YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the WILLIAM C. EGLESTON FUND LETTERS OF SHERIFF AND ALDERMAN OF LONDON; COMMERCIAL AGENT OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS IN FRANCE ; AND MIN ISTER TO THE COURTS OF VIENNA AND BERLIN. 1766=1783. COLLECTED AND EDITED BY WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY FORD. VOL. III. BROOKLYN, N. Y.: HISTORICAL PRINTING CLUB. 189I. CONTENTS OF VOL. III. 1779. PACB To Samuel W. Stockton, June 27th 693 The besotted English opposition — Political captains — Deane's object in revenge — Spain's declarations. To Benjamin Franklin, June 27th 695 The contract with D'Acosta & Co. — Wretched quality of the fusils and bayonets — Articles needed in Virginia. To Arthur Lee, June 29th . . 697 LeMaire's contract in Strasburg — Chaumont and Bean- marchais — Temple — Spanish declaration — Charges in America against the Lees — Almost exhausted by draughts from Virginia — Will he be justified in returning bills ? To Arthur LEE, July 7th 699 Predicted invasion of Virginia — Spain's attitude — Sup plies for America — Alarm in England — Carmichael. To Samuel W. Stockton, July Sth 700 Fatal effects of dissension — Influence of Deane's pub lication — The combined fleet — America should invade Britain. To M. Barthelemy, July 12th. 703 Spain's decision — Relative strength, of the Poveers — Britain's claim to the universal monarchy of the sea— A possible stroke. To Ralph Izard, July 12th 706 Jones' expedition no secret — Other matters that have leaked out — Ford's passage — Intelligence from America — English affairs — CarmichaeL (iii) iv CONTENTS OP vol,. III. PAGE To Arthur Lee, July 14th 709 Fears of England— Plan of campaign— Politics in and out of Parliament— The fleet— Spanish and Portuguese occurrences — Privateers. To Ralph Izard, July 17th 7^2 Temple and his mission— Deane's party in Congress- Naval matters — Holland intends to maintain her neu trality. Recall of Lee's commission 715 From James Lovell, July 17th 721 Informing him of his recall — Need not repair to America. To LEBLANC, July 20th . . 721 Supposed English commissioners — The enemy must be attacked in every quarter — The West India fleet — There ¦will be no peace till British are drubbed. To Arthur Lee, August 17th 724 A certain set of wretches and their wicked operations — A newspaper paragraph — Transactions of Congress — Intelligence. To Ralph Izard, August 31st 727 Intentions of Congress unmistakable — Peace proposals — ^Movements of the European Powers. To Baron D'Arendt, August 23d 729 Prussian commerce with America — Expedition to Vir ginia — English politics. To Arthur Lee, September ist 731 Difficult to fix his residence — A commercial engage ment—Hall — Alderman beheaded in the Bastille — Prices of cannon — Intelligence. To Francis Lightfoot Lee, September 2d 733 Franklin's peace proposition — Naval movements — Ne gotiations for peace on foot — Deane's affairs. CONTENTS OF VOL. III. V PAGE To Arthur LEE, September 4th 735 Peace manoeuvres — Reports of a captain — ^Jones's fleet — The agency of Virginia. To Arthur LEE, September 12th 737 The arms for Virginia — The brothers in Congress — End of the naval manceuvres — The Virginia agency. To the Committee of Foreign Affairs, September 28th 739 Want of information embarrassing — What might have been gained at Teschen — Delay caused by the attitude of Spain — His negotiations with Prussia — The mediation of the King desirable — Strong desire in Prussia to enter into the American commerce — The disposition at Vienna — In Holland — British ministry favorable to a peace, but King obstinate — Mercenary troops from Germany. To Thomas Jefferson, September 28th 745 His appointment as agent — What was done in the com mission — Money needed to complete the contracts — His recall, by Congress — Directions for remittances — The route to Prussia the most open — His efforts to secure a loan — Defect in the authority — Wishes for harmony at home. To Arthur LEE, September 28th 751 Brussels as a residence — Votes on the recall^Conduct of Dickinson, Smith and Griffin — Return of T. Lee — Naval intelligence. To PETER HassEnclEVER, October 2d 755 Advantages to be gained from American commerce — The port of Embden. To T. Digges, October 7th 757 Intelligence — Prospects of peace ¦ — Folly of the ministry. To Richard Henry LEE, October 14th 758 Has received oificial]notice of his recall — Is surprised to vi CONTENTS OE VOL. III. PAGE be condemned unheard— Recommends a stricter union with New England— English fleets safe, and her credit unimpaired. To Richard Henry LEE, October 30th 761 Thom's departure and his training— Want of intelli gence from America— The sea campaign— The Alliance and her orders— Jones's conflict with the Serapis — Min isters necessary in every country of Europe — Poor pros pects of peace^His own situation. To S. Thorpe, December ist 767 Tenders his resignation as Alderman. From London Supporters, December 3d 767 Inclosing resolutions of the Ward mote. To Arthur Lee, December 24th 769 Conjectures as to D'Estaing — Regiments sent to America — None from Germany— Shipments by Monthieu. To Deputy Partridge, December 24th 771 His resignation — Unprincipled and perfidious arts of the Ministry — Warring upon liberty. 1780. To Arthur Lee, January 29th 774 The snuff-box. To Richard Henry LEE, February isth 776 Letters intercepted — Payment of interest stopped by Congress — Remittances from Virginia — Penet's agency. To John Adams, March 17th 779 Sentiments on a truce— What must be considered in the negotiations — Dutch policy. From John Adams, March 2ist 782 Political conjectures — His arguments on a truce — Americans iu Europe not representative— Will the Dutch submit to be kicked ? — A rumored alliance. CONTENTS OE VOL. III. Vll PAGE To Samuel W. Stockton, March 2ist 784 A message to Dickinson — European politics— Jay's mission to Spain — Occurrences in Holland. To John Adams, March 30th 787 The Duke of Brunswick — Holland — His instrnqtions — Best time to make peace is when your enemy wishes for it. To Arthur Lee, April 9th 790 The Spanish mission — A gazette publication — The Empress of Russia determined to maintain neutrality — English associations and Ireland — Carmichael's memoir. To John Adams, April 9th . 794 Importance of his mission — More great men than great occasions^ — Mass of people in England putrid and corrupt. To Richard Henry LEE, April 13th 796 The declaration of Russia — Management of his estate — Johnson's success — Disturbed condition of England and Ireland. To John Adams, April 25th 799 The campaign in the South — Raving madness of the ministry — Threatening the Dutch. To Arthur Lee, April 24th 800 The Alliance — Dumas's letter — European politics. To John Adams, June 14th 804 News from America — The naval campaign — Rioting in England — ^The Dutch — English credit. To Arthur Lee, June 23d 808 Caballing for place. To John Adams, July Sth 809 Clinton's letter — Dumas' connection with the gazettes. To Samuel W. Stockton, July gth 812 The Passy junto — No hope of reform while Franklin has full power. viii CONTENTS OF VOL. III. PAGE To Arthur Lee, October i8th 813 Capture of Laurens — Results on the ministerial plans — Portugal — Beware of the Marylanders coming from England. To Arthur Lee, October 17th S15 Approval of Clinton's plans — Laurens and Adams — In telligence. To Arthur Lee, November 6th S18 Capture of Laurens has disclosed the Dutch treaty — Searle and his mission — The armed neutrality — meeting of Parliament — Reinforcements for America — The pro posed campaign — News in Europe — Changes in the French ministry — America must rely on her own efforts. To Richard Henry Lee, December 3d S22 Interrupted correspondence — Orders for the invasion of Virginia — European affairs — The Spanish negotiation — -Bad condition at Paris — An unaccountable appoint ment. To Arthur LEE, December 6th 826 Laurens' capture and the consequences — Conduct of the Dutch — A favorable opportunity — What is being done by tlje agents — Intelligence — Separation of moneyed and political transactions — Arnold's treason — The campaign in the South — Petrie — Trumbull's imprisonment — Trait ors at home — The English fleets. To Arthur Lee, December loth S33 Financial embarrassments of America — Suggests a rem edy — Introduction of specie into America — Deane in favor at Passy. To Baron Schulenberg, December 28th 837 The military situation in America — Arnold's defection without serious consequences — The movements of the northern Powers — A complaint on the gazette publica tions. CON'TENTS OF VOI,. Ill, IX PAGK 1781. To The President of Congress, February loth S40 No more troops for America — Insidious proposals of peace. To THE Marquis de Castries, February nth 841 An apology for writing — Opportunity offered for a happy stroke — Intercepting the British fleet. To Richard Henry LEE, February 20th 843 Payment of the salary due him — An estimate of the balance — No attention paid to his letters — Effort to con quer the South—No more troops to be ¦ sent over — Fleet movements — British declaration of war against the Dutch — Emperor to remain neuter. To Richard Henry LEE, April i3tli 849 His accounts for Congress — Intelligence must have come to hand — Bills plentiful in America — Mismanage ment from Passy — The ship Marquis de Lafayette — Bub ble of credit in England. 1782. To Frncis Lightfoot Lee, February 12th 852 No letter in four years — Money matters — Directions for Green Spring. To Richard HENRY LEE, March nth 855 Conway's motion — Nation anxious for peace — Does not expect peace within a year. To THE Secretary of Foreign Affairs, March 31st . . 856 Change in the English ministry — Lord Shelburne un friendly to America — Departure of Carleton — Emperor said to be ready to negotiate — Products of the country — Hints as to a minister — A breach of the Yorktown capitu lation. To Samuel Thorpe, June iSth 859 A general peace — Trade with America — Private busi ness — Corporation and court. X CONTENTS OF VOL. III. PAGE To Richard Henry Lee, June 22d S63 Remittances from Virginia — Education in Virginia — Taxes and revenues in bad hands. To Arthur Lee, July 19th 864 Payment of his salary — Nothing to be expected from Franklin — The affairs of DeBerdt & Co — Money loaned to Clonard. To Richard Henry LEE, July 29th 867 No prospect for peace with iu the year — Arnold in favor ^The new administration— The want of men and money will alone prevent a continuance of war — Plan of cam paign — Sir James Jay — Rumors of negotiations. To Samuel Thorpe, August 27th 872 The stamp duty — Has made him executor of his will — As to debts due him — Business matters. To Arthur Lee, August 30th 875 Franklin's letter — Difficulty in getting his pay — De mands immediate payment. To Richard Henry Lee, October ist 877 Demands against the estate of P. L. Lee — His claims. To Richard Henry Lee, October ist 879 Tobacco sales from his estate — Education of his sons in Virginia — Matters in Europe. To Benjamin Franklin, October 7th 881 Encloses an order directing the payment of his salary — Has drawn notes. From Benjamin Franklin, October 21st 882 Accepts the notes, but trusts they will not be placed where they will go to protest. To Arthur Lee, October 25th 8S3 The loan to Clonard — Money matters. To Arthur Lee, October 26th 8S5 F'ormal acknowledgment of American independence by CONTENTS OP VOL. III. XI PAGB the British kiug — The affairs of Dr. Berdt — Payment of his salary — Adams wishes to be minister to England — Appointment of Temple Franklin. To Benjamin Franklin, November 12th 888 Sarcastic letter on the payment of his salary. To Arthur Lee, November 20th 883 Franklin's assumed ignorance of his whereabouts — Morris's Trick — What America should do— Shelbume's position — Losses of Paradise. To Richard Henry LEE, November 22d. 892 Monroe — Difiiculties of corresponding — Black work in the Paris negotiations — Laurens — Prospect of peace. To William Dolman, November 20th. . . 895 His aunt's property — What is recommended. To Arthur Lee, December 17th 899 British ministrj' on peace negotiations — England totally exhausted — Stock jobbing by Americans^Euro- pean. matters — Franklin's sovereign will. To HENRY Laurens, December 24th 903 Anonymous charges — Wishes the name of his informant. To Henry Laurens, December 25th 904 Importance of discovering the writer of the letter. 1783. To William Bridgen, January 3d 905 The anonymous letter — Indignant that he should be thought the author — Demands a full explanation. To HENRY Laurens, January 3d 907 His letter to Bridgen — Is surprised to find himself im plicated — Adams's supposition. To Thomas Barclay, January gth 90B Advertisement as agent of Virginia — Warnings against a former agent — Wishes the name. xii CONTENTS OF VOL. III. PAGE To Henry Laurens, January 14th 910 The anonymous letter — Vigorous language on the sub ject — Envy — Bridgen's answer. To Edward Bridgen, January 17th 913 Frank acknowledgment of his error — Wishes him to write to Mr. Laurens — Why his reasons should not have been accepted. To S-4MUEL Thorpe, January 17th 915 Franklin's certificate in favor of Deane — A suggested reply — The doctor will probably be protected — A general peace. To Samuel Thorpe, January 24th 917 Congratulations on the peace — Knavishness of Lord North. To Thomas Barclay, February 2d 918 Cessation of hostilities — His advertisement — -An al leged agent. To Samuel Thorpe, February nth 920 Senatorial madness — Trade bills — The Quebec mer- chants. To Samuel W. Stockton, February loth 921 His illness — Felicitations on the near approach of peace — What remains for America to do — A navy — Deane and his patrons — America indebted to no other power for peace. To. Arthur LEE, February loth nj-i Peace — Not indebted to Louis XVI. — Connections of Deane unbroken— Intriguing for the appointment to Lon don—Political system of Europe — Diplomatic matters. To Richard Henry LEE, February nth 927 What policy America njust pursue. To Arthur Lee, February 24th ^^S Expects to embark in May— Tobacco and o-oose feath ers—Address to the king on the preliminaries of peace CONTENTS OP VOL. III. xiu PAGE Debate in Parliament — Jenings — Russia and Sweden — The emperor and America. To John Adams, March gth. 931 Should not rush into commercial treaties — Opposite policy of Congress and its possible origin — Dana and his negotiations — Sweden. To William Pitt, March 14th 933 Criticism of his trade bills — All former privileges should be restored to Americans — Citizens rather than subjects — His suggestions are unofficial. To John Adams, March 27th 93g Checking the intrigues of Franklin — ^The doctor's su perlative modesty — Nothing due to France on the score of gratitude — Plot of the king of Spain — Intrigues in England on commercial bills. To Arthur LEE, April 2d 939 Vote of Parliament on peace negotiations — Resignation of Shelburne — Every thing at a stand — Suggested Ameri can diplomatic appointments — Political. To Samuel Thorpe, April nth 941 Halcyon days for the north — Will not visit England. To John Adams, April 24th 943 Apprehensive that America has lost the opportunity for a commercial connection with England — The new ministry — Samuel Adams — Franklin — About to sail for America. To Arthur Lee, June 22d 945 Hopes to sail in ten days — Business matters — Affairs of Europe. On Robert Morris 947 Will of William LEE 949 1774. From Lord Chatham, September 24th 963 Index. TO SAMUEL W. STOCKTON. Frankfort, 27 June, 1779. I wrote to you the 24th with some letters for America, all under cover to M*". D. N.,* and last post, the 25th, bro't me your favor of the 21st., which informs me of 3'our design of going in y? Vir ginia pilot boat being changed. You would surely have found a welcome reception in America, had you been the bearer of the news of the declaration of Spain, which as I told you before, would not rouse our enemies from their lethargy and from their thirst of gorging themselves with American blood. The opposition in England seems as much besotted as the King and his ministers. Indeed the wickedness, y^ villainy, and profligacy of these People seem to surpass those of Sodom and Gomor rah ; however, it will certainly be of use to carry as quickly as possible to America y^ Parliamentary debates, and the Revolutions of Sweden, by Sheri dan, should now be read with attention by every man who has anything to do with public affairs in our country. I am not at all surprised that the captains in the service of a certain house in Phila delphia, f should be impregnated with y*. heat that has been created in America by Mr. Deane and his * De Neufville. f Robert Morris. (693) 694 partisans, for in fact y^ business has totally changed from its original appearance. The issue is not now, whether Mr. Deane shall glut his personal venge ance against whom he looked on as y^. principal causes of his not returning with charte-blanche as minister Plenipotentiary to Holland, and General Commercial agent and Director over all Enrope; but whether those who have fingered more than half y? amazing number of millions (Mr. Deane says about one hundred) that America now stands indebted, shall escape scot free, and without ren dering any account — Mr. Deane, for many millions received in France, and his chief patron in Phila delphia for ten times as many millions received by him in America. Of course this enormous sum of money must have procured y? Principals many advocates and defendants: however, I can't help having many apprehensions, that these unhappy circumstances will be attended with most fatal con sequences this year to our Country, for you do not say one word about measures taken to provide against this campaign, and against the horrid In dian war. The Spanish declaration having come so late, all y^ force that our eneinies have, will for this campaign at least, be employed against us alone. I have seen in y? Virginia Gazette, in March, a very full reply to Mr. Deane's charges against my brother and me, under the signature of Detector, the writer I know not, and am told that 695 there have been many satisfactory replies in y= Pennsylvania Papers which I have not seen. ='=*''= TO BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Frankfort, 27 June, 1779. Sir: By the letter 5'ou did me the honor to write to me y? 17th inst, I perceive you are still under a mis take relative to the contract made with D'Acosta & Co. There never was to my knowledge any con tract made with that house for the same things that I requested you to apply for to the French Ministry on account of the State of Virginia. D'Acosta & Co contracted to send some thousand fusils and other trifling articles for the State of Virginia, which they expressly stipulated to ship from France before the end of last September; otherwise the contract was to be entirely void. This house failed to comply with their contract, and even without making any apology or giving any reason for so doing, which I have since tho't a most fortunate circumstance, not only for the State of Virginia, but indeed for America, having authentic information that within the course of 12 months past many thousand fusils have been sent out from Leige to a clerk of that house, many of them of so base a quality as to cost only seven livres, the fusil and bayonet. In my judgment it 6g6 is an unpardonable cruelty to put such implements into the hands of brave men, who are not only fighting for their own lives, but in the defence of the liberties of their country. The most important part of the supplies that the French ministry are requested to furnish for the State of Virginia are the cannon, howitzers, powder, mortars, ball and shells, none of which have ever been contracted for with any one, and if they should be sent to Boston or Charlestown for Congress, they cannot be of any more use to Virginia while the War continues and the enemy have the superiority in the American seas, than if they were in France, and as the prin cipal military operations this year will most likely be in the southern States, there is much reason to apprehend that the want of good fusils will be severely felt in that quarter. I therefore hope you will endeavor to get the supplies requested sent to Virginia as soon as possible, since they may even now be got there before the campaign' is ended. In doing this you will certainly render an essential service to the common cause, and highly oblige him who has the honor to be with very oreat re spect. Sir, &c.* * When the application of Virginia was first made, William Lee being absent, Franklin found three merchants of standing, each of whom was willing to fill the entire order. But two withdrew their offers when they leamed that Arthur Lee was concerned, and the third was not given the contract. Lemaire 697 TO ARTHUR LEE. F T, 29 June, 1779. You have enclosed Gov. Henry's letters of i & 22 Dec^ '77, & 3 Mar. 1778, all by Capt. Le Maire. W. Iv. to Dr. F. of 30 Mar., and 27 June '79. Dr. F. to W. h. 30 Mar. &. 2 April, '79. There can be no doubt of a stab being intended, and that both are y^ objects. The same thrust is to kill us both, and I have had so little share in the business, that I do not know what defence to prepare; therefore, shall wait till I see farther what is done. 'Tis probable Le M. will be the conveyer as well as the administrator of the poison. I have mentioned to you often what I tho't extremely reprehensible in his conduct about the contract at Strasburg, which is all I know about him. I have no papers or let ters of any kind relative to C — t, nor ever had, ex cept copys of the two notes for _;^20,ooo and ^^30,- 000. A gentleman here told me that Ch[aumon]t abused Beau s to him in the grossest terms; if these two fall out, 'tis better to let them alone in ex posing each other. No notice having been hitherto taken of a joint letter to Isard and A. Lee., I shall was sent over Germany to look for credit and goods, quarrelled with Lee, who finally agreed with Penet and D'Acosta for the articles, and fell again into disputes with these merchants. Franklin to Governor Henry, 26 February, 1779, and to Wil liam, Lee, 2 April, 1779. In the Virginia State Papers will be found much relating to Lemaire's mission. 698 mention it this day to Isard. Mr. Jno. Temple is expected every day in an armed Brig from Boston. He had been at Congress, therefore 'tis probable he brings despatches. The Spani.sh declaration so far as words go is rather against than for the United States of America, since they are still called the K. of G. B — n's colonies. We send you our love. P. S. This moment received yours of 23. Your inclosures answer the most material parts. The charges in America seem now to be more against W. Lee than A. Lee., of whom Adams does not seem to have said anything. However I am glad you have found in time that my judgment about his conduct aud designs was not wrong. What 172 has said appears to me sufiicient ; for my own part I shall never be a.shamed or afraid of the real truth being publickly known ; but there is no occasion to gratify the vile Junto, by telling them the fact. I am almost exhausted by drafts from Virginia for payraent of old scores, while sterling debts due to me are pay'd off in paper, the exchange being now 10 for one. If I go on I shall not have one shilling left here. Necessity will therefore compel me to stop my hand; however, I could wish you would in conversation mention this to Izard, and ask him if he does not think I shall be fully excuseable, both in justice as well as law, to send the Virginia bills back as they come. Most of the debts due to me were by contract to be repay 'd in sterling money in 699 London, clear of all charges or deductions whatso ever. . . . TO ARTHUR LEE. 7 July, [1779.] My dear Brother: I wait with impatience to receive the bills I wrote for in mine of the 25th ulto., as the money is now wanted. I pray you therefore not to delay sending it to me. You may remember I told you in Paris in March, that the Invasion of Virginia was intended, which a friend of ours would not believe, because I was not at liberty to tell from whence I had the infor mation; but what is surprising, a letter I put into the Po: oiEce there, giving advice of this to go to Virginia by the way of Nantes, was never for warded. The declaration of Spain is strangely worded at this stage of the business; tho' the present shyness may be accounted for, as America is bound by the separate articles, while Spain is to tally at liberty. There may be also other motives which time must clear .up, but I think you should try every means to get an authentic copy of the ul timatum that was rejected by Great Britain., which will prove the true design of Spain. Mathew's expedition was surely intended to favor the operations of Prevost. The mischief to indi viduals is considerable, but I am inclined to think 700 it will ultimately be of service to the general cause. Mr. Temple must surely have given you a full account of the state of every thing in America, and I shall be happy to hear that they have not forgot to take proper measures for this year's operations. It is very possible that all the supplies will fall into the enemies hands, for the Capt. is among the un lucky ones; but had they been in the country, they might have shared the fate of those at Portsmouth, where it does not appear they had anybody to take care of them. Sir G. Collier may be a good seaman, but his letter does not show him to be much of an officer, or to be overburthend with sense or judgment. The alarm in England is great, and thro' all their blustering you may see a great deal of fear, if the combin'd fleets do not trifle their time away, but quickly advance and destroy Portsmouth and Plymouth docks with ease. Carmichael is I sup pose coming to fill his snug post of S[ecretar]y, while Du[ma]s and ii, are both eyeing a residency in Holland. Our best compliments attend Mr. Iz[ar]d and his good family, and our love is with you. Adieu (No signature.)* * Addressed to "Honble Arthur Lee, Esqr &c., &c., Hotel d'Espagne, Rue Guinegaud, a, Paris." 70I TO SAMUEL W. STOCKTON. Frankfort, 8 July, 1779. Dear Sir: I have now before me your favor of the 30th ulto. My last of July ist. will show you that I do not take amiss an open and candid letter. The Eng lish proverb is a good one, ' ' that nobody can tell better where the shoe pinches but he that wears it. ' ' The trials I have had for two years past are rather too much for a temper naturally quick, and for one that feels for liberty and his country as I do. The intrigues and practices that I found at Paris, and which instead of decreasing have since spread wider, 'till at last they seem to threaten the existence of our countrj' as a free and independant nation, have left me few peaceable or calm and temperate moments. But enough of self. "Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice. I have done the state some ser vice; and they know it." Mr. Temple must surely have brought some later intelligence from C[on- gressj than you mention about Mr. D[eane]; for that you know I mentioned to you above a month ago. The fatal effects of the dissensions now begin to appear. As you know I mentioned to you in the beginning, I do not Jiear of any preparations for this campaign, while the Enemy, tho' considerably weaker than they have been for 3 years past, are almost unopposed, making ravages over the conti- 702 nent. Nothing yet from Berlin. It cannot be expected that the powers in Europe will be in a hurry to form connections with us, while they see the consequences of Mr. D's publication and some subsequent affairs, in the great advancement of the enemies forces. You no doubt have seen the Lon don Gazette with the accounts of the invasion. of Virginia. What the enemy have done is of little consequence, only that it is a good station as long as they can keep it for obstructing the whole trade of Virginia and Maryland. The French and Span ish fleets are joined, but what will be their opera tions we do not know. A little fleet of 7 sail un der American colors, commanded by Commodore Jones, about 200 guns and near 1500 men in the whole, were seen the 20th. ulto, in the Bay of Bis cay, opposite the mouth of the Garonne, which leads to Bordeaux. We shall soon, I suppose, hear something of its operations, which I wish may be in the flames of Glasgow. America should act like Rome who, leaving Annibal and his victorious army in Italy, sent Scipio to fight their enemies at the gates of Carthage. I am clearly for an invasion of G. B., and leaving Clinton and his savage allies to do what they can in the meantime in America. The thing is certainly practicable if men would but accustom themselves to look at it calmly; therefore I hope you will make it a subject of general con versation when you get over. If you learn any- 703 thing comfortable from the gentlemen lately ar rived from America relative to the general capacity and preparations for defence and offence this cam paign, I beg you to let me know it. Clinton can not now have at N. Y. more than 5000 effective men; what an opportunity then is there for general Washington to make an attempt on that nest of Pirates. Mr. Carmichael is, it seems, expected iu France every day, as he was to sail some time in May. What post he comes to fill we do not hear. TO M. BARTHELEMY. Frankfort, 12 July, 1779. I have had the pleasure, my dear sir, of receiv ing the letter you did me the honor of writing to me the ist. of this month, and congratulate his Excellency that he did not suffer very materially by the explosion of the powder magazine near him, which I see by the Gazettes did a great deal of mis chief. How much better would it have been, had the contents of this magazine been safely lodged in the possession of our friends in America. I rejoice heartily with you at the decision of Spain, which gives us a right to expect a success ful end of our dispute with Great-Britain ; but as I never like to flatter myself too much with the prospect of advantages for fear of being disap- 704 pointed, my opinion is, that the most decided and united efforts of France, Spain and America should be exerted to reason. By the American war their funds have been pretty well exhausted, but they have this advantage, that their troops and navy are in full practice, while France and Spain come into the field after a long idle peace, which always makes both soldiers and sailors a little rusty : therefore if our joint enemy should unexpectedly gain some advantages in the beginning, it will not discourage me in the least ; notwithstanding the phrenzy for privateering among our enemies which trains a number of seamen for their navy, yet I know the resources both for men and money in France and Spain are infinitely greater than in Great Britain. Reflecting on that period of history when Louis the 14th invaded Holland by the intrigues of the Stadtholder, almost all Europe was combined in a league against France, as if her king was attempt ing at universal Monarchy ; I am astonished to see that now when G. Britain insolently and loudly claims the universal monarchy of the sea, all the maritime States of Europe sit still and leave France and Spain to contend for a freedom of navigating the open seas, in which all those powers are as much interested as France or Spain. Can you tell me to what causes such extraordinary apathy and unconcern in the maritime states of 705 Europe are to be ascribed? 'Tis but the other day an Austrian merchant vessel bound to Ostend, was boarded by the crew of an English privateer, who robbed the Austrian vessel of sundry articles and beat the Flemings because they had not more good things on board their vessel. This is a fact that can be easily proved at Ostend. You are pleased to say that you have nothing to tell me from the country where you are ;* I did suppose that after the declaration of Spain, the dis position of the good people where you are would have become more favorable to America. How ever, we must wait with patience, for I cannot suppose they will continue much longer blind to their own interest. By this moment some great blow may be struck, if 'tis against the fleet of Sir Charles Hardy. I cannot help flattering myself that it will prove a coup de grace to the naval power of our enemies — in the pleasing contempla tion of so fortunate a circumstance, I have the pleasure to assure you of my most perfect esteem and friendship. * Barthelemy was at Vienna. 7o6 TO RALPH IZARD. Frankfort, 12 July, 1779. Dear Sir: I have had the pleasure of receiving your oblig ing letter of the 2d., and thank you for the copy of Mr. Wharton's letter, tho' until that gentleman mentioned the subject to me I never knew that fertile geniuses among their other inventions had dubbed me with the title of stock jobber. How ever great a secret the fitting out and destination of Commodore Jones' squadron may have been to you, I see by a letter from Edinburg, the 15th of June, that the whole was no secret there. One 64 gun ship with the squadron, would certainly en able it, if so designed, to settle the business easily in Georgia, Carolina, and Virginia. What Gen eral Lincoln is about I can't tell, but this seems clear to me, that if he does not attack Prevost, Prevost will attack him, and he that begins the attack, almost always gains the advantage. The refusal of a passage to Mr. F[or]d* is of a piece with sending an express from 16 to 12 in the be ginning of March just before W. Lee got to Paris with advice of 61 being recalled &c without letting Izard or A. Lee know anything of it. This arrived at 12 in a short time. These and similar * Rev. Hezekiah Ford, who had served as Arthur Lee's secre tary. Serious charges were made against his loyalty from Virginia. 