The mother of our subject since the death of her husband has been making her home with her children. A family of eight children was born to Ethan Dern and wife, their names being as folloavs : Martin, avho was a gallant soldier during the Civil avar, now lives in comfort in Yeoman, Carroll county, Indiana ; Isaac, avho also testified to his loyalty by entering the army, died in this county, in 1893, his widoav and four children still surviving; Nelson, who is a prosperous resident of Kingman county ; A. J., who. is a prominent physician of Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. Josie Woodworth, who lives in Dublin, In diana ; Mrs. Dema Bunnell, who lives in Ford county, Kansas; B. F., who is the sub ject of this biography; and Airs. Emma Daugherty, who resides in Rensselaer, Jas per county, Indiana. B. F. Dern, of this sketch, was reared to farm life, and agricultural pursuits have in terested him more than any other line of ac tivity ever since. Until he was twenty-three years of age he remained in Carroll county, Indiana, and then made his first trip to the far westMocating for a time in central Colo rado, going thence, about 1884, to. Gray county, Kansas, where for some time he was engaged in mercantile pursuits and later in farming and stock-raising. In 1891 Mr. Dern came to Kingman county in order to take charge of the county farm, where he immediately inaugurated such changes and made such improvements that the public farm became a credit to the county. It was under his superintendency that tbe present admirably constructed buildings were erected and methods of agriculture intro duced avhich have continued with success ever since. Mr. Dern is the fortunate owner of a fine farm, avell avatered by the Ninnescah river, avhich he has brought to a fine state of production and Avhich is well adapted to stock-raising. His estate is located within two miles of Kingman, his residence, erected at a cost of twelve hundred dollars, combining all the comforts and conveniences suitable for comfortable living. Mr. Dern is regarded as one of the substantial farm ers of. this locality and well represents the best element of Kansas citizenship. In 1888 Mr. Dern was united in mar- 440 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. riage to Miss Jessie Williams, a lady of edu cation and intelligence, who: was born and reared in Indiana, a daughter of Thornton Williams, who was a Avell known farmer of White county, Indiana, now deceased. He was a member of the Republican party and was always interested in its success. For many years he avas a leading member of the Methodist church. The mother, nee Mary E. Rinsler, was born in Virginia^ but early in life moved with her parents to: Indiana, where she lived until her marriage. She has tAvo brothers and three sisters living: T. R. and W. H. Williams, both farmers, and the latter has held the office of trustee of Honey Creek township, White county, Indiana, for four years, where they both now reside; Mrs. Belle Seymour, of Clin ton, Iowa; Mrs. Alice Wysong, of Koko mo, Indiana; and Mrs. H. H. Asley, of Kingman, Kansas. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dern are highly esteemed in their locality and both are earn est members and liberal supporters of the Methodist church. Fraternally Mr. Dern is connected with the Knights of Pythias and the Workmen Lodge, No. i6r, of Kingman, and is devoted to its interest. Mrs. Dern is also: a member of the Degree of Honor, connected with the Workmen, in which she has taken great interest, and the lodge has honored her with the highest office Avithin its gift. He is a pleasant, genial, whole-souled man, whose frank ex pressions O'f interest are known to be gen uine, and the result is that he has a wide circle of personal as well as a large follow ing of business friends. He has been a life long Republican, although he has not been any seeker for political preferment. JOHN N. NUTTER. On one of the well improved and highly developed farm of White township resides John Nutter, an enterprising agriculturist who in the Sunflower state has found op portunity to. AA'ork his avay npavard, and by determined purpose and unflagging en ergy has reached a position of affluence. A native of the Old Dominion, he was born on the 26th of July, 1846^ and is a son of John C. Nutter, who was born in Harrison county, West Virginia. The latter's father, Andrew Nutter, was a native of Pennsylvania, but his last days were spent in West Virginia, avhere his avife also died. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Emily Vinson, and by her marriage to John C. Nutter she became the mother of nine chil dren, — Mary, Cassie, Julia, Derenda, Ellen, Andrew, John N., Joseph and Thomas. She passed to the home beyond when yet in the prime of life, but her husband reached the ripe old age of three score years and tent He gave his political support to the Dem ocracy, and Avas ever a public-spirited and loyal citizen. John N. Nutter, the subject of this re view, Avas reared to the vocation which has since engaged his efforts, having been early inured to the labor of field and meadow, and in the public schools of his native state he received his early educational advantages. The Nutter family have been represented in every war in which the United States has taken part, and avhen the trouble arose be tween the north and the south our subject enlisted for service in 1863, becoming a member of the Eleventh 'West Virginia In fantry, under Colonel Frost, Lieutenant Col onel Burk and Captain Simpson. At the time of his enlistment he was but a boy in his 'teens, but on the field of battle he proved himself an intrepid and gallant soldier, and as such served until the cessation of hostil ities. As a member of General Sheridan's noted cavalry company he took part in many of the important battles of tlie war, serving in General Crook's division, with General Steadman in command. Lie was at Winches ter avhen General Sheridan mae his famous ride Pf. twenty miles, and, at Snicker's Gap, Virginia, AA'here Colonel Frost was wounded,. he assisted in carying that gentleman to his tent, where he afterward died. At the time' of General Lee's surrender Mr. Nutter was stationed at Petersburg, and at the close of the avar he was mustered out of service at Appomattox Court House, after which he MR. AND MRS. J. N. NUTTER. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 441 returned to his home and once more took up the quiet pursuits of the farm. In 1887, however, he left his Virginia home and sought a new location in central Kansas, and on section ten, White township, Kingman county, he became the owner of a well im proved and fertile farm' of one hundred and sixty acres, to the attention of which' he de voted his time and attention for a number of years. But he has recently sold his farm and purchased a home in the city of King man, where he intends to spend the remaind er of his days in quiet retirement, the injuries he sustained while assisting in the defense of the Union cause rendering it impossible for him to carry on the work of the farm. Since coming to this favored section pros perity has abundantly rewarded his efforts, and he is now numbered among the leading and representative citizens of this locality. In 1867, in-the Old Dominion, Mr. Nut ter was united in marriage to Elizabeth Dye, who was born in Virginia in 1846, a daugh ter of Dennis Dye, a native of Prince Will iam county, that state, and a Revolutionary hero. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Anna Webb, was a native of that com monwealth and a daughter of Ben AATbb. The latter also claimed Virginia as the state of his nativity. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dye were born eleven children, namely: Julia, Jane, Eliza, Harriet, Nancy, Mary, Druzilla, Elizabeth, Ben, William and Da vid. The father of this family was a Re publican in his political vieAvs, and his death occurred when he had reached the seventieth milestone on the journey of life, while his wife reached the ripe old age of seventy-five years. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed with nine children, as fol lows: Winfield Sheridan, who makes his home in Oklahoma; Dove T., the wife- of Samuel Kuhns, a farmer of this county, and they have two children, Harry M. and Mel- vina; William1 T., J. Allison, John R. and James Anderson, all of whom reside in Okla homa ; Anna, who is married and resides on a farm, in Kingman county; Charles A., also a resident of Oklahoma; and Daisy M., a little maiden of fifteen years. The Repub lican party recdves Mr. Nutter's hearty sup port and co-operation, and religiously he is a prominent and worthy member of the Bap tist church. 28 IDA M. MITCHELL. Ida M. Mitchell resides on a fine farm on section 30, Galesburg township, and is widely known throughout her locality, where many years of her life have been passed. She is the widow of the late- Charles S. Mitchell, who first came to King man county in 1884, and avith the exception of three years he lived continuously here until his life's labors were ended in death. He was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in September, 1857, a son of Mathias and Sarah (Stermer) Mitchell, natives also of the Keystone state. The father was a brave and loyal soldier during the struggle be tween the north and the south, and his death occurred in the state of his nativity, but is- still survived by his' wife, who. yet makes- her home in York county, Pennsylvania. Unto this worthy couple were born eight children, six sons and two' daughters. Charles S. Mitchell was fourteen years of age when he left his native state for Ohio, and after remaining in that state for a time he removed to Illinois, locating near Peoria. While there residing, in 1880, he was married to' Miss Ida M. Brubaker, who proved to him a loving companion and help mate for the journey of life. The Brubaker farnily removed , fromi Ohio to Woodford! county, Illinois, in 185 1, avhere they became influential and representative citizens. Aaron Brubaker, an uncle of Mrs. Mitchell, was a member of the Illinois legislature. Her father, Abraham Brubaker, was born in Richland county, Ohio, July 4, 1830. Im i860 he was united in marriage to Cath- erine Sentle, Avho died eight years later,. leaving three children, — Ida M., William. A. and Henry. For his second wife he chose Sana Sentle, a sister of his first wife, and their union was blessed with two. daughters, —Alary and Norah. Mr. Brubaker fol lowed the tilling of the soil as a life occupa- 442 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tion, and in political matters he avas identi- rfiecl avith the Republican party. He passed to his final reward at the comparatively early .age of forty-nine years, loved and respected by all avho had the pleasure of his acquaint- .ance. Six children blessed the union of Air. and Airs. Alitchell, four sons and tavo •daughters, namely: Alay I., Roy H., Clyde .E...Eva V., Ralph C. and Earl AV. In 1884 Mr. Mitchell came to the Sun- rloaver state, first locating in Dale town ship, Kingman county, but a short time .aftenvard he returned to- Illinois and there spent the folloaving three years. On com ing again to this state he purchased one hundred and sixty acres on section 30, Galesburg* township, where his avidoav now resides, and four years ago he purchased one hundred and sixty acres additional. The land has been placed under an excel lent state of cultivation, is improved avith Ml the necessary farm buildings, and a beautiful grove and orchard add much to its value and attractive appearance. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Mitchell has had entire charge of this large homestead, but she is an excellent business avoman, and un der her careful supervision the fields annu ally yield golden returns. In addition to the raising of the cereals .best adapted to this soil and climate stock-raising is also1 ¦carried on at this place, about fifty head of ¦cattle and fifteen horses being usually kept upon the farm. During his residence here Air. Mitchell imported many thoroughbred Norman horses, thus greatly enhancing the -quality and value of horses in Kingman county. He passed aAvay in death on the :29th of July, 1898, and his demise avas the ¦ cause of wide-spread regret, avhile Jhe com munity mourned the loss of one of its truest . and best citizens. His friends avere many, and on the list were numbered many of the .representative men of the county. SAMUEL A. SPERRY. Samuel A. Sperry, a horticulturist ajid gardener, who resided avith his daughter, Mrs. Heryer, the wife of David Her yer, a wholesale grocer at No. 216 East Fifth avenue, Hutchinson, avas esteemed by his felloav citizens of Reno county no less for his admirable reputation won by hon orable dealing in every relation of life than for his innate geniality which causes his so ciety to be sought by all avho knew him. Mr. Sperry avas born in Portage county, noav Summit county, Ohio, September 27, 1819, and came from a line of illustrious ancestors which took root in America, as family tra dition has it, about thirty-seven years after the landing of the Pilgrims. It is said that the ancestor of one branch of the family joined the colony at Plymouth arid that the ancestor of another branch of the family ' who came with him from- England settled in Virginia. It is from, the Plymouth an cestor that Samuel A. Sperry is descended. Lyman Sperry, father of Samuel A. Sperry, was born in AVaterbury county, Connecticut, about 1767 and was a nephew of the wife of the Rev. Lyman Beecher, fa ther of the Rev. Henry AAard Beecher .^ After Henry Ward Beecher had attained to emi nence he often remarked that he was proud of the fact the blood of the Sperrys ran in his veins. Lyman Sperry avas a fanner in Connecticut until 1819, avhen he emigrated to Ohio, making the trip avith ox-teams and carrying with him his wife and eleven chil dren, five of avhom avere by his previous mar riage to Deborah Newton, a native of Con necticut. His second wife was Lydia Peck, also a native of Connecticut and a cousin of the late Bishop Jesse T. Peck, of the Meth odist Episcopal church. The children of Lyman and Deborah (Newton) Sperry were named A. M., Mary, Amanda, Phoebe and Adna. The children of Lyman and Lydia (Peck) Sperry, several of whom, avere born after the worthy couple located in Ohio, were named Lyman, Lydia, Elizabeth, Levinas, Leavis, Ira, Samuel A., Ebenezer, Willis. Of these the first five mentioned are dead. Ira is living in Summit, Tallmadge county, Ohio. Samuel A. is the immediate subject of this sketch. Ebenezer lives at Carthage, Alissouri. Willis is a physician at Tall madge, Ohio. Upon his. arrival in Ohio, Lyman Sperry BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 443 bought one hundred and sixty acres of land which avas densely timbered, and began the work of erecting a double log cabin and clearing" aavay the forests to make room for crops. The family arrived at their prospec tive home September 17, 1819, and only ten days later the subject of this skdch was born in the midst of that almost endless forest, where the cries of wild animals were among the sounds which first greeted his ears. There for many years the father and his sons avorked, clearing and improving their land, and in doing SO' they cut down and burned quantities of fine timber, then an in cumbrance, avhich would now be worth thousands of dollars. After a time the father turned his attention to quarrying stone and alloAved his sons to run the farm and late in life turned the place over to his youngest son by his first wife, with whom he lived in his declining years. "While Lyman Sperry was an unostentatious mam who, sought no personal preferment, he was of that solid, sturdy, substantial stuff of which good pio neers Avere made, and' his sterling qualities were recognized by all who knew him. In politics he Avas a Whig and in religion he was originally an old-school Presbyterian, but later in lffe a Congregationalist. He died about the year i860, having attained the advanced age of ninety-three years. His wife died at the age of fifty-one years, in i833- Samuel A. Sperry spent his youth on his father's farm and was educated in the com mon schools and at an academy at Tall- madge, Ohio. He cheerfully underwent all the toil and privation incident to pio neer life and enjoyed his work for work's sake and his regular and tem perate habits and out-door life amjdst the forest odors tended to strengthen a good constitution, which he afterward found to be of inestimable value. In 1839, when he Avas twenty years old, having heard that large wages were being paid in Illinois, and anxious to secure money with which to complete his education, he set out with his brothers, Levinas and Ebenezer, with a team for Fulton county, Illinois, where it was his purpose to work a year or two at twenty- five dollars a month and then return to. Ohio and re-enter school. But avhen they arrived they found that- no such wages were being paid in Fulton county and that nothing be yond a living avas, obtainable there by hard work at wages. Levinas had1 a little money and he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land, on which the three brothers farmed for tavo. or three years. Then leaving his brothers to- manage the farm, Levinas1 went to Bernadotte, where for a year he was in the lumber trade. Meantime the brothers sold the farm and Ebenezer bought a quar ter section of land near Bushnell, Illinois, and Samuel A. went to Bernadotte and car ried on a cooperage business there until 1850, avhen he went overland to California, where he mined successfully for a year and a half. Them the condition of his health be came such that he was obliged to return to' his old home in Illinois. Previous to moving to Bernadotte and while living on the farm in Fulton county, Mr. Sperry' s nearest town and postoffice avas Fairview, a settlement of New Jersey peo ple. Under the leadership of the minister of the Dutch Reformed church at that place,. the men of Fairview favored slavery to an extent that was almost fanatical. Mr. Sperry was an outspoken abolitionist and when the Republicans first put a ticket in the field he was the only man at Fairview who voted for it, and that he did in the face of threats that were little short of murderous. Even the reverend gentleman referred to menaced him with tar and feathers and declared his intention to lead a mob against him in case he had' the temerity to vote the "black aboli tion ticket." Mr. Sperry calmly assured him that on election day he would most cer tainly vote the ticket which the preacher so denominated, and he did so and avas not harmed; but was warned to leave. He re plied that he would be there to: vote at the next election and denounced the minis ter and the spirit of his teaching, de claring that the only time the Almighty had ever shown an interest in his church had been on an occasion when during service the building had been struck by lightning and most of the seats and a majority of the mem- 444 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY: bers of the congregation had been scattered in all directions and some seats at the rear of the house containing some despised ne groes had with their occupants been set doavn uninjured before the altar. He kept his promise to vote at the next election and when he did so several others voted the same ticket. After his removal to Bernadotte he found there a line of the old under-ground railway in full operation and it was not long before he was doing everything in his power to provide for fugitive slaves who should stop there and to send them on their way to freedom. He received the fugitives at his house and place of business and sometimes got them out of town in loads of hay or disguised as sacks of grain. After his return from California Mr. Sperry ran his cooper business in connection with a general store and a pork-packing en terprise. During the avar there were only five loyal men at Bernadotte and all of them except Mr. Sperry avere advanced in years. Mr. Sperry would not smother his honest sentiments for fear of any man, and his life was in constant danger from the so-called Knights of the Golden Circle, a lawless se cret order which drew its membership from the disloyal copperhead element. There were many plots against the lives of the five abol itionists and at one time a mob set upon one of them, an old man named Maxon, and after beatng and cutting him. terribly, sur rounded Mr. Sperry's store, where Mr. Sperry was with his son and another lad avho were acting as his clerks. The mob dispersed about three o'clock in the morning and Mr. Sperry did not leave the store until later. On another occasion Mr. Sperry's life avas saved by a physician, who was his friend, avho warned him that he was to be called to his door that night and be shot. AA'hen the call was heard Mrs. Sperry, like the heroine that she was, went to the door carrying a lamp, thus foiling the plot be cause the men outside had not comie to murder a avoman. After this event Mr. Sperry bought tavo fine six-shooters and on some pretext called in one of his enemies to sh-oav him hoav they avorked. The man went to his comrades and assured them that Mr. Sperry had the best revolvers in the county and they decided that it would not be best for them to molest him again. When green backs were first issued Mr. Trickey, a rep resentative of the disloyal element, avho had a large amount of the money, became fearful that it was not on a sound basis and avould not be redeemed; and when Air. Sperry agreed to- take two thousand dollars of it and guarantee its redemption, Trickey gladly let hirn'have it; and after that when plots avere hatched against Mr. Sperry's life, Trickey interfered in Mr. Sperry's be half on the ground that if the latter should be killed he might lose his tavo thousand dol lars. In 1869 Mr. Sperry located at Ipava, Fulton county, Illinois, where he conducted a general store until 1876, avhen he retired from active business and for several years lived with his son and gave his attention to a settlement of all his outstanding accounts. In the fall of 1883 Mr. Sperry removed to McPherson county, Kansas, and bought two hundred and forty acres of land in Groveland toavnship, a part of avhich avas im proved. He began farming and stock-rais ing there and introduced many substantial improvements and was prospering when, October 28, 1888, bis wife.died. After that sad event he lived tavo years avith his daughter Ida, at Lyons, and then removed to Hutchinson, avhere he has since lived1. In 1894 he bought ten acres of ground at Hutchinson, of Judge Martin. This land, which was originally a part of Glend'ale park and is located near the state reforma tory, avas covered avith large cottonwood stumps to the number of about three hun dred, avhich Air. Sperry grubbed out unaided! though he had obtained the advanced age of seventy-seven years. He devoted nine acres of the land to an apple orchard and! to other fruits, planting the apple trees thirty feet apart and planting the shorter-lived trees, such as peach, cherry and plum trees between them, and the remaining* acre he turned into. a fine grape vineyard. In 1900 he gathered fifty bushels of fine peaches and in 1901 his orchard yielded plenty of peaches and cher ries and began to be valuable as an apple pro ducer. From his vineyard he gathered BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 445 about a wagon load and a half of grapes each year. The space in his orchard be tween his trees he made profitable each year in the production of corn and vegdables. Until the time of his death, which occurred January 23, 1902, Mr. Sperry was active and was in full possession of all his faculties. He attributed his remarkable possession of all his powers in his old age to his having led an active out-door life and to his never having used liquor or tobacco in any form. It may be added that he never drank tea or coffee and seldom ate meat. In 1899, when he was eighty years old, he accom plished a feat of endurance which seem al most incredible, but which could be vouched for by all his acquaintances in Hutchinson. A citizen of the town, desirious of having a piece of ground cleared of a number of large cottonwood trees, offered any one half of the wood that could, be made from1 them- in pay ment for cutting them1 dowln and work ing them up for wood. After several per sons had promised to do the work and had failed to accomplish it, Mr. Sperry undertook it and he cut down the trees and sawed them into stove wood, which measured seventeen cords. Originally a Whig, Mr. Sperry became an abolitionist, as has been stated, and later a Republican ardently devoted to the princi ples of his party. He was during all his life an ardent advocate of the cause of tem perance and active worker its success. He was married, March 25, 1845, at Bernadotte, Fulton county, Illinois, to Madalena Me- Whirt, daughter of William and Lucy (•Sharp) McWhirt, natives of Virginia. Mrs. Sperry bore her husband four children : James A. Sperry, who was born November 2, 1846, and died August 16, 1886; Clara, who was born November 24, 1847, ana died in infancy; Horace L., who was born Au gust 4, 1852, and is station agent for the Chicago', Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company at Greenfield, Illinois; and Ida May, who avas born December 19, 1853, and is the wife of David Heryer, of Hutchinson, Kansas, a biographical sketch of whom will be found on . another page of this volume. GEORGE HUYCKE. Among the many' able newspaper men in central Kansas, George Huycke, editor and proprietor of the Ellsworth Reporter, is con spicuous for all those qualities which con tribute to the success of an inland newspa per, devoted to- the interests of the com munity in avhich it is published and strictly up-to-date im all its aims and methods. George Huycke was borm at Wellington, Prince Edward! county, Canada, December 25, 1842, a son of James and Eliza (Bu chanan) Huycke, the former a native of Canada and the latter of the north of Ire land. Mr. Huycke spent his boyhood days in Canada and his educational facilities, were so limited that his entire schooling was com prised in six months of irregular attendance in the public schools near his home. His father died when he was eight years of age and many serious responsibilities fell on his young shoulders:.' At nineteen years of age he left his Canadian home and located aL Watertown, New York, where for about a year be was employed at railroad work. In January, 1863, when he was not yet twenty- one, he enlisted in Company M, Fifteenth Regiment, New York Cavalry, with which organization he served im the Civil war until he was honorably discharged, in September, 1865, at Elmira, New York. Enlisting as a ' private, he rose to the rank of sergeant. He saw service for a, time with Duffield's cav alry and later was' in Custer's command in Virginia, scouting and skirmishing. After the war Mr. Huycke visited his old home in Canada. He tben took a posi tion as teamster and messenger in the quar termaster's department of the United States army on the frontier and was stationed! at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, whence he made trips over the Santa Fe trail to Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was employed thus and otherwise in that new country for abouf five years, and) then he bought railroad land near Fort Harker, on which he farmed three years. In 1875 he was elected county treas urer of Ellsworth county, Kansas, which office he filled so satisfactorily that he AA'as re-elected to it for a second term. In 1882, 446 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. avith others, he organized the Ellsworth Su gar AVorks, Avith a vieav to utilizing home grown sorghum in the manufacture of su gar. This enterprise avas unsuccessful, hoav ever, and resulted in considerable financial loss to Air. Huycke. AA'hile filling the office of county treas urer of Ellsavorth county he bought the Ells Avorth Reporter, in the proprietorship' of Avhich he associated avith himself W. A. Gephardt. In 1886 Mr. Huycke became sole proprietor of the paper, which he has since conducted avith signal success. The Reporter, avhich has ahvays been Republican in poli tics and avhich has generally been the official. paper of Ellsavorth county, has a large cir culation and is recognized as a valuable local advertising' medium. It avas established in 1871, and is the oldest newspaper in the county. Under Mr. Huycke's editorial man agement it is an exceptionally good home neavspaper, thoroughly devoted to the up building of the best interests of Ellsworth city and county. Mr. Huycke has always been active as a Republican and has been prominent for many years in county, state and congres sional conventions. He is a Knight Tem plar Alason, and a member of Ellsworth Post, No. 22, Grand Army of the Republic. He has been a member of the board of edu cation of the city of Ellsavorth for tavelve years. He erected his . office and printing- establishment in 1892. He avas appointed postmaster by President Arthur and again by President Harrison and filled the office all together betaveen six and seven years. He has been tAvice married. His first Avife aaas Aliss Jennie Folkes, avho avas a native of the state of Neav York, and avho avas, living at Ellsworth at the time of their marriage, in 1870. She bore him tavo children, one of whom died in infancy, avhile the other, Paul, lives at Topeka, Kansas. In 1876 Air. Huycke married Aliss Cora J. Folkes, half- sister of his deceased avife, and she has borne him nine children, seven of whomi are living. Their daughter Beatrice died at the age of seventeen years. Their son, Archi bald, is private secretary to E. R. Nichols, at Alanhattan, Kansas. Vinton is a teacher in Ellsworth county, Kansas. William, Ed ward, Ruth, Harold and Clarence are mem bers of their parents' household. George died in infancy. ROBERT W. HUGHES. Robert W. Hughes, one of the early set tlers of Hoosier township, Kingman coun ty, is noav living retired on the home farm, which he developed from unbroken prairie, and in the evening of life is enjoying a avell earned rest. He came to the county in 1881 and since 1878 has been a resident Of the state. A native of Ohio, Mr. Hughes avas born October 14, 1828, a son of Jesse Hughes, who was also born in the Buckeye state and served his country in the avar of 1812. He married Sallie Herron, avhose birth occurred in Ohio, and upon a farm they began their domestic life there, but subsequently re moved to Indiana, casting in their lot among its early settlers. They had fourteen chil dren, namely: Mark, Alartha, Lucinda, James, Jane, Alary, Martha, Isaac, Robert W., Jesse,. John, Mansel, Alissouri and Liz zie. The father avas a wheehvright by trade, but during the greater part of his life car ried on agricultural pursuits. For four years he avas a preacher in the Neav Light church and his son Mark became a minister of the same denomination, but avas turned out of the church because he refused to take pay for his services ! Politically the father avas a representative of the Whig party. His death occurred in Bartholonieav county, In diana, in 1863. After the death of his first wife he aaas again married, and by the sec ond union had a daughter, Alargaret, who died in early childhood., Robert AA' Hughes avas reared in Laav- rence county, Indiana, and pursued his edu cation im an old-time schoolhouse, avhich was built of logs, had a. puncheon floor and im mense fireplace, together avith other prim itive furnishings. On the 7th of August, I853: he avon as a companion for the journey of life Miss Eliza Ann Browning, their BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 447' avedding being celebrated in Heltonville, Laavrence county, Indiana, in the hou*se in avhich the lady was born August 2, 183 1. Her father, Nathan Browning, was born in east Tennessee July 30, 1785, and married Obedience McPike, whose birth occurred in east Tennessee December 31, 1788, and who avas a daughter of a Revolutionary sol dier. Unto Air. and Mrs. Browning were born fourteen children : Polly, Amzi, Will iam, Benjamin, Malinda, James, John, Jesse, Richard, Joseph W., Amanda J., Eliza A., Leonard M. and an infant. The father of this family avas a farmer by occupation and died in Lawrence county at an advanced age, avhile his avife passed away at the age of sixty-five years. In his political views he avas a Democrat and belonged to the Neav Light church. Reared upon the home farm, Robert W. Hughes early became familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist and continued to work upon the home farm until his marriage, when he began cultivating the soil on his own ac count. He avas thus engaged avhen the Civil Avar commenced. Feeling that his country needed his services, he bade adieu to his family and in 1861 joined Company F, Fif teenth Indiana Infantry, Avith which he served for eighteen months, Avhen he was honorably discharged, owing to disability. He now receives - a pension of seventy-two dollars per month. The most important bat tle in which lie participated was that of Alurfreesboro, Tennessee. Although reared as a farmer and devot ing some time to agricultural pursuits, while residing in Indiana Mr. Hughes learned the trade of cabinetmaker and followed that and carpentering for several years. In 1878 he left his old home and crossing the Missis sippi continued on his westward way to Stafford county, Kansas, where he remained for three years, when he removed to King man county, where he has since resided. Llere he took up a claim on the Osage In dian Trust land. It was wild and unim proved, not a furrow having been turned or an improvement made, but with character istic energy he began its development, and it is iioaa a valuable and attractive property. He set out a grove and orchard, erected a residence and the necessary outbuildings^ and although his health prevented him from doing much of the active avork of the farm he directed tlie labors of his sons, and the place avas transformed into a valuable farm. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes avas blessed with twelve children : Hester, de ceased; G. AV. ; John C, deceased; Josie, de ceased ; James W. ; E. E. ; Belle ; Sallie, avho has passed aavay; Oliver P. Morton, de ceased; Ulysses Grairjt; Susan F. ; and AATil iam L. All of the living children have started out in life on their oavn account, leav ing the parents once more alone, — just a& they began their married life. They are still living on the old homestead, avhere they are quietly passing the evening of life, hav ing a good residence and many comforts and luxuries. AATiile in Indiana he avas a mem ber of the Baptist church, and his wife be longed to the Methodist church. He has al ways been a stanch Republican in politics,. having never voted any other ticket, and throughout his career of more than seventy years he has ever been as true and faithful to his duties of citizenship as Avhen he fol loaved the nation's starry banner upon the battlefields of the south. EDWARD B. SMITH, A. AI. EdAvard Birge Smith, the president of Nickerson Normal College, avas born in Steuben county, Indiana, April 18, 1857. His father, Birge Smith, Avas born in Neav York, on the upper Schuylkill, in 1835. He- was a carpenter by trade and avas a loyal and patriotic citizen. During the Civil avar he helped to organize tavo military com panies, Company A, of the Forty-fourth Volunteer Infantry, and Company A, of the One.Hundred and Taventy-ninth, being com missioned captain of the latter by Governor Morton. Howea*er, he saav most of his serv ice as adjutant on General Hovey's staff. Lie Avas avith Sherman in his march to the sea, and died of pneumonia contracted on 448 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the march through the Carolinas. His re mains rest in the national cemetery on Long Island. He avedded Miss Marietta Bennett, of Angola, Indiana, by Avhom he had two sons, the subject of this sketch, and Frank E. Smith, now living at Wakefield, Nebras ka. The maternal grandfather, Malcolm Bennett, and two of his- sons lost their lives in their country's service. One of the sons, George Bennett, Avas killed at the battle of Lookout Mountain, while serving in the ranks. The other son, Alexander, died in the rebel prison at Belle Isle. Many other relatives, on both the maternal and the pa ternal sides, served on the Union side in the war, and very few families sacrificed more for the national cause. Edward Birge Smith, whose name intro duces this, revieav, received his primary ed ucation in the country schools of Indiana, usually under his mother's instruction, as she was a teacher both before her marriage and during her early widowhood. He began his life avork at a very early age, teaching" a district school in Indiana before he was six teen. He attended the high school at An gola, Indiana, and Hillsdale College, Mich igan, frequently teaching country schools to aid in defraying his expenses. In the fall of 1876 he was elected principal of the Fre mont, Indiana, schools, and held the posi tion four years. He was next appointed to the chair of mathematics in the normal school at Ladoga, Indiana, where he re mained two years. He taught five years in West Kentucky College, and served two years as superintendent of the public schools of Paoli, Indiana. In 1888 he came to Kan sas and became editor of the Daily Chrono- scope, at Larned. In the fall of 1889 he sold his interest in the paper and accepted a position in the Central Normal College at Great Bend. In the fall of 1896 he entered Kansas University for post-graduate avork, receiving the degree of Master of Arts from this institution in 1897; he was elected presi dent of the Central Normal College, remain ing there one year. In the summer of 1898 he became president of Nickerson Normal College, which position he still holds. He is the author of several books, the best known being a grammar, Smith's Etymology and Syntax. In 1879 President Smith was married to Miss Helen E. Merwin, of Fremont, Indi ana, a daughter of C. J. and Emily (Beach) Merwin, both of whom are still living in Steuben county, Indiana. Mrs. Smith has also been a teacher since her sixteenth year. She has held positions in all the institutions with avhich her husband has been connected. She has graduate standing at the State Uni versity of Kansas, her specialties being Latin and English. It is difficult to overestimate the influence for good that these two faith ful teachers have exerted upon the lives of the hundreds of young people who: have been enrolled in their classes. Central and west ern Kansas, especially, owes much to them, and cheerfully acknowledges the debt. They have one child, a daughter, Miss Helen Beach Smith, fourteen years of age and a very bright student in the college in which her parents are teaching. The Smith home is in the northwestern part of the city. This commodious residence avith its spacious, well shaded grounds, is one of the most attractive in Nickerson, and is noted for its gracious hospitality, for President Smith and his estimable wife and daughter .are widely known and have a large circle of avarm friends. JACOB C. SHIDELER. One of the extensive land owners of Kingman county is Jacob C Shideler, who resides in Galesburg township. His resi dence here covers a period of a quarter of century, which fact indicates that he has been a witness of the pioneer development. In the avork of progress he has borne his part, and to-day is accounted one of the valued representatives of his community. Mr. Shideler is a native of Ohio, his birtb having occurred in Montgomery coun ty, near Dayton, January 19, 1843, the year in which President McKinley was born. The Shideler family is of German lineage, and the ancestors, of our subject came from *iii BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 449 Frankfort, Germany, (settling in Pennsyl vania. They were people noted for in dustry, honesty, courage and patriotism. The grandfather of our subject avas Llenry Shideler, a* native of the Keystone state, and his son and namesake, the father of ¦our subject, was born m AA'ashington coun ty, Pennsylvania. In 1804, the family re moved to Ohio, casting in their lot avith its pioneer settlers. After arriving at years of maturity, Henry Shideler, Jr., married Elizabeth Swartsel,* who was born in Ohio and was' a daughter of Abraham Savartsel, who emigrated from Pennsylvania to the Buckeye state. Fourteen children were born unto the parents of our subject, namely : Jefferson, Joseph, Abraham, Henry, Allen, Daniel, Jacob, Josiah, Irving, Elizabeth, Margaret, Susanna, Mary E. and Angdine. Three of the sons AA'ere valiant soldiers in the Civil war. Daniel who enlisted in the Nindy-third Ohio Infantry, was in the service for thirty-three months, and is now living in Holden, Missouri. Josiah, who was a member of the One Hundred and Nindy-sixth Ohio Infantry, died in the Buckeye state. The parents have both passed away, the mother having died in Ohio at the age of forty-nine, while the father's death occurred when he was eighty- six years of age. For three-quarters of a century he lived upon the farm on which his father located in 1804. He was a Dem ocrat in his political belief and in religious faith was a Dunkard or German Baptist. His life was upright' and honorable and won him high regard. Jacob C. Shideler avas reared upon the old homestead farm, and after acquiring his education in the public schools, engaged in teaching with success for several terms, but in March, 1865, he put aside all personal consideration1 in order that he might aid the Union cause, becoming a member of the One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Ohio In fantry, in which he served until honorably discharged after the close of hostilities. He then' returned to Ohio and was a resident of that state until 1876, when he came to Kan sas and secured a claim of Osage Indian land. He has since spent about two years in Holden, Johnson county, Missouri, Avhere he had a partial living. In 1882 he added to his original possessions here and by judicious investment of his capital, he has become the owner of sixteen hundred acres, well adapted for stock or grain rais ing. He now has several well improved farms supplied with all modern accessories and conveniences. His property is the vis ible evidence of active and honorable labor, and has the well merited reward for his industry and enterprise. On the 26th of Seotember, 1897, Mr. Shidder was married, in Galesburg town ship, to Anna Cawthon, who was born in Illinois, but was reared and educated im this state. Her father, James Porter Caw thon, of Galesburg township, was born in Tennessee in 1850, and was a son of Wes ley and Margaret (Osborn) Cawthon, also natives of Tennessee, whence they removed to Saline county, Illinois, and from there went to Williamson county, that state, where the father died at the age of seventy- five years, and the mother at the age of seventy-one. Among their eight children, James Porter Cawthon was married at the age of nineteen to Susan Crosson, who was born in Tennessee and was a daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Lebo) Crosson. Mr, and Mrs. Cawthon became the parents of five children, namely: Mrs. Edna Wallace; Mrs. Shideler; Herbert; Mrs. Roxy Marks; and Elden W. They also lost one- child, Agnes, who died at the age of eighteen years. Mr. Cawthon came to Kansas in 1872 and has since made his home here. He is a gentleman of the highest respecta bility, who holds membership in the Meth odist Episcopal church and has served there in as class leader. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Shideler has been blessed with two daughters, Elizabeth Bernice and Susan Angdine. The parents hold membership with the Methodist Epis copal church and Mr. Shideler is one of its trustees. He votes independently and is a citizen deeply interested in the welfare and progress of his county. Splendid suc cess has crowned his efforts in business life, indicating his marked ability, unflagging in- 450 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. dustry and strong detennination. His ex ample is one avell avorthv of emulation, and with pleasure ave present his life record to our readers. JOSEPH S. GEORGE. Practical industry wisely and vigorously applied never fails of success ; it carries a man onward and upavard, brings out his in dividual character and acts as a powerful stimulus to' the efforts of others. The great est results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of the ordi nary qualities of common sense and perse verance. The every day life, with its cares, necessities and duties, affords ample oppor tunities for acquiring experience of the best kind, and its most beaten paths provide a true worker avith abundant scope for effort and for self-improvement. It is along such lines that Air. George has avon a most prom inent and honorable place in business circles, being the secretary and manager of the Hutchinson AAmolesale Grocery Company. At an early period in the development of America, the George family avas founded in America, although the dates of emigra tion to the neav avorld of the first American ancestor is not definitely known. It is an established fact, hoavever, that one of his ancestors oavnecl the land upon which the present city of Norfolk, Virginia, noav stands, and this proves conclusively their early connection with the country. Alartin H. George, the father of our subject, avas born in the Old Dominion, and his brother, Enoch George, avas a Metbodist bishop avho avas avell knoavn throughout Ohio'. The for mer avas a planter in early life, but later en gaged in merchandising, avhich he folloaved in Pennsylvania until the early '30s, avhen he removed to Ohio. In that state he aved ded Airs. Alary A. Black, and they became the parents of three children, of avhom our subject avas the youngest. In his political aleavs he avas first a, AVhig, and on the dis solution of that party he joined the ranks of the neav Republican party. His religious faith avas that of the Methodist denomina tion, and he long held membership in the church. He died at the age of sixty-eight years, but both the paternal and the mater nal grandfather of our subject reached the advanced age of ninety-five years. Joseph S. George avas born in Nenia, Ohio, March 31, 1850, and after attending the public schools of that city took a course in Nenia College. AVhen he had completed his education he made his way avestward, and in 1870 avas a resident of Chase county, Kansas. From 1871 until 1873 he avas en gaged in clerking in Neavton and AA^ichita, avhen, owing to failing health, he avas ob liged to engage in some other occupation that would not have the close confinement of the store. Accordingly he engaged in herding cattle for a time and the free life of the plains restored his health. He then returned to Chase county and for a year he served both as deputy county clerk and dep uty district clerk. In January, 1874, he came to> Hutchinson. He had previously a'isited the city — then but a village — ¦ in 1 87 1, but did not make it his permanent abode until three years later. Here he en tered the employ of Frank Gillett, avith avhom he remained for a year, and then formed a iiartnership avith F. Dunkin, his father-in-laAv, Avho later sold his interest to J. L. Penny. After a year, hoavever, Mr. George purchased Ah*. Penny's interest and from that time foravard carried on the busi ness alone until 1880, avhen he formed a partnership avith J. H. Alauritius, the con nection being maintained for three years, during1' avhich time thev conducted a large retail trade. In 1883 Mr. George sold his interest in the retail store, and in company avith his former partner, J. L. Penny, began doing a avholesale business in the purchase and sale of produce. On the 12th of Jan uary, 1889, avas consumlmiated the plans avhereby was established the Hutchinson AATiolesale Grocery House, of avhich Mt. George avas one of the organizers and pro prietors. This avas not only the first Avhole sale house of Hutchinson, but there avas no other in the city for ten years. The enter prise proved a valued addition to the trade interests of this portion of the country and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 45i returned( to the stockholders a good divi dend from the beginning. The company erected its present building, which is of stone, and is thirty-three by one hundred and seventy-nine feet, three stories in height. Mr. George AAas elected secretary and manager of the company on its organi zation and it is mainly due to his unceasing energy, careful management and familiarity Avith the grocery trade that the extensive patronage of the house has been secured. Eight traveling salesmen represent the com pany upon the road and cover a territory tavo hundred miles to the north and south and four hundred miles east and avest. Not less than twenty-eight families receive their support from tbe business, avhich has shown a healthy and continuous growth from the beginning. On the 23th of September, 1875, Air. George married Miss Mary J. Dunkin, of Hutchinson, and unto them have been born six children : Jennie, the wife of Lewis B. Cory, of this city; Hugh D., who cultivates his father's farm in Harvey county, Kan sas; Clara, who is living with her brother in Harvey county; Alma, Mary and Joseph D., at home. The present handsome resi dence of the George family, at No. 228 Sixth avenue, east, was purchased by Mr. George and is one of tbe attractive and hospitable homes of the city. Previous to this time, hoavever, he had erected a dwell ing. AVhen he first came to the county he secured a timber claim about a mile and a half south of the city, consisting of eighty acres. To-day he also owns a avell im proved farm of three hundred and taventy acres in Harvey county, and this, as avdl as his other property and business inter ests, have all been acquired through his oavn efforts. He has witnessed the development of his chosen place of residence from a little village of about five hundred people, avithout a graded street or even a grade for the buildings. He has watched it become one of the thrifty, well improved cities of central Kansas, and in the avork of public improvement and advancement he has ever borne his part. When he arrived in the county the condition of the country avas sc neAV that large herds of buffaloes could be seen only fifty or sixty miles to' the west, and he has enjoyed many a fine buffalo steak, and when in the retail business pur chased buffalo: hides for from seventy-five cents to a dollar and a quarter each. Great changes have been wrought since then in the business, intellectual and social life of the community, for the people of Hutchin son have kept pace avith the general ad vancement in other parts of the country and to-day the traveler is ahvays attracted by the enterprising spirit of the city and the progress which has been made by her citi zens. In his political vieavs Air. George is a Republican, but has ahvays been too busy to take an active part in political affairs, always refusing to become a candidate for office save that of a member of the city coun cil, to avhich position he has sea-eral times been elected, accepting the nomination at the urgent solicitation of his many friends. In 1 89 1 and 1892 he took an active and effective part in the organization of th;: Kansas Jobbers' Association, of avhich he avas secretary-, and aahich appeared before the railavay commissioners to' secure job bers' rates for interior Kansas. To this Avork he gave much time and attention in preparing data and schedules, and it Avas mainly owing to the intelligent manner in Avhich he presented the facts that jobbers at interior points secured the necessary rates to enable them to compete with houses on the Missouri river avho. could take advant age of the cheaper rates of navigation — a work that has done much to advance the wholesale interests of central Kansas. For more than twenty years Mr. George has been a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Reno' Lodge, No. 140, F. & A. AL; Reno Chapter, No. 34, R. A. M. He is also a member of Enron Lodge, No. 197, K. P., and is a charter member of the Commercial Club. Air. George is an earn est and enthusiastic follower of Izaak Walton, his chief recreation being avith the rod and gun, for he is a leading member of the Gun Club and the most skillful have reason to look to their laurels avhen he en- 452 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ters the competitive field. The hours of recreation, however, have been comparative ly few avith him., as his time has been mostly occupied in building up a business avhich has noav assumed extensive proportions an 1 which brings to him a handsome and de sirable financial reward, of Avhich he is weU deserving. JAMES M. CAMPBELL. Virginia, the mother of presidents, might justly be termed also: the mother of settle ments. In this sense the name Virginia is intended to include the states of Virginia and West Virginia, which were under one state government until the Old Dominion was dis rupted by the bitter feeling engendered by the Civil war. Virginia has sent her repre sentatives to almost every locality of impor tance in the west, northwest and southwest and they have not only grown up with the country but have been foremost in every pro gressive movement. Virginians in Kan sas have lived up to this reputation. Among the best knoavn of them, in Reno' county is James M. Campbell, whose residence is at No. 428 Tenth street west, Hutchinson, and who operates a farm, which is the east one half of section 10, Salt Creek township, and which consists of three hundred and twenty acres of well improved land. James M. Campbell was born within the borders of the present state of West Virginia February 3, 1829, a son of John Campbell, a native of Nicholas county, West Virginia, who was born in 1804, and was a farmer during his entire active life and who died in 1897, aged about ninety-three years, after having lived in the same log house for more than sixty years. He was one of the first settlers in Fayette county, West Virginia, be and his father-in-law having been the first avhite mem to locate there. At that time the country was new and wild, much of it was heavily timbered and the woods avere filled with abundant game and' in their jungles and shadows fierce animals roamed at will. Mr. Campbell bought a farm of about two hundred acres and erected on it a log house, into which he moved when he began clearing his land and improving it into a productive farm. He was married in 1827, to Elizabeth Kesler, a daughter of Jacob Kesler and a native of West Virginia, avhose mother, of the family of Funk, was of German descent. Year after year Mr. Campbell labored, enlarging his clearing and putting more and more land under culti vation, killing off dangerous animals and supplying his family abundantly with wild game,- — deer, turkeys, bear and other game animals and birds all being plentiful about him. As the country became sdtled and Mr. Campbell's circle of acquaintances aa'ldened, the influence of his strong per sonality caused him to be regarded as a leader among his fellows, not only in political and religious work but in every movement tending to their mutual welfare. He held numerous important local official positions' and was an officer in the Bap tist church. In political affiliation he was a Democrat. The locality in which he lived was long destitute of public schools, but he taught his children carefully at home until subscription schools avere established, and from that time on gaa-e them as good edu cation as Avas afforded in that part of the country. 'AVhen James M. Campbell was seven or eight years old his mother died suddenly in the, prime of life, for she had scarcely passed the age of thirty years, leaving* a family of six children, only two of whom survive — the subject of this sketch "and Nancy who, un married, is living on her father's old home stead. Eventually Mr. CampbeU married Amanda Alderson, who lived near him and to them five children were born, three of avhom are living in that vicinity. One of them, Susan, became the wife of J*|mes Savy. James M. spent his boyhood and youth on his father's farm' and like his father became a hunter of much experience and ef ficiency.' He killed much big game, includ- . ing bear, panthers and wild cats., and once killed a wild cat which measured six feet from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail, the largest animal of its species ever killed in A'irginia, so far as is known. Lie BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 453 shot it in the head while it was descending a tree with the intention of attacking his favorite dogs -by which it had been treed. On one occasion, when a mere youth, he was bringing his father's sheep into the fold at dusk and was pursued by a panther, but reached home before it ventured close enough to attack him. At his death John Campbell left his farm in a fine state of cultivation and it AA'as a valuable agricultural property. John Campbell, father of John Campbell and grandfather of James M. Campbell, came over from Ireland at the age of sixteen years and some time afterward was captured by the Indians and was held a prisoner by them four years, undergoing many hardships be fore be was finally released. James M. Campbell left his father's farm when he was twenty-one years old and moved to the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, where he built a house and en gaged in farming. There he became ac quainted avith Sarah McDonald, a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Stump) Ale- Donald, aahom he married October 31, 1851. Her father was of Scotch descent. After three years' residence there he sold this land and accepted a position as brakeman for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. His adaptability to railroad avork and his faithfulness led to his advancement and he filled one position' after another until he be came engineer, and it is a matter of railroad history that he was on the first train that crossed the Alleghany mountains on the Baltimore & Ohio line between Washing ton, District of Columbia, and Wheel ing, West Virginia. During his railroad experience his home was at Piedmont, a quant old toavn at the foot of the moun tains. Leaving the railway service, he avas for a year a farmer in West Vir ginia, then removed to Lee county, Illi nois, avhere he bought eighty acres of land on which he farmed successfully tAventy years, improving it until it became a valuable property and which he sold to advantage in April, 1877, Avith a view to removing to Kan sas. Chartering three cars in Chicago, he loaded them with cattle, hogs, horses, farm ing utensils and household goods and pro ceeded as rapidly as possible to his point of destination. He bought the east half of section 10, in Salt Creek township, and at once set about breaking one hundred acres, which was the first land broken in the town ship and which he sowed to wheat. He rent ed forty acres nearby which he planted with corn. He bought lumber at Hutchinson, at fifty-five dollars per thousand feet, and built a house which cost him a thousand dol lars and was considered a fine residence in that new country at that time and which was distinguished as the second erected in the township. With the assistance of his son he farmed successfully, raising wheat and corn principally and was successful in handling hogs and short-horned cattle. In the season of 1879, he and his older boys, each, operating a header, harvested thirteen hundred and sixty acres of wheat. When he settled on his farm there was not a tree any where in sight and he was obliged to haul posts, for his stable, sheds and other out buildings from Medicine Loge, seventy- five miles away, each round trip consuming about a week. He had to make that long and arduous journey several times. Of late he has experimented to some extent with alf alfa and with many other farmers in his lo cality believes that it will prove one of the most valuable crops that can be raised here. In 1898 he bought three town lots in Hutch inson, upon which he moved a residence which he had purchased and which had for merly occupied a site in another part of the town. In a sense he is retired from, active life, but he gives close attention to the man agement of his agricultural interests. Some time since he suffered a partial stroke of par alysis, from, avhich he never fully recovered. Poltically he acts with the Democrats when state and national questions are under con sideration, but is an independent voter of. local candidates. Though he and his good avife are able to take life easy and have reached an age avhen most people do so they continue in a measure to lead active lives from force of habit. James M. and Sarah (McDonald) Campbell have had five sons and one daughter, but their daughter and one son 454 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. are deceased. Their son AATiliam is married and is a successful farmer in Reno county. John H., formerly a progressive farmer of Stafford county, Kansas, Avhere he still oavns a good farm, is noav employed in a large" dry- goods store in Kansas City, Missouri. James C. is prospering- as a contractor and builder at Aurora, Illinois. Perry L. avas formerly a school teacher, but is now a suc cessful farmer im Salt Creek township, Reno countv, Kansas. CHARLES HEDRICK. For many years Charles Hedrick avas in the railway service but is noav am attendant at the state insane asylum at Osaavatomie, capably discharging" bis duties toward the unfortunate wards of the commonwealth. He was born in Taylorville, Illinois, Au gust 2, 1852. It is drought that the grand father, Jacob Hedrick, was a native of Ger many- and became the founder of the fam ily in the United States. John E. Hed rick, the father of our subject, was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, November 16, 1829, and avas a carpenter by trade. When only a boy he avent from his na tive state to Illinois and was bound out un til twenty-one years of age. On attaining his majority he avlas married, January 9, 1850. in Sangamon county, Illinois, to Sarah E. Alorris, who was born in that state, a daughter of John Morris, a farmer of San gamon county, where he made his home for many years and died at a ripe old age. He was one of the leading men of that section of the state and avas of Scotch and English descent. After his marriage John E. Hedrick fol lowed the carpenter's trade until the break ing* out of the Civil war, when he enlisted, in 1861, at Peoria, Illinois, in the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry. Previous to this time, in 1858, he had removed to Missouri avith the intention of locating there permanently, but was driven out on account of his strong Union sentiments, avhich avere not popu lar in the section of the state in avhich he located. He began his military career avith the rank of second lieutenant and saaa- four years of nearly* constant ser vice. He participated in the battle of Shiloh and numerous other engagements and was discharged at Jackson, Mississippi, on ac count of partial paralysis as a result of the concussion of heaa*y artillery fire. After the war he entered tbe United States revenue service and for years acted as gauger. In 1884 he came to Kansas, locating in Hutch inson, and purchased thirty-five acres of land, all noav within the city limits. Here he engaged in raising fruit and vegetables until the time of his death, which occurred December 13, 1891. His wife survived him until September 12, 1899, when she, too, j>assed aavay. In his political views Mr. Hedrick was a radical Republican and at one time took a very active part in politics. He entertained strong temperance principles avhich he exemplified in his life, and socially he avas connected avith the Odd Fellows So ciety for forty years, while with Hooker Post, G. A. R., of Hutchinson, he also held membership. Charles E. Hedrick is the only child. He avas educated in the public and high schools of Peoria and later avas graduated in Bry ant & Stratton's College, in that city. His . course in the last named institution, however, _ avas not consecutive, for he left the college in order to enter railavay service. But at the age of eighteen years he returned and completed the avork that fitted him for practi cal business duties. Again entering the railroad employ, he acted as brakeman for about three years and avas then promoted to the position of conductor, in which capacity he served continuously until about 1894. He avas first employed by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, his- run being from Peoria to Chicago. Later he accepted a po sition avith the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw, running from Peoria to a point one hundred and eleven miles distant in Indiana. He continued in that position until 1876, when he avent to Creston, Iowa, and entered the service of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, running from Creston to Council Bluffs, one hundred and one miles. For BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 455 seven years he traveled over that route and was then transferred to Lincoln, Nebraska, avhere he avas located for about a year and a half, still avith the same company. On the expiration of that period he removed to Min neapolis and avas conductor on a train run ning betaveen Alinneapolis and Albert Lea, in the employ of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company. Sub sequently he Avas connected with sev eral other companies and then went to Idaho, but remaining there only a short time came to Kansas, AA-here he aided in the construction of the Hutchinson & Southern Railroad. On its completion he took charge of a passenger train as conductor and acted in that capacity until 1894, when he resign ed, having devoted taventy consecutive years to the different railroads. With the exception of three years spent as brakeman, through out the entire period he was employed as a conductor. In 1895 Air. Hedrick accepted a posi tion on the police force of Hutchinson and for four years was assistant marshal, rendering efficient and faithful service in maintaining law and order in the commun ity and in apprehending the offenders who disregarded the rights and liberties of thdr felloav men. In 1900 he was appointed an attendant in the state asylum at Osawato- mie, Kansas, and has since been in care of the unfortunate people in the epileptic ward. There are now one hundred and twenty-five attendants in an institution which was found ed only thirty-five years ago. The build ings are thoroughly modern and were erected at a cost of three-fourths of a million dollars. The grounds contain three hundred and taventy acres and the institution has ten hundred and forty inmates. Air. Hedrick has been twice married. On the 4th of January, 1875, in Peoria, Illinois, he made Miss Anna Ahrens his avife. She avas a native of that city and a daughter of Bernard Ahrens, a cabinet-maker. They had tavo children : Edith, who avas born Oc tober 4. 1875, in Peoria, and is mow the wife of D. R. Hogeland, of St. Louis, an employee of the Adams Express Company ; and Homer, who is noav engaged in mining at Cape Nome, Alaska. In 1888, in Hutch inson, Kansas, Mr. Lledrick avas again mar ried, his second union, being avith Mary Elizabeth McFadden, avho was born in Macoupin county, Illinois, a daughter of James and Mary F. (McBride) McFadden, the former born in Ohio in 1833, the latter in Illinois in 1843. in I&61 Air. McFad den had joined the Union Army as a mem ber of Company H, Fourteenth Ohio Vol unteer Infantry, and participated in many of the important engagements and campaigns, including the battles of Shiloh and Gettys burg and the celebrated march to the sea avith Sherman. He avas taken prisoner and incarcerated at Andersonville for sev eral months, but while being transferred to another prison he dropped off the car and managed to make his escape under cover of the night. At the close of the avar he was mustered out at Cincinnati. Soon after the avar he removed avith his family ta Illinois, where he remained until 1876, avhen he came to Kansas, locating for a time at Fort Scott. He then removed to California, but returning to this state took up his abode in Reno county, avhere for a number of years he carried on farming operations in Grove toavnship. In 1890 he removed to Lincoln, Kansas, and entered the employ of the electric light company, but soon his life's labors avere ended, in death. He passed away November 14, 1891. His avife died avhile in Texas, July 19, 1900. By the second marriage of Mr. Hed rick one son has been born, Alelvin Earl, who avas born May 15, 1889, and avas edu cated in the public schools of Hutchinson.- The family have recently removed from Hutchinson to Osaavatomie, although they expect eventually to return to the former city. In his political vieavs Mr. Hedrick has ahvays been a stalwart Republican, in flexible in his support of the principles of the party. Socially he is identified with the Knights of Pythias fraternity and both he and his wife belong to the Fraternal Aid Society. He was formerly connected with the Sons of Veterans, avas very prominent in the order and served as junior vice commander of the state. In all life's re- 456 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. lations he has been found very true and loyal to the trust reposed in him and to the duties which have devolved upon him, and he commands the unqualified regard of all with whom he was associated. He has visited many parts of the country and his knowledge bas thereby been greatly broad ened. He is a genial, companionable gen tleman and his sterling worth is widely acknowledged. HARRY S. SCHALL. When Ave examine the life record of such men as Harry S. Schall and note the salient points in his character we do not wonder at the rapid development of the west or marvel that the tiny hamlets of a few decades ago are now flourishing cities. He possesses un daunted enterprise, strong will and forms his judgments after mature deliberation, so that in an opinion on business matters he is rarely at fault. At the same time he is quick to note and improve an opportunity, and thus has he reached a commanding position among the leading citizens; of Hutchinson. He is the proprietor of the Leader Transfer & Storage Company, and has made his home in this city for ten years. A native of Knox county, Illinois, he avas born July 20, 1866, a son of William Schall, who was born in Pennsylvania and removed to Illinois soon after the close of the Civil avar. There he engaged in farm ing until 1 870, avhen he came to Kansas, lo cating in Sumner county, avhere he main tained his residence until 1895, since avhich time he has been a resident of Hutchinson. He married Isabella Dunmire, and they be came the parents of eight children, of avhom Harry S. is the eldest. He pursued his ed ucation in the schools of Hutchinson and in the college at Parkville, Missouri, and then began farming in Kansas, following that pursuit in Sumner and Sedgwick counties until 1892, when he came to Hutchinson and established the transfer and storage business of avhich he is now proprietor. He began operations on a small scale, but by devoting his entire attention to the business and by- reliable methods, promptness and capable management he has continually extended the field of his labors until he now enjoys a very extensive patronage that makes his en terprise a profitable one. He now utilizes nine teams and the best transfer trucks, fit ting for handling all kinds of merchandise and manufactures. His plant includes a large storage warehouse for machinery and other rooms for household goods. He makes a specialty of handling machinery, whidi,. after being shipped in here, he distributes to me purchasers. Twelve men are regularly employed and his business has reached ex tensive proportions. In the summer of 1901 he became connected with the street sprink ling — a business that had previously been. carried on intermittently by several parties,. but neglected at times left the city subject to the discomforts and losses caused by the sand and dust. In his work of keeping the city streets avell sprinkled he has secured the support of most of the business houses and has extended the scope of his work so that the. great damage hitherto done by the dust is now almost a thing of the past. On the 2d of December, 1900, occurred the marriage of Air. Schall and Miss Hattie D. Totten, a daughter of T. B. Totten, of Huntsville, Kansas, and they now occupy a comfortable residence at No. 520 avenue B, east, avhich avas erected by Mt. Schall in 1899. Air. Schall is a avarm advocate of the Republican party and usually attends its conventions, but has neither time nor in clination for public office. Socially he is connected avith the Ancient Order of United. AVorkmen and avas formerly active in team avork and took an active part in competi tion drills, but the growth of his business has rendered this impossible in recent years. He also has membership' relations with the- Modern AA'oodmen, the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, the Red Men, the Social and Fraternal Circle and the' Knights and Ladies of Security. All that he possesses has come to him as the reward of his earn est and avell directed labor, and while he is noav a prosperous man his life stands in ex emplification of what may be accomplished through perseverance, industry and honesty... BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 457 WILLIAM BARKHURST. William Barkhurst, of Hutchinson, Kansas, has for a number of years been a trusted employe of the Rock Island Rail road Company, and as such is deserving of more thaii a passing mention in this avork. He is a native son of the Buckeye state, his birth occurring in Alorgan county August 2, 1852. His father, AA'illiam Barkhurst, also claimed Ohio as the state of his na tivity, his birth occurring in Harrison coun ty on the 24th of Alarch, 181 7, and he was of English and German descent. He fol loaved the tilling" of the soil in his native county until 1854, avhen he removed to Morgan county, Ohio, the birthplace of our subject, there purchasing a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, avhich he placed under an excellent state of cultivation. In Harrison county, in 1842, he avas united in marriage to Eleanor AA'alraven, and unto that union avere born six children, as fol loavs : Alary Elizabeth, avidoav of George Niciswanger and a resident of Morgan coun ty, Ohio; John, avho died in Trenton, Mis souri, in 1881 ; James K, who avas born in 1845 ana noav farms the old homestead farm in Morgan county, Ohio; Sarah, avife of John Atkinson, a prominent agriculturist of Morgan county; Leavis, avho is engaged in the drug business in Malta, Ohio; and Ella, the avife of Thomas A^an Horn, a farmer of Alorgan county, Ohio. The mother of this family passed aAvay in death in 1853, and in the folloaving year the fa ther married Emily Cromeley, a native of Harrison county, Ohio, born in 1827, and a daughter of Thomas C. Cromeley, a farmer by occupation. He avas of English descent. This union avas blessed avith four children, namely: Thomas, avho died in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1897; AVilliam, the subject of this revieav; Alary, avidoav of Hugh James and a resident of Alorgan county, Ohio; and Jennie, the avife of Eli Smith! avho is engaged in the hardware business in Malta, Ohio. .Airs. Barkhurst avas called to her final rest in 1887, and tavo years later her husband joined her in the spirit avorld. He resided on his beautiful farm 29 in Morgan county until his life's labors were ended in death, and in the community in avhich he made his home he avas highly es teemed ' for his many noble characteristics. For forty-three years he avas a avorthy and. zealous member of the Methodist church, in avhich he served as class leader and trus tee. The cause of education ever found in him a warm friend, and for a number of years he served as a member of the school board. ' Im his political affiliations he was first a AVhig and aftenvard a1 Re*>ubliean. He was honorable in all his business deal ings, loyal in citizenship, faithful in friend ship, and his fidelity to duty in all the re lations of life gained him the respect and good avill of all who knew. him. AA'illiam Barkhurst, the immediate sub ject of this review, received his early edu cation in the common schools of Morgan county, Ohio, and during his youth and early manhood he assisted his father in the work of the farm, also spending two years in a tannery. He subsequently avent tc* Oskaloosa, Iowa, having been a resident of that city when it avas visited by the terrible cyclone, and there he secured a position in the car department of the railroad. Re maining in that city about six months, he then returned to Oliio, avhere he remained until the ist of January, 1887, the date of his arrival in Hutchinson, Kansas. In this city he first secured avork avith the Pacific Railroad Company, avhere he remained for a time, and avas then given a position in the locomotive department of the Rock Isl and Railroad. The efficient service which he rendered the company and his close" at tention to duty soon avon him promotion, and two years after entering the service of the Rock Island Company he avas made a fireman, which position he held until 1891, when he avas made engineer. As the road avas extended westavard Ah*. Barkhurst re sided at different points along the road until he finally located in Hutchinson, avhere he has even since made his home, his present residence being at 227 F street, east. For the past year he has been employed on en gine No. 15, in the switching service in the company's yards at Hutchinson. This posi-' 458 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tion calls for the greatest care, avatchfulness and skill, but he has rendered entire satis faction to the officers of the road, and is re garded as one of the most trustAvorthy and reliable employes in the service. The marriage of Mr. Barkhurst avas celebrated on the 29th of July, 1888, at Dodge City, avhen Aliss Annie Elizabeth Webb became his avife. She avas born in Audrain county, Alissouri, a daughter of J. T. and: Lucindy (Evans) Webb, the father a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and the mother of Missouri, born near Mexico, while the former avas of German and the lat ter of Irish descent. The maternal grand father of Airs. Barkhurst avas killed during the war of the Revolution by the notorious Anderson gang of guerrillas. Air. AAfebb departed this life in Memphis, Scotland county, Missouri, in 1888, but his aaidoav still survives, and since 1897 has made her home in Hutchinson, iioav residing at No. 131 East Sherman street. The union of our subject has been blessed by six children. namely: George, born on the 28th of March, 1881 ; Cora, born October 11, 1883 : Edith, born May 6, 1889 ; Ethel E., born De cember 4, 1 89 1 ; Edward Leslie, born Janu ary 23, 1893; and Milford, born April 19, 1897. In political matters Mr. Barkhurst gives his earnest support to the Republican party, and for one term he served as a mem ber of the board of education. Iii his social relations he is a member of the Ancient Or der of United AVorkmen and the Knights of Pythias fraternities. His avife is a leading member of the Baptist church in Hutchin son. Mr. Barkhurst is interested in avhat ever is designed for the public aaelfare, and is a public-spirited, progressive citizen, avho merits the high regard in avhich he is uni formly held. CHARLES AV. PECKHAM. Among the best citizens of Reno county, esteemed alike for his sterling avorth of char acter and his activity in the business avorld, is Charles W Peckham, a avorthy represen tative of an honored family. According" to tradition the original ancestors of the Peck ham family in America came over in the Alayfloaver, and located in Rhode Island, then called "Rhode Island and Providence Plantation,'' and' it is be lieved that this is the origin of the entire Peckham family in America as it exists to day. Job Peckham, the great-grandfather of our subject, was born, lived and died in Rhode Island, and his soil, Oliver Peckham, was the first of our subject's branch of the family to leave that coimmonavealth. Lie re moved to Aladison county, New York, and avhile there residing he served as a soldier in the avar of 18 12, and our subject's father as long as he lived retained a distinct recollec- ton of his father's home-coming from that conflict. The death of Oliver Peckham oc curred in Aladison county. New York. His brothers and sisters avere as folloavs : Giles, avho made his home in Fulton, Neav York; Gideon, a resident of Sunbury, that state; John, avho resided at Aladison, Neav York; George, avhose residence is not knoavn ; and Nancy, avho became the avife of a Mr. Broavn, a prominent shoe merchant of Lock- port, Neav York. A strange coincidence is that our subject, avhile attending school in Lockport, purchased shoes from his great- uncle avithout kiiOAving of the relationship Avhich existed betaveen them, and afterward, happening by the merest chance to mention the circumstance to his father, avas informed of the relationship. John, the third son, be came a prominent farmer of his locality, re siding at Parma, ten miles from Rochester. He aaas a shreavd business man, and ahvays received the highest market price for his products. At that time the Adventists were so positive that the avorld avas to come to an end he avas one day approached by a gentle man of that faith avho solemnly informed him that the end of the avorld avas just at hand. Mr. Peckham replied avith equal gravity and avith a tone of regret, "I avish 1 had knoavn it sooner, for I could have sold ma- avheat and received the money for it." One of his daughters. Eugenia, avas the au thor of a volume of poems of considerable note. She became the avife of Dr. Hartavell. and her death occurred in early life. Her BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 459 father aftenvard collected her poems and had them published in a volume. Oliver Peckham became the father of six children, namely : John D., the father of our subject ; Eusebius, avho followed farming in Aladison county and there, spent his entire life; Charles, avho was captain of a canal boat, and also spent his entire life in the Empire state; Rebecca, the avife of Zara Simmons, a prominent and successful farmer living one mile from Hamilton, Neav York; and Nancy and the youngest daughter, of avhom no knowledge could be gained. John D. Peckham, the father of him whose name introduces this revieav, avas born in Aladison county, New York, on the 22d of December, 1808. He received' his education in the common schools of his lo cality, and during his youth and early man hood he assisted his father in the avork of the home farm. After reaching mature years he removed to the toavn of Hamilton, avhere he learned the tailor's trade, and there fol lowed that occupation until his removal tc Ohio. On the 16th of May, 1833, in Aladi son county, he avas united in marriage to Azina S. Brush, aaho was there born on the 12th of September, 1809, a daughter of George Brush, avho lived in Columbia, coun ty, New York. The year folloaving his mar riage Mr. Peckham removed to Alaumee, Ohio, making the journey from Buffalo to Toledo by steamboat. In that city he estab-. lished a merchant tailor's store, opening his establishment with a stock avorth fifteen hundred dollars, but unfortunately his store and entire stock avas a feav years afterward destroyed by fire, and in a short time his davelling avas also burned. In spite of these misfortunes Mr. Peckham: succeeded in his business affairs, and scon built up a fine trade. Afterward, however, he purchased a farm, of three hundred and twenty acres near Maumee, to which he removed his family, and there he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for a period of five years.' On the expiration of that period he rented his land and removed with his family to the town but soon after Asiatic cholera became preva lent in this section, and, believing it safer in the country, he hastily returned with his family to their farm, but his Avife avas soon stricken avith that terrible disease, and her death occurred on the 3d of August, 1854. After that sad event the family again left their country home and located in Alaumee, and the household avas presided over by the eldest daughter, avho tenderly cared for the children until they greav to mature years and became scattered, the youngest daugh ter-going to Neav York to make her home avith an aunt, avhile the eldest went to Toledo and found employment as a. seams tress. About this time Mr. Peckham sold his interest in Maumee and removed to Jackson county, Michigan, avhere he was engaged in both farming and trading. Later he secured a homestead in Gratiot county, Alichigan, where, in partnership with another 'gentle man, he laid out the toavn of St. Louis, noav a flourishing little city, but at first its growth avas so slow that Mr. Peckham: became dis couraged, and, selling his interests there, re turned to Jackson county, where he folloaved both tailoring and farming until 1872. In that year he came to the Sunflower state, and from that time until his death, avhich occurred on the 24th of October, 1883, he made his home avith our subject. Prior to his removal to this state he was very promi nent in the different localities in avhich he made his home, and avas ahvays an active worker in the cause of Christianity. In early life his political support was given to the Whig party, and after the organization of the Republican party he joined its ranks and avas ever active in supporting its prin ciples. During the later years of his life he became a great reader, and as he had a most remarkable memory he became exceedingly avell informed along many lines, but his preference was given to general history. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Peckham was blessed with five children, namely : Frances, born September 10, 1834, is the widow of George Secor and resides in Toledo, Ohio; Mary, born July 10, 1837, died August 31, 1844, at Maumee; George B., born Febru ary 27, 1839, died at Maumee on the 19th of March, 1844; Cornelia E., born July 27, 1845, Js the avife of Charles Doesher, a 460 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. prominent fruit-grower of Petaluma, Cali fornia; and Charles W. is the subject of this review. The latter, avho was named in honor of his uncle, Captain Charles Peckham', was born at Maumee, Ohio1, one of the oldest towns of the state, on the 26th of March, 1849. He was but five years of age when. his mother died, and during his youth he first attended the schools of his native •city and later those of Jackson, Michigan. He subsequently became a student in the public schools of Adrian, that state, and afterward entered the high school of Lockport, NeAV York, in Avhich institution he avas graduated. After completing his studies he successfully passed an academic examination. Previous to entering the high school at Lockport he taught one term of school in Niagara coun ty, Neav York, and shortly after bis arrival in this state he resumed the teacher's pro fession, folloaving- that occupation during the avinter terms of 1873-5-6-7 in the Bethel school house, in district No. 35. His career as an educator was eminently successful, and he still has in his possession the first certificate avhich he received in Reno county. After completing his high school course Mr. Peckham returned to Michigan, locating in Lenawee county, avhere he had previously made his home AA'ith a avidoav lady named Spencer after his father's family became scattered, and there he folloaved farming for one year. He then removed to Texas, lo cating at Columbus, avhere he resumed the teacher's profession for one term and for the folloaving six months avas the proprietor of a meat market. His next occupation avas that of a herder on a ranch, avhich he con tinued for one year. Pie then joined a party of herders avho avere employed by a ranch man to gather a herd of cattle along the Gulf of Mexico and drive them to Abilene, Kansas, a distance of eight hundred miles, and the journey consumed five months. On reaching the Indian nation the red skins de manded tavo hundred dollars toll on then- herd of eight hundred cattle, but the fore man of the herders, a brave and sturdy fel loav, refused their demands. The Indians at once became troublesome and the cowboys immediately drew their six-shooters, while in return the Indians, only five in number, pointed to, their camp, wbere they had an army of warriors. Not a whit intimidated, the coavboys kept a bold front and by ener getic signs conveyed to the Indians a graphic picture of the vast number of Indians they had killed thus far on the trail just to "keep their hand in," and avould ask for no greater pastime than to kill the whole tribe ! After many threats a compromise avas at last effected, and the Indians accepted a steer as toll. It avas Air. Pcckham's intention on reaching the Sunfioaver state to return to Alichigan, but on their avay to Abilene the party passed through a magnificent scope of country in avhat is noav the southeastern por-» tion of Reno county our subject de.- cided to locate here, and after disposing of the cattle he accordingly returned here and secured a claim. At that time there avere but feav trees in this section, and they avere lo cated along the Arkansas river and not a stick of timber aaas to be found on Air. Peck- ham's claim. Buffaloes roamed at avill over the prairies, and his first residence here avas a sod house, avith a roof of lumber, and in order to secure a cook stove he avas obliged to go to Neavton, a distance of thirty miles, but just about this time the Santa Fe road avas completed to. this point. He began his farming operations here avith four Texas ponies, aahich he had brought from Texas, but in the folloaving fall he secured four avild Texas steers, for avhich he built a corral thirty feet square. After much difficulty he succeeded in breaking these avild animals to the yoke and ploav, and he soon placed about taventy acres of his c'faim under cultivation. In that earl)' day his nearest neighbor re sided in Sedgavick county, a distance of seven miles east, and his residence was lo cated the farthest avest in the state of Kan sas south of the Arkansas river. Before the dwelling avas entirely completed, hoavever, a company of Texas drovers camped near his claim avith a herd of three thousand head of cattle, avhich they had driven from Texas. Mr. Peckham secured employment avith this company, receiving thirty-five dollars a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 461 month, and afterward they camped on his claim and their cattle grazed in tbis vicinity for months or until a party of hunters care lessly set fire to the grass and a disastrous prairie fire avas the result, thus compelling the herders to journey further north. Air. Peckham remained avith this company Until the folloaving spring, avhen he returned to his claim. In the spring of 1872 his father took up his abode avith him, and for tavo years the taao remained here alone. During' the first feav years of his resi dence here Mr. Peckham engaged in many buffalo hunts. He secured altogether eleven of the animals, aahich he captured on differ ent occasions, five of the number having been contracted for by the advance agent of a brother of Dr. Durand, to be used in the great eastern menagerie. At another time he avas out on a three aveeks' hunt far to the soutliAvest Avith a man named Rouse, but this trip did not prove as successful as the for mer one, and our subject succeeded in cap turing only about four animals, one of Avhich AA_as a pOAyerful animal tAvo' years old. It made a desperate struggle for liberty, dragging Air. Peckham and his horse all over the prairie before it Avas avorn out. By his industry and good management our sub ject has prospered1 in his undertakings, and year by year has added to his possessions until he is now the OAvner of a magnificent landed estate. The first addition which he made to his original purchase consisted of the north half of the northeast quarter of section 2, avhich was then but slightly im proved. His original holdings consisted of eighty acres of homestead land and eighty acres pre-emption, and the latter avas after- avard turned into a- timber claim. Later he purchased tavo hundred and forty acres of adjoining land, on section 3, and aftenvard became the oavner of eighty acres near Ha- ven, but the latter tract he" has given to his eldest son. His entire possessions noav con sist of five hundred and seventv-fia-e acres, avhich includes fifteen acres avithin the toavn site of Haven. In 1878 he embarked in the stock business in partnership avith another gentleman, securing a herd of betaveen sev enty and eighty cattle, and this firm be- ¦ came very successful in their chosen line. Later on Mr. Peckham also carried on the stock business in partnership' avith a gen tleman from Michigan, keeping from tavo hundred to tavo hundred and fifty head, but since 1890 he has carried on operations alone, during avhich time he has annually kept about one hundred head. He ships on an average three car-loads a year, and he also carries on an extensive business in buy ing and selling stock. The Peckham homestead is one of the beautiful places of Reno county. Plis enter prising and progressive nature is well shoavn in the graded evolutions avhich have taken place in his dAvellings from the year 1871 until the present time. In that year he erected a one-room sod house, Avhicb served as his abode until 1873, Avhen a three-room frame, dav el ling avas constructed. In 1881, at a cost of one thousand dollars, he erected a comnnodious and attractive home, and this he joined to his second residence, making a ten-room house. During the present year, 1 901, this structure avas replaced by a mag nificent davelling, avhich is supplied avith every comfort and convenience knoavn to the older east. It contains tavelve rooms and avas erected at a cost of four thousand dol lars. The hall and stainvay are furnished entirely in oak, as are also the outside doors and avindoav casings, avhile the avindoavs are plate glass. The entire place is heated by a furnace, the grounds: are beautiful and ex tensive, and in both its interior and exterior appearance the home is indeed beautiful. In 1892 Mr. Peckham erected a large barn, the finest in Reno county, forty by ninety- five feet, avith a capacity for one hundred tons of hay, two thousand bushels of grain, thirteen horses and fifty cattle, and avhen necessary one hundred head of cattle can be sheltered in this barn. It AA'as erected at a cost of twenty-one hundred dollars. Air. Peckham farms all of his land, and during the past season one hundred and taventy- five acres of his place avas planted avith avheat, avhich yielded him three thousand eight hundred bushels : seventy acres avith corn; twenty acres avith alfalfa, the first three crops of avhich realized fifty-tavo dol- 462 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. lars per acre. His orchard contains about three acres, and in his splendid garden are tavo hundred grape vines, raspberries, black berries and many other varieties of small fruits, avhile his grove of taventy acres con tains cottonavood, maple, mulberry, osage orange, ash and box elder trees. The marriage of Mr. Peckham avas cele brated on the 19th of February, 1874, avhen Sarah Pless became his avife, the avedding taking place at the home of her brother, tavo miles from this city. She avas born in Hartford City, Indiana, on the 29th of November, 1850, and is a daughter of Abram! and Elizabeth (Gadbury) Pless, na tives respectively of Pennsylvania, and Ohio and both of German descent. The father followed farming in the vicinity of Hart ford City, and he and his avife died avithin a year of each other, leaving a family of five children, avho, avith courage and de cision that avas truly marvelous and in spite of the remonstrances of their friends, sold their little Indiana home and came to Kan sas, the avife of our subject holding her little sister, the youngest of the family, on her lap during nearly the entire distance. On their arrival here they located on section 14, Ha ven township, avhere they remained until Mrs. Peckham's marriage, and her youngest sister then made her home with her. She was one of five children, namely : David, avho is employed as a traveling salesman for the Page Fence Company, of Adrian, Mich igan, and is located in Hutchinson; Sarah, the wife of our subject; Nelson, avho op erates the old home farm; John, proprietor of the Palace livery barn, of Hutchinson; and Alartha, the avife of Ira Fisher, avho op erates a farm adjoining the old home place. The union of 'Mr. and Airs. Peckham has been blessed avith ten children: John D., avho avas born on the 5th of November, 1874, is employed as a clerk in Wichita and is also the oavner of a farm near Haven, and he avas married to Hattie Van Buren, a daughter of George Van Buren, of Haven toavnship1; Alinnie, born January 19, 1877, is the avife of Everett Bishop, a farmer of Alanchester, Oklahoma; Flora, born April 5, 1879, died in childhood, on the 15th of November, 1885 ; Ella, born January 19, 1881, died February 15, 1900; Arthur Le roy,' born July 7, 1883, is attending the Agricultural College at Manhattan; Bertha avas born November 27, 1884; Cora was born Alay 27, 1886; Eddie D. was born January 14, 1888; Ira avas born May 19, 1889; and Laura P. avas born January 4, 1 891. In matters of national importance Air. Peckham gives his support to the Demo cratic party, but at local elections he votes independent of party ties. He has served as a member of the school board since its or ganization ; avas the first trustee of Haven toavnship, elected in 1873, anc^ served for one term; in 1888 avas president of the Laav and Order League, and during his services in that position, avith the aid of the ministers of this locality, he succeeded in ridding Ha ven of much of the unlaavful liquor traffic; avas a delegate to the state Prohibition con vention, at Topeka ; and has frequently been a delegate to the county conventions held at Hutchinson. He avas also a member of the original toavn company of Haven, avhich oavned one-half of the land included in the present toavn site. During that time, in company- avith L. O. Smith, he erected the Haven Roller Mills in 1887, at a cost of tavela-e thousand dollars. He is president of the Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Stock Company, and is a stockholder in the ele vator operated by- this organization. In his social relations Mr. Peckham is a member of the Alasonic order and of the Ancient Order of United AAtorkmen, of avhich he is noav a past master. Religiously both he and his avife are Universalists, and they formerly held membership relations avith the church at Haven, but the organization has since been discontinued. Such is the biography of one of the most successful men of Reno' county. Lie has carved his avay to a position of affluence unaided and alone, by constant application and hard work, and he is a avorthy representative of the progressive, in telligent and public-spirited citizens of cen tral Kansas. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 463 WILLIAM RICHARD LO\rE. AATiliam R. Love is one of the respected farmers of Reno' county, avhere he has made his home for many years, being closely asso ciated avith its avdfare. He is a thorough, practical agriculturist and man of business, and has been the architect of his oavn for tunes. His fidelity to duty is one of his marked characteristics, and in times of war and peace alike he has ever been true to his honest convictions. Air. Love is a native of South Carolina, his birth having occurred on the 10th of April, 1839. His grandfather, Richard Love, avas a avell knoavn planter of that com- inonavealth, avhere he owned many slaves, and there he spent his entire life. He reared six sons and tavo daughters, all of avhom became avorthy citizens and avere an honor to the good old family name. James H. Love, the father of our subject, avas born in South Carolina, April 29, 1803, and in his native state, in 1828, avas united in mar riage to Sarah Boaven, avho avas there born in 1806, a daughter of Joseph Bowen. In the fall of 1842, avhen our subject avas three and a half years of age, they removed to Alississippi, avhere they be came the owners of "five hundred acres of land, on avhich they raised principal ly cotton and corn, and they also owned from fifteen to taventy slaves. They reared six of their nine children, four daughters and tavo sons ; and the brother of our subject, Joseph E. Love, is noav a prominent farmer of Mississippi, avhere he oavns about seven hundred acres of land and is extensively en gaged in farming and stock-raising. The mother departed this life in 1863, and her husband survived her until Alay 8, 1885, avhen he, too, passed aavay, dying in Alis sissippi. Williami Richard Love, avhose name in troduces this revieav, has ever folloaved the tilling of the soil as a life occupation, and after attaining to man's estate he avas en gaged in farming avith his father for seven years. He then left the parental roof, and for .a time worked on his own- place of four hundred acres. During the Civil Avar both he and his brother en tered the service of their beloved south land, and both avere avounded in bat tle. At the battle of Franklin, Ten nessee, our subject avas wounded and cap tured, after avhich he spent three and one- half months in a hospital at Nashville, going thence, to' Louisville, Kentucky, next to Camp Chase, Ohio, and finally to Point Lookout, Alaryland, having been'in the hos pital most of the time. After the close of hostilities he returned to his home in Alis sissippi, avhere he remained until May, 1884, avhen he came to Kansas and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land near Part ridge, the purchase price being twelve hun dred, and eighty dollars. From time to time he has added to his original purchase until he noav oavns three quarter sections, a half section of which is under a high state of cultivation, avhile the remainder is devoted to pasturage. He keeps on hand about fifty head of graded cattle, many being full- blooded shorthorns, and also has from tavelve to thirteen mules. Corn and wheat are the principal crops, eighty acres of his land being planted avith the latter and one hundred and ten acres with the former cereal. He indeed possesses the enterprising spirit of the avest, and the high position avhich he noav occupies in the business avorld has been reached by his unfaltering industry, his close attention to business and his avise judgment. On the 4th of September, 1872, avas cele brated the marriage of Air. Love and Miss Perneacy Robinson, a daughter of Alexan der and Pamelia (Estes) Robinson, of Mis sissippi, avhere the father avas engaged in agricultural pursuits. They became the par ents of sixteen children, six of whom greav to years of maturity. The mother departed this life at the age of forty-seven years, and the father reached the age of sixty-seven years, passing aavay in Alississippi. Unto our subject and avife have been born thirteen children, namely : Pamelia, the avife of Pit- son O'Hara, of Ohio, and they have tavo children; Alartha; William; Anna; John; Robert ; Frederick ; Alyrtle ; and Edgar and Edwin, tavins. Three of the children died 464 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. in infancy. Both Air. and Airs. Love are memibers of the Congregational church, and in his political affiliations Air. Love is a Populist. The family have a avide circle of friends in Reno county and enjoy the hos pitality of many of its best homes. BARNETT BURDICK. The subject of this revieav has reached the eighty-third milestone on life's journey. His career has been an eventful one in many respects, including almost four years of ser vice in the Civil Avar, and noav in the even ing of his life can look back on a avell spent past. He avas born in Otsego county, Neav York, November 4, 1819, and is a son of Jonathan A. Burdick, a native of Rhode Island. His paternal grandfather, Allen Miles Burdick, avas also born in the same state and avas of English lineage, the an cestry of the family being traced back to two brothers avho1 fought avith Cromavell in opposition to the British crown, and avhen the Protectorate avas overthiOAvn they fled to the United States, thus founding* the family on American soil. Jonathan B., the father of our subject, wedded Susanna S till- well , a daughter of Barnett Stilhvell, avIio Avas of French and English lineage. They had tavelve children. The father avas a millavright and died im OswegO' county, Neav York. His political support avas given the Democracy. He reached a very ad vanced age and died in the faith of the Bap tist church, of avhich he avas long a member. The mother lived to the age of ninety-three years. Barnett Burdick avas reared in Otsego and Osavego counties, acquired a common school education, and avorked in the fields through the summer months and until after the harvests avere garnered in the autumn. He avas married at the age of twenty-four, in 1842, to Aliss Alina Ann Eason, avho rep resented a good family of innate culture and refinement. She possessed literary- tastes and avas a successful teacher prior to her marriage. Her birth occurred in Neav Haven township, Oswego county, Neav York, her parents being Dr. N. S. and Experience ( Severance) Eason, who avere from Massachusetts, and avere people of high literary culture and very patriotic The second year after their marriage Mr. and Airs. Burdick ,remloved to McHenry county, Illinois, and in 1850 he avas one of the Argonauts avho sought the golden fleece in California, crossing the plains to the Pacific slope avith an ox team. He re mained there for tavo years and then, re turned home by avay of the Isthmus of Pan ama. In his Avork in the far Avest he avas quite successful. Air. Burdick then engaged in farming in Illinois until after the inaug uration of the Civil avar, avhen. in October, 1 86 1. he enlisted as a member of Battery A, Chicago Light Artillery. His son, Henry E., also joined the service, and side by side they fought for the preservation of the Union, being under command of Cap tain Charles Al. AATilard. Air. Burdick par ticipated in taventy-tavo engagements, in cluding the battles of Fert Henry, Fort Don elson, Pittsburg Landing, the siege of Cor inth, the battle of Alemphis, and avith Gen eral Sherman he avent doavn the Missis sippi river to a point beloav A'icksburg, and after participating in the engagement at Arkansas Post returned to take part in the siege of Vicksburg", there remaining until after the surrender of the city. He Avas also in the battles of Jackson, Black River Bridge, Chattanooga, Lookout Alountain, Alissionary Ridge, Champion Hill, and for some aveeks avas in the campaign at Larkin- ville, Alabama. Subsequently he avas avith General Sherman in the Atlanta campaign, taking part in the battles of Resaca and Dal las, and in the siege of Atlanta, being en gaged in the battle on the 22d of July, 1864, avhen General AlcPherson avas killed. "With the troops he then proceeded to Savannah, also taking cart in the battles of Nashville and Jonesboro. He avas never wounded, but at the last named, had a very narrow es cape. He acted as rammer for the big gun. All through the avar he and his son marched together and fought together, and at length they avere honorably discharged in July, B .¦--- M, . /^hffc^ ffi His avife also died in Ioava in 1868 at the age of seventy years. Unto this avorthy couple avere born seven sons and four daughters, but only three of the num ber still survive — Jacob, a resident of Ioava; Nancy Colj>, avho makes her home in La- Porte, Indiana; Llenry, the subject of this revieav. Those deceased are : Abram, avho aaas a soldier in an Ioava regiment during the Civil avar, and his death occurred in Nebraska ; Rebecca, Rhoda, Nathan, Har riet, John, Luke and Lemuel. The lat- named died avhen young. Henry Johnson, whose name introduces this revieav, avas eighteen years of age when he: accompanied' his parents on their removal uo Ioava, but prior to that time he had re ceived his education in a log school house in Michigan, and much of his youth and early manhood avas spent upon the avild ' aa-esterni frontiers. From Floyd county, Ioava, he removed avith the family to Nic- • ollet county, Alinnesota, but in 1867 re turned to Ioava, and in Hamilton county, that state, at the age of taventy-five years, he avas united in marriage to Emeline Pos tage, a native of Alinnesota and a daughter of Henry and Emily Prestage. After a short: but happy married life the mother avas called to the home beyond, passing aavay in Hamilton county, Iowa. At her death she left tavo children, — George, a res ident of Decatur county, Kansas, and Mrs. Emma Leavis, of Montana. For his sec ond avife Mr. Johnson chose Loretta Ran- del, avho avas born in Shelbv county, Ohio, a daughter of Job and Anna C. (Garber) Rancid, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Shelby county, Ohio', and they noav reside in Floyd county, Iowa. Unto this avorthy couple avere born nine other chil dren, namely: Frances R., John N, AVilliam J., Alartin E., George AV., Elmer E, James MR. AND MRS. HENRY JOHNSON. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 475 S. and Alerritt G. and Rose Ellen, deceased. Unto Air. and Mrs. Johnson has been born one son, Elza, who' was born in Ioava twen ty-four years ago. He married Celia Mc- Guire, and noav resides on one of his fa ther's farms. Mr. Johnson, of this review, came from Hamilton countv, Ioava, to this state in 1896, and in Galesburg township he now owns a well cultivated farm of five hundred acres, on which he has erected a large and commodious residence, barns and other outbuildings, while a beautiful orchard of eight acres further adds to the value and attractive appearance of his place. He is a stanch advocate and an active worker for the Republican party, and is a well known and popular man in his locality. G. A. BISHOP. G. A. Bishop, a well-known resident of Atlanta township, Rice county, where he is successfully engaged in agricultural pur suits. His standing in the community is in dicated by tihe fact that he is now serving as justice of tbe peace, to avhich position he was elected by popular ballot for the third term in November, 1900. He came to Rice county in February, 1883, and since made his home within its borders, his hearty sup port being ever given to those measures which are calculated to prove a benefit to the community. Mr. Bishop was born in Huron county, Ohio, near Havannah, March 23, 1848, and is a son of Reuben and Sarah Ann (Gardiner) Bishop. The ancestry of the family is English and the first of the name to seek a home in America crossed the At lantic about 1700, locating in Connecticut. In that state Joel Bishop, the grandfather of our subject, was born in 1759. He was therefore a young man at the time of the war for American independence. He joined the American army in order to fight for the liberties of the colonists, and being cap tured, was sent to a Neav York prison. The hardships and horrors there endured cannot 30 be adequately described. Mr. Bishop avas- one of only three men who survived the prison experience. Reuben Bishop, the fa ther of our subject, was born, in Montgom ery county, New York, but was reared in Wayne county, that state, and when he had arrived at years of maturity he married Sarah Ann Gardiner, a native of New York.. A farmer by occupation, he followed that pursuit in order to provide for his family, carrying on the work of agriculture throughout his business career. His politi cal support was given the Republican party- after its organization. In early life he held membership with the Baptist church but sub sequently became identified with the Meth odist Episcopal church. He passed aavay in Havana, Ohio, in February, 1875, at tbe age of sixty- four years, but his widow is still living and at the age of eighty-three is en joying good health This worthy couple were the parents of ten children, namely:. Deloss, avho Avas a soldier in the Civil war;: Evaline, deceased ; William H., also a Union; soldier; Alonzo T.; who was one of the de fenders of the Union in the Civil war and! had a son, Alonzo T., Jr., who fought for his country in the Spanish-American avar,' Harriet Alalissa ; Gardner A. ; Eugene Al. ; Reuben C. ; Sarah D. ; and Charles E. In taking up the personal history of G. A. Bishop ave present to our readers the life- record of one who is well and favorably? known in Rice county. He avas reared to me avork of the farm and lessons of industry; and honesty were early instilled into his-' mind. His literary training was received im the public schools. When a young man he avent to Peoria, Illinois, and avas there mar ried in 1875 to Miss Sarah J. Bishop, who has proved to him a faithful companion and helpmeet on the journey of life. .She aaas born im Wayne county, New York, and is a daughter of D. C. and rMary Ann (MeadV Bishop, the former a native of Wayne coun ty and the latter of Ontario county New York. Her father followed farming and was a man of the strictest honesty and up rightness, his hfe being in perfect harmony with his professions as a member of the Ban fast church, in which he filled the office of 474 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. deacon. His wife also held membership in that organization and both commanded the respect and confidence of all with whom they avere associated. The father died in Peoria county, Illinois, at the age of sixty- seven years, and the mother passed away in the same county, when sixty-four years of age. Unto them avere born nine children : Mrs. Sarah J. Bishop, wife of our subject; H. H. ; Helen N. ; Cynthia Z. ; Justin Mead ; one who died in infancy ; De Witt C. ; W. AV. ; and the youngest, who also passed aavay in infancy. After his marriage Mr. Bishop, of this revieav, resided for a time in Peoria county, Illinois, and then removed to Eaton county, Michigan, where he carried on farming in the midst of the forest, developing a good property. In 1882, however he sold that place and in February of 1883 he came to Rice county, Kansas, where he has since made his home. Here he began farming op erations and everything went along smoothly until May 6, 1889, when his home was bloavn to splinters by a cyclone. He lost not only his property but his furniture avas also destroyed, together with many souve nirs and keepsakes avhich he valued highly. One of his sons had his leg broken in the storm. With characteristic energy Mr. Bishop erected a neav residence, avhich noav stands in the midst of a beautiful lawn adorned with vines and other evergreen trees. On the farm is a fine grove and a bearing orchard. The timber tract com- ' prises thirty-five acres and there is a grove of two thousand walnut trees. Barns and outbuildings afford ample shelter for grain and stock, and the farm, comprising three hundred and twenty acres, is one of the valu able and attractive country seats of Rice •county. The marriage of Mr. and Airs. Bishop lias been blessed avith five children : Alilton B., avho avas born in Eaton county, Alichi gan, married Miss Cora Al. Greenfield and has , ne child, AA'aneta V. ; Lillie, the avife of H. E. Bishop, of Rice county, and has one child, Lorin Estelle; and Adelbert C, the v< -ungest, is noav a youth of thirteen years. Thev also lost tavo children: Luella C. and an infant daughter. Mr. Bishop is an advo cate of the Populist party and is recognized as one of the leaders of this party in his locality. His fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability have frequently called him to public office. He has filled the posi tion of toavnship. clerk and trustee, and for the third term he is serving as justice of the peace. His rulings are strictly fair and im partial and thus be has ¦"won golden opin ions from all sorts of people." In the Chris tian church he is serving as elder, and his avife and youngest son and daughter also hold membership in the same organization. Air. Bishop is found a champion of the causes of temperance and religion and of every movement that tends to uplift human ity and promote the general good. His avord is as good as any bond that was ever solemnized by signature or seal, and both in public and private life he bears an unassail able reputation. GEORGE AVERY. For many years Reno county has num bered George Avery among its most promi nent and progressive citizens. He is the founder of the city of Avery, which was established on a part of his farm' on the 6th of Alarch, 1885, and to his zeal and un tiring efforts Reno county oaves much of its prosperity and advancement. He has earned for himself an enviable reputation as a careful man of business, and in his dealings he is knoavn for his prompt and honorable methods, Avhich have Avon him the deserved and unbounded confidence of his felloav men. A native of the Prairie state, Air. Avery Avas bom in Galesburg, Knox comntyjlli- nois, on the 9th of April, 1854. He traces his ancestry back to Christopher Avery, who avith his only son, aftenvard known as Cap tain Joe Avery, came to the United States from England avith Governor Winthrop, landing in Salem, Alassachusetts, in 1630. They aftenvard located in Groton, Con necticut, Avhere they spent their remaining. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 475 days. The son avas born about 1620. The great-grandfather of our subject was Abra- bam Avery, who was the sixth son of Cap tain Thomas Avery, avho avas born in New " London, Connecticut, in 1690. The grand father, AATiliam Thomas Avery, avas also born in New London, on the 19th of Janu ary, 1764, and died on the 10th of Novem ber, 1820. George Avery, the father of our subject, AA-as a native of the Empire state, his birth having occurred in Neav Lebanon, December 2, 1802, and his death occurred in Galesburg, Illinois, December 31, 1886. In Knoxville, that state, in 1838, he was united in marriage to Miss Saraphena Princess Mary Phelps, avho avas 'born in Massachusetts. They became the parents of seven children, six of whom grew to years of maturity. The eldest, Robert H., was born January 7, 1840, and died while on a trip to California, in 1892, leaving a large fortune to his six children. He was the inventor* of the Avery machine and was' also president of the Avery Manufacturing Co., until his death. During the Civil war he served as a soldier in the Seventy-sev enth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, remain ing* in the service for three years, and during that time he was incarcerated in Andersonville and other prisons for seven months. The second of the family, John Thomas Avery, avas born on the 25th of December, 1841, -and is now a wealthy farmer and stock dealer of Galesburg, Illi nois. Mary, who was born August 13, 1S44, is the wife of William R. Butcher, a native of England, and a prominent min ister of the Congregational church. They now have five children. Cyrus Minor, born January 19, 1846, is president of the Avery Manufacturing Company, of Peoria, Illi nois. Phebe was boin on the 21st of De cember, 1848. The subject of this review is the next in order of birth, and the youngest child, Frederick Arthur, was born in 1857, and died on the 25th of Novem ber, i860. The mother of this family was called to her final rest December 21, 1891. After coming to this locality Mr. Avery fol lowed ranching, becoming a prominent farmer, and his large red barn was erected in 1894 from cottonwood timbers avhich were sawed' from trees planted by him. They AA'ere prominent and well-to-do people and were honored and respected by all who kneav them. George Avery, the immediate subject of this sketch, was educated in an academy in Galesburg, Knox county, Illinois. On the 5th of April, 1881 at Galesburg, Illinois, he was united in marriage with Miss Ada Adeil Wood, who was born in Quincy, Illinois, on the 29th of January, 1856, a daughter of John and Emily (Fish) Wood. Her ma ternal grandmother was a member of the Alorgan family and avas a native of Groton, Connecticut. Mrs. Wood was born in Ca yuga county, New York, October 12, 1816, and avas married on the 14th of January, 1833, her husband bdng a native of the Empire state. They afterward removed to Illinois, locating near Quincy, where he en gaged in agricultural pursuts. Their un ion was blessed with eigbt children, only three of whom grew to years of maturity, namely: Ambrose F., who is an extensive stock dealer in Missouri, and has two sons and one daughter; Mary, who became the wife Mathias Crum and died in Farmer City, Illinois, leaving three children; and Ada Adell, who became the wife of our sub ject. She was educated in a female college at Elmira, New York, and also graduated from a commercial college on the 7th of March, 1878. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Avery have been born the following children : George, born January 3, 1882, died at the age of two years ; Princess, born August 16, 1883, died October 13, 1884; Edith Lu ella, born March 16, 1885, is now a young lady of sixteen years ; Saraphena Princess Mary, was born April 21, 1887; Phebe Em ily, was born August 20, 1888; George, was born February^, 1890; and Caspar W., was born October 18, 1895. Mrs. Avery is a lady of culture and refinement, and since the age of twenty-four years she has been a successful and popular teacher of instru mental music. During the World's Colum bian Exposition she accompanied the Kan sas Jubilee Singers to Chicago. When taventy-one years of age Mr. 476 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Avery cast his lot avith the pioneer settlers of the golden avest, and has nobly per formed his share of the Avork necessary to produce the wonderful change which has taken place in this favored section. In the spring of 1875 he located a timber claim in Reno county, and be1 also set out trees for two other claims for his father and brother. His farm is located on section 10, Walnut tOAvnship, and on a portion of his land is located the beautiful little town of Avery, which stands as a monument to his thrift and industry. He is now serving as the postmaster of the town, having held that responsible position for the past sixteen years. His political support is given the Re publican party, and he keeps well informed on the issues of the day, thus being able to give an intelligent support to' the ques tions which come up for consideration. Al though never an office seeker, he has a num ber of times served as a delegate to state con ventions. Of the United. Brethren church the family are worthy and consistent mem bers. As a citizen and business man he stands among the first citizens, of Reno coun ty, and his name should occupy a prominent place on the pages of the history of his adopted state. GILBERT H. STONE. The proprietor of one of the fine stock ranches of central Kansas, Gilbert H. Stone, maintains his residence at Nickerson and from that point superintends his extensive business interests, in which he is meeting with good success. He was born in Medina county, Ohio, August 30, 1845. His grand father, AVilliam A. Stone, removed from Connecticut to Rochester, New York, and thence to Ohio, where he died at the age of sixty-nine years. He wedded Elizabeth Branch, and they reared three sons and six daughters, but all are now deceased with the exception of Lucy E., avho is now a widow and resides in Ohio, aged eighty y^ears. One of her brothers, William B. Stone, died in the Buckeye state at the age of ninety-one years. Orson Stone, the fa ther of our subject, Avas born in Connecti cut, on the 8th of August, 1809, and his death occurred in Medina county, Ohio, in 1893. AVhen three years of age he was ta ken by his parents to Rochester, Neav York, and in 1832 the family located in Ohio, re moving to that state when it was yet a wil derness. He was there married, in 1842, at the age of thirty-eight years, to Asenas Kimber, a native of New York, and they had three children : Gilbert H., the subject of this, review ; William A. anl Levi A. The second son was born in 1849 and was a cabinet maker by occupation. His death oc curred in Ohio, in 1898, and he is survived by his wife and one daughter. The young* est son is still residing in the Buckeye state, and is engaged in farming on the old home stead, avhich at the father's death aaas divid ed between the three sons. He is married and has five children. Gilbert H. Stone received his early edu cation in the common schools of his native place, but in later life he has greatly added to his knowledge by observation, reading and practical experience. When the trouble arose between the north and the south his loyalty to his country asserted itself and he valiantly offered his services to the Union cause, but on account of his youth they avere rejected. He remained at home and worked upon the old farm, of avhich he had charge until he was twenty-three years of age, and he also farmed a portion of it until he reached his . thirty-third year. In 1867 he was united in marriage with Miss Maranda J. Patterson, a daughter of Robert Patter son, who entered the avar of 181 2 at the early age of sixteen years. His death oc curred in 1848, leaving two sons and six daughters. His avife avas in her maidenhood Miss Rosanna Mclntyre, and after her hus band's death she avas again married, but had no children by her second union. Her death occurred in Ohio, at the age of sea*- enty-six years, Mr. and Mrs. Stone have become the parents of six children, namely : Robert, avho' is engaged in farming in Mis souri, is married and has three children; Lillian O., avho attended school at Emporia BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 477 and also the Great Bend Normal, is now a successful and popular teacher, and has fol loaved that profession in Hutchinson and in the district schools ; AValter O. is engaged in farming operations ; Roy H., avho for three years avas a student in the Nickerson Nor mal College, is noav in the shops at Akron, Ohio; Clarence A., avho is also attending college, is a youth of seventeen years ; and Pearl G. is a young lady of fifteen years. In the year 1878' Mr. and Mrs. Stone took up their abode in Kansas, first locating on one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land, and later pre-empted eighty acres in Huntsville township. In 1884 he sold that farm, but soon afterward bought another, which he also disposed of, and in March, 1901, he took up his residence in Nickerson, avhere he noav owns a good home and three blocks of land. In addition to his city prop erty he also owns eighty acres avest of Nick erson and one hundred and sixty acres in Hayes township, avhere he is extensively en gaged in the raising of a good grade of stock, dealing in horses, cattle and hogs. He noav has about twenty-three horses and mules on his place. His land is under a high state of cultivation, and he is accounted one of the leading farmers and stockTaisers of this locality. His political support is given the Republican party, and he is an ac tive and efficient avorker in its ranks, bdiev- ing firmly in the principles set forth by its platform. Mr. Stone is truly a self-made man, and as the architect of his own fon tunes he has builded avisely and well, plac ing his confidence in those reliable qualities of energy, industry and honesty which in the end never fail to bring the merited re avard. DAVID BOYCE. David Boyce, avho followed farming near Sterling, represented a family widely and favorably' known in this locality. He was born in Preble county, Ohio, near Fair haven, on the 25th of January, 1826. His father, Robert Boyce, was a native of South Carolina, born in a fort, on the 2d of Aug ust, 1776,— the memorable year in avhich tlie nation declared its independence. He became a pioneer, settler of Ohio and there spent his remaining days, his death occur ring in 1847. He first married Miss Mc- Gaav, and after her death, wedded Rachel Latti. They reared five of their seven chil dren, two of whom are yet living: J. L. Boyce, avho is upon the home farm; and Mary J. The subject of this revieav was reared in the state of his nativity and im 1858 went to Iowa, avhere he owned and operated an eighty-acre farm near Keokuk, continuing its cultivation) until 1875, when he came to Kansas and purchased one hundred and twenty acres of school land, near Sterling, for three dollars and a half per acre. He with his brother and sisjer lived im Iowa to gether and together they came to the Sun flower state. His brother married Mrs. AVolley, a widow, but they had no children. The brother, the sister-in-law and sister, all lived together as one family and tha relation between them was one of utmost harmony. The brothers carried on general farming, raising wheat and corn. For a number of years they were engaged in the production of broomcorn, but the IoaV price that was paid for that product led them' to discon tinue its cultivation. They carried on farm ing along progressive lines and the richly cultivated fields of the homestead of our sub ject insured him a golden reward for his care and labor. He supported the Repub lican party, as does also his brother, casting their ballots to further its interests. He also belonged to the Presbyterian church in Ster ling and was deeply interested in everything pertaining to the welfare and substantial progress of the community. Not only Avas he numbered among the early settlers of this portion of the state, but was among the worthy and highly respected citizens, en tirely free from ostentation, and his. com mendable characteristics Avon for him the esteem of all with Avhom he avas associated. These statements also hold good in the case of his brother, avith avhom he avas so long and intimately associated, having had a home in common, as he never married. Mr. Boyce 478 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. was, summoned into eternal rest om the 13th of November, 1901, and his death was sin cerely mourned in the community where he had so long made his home and where his sterling avorth of character avas1 duly appre ciated. JOSEPH McPEEK. The influential citizen of Kingman, Kan sas, avhose name is above is police judge of the city of Kingman and ex-probate judge of Kingman county. His residence is at Broaclavay and G street, Kingman, and he has a fine farm in Dresden toavnship. Judge AlcPeek avas born in Guernsey county, Ohio, August 28, 1837, a son of AVilliam and Re becca (Boavers) McPeek, natives of that county. Daniel AlcPeek, father of Rev. AArilliam AlcPeek and grandfather of Joseph AlcPeek, avas born in New Jersey and be came a pioneer in Guernsey county, Ohio, avhere he took up government land. He married Lydia Osborn, a native of the state of Neav York. His son, William McPeek, became a minister of the Baptist church and spent forty-five years in ministerial work in AV'ashington, Guernsey and Noble counties, Ohio, living most of the time in Noble coun ty, avhere he died in January, 1901. In pol itics he avas a Democrat. His wife, avho died iii 1885, bore him seven children : Elias, a farmer in Hardin county, Ohio; Eli, a farmer in Noble county, Ohio; Allen, a farmer and millwright and lives in Wood county, AVest Virginia ; Joseph, the immedi ate subject of this sketch; Philip, who died in AVest Virginia, avhere he founded a home and left a family ; Jane, avho died at the age of eighteen years; Alary, the deceased wife of AVilliam Springer, of Noble county, Ohio. Judge Joseph McPeek was carefully reared by his father, the Rev. William Alc Peek, who owned a good farm in Ohio and avho afforded the boy a. good common-school education avhich he supplemented personally by systematic instruction. He early devel oped a taste and talent for music and gave much attention- to musical study and at the' age of taventy-one began teaching vocal mu sic during the avinter months and continued to Avork on the farm during the remainder of the year. Eventually he secured a small farm of forty-five acres, which was his home until he removed to Kansas in September, 1878, and filed a claim' on the northwest quarter of section 34, Dresden toavnship, Kingman county, avhich he improved and still oavns and avhich is regarded as one of the finest farms in the Ninnescah valley. His first residence avas a two-room- sod house, covering a ground space of fourteen by twenty-six feet and avhich had a roof of brush and slough grass covered over with dirt. In that little house he lived about ten years, devoting himself to general farming and stock-raising. It should be stated that he aa-as one of the first in his vicinity to un-. dertake horticulture on an extended scale. In 1888 his fine young orchard of thirty acres, just becoming fruitful, avas destroyed by a cyclone and hailstorm, the trees bring literally stripped of bark and foliage. He at once planted an orchard of four acres, in avhich he has a carefully chosen variety of fruits, avhich the moist bottom land of the valley- brings to perfection. This orchard, though small, is considered one of the best in the county. He gave much attention to grading stock and still keeps on his farm about fifty head of high grade short-horn cattle. Judge AlcPeek lived on his farm until 1894, when he avas elected probate judge of Kingman county, to avhich he was re-elected1 in 1896 and thus has served two full terms. He avas elected to his present office, that of police judge of the city of Kingman, in 1899. Since entering upon his official career he has divided his time betaveen his office and his farm, avhich is under the supervision of his son, AV. S. AlcPeek, and which is one of the best in the county, consisting of fertile bottom land and equipped with every mod ern improvement, including a fourteen by twenty-eight foot, two-story residence, a sixteen by twenty-eight foot barn,_ ample corn cribs, granaries and sheds, while a good living spring of avater adds to its value as a stock farm. The avhole place is well fenced and is divided into fields of meadoav, pasture and tilled land. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 479 During his twenty-three years' residence in Kingmapn county Judge McPeek has been prominently identified avith its growth and development and has taken an important part in its social, moral and religious prog ress. While living on his farm he served tavo terms as trustee of Dresden township and tavo terms as township treasurer and assisted in the organization of school district No. 26, in avhich he Avas one of the first directors, serving in that capacity until he removed to Kingman. He Avas one of the incorporators and AA'as vice-president and treasurer of the tOAvn company that platted the town of Cun ningham. He cast his first presidential vote for Abraham1 Lincoln and acted consistently Avith the Republican party until "1892, when he joined the reform movement, since which time he has supported the Populist ticket. A life-long member of the Baptist church, he has filled the office of deacon for thirty -five years, and as a member of the First Baptist church of Kingman he is especially promi nent in the religious work of the town and has long taken a leading part in Sunday- school Avork. For twenty years of his life he has been a Sunday-school superintendent and he Avas one of the organizers, of the Union Baptist church at Maud schoolhouse in district No. 25. Judge McPeek, who is a veteran of the Civil war, is a member of Kingman Post, No; 263, Grand Army of the Republic, in which he has filled most of the chairs and which he has served several times in the office of chaplain. He enlisted in August, 1862, in Company K, Ninety-second Regi ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served as corporal until March, 1865, when he was discharged for disability, after nearly three years' continuous experience of wat in the southern states. After taking-part in a pre liminary campaign' he participated in the sec ond fight at Fort Donelson. From there his regiment made its way up the Cumberland valley to Nashville and from there to Car thage, skirmishing all the way. From Car thage it went to Murfreesboro and took part in a lively fight near that place. After that it participated in the pursuit of Bragg, and after a fight at Hoover's Gap went southeast toward Chiekamauga and participated in six days' heavy skirmishing before the battle of Chiekamauga. After that the regiment AA-as stationed at Chattanooga, where Judge Alc Peek saav three months of guard duty and took part in occasional irregular engage ments. At Missionary Ridge be received a musket ball in his side, and after being in hospital taa'dve days at Buzzard Roost and Ringgold he Avas sent home on a thirty days' sick furlough. At the expiration of his fur lough he promptly started for the seat of AA'ar and had proceeded as far as Nashville avhen he avas stopped by a surgeon as. unfit for duty* and sent to a hospital at Louisville, Kentucky. From there he went to Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, Ohio, Avhere for a time he did such light duty as came avithin his physical ability. He avas at Atlanta avith Sherman and his regiment folloaved that great general in his historic march to the sea, but he avas unable to take part in that movement and avas finally honorably dis charged at Camp Dennison at the date men tioned. April 8, 1858, Judge McPeek married, in Monroe county, Ohio, Miss Jane Gard ner, daughter of Samuel and Amelia (Jones) Gardner, avho avas born in Belmont county, Ohio, June 9, 1834. Mrs. McPeek's parents avere natives of Virginia and they settled, in Ohio at an early day. Joseph and Jane (Gardner) McPeek have had seven children, the following information concern ing avhom- will be of ihterest in this connec tion : Louisa is the wife of James Vermil lion, a farmer, who lives in Rural toavnship ; Isaphene married Charles Cooley, of Dres den township; Andrew, F. is an officer in the state reformatory at Hutchinson, Kansas; Samuel lives on his father's home farm; Mary is the wife of William Cooley, of Dresden township; Viola married Robert Cates, aaho is a hardware merchant at Kingman; Bessie, who is a member of her parents' household, is a graduate of the high school of Kingman, and is now a clerk in a leading store in the town. Judge McPeek is a progressive, up-to- date man who is popular because he is use ful and agreeable and avho bends his energies 48o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. to the advancement of the public good be cause he has a heartfelt interest in the people at large and avants to see.all of them prosper in every legitimate avay. In business and public affairs of importance his advice is sought and it is folloaved by his felloav citi zens avith full confidence because it has been proa-en good in many emergencies. Lie is a man of avarm and ready sympathies and has been to many a man such a "friend in need" as is truly a "friend indeed." JOHN P. WALKER. As one of the sterling pioneer citizens of Kingman county and as one who has en countered a full quota of tbe vicissitudes which marked the early development of this section of the state, it is well that Ave note in detail the more salient features in the career of Air. Walker. His life has been one of indefatigable industry and inflexible integrity, and though misfortune has not held aloof at all times, he has been persist ent in his efforts, has bid defiance to dis couragement and has finally won success avorthy the name, being one of the substan tial farmers and stock raisers of Rural township, avhere he owns five hundred and sixty acres of fine land in one body and one hundred and sixty acres in addition to this, his estate being located on sections 19, 20 and 29, and constituting one of the val uable farm properties of the state. Air. Walker comes of stanch old Ger man lineage and is himself a native of the old Keystone state, having been born in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, on the 28th of June, 1848, the son of John C. and Cath erine (Snyder) AValker, the former of whom avas born in AVurtemberg, German)', of avhich great empire his avife likeavise avas a native. John C. AValker emigrated from the fatherland to America avhen taventy- four years of age and located in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, avhere he purchased forty acres of land, to avhich he subse quently made additions until he had a good farm: property. He had learned the cooper trade in his native land, and to the same he devoted bis attention to some extent after locating in Pennsylvania. There, also, he engaged in the manufacture of brick, and successfully followed these lines of enter prise there until 1868, when he disposed of bis interests and removed to Franklin coun ty, Tennessee, where he purchasd two hun dred acres of land. After his sons were ar rived at years of maturity he assigned to them the work of the farm and removed to Tullahoma, Tennessee, where he worked at his trade for some time. Finally he ex changed his Tennessee farm for a tract of land in Traverse countv, Michigan, to Avhich place he removed and there passed the residue of his life^ though he died ip Missouri; in February^ 1898, while there visiting his son, David. His widow still resides in Traverse county, Michigan. Christian Walker, the grandfather of our subject, also emigrated to Pennsylvania and purchased a tract of land in Indiana county, Avhere he and his family lived for a number of years. Some time prior to his death he divided his estate and thereafter he lived with his children, who cared for him dur ing the residue of his life. John C. and Catherine AAralker became the parents of nine children, namely: John P., the im mediate subject of this sketch; Christian L, a successful farmer of Rural township; George M., a resident of Texas; Henry, avho died in early manhood; Charles, who resides in Texas; Frederick, who resides on the homestead in Michigan; David M., editor and publisher of the Powersville Rec ord, at Poaversville, Missouri; Anna, who became the wife of L. B. Cornell, died- in Alichigan ; and Frank, avho died in infancy. John P. AA'alker, to avhom this sketch is dedicated, remained at the parental home until he had attained years of maturity, and from the time he avas a lad of nine years he assisted his father in the hard work of brick-making, and that incidental to the op eration of the fann. He was enabled to attend the district schools during the short avinter terms, and thus laid the foundation for that broader education which was to come to him through individual application MR. AND MRS. JOHN P. WALKER. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 481 and association with the practical affairs of life in later year's. He gave inception to his independent career in 1869, when he went to Arkansas, and began avorking for wages on a farm, in Prairie county. He remained in that locality about two years, and in July, 1871, returned to Tennessee, where he assisted his brothers in the erec tion of another brick kiln. He had made arrangements to go to Illinois, but owing to the disaster of the great Chicago fire he was led to change his plans. During the winter he attended a select school, and in February, 1872, he started for the west, proceeding by rail to Nashville and thence by boat to St. Louis. About thirty miles out from that city he secured work in cut ting cord-wood, being thus employed for several weeks. He then continued his west ward journey, arriving in Lawrence, Kan sas, on the 8th of April, 1872. There he remained two months, being employed in a brick yard until June, when, in company with two other Pennsylvania men whom he had met, he started for the Arkansas val ley, which was at that time attracting much attention and numerous settlers. Upon his arrival in this section of Kansas Mr. Walker took up a homestead claim in Cas tleton township, Reno county, the same be ing located ten miles south of Hutchison, which was then a hamlet of a feav shanties, the railroad having but recently been com pleted to this point, avhich was his nearest postoffice and trading place. After secur ing his daim Mr. Walker became identified with the construction avork on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, being thus engaged until October, after which he made his home avith William Wal lace, who founded the town of Castleton. In October, 1872, having built a small box- house on his place, Mr. AValker proceeded to' break some of his land, and from: that time forward gave his attention to placing the same under cultivation and making such, improvements as were possible. He also did teaming and other Avork, in the employ of other settlers, and was thus enabled to add somewhat to his resources. His first team was a yoke of oxen, Avhich he pur chased in the spring of 1874, having se cured the requisite money by working in the harvest fields in Chase county. He also bought some seed wheat and put in three acres im 1873. In May this crop was cut down by hail, but it again sprang up sufficiently so that it could be cut with a scythe, and the diminutive crop was hauled by Mr. Walker a distance of some two: and one-half miles in order to have it threshed, the yield being only ten bushels. This he took back to his farm and utilized for seed. In 1874 Mr. Walker put in about eight acres of wheat, and this likewise was cut down by hail, but revived and matured before the grasshop pers and drouth came to complete its final destruction. After the hail storm, how ever, our subject traded his wheat field for a heifer and five dollars in cash, being well satisfied with his bargain, as was also the second party in the case, who managed to secure a fair crop. In the fall, after the grass hoppers had devastated the country, Mr. Walker went to the Indian Territory, where he was employed until March, 1875, avhen he purchased a pony and shotgun, and with this equipment returned to' his farm'. In the spring of 1875 be purchased ox teams and engaged in breaking prairie for others, this venture proving quite profitable, and in 1876 he became associated with Messrs. McQuaid and Staley in the purchase .and operation of the second steam, threshing out fit brought into, the county, the equipment being first-class in every respect. Tbis in vestment, however, proved unprofitable, as the wheat crop was not sufficiently large to yield proper returns for the operation of the machine. The owners were unable to make payments on their outfit and Mr. Walker was compelled to mortgage his farm to relieve his securities, the result being that he lost his claim and was left avithout a dollar, the misfortune being ag gravated by the fact that he had but recently assumed a responsibility of noteworthy or der, since, on the 17th of September, 1878, at Castleton, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Hayes, who avas born in Bel fast, Ireland, the daughter of William and Margaret (Boyland) Hayes, of Scotch- 482 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Irish lineage. Mr. Hayes emigrated with his family to America in 1874 and located in Castleton township, Reno county, Kan sas, Avhere he still resides, being an exten sive land holder and one of the representa tive men of his community. His first wife died in 1875, their union having been blessed avith eight children, of avhom six grew to maturity, avhile five are living at the present time. Of them we enter brief record, as folloavs: Alarv is the wife of onr siibject; Joseph is deceased; Thomas is the oavner of a large ranch in the vicinity of Spokane, AArashington ; AATiliam, Jr., is a farmer of Castleton toavnship, Reno coun ty ; Jennie is the avife of M. E. ¦ Bane, of Hoosier toavnship, Kingman county ; Mar garet resides in the home of her brother, William ; and tAvo children died in infancy, prior to the emigration to the United States. After thus giving up his farm in Reno county Mr. AA^alker continued to reside on the place for one year, and thereafter rented other land in that county until 1884, when he came to Kingman county and entered claim to a tract of one hundred and sixty acres, the same being a portion of his pres ent fine estate, and thus he again became a land owner. His first residence here was a box house tavelve feet square, avith a cel lar, and an addition to the same avas made in the second year, while his present com modious and attractive farm dwelling was erected in 'March, 1899, his former resi dence having been burned in February of that year. He has made several additions to his original claim, being noav the owner of five hundred and sixty acres, the greater portion of avhich is under fence, while two hundred acres are under a high state of cul tivation, the entire place giving evidence of the prosperity which has attended the well directed efforts of the oavner. In addition to his agricultural enterprise, Air. Walker also devotes considerable attention to the raising of cattle and hogs, keeping an aver age of about one hundred and fifty head of the former and about an equal number of the latter, while he has shown marked judg ment in the selection and the breeding of the best types. In politics Air. AA'alker originally affili ated with the Republican party, but now maintains an independent attitude, support ing the People's party in many instances and giving his influence to men and meas ures rather than submitting to strict party dictation. AATiile a resident of Reno county he served in the offices of township clerk and treasurer, avhile he has also served as a member of the school board. He was elected to the office of justice of the peace in 1899, but resigned the position, feeling that he could not devote proper attention to the duties invoKed. Both he and his wife are prominent and A"alued members of the Laavndale Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as class leader, as a member of the board of diretcors and as superintendent of the Sunday-school, in which last Airs. AA'alker has been a popular and devoted teacher. To Mr. and Airs. AA'alker have been born ten children, namely : Anna, avho is a suc cessful teacher in the public schools of Kingman county ; Edna and George, at home; Jennie, noav a student in AA^infield College; and AA'alter, Luther, Ruth, Flor ence, Paul and Gladys, all of whom remain beneath the parental roof. WILLIAM H. WATERMAN, M. D. AVilliam H. AA'aterman has in the prac tice of his profession avon that prominence that can be attained only avhen based upon comprehensive knoavledge of the principles of medical science and a correct application of these to the needs of the patients. He is a young man, but his reputation classes him among medical practitioners many years his senior. He avas born in Morgan county, Ohio, January 7, 1852. and his father, A. M. AA^aterman, avas likewise a native of Ohio. His grandfather, Flavius Waterman, avas born in Neav York, in 1800, and re moved to the Buckeye state avhen it avas a avestern frontier district, the avork of prog ress and civilization being scarcely begun avithin its borders. He "built a log house BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 483 and cleared a farm in the midst of the for est. He avas married in Pennsylvania, and unto him were born seven children, of whom AA'r. Al. Waterman was the second in order of birth. The family is of Scotch lineage. The Doctor's father avas reared in Ohio and pursued his education im a log school- house. When a young man he left the home place, starting out to make his own way in the aa'orld at the age of eighteen. He was one of the first to discover oil in Ashland county, in the Buck Run district, and did some Avork in prospecting there. In 1861 he removed to- Illinois, locating in Fayette coun ta', near Vandalia, AA'here he Avas engaged in farming. In 1871 he took up his abode in Kansas and secured a tract of government land one mile south of Wilson. This was raAv prairie, on Avhich not a furrow bad been turned or an improvement made. He broke it with ox teams and horses and improved a large and valuable farm. After ten years, however, he removed to Colorado, hoping thereby to benefit his health, and engaged in in mining in Gunnison county, where he is still located. In politics he is a stanch Dem ocrat, and he is a member of the Christian church. In the Buckeye state he was united in marriage to Hannah Miller, and they became the parents of seven children', name ly : AVilliam H. ; Ella, now Mrs. Dodge, of Colorado; M. R., who is engaged in mining in that state; Lena, -the wife of H. S. Roe, superintendent of the Courtland Mining Company; Mrs. Ada Townsend, whose hus band is also interested in mining; Isadora; and Charles F., who follows mining at Salt Lake City. The Doctor began his literary education in the district schools and pursued his pro fessional course in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keokuk, Iowa. He then returned to Kansas and began practic ing in Wilson. He experienced the usual trials and difficulties which come to the neAV practitioner, but success eventually at tended his efforts, as it does the labors of every man who is persistent and capable. He now has a large and lucrative patronage, which extends to Russell and Barton coun ties. He is likeavise interested in mining in Arkansas. On the 29th of July, 1878, the Doctor was united in marriage to Sarah S. Bain, a daughter of John Bain, of Morgan county, Ohio. In his political views he is a stalwart Republican. He is one of the honored set tlers of EllsAvorth county, having been an eye-witness of almost its entire development, for the family came to the county when it Avas a frontier settlement. Herds of buf falo roamed over the prairies and the family had many a chase to keep their horses and cattle from being run off by them. On a cer tain occasion an exceptionally lan?e buffalo which they shot fell over a cut and doavn on the railroad track, and they had hard avork to get it off the track before the train came. Wild horses were also seen in this part of Kansas. Dr. AVaterman relates how he has seen herds of buffalo extending as far as the eye could see, and among them- would be horses, some having saddles on. The greater part of the land avas not yet claimed and in consequence Avas in its primitive condition. The now thriving towns and villages which indicate the progress of the community avere unfounded and the avork of improvement was yet in the future avhem Dr. Waterman was a youth. He can relate many interest ing incidents of pioneer days here, his mem ory forming a connecting link between the primitive past and the progressive present. In this community, avhere he was reared, he has won many friends, avho esteem, him highly, by reason of his upright life as avell as for his professional skill. HARVEY MORRIS. This representative agriculturist, avho owns and cultivates a avell improved and valuable farm on section 20, Ninnescah township, Kingman county, is a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred near Roch ester, Peoria county, in 1853. His father, Norton Morris, avas born in the Empire state, and his death occurred at Ozark, Mis- 484 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. souri, when he had attained the age of sev enty-one years. He Avas reared in the state of his nativity, and Avas there married to Jane Eliza Bishop, also a native of New York, and she is noav living near Independ ence, Kansas. Six children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Morris, namely : Lucretia, Sylvester, Harvey, Richard, Etta and Alta. Harvey Morris, whose name introduces this revieav, remained' in the Prairie state until his fifteenth year, avhen he removed to Missouri, and in that commonwealth he made his home for the following tem years. The year 1878 witnessed his arrival in Kan sas, and his first purchase of land here con sisted of a tract of one hundred and sixty acres. As the years have passed by and prosperity has attended his efforts he has been enabled to add to his landed posses sions, until be is mow the owner of two hun dred and eighty acres. He has placed his fields under an excellent state of cultivation, has erected all the necessary farm, buildings, and in many other ways has added to the value and attractive: appearance of his place until it is now one of the desirable homes in the locality. In 1882, in Linn county, Missouri, Air. Morris was united im marriage to Martha E. Yoakum, a daughter of J. P. Yoakum, who passed away in death in Alissouri at the age of seventy years. He folloaved the till ing of the soil as a life occupation and in po litical matters avas a stalwart supporter of Republican principles. During the Civil war he served as a member of the Missouri State Militia, in avhich he rendered efficient aid to his country in her time of need. The mother of Mrs. Morris bore the maiden name of Mary Pane and avas bora in Mis souri. She is noAV living at Brookfield, Limn county, that state. Mr. and Mrs. Yoakum became the parents of thirteen children, nine of avhom grew to years of maturity, name ly: George, Maggie, Lott, Mary, Colum bus, Rhoda, Martha E., Jackson and Albert. The latter died at about twenty-four years of age. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed avith nine children, six sons and three daughters, — Dora, Roy, Norton, Joel, Flora, Goldie, Leo, Carl and an infant not yet named. In political matters Mr. Alorris casts his ballot in favor of the men and measures of the Populist party, and for a number of years he served as a member of - the school board. Both he and his wife are avorthy and acceptable members' of the Bap tist church, and in the locality where they have so long resided they are loved and hon ored for their many noble characteristics. GEO. L. HAY. Geo. L. Hay, whose success at the bar indicates comprehensive understanding of legal principles and careful preparation of cases, and avho is noav serving as city attor ney of Kingman, was born im Laporte coun ty, Indiana, near Union Mills, March 28, 1863, his parents bdng Daniel N. and Har riet A. ( Case) Hay, both of whom were na tives of Schoharie county, New York. The father was reared to farming and followed that pursuit in the Empire state until the early '50s, when he emigrated westward to Indiana and secured a tract of timber land. There in the midst of the forest he deared his fields and developed, a good farm. The trees avere cut away from acre after acre, ploAving was done and thus gradually nearly the entire tract was placed under cultivation. For a half century he resided upon the place and for forty years in connection with gen eral farming he engaged in raising sheep. In the state of his nativity he married Har riet A. Case, a daughter of James Case, a resident farmer of Schoharie county, New York, avIio served there as justice of the peace for many years and was also deputy sheriff. Geo. L. Hay, the fourth of their ten chil dren and the only one living in Kansas, for many years assisted his father in the work of tbe home farm in Indiana. The latter gave his political support to the Whig1 party at an early day and when the Republican party sprang into existence joined its ranks. He died in Indiana October 17, 1899, but his Avife is still living and yet makes her home in the Hoosier state. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 485 To the public schools of the neighbor hood Geo. L. Hay is indebted for the early education privileges which he enjoyed. In order to gain more advanced knowledge he engaged in teaching and avith the money thus earned paid his tuition while a student in the Northern Indiana Normal School and Business College, at Valparaiso, that state. He pursued his studies avith the intention of preparing for the bar. For several term's he continued teaching, his last position being as principal of what was known as the Union school, being attended by pupils from both Union Mills and Wellsboro, Indiana. At the same time he read law, and after coming to Kingman im April, 1888, he was admitted to the bar. Since that time he has devoted his attention almost exclusivdy to his pro- fession for he recognized that the law is a jealous mistress and will receive no divided allegiance. He who would win success in laav practice must indeed give his whole time thereto, studying continually in order to meet the different contingencies that arise, preparing briefs and arguments, citing au thorities and lending the aid of oratory to the logical reasoning and sound deductions which ever carry weight avith judge and jury. Mr. Hay pradices both civil and criminal law and has a large private prac tice, while at the present time he is also discharging the duties of city attorney, having been twice elected to' the posi tion and served in the same position by ap pointment for four terms. During his in cumbency the most important work ever transacted in the office has fallen to his lot. The bonded indebtedness fell due, the mat ter must be settled and in the discharge of the task Mr. Hay manifested a superior busi ness and legal ability. He also conducted the suit to set aside the franchise of the water company and in both of these cases he avas successful. During the twelve years of his practice in the trial court, im which time four different judges have sat upon the bench, in but one of his cases has the trial court sustained a demurrer to his petition,- — certainly a creditable record and one which plainly indicates his ability. On coming to Kingman he located his office in the First National Bank building and none of its ten ants have been so long here as he. On the 8th of December, 1888, Mr. Hay was married to Miss Luetta S. White, a daughter of Simeon and Louisa White. Their only child died at the age of nine months and they are mow rearing a little nephew avho was left motherless. In addi tion to his home property in Kingman Mr. Hay oavns twelve hundred acres of land in the county. He avas one of the organizers and is now the vice president of the tele phone company and is a citizen whose inter est in the welfare of Kingman and his adopted state is deep and sincere. In poli tics he is an earnest Republican and acted as county attorney from 1894 until 1896. Socially he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America and is one of the board of managers of the local camp. There are many sterling qualities in his character - — the ddermination and strong intellectual ity which have made him an able lawyer ¦_ the patriotic devotion that renders him1 a valued citizen; the promptness and fiddity which have gained for him an enviable record as a public official and the kindness and geniality which have made him a favorite with friends and acquaintances. C. C. STAHL. C. C. Stahl is a prominent, enterprising and avell known farmer of Rice county, re siding in Atlanta township. He came to this locality in 1884 and purchased one hun dred and sixty acres of land of Nelson Reed. Later he bought one hundred and sixty acres of Mrs. Murphy and to-day he has three hundred and twenty acres, constituting the Grove Valley farm, one of the finest farming properties in this portion of the state. Mr. Stahl was born in Wayne county, Ohio, January 7, 1848. His paternal grand parents avere Frederick and Catherine ( Kel ler) Stahl, both of whom, were natives of Pennsylvania and avere of German lineage. Their son, Anthony Stahl, the father of our subject, Avas born in Pennsylvania and was 486 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. reared in Wayne county, Ohio. He married Sarah Snyder, whose birth occurred in the Keystone state and who was a daughter of Jonathan Snyder, a native of Pennsylvania and a soldier in the war of 1812. He was of German descent, and after arriving at years of maturity he married a Miss Hoffman, who was likewise born in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Stahl had five brothers who were soldiers in the Civil war, namely : John, Joseph, Jonathan, Daniel and Jacob. All wore the blue im defense of the Union, and after loy ally aiding and defending the old flag lived to return to the north. The parents of our subject had six children, namely: Daniel, Mrs. Maud Dunmire, Cornelia C, Cather ine Ruby, John and Sarah Ellen. The par ents botb died in Ohio, where the father had followed farming for many years, and his labors were ended in death at the age of sev enty years. In politics he was a Douglas Democrat and both he and his wife were members of the Lutheran church. Her death occurred when she was seventy-two years of age. C. C. Stahl, whose name forms the cap tion of this review, avas reared on a farm in Knox county, where he was trained to hab its of industry and integrity. He acquired a good education and for a number of years was a successful and popular teacher. As a companion and helpmate for the journey of life he chose Miss Olive Leora Horn, the marriage being celebrated in Richland coun ty, Ohio, in 1876. She was born in Knox county, Ohio, and was a daughter of Josiah Horn, whose birth also occurred in Knox county, Ohio. His parents were Benjamin and Anna (Post) Horn. Josiah and Nancy Jane Horn had eight children, two sons and six daughters, namely: Olive L., now Mrs. Stahl; Mrs. Sarah Lodina Wahlford, of Harper county, Kansas ; Mrs. Anna Spayd4 of Ohio ; William, who is also living in tbat state; Mrs. Eunice Cutnow, of Ohio; Mrs. Elizabeth Stahl, of Ohio; Mrs. Mary Stot- ler, of the Buckeye state; and Robert, who died at the age of ten months. The father died at the age of seventy-nine years. He Avas a blacksmith and carpenter who pos sessed excellent mechanical ability and he also carried on farming. His wife, at the age of sixty-mine years, now resides in Rich land county, Ohio. She is a member of the Evangelical church, as was, also: her husband, and they have ever been people of the high est respectability.After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Stahl resided in Ohio until 1884, when they came to1 Rica county, Kansas, and took up thdr abode upon tbe Grove Valley farm, which place obtained its name from the splendid groves here seen. The farm is situated at the junction of two railroads and is one of the pleasant country places in this portion of the county. The large barn is thirty-six by fifty-four feet. In dose proximity to this are good sheds and feed lots, while the pas-* tures are green Avith rich grasses. The fields are Avell cultivated and the farm is splendidly adapted for the production of grain and the raising of stock, to Avhich Avork Mr. Stahl is devoting his energies. The union of onr subject and his avife avas blessed avith tbree children : AATiliam Walter, mow taventy-one years of age, is pur suing a five years' classical course in Cooper College; Ethel Keturah, now eighteen years of age, is also a student in Cooper College; and Sarah Jane is nine years- old. Mrs. Stahl passed away in death April 9, 1901, in the faith of the Alethodist Episcopal church, of Avhich she Avas a worthy member and avith avhich Mr. Stahl is also connected. He is an ardent Republican, inflexible in his sup port of the principles of the party. The cause of religion, of 'temperance and moral ity find in him a friend and earnest worker. JESSE AINSWORTH. Honored and respected by all, there is no man in Lyons who' occupies a more en viable position than Jesse Ainsworth in in dustrial and financial circles, not alone on account of the brilliant success avhich he has achieved, but also on account of the honor- apble, straightforward business policy he has ever followped. He possesses untiring ener gy, is quick of- perception, forms his plans BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 487 readily and is determined in thdr execution, and his close application to business and his excellent management have brought to him the high degree of prosperity which is to day his. He is now superintendent for the Beads Rock Salt Company, of Lyons, an in dustry avhich has made this) city known throughout America. Air. Ainsworth is a native of England, his birth having occurred in North Stafford shire, September 13, 1857. He represents a good family of that country. They came to the United States in 1876, and located in Illinois. His father, Samuel Ainsworth, is a mining superintendent now having control of the avell known Taylorsvdle mines, of Illinois. He was born, reared and educated in the "merrie isle," and in his native county of Staffordshire he wedded Miss Mary Ann Hall, avho was also a native of the same lo cality, and proved to her husband' a faithful companion and helpmate on the journey of life. They became the parents of eleven' chil dren, nine of whom, three sons and six daughters, reached years of maturity. Mr. Ainsworth of this review acquired an excellent education in the Mechanics' In stitute, at Hanley, England, where he be came a mining engineer. He stood well in his classes, his scholarship indicating his thoroughness in his work. Well prepared for the practical and responsible duties of life, he then put aside his text-books and at the age of .nineteen bade adieu to family, friends and native land and sailed for the United States, believing that better oppor tunities avere afforded to young men in the neav avorld than could be obtained im the older countries of Europe, where competi tion avas greater. He was strong and hope ful, had an accurate knowledge of his pro fession and was possessed of a laudable am bition. Good health, honesty and industry stood him instead of fortune and proved the foundation upon which he reared the superstructure of his present prosperity. After arriving om the Atlantic coast he made his avay avestward and secured a situation in the mines in Collinsville, Illinois, where he remained for four or five years. He then went to Colorado and avas engaged in min ing at Canyon City for the Colorado Coal and Iron Company. Later he returned to Illinois and entered the service of the" Leb anon Coal Company, with which he was, con nected for eighteen months. He next went to Smithboro, Illinois, where he sunk a shaft for the Smithboro Coal Company and re mained in charge of their mining interests for a period of eighteen months. On the expiration of that time' he entered the em ploy of the Consolidated Coal Company, of St. Louis, Missouri, with mines at Richland and White Oak, Illinois, acting as superin tendent of the company for four years. His advancement had been steady, continuous and well deserved, and at the age of twenty- six he occupied a very important position, one entailing great responsibility as avell as a comprehensive knowledge of mining oper ations. In 1890 Mr. Ainsworth came to Lyons as superintendent for the Bevis Rock Salt Company, and- the 'industry of avhich he has control is the leading one in Rice coun ty. The business was established in 1890 and the . plant avas erected at a cost of a quarter of a million of dollars. \ Employ ment is furnished to over one hundred work men, and the salt which is mined is. equal in quality to any produced in the entire world. This has made Lyons famous, and the enter prise has proved not only of practical benefit to the stockholders, but has largely promot ed the avelfare, prosperity and advancement of the community in which it is located. Mr. Ainsavorth is avell qualified for his position, having a thorough understanding of mining and the great scientific principles which un derlie the work. He has great executive and business ability and is capable of controlling the efforts of those under him. Kindness, amiability and courtesy not only character ize his social relations but are a marked feature in his business life, and the humble employe never sees a trace of the overbearing task-master in him. In addition' to his other business relations he is now vice-president of the Lyons National Bank. . Mr. Ainsworth was married in Casey- ville, Illinois, on the 9th of October, 1883, to Miss Catherine Jones, a lady of imtelli-' gence and culture and a daughter of Will- 488 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. iam L. and Mary (Morgans) Jones, both' of whom came from western Wales. The mar- riage of Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth has been blessed with eight children, namdy: Ida, Samuel, Jesse, William, Lydia, Bessie, Da vid and Alfred. They lost one child, Lewis William, who died at the age of three years; Mr. Ainsworth was reared im the Episcopal faith, and he and his wife are now identified with the Methodist Episcopal church. In his political affiliations he is a stalwart Re publican and was president of the McKinley dub im 1896 and 1900. He does all in his power to advance the growth and* insure the success of his party and keeps well informed op all political issues, thus being able to sup port his position by intelligent argument. He is a prominent and valued Mason, having at tained the Knight Templar degree in the York Rite and the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite, being a member of Wich ita Consistory. In manner he is frank and genial, in all business transactions is honor able, straightforward and rdiable, and throughout this portion of Kansas' he is known as one of the, popular and valued cit izens of Lyons. He takes am active interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the community and his devotion, to the public good is unquestioned and arises from' a sin cere interest in his felloav men. His career has ever been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business world, for he has ever conducted all transactions on the strictest principles of honesty and integrity. WILLIAM F. HENDRY. William: F. Hendry, proprietor and edi tor of the Nickerson Argosy, a weekly jour nal, was born in Meigs county, Ohio, June 11, 18-42. He was of Scotch, Irish and English lineage. His paternal grandfather, Edward Hendry, was born in the old coun try, of Scotch ancestry, and after coming to America settled near Knoxville, east Ten nessee, where he died at a ripe old age, hav ing reared eight sons and three daughters. One of his sons, Charles E., was an able and prominent lawyer of Kokomo, Indiana, where he died about 1892, He was also the publisher of a paper during the Civil war. Another son, Tames M., was an attorney in Lawrence, Kansas, where he went in 1856 and Avas in Quantrell's raid, in which he narrowly escaped death, while his part ner was cruelly murdered by 'the despera does. He was probate judge of Douglas county twelve years. The father was a slave owner. All of his children grew to mature years and some settled in the south, while some located in Ohio. The family in America, especially in the south, are all descended through this line. The maternal grandfather of our subject was John Carr, a prominent planter of Virginia, but a na tive of Ireland, avho married a Miss God frey, a native of England. When his daugh ter was married he had to be surety for his son-in-law that be could support a wife, which was the requirements of the law in Virginia. Isaac Newton Hendry, the father of our subject, spent the days of his childhood and ysouth under the parental roof and in 1835, when twenty-one years of age, married Miss Louisa Carr, avho was borm in Virginia but was reared in old "Tuckahoe," near Fairfax Court House, and was only fifteen years of age at. the time of her marriage. Their union avas blessed with eleven chil dren, ten of avhom grew tO' years of ma turity-, sea-en sons and three daughters, and five of the sons Avere in the Union army during the Civil Avar. Sarah Elizabeth was a very successful teacher in southern Illi nois. John E. served three years in the Sixteenh Illinois Infantry, in the ranks,. and Avas lieutenant in the Twenty-eighth Illinois Infantry. He died near Brinkley, Arkansas, September 6, 1891, and left a wife and tavo children. William' F. is the subject of this sketch. James M. served as sergeant of the Eleventh Kansas Cavalry until the close of the war and is now living in Ibapah, Utah. Isaac W. served in the One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio Regi ment during the Civil war, also served as clerk of the district court and deputy sheriff, and is now living in Kingman county, Kan- Xm •za¦< x w Za JO I ' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 489 sas, where he located eighteen years ago. Charles M. served in the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Ohio Infantry and is now farming in Indiana. Stephen E. died un married in 1876, at the home of our sub ject in Reno county, Kansas. Ami F. is a farmer in Bonham, Texas. Livonia is the widow of G. A. Dudley, of Salem, Arkan sas; and Mrs. Hettie L. James is living in Sylvia, Reno county, Kansas. The mother of this family died in 1872, at Carthage, Missouri, and the father died on the 10th of May, 1876 at the home of William F., in Reno county, his funeral being the first Masonic funeral in the county. William F. Hendry, whose name forms the caption of this sketch, was reared to farm life and from early boyhood assisted in all the labors of cultivating the fields and harvesting the crops. He attended the dis trict schools but his educational advantages were very limited. When the Civil war was inaugurated he enlisted on the 12th of August, 1 86 1, in Company H, of the Thir ty-sixth Ohio Regiment and served in the ranks until May, 1864. He was only im the regimental hospital for a short time and was sent home to die of hemorrhage of the lungs, but instead, his health improved so that he was able, in August, 1865, to go to Lawrence, Kansas, where he engaged in farming. In the spring of 1867 he went to Fort Dodge in the employ of the govern ment, to aid in the construction of the fort, and in 1868 he served in the same capacity at Fort Supply in the Indian Territory. In December, 1869, he returned to Law rence. On the 24th of February, 1870, Mr. Hendry was married, in Ohio, to Miss Ruth Rigg, a daughter of John and Matilda (Mitcher) Rigg, and their union was blessed with two children:- May, who be came the wife of J. W. Thorp, the marriage taking place at Fort Scott, Kansas, and they now have two sons; and John R., a very manly and promising youth who avas stricken with lung fever and died in 1887, when fifteen years of age. Our subject and his wife began their domestic life at Garnett, Anderson county, Kansas where 31 in 1872 he bought a farm of eighty acres of land and engaged in farming, after locat ing his family there in March, 1873. In July, 1886, he purchased the Nickerson Ar gosy, a weekly journal, at a sheriff's sale, and in August the firm of Hendry & Humphrey began publishing the paper. Om the ist of January, 1896, the firm dissolved, Mr. Humphrey taking the paper, which he conducted until 1899, when Mr. Hendry and J. L. Magee, of Sterling, bought out Mr. Humphrey. Later Mr. Hendry bought out Mr. Magee' s interest and has since pub lished the paper alone, meeting with success in the undertaking. The paper is now a six column, eight page quarto weekly and is the leading paper in the county outside the county seat. Fraternally Mr. Hendry is connected with the Odd Fellows society and has taken the degrees of the encampment and Rebekah lodge. He is also an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which or ganization he served as the assistant adju tant general of the state in 1887, and for six or seven years has served as the adju tant of Reno Post, No. 83, being also com mander for one year. The Grand Army Hall Association of Nickerson was formed in 1887, and Mr. Hendry, as one of the or ganizers, Avas made secretary and manager of the hall for nine years. He is now serv ing as its treasurer. He takes an active in terest in everything pertaining to the pron- gress and welfare of the community and is one of the trustees of Nickerson Normal College, which position he has held since its organization in 1898. The first board of trustees comprised the following gentlemen : L. C. Brown, W. E. Detter, W. F. Hen dry, J. H. Jackson, E. B. Smith, George Turkish and J. A. Wilson. Mr. Hendry bought a beautiful residence in Nickerson, Kansas, in 1887, in which he was very happy with his wife and children until 1895, when the wife and mother was called to her final rest on the 17th of August. She was born on the fifteenth of November, 1845. She was a noble, Christian woman, a faith ful avife, and devoted mother and the fine memorial of her published by her husband 49o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. but faintly represents her unselfish and use ful life. She was snperintedent of the Con gregational Sunday-school, a member of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Rebekah .and Eastern Star lodges at the time of her death. All children called her "Aunt Ruth." Mr. Hendry is one of the most progressive and enterprising citizens of the community in which he makes his home and well de serves representation in this volume. CHARLES F. TAYLOR. Charles F. Taylor is the owner of a very valuable and attractive farm of three hun dred and twenty acres on section 3, Dale township, Kingman county. He is pleas antly and conveniently located near Neav Murdoch and its neat and thrifty appear ance indicates the careful supervision: of a progressive owner. Upon this farm' he lo cated in 1879 and through the passing years lie has devoted his time a,nd' energy to its -development and improvement, with the re sult that he has noav one of the most desir able country places in this portion of the state. Mr. Taylor was born in Mason county, Kentucky, May 9, 1853, and is a son of Iohn VV. and Elizabeth D. (Knight) Taylor, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of the Blue Grass state. In 1861 the family removed to Chariton county, Alis souri, where they maintained their residence until 1879, when they came to Kingman county. The father avas' a mechanic and a •shoemaker and for a number of years he also followed the occupation of farming. His life avas at all times in harmony avith his professions as a member of the Cumberland 'Presbyterian church, in Wphich he served as elder for many years. His death occurred when he was seventy-three years of age, but his widoav still survives and has passed the seventy-seventh milestone on life's journey. She makes her home avith her son Charles F., and is still well preserved, mentally and physically. This avorthy couple avere the parents of five children, of avhom three are mow living, as follows : Ashburn, of Chari ton county, Missouri; Mary C, the wife of C. C. Stevenson of Galesburg toavnship; and Charles F. A daughter died in infancy, and Clarence, who was a farmer im Kingman county, passed away leaving a widbw and one child. In taking up the personal history of Charles F. Taylor we present to our readers one who' is widely and favorably known in Kingman county. He was reared in Ken tucky and. in Chariton county, Missouri, where he early became familiar with farm work and at tbe same time lessons of indufj- try and honesty were instilled into his mind by the family fireside. His literary educa tion was acquired in the public schools: of the two states mentioned, but as his school boy days fell during the period of the Civil avar, he found it impossible to attend as much as he would otherwise have done. On starting out in life for himself, like most other young men, he sought a companion and helpmate for the journey and at tbe age of taventy-three avas married to Miss Mary C. Willingham, avho has been to him an able companion. She avas born, reared and edu cated in Chariton count)-, Missouri, and is a daughter of George Willingham, who is a farmer by occupation. At the time of the Civil avar he joined the Confederate army and his death occurred in Arkansas. He held membership in the Methodist Episco pal church and avas a man of many sterling qualities. His avife, Airs. Permelia Willing ham, is noav living in Arkansas. The home of Air. and Airs. Taylor has been blessed1 avith eight children, namely : Blanche L, the avife of J. S. Endicott, of Waterloo., Kansas; Walter XV. ; Nellie AI. ; Lewis E. ; Susie B.; Em-mit ; Lizzie and Ruth C, but the last named died at the age of four years. Air. Taylor .continued his residence in Alissouri until 1879, avhen he came to King man county, avhere he has since lived, his attention being given to the further develop ment of his farm as the years have passed. It is supplied avith all modern improvements and tavo, hundred acres is under cultivation, He raises both grain and stock, and in both branches of his business is meeting with cred- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 491 itable success. His political suppart is given the Democracy, and he capably served as justice of the peace in Dale township, dis charging his duties Avithout fear or favor. He has also been a member of the school board and is ever found on the side of pro gress and improvement along material, edu cational and moral lines. He is iioav a leader in the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Galesburg toavnship and is an ex emplary member of the Indepemdent Order of Odd Felloavs, the principles of that fra ternity being manifest in his daily life. His career shows the possibilities that lie before young men of determination and strong character, and his example should serve as' a source of encouragement' and inspiration to others. JOSEPH W. CALHOUN. Joseph W. Calhoun is one of the enter prising youmg agriculturists of Kingmam county, possessing the energy, determina tion and sound judgment of his ancestors. He was born near Sullivan-, Crawford coun ty, Missouri, in 1874. His father William Calhoun was a member of a prominent Irish family and was reared in Scotland. When a young, man he came to the United States, locating in Missouri, and he was there mar ried to Elizabeth Blair, a native of that state, as was also her father. Im 1883 Mr. and Mrs. .Calhoun removed from Missouri to Vinita township, Kingman county, Kansas, where they improved one of the best farms of the townsbip. He was called to his final rest while a resident of Wichita, Kansas, when he had reached the good old age of seventy-one years. He was a Democrat in his political views, and in his township he held a number of local offices, while for many years he was a member" of the school board. His social relations connected him with the Masonic fraternity. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun were born nine children, namely; James, Umphrey, Joseph W., John W., Ed ison, Martha Andrews-, Mary, Kate and Willie. The last named died when young. Three of the sons, Edison, Umphrey and John, Avere engaged in mercantile pursuits in NeAV Murdock for a number of years Joseph W. Calhoun, the immediate sub ject of this review, spent his youth and early manhood on his parents' farm, Avhere he Avas early taught lessons of industry and honesty. He is now the owner of four hun dred and eighty acres, of excellent land, three hundred acres of which is under a fine state of cultivation, and his place is improved Avith modern and well constructed buildings. Everything about the farm1 is neat in its ap pearance and shows that constant care and effort on his' part is made to keep the build ings and fences in good repair and the land under effective cultivation. When twenty-four years of age Mr. Cal houn was united in marriage to Flora E. Warrell, a daughter of Mark Warrell, the history of Avhose life will be found on another page of this volume. On the 12th of April, 1899, a son, Lloyd, blessed this: happy union. In his social relations Mr. Calhoun is con nected with the Woodmen. His a gentle man of excellent education, is broad-minded and patriotic and merits the genuine regard avhich every one accords him. JOHN W. WELLS. John W. Wells, who is extensively en gaged in farming and stock-raising on sec tion twenty-four, Dale township, Kingman county, has been a resident of this common wealth since 1879, and during the years which have since come and gone he has so lived as to win and rdain the esteem and confidence of all with whom, he has had busi ness or social intercourse. His paternal grandfather, Ja,mes Wells, was a native of the state of Kentucky, but after reaching years of maturity he removed to Indiana, and avas there married to Sarah J. Walker. Dur ing the struggle for American independence his grandfather was called upon to: lay doAvn his life on the altar of his country, having been f rozem to death while performing guard duty. His son Joseph was a farmer and a Kentuckian and his son, James Wells also 492 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. claimed Kentucky as the state of his nativ ity. He AA'as married to Sarah J. Walker, and she, too, Avas a native of the Blue Grass state. Their union avas blessed avith nine children, — Caroline, Alargaret, Ellen, John, Chimera, Mary J., Oliver and Sherman, twins, and Rebecca. Three of the number died avhen young. After their marriage the parents removed to Osage county, Kansas, where they still make their home. The fa ther is a farmer by occupation and is Re publican in his political views. During the Civil war he loyally responded to the call of his country, entering the Fourteenth In diana Infantry, also the Thirteenth Indiana Cavalry, and during his military career be took part in the battles of Mobile, Antietam, Rich Mountain, and many of the other hard- fought engagements of the avar. He noav holds membership relations with the Grand Army of the Republic, and religiously he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. John W. Wells, of this review, is a native of the Hoosier state, his birth having there occurred in Greene county, in 1853. He avas there reared and educated, and im that state he made his home until his removal to cen tral Kansas, avhich event occurred in 1879. In 1883 he came to Kingman county and se cured Osage Indian trust land, and here he has ever since continued to: reside. He noav owns a fertile and well cultivated farm of three hundred and twenty acres, where he is extensively engaged in farming and stock- raising, and in the line of his chosen voca tion be is meeting with a high and avell merited degree of success. At the age of nineteen years Mr. Wells was united in marriage to' Margaret A. Workman, a member of a prominent old family of Indiana, and her grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812. She is a daughter of Josiah and Mary A. (Heaton) Workman, the former of whom, died at the early age of twenty-nine years, but is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Indiana. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Wells have been born four children. The eldest, Har vey, is a well known farmer of Kingman county. He married Cozetta Fitzgerald, and they have have one daughter, Lozella. The second son, Herman, is a prominent and successful teacher of this, county, and the tavo youngest children are Maud and Ches ter, Airs. Wells is a member of the Baptist church, and our subject holds membership relations avith the Methodist Episcopal church. He gives a zealous and active sup port to the Republican party, and is a pub lic-spirited and representative citizen, inter ested in all that tends to uplift and benefit his fellow men. DAVID HARBAUGH. David Harbaugh is the owner of a fine farm of three hundred and twenty acres in Galesburg toavnship, Kingman county. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania,. Alay 28, 1845, and is a son' OI David Har baugh, a native of Somerset county, Penn sylvania, and a, grandson of Jacob Har baugh, also a native of the same county. The Harbaughs were of an old Pennsyl vania Dutch family that for two hundred years have been represented in American interests' and noted for the industry, moral ity and determination of its members, who have ever been honored and respected peo ple. David Harbaugh avas united in mar riage to Anna Willson, avho was born in Somerset county and was a daughter of W. M. Willson, avho was likewise a native of the Keystone state and was of Pennsyl vania Dutch lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Har baugh became the parents of ten children, namely: William, Washington, George, Sarah, Catherine, Elizabeth, James, David, and Samuel and Susie, who were twins. The family avere avell represented in the Civil Avar, James ha,ving been a member of the Sixth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. Pie died in the service, offering his life, as a ransom for the Union. The father died in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, in 1871, in the seventy-first year of his age. He was a carpenter by trade and a man of industry and enterprise. His political support avas given to the Whig party in early life and after its dissolution he joined the ranks of the Republican party. Both he and his wife BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 493 avere consistent Christian people, holding membership in the Baptist church. Airs. Harbaugh died in 1886. The. subject of this review Avas reared upon the old farm in Fayette county, Penn sylvania, and in the public schools acquired his education'. In early life he engaged in making shingles, but AA'hen the Civil Avar was inaugurated he joined the Union troops, in August, 1864, as a member of the Sixth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. He avas then but nineteen years of age, but his bravery avas equal to that of many a veteran of tavice his years. The regiment avas sta tioned at Washington, D. C, in defense of the capital, and in August, 1885, avhen the war avas over, Mr. Harbaugh avas honor ably discharged and returned to his home in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. In 1867 he removed to- Chariton county, Missouri, and in 1873 he avas married to Susanna Cox, a lady of intelligence, who has been an able assistant to her husband in his life work. She was born in Brown county, Illinois, and is a daughter of William Cox, a native of Kentucky, now deceased. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harbaugh has been blessed avith four children: Elva, Leavis, Albert and Roy. In 1880 Mr. Harbaugh with his family came to Kansas, and in Galesburg township, Kingman county, purchased three hundred and taventy acres of land, which he has transformed into a valuable farm, one hun dred and seventy acres being under cultiva tion, the fields annually returning to him abundant harvests. Good pastures afford excellent feeding grounds for his stock, au orchard yields its fruits in season and every thing about the place is in excellent con dition, indicating the careful supervision of a progressive Opwner. Mr. Harbaugh is an invincible adherent of Republican belief and never fails to cast his ballot for the men and measures of the party. He has served on the township board of supervisors, for twelve years has been a member of the school board, and is most faithful and prompt in the execution of his public duties. He and his wife belong to the Alethodist Episcopal church and take an active part in church and Sunday-school avork. He has served as trustee, contributes liberally to the cause of Christianity and does all in his poaver for its advancement. In the years of his residence in Kingman county he has made many warm friends, for his life has been one of industry and uprightness and his allegiance to all that is true and just indicates him to be a man of high moral principles. FRED B. GORDENIER. Fred B. Gordenier, who since the spring of 1878 has been a resident of Ellsworth county and is now one of the enterprising farmers and stockmen of Sherman township, his home being on section 35, avas born in Henry county, Illinois, in October, 1857. His father, Jacob W. Gordenier, avas born in Ulster county, New York, November 30, 1827, and was a son of Seth Gordenier, also a native of the Empire state and an agri culturist by occupation. The father of our subject was reared in the state of his nativ ity and bedame a contractor and builder. In 1855 he removed avestavard to Illinois and was identified with the building interests in that state until 1885, When he came to Kansas. Here he has been an active factor in the improvement of the locality in avhich he located. He has erected many of the best buildings here and under contract has put up many fine structures in Nebraska. His avarm. support avas given to the Republican party and his firm belief in its principles leads him to take an active interest in its avork. While in Illinois he served as collec tor, but has never been, a politician in the sense of an office seeker. Ere he left the Empire state he married Miss Harriet Mid- daugh, the avedding being celebrated Janu ary 14, 1854. Unto them: were born two children, Fred B., of this review, and Emma, who died in childhood. Die father attained the age of seventy-tavo years and passed aavay in January, 1900, while his avife died in 1899. Fred B. Gordenier, the only surviving member of the family, pursued his educa- 494 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tion in the public schools and avhen about fifteen years of age began learning the car penter's and builder's trade, under the di rection of his father, with avhom he worked in Illinois until he came to Kansas in 1878. To some extent he had engaged in feeding hogs in the Prairie state and decided to remove to a country where he would have better oppor tunities to' engage in stock-raising and where there was more to do: in the building line. Accordingly he came to Ellsavorth county and purchased a quarter section of land in Sherman township', upon avhich he yet resides. It avas then a tract of avild prairie upon which not a furrow had been turned or an improvement made, but he broke the ground' with oxen. When he came here he had a team of horses and there avas but one other team- then kept in the lo cality. He purchased the lumber and erected a barn and also built the northern portion of his home, sixteen by twenty-four feet. He secured the lumber in Illinois and broifght it with him to Kansas. He began raising- grain and stock and raised a fine lot of Poland-China hogs, giving his special at tention to the raising of that breed for a number of years. Later, however, he has devoted his time more exclusively to the cul tivation of wheat and the feeding of steers for the market. He has added to his land until he noav oavns six quarter sections, of which three hundred and twenty acres is under the plow. A creek has its rise upon his farm and affords: the best avater supply for the stock. In 18-89 be erected an addi tion to his hornle and now has one of the most attractive residences in this portion of the county. The first years of his man hood were devoted to the payment of his home. When Air. Gordenier' s father came to Ellsworth county he joined him in the build ing business, and many of the most substan tial structures of the locality stand as monu ments of their thrift and enterprise. They erected the State Savings Bank, the Long building, the St. Louis and San Francisco Road House, the Masonic Temple, the Kan opolis Hotel, the schoolhouse of Kanopolis, the Lloyd office building, the fire depart ment building and many other structures avhich have indicated the growth and pros perity of the locality. In 1891, when be began avork on the court-house Mr. Gor denier of this revieav rented the farm for a year and took up, his abode iii Ellsworth, but on the expiration of that period he re turned to the farm and has since given his entire attention to agricultural pursuits and stock-raising. On the ist of January, 1880, Mr. Gor denier avas united in marriage to Miss Ollie AlcHenry, a daughter of William and Mary AIcHenry, and they noav have three chil dren : Aiaude, William and Jay. Mr. Gor denier is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and of the Degree of Honor. He has been an active factor in the de velopment and progress of the county, aid ing in its upbuilding as feav other men have done. He assisted in the organization .of the school district here and for many years has served on the school board and the cause of education finds in him a warm friend. The first term of school taught in his district avas held in the basement of his dwelling-house, the teacher's fa ther bringing her to the new school avith a yoke of oxen. He is a stanch Republican in politics and does all in his poaver to promote the groavth and secure the success of the party. He has fre quently been a delegate to its conventions and for many years avas a member of the Republican central committee, of which he acted as treasurer for seven or eight years. For some time he filled the position of town ship trustee and has been a candidate for the office of county treasurer. His name is inseparably interwoven avith the history and development of this portion of Kansas, coming here in pioneer days he has co-op erated in all -movements for the general good and his labors have resulted in the public benefit. In his business affairs he has been successful and has accumulated a handsome competence which supplies him avith all the comforts and many of the lux uries of life. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY, 495 D. P. DODGE. D. P. Dodge, avho' is engaged in general fanning on section 26, Galesburg township, is one of the prominent, popular and avell known citizens of Kingman county, avho since 1878 has resided in this portion of the state. He avas born in Posey county, Indi ana, February 10, 1842. His father, Willis Dodge, was a native of the same state, and was a son of William Dodge, avhose birth occurred in Tennessee, and avho avas a sol dier in the Indian avars. Willis Dodge avas reared in the Hoosier state and married Emily Watson, avho was born in Kentucky, as avas her father, John Watson. He, too, took part in the Indian wars avhich formed a part of the early history of the settlement of the central states. Unto' Mr. and Mrs. Dodge were born the following children : James : Drury P. ; John W. ; Anderson R. ; Joseph; Lewis; Ben F. ; Lomena Ellen; Al fred Harrison; Nancy E. ; Malinda; and Mary Jane, who died in infancy. Three of the sons took part in the Civil war, namely : John, of Davis county, Iowa; Anderson, who is now living in Reno county, Kansas ; and Joseph G., of Cowley county, Kansas. The father died at the age of seventy-eight years, after having devoted his energies throughout a long and useful career to agri cultural pursuits. His political support was given tbe Democracy. His wife, who passed away at the age of seventy-four, was a faithful member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and an earnest Chris tian avoman. D. P. Dodge, of this review, spent his childhood and youth in Posey county, Indi ana, and in McLean county, Illiniois. He was reared to farm life, and the occupation with which he became familiar in his boy hood he has since followed. At the age of twenty he was married to Malinda S. Neal, Who aaas born in Posey county, Indiana, and was a daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Wilson) Neal, the former a native of Ken tucky and the latter of Tennessee. Both died in McLean county, Illinois, when well ad vanced in years. Her father was an agri culturist and in politics avas a Republican, voting for Lincoln in the early period of the party's existence. His church relation was avith the Cumberland Presbyterians. Mrs. Dodge had three sisters who: died in Kansas. The marriage of Air. and Mrs. Dodge has- been blessed with three sons : James E. ; George; and E. T. In 1878 Mr. Dodge brought his family to- Kansas and took up a claim of Osage Indian land. The tract avas Avild and unimproved, but he has trans formed it into a fine farm, making it one of the finest properties in the township. He has a substantial residence, good barns and outbuildings and an orchard of eight acres. Of the farm, eighty-five acres is under cul tivation, and the well tilled fields indicate the labor and careful supervision of the owner. His sons, like himself, are industrious farm ers, carrying on business on their own ac count. In politics Mr. Dodge is an independent Democrat, recognized as one of the leading representatives of his party in this locality. He has served as a township trustee, justice of the peace and county commissioner, and in all has discharged his duties with prompt ness and fidelity, thus winning the high commendation of all concerned. Both he and his avife and their youngest son are members of the Presbyterian church and take an active part in church and Sunday- school work, Mr. Dodge now serving as- deacon. He has been an important factor in. the development of his township along all lines of substantial progress, and is inter ested iu everything pertaining to the welfare of the community. He is a mlan of strong purpose, upright in all his dealings, and avherever known he commands the confi dence and respect of his fellow citizens. JOSEPH B. PROSE. Joseph Benson Prose, who is a represent ative member of the bar of Barton county, maintains his home in the village of Hois- ington, where he has built up an excellent practice, attaining professional prestige by reason of his distinctive ability as, an attor- 496 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ney and counselor. Mr. Prose is a native of the old Buckeye state, having been born in Patriot, Gallia county, Ohio, on the 8th of February, 1856, the son of Rev. John R. Prose, a clergyman of the Mdhodist Epis copal church. When our subject was two years of age the family established their bome on a small farm near McArthur, Vin ton county, the same having been inherited by his mother, avho was an invalid during his early boyhood, though she accompanied her husband on his various itineraries as a member of the Ohio conference, our subject and his older brother remaining on the farm in the meanwhile. There Joseph B. Prose was reared to the age of eighteen years, his early educational privileges being such as were afforded in the district school in the vicinity of his home. As his services were required in connection with the work of the farm he attended the school only during the winter terms, of about three months each year, and the advantages avere very inferior. Mr. Prose states that he learned more through his personal study beneath the shade trees at his home than he acquired in all his application in the district school. He, hoav ever, profited largely by a course of study in a select school taught by John S. AVither- spoon, a feav miles distant from his home. Our subject continued to- work on the farm until he had attained the age of eighteen years, aahen he became a student in the Ohio University, at Athens, avhere he completed his literary course. Soon afteravarcl he took up the study of laav, under the direction of S. A. Bright, of Logan, Ohio1. The year 1885 avitnessed the arrival of Mr. Prose in Kansas. He came to Great Bend and for tavo years avas there engaged in teaching school. In the meanaahile he continued his legal studies, and in 1887 Avas admitted to the bar of the state, though he thereafter continued to devote his atten tion to the pedagogic profession for a period of six years, teaching in the public schools until March, 1893, Avhen he established him sdf in the practice of laav in Hoisington, where he has since maintained his home. He is now the only practitioner at laAv in this place, and his business is of a varied' char acter, demanding a wide knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence. Mr. Prose has been prominently identified with the inter ests of the town and was formerly; a stock holder and vice-president of the Hoisington State Bank, and he filled the office of presi dent of the institution for a time, having been incumbent of this position at the time of the reorganization of the bank, in 1900. In politics Mr. Prose gives his allegi ance' to the Republican party, and frater nally he is identified with the Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ac cidental Association. . A man of strong men tality and forceful character, he has the qualifications essential to success at the bar, and he is a close student of his profession and one whose fidelity to the interest of his clients is unequivocal. His work in the line of his chosen calling is carried on with' marked energy and ability, and he is known as a safe and conservative counselor and an able advocate, basing his arguments on the facts involved in the issue at hand and on the law pertinent to the case, and he has won many notable forensic triumphs. On the 2d of September, 1896, Mr. Prose Avas united in marriage to Miss Olive Lin- der, a daughter of Daniel W. Linder, one of the early settlers of this county, where he oavns a large amount of farm and town property, including valuable lots, residences and business structures in Hoisington. Mr. and Mrs. Prose have two daughters, — Helen' H. and Bessie. SAMUEL SALLEE. Feav citizens of Reno county, Kansas,' enjoy a higher measure of esteem than Sam uel Sallee, a very successful farmer on sec tion 28, in Bell township. The birth of Air. Sallee occurred in Preble county, Ohio, on June 11, 1823, and he is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Croft) Sallee. Samuel Sallee, the father, was born in Pennsylvania, about 1793, and he was one of the early settlers in Ohio, going there MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL SALLEE AND FAMILY. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 497 prior to' his marriage. Later he met and married Elizabeth Croft, who was born in Virginia, and they had a family of ten chil dren, four of whom: grew to maturity, these being : William, who lives in Morocco, In diana, at an advanced age still robust and vigorous ; Samuel, of this sketch, who bears his years avith remarkable capacity, also; Urana, avho married Robert Smeddy, and lives near Lincoln, Indiana, and Mrs. Lu cinda Jane Cox, who died in middle life, in her home in Indiana having had a family of ten children. Mr. Sallee removed to Indi ana from Ohio and for some years carried on a milling business, but died in that state at the age of fortv years. The mother con tracted a second marriage and died in Iro quois county, Illinois, at the age of sixty years. Samuel Sallee of this sketch was reared on the farm, in Indiana and there learned the trade of a blacksmith, follow ing the same for a period of fifteen years and continuing in the same business after his location in Kansas, in addition to his agricultural labors. In 1841 he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Clear, who was born in Preble county, Ohio, on August 6, 1828, being but two months younger than her venerable husband. To this happy mar riage Avas bom a family of ten children, and eight were reared to maturity, these being as follows: Joel B., who was born in 1843, became a soldier during the Civil war, and after escaping wounds and death came home only to die of disease contracted in the army, passing away in 1865, and was buried near St. Marys, Illinois ; John, avho avas born in 1845, is a successful farmer in Kingman county and has reared eleven of his twelve children ; AVilliam, the third son, also became a soldier in the service of his country and was mortally wounded at Chat- tariooga, and was buried at Nashville, Ten nessee; Mary, avho married Richard De Foe, was born in Ohio, and now resides in Kingman county, Kansas, and she has six children ; Adresta, who was born in Illinois, married Robert Blanchard and lives in Langdon, Reno county; Delilah, who was born in Illinois, married John Halstrom and lives in her native state and has a fam ily of twelve children; Ellen, who married Benjamin Moore, lives at Lerado, and she has a family of ten children;, and Emma, who is the widow of Edward Murry, has six living children, but has suffered several bereavements, ber husband being killed in July, 1900, and a son of seventeen years, being drowned in June, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Sallee removed some years after their marriage tq the state of Illinois, living near St. Marys for some eighteen years, coming thence to Kansas on March 13, 1879. Here our subject bought a set tler's claim: of one hundred and sixty acres of Osage land, paying one hundred dollars and the pre-emption fees. Their son, John, had preceded them, coming here on March 13, 1874. All have been very successful in their farming operations. Mr. Sallee has proved himself an excellent agriculturist and has land which produced over two thou sand bushels of wheat in 1900, from one hundred and forty acres, and in 1901 yielded the enormous amount of thirty-five thousand, eight hundred bushels of this cereal. Mr. and Mrs. Sallee have had the usual amount of misfortune attendant upon set tlement in a new country, and have always been, industrious, energetic people. For the past two years our subject has not operated the farm himself, but proposes to do so in the future, although he has reached the age at which, many men feel they must retire from active duty. Their remarkable vigor, however, makes them seem only in the prime of life, and testifies to lives lived in accordance with the laws of health and high morality. They have journeyed to gether for sixty years, and among their many blessings they number their "sturdy and intelligent descendants of the younger generations, consisting of fifty-five grand children and nine great-grandchildren. They not only receive the affection and high regard of these descendants, but also of the neighborhood through which they are known for those qualities calculated to win esteem and approbation. In his political life Mr. Sallee has always 498 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. been a Democrat and has taken quite an interest in public affairs. Both he and his most estimable wife are consistent members of the Christian church and are highly val ued for their innumerable good qualities. WILUAM J. VAN SICKLE. The history of pioneer life in Reno coun ty is familiar to William J. Van Sickle, who was. one of the first settlers in this part of the state and has contributed in large measure to the improvement and develop ment of Reno county. He noav resides in Hutchinson and is agent for the De Laval cream separator, having the agency for Reno, AlcPherson and Harvey counties. His life record began in Berkshire, Dela ware county, Ohio, where he first opened his eyes to the light of day on the 14th of April, 1840, his parents being Garrett and Elsie A. (Lott) Van Sickle. The Van Sickle family is of Holland lineage and was founded in America at an early day. Peter Van Sickle, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Neav Jersey and became one of the pioneer settlers of Delaware county, Ohio. His well directed business efforts brought to him success and he became the owner of tavelve hundred acres of rich land in the Scioto valley. Among the leading farmers and stock-raisers of that locality he was numbered and he was regarded as one of the prominent and influential citizens. In his political views he was a stanch Whig and in religious faith avas a Baptist. He married Elizabeth Stevenson, and among their children avas Garrett Van Sickle, who, was likeavise born in New Jersey, his natal day being in 1806. When he was about ten or tavelve years of age he accompanied his parents to. Delaware county, avhere in the midst of the heavy forest a home was es tablished and a farm developed. On arriv ing at years of maturity he married Elsie A. Lott, a daughter of Joseph Lott,, who brought his family to Ohio about the time the Van Sickles came. He, too, avas a man of prominence and influence and his home avas the place of entertainment for all early preachers of the Methodist denomination who visited the region. He served as a lieutenant in the avar of 1812 and in days of peace devoted his energies to the work "of the home farm. His daughter, Mrs. Van Sickle, avas a native of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, born in 1808. Garrett Van Sickle spent the days of his boyhood and youth on tbe old family home stead in Ohio and experienced all the hard ships and trials incident to pioneer life and to the development of a new farm. He avas at one time engaged in the dairy busi ness, supplied butter to the Columbus mar ket and the proceeds of this labor enabled him to purchase a good farm. Leaving the old homestead at the age of thirty years he erected a large tavern in the village of Berk shire, on the old state road or stage route from Delaware to Zanesville, Ohio. This was. a large hostelry for that day, contain ing one hundred rooms. It was well patron ized by the travelers avho made their way through Ohio and its proprietor became widely knoavn throughout the state. After many years devoted to its conduct Mr. Van Sickle died July 28, 1865, while his wife, long surviving him, passed away February 24, 1887. It avas in the old hotel that William 'J. Van Sickle avas born and there he remained until sixteen years of age, assisting in its conduct. He also attended the town school and later entered the schools of Delaware, his father leaving" the hotel and removing to the latter place in order to educate his children. After a residence of four years there the father purchased a large tract of land of five hundred acres within two miles of Berkshire and there he was engaged in farming and stock-raising, his son William assisting him until he avas taventy-tavo years of age, avhen he left home and was married, the avedding* being celebrated on the 24th of November, 1861. The lady of his choice avas Aliss Lauretta Harris, a daughter of George Harris. She avas born in Virginia and during* her girlhood was taken to Ohio, Avhere her parents soon afterward died, and she was reared by the parents of our. sub- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 499 ject. Her death occurred in 1864. The- second marriage of Mr. Van Sickle occurred in April, 1866, to Aliss Annetta Davis, born in Glens Falls, New York, a daughter af Asher A. and Jane M. (Cushing) Davis. After his marriage William Van Sickle began operating two hundred acres of land given him by his father and engaged in the raising of sheep, an occupation which he followed until his removal to the west. He had, however, sold his first farm and pur chased another tract of, land of two. hundred acres near the county seat of Delaware comi ty. He had engaged in the breeding of pure bred Spanish merino sheep, paying high jjrices for excellent animals and thus keep ing his flock up to a high standard. In 1870 he sold eight hundred head of thorough bred sheep. In 1862 he left the fann and established a general mercantile store in Berkshire, just across the street from his birthplace, but in 1870 he disj>osed of all his business interests in Ohio and went to Atchinson county, Missouri, in search of a location. He spent four months in travel ing over the states of Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas and finally decided to make his home in the southern part of the Sunflower state. On the 6th of February, 1871, he took up his abode in what has since been organized as Reno county, locating a home stead on section 26, township 24, range 4. There he erected a small box house, twelve by sixteen feet, after living for four months in a covered wagon. He hauled the lumber from1 Florence, sixty-five miles distant. In this primitive home he resided for seven and a-half years. In the meantime he purchased a claim adjoining, so: that he had a half sec tion of land, on which he engaged in the cat tle business, purchasing a foundation herd ' of forty head of cows. In 1872 he planted a small corn crop, which did well, selling for two dollars and a half per bushel. This made him very hopeful and later he sold all of his cattle, purchased a large tract of land and put in a very extensive corn crop, but in that year, 1874, Kansas suffered from a grasshopper scourge, the insects coming in great swarms and destroying every par ticle of vegetation, so that he lost all that he had invested in the crop. In 1872 he had also brought to Reno county the first drove of Poland China swine, purchasing fine registered stock from eastern breeders. In 1874 he had one hundred and thirty head, but as he raised no corn he lost all but sev enteen head, the others being literally starved to death. Mrs. Van Sickle has been of the greatest assistance to her husband, aiding him in many ways. In those early clays of pioneer experiences and struggles she has spent many hours, days and aveeks herding the savine. In 1872, when the town of Hutchinson Avas platted, Mr. Van Sickle took a contract for freighting goods and lumber from Newton, a distance of forty- three miles. He had two> teams and em ployed an Irish lad to drive one team, but Air. Van Sickle avas bitten by a dog the morning he was ready to' start, so Mrs. Van Sickle came to' the rescue and drove a team for six weeks, thus earning money enough to build a good barn in addition to. the house. Thus the years passed, the husband and wife co-operating in the work, each doing* a share toward gaining a start and securing a home, and although many disasters over took them, avith courageous hearts and will ing hands they pressed foravard and to-day they are comfortably situated in a good home in Hutchinson, surrounded with many things which go to make life avorth the liv ing. After his losses of 1874 our subject engaged in general farming. In 1876 he had succeeded in gaining a good start and purchased a flock of sheep, but that enter prise proved unprofitable. Again adversity overtook him in the flood of June, 1877, which destroyed all his crops. In 1878 he rented the farm and removed to Hutchin son; avhere he engaged in the dairy business. There came then a change in his fortunes. For twenty-one years he carried on that en terprise with steadily increasing success and acquired a handsome competence. In 1880 he sold his farm and purchased twenty acres of land in the city on Fourth avenue and kept from twenty-five to thirty head of cows, supplying the main city trade. In 1898 he sold out and retired from that business, but is now the gen- 500 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. eral agent for the De Laval cream separator, a most valuable invention of great use in the creamery business. His agency covers the three counties of Reno, McPherson and Harvey. On retiring from the dairy business he erected his present comfortable home at No. 822 A avenue, east, avhere he has a nice little tract of land, arranged for irrigation. For six years he has engaged in the breeding of Shetland ponies. Air. and Mrs. Van Sickle have never had any children of their oavn but adopted a little girl, on whom they lavished all the love, care and attention avhich would have been given to their own children had they had any. This was Elsie Annetta, who was only tavo years old avhen she avas taken to live avith Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle, remain ing avith them until her death, which oc curred November 11, 1889, when fourteen years of age. Mr. Van Sickle has been hon ored Avith public office. He was elected one of the first county commissioners and served for two consecutive terms. He was active in the organization of the first school district in the county, the district and school still bearing the name of the Van Sickle school and district, its location being in Val ley toavnship. His mother was the first woman to enter Hutchinson on a railroad train, riding from Newton on a Santa Fe construction train in June, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle are indeed honored pio neer people of Reno county. They have witnessed almost its entire development and improvement and have been important fac tors in its upbuilding and progress, their names being indelibly engraved on its his tory. JOHN J. MARKHAM. John J. Mlarkham, an enterprising and prosperous fanner of Reno county, living on section 20, Center township, was born in Jackson county, Ohio, November 9, 1835, a son of Richard and Eleanor (Evans) Markham. The father avas born in Vir ginia and in early manhood removed to Jackson county, Ohio, where he met and married Miss Evans, who was a native of Wales and in childhood was taken by her parents to the Buckeye state. In the midst of the forest he cleared a tract of land and developed a good farm. Subsequently he removed to Pike county, Ohio, where his death occurred in 1886. In his political faith he was a Democrat and in religious belief a Alethodist, long holding member ship with one of the churches of that de nomination. The cause of education found in him a warm friend and he took an active part in public affairs as a promoter of all practical and progressive movements for the benefit of the community. In his family avere ten children and avith one exception all are yet living. Three of the sons, John J., David and Lewis, came to the west. David located in Butler county, Kansas, and Lewis and his sister, Mrs. Mary Jenkins, avent to Andrew county, Missouri, where they are still living. In the usual manner of farmer lads of the period, John J. Markham spent the days of his boyhood and youth, avorking in the fields through the summer months and at tending school in the winter seasons. When he had attained his majority he began farming on his OAvn account, operating land avhich belonged to his uncle, David Evans, until 1 86 1. On the 15th of October, of that year, he put aside all personal considera tions and offered his services to the govern ment as a defender of the Union, becoming first sergeant of Company E, Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry, in which he afterward won promotion to the rank of second and then first lieutenant by reason of his meritorious conduct on the field of battle. He saw serv ice at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and the siege of Corinth, and on the 24th of June, 1862, avent to Plelena, Arkansas, avhere he en gaged in skirmishing and in doing patrol duty on the Alississippi river. Pie avas on the Arkansas expedition until February, 1863, avhen with his -command he crossed the Alississippi river and went to guard Yazoo pass, Avhere they were stationed for tavo months, after which Mi". Markham and his comrades joined the army at Young's BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 5oi Point, Louisiana. He took part in the bat tle of Port Gibson and fought the first real engagement of 'the Vicksburg campaign, and Avas Avounded in the arm at that place. During that campaign he participated in the battles of Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills and the siege of Vicksburg and was again, at Jackson. When the campaign was ended he avent down the Alississippi and avas engaged in skirmishing and scouting at various places in the south until January, 1864, avhen he avas granted a furlough and returned home, there remaining until the following April, avhen he rejoined his com mand in western Louisiana. He took part in the Red River expedition under General Banks, after which the regiment was con solidated into five companies, more than half its number having been lost through death, sickness or wounds. This left a sur plus of officers and by general order Lieuten ant Alarkham avas discharged. He then, went to Nashville, where he was appointed to a clerical position in the quartermaster's de partment, thus serving for nine months, after avhich he was mustered out and re turned home. Thinking that he avould enjoy better business opportunities in the west Mr. Alarkham came to Kansas in November, 1865, locating in Doniphan county, where his uncle, Vinton Evans,, avas living. The folloaving year he purchased a fann in that county and carried on farming and stock- raising for two years. On the 27th of June, 1867, he further completed his arrange ments for a home of his oavn by his mar riage to Miss M. C. Hulan, a native of Maine, who avent with her parents to Mis souri in 1854, when only six years old. After his marriage Mr. Markham purchased a farm and two sons came to bless their home, James O. and Louis A., both yet with their parents. Air. Alarkham continued in the opera tion of his land in Doniphan county until 1874 avhen he sold his property there and came to Reno county, securing a homestead claim — his present farm. He planted some sod corn, but that was the year of- the grass hopper plague and the insects entirely de stroyed the crop. He then returned to Don iphan county, where he remained until the folloaving spring, avhen he again hazarded his fortune in Reno county and this time met avith better success. He has since engaged in the operation of his land in Center town ship and in the raising of stock. He has a half section of land, much of Avhich is under a high state of cultivation, the avell tilled fields returning to him a good income and making him one of the prosperous farmers of the locality. In his political vieavs Air. Alarkham has been a stalwart Republican since casting his first presidential vote, and he has filled the offices of justice of the peace and township trustee, long continuing in both positions, In the former his decisions have ever been strictly fair and impartial, neither fear nor favor biasing him in any degree. He has been a delegate to the county, congressional and state conventions and has done all in his power to promote the growth and insure the success of his party. For thirty years he has been a member of the Masonic fra ternity, being at the present time connected avith Cable Lodge, No. 299, F. & A. M., of Arlington, Kansas. He maintains pleasant relationship with his old army comrades through his association with the Grand Army of the Republic. He formerly be longed to Joe Hooker Post and is a charter member of the S. Hatch Post, No. 178, G. A. R., of Partridge, and its only command er, being continually elected to that posi tion. He is a member of the Methodist church and his life is actuated by noble Christian principles. ELMER EVERETT. Elmer Everett is a leading farmer and stock-raiser of Center township, Reno coun ty, and the history of his life may be summed up in the expression "through struggles to success." He has encountered many difficulties and obstacles, but gradual ly he has overcome these and steadily worked his avay upward until he now occu- 502 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. pies a prominent position among the pros perous agriculturists of the locality. A native of Ohio, he was born in Trum bull county, August 7, 1842, a son of Ben jamin and Catherine (Lowrey) Everett, the former a native of New York and the latter of Trumbull county. In early man hood the father avent to the Buckeye state, where he married and resided until 1853, devoting his life to farming. He was quite prominent in local affairs and he was a sec ond cousin of Edward Everett, the eminent statesman. His death occurred in Illinois in 1889 and his wife passed away about a year later. They avere the parents of six children avho lived to maturity, while five now survive : Ezra, a farmer and stock- raiser of Greeley county, Kansas; Elmer, of this revieav ; Lucy, the wife of Adam Mor ton, a stockman of Cherry county, Ne braska; Amos, who' is extensively engaged in the breeding of fine horses in Greeley county, Kansas; Benjamin B., of Partridge, Reno county. In 1853, when a lad of eleven summers, Elmer Everett accompanied his parents on their removal to Knox county, Illinois, where the father purchased land. Here he grew to mam's estate, working in the fields through the summer months and when crops avere harvested in the fall entering the public schools. Five days before he had attained the age of twenty years he enlisted for serv ice in the Union Army, being enrolled, in August, 1862, as a member of Company K, Eighty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Harding, while later Colonel Arthur Smith, of Galesburg, Illinois, com manded the j regiment. Pie participated in the second battle of Fort Donelson, when General Forrest attempted, to' capture the fort. His regiment held the battery against a force of ten thousand men from one o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock at night. The Eighty-third was then left to occupy the fort, where they spent a year and a half, also doing skirmishing and gar rison duty in that vicinity. They drove Forrest from Tennessee when General Hood attempted to capture Nashville and the regiment did effective service in keeping him' from crossing the Cumberland. Mr. Everett remained with the Army of the Cumberland under Generals Rosecrans, Thomas and Sherman and after General Lee's surrender was stationed at Nashville for two months, doing guard and provost duty. He was mustered out at that place and discharged at Camp Douglas, Chicago, July 5, 1865. Air. Everett enlisted as a pri-, vate and Avas mustered out as corporal. He spent eighteen months in 1863-4 on de tached duty in the topographical engineers' corps, making a military map of Stewart and Montgomery counties, Tennessee. He avas ever a faitbful soldier, fearless in the discharge of his duty and his military record is a creditable one. Returning to> Knox county, Illinois, Mr. Everett remained upon his father's farm for a year. He avas married April 19, 1869, to Aliss Nellie Axtell, of Warren county, Illinois, and unto them have been born three children; Arthur C, Leo G., and Elvessie, After his marriage Mr. Everett located in Knox county for five years, engaged in gen eral farming and stock-raising. He invested all that he had in live stock, but the high prices avhich prevailed just after the avar and the subsequent shrinkage in values caused him to lose all that he had. He then resolved to- try his fortune in the west, avhere land could be obtained almost for the asking. He arrived in Reno county, in September, 1874 and located a homestead and timber claim, forming the nucleus of his present fine farm. Of this twelve acres had been broken and that fall he planted avheat. He then returned to Illinois, spend ing the avinter avith his family, who had re mained there avhile he made preparation for a home and avho accompanied him on his re turn in the spring of 1875. A small box house had been built on the place by the man avho had first owned the land and this avas their residence for eighteen months, avhen it was replaced by a more commodious and comfortable dwelling. Mr. Everett could find no suitable team for breaking sod, and on the ist of April, 1875, he start ed out on foot with money in his pockd to purchase oxen. He made his way BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 503 across the prairie to Wichita, but could get nothing there and then proceeded in the same avay- to Wellington avith no bdter suc cess. Therefore he avent to the Indian Ter ritory, to Oxford on the Arkansas river, avhere he succeeded in buying a yoke of oxen and an old log avagon for one hundred and ten dollars, avhile a second team was purchased for one hundred dollars. When leaving home Air. Everett had ex pected to secure a team in Wichita and to return in three days, but was gone eleven days, during which time he traveled about one hundred and fifty miles on foot. His wife avas almost in despair, having given up all hope of seeing him alive again, for she knew that he had money avith him and that the country was infested avith desperadoes and lawless people, and avhen she heard the creak of the old- wagon as he drove home, it avas indeed to her a avelcome sound. With his four oxen Air. Everett turned the sod at a rapid rate and broke thirty acres in time for planting to sod corn, while eighty acres more had been placed under the ploav by the time fall came on. Of this he "back set" seventy-five acres and planted AA'heat. This- yielded him about twenty-five bushels per acre, avhich sold for from eighty to a dollar and ten cents per bushel. He continued breaking and improving his land avith marked energy and perseverance and avithin three years he had tavo hundred acres under cultivation. He experienced, how ever, three partial failures of crops, owing to hail and drouth and this led him in a measure to abandon grain' raising and give his attention to the raising of stock, which is noav the principal department of his busi ness. For the last taventy years he has' kept on hand from one hundred to tavo hundred head of cattle, raising high grade short horns. In 1882 he purchased some cows of high grade and by the use of the best thor oughbred males he has produced a herd that is thoroughbred in all but name. He was one of the first in Reno county to introduce improved stock and his work has been of the greatest possible benefit, for by raising the standard of the stock kept by farmers he has been the means of securing better prices and thus contributing to the general prosperity. He has also brought to the county thoroughbred Poland China and Berkshire savine and thorough-bred horses, both draft and roadsters. Mr. Everett has added to his original tract of land a half sec tion of railroad land and now has altogether in one body six hundred and forty acres on sections fourteen and twenty-three, Center toavnship, Reno county. He also owns a section in Troy township which is cultivated im parts and also used for grazing purposes. Mr. Everett has ever manifested an ac tive and commendable interest in public and political affairs but is not in the commonly accepted sense of the term a politician. He returned from the war on a furlough in order to cast his first presidential vote, which sup ported Lincoln and since that time he has been an ardent Republican, unfaltering in his advocacy of the principles of the party. At the urgent solicitation of his friends he has served in a number of offices. In 1875, immediately after coming to the county, he avas elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he remained for five years, while in 1876 he was elected county commissioner and filled that position for tavo consecutive terms of three years each. He was sent as a delegate to various county, judicial, con gressional and state conventions until he refused absolutely to serve longer. He has served as the leading officer in both the local organizations of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen to which he belongs and is, a val ued representative of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., of Hutchinson. In religious work he has also taken an active and helpful part, has long been a member of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Partridge and has been superintendent and teacher of the Sunday-school. He is one of the solid and substantial citizens of Reno county— a self-made man, who owes his success entirely to earnest labor, honor able purpose and perseverance. The years have proven his sterling worth as a man and 5°4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a citizen and no one is more deserving of representation in this volume than the hon ored pioneer, the loyal soldier and prominent farmer — Elmer Everett. GEORGE TOWNSEND. George Townsend, a well known repre sentative of the farming interests of Reno county, owns and onerates a half section of land in Lincoln township. More than half the width of the continent separates him from his birthplace, for he was born in Lincoln county, on the Kennebec river, in Maine, January 8, 1830, his parents being Benjamin and Lvdia (Ridley) Townsend, who were also natives of tbe Pine Tree state and represent old and honored fam ilies of New England. The grandparents of our- subject on both sides spent their en tire lives in Maine and all were consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. John Ridley, the maternal grand father was a farmer bv occupation. Ben jamin Townsend was born in Lincoln coun ty and he, too, engaged in agricultural pur suits. Like many residents of that state he also devoted a mart of his time to' a sea faring life. In winter seasons he made a number of voyages to the West Indies and was also connected with the coast trade. In his early youth George Townsend spent the winter months in school, having to walk a distance of three miles each morn ing and evening in order to secure his ed ucation. When a youth of fourteen he went as "boy" on a coasting voyage of a few months and then shipped as "royal boy" on the B. B. Medcalf, a, sailing vessel bound for San Francisco, carrying mining sup plies, for gold had been discovered there and men from all sections of the country were flocking to the mines. Sailing by way of Cape Horn, after a voyage of one hundred and fifty-seven, days they reached the harbor of San Francisco. Remaining only long enough to' unload and secure a new crew, the old crew having deserted for the mines, the vessel started on the return trip, stopping at Callao, in Chili, and from there going to the Chinci Islands, where, they loaded a cargo' of guano, returning to Callao to "clear" for Cork Island. They proceeded to New Orleans, where they un loaded and there Mr. Townsend left the old vessel and reshipped on a vessel carrying cot ton and bound for the port of Boston, which Mr. Townsend reached after an absence of a year and a half. When he first sailed he received only four dollars per month, but when he returned he was receiving fourteen dollars a month, the same as the men before the mast, for he was performing duties similar to theirs. After spending about ten days at home Mr. Townsend again sailed for New Or leans and from there to Liverpool, later to Caidiff and thence to New York, the en tire voyage consuming eight months. His next voyage was made on the ship America to Chictiac and other ports and finally they loaded a cargo of deal for London, but most of this was lost in a storm. After re turning from this voyage to Boston our subject became a member of the crew of the John Wesley, which sailed from Bos ton to New Orleans, then to Liverpool and back to Boston. On another voyage he rounded the Cape of Good Hope, went to Hong Kong, China, thence back around the Horn, making a two-year voyage, in which he circumnavigated the globe. He was offered a position as second mate but refused it. He spent in all twelve years on the seas, visiting many ports of the civilized world and thus gaining broad knowledge of the different countries and their peoples. Mr. Townsend then left the salt water for the great lakes, going from Oswego, New York, to Chicago. He then purchased .a canal boat and for twenty-one . years was engaged in boating on the Michigan and Illinois canal and the Illinois river. Dur ing that time there were few men, women or children along the line but what became acquainted with Captain Townsend as he made the trips up and down his course. He- was a notable character in that locality and his genial and obliging disposition won him. many lasting friendships. GEORGE TOWNSEND. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 505 After following the water for thirty. years Mr. Townsend abandoned that life, and in 1874 came to Kansas, purchasing the land which he noav oavns from the railroad company for five dollars and ten cents per acre, on the eleven-year installment plan. ¦He used this means of purchase because he had lost his savings of years through a company in Ottaava, avith avhich* he had in vested it. In 1878 he had twenty acres of his ground broken and that fall erected a farm house, installing his family in their new. home. Since then he has given his attention to farming and stock raising and now owns and operates three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land, all of which is under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Townsend was married in Illinois to Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Washington, that state, and unto them were born two children: George, of Salmon, Idaho; and Lydia, the wife of George Corfield, a farmer living near Partridge. The mother died Not- vember 14, 1884, and Mr. Townsend was again married, November 25, 1886, his sec ond union being with Mary Smith, a sister of his former wife. By this marriage there are also two living children: Rachel and Eva. The family is a leading one in the community and their friends are many. They have a pleasant home upon the farm and Mr. Townsend is now engaged in stock raising, retaining his pasture in order to have a grazing *olace for his cattle, while the remainder of his farm he rents. Cap tain Townsend was reared in the faith of the Democracy as expounded by Jefferson and Jackson, but did not embrace the tra ditions of his fathers in this respect, becom ing, instead, a loyal supporter of the Republi can party. He has always declined to serve in public office save that he has been a member: of the school board. He has ever taken a deep interest in educational affairs and uses his influence toward promoting the standard of the school and toward securing good teachers. For fifteen years he has been a member of the school board. He was made a Master Mason in Henry Lodge, No. 119,-F. & A. M., of Henry, Illinois, and he is also a member of the. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is numbered among the early settlers and honored pio neers of the county, and has borne his part in promoting the welfare and progress of the community. From early life he has been dependent entirely upon his own re- , sources and gradually he has advanced financially until he is now among the pros perous farmers of Reno county. 32 JAGKSON B. BAXTER. A leading representative of the indus trial interests of Hutchinson is Jackson B. Baxter, a member of the firm of Baker & Baxter, the proprietors of the only foundry in Reno county. Their business ability, the excellence of the workmanship, executed in, their plant and their reliable methods have given the firm a commanding position in business circles. Both partners are practi cal foundry men and well deserve the suc cess which is now crowning their well direct ed and honorable efforts. Mr. Baxter is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth occurring in Westmoreland county, on the 5th of November, 1852, his parents being,Alexander and Eliza G. (Boggs) Bax ter, both of whom were natives of Pennsyl vania, residing there upon a farm, on which our subject remained until he was twelve years of age. The family then removed to Butler in that state, where he attended school until he attained the age of fifteen when he entered upon his business career and since that time has' been depemdemt upon his own efforts. He entered the foundry of Butler and learned the trade, being employed along that line in various towns' in the Keystone state until 1875, when he arrived in Reno county, Kansas. For two years after his arrival Mr. Bax ter lived with his brother upon the latter's farm and in 1877 he entered a blacksmith. shop. Later he was employed for two years in the barb wire works of South Hutchinson and in the foundry of the Barb Wire Manufacturing Company, of the same place. In 1890 he joined Mr. Baker in the 5o6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. establishment of the present firm of Baker & Baxter, and for a year they carried on business in South Hutchinson. Their pre sent location is at Nos. 119, 121 and 123 W. Sherman street, avhere they began business in 1893. This avas the second building in the town and was established by Mr. Christ- enson, who sold it to the party of whom the present firm purchased it. They bought the ground and plant, and the latter has been en larged and newly equipped with a large en gine and other modern machinery. It is now the only foundry in the county and they are doing a large, profitable and constantly growing business. The partners are prac tical foundrynlen and their control of the enterprise has shown a thorough understand ing of the business and has brought to them success. They do a general jobbing and re pair business and also make a specialty of the manufacture of the Baker & Baxter steel bearing rocking grate bar, an improved fur nace grate bar combining many advantages over the old grate bar and thus largely fa cilitating the cleaning of the furnace and pre venting the clogging by cinders. This de vice has been manufactured by the firm for the last six years and has rapidly made its avay into public favor. It is the result of the combined inventive genius of the part ners. They also manufacture boiler front and structural iron products, and in the manufacturing and repairing departments of their business they have met Avith gratify ing success. Mr. Baxter has been twice married. He first avedded Mollie Willows, a native of Canada, and unto them avere born four chil dren : David, Logan, Eliza and Jackson. The mother died June 8, 1898, and Mr. Bax ter has since married Rachel Rabner, of Hutchinson. He has erected a comfortable residence at No. 525 Avenue B, avest, and their home is noted for its hospitality. In religii it*1 connection they are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In his politi cal vieavs Mr. Baxter is a Republican and has served on the central committee and been a delegate to various conventions. He has been a member of the city council and is always on the alert to advance any enterprise for the general good. Socially he is identi fied with the Ancient Order of United Work man and has been a delegate to the grand lodge. As the architect of his own fortunes he has builded wisely and well, and is to-day the possessor of a handsome competence won entirely through his own labor. COLONEL HENRY INMAN. Colonel Henry Inman, deceased, well known as a frontiersman, soldier and auth or, was not only interested in the early de velopment of this locality, but preserved many of the incidents connected therewith by his literary productions treating of such subjects. Among the early settlers of Ells worth county his name was a household word. His avritings avere mostly of- tales of the plains and of frontier life, for he spent forty years in the avest during the period of its development and early progress. His ancestors avere among the old Knick erbocker families, avho settled at what is noav Neav Atork at an^early day, and prior to that time they avere connected with the no bility of Holland. William Inman, the grandfather of our subject, avas of- Hugue not stock. He avas born in England and came to America in 1812. For some time he avas connected avith the mercantile life in Neav York. He married Jane Riker, avhose family name is borne by one of the islands in the East river, and they became the parents of tavo sons, William and Henry, the latter being the father of our subject. Will iam Inman entered the navy and rose from the rank of the midshipman to be ranking1 commodore, aahen he avas placed on the re tired list. Henry Inman, the father of the Colonel, avas a celebrated artist and was president of the National Academy of De sign. In early life he entered West Point as a military student, but his talent was so marked that a prominent artist made him his pupil, and his attention was thenceforth given to other avork. He painted many por traits of prominent people both in this coun try and in Europe. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 507 The birth of Colonel Henry Inman oc curred on the 3d of July, 1837, and his early education was acquired under the in struction of tutors at home. He afterward attended Athenion Academy, at Rahway, New Jersey, and in 1857 entered the army, being immediatdy ordered to the Pacific coast, for the Indians in the northwest were at that time decidedly hostile. He served through all the campaigns through that por tion of the country until after the inaugu ration of the Civil war, when he was ordered east. He served in the Army of the Poto mac as aid de camp to General George Sykes, and Avas severely wounded in the seven days fight before Richmond. He was afterward brevdted for gallantry and was again bre vetted major and lieutenant colonel for his avork in the Indian campaigns in 1868 and . 1869. He served under Generals Phil Sher idan, Custer, Gibbs, Sully and other famous Indian fighters, and was a companion of Buffalo Bill and Kit Carson and other cele brated characters who won fame on the west ern plains. Forty-two years passed on the extreme frontier gave him rare opportunity to become thoroughly acquainted with In dian characters, a knowledge of which his ability as a writer has preserved in his nu merous literary productions, prominent among which are the Old Santa Fe Trail, the Great Salt Lake Trail (in which Colonel William F. Cody was made a character), the Cruise of the Prairie Schooner, Buffalo Jones, the Forty Years' Adventure, A Pio neer from Kentucky, Tales of the Trail, the Dellahoyde Boys and the Ranch on the Ox hide, the last two named being books for juveniles. For several years after the war Colonel Inman was assistant quartermaster at Fort Harker, then a frontier post. After seven teen years service he retired, and it was sub sequent to 1874 that he' did most of his lit erary work, having in the meantime laid the foundation for it by his long and varied ex perience in the army and on the plains. He was in charge of the Larned Enterprise from 1878 until 1882, when he went to To peka, as manager of the Kansas News agency. At Portland, Maine, on the 22d of Oc tober, 1862, Colonel Inman was united in marriage to Miss Eunice C. Dyer, and unto them Avere born three children, a son and two daughters, Avho attained years of .maturity. The Colonel departed this, life November 13, 1899; His was in many respects an inter esting personality. He was endowed with a marvelous memory and accumulated a vast amount of information upon almost every subject. He was extremely considerate, and with him friendship was inviolable. Wherever he went he won friends and never forfeited their warm regard and admiration. His history forms an important chapter in the annals of our western country, and the American people owe him a debt, of grati tude for what he accomplished in subduing the Indians and opening up the Avay to civil ization in the far west. JOHN MARTIN. John Martin is the owner of a fine farm on section 2, Westminster tOAvnship, where he is extensively engaged in general farm ing and stock-raising. He was born in Eng land, on the 12th of October, 1845, a son of William Martin, who was born in the same locality. In 1847 the latter, in com pany with his wife and seven children, cross ed the Atlantic to America, eight weeks hav ing been spent in the journey from London to Quebec, and after their arrival here they located in Chittendon county, Vermont Avhere the father worked as a laborer, for a time and afterward owned a farm1. In 1856 the family emigrated to Cook county, Illi nois, locating near the Will county line, where he became the owner of forty acres of land, there remaining until 1874, the year of his arrival in Reno county, Kansas. The first land which he owned in this county con sisted of a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres in Westminster township which afterward formed a part of his fine three hundred and twenty acre farm-. There he spent the remaining years of his life pass ing away at the age of eighty-four years, and ,MmM~ 508 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. his remains avere interred in Will county. His death occurred, very suddenly. He arose one morning apparently avell, and after per forming some light labor about the yard re turned to the house, where he again sought repose, and when called to breakfast it was found that he had passed aavay in death. His wife passed away in Illinois in 1863, leaving five children, tbe four daugh ters being: Mary A., the widow of James Kellogg and a resident of Will county, Illi nois ; Catherine, who is now a member of the household of President Angel, of Hillsdale College, Michigan, and with that family she made a trip to China ; Marie, the avidow of Mickel Farmer and a resident of Will coun ty; and Mrs. T. T. Hoppin, a resident of Westminster township, Reno county. John Martin, whose name introduces this revieav, remained under the parental roof until eleven years of age, when he started out in life for himself. During the war of the rebellion he served as a member of the , Thirty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company K, faithfully performing his duties as a soldier for one year, when be received an honorable discharge and returned to his home. In the spring of 1873 he came to the Sunflower state, securing a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres im Westminster township, Reno county, and his house was the first one built in the town ship. He also entered a claim for Thomas McSherry, whom; he had met in Missouri, that gentleman giving him' the power of at torney. When he arrived in this state buf faloes were still numerous, and in an early day Mr. Martin had much sport in hunting those animals, often times going as far as seventy-five miles on a hunting expedition. During the year the grasshoppers visited this state in such great numbers1 he was at the home of a Mr. Broadwells, forty miles southwest of Abbyville, on the Ninnescah river, where he was assisting in the hay fields, and while there he and Mr. Broadwells' went on a hunt for buffalo bones, but while roaming over the prairie they became lost, and for three hours they were unable to find their way, finally locating themselves near home. The bones which they found were sold in Hutchinson for from five to eight dollars a ton. As the years have passed by prosperity has abundantly rewarded the well directed efforts of Mr. Martin, and he is now recognized as one of the leading and , influential farmers and stock-raisers of his locality. He follows diversified farming, his principal crop, however, being wheat, having from one to two hundred acres plant ed with that cereal. He also raises a fine , grade of stock, keeping on hand about one hundred head of cows and sixteen head of horses, and in this branch of his business he has been very successful. In Hutchinson, Kansas, December 1, 1873, Mr. Martin avas united in marriage to Kittie Hawkins, a native of Michigan and a daughter of Jay Hawkins. Four children came to bless tbe home of our subject and Avife, but the oldest, Jay, who was, born Jan uary 6, 1875, died February 23, 1876. The three surviving are : Josie P., at home; Jessie B., the wife of O. R. Click, a farmer in Gray county, Kansas, and they have two children, Kittie Hellon and Orival Russell; and George, who resides near the old farm, and was married to Nettie Sealy. and they have one daughter,. Mabel Fannie. Mrs. Martin died January 11, 1882. Mr. Alartin gives his political support to the Republican party, and on its ticket has been for three terms elected to the office of township trustee, while for four terms he served as justice of the peace. In his social relations he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Masonic order. JOHN T. MORRISON. In pioneer days John T. Morrison came to Barton county and has been actively as sociated with the improvement, progress and upbuilding of the community in the inter vening period. He found here a Avild re gion, the greater part of the land being still in its primitive condition, while towns and villages that now afford to their residents all the comforts and conveniences of the older east had not yet sprung into existence or BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 509 Avere mere hamlets. He has taken just pride in the advancement of this portion of the state and well deserves, mention among its representative citizens. Air. Alorrison avas born in Guernsey county, Ohio, May 27, 1842, and is a son of William P. Morrison, who at an early day removed to Wayne county, Iowa, where he folloaved agricultural pursuits until he re tired from active business life, his last years being spent in the homes of his children. He died in St. Joseph, Missouri, when more than eighty years of age. In early hfe he avas married to Miss Susanna Tullis, who was born in Ohio, and died when about fifty-six years of age. _ They had nine chil dren, namely: John T., Elijah, Elizabeth, Francis, Susan, William D., Mary, Zalina and Malinda. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for John T. Morrison in his youth. He was reared on the old family homestead in Wayne county, Iowa, and in 1878 came to Kansas, locating first in Rice county, whence he removed to Barton county, seeking a location. In the spring of 1879 he entered land in Fairview township, securing the southeast quarter of section 8, township 16, range 15, upon, which he built a sod house sixteen by eigbteen feet. He there lived for a year and on the expir ation of that period he built a stone and frame house, which was a story and a half in height, the main portion being eighteen by taventy-eight fed, to which was attached an L fourteen by sixteen feet. This resi dence is still standing in a good state of preservation and continued to be the home of Mr. Morrison until 1897, when he took up his abode in Great Bend and purchased a quarter section of school land. He has practically abandoned farming operations, his land being now rented. His income from his property supplies many of his need's and enables bim to secure many of the com forts and luxuries which go to make life worth the living. lie was a wide-awake, enterprising and progressive farmer whose labors resulted in bringing to him a richly- merited competence. Mr. Morrison was united in marriage to Miss Clarissa E. Ormsby, a daughter of Levi and Lucretia Ormsby, of Ohio. Her father was a carpenter by trade and followed that pursuit in early life, but_ aftenvard turned his attention to mperchandising. On coming to the west he settled in Johnson county, Iowa, and later removed to Em poria, Kansas, where he secured a farm. He died when about forty years of age and his wife passed away at the age of sixty. They became the parents of five children, namely : James, Levi, Clarissa E., George and Cal vin. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have also been born five children: Elmer E., a practicing physician of Great Bend ; Thomas C, a merchant of Hoisington, Kansas; Sid ney M., who is now studying journalism in the Agricultural College at Manhattan, Kansas; John C, who is also- pursuing his studies in the same department; and Clar ence E., who is a student in the high school at Great Bend. Mr. Morrison has ever been a loyal citi zen and at the time of the Civil war be man ifested his patriotism by offering his services to the government in 1862, enlisting in Company H of the Thirteenth Missouri Cav alry, and served until the close of the war, displaying marked valor on many a south ern battlefield. His third son was a soldier, loyally defending the nation in the Philips pines. He served for one year and five months in the Twentieth Kansas Regiment in the Philippines and was wounded in the right hip by a ball at the battle of Colacan, on the nth of February, 1900. Mr. Mor rison is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and in his political views he is a Republican, having served in a number of township offices. In his religious faith he is a Methodist and his life is ever in harmony with high moral principle, with loyal citizen ship and faithful friendsbip. JOSEPHUS DORR. Josephus Dorr, who follows farming in Rice county, is numbered among the hon ored veterans of the Civil war, and upon the field of battle he manifested his loyalty to 3k,:, 5io BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the cause of the Union, battling earnestly for its support, that the alliance of states might not be destroyed. He was born in Athens county, Ohio, December i, 1840, and the common schools provided him his educa tional privileges. Die ancestry of the fam ily can be traced back to three brothers avho came from England to America and settled in Massachusetts, avhere they' engaged in farming. Berrick Dorr, the great-grand father of our subject, avas a descendant of one of these brothers. Plis son, William Dorr, was the grandfather of our subject and the founder of the family in Ohio, for emigrating* avestavard he settled in Athens county, that state, at a very early day. By occupation he avas a farmer and upon the family homestead he reared his children, six in number, namely : Mattheav, Joseph, Ed ward, Lucy, Fanny and Ann. Of this num ber Edward was a Alethodist minister. Mattheav Dorr, the father of our sub ject, avas reared in Ohio, where he remained throughout his entire life, his death occur ring on the 22d of March, 1882, avhen he had attained the age of seventy-five years. He engaged in the tilling of the soil and lived the life of a plain, honest farmer, and being respected for his fidelity to duty and his allegiance to his family. His avife still survives'him. and is yet living in the old home in Ohio, at the ripe old age of eighty-eight years. Their children avere : Josephus ; Adeline, avho. died in early girlhood; Ed ward, who served in the late rebellion and is noav in Nebraska; Charles, avho is living in Ohio ; Leander, who is located on the, old family homestead; and Mrs. Elizabeth Poston. In his parents' home Josephus Dorr re mained throughout the period of childhood and youth and assisted in the farm avork, but after the inauguration of the avar he could not content himselfto folloav the plow avhen his country needed the aid of her loyal sons, and therefore on the 5th of December, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Sixty- third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, AA'hich regi ment avas assigned to the Army of the Ten nessee, avith General William Sherman in command. He remained at the front until the close of the war and was a loyal and faithful defender of the Union. He was only five days at home during his entire ser vice, and never received a furlough, but was detailed on special duty, and avhile in that capacity, being near home, he embraced the opportunity of visiting his relatives. He saav hard service and never shrank from duty, no matter how difficult the service re quired of him. When his first term of en listment had expired he received an honor able discharge and then veteranized, thus serving until the close of the avar. He par ticipated in many important battles, includ ing the engagements at New Madrid ; Island No. 10; the first and second battles of Cor inth, the regiment losing forty-five per cent of its men in the second engagement; the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Moun tain, Decatur, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Savannah, Georgia; Pocotaligo, South Carolina; Black River Bridge, Bentonville and many other skirmishes. The regiment was always to be seen in the midst of the fray, ready to march against the enemy. Many of its members were cut off by rebel bullets and avere laid to. rest beneath the southern soil. Mr. Dorr marched avith Sherman to the sea and avas near Bentonville yvhen Lee surrendered. He aftenvard went avith his command to Washington, avhere he took part in the grand revieav, a most notable oc casion, being the most brilliant military pageant ever seen upon the continent. He avas afterward sent to Louisville, Kentucky, avhere he avas mustered out' and then trans ported to Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, Ohio, where he received an honorable dis charge and Avas paid off July 8, 1865. * He Avas never taken prisoner and received only slight Avounds, yet was always faithful to his duty, whether upon the firing line or picket line. With a most creditable military record Mr. Dorr returned to his father's home, avhere he made a pleasant visit, but the same year went to Iowa, avhere he was employed as a farm hand. Later he purchased some raw land and improved a farm. This he afterward sold in order to turn his attention to merchandising, and subsequently he dis- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 5" posed of his store and avent to Nebraska, where he engaged in the same line of busi ness until 1868, at avhich time he returned to IoAva. In Mills county, in the latter state, he married Miss Nancy E. Lookabill, a lady of intelligence and culture, avho avas born in Putnam county, Indiana, March 28, 1845, being a daughter of Jacob and Mary A. (Wilson) Lookabill, natives of North Car olina and Kentucky, respectively. They were married in Indiana and in 1847 be and his avife went to Ioava, locating in Wapello county. There the father secured a land avarrant which he located, and improved a farm, which he later sold, going thence to Mills county, Ioava, avhere he developed an other farm, upon avhich he spent his remain ing days. He died in 1865, having survived his avife some time. They had three chil dren: Nancy E., now Mrs. Dorr; Sarilda, the deceased avife of J. Moore, a soldier of the Civil war; and Cynthia, the wife of J. Smith. The father had been previously married and the children of that union were : Christopher, who was a Union soldier ; Da vid ; Samuel ; Jane, the avife of William An derson; and Elizabeth, the avife of J. Ad- kins. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dorr has been blessed with three sons : William, a railroad agent, avho avas born June 8, 1869; Walter J., born August 4, 1870, and now operating the home farm ; and Edmond T., who was born March 26, 1872, and is also following farming. After his marriage Mr. Dorr remained in Mills county, Iowa, until 1879, when he removed to Kansas, settling in Rice county. Here he purchased tavo hundred and forty acres of raav prairie land from the railroad company. It is located in Mitchell town ship and is yet his place of abode. He brought with him to the county two two- horse teams and his household goods, and thus he had everything with which to begin life in the Sunflower state. He first erected a small house and engaged in breaking prairie, after which he took up his farm work in earnest, and his place has been self-sus taining ever since. When he came here all farming avas carried on on a small scale and much was said about failures, but undaunted by this he worked on avith unfaltering pur pose and strong energy, and, although some years crops have proved a failure, he has al ways had enough to support the family, and many years his labors have been crowned with success and brought to him a rich finan cial reavard. He carried on general farming and stock-raising, and altogether his career has been a successful one. He to-day owns a half section of valuable land, all under fence and highly cultivated. He has remod eled and enlarged the house and now has a commodious and attractive residence, in the rear cf avhich stand good barns and out buildings, and an orchard 'and grove add to the value and attractive appearance of the farm, avhich is pleasantly and conveniently situated two miles north of Mitchell. Pros perity has crowned his endeavors and he is now one of the prominent citizens of his community. He is both widely and favor ably known and commands tbe confidence and respect of all. Politically he is inde pendent, supporting the men wbom he thinks best fitted for office, regardless of party affil iations. He has filled many township offices, including that of toavnship trustee, and -no obligation or trust reposed in him, has ever been betrayed. Both he and his wife are consistent and devoted members of the Meth odist church in Mitchell, doing what they can to support and advance the cause of Christianity. In social circles they have made many friends and well deserve men tion in this volume. JAMES' M. RAMSEY. James M. Ramsey, a retired farmer re siding in Sterling, avas born in Preble coun ty, Ohio, July 9, 1831. His father, David Ramsey, is now nearly ninety years of age and makes his home in Fairhaven, Ohio. He married Miss Mary Marshall, who died about 1841, leaving five children, but only two of the number are yet living, namely : James M. and the youngest child, Joseph Ramsey, who is now living in Morning Sun Ohio. & 512 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. The subject of this review avas reared to farm life, early becoming familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He also received a com mon-school education. In 1864 he respond ed to his country's call for troops, enlisting in the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry, with aahich he remained for five months. In the meantime he had married the lady of his choice, Miss Martha J. Gil more, who was born in Preble county, Ohio, in 1835, a daughter of Samuel B. and Mar garet (McMecham) Gilmore, both of whom are now deceased. The father died in 1836, leaving to the care of his widow their four children, of whom only two. are noav living, the brother of Mrs. Ramsey being James I. Gilmore, avho is living near Campbellsville, Kentucky. The marriage of Mr. .and Mrs. Ramsey avas celebrated in their native coun ty, November 17, 1852, and has been blessed with eight children, six of whom are now living: David A., who follows carpenter ing in Sterling, has a wife and three living children and has lost one child; Charles G., a carpenter of Santa Ana, California, has six living children; James E., a merchant of Lincoln county, Tennessee, also has six chil dren; Joseph H. is married and resides in Gridley, Coffey county, Kansas; O. H., who is engaged in the operation of his father's farm in Anderson county, Kansas, is mar ried and has two sons ; and Mary A., avho. completes the family, is at home. James M. Ramsey of this revieav fol lowed agricultural pursuits in Ohio until 1872, when he avent to Lincoln county, Ten nessee, and there became the owner of a farm of two hundred and sixty-nine acres, upon which he resided for twelve years. On the expiration of that period he sold the prop erty and came to Kansas, settling in Ander son county, where he purchased eighty acres, upon avhich his son now resides. In Jan uary, 1895, he removed to Sterling and pur chased a village lot, to which his son re moved his* residence from Ness county, a distance of one hundred miles. This son lives upon the adjoining lot. Mr. Ramsey and his -son are Republicans in their polit ical affiliations, and he is identified with the Grand Army of the Republic. He has served as road supervisor in three different states, but has never aspired to public office, pre ferring to devote his attention to his busi ness affairs, in which he has met with cred itable success. He and his family hold mem bership 'in the United Presbyterian church. CHARLES T. KENDALL, M. D. Professional advancement has been . vouchsafed to' Dr. Kendall, who is engaged in practice in Hollyrood. Close application, earnest and discriminating study and broad human sympathy have been tbe concomi tants which have secured to him success, and he now occupies a high position in the ranks of his professional brethren. The Doctor is a native of Bedford, Ohio, and a son of William and Eliza R. (Fritts) Kem dall, the former a native of the Buckeye state and the latter of Virginia. The fa ther served for four years in the Civil -war as a member of the Thirty-third Ohio Vol unteer Infantry, and since 1878 he has been engaged in tbe stock business in Kansas and Colorado, his present home being at Garden City, Kansas. In the family are five children : James, who is now associ ated avith his father in business; W. E., a practicing dentist of Wilson, Kansas; Sal- lie ; Charles T. ; and Mary R. Dr. Kendall, of this review, was a child of only tavo years avhen brought by his par ents to the SunfloAver state, and during his youth he assisted his father in the cattle business. He acquired his education in the public schools, completing his literary ed ucation in the high school of Clay Center, and in 1895 be entered ,the medical depart ment of the University of Denver, where he spent tavo years. On the expiration of that period he matriculated in the medical col lege of St. Louis, where he won his degree in 1899. Immediately afterward he opened. an office in Hollyrood and has since given his entire attention to the general practice of medicine and surgery. He has met with more than an ordinary degree of success, '^W-^^^^^^^T- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 513 having established a high reputation for skill and ability, winning prestige that many an older physician might well envy. His pradice in town and country is large and of a lucrative character, and he is widely recognized as one of the capable and suc cessful physicians of the county. He is a member of Hollyrood Lodge, No. 343, F. & A. M., and he exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party. SOLOMON STONE. Not only has the subject of this all too short sketch seen Kansas grow from' a wild country, with only a few white inhabitants, to a rich agricultural country, containing thousands of good homes and acres of grow ing towns, inhabited by an industrious, pros perous, enlightened and progressive people, but he has participated in and assisted the slow, persistent avork of development which was necessary to produce a change which is so complete that it has come to be popularly referred to as magical. Twenty-nine years have passed since Solomon Stone arrived in Rice county, and throughout the entire period he has been classed among the valued and influential cit izens. He was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1845, and' represents one of the old and honored families of the Keystone state. He is descended from good old Revolutionary stock, for his paternal grandfather, a native of Pennsylvania, served for seven years with the Colonial army in its attempt to win American inde pendence — an attempt avhich was ultimately crowned with a brilliant victory and resulted in the establishment of. the grandest repub lic on the face of the globe. He was a coop er by trade, an honest farmer and a loyal citizen, and his descendants certainly have every reason to be proud of this ancestor. His children were: John, Michael, James, Adam, Peter, Mrs. Margaret Fultz and Eliz abeth, the wife of Rev. Steele. John Stone, the father of our subject, was also born in the Keystone state and spent his boyhood days in his parents' home, becoming familiar with the Avork of cooper ing under his father's directions. He pos sessed considerable mechanical ability and was energetic and industrious in carrying on his agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Catherine Beegle, who was born and reared in Pennsylvania. Her parents were consist ent members of the Lutheran church, and in their family were seven children, namely : Catherine; Benjamin, who died in Ohio; Charles, Solomon and Frederick, who passed away in Pennsylvania; Mrs. Rebecca Sha fer; and Mrs. Phebe Rosenfield. Through out his entire life John Stone, Jr., resided upon the old family homestead. He was a sturdy, industrious man and gave his undi vided attention to his business affairs, and his record was as an open book, containing no blotted or turned down pages. He, too, held membership in the Lutheran church and his wife was a consistent Christian of- the same religious faith. They had seven children: John, who died in 1862; Mahala, now Mrs. Anders ; Daniel, who died in Bar ber county', Kansas, in September, .1901; Reuben, who died in Otcober, 1 901, in Ohio; Mrs. Rebecca Beegle, of Pennsylvania; Washington, deceased; and Solomoni The last named remained in the east dur ing his early boyhood and youth, continu ing with his parents until seventeen years of age, when he determined to seek a fortune in the west and made his way to Illinois. There he engaged in the operation of rented land for a time and afterward went to Min nesota, where he was employed in a brick yard. In 1866 he entered the service of the bridge company engaged on the construc tion of the Chicago-, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad in Iowa. For nine months he was with the company and then rdurned to Illi nois, where again he engaged in farming, that industry occupying his attention until 1873, when he arrived in Kansas and lo cated, a homestead in Rice county. He built thereon a small house and began the work of improving his claim. The same year he returned to Illinois and in 1874 he secured as a companion and helpmate for the jour- 5i4 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ney of life Miss Diana L. Kaiser, a lady of intelligence and culture, who was born in Ohio, February io, 1850, her parents being John S. and Diana (Miller) Kaiser. Her father was a native of Switzerland and was a son of Rev. John and Ann (Simmons) Kaiser, both of whom avere also natives of the land of the Alps. The grandfather de voted his early life to teaching the higher branches of learning. After coming to the neav avorld and attaining to man's estate John Kaiser, the father of Mrs. Stone, was married to Miss Diana Miller, avho avas born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of Scott Miller. He, too,, was born in the Keystone state and avas of Ger man descent. His avife bore the family name of Williams prior to her marriage. In 1864 Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser removed to Illinois and he purchased a tract of land, devoting his energies to agricultural pursuits from that time until his death, avhich occurred May . 14, 1890, avhen he avas sixty-six years of age, his birth having occurred in 1824. His wife survived him until May 26, 1897, when she, too, was called away. She held mem bership in the Methodist Episcopal church. They had six children: John A., of Illinois; Marion, who is living at Homestead, Illi nois; Diana L, now Mrs. Stone; Lucy, the wife of S. Baxter; Anna, the wife of D. Payne; and Clarissa, avho married S. Bax ter, she being his first wife, and after her death he married her sister Lucy. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Stone have been born two children, Ivan L. and Silver S. Soon after his marriage Mr. Stone brought his bride to his Kansas home and has remained continuously since upon his farm. He entered the first claim in the neighborhood and made the first improve ment upon land in this section of the county. The prairie was a billowy sea of grass, and some game Avas yet to be secured, while avild beasts roamed at avill over the country. The nearest postoffice avas at Atlanta and the pioneer settlers made their purchases at Sterling.. Not long after Mr. Stone began farming the grasshoppers destroyed every thing green ; his young trees and hedges were stripped of their foliage and crops avere completely ruined. To meet expenses until another year had passed and crops were again ready to be harvested required econ omical management and strong determina tion, but this was done by Mr. and Mrs, Stone, who with resolute purpose had come to the county to make their home. They bore heroically the hardships and difficulties of pioneer life, and as the years passed the labors of Mr. Stone have resulted in the de velopment of his rich and productive farm. He has always been able to raise corn with the exception of one year, and his avheat crops have been uniformly good. He has also raised hogs to some extent. Splendid improvements have been placed upon his property, including the erection of a com modious tavo-story frame residence, avhich was the first house of any pretension in the neighborhood. He also built a large barn and other outbuildings and has added many conveniences, including the latest improved machinery, and an orchard and a grove are among the attractive features of his place. One of the most desirable farming proper ties in Rice county to-day is that now owned by Mr. Stone. He has added to his land until he now oavns four hundred acres of good land, all under a high state of cultiva tion. In the management of his affairs he has manifested excellent business ability and executive force and is recognized as a cap able financier. In his political affiliations he avas formerly a Republican, but is now an advocate of the Reform party. He has served as justice of the peace, but has never aspired to political notoriety. THOMAS J. WILLETT. Thomas J. Willett, a resident farmer of Valley township, Rice county, making his home on section 3, avas born in Mead coun ty, Kentucky, on the banks of the Ohio river, forty miles beloav Louisville, at the Willett Landing, which place was named in honor of his grandfather. His natal day was May 25, 1837. His grandfather, Richard Wil lett, avas a native of Maryland and wedded BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 5'5 a Miss Esery. They became the parents of seven sons and one daughter who reached mature years, the number induding James E. Willett, the father of our subject, avho was born in the interior of the country in 1804, when that state avas in its primitive condition, the work of civilization and prog ress having but just been begun. He mar ried Lydia A- Stout, who was born in Ken tucky, in 181 1, and their marriage was blessed avith tavelve children, of whom eight sons and two daughters grew to manhood and womanhood. Four of the sons are yet living, namely : Thomas Jefferson ; EdAvard A., Avho resides near Lawrence, Kansas ; R. S., Avho makes his home in South Dakota ; and George W., of Poweshiek county, Iowa. There is also a sister, Mrs. Lydia A. Mc- Whorter, who resides in Miller county, South Dakota, and is the youngest of the family. The father died in 1854, and his remains were interred at Jacksonville, Illi nois. His wife, long surviving him, passed away December 11, 1897, at the age of dghty-six years, and was laid to rest in a cemetery at Montezuma, Poweshiek county, IoAva. Thomas Jefferson Willett acquired a fair education, in Aledo, Illinois, where he at tended a boarding school, devoting the great er part of his attention to the mastery of his studies until his majority. He afterward en gaged in teaching for two terms and he re mained with his mother until bis marriage, which occurred in July, 1867, Miss Sarah A. Dunning becoming his wife. She was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, in March, 1837, a daughter of Hugh and Phebe (McElhany) Dunning. Six children have been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Willett, namely : Wirtie, who for a number of years was a very successful school teacher; Do ria, the wife of J. H. Herner, of Oklahoma; Delpha, a teacher living at home; Rowe, a farmer of Center tOAvnship, Rice county, aaho avas married March 18, 190 1 ; Katy, aaho is teaching in the home district; and Hugh, of Harper county, Kansas, who is married and has one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willett avere married in Illinois, but soon afterward removed to Iowa, avhere he and hiis brother, George W., purchased two hundred and eighty acres of rich land. After farming there for nine years he sold his property and the business relations between the brothers were severed. Diey settled upon separate farms and our subject continued to engage in the cultivation of the fields until 1878, AA'hen he disposed of his property and in the spring of 1879 came to Rice county, arriv ing on the 1 6th of March. Here he oper ated a farm belonging to his wife's brother and later purchased the quarter section of land on section 3, Valley township, Avhich he yet owns and on which he has since made his home with the exception of three years spent on the Strip in Oklahoma, where he secured a quarter section of land. He is a progress ive and wide-awake agriculturist and his fields are under a high state of cultivation. In politics lie is a Republican and has served as school director, but while he keeps well informed on the issues of the day he has never been an office seeker. JOHN BLACKHALL. John Blackball, who follows farming in Sterling township, Rice county, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on the 13th of Oc tober, 1836, and in his life exemplifies some of the strongest and best characteristics of the Scottish nation, being persistent, trust worthy and reliant. He remained in he land of his birth until nineteen years of age, when, in 1855, he took passage on a sailing vessel which weighed anchor in Liverpool, and after eight weeks and three days reached the harbor of New York. His father died when his son was only four years of age, and at an early period in his career Mr. Blackball began earning his own livelihood. He was the first of his family to seek a home in the new world. Three years afterward his elder brother came to Amerca, locating 'in California, avhere he prospered in his under takings. He then sent money for the mother and the other children to come. Mrs. Black ball reared all of her ten children by two 5i6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. marriages and is noav the avidoav Meever. By her second union she had five children. She makes her home in the state of Washing ton with her youngest daughter and has reached the very advanced age of ninety- four years. She was left without means on the death of her first husband, but she man aged to keep her family together and provide them with fair educational privileges and thus fit them for life's practical duties. Eight of her children are still living. John Blackball was only thirteen years of age avhen he began avork in a fabric fac tory, but within two years he ran away and secured a situation at herding cattle. In the summer he was thus employed and in the winter he acted as a shepherd, receiving five dollars for six months' services, together with his board. When he left Scotland he was receiving about seven pounds or forty- two dollars for six months labor, and he avas an able man in all kinds of farm work. Thinking that it would be long before he could make a start in life in his native coun try in that way he resolved to seek a home in the new world. For six years he resided in Canada and there won a first premium as a ploughman. In Hamilton, Canada, he was united in marriage, in i860, to Miss Margaret Thompson, a native of Scotland, born near Balmoral Castle, in 1830. While residing in Canada and after his marriage Mr. Blackball engaged in the cul tivation of rented land. He then removed to Marquette county, Michigan, avhere he and his wife conducted a boarding house for a time and he also worked out by the day. In 1876 he arrived in Sterling township; Rice county, Kansas. Soon aftenvard he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining his present farm; for avhich he paid one thousand dollars, giving two hundred dollars for his stock. His present farm comprises three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land, and his two sons own a half section each in Kansas and Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Blackball have lost one son, Andreav, avho died at the age of eighteen months. Their living children are: Henry is an enterprising, reliable farmer of thirty- seven years and now owns three hundred and taventy acres of rich land near the old home stead. His place is improved with good buildings and he has four thousand bushels of wheat in his granaries. His principal crops are wheat, corn and oats, and he works six horses in the care of his farm. The sec ond member of the family is Mary, a young lady at home. The younger son, William J., has one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining the old home place and a quarter section in the Strip in Oklahoma. He wed ded Elizabeth Ransom, who resided in this neighborhood, and they now have a daugh ter and two sons, who are the pride of the parents and grandparents. Mr. Blackball of this review has been a Republican since attaining the right of fran chise in America. He avas reared a Presby terian, but has been a liberal contributor to the' support of the Methodist Episcopal church and toward the building of its new house of worship. He came to' America a young man without capital and had no in fluential friends to aid him, but he relied upon earnest labor to give him a start and through persistent effort he has gained a very handsome competence, being now num bered among the substantial citizens of his adopted, county. • CAPTAIN J. F. LEWIS. There is particular satisfaction in revert ing to the life history of the honored and es teemed subject of this sketch, since his mind bears the impress of the historical annals of the state of Kansas from the early pioneer days and from the fact that he has been a loyal son of the Republic and has attained a good position of distinctive prominence in the thriving little city of Great Bend, where he located in 1873 and where he has retained his residence until the present time. He is noav engaged in the loan, land and insurance business, and to a greater degree than almost any other resident of the community he has aided in the progress of this section of the state. It avas on the 7th of November, 1873, that he came to Barton county and entered BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 5i7 a half section of land on section 2, township 19, range 12, in what is now Lakin toavn- sbip. After tavo years he purchased section 2, township 19, range, 14, of Mr. Annis, but his health failed him and he came to Great Bend, where he has since engaged in the real-estate business, handling much valuable city and country- property. Captain Lewis avas born in Holmes coun ty, Ohio, August 9, 1842, and is a son of Dr. B. S. Lewis, avho avas born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and came to Barton county,' Kansas, in 1874. Here he engaged in practice throughout his remaining days, his death occurring in 1881, at the age of sixty-two years. He married Emily Mack erel!, a daughter of Commodore Mackerell, and her death occurred when she was sixty- four years of age, only three days prior to her husband's demise. Captain Lewis bf this revieav was taken by his parents to Illinois during his early boyhood and was there reared. After com pleting his education in the public schools he entered upon his business career as a clerk in a drug store and subsequently filled a sim ilar position in a dry goods store at Clinton, Illinois. In 1862, however, he severed his connection with mercantile interests and en gaged in military service, enlisting as a member of Company G, One Hundred and Seventh Illinois Infantry. He avas first pro moted to the rank of sergeant and became second lieutenant of the company, while on the 23d of February, 1866, he was made lieutenant of the Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry, with which command he went to Arizona. Later he returned to Kansas, where he engaged in farming, being thus occupied until failing health caused him. to abandon the work of the fields, since avhich time he has given his energies to the real- estate, loan and insurance business. To a degree scarcely recognized by the casual ob server the upbuilding and development of a community is due to the enterprising real- estate agent. Through his efforts many are induced to settle in town" or county, and thus the work of upbuilding, progress and devel opment is carried on. Along many lines Captain Lewis has contributed to the im provement of the section of the state in which he is located, He is a man of re sourceful business ability and carries for ward to successful completion whatever he undertakes, and his service in connection with varied business affairs has. been of great benefit to the public. He was instrumental in sinking the Barton gas wdls. They, how ever, found salt instead of gas, the well yielding a flow of seven hundred gallons per hour. He labored earnestly and successfully for the bonding of the town for the salt plant and carried the bonds until the enter prise was abandoned. He was also one of the leaders in the establishment of the foun dry noav owned by G. H. Hulme. Captain Lewis was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Morton, a daughter of the Rev. Jester Morton, of Iowa. Thdr chil dren are: Paul, Charles E., Lawrence L. and Thaddeus A. The Captain is a member of the Grand Army Post at Great Bend, of the Masonic fraternity, of the Knights of Pythias, of the Sons of Veterans and of the Knights and Ladies of Security. His home is a fine residence in Great Bend, and both he and his wife are popular people, enjoying the warm regard of many friends. Captain Lewis is a man of keen discrimination and sound judgment, and his executive ability and excellent management have brought to the concerns with which he is connected a large degree of prosperity. In business cir cles he sustains an unassailable reputation and the part which he has played in public affairs in Great Bend has interwoven his name inseparably to the history of Barton county. . FRANK A. BATES. White Bluff ranch is one of the best farms of Ellsworth county, complete in its appointments, attractive in its surroundings and supplied with all the modern accessories which indicate the supervision of a progress ive owner. It is located on section 2, town ship 16, range 7, and is owned by Frank A. Bates, who is one of 'the prominent and well known stock men of central Kansas, He 5i8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. has about three thousand acres of land,' of whioh four hundred acres is devoted to agri culture, while the remainder is used for graz ing purposes. However, half the avidth of the con tinent separates Mr. Bates from his native state, for he avas born in Massachusetts, on the 5th of July, 1852. His youth was passed in tbe city of Boston, where his father was engaged in the importing carpet business, being one of the leaders in that line in the east, carrying on both a wholesale and retail trade. He came of old New. England an cestry, the family having long been prom inent in that section of tbe country. The parents were Russell and Margaret K. (Shaw) Bates, in whose family were four children. Two of the daughters survive and are residents of the east. Frank A. Bates spent his youth in Bos ton, attending the city schools, and avhen eighteen years of age was graduated in the high school. Subsequently he spent two years in travel and study in Europe, prepar atory to entering Harvard College, in which he matriculated in 1873, being graduated in 1877, wbh the degree of bachelor of arts. After completing his University course he accepted a clerical position in Neav York city, but, deciding to identify his interests with those of the great and growing avest, he made his way to Kansas in February, 1879, and in 1882 he located in Ellsworth county, where he invested in government, railroad and school lands, turning his atten tion to, the sheep-raising business, which he carried on very extensively. However, this enterprise did not prove entfrely satisfactory, and after four years connection therewith he began raising cattle, to which he has since given his attention. He is recognized as one of the most successful cattle men of Ells worth county and his operations have at tained considerable magnitude, for he han dles from six to eight hundred head an nually. He has paid considerable attention to the grading of his herd, using registered Herefords for breeding purposes until he now has only high bred stock. Mr. Bates has made all of the improvements upon his place, including the erection of a commodi ous and comfortable residence and substan- tal barns and outbuildings. He is a man of strong purpose, indefatigable, energy and splendid business ability and carries forward to successful completion whatever he under takes. Twice married, it was on the 6th of De cember, 1877, in the city of Boston, that Mr. Bates was joined in wedlock to Miss Ada M. Bearce, a daughter of H. M. Bearce, who was prominently known in official circles in Boston, in which city the daughter was reared and educated. She died May 8, 1880, leaving three sons, — Russell, Lindon D. and Horace C. The last named is noav engaged in mercantile business which was founded by his grandfather, Russell Bates, while the other sons assist our subject in the conduct of the home farm- in Kansas. On the 22d of October, 1884, Mr. Bates was again mar ried, his second union being with Kate M. Clark, a native of Vermont. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, but his business interests have always made too great demands upon his time to alfoav him to take an active part in political affairs, and the only office he has ever accepted has been that of treasurer of the school district, in avhich capacity he served: for several years. The cause of education receives his hearty co-operation and all movements for the gen eral good are given his avarm endorsement. Fraternally he is a Scottish-rite Mason, and Knight Templar, and in his life he exempli fies the beneficent spirit of the craft. ¦ He is one of the most prominent and progressive citizens of the county, a man of broad schol arly attainments and strong individuality. Equipped for life by training in the best ed ucational institutions of the land, he could undoubtedly have filled positions of promi nence in public or private life, but his tastes and inclinations avere thoroughly in sym-' pathy with western life and business enter prises in this section of the countty. He sought a wide field) for operation upon the plains of Kansas and entered upon the stock business, an industry upon which the pros- perty of tbe country largely rests as a sure foundation. He has been particularly sue- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 5i9 cessful in the raising of cattle and horses and is a lover of the noble steed, always keeping some fine roadsters for his own use. His attractive home indicates the culture and refinement of the inmates in its appoint- ments-and tasteful furnishings and its gra cious hospitality and good cheer are enjoyed by many friends. JOSEPH A. SMITH. Nature is bountiful in the opportunities which she affords to man. In every section of this vast land she has given to him oppor tunity to carry on some productive work which will yield a good return. Central Kansas is one of the wheat producing sec tions in our nation and the broad prairies of the state also afford ample opportunity to the stock-raiser. Both as an agriculturist and stock-raiser J. A. Smith is carrying on business that is bringing to him! an excellent financial return. He came to Rice county in 1879, ana-. has never had occasion to re gret his choice of a location for a home. With finm faith in its future he began the work bf developing a farm here, and his labors have been carried on so energetically that he is to-day numbered among the most prosperous and progressive farmers in this portion of the state. Mr. Smith was born in Franklin county, Vermont, on the 10th of December, 1845. His father, Allen Smith, was also a native of the Green Mountain state and belonged to an old family noted for industry, honesty and morality. He married Miss Annis. Rice, who avas born in Vermont and likewise rep resented an ancestry honorable and distin guished. Her father was Levi Rice, whose birth occurred in the Green Mountain state. After residing for some years in New Eng land Allen Smith and his family removed westward, taking up their abode in Will county, Illinois, near Joliet, in the year 1855. Diey were among the early settlers there and the father developed and improved sev eral farms, thus aiding largely in the work of upbuilding and substantial improvement in the county. His wife died at the age of seventy-five years, but he reached the ven erable age of eighty-six years. In his politi cal views he was a Reppublican, and both he and his avife were members' of the Methodist Episcopal church, their lives being in har- many with their professions, winning for them- the confidence and regard of all with whom they were associated. They became the parents of eleven children, of whom ten are living, namely: Elvira, who: lives in Minnesota; Warner, who was a soldier in the Civil war and is now living in Wright county, Minnesota; Edgar, who also de fended his. country as a member of the Union army and is also a resident of Wright county; Edna Laura; Joseph A., of this re view; Ezra; Oscar; Silas; Emma; and Olive, who died at the age of thirty-five years. Joseph A. Smith was reared in Vermont until ten years of age, and then accompan ied his parents on their emigration to the west, after which he lived upon his father's • farm in Will county, Illinois. He was early taught the power of industry and the value of honesty in the practical affairs of life. He acquired his education in the public schools and through experience' in the busi ness world, supplemented by reading in leisure hours. When a young man he sought as a companion and helpmate for life's, journey Miss Jane E. Ashton, and in Will county, Illinois, in 1876, they were married. She was' born in Vermont and is a daughter of Thomas and Marian ¦ (Mc Clure) Ashton, also natives , of the Green Mountain staJe. Mrs. Smith was only three years of age when she removed to Will coun ty, Illinois. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ashton was blessed with seven children, but only four are now living : Daniel, who was a soldier in the Civil war, serving with the Thirty-ninth Illinois Infantry, and is now a resident of Nickerson, Kansas ; Mrs. Smith ; Mrs. Caroline Hoover, of Alden, Kansas; and Myron, of Minnesota. Three of the number passed away : Sidney, who died in early manhood; and Maggie and Joshua, who died in childhood. The father devoted his attention and energies to farming and 520 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. thus provided for the support of his wife and children. He died at the age of sixty- three years, in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a mem ber. His wife is also identified with the same church and is now living at the age of eighty-two' years. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been blessed avith two children, Rosetta and Arthur J., both at home. Our subject continued his residence in, Illinois until 1879, when he resolved to establish a home in Kansas and came to Rice county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Center township, and to-day he is the owner of one of the best farms in this locality. An enumeration of the improve ments upon the place include a good resi dence, a barn, a grove and orchard and the latest improved machinery, the improve ments costing about three thousand dollars. There are over two. hundred trees upon the place, and the residence, well shaded, stands upon a natural building site, commanding an excellent vieav of the surrounding coun try. Mr. Smith also purchased and owns the Dave Burney farm of one hundred and sixty acres. He has also' another tract of eighty acres, so that his landed possessions now aggregate four hundred acres and he oavns a good residence and a block of land in Lyons. He is recognized as a very suc cessful business man, possessing keen dis cernment and reliable judgment. These qualities are supplemented by fair and hon orable dealing, by unflagging industry and by laudable ambition and have gained for him a handsome competence. He votes with the Republican party and is a stalwart ad vocate of its measures', which he believes to contain the best elements of good govern ment. He and his wife are mlembers of the Methodist Episcopal church, and, realizing the object of the church in its efforts to bene fit mankind, they have given to' it an earn est support and 'are also in touch with its kindred 'movements of temperance and edu cation. The life of Mr. Smith illustrates most clearly avhat can be accomplished by- determined purpose. He was without capi tal when be entered upon his business career, yet to-day he is numbered among the most prosperous farmers of his community, and this is the result not of influence or the aid of friends, but is the legitimate outcome of his own well directed efforts, his un flagging perseverance and industry and his zeal in business affairs. ALBERT A. DEAN. In every agricultural community of our country are men who, because of their thrift, their neatness, their enterprise and their success, are referred to as model farmers. They are to be found in all parts of Kansas. Among the model farmers of Reno county, none is better known than Albert A. Dean, of section 14, Medford township, whose postoffice is at Sterling. The subject of this skdch was born at Angelica, Allegany county, New York, December 13, 1844, a son of Apollo and Wealthy (Lincoln) Dean. Apollo Dean was born in South Hadkw, Massachusetts, in 1808, and his father was killed while fighting for his country in the war of 1812- 14. Wealthy Lincoln avas born in Taunton, Massachusdts, in 181 7. Apollo Dean, who fought in the Black Hawk war and was dis charged from fthe service at Buffalo, New York, married Wealthy Lincoln in Allegany county, New York, where her father was an early settler, having come out from' Mas sachusetts with an ox team. Apollo Dean became a wdl-to-do farmer and he and his good wife brought up their six sons and two daughters most worthily and all of their children are living except Frederick M., who became a lawyer and died in the prime of life at Attica, New York. Of the others, all except two, Charles O. Dean, of Okla homa, and Clara Dean, who lives with ajj aunt in Boston, Massachusetts, are married and have children. Albert A. Dean was educated in the common schools near his father's home in Allegany county, New York, and entered the normal school at Geneseo, Livingston county, that state. In April, 1861, he tried JXU--X m\ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 521 to enlist for, service in the Federal army in the Civil avar, but avas rejected for the rea son that he avas under age. In September, folloaving, he left school at Geneseo and en: listed in Company E, Eighty-fifth Regi ment, Neav York Volunteer Infantry. He veteranized in the same regiment January 6, 1864, and altogether saw four years con tinuous service. April 20, 1864, he was made a prisoner of war at Plymouth and was on the shore at that point avhen the Albemarle avas sunk. He was confined in a prison pen at Andersonville eight months. After the close of the war he returned to Angelica, Neav York, and he is in receipt of a pension from the United States gov ernment of ten dollars a month. June 10, 1873, Mr. Dean filed a soldier's claim for a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres in Kansas, where at this time he owns five hundred and sixty, acres. He does general farming, eiving his special at tention to wheat and corn. He was one of the first fruit growers in his vicinity, .where he and J. B. Schlicter and W. Q. Elliott are regraded at having been the pioneers in that line. He has at this time about two thou sand apple and peach trees and he gives some attention to stock raising, breeding horses and mules. He uses fourteen horses in the cultivation of his farm and usually has on hand from taventy to thirty head of cattle and is the oavner of a Spanish jack of good pedigree. His farm is one of the richest and most fertile in the township and he gives such careful attention to it that he keeps it year after year in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Dean. was married, June 13, 1875, to Miss Emma Wheeler, daughter of J. O. Wheeler, a native of Indiana, now living in Nickerson Reno county, Kansas, but at that time a resident of Jasper county, Illi nois, where the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dean was celebrated. They have had ten children seven of whom are living : Francis O., who lives in Oklahoma, enlisted as a soldier for service in the Philippines, and was for some time in camp at Chiekamauga. He is married and has one child. Frederick E., unmarried, lives in San Francisco, Cali fornia. He also enlisted for service as a soldier in the Philippines. Orrel is a prom ising young man cf nineteen. Clara is sev enteen years old, and the next in order of birth is Gilbert Lincoln Dean. Myette H. is nine years old and Elsie is hvo years old. Mr. Dean is a Republican and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is also a Master Mason and belongs to the blue lodge at Nickerson, Kansas. A man of intelligence who keeps abreast with the times, he is enjoying in a most rational way the fruits of a wdl spent life. He takes a deep and abiding interest in public educa tion and is a man of much public spirit who withholds his encouragement from no effort Avhich he believes to be conducive to the public good. GEORGE V. RADIEL. Close identification with the agricul tural and stock-raising interests of Ells Avorth county has made George V. Radiel, one of the substantial citizens of the com munity. He resides on section 16, toavnship 15, range 9, and his land, a tract of three hundred and sixty acres, lies both on sec tions 16 and 17. The years as they have passed have brought to him prosperity in reward for his earnest endeavor, his unre mitting diligence and unfaltering persever ance. Mr. Radiel is a native of Pennsylvania-, his birth having occurred in Perry county' May 29, 1852, his parents being George and Rachel (Uhlrich) Radiel, both of whom avere born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. The father was a well-to-do farmer and died in Perry county during the. infancy of his son and namesake. The mother, avith her family of six children, then returned to her girlhood's home in Dauphin county, where she was again married, becoming 'the wife of Isaac James, of that locality. A second time she was left a widow and since 187S she has resided with her children in Kansas now making her home with her son John in Salina, at the advanced age of eighty years 522 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Of their six children five are living : Aman da, the widow of Uriah Spatz and a resident of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania; Mary, who is the avidow-of Phillip Schaffer and makes her home in Millersburg, Penn sylvania; Louisa, the widow of Josiah Hem- inger, of Salina ; John, who* is living -a re tired life in Salina; Hannah, deceased wife of Samuel Saveigard, of Ellsworth county; and George V., avho: was only nine months old at the time of his father's death. After being first left a widow the mother kept her children together, living upon the old Uhl- rich homestead in Dauphin county, which she inherited. George V. Radiel, the subject of this re view, remained with his mother until twelve years of age and then began earning his oavn living by driving a team along the tow- path of the Pennsylvania canal. Through four successive seasons he avas employed on "the Pennsylvania, the Chesapeake & Dela ware and the Union & Juniata canals, mak ing the cities on the Juniata canal from its junction with the Pennsylvania canal to Plollidaysburg; from the Pennsylvania canal ¦through the Union to Philadelphia; and on the Tideavater canal from Brightsville to Havre de Grace. During these years Mr. Radiel spent the winter montbs in his mother's home and attended the district schools. During the summer in which he was sixteen: years of age he engaged in farm avork for his brother-in-laav in Dauphin county, and the following year he joined the bridgebuilding crew on the Northern Central Pennsylvania Railroad, with which lie spent two years in building bridges. When ninteen years of age he engaged in coal mining im Lykenstown, Penn sylvania, and the following year he began avork at the stonemason's trade, •of avhich he had previously gained some practical knowledge avhile doing bridge avork for tlie railroad company. He served a two-years apprenticeship, in Harrisburg and he became an expert avork- man, after avhich he followed the trade in liis native state until the spring of 1878, when he folloaved his brother John and his brother-in-laav, Mr. Saveigard, to Ellsavorth county, they having made the journey tavo aveeks previous. He had intended accom panying them' but the completion of a con tract which he had on hand delayed him. On the 25th of April, 1878, Mr. Radiel arrived in Ellsworth and at once secured a homestead of forty acres of the railroad land on the southwest quarter of section 28, township 16, range 6. Here he remained for one year, after which he sold that prop erty and purchased from' his brother John one hundred and sixty acres, on which are now located his residence and farm build ings. He paid nine hundred dollars for the land, which was then unimproved save for a sod house and a broken tra,ct of twenty acres. Mir. Radiel at once began the de velopment of his place, erected a comfort able frame residence and has since continued the work of improvement until the farm! is now one of the best in the locality. Here Mr. Radiel has since made his home, carry ing- on agricultural pursuits and stock-rais ing with success, so that he has been enabled to add to his original purchase, his landed possessions now aggregating two hundred acres. He was formerly largely engaged in grazing cattle, but since it has become neces sary to have the range fenced he has devoted considerable attention to the raising of avheat, for which the soil is splendidly - adapted, his yield being from five to seven thousand bushels annually. In 1900 he erected his present attractive residence and other buildings and improvements on the place are in keeping with his modern dwell ing. On the 22d of May, 1873, at New Buf falo, Perry county, Pennsylvania, Mr. Radiel avas united in marriage to Miss Mag gie E. Varnes, the widoav of J. D. Varnes, of Pennsylvania. Pier family name in maidenhood avas Morris, and she is a native of Perry county, Pennsylvania. Seven chil dren graced the union of our subject and his avife, but tavo of the number died in infancy. The others are: Rachel A., wife of Law rence Grubb, of Ellsworth ; Charles C, who married Harriet Philips and is engaged in farming in Ellsworth county; Harry A., Samuel M. and John L, all at home. In his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 523 political views Mr, Radiel is a Republican, earnest and active in support of the party, and has served as a member of the Republi can county central committee and as a dele gate to tbe county and congressional con ventions. For seven years he has satisfac torily served as township trustee and the cause of education has. found in him a friend, as he has exercised his official pre rogatives as a member of the school board in behalf of the best interests of the schools of his neighborhood. Fraternally he is con nected avith the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Ellsworth. Although he is now one of the substantial farmers of the county he has experienced the adversities as well as the prosperity of life in Kansas, but his determination and resolute will have en abled him to overcome all obstacles and work his way steadily upward. His life clearly illustrates what may be accomplished through strong purpose and straghtforward business methods and his example is well avorthy of emulation. WILLIAM SMITH. William Smith is an honored and re spected citizen of Rice county, who since pioneer days has made his home within its borders and has ever borne his part in the avork of development and upbuilding. He has seen great changes and has witnessed the wonderful transformation as wild lands have been converted into fine farms and as towns and villages have been builded, thus introducing into this section of the state all of the industries, commercial enterprises and indications of civilization known to the older east. Mr. Smith is among the residents of Rice county that Kentucky has furnished to the Sunflower state. He was born in Cum berland county, Kentucky, January 18, 1820, and is a son of James Smith, whose birth occurred near Baltimore, Maryland. The family is of English and Scotch descent and was founded in the new world at an early day. Samuel Smith, the grandfather of our subject, was also a native of Maryland, and during the early boyhood of his. son James he removed avith his avife and children to North Carolina, where he spent the residue of his life. His avife also passed away in that state. James Smith, the father of our subject, was reared to manhood upon a farm in North Carolina, and avhen he had reached years of maturity he avedded Miss Job, a na tive of that state and a representative of one of its early and distinguished families. After the birth of two1 of their children Mr. and Mrs. Smith removed to Kentucky, trav eling in the primitive manner of the times, avhen the journey to the Blue Grass state avas made over the mountains on pack horses. They settled in Cumberland coun ty, Kentucky, and at an early period in the development of that state avere identified with its improvement and upbuilding. They had a family of nine children, — Samuel, Jane, Thomas, Levi, Ruth, James Job, who is noav living in Lyons, John, William and Elijah. AA'illiam Smith, whose name introduces this record, Avas a youth of nine years when the family removed to Morgan county, Illi nois, taking up their abode there in 1829. Subsequently the parents went to Madison county, Iowa, where the father passed av/ay at the age of seventy-four years. The mother reached the age of seventy-three years. They were farming people, who lived industrious and honorable lives, in har mony avith their professions' as members of the Methodist Episcopal church. William Smith spent the greater part of his youth on the home farm in Morgan county, Illinois, and assisted in the arduous labors of establishing a home in the midst of the wild western district.' His. lot Avas one of early toil. He was taught to be hon est, to be industrious and to be fair in all his dealings with his fellow men, and the lessons which he learned im his youth he has followed throughout his entire career and has thus commanded and enjoyed the re spect of those with whom he has been as sociated. He pursued his literary education in a log school-house, with greased-paper avindoAvs and primitive furnishings. Die 524 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. building avas heated by an immense fireplace, avhich occupied almost the entire end of the room. The years passed and at the age of taventy he avas united in marriage to Alartha J. Alurph)', an orphan girl. Their married life, hoavever, avas of short duration, for she died at the age of taventy years, leaving a little daughter, Alary. On the 22d of April, 1852, Air. Smith avas again married, in Alorgan county, Illinois, his second union being avith Aliss Ellen Hollingshead, avith avhom he has noav traveled life's journey for almost a half century. Together they have shared the joys and soitoavs, the adversity and prosperity Avhich checker the careers of all. Airs. Smith avas born in NeAV Jersey, in November, 1828, a daughter of Joseph L. and Alary C. (Ogden) Hollingshead. Her father avas born in Neav Jersey, of English parentage, and her mother avas a native 01" Neav York. They had four children : Maurice L., Airs. Smith, Henry and one noav deceased. The mother of this family died in early life, being buried on the taventy-seventh anniversary of her birth. Air. Hollingshead aftenvard married again, and by the second union had a daughter, Alary C. In an early day he carried on mer chandising at Oak Grove Furnace, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but later turned his attention to farming and spent his re maining days in Mt. Pleasant, Ioava. For many years he avas a consistent and faithful member of the Alethodist Episcopal church. By the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Smith six children avere born : Joseph H, a resi dent farmer of Rice county; W. T., avho folloavs farming in Mitchell township, Rice county; Martha J., avife of G. XV. Conner, Avho is also living in Alitchell toavnship; F. R., a physician avho resides on Little river, Kansas ; R. H, a popular and success ful teacher noav located at Mitchell ; and E. O., a practicing physician at Alarquette, AlcPherson county, Kansas. William Smith maintained his residence in Morgan county, Illinois, for many years and then removed to Cass county, wbere he resided until 1858. That year avitnessed his removal to Madison county, Iowa, avhere he avas numbered among the early settlers. He took an active part in public affairs, was elected county commissioner and avas a member of the board at the time the court house avas erected. During the Civil war he responded to the country's call for aid, in 1864, and joined the Fifteenth Ioava In fantry, as a member of Company F, under command of Captain Job Throckmorton and Colonel Bellmont. He joined General Sher man's army at Alaryville, Georgia, and aftenvard avas honorably discharged, on ac count of physical disability, at Savannah, Georgia, his discharge papers being signed by Dr. Dungleson and General Gilmore, and the document avas foravarded to him at Fair fax, Virginia, avhere he avas in the hospital. He then returned to his home in Madison county, Iowa, but in 1874 came to Rice county, Kansas, casting in his lot avith its early settlers. He located on a claim of one hundred and sixty acres avhere he resided until his retirement from business life hr 1892, at aahich time he took up his abode in Lyons, avhere he now makes his home. His energy, capable management and keen discrimination in business affairs during his long and active connection avith agricultural interests brought to him a handsome' com petence Avhich noav supplies him avith all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. Air. Smith avas converted by the Rev. Peter Cartavright at a camp-meeting' sixty- four years ago, and throughout this long period has been a consistent and zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in avhich he has. served as class-leader for a half a century. His political support has been given the Republican party^and the cause of education, of temperance and of religion have found in him a avarm friend. He has noav reached the very advanced age of eighty-tavo years, but time has dealt kindly avith him, as it does avith all avho abuse not the laws of nature. In manner he is frank and genial, and his upright and honorable life has gained for him- the esteem of all with whom he has been brought in contact. He receives the veneration avhich should ever be accorded one of advanced BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 525 age, and in the evening of life he can look back over the past Avithout regret and for ward to the future Avithout fear. EDWARD XV. JONES. The Grcveland farm in Wilson toavnship has been developed under the enterprising efforts of Edavard Jones, its present pro prietor. It comprises four hundred acres of rich bottom land and the salient features of the place are its good buildings, its fine pas ture and meadoav lands and its avaving 'fields of grain; there is also a~Teautiful grove, the latest improved machinery and every convenience that ¦ avill facilitate farm aa-ork and render its returns more sure and speedy.. Groveland farm has a avide reputa tion in connection avith stock-raising since Air. Jones became the oavner of a herd of Galloway and Black Polled cattle, no finer stock being found in Rice county. The enterprising and progressive owner of this desirable property is a native of Wales. He avas born on the White Field farm in Cardiganshire, April 28, 1850, and is a son of John P. and Ann (Lewis) Jones, also natives of the same locality. The latter is a daughter of Joshua Leavis, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were reared, educated and married in the county of their nativity, and in 1850 they bade adieu to friends and home preparatory to taking up their abode in the new avorld. Crossing the Atlantic to the United States, they became residents of Gallia county, Ohio, avhere the father fol lowed agricultural pursuits, although in Wales he had devoted his attention to the -weaver's trade. In politics he was a Repub lican and avarmly espoused the principles of his party. In all his dealings he avas straightforaaard, reliable, his avord being as good as his bond. For many years he served as deacon in the Calvinis'tic Alethodist church, and in that religious faith he passed to his final rest in 1881, at the age of sev enty-five years. His avife, avho is a member of the same church, still survives him and yet makes her home in Jackson county, Ohio. She is a most estimable avoman and her exemplary life has had a marked influ ence for good over the lives of her children and friends. Air. and Airs. Jones avere the parents of five sons and three daughters, of avhom six are yet living : John, who for four years served his country in the Union army during the avar of the Rebellion, be coming a member of General Hancock's Veteran Corps, and noav resides in Ohio; Edavard XV., the next of the family; Will iam, avho makes his home on the old farm in Jackson county ; David, avho is a resident of the state of Washington ; Phillip, avho lives in San Francisco, California ; and Mary E., avho resides in Jackson county, Ohio. Those avho have passed aavay are Airs. Jennie Will iams, aaho died in the Buckeye state, at the age of thirty-three years, and Anna, avho died in infancy. Air. Jones, of this revieav, avas brought to America in his babyhood and avas reared upon the homestead farm in Gallia county,' Ohio. As age and strength permitted he as sisted im the farm avork and in the schools of the neighborhood he mastered the branches of English learning, acquiring a knowledge that fitted him for the transaction of business in later life. He avas identified avith the farming interests of Ohio until 1878, Avhem he resolved to seek a home im Kansas, believing that he avould have better opportunities for advancement in a state less thickly settled than in the one in Avhich he had resided. Accordingly he came to Rice county and in 1879 took up his abode on Groveland farm, Avhere his labors have since been prosecuted avith such diligence and en ergy that he is noav numbered among the citizens of affluence in his community. Air. Jones avas united in marriage, in 188 1, to Aliss Kate Hughes, a representa tive of a good family in Jackson county, Ohio, avhere she avas born, reared and edu cated. Her parents, Leavis and Ann (Lloyd) Hughes, avere both natives of Wales, and in their family avere eight chil dren: Thomas, avho became a member of the Ninety-first Ohio Infantry during the Civil avar and died at Cloud Mountain. Vir ginia; Anna; Alary; Z. Jenkins; Susie; 526 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Mrs. Jones ; Isaac ; and Jennie. The mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. Jones has been blessed with four children: John H, avho is noav in his nineteenth year and is a student in Cooper College in Sterling, Kansas ; Ann B., Florence and Leavis H., aged respect ively sixteen, fifteen and twelve years. Mr. Jones exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and is one of its val ued advocates and leading avorkers, doing all in his poaver to promote its growth and secure its success. He has served as a mem ber of the central committee for a number of years and has thereby done effective service. He has filled most of the toavnship offices avith credit to himself and the satisfaction of all concerned and im 1890 and 1891 was census enumerator. He and his family are members of the Congregational church, in Avhich he is actively interested, contributing liberally to its support and Avorking un tiringly for its advancement. He has served as deacon and trustee of the church and also as superintendent of the Sunday-school. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend, and for a number of years he has been a member of the school board. His hearty co-operation is given to all move ments and measures calculated to advance intellectuality and morality, to establish temperance principles or in any avay uplift humanity. His oavn life is Avell worthy of emulation for he has exemplified the prin ciples of Christianity in his daily life and conduct. He is one of the most honored and popular citizens of Wilson tOAvnship and avell deserves prominent mention in this vol ume, the purpose of aahich is to perpetuate the life records of the representative men of the community. GEORGE W. GINTER. In Wilson township there is a highly improved farm of three hundred and taventy acres avhich is the property of George W. Ginter, one of the avell knoavn, intelligent and enterprising agriculturists of Rice coun ty. He came here in 1866 and has since made his home in tiiis portion of the state. He was born in Atlanta, Blair county, Penn sylvania, February 22, 1847. His father, Jonathan Ginter, was born in the same coun ty and was of German lineage. He was reared upon a farm in the place of his na tivity, and after arriving at years of matur ity he was there married to Sarah Yingling, who was born in Blair county, where her girlhood days avere passed. Mr. and Mrs. Ginter became the parents of five children: David avas a soldier in the First Pennsyl vania Bucktails, a regiment that made a most gallant record for brave service in the Civil war. He is now living in Herington, Kansas. George W. is the next of the fam ily, and the younger children are Mrs. Anna Smith, Solomon and Samuel. The father of this family died avhen George W. was only eleven years of age and the mother afterward married again, becoming the wife of a Mr. Grumbling, by whom she had four children, namely : Charles, Alice, John and Lucy. The mother departed this life at the age of fifty-five years.. She avas a member of the Baptist cburch, and her many excel lent qualities of heart and mind avon her the esteem and regard of all avho kneav her. George W. Ginter avas reared in Blair county, Pennsylvania, upon a farm, and re ceived his education in the schools of the 'neighborhood. During the war he enlisted, in August, 1 86 1, in response to President Lincoln's call for three hundred thousand men, in the Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry, as a member of Company D. He avas under command of Captain R. H. Mc- Cormick and Colonel William Siravell. He participated in the battle of Green River, Kentucky, and avas with the Army of the Cumberland at Stone River and at Dug Gap. He avas also, in the battle of Chiekamauga and the Atlanta campaign with Sherman's army, including the battle of Kenesaw Mountain and the siege of Atlanta. He likeavise took part in many skirmishes and lesser engagements, but though often in the thickest of the fight he escaped serious in- ury. He avas honorably discharged avith a good military record at Kittanning, Penn sylvania, on November 4, 1864. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. S27 Not long after this Mr. Ginter avent to Lawrence county, Ohio, and secured a situ ation in the furnace avorks, where he re mained for a numiber of years. In 1878 he came to the west on a prospecting tour, look ing over the country, and then returned to the east. Prior to again coming to Kansas he sought and won as a companion and help mate for the journey of life Miss Binie Nor man, a lady of intelligence and a represen tative of one of the good families of Gallia county, Ohio. Her father, William Nor man, was a resident of that locality, avhere he followed farming pursuits. He married Maria Parkins, who was born in Virginia, a representative of one of the old and highly respected families of that state. This worthy couple became the parents of seven children, three now living, namely: Mrs. Nora Edavards, of Gallia county, Ohio ; Mrs. Emma Bartles, also of the Buckeye state ; and Mrs. Ginter, the honored wife of our subject. Those who have passed away are Elizabeth, Mrs. Elva Smith, Paulina and one who died in infancy. The father departed this life at the age of forty-four years. He had made farming his chief pur suit, and by his energy and diligence in that line of labor he provided a comfortable liv ing for his family. In politics he was a Democrat and in religious faith avas a Meth odist. His widow belongs to the same church. She still survives her husband and is noav living in Gallia county, Ohio, at the age of seventy years. The marriage of our subject and his wife was celebrated on the ist of January, 1879, an(i they began their domestic life in the Buckeye state, avhere they remained until 1886, when they came to Rice county, Kansas. Mr. Ginter now has a good farm of three hundred and twenty acres of rich land, upon which he has made excellent improvements, includ ing the erection of a house and barn and the planting of groves and orchards. His pastures and cultivated fields are in good condition, and through his efforts in rais ing grain and stock he is winning a comfort able competence. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ginter has been blessed avith three children: Ollie; Garfield, avho is now a student in Cooper College ; and Clare. The children are being provided avith good educational privileges,. for the parents realize the value of mental discipline as a preparation for life's work. Mrs. Ginter is a member of the Methodist church, and Mr. Ginter is a man of sterling avorth, avhose word is as good as his bond. The family is one honored and esteemed throughout the community, and upon the battlefields of the south, in business life and in social circles Mr. Ginter has made for himself an enviable record. C. A. WOOD. Opulence and plenty are evidenced in all portions of -central Kansas. The traveler passing through that section of the country sees tbriving towns and cities standing in the midst of well tilled fields, constituting farms that are unsurpassed in any section of the country. The land is rich and fertile and produces excellent crops, and at the same time broad meadows afford excellent pasturage for stock, which may be seen in large numbers. Thrift, prosperity and con tentment are characteristic of this section of the state. One of the finest farms in Rice county is the Wood1 Galloway farm, of avhich C. A. Wood is proprietor. As the name indicates, he is extensively engaged in dealing in Galloway cattle, and since 1881 has been interested in the raising of stock in this part of the country. Mr. Wood was born in McLean county, Illinois, near Bloomington, on the 2d of De cember, 1855, and is a son of George P. Wood, avhose birth occurred in Pendleton county, Virginia. The grandfather, Joshua- Wood, was also: a native of the Old Domin ion, avhile the great-grandfather of our sub ject was born in England. George P. Wood spent his childhood and youth in the Old Dominion, and at the age of twenty-three avent to Illinois, taking up his abode near Bloomington, in McLean county. He mar ried Huldah Teeter," also a native of Vir ginia, as avas her father, Laban Teeter, avho 528 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. died in the Prairie state. Mr. and Mrs. Wood had nine children, of avhom six are yet living, namely: C. A., of this revieav; Mrs. Rebecca Osavalt, Mrs. Etta Franker- burger, Airs. Charlotte Hyatt, Mrs. Amanda Weidner and William. The other three children died in childhood and the father passed aavay in 1882, at the age of sixty- seven years. In his political views he avas a Democrat and in religious faith avas a Protestant. His widow still survives him and noav resides in Hutchinson, Kansas, at the age of sixty-two years. In taking up the personal history of Mr. Wood, of this review, ave present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and favorably knoavn in Rice county. He avas reared upon the homestead farm' in Illi nois and avork occupied no unimportant por tion of his time in his childhood. However, he received good educational privileges, at tending the public schools of McLean coun ty, and by experience in the practical affairs of life and by reading and observation he has added largely to his knowledge. In 1881 he established his home in Rice county and tavo years later secured as a companion and helpmate on life's journey Aliss Ellen Tucker, of Sterling, Kansas, a daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Dickerson) Tucker. Her father came to Rice county in 1878 and is noav deceased, but her mother makes her home in Sterling. Mrs. Wood departed this life in 1886, dying in tbe faith of the Meth odist Episcopal church, of which she avas a consistent and loyal member. She left tavo, children, — Hazel and Ernest. In 1889 Mr. Wood avas again married, his second union being avith Airs. Fannie L. Smith, the AvidoAv of Theodore E. Smith, who died in California. They had four children, of avhom three died in childhood, the fourth being Airs. Nettie Roller, a avidoav residing in Junction City, Kansas. By the second marriage of Air. and Mrs. Wood two chil dren have been born, — Ramona and C. Amby. The mother was born in Litchfield, Illinois, and acquired her education in Pleas ant Hill, Alissouri. Her father avas Captain William White. Pie avas. a veteran of the Mexican avar, also served in the Indian avars on the plains of the west and avas with Gen eral Fremont's army. When the slave ques tion precipitated the country into Civil war he joined the Union army and became cap tain of a company of Missouri cavalry. He made a brilliant record as a soldier and offi cer, being fearless and faithful in the dis charge of his duties, his oavn " bravery in spiring his men to deeds of valor. He now resides in Halstead, Kansas. He married Miss Elvira High, avho was. born in Ten nessee and died November 23, 1900, at the age of sixty-seven years. Sbe was greatly loved for her genial qualities of heart and mind. Mr. Wood is the owner of a very valu able farm of four hundred acres, supplied avith all modern accessories and equipments. He has splendid buildings, which are kept in good repair, a fine bearing orchard, a grove of forest trees and well cultivated grain fields, but his attention is principally given to the raising of Galloavay cattle, of avhich he has one of the best herds to be found in central Kansas. He has spent much money in improving his grade of stock, and is now regarded as one of the leading and most successful stock dealers in this portion of the state. .Aside from his. business affairs he has found time to devote to public interests, and for tavo terms he served as justice of the peace in a most fair and impartial manner. He has also been clerk of the school board. Both he and his avife hold membership in the Congrega tional church and are held in warm regard, their circle of friends being almost co-ex- tensive avith their circle of acquaintances. DAVID F. GRANT. David F. Grant is engaged in the rais ing and feeding of cattle on a very extensive scale. Pie resides on the Wellington ranch on section 1, Clear Creek township, Ells- avnrth county, and for twenty-seven years has been a resident of this portion of the state, having come to Kansas in 1875. He avas born -in Indiana, Mav 22, 1852, and is of Scotch lineage, for his paternal grand- MR. AND MRS. DAVID F. GRANT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. S29 father, W Tiliam Grant, avas a native of Scot land being* a millavright and farmer by oc cupation. Crossing the Atlantic to the new world he became a resident of Indiana, where occurred the birth of William F. Grant, the father of our subject. The latter followed farming* and carpentering. He was a Democrat in politics until 1861, when he joined the ranks of the Republican party. Soon after the arrival here of our subject be also came to Kansas, but did not remain long, removing thence to Missouri and af tenvard to Texas, where he spent his last days. His avife bore the maiden name of Sarah Bledsoe and they were 'the parents of four children, three of whom attained to years of maturity, namely: David F., John S., a resident of Texas, and James S. The parents avere members of the Methodist church. Mr. Grant, of this review, pursued his education in the public schools until thir teen years of age, when he started out to earn his oavn livelihood by -working as a farm hand. He remained in Indiana until the spring of 1866, when he became a resi dent of Ioava, spending one year there. He' afterward went to Missouri, where he re sided until coming to Kansas. He was one of the first sdtlers of Ellis county, Kansas, taking up his abode there when not two hundred acres of land in the entire county had been broken. He built a dugout and began breaking his land with oxen. He planted his land to wheat and also engaged in herding cattle, laboring long and ardu ously to gain a good start. He remained on bis claim until he secured a deed for the land. In course of time he added eighty acres to his original tract, but finally sold the farm' and came to Ellsworth county in 1883. Here he began avork for the company that owned the ranch upon which he now resides. Af ter four years he was made foreman, and he occupied that position for nine years, hav ing control of ten thousand acres of land and employing as many as forty men. He fenced all of the land and engaged largely in raising wheat, producing from ten to fifteen thousand bushels annually. He also gave considerable attention to the cattle in dustry and his labors proved profitable to the company avhich employed him. Mr. Grant then purchased one hundred and six ty acres of bottom land on section 12. This is splendid corn land and never has there been a failure of the crop. In 1895 he rented a part of the Wellington ranch, which joined his own home place, and is now very extensively engaged in the cattle business. He raises cdrn for feeding, and utilizes from two hundred to two hundred and fifty acres for his corn crop. He fat tens his cattle mostly on grass. He has leased sixteen hundred and sixty acres, all under fence, and has a pasturage of three hundred and twenty acres six miles north of his home, and when he needs more pasture he rents other land. He has live springs in all of his pastures excepting the one to the north and that is equipped with a large windmill. He also raises his oavn horses and has fine stock for farming purposes. On the nth of December, 1870, Mr. Grant was united in marriage to Miss Mary Alice Straley, a daughter of Nicholas and Catherine F. (Funkhous) Straley. Her fa ther was born in West Virginia and subse quently removed to Missouri, where he car ries on agricultural pursuits. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Grant has been blessed with three children : Frederick Nicholas, who is married and follows farming, and stock raising ; Lizzie Estella ; and Laura Gertrude. In politics Mr. Grant is a Re publican, but takes no active part in politi cal affairs, save that he manifests his prefer ence by always casting his ballot for the men and measures of his party. He is iden tified with the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. In business life he is progressive and energetic, and he owes his success to his own unaided efforts. Idleness forms no part of his nature and indolence has no place in his make up. NATHAN A. C. BEAN. Nathan A. C. Bean, deceased, Avas a resi dent of Rockville township, Rice county, and enjoyed the high esteem and unqualified 53Q BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. regard of all with whom he came in contact. He avas numbered among the pioneer set tlers of the community, and in the neighbor hood avhere he lived for so many years his loss was deeply mourned, for all knew him to be a man of upright principles and hon orable life. He avas born in Frederick county, Virginia, in 1846, and represented a good family of that state. His father, James Bean, was also a native of the Old Dominion and there married Gule Elma Faaa-sett, avho avas born in the same state and was a member of the Society of Friends or, Quakers. The parents both died in the Old Dominion. They had seven children : Jo seph, avho avas a soldier in the Union army during the Civil avar and now resides in Virginia; Mrs. Mary Richards, of Win chester, that state ; Nathan A. C. ; Mrs. Anna Cooper, also of Virginia; Mrs. Sarah Ramey, who is living in Nebraska ; Mrs. Aurelia Williams, avIio resides upon the old homestead farm in Virginia; and Mrs. Gus- sie Larrick, avho is iiving in Frederick coun ty, that state. The father avas a farmer and planter, and at the time of the Civil war he espoused the cause of the Union, believing firmly in the supremacy of the national gov ernment in Washington as represented by the administration in power. Nathan A. C. Bean, whose name intro duces this review, was reared upon the old homestead in Virginia and acquired his education in the schools of the neighbor hood. In Frederick county, that state, he was united in marriage, in 1869, to' Miss Rachel Fry, a lady of culture and intelli gence, who was reared and educated in the Old Dominion and proved to her husband a most faithful and devoted helpmate and companion on the journey of life. Her par ents were Eli J. and Lea '(Findlay) Fry, natives of Virginia, and in their family were eleven children, namely: Fannie, Mrs. Bean, Archibald, Katie, Ida, William and Edith, all of whom are yet living, and Mrs. Eliza Cooper, Robert, George and Briscoe, avho have passed aavay. The father avas a blacksmith by trade, folloaving that pursuit in order to provide for his family. Pie died in 1 901, at the age of eighty years, respected by all who knew him. His avidow, however is still living on the old home farm in Vir ginia, at the age of seventy-four years, and is a devoted member of the Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Bean began their domestic life in the state of their nativity, but hoping to better their financial condition emigrated avest ward in 1871, securing a homestead claim in Rockville township, Rice county, Kansas. With characteristic energy he be gan the development of his farm and carried on agricultural pursuits until his life's la bors were ended in death. The tract com prised one hundred and sixty acres, which he transformed into: richly cultivated fields and improved avith good buildings and an orchard. Here he and his wife reared their family, numbering eleven children. Mrs. Mattie Christmiore is now living in Labette county, Kansas. Mrs. Mamie Birch resides in McPherson county, Kansas. Edgar, who was a well known resident of Windom for a number of years, moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he had the misfortune to lose his wife, and then returned to Windom, avhere he noav resides. James, avho was suc cessfully engaged in teaching, became a student in Saline College, where he1 gradu ated in the business course and is now em ployed as bookkeeper for a large milling firm in Gypsum, Kansas. Bonnie and Lot tie avere also students in the same school, avhere they received a normal course. Ethel, Branson, Ruth, Asa and Luther are all yet at home. They also lost one child, Elma, a tavin sister of Edgar. The two eldest daughters, Mrs. Christmore and Mrs. Birch, have been popular and successful teachers of the county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bean became mem bers of the Methodist Episcopal church and did all in their power to promote its growth and upbuilding. During the Civil war he avas an advocate of the Union cause and gave his political support to the Republican party up to the time of his death, which occurred April 14, 1888, when he avas forty- tavo years of age. He was, a man of upright principles and sterling worth, who ever commanded the respect and confidence of these avith avhom he avas associated. Since BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. S3i her husband's death Mrs. Bean has devoted her attention to the management of her property interests and to the care of her chil dren, whom she has nobly reared. All of them are now members of the church. They have also received good educational privi leges, and have thus been fitted for life's practical and responsible duties. She has regarded no sacrifice too great that would promote their happiness and welfare, and in return she receives their loving care and consideration. Like her husband she is a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal church and in her life exemplifies her Chris tian belief. G. W. MORTER. G. W. Morter was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1861, and is a son of John Morter, also a native of that locality. The grandfather, David, Morter, was born in Fulton county, Penn sylvania, and AA'as of German lineage. Re moving to Franklin county, he there spent his remaining days. His son John was reared upon the family homestead and after arriving at years of maturity was joined in wedlock to Miss Elizabeth Hess, whose birth occurred in Franklin county, where she was also reared and educated. She was the daughter of John Hess, who spent his entire life in the Keystone state. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Morter were born nine children Avho grew to years of maturity : Samuel, who served as a Union soldier during tbe Civil war; Catherine; William; Joseph; Da vid and Mary, who have both passed away ; Jerry; John A. ; and George W. They also lost two children, John and Oliver, avho passed away in early childhood. The father made faiming his life work and followed that pursuit until his death, which occurred when he was sixty-tavo years of age. His Avife passed aAvay at the age of seventy-five. Both were members of the German Baptist church and lived earnest, consistent Chris tian lives. The father. was a Republican in his political vieAvs. George W. Alorter spent the days of his youth in the Keystone state and in the pub lic schools acquired a good education. He avas early trained to the work of the farm and early manifested special aptitude in the handling of tools displaying considerable mechanical ingenuity. He remained in .Pennsyh'ania until 1880, when he came to the middle west, locating first in Aurora and afteravard in Batavia, Kane county, Illi nois, where he followed the trade of car pentering and was also employed as a ma chinist in different shops. Later, however, he returned to the east, and in 1883 he came to Rice county, Kansas, avhere he has since made his home. Upon the farm avhere he yet resides he has lived for sixteen years. He now has a valuable property, equipped avith good buildings, and is successfully de voting his time and energy to the raising of grain and stock. In April, 1893, after coming to Kansas, Mr. Morter avas united in marriage to Miss Lena Goos, who was born in Germany and was three years of age when brought to the United States by her parents. Her girl hood days avere spent in Chicago and in Clinton, Ioava, and in 1879 she came to Rice county, Kansas, with her father and mother, C. and Margaret (Flount) Goos. The lat ter died in Wilson township, Rice county, in 1896, leaving five sons and five daugh ters, namely: Mrs. Lena Morter, Kate, William, Anna, Henry, Frank, Rosa, Al bert, Dora and Charles. In his political affiliations Mr. Morter is a stanch Republican and does all in his poaa'er to promote the growth and secure the success of the party. He has served as trus tee of his toavnship, and in the fall of 1897 he AA-as elected to the position of county_sur- veyor. In that office he discharged the duties so capably that he was again made the candidate and once more elected to the office, of which he is the present incumbent. He has been a faithful and popular official, his labors bringing him the higb commenda tion of all concerned. He holds member ship in the Wesleyan Methodist church and his ivife is a member of the Congregational church. Air. Alorter is yet a young man and his salient characteristics are his stead- 532 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. fast purpose, his reliability and his unflag ging industry. These qualities have won him success in business and honor in public life and he is to-day regarded as one of the popular and highly respected men of his adopted county. GEORGE H. NICHOLS. For many years, in fact from the early days of development in Rice county, farm ing has been the leading occupation of the people, and for almost a quarter of a cen tury Mr. Nichols has been a representative of this branch of industry in central Kansas. He located here in 1878 and has performed the arduous task of transforming wild prairie into richly cultivated fields. He comes from the far-off state of New Jersey, his birth having there occurred in the town of Sparta, hn the 20th of July, 1855. His father, Ziba Nichols, avas a well known citi zen of Wilson township, Rice county, for a number of years, becoming a pioneer settler here. He Avas born in New Jersey and was of Scotch lineage. His childhood days were spent in the state of his nativity and bis edu cation avas acquired in the public schools. He married Matilda Smith, also a native of that state, reared and educated there. In 1858 he removed avith his family to Henry- county, Illinois, locating near Kewanee, where he resided until 1881, the year of his arrival in Rice county, Kansas. Here he spent his remaining days, his death occur ring in Wilson township, in August, 1887, when he avas sixty-five years of age. His wife died in February, 1888, at the age of sixty-seven. In politics he was a Republi can, and in religions faith Mrs. Nichols was identified avith the Presbyterian church. They had ten children, namely: Wesley, avho avas a soldier of Company H, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and served for four years, veteranizing during the Rebellion, now re sides at the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, Kansas, avhere he expects to', spend the re mainder of his life ; Mrs. Maggie Sutton is deceased; Mrs. Ellen Ayres resides in Galesburg, Illinois ; Mrs. Louisa Benedict is living in Blue Rapids, Kansas; Mrs. Delia MlcCullough is a resident of Omaha, Ne braska; Winfield makes his home in Rice county; George H. is the next of the fam ily; Charles is a resident of Kansas City, being employed as a traveling salesman; Fred is located at Joplin, Missouri; and Eddy is deceased. George H. Nichols was a little lad when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Henry county, Illinois, in avhich locality he was reared to farm life, early becoming familiar avith the work of the fields. He at tended the public schools and supplemented the knowledge there gained by broad prac tical experience. In 1878 he arrived in Rice county, Kansas, and for three years made his home near Raymond. He afterward lived in the vicinity of Chase for two years, and in 1883, eighteen years ago, he came to his present farm in Wilson township, where he has since lived, devoting his energies to the improvement and cultivation of one hundred and sixty acres of arable land. His farm) is noav a very desirable property. There are good buildings upon the place, a bearing orchard and shade trees, and in the pastures are found good grades of stock. He cultivates the crops best adapted to this climate and soil, and his labors are annually bringing* to him a good profit. Mr. Nichols avas married in Rice county, on the 2d of March, 1882, to Miss Nattie Bradley, avho has been to her husband a true companion upon the journey of life. She avas born near Lancaster, in Schuyler coun ty, Alissouri, August 18, 1861, and is a daughter of James and Catherine (Ow) Bradley, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Pennsylvania. In 1878 her parents came to Kansas, settling near Ray mond, and the father folloaved agricultural pursuits until his life's labors were ended in death, avhen he was sixty-eight years of age. He had served his country as a Union sol dier during the Civil war and had given his political support to the Republican- party. A man of firm convictions, he loyally ad hered to every cause which he believed to be right. His avidoav is still living and BIOGRAPHICAL HIS-TORY. 533 makes her home at Alden, Rice county. They had eight children, namely : Samuel G., a resident of Reno county, Kansas; William R., aa ho is living in Rice county ; Airs. Nattie Nichols; Mrs. Maggie Ward, noav deceased; Airs. Mary Ross; Airs. Ber tha Ingall; Webster, avho died at the age of eighteen months ; and Charles, who died at the age of four years. The marriage of Mir. and Mrs. Nichols has been blessed with eight children, as follows : Avis L., Edith, Ina, Clem, Roy, Wesley and Virgie. Ansil L., the first born, died at the age of fourteen months. In his political affiliations M'r. Nichols avas long a Republican, but in recent years he has voted independently. His wife is a member of the Congregational church and both are people of genuine worth. He is a warm friend of the cause of education and of various interests calculated to promote the welfare of the community, being a pub lic-spirited and progressive citizen. In man ner he is cordial and genial, and those who knoav him are glad to win bis friendship. DANIEL H. HOWARD. One of the finest ranches of Ellsworth county — a very extensive tract of land — is the property of Daniel H. Howard, a lead ing and enterprising farmer and stock- raiser, avhose home is on section 32, Clear Creek township. There he owns and op erates nine hundred and sixty acres of land, his energies being given to the cultivation of the crops best adapted to this soil and climate and to the raising of stock. He was born December 8, 1846, in Wooster county, Massachusetts, a son of J. C. and Martha J. (Fagan) Howard. The father was a native of Connecticut, and after removing to Massachusetts made the acquaintance of Martha Fagan, who was born in Ireland. There they were married, and by their union six children were born, but three died in early life. The surviving members of the family are : Daniel H. ; Robert C, a farmer and dairyman of Absarokee, Minnesota; Minnie, the Avife of William Tompkins, of Billings, Montana. The father avas a me chanic and engaged in car building in the east for a number of years. In 1854 he re moved to Michigan, avhere he conducted a hotel at Hubbarldston, Ionia county, re maining at that place until 1869, Avhen he came to' Ellsavorth county, Kansas, taking up his abode at the place avhere our subject noav resides. Here be pre-empted a tract of land and avas associated avith his son Daniel in the conduct of the farm until his death, avhich occurred in 1887. His wife still sur- via-es him and is noav living avith her son Daniel, at the ripe old age of seventy-six years. The father took a very active part iu public affairs and served as probate judge for a number of years, being an incumbent in that position at the time of his death. He avas a man of prominence, whose ability and trustavorthiness avell fitted him for leader ship in public affairs, and avherever he was knoAA'n he Avas heid in high regard. Daniel H. HoAA'ard, Avhose name intro duces this record, spent the first eight years of his life in the state of his nativity and then accompanied his parents on their re moval to Michigan, where he assisted his father in the hotel, remaining there with him until the removal of the family to Kan sas. They located upon the farm avhich has since been his home and where he noav has three hundred acres of land under cultiva tion, the well tilled fields bringing to' him, a golden return for the care and labor which he bestows upon them. Altogether the ranch comprises nine hundred and sixty acres, much of it being devoted to pasturage for the stock. All of the equipments and accessories of a model farm are found upon the place, including a palatial residence, avhich is two stories in height and contains seventeen rooms. He also, has a large stone barn, tavo stories in height, forty-six by fifty-three feet, with a "lean to" shed six teen feet wide and extending the entire length of the barn. The farm is avell fenced and all of the buildings are kept in first class condition. He is extensively engaged in the raising of cattle and noav has about three hundred head of steers on his farm, avhich 534 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. he buys in Kansas City and fattens for the market. He is indeed progressive and en terprising and keeps in touch avith the most advanced methods of farming. His labors are profitable, bringing to him an excellent financial return. On the 15th of March, 1876, Mr. How ard avas united in marriage, in Ellsavorth county, to Miss Eva Campbell, a daughter of Charles Campbell. Sbe was born in Gallipolis, Ohio, and during her girlhood was brought to the Sunfloaver state hy her parents. Mr. and Airs. Howard have had uo children of their OAvn, but they have reared a nephew, a son of his brother, R. C. Howard. The lad, Converse H. Howard, is now fifteen years of age and is a student in the Kanopolis high school. He will gradu ate in June, 1901, the youngest member of the class. In his political vieAvs Mr. How ard Avas formerly a Democrat, supporting" the party until 1896, avhen he renounced his allegiance thereto and became a stanch advo cate of Republican principles. Fraternally he is a Knight Templar Mason. In busi ness affairs Mr. Howard has been particu larly successful, carrying on his work in a manner that has enabled him to realize a handsome profit from his farm. He does not oave his success in any measure to others, but has placed his reliance upon the sub stantial qualities of energy and resolute purpose. R. R. NEWKIRK. A large and avell improved farm in Gait township, Rice county, is owned by R. R. Newkirk, who is regarded as one of the most enterprising and progressive agriculturists of this part of the state. His business abil ity, untiring industry and capable manage ment have been the chief elements in his success and have gained him a position among the substantial residents of the county. Air. Newkirk avas born in Clinton coun ty, Ioava, near Deavitt, February 11, 1859, a son of James M. Newkirk, who was born in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1813. He avas of Scotch descent, and the family first located in the eastern states. James M. Newkirk avas united in marriage to Elizabeth Myers, aaho avas born and reared in Ohio. For some years they resided in the Buckeye state, and then removed to Clinton county, Ioava, locating near Dewitt, where the father improved a small farm. In 1879 tbey took up their abode in Kansas, and for one year resided in Eureka toavnship, Rice county, after aahich they came to Gait township, lo cating on the farm avhere our subject now resides. The father folloaved farming as a life occupation, avas a stanch supporter of Republican principles and was a member of the Presbyterian church. His death oc curred at the ripe old age of eighty-four years, and his avife passed aavay at the age of sixty-seven years. They avere the par ents of tavelve children, five sons and seven daughters, six of avhom are noav living, namely : Ella, avho- resides on the old home stead; Sophia, avho became Airs. Marsh and lives in Gait toavnship; Isabella, noav Mrs. Schultz and a resident of Sac county, Ioava; Abram, avho aa*as . a valiant soldier in the Civil avar and noav resides in Oklahoma; James W., a resident of Gait toavnship; and R. R., the subject of this revieav. The de ceased children are: John; George, who served as a soldier in the Civil war and laid doavn his life on the altar of his country; Ann ; Alary ; Catherine ; and Rebecca. R. R. Newkirk, avhose name introduces this review, remained under the parental roof until fourteen years of age, during avhich time he became familiar avith farm avork and avas early taught lessons of indus try, honesty and economy. He avas then employed as a clerk in a store for a time, after avhich he followed the carpenter's trade. In 1879 he accompanied his parents on their removal to Rice county, Kansas, and during- the intervening years he has aided materially in the upbuilding and ad vancement of this section of the state. , He has avitnessed its groavth from an undevel oped prairie to a rich agricultural country, inhabited by an industrious, progressive and contented people, and in this work he has nobly performed his part. In Clinton coun- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 535 ty, Iowa, at the age of twenty-five years, Air. Newkirk avas united in marriage to Mary A. Sparks, a native of that county, Aahere she was also 'reared and educated. She is a daughter of John and Salina (Burk- head) Sparks, both now deceased. Unto our subject and wife have been born five children, — Clare S., Ethel E., Arthur Reed, Ray Hobart and Leila Belle. After locating in Rice county Air. New kirk purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, on which he built a sod house and began the work. of cultivating and improv ing a farm. Success has rewarded his efforts, and as time has passed he has added to his original purchase until he now owns eight hundred and eighty acres of land, on Avhich is located a good farm residence, a barn fifty-four by fifty-six feet, wind-mills and a beautiful orchard and grove. In addi tion to general fanning he is also exten sively engaged in the raising of a high grade of cattle and horses, and in both branches of his business he is meeting avith a well de served success. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and meas ures of the Republican party, and, although never an office seeker, he has held the office of justice of the peace. He has served on the official board in the Methodist Episcopal church, and is an active and zealous worker for that denomination. A man of unswerv ing integrity and honor, one who has a per fect appreciation of the higher ethics of life, lie has gained and retained the confidence and respect of his fellow men and is distinct ively one of the leading citizens of Rice county, with avhose interests he has been so long identified. ANDREW C. BRANCH. Andrew Chapin Branch, one of the leading and representative agriculturists of Reno county, Kansas, was born in Benton county, Iowa, May 22, 1862, just three months before his father, Dr. P. C. Branch, left for the Civil war. Dr. Branch was a native of Middletown, Vermont. He emi grated west and finally settled at Vinton, Benton county, Iowa, where he was mar ried to Sarah Chapin, formerly a resident of Holyoke, Massachusetts. Two sons were born to this union : Charles Minor, now of the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Kansas; and Andreav C, the subject of this sketch. Andreav C. Branch when twelve years age accompanied his parents, on their re moval to Reno county, Kansas, in 1874. ITere his subsequent life has been spent and through all these years he has nobly per formed his share of the work necessary to the upbuilding and development of this faa'ored section of the golden west. After arriving in this state he spent some time in the district schools, and for six months was also a student in the State Agricultural Col lege. He remained under the parental roof until after his marriage, when he began farming on his own account, locating on land just across the road from his father's farm. He first owned tAvo hundred and forty acres, which avas purchased by his father, and in 1892 he added to his land un til he now oavns a half section, avhere he is extensively engaged in farming and stock- raising. During the year of 1900 he sold five thousand dollars worth of stock, and his efforts in that direction greatly add to his income. Wheat is his principal crop, and in the present year, 1901, he has tavo hundred and taventy-five acres planted to that cereal. He is a natural mechanic, and all the build ings upon his place have been erected by himself, much of his time being spent in his shop. On the 22d of May, 1888, Mr. Branch avas united in marriage to Miss Caroline Frances Hunt, avho was born in Menard county, Illinois, February 6, 1861, a daugh ter of John G. and Maria (Van Meter) Hunt. The father avas a native of Hunter don county, Neav Jersey, born March 17, 1809, and the mother avas born in Clark county, Ohio, January 5, 1815. The pater nal grandfather of Airs. Branch avas Dr. Benjamin Van Cleave Hunt, Avhose mother Avas a first cousin of Captain Lawrence, of the frigate Chesapeake, who in the naval 536 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. engagement avith the British in 1813 avas mortally aa'onnded. His dying avords, 'Don't give up the ship," have been an in spiration to many a soldier since. Dr. Hunt was engaged in tbe practice of medicine in Cincinnati, Ohio, for many years. He wed ded Elizabeth Grandin and they reared a large family of sons and daughters. The parents lived to a good old age. The ma ternal grandfather of Mrs. Branch was Colonel Henry Van Meter, an officer of the avar of 18 12, avho afterward became an ex tensive farmer and stock dealer in Clark county, Ohio. His wife was in her maiden hood Margaret Ann Renick, and they also reared a large family of children. Their older children subsequently removed to Sangamon county, near Springfield, Illi nois, locating there when that portion of the state aVas a vast wilderness. John G. Hunt, the father of Mrs. Branch, died in Menard county, Illinois, February 14, 1884, and his wife survived him for a number of years, passing away in Lincoln, Illinois, January 18, 1892. They were the parents of twelve children, ten of whom grew to years of ma turity, and those avho still survive are: Eleanor, avho became Mrs. B. E. Campbell and noav resides in Wilson county, Kansas ; Benjamin Henry, a resident of Vermilion county, Illinois ; Miss Mary Eliza, of Lin coln, Illinois ; Margaret Renick, who became Airs. Holland and resides at Cantrall, San gamon county, Illinois; Airs. Elizabeth Grandin McGee, a resident of Progress, Oregon; Airs. Maria Louisa Kelsey, who with her husband were among the first set tlers of Medford township, Reno county, and have been actively engaged in Sunday- school work, the first Sabbath-school in the township having been held at their home for several months before a public building was erected, and they now reside in Sterling, Kansas; Sarah Clark, who became Mrs. Otstott and resides in Athens, Illinois ; John G., also of that city; and Mrs. Branch. The latter received her education in the Illinois State Normal, and after completing her studies there she folloaved the teacher's pro fession for eight years. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith three sons, — Phineas Colver, who was1 named in honor of his grandfather, was born Febru ary 22, 1 891; Grandin Hunt, named after his maternal grandfather, was born on the 1 8th of October, 1893; and Ransom Duane was born September 23, 1901. All are bright and promising little boys. Mr. Branch exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Prohibition party. He has never sought or desired public preferment, his time being fully occupied in his chosen avocations, but he bas served as a member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in him a warm friend. In his religious views he is a member of the Baptist church, while his wife holds membership in the Presbyterian church. They are both highly esteemed residents of Reno county and have a large circle of true friends. GEORGE W. JONES. Among the prominent and substantial farmers of Pratt county, Kansas, who is lo cated on a fine farm in section 24, in Haynesville township, is George W. Jones, one of the most highly esteemed citizens of this section of the country. His birth oc curred near Vandalia, Illinois, on March 27, 1843, and his father was Jackson Jones, who was born in Clermont county, Ohio', in 1827, and died in Tipton county, Indiana, in 1879. Die grandfather was John Jones,, an Ohio farmer, in rather poor circum stances. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, and it avas remembered by the six children that their mother never entirely conquered the English tongue. The mother of our subject was Rebecca Bishop, a daughter of George and Mary (Houser) Bishop, of Pennsylvania-Dutch ancestry. The parents of Mr. Jones were married in Pennsylvania, in 1840, removing from that state to Illinois, thence to Cler mont county, Ohio, and from there to Indi ana, where Mr. Jones bought land and there he and his wife died. They had a. family of thirteen children, namely' MR. AND MRS. GEORGE W. JONES AND DAUGHTER. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 537 Mary E., the Avidow of James Thomas, and she lives in Nebraska avith her six children; George W., of this sketch; Sarah Jane, who at death left a family; John E., avho at death left a avife and two children; Jacob, aa-ho resides in Tip ton county, Indiana, and has four daugh ters; Allen, aaho lives in Henry county, In diana, has three children ; Airs. Susan Wall, avho lives in Noblesville, Indiana, and has four children ; William and Alice, avho were twins, and both are now deceased, Alice leaving children; Frank, who died young; Milton, avho died in youn? manhood; Mrs. Belle Caron, who lives in Oklahoma Terri tory, and has tavo daughters ; and the last of the family avas an infant that early passed aavay. The mother survived the fa ther for three months. Mr; Jones, -of this biography, had but limited advantages for obtaining an educa tion. Among the loyal spirits avho early offered their lives to thdr country when the call came for defenders was George W. Jones, aaLo enlisted on July 27, 1861, in Company C, Twenty-sixth Indiana Volun teers, and served gallantly in the ranks un til October 14, 1864. He was wounded in the left hand at Morganza, Louisiana, and he aa-as taken prisoner and was confined for ten months in Tyler, Texas. On July 22, 1864, his release was obtained and he immediatdy returned to his regiment, which avas at Donaldsonville, Louisiana, taking part in all the movements of the regiment until his discharge, as noted. Although suffering from' wound and capture, his health was good. During his service in the west he was under both Generals Fre mont and Hunter, and in the south was un der the brave McClernand. It seemed strange that he should be stricken with fe ver immediately after his return home, but he probably had the germs in his system. For four weeks this brave soldier battled for his life, finally recovering. The marriage of Mr. Jones occurred on August 30, 1865, to Miss Sarah Payne, who was born- in Indiana on November 2, 1849, a- daughter of John A. Payne, who was a member of the same company during 34 the avar as Mr. Jones. Mr. Payne died, in the service on January 4, 1862, and it avas the sad duty of onr subject to assist in his burial at Otterville, Missouri. When Air. Payne enlisted in his country's service, he left his widow and three children, these latter being: Mrs. Jones, of this sketch; James D., who died at the age of five years; and AVarren, who was born on January 3, 1861. Mrs. Payne later married George Humphrey, and lives in Stafford county,. Kansas, and both are still in the enjoyment of vigorous health. Mr. Humphrey avas born in Kentucky, and has passed his. eightieth year, and they have two living children. Although Mr. and Mrs. Jones had a fine farm in Indiana, they decided to sell that property and move to the rich state of" Kansas, locating on a one-hundred-and-six- ty-acre homestead, some twenty years ago,. in March, 1880. The first house built by Mr. Jones was of sods, fourteen by twenty- eight feet in dimensions and seven feet high, avith a dirt roof, which was later replaced by a board one. Its counterpart may still be seem by the tourist not only in Kansas' but in Nebraska and Wyoming. For seven years this was the family home and his first pension money, consisting of tavo hundred and thirty dollars, was invested in a house. He first set out cottonwood cuttings, avhich for a time flourished but have since died„ however, they still have a fine grove of box; elder and walnut trees, which either Mr.. Jones or his avife set out and tended. There is also, a fine grove of Russian mulberry,. which they grew from seed. Not every thing has succeeded avith our subject, but much has and there is no- more comfortable nor better appointed farm in this locality than his. His orchards yields generously,, his tavo. wells never fail, his buildings are compact and comfortable, and his one hun dred and sixty acres of land are as much as he cares to manage. He herds his cattle a part of the time, keepine* taventy head and five horses. Three children avere born to our subject and avife, namely: Harry, avho is a farmer living on his one-hundred-and-sixty-acre1 538 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. farm close by, and has a wife and two sons ; Bertha, who married Fred Reece, and re sides att Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory, has two- sons ; and Nellie, who- married Harry Walker, and resides in Arlington, Reno- county, Kansas. In politics Mr. Jones is a Republican and has served as school treasurer for a period of twelve years. Fra ternally he is a valued member of the G. A. R., and has served: as sergeant of Post Fremont, No. 403, Turon, and has filled many of the most important offices in the or ganization. Both he and his wife are val ued and consistent members of the United Brethren church, but the parents of Mrs. Jones avere Ouakers. Although at the time of her marriage she was an inexperienced maiden of sixteen years, she has lived to show her noble character and has been, in deed, a tower of strength to. her husband, a most devoted and helpful wife and a mother avhose children unite in loving and admiring her. Her housewifely care, her. cheerful endurance of trial and trouble, and her Christian example have won her high esteem, not only in her own household, but through the neighborhood where many have benefited by her kindness. FRANK KELLEY. One of the energetic, public-spirited, successful and representative citizens of Reno county, Kansas, is Frank Kelley, who is the efficient and reliable section foreman of the great Rock Island Railroad at Lang don. Through years of experience he has reached this responsible position, his thor ough knowledge, excellent judgment and re liability, as avell as his conscientous devotion to the interests of the corporation, have made Air. Kelley one . of the most highly valued employes of the mad. The birth of Frank Kelley occurred in Freeport, Illinois, on the 25th of June, 1863, and he is a son of James J. and Rebecca ( Sadler) Kelley, the form er of aaliom avas born in Ireland, in 1824. The father of James Kelley died in Ireland, but his mother followed her son to the United States and still survives in health and activity of body and mind, al though she has' reached the unusual age of one hundred and ten years. Her home in Ioava is cared for by her own hands, she be ing a remarkable example of the industrious mothers of the Emerald Isle. She reared six sons and two daughters. James Kel ley, the father of our subject, came to Amer ica while still a young man and located in New Jersey, acting as foreman on one of the first railroads in that state. Although he was but eighteen years of age at that time, he efficiently held the position. Later he went to Albany, New York, and from thence to Freeport, Illinois, and there the most of their children avere born. In 1869 he removed to Mitchellville, Iowa, and. bought eight acres of town lots. Ten years later he bought his first farm in Kansas, this consisting of one hundred and sixty acres in Marshall county and was Santa Fe rail road land. This land Mr. Kelley improved, the sons doing much of the work. At the time of his death he was one of the substan tial citizens of the county, leaving an estate worth some ten thousand dollars. In the meantime, avhile accumulating this prop erty by honest industry, he had not only reared a large family in comfort but had as sisted his brothers, bringing them from1 the old home and establishing them in the new one. The mother of our subject, Rebecca (Sadler) Kelley, avas born in London, Eng land, in 1825, and she avas the mother of five sons and five daughters, five of the fam ily still surviving, as follows : Kate, who lives in Des Moines, Ioava; John,, who lives in Woodavard, Ioava ; Frank, who is our subject; Arfnie, aaho, is the wife of Pursey White, and lives in St. Louis, Missouri; and Agnes, who is a milliner and lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. The father of this family died in Marshall county, Kansas, in his seventy-third year, and three months later his avife also passed aavay. Until he avas fourteen years old our subject had very good educational oppor tunities, but at this time his father met with some losses and he began work on the rail- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 539 road. In 1879 he came to Kansas to look after his father's land, avhich he assisted in placing under cultivation and also did some building, remaining here for one year. On September 22, 1884, Mr. Kelley was married to Margaret Burke, who was born in Wyoming, Marshall county, Kansas, in 1864. She AA'as a daughter of Patrick and Annie (Kelley) Burke, both of whom came to America from Ireland and settled in Pennsylvania, coming from there among those Avho first settled in Marshall county, "Kansas. Mr. Burke died in 1891, a man advanced in years, his avidow surviving till 1895, dying at the age of fifty years. They reared eight daughters and one son. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Kel ley remained in Marshall county for one ' year and then Avent to Topeka, but after re maining there for six months they went to Herington for two' years. For twenty- three years he has. been with the Rock Isl and road, and for nineteen years has been a foreman and a section foreman for four teen years. In 1890 Mr. Kelley came to Langdon and has a valuable farm of one hundred and eighty acres two miles north west of the village. This property he pur chased in 1895, paying twenty-five hundred dollars for it, and now has it well improved, and has forty acres of it in grail land. In his business connection his long service and promotion tells how he is appreciated by the Rock Island railroad. He has a force of six men continually at work, and no sec tion on the route shows the result of care ful supervision more clearly than does Mr. Kelley's. A family of six children has been born to our worthy subjed and his estimable wife, but one of these passed away, the others being as follows : Theresa, a charm ing young school miss of fourteen years; Rose, eight years old, a bright girl in school; James, six years old; John Francis, of four years; and Baby Thomas, of two years. Mr. Kelley has many things to take a just pride in, but probably nothing more than in this family of bright, robust, intelligent children. The family resides in one of the houses provided by the company, very near the depot, in Langdon, but Mr. Kelley owns considerable village property, having built up a half block of houses for his men, and is proposing to build more. In politics he is an independent voter, us ing his own good judgment. He belongs to the order of Woodmen, and he has care fully reared his children in the Catholic church, of which both he and their mother are most consistent members. FRANK COLLADAY. Frank Colladay, one of the most success- full business men of Hutchinson, Kansas, AA'as born in New York city, New York, in August, 1850. His father, Charles Colla day, although a native of Pennsylvania, spent the greater part of his life in New York city, going there when quite young. Here he occupied official government posL tions, being connected with the bonded ware house, and at different times with the police and fire departments. His wife, Sarah Jane (Lutes) Colladay, was a daughter of John Lutes, who was a glass blower by trade. Five children blessed this union, our subject being the youngest of the family. Frank Colladay received his early edu cation in the common schools of New York city and later attended the schools in Illinois, after the removal of the family to that state. When seventeen years of age he started to learn the tinner's trade, in aahich line he be came an expert workman, and which he fol lowed for some years in Illinois. In 1877 he went to. Waterloo, Iowa, where he estab lished a business of his own, continuing the same successfully for eight years. Im 1885 he came to Kansas, locating at Hutch inson, where he embarked im the hardware business. This proved to be a successful venture. At first his stock consisted only of stoves and hardware, but in six years he added agricultural implements, buggies, wagons and other farming equipments, and was enabled to erect the imposing two-story brick building, one hundred and fifty feet deep, which is situated at 16 North Main 54© BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. street, avhere he is noav located. In 1900 he erected on East Sherman street, his com modious avarehouse, fifty by one hundred feet, tavo stories in height, in which he carries a large stock of implements, buggies and other vehicles. He handles the Canton goods and the Deering harvesters and mow ers. From a thorough .knowledge of the business and strict attention to his duties, Air. Colladay has enjoyed a steadily increas ing trade since his settlement in Hutchinson. In fact, he noav has the largest and oldest ., hardware establishment in the city. While living in Iowa, Mr. Colladay be came united in marriage to Aliss Mary J. Steavart, a daughter of Benjamin Stewart, a prosperous merchant of the Haavkeye state. Three children have been born to them, tAvo sons and one daughter, namely: Charles; Jennie; and Grover. Politically, Mr. Colla day is a Democrat, and although he has never desired, any office, he has served as a delegate to conventions, and at one time was a mem ber of the city council. At present he is a stockholder in the Park Association, taking pleasure in lending* his influence and finan cial aid in beautifying the city, and advanc ing the avelfare of the community, which he has chosen as a permanent place of residence. He is a valued and prominent member of various social and fraternal organizations, being identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; the Ancient Order of Unit ed Workmen ; the Modern Woodmen of Amerca ; the Court of Honor ; and the Com mercial Club. He is also a director im the Alissouri, Kansas and Oklahoma Retail Im plement Dealers' Association. This organ ization was formed for the, betterment of the hardware and implement trade, and its operations have beem attended avith marked success. Mr. Colladay is domestic im his tastes, and a devoted husband and father. He is a member and liberal supporter of the Meth odist Episcopal church, and his entire life has been one consistent avith the teachings of Christianity. His success may be as cribed to his close application and untiring energy, for all that he is and has are the re sults of his oavn labor. By his honorable and upright living he has won many friends in this community, and enjoys the confidence and high regard of all with whom he asso ciates. ROBERT BRUCE HUDSON. A avell-known farmer and stockman of Ellsavorth county, Kansas, is Robert Bruce Hudson, noav a resident in section 29., is a native of this state, having been born near Manhattan, on February 13, 1864, and he avas a son of Robert and Sarah (Redpath) Hudson, both of avhom avere natives of Scotland. They both located in Canada after leaving Scotland, he in 1837, and she in 1843, and there they avere married and engaged in farming. In 1859 they determined to cross the border, and remove to Michigan, avhere a brother lived, and this plan they put into execution, but they spent but six months there, in the fall of the year coming to Kan- . sas. Mr. Hudson located in avhat is now Riley county, seven miles from Manhattan, and entered into farming and also freight ing betaveen that place and Leavenavorth, the traffic being large at that date. In 1866 Mr. Hudson' remloved to Ellsavorth county and pre-empted land on section 33- 16-7, building a dug-out and surrounding it avith a strong stockade, so that place was knoavn over the country, as Hudson's Fort for years. In those days the Indians were very troublesome and in times of danger the neighbors were welcomed. Flere Mr. Hudson passed the balance of his life, engaged extensively in farming and in stockraising, oavning eight hundred acres, and this homestead is still in the pos session of our subject's brother, David D. Mr. Hudson avas a man of influence in the community and a promoter of all intelligent1 efforts for the advancement of the county, and a firm advocate for laws in favor of school facilities. He was one of the organ izers of the Presbyterian church in Fort Harker and gave largely of his time and means to its establishment, and he gave the land and assisted in the hauling of the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 54i logs for the first schoolhouse that avas erect ed in the county, a part of this building still standing. He avas one of those characters avhich give tone to a community. In poli tics he Avas a Republican and avas quite act ive in public life, serving in many minor offices and also as county commissioner, al- Avays AA-ith that faithfulness to duty which characterized every act of his life. This most worthy and useful citizen died on June 1 8, 1883, the mother passing away on January- 14, 1898. The children born to the parents of our subject were as folloavs : Sarah, deceased, was the avife of Charles Robinson, of Ells worth county, more extended mention of whom will be found in another part of this volume; Alaggie, avho died at the age of twenty-two years; Jessie, avho is the avife of W. S. Faris, more extended notice else where; William W., avho died in early man hood; David Duncham, avho owns the old homestead; Jane," aaIio died at the age of nineteen years; and the youngest, the sub ject of this skdch." Robert Bruce Hudson was less than three years of age when he was brought to Ellsworth county. Pie was reared on the old homestead, and from the age of nine years 'spent months in the saddle, assisting in the herding of cattle on the range. His education Aa-as acquired in the schoolhouse which his father assisted to build, and he reri irined in the home shelter until six years after- his marriage, the boys and their mother keeping the stock interests and the farming operations in a partnership, add ing land until they owned sixteen hundred and eighty acres and one hundred head of cattle, carrying on the business under the name of Hudson Brothers, until 1898. The marriage of Air. Hudson avas on October 5, 1892, to Miss Lillie M. Reed, who avas a daughter of Dr. William1 and Mary (Aletlin) Reed. She was born in Ohio, of avhich state both her parents were natives. The latter came to Ellsworth county, in 1878 and located on section 30- 16-7, taking up a homestead and a timber- . claim. Dr. Reed avas- a prominent and .well- knoavn physician, and during the Civil avar avas a member of tbe One Hundred and Taventieth Ohio Infantry, and did much hospital avork during the avhole period of the avar. His death occurred on Alarch 30, 1895, the mother of Airs. Hudson surviv ing until July 1898. Airs. Hudson avas the third member of a family of seven children, these being as folloavs: James E., of this county; Thomas E., in the old home; Mrs. Hudson; Lulu AL, Charles H. ; Alartha A. ; and Jennie J. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are as folloavs; Bessie R., Leonard M., Russell D., Janet and Agnes. In 1898 the brothers divided their inter ests and our subject ereded his handsome residence on his farm of seven hundred acres in sections 29-32. Here Mr. 'Hudson keeps about forty head of stock and feeds his grain. Air. Hudson has done much for the improvement of stock and cattle in his section, taking great care to keep it up to grade. Among his horses is a fine Morgan stallion brought from Illinois. In politices Mr. Hudson is an outspoken Republican and he has most efficiently served his fellow-citizens in a 'number of offices, notably four successive terms as township treasurer and was the census enumerator of this toavnship in 1900. He is one of the progressive and enterprising men of this section and holds a high posi tion in public esteem, well respresenting so flourishing and important a county as Ells worth. * » » ¦BENJAMIN FRANKLIN OVERTON. The business interests of tlie toavn of Langdon, Reno county, Kansas, are in the hands of capable and reliable men, avho have done much to place this section in the front rank of commercial prosperity. Among those Avho have been particularly active and successful is Benjamin Franklin Overton of this sketch. Samuel Over-ton, the grandfather of our subject, avas born in West Virginia and avent as a pioneer to Indiana, his family consist ing of three sons and three daughters. One 542 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of the sons avas Abner Overton, who be came our subject's father, and he avas born at Pekin, Indiana, about 1815, and died there in 1862. He married Nancy Crotts, who was a daughter of Valentine -Crotts, a native of Tennessee and one of the early pioneers from that state in Indiana. Our subject's parents were farmers and reared a family of six children, these being as fol lows : William1, who is a resident of Pekin, Indiana ; Mrs. Caroline Bierley, who lives in Indiana; Benjamin Franklin, of this sketch; Mrs. Mary Bell, avho resides in Providence, Indiana ; Mrs. Sarah Hedrick, avho: lives in Fredonia, Kansas ; and Mrs. Lizzie Monical, who died in the state of Washington. In 1859 the mother of this family died., and the father avas married a second time, one child being born to this union, Charles Overton. AVhen only twelve years of age Benjamin left home, this being in 1862^ and hired out to a neighboring farmer for fifteen dollars a month, and for eleven years he remained in the old neighborhood, among friends avho had known him from childhood, working on farms by the month. His industry and cor rect habits of life won him many friends and when he left that locality in 1874 to come to Kansas there avere many who. wished him well. He located in this state in February, 1874, and first took up. a quarter section of homestead land one-half a mile east of Lang don, and he later took up a pre-emption claim of one hundred and sixty acres. For seven teen years he continued to follow farming, avith varying success, leaving that line about 1 89 1 to embark in the general piercantile business in Olcott. In 1900 the business was removed to Langdon, the company, avhich had been formed in 1896, remaining the same, the firm: style continuing as Overton & Company. Since then Mr. Overton has been one of the leading business citizens of this community, has built up a large and lu crative trade and is one of the substantial men of this locality. In addition to his mer cantile business he also oavns and conducts the Langdon House, at Langdon. It is a two-story frame building and is the only hotel in the toavn. The marriage of Air. Overton occurred in March, 1873, to Margarette Charles, of Martinsburg, Indiana, and four children have been born to this union, namely: Charles Edward, who resides in Sego, Kan sas, unmarried ; Ila, who is Mrs. Wilkinson, of Olcott, and has two children; Susie, a young lady at home ; and John William, who is eleven years old and is one of the bright pupils of the public school in Langdon. In bis political sympathies our subject is a stanch Republican, and he has efficiently served as school director and has taken a deep interest in educational matters. The religious home of the family is in the Meth odist church, to which Mrs. Overton is a most liberal supporter. He has witnessed some wonderful changes since first coming, to- Kansas, and is one of those still remain ing aaho hunted buffaloes in this section. He recalls one drove of several hundred in this immediate locality, where their feeding grounds are now covered by elegant resi dences, churches, school houses and commer cial edifices. BENJAMIN' WRIGHT. The fertility and desirability of the farm ing lands of Reno: county, Kansas, has long been demonstrated, and one of the success ful, retired agriculturists of this region is Benjamin Wright, who resides in great com fort upon his fine eighty-acre farm in Miami township, on section 1, near the prospering town of Turon. The birth of Benjamin Wright occurred in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 1836, and is a son of Benjamin and Phoebe (Logan) Wright, the former of avhom was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1787, and died in Loyalsock; Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, in 1871, The mother of our subject avas Phcebe Logan, who was born in the same locality, but she died, avith an infant daughter, avhen our subject was but two1 years of age, having borne ten chil dren. Benjamin and his brother Amos are all of the first family still remaining. The father, still vigorous, soon married Eunice Farnsavorth, who avas a native of Pennsyl- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY . 543 vania, and she bore him three sons and three daughters, the entire family of sixteen chil dren groaving to maturity, with the exception of one. A brother, Amos, has reached the age of seventy-seven years and lives retired avith his sons, after a life of agriculture. Until he avas fourteen years of age Ben jamin Wright remained under the home roof although he spent several years in occasional work for farmers in the neighborhood, the family at home being so numerous that his help avas not ahvays needed on the homestead farm. Among the first to display a loyal spirit and love of country at the outbreak of the Civil avar avas this farmer boy, and on August 4, 1861, he became a member of Company K, Forty-second Illinois In fantry, remaining in the service for three years and tavo months. It is not within the possibilities for Mr. Wright to ever for get those years. The terrible day at Chiek amauga was made memorable to him by a serious wound he there received, a muskd ball piercing his side, the ball not bdng re moved until three months later. For six months this brave soldier suffered in the hos pital and narrowly escaped death from' gan grene, many of tbe methods now employed with success by the surgeons not' having been discovered or successfully put in practice in time to aid the wounded heroes of those days. At present he receives, most justly, thirty dollars a month, but until 1883 it avas only eight dollars, later was raised to twelve, and noav is as above mentioned. In 1884 Mr. Wright settled on eighty acres of school land on section 16, in Miami township, but lived in Turon for twelve years. He came to his present farm of eighty acres, for avhich he paid fifteen hun dred dollars, in the spring of 1901. This land he does not attempt to farm but rents it, and as needed exercise takes care of his horse, his two coavs, his pigs and his chick ens, enjoying thus the benefits of a country life avithout its hard avork. In 1 88 1, in this state, Mr. Wright was married to Miss Emma Terry, who was bom in Livingston cotinty, Illinois, on No vember 13, 1867, a daughter of Frank Ter ry, a native of Alabama, although now a resident of Norton county, Kansas, coming thither from Illinois in tbe spring of 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Terry have had a family of eleven children, nine of avhom still survive. Although Mrs. Wright avas a bride of only fourteen1 years, she has developed into a most capable housewife, and renders her husband a cheerful and loving' companion ship. She is a lady of most estimable qual ities, avas educated in this state, and is a most avorthy and consistent member of the Christian church. Mr. Wright is an honored member of the Grand Army of the Re public. MILLARD F. BAIN. More than taventy-four years have passed since Millard F. Bain came to Kansas, and throughout this long period he has been most actively connected with the business interests of Reno county, and his labors have con tributed largely to its upbuilding and im provement. He avas born- in the city of Phil adelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 19th of July, 1856. His father, John W. Bain, avas born in Reading, Pennsylvania, September 19, 1810, and his death occurred in the city of Philadelphia on the 7th of September, 1866. He was general superintendent of the coal department of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, having charge of taventy-one wharves and about three thousand men. He was popular with his men and was a avell known and highly respected official. He wedded Caroline Yeager, also a native of Reading, Pennsylvania, born on the 7th of September, 18 17, and her death occurred October 22, 1875. They avere the parents of five children, four sons and one daughter, but the latter died in infancy. The ddest son, Charles Bain, is employed in the navy yard in Philadelphia, and has tavo sons and two daughters. John Bain, Jr., the second son, spent three years in the service of his copuntry during the Civil avar, participated in many important battles and held the rank of sergeant. He had many narroav escapes from death, and at one time his cap avas shot off his head. He is also a resident of 544 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Philaddphia, and has tavo sons and one daughter. J. Alilton Bain gave his life as a sacrifice to his country during the rebellion, and a monument erected to his memory in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Philadelphia bears the folloAving inscription : "Died, Alarch 24, 1862, J. Alilton Bairn, aged taven- tv-three years." At his death he left a young avidoav. The father of this family aa-as also a valiant soldier in the Civil avar, in avhich he held an officer's commission. Alillard F Bain, avhose name introduces this revieav. avas a student in the high school of his native city, and also attended a select school there. His father avas in comfort able circumstances and avas able to provide his children avith excellent educational priv- ileg'es. The mother remained true to her husband's memory during the remainder of her life. At the age of sixteen years our subject entered the largest print and dye works in Philadelphia, and when failing health caused him to leave that establish ment some years later he held the second highest position there. In 1877 he came to the Sunfloaver state in search of health, and he immediately located on one hundred and sixty acres of his present farm, avhich avas then avild and unimproved land, paying tavo hundred and' ten dollars for the tract. On the place avas a sod shanty, but in the fol lowing year Mr. Bain erected a small fra,me house tavelve by fourteen feet, in avhich he made his home for a number of years. As the years have passed he has added to his original purchase until he now oavns tavo hundred and forty acres, all of aahich is under a fine state of cultivation, and there he is extensively engaged in general farm ing and stock-raising. He usually keeps about forty head of short-horn cattle of a high grade, and is noav breeding some fine animals crossed avith the Hereford breed. He also' has from ten to fifteen horses upon his place. His farm is one of the handsome country seats of the locality, and the place is. adorned, with a beautiful grove of cotton avood, box elder, catalpa and. mulberry trees, which were all planted by his oavn hands. On the 25th of November, 1879, on Thanksgiving day, Mr. Bain avas united in marriage avith Mis Ida Posey, who avas born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, on the 31st of October, 1862, a daughter of Oaven and Margaret (Louders) Posey, natives also of the Keystone state. In January, 1877, they came to. Kansas, avhere they remained1 for a few years and then returned to Pennsylva nia. TJie union of Mr. and Mrs. Bain has been blessed avith nine children, namely: Carrie, the avife of Fred Baker, who resides on the Bain homestead, and they have a lit tle daughter; Anna, a young lady at home; John, avho died avhen an infant; Mabel, a young lady of fifteen years ; Edna and Ethel, aged respectively thirteen and eleven years; Lydia, avho died at the age of two years; Willie, who is now six years of age; and Mildred, a bright little girl of three years. Air. and Airs. Bain and their three eldest children are members of the United Breth ren church. In his social relations he js a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He has been a life long Repub lican, the party having been organized in the same year in avhich he avas born, and he has been the choice of his party for a number of public positions, having served for four terms as trustee of his toavnship, avhile he now holds the office of commissioner of the third district. He is a man of broad general information, avell informed on the issues of the day and a reliable, public-spirited and loyal citizen avho withholds his support from no movement calculated to advance the moral, material, educational or social avd fare of his city, state or nation. SAAIUEL J. MORRIS. Since -1874 Samuel J. Morris, of this biography, has been a resident of Reno county, Kansas, avell and widely known, and distinguished as one of the gallant sol diers of the Civil aval, both he and his hon ored father having displayed a loyalty many citizens lacked in those exacting times, and the latter died a victim to its hardships. The birth of Air. Morris occurred on March 11, 1845, in Monroe county, Ohio, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 545 and he is a son of Jacob and Mary A. ( Mitchell ) Alorris. The family is an old one in America and has been a distinguished one in the Carolinas, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. His grandfather, Isaac Morris, avas a pioneer in Ohio, and there reared his family. His father, Jacob Alorris, was born in that state, folloaved farming, and was there married to Alary A. Mitchell, from Avhich union Avere born tAvo sons — Samuel J. and William H. Samuel J. Alorris was educated in the public schools of his native state, and was but a lad at the outbreak of the Civil war, and was one of the first to show his loyalty Avhen the call came for troops. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, Ninth In diana Infantry, his father joining Company G, SeA-enty-fourth Indiana Infantry, in 1862, entering the Armv of the Cumberland. Mr. Alorris took part in the first battle of the war, when the raAv troops received ..heir baptism of fire, on June 3, 1861, at Phil- ippi, AA'est Virginia, and dience the regiment Avent through the engagements at Laurel Hill, avhen the first Lnion soldier was killed in the line of battle of the Civil war, Car- ricks Ford, Rich Alountain, Cheat Moun tain, Greenbriar and Buffalo Gap, also- known as Alleghany Heights, all of these engage ments taking place in West Virginia. The regiment was continually engaged in skir mishing on up to Shiloh, and in advance of the army avas sent to follow General Bragg, avith skirmishes every day, to Stone River. Here Air. Alorris was wounded and avas first sent to hospital No. 23, in Nash ville, and thence to hospital No. 8, in Lou isville, and from there to a convalescent camp, but later avas sent to a hospital at NeAV Albany, Indiana. His Avound was a serious one, a bullet wound in the leg, which splintered his shin bone, requiring a removal of a part of the latter. With the application of more modern methods, since discovered, it is very probable that Mr. Morris might have been completely cured, but such was not the case, as the Avounds have never healed and he still has every rea son to remember his service in his country's defense. As an example of true loyalty, as soon as he could be again accepted this braA-e soldier re-entered the service, becom ing a member of Company AI, TAvelfth In diana Cavalry, and served until November, 1865, in Louisiana, Alabama and Missis sippi, Avhen he was finally honorably dis charged at Indianapolis. Through thait winter he attended a commercial college, re turning to> his home in the spring and enter ing into' business. From the age of one year Indiana had been his home, his par ents removing to that state at that date,, and all of his earlier associations are con nected with it. Until 1869 Mr. Morris en gaged in conducting a sawmill and a stave factory, but at that time his wound became 50 aggravated that he felt unable to longer continue at hard work. For three years he was out of business, something of an invalid, but in 1874 he came to Kansas and took up a soldier's claim on section 22, in Ninnescah township, residing in Sedgwick county avith his fam ily, avhere he had relatives, until the follow ing spring, working on his claim, and building a sod house. One buffalo crossed his place, after coming here, and in pursu ing it he had his horse killed under him by the buffaloes. Mr. Morris broke his land, using three ponies, and although his progress was slow he managed to get some parts in shape for cultivation in the course of time. His long sickness had exhausted his means and there avere hard and trying days on that Kansas farm. An unusual degree of pluck, perse- verence and industry avas needed, and evi dently Mr. Mori;is possessed them all for, beginning in a very small way, he avas suc ceeding well and had some fine cows and considerable stock when he was elected to the position of county clerk and then re moved to Hutchinson. He has always been an active member of the Republican party, has filled many of the local offices and after his election to the office of county clerk, in 1887, he was re-elected to a second term by the largest majority ever given a candidate in this county. After a service of four years in that position he has made his home in Hutchinson, and has efficiently filled 546 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. many other offices. During the early days when ready cash was so badly needed by so many of the pioneers, Mr. Morris has driven as far as Indian Territory to gather buffalo bones to sell. Since locating in this city he has done considerable business in the way of building and contracting, and is more active physically than any one would imagine possible from; the nature of his affliction. He is now serving his third term as justice of the peace and he has the « record of never having had a case reversed, ¦with the exception of one which was out of his jurisdiction. Fraternally he has been interested in several organizations, notably the Odd Fdlows, with which he has been connected ever since its organization here; is past commander of Joe Hooker Post, No. 1 7, and of Reno Camp, No. 69, Sons of Veterans, is adjutant and one of the trus tees ; is a member of the order, also, of Mys tic Ties and Modern Tontines. The first marriage of Mr. Morris oc curred in 1867, to Miss Martha Lincoln, a distant relative of the family of President Lincoln, and two children were born to this union, a daughter, who died young, and George Warren, who is a farmer in Okla homa. The second marriage was in 1880, to Miss Sophia J. Tibbits, and these chil dren have been born of this union : Oliver P., Arthur B., William B., Clara M., Clar ence, Carroll and Cora. No' one understands better the early life of the Kansas pioneer than Mr. Morris, for while soil and climate do- their share, the settlement of any country means hardship and privation. He deserves the esteem' of his fellow citizens for his loyalty to the Union, for avhich he avill suffer physically the remainder of his life. WILLIAM W. ROBBINS. The enterprising citizen of Nonvich, Kingman county, Kansas, avhose name is above, is the president of the Norwich Bank and is prominent as a ranchman. From his central farm in section 36, Canton town ship, Kingman county, he has charge of twenty thousand acres of land in Kingman and) Kiowa counties. The extent and suc cess of Mr. Robbins' business makes some account of his career a necessary feature in a avork of this character. William. W. Robbins was born in Weth- ersfield, Connecticut, July 24, 1857, a son of Richard and Harriet (Wills) Robbins. His father also was a native of Wethersfield and greav to manhood and married there. While he aaas yet a young man he avent to Augusta, Georgia, avhere he carried on a wholesale grocery business until just before the outbreak of the Civil war. Returning to Wethersfield, he spent the remainder of hip hie there, dying in 1895. He avas a man of influence and represented his district in the Connecticut legislature, and in politics he avas a Whig* and later a Republican. He avas a lifelong member of the Congregational church and for years avas a deacon in the First Congregational church of Wethers field. His widow, who is living at his old home, aged about seventy-five years, is a de scendant of Governor Wells, a governor of the colony of Connecticut. Richard Robbins, father of Richard Rob bins and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, avas also born in the Charter Oak state, a descendant of men who had been active in Neav England for many genera tions. Air. Robbins' mother owns land that has been in possession of members of her family since the period of early settlement in Connecticut. In both lines of descent Mr. Robbins traces his ancestry to England. He avas the second in order of birth of five chil dren, some reference to> avhom is pertinent in this connection. His brother, Edwin D. Robbins, . is' a lawyer at Hartford, Connecti cut. Dr. Jane E. Robbins is practicing medL icine and surgery in New York city. Caro line Robbins is a professor of physics and chemistry in a well known educational insti tution. Harriet Robbins lives avith her mother at Wethersfield, Connecticut. Mr. Robbins received a good public- school education in Wethersfield, and though often absent retained a home under the par-1 ental roof until he was taventy-four years BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 547 old. After spending some time as a student in the Hartford, Connecticut, high school, he became, at sixteen years of age, a clerk in a store of that city. At the age of eighteen he accepted a position in the Hartford Na tional Bank, and later he was employed a year as bookkeeper in the bank of L. and C. H. Bell, of -Hartford. In 1884 Mr. Robbins located at Harper, Kansas, where for a year and a half he did a business in real estate and loans. In 1885, in association with E. N, Hogg, G. D. Thompson, Lewis Walters and Frank R. Zacharias, he organized the Norwich Town Company, of which he was the vice presi dent and which platted the town of Norwich in June of that year, the plat including one hundred and sixty acres 'in the southeast quarter of section 3 and the northeast quar ter of section 10, Bennett township. He remained in Harper until the fall of 1885, when he removed to Norwich, and on the site of the present bank building erected a structure now in use by the local postoffice, and established a banking business which Was conducted under the style of W. W. Robbins & Company until August, 1888, when the concern was reorganized as a state bank, with Mr. Robbins as president and P. N. Wright as cashier. ¦ In 1889 Mr. Robbins became interested in ranch and stock operations and he owns about three thousand acres of land in King1- man county and three thousand in Kiowa county, and has the management of many thousands of acres under contract, besides an interest in an extensive ranch and eight thousand head of cattle in Texas. In Kan sas alone he usually owns about one thou sand head of cattle and feeds nearly half that number. He has founded a herd of thor oughbred short-horn cattle and now has thirty head, of different ages, as good as can be procured. In 1901 he erected his elegant and costly residence in Norwich, which is equipped with all modern conveniences and is the best in the county. The Norwich bank was the second bank established in Kingman county and is the only one in the county out side of the city of Kingman. In politics Mr. Robbins is independent. He is a member of the Ancient Ordeir of United: Workmen, the Modern Woodmen of America, and of Norwich Lodge, No. 219, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and of Harper Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. He was married at Harper, Kansas, November 11, 1890, to Miss Grace H. Doorley, who was born in New York, a daughter of W. F. and Florence (Lewis) Doorley, and she has borne him four children named Rich ard W., Florence A., Edward C. and Mar tin H. FRED YUST. Central Kansas has many citizens- of Prussian nativity who are numbered among its enterprising and progressive men, but there is not one of them who. is justly held in higher esteem than is the subject of this sketcb, a leading farmer and stock-dealer, whose home is within the borders of section 22, Hayes township', Reno county, and whose postoffice address is Peacecreek. Fred Yust was born im Prussia, Ger many, September 30, 1844, a som of Freder ick Yust, who was born there in 181 7 and died in Hayes township May 28, 1900. Gott fried, the father of Frederick Yust, died in Germany at the age of forty-nine years. It. is a somewhat remarkable fact that Amelia. Roemer was born on the same day on which Frederick Yust, avhom she married^ was- born, and that the youngest son of her son, Fred Yust, was born on the corresponding day of the same month. Frederick and Amelia (Roemer) Yust were married Janu ary 2, 1841, and Fred Yust avas their first child. Their son, Charles B. Yust, Avas born in 1847, ana died in Hayes toavnship, in 1885, leaving a widow and children. Their daughter Amelia married Julius Bandhauer, and died in Hayes township in August, leaving nine children. Their daugh ter Minnie married Peter Birk, of Canton, Missouri, and has seven daughters and two sons. The next in order of- birth Avas a son aaIio died in infancy, and the next Avas John Yust, of Hayes township. Their daughter Louisa married a Air. Clothier, of Hayes 543 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. township, and her mother, iioav eighty-three years old, lives Avith them. Fred Yust Avas for five years a student at schools in Germany, and in 1855 was brought to America by his parents. They made the voyage in a sailing vessel, Avhich consumed nine weeks' time between Bremen and NeAV Orleans. The family located) at Canton, Alissouri, avhere Frederick Yust's brother Charles had settled in 1851. Fred erick Yust, aaIio had been a weaver in Ger many, did not readily find employment at his trade in America, and became a stone mason, in which capacity he worked until 1874, Avhen he removed to Hayes township', Reno county, Kansas, here homesteading one hundred and sixty acres of land and taking up a tree claim of one hundred and sixty acres. He began the avork of improve ment and soon had sq much of his land under profitable cultivation that he was able to' buy another quarter section. With his sons, Fred, Charles and Henry, he arrived in Hayes toavnship' in the fall of 1874. They brought Aalth them two mules, and a horse and during the winter they erected three houses to accommodate the others of their families, avho arrived im the township, in April, 1875. The subject of. this sketch had received a three months' schooling in Eng lish in Alissouri and he and his father and his brother Charles had had a valuable army experience. Before he was yet seventeen years old and avhen his brother Charles aa-as only fourteen, the three enlisted in Company A, Taventy-first Regiment, Missouri Volun teer Infantry, Frederick and Fred Yust as private soldiers, while Charles, avho avas not old enough for such service, avas accepted as a drummer. The eldest Yust was dis charged for disability after about tavo years' faithful service, and after taking a month's furlough Fred re-enlisted in January, 1864, and avhen he was mustered out of the ser vice as a corporal he had experienced the vicissitudes of four years and nine months' almost constant fighting. He took part in numerous engagements, including" the bat tles ' at Shiloh, Corinth, Tupelo, Nashville, Spanish Fort, and Mobile Bay, and avas nea-er avounded or sick in the hospital, avas never made a prisoner of avar and was al- avays ready to undertake any duty to which he avas called, and during the last year and a half of his service he did a first sergeant's avork as company clerk. September 24, 1868, Mr. Yust married Miss Dora Krey, a native of St. Louis, Mis souri, avho avas born in January, 1850, a daughter of Conrad and Henrietta (Hart man) Krey. Mrs. Yust's parents were both natives of Germany and her father was eighteen aveeks in making the journey from Germany to Neav Orleans on an old-fash ioned sailing vessel and Avas shipwrecked and came near being lost. After their mar riage Air. and Mrs. ATist settled on a farm in the avoods:, avhere they soon established a home, avhich, hoavever, avas too small for their needs as their family increased, and they took Horace Greeley's advice and went avest. They haa-e prospered so avell in Kan sas that they noav oavn ten quarter sections besides eighty acres in another tract, their holdings aggregating sixteen hundred and eighty acres. Mr. Yust is farming on a quar ter section avhere he took his original tree claim, on avhich he set out about forty acres of timber, mostly cottonavood, and has ten acres of beautiful black walnut trees, some of avhich are tavelve inches in diameter, and many others, including maples,, box-elders and mulberry trees. He groAVS about equal quantities of corn and wheat and during the past year he has harvested and sold about tavo thousand bushels of avheat. He has made considerable money also in hogs and cattle. His first house avas a frame building, tavelve by fourteen feet in size, the walls of avhich avere filled avith sun-dried brick of his oavn manufacture. That building is a part of his present commodious, modern- resi dence. During the earlier years of his resi dence in Hayes toavnship his house avas noted for its hospitality and it avas usually filled avith travelers, none of whom he would turn aavay, the public having come to regard it s-omeavhat in the light of a hotel. They have ahvays been knoavn for their progressiveness and in many avays have been leaders in their toavnship. As an evidence of this, fact it may be stated! that the organ noav oavnedby BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 549 their daughter avas the first instrument of, the kind brought into, the toaa'iiship. Air. Yust is a stanch Republican, but for tavo years affiliated avith the Fanners' Alliance. He filled the office of township' trustee sev eral years and for five years has been a jus tice of the peace. He is a member and has been chaplain of Sylvia Post, No. 386, Grand Army of the Republic. He and his: wife and children are members of the Ger man Methodist church and he and Mrs. Yust were tavo of its six organizers twenty-four. years ago and were influential in securing. the erection seventeen years ago of its house of worship', AA'hich is one of the finest in the county. The following facts concerning the chil dren of Fred and Dora (Krey) Yust avill be of interest in this connection. Their son, William F. Yust,*borm in Alissouri, Novem ber 10, 1869, has all his life been a diligent student. He avas graduated in the college at Warremton, Missouri, and after teaching school two years entered the University of ¦ Chicago, where he avas graduated in lan guages and avhere for three years he avas assistant librarian. For the past tavo years he has been connected with the Albany, Neav York, Library School, and at present is as sistant inspector of the state libraries of New York, at Albany. ¦ Their daughter, Kate E., who avas born July 2, 1872, mar ried Samuel Smowberger, and has four chil dren. Air. and Mrs. Smowberger live on a farm adjoining the Yust homestead. George H. Yust, who avas born January 31, 1876, is married and lives on the homestead farm. Edavard P. Yust, born November 12, 1877, is a member of his parents' household. Clara M., born August 14, 1880, married George Smowberger and lives on a farm near her father's. Lydia R. was. born- January. 5, 1883, and married Melvin McEllroy, a farmer of Hayes township, and has one son. Emma D. avas born October 5, 1886, and is acquiring an education. Anna L. avas born October 28, 1887, while Benjamin Harrison: Yust AA-as born December 29, 1891, and they are both at school. Mrs. Yust's parents are able farmers of Hayes township and are avell preserved for their years. Conrad Krey, her father, was born May 31, 1822, in Germany, a son of Peter Krey, avho died in 1830, aged about fifty-five years, leaving his avidoav avith four sons and three daughters of the nine chil dren who had been born to them. Conrad Krey avas. married in St. Louis, Missouri, April 11, 1849, to Henrietta Hartman, avho avas born in the place of his oavn nativity in Germany in 1832. Mr. Krey, iioav eighty years old, is living a life of retirement. His wife, who is still vigorous and does her oavn housework, has borne him twelve children, of avhom eleven greav to manhood and wo manhood. They have now ten children, fifty grandchildren and about twenty great grandchildren. In early life Mr. Krey avas a shoemaker, and by working at his trade on the bench he earned four hundred dollars, which was his original payment on his first farm purchased after he came to America. Frederick and Amelia Yust, the parents *of our subject, celebrated their fiftieth, avedding anniversary January 1, 1891. At that time they had seven children, forty-eight grand children and nineteen great-grandchildren. CICERO WILLIAMSON. The biographer has had from time to time to refer to the important part taken by Kentuckians in the settlement and develop ment of Kansas. One of the most influen tial citizens of Reno county of Kentucky birth is Cicero Williamson, a farmer of Syl via township, who lives on the north half of section 26, and whose postoffice address is Sylvia. Cicero Williamson was bo'rn in Louis ville, Kentucky, November 29, 1850, a son of Benjamin and Mary (Marshall) Will iamson. His father, avho. was born in Ken tucky in 1828, died at Stillwell, Hancock county, Illinois, in 1896. The father of Benjamin and grandfather of Cicero Will iamson was an early emigrant from. Ken tucky to northern Illinois, avhere he died about 1855 at the age of one hundred and four years. Benjamin and Mary (Alar- 550 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. shall) Williamson were married in Ken tucky and removed to Illinois with their five children about 1855. They located on a ¦quarter-section of land in Hancock county, avhere they lived out the remainder of their lives, Mrs. Williamson dying about 1891. They had five daughters and five sons, all of whom' except one daughter grew to years of maturity, and of thosa who survived all ex cept one son, Hector M. Williamson, mar ried. That son, who' was the youngest, has not been heard from by his relatives for a long time. Another brother, Oscar Will iamson, cannot be located by his brothers and sisters, avho are unable to communicate also with their brother, Merritt Williamson. The Rev. Benjamin Williamson of this family- lives at West Point, Illinois, where he is a Christian minister and a mechanic. Cicero Williamson came to Kansas in 1873 and settled in Langdon township, Reno county, ten miles southeast of his present location. He came to- the state with a pair of mules and one horse, but had little money and had an unfortunate experience in trying to gain ownership to a quarter sec tion of homestead land. He was obliged to mortgage the land and after paying interest and taxes on it for about two years deemed 1 it best to relinquish all claim upon it. Dur ing the succeeding two years he lived on his father-in-laAv's farm. In 1881 he located on his present farm, which consists of a half section of good land and which he devotes to the purposes of general farming. He plants from1 one to two: hundred acres of corn and secures an average yield of from taventy-five to thirty bushels an acre and sows from fifty to seventy-five acres to avheat, the average yield of which amounts to eighteen or twenty bushels an acre. He has fifteen acres planted with thrifty young trees, many of which he has grown from the seed, including locust, catalpa,, box elder, ash, soft maple, cottonwood and mulberry trees. He usually has about twenty head of cattle of mixed breed and from eight to twelve horses and mules, including a stallion. and a jack. He and his family live in a comfortable one and one-half story farm house, avhich was erected in 1899; and his barn, which occupies a ground space of thirty-two feet by thirty-two feet, was'fouilt in 1900. Mr. Williamson is am independent voter, and has escaped holding public office only by the most tactful management. He and his avife are members of the Christian church. An intelligent man and' a neat and thorough farmer, he possesses much good taste, as is apparent to a stranger who drives from the higbway to his residence through an attractive shaded avenue bordered with and overhung- by thrifty box-elders, ash trees and catalpas. Mr. 'and Mrs. William son have waged the battle of life with much energy and are still persevering with a view to the material future of their children. Mr. Williamson Avas married in January, 1880, to Miss Julia Gagmebin, a daughter of James Gagmebin, and they have had three children : James, avIio is a member of his father's household; Dollie, Avho avas married April 1, 1901, to Thomas Piper; and Pearly, avho is five years old. DAVID WYMAN. A representative farmer of Reno coun ty, Kansas., and the fortunate owner of one of the best farms in Langdon township, lo cated on section 17, is David Wyman, avho has been a resident of this state since 1884. His first visit to Kansas avas in 1877, but it was in the former year that he became iden tified with the interests of Langdon town ship. The birth of Mr. Wyman avas in Wash ington county, Indiana, on August 6, 1829, and many interesting and romantic episodes are connected avith a number of his ances tors. His parents avere Leonard and Anna (Baker) Wyman. The paternal grandfather avas Henry Wyman, avho was born in Hesse, Germany, and was a member of the British army of invasion during .the Revolutionary avar, but he was dissatisfied with his work and one day, avhen he and comrades were sent to a spring for avater, left his kettle and escaped into the Patriot lines. Later he be- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 55i came a farmer in North Carolina and after the close of the Avar avas a pioneer settler in Indiana, where he entered a tract of govern ment land. He ded im Washington county, Indiana, in 1845, in old age. His children consisted of three sons and four daughters by* his first marriage, his second union being to a widow with tavo daughters. The ma ternal grandfather of our subject was John Baptist Cheshire, who was born in Cheshire Parish, England, avas there married and later came to America. During the Revolution ary war he was a prominent lea,der, spending seven years in the service of his adopted country, separated from his family. Leonard Wyman, the father of our sub ject, avas born in North Carolina, in 1790, and he died in Washington county, Indiana, in 1862. In the latter state, in 1825, he was married to Anna Baker, who was born in Virginia. She had four children, three daughters and one son, and her death oc curred Avhen David and his twin sister were eight months old. The second marriage of the father was to Eliza Leach, and they had a family of two sons and four daughters. She survived her husband some twenty years, dying in New Albany, Indiana, and both avere buried in the old family burial lot on the farm in Washington county, In diana. Our subject had but feav educational ad vantages afforded him, the equipments of the old log school house, with its puncheon floor and other primitive accompaniments, not providing anything but perfect ventilation, one log being left out to afford light. Hoav ever, here Mr. Wyman learned to read, spell and. "cipher" and all the rest of his knowl edge has come to him through reading and association avith the world. When he had attained his majority he left home and en gaged in farm avork by the month, continu ing to provide for himself and lay by some money in this avay for some years. On the 13* of July, 1861, at New Albany, Indi ana, he enlisted as a private in the Civil avar and was assigned to Company K, Twenty- third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Sanderson and Captain Vin cent Kirk. After three years of service he avas honorably discharged at Chattanooga, Tennessee. On March' 8, 1855, Mr. Wyman Avas united in marriage to Miss Hannah Fountain, and she avas born in Harrison county, Indiana, on July 20, 1834, a daugh ter of Julius 'W. and Susanna (Barns) Fountain. The grandfather of Mrs. Wy man was Edma Henry Fountain, who was born in Paris, France, and came to America with General Lafayette at the age of eight een years, and became one of the stanch supporters of the struggling colonies. He also erected the first house in Louisville, Kentucky. He had a very unusual early life. His parents were wealthy and influ ential people, his mother belonging to a so cial circle which made the care of many in fants almost an impossibility. Mr. Fountain ¦was the second babe, and a healthy and irre proachable peasant woman was found to take charge of him, and with her he re mained until the death of his older brother, when he became the heir, he was taken home by his mother. According to1 custom he was early betrothed, and after the close of the Revolutionary war returned to France and claimed his bride. The father of Mrs. Wyman was born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1809, and he was married on September 21, 1832, in Floyd county, Indiana, to Susanna Barns, who avas born in Shelby county, Kentucky, on January 11, 1815. By trade Mr. Fountain was a shoemaker, but he avas also an excel lent farmer and at one time worked im a foundry. Mrs. Wyman belonged to a fam ily of five children, its members being: An infant which died at the age of six weeks; Hannah, who. is the wife of Mr. Wyman; Elizabeth became the wife of Henry Clay Ellis and died in Indiana, leaving six chil dren; Barbara Catherine, who first married William H. Phillips, and aftenvard James Boyce, and at her death she left two chil dren by the second marriage; and Sarah Jane, avho died1 at the age of three years. Airs. Fountain died in 1863, at Martinsburg, Indiana, and Mr. Fountain died in the fol loaving year, at Covington, Kentucky, where he avas a avholesale boot and shoe merchant and one of the substantial men of the city. 552 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. The children born to Mr. and Airs. Wy man numbered six, their names being as fol loavs : William; C, avho died: avhen an infant of: eight months ; Laura Ellen, avho died at the age of three and one-half years; Oliver L., avho is a farmer in Nodaavay cotinty, Missouri, unmarried ; Anna, avho became the wife of George W. Neal and died at the age of thirty-seven years, leaving tavo daugh ters; Carrie E., avho died at the age of four and one-half years; and Frances E., avho is a young lady at home. Mrs. Wyman has one of her two granddaughters avith her also. It avas in 1877 that Mr. Wyman first came to this state, but nine days later he went to Atchison county, Missouri, and lived there until 1884, when he sold out his inter ests there and came to his present farm. This was a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres and Mr. Wyman paid tavelve hundred dollars to its oavner. During the seventeen years of his residence here he engaged in general farming, and has been very prosper ous. In politics Mr. Wyman has ahvays been a Republican and has taken an active inter est in public matters. For a considerable period he has served as school director in his district and he has endeavored to ad vance all educational enterprises. He is a member of Perryville Post, G. A. R., No. 142, and is a consistent member of the Chris tian church, avhile Mrs. Wyman is connected with the Methodist church. Air. and Airs. Wymari are representative farmers of this county, and they are well known for their hospitality and neighborly kindness. HENRY Z. HISSEM, M. D. In the subject of this revieav ave have one who has attained distinction in the line of his profession, avho has been an earnest and discriminating student and who holds a position of due relative precedence among the medical practitioners of Kansas. He is also mayor of Ellsworth and is honored in social circles and in professional and public life. Dr. Hissem is a native of the state of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Ashland county on the 10th of September, 1857, his parents being Abner and Katherine A. (Zeigler) Hissem. The father was a na tive of Pennsylvania and followed agricul tural pursuits. In early life he married and removed to the Buckeye state, becoming one of the pioneer resident's there. He was very prominent in Christian work and for many years served as an elder in the Presbyterian church. He. is now living retired in Lou- donville at the age of eighty-five years, but his wife passed away in 1897. Dr. Hissem, subject of this review, was the sixth in or der of birth in a family of tavelve children. He pursued his' education in Vermilion In stitute, in Hayesville, Ohio, taking a course in languages on account of the benefit it would be to him in his professional career as a representative of the medical fraternity for in his boyhood he had determined to engage in the practice of the healing art as a life work. The family were in quite moderate circumstances and it became nec essary that he should provide the means necessary to continue his studies. He aided in the farm work during the summer months and in the winter season engaged in teaching school. In the meantime he read medical text-books under the direction of a local physician and later he entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College, in New York city, ' where he Avas graduated with the class of 1883. He had excellent oppor tunities in the hospital to see and assist in all kinds of operations and thus gained practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge. He had to borrow money in order to complete his college course, and AA'as thus somewhat handicapped financially Avhen he entered upon his professional ca reer; but true merit ahvays avins success, and such has been the case with Dr. Hissem,. He first located at Chicago Junction, Ohio, where he remained for three years, and dur ing that time he was surgeon for the Balti more & Ohio- Railroad Company. In July, 1886, the Doctor came to Ells worth, where he opened an office and soon built up a fine practice, for his success in1 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 553 the care of several difficult cases established his reputation as a skilled physician. In May, 1896, he entered into partnership, with his brothef-in-laAv, Dr. H. O'Donnell, and since that time they have been located in .their fine suite of rooms over the Central National Bank. They have a large and lu crative practice, extending all over the county and to some distance along the line to build a hospital of thdr oavn, and in 1900 they opened a hospital at the Bigerdyke Home, but as their practice began to exceed their accommodations there they decided to build a hospital of their oavn, and in 1900 began the erection and equipment of their present hospital, in which Dr. Perkins, of Kansas City, is also interested. It is a fine building containing seAenteen rooms and is thoroughly fitted up for the treat ment of medical and surgical cases. The operating room is one of the finest in the state, the entire roof bdmg of glass, while the room is finished in avbite enamel, and patients from all parts of the state come here for treatment, some of. the most diffi cult surgical operations knoavn to the sci ence having been successfully performed. In 1889 Dr. Hissem avent to New York to pursue a post-graduate course in the New York Polyclinic, giving special attention to surgery and the diseases of the throat, nose and ear. In 1898 he took a course in the same line in a Chicago post-graduate school. On the 27th of March, 1884, the Doctor was married, in Toledo, Ohio, to Ella R., daughter of Joseph Kininger, a merchant of that city and they now have three chil dren— Ralph W., Jessie and Frank. The Doctor has a beautiful residence, the home being one of the most pleasant in the city of Ellsworth. Political^ he has always been a Republican, stanch in his advocacy of the principles of the party. In former years he took a very active interest in its work, but at the present time his profes sional duties claim too much of his time to allow him to remain an active factor in po litical circles. In 1896 he was chairman of the county central committee, and he has served as county coroner and county physi- 35 dan. He has also been a member of the, board of pension examiners since 1887, and has been surgeon for the Union Pacific Railroad Company since 1894. In 1900 he avas elected mayor of tlie city, was re elected in 1 90 1 and 1902, and in his rul ings has established an economical yet pro gressive policy. Socially he is identified avith Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. AL, in which he has filled all the offices; Ellsworth Council, No. 9, R. & S. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 33, K. T. ; and Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine in Salina. In the line of his profession he is examiner for nearly all the old-line insurance com panies, is a member of the Missouri Valley Aledical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society and the American Medical Associ ation. The success which attends his efforts is but in natural sequence, for his position soon became assured as an able physician, a man of sterling integrity and one devoted to his profession and to' the interest and welfare of those to whom he ministered. He possesses marked judgment and discern ment in the diagnosing of disease and is peculiarly successful in anticipating the is sue of complications, seldom making a mis take and never exaggerating or minifying the disease in rendering his decisions in regard thereto. He is a physician of great fraternal delicacy, and no man ever ob served more closely the ethics of the un written professional code or showed more careful courtesy to his fellow- practitioners. than does Dr. Hissem. REV. SOLON P. PRESBY. The founder of the Presby family in America was Deacon William Presby, who came to this country soon after the Revo lutionary Avar and located near what is now Bradford, Neav Hampshire, at a period avhen that flourishing city was but a forest. His son, George Presby, was the grandfather of our subject, Solon P. Presby, and he avas twice married, both times to sisters by the name of Upton, rearing. ^seventeen children. 554 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Gilmore Presby, who was the father of our subject, was born in Bradford, New Hampshire, on October 8, 1805, and died in Nashua, Neav Hampshire, about 1865. His marriage was to Priscilla Sawyer, avho avas born in Neav Hampshire, but avas reared by an- aunt in Massachusetts. She avas a daughter of Captain Williami Sawyer, an old-time drover, and belonged to a family noted for its longevity, one of her brothers, Ebenezer, a 'drover by trade, having lived in Nashua. to' the unusual age of one hun dred years and seven months. Rev. Solon P- Presby, of this record, aaas born in Bradford, New Hampshire, on October 8, 1832, but removed to Nashua in the same state, at the age of fourteen years. His education avas carefully attended to, and he enjoyed one year of study in the Nashua Literaiy Institute, being thus Avell prepared for his later life of usefulness in 'the minis try. For ten years Mr. Presby worked in the turning shop of one of the large mills in Nashua. The marriage of Mr. Presby was a very important event in his career, uniting him, as it did, to a woman of rare skill, intelli gence and of amiable character, who still survives as his cheerful and beloved com panion. In June, 1859, Air. Presby Avas married to Aliss Lucina Austin, who was born at Highgate, Vermont, on March 20, 1833, and she is a daughter of Jesse and Sally (Griffin) Austin, both of avhom were natives of Milton, Vermont. They avere farmers in easy circumstances and reared a family of six daughters and three sons, all of these in turn having families. The mother died at the age of fifty-one years. Mrs. Presby had the usual schooling- given young women at that time and until her mother's death passed her time in ac quiring a knoaaledge of houseavifery. Three years after the mother's death tlie father married again and then Lucina avent to Nashua, Neav Hampshire, entering the cot ton mill. She soon displayed skill in aveav- ing and remained there for seven years. After her marriage she avas urgently asked to return and complete the aveaving of three pieces of cloth which avere to be used in a competition contest. This she did, finishing the beautiful work in two and one-half days, and for this she received twenty-five dollars, and the mill, one thousand dollars in premi ums. In the fall of 1870 Mr. and Mrs. Presby came to Chase county, Kansas, spending one year at Cottonwood Falls, one year in Mar ion county, one year in Hutchinson, and twenty-eight years ago they came to their present homestead, consisting of one hun dred and sixty acres, they, with their son, now owning three quarter sections. The children born to, Mr. and Mrs. Pres by avere: Wilbur, who-was born in Nashua . forty-one years ago, and now lives in Law rence, Kansas, being private secretary of J. B. Watson, of that city, has been thrice mar ried and has one son and one daughter ; Myr tle, a young lady who was educated in Tu ron ; and two others who have passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Presby were the very first settlers in this township and began life in the box house, fourteen by sixteen feet in dimensions, which now forms a part of their modest home. It is situated back from the highway and is beautifully shaded by the sturdy trees avhich have survived the drouth of six excessively dry summers. They to gether have passed through many vicissi tudes, including the devastation wrought by the grasshoppers and repeated crop failures. Through these troubles the unfailing cour age and cheerfulness of Mrs. Presby has been remarkable and she is almost venerated in her community for her wide charity and neighborly kindness. Necessity brings to the front many qualities individuals scarcely knoav they possess, and avhen arose the cry among ber pioneer neighbors for help in time of sickness Mrs. Presby avas ever ready to respond. No physician was near and it avas the tender care of this" food Avoman that smoothed the dying pillow and received the neAv-born babes among her neighbors for many years, and they can never forget. En shrined in many a grateful heart is Lucina Presby and her name is honored through this locality. Mr. Presby has succesfully engaged in stock-raising, and now oavns nine, head of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 555 cattle of Jersey and Hereford grade, and keeps four horses and a saddle pony. For twenty-five years he has been a licensed min ister in the Methodist church, both he and wife having held to the faith since youth. His first pastorate in this state was in Mar ion county, his second in Hutchinson, where he was the first Mdhodist minister, at the same time having three other charges. After removing to his present home he was given the appointment _ to Castletopn and was also instructed to take charge of three other points, his last work being at Halstead. Both he and avife have labored faithfully for others avithout recompense. EDWARD C. WELLMAN. Edward C. Wellman, the youngest son of J. W. Wellman, is a stock farmer, associ ated with his father in business. He was born in Geneseo, New York, October i, 1875, and was there reared until five years of age, Avhen the family came to Kansas, locating in Rice county. After a year a re moval Avas made to the home farm on sec tion 28, Valley township. The son was ed ucated in Washburn College, of Topeka, and In the Cooper Memorial College, but laid aside his studies in order to enter his busi ness career. When nineteen years of age he started out in life for himself, and in 1892, when many people became bankrupt In this locality, he purchased the title to and the claims against one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining the old homestead, securing the same for one thousand dollars. He thus became owner of a property which he has developed into a very fine farm. His first shipment of Poland China hogs was seventy head and on these he netted seven dollars and seventy-five cents per hundred weight. The following year he had seven hundred acres of land planted to corn, broom corn and wheat, and his forty-four tons of broom corn brought him -thirty-seven hun dred and fifty dollars, he realizing from his various crops more than five thousand dol lars. As time has passed he Has made judi cious investments in real estate and now oaviis thirty-tAvo hundred and twenty acres of land in Valley township, upon which ex cellent improvements are found. He car ried on farming* operations until 1900 and is still in the cattle trade. He has fed as high as five hundred head of cattle a year and now handles from two to three hundred head annually. He has been breeding Hereford cattle and noav owns some very fine stock. He owns some of the finest animals, with excellent pedigrees, to be found in this por tion of the state. He is still engaged in farming, but rents most of his land and de votes much of his time buying and selling land and cattle. He has a poetic, artistic nature and his library embraces the avritings of most of the poets, especially, those ^ of America. He has a keen appreciation for both the useful and the beautiful. His splendid business ability is supplemented by a temperament that enables him to. fully en joy the writings of the great men, and such a taste cannot but influence his career. He is regarded as a young man of superior worth and is very popular with all who know him.. In his political views he is a Prohibi tionist. His genial manner and unfailing courtesy have gained for him a very large circle of friends and he enjoys the hospital ity of the best homes of the county. G. H. MOWERA". G. H. Mowery possesses the true Avest ern spirit of progress and enterprise. He belongs to that group of distinctively repre sentative business men who- have been the pioneers in inaugurating and building up the chief industries of this section of the coun try. He is now one of the leading carpen ters and contractors of Lyons, and the large patronage which has been accorded him is the just recompense of indomitable indus try, spotless integrity and marvdous enter prise. Mr. Mowery was born in Huntington county, NeAV Jersey, near New Brunswick, in 1848. His father, Peter MoAvery, Avas 556 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. born in Pennsylvania and avas of German de scent. When eight years of age he avas ta ken by his parents to Neav Jersea-, and avas there reared to manhood and learned the mason and stone cutter's trades. He became familiar avith the business in all its details and avas an expert avorkman. He died at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty-five years, and his avife departed this life at the age of sixty-three. They avere the parents of four children, — John, avho died at the age of four years; G. H, our subject; Frank, of Bethlehem, Pennsylva nia; and Calsine, of Philipsburg, NeAV Jer sey. The father of tins family avas a sup porter of the Democratic party and avas a member of the Dutch Reformed church. G. H. Mowery, the immediate subject of this revieav, received his education in the public schools of Neav Jersey and Pennsyl vania. In Philadelphia he served an appren ticeship of three years at the carpenter's trade, under J. A. Cline, a prominent build er of that city. He assisted in the erection of the Dutch Reformed church in Philadel phia, one of the first buildings in the city, also the Lehigh University, at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. After spending three years and seven months with that able builder he attended a school of architecture until he mastered the trade in all its departments. In the year 1870 he decided to take up' his abode in the avest, avith its broader possibil ities, and accordingly located in Indiana, subsequently removing to Chicago and after- avard to Kansas City. In 1872 he became an honored resident of Rice county, Kansas; where he secured a homestead of one hun dred and sixty acres. He noav oavns a val uable farm one and a quarter miles from the court house at Lyons. Here he has all the modern equipments and accessories of a model farm, including a fine orchard and all necessary buildings. As a contractor and builder Mr. Mowery* lias taken an active part in the improvement and upbuilding of At lanta, Lyons and Ellsavorth and many other toavns. He has erected many of the prom inent buildings in Lyons:, among avhich may be mentioned the opera house, and he also had charge of the building of the salt avorks. Air. Aloavery has been an important factor in the promotion of many business interests, and, avhile laboring for individual success, has also advanced the general prosperity. In December, 1879, was celebrated the marriage of our subject and Miss Cynthia Poole, a lady of intelligence and culture, Avho avas born, reared and educated in Gen try county, Missouri. She is a daughter of AVilliam. Poole, an honored and respected early settler of Rice county. The home of Air. and Mrs. Aloavery was blessed avith three children, but only tavo are now living: Frank, who is noav taventy years of ag*e, and Wade, a young man of seventeen years. The second child, Winnie, avas called to the home beyond avhen only three months old. Mr. Moavery casts his ballot in favor of Demo cratic principles. In his social relations he is a member of Keystone Lodge, I. O. 0. E, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Mowrey is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Air. Aloavery has ever taken an active interest in every movement or meas ure calculated to prove of public benefit, and has withheld his support from no enter prise that tends toavard the general good. J. M. WELLMAN. It falls to the lot of almost every indi vidual to superintend, execute or control some business interests, and the man who is industrious and energetic wins success if he wisely chooses the avork to which he devotes his energies. The majority of failures comes through the individual entering upon a life work for avhich he is unsuited, but nature undoubtedly intended Mr. Wellman for agricultural labors, as in this line of work he has met avith creditable and enviable prosperity. Pie resides on section 28, Val ley township, Rice county, where he has a good stock farm. Mr. Wellman avas. born in Wyoming county, Neav York, Alay 24, 1834. His grandfather, Isaac Wellman, a native of the Green Mountain state, became a pioneer set-^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 557 tier of Wyoming county, Neav York. In the former place he had engaged in business as a drover, but lost heavily and then re moved to the Empire state, where he became a prosperous farmer. His death there oc curred about 1848, avhen he avas sixty-four years of age. He married Sally Bixby, and they reared eight children. The mother lived to be ninety-three years of age, and the parents and children avhen called to the home 'beyond avere laid to rest in a cemetery in Lagrange, Neav York. The father of our subject, Chauncey Wellman, avas a native of Brookline, Vermont, born in July, 1810, and his death occurred in Covington, Wyoming county, New York, in May, 1898. His first wife, avho bore the maiden name of Electa Wing, died in Neav Aork in 1841, at the age of twenty-six years, leaving three children, namely: J. M.y of this, review; Lucy, the wife of Rev. Oscar Heavett, a Unitarian minister of Chicago; and Nelson M., avho re sides in Covington, Neav York. J. Al. Wellman acquired a fair academic education and avas at home upon his father's farm until he had attained his majority, when he avas married and started out in life for himself. At the age of twenty-two, on the 9th of April, 1856, he avas joined in wed lock to Jane A. AlcAlillan, a lady of Scotch parentage. Their union has been blessed Avith the following children: Irving, Avho is in the employ of the Santa Fe Railroad Company at Topeka, Kansas, and has a wife and two children, a son and a daughter; Eva, the avife of D. Given, a farmer of Wy oming county, NeAV York, by whom she has two daughters; Elton E., who avas born in 1871 and is noav living avith his avife in the state of Wyoming; and E. C, avho avas born in 1873. Eva avas a student in the nor mal school and avas a teacher, and E. C. pur sued his education in the Cooper Memorial College. After their marriage Mr. and Airs. Wellman took up their abode in New York, but in 1879 he sold his farm of one hundred and forty acres there and came to Rice coun ty, Kansas, purchasing a- quarter section of land in the northern part of the county. After two years, however, he disposed of that property at a good profit and home steaded one hundred and sixty acres, upon avhich he made improvements and secured a title. He also' became the oavner of a timber claim and has a half section of good fertile land, avell fenced and improved avith splen did buildings- and modern accessories. For sixteen years he lived in his pioneer shanty, until he had discharged all tbe indebtedness and then invested capital in the erection of a good residence and barn. He has all the latest improved machinery and all facilities for carrying on his work, and as the years have passed he has been enabled to enjoy the comforts and luxuries avhich success brings. Corn has been his principal crop, his annual harvests being from tavo to four thousand bushels. During the past sixteen years he has also been in the cattle business, raising and feeding stock and breeding and raising fine matched teams of horses. He noav has about taventy head of horses and from one hundred and fifty to tavo- hundred and fifty head of cattle upon his place. In his political vieavs he is a Republican and has served in townshp offices in a most cred itable manner, enjoying the confidence re posed in him by his fellow townsmen. How ever, he prefers to give his attention to his business affairs, and thus he has made a avise choice, for his energetic efforts have been crowned avith a rich competence. EUGENE M.. CAFFRY. One of the representative business men of Hutchinson is Eugene AI. Caffry, avho avhile acquiring for himself a comfortable competence has contributed in substantial measure to the improvement and upbuilding of the city and surrounding distrid. He is noav engaged in the real-estate business and is also pension claim agent and notary public. Mr. Caffry is a native of Arkansas, his birth having occurred in Danville, that state, February 19, 1849. His father, Philip S. Caffry, avas a native of Neavark, Neav Jer sey, and represented one of the old families of' that state. Although most of the mem- 558 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. bers, of the family were merchants or manu facturers, he entered! professional life and throughout his business career engaged in the practice of medicine. In an early day he removed to. Mississippi and later avent to Arkansas, when that state was being opened up for settlement. There he successfully followed his chosen calling until his death, which occurred October 24, 1862. He aved ded Alary Hall, a native of Liberty, Missis sippi, and they became the parents of seven children, but only tavo are living, the elder being Velasco P., avho is engaged in the in surance business avith headquarters in Hutchinson. In the public schools of Arkansas Eu gene M. Caffry acquired his early education and later continued his studies in St. John's Military College, in Little Rock. His early business experience well fitted him for real- estate dealing in later life, for he bad con siderable farm property tp manage. He also accepted the appointment as United States storekeeper and gauger, his territory com prising the entire state, and in addition to this he engaged in the pension business, that interest claiming his attention at the time he came to Kansas in, 1886. Here he embarked in the real-estate, loan and insurance busi ness, and in 1897 he again took up the pen sion claim business, and with the assistance of Congressman Long has secured many claims for soldiers residing im this locality. During his early residence in Reno county he engaged extensively in building in Hutch inson and in making loans to parties avho platted additions. Upon these he then erec ted buildings, putting up many of the sub stantial business blocks and residences of the city. He is noav largely-" handling outside property owned by others. His business has proved profitable and his enterprise, sound judgment and judicious management have contributed in large measure to his success. He is now largely interested in Cripple Creek and Idaho Springs mining stock and finds this a profitable investment. In Arkansas, on the 19th of February, 1872, Air. Caffry avas married to Miss Mag gie Al. Black, a daughter of Alexander Black, formerly of Georgia. Diey have six daughters .* Cornelia, May, Fay, Vera, Ber tha and Corinne. His social relations are with the American Benevolent Association and the Sons and Daughters of Justice. In his political affiliations he has always been a stanch Republican, active in the work of the party and frequently serving as a dele gate to its county, congressional and state conventions. He keeps well informed on the issues of the day, but has never been an aspirant for office, his business interests claiming his attention. He heartily co-oper ates in all movements for the general good and is deeply interested in the progress of the community along all lines of substantial improvement. SOLOMON P. HIMES. Solomon P. Hinues is the proprietor of a hardware store in Ellsworth, where hedeals in stoves, tinware, shelf and heavy hardware, harness and agricultural implements. He is the oldest resident merchant of Wilson and has contributed in large measure to the growth and upbuilding of the town. In all his business transactions he is alert, enter prising and progressive, and his sound judg ment and keen discrimination have been im portant elements in bringing to him. a richly merited success. Mr. Himes is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in York county, on the 13th of August, 185 1. The family is of German lineage. His father, George Himes, avas also born in Pennsylvania and there also learned the miller's trade, which he followed for forty years, on the Yellow Breeches creek. In 1872 he started west- avard, and on the 8th of April of that year arrived in Wilson, accompanied by some of his family. Here he spent his remaining days. He came to Kansas as a member of a colony of about one hundred and fifty peo ple, who located at Dorrance, the object of the emigration being to secure land for their children. Mr. Himes made extensive claims and improved farms., carrying on agricul tural pursuits until a short time prior to his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 559 death. He thus largely aided in reclaiming the county for purposes of civilization. He was a member of the school board and hdd a number of township offices, but never took an active part in political affairs. He voted, however, with the Republican party, and in his religious belief was connected with the Dunkard or German Baptist church. He passed away avhen about dghty years of age, and in his death the community mourned the loss of one of its valued and representative citizens. He was united in marriage, in Pennsylvania, to Miss Catherine Linebaugh, a native of York county, and unto them avere born nine children : Henry, who was killed by a boiler explosion when twenty-five years of age; Alary, the wife of George Smyser, of Russell, Kansas; Lizzie, deceased wife of Henry Cochran, of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania; William, an agriculturist living at Dorrance, Russell county; Catharine, now Airs. Weakley, of Cum berland county, Pennsylvania; George, a merchant of Edmond, Indian Territory; Jacob, who is living in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania; Jennie, Avife of Edward Moore, of Russell, Kansas; and Solomon P. In his early life Solomon P. Himes at tended the public schools and afterward learned the miller's trade, which he followed until the family came to the west. The idea of becoming a farmer was not pleasant to him, so avhen he arrived in Kansas, he did not' take up his abode upon a farm as did the other members of the family, but located at Wilson, avhich was then a small hamlet: A small store had been established here, and this he purchased, beginning mercantile life in a primitive way. As the years have passed, however, success has attended his efforts and at the present time he is one of- the most prominent and successful representatives of commercial interests here. He was associ ated avith Jerome Beebe, of Ellsworth, in the conduct of his store, but after a time Mr. Beebe sold his interest to Mr. Jellison, and the firm, of Himes & Jellison carried on business until 1874, when the damage done by grasshoppers produced such a financial depression that Mr. Himes felt he could not earn a living here. He therefore sold his interest to his partner and returned to the east, but in the fall of 1875 he, again came to Wilson and established a hardware store on his oavn account, continuing alone for two years. He then sold the store and embarked in the lumber business, aahich proved to him a very fortunate venture, bis patronage steadily increasing until his trade extended forty miles to the north. He conducted his operations in lumber for eight years, and his large business brought to him a very grati fying financial return. In the meantime he resumed dealing in hardavare, establishing a store, avhich he has conducted continuously since, being for a time situated on the corner noav occupied by Mr. Swartz. Subsequently he purchased the corner north of the bank, where he remained until February, 1900, when he purchased the double building in which, he is noav carrying on operations. He has the place avell stocked avith a large and complde line of hardaa*are, stoves, tinware, harness and agricultural implements, and his business methods are such that those aaho are once his customers become his regular patrons. When he began general merchan dising in Wilson, in 1872, in connection with Mr. Beebe, his stock avas valued at only about fifteen hundred dollars, and to-day he carries a hardware stock avorth twelve thou sand dollars, occupying a building" forty- eight by seventy-five feet, utilizing tavo stories and a basement. His business, has grown as the result of his enterprise, untir ing diligence and* oapable management, qual ities avhich may be cultivated by all and avhich never fail to win prosperity. When Mr. Himes came to Wilson there AA'as nothing but a depot and store and one or two residences in the toavn. Not a build ing stood betaveen Wilson and Dorrance, and the country Avas all wild, having as yet not been reclaimed for farming purposes. He has therefore witnessed, the entire groavth of the tOAvn: and has aided to a larger degree in the erection of buildings than any other one man. He has built both residences and building blocks, the latter being mostly sub stantial stone structures. He is also a direc tor in the Wilson State Bank and is a man of enterprise, resolute purpose and strong 5-6o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. will, aaho avould be an active factor in any community. Im the fall of 1878 Mr. Himes was united in marriage to Miss Lena Claussen, a daugh ter of C. J. Claussen, of Wilson, and they noav have five children : William, who is in the store avith his father; Edavard; George; Mazie; Blanch, and Solomon. The home of the family is one of the finest in this part of the county. It is a large stone residence, built in attractive style of architecture, and stands in the midst of a well kept lawn and surrounded by a fine hedge fence. The evi dences of a refined a.nd cultured taste are seem in its furnishings, and more than all it is celebrated! for its generous hospitality. Socially Mr. Himes is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs and with the Select Friends. In politics he is a Re publican and has served as township trus tee, as a member of the city council and as a member of the school board, acting in the latter capacity for many years. He is a man of Avide experience and broad mind, who has many friends over this part of the state — a man whose strong individuality is the strength of integrity, fortitude and deep hu man sympathy. JAMES A. ANDREWS. James A. Andrews, a prominent farmer and stockman of Ellsworth county, Kansas, resides in' Kanopolis and is the oavner of a fine farm of four hundred acres, now under the management of his son. Mr. Andrews is one of the old pioneers of this county and has been an important factor in its wonder ful growth and development. The birth of James A. Andreavs occurred In Oxfordshire, England, on February 17, 1828, and he is a son of William and Sarah (Kumber) Andrews, both parents being na tives of the same locality. By trade the fa ther of our subject was a drover and butch er and he taught the business to James. The latter was given good school advantages, spending some years at a private institution for boys located at Bampton, and during this period he lived with his grandfather. At the age of twenty year's our subject went to London and opened a butcher shop. on the Goswell road, remaining there for the following ten years. His health failed at this time, about i860, and as he had a brother established in Chenango county, New York, he decided to pay him a visit, and was pleased to find that the life on a farm promised to restore him to his former vigor. After a short visit he went to Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and there rented a farm. In August, 1863, he was united in marriage to Frances A. Kimber, who- was of Eng lish birth, and who had come to America in 1857, and she is a daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Baker) Kimber. Air. Andrews continued farming in Iowa until 187 1 when he decided to find a new home in Kansas and make comfortable pro vision for his growing family. With his wife and four children, he left the Iowa farmhouse one bright morning and started, with two teams and wagons, on the long- trip. Reaching Phillips county, Kansas, the family camped in a tent until a house could be built. Mr. Andrews pre-empted one hun dred and sixty acres of land and also bought school land, making the area of his farm / some five hundred acres. He built his house, dug a avell and made a comfortable home in the avilderness. Fort Kerwin was then in existence, but all around the neighborhood unfriendly Indians avere still plentiful, and upon one occasion, avhile Mrs. Andrews was in her cabin, avith several of her little ones by her side, three savages came to her door begging. It required considerable nerve for her to appear unconcerned, and she wisely edged to the shelf where her sharp butcher knife rested, resolved to defend herself and children if necessary. Just at this time a hunter came by and drove the Indians away. At that time herds of buffalo roamed' over the Kansas plains and not infrequently passed by the cabin door. For tavelve years this place was the fam ily home. The first crop that Mr. Andrews attempted avas avheat, from, seed bought in Atchison, but the grasshoppers took this; his next planting was two bushels of shriv eled seed, avhich cost him two- dollars and JAMES A. ANDREW'S. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 561 which brought him a return of four bushels. The result from the soAving of the four bush els Avas thirty to forty bushels per acre. There were no railroads, and it Avas neces- essary to go to Blue Rapids, Kansas, one hundred and forty miles, to reach a mill and there he paid three dollars a hundred Aveight for unsifted meal and five dollars for flour, the trip consuming a Ayeek of time. Russell was the nearest railroad point. Mr. An drews hauled his Avheat to Kearney, Nebras ka, and there bought lumber. While living in Phillips county, Air. Andrews donated the land, and associated Avith a Mr. Freeman, bought material and erected the first school house in his locality, and he Avas made treas urer of the school board. After selling his farm at Kerwin, Mr. AndreAvs removed to Lincoln, Avhere he bought a farm of two hundred and forty acres, on Alulberry creek, Avhich he im proved and occupied for two years, but avhen Kanopolis avas located, he sold that farm also and came to the new toavn. Here Mr. Andrews bought three lots and erected the first livery barn, conducting business along this line for six years. In the meantime he had engaged more or less in the stock bus iness and had become the owner of about two hundred head of cattle, and in 1895 he bought his present fine fann, purchasing first one hundred and sixty acres and add ing the remainder as he felt able. At present the farm is under the active management of his son, Charles, a capable and efficient stockman, and about three hundred and fifty head of cattle are continually kept. Mr. AndreAvs raises grass and wheat and fine corn on the bottom lands. Mr. Andrews buys grain and not only has some of the most valuable farms in the county, but also has some of the choicest herds, while he is known as one of the substantial citizens of the county. The children born unto Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Avere as folloavs: Letha, who is the wife of Elmer Gale, a farmer of Ells worth county ; George, who died at the age of fifteen years ; Chcrles, who is associated with his father in the stock business; Olive, avho is the wife of Daniel Yordy, who con ducts a hotel in Salina; and Anna, avho is the avife of Lincoln Grenough, who is in the grain business in Ellsworth. Air. AndreAvs is a Democrat in political belief, but he has never desired political pro motion, accepting only a membership in the city council and on the school board. He has devoted time and means to the build ing up of various enterprises calculated to be of value to this section and has been iden tified very prominently avith educational movements. The rdigious connection of the family is avith the Episcopal church in Ellsavorth. JAMES R. BAKER. James R. Baker, of the prominent and well known firm of Baker & Baxter, avas born in Dayton, Ohio, on the 23d of Decem ber, 1849, a son OI David H. and Jean (Vaughn) Baker, the father born- in Fay ette county, Pennsylvania, in 1814, and the mother in Cincinnati, Ohio, im 1813. Their marriage was celebrated im Cincinnati, Avhere the father had resided for a time, and later they removed to Dayton, the birthplace of our subject. From that place, in 1866, they journeyed to Wayne county, Indiana, thence to Boone county, Ioava, and after ward to Gray county, Kansas, where he se cured a homestead of government land. In 1888 they took up their abode in Hutchin son, and there the father passed away in death in 1898. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Baker was blessed avith seven children, as folloavs: George, deceased; Harriet, the avife of Robert Adams, of Franklin, Indiana ; Marcus, a resident of Independence, Oregon; Elvina, the avidoav of C. D. Kidd, and a resi dent of Dayton, Ohio; Charles, a prominent fruit-grower of Rockford, Colorado ; Mar tha, Aalio makes her home Avith her brother, James R., the youngest of the family. James R. Baker remained avith his par ents until taventy-one years of age, avhen he returned to the old family home in Dayton and there entered the large foundry of XV. P. Callahan, avhere he avas employed for the 562 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. following three years. On the expiration of that period he rejoined his family in Indi ana, where for a time he was engaged at car penter work and farming in Fayette county. That county continued to be his home until 1880, avhen he secured the position of su perintendent in the foundry of R. M. Meir, in Boone, Iowa, his time being thus occu pied until 1886. Desiring to become a land ed proprietor, he then came with his father to the Sunflower state, and in Gray county they each secured a homestead claim, on which they made their home for two years. and they then drove through to the east. The 9th of July, 1888, witnessed the arrival of Mr. Baker in Hutchinson, where he se cured a position in the foundry, of Shields. & McFarland as a molder, but a short time afterward he became identified with the Barb Wire Company, of South Hutchinson, re maining with the latter corporation for two years. On the expiration of that time the present partnership of Baker & Baxter was formed. Both gentlemen are particularly well fitted, for their line of work, both being practical foundry/men and molders, and in addition Mr. Baker is also a pattern-maker, that branch of the business being under his immediate supervision. A more extended mention of this enterprising firm, and espe cially of their new steel-bearing rocking grate, avill be found in the history of Mr. Baxter in this volume. At Dublin, Indiana, on the 20th of Octo ber, 1874, avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Baker and Miss Emma Gerard. The lady is a native of Liberty, Ohio', and a daughter' of William and Mary Gerard. Seven children have been born unto' this union: Ida, the avife of J. D. Hanna, avho is employed in the mail service as a postal clerk; Frank, avho is employed in his father's foundry; Harvey, iri the city mail service; Delia; Amy; Jean; and George. In politi cal matters Mr. Baker gives an unfaltering support to the prnciples of the Republican party, and he has many times served as a delegate tO' his party conventions. The cause of education has ever found in him an active worker, and all matters avhich have for their object the betterment and advancement of his fellow men are sure to find in him a firm friend. In his social relations he is a mem ber of the Ancient Order of United Work men. TILLMAN A. SHULER. Tillman A. Shuler, who resides at No. 439 East Sherman stred, Hutchinson, is of German descent, his ancestors coming ta America from Germany and settling in Vir ginia. His paternaj grandfather was a na tive of Virginia and thence emigrated to Pennsylvania, avhere he passed away. The father of our subject, Henry Shuler, was born in Pennsylvania about the year 1825, and folloaved the occupation of a miller dur ing the entire period of his residence in that state. He avas here married to Margaret- Funk, a native of the Keystone state, and a daugbter of Abraham Funk. In 1854 Henry Shuler removed to Ohio, locating in Han cock county, and engaged in the milling business at Findlay, the county seat. He re turned to' his native state for a time, but finally avent back to Findlay, Ohio,, where for a number of years he was engaged in various mills in that vicinity, among the most prominent of which are the Parley Carlin and the Parker mills. He finally re tired from the milling business and in 1884. purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, avhich with the assistance of his sons he partially cleared and materially improved. Henry Shuler was a leading spirit in all movements avhich tended toward the ad vancement of the community in avhich he re sided along educational and religious lines- He avas foremost among the promoters for the organizing and building of Findlay Col lege, founded by avhat was known as the Church of God', of which church he was a leading member and elder for many years. He was also prominent in organizing the church in Findlay, Onto. For a number of years he held the office of postmaster at Cal vin, and in every locality in which he has resided he has been regarded as one of the leading citizens, the impress 'of his individu ality being felt in every concern or move- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 563 ment with which he was connected. He gave his political support to the Republican party. Upon the death of his first wife, in i860, Mr. Shuler chose for a second, in the year 1862, Elizabeth Cunningham, a native of Pennsylvania. Six children were born by the first marriage, of which Tillman A. Shuler, our subject, was the fourth in order of birth. They are as follows: Josiah A., a resident of Deweyville, Ohio, engaged in fruit farming; Mary E., the wife of Pulaski Harmon, a farmer of Williams county, Ohio, located near Leipsic: Webster, a resi dent of Findlay, Ohio ; Tillman A. ; Emma- line, avho married Jasper Walters, a mechan ic residing at Fostoria, Ohio ; and William, a popular and prominent lawyer of Bowling Green, Ohio, formerly located at Findlay, who is noted for the prom inent part he has taken in aiding in all public works for the good of the communities in which he has resided. The second union was blessed with seven chil dren, as follows: Isaac T., living on the homestead in Ohio ; Alice, the wife of Ben jamin Dice, a farmer of Hancock county, Ohio; Charles, a grain and oil merchant of Macomb, in the same county; John, en gaged in the grain business at Haviland, Ohio; Daniel, residing at Macomb, Ohio, engaged in business with his brother Charles; Maude, residing with her mother; and Claude, a twin of Maude, who died in infancy. The father's death occurred Sep tember 11, 1900, on the homestead farm in Ohio. His second wife still survives him and makes her home on the farm. Tillman A. Shuler was born in Hancock county, Ohio, June 18, 1855, and received his early education in the common schools of Findlay, and when but twelve years of age assisted his father in the mill located at Pulaski, Williams county, Ohio. He re mained with his father, becoming thoroughly acquainted with the milling business, until twenty-four years of age. During this time he had worked in two different mills, one at Findlay, and the other, Heck's mill, situated below Findlay. ' After leaving his father he started out in life for. himself and found employment at Madison, Indiana, where he remained for six months. He then obtained a, position at Corinth, Illinois, and later at Ewing, Illi nois. Believing that the west held greater possibilities for a young man, he came to- Hutchinson in 1881, and secured a position with the Water Power Company as head miller, the firm: being West, Allison & Com pany, im which capacity he sened umtil 1887, whem the mill was closed on account of the failure of the wheat crops in that vicinity.. He then removed to Haven for a short time,. but subsequently returned to Hutchinson, where he purchased an interest in The Hutchinson- Mill Company and took the po sition of head miller, which _position he has held ever since. This mill in which Mr.. Shuler is interested is one of the best known in this part of the state. It contains eight double stands of rolls and has a capacity of one hundred and fifty barrels of flour per day. Its product is -shipped to all the large- cities of the United States, including Chi cago, New York, New Orleans, and to dif ferent points in Colorado and California. It also has an extensive local trade, shipping to- many points along the line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway west of Hutchinson. The following brands of flour are produced from this mill : Diamond Pat ent and U. S., both patent grades; Gilt Edge; A No. 1 ; Queen B.-; and Pearl, low grade. The mill bas a storage capacity of ten thousand! bushels of wheat, and in a sepa rate builjding built for the purpose, a storage capacity for twenty car loads of flour. The engine, a Sioux City Corliss of eighty-five horse power, furnishes poaver for the plant. The officers of The Hutchinson Mill Com pany are: William: H. Kinney, president and treasurer, and J. Burns, secretary. Tillman A. Shuler avas married on the nth of October, 1882, at Corinth, Illinois, to Mary R. Corder, born in Williamson- county, Illinois. She is a daughter of Will iam A. and Harriet ( Reynolds) Corder, the- former a native of Williamson county, Illi nois, the latter of Gallatin county. They are the parents of five children; of whom Mrs. Shuler is the youngest, as folloavs: Jane, avife of J. C. McHaney, a real-estate man of 564 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Harrisburg, Illinois ; Charles, a mechanic who held the office of alderman and avho died at Galatia, Illinois ; Elizabeth, the avife of E. W. Biby, a resident of Pinckneyville, who is a traveling salesman; .Mittie, avho married C. W.1 Morris, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Grant toavnship, Reno county, Kansas; Mary R., the avife of our subject. Air. Reynolds, the maternal great grandfather of Mrs. Shuler, avas a native of England and a member of parliament, and while serving in that capacity incurred the displeasure of the king by some amendment which he proposed and was. sentenced to be executed, but contriving to> make his escape in feminine apparel he took passage on a ship bound for America and settled in South Carolina. Mrs. Shuler's paternal grand father aa-as a native of New England, but later moved to Williamson county, Illinois, and avas numbered among the earliest pio- neers of that county, being active in all pub lic works, and was recognized as a leader in that community. He was of French lineage and his avife of German ancestry. The ma ternal grandfather, Squire John Reynolds, was of Scotch lineage, and served as a cap tain in the Black Haavk avar. William A. Corder is still a resident of Galatia, Illinois, avhere he has spent the greater part of his life. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Shuler have been born three children, namely: Herbert, who is seventeen years of age and avIio has re ceived his education in the public schools of Hutchinson ; Melville, and Phillip. Mr. Shuler purchased his present home in 1899. It is a beautiful modern residence, finished in hard Avood, and tastefully and richly fur nished. It is surrounded by a well kept laavn and extensive grounds. He formerly was the OAvner of a handsome cottage at No. 306 Avenue A East, avhich he built im 1884 and in avhich he lived until he bought his present home. With fraternal and social circles Mr. Shuler is closely identified, being a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and an honorary member of the Fraternal Aid Society, of aahich his avife is also a very prominent and active member. They are also, both consistent members of the Christian church, in avhich Mr. Shuler served as deacon for one term. Politically gives his support to the Republican party, and never fails to cast his ballot for the men representing this party. In all the walks of life he has been a firm adherent of all that is honorable and true, and has won the reputa tion among his fellow men as being a person of honesty, integrity and high worth. FRED W. COOK, D. V. S. Dr. Fred W. Cook, avho for a number of years has been actively engaged in the prac tice of veterinary surgery in Hutchinson, is one of the most talented members of his pro fession in the state and has, perhaps, done as much to elevate its standard of excellence as any other man. He avas born in Worces tershire, England, May 1, 1858, a son ol Joseph and Martha Cook, also natives of that country. In his native land the father was: a landed proprietor, and in connection with his agricultural pursuits he also follow ed the profession of a veterinary surgeon at Bredon, England. There his death occurred in 1876. Tavo daughters of the family came to' America avith our subject. They are": Anna, the avife of J. O. Shuler, a farmer of Reno county ; and Laura, the Avife of J. C. Baddeley, manager of the Hutchinson, Kan sas, Salt Company. Later tAvo other sons of the family crossed the Atlantic to this coun try, — Walter, foreman for the Hutchinson Planing Mill, and Arthur, a farmer of Reno county. George and Frank still make their home in England. Fred AV. Cook, avhose name introduces this revieav, avas reared to years of maturity in his native land, there receiving a liberal education in the public schools of his neigh borhood, and his schooling was completed by a five years' course in the Blue school of his native toavn, in which he Avas graduated at the age of seventeen years. He then en tered an apprenticeship to scientific horse shoeing, and three years later, after thor oughly mastering the art, he turned his at tention to agricultural pursuits and stock- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. S65. raising on a large farm of tavo hundred acres, avhere he remained until 1881. In that year he left the land of his birth for the neav world, and after his arrival in this country he made his way to Kansas, avhere he pur chased a quarter section of land in Grant township, Reno county, and there gaa-e his attention to the raising of fine stock, princi pally Hereford and short-horn cattle and Cleveland bay and Hambletonian horses, for the following three years. In the fall of 1885 he entered the Ontario Veterinary Col lege, of Toronto, Canada, graduating in that institution after a three years' course, on the 30th of March, 1888, avith the degree of D. V. S. Returning then to Hutchinson, he immediately began, the practice of his chosen profession, in which he has md avith excep tional and merited success. His growing practice soon demonstrated the need, of a suitable place of treatment, and in 1891 he erected his present infirmary, which he has equipped avith all modern appliances and conveniences known to the profession for the treatment of all classes of disease and per forming various kinds of operations. It is avithout doubt the best equipped institution of the kind in the state, and in his chosen pro fession Dr. Cook stands second to none in the west. During the past eight years he has also dealt extensively in high grade horses, buying and selling locally or ship ping to outside points, and in this branch of his business he is meeting with an equal de gree of success, his well known reliability in all trade transactions having gained for him the confidence of the entire public. Dr. Cook avas married im June, 1883, at Astoria, Illinois, to Minnie Oviatt, a daugh ter of Henry and Mary ( Jones) r Oviatt. The father .was a native of Neav York, and during the avar of the rebellion he served as a brave and loyal soldier. One daughter has brightened and blessed this union, Mary Pauline. For many years Dr. Cook served as president of the Kansas State- Veterinary Association, is a member of the Missouri Valley Veterinary Association, and in 1888- 9 was state vderinary surgeon of western Kansas. The cause of education has also found in him a stanch and abiding friend, and for five years he served as president'of the school board, of tbe city of Hutchinson.. He devoted his best efforts to secure the es tablishment of the First Baptist church in this city, and during his entire residence here he has served as a member of ts official board, while for ten years he has been super intendent of the Sunday-school. Through out the years of his residence in this section he has ever been true to the trusts reposed im him, and his reputation in business circles is unassailable. He commands the respect of all by his upright life and has engraved his name indelibly on the pages of Reno county's history. HENRY M. STEWART, M. D. Among- the younger physicians of Hutch inson avhose success is a criterion of their broad knowledge and ability is numbered Dr. Henry M. Stewart. He avas born in Scott county, Illinois, March 29, 1872, his parents being James and Harriet (Bolls) Stewart, both of whom avere also natives of the same county. The paternal grandfather, H. M. Stewart, avas a native of Kentucky, and became a practicing physician of Illi nois in the pioneer days of that state. There he patented land from the government avhich is still in possession of the family. He was a prominent and influential citizen in early days and his professional duties brought him a wide acquaintance. James Stewart avas reared in the county of his nativity and was engaged in the study of medicine when the country became in volved in civil war over the attempt of southern states to secede from the Union. He offered his services to' the government, becoming second lieutenant of the Tavenfy- first Illinois Infantry. For three years be served as regimental quartermaster avith the rank of captain. His regiment avas under General Grant's command but avhen Sher man started south on the Atlanta campaign he was offered a position on the staff of the latter general. Brave and loyal, he made a most creditable military record and deserves 566 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. honorable mention among the boys in blue whose valor preserved the Union. After his return from the war James Stewart was elected and served for two terms as sheriff of Scott county. He then engaged in the lumber and sawmill business for some time, after which he turned his at tention to farming. In 1879 he took up his abode in eastern Kansas where he remained until the death of his father. In 1885 he took up his abode in Garden City, Kansas, where he engaged in raising and handling cattle until his life's labors were ended in ¦death, in 1887. His widow still survives him and is noav a resident of Hutchinson. The Doctor is the younger of their two sons, the elder being Charles H, who is engaged in the real estate business in this city. On the old family homestead in Scott county, Illinois, the Doctor was reared, as sisting in the labor of the fields and attend ing the district school through the winter months until fourteen years of age, when he entered the high school of Virden, Illinois. After completing the work in that grade he became a student in Illinois College, at Jack sonville, which has graduated many prom inent men, including Governor Yates of Illi nois, and Hon. W. J. Bryan of Nebraska. Dr. Stewart completed a three years' scien tific course in that institution and in the meantime studied medicine under the direc tion of his uncle, Dr. John H. Stewart, of- Exeter, Illinois. In 1893 he matriculated in Rush Medical College, of Chicago, and was graduated therein with the class of 1898, having been delayed for one year by illness. After receiving his degree he established an office in Hutchinson where he has since re mained, engaging in general practice which has resulted in bringing to him success. Pie is thoroughly in touch with modern methods and his knowledge is comprehensive and exact. Plis patronage is steadily increasing and in the alleviation of human suffering he has done much for his fellow men. He filled the office of county physician of Reno county in 1889 and 1890. Dr. Stewart, believing that the best ideas of government are embodied in the princi ples of the Republican party, gives to that organization his hearty support, has attended its conventions and been an active worker in its ranks, yet has never sought office outside' the strict path of his profession. Fraternally he is a representative of the Modern Wood- mem of America and' the Woodmen of the World. His home life is very pleasant. He was married December 20, 1897, Miss Viola Hoffman, a daughter of R. H. Hoffman, be coming his wife, and they now have an in teresting little son, Virgil H. Both Dr. and Mrs. Stewart enjoy the warm regard of many friends and are well known in Hutch inson. JAMES A. FREESE. American citizenship has been enriched by the contributions of Denmark, that land having sent to the new world men of strength of purpose, of laudable ambition and unfaltering determination Aaho, adapt ing themselves to the altered conditions found in America have improved the oppor tunities and through their- business activity have contributed to the general prosperity and advancement of the community with which they are connected. A representative of this class is James A. Freese, a native, of Denmark, avho became one of the first set tlers of Reno county and through the inter vening years he has contributed in large measure to the improvement and upbuilding of the county. He has been identified with agricultural and mercantile interests, but is now living a retired life, enjoying" a well earned rest. His birth occurred in Copenhagen, Den mark, April 20, 1843, bis parents being Arasmus and Christina (Anderson) Freese, both of whom avere natives of the same land, where the father engaged in business, as a market gardener in the vicinity of Copen hagen. There both he and his wife spent their entire lives, and were called to their final rest many years ago. Of thdr children two sisters and a brother of our subject pre ceded him to America. John, who located in Reno county in 1873, 'ls now a well-to-do farmer of Salt Creek township. Kate is the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 567 avife of David Eccles, who came to Reno county in 1871, is now holding a position in the government printing office in Washing ton, but his family maintain their residence in Hutchinson. Mary is the wife of Fred Nelson, also an honored pioneer of Reno county of 1 87 1 and now engaged im farm ing near Hutchinson. In the family there were altogdher nine children, but the others did not emigrate to Reno' county with the exception of our subject. The, parents were both members of the Lutheran church and died in that faith, the father when sixty- tight years of age, the mother when seventy years of age. James A. Freese, the fifth child in thdr family, spent the first twenty years of his life under the parental roof and then entered the Danish army, serving through the Dan ish-German war of 1863-4, avhich resulted in the loss of the provinces of Schleswig and Holstdn to Germany. The last stand made by the Danish army against the Germans was om the island of Als, where the Germans effected a landing during the night, and in the attack which followed in the morning the Danish army was captured and Mr. Freese received a slight wound in the face during the fray. He was held as prisoner in Ger many and Austria for six months or until peace was concluded. After being released he remained in the regular army of Denmark until the two-years term of service had ex pired and in the meantime he was promoted from the ranks to the position of corporal. Returning to his home he remained with his parents until the spring of 1869, when in company with his sister Hannah, mow the avife of John Krater, a .resident of Perkins, ' Oklahoma, he came to the United States, lo cating in Minnesota, where he engaged in farm avork im the summer, attending school in. the winter season, in order , to acquire a knowledge of the English language. In the spring of 1870 he removed to Kansas City, where he secured employment avith a coal dealer, but in the spring of 1871 he came to Reno county. _ Mr. Freese here located a claim on sec tion 18, township 23, range 5, avhere he omit a sod house, in which he lived for two years. When his primitive home was com pleted he began improving his land, break ing twenty-five acres the first year. At the end of the second year he had sixty acres broken and had raised a good crop. For nine years he continued on that place, en gaged principally in general farming. In 1880 he sold his property and in company with John Shahan, of Hutchinson, returned to Europe, spending a year in traveling over the continent and in visiting friends and relatives in his native land. In 1882 he re turned to Hutchinson and established a gro cery store in the Masomic building, conduct ing that enterprise for a period of four years, when he disposed of the business and for two years, thereafter was a sales-man in the hardware store owned by John Shahan. Since that time be has practically lived re tired, his industry and enterprise in former years having brought to him a comfortable competence which now ¦ enables him to rest from 'business cares. On the 31st of January, 1886, Mr. Freese was united in marriage to Miss Lena Eskel- son, avho was born in Saveden and is a daughter of Swan and Christine (Gennan- son) Eskelson. With her parents she came to America when a maiden of fourteen years, her father being one of the pioneers of Reno county of 1 87 1. He is noav a retired farmer of Clay township. Mr. Freese built his pres ent comfortable residence in 1885. His old homestead is now included avithin the city limits of Hutchinson and on it are the Vin cent Salt Block and the cemetery. In his political views he is a stalwart Republican and socially is a prominent Mason, belong ing to' the blue lodge, chapter and command ery of Hutchinson. He has lived in Reno county from the period of its earliest devel opment, coming to the county when much of the land was still in possession of the gov ernment, the broad unimproved and un claimed prairies stretching away for miles in every direction. Hutchinson was not yet incorporated and the work of development seemed scarcely begun. He aided in laying broad and deep the foundation for the pres ent prosperity and progress of the county and is classed among the most valued and 568 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. highly respected citizens as, well as the worthy and honored pioneers. He has never had occasion to regret his determination 'to seek a home in America and no native-born citizen of the United States is more loyal to her institutions and best interests than Mr. Freese. GEORGE L. LEVITT. George L. Levitt is a member of the well known firm of G. L. Levitt & Company, of Wilson, and is also a, representative of the agricultural and stock raising interests of Ellsworth county. His activity has been extended to many lines of business, and the enterprises with which he has been associ ated have profited by his industry, his wise counsel and his strong purpose. Mr. Levitt was born in Lafayette coun ty, Wisconsin, April 20, 1856. His father, Richard Levitt, was born in England and came to America when eighteen years of age, locating in Wisconsin where he car ried on farming and stock raising, becom ing one of the extensive land owners of this portion of the state. His study of political questions led him to identify himself with the Republican party, and he was honored with a number of local offices. He also- be longed to the Methodist church, in which he held various official positions. His wife bore the maiden name of Jane March and by their marriage they had ten children, of whom six are living, namely: Mrs. T. H. 'Rowe, of Ellsworth county; Mrs. G. D. Greenough, of Wilson; George L., of this review ; Mrs. J. A. Lamont, of Apple River, Illinois; R. T., who followed farming; and J. E., who is living in Lafayette county, Wisconsin. In 1890 tbe parents came to Kansas, spending their last days in Wilson, avhere the father died March 15, 1900. His avidoav. survived him until February 2, 1901, avhen she also passed aavay. Both avere in terred in the cemetery near their old home in Lafayette county, Wisconsin. In taking up the personal history of George L. Levitt ave present to our readers the life record, of one who is well and favor ably known in this *x>rtion of Kansas, and whose prominence is as great as his circle of acquaintances is extensive. He began his ed*- , ucation in the public schools of his native county and afterward spent one year in study in the State Normal, of Wisconsin. In tbe days of his boyhood and youth he be came familiar with the labors of field and. meadow and avas identified avith the farming interests of Wisconsin until July, 1878, when he came to Ellsworth county, Kansas, entering land in Columbus township.. There •he followed farming for sixteen years and ¦ made a specialty of the raising of stock, at first keeping shorthorn cattle and afterward white faces. The horses which he: raises are of the shire breed. He has never totally abandoned his interest in farming and stock raising, although he does not now give those interests his personal attention. In 1884, in connection with his brothers, he estab lished a mercantile business in Wilson and the following year they erected their pres ent store building, carrying on the enter prise together until 1899, avhen the present business firm was organized, the stock large ly increased and the store enlarged in order to carry on a larger trade. They established the first department store in Wilson and have found that the venture has proved a profitable one, their trade steadily increas ing along all lines. Mr. Levitt, of this re vieav is also one of the directors and the vice- president of the Citizens State Bank, of Ells worth, and is a stockholder in the Wilson Milling Company. On the 6th of September", 1899, occurred the marriage of Mr. Levitt and Miss Mary L. Gray, a daughter of M. Gray, a dealer in hardware and lumber in Ellsworth. In 1901 Mr. Levitt erected a very fine residence in Wilson, containing nine rooms and finished throughout in hard wood. It is modern in all respects and is most attractive. The men and measures of the Republican party receive the support of our subject, whose views are in hearty sympathy with its pol icy. He is a recognized leader in the party ranks in this locality and has frequently served as a delegate to county, congressional and state conventions. He has filled the office GEORGE L. LEVITT. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 569 of township trustee and in 1894 he avas elected county treasurer, serving so accepta bly that in 1896 he aarais re-elected, thus serving altogether for four years. So cially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias, the Select Knights and the Select Friends. In his business he displayed a rare and comprehensive mind and his ability not only to plan but also to execute his well defined plans is marked. In everything per taining to the upbuilding of the city of his home and the general good of the people he is deeply interested and is a very popular resident of Wilson. CHARLES Y. SOUTHERLAND. Feav citizens of Reno township, Reno county, Kansas, are more highly esteemed than is Charles Y. Southerland, the subject of this review. The birth of Mr. Souther land occurred in Person county, North Car olina, on June 13, 1849. His grandfather came to America from England and was a resident of Halifax county, Virginia, where his son, Greenberry Southerland, was born and where the former died when the latter was but a child. In 1869 Greenberry South erland moved to Kentucky. He had married Martha A. Bailey in North Carolina, and there thdr five sons were born, but about 1879 the family removed to Missouri, and there the parents passed away. Mr. Southerland, of this skdch, was twenty-one years old when the family be came residents of Kentucky and eight years later he came to Kansas. For a consider able period he had been troubled avith a rheu matic affection and he was led to believe that the dry climate of Kansas avould effect a cure. He also intended to secure some land, and in May, 1877, secured a quarter section in Reno county. This he located on section 25, range 6, North'Reno township. He had brought Avith him a team of mules, and im mediately set to work to break up the land. During the first year he succeeded in break ing and cultivating twelve acres and ob tained seventy-five bushels of grain. The 36 next year he avas able to cultivate seventy acres, but on account of the drouth he har vested but twenty-five bushels. Not dis couraged, he then turned his attention to stock. It was during these years of stress that Mr. Southerland proved the fiber of which he was made. Drouth, sickness and crop failure met his best endeavor, but through it all he kept on doing his best, never tiring or losing hope, and the final re sult has well repaid all that avent before. He has now a herd of fine Red Polled cattle,. and his fields are filled avith droves: of horses, sheep and hogs, while his orchards are among the most productive in this local ity. Every tree has been planted and nur tured by bis own hand, and he has three hundred peach trees and eight hundred. apple trees im full yield. During his: early days Mr. Southerland remembers that he cut hay and hauled it as far as Hutchinson, ex changing it for flour. The marriage of Mr. Southerland was on May 6, 1875, to Miss Mary E. Hall, who was born im Webster county, Kentucky, in 1852, a daughter of Patrick Hall, a farmer, and four children avere born of this union, one of whom died in infancy, the others be ing : Luella, a teacher ; Guy O. and Salina A. In his political sympathies our subject is a Democrat, and efficiently served through one term as road overseer. He is president of the Anti-Horse Thief Association, and a member of the I. O. O. F., aa*hile the relig ious connection of the family is avith the Baptist church. Mr. Southerland stands very high in the estimation of the commun ity in which he has spent so many years. Plain, unassuming, honest and reliable, he is one of the citizens of the township who re flect credit upon it. ADOLPHUS F. MYERS. The sturdy German element in our na tional commonwealth has been one of the most important in furthering the substan tial and normal advancement of the coun try. Well may any person take pride in 570 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. tracing his lineage to such a source. Adol phus Frederick Myers is one of the worthy sons that the fatberland has furnished to America, and Reno: county now numbers him among her leading citizens. He was born near Wurtemberg, Ger many, on the 17th of August, 1843. His father, Frederick Miyers, died in 1845 or 1846, in the prime of life, leaving his widow and their only child. She was formerly Miss Oppertuny Ott, and soon after her husband's death she came to the new world, locating first in New Orleans, afterward went to St. Louis, Missouri, and was next a resident of Quincy, Illinois. While re siding in St. Louis she was united in mar riage to Francis Stuebinger, a native of Germany, and five of their children reached mature years and are now living. Mr. Stuebinger died in Keithsburg, Illinois, and the mother was called fo the world beyond at the home of her daughter in Monmouth, that state, on the 5th of August, 1899, in her eighty-first year. Adolphus F. Myers, whose name intro duces this review, received but limited school privileges, having attended school but three months during the avinter seasons. On the 13th of July, 1862, he became a member of the boys in blue of Company H, Eighty-fourth Illinois Infantry, and served in its ranks until the close of hostilities, re ceiving* an honorable discharge on the 8th of June, 1865. He was slightly avounded in the battle of Chiekamauga, and also took part in the Atlanta campaign. i He returned fronl the war avith a creditable military rec ord, rejoining his family at Keithsburg, Illinois, and in 1873 he removed from that city to Kansas, locating on one hundred and sixty acres of land in Center township, Reno county. In 1881, hoavever, he re tired from the active duties of farm life and removed to Nickerson, where he noav oavns four lots and a good comfortable residence. Since locating in this city Mr. Myers has served as janitor of the public school build ing and of the G. A. R. hall, and has also been an employe of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. In all his various duties he has ever been prompt and reliable, and has won the confidence and good will of all with whom he has come in contact. Mr. Myers avas happily married in the fall of 1877, in Hutchinson, Kansas, to Miss Hattie Rob inson, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Oscar Robinson, who located in Reno county, Kansas, in 1878. This union has been blessed avith two children, — Lillie May and Paul F. L. The daughter is a graduate of the high school of this city, and has also attended college, and the son is now a student in the high school. Air. Myers exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, and in his social rdations is a member of tbe Grand Army of the Re public, in which he maintains pleasant re lations with his old army comrades who wore the blue. His religious preference is indicated by his membership in the Con gregational church, in which he has served as a deacon and is now a trustee. He is public spirited to a degree that makes him a very helpful citizen and he is held in the highest esteem by his fellow citizens of all classes and of all shades of political and religious belief. D. D. FITCH. A prominent citizen, old settler and es teemed resident of Kingman county, , Kan sas, is D. D. Fitch, who owns one of the best and most satisfactory estates in Bel mont township, comprising six hundred acres of good grain land and excellent pas turage, The birth of Mr. Fitch was near Grand- ville, Bradford county, Pennsylvania, in 1843, aahich avas also the birth year of the late President McKinley. The family into avhich he avas born avas one of respectability but of no great avorldly wealth, and he early became an earning factor on his father's farm. His parents were Andrew and Cath erine (Williams) Fitch, the former of avhom avas born in Otsego county, New York, avhere he lived until young manhood and then moved to Bradford county, Pennsylva- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 57i nia. There he married Catherine Williams, who was borm in that county, and who avas a daughter of David Williams, of Scotch an cestry. The children born to Andreav and Catherine Fitch were as follows : Chauncy, who was a soldier during the Civil avar; Lucy, avho is deceased; Riley, who is de ceased; D. D., avho is the subject of this sketch; and Altheda and Addl, avho still survive. Air. Fitch came to Kansas in 1885 and took up a claim in Clark county, and after proving up concluded to return top Pennsyl vania; and there followed his trade as a mechanic and also carried on farming until his death, at the age of seventy-eight years. His avife also died in her native state, at the age of seventy-one. She belonged to the Bap tist church and was one of the most devout and conscientious members of this body, noted for her unselfish kindness and her broad charity. The father was a member- of the Freeavill Baptist church amd always took an active interest in all good works. D. D. Fitch obtained his education in the district schools, but experience has been his best teacher, the lessons which he has learned from this source benefiting him more than any he found within the covers of his books. His home training had taught him to be in dustrious and honest, and these elements of success have contributed to his prosperity. At the age of twenty-seven Mr. Fitch was' married to Margaret A. Richmond, a young lady who combined intelligence and education with household accomplishments, and has been his dear companion and help mate all these years. She. was born near Schoharie, New York, and was reared and educated in Tompkins county, same state, and was a daughter of John Richmond and Sarah (Temus) Richmond, the latter of whom has lived to the unusual age of eighty- six years. He was a stone-mason by trade and was always a hard-working man until the last few years. Two sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fitch, namely: Frank E., who is a young business man of about thirty years of age, well known as his father's effi cient assistant; and Harry E., who is about twenty years of age and who assists in oper ating the homestead farm. An adopted daughter of some eleven years, bearing the name of Era, complete the family circle. Since 1883 Air. Fitch has been a resident of Belmont toavnship, owning noav six hun dred acres here, which is justly regarded as one of the most desirable estates in this part of the county. Air. Fitch has spared neither time nor means in converting this into an ideal home. The comfortable. residence, com modious barns and cattle and stock accom modations, are surrounded with fertile fields and fifteen acres of producing orchards, and in addition he has- a fine grove which yields its grateful shade. In political life Mr.1 Fitch has become as sociated with the Populist party and has been active in its ranks. Fraternally be is connected with the order of Woodmen, avhile in religious faith the family is connected with the Methodist church. For many years Mr. Fitch has been identified avith educa tional matters in his locality, and has served with credit for a long period om the school board, encouraging all progressive measures in that direction. As a loyal son of Penn sylvania, Mr. Fitch prefers that state in many ways to any other in the Union, but he also has faith in Kansas and it comes sec ond in his estimation. It is men like Mr. Fitch who have raised the citizenship of this state to its present level, and he is a- truly representative man of the best element of this great commonwealth. ISAAC W. HERREN. Isaac W. Herren, one of the most promi nent agriculturists of Salt Creek toavnship, is a native of Ohio, his birth having taken place in Noble county, March 31, 1863, his parents being Winget and Cynthia (Croav) Herren. The father went to the war avhen his son was three days old, as a member of the Seventy-second Ohio Regiment, and avas killed in battle. When Isaac avas four years old his mother died, leaving him and a brother, William Henry, noav living in Hutchinson, Kansas, orphans, and they 572 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. *avere reared by their mother's brothers. They received but limited education, and in 1880, avhen Isaac was seventeen and his brother nineteen years of age, they. left No ble county and avent to Davis, now Geary, county, Kansas, and Isaac worked out six years for two men by the month, at from fourteen to taventy-one dollars per month. During that time he avent back and visited his old home tavice, the last time in 1886, avhen he avas married to Miss Matilda C. Smith, a daughter of Samuel and Nancy J. (Sample) Smith. Their union has been blessed avith three sons : Clarence Ray, a boy of thirteen years; William Clinton, aged twelve years; and Perry Arlington, nine years old, and the mother still looks almost as young as when she was married. Her father and mother were both born in Monroe county, Ohio, and she was a daughter of William Sample, a farmer on the farm avhere her grandfather, Archibald Smith, first settled. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Smith were born tavelve children, eight of whom greav to mature age, namely : Porter S., now living in Rooks county, Kansas ; Mary Ellen, avife of Theodore Wilson, of Noble county, Ohio; Olive A., wife of L. O. Okey, of Stafford, Ohio; Matilda C, the wife of our subject; Albert R., who died; at the age of twenty-two years ; Oliver Perry, at home with his parents ; and Wylie A., in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Mrs. Herren received a common- school education, and two of her brothers were teachers and one attended college. Oil has been found on their father's farm and there are one hun dred derricks in sight of their home. Mrs. Herren' s uncle, Robert Smith, avas killed in the Avar, as were also: her uncles, George and Milton Sample. Mr. Herren, the subject of this revieav, settled on his farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Salt Creek toavnship eleven years ago, where he is now engaged in general farming, and the well tilled fields and the neat and thrifty appearance of everything about the place indicates the careful super vision of the owner and prove him to be a man of energy, good judgment and enter prise. He has, therefore, been very success ful in his farming operations and accumu lated a comfortable competence, and is con sidered one of the leading agriculturists of his section of the country. WILLIAM T. HAIR. William T. Hair, who is conducting a livery and transfer business in Nickerson, Kansas, is a native of Pennsylvania, hav ing first opened his eyes to the light of day in Washington county, that state, on the. 26th of September, 1848. His great-grand father, James Hair, served as a physician and surgeon in the Revolutionary avar un der General Washington, and. the family came to: this country at a very early day.. The paternal grandfather, also named James, was one of the pioneer settlers of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and married Miss Black, by whom he had five sons and one daughter. The father and sons are still living and are farmers by occu pation. Samuel Hair, the father of our sub ject, was born on the old family homestead in Washington county, Pennsylvania, Oc tober 3, 182 1, where he married Miss Hester Milligan, a native of the same place, who died in the spring of 1899, at her home in Nebraska, leaving four of her five children : John, who lives in Denver, Colorado; Will iam T., the subject of this sketch; Nelson M., now living on his father's farm in Ne braska ; and James H, also: engaged in farm ing in Nebraska. The youngest son, Al bert, died in Nebraska in 1893, leaving a. family. William T. Hair, whose name intro duces this review, accompanied his parents to "Iowa in 1834, when six years of age, avhere they lived for two years and then re moved to' Mercer county, Illinois, where his father bought one hundred and sixty acres of land and engaged in farming from 1857 to a,bout 1880. He then sold out and moved to Seward, Nebraska, where he died Decem ber 3, 1901, at the age of eighty years. Our subject had a very limited education, as he could only go to school during the avinter BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 573 seasons avhen there avas little avork to do on the farm after he avas eight years of age. When he avas twenty-one years of age he left home and avorked out by the month and year for three years. He then rented land of his father for tavo years and in the spring of 1874 he avent to Kansas. He has been a frontiersman from six years of age in Ioava, Illinois and Kansas. He came to Salt Creek township, Kansas, in the spring of 1874, pre-empted a quarter section of land, built a shanty and lived there two years, avhen he sold out and later, in the fall of 1882, located in Nickerson. and en gaged in the transfer business, having three wagons. Later he began to rent his wagons and in the spring of 1898 he bought the barn and livery of L. H. Potter. His busi ness has steadily increased in volume and importance until he now owns twenty horses, five buggies and tavo carriages. Air. Hair chose for a companion and helpmeet on the journey of life Miss Ella. Dixon, a native of Indiana, the marriage being celebrated on the 20th of September, 1877, and to them have been born seven chil- , dtren, three sons and four daughters, namely: Lillian, the wife of Earl Ens- minger, of Grant township; Calvin S., at home; James L. ; Joseph E., a young man of eighteen, avho is engaged in teaming; Alice; Iantha; and Ruth, now four years of age. By his untiring industry, determined pur pose, good business ability and fair dealing Mr. Hair has accumulated a handsome com petence, so that he is able to supply his fam ily avith all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. He owns a very pretty home and the family are noted for thdr gracious hospitality, their large circle of friends being always sure of a warm wel come. In his political views he is a stanch Republican, and, though he has not sought public office, his fellow citizens have mani fested their confidence in him by electing him to several positions of trust. While farming in Enterprise township he was the first toavnship trustee, and in Nickerson he has been a member of the school board for eight years and served as president of the board of education for two years. He also served as a member of the city council two years, and in all these positions he has per formed his duties with conscientious faith fulness and in a prompt and. business-like manner. He takes an active interest in everything pertaining to. the welfare and up building of the community in which he makes his home and he and his avife are con sistent and avorthy members of the Metho dist church. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen, No. 640, and of the Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 190, both of Nickerson. He is a genial and courteous gentleman and is avidely and favorably known in business and social circles. WILLIAM H. CLARK. Among the avell known and successful farmers of Reno county, Kansas, there is none avho stands higher in the regard of his felloav citizens than William H. Clark, avho lives on section 34, Salt Creek township', and avhose post office address is Nickerson. Air. Clark was born January 13, 1843, in the state of Neav York. His father, Dyer F. Clark, avas born at White Hall, Neav York, January 25, i8i8,-and died on the farm in Kansas noav owned by his son, in 1894. Samuel Clark, father of Dyer F-. Clark, and grandfather of William H. Clark, avas a native of Orange county, Neav York, and served his country in the avar of 1812, as lieutenant in a company avhich took an actia-e part in that struggle. He avas born about 1789 and died at South- port, Chemung county, Neav York, about 1876. He married a Aliss Jay, and reared five sons and tavo daughters : John, Ala- thilda. Dyer F., Jeanette S., Joshua, AATil iam G. and Andreav J. All of the afore mentioned children of Samuel Clark, except Joshua, hajd children; and only tavo of them, Andreav J. Clark, of Loveland, Colo rado, and Alalinda, of Southport, Neav York, are living. Air. Clark's mother, avho avas Elizabeth Leonard, avas born in AA'hite Hall, Neav York, February 9, 1823, a daughter of John and Jane (Pixley) Leon- 574 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ard. Dyer F. Clark and Elizabeth Leonard were married- February 18, 1841. They lost two sons in infancy and have two> sons liv ing, Samuel J. Clark, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and William' H. Clark, of Kansas. The subject of this sketch was reared to country and village life and lived in the toavn of Van Etten, Chemung county, Neav York, and attended the public school at Van Ettenville until he was tavelve years old. His family then removed to Allegany county, New York. His father, who was a millwright, owned a saw and grist mill in Chemung county. In 1861, when he was eighteen years old, he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment, Neav York Volunteer Infantry, an organi zation avhich later was knoavn as the First New York Dragoons, with which he served three years. At the fight at Todd's Tavern he was wounded in the right arm and shoul der and for some time afterward was in hospitals at Washington and at Philadel phia. He was discharged from the service July 16, 1865, and returned north. While in the service he had an experience of two days as a prisoner of war. February 2, 1867, Mr. Clark married Arzela Mathews, of Southport, Chemung county, New York, a most estimable wor mian and a model avife and mother, who. died February 19, 1901, aged fifty- four years, after having borne him four children. The eldest of these, Hattie B., married John Freeze, and died at her home near her par ents, October 4, 1888. Milford Clark, noav living in Grant county, Oklahoma territory, married Sadie Cammack, of Indiana. They lost an infant daughter by death and have a young son named Hudson. Frank Ever ett Clark is a member of his father's house hold. Willie, Mr. Clark's youngest son, is in Colorado. Mr. Clark came from Alle gany county, New York, to Kansas in 1872, arriving February 22 at Kansas City, avhere he remained for a short time. Sep tember 9, folloaving, he located on his one hundred and sixty-acre homestead, where he has since lived, and began the improve ment of a farm and in time erected a good house and barns, planted an orchard and shade trees and put the whole place under profitable cultivation. He, now has a half section of land and gives his attention to general farming and raises a goodly* num ber of cattle, and hogs. He keeps short horn cattle and Poland China hogs and feeds and ships from two to three carloads- per year. Politically he . is a Republican, and he says that in a general way he has escaped office but has served eight years as a justice of the peace. He is a member of Reno Post, No. 83, Grand ' Army of the Republic, and is a. deacon in the Baptist church at Nickerson. His success has been won worthily by industry and economy, and his record is that of a man who' has dealt fairly by his fellow men. He is a friend to public education and of popular enlighten ment and has many times demonstrated his public .spirit by assisting to the extent of his ability movements which he has be lieved would benefit his township and county. HENRY M. GROTH. The vast majority of mankind is en- ga,ged in the pursuit of fortune, and that so many fall by the wayside is the result of one of two things, — either of a lack of close application or of unfitness for the line of avork which they take up. In both these regards, however, Mr. Groth is avell quali fied and is therefore meeting avith credit able success in his mercantile ventures in Lorraine, where he is noav dealing in coal, flour, feed and grain. He is a y-oung man avIio has not yet attained the prime of life, but he has already gained considerable prosperity. A native of Illinois, he was born in Bloomington, May 12, 1872, his parents being August and Wilhelmina (Schanke) Groth, both of whom were natives of Prus sia. The father Avas a farmer by occupation and in 1871 crossed the Atlantic to the new avorld, locating in Bloomington, Illinois, avhere he remained for a year. He then purchased a farm near Hudson, McLean BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 575 county, Illinois, and continued its cultiva tion until 1881, when he sold that property and came to Ellsworth county, Kansas. Here he purchased a half section of land, including one hundred and sixty acres on section 21 and one hundred and sixty acres on section1 30, township 17, range 9. Here he engaged in the production of grain, and in 1889 he extended his field of operation by erecting the grain elevator which is now operated by our subject. The father con tinued in the grain business until 1895, when he retired from that line and has since given his energies to agricultural pursuits. In his family were eight children, namely: Alwina, the wife of H. L. Steinberg, a farmer of Green Garden township, Ells worth county; Amelia, the avife of George Heitmann, a farmer of Lorraine; Bertha, the Avife of L. H. Willens ; Tillie, aaLo mar ried J. H. Janssen; August, Avbo for sev eral years was engaged in merchandising in Lorraine but is now carrying on agricul tural pursuits; Henry M. ; Samuel, who owns and operates tavo hundred and forty acres of land on section 27, Green Garden tOAvnship; and Herman, aaLo is in business in Chicago, Illinois. Henry M. Groth avas a lad of nine years avhen he came to Ellsworth county. Through his youth he pursued his educa tion in the public schools and also assisted his father on the home farm and in the grain trade. In 1895 he became proprietor of the elevator and for some time previous had practically managed the business. He likewise deals in coal, flour and feed and has a good trade, his annual sales having reached a considerable magnitude, whereby he enjoys a good income. On January 7, 1897, Mr. Groth was jdned in wedlock to Miss Ella Schmidt, a daughter of John M. Schmidt, one of the well known and successful farmers of Ells worth county. Their marriage has been blessed with two children, — Minnie and Victor. Mr. Groth and his avife are mem bers of the German Baptist church, and in politics he is a Republican, Avarmly espous ing the cause of the party and doing what ever he can for its advancement and growth. He has been a worker in its ranks rather than an aspirant for office, and has been a member of various committees and a dele gate to its conventions. Aside from thus laboring for the principles in which he be lieves, he prefers to give his time and en ergies to his business affairs, in which he is meeting with signal success. ELISHA W. KIRBY. Elisha W. Kirby, whose farm on sec tion 24, Washington township, is neat and thrifty in appearance and indicates the supervision of a progressive owner, was born in Morgan county, Ohio, December 20, 1842, and represents an old southern family. His grandfather, Robert E. Kirby, of Harper's Ferry, Maryland, was born about 1783, and his ancestors had long re sided in. the new world. His death occurred- in Pennsville, Morgan county, Ohio, in the year 1865. His son, Finley Kirby, the fa ther of our subject, was born in Belmont county, Ohio, on the 12th of August, 1820, and in the state of his nativity was reared to manhood. There he married Elizabeth Rusk, who was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1817, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rusk. The wedding- was celebrated about 1840, and for more than half a cen tury they traveled life's journey together, sharing with each other the joys and sor rows, the troubles and pleasures of life. The father died February 24, 1901, but the mother is still living in Morgan county, Ohio, and is well preserved1 both mentally and physically. By her marriage she be- became the mother of eleven children, six of whom reached years of maturity, while five are now living, as follows : Elisha W. ; Robert E., who was a member of Company *H, Seventeenth Ohio: Infantry, and died in 1865, at the age of twenty-three years, from injuries sustained in the service; John R., who is living in Morgan county, Ohio; Rosa Lee, the wife of Ephraim Vicroy, of Morgan county; Blanche, wife of a Mr. Coyle; and James, who died in Morgan county, at tbe age of thirty years. .576 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Mr. Kirby, whose name stands at the head of this review, spent his childhood and youth in Pennsville, Ohio, where he ac quired good school privileges., pursuing his studies until eighteen-years of age. He then put aside his text-books, offering his aid to the government for three years. He en listed on the 20th of September, 1861, as a member of Company H, Seventh Ohio In fantry, and avas at the front for three years and ten months, during avhich time he avas never avounded or taken prisoner, nor avas he in a hospital: He participated in many important battles and skirmishes, however, and many times narrowly escaped wounds and death. AVhen his military service avas ended he returned to Morgan county, Ohio, where he resumed work at the stone mason's trade, carrying on business as a contractor and builder. Air. Kirby was married May 17, 1866, to Mary E. Hann, who avas born in Morgan county, a daughter of William and Lydia (Wood) Hann. Her father is still living in the Buckeye state, but her mother died in 1845, leaving four children: Mrs. Kirby passed away on the 24th of December, 1895, at the age of forty-eight years. She avas the mother of six children, three of whom are living : Robert L., who is a resi dent of Beatrice, Nebraska; Charles H, at home ; and Annie, avife of Lewis Conrad. of Russell county, Kansas, by whom she has three children. Those who have departed this life are Airs. Kate L. Murdock, avho died at the age of thirty, leaving tavo sons ; William H, avho died at the age of thirty, leaving tavo sons and a daughter; and Airs. Alice Moore, avho died at the age of taventy- four, leaving a little son to mourn the loss of a mother. After the death of his first wife Mr. Kirby was again married, in 1885, his second union being avith Mrs. Josephine Magee, nee Collins, of La Salle, Illinois.- By this marriage there is one daughter, Jessie C, now a little1 maiden of eight years. By her former marriage Mrs. Kirby has one daughter, Nellie L. Magee, avho chose her own name avhen nine years of age. She is now a teacher of piano and vocal music in Rice county. Mr. Kirby came from Ohio to Kansas in 1878, settling in Russell county, where he resided for fourteen years, engaged in contracting and farming. In 1893 he came to his present farm of eighty acres, and is now engaged in the raising of corn, wheat, sorghum and alfalfa. His is one of the fertile and productive farms im this part of the county and his home is a pleasant and cheerful one, tastefully furnished and per meated by a spirit of good will and hos pitality. The family is one of intelligence and refinement and the members of the household have many friends. In his politi cal views Mr. Kirby is a reliable Republi can, and while in Ohio filled some township offices, but prefers to leave such service to others in order to give his. time and atten tion to his business affairs and the enjoy ments of the pleasures of the home. GIDEON R. WOLFE. The office of county surveyor is one avhich requires in its incumbent not only a complete and accurate knowledge of land surveying in all its details, but also a spirit of fairness avhich impels him' to deal justly avith all concerned,, and sufficient tact to en- abe him to impress upon all interested par ties the conviction of the accuracy of his surveys. Ellsavorth county, Kansas, has in Gideon R. Wolfe, a model county surveyor, and one avho in an eminent degree com mands the respect of all his fellow citizens. Gideon R. AAtolfe was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1829, a son of Alartin and Lydia (Alabley) Wolfe, both natives of Pennsylvania, where they passed their entire lives. This good couple were the parents of three children one of whom, AA'illiam, died in Pennsylvania; the second, Charles, died in the Civil war ; and the third is the immediate subject of this sketch. Mr. AAtolfe greav up on his father's farm, in Cen ter county, Pennsylvania, and received a meager education in the public schools. At the age of twelve he entered upon a five years' apprenticeship to John Sellers, of Milesburg, in- his native county, to learn the BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 577 carpenter's trade, avhich he completed avhen he was seventeen years old, and for six months thereafter he avas a journeyman, worker with Mr. Sellers, and this associa tion continued for one year. He then began contracting and building on his own account at Milesburg, avhere he remained until 1850, when he removed to Curavensville, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, avhere he continued building operations, aahich extended over Clearfield and adjoining counties, and he gradually made a specialty of architectural work. At the outbreak of the Civil avar Mr. Wolfe enlisted in aahat is knoavn as the Bucktail Regiment, the members of which had their caps ornamented avith a buck's tail, which was attached to the button at one side of the forepiece, passed across the front of the cap and extended along the left side of the head. The original Bucktail company- was organized by Captain Kane, the cele brated Arctic explorer, and the regiment into which it quickly grew avent to the front under his command. At the expiration of his term of enlistment, in 1863, Mr. Wolfe was honorably discharged from the service and soon aftenvard he aaas appointed a civil engineer and surveyor in the government's service at Giesloro, a cavalry post or bureau at Washington, D. C. In 1864 he avas ap pointed superintendent of the post, filling that office avhile performing the duties of his other office, and thus continuing until the close of the avar. After the avar Mr. AArolfe returned to Milesburg, Pennsylvania, and accepted a po sition as superintendent of a planing mill, which after tAvo years he leased and he thereafter managed the same successfully until 1870, Avhen he went to Kansas and lo cated at Abilene, where he devoted himself to contracting and building until January, i;^73- Three months after his arrival in' Abilene, he Avas appointed county surveyor for Dickinson county to- fill one year of an unexpired term and Avas then elected to the office and served two years longer. In 1873 he removed to Hays City, Kansas, and was appointed county surveyor of Ellis county and re-elected to the office several times. He remained at Hays City until 1897, except avhile absent prospectinp- for minerals in Colorado-, and in other northwestern states and territories. In July, 1898, he removed to Ellsworth and engaged in contracting and building. In the fall of 1899 he was elected on the Republican ticket to his present office. During his residence at Hays City he was elected to the office of register of deeds, in which he served one term. He also filled the office of justice of the peace. In politics Mr. Wolfe is a Republican, and is devoted to the principles and work of his party. He has developed into an archi tect of superior ability and 'has designed and built many fine structures, among them the Hill & Nelson Bank building and the A.. S. Hall & Company Bank building at Hays City. He is one of the registered arch itects of Kansas, and his name appears in the official directory of architects of the United States. He was made a Master Ma son in Clearfield Lodge, No. 314, A. F. & A. M., at his old home in Pennsylvania. Mr. Wolfe was married April 25, 1847, to Sarah McMullen, a native of Milesburg, Pennsylvania, who bore him ten children, nine of whom are living : Henry L. of Crip ple Creek, Colorado; Mary, wife of Joseph Easton, of Colorado; Flora, wife of John Garrett, of Guthrie, Oklahoma; John D., who is a carpenter at Hays -City, Kansas ; Kate, wife of Isaac Livensparger, of Shelby, Ohio,* Fannie, wife of Eugene Hobbs, of Dorrance, Kansas; Joseph H, of Cripple Creek, Colorado; and Sarah and Nellie, who are. members of their father's household. The mother of these children died at Hays City, Kansas, June 8, 1897. Mr. Wolfe is a communicant of the Presbyterian church and is actively interested in all movements for the advancement of the material and moral interests of Ellsworth. W. E. GASTON. AAr E. Gaston, one of the successful and prominent citizens of Hutchinson, Kan sas, avas born in Logan county, Illinois,. 578 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. February 28, 1867. He is of French lineage on the paternal side, his ancestors coming to America from France over one hundred years ago and settling in Virginia. , The family name was then De Gaston, but in time the prefix was dropped. The father of our subject, S. D. Gaston, was born near Wheeling, West Virginia, April 24, 1827, and is a farmer by occupation. On tbe death of his father he removed with his mother, brothers and sisters to' Delaware county, Ohio, in 1845, where the family re mained engaged in agricultural pursuits un til i860. At that time, with two brothers, S. D. Gaston removed to McLean county, Illinois, where they purchased ten thousand acres of prairie land and engaged exten sively in cattle raising, still retaining pos session of the farm in Ohio'. In 1866 S. D. Gaston discontinued the raising of cattle and removed to Lincoln, Illinois, and there opened a meat market. For four years he remained in this city, and in 1870 came to Reno county, Kansas, where he filed on a homestead on the southwest quarter of sec tion 4, in Lincoln township, where he is still residing at the advanced age of seventy- four, with his wife, who is sixty-three years of age. He was married November 2, 1854, in Delaware county, Ohio, to Hester A. White, who: was1 born in Knox county, that state, November 11, 1838. She is a daugh ter of Dr. Timothy White and Sarah (Wil son) White, the former a native of New England, the latter of Maryland. The mother was of English and Irish lineage. S. D. Gaston Avas one of a family of eight children, of whom1 but one sister is now living, Mrs. Martha Martin, who resides at Terre Haute, Indiana. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Gaston were born ten children, seven of whom reached mature years, namely : Sam uel C, a farmer of Lincoln toavnship, Reno county, Kansas ; Ida, who married David Taylor, a farmer residing in Lincoln town ship, Reno county; Benjamin F., Frances Irving and Mary Emma, who' all died in in fancy in Alissouri ; W. E., the subject of this revieav ; Alice, the avife of H. A. AVainner, a resident of Lincoln township, who en gages in farming"; John XV., aaho avas edu cated in the Kansas State Normal School and for ten years taught throughout the state and is now a farmer of Lincoln .town ship ; Grace, a school teacher living at home ; and Victor, living with his parents. W. E. Gaston received his early educa tion in the district schools: of Reno county, and later took a course in the Southwestern Business College of Hutchinson. He sub sequently entered the Kansas State Normal School for a two^years course, and upon fin ishing his studies here he engaged in teach ing school in Reno county. For seven years he pursued this occupation, the last two of which he held the position of principal of the Haven public school. In this work he was eminently successful, having gained an enviable reputation as a man of ability along educational lines. Upon his leaving school work he engaged in the insurance business, representing the Union Central Life Insur ance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio.. Being a man of honor and ability, he is meeting with marked success in this business, and for the past five years has been agent for this com pany throughout southavestern Kansas. In 1887 he purchased a farm of one hundred and taventy acres of rich land in Lincoln township, avhich he still retains, operating it mostly as a stock farm. On the 5th of September, 1894, in Reno county, Kansas, Mr. Gaston was. joined in marriage to Edna E. Cockey, a native of Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents, Thom as R. and Clara (Brooks) Cockey, avere also natives of Maryland and represent one of the oldest and most prominent families of Maryland, dating back to a period long be fore the Revolutionary war. The town of Cockeysville, Alaryland, was named iu honor of the family. Mr. Cockey removed avith his family to Reno county, Kansas, in 1882, and here the father passed away in 1895, survived by his wife, who makes her home in. Hutchinson. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Gaston have been born three children : Earl, now deceased; Le Roy, born May 30, 1898; and Glenn Ernest. W. E. Gaston is active in educational and political interests, being a member of the board of education of Hutchinson; and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 579* was sent as a delegate to the state conven tions of the Republican party, in 1896 and also in ,1898,, and always attends the county conventions. He is a. stanch advocate of the Republican party, supporting its. men and measures in national and state elections. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fra ternity arid of the Modern Wloodmen of America. He is also a member and liberal supporter of the Methodist church, leading a life in consistency with its teachings. His financial success is due to his industry and perseverance, and like all others who' have made a name for themselves ,in insurance circles, he is a man of honor, a prominent and able representative of his business, and a sound and substantial citizen. WARREN D. JEWELL. The subject of this sketch, who is one of the leading farmers of Reno county, Kan sas, is of that old colonial stock which has given vitality to our national existence in every part of our country. Mr. Jewell, who lives on section 7, township 24, range 4, in Valley township, was born in Clinton coun ty, Ohio, November 13, 1843. His father, Reuben Jewell, was born in Onondaga county, New York, March 3, 181 5, and learned the shoemaker's trade. The grand father of Warren D. Jewell came to the United States from England with two brothers. He settled in New York state, one of his brothers settled in Massachusetts and the other in Neav Jersey. Reuben Jewell •went alone to Ohio in 1838 and located in Hillsboro' township, Highland county, where he worked at his trade and married Mary Van Zant, avho was born in Ohio in 1818. When the subject of this sketch was about three years old he accompanied his fa ther's family to Ripley county, Indiana. After living there for a time the elder Jewell removed to Richmond, Wayne coun ty, Indiana, where for a number of years he farmed in season and worked at his trade as opportunity afforded. Originally a Whig, he became a Republican and was- a stanch Union man. He enlisted in Company K, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served under General Buell in his .Kentucky campaign until he was hon orably discharged from service on account of disability incurred in the line of duty. He removed to Butler county, Kansas, in 1870, but the following year went to Sedg wick county, where he took up a homestead claim, which he. improved and sold after a feAv years in order to return to Butler coun ty. From Butler county he removed even tually to Hutchinson, Reno county, where he died at ,the home of his son, George E. Jewell, June 17, 1899. Warren D. Jewell was the third in or der of birth of the eleven children of Reu ben and Mary (Van Zant) Jewell. The first born was Sarah J., who is dead, and the second born was John William', who is also dead. The fourth in order of birth was Mary E., the wife of Spencer Stringham,.. who is a farmer in Texas ; Jacob Henry is a painter in Oklahoma Territory ; Anna Eliza married Zachariah Hodson, a farmer in Ed wards county, Kansas; George Edward, of Hutchinson, is employed at the salt industry at that place; Margaret L. has been married and widowed and lives in Colorado ; Samuel died in infancy; Willis A. is a farmer in-In dian Territory; and Carrie, the youngest, is the wife of J. L. Moore, of Oklahoma. City, Oklahoma Territory. Mr. JeA\*ell avas reared to farm! work in Indiana and was educated in subscription schools, and it is not avithout considerable just pride that he- recalls the fact that he paid for his last term of schooling with money which he earned by working out by the month. He was thus employed for much of the time after he be came old enough until he entered the army for service in the Civil avar. August 20,. 1862, when he had passed his eighteenth year, he enlisted in Company I, Eighty- fourth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer In fantry. He was in battle at Chiekamauga, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Mis sionary Ridge and fought under Sherman- in the Atlanta campaign. After that he was sent to Alabama and from there to General Thomas' command. He participated in the- **8o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sanguinary battle at Franklin, in the fight ing at Nashville and in pursuit of Hood's army as far as Decatur, Tennessee. Thence he went to Huntsville, Alabama, whence he started in the spring of 1865 for Richmond by Avay of Knoxville, Tennessee. He had •covered only sixty-five miles of the march, however, when his commander received in telligence of the surrender of General Lee. He was mustered out of the service at Nash ville, Tennessee, June 14, 1865, and return ing to Indiana received his final, honorable discharge about July 1 following. After the war Mr. JeAvell was employed as a farmer and as a shoemaker in Indiana until 1868, when he removed to Tama coun ty, Iowa, where he worked by the month for farmers until the spring of 1872. Then, in company avith a number of relatives and friends, he drove overland to Kansas. The party had several teams and wagons and about twenty head of cattle. They passed through Wichita July 4 of that year, and Mr. Jewell took up as a soldier's claim the northeast one-fourth of section 8 in Albion township, Reno county, which was raav prairie land covered with buffalo grass. During the first two or three years of his stay there buffaloes were numerous in that vicinity and herds often ran through his cornfields. He passed the first summer as an inmate of the house of his brother-in- laav, but in the fall built a dugout on his place and entered upon the career there as a bachelor housekeeper. Eventually he erected a house covering a ground space of twelve by fourteen feet, and avas obliged to drive fifty-two miles to Wichita, for such lumber as entered into its construction. In the spring of 1873 he broke forty acres of land and planted it to corn. Pie made other improvements thefe and remained until 1879, when he removed to section 7, toavn ship 24, range 4, avhere he bought one hun dred and sixty acres. Later he made other purchases of land until he oavns six hundred and six acres in sections 7 and 18 in Valley township. As his children began life for themselves, he gave them farms until his holdings were reduced to four hundred acres. He has given his attention to gen eral farming and stock-raising and at times owns from ninety to one hundred head of cattle. While he has prospered and is now a man of considerable wealth, he has had his tips and downs in Kansas, and some of his doaviis are impressed on his mind quite vividly. In 1874, while he avas living in South Reno township, grasshoppers ate all his crops except some oats AA'hich he had cut, leaving him no feed for his team except straAv and grass. At one time he invested considerable money in toavn property at Hutchinson, but later traded that property for farms, Avhich he has sold. In the year 1901 he raised one hundred and sixty acres of corn, seventy acres of wheat and ten acres of oats. He has for many years been a victim of rheumatism and during the past three years has been so seriously crippled that he has been unable to do any active avork, and he has sold off most of his stock and given his attention largely to hogs, and to corn. He built his present residence in 1892, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars. His place is highly improved and is provided avith five large barns, immense corn cribs and good fences, and tavo. fine orchards and many shade trees are monuments to Mr. Jeavell's thrift and enterprise. In politics he is a Republican. He has during all his act ive life taken a deep interest in public ques tions, and avhile not a politician in the ordi nary sense has exerted himself to the utmost for the success of his party and the preva lence of its principles. He is a Mason and a member of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. AA'hile a resident of Albion township he avas induced to accept the offices of constable of his toavn and treasurer of his school dis trict. Air. Jeavell Avas married May 6, 1874, in Albion tOAvnship, Reno county, Kansas, , to Aliss Sarah Seley, avho avas born in Cass county, Michigan, February 21, 1844, a daughter of Isaac L. and Sarah Jane (Price) Seley. Air. Seley was a native of the state of Neav York and Mrs. Seley was born in Clark county, Ohio. On his father's side Mr. Seley was of English descent and on his mother's side he was of Welsh de scent. Mrs. Seley was of French-English BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 581. extraction. Jerry Seley, grandfather of Airs. Jewel, fought for American indepen dence in the Revolutionary Avar and some of her relatives fought to maintain it in the war of 1812 and still others took part in the Mexican Avar. Airs. JeAvell came to Kansas Avith her parents in 1872, and against her parents' advice took a homestead, on Avhich she paid out all her cash in hand, leaving her nothing with Avhich to make the required improvements. She must make some money in some avay and she bought a hunter and trappers outfit and during the succeeding fall and winter hunted and trapped in all directions avithin a radius of ten miles of her home. She drove her father's team from trap to trap, going armed with a knife and a large revolver, and killed and skinned such wolves and coyotes as she found in the traps. Sometimes, avith a companion, she hunted buffaloes, and seldom failed to kill some, the skins of which brought her a good price. With the proceeds of this daring enterprise this border heroine was able to pay for breaking fifteen acres of land, put up a twelve by fourteen foot sod house and planted an orchard and shade trees. Her fame spread throughout the state and she became known as "the lady trapper of southern Kansas." She also earned con siderable money by teaming between Wich ita and a point five miles south of Castleton. Her claim, avhich covered the northwest quarter of section 8, township 26, range 6, adjoined that of Mr. Jewell, whom she sub sequently married. Her father and mother sleep in the cemetery in Albion township, five miles south of Castleton, where her sis ter Angdine avas also laid to rest. Her father died in 1875, her mother in 1878. Mr. Jewell's mother was a member of the Methodist church, of avhich Mrs. Jeav- ell's mother avas also a member, and with which Mrs. Jewell has been identified since she was fourteen years old. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell haa-e had seven children, of whom six are living: 'Lanetta is the avife of Alex ander Culberson and lives on a farm avhich was given her by her father; Charles L. formerly mined in the west, but now lives in Oklahoma; James R. died in 1891 ; Al fred AA"., Alonzo AA". and Oscar M. are man aging farms which Avere given them by their. father; and Sylvia H. is a member of her father's household. Air. and Mrs. Jewell. have given and are giving their children a. substantial education. HENRY SULTZBACH. Among the stock farmers of Lake town- - ship, Harvey county, Kansas, none is more deservedly successful and popular than the.- subject of this sketch. Henry Suhzbach, whose homestead is in. section 23 of the township mentioned and. whose post office is at Patterson, was born in York county, Pennsylvania, August 14, 1835, on the same farm and in the same house in which Joseph Sultzbach, his father, . was born in 1807. Joseph, who died at. Springfield, Ohio, in 1891, was a son of Henry Sultzbach, who was born on the: farm and tanner's yard where his father set tled under the auspices ,of William Penn, and the estate which the emigrant acquired . at that time is still owned in his family. . One brother of the original settler was a tanner and the latter trained three of his sons to the same trade. He had. four sons and two daughters. In 1854 Joseph Sultzbach removed with his family to Clark county,. Ohio, .and at the ¦ age of twenty-one Henry Sultzbach went to Illinois, and before the close of the Civil war he crossed the Mississippi river. Even tually he returned to Ohio and . in August, . 1862, he enlisted in the Seventeenth Ohio Light Artillery. After one'year of credit able service in the Civil war. his. feet were : injured while he Avas getting mules out of a swamp and he was honorably discharged in 1865. He avas married in Ohio that year to Martha S. Ellis, a daughter of A. S. Ellis, an eastern man avho came to- Ohio in 1854 and thence to Kansas twenty-one years ago-. For many years Mr. Ellis avas a me chanic at Springfield, Ohio, but after lc»- cating in Kansas he gave his attention to farming. Now past eighty-tavo years old, . 582 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. he is a member of the household of Mr. Sulzbach. Sarah Finch, a native of that part of the state of New York bordering the Hudson river, became his wife and bore him three daughters. She died of cancer in Kan sas in 1893. After his return from the war Mr. Sultz bach worked at Springfield, Ohio, as a car penter until 1869, when he removed to Bur lington, Iowa. In 1880 he bought a quarter section of railroad land in Harvey county, Kansas, and in 1881 he bought another quarter section near the first, paying from seven to eleven dollars am acre. He built a fine two-story residence, which was de stroyed May 1, 1895, by a cyclone, Mr. and _ Mrs. Sultzbach, their daughter, father Ellis and the housemaid escaping death by seek ing refuge in the cellar under the house. Some boys employed on the farm sought safety by running and were whirled against the fence and doubled up there, but, miracu lous as it avould seem, escaped with only a feav scratches arid bruises. The stone wall of the cellar and foundation of the house re mained, but Mr. Sultzbach's barn was swept aavay and his present barn was built par tially of debris saved from the former one. The family lost all their household goods and not a farm, implement remained on the place ; but as every member of his household remained, while some of his neighbors had been bereft of loved ones, Mr. Sultzbach was thankful that the cala.mity was not greater. From one calf, which was spared by the cyclone, Mr. Sultzbach has in succeeding generations raised one hundred head of cat tle. He keeps eight to fourteen horses, most of which are employed in running his farm. He raises each year two' to three hundred acres of corn and one to' two hundred acres of wheat, aiid one year he planted five hun dred acres with corn and raised fifteen thou sand bushels, he and another man planting the entire acreage. His annual output of hay is about one hundred tons. After the cyclone he moved to the house of his father- indaw, and the foundations of his former residence are visible to-day practically as they were left by the storm. Mr. Sultzbach is a neat and thorough farmer and ascribes his success almost entirely to his- close at tention to the details of his business. Of the three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Sultzbach only one is now living — Mrs. Maud F. Button, whpse husband is a lawyer at Buffalo:, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Sultzbach gave their daughter a good literary and musical education and she is a lady of many graces and accomplishments. In 1 90 1 they visited her in Buffalo, where they gave much time to viewing the wonders of the Pan-American exposition. Mr. Sultzbach is a Republican not without in fluence in the local councils of his party. He has been several times elected to im portant school offices in his township. Air. Sultzbach is a public-spirited man, devoted to the good of his fellow citizens, and is lib eral in the promotion of all measures tend ing to their benefit. A model husband and father, he is a generous and helpful neigh bor, in whom many a man in trouble has found such a friend in need as is truly a friend indeed. He is a member and a trus tee of the Methodist Episcopal church, of avhich denomination his avife also is a mem ber. GEORGE Z. REDFIELD. In examining into, the secret of success which has croavned the efforts of George Z. Redfield we find that his diligence and capable management have formed the foun dation of his prosperity and that moreover his actions have ever been guided by un- faltering honesty, his word being as good as any bond that was ever solemnized by signature or seal. He is now extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 3, Kingman township, where he owns eight hundred acres of valuable land, one-half of which is under cultivation, avhile the remainder is devoted to pasturage purposes. Mr. Redfield was born in Caldwell county, Missouri, December 8, 1838, and comes of a family that was founded in America during the earliest period in the development of Alassachusetts. Tradition BIOGRAPHICAL tilSTORY. 5»3 says that three brothers of the name of Red- field came, from England about the time of the landing of the Mayflower and thus founded the family on the soil of the new world, since which time their descendants have scattered Avidely over the United States. The parental grandfather of our subject Avas born in Neav England and was a tailor by trade, but also followed farming. On leaving Neaar England he took up his abode near Rochester, New York, where he spent his remaining days. In his family were six children: Caroline, who was the avife/of Squire Eggleston and died in Scott county, Kansas, in 1876; Esther, who was the wife of Dexter Griffith and died in Shen andoah, Iowa; Hiram, an agriculturist, who died in Fremont county, Iowa ; William, the father of our subject; Clarissa, who was the wife of Henry Wilcox and died in Utah; and Barbara, the wife of Dexter Stillman. William Redfield Avas a native of either Vermont or Alassachusetts, but was reared in Neav York and from there removed to Ohio, where. he avas married to Mary Scott, a native of Ohio, with whom he removed about 18 37 to Caldwell county, Missouri. During the early infancy of our subject his parents removed to Hancock county, Illi nois, settling on a farm near La Harpe, avhere they remained for two years and then spent a number of years in Indiana, after Avhich they returned to Hancock county, Illinois, coming thence, after two years, to Missouri and eventually locating in Mills county, Iowa, where they remained for eight or nine years. Their next place of residence avas in Page county, that state, where the parents spent their remaining days, the fa ther dying about 1877, avhile the mother passed away about two years later. He was a member of the church of Latter Day Saints and gave his political support to the Republican party. In the family of this wor thy couple were seven children : Rebecca, the wife of Sylvester Whiting, a merchant of Clitherail, Minnesota; George Z., of this review ; William, who died in Ogden, Utah ; Mary E., who died in childhood; Joseph Hiram, a barber of Shenandoah, Iowa; John Frank, avho follows the same line of business in Shenandoah; and Triphena, the avife of David Flail, a barber of Creston, Ioava. In the district schools of southwestern Iowa George Z. Redfield acquired the greater part of his education. He remained with his father until taventy-six years of age, when he avas married and established a home of his own. On the 26th of January, 1865, Imogene J. Austin became his wife. She avas born in Watertown, New York, April 18, 1846, a daughter of Benjamin and Lois L. (Baxter) Austin, both of whom were natives of the Empire state. The lat ter was a daughter of Nathan Baxter, who was a jailor in Neav York and served his country as a loyal soldier in the war of 1812. The Austin family is of Scotch and English extraction. The parents 'of Mrs. Redfield removed from New York to Grand Traverse, Michigan, about 185 1, and there the father followed the carpenter's trade for several years. His next place of residence avas in Butler county, Iowa, where he re mained until 1862, when he removed to Nauvoo, Illinois. In 1867 he avent with his family to Page county, Iowa, where his death occurred about 1878. His wife sur vived him until 1895, and departed this life when living with her son in Independence, Missouri. They were the parents of seven children : Sarah D., the widow of George Rogers, noav living in California; Sophia A., who was the avife of E. J. Moore and died in Independence, Missouri; Mary T., who married Eli Steele and died in Shenan doah, Ioava ; George, avho is now in Africa, but makes his home in Calana, Washington ; Wiley AV., a retired farmer of Independence, Missouri; Usselus A., a plasterer of Inde pendence, Missouri;; and Mrs, Redfield. After his marriage Mr. Redfield en gaged in farming for tavo years and then re moved to Decatur county, Iowa, later taking up his residence in Fremont county, whence he avent to: Page county, Iowa, residing there from 1870 until 1886. At the latter date he removed to Nemaha county, Ne braska, locating near Brownsville, where he purchased a farm of one hundred and eighty- acres, formerly owned by Governor Fur- 584 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY, ness, for avhich our subject paid ten thou sand dollars. This was one of the finest and best improved farms of the state and upon it had been erected a palatial residence, built of brick and unsurpassed in that part of the country. There Mr. Redfield resided until 1896, when he traded his Nebraska property for his present fine farm of eight hundred acres on sections 3 and 10, Kingman town ship. It is a splendid body of land, all under fence, and four hundred acres are planted with wheat. He has a herd of two hundred and thirty head of graded shorthorn and Hereford cattle, and he feeds over two car- loapds of cattle each year. He has also re cently begun the breeding of registered Jer sey Red hogs. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Redfield has been blessed with twelve children : George A., a farmer of Missouri; Eva L., the wife of C. Perry, a farmer living near Zenda, Kingman county; Oscar A., a farmer and stockman of Kingman county, who: is also serving as trustee of his township; William Franklin, who died in Nebraska in 1893; Triphena M., the wife of Homer E. MeCue, who follows farming near Zenda, Kingman county; Inez, who died in Nebraska in 1889; and Charles H, Mamie V., Earl N., Roy R., Carl E. and June F., all under the parental roof. The parents are both members of the Reorganized Church of the Latter Day Saints and Mr. Redfield has taken an active part in the church work. In politics he was originally a Republican, voting for Abra ham Lincoln, but of late years has been identified with the People's party move ment. He has been twice elected justice of the peace, discharging his duties with strict impartiality and thus winning high com mendation. He is numbered among the solid, substantial citizens of the county, true to his duties of citizenship and never with holding his support from any movement or measure calculated to advance the general good. In business he is thoroughly reliable is energetic and far-sighted, and his admir able management of his business interests has brought to him a most gratifying com petence. CAREY De WEESE. Carey De Weese, who is engaged in gen eral farming and stock raising on section 12, Rural township, was born in Darke county, Ohio, September 5, 1857, and is a son of John De Weese a native of Virginia, born in 1806, On arriving at years of ma turity he married Lottie Rose and soon af terward removed to Ohio, locating in Tip pecanoe, Miami county, during the days of its pioneer development. A few years la ter he went to Darke county, settling in a region so densely timbered that a path had to be blazed on the trees in order that they might find their avay to the settlement. There in the midst of the forest, Mr. De Weese cleared a tract of land and developed a farm, upon which he reared his family of fourteen children, giving to each one of them a farm as they reached mature years and started out in life for themselves. He had added to his original homestead until his landed possessions aggregated seven hundred acres. He not onlv became well- to-do, but was a very prominent and influ ential citizen and he bore an important part in the early progress and development of his region. He was married three times, his second union being with Mrs. Frazier. Af ter her death he Avas married, in Darke coun ty, to Christiana Dorman, the widow of Isaac Dorman, avho in her maidenhood bore the name of Houser. She was born in Pennsylvania and at an early age was left an orphan, so that no account of her family history is obtainable. Sh**- died December 25, 1892, on the old homestead in Darke county, while living with one of her sons. The father of our subject had passed away several years previously, on the 5th of Sep tember, 1884, and avas laid to rest in what is now Yorkshire cemetery. He was a prominent member of the Christian church and in his political views was a Republican. By his first marriage he had two children: AVilliam, avho was a soldier of the Civil ayar, and died in the hospital during the service; and Barney, avho avas for three years num bered among the boys in blue who preserved the Union, and avho is now a farmer of Mis- w COW w o>• w ooo Q< BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 585 souri. There avere three children by the second marriage and of these two are liv ing: Peter, a resident fanner of Darke county, Ohio; and George, an agriculturist of Miami county, Ohio. The daughter, Alary, was the avife of Harrison Swallow and died in Darke cOpunty, Ohio, about 1891. Her husband still survives and is living in Indiana. By his third marriage, the father of our subject had eight children, Carey being the seventh in order of birth. The record is as folloavs : Harvey is a retired farmer of Osgood, Darke county, Ohio; Gordon is a farmer and occupies the old. homestead in Darke county; Sarah, who died in AA''oodland, Ohio, about 1878, was the wife of Levi Davidson; Susan is the avife of John R. Brandon, a retired farmer of Yorkshire, Ohio; Thomas died in Darke county about 1873, when twenty-two- years of age; Ladema is the wife of John Coble, a farmer of Michigan; Carey is the subject of this review; and Joseph C. folloavs agri cultural pursuits near Osgood, Darke coun ty, Ohio.In the district schools of his native coun ty Carey De Weese obtained his education, •but his advantages in that direction were limited, his services being needed in the work on the home farm. He farmed AA'ith his father until his marriage, which occurred . September 3, 1883, the lady of his choice being Frances E. Lawhead, avho avas born at Covington, Miami county, Ohio, a daugh ter of David J. and Martha AI. (Conover) Lawhead. Her father avas born in Piqna, Miami county, March 30, 1836, and throughout his life followed farming. His wife, also a native of Piqua, was born No vember 2, 1843, and represented a family that came to the avest from Neav Jersey. The parents of Mrs. De Weese were mar ried July 3, 1862, in Piqua, where they re sided until 1888, with the exception of a short period spent in Darke county. In the year mentioned they came to Kansas and after a year's residence in Cherokee county, removed to Kingman county, avhere Mr. Lawhead purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon which he has since re sided. His wife died December 29, 1896. 37 They became the parents of eight children, namely: Mary E., who died in infancy; Frances E., now Mrs. De AVeese; Dora B., the wife of William. Grove, who is station agent at Nashyille, Kansas; Gladys L., who died in childhood; Georgie, the wife of Charles Shafer, a farmer of Kingman coun ty ; Alphonso, who is living with his father, married Minnie Franks, daughter of Mel- vin Franks, a farmer residing in Kingman county ; Alonzo., who was a twin of Alphon so, and who died in infancy; and Capitola,. who died in childhood. From his father Mr. De Weese inher ited a farm of eighty acres, and after his marriage resided thereon for tavo years, avhen he sold that property, and in the spring of 1888 he came to Kingman county, Kan sas, here purchasing one hundred and sixty- acres of land, constituting the nucleus of the farm, upon which he now resides. There were but few improvements upon the place,, including a dilapidated house, and the first. season he erected a new and substantial dwelling of four rooms. The same year he built a barn twenty-eight by taventy-four feet and also broke much of the land. He had but five or six head of cattle during the first season, but now a herd of fifty-two head and has found that the raising of and dealing in live stock constitute a very profit able enterprise. He sells his cattle as stock- ers and also feeds by the carload. He has a fine drove of thoroughbred Poland-China hogs, and everything- about his place is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating his careful supervision. His entire farm is en closed with a wire fence, and in addition to his stock and cultivated fields he has a fine vineyard, covering two acres. The home of Mr. and Mrs. De AATese has been blessed with two children, but, one died in infancy. The other son, Jesse, born June 27, 1885, is at home. Our subject and his wife enjoy the high regard of many friends and are people of sterling avorth. For six years he has served as road super visor and he has been adelegate to a num ber of county conventions of the Republican party, of which he is a stanch advocate. He belongs to the camp' of Modern .AA'oodmen 586 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. at Cunningham. He and his wife hold mem" berriiip in the Baptist church, their lives being in consistent harmony with Christian principles. E. F. SHERMAN. The story of pioneer life in Kansas is well knoavn to E. F. Sherman, for through twenty-five years he has been a witness of the development of the northwest and has faithfully borne his jD-art in the work of up building and advancement. He claims Illi nois as the state of his nativity, his birth occurring in Lasalle county, January 30, 1854. He is a son of John H. and Hester (McClish) Sherman, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Indiana, and in the latter state they avere married. In coni- pany with tavo of his brothers the father emigrated to. America and later another brother joined them in the new world, a lo cation having been made in Illinois. The brothers avere John H, Henry, Stephen and John. t Henry and Stephen died in Illinois. John H. Sherman, the father of onr sub ject, came to. the Sunflower state in i860, locating in Nemaha county, avhere he bought land and improved a good farm. He avas one of the early pioneers of the county, and the people of the present day- can scarcely realize the struggles and dangers avhich attended the early settlers, the hardships endured, the difficulties over come. He made many substantial improve ments upon his farm and avas recognized as one of the prominent and influential agri culturists of his locality. By hard avork and unflagging industry he secured a handsome competence, and at his death, avhich oc curred in 1878, he left to his avidoav and children a good estate. Plis avidoav survived him until 1882, avhen she, too, avas called to the home beyond. Of the Alethodist Episcopal church they avere both avorthy and consistent members. Their children avere : Leonard, Sophronia, Catherine, Stephen, Amos and E. F. Catherine avas tavice mar ried, her first husband having been J. Love less and her second A. D. Wells; Stephen died, leaving six children; and Amos avas married and left four children, at his death. E. F. Sherman, the subject- of this re view, avas reared to the honest toil of a fanner in his native place, and received his education in the district school of the neigh borhood. He remained under the parental roof until twenty years of age, and then, in 1876, came to Rice county, Kansas, but did not locate permanently in this locality until 1884. Soon after coming here he purchased the one hundred and sixty acres on which he now resides, which is noav under a high state of cultivation and is improved avith ail the modern accessories and equipments of a model farm. In addition to his general farming he also gives some attention to the raising of a good grade of cattle, of which he now has some fine specimens. His place is one of the valuable farms of Rice county, on avhich are a good residence, large barns and necessary outbuildings, and his well cultivated fields yield a good return for the care and labor bestoaved upon them. Die place is located nine miles northwest of Lyons. " In 1888 avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Sherman and Airs. Sarah E. Sherman; avho was born in Illinois, a daughter of R. W. and Elizabeth (Skinner) Wells, also natives of Illinois. They avere married in that state and in 1857 emigrated to Nemaha county, Kansas, casting in their lot among the pioneer settlers of the locality. They underavent many of the privations and hard ships incident to pioneer life on the western frontier, but they bore all avith fortitude and courage and nobly performed their part in the great avork of improvement and up building. The father avas a gunsmith by trade and also folloaved farming. They were the parents of eight children : Adolphus, Sally A., Frank, Jane, Abijah, Anna, Charity and Sarah E. Abijah avas the judge of a Kan sas appellate court, retiring in the fall of 1901 by reason of a change in the laav abol ishing that grade of courts. The parents died in Nemaha county, Kansas, in the faith of the Alethodist church, in avhich they held membership. The marriage of our subject and avife has been blessed avith one son, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 587 John E., Avho was torn August 8, 1889. Mr. and Mrs. .Sherman are also worthy members of the Methodist church. In his social relations he is a Mlason, and in poli tics votes with the Republican party, and although he keeps well informed on the issues and questions of the day he has never been an office-seeker, preferring to give his time and attention to his business interests. He has many friends among the pioneers, as avell as among the later arrivals of Kan sas, and avell deserves mention among the early settlers of this splendid common wealth. ERNEST W. SANDERSON. The story of pioneer life in Kansas is a familiar one to Ernest W. Sanderson, for he has been a witness of the development of the southwest and has faithfully borne his part in the work of upbuilding and advance ment. He is a native son of the Sunflower state, his birth having occurred at the old homestead in Lincoln township, Rice county, March 6, 1876, where he was reared to the honest toil of a farmer. He is a son of Sam uel and Jennie A. (Weaver) Sanderson, both natives of Ohio and descendants of prominent and representative families of that state. The father was born in High land county, Ohio, June 20, 1858, and was reared in Pike county, that state. He was a son of William and Elizabeth (Evans) Sanderson, natives respectively of Pennsyl vania and Ohio. The former was of Irish descent. Samuel and Jennie A. Sanderson were the parents of eight children, — Ernest W., Arthur, Alice B., George B., Elna E., James W., John H. and Charles. Of the Methodist church the parents were worthy members and the father was a member of the Masonic fraternity. Ernest W. Sanderson, the subject of this review, remained on the old homestead until he reached his majority, when he com menced the struggle of life for himself. His first employment was as assistant deputy agent of the Modern Woodmen of America, with which he remained for two years. At the time the Oklahoma district of the AVood- men avas admitted into jurisdiction as com petent territory he received the appointment of assistant deputy. He had entire charge of the district, appointed the agents and looked after the interests of the organization there. He remained in that position for four years. May 4, 1900, he accepted an agency of the New York Life Insurance Company, and in that position he is noav serving to the satisfaction of all concerned. He is a competent business man, reliable and trustavorthy in every relation of life, and his success has come to him as the result of per sistent purpose, earnest labor and reliable business methods. In his social relations he is a Master Mason and is also a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. SAMUEL SANDERSON. Rice county, Kansas, has no more hon ored and representative pioneer citizen than Samuel Sanderson, who- cast in his lot avith the early settlers of the Sunflower state taventy-eight years ago and has ever since been actively identified with the agricultural interests of that locality. His father, Will iam Sanderson, was of Irish descent. He served his country through the entire war of 1 8 12 and at an early day settled in High land county, Ohio, and later moved to Pike county, same state, where he improved a good farm and remained during his life. He was an industrious man, Avhose in tegrity and honor were above reproach, very social in his nature, greatly enjoying the friendship of his many friends. He was very successful in his farming operations and accumulated a comfortable competence with which to make himself and family com fortable and happy in old age. Politically he was a Whig and cast his last vote for Abraham1 Lincoln. He was converted to Christianity when sixteen years of age and joined the Protestant Methodist church, in which he served as class-leader for over twenty years and was also one of the steAv- ards of the church, contributing liberally to BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. its support. He married Aliss Elizabeth Evans, a native of Ohio, and they had eight children, namely: Sarah, the avife of Noah Nicely; Alary A., aaho: married Irvin Nicely ; Alargaret, avho became the avife of J. Spring; James, avho: served as corporai of his company during the Civil avar and is noav living near Neavton, Ioava; Martha, avho- became the avife of C. Flake; Samuel, the subject of this sketch; David^ who. Ha*es in Ohio-; and Emma, now the avife of H. Aldridge. All are yet living but Sarah, avho left four children. The father of the above named died at his old hopinestead in Pike county, Ohio, September 20, 1861, and their mother, avho- also aaas a member of the same church, survived her husband for a number of years, remaining at the homestead until her children were married and settled in homes of their oavn, avhen she made her home avith them and died at the home of one of her daughters in Ioava avhen seventy-two years of age. Samuel Sanderson, avhose name intro duces this revieav, was born in Highland county, Ohio, June 20, 1848, but was reared in Pike county, avhere he acquired a com mon-school education and remained under the parental roof until twenty-two years of age, avhen he married and settled on a rented farm in Ross county, Ohio., where he remained for one year. In 1873 he moved to Kansas and located a homestead in Rice county, where he yet lives. He thus became one of the pioneer settlers of that locality, and his claim, Avhich was fourteen miles from the nearest neighbor on the west, was the most avestern claim in the county. Buf falo, antelope and other wild game avas very plentiful, furnishing excellent sport for the huntsmen and fresh meats for the table. He built a small sod house and with char acteristic energy and determination began breaking the prairie and preparing it for cultivation. The crops avere not always sure or bountiful, and he met avith many dis couragements,, as avhen in 1874 the grass hoppers saa-armed over the prairie and de voured every a*estige of vegetation ; but he had raised and saved about one hundred bushels of Avheat, and, later crops being abundant, by economy and careful manage ment he has been enabled to' provide him self and family Avith all the necessaries and many of the comforts of life. He is en gaged in general farming and stock-raising, his fields are all now1 under a high state of cultivation, he has built a comfortable and commodious two-story frame farm house, which is supplied witb all modern conveni ences, has large barns, sheds and outbuild ings, and has made many other substantial improvements upon his place, making it very attractive and valuable, and he is num bered among the solid men of the county. In 1 87 1 Air. Sanderson was united in marriage to' Miss Jennie A. Weaver, an in telligent and cultured lady who: was born in Adams county, Ohio, January 22, 1847, a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gor man) AATaA'er, both natives of Ohio. He was a son of John Weaver, of German de scent, a farmer by occupation and an early settler of Ohio. His children were : Henry, noav lh-ing in Obto; Polly, now Airs. Mur phy; Benjamin J., the fatber of Mrs. San derson; and John, Avho makes his home in Ohio. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Sanderson Avas William Gorman, avho avas of Irish descent, a farmer and early settler of Ohio, and he and his wife avere earnest Christian people, respected by all avho* knew them. Unto them avere born the folloaving children: Mathew; Michael; Nancy, now Mrs. AAtyscupp.; John; James; Elizabeth, the mother of Mrs. Sanderson; Mary, now Airs. Gardner; and Ann, now Airs. Shoe maker. The marriage of Benjamin and Elizabeth Weaver avas blessed avith three children : Catherine, who died at the age of taventy-one years ; Jennie, the avife of our subject; and John B., avho died avhile serv ing his countiy in the Civil avar. The mother of these children died in 1850, a con sistent member of the United Brethren church. The father avas again married, to Miss Hannah Jenkins, by whom he has three children, — Marion, James and Wal ter, — all yet living in Ohio, where the par ents both died. Unto our subject and1 his avife have been born eight children, namely: Ernest XV., born Alarch 6, 1876, and noav BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 589 an agent of the Neav York Life Insurance Company; Arthur AA'., born November 11, 1877, a farmer by ocupation; Alice B., noav Mrs. Foot, born December 20, 1880; George B., born August 15, 1882; Eliza E., April 13, 1884; James W., March 1, 1886; John H., November 25, 1888; and Charles E., October 24, 1891, still at home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson are worthy members of the Alethodist Episco pal church. He helped to organize the first church of this locality and helped conduct the first protracted meding, avhich avas a complete success, there being thirty-two conversions, and all of the converts re mained stanch and avorthy members of the diurch through life. Air. Sanderson is con nected avith the Masonic fraternity, join ing the order when the lodge avas beld un der a dispensation, and thus became a char ter member of Chase Lodge, No. 247, A. F. & A. AL, of Chase, Kansas. He is a loyal and public-spirited citizen, deeply interested in all movements for the upbuilding and progress 'of his town, county and state, and well deserves mention in this volume. ELIAS M. CARNAHAN. Elias AI. Carnahan, aaho is engaged in general farming and stock-raising on sec tion 7, Kingman township, Kingman coun ty, avas born in Logan county, Illinois, Au gust 25, 1859, and is a son of Martin C. Carnahan, whose birth occurred in Drake county, Ohio, August 27, 1838. The fam ily is probably of Irish extraction, although it has been claimed that the original ances tors avere German people. Hoavever, many years have passed since the Carnahans came to America, for John Carnahan, the great grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania. Elias L. Carnahan, the grandfather, was probably born in Darke county, Ohio; at all events he was reared there. AVhen he had arrived at years of ma turity he carried on farming in Darke coun ty until 1857, when he removed with his family to Logan county, Illinois, where be purdiased a farm and spent his remaining clays, llis death occurring in the fall of 1871. He became a prosperous agriculturist and oavned a section of land in Logan cotinty. His life avas avell spent and made him a highly respected citizen of his community. He served at one time as county commis sioner and he is knoavn as a faithful member of the Christian church. Alartin C. Carnahan, the father of our subject, avas one of a family of ten children, namely : William, avho is the proprietor of a hotel in Emden, Logan county, Illinois ; Elizabeth, the avife of James Hayes, a farmer living near Blooimington, Illinois ; Francis, the avife of Ala j or John Hall, a re tired farmer of Greenville, Darke county*, Ohio; Martin C. ; Mary, the Avife of John W. AA'estfall, a retired farmer living in Valley Center, Kansas; Elias L., a soldier of the Civil war, yvho served for tAV0' years and is iioav en gaged in the real-estate business in Wichita. Kansas, .where he has also served as record er of deeds for four years ; Charlotte, the avife of Clay Ouisenberry, avho is the presi dent of the bank and president of the street raihvay company in Lincoln, Illinois, and also has extensive land interests in both Illinois and Texas ; Robert, a retired farmer living in Valley Center, Sedgavick county, Kansas ; and tavo children avho. died in in fancy. Martin C. Carnahan obtained his educa tion in the district schools of Darke county and avith his father removed to Illinois, avhere he remained until taventy-one years of age. Lie avas married in Logan county, Illinois, to Lodema Hatfield, avhose birth occurred in Darke county, Ohio, and avho avas a daughter of James and Lucy (Reed) Hatfield. Her father avas born in Penn sylvania but avas reared in Ohio, and her mother avas a native of Darke county. There Mr. Hatfield died during the early girlhood of Mrs. Carnahan, but his Avife passed aavay in AA^ichita, Kansas, about ten years ago:. The Hatfields Avere of Penn sylvania German lineage. Martin Carna han engaged in the operation of his father's farm until the Civil Avar broke out, and in 59o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the spring of 1863 he enlisted in the Twen ty-fifth Illinois Infantry, serving for one year, when he was sent home on a furlough on account of disability, occasioned by two sun-strokes which he received. He did not sufficiently recover in time to return to' the army, and after the war he continued to engage in agricultural pursuits in Logan county, Illinois, until the spring of 1876, Avhen he removed to Sedgwick county, Kan sas, and purchased a quarter section of rail road land on section 24, township 29, range 1 east. There he lived until three years ago, avhen he took up his abode near V)al- ley Center, in Sedgwick county, avhere he is noav living retired, both he and his avife living avith their son Albert. In politics he AA*as formerly a Republican, but now is iden tified Avith the Populist party. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan are consistent members of the Christian church, and unto this AA-orthy couple were born nine children, all of whom are yet living. In the district schools of Logan, county, Illinois, and of Sedgwick county, Kansas, Elias M. Carnahan pursued his education, being sixteen years of age at the time the family removed to: this state. He assisted in the cultivation of the home farm until tAventy-tavo years of age, when, in company avith his cousin, he established the first hard- avare store in Valley Center, under the firm name of Carnahan & Waller. For tavo years they prospered, doing an excellent business, and on the expiration of that period sold their store. Air. Carnahan then engaged in dealing in implements and also purchased a half interest in a drug store from Dr. Hennessy, his partner being a Air. Davis. The drug business was then carried on under the firm style of Davis & Carnahan, and the senior partner purchased the half interest in Mr. Carnahan' s imple ment business. For a year and a half they also conducted the postoffice in connection AA'ith the drug store. AVhen a. year had passed they sold the implement business to H. C. Boyle & Brother and conducted the drug store alone for tavo years, avhen Air. Carnahan exchanged his interest in the stock for the building. He then removed to Kiowa county, Kansas, and soon after ward disposed of his property in Valley Center, including his store and residence. He was engaged in the real-estate business in Greensburg, Kansas, during the big boom of 1887, and remained there for two years, conducting a large and pprofitable trade in city and farm property during the first year. He has also been inspector for tavo diiterent land companies. At the end of the second year he removed to Kansas City, avhere he engaged in the insurance business, representing the Prudential Life Insurance Company. After two years passed there he spent tavo years in Kansas City, Kansas, and af teravard resided for tavo years in Wichita, coming thence to his present place of residence, where he has since en gaged in general farming and stock-rais ing. In addition to his own land he rents largely and is extensively engaged in rais ing avheat. He also had a herd of good cattle. On the 23d of September, 1884, in Val ley Center, Kansas, Air. Carnahan was united in marriage to Hattie C. Clark, avho avas born in Metamora, Illinois, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Cox) Clark. Mrs. Clark had, hoavever, been previously mar ried, her first husband being James Delay. Her father aaas born in Kentucky, January 18 19, and on remoadng to Illinois en- o> gaged in the practice of laav in Metamora, and avas a very prominent and influential man. In the spring of 1877 he removed to Sedgavick county, Kansas, and in the fol loaving spring took up his abode in AVichita, avhere he soon aa-on a position of marked dis tinction at the bar, gaining a very large and important clientage. He died June 14, 1883. The same year his avife pre-empted a quarter section of land, on which her son- in-laav noav lives, and the following year re moved to that place with her two sons, Bruce and Zackery, there residing until about seven years ago, since which time she has made her home in Oklahoma with her son Zackery. She avas the mother of eight children : Annabel, who avas born February 25, 1856, and died in AVichita August 30, 1 88 1 ; Eunice, the avife of BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 59i George Lantis, a farmer of Kingman coun ty; John A., who is engaged in the real-es tate and loan, business in Wichita; James, who was the twin brother of John and died in infancy, October 9, 1859; Lillie M., who died in Metamora, Illinois, April 9, 1865; Mark B., a lumber and coal merchant of Seyery, Kansas; Airs. Carnahan; and Zack- ery, a doctor at Ingersoll, Oklahoma. Ellis Qark, the paternal grandfather of Mrs. Carnahan, avas of English descent and was born in Georgia December 25, 1791, but spent the greater part of his life in Ken tucky, where he died July 25, 1848. His father also avas a native of Georgia and was a captain in the Revolutionary war. He was wounded in the battle of Cowpens and died in his native state. Peter M. Cox, the maternal grandfather, avas born May 6, 1797, on Blennerhasset island in the Ohio river, and became a minister of the New Light church. His death occurred June 18, 1833. His fa,ther, AATiliam Cox, was the first of the family to come to America, crossing the Atlantic from England. The home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Carnahan has been' blessed avith five children, of whom four are living, — Ruby P., Opal L., Qara E. and Mona D. The third child, Albert M., was born July 7, 1889, and died June 17, 1890. Air. Carnahan and his family enjoy the highest regard of all who know them and have many warm friends in their adopted county. He is a man of stalwart honesty and his avord is as- good as his bond. For five years he served as clerk of the school board and has ever taken an active interest in the cause of education. He is a stanch Republican in his political views. Both he and his wife are faithful and active workers in the Christian church at Cun ningham. His life record will bear the closest investigation and his example is one avell worthy of emulation. AVILLIAM NEWLIN. One of the efficient public officials of Reno county, .Kansas, is William Neavlin, the present county clerk, who is a native of this great state, enjoying the distinction of hav ing been born in a log cabin in Brown coun ty, on March 23, 1869. His parents avere James T. and Rachel Ann (Grubb) New- lin. His grandfather, William Newlin, was of Quaker stock and emigrated from the North of Ireland to America, locating in Pennsylvania. James T. Newlin was born in Westchester, . Pennsylvania, early in the '40s, and shortly before the opening of the Civil war moved with his father*' and two brothers into the Prairie country, near Bloomington, Illinois, avhere he owned and tilled a farm until 1866. In that year he drove a team to- Kansas, and after his arri val here settled on a quarter section of land on the Santa Fe trail, thirty-five miles west of Atchison, and he still resides near the old home. By thrift and economy he added to his farm and was always at his best when displaying his fat cattle or a car of unusually fine hogs. In Brown county, in 1868, he was united in marriage to Rachel Ann Grubb, who came to Kansas with her parents in 1857. She was a daughter of C. C. and Charlotte Grubb, who came avest from their home in Greencastle, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Neavlin reared a family of ten bright children, making it their duty to see that each received the best educational advantages possible and have derived much satisfaction in realizing that all have become good and reliable members of society. Only three of the children still remain under the home roof. Two of the daughters are graduates of the Emporia Normal and are well known educators in this state. William Newlin, the subject of this re view was the eldest of the children, and during his youth he attended the district schools during the avinter months and as sisted on the farm during the summer. At the age of seventeen years he entered Wash burn College, remaining there until his grad ation from the preparatory department, and he also: spent a part of one year in the Michi gan State University. Returning to Kan sas, he taught school for one year in the old home district, near Wetmore, coming thence to Reno county to engage in farming and fruit-growing in Cow Creek valley, above 592 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hutchinson, avhere he has one of' the best young orchards in the county. Three years ago he purchased a half section of land three miles north of his home farm, which he is gradually turning into an alfalfa and cattle ranch, having now about seventy head of cattle, mostly. of the "black-woolly kind." Mr. Newlin has been interested in poli ties and public affairs from his youth, and has always been an active Republican, serv ing as a delegate in the various conventions of his party. For two years he has efficient ly served as the county clerk, and the con fidence in avhich he is held by his party and the people of Reno county was shown by his receiving the largest majority on the ticket. Mr. Neavlin was recently accorded a, renorni- natiou by acclamation for another term. His services have been repdered to the entire satisfaction of the majority of his fellow citi zens, avi'th good avill toward all, always ready to execute every duty of his office in a thoroughly impartial manner. The marriage of Mr. Newlin avas on the 20th of March, 1892 avhen he avedded Miss Alta G. Hadley. Pier parents, Levi P.. and Mary. J. (Jessup) Hadley, avere among the earliest settlers in Reno county, locating here in 1874, avhen the great Santa Fe Railroad reached only to Hutchinson. Tavo children have been born to1 our subject and avife, — George M. and Nina. Mr. and Mrs. Neav lin are members of the Methodist church, to avhich they are regular contributors, and the family is one avhich stands high in the es timation of the community, Mr/Neavlin rep resenting the younger element of progressive and public-spirited men of this section. THOMAS J. TEMPLER. Among the most prominent business men of Kansas is Thomas J. Templer, the president of the Kansas Grain Company, of Hutchinson. Llis operations extend over a very broad area and his success in all his undertakings has been so marked that his methods are of interest to the commercial world. Lie has based his business principles and actions upon strict adherence to the rules which govern industry, economy and strict and unswerving integrity. What he is to day he has made himself, for he began with nothing but his own energy and willing hands to aid him. Bj constant exertion, as sociated with good judgment, he has raised himself to the prominent position which he now holds, having the friendship of many and the respect of all who know: him. Mr. Templer is a native of- Adams coun ty, Ohio. His father, William Templer, was one of the pioneers of that county, having emigrated westward from Virginia. In the Buckeye state he cleared and developed a farm in the midst of the forest and was ac tive and heluf ul in the development of the county. He went to- Ohio when a young man and there he avedded Mary J. Phillips, a daughter of Howard Phillips, who rey moved from Alarvland to Ohio at an early D-eriod in the development of the state.. He located first in Highland county and there cleared a farm, avhich he afterward sold, re moving .to Adams county, where he again developed a farm from a tract of timber land. Indians, in motley garb, stalked through the forest, and bears and other wild. animals avere numerous. Thomas. J. Templer avas the only child born to AVilliam and Mary Templer, that, reached mature years. His father died when1 he was only three years of age, but he re mained avith his mother in Adams county, Ohio, avhere he pursued his early education and made his home until he had attained the age of seventeen. For a time he also pur sued his studies in Columbus, Ohio:, and subsequently matriculated in the Ohio Wes leyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, but after he had spent one year in that institu tion he found it necessary to. take up some avork that avould orovide him the means nec essary for the continuance of the college course. After Avorking for a year he again entered the school and, wishing to keep up avith the class of which he had fonnerly been a member, he mastered tavo' years' work in one. This, however, broke down his health. He avas caught in the Morgan' raid— for the Civil avar avas then in progress — and be- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 593 ing forced to Avade the river avhen he avas overheated he contracted a severe cold and his vitality lessened by overavork in the schoolroom, avas unable to avithstand the shock. He avent to Alinnesota for his health and about a year later he had sufficiently re covered so that he aaas enabled to enter mer cantile life. After a year and a half spent iu that business, however, his health again failed him, and believing that an outdoor oc cupation would proare more beneficial, he began buying grain for one of the largest shippers at Rochester. After his employer's retirement he continued business alone and was connected avith the grain trade in Min nesota for thirteen years. This gave him broad experience and a thorough knoavledge of the business, so that he avas avell prepared to continue in that line upon his removal to Hutchinson. Mr. Templer arrived in this city in July, 1881, and rented an elevator. Of the three men who were engaged in the grain trade here at that time, none are noav in business, but for taventy years Air. Templet has been an active factor in the purchase and ship ment of grain, his labors proving not only of individual benefit but also of great good to the country- by providing a market for the grain producers. His first elevator had a capacity of five thousand bushels. After renting for a short time he purchased it and occupied it until it avas destroyed by fire. !' Having an old mill on the present site of ' the Santa Fe freight deoot, he refitted it up for the grain trade and continued operations there until that aa-as also burned, avhen he built his present large elevator, avhich has a storage capacity of forty thousand bush els. Thirty thousand bushels can be taken in, as much of it as necessary cleaned and re loaded, in one day. This is made a clean? ing station for the more than fifty elevators owned by the Kansas Grain Company to the north and west. Their elevators are found as far to the north as AA'ebber, are on the McPherson, the Great Bend and the Kins ley lines, the Larned branch and the main line between Hutchinson and Spearville. Mr. Templer has erected the elevators at most of these stations since starting in bus iness in Hutchinson, only five having been acquired by purchase. He builds from six to eight each year and thus is continually en larging the scope of his business. In 1900 he shipped a little over three million bushels of grain and in 1901 his shipments exceeded that of the previous year. More of the avheat goes to exporters than to milling, for handling such large quantities their ship ments must be made in large amounts. Desiring to erect a detached engine house Mr. Templer sought to purchase the rear of the lot avhere his office is now located; but not being able to effect the purchase he bought the entire lot, bouse and grounds1 included. He made .the necessary change in the residence and moved his office to this place from Main street. He now has the finest office, in tlie city, splendidly equipped avith modern office furniture, and he takes just pride not only in its neat appearance but also in the surroundings, which he has made very attractive. The yard, nicely shaded, constitutes the fines't lawn in the city. It is planted to blue grass and though many people contended otheravise, Mr. Tem pler has proven that grass can be made to groAv luxuriantly avith care and attention, neither of which have been spared in im proving the laavn. He erected a brick de tached engine and boiler house, containing three boilers avith Corliss engines of tavo hundred and fifty horsepower, two clean ers, . tavo corn grinders and tavo track scales. His elevator is the finest and best equipped of any in the western part of the state, and the business has grown to; .mammoth proportions. Mr. Templer, how ever, is not driven by his business, but has everything so avell organized that he can easily manage his manifold interests with out being weighted with a burden of care and responsibility. He is thoroughly In touch with every department, nevertheless, and his splendid executive ability and keen discrimination have enabled him to build up an enterprise of great volume, yielding" to its stockholders a splendid annual dividend. At Rochester, Minnesota in July, 1866, Air. Templer avas united in marriage to Aliss Alice Ells, a daughter of John Ells, 594 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a druggist of that city. Two children were born toAhem : Charles W., who was travel ing auditor for the company, and was drowned in 1892, at the age of twenty-three years. While out bathing he was seized with a cramp and was unable to' reach the shore, Tess was married in 1896 to W. K. McMil lan, formerly of Denver. He was treasurer of the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company there until October, 1900, when he purchased stock in the Kansas Grain Company, of avhich he is now treasurer, and since that time he has made his home in Hutchinson. In his political views Mr. Templer is a Republican, earnest in his advocacy of the principles of the party, but has never sought office. Iu Rochester he toO'k the three de grees of the blue lodge of Masonry and later became a Royal Arch and Knight Templar Mason. He has also attained the thirty- second degree of the Scottish Rite and is a member of Ararat Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Kansas City, Missouri. In his religious faith he is a Methodist and is serv ing as trustee of the church to which he be longs. Lie has been active in promoting every interest calculated to benefit the com munity or advance its development along material, intellectual and moral lines. He is deeply interested in the public avelfare and Hutchinson has benefited by his efforts in her behalf. He is a man of irreproachable honor in business circles and though his operations are so extensive, there falls over his record no shadow of wrong. He is just and considerate and the principles of noble manhood and loyal citizenship are exempli fied in his career. MOSES BROTHERS. The day of small undertakings!, especial ly in cities, seems to have passed and the era of gigantic enterprises is upon us. In con trol cf mammoth undertakings are men of master minds, of almost limitless ability to guide, of sound judgment and keen dis crimination. Their progressiveness must not only reach the bounds that others have gained, but must even pass beyond into new and broader, untried fields of operation ; but an unerring foresight and sagacity must make no mistake in venturing upon uncer tain ground. Thus continually growing, a business takes leadership in its special line and the men who are at its head are de servedly eminent in the world of commerce occupying a position which commands the respect while it excites the admiration of all, Die firm of Moses Brothers is so well known throughout Kansas as to need no in troduction to our readers. Their operations as grain merchants are so extensive that their business affords a market to a large portion of the grain producing district of the state, their elevators being located in thirty-three toavns. They have resided im Barton coun ty since its pioneer days and therefore as early settlers as avell as prominent business men they well deserve representation in this volume. Clayton L. and Edavard W. Moses, the members Of the firm, are sons of Amasa C. Moses avho came to Barton county in 1871. He avas born in Ticonderoga, Vermont, in 1826, a son of Hiram Moses, who avas also a native of the Green Mountain state and was a farmer by occupation. In his later years he removed to Neav York, where he spent the remainder of his days. His son A. C. Moses, received superior educational priv ileges for those days and became an educator of note. He filled the position of principal of the schools of Erie, Pennsylvania, and later removed to Chautauqua county, New York, eventually becoming extensively in terested in the tanning business at Clymer, that state. In 1871, his keen sagacity en abled him to foretell a great future for Kan sas and he resolved to identify his interests avith hers. With his family he traveled by wagon to the avest settling im a country of barrem prairie, avhere there were no farms and no roads and avhere the work of progress and civilization had hardly been begun. He located om the northwest quarter of section 10 in what is noav Great Bend township, Bar ton county, and erected a small frame house —the first board residence in the county. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 595- The lumber used in its construction avas hauled forty miles, from the place . noav known as Russell, on the Kansas Pacific Railroad. This pioneer home is still stand ing. Here the family saw what no person can again see this portion of the state — great herds of buffaloes that completely covered the prairies as far as the eye could reach. There were also droves of antelopes, deer and wolves, and smaller animals were also frequently seen. Many times in those early days Mrs. Moses would lock herself in her home through fear of the Indians who in large bands would visit this region on hunting ex peditions, but the settlers avere never harmed by the red men. Mr. Moses broke the prai rie and planted the first eight acres of corn in the county, but a few hours after it had started from the soil it avas destroyed by a herd of buffaloes that ran over the field. In 1872 Mr. Moses removed to Great Bend and established a general store where the store of James Slinn is now located, and conducted it for five years. He was also the first county superintendent of schools and the first city clerk, holding those offices dur ing the period of his merchandising, but another enterprise offered more profitable re turns and his attention was given to other pursuits after selling his store. The prices paid for buffalo skins were from a dollar and a half to three dollars per skin, and these Mr. Aloses secured and shipped by the car-load to the east. In those days buffaloes avere killed for their skins alone and the carcas ses were left to the beasts, for while the meat was* edible all of it could not be used as food by the settlers. In later years many hundred dollars were earned by pioneers picking bones from the prairies and selling them, the bones bringing from six to' seven dollars a ton, while the horns sold from three to five cents each. At a later date Mr. Moses also speculated in farming land and stock and became very successful in bis business ventures, accumulating a handsome competence. He died, hoavever. in the prime of. Hfe, passing aavay in 1887, when in his sixty-second year. In early manhood Mr. Moses married Miss Naomi Terry, a native of Neav York,. aaho also died avhen about sixty-tavo years of age. They avere the parents of seven sons: Arthur, avho is trainmaster in the employ of the government at Seattle. Wash ington for the Philippine supply; Clayton L. and Edavard W., the members of the grain firm; William, who has charge of his bro ther's grain houses' in Kansas City Lincoln, a merchant in Pueblo, Colorado: Cassius, aaho avas colonel of the First Colorado Regi ment and noav resides at Denver; and Sew ard, also engaged in merchandising im Pueblo. Clayton L. Moses, the senior member of the firm1 of Moses Brothers, was born im Clymer, Neav York, in 1853, ancr pursued. his education in AA^estfield, that state. When. a young man he engaged avith his father in the tanning business, avhich he completely mastered in every minor detail as- well as im its more mpo-rtant points. He avas after ward employed as clerk in a general store in Russell, Kansas, avhere he remained until. 1872, when avith his brother Edavard he em barked in the grain business: He avas united in marriage to Miss Clara Mitchell, and they now have three children, — Clarissa, who died in infancy, Earl and Alice. Socially Mr. Moses is connected avith the Masonic fraternity in Avhich he has taken the degrees- of .the blue lodge and of chivalric and cap itular Masonry. In public affairs he has not sought prominence, his extensive business interests claiming bis attention yet he has served for two terms as county commissioner1 and has given his co-operation to many movements and measures for the general good. Edward W. Moses Avas born in Sherman, Chautauqua county, New York, in 1856, and was only a boy Avhen his parents came to Great Bend. He attended school here and afterward became a salesman for his father, being thus occupied in the business Avorld until he began operations Avith his brother.. He wedded Miss Annie J. Wood, a daugh ter of Adam Wood, of Great Bend, former ly of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He too is- :596 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a member of the blue lodge, chapter and con sistory and is likeavise a representative of the Modern Woodmen of America. It avas in the year 1873 that the brothers started upon a business career that has been an extremely prosperous one. They began buying grain and shipped one of the first car-loads sent from Great Bend. At the beginning they felt that they had done a big day's business if they shaped three car loads, but continually their operations in creased in volume and in 1878 they erected an elevator at the Santa Fe depot. This was comparatively small but they increased its capacity as their business demanded until it held tAventy-five thousand bushels. This, however, Avas destroyed by fire in 1898 at a time Avhen they Avere handling twenty car loads of grain daily*. In 1899 they erected their present modern elevator avith its im proved equipments, having a capacity of seventy-five thousand bushels, avith a hand ling capacity of about fifty cars daily. In 1900 they built a flouring mill with a capa- , city of five hundred barrels of flour daily, while their noted brand, "Moses' Best," is knoavn throughout the east and in foreign markets, for they do a large export trade. This flour is made from the "hard turkey wheat," which is knoavn as the best on the market. It is all raised in Kansas from a choice selection of grain. The Moses Bro thers furnish employment to thirty men. in Great Bend besides furnishing a splendid market to the farmers for their grain and thus their business is of great importance and Value to the community. They have estab lished elevators at thirty-thiee different points, including Great Bend, Ellinavood, Dundee, Paavnee Rock, Larned, Garfield, Kinsley, Overly, Spearville, Rodell, Hanston, Burdette, Jetman, Lleizer, Albert, Shaffer,. Timkin, Rush Center, Nekoma, Alexander, Ness City, Beeler, Bazine, Dighton, Grigsby, Scott City, Utica, Ransom, AlcCracken, Lacrosse, Ormintz, Kearney, Spur and Dart- worth. In 1900 they handled tavo million bushels- of grain and tbe same amount for the year 1901. To such gigantic propor tions has their grain business groavn! All has been accomplished through legitimate lines of trade, — close application, honorable dealing, persistence and unflagging enter prise, and their success is certainly avell mer ited. ( Their mercantile interests have also largely increased. In. 1877 they erected the store building avhich is to-day known as. the Cyclone. In 1885 they built the Hooper block, avhich they rented. They also erected the Farmers'-Mechanics' Block and they own the block in avhich the J. V. Brinkham's Bank is now located, except the bank room. Both of the brothers have magnificent resi dences in Great Bend. In 1887 they pur chased of Chappell & Gifforts forty acres of land Avhich they platted, it being now known as the Aloses Brothers addition. It Avas laid ont in lots and sold and is noav a thriving portion of the city. They also bought Lin coln Park, knoAvn as the Riverside Hereford farm. Here they oavu tAvo hundred acres of land, on Avhich are raised thoroughbred Hereford cattle. They have seventy-five registered cattle, and in addition feed other herds in Center tOAvnship, Barton county. They have altogether over ten thousand acres of splendid land, together with a fine set of ranch buildings. Here they feed cattle, keeping from seven hundred to one thousand head. They oavn eight hundred . acres in Homestead toavnship, known as the Steer ranch ; six hundred and forty acres for graz ing purposes in Stafford county ; and six im proved farms of a quarter section each, Avhich they rent. It avill thus be seen that their business interests are mammoth in pro portion, and yet their interests in each de partment are kept in smooth aa-orking order, capably managed, ably controlled and bring ing in a good revenue. The labors of the brothers have gained them a place among the avealthy men of Kansas, and at the same time have enriched the communities, in which their interests are located. From boyhood1 days they have resided in Barton county and' central Kansas may be proud to number among her citizens men avho have been so prominent in developing her resources and promoting her welfare. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 597 FRANK S. PORTER. Frank S. Porter is the proprietor of a popular drug and neavs store at the corner of Broadavay and Alain streets in Great Bend, and is recognized as a successful business man of sterling avorth. His record proves conclusively that success is not a matter of genius, as held by some, but re sults much more frequently from earnest and determined labor and purpose. Mr. Porter avas born in Logan county, Ohio, in 1866, and is a son of Captain Rob ert B. Porter. He avas at one time a resi dent of AA'est Virginia, but after the avar of the Rebellion, in aahich he served as cap tain, he removed to Ohio-. For some time he engaged in milling, and in 1882 he em barked in the drug business at Paulding. His death occurred in 1894, avhen he avas p sixty-eight years of age. Frank S. Porter, one of the honored citizens of Great Bend, in avhich he is most deeply interested, avas reared in the place of his nativity and pursued a common-school education, avhich fitted him for special train ing along business lines. He aftenvard became familiar avith the drug business in his father's store, being asociated avith his father in the capacity of clerk until 1886, aahen he resolved to try his fortune in the Sunflower state and took up his abode in Larned, Kansas, Avhere he secured a situa tion as a drug clerk. After coming to Great Bend he Avas employed by A. S. Allen and also engaged in carrying on a drug store oipvned by Dr. S. J. ShaAV. In 1891 he and his brother Herbert borroaved capital and opened a drug store at old Pawnee Rock. A year later they disposed of their enter prise there and opened a store in Kinsley, where they remained until 1897, when they disposed of this enterprise and began busi ness at Neavton. In 1900 Mr. Porter of this review established his drug business at Great Bend and to-day he has a fine, large store, avell equipped and stocked avith everything found in a first-class establish ment of the kind. He is free from debt and is regarded as one of the most energetic, wide-awake young business men of the city. He carries a fine line of drugs, paints, oils,. stationery and books and is also agent for mulsical instruments. In 1890 Air. Porter avas joined in aved lock to Aliss Lizzie Campbell, a daughter of AATiliam H. Campbell, formerly of Texas. They noav have tavo children: Amy, avho avas born Alay 1, 1891 ; and Baird, born. April 16, 1 901. Air. Porter is a member of the Alasonic fraternity, belonging to the blue lodge, chapter and council, and in the first named he is a past master, and is also a member of Woodland Lodge, No. 87, K. of P., in avhich order he is a past chancellor, and he is a member of B. P. O. E. at Hutch inson. Energetic, avide-aavake and pro gressive his efforts have been discerningly directed along well defined lines of labor and his prominence as a merchant is due to: his oavn careful guidance of business affairs and. his honorable methods of dealing avith his. patrons. owen p. Mcpherson. Although one of the more recent arrivals- in Barton county, Dr. AlcPherson has al ready attained a position among the most. successful physicians of this locality. He established his office in Hoisington in 1900 and is now in control of a large and con stantly groaving practice, avhich is unmis takable evidence of his ability. Life is the most priceless possession of man, and an individual does not trust himself to the hands of one unskilled in the treatment of" diseases. The Doctor avas born in Jacksonville, .Illinois, and is a son of Adolphus A. Mc Pherson. He enjoyed the excellent educa tional advantages afforded by his native state and was afterward graduated in the Illinois State University, Avith the class of 1895. He determined to: devote his en ergies to a professional career and accord ingly he entered Rush Aledical College,, of Chicago, completing the course by grad uation avith the class of 1899. He took • several special courses' of study, thus being .598 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. well fitted for his chosen calling. As before stated he came to Hoisington in 1900 and entered upon his professional career here in partnership with Dr. G. L. Koch. Here he built up. an excellent and lucrative prac tice, Avhich claims his close and undivided attention, the more so from the fact that his partner is now in Berlin, Germany, pursu ing a special course of study. Dr. McPher- son's opinions are largely considered as .authority in many instances, for he is known to have a avide and accurate knowledge of the principles of medicine and to apply with ability his learning to the needs of the pa tients. The firm have fine parlors, consul tation and operating rooms, thdr office equipments being superior to those of apiiy physician or surgeon in the county. Dr. McPherson possesses a splendid library, which he studies, continuously, constantly increasing his knowledge. His perusal of medical journals also adds constantly to: his information. He began practice in the vil lage of Zaria,, but after a very brief interval he came to Hoisington, where his profes sional career has been passed. He and his partner are local surgeons for the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, and as this town is the division center they have had ample opportunity to' display their skill. Our sub ject is identified avith the Alasonic frater nity, the Alodern Woodmen of America and is examining physician for all of the insur ance orders and companies of this locality. 1 He is genial and kindly and his unfailing courtesy has made him very popular. ALBERT S. ALLEN. Albert S. Allen is the pioneer druggist of Great Bend, opening the first store in that line of merchandising in this city. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio, December 9, 1846, and is a son of Alanson Allen, who> in early- life engaged in the foundry and machine business, carrying on operations along that line for taventy-five years, retiring in 1864. Lie married Miss Rhoda Clark, who died when about thirty-three years of age, and his death occurred in 1883, when he was seventy-four years of age. Their son Al bert S. entered the public schools where he pursued his studies until about fifteen years of age, when his patriotic spirit was aroused over the condition of affairs in this country andi although only fifteen- years of age he enlisted in January, 1862, as a mem ber of Company F, Eighty-second Ohio In fantry. He served for a period of three years and seven months. During the latter part of his term of enlistment he was made hospital steward of his regiment. After his return from the front he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he pursued a business course of study and then, accepted the position of bookkeeper for a year. On the expiration of that period he went to Mansfield, Ohio, and established a drug store, avhich he con ducted from 1869 until 1872. He had heard and read very favorable rejiorts of the cen tral section of Kansas, avhich avas then be ing" opened to civilization. The settlers told of its superior climate, of its rich lands and possibilities, and following the march of em pire westward, he made his avay to the Sun flower state, journeying first to Fort Scott, and then visited several new towns. On reaching Hutchinson he found that a drug store had already been established there, but avhile at that place he made the acquain tance of D. R. Smith, avho avas coming to Great Bend to enter land and Mr. Allen then accompanied Mr. Smith, avho avas driven in a wagon to Great Bend in order to enter land, He was pleased avith the country and its prospects and decided to locate in this place. Accordingly he built a little frame building, taventy to thirty-two feet, where is now lo cated the store owned by the E. R. Moses Mercantile Company. He then went to Kansas City, avhere he bought a stock of goods and soon had a fine line of drugs, paints1 and stationery, having one of the best equipped frontier stores to be found in the country. In 1875 he erected the two-story block, where he is now located, shipping the stone from Florence by rail. The structure is twenty- five by fifty feet, and in 1882 he put on an addition1 to a depth of thirty feet, in the rear. In 1885, in' connection' with BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 599 John H. Hubbard, they erected another building on the same street, its dimensions being sixty by fifty feet. He is still inter ested in the ownership of this structure. In the rear of his first building he erected his first residence and afterward bought the corner lot, the present site of the drug store. Although other drug stores have been established in Great Bend, he still con tinues to be the "first druggist" in the town, not only in years of active connection with the business, but by reason of his well equipped store and- the large patronage avhich he enjoys. His son Charles has been in the store since 1891, and now is its man ager. Mr. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Christian Mosey. She aa'as born near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and has become the mother of seven chil dren. Rhoda, now the wife of Glen Quinn, by whom she has one child, Allen ; Florence, deceased ; Charles, who is a graduate of the high school of Great Bend and is now asso ciated*- avith his father; Albert S., deceased; Elizabeth, wife of Frank Green; Alberta; and William M. Die family is one of prom inence in the community, the members of the household occupying an enviable position in social circles in avhich they move. Mr. Allen is a member of the Masonic frater nity, in aahich he has taken the chapter and commandery degrees." He also: belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic. Through thirty years he has been a rep- resentive of the business interests of Great Bend and a history of the city would be in complete avithout mention of his career. His business methods have ever been straightforward and commendable and be has depended for success upon his energy, -determined purpose and perseverance. AUGUST H. SCHAEFFER, August H. Schaeffer is prominently iden tified avith industrial interests in Great Bend as one of the proprietors of the Great Bend Ice Plant. His energy, reliability and keen business discrimination render him' an ac tive factor in business circles, and his labors have contributed in large measure to the bus iness advancement of the city with which he has been associated. He is a son of Hen ry Schaeffer, avho avas born in Prussia, Ger many, seventy-one years ago, and there mar ried Aiinnie Rittermyer. They came to the United States, locating in Quincy, Illinois, where the father followed the carpenter's trade, and in September, 1871, they took up their abode in Great Bend, locating here soon after the town was laid out. The father erected the first building — the old Southern- Hotel — and for some years avas engaged in the building business, thus contributing in substantial measure to the improvement and development of the city. About 1885- he purchased a tract of land, constituting the farm upon which he noav resides. He had first built a small house and later replaced it by a larger residence, now one of the at tractive and desirable country homes of the community. Both he and his wife are liv ing, at the age of seventy-one years and are a highly esteemed and venerated couple. They became the parents of eight children, namely: Augustus H; Henry and Carrie, both deceased; Mattie; Emma; Charles; Mary ; and a daughter who- died in infancy. Mr. Schaeffer, the subject of this sketch, was united in marriage to Miss Mary, daughter of James Armstrong, of Great Bend, one of the early settlers of this por tion of the state. They now have five chil dren, — Albert, Joseph, Edavard, May and Freddie. Socially . Mr. Schaeffer is con nected with the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs in both the subordinate lodge and encampment, and in the former is past grand: He has represented the lodge in the grand lodge three times, which fact indicates his prominence in the fraternity. He is also a * member of the Modern Woodmen, in which he has occupied, various offices, and has mem bership relations with the National Aid. He is prominent among the business men of Great Bend, avhere for taventy-nine years he has been closely identified avith its business development and progress. Keen dis crimination and sound judgment have brought to the concern with which he is con- 6oo BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. nected a large measure of success. The safe conservative policy he inaugurated, coin- mends itself to the judgment of all and has secured to the firm a patronage avhich makes their volume of trade of great importance and magnitude. TLIOMAS G. ELBURY. Thomas G. Elbury, a prominent and suc cessful civil engineer and surveyor of Hutchinson, Reno county, Kansas, has been a resident of that part of the state since 1886, and has resided in Reno county since 1893. He is a representative of an old Eng lish family, his paternal grandfather, Will iam Elbury, as well as his father, Edward, having been born in Bristol, England, avhere the family for many generations have been engaged in the manufacture of pottery. The records of the family trace back to. the six teenth century when they* avere residents of South Wales, England, South Wales then being a part of the original British Isles. Family tradition says that the greaL-great- great-grandparents, referred to in the six teenth century, lived to- the ripe old age of one hundred and six and one hundred and eight years, during which time neither of them slept over night outside of the toavn in avhich they avere born. The father, Ed ward Elbury, chose for his avife, Miss Jane Simmons, of Sussex, near London, and avas married at Shore-Ditch church, London, in the summer of 185 1. -Five children avere born to' this union, four of whom attained to their majority, Thomas G., the subject of this sketch, being the youngest. Thomas G. Elbury avas born in Bristol, England, February 24, 1862, avhere in his early boyhood he attended school, and at the same time was taught the art of making pottery. He had little inclination for this business and resolved to. fit himself for some higher vocation, and when but fifteen years of age, avhile earning his oavn livelihood dur ing one-half the day, he attended school the other half and there laid the foundations for his future career. When a boy he had traveled avith his father very extensively through the British Isles, including Eng land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and after considering the possibilities for the advance ment of a young man in his native country decided there avas a better future in a for eign country. His first intention avas to go to Australia or Africa, but finally de cided to make the venture in America, and in 1883 crossed the ocean, arriving in Cleve land, Ohio. Here he immediately obtained a position, and having an ambition to be come a civil engineer laid his plans accord ingly. He entered a night school and through strong perseverance and unceasing labor, en during many hardships and deprivations, he completed his course and was qualified to enter upon his chosen profession. In 1884 he came avest and secured the position of assistant civil engineer of Barber county, under County Surveyors Charles and George Sexton. He then served in Kingman county under County Surveyors T. S. Benefiel, Jr., and Frank Koresky. When not occupied in his regular line of business he engaged in newspaper avork, and soon became local editor and also had charge of the circulation department of the Daily Courier, at King man. He was connected with this paper until it aa-as suspended, and, having a lik ing, for neavspaper work, purchased the Cun ningham Herald and successfully conducted it in connection avith his work of surveying. In 1893 he removed the plant to Pretty Prairie, Reno county, and there established the first paper in that town, "The Pretty Prairie Press." Desiring a larger field, how ever, he removed to Turon, in the same countv, in April, 1895, and has since pub lished the "Turon AA/eekly Press." It is a flourishing paper of eight pages of five col umns each, and has a large circulation in Reno, Pratl; and Kingman counties. He has been very successful in Kansas, both in neavspaper avork and as a civil engineer,. and has established an enviable reputation as a thorough and conscientious business man. In the fall of 1895 Mr. Elbury secured the nomination for county surveyor at the Republican convention, and although he had BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 60 1 for an opposing candidate, Fred H. Car penter, a popular gentleman of exceptional abilities, he avas successful by a vote of nearly tavo to one, and at the regular elec tion secured a majority of about four hun dred votes. His duties have been performed with such satisfaction to his constituents that he has been twice re-elected, although a hard fight avas made at his third nomination. This opposition but spurred him on to great er effort, hoavever, and at the convention this time he exceeded his former majority of over tavo to one. and also the majority re ceived at the election. Oaving to the neav laav he avill hold the office for an extra year avith out another election. He has ahvays been actively interested in the avelfare and suc cess of the Republican party, and has aided it materially, both by his oavn individual ef forts and by the support of his paper. Out side the routine avork of the office he has been called upon by the Missouri Pacific and the Santa Fe roads for avork of different kinds in the line of his profession, and has also been engaged on the preliminary work for the projected road to Patterson, avhich will give an inlet to the "Frisco" road, and should this project be carried through, he avill have charge of that avork also. He has been engaged in the construction of the en gineer booth in the basement of the new court house, and also for that of the Alon- arch1 Mills. He has had charge of all the en gineer work for the Independent Salt Works, and in the construction of the booth he inaugurated some entirely neAV and prac tical ideas. Mr. Elbury has been success ful in accumulating considerable property, his first possessions being farming property in Barber county, Avhich he acquired under the pre-emption law Avhen he first came to Kansas. He is now interested to quite an extent in city real estate and has erected two residences in Hutchinson. He also oaviis real estate in Kingman and Cunningham, Kansas, and in Alva, Ponca City and Nar- din, Oklahoma Territory. In 1900 he erected his present home, which is situated at Xo. 926 North Main street, Hutchinson, and the beautiful residence is certainly an evidence of the success which Mr. Elbury has achieved. On the 2 ist of August, 1889, in Nash ville, Kingman county, Kansas, Thomas G. Elbury Avas joined in the holy bonds of mat rimony to Miss Alice A. McKinnis, a daugh ter of the Rev. John A. McKinnis, who- for many years has been a prominent preacher in the Baptist church. He is a native of Tennessee, but came to Kansas early in the history of that state and is numbered among the pioneers of Kingman county. He comes from a family of patriots, his ancestors hav ing served avith AVashington in the Revolu tionary war, and he himself offered his ser vices to his country in the war of the rebel lion. The union of Air. and Mrs. Elbury has been blessed avith one son, Edavard John. The parents are both consistent members of the Baptist church of Hutchinson, and take and active part in its avork. Mr. Elbury being a deacon of the church. Thomas G. Elbury is one of the leading factors of , the city of Hutchinson, being- earnest and zealous in the advancement and development of the community in which he resides. He is identified both politically and socially avith many of the prominent organi zations of the county. He avas a member of Kingman Lodge, No. 199,- 1. O. O. F., and is now a member of Reno Lodge, No. 99, of Hutchinson, and Kingman Encampment, No. 96. He has ably filled offices in these lodges as avell as .in the grand lodge of the state. In Chicaskia Lodge, No. 100, K.. o£ P., he held the office of keeper of records and seals. He holds membership in Turon Camp, No. 878, Al. AA'. A., and avas also a member of the Knights of Labor in King man prior to its entering politics. He also served on the board of education of King man. In addition to holding the office of county surveyor of Reno county he is noav acting as special city engineer of the city of Hutchinson. Airs. Elbury holds mem bership' avith Alizpah Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, and avith the Woman's Relief Corps,, No. 111. She is a lady of intelli- gaice and ability, and is held in high es teem by her many friends. 