707 facts should be well noted, as they may be of use at one time or another. I told you before that the conduct of Spain was inexplicable to me ; it may be found out in the recesses of Passy. I wish most heartily that America was out of the scrape. Mr. Stockton will escape Sir George Collier, as he goes in an armed brig to Boston. I wish Mr. Ford stood as good a chance, tho' in a small vessel he may escape if he gets into the capes at night. Pray tell me if my first defence went by him on the Chevalier de Luzerne. I wish the same game may not be continued in 28 Congress. I wrote to M. de M[ar]b[oi]s inclosing some letters of intro duction, to which he never gave any answer. By this time, I suppose, you must have had from Mr. Temple a full account of the situation of affairs in America, tho' my letters from Holland do not mention whether he is bound to Paris or London; he is said lo have been much on the reserve, and to speak very little on public affairs, which of course you know will make warm spirits conjecture a great deal, tho' I rather conclude that there was not a great deal material to say. The New York papers mention a great deal of mischief done by the Indians, whom they call their good allies, and that Clinton has takefn the field, which I do not beHeve, as he can't have more than 5000 effective men, and leaving N. Y. &c.. nearly defenceless. We are all impatience to hear of the movements of 7o8 the combined fleets, tho' few people will believe that an invasion is really intended, notwithstand ing all the noise and talk about it. You will see by the papers what general terror there is in England, where nobody seems to have acted a consistent part but the city of London. You must allow that the Duke of Richmond has improved in brass., if noth ing else, from the lectures of his tutor. Gov. John stone. He says that after their money is all gone, they may learn from America what can be done with paper. Can his head be so thick as not to know that they have been supported by paper these 50 years past, and that at this moment their specie does not bear so high a proportion to their circula tion as one to a hundred? How much farther they will be able to stretch this string before 'tis snap'd, will be proved in a year or two more. When you have any important news, we hope to hear from you, as 'tis hardly possible that this summer can pass away without some important events taking place, and of this, I think, we may be most certain, that unless the British possessions are attacked with vigor this summer, in the winter and spring they will attempt some bold desperate stroke against the possessions of France or Spain; for as L'd Chatham by a trope conquered Canada in Germany, so his grace of Richmond must trope also and conquer America in France and Spain. I fancy Carmichael is coming to enjoy his snug 709 post of secretary at Passy., but I shall be much mistaken if he stirs from where he is until Deane'' s affairs are determined, which I wish was done, let the issue be what it will. For the time already wasted on such a worthless subject will cost Amer ica many, many millions of money, and many, many innocent lives. Your next will tell me, I expect, of the proper advances having been made by Spain; if there are not, don't you think that^. Lee should write there? but if he does, I am of opinion he ought first to consult Vergennes and act by his advice. Such a step with 164 will please him better if done verbally than by letter. . . . TO ARTHUR LEE. Frankfort, 14 July, 1779. The packet boats from Dover to Calais were stopped last month, and two French mails then due if sent over to Dover, are to be return' d back to Calais (that is, I suppose after the letters have been examined); by the way of Ostend your letters and newspapers from London will be a day later than before. The English ministry and people seem to be terribly frightened, and know not well what to do. Wedderburne says peace must be won by conquests abroad, and hints that America must still be the prime object, where the plan of Clinton seems to be to amuse Washington by prep- arations and attempts 'till he gets his reinforce ments, than to attempt at securing the whole North river from N. Y. to Albany. Prevost and Mathews are to be employed in making diversions as well as they are able, to prevent any aid being given to Washington from the southern states. Two British regiments are sent from New York as a reinforcement to Mathews. If the North river can be secured, the latter end of this campaign and the next, the great force is to be turned against the four eastern states. This is the plan against America. Orders are already sent to attack the Manilas. The opposition in Parliament have out run the Ministry in delivering up everything un conditionally to the Crown, and a bill of Lord North's for doubling the Militia, thrown out as to that point by the Lords ; among whom were the opposition and most of the Bedford party. So that Lord North seems to totter and the opposition seems to be in hopes of catching a crumb or two. Rutland, Derby and Ancaster have offered to raise regiments. They were insulted at the first offer, but they seem to be in a way to accomplish their point. The Common Council of London seem to be the only consistent body in the Kingdom. They agreed to address the King, which was little more, when drawn up, than telling him in plain terms what a wretch he was, and how wicked his ministers were, and that they ought to be imme- 711 diately dismissed. Afterwards they agreed not to address, and not to open a subscription in the chamber to give bounties to seamen and soldiers. Sir Charles Hardy's fleet is to be augmented with ten ships of the line, which from appearance will join him before there is any movement from Corunna; his fleet has already taken some prizes off Brest and Belle Isle, among them a Virginia boat of 60 tons, Capt. Luner commander, with goods from Nantes, bound to Virginia. I hope this is not Mr. Ford's vessel. The fleet from the Streights and Portugal of 30 vessels are all arrived safe, and the 10 East-Indiamen, expected now every day, I suppose will do the same. A very large fleet from the West Indies are expected from the ist to the 20 August. The N. Y. Gazette has made hearsay of Lincoln's being totally defeated and driven from Parisburg; but this with other absurdities seems to me to be coin'd in England to keep up their spirits. I expected by this time to have heard from you what Mr. Temple brought from Araerica, for surely he must have wrote to you or Dr F — n. A passenger in the same vessel says that people's eyes in America began to be opened with respect to the conduct of Mr. Deane. If you have not yet, I presume you soon will hear something from Spain. If the great line is not pursued and Jamaica not attacked, surely from the Havannah an expedition to St. Augustine and 712 Georgia should take place. The paper will tell you that Sir J. Yorke has made a demand of the States General for the succors stipulated by treaty. I have no doubt of their being refused. British cruizers are prohibited from staying more than six days with the prizes they take in the Portuguese ports; they should not be permitted to enter at all. I wish the French ministry would be made sensible of the mischiefs that arise from their privateers ransoming almost all the prizes they take, by which our enemies have almost double the number of sailors prisoners that France has, and if the priva teer is taken, the ransomers being on board, the whole profit of the cruize is lost. Some French privateers have been taken with lo or 12 ransomers on board. The American privateers are also ex tremely wrong in discharging their prisoners gratis, while their countrymen are dying in the English jails for want of being exchanged. TO RALPH IZARD. Frankfort, 17 July, 1779. I wrote to you the 12th; since then I find that two other vessels from Boston have arrived at Am sterdam. They sailed the latter end of May, for they bring papers of the 27th of that month, in which there is nothing materially new, except ac counts of some horrid ravages by the Indians on 713 the frontiers of Pennsylvania and New York, Mr. T[em]ple is gone to Spa. The passengers that came with him think he has not any regular com mission, but that he expects to meet at Spa with some person of consequence from England to con fer on American affairs. If this conjecture is well founded, it will in my opinion be highly injurious to America; for our enemies are so thoroughly faithless and perfectly wicked, that they never should be treated with but in open conference. These private and underhand conferences only give them opportunities of learning how they may more effectually pursue their infernal plan of seduction and propagating fatal divisions. This is the state these gentlemen give of Mr. D ne's party in Congress. The Delegates of the 4 Eastern States (who know him best) in general against him; Pennsylvania divided; Maryland for D. ; Virginia divided; N. Carolina for D; S° Caro lina divided; Georgia, for D. My first short reply to Mr. D. sent from hence via H4 in February, is arrived in B[osto]n. The packet from Dover to Calais being stopped, you perhaps have not yet got into the method of having the English papers by the way of Ostend. An express sloop is arrived at Portsmouth that left Byron at St. Lucia May 14th. Government has had published everything, but it seems fair to. con jecture that D'Estaing has had some advantage, for 7H the captain of the sloop says that after the two fleets had cannonaded each other for some time without any material damage on either side, the two fleets returned to their respective ports, Byron to St Lucia, and D'Estaing to Port Royal. A 14-gun sloop, the St. Helene, politely set out of Brest the latter end of last month, found her way into Sir Charles Hardy's fleet and carried with her some of the French signals and advice of the Spanish force that had joined Count D'Orvilliers at Ferrol ; on which Sir Charles returned to Tor- baj' for reinforcements, where it is supposed by this time ten other ships of the line have joined him; so that his force may be now 40 ships of the line. If he remains there, it is a fine place for such a genius as De Ruyter or Heemskirk, commanding the united fleets, to give a finishing blow to the naval power of Great Britain. Letters from Hol land say that the States are determined to maintain strict neutrality, notwithstanding the demands of our enemies for succor, and the urgent endeavors of the Prince of Orange and his party to engage them in war. Amsterdam continues as firm as a rock with us.* . . . * " I hear that our haughty and imperious enemies, the Brit ish nation, have demanded assistance from your States, to enable them to continue the War that they have began against France, Spain and America. This demand I have no doubt will be refused, as it is quite clear to all the world that they 715 RECALL OF LEE'S COMMISSION. Congress had appointed a committee composed of a member from each state, to take into consideration the foreign affairs of the United States, and the conduct of the late commissioners. The members were Whipple, Gerry, EUery, Ellsworth, Duane, Fell, Searle, McKean, Paca, M. Smith, Burke and Laurens. Their report, as presented on the 15th of April, gave the following con clusions : — I. That the commissions of Franklin, Arthur and William Lee and Izard were in force. 2. that ministers plenipotentiary should be sent only to Versailles and Madrid. 3. that complaints had been made against the com missioners, and of Deane's political and commercial conduct. 4. that suspicions and animosities had arisen among the commissioners, which may be highly prejudical to the honor and interests of these United States. 5. that the appointments existing be vacated, and new appointments made. 6. that only one plenipotentiary minister or commis sioner be at a foreign court. have wantonly made the attack on France and Spain, therefore they can't have any right from the treaties to ask for aid ; and besides, if they had a right, they have very lately told you about your ships, that they would not regard any treaties they made with you but such as they found were for their interest or convenience. The English ministry should now have the same answer retumed to them." William Lee to J. de Neuf ville & Son, 18 July, 1779. 7i6 7th. that no such representative exercise any other public office while serving. 8. that the appointed ofiicer shall be a citizen of the United States, and have a fixed and permanent interest therein. 9. that proper persons be appointed to settle accounts in Europe of American officials, and 10. that a certain salary be appointed for each repre sentative. The first and second paragraphs were adopted with little question. When the fourth was reached, Meri wether Smith, seconded by Carmichael, wished to strike out the words "which may be." Five days later a vote was taken on this motion, and the words were struck out, only two members (Ellery and Spencer) voting against it, and no state. The paragraph was then taken up in part, and, on the motion of Duane, seconded by Gerry, the words ' ' late and present ' ' were substituted for the word "said," making it read "that suspicions and animosities have arisen among the late and present commissioners." Gerry, sup ported by Muhlenberg, wished to make a further alteration, so as to read ' ' some of the late and present commissioners, ' ' but the States were equally divided in the vote. To secure delay, R. H. Lee moved to post pone the 4th article until the 5th had been passed upon; but the States again were equally divided. Duane, with Morris, then wished the names of the commission ers to be inserted, the sense of the house being upon each name, and this suggestion met with favor. Franklin's name was inserted without question, but in 717 every other instance the yea and nay votes were re corded, on demand of Meriwether Smith. The votes were almost unanimous for in.serting the names of Deane, Arthur and William Lee, and Ralph Izard, only two or three negatives being given — and Ellery and Searle voting no steadily. A proposition to insert the name of John Adams was rejected. New Hamp shire, Maryland and Virginia giving their votes in its favor, while Massachusetts and Rhode Island being lost by division. The first clause reading ' ' that sus picions and animosities have arisen among the late and present commissioners, namely, Dr. Benjamin Frank lin, Mr. Silas Deane, Mr. Arthur Lee, Mr. Ralph Izard and Mr. William Lee " was adopted — only the votes of Whipple and Armstrong (Pa), being thrown against it. The second clause — "highly prejudicial to the honor and interest of these United States' ' — did not fare so well, for New Hampshire and Pennsylvania were against it, and the influence of South Carolina was lost by division. In no case do the votes give any indica tion of the division of party in Congress. On the fifth clause the qiiestion of recalling each minister was put, and here. the feeling aroused was strong and of some definiteness. Franklin's name was first on the list. Virginia and North Carolina voted to recall ; Connecticut and New Jersey lost their votes. Gerry (Mass.) G. Morris (N. Y.) Paca (Md.), Smith, Griffin, and -Nelson (Va.) and Penn and Burke (No. Ca.) voted for his recall. This was a trial vote, but it was plain that the unanimity was only apparent, for Congress was torn by faction, and the foreign affairs 7i8 were a center of activity, as was the Amold. The vote on Franklin was taken April 22d. On the 30th Paca laid before the house a paper, signed by himself and by W. H. Drayton, containing intelligence respecting Arthur Lee. This was done after the question of re calling Lee had been stated, and contained a very sharp arraignment of Lee on the ground that he was not trusted by the Court of France, and it would there fore be highly improper to continue him as one of the commissioners to negotiate a general peace. On the following Monday (May 3d) Carmichael rose, and pre sented to the house in writing his statement of the situation in Europe, after which the question of recall ing Lee was put, and the States equally divided. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey, voted against a recall ; New York, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina in its favor ; and Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and South Carolina were lost by divisions. As the vote for recall may be regarded as a fair indication of what members were hostile to Lee, their names may be given : Gerry (Mas.s); Collins (R. I), Jay, Duane, G. Morris and Floyd (N. Y); Fell, (N. J); Atlee, Muhlenberg and Wynkoop (Pa); Dickinson (Del); Paca, Carmichael and Henry (Md); M. Smith, Griffin and Fleming (Va); Penn, Burke and Sharpe (No. Ca.); and Drayton, (S. Ca). Fifteen members voted against a recall, and twenty one in favor — a majority being against Lee. Izard's name was not taken up until the 20th May and a vote was not reached until June Sth, when his recall was determined. New Hampshire, Massachu- 719 setts, Pennsylvania and South Carolina voted no, and the other States (New Jersey excepted), voted ay. Thirteen delegates voted against a recall, and twenty three in its favor. The one affirmative vote of the Rhode Island delegate counted as much in determining the question as the four negatives in the Pennsylvania — The individual votes were not very different from those cast in the Arthur Lee ballot. Ellery (R. I), Sherman and Spencer (Conn), Lewis (N. Y.), Plater and Jenifer (Md), joined the hostiles, while Drayton (So Ca) and Henry (Md), voted against a recall. Duane, seconded by Armstrong, moved that "Mr. Izard be informed that it is the sense of Congress that he need not repair to America until it suits his con venience." Sherman, seconded by Lovell, wished to strike out the words " until it suits his convenience," which was agreed to, thus leaving Izard removed from office but not recalled. William Lee, on the same day, and by nearly the same vote, was removed from office, and was not re quired to return to America. The vote on recall was as follows: New Hampshire, Mr. Whipple, no \ no Massachusetts, Mr. S. Adams no Gerry ay Lovell no . Holten no > Rhode Island Mr. EUery ay | Collins ay ] ¦^ no 720 Connecticut Mr. Sherman ay Huntington ay Spencer ay New York Mr. Jay ay Duane ay Morris ay Floyd ay Lewis ay New Jersey Mr. Scudder no Fell ay Pennsylvania Mr. Armstrong no Shippen no Searle no Muhlenberg ay M'Clure no Wynkoop ay Delaware Mr. Dickinson ay Maryland Mr. Plater ay Paca ay Carmichael ay Henry no Jenifer ay Virginia Mr. Smith ay Griffin ay Fleming ay N. Carolina Mr. Penn ay Burke ay Sharpe ay S. Carolina Mr. Laurens no Drayton no For recall, 25 ; against, 12. ay ay div. > no 1- ay ay ay ay no 721 JAMES LOVELL TO WILLIAM LEE.* Philadelphia, July 17th, 1779. Sir: The Committee of Congress for Foreign Affairs are officially instructed to inform you that on the 8th of June last past it was resolved to recall you from the Courts of Vienna and Berlin, to which you had been appointed. But you are also to be informed that it is the sense of Congress that you need not repair to America. You may see the proceedings, at length, respecting this business in their Journals, printed authoritatively by David C. Claypole, and being in the hands of Dr. Franklin or Mr. Arthur Lee, at Paris. We are, sir, with sincere regard, &c., James Lovell, Por the Committee of Foreign Affairs. TO LEBLANC. 20 July, 1779. About 4 weeks ago 4 Englishmen passed through this town, having come from London in 5 days. They only dined here and went on their journey. They appeared as common passengers and talked at the hotel as if they were going to Vienna. I have just heard that they were only 7 days in going from hence to Venice, where a vessel was hired ready for them, in which they immediately em- * See letter to Richard Henry Lee, 14 October, 1779. 722 barked and set sail for Alexandria, They are said to have carried orders to the E. Indies to attack the settlement of our Allies at the Manillas. I am informed that our enemies have planned, as soon as the campaign is over in N. America, where they expect great success, to send a large body of the troops they now have there to attack some of the French or Spanish settlements in the W. India.s. This plan might be easily disconcerted by orders being immediately sent for some of the Spanish ships now at the Havannah to go and destroy our Enemies' naval force in Georgia and Chesapeak Bay in Virginia. Now 'tis in our power, we must attack our enemies in all quarters and not wait for them to attack us. I hope an attack on Jamaica and Barbadoes is already planned. October, No vember and December are the months for effectual operations in the West Indias. The French priva teers, as well as the Americans, too often make a practice of ransoming the prizes they take. Is not this tho't an impolitic conduct, for by this means our enemies have always their sailors ready for their ships of war and their privateers, while all the French sailors that are taken are confined in jails to dye with diseases. Sir Charles Hardy, on taking the King's sloop, the St. Helene that went out of Brest, learnt from her that the Spanish ships at Ferrol had join'd Count D'Orvilliers; on which he returned to Torbay for reinforcements ; and be- 723 fore this his fleet is augmented to 41 ships of the line. If the West India fleet that is expected in 10 or 14 days arrives safe, they will get sailors enough to man Sir Charles Hardy's fleet fully, and two or three ships more. This W. I. fleet might be easily intercepted, which would be a very heavy blow to our enemies. It is talked in England that the packet boats from Dover to Ostend will soon be stopped, and they expect at Ostend that the fishing boats will be stopped there from going to England, as the English take by force all the men and put them on board their ships of war. I mention this, that in time a plan may be adopted for getting in telligence from thence. I will only add one word of opinion. I know our enemies so well, as to be sure they never will consent to any peace that we can accept, until they are heartily beaten and loose some of their important possessions ; therefore every proposition that comes from them should be considered as it is intended and meant by them, only as a finesse to impede and delay our opera tions. * * " The papers say 97 (A. Lee) is minister to 148 (Spain); go (Izard) and 96 (W. Lee) being layed by on the shelf, they must look for some retired comer to breath in. If 'tis in his power 97 (A. Lee) should take care of himself, that he may. not want when the stroke comes uponhim." William Lee to Arthur Lee, 24 July, 1779. 724 TO ARTHUR LEE. 17 August, 1779. Dear Brother: I got home the night before last and found your two favors of the 23d. ulto. and 7 inst. You will surely have justice enough to take to yourself all the consequences of 170 transactions being known, which now seems to me inevitable, from the bill not being sent as desired, on which the loss would have been less than will be on the money. What N[eufville] & Son know is of no importance of itself, but may tend to clear up other points for which I believe a person was sent to 0[stend]. I am of opinion with you, that no notice should at present be taken of a certain set of wretches, but it may hereafter be of much use to the Public that their wicked operations should be generally known ; therefore if you can contrive to get certain infor mation of the author of what is in the Whitehall Evening Post, from 26 to 28 July, I beg you will do it. I will write to T. D[igges] about it, but do not know by what name to direct to him, having written twice long ago, and never received any answer. Mr. Jackson, manager of the Ledger, writes to me thus : ' ' Your brother should have had that, and a great deal more information from me, had I not been in formed that when he invited me to dine with him at Paris, he desired Carmichael to be present to push 725 about the bottle, and to pump from me what I knew. Carmichael had all I knew, and I trust he made use of it for the service of America." This informant is pretty evident, tho' not men tioned by name ; however, I have written and re quested he would name him ; and if he does, you shall have a certificate of the whole. That the party intended Carmichael for Spain., I think there is little doubt, but the completion of this scheme will much depend on the tenor of the despatches that were sent from Passy to 6i, the beginning of March. You have no doubt seen the Courier de 1' Europe of i6 July. Whether the proceedings of C[ongress] on the i6 of April were omitted by design or not, I can't say. However the report of the Committee is pretty explicit. Article 3d and 4th involves indiscriminately Messrs. A[dams], I[zardJ, you and myself in the charges ; art 5 is judgment and condemnation of M^ I[zard] and both of us ; art 7. is intended to incapacitate me, and art. 8., to incapacitate you from being re-elected. It remains to know whether these reports are con firmed. The determination, however, with respect to me seems so clear that I think myself warrant able in declining any farther operations in the public line, and shall accordingly write to Con gress as soon as I can ; for which purpose I beg you to let me know whenever there is a good oppor tunity. I shall without waiting for farther advice 726 look out for some quiet place to fix my family in before the winter sets in, on which subject I am not a little perplexed, for there are clouds gather ing in this quarter that may burst out in a dreadful storm, in which case Flanders will again become the seat of war. I saw at Bruges the captain of the Congress fri gate, now at 1' Orient or Brest.* He told me that he left Paris the ist. of this month, and that D^ B[ancroft] told him Charles Town was taken by Prevost, and that Lincoln was wounded in an en gagement near it. He said also that a French gentleman in Paris told him that he had just come from Spain and had travelled part of the way from Madrid to Cadiz with a Spanish Marquis, who was going as Minister to Congres.s. I also met on my route with a gentleman from Holland who assured me he had the day before seen an American on his route from Paris to Holland, who assured him that he came from Congress with despatches to Dr. Franklin, amongst which were advices of Prevost * " I wish you could discover what was the real business for which Capt. Barnett, commander of the Congress frigate, was sent to Bruges and Ostend. He said his Business was to get American sailors at Ostend for his frigate. This is too im probable to be believed, for he might as well have gone to Vienna for that purpose. He is a Bostonian and impressed with the highest idea of 54 (Franklin), 40 (Deane), & the whole at P[assy], N[antes] and B[ordeau]x." William. Lee to Arthur I^ee, 22 Augnst, 1779. 727 and his army being totally defeated. These reports it may be of use to you to know. . . . TO RALPH IZARD. Frankfort, 31 August, i77g. * * * By this time I suppose you are con vinced with me that Prevost has met with a Bur- goynade at Charles Town, and if Clinton or his successor, Cornwallis should pursue the plan laid down for them, to penetrate into New England after getting possession of the North river to Albany, they will probably meet the same fate. I think after considering the proceedings of 28 (Congress) in the paper you gave me, the determination is too plain to be mistaken; therefore in my opinion neither 90 (Izard), 96 (W. Lee) nor 97 (A. Lee), can with propriety act any longer in their former capacity as 38? (ministers). Give me if you please your opinion on this. The Exposi des Motifs of France and the Cedula published in Spain, should be well considered, that a strong remonstrance may be immediately drawn up and immediately trans mitted to 3 (America) against any longer trusting the whole interests of 3 (America) in the hands of 54 (Franklin). After the offer to guarantee to Great Britain, Rhode Island, New York, Long Island, Staten Island, Portsmouth in Virginia, Beaufort in South Carolina, and every inch of 728 Georgia, I should not be surprised if the next offer was to give up the whole to G. B. There are great movements in this quarter. Russia is working hard, for it seems agreed on all hands that she has offered her mediation to G. B. and P. Panin is gone to Sweden from whence he goes to Denmark, as is believed, to form a combi nation with R. to take an open part in the war, if her mediation is not submitted to. The same in trigues have been tryed at Vienna and Berlin, at both which places, things are now in a great deal of fermentation. Prussia recruits with as much activity as in the last year, and measures are as suredly taken to be ready at a moment to enter into the field. I cannot get any sure information of the real design of the cabinet at Berlin, but at this moment all our proceedings are at a stand there. He is wise however, and I hope is our friend. 'Tis said with confidence that propositions between France and Great Britain have been already ex changed thro' Russia. Powerful mediators are al ways dangerous especially when they are not so impartial as they ought to be; for 'tis very certain that in the present instance the secret design of R. is to make matters up between G. B., F. and S., and leave America entirely out of the question. Thanks to the contrariety of interests however, be tween the 3 great powers in this quarter, which, if properly managed, may save us from the threatened 729 mischief. 'Tis astonishing to see how we have sunk in the estimation of the Powers in this quar ter since they have known the late proceedings on the other side, and they now give up the idea of America maintaining independency. The last ad dress to the people demanding 60 millions of dollars to be raised this year, has completely satisfied all politicians of the north that our case is too desperate to be supportable. 'Tis strange that nobody but Dr. F. had letters by the last express from C[on- gress] arrived at Brest from Boston. . . . TO BARON D' ARENDT. Frankfort, 23 August, i77g. Sir: I had the honor of writing to you the nth inst, in answer to your favor of the 22 of July, which was the only letter I received from you since you left this place; and this moment is come to hand yours of the 12th inst, which appears to have been II daies on the road, which I cannot account for. The security in Europe which is required will I apprehend be as difficult to obtain as the money; indeed, it is in fact the very thing we want to find in your country, as at present our affairs in every quarter wear a favorable appearance. I should hope the merchants in Prussia will readily see that there is very little risk indeed in giving credit to 730 the state of Virginia. 'Tis now certain that Gen eral Prevost and the British army have been de feated in South Carolina, the remnant driven on board their ships and escaped to Georgia. The expedition to Virginia has ended in a pillage, burning all the houses they dared to venture to, and massacring in cold blood, a la savage, all the unarmed men, helpless women and children they could lay their hands on. They made an attempt on the little town of Hampton in Virginia, but were repulsed with considerable loss. I conclude that General Clinton does not find himself in a con dition to do so much at New York, since about a fortnight ago two of his best generals, viz. Sir Wm. Erskine and Genl. Jones, have returned to Eng land. The public gazettes will tell you the state of our allies in the British channel. We trust much to the friendship and good intentions of his majesty toward us, and I hope to hear soon something sat isfactory and pleasing from your quarter. You re member my having mentioned the circumstance of a proposition being made at the last Congress at Teschen, for all the contracting parties to acknowl edge the Independence of America. Can you con trive to get an accurate account of that proceeding and let me know all the particulars ? . . . 731 TO ARTHUR LEE. F T, I September, 1779. Dear Brother: I think you fix the 20'.'^ of October for the period when a draft on M — t will be paid for the bal. — On that I shall form my plan, as perhaps it will be more advisable to have the money somewhere else than at Paris. You will, however, have notice of what is to be done, but if you should think of changing your residence to Spain, you should give me as early advice as you can that everything may be settled before you go. The fixing my residence is a very serious and perplexing business at present, especially with the prospect of an increasing family, and no part in France will do for me as things are at this time. At B[russels] a house must be taken for 3 years, and then to be furnish' d, which looks like fixing for life almost. 'Tis very certain that when things are settled, there will be a great deal of business done at both Cadiz and Lisbon, there fore I should like much a correspondence with Mr. Dohrman, but at this moment it would be better for Mr. D. to write to me, stating his plan and de siring a connection, provided he chooses it. Tis probable that with a proper credit on Paris or Am sterdam I may be able to get the vessels he wants on much better terms than he can, and many arti cles that are absolutely necessary, for his purposes must come from this quarter, which may be sent 732 in the vessels to Lisbon, to have salt, &c., added to her cargoe. The fair is commenced here, and if orders were received here in 15 or 18 days from this time, good purchases might be made of linens and woollens. 'If you have no employment for T. Lee, perhaps Mr. D. might take him to Lisbon and send him Super Cargo, with his first adven ture ; after which, if he managed well, Mr. D. might establish him there as his agent Will you please see, if the Mr. Hall that is come from V. is not the same, that was carried into Liverpool in 1776 by the crew who run away with a ship loaded in Virginia with tobacco on account of C[ongress]. What he says about D — 's acquittal is I suppose the construction that the world puts on the report of the Committee that we see published in the Cur. de 1' Europe. That report, if confirm 'd, is indeed a full acquittal of D., and a full condemna tion of those he accuses. No answer yet from I — n, and I fear he will not give any, if he does you will know it. The para graph in the Whitehall Evening Post from 26 to 28 July is "A private letter from Paris informs us, that a certain Alderman of this city was beheaded privately in the Bastile for various frauds and forg eries, notwithstanding Dr. Franklin's endeavors to save him." Is there not a mistake in the brass cannon and mortars being charged at 180 livres the quintal, which is 36 sols the pound, though they 733 were old, when Helenius's prices for new brass cannon was 124 livres, and Monthieu' s, 136 livres the quintal? The difference in value between old and new brass cannon generally is very great, as commonly the first is only at the price of old stuff to be refounded. By the English papers it appears that some time last month a privateer in the Bay of Biscay took an American packet boat with dis patches from Congress, which were saved and sent to the British Ministry. Every day we expect to hear of a battle between C' D'Orvilliers and Hardy. If gained by the former, the British Empire on the sea must be at an end. You say nothing about peace, but I think you may be assured that propo sitions on that head have lately beeu made and I fancy exchanged. If you see L'd Mountstewart at Paris you may reckon on the principal points being agreed. This letter is only for your own perusal. We expect all the important news from your quarter. My tribe, with myself, send you our love ; little P[orti]a would win your heart were you here. She is so good, and begins to lisp her words so sweetly. TO FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE. 2 September, 1779. The perusal of the inclosed papers and consider- ig what G. B. possessed at the time the propo- 734 sitions were made (viz. early in May, 1779) will show what sort of a peace the Dictator [Franklin] which Congress has appointed for America in Europe was willing to make for you. Your own sense and judgment will render any comment on the whole business unnecessary, as you will readily see that it is the Good Genius of America alone that has saved her in this instance, as in many others, from utter perdition. You must now be convinced of what has been often said to you, that America had never greater need of the services of her wisest and most honest sons than at this present period; but we shall leave politics to the most able and incorruptible Messrs. W. H. D[ra]yt[o]n, C[arte]r B[raxto]n, and C[ar]m[ichae]l, &c. The French and Spanish fleets have at last got into the B. Channel. We have not yet heard of any engagement, but 'tis probable there will be one, which may be as undecisive as the one last year. However, 'tis thought the season is too far advanced to admit of any farther material opera tions even if the B. fleet should be entirely defeated. Negotiations for peace are again renewed; the terms are not fully known, but as ' tis public, and has been for some time, that the B. army has been totally defeated before Charles Town, and that Clinton cannot do anything at New York, 'tis to be hoped that the terms for America will be somewhat better than those proposed before. I do not hear 735 that any despatches from C[ongress] dated within the present year have been received. We have seen some proceedings in April last, first published in France, and from thence copied into most of the French gazettes in Europe, relative to D — e's affairs. By a private person I hear that both you and R, H. have refused to go again to C. , which for the sake of America and the noble cause of Lib- ^^^ty, gives me great concern, but I hope you will both still continue to watch over the affairs of your particular country. * * * TO ARTHUR LEE. Frankfort, 4 September, 1779. 'Tis certain that negotiations for peace have been for some time and are still on the carpet The terms proposed on either side I do not know, but the issue will probably depend on what has hap pened within these 14 days past, or may happen within this month in the Channel. Before this a sea battle must have taken place, but an invasion will not you may be assured ; perhaps we may have a second edition of the Jersey business. Captain B[arnet] assured me he came from Boston in the Congress frigate of 22 guns, but that she would carry 28, which he intended to put on her; that he arrived at L' Orient some time in June, and had made some prizes; that he knew W. Lee the 736 moment he saw him, from his likeness to A. Lee whom he knew at Paris., and had in a strange place, where not a creature knew A. Lee., addressed him by name, &c. This Captain, I have reason to believe, was returned to Paris on or before the i6th of August A gentleman also told me he had seen his commission from Congress. The Captain told me that W[illiams] was agent for the sale of prizes at N [antes], and Moylan and Nesbitt, his partners, were agents at L' Orient. These things you may inquire into, as well as to have it fully ascertained that Jones's squadron is on private account, for the loss on that business must be immense. Therefore it is to be apprehended that by some legerdemain America will be brought in to pay it. W. Lee tells me he does not think there is the most distant probabilty of obtaining the agency in Virginia. It is certainly a desirable thing, but the success must be certain, and the advantage very considerable, to induce W. Lee to go to Paris, which at present he thinks of never doing again, unless he has substan tial reason to alter his opinion of the Passy Court. If A. Lee can obtain it for W. Lee he will of course have a full share of the advantages, tho' there is no objection to its being to the two jointly if it can be accomplished; but it seems most likely to succeed if A. Lee is proposed, as he has been in that way. It should be remembered that on such occasions Comis are often of more weight than principals; and 737 in this case Saint Marc the treasurer is of as much consequence as Pauly. Say what you think can be done, but try cautiously that the old Spider [Franklin] may not know anything of it . . * TO ARTHUR LEE. 12 September, 1779. * * * Captain Robins t being taken is very unfortunate, but I hope he had not much value on account of the state on board; I always understood that the whole belonging to the state was shipped in the Gov. Livingston. Unless convoys are given to the trade with America, none but madmen can think of venturing, nor will any venture; therefore I am sure that America will be more distressed for goods, this winter and next summer, than she has ever been yet. This moment I received yours of the 6th and thank you much for the Intelligence, which is im portant and may produce a peace; for which I am * " I see in the papers a good deal about a Capt Hutchins and two others being taken up for treasonable correspondence, which seems to be a most ridiculous business; for if one may judge from what has appeared, this Triumvirate will tum out to be of the Honble Order of Swindlers. Are they so hard mn, as to be obliged to such shifts to amuse the public attention?" William Lee to Richard Weld, 15 September, 1779. t Of the Hunter, on board of which were some of the supplies ordered by Virginia. 738 quite sure negotiations have been already com menced. The Gentlemen at P. have forgot that Hall says the brothers of W. Lee refused to serve any longer in Congress., which you know to be true as they both long ago determined to resign, and I fancy their resignation has startled the Junto and made them afraid to push their plans till they see the effect of their resignation, which may account for not hearing of their determination. I think from considering all circumstances, it is probable that the appointments of Izard and W. Lee are annulled, and no new one made; that A Lee con tinues as yet in his place. So Hardy is safe in Plymouth and D'Orvilliers in Brest, and the embarkment forgot Sic transit gloria mundi! You can't forget the song we used to sing when boys, of somebody with 40,000 men, going up a Hill, and then coming down again.* * On August 31st a wind drove the combined fleet from the Channel, and Hardy with great skill brought in his ships, an choring at Spithead the following morning. The King sent positive directions to Lord Sandwich to acquaint the admiral that he expected the "enemy is not to be permitted to quit the channel without feeling that chastizement which so base a con duct deserves." The King to Lord North, 4 September, 1779. The combined fleet, however, suffered from another source too heavily to permit it to await an attack. For a terrible disease broke out among the men, and the signal for retiring to Brest was given. For months the pestilence raged, and nearly 6,000 men perished. 739 The agency is surely desirable, if attainable. I wrote about it the 4th but I think whatever is done should be done with great caution, and as much secrecy as possible that neither Franklin or any of ih-^ junto may know anything of it even after it is settled. The whole negotiation must rest with A. Lee., as W. Lee will not turn towards Paris unless success is certain ; in that case A. Lee will advise W. Lee., who will be ready at any time to do what depends on him. * * * TO THE COMMITTEE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Frankfort, 28 September, 1779. Gentlemen: I have not had the honor of receiving any answer to the various letters I have written to you since my coming to this country, nor any letter from you since May, 1778, except a short one of the 28th of October last, which, added to my never receiving intelligence, information, or assistance of any kind, from your Minister at the Court of Versailles, has rendered my situation extremely embarrassing; and therefore, if my success has not been so com plete as could have been wished, I shall hope for the indulgence of Congress, especially when it is considered that the general system of affairs in Europe, for eighteen months past, has been so verj' critical as to puzzle the deepest and most refined politicians. 740 Not being able to prevail on your Minister at the Court of Versailles (as I mentioned to you in March last) to aid me in getting the French Minis try to exert themselves in endeavoring to obtain a declaration of American independence by all the northern Powers of Europe that were interested in the Congress held at Teschin, in Silesia, last spring, I was consequently disappointed in the full hopes I entertained of obtaining so desirable a point, which there was the greatest prospect of suc ceeding in, if the Court of Versailles had made a point of it; at least, I am assured that the King of Prussia would not have had any objection, and from the very great influence he has in the Cabinet of Petersburgh, there is little doubt but that he could easily have prevailed with the Empress of Russia to have given her consent. Had this point been gained, our enemies would have been deprived of every ray of hope of obtaining any assistance to continue the war against us, for the great object of European politics has been, and is still, to draw the Empress of Russia into their quarrel. We had not in this country got sufficiently quieted, after the signing of the peace of Teschin, on the loth of May last, to make it prudent for me to take any public steps under the commissions I have from Congress, before the negotiations for peace under the mediation of Spain were drawn to a conclusion; but as the rescript delivered in June 741 by the Spanish Ambassador to Lord Weymouth, in London, said not one word, in our favor, but rather seemed to look on the Thirteen United States of America as being still colonies, or provinces, be longing to Great Britain, it became absolutely necessary for me to wait until this enigma could be cleared up, and till I could get sure information of the real designs of Spain, and the measures she in tended to pursue. As soon as I had got this information, I made a formal requisition to the Prussian Minister, hoping that, as the late war in Germany had prevented his Majesty's former- declarations in our favor from beiiig carried into effect, and as that obstruction was now removed, his Majesty would not delay to acknowledge the independence of the Thirteen United States of America, which might be the means of putting a stop to the further wanton effus ion of human blood. To this requisition I received the following answer from the Minister: "With respect to. the declaration, which you again desire of the King in favor of the independence of the Americans, I have frequently explained, that his Majesty having, by the position of his dominions and those of his neighbors, very different interests from those Powers that are properly called maritime ones, he had no right to expect a direct influence in maritime affairs, and that he could not in wise policy take any measures in those affairs, because they would always 742 be unfruitful, as they could not be supported by a war like marine. The support of the maritime Powers will make the balance incline in your favor more effectually than all the declarations in the world, and Spain, by joining with France to make war on England, renders you the most essential services, without having acknowledged your independence. The King, in making the declaration now which you desire, would only embroil himself with England, without rendering the smallest service to your country. These are the reasons which induce the King to confine himself at present to the facilities which his Majesty has offered at different times with respect to commerce, in assuring you, which I do again, that merchant vessels of Amer ica, that choose to enter into the ports of the King, to sell their goods and to buy ours, shall be received in a friendly manner, and treated on an equality with the merchants of any other country." It has long been one object of my policy to en gage the King of Prussia to act in our favor as a mediator for peace, whereby, if his mediation was agreed to, he might render us much more effectual service than by sending an army of fifty thousand men into Hanover, which step he could not take without arming the Emperor and the whole Ger man empire against him. I have good reason to believe that the King is much disposed to act in the quality of a mediator, but he is too wise to offer his services without being previously assured that they would be accepted by both sides ; however. 743 we may expect very essential benefits from his in fluence with the Court of St Petersburgh, who, it is said with confidence, has offered its mediation, and that it is accepted by the parties. I am in formed that the first proposition to be made to England by the mediating Powers, as the com mencement of the negociation is, that America shall be treated as independent. There is a strong inclination in Prussia to enter into the American commerce, and there is now a scheme in agitation under the direction of the Minister to make the trial, which, if the commencement is successful, will be carried on upon a very large scale, and will more effectually engage the King in our interests than any thing else. For this purpose, I think it would be of most essential service if two or three American vessels were to enter into the port of Emden, which is a good harbor, lying between Hamburg and Amsterdam, and as easily got into as dny of the ports of Holland. I have continued my correspondence at Vienna, but having no powers to treat with the Empress Queen, who is still sole sovereign over all the dominions of the House of Austria, and the Em peror being much disgusted with some proceedings during the late war, and more so with its conclu sion, is become, of course, much more disposed in favor of our enemies than he was, and consequently less inclined to serve us ; therefore, little advantage 744 can be expected from that quarter at present. Our friends in Holland increase every day, and I am still in regular correspondence .with those who regulated with me the form of the treaty of com merce, copies of which have been sent you by various conveyances; and even now if the Stadt holder were to refuse to receive an American deputy, I have no doubt of his meeting, a cordial reception from the city of Amsterdam, whose weight and decisive influence in their association you must be fully informed of. Letters of good authority from England say that the British Ministry would willingly agree to give up the independence of America to obtain peace; but it is feared that the obstinacy and folly of their master will prevent them from executing their plan ; however, I am still firmly of opinion, that the best security and success of America will de pend on her own efforts — her wise, steady, and uniform conduct. As the obtaining a fresh supply of troops from this country has been a favorite point with our enemies, I have paid continual attention to that object, and have the pleasure to inform you that, at present, there is not any pros pect of their obtaining fresh troops from this part of the world, as they have hitherto been defeated in all their various negociations for that purpose ; but as this campaign has passed away without any blow being struck in Europe, all the English fleets 745 from the different parts of the world arrived safe, without the least molestation ; and the King's hands are so much strengthened by the exertions of all parties in England to repel the invasion which they have been threatened with all the year, that I think it is most probable the war will con tinue another year at least, for which, I suppose, proper provision will be made in America. I have the honor to be, &c., TO GOVERNOR THOMAS JEFFERSON. Frankfort, 28 September, 1779. Sir: His Excellency Gov"; Henry was pleased in 1777, with the advice of the Council, to appoint me agent in France for the State of Virginia, and in 1788, by the same authority he sent me a power under the State seal, to obtain arms, artillery, ammuni tion, &c., of his most Xtian Majesties ministers, or any other persons, to the amount of 2,000,000 liv res, or to borrow money to that amount to purchase those articles with; invoices for which were sent, for the artillery, arms and ammunition by the Governor; for linens, woolens and other merchan dize, by Mr. Smith, the State agent in Virginia; and for paper and printing materials by Mr. Webb, the Treasurer. These documents came to me last year when I was at Vienna, in the public service. 746 where I was fortunate enough to prevail with the French Ambassador at that Court to solicit the Court of Versailles to grant us the artillery, arms, and ammunition, and I also sent a power to my brother, Mr. Arthur Lee, who was then at Paris, to solicit this business for me at the Court of Ver sailles, and to try what could be done in France towards procuring the other articles. In conse quence of these measures, there was obtained from the French ministry cannon, mortars, ball, bombs, &c. to the value of ;^2i9,489.7.4. and my brother advanced the money for the purchase of swords, pickaxes, hatchets, &c., which with Capt Le Maire's and other expences amounted to about the sum of ;^45,ooo. My brother chartered vessels to carry these arti cles to Virginia, and I believe they were all shipped in the Governor Livingston, Capt Galer, and the Hunter, Capt. Robins: He also made a contract with Messrs Penet, D'Acosta Freres & Co, of Nantes, for several thousand stand of arms, and some other articles which they contracted to ship from France by the last of September, 1778, on the same terms which Mr. John King had agreed to in October 1777, with these gentlemen under the firm •of Jas. Gruel & Co, for sundrie articles for the State. No part of the contract made with Mr. King was ever complyed with, nor was any part of the con tract made with my brother complyed with, which 747 I now think a fortunate circumstance, having lately had authentic information, that several thousand muskets were in the course of last year sent from Liege to Nantes, addressed to a clerk of that house, which were of such a base quality as to cost no more than £^ a piece. I hope none of these guns will ever reach Virginia. Truth obliges me to say, that I have always found this house extremely ready to engage, but never so to execute. My brother has given Governor Henry advice from time to time of his proceedings, and now he writes me that he has no more money to advance, and the owners of the ships in which the goods were shipped are in extreme want of the money for the freight, which amounts to about 27000 livres. Having no money myself to pay this freight with, we shall be greatly distressed, unless you are good enough to hasten some remittances either in bills or American produce, which I must earnestly re quest of your Excellency to have done. 'Tis nec essary that I should inform you of what my brother has before advised Govr. Henry, viz., that the French ministry did last Spring demand payment for the cannon, &c, furnished by them, but on its being represented to them that we were utterly unable to make this payment, and that the State had not had time to make the necessary remittan ces, they agreed to wait some time longer. I have not received any letters from Congress for 748 I a long time, but there are some private letters in Europe, as I am inform' d, which say that Congress has dispensed with my services. Therefore my stay in this country will not be long, and when you are pleased to write to me, be so good as to put your letter under cover directed to A Monsieur, Grand, Banquier k Paris, if the conveyance is to any part of Spain, Portugal or France; and if the conveyance is by Holland, put your letter under cover directed A. Messieurs, Mess. Jean de Neuf ville & fils, Negociants, Amsterdam. If you re mit any produce, the Captain should be directed to make the first port in Europe that he can get to, and let him address his cargoe as follows, giving me notice of his arrival under cover to M*. Grand. At Cadiz to Messrs. Rey & Brandebourg; at Lis bon, to M': John Henry Dohrman; at Bilboa, to Mess. Gardoqui & fils; at Bordeaux to M^ John Bondfield; at Nantes, to Mess^^ Schweighauser & Dobrde; at Amsterdam, to Messrs. Jean de Neuf ville & fils. As the enemies cruizers and privateers have the ports of Portugal to run into, they very greatly infest all the Bay of Biscay from Gibraltar to the English Channel, so that it is very difficult indeed to escape them. Therefore, I think the risk of being taken would be much less to come round the north of Scotland to Holland or Embden in the Prussian dominions, where they would be well 749 received, and find a better market for tobacco than in France or Spain, and could get woollen and linnen goods better in quality and much cheaper. The want of money has prevented the articles ordered by Mr. [Thomas] Smith,. State Agent, from being purchased, as well as the paper and printing. materials ordered by MT Webb, the Treas urer, which can only be got in London, for the types by orders cannot be purchased anywhere else in Europe. The first cost of MT Webb's order will amount to about ;^i50o sterling. I was last year flattered with the hopes of obtain ing a loan in France for the 2,000,000 livres, but the large sums. borrowed by their own government, from which the lender draws about 9 per cent in terest,^ disappointed my expectations, tho' if this had not been the case, it could not have been accomplished under my power, which only ex presses the Governor's authority, by advice of the Privy Council, without any act of that Council to show its consent ; and besides they conceived that the State could not be bound without some formal act or. Resolution of the whole Legislature. I applyed also in Holland where money abounds, and the terms were all agreed upon; but when the power was sent, the same objections were made to it that had been made in France and farther: ist, As it specified that the money was to purchase arms and ammunition, such a loan could not be 750 negociated without engaging their government in a dispute with G. Britain ; therefore the power should only have expressed that it was to borrow so much money generally, without naming to whom application was to be made for the loan ; and after the borrowers had got the money they would be at liberty to lay it out as they tho't proper. 2^y They desired some clear and certain information by some public act, how far any par ticular state was authorized by the terms and articles of the General Association or Union of the 13 United States, to borrow money on its own single security. But they rather wished to have the guarantee of Congress added to that of the par ticular State for which the money was borrowed, as one State might be conquered by, or make some accommodation with G. Britain, and the rest re main independent. They think themselves justi fied in this reflection by the history of their own country, where their first association or union against Spain consisted of 17 Provinces; but 10 of them being conquered or seduced by bribes and solemn contracts and promises, which were never kept, submitted to the tyranny of their old masters, and are Slaves to this moment, while the other 7 Provinces, that were steady and true to themselves, remain free, independent and happy. Added to this, they now look upon the State of Georgia as severed from the general American Confederacy, 751 and our enemies spare no pains to persuade them, that it will be the same case with the Carolinas, Virginia and Maryland. I have thus given you fully the objections which have been made to the power sent me, that you may take the proper meas ures to remove them if the State still continues disposed to attempt a loan in Europe. I am so far removed from the port from whence this is to take its departure, that I cannot send you any new publications, or the public papers; and as the gentleman who will be so good as to take charge of it, is so fully informed of the state of Politics in Europe, tis unnecessary for me to say a word on that subject: I will therefore only add, that next to an- honorable, speedy and happy Peace, my most ardent wish is to hear that discord, in trigue, and confusion are totally banished from America, and that Union, harmony, and good order prevail in full vigor. I have the honor &c. TO ARTHUR LEE. F T, 28 September, 1779. Dear Brother: Yours of the i8th was so long on the road, that it was too late to consider the Abbe's advice about Anvers, as I was obliged before to give a positive answer about the house of B lies, which indeed was the only one I saw in the several towns in that 752 country that pleased me in all respects. It is taken for two years certain, and in about 15 daies time I propose to leave this place, so that I may receive a letter from you here, if you write by the 7th or Sth of next month; tho' after I am gone any letters for me will be taken care of I hope the Abb6 has no political reasons relative to the dispositions of the government that make him advise against Brux- elles; if he has, I beg to be inform' d, that every possible precaution may be taken in time: if he has not, you may assure him, that in every respect B. is far preferable for me to Anvers. I know not any English at B., nor am I likely to know much of any of them, as my design is to be perfectly retir'd, aud not to form acquaintances of any kind. My fam'ly and books will employ my whole time, until some business is undertaken, which cannot be done in a hurry, and even then, it will be better to be at some distance from the place of action, since during the war, too much cover or secrecy cannot be used to escape the enemy. You will say what is necessary to the Abbd to prevent his taking offence at his advice not being follow' d, and get his letter to the Banker at Anvers, for tis possible that in time much may be done there, especially if the government is favorable, but it is a very dear place to live in. I wonder that you have not said one word about the contents of the despatches by Capt Sampson, on the state of things when he sail'd. 753 By the Gazettes I see that he arrived the lo"" in Paris and brings papers from Philadelphia to the 19 July, and no doubt letters of a later date. FrOm the paper you sent I understand that the question for recalling Arthur Lee was lost, the Votes being equal. This was no doubt known at Passy in July, when the other proceediugs in April were pub- lish'd, and was omitted or conceal' d with design, for this seems to have been at the same time. The same paper must also have been bro't by J, T[emple]. The conduct of D[io]k[inso]n may be accounted for, as he was always violently against Independence. He acted, spoke and voted against it; therefore, he may have designs of oversetting Independence. But the conduct of M. S — — th* and C. G^^f — n,t from Virginia, is to me utterly unaccountable, unless it is that the first owes me ;^i400 sterling, which it is fear'd he has neither capacity or inclination to pay, and the lat ter has received- many favors from me. Therefore by Shakespeare's principles they may have become enemies. However, I begin to think from a review of the names and circumstances, that they have hitherto fail'd in all their plans, and if so, they must grow more and more feeble and despicable every day. Can you contrive T. L. to go by the opportunity by the way of the West Indies that * Meriwither Smith. . -f Cyms Griffin. 754 you say will go in about a month? He has been very ill for a long time, but I hope both him and Ludwell will now speedily recover as the season is changing. You seem to have forgot that by matrimony a man is not likely to get any ready money in Vir ginia, which is an article essentially and absolutely necessary to carry on trade; besides, in that coun try, the cares of a wife and family are amply suffic ient to employ a man's whole time. He must how ever go, and if he could be the bearer of any public despatches, it may be of service to him. At least it may bear the expence of his voyage, which will be as well paid to him as to another. While Ct D'Orvilliers kept the sea, the English papers and their partizans on the Continent were crying out for Peace. Now the combin'd fleets are in Port, 8 E. Indiamen safe, 2 F. E. Indiamen, a Manilla and an Havanah ship taken, and the ter rors of an invasion blown over, nothing but war and destruction to the House of Bourbon is talk'd of, and if their W. India fleets arrive safe, this in solence will increase and we may expect another year's war. I conceive Ad'; Ross and his squadron, are bound to Gibraltar, perhaps to the West Indias; but the first is much more probable, for they con ceive iu England that the fleet from Brest will not go to sea again this year, and if it does, it will be only to take an airing and practice some new manoeuvres. 755 I see no probability of ending the war speedily, unless measures are takeu to prevent the Enemy from looking into Bre;^t and other ports every day, to see what is doing there, which might be easily done; and plans are formed and executed to inter cept their merchant fleets of convoys. Our love to you and Ludwell. Farewell. Portia has continued quite well since her inocu lation : 'tis now the 20*.'' day, and not the least symptom of the small pox. TO PETER HASSENCLEVER. Frankfort, 2 October, 1779. Sir: I have had the honor of receiving a letter from you of the 21st ulto., and have forwarded to Paris the letter you inclosed for Commodore Gillon. As the merchants in your country have not been much accustomed to foreign commerce, 'tis possible that it will take some time to convince them of the ad vantages that would arise from a trade with Amer ica, but you who have been in that country may easily open their eyes, especially as I cannot sup pose there is a man of common sense in all Europe that is so uninformed as not to know now, that it is impossible for G. Britain to succeed in her plan of subj,ugating America, which must now remain independent. We have been so much distressed 756 with a cruel and ravaging war for near five years, that it cannot be supposed we can furnish great funds to carry on trade with^ until we have peace; but in the meantime the Prussian Merchants may reap the whole immense benefits on this commerce both on the exports and imports, if they have but the spirit to make the trial, which might be done with very little risk, by sending moderate cargoes in different vessels, for which purpose I can easily furnish you (if you desire it) with the address of proper houses in the different States, to whom your business may be recommended, and who will con duct it faithfully and well. I know enough of your manufactures and those in your neighborhood which might be easily drawn to be exported from Embden, to convince me that there will be a great trade between the Prussian Dominions and Amer ica, as soon as we have peace, and England is obliged to acknowledge our Independence; but those who make the first attempts with you, will certainly share the greatest profits; therefore, I ad vise you for your own interest to lose no time in advising your friends to begin this commerce. I shall be much obliged to you for giving me a par ticular desciription of the Port of Embden, the depth of water, if 'tis a safe port and easy for a stranger to find the way into, if there are many good and substantial mercantile houses there, that are acquainted with business, and if an American 757 vessel, for instance, coming there could find a ready and good market for her goods, and a suffi cient choice of your manufactures to load with in return, and any other informations that- you may think useful and necessary. TO T, DIGGES. 7 October, 1779. Dear Sir: * * * We have the Gazette that shows the issue of Sir G. Collier's expedition to Penobscot ; it seems to be of as little importance in itself as the burning Newark, &c., in Connecticut with respect to conquest; but 'tis possible the consequences may be important, as it may be the means of in ducing a continuation of the ruinous and hopeless war. Most political people in this quarter think that G. B. will certainly seize the opportunity of the mediation proposed to make the best peace it can obtain this winter; for if this occasion is trifled with and peace not made this winter, 'tis most probable that a storm, from a quarter where it is least expected will arise, the fatal consequences of which to G. B. , all your power, and all the finesse of your ministry will be employed in vain to pre vent The Independence of America all the great powers in Europe think, is a . thing not only un avoidable, but absolutely necpsary ; therefore it 758 , will not only be in vain, but the extreme of Folly for the British Ministry to contend, or even hesi tate on that point. The withdrawing the troops from America and relinquishing N. York, as well as Rhode Island, will be the wisest step your min istry can take, especially as during the Winter I am convinced they will not run the smallest risk of being interrupted by their enemies in bringing them to Europe, or sending them to any island in the West Indies that they may choose. By this time Prevost and Sir James Wright together, must be in a deplorable case enough, for I shall be much mistaken if they had not had enough to do without thinking of an expedition to Charles Town. * * * TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. Frankfort, 14 October, 1779. ******** Mr. James Lovell, in the name of the committee has sent me a short letter just received, saying that Congress had recalled me, but that I need not re pair to America. * This is all I know, formally. — Had this proceed ing issued from the divan of Constantinople, or directly from the cabinet of Versailles, I should not * Printed on p. 721. 759 have been surprised; but, that the representatives of a free people should permit themselves to be made the instruments of a little, contemptible commis., to hear an accusation against a confidential servant of the public, most of which their own records prove to be false; and without hearing that person's defence, or even letting him know that he was accused., to proceed to judgment and crimi nal condemnation, is a procedure that future his torians will perhaps hardly believe, or at least will find much difficulty to account for. — Is it possible that the affairs of America can be in such a state as to make it necessary in order to avoid being conquered by England to deliver yourselves up formally as the voluntary slaves of France? My heart bleeds at the idea, especially as I could open to you such deep plans of villiany and de struction that are plotting against you, as would make your hair stand up with astonishment. — Your salvation must in my opinion arise from an union more strict than ever with New England. All Europe has resounded the summer past, with the invincible strength of the combined fleets and the numerous army, that was at a mouthfuU to swallow up England, Scotland and Ireland; all which has ended in taking the Ardent of 64 guns, with the loss of above ten thousand men dead in the Fleets with diseases; above ;^4,ooo,ooo Sterling taken from the Spaniards in prizes, 3 French East 760 Indiamen and other prizes to the value of about ;^2,ooo,ooo Sterling more, while every English fleet has arrived safe except what has been taken by the Americans, some of them only convoyed by a single frigate. — Now the English fleet is fully able to face the combined fleets, and in the spring will be much stronger, so that the superiority in the West Indies will be easily recovered. — From these facts, on the truth of which you may rely, you can judge as well as I, what little probability there is of peace this winter, especially as from the prizes, and the riches of the East Indies, now all their own, England can raise above ^^20,000,000 Sterl ing, for the next year supplies, without borrowing one shilling from foreigners ; and the spirit of all parties, to repel the threatened invasion, has been such as to put into the King's hands between 30 and 40 thousand new troops exclusive of the militia, which troops I much fear, at least in great part, will be employed next year in America. The Parliament meets in five weeks, and from the speech, we may judge something of their in tentions. * * * * ?Parliament assembled 25 November, 1779. In the speech from the Throne the King said: " Trusting in the Divine Provi dence and in the justice of his cause, he was firmly resolved to prosecute the war with -vigor." 