38 602 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Mr. Elbury is a man avho well merits the success he has achieved, socially, politically and financially. His early education was acquired avith difficulty, for he recieved as sistance from no one, but avith unfaltering courage and persistent effort he reached the height which he had resolved to attain, and . there found his reward. He enjoys the con fidence and friendship of the citizens of Reno county, and is widely known as a man of honor and integrity. SIAIEON J. SHAW, M. D. In the subject of this review we have one Avho attained distinction in the line of his profession, avho avas an earnest and dis criminating student and who held a position of clue relative precedence among the med ical practitioners of central Kansas, and ul timately enjoyed the distinction of being the •oldest practicing physician in Barton county, making his home in Great Bend, where he avas not only esteemed as a prominent rep resentative of his profession but as a suc cessful and honored citizen. The Doctor was born in Cardington, Ohio, June 19/1853, and is a son of Jesse Shaav, a farmer, avho was among* the early settlers of that section of Ohio' known to day as Shaavtoavn, or Shaw Creek. In that locality the Doctor attended school, and at the age of sixteen began teaching. He had fifty-six scholars, thirty-four of avhom bore the name of Shaav. Hoavever, he abandoned the educational profession in order to take up the study of medicine, avhich he pursued under the direction of his brother, Dr. Fran cis C. Shaav, of Ashley, Ohio, noav deceased. .Subsequently he avas graduated in the Star ling Aledical College, of Columbus, avith: the class of 1879, and began practice in Ohio, but his health failed him. He had a hemor rhage and his lungs avere badly affected. Going to Philadelphia, he was there advised by the best medical skill of the city to seek a change cf climate, for his physician believed that he could not live long in Ohio. He then avent west, visiting Colorado, Mexico: and' other states, including Kansas. The last named seemed to him an agreeable place for a residence and he took up his abode at Great Bend, then a promising new city, with a high elevation. It seemed to have every advantage for a health resort, and so it has proved. The Doctor decided to locate here and found that he rapidly gained 'in health and strength. At the time he took up his abode in Great Bend, in 1882, there were only two physicians here, Dr. Bayne and Dr. McCormick, neither of avhom had practiced for many years. His professional duties were such as are usually experienced in pio neer settlements where there were no roads. He rode across the prairie in every direction and has Avitnessed the transformation from the broad open plains to a finely settled- coun try with Avell improved farms. His success in his chosen profession Avas continuous, and in addition to his large private practice he served as a physician and surgeon for the Santa Fe Railroad Company for sixteen years. His office, including beautiful par lors and avell equipped consultation and op erating rooms, avas located on Main street, in the Allen block. In 180** he purchased the O. B. AA'ilson drug store, avhich he con ducted until 1 89 1, Avhen he exchanged that property for three quarter sections of land which had been settled by Lewis Simpson. On that property- he made many improve ments, erecting substantial buildings. He also purchased the John Harris farm, com prising three hundred and taventy acres of land, and a tract of eighty acres formerly oavnecl by Air. Elson. Although he gave to his farming interests his personal supervis ion, he did not alloav his agricultural duties to interfere Avith his large practice, which extended all over Barton and adjoining counties. The Doctor avas united in marriage to Aliss Orlinda Leavis. of Delaware county, Ohio, and their only child, Vida M., is noav the avife of Dr. E. E. Alorrison, avho was her father's partner. Dr. Shaw avas a member of the Alasonic fraternity, taking all of the degrees of the order, and avas also a member of the Alvstic Shrine, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pyth- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 603 ias fraternity, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Modern AVoodmen of Amer ica and the Independent Order of Red Men, and avas the examining physician for most of these. He likewise belonged to the State Medical Society. He filled the office of cor oner almost continuously after locating in Great Bend and avas prominent as a mem ber of the Republican party, on avhose ticket he avas nominated for tbe office . of state representative in 1900. He ran far ahead of the ticket, losing the election by only forty-dght votes. He Avas regarded as a valued resident of the community and one whose labors have been of material benefit not only along the line of his profession but in other avalks of life. His manner was genial, courteous and kindly and made him very popular. He passed from the checkered scenes of earth December 10, 1901, lamented by numerous friends. ALBERT R. LASH, M. D. Among those who are devoting their lives to medical practice in Barton county is Dr. Albert R. Lash, who has resided here since 1885, coming to Kansas from Troy, Ohio. He was born in Stark county, that state, in the year 1845, a son 0I David A. Lash and a grandson of Dr. A. Lash. Per haps an inherited predilection for the medi cal profession led our subject to begin study along that line. At any rate he became a student in the office of Dr. Thomas Clam- mack, at Milford, Indiana, and he began practice at Georgetown, Virginia, where he continued until 1871. He then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keo kuk, Iowa, where he was graduated but sub sequent to that time he practiced in Henry county, Iowa, in 1872. His next place of abode was in Troy, Ohio, where he remained for three years, and from that place he came to Ellinwood. In the early days he would frequently drive across the country for twenty miles in order to visit patients. He had to ford creeks and find his own way across the prairie, for there were no roads. He never refused to respond to a call for aid, hoavever, and thus became the loved family physician in many a househould. He is well versed in his profession and has to-day a large and constantly growing patronage. Dr. Lash was united in marriage in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, to Miss Alice AI. Scott, a daughter of William Scott, of that city. She is a lady of culture and refine ment and a graduate of the old HoAve Acad emy. They iioav have two children, — Edna, Avho married H. C. Fortney and has one child, Dewey ; and Florence, who is at home. The family is one of prominence in the com munity, enjoying the high regard of many friends. The Doctor was elected county cor oner, in 1892, up to which time there had never been a record kept concerning deaths in the county. He, however, arranged a set of books for records, and since that time the history of the same has been written. He has also been examiner for lodsres and in surance companies. Wherever he is known he has enjoyed the confidence and respect of his fellow men and is a worthy representa tive of one of the most important callings to avhich a man's energies may be directed. F. VERNON RUSSELL. In the law more than in any other pro fession is one's career open to talent. The reason is evident : it is a profession in avhich eminence cannot be attained except by in domitable energy, perseverance and patience ; and though its prizes are numerous and splendid they cannot be won except by ardu ous and prolonged effort. It is this that has brought success to Mr. Russell and made him known as one of the ablest representa tives of the bar in this section of the state. He resides in Great Bend, avhich is far distant from his birthplace, for he first opened his eyes to the light of day in Jeffer son county, West Virginia, on the 10th of December, 1866, his father being Francis M. Russell. He pursued his education in the Randolph Macon Colleee, of Virginia, and afterward in the University of Vir- 604 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ginia, and avhen he had completed his liter ary course took up the study of laav, being graduated in the laav department of Colum bia College, of Neav A'ork, avith the class of 1888. Subsequently he Avas associated avith Charles F. Beach, Jr., a distinguished law yer of Neav York city, for about a year, avhen his eyes became affected and he went to Colorado for his health, remaining about eighteen months in that state. During that period he avas admitted to the bar in Pueblo, and to some extent engaged in practice. In 1890 he came to Great Bend, avhere his par ents had. located, and for six years he was associated, here in practice with J. W. Clark. Since that time he has been alone. He now has a large and distinctively representative clientage, and the legal business entrusted to his care is of an important nature. He has served for four years as deputy city at torney and for six years as city attorney. His labors have contributed in large meas ure to various business enterprises avhich have proven of public benefit. He is a stock holder and director in the First National Bank of Great Bend, and in 1900, associated with other enterprising business men, he es tablished the Barton County State Bank, of Hoisington, of avhich Air. McElmore is president and Mr.. Russell vice-president. He is likewise a stockholder and director in the Kansas, Oklahoma and Central Rail road, having One terminal im Salina, Kan sas, and extending to- Texas. This is a neav enterprise avhich has received a generous and liberal support of reliable business men. Mr. Russell is also- the oavner of a section of land, being section 27, toavnship' 20, range 14, and thirty-three acres on section 29, toavnship. 19, range 13. The latter tract lies within the corporation limits of Great Bend', in avhat is knoavn as the AA^ells addition. Air. Russell avas united in marriage to Aliss Jettie McBride, a daughter of Ezekiel McBride, of Great Bend. They noav have two children, — Ruth D. and Josephine. So cially- Mr. Russell is identified avith the Ma sonic order, in avhich he has, taken the de grees of the lodge, chapter, council and com mandery, and in the first named he has served as master for three years, avhile he is noav high priest of the chapter and eminent commander of the commandery. He also is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, the Knights of Pythias and the An cient Order of United Workmen. He is well known in social circles and is a sup porter of many important enterprises. His chief attention, hoavever, is given to his pro fession, in which he is, meeting with splen did success. MAHLON WARD. Mahlon Ward is a retired farmer of El linwood and a man of high standing in, the public regard. He came to the county in an early day when buffalo roamed over the broad and uncultivated prairie; often times he has shot buffalo, antelope and deer, and the meat of this avild game furnished many a meal in the early days of that pioneer period, and his privileges were those usually found upon the frontier when hard labor and strong determination are the concomitants of char acter that enable the frontiersman to obtain a home and work his way upavard to pros perity. Mr. Ward was born in Belmont county, Ohio, August 13, 1839. His father, Moses M. Ward, was a native of Monroe county, that state, and the grandfather, Timothy Ward, was born in Maryland. He served his country in the avar of 1812 and became one of the first residents of Ohio, avhere he followed agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Rebecca Matheney and unto them was born, on the 30th of November, 181 7, a son, to avhom they gave the name of Moses M. He avas twenty-one years of age avhen, on the 1 8th of August, 1838, he wedded 'Miss Matilda Moore, a daughter of Solomon and Mary Moore, of Belmont county, Ohio. She was born December 31, 181 2, and passed aavay November 23, 1874, while the father of our subject died in August, 1893. Their children were : Mahlon ; Henry J. ; Benja min; Mary J., deceased; Timothy, avho is living in Barton county ; Rebecca A., avho has also passed aavay; Mrs. Emily Keeler, and Airs. Evelyn Cook, twins; and Albert BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 6o = E., noAV deceased. By occupation the father AAas a farmer and folloaved that pursuit throughout his entire life. About 1884 he came to Barton county, Kansas, avhere he purchased a farm, upon avhich he lived until his death. hi the year 1844 Mahlon Ward removed with his father to BartholomeAV county, In diana, where he remained for two years, when he avent to Broavn county. AA'hile re siding here he Avas married to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Joseph and Jane (Qark) Down ey. She Avas born in Noble county, Ohio, October 22, 1834. Her parents were farm ing people and both died avhen about seventy years of age. After his marriage Mr. Ward began farming in Brown county, Indiana, and then removed to AArayne county, Illi nois, avhere he was living at the time when he received many circulars setting* forth the advantages of life in Kansas, the splendid opportunities of the state and the advantages here offered to its residents. His interest thus awakened, he resolved to take up his abode in the Sunfloaver state and on the 15th of February, 1873, he left his home in -Illi nois and started by avagon for the Eldorado. His wagon was loaded Avith household fur niture and avith his family he thus journeyed across the country. On the 20th of April, 1873, ^ir- Ward with his wife and children arrived in Barton county, and he entered a soldier's claim on section 10, township 19, range 11, thus securing. the southwest quar ter. He erected there a farm house twelve by sixteen feet. Timber was at that time very high and they made the most of what they had. During the second year Mr. Ward broke sixteen acres of the land for sod corn and raised about fifteen bushels per acre. In the meantime he engaged in breaking prairie for others in order to get money to carry on the work of his own farm and meet the ex penses of the family. He had to go to Sa lina for corn to be used for food and grocer ies were purchased at Ellinwood. Their meat avas principally buffalo and antelope which Air. AVard shot,' for those animals were then quite numerous on the prairies of Kansas. As the years passed and his financial resources increased he added, to his original tract of land and also further im proved it by the erection of many substantial buildings, including a fine residence, a large barn and other structures for the shelter of his grain, stock and farm implements. He planted shade and fruit trees and 'to-day oavns a valuable tract of land, splendidly im proved, six and one-half miles northeast from Ellinwood. The excellent appearance of his farm indicates his life of industry and the diligence avhich has ever marked him throughout his business: career. He pur chased a quarter section of land adjoining his home on the east that had been some what improved by James Thompson. Alva and Albert, sons of Mr. Ward, noav conduct the farms. In 1900 the father retired from business life and came to' Ellinwood, where he purchased the D. Scanlan property, avhich he has improved and enlarged, and noav he is enjoying a avell earned rest in his pleasant home. Air. Ward enlisted August 20, 1861, in Company C, Sixth Indiana Volunteer In fantry, and avas honora,bly discharged Sep tember 22, 1864, and mustered out at In dianapolis, Indiana. He avas at the battle of Pittsburg Landing and all those of the Atlanta campaign. The marriage of Air, and Mrs. AVard has been blessed avith the folloaving children: Matilda Jane, avho died at the age of twenty- one months ; Alva Carlton, avho married Alay Broavn, by avhom he has three chil-. dren, — Elsie Rebecca, Chester Lee and Elba Pearl. Alva Carlton is a farmer avho has fine stock, including excellent specimens of short-horn and Hereford cattle ; Albert Alonzo, avho married Elizabeth Chilton and they have one son, — Homer Orville; he manages the farm ; Mary Rosetta, who is the avife of A. L. Pickerill, of Kioava county, Kansas ; Joseph, avho died at the age of nine years ; and Emma Florence, noav Airs. George H. Bishop, of Trinidad. Colorado. Mr. AVard is a charter member of the Grand Army Post and is noav serving his third term as commander, a fact avhich indicates the high regard in avhich he is held by the boys in blue. He has served as treasurer of the township school No, 10, the best district 6o6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. school in the county, for twelve years, and has also been constable and road supervisor. In these positions he has discharged his du ties with marked promptness and fidelity, and his. life record is indeed creditable, for in office, in business and in social circles he has ever commanded and received the respect and confidence of his fellow townsmen. LEVI H. BAINUM. As one reviews the history of the coun ty and looks, into' the past to. see avho. avere prominent in the early development he avill find that since an early day the name of Levi H. Bainum has been closely connected with the progress and advancement of this sec tion of the state. A native of the Buckeye state, his birth there occurred in Monroe county, March 17, 1856, and his parents, Levi H. and Mary (McConnell) Bainum, also claimed Ohio as the state of their nativ ity. Levi H. remained under the parental roof in the county of his birth until he avas taventy-one years of age, and from an early age, being the eldest of nine children, he avas obliged to assist in the support of the family. In February, 1877,, just one month be fore he had reached his twenty-first year, he started on the long and then tedious jour ney to: the avest, believing that in this new and unsubdued country he would find better opportunities for securing a start in life. He first stopped in Champaign and Sangamon counties, Illinois, avhere he had relatives liv ing, and after spending a feav months in the Prairie state he continued the journey to AVayne county, Iowa, where he visited at the home of his uncle, William McConnell, and avhile there he avas joined by another uncle, Charles McConnell, and together thev fitted up a team and avagon and drove through Alissouri and Kansas to Reno county, AA'here AA'illiam Bainum, another uncle, resided. From there the two continued the journey through Pratt and Stafford counties, and they avere also accompanied by a cousin of our subject, George McConnell, from Ioava, avho secured a claim in Pratt county ; but our subject was not satisfied with the appearance of that section, and, hearing favorable re ports of the Ninnescah country, he decided to locate there; accordingly, in September, 1877, he secured a claim on the northeast quarter of section 27, Dresden township. While there residing he was engaged in herding and other work during- the winter months, and was also an employe on the Santa Fe Railroad until the following Sep tember, when he took up his abode in King man county. On his claim he erected a sod house, twelve by taventy-four feet, contain ing two rooms, also a stable eighty by four teen feet, and the walls of his dwelling were finished with a chopping .ax. During the same fall he sent for his sisters, Fannie and Alary, to join him in his new home, and the former afterward married Edward Branch, avhile the latter became the avife of AVilliam Ellis, noav of Cleo., Oklahoma. A brother, Charles, also came to this county at the same time, and he, too, makes his home in Okla homa, being a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church and stationed at Alva. For six years Mr. Bainum continued to make his home on that place, during avhich time he avas engaged1 at various occupations, but principally in agricultural pursuits and sheep-raising, having folloaved the latter vo cation quite extensively for several years. In 1883, hoavever, he sold his possessions there, and in company avith his brother-in- laaa", Air. Branch, invested the proceeds in cattle in Kingman county, and one year later became the oavner of bis present home farm, then consisting of raw prairie land, on avhich he erected a frame dwelling, hav ing to haul his lumber from Hutchinson. In the fall of 1883 Mr. Bainum returned to Ohio, and on the 23d of December of that year, im Monroe county, avas united in mar riage to Lucy J. Hogue, a native of that county and a daughter of Stephen and Eliz abeth (Flanders) Hogue. Shortly after his marriage our subject brought his bride to his new home, and on his birthday, the 17th of March, 1884, they began their domestic life in the Sunflower state. Since taking up his abode on his present homestead Mr. Bainum has folloaved general farming and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 607 stock-raising, and as time has passed by and prosperity has rewarded his efforts he has been enabled to add another one hundred and sixty acres to his original purchase, thus making him the OAvner of three hundred and twenty acres of rich and fertile land in one body. One hundred and sixty acres of his place is under an excellent state of cultiva tion, the remainder being devoted to pastur age, and this is indeed an excellent stock farm, well aa-atered by Painter creek, a never failing source. In his pastures he keeps from thirty to fifty cattle of the short-horn, Hereford and red polled breeds, about sixty head of Poland China hogs and a number of horses, having tAvo registered standard bred mares of the Hambletonian breed. His place is improved Avith a beautiful tavo-story resi dence, sixteen by thirty-two feet, AA'hich Avas erected in 1893, and a barn eighteen by thirty-two feet, Avhile a beautiful grove and orchard further add to its value and attrac tive appearance. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith four children, — AA'illiam V., Vogil V., Alyrtle and Earl. Mrs. Bain um is a lady of exceptional culture and re finement and presides over her home avith a charming and gracious hospitality, making it the center of a cultured society circle. Since his arrival in the SunfloAver state Mr. Bainum has taken an active part in all move ments and measures tending to promote the general Avelfare of his locality. He assisted in the organization of Rural township, and on the Republican ticket, of which he has been a life-long supporter, he was elected its first constable, and he also assisted in the organization of school district No. 25. For several years he served as clerk and treasurer of his district, and is the present clerk of his township, in Avhich he is now serving for the second term,, avhile many times he has served as a delegate to the county conven tions of his party. In his social relations he is a member of the Alodern AAtoodmen of America. He is truly one of the enterpris ing and progressive citizens of Kingman county, aahose avork and influence have done much for the promotion and advancement of his community, and his career in this state furnishes a striking illustration of the possi bilities to be secured in this favored section of Kingman county. T. E. MORRIS. Among the widely known stockmen of Kingman county, Kansas, none are more highly esteemed than is T. E. Morris, who since 1.884 has been prominent in the busi ness life of this section. Air. Morris was one of the first to engage in the mercantile business in the young town of Spivey, and no one is better acquainted Avith the difficul ties under which the pioneer settlers labored at that time. In various lines of activity in this county, Mr. Morris has been eminently successful, having been merchant, land agent and cattle raiser. Through all the discour agements Avhich met the early settlers of this state, Mr. Morris held his faith in the ulti mate result, and his confidence has not been misplaced and no citizen enjoys more fully the proud prominence avhich Kansas has at tained. The birth of T. E. Morris was in Madi son county, Ohio, in 1857, a year made mem orable by many public events of great sig nificance, and he was a son of W. D. and- Nancy (Wilson) Morris, his father a native of Pennsylvania and his; mother of the Buck eye state. Later these parents moved to Jennings' county, Indiana, avhere the father engaged.in farming and the raising1 of stock, becoming a man of means and prominence. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris, the survivors now being tAvo sons and two daughters, namely: Isaiah, still liv ing in Ripley coimty, Indiana : Mattie and Jessie, living in Jennings, Indiana, and both married, Mattie to A- E. Grimes, and Jessie to James Shuck. One brother. X\T. A., is a resident of Wellington, Sumner county, Kansas. T. E. Morris grew to manhood on his father's farm- in Jennings county. Indiana, and under his father became thoroughly in structed in all the departments of agricul tural life, and he became much interested in 6o8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the raising of stock, this being one of his ob jects in seeking the avestern plains. His ed ucation avas of an excellent character, as he had access to the good common schools of his district, and he came to Kansas in 1884, •equipped avith a trained mind and robust health. 1 Air. Alorris located in Kingman county and engaged in an extensive stock business and also had a large farm. In 1886 he en- barked in the mercantile business in Cleve land, Kansas, a venture avhich proved very successful, but later selected the toavn of Spivey as his home and here carried on a large mercantile business for a considerable period. For this purpose he built here a large stone store edifice, tavo stories high and taventy by eighty feet in dimensions, and enjoyed a prosperous trade until he took up other lines, of activity. Mr. Morris has . clone much business in the avay of buying and selling land, and he has been particu larly successful in the buying of avestern cat tle, disposing of them to advantage, his al most life-long experience in cattle and stock making him a very superior judge of their merits. After seven years in the mercantile busi ness in Spivey, where, as mentioned, he Avas a pioneer, he sold his interests and bought a farm of four hundred acres and there en gaged in his extensive cattle business. Mr. Morris handles and raises only good stock and the output of his farm commands excel lent prices. He has a most comfortable home and is surrounded avith all of the necessities and many of the luxuries of life. In 18S4 Mr. Alorris avas united in mar riage to Aliss Emily Hoover, a daughter of 'Charles Hoover, avho is noav a resident of' Alissouri. Three daughters haa*e been add ed to the family, namely : Florence, Stella and Inez, all of avhom are avell educated and socially attractive. In his political belief Ah*. Morris is a stanch Republican and has" long been a zeal ous avorker for the good of his party, and exerts a very considerable influence in po litical circles. Fraternally be is prominent in the order of Odd Felloavs, belonging to Lodge No. t,/2, of Spia-ey, and has been a delegate to the grand lodge. He is also a member of the order of AA'oodmen. Still in the prime of life, much achievement is still possible to Mr. Morris, and there is scarcely any token of public esteem from his party, that his hosts of friends in Kingman county avould not think justly deserved. The ad vancement made in this county in the lines of public improvements and more advanced educational facilities have always met avith his hearty approval. JESSE GREENFIELD. Jesse Greenfield, proprietor of the Hutchinson Bottling AA'orks, avhere business is carried on under the firm name of Green field & Company, oavns an extensive estab lishment at Nos. 201-3-5-7 East B avenue, and his pleasant residence is at No. 415 North Alain street. He avas born in Ches ter county, Pennsylvania, on the 10th of October, 1827, a son of Aaron and Mary (Green) Greenfield. His paternal grand father, also, named Aaron, avas a son of Aaron Greenfield, and the latter came to Pennsylvania avith AATiliam Penn. The fam ily for many generations have been mem bers of the Quaker faith and prominent tillers of the soil. Aaron Greenfidd, the father of our subject, avas bom in 1801, and about 1 83 1 he removed from Chester coun ty to Aluskingum county, Ohio, avhere he improved a farm from the heavy timber, and in addition to his arduous avork in the fields he also folloaved his trade of shoemaking. In 185 1 he took up his abode in Jasper county, Indiana, and there his remaining days avere passed, his death having occurred in 1876. In political matters he avas first a AA'hig, but after the formation of the Re publican party he supported its principles. Of his eight children, five are now living,. namely : AATiliam. a retired farmer of Rens selaer, Indiana ; Lydia, the avidow of Dr. Moss, and a resident of -Rensselaer; Eliza beth, the Avife of Abraham AA'arner, of Chi cago Heights, Illinois; Iohn, who makes his home in Colorado City, Colorado; and Jesse, the subject of this review. BIOGRAPPIICAL HISTORY. 6oq The latter Avas but a child of three years Avhen he avas taken by his parents to Ohio, and on a farm in tbat commomvealth he grew to years of maturity, avhile the public schools of his neighborhood afforded him the educational privileges avhich he enjoyed in his youth. In that early day the schools avere very primitive in character, and Air. Greenfield is principally a self-educated man, having added greatly to his knowledge in latter years by constant reading, study and observation. After his marriage he farmed on rented land for one year in the Buckeye state, and then removed Avith his father to Indiana, AA'here he purchased eighty acres of raAv prairie land, the nearest timber tract having been eight miles distant. He erected a hewed log house and barn and at once be gan the difficult task of placing his fields under cultivation. After a residence of twenty-tAvo years on that place, on account of ill health he rented his Indiana farm and removed to Clarksville, Tennessee, locating on the Cumberland river, where for the fol lowing three years he found avork at the carpenter's trade. In September, 1876, on ¦account of his father's last illness, he re- pturned to Indiana, but after tavo years he avas again obliged to seek- a milder climate and accordingly located at Duval's Bluff, Arkansas, avhere for the folloaving tavo years he was employed in a sawmill and in the lumber business. His next place of resi dence avas at Little Rock, avhere he remained for three months, going thence to St. Louis, but two months later removed to Kirkavood, Alissouri, and after a year there spent returned to St. Louis and secured a position avith Deet Alansher & Company, where he remained in the capacity of a ship ping clerk for tavo years. In the fall of 1880, immediately after voting at the presi dential election, Air. Greenfield came to Kan sas, locating first at Columbus. During his first year there, hoavever, the chinch bugs de stroyed his crop, and he decided to leave the farm, which he had rented, and remove to Hutchinson. Soon after his arrival here he purchased the bottling establishment of J. R. Carr, the entire stock at that time con sisting of about fifty cases of carbonated goods and some primitive machinery. Hoav ever, Mr. Greenfield avent to avork avith a avill to improve the plant and increase the volume of business, avhich immediately be gan to respond to his efforts and it is now one of the leading houses of its kind in this section of the state. At the lime of the pur chase the plant avas located just back of the present site of the opera house, but our sub ject soon purchased a lot on Fourth street, Avhere he erected a commodious building, and for six years they did an extensive busi ness at that location. He Avas first engaged in business avith John Mitcalf, but this re lationship continued only for one year, and since that time Mr. Greenfield has carried on his business alone. He later purchased property on the corner of B avenue and Poplar street, at Nos. 201-3-5-7, on which he erected a two-story building, one hun dred and six by thirty-five feet, but in 1898 this structure, with its entire contents, was burned to the ground. Not discouraged, hoavever, Mr. Greenfield immediately set about to retrieve his lost possessions, and soon his' business was again in a flourish ing condition. In addition to a large local trade he also, ships extensively to- the east, south and avest, and during the entire year furnishes work for about ten employes. He is a man of splendid business and executive ability and carries foravard to successful completion whatever he undertakes, avhile in all life's relations he has proved himself an upright, reliable and honorable gentle- mam. Im Muskingum county, Ohio, on the 20th of December, 1848, Mr. Greenfield Avas united in marriage to Sarah J. Warne, and of their seven children only tavo are now living, Oliver, who is employed as book keeper for the Greenfield Company; and Alary, avidow of George Alter and a mem ber of her father's household. The avife and mother was called to' the home beyond on the 1 8th of Jnlv, 1884, and in the Buckeye state our suliject wedded Elizabeth Pierce, a native of Muskingum county, Ohio, and a daughter of Joseph Pierce. In political matters Air. Greenfield has been a life-long supporter of Republican principles, and: his 6io BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. first presidential vote was cast for Zachary Taylor. Although he has reached the sev enty-four milestone on the journey of life he still takes an active interest in all mat ters relating to the pubic welfare. He is emphatically a man of enterprise, positive character, indomitable energy and liberal views, and is thoroughly identified in feel ing with the growth and prosperity of the locality which for so many years bas been his home. ANDREW FENDRICK. Among citizens of Macon township, Harvey county, Kansas, of German birth none is more popular or more hig-hlv respect ed than Andrew Fendrick, a farmer in sec tion 30 of that toavnship, whose postoffice address is Halstead and avho was born in Baden, Germany, November 30, 1847, and reared to the work of a practical farmer. - Mr. Fendrick attended the public school in his native land until he was fourteen years old and in 1868 he and his sister came to the United States, landing at New York city, after a steamer voyage of fifteen days. They had a cousin in Marshall county, Illi nois, and they joined him and soon Mr. Fen drick avas employed at farm work at twenty dollars, a month, which is four times as much as he avould. have received in Germany for the same service. He remained avith his employer two years and in 1870 began farm ing as a tenant. He had saved enough money, after repaying an advance made to cover his expenses to cross the ocean, to be gin for himself im a small way, and had bought a team of horses with money avhich he had earned in the fall of 1869 at husking and marketing a crop of corn at ten cents a bushel. For one year after he began farm ing for himself he lived avith his cousin. Then he took another farm, on which he kept house for himself until he Avas mar ried. September 24, 1874, he married Paulina Krehl, aaIio avas born in Prussia, on Janu ary 7. 1852, and bad come to America in August, 1865. For a time after her arrival in this country she lived with an uncle in Calumet county, Wisconsin. In 1868 she went to live with her sister in Marshall coun ty, Illinois, where she md and' married Mr. Fendrick. For nine years after his marriage Mr. Fendrick worked, a rented farm in Pe oria county, Illinois. In January, 1883, he went to Macon township, Harvey county, Kansas, where he bought two hundred and forty acres in section 30, for nine thousand dollars, involving himself in debt to the amount of six thousand dollars in the trans action. The farm was improved and pro vided with ample buildings of an kinds and was1 productive, and it was managed by Mr. Fendrick to such good adva,ntage that in 1899 be was entirely out of debt. He de votes his land to general farming, sowing one hundred and fifty acres with avheat, of which he raised three thousand bushels in 1 90 1. He raises horses and mules and usually "has on hand eight or tem horses and about twenty head of cattle. While he farmed in Illinois he made money with hogs, but he has not handled them extensively in Kansas. Andrew and Paulina (Krehl) Fendrick have four children, as follows: Their daugh ter Bertha is the avife of John Baumgartner. Their daughter Minnie married John Schlender, of Mound Ridge, Kansas. Their son Joseph and their daughter Anna are members of their parents' household. Bertha and Minnie avere both married in the church of their family, October 12, 1808, and eleven months and tavo aveeks later both gave birth to sons ; each has a daughter, and, as has been noticed, the husband of each is named John. In politics Mr. Fendrick is a Democrat , and as such he has been elected member of his toavnship school board. He and his avife are identified with the Evangelical church, in avhich he has served officially as trustee and as a Sunday-school superintendent. Mr. and Airs. Fendrick labored arduously and faithfully to acquire their "Erie home and val uable property and are rightfully taking life more easily noav than they did im former years. They feel that they have reason to be thankful not only for their material posses- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 61 £ sions but for their worthy and interesting children. In the fall of 1901 they visited their old home in Illinois and other points of interest in the east. W. H. FREELS. The mercantile firm of Baldauf & Freds is one of the largest and most successfully conducted houses in its line, in Kingman county, Kansas, and there is no more rep resentative business citizen of Spivey than is its junior partner, W. H. Freds, who is the subject of this biography. The birth of Mr. Freds was in 1853, in the state of Tennessee, and he came of a long line of honorable Scotch ancestors who settled at an early day in his native state. His parents were P. M. and Nancy J. Freds, the former of avhom was a large planter in Tennessee. He died, at his home there, at the age of fifty years, but his widow is still surviving. To these worthy parents Mr. Freels oaves an early teaching of the cardinal virtues and the principles instilled in early life he has never forgotten or disregarded. Mr. Freels has been a resident of central Kansas for a quarter of a century, and its growth and development have made him proud of his adopted state. In 1876 he came to Kansas in the following of his trade, that of carpenter and bridge builder, and for a number of years he held a very responsible position in the service of one of the great railroad companies whose lines, now inter sect the state. He was a skilled workman and many of his structures still attest his ability. For a considerable time he was en gaged by the railroad as foreman, but later he rose to the responsible position of super intendent of bridge construction and he re tained this position until he resigned it for a more restful life. It was with regret that the old connection avas severed, as tbere was attachment on both sides, Mr. Freels enjoy ing the greatest confidence from his employ ers. In 1901 Air. Freels located in Spivey, Kansas, avhere he formed a partnership avith Mr. John H. Baldauf in an established mer cantile business, avhich has constantly pros pered and is a leading line in Kingman coun ty. Mr. Freels. has brought to tbis business a long experience with^men and he thor oughly understands the probable needs of the public and possesses the accommodating manner which wins trade and the honest methods which keep it. The firm style is Baldauf & Freels, and they carry a full line of choice and well selected dry goods, boots and shoes, also groceries of all kinds, and deal extensively in the commodities of grain and coal. The business is on a sound basis. and its constantly increasing trade from a wider circle is the best testimonial to its management and assurance of future suc cess. Mr. Freels avas married, in his native state, to Miss A. E. McDade, aaho avas a daughter of H. C. and M. E. McDade, rep resentatives of old Tennessee families. Mr. McDade later -became a resident of Kansas and died in this state, his widoav still resid ing in Cowley county, Kansas. To Mr. and Mrs. Freds four children were born, name ly : Mrs. Anna Gascoigne, of AVichita, Kan sas; Charles A., a youth of seventeen, at- home ; Maude, deceased at the age of three ; and an infant, deceased. Mr. Freds has one of the most attractive homes in the alllage, his cottage costing in the neighborhood of twelve hundred dollars, and he oavns twelve acres of land surrounding it, avhich is well cultivated and productive. In social circles his family is prominent and he is a very pop ular and esteemed citizen. In both the Ma sonic and Odd Fellows orders he is promi nent, belonging to Lodge No. 347, in the former, and taking also an active part in the latter. Mts.' Freels is a member of the Methodist church, avhere she is valued for her piety and to avhich Mr. Freels liberally contributes. SAMUEL DUNKELBERGER. There will be found in this avork a bio graphical sketch of William Dunkelberger, an old and respected farmer of Macon toavn ship, Harvey county, Kansas, avho married '6 12 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Elizabeth Holderman, avho bore him a num ber of children, of avhom the subject of this sketch is the eldest. Samuel Dunkelberger, farmer, section 20, Macon township, Harvey county, Kan- .sas, who receives his mail by means of Neav- ton rural delivery No. 1, avas born in •Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania,. September 10, 1864. He avas educated in district schools in Pennsylvania and Kansas, and re ceived thorough and practical instruction in farming on his father's farm. Later for three years he avas employed in raihvay shops at Newton, Kansas, and as a locomo tive fireman on the Santa Fe system, in Kan sas and Neav Mexico-. He had a home under the parental roof until his marriage. At the .age of nineteen years he bought a threshing machine, avhich in time he replaced by a more modern and more expensive one. and from that day to the present he has devoted him self to threshing, in season, avith consider able success. He is the oavner of a fine farm of one hundred and thirty-eight acres, avhich he devotes to mixed crops, raisins: six to tAvelve hundred1 bushels of wheat and four to' eight hundred bushels of corn annually ; ¦and he keeps fifteen to taventy head of short horn cattle of good grade, and three horses. June 14, 1894, he married Aliss1 Martha Steps, avho avas born near Leipsic, Germany, a daughter of Amid and Amelia (Krehl) Steps. Mrs. Dunkelberger came to Amer ica in 1889 avith her brother, and Frederica Krehl, her grandmother. She married Gott- leib Krehl, avho' died in Germany, aged sixty- eight years, leaving four children, tAvo of whom are in America, tAvo' in Germany. Mrs. Dunkelberger' s father died in Ger many, in 1887, aged forty-six years, leaving a avidoav and several children. AA'illiam, one .¦of his sons, died at the age of three years soon after his father. Alfred, aaho is em ployed in the hospital corps at Fort Slocum, New York, has a avife and child. Paul, avho is married, lives at Savannah, Alissouri. Carl lives avith his mother in -Germany. 'Clara, an attractiax a-oung lady*, came to America in 1901 and is living AA'ith Airs. Dunkelberger. Their grandmother Krehl died in Macon toavnship, in 1901, aged eighty years. Mr. and Airs. Dunkelberger have an infant daughter named Inez, avho was born Julv 3, 1900. Mr. Dunkelberger is a member of Hal stead Lodge, No. 46, Ancient Free and Ac cepted Alasons, of Halstead. Kansas, in which he avas received as an Entered Ap prentice, passed the Felloav Craft degree and avas, raised to the sublime degree of: Master Mason. In political faith he is a Repub lican, and, b'eing a man of patriotic, public spirit, he serves the interests of his fdlow toavnsmen in every manner possible and has ably filled the offices of toavnship trustee tavo terms and toavnship treasurer three terms. He and his. avife are members of the Evan-. gelical church and are helpfully devoted to all its various needs. They are avidely knoavn throughout the county- and are highly respected by all aalio have the honor of their acquaintance. Their cosy and attractive home is knoavn for its hospitality. AATLLIAAI DUNKELBERGER. Another of those Pennsylvanians who by their industry and force of character have given an impetus, to civilization and pro gress in Kansas is AA'illiam Dunkelberger, avhose homestead is in section 20, Macon toavnship, Hara-ey county, and aahose post- office address is NeaA'ton. Air. Dunkelberger Avas born in North umberland county, Pennsylvania, April 4, 1834. Jacob Dunkelberger, his father, was born in Northumberland county, Pennsyl vania, in 1802, and died in Schuylkill coun ty, Pennsylvania, in 1874. John George Dunkelberger, father of Jacob and grand father of AATiliam Dunkelberger, was a na tive of Holland, avho came early to the Uni ted States, and died in Northumberland1 county, Pennsylvania, at an advanced age about 1837. He had four sons. Jacob, the eldest of these, avas the father of the subject of this sketch, and John avas the next in or der of birth. The third son, Daniel, became a butcher. Samuel, the youngest son, was an able farmer and a successful horse-breed- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 61 3, er, lived and died in Pennsylvania, leaving six or seven children. John George Dunk- elberger's wife died at the old family home stead in Pennsylvania about 1852, aged ninety-tAVO years. Catharine Maimer. avIio married Jacob Dunkelberger and became the mother of William Dunkelberger, Avas a native of Northumberland county, Pennsyh'ania, and a daughter of Jacob Alaurer, a farmer and distiller, avIio died at the age of dghty-six years, leaving six sons and tAvo daughters, one of avhom, Airs. Julia Clock, aged about seventy years, liares at Neavton, Kansas. Ja cob Maimer's Avife died in Schuylkill coun ty, Pennsylvania, in 1866, aged sixty years. Their daughter, Catharine, born July 6, 1806, married Jacob Dunkelberger in 1828, and they had four sons and five daughters, all of AAhom Avere reared to manhood and womanhood. One of their daughters mar ried William- Hipler and died in Northum berland county, Pennsylvania, aged forty- tavo years, leaving several children. All of the others are married and each has three to ten children. AVilliam Dunkelberger received a scant education in the German language in Penn sylvania and studied English very- insuffi ciently. He passed his earlier years in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, avhere his brother Israel is living and avas married May 22, 1864, in that county, to Elizabeth Holderman, avho was born there in 1844, a daughter of John Holderman, a progressive farmer, avho died in 1889, aged sixty-seven years, leaving a avife (his second) and four children. Immediately- after his marriage Mr. Dunkelberger settled on twenty-three acres of land not iar from his father's' home stead. There he remained until 1879, in creasing his land to one hundred and taventy acres, all of which he sold in the year last mentioned for six thousand amd tavo hun dred dollars, avhich avas a modest price for the property. Removing to Kansas he bought a quarter section in Alacon toavnship for two thousand dollars, and later he pur chased fpr a like sum eighty acres, avhich he sold to his son Jeremiah. The following information concerning Air. Dunkelberger's children avill be interest ing in this connection. Samuel, a biograph ical, sketch of avhom appears In this' avork, is. a farmer living a half mile avest of his fa ther's homestead, is married and has a child.. Qara is a saleslady in Chicago, Illinois, and Mary and Lizzie are employed in the same city; Alary is a ticket-seller in an elevated. railavay station ; Lizzie is a saleslady in a dry- goods store. AA'illiam, avho is a member of bis father's household, is a farmer and thresher; Jeremiah is married and lives in. Neavton; Kate married Richard Challand. and has tavo children. Jacob assists his fa ther 00 the farm. Francis lives at Neavton,. Kansas. Maggie died in the sixth year of her age. Albert, Elnora, Edavin J. and John, the last tAvo aged seventeen and six teen years respectia-ely, are members of their father's household. Royal died in infancy... Augustus, the youngest, is nine years old.. Mr. Dunkelberger does general farming, his principal crop being Avheat, of avhich he- raised three thousand and five hundred bush els in 1 901, and he keeps seven horses and' sixteen head of cattle. He is a member of" the Evangelical church, in which he holds the office of trustee. Originally a Republi can in politics, he is now an independent A'oter, avIio Aahile avoiding office himself, does his utmost to put able and honest men in township and county offices, believing that the administration of no office can be better than the moral and intellectual status of its incumbent. He is a public-spirited man of broad and liberal vieavs avho does everything- in his poaver to advance movements avhich in his good judgment tend to the general good. LOREN L. SEELEY. As one of the old settler's and prominent and successful citizens in several important lines of industry, L. L. Seeley, of Spivey, Kansas, has become well known through; Kingman county. A prosperous farmer, a large stock-raiser and a successful merchant. Air. Seeley has still added' to his usefulness by acceptably- filling a number.- of the county 6. 14 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. offices, being at tbe present time a member of the board of commissioners. The birth df L. L. Seeley, the subject of this sketch, was in 1848, in Jefferson coun ty, Pennsylvania:, and he was a son of Will iam and Polly (Eastman) Seeley, the former of whom avas born in the state of New York, and his father took part in the war of 1812, participating in the battle of Buffalo, where he lost his life. In Cattaraugus county, New York, he was married to Polly Eastman, who was a member of the noted Eastman family, avhich is one of the most highly re spected families of that state. Its represent atives have filled many prominent positions in the avorld, and it stands for upright and honest living. By occupation William See ley avas a lumberman, and after his marriage he moved into the timber districts of AA^ar- ren county, Pennsylvania, later into Jeffer son county in the same state, where he en gaged for some time in rafting lumber. He avas a very successful business man and ac cumulated considerable means. His resi dence avas long in Red Bank, Pennsylvania, but his last days were spent at Reynolds- ville, in Jefferson county, where he died at the age of sixty-seven years, .honored and respected. Fraternally he was connected Avith the order of Odd Fellows, and politi cally he Avas a strong supporter of the policy of President Lincoln. His widow survived to the age of sixty-eight years, leaving be hind her a memory fragrant with the flow ers of gentleness, kindness and family de votion. Eight children were born to William and Polly Seeley, — four sons and four daugh ters, — their names being as follows: Ed ward, who< lives in Pennsylvania; Edna, Avh'0' is the Avidow of Dr. Bordwell ; Esther, who is the wife of O. F. Smith and resides in Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania ; Ada, who is the widoAv of W. Vanskayk, of Blooming ton, Illinois; Leonard P., who residesMn Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Loren L., of this sketch ; Ella, deceased, who' was the wife of J. S. Gorsline, of Cattaraugus county, New York ; and Charles, who is a avell known resident of this cotinty and avhose large hotel in Spivey, erected in 1887, burned down in 1894. Loren L. Seeley was reared as the ordi nary- school boy of the time and locality and was kept busy through youth, in assisting his father in the lumber business; finally be coming his partner. The business was re munerative and the partnership lasted some years. In 1877 Mr. Seeley was married, in Reynoldsville, to Miss Minerva Reynolds, a Well educated and most estimable young lady, a member of a family from which the toavn obtained its name. Her whole life has been passed in Reynoldsville, and she was a daughter of Woodward and Amelia (Ross) Reynolds, the former of whom was born in Kittanning, Armstrong county, Pennsylva nia, a member of a prominent family. Mr. Reynolds avas an enterprising business man and did much in the founding of the village which bore his name. His wife also repre sented a prominent and substantial family of Armstrong county. Diey reared twelve children, in avhich there avere four sons and eight daughters, their names being : David and John, both soldiers who fought in the Civil avar, the latter being deceased; Albert, avho also was a soldier, and now lives in Reynoldsville; Alary J., avho married C. C. Gibson; Richard, aaho died at the age of nineteen years; Isabella, who died young; Minerva, avho is the wife of Mr. Seeley; Harriet, avho married Joseph Morrow; Rich ard, avho has passed away; Ida May, who lives at home ; Eliza, who married Frank Miller; and Mrs'. Susan Montgomery, who lives at Sligo, Pennsylvania. The father of these children died in 1861, at the age of fifty years, one of the best known men in Jefferson county, of large means, being financially interested in coal and timber lands, and town property of value, including a hotel. He avas connected with the Ma sonic fraternity and always took an active interest in its avork. The mother of Mrs. Seeley lived to the age of eighty-three and was beloved by all who' knew: her. The four children born to Mr. and Mrs. Seeley are: Enid, who married Charles AVells and resides in Kingman county; BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 615 Adrian, avho is a popular and successful teacher; Victor H, aa-ho assists his father; and Bernice, who is still in school. All of these children have had excdlent educational opportunities, their advantages being pro- aided by intelligent parents, careful for their avelfare. In 1887 Air. Seeley opened up a mercan tile business in Spivey, erecting- for this pur pose a large and well arranged store build ing, and has prospered im this line ever since. He also bought four hundred acres of good land and carries om farming and stock-rais ing and also a very successful dairy busi ness. Ah*. Seeley is a man of excellent busi ness ability and thoroughly understands all the details of those lines of activity in which he engages. Although his business inter ests are large, his active intelligence has en abled him to become also an active politi cian, and he has been a delegate to a number of county conventions, being an ardent Re publican. In 1900 he was elected county commissioner to serve three years, and is one of the most useful members of the board, advocating measures tending toward improvement, yet keeping in mind a proper economy. Fraternally Mr. Seeley is a Mason and was master of Lodge No. 347, of Spivey, - and both he and wife are active in the avork of the Eastern Star, No. 161. In this order Mrs. Seeley has shown much zeal and she has been authorized to institute a number of lodges, notably those of Norwich and At tica. She is a lady of most pleasing person ality and is very popular in all social circles. G. AV. BROWN. Among the prominent retired farmers who form a large proportion of the substan tial citizens of Newton, Kansas, is G. AAr. Broavn, avho located in Harvey county, Kan sas, in 1880. He was born in Meade coun ty, Kentucky, on June 2, 1834, and he avas a son of W. K. and Mary (Nafus) Brown, both of avhom avere natives of Kentucky. The father of our subject followed a farm ing life and raised much stock, and became avell knoavn and esteemed. His whole life avas passed in Kentucky, where he died at the age of sixty-six. Both he and wife were consistent members of the Baptist church. Nine children avere born to tbese parents, the five survivors of the family being: Sa rah A. Smith, the avife of John Smith, a farmer residing in Newton; Adaline, the avidoav of Frank Shain, a resident of Ne braska; and the others, with the exception of onr subject, reside in Kentucky. G. W. Brown, the subject of this sketch, avas educated in the common schools of his locality of Kentucky, but in the spring of 1865 he moved to: Henderson county, Illi nois, where he bought a small farm. Im the spring of 1880 he disposed of this farm and came to Harvey county, Kansas, settling on a farm in Darlington township, bought a tract of one hundred and sixty, acres, which he later sold and then bought in Newton toavnship another quarter section. This property Mr. Brown retains and raises upon it large crops of grain. Eighteen acres of his land he has devoted to fruit and makes a specialty of avinter apples, the yield being enormous. Since his retirement from activ ity, Mr. Broavn has rented his farm, and now resides in Newton. On April 30, 1856, Mr. Brown was mar ried to Miss Jane Hickerson, avho avas born in Kentucky, and she was a daughter of Rev. ,E. T. and Ellen (Sims) Hickerson. The former was a Baptist minister of prom inence, avho was born in 1807, and while living on his farm and managing it, attended also to his clerical dutes, preaching every Sabbath. He baptized many converts, often going avith them doavn into the avaters of the Ohio river, married the sons and daugh ters through his locality and avas the friend and preacher when the necessity came for burial. His work still lives in the influence he left behind. His faithful wife Avas born on September 27, 1813, and died in Novem ber, 1893. She was a model woman and her life was filled Avith good works. From girl hood she had been a devoted member of the Bajitist church, but her kindness extended to all Avho came into her acquaintance. Thir- 6i6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. teen children avere born to these avorthy par ents, and Mrs. Broavn avas the second in the family. Seven still survive, all of them liv ing in homes of their own, in Kentucky, ex cept Airs. Broavn, a brother named Loveless, who lives near McClain, Kansas, and a sis ter, Alartha Broavn, avho lives in AVichita. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Broavn are : Julian H, avho resides on the farm, married Anna Black, and their five children are Maud, Alva, Charles, May and Glenn; William E., avho resides on the farm in Harvey county, married Anna Logan, and has one child, avho married Anna Nichol son, of Neavton, and, they have one child, which is the only great-grandchild of our subject; Mollie, avhoi married George Har vey, resides in Sterling, Kansas, and they have five children, — Ina E., Roy C, Ethel N., Mary J., deceased, and Ollie A. ; Susan, who is Mrs. J. W. Phillips, resides in Har vey county and has six children, — Rose E., Leslie C, Wilbur P., Joseph T., Anna J. and Mary E. ; AAralter, who is a resident of this county, married Ida E. Coble and they have five diildren, — Leo H, Dora M., Verne C, Lesta F. and Vera M. ; Waller S., a twin , brother of Walter, died at the age of seven teen years; Minnie I.; and Jemima J., avIio married Franklin J. Francis, and resides on a farm in Sedgwick county. Since early youth Mrs. Broavn has been a faithful member of the Baptist church and is well knoavn for her many traits of Chris tian character. Mr. Broavn is noted in his locality for strict integrity and both have a wide circle of sincere friends. JOHN GERBER. John Gerber, one of the early pioneers of the state, has the proud distinction of having been the first German-American to secure a claim in Kingman county. He avas born near Bellevue, in Seneca county, Ohio, in 1855, a son of Tacob Gerber, Sr. who avas born on the Rhine in Alsace France. The latter's father owned a large vineyard in Alsace and- avas a avell knoavn and highly respected citizen of his locality. Jacob Ger ber received an excellent education in his native language and when eighteen years of age he bcame a sailor and made his way to America, making his headquarters at Buf falo-, New York, for four years. On the expiration of that period, being at that time twenty-two years of age he returned to the old country, but after a short time he again came to America, securing a place in Belle vue, Seneca county, Ohio, where he has made his home for sixty years and -during this long period he has so lived as to win and retain the confidence and love of all avith whom he has had business or social relations. Mr. Gerber avas first marired to Barbara Heitz, also a native of Alsace, France, and there she was reared and educated. She bore her husband six children, namely: Ja cob, a resident of Evans toavnship, Kingman county; Barbara, avho died when young; Alary, who makes her home in Ohio; John, the subject of this review; Joseph, who died in Ohio; and Philopena, the avife of Mike Meng, also of this township. After the death of the mother of this family the father was again married, Lena Snyder be coming his avife, and their son, Mike Ger ber, is now a avell knoavn resident of this township. The father gia-es his political sup port to the Democracy, and religiously he is a member of the Catholic church. John Gerber, the immediate subject of this review, avas reared to farm life in the county of his nativity, avhere he avas early taught the value of industry, and in the public schools of his locality he received his early education. After reaching years of maturity he chose as a life occupation Re vocation to avhich he had been reared, and he carried on operations along that line in Seneca county, Ohio, until 1878, and in tbat year came to central Kansas. For a time after his arrival in this state he was employed as a farm hand, receiving fifteen dollars, a month im compensation for his services. During this time he also proved up a claim, on avhich he erected a sod house, and a team of Texas steers were used in breaking his land. Later, however, he sold that place and purchased the laud avhich ha. RESIDENCE OF JOHN GERBER. ? 'yU BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 617 now owns, then consisting of a tract of one hundred and sixty acres. As the years have passed by prosperity has reavarded his avell directed efforts and he has been enabled to add to his original purchase until his landed possessions noav consist of four hun dred and eighty acres in the homestead farm and three hundred and sixty acres, tavo miles distant, making a total of nine hundred angl eighty acres, all excellent and productive land. In 1895 Air. Gerber erected one of the finest residences in Kingman county,. two stories in height, built on a substan tial rock foundation and is Avell and taste fully furnished throughout. He has also an excdlent rock basement barn, thirty-taa-p by fifty-two feet, well arranged for the shel ter of horses, cattle, grain and hay. In ad dition to these valuable farm buildings he also owns residence property in Waterloo, Kansas. Air. Gerber avas married to Agatha Glassner, a native also of Seneca county, Ohio, and a daughter of John and Catherine (Gease) Glassner, both natives of Germany and both now deceased. The father emi grated from Prussia to this country at the age of sixteen years, locating in Seneca county, Ohio, and his avife came to America at about the same time from Alsace. At the age of nineteen years she gave her hand in marriage to John Glassner. They began their domestic life on a farm in Seneca county, Ohio, and there they spent the re mainder of their lives and reared their chil dren. The father avas one of the most suc cessful farmers of his neighborhood, and he also owned large vineyards on the Caliss Islands, between Sandusky and Canada, where he engaged in making a fine grade of wine. Six children have blessed the union of our subject and avife, namely: Lottie, Kathrine, Laura, Mary, Anna and Gertrude. The Democracy receives Mr. Gerber' s hearty support and co-operation, and many times he has been a member of the county commit tee. He has also held the office of justice ot the peace. His religious preference con nects him with the Catholic church, and for the past forty-six years he has served as its trustee. 39 T. AI. KIDD. Among the enterprising and successful business men of Medicine Lodge none is more deserving of mention in this volume than T. Al. Kidd, a contractor and builder. He is avhat the avorld calls a self-made man, for he oaves his advancement entirely to his diligence, his avell directed efforts and his honorable business methods. His life rec ord is in many respects avell avorthy of emu lation, for under all circumstances he has been loyal to truth, duty and the right. Air. Kidd is a native of Clermont county. Ohio, born December 22, 1836, and belongs to one of the well knoavn families of that locality. His ancestry can be traced back to an early period in the history of Vir ginia, and from that state Daniel Kidd, the grandfa,ther of ooir subject, emigrated to Ohio avhen a young man, casting in his lot among its pioneers avho aided in laying the foundation for its present development and progress. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bunton, a daughter of one of the early settlers of Ohio.. She was reared in one of the old forts and was taught to load and shoot a rifle, for those avere days when an Indian outbreak might be expected at any time, and the people avere constantly on the alert to avoid such danger. Unto Daniel Kidd and his avife avas born a son, to avhom they gave the name of Joseph, and it avas this child avho., groavn to' manhood, became the father of our subject. In Cler mont county, Ohio, Joseph Kidd spent the . days of his boyhood and youth, and after arriving at adult age he married Adelia Wainavright, who> was his second wife. By this union there were nine children, four sons and five daughters, but only three are noav living: Diomas M., of tbis revieav: William, avho: resides in central Illinois ; and Mrs. Hannah Bradley, of Batavia, Ohio. One of the sons was a lieutenant in the One Hundred and Fifty-third Indiana Infantry and for a number of years resided in the Hoosier state. Others avho have passed away are Julia, Alvira, Jane, Charles and one avho: died in infancy. The parents spent their entire lives in Ohio, passing aavay- very 6i8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. many years ago. The father, avho avas born in 1803, avas called to. his final rest in 1892, and the mother died at the age of forty years. Throughout the greater part of his life he held membership in the Methodist church, in avhich he served as class-leader through four decades. His noble Christian manhood made him 'honored and respected by all avho: knew him. On the old homestead in Ohio T. AL Kidd avas reared and early trained to habits of industry, economy and honesty. After acquiring his education in the public schools he learned the carpenter's trade, which he folloaved for a number of years in the Buck eye state and subsequently resumed it in Kansas. At the age of twenty-two he sought as a companion and helpmate for the journey of life Miss Susan Forbes, a lady Miss Lu cinda Savartz, avho- avas a daughter of AATil iam and Althea (Steavard) Savartz, both of whom died in, that state. Four children avere born to1 our subject and avife, namely : Airs. Ada Boswell, of Medicine Lodge, Kansas ; E. AL, of Idaho Springs, Colorado1; Elmer, a resident of Rochester toavnship; and AATil iam, on the homestead. The latter married Clara Tracy and they make cheer and com fort around the path of this brave old sol dier and equally courageous pioneer, for since 1894 he has been deprived of the com- panionship of his devoted avife, her death occurring then, at the age of sixty-four. She avas a avoman of many most lovable qualities, a consistent member of the Meth odist church and devoted to deed's of kind ness to all. For fifteen years Mr. Moscript has been justice of the peace, and one of the most re liable officials in this county, his decrees giv ing universal satisfaction as to their justice. In the G. A. R. he is valued as a comrade, and he has long been connected fraternally avith the I. O. O. F In religious belief he is a Methodist and lives a life consistent Avith his profession. AVhen Air. Aloscript first located in this township he found plenty of antelope and other Avild things of the avilderness. It has taken years to turn these acres into the fertile farm avhich he noav oavns-, but he feels that they haa-e been avell spent. Fie has the hospitable manner and friendly spirit which avere so common in the early days,, when neighbors avere many miles apart, and it is just as genuine as of old. Personally he still " shows his soldierly training, his erect figure and brisk walk telling of robust health, although he still bears the marks of his battle avounds. He is one of the truly representative men of Kingman county. THOAIAS J. ANDERSON. Thomas J. Anderson, manager of the Hutchinson Produce Company, located at Nos 404 and 406 North Alain street, Hutch inson, was born in Panola county, Texas, on the 3d of April, 1842, a son of T. J. and Margaret A. (Irving) Anderson. The father AA'as a native of Georgia and of Scotch-Irish descent, and after coming to the United States he located in Texas, in 1839, Avhere he was among the early pioneers. There he spent the remaining years of his life, pass ing away at sixty-five years of age. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 625 Thomas J. Anderson, of this revieav, greav to manbood in the place of his nativity- In March, 1862, he nobly responded to the call of his country, becoming a member of Company I, Taventy-second Texas State Regiment of Infantry, in AA'hich he served for three and a half y-ears in Louisiana, Ar kansas and Texas. After the close of hos tilities he returned to his home, where he remained for a short time and then went to- Avestern Texas, Avhere he remained until 1869. In that year he embarked in the cat tle business, driving them from Texas to Kansas. In 1871 he located his herd on the range of southern Kansas, keeping aavaa from the settlements as much as possible in order to take advantage of the abundant prairie grass, and at that time his herd con sisted of about eight hundred head. Abilene was then the nearest shipping point for this section. In 1874 Mr. Anderson pre-empted a claim on the southAvest quarter of section 21, also homesteaded the northwest quarter of the same section and secured a timber claim, where he engaged in agricultural pur suits and stock raising on an extensive scale. On his land he erected a box shanty, in which he lived for tAvo years, and then built a good residence, AA'hich continued to be his home for ten years. As time passed he suc ceeded in placing about five bundred acres of his land under cultivation, but in 1884 he sold his property, avhich then consisted of about nine thousand acres, to the Thompson Land & Cattle Company, of Kentucky, and in the folloaving year he removed to Hutch inson and engaged in the real estate business. During the wonderful boom avhich occurred in this section at this time, Mr. Anderson practically built up the toavn of Plevna and also many of the neighboring toavns, as avell as Hutchinson, but in the terrible decline aahich soon folloAved he lost about one hun dred thousand dollars. During his career as a real estate dealer, which covered a pe riod of about four years, he handled both city and farm property, and after retiring from the business he still retained much' farming land, on Avhich he engaged in agri cultural pursuits for several years. In May, 1899, he became associated Avith tbe busi ness Avhich now claims his attention and avhich at that time avas carried on under the firm style of Braggs & Company, but later our subject purchased their interests and in September, 1900, the firm became knoavn as the Hutchinson Produce Company, avhich is composed of Mr. Anderson and members of his family. His daughter, Sybil, is the efficient secretary and' bookkeeper. The Hutchinson Produce Company conduct a large business in fruit and vegetables, re ceiving consignments from the south, avhich are distributed to home and adjacent mar kets. The larger part of their supplies, hoav ever, are purchased from groavers and ship pers, and in addition to supplying the dealers of this city and neighboring toavns they ship in carload lots to the retail trade. The bus iness has met avith a steady growth and it now represents a volume of one hundred thousand dollars per year. On March 7, 1877, in Kansas, Air. An derson was united in marriage to Alice Sevey, a native of Ioava, and a daughter of the Rev. John C. Sevey, a minister of the Christian church. Unto this union avere born six children: Roy, deceased in in fancy; Ray, avho died at the age of three' years; Sybil L., secretary of the Hutchin son Produce Company; Alidge, assistant sec retary of the same company ; and Alargeory and Glen, who are attending school. The Avife and mother avas called to the home be yond on the 6th of Alarch, 1890, and Feb ruary 7, of the following year, the father married Miss Mattie Robley. In political matters Air. Anderson avas reared in the Democratic oartv. but in the latter years of his life he has been a reformer, favoring the "greatest good for the greatest number of people," thus supporting the principles com monly termed socialist. He has been a close, intelligent and observant student of humanity and acknowledges no class or party boundaries, but is in favor of methods and measures Avhich shall result in a univer sal reformation politically, financially and socially. He took an active part in the or ganization and the erection of the Christian church of Hutchinson, of avhich he avas long a prominent member and active avorker. He 626 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. is almost entirely a self-educated man, hav ing received but meager school advantages during his youth, but being naturally a close student and observer he has acquired a wide fund of knowledge. He has kept fully abreast of the times and takes a deep interes-j- in all questions avhich affect the avdfare of state and nation and mold the public policy. He is a broad-minded, progressive man and public-spirited citizen, and in all life's re lations he is found true to all the duties of professional and social life which the day may bring forth. AVERY R. AINSWORTH. Avery R. Ainsavorth, avho is city mar shal of Neavton, Kansas, avas: born in Me dina county, Ohio, on April 30, 1847, and he avas a son of Richard W. and Harriet AI. (Boman) Ainsavorth, both of whom avere natives of Neav York. In 1855 the fa ther of our subject moved to: Bloomington, Illinois, avhere he avas engaged in farming until the outbreak of the Civil war, avhen he established himself as a merchant-clothier in Bloomington and remained there until 1867, avhen he removed to Pleasant Hill, Alissouri, and there became the cashier of a bank. From there he came to Larned, Kan sas, and resided avith his daughter Hattie, but later returned to Pleasant Hill, dying tavo months later, in 1895, at the age of sev enty-eight years. His avidow still survives, at the age of eighty-seven years, residing at St. John, Kansas. In early life both she and husband had become members of the Episcopal church. The three children aahich comprised the family of these par ents are: Avery R., avho. is our subject; James A., aaliO' lives in Pleasant Hill, Mis souri; and Hattie, avho is Mrs. Avery H. Ainsavorth, of Larned, Kansas. Mr. Ainsavorth, of this sketch, was a, student in the AA-'esleyan University near Bloomington, Illinois, avhen the call came for troops for the preservation of the Union. Among* those avho loyally responded avas Avery R. Ainsavorth, although he avas a member of the sophomore class in his col lege, with bright prospects before him,, and in reality was but a lad of sixteen. He was accepted as a private in Company C, Fifth Illinois Cavalry, and bore a, gallant part in the siege of Vicksburg, the battles at Jack son, Mississippi, Corinth, Natchez and many minor engagements. At Jackson he avas taken prisoner but managed to escape within tavo hours, made his avay back to his regi ment and again joined his comrades in the battle. The regiment then avas sent on a fifteen days detour to Meridian, then re turned to Vicksburg, and later marched all over southavestern Arkansas and Missis sippi, went up the Red river avith General Banks, and in 1865 took its last march up the Red river, through Texas and Louisiana to Springfield, avhere it avas discharged after tavo years and nine months of faithful service. After his return from the army Mr. Ainsworth accepted a position as shipping clerk in a, avholesale confectionery house in Bloomington, the firm name of avhich avas - J. L. Green & Company, and a year later be came one of their traveling salesmen, which position he held for five years. Then he continued in the same position for five years more, in the interests of Aldrich Brothers & Company, at Bloomington, and then spent another five years avith Turner AATison & Company, avholesale cigars. Then Mr. Ainsavorth came to Kansas City and be came connected avith the firm of Thurber & Company, this house being the largest avholesale grocery house in the United States, and for tavo years he avas their rep resentative. The next eleven years avere spent avith the Symms Grocery Company, of Atchison, Kansas, making his headquarters in Neavton in 1879. Later he engaged as traveling salesman, for the Wichita Soap Company, and continued in that capacity four years. Since that time Mr. Ainsavorth has given his services to the city of Newton, and is noav in his seventh year as marshal. This continued service is testimony as to his effi ciency. It is a, matter of congratulation to the quiet and law-abiding citizens of Neav- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 627 ton that no city of its size in Kansas is freer from joints and places of resort for evil doers. This is immediately attributable to the excellent management and vigilance of the marshal. He has filled other positions of prominence in the city, having served as councilman, and has four terms been a member of the school board. Air. AinsAA'orth AA-as married on Sep tember 14, 1870, to Aliss Sarah J. Coney, avho avas born in Neav York, and avIio- Avas a daughter of AA'illiam Coney, being a resi dent of Bloomington at the time of her marriage. Die ceremony Avas performed at the home of her sister, Airs. O. B. Stiles. One child has been born of this union, — Clayton A., — a pupil in high school, av1io> is looking foravard to an education in the Santa Fe railroad shops, being a mechanical genius a'nd anxious to be able to avork out his ideas. Both our subject and avife are members of the Episcopal church. Marshal Ainsavorth has been a life-long Republican and thoroughly believes in the principles of that party. His leadership is acknoavledged and his influence in political matters has been of value to his party. Fra ternally he is prominent in the order of Knights of Pythias, uniting Avith it in 1870, in Bloomington, avhere he Avas a charter member of the lodge. Since that time he has been a delegate to the grand lodge three times, has been captain of the division in Xewton for four years and he is also' a char ter member of Union Lodge, No. 223, of Xeavton. P. D. MILLER. Among the progressive, reliable and rep resentative citizens of Lorraine, Ellsavorth county, Kansas, is P. D. Miller, who is a member of the avell knoavn firm of Aliller, Peter & Schmidt, of this toavn. This busi ness firm has succeeded that of Aliller & Peter, avhich was established in .1900, Mr. Miller having previously founded a success ful blacksmith and implement business. The ancestry of Mr. Aliller reaches back to the fatherland, his respected grandfather, Peter Aliller, coming from Germany to the United States avhen the father of our subject avas but tavelve years old, founding the fam ily home in Wisconsin, where his life avas spent. H. J. Miller, who became the father of our subject, avas a son of Peter Aliller and greav up in AVashington county, AViscon sin, and there engaged in farming until the outbreak of the Civil Avar. In loyal spirit he enlisted for senice, entering Company F, Twelfth AAlsconsin Infantry, and for three years avas one of the brave soldiers avho made the state of AVisconsin so conspicuous for loyalty. During the ' last taventy-five years of his life "lie avas a consistent and zealous minister of the German Baptist church, the territory of his labors extending over AA'isconsin and Minnesota. His useful life ended on August 2, 1900, at his .home in Tacoma, AA'isconsin, avhere his avidoav still resides. Air. Aliller avas a man of great public spirit, took an active and intelligent interest in all public affairs, and was firm in his devotion to the principles of the Repub lican party. Ten children avere born to Rev. H. J. and Margaret (Schuinton) Miller, namely: Maggie, avho is the avife of Fred Sternberg, of Mason City, Ioava; P. D., avho is the sub ject of this sketch; Katie, AA'ho1 is the avife of John Voke, of North Freedom, AViscon sin; Henry, Avho: holds the position of cap tain of the guards in the state penitentiary at AVaupaca, AAlsconsin; Minnie, avIio is a missionary of the German Baptist church and lives in La Crosse, Wisconsin; Lydia, Avho resides in Lincoln county, ^Kansas; Alatilda, avIio is tbe wife of Joel Platt, of Waupaca, AVisconsin; AVilliam, avho is in business at Fox, AAlsconsin; Freda, avho- is the avife of Henry Kruger, of Oconomowoc, AA'isconsin; and Benjamin, avho is a member of the firm of Miller Brothers at Fox, AA'is consin. Mr. Miller, of this biography, avas born im Washington county, Wisconsin, on No vember 13, 1859, and Passed his boyhood and youth engaged on his father's farm and in attendance upon the public schools until the age of taventy years. At this date he entered a flouring mill at North Freedom, 623 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. AA'isconsin, remaining there for tavo' years, or until his marriage. This took place on November 24, 1882, in Baraboo, Wiscon sin, to Aliss Ida Blankenburg. She was the estimable and highly esteemed daughter of Frederick and Minnie (Ceagler) Blanken- berg, and she was born in Germany, accom panying her parents to America avhen but a child. Four sturdy sons have been born to Mr. and Airs. Miller namely : Walter, Ber nard, Arthur and Edward. These sons have been given excellent educational ad vantages and all promise to follow in the footsteps of their father and to' avorthily rep resent the future citizenship of Kansas. After his marriage Mr. Miller engaged in .farming, renting land in North Freedom for four years. In 1886 he removed to' Ells Avorth county, Kansas, his father having purchased a half section of land in Green Garden township. Mr. Miller took charge of this -property, Avhich at that time was raav prairie, and avith energy set about its im provement, succeeding in breaking all but ninety acres in three seasons. Here he erected suitable buildings and successfully engaged in the raising of avheat until 1896. At this date he moved to Lorraine, one in ducement being better school facilities for his children, and here he established a blacksmith and implement business, avhich he still oavns and operates, although his en terprise has groavn to large proportions. In September, 1900, in connection avith Paul Peters, he o-pened up a large agricul tural implement business under the firm name of Miller & Peters, and in the spring of 1 90 1 the present partnership avas formed, the members of the firm being P. D. Miller, Paul Peters and A. H. Schmidt. The com modious buildings occupied by this firm con tain a complete stock of groceries, dry goods, harchvare, farm machinery, harness, etc., and is a leading house in fine avagons and buggies and vehicles of all kinds. Air. Miller has been identified avith the business interests and public affairs of this locality very prominently ever since his lo cation here. In politics a stanch Republi can, in 1889 he was elected township trus tee, and avas re-elected in 1890; served as township clerk in 1893-4 and for the past tavo years has been a member of the school board. The religious connection of the fam ily is avith the German Baptist church, to avhich he is a liberal and generous contrib utor. Mr. Miller is justly regarded as one of the representative citizens of Ellsworth county, avhere he is held in the highest esteem. J. S. ENDICOTT. One of the enterprising and successful farmers of Galesburg township, Kingman county, is J. S. Endicott, avho avas born at Stanford, near Bloomington, in McLean county, Illinois, on the 17th of March, 1876. He is a descendant of an old southern fam ily, his grandfather, Joseph Endicott, hav ing been born in Kentucky and early in the history of Indiana emigrated to Posey county avith his family and founded a home in the unbroken forest. His son, Henry Endicott, avas also a native of Kentucky, but avas reared in Indiana. He married Jane Calvert, avho avas a native of the Hoosier state and a daughter of Patrick Cal vert, avho AA'as born in Vanderburg county, Indiana. Ten children Avere born to Henry and Jane Endicott, five sons and five daugh ters, namely: Melinda; James C. ; Nancy; Patrick; Rebecca; Henry; Mary Ann, since deceased; Casavell; Samuel; and Sarah E. After the mother's death, avhich occurred in her fiftieth year, the father removed avest, locating in Shelbyville, Illinois, and thence he settled in Arkansas City, Cowley county, Kansas. He passed away at Ponea City, Oklahoma, at eighty-nine years of age. His political support avas given the Democracy, and he avas ever earnest and zealous in all movements avhich tended toward the welfare and progress of the community in avhich he resided. James C. Endicott, the father of our sub ject, avas born December 23, 1832, in Posey county, Indiana, and avas reared on a farm, and in the schools of this county received his early education. He removed to AlcLea'n county, Illinois, and here married in 1856, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 629 at the age of taventy-three, Aliss Elizabeth Xeal, also a native of Posey county, Indiana. She is a daughter of Thomas and Nancy Xeal, avho make their home in AIcLean county, Illinois. Airs. Endicott aaas the mother of four children : Thomas H., a resident of Galesburg township ;, Jenny, the avife of E. B. Long, also of Galesburg toavn ship; Alattie Abbelena, avho married Will iam AArallace, of the same township; and James S., the subject of this revieav. The father came avest in 1877 anQ purchased a tract of land in Galesburg township, King man county, and is numbered among the pioneer settlers of this part of the state. The mother passed aavay in 1879, at the age of fifty years, in the faith of the Presby terian church. In 1882, in McLean county, Illinois, J. C. Endicott avas married a sec ond time, to Alartha E. AIcReynolds. She avas born in Posey county, Indiana, and is a daughter of Leonard and Nancy Ale- Reynolds, both of avhom are now deceased. Mr. Endicott has been prosperous during his life of labor, and the property now in possession of himself and children comprise seventeen hundred acres of highly cultivated land, modern residences, substantial barns and outbuildings, and groves and orchards of flourishing trees. The father avas at the head of a Christian household, and all the family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, avhose lives are con sistent with its teachings. J. S. Endicott avas reared and educated in Galesburg toavnship, avhere early in life he learned lessons of honesty and industry. When twenty-tavo years of age he chose for a companion on life's journey Blanch L. Taylor, avho has been to him a most helpful and loving wife. She avas reared and edu cated in Galesburg township, her parents being C. F. and Alary C. (Willingham:) Taylor. Airs. Endicott was one of eight children, three sons and five daughters. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Endicott has been born one child, Bernice P. T., avho was born De cember 7, 1899. Throughout his entire life Mr. Endicott has been a man of honor and integrity, and his present success is due to his energy, his close application to duty and his upright dealings avith all avith avhom he has been as sociated. The cause of education has ahvays found in him a loyal supporter, and he has held the office of toavnship' clerk, also has served on the toavnship board, and in every way lending his aid in the advancement and progress of his adopted county. In the political world he is identified avith the Dem ocratic party, and takes an adive interest in the issues of the day. The homestead of three hundred and taventy acres, of avhich he is the oavner, is one .of the fine farms ' aahich beautify the county of Kingman. Everything about the place, from the com fortable residence and substantial barns and sheds to' the avell tilled fields and verdant pasture lands, plainly indicate that a master hand has directed the operations of the farm and that success and prosperity avill surely be the result of such avell guided la bor. Mr. and Mrs. Endicott have many friends in Kingman county, and are alike re spected and esteemed for their hospitality, geniality and high avorth. WINFIELD SCOTT FARIS. AA'infield Scott Faris, avho- is a member of the firm of Faris Brothers, farmers and stockmen, is one of the prominent citzens ,of Ellsavorth count}-, Kansas, and resides on sections 4, 16 and 7, oavning a ranch con sisting of fourteen hundred and eighty acres. The Faris family originated in Scot land, from Avhich country some of its mem bers fled to Ireland on account of religious persecution. About 1770 the family records tell of AVilliam Faris, avho avas the great grandfather of our subject, taking his three sons — John, David and Adam — from Coun ty Down, Ireland, and emigrating to Amer ica, avhere they located in West Virginia. With William came tavo brothers, but ob scurity has settled both upon them and their movements-. Adam Faris became prominent in politics and was a member of the Virginia legislature, although the family has ahvays ¦630 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. been agricultural. John Faris, who- was the grandfather of our subject, avas born in 1759 and married in Virginia, Agnes: Stuart, avho claimed ancestry from the noble line of that name in her native Scotland, where she avas born in 1758. Her family came to America about tbe same period as did the Faris family. She avas the eldest in a fam ily of eleven children, and she reared tavelve of her oavn. Grandfather John Faris took an active part in the Revolutionary avar. The1 chil dren born to him and avife were as follows : Alary G., avho married John Gaston ; Martha B., avho mjarried Gilbert Potter and avas born at Fort Williamson, whithe*" her mother had fled to escape the Indians ; Will iam, avho: avas born in 1793; Dorothy, avho1 avas born in 1796 and married William Gas ton; Samuel, avho avas born in 1798; Nancy, avho avas born in 1800 and married Daniel Maxavell ; Robert, who was born on Decem ber 6, 1 80 1, and was the father of our sub ject; Sarah, who was born in 1803 and married Zqihaniah Bell; John, avho avas born in 1805 ; Jane, who was born in 1807, married Joseph Finley; Rosanna, avho avas born in 1812, married Samuel Maxavell; and Adam, avho was born in 181 3. Robert Faris, avho was the father of our subject, married first Margaret J. Irayin, and four children avere born of this union: Nancy1 A., avho: married Silas Emmerson, both of avhom are deceased, their descend ants still living in Delaware county, Ohio; Arthur Iravin, avho came to- Kansas in 1859 and located in EllsAvorth county in i860 and died in June, 1872, from the effects of hydro phobia; Alary G., who married P. S. Cun ningham, of EllsAvorth county; and Eliza J., av'Iio died in infancy; and the mother died in 1836. The second marriage of Mr. Faris avas to Esther Alaxwell, avho was born in Ohio county, now in West Virginia, on July 29, 1805, and was married on April 6, 1837, the children of this marriage being as fol lows : Henry V., one of the pioneers of EllsAvorth county; George W., who was born on August 12, 1839, an'd avas a soldier during the Civil avar, being connected with Company I, Fourth Ohio; William H. H, of Faris Brothers, associated with our sub ject in business, served during the Civil war in the Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteers; Amzi, a farmer in Ellsworth county, was also a soldier in the Civil war, belonging to the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry; Margaret J., who married Theodore Ruth, lives in Pomona, California; Elizabeth, who married Samuel B. Holler, of Manhattan, Kansas ; and Win field Scott, who is the subject of this biog raphy. Mr. Faris remained in Virginia until after his second marriage, in 1837, and then moved, by team, to Delaware county, Ohio, and located there, amidst the heavy timber. Here Mr. Faris cleared up a farm and until .1863 was engaged in farming. At that date he removed to Marshall county, Illinois, and there he died^ in April, 1867. He avas a cian of more than average ability, of pleas- - ant personality, a fluent speaker and was active in public affairs. In politics he avas formerly a Whig and then became a stanch Republican. He held to the old family re ligion and during the greater part of his life avas an elder in the Presbyterian church. Until he had attained his majority our subject remained on the home farm, in Dela avare county, avhere he was born on Janu ary 15, 1847. At the age of sixteen years the family removal to Illinois took place, and after the death of the father, Winfield and his brother AVilliami remained on the Illinois farm until 1872, avhen they fol loaved their three brothers, H. V., Amzi and Iravin, avho had gone to Kansas some time previously. Our subject and his much attached brother .started together avith one covered wagon, draAvn by six horses, crossed the Alississippi river at Burlington, Iowa, and the Missouri at St. Joseph, Missouri. After a journey of five aveeks they reached the home of their brother Henry, and they im mediately took up claims on Clear creek, but they never proved up1 on them. They soon became interested in live stock, herding and grazing, starting in a small avay, — with but a few cattle. At that period the early s.ettlers took life much easier than avas possible in later years. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 631 Then the complex elements avhich confuse social life and the economic problems avhich noav cannot be ignored avere unknoavn, and existence had a simplicity aahich avas almost Acadian. AA'hile each Avas interested in the other, the pettiness and strife of later days avere absent. Alany of the first claims taken avere alloaved to revert to the government and this avals the case avith our subject and brother. In 1877 they located a claim on sertions 28, 15 and 7, avhich our subject later "homesteaded," as the transaction avas called, and there erected a house and broke seventy acres. He improved this property in many avays and lived there until coming to his present homein 1893, purchasing it in association avith his brother, AV. H. H. Upon this fine property the brothers engaged in grazing and feeding and' also: in agriculture, cultivating some tavo: hundred and fifty acres. They keep one hundred and fifty head of cattle, raising the most of them, their herds being of high grade, prin cipally Herefords. They ship for them selves some fifty or sixty head every year. Mr. Faris and his brother have an excellent stock farm on the Smoky Hill river. Die residence, outbuildings and stockyards are situated on a level tract of bottom land, some rods in avidth, lying betaveen1 the river and a high, rocky bluff. In the solid rock of this* cliff, some sixty feet in height, are exca vated three rooms, and one of these is util ized as a spring house, avith a never-failing spring, avhile one of the others is at present in use as a school-room. This excavation avas not a natural formation, but avas done by the former oavner, who avas an English miner and artisan. On account of this pos session Air. Faris is facetiously called "the cliff-daveller,'' and it avas made the text of a very readable, if not a very truthful, article for a prominent neavspaper at one time and Avas copied into many publications. Die surroundings are avorthy of more than passing note, and are unique and inter esting. The time may come avhen some learned scientist avill decipher the many strange Indian hieroglyphics ,avhich cover the faces of the rocks and probably tell tales *of Indian history never before revealed. Ah*. Faris avas united in marriage, on Alarch 30', 1886, to Aliss Jessie Hudson, aaliO' Aaas. a daughter of Robert and Sarah (Redpath) Hudson,, these parents having also been pioneers in this county, a sketch of avhom appears in another portion of this volume. One son, Robert AA"., avas born to this union, on June 11, 1891. Air. Faris is an enthusiastic Republican, but he is best knoavn in the Presbyterian church, to avhich he has devoted much time and means. He Avas one af the organizers of the Fort Harker church, the first meet ings being held in the surrounding school- houses. The church avas built in 1884, and our subject has worthily filled the office of elder, and has been an active avorker for the Sunday-school. His interest is ahvays en gaged on educational matters and he is justly considered a representative man of Ellsavorth county. CHARLES F. BOY. Among the earnest men Avhose depth of character and strict adherence to principle excite the admiration of his contenmpo- raries, Mr. Boy is prominent. He is noav the esteemed and capable clerk of Raymond township and is also connected avith the business interests of Raymond. He first opened his eyes to the light of day in Bu chanan county, Alissouri, near Rushville, in February, 1877. His father, Albert Boy, avas born, reared and educated in Germany. He avas married in Atchison, Kansas, to Miss Theresa Aliller, also a native of the fa therland, born in Australia. The father is noav one of the enterprising farmers of Rice county, honored and respected by all avho know him. Charles F. Boy, one of a family of eight children, six sons, and tavo daughters, at tended the public schools of Rice county, Kansas, graduating June 1, 1895, and sup plementing his knoavledge there gained by- study in the State Normal, at Emporia, Kansas. After putting aside his text-books he became a salesman for the Fair & Shaak 632 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Alercantile Company, dealers in hardware, lumber and grain at Raymond, one of the reliable firms of the community. Mr. Boy- is noav superintendent and manager of the firm, and his unfailing courtesy and pleas ant manner have gained for the company many patrons and avon for him the friend ship of all avith avhom he has come in con tact. Air. Boy is also, a, prominent and act ive avorker in the ranks of the Democratic party, and in November, 1898, he was the choice (of his party for1 the office of township clerk. He proved one of the strongest men on the ticket, receiving a majority of thirty votes, and in this position he is now serving avith credit to himself and satisfaction to' his constituents. Mr. Boy is also well versed in music, perfonning on both the violin and piano, and is thus able to while aavay many pleasant hours. In the Wooster Business College, of Ohio, he received a diploma in penmanship in the Bixler sys tem. Mr. Boy has been a resident of Rice county for fourteen years, and although young in years he is avell known in business circles and is regarded as a progressive citi zen .and a popular young man, whose circle of friends is extensive. October 31, 190T, at Hutchinson, Kansas, he married Miss Katherine Willett, of Alden, Kansas, a daughter of Thomas J., and Sarah Willett, her father a prominent farmer of Valley toavnship'. i»-»-pfr REV. E. C. COOPER. Rev. E. C. Cooper, whose life has been consecrated to the cause of Christianity and avhose influence is of no restricted order, has become avidely known as a minister of the United Presbyterian church, but is now incapacitated by disease and age. He came to central Kansas in the pioneer days as a traveling missionary, while there avere yet many Indians in the state. His arrival here avas in the year 1867, avhen all avas new and avild, and since that time he has been an im portant factor im the educational and re ligious development of this portion of the state. Rev. Mr. Cooper was born in Randolph county, Illinois, in October, 1832, and is of Scotcb-Irisb parentage on the paternal side. His grandfather, John Cooper, was proba bly born in the North of Ireland and emi grated in early life to' North Carolina, re maining there a short time. Thence he re moved to Chester district, South Carolina, remaining there until his death. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, loyally aiding in the cause of independence, and his son, John Cooper, Jr., was a soldier in the avar of 1812, serving under General Andrew Jackson, The family is one in which strong purpose has ever been manifest. Its mem bers have been identified with the , Scotch Covenanter (the Presbyterian) church through many generations, and has giverf an unfaltering support to' the principles in avhich they believe. Andrew Cooper, the father of our subject, avas born in North Carolina, and when small moved with his parents to Chester district, South Carolina, and was there married to- Alargaret McKel- vey, who* was born in that state. Her fa ther, Hugh McKelvey, was born in Ireland. His death occurred im Illinois. Andrew Cooper and family, consisting of wife and eight children, emigrated in 1830 to Ran dolph county, Illinois, and there he engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was about five feet eleven inphes in height and well built. Brave and fearless in defence of what he believed to- be right, he was an earnest champion of the Abolitionist cause, and in religious faith avas a Scotch Covenanter. His wife belonged to the same church and Avas an ardent Christian, woman, greatly beloved for her kindness. She died at the age of sixty-one years, while Andrew C. Avas called to the home beyond at the age of seventy-five, in the year of our Lord 1863. They were the parents of ten children : Sally, Mary, John, Hugh, Martha and Margaret, all deceased ; while Elizabeth, Nancy and Ebenezer C. are the only remaining mem bers of the family. Andrew J., the youngest of the family, was a soldier of the Tenth Missouri Infantry and was killed m, the Civil war in 1862. Rev. Cooper was reared among the re- Q) y Ly, L/&-~frfi^<. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 633 fining influences of a good Christian home, and in the common schools acquired his early education, Avhich Avas supplemented by study in Sparta Union Academy, and in the Indiana State University, avhere he completed the freshman and sophomore years. He then entered Monmouth Col lege of Illinois, avhere he was graduated with the class of 1862. He had deter mined to devote his life to the cause of the ministry and preparatory to this avork he entered the theological seminary at Xenia and was latd* ordained as a minister of the gospel, being licensed to preach and ad minister the ordinances. His first pastor ate was at Ottaava, Kansas, avhere be avas in charge of the United Presbyterian church for five years. He avas then pastor at Neodosha, Kansas, for one year, after which he avas appointed traA'ding missionary for central and western Kansas, travers ing these sections of the state many times in pioneer days. The Indians had not yet all left for reservations further west and south, and the buffaloes were fleeing before the advance of civilization. Rev. Cooper often slept upon the plains in the primitive dugouts and cabins, which were the homes of the early settlers. He forded the streams, for bridges were not then built over the creeks and rivers, and he endured all the hardships and dangers incident to frontier life. He organized many churches and Sunday-schools on the frontier, and Avas most faithful_and zealous in the cause of Christianity. In 1877 he organized the United Presbyterian church in Kingman county, and tbe members urged him- to re main with them as their pastor. Diis he consented to do, and, taking a claim, he built thereon a sod house in 1878. He acted as pastor of the church for six years and in. this time he also wrought a great trans formation in his farm. He set out a large orchard of apple and peach trees planted a vineyard and berries and engaged in the raising of cereals best adapted to this cli mate. He now has a valuable tract of land of one hundred and sixty acres and a good residence in Kingman. Rev. Cooper was united in the holy 40 bands of matrimony in 1862, in Winterset, Madison county, Iowa, to Nancy A. Brit ton, a lady of intelligence and culture who was reared and educated in Ohio. Her fa ther, James Britton, was born in Ireland and died at Redfield, Dallas county, Iowa, while his avife, who bore the maiden name of Alary Bell, and is also deceased, was born in Ohio, her parents having emigrated from the state of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have become the parents of five children: Airs. Lillie Ola Gillespie, of Loveland, Colorado; Mrs. Ldia Ula Rey nolds, of Witchita, Kansas ; Mrs. Annie Liz zie Friend, of Alexandria, Louisiana; Otho C, of Chicago, Illinois, who held an im portant position under Governor Leedy; and Arthur V. who is a graduate of the Kingman high school of the year 1901, and is now a successful teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have lost two- children. Rosa Linn, who died at the age of thirteen months, and a son who died in infancy. Rev. Cooper became identified with the Republican party on its organization, vot ing for John C. Fremont in 1856, and for many years he gave his support to' the men and measures advocated by that party. He was a strong Alliance man and served as county lecturer and organizer in Kingman county for one year. A man avell informed on political history and upon all cjuestions of general interest, he keeps in touch with the progress of the world, and has marked influence upon the past development of central Kansas, lending his aid and support to every measure calculated to prove of general good. His life, consistent with its professions, has been a powerful factor for the promotion of Christianity among his fellow men. FRED J. CLOUD. Through no medium other than its newspaper press can the specific prestige and character of any community be defi nitely dderinined, and thus it is ever gratifying to: all enterprising and loyal citi- 634 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. zens Avhen they can point with justifiable pride to ably managed and journalistic en terprises which exploit the interests of the community and conserve its progress and prosperity. In the thriving little city of Norwich, Kingman county, Kansas, is pub lished the Noinvich Herald, a weekly jour nal which is under most capable and pro gressive management and which has thus proved a popular and potent exponent of local interests, standing alike creditable to its publisher and the territory avhich it rep resents. It is clearly incumbent that in a compilation of this nature there should be incorporated a revieav of the career of the publisher and editor of this excellent paper, and this ave are pleased to. present herewith. Fred J. Cloud is a native of the state of Missouri, having been born near the city of Springfield, Greene county, on the 17th of Alarch, 1877, being the son of John J. and Mary J. Cloud, natives of Missouri. The subject of this review was but one year of age at the time of bis, parents' removal to Kingman county, Kansas, and thus he has passed practically bis entire life in this state and is thoroughly imbued avith the progress ive spirit of the avest, while his career. has been such as to' retain to him uniform con fidence and esteem. As one of the repre sentative voting men of Kingman county he is avell avorthy of consideration in this con nection. Air. Cloud avas reared to the sturdy discipline of the pioneer farm in Kingman county, and his early experiences avere such as avere typical of the time and place, so that he is able to recall many inter esting incidents and episodes touching life on the frontier. His preliminary educa tional discipline avas secured in the district school in the vicinity of the parental farm stead, and after the founding of the present city of Nonvich and the establishing bere of excellent public schools he here continued his studies, devoting himself carefully to his educational avork and making such ad vancement that at the age of eighteen years he avas enabled to put his scholastic acquire ments to practical use, then giving inception to his career as a teacher and continuing in pedagogic avork for a period of five years, avorking on the farm during the summer va cations and attending the various teachers' institutes held in the county. He was also a student in the Kansas State Normal School, at Emporia, for one year, and he gained a high reputation as an earnest and successful teacher. During the last year of his school work he also found employment in the office of the Norwich Herald, in which he thus became familiar with the details and intricacies of the "art preservative of all arts." In June, 1901, Mr. Cloud effected the purchase of the Herald, of which he has since continued editor and publisher, mak ing the paper a credit to himself, to the town and to the editorial profession of the state. The Herald was founded in Janu ary, 1898, by J. A. Maxey, who continued in control of the same until the regime of the present proprietor was inaugurated. Mr. Cloud is issuing a bright and readable paper, the same giving an excellent sum ming up of the neavs of local and general character, avhile the editorial utterances are invariably timely and show marked origin ality. At the time avhen he assumed control of the Herald Mr. Cloud was but twen|y- four years of age, and he is to be recorded as one of the youngest editors on the list of Kansas journalists, handling his paper with the skill of a veteran and gaining unqualified endorsement. At the age of fourteen years Mr. Cloud avas seriously injured in the hands and face by the accidental discharge of a shotgun, necessitating the amputation of one finger on each hand, avhile the left hand avas drawn in such a manner that only the first finger can be straightened. From his boyhood days he has been an enthusiast in regard to outdoor sports and general athletics, being fond of skating and bicycling" and being a fine player of baseball, notwithstanding the handicap- involved in the physical injuries mentioned, and he is avell known in base ball circles. The favorite pastime and amuse ment of Air. Cloud is musical study and avork. He began the study of the "divine art" avhen a mere boy, and though he has had but little instruction, he has shown that native talent and predilection which have en- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 635 abled him to make notable progress, gaining a thorough knoavledge of theory and hav ing much technical skill in both vocal and in strumental interpretations, being able ' to read the more complicated scores at sight and devoting his attention more particularly to band music, in avhich connection he has attained a reputation of more than local order. Air. Oloud is one of the popular young men of the county, and in both business and sooial circles is most highly esteemed. He has a distind individuality, is genial in his nature and has the gradous facility of gaining and retaining friends. He is well known in the county where he has passed pradically his entire life, and his popularity attests the integrity of his character and his ability in his chosen field of endeavor. In politics he gives his support to the Re publican party, and he ever manifests a lively interest in all that conserves the wel fare of his city, county and state. Those avho know him best will feel that this slight tribute is eminently merited. HON. U. G. MUSTOE. Hon. U. G. Mustoe, who is now repre senting his distrid in the state legislature, has been a prominent factor in the public life of Kingman county since a very early day. His residence in the Sunflower state dates from 1877, and during the long period which has since intervened he has ever borne his part in the work of progress and development which has here taken place. He was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, on the 16th of August, 1863. His paternal great-grandfather was a, native of England, but subsequently came from that country to the United States, and his son Anthony, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Virginia. The latter's son,. H. C. Mustoe, became the father of our subject and was born in Barbour county, West Virginia. He was reared and educated in the state of his nativ ity, and was there married to Margaret Wil son, a daughter of John Wilson, who avas of Scotch-Irish descent. After his mar riage Air. Alustoe removed from his native state to Indiana, where he remained for three years, and then took up his abode iu Scotland county, Missouri, near Memphis. There he avas engaged in agricultural pur suits until 1877, avhich year witnessed his arrival in Kingman, Kansas. Here he se cured a tract of Osage Indian land on sec tion 28, Galesburg township, Avhere he made his home during the remainder of his life, passing aAvay on the 6th of September, 1880, at the age of sixty-eight years. At his death he left a avidow and seven sons, namely: J. D., a resident of Cheney, Kan sas; AVilliam K, of Dunlap, Harrison coun ty, Iowa; G. H, who is engaged in busi ness in New Murdock, Kansas ; Thomas A., who avas foremrly the postmaster at New Alurdock but is now deceased, passing away at Greensburg, Kiowa county, Kansas; H. A., a prominent merchant of New Mur dock; Lewis H, who is engaged in busi ness at Cheney, this state; and U. G., the subject of this review. Mr'. Mustoe avas a machinist by trade, and was an ardent sup porter of Republican principles. Both be and his wife were worthy and acceptable members of the Christian church. U. G. Mustoe was only fourteen years of age when the family removal was made from Missouri to Kansas, and in this state he Avas reared to farm life and attended the public school of Kingman county. After beginning the battle of life on his own ac count he was for a time employed as a hotel proprietor, but for many years he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. His fine farm now comprises two hundred and forty acres of land, and there, in addition to the raising of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate, he is also extensively en gaged in the stock business, both branches proving a profitable source of investment. He has recently removed to Neav Mur dock, where he has purchased a residence and gone into the livery business. The marriage of Mr. Mustoe was cele brated in 1886, when Miss Susy Davis be came his wife. She was born in Scotland 636 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. county, Alissouri, and avas there reared and educated. Her father, C. J. Davis, noav de ceased, avas for many years a avell knoavn citizen of Galesburg" township, Kingman county. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith five children, — Ethel, born, February 2^,, 1888; Cortie, October 14, 1889; Ralph, November 20, 1891 ; Alta, October 20, 1896; and Beulah, June 20, 1898. Air. Alustoe has ahvays taken an act ive part in the public life of bis locality, and in 1889 he avas elected to the position of clerk of Kingman county, in avhich he served for one term, proving an efficient and trustworthy official. In January, 1901, he took his seat as a member of the state legis lature, and in tbis important position he has proved equally worthy to discharge the du ties entrusted to his care. His strong men tality, close study of the . questions of the day and sound judgment avell fitted him for leadership, and his course has been marked by patriotic devotion to1 the public good. In his social relations he is a member of the In dependent Order of Odd Felloavs and the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen fra ternities. ASA S. SWINGLE. The prosperity and prominence of cen tral Kansas is, no doubt, in a great measure due to the fact that so many of its early set tlers came hither from homes where they had been reared in the principles of industry, honesty, morality and patriotism. From such a, home came Asa S. Swingle, avho is one of the most avorthy and reliable and rep resentative citizens of Rochester township, in Kingman county. The birth of Mr. Swingle avas on a farm near the town of South Canaan, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, in 1840. The origin of the family was in Switzerland, his great grandfather, Urich Swingle, being a native of that land; and his son, Conrad, avas one of the band avho sought religious freedom in a neav country. Conrad Swingle became the father of thirteen children, one of whom aa-as Moses, avho became the father of our subject. Aloses Savingle greav to manhood in Wayne county and married Elizabeth, avho avas a member of the prominent Cobb family of that county. They also reared a numerous, family, consisting- of six sons and six daughters, these being as follows: Laura; Ruby; Qark, a soldier in the Civil avar, living in the far west; Ralph; Paul, also a soldier; Asa S., our subject; Frank; Leavis, a soldier; Ruth; Ann; Stella; and Abigail. Leavis avas a resident of Kingman county for some time, but died in 1881, leaving a widow and six children. The fa ther of these children greav aged in Wayne county, passing from life at about ninety years of age. In his locality he was a rep resentative man, a stanch supporter of the Democratic party and a respected and con sistent member of the Methodist church. The mother of our subject also reached the unusual age of ninety years and died in* the full fruitage of a kind and well spent Jife. Asa S. Savingle spent his early ife en a farm and all his life his interests have cen tered in agricultural pursuits. His educa tion avas acquired in the district schools of his neighborhood, and perhaps he would still be a resident of his native state had not the stirring events of 1861' roused the loyal feeling of his elder brothers and communi cated itself to him. Almost a boy at the time of his enlistment, he made a good rec ord as a soldier, entering a regiment of state troops for a short term of service, later becoming a member of the One Hundred and Forty-third Neav York Infantry, serv ing for eighteen months and receiving an honorable discharge. At the age of taventy-one Mr. Savingle avas united to Aliss Alary Cobb, in matri mony, and for forty years she has been his beloved and congenial companion, the part ner of his joys and the cheerful companion avho has encouraged him in times of trou ble. She avas. a daughter of John, and Sarah (Shaffer) Cobb, estimable and respected residents of Wayne county, where both passed out of life,, the latter in 1862. They had eight childres, namely: Angeline,. Susan, Alice, Olive, Alary, Aurilla, Abigail BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 637 and Joseph. Xine children Avere born to Mr. and Mrs. Swingle, namely : Darius, of Wood county, Oklahoma ; Airs. Ellen HaAA- ley, of Rochester township; Benjamin, of AA'ood county, Oklahoma ; Frank, at home ; Mrs. Dolly AA'estfall, of Oklahoma; and Fred, Ralph, Leavis and Sam, all at home. All of these children are robust specimens of Kansas youth, intelligent and avell edu cated. In 1865 Air. Savingle left Pennsyh-ania and moved to Ioava, locating in Hamilton county, near AA'ebster City. They- avere pio neers there and remained until 1869, avhen Mr. Savingle decided to make a trip avith his family to Texas in order to see if that coun try offered more attractions for a permanent location. The long but interesting journey avas made in a prairie schooner, with a mule team, traveling south in as direct a line as possible, through IoAA-a, Missouri and Ar kansas, entering Texas in Tarrant county. Later illness in his family caused a removal to Jack county, but later Mr. Swingle de cided to return to the north. With tAvo yoke of long-horned Texas oxen and a covered wagon the family exodus was made, a selec tion of a home in Kingman county, Kansas, being decided upon in 1878. Air. Swingle took up a claim which avas situated about three-fourths of a mile from the present home, avhere improvements AA'ere made and a fine farm placed in good condi tion. This home Aaas advantageously sold in 1893 and then the present location Avas taken, Aahich Air. Savingle has converted into one of the finest estates in Rochester toavnship. This beautiful and fruitful farm comprises four hundred and forty acres, and 1 what Xature has not done Mr. Savingle has supplied. One of the improvements that he has made is a fine fish pond, avhile the com fortable residence, the commodious accom modations for stock and cattle, the excellent arrangements Avhich he has perfected for the satisfactory irrigation of his land, all testify to his excellent business management. He has ahvays been one of the most industrious farmers and is a successful stock-raiser, and has ahvays taken an active interest in this locality, avhich avhen he first came here avas covered avith the bones of buffaloes. The face of the country has changed much in all these intervening years, but not more than many of its old settlers, this mak ing the vigor and robustness of Air. Savingle all the more remarkable, as he appears to be yet in the very prime of life. He has been called upon to sera-e his toaviiship in a number of responsible positions, and for a ears avas toaauship treasurer, and for three terms avas the efficient toaamship trustee. The regard in avhich he is held in his locality may be expressed in the words of a neigh bor, aaho declared, "Asa Savingle's avord is as good as his bond. I avant nothing bet ter." His hospitable doors stand open, his hand is extended in friendship)' to all avho deserve it, and no: one in this locality bet ter exemplifies the heartiness and friendli ness of the old Kansas settler. DAXIEL PALMER. Daniel Palmer, a retired farmer of Hal stead, Kansas, avas born in Ross county, Ohio, Saturday, December 31, 1836, it being the last day of the aveek as avell as of the month and year. He avas of Dutch lineage, his paternal grandfather, Edmond Palmer, having come to the neav Avorld from Hol land, settling in Virginia, Avhere he passed aAvay in 1804 in the prime of his life. His AA-ife, avhose maiden name was Mllbourn, and three children, tavo sons and a daugh ter, suraived him. In 1856 the mother passed aavay and avas laid by the side of her busband in Loudoun county, Virginia. The daughter of the family, not having married, avent to- live avith her brother, Landon Palmer. He lived to quite an advanced age, but avas survived by his sister, avho became an octogenarian. The grandfather avas a cooper by trade, an honest and industrious man, avho gave to his descendants a legacy of far greater aa-orth than avorldly possess ions, that of honesty and fidelity to that Avhich is right. 638 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Milbourn Palmer, the father of our sub ject, was a native of Virginia, his birth hav ing occurred in October, 1798. He began the life of a farmer in that state in 1828, where he wedded Miss Rachael Cowgill, also a native of the Old Dominion, born in October, 1804. Her father, Isaac Coavgill, was one of a family whose patriotic spirit aroused them to take up arm's in defense of their country, in its struggle for freedom, seven of the sons having served in the Revo lutionary avar. Early in life Milbourn Palmer remo'ved to Ohio, and thence in 1854 to Indiana. In 1856, howeA'er, he returned to Ohio. He had met avith reverses during his life, and at the time of his death, whioh occurred June 21, 1865, he left no estate. His widow survia*ed him many years, pass ing aavay in 1885. The children born to this couple were: Isaac, born in 1832, died in White county, Indiana, September 2, 1855, leaving no family. Mary, born in 1834, is the avife of Joseph Seelig, of Ross county, Ohio, and is the mother of a fine family of fourteen children, having lost one in child hood. Daniel is the subject of this revieav. Sarah, the second daugbter of the family, lived to be fourteen years of age. Rachael is the widow of Joseph Trego, who resided in Ross county. She has no children. Har riet is the youngest of the children, and is the wife of Frank Flee, of Fayette county, Ohio, noAV in Virginia. The eldest child, a son, died in infancy. Daniel Palmer, while acquiring a com mon-school education, at the same tiiiie learned the duties of farm life and the la bors attending the same, and at an early age was competent to undertake any ordinary business aside from farming. He, however, remained avith his parents on the home farm, assisting his father in the work. On the taventy-seventh day of July, 1862, Mr. Palmer Avas married to Miss Abigail Edg- ington, a, young lady nineteen years of age, avIto Avas born in Ross county, Ohio, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (AAliite) Edgington. The father avas a native of the Buckeye state, and the mother of Ohio. They avere farmers, and reared a family of seven children, tavo sons and five daughters. For tavo: years after his marriage Daniel Palmer remained on the home farm, assist ing in the cultivation of the land, and there. lost his first child, Mary Jane, when thirty days old. Isaac, the second child, was born in Ohio in 1864, and is now a prosperous farmer living near his parents. His family consists of his wife and two soils., the only grandchildren of Mr. Palmer; The third child, a daughter, died avhen past three years of age. The other children born to Mr. and Airs. Palmer are Elbert J., unmar ried and assisting on the home farm:; Frank, also single and at home; Oliver Thurman, avho was born in Ioava, Alay 17, 1871, died in Kansas, Alay 7, 1873, avhen two years' old; and Harley Irvin, born in Iowa, De cember 30, 1867, died also in that state, De cember 24, 1868. In 1864 Mr. Palmer removed with his family to Iowa, avhere he remained for eight years, having purchased some town property in Indianola, AA'arren county, but he later bought a farm, avhich he operated for a number of years. In 1873, however, he re moved to Kansas, settling in Halstead in December of that year, avhere he pre-empted a homestead of eighty acres. For eight years he resided here and in 1881 sold the property, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres of land in Garden toavnship, on which he successfully folloaved the pursuit of agri culture until 1886. The death of his wife at this time was a great loss to him, for she had been a faithful and helpful companion during their married life, ahvays lending her assistance whenever it avas required. He avas then left to care for the three mother less children, a son of twenty-two- and tavo younger sons of ten and five years, respect- ivly. Tenderly and carefully has he reared these boys, being both father and mother to them, and now as reavard for the care in boyhood, he lives with them in Halstead, enjoying the rest avhich he well deserves after so many years of hard labor and sacri fice. The children all realize what he has done for them, having avorked and striven to bring them into perfect manhood, and lovingly render any service possible to the beloved father. Air. Palmer's success has BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 639 been remarkable, he having begun life with out a dollar, and even being obliged to bor row the fee with which to get married. His father-in-law was about to leave for another state, taking with him his family, and this precipitated his intentions before he had ac cumulated sufficient means with which to begin married life. His perseverance and industry, however, have brought to him un questionable success, and his honesty and in tegrity have won for him scores of friends, avho admire him not only as a man of high honor but as one avho has performed his duties to his family as becomes a man of strong character and noble purpose. Be sides the large farm in Garden toavnship he also owns eighty acres of finely cultivated land in Halstead toavnship, and these bring to him a handsome competence. Air. Palmer is a loyal Democrat, and, be ing modest and unassuming, he has never sought nor held an office. He is a member of the Quaker church, a descendant of the old Puritan stock, his maternal ancestors belonging to the colony founded by Will iam Penn, and avith such inherent qualities given to him by a conscientious people he has lived a life of loyalty to their teachings, firm in his convictions, true to his friend ships and loving and unselfish . with those Avith Avhom he avas closely connected. T. C. HOLCOMB. T. C. Holcomb, a prominent resident of Zenda, Kansas, has been one of the leading business men of Kingman county and for a number of years has been a merchant of es tablished reputation in this vicinity as well as a successful dealer in stock. He has re cently sold out with the view of going upon his ranch and devote his attention to horse- raising, etc. The birth of Mr. Holcomb was on the borders of Lake Champlain, Essex county, New York, in 185 1, descending from a fam ily avhich for many years has represented the highest ideals of patriotism and good citizen- snip. His father, B. F. Holcomb, was born in XTeav York, his forefathers having been among the Revolutionary patriots in Ver mont. B. F. Holcomb married Elizabeth Toavner, avho was born in Canada, but reared in Essex county, New York, where her family still remains. Eight children were born to the parents of our subject. T. C. is the subject of this sketch; Airs. Ella Converse resides in Zenda, an the others are residents of Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb moved- from XTeav York in 1856 to Knox county, Illinois, locating at Galesburg, where he was an early settler. During the Civil Avar he attained prominence as a gallant officer on the staff of General Logan, and made a fine record as a member of the Forty-fifth Illinois In fantry. He was a man who commanded re spect in every locality in avhich he made his home, and avas prominent in public affairs, a leader in the councils of the Republican party. Until his death, at the age of seventy- eight, he avas actively interested in the G. A. R. Die mother of our subject still lives in Galesburg, Illinois. T. C. Holcomb was five years old avhen the family removal was made to Galesburg, and there he obtained an excellent common- school education, later entering a business establishment, where he served an appren ticeship to the book-binding trade, follow ing this business for a period of nine years. Then he accepted the position of mamager of a large shirt factory amd remained avith that concern for several years. In 1879 he avent to Kansas, where he took up a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of land near Lyons, in Rice county, and remained there engaged in farmimg and stock-raising until 1882, sell ing out at that time and coming then to Kingman county. Mr. Holcomb noav oavns a fine, avell watered farm of tavelve hundred and sixty acres, which, avith the assistance of his sons, he has made one of the very best farms in Rochester township, and here he has engaged extensively in farming and stock-raising. Although much interested in his above named enterprise, Air. Holcomb has also been, actively engaged since 1890 in a very successful and constantly increasing mer-1 640 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. cantile business im Zenda and is avell and favorably known all oa-er the county, prob ably being one of the most popular men of this. locality. Since 1894 he has been the postmaster of Zenda. In 1874 Air. Holcomb avas married, in Galesburg", Illinois, to' Miss Ida Alecorney, the intelligent, accomplished and educated daughter of John, L. and Frances ( Cook) Mecorney, the former of avhom avas a avell knoavn and esteemed citizen, and both of avhom. are noav deceased. Five children sur vive oi the seven born to Mr. and Mrs. Hol comb, and all of these are conspicuous mem bers of business, and social circles. The eld est son, F. L., is a graduate of the medical college at Keokuk, Ioava, in the class of 1901, haA'ing previously been educated in Lombard College, at Galesburg, graduating there in the academic course in 1897. Earl C. is at home and is engaged with his father in the stock business, as is also the third son, John E. Two daughters, Bessie and Lillie, make up the family. The tAvo chil dren avIio died Avere Ethel, at the age of ten years, and an infant son. Mr. Holcomb is a stanch member of the Republican party and zealously Avorks for its measures and candidates. Fraternally he is connected avith the order of AA'oodmen and has been prominent in the I. O. O. F., Lodge, X'o. 7,72, of Spivey, in aahich he has passed all of the chairs and of avhich he has been a delegate to the grand lodge. As a private citizen Mr. Holcomb commands the respect of all avho know him and he is much beloved by those avho are admitted to. his close friendship. His business career has reflected only credit upon him and he is knoavn to be one of the most upright men of affairs in Rochester toavnship. AVILLIAM RAUP. As an honored pioneer and sterling- cit izen of Kingman county and as one of the veterans of the avar of the Rebellion, in avhich be rendered the valiant service of a true son of the republic, we are permitted to refer to this avell knoavn and popular res ident of Allen township, Kingman county, avhere he has devoted his attention to agri culture and stock growing since the year 1879, developing a fine farm and gaining prestige as one of the successful men of this favored section of our great state. His farmstead comprises one hundred and sixty acres, is located on section 26, and his post- office address is Norwich. Air. Raup comes of stanch German lin eage and is himself a native of the old Keystone state of the Union, having been born on the parental farm in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on the 4th of Sep tember, 1839. His father, George Raup, avas born in Pennsylvania where he passed his entire life. He bore the full patro nymic of his father George Raup, Sr., who avas born in Germany, whence he emi grated to the United States and settled on a farm in Pennsvlvania, in which state he died, as did also his estimable wife. George Raup, Jr., was reared on the old farm, and also learned the trade of carpenter. He married Martha Marks, who was likewise born in Pennsylvania, and they became the parents of thirteen children, of whom: nine lived to attain years of maturity, namely: Henry, Hannab, John, Rachel, George, Jonah, David, AVilliam and Elizabeth. George, John and William Avere Union sol diers in the Avar of the Rebellion. The fa ther of our subject Avas a Democrat in his political proclivities, and both he and his avife avere dea'oted members of the Lutheran church. He died at the age of seventy-two and his avife lived to attain the venerable age of ninety-six, avhile her mother was ninety-nine years and nine months of age avhen she avas summoned into eternal rest, both having retained their faculties to a remarkable extent and the latter having passed aavay Avhile sitting in her chair. The principles of industry were incul cated in the mind of William Raup, the sub ject of this review, while he was a mere lad, for he early began to assist in the work of the farm, the while attending the public schools of the neighborhood as opportunity afforded. He continued 011 the old home stead until the outbreak of the war of the iOsjI'i J\^ytAsfx\^\&^ciyiy& JJaAdh BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 641 Rebellion, aahen his intrinsic loyalty- prompted him to tender his services in sup port of the cause of the Union. Accord ingly, in 1861, he enlisted in Company A of the Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel Ricketts, avhile his company avas in command of Captain Sam uel AA'atters. Mr. Raup continued to ac tive service for- a period of three years, with in which time he participated in a number of the most important engagements inciden tal to the great fratricidal conflict, including the battles of Antietam, South Mountain, Gettysburg and the AA^llderness, beside many others. In the battle of the Wilderness he received a slight avound, but avas not inca pacitated to anv exltent during his entire term, Avhich was marked by devoted and unflinching attention to the duties devolving upon him, implying toil and privation and imminent danger for the major portion of the time. He made a good record as a sol dier and after receiving his honorable dis charge returned to his home in Pennsyl vania, Avliere he continued to follow farming. In Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on August 1, 1869, Air. Raup was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Kunkle, who was born in that county, being the daughter of Daniel and Lydia Ann (Fahringer) Kun kle, both natives of the Keystone state, AA-here they passed their entire lives. Of their eleven children, nine lived to attain maturity, namely: Sarah, Andreav, Will iam, Charles, Eli, Mary E., Harriet, Eliza and Jeremiah. Andrew, Charles and Eli were soldiers in the Civil avar. The father, who avas a blacksmith by trade and who was engaged in agricultural pursuits, died at the age of seventy-eight years, and his avidoav died in Columbia on the 13th of November, 1901, having attained the age of eighty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Raup are the parents of four children, of whom Ave offer a brief record, as follows : Charles, who is a successful carpenter and builder of Kingman, married Eva Hovey, and they have one child, Walter; Eliza J. married Oliver Kinney, of Cheney, Sedgwick coun ty, and they have four children, Clarence, Mazie, Mabel and AATiliam AA'. ; Cora B. is the avife of James H. King, of Allen town ship, and tbey have tavo daughters, Beryl and lona; and John, the youngest of the children, is a sterling young man, avho is his father's able coadjutor in carrying on the work of the homestead. Mr. Raup came to. Kingman county in 1879 and took up a tract of the fine Osage Indian land, upon which he erected a box bouse, fourteen by sixteen feet in dimen sions, Avhere he and his faithful Avife estab lished themselves and prepared to make a home. That they endured many "depriva tions and inconveniences, and that they la bored with all the strength of mind and body, it is scarcely necessary to state, but prosperity attended their efforts as the years passed by and they have now one of the valuable farm properties of this county, the same being improved with a modern and spacious dwelling and other excellent build ings, while the harvests come with each suc cessive year and the herds of cattle yield due recompense for the care and attention be stowed. Success has come to them and it has been gained bv worthy means and is the just reavard of years of toil and en deavor. They have reared their children to lives of usefulness and honor, and may now look back avith satisfaction upon the early years, when, side by side, they laid the foundations for their prosperity. They have the esteem of the people of the community in avhich they have lived for more than a score of years and are honored for their sterling avorth of character. In politics Mr. Raup is 'a stanch Republican, and he has served three years as township trustee and for nine years as a member of the school board of his district, ever shoaving a deep interest in all that touches the general wel fare of the community. Mr. Raup maintains a deep concern in his old comrades in arms and is a popular member of the Grand Army of the Republic. HON. SAMUEL RITTER PETERS. The ancestors of this distinguished Kan- san, on both sides, Avere Germans. The family Avere among the earliest residents of 642 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Baltimore, and at one period in the state of Maryland Avere the proprietors of exten sive tracts upon which portions of the great city are built. When Ohio was admitted into the Union as a state, the family removed into' the cen tral portion of the neav commonwealth and settled in what is now Fairfield county. _ In that county, on the 23d day of March, 181 6, Lewis S. Peters, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born, and died in 1897. He Avas one of a family of twelve children. He married Margaret Ritter, the only daughter of Henry Ritter, who emigrated from Penn sylvania to Ohio in the early days of the set tlement of that state, and was one of the first to locate in Pickaavay county. The mother died in September, 1861, at the age of forty-two years. Both father and mother were members of the Methodist church. Samuel Ritter Peters, whose middle name is that of his mother, was born on the home farm in AValnnt township., Pickaway county, Ohio, August 16, 1842. As was the fortune of hundreds of other boys of that era in that relatively new country, he worked on a farm during the summers and attended the country district school in the winters until he had arrived at the age of seventeen years, when he was sent to the Ohio Wesleyan University, which avas un der the control of the Methodist Episcopal church. He remained there for two. years, when, imbued with the martial spirit awak ened in the north by the hostile attitude of the south in its, attempt to sever its connec tion with the Union, be enlised, on the 29th day of October, 1861, in Company E, of the Seventy-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. With his regiment the young soldier, not yet taventy years old, took a prominent part in many of the principal engagemem.s of the avar, from the second battle of Bull Run up to and' including the famous victory at Get tysburg, after which he, avith his regiment, avas transferred to the avestern army, join ing it at Chattanooga. He made the won derful "march to the sea," under General Sherman, thence to: Richmond and avit nessed the collapse of the Rebellion. His military record shows him to have been an excellent soldier, having successfully passed through the grades of private, non-commis sioned officer, second and first lieutenants and adjutant, and he was mustered out as captain of his company. At the close of the war he returned: to his studies at the Ohio Wesleyan University, but becoming dissatisfied with his surround ings left there and entered the law depart ment of the celebrated University of Mich igan, in October, 1865. He was graduated in Alarch, 1867, and, imbued with a desire to see something of the great west, he deter mined to look up a location where he could begin the j>ractice of his profession, his choice of all others from his earliest recol lections. Upon arriving in Memphis, in the northeast portion of Missouri, he avas in duced to settle there and at once entered into practice. He soon acquired a very lucra tive business, avhich continued for five years, when, im consequence of incipient lung trouble, in February, 1873, he sought a more congenial climate, locating in Kansas, fix ing upon Marion, the county seat of Aiarion county. In a little more than a year after his ad vent into the new state, his political career began, avhich continued uninterruptedly un til the summer of 1890, he declined further political honors, returning to his first love, the practice of law. In the fall of 1874 he was elected to the state senate for the district comprising the counties of Marion, Chase and Morris. At that particular juncture, in Kansas, the "Grange" avas at the height of its political prestige, and, as im the case of the "Alliance" to-day, it hated everything that savored of the name of laavyer; but SO' great avas the personal popularity of Mi*. Peters that he de feated his opponent nominated by the Grang ers, and took his seat in January, 1875. On tbe eighth of the following Alarch he avas ap pointed judge of the ninth judicial district, to succeed the Hon. W. R. Broavn. avho had been elected to the forty-fourth congress from the third district. The very next day Judge Peters entered' upon the duties of his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 643 neav position. The vast territory over which he had jurisdiction was composed of eight een organized counties in the central and southwestern portions of the state, which, be sides its immense area, was a trying region in which to hold court, in consequence of the lawless element that roamed, regardless of the rights of individuals, over the immense prairies in the great district. But Judge Peters avas equal to the task and adminis tered the law fearlessly, in a short time bringing order out of chaos, avhich avas rap idly assisted also by* the influx of a magnifi- cient immigration into the neav country. The character of the litigation, as may well be imagined, among such a heterogeneous population, was as diversified as was the varied aspect physically as the region itself ; but, notwithstanding all this, Judge Peters was three times elected to the difficult posi- ton without opposition. As the code of the state abolished all distinctions between the forms of law and equity, his court had juris diction in all law and equity cases and also in crimes and misdemeanors. Perhaps no judge in the United States ever before had such a checkered career, so far as the diver sity of suits is concerned that were brought before him to^ decide. It was certainly a trying time and taxed not only his judicial brain but also consumed all his hours. When not on the bench he was occupied in cham bers or poring over decisions to be promul gated the next day; and, notwithstanding this multifarious exercise of the judicial pre rogative, Judge Peters' decisions Avere never reversed by the supreme court of the state in a single criminal case during his long term of service on the bench! For nearly eight years he continued to work earnestly and industriously in every part of his immense judicial district, when, in January, 1883, having at the previous No vember election been voted by the people to represent them in the house of congress, he resigned. This avas at the time of the neav apportionment for representatives, and he was elected at large to the forty-eighth con gress. His seat avas contested, in conse quence rf the provision in the state consti tution that sought to make a judge ineligible to any other position during the term for which he was elected; but this provision, Judge Peters claimed, did not apply to any one who had been elected to congress, as that body, under the constitution of the United States, avas made the sole judge of the eligibility and qualification of its mem bers. In April, when the epiestion came be fore the house, he made an argument cover- ' ing the legal questions involved, and the re sult avas that he was declared to be entitled to his seat • by an almost unanimous vote. Thus this vexed question avas settled for all time to come, — one which has been of serious disturbance to the political affairs of the state, and which has been the means of keep ing out of the race for congressional honors more than one aspirant on the local bench, who avere eminently qualified for the posi tion and avere urged by hosts of adherents to accept a nomination. That Judge Peters was clearly right om this question, is now conceded by all laavyers. Judge Peters' opponent im this race for congress was the notorious Sam Wood, who, after a turbulent career in Kansas, at last met a tragic death at the hands of a western desperado. Judge Peters was elected succss- ively to the forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty- first congresses, with scarcely any opposi tion that might be considered worthy of the term, so popular was he. His district is now covered by thirty-six organized coun ties. In the forty-eighth congress Judge Peters served on the committees on commerce and election of the president and vice-president; in the forty-ninth and fiftieth, on post offices and post roads ; and in the fifty-first, on ap propriations and patents. His most notable speeches were on the interstate-commerce law and counting the electoral vote, avhich was delivered during the sessions of the forty-eighth congress. His speech in the forty-ninth congress in defense of the home stead sdtler was a masterpiece of the dis cussion of the rights of the settler on the pub lic domains, for avhich he avas a champion1 in every sense of the avord. During his last '644 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. term in congress he delivered able speeches on such important matters as the tariff, the Pacific mail-steamship subsidy and the rela- ¦ tions of the Union Telegraph Company to the land grant railroad lines. Judge Peters avas succeeded in public life by Jerry Simpson, avho defeated the Re publican nominee at the ensuing election. Simpson has since become a character of national interest. Judge Peters is young yet, and if at amy time he should decide to re-enter the arena of politics, there is no doubt he would be avelcomed and placed in any* position he' might seek. In January. 