76i TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BruxBi,i,BS, 30 October, 1779. My dear Brother: Inclosed you have a copy of my last, of the 14*.'' inst, to which I beg your attention — Your son, Thom, goes in a vessel to Philadelphia, & I sin cerely hope will arrive safe and afford you that sat isfaction which you have a right to expect from the attention you have paid and the expense that has been laid out upon his education. If my abilities enabled me to pay the expense of his continuing longer on this side, (which unhap pily for me is not the case) I do not see that there would be the least use in his stay. He has been long enough in as good a counting house as any in Europe, to get a sufficient knowl edge of commerce, especially that of France, where all commerce, except a little to their own islands, is almost annihilated ; and your son will tell you how little disposition there is to venture a single livre in the trade to America; therefore, without a capital to begin with, he could do nothing by stay ing where he is. — In his own country he may find some opportunity of exercising the knowledge he has gained, and I suppose he will be found well qualified to make a good American consul in some of the European ports. MT Raleigh Colston seems to be a diligent, intelligent gentleman; perhaps they may form some plan together, tho' if MT Thos, 762 Jett is in business, he will be a good person for him to be connected with. It will give me very sincere pleasure to find that you are satisfied with my proceedings; but I must assure you that had he been my own son, I should not have acted otherwise than I have done ; for at present I have no possible method of employing him, since the agency for the State of Virginia neither yields profit, or affords occupation at pres ent; and besides I doubt whether my appointment continues, since I have not received any letter from Gov. Henry these 18 months past, which may be imputed to the intrigues of Mr. Deane, who has been always in close correspondence with him, or to some falsehoods of the adventurer Penfet, (of which he is very capable,) and who is, I hear, a very great man with yon. * * * The campaign on sea, in Europe is finished, and nothing done, but an amazing sum of money spent and about 10,000 lives lost by disease. Gibraltar is beseiged, but in England they seem to have little apprehension of its being taken. From the conduct of the British ministry, it would seem as if they wished it should be taken that they may not be embarrassed at the peace, with the demands of Spain relative to it. The Congress frigate, the Alliance, that brought over the Marquis de la Fayette, has been kept idle in France, ever since her arrival, waiting for some 763 French privateers * the principal of which, 42 guns, was commanded by Paul Jones, who was formerly in the service of Congress. Jones was commodore of the fleet, [which] con sisted of about 6 ships, including the Alliance of 36 guns.t How far the dignity of Congress was supported by one of their ships of war sailing under the or ders of a Cap', of a privateer, you can Judge as well as I; however to leave a loop hold to creep out at, it is supposed these privateers, besides their French commissions, had Congress commissions * To his brother, William wrote that the Alliance was held for the service of Chaumont. t February 25th Franklin informed Vergennes that he had ordered the Alliance to prepare for retuming to America, as convoy to a fleet of merchant vessels. Being a swift sailing ves sel, it was well fitted for carrying despatches, and the sailing was expected to take place at an early day. Some discontents had arisen between Captain Landais and his officers, and a part of his crew was suspected of being mutinous and disaffected ; thirty- eight of the crew had been brought in under confinement, and Landais objected to retuming with them. Certain repairs en tailed so long a delay that the merchant vessels sailed under the convoy of Lamotte Picquet's fleet from Brest, and soon after, at the request of Sartine, the Alliance was ordered to join Jones' little squadron at L' Orient. Adams, deprived of his expected passage, chafed nnder the disappointment, while Arthur Lee, under the plea of important dispatches from himself and Izard, insisted upon the Alliance's sailing as proposed, ignorant of the request of the French minister. A full statement is found in Franklin's Writings, VIL, 210. 764 given them by DT Franklin, by whose order it seems the commander of the Alliance acted. This fleet sailed round the north of Scotland, and took several prizes, and in the North sea met a British fleet of seventy sail from the Baltic, laden with naval stores, convoyed by the Serapis of 40 guns and ship of 20 guns. Jones' ship of 42 guns and the Alliance attacked the Serapis; which after a very hard engagement was taken, Jones' ship being so much damaged, that she was quitted immediately, and sunk. The English 20 gun ship was also taken by the rest of the privateers; but all the merchantmen escaped. The Serapis and 20 gun ship were brought into the Texel in Holland, where it is said they are detained, being claimed by the British ambassador as prop erty of his Master. The papers also tell us that two prizes made by the privateers, carried into Bergen, in Norway, have been given up at the requisition of the British resident at Copenhagen. * I must tell you that all these vessels, both in Holland and Norway, went into port under American colors. This is one in stance that will shew, (if these reports about these vessels prove to be true,) what kind of wisdom directed Congress to determine that ministers were unnecessary anywhere but in France and Spain. * The Union was one. 765 In my opinion, they are more necessary everywhere CISC •»" ^1* !(i st^ I propose to stay here as long as my finances will enable me to do so, or until I hear from Amer ica, particularly from you ; for there is little pros pect of being able to do anything beneficial in the way of trade, while the war continues, and peace seems further off now than it was 20 months ago; for the late proceedings in America have kept up in full vigor, in the King of Great Britain, the thirst of conquering the country by arts or by force; therefore unless some unforseen and unexpectedly favorable occurrence takes place, I can never ex pect to live to see peace; for as things are conducted it will take a long time before the particular ob jects of Prance and Spain can be accomplished, — which being done, if America is not totally ruined and depopulated, she may shift for herself.* — My * "In my opinion unless Dr. Franklin is speedily removed, and an honest, sensible man in his room ; and, on your part, you show more independence in spirit than is to be found in some of your late proceedings, America must be ruined, and become the prize of the successful combattant in Europe. This, you may be asstired, is the secret butt of the politics on both sides. " Ireland, in onr day, is a lamentable example of a very great and powerful Republic being ruined and losing both its liberty and independence by suffering a powerful foreign state to inter fere, by intrigue and cabal, under the mask of friendship, in the appointment, and changing the great officers of the Republic. " I send you 8 Parliamentary registers, by Mr. Izard, of the 766 whole family join me in sincerest love to you, our sister and all the children. Adieu & always believe most affec'?^ yours. P. S. Remember that the political sentiments &c. contained herein, are only for your perusal and Loudon's, but not to be communicated to any one else, as coining from me. I just hear that the combined fleets are sailed from Brest, and Sir Charles Hardy, with the British fleet, ab* 40 sail of the line is sailed from Portsmo: so that your son may possibly carry you the news of an import! sea engagement, that may hasten a peace.last session of Parliament, from which you will receive much entertainment, if you have not seen them before. I wish most heartily, that America, by a bold exertion may finish her war before the Spring, for if this is not done, be not surprized to see the better half of Europe in arms against us before 12 months pass over. I this moment see by the English papers what a hopeful pair [Jay and Carmichael] Congress has sent to Spain to complete the business. Gov. Johnstone should be sent in the same capacity to Versailles and M^ Silas Deane as his secre tary. How will poor America escape from such hands ? Let me hear from you soon. My love to you all." William Lee to Ji. H. or F. L. Lee, 30 November, 1779. " Digges writes from London that the differences between the Lees and Franklin and Deane were turned against the first from their families being generally in opposition to Washing ton." William I^ee to Arthur Lee, 8 December, 1779. Some remarkable letters on these appointments are given in the Works of John Adams, ix., 486, et seq. 767 S. THORPE. Antwerp, i December, 1779. I just hear that the packet for England is going, which gives me a moment's time to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 23d. ulto. It was never my desire or intention to keep from the good people of Aldgate Ward that charge which they intrusted me with, one moment after I knew their wishes on the subject. Therefore it will be per fectly agreeable to me that you should put the gentlemen of the Common Council in possession of the resignation I sent you last year. If you have any objection to this, let me know it, and tell me what mode you desire should be adopted, for I shall be happier when entirely clear of every public charge than I can be in one, in the present situa tion of things. 'Tis certainly commendable to love one's country, and I am sure you not only do that, but you love justice and humanity. * * * TO WILLIAM LEE. London, 3 December, 1779. Sir: We have greatly lamented your long absence from us, and the consequent necessary omission of the vari ous duties of this Ward, which you discharged entirely to our satisfaction, during your residence here. We enclose you very unwillingly the resolutions of the Wardmote last St. Thomas's Day, for we have till 768 lately entertained the fond hope of a reconciliation be tween the mother country and her colonies. From that flattering expectation, which we entertained in common with every good Englishman, we now are forced, with much reluctance, to depart : the necessity of that unhappy circumstance, at present superseding every other consideration, the connection between us must now be dissolved. It is with pain we reflect on this business, but we shall always retain a grateful memory of your services as our Alderman. We have only farther to desire that your answer to us may in close a letter of resignation to the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, as Alderman of Aldgate Ward. We are, sir, &c. J. Bellet, J. Partridge, Deputy, Thos. Holdsworth, S. Thorpe, G. Heath, Cha. Lincoln.* * "A Court of Aldermen is to be held at Guildhall on Tues day next, when it is expected that the resignation of Alderman Lee will be accepted ; and a day appointed for holding a ward mote for the election of another Alderman in his room. We cannot help taking notice of the illiberal reflection thrown on that gentleman in a morning paper of yesterday, when it is considered that Mr. Lee is a native of America. " To a man bom and educated in that country, it would be an unpardonable crime to continue to live under and support that government, who have been attempting to ruin and enslave the state that gave him birth ; he who possesses the liberal senti ments of an Englishman, will applaud the patriotic virtue of a Lee ; but the man that is a stranger to those exalted ideas, we pity rather than condemn. ' ' General Advertiser and Morning Intelligencer {ha^Aon), ii December, 1779. The meeting was held on Wednesday (not Tuesday) and the 769 TO ARTHUR LEE. Frankfort, 24 December, 1779. I got the Carolina letter safe. You had my answer to Mr. N . The Guernsey plan is dan gerous, aud after all might, turn out an ignis fatuus, at any rate 'tis more than probable 142 would know the whole from D. 'Tis strange we are kept so much in the dark about their proceedings in America. What Ct. D'Estaing can do in the West Indies, we are at a loss to conjecture, but he will certainly be for tunate if the foggy weather prevents his meeting with Byron who is much stronger. _ I beg to know if supplies of clothing, &c., have been sent for the use of the Continental army this winter, and next campaign ; without this we must suffer greatly. I suppose you are properly in formed of the determinations in England, of which advice should be given to America by various opportunities. The troops now in contemplation to send from England are y? i and 2 battalions of Royals, 3, 11, 13, 19, 25, 30, 32, 36 and 39 Regi- Lord Mayor "informed the Court, that he had received a me morial from several of the inhabitants of the ward of Aldgate, respecting the election of an Alderman of that ward, in the room of William Lee, Esq. ; who is gone to reside in America. The court were unanimously of opinion that they had no right to interfere in the business. Mr. Lee mnst resign his gown, which resignation we heair is every day expected." Do., 16 December. 770 ments, from Ireland the i8, 66 and 67 Regiments, in all 14 regiments which may make about 5 or 6000 men; tho' the embarkation of these troops is not absolutely decided, as to time and place, yet 'tis very certain that they intend to carry on an offensive war next year against America, from which nothing will prevent them but the Ameri cans taking advantage of Clinton's present weak ness, and driving him out of New York or Rhode Island, before he gets reinforced. No new troops will go from this country, and I believe not near the number requisite to recruit the German corps now in America. Some few hundred recruits may possibly be sent. If France attends to that point and will intercept the troops in their passage from Ireland (for they will most probably set out from Cork with provis ions) to America, the next Campaign may finish the war. I have seen a letter here that mentions Mons. Monthieu, Beaumarchais, &c., are sending out 4 frigates, the Fier Roderigue, Drake and two others, with several other vessels loaded with mer chandize &c., for America, and that Mr. J. Wil liams goes Supercargo of the fleet I do not find that any here will be concerned in this expedition, but I wish to know if any part is on account of Congress or the State of V a. The Courrier de 1' Europe we never see here, so that we have no American accounts of what has passed there in 771 September and October. There is not the least probability of Peace this winter in Germany, and the politics of the North, I am quite clear have em braced England, which has encouraged the Minis try to go on with the war. If France and Spain proceed on presumption of this, I will answer for it that she will not be deceived. Our love to you all. Adieu. TO MR. DEPUTY PARTRIDGE AND THE REST OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE WARD OF ALDGATE, LONDON. Bruxei,i,BS, 24 December, 1779. Gentlemen: On my return from a journey, I had the honor of receiving your favour of the 3d instant, inclos ing the proceedings at the Wardmote, in Aldgate Ward, December 21, 1778, and desiring that my answer may inclose a letter of resignation, as Al derman of Aldgate Ward, to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. The inclosed letter to his Lordship and the Court, will shew you, that above thirteen months ago I sent a letter of resignation to the Lord Mayor, &c., which unfortunately has not come to hand, otherwise the proceedings of the Wardmote would not have taken place, nor would you have had the trouble of again inclosing them to me. 772 I beg to be assured, and that you will also assure the worthy Freemen of the Ward of Aldgate, that I should have resigned the trust which you and they had the goodness to confer upon me, at a much earlier period, had I not been informed that such a measure was contrary to your and their wishes, which is now confirmed to me by your joint letter. Nothing but the most irresistible necessity, aris ing from the implacable vengeance with which the utter destruction of my country is pursued, could have forced me from a post in which your honorable suffrages placed me, and in which I have had the happiness of co-operating with men of the most pure and incorruptible virtue, in de fence of public liberty and the constitution, which have been so daringly invaded. But the eagerness with which the savage Indians, and unfeeling mer cenaries, have been hired, and excited to the de vastations in America, by every species of teachery and barbarity, has made it impossible for me to live any longer under a government, thus capable of employing the vilest means, for the most flagi tious purposes. Such unprincipled and perfidious arts, such in exorable cruelty, such a desperate determination to hazard everything to effect the misery and ruin of a distant, and offending people, never before dis tinguished the worst of wars. It reraained for a 773 combination of them all, to characterize a Scotish war under a Scotish favourite., waged against the principles of English liberty. In such a situation of things, I could not disgrace the name I bear, nor prove myself unworthy of the confidence you have been pleased to place in me, by refusing to lend my feeble aid in so just and necessary a resistance to those who are impiously invading the rights of human nature, and of my country. I have endeavoured, gentlemen, to execute the office, with which you honoured me, with the strictest fidelity, as long as it was consistent with my principles, and the circumstances already men tioned, for me to remain among you, and I return it, with the highest gratitude for your past favours, and the sincerest wishes for your happiness. I must particularly request of you, Mr. Deputy, and Gentlemen of the Common Council, to accept my warmest thanks, for the very obliging terms in which you have expressed your entire approbation of my conduct as your Alderman, during my resi dence among you, which is a most ample reward for my endeavours to serve you, and to defend the rights of the good Freemen of the Ward of Aldgate, in which, however, my efforts would have had very little effect, if they had not been uniformly sec onded by so firm and able a Common Council as I had the pleasure of acting with. I have the honour to be with the highest respect 774 and consideration, Gentlemen, your much obliged and grateful servant. * TO ARTHUR LEE. BrijxEi,i,ES, 29 January, 1780. Dear Brother: I have received yours of the 22d. with the ac count of the snuffbox presented on the part of his most Xtian Majesty. Your scruples about receiv ing it were certainly just, but I do not know how you cou'd have refused it, without giving signal offence to his Majesty, which shou'd by all means be avoided, as I think it essentially necessary to cultivate a good understanding and harmony be tween his Majesty and your constituents by every fair and honorable means in your power. Your judgment cannot easily be deceived, and therefore * Lee's resignation was not laid before the Court till January 19th, when it was at once accepted, and the following Friday fixed for a Ward mote to be held at Ironmongers' Hall. John Burnell was chosen without opposition, and by a majority of twelve, the freemen of the ward gave a vote of thanks to Lee, "the late Alderman." "There is like to be as warm a contest for the Aldermanship of Aldgate Ward, in the room of William Lee, Esq ; (who has resigned) as ever was known. There are no less than seven Candidates which have already started, and were yesterday morning canvassing the ward, all of wjiom declare they are de termined to stand the poll." London Chronicle, 15 January, 1780. 775 you will know how to appreciate civilities; but I suppose some kind of letter will accompany the box, that will show clearly the intention of the giver. I have conversed with our friend here on the subject, and we are both of opinion that you should not write to Congress or anybody in Amer ica about it, but carry the box with you and lay it on the table of Congress at your first audience, re lating the facts plainly as they are, for without a particular and express resolution of Congress on the subject I do not conceive that you can with pro priety keep it Mr. Izard will tell you the state of affairs in Holland, where there is great room for political negotiation, as well as in the courts of the north. Since Mr. I. left us I have not heard anything from the enemy's country. We beg our compli ments to all friends with you, and send you our love. Farewell. P. S. Do you know y? Baron Breteuil, or do you wish to have a letter of introduction to him ? He is worthy of every attention in my opinion. * *Addressed, A Monsieur Lee, Hotel Vendome, Rue des petits Augustins, Fauxbf St Germain, Paris. When taking leave of the French ministry, Arthur Lee was presented by the King, a gold snuff box, bearing his Majesty's picture set -with diamonds. "As you may imagine, I was em barrassed about receiving or refusing it. He [Arthur Lee] told the minister that he believed it was contrary to the rules of those he had represented to receive any present. The Count 776 TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BRDx:ei,i^ to 7^ per cent on sell ing, tho' the loan has not been settled a month. And, alas! the P, of O. expects to marry his daughter to the P. of Wales.* ****** TO JOHN ADAMS. Brussels, 30 March, 1780. Dear Sir: I have had the honor of receiving yours of the 2ist. instant The name of the person you wish to know, is the Duke of Brunswick, brother to Prince Ferdinand, Field Marshall and Commander in Chief of the Dutch land force. He is not liked by his family, as they conceive he is too much at tached to the House of Austria. The quintuple alliance that you mention, I con ceive, is only the conjecture of some politicians; for there is not in fact any solid appearance of the Dutch resenting like men or an independent nation *"G. Plater writes to I[zard?], the general purport of A[dam]s' mission, and says, 'I refer you for particulars to my friend C[ar]m[ichae]l.' This heavy man is uncle to F. L. L., but of an understanding of a right size for C[ar]m[ichae]l or D[ean]e, to play with, as a cat does with a dead mouse. He has, however, great property, likes the bottle, and any one that will laugh or grin." William Lee to Arthur Lee, 24 March, 1780. 788 the cruel injuries and insults (that would be intoler able to any other people) which they have received from the English. The Prince of Orange, the better to deceive, and perhaps reflecting on the fate of DeWitt, pretended to resent highly the insult offered to his flag; but you will agree with me that it must be only a pretence, when you know that Admiral, Byland is to be honorably acquitted; and in consequence it is expected that the best Captain in the Dutch navy will resign. I hope you did not construe my last into any de sign of drawing from you any of the secrets of your mission, for, believe me, I have no such curiosity, being quite satisfied with that information respect ing it, which the world is, and has been a long time, in possession of; and besides, I know too well how extremely necessary circumspection and secrecy are to procure success to a negotiation. * *Adams wished to throw the gage to the English ministry by announcing his powers direct to them ; but Vergennes thought it more prudent not to communicate them to any person what ever, and especially to guard against a premature knowledge of them reaching the English government. (24 February, 1780.) Chafing under inaction, Adams urged upon the minister in July, a publication of his powers, but Vergennes was still of opinion that such a measure would be inopportune, and informed him of what the French court had done in aid of America. Still far from being convinced, Adams imprudently undertook to criti cise the policy and programme of the French court, and Ver gennes abruptly closed his correspondence. 789 Diffidence and distrust of an enemy are always warrantable, but particularly; so when one hashad repeated experience of their duplicity and treach ery; the fatal experience of the Dutch in the nego tiations at Gertruydenberg, as well as many other examples; teach- us that distrust and resentment should not be carried to unreasonable length. A great and good man has wisely observed that the best time to make peace is, when your enemy wishes for it; and I hope that the affairs of Ireland, with vigorous and well-directed operations on our part this campaign, will reduce our enemies to wish for peace in earnest before this year ends; although they seem to be getting the better of the opposition at home, which, it appears, they are determined to do, either by fraud or violence, as the papers will tell you how narrowly the life of Lord Shelburne has escaped one of the Scotch assassins.* With infinite pleasure, I shall communicate to you what information^ .1. may receive in my retire ment, of the nature you require; but I apprehend that a .few hundred :; pounds sterling per annum, properly applied, might procure you such intelli gence as would be worth millions to America; for, in our enemies' quarters, everything goes by pur chase and sale.; therefore, it. was high time for us to have done with them. * Shelburne was wounded in a duel fought on the 22d -March, with a Mr. FuUarton. 790 We have no intelligence of the arrival of Mr. Laurens, though there are letters which mention his being embarked. The Spaniards will do well to keep a watchful eye on the buccaneering expedition now preparing in England against their possessions in South America. I have the honor &c. TO ARTHUR LEE. Anvers, g April, 1780. Dear Sir: I hope this will reach you before your embark ment on the great water, as it conveys to you the fervent wishes of myself and household, for your speedy and happy arrival in your own country, where if your rewards are equal to your merits, they will still not be greater than I wish you, or than I am sure you deserve. The Gentleman at Madrid cannot meet with many difficulties there, since the Independance of America was publicly proclaimed by beat of drum, at New Orleans the 19* of last August ; but I un derstand that the secretary, MT Carmichael, has written to Paris, that he went to Madrid first, to prepare the way for W. Jay, which had occasion'd him an infinite deal of fatigue, in so much that he had not slept for 4 nights ; however he had at last surmounted all the difficulties, and MT Jay was 791 to make his entry into Madrid the 13'.'' of last month. * I send you No. 27 of the Courier de Bas Rhine. The letter said to be authentic, written from Phila delphia, is said to have been furnished to the editor of this gazette by a MT Dumas, agent for DoctT Franklin at the Hague, and who it is re ported, expects to be appointed charg^ des affaires, for the United States of America, in Holland, j An American gentleman here, supposes that the letter, if 'tis genuine, was written by MT Silas Deane. The Empress of Russia has declared to the ambassadors of France, Spain and Great Britain, that she is determined to keep a strict neutrality in the present war; and to maintain that neutrality and the general freedom of commerce, by a great part of her naval force : that all neutral ships shall not only sail unmolested on the high seas, but on the coasts, and into, and out of, the ports of the * There is nothing of this anxiety in Carmichael's letters printed in the Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution, V., 17. Jay's instructions to Carmichael are printed in the same series, IV., 148. Carmichael did report "a tedious and dis agreeable journey. " He wrote to Jay on the i8th of February : "Mr. Arthur Lee corresponded with the Count de Florida Blanca, but if I am well informed, the correspondence consisted of American news on the one part, and compliment on the other." ¦j- See the letter to Arthur Lee, 24 April, 1780, post. 792 parties at war; that free ships shall make free goods, unless in articles of contraband, conform able to the stipulations of her Treaty with Great Britain.* On these principles she had applied to Sweden, Danemark, Holland and Portugal, publicly to enter into a league with her, which no doubt they will do. The associations in England, recommended by the meeting of deputies, from the several county committees, seem to be generally approved; but still the Parliament seems to be at the beck of the ministers; tho' we shall be able to form a better judgment on this head, when we know what has been done the 6th of this month, which was fixed for taking the county petitions into consideration, f In Ireland the people are by no means satisfied with their free trade, notwithstanding the addresses of their two houses of Parliament; they, demand a free constitution totally independent of the British Parliament, and this they will have if the war continues. ¦*This declaration was issued 8 March, 1780, (N. S.) In addi tion to the principles mentioned by Lee, two others were as serted : that contraband are arms and ammunitions of war, and nothing else ; and that no port is blockaded unless the enemy's ships, in adequate number, are near enough to make the entry dangerous. t See Donne., George the Third's Letters to Lord North, II, 2g2. 793 Not a word of .what has become of Clinton, but it appears by the secret orders on board the trans port driven into England, that the general rendez vous was at Tybee. Walsingham was waiting at S^ Helena for a fair wind, the 2"? ins* with the West India fleet; he will have 6 ships of the line and 6,ooo troops; it is given out in England, that he goes first to Africa, and from thence to the West Indies, but some sus pect that he goes directly to North America, for he certainly carries out the recruits for the several regiments now in America.* * * * * Signed B" de Bach, and addressed to Arthur Lee at L'Orient. It was while at L'Orient that Arthur received a copy of Carmichael's statement to Congress. John Adanis' Works, VIL, 133 Carmichael said Lee "sometimes sees things in a different light from any one else. I have not with me a copy of the paper which iu consequence of the request of many gentlemen in ' the house, I laid before Congress, but I recollect the sub stance of it, viz. that Mr. Lee has rendered himself disagreeable to the Court and individuals of the French nation, and even suspected by the former, and that I derived my knowledge of this from those who were connected with the Court, and named Messrs. Grand on this occasion. This, and much more, M. Gerard and M. Holker confirmed by papers delivered either to Congress, or members of that body, which as well as that -written by me are in private journals, or files of Congress." Carmichael to Franklin, 27 April, 1780. "Mr. ? has just bro't me C[armichael]'s Memoire, as he would affectedly call it, which, on the whole, is more a pane gyric on himself, than a censure on you. You see by his letter 794 TO JOHN ADAMS. Brdxei,i,ES, g April, 1780. Dear Sir: I thank you for your favor of the 2d. instant. The commission you have is certainly very highly important and honorable, and I doubt not of your executing it properly, taking care that the shafts of of envy and malice, which have already begun to show themselves, shall not divert your attention to Mr. G. Grand that he is at his old game, endeavoring to make Jay now appear a cypher, as he did Deane before, by his letters to London. Seriously to reflect on the proceedings in this business, is really distressing : to admit the person as an evidence, who stands charged with criminal offences, by the per son now accused, is subverting every idea of legal evidence that has yet been established in any orderly society. 'Tis not sur prising that Bancroft should know of your going to Spain when he was the confidant of Deane and the regular correspondent of C ^1. You can't forget that before the date of Ridley's letter, this gentleman had been with Johnson some time in Paris, and had with Williams, lodged in the same hotel with Carmichael, when no doubt he planned the idea of this letter, which poor Ridley does not seem to have executed so well as Jackson did on the same subject after the tutoring he got from C — m — 1 at Calais, in 1777, when the Public stands charged with about 4 guineas by C. for his expences, under the pretext of going to get a copy of Ct. Maurepas' letter to Lord Mansfield (see C I's curious account against Deane). " Why did he insult Petrie by omitting to honor him in the list of the discontented ? who fortunately for you, make a group of needy adventurers whose main object was to plunder the Public in concert with Deane and Carmichael. The ill-will of the minister, I am satisfied, arose from Beaumarchais and the 795 from the great object you have in view, which I have no reason to think at present will be speedily accomplished. The well-known chicane and du plicity of our enemies will surely well warrant a fixed determination not to treat on the most trivial point, unless it is in writing. * * * You say very truly that, "when a society gets disturbed, men of great talents and great qualities are always found or made;" for it is certain that there is others openly concerned in the plunder of America, now he is contented with the bills." William Lee to Arthur Lee, 24 March, 1780. "I thank you for your intelligence of the state of affairs at home, and for the extracts of Mr. Lee's philippics against me. Such they were intended. But when I consider him as the most malicious enemy I ever had (tho' without the smallest cause), that he shews so clearly his abundant Desire to accuse and defame me, and that all his Charges are so frivolous, so ill founded, and amount to .so little, I esteem them rather as Panegyrics upon me and Satyrs against himself. . . . " Mr. Adams is at Paris, -with Mr. Dana. We live upon good terms with each other, but he has never communicated any thing of his business to me, and I have made no Enquiries of him. Nor have I any Letter from Congress explaining it, so that I am in utter ignorance. . . . "Messrs Lee and Izard are gone to L'Orient in order to em bark in the Alliance together, but they did not travel together from hence. No Soul regrets their Departure : They separately came to take leave of me, very respectfully offering their ser- ¦vices to carry any dispatches, &c. We parted civilly, for I have never acquainted them that I knew of their writing against me to Congress, but I did not give them the Trouble of my Dispatches." Franklin to Carmichael, 31 March, 1780., 796 always in the world, many more great men than great occasions; but the first architect that ever lived, could not erect a tolerable edifice with rotten straw only. The whole mass of the people in Eng land is too corrupt and putrid to produce anything in the least sound and wholesome, from the trifling fermentation that appears at present. Therefore, in my opinion, the Irish, tho' much debauched and profligate as to politics, are much more worthy of attention and assurances of support than the English. Would it not be good policy in France to have a good stock of muskets and other military stores lodged at Dunkirk, and other sea ports, ready to throw into England at a short warning? TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BRtJXEI,l,ES, 13 April, 1780. ' I have suffered much uneasiness on your account, since our brother A. L. wrote me from L'Orient, that in your letter to him about the middle of August last, you had mentioned your then being very unwell. I know it was a trying season to those who, like you, are subject to bilious com plaints, but I trust that as you were then relieved from the infinite care and fatigues that have op pressed you for many years past, you would get reinstated in health and vigor very soon. The en closed declaration of, Russia, which is particularly 797 intended against Great Britain, must give you infi nite pleasure, as it must, if anything can, bring our enemies to reason, and a' serious desire of peace. For this decisive stroke in our favor from Russia, we are much indehted to the' good offices of his Prussian majesty, without whom, that court would not have taken the steps it has done, notwithstand ing the seizure of a Dutch fleet, under convoy of Dutch men of war, in the channel by the English in January last, has been the ostensible motive for it From the terms of the declaration, we must conclude that all neutral trade to America (except articles of contraband) will be protected, as well as into the ports of France, Spain and Great Britain; therefore one would not be surprised to see a Dutch fleet entering into Chesapeake Bay. ; I wait impatiently to hear what has been decided about the estate, for until I know that^ it is impos sible for me to "determine on any plan of proceed ings for myself. These Virginians have no great spirit' of commerce; their former trade having been carried on by British merchants, we were obliged to make great' advances to the country. • Therefbre I do not suppose much would be expected from consignments if a person was to fix with that view in any of the French ports; but the old ideas of our countrymen must change, or the profits on their trade must continue to enrich strange merchants. Maryland seems more enterprising, for there has 798 been a much greater number of vessels at Nantes from Maryland than Virginia; so that Mr. Johnson, agent for Maryland and brother to the late gov ernor, who is established there, seems to be doing very well, and I fancy is looking forward to be con sul general for America in France. * * * There is no saying how far the madness of our enemies will carry them; but if they have one grain of common sense, they must now make peace, as soon as and on the best terms they can; for the whole world seems at present to be leagued against the King of England, 5 or 6 of his confidential ministry, and a few hoards of their honorable and faithful allies the Indians. The people of England have followed the example of America, in adopting Committees of Associations, which may produce another revolution ; and Ireland having obtained a free trade, which in time will render her the most formidable rival of Great Britain in commerce, wealth and power, the people now feeling their im portance and sure of indemnity from the force of their independent companies, demand a free consti tution almost unanimously, and an entire inde pendence of G. B., which two points they will cer tainly obtain, if the war continues. The two Irish Houses of Parliament have indeed, since gaining a free trade, addressed the King in a most servile manner, but the members of the Patriotic Party, who had been bo't off, that moved and supported 799 those addresses, have fallen into utter contempt and disgrace with their fellow citizens, which proves unquestionably, that the people who have now the sword in their hands, think differently from their Parliament, whose tone must probably change be fore many months expire. On the whole, of late affairs in Europe have taken a decisive turn in our favor, and I hope they will be as decisively for us in America before this campaign ends. * * * TO JOHN ADAMS. BRUXELlfES, 25 April, 1780. Dear Sir : I thank you for the intelligence contained in your favor of the 13th, and when there are any other arrivals from America, you will greatly oblige me by communicating any intelligence they may bring. I confess I am uneasy to hear from Charles ton, for there is no doubt of Clinton having de signed his principal force against that Town, as I cannot give any credit to the surmises of some peo ple that the rendezvous was at Tybee, in order to be ready for an attack on some of the Spanish posses sions. The infatuation of our enemies is evidently the work of Providence; therefore, I have no expec tation of a speedy peace, because the measure of their punishment is not yet full. Their frenzy is turned into raving madness, as you will see by the Soo proclamation against the Dutch, which is tanta mount to a declaration of war, and the insulting lan guage used against the Russians in the ministerial papers; therefore, as you say, we need not be, sur prised if they were to declare war against the whole world. This would be a favorable minute for Mr. Laurens, if he was in Holland, where no doubt his prudence will direct him to examine well his ground before he moves; for he may meet with char acters, both inimical and selfish, who under the garb of patriotic, friendly zeal may endeavor to lead him into error. The Dutch, who are so jealous of any other nation but themselves catching a herring in the open sea, think it not unreasonable or im modest to expect exclusive privileges in some part of American trade, and an equal freedom with others to the fishery on the banks of Newfound land. * * * TO ARTHUR LEE. Anvers, 24 April, 1780. If you wait for the Alliance, I am sure this will reach you before you sail ; for if what we hear be true, it is probable that her operations this year will be of as little utility to her proprietors, as those of last year were. * It is said that Mr. I[zard] sailed *On the 17 June, Franklin wrote to Jones that he had infor mation that Arthur Lee had advised and promoted the mutiny 8oi the 15th of this month in a frigate, but we hear nothing of you. I sent you some time ago a Bas Rhine Gazette, containing, an extract of a letter, said to be furnished by Dr. F — n's agent at the Hague, Mr. D[umas]. . On that subject I wrote thus to Mr. D. : "There has appeared in tbe Courier de Bas Rhine, No. 27, April ist, 1780, a piece said to be an extract of an authentic letter written from Philadelphia, which begins thus : Mons. vous voulez queje vous rende compte de vraie itat de nos affaires. I have been informed that this piece was fumished by you to the Editor of the Bas Rhine Gazette, but as I know these are times in which misinformation is too current, especially in what concerns America, I cannot give implicit faith to such information without it is confirmed by yourself. I therefore presume you will not think it improper in me to request you, that you will candidly tell me whether you did or not furnish the editor of the B. R. with the above mentioned piece." on the Alliance, and if that were the case, and the Commodore conceived the peace and good government of tbe ship during the voyage would be endangered by his presence, he might decline taking him. "M. Lee has been long at Orient waiting for a passage on board the Alliance. I have yesterday received several letters acquainting me with a mutiny on board that ship which he is supposed to have instigated. I'have obtained and sent down orderfe to apprehend and imprison some of the chiefs, which I hope will produce quiet. That restless genius, wherever he is, must either find or make a quarrel." Franklin io Carmichael, 17 June, 1780. 802 To this Mr. D. replies thus: — "How a gazettier came at the piece you quote, I know not. These gentlemen have in this country, as well as at Paris, at London, and elsewhere, their secret correspondents, whom they pay for gathering them all what they can." You can judge better than me whether this an swer is not evasive, and if so, whether it is not an indirect confession. I think your good sense will direct you to know well your ground, and consider with calm and serious attention the situation of affairs before you take any public step after your arrival; for I am well convinced that men and things will be found very different from what we on this side the water might expect. You have been before advised of the declaration of Russia to France, Spain and Great Britain. This day we receive a proclamation of the present King of G. B. declaring that all treaties between the states of the U. Provinces and G. B. are vacated, and that the Dutch are from henceforth to be treated as a neutral nation, with whom no treaties exist, and with all the formality of a decla ration of war, particular periods (all short) are fixed for this proclamation taking place in different parts of the world. The stocks fell upon this i>^ per cent The Dutch must now defend themselves, or give up entirely all trade. The alternative will not set easy on them. However they feel bold on 8o3 the declaration of Russia, and Sweden's supplying them with 4000 sailors, and will probably decide on vigorous measures as far as their nature will ad mit They are to have twenty ships of the line from Russia, which will be at the Texel in all June; of their own they will have about 15 of the line, and 30 frigates ready at the same time. Therefore they will have strength, if they have but spirit enough, to bring our enemies to reason. Is not this stroke of the foolish mad king and his minis ters the last act of desperation ? Nothing is now left to compleat his career, and fix him in Hanover, but an insurrection in England and Ireland, which seems to be ripening fast God send it quickly to give us peace, that we may be forever quit of such desperado pirates; for I think the people have be come as infamous and abandoned as their king has ever been.* * * * * "It is said that Mr. R. Morris is now in Congress, at which every body is surprised, as by the confederation no person can serve in Congress more than 3 years out of 6 — Mr. Morris having already served more than 3 years. And more par ticularly does it occasion surprise, as it cannot be supposed that in America they are uninformed of what is publicly spoken in Europe, which is, that Mr. R. Morris is universally con sidered as the British agent employed by Gov. Johnstone to embarrass, distract and confound the measures of America in her defence, and that he is fumished with the solid means of accomplishing those purposes. A young man of his household, only a few months ago, passed from Philadelphia to England by the way of Holland. The object of this voyage may be 8o4 TO JOHN ADAMS. Bruxei,i,ES, 14 June, 1780. . Dear Sir: I am indebted to you for your favor of the 6th. The American vessels lately arrived in Holland do not, that I hear of, bring any material public news,, except the last which came from Boston the begin ning of May, and informs us of the Marquis de la Fayette's arrival there, and that they expected there also Mons. de Rochambeau's army, which may be easily conceived, especially as it was immediately after this young man, -with some others, had been the defenders of Mr. M. in a house in Philadelphia against the rage of his fellow citizens last year. ['Fort Wilson riot.'] I have myself many reasons for inducing me to believe that Mr. Morris is really the character that most people in Europe that have ever heard of him, suppose him, and I have no doubt that effectual proofs would soon appear against him, if Congress was to adopt the practice, which he used for many years against almost every person in America, viz : of opening all letters to him and from him. Among his brother's papers were found above 150 letters addressed to different persons in Europe and America, that had been opened and detained. Of this fact I have a certificate signed by the King's officer at Nantes. How many more letters had been opened by Mr. Morris (who it must be remembered had learnt his profession under his brother R. M., in Philadel phia), and advantage taken of their contents, every person is left to judge." William Lee to Richard Henry Lee, 26 April, 1780. The charge that Morris was a British agent was apparently based upon an extract from a letter "from a gentleman in high office in America " dated January, 1780, and printed in the Eng lish papers. 8o5 a means of giving the enemy at N. York sufficient warning to put that place in the best posture of de fence their force will admit, and to recall Clinton from Carolina, of whose motions these vessels do not bring any certain intelligence. Nor do I learn that Mr. Laurens has embarked, altho' bills have already appeared drawn upon him in Holland by Congress. This I do not comprehend, nor some other public matters; therefore shall suspend my judgment, sincerely hoping that the party, which have already created so much distraction in Con gress and America, will be ultimately disappointed in their dangerous and abominable designs. As to Mr. Deane, I always tho't, and am now con vinced, that he was only made use of as a stalking horse, to cover designs and views that his patrons dared not openly to avow. I cannot say what will probably be the issue of this campaign in the West Indies, where the enemy will be strong. Graves, with 6 ships of the line and 3000 troops, will probably go to Jamaica, where Sir P. Parker has 6 of the line, 2 fifty's, and 4-44 gun ships, besides frigates and about 12 or 1500 soldiers in the island. Walsingham carries to Rodney 3000 troops, and 5 or 6 ships of the line; and 4 others were sent separately, so that Rodney will be very powerful, after providing a convoy for the homeward bound fleet. But we may suppose that Walsingham and the other ships will not get to Rodney before the middle or end of July. 8o6 Our last Engli.sh papers are only to the 6th, but some persons who left London the Sth, on account of the tumults, give a flaming account of the pro ceedings there on the 7th. and Sth. The people have pulled down and burnt several houses of most of the Roman Catholic places of worship.* The military and citizens have had some rencounters and several Hves lost on both sides. 'Tis likely, however, that the ministry and the military will prevail over the people, who do not seem to have provided themselves with the proper instruments of defense, and have the corrupted hands of what is called the opposition, as much against them as the King. This nation appears to me quite lost, and that in fifty years they will be no more consid ered in the political scale of Europe than the Al- gerines; but they will die hard, and we must en deavor to let the exertions of their dying agonies be exercised on themselves. The Dutch seem to be feeling some of them, and losing all their ships, while they are differing with each other, whether they should patiently endure or not every thing the English please to do. The language of the English with respect to America is as incompre hensible to me as it is to you, unless they are led *The Gordon riots, which really increased the influence of the ministers by producing a reaction in favor of authority. By a rumor of the day, these outbreaks were attributed to French corruption. See Franklin's Works, vii., 87, 8o7 by the ministry to give implicit confidence to their partizans that are at large in America, and perhaps permitted to be in Congress and posts of import ance. You ask, will the 22 millions for next year; with the men lost in America and the W. I. by diseases and the chance of war; will seamen be easily found? The 22, or even more, millions will be easily found,. as long as the Bank of England can coin with more facility than paper -money in America, and while even the French as well as the Dutch,. tempted by high interest, will lend them money. Soldiers will be found with more difficulty; but as. long as the European powers will permit their sailr ors to be seized on the high seas, and forced ou; board the British navy, there can be no fear of their wanting seamen. 'Tis computed by judic ious men, that this time full one-half of the British navy is manned by foreigners, impressed in Eng land, or seized on the high seas, and forced on board their ships of war. I sometime since men tioned Portugal to you, and every day proves to me more and more the necessity of treating her as a coadjutor with G. Britain, unless she will shut her ports against the English men of war and pri vateers. Refusing to admit prizes, is only a pitiful evasion of what she ought to do: which is to refuse admittance to all ships of war, privateers and armed vessels. * * * 8o8 TO ARTHUR LEE. Anvers, 23 June, 1780. The above extracts (viz: from General Advertiser and J. A. to W. L.) prove a certain connection, and that if Mr. I. does not effectively succeed, an ex cuse is ready, and the blame to be laid on another. But if he gains anything, the whole will be attri buted to his superior [ ] and abilities. It seems however that the present object of this connection and its adherits on this side the water, is to get Franklin removed, as Adams has his eye on the place; while the leaders and partisans of the same connection on the other side the water, seem to be playing a bolder game, and levelling their attacks directly against the Independence of America, as may be seen in the following extract from a Philadelphia paper. Dear Sir, the foregoing pieces will show the great necessity for caution and cir cumspection in A. Lee in all his motions. Pray tell him so, and also that Jenings is as much, nay more, devoted to Carmichael than ever. He is at tached to Adams., who flatters him,* and from resentment against Franklin.,\ who it is said, has *"A gentleman from Boston tells me he heard there that they were written by one Mr. Jenings. I wish his countrymen knew more than they do about that same Mr. Jenings. ' ' John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 23 September, 1780. -)¦ " 170 seems to have voluntarily undertaken the honorable post of agent for Adams, to get all his long-winded and crude 8o9 been authorized by Congress to appoint to a certain place (which I suspect is consul general), and mentioned Jenings and the examiner of accounts, as persons either of whom might be proper. But Franklin has not tho't so, and very possibly 142 [Rossf] stays to exercise that office. You will easily see the management of P. Morris in this business, and as 'tis likely 94 will not go to Hol land., plots will be on foot to get Deane — mer \_Courtier?'] there. * * * To JOHN ADAMS. BruxEI,i,ES, 8 July, 1780. I have been prevented by indisposition, other wise should have had the honor of writing to you sooner, on a subject which appears to affect the honor of America, of Congress, and of its agents in Europe. The copy of Gen'l Clinton's letter that was intercepted, which you sent here by Mr. Jenings, having afterwards appeared in most of the productions inserted in the London papers. Among this is a history of a voyage from Corun: to P., in which Adams speaks of the person at 102 IMadrid?'] in the highest strains of praise and commendation. I saw the original in the hand-writing of Adams." William Lee to Arthur Lee, 16 Juae, jySo. Adams suggested to Genet some material to be worked into the com munication from London. Works, vii, 155. And to Digges he wrote a letter probably intended for publication in the English papers. Works, vii, 167. So that 170 is presumably Digges. 8io public papers, there was a formal contradiction of its authenticity, first in the Hague Gazette, and in serted in such a manner as to make the world be lieve that this contradiction came from Sir Jo: Yorke, the English minister. The Leyden Ga zette * confirmed in some measure this contradic tion, in which it was followed by the Courier du Bas Rhin, tho' it had before given the letter at length, as having been originally published by order of Congress. But after the intelligence of the surrender of Charleston, this same gazetteer, in No. 51 of June 24, 1780, positively states that letter to have been a forgery, and concludes in these injurious terms: — "done it vaut mieux se bien defendre et se bien battre, que de supposes des lettres, qui ne peuvent abuser le public qu'un moment. "t You must be sensible of the injury it * The editor of this sheet was John Luzac. t Adams contributed the following to the history of this letter. It "arrived first at L'Orient, in a Philadelphia newspaper which had been sent to Mr. Jay. Mr. Wharton, I think, copied it, and sent it to Dr. Franklin, who communicated it soon after it appeared in Boston(?) and other newspapers, without a hint of its want of authenticity. Within a few days past, I have seen a gentleman from America, who says it was a mere/ifM d'esprit written by an ofiicer iu the army, upou the North River. I have been all along afraid that our countrymen would at length imitate their enemies in this kind of imposition ; and I always thought that, whenever they did, they would be ingenious at it. It must be agreed this is ingeniously done, and conveys a great deal of solid truth aud important instruction under this fiction. 8ii will bring to America, and the cause of Liberty, if the world is permitted to be impressed with the Idea that Congress, and its agents, are base enough to be guilty of such a mean and pitiful conduct, as to forge and publish the grossest falsehoods as solid truths. Mr. Dumas, who is styled by Dr. Frank lin and Mr. Deane the American agent at the Hague, and who is actually paid with the money of America, has a particular connection with the Editor of the Leyden Gazette, and I have reason to believe has a correspondence with the Bas Rhin. Therefore one would naturally imagine, as it was his duty, he would have taken some measures to prevent such a censure on America, &c., from spreading farther than in the small circle in which the Hague Gazette circulates. The Bas Rhin Gazette, as well as that of Berlin, is generally looked on as a Prussian Court Gazette, being printed in the Capital of the Prussian Dominions on the Rhine, and I have no doubt, on the Prus sian Minister at Paris being spoke to on the subject, a repetition of such conduct would at least be pre vented in the Editor of that Gazette. * * * Yet, I cannot think the ingenuity of it a justification or excuse. We have no need of such aids as political lies. . . . All that we can do, is to write Congress and beseech them to suppress such practices. The signature of Charles Thomson, hitherto sacred, ¦will no longer be credited, if something is not done to discoun tenance such abuses." Ada^ms to William Lee, 20 July, 1780. Franklin's connection may be seen in his letter to Dumas, 5 June, 1780. Works, vii, 72. 8l2 TO SAMUEL. W. STOCKTON. Bruxei,ito get a draft on some part of Europe remitted to me for the bal ance. I have written often to Congress on the subject, but they have either not received or not answered my letters, that I know of I have no doubt you will answer me on this subject as soon as you can, and by repeated oppor^- tunities, which you may do in such a manner as to be unintelligible to the enemy should your letters fall into their hands-T-:Our brother Arthur Lee has a cypher that you can use if necessary. * *"The decision of Congress respecting your letter of April I2th, which came to hand only the 4th of this month, is herewith transmitted. The period of payment will perhaps be more distant than you wish ; but I am at liberty to assure you from the Superintendent of our finances, that it is his intention to take the earliest possible opportunity to close this business. " James Lovell to William Lee, 20 September, 1781. "Septernber 12th, 1781. The committee to whom was re ferred a letter of the 12th of -*pril last from Mr. William Lee, report: "Xhat upon principles admitted by Congress in the settle ment of an account similar to that transmitted by Mr. Lee, there appears %o be due tp him a balance of 4.2, i8g li,vres Tour- Il^is ; whereupon, " Ordered, Th9,t the account be referred to the Siiiperinten- 846 Yourself and Governor Jefferson were frequently advised during the last summer, and I hope not without effect, of the determination of the British cabinet to bend their greatest force against the two Carolinas and Virginia. After the taking of Charleston, and particularly after the battle of Camden, in their usual style of wisdom, they fully expected by Xmas last to be in complete possession of the two Carolinas and part of Virginia as far as the confines of James river at least, and that this campaign would be crowned with the conquest of ¦ the remaining part of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. At present, however, they have determined not to send any fresh troops to America for this cam paign; indeed, we know they have not any to send; therefore it is reasonable to imagine, that weakened as they are, last campaign, the force they have now in America cannot advance much in the way of conquest; but America will be culpable if she does not make a proper use of the favorable moment and by a vigorous exertion drive the enemy entirely off the continent. ' A very fine French fleet of 25 sail of the line will sail from Brest in a few days; its true destination is not publickly known ; some say to North dent of Finance, to take order for payment of the balance, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from this day, as soon as the state of the public finances will admit." 847 Araerica and others say to the West Indies; but wherever it goes it ought to fall heavy, and by a deep blow at once finish the war, for the English have no equal force to oppose it. The grand fleet and whole array of Spain are still amusing themselves with the seige of Gib raltar; where there is only a paltry, sickly garison of about 2000 men. Your minister at Madrid is no more than a private gentleman; and_ England has there pub licly known agents, Mr. Cumberland, secretary to the Board of Trade, and Mr. Hussey, an Irish priest; who confer with the Spanish ministers and act in the honorable capacity of spies, tho' they are not publicly received as ministers. The British Declaration of War against the Dutch was the 20'.*^ December, since which above IOO Dutch merchantmen have been taken ; an ex pedition is now publicly sailing from Portsmouth against their East India settlements, and orders have been long since sent to attack the West India islands; to all which the Dutch have only replied by a proclamation that they will grant letters of marque and reprisals against the English, but as yet there is no manifesto, nor a single Dutch man- of-war or privateer at sea, tho' the winter has been reraarkably open, and the coast of England from the Thames quite to the Orkneys, has been totally defenceless. 848 Be not surprised at this, there are rascals and parricides in other places besides America; — but if I mistake not, before the summer ends the English will sorely repent their attacking the Dutch. 'Tis not known yet whether Russia, Sweden and Denmark will immediately enter into the war against England; but they are well known to ex press high indignation at her conduct against Hol land. The Emperor is at present determined to remain quite neuter, if the English will let him do so, but they are every day seizing and plundering the vessels of his subjects in the same piratical man ner, as they have done those of other nations. The King of Prussia will, I think, as heretofore continue our friend in the cabinet; 'tis therefore to be regretted, that Congress has let him remain so long neglected, especially at this critical moment, when the great advantage is so evident that America might obtain from having ministers at almost every court in Europe, whether they were publiey received as such, or not. On the whole I am clearly of opinion, that a general peace is within this year, unless .some unexpected and un foreseen occurrrences in America should happen, that may induce the King of Great Britain to risque every thing elsewhere, in hopes of obtaining his favorite object, the Subjugation of America. — You have the game therefore in your own hands. 849 TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. „ , BruxEI,i,ES, 13 April, 1781. My dear Brother: Inclosed you have copies' of the two accounts I transmit by this same conveyance to Congress; the reason of my altering the original account No. i, and new stating it as in No. 2 is mentioned be tween the two accounts; and I raust further observe that the feelings and prevailing sentiments in America, which dictates the resolves of Congress, Sep: 20, 1776, when the appointment to be a com missioner was refused, were very different from those which produced the resolutions of the 6*.'' AugT 1779; when even the President, and other members of Congress were intriguing for such ap pointments. This however should in justice be considered in, rewarding those who undertook the appointments at the different periods. As I do not know that I have one friend, or ac quaintance in Congress to push forward this busi ness for me; I must rely on your kindness to write to some member of your body to bring it to a con clusion; and to take care,, that whatever sum Con gress may think proper to allow, may be transmit ted, to me in bills on Europe. Col. Searle and MT Dana*' passed thro' here *Dana had been appointed to represent Congress at St. Petersburg, and was on his way to that court. His election occurred 19 December, 1780. 850 yesterday, on their way from Paris to Holland; they both assured me that Bills of Exchange on Europe were plentiful in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, the exchange 70 for one in the old, and 52 for one in the new paper. — In this state of things I should have hoped to receive some remit tances from the estate, but now I can hardly ex pect any thing this year, as Virginia will be the seat of war. By repeated conveyances last year I gave the Governors of Virginia and Maryland advice of the determination of the British cabinet to push their chief force last winter & this summer against the Carolinas & Virginia. — Some of those letters must have got to hand, as the vessels they went by ar rived safe; but y? warning seems to have had no effect, from the very defenceless and unprepared state that Leslie and the Traitor afterwards found Virginia in. I am so very feeble, and reduced by a continued and severe illness, ever since Ocf last, that I am not able to enter into the large field of European politics, which indeed is somewhat inexplicable. Heyder Ali, in the East Indies, having made an irruption into the Carnatic, with 80,000 horse, totally defeated and cut to pieces a large British army; has taken the whole country of Arcot; and it is said, had laid seige to Madras, after retaking Pondicherry. This is by far a more sensible blow 851 on our enemies than any they have received from every power in Europe, since the commencement of hostilities to this time; or than they are likely to receive this year frora them all together, as things appear at present, so very contemptibly are affairs conducted on this quarter of the globe. The conduct of your affairs in France seems to have grown worse and worse; at last some cloath ing is gone, the 29*'^ ult? , in the Marquis de la Fayette, under convoy of the Alliance. The freight paid to this old ship, which will hardly swim to America, they say at Nantes, would have built there, from the stocks, and sent completely fitted to sea, a frigate of 36 guns, and in less time than she has taken to be fitted for this voyage; but M^ Chaumont is said to be a part-owner, which ac counts for all. He, and MT Williams have had the sole management of the ship and her cargo. Extractof a letter just received from Bourdeaux, dated the f)" April 1781. ' ' The marquis de la Fayette belonged to a company who purchased her of the old E. I. Co., in which trade she had made some voyages. They sent her to the W. Indies, in which voyage she sunk money to the owners, and being found unprofitable they ordered her to be laid up here. ' ' Le Ray de Chaumont became proprietor and chart ered her to MT Franklin. Bills to a considerable amount are drawn, by order of the state of Virginia, on 852 D'Acosta Freres, who have admitted them to be pro tested. The credit of particular states is in disrepute." In Great Britain they have this year created a perpetual debt of 21 millions, to borrow 12 mil lion ; and they will create besides an unfunded debt of 8 million more over and above their annual in come. Thus, the bubble of credit and paper has been carried to a height incredible, and almost in conceivable by the mind of man. But if Heyder Ali pursues his conquests in the East, this bubble will soon burst, and then farewell to British inso lence and barbarity forever. My whole family unite with me in affecT* love to you and all your's; & beg to remember as to all our brothers, sisters & friends. MT Adams has bor rowed for Congress, in Holland, one million florins, upwards of ;^90.ooo ster'.^, which is supposed to be a prelude to a farther and more considerable loan, TO FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE. Bruxei,i,ES, 12 February, 1782. That you may know y? fate of such Letters as you may have written, 'tis proper for me to inform you that it is near four years since I have rec^ a Letter from you of any kind, and above seven years since I have received one about private busi ness; I flatter myself, however, that you have taken care to pay off with paper money all the debts- of 853 every kind that I owed in Virginia, or, at least, that you have made legal tenders for yT purpose, with the said money, in which I hear the Debts due to me have been discharged; and to prevent any omission or mistake in this business, I again enclose you a List of all the Debts I owed in Vir ginia in May, 1777; — since which none can have been contracted by rae. You will find also enclosed a Copy of my account against our Father's Estate, the Balance due to me the 5th of Nov'; 1781, being ;^2,996 . 9 . 7^ Ster'.s which account I wish you to get certified and sign'd by the Acting Executors of our late Father's Estate. When this Account is so certified and sign'd, I wish to have it recorded in Westmoreland County Court; and I request of you to let me know by repeated Letters what is done in this business. — In September last Congress ordered that the Superintendant of Finances should pay me 42,189 livres, as soon as the state of y"^ Public Finances would admit The time and manner of payment being thus left entirely at the discretion of the Superintendant, you will render me a most par ticular and essential service if you can prevail on the Superintendant to remit me, or pay this money, directly in good Bills on Paris or Amsterdam. I have mentioned this subject to both our brothers A. L. and R. H. L. , and of y? latter I have desired to be informed particularly, of all y? daraage that 854 has been done on the Estate at Green Spring dur ing the last Campaign ; to have all y? fruit Trees imraediately replaced that may have been de stroyed; to have promising young Fellows, put apprentices to the different trades necessary for the use of such an Estate; and to have the whole of Powhatan Swamp Converted into a Tiraothy meadow as fast as possible. This should be the grand object at present, even to y? partial neglect of crops of Tobacco. This Letter being entirely on Private business, I shall conclude with telling you that my family (except myself) are in tolerable good Health; it consists of 'Mrs. Lee, one Son, William Ludwell, 7 years old; two Daughters, Portia 5 years, and Cornelia 2 years old. The last was born in this Town. You will readily agree that in times like the present, with a broken Constitution and reduced Fortune, these are enough to provide for, as they ought to be. However, I cannot despair of seeing brighter days, and of once more embracing you in Peace and happiness, when we can, with pleasure, look back on all the dangers we have passed. Heaven bless you and our dear Sister. 