1890, he wrote a letter to his home neavspaper, "The Neavton Daily Republican," declining again to- become a candidate for further congressional honors, in avhich he announced his intention to re turn to the practice of his profession. In the following July he entered the firm of Ady & Nicholson, in Newton, and at once began a lucrative business. The style of the firm is Ady, Peters & Nicholson, the senior member, Joseph W Ady, being the United States district attorney for Kansas. Judge Peters avas married on the 18th of April, 1867, to Aliss Amelia C. Doan, of Circleville, Ohio, a lady of education, ac complishments and fine presence. Mrs. Peters Avas a universal favorite in Washing ton society and her departure from the cap ital of the nation Avas deeply regretted. They have one child, a son, Fletcher B. Peters, iioav thirty-tAvo years of age, Avho has com menced the study of laAv, and promises to fol- loav closely in the footsteps of his distin guished father. The Judge avas grand commander of the Knights Templar in Kansas in 1882-3 ana aa-as the first past commander of the Judson Kilpatrick Post, Xo. 36, of the G. A. R., of Neavton. Pie is also member of the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellow's organiza tions. [The foregoing sketch is taken from "Distinguished American Laavyers," copy righted in 1890 by Henry W. Scott. All rights reserved.] In June, 1895. Hi". Ady severed his con nection avith the firm, since avhich time the style of the firm has been Peters & Nichol son. MARTIN HOAGLAND. During the recent years the average char acter of public office holders have been ele vated very materialy. Formerly men were given important official positions who had made a failure of life otherwise, but the tendency of late has been to choose to pub lic office men avho have proven themselves efficient in private enterprises. Such a avell tried and satisfactory official is Mar tin Hoagland, commissioner of streets of Hutchinson and also connected with the United States mail service. Mr. Hoagland was born on his father's farm adjoining the corporation line of Bar- dolph, McDonough county, Illinois, Decem ber 18, 1843, a son OI Oakey and Emily (Collins) Hoagland. Oakey M. Hoagland, the grandfather of our subject, emigrated from Scotland to the United States, locat ing in Pennsylvania, Avhence he removed to Kentucky. He Avas reared in the latter state, and there married Ellen Batterton. Unto this union Avere born the following children : Belle B., avho married T. J. Creel, avho for years has been a merchant at Bardolph, Illi nois, and has long" held the office of post master there; Kate F., avho is the wife of George McCabe, of Gibson City, Illinois; Alichael H, avho avent to the Pacific coast in 1849 ana enlisted in the United States army in 1861, in Oregon, and saw much arduous service, which ended in his death aahile acting as escort to the United States mail during a terrible storm ; Professor B. S. Hoagland, of Hutchinson, has been man ager of the Kansas Musical Jubilee since its organization. Oakey Hoagland, the father of our .sub ject, avas born in Frankfort, Kentucky, April 1, 1803. About 1836 he removed to Beardstown, Illinois, where for three years he was proprietor of a general store. From Beardstown he removed to Bardolph, Mc- '/p7yiyyi/^< — ft (^~<^-^yCX^^^^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 645. Donough county, avhere for eight hundred dollars he bought a half section of land con tiguous to the corporation line. His first year's farming avas so profitable that from the proceeds of his crop of aaheat he was able to pay for his farm. Later he bought a quarter section of land, which increased the dimensions of his possessions to three- quarters of a section, and he prospered in a business way and avon honors as a citizen of public spirit avho avas foremost in all pub lic affairs. He held several official posi tions and was a leader in organizing the first Presbyterian church at Bardolph, in which he was an elder as long as he lived. He furnished the timber which entered into the construction of its house of worship. He had previously been a member of the Pres byterian church at Macomb, McDonough county, and was the owner of pew No. 80 in its house of avorship until the day of his death. He was instrumental in securing the right of way for the Northern Cross Rail road, now a portion of the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy system. He spent the years of his retirement in Bardolph and died there July 15, 1875. His second wife was Emily Collins, a native of Connecti cut, and they had three sons, Oakey M., Willie, who died at the age of twelve years, and the subject of this review. The former enlisted in Company I, Fifty-seventh Regi ment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served under Sherman in his historic march to the sea. His health had been precarious before he entered the army and his physical disabilities had been augmented by the hard ships he endured in the service and he has been an invalid ever since the war. Martin Hoagland was reared on his fa ther's farm in McDonough county and re ceived his early education in the district schools near his home. Between the terms and at nights and mornings and Saturdays he assisted his father about the farm and store work. At the age of sixteen he en tered the old and efficient private academy of Mr. and Mrs. Branch at Macomb, Illi nois, avhere he avas a student for tAvo years, and after that he was a student for two years at the academy at Prairie City, Illi nois. December 5, 1861, he enlisted as a corporal in Company I, Fifty-seventh Reg iment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and by successive promotion he served in every office up to that of first lieutenant, and at the grand review at AA'ashington at the close of the Avar he commanded a company.. On the 8th of February, 1862, his regiment Avent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, and from there it soon aftenvard avent to the front.. He fought under Grant at Fort Henry and at Fort Donelson, meantime participating" in much varied and arduous service, im Avhich he suffered severely from exposure, his regiment, scantily provided with blank ets, camping on the ground in rain and' snow. Later he fought at Shiloh and par ticipated in the siege of Corinth and both battles at that place, and after that for some time his regiment was detailed to guard railways. Be saw' service under Sherman,. when the latter marched his command to the relief of Thomas, who was besieged at Chattanooga, participating in the battles, of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Snake Creek Gap. He served under Gen eral Logan at Resaca, and during the siege of Atlanta was stationed at Rome, Georgia. After General Hood was defeated by Gen eral Sherman and had started for Nash ville, Tennessee, the command to which Mr. Hoagland was attached marched' from Rome, Georgia, and pursued Hood about fifteen miles, when Hood's rear guard made a stand for battle and during an artillery duel that followed Mr. Hoagland was thrown to the ground and his left ear was rendered useless by the concussion of a large shell bursting near his head. At Rome Cross Roads his regiment constituted a portion of an advance force of about three thousand men, which was unexpectedly con fronted by Wheeler's cavalry, twelve thou sand strong. The situation of tlie little band of Unionists Avas desperate, outnum bered as they were four to one, but they Avere armed with Henry repeating rifles and fortunately had an advantageous posi tion at the base of a triangle, the other tAvo sides of which avere formed by two con fluent rivers, which effectually protected: 646 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. their flanks and rear. The Confederate attack on their front was terrible. Charge after charge was made by the men in gray, who were literally mowed down by the re peating rifles in the hands of the Federal troops until their dead formed a breast work in front of the Union position. For six hours the battle raged, until the three Federal regiments had nearly exhausted their ammunition, when General Logan sent troops for their relief and the Confederate force under Wheeler was totally routed. Mr. Hoagland' s regiment participated in the march back from the jea through the Carolinas, and at Columbia, South Caro lina, the command was fired on by a Con federate battery from the opposite side of the river. About forty 'cannons were trained on this battery by the Union artil lery men, who- destroyed it with a few rapid volleys. The state house was a tar get for our batteries later, as well as other points in the city. From, there Mr. Hoag- land's command marched to Cheraw in the same state, where several Union soldiers were killed and wounded by the explosion of a quantity of ammunition, which had been sent there from Charleston by the Con federates. From' Cheraw the Federal forces marched to Bentonville, North Caro lina, where a severe battle was fought, in which Mr. Hoagland had his first experi ence of fighting behind breastworks and which ended in a Confederate defeat. From Bentonville the Unionists marched to Raleigh, North Carolina, where they were stationed when Lee surrendered, thence pro ceeded to Greensboro and were present at the surrender of Johnston's command; at Washington, D. C, as has been stated, First Lieutenant Hoagland commanding a com pany in the grand review. During the war he was four times very near to death on the battlefield— once when a shell exploded very near to him, as has been narrated, once when a musket ball carried away one of his knuckles, once when a ball struck his watch and once when a ball struck his musket close to his hand and in front of his person. When he avas mustered out of the ser vice Mr. Hoagland returned to Bardolph, McDonough county, Illinois, and finding that his father had retired from- active life and taken, up his residence in the town of Prairie City, Illinois, be located on the lat ter's farm and worked it successfully for three years. Then the older Hoagland re turned to the farm and the son bought an eighty-acre place west of Bardolph, on which he put many improvements, cleared off the timber and built a good house and outbuild ings. There he made his home until 1871, when he went to Reno county, Kansas, and took up a homestead claim on section 30, township 23, range 4, where he erected a frame building, a story and a half high and occupying a ground space of sixteen by twenty-four feet, AA'hich, with, twenty-five dollars in money, six months' provisions and other valuable property, was whisked out of existence by a cyclone May 15, 1872. He scraped up such fragments as avere available and put up another house on the place, in which he lived three years or until he was able to erect a substantial brick-lined resi dence. He gave his attention to general farming with much success and avas the first to introduce nursery stock in Reno county, bringing from Prairie Citv and Blooming ton, Illinois, in the fall of 1872, a car-load of young trees, which were ferried across the Alissouri river at Atchison. He set out a ten-acre orchard and avas so successful as a fruit-grower that he avas awarded seventeen premiums at the county fair in 1879. Mr. Hoagland also engaged extensively in breeding thoroughbred Berkshire hogs, beginning avith three fine animals avhich he brought from Illinois in a box on the side of his wagon, and increasing his sales year after year until they avere remunerative. He has added a timber claim of one hundred and sixty acres. to his original farm. In 1883 he began buying grain for C. B. My ton, at Windom, McPherson county, Kansas, and continued at Paavnee Rock until the death of his employer, his annual purchases aggre gating about thirty thousand bushels. He then removed to' Hutchinson and bought the Central restaurant, which stood on the pres ent site of the "A and A" drug store, which he conducted about a year or until he bought BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 647 the. Old Ohio House; then a popular hotel. After a year's experience at hotel keeping he bought an interest, avith W. R. Morrison, in the Queen City meat market, the first enter prise of the kind in Hutchinson north of the line of the Santa Fe Railroad. Contin uing in the meat trade successfully for three years he then accepted a position with the Hutchinson Packing Company, and for three and a half years was in charge of the whole sale and retail delivery department of that concern. He served two terms as member of the council, in 1899 and again in 1900 he avas elected commissioner of streets for the cita1 of Hutchinson, and while assuming the duties of the office he has had entire supervision of every street in the city and has proven himself a careful, energdic and honorable official. Before he took up his residence in Hutchinson he avas for eighteen years a member of . his township school board. He took a prominent part in organizing the Presbyterian church, of Hutchinson, in 1872, and later the Valley Presbyterian church, in which he long filled the offices of elder and Sunday-school su perintendent, and of which both he and his avife are charter members. In politics he is a Republican, and his influence in local af fairs is recognized by all who. know him. He is a charter member of Reno Lodge/ No. 140, A. F. & A. M., of the local lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and for three years has been treasurer of the local organization of the Knights and Ladies of Security ; and his sons, Walter B. and Arthur are Knight Templar Masons and past emi nent commanders of Reno Commandery, No. 26. For the past twenty-six years Mr. Hoagland has been local correspondent for the agricultural department at Washington and for the past eight years a regular cor- • respondent for the Orange Judd Farmer. He is past commander of Joe Hooker Post, No. 17, G. A. R., at Hutchinson, and has filled every office in the organization and is now its quartermaster. He built his pre sent fine residence in 1887. It is a com modious, two-story building, arranged with a view to comfort and substantiality. One of his chief aims in life has been and is to give his children the advantages of thorough and practical education, and from time to time he has engaged actively in char itable and benevolent work. He is a man of much patriotism and public spirit, takes a deep interest in his city, countv and state and lias discharged fully and nobly all his duties as a soldier, citizen, public official, fa ther, husband and friend. Air. Hoagland avas married November 26, 1867, to Emma Evans, the adopted daughter of Joseph and Nancy Evans. She was born in Ohio' and during the period of the Civil war attended school at Steuben- ville, Ohio. She also taught school for some time in Fulton county, Illinois, and is a woman of much refinement and many ac complishments. Alartin and Emma (Evans) Hoagland have had four sons and four daughters, namely : Walter B., superinten dent of the Riverside Salt Plant; Arthur C, the manager of the Hoagland Clothing Com pany in Hutchinson, Kansas ; W. Louis, who is a graduate of the Medical University of Kansas City, with the class of 1899, and is a ppfiysician to the Central Coal and Coke Company at Neame, Louisiana; David R., an employe of the Adams Express Company at St. Louis, Missouri; Olive C, who gradu ated in music at the Chicago. Conservatory and is the Avife of H. A. Lloyd, of the reg istry department of the post-office at Kan sas City, Missouri ; Nellie, a graduate of the high school of Hutchinson and now a teacher in the public schools of that city ; Rosa, who died in her graduating year, in February, 1899; and Floy, who has just completed her first year in the high school of Hutchinson. Mrs Hoagland is past president of the Joe Hooker Woman's Relief Corps, No. 1 1 1, and is also past department inspector of the Wo man's Relief Corps., WALTER PICKERILL. The list of the leading citizens of Rice county contains the name of Walter Pick- erill, one of the representative and honored 648 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. citizens of the county. He was born in Broavn county, Ohio, near Ripley, December 17, 1863, a son of Thomas J. Pickerill, one of Rice county's early pioneers and leading agriculturists. He avas born in Ohk>, and there received a good education, following the profession of a teacher for many years. He married Jane Scott, who proved to him a faithful companion through life. In 1865 they took up their abode in Topeka, Kansas, avhere they remained for one year, and then removed to Missouri, locating in Jackson county. They remained there until 1872, Avhen they took up their abode in Carthage, Jasper county, Missouri. Three years after- "ward they returned to Jackson county, that state, remaining there until 1879, when they took up their abode in Victoria toavnship, Rice county, Kansas. The father was en gaged in farming here until his death, which occurred February 1, 1901, at the age of sixty-eight years. At bis death he left a widow and six children, four of avhom still survive: Maggie, avife of J. K. Board, of Victoria township; Walter, our subject; Ida, wife of John Armstrong, of Oklahoma; Alinnie, avife of Adam Collins, of Ganlt township, Rice county. Tavo children died in childhood, — Lulu and Jennie. The father of this family was an elder in the Church of Christ for forty years, exemplifying his Christian belief im his every day life. Walter Pickerill, avhose name introduces this review, spent the days of his youth upon a Missouri farm, there enjoying the educa tional privileges afforded by the common schools, "but by reading and experience be has added greatly to his knowledge. In 1879 he came with his father to Rice county, Kansas, where he now oavns a well improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he has resided for eleven years. The place is improved with a good residence, a large barn, a, beautiful grove and orchard, excellent pastures, and everything about the place indicates the supervision of a progress ive and thrifty oavner. Im 1883 Mr. Pickerill avas united in mar riage avith Lizzie AA'eckman, avho avas born in Blackhaavk county, Ioava, near AAraterloo, a daughter of Adam and Sarah (Walker) AVeckman, natives of Stark county, Ohio, The father was of Pennsylvania German de scent, and his death occurred at the age of thirty years, leaving three children,— Byron Minnie and Lizzie. , The mother avas a sec ond time married, becoming the avife of William Strayer, and they had nine children, five noav living, — Calvin, Hattie. Frank, Orville and Jessie. Three of the children died in childhood, and Ida departed this life at the age of sixteen years. The mother now resides in Iowa, and is a member of the Dunkard church. Mrs. Pickerill avas reared and educated in Iowa, and at the age of fourteen came avith her grandmother to Kan sas. She is now the mother of eight chil dren, five sons and three daughters: Jesse, who' is seventeen years of age; Lelia, aged fifteen; Roy, aged thirteen; James, aged eleven; Minnie, aged nine years; Charles, aged eight years ; Grace, aged five years ; and Alfred, a lad of three years. Mr. Pickerill is a supporter of Democracy and is a mem ber of the Church of Christ. He enjoys the high esteem of all who* have the honor of his acquaintance. DAVID FON. From the position of shepherd boy watching his flocks on the fertile uplands and meadows of old Sussex county, Eng land, to that as the owner of one of the finest stock farms in the state of Kansas, represents a marked contrast, and such has characterized the career of the honored sub ject of this sketch, who is one of the pio neers of Kingman county and whose influ ence in the promotion of the stock business of this section of the Union has been so notable and valuable that on this score alone he merits consideration in any work touch-- ing the lives of the representative citizens of the commonwealth. He has contributed in large measure to the normal development and substantial upbuilding of Kingman county, has served in positions of distinct public trust and responsibility, and to-day is held in the highest esteem as one of the oQolaj^oJ tyto-^ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 649 leading stock-groaa'ers and valued citizens of the county, his fine herd of thoroughbred Hereford cattle being recognized as one of the finest in the state. His beautiful stock farm is located in Allen township, while Norwich is his post-office address. As a ster ling citizen, and as one of the representa tive stockmen of Kansas ave are pleased to enter at this juncture a brief record of his varied and interesting career. In the county of Sussex, England, Da vid Fox was born, on the 10th of January, 1848, coming of stanch old Englisb lineage and being the son of Caleb and Jane (Woods) Fox, both of avhom avere born in the same county, Avhere the latter died when our subject was a child of tavo years, so that he avas deprived of the tender, solici tude and fostering care avhich only a mother can accord. His father avas a farmer and stock grower, and it is interesting to note that David thus became familiar with flocks and herds when a mere boy, thus early fostering that love for the great industry through which he has attained such marked success and prestige in his later years. He attended the common schools of his native county, but as a boy AA'as called upon to as sume personal responsibilities, serving as a shepherd when a mere lad, and so, care fully studying his flocks that he could give definite information as to the dispositions and characteristics of the various individ uals in the same and also point out their good and bad features. This knowledge be came of much practical value to him in after years, when he became a purchaser of high grade merino sheep in the United States, as will be duly noted later on. After giving up his position as a shep herd Mr. Fox served for a time on the ocean brig Robiner, and finally, in 1867, he came to America, determined to' try his fortunes in the great republic, where he felt that bet ter opportunities were afforded for young men dependent upon his oavn responsibili ties and efforts for a livelihood. From New York he made his way to Allegan county, Michigan, where he remained until -1870, when he became a pioneer of Kansas, com ing to Wichita, Sedgwick county, the noAV attrantice city being at that time indicated 41 by only a few small buildings, avhile the characteristics of the locality were those typical of the frontier. Finally he took up a claim of government land im that county. and then turned his attention to freighting to Fort Sill and the Indian Territory. This line of enterprise was frought avith much danger and difficulty in the early days, and Mr. Fox had many exciting experiences in this connection. He was associated avith and knew intimately Pat. Hennessy and the nine other men who were killed by the In dians while on a freighting trip. Aftenvard for a time the government provided escorts of soldiers for the freighters, this being nec essary in order to secure protection from the hostile Indians. After devoting his attention to freight ing for some time Mr. Fox engaged in, the sheep business, being associated with J. R. Askeav, a capitalist of Wichita. He intro duced the thoroughbred merino, sheep and through his discriminating methods and ex cellent judgment in the selection of breed ing stock made southern Kansas famous for its fine sheep, securing most of the first pre miums in tbe line at the state fairs for a number of years. In inaugurating this en terprise he purchased some of the best thor oughbred stock to be found in the state of Vermont, and he had the distinction of bringing to Kansas at this time the best sheep ever introduced in the state, "Lord Wool," register No. 50. At a state fair held at Topeka, in a competition with tavelve others from Kansas, New York, Vermont,, Missouri and Michigan, "Lord Wool" took the premium. About this time Mr. Fox's. ambition was aroused by the fact that a breeder named H. Brookings, of Vermont, raised a sheep whose wool weighed forty- four and a quarter pounds, and this became the world's record. Mr. Fox knew that to excel this record it required density of avool and oil and length of fleece, and he began to breed accordingly, and in the course of time he bred and raised the , ram, "Baby Lord," sired by "Lord Wool," whose clip of avool, aveighed by a committee appointed for this purpose at a public shearing at Mulvane, Kansas, reached fifty-two- pounds, three hundred and sixty-five days' growth — 650 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. beating the avorld's former record seven and three-fourths pounds, and up to the present ¦time this has remained the world's record. "Baby Lord," who avas sold by Mr. Fox at a large price, became the head of a fine iterd in Texas, and avas afterward purchased by an Australian for five thousand dollars. In 1885 Mr. Fox disposed of his sheep interests and came to Kingman county, where he engaged in the cattle business, es tablishing his present herd of pure-blood Hereford stock, in connection with avhich he has attained a reputation even higher than he did in the raising of sheep. His herd is headed by Conselor, No. 71,682, recognized as one of the finest animals of the breed in the state, while his coavs, heif ers and young malesi are second to those of no herd in this section of the Union, his stock commanding the maximum market prices and the demand being ready and con stant. He makes a point of genuine merit, not mere shoav, and this fact is recognized and has begotten uni form' confidence in: his representations, from, which, no appeal is taken. His fine stock farm comprises four hundred and forty acres of excellent land, particularly avell adapted1 for the purpose for avhich it is utilized, and here he has an attractive home of modern architectural de sign, the best of barns and other adequate facilities for the shelter and care of his stock. As one of the representative men of the county Air. Fox has shown a lively interest in public affairs of a local nature, and the confidence and esteem in which he is uni formly held has been indicated by his having been chosen incumbent of responsible offi cial positions. His political support is given to the People's party, as the candi date of which, in 1890, he avas elected a member of the board of county commis sioners, serving for a term of three years, • and avith such signal ability that he avas chosen as his oavn successor and continued in office for a second term of equal dura tion. On the board his- attitude avas that of the thorough business man, and it is con ceded that he avas one of the best and most popular commissioners Kingman county has ever enlisted in her service. He also served as trustee of Mimnescahl town'ship for a term of two years. Prior to coming to this county he assisted in the organization of Sedgwick county, of which he was one of the first settlers and in avhich he is well known and highly esteemed. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order, in avhich he has taken the Royal Arch degrees, while he is also a member of the adjunct or ganization, the order of the Eastern Star. For many years he has also been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, No. 316, of Norwich. He is a man whose integrity of character is inflexible, while his genial personality has won to him a host of warm friends. His success has been achieved by worthy means, and none can view the same save with satisfaction and admiration for the energy and ability which made the same possible. Mr. Fox has been twice married. On the ist of Alay, 1875, at Wichita, Sedgwick county, he avas united in wedlock to Miss Elizabeth Smith, who avas born in England, 'the daughter of Peter Smith, who passed: his entire life there. She accompanied her brothers on their emigration to the United States and avas a resident of Wichita at the time of her marriage. Of this union three children avere born, Charles C, who is now twenty-six years of age; Minnie, avho is the avife of Albert W. Shipley, of Deer Creek, Oklahoma ; and one avho died in childhood. Airs. Fox avas summoned into eternal rest in 1882, and in January, 1884, avas solemnized the marriage of our subject to Aliss Elizabeth Baldock, who avas born in England, the daughter of James Baldock, noav a resident of Kingman county, having attained the venerable age of seventy-nine years. His avife died prior to his coming to America. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Fox occurred on the 5th of December, 1900, and her loss avas deeply deplored by a wide cir cle of friends avho had thoroughly appre ciated her gentle and womanly character. She avas a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal church and was a popular mem ber of the order of the Eastern Star and the Rebekali chapter of the Independent BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 651 Order of Odd Felloavs. By her second marriage, to Mr. Fox, tavo diildren avere born, David J. and Lizzie. . LaRUE H. DURHAM. LaRue H. Durham, editor and propri etor of the Sylvia Sun, at Sylvia, Reno coun ty, Kansas, avas born in Cass county, Illi nois, on the nth of March, 1862. His grandfather, Silas Durham, was a native of the Keystone state, born at or near Mead- ville, and became a pioneer settler of Ashta bula county, Ohio. He wedded Laura Morse, of Scotch ancestry, and probably a native of that country, and they became the parents of ten children, five sons and five daughters. Mr. Durham passed away in death in Illi nois, in 1875, and his wife survived him' for seven years, dying at the age of seventy-six years, and she lies buried at Oakland, Illi nois. Their son, Ebin R., the father of our subject, was born im Ashtabula coumty, Ohio, on the 28th of April, 1833. His death oc curred1 in Stafford county, Kansas. March 14,. 1899, to which place he bad removed from Illinois in October, 1876. In this state he secured a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, and his house was the first one erected in Hayes township, Stafford coun ty. He was a shoemaker by trade, and was also a professor of music, baving served as a violin teacher and band master. As a com panion for the journey of life he chose Jane McDanids, a native of Scotland. She was left an orphan' in early life with an only brother, whom she afterward accompanied to America. Im this country, in April, 1858, she married Mr. Dunham, and they became the parents of five children, three of whom grew to years of maturity. LaRue H. Durham, whose name intro duces this review, suffered from ill health in his youth, and in consequence obtained but a limited education. At the early age of twelve years he" became a printer's devil on the Oakland Herald, remaining on its staff for three years, after which be accompanied bis parents on their removal to Kansas. In 1889, however, he left his Kansas home and removed to Colorado, where he followed his trade in Pueblo for three years, after avhich he leased the Villa Grove Head Line for two years. On the expiration of that period he became a journeyman for the Colorado Her ald, and soon purchased a controlling inter est in that paper, later becoming its sole oavner and proprietor, which he conducted until 1898. In that year he returned to Stafford county, Kansas, and in December, 1900, came to Sylvia. June 1, 1900, he es tablished the Sylvia Sun. In the neavspaper business Mr. Durham has been eminently successful, and through his connection with this paper has become avidely and favorably known throughout Reno county. On the 1 6th of August, 1883, avas cele brated the marriage of Mr. Durham and Miss Rebecca J. AVarren. The lady is a na tive of Pennsylvania and a daughter of James B. and Sarah (Caldwell) Warren, the former of Scotch and the latter of Scotch and English descent. The father was a coal miner, and for three and a half years was a soldier in the Civil war, having been twice wounded in battle. Both are now living and make their home in Indian Territory, and of their eleven children eight still survive. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Durham have been born three children, — William E., avho is a youth of nineteen years and is a compositor on the Sylvia Sun; Albert L. and Steve, aged re spectively fourteen and thirteen years, and both are learning the printer's trade. Mr. Durham is independent in political matters, preferring to vote for the men whom he re gards as best qualified for public office. KENNING H. GRIEM. Among the stockrrien of Kingman coun ty, Kansas, few are more prominent than is Renning H. Griem, who resides on a fine farm of four hundred and eighty acres on section 1, Rochester township. His large stock operations have made him knoavn very widely through central Kansas. By birth Mr. Griem is a German, and he was born in 1863 at Loge, in the province 652 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of Hanover, and avas a son of John H. and Catherine Griem, both of avhom avere na tives of Germany. John H. Griem served in his youth as a soldier in the Gerniam army during the famous campaign against Kos suth, knoavn as the Kossuth rebellion. He later became prominent and avealthy in his native place and avas honored by am election to the office of mayor of his village. He lives there yet, held in, universal esteem. The mother died some years ago. The family of the parents of our subject consisted of four children, namely: R. F., who is a prominent citizen of Peters township., in this county; Remning H, avho is our subject ; Sophia, avho is the wife of H. AVinter, a prominent public man and postmaster of bis native German town ; and, Henry, avliO' still resides in Germany. The educational advantages offered the youths of Germany are knoavn to be of an excellent character, and Mr. Griem passed through the schools of his native place, Avith credit. He was a regular attendant at school until he was fifteen years old^at which time he began to' work on the farm, avhere he avas thoroughly taught the values of different methods of farming, the benefits of drainage and1 the adaptation of different grains to varying soils, indispensable knoavledge to those who successfully cultivate. In addi tion Mr. Griems learned lessons in economy which are also1 taught in perfection in the fatherland and which do so much to- assist the sons of Germany in other countries. Many of the friends and companions of young Renning had gained avealth and prominence in America, and avhen but nine teen our subject also decided to cross the ocean and carve out a career for himself. With numbers of others avho avere also in tent upon securing homes in the great avest, Mr. Griem avent first to Nebraska, but soon avas attracted to the lands offered in central Kansas, and im 1881 he located in Kingman county, avhere he has been a valued and use ful citizen ever since. In the selection of bis farm he was led to purchase one avhich is well watered by the beautiful Chicaski river. and here he has four hundred and eighty acres of some of the best land in this part of the county, which is most admirably adapt ed to the extensive raising of cattle and stock. Mr. Griem also is a large grain farmer, having one of the. best farms for the culture of wheat in this township. Here Air. Griem has erected a most comfortable residence, at a cost of eight hundred dollars, avhile his commodious barns, large yards, feed lots, pastures and grain fields present to the visitor a spectacle which tells of thrift and prosperity. In 1 89 1 Mr. Griem was married to Miss Minnie Meyer, aaho also avas born in Ger many, a daughter of Herman Meyer, who all his life was a resident of that country. Mr. and Mrs. Griem have a bright, intelli gent family of five children, all showing the robustness of healthy country life. Their names are Sophia, Martha, Lucy, Clara, and Ada. In politics Mr. Griem is inde pendent, with leanings toward the Republi can party. The religious connection of the family is with the Lutheran churchy Fra ternally Mr. Griem belongs to Spia*ey Lodge, No. 347, A. F. & A. M. He has won his avay by honest effort and has gained a posi tion of prominence in this township andl is most highly respected by every one. In manner he has the geniality of his country men, although Kansas considers him a rep resentative American, such as he having done much to advance the prosperity and standing of this state. WILLIAM A. AA'ARREN. There is particular satisfaction in revert ing to the life history of the honored gentle man avhose name initiates this review, since his mind bears the impress of the historic annals of the state of Kansas from the early pioneer days, and from the fact that he has been a loyal son of the Republic and has at tained to a position of prominence in King man county. He avas born in Giles county, Tennessee, in 1850. Plis father, Joseph A. Warren, avas a native of North Carolina, but when a child in arms avas taken to Giles county, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 653 Tennessee, the journey being made avith teams and wagon, and there his father be came one of the very early settlers. He se cured government land and improved a farm in the valley, avhere Joseph A. greav to years of maturity. He also learned the blacksmith's trade, Aahich he followed for a number of years. As a companion on the journey of life he chose Elizabeth Morton. who was born in Tennessee, a daughter of William Morton, also a native of that state. Unto Joseph A. and Elizabeth (Morton) AA'arren avere born eight children, four sons and four daughters. The latter are: Ann Hastings, Emily Jane Hartford, Olive Welsh and Alary Riggs. Two of the sons died AA'hen young. The mother of this fam ily was called to the home beyond at the age of fifty-six years, while the father reached the age of sixty-tavo years, when he, too, passed away. He avas both a blacksmith and farmer by occupation, and in his politi cal affiliations avas first a Whig and after ward a Republican. He was a local minis ter in the Alethodist Episcopal church, and was an efficient and active worker in the cause of the Master. One of his brothers, Alison Warren, avas a gallant officer in the Union army during the memorable strug- . gle betaveen the north and the south. He raised a company in Giles county, Tennes see, in the avinter of 1863-4, and remained in service to the end of the war, and after the close of hostilities he passed away in death, in Tennessee. William A. AA'arren, the subject of this review, avas reared, in the state of his nativ ity until fourteen years of age, and avas there early inured to the labors of blacksmithing and farming. In 1864, on account of his father's Union sympathies, the family re moved to Illinois, and in Madison county, that state, our subject completed his educa tion. In the Prairie state he made his home until his removal to Kansas, which occurred m x&73> a location being made in Reno coun ty. Shortly after, his arrival there he pur chased a farm of eighty acres, to which he later added another eighty-acre tract, but in l°9$ he sold his possessions there and pur chased the farm which he now owns in Evans toavnship, Kingman county. Since coming to the Sunfloaver state prosperity has abundantly rewarded his efforts, and he is noav the oavner of one of the finest farms in the locality, consisting of two hundred and forty acres of avell improved land. In addition to the raising of the cereals best adapted to this soil and climate, Mr. Warren is also extensively engaged im the stock busi ness, in avhich he is meeting with an equal degree of success. Air. AVarren chose for his wife Miss Alary E. Riggs, who is a native daughter of this state, her birth having occurred in Law rence county forty-tavo years ago. Her fa ther, Nathan S. Riggs, was one of the early pioneers of. Reno county, Kansas, his resi dence there dating from 1871, and at that time not a railroad had been built into the county. A more extended account of his life avill be found in the history of E. J. Riggs, in this volume. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed with seven chil dren, tavo sons and five daughters, namely: Airs. Estella Becket, of Reno county, Kan sas; XV. F., at home; Mamie E., who, in 1901, was voted the most popular teaclier in Kingman county, and she is now engaged in teaching school at Cunningham, this state; Jessie A., avife of H. L. Oliver, and also a successful teacher of Reno county; Ethel, avho follows the teacher's profession in the Evan Mound district ; and Bertha and Jerry Allen. Mr. Warren has also reared a sis ter's son, Archie Hartford, who is now a lad of thirteen years. In political matters our subject supports the Populist party, and religiously he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a progressive and public-spirited citi zen avho takes an active interest in all mat ters avhich he believes for the public good. REV. FATHER M. MAGUIRE. Rev. Father M. Maguire, the esteemed pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, of Neavton, Kansas, avas born in County AVex- ford, Ireland, and came to America in 1866, 654 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. when seven years of age. He was the young est son of Matheav and Mary (Murphy) Maguire, the former of whom followed agri cultural pursuits in his native country and came to' the United States with the idea of promoting the avdfare of his children. Lo cating at Lemont, Illinois, he there engaged in business for four years, but in the fall of 1870 removed to Kansas, in the same year locating near Chapman, in Dickinson. coun ty, where he took a claim, was one of the pioneers of the section, and cleared and im proved a fine farm. Here his life was passed until his death on August 29, 1897, at the age of ninety-three years. The mother re sides avith her son, our subject, and is one of the most highly esteemed ladies of ad vanced age, in this city. Rev. Father Maguire was the youngest member of the family of six children born to his parents, the only other survivor being his brother, Patrick Maguire, avho is a resi dent of Chapman, Kansas, where he owns and manages the work on the old home stead. Our subject attended the parish school in his native county, but after coming to the United. States he acquired a good com mon-school education in the schools of Illi nois and Kansas. At the age of seventeen he began to teach school, continuing until he was twentyTone, when he entered the Jes uit college at St. Mary's, Kansas, where he pursued his studies for the five succeeding years. The next year he was employed in severe study and discipline at the Lazarist seminary at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, after this still pursuing a higher course at the Benedictine seminary at St. Meinrad, Indiana, avhere he continued for three years, going thence to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he was ordained on April 8, 1890, by the Rt. Rev. Lewis M. Fink, O. S. B. For nearly a y*ear Father Maguire avas stationed at the church of the Assumption at Topeka, Kansas, as assistant, and later avas sent to Fulton, Kansas, at which place it avas through his efforts that the imposing church and parsonage avere erected and placed out of debt, in nine and a half years. In 1900 his services to the church Avere rec ognized by his appointment to his present charge. Here is established a parochial school, which is under the care of the Sisters of St. Joseph, with two teachers and forty- five pupils. The parish contains one hun dred and fifty families and about seven hun dred and fifty communicants. It was found ed in the fall of 1870, under Father Schwem- berg, who, a western missionary, remained here seventeen years, during which time he built the first church and also secured the property very much as it is to-day. After its founder came Rev. B. Schmeihausen, for four years, then came Rev. M. J. Casey for four years, them Rev. John Maher, also for four years, then Father Wirsma, for two years, and finally Father Maguire. Father Maguire has much of the indom itable spirit that filled the lives of the early teachers of his faith, in this country. His successful work speaks for him. For eleven years he has lived a life of duty, asking no vacation. He is energetic, magnetic, schol arly, and thoroughly understands both the financial aspects and the religious needs of his paris,hioners. In the city of Newton he is universally esteemed. The congregation is a large and wealthy one and much is required of them by their earnest and faithful priest. Under his care ful management this parish will doubtless have a church and parsonage in keeping with the enterprising spirit of the worthy people of Newton. J. R. DUFF. The firm of Duff & Duff is one of the leading ones in Neavton, Kansas, and one of the directing spirits of that enterprising city is J. R. Duff, who is the subject of this sketch. The birth of Mr. Duff avas in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 27, 1861, and he Avas a son of Henry and Mary A. (Flaherty) Duff, the former of avhom was of Scotch- Irish descent, born on the border, and the latter was a native of Maryland. By trade the father of our subject was a contractor and builder, and his home for many years avas in Springfield, Illinois, avhere he died BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 655 in 1887, at the age of sixty-eight years. He was a worthy and consistent member of the Brethren church. His widoav is one of the respected residents of Spring-field. J. R. Duff, who is our subject, avas the oldest' of the eight children in the family, six of avhom are still living, one brother, Albert J., being a member of the firm of Duff & Duff. Our subject avas educated in the public schools, including* the high school, in Springfield, Illinois, and then learned the trade of cabinet-maker, carj>enter and uphol sterer, first in Springfield, later in Chicago, avhither he Avent in 1880. For nine years the latter city avas his home, where he worked at his trade with satisfaction and success, but in 1891 he moved to Kansas, locating in Arkansas City, and there opened up a business in furniture and undertaking, which latter branch he had also learned dur ing his residence in Chicago. In March', 1899, Mr. Duff came to New ton, Kansas, and bought the interest of AAr. C. Powds in the same lime, and the firm now occupies the Gertsen block, avhich has seventy-five feet of frontage and one hun dred and fifty fed of depth; which they oc cupy to the full capacity. Duff & Duff carry the largest line and the most complete stock within a radius of several counties and they db an immense business through the small towns included Avithin fifty miles, giving the people a chance to select from a large and varied assortment avithout being obliged to go to one of the large centers. This stock comprises furniture, carpds, draperies and curtains of all kinds and also displays the latest designs in house fittings of all descrip tions. Mr. Duff is also an experienced em- balmer. The marriage of Mr. Ehiff Avas on No vember 21, 1885, to Miss Adah Beard, who was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and who was a daughter of H. N. Beard, both parents being now deceased. The three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Duff were Macile, Eva and Albert. The religious connection of the family is with the Episcopal church, while in politics Mr. Duff is an active Re publican. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order, a thirty-second degree Ma son, and has been five times a delegate to the grand lodge; also he is connected with the order of Knights of Pythias, and has been secretary and venerable counsel in the order of Woodmen of America. There is no business citizen who stands higher in public regard than our subject. He has Avon his oavii avay to the front, has hon estly placed himself among the substantial citizens of Harvey county, and' is justly re garded as a representative business man of this thriving city. J. N. TINCHER. J. N. Tincher is a member of the firm of Noble & Tincher, attorneys at laav of Medi cine Lodge. He is a young man whose con nection avith the bar covers but a brief pe riod, yet his years seem not to impede his progress and be has already attained a repu tation avhich many an older practitioner might avdl envy. Die firm bias became Avide ly recognized as one of the leadimg law firms of southern Kansas and has been intrusted with the conduct of important litigation. The junior member, who is also serving as city attorney of Medicine Lodge, came to this place in 1894. He avas born near Browning, Sullivan county, Missouri, on the 2d of November, 1878, and represents one of the old families of that locality, his par ents being A. T. and Corinne F. (Clifford) Tincher. His father is now a resident of Sharon, Barber county, but was a native of Frankfort, Kentucky, Avhence he removed to Missouri and ultimately came to this coun ty. His wife was born, reared and educated in Missouri and they became the parents of four sons and four daughters, including J. N. Tincher, who likewise obtained his edu cation in the pubic schools of his native state and by study and reading at home. After putting aside his elementary text books he became a clerk in a laav office in 1897 and in 1899 he avas admitted to the bar. Two years later he became a. member of the laav firm of Noble & Tincher and, has rapidly won his way to a foremost position in the ranks of 656 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the legal fraternity in Barber county. Pie has gained a distinctvely representative cli entage and his success results from his com prehensive knowledge of the law, marked devotion to his clients' interests, and, his careful preparation of cases. In June, 1901, was, celebrated the mar riage of Air. Tincher and Miss Nellie South- worth of Medicine Lodge, a lady of culture and refinement avho presides avith gracious hospitality over their pleasant home. She was a graduate of the high school and is a daughter of G. J. Soutbworth, a . pioneer business man of Medicine Lodge. She holds, membership in the Christian church and her circle of friends is very extensive. Air. Tincher gives his political support to the Republican party, and is most active and ear nest in its support and labors indefatigably for the success of his friends in a political ' way, but has never sought or desired office for himself outside the line of. his: chosen vocation. He belongs to the Masonic fra ternity and the Knights of Pythias lodge, and of the latter he is vice-chancellor. His life record sIioavs conclusively avhat may be accomplished1 through determination, strong purpose and indefatigable energy. He is a self-educated and self-made man and stands to-day among those for whom the future has a bright outlook. His strong manhood and broad learning are certainly a foundation of a successful legal practice. His manner is courteous and genial, his disposition kindly and considerate' and such qualities: have made him popular with a large circle of friends. » » » MARQUIS L EASTON. Among the pioneer settlers of Kingman Cdunty, Kansas, avho came hither in April, 1878, from Pennsylvania, avas Alarquis Lafayette Easton, avho since that time has been identified avith the interests of Rich land township, where he is one of the es teemed and substantial citizens. The birth of Mr. Easton avas in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, near the town of AVilkesbarre, in 1847, and he was a son of William and Mary ( Derby) Easton, the former of whom was born in Essex cotinty, Neav Jersey, a son of ain ex-soldier of the war of 1812. The latter was born in Brad ford county, Pennsylvania, where she was reared and educated. William Eastopii grew to manhood in Neav Jersey and after his marriage moved with his wife to Licking county, Ohio, where he died at the age of seventy-four. As a worker in iron and steel he aaas considered a fine mechanic in his younger years, but in later life he devoted bis attention to farming. He was a Re publican in politics and both he and his wife were consistent supporters of the Alethodist church. The mo.tber of our subject died at the age of fifty-one years, a good and con scientious avoman, an example of Christian virtues, devoted to her family and beloved in the neighborhood for her many acts of kindness. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Easton, two of whom survive, viz., Marquis Lafayette, our subject; and Charles Orville, avho resides in Columbus, Ohio. Those who passed away were : Hes ter Ann, avho died at the age of five years; Ophelia, avho lived to reach sixteen; and Marietta, avho lived to the age of twenty- four. Alarquis L. Easton grew to manhood in his native state, assisting on the farm and attending school, preparing himself physi cally and mientally for future work. In 1874 he avas married, in Peru, Indiana, to Aliss Maggie Letitia Moore, a woman who has been his loving companion for twenty- eight years, and one to whom he attributes much of his success in life. She was the estimable daughter of John Moore and was reared and educated in Indiana. John Moore avas a successful farmer avho lived to the age of sixty-two years, born in 1814 and died in 1876, and avas one of the most re spected men im his neighborhood. He mar ried Rebecca Stevens, who also was a native of Indiana, and avho lived to the age of fifty-one. She was a devoted manberof the Methodist church and was unremitting in good works and charitable deeds. They^ had five children, who are living, namely: MR. AND MRS. M. L. EASTON. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 657 Amanda, AArashington, Henry, Mary and Maggie. The three deceased are John U, who died aged seventeen; Sarah A., who died at the age of taventy ; and Diza Jane, who died at the age of one year and ten days. In 1878 Air. Easton and family came to Kansas, taking an ox team from Wichita to his present location. Soon he built a small cabin of twelve by fourteen feet in dimen sions, and here began the cultivation of the farm avhich noav ranks with the best and most productia-e in the county. His present residence cost eight hundred dollars and is a most comfortable one, avhile all of his im provements shoav the progressive methods of an excellent manager. Mr. Easton has divided his farm so that every acre yields a satisfactory amount, grain, particularly corn, doing well on his land, wbile he also raises some cattle, horses and swine, a want of shade preventing his engaging more extensively in this business. Air. and Airs. Easton have been blessed with three children, these being : Rcce, who is the avife of L. C. Littrell, of Creston, Pratt county, Kansas, who was born May 27, 1876; Roy, aaIio resides in Cunningham, where he has charge of a creamery, and also runs a barber shop in the town ; he was born April 7, 1880: and Harry, who avas born April 25, 1888, and is in school. Air. Easton has taken a very deep inter est in all educational matters and for thir teen years has been the treasurer of the school board. Fraternally he is connected with the order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 199, at Kingman; and Airs. Easton belongs to the order of Rebekah, Chapter No. 102, at Kingman, and both belong to the Knights and Ladies of Security, Lodge No. 374, of Kingman. She is a consistent member of the United Brethren church, taking an ac tive part in its benevolent work and to the best of her ability extending its influence. Although both Air. and Mrs. Easton were obliged to pass through many unavoida ble hardships during their pioneer days, they are surrounded by comforts now, and are considered representatives of the element in this state which ever exerts a powerful in fluence in the direction of temperance and morality. As such they deserve and enjoy the respect and esteem of all avith avhOm they are connected by either business or so cial ties. WILLIAM M. BAINUM. There is an element of peculiar satisfac tion in entering a revieAv of the life history of this venerable and honored citizen, of Kingman county, for his experiences in con nection with pioneer life have intimately touched three different states in the Union and his career has been one of consecutive toil and endeavor, while his unblemished character has gained to him the unqualified confidence and respect of his fellow men in the various localities where he has lived and labored. As the shadows of his life begin to lengthen in the west he may find satisfac tion in a retrospective view and feel that he has not lived in vain, though he has endured his quota of the vicissitudes' and burdens which fall to the lot of human kind. This epitome of the career of one of Kansas' ster ling pioneers can not fail of interest and ap preciation and is offered as. a well deserved tribute to him- as a mam and a citizen. William M. Bainum, whose well im proved farm of one hundred amid sixty acres is located on section 27, Dresden township, is a native of the old Buckeye state, having been born cn the parental farm in Noble county, Ohio, on the 22d of February, 1825. He avas there reared to maturity, being fa miliar with the AVork of clearing amd improv ing the pioneer farm and having such lim ited educational advantages as the primitive schools of the place and' period1 afforded. On the 20th of November, 1845, avhen taventy years of age, he avas, united in mar riage to Miss Lucretia Fogle, avho likeavise was born im Noble county, on the 3d of June, 1826, being the daughter of Peter and Phoebe (Stevens) Fogle, natives respec tively of Pennsylvania and Neav Jersey. Mr. Fogle avas first married to Elizabeth Sala- day, avIio died in Pennsylvania. His second avife came to the old Keystone state avith her parents and avas there reared and edit- 658 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. cated. After her marriage to Mr. Fogle they removed to Noble county, Ohio, be coming pioneer settlers in that section of the state, where Mr. Fogle took up a tract of government land, heavily timbered, reclaim ing the same from the avilderness and devel oping a good fann. He there made his home until his death, which occurred in 1876, at the venerable age of ninety years. He avas a man of prominence in. his com munity, avas a devoted member of the Meth odist church and served in various offices of local nature. By his second marriage he became the father of eight children, of whom Mrs. Bainum is the only survivor at the present time, so far as is definitely known. Of them ave enter the following data : Ra chel, who married Oaven Rncker ; John, who died im Sangamon county, Illinois ; Lucre tia, the wife of our subject; Anna, who be came the avife of Samuel Carey, of Sanga mon county, Illinois ; James, who was at Durango, Colorado, avhen the last news was heard cO'iiceming* him; George, who made his home im Kentucky until his death ; and a daughter, who married Alfred Berry, of Colorado; and Peter, avho died at Caldwell, Ohio, in July, 1901. AATiliam M. Bainum, to whom this sketch is dedicated, is a son of AVilliam and Nancy (Collins) Bainum, the former of whom was born in New Jersey and the latter in Dela ware, the respective families having been es tablished on American soil in the colonial epoch. Their marriage occurred in Dela ware and thence they removed to the sylvan wilderness of Noble county, Ohio, being numbered among its first settlers, and. there reclaiming a tract of wild government land. The father was a man of strong individuality and utmost probity of character, and he be came one of the prominent and influential citizens of the pioneer communinty, to avhose development and material upbuilding he contributed in large measure. He filled various local offices of trust and responsibil ity and Avas a zealous member of the Meth odist Episcopal church, being for many years a member of official boards and acting as class leader. He passed the last years of his life at the home of his son John, at Mount Ephraim, Noble county, where he died at the age of eighty-four years,, his wife having passed away in 1843, at the age of sixty-three years. They had a large family of children, and of those who attained ma turity we are enabled to offer a brief record: John died in Missouri ; Hannah became the wife of Robert Hill and died in Ohio; Mary, the wife of Robert Carey, died in Urbana, Illinois; Elizabeth, who married and after the death of her husband became the wife of William McFadden, and died in Ohio; Levi also died in that state; William M. is the subject of this sketch; Nancy married Charles Collins and her death occurred in Ohio, our subject being thus the only sur vivor. After his marriage Mr. Bainum pur chased one hundred and sixty acres of tim ber land in his native county, clearing and improving the same and there continuing to be engaged in farming until the fall of 1853, when he sold the place to his brother Levi and removed to Sangamon county, Illinois, where he rented a farm and, continued its cul tivation for two years, and then purchased1 a quarter section on the south fork of the Sangamon river, paying eight hundred dol lars for the same. He finally lost the farm and the money invested, by reason of the title being defective. In the fall of 1857 he re turned to Noble county, Ohio, locating near Caldavell, avhere he engaged in oil spec ulation, leasing oil lands and putting doavn several avells. He avas thus engaged about four years and then, in 1861, disposed of his interests in the line and purchased a farm in that county, paying four thousand dollars for a quarter section and three years later disposing of the same for five thousand. He then returned to Illinois, locating im Cham paign, county, where he purchased eighty acres of land and there engaged in farming for five years, leasing an adjoining quarter section. In 1869 he sold out and in the fol loaving year came to Olathe, Johnson coun ty, Kansas, where he rented a farm for three years. In the meanwhile, im the fall of 1873, be located a claim in Langdon toavnship, Reno county, and in the spring of the fol loaving year he brought his family to this BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY- 659 homestead, their first dwelling being a typi cal box house, sixteen by twenty feet in di mensions. Buffalo were still to be found in quite large numbers in this locality, and Mr. Bainum brought doavn a number of the no ble beasts with his rifle, at various. intervals. In coming to Reno county Mr. Bainum made the overland trip from Johnson county avith two ox teams, transporting sufficient provi sions to supply the family for a year and be ing seventeen days en route. He also brought seven milch cows, and one of these avas brought into requisition to take the place of one of the oxen avhich died on the avay. Tlie preceding fall he had sent a young man to the claim avith a pair pf horses and a plow and thus instituted at that time the breaking of the virgin soil of the prairie. In the spring of 1874 our subject had thirty acres in avheat and the same promised to yield as high as fifty bushels per acre, but on the third day of June the avheat was en tirely destroyed by hail. Thereafter his work of developing continued and he met avith varying success in the securing of crops, as was the case with all the early settlers im this locality. He persevered, however, and the final results justified his courage and deter mination. In the winter of 1876 Mr. Bain um took a government contract and emgaged in frdghting provisions from Newton to the fort at Sun City, Barber county, — a distance of about two hundred miles. In filling this contract our subject and his sons Josephus and William G. avere engaged during the entire winter, realizing a good profit from the venture. They also held a similar con tract the following winter, and on their re turn trips transported cedar posts, which they secured at a cost of five cents each and which) they sold for twenty-five cents: each in Newton. Later much time was given to the collection of buffalo bones, which brought from five to eight dollars per ton. The ex tent to which these bones covered the prairie may be imagined when it is stated that Mr. Bainum) was compelled to clear the same mom his farm before it avas possible to pro ceed with the breaking of the land. During his traversing of the country while engaged in freighting and the collec tion of bones, Mr. Bainum had become fa vorably impressed avith the character of the land to the south of Reno county, and in 1877 he induced a company of Ohio men to locate in the Ninnescah valley of Kingman county, among the- number being Joseph McPeek, Charles McConnell, Angus Bain um, Charles Cooley and Hamilton AAratkins, all of avhom entered claims in: the rich hot-' torn lands. After proving up. on his claim in Reno county, Mr. Bainum disposed of the same and took up his abode on his present farm, to avhich he had entered claim in May, 1879. Here he built a good sod house with two rooms, the same being used as a resi dence at the present time. It is in a good state of preservation and is probably the only remaining landmark of its kind to- be found in the county, a reminder of the pio neer epoch. Air. Bainum' noav has a modern residence. Since coming to Kingman county, in whose organization he took a prominent part, Air. Bainum has given his attention principally to the raising of live stock, having one of the best stock farms in this section, the same being well avatered by the Ninnescah river, the fertile bottom lands furnishing the best of pasturage, AA'hile onr subject has never failed to. secure a good corn crop, evem im the years of greatest drouth. Our subject is favored also by an other exceptional advantage, having on his place the only artesian well to be found in this section of the state. In July, 1898, while- sinking a drive well he struck an artesian vein, and the same has since furnished an unfailing flow of excellent water, the well having a head of some forty feet and a vol ume of water which completely fills a tAvo- inch pipe, flowing forty gallons per minute. The overflow is conducted into a beautiful lake of four acres, and this has been avell stocked with several varieties of fish. Mr. Bainum keeps on his place an average of about two hundred head of cattle, and he has kept as high as four hundred head, in cluding stock which he pastured for others. His stock is all of high grade and is princi pally of the short-horn variety. He also has a good herd of pure-bred Poland-China savine, and his live stock commands invari- •66o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. .ably the highest market prices. Prior to the advent of the railroad he used' to butcher and pack an average of forty bead of hogs each year, and he has ahvays taken a deep inter est in introducing a good grade of stock, doing much to advance this line of industry in the county. In politics our subject is a radical and uncompromising Republican, his first presi dential vote having been cast in support of AVilliam Henry Harrison, and he has voted for ea-ery Republican presidential candidate since that, time. During the greater portion of his residence in Kingman county he has served as a member of the Republican cen tral committee of the same. During his resi dence in Sangamon county, Illinois, he be came intimately acquainted with Abraham Lincoln, and on the first case which the mar tyred president tried in the courts our sub ject appeared as a juryman. On one occa sion Air. Baimum sold to the future presi dent taventy-five cords of avood, delivering the last load on Christmas day. Mr. Lin coln insisted on his pulling the load into the shed and taking dinner with him on the holi day occasion. Our subject was attired in his working clothes and was entirely unprepared for a function of the sort, but yielded to the kindly importunities of his host and met at dinner a company of the elite of the city of Springfield and also other distin guished guests, including the eminent laav- yer, Roscoe Conkling. He received the same courteous treatment as did other guests, and recalls the incident avith marked pleasure, as signifying the true democratic spirit and simple honesty of purpose which so charac terized the noble Lincoln. The religious faith of Air. Bainum is that of the Method ist Episcopal church, and he is one of the prominent members of the church at Cun ningham. O'f the ten children of Air. and Mrs. Bainum ave incorporate the folloaving rec ord : Josephus is a successful farmer of Reno county; Phoebe J., who became the avife of Harrison Ball, is deceased ; John AV. died in childhood, as did also Nancy; Mary was killed by lightning avhen twenty-two years of age, in Reno county; William' G. resides on the home farm and of him further mention -is, made in. the appending sketch; Ellen ,Viola died in childhood, as did also Charles A. ; Hannah is the wife of Thomas Branaman, a farmer of Dresden township; and Delia A. is the wife of Taylor E. Ul- man, of Hutchinson. WILLIAM G. BAINUM. In the preceding paragraphs has been given an outline of the career of the hon ored father of the gentleman whose name initiates this sketch, and a recapitulation of the data touching the ancestry and many of the events in which our subject was to a greater or less extent concerned will ' not be demanded at this juncture. William G. Bainum is associated avith his father in the live-stock business, under the firm name of William M. Bainum & Son, and he is the owner of a tract of one hundred and sixty acres adjoining the parental homestead and equaling it in fertility and general excel lence. He secured this claim by pre-emp tion, has made the best of improvements on the same and is known as one of the able and progressia'e young business men of this locality and as a worthy representative of the sterling pioneer family of avhich he is a member. Mr. Bainum is a native of Noble coun ty, Ohio, where he was born on the 17th of January. 1858. He avas reared under the parental roof and his educational discipline was received in the public schools of Illinois and Kansas, to avhich latter state his par ents removed avhen he avas about ten years of age, in 1869, and thus he participated in the life characteristic of the pioneer days and noted someavhat more specifically in the foregoing article. While om the freighting expeditions; there referred to he was often on the roadl for a aveek or more at a time, and. during these intervals slept out of doors each night, being far removed from' houses. The free life of the prairies, however, and the sturdy labors which fell to his share, gave him a robust constitution and a deep BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 66 l appreciation of the independence which comes to the man avho holds himself "far from the madding crowd." At the time when his father took up his claim, in King man county our subject also made pre-emp tion1 entry on tbe northwest quarter of sec tion 27, Dresden township, but during his absence, while employed in connection with the construction of the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad south of Wich ita, his claim avas "jumped," and rather than contest the title he abandoned the same, tak ing up the southeast quarter of the same sec tion, which is his present farm and avhich is operated in connection with that of his father, avith avhom he has ever since been associated in business. In Kingman county, on the 22d of March, 1894, Mr. Bainum avas united, in marriage to Miss Effie Pinkston, who avas born in Cole county, Missouri, the daughter of Rev. P. J. Pinkston and Bary (Medlock) Pinkston, the former being a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has done effective service in the cause of the Master, having beem a member of the Kan sas conference for a period of sixteen years, after which he removed to1 Alva, Oklaboma, avhere he is now in charge of ,a church. In his family avere fourteen children, of whom ten survive, the other four haying died in infancy. The others are here named in or der of birth : Louis, Rebecca, Effie, Thomas, Charles, Martha, Marian, Maud, Harley and Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Bainum have two daughters, — Mildred J. and Mary Lucrdia. In politics our subject gives an unfalter ing allegiance to the Republican party, and he has maintained a lively interest in public affairs of local character, having served as treasurer of his township, as constable and for several years as treasurer of the school board of his district. Fraternally he is iden tified with the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. ¦» » » WILL R. MURPHY. Not only as an excellent photographer and talented artist is Will R. Murphy known to the people of Newton, Kansas, but also as a worthy citizen and pleasant and agreeable member of social circles. Air. Murphy avas born in Jefferson City, Alis souri, on January 5, 1867, and he avas a son of Richard and Catherine (Fitzgerald) Murphy, both of avhom were natives of Cork, Ireland. Richard Alurphy avas a con tractor and builder previous to his location in the United States, avhither he came in 1856. His first settlement avas im Boston, Massachusetts, but later he removed to St.. Louis, Missouri, and there built the great St. Louis reservoir, a most stupendous task. He was also the contractor and builder of one of tbe largest buildings in the United. States and while at this avOprk, superintend ing the employes during winter avinds, he contracted the cold avhich caused his death, in 1875, at the age of fifty-two years. His- widoav survives, and both had been members of the Catholic church since youth. Will R. Murphy, avho is the subject of this review, was educated in the common schools of Jefferson City, and early began to be interested in photography. He later served1 an apprenticeship of four years, at the end of which period he was thoroughly acquaint ed with every kind of photography. At the age of taventy years he opened up a gallery of his own at Osceola, Alissouri, and re mained there five years, and them avent to Jefferson City for the succeeding year. The- next six months he spent im a delightful trip through many states and as far south as the gulf of Mexico, during avhich time he filled many portfolios with skdclies and vieavs in tended for filling orders from papers and periodicals, and also for speculative avork. Returning to Missouri, he opened a gallery in St. Louis, soon afterward accepting a po sition on, one of the city papers as sketch artist; but, although this Avas both pleasant and profitable, Mr. Murphy avas obliged to resign it on account of its requiring too much night work. In September, 1897, he- came to Neavton, Kansas, and: bought the business which had' been established here by AV. E. Langan, in photography, and since that time he has had a. most encouraging line of patronage, and engages in all kinds of photographic work, including the enlarge- 662 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ment of photographs. He has introduced all kinds of mechanical effects to render his pictures life-like and attractive, and has one of the best appointed studios in this local ity. He has beem selected as the artist for the work of the Commercial Club, of this city. Mr. Murphy avas married om October io, 1894, to Miss Maggie Woodall, who was borm im Osceola, Missouri, and she was a daughter of I. M. and Winnifred Woodall, now residents of Newton. Mr. and ' Mrs. AAtoodall had four children, viz. : J. D., who resides in Soda Springs, Idaho; William, who died at the age of thirty years; Mag gie, avho is Mrs. Murphy; and James, who also is employed in the studio. 'Two chil dren have been born to Air. amd Mrs. Mur phy, — Aluriel Alargaret and Catherine W. Mrs. Murphy is a most estimable lady and a consistent member of the Baptist church. Mr. Murphy is avell and favorably known as an honest and upright citizen, is a Repub lican in his political convictions and is fra ternally connected with the A. O. U. W. and also with the Elks. STEPHEN S. LEIGHTY. One of the practical, progressive and en terprising farmers and stock-raisers of Reno county is Stephen S. Leighty, whose valua ble and attractive homestead is located in Lincoln township. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, on the 20th of Feb ruary, 1853, a son of Stephen S. and Eliza J. (Hutson) Leighty, both also: natives of the Keystone state. Stephen S., one of the twelve children, was reared to: farm life on his parents' homestead in the east, and to the district schools of his native locality he is indebted for the educational advantages which he received im his youth. He remained upon the old home farm im Pennsylvania until 1882, in which year he came to Reno county, Kansas, and here purchased -the quarter section of land which he now owns in Lincoln township, the purchase price hie ing fourteen hundred dollars. At that time the land was but partially improved and con tained a small house and barn. Here he at once engaged in general farming and stock- raising, and he is now recognized as one of the _ practical, progressive and enterprising business men of Reno county. He has placed his fields under an excellent state of cultivation, and in his pastures are found an excellent grade of cattle. In 1883 he erec ted his commodious and convenient barn and in 1897 his present attractive and beautiful residence was completed, and everything about the place indicates the supervision of a thrifty and progressive owner. On the 13th of November, 1872, avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Leighty and Miss Nancy J. Harper. The lady was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Samuel R. and Sarah A. (AVadswcfth) Harper. Seven children have graced their marriage, namely: Alice A., the wife of George Getter; Sarah E., who died in in fancy; Harper, a farmer of Lincoln town ship; W. G., Stephen S., Clyde W. and' Se- bina E. The children have all received ex cellent education in the schools of Hutchin son and Wichita. In political matters Mr. Leighty form erly affiliated with the Republican party, but since 1890 he has given his support to the People's party. He has taken a very active part in the public affairs of his community and has served in many positions of honor and trust, having served for two years: as toavnship treasurer, as overseer of highways for one y-*ear and as a member of the school board for fourteen years, while many times he has been a delegate to county conven tions. He is a member of the Congrega tional church, and gives his support to all moral, educational, social or material inter ests which he believes will benefit the com munity. He is a man of sterling worth and justly merits the high regard in which he is held. PATRICK O. FORD. Patrick O. Ford is now living a retired life in Sterling, Kansas, and his rest is avell merited for he manifested marked activity BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 663 and energy in business affairs, was a loyal defender of the Union and has ever been a faithful citizen and upright man. Surely his rest is justly deserved! Air. Ford was born in County Clare, Ire land, a seaport town, May 4, 1840, and in October, 1848, he came to the United States with his mother and his stepfather, William and Alary ( McNaughton) Custy, who were also natives of the same county. They came to the neAV world in order to escape the fam ine aahich Ireland was undergoing, and, after reaching America took up thdr abode in Dayton, Ohio. The father, John Ford, died in early manhood, leaving but one child, — our subject, and the mother then married Mr. Custy. Our subject continued at home until dghteen years ^ of age and during that period acquired a good education in the common schools. He then went to Kentucky and learned the carpenter's trade, which proved to him a source of livdihood in later years. He was in the Blue Grass state at the time of the inauguration of the Civil avar, and on the 2d of October, 1861, he re sponded to the call of the Union, enlisting as a member of Company C, Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry, with which he served for three and a half years, coming out as orderly sergeant. By the bursting of a shell at Peach Tree Gap, Georgia, on the 22d of July, 1864, the drum of his left ear was de stroyed and his right ear aa-as mtudh injured. This of course brought on considerable deaf ness and the government therefore grants him a pension of twenty-four dollars per month. He recdved an honorable discharge on the 1 2th of February, 1865. In Kentucky, in January, 1868, Mr. Ford avas united in marriage to Miss Ara- minta Edderington, of Adair county, Ken tucky. She was then but fifteen years of age, but for nine years she brightened life's pathway for him, proving a pleasant and helpful companion on the journey of life. On the 13th of February, 1877, however, at their home in Sterling, Kansas, she diepart- ed this life, and Mr. Ford has since lived alone. He is one of the early settlers of Ster- bng. He engaged in contracting and build ing- in Kentucky and followed the same pur suits after coming, to Kansas. He was also in the furniture business in Sterling for a number of years, and through his well direc ted business efforts he won a competence Avhich now enables him to live in rdire- ment, enjoying a well earned rest. Mr. Ford was reared a Catholic, but by careful and close study of the Bible he was led to change his faith and is now a Protestant. In his political views he is a Republican but the honors and emoluments of office have had mo attraction for him, as he is content to per form the duties of citizenship as a private citizen. IRA H. CLARK. Ira H. Clark is proprietor and editor of the weekly and daily Register, of Great Bend. Tbis was the first newspaper pub lished in Barton county and was established by A. J. Hoisington on the 9th of May, 1874. In 1883 it Avas sold to E. L. Chap man, and was purchased by Morgan Cara way in 1889. in J893 Joe Borders became proprietor, and in 1895 it again passed into the ownership of the first propridor, A. J. Hoisington, who sold the paper to Ira H. Clark in 1899. It has a circulation of nine teen hundred, and is a wide-awake, progres sive Republican sheet. Im 1900 Mr. Clark and F. E. Brown. printed1 the first daily, a small paper, but it has a good circulation and is fully up-to-date in every particular. Mr. Clark was born in Harrison county, Ohio, May 23, 1866, and is a son of Oscar and Margaret (Hamilton) Clark, who re moved to Harvey county, Kansas, in 1874, and are yet representatives of its farming interests. Their son attended the public" schools and the State Normal, of Emporia, and afterward secured a situation with the Walton Independent, having determined to become a journalist. After one year he pur chased the paper, AA'hich he conducted for a year, avhen he removed to Frederick, Rice county, Kansas, and established a aveekly journal, avhich he called the Independent. He continued its publication for a year, after 664 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Avhich he brought out the first issue of the Dispatch, in Hoisington, remaining as its editor and publisher until 1899, when he came to Great Bend and purchased the Aveekly and daily Register. He is a young man of broad general information, who treats in a fair and impartial manner the questions of the day, and at the same time gives a stanch support to Republican princi ples. Mr. Clark was united in marriage to Miss Nellie DeLong, a daughter of Garrett and Mary (Cole) DeLong, the wedding be ing celebrated on the 27th of June, 1899. Their union has been blessed with five chil dren, namely : Mary Hazel, Bessie Mar garet, Ethel Gertrude, Flora Janet and Ehvight De Long. M. H. McCANDLESS. One of the honored residents of King man county, where he is extensively en gaged in farming and stock raising, M. H. McCandless is a native of the Keystone state, his birth having there occurred in Butler county in 1865. His father, Robert W., was born within a half mile of our sub ject's birthplace and avas a son of William McCandless, of Scotch-Irish descent. Rob ert AV grew1 to: years of maturity in the place of his nativity, and was there married to Miss Matilda Hays, a native also of But ler county, Pennsylvania, and of Scotch- Irish parentage. She was a daughter of AVilliam Hays. Unto Robert W. and Ma tilda McCandless were born ten children, seven sons and three daughters, but only six of the number are now living, namely : New ton W., avho was a gallant soldier during the latter part of the avar; Martin L., Amanda, Alaryetta, Emma and Milton H. The fa ther avas called to the home beyond at the age of sixty-five years, but is still survived by his widow, who' has reached the seventy- seventh milestone on the journey of life. M. PI. McCandless, the immediate sub ject of this review, spent his youth and early manhood in the county of his nativity, and to its public school system he is indebted for his elementary education, The year 1893 witnessed his arrival in the Sunflower state, and since that time he has been num bered among the leading farmers and stock raisers of Kingman cotinty. At the age of twenty-two years he was united in marriage to Hattie Gruver, who prior to her marriage was a popular and successful teacher. She is a daughter of Philip Gruver, who loyally served his country during the period of the Civil war, having enlisted from Butler coun ty, Pennsylvania. He still resides in that county. Unto the union of Mr. and Mrs. McCandless have been born 'three children, Mabel L, Mary H. and Merle G., aged, re spectively, thirteen, eleven and eight years. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCandless are mem bers of the Presbyterian church and in po litical matters he gives an unfaltering sup port to the Republican party. They are held in high esteem, and the kindly social qualities with which they are endowed win for them the friendship and good will of all. E. J. DODGE. People of the present period cam scarcely realize the struggles and dangers which at tended the early settlers:; the heroism and self-sacrifice of lives passed upon the bor ders of civilization; the hardships endured, the difficulties overcome. Those tales of the early days read almost like a romance to those who* have known only the modem pros perity and convenience. To the pioneer of the early days the struggle for existence, far removed from the privileges and con veniences of city and town was a sterri, hard one, and those men and women must have possessed Avisdom, immutable energies and sterling Avorth of character, as well as marked physical courage, when they thus selected such a life and successfully fought its battles under such circumstances as pre vailed in the west. E. J. Dodge is one of the honored pio neers of Barton, county and is now engaged in blacksmithing and carriage-ironing in %/*( ?rixta^JA,^y >LXLyrt/i BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 665 Great Bend. He is Avell preserved both mentally and physically and is a successful man esteemed by all. He has reached the age of eighty years, is five feet and four inches in height and Aveighs one hundred and sixty-tAvo pounds. His vigor and en ergy remain unimpaired and his activity is tbat of a man many years his junior. Air. Dodge Aaas born in Rome, Oneida county, Neav York, November 22, 1822, and traces his ancestry back' to' an Englishman avho came from the merrie isle in the Alayfloaver • The grandfather of our subject avas Ozia Dodge and came to Alassachusdts and fol loaved farming, but avas killed in early man hood by a bull. His son, John Dodge, the father of our subject, avas born in Tailing- ham, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1783, and in the year 1806 married Aliss Sarah Bullen, also a native of that state. Subsequently they removed to Oneida coun ty, Xeav York, where the father carried on business as a contractor and builder. In 1824 they went to Osavego, Neav York, and seven years later to Genesee county, avhere they remained for only a year. Tbeir next place of abode avas in Allegany county, and in 1 836 they Avent avith their family to Ke nosha, AAlsconsin, settling in. Salem toavn ship. There the father took up land and im proved a farm, but ultimatdy located in the city of Kenosha, avhere he avorked at his trade. In 1859 be removed to Port AA^ash- ington, AA'isconsin, making his home avith the subject of this revieav. He avas a strong, hearty man, avhen one day, at the age of eighty-seven years, he avalked to the door avhere he looked about him and said "amem." Turning be avalked back to the bed, said that he was dyimg and lay doAvn. In five minutes life Avas extinguished. His wife passed away Avhen seventy-three years of age. They avere the parents of eleven chil dren, namely: Emeline S., Permdia A., Leander AV., Philander W., Acsah, Edson, Edwin, Edward J., Lyman, Wallace and •busan. In taking up the personal history of Ed ward J. Dodge ave present to oiir readers the life record of one Avho is widely and favor ably known in Great Bend and Barton coun ty. In early life he learned the trade of car riage-ironing and blacksmithing with his brother-in-law, David Crossett, at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Yie subsequently located at Port Washington, Wisconsin, avhere he be gan business for himself, his labors bring ing to him creditable success. While there residing he avas married on the 31st of De cember, 1846, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Possen. He remained a resident of Wisconsin until 1871, avhen he sought a milder climate, proceeding by rail as far as he could and then continued his journey into the interior of Kansas on a prospecting tour. After leaving Russell he encountered out- laAvs and saAV men shot doavn. This rough, wild life almost discouraged him in his at tempt top make a home in the avest, but avhen he reached Barton county, saav its fine lands and recognized its possibilities he decided to take up his abode in this portion of the state. Accordingly he entered section 10, township 19, range 13. Through his land ran Walnut creek and there was a nice spring upon the bank. With characteristic energy he began the avork of erecting a home. He made an excavation fourteen by thirty feet; put the body of a tree across, covered the top avith poles and willoav brush and then sod and dirt. The front avas built up of sod and there were one door and tavO Avindows. He then built a barn in similar manner yet of greater extent, and securing mud from the creek he plastered this and avhitewashed the Avails. He made a stone fireplace in his home and was soon Avell prepared to return for his family, avho reached Barton county on the 14th of November, having made the journey with wagon and tavo teams, bring ing with them their household goods. Mr. Dodge also built a smithy and Avas the first person to engage in blacksmithing in Barton county. Mr. Dodge lived happily in the sod house for some time and then purchased a building which had been erected for a school-house, and into this he moved his family. In 1874 he built a new residence, the best residence in the county at that time. Buffaloes: avere to be seen in very large num bers, for in immense herds they roamed over this section of the state. In the early days 42 666 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. they had no fear of men, having never seen them before, and therefore a man could go into the midst of a drove of hundreds and shoot the one avhich he wanted. He avould then take the hide and as much meat as he desired and leave the remainder upon the prairies. Buffaloes often ran over the top of the sod house and Mr. Dodge and other members of the family avould go out and drive them away. There avere also elks, an telopes, deer, prairie lions, and wolves avhich the pioneers killed, selling their skins, avhich they took to market forty or sixty miles aavaa', exchanging them for provisions or ¦money. In 1872 Air. Dodge erected a shop at Great Bend and engaged in blacksmithing there, but continued his residence upon the farm until 1879, Avhen he sold the property, avhich noav belongs to his son, Charles E. In that year he erected Hotel Dodge at Great Bend and conducted the hostelry for tavo years, after avhich he removed it to the college grounds, living there for three years. On the expiration of that period he built his present residence and shop and has since ¦done a good business in the line of his trade. He patented the Dodge tire-shrinker machine and the sod-cutter disc, avhich ably served the purposes for avhich they avere intended and thus found a ready sale. Im 1889 Mr. Dodge avas called upon to mourn the loss of his first avife, avho died at the age of sixty- years. Their children avere : Charles Edavard, Wallace Henry, Don Du- ane, Jennie M., Lizzie L., John, Alaggie C, Mary L. and Giles B., and avith the excep tion of John all are living. For his second wife Mr. Dodge chose Airs. Elizabeth AATlls, a daughter of AVilliam Thornton and the avidoav of George S. AATUs, a farmer of Russell county, Kansas, avho died at the age of forty-nine. They avere the parents of ¦eleven children, namely: Delaney E., Charles AV., Benjamin F., Neavman G., Lil- lie, Homer M., Lizzie, Thornton AV., Lottie G., Arthur T. and Mabel. At the time of the Civil avar Air. Dodge enlisted three times but was never mustered into the service. However, he acted as fore man of the Chattanooga locomotive avorks and thus rendered valuable aid to his coun try. He is a member of the Masonic frater nity and in his political vieavs is a stanch Republican. For several years he has served as justice of the peace, discharging his du ties avith promptness -and fidelity. He be longs to the Presbyterian church and in all life's relations is true and faithful to manly principles and to every duty. Living through the experiences of pioneer life he is enabled to enjoy the fruits of his labor and the im provements and conveniences avhich civiliza tion has brought to this section, of the coun try. GEORGE AAr. DOZE. In every period of American' history the people of France have sympathized avith Americans, in avhose footsteps they have folloaved politically, and in every decade from the beginning of the settlement in the colonies to the present time Frenchmen have been leaders among our pioneers and in our civilization and material progress. Kansas has reason to be proud of her citizens of French blood, and of such there is' none in Kingman county more prominent or more highly esteemed: than George AAr Doze, the proprietor of the Nonvich Roller Mills and police judge of the city of Nonvich, who avas born in America of French parents. George AA' Doze is a native of Decatur countv, Ioava, avhere he opened his eyes upon this avorld November 23, 185 1, and is a son of Victor and Alary (Baily) Doze, natives of Locraine, France. His grandfather, John Doze, avas a soldier under Na poleon and fought at Austerlitz. Victor came to America at the age of eighteen years avith his father and thev located near Cov ington, Kentucky, avhere the elder Doze be came a land-owner. Later Victor removed to Decatur county, Ioava, avhere some years later he avas joined by his father. Eventu ally he removed to Sullivan county, Mis souri, avhere he enlisted in Company G, Eleventh Regiment of Missouri Cavalry, avith avhich he served in the Civil avar two years, until discharged on account of age, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 667 with the rank of major. Returning home he organized a company of home guards and after the avar gave his attention to farm ing and stock-raising, becoming one of the most extensive land-owners in Sullivan county, an influential citizen and a leader in many important affairs. In politics he avas a Democrat. He died in August, 188 1, aged eighty-five years; his avidoav in 1885, aged sixty-eight years. They avere the parents of tavelve children, nine of avhom lived to man hood and Avomanhood. John is a farmer in Allen tOAvnship, Kingman county, Kansas; Job is a farmer of Sullivan county, Mis souri; Victor died in infancy; Julia is the widoAV of G. T. Mellam; Polly is the Avidoav of Job Dodson; Margaret is the Avife of John Hill, of Lyonsville, Iowa; Phoebe mar ried C. Custer of Sullivan county,, Mis souri; George AA-"". is the immediate subject of this sketch; Melvina died in infancy; Thomas Jefferson lives in BroAvn county, Nebraska; Frank lives om the old family homestead in Sullivan county, Missouri ; and Pder is a farmer in Bennett township, Kingman county, Kansas. George AAr. Doze Avas the eighth in the order of birth of the children of Victor and Mary (Baily) Doze, avho were married in Ohio. He grew up on his father's farm in Sullivan county, Missouri, gained his edu cation im common schools, and remained under his father's roof until he avas taventy- three years old. June 28, 1874, at Osceola, Missouri, he married Fannie C. Hahn, a na tive of St. Clair county, Missouri, and a daughter of Columbus and Gilia (Brown:) Hahn, natives of Kentucky, avho settled early in Missouri. For some years after his marriage he farmed in Sullivan county, Missouri, and after that gave his attention to contracting and building there until the fall of 1883, when he avent to Kingman county, Kansas, remaining only a short time, and avent thence to Pratt county. Kansas. He pre-empted land in McPherson toavnship, in the county just mentioned, paid for it and remained on it until the fall of 1895, when he removed to Nonvich, Kingman county, where he has since lived. Judge Doze was engaged in contracting and. building at Noravich until October, 1901, Avhem he leased the roller mills there, then neAvly remodeled and equipped avith the latest machinery. The mill has a capacity of sixty barrels of flour daily, and the flour made by Judge Doze is as good in every re spect as any made anyavhere. In politics he is a Democrat, and wherever he has lived he has, since he greav up, been ahvays active im political affairs. Im his former jplace of residence he served long and ably in the office of justice of the peace. In September, 1901, he avas elected1 police judge of the city of Noravich, the duties of avhich office he is performing justly and expeditiously and avithout fear or favor. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. George W. and Fannie C. (Hahn) Doze have had four children: Wallace W. and Edgar O., of Noravich, are upi-to-date pros perous carpenters; J. Burtis is connected with the circulating department and- the rep- ortorial staff of the Wichita Eagle; and Ger trude Lena died in Pratt county, Kansas, aged five years. JUDGE B. F. OGLE. An enumeration of those men of the pres ent generation who have won honor and public recognition for themselves, and at the same time have honored the state in avhich they belong, avould be incomplete avere there failure to make prominent reference to one avhose name initiates tbis paragraph, a man of scientific and literary attainments and a valiant and patriotic soldier. He has been and is distinctively a man-of-affairs and one avho' has avidded a avide influence. A strong mentality, an invincible courage, a most de termined individuality has so entered into his makeup as to render him a natural leader of men and! a director of opinion. Benjamin F. Ogle avas born in Seneca county, Ohio, Alarch 22, 1837, his birth place being a farm on the banks of AAAlf creek. His father, Joseph Ogle, avas a na tive of Baltimore, Alaryland, and folloaved teaming until about thirty years of age. He 668 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. served for a, time in the Continental militia and aaas a patrolman in the avar of 1812. He married Aliss Elizabeth Valentine, a na tive of Virginia, and they emigrated to Ohio, avhere Air. Ogle purchased a farm upon avhich he spent the remainder of his active business life. At length he put aside the more arduous duties of business and retired to Tiffin, avhere he resided until called to the home beyond, at the age of eighty three years. His avife passed away at the age of eighty-seven years. In their family avere tavelve children, but two of the number died in infancy, the others being Maria, Mar garet, Thomas, Elizabeth, George, John, Joshua S., Aaron V., Joseph and Benja min F. The last named remained upon his fa ther's farm until seventeen years of age, during avhich period he had acquired his preliminary education in the public schools of the neighborhood and had been a student of the high school at Tiffin. He avas after- av'ardi graduated in the Seminary at Repub lic, having completed a course in English, Latin and Greek avith the class of 1855. During- the avinter of 1856 he engaged in teaching and im the spring* of that year he joined a party en route for California. Mak ing their avay eastward to Neav York city, they sailed from that harbor on the ship Crescent City bound for Panama. Cross ing the isthmus they then embarked om the sailing" vessel Clarissa, avhich on the avay stopped at various islands. This avas an in teresting experience to Air. Ogle. The voy age consumed seventy-tavo days and after reaching California it avas folloaved by ai mining experience of tavo years. In this avork Mr. Ogle met avith very desirable suc cess and then returned by avaa* of the avater route, stopping at Valparaiso, Kingston and Neaa- Orleans, avhence he proceeded north- aaard to' his Ohio home. He then took up the study of laav under the direction of Judge James P. Pillars, of Tiffin, Ohio, but before admitted: to the bar he saav service im de fense of his country. When the element of disturbance in the south precipitated the country in civil avar his patriotic spirit was aroused and almost before the smoke from Fort Sumter's guns had cleared away he offered his aid to the government, enlisting on the 20th of April, 1861, as a member of Company A, Eighth Ohio Infantry. He was made first lieutenant and the same year avas promoted to the rank of captain of his com pany. He avas a brave and loyal officer and his own valor often inspired his men to deeds of daring. After tavo years spent at the front he received an honorable discharge and returning to his home resumed his law studies, being admitted to the bar in 1865. Judge Ogle began .the practice of his profession in Tiffin, Ohio, and also became interested in other business ventures there. After tavo years he removed to Toledo, Ohio, where he folloaved his profession for ten years, AA'hen on account of ill health he sought a drier climate. He suffered from bronchial troubles, and learning of the clear, dry atmosphere of Kansas, he avas induced by his friends to take up his abode at Great Bend. He found, that the report of the health ful conditions* of the country avas not exag gerated, for he has enjoyed excellent health throughout the period of his residence in Barton county. Opening a laav office he has enjoyed: a large and lucrative business, hav ing a distinctively representative clintage. From 1887 until 1891 he served as probate judge of Barton county and is noav serving his third term as justice of the peace, while for eighteen months he acceptably filled the office of police judge. As a laavyer he is sound, clear-minded and avell trained. He is at home in all departments of the law from the minutiae of practice to the greater topics avherein is involved1 the consideration of the ethics and science of jurisprudence and the higher concerns of public policy. His thorough preparation of cases, his keen discrimination and logical deductions are al- avays manifest im his avork of the court room and much of the important litigation tried in the district finds him as a represent ative of either the defense or the prosecu tion. He has a pleasant suite of rooms over the Brinkman Bank and in addition to his BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 669 many legal volumes he has a very- large and well selected general library. Socially he is connected avith the Grand Army Post, has served as its commander and is noav chap lain. He has avon a host of friends in Great Bend and the surrounding country and as a gentleman of high scholarly attainments and sterling avorth he is a most pleasant and in teresting companion. In politics he has been a life-long Republican. J. T. ANTELL, Al. D. One of Harvey county's most progress ive and enterprising citizens is Dr. J. T. Ax- tell, physician and surgeon, and the pro prietor of the Axtell Hospital, at Neavton, Kansas. The birth of Dr. Axtell- avas in Warren county, Illinois, on August 11, 1856, and he was a son of J. M. and Lydia (Long) Ax tell, avho avere natives of Pennsylvania and Kentucky, respectively. His father cafne to Kansas in 1865 and bought a ranch in An derson county, avhere he engaged in stock- raising. He avas a man of superior char acter and soon became prominent in the county, both in public and political affairs, and for many years served as township trus tee. For some time he battled with a serious attack of Bright' s disease. In '1887 he came to Newton and his affliction was treated in the Axtell Hospital, but no skill could cure him and his death occurred in 1888, at the age of sixty years. In religious belief he embraced the Unitarian faith and avould have been a member of a church of that de nomination if one had been in his vicinity. The mother of our subject passed away many years ago, at the age of thirty years. She had ahvays been a devout member of the Baptist church. Eight children avere born to the parents of our subject and all of them -still survive, with -one exception. After obtaining a good common-school education our subject passed with honor through the curriculum of the high school in Garnett, and then taught school for the succeeding three years, following this period ,-ith .tavo years at the University of Alichi gan at Ann Arbor. His high standing' at this great institution enabled him to secure the position as principal of one of the large avestern schools, and he remained there for tavo years. During all of his teaching life be kept steadily in view the end, — that of ^qualifying himself' as a physician and sur geon. The opportunity came at last and he graduated at Bellevue Hospital, Neav York,s in 1883. Previous to taking his last course, Dr. Axtell practiced in Honeyavell through the summer of 1882, but after graduation he avent to: Newton and remained there in practice until the present time. On May 18, 1882, Dr. Axtell avas united in marriage to Miss Lucena Chase, who avas a natia'e of Michigan and avas a daugh ter of I. Chase, at that time a very promi nent man in the state .of Kansas. In 1886 Dr. Axtell returned to' Bellevue Hospital and took a post-graduate course and avas one of the surgeons of the out-door depart ment, gaining experience there avhich he could have obtained in no other way. To give an idea of the volume of his business, ave avould state that in one year seventy thousand cases avere treated, ranging from those avhich required but little surgery to those of the most delicate and dangerous character. After one year of this laborious but instructive avork, Dr. Axtell returned to Neavton and established the Axtell Hos pital, in 1887. Since that time many thou sand patients have been under treatment' here, the number noav' averaging one thou sand a year. This institution has much more than a local celebrity. The staff of physicians and surgeons include Mrs. Dr. Axtell, avho graduated in medicine in March, 1897, at the University of Kansas City, and noav devotes her entire time to the hospital work; and also Dr. Frank Abbey, avith a number of consulting physicians. Dr. Abbey is a brother-in-law to Dr. Axtell, graduating at the University of Kansas City in 1897, since avhich time his close care and attention has been given to the hospital patients. All diseases are treated except contagious ones, but much of the skill of the faculty is directed to surgical cases, and 670 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a specialty is made of the diseases of the eye, ear and nose. A general practice is also carried on, although Dr. Axtell is almost alavays occupied avith surgical cases, his skill and success having caused the public to rely upon him. In 1895 Dr. Axtell avas elected professor of orthopedic surgery, and occu pies this chair in the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Kansas City, Kansas, and he usually passes his avinters as an instructor and demonstrator in that city: Alany honors have been bestoaved upon Dr. Axtell. In 1896 he avas made one of the surgeons of Bethany Hosjiital, a Metho dist hospital in Kansas City, and has been on that staff ever since. Probably no opera- , tion knoavn to modern surgery has not been performed in the Axtell Hospital. Dr. Ax tell is a student and a forcible and instruct ive avriter, and many of his papers have been published by the various medical societies before avhich they have been read. He is a consulting surgeon for at least one hundred physicians, and his judgment is almost uni versally accepted. The Doctor has three daughters : Lil lian, avho. is a student in the State Univer sity at Lawrence, Kansas ; Marguerite, a student in the Neavton public schools ; and Alildred. In religious belief Dr. Axtell is a Unitarian. He is a Republican in politics and has been a delegate many times to1 con ventions. Aside from his professional life, Dr. Ax tell has found recreation, in the breeding of fine horses, of avhich he has a great admira tion. One of the horses bred in his stables is the av'el 1 known Hans McGregor, avho1 has a trotting record of 2:11^. Besides, he has about fifty standard mares and colts and other fine animals. He has, perhaps, the largest and most complete stables in the county, and in Athletic Park, at Neavton, he has built forty box stalls. Of this park he aaas one of the founders, in 1897, and he is still one of the proprietors. It comprises forty acres and is avell arranged for driving and racing. The Doctor also, oavns four hundred acres of land adjoining Neavton. As a physician our subject is prudent and careful, am enthusiast ; as a citizen and man he is upright and progressive, and he is justly esteemed both in his profession and by his fellow citizens. W. B. CLAYTON. The list of the leading citizens of Rice county contains the name of AV. B. Clayton, one of the representative and honored citi zens of the locality. His record as a soldier and as a business man has been so honorable that he has gained the confidence and good avill of all avith avhom' he has been brought in contact. He avas born in Alarshall coun ty, AA'est Virginia, January 13, 1845, a"d is a son of Tylee Clayton, a native also of Vir ginia. His parents removed from New Jer sey to the Old Dominion and avere of Ger niam descent. Tylee Clayton avas reared to the quiet pursuits of the farm and avas mar ried to Alary Bush, a native of Virginia and of Pennsylvania Dutch descent. They be came the parents of ten children, namely: John AA'esley, avho1 avas a soldier in the Union army during the Civil avar, and is noav deceased ; Jacob, avho served in the Forty-third Ohio Regiment for three years during the Civil avar, and died in Marshall county, Virginia; AA'illiam B., the subject of this revieav ; Isaac, a resident of Neavark, Ohio; George, of Dodge City, Kansas; Elizabeth, deceased; Sarah avlio became Airs. Caldavell and resides in Alarshall coun ty. A'irginia; Alargaret, noav Airs. AVilson, of Alarshall county, Virginia; and Susan and Rebecca, avho died in the Old Domin ion. The father avas called to the home be yond at the age of seventy years. He avas a stanch supporter of Republican principles, and both he and his avife avere members of the Alethodist Episcopal church. The mother also1 reached the seventieth mile stone on the journey of life. AA\ B. Clayton, -avhose name introduces this record aa:?.s reared to the honest toil of the farm, and the common schools of Mar shall county afforded him his educational privileges. At the opening of the Civil war his loyalty asserted itself and he became a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 071 member of Company A, Forty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted in Octo ber, 1861, at Bellaire, -Ohio, under Colonel Kirby Smith, avho avas mortally avounded at Corinth. He avas later under the com mand of Colonel Savann, avho avas avounded at South Corinth, at avhich place Captain Spangler avas also killed, and Air. Clayton avas next under the command of Captain C. AI. Davis. His regiment took part in many hard fought battles, including Neav Aladrid, Corinth and Alemphis, and at the last named place the regiment veteranized and our sub ject returned home on a furlough. After his leave of absence had expired he rejoined his regiment and avent to the front, fighting against General Hood's forces at Decatur, Alabama. He took part in the siege of At lanta, avent avith General Sherman on his memorable march to the sea, and on through the Carolinas to Richmond, Virginia, and finally to Washington, D. C, avhere he took part in the grand revieav, the most avonder- ful military pageant ea-er seen on the avestern hemisphere. After the close of hostilities Air. Clay ton retimed to his home in Alarshall coun ty, Virginia, avhere he remained until 1870, avhen he removed to' Kendall county, Illi-' nois. The year 1874 avitnessed his arrival in the Sunfloaver state, securing a homestead in 'Center toavnship, Rice county. He after ward sold that property and purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres, aahich he has placed under a high state of cultivation, the rich and fertile fields annu ally yielding to the owner a golden tribute in return for the care and labor avhich he be- stoavs upon them. The place is located five miles from Frederick and is one of the well improved and valuable places of the lo cality. AA'hen tAAenty-three years of age Mr. Clayton secured as a companion for the journey of life Aliss Alargaret Coffield, avho avas born, reared and educated in Vir ginia, a daughter of Adam and Sarah Cof field. She avas subsequently called to the home beyond, leaving three children : New ton, aaho is an employe of the Standard Oil Company and resides in southern Ohio; AA'illiam, a resident of Alarshall county, Vir ginia ; and Sarah, of Dodge City, Kansas. In Alarch, 1881, Air. Clayton avas again married, his second union being avith Aliss Alary Keesling, aaho avas born in AA'ythe county, Virginia, and avas there reared and educated. She is a daughter of James Haney Keesling, cf Rice county, Kansas. The union of Air. and Airs. Clayton has been blessed avith three children, namely: Cora, Harvey and Libby. Air. Clayton maintains pleasant relations avith his old army comrades by his membership in Kit Carson Post, G. A. R., of Lyons, of avhich he is a charter member. Both he and his avife are active and avorthy members of the Alethodist Episcopal church. He is a man of strong mentality, of broad humanitarian principles and kindly motives. No trust re posed in him' has ever been betrayed, and avhether on the field of battle or in private life he is true to his country and its best interests, — a loyal and patriotic citizen. DAVID HOWELL. David Hoavell is a retired ranchman and farmer of prominence, avho has for some years been identified avith .agricultural in terests in Barton county, but is noav enjoy ing a well earned rest in Great Bend. He avas born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1834, his parents being Jeremiah and Margaret (Sharp) Hoavell. His father was a lum berman, avho died avhen about forty years of age. His avife survived him until forty- five years of age, when she, too, was called to the home beyond. They avere the par ents of nine sons, all of whom greav to manhood, namely: Philip, Aaron, John, Nelson, Morris, William, David, Caleb and Peter. Our subject, hoavever, is the only repre sentative of the family noav living. In his youth he learned the blacksmith's trade and on leaving Ohio removed to Winterset, Ioava, avhere he began business for himself. He soon secured a good patronage, but de siring to extend the field of. his labors he 672 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. left the Haavkeye state for sunny Kansas, having heard various reports of the splendid opportunities afforded in this state. In 1878 he purchased railroad land for five dol lars and taventy cents per acre, becoming oavner of a tract on section 29, Eureka toavnship, Barton county. AA'ith character istic energy he commenced improving his property and for four years thereafter he also carried on his blacksmithing business in Ioava. He avould come to Kansas, plant his crops and then return to his smithy. Subsequently he sold four hundred acres of his land, avhich is iioav owned by R. AV. Gould, but he still retains tavo hundred acres of the original tract. Pie afterward bought for ten dollars an acre the northern half, of section 20, Eureka township, and there he made his home, erecting thereon a fine set of buildings. Pie also' planted considerable fruit, putting out cherry and .peach trees and much small fruit. His farm, hoavever, is largely devoted to- the raising of stock and grain, making a specialty of avheat, which has yielded as high as forty bushels to the acre. In 1900 he raised on tavo hundred and sixty acres of land sixty-nine hundred bushels by machine measurement, while his barley crop yielded sixty-five bushels to the acre. He also keeps on hand one hundred and sixty head of graded cattle, and his business interests are conducted along the most progressive lines. In 1900 Mr. Hoav ell purchased the Brinkman residence on Martin street, Great Bend, avhere he is noav living. From that point he superintends his farming interests, but is not actively ' en gaged in the operation of his land and the care of his stock as he avas in former years. Mr. Hoavell has been taaice married. He first married Aliss Alartha Jane Snavely, a native of Pennsylvania, avIio died at the age of forty-seven years. There avere four children born of tbat marriage, but Her schel, Elliott and Ellsavorth are noav de ceased. Charles, the third son, is a farmer of Barton county, aaho married Aliss Mary Langford and has four children. For his second avife Air. Hoavell chose Aliss Kate, daughter of Amos De Koe, of Ohio. They had three children : Nellie, avho possesses considerable music talent; Evaline Ai. ; and Leona V., avho are noav deceased. Air. Hoavell has long been an honored and enterprising pioneer citizen, and avhen the 1 ebellion in the south made necessary the military services of the patriotic- sons of the nation, he responded to the call for troops in 1862 enlisting as a private in Company F, Thirty-sixth Ioava Infantry, in avhich he served until honorably discharged in Sep tember, 1865. He avas avounded in the neck at the battle of Mark's Mill,' Arkansas. He noav belongs to the Independent Order cf Odd Felloavs, being identified avith both blue lodge and. encampment and is likewise a member of the Ancient Order of United AATrkmen, and he is a member of Pap Thomas Post of Great Bend. Through an active and useful business career he has not only avon a competence but has also gained the high regard of those avith aaliom he has been associated. HENRY STROHA1EYER. Of the honored retired farmers of Reno county, Kansas, none is held in higher es teem by his felloAV citizens than Henry Strohmeyer, Avhose residence is at No. 10O0 Sixth avenue, East Hutchinson, a brief bi ographical account of avhom it is the pur pose of the editors to include in this avork. Henry Strohmeyer avas born at Pome roy, Aleigs county, Ohio, January. 4, 1843, a son of Frederick C. Strohmeyer, avho avas a native of Bickaburg province in Prussia. One of Air. Strohmeyer's great-uncles served under Napoleon as a soldier in his historic Russian campaign. Frederick C. Strohmeyer, avho aa-as a aveaver and a farmer and a member of the Lutheran church, came to America in 1840, on a sailing vessel avhich landed at Baltimore. From Baltimore he avent to Ohio and after avorking on the Ohio canal, near Athens, for a short time, he located at Pomeroy, Ohio, where from 1840 to 1858 he avas overseer of coal minins? operations and speculated to some extent im real estate. In. 1858 he bought a farm of MR. AND MRS. HENRY STROHMEYER. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY 673 one hundred and sixty-eight acres nine miles from Pomeroy, on which he lived until 1872, during Avhich time he put many im provements on the place. In 1873 he sold out his interests in Ohio and removed to Barton county, Kansas, AA'here he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land AA'hich, however, he soon sold to buy three hundred- ,and eighty acres in Pioneer township. Rice county, Kansas, avhere he farmed for some time or until he became a member of his sop's household. He died im 1884, deeply regretted by all aaho had knoavn him, for he avas a friendly man of broad sympathies, a man of much intelligence avith a rich fund •of general information, avho read much and thought deeply on many subjects. He avas a' member of the Alethodist Episcopal church, devout Tn his worship, upright in his daily life and helpful alike to: tbe church and to his brethren in the human family* ir respective of religious affiliation. Politi cally he avas a AA'hig and later a Republican and his interest in all important public ques tions avas intelligent and comprehensive. Mr. Strohmeyer's mother died February 5, 1899, at the residence of her son, Got- leib Strohmeyer, in Rice county. The subject of this sketch avas the fourth born of his parents' seven children, five of whom are liying at this time. Their son, Frederick G. Strohmeyer, is an employe of a coal and salt company at Syracuse, Meigs county, Ohio. Their daughter, Mary, who is the avidoav of Frederick Elberfeld, lives at Pomeroy, Ohio. Their son, Gotleib, is a farmer in Rice county, Kansas. Their son, Henry Strohmeyer, avho is the immediate subject of tills sketch, avas the next in order of birth. Their son, AATiliam, died in in fancy. Their daughter, Sophia, married John Circle, a farmer of Racine, Ohio. Their daughter, Catherine, died in infancy. Henry Strohmeyer had no educational ad vantages beyond those afforded by common schools near his boyhood home. He avorked on his father's -'arm until June, 1861, avhen, at the age of eighteen, he enlisted for three years' service in the Civil Avar, in Company M, First Regiment Virginia Cavalry, at Pomeroy, Ohio. After spending some time in the barracks 'at AA'heeling,. Virginia, noav AArest Virginia, he avas sent to Clarksburg, avhere the regiment avas drilled and equipped. From Clarksburg- the regiment avas sent to Neav Creek, Virginia, avhere its experience of avar began. During the fall of 1861 it aa-as employed in scouting- and in picket duty, and it avas then sent to Paav- paav Tunnel, avhere it remained until Alarch, 1862. Thus far it had not participated in any important engagement, but its service had been constant, arduous and dangerous. In March, 1862, the regiment attacked the rear guard of Stonewall Jackson's com mand, and in a charge avhich occurred at that time young Strohmeyer's horse fell and the youth received a severe injury to his left hip joint, from aahich he has never fully recovered, and for the disability so caused and for a considerable impairment of his vision caused by exposure in service he re ceives an inadequate pension of fourteen dollars a month. After its attack on Stone wall Jackson's rear, the regiment Avas next engaged at AVinchester, avhere the Union army, under General Shields, defeated Stoneavall Jackson and compelled him to retreat. The regiment participated in the pursuit of Jackson under command of Gen eral Kimbel, as General Shields avas badly avounded at AVinchester, and AA-as unfit for active service. It avas in the engagements at Newmarket, Cross Keys, Port Republic, Manassas, and other points and assisted in the defense of AA^ashington. After the bat tle of Antietam it took part in the pursuit of Lee to the Rapidan river and saav hard fighting at Culpeper Court House. • At the second Bull Run engagement the regi ment was attached to General Buford's command and ivas sent to the defense of Washington, till after the battle of Antie tam. At AVarrenton, while the horses avere unsaddled, they avere surprised by Alosby's guerrillas. A feav threav themselves on bare backed horses and escaped and others gath ered in a convenient building and made a hard fight, but the force avas badly cut up. After the fights at Culpeper Court House, Brandy Station and Kelly's Ford, the regi ment participated in the pursuit of Lee 674 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. toAvard FrederickstOAvn, Alaryland, and at Hanover Court House it avas in a severe engagement avith General SteAvart's cavalry. After that the regiment fought at Gettys burg, Pennsylvania, in the brigade of Gen eral FarnsAvorth, avIiO' avith many others avas killed im a desperate charge. In that decisive battle Lieutenant Palmer of Com pany C, Avas badly Avounded and young Strohmeyer assisted him from the field. The young man's next fighting experience avas in the capture of a train at South Mountain Gap, avhere he and his companions dashed in betaveen Early and Longstreet, aaho' Avere defeated and pursued to Hagerstoavn, Alaryland. There was another fight on the old pike road and another on Gaines' cross roads and still another at Warrenton, fol loaved by more fighting near Gaines' Mills. Aleanaahile Air. Strohmeyer's term of en listment had expired and he re-enlisted in his old company and regiment. In the spring of 1864 he avas in the Dublin depot raid in southaVest Virginia, under command of General Averill. In the severe fight at AArytheville a detachment which included young Strohmeyer Avas cut off from the main command and compelled to cross the mountains by a rugged and dangerous' road, over Avhich the, men were obliged to lead their horses much of the way. Arriving at Lewisburg, Virginia, the detachment camped there for a time. Young Stroh meyer's regiment avas in the Lynchburg raid and met Hunter's command at Staunton and after a fight at Lynchburg fell back, cover ing its retreat to Salem. After that it fought at Carter's Farm and at Bunker's ¦ Hill, then at AA'inchester and at Fisher's Hill, under General Sheridan. Air. Stroh meyer's command avas not actively engaged at Cedar Creek but he avas an eye avitness of Sheridan's famous ride. Later he avas sent to Sandyhook, near Harper's Ferry, avhere he avas engaged in drilling troops until the close of the avar. On one occa sion our young soldier captured a Confed erate flag, and on account of that gallant service he avas mentioned for promotion, avhich he refused to accept. He participated in the grand revieav at Washington and avas honorably discharged from the service at Wheeling, West Virginia. November 20, 1865, Henry Strohmeyer married Margaret Schlagel, a native of Ohio and Avas a daughter of Peter Schlagel, avho avas descended from German ancestry. For some time he farmed near Pomeroy, Ohio, and then avent to Pittsburg, Pennsyl vania, avhere he avas a boss driver for a mining company. Later he took charge of a mine at Tarentum, Pennsylvania, and thence, he Avent to the oil region of West Virginia, avhere for a time he avas engaged in boring wells. From AA'est Virginia he- returned to Pomeroy, Ohio, AA'here he avorked in the rolling mills and later set tled on his father-in-laav's and then on his father's farm. July 20, 1872, he started' for Kansas and soon after his arrival there he took up a homestead claim in Barton county, where he avas one of the early set tlers and' avhere he remained until 1875, avhen he sold his interests there and went to Rice county, Kansas, avhere he pre-empted one hundred and taventy acres of land and afterward bought one bunched and eighty acres. There avere many buffaloes roam ing the plains avhen Air. Strohmeyer went to Kansas, but they disappeared rap idly. Air. Strohmeyer shot the last one ever seen north of Ellinavood. In 1874 grass hoppers took all his corn and later he had many other troubles peculiar to the locality. In 1890 he sold his land in Rice county and avent to Reno county, Kansas, avhere he bought the northavest one-quarter of section 30, toavnship 22, range 4, upon avhich he made many improvements. Air. Strohmeyer continued farming and stock raising until 1899, avhen he sold his farm and removed to Hutchinson, avhere he oavns six houses and about taventy valua ble lots. He has a large and avell appointed residence situated on a homestead comprised of eight lots. AA'hile a resident of Rice county he served his felloav citizens as town ship treasurer and as justice of the peace. He is a strong Republican, though not a practical politician, and he and his wife are members of the United Brethren church. Nine children have been born to Mr. and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 675 Mrs. Strohmeyer, named as folloavs, in the order of their birth : AVilliam, a farmer in Oklahoma; Anna AL, the avife of Alonzo Moore, avho is employed in the salt avo-rks at Hutchinson; Dorothy E., the avife of William Randall, a carpenter and painter at Hutchinson; Cathrina A., the avife of Asa Saven, a farmer of Reno county; Sarah E., the avife of AA'illiam Alacklin, of Kent, Kan sas; Charles F., a farmer in Oklahoma: Susan L., a member of her parents' house hold; and AA'illiam, Carter H. and Alatilda, who are deceased. Air. Strohmeyer is re garded as one of Reno county's substantial citizens, enterprising beyond many others, his public spirit is avell developed and he is an actia-e and helpful friend. of all measures tending to the general good of the people of his citv and countv. FRANCIS L. YOUNGS. Among those in Rice county, Kansas. avho have been instrumental in advancing agricultural interests, one of the most prom inent is Francis L. Youngs, of Little River township. Air. Youngs avas born in Broome county, Neav York, October 2, 1853, a son of John and Dotia (Silliman) Youngs, who avere born and married in the state of Neav A'ork. John Youngs avas born February 18, 1809, avas a prominent farmer and died on his homestead in the state of Neav York on Alarch 17, 1878, and his avife survived him until January 16, 1879. He avas a plain, unassuming man avithout political aspiration, a patriotic citizen and a faithful husband1 and parent. Dotia Silliman, the mother cf the subject of this sketch, avas a daughter of Jonathan Silliman, a farmer, avho served his country in the Avar of 1812, moved to AA'isconsin in i860, avas a farmer in Rock county and died there past ninety years of age. He had children named Dotia, Pollie, Hiram, Benjamin, Marcia and Caroline. John Youngs had brothers named William, Ira, George, Frederick and Griggs Youngs, the last mentioned of whom avas a soldier in the Federal army in the Civil avar, and sisters Jane and Alargaret. The mother .of the subject of this sketch avas an earnest and active member of the Alethodist Episcopal church, a model avife and mother, avho bore her husband children as folloavs: Jennie, not married; Ettie M., born January 27, 1852, and married George Jeavell; Sarah, avho died young; Charles, avho lives at Binghamton, Neav York; Francis L., avho is the subject of this sketch; Hibbard, avho lives in the avest, in Arkansas; Edavard D., avho is in Alaska; Benjamin, avho is a Methodist minister and lives in Alichigan; Flora; and Ella. The subject of this sketch was at the age of nine years taken to Wisconsin by his uncle, B. J. Silliman, to live avith his grand parents there until he avas fourteen years old, avhen he took up the battle of life for himself, avorking through the spring, sum mer and fall as a farm hand for such pay as he could get and avorking for his board and attending school during avinter months, and so diligent avas he as a student that he ob tained a fair practical education. In 1869- he went to Illinois, avhere he secured em ployment as a farm hand and where he made his headquarters avhile traveling extensively in Illinois, Dakota and other avestern states. Eventually he rented a farm in Illinois and farmed tbere successively until the fall of 1878, AA'hen in company avith others he avent to Kansas and settled in Rice county, Avhere he yet lives. In partnership avith another he made the purchase of a claim from Charles Brown, on Avhich there avere some poor improvements and on avhich they filed homestead papers. They began active op erations by building a small house. The folloaving year Air. Young's partner became dissatisfied and decided to return east, and in order to buy his share in the claim Air. Youngs avas obliged to borroav money, at four per cent, per month. It avas a dubious proposition, but his motto avas "make or break," and he believed that he could solve the problem by hard labor and in time proved himself master of the situation. In 1880 Mr. Youngs married, and from that time, on his good avife stood avith him shoulder to' shoulder, helping him most vali- 676 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. antly to avage the battle of life. They fought a good fight and victory perched on thdr banner. They improved a good farm, erected a substantial dwelling, barns and other necessary outbuildings and at last kneav themselves to be free from debt and prosperous. Air. Young's honest, manly- course during that period of trials and struggles commended him strongly . to the good opinion of his fellow citizens. He has added to' his original holdings until he now owns tavo hundred and forty acres of land as good as lies within the borders of Rice county, divided by beautiful hedge fences into fields devoted to various branches df agriculture and beautified avith groves and shade trees. The location of this model farm is a very convenient one, in the Little River valley, six miles southeast of Little River. Air. Youngs has given his attention to general farming and stock-raising, and he has been very successful in raising and feed ing Poland China hogs. He is in the best sense of the term a self-made ma,n, of whom' it may be truly said that "he is the archi tect of his: own fortune." Inheriting from his forefathers a goodly stock of Yankee en ergy and perseverance, he has made it avail able to him in his struggles for success, and it has enabled him to: advance to a position in avhich he is regarded as one of the lead ing men in the county, and by his triumph over many obstacles to demonstrate in a measure the possibilities which Kansas holds out to men of enterprise avho are willing to venture and to labor. He is. a public- spirited citizen, who: is helpful to all prom ising general interests. He is a member of the Alasonic order avho has taken the Mark Master's degree, the Past Master's degree and the Most Excellent Master's degree of capitular Masonry and been exalted to the august degree of Royal Arch Mason. In 1880 Mr. Youngs married Mary J. Galpin, avho was born in Knox county, Illi nois, July 10, i860, a, daughter of John and Augusta: (Curtis) Galpin, avho avere born in Indiana and Ohio, respectively, and avere early settlers in Knox county, Illinois, avhere John Galpin is a man of prominence. Airs. Galpin avas a daughter of Paul D. Cur tis, avho went from Ohio- to Galena, Illinois, wbere he engaged in lead-mining and Was at one time the associate of the late General and President U. S. Grant. Later in life Mr. Curtis was a prosperous farmer in Illi nois, whence he removed to Rice county, Kansas, avhere he died. He had children named as follows: Diantha, Jerome, Jo seph, Louisa, Helena and Augusta. John and Augusta (Curtis) Galpin had children named as follows : Thomas, who lives in Galesburg, Illinois; Sadie, avho married E. Case; Mary J., who is Mrs. Francis L. Youngs ; Wesley, Henry and Fred, who live in Illinois ; and Rose, avho married Clarence Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Galpin avere con sistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Francis L. and Alary J. (Galpin) Youngs have nine children, avho avere born at the dates avhich follow their respective names : LeRoy, November 19, 1880; Sadie, January 3, 1882; Carrie, April 2^ 1884; Hugh, April 24, 1886; John, October 23, 1887; Rufus, May 18, 1889; Mary, July 18, 1 89 1 ; Frank, June- 7, 1893 ; and "Willie, September 20, 1895. J. W. PATTERSON. Among the leading citizens of Neavton, Kansas, is J. AA^. Patterson, avho is noav en gaged in the real-estate, insurance and loan business, and avho possesses in high degree the esteem and confidence of the whole com munity. The birth of Air. Patterson avas in Guernsey county, Ohio, on May 13, 1843, and he avas a son of Dr. Andreav and Eliza beth (England) Patterson, both of avhom Avere natives of Pennsylvania. Dr. Patter son, after graduating at Jefferson- Medical College, in Philadelphia, located at AVash- ington, Ohio, as early .as 1836, and for fifty-eight years devoted his whole energy to the practice of medicine. Both as a cito zen and as a practitioner he avas avell knoavn, his knowledge and skill giving him a repu tation even as far as Zanesville and Coliim- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. .677 bus, to avhich cities he avas frequently, called. There are residents of Newton avho bear grateful tribute to his memory as the physi cian in their families during the greater part of his active life. At the outbreak of the Civil avar he avas not physically able to enter the ranks, but he avas in full accord avith the policy of. Air. Lincoln and used his influence for the prosecution of the avar. The death of Dr. Patterson avas in October, 1897, at the age of eighty-six years, his avife sur viving but one year, her age being seventy- eight years. Both had been leading mem bers of the Presbyterian church, in aa hich Dr. Patterson avas -an elder. J. AV. Patterson, of this sketch, avas the second member of the family of four chil dren born to his parents, the others being: David E., Avho resides in AA'ashington, Ohio, avhere he keeps a general store and has: been prominent for a number of years ; Mary J., avho is Airs. O. B. Clark, of Alinneapolis, Alinnesota, avhere her husband has been a most efficient officer of the express service for taventy years ; and Dr. Andrew, avho be came well knoavn in the practice of den tistry, but avho died at the age of thirty-six years. Our subject received both a common- school and academic education and then en tered the mercantile business, in 1865, mov ing to Marion county, Illinois, and removing to Kansas in 1868. Locating in Fort Scott, he accepted the position of day clerk in a hotel and remained one year there, and then went to Humboldt, Kansas, avhere he be came a clerk in a land office and had an ex cellent opportunity to become acquainted with the law pertaining to the same. On May 1, 1870, he avas appointed postmaster by President Grant and served until 1880, dur ing a part of Avhich time he also served as agent for the Adams Express Company. At the expiration of his official term he remov ed' to Newton as the agent of this company and continued in their employ until, they sold thdr interests to the AVells-Fargo Com pany in 1882. At this time Air. Patterson entered the Harvey County Bank as the real-estate and loan agent, serving until two years later, AA'hen this institution avas merged into the Neavton National Bank, since avhich time he has engaged in the real-estate, loan and insurance business on his own account. The marriage of Mr. Paterson avas in 1878, in Humboldt Kansas, to Aliss Eva F. Bellus, avho avas born in Adrian, Alichigan, and avho- filled the position of money-order clerk in the post office in that city for eight years. She graduated at the Adrian high school and has been of much assistance to Air. Patterson on account of Jier fine pen manship and accuracy at figures. Tavo chil dren have been born of this marriage, viz. : Clara M., of the home circle; and James B., who is now in the United States railavav rnail service, running from NeAvton to Guthrie, Oklahoma. Both Air. and Airs. Patterson are con nected with the Presbyterian church and socially they belong to the Knights and La dies of Honor. Air. Patterson is a Avell known Mason, belonging to the blue lodge, chapter and commandery, for ten years being secretary- of the first named, for ten years holding- the position in the chapter, and several years the standard-bearer in the commandery. For a period of ten years our subject avas one of the leading members of the school board, resigning that position to become a director and the vice president of the public library*, avhich office he, has filled for the past tavelve years. Mr. Patterson is an ardent Republican and has served on the central and other committees at various times. Both he and Mrs. Patterson enjoy the respect and esteem of the citizens of NeAvton. » « » G. F. AHLBERG The subject of this review is actively connected avith a profession avhich has im portant bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of any section or community, and one Avhich has long been considered as con serving the public welfare by furthering the ends of justice and maintaining public right. Mr. Ahlberg is now one of the Avell knoavn young attorneys at Lyons, AA'here he has 67.8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. already Avon a prominent position since his admission to the bar in 1894. He is one of the native sons of Rice county, his birth having occurred near Lyons, on the 9th of Alarch, 1S74. Like many of the intelligent and progressive citizens of the Avest, he rep resents Savedish ancestry. Plis father, Da vid Ahlberg, avas born in Sayeden and be longed to a family celebrated for intelli gence, industry and reliability in all the walks of life. In his native country the fa ther avas reared, acquiring a good education in the Savedish tongue. On crossing the At lantic to the new world he spent a few months in the east and then proceeded west- Avard to Geneseo, Henry county, Illinois. In that locality he took up his abode on a farm, and as a companion and helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Marie Enstrom, the Avedding being celebrated in Illinois. The lady Avas born, reared and educated in Saveden. They began their domestic life in Henry county, avhere they remained until 1 87 1, avhen they came to Rice county, Kan sas, the father securing a homestead near Lyons. He transformed the land into1 a valuable tract and is to-day regarded as one of the leading and representative agri culturists of his community. Unto Mr. and Airs. Ahlberg were born four children, namely : Mrs. Reed, noav a avidoav ; Mrs. Hoffman, avho is residing in Los Angeles, California ; Airs. Shay, also in Los Angeles ; and G. F., of this revieav1. In taking up the personal history of G. F. Ahlberg ave present to our readers the life record of one avho has a avide acquaint ance in Rice county. He spent his youth upon the old homestead farm, and as age and strength permitted1 assisted in the work of field and meadoav, thus developing a strong- constitution. Pie attended the public school of the neighborhood during his youth and aftenvard matriculated in the Nebraska State University, avhere he avas graduated avith the class of 1894, having pursued the laaa- course, avhich fitted him for admission to the bar. His knowledge of the science" of jurisprudence is comprehensive, for he is a close and discriminating student and is con tinually broadening his mind by reading and study. He prepares each case which is en trusted to him with marked care and pre cision and is well equipped to meet the op posing arguments:. In his political views he is a stalwart Democrat, being regarded as one of the leaders of the party, wherein his counsel carries aveight. Pie was considered a popular candidate for the position of coun ty attorney on the fusion ticket in 1900, but lost in the great landslide of Kansas: in that year, the Republicans carrying the entire state. Socially he is identified avith the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. That the friends avho have known him from boyhood are numbered among his, warmest admirers is an indication that his career has been an honorable and upright one, worthy of high regard. Pie has always resided in Rice county, and his success sets at naught the old adage that a prophet is never avithout honor save in his own country. Pie has al ready worn distinction by his legal skill and ability, and is now enjoying a good business as one of the capable young laavyers of the community. JOHN STEPHENSON. Jolin Stephenson is the owner of a valu able tract of land in Evans toavnship, King man county. Many years of his life have been passed in this locality, and he is there fore Avidely and favorably known to its set tlers. He was born in Greene county, Ohio, in 1839. His father, John Stephenson, Sr. avas also: a native of that county, to avhich place his father had removed in a very early day. The latter avas a captain in the avar of 181 2, and became an influential and val ued resident of the locality in avhich he made his home. He avas of Scotdi-Irish ancestry. John Stephenson, Sr., greaaT to years of ma turity in the county of his nativity, and was noted for his great physical strength, he having been one of the strongest men in Greene county and was also an excellent wrestler. He followed the tilling of the soil as a life occupation. At the age of twenty- four years he AA-as united in marriage to Margaret Batdorf, a native of Pennsylvania, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 6/9 .and of Dutch descent. They became the parents of eight children,, five of avhom are noav living, namely : George, avho avas a .soldier in the Eighty-ninth Indiana In fantry during* the Civil avar and noav resides at AA'abash, Indiana; John, the subject of this revieav; Alary Reynolds, of Urbana, Illinois; Rebecca Daavson, of Rantoul, Illi nois; and Almira, avho makes her home at :the same place. Those deceased are : Sarah Jane Tyner, Avho died in AA'abash county, Indiana; Amanda Daavson, avho died in Rantoul, Illinois ; and AA'illiam, who passed aavay at the age of thirty-nine years. In 1870 Mr. and Airs. Stephenson removed from In diana to Champaign county, Illinois, lo cating in Rantoul, avhere the father still re sides, aged ninety years. The mother is still living, noav aged eighty-tavo years. In po litical matters he gave his political support to the Democracy until 1856, since which time he has upheld the principles of the Re publican party. He is a prominent and wor thy member of the Alethodist Episcopal -church, in avhich denomination his wife also held membership relations, although she was reared in the Lutheran faith. John Stephenson, the immediate subject •of this revieav, avas reared in both Greene -county, Ohio, and AArabash county, Indiana, -and avas early inured to the labors of field and meadow1. In 1865 he removed from Indiana to Champaign county, Illinois, where he made his home until he came to Kansas, that event taking place in 1886. ¦Shortly after his arria'al here he purchased a tract of one hundred and sixty acres, and his son noav oavns an adjoining one hun dred and sixty acres, so together they noav have a farm of three hundred and twenty acres. As time has passed by the land has been placed under a fine state of cultivation. 'the necessary buildings erected, and this is now one of the finest homesteads of the lo cality. When twenty-four years of age Mr. 'Stephenson was united in marriage to Ellen Stoker, -who was born in Madison county, Indiana, a daughter of William Stoker, now deceased. Her mother died avhen she was but a babe, and she avas reared in the home of Squire John AIcGuire a prominent citi zen of AA'abash county, Indiana. Fia-e chil dren have blessed the union of Air. and Airs. Stephenson, tavo sons and three daugh ters : Cora Belle, avife of H. H. Saunders, of Kingman; Grant W., avho, at the age of thirty-one years, is still at home, and is a prominent member of the Independent Or der of Odd Felloavs fraternity; Bertha Pin- son, avho resides in Harper City, Kansas; Grace Pipkin, of Garden Plain; and Earl, avho is onty seventeen years of age and aveighs three hundred and taventy pounds. The average aveight of Air. and Airs. Stephenson and their five children is tavo hundred and fifteen pounds each. Air. Stephenson exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party. Although a public-spir ited and loyal citizen at all times, he has never sought or desired the honors or emolu ments of public office, preferring rather to give his undivided time to: his business inter ests. LEONARD WALTERS. Among the prominent citizens of Kan sas contributed to this state by Indiana is Leonard Walters, avho aaas one of the early settlers of Richland toavnship, Kingman county, coming here in 1878. He has been one of the successful and progressive farm ers of this locality and is one of the most widely knoavn. The birth of Leonard AAralters avas in 1857, in Bartholomew county, Indiana, his ancestry reaching back to a great-grand father who avas born in Germany. His grandfather, avho also avas Leonard AAralt ers by name, avas born in Ohio, the family having moved to that state from Pennsyl vania. Thomas AValters, the father of our subject, was. born in Ohio but now re sides in Jasper county, Indiana, avhere he carries on farming. Thomas AATlters married Miss Lucinda Otiinn, a most esti mable woman, who avas beloved by all AA'ho knew her. She avas a daughter of AA'illiam Quinn, avho avas born in Indiana, and avas 68o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. of Scotch ancestry. Airs. Walters died in early life, her years numbering only thirty and seme months, and she left three chil dren, namely: Alartha J., of Greenavood county*, Kansas ; Leonard, of this record ; and Charles, of Indiana. By a second mar riage Thomas AA'alters reared eight chil dren. The early life of Leonard AA'alters avas passed on a farm, avhere he became thor oughly acquainted avith the practical necessi ties of an agricultural career, selecting farm ing as his vocation. He secured a good common-school education in the district schools of Indiana, became a practical farmer and took his place among the prom ising young householders of his native coun ty. In 1878 he avas united in marriage to Aliss Jessie Day, aaho avas born in Jasper county, Indiana, and avho avas a daughter of AA'ilbur and Alargaret Day and also a sister to' Hon. John Day, of this county. After marriage Mr. AA'alters came with his bride to: Kansas, and he took up a claim of one hundred and sixty acres in the Osage tract, in Richland county, and here he has continued to folloav farming ever since. Mrs. AA'alters died April 18, 1894, at the age of thirty-four years, leaving three chil dren, A'iz. : Clyde AV. avho is taventy-one years old ; Orth, avho is eighteen years old ; and Ralph, avho avas born October 22, 1892. The second marriage of our subject •oc curred in Alarch, 1901, avhen he avedded Airs. I. A. Dehority, avho avas the avidoAV of George XV. Dehority and the daughter of AA'illiam and Elizabeth J. (Cline) Cook, both of AA-liO'im avere born in Ohio and be came residents of Belmont township', King man county, Kansas, in November, 1884. They had eleven children, named: Jeffer son,' Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, I. A., Hattie, Oscar AVilliam, Phebe, Susan, Dora and Tina. Airs. AA'alters avas reared in Illinois, and avas educated in AATil and Livingston counties in that state. After her marriage to George AA^. Dehority they came to King man county, in 1882, and here he died, in 1892, at the age of thirty-four years. Fra ternally he avas connected avith the order of AA'oodmen. Tavo children survive him, namely : Mrs. Ma,ud Lees, of Kingman county, Kansas; and Eliza, who avas born the 2 ist day of October, 1891. Success has attended the agricultural efforts of Mr. Walters and he is noav the oavner of one of the best farms of the toavn ship, consisting of two hundred and forty acres, avhile Mrs. AA'alters owns a tract of one bundred and sixty acres in Belmont toavnship. A comfortable residence and all the first-class improvements which testify to the efficiency of a fanner may be noted here, the attractiveness and evident prosperity showing conclusively that a thorough farmer has the management of this estate. In politics Air. Walters is a Populist, and he is a man of influence in his locality, well read and posted oil all current topics of interest. He has taken a deep interest in the educational advancement of this section and has done no small part in aiding meas ures in that direction. Mrs. Walters is a member of the Methodist church, a,nd she ably aids her husband in offering a gener ous hospitality to friends and neighbors, this beautiful virtue being found nowhere more flourishing and general than among the old- settlers of Kansas. Many changes have taken place in this state since Mr. Walters first made his home here, and he has been a' factor in much of the agricultural develop ment. J. A. McCONNELL J. A. McConnell is the proprietor of the Little River stock farm and is one of the most prominent representatives of stock raising interests in central Kansas. He is engaged in the breeding of shorthorn cat tle and has done much to improve the grade of cattle raised in this portion of the state, so that his efforts have been of wide-spread benefit, for through the imorovement of the stock its market value has been increased and added prosperity has therefore come to the community. Mr. AlcConmell came to Rice county in 1881, and has since been num bered among its prominent, intelligent and prosperous citizens. MRt AND MRS. J. A. McCONNELL. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 68 1 Almost half the avidth of the continent separates him from his birthplace, for he avas born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1842, a son of AA'illiam AlcConnell, whose birth occurred in the same county in 1804, and he represented one of the old and highly respected families of the com munity. The AlcConndls, hoAvever, Avere of Scotch descent, the grandfather, Thomas McConnell, having been born in the land of hills and heather. After arriving at years of maturity AA'illiam AlcConnell married Catherine Alorthland, avho avas born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1812, and avas a avoman of many estimable qualities. They became the parents of nine children, of aahom seven are yet living, namely : El len, James A., Alary, Nancy, AA'illiam, Mar garet and Alarshal. In the year 1857 the family removed to Henry county, Illinois, locating near AA'oodhull. They Avere early- settlers cf that locality, taking up1 their abode there avhen the country avas avild and the work of progress and improvement seemed scarcely begun. The father opened up a good farm of tavo hundred acres and vigorously prosecuted his agricultural pur suits until he had developed an excellent home and surrounded his family avith all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life. In his farming operations he avas quite successful and as tbe years passed gained a handsome competence. In poli tics he avas a Democrat and in religions be lief avas a Presbyterian. He died at the age of sixty-seven years, but his avidoav is still living and noav resides in Henry coun ty, Illinois, at the age of ninety years. Her many excellent characteristics bave won for her the love and friendship of all with whom she has been brought in contact. J. A. McConnell, avhose name forms the caption' of this, review, spent the first fif teen years of his life upon the old family homestead in the Keystone state and then accompanied his parents on their removal to Henry county, Illinois. Lessons of in dustry, economy and integrity were early instilled into his mind and his literary train ing was received in the public schools of his native state and of Illinois. He is a man of excellent memory and has a good practi- 43 cal education. Reading and observation have largely added to the knoavledge ac quired in school, and he is particularly well informed on general history and on all mat ters of interest at the present time. He asj sisted in the work of the home farm until taaenty-tavo years of age, avhen he started out in life on his oavii account, and in the usual manner of most young men entering on a business career he sought a companion and helpmate on the journey of life, be ing married in 1864, to Aliss Margaret Stitt, avho: AA-as born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and spent her girlhood days in that state and in Illinois, her parents, William and Margaret Stitt, both passing aAvay im Henry county. Air. and Mrs. McConnell began their domestic life im Illinois,, and unto: them six children Avere born, namely : Frank, a stock dealer of Little River, Kansas ; Mrs. Lotta A. Duvall, avhose husband is the editor of the Iranian. Revieav, of Kansas ; Russell M., a successful attorney im Oklahoma; Minnie, wife of George Annabel, editor of the Cen tral Democrat, a weekly paper issued at Lyons, Rice county, Kansas ; David, editor of the Rice County Eagle, published in Ly ons; Lillie Dale, aaho died aged one year; and William, who- is lia-inp- in McPherson county, Kansas. The mother of this fam ily was called to her final rest in 1873. She was a devoted wife and mother and a kind neighbor and enjoyed the unqualified re gard bf all with avhom she came in contact. In 1876 Mr. McConnell avas again married, his second union being avith Mary Connor, a daughter of R. F. and Jane ( Roach) Con nor, both of whom died in Clarinda, Page county, Iowa. Their daughter, Mary, was born near Savannah, Alissouri, but when only one year old she was taken by her par ents to Clarinda, Iowa, avhere she received her education in the high school of that city. After graduating therein she taught in tbe same school for about eight years, after which she accepted a position in Amity College, a Presbyterian institution at Col lege Springs, Page county. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McConnell avas celebrated in Clarinda, Iowa. From the time of his first marriage un- 682 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. til 1881, Air. McConnell resided in Illinois and avas identified avith the agricultural in terests of that state. He then came to Kan sas, taking up. his abode in Rice county, -where he has since made -his home. The pe riod has been one of success to him, for in his farming operations he has prospered and is now the owner of five hundred, and sixty acres of valuable land, on which is a good residence, barns and other improvements. He is one of the most prominent and suc cessful stock dealers and breeders in this portion of the state and keeps on hand two hundred head of cattle, together with a large number of horses and hogs. For a num ber of years he has been prominently known as a breeder of shorthorn cattle, and his herd is a a-ery fine one, including some very fine high grade animals. His business ability is indicated in his diligence, his prominence and trustworthiness, qualities which have won him continued advancement and which insure him success. In his political vieavs he is a Democrat and religiously is con nected with the Presbyterian church. His life has been an active, busy and useful one, and Rice county numbers him among its most valued and avorthy citizens. M. T. HEDGES. Prominent among the loyal, public- spirited and esteemed citizens of Neavton, Kansas, is M. T. Pledges, avho has been a resident of this state since 1885, was for merly engaged in agricultural pursuits, but is now justice of the peace and is located in the city. The birth of Mr. Hedges avas in Brooke county, West Virginia, on June 6, 1842, and he avas a son of Moses and Nancy A. (Jones) Hedges, the former of avhom avas born in Virginia and the latter on the eastern shore of Maryland. Moses Pledges avas born on May 19, 1795, and avas eighteen years old avhen he became a, soldier in the war of 18 12. Our subject has his commission in avhich he avas made an ensign in that aa*ar. Mr. Hedges was a farmer all his life and was one of the leading members of the Methodist church in his neighborhood, for \ forty years being steavard and class-leader. The avoids that told: cf his death, avhich occurred on August 13, 1 87 1, resound avith loving praise and affectionate tribute to a avorthy Chris tian avho had lived for years as an example of the highest type of manhood. The mother of our subject was born July 12, 1804, and her death occurred in Octo ber, 1864. From girlhood she had been a member of the Methodist church, and she was the embodiment of all that was good, lovely and womanly, and avas the personifi cation of a truly Christian character. Al. T. Hedges, avho is our subject, avas the youngest of seven children, and four of the family still survive, these being, aside from our subject: Mary A., avho is Mrs. L. B. Gould; Aaron; S. E., avho is the avife of AA'illiam AA'ard, — and all of them reside in Nebraska. Onr subject avas pursuing his studies at Bethany College, in AVest Virginia, when the Civil avar interrupted them, and in Feb ruary, 1 86 1, he removed to Illinois, and on December 30 of the same year he enlisted in Company K, Twenty-sixth Illinois Volun teer Infantry, and took part in the battle of Corinth, on Alay 28, 1862. Then folloaved that long list of battles avhich brought sor- roav into so many homes, both in the north and in the south, — the long struggle at Vicksburg, then Jackson, Mississippi, and then Missionary Ridge. After this battle the regiment avent to the relief of General Burnside at Knoxville, in 1863. After this came the seventy-two days and' nights avhen they avere under fire in a part of the siege of Atlanta, and then the regiment followed Plood back to Gadson, Alabama, continu ally engaged in skirmishing. With General Sherman on his never-to.-be-10rgot.ten march to the sea, thence to Goldsboro, North Caro lina, and avith his regiment at the time of the. surrender of General Johnston, Mr. Hedges ; avas a avitness of some of the most memor able events of that time. The regiment avent then to Washington, by avay of Rich mond, Virginia, and there took part in the grand review of the victorious troops. The BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 683 night prior to this Air. Hedges slept soundly on the stone steps bf the capitol in the capi tal of the country he had gallantly served, and avas honorably discharged on July 20, 1865, at Louisville, Kentucky, after a serv ice of three years> seven months and twenty- two days. He had re-enlisted on January 1, 1864, and during the avhole time was neither wounded or taken prisoner, and served a large part of the time as commis sary sergeant. From 1877 to 1880 Mr. Hedges avas the captain of Company E, Sev enth Illinois National Guards. After the close of the avar Air. Hedges returned to Illinois and engaged in farming" there until 1880, when he came to' Nebraska, where he engaged in farming and took part in public affairs and was appointed justice of the peace there. In 1885 he removed to Kansas and in this state followed clerking and farming, and for the past six years has been holding his present responsible posi tion, that of justice of the peace, which in this state involves much administration of the laav. The first marriage of Mr. Hedges was on December 5, 1865, to Miss Margaret Panghorn, who avas born December 8, 1845, an'd passed out of life on July 8, 1883. She Avas born in Ohio and was a daughter of John and Sarah Panghorn, the former of avhom avas a soldier of the war of 1812 and a avitness of the fight bdaveen Commodore Perry and the British fleet. His death was on July 25, 1883, at the age of eighty-seven years. Tbe second marriage of Mr. Hedges was on October 1, 1890, to Mrs. F. E. Shaver, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of G. Raymond. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hedges are consist ent members of the Methodist church, in Aahich he is superintendent of collections and a trustee, and both are socially con nected avith the Knights and Ladies of Se curity, avhile he is a member of the G. A. R.,_ and she is connected with the Relief Corps. In politics Mr. Hedges has been a life-long Republican. He is one of the citizens of Newton avho has found friends on every side, his oavn pleasant, genial personality being the cause. In every relation of life Mr. Hedges has shown himself a true, loyal, honest man, and as such he possesses the es teem of all avho knoaV him. JOSEPH F. McKENRY. Joseph F. McKenry, a farmer of no little prominence in Burrton township, avas born December 12, 1854, in Greenbrier county, West Virginia. He avas one of nine children, his father being Madison Mc Kenry, avho also avas a native of Green brier county, West Virginia, born in 1812. He passed aavay on his sixty-fifth birthday, May 4, 1877, in Jefferson county, Illinois. His wife, Margaret Dihel, avas also born in the same county as her husband, in 1813. The parents were married February 19, 1835, and shortly afterward removed to Ohio, near Springfield, and subsequently re turned to Virginia, thence going to Indiana in 1856. They remained there until the spring" of 1866, when they went to Aladison county, Illinois. Here tbey rented a 'farm, upon which they remained thirteen years. At this home the father passed aavay, leav ing his wife and seven children, they having lost tavo children previous to the father's .death. The paternal grandfather of our subject was born March 10, 1768, and for his first wife avedded Deborah Reynolds, who was born February 4, 1769. This fam ily was a splendid type of a simple colonial household, and were much devoted to each other. The mother passed away, however, and in time the father took unto himself a second wife. He died March 18, 1826, and his widoav survived him seventeen years, her death occurring on the fourteenth day of January, 1843. Our subject has now but two living brothers, George William, born December 29, 1844, residing in OaVen coun ty, Indiana, with his avife and tavo children ; and Samuel A., a resident of Jefferson county, Illinois, avho has nine children. Mr. Joseph F. McKenry received his early education in the common schools of Illinois, after avhich he remained at home until his mother's death, making a pleasant 684 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. home for her during her life. On March 28, 1879, tne mother, avith her sons James Aladison and Joseph F., started for Kan sas from Illinois. They journeyed in a "prairie schooner" and en route the eldest son avas stricken avith pneumonia, which proved fatal, and he passed aavay at Stock ton, Cedar county, Missouri, at the age of forty-four years, leaving* no- family. The bereaved mother and brother resumed their journey, arriving at Halstead, Kansas, April 30, 1879. Here they rented a farm, and after nine years of labor thereon Joseph F. left home for Washington territory, avhere he avorked out by the month, but after tavo years returned toi his home. During his stay in AA'ashington he voted for its admis sion as a state, and avas deeply gratified Avhen this act avas accomplished. On the 13th day of October, 1885, his mother avas rendered partially helpless by paralysis, and until the time of her death avas. tenderly cared for by her son and his avife. On the 4th day of October, 1884, Air. McKenry was united in marriage to Miss Susie Franklin, avho has been to bim a help ful and sympathetic companion. Her fa ther, John H. Franklin, is a resident of Burrton toavnship, having settled in Kansas early in the history of the state, and is num bered among the pioneers of the community. Her mother, avhose maiden name avas Mar garet J. Hollen, has reached the age of sev enty-five years, yet is able to perform her household duties avithout assistance. The living children of this venerable couple are : Susan, avife of our subject; Benjamin, a traveling man; Erastus, avho lives at home unmarried ; Samuel, a resident of eastern Kansas; Charles Edward, living at home; and L. I., a stone-mason and plasterer. They have lost four other children, three of them in early childhood. Unto: Mr. and Mrs. McKenry have been born tavo chil dren: John M'., boni March 19, 1887; 'and Frances Leona, born October 16, 189T. Both of the children are attending school. In the spring of 1889, while in AA'ash ington territory, Mr. McKenry purchased from' Frank Long, aaho avas in Washington at that time, eighty acres of land, which he still owns, and for which he paid fifteen hun dred dollars. Upon a portion of this land he erected a comfortable dwelling, and in 1900 made alterations and additions, and noav his residence is one of the most pleas ant of the country homes which are now characteristic of this part of the country. The land proved to be of great fertility, and from fifty acres soavrn avith wheat he receives from twenty to taventy-five bushels per acre, aahich plainly indicates hoav thor oughly he understands the cultivation of the soil and shoavs the extent of his labor. A fine large orchard is another evidence of his well guided labor, and his avell filled barns and sheds prove that his life is one of industry. Socially he is connected with the Occi dental Mutual Benefit Association and in his political vieavis he is a Populist. He keeps well informed on the issues of the day, but never seeks public office, preferring to de vote his attention to his business affairs, in avhich he is meeting avith creditable suc cess. 4 • » J. W. RICKARD. One of the prominent citizens and well known stockmen of Kingman county, Kan sas, is J. AAr. Rickard, one of the self-made men of this section of the state. As one of the largest land-owners and most successful stock-raisers, he is avidely knoavn through Kingman county, avhile in a smaller circle his domestic virtues and pleasant and genial hospitality make him the center of a large circle of appreciative friends. The birth of J. AA-'. Rickard avas in Ham ilton county, Indiana, in 1861, and he was a son of John H. and Allie Jane Pickrell, the former of avhom was born in Ohio but avas reared in Indiapiia. During the Civil war he was a gallant soldier and was wounded im the service of his country. John H. Rickard married Allie Jane Pickrell, who was born and reared in Indiana, and after marriage they moved to Vermilion county, Illinois, and in 1890 they came to Kansas, and Mr. Richard is one of the lead ing citizens of this county. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 685 The children born to John H. Rickard and wife avere as folloavs : John AA'., of this sketch; Edavard, of this toavnship; Albert, of Chikaskia toavnship; Arthur, of Belmont toavnship; Charles, of Chikaskia toavnship; Verty Nichols, of Woods county, Okla homa; and tavo avho died in infancy. John A\r. Rickard, of this sketch, aaas reared on his father's farm in Indiana and early displayed a taste for stock-raising, re sulting in his employment by some of the leading stockmen of that state. Thus early in life he became acquainted avith a business avhich has been one of the greatest sources of avealth to the state of Kansas. His edu cation' Avas pursued in the schools of his dis trict, but avhile still a youth in his 'teens he was learning lessons of experience in busi ness associations avhich served to make him the keen, reliable man of affairs that ave find him to-day. Feav men avere better judges of stock in that section than avas this lad, and his services AA'ere in demand by the leading dealers in this commodity. At the age of taventy years Air. Rickard was. united in marriage to Aliss Cassie Shatell, avho avas born, reared and educated in Indiana and avho was a daughter of Solo mon and Kate Shatell, the former of whom died in Indiana, and the latter of avhom is still a resident of that state. The children born to Air. and Mrs. Rickard avere four sons and four daughters, namely: Nora May, Flora Belle, Pearl, John, David, Frank, Reece and Hazel. In 1886 our subject came to Kansas with the intention of engaging in the stock business. AA'ith this in vieav he first settled near Garden City in Finney county, remov ing then to Haskell county and for years was actively engaged in the short-grass country, finally coming farther east and find ing in Kingman county the conditions and advantages which he desired for an exten sive stock business. In 1890 he located upon his present farm of fourteen hundred and sixty acres of fine land, all of which is avell adapted for stock and will produce an abundant yield of grass, hay and grain. Mr. Rickard keeps large herds of cattle and a great deal of stock and has become one of the substantial citizens of Belmont toavnship. Feav men in Kingman county are better posted on stock conditions or knoav1 more thoroughly the avorkings of a great stock farm. Air. Rickard is an authority on this subject, and articles from his pen or ad dresses at the various meetings' of stock men are highly valued. It has required much hard avork and the exercise of much economy and care in the past to attain this present prominence, for Mr. Rickard is a self-made man, having avon his success by his Opavn endeavor. His home is one of the pleasant, hospitable ones of this prosperous locality, while its host is an esteemed mem ber of the best circles of society and a val ued comrade in the fraternal order of Wood men. ROBERT R. BEAN. Agriculture is the principal pursuit of the residents of Kansas, for the fertile prairies of the state afford excellent oppor tunities to those whodesire to engage in the tilling of the soil and the raising of stock. Mr. Bean is a successful farmer of Sterling toavnship and as he is avidely and favorably knoavn in this locality his life record can not fail to prove of interest to many of our readers. He avas born in Pike county, Illi nois, October 11, 1844. His father, John L. Bean, avas a native of Kentucky, born near Marysville, in 18 14. The grandfather, Richard Bean, also resided in the Blue Grass state for many years but eventually removed to Illinois in its pioneer days and extensively carried on farming pursuits there. His Avife avas of German birth. They reared tavo sons and tavo daughters, but , Robert Bean left home at the age of taventy-one and avas never heard from again. The other son is John L. Bean, the father of our subject. The sisters both married and had families, making their homes in Pike county, Illi nois. One of them, Airs. Mary Allen, is still living. Orpha and Leavis Barber live in Martinez, California. In the state of his nativity John L. Beau was reared and at an early day avfent to Illi- 686 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. nois. He married Miss Amy Bobbitt, who Avas born in North Carolina in 1816, their Avedding being celebrated in Pike county, Illinois. The father became a well-to^do farmer there and his success in his chosen vocation enabled him to: pwrovide his fa,mily aalth all the necessities and comforts of life. They became the parents of seven chil dren, of avhom five reached mature years, namely: Robert R., of this review; James F., wilio. for the past twelve years has been an agent for the Santa Fe Railroad at Alartinez, am important station on the Cali fornia coast; Plarriet, avife of J. S. Conk- rite avho is living on the old family home stead in Pike county, Illinois, Avhich was purchased by the grandfather in 1832; Lu cretia, the avife of George Van Syckle, of Craavford county, Kansas, avho came from Pike county, Illinois, taventy-one years ago ; and John PI., avho died in Pike county, Illi nois, August 2, 1876, and on the same day and at tbe same hour the marriage of our subject avas celebrated in Cherryvale, Mont gomery county, Kansas. The mother passed aavay in Cherokee county, Kansas, in the same year. The father had passed away some years previous, having* died in Pike county, Illinois, June 2, 1862. The first of the family to' come to Kansas avas John H. Bean and his brother-in-laav, Mr. Van Syckle, avIio arrived in 1880. Robert R. Bean avas reared to farm life in Illinois, and there acquired a, good com mon-school education. At the age of nine teen years he a'olunteered for service in the Union army, enlisting in Pike county, May 25, 1862, and just three years aftenvard he aa'as mustered out at Mobile, Alabama. He served in Company K, Second Illinois Cav alry, and he noav draavs a pension of tavelve dollars* per month. Not long after his return from the avar Air. Bean avas married, on the 28th of De cember, 1865, in Pike county, Illinois, to Aliss Kate Hughes. Their tavo children died in infancy. For his second Avife he chose Mary Al. Anderson, the avedding being celebrated August 2, 1876, in Cherry Vale, Montgomery county, Kansas, and she avas a daughter of Alpbeus Paisley and Nancy (Spencer) Anderson, of Indiana. Pier father avas one of the men avho fled from the "jayhawkers" and took up his abode in Franklin county, Kansas. He died in Alien county, this state, leaving his avidoav and five children. Mrs. Anderson still re sides in Allen county and is noav seventy- one years of age. In 1870 Mr. Bean came to Kansas from his native county in Illinois and located in Cherokee county. Through out his entire life he has enga,ged in farm ing avith the exception of five years spent in the lumber business in Allen county. He now conducts a farm of five hundred and forty acres owhied by A. R. Clark, judge of the courts. He raises corn, avheat and cat tle, keeping on hand about fifteen head of cattle and about thirteen horses and mules. The land avhich he operates is in excellent condition and the avell tilled fields yield to him golden harvests. In politics he is a Re publican and socially he is connected with the Ancient Order of Pyramids. DAVID AA'. LOGAN. Among the avell known and highly re spected citizens of Rice count)', Kansas, who have borne an important part in the development of the state is D. AA* Logan, _ avhose name is enrolled among the pioneers of this section cf the country. He avas born in Allen county, Ohio, near Lima, Decem ber 4, 1834, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. Plis father, David Logan, avas born in Ten nessee and avas a son of David Logan, Sr., of Scotch parentage. David Logan, the fa ther of our subject, spent his boyhood days in Tennessee, and avhen a young man re moved to1 Ohio. As a companion and help mate for the journey of life he chose Eliza beth AlcPherron, avbo avas born in Tennes see, a daughter of AVilliam McPherron. This union avas blessed avith seven children, namely: Priscilla Jane, deceased; David XV. ; Martha, avho avas a successful and popular teacher for forty-five years in Terre Haute, Indiana, and for two years taught in the public schools in Des Moines, Iowa;* BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 687 James, deceased; Eli, a resident of Trilla, Illinois; Jarnett AA"., a mechanic of the Rose Polytechnic Institute, of Terre Haute, Indiana; and Eliza, also of that city. The father of this family died at Terre Haute, Indiana, at the age of sixty years. He fol loaved farming as a life ocupation and gave his aid to the support of the Republican party. His avife died at the age of seventy- five years, and both avere members of tbe Baptist church. D. AA". Logan avas taken by his parents to Clark, Illinois, avhen a boy, avhere he aa-as reared to farm life, there remaining un til seaenteen years of age. He then went to Terre Haute, Indiana, and in that city com pleted his education. AA'hile there, in 1861, Jie enlisted for service in the Civil avar, be coming a member of the Fourteenth Indi ana Infantry, Company F. He afteravard became a member of the Twenty-second In diana Infantry, and took part in the battles of AVinchester, against Stoneavall Jackson's troops, and Antietam. At the last men tioned engagement Air. Logan received a gunshot around in the right arm and he Avas confined in the field hospital at Fred erick City, Alaryland, also at Washington, D. C, and in the general hospital sixteen miles from Port Schuyler, New York. Af ter regaining his health he again went to the front and took part in the battles of Chancellorsville, Culpeper Court House, Cold Harbor, the Wilderness and Gettys burg. He became a member of the 22d In- ' diana Infantry on the 22d of September, 1864, in Jeff C. Davis' old regiment, with ' which he remained until his discharge. He . was in the battle of Nashville, Tennessee, un der General Thomas, and took part in many other engagements of less importance. He also took part in the grand review at Wash ington, D. C. the most magnificent pageant ever seen on the western hemisphere. After three years and eight and a half months of seralce he received an honorable discharge and returned to his home avith a gallant mili tary record. In 1874 Mr. Logan took up his abode in -Aice county, Kansas, avhere he noav OAvns a well improved farm one and a half miles from Raymond, Rice county, and is engaged in general agricultural pursuits. In 1869, in Terre Haute, Indiana, he Avas united in marriage to Aliss Eliza Alartin, a daughter of AVilliam and Sarah (Evans) Alartin, na tives of Kentucky. The mother died at the age of thirty-seven years, and the father sur vived until 1886, passing aAvay at the age of seventy-five years, in Sullivan county, Indi ana. He AA-as also engaged in the tilling of the soil, and in, his political vieavs avas first a Whig and afteravard a Democrat. Both he and his avife avere members of the Aleth odist ^Episcopal church. Their union avas blessed avith eight children, namely : Ben, AA'illiam, Alary, Alartha, Eliza, John F., Alexander and Ezra. AVilliam died July 15, 1900. John F. avas a valiant soldier during the Civil Avar and resided in Chase, Kansas, avhere he died August 4, 1901. There is also a half-brother, Rev. Abraham Martin, a minister of the Christian church at Aluncie, Indiana. The union of our sub ject and Avife is graced avith three children : Olia'e A., avife of John A.' Shuff, and living near Sylvia in Reno county ; Ada R., a suc cessful and popular teacher in the city schools of Terre Haute, Indiana, .and a graduate of the Terre Haute Normal School; and Louise Alartin, aa"ife of Frank Kelly, avho folloavs farming on the old homestead, and they have one son, Austin Logan. Mrs. Logan, the avife of our sub ject, has been twice married, her first union being avith Thomas Elliott, and at his death he left one son, George E., who has been an employe of the Terre Haute Street Railway- Company for eight yeafs, and during that time has never been late a single day. He died July 12, 1901. Air. Logan is noav retired from the act ive duties of life, and his rest has come to him as the result of unflagging industry, perseverance and indomitable energy. He has carved his aa-ay to affluence alone and unaided, by constant application and hard avork. He is serving as a deacon in the Baptist church, and his Christian belief is exemplified in his every day life. Socially he avas connected avith Raymond Post, G. A. R., and has passed all of the chairs in 688 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. He is frank and genial in manner, and has the love and respect of all avith avhom he has come in contact from day to day. In gen eral politics he has ahvays been a, Republi can. He has never held office, but has been a township committeeman for several years. CHARLES N. SENTNEY. Among the most prominent and pros perous merchants of Central Kansas is Charles N. Sentney, the vice-president, treasurer and manager of the Sentney Wholesale Grocery Company at Hutchin son, and his record is one of avhich he has every reason to be proud. He entered upon his business career avithout capital and has steadily advanced through his oavn efforts, avorking his avay continually upward until the position aahich he noav occupies classes him among the most enterprising and influ ential men in the trade circles of the state. A native of Indiana, he avas born De cember io, 1864. His father, John Sent ney, also a native of that state, learned the blacksmith's trade in early life but later engaged in farming, avhich pursuit he fol loaved1 during the greater part of his active business career. He is noav living retired and, avith his avife is spending his declining days im his native state. Pie participated in the Civil avar, becoming a member of the Thirty-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry and acting' a part of the time as regimental black smith. At Fort Donelson he sustained a wound avhich rendered him unfit for fur ther duty and necessitated his discharge. In his political vieavs he has been a stalavart Republican since the. organization of the party and in religious faith is a Methodist. Pie married Charh itte Sullivan. Pie Avas the last surviving member of his father's fam ily and had he died avithout heirs the fam ily avould have become extinct, but unto Mr. and Mrs. Sentney avere born thirteen children, six of avhom are vet living. Charles N. and his brother, K. E. Sentney, avho is secretary of the company, are the only ones livinc in Hutchinson. In his early youth Charles N. Sentney had but limited educational privileges, for the public schools were in session for only about three or four months in the year. However, he made the best of his oppor tunities and deciding to prepare for the teacher's profession he entered the Southern Indiana Normal- School, in which he pur sued both the scientific and teachers' courses and AA'as then graduated. He also took a commercial course in the Normal School at Valparaiso, Indiana, after which he secured a position as teacher and for four years de voted his energies to that avork. He had also been chosen to act as teacher in the same place for the succeeding year, but de ciding that he avished to engage in mercan tile life he resigned from the school and re moved to Missouri, avhere he entered the employ of the Nave & AlcCord Mercantile Company, of St. Joseph, Missouri. Gradu ally he worked his avay upavard through the various departments, promotion coming to him as the result of his close application, energy, fidelity and desire to please. After tavo years spenti in the house he avas re quested to take a position on the road as traveling salesman and avas assigned to territory avhere three other men had made a failure. This fact avas known to him, so he hesitated someavhat in accepting the offer, but) finally decided to make the at tempt and soon he proved that he had par ticularly high ability as a salesman. With a determination to do the best he could he covered the main line of the Santa Fe Rail road and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa cific line to Liberal, stopping at the various stations along those routes and making sales avhere others had failed. The first year ' his sales amounted to forty-eight thousand dollars, and by steady hard avork he built up a large and steadily increasing business,, and in the last year it amounted to one hun dred and eighty-seven thousand dollars. He had the satisfaction of making a record that has never been equaled, for. he not only headed the list of taventy-five salesmen in the amount of groceries sold, but also in the sales of teas and cigars. When he be gan to avork this territory he established his c&r d/olu f. h4c BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 689 home in Hutchinson and had been here three or four years when the house avhich he rep resented opened a stock here for the purpose of more quickly filling the orders. In 1899 Mr. Sentney and his brother, K. E. Sentney, decided to engage in busi ness on their oavn account. He laid_the matter before his old firm and they became part oavners in the neav enterprise, which avas established under the name of the Sent ney AA'holesale Grocery Company. Start ing in tinder favorable conditions they avere not compelled to build up an entirely new business, as the avide acquaintance and pop ularity of our subject contributed to tbe success avhich they have enjoyed from the beginning. Theirs is a record seldpm equaled by a neav concern — that of having all the business aa-hich they can handle. Preparations avere under Avay to erect a building of thdr oaath Avhen the Hutchinson & Southern Railroad plant Avas absorbed by the Santa Fe Company; but they are noav contemplating the erection of another building, avhich aviill consist of three stories and a basement, fifty by one hundred and fifty feet. Though a comparatively neAV enterprise, its groAvth has been steady and remarkably gratifying, far exceeding the prophecies of experienced men and of the proprietors. Each month of 1901 has shown an increase of from twenty-six and a half to forty-five per cent, over the corresponding month of 1900, and in the first year their sales avere more than double what avas anticipated at the time of the founding of the enterprise. They have six men on the road noav, cover ing all tributary territory extending into eastern Colorado and part of the Territory. The business noav gives employment to twenty-fia-e men. On the 8th of September, 1891, Mr. Sentney returned to Indiana, and avas there married to Nora, daughter of John and Louisa Beaty. Her father is one of the prominent men of his locality, largely inter ested in farming and stock raising as well as merchandising. Air. and Mrs. Sentney noav have two children, Bernice and Ralpb. Mrs. Sentney is a member of > the Christian church and is a most estimable lady. In his political vieavs Air. Sentney is a stal- avart Republican, but the: demands of his business leave him no time for active po litical avork. Socially he is connected avith Hutchinson Council, No. 34, United Com mercial Travelers of America. There is much im his life, although he is yet a young- man, that is avorthy of emulation. His bus iness career is one avhich is creditable and his reputation for reliability, as avell as un faltering enterprise and determination, is such as any man might be proud to' possess. Hutchinson lumbers him among her lead ing citizens and avell does he deserve men tion among the* representative men of central Kansas. WILLIAM C. BLODGETT. Among the old settlers, public officials and highly respected citizens of Kingman county, Kansas, none deserve mention more fully than AATiliam C. Blodgett, the efficient postmaster and prosperous merchant of Basil, Kansas. Mr. Blodgett also com mands respect as a surviving soldier of the Civil avar. His location in this state avas made in 1883, since which time he has been one of her most useful and public-spirited citizens. Die birth of William C. Blodgett was in Eaton county, Michigan, in 1846, and he avas a son of Eber and Julia (Hastings) Blodgett, the former of avhom avas born in Vermont, of a mixture of Scotch and Ger man ancestry. He learned the carpenter's trade in his native state and there married Julia Hastings, who avas a native of the same place. After marriage they moved to Ohio, remaining there some years, and later Avent to Eaton county, Michigan, and there engaged in farming until his death, at the age of sixty-three. Mr. Blodgett avas a man of reliability and prominence and left a most exemplary life record behind him. After his death his widoav moved to Kan sas, avhere she lived until the age of seventy- one, dying regretted by a large circle of friends. 690 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. The early life of AVilliam C. Blodgett avas passed on a farm in Michigan, avhere he learned the practical details of agricul tural avork, and had circumstances been dif ferent he might have iiopav been a citizen of that state. His education avas as liberal as time and locality afforded, but before he had passed his seventeenth year the avar alarm had sounded, and although but a lad be hastened to. the succor of his country, entering Company H, Taventy-seventh Alichigan Volunteer Infantry, and serving through eighteen months. During this time avith his regiment he participated in some of the hardest-fought battles of the whole Avar, — those of the Wilderness, Cold Har bor and Spottsylvania, — and was present at the great mine explosion in front of Peters burg, Virginia. Here his brother-in-laav, AA'arren Ashley, was taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville, Georgia, where he died. 'Although our subject did not suffer such a fate, he did not entirely escape, the for tunes of avar, being taken sick and sent to Alount Pleasant hospital, and avas. later sent to Chestnut Hill hospital near Philadelphia. In June, 1865, he received his honorable discharge, bearing avith him a record for soldierly courage and achievement. Air. Blodgett avas married in 1870, to Rachel J. Ashley, a very intelligent lady of Clinton county, Michigan, avho had been born in Eaton county, that state, and avho avas a daughter of George and Charlotte (Gavett) Ashley, both of Avhom died im Eaton count)'. In 1879 Mr. Blodgett came to Kansas and settled in the northwest part, in Graham county, avhere he proved a home stead claim. In 1884 he came to this coun ty, locating in Valley toavnship, on section 4, and here he remained engaged in farm ing until his removal to' the toavn of Rag"0 and ran a boarding house and livery barn for eight years; then, in 1898, he removed to Basil, to embark in the mercantile busi ness. This has groavn into a very large and important enterprise and commands a stead ily increasing trade. Mr. Blodgett carries a large and avell assorted stock of dry goods, hardavare, farm machinery, thresh ing machines and groceries, and has built up a reputation for honest and fair dealing. that has enabled him! to: gain the confidence- of the public to a gratifying degree. Mr. and Mrs. Blodgett have three chil dren surviving, viz. : Lewis, who married L. Young, has one child and resides in Rago, Kansas; Frank, who in 1899 married. Flora Jane Wren, lives in Basil and is a prominent man in the township; and Earl,. who' lives at home. Three children died in infancy, one babe at the age of six months, Robert M1., at the age of twenty-three, and' Elmer. Mrs. Blodgett had four brothers in. the Civil war, namely: Nathan, avho re sides in Michigan ; Theodore, . avho died in Michigan in 1900; Warren, who died in. prison at Andersonville; and Edavard, who was killed at the battle of Bull Run. In politics Mr. Blodgett is an active Re publican and avas made postmaster of this village iii 1900, an appointment avhich gave very general satisfaction. His membership is valued in the G. A. R. post, and both he and avife are connected with the Methodist church, to avhich he is a liberal contributor. Mr. Blodgett is the type of man pleasing to knoav, — hearty, genial and hospitable, — a man avho extends, his hand in friendship. to all aaliO' are avorthy. Our subject had three sisters: Prudence,. avho ahvays remained single; Martha, who- married Theodore Ashley ; and Mary, who married AA'arren Ashley. He died in a rebel prison, and she afteravard married John Fowler and lived avith him until she died, about four years, ago. The three brothers of our subject avere : Gladavin, a farmer, who died of consumption caused by exposure;' Joseph, avhose service in the army caused' his death ; and Eber, avho still lives in Mich igan, a successful farmer. F. A. PROUTY. A prominent, substantial and estimable citizen of Neavton, Kansas, is F. A. Pronty, avho avas born in Alercer county, Illinois, on February 1, 1846. Pie is the son of Colonel Amos and Mary L. (Stone) BI0GRAPP1ICAL HISTORY. 691 Prouty, both of avhom avere born in Alassa chusetts. Colonel Prouty avas a distin guished officer of the Civil avar. His early life AAas spent at the carpenter's trade, but avhen the call came for troops to preserve the Union he Avas one of the first to respond, enlisting in Company G, Twenty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served twenty-eight months as a private. Re-en listing, he AA'as rapidly promoted for gal lantry, becoming the colonel of the regi ment. As a member of the Army of tlie Cumberland he took part in the siege of At lanta, and later Avent on the memorable "march to the sea." After the close of the Avar Colonel Prouty settled in Illinois and began farm ing remaining in that state until 1871, when he came to Harvey county, Kansas, and avas one of the pioneer settlers. He still oavns three farms of eighty acres each, and resides four miles AA'est of Newton. One most valuable portion of his property is a forty-acre orchard, Avhich produces all varieties of fruit, avhich grow to great ex cellence in this climate. Fifteen acres con- sist of a beautiful maple grove AA'hich Col onel Prouty permits to be made use of for picnic parties and other congregations of an orderly nature. Upon December 21, 1901, Colonel Prouty celebrated his eighty-sixth birth day, surrounded by friends and affectionate . relatives Avho delight in his vigor of mind and body. AA'ith his estimable avife, avhose years almost reach his oavn, her birth hav ing been on February 7, 181 7, he represents the best type of Kansas pioneer. Both cf them avere subjected to the trials and de privations of the early life in this locality and have been permitted to see' the reavards of their former labors. Colonel Prouty is an ardent Republican, and is fond of re- Marking that he "votes as he shot;" but noav he is a man of peace, an uncompromis ing advocate of temperance, and is recog nized as cue of the kindest and best of neighbors and true friends. Both he and wife are members of the Universalist church, in avhich belief the avhole family has been reared. Colonel Prouty and avife be came the parents of six sons and three daughters avho survive, the family being originally tavelve in number. The eldest of the family avas born in Illinois, a son named Amos, avho died at the age of fourteen years, and the others avho are deceased died in infancy. The surviving children are, all settled near the old homestead and are very generally prosperous farmers. F. A. Prouty, who is the subject of this sketch, avas sent to school in Illinois prior to. the family removal. His father oavned Javo scholarships in Knox College, at Gales burg, Illinois, and he and his brothers- AVilliam' and Henry took advantage of them and enjoyed the opportunities there given them. His early life was spent on the farm and for some years he owned it and became a successful agriculturist. About 1880 he learned the carpenter's trade and since then has built many of the residences and busi ness houses in Neavton, and among other pretentious buildings which testify to his skill may be mentioned the Presbyterian- parsonage and the China Emporium on Main street. While still living on the farm Air. Prouty became somewhat prominently iden tified avith politics, and for tavelve years served as township trustee, during avhich time he avas a most efficient officer. For tavo years Mr. Prouty served as justice of the peace and has been frequently made ad ministrator and' guardian. His devotion to the Republican party is outspoken. For several years he was county commissioner and assisted in the organization of the county, and in public as avell as private life his acts have ever been those of an upright and unselfish citizen. Mr. Prouty avas married in September, 1866, to Aliss Ida Clark, avho avas a native of Illinois and was a daughter of James Clark. Her death occurred on December 16, 1888, having been born on January 1, 1847. The children avho survived to mourn her loss are : Opal L., who is the avife of J. A. Cummings and resides in Neavton, with two children, — Thaddeus and Gladys ; Rena, avho is the avife of Charles Kendall and resides in Neavton, AA'ith one child, — 692 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Ruby ; Burt, avho: married Effie Cooper, re sides in Neavton, and has two children, — Opal and Frank; and Bessie, a young lady avho has developed a avonderful musical talent and is a teacher of the same. Air. Prouty is one of the leading citi zens of this locality. As a farmer and stock-raiser he has been very successful, avhile his business in building and contract ing has been one of the most prosperous in that line in Harvey county. No man stands higher in the estimation of his fel loav citizens, and he is known to be kind, » charitable and just, and none avould contest the claim] of his friends that he is one of the best representative men that resides in this city of avorthy people. C. D. LEONARD. Alany theories have been advanced as to' the causes of success, but an investiga tion of the life record of most successful men avill show that their prosperity is due to untiring effort, unflagging diligence and good business management. This statement proves true in, the history of Air. Leonard, avliO' came to Rice county in March, 1878, and has since gained a place among the most prosperous farmers of AArilson toavnship', avhere he noav resides, his home being on section 17. Mr. Leonard avas born in Gal- loavay, Knox county, Ohio-, near Mount ATrnon, and is a son of John W. Leonard, a avell known citizen of Rice county, noav residing in Lyons. The father avas born in Neav Jersey and began his education in the schools of his native state, after avhich he continued his studies, in Tuscara.avas coun ty, Ohio'. Subsequently he became a resi dent of Knox county, Ohio. He is a har ness maker by trade and has also folloAved farming for several years. In 1879 be cast in his lot with the residents of Rice county, Kansas^ and noav owns a farm on section 21, AA'ilson township. He avas united in mar riage in Tuscarawas, county, Ohio, to, Aliss Alary Van Leav Sudani, of Knox county, Ohio, avho avas born and reared in the Buck eye state. They became the parents of eight children, namely: Columbus Delano; Mrs. Altha M. Hobbs, of Lyons; Florence L., wife of F. E. Hopyt, also a resident of Lyons; Eldridge S., w|bo makes his home on section 22, Wilson township; Elizabeth Ann, who: died at the age of fourteen years ; Mary Alice, who died at the age of twenty ; and two who died in early childhood. Columbus Delano Leonard spent his boyhood days upon the home farm working in the fields through the summer months, avhile in the winter season he attended the public schools and there acquired his educa tion. He was afteravard employed as a farm hand by the month and thus got his start in life. After coming to Kansas he purchased eighty acres of land and avith this as a nucleus fo*- his present possessions he has added continually to: his property interests until he noav has eight hundred and eighty acres of rich prairie land in Kansas, and his fann property is one avhich is attractive in appearance, oaving to its ex cellent improvements. A good residence stands in the midst of the fertile fields; there is a substantial barn, sheds and corn cribs ; feed lots and pastures proalded for the stock and everything about the place is in a thrifty condition. Mr. Leonard en gages in the raising of both grain and stock and is now one of the most prosperous ag riculturists of his community. On the 15th of .October, 1892, occurred the mlarriage of Mr. Leonard and Miss Alary- Salmons, avho avas born in Mills coun ty, Ioava, and spent her girlhood days in that state, her parents being James and Sarah (Silkett) Salmons, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Virginia, and their marriage Avas celebrated in Indiana. This union avas blessed avith ten children, as folloavs: Mrs. Catherine Rockefeller; John; Airs. Susan Wills, of Wilson toavn ship. Rice county; Randolph; William, avho is living in Nebraska; Rebecca; Irene; Mary L. ; Mrs. Leonard and Henry. Unto our subject and his avife have been born four sons, tavo pairs of twins, namely: Ralph Hobart and Ray McKinley, born, on the 5th of May. 1896; and Theodore Roosevelt and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 693 Randolph Sherman, avhose birth occurred August 10, 1900. They also lost one son, John AAA the first born, at the age of five years. Air. Leonard exercises his right of fran chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and is unsaverving in his adherence to its principles. He keeps. avell informed on the issues of the day, yet has never sought or desired, office. His avife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and both are highly esteemed peo ple, having many kind friends in the com munity avhere -tbey make their home. In business affairs Mr. Leonard has met with a high degree of success. Starting out in life in humble capacity as a farm hand he has avorked his avay continually upward, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties in his path by determined purpose and reso lute avill, and noAV he is numbered among the men of affairs identified avith the farm ing interests of Rice county, and his business mdhods have ever been such as to: entitle him to prosperity. ALONZO BEAAIAN. Throughout an active business career Alonzo Beaman has folloaved farming, but is noav practically living rdired in Sterling, enjoying a well earned rest. He avas born in Antwerp, Jefferson county, New York, August 22, 184 1. His father, David Bea man, was a native of AA'ooster, Massachu setts, born in October, 1797. The grand father, Joseph Beaman, was a blacksmith by trade and saav considerable military ser vice as captain of a militia company in Wooster, Massachusetts. He avedded An nis Bemis, and they reared five sons and three daughters, but all are now deceased. The grandfather died in the prime of life, but his widoav lived to be an octogenarian. Her remains avere laid to rest in Antwerp, New York. Im the year 1820 David Bea man took up his abode upon a farm neai Antwerp, New York, and there he resided for sixty-four years, his death occurring on the old homestead on the 16th of April 1884. He married Sally Ann Mosher, avho avas born in Jefferson county, Neav York, Alarch 4, 181 5. Her death occurred July 12, 1901, Avhen she had attained the age of eigh ty-seven years and four months'. She had three children, — Alonzo, and Alice and An nis, twins. They are still residing im the Empire state at Antwerp'. The father avas tavice married, his first union having been avith Lucy Porter, who died leaving three of her four children, and tavo are yet living, namely: Jane, the wife of Anson Miller of Rodman, Jefferson county, Neav York. She has six children by two- husbands. The third surviving member of the family is George P. Beaman, of Gouverneur, Neav York. Mr. Beamam of this review was reared to farm life, and the old family homestead upon which his father sdtled in 1820 is still owned by his daughters. He acquired a good dis trict scbool education, also spending tavo terms in a seminary and pursued a. course in Eastman's Business College, of Poughkeep sie, New York. At the age of eighteen he began teaching and followed that profession for two years in the Empire state, for two years in Illinois and for three years im Kan sas. On the 4th of March, 1868, he was united in marriage to Miss Imogens A. Fos ter, who avas born in Theresa, Jefferson county, New York, July 24, 1844, her par ents being David and Amanda (Mann) Foster, the former a native of Savanzey, Neav Hampshire, and the latter of AVater town, Neav York. They were farming peo ple and had two children, Mrs. Beaman and and elder sister, Mrs. Emmoretta Phillips, who is living on the old homestead in the east. Mrs. Beaman was only two years of age at the time of her mother's death. The father afterward married again: and had tavo sons and a daughter by his second wife. One son died at the age of nineteen years and the other, Wallace S. Foster, a Methodist min ister, was called to his final rest while resid ing in Michigan. The father departed this life in i860. He was an enthusiastic sup porter of Abraham Lincoln, for whom he gave his ballot in the year of his death. ¦694 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. For six years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Beaman resided upon the old fam ily homestead in the Empire state and then removed to,Du Page county, Illinois, where both engaged in teaching in the rural dis tricts, following the profession for three terms. Air. Beaman also acted as police magistrate for one year. On leaving Illi nois they came to Rice county, Kansas, Avhere they have resided for twenty-four years. They settled one hundred and' sixty acres of railroad land and two: years later Air. Beaman purchased forty acres of school land. In 1886 he bought one hundred and .taventy acres of school land and and for many years he continued the cultivation of his fields, including three hundred and twen ty acres. In the fall of 1901 he sold a quar ter section and removed to Sterling, where they have an acre village lot. He has also made some judicious investments in toavn property on both sides of his home. For ten years prior to leaving the farm he avas .engaged in the stock business and during the past feAV years Avheat has beem the leading crop, averaging twenty-two and a half bush els per acre. He has raised nine thousand bushels in one year. He has also grown forty-five hundred bushels of corn in one year. His farming operations have been carried on successfully, for he has folloaved progressive method's and honorable deal ing. He thoroughly understands the busi ness in every department, and, although he is noav somewhat retired from practical busi ness life, he yet superintends the operation of his one hundred and sixty acres. The home of Mr. and Airs. Beaman has been blessed avith five sons and tavo daugh ters, but four of the sons died in infancy. Jay Foster, the living son, is a graduate of the Cooper Memorial College, of the class of 1893, and is noav a student in the Kansas State University. He avedded Clara B. Koonts, and they have three children, tavo sons and a daughter. He is a splendid ath lete, being one of the finest in this line in Kansas. From a neavspaper account Ave learn that as an athlete Mr. Jay F. Beaman is almost the equal of the noted Sandow and is a "record smasher." Besides Sandow, Arthur Tyng, of Harvard University, is the only man reported ahead of him, but that report is not official. His little son, five years of age, is iioav with his grandpar ents, and, like his father, is a splendid type of physical perfection. Annis Imogene, the second of the family, is a young lady of six- teem years, now in school. Alice Emaret compldes the family and is a student in the high school of Sterling. In his political views Mt. Beaman is a Republican and- has served as township trustee, as clerk and as a member of the school board. He and his wife have been prosperous" in their affairs, and his life record illustrates the potency of energy, determination and indefatigable la bor in winning success. AVILLIAM T. SODEN. William- T. Soden, a retired miller and capitalist of Emporia, is one of the wealthy and influential residents of central Kansas. He was born in the North of Ireland, on the 22nd of November, 1835, a son of William and Angdine (Smith) Soden. The father, also a native of the north of Ireland, came to the United States avhen our subject was a babe, locating in Clinton county, New York, avhere he avas engaged in lumbering and farming until his life's labors avere ended in death, in 1878. His avife was called to the home beyond prior to that date, also dying in Clinton, county. AA'hen twenty-one years of age William T. Soden, of this revieav, left his parental home and1' in 1857 came to Lyon county, Kansas, crossing the present site of Emporia on the 22d of March of that year. After his arrival in this state he immediately en gaged in the sawmill business, on the Cot tonavood river seven miles west of Emporia, and the same summer, incompany with G. D. Humphrey, he sawed the lumber for the first buildings erected in this city. In 1858 he embarked in the flour-milling business, erect ing the first mill in this section of the coun try, and from, that time until July, 1900, he was actively engaged in that industry, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 695 hut in the latter date he retired from the ac tive duties of life and entrusted his business to his son, J. R. Soden. This mill is the leading manufacturing industry of Emporia, and is a large brick, frame and stone struc ture on the Cottonavood ria-tr, located- south of the city limits, and is run by avater poaver. The residence avhich Air. Soden noav occu pies is a beautiful brick structure, located near the mill, and surrounded by fifty acres of rich and fertile land and one of the neat est houses in Kansas. He also oavns about six hundred and sixty acres of fine farming land, having been engaged extensia'dy in ag ricultural pursuits throughout his residence in this state. In 1867 Mr. Soden Avas one -of the organizers of the Emporia National Bank, of Avhich he is still one of the officers -and he is also a member of the Emporia Electric Light and Gas Company. He was also one of the first three county commissioners of Lyon county, and his name •-¦stands conspicuously forth on the pages of JLyon county's political history. Air. Soden has been three times married. His second avife bore the maiden name of Jennie AA'eaver, and their marriage avas cele brated in Emporia, in 1866. She was a daughter of John AA'eaver. This union was blessed with three children, tavo of avhom are living: Mrs. Hoss Laws and Justin R. Soden. This loving avife and mother closed her eyes in death in 1878, dy ing as she had lived, a sincere, trusting Christian. Mr. Soden has carved his way to ' fame and fortune by his own unaided efforts, and during his entire career he has so lived that as a citizen, as'a man of business, as an honorable Christian gentleman no' man has a cleaner record or is more highly respected than he. H. J. GOLDSBOROUGH. One of the "boys in blue" of the Civil war and at all times a loyal citizen, true to Ihe interests of county, -state and nation, H. J. Goldsborough is numbered among the representative farmers of Kingman county. -His descendants have long been noted for their patriotic zeal, and members of the family haA-e been represented in various avars 111 avhich the country has participated. The father of our subject, John F. Goldsborough, avas a native of Garot county, Kentucky, and avas an ex-soldier of the Civil avar. He avas a son of John Goldsborough, Sr., avho avas born in ATrginia, and his father avas a soldier in the avar of 1812, and avas o'f Scotch descent. The family avere among the early settlers of Jefferson county, Indi ana. John Goldsborough, the grandfather of onr subject, Avedded Mary Ritchey, and she, too, was a member of a prominent and patriotic family of the Hoosier state. Both passed away in that commonwealth. Their son John grew to years of maturity in that state, and Avas there married to Rebecca Bryan, a native of North Carolina and of Irish descent. She also became one of the early pioneers of Indiana. Unto the union of John and Rebecca H. Goldsborough avere born five sons and one daughter : John J., avho served as a member of the One Hun dred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Infantry dur ing the avar of the Rebellion, and he noav re7 sides in Arkansas; William J., who' avas em ployed as a railroad engineer and avas ac cidentally killed in 1857; James H, avho also served in the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Infantry during the Civil avar; H. J., , the subject of this revieav; Norman B., avho served in the One Hundred and Fiftieth Indiana Regiment and is noav employed as a machinist in Monett, Missouri ; and Alary J., the Avife of S. A. Mott, avho avas a sol dier in a Neav York regiment during the avar, and noav resides at Monett, Missouri. The father of these children also took part in the memorable struggle betaveen the north and the south, serving in Company H, Sec ond Indiana Cavalry. After the avar he re moved to Missouri, and his death occurred at Monett, at the age of eighty-tavo years. He avas a gunsmith by trade, and for many years was also engaged in railroad avork, having served as both freight and passenger conductor on the first road into Indiana. His political support avas given the Repub lican party, and his sons have also become identified avith that grand old party. His 696 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. avidoAV survived him until her nine tieth year, and both passed aavay in the faith of the Baptist church, of avhich they avere avorthy and exemplary members. PI. J. Goldsborough, avhose name intro duces this revieav, avas born in Jefferson county, Indiana, on the 3d1 of March, 1838. In early life he became identified avith rail road avork, as an employe of the M. & I. Railroad, but at the breakng out of the Civil avar he put aside all personal considerations and nobly offered his services to the Union cause, enlisting- in the Second Indiana Cavalry. During his army experience he took part in many of the hard-fought engagements of the avar, including those of Chiekamauga, Stone River, Gallatin, Hartsville, Shiloh and many others. He also assisted in the relief of General Burnside's troops, and later assisted in the organization of the One Hundred and Fifty- fourth Indiana Infantry, of aahich he was made first lieutenant of Company B, remain ing in that capacity until the terrible strug gle avas past and he avas permitted to re turn to his home and again take up the active duties of civil life. In 1877 Mr. Golds borough secured a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of Osage Indian land, and this has been his home for twenty-four years. As the years have passed by he has been en abled to place his fields under a fine state of cultivation, has erected commodious and sub stantial buildings, planted a beautiful grove and orchard, and his is now one of the most valuable places of its size in the county. Soon after his return from the Avar, in April, 1865, Mr. Goldsborough avas united in marriage to Caroline E. Green, a native of Ohio and1 a daughter of AVilliam and Mary (Roush) Green, both of avhom passed aavay in Indiana. They were members of the Christian church, and were people of the highest respectability, honored and es teemed for their many noble characteristics. Unto this union Avere born seven children, namely: Ed. J., of Neavton, Indian Terri tory; Nora M. Guthrie, of Oklahoma; Eva Al. Foster, of Kingman county; John AA'., at home; Alary J., avho avas a successful teach er, but her career avas ended in death at the early age of eighteen years; and tavo avho died in childhood. The wife and mother has also been called to her final rest, passing away in 1899, at the age of fifty-four years, and thus ended the life of a noble. Christian avoman. On the seventh of May, 1900, Air. Goldsborough avedded Harriet Hubler, a na tive of Miami county, Ohio, and a daughter of George and Fannie (AVarner) Hubler, of tlie Hoosier state. Mr. Goldsborough is one of the leading, and valued members. of the Republican party in Kingman county, and he has many times served as a delegate to county conventions, avhile for six years he avas justice of the peace. His social rela tions connect him with the Grand Army of the Republic, being a charter member of Kingman Post and also a member of Rankin Post, of Cheney, and with the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. Both he and his wife are identified with the Christian church He has earned for himself an enviable repu tation as a careful man of business, ahvays knoaam for his prompt and honorable meth ods of dealing, avhich have won him the de served and unbounded confidence of his fel low men. L. WESLEY KABLER. L. AA' Kabler is the former proprietor of the Hill Dale stock farm in White toavn ship, Kingman county. He has resided in this portion of the state since October, 1883, and is therefore numbered among the pi oneers avho have avitnessed the greater part of the development and progress of the country, bearing their part in its upbuild ing and advancement. He was born in Campbell county, Virginia, in 1862, and is a son of Lillburn and Octavia (Shands) Kabler. The paternal grandfather avas Har vey Kabler, a native of North Carolina. At the time of the Civil avar, Lillburn Kabler joined the Confederate army and served with the command of General Stonewall Jackson, as a loyal defender of the cause in which he believed. He married Miss Shands, who was born in Virginia, a repre sentative of one of the old families of the C. C. STEVENSON. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 697 state. Her father, AA'illiam Shands, Avas also a native of the Old Dominion, as avere her grandparents, but she avas of German, Scotch and French descent. The father of our subject avas a farmer by occupation. In politics he avas a Democrat, and in re ligious faith he avas a Alethodist. His death occurred in, Texas county, Alissouri, avhen he avas sixty-one years of age, and his avife passed aavay at the age of forty-one. They were the parents of eight children, of avhom seven are noaa' living, namely : AA'illiam, of Alissouri ; Bascom. avho is living- in the same state ; L. AA'esley, of this re vieav ; Airs. Ldia Taylor and Airs. Nancy- Turner, avIio are also residents of Alis souri ; Airs. Hattie Geirtz, aaho is living in Kingman, and Thomas T., of Kingman county. One son, Joseph, died at the age of three years. L. AA'esley Kabler avas reared in Virginia until tavelve years of age and then accom panied his parents on their removal to Chariton county. Alissouri. He early be came familiar avith all the duties and la bors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist, and early learned lessons of industrv and integrity which have been potent elements in shaping his career. His education avas acquired in the schools of A'irginia and Alis souri, and his knoavledge has been largely- supplemented through business experience, reading and observation. He came to Kan sas in October, 1883; possessed of no capi tal, but with strong determination to avin success. His resolution and enterprise stood him instead of fortune and he bas gradu ally worked his avay upavard. He first lo cated twelve miles sonthavest of Kingman, avhere he took a claim, pre-empting the land. On the Dickinson ranch, he held the responsible position of manager for four teen years, serving in a most acceptable man ner. In 1900 he purchased the Hill Dale ranch, which is one of the best located farms in the township. It is supplied avith all modern improvements- including the fine residence avhich stands on a natural building site. There are good barns and outbuildings, rich meadoav lands and pas tures and well tilled fields, giving promise of rich avheat and other harvests. An or chard and grove are also among the features of this place, rendering it one of the most valuable and attractive farms in the ¦neigh borhood. In January, 1902, hoavever, he sold his farm and is noav engaged in the hardware and implement: business as a mem ber of the firm of Kabler & Donaldson. In 1887 Mr. Kabler avas married to Alary M. Salmons, avho has been an able as sistant to her husband in his avork. She Avas born in Ohio, but Avas reared and ed ucated in Illinois. Her father, Levi Sal mons, also a native of the Buckeye state, avas a farmer and stockman, and at the time of the Civil avar served avith the Union army. His avife, avho bore the maiden name of Rosa Broavn, is noav deceased. In their family avere ten children. Unto Mr. and Airs. Kabler have been born five children, as follows: Levi L. ; Lydia O. ; Vina R. ; Jessie D. and Gladys. Politically Mr. Kabler is a stanch Dem ocrat, active and earnest in the avork of liis party, and on . its ticket he avas elected to the office of county treasurer in 1895, serv ing for the tavo succeeding years in a man ner which rendered him a most popular and acceptable public officer. He has attended the conventions of his party as a delegate and his 'opinions carry- Aveight in its coun cils. Socially he is a member of the Ma sonic fraternity, the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen, and is a member of the Presbyterian church. His life has been avel.1 spent and has been an industrious, useful and honorable career. AA'ith those elements as a foundation he has builded thereon the superstructure of success, and is iioav one of the leading and substantial agriculturists of his community. HENRY TITUS. The list of the leading citizens of Rice county contains the name of Henry Titus, avhose record as a soldier and as a business man has avon for him the confidence and good avill of all avith avhom he has been 698 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. brought in contact. He aa'as born at Cole brook, Neav Hampshire, on the. 25th of June, 1842. His paternal grandfather, David Titus, avas of English descent, and his avife, Who was of Scotch descent, aaas a member of the Cleveland family and avas a distant relative of ex-President Cleveland. The father of our subject, Ele- asor Titus, avas a native of Neav Hampshire, and his entire life avas there spent, his death' occurring at Colebrook in 1870. He avas a carpenter and millavright by trade, folloaving those occupations through his active business career. He married Miss Susan Selling- ham, a native of Pennsylvania, and they had seven children, namely : Elvira, avho be came the avife of George W. Spencer ; An son, a resident of California ; Samantha, avho became Mrs. Noyes; Alfred, a resident of Neav Hampshire; Henry," our subject; and Ann, the avife of J. J. Johnson. The second child, Anson, entered the army as a private during the Civil avar, but avas afteravard promoted to the position of sergeant. He was subsequently wounded, on account of which he received an honorable discharge, but after sufficiently recovering his health he veteranized and as a lieutenant served until the close of hostilities. Henry Titus, avhose name introduces this review, received bis education in the public schools of his native state, and his early life was spent on a farm. When quite young he became an employe in the iron mines, in avhich he remained until 1861, leaving there to battle for his loved country. He became a member of Company" G. Second Neav Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Oilman Martin, avhich became a member of the Army of the Potomac, avith General Hooker in command. Mr. Titus saav much hard service during his army ex perience, having first done guard duta- in the city of Washington, D. C, and his first bat tle avas that of Williamsburg, Virginia, where he was severely avounded by a minie ball in the left hand. The ball shattered the left arm, and about the same time he avas wounded in the left side. His command re treated to Yorktoavn, and Mr. Titus avas put in a hospital there, being later sent to a New York hospital. He subsequently received a thirty days' furlough and returned to his home, on the expiration of avhich period he rejoined his command, but was never again able to bear arms, being detailed for_ light service, assisting about the camp and" help ing the officers and sutlers. He made him self generally useful to his command until it Avas ordered to Richmond, in the fall of 1863, when all not able to bear arms were ordered discharged and he was among the number, receiving an honorable discharge at Alexandria, Virginia. Mr, Titus then joined a wounded brother at Washington, remaining with him and caring for him until February, 1864, avhen they went to Wis consin, but for many montbs both were un able, to perform hard labor, and our subject has never regained his former health, his labors being often executed in pain. In the fall of 1865 Air. Titus removed to Minnesota, Avhere be secured a soldier's homestead and improved a good farm, re maining there until 1878. In that year he took up his abode in the Sunflower state, first locating in Sumner county, but soon aftenvard came to Rice county, AA'here he secured a timber claim. He immediately began the work of clearing and improving his land, and his first place of abode avas a stone cellar, in avhich the family lived until 1889, avhen their present commodious and attractive farm residence avas erected. He has also built substantial barns and other out- , buildings, has planted a fine orchard, and he also oavns plenty of good timber land nine miles northeast of Little River and four miles south of Langley. His entire atten tion is devoted to general farming and stock- raising, and his farm is noav under a fine state of cultivation, everything about the place indicating the supervision of a neat and progressive oavner. Since returning from the war, however, the most of his life has been passed as an invalid, and in com pensation for his services he noav receives a small pension from, the government. Mr. Titus avas married, in 1867, in Min nesota, to Miss Alma A. Arnold, avho avas born in Michigan, October 22, 1847, a daughter of Jonathan and Louisa (Huett) BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 699 Arnold, natives, respectively, of Vermont and Neav York. The father avas a carpenter by trade, and in addition to contracting and building he ahvays owned and operated a farm. After their mamage, avhich oc curred in Neav York, they removed to Michi gan and later to AA'isconsin, avhere the father died on the 28th of November, 1863. While a resident of Alichigan he served as a justice of the peace, and avas a very popular man in the localities in avhich he lived. He was tavice married, and by his first union he had one daughter, Mary, now the avife of D. Savift. The mother of Airs. Titus avas a daughter of James Huett, a native of the state of Neav York. He served as a sol dier in the avar of 181 2, and as a life occu pation he folloaved farming. His death oc curred at his old homestead in Neav York. The Huett children avere Russell, Eliza, Amanda, Lavica, Samuel, . Nancy, Spencer, George and Evaline. Mrs. Arnold, the mo ther of Mrs. Titus, survived her husband for taventy years, and after his death she re moved- with her family to Minnesota, where she secured government land and improved a farm. In 1876 she came to Kansas with a son, and her death occurred in this county on the 4th of August, 1882. Both she and her husband were sincere and earnest members of the Free Will Baptist church. They became the parents of four children, namely : Newman, a resident of Allen coun ty, Kansas; Alma, the avife of our subject; John, of Minnesota; and Makin, who fol lows farming in Rice county. The origi nal Arnold ancestor in the United States came from New Brunswick to Vermont. He was a valiant soldier in the avar of the Rev olution, and his death occurred in Vermont after rearing a large family. He was a farmer by occupation. The children born to the union of our subject and avife are as follows: Adell, now Mrs. W. Ford; El vira, the avife of E. Young; Dora, the wife of S. Smith; Anson G., who is engaged in farming; and Chester and Susie L, at home. Mr. Titus holds membership avith the G. A. R. Post at Little River. He is a man of strong mentality, of broad humanitarian principles and kindly motives. No trust reposed in him has ever been betrayed, and avhether on the field of battle, protecting the stars and stripes, or in pria-ate life, he is true to his country and its best interests. ELI C. AVILSON. Eli C. Wilson, a highly respected and successful farmer of Evan toavnship, King man cotinty was born Alarch 26, 1844, in Richland county, Ohio1. He is of Scotch and Irish ancestry, the family being noted for their courage, patriotism and honesty. His father, William) Wilson, avas a native of Pennsylvania, but avas reared and edu cated in Richland county, Ohio. For his wife he chose Sarah Gotshall, a lady of a Pennsylvania Dutch family, her birth oc curring im Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. They were the parents of tavo children, Eli C, and George E., avho now resides in Van Wert county, Ohio. AVilliam Wilson was a carpenter by occupation, and a stanch ad herent of the Democratic party. He passed away at the age of forty-one years. His widow married a second time, her second husband being Robert Shaffer, by Aaihorn she had one son, William Shaffer, now living in Reno county, Kansas. Robert Shaffer avas called to his final rest at the age of seventy. Both he and his avife were members of the Presbyterian church, and were honored and respected by all who knew them. The subject of this sketch, Eli C. Wil son., spent his boyhood on his father's farm, avhere he was taught the duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. The schools of Richland county furnished him his education until fifteen years of age, avhen he decided to embark on life's journey for himself. He avas married in 1872 to Aliss Martha. Hague, a native of Napoleon, Ohio. She lived but thirteen months, and he then chose for his second wife Mrs. Ida (Wells) Bouton, a lady of intelligence and refine ment, avho has been to him a good and faithful companion. She avas born at De fiance, Ohio, a daughter of Samuel and Jane Wells, also natives of the Buckeye state. 700 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. In early manhood Mr. AVilson took up armis in defense of his country, enlist ing as a member of the Sixty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In October, 1861, he enlisted in Colonel Forsyth's regiment, serving under Captain Finbrock. For taventy months he served, winning a good military record. He avas a member of Gen eral Sherman's Taventieth Brigade, and par ticipated in the battles of Shiloh and Stone river. In the latter engagement he received a, avound in his left hand. He was also shot in the right arm; the ball came near sever ing the main artery. Three months of his service avas spent in the hospitals of Nash ville, Tennessee, Louisville, Kentucky, and Quincy, Illinois, . recovering from the wounds which he had so valiantly received when fighting in defense of the stars and stripes. Mr. Wilson made his home in Ohio until 1884, avhen he removed to Sedgwick county, Kansas. Mere he remained until 1896, avhen he removed to: Evan toavnship, Kingman county, yvhere he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of rich fanning property, avhich through his improvement and cultivation is noav one of the most val uable tracts of land in that locality. Five acres of this landi is covered avith a dense groavth of large trees, and the substantial" buildings, including the modern residence, the avell tilled fields and the high grade of stock, are the visible evidence of the care ful supervision of the oavner. The home of Ali*. and Airs. AVilson has been blessed: avith four children, namely: Gilah Grace, avho is the avife of Walter Long", the county clerk of Kingman coun ty ; Stanley B., a student of Kingman coun ty high school ; Zenia, avho died at the age of tavo years ; and Virgie, the pet of the house hold. The father has ahvays taken an act- iae interest in matters pertaining to the ad vancement of his community along educa tional, temperance, religious and moral lines, and is a, liberal supporter of political and social societies. He is a loyal Repub lican, and holds membership in the Grand Army of the Republic; also of the Inde pendent Order o Odd Felloavs, Lodge No. 2^2, at Cheney. Although reared in the faith of the Presbyterian church, he is now a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, as are also his wife and daughters, and they have ever lived in consistency with its teachings. The family is noted for its hospitality and have many friends in King man county. ELI J. RIGGS. Eli J. Riggs is one of the intelligent and enterprising farmers of Evan toavnship, and is numbered among the native sons of Kan sas, his birth having occurred in Prairie City, Douglas county, in 1868. His fa ther, Nathan S. Riggs, was one of the first settlers in Reno county, locating there in 1871, his home being sixty miles from the nearest railroad point. He came to Kan sas in the '50s. He avas born in Albany, New ATrk, in 1828, and avas of French de scent. In the Empire state he spent his childhood and youth and avas married there to Minerva Stevens, also a native of that state. After their marriage they started westward and cast in their lot avith the early settlers of Kansas before the admission of that state into the union. He avas a mem ber of the state troops that avent to Laav- rence, Kansas, in order to afford protection against the forces under Quantrell. He took part in many of the events avhich form the early history of the Sunfloaver state, and continued his residence in Douglas county until 1871, avhen he avent to Reno county, taking up his abode upon the farm avhere he yet resides. By his first marriage he had taa o sons and three daughters, name ly: Nathan A., deceased; Frances M., who is living in Alilton, Oregon; Mary E., of Evan toavnship, Kingman cotinty; Emma J., of Alissouri ; and Eli J., of this review. After the death of the mother, the father avas again married and by tbe second union had one son, Charles. Nathan Riggs has ever been a valued citizen of the communi ties avith avhich he has been connected, and is honored and respected by all avith avhom he has come in contact. He has ever been found on the side of reform in politics, and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. "01 has successfully supported the Greenback, Alliance and Populist parties. In his re ligious faith he is identified a\Hith the Chris- tain Science church. The mother of onr sub ject Avas a lady- of many excellencies of char acter and her kindness made her loved by her many friends. Eli J. Riggs, a native of Douglas coun ty, Kansas, Avas a small boy when his par ents removed to Reno county, avhere he avas reared upon a farm amid the experiences cf frontier life. He attended the public schools, but business, reading and observa tion have added largely to his knoavledge. He avorked on his father's farm and in early- manhood learned the trades of plastering and masonry avork, and in folloaving those pursuits avas employed at different points in central Kansas. He avas a good mechanic and avas ahvays able to secure a situation. In 1891 he purchased eighty acres of avell improved land on avhich he bas a good resi dence, barn and all the modern accessories, and in addition to his valuable farm in Evan toavnship, he 'oavns eighty acres of land in Reno county, which is also under cultivation. He is successfully engaged in -general farming, stock raising, and his un flagging industry and capable management are the factors avhich class him among the substantial agriculturists of the community. In 1890 Air. Riggs aaas joined in aved lock to Alary E. AVarren, an estimable lady avho avas born in Illinois, a daughter of Jo seph AA'arren, a native of Tennessee, and a local minister of the Alethodist Episcopal church. Tavo sons and a daughter grace the marriage of our subject and his avife, namely: Earl, born June 21, 1891 ; Glenn, June 15, 1895; ana Hay, August 12, 1899; while Nathan Oran, avho avas born February 13, 1893, passed aavay April 25, 1894. Besides, tbere avas an infant son who survived his birth only four days. The parents hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and socially he is con nected avith the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, Lodge No. 254, Cheney, Sedg wick county, Kansas, In political faith he is a Populist. He takes a deep interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of his community and in his life exemplifies the progressive spirit avhich has led to the avon derful development of the avest. EUGENE CONNOR. The agricultural and stock-growing in dustries of Kingman county have a aa'.orthy representative in the subject of this revieav, avho is knoavn as one of the extensive and successful operators in these lines and is one of the representative citizens of the county. his landed estate comprising- eight hundred acres, situated in Rural and Kingman toavn- ships, Avhile his post-office address is Cun ningham. He is a self-made man, in the true sense of the term, and on this account his career offers both lesson and incentive, dominated, as it has ever been, by absolute integrity of piupose, energy and good busi ness judgment. Such men are peculiarly Avorthy of a place on the pages of a avork of this nature, and ave here present a brief re vieav of the life history of Eugene Connor. Though he has passed practically his entire life in the United States, Mr. Connor claims the fair Emerald Isle as the land of his nativity, having been born in County Cork, Ireland, on the 12th of October, 1846, the son of John and Mary (Ronan) Connor, both of avhom, avere born in the same county, of sterling old Irish lineage. In his native land the father of our subject devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits until 1852, avhen he emigrated to' America avith his fam ily, locating in Binghamton, Neav \Tjrk, where he passed the residue of his life, his death occurring in 1896. His avife passed away avhen the subject of this sketch avas a mere child, and after her death the family- was kept together by. the elder sisters, avho spared no pains to supply to the younger children the devoted .care avhich their mother would have accorded. In the family avere four sons and five daughters, of avhom ave make brief mention as folloavs : Hannah is the avife of John Connor, of Binghamton, New York ; Mary is the avife of John Grace, of the same city; Alichael, a resident of 702 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Binghamton, served in the Army of the Po^- tomac during the war of the Rebellion ; Cath erine is the avife of Nicholas Querk, of Bing hamton ; in that city also resides Nellie, who is unmarried; and also Lizzie, who is the wife of Otis Brink ; Timothy is a railroad engi neer, residing* in Great Bend, Pennsylvania; Eugene, the subject of this sketch avas the fourth in order of birth, and the fifth was John, avho died in childhood. Eugene Connor passed his boyhood days in the city of Binghamton, avhere he at tended the public schools until he had at tained the age of fifteen years, avhen he as sumed individual responsibilities of a some what unusual order, enlisting in the United States military construction corps avhich was assigned, to' the aa-ork of constructing tele graph lines in Tennessee, Georgia and Ala bama, during the progress of the Civil war. He avas avith General Thomas' command at Nashyille and thereafter continued in the service until the close of the war, receiving his honorable discharge, at Louisville, Ken tucky, in February, 1865. After the avar Mr. Connor made his avay to Bloomington, In diana, avhere his uncle, John Roan; was located and: eng-aged in blacksmithing work in the employ of a railroad company. Our subject secured employment as a section hand on the railroad, being thus engaged about three months, after avhich he became a brake- man on a construction train, on the Monon route, continuing to folloav this vocation about four years. His, fidelity and ability gained him recognition and preferment, since he avas then assigned to a position as conductor on a local freight, betaveen La fayette and Michigan City. At the expira tion of tavo years. Air. Connor avas made foreman of a construction corps of the AA'est - ern Union Telegraph Company, having charge of the constructing of lines from La fayette, Indiana, in various directions. Later he installed the equipment and opened the first telephone exchange in the city of La fayette, and' thereafter aa as foreman and in spector for the operating company for sev eral years. Tn 1884, in company avith his avife and three children, Air. Connor came to King man county, Kansas, and located a claim of land on section 2, Kingman township. His first residence was a sod house, twelve by fourteen feet in dimensions, and equipped with a board roof. After one year had ex pired he removed, to his present home, which is one of the attractive and comfortable farm' dwellings that indicate the prosper ity of this section of the county. To his original quarter section Mr. Connor has since added until he now has a full section of the choicest land in the county, about four hundred acres of the tract being under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Connor has devoted no secondary attention to the rais ing of live stock, and this department of his enterprise has given most satisfactory re turns. He keeps an average of about sev enty-five head of cattle and about one hun dred hogs, and spares no pains in. bringing* his stock up to high grade, thus commanding the best prices in the markets. In 1895 he remodeled his residence, avhich is now com modious and convenient, being one of the pleasant homes of the county, avhile in 1891 he erected his fine barn, one of the best in the county. In every particular the farm stead shows the care and attention bestowed by its progressive and up-to-date' oavner, thrift being in evidence on every hand. I'n his political allegiance Mr. Connor is found arrayed avith the Democratic party, and he has served three consecutive terms as treasurer of Rural township, while for tavelve years he has. been incumbent of the position of director of the school board of his district, taking a lively interest in all that concerns the progress and general welfare of the community, avhile to him is accorded unqualified confidence and esteem in the county and state of his adoption. At Lafayette, Indiana, on the 12th of October, 1887, aaas solemnized the marriage of Air. Connor to Miss Emma F. Wilson, avho avas born in AVhite county, Indiana, the daughter of James B. and Rebecca (Shortridge) AA'ilson, natives respectively of Ohio and Kentucky, and numbered among the pioneers cf AAliite county, Indiana. To Mr. and Mrs. Connor tavelve children were born, of avhom all are living saa-e one, their BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 703 names, in order of birth, being as follows : James, avho is an engineer on the Monon Railroad, resides in Lafayette, Indiana; Clara is the avife of John Freeman, of Crip ple Creek, Colorado ; John died in Lafayette, Indiana, at the age of tavo years; and the others are Mary, Florence, Paul, Catherine, Emmett, Grace, Bessie, Ray and Alarie. JOHN G. EVANS. In commercial circles of Sterling John G. Evans occupies an enviable position, standing at the head of the firm of John G. Evans & Son, dealers in farm implements, coal and oil. His business methods avill bear the closest scrutiny and his enterprise and diligence form the keynote of his success. His life record began in Wayne county, Ohio, on the 7th of January, 1837. The an cestral history states that the family is of AA'elsh lineage. The great-grandfather, John Evans, avas born in AArales, April 21, 1724, and there spent his entire life. The grandfather, James Evans, Avas born in Wales, on November 20, 1777, and became the founder of the family in America. Crossing the Atlantic he took up his abode in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, and subsequently became a farmer of Wayne county, Ohio, Avhere he died in 1855, at the age of seventy-eight years, He was the sec ond settler of the county and took a very active part in laying the foundation for its future prosperity and improvement. In Beaver county, Pennsylvania, he had mar ried Airs. Alary Shafer, a widow who: had two sons by her first marriage. She was born January 11, 1766, and was also a na tive of AA'ales. Her death occurred in Wayne county, October 4, 1844. This worthy cou ple avere the parents of tavo sons and two daughters, namely : James, the father of our subject; Nathan, avho avas married and had tavo sons and two daughters ; Mrs. Sa rah Camm, avho had nine children ; and Mrs. Delila Johnson, avho had six children. The members of the Evans family were all mar ried and reared from four to nine children. James Evans, Sr., the grandfather, started in life empty-handed in Ohio, but as the years passed and his farming operations prospered he avas enabled to surround his family avith the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. He avas a man of splendid physique, six feet, six inches in height and aveighed tavo hundred pounds. He avas also- strong and athletic, a typical frontiersman, well fitted to endure the hardships of pio neer life. He also enjoyed hunting and found ample opportunity to indulge his taste in that direction, for in the early days wild game, and wild animals of many kinds abounded in the forests of Ohio. He walked' the entire distance to Ohio from his home in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, located his claim and returned in the same manner, camping out at night by the aa-ayside. He hunted bears in the mountains of the Key stone state and in his pioneer experiences found frequent use for his gun. James Evans, Jr., the father of our sub ject, avas born in Beaver county, Pennsyl vania, December 6, 1808, and was reared in his parents' home, sharing avith the fam ily the hardships of frontier life. He mar ried Catherine Gardner, a, native of Lancas ter county, Pennsylvania, bom April 19, 1805. Her father was David Gardner. Mr, and Mrs. Evans resided upon the old family homestead in Ohio for many years, but when their son John was about twenty-four years of age removed to Oilville, where the latter died May 6, 1872, and the former passed away February 24, 1887, at the age of sixty- eight years. They had four sons and two daughters, as folloavs : David G., avho was born April 4, 1833, at the old home in Oil ville, Wayne county, Ohio, and is now a widower; Lutherna, avho- was born Decem ber 15, 1834, and died at the age of twenty- one years; John G., of this review; James, who was born April 22, 1841, and is living in Sterling; Alary, aaho avas born January 6, 1847, and died at the age of taventy-one years ; and William S., avhose birth occurred December 21, 1843, and avho' is noav a tele graph operator in Oilville, Ohio. The educational privileges avhich John G.. Evans enjoyed in, his youth avere meager 704 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. in quantity and rather poor in quality, for he pursued his studies in a primitive round- log schoolhouse, avith clapboard roof, built avithout nails, and pumcheon floor, desks and seats. He could attend only about three months in the year, for during the greater part of the time bis aid aaas needed in the work of the home farm. His school life ended avhen he avas eighteen years of age, after aahich he gave his entire attention to the labors of the fields and to' the avork of a sawmill. Pie also operated a horse-power threshing" machine and avas the oavner of the first steam thresher and the first separator in his part of the state. At the age of twenty-four he avas married and through the four succeeding" years continued to carry on the old homestead. He removed from Oilville to Kansas taventy-four j'ears ago, arria'ing in Sterling on the 31st of March, 1877. This portion of the state avas then a avild'erness, but avith characteristic energy he began the improvement of a farm: He first settled on a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of land, tavo miles, north of the toavn, paying the Santa Fe Railroad Com pany five hundred and fifty dollars for the tract of raav prairie. He built a house and at once began the avork of transforming the avild land into richly cultivated fields, — a labor avhich he continued for tavelve years, after avhich he sold eighty acres of this land and removed to the toavn. Nine years ago he erected his present comfortable 'residence and established the coal business. In 1900 he extended the field of his labors by becom ing a dealer in agricultural implements and avagons. He admitted his son to a partner ship, and the firm is noaar doing a prosperous business, enjoying a large and constantly groaving- patronage. Ere his removal from Ohio Mr. Evans was united in marriage on the 16th of No vember, 1863, the lady of his choice being Lovina Miller, avho avas born in AA'ayne cotinty, Ohio, in 1841, a daughter of Abra ham and Sarah ( Gindlesburger) Miller, both of avhom avere natives of Beaver coun ty, Pennsylvania. The marrage of Mr. and Airs. Evans has been blessed avith fia*e chil dren : Minnie, the avife of James Plaslen, by avhom she has one son and one daugh ter ; Clara Belle, who died avhen twenty-one years of age; Mahlon, avho is his father's partner in business; James, avho died at the age of one and a half years ; and Mary, who passed aavay AA'hen only a year old. Mr. Evans is a Populist and has served as road master for tavo terms, building the road to Lyons. Pie aided in the survey of Sterling toavnship and in many ways he has promoted public progress and improvement, manifest ing a deep interest in the upbuilding and general Avdfare of the community. He and his. family are members of the Christian church and their lives are in harmony avith their religious belief, for upright principles find exemplification therein. IOHN GORMAN. John Gorman, avho carries on general farming in AA'hite toavnship, Kingman coun ty, is one of the avell knoavn and progressive citizens here and avas a loyal soldier of the Union in the Civil Avar. He avas born April 16, 1842. in Tennessee, and is a son of Da- vid H. Gorman, AAnhose birth occurred in Virginia, avhence he removed avith his par ents to Tennessee during the period of early dea-elcpment im that state, settling in Cocke county. The family is of Irish origin, but AA'as established in Virginia in colonial days. Reared to manhood in Tennessee, the fa ther of our subject married Ruth Long, a native of that state, and a representative of one of its old families. David H. Gorman avas three times married and had thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. Four of the sons avere soldiers in the Civil avar, namely: T. J., George AA'., avho served avith the rank of captain, John and James. AA'ith the exception of our subject these are all noav deceased. The father avas a farmer bv occupation, following that pur suit in order to provide for his family. In politics he avas a stanch Republican and a strong Union man, abhorring the attitude of the south in its attempt at secession. He died in Greene county, Missouri, at the age of seventy-four years, and his wife passed MR. AND MRS. JOHN GORMAN. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 705 aAvay at the age of fifty-four. They held membership in the Baptist church and were people of the highest respectability. John Gorman, Avhose name introduces .this revieav, avas rearerd upon his father's farm in Tennessee and accompanied the family on their removal to Alissouri. Af ter the inauguration of the Civil avar, the. . Confederate forces attempted to make him enter the southern army, but he escaped and after six days avandering, during Avhich time he experienced many hardships and difficulties, he reached tbe Union forces and 1 .made his Avay to governmental headquarters. I'1 There he joined the boys in blue as a mem ber of Company I, Second Tennessee Cav alry, and AA'as made first sergeant. He had to cross the Cumberland Alountains in or der to reach the LTiion lines and it: Avas nec essary to have a guide. Going to Lexing ton, Kentucky, and thence to Gallipolis, Ohio, he joined the Second Tennessee under command of Captain George AA*. Gorman and Colonel D. AI. Ray; the former a broth er of our subject. The regiment Avas as signed to the Fourteenth Army Corps and avas in active duty much of the time, pro ceeding southaa-ard to Murfreesboro, Ten nessee. AA'ith his command, Air. Gorman participated in a number of engagements in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia, including . the battle of Huntsville, and in the move ments against the rebel forces under Gen eral Flood. Altogether, he avas in nine- , , teen engagements. When on General Gor don's plantation, a bullet pierced an oak plank and struck him in the breast. Other- avise he avas not avounded, although he avas often in the thickest of the fight and never shirked his duty, whether on the field of battle or on the picket line. At the close of the avar he was honorably discharged as a non-commissioned officer and returned to his home in Tennessee. In 1870 Air. Gorman removed to Greene county, Missouri, where for twelve years he made his home, and in 1881 he came to Kingman county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land and began the cultivation of his farm. Pie erected a good dwelling at a cost of eight hundred dollars, and a barn at a cost of tavo hundred1. The latter is taventy-four by taventy-four feet, and he has substantial sheds sixteen by twenty-four feet. The fields are richly cul tivated. There is a good bearing orchard and everything about the place is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating the pro gressive spirit of the oavner. In 1865 Air. Gorman avas united in mar riage in Tennessee, to Polly Ball, avho has been to him a faithful companion and help mate on the journey of life. Her parents. Alfred and Alahala Ball, are both noav de ceased. The home of Air. and Airs. Gor man has been blessed avith eight children: Lillie Burl, a successful music teacher, and avhose husband is a minister of the United Brethren church, locating in Kioava county, this state ; Mrs. Delia Cunningham, avhose husband is also a< minister in the United Brethren church and is located in Sedg wick county ; David, in Wichita ; Daisy, at home; Mrs. Lulu Noble,1 avho lives in Kingman; and Ethel, Alta and John, at home. They also lost tavo children, avho died in Tennessee. The parents are mem bers of the United Brethren church, and their uprighb lives have avon for them many friends. Socially Mr. Gorman is a charter member of the Masonic Lodge, No. 265, of Kingman. He gives his political support to the Republican party and is as firm and unfaltering in his advocacy of political prin ciples, as he AA-as earnest in behalf of the Union cause when he wore a soldier's uni form. He belongs to the Grand Army bf the Republic Post at Kingman, and is avidely recognized as an intelligent and enterpris ing citizen avho gives his support in all movements to promote intellectuality, mor ality and temperance principles, and to ad vance laav and order. WILLIAM WEST. William West, avho carries on agricul tural pursuits in Rice county, has been con nected avith the history of this locality since its early pioneer clays, has been a avitness of 70b BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. its growth and upbuilding and has done much for its advancement. He avas born in Branch county, Michigan, February 4, 1853, His- father, James B. West, was born in the state of Neav York, and in Buffalo, that state, avas married to Olive L. Roberts, who proved a faithful companion and helpmate on the journey of life. She avas born, reared and educated in the Empire state. After their marriage James and Olive West removed to Obiov avhere they remained for a time and then located in Branch county, Alichigan. They avere the parents of seven children, — Isadore, Albert J., Charles, AA'ill iam AV., Esther and Eva and Clua, twins. The father of this family followed farming as a life occupation, was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal church and gave his political support to the Republican party. He avas honored and respected by all avho kneav him, and his life avas ever in harmony avith his Christian belief. His widow is still a resident of Michigan, and has reached the ripe old age of eighty-one years. AATiliam W. West, whose name intro duces this revieav, avas early inured to the labors of field and meadoav, and his educa tion avas received in the public schools of his native state. For seven years, he worked in the pineries of Michigan, lumbering in the avoods and on the river, and he became an expert in that line. In 1874 he located in the neighborhood of where he now re sides, first securing one hundred and sixty acres of prairie land, and as time has passed he has placed his land under a fine state of cultivation. The place is located four miles from "Mitchell, and is one of the finest farm ing properties in this locality. All the equip ments and improvements of a model farm are there found, and he annually garners rich hanests. At the age of twenty-eight years Mr. West avas united in marriage, in Rice coun ty, Kansas, to Myra R. Cummings, a lady of intelligence and culture and a daughter of Caleb F. Cummings, who avas born in Vermont. AA'hen a young* man he came avest avith his parents, and in AA'isconsin he. was united in marriage avith Alyra Johnson. They became the parents of tavo children, and the son, Henry R. Cummings, is now a resident of Portland, Oregon. The father avas a gallant soldier in the war of the rebel lion, serving in a Wisconsin regiment, and his death occurred in Rice county, Kansas. The union of our subject and his wife has been blessed with the following children: Pearl M., the wife of Charles Wycoff, of Gait township', Rice county; Myrtle,1' Clay ton, Esther, AVilliam and Lester. Mr. West casts his ballot in favor of Republican prin ciples, and in his social relations he is a member of the Woodmen of America and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Personally be is a man of sterling qualities,. prominent among which are his strict integ rity, his industry and his frank and genial manner. Those who know him best esteem him most. HENRY L. McILHENNY. Dr. Henry L. Alcllhenny, of Norwich, one of the leading medical practitioners of Kingman county, avas born at Gettys burg, Pennsylvania, near the scare of one of tbe great and decisive battles of our Civil avar, December 31, 1856, a son of Jacob G. and Sarah (Lott) Alcllhenny. His father, a native of Pennsylvania, avas of Scotch- Irish extraction, artd his m|other was de scended from an old Holland family. Ja cob avas a son of Hugh and Ann Mcllhenny, avho avere very old residents of the same lo cality in avhich Jacob avas bom.. Hugh Mc llhenny avas a miller by occupation, and Avas very successful in his business dealings. His death occurred at the age of ninety-two years, and his avife died at about the age of eighty years. Jacob G. Mcllhenny, a farmer and mill- aa-right, avas a mlan of prominence in his community and held several important toavnship and county offices. In politics he aa-as a Republican, and he and his avife were active members of the United Presbyterian church. His death occurred in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty-six years. Plis children avere : William) B., the present postmaster of Gettysburg and a prominent BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 707 politician of tbat city; Jacob H, secretary of the Cosmo Soap Company, of Chicago; Robert A., a practicing physician at Con way Springs, Sumner county, Kansas ; John K, who is employed in a steel avorks in Pennsylvania, and avas a soldier during the Spanish avar; James G., avho also served his country as a soldier during our recent avar avith Spain and is now deputy post master at Gettysburg; and Mary R., avho died at the age of fourteen years. Dr. Henry L. Alcllhenny avas reared on his fathers farm, avithin sight and hearing of the battlefield of Gettysburg, and re ceived his literary education im the Gettys burg high school and in the Pennsylvania State Normal School, of that city, after which he taught in his native state for tAvo years. In 1879 be came to Kansas and taught school at Belle Plaine, and also took up the study of medicine under the precep torship of Dr. Justice. He w|as graduated at the Missouri Medical College in 1884 and began the practice of his profession at Belle Plaine, AA'here he remained about a year. In the summer of 1885 he located in the then neAV toavn of Noravich, avhere he was im mediately successful, soon having a prac- - tice that extended over four counties. He is progressive, keeping himself up-to-date in all things, especially in those things avhich pertain to his profession or insure his ex cellence and progress as a medical practi tioner. In 1898 he took a post-graduate course at the Polyclinic Medical College of Chicago, Illinois. Not only is he read up to the latest moment in all medical and sur gical advancement, but he is also a valued contributor to several medical journals of high standing. AA'hile pursuing a general practice, he pays special attention to obstet rics, in avhich he is achieving a reputation as an unusually Avell informed and skillful practitioner. Since he located at Noravich, Dr. Mc llhenny has served continuously as a mem ber of the board of pension examiners of Kingman county, and he is filling appoint ments as permanent medical examiner for the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Modem Woodmen, of America, the Neav York Life Insurance Company, the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, the Northwestern Life Insurance Company and other fraternal insurance organizations and life-insurance companies. He is a membei of the Southern Kansas Medical Associa tion, and his medical library is as extensive and as well selected as any library of it3 oharacter in the county. Since casting his lot with the people of Norwich he has pros pered satisfactorily, and those who knoav him best say that he 'richly deserves his prosperity. Besides oavning a comfortable residence and other town property, he owns- two Avell improved farms of one hundred and sixty acres each, one of them being lo cated in Allen, the other in Bennett town ship. v Dr. Mcllhenny found Norwich in its in fancy and has been identified avith its growth and prosperity. His former resi dence, aahich he sold with the idea of re moving from the town — a purpose Avhich he abandoned, — was built under his personal supervision and is one of the best in the city. As a Republican he has been active in local political work and has served his fd- ¦ low townsmen as a member of the city coun cil, and, during nearly the entire period of his residence in Norwich, as a member of the school board. He is a charter member of the local branches of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Modern AA'ood men of America; was received as an En tered Apprentice, passed the Felloav Craft degree and avas raised to' the sublime degree of Master Mason in Noravich Lodge, No. 319, Ancient Free and Accepted Alasons ; is justly proud of the distinction of mem bership in Kingman Chapter, No. 71, Royal Arch Masons, in which he took the three. Master's degrees in capitular Masonry and was exalted to the august degree of Royal Arch Mason. He is also a member and a past noble grand of Noravich Lodge, No. 316, of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, which he has represented in the grand lodge; and is past chief patriarch and dep uty chief patriarch of Noravich Encamp- 708 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY ment, No. 90, of the Uniformed Rank of Odd Felloavs, avhich he has represented in the grand encampment. October 11, 1886, at Taylorville, Illi nois, Dr. Alcllhenny married Aliss Lynn Harner, daughter of Jacob Harner. Mrs. Alcllhenny, avIio avas early orphaned, avas the youngest but one in her parents' fam ily of sea-en children. Her sister Belle mar ried a Air. Plill and lives in Alorroav county, Ohio. Her brother S. VI. is a merchant at Petoskey, Alichigan. Her brother M. B. is a musician and a dealer in musical instru ments at Petoskey, Michigan. Her brother B. AI. is a contractor and builder at De catur, Illinois. Pier sister Jennie is 'the avife of S. S. Alounts, a teacher at Decatur, Illinois. H,er brother Curtis is. a merchant tailor at Lansing, Michigan. Mrs. Mcll henny has borne her husband three chil dren, — Grace A., avho was born June 17, 1888; AA'illiam Bruce, aaho avas born No vember 22, 1893 ; and Florence B., born Nca-ember 6, 1896. The Doctor and Mrs. Alcllhenny are members of the Presbyterian church, and he has been a. member of the official board of the local organization. DAVID M. NEGLEY. David Al. Negley is one of the successful farmers of Lincoln toavnship, Reno county. He has a valuable tract of land of four hundred and forty acres, avhich is mostly de- a-oted to the cultivation of grain. Mr. Neg ley avas born in Franklin county, Pennsyl vania, Julv 15, 1845, a son of David and Sarah ( Miller) Negley, avho avere also na tives of the same county. The Negley fam ily is of German origin and avas founded in Pennsylvania about tavo hundred years ago. Since that time its members and representa tives have been prominent in business, audi in matters of church and state, being ever ranked among- the substantial and avorthy citizens of the locality avith avhich thev have been connected. They have mostly followed agricultural pursuits. Joseph Negley. the grandfather of our subject, avas born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and spent his entire life there. The parents of our sub ject also lived in that county. Three of their children are yet living : David M. ; Sarah, the avife of Frank Middlecauff, of Waynesboro, Franklin county; and Sam uel, avho resides1 on the old' family homestead near Welsh Run in the Keystone state. David Negley, the father of D. Al. Neg ley, died in 1899^. at the age of seventy-six years, and the mother, Sarah Miller Negley, is living yet with her daughter, Sarah Mid dlecauff, at AA'aynesboro, Franklin county, Pennsylvania. David Negley had tavo brothers and one sister, — Jacob, Joseph and Mary, — avho died previous to him. All were married and avith their families have mostly followed the quiet pursuit of farm, life in .the original state and homes of their birth. AA'ith a feav exceptions some of the younger have emigrated to the Avestern states. Upon that farm David Al. Negley avas reared and in the district school pursued his education, attending and teaching through the avinter seasons and whenever his services could be spared from the farm avork. He remained under the parental roof until his marriage, avhich occurred December 17, 1868, the lady of his choice being Sarah C. Reed, a daughter of AA'illiam and Sarah, (Niceavander) Reed, avho avere natives of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, as avas their daughter. After their marriage Mr. Negley took charge of the home farm of one hun dred and sixty-seven acres and operated it successfully for sixteen years. Then avith the capital he had acquired, through his in dustry and economy he purchased a farm of one hundred and eighteen acres avithin four miles of the old home place, and there re sided for three years. In August, 1886, he sold' his property in Pennsylvania and avith his family- and household effects started for Kansas. On arriving in Reno, county, Sep tember 23, 1886, he purchased a quarter section of land on section 28, Lincoln toavn ship, an improved farm for avhich he paid forty-five hundred dollars. Since then he has added improvements to the value of not less than taventy-five hundred dollars. In 1895 he purchased forty acres of land on BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 7°9 section 27, and in 1899 another tract of one 'hundred and sixty acres on section 22, and in 1 90 1 eighty acres more adjoining him on section 28, owning altogether noav a very a-aluable and desirable tract of four hundred and forty acres. His land is rich and fertile and under his careful management his farm has become one of the best im the county. His methods of operation are practical and pro gressive and a glance avill indicate to. the passer by the careful supervision of the oavner. He has engaged chiefly in the rais ing of grain and has harvested many valua ble crops. The home of Air. and Airs. Negley has been blessed with five children, of whom four are yet living: Minnie, the wife of L. P. Smith; Elmer, aaho avas educated in the high school of Hutchinson and the Normal School of Nickerson, and is noav a successful teacher of Reno county; AVilliam Ira and Kansas H, aaho are still avith thdr parents. David Albert died Alay 22, 1901, at the age of seventeen years, being a promising scholar. The parents are charter members of the German Baptist church of Lincoln toavnship and take an active part in its avork, rendering signal service in promoting its spiritual and temporal interests by their ex emplary lives, official service and substantial financial aid. Air. Negley has been a mem ber of the official church board most of the time since its organization, acting as trustee and secretary, his incumbency in the latter position covering eight years. He has also taken an active part in Sunday-school avork and is the musical leader in both Sunday- school and church. In politics he was a Re publican until the free silver issue avas in troduced aahen he became one of its cham pions. AA'*itbout his solicitation he avas nom inated toavnship trustee,, and though he made no effort to secure the election he only failed by a feav votes, and most probably causing his oavn failure by saying that he did hot avant the office. He has served for three different terms of three years each as a mem ber of the school board, has done much to promote educational standards, in this local ity and avas a member of the board avhen the neav two-room school building was erected in Lincoln township, No. 2.8. He aided in its organization and since that time a grad ed school system has been maintained, sim ilar to that of toavn schools. Mr. Negley de serves great credit for his success, all of avhich has been acquired through his oavn efforts, his unfaltering diligence and straightforward dealing. JOHN C. DOZE. On section 33, Allen township, is located' the fine farmstead of Mr. Doze, avho here has a tract of four hundred and forty acres of exceptionally arable land and avho is known as one of the progressive and repre sentative citizens of Kingman county, avhere he has made his, home since the year 1880 and avhere he retains the unqualified, confi dence and esteem of the community. Mr. Doze is a native of the old Buckeye state, having been bom in Darke county. Ohio, in 1837, being the son of Victor and Mary (Bailey) Doze. His father avas born in France, being the son of John Doze, avho avas a valiant soldier in the armies of Na poleon Bonaparte, and avho finally emigrated to America, settling first in Kentucky, avhence he later removed to Ohio, from which state he finally removed to Decatur county, Iowa, avhere he passed the residue of his life, passing aavay at the patriarchal age of ninety-six years, his avife also bating to a venerable age. Victor Doze avas reared to the life of the farm, in Kentucky and Ohio, receiving a common-school education, and in Darke county, of the latter state, avas solemnized his marriage to Aliss Alary Bail ey, avho avas born in Neav York, being the daughter of Job Bailey, the former of avhom died in Lee county, Ioava, at an advanced age, and the latter in AA'isconsin. After their marriage Victor and Mary Doze re moved to Lee county, Ioava, avhere they maintained their home until 1856, Avhen they located in Decatur county, of the same state, and later removed thence to Sullivan county, Missouri, avhere the father of our subject died at the age of sixty-eight years. He 7io BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. avas one of the pioneers of Iowa, devoted his life to agricultural pursuits, in politics avas a Democrat, and his life was one of spotless integrity and, honor. He served as captain of a company in the Missouri state militia in Avhich connection, he rendered active service at the time of the civil avar. His religions faith originally was that of the Baptist church, but later he became a member of the Universalist denomination. Plis Avife, avho likewise died at the age of sixty-eight, was also a member of the Bap tist church. They became the parents of six sons and four daughters, all of whom are living, their names, in order of birth, be ing as follows: John C, Job, Julia A., Alary, George, Jefferson, Margaret, Frank, Peter and Phoebe. John C. Doze, the subject of this re- vieAV, avas reared under the invigorating discipline of the farm, accompanying his parents on their removal from Ohio to Iowa and finally to Missouri, and attending the public schools as opportunity presented, and after he attained maturity he continued to follow farming, in Adair county, Missouri. In 1862, in Sullivan county, that state, he avas united in marriage to Miss Mary Os borne, avho was born in Tazewell county, Illinois, being the daughter of Douglass Os borne, Avho died in California. Mrs. Doze proved a true companion and helpmeet to her husband, aiding him in his efforts to at tain a position of independence, but she avas summoned into eternal rest at the age of fifty years, leaving four children, namely : William, Ellen, George and Henrietta. In Sullivan county, Missouri, Mr. Doze con summated a second marriage, being then uni ted to his present wife, avho avas born in In diana, and whose father avas a farmer by vocation and died in Missouri. Mr. and Airs. Do-ze have tAvo children, — Martin and Estella. In the year 1880 Mr. Doze, came with his family to Kingman county, Kansas, and located on a tract of land in Allen toavnship, the same comprising a portion of his present fine farm property. In the passing years, as prosperity attended his avell directed efforts, he not only added to the area of his estate until it now comprises four hundred and forty acres, but he has made excellent improvements of a permanent nature, having a commodious and attractive residence, large barn and other well equipped outbuildings for the accommodation of stock, produce, implements, etc. Pie has a place of tavo hun dred and forty acres of his farm under effec tive cultivation, the balance being utilized for grazing purposes, since he has been success ful in the raising of live stock, to which branch of enterprise he devotes considerable attention. He is essentially progressive and public-spirited in his attitude, and is one of the representative men of this section of the county. In politics he accords allegiance to the Democratic party, and he has served in offices of public trust and responsibility, in cluding those of justice of the peace and treasurer and member of the school board of his district. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs. Frank and genial in his intercourse avith his felloav men, Mr. Doze fias avon avarm and lasting friendships, and he has the good avill of the people of the community in avhich he has made his home for more than a score of years. H. A. MUSTOE. One of the most straightforward, ener getic and successful business men of King man county is H. A. Mustoe. Feav men have been more prominent or avidely knoavn in this enterprising city than he. In business circles he is an important factor and his popularity is avell deserved, for in him are embraced the characteristics of an unbend ing integrity, umabating energy and industry that has never flagged. He is public-spir ited and. thoroughly interested in avhatever tends to promote the moral, intellectual and material welfare of Kingman county, and for many years he has been numbered among its valued and honored citizens. * A native of Missouri, Mr. Mustoe avas born near Memphis, in Scotland cotinty, in 1857. He traces his ancestry back to Eng land, avhere his great-grandfather avas born BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 711 and reared. Leaving the land of his birth, he crossed the broad Atlantic to the neav world, and in Virginia his son Anthony, the grandfather of our subject, avas born. The latter's son, H. G. Alustoe, avas born in Bar bour county, that state, and he became the father of bim avhose name heads this re vieav. He avas reared and educated in the state of his nativity, and' avas there married to Margaret AVilson, a daughter of John Wilson, avho avas of Scotch-Irish descent. After his marriage Air. Alustoe removed from Virginia to Indiana, but after a resi dence in that state of three years he made his Avay to Scotland county, Missouri, locat ing near Memphis, where he followed agri cultural pursuits until 1877. In that year he came to Galesburg township, Kingman •county, Kansas, securing a farm of Osage Indian trust land on section 28, where he was engaged in the tilling of the soil for many years, his life's labors being ended in death on the 6th of September, 1880, Avhen he had attained the age of sixty-eight years. Atjiis death he left a widow and seven sons, namely : J. D., of Cheney, Kansas ; William "K., a resident of Dunlap, Harrison county, Iowa; G. H, who is engaged im business at Kew Murdock; Thomas A., who avas for -many years the avell known express agent at Murdock, and his death occurred at Greens burg, Kingman county; H. A., the subject of this revieav ; Lewis H, who is engaged in "business at Cheney, Kansas ; and U. G., who is noav representing his district in the state legislature. The father of these children was a machinist by trade, was an ardent Repub lican, and was a worthy member of the 'Christian church. HA. Mustoe avas reared to farm life in both Missouri and Kansas, and was early 'taught the value of industry as a preparation for the active duties of life, while the educa tional privileges which he enjoyed in his youth were those afforded by the district schools of the two states. For a time he assisted his brother, Thomas A., in the post- -office at New Murdock, and later he entered upon an independent business career as the proprietor of a large general store in this city. He carries a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes and hardware, and the quality of his goods, his evident desire to please his pat rons and his straightforavard dealings have avon him a very marked success. The marriage of Mr. Mustoe took place in 1884, avhen he chose for his avife Aliss Lillie M. Manning, a daughter of AA*. Z. Manning, deceased. He avas a native of the Empire state, but afterward removed to In diana, and next took up his abode in Kan sas. At his death he left a widow and chil dren. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith eight children, — Ray, Roy, Kyle, Ross, Jesse, Clyde, Joyce and Francis. The Republican party receives Mr. Mus- has ever been an active worker in its cause, toe's hearty support and co-operation and he doing all in his poaver for its groavth and up building. The cause of education has also found in him a warm friend, and for ten years he served as a member of the school board. His social relations connect him avith the Modern Woodmen of America and the Court of Honor. EDAVARD SAMPLE. * In no profession is there a career more open to talent than in that of the law, and in no field of endeavor is there demanded a more careful preparation, a more thorough appreciation of the absolute ethics of life, or of the underlying principles which form the basis of all human rights and privileges. Unflagging application and intuitive wis dom and a determination to fully utilize the means at hand are the concomitants avhich insure personal success and prestige in this great profession, avhich stands as the stern conservator of justice; and it is one into avhich none should enter without a recogni tion of the obstacles, to be overcome and the battles to be won, for success does not perch on the falchion of every person who enters the competitive fray, but come only as the diametrical result of capacity and unmis takable ability. Possessing all the requisite 712 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. qualities of the able laavyer, Edavard Sample is noav numbered among the successful at torneys of Barber county, avhere he located in 1880, having" for taventy-one years been a resident of Medicine Lodge. Mr. Sample is a native of Scott county, Indiana, his birth having occurred on the ist of January, 1859. He represents one of the old and avell knoavn families of that state, noted for in tegrity, ability* and devotion to duty. His father, Alexander Sample, avjas born in A'irginia and avas a son of Richard Sample. also a native of that state, the latter having emigrated to Indiana at an early period in its history, and died there after devoting many years to agricultural pursuits. Al exander Sample avas reared in Virginia, where he remained until taventy years of age, spending his childhood and youth upon the home farm. He obtained his education in the public schools and avhen two decades of his life had been passed went to- the Hoosier state. After a number of years he engaged in the lumber business, meeting with success in that undertaking. In Scott county, Indiana, he married Sarah C. Whit- son, a daughter of the Honorable L. D. AVhitson, one of the prominent old settlers of Indiana and a leading and influential resident of Scott county. Unto Alexander Sample and his avife avere born eight chil dren, five sons and three daughters, of avhom six are now living. ^ Tavo o'f the sons avere soldiers of the Civil avar, — John, aaho died in Greenavood county, Kansas, and Robert, avho noav lives in that county. Another member of the family, Nellie, is a resident of Aledicine Lodge. The father, avIio' Avas born in 1819, reached an advanced age, his death occurring in Jeffersonville, Indiana, in 1901, avhen he had passed the eighty-second milestone on life's journey. His avife also died in that county. Mr. Sample supplemented his early edu cation by a course in De Pauav University in Indiana, and avhen he had gained a good knoaaleclge of the principles of jurisprudence he avas admitted to the bar in 1879. For some years he avas in the laav office of Ches ter I. Long and for sune time he avas inti mately associated avith Hon. Jerry Simpson and had charge of his legal business in a general avay. In the year 1880 he came to Barber county, and has since been prac ticing in Medicine Lodge, having been con nected with the important litigation tried in the courts of his district. He has a very fine laav library and the best private library of general works in southern Kansas. He has alavays been a student, reading extensively and thinking deeply, and he is not only well versed in his profession but in many depart ments of literature as well. • In his political views Mr. Sample is a Republican, and was once the candidate of his party for the legislature, but was de feated owing to the Populistic wave avhich savept over the state. A gentleman of schol arly attainments and broad general infor mation, he is an interesting and entertain ing companion and enjoys in high degree the respect and confidence of those with whom he is associated. He is a roan of strong character, of upright principles and sterling worth, and Barber county numbers him among its valued and honored repre sentatives. A. H. CONNETT, M. D. Perhaps no man is more subject to pub lic criticism than the physician, and to win the favorable criticism of his felloav towns men is an indication of superior ability and personal avorth. The very nature of his business brings him into public vieav and in a avay that few other men have to meet. Dr. Connett has for sixteen years been a rep- resentatia'e of the medical profession of Great Bend and Barton county, and his pro fessional skill and prominence are indicated by. the fact that the patronage now ac corded him is universally large. Careful preparation well prepared him for his life avork, and to-day he occupies a position of distinction that is indeed creditable and en viable. The Doctor is numbered among the resi dents that Ohio has furnished to Kansas, his birth having occurred in Milford, in the former state, December 30, 1848. His BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 713 father, William Connett, avas a native of Neav Jersey and avas a carpenter and joiner by occupation. After residing in Ohio for some years he removed to Indiana, aahere he died at the age of forty-four. His avife, who bore the maiden name of Ruth Cole man, long survived him, passing aavay at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. Their mar riage was blessed avith ten children, seven of avhom reached years of maturity, avhile three of the sons became physicians, but the brothers of cur subject have noav passed away. Dr. Connett, of this review, avas only three years of age avhen his parents removed to Indiana, and when a young man of nine teen he accompanied his mother to Bedford, Iowa. Determining to devote his life to the alleviation of human suffering, he took up the study of medicine with his brother, Mahlon C. In the winter of 1875 and 6 he attended Rush Medical College of Chi cago, and graduated in the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, of Keokuk, Ioava, in February, 1878. Returning to Bedford, Iowa, he there began, practice, carrying on business until 1884, the year of his arrival in Great Bend, Kansas. Continued study and investigation keeps him in touch avith the most advanced thought and progress of the day. He possesses marked judgment and discernment in the diagnosis of disease and is successful in anticipating the issue of complications. He is a physician of great fraternal delicacy, and no man ever ob served more closely the ethics of the un written professional code than Dr. Connett. In 1878 the Doctor was united in mar riage to Miss Belle Fordyce, a daughter of Benson Fordyce, of Bedford, Iowa. She died at the age of twenty-six years, leaving three children: Bessie, now the wife of R. G. Russell, by whom she has one daugh ter, Mary; Mayme G.; and Hden G. For his second wife the Doctor chose Elizabeth Fordyce, a sister of his first wife. She died at the age of forty-five vears. In his so cial relations Dr. Connett is a representa tive of the Masonic fraternity, in which he has taken the degrees of the council and commandery, and has served in all the offices of both. Pie is a past grand master of the grand council of the Royal and Select Mas ters of Kansas. He is also past grand high priest of the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Kansas. He also belongs to Wichita Consistory, No. 35, S. P. R. S., having thus attained the thirty-second de gree of the Scottish Rite. He is a repre sentative of Isis Temple, of the Mystic Shrine of Salina and is a member of the High Priesthood of the state. His father and all of his brothers were also identified Avith the Masonic fraternity. The Doctor is noAV examining surgeon and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, the Knights and Ladies of Security, the Fra ternal Aid Association, and, belongs to' the Barton County Medical Society. He is also president of the board of pension examiners of Barton county. In political matters he is a Republican. He enjoys the high regard of his: fellow mem, both as: a practitioner and as a citizen, and the splendid success avhich has crowned his efforts is well merited. HOUSTON WHITESIDE. The inevitable law of destiny accords to tireless energy and industry a successful career, and in no: field of endeavor is there greater opportunity for advancement than in that of tbe law — a profession in which votaries must, if successful, be endowed with native talent, sterling rectitude of char acter and singleness of purpose, Avhile equally important concomitants are close study, careful appreciation and broad gen eral knoavledge, in addition to that of a more purely technical order. Of the legal profession Houston Whiteside is a Avorthy representative and enjoys a large and lucra tive clientage in Reno: county. Mr. Whiteside was born in Bedford county, Tennessee, in October, 1848, and on both the paternal and maternal side is 'of Scotch-Irish descent. His paternal great grandfather served in the British army for twenty years, and AA'as under Wellington in the Peninsular campaign and at AA*aterloo. 45 7H BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. After the close of tbe Revolutionary Avar he came to America, locating in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. The father of our subject, Russell AVhiteside, was a native of Tennessee, and there spent his entire life. He Avas a AVhig in his political vieavs, and his religious tendencies connected him with the Presbyterian church, in which he long held the office of an elder. He, too, fol lowed the legal profession, and in the lo cality in which he made his home enjoyed a large and distinctly representative clientele. As a companion' for the journey of life he chose Mary Houston, a daughter of Dr. AA'illiam Houston, avho avas formerly a resi dent of North Carolina, but afteravard re- moa*ed to middle Tennessee, avhere he in herited large tracts of land that had been given to his ancestors in recognition of their services as officers in the American army during the Revolutionary war. Houston Whiteside, the immediate sub ject of this revieav, avas reared in the state of his nativity, and there also received his early mental training, pursuing his studies Avith the intention of later making the legal profession his life occupation. He subse quently attended Shelbyville College, at Shelbyville, Tennessee, and after completing" the classical course im that institution read laav in the office of his uncle, Thomas AA'hiteside, at Shelbyville. Admitted to the bar in 1872, he came to Kansas in that year and located in Hutchinson, immediately en tering upon the practice of his chosen pro fession. For a time he first practiced alone, but lie has since formed several partnerships in the prosecution of his calling. He prac tices in all the courts of the state and in the federal court, and his ability in his line has avon him prominent recognition. He has given special attention to corporation laav, and has served as district attorney for the Santa Fe system. In addition to his large. laav practice, Air. AA'hiteside has also been interested to' a large extent in real estate in taTs city and in country property. Pie still oavns the claim avhich he pre-empted on first locating in Reno1 county, joining the city of Hutchinson on the avest, and on this prop erty he has a large orchard. He is presi dent of the Water, Light & Power Company, avas one of the organizers of the First Na tional Bank, avas one of the founders of the Hutchinson Daily News, and was also one of the organizers of the Kansas Salt Com pany, but sold his interest in that corpora tion a number of years ago. The marriage of Mr. Whiteside was celebrated in 1880, when Julia Latimer be came his wife. She is a daughter of Charles Latimer, avho avas the chief engineer for the Neav York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad Company. This union has been brightened and blessed with two children, — Houston, Jr., and Ada. In political matters Mr. Whiteside is a stanch supporter of Repub lican principles, but has never been an aspir ant for political preference, as his time and attention are too. closely occupied with his many business duties. Shortly after com ing to this state, however, he avas elected prosecuting attorney, avhich position he held for tavo terms. Socially he is a member of Reno Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. His relig ious preference is indicated by his member ship avith the Episcopal church, in which he has long* held the office of senior warden, and he has aided materially in the construc tion of many cf the church edifices in this city. He occupies a leading place in the public regard, and he and his estimable wife enjoy the hospitality of the best homes, in Kansas and in surrounding states. george f. McClelland. One of the honored pioneers and dis tinguished citizens of Rice county is the popular and efficient postmaster of Frederic, George F AlcClelland. For many years he has been an important factor in the develop ment and upbuilding of this portion of the Sunflower state, and his efforts have been of material benefit in advancing the general avdfare and prosperity of the city in avhich he noav makes his home. He is a native son of the Empire state, his birth having oc curred in Rochester, Neav York, on the 15th BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 7'S of Alay, 1853. His father, AVilliam Mc Clelland, avas of Scotch-Irish descent, his parents having been born near Belfast, Ire land. He AA-as a clothier by occupation. His avife, avho avas in her maidenhood Aliss Alary Lindsley, avas also born near Belfast. Thea- Avere the parents of five children, four sons and one daughter, namely : Thomas and AA'illiam, avho are residents of Balti more, Alaryland : Findley, aaIio occupies the position of postmaster in Alichigan; George F., our subject; and Airs. Jennie Walker, avho resides in Greenock, Scotland. The fa ther of this family departed this life in Ro chester, NeAV A'ork, at the age of fifty years, and the mother aftenvard rdurned to Bel fast, Ireland, avhere she died at the age of sixty-eight years. George F. AlcCldland, the only one of the family residing in Kansas, Avas nine. years of age Avhen he removed from Roch ester to Caledonia, Livingston- county, Xeav A'ork, where he completed his educa tion. The year 1877 Avitnessed his arrival in Rice county, Kansas, Avhere he secured a homestead claim and erected a sod house thereon, keeping bachelor's hall for a num ber of years. Everything Avas then neav and wild, and Mr. McClelland has not only seen this portion of the state grow from an unclaimed avaste, with only a feav inhabi tants, to a rich agricultural country, con taining thousands of good homes and acres of groaving towns, inhabited by an indus trious, prosperous, enlightened and pro gressive people, but has participated in and assisted in the slow, persistent work of de velopment avhich was necessary to produce such a complete change. In 1882 he was united in marriage with Anna Dickson, a native of Indiana and a daughter of Mrs. Alargaret Dickson, a widow lady. Four children have been born of this union, — Edna, George Lindsley, Ruby and Edith. Mr. McClelland has ever beem an active and efficient worker in the ranks of the Republi can party, and im his presemt position of postmaster of Frederic he is serving with credit and ability. He is well fitted for the office, having for several years served as deputy postmaster. In his social relations he is a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He is a man of marked intelli gence, broad and progressive in his vieavs, firm in his convictions and honorable in all business transactions. « ¦ » JAMES F. BAKER. James F. Baker is the genial and popu lar proprietor of the Baker Hotel at Ells avorth and has avon many friends among the traveling public and the guests of his house. He avas born April 5, 1856, in Elmira, Neav York, and his parents, James M. and Frances C. (Beckwith) Baker, avere also natives of the Empire state, the father hav ing been born in Ithaca, the mother in El mira. In the east the father carried on agri cultural pursuits until 1883, avhen he re moved to: Kansas, locating on a ranch of nineteen hundred acres five miles south of Ellsavorth, in Lincoln township, Ellsavorth county. Here he engaged in the general stock business, raising cattle, hogs and horses. He folloaved that vocation until 1889, avhen he disposed of his ranch, for in 1888 he had located in Kanopolis, avhere he embarked in the real-estate and insurance business. He still devotes his energies to handling real estate and is interested in1 much city property in Kanopolis.- In this enterprise he is associated avith his son, James F., and the firm is a very reliable one, enjoying a liberal patronage, avhich has comle to them by reason of their aaell knoavn business ability and integrity. James F. Baker is one of four children, of whom three are living, namely: Ella, the avife of Charles C. Densmore, who makes his home in Buffalo, New York, and is employed in the distribution of time tables for all of the railroad companies of the east; Hollis C, who is foreman of the Delaware, Lacka- avanna & Western Railroad Company and makes his home at Elmira, Neav York ; and James F., of this revieav. Our subject was reared upon his father's farm, where he early became familiar avith the avork of field and meadoav. He attended 7T6 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. a aaard school . of Elmira, completing his education AA'ith an academic course. Pie en tered upon an independent business career in connection with the manufacture of tobacco and cigars, carrying on operations, along that line for several years. He then turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, which he folloaved until 1883, Avhen he came to; Plansas and Avorked upon his father's ranch until 1889. In that year he established a creamery in Ellsworth and later he filled the office of assessor of the county for tAA*o years. Resigning" that position, he came to Kanopolis, in December, 1889, and has since engaged in the hotel, real-estate and insur ance business. This line of enterprise still claims his attention and in all branches he is meeting with creditable and Avell merited success. He is a man of splendid business ability, resolute, energetic and of sound judgment. He carries forAvard to success ful completion Avhatever he undertakes and his connection with any enterprise is a guar antee of its prosperous continuance. Pie avas one of the organizers and directors of the Ellsworth Telephone Company and one of the organizers of the Ellsworth Creamery Company, of Avhich he served as secretary for two and a half years. On the 28th of May, 1879, Mr. Baker was united in marriage to Miss Harriet L. Barber, of Elmira, NeAV York, a daughter of James M. and Calfenna (Burgess) Bar ber, natives also> of the Empire state. The marriage ceremony was performed by Dr. Thomas K. Beecher. For eight years they traveled life's journey together and were then separated by the death of the wife, on the 1 6th of May, 1887. She left tw(o chil dren : Fannie F., now the wife of Harry Rice, a resident farmer of Ellsworth tOAvn- ship, Ellsavorth county; and Harry B. On the 4th of November, 1890, Mr. Baker was again married, his second union being with Lottie V. Jury, and they now have an inter esting little son, Bruce PI. In his political viewis Mr. Baker is an adherent of Democ racy and takes quite an active part in public affairs. In the fall of 1890 he represented his' county in the congress ional convention at Colby, Kansas. He served out an unex pired term as clerk of the county and has eA-er given his support to advance the meth ods Aahich he believes will prove of general good. Fraternally he holds membership avith Ellsavorth Lodge, No. 309, I. 0. 0. F. avith the Ancient Order of United Workmen and avith the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. He has held offices in these organiza tions, and in the last named has served as representative to the grand lodge. He also belongs to the National Aid Association and to Arbutus Lodge, No. 13 19, of the Royal Neighbors. Air. Baker pjossesses the true enterprising spirit of the west — a spirit Avhich has AVrought the wonderful develop ment of this section of the country, placing it upon a par with the older east. In busi ness he is prompt, energetic and notably re liable, and his public career is one avhich in many respects is well avorthy of emulation. PETER TELLIN. One of the most trusted engineers on the Santa Fe Railroad is the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. Although not am old man, he is a veteran employe of that system, and has the entire confidence and respect of the company Avith which he has now been connected for almost a third of a century. Mr. Tellin avas born in Sweden on the 20th of August, 1845, and grew to man hood in his native land, receiving a good common-school education. At the age of fourteen he began learning the machinist's trade in a foundry, and later was employed 111 wire and nail factories of his native land. During his last year there he was foreman of a factory and made samples of tAventy different sizes and varieties of nails for the Paris Exposition in 1867. Not long after this Mr. Tellin came to the new avorld and first located in Rock Island, Illinois, avhere he worked in a lum ber yard for three months and for the same length of time was engaged in railroad con struction. In February, 1868, he started for California, but on reaching* Omaha, Ne braska, he remained there nine months, and BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 717 then came to Topeka, Kansas, where he soon found employment in grading the Santa Fe road bed. In his railroad career he began at the very bottom, handling a shovel until the avork was completed to' Emporia. On his emigration to America Mir. Tellin avas neither rich nor empty-handed, like many of his countrymen, but bad a few hundred dol lars, and fortunately he has never since been avithout some money in his pocket. He avas, hoavever, entirely unfamiliar avith the English language, and never can forget the trials and discouragements of those first years in America. His purpose avas to get work in the railroad shops, but being unsuc cessful in this he avorked on construction until a better position avas offered him. In June, 1870, the Santa Fe Railroad Com pany gave him his choice of taking charge of a section or going to Topeka as fireman, and he chose the latter. He fired and worked in the shops until August, 1872, when he Avas gh/en his first engine, and has noav served the company in the capacity of engineer for nearly thirty years. In Febru ary, 1873, he avas on a special train running out of Topeka avith ,a hunting party to the frontier on the, avestern boundary of the state. His next orders avere to run a train from Dodge City avest to Sargent, now Cool- idge, and that spring he had the construction train running to Granada, Colorado. On the 4th of July, 1873, be took the first en gine across the Arkansas river, this being engine No. 32, named Kansas. It avas a memorable occasion, as nearly all the citi zens avent on a avild spree. Air. Tellin' s next train avas a mixed one running from Dodge City to Granada, and a year later he was given a passenger train on the same route. He avas in the passenger service on the different divisions east and avest of Dodge City until 1889. Being in poor health he asked for a transfer to the Larned branch in 1889, and his request was granted. His run avas afterward extended from Larned to Nickerson and from the latter place to Neavton, avhere he now makes his home, his run at the present time being on a mixed train between Neavton and Jetmore, a dis tance of one hundred and fifty-three miles. At Maridahl, on the Big Blue river, Mr. Tellin avas married, April 12, 1882, to Miss Emma Savanson, also a native of Sweden, who came to: this country in 1868. They have made their home at various places along the line of the Santa Fe Railroad, first locating at Dodge City, and later living in Nickerson at three different times. In 1869 Mr. Tellin bought a farm) in Greenwood county, Kansas, and on selling that place purchased another, avhich he still owns, and on avhich the family resided for four years. He has three children, namely: Anna M., born June 29, 1883; William G., born Feb ruary 4, 1885; and Lena I., born April 23, 1888. Although afflicted with malaria for many years, Mr. Tellin is still a avell preserved man and is always found at his post of duty, giving strict attention to> the company's in terests. He is one of the pioneer railroad men of this section, running an engine through this state avhen it avas on the west ern frontier. He has seen probably as many buffaloes as any other man in existence, and also large droves of antelopes. The aalnter of 1875-6 was very hard on the lat ter, the ground being covered with snow for over six weeks. It is a sad thing to him that these creatures have been so ruthlessly killed. The same avinter the Santa Fe Rail road west of Dodge City avas blockaded by snoAV for taventy-four days, and for sixteen days east betaveen Dodge City and Kinsley. Food supplies and coal avere almost ex hausted at Dodge City and neighboring toavns. The railroad company brought their entire force from Topeka and also lured all the men they could along the line to help open the road, the cuts being filled avith sand and snoav avhich formed' into ice. Thou sands of head of cattle perished that same avinter. Mr. Tellin has seen the rough side of railroad life in the avest, yet has alavays been treated avell by all classes, and although he has had some thrilling experiences and many narroav escapes he has never met avith a serious accident. Pleasant and genial in manner, he makes many friends and is held in high regard by all avho knoav him. 7'8 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. J. E. JOHNSTON. Among the enterprising business men of Frederic is the subject of this review, who is now at the head of an extensive mercantile establishment. His marked ability has dome mlucli to promote the commercial activity upon avhich the avdfare of every community depends, and in trade circles he enjoys an unassailable reputation. Many years of his life have been passed in the Sunflower state, and he is numbered among the native sons of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Pickaway county, near Circleville, February 25, 1854. His father, the Rea-. , John K. Johnston, was a well knoavn and prominent minister in the United Brethren church in Ohio for a few years. He avas a man of excellent education and avas an active and zealous avorker in the cause of the Master. In later life he re moved to Steuben county, Indiana, avhere he Aaas in the ministry for about fifteen years, and later he purchased and improved a farm, remaining there until 1878. In that year he went to Rich Hill, Bates county, Alissouri, but is iioavI a resident of Augusta, Oklahoma, having reached the seventieth milestone on the journey of life. His wife Avas in her maidenhood Miss Jane Doudt, and Avas a native of Seneca county, Ohio. They Avere the parents of seven children, three sons and four daughters, namely: J. E., the subject of this revieAv; May Klotz, Avho died in Rich Hill, Missouri; Royal, a, resident of Kansas; Mrs. Lottie Gravely, of Salina, Kansas ; Alma, the wife of Rev. P. W Brown, a minister of the Congregational church at Joplin, Missouri ; Azalia, the aa-iife of AV. A. Swisher, of Eureka township, Rice county ; and one who died in childhood. J. E. Johnston Avas reared to: farm life in Indiana, and Avas early taught lessons of industry, honesty and economy. Pie re ceived an excellent education in Otterbein University, at AA'esterville, Ohio, and when sea'enteen years of age he engaged in teach ing, folloaving that profession in Indiana, Alissouri and Kansas. He proved a capable instructor, being able to' impart clearly and concisely to> the others the knowledge avhich he had acquired. In 1879 be came to Rice county, Kansas, securing a tract of avild land, but by industry and close attention to business he placed his land under a fine state of cultivation. His farm, which consisted of four hundred and eighty acres, was lo cated four and a half miles south of Fred eric and was one of the finest farms to be found in central Kansas. In 1888 he took up his abode in Frederic, and for the past thirteen years he has been one of the lead ing merchants of the city. His large and well appointed store, avith its extensive and carefully selected stock, is a credit to the proprietor as well as to the city, and in its management Mr. Johnston displays that executive force and able management that ranks him amtong the leading business men of the community. His stock, avhich is val ued at about taventy-five thousand dollars, consists of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, furniture, lumber, hardware, threshing ma chines and all kinds of tools. He is one of the most enterprising and successful mer chants in Rice county and his reliable busi ness methods and honorable dealing have gained him the confidence and good avill of all avith avhom he has been brought in con tact. His first store building avas a small structure, tavelve by sixteen feet, but his present building covers an entire block, his implement department alone covering an area of thirty-six by one hundred and forty feet. He now oavns eight hundred and fifty acres of land, all in Rice and Lane counties. On the 4th of November, 1876, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, Mr. Johnston avas united in marriage to Emma Klotz, who avas born, reared and educated in the Hoosier state, a daughter of Andrew^ and Catherine (Car- omy) Klotz, both mow deceased. Their union has1 been blessed with four children, namdy : Daisy, the wife of R. C. McCaav- ley, a merchant of Frederic, and they have tavo children ; Getrude, who is attending the high school at Salina, Kansas ; Homer K. : and Marjorie J., who died July 7, 1901. Mr. Johnston is a standi supporter of Re publican principles, and for three years BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 719 served as county commissioner of •. Rice county, also serving as a delegate to county and congressional conventions. Socially he is a member of the Knights of Pythias fra ternity, and both he and his avife bold mem bership in the Methodist Episcopal church. Hs mercantile career is above reproach, and during his residence in Rice county he has worked his avay upavard until he iioav occu pies a leading position among its repre sentative citizens. JOHN H. FRANKLIN. One of the pioneers of Burrton town ship, and probably the oldest farmer who has won for himself a place among the pros perous agriculturists in this portion of the country, is John H. Franklin, avho first opened his eyes to the light of day in Penn sylvania on the 5th of February, 1833. He is of Irish lineage, but his parents are na tives of this country. His father Avas born in 1796, in Long Meadoav, near Boston, Massachusetts, avho during the avar of 1812 engaged in teaming, and in 1813, avhen a lad of seventeen years of age, left home to became a sailor, the ship on avhich he served running to and from the West Indies and other islands along the coast. For seven and one-half years he pursued this life, but finally left the water and engaged in Avork ing at iron smelting and forging at Middle Sligo, Pennsylvania, where he remained for eighteen years. While there he met and Avion for his wife Miss Susanna Womer, who lived at Bald Eagle Furnace. They were the parents of nine children, of whom four are mow living. They lost an infant son and a daughter of about three years of age, and three sons avere killed in the Civil war namely: Joseph; Erastus, Avho died from wounds sustained in the avar; and AA'illiam, who contracted a disease while in camp, from which he did not recover. The children now living are : John H, the sub ject of this review; Jerry Irving, avho is noav living in Oklahoma avith his family; and George, a carpenter living in Iowa. Die tavo latter sons served in the avar of the Rebellion, Jerry remaining in the service during the entire period of the struggle be taveen the north and south. Eliza Jane, the only surviving daughter, married Joseph Holland and is living on the old homestead in Pennsylvania. The parents both passed away in Van Buren countv, Iowa ; the father in 1873, his avife surviving him hut a short time. John PI. Franklin received a most lim ited schooling and avas early taught the la bors and duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. Until the time of his mar riage he remained at home, avorking at lum bering at the old avater-power sawmill in Cambridge county, Pennsylvania. October 18, 1852, avhen taventy years of age, he avas joined in marriage to Margaret J. Hollen, a native of Pennsylvania, who avas born July 23> 1827. She is noav in her seventy-fifth year, yet is able to attend to the duties of her oavn home. She avas the mother of ten children, of whom six are now living, namely : Erastus, who is at home operating the farm avith the assistance of his brother Charles E. ; Samuel, a resident of eastern Kansas, avIio has one son ; Charles Edward, born in Decatur county, Iowa, March 30, i860, living on the home farm:; L. I., a. stone-mason and plasterer; Susan, wife of Joseph McKenry, of Burrton township, and the mother of two children; and Benjamin, a traveling man, who has two sons. The children who are deceased are: Lucy, the second child im order of birth, born in Penn sylvania September 31, 1854, and died in Iowa in 1855; Elizabeth, who: died in 1877, having lost her infant child; John, who suc cumbed to an attack of diphtheria when five years of age; and Robert, who died at the age of twenty months, within eight days after the family arrived at Burrton. John H. Franklin arrived in Kansas on the 8th of April, 1871, with his family, and all his Avorldly possessions, avhich consisted of a pair of good horses, one cow and one dollar in cash. On a. barren tract of dghty acres of open prairie land he erected an abode for his family, — a little log cabin twelve by sixteen feet. Dieir only neigh- 720 Biographical history. bors avere the family of John Blades, who had also settled in tbis section of the coun try, and these two men began the test of cultia-ating this unimproved land. The vegetation avas scant : no trees or shrubs avere to be seen nearer than those in the sand hills or along the little Arkansas river, but in spite of the discouraging outlook they labored unceasingly. In time trees were planted, fields and pastures were laid out, and the land aaas transformed into a flourishing and productive farm. Air. Franklin noav has a large grove of cotton wood, walnut, honey locust and hackberry trees, as avell as an orchard of three acres. Ea-erything about the homestead, from the comfortable residence and substantial barns and outbuildings to the avell tilled fields rich avith golden harvests, indicates the care ful supervision and indefatigable labor of the oavner. Air. Franklin also purchased eighty acres of land adjoining his farm, but afteravard sold it. Politically Mr. Franklin is a Populist from the Republican ranks, having voted for Fremont in Ioa\*a, and tavice for Abraham Lincoln. Pie prefers not to hold office, but for nine years, hoavever, served on the school board in Kansas, and avas also1 elected road supervisor, performing his duties avith such intelligence and industry that he is considered the most competent man that has held the office. Both Mi*, and Mrs. Franklin are. consistent members of the Christian church, and are greatly beloved by all avho knoav them. The family avere for three years residents of AATishington terri tory and while there voted for the admis sion of it as a state. PETER DECK. Peter Deck, a prominent farmer of AA'estminster township, Reno county, Kan sas, avas born in Noble county, Indiana, August 6, 1850, a son of Isaac Deck, a na tive of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred on the 4th of Alarch, 1820, avhile his death occurred in Westminster township, Reno county, Oc tober 6, 1898. His father, Peter Deck, was a native of the Keystone state, born in 1790, and he reached the seventy- third milestone on the journey of life, passing aavay in 1863, in Williams coun ty, Ohio, avbere he was one of the pio neer farmers and blacksmiths. He fol lowed that trade until reaching advanced years, and during his earlier years he was engaged in work as a journeyman. He wedded Miss Ann Oaks, who was of Eng lish parentage, and their family consisted of eleven children, nine sons and two daugh ters, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. Most of the children re mained in the east, but Isaac Deck, the fa ther of our subject, joined the tide of emi gration moving westward, and first located in Ohio., but in 1844 continued the journey to Indiana. In October, 1844, he was united in marriage with Julia Johnson, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1827, and at the time of her marriage was only seventeen years of age. Her father, William Johnson, was a shoemaker by trade and also owne ¦' a farm, but after his nine children had reached mature years he gave his farm to them and devoted his attention exclusively to his agricultural ppimsuits. In the spring of 1858 Mr. and Mrs. Deck removed to Mis souri, but his political sentiments were not popular in that state and he was obliged to remove to Iowa, locating in Decatur county, that state, in the spring of 1861, and in the spring of 1876 he joined his son in. Reno county, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Deck were the parents of eight children, four sons and four daughters, namely : Hannah, who be came the avife of H. Hatfield, and died when about- taventy-fia'e years of age, leaving three children ; Lucinda, the wife of Hiram Stan ley, of Reno county, Kansas; William, a resident of Plutchinson, Kansas, and die father of seven children; Peter, the subject of this revieav; Gideon, who resides at Gar den City, Kansas, and has six children; Laura, the avife of J. M. Taylor, of Medford township, and they have six children; Lin coln, a prominent farmer of Reno county; and Florence, the avife of J. F. Norris, of d* d/oJU /. h^X BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 721 Westminster toavnship. The mother of these children now makes her home in Ab- beyville. Peter Deck, aahose name introduces this revieav, received but meager school privi leges during his youth, and avas early in ured to the duties of the farrm, having fol lowed tlie plow as soon as he was large enough to reach the handles. He remained under the parental roof until after his mar riage, and in the spring of 1874 he left his Ioava home for the Sunflower state, lo cating on a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres in this township. His landed possessions now aggregate four hundred and eighty acres in Westminster town ship and one hundred and sixty acres in enterprise toavnship, but he rents all of his land with the exception of the original homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, avhere he is engaged in gen eral farming and stock raising. He Keeps on hand about forty-five head of shorthorn and black polled cattle, has a number of good horses and mules, and also raises a good grade of hogs. From eighty to one hundred and sixty acres of his land is devoted to the raising of wheat, and he also raises some corn. The 13th of February, 1870, witnessed the marriage of Air. Deck and Aliss S. L. Anderson, a daughter of AA*. D. and Sarah' (Loavder) Anderson, both now deceased. They removed from North Carolina to Indiana in 1851, and in the fall of 1859 re moved to Decatur county, Iowa, where the father died in 1887, at the age of seventy-six years, and one Aveek later the mother joined him in the spirit world. They were prom inent farming people and were the parents of eight children avho grew to years of ma turity. Unto Air. and Airs. Deck have been born five children. The family is a promi nent and highly resoected one of their lo cality, and the daughters are excellent musi cians. In political matters our subject is a , Republican, ever taking an active part in the growth and success of his party. He has attended many of the state and county con ventions, and in 1900 avas a mem ber of the senatorial convention, avhile in local political affairs he has beem equally prominent, having served his township as treasurer and as trustee. In his social rela tions he is a Master Mason, and both he and his avife are actia-e and zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he is now filling the position of trustee. Mr. Deck is a public-spirited and progres sive citizen, manifesting a commendable in terest in everything pertaining to the pub lic welfare, and his honorable record in bus iness circles has won him the confidence and respect of the entire community. JOHN W. WYER. For nearly a score of years has the sub ject of this sketch been identified with the industrial life of Barber county, Kansas, and this fact implies that he was numbered among the early settlers, upon whom de- A'olved the arduous labors of opening the Avild land and inaugurating that work of development avhose results have been so ad mirable. He is one of the representative citizens of the county, and is successfully en gaged in farming and stock-growing on a finely improved farm of five hundred and sixty acres on section 4, Nipawalla town ship, his post office address being Medicine Lodge, the county-seat, from' avhich his home is eight miles distant. Air. Wyer is a native of the south, hav ing been born in Davidson county, North Carolina, on the 7th of December, 1852, being the son of Philip and Catherine (Kill- ion) Wyer, both native of North Carolina and members of avorthy families long estab lished in that section of the Union. Philip Wyer avas a son of Barney Wyer, avho was born in Pennsylvania, whence he removed to North Carolina, avhere he passed the re mainder of his life, devoting his attention to agricultural pursuits, to avhich he had been reared. His avife avas a daughter of Alichael and Elizabeth (Plines) Killion, who avere of English lineage. The father of our subject avas a man of the highest in tegrity, and his life avas one of signal use- 722 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. fulness and honor, his death occurring when he was thirty-seven years of age. In poli tics he gave his support to the AVhig party, and avas a devoted member of the Baptist' church. When our subject avas thirteen years of age his mother removed with her family to Plendricks county, Indiana, avhere they re mained five years and then continued their journey avestavard, locating in Saline coun ty, Missouri. In the family are four chil dren, our subject being the only son and the second in order of birth. His three sisters are Rosa Elizabeth, Joicey and Mary Jane. John W. Wyer was reared under the invig orating discipline of the home farms in North Carolina and Indiana, and by per sonal application and by active association with the practical affairs of life has effect ively supplemented the somewhat meager educational training avhich as a boy he re ceived in the common schools. He was en gaged in farming in Missouri until- 1884, when he came to Barber county, Kansas, ' and entered a pre-emption of one hundred and sixty acres on the Cherokee Indian strip, avhich had been opened to settlement only a few years previously. His first abiding place avas one of the primitive "dug-outs" Avhich Avere common to the sec tion at that time and which Avere more comfortable and attractive than the name implies, though: they were far different in character from the homes avhich the ma jority of settlers had left in other sections of the Union. To his original claim Air. Wyer has added until he now has a fine landed estate of five hundred and sixty acres, a considerable portion being under the. highest state of cultivation, avhile the remainder is devoted to: the extensive rais ing of high grade stock, of avhich our sub ject makes a specialty. Upon his farm he has erected a substantial and commodious residence of two stories, avith good stone basement, avhile all other farm buildings are of the best order. Tn politics Mr. Wyer is a zealous and enthusiastic supporter of the Populist party and its principles, andi as one of the pro gressive and capable mien of the county, he has been called to positions of public trust and responsibility, having rendered signally valuable service as representative of his township on the board of county commis sioners, having been elected to this office in 1894 and having served three years, while he has been a member of the school board of district No. 70 for the past thirteen years, ever standing ready to do his part in the support of all that is intended to foster the material, moral and civic prosperity of his community. Fraternally he is identfied with the Independent Order of Odd Fel loavs, and his unfailing kindliness and ster ling character have gained to him the good avill and confidence of all avho knoav him. In 1875 Mr. Wyer was united in mar riage to Miss Belle Delap, the daughter of Robert and Phoebe Delap., of Saline coun ty, * Missouri, and she entered into eternal rest in December, 1883, leaving two chil dren, Zora, who is the wife of AVesley Urton, of Barber county; and Minnie, the wife of George E. Crouse, of Pratt county. In 1888 Mr. Wyer consummated a second marriage, being then united to Miss Eliza beth Trelow, who avas born in Indiana, but who avas reared and educated in Saline county, Missouri, to avhich sedion her par ents, John and Elizabeth Trelow, removed while she was an infant. Her mother is deceased, but her father still maintains his home in Saline county, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Wyer have six children, namely: Kate, Philip, Pearl, Harry, Myrtle and Osie. GEORGE TIBBUTT. Among the prominent and representa tive citizens of Kingman county, Kansas, is George Tibbutt, who' is a township treas urer and one of the most intelligent and substantial citizens.. Mr. Tibbutt owns a fine fanui of three hundred and taventy acres, om section 27, in Richland toavnship, and has been a, resident of Kansas since 1883. The birth1 of Mr. Tibbutt avas near Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, in BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 723 1853, and he avas a son of John and Eliza beth (Hawthorn) Tibbutt, both of avhom n were natives of Lancastershire, England. They came to the United States after their marriage, and located in Montgomery coun ty, Ohio, where Mr. Tibbutt engaged in farming, but later removed to Illinois, where he died, in Centralia, at the age of sixty-three. He was a good man, a con sistent memjber of the Methodist church, and was devoted to the welfare of his fam ily. The mother of our subject died at the age of seventy-one, in Desoto, Missouri, having been, a devoted avife and mother, who was beloved by a large circle of friends. Three children survive these parents, name ly: Mrs. Martha Loggins, of Centralia, Illinois; George, of this sketch; and Mrs. Anna Jones, of Denver, Colorado. One child died on shipboard, and one daughter, Eliza, passed away at the age of eighteen years. George Tibbutt, of this biography, avas reared until fifteen years old in the state of Ohio and attended school there ; then, at the age of seventeen years, he came to Illinois and married there and was a renter of a farm until Ms removal to Kansas. In Bond county, Illinois, in 1877, Mr. Tibbutt avas married to Miss Mildred Wagener, who was born in Miami county, Ohio, in 1855. She was a daughter of John Perry D. and Margard Jane (Jones) Wagener, the former of whom) died at his daughter's home, at the age of eighty-one, and the latter of whom1 died at the age of sixty- three, in Bond county, Illinois. Both par ents were worthy members of the German Baptist church. They had eleven children, the six survivors being as folloAvs : Adolphus, of Ohio; Mrs. Derinda Reed, of this township; Mrs. Elmira Revis, of Illi nois; Cyrus, of East St. Louis, Missouri; Mildred; and Airs. Elizabeth Dyer, of Liv ingston county, Illinois. Four children Avere born to Mr. and M*rs. Tibbutt, namely: Margaret Elizabeth, avho is the avife of U. Campbell, of this township; Corda Anna, who is a young lady of seventeen years ; John Perry, avho is a promising youth of sixteen years ; and Laavrence, the second child, died aged eighteen months. In August, 1883, Air. Tibbutt came to Kansas and located in Valley township, in Kingman county, which he later exchanged for one previously occupied by D. L Strat- ton, at his present location in section 27, Ricldand county. In 1901 Mr. Tibbutt bought an additional one hundred and sixty acres and is now the oavner and cultivator of three hundred and taventy acres of fine farm land, well adapted to the raising of grains. Here Mr. Tibbutt has every appli ance- for 'the successful cultivation of his land and the raising of cattle and stock. His house is well built and finely appointed, one of the best and most comfortable in this. locality, while his barns, granaries, feed sheds .and shelters are commodious and convenient, and a large windmill assures him sufficient water. Every part of Mr. Tibbutt's domain is made productive, and this has been one secret of his success. In politics Mr. Tibbutt has inclined to ward tbe Populist party, and has been quite prominent in public life in this locality. For three terms he has served with great credit as township treasurer, and has been a jus tice of the peace one term. His interest in school matters has been shoavn by willing- service on the school board, and he has been foremost in all enterprises looking toward the betterment of his section on all lines. The religious connection of the family is. with the German Baptist church. Few cit izens of this township' are more highly re garded in every walk of life than is George- Tibbutt. EDWARD D. SCHERMERHORN. An eventful life has been that of Edavard. Doav Schermerhoirn, and no man in Wilson can relate from practical experience a more accurate account of life upon the plains in an early day before railroads had carried the evidence of civilization into the avestern dis tricts. He has been an active factor in the work of progress and improvement, aiding 724 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. in laying broad and deep the foundation for the present prosperity and advanced condi tion of EllsAvorth comity. Among the resi dents of Wilson he is the oldest settler of this portion of the state, having come to northern Kansas in the spring of 1867. Mr. Schermerhorn was born in Rensse laer, Neav York, September 4, 1848, and is a representative of one of the old Knicker bocker Dutch families that was founded on the Atlantic coast. David Schermerhorn, the father of our subject, avas born in Neav York and was a son of James Scherrmer- horn, but of avhom there is no definite -rec ord. He av|as a farmer by occupation and participated in the war of 1812. David Schermerhorn learned the blacksmith's trade, avhich he folloaved for many years. He avas married in the Empire state to Em ily Pomeroy, and unto them were born four children aaho attained years of maturity, of whornl Edward D. avas the youngest. One brother, Frank A., is noav; living in Riley county, Kansas. The mother died avhen our subject was only six months old, and the father afterward married Lois Hunt, by avhom he had two children, one daughter still living. His death occurred avhen he avas sixty-eight years of age. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed church and his life avas in harmony avith his professions. Edavard D. Schermerhorn received but limited educational privileges, attending school for only forty-two days after he had attained his twelfth year. Hoavever, in the practical affairs of life by experience, read ing and observation and through the pos session of a retentive memory he has become a Avell informed man. He started out on his own account in 1863, when only fifteen years of age, Avorking as a, farm hand. In the succeeding avinter he entered a blacksmith shop and learned the trade and followed that pursuit until he came to Kansas, lo cating at Fort Harker in the spring" of 1867. For a short time after he came to the west he avas associated with Mr. Parks, a rail road contractor, but he later was killed by the Indians avhen they avere doing avork on the grade west of avhere the town of Ellis noAV stands. The Indians made an attack and the white men threw up some breast works for rifle pits, and for some time re pulsed the attack of the savages. Mr. Schermerhorn was shot through the left hand and others of the party were injured. Mr. Parks and some of his men, however, were killed while out on a buffalo hunt. After the death of his employer Mr. Scher merhorn returned to Fort Harker and was in the sutler's department there. In 1870 he was appointed sutler of G Troop, Sev enth Cavalry, and B Troop, of the Fourth Artillery, and spent the spring of that year ' on Solomon river, but in the fall returned to New York, intending to remain in the state of his nativity. After six weeks, however, his love for Avestern life overcame him and he returned to Kansas. He hunted buffaloes that winter and in the following year purchased five hundred head of cattle and engaged in the stock-raising business, but the winter of 1 87 1 -2 was so severe that the cattle were frozen and he lost all that he had invested. He then accepted a clerkship in the store of Arthur Latkin, in Ellsavorth, with whom he remained until February, 1879, when he came to AVilson and began business on his oavn account, opening a stock of dry goods and clothing at the corner avhere his pres ent large store is noav located. He first oc cupied a frame building, one story in height, taventy-four by sixty feet, but his business soon outgreav its accommodations and in 1893 he erected the present fine block which now adorns the corner. The building is a steel frame, built of stone and pressed brick, tavo stories in height, with basement, and its dimensions are fifty by eighty feet. From the beginning Air. Schermerhorn has en joyed success in this undertaking, and he iioav has a large and Avell selected stock of dry goods, clothing and boots and shoes. He has strict regard for the ethics of com mercial life, and his honorable dealing, com bined Avith his earnest desire to please his customers and his moderate prices, have se cured him a very large patronage. He con tinued alone in business until February 1, 1899, when he admitted his son, Frank L., BIOGRAPPIICAL HISTORY. 725, to a partnership. He is regarded as one of the most prominent merchants of the city, and, avhile his labors have been of individ- uel benefit, they have also' promoted the prosperity of the community, for every town and city oaves its existence, its growth and improvement, to its commercial inter ests and industrial enterprises. Air. Scher merhorn is also vice-president of the Cen tral National Bank, of Ellsavorth, and is a director in the Sylvian State Bank, of Lin coln county. His judgment in business affairs is so accurate that his opinions and counsel are ahvays valued in trade circles. He is likeavise interested in farming, and is the oavner of tavo hundred acres of valuable land, of which nine hundred acres is planted to avheat, the entire amount being operated on the shares. On the 4th of September, 1875, Mr. Schermerhorn avas joined in wedlock to Aliss Christene Calene, daughter of Leavis Calene, of Dickinson county, Kansas, and they have three children, of whom two are living, Frank and AVilliam E., both of whom) are associated avith their father in the store, the former as a partner. He at tended tbe high school «f Wilson and re ceived his business training in the commer cial college at Salena. He is tha youngest man who ever took the thirty-second degree in Masonry, having only passed his twenty- first birthday by fifty-tavio days at the time avhen he attained the degree of the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. Mr. Schermerhorn, of this review, is a prominent Mason, belonging to Samaria Lodge, No. 298, F. & A. M., of Wilson, in which he has filled all of the chairs. He likewise holds membership in Ellsworth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. M. ; Ellsworth Council, No. 9, R. & S. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 32, K. T., and is a rep resentative of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, belonging to Wichita Con sistory, No. 2, S. P R. S. In Isis Temple, of Salina, he was made a noble of the An cient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine. His name is on the membership rolls of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights and Ladies of Security, the Ancient Order of United Workmen an(j the Select Knights, and of these organizations he is a valued representative. He votes avith the Democracy, but the honors and emoluments of office have had no: attraction for him, although he has served on a feav occasions in local office. He has been a member of the city council of Ellsavorth, has served on the school board and has been its chief ex ecutive, proving a most capable mayor. His business career is one of avhich he has every reason to: be proud. Starting out in life on his own account at the early age of fifteen years, he has avorked his way steadily up- avard, having met many hardships and diffi culties, but has overcome these by deter mined purpose, and to-day he ranks among the most successful representatives of com mercial interests in his adopted county, and throughout all he has maintained a reputa tion for reliability and trustworthiness that is indeed enviable. G. B. JOHNSON. G. B. Johnson, a prominent represen tative of the agricultural interests of King man county, was born at Penn's Grove,. Salem county, New Jersey, im 1850. His father, Jacob Johnson, claimed Neav Jersey as the state of his nativity and he was there reared to years of maturity. In that state he was united in marriage to Amanda Bid dle, a native daughter of New Jersey and a wlonian of a high degree of intelligence and refinement. He was drowned at the com paratively early age of fifty-six years, and his wife reached the age of sixty years. They became the parents of five children, as follows: G. B. ; Emma, deceased; Alartha; and Elmer and Frank, twins. G. B. Johnson, whose namte introduces this review, w|as reared to' farmi life in the Empire state, and on attaining to' years of maturity he began work at the carpenter's trade, and from 1875 until 1877 he avas en gaged in avork on public buildings im Phila delphia. In the latter year he came to Kan sas, securing one hundred and sixty acres of .726 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Osage Indian land in Vimita township, Kingman, county, to: avhich he has since added another tract of one hundred and sixty acres, thus making him the possessor of three hundred and twenty acres. His farm is one of the valuable ones of the county, and there he is successfully engaged in general farming and stock-raising, his efforts in the line of his chosen vocation , being attended avith a high and well mer ited degree of success. When twenty-three years of age, in Neav Jersey, Air. Johnson avas united in marriage to Susanna Cobb, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Cobb, residents of Ness county, Kansas. The union of Mr. and Mrs. John son has been blessed avith the following , children : Thomas, of Ness county, Kan sas; Amanda, George, William, Elmer, Marion and Susie, at home. They have also lost tavo children, Alary, the first born, dy ing at the age of four years, and one de ceased in infancy. Mr. Johnson votes independently of party ties, and his first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln. He has served a short time as a member of the school board, and his social relations has been a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity, and at present is a member of the Alodern Woodmen of ' America. Both he and his wife are members of the Christian church, and have always been interested in the pro motion of education and religion and the welfare of the community at large. FRANK H. HUNTINGTON. Frank H. Huntington, a representative railroad man residing in Newton, Kansas,. avas born August 18, 1852, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Plis father, James Nelson Hunt ington, avas. a native of New York, and it AA'las during his youth that he Avent to the Hoosier state about 1812. He was reared to farm life and received but a limited edu cation. In early manhood he was united in marriage avith Miss Almira Banks, a native of Vennpnt, and they began their domestic life in a rude log cabin in the midst of the forest. First a clearing was made on which to erect the house and protect it from fall-' ing trees in case of a storm. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington began married life with a capi tal of one hundred dollars, but always man aged to' live within their means and reared a large family to habits _ of industry and economy. Their first land was a forty-acre tract covered with a heavy growth of oak, walnut and hickory trees, and for some time they lived in primitive pioneer style, but at length success crowned their combined efforts and they became quite well-to-do; in fact, Mr. Huntington was considered quite wlealthy at the time of his wife's death, avhich occurred in 1865. Unto: them were born ten children, of avhom seven reached years of maturity, namely : Sarah is now the wife of P. PL Fatout, a farmer of Indiana; AA'illiam was for thirty years a railroad engineer, and avas killed on the Illinois Central Railroad between AVetague and Dongola in a wreck in 1897. James Noble, who served through the Civil war in President Harrison's com mand, avas a. carpenter and builder and died im Indiana, avhen past middle life. Charles D. died avhile in the service of his country during the war of the Rebellion and sleeps at Cumberland Gap. Frank H, of this re vieav, is the next of the family. Edavard had the misfortune to lose his foot in the railroad service, and is noav station agent at Tamaroa, Illinois. Melinda died in youth. The father avas a second timle married and had four sons and tavo daughters by that union. He died in 1885, at the age of sev enty-six years, honored and respected by all avho knew him. He was strictly temperate and aatis a strong Union man during the dark days of the Civil avar. His morals avere above question, and he always stood firmly for the right, truth and justice. The subject of this sketch passed his boyhood and youth on the home farm and attended school in the neighboring village, and avas later a, student at the Northwestern Christian University. On attaining his ma jority he left home and began his railroad career as firemjan on the Illinois Central BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 727 Railroad between Chicago and Cairo, Illi nois, and later to Bloomington. He re mained in the service of that company for over six years and avas promoted to the po sition, of engineer. In the meantime Mr. Huntington avas married, November 12, 1879, to Miss Sarah • Wright, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio1, and a daughter of Thomas and Delia (Butler) AATight, both of whom' were also, born in that state. Her mother, however, is 'of Scotch and Pennsylvania German extrac tion, avhile her father is of English descent. They are now living in Centralia, Illinois. In their family were six children : Sarah, the avife of our subject; John, avIio died at the age of sixteen years ; Elizabeth, also' de ceased; Thomas and George, both residents of Centralia, Illinois; and Delia, who died at the age of one year. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Huntington Avere born three children, as folloavs : Thomas Nelson, who. was borm in Centralia taventy-one years ago1, and is now a trainman; Delia May, avho' is now fifteen years of age and is attending school and • pursuing her musical studies ; and Almira June, avho is eleven years of age and is also in school. In the spring of 1882 Mr. Huntington came to Kansas and took up his residence in Xickerson avhen that place was a mere ham let. There he purchased the house in which his daughter Delia May was born, and con tinued to make his home there until coming to Neavton in 1888. His present elegant home avas erected by him1 in 1893. It is lo cated at the corner of Seventb and Plum streets and is one of the best and most pleas ant residences an the city, being a large tavo- story structure with an attic, beautiful plate- glass windows, avell lighted and supplied with all modern improvements and conven iences. It is also well furnished and supplied avith every evidence of culture and comfort. Hiis delightful home is presided over by a most pleasing lady, whose dignity and com posure puts her guests at ease, and makes it so attractive to her husband and children. The family hold membership in the Metho dist church and occupy an enviable position in social circles. For twelve years Mr. Huntington has been a Royal Arch Mason, and is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He is also: a member of Neavton Commandery, No. 9, K. T. In politics he is a Republican. JOHN T. LACKEY. Among the early settlers of Evan town ship, Kingman county, there is no: one who is held in greater esteem than John T. Lackey, avho has made his residence in cen tral Kansas since 1876. His birth occurred in Champaign county, Ohio., on the 12th of Novemiber, 1840. He is a descendant of a Protestant Irish family, tracing back four generations, who were known for their in dustry , honesty and morality. His' parents, Thomas and Sophia (Hayes) Lackey, were both natives of Pennsylvania, avhence they moved to Champaign county, Ohio, and sub sequently to. Knox county, im the same state. Later he removed' AA'ith bis family to' Fulton county, Ohio, and throughout his life was engaged, in the manufacture of carriages., at Aahich he avas eminently successful. They avere the parents of five children, three sons and tavo daughters, namely : Margaret, of Ottawa, Ohio; John T., the subject of this revieav ; Albert, avho served as a soldier in the Forty-third Ohio Infantry, and is noav a resident of Marshall, Michigan; Edward, avho died in Ohio; and Henry, killed by an outlaw in Texas. Air. Lackey Avas a Jack son Democrat and after the war Avas a Lin coln Republican. Both parents are iioav de ceased, the father passing away at Ottawa, Ohio-, at the age of sixty-five, and the mother avhen seventy years of age. They avere both highly respected throughout the county in avhich they resided and were deeply mourned by all avho kneav them'. Ji.hn T. Lackey in his early youth was taught by his parents lessons of honesty and industry. His education was received in the common schools of Ohio, his residence being in Champaign, Fulton and Knox counties during hisyouth. He learned the 728 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. shoemaker's trade and spent the early part of his manhood engaged in this occupation, avith avhich he avas thoroughly familiar and avhich brought him a fair degree of success. AA'hen twenty-three years of age he was married, in Fulton county, Ohio, to: Miss Agnes Van Nortwick, a lady of intelligence and one avho. has been to him a faithful and loving companion on life's journey. She avas born and reared in Fulton county, Ohio', being a daughter of John and Sarah Van Nortwick, a family of Pennsylvania Dutch lineage. Tavo of her brothers avere soldiers in the avar, loyally defending the stars and stripes : Abraham, avho avas born in AVau- seon, Fulton county, Ohio, and is now a resident of Chicago, Illinois ; and John, who makes his home in Michigan. Tlie parents both passed away in Fulton county, Ohio, in the faith of the Baptist church. Mr. and Airs. Lackey are the parents of five chil dren, as folloavs : George E., avIio resides in Evan township, Kingman county; Fred B., a avell knoavn painter and sign-writer of Kingman county; Charles E., who is en gaged in the livery business at Colwich, SedgAvick county; Floyd B., who is mar ried and lives on the home farm ; and Dora Hunter, of AVichita, Kansas. Mr. Lackey made his home in Ohio un til 1876, when he came to Sedgwick county, Kansas. Here he remained for four years, and in 1880 came to Evan township and took a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of Osage Indian land. This he has placed under a high state of cultivation until it is noaa1 one of the richest farming properties, in this porton of the state. Three acres of this land is devoted to an orchard of thrifty fruit trees, avhile the remainder of the land comprises the productive fields and rich pasture lands. He has erected a substantial residence on this land for himself and fam ily, avhile a second house provides a home for his son, Floyd B. Lackey. Everything about the place is in splendid condition, in dicating the careful supervision of the owner. In politics Mr. Lackey supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, but is independent, and has been a leading factor in public affairs since he first became a citi zen of Evan toavnship. He has served as township trustee, and also justice of the peace for tavo terms, and held the office of treasurer of school district No. 31. In all his duties he has served with honor and credit to himself. Both he and his avife are consistent members of the Baptist church, in which he holds the office of clerk. Along the lines of educational, religious and tem perance avork he has been actively engaged, and lends his liberal support to all move ments pertaining to the advancement and Avdfare of his county. His financial and* social successes which he now enjoys are the result of a life of honesty and strict ad herence to those principles which he learned in early life and which grew stronger within him as the years passed. C. C. STEVENSON. C. C. Stevenson is a successful farmer of Galesburg township, Kingman county, who has gained prominence in the agricul tural line through his thrift and enterprise. Since 1878 he has resided in this county,. becoming an important factor along all lines tending" toward the general good of the community in which he resides. His birth occurred in Hopkins county, Kentucky, No vember 18, 1834, and is a son of James R. Stevenson, also a native of the Blue Grass- state. The great-grandfather of our sub ject was a native of Ireland but he came ,to America early in the history of the country, locating in Pennsylvania, where his son,. John, avas born. The family is of Scotch- Irish lineage and avere noted for their in dustry, honesty, courage and patriotism. A brothel* of John Stevenson, the grandfather of our subject, served in the Revolutionary avar under General Washington. John Ste venson was married to Mary Robertson, whose death occurred in Missouri. He- moved from Kentucky to Missouri in 1832, and was one of the pioneers of that state^ C. C. STEVENSON. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 729- He passed aavay in Chariton county, Mis souri, at the age of eighty-nine years. James R. Stevenson avas born in Mercer county, Kentucky, in 1802, and in 1829 he avas joined in marriage to Sarah R. Givens, avho was born in December 1810, and diea October 8, 1901, in Kingman county, Kan sas. She was a daughter of Eleazer and Jenny (Robinson) Givens, both natives of Virginia. Air. and Airs. Stevenson became the parents of eight children, namely : John, noav deceased ; Eleazer G., of Grant county. Oklahoma; C. C, the subject of this re view; AA*. T., a resident of Alissouri; Mary J. Riley, of Galesburg township; Margaret I. Long and Alartha L. Davis, also of Gales burg toavnship ; and Eusebia, aaho died in childhood. The descendants of this worthy couple numbered sixty-one, eight children, thirty-five grandchildren and eighteen great grandchildren. Airs. Stevenson became a member of the Baptist church in 1838, but on moving to Alissouri united avith the Cum berland Presbyterian church, of avhich she remained a member until her death, a de- a*oted and consistent Christian woman. James R. Stevenson remained in Kentucky until 1853, avhen he removed to Missouri, and there he passed aavay in death on the 27th of December, 1857, at the age of fifty- five years. During his active business ca reer he Avas principally engaged in farming, but was also a carpenter and erected many homes. In politics he Avas a Democrat, and AA'as honored and respected by alj avIio kneav him. He avas brought up under the teachings of the old Presbyterian church. C. C. Stevenson, whose name introduces this revieav, began life on his father's farm, assisting in the labors of the field and there learning the lessons of perseverance and in dustry. The common schools of Kentucky furnished him his literary education, which has been supplemented by reading, observa tion and experience. When twenty years of age he left the old homestead and went to Chariton county, Missouri, where he en gaged in farming. Here, at the age of thirty- four, he was joined in marriage to Alary C. Taylor, whose birth occurred in Alason county, Kentucky, avhere she avas reared and educated. Her parents were John AV. and Elizabeth (Knight) Taylor, in avhose family were five children. The fa ther passed aavay at the age of seventy- three years, in the faith of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, of which he had served as elder for many years. Unto Air. and Airs. Stevenson have' been born three chil dren, namely : Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Rilev, ¦ of Galesburg township; and Laura R. and Lucy T., at home with her parents. In 1878 Mr. Stevenson, left Missouri and came to Kansas, where he took up a claim of the Osage Indian land. To this he has added from time to time until, he iioav possesses .three hundred and twenty acres of land under a high state of cultivation: The many improvements which he has made to- this property, together with the substan tial residence and barn, has increased the value of the farm and it now ranks avith the principal homesteads in the county. Its neat and thrifty appearance, its avell tilled fields and high grade plainly indicate the oavner to be a person of energy and abil ity, and the success which is his is avell mer ited, after the careful supervision and hard labor avhich he has bestowed upon his farm. Mr. Stevenson gives his political support to the men and measures of the Democratic party and is active in local movements avhich promote the welfare and general good of the community in avhich he re sides. His outdoor life has given him a robust constitution and good physique, he being about six feet and one inch in height and his weight is one hundred and eighty pounds. For a number of years he has served as an elder in the Cumberland Pres byterian church, of avhich, he and_ his fam ily are ' members. He has also, held the office of justice of the peace, discharging his duties with promptness and fidelity, avhich have avon for him the confidence of his fel low men. Plis life has been one of honor and upright living, and his success is due to his strong adherence to the principles in which he believes. 46 73o BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. SAMUEL W. STEWART. Samuel W. SteAvart is engaged in the raising of stock and avheat in Valley town ship, Rice county, owning a tract of land on section 2. Die Old Dominion is the place of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Alontgomery county, that state, on the 14th of July, 1856. He represents one of the old and honored families of the south and traces his ancestry back to Scotland. His paternal grandfather, James Stewart, was a Method ist minister, and avas born in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, in 1797, but his death occurred in Alden, Kansas, in 1887, at the advanced age of ninety years. He avedded Betsey Bush, a native of Roanoke county, Virginia, who: died in Montgomery county, that state, in 1858, leaving five sons and three daughters, of whom: five are yet living, namely: Robert B., the father of our subject; Alice, the wife of Woods Eakin, of Athens, Tennessee ; Lizzie G., the wife of Robert Bush, of Sumner county, Kansas; James R., of Alden; and Sallie, the wife of George Kiester, of Wichita. Three sons of the family were soldiers in the Confederate army during the Civil war. Jack Steavart was a captain and served throughout the period of hostilities, while J. R. Stewart served in the ranks for four years, and Charles died from disease in the hospital. Robert B. Steavart is a native of Roan oke county, Virginia, born in 1829. He wedded Miss Angdine Arrington, of Frank lin county, that state, a daughter of Samuel and Eveline (Phelps) Arrington, the wed ding taking place in the Old Dominion in 1855. They began their domestic life upon a farm, but in 1881 Mr. Steavart sold hi.s property and emigrated westward with his family, taking up his abode in Rice county, Kansas. By his marriage he had seven chil dren, namely : Samuel W. ; J. E. and R. O., tavin sons, the former noav a practicing phy sician in. Hutchinson, Kansas, avhile the fat ter is engaged in the raising of wheat and stock in Valley toavnship, Rice county ; Eva, avho died in this county, at the age of taventy-four years ; Alice, who died in Rice county at the same age; Richard A., a practicing physician of Hutchison; and Olive, the wife of Samuel Steinmetz, of Val ley township. The father is still living, at the age of seventy-tavo years and is avell preserved in health and strength. Pie began life in limited financial circumstances, but by unfaltering labor and keen business dis cernment he prospered, acquiring a comfort able compdence. Samuel W. Stewart of this revieav was the first of the family to seek a home in the Sunflower state. He came in 1881, and for two years resided in Sterling, where he fol lowed the trade of carpentering. He pur chased his first farm in 1883, becoming own er of one hundred and sixty acres of unim proved, land, for which he paid sixteen hun dred dollars. He now. owns two hundred and forty acres, and in connection with his brother, R. O. Stewart, keeps thereon from seventy-five to two hundred and fifty head of cattle for the market. They are also breeding shorthorn cattle. They have raised over taventy-two thousand bushels of wheat in a single year and the farm is pro ductive andi profitable in its various depart ments. In 1892 Mr. Stewart of this review erected a large amd pleasant cottage and in 1898 built his extensive barn. He has a fine orchard of tavo acres, in which are many fruit trees of various kinds, which he plant ed! eighteen years ago. He raises peaches, cherries, plums and quinces, and the orchard is well irrigated, being graded and fixed for this purpose. He also breeds horses and mules and avorks about seven head.. The home life of Mr. Stewart is very pleasant. He was married in Botetourt county, Virginia, in 1880, to Miss Bessie Gish, a daughter of David Gish. Her par ents came to Kansas in 1883 and both are noav deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Steavart lost a son and daughter in infancy, but they have five children living : Clara, who avas born in the spring of 1881 ; Blanche, who was born in 1883; AATiliam Other, born in 1885; Ola, avho aa-as born in 1892 ; and Gladys, avho completes the family and who was born in 1901. In, his political views Mr. Steavart is a Prohibitionist, but has never been an as- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 73i pirant for public office. He belongs to -the Mdhodist church, and is interested in every thing pertaining to the welfare and progress of his country along substantial lines of im provement. Coming to Kansas twenty years ago, he has throughout the intervening period done all in his power for the advance ment of the community and at the same time he has found in his business affairs the suc cess avhich he coveted and avhich led him to try his fortune in the Sunflower state. H. C. MARKLE. For a quarter of a century H. C. Markle has resided in Rice county and now makes his home on section 11, Center township. He is a native of the middle west, and the enterprising spirit which dominates that sec tion of the country has been manifest in his career. He was born in Madison coun ty, Indiana, December 27, 1865, and is of German lineage, the family having beem founded in the new world at am early day. George W. Markle, the father of our sub ject, was borm in Henry county, Indiana, and spent his youth upon a farm, early aiding in tbe task of developing and improving his -fields. In the public schools he acquired his education and after arriving at man's estate he was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Brown, who was also born, reared and educated in Henry county and represen ted a good pioneer family of that section of the country. With his wife and children George W. Markle removed to Madison county, Indiana, where for several years he engaged in the livery business, conducting the enterprise at Anderson. Subsequently he made his way westward, taking up his abode in Center township, Rice county, Kan sas, where he resided until 1887, when he removed to Reno county. He is now en gaged in farming near Sylvia, in that coun ty, and is accounted one of the leading and Influential agriculturists of his community. His political support upholds the men and measures of Democracy, and while residing in Rice county he was the candidate for sheriff, but met defeat oaving to the strong Republican majority. Both he and his avife hold membership in the Christian church, and thdr religions belief permeates their lives and is manifest in their honorable re lations with their fellow men. This avorthy couple were the parents of seven children, namely: Milton, who is living in Alvah, Oklahoma; Rolla, a resident of Seward, Reno county, Kansas; H. C. ; William, who is also living in Reno county; Mrs. Ida Witt, who resides in the same locality ; and Peter and Joseph, who are yet under the parental roof. H. C. Markle avas only ten years of age when he became a resident of Kansas, and throughout the intervening period he has watched with interest the progress and de velopment of the state as it emerged from a frontier settlement to -take rank with the leading commonwealths of the Union. He began his education in the schools of Indi ana, and in Kansas continued his studies un til sixteen years of age, when he began working by the month. At the age of eighteen he operated a threshing machine, and for eighteen years has been the most popular and best thresher in the county. He has now a complete Avery steam threshing outfit — the best machine of the kind in the United States. Each season his services are im great demand as a thresher and his business in this line is extensive and profit able. He is very industrious and energetic and is notably (reliable, for when his word is once given any one can depend upon it. Mr. Markle was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Spech, a woman of intelligence and culture, who was reared and educated in Rice county. Her father, A. D. Spech, is a prominent and honored citizen of this com munity. The young couple began their do mestic life in Lane county, Kansas, avhere they resided for two years, and then re turned to Rice county. A year later, how: ever, they removed to Oregon, spending one season near Portland, and in 1891 they took up their abode on the old homestead farm' in Center township, Rice county, which his father had entered om coming to Kansas. Here he has one hundred and sixty 732 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. acres of rich land, avhich yields a good re turn for the labor bestoaved upon it. Alto gether he has tavo hundred and eighty acres. His home is an extensive 'residence, com manding a good vieav of the surrounding country. All the other buildings upon the jilace are modern and kept in good repair. Cribs and granaries, avell filled avith grain, indicate the success avhich has croavned his labors. There is a grove of six acres and a good bearing orchard. Altogether his farm is considered one of the best in the commun ity and is a monument to the efforts and en terprise of the occupants. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Markle has been blessed avith five children : George A., Gavendolyn, Jesse E., Ruth and Mildred. The parents .are earnest Christian people, Air. Alarkle holding membership in the Ger man Baptist church. He is a supporter of Democratic and Prohibition principles, be lieving in both parties, and gives his ballot to support the candidates avhom' he regards as best qualified for office. He is a self- made man, his life having been one of un usual activity, his labors being guided by keen discrimination and sound judgment. In manner he is genial, friendly and cour teous and his personal qualities are such as avin him friendship and regard wherever he is knoavn. HENRY R. HONEY. The Avriter is ever animated by a fra ternal feeling Avhen it becomes his privilege to Avrite concerning one Avho has, like him self, been identified Avith the "art preserva tive of all arts," for he is fully cognizant how great an extent may even a univer sity education be supplemented and effec tively rounded out through the discipline of the neavspaper office, — a discipline avhich is in itself equal to a liberal education. The state of Kansas has enlisted in the conduct ing of its neavspaper press many men of ability, originality, excellent business dis cernment and sterling character, and under each heading of this category ave may m.o'st consistently classify Air. Honey, the editor and publisher of the AA'estern Advocate, at Mankato, Jewell county. Air. Honey Avas born om a farm in Jef- felrson county, AVisconsin, on the 21st of Alarch, 1859, being the son of Randall and Polly A. Honey, natives of Vermont. In 1S64 the family removed to Kansas and set tled in* that section avhich was afteravard knoavn. as Shirley county and later as Cloud county, the location made being near the site of the present toavn of Ames. That the country avas indeed neav at that time is evi dent when we revert to the fact that avhen Air. Honey established his home here there avere only eight other families residing avith in the confines of the present countv of Cloud. The subject of this sketch has thus practically spent his entire life in Kansas, and his memory links the early pioneer epoch avith that of lat ter-day progress and prosperity. He avas a pupil in the first school taught in the coun ty, the teacher being his sister, Airs. AA" AI. AVilcox, avho' is still a resident of Cloud county. At this juncture ave quote from a ' sketch preA'iously published concerning our subject: "In a neav country educational advantages are not usually very great, but the boy made the most of the opportunities offered, and in a log schoolhouse, equipped avith benches instead of desks, he laid the foundation for a good practical education. Indians avere numerous and troublesome and it avas necessary for everyone among the hardy pioneers to' be able to handle a gun. Brought up under these conditions, Mr. Ploney became an expert marksman and he is counted among the best 'rifle shots in Jeavell county. His paternal ancestors came from Ireland, and up to about the time of the war of the Revolution the name avas Mahoney. His great-grandfather served through that conflict, and his grand father served in the avar of 1812. His ma ternal ancestors avere of Welsh extraction. A dash of Indian blood coming in through his paternal grandmother probably ac counts for his loa'e of gun and sports. He has alaa'ays been a great reader and has an excellent memory-. He early sheaved that he avas not designated by nature for service BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 733 as a farmer, and avhen sixteen years of age he entered a printing office and learned the trade in every detail. In 1880 he bought and assumed control of the Concordia Em pire, the oldest and most influential Repub lican paper in Cloud county. About tavo years later he disposed of his paper and avas elected cashier of the Concordia National Bank, and he spent the next eight years in tlie banking business, avhich gave him the practical business education necessary in conducting' a successful neavspaper enter prise. AA'hile engaged in other vocations he never entirely avithdreav from neavspaper Avork, but continued as correspondent or as special avriter Avhen anything of importance demanded. v Air. Honey has traveled extern sively and "notices things.' He has an orig inal vein of humor, avhich bubbles up on all occasions and overfloavs at the slightest provocation. He is a man of strong con victions, strict integrity and high ideals, and is ahvays found on the right side of all moral questions, avhile he is a stanch advo cate of everything that he believes avill bene fit his toavn and county." In the year 1897 Air. Honey effected the purchase of the AA'estern Advocate, at Man kato, and he has made of the same one of the best aveekly papers known to Kansas journalism, the paper being issued each Fri day as a seven-column quarto and being not only an able exponent of Populist principles,' thus avielding marked influence in political affairs, but also representing local interests in a most effective avay. Mr. Honey is a vigorous avriter, original in expression and having marked clarity of style, and under his regime the Advocate has been brought to the highest standard of excellence, avhile the plant is one of the best equipped in cen tral Kansas and all departments of the en terprise are conducted with signal ability and discrimination. In his political allegiance Mr. Honey was a supporter of the Republican pa(rty until 1894, when he espoused the cause of the Populist party, having made a careful study of political questions and becoming convinced that the latter party maintained principles and policies best designed to pro mote general prosperity and most in har mony Avith the basic idea on avhich our re public avas founded. He is thoroughly avell fortified in his vieavs and has done much to further the cause of his party in this section of the state, avhile he has served as a mem ber of both the county and the state central committees of his party. Air. Honey has had no personal ambition in a political avay, never having been an aspirant for public office of any character. Fraternally he is identified avith the Masonic order and its auxiliary, the Order of the Eastern Star ; and also avith the Independent Order of Odd Felloavs, the Knights of Pythias, the An cient -Order of United AVorkmen and the Modern AA'oodmen of America. He is a man of the most cordial and kindly nature and enjoys a high degree of popularity avherever he is known, avhile his integrity of character is beyond cavil. On the 14th of May, 1884, Mr. Honey avas united in marriage to Dr. Sarah Logan Kennedy, avho avas born in Laporte county, Indiana, the daughter of A. and Huldah Al. Logan. She is a lady of gracious presence and intrinsic refinement, and is an able member of the medical fraternity, having been graduated at the Chicago Homeo pathic College, at Chicago, as a member of the class of 1878- Air. Honey isfa lover of home, is essentially domestic in his tastes, and is fortunate and happy in his social_ life, avhile he has been successful as a business man and holds high relative prestige in the realm of Kansas journalism. The avriter of this sketch has seen a number of press notices evincing the high standing Mr. Honey enjoys in the editorial fraternity generally, and also demonstrating the editorial ability of his avife, Dr. Sarah K. Honey. AA*e take the liberty of quoting tavo of these testimonials. The Minneapolis Messenger said: "Henry Honey, of the Mankato Advocate, was recently stricken with blrain fag and was ordered, by his phy sician, to adjourn himself to some vast avil- derness far aavay from the maddening croavd. He left his avife in charge of the Advocate, and noav the readers earnestly hope that Honey's infirmities may keep him 734 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. indefinitely. The paper under Mrs. Honey is the best ever." The Concordia Kansan has the following: "Dr. Honey will have to quit doing so good a job of editing the Mankato Advocate or the editor-in-chief, her husband, never avill come back. She is mak ing such a good paper out of it, and Henry, being a thoroughly good newspaper man, avill make almost any sacrifice for the im provement of his paper, and avill not want to return to disturb her." AVILLIAM M. WARD. AA'illiam M. Ward, avho has valuable landed possessions in Barber county, and avho for tem years has served as deputy sheriff and constable, has made for himself a creditable record as an agriculturist and as an official. He avas born in Henry county, Ohio, January 3, 1856, and is a son of Will iam Ward, who was born in the same state in 1 81 6. Upon a farm in Henry county he avas reared and later he was married in Hancock county to Elizabeth Austin, also a native of the Buckeye state. He engaged in agricultural pursuits in Henry county until 1867, when he removed with his family to St. Joseph county, Indiana, where he pur chased and unproved a farm, making it his home until 1870. He then sold that property and, accompanied by his family, including nine children, of whom Albert and George avere married, he made the overland trip to Kansas, bringing with him three teams and tavo avagons, the latter loaded with house hold goods. Pie located in what was then Howard county, and secured a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres, Avhile his married sons entered adjoining claims The county Avas wild and neav and the set tlers Avere Avidely scattered. There was an abundance of game, including deer, ante lope and turkeys. AVhile residing upon his farm Air. AA*ard was called upon to mourn the loss of his Avife avIio: died in 1874 in the faith of the Christian church in which she held membership. They Avere the parents of ten children, but their daughter Mary re mained in Indiana where she had married prior to the removal of the parents to Kan sas. In 1876 the father again married, his second union being with Anna Phelps, a native of Illinois and a daughter of Luke Phelps, a soldier of the Civil war. Her death occurred in 1880, and later Mr. Ward wedded Elsie Smith, who is still living. In 1883 he sold his Kansas property and re moved to Newton county, Missouri, where he purchased a farm wbich was his home for three years. He then returned to St. Joseph county, Indiana, locating in the city of South Bend, where he is now living re tired at the age of eighty-six. For ten years, while in Henry county, Ohio, he sd*ved as constable and his life has ever been an active and useful one. In politics he has been a Republican since the organization of the party and is a zealous worker in its be half. He is also an active and consistent member of the Christian church. The chil dren by his first marriage were: Lewis, a farmer and stockman of Sun City, Barber county; Mary J., the wife of Joseph Rickey, who was a soldier in the Civil war, and now operates a hotel in Garrett, Indiana ; George, in the railroad service and located at Crom well, Indiana; Albert, who for the past eleven years has been employed in the Studebaker Wagon Works atSouth Bend, Indiana; Sarah, who married "Noah Host ler, of South Bend, Indiana, who was form erly a farmer; Milton, who is employed, on the Hostetter ranch in Barber county, Kan sas; William M., the subject of this review; Martha, the wife .of John Young, who is very- extensively engaged in stock raising, owning a large ranch in Turkey Creek township, Barber county; Ira, a farmer of Logan county, Oklahoma; and Sylvester, a farmer and stockman of Chautauaua coun ty, Kansas. The children by the second marriage were three in number : James, avho died in childhood; Noah, who- is living avith his father in South Bend, Indiana, and folloavs the trade of a stone and brick ma son; amd Emma, the avife of a Mr. Cole, of Cowley county, Kansas. To the third mar riage avas born but one son, Eugene, who is still at home. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 735 William Ward avas a lad of eleven years avhen his parents removed from Ohio to In diana, and with them he came to Kansas, remaining under the parental roof until sev enteen years of age, when he began work ing by the month as a farm hand. He was thus employed for five years, being the ser vice of Dave Fay and later of John Dos- baugh. At the end of that period he went to what was called No Man's Land — the southavestern part of Clark county, Kan sas, adjoining Indian territory. For two years he followed the arduous life of a coav- boy on the ranch of L. A. Chote and then returned to Chautauqua county, Avhere he began farming on his own account. While there Mr. AA*ard Avas married, March 12, 1882, to Clara Blankenship, who avas born in Macon county, Tennessee, a daughter of Hiram amd Melbina (Hender son) Blankenship, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Kentucky. They were married in Kentucky and lived there upon a farm until 1876, when they came by team to Chautauqua county, Kansas, locat ing in Harrison township. The father is now a well-to-do and leading citizen who is living retired. He is filling many of the local offices, and fraternally he is an Odd Fellow, while both he and his wife are mem bers of the Baptist church in which he is an earnest worker. His father was a native of Virginia and was of German descent. Removing to Tennessee, he there spent his remaining days. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Ward was Ira Henderson, who was of German and Irish lineage and was proh- ably a native of Kentucky. He served in the Civil war and avas wounded in battle. For forty years he served as a minister of the Baptist church, both on the circuit and as a local preacher. Removing to Kansas, he died in Chautauqua, in 1891. In the family were eleven children : Denton, who passed away in Chautauqua county, Kansas, in 1888; Mrs. Ward; Sadie, the wife of C. C. Hockett, the proprietor of a hotel and station on a stage route in New Mexico; William, who is engaged in the lumber business in the state of Washington, being located on the Oregon line ; Susie, who mar ried Sylvester Ward, a farmer and stock man of Chautauqua county, Kansas; Ru ben, engaged in the stone quarry business in Butler county, Kansas; Samantha, the wife of James Wilkinson, . a farmer and stock man of Chautauqua county, Kansas ; Thom as, a farmer and stockman of the same coun ty; Joseph, who was killed by accident in 1901 ; Rosa V., the wife of Samuel Wilkin son, who is engaged in farming and stock- raising in Chautauqua county, Kansas ; and Arthur, at home. After his marriage Air. AA*ard remained in Chautauqua county until 1884, when he took up his abode in Kiowa county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land upon which a feav improvements had been made. There he engaged chiefly in stock-raisimg, having brought fifty head of cattle to his new home. His first residence in Kiowa county was a stockade house, the logs being set in the ground and covered with dirt. A few years after his arrival there he erected a good house and greatly improved his surroundings, although for some time his life was one of strenuous toil. He also increased Jiis herd of cattle to' one hundred head. Im 1892 he sold his home farm removed to Barber county, where he purchased two hundred and forty acres of land in Sun City township, adjoining the village of that name. This was partially improved and was under fence. Two resi dences had been built thereon and one of these Mr. Ward moved until it stood next to the other, making a very comfortable and commodious (residence. He has given his attention to farming and stock-raising and for five years was also engaged in the breed ing of thoroughbred Poland China hogs. He now cultivates one hundred acres of his farm for forage crops in order to feed his stock, keeping from, sixty to one hundred head of excellent domestic cattle which are a good grade of short horns. Each year he sells a large number as feeders. In addition to his own farm' he utilizes eleven hundred acres for grazing purposes. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Ward have beem born six children: Alinnie L., the wife of R. O. Ward, who is employed om a cattle 736 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. ranch in Elm Mills township, Barber coun ty, Kansas ; Goldie, avho (resides at home and is attending school; a som who died in infancy; Alontie, at home; Sylvia E., avho died in infancy; and Meri, at home. Dur ing his residence in Barber county, Mr. AA"ard has served for two years as deputy sheriff and for eight months as constable, being re-elected again and again — a fact avhich indicates his faithful performance of duty. In politics he avas originally a Re publican, but of late years he has supported the People's party. He is a past grand of Sun City Lodge, No. 262, I. O. O. F., and his avife belongs to the order of Rebekah. Both are members of the Baptist church and Air. AA'ard is identified avith Lake. City Camp, No-. 4673, M. AV. A. He is a man of sanguine temperament, but just and gener ous, is a kind and devoted husband and fa ther and is strong" in friendship. He has done his full share for the development of the community and he richly merits the splendid success avhich has croavned his ef forts. Pie is to-day the oavner of some of the best land in this portion of the state and has a pleasant home surrotuided by a beauti ful grove of ea-ergreems. There is also r> vineyard and orchard upon his place and all me dern equipments. ALBERT BANFIELD., Albert Banfield long devoted his time and attention to the business of farming, stock raising and threshing and made his home on section 14, Black Wolf toavnship, Ellsavorth county, until September, 1901, avhen he removed to the town of Ellsavorth, avhere he is noav living retired from active business, though he still retains his landed estates. His life demonstrates the poaver of industry and unremitting diligence in the active affairs of life. He was born in Bradford cotinty, Pennsylvania, September 4, 1844. His father, Benjamin Banfield, avas a native of Chemung county, Neav York, whence he removed to the Keystone state and' afteravard came avest to Illinois, whence he came to Kansas, after his son, Albert, took up his abode here. The father did not remain long, hoavever, but removed to Iowa, where he resided until he was called to the home beyond, having passed the sev entieth milestone on life's journey. He was united in marriage, in Neav York, to Miss Phoebe Robinson, and they became the par ents of eleven children. The paternal grand father of our subject was born in New York, avhere he lived and died, and he had attained the age of ninety-mine years at the time of his death. Albert Banfield, the ninth in order of birth of his father's family, was reared on the home farm and was about eight years of age when his parents removed to De kalb county, Illinois, then a frontier region. There was no school within nine miles and the first school in the district was conducted in his father's home. The father and elder brothers of our subject were active in the work of development and progress there and assisted in the building of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad as far as Dixon. Four of his brothers avent to Chicago and enlisted for service in the Civil war. When the draft avas made Albert Banfield had just attained his majority amd avas the only one in his township who went to the war on a draft out of six who were chosen. The township paid one thousand dollars for each of tavo substitutes and when our sub ject returned he had to help pay that amount in taxes. He was a member of Company B, Thirty-second Illinois Infantry, which pro ceeded through Ohio and PennS'ylvania to Baltimore and was in the severe engagement at Five Forks, North Carolina. The family aa*as fortunate in that the five soils avho were upon the field of battle avere never injured. Four of the number served throughout the severe engagements at Bull Run, Antietam and Shiloh. Mr. Banfield of this sketch par ticipated in the grand revieav at Washing ton, avhere Avave after wave of bayonet- crested blue passed by the stand upon which the president avatched the return of the vic torious army. When the war was over, Mr. Banfield made his way avestward, being em ployed near Columbia, Nebraska, on the h^^^K^u, % (tt**iJ/hd>(s BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 737 construction of a pontoon bridge over the Platte river. AA'ith troops he then returned to Fort Leavenavorth, avhere he received an honorable discharge. Air. Banfield afteravard purchased a farm in Illinois, avhere he remained until 1878, avhen he came to EllsAvorth county and, after looking over the country, pur chased a claim on section 14 Black Wolf township, upon avhich he continued to make his home until his remoa'al to the county- seat. His original claim avas a tract of tim ber land upon avhich no building had then been erected. He brought the avindoavs, sills and frame for his house avith him from Illi nois and at once erected his residence and began the improvement of his property. He broke most of the fields avith oxen and cul tivated some of his corn by the use of ox teams. After he had placed his first quarter section under cultivation he purchased an other quarter, of pasture land, and began raising some stock. He to-day oavns four hundred acres of land and also some prop erty in EllsAvorth, and has aided his son in making a start in life by providing him avith one hundred and sixty acres. His en tire place is under the ploav avith the excep tion of about one hundred and fifteen acres. He keeps on hand quite a large number of coavs. horses and hogs, and in addition to the cultivation of his farm and the raising of stock he operates a thresher, having -in the period that he has carried along this , line in Kansas purchased seven neAV thresh ers. He has engaged in threshing for forty years and threshed from fifty to sixty thou sand bushels of grain annually and some times as high as seventy-five thousand bush els. The hogs Avhich he raises are of the Poland-China breed and all of his stock is of good grade. His barn is very commodi ous, being forty by eighty feet and having a stone basement under the entire struc ture. His farm is found on both sides of the river and thus includes rich bottom land and affords an excellent water supply for the stock. His life has been characterized by diligence and his efforts have been dis cerningly directed along well defined lines of labor so that he is iioav regarded as one of the most successful agriculturists of the community. On the 8th of March, 1869, occurred the marriage of Mr. Banfield and Aliss Ellen A'Tale, avIio Avas born in England, a daugh ter of OliA'e and Alary Anna (Bailey) Veale. Our subject and his Avife have had six chil dren: Fred, avIio is farming* south of his father's land; Frank, avho avas killed at the age of seventeen years by being thrown from a horse; Olive, avho died in infancy; and AA'aravood, Alary and Albert, who are still avith their parents. Air. Banfield ex ercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, but is not an office-seeker. He is a member of Ellsavorth Post, G. A. R., and is to-day- as true to the duties of citizen ship as avhen he folloaved the stars and stripes upon the battle-fields of the south. LAURENCE BURKE. The Laurence Burke stock farm is one of the attractive features of the landscape' in Rockville toavnship, Rice county, and the oavner occupies an enviable position in busi ness circles by reason of his honorable meth ods and unflagging industry and his close application to the duties which devolve upon him. More than a quarter of a cen tury has passed since he came to Kansas, and throughout this period he has made Rice county his home. A native of the Emerald Isle, Mb*. Burke was born in County Tipperary, in January, 1849. His father, Henry Burke, Avas an hon orable and representative citizer. of that community and married Anna Ryan. Both were natives of Ireland and have noav passed aavay, the father having departed this life at the age of fifty-eight years, avhile tbe mother Avas called to her final rest at the age of sixty-three. They had six children : Julia, of Neav \tork ; Mrs. Ellen Ritmar, of Louis ville, Kentucky ; Mrs. Mary De Laney, of Kansas City, Missouri; Laavrence, of this review ; Anna and Bridget, avho are noav de ceased. 738 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. In the green isle of Erin Laurence Burke spent the first nineteen years of his life, during which period he attended school and assisted in farm work. He then crossed the Atlantic to the neav world, making his way to Louisville, Kentucky, where he had a sister living. He there learned the trade of marble cutting and became an expert im that line, but he found that the pursuit did not agree with his health and was thus forced to turn his attention to other busi ness interests. Making his way westward to Kansas, he secured a tree claim and built a sod house, in avhich he kept bachelor's hall for some time. The period of his residence in the Sunfloaver state has been am era of prosperity, and to-day he is one of the most successful farmers of central Kansas. The Laurence Burke stock farm, of which he is the proprietor, comprises eleven hundred acres of valuable land and. is equipped with splendid buildings and everything necessary for the successful conduct of his business. In 1877 Mr. Burke returned to Louis ville, Kentucky, to secure a helpmate for the journey of life, and was theire married to Miss Kate Fahey, a lady of intelligence and good family, who was born in Sandusky, Ohio. Her parents avere Michael and Ellen (Egan) Fahey, the former a native of Coun ty Galway, Ireland, the latter1 of Dublin. They avere the parents of nine children, one son and eight daughters, namely : Mary, Michael, Kate, Elizabeth, Ellen, Maggie and three avho died in infancy. For many years the father has been im the employ of a gas company in Louisville, Kentucky, and is a most reliable business: man, honored and respected by all who know him. Mrs. Burke pursued her education in the schools of Louisville, and by her marriage she has be come the mother of six children, namely : William, IT., taventy-tavo years of age; Ed M., avho is noav nineteen years of age; Lau rence, aged seventeen ; George, Mary and Thomas, aged respectively fourteen, eleven and nine years. There is a fine grove and a large orchard upon the home place, and am ple provision has been made for the shelter of stock by the erection upon a rock founda tion of a large barn, forty by sixty-four feet, with twenty-foot posts, and also he is build ing an addition to his house avith all modern improvements, which will be one of the largest and most commodious farm resi dences in the county. Mr. Burke prosecutes his business affairs avith vigor and energy, and his labors haa*e returned to him a hand some competence. In his political views he was a stalavart Republican for many years and earnestly labored, for the growth and success of his party. In 1890 he was the nominee on that ticket for the position of county commissioner and avas elected by a large majority, serving for three years avith credit to himself and satisfaction to his con stituents. He avas then renominated, but was defeated by the combination of the Populist and Fusion forces. He later be came a Free Silver Republican and in 1896 and 1900 supported Bryan. Mr. Burke is recognized as an actia*e force in the party, being a good speaker, a logical reasoner and a forceful advocate of the principles in which he believes. It avould be difficult to find many residents of this portion of Kansas who are more popular or more highly es teemed than Laurence Burke. He possesses the versatility and the enterprise so charac teristic of the Irish race, and at the same time he is a loyal son of his adopted coun try, local advancement and public progress both being causes dear to his heart. AARON KUNKLE. Among the representative farmers and extensive land owners of Ellsavorth county, Kansas, none is bdter known than the sub ject of this sketch, avho, living avithin the limits of the city of Ellsworth, is the oavner of about tavo thousand acres of land in Ells avorth county and four hundred acres more across the line in Rice county. Aaron Kunkle avas born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, February 2, 1848, a son of Daniel and Catherine (Myers) Kun kle, both of avhom are natives of the Key stone state. Plis father, who was a farmer and carpenter, was a well-to-do man avho BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 739 was highly esteemed by his fellow citizens. Young Kunkle greav to manhood on his fa ther's farm and was given a good education for the time and locality, in the common schools and at Dempsey Academy at Lan- disburg, Pennsylvania. He was a member of his father's household until he was twen ty-three years old. September 26, 1871, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Sprusa) Seirer, a native of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, and be gan life for himself by renting a farm of his father on avhich he remained for one year. During the succeeding five years he lived on another rented farm, and March 25, 1879, in company with his wife's parents, he came to Ellsworth county, Kansas, bringing their goods in a chartered car and arriving March 28, in Wilson, Kansas. Mr. Kunkle at once bought a timber claim of one hun dred and sixty acres located in section 28, in Columbia township, for which he paid dght hundred dollars. Twentv-five acres of this land had been broken, but it was not im proved1 otherwise. As there was no resi- * dence upon the property, the family re mained at Wilson, until provision could be made for its accommodation. On Tuesday, May 10, 1879, the men of the family took to the farm a load of lumber and a load of ' household goods. They were joined by the "women folks;" and children, and all par took of a picnic dinner and during the afternoon they built a shed in avhich they slept that night. Afterward Mr. Kunkle built a house and used this shed for a stable. In 1899 he removed to section 10, in Ells worth township, avhere he remained until August^ 7, 1900, when he removed to his present residence within the city limits of the city of Ellsworth, which was erected in the summer of 1900 and is one of the neat est and most comfortable homes in that part of the city. The place is provided with a ba|rn covering a ground space of fifty-six by forty-six fed, a granary covering a ground space of fifty by thirty-two feet, commodious corn cribs and other necessary outbuildings. Mr. Kunkle has given his attention to general farming, but has made a specialty of wheat. He is fond of stock and usually keeps about fifty head of cattle. His model city home, nicely adapted to the uses of prac tical farming, contains tem acres of land which avas platted as Casper's addition to Ellsworth. A careful, thorough farmer, by nature industrious and frugal and possessed of trained business judgment, his success. has been won in such a manner that it should be an encouragement to: honest and intelligent young men to persevere in well doing. Mr. Kunkle has one son, Harry Kun kle, who makes his home with his parents and assists his father in looking after his extensive landed interests. In politics Mr. Kunkle is an independent Republican. He is a member of Ellsavorth Lodge, No. 109, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His son Harry is also a member of that lodge and holds membership in Gold en Bdt Encampment, No. 47, and is an officer in both bodies and' is a member also of the auxiliary order of Daughters of Re bekah. M. W. FORWARD, Al. D. Dr. M. AV. Foravard, who for thirty- four years has been a resident in Kansas and since 1894 has engaged in the practice of medicine in Frederic, was born in Jef ferson county, Neav York, in September, 1844. His father, W. G. Foravard, avas a well known and successful physician of .Jef ferson county, New York, where he prac ticed for many years. Subsequently he came to the west. His wife, the mother of our subject, died in Paola, Kansas, but Dr. For ward, Sr., is now living in Chicago, at the age of seventy-nine years. They avere the parents of five children, three sons and tavo daughters. Of this number Masteen For ward served as a soldier in the Civil avar with the Second. Michigan Cavalry and is now living in Kansas City, Kansas. In taking up tbe personal history of Dr. M. W. Forward we present to our readers the life record of one who has a avide a.c- quaintance and many friends in various sec tions of the Sunfloaver state. In his youth 74C- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. be enjoyed good educational advantages and the pleasant surroundings of a cultured home. AA'hen the country became involved in Civil Avar over the attempt at secession of the one side and the preservation of the Union on the other, he stood by the govern ment and manifested his loyalty by service in Troop I, Eleventh Neav York Cavalry. He enlisted in 1862 for three years, and served for two years with the Army of the Potomac Avhile for one year he was with the Department of the Gulf and participated in the Red River expedition. Pie took part in several important engagements and skir mishes and Avas true and; loyal to the old flag. After the AA-ar the Doctor went to Springfield, Illinois, his. father in the mean time having- removed to Madison, Wiscon sin. In 1867 the former located in Laav- rence, Kansas,, Avhere he remained for eight years, and them avent to' Detroit county, Wisconsin, avas there three years ; then avent to Ottertail county, Minnesota, but later he returned to this state, settling at Quenemo, Osage county, where he remained for nine months. On the expiration of that period he became a resident of Douglas county, Mis souri, avhich was 'his home for tavo years, when in 1894, on account of ill health, he came to Frederic, avhere he has since made his home, finding that the climate avas bene ficial. In his political views the Doctor is a Republican, and avhile residing in Quenemo filled the j>osition of mayor. He is noav serving as justice of the peace of Frederic and in all public positions discharges his du ties in a most prompt and able manner. So cially he is a Mason and he also belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity and to the Grand Army of the Republic. The Doctor avas first married in Sanga mon county, Illinois, to Martha Pooire, and unto them avere born three children, of whom tavo are living, — Minnie and Flor ence. In 1882 the Doctor was again mar ried, his second union being with Mary Draper, a cousin of Mrs. John D. Rocke feller. The Doctor married his last avife in 1892. Her maiden name avas Edith Ba ker, and she was a lady of intelligence and good family, presiding avith glracious hos pitality over their pleasant home. She died January 9, 1902, and the following obituary appeared in the local paper : "Edith Baker was born at Quenemo, Kansas, May 23, 1876. At the age of twelve years she united with the Presby terian church and began to work for her God. In December, 1891, she moved with her parents to Kansas City, Missouri, where she avas m&Jrried on the folloaving January, 1892, to Dr. M. XV. Forward. Dr. and Airs. Forward moved to Thornfidd, Mis souri, where she taught music in the college during the year of 1894, avhile the Doctor came avest to find a place in which he might build up a practice. In June, 1895, Dr. and. Airs. Forward settled in Frederic. Mrs. Foravard placed her church letter into the Methodist Episcopal church, and as she al- Avays had done began to work. She was very- active in all reforms, organizing a Good Templar lodge in Frederic, herself holding a seat in the grand lodge. "On the morning of January 9, 1902, Mrs. Forward left the church militant to unite Avith the church triumphant, after a three years' fight against that dread disease, consumption. During her illness many phy sicians avere consulted, but none could aid. She died avith perfect confidence and trust in her Saviour. Her life went out as the sum goes doavn, — noiseless, but glowing. She leaves behind to mourn her loss a mother, a husband, a brother, a church, a community. The services- were held in the Methodist church, Rev. George P. Sturges officiating." FRANK S. FOSTER. The value of local newspapers in the up building of the best interests of any com munity is universally conceded. The rule is that good papers are found in good towns, inferior: journals in towns of stunted growth and uncertain future. It is not so much a matter of size as of excellence and of adap tability to the needs of its locality. These BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 74* conditions given, in an appreciative and pro- < gressive community, the size of the paper will take care of itself in a avay mutually satisfactory to publishers and patrons. This has been proven in Ellsavorth, for Air. Fos ter has found that the Ellsavorth Messenger is a profitable source of income and the peo ple have enjoyed a avide-aAvake and enter prising journal. The subject of this revieav Avas born No vember 12, 1863, in Birmingham, \-ran Bu ren county, IoAva, his parents being Judah Henry and Harriet Elizabeth (Sharon) Foster. The Foster family is of English and German extraction, AA'hile the mother of our subject Avas of Scotch descent. The pa ternal grandparents avere Joseph and Eliza beth (Griffith) Foster, and the maternal grandparents avere the Rev. and Airs. James Sharon. The father avas born July 14, 1834. and died in Oklahoma City, April 27, 1896, while his avife, whose birth occurred in 1844, passed aavay in 1878, in Ellsavorth. During the early boyhood of ou|r subject they removed avith their family from Bir mingham to Bloomfield, Ioava, avhere they -remained until the spring of 1877, when they came to Ellsavorth, the father erecting the first flouring mill in this place. Frank S. • Foster pursued his education in the schools of Bloomfield, Iowa, and in Ellsworth. He is the eldest of four children, three sons and a daughter. After putting aside his text books he learned the printer's trade, Avork ing in the office of the Ellsavorth Reporter in the years 1878, 1879 and 1880. Realiz ing his need of still further education, he then entered the State University, spending four and a half years in that institution, be taveen the fall of 1879 and 1885. He was graduated in the spring of the latter year, and cn the compldion of the Latin scientific course he entered actia-ely upon a journal istic career. In October, 1885, in connec tion avith G. A. Collett, he embarked in the neavspaper business, as oavner and editor of the Ellsworth Messenger, and in November, 1894, he purchased his partner's interest, becoming sole proprietor. He has made this journal a credit to the community and has enjoyed a constantly increasing patronage. On the 8th of June, 1892, Mr. Foster was united in.marriage to Aliss Mollie Sher- riff, a daughter of Alexander and Mary Sherriff, of Ellsavorth, Kansas., They- now have one child, Norman Aiacleod, avho was born December 2, 1894. Air. Foster has never taken a very active part in politics, although he has been a delegate to numerous district and state conventions. Ploavever, through the columns of his paper he warmly espouses the cause of the Democratic party, and has had marked influence in promoting its groavth and success in this portion of the state. In 1893 he avas elected county clerk of Ellsworth county and filled the position for tavo years. In 1894 he avas chosen city clerk and has served in that capacity unin terruptedly since the 15th of November of that year. No higher testimonial of fidelity and capability can be given than the fact that he is the present incumbent after seven years of service. He is quite prominent in Alasonic circles, being the worshipful master from January 1, 1901, to January 1, 1902,. of Ellsavorth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M. He is also: high priest of Ellsworth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. M. ; a member of St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 33, K. T., and of Ells avorth Council, No. 9, R. & S. AI. He is also: a member of the lodge of the Ancient Order of United AA'oi'kmen at Ellsavorth, and of the Knights of Pythias. It avill be appropriate and fitting in this connection to append a history of the Ells avorth Messenger, avhich is a weekly, four- page paper, of seven columns of home print. The paper politically is Democrat and is ed ited and published by Frank S. Foster. A specialty is made of local, city and county neavs. It also publishes all official proceed ings of the county 'commissioners and of the city council. By the addition of the subscription list of the Ellsavorth Populist, avhich paper was purchased and consolidat ed avith that of the Messenger in April, 1899, the latter noav has a total subscription list of more than sixteen hundred. The Messenger is the outgrowth of the Rural AA'est, an agricultural paper founded, at Ells worth in 1880 by AV. E. Fosnet. This was purchased in 1882 or 1883 by Z. Jackson, 742 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. who changed the name to the Cyclone and later to the Ellsworth News. The latter Ayas an independent Republican paper, which in 1885 was purchased by George A. Collett and F. S. Foster, who. called it the Ellsworth Democrat, making the change in its politi cal complexion. In 1891 the name was changed to the Ellsworth Messenger and the paper Avas published and edited by the firm of Collett & Foster until the fall of 1894, at which time Mr. Collett disposed of his in terest to Air. Foster, the present propridor. AVILLIAM E. SHERIFF. AA'illiam E. Sheriff is a well known mer chant of EllsAvorth, where he is engaged in dealing in drugs and avail paper. In his youth the elements of success, lay* dormant in his nature, awaiting the aavakening touch of effort. As the years passed he became actively connected with business interests and his latent powers were aroused1 to meet the contingencies of the moment. Aleeting his opportunities, he bias advanced steadily to a position formost among the representatives of business interests im his adopted city. AAtilliam E. Sheriff is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred May 24, ,1857. His father, Johnson Sheriff, was born in Scotland, and in 1855 crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in Cincinnati. In his youth he had learned the miller's trade, and in his neAV home followed that ppiirsnit until 1885, avhen he came to Kansas, spending his last days in the home of his son William, in Ellsworth. He was married im Cincin nati, to Aliss Mary Wright, a daughter of Ebenezer Wright, a merchant of that city. Both avere members of the Presbyterian church and were people of the highest re spectability. They became the parents' of seven children, our subject being the only son and eldest of the family. He has four sisters avho are still living. The father died im 1897, but the mother still survives and is yet a resident of Ellsworth. AVilliam E. Sheriff pursued his education in the public schools of Gallipolis, Ohio, and in an academy in that city. He began his business career as a drug clerk in Gallipolis and after two years spent in that manner came to Ellsworth, in 1876^ where he en tered upon his business acred in a similar capacity. He occupied a position as sales man until 1883, when he purchased the busi ness conducted by E. G. Minnick and of which he has since been proprietor. The store was a small one at the time of the pur chase, but be has steadily increased his stock in order to meet the demands of a growing trade until he now has the best drug store in the city, carrying a large line of goods such as is found in a first class establish ment of the kind. His wall paper depart ment is also Arery- extensive and complete, comprising all grades, of paper of the latest patterns and most fashionable colors. In 1889 he purchased the building which he now occupies and in 1891 made a forty- foot addition im the rear, so that he now has a store room one hundred and fifty feet deep and twenty-five feet Avide. This en ables him to make an excellent display of his stock, and his store is always neat and attractive in appearance — an element of suc cess of avhich he is fully aware. His1 busi ness methods are such as to commaid him to public confidence and his trade annually returns him a good income. In 1880 occurred the marriage of Mr. Sheriff and Aliss Augusta Hall, a daughter of Airs. Al. A. Cramer, of Ellsworth. They have two interesting children, — Alary Pearl and Harry L. Mr. Sheriff is identified with various fraternal organizations, including, Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M.; Ellsworth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. A!.;' St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 33, K. T. ; and Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine, in Salina. In the commandery he has served as emi nent commander and for forty years avas re corder. He also belongs to the Ancient Or der of United Workmen. He takes a deep and active interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the community, co-operat ing in all measures for the public good. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Ellsavorth Hospital, of which institution he was one of the organizers. In his political BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 743 vieavs he is a Democrat, and for three years he served as treasurer of the county central committee. He formerly took a very active part in politics, but the growing demands of his business noav daim his attention, so that his political avork is lessened. He is noav serving for tlie third term1 on the state board of pharmacy and for one term has been sec retary of the board. For three terms he has been a member of the school board, and has served on the city council. The marvelous development of tbe aa*est is due to such men, whose indomitable energy and progressive spirit have overcome all obstacles and reached1 the goal of success. He is not so abnormally developed as to be called a genius, but is one of the strongest because one of the best balanced, the mose even and self masterful of men, and he has acted so well his part in both public and private life that Ellsavorth has been enriched by his ex ample, his character and his labor. JAMES W. HAMILTON. There is in every person a something that is inseparable, — the suggestive power of character, — and no one can analyze the deeds and actions of men without taking into account this ever recurring principle. He whose name initiates: this re- vieAv has been activdy and conspicuously Identified with the industrial activities of Kansas for nearly thirty-five years, has wielded a potent influence in public affairs, has held the distinguished preferment as state treasurer, has been prominent in the councils of the Republican party in this state, and has been signally' loyal and true to the duties of citizenship, even as he was to the cause of the Union when- he rendered yeoman service in the ranks of the boys in blue during the war of the Rebellion, that greatest of all internecine conflicts in the an nals of history. Mr. Hamilton is distinct ively a man of affairs, his business interests haa-e been of wide scope and importance, and he is honored in Kansas not less for his ability than for his sterling integrity of character. Pie is at the present time man ager of the Chakaskia Land & Cattle Com pany, and retains his residence on a fine ¦ranch property, in section 32, Kingman township, Kingman county, having inn proved: this property, avhich until a recent date he retained in his own possession. Mr. Hamilton avas born in Adams coun ty, Ohio, on the 18th of October, 1842, and is of stanch Scotch lineage, his early Ameri can forbears having been sturdy and noble Scotsmen who were exiled from their na tive land in the latter part of the seventeenth century, by reason of their stalavart resist ance to tyranny and oppression and: their. strenuous efforts to keep the boon of liberty. Thus they came to America, banished from the land of their valiant fathers, and took up their abode in South Carolina. There was born James Hamilton, who emigrated thence to Harrison county, Kentucky, which was the birthplace of his son William, the grand father of our subject. James Hamilton be came one of the prominent pioneers of that region, being a contemporary of Daniel Boone and a conspicuous figure in the early history of that section, avhich, as the scene of seemingly interminable conflicts avith the Indians, became known as the "dark and bloody ground." There he passed the resi due of: his life, a man of courage, ability and honor. His son William, whose birth oc curred near the present town of Cynthiana, Kentucky, in the latter part of the eighteenth ¦century, was there reared, but when a young man he emigrated to Adams county, Ohio, avhere he secured employment at the Mar ble Furnace. He avas a soldier in the war of 1812, serving under General Wilkinson, in the vicinity of Lake Erie. In Adams county lie married Anna Beaver, and they contin ued to make their home in Ohio, until their death, the former passing away in the year 1856 and being survived only a few days by his devoted wife. Of their large family of children none are living. The eldest was Henry, who died in Adams county, Ohio ; Andrew died in Livingston county, Illinois, about 1868; William died in Iowa, in 1885 ; Christian avas the father of the subject of this sketch; Catherine became the wife of 744 ¦BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. William Sommers, of Locust Grove, Adams county, Ohio, avhere she died many years ago.; and there avere four other daughters, avhose names our subject does not recall. Christian Hamilton avas born in Ad ams county, Ohio, im the year 1818, and his education avas such as was afforded in the primitive subscription schools of the pioneer epoch, avhile he early began to assist in the work of the homestead farm. In 184.1 he was united in marriage to Miss Julia Wil son, avho avas born in Plighland county, Ohio, about 1820, a daughter of James and Hannah AA'ilson, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania, avhence they removed tO' Ohio and cast in their lot among the pio neer settlers of Highland county, the farm which they oavned having adjoined that of the father of Joseph B. Foraker, United States senator and. former governor of Ohio, avho avas there reared. Mr. AATison avas like avise a soldier in the avar of 18 12, under General Wilkinson, and he avas of a collat eral branch of the family of James Wilson, one of the signers of the Declaration of In dependence. One of his sons became a man of marked prominence in Ohio' politics, avhere he avas an influential member of the state legislature and otheravise potent in public affairs. James and Hannah AAtilson died in Highland county many years ago, both having been of Scotch extraction, After his marriage Christian Hamilton removed to Pike county, Ohio, locating near the toavn of Cynthiana, avhere he remained until the early 50s, avhen he removed to Benton county, Indiana, avhence, three years later, he removed to Coles county-, Illinois, and in 1868 he came to Kansas, settling" near the toavn cf Erie, in Neosho, avhere he made his home until 1872, Avhen he located near South Haven, Sumner county, having devoted, his attention principally to farming and stock-raising. Plis Avife died in the year 1881, and he subsequently married Elizabeth Croav, of Greencastle, Putnam county, Indiana. -About 1888 they, removed from Kansas to Bainbridge, in the Indiana county mentioned, and there the father of our subject avas engaged in agricultural pur suits until his death, avhich occurred in 1898, his widow still maintaining* her home in that locality. In his political adherency he was. arrayed in support of the Whig party until the Republican party avas organized, avhen he espoused its cause, which he ever after ward supported. He avas a member of the Methodist church, but in his religious views. manifested a broad and tolerant spirit. Of his first marriage nine children avere born,. namely: James W., the subject of this re view ; Joseph, who died in childhood ; Sarah, the avife of M. Jones, a merchant of Pike- county, Ohio; Leavis, a resident farmer of Bramen, Kay county, Oklahoma; John, a fahner and stockman of Putnam' cotinty, In diana; Eliza, the avife of Joseph Carter, a. farmer of Beaver, Oklahoma; Nancy, the avife of Joseph C. Little, a farmer of Kay county, ' Oklahoma; Julia, the Avife of George AA* Peters, of Seattle, AA'ashington; and Frank, Avho died in AA'ellington, Kan sas, at the age of taaenty years. By the fa ther's second marriage there were two chil dren, Edavard and Alice, avho reside with their mother in Bainbridge, Indiana. In the district schools of Pike count)', Ohio, James AAr. Hamilton acquired his early educational discipline, and avhen four teen years of age he accompanied his par ents on their removal to' Indiana, avhere he continued his studies, eventually being ma triculated in Asbury (noav DePauav) Uni versity, avhere he continued his scholastic avork until the outbreak of the aval* of the Rebellion. Scarcely had the smoke from Fort Sumter's guns cleared aavay ere he en listed for sera-ice in support of "the nation's integrity, being enrolled on the 29th of April, 1861, at Shaavnee Mound, Tippeca noe county, Indiana. He avas assigned to Company A, Fifteenth Indiana A'olunteer Infantry ; avas mustered into the state serv ice, at Indianapolis, 011 the 13th of Alay, and into the federal service on the 14th of June. The regiment left for Virgina on the 2d of " July, passed through Parkersburg and thence proceeded to Rich Alountain and took part 'in the battle at that point. After the engagement they remained in the Tigart a-alley until December, avhen the regiment aa-as sent to Louisville, to become a part of" BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 745 the Army of the #Ohio, avhich avas then forming, and it avas assigned to General Nelson's division. In the early part of 1862 the regiment avas transferred to. the com mand of General Thomas J. Wood, and thus participated in the battle of Shiloh, from which sanguinary field it advanced to Cor inth, arriving after the city had been evacu ated. In the summer of 1862 AA'ood's divi sion, together avith a part of Buell's army, proceeded to a point near Chattanooga, the object being to prevent the Confederate forces under General Bragg from crossing the Tennessee and entering" Kentucky. This movement, hoavever, avas not successful, and the regiment thereafter participated in the race avith the Confederates through Ken tucky, Louisville being the objective point avith both armies, avhere the Union forces managed to anticipate the arrival of the en emy. October 8 in that year the Fifteenth Indiana participated in the battle of Perry ville, after avhich the Confederates retired from the state, and the regiment, together with Buell's army, rdurned to Nashville, later participating in the battle of Stone River, on the last day cf 1862 and the fol loaving tavo days. Air. Hamilton avas in the campaign that resulted in driving Bragg's army from Tullahoma, Tennessee, aa*hence he Aaas folloAA'ed to La Fayette, Georgia, where he avas reinforced by Longstreet. The campaign culminated in the disastrous bat tle of Chiekamauga, in Avhich the Union army suffered a severe defeat, being driven into the' fortifications of Chattanooga, where for several aveeks it Avas besieged by Bragg's forces, undergoing severe priva tions until Sherman's army came to the res cue of the beleagured garrison. During the siege many transfers avere made, the Fif teenth Indiana being assigned to General Sheridan's command, avith avhich it partici pated in the ' three-days battle at Mission Ridge, in November, 1863. It avas also avith Sherman in his expedition for the release of Burnside, avho Avas besieged by Longstreet, at Knoxville, Tennessee, and our subject's command passed the remainder of the Avin ter of 1863-4 in the mountainous region of eastern Tennessee, returning to Chattanooga 47 in Alarch and being there placed on guard and garrison duty. Air. Hamilton there re mained until the expiration of his term, of service, and he was mustered out, at Indian apolis, June 25, 1864, after which he went to Coles, county, Illinois, avhere his father was then living. On the 15th of April, 1867, Mr. Hamil ton avas united in marriage to Aliss Belle G. Combs, avho was born in Coles county, in 1847, a daughter of Pleasant and Mary Combs, who had removed thither from their native state of Tennessee and there passed the residue of their lives, the father having been an influential farmer of that section of Illinois. Three of his children yet survive, — Oliver Perry, of Hazleton, Kansas; John, of Areola, Illinois; and Airs. Mock, of Co lumbia, Oklahoma ; Mrs. Hamilton: has been dead for ten years. Of the seven children born to our subject and his avife we enter the following brief record : Alexander, who died at the age of two months ; Amelia, the wife of William. F. Schultz, a merchant and ranchman of Wharton, Texas; Julia, the wife of W. E. Hart, a ranchman of Nash ville, Kansas; James AAV a rancher and miner of Stone, Montana ; Emma, who died in childhood ; Grace, avho remains at the par ental home; and Lulu, the avife of Harry Hart, a general merchant of Nashville, Kan sas. The year 1868 avitnessed the arrival of Mr. Hamilton in Kansas. He located in Neosho county, avhere he remained until 1 87 1, when he removed' to the site of the present toavn of South Haven, Sumner county, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising. Im 1884 he avas elected coun ty treasurer of Sumner countny, serving one term, and in 1886 he avas chosen to the office of state treasurer, this necessitating his removal to Topeka, the state capital. He gave so capable and discriminating an ad ministration of the fiscal affairs of the com monwealth that he was elected as: his own successor, in 1888, his tenure of office endu ing on January 10, 1891. In 1882 Mr. Hamilton had purchased a tract of fourteen hundred and forty acres, in Kingman toavnship, Kingman county, 746 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. and im 1888 he here took up: his. abode, hav ing since made it his home. In 1891 he held the position of live-stock agent for the Santa Fe Railroad, but resigned at the end of a year, and thereafter he avas employed by the Aetna Mortgage Company, of St. Louis, as a fiscal agent, until 1894., since which time he has given almost his entire attention, to the, operation of his ranch, avith the exception of the years 1889 and 1900, when he was inspector of stock in the Kan sas City stockyards. At the present time he is manager of the Chakaskia Land & Cattle Company, avhose operations are of a. most extensive order. Air. Hamilton is a lover of fine horses, and perhaps no man im the state is a better judge of horseflesh. He has for years bred the famous Pacemaker strain of Hambletonians, many of them making not able records, and at the time of this avriting he oavns several very fine driving horses, having forty head of horses om his ranch. He is also an excellent judge of cattle, and has made a specialty of raising the Durham breed. His favorite recreation is hunting, and he makes frequent trips into the avilds avith rod and gun. In politics Air. Hamilton has ahvays been identified avith the Republican party, and avhile not aggressively partisan, no one is im doubt concerning his position regard ing the issues of the day. He has frequently been a delegate to state and national con ventions of his party, and avas marshal of the Kansas delegation toi the national con vention, in Chicago, that nominated Harri son, and thus was admitted to the floor. He maintains pleasant relations avith. his old army comrades through his membership' in 'Garfield Post, No. 25, Grand Army of the Republic, at Wichita, and is one of its most active and valued representatives. He has also attained the Knights Templar rank in the Masonic fraternity and is a noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is a man of high mental ity and. broad general information, and he reads the best classical and current litera ture, having in his home an extensive and select library. He is a splendid representa tive of the best type of American manhood, — reliable in business, loyal in citizenship and trustworthy in all life's relations. His individuality is insistent, his courtesy un failing, his reputation unblemished, and he is ranged among the representative men of the Sunflower state. JAMES AV. BAKER. There is probably no business man at Hollyrood, Ellsavorth "county, Kansas, who has exerted a more potent influence upon the upbuilding of the town than the gentleman avhose name is above. James W. Baker, who is a dealer in grain, coal, flour, feed and live-stock, avas born in De AAtitt county, Illinois, August 22, 1845, a son 0I Daniel and Polly (McCord) Baker. His father avas a matia-e of Indiana and his mother avas born in Tennessee. Daniel Baker avent to De AA'itt county, Illinois, and avas a pioneer there. He bought neav land and improved it and avas familiar avith ea-ery phase of the life of early- settlers in that part of the coun try, at a time avhen the nearest market avas at Chicago, to avhich toavn he often took avheat, making the journey avith teams. He became a citizen of aa-ealtb and prominence and OAvned eight hundred or nine hundred acres of land. After the death of his wife, Avhich occurred in 1846, he moved to Indi ana and thence back to Illinois, locating in Vermillion county, AA'here he again pur chased land and improA-ed it and prospered as a farmer. Noav, eighty-seven years old, he lives at Potomac, Illinois, and owns land aahich he purchased upon his arrival in Ver million county. James W. Baker had not completed the first year of his life and his sister was not yet tavo years old avhen their mother died1. He became a member of the family of his uncle, J. AA*. McCord, and his sister was taken into the family of his grandfather Mc Cord. Daniel Baker's second wife was a Miss Hall, avhom1 he married in Indiana and avho bore him the folloaving children, named in the order of their nativity : Robert, Dayton, Ann, America; Hattie, Amanda, Ada, Emma and Eva. Air. Baker greav up BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 747 as a member of his uncle's household and was reared to the laborious life of a farmer boy of all Avork, in which his school days were limited to such time as he could be spared from labor and altogdher would not have made up a year. In February, 1863, Avhen he Avas seven teen years old, he enlisted in Company I, Thirty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His company commander AA'as Captain Philips and his regimental com mander AA-as Colonel Osburm. He fought under Grant in the campaign against Rich mond and participated in many famous en gagements round about the federal capital and before Petersburg. He Avas in the charge at Fort Gregg, and at Cold Harbor a shell Avhich exploded almost in his face gave hiim serious Avounds in his head, face and on the back of his bead, Avhich are visi ble evidences of the close call he received that day. He lay unconscious on the ground until he Avas picked up and cared for, but he did not leave his company and in time re covered sufficiently to again take up active duty, and he Avas present at Appomattox when General Lee surrendered. Later he Avas on police patrol duty at Norfolk, Vir ginia, and he was mustered out of the ser vice at Norfolk, Virginia, December 5, 1865. After the Avar Air. Baker returned to De AATtt county, Illinois, Avhere for a time he Avas employed as a farm. hand. After that he farmed rented land until 1886, when he sold his stock, utensils and all other per sonal belongings except clothing and some other small portable property and went to EllsAvorth, Kansas, avhere for six months he avas engaged in buying and shipping stock. In October, that year, he went to Holly rood, Kansas, avhere he was a pioneer in his line. He built a small avarehouse, the first in the town. In 1890, he erected am ele vator, the piomeer structure of its kind at Hollyrood, which had a capacity of eight thousand bushels. He shipped from Holly wood the first carload of stock ever sent out of the town and bought the first load • of wheat ever sold there. In 1896 he built an other elevator at Lorraine, of which he was sole proprietor until, in 1897, the firm' of Baker & Edmunds was organized. Mr. Baker's shipments from Hollyrood have been' large, sometimes aggiregating eight hundred carloads per year, his principal shipments having been to New York city, Galveston, Texas, Kansas City, Missouri, Topeka and Arkansas City. He is the owner of a farm of one thousand and one hundred acres, avhich he tents to tenant farmers. He has erected a fine residence at Hollyrood. Mr. Baker was married April 21, 1870, at Farmer City, Illinois, to Hattie Weed- man, daughter of George and Catherine (Daiuier) Weedman, and they have three children. Their son, Gilbdt L,, is associ ated with his father in business. Their daughter, Mary K. is the Avife of F. XV. Thomas, cashier of the bank at Hollyrood. Georgia is a member of her father's house hold. Mr. Baker gave each of his children a thoroughly practical education Avith a vieAv of fitting them properly for the responsibili ties of life. Politically Mr. Baker is a Re publican though lie was reared under Demo cratic influence. He is a high Mason, hav ing been made a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, Ineffable degrees of the Scottish rite. He is a member of Hollyrood Lodge, Now.343, A. F. & A. M. Mr. Baker's mother, avho avas Polly Mc Cord, avas born March 30, 1812, and died June 7, 1846. She was the daughter of James and Mary (Moore) .McCord, and her birthplace was in Overton county, Ten nessee. Charles Moore, of English and Welsh extraction, married Sarah Smith, the daughter of a French woman in North Carolina, and they were the parents of Mary Moore, who married James McCord. Mary (Moore) McCord, who was the youngest of her family, often stated that her grand parents were Scotch. She died at the home of her daughter Martha at Point Isabelle, De Witt county, Illinois, May 23, 1858, having been for forty-one years a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. Charles Moore, her father, avho avas a cooper by trade, served the cause of the colonies im the cause of the Revolutionary avar and made canteens for use in the Continental army. 74S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. James AlcCord avas born im Ireland of Scotch parents, in 1739, and died at Spring Creek, Overton county, Tennessee, Novem ber 4, 1824. Pie came to America avith his father, Captain Robert McCord,1 when he avas four years old, and for a time lived in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and after avard in AArilkes and Iredell counties, North Carolina, and in Overton county, Tennessee. He avas a avagon-master in the continental army during the Revolutionary war, and his great-grandson, J. S. McCord, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, avrites that he was under the immediate command of General AA<*ashing- ton, and held the office of wagom-master- general. Pie Avas married in Wilkes county, North Carolina, to Jane Scroggs or Scruggs, a Scotch avoman, avho, avhen ordered to milk her coav to supply milk for the British troops, did so, but poured the milk on the ground and defied them. She died Novem ber 12, 1789. James and Jane (Scruggs or Scroggs) AlcCord avere the parents of ten children. James McCord, son of James and Alary McCord, avas born in Wilkes county, North Carolina, February 22, 1779, and diedl in DeAVitt county, Illinois, December 3, 1852. He avas married Alarch 29, 1824, in Overton county, Tennessee, to' Mary Moore, daughter of Charles Moore, who: was born in Granville county, North Carolina, and died im DeAA'itt county, Illinois, May 23, 1858. They settled on Peter-man' s Bend on the Ohio river, and afterwards lived in Overton county, Tennessee, where all their. children avere born and avhence they re moved in 1817 to' Spring Creek. Im 1832 they avent to De AVitt county, Illinois. Mr. AlcCord avas a member of the Protestant Episcopal church: for thirty-six years. The first James AlcCord of avhom ana" record is extant, was a highland chieftain in Scotland, avho lived in the seventeenth century and avas killed in battle in 1689 at Killecrankie Pass, avhile engaged in a revolutionary mcwement in behalf of his native land. His son, John AlcCord, took part in different avars and died about 1715-17. His sons avere John, Daalcl, AA'illiam, Benjamin, Robert, Samuel and James, avho after the death of their father avent to Steavarton, County Tyrone, Ireland, avhence about 1720, John, David and William came to America- and' located in Pennsylvania. David and William1 avere killed by the Indians and John went to North Carolina. John AlcCord, father of these McCords, avas born at Argyle, Skye, Scot land, and his coat of arms consisted of a shield, gold and black, avith three hearts and three lance heads surmounted by a closed helmet. A family of the same name still lives at Tyrone and its members are knoavn as strict Presbyterians. George AA'eedman, father of Mrs. James AA*. Baker, aaas a prominent citizen of east ern Illinois. The American, ancestors of the family came from Holland to Pennsyl vania before the Revolution. There George Weedman, the great-grandfather of Mrs. Baker, avas born and married. He moved to Perry county, Ohio, and thence, in 1830, to McLean county, Illinois. It is said that at that time only one log house stood on the present site of Bloomington. A second' child of those pioneers avas John Weedman, grandfather of Mrs. Baker. John AVeed- mam avas born in Pennsylvania and avas mar ried in Ohio, to Rachel AVilson, a native of Maryland. In 1830, with his avife and five children, he avent to McLean county, Illi nois, whence he removed, in 1836, to DeAVitt cotinty, same state. In 1850 he removed to Webster City, Ioava, avhere he died in 1866. George Weedman, father of Mrs. Baker, avas born in Perry county, Ohio, March 28, 1824, and avas taken to Illinois by his parents avhen he Avas six years old. He greav up there and avas identified with pioneer life in eastern Illinois. In 1850, in company avith four of his brothers and others, he crossed the plains to California and came back as far as Missouri, by avay of the Isthmus of Panama, the Gulf of Alexico, and the Alis sissippi and Alissouri rivers. He made his avay back to Illinois and became a very pros perous and successful man, the oavner of four hundred acres of land, avhich avas one of the model farms of the county. He avas mar ried April 17, 1845, to Catherine Danner, avho avas borm in Alontgomery county, In- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 749 diana, August 19, 1827. They had ten chil dren, of Avhom Mrs. Baker, born April 17, 1852, was the fifth in order of birth. Air. Baker is one of Ellsavorth county's most enterprising and successful citizens. His success has been won by industry and good management and he has had to over come many obstacles. AA'hile living in Illi nois he rented a large tract of Ioav land and a succession of bad seasons left him tavo thousand dollars in debt, but he set himself resolutely to retrieve his fortune and came to EllsAA-orth county, Kansas, avith four thou sand five hundred dollars in cash. Since then he has met with almost uninterrupted success. WILLIAM HANDY. A leading representative of the agricul tural interests of Rice county is William Handy, avho oavns and operates a fine farm pleasantly located near Chase. He is most practical and yet progressive, and his untir ing industry and capable management have brought to him a handsome competence. He avas born in Clark county, Illinois, Oc tober 27, 1850, a son of Austin L. and Han nah (Bennett) Handy. The parents avere born, reared and married in Illinois. The paternal grandfather, Samuel Handy, avas a native of Virginia and became an early pioneer of Clark county, Illinois, avhere he entered land and improved a farm. In 1855 he sold his property there and removed to California, avhere he avas engaged in agri cultural pursuits, and there remained until his death. He was a plain, honest farmer and had no aspirations for public notoriety. He avas the father of six children, namely: Austin, the father of our subject; Albert, a resident of California ; Nancy, noav Mrs. Malone; Naomi, who became Mrs. Broavn; Louisa, the avife of A. David ; and Amanda, avho became Mrs. Dawson. Austin Handy avas reared in the state of his nativity, and after arriving at years of maturity he engaged in farming, remaining im Illinois until 1874. In that year be came to Kansas, locating in Rice county, avhere he secured a homestead claim. Like most pio neers he had but small means, having "all to make and nothing to lose." He under went all the deprivations and hardships in cident to pioneer life, but he avas not afraid of hard avork amd the obstacles and difficul ties avhich beset his path avere overcome by determined' purpose and unfaltering indus try. Game avas plentiful im this locality at that time, but he had no time to hunt, as his time avas fully occupied in his labors to im prove his farm. He avas obliged to go a long distance to mill and his nearest trading point was Raymond, but the rapid advance ment of civilization soon brought to this lo cality all the comforts of the older east, and he lived to see the country dotted by thriv ing toavns and cities, avdl cultivated farms and inhabited, by a prosperous and contented people. He avas an active avorker in the ranks of the Republican party, and on its ticket Avas elected' to a number of positions of honor and trust, including that of justice of the peace. His first avife, avho bore the maiden name of Hannah Bennett, avas reared in Illinois and was a daughter of James Ben nett, a native of the Empire state. He be came an early settler of Clark county, Illi nois, avhere he remained until his death. His children were Sanford, James, Susan, Mar- gard and Hannah. Mrs. Handy died on the old homestead in Rice county, in 1883, and the father avas again married, his sec ond union being with Mrs. Sarah Graves, but this union proved am unhappy- one and in 1897 he sold his property to- his son and joined another son in Missouri. He has been a third time married, and he noav re sides in Barry county, Missouri, living re tired from the active duties of life. He has reached the ripe old age of seventy-nine years. Unto- Austin and Hannah Handy avere born eight children, namely : Thom as, a resident of Missouri : AAtilliam, the sub ject of this revieav ; James, also1 a resident of Alissouri ; Millard, avhose residence is not known; Lincoln, a farmer of Rice county; Douglas, avho died avhen young'; Amanda, avho departed this life at the: age of eighteen. years ; and George, a resident of Stafford county, Kansas. Mr. Handy served avith 750 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. distinction in the Mexican war, having en tered the army from Illinois and served until the close of the struggle. In his social re lations he avas connected with the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. AA'illiam Handy, the immediate subject of this revieav, was born and reared in Illi nois, and remained in that state until the age of twenty-four years. In 1874 he assisted his father in organizing a colony to locate in the Sunflower state, amd during the first winter after his arrival here he was employ ed by the government in freighting supplies to Red river, avhere a temporary camp was located. On his return trip he went to. Ne braska, avhere he avas employed as a cow boy for one year. On coming to' Rice county he bad pre-empted a quarter section of land, receiving his title: for the same two years afteravard, and in 1879 be was married and located upon, his land. The place: is now under a fine state of cultivation, and there he is engaged in general farming and stock- raising. He keeps well informed on the issues and questions of the clay, taking! an active interest in everything for the public good, and in the ranks of the Republican party he is an intelligent and diligent aa-ork- er. He has filled many positions of honor and trust, having been justice of the peace for tavo years, avhile for one term he avas county commissioner. In all his public ser vice he has ever been found true to the trusts reposed in him. For a companion on the journey of life Mr. Handy chose Miss Lydia F. Burch, avho was born in AA'arren county, Indiana, Jan uary 1, 1 86 1, a daughter of Moses and Luticia (Moffitt) Burch, the former a na tive of AA'arren county, and the latter of Pennsylvania. Their marriage avas cele brated in the Hoosier state. The paternal grandfather, James Burch, avas a native of Kentucky, but became an early settler of AA'arren county, Indiana, where he: became a prominent and highly respected farmer. He subsequently sold his property in Warren county and in 1871 came to Rice county; Kansas, avhere he also became an early pio neer, and there he remained! until his death, His children avere Moses, Lydia, Isaac, Nell, Charles, Josephine, Abner, Sarah, Rachel and Perry. The latter died while serving his country in the Civil avar. The mother of these children avas a member of the Mdh- odist church. In 1871 Moses Burch and his family accompanied his father and a sirlall colony from Warren county, Indiana, to Kansas. The first stop avhicb the party made was at Salina, avhere all located claims, Air. Burch securing' his land in Farmer township. He afteravard improved a num ber of farms and became a prosperous man. In 1898 he sold his farming property and re moved to< Arkansas City, where be and his wife are enjoying the fruits of a well spent life. In 1862, in AA'arren county^ Indiana, he enlisted for service im the Civil war, becom ing a member of the Seventy-second Regi ment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He en listed: for three years' service and avas elect- eel captain of his company. , He avas as signed to the Army of the Tennessee, avhere he saav sonne hard service, but was never wounded 01* taken prisoner, and on the expi ration of his tenn cf service he received an honorable discharge and returned to the quiet pursuits of the farm in AA'arren county. The mother of Airs. Handy is a daughter of John Moffitt, a native of Ireland, avho on coming to the neav avorld first located in Pennsylvania and later in AA'arren county, Indiana. He aftenvard took up his abode in Kansas City, Missouri, avhere he spent his remaining days. Pie had four children, — Francis, Luticia, Thomas and John. Aloses and Luticia Burch were the parents of seven children, as folloavs : Lydia, the Avife of Mr. Handy; Dermomt aiid Benjamin, residents of Arkansas City ; Emma, Avife of J. F. Crocker; Ida, noAV Airs. Shafer; Samuel, avho resides in Oklahoma; Bird, noav Mrs. Belleav of Arkansas City, Kansas; Moses and John, avho are residents of Arkansas City. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Handy has been blessed with two children, — Albert, who died at the age of two years ; and Frank, who avas born July n, 1883, and is now op erating the home farm. The parents1 are consistent and worthy members of the Meth odist Episcopal church, and socially he is BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 75' connected avith the Fraternal Aid Associa tion. He has a avide acquaintance and by all avho know him is held im high regard, for his life has been well spent. JOHN D. GRIFFITH. One of the most extensive and ener getic agriculturists of Clear Creek toavn ship, Ellsavorth county, is John D. Griffith, avho resides on section 10. His life illus trates most forcibly the power of industry and determination in an active business ca reer. Steady advancement has been his as the outcome of these qualities, and to day he is accounted one of the most pros perous residents of his community. He was born in New York city, Novem ber 8, 184.1. His grandfather, David Grif fith, AA-as a farmer of Oneida county, New York, and William D. Griffith, the father, Avas born in AA'ales, but during his childhood accompanied his parents on their removal to this country and engaged in the dairy business. His brother, Morris, the youngest member of the fam ily, is now secretary of the Cheese Associa tion. The father of our subjed married Cecelia J. Jones, and John D. is their only child. The father died when the latter was but four months old, and the widowed mother then took her infant son to her pa rents' home, in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, and he Avas reared and educated there, being- cared for by his maternal grandparents, for his mother married again. On complet ing the course in the public schools he in tended taking a three years' course in the seminary through a scholarship obtained through the Odd Fellows, but about this time his grandfather died. The grand mother and her son purchased a farm in Susquehanna county, but the latter lost his eyesight through, an accident in the mines and Mr. Griffith felt that it was his duty to remain with them and care for the farm. Accordingly he gave up his scholarship in order to devote his attention to the tilling of the soil. He was thus engaged until the 24th of September, 1861, avhen he respond ed to his country's call by enlisting as a member of Company H, Fifty-second Pennsylvania Infantry. He had joined the army the last of July, but lay in camp at Harrisburg until the regiment avas com pleted. He then started ont aa-lth McClel lan on the peninsular campaign, and the principal engagements in avhich he partiri- uated avere the siege of A'orktoavn, the bat tles of AA'illiamsburg and Fair Oaks and the seven days' battle of the AA'ildemess. After the evacuation of the peninsula the army avas sent to> North Carolina, and thence to South Carolina, participating in the siege of Charleston and Fort AA'agner, and Mr. Griffith remained in that department until discharged at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the 5th of November, 1864. He avas for tunate in that he received no serious avounds, but for several years he has not had the use of his left arm, oaring to rheu matism, contracted through exposure while in the army. Returning to the farm in Pennsylvania he continued its cultivation until after the death of the grandmother, avhen he made suitable provision for his uncle. Having married he decided to come to the west, and in 1872 arrived in Kansas, first locating in the southern part of the state. But he found that district unhealthful, and after tavo and a half years there the doctor1 ordered him to seek a residence elseavhere. He then Avent to Lincoln county, Avhere he spent two years, and in 1876 he came to Ells Avorth, Avhere he secured a soldier's home stead, comprising the northeast quarter of section ten, township fifteen, range seven, and upon this farm he noav resides. At that time extending north from, the road for tAventy miles there was not an improvement to be seen, but he chose this place owing to a never-failing spring just back of the site upon which he built this house. There was not even a bush on the place. He built a dugout and then began breaking the land with both oxen and horses. He started in to raise grain and he also had a few cows. Soon after his arrival, hoAvever, one of his horses died, but he continued his work as 752 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. best he could and each year broke more land. There avas a good market for the grain at Ellsavorth, and as time passed he persevered in his avork. He purchased an .adjoining eighty acres of land from heirs of James Nicholas for one of his sons, and in connection avith the raising of crops he has engaged quite extensively in raising cattle, finding tbat this has been a profitable avork. His place is noav in excellent condition, be ing improved avith a comfortable house, avhich he erected in 1888. In 1898 he built a neav barn, and other substantial build ings and improA'ements add to the value and attractive appearance of the home. There is a fine grove back of the house and two ponds, fed from a spring, furnish abundant moisture for the trees. This place is a monument to the enterprise and efforts of Air. Griffith. He has been the architect of his'O'Wii' fortune, and has builded wisely and well. It avas on the 17th of February, 1866, that Air. Griffith avas joined in avedlock to Airs. Alary L. Bennett, a daughter of Will iam Wells, of Pennsylvania, and they now have seven children : AVilliam, avho is living in Fort Scott, Kansas ; Cecelia, the avife of C. R. GalloAvay, of Ellsavorth county; Charles, a farmer of the same county ; George Vesper, who resides, upon a farm adjoining the old homestead; J. Bnrtie, Maud and Oscar, avho are still avith their parents. In his political vieavs Air. Griffith is a Repub lican, and has attended many county con ventions and some of the senatorial con ventions. He keeps avell informed on the issues of the day, and is an ardent worker for the success of the principles in avhich he believes. For many years he has been central committeeman, and avas the first trustee chosen after the organization of tbe township, but he has never sought office for himself, preferring that his attention shall be given to his business affairs, in avhich he is meeting avith creditable suc cess. Through a long period he aa-as a member of the Odd Felloavs' society. Pie aided in organizing the first school district in his vicinity, assisted in the erection of a school building, and served for eight or ten terms on the school board. No movement calculated to. prove of benefit to the county fails to secure his aid, for he cooperates heartily in all measures for the general good. HARRY VENN. Among the men of avorth in Hutchinson aaho have long been identified avith the city's progress and improvement is Harry Venn, aaho came to Kansas avhen the present coun ty seat of Reno county avas a mere hamlet standing in the midst of broad acres avhich extended for miles in ea*ery direction, un claimed and uncultivated. His business, that of a stone and brick contractor and builder, led to his active identification avith the substantial improvement and upbuilding of the city ; and on many sides may be seen evidences of his handiavork and skill. But not alone along the line of his business have his efforts been of aarail in the promotion of the best interests of Hutchinson, for his co-operation has been given freely and generously to all movements and measures avhich are calculated to advance the general avdfare. Air. Venn is therefore a valued, respected and honored citizen of the com munity in avhich he has noav made his home for almost taventy-nine years. Air. A'enn avas born in London, Eng land, November 7, 183 1. His father, Jo seph Venn, avas born in Sussex, England, in 1793 and became a prominent farmer of that locality. He avedded Alary Tulley, aaho avas also born and reared in Sussex and lived to the very advanced age of ninety- eight, passing away in 1896, just previous to the death of her husband, avho reached the remarkable age, of one hundred and three years. He avas a member of the church of England. In their family avere thirteen chil dren, several of whom are still living and all are vet residents of England, avith the exception of our subject, the sixth in order of birth. From a very early age Harry Venn has been dependent entirely upon his oavn re sources and avhatever success he has BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 753 achieved is due entirely- to his labors and capability. As soon as he avas old enough to avork he began learning the plasterer's trade, serving a seven years' apprenticeship in London. On the compldion of that term he avorked as a journeyman plasterer in almost every section of England, and in the world's metropolis — London — he avas married in 1871 to Miss Mary H. Hobbs, a daughter of William Hobbs, avho served as gardener to wealthy families there. In 1873, as passengers on one of the steamers of the Cnnard line, Mr. and Mrs. A^enn came to America, landing at Castle Garden, Neav A*ork, whence he made his avav to Hutchinson. The town had but re cently been established and two small stores and a boarding house formed the nucleus of the present flourishing city of ten thousand inhabitants. Air. Venn came to tbis place at the solicitation of his brother-in-law, James Fuller. He arrived at eleven o'clock in the morning and immediately began work after dinner of the same day. On every side of the small hamlet as far as the eye could see extended the boundless prairie, avhereon jack rabbits were almost as numerous as sheep in a oasture, while not far distant herds of buffaloes and antelopes roamed and frequently they came to the very limits of the town, avhile one or two avere shot avithin its borders. Samuel Slack, one of tbe oldest and best known of the early pioneers of Hutchinson and yet a ven erable resident of the city, is usually credited with the honor of having killed the last buffalo that had the temerity to venture within the limits of civilization in Hutchin son. Indians would often come down in numbers from Medicine Lodge, but were •peacefully inclined. Here and there the prairie had begun to be dotted with the hab itations of man and cultivated fields to take the place of the rank prairie grass, but there were no trees save one solitary cottonwood, except the newly planted ones not so large around as a man's finger mor as tall as tall as his head. Mr. Venn has not only Avitnessed the growth and development of Huchinson as it has taken its place among the thriving and prosperous cities of the Avest Avith all modern improvements, but has done much to assist in the work. He has continuously followed his trade, taking contracts for stone and brick work, and has erected some of the most important buildings in the tOAvn, among aahich are the opera house, the Bap tist church, tbe Lyda House and store, a part of the Methodist church and many other buildings. He1 has resided on Seventh avenue, avest, since his arrival here, living first at No. 13, in a brick and frame house of his own construction, avhich he occupied for seventeen years. Later he lived at No. 15, for four or five years. He has built and OAvned in all nine houses in the toavn but has sold all except No. 14, avhich is noav occupied by his daughter, Mrs. St. Clair. After the death of his avife, in April, 1897, he erected a cottage on the same premises and has since lived by tbe side of his daugh ter. He is still well preserved and active for one of his years and although he has ceased to take heaa-y contracts he still does some avork in his shop at home and else- avhere, for to one of his energetic nature in dolence and idleness are utterly foreign and he could not content himself avith no' avork. Mr. and Mrs. Venn had but one child, M. Diana, the avife of J. St: Clair, a plas terer and brick mason. They have three children, Violet, Lillian and Rosa, aged, re spectively, tavelve, eight and tavo years. It was Mr. Venn that once oavned the famous greyhound, Nero, having got him avhen a tiny pup from Charles Roav, a bar ber of Hutchinson. As he greAv he devel oped such tremendous size and strength and speed that he attracted the attention of AI. E. Allison, one of the most noted fanciers and breeders of greyhounds in the Avest. Air. Allison often asked permission of Air. Venn for taking his bound 'out avith his pack and trying his coursing qualities and often de clared that for speed he excelled any hound he had ever seen. Finally he persuaded Air. Venn to sell him and so added another mag nificent hound to his kennel. In his social relations Mr. Venn is a Knight of Pythias, and in his political vieavs he has been an earnest Republican since casting his first 754 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. vote im this country. He is also identified with the Presbyterian church and his in fluence has ever been found on the side of right, of progress and reform, or in im provement and advancement. He has been the architect of his own fortunes and has builded wisely and well, at the same time gaining the respect and esteem of his fel low men. CHARLES J. EVANS. For taventy-tavo years Charles J. Evans has been a practitioner at the bar of Ells avorth. He holds distinctive precedence as an eminent laavyer, as a citizen of marked devotion to the general good and as a val iant and , patriotic soldier. He possesses the intellectual mind, the clear reasoning and the poavers of close application so es sential to the successful representative of the bar, and has a clientage that brings to him a laav business of an important and va ried character. , Air. Evans is a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred in Thorntown, on the 2 ist of January, 1850. His father, Samuel N. Evans, avas also born in the Hoosier state; and the grandfather, Jesse Evans, avas a native of Tennessee, avhence he emigrated to Indiana at an early day, passing through the pioneer experience of life on the frontier. He there cleared a farm in the midst of the native forest and bore his part in reclaiming the avild lands for purposes of civilization. Plis son, Sam uel N. Evans, entered Hanover College, and afteravard engaged in the Presbyterian ministry in Indiana, Illinois and Alinnesota, until killed by lightning at Rochelle, Illi nois, on the 30th of September, 1858. Pie avas married in Indiana to Aliss Mary AA'oodruff, a native of Neav Albany, that state. Pie long survived her husband, and died in Ellsavorth, October 7, 1900, avhen almost seventy-eight years of age. They avere the parents of five children, of avhom three attained years of maturity, namely : Charles J., of this revieav; Mrs. H. A. Tal bot, of Crawfordsville, Indiana ; and Samuel M., who is living in St. Louis, Missouri. In taking up the personal history of Charles J. Evans we present to' our readers one of tbe most popular and esteemed resi dents of Ellsworth. He attended an acad emy at Waveland, in Montgomery county,. Indiana, which his father had aided im es tablishing, and prosecuted his studies with the intention of entering either the legal or the medical profession. For two years he read medicine under the direction of a lo cal physician at AVaveland, but finally de cided in favor of the law, and became a stu dent in the office of the firm of Kennedy & Brush, of Crawfordsville, Indiana. In 1868, however, he came to Kansas and entered the Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry, serving un der Colonel Crawford. His regiment was at the front under the command of Generals Sheridan and Custer, participating in the warfare on the plains against the Indians. Mr. Evans remained in Kansas for about a year and a half, Avhen he suffered a se vere illness and returned to Indiana. As he AA-as forced to make his oavn avay in the world he engaged in teaching school in or der to provide the means necessary to fur ther prosecute his legal studies. At the same time he devoted his leisure hours to the reading of laav, and afterward spent two years in the office of Kennedy & Brush, be ing then admitted to the bar in Crawfords ville, Indiana, in 1876. Subsequently he engaged in teaching school until the summer of 1878, when he decided to again come to Kansas and, in January, 1879, he arrived in Ellsworth, avhere he opened an office and began the practice of laav, in avhch he has since con tinued. His success in a professional avay affords the best evidence of his capability in this line. He is a strong advocate with the jury and concise in his appeals before the court. He is spoken of as one of the shrewd laavyers in this part of the state, which means that he allows no point to escape him, is correct in his reasoning and logical in his deductions. His patronage is of a distinctively representative character, and he practices before all the state courts. He has served for two terms as county attor ney, and avhen not in that office has filled ^2P " cP* %^^Ly0^cyzJ<7 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 755- the position of city attorney, being the pres ent incumbent. He stands as a safe conser vator of the interests of the people, and handles all the intricate problems of juris prudence avith an ease that indicates his comprehensive knowledge of the principles of laav and his correctness in applying them to the points at issue. On the 27th of October, 1888, Charles J. Evans avas united in marriage to Isobel AI. AA'ilson, of Bath-011-Hudson, Neav York. Diey now have cavo living children : Lou and Jessie. Air. Evans is a member of the Ellsavorth dub, and is a prominent Mason, ,bdonging to Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M. ; Ellsworth Chapter, No. 54, R. A. Ai. ; Ellsavorth Council, No. 9, R. & S. M. ; St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 37, K. T. ; and Isis Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Alystic Shrine, of Salina. His personal characteristics are such as to win him the confidence, regard and friendship of all who knoAV him. He is a most liberal gentleman, kindness being one of his salient elements. His is a natural discrimination as to legal ethics, and he is so thoroughly well read in the minutiae of the laav that he is able to base his -arguments upon a thorough knowledge of, and familiarity with, all questions, and to present a case upon its merits, never failing to recognize the main points at issue and never neglecting to give a thorough prepara tion. C. D. AIASTERS. C. D. Masters is one of the most effi cient officers of this section of the state of Kansas, having been the sheriff of Harvey county since January, 1900. The birth of Sheriff Masters occurred in Indianapolis, In diana, on January 15, i860, and he is a son of Philo and Sophia (Billings) Masters, both of whom were natives of Massachu setts. The former avas a millwright and mechanic by trade, and was employed by the firm of Hill & Wingate, of Indianapolis. Much of the work in this line in his locality avas performed by him, several mill struc tures in Miami and Howard counties, In diana, testifying to his skill. It avas in Miami county that he estab lished his home, and there he died on Octo ber 14, 1874, at the age of fifty-three years. His wife died on December 8, 1875, at the age of forty-four years. Her mother avas a member of the Morton family, and avas a cousin of Governor Oliver P. Morton, avith avhom Philo Masters avas on terms of inti mate friendship. At one time he was able to render Governor Morton very valuable service in the matter of reporting the move ments of the secret order . of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Six children were born to our subject's parents, and he was the third in order of birth, the others being : Eugene, who is a teacher in the public schools, and resides in Peru, Indiana; Mary J., the wife of Dr. A. F. Smith, of Waupe- cong, Indiana; W. Philo, the postmaster of Seymour, Indiana, and also connected avith a large wholesale firm in thait city, and also- was a delegate from the fourth district of Indiana, to the national Republican conven tion which nominated the lamented Mc Kinley at Philadelphia; H. F., who is coun ty treasurer of Miami county, Indiana ; and Alice, who was formerly a teacher but is mow the wife of William Miller, of Peru, Indiana. The education of Sheriff Masters avas received in the public schools of Miami county, and later he began farming on the neighboring farms, while later he began that occupation for himself, continuing there until February, 1885, when he came to Kansas. Here he secured employment avith the Frisco Railroad company, and for four years served as a car inspector. Later he was made marshal of the town of Hal stead, and on the expiration of his term in that office he moved upon a farm. There he remained and devoted his attention to ag ricultural pursuits until January 8, 1900, since whicb timle he has been a, resident of Newton. The family sentiments have al ways been in accord with Republican prin ciples, and our subject is an active member of that party. In 1892 he was made a jus tice of the peace in Lakin township, Harvey 756 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. county, in which he served avith credit for four years, and avas then made sheriff of Harvey county for a term of tavo years. He avas elected to that office by a majority of over three hundred votes, and at the Republican convention of June 6, 1902, he avas renominated avith opposition. The marriage of Mr. Masters avas cele brated in July, 1878, to Aliss Ella Hoover, a native of Indiana and a daughter of. Rev. Elias and Sarah Hoover, of the United Brethren church, and both are noav deceased. They had seven children, six of whom still survive, namely: Mary, the avife of Will iam Herrell, of Nebraska; William D., of California; E. AL, a physician of Hal stead, Kansas; Airs. C. D. Alasters; Sher man S., of Washington; and Edward, avho resides in the state of Washington. The children born to Mr. and Airs. Masters are as follows: Alta S., a graduate of the Newton high school, of the class of 1901 ; and Mabel G., AVilliam R. and AValter M. Both our subject and his estimable wife are members of the Methodist churchy Mr. Alasters has won the enviable reputation of being one of the most efficient officers of the county, and in every avay is avorthy of the high regard in avhich he is held. His administration has been marked avith an observance of laav' and order that places Harvey county among the best regulated in the state. " He is totally unacquainted Avith fear, and at all times he can be trusted to do his full duty under every circumstance. TACOB BOLINGER. Jacob Bolinger, one of the avealthy and influential agriculturists of Kingman coun ty, is a native of canton Schaffhausen, Sohmingen, Switzerland, his birth having occurred December 1. 183a. Pie is a son of Leavis and Ursula (Aliller) Bolinger, avho avere natives of the same locality. Samuel Miller was a school teacher, and the father of our subject was a laborer and farmer, and both he and his avife avere members of Dr. Calvin's Reformed church. They became the parents of ten children, four sons and six daughters, and three of the number noav make their home near Trempealeau, Wis consin. Jacob Bolinger, the subject of this re vieav, attended the schools of his native country until his fourteenth year, and after putting aside his text-books he engaged in the work of the farm. When taventy years of age he left the land of his birth for the new avorld, landing in the United States after a long and tedious voyage. After his arrival here he took up his abode on a farm near Pittsburg, in Allegheny county, Penn sylvania, and eight years afteravard he avas there married to AAtilhelmina Abbott, aaho was born in Allegheny county in 1849. She is a daughter of Charles and Magdalena (Hetrick) Abbott, the former a native of Saxony, Germany, and the latter of Alsace, France, and both are yet living, making their home in Allegheny county. He died at the age of seventy-nine years and she at seventy-tavo years of age. They had four teen children, seven sons and seven daugh ters, and ten of the number 'stijl survive. A son, Leavis Abbott, noav resides in Vinita toavnship, Kingman county, Kansas. In re ligious belief the family avere members of the Reformed church, but are noav identi fied avith the Presbyterian church. During the terrible struggle betaveen the north and the south tavo brothers of Mr. Abbott fought bravely for the Union cause, and a brother of Airs. Abbott also rendered his country valuable aid during that memorable strug gle. In 1886 Mr. Bolinger removed avith his family to the Sunfloaver state, and after his arrival here he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Vinita toavnship, King man county, fifty acres of avhich avere un der cultivation, and a small, two-room house stood upon the place. As time passed and success has rewarded his efforts he has been enabled to add to his original purchase until his landed possessions noav consist of eleven hundred and twenty acres, and his is noav one of the largest and most valuable places im the county. The primitive dwelling, into avhich the family first moved, has been re- MRS. JACOB BOLINGER. JACOB BOLINGER. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 7:7 placed by a modern and commodious resi dence, large barns have been erected, his fields have been placed under an excellent state of cultivation and a beautiful grove and orchard further add to the value and attractive appearance of the place. He avas the first man in the township to introduce the raising of alfalfa, and he noav has taventy acres devoted to that product. Air. Bol inger has been eminently successful in his farming operations, and he is hoav recog nized as one of the leading agriculturists of Kingman county. The union of our subject and avife has been blessed avith eight children, namely : Alary Alorehouse, Carrie, Charles, Maggie, Gosch, Albert, Samuel, Sarah Jane and Fred. Religiously Air. Bolinger is a mem ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He is at all times kind and courteous in his manner, and his friends have the highest ap preciation of his many excellent qualities and all esteem' him for a life over which there falls no shadoav of avrong or suspicion of evil. JASPER J. GREENLEE. Jasper J. Greenlee is a avell knoavn mer chant of Sterling, dealing in groceries, con fectionery and bakers' goods. He avas born in Mississippi, February 28, 1838. His fa ther, Peter Greenlee, Avas a native of South Carolina, born about 1809, but avas reared and married in Mississippi, the lady of his choice being Miss Eliza Beaty, also a native of South Carolina. The father died in Alississippi about 1844. They reared their six children, but our 'Subject is the only one noav living. At the death of the father the mother avas left avithout means of support, and in order to aid in providing for the family Jasper Greenlee began working in the cotton fields, hoeing and picking cotton avhen only eight years of age. Three broth ers and tavo sisters assisted him. Pie lived avith his uncle, Air. Beaty, for two years, and at ten years of age accompanied his mother to Arkansas. In i860 Air. Green lee avent north, and at Monmouth, Illinois, in August, 1 86 1, he offered his services to the government, enlisting as a member of Company I, Fiftieth Illinois Volunteer In fantry. He served as a private and on the expiration of his first term re-enlisted. Tavice he avas in the hospital avith fever, and after the declaration of peace he was mus tered out on the 13th of August, 1865, at Springfield, Illinois. He was in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, Allatoona Pass, and avas avith Sberman on that memorable march to the sea, and took part in the grand military revieav at Washington. Air. Greenlee then returned to his home at Spring Grove, Illinois. He was first married im Arkansas, but lost his first avife, and their only child died at the age of four teen months. On the 16th of August, 1866, Mr. Greenlee avas again married, his sec ond union being with Rebecca J. Thomp son, who avas born in Ohio, in 1842, a daughter of R. S. and Rebecca Thompson. By this marriage there are ten children, of whom seven are yet living: William, avho is married and resides in Pawnee, Kansas ; John, who assists his father in the store at Sterling, artd has a avife and three children, taa-in sons and a daughter; Stewart C, avho is also living in Pawnee county; Florence, at home; Emmett, a clerk im Sterling; Idel- la, avho is in school; and Frank, a youth of fourteen years. The three other children died in infancy. In 1871 Air. Greenlee removed to Huntsville, Alabama, avhere for eight years he was engaged in merchandising, dealing in dry goods and groceries. For seven years he avas in business in Ford county, Illinois, and in September, 1883, he came to Kansas, locating first in Newton, avhere he remained for eighteen months. He then removed to Ness county, and secured a half section of land as a pre-emption and tree claim. For four years he engaged in farm ing, improving his claim to a large extent. On the expiration of that period he sold his claimi and avent to Ness City, where he engaged in the bakery business from1 1888 until 1893. The latter year witnessed his arrival in Sterling, and here he established 75§ BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY, his present store. He is engaged in. the bakery business, and also carries a large line ¦of groceries and confectionery. In the fall of 1900. he purchased his brick store build ing, avhich is now well equipped and taste fully arranged. The goods which he places upon the market are of excellent grade, and he, therefore, receives a very liberal patron age. During the past five years he has also- conducted an eating house in one of his two stores. In his political affiliations Mr. Greenlee is a Republican, and is now serving as a member of the city council of Sterling. He is deeply interested in the welfare of his adopted city and its progress along substan tial lines of improvement, and he therefore exercises his official prerogative in support of every measure calculated to prove of gen eral good. He also belongs to the United Presbyterian church. He has practically made all that he has since coming to Kansas, for when he removed to his claim he had but sixty-five cents. As the years have passed his diligence and unflagging energy, guided by- sound judgment, have enabled him to annually augment his income and to-day he is a prosperous merchant of ¦ his adopted toavn. DALLAS GROVER. . Ellsworth county is fortunate in that so many of her county officials are men of high avorth, ability and integrity. Such is Dallas Grover, who is occupying the po sition of county attorney. He is a well known lawyer of broad learning and prac tical experience in his profession, and in discharging his official duties has gained high commendation. For fourteen years Air. Grover has been a resident of Kansas. He Avas born in Wap- Avallopen, Pennsylvania, July 29, 1863, and avas a representative of one of the old fam ilies of the county in colonial days, his an cestors locating in America, and his mater nal great-grandfather served in the War of the Revolution, and in all the wars of the country the" family has been represented by loyal defenders of the old flag. Our sub ject is a son of Joshua, Grover, a native of the Keystone state, where he engaged in the mercantile and lumber business on an extensive scale, operating steam] sawmills there for many years. In former days he was a stanch advocate of the Republican party, but his sympathy with the temper ance movement led him to ally his interests with the Prohibition party. He is very ac tive in Christian work, holding membership in the Evangelical church, in which he is serving as an officer. He is also a great worker in the Sunday school, and does all in his poaver to advance the cause of Chris tianity along the lines of labor prescribed by his denomination. He married Helen Shortz, a daughter of George Shortz, and they became the parents of eleven children. Dallas Grover, the fourth in order of birth, pursued his preliminary education in the public schools and in an academy of Orangeville, and pursued a four years' class ical course in Lafayette College, in east ern Pennsylvania. He avon the first ora torical prize avhile a student in that insti tution, and avas valedictorian of the class of 1887. From an early age his studies were prosecuted avith the intention of mak ing the practice of laav his life avork, and avith a broad, general knoavledge to serve as a foundation upon avhich to rear the super structure of professional learning, he took up the study of laav. In 1887 he came to AA'ilson, Ellsavorth county, Kansas, and se cured the position of superintendent of schools, continuing to- act in that capacity for several years. He also purchased an in terest in a neavspaper, the Echo, a aveekly journal, of which he is still part owner. However, in pursuance of his original pur pose, be then renewed his preparation for the bar, and in 1895 was admitted to prac tice. He then opened an office in Wilson, where he remained until 1900, when he avas elected county attorney and came to Ells worth. He has been very faithful in the discharge of his duties, and his capability is avidely acknowledged. Pie prepares his cases avith great thoroughness and precision.. is logical in his deductions, sound in argu- BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. 759 ment, and avhile giving due importance to each detail never loses sight of the leading points upon avhich the decision of the case ahvays rests. Mr. Grover is a supporter of Repub- lican principles, and on that ticket avas a candidate for state senator in 1892. He has taken an active interest in the party work in this portion of the state, has delivered many campaign addresses and is a convinc ing, entertaining and popular speaker. He has been a delegate to county and district conventions, and in his senatorial contest he made a strong race. Socially he is con nected avith Samaria Lodge, No. 298, F. & A. M., of AA'ilson, and in his religious be lief he holds membership in the Presby terian church. His home relations are very pleasant, for on the 5th of July, 1897, he AA-as happily married to Aliss Edith Barton, a daughter of S. E. and E. J. Barton, for merly of Kansas City, but now of Wilson. They have tavo sons, Dallas and La Motte. Mr. Grover is avidely and favorably known in the county of his adoption and has many Avarm friends. A. P. JOHNSON. A. P. Johnson, who is avell known throughout Reno county, because of the prominence he has attained as a stockman and farmer, avas born in Alineral county, AVest Virginia, a son of Abraham and Su sanna (Parker) Johnson, both natives of the Old Dominion. The family are num bered among the old and honored residents of that commonwealth, and the grandfa ther of our subject, Okey Johnson, was there born, as avas also his father, James Johnson, and the latter avas a Revolutionary hero. Abraham Johnson, the father of him whose name introduces this revieav, became an extensive land owner in his native state, and prior to the war he owned many slaves. He still makes his home on his old farm stead there, aged eighty-one years, and his wife has reached the age of seventy-five years. They became the parents of nine children, four of whom grew to years of maturity, and three still survive, namely : Ann R., the avife of Joseph Rinehart, of Mineral county, West Virginia; A. P., of this review; and Charles E., aaho owns the old homestead in Mineral county. A. P. Johnson grew to years, of ma turity under the parental roof. His elemen tary education was received in the public schools of his neighborhood, and he com pleted his studies in the Randolph Macon Methodist Episcopal College, of Ashland, Virginia. On putting aside his text books to take up the active duties of life on his own account he assumed charge of the home farm, where he avas engaged in general farming and stock raising until 1886, when he sold his interests in the south and came to Reno, county, Kansas. Upon his arrival here he purchased the northwest quarter of section thirteen, but as the years have passed by and prosperity has rewarded his efforts, he has added to his landed posses sions until he is now the owner of five hun dred and dghty acres of rich and fertile land. In 1896 he purchased his home place and the same year erected his beautiful and attractive residence and his large and con venient barn. The latter is one of the most complete and convenient feed barns in the county. It is a roomy structure,, all under cover, and in his feed lots he has double cribs one hundred and fifty by thirty-six feet, avith a capacity of about twelve thou sand bushels of grain. His entire farm is devoted to the raising of grain, avith the exception of his original purchase of one hundred and sixty acres, aahich is used for feed lots. Mr. Johnson has earned the reputation of being one of the most careful, systematic and successful stock raisers of Reno county. He feeds from five hundred to six hundred cattle each year, and annu ally ships from seventy-five to one hundred car loads. His mdhod has been to buy his cattle when two years old, and feed them for a year, when they are placed upon the mar ket. During the summer of 1891 he shipped one hundred and fifty three-year-old cat tle of his own feeding, with an average weight of fifteen hundred pourids. He usu ally buys from fifteen to twenty-five thou- 760 BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. sand bushds of grain annually, and one notable fact in connection with his feeding is that during the fifteen years in which he has been engaged in the business he has never been obliged to ship in but one car load of grain, which fact indicates the char acter of Lincoln township as a grain pro ducing district. He usually grinds the grain which he feeds, and for this purpose he has a miill which has a capacity of sixty bushels an hour, and which contains a twelve-horse power engine. In addition to the large number of cattle which he feeds he also feeds about five hundred hogs a year. Mr. Johnson has reduced stock feeding to a science. He is a careful student of causes and effects, and in his carefully conducted tests in feeding and the care of cattle under varying conditions and circumstances he has arrived at many conclusions, which he has not only utilized to his own advantage, but has also given to his brother stockmen. He is a well known contributor to various live stock publications, and is the author of the article on "Cattle Raising and Feeding," in the work entitled "The Beef Steer and His Sister," issued by Secretary Coburn, of the State Agricultural College. On the 1 2th of* July, 1898, Mr. John son was united in marriage to Miss Martha Lulu Millar, who was born and reared in Reno county, a daughter of Alexander Mil lar, of Hutchinson. In political matters Mr. Johnson gives his support to the Democracy. He is a worthy member and active worker in the Methodist Episcopal church, South, in which he has long served as a member of the official board, also as the church choris ter and as superintendent of the Sunday school. He is recognized as an authority on all questions relating to the stock raising industry, and unquestionably takes the lead in this branch of business in his section of the state. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01469 3270 ** I -^ ' /•> Jb &* r h & * /* 0. '/ %n t- m 4 ' ^ 4 f ¥ r wm c* . s Jt ,^.*v W Jf *~ ' 9