855 TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BruxEi,LES, II March, 1782. My dear Brother: I have written to you several long letters lately, one of which will go by the Marquis la Fayette. Since my last a new spirit has arisen in the British House of Commons: General Conway raade a motion that the prosecution of an offensive war in America, should be put a stop to. This, after a very long and warm debate, was carried against the ministry by 19 majority. The motion was then modelled into an address to the King, who gave an evasive, and I think rather insolent answer; on this the House of Commons without a division passed another resolve, that he that should advise or attempt to carry on an offensive war in America contrary to the sense of that House, should be deemed an eneray to Great Britain, and punished as such. Thus for the present, the plundering and burn ing plans, that have been concerted to be carried into execution this year under Arnold, are put a stop to. The nation at large is really anxious for peace, and it is clear that the rainistry will there fore be obliged to raake sorae atterapts that way this year; while all the force of Great Britain will be principally employed against the navy of France: but as the King thirsts as much as ever for the blood and devastation of Araerica, unless they 856 suffer sorae farther losses, so as to render them utterly incapable of going on one moment longer, I fear that peace will hardly take place this year; tho' if America by one vigorous exertion would get possession of New York and Charleston, the business of war would end iramediately. * * * TO THE SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Brussels, 31 March, 1782. Sir: Although I have not the honor of a personal ac quaintance with you, yet I trust that this letter, being on subjects which concern the interests of our country in general, I shall not stand in need of any apology for writing it. You will be informed, probably, both by the newspapers and private letters, before this gets to your hands, of the late revolution in the British Ministry; the old set having given place to a new Ministry, composed of the Rockingham, Shel burne, and Grafton parties. This change has been forced on the King, very much against his inclina tion and that of his secret advisers. Lords Bute and Mansfield, by the general exertion of almost the whole body of the people of England, both in and out of the House of Commons, who ardently wish for a peace, especially with America; and it ap pears that independence will not be any great im- 857 pediment, thougli they will endeavor to barter, as a consideration for acknowledging it for a bene ficial treaty of commerce, the Newfoundland fish ery, and some other points. It seems evidently to be the general wish of the nation, that a peace with America should be ira mediately made almost on any terms, and on that principle it is that they have forced the present Ministry into place; but as I am not quite clear that the principles of Lord Shelburne, or those of his friend, Mr. Dunning, are in any manner friendly to America, and the King's inveteracy continuing as great as ever, it is not possible to say how far the negociations for peace may be traversed and impeded by secret manoeuvres and intrigues; therefore, in my opinion it will be wise in America to be well on her guard, and take her present measures as if the war was yet to continue sorae years. I have not yet heard of his departure, but the 22d instant was fixed for General Carleton to leave Portsmouth in the Ceres, of thirty-two guns, for New York, to take upon him the com mand in chief in America. The late British Ministry died as they lived, for one of their last official acts was to give the traitor Arnold, by patent, one thousand pounds sterling pension per annum for his and his wife's lives. It has been mentioned to me by a gentleman in the Government here, that the Emperor is disposed 858 to enter into a commercial treaty with America, and afterwards that a minister or resident from Congress should reside at the Court here, this being the principal commercial country belonging to his Majesty. Though this communication was not official, yet it appears as if it had been made to me from their knowing that I was formerly a Com missioner of Congress at the Court of Vienna; therefore I think it my duty to inform Congress of the circumstance through you, that they may take such measures in it as they think proper. I will not presume to advise on the propriety or impropriety of appointing a Minister to treat with his Imperial Majesty, because Congress must be sufficiently informed that the capital manufactures of this country in woolen, linen, and cotton, and coarse hats, and the iron and steel manufactures at Leige, will be of great utility at all times in America; and the consumption of tobacco, indigo, rice, furs, skins, and salt fish is not only very con siderable in this country but in the adjacent inland ones that always draw their supplies through the ports here. I will only venture to say, in my opinion, fifteen thousand livres Tournois per annum would be a sufficient appointment for an American Minister to reside at this Court, for his salary and expenses together. Should such a Minister be appointed his commission should run thus: "To negociate, agree upon, conclude, and 859 sign a treaty of, &c., &c., &c., between his Im perial and Apostolic Majesty Joseph the Second, Emperor of Germany, King of the Romans, of Hungary, Bohemia, &c., &c., &c., and the Con gress of the United States of America, and after wards to reside as Minister from the said Congress at the Court of Brussels, in the Austrian Nether lands, to transact such affairs as raay be given to him in charge." I mention this because there was a capital mistake in the original commission sent me to treat with the Court of Vienna, which I took the liberty of pointing out at the time.. You will find enclosed with this a copy of the London Gazette and sentence of the court-martial on Captain Dundass of the Boneta, which prove pretty explicity a breach of the articles of capitula tion at Yorktown by Lord Cornwallis and Captain Symonds. I do not know that the situation of affairs will render it necessary to take notice of this breach on the part of the enemy, but it ap pears to me proper that Congress should be in formed of the fact. With the highest consideration and respect, I have the honor to be, &c. TO SAMUEL THORPE. BruxEi,i,ES, June i8, 1782. Dear Sir: It was not in my power to write to you last Post, 86o tho' I much wished to give you as early intelli gence as possible of what we are confidently assured here; viz, that the Preliminaries of Peace were sign'd last week at Paris; and instead of z. Peace with America only a Truce of 12 years is agreed upon; but if this Truce is not ripened into a Peace before y? settlement of y? general business, I am sure it will be attended with very disagreeable consequences, especially to G. B. France always wished to bring the affair to such a conclusion, in order y? more effectually to accomplish her deep lay'd design, of keeping America a perpetual Thorn in y? side of G. B., and she must be now delighted at seeing her adversarys run so easily into the snare. It is much more yT' probable that a War will break out in Europe before y? expira tion of 12 years, in which France and England must be Antagonists; in that case, suppose there is now only a Truce with America, she will infallibly take a part with France: but if there is a full peace now, America will then either remain Neuter, or probably take part with G. B. Besides, a Truce will be y? most effectual plan that can be devised to preclude for ever that intercourse and commerce which well disposed [persons] wish should take place immediately between G. B., and America; for you may depend upon it that during the Truce, no British Subjects nor a farthing's worth of Brit ish or Irish goods or manufactures, will on any 86 1 Account or in any shape, be admitted to enter within any of y'= 13 United States of America. Events have so fully confirm' d my presages for 14 years past that I have become confident in my Political Predictions in what concerns G. B. and America; aud therefore if you think it will be ot any utility, you are at Liberty to communicate what I have here said, where you judge it will be of use. I hope you now understand clearly what I meant by saying some time ago that G. B. for her own sake should take care that y^ Indepen dence of America should be Independent Now if you please to a little private business. A Flemish Merchant seems to have had very ill usage, from a British Privateer, as the inclosed case will show you, which, at his desire, I am to request that you will get the present Attorney General's opinion as soon as possible; or that of any other councillor learned in the Law, who may be thought to have more learning and skill in such matters than y'= Attorney General. You will much oblige me by returning y^ case and opinion on it, as soon as you possibly can, marking the expence you are at in the business, which you may charge to my Account. I am well pleased to see yi Corporation and yi Court on such good terms as they seem to be at present; but I shall be mortified if the people loose the present favorable moraent, and do not 862 effectually secure their Liberty against yi atterapts of such another Administration as yi last was, by purifying the House of Commons by means of enlarging the represented body and throwing the decay'd burro's into the neighboring tithings and hundreds, as was done at Cricklade. You have got something in yi Contractors and Revenue Officers bill, but you may still be ruined if you stop there. P. S. Remember that I do not speak of the Preliminaries being sign'd, as a matter of certainty (for I neither am nor desire to be in yi secret of any Cabinet), but as a Report in which I think there is some probability; but whether they are sign'd or not, as yet, it will not make any differ ence in the Argument relative to a Truce or a Peace with America. I cannot pretend to have any Influence; but I have taken no little Pains to dispose the several parties on this side of the channel to a fair and equitable peace, and flatter myself with yi hopes that such a one may be ac complish' d, if your present ministers do not follow yi example of their predecessors, and suffer them selves to be hurried away by their late good Fortune to make extravagant and silly demands. 863 TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BRnxEi,i,ES, 22 June, 1782. I have to thank you for your letter of the 23^ of last April, tho' am much vexed at the fate of yi Articles sent from Bourdeaux. I have never heard from our BT A. what he did with the Dollars you sent by hira last year to Phil^ to remit to rae, nor a word of the _^220.8. Specie you sent to hira for the sarae purpose last March; tho' there are several vessels arrived iu France and Holland that left Phil^ and Baltimore late in April. I perceive we have suffered terribly, and are likely to suffer more, from yi invasion of the Eneray last year: but it is in vain to repine at what we could not, nor can not help: therefore rest satisfied with the re flection, that everything was done which could be done to save my property from the ravaging hands, of a cruel and savage Enemy. 'Tis too late in life fpr me with a debilitated state of health to fix ou a plan for yi future happiness of my family without more information on some points than I have at present. I wish therefore to know as soon as pos sible, what kind of Education can be got for my Son in Virginia; whether any of our houses in Williamsburg or that at Green Spring are in a proper habitable condition for us, and which of the house Servants are still alive and capable of service. On these points I request you will give me the ear liest and repeated information by various convey- 864 ances, and your advice on the propriety of going over with my family; which will be a Serious and important measure to me, in point of inconvenience, fatigue, and expence. I should be glad also to know what progress has been made in converting Pow hatan Swamp into a Timothy Meadow. I am sure that you will not omit any opportunity of remitting what you possibly can to me, which will be equally necessary, whether I remain some tiine longer in Europe or go soon to Virginia. You say yi Taxes are heavy this year, and I much fear they will be more so hereafter, as I see that the revenues of Vir ginia, as well as those of the Continent, are still continued in the same hands, that have already burthened America with a debt that will require half a century to pay off. TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxbi,i,ES, ig July, 1782. Dear Brother : In consequence of the information you gave me in your letter of (yi last date of which the 25'.'' of March), I wrote to Dr. Franklin above 10 daies ago desiring to be informed, if he had received orders from yi Superintendent General of Finance to pay rae the money due to me from Congress. To this letter I have not received any answer, tho' yi usual time allow'd for receiving an answer from 865 Paris to a letter written from hence is 4 or 5 daies; therefore, I do not expect any answer from Dr. Franklin, nor do I believe he either has, or ever will receive such order as you Mention, and I can only wonder that you could ever believe such orders were ever given to him. You will much oblige me by procuring and sending to me either a bill of Exchange or an order payable a Month after sight for yi principal debt, and interest thereon till paid, agreeable to yi resolution of Congress in September last, either on Dr. Franklin or MT John Adaras, who has within a few months opened another loan at Amsterdam which, report says, has succeeded better than yi first. You will not forget yi neces sity of sending several duplicates of either a bill of Exchange or an order for this Money. Our BT . , R. H. Lee, sent by you last year in April 68,100 Dollars in Loan office certificates to remit to me, from Phil^ ; what did you do with them, and what are they now worth in livres? He also sent to you in March last _;^220.8. Virginia currency in Specie, to remit to me; of that money you do not mention a word, tho' I hear good Bills on Europe were plenty, and yi Exchange a great deal under par. I have no proofs here of the debt due from De Berdt & Co. ; they raust, I suppose, have been lodged in yi proper office in Phill before yi At tachraent was taken out. Anthony Stewart had a full power of attorney and regular proofs of the 866 debt, with the Account Settled and Signed by Burkitt & Sayre, the surviving Partners. I be lieve A. S. appointed Mr. Hill of Phil^ , partner in yi Madeira House of Hill, Lamar & Bissett, to act for him in the business. Mr. Hill is now in Phil^ and I believe A. Stewart is in N. York; frora one or yi other of them you may probably know where yi papers are, and as soon as I can get a power of Attorney made out, I will send one to you. Should you know where Mr. Lotsom now is, pray inform him that I wrote to him in May last saying that the principal money he placed in my hands, was let on Interest to Comte Clonard in Paris, as I could not fix on any eligible plan of eraploying it in trade, having not been able, even at this time, to get yi former, affairs finished in which his money was adventured. There are some accounts still to settle, and until they are finally closed 'tis impos sible for me to say whether there will be any profit or not. There has been a great deal of ill Fortune, as well as bad management in what has been under taken ; therefore he may think himself in some raeasure fortunate that yi principal is not lost ; at least I think so now, which has determined rae not to be concerned in any adventure, where I cannot act openly as yi principal Agent, which hitherto has not been practicable in this Country. But things seem now to be changing in their Political aspect. I wish Mr. Lotsom would let me know if 867 it is agreeable to hira that his raoney should re main in Count Clonard's hands; in yi mean time he may draw on me for Twenty thousand Livres payable three months after sight in Paris. He raust always give me advice by Letter of what Bills he draws. Tho' his bills are to be made pay able in Paris, they must be directed to rae here. I will send him an exact state of the amount of his raoney in my hands, as soon as I can get yi former affairs finally settled. Should any oppor tunity occur of serving rae on this side the At lantic, I suppose you will not neglect it, as you know I am perfectly idle, and I can assure you that my dangerous illness last year arose princip ally frora inactivity and want of eraployraent after upwards of 20 years spent in bustle and continual motion. TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. Cl,EVES, 2gjuly, 1 782. Dear Sir: I am sorry to be obliged to confirm now what I have said to you in several letters within 3 months past, viz, that there is no prospect of peace for this year. Since the death of Lord Rockingham, Lord Shelburne is made treasurer, and ostensible prem ier, with an administration of his own coraposing, on the express convention with the King, to con- 868 tinue the war, and refusing to acknowledge the Independence of America. An interior cabinet is already formed, as in the reign of Lord North, where all schemes are first formed before they are carried to the cabinet coun cil to be confirmed. General Arnold is again openly at court, high in the King's favor, and frequently closeted with Lord Shelburne. These are facts, the truth of which you may rely on and make known where you think they are most necessary to be known; as from them you will see as clearly as I that the war in America will be renewed again, unless you take advantage of the enemy's present weakness, and strike an other blow. The time when and the manner how this war will be renewed perhaps is not yet determined; but from Arnold being again in high favor, I suppose the King has revived the plan he had adopted last winter of sending Gen'. Frazer,* (who is since dead,) as Commander in Chief, and Arnold as second, to burn and lay waste every part of America that they could come at. MT William Pitt, only 22 years old, is Chan cellor of Exchequer; Lord Grantham, secretary in the place of Lord Shelburne; Tommy Town.send, * Simon Eraser, sometime Master of Lovat. He died in 1782. 869 secretary in the room of MT Fox, and Lord Keppel quits the administration as soon as they can get any body to fill his post; it is to be offered to Lord Howe, as soon as he returns from his present cruize in the channel. Colonel Barrd is paymaster of the forces, and the treasurership of the navy has been offered to the Lord Advocate of Scotland (commonly called Lord Starvation) who is just arrived in London, to advise with the old Scotch Junto, before he accepts it On the whole it is thought that England never had so feeble, uninformed in business, and un connected an iadmiuistration, as this Lord Shel- burne's will be. A breath from the King's nostril will dissolve the whole in a moment, and it seeras as if the nation would behold their dissolution with great complacency. Nothing but absolute incapacity to procure men and money, will prevent the enemy from carrying into execution next year the scheme the King and Lord Shelburne have plotted, to carry desolation thro' America; therefore I hope, advantage will be taken of their feebleness this year. I really do not see how it will be possible for Lord Shelburne to procure money; and as to men, 5,000 from the Irish establishment, 5 or 6,000 British and Irish recruits, and drafts from the 870 British regulars and guards, and about 2 or 3,000 Gerraan recruits, will be all the force they will be able to get, to replace their losses this year and to carry on their operations next year in the West Indies and America. It seems agreed on all sides that Gibraltar must fall this year. The Dutch fleet are out cruising on their own coast, but without appearing to design any more mischief to the enemy's trade, than they did last year, tho' the English have not a single ship-of-the-line in the North sea; for every one they have, as soon as they can be got ready, are sent to join Lord Howe, who is cruising with 22 sail on the coast of Ireland to meet and protect a large fleet from Jamaica, that is expected every day. The combined fleet of 27 Spanish and 13 French sail-of-the-line, and about 25 frigates under Don Cordova, have been taking their sumraer's amuse ment in cruising, for about 3 weeks, between Scilly and Lizard without taking a single vessel there, tho' Lord Howe passed by them, having remained in their sight for two days, and single ships were going frequently to join Lord Howe on the coast of Ireland. — Don Cordova it is said has now gone back to Cadiz. A very large and valuable French fleet from S'. Domingo is arrived safe. It is reported that Spain has, at length, deter mined to acknowledge the Independence of Amer ica. 871 Last spring Russia, whose object is to have the war continue as long as possible, to keep the part ies nearly equal, threatened the Dutch, if they did not make a separate peace with Great Britain. The Dutch however refused, and since the disaster of the 12*.*^ of April in the West Indies was known, Russia has been quiet; for the English have re vived their old ideas, and talk of nothing less than totally annihilating the navies of France and Spain. The English papers tell us that Sir James Jay, since his arrival in London, has had long and frequent conferences with Lord Shelburne, and that he is authorized by Congress to settle the terms of reconciliation between Great Britain and America. The English affairs in the East Indies are again on the decline ; which has made the East India stock fall 15 pT cT , and is still falling. At the be ginning of the war it was 282 pT 100 stock, and it is now only 127. I wish you raay get this letter, which goes frora Flanders to Chesapeak, as it contains a full tho' concise state of public affairs in Europe. MT Grenville, who was sometime in Paris, under. the pretext of negotiating a general peace, has ; been returned to London about a fortnight, and goes a secretary to his elder brother, Lord Teraple, who is to be created Duke of Buckingham, and have Lord Rockingham's blue ribbon, and succeed to the Duke of* *The letter ends here. 872 TO SAMUEL THORPE. BruxeIiLES, 27 August, 1782. Last Post bro't me your favor of the 2oT'> instant covering your two notes for ;^409 S? due the 10 September next, being the amount of the two bills I remitted to you yi 9'.'' inst and Col. Faning's note for ;^89., which you had received for me. For the recovery of this debt from Col. F. I am en tirely indebted to your prudent and decisive con duct, and I beg you to accept my sincere acknow ledgements for the same. There having been made last sessions an Act of Parliaraent for laying a stamp Duty on inland bills, I am sure you will excuse me for asking whether notes such as yours come within the Act; for this being a novel device in Finance, the circumstance may easily have es caped your recollection. I have ever tho't it was the best method to be explicit and open, as being the surest way of avoiding misunderstandings be tween friends ; therefore I shall be so now with you. As a proof of the confidence I had in your judgement Integrity and friendship for me, on making my last Will a good while ago, I took the Liberty of naming you as one of my Executors, trusting that your friendship for the Father would be extended to his Infant Children, which charge I must hope you will have the goodness to take upon yourself whenever the Period for its execu tion may arrive. On recollection lately, I think 873 there are cases and Opinions in your law Books that say, all Debts due from an Executor to a de ceased Testator are ipso facto annul'd and void on the Testator's death unless there is something to show, that the Testator and the Executor under- Stood and intended it shou'd be otherwise. In this situation of things, as life is precarious, I submit to your consideration whether it may not be proper for you to send me a certificate con- ceiv'd somewhat in the following terms: Whereas W. L. Esq, late Merchant and Alderman of London, but now resident in the City of Bruxelles in Brabant, has thoT proper to nominate and appoint me, S. T., of Aldgate, in the said City of London, Haberdasher, an Executor of his last Will and Testa ment, and whereas I now stand indebted to the said W. L. in certain sums of money had and received from him or for his use, and I may so continue to be in debted at the time of the decease of the said W. L. now I do hereby declare and make known to all whom it may concern, that whatever sum or sums of money debt or debts may be due and owing from me to yi said W. L., by Bond Bill note or open Account or otherwise, at the time of his decease, whenever and wherever he may happen to depart this Life, shall be equally due, payable and inure to the use and benefit of the Heirs, Assigns, or estate, of the said W. L. as fully and amply to all intents and purposes both in Law and Equity, as if I, the said S. T. had not been so nominated and appointed by the said W. L. an Ex- 874 ecutor of his last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have (with the approbation and by the desire of the said W. L. ) hereunto set my name in London aforesaid this day of . In 5 or 6 weeks I hope to be able to furnish you with ;^500 — but should that fail I expect to re ceive ^6oo in England, when you may be supplied with what part you waiit. I suppose by two months' notice you mean either by Letter or by a draft payable 2 Months after sight. You have managed the affair of Faning with so. much judg ment and success, that I could not stand excusable to myself if I did not request you to undertake the following business. The Money for which you have a certain Alderman's drqft, was not lent to him, but to Mr. Sam'. Brailsford, who was then a Merchant and resident iu Bristol, and who, to me, has acted much more reproachfully than the Alderman, however atrocious his conduct has been on other occasions. You have inclosed a letter to Mr. B. which please to read, seal, and forward per Post, and when you get his answer read that also before you forward it, that you may know what passses between us. I have understood that Mr. B. left Bristol some years ago to reside in the Coun try, where I do not know; but possibly you may get his address from MT Downe in Bartholemew's Lane in the banking house that was Lascelles, Marlar, Pell & Downe, or by writing to MT Tho? 875 MuUitt in Bristol, for whom MT Alderman Bull will at any time give you a frank, as they are intiraate friends. You have MT Brailsford guarantee for the pay ment of W ge's draft, and if he does not answer my letter properly and put the debt in a way of payment in the course of next month, it will be necessary to commence au action against him to prevent the act of Limitation from taking place until better tiraes, when I can take the trouble off your hands. Your plan of indorsing the Lottery ticket when you buy one for rae is good, for Life you know is precarious; but send me the Ni that I may sing and be merry when I see it announced a ;^20,ooo in the papers. You may see by this that nothing less will satisfy me. Don't forget Banks and the Civilian when you are at leisure. TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxei,i,ES, 30 August, 1782. Dear Brother : Sorae days ago I sent from hence two packets for you to be forwarded from Paris, containing dupli cate Proved account and power of Attorney to pros ecute the Attachments against the effects of De Berdt & C?, and a protested bill for ;^300 Sterling to be recovered in Maryland. Yesterday I received 876 a Letter from DT Franklin, a Copy of which you have on the other side, which cost me some trouble and expence to obtain: you will perceive he does not deny having received my former letter on this subject of the 8*.'' of July, which he never answered, but now when pushed he tells me plainly that I am not to expect the money from him; thus you see what advantage has been taken of the loose wording of yi resolves of Congress to buffet me from Phil^ to Passy, and from Passy to Phil? , and I suppose yi next kick attempted, will be to Mad rid or Petersburg. This, you know from my former Letters, was what I expected would be practiced; therefore, 'tis unnecessary to observe on the Doctor's letter, tho' I can't help remarking the Malignant and studied insult of the paragraph be ginning — "I hope" &c. You will therefore oblige me much by getting immediate payment of this debt from MT Morris, either in his own bills of Exchange on Paris or Amsterdam, or in money equal to the value according to the Exchange, for it will be doubly cruel after being curtailed in my Demand and spending my own Money in Europe on the public Account which I was obliged to draw from England at a considerable loss, to compel me to receive the debt in America in a manner that I may loose 15 or 20 p ct more iu the Exchange. Should any objection be started that you are not legally authorised to receive the money, I am to 877 inform you that ray BT F. L. Lee, has an old but ample power of attorney to act in all cases for me; therefore he can easily authorise you to receive the raoney, if you should find that such an authoriza tion is requisite. TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BRUXEI.I.ES, I October, 1782. You ask me in your favor of the 18'? of last July whether I have any written or verbal assumption from our late BT , Col. P. L. Lee, to pay all our Father's Money Legacies. In reply I must answer that I have not, and for my own part, I never asked, nor would I ever have accepted of any such assumption from him, so as to have made my de mand a debt due from him alone. Equal Justice however calls some one to declare, what I shall be always ready to testify on Oath when call'd upon, viz, that I have never applyed to any body for the payment of what was due to me and my Sister agreeable to her regular assignment under the Will of our Father, but to Our BT , P. L. Lee, for these reasons — first, he was the Sole acting Executor or Administrator, therefore he was the only regularly legal Person for me to apply to, and from him only did I ever receive any partial payments, a full pay ment not being made at this day. Secondly — Having had full access for years to, and raade re- 878 peated examinations of, all the Books, Bonds, Notes and Accounts and papers that my father left at his Death, I always found that there was much more money due to my Father's Estate in G. B. and America than was amply sufficient to pay all the Debts due from the Estate and all the Pecuniary Legacies or Devices in my Father's Will ; and of my own personal knowledge, I can declare that our BT , P. L. Lee, as Executor to our Father, re ceived almost the whole that was due to him at the tirae of his Death by Bond, Note, Account, &c, ex cept some very trifling and insignificant sums in deed, and a demand against MT Fitzgerald, a mer chant in London, who has long since become a Bankrupt, tho' many years after my Father's death; but this demand I never took into Account as a good debt. Thirdly, the produce of the whole of my Father's Estate for the years 1750, 1751, 1752, and I believe, of 1753 also, was received by our BT , P. L. Lee, and as to myself I can declare that the whole expended on me for Education and Cloathing from Nov. 1750, when my Father dyed, to Sept. 1758, when I came of Age, did not Amount to 50;^ Sterling ; besides that, for the three last years I acted for my Brother, as his Clerk- Steward and principal manager of his whole Es tate, for which in Justice he ought to have allowed me a Salary of 30 or 40;^ St'g p. annum, exclusive of my maintenance. 879 For these two last reasous therefore, I always tho't it just that our BT , P. L. Lee, shou'd pay the whole of our Father's Pecuniary Legacies or De vises out of that part of his Estate, which he solely receiv'd and injoy'd. I have only to add, that I earnestly request of you to have the Account I lately transmitted to our BT , F. L. Lee, against my Father's Estate settled and put in a way of pay ment immediately; otherwise the Duty I owe my Family will compel to institute a Suit directly in order to bring the affair to a conclusion. On this head let me beg for your answer as soon as pos sible, and by various conveyances. TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. BruxEi,i,ES, I October, 1782. I have received and thank you for your letter of yi i8^''of last July. If MT Beale does uot pay the money you demand for my Tobacco, he will have rauch outwitted MT Valentine, and gain'd a con siderable advantage of rae, for I know he cannot return me better Tobacco, since I know from long experience that there is none so good of so val- ueable raade in Virginia, except by yi Burwells, near Williamsburg, and yi famous E. D., near York. However, for the future I now request that no more of my Tobacco made on yi Estate, raay be disposed of in any raanner, without particular 88o orders from me. I do not know what your present currency is. How much is a Guinea, or a Dollar in Specie, legally worth ? * * * The plan you seem to think best to be adopted for my Son, I know is utterly impracticable to any good purpose, therefore you can easily judge of my embarrassment to determine what is best to be done, in my situation. A good Seminary for yi Education of youth being so very essential to yi well being, happiness and prosperity of a Com munity; I am greatly astonished that your Govern ment permits yi College of William & Mary to be neglected. If some wise and vigorous measures are not taken to remedy this evil, 'tis evident that your State must ever be dependent and inferior to yi Northern and Eastern States. A word or two on Politics. But first, I must Say that your re-' serve on that head is less warranted now than ever, because you have some body to write a letter for you and no name being signed or place mentioned, no one could tell from whom it carae, therefore it could be of no consequence should it miscarry, or fall into yi hands of a Public or Private Enemy. No military operation of yi least importance has happen' d in Europe last Suramer. The Dutch have acted worse if possible this year than they did the last: They are a wretched, undone and ruined People forever, beyond redemption; therefore I ara sorry that MT A[daras] has but yi other day Signed a Treaty of Comraerce between them and Araerica; by which they have, in ray opinion, many ad vantages and Araerica not one. Gibraltar is not taken, nor likely to be so, at least as far as we know; though yi Duke de Crillon has been be sieging it upwards of 3 raonths, with 36,000 men French and Spaniards. The combined fleet of 50 sail of the Line is moored in yi Bay before it, and U: Howe is gone with 35 Sail of the Line to throw in succors, so that every day we expect to hear of bloody work. The Negotiations for Peace will be bro*. to a conclusion, or at least a certainty of a conclusion, within six weeks from this time — whether for Peace or War, I will not take upon me to decide, tho' I may conjecture it will be for yi former. The only obstacles to a General Peace for some months past, have certainly been these: Spain insists on Gibraltar, without giving any thing in Exchange; France insists on having the Newfoundland Fishery, agreeable to her Treaty with America, and some particular advantages in yi E. Indies. These Deraands England has not yet consented to, and probably will not consent to thera all. * * * * TO BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bri7XEI-i,ES, 7 October, 1782, I have the honor to send you herewith a copy of 882 a letter from MT Rob*. R. Livingston, of the 18'.'' of July last, and of an order of Congress of the 2^ of the same month, to which be pleased to refer. As you informed me in your letter of the 25*.'' of August last, that you had a copy of the order of Congress of the 12'.'' Sept, 1781, ascertaining the balance due to me to be 42,189 livres, with 6 pT c*. per an: interest till paid, I have only to observe, that the interest for 19 months, added to the principal debt, amounts to 46,196 livres, 19 sols, for which sum I have drawn on you the fol lowing bills, payable to my own order, the 12*.'^ April next, viz — i for ;^i2.ooo, — one for ;^i2.ooo, — I for ;^i2.ooo, — and one for ^12.196.19^. These bills will be presented to you for accept ance, with which I hope you will honor them, as I have drawn them at long date, in order to ac commodate you in the most convenient manner; but if you choose to pay the money at a shorter period, be pleased to signify your wishes in a letter to me, sent to the care of MT Grand in Paris, that I raay give hira orders to receive it. I have the honor to be &c. &c. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TO WILLIAM LEE. Passy, 21 October, 1782. Sir: I received the letter you did me the honor of writing to me the 7*.'^ inst., inclosing a copy of an order of Con- 883 gress, with a copy of a letter to you from MT Secretary Livingston, informing me that you had, in conse quence, drawn on me for ;^46,i96.i9, payable to your order, the 12^'' of April next.— This is to acquaint you that I have accepted the said bills, hoping to have by that time funds in hand for payment : But as that is uncertain, I confide, that you will not hazard the credit of Congress by indorsing any of them to others, till you have heard from me that If am likely to be in cash, of which you shall be informed in the month of January next. I have the honor, &c — B. Franklin. TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxei,i rassed, and there is a cloud hanging over in the north, that will probably break out into a dreadful storm if she continues this war another year. Notwithstanding this the preparations of France and Great Britain are such that it looks as if they intended a warm campaign in the West Indies next year. Count D'Estaing is gone to Cadiz, to take cora raand of a strong fleet, that is to go as soon as they can be got ready with 10 or 12,000 land forces to the West Indies. We have had such dreadful weather last suraraer and fall, that there is a general scarcity of all 895 kinds of grain in Great Britain and Ireland, which has already been productive of great murmurs, and open riots. Here the frost is now as severe as it was any tirae last winter, and every appearance looks as if we should have a raost severe winter. * * TO -WILLIAM DOLMAN. Bruxelles, 20 November, 1782. The difficulty of getting a letter to you for some years past, has prevented me from writing to you so often as I should otherwise have done, relative to your Estate in England, which I formerly had the management of Since I left London, your Aunt, MT^ Dolman, has dyed, and I hear the little freehold Estate she was in possession of, that you are properly heir at Law to, is now got into the possession of a very artful cunning man, who is determined not to give it up without a Lawsuit The tenants on the Freehold Estate which I forra erly got possession of for you, since ray leaving England refuse to pay any rent, and keep posses sion of the houses as their own property. This they have been able to do f'ni a very great oraission or Fault in the power of Attorney you sent to rae. For you did not give me any authority to empower or authorize any person to act under rae ; therefore when I left England, there was no body legally 896 impowered to receive yi rents and keep possession of the Estate for you, which yi Tenants have taken yi advantage of, and intend now to keep their several teneraents as belonging to themselves. The leases of your Lease-hold Estates in Houses, in Several parts of the suburbs of London, which bro't you the greatest part of your annual rent, have been long since expired, therefore what Estate you have now remaining, that is, to which you have a legal right, consists of between two and three acres of Land, part Freehold and Copyhold, on which there are several little houses and sorae little gardens as big as the floor of a 40-foot To bacco house. In this situation of your affairs I did not iraagine that you would ever hereafter receive one shilling benefit from this Estate, and that you would be like several others that I know in Virginia who have a legal right to large Estates in England, but have never been able to get possession of them or one shilling f'm thera; however, lately application has been made to me to purchase yi whole of your Estate both Freehold and Copyhold and your right to the little Estate that your Aunt dyed possessed of. This person offers to pay Eight hundred pounds Sterling for the whole as soon as ever he is put into possession — but I think if you choose to sell it, that he will give one thousand pounds Sterling for yi whole ; and if you incline to give me 897 full and proper powers, I think I can contrive to get hira put into possession, when he must pay down the mone}'. If you were to ask my advice what to do, I should cetainly advise you to accept this offer without a raoraent's hesitation, for as things are circumstanced, when I leave Europe, which I probably do next year, you will hardly find an opportunity of selling this Estate, and I am satisfied you cannot now get any thing from the rents, as the present tenants will not pay any thing and are determined to keep possession as long as they can. I remember upwards of twenty years ago, a poor old planter in your Country, who had a right to an Estate in Eugland that was a very valuable oue indeed. Some person wrote to hira from England and offer' d him ;^i6,ooo Stg. for yi Estate, which his silly Friends in Virg? ad vised him to refuse; the Consequence was, that the poor old planter in the upper parts of Westmoreland who is since dead, never got one Shilling for the Estate, and the Tenants, who were then in pos session, have kept it as their own ever since. Should you be disposed to sell your Estate, you should without loss of time get a full and proper power of attorney drawn up, authorizing and em powering me to get possession of for you as heir- at-Law to Thomas Dolman, late of Virg? , de ceased, who was BT and Heir-at-Law to W?" Dol man, late of old Street Road in yi County of 898 Middlesex in Great Britain, deceased, all yi Estate or Estates whether leasehold Copyhold or Freehold in y? Kingdom of G. B., particularly in yi County of Middlesex in the Kingdom aforesaid, which were in possession of, or were yi property of the said W?* Dolman, and for that purpose to cora mence prosecute and bring to final conclusion, one or more Action or Actions, Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, ejectment or ejectments and to take all legal measures that raay be requisite for the purposes aforesaid. To ask, deraand, and receive or recover, by distress or otherwise, or to make corapositions for the sarae, all rents or dues what soever that are or may become due and owing from or on account of any or all of the aforesaid Estates. To rent by lease or otherways any part or yi whole of yi said Estate, or Estates at such yearly rent or conditions as to rae may appear most benefitial for your interests; To sell dispose of in perpetuity and for ever, for you and in your name, any part or yi whole of the said Estate or Estates to one or more person or persons for such sum or sums of money as raay appear to me a reasonable value for the sarae. To substitute or appoint one or raore attorney or attorneys to act under rae, with the same powers and authority that you give me. In short you must get sorae able and skillful Lawyer to draw up this power of attorney for you, and when you have regularly Signed it, you, must 899 get two or three affidavits that your Father and Mother were legally married, and that you were born in proper time after they were so legally married. The power of attorney and yi affidavits should be recorded in yi Gen'. Court, and you should send me by two different opportunities Copies of yi Records with yi State Seal affixed to thera. I will recommend you to Richard Lee, esqT , of Lee Hall, to assist you iu getting these papers properly drawn up and to contrive them to rae. TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxelles, 17 December, 1782. Dear Sir: * * * Before this reaches you, no doubt, Con gress will receive the provisional articles of peace between Great Britain and America, signed by the commissioners on each side the 30'.'' ult? at Paris; but as they are not to take effect 'till a peace is concluded between France and Great Britain, I know not how to congratulate you at present on the occasion; for 'tis certain that Lord Shelburne, the premier in England, aud the King's confidant, and the Duke of Richmond have declared as their sense of these articles, that they are to be invalid to all intents and purposes, if the present negotia tions with France should not end in a peace; and 900 it looks very much as if they were determined to have them so construed, as they have hitherto de clined to lay them before Parliament, tho' re peatedly called upon so to do by MT Fox and others, that they may be irrevocably ratified. It is also true, that MT Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gen'. Conway, and T. Townsend, Sec retary of State, have declared in the House of Commons, that they conceive the articles to be irrevocable; however, this contrariety of opinion in the British ministers, is one striking proof of the duplicity and faithlessness of Lord Shelburne, and will no doubt prevent Congress from taking any measures in consequence of their being signed until they are ratified by Parliament, or the event of peace with France takes place, which is to bring them into effect, unless it be to get well supplied with all kind of stores, and be well provided if Great Britain should hereafter either be capable, or desirous of renewing the war in America; tho' indeed I do not conceive this can happen, for I am inclined to think the terms of peace between Great Britain and France are at this moment settled, and agreed upon, or will be so, before the new year begins. England is totally exhausted, both of men and money, and France wishes much for peace, as she is likely to have very soon work enough on her hands. This I can't venture to explain to you go I here, but you may be assured that a great and terrible conflagration in Europe is nearly on the point of breaking out; in which France is deeply concerned. The old work of stock-jobbing has been carried on between Paris and London. I have seen a late letter frora a gentleman in London to his friend here, in which are these words, — "It is said that several of our countrymen, now at Paris, and in the confidence of the American negotia tors, have made considerable sums, in consequence of their early intelligence." However, this moment of universal joy for peace is not perhaps the proper period for exposing or bringing to justice either the great or little rogues, but that salutary work should not be neglected when the proper season arrives. In Holland things seera to be coming fast to a crisis; the Prince's party have begun with raising riots at the Hague and Amsterdam. All the cities in Holland, Zealand, Friesland, and Oberyssell have determined to appoint their own magistrates and officers, that were before appointed by the Prince of Orange. This he is deterrained to oppose vi et armis. In England, Lord Shelburne seems to have made up his band of the dependents on the Treasury, and those insignificant individuals, that did not be fore belong to any party, such as Lord Abingdon, 902 Gen? Conway, Geo. Dempster, &c. His Lordship is determined to seize all the patronage and riches of the East Indies, which with the Treasury, he thinks, will bring him dependents and support enough, especially as the Bedfords are kept down by the iraraense plunder of Rigby. Lord North, who never had any party or influ ence but from the Treasury, is silent, and the Rock- inghams, somewhat weakened by the desertion of the Duke of Richmond, whose pride and paltry vanity was galled at his not being chosen for the head and leader instead of the Duke of Portland. These things I know, are totally immaterial to America, but they may be amusing to you and our friend MT Izard, to whom I pray you to present ray best respects. The English papers tell us that DT Franklin has already declared that Congress shall appoint con suls in Dublin, and the other principal ports in Ire land, as soon as there is peace. 'Tis probable that in his sovereign will, he has also, already, fixed on the persons who are to be consuls, not only in Ireland but in England and Holland too. Our best wishes and love attend you and all friends. Adieu. 903 TO HENRY LAURENS. Bruxelles, 24 December, 1782. I have just received your favor of the 21?* inst., and at the sarae time that I acknowledge ray obli gations to you for it, I must confess that I read its contents and that of the anonyraous letter accom panying it, with more astonishraent than anything I ever read in ray life. In answer to the Nefarious accusation bro't against me of being the Writer or Author of the Anonymous Letter, I can only de clare to you upon my Honor, which with me has. ever been and always shall be as Sacred as the- most solemn Oath, that I am not the Author or writer of that Letter, that I do not know who the Author or Writer is, nor- anything of its Contents. As I take it for granted that MT Adams, whom this anonyraous Letter writer seems particularly anx ious to traduce, has been acquainted with the Affair, I raust desire that you will do me the Justice to communicate to him what I have here written. Now Sir, I have a request to make which I am sure you cannot in Justice or Candor refuse to comply with. It is this, that you will explicitly and by return of Post give me the Name of that person who told you in London that Will Lee of Bruxelles was the Author of that anonyraous Letter of which you sent rae a copy, and also the name of that third Person whose hand writing was produced in proof 904 the charge. I have Charity enough to suppose that there raay be a raistake soraewhere in this business, for I am unwilling to believe that there is one among your friends in England, or else where, so much my Enemy, and so infamously wicked, as designedly and Wittingly to charge rae so untruly, with such a raean, base and horrible deed. I shall expect your answer with much im patience and the mean time with great regard and Respect I reraain, &c. TO HENRY LAURENS. Bruxelles, 25 December, 1782. I had received and answered yesterday your favor of the 21 inst. directing to you at the Hotel De York, Rue Jacob. Since which I have received a copy of your Letter, which came here under cover to MessT^ Freres Overmann, and as you add in a Postscript that ' ' the subject treated of is now be come very important.,'''' I subjoin hereto a copy of my Letter of yesterday's date, and shall put this under cover to MT Grand, desiring him to send it to you iraraediately, as you have not pointed out any raode for rae to direct to you. I am utterly at a loss to conceive how this affair can have become very important to any one but ray self ; but as you say so, I am sure you raust agree with rae in opinion, that I ara now warranted in 905 Insisting on the Name of the Person who charges me with the fact and the name of the third person whose hand writing was produced in support of the charge, being immediately communicated to me. I shall not say one word raore on the subject at present, least passion (for I am naturally warm on such occasions,) shou'd hurry me beyond the bounds of temper. MT= Lee unites with me in best Corapliments to yourself and your worthy Sou, and with great Esteera and Respect, I ara. Dear Sir. &c. TO -WILLIAM BRIDGEN. Bruxelles, 3 January, 1783. I receiv'd lately a letter from Henry Laurens Esq., dated in Paris the 21st of last month, wherein he says, "On the 1I' June last at Antwerp I rec? from a friend in London Copy of an Anonyraous Letter which he said, he had receiv'' d in a disguised hand from., as he guessed., a most worthy American Gentleman who was honor and truth itself'' A copy of that Copy of the anonymous Letter sent to me by MT Laurens you will find annex' d hereto. MT Laurens adds thus, "When I returned to London, I raade a point of interrogating my friend respecting the supposed author of that wicked performance; he told me MT Lee, or in his own words. Will Lee of Bruxelles is the man." It wou'd not be easy for me to express 9o6 the indignation I felt on finding myself thus un justly accused of a most infamous and wicked action; however I wrote instantly to MT Laurens in the most positive terms, denying that I was either the Author or writer of that base Letter, adding that I did not know who the Author or writer was, nor anything about its contents, and at the sarae tirae desired that MT Laurens wou'd communicate to me directly the Name of his friend in London, who had asserted to him that Will Lee of Brux elles was the Author of the Anonymous Letter in question. In reply MT Laurens, with that Candor and Honor which marks all his Conduct, immedi ately writes to me thus the 28''' ult? — "It was late last Evening when your favor of the 24*'' appear' d. There happen'd to be a friend in the house who was just on the point of departure for London. I erabraced the favorable opportunity and write to MT Bridgen, from whom I had receiv'd the infor mation which you so anxiously and so very natur ally wish to develope." MT Laurens also auth orises me to send you a copy of his whole letter, which does not at present seem to rae necessary to be done. Thus, Sir, the Charge is bro't home to you in the first instance of accusing rae of a raost base wicked and infamous action, but I will not suppose at this time that the accusation originated with you, therefore must now insist that you will immediately, and in the most explicit terms, let 907 me know, on what authority, you have made this accusation against me. I shall expect Chapter and verse, that is, precision in dates, words, names, &c., if you have any written authority to ground your accusation upon. This, Sir, your Justice and your own Honor call upon you to comply with in stantly and a due regard to my wounded reputation compels me to demand of you. I shall expect your answer by the first raail, which you will please to put under a Cover addressed thus A. M. Frdres Overraan, Neg'.^, Bruxelles. I have the Honor to be Sir &c. TO HENRY LAURENS. Bruxelles, 3 January, 1783. I duly received your two favors both dated the 28*.'' Ult? and have written to MT Bridgen (a copy of which you will have herewith), by this day's Mail, which, is the first for England since your Letters came to hand. Tho' I was astonished be yond description at the contents of your first Let ter on this subject, yet I must confess that your subsequent ones have really plunged me into a Labyrinth of amazement. Had not the fact really happen'd one wou'd have conceiv'd it to be incred ible that a person so perfectly retired as I have been for above three years past, and two thirds of the time in such a miserable state of health, as to 9o8 call for more meditation on another world, than concern with what passes in this wicked one in which we live, shou'd be dragged in neck and shoulders, as the principal Agent in a dark and vil lainous Plot. By whom this has been done, I must expect to learn in a short time frora MT Bridgen; but I can't delay conveying to you ray sincerest thanks for the Manly and candid manner you have acted in the whole affair, which has my warmest approbation, and I shall ever hold myself your debtor, for afford ing me the opportunity of vindicating ray at tainted character, and bringing the Assassin forth to view. Mt Adams is totally mistaken in one part at least of his mights, for I solemnly declare that the Anonymous letter in question never was in ray hands in any manner or form whatever, therefore No Person without a Lye direct, '¦^ might say he had it from me. ' ' If there is no impropriety in answering rae, I shall be obliged to you for telling me when you in tend to leave Paris, and when you do, if you pro pose to go to America. TO THOMAS BARCLAY. Bruxelles, g January, 1783. Dear Sir: I have received your letter of y? 20'.'' Ult? , cover- 909 ing an advertisement informing yi Public that you are now the sole agent for the State of Virginia, which you desire me to have inserted in yi Brux elles Gazette and any other that I may think proper. In consequence I have had it inserted in yi Brux elles Gazette of this day, as you will see by the in closed, and have taken raeasures to have it inserted in two others in this Country, and two in Gerraany, that are extensively circulating and coraraercial papers. The whole expence shall be conveyed to you as soon as I know it. You say, " That some time ago yi State of Virg? had appointed you agent to complete some engagements which were begun with y* court of France." And that "You had received a letter from the Governor in Council, ex pressing a great deal of uneasiness least y? Person who was formerly agent for yi State might have made, or should make, an Improper use of the Power with which he was invested; and directing you to take such meas ures to prevent the evil Consequences, as to you should seem most proper. ' ' But you do not mention, who this former agent was; therefore for very particular and cogent Reasons, which you may know if you desire it, I must request you will be so good as to give rae the Name of the forraer Agent, that yi GovT in council in Virginia has expressed much uneasiness least he should have, or may abuse his Trust. I ara happy in returning you my congratulations on yi prospect gio of Peace which I believe and hope is not far distant. The Inclosed letter to my Brother, I beg you will be kind enough to inclose to your Correspondent in Phil^ , and forward it by the first vessel that sails for America. P. S. I shall be obliged to you for y? American Papers, whenever you can meet with any private hand coming this way. TO HENRY LAURENS. Bruxelles, 14 January, 1783. Dear Sir: I have received your two favors of yi 7 and 8'.'' instant, the first of which I should have acknow- edged sooner had I not been reattacked by my old Companion the Rheumatism, which I verily be lieve has been brought on by the vexation I have suffered about yi dirty business that has been y? subject of our late Correspondence. I felt not a little for you, who at such an unhappy period, should be compelled to take an active part in such an odious business. The Original Author is a base, mean and wicked creature, and the inter mediate medling Characters, if not as wicked, or more so, as they hereafter appear, must at least be stamp' d as impertinently officious Blockheads, similar to those busy, medling Fools, that we have often seen depicted ou yi Stage. I have known 911 frequent instances where Men, who have been said by yi World, to have good hearts., and to be mighty good sort of men., do rauch raore raischief by their ridiculous folly and officiousness, than the artful and designing, by their wicked Intrigues. It is sorae consolation to nie that you did not frora yi beginning give any credit to yi base accusation that has been brought against rae; and tho' I have reason to believe yet various insidious attempts have been made to prejudice me in yi opinion of MT Adams, I think he must know me too well, ever to have entertained yi least supicion of my being the Author of yi Anonymous Letter. If that Gentleman conceives rae to be his Enemy, he is mistaken; for if I was, I should not hesitate to declare my opinion openly. I am not of a temper, nor accustomed to fear or flatter either Princes or Kings, whose conduct appears to me re prehensible; that occupation I leave to the servile and narrow Geniuses who are born to be despicable tools in the hands of intriguing, vicious characters. The Accuser whoever he is seems to have satisfied you yet he was not the Author of yi original letter; but I do not find yet he has in any raanner Vindi cated hiraself from having brought, or insinuated, a most unjustifiable accusation against me; I must however wait for MT Bridgen's answer, to obtain a full eclaircissement of this mysterious intrigue. Do not, my Dear Sir, say with Woolsey, that 912 "in your Age, your Country has left you naked to your Enemies." For as to Enemies I do not know or believe yet you have any. Envyers, you raay have, for the Poet justly says, "Envy, will merit as its Shade pursue, and like the Shadow, prove the substance true," and I ara convinced, that your Country has placed you where you are from a double raotive: To obtain for itself yi Benefit of your able and disinterested Services on a raost important occasion; and to do you Honor, in the face of yi World. I am extremely concern'd to hear that your health still continues so bad, but if I am not mistaken in my peep into the political World from ray cave, yi Active occupation has now, or will very shortly commence, when full eraployraent raay procure some relief to your mind and consequently be of service to your health. It would make me extremely happy if my health and other circumstances should permit me to cross yi Atlantic with you in yi Spring, but yi old Gentle man at Passy, confines me till April, before I can possibly take any decided resolution about my future movements. P. S. The above was written and just going to yi Post, when I received your favor of the 9th, which made its course properly to the West, instead of the South, in order that it should reach you safely and it is lucky yet it was not sealed as I have this moment (JanT 14.) received a letter from MT 913 Bridgen of the — (for it has no date), which is so candid that it must be satisfactory to rae, tho' I can't help feeling a little, that any person who ever knew yi least of me .should ever conjecture that on such an occasion, I could commit such an agt When I have time perhaps, I may send you a copy of Mr.B's Letter. Give me leave now to express ray concern that your health should make it neces sary for you to go to Bath, as well as at yi public appearances that ye Dreadful Demon of War is still to be gluted, with carnage, murder and Devasta tion. TO EDWARD BRIDGEN. Bruxelles, 17 January, 1783. Last raail bro't rae a letter from you without any date, the contents of which are so honest and can did an acknowledgement of your error in charging me with being the Author of a certain anonyraous Letter, that I shou'd put rayself in the wrong, if I was not to express ray entire satisfaction on that head. You have said what every Man of Honor would say in a similar situation, and you have said as rauch as any Gentleman could require. I think it will be more consistent for your own reputation, as well as mine, that you should your self comraunicate to MT Laurens, what you have written to me, rather than that I should send him a copy of your letter; which I shall decline doing. 914 in confidence that in this point you will coincide with my opinion and act conforraably. I hope to obtain your belief, when I assure you that my only motive for observing on the reasons you give for supposing me to be the Author of the Letter, is to prevent you on future occasions from forming false conclusions from mistaken preraises. You say as reasons for your first conjecture. "First, I knew of no 3? person in Flanders who was inforra'd of ray intimacy with MT Laurens; 2'?''', I knew that its being sent without a Post Mark must be by the connivance of a Postmaster, and that you were acquainted with the Postmaster at Ostend; and lastly, that there were strokes in that letter which resembled your hand writing as well as your former Clerk, MT Brown." Now I mean to show you that every one of those positions which you took for granted, are every one of them mistakes. First, I know of a certainty that there were at that time more than three Persons in Flanders, or at least in the Low Countries, who knew of your in timacy with MT Laurens. 2"?'^, the omission of the Post Mark might happen without any connivance with a Postmaster., since in certain cases it is a coraraon routine of Office: nor do I know the Post master at Ostend, nor have I ever seen him, nor wrote to him in my Life, nor do I know his name, and tho' the Letter came to you by the Flanders Mail, it might as well have been sent from Paris, 915 Ghent, Spa or Antwerp, as from Bruxelles. Lastly, how far the Characters may resemble my hand writing or that of MT Browne, I can not tell ; but this is certain, that they cannot resemble both — for I hardly know two persons whose hand writing are more easily distinguish'd from each other than those of MT B and mine. You do not mention the name^of your Friend with whom you originally corresponded on the subject of the letter; but who ever he is, he seems to me to be little entitled to the sacred appelation of Friend from you, and still less so frora rae, for he certainly acted in a very unjustifiable manner to us both in keeping a pro found silence, after he had artfully drawn from you the name of the person you suspected, by an ex press and positive promise, that if you did mention the name '¦'¦he wou'd tell you whether you both had the same Idea of the Man /' ' for by his silence he evidently confirm'd you in your Error, and con vey' d an insidious tho' indirect Slander against me. These are my sentiraents, and it will require very convincing reasons and facts to make me alter them. TO SAMUEL THORPE. Bruxelles, 17 January, 1783. * * * I observe that DT F. has given a Cer tificate in vindication of Silas Deane, relative to the charge against hira about the Magazine of Old 9i6 Firelocks. Was I in London, I would make the following reply in the Public papers: "A correspondent, who has read DT B. Franklin's Certificate, published in the London Papers, in vindica tion of MT Silas Deane, from a charge bro't against him, the said S. D., for a gross imposition on the Con gress of the United States of America, in the purchase of a Magazine of old Iron and old useless musquets, says, it puts him in mind of an Associate appearing at the old Bailey, in support of the character and honesty of his fellow Laborer in the same vocation, who stood arraign 'd for a high Way Robbery ; for he has seen a publication in America, wherein DT B. Franklin is publicly charged with being as Deep in the Mud as MT Silas Deane is in the Mire, about this same Maga zine of old Rusty Iron ; and to this public Charge DT B. Franklin has never yet found it expedient to make any reply." W. Woodfall would probably be glad of such an Article. The Doctor is however protected, for Reasons obvious, by the Court of Versailles, and until there is full Peace, he can't be bro't to the punishment he has too deeply merited. But I have raore than one written proof even under his own hand writing, that he carried his hand to a direct falsehood. * * * Your rainister here, pro tempore., frora yi author ity of MT Fitzherbert, has openly assured several Gentleraen, that a General Peace is as good as 917 signed. I hope he is not mistaken, as I would not willingly believe that L"? S[helbur]ne would thus palpably deceive yi world ; for the present there fore, I have only to repeat my assurances y'. I am, &c. TO SAMUEL THORPE. Bruxelles, 24 January, 1783. Most joyfully and heartily do I congratulate you on yi long wish'd for Peace being at last concluded. 'Tis indeed more than I once expected ever to see. God grant it may be perpetual between Great Brit ain and America. I am too much pleased, or I should certainly growl at your not dropping me a line by your last Friday's Mail, which we received here on Monday; for we are told that the Prelimi naries of Peace arrived at Versailles on Sunday night, already sign'd by George the 3'?, and were sign'd by Lewis the 16'.'' at 7 o' Clock on Monday morning. I have not asked about the terms, be cause I still adhere to ray old position, which is as easily proved as that 3 and 2 make 5 — that Peace on any terms is for Great Britain infinitely prefer able to a continuation of the War. But should the terms be in any respect not agreeable to the National Palate, the Nation can only blame itself for erabarrassing the Minister, by so greedily and stupidly swallowing the insidious and absurd Lan guage of Lord North, who, in his usual knavish 9i8 manner and with uncoraraon effrontery, dared to assert in the House of Commons that you were now in a situation to demand and obtain the most ad vantageous terms of peace. I will now have done with Ministers. America is Free; Ireland is as much so as she ought to be; and England is in a better constitutional State than she was lo years ago, and may be soon quite secure from Despotism, if there is Virtue enough in the Nation, to finish the great work of purifying the House of Com mons. TO THOMAS BARCLAY. Bruxelles, 2 February, 1783. I have received your esteera'd favor of yi 20 Ult? , and promise myself great entertainment frora the American papers that you were so good as to send me by Mess. Steward and MT Meyers, when they arrive here, and I beg you to accept my thanks for your kindness. It is with infinite pleasure that I can with confi dence congratulate you on the near approach of a general cessation of hostilities, which I hope and trust will be of long Duration; at least with re spect to America. The Gazette here is entirely under the direction of Government — your original advertisement was given to the Censor of the Gazette, and he chose to have it inserted in the manner you saw it was; his reason for so doing I 919 cou'd not obtain, and by this time you will know, that in such cases the only reason you can get is, Car let est mon plaisir. I can't yet learn, whether it has been inserted in the other gazettes as I order'd, nor have I seen it in those you mention'd, tho' indeed the Courier de L'Europe is seldora seen here. The publication raay be of service, for it has lately been reported here that some little time ago a Person was at Leipsic, Frankfort, and other parts, of Germany, endeavoring to obtain Money andl goods as an American Agent He pass'd by the- narae in some places of Montague, but the descrip tion of his person and manners resembled those of MT Penet. I have not heard that this person did? obtain either money or goods, but such attempts; should always be prevented as far as it can be done- with propriety, for they really injure the credit of America. Can you send me the act of Congress,, prohibiting the importation of British Manufactures into America? Or can you tell me if this prohib ition will continue in force any longer than the War continues? I took the liberty of inclosing in my last a letter to my Brother, which I hope was in time to goby the Washington Packet; and when you favoi; me with another Letter, you will rauch oblige me by raentioning what Vessels there may be at your Port bound in the course of this and next month, either to Philadelphia or Virginia. 920 TO SAMUEL THORPE. Bruxelles, ii February, 1783. * * * * Your Senatorial madness seems to be rising higher than ever, for on all sides of y? House, not content with striving who shall be fore most in unnecessarily throwing all the Power, Dig nity, and Trade that G. B. has left into the lap of Ireland, they are running full Tilt at the Naviga tion Act, which has been the Grand foundation of all your Naval Glory. My clear opinion is, that this Act should be now adher'd to more strictly than ever, in all cases, except with respect to America, whose Vessels and Citizens should be legally esteem' d in G. B. just as they were before the War. This Policy would Unite the two Coun tries in one comraon Interest, and might be done by one single Act of Parliament. I look on MF Alderraan T[ownsen]d not only as a Senator, but a friend of the Ministers; therefore if you think proper and find a suitable occa.sion, you may cora"^ municate to him this idea of mine as that of a pri vate individual, and should he think it worth at tention, and be desirous of my reasons at large for such opinions, I will readily communicate thera to hira.* * * P. S. Pray who are now these raighty and Clara- orous Quebec Merchants? When I left London they were chiefly a parcel of insignificant Scotch 921 Adventurers, that knew no raore of Geography or the proper Limits of Canada than the Pump at Aldgate. In short I have not seen in your papers a single Objection to yi Peace, that has the Shadow of Reason or plausibility in it. TO SAMUEL W. STOCKTON. Bruxelles, lo February, 1783. My Dear Sir: You ask what has become of me ? I answer that for 18 months I was at Death's Door with a horrid Rheumatism, y? foundation of which was layed in that dreadful Journey we had together, when we built the foundation of y? present Union of the Twenty Provinces., which our old Friend De Neuf ville so anxiously wish'd for.. You will believe easily, that it is with no small degree of pleasure I congratulate you on the happy restoration of Peace, on such terras too, as no true American will find fault with; I trust however that your Joy on yi oc casion will be tempered with a manly Prudence, and that free frora intemperate distraction and dis sipation, America will calmly set about yi weighty work of reforming the abuses and disorders, that naturally flowed frora a state of War, and the License that such an astonishing Revolution nec essarily produced. Digesting a proper systera for liquidating yi Public Debt: providing for yi Array 922 that has so nobly Shed its blood for yi general cause; putting yi Finances of every state on a proper footing, will require infinite wisdora and patriotism; but it is absolutely necessary that they should be settled, that yi future Peace and Pros perity of America may be fixed on a Durable Basis, and I trust that they will be settled, before any more public Money is thrown away on the most Ro mantic of all romantic Schemes, that of raising at this time an American Navy. Accept my congratulations on your Brother in Law's filling yi most exalted Post in America. I have not yi honor of his acquaintance, or I would request of you to make my Comp¥ to him on yi occasion; but when you see our old friend DT Williamson, please to present ray CompT^ to him, and when he has a leisure moment, I should be glad to hear from hira. You say that MT D[eane']s Credit is very low. It is to be hoped that his great Patrons, who I perceive are still in yi highest Posts of Trust, Honor, and Profit, have repented of yi Injury they did their Country and of their injustice to Individuals, by Patronizing that Man in his wicked attempts: but if you see the English papers you will perceive that DT F — n has very lately step'd forth as yi Public Champion and Advocate for MT D. . 's Integrity. (Par Nobili Fratrum.) I wrote to you several times last year, none of which it seems had reached you, as appears by your last favor of NovT 30 per MT Myers. 923 The cessation of War has created great Confusion amongst the raercantile World in Europe, as their crys resound from N., W., E. and South; and tho' the Negotiations for Peace have been so long in hand yi general Idea was, that it would not take place till yi very moment of its conclusion, and after all, we are greatly indebted to the Emperor for it. A Historian that is well informed, raay give the World sorae curious Anecdotes respecting yi negotiation; but this you may be assured of, that Araerica is not indebted to yi kindness or Good will oi any other Power for the Peace. When we meet, which I hope will be before this year ends, I may explain myself raore fully, but least any thing should prevent my putting my intended plan into Execution I hope you will continue to write to me either by England, France, or Holland, directing as before. TO ARTHUR LEE. BruxELL^, io February, 1783. My dear Brother : Tho' my congratulations on yi happy restoration of Peace will reach you late, they are not yi less sincere and heartfelt. The conditions you will of course have from your Minister, and may also see them in all yi public papers. I gave you informa tion that this event would take place, as soon as I could with any degree of certainty. I hope Amer- 924 ica will be temperately discreet in her expressions of Joy on this occasion, especially as lean assure you with confidence, that she is not indebted to the Good will or kindness of any Power in Europe for what she has obtained. The Parisians have already broached the Idea that a Statute of L . . . XVI. is to be erected in Phil% with an inscription in which he is to be called Liberator of yi Americans — This word I wholly object to, or any other that conveys a false Idea, or that express ye least subserviency or dependence. I hope the Peace between America and Great Britain will be of long duration; indeed I see no reason why it should not be perpetual, which it may be if America is wise and keeps clear from the baneful influence of foreign Intrigue. This will go by MT= Izard; therefore I send you, as you desired it, pretty authentic Proof that DT F. did know where MT W. L- was in March last; and yi enclosed London paper will show that I was not mistaken in saying some time ago to you or MT Izard that I had reason to think, the old con nection between S. D. and his former associates and correspondents was not broken off; but the known apostacy of S. D. from the cause of his country, and the universal indignation with which he was looked upon in America, had made them a little raore cautious and circumspect than forraerly in their connection and correspondence with hira. We are told that your rainisters in France, Spain, 925 and Holland, have each Started for yi place of M[iniste]r in England. . Therefore, DT F. has twice written of late for leave to resign his present ap pointraent and has plann'd to get W. T. F., his grandson, in his present place. Since this, it is said that MessT^ Adams and Jay have compounded, and agreed as formerly to join interests, to get the former appointed rainister to England, and the lat ter to France. All this however I do not speak of with certainty, as yi Parties have with sedulous attention conceal'd yi whole Intrigue from me, as much as they could. I will endeavor to be with you in yi Course of next Summer, but you will not look upon it as certain until I write again. There fore continue to write to rae as before, and any bills you may draw on me will be duly taken care of, if you direct them to me at McssT* Overman's, in Bruxelles. 172 is gone to England — he has been a principal here in a very dirty business which is fully known to Izard who may possibly tell you of it when you raeet 192 has devoted hiraself soul and Body to Adams being flatter'd by hira with the hopes that by his influence he will be taken notice of by Con gress, in sorae Shape or other. I do not yet hear of any one who is talked of as in 51. The Political Systera of Europe does not as yet seera to be much affected by yi Peace, but there will be a great revolution iu the Diplomatique 926 Corps. YT acquaintance the CT« D. Mouthere* goes to England as Minister 'till all the Treaties are rat ified, — when he is to be succeeded by yi Duke Vauguyon, and Adhemar from this Court takes his place at the Hague. Fitzherbert goes to Russia, Carmarthen to Paris, and Mont Stewart to Spain. The Earl of Surrey is at present talked of to go to America. This however will depend on the State of Power in yi House of Comraons, where L- North has been hitherto playing a double garae be tween yi Shelburnites and Foxites, sometimes with one, and sometimes with the other: but unless the King cheats L^ Shelburne, he will keep his Post. By this time I suppose that MT Dana has been pub lickly received as American Minister at Petersburg, and I have been assured, tho' not Ministerially, yet by the minister himself, that yi Emperor would be very glad to see an American Minister author ized to enter into a commercial Treaty between him and yi United States, on terms of perfect equality, and he added y. sooner the better. I should like to see MT Rutledge at Vienna and MT Izard at Paris, and our best friend, you know who, should be Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Paris. P. O. Bulletin, DT F. going to America to form a code of Laws. Congress owes the King of France 80 Millions, to be paid at 6 or 7 Millions per Annura. * Moustier. 927 Writer in pay of DT F. either directly or indirectly. Treaty sign'd with Sweden. Adhemar to Eng land, Vauguyon to Spain, Fitzherbert to the Hague, Torrington here. TO RICHARD HENRY LEE. Bruxelles, ii February, 1783. ' 'My dear Brother: • The happy and long wished for Period of Peace is at length arrived, on which Event I most cor dially congratulate you and our Country whose Liberty you have had so great a share in securing. Most sincerely do I pray that the Peace may be a lasting one, and I am sure it will be between G. B. and America if the latter continues to act with Pru dence and manly sense, and care is taken to guard against foreign intrigue and Insolent interference in your Councils, whereby she may save herself frora being involved in any future European Broils; for it is raore than probable, that this Continent will be in flaraes before seven years expire. Attend to your Revenue and expenditure, and take care, in Virginia especially of being again yi Dupes of every foreign adventurer who puts on a fine coat. Reform your Constitution, attend to your Seminar ies of Learning, and above all, let no Man What ever, without yi State, presume to meddle or advise about your Governraent in any Respect * * * 928 TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxelles, 24 February, 1783. My dear Brother: I wrote to you a few daies ago, to go by Mrs. I[zar]d, who intends to erabark for Philadelphia frora L'Orient the latter end of next raonth. I intend to embark myself for Virginia the last of April or early in May, leaving ray faraily here; but this you will not look upon as certain, because many things raay intervene to prevent me, tho' I wish you on receipt of this write to Mr. Valentine at G. S. * to expect and prepare for my coming in the month of June, and in the raeantirae let no op portunity be raissed of remitting any money to me, directing as usual, or of shipping ray tobacco to London, Amsterdam or Ostend (@ two or three pounds sterling per hhd freight, and consign' d pT bill of loading to be delivered to rae or ray order at the port where the vessel that brings it may ar rive. He should also pick up all the good goose feathers that are to be sold in the neighborhood to the amount of 4 or 500 lbs. If he can, at a reason able price, get 3 or 4 carriage or two good saddle horses, he will do well. Write this to R. H. L. and to Loudoun. The 17th instT a motion was raade in the House of Lords for an address to yi King, on the prelimi- nar}' articles of peace; an amendment was proposed * Green Spring. 929 and debated 'till % after 4 o'clo. in the morning, when on a division 55 and 4 proxies were for the amendment, and 69 and 3 proxies were against it Majority in favor of the address only 13. Lord Carlisle violent against America; Lord Germaine also; Lord Gower against the Peace, but voted for the address; Richraond and Keppel both spoke against the peace; so did Wedderburne, and pledged hiraself to the House to prove that the King had no power or authority to declare America independ ent The Lord Chancellor took up the challenge and pledged himself to prove the King's legal and constitutional right to do it. The same motion for an address was raade in the House of Coramons the sarae day by Tho: Pitt. An amendment was pro posed by Lord G. Cavendish, seconded by Mr. St. John, full of compliment to the King, but not one word of approbation of the peace. This araend raent was debated 'till jE^ after 7 o'clo. in the morn ing of the i8th, when on division 224 were for the araendraent, and 208 against it, so that there was a raajority of 16 for the amendment, and against the Minister and consequently against the peace. This raajority was obtained by the extraordinary union of the Northites, Fox, Burke, all the Cavendishes and Rockinghamites, a large share of the Bedfords, and sorae of the dirty Scotch, and the intrigues of the C' of V.,* who hate Lord S. as ranch for raak- * Court of Versailles. 930 ing the peace with America as it stands, as for any thing else, and want to get Lord North and his myrmidons again in place. Lord S. * was greatly faulty in political wisdom in bringing the different Peacifications with F. S. and A.f together into de liberation; for had the peace with Araerica been first decided on. Fox, Burke, Richmond, Keppel and all the Rockinghams raust have beeu with the Minister, and the Northites, Bedfords, &c. would have been with hira on the peace with France and Spain. As it is, I can't tell how things will be settled, but I imagine the Corporation of London will address on the peace, and others may follow. If this is done Lord S. will keep his place. If it is not, possibly Lord North and all the old troop will come in again. I wish it raay not appear that a great deal of noise against the American peace has arisen from the extreme folly of 172,^ to whom Adams has made many improper communications; for 172 hates Lord S. because Lord S. despises him, and looks upon him as a silly, busy, meddling blockhead. Whether we are to have a continental war in Europe this year, I believe is not yet en tirely decided. The Emperor and Russia wish to be upon the Turks, which France cannot permit, nor ought England to enforce it, if she wishes to save herself; but really that unhappy nation seems * Shelburne. f France, Spain and America. X I think 172 is Edmund Jenings. 931 to be as mad as ever. We hear that a treaty is signed between America and Sweden, but of what nature, or by whom it was signed on the part of America, I do not hear. I can with authority as sure you that the Emperor is very desirous of en tering into a Coraraercial treaty with Araerica, on terras of equality and rautual advantage, but that Court never raakes the first official advances of this 'kind to any other power. You will soon have a Dutch rainister in Araerica. You have every good wish that we can send you. Reraeraber rae to all friends, and believe rae, affec tionately yours . Adieu. P. S. Any bills you may draw on me on account of Mr. Lotsom, and directed as before desired, will be duly honored whether I am here or not TO JOHN ADAMS. Bruxelles, g March, 1783. Dear Sir : Having been lately on a Journey I could not sooner thank you for your obliging favor of yi 23d Ult? , which I found here on ray return horae. In consequence of what you tell rae, I shall refer the Emperor's Agents to MT Dana. At the sarae time I perfectly coincide with your opinion, that we ought not to be in a hurry, now we have Peace, to enter into coraraercial Treaties. I see no reason 932 for changing yi opinion I long since entertained, that while the War continued, America should have had Ministers or Agents in all yi principal Courts in Europe to endeavor to obtain an acknow ledgment of our Independence, which might have greatly operated in prevailing on G. B. to make Peace with us; but if that point could not be ob tained, she might be prevented from getting any assistance either in men or Money to carry on yi War. When we have Peace we ought to be on the reserve and let the Powers of Europe court us, for they will certainly receive raore benefit from a Commerce with us, than we shall. Congress, how ever, has hitherto pursued a line of conduct di rectly opposite to my Ideas, possibly induced to do so from Versailles or Passy, where it was wished to confine everything that related to America; which in my opinion was one great leading cause of the War continuing so long as it has done; and I shall not be surprised if a reverse of conduct takes place now, when we see American Ministers and Treaties as plenty as Blackberries. A wise Administration will however first consider how yi expence is to be furnished ; and whether yi Benefits likely to accrue to America frora such Treaties will be equivalent to the expence of raaking them, and of keeping a Watch to see that they are maintained. At all Events, I hope and Trust that no engageraents whatever will be entered into on yi part of Araer- 933 ica, that can in any manner involve us in the dis putes that may arise in Europe. If MT Daua enters into Negotiations with yi Emperor, I suppose he will be well inform'd of yi nature of commerce in this country, for in many respects a Treaty with the Emperor to be beneficial to America, must differ from that of France. We are told here that Congress sent to DT Franklin a particular Commis sion to raake a Treaty with Sweden at yi express desire of his Swedish Majesty. Is this true? I have yi Honor to be, &c. TO -WILLIAM PITT, CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER. Bruxelles, 14*!' March, 1783. I observe in the London Newspapers, an Abstract of a bill you have bro't into Parliament for yi Es tablishment, &c, of Trade and Commerce between the Subjects of G. B. and those of the U. S. of Ara^ ; wherein it is araong other things recited, that whilst yi aforesaid Provinces were annex' d to G. B; the inhabitants of the said Provinces enjoyed all rights, franchises, &c, of British Subjects, &c — And that it is highly expedient yi intercourse be tween G. B. and yi said states should be established on yi raost enlarged principles of reciprocal benefit to both Countries, &c, &c. Then it proceeds to Enact that yi Ships and vessels of yi Subjects of 934 America, with the merchandise on board the same, shall be admitted into all the Ports of G. B. in the same manner as vessels of the Subjects of other Independent States; but the Merchandise and goods on board such vessels, being of the produce of the said States, shall be liable to the sarae duties only, as yi said Merchandizes would be subject to, if they were the property of British Subjects, &c, &c, &c.* Now Sir, if it is the serious wish of the Brit ish GovernmT to revive and consolidate the former intercourse and friendship that subsisted between the two Countries, it appears to me that this Bill is very inadequate to the purpose; since it does not give America the same privileges in G. B. that she enjoys by Treaty in France. Why are the Araeri can Ships put on a different footing from the Amer ican productions? You can as easily consider American Ships on the same footing in yi British Ports, as those of British Subjects, as you can ex empt the American productions frora the payraent of Alien's Duties. The continuation of the former bounties and Drawbacks are demonstrably for the benefit of G. B. alone, and therefore cannot ever be consider' d as a Grace or Favor to America. In my poor apprehension, in order to make the inhabi tants of both Countries feel themselves mutually interested in the prosperity of their different Gov- * Printed in full in Trade of Great Britain with the United States, i7gi. 935 ernments, it would be politically Wise to Enact in this Bill that the Citizens of yi United States of America should, frora henceforth, enjoy in G. B. and all its dependencies the sarae privileges. Fran chises, &c, which the inhabitants of the said States forraerly enjoyed, and were entitled to when they were consider' d and deera'd to be British Subjects- It is very natural to iinraagine that Araerica, now- sore and even bleeding with the wounds that she has so lately received from G. Britain, cannot be easily reclaim'd to her wonted feelings and Affec tion, but by the most unbounded Liberality on your part, without any Stipulation expressed or even hinted at, for an equivalent return. Leave that to the feelings of a generous People, the de scendants of Englishmen, in which you cannot be injured materially; since whatever regulations you now make, can be hereafter reform' d if you do not find they answer your wishes; but surely it will be wise to do whatever is done, with the appearance at least, of the utmost Liberality on your part, rather than as if the whole was extorted from you. I ara sure also that it will be rauch raore acceptable in Araerica to make use in the Bill of the Word, Citizens, instead of Subjects, of the United States of America. \ You have here a few hints from an Individual who does not pretend to penetrate so far into polit ical subjects as very many of his Countrymen, but 936 should they meet the concurrence of your superior, inlighten'd Judgment he will feel himself .singu larly happy in having communicated them; and as this goes by the first Mail from hence, since the paper containing the abstract prepar'd came to hand, he hopes it may not be too late to enlarge the system that is the object of your Bill. I propose to embark in the course of next Month for America, And should be particularly pleased if I cou'd con scientiously assure the good People there that the Government of G. B. was sincerely and generously disposed to do every thing that can be as reasonably expected or wish'd for, to bind the two Countries forever together in an indissoluble Bond of Mutual Interest. Your time I know is precious, and every moment of it occupied in most important affairs, therefore I cannot expect an answer; but should you think proper to Honor me with a line it will readily come to hand by the comraon mail, if di rected to me here, or sent to Mess. Welch & Rogers, Bankers in Cornhill, London, to forward. TO JOHN ADAMS. Bruxelles, 27 March, 1783. Your obliging favor of the 15'.'' ins', did not reach me 'till yi 8T'' day after its date, but it did not appear to have been open'd, tho' the directions was in a handwriting that I am not acquainted with. 937 I can readily subscribe to the truth of every thing you have said in your Letter, and frora my own experience and to prevent DT Franklin from repeating the same unwarrantable practice with the Eraperor (which from some expressions drop't I have reason to think was in agitation) as with the King of Spain, I have plainly inform'd the Govern ment here, that no person in Europe is authorized by Congress to treat with the Emperor but MT Dana, who is now at Petersburg; and was I in Paris, I would make a point of giving the same ex plicit information to yi Imperial Arabassador there. I know it has always been the creed at Passy that Congress ought not to presurae to make any ap pointments for Europe, which DT F. was not at the head of, or coramanded to be done; upon this prin ciple I suppose it is that he has had the effrontery, as I am told, to nominate MT W. T. Franklin to Congress to be appointed American Minister at the Court of Versailles, it having been settled between the DT and Count De Vergennes, that the DT him self, as being the raost trusty person, shou'd be sent as American Minister to London. DT F. I see has the superlativfe Modesty, by his Agent in London, to style himself in the English Papers — The Founder of the New American Empire; but I have long look'd upon him to have been born to be a scourge to America; therefore considering ^the penetrating and sagacious Judgment of your partie- 938 ular Countryraen, it has surprised rae to see him blazon' d out in the Boston Papers, in nearly as ful some terms as in the Bulletins that are sent from the General Post Office in Paris to most of yi Gazettes in Europe. The contending Parties there seem to place a great deal of their merit in the share they enjoy in his good graces — (See the writings about MT Jn? Temple, &c). It would give me most sincere pleasure, if our Country would learn Wisdom from Experience; in that case I shall think it fortunate that we have received such Imperious and iniquitous treatraent from a certain quarter, as they ought to convince every American that there is nothing due from us on the score of Gratitude, which may prevent us from hereafter being intrigued into schemes, that can only pro duce Injury and disgrace to us. A plot seems already forra'd to get General Washington to Paris, which I trust Ara^ will have wisdora enough to prevent the execution of, for I can never forget frora what Source the King of Spain drew the Idea, nor by whose assistance he carried into execution the Nefarious plan of depriving his Country of its Liberties which he had sworn to raaintain, and im mediately afterwards impiou.sly attempted to cloath his Sacrilege with the cloak of Religion, by going to Church, taking a prayerbook out of his pocket, and singing psalms, thus making a mockery both of *God and Man. What a Pity it is, that the 939 Genius of Sweeden did not at that raoraent produce a Brutus or a Cassius. Please to give me a safe direction to MT Dana, that I may write to hira, tho' I am much employed at present in preparing for my voyage to America, which may take place in the course of next month, and shall be happy to be the Bearer of your com mands. Pray tell rae if you think British Manu factures will now be admitted, as I shall be alraost obliged to take sorae of them for my own private use. Intelligence frora London mention, that great Intrigue and exertion was used from a certain quarter, to prevent the bill for opening a commer- ciai Intercourse between G. B. and the U. S. from passing in the original form as introduced by MT Pitt, and they have pretty well succeeded; but all this raay be cured by a judicious Treaty. Have you heard lately frbra ray BT , and do you know if he is still in Congress? Who has succeeded MT Livingston as Secretary ? TO ARTHUR LEE. Bruxelles, 2 April, 1783. My dear Brother : I have not heard from or of you since the 6th of Oct last, nor from any oue in Virginia for 11 raonths past Mrs. I[zar]d has since Xmas re ceived several letters from her husband, in none of which are you mentioned. 940 Knowing as you do the people in England, you will not be surprized to see by the public papers that in February the House of Commons by a ma jority of 17 voted that the peace with F., S. and the U. S. of Am^ , was an inadequate and inglorious one. This vote was carried by a Union of the Rockinghams or Portlands with Lord North and all the rankest Tories in England against Lord Shelburne. The Nation, however, at large, ap proves of the peace, and addresses consequently to the throne on the occasion are numerous; but this union has so decided a majority in the House of Commons that Lord S. has been obliged to resign, and his friends go out also. But for 3 weeks past there has been such a scuffle for the loaves and fishes between the nefarious and ill combined union, that they had not been able the 28th ult? to agree about dividing the spoil, consequently there was no ministry, which kept all public busi ness at a stand, particularly the peace with Holland, a definitive one with F., S., and the U. S., and settling a plan of commerce between G. B. and America. The heavy clouds that have been for some time hanging over Europe, are not yet en tirely gone; but at this moment everything stands still, for all the world is occupied in gazing on the madness of England. We are told that a certain Cabinet has been combined with Dr. F. in a plot to get him appointed by Congress American Minister, 941 and his double refined Progeny, W. T. F. to be American Minister at Versailles. I feel so much indignation. over this impudent attempt, that I can not suppose Congress will permit it to be mentioned in their assembly. Another deep plot is also layed to get to [blank]. This should by all means be de feated. My present intention is to embark for Vir ginia as soon as I can meet with an agreeable con veyance; but as this is yet uncertain, you' may continue to write to rae as usual. We are all ira patient to hear what you think of the peace in America, and what j^ou have been doing in conse quence of it. The Emperor, I am told from high authority, is very desirous of entering into a com mercial treaty with the U. S. Our love to all with you. Every blessing attend you. Farewell (in haste. ) TO SAMUEL THORPE. Bruxelles, ii April, 1783. * * * The rainisterial arrangeraent seems to please you, and as it is your affairs not mine, I have no right to coraplain; therefore shall only say, the like' was never seen before. But to make the whole complete Wedderburne must be Sole Chancellor ; •and then you will have at the head of your Coun cils one young Scotsman who is esteera'd not three degrees remov'd from Idiotism in all the Courts of 942 Europe, where he has resided, and he has nearly made the Tour, tho' bursting with pride and impu dence; and the disposal of all the property in the Kingdom in the hands of another young Scotsman, who is too Notorious to need a Coraraent. Oh halcyon daies for the North, and all these blessings you owe to the Man of the People, thrice, thrice happy and virtuous Isle ! On the whole, Dear Sir, if this raonstrous conjunction does any good, or if it subsists twelve months, I shall be very greatly disappointed. You have added to my other obligations to you, by offering to answer for ray personal security with you, if I come over, which you think it my interest to do; but as I never cou'd make my feelings yield Bend to ray Interest, and am not fond of forcing rayself into a Man's house that I despise, and who of course must hate me, I do not at present feel any great propensity to trouble with my Company the Domains where N. S., W., M., E., &c, &c, wield the Sceptre. That this is the case with you now — a little time will convince all the World that Mess. F. , B. and their party think, or pretend to think what they please. Besides I am at this time really in a hospital, my poor boy is yet in a vary precarious state, and yi Girls beginning to prepare for inoculation; so that yi real pleasure I should have in seeing you must be defer' d for some time. I do not see now any more likelyhood of a vessel from hence to em- 943 bark in for Virginia than when I saw you. If yi horses can't be sent at a reasonable freight di rectly to Virginia, they must be let alone. MT" Lee is happy to hear that the ruffles pleased. When yi Carriage is ship'd there raust be a case for yi Body in wi'" yi Harness & other light articles may be put & also in yi Trunk. TO JOHN ADAMS. Bruxelles, 24 April, 1783. Above ten daies after its date I was honor' d with your favor of the 10'.'' inst'., and indeed am appre hensive with you that America has lost the favor able moraent for establishing a desirable coraraer cial connection with G. B. ; but this is not yi only nor the greatest mischief that has flowed upon us frora yi sarae source. You will by this tirae be able to judge of the dis positions of the new British Ministry and yi Nego tiator; therefore.it is needless for rae to say any thing with respect to them, especially as you are so well acquainted with their Character; I will only observe that self important Men are generally pleased when they are allow'd to think that other Men have as high an Idea of their Abilities and con sequence as they have themselves. It appears un necessary now to trouble MT Dana with any obser vations on yi subject of a Treaty with the Emperor, 944 as I am told that his Majesty has already nam'd a Minister to go to Congress, and I believe that some conversation has been already or will be soon held with you Gentlemen at Paris on the Subject ; and as I conjecture that it will be coraraunicated to C'.^ de N. you raay easily imagine into what Chan nel he will endea.vor to turn the business. You can't have a higher opinion of MT Sam'. Adams than I have, for he was long before I left Eng4 my constant Toast as yi Araerican Aristides. As to DT F. I am convinced that with all his Art* he would soon sink into total oblivion like his friend Sil. Deane if the expenditure of the Public money was taken out of his hands, and his adversaries were to cease talking of him, unless they raean to bring him to Public Tryal for his enormous mis deeds. I know him too well to suppose for a rao raent that he would pay a Livre of his own money to any little insignificant French Novelist for rank ing him with yi Gods. I propose to embark for Virg^ in three weeks from this time, but in order to make my passage convenient I have been obliged to purchase a Ship. Will you therefore be so good as to inform me whether an American passport will be necessary or useful, and if it is, can I request the favor of you to send me a blank one? I cou'd wish to know whether American Vessels will now be *And wickedness stricken out. 945 admitted into the Havannah, or any other Spanish port in the West Indies— Should the definitive treaty of Peace, between G. B. and America be sign'd before I go, you will greatly oblige rae by a communication of the Event, if there is no political reason that forbids your doing so. TO ARTHUR LEE. OsTENDE, 22 June, 1783. My dear Brother: I have been here with my son ten daies waiting to embark in the Virginia, Cap'. Robertson, pT Jaraes River in Virginia. We shall sail in two daies certainly if the wind perraits, but as we are to call at Madeira this is sent by a vessel from this port to Baltimore; and if she has a quick passage this may reach you some time before we arrive. Therefore wish you to write immediately to R. H. L. to prepare to come down to Green Spring, with his son Thora, to raeet me, for I shall have great occasion to see them and our brother Loudoun iraraediately on ray arrival. Therefore shall send an express to them for that purpose the moraent I get on shore. Can I get 3 or 4 carriage horses in Virginia, or are they to be got cheaper or better at Philadelphia? If they are, can you purchase two good ones for rae, and contrive them to Green Spring by the middle of Septeraber at farthest? If 946 you can, I shall be obliged to you for doing so, but remember I cant afford to give above 30 or 35;^ Virginia currency a piece for stout, good, and young carriage horses from 4 to 6 years old. In In August last I sent you sorae important papers. They were directed under cover to the President of Congress, then by Mrs. Izard put up in a packet with her own letters, directed to her husband, and delivered into the hands of Gen'l DuPortail. If you have not received these letters, may in quire of Mr. Izard and Gen'. Du P. about them. English and French news you will have more authentic and fresh from England and France than this could carry to you. It seems pretty certain that war is by this time comraenced between Rus sia and the Turks. The Emperor will certainly join Russia, and in this case many think that France and even England will assist the Turks. If so, the war will be general in Europe. I have just received your favor of the 19th April from Alexandria with its inclosures, for which I greatly thank you. Adieu till I see you. * *Mr. Lee sailed from Ostende on the last day of June, and arrived at Green Spring, after a tedious passage, on September 2Sth. 947 ROBERT MORRIS.* MT Rob'. Morris seems to be a most dangerous man in Am^ , from the particular attention that is paid to every creature, dependent and connection of his that appears in Europe, by Franklin and Jn? Adaras, two Men that are Rivals, in all the low cunning and . . . tricks of Politicks— This con duct puts one in raind of the Theology of the native Indians of N? Aral , on the first discovery of that Continent They never worship' d an all powerfull, good and gracious Divinity, but they paid their adorations and erected Temples, to a wick'd, raalignant, Artfull, and malicious Being, such as the Devil is painted to be by the Europeans; because, they said, that a good being wou'd not, nor cou'd he from his nature, do them any harm; but it was necessary by adoration, sacrifices, &c, to appease the malignant spirit of the wicked Daemon. In this principle of their conduct, no doubt MessT® Franklin and Jn? Adaras have been directed by observing that MT Morris, long before the War between Am^ & G. Britain, tho' supported by the large property and still larger credit of his partner MT Willing, had bro't the house of Willing, Morris & C? to a State that is call'd Bankruptcy, in every commercial Country in Europe; and when the * From a Memorandum in Lee's Letter-book. 948 Am"? War comraenced, he had the address to get the direction of the expenditure of the greatest part of the paper raoney issued by Congress, 'till at length he bro't the United States of Am^ to a Pub lic Bankruptcy, while he at the same time amassed an immense fortune for himself; and even after this, when the Congress paper money was driven out of Circulation for the want of payment, MT Morris had influence enough in Congress to get himself appointed Financier General of the United States of Ain^ , when nothing but Gold and Silver were allowed to be Current, by which manoeuvre MT Morris cou'd secure to himself the payment of the immense quantity of the former Congress paper money that he had collected while it was current at looo & 1 200 pi' under value.* *" Robert Morris (since you ask me my opinion of him) was a frank, generous, and manly mortal. He rose from nothing but a naked boy, by his industry, ingenuity, and fidelity, to great business and credit as a merchant. At the beginning of our revolution, his commerce was stagnated, and as he had overtraded, he was much embarrassed. He took advantage of the times, united with the 'Whigs, came into Congress, and united his credit, supported by my loans in Holland, and re sources of the United States. By this means he supported his credit for many years ; but at last grew extravagant, as all con querors and extraordinary characters do, and died as he had lived, as I believe, all his days, worth very little solid capital." John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 16 February, i8og. Prof. 'William G. Sumner is preparing a biography of Morris. 949 •WILL OF WILLIAM LEE. In the name of God, Amen. I, William Lee, of Vir ginia, late alderman of London, being of sound dispos ing sense and memory, do make, publish and declare this instrument, or written paper, to be and contain my last will and Testament, hereby revoking annulling and rendering' void, to all intents and purposes, all former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. First, my soul I commit to our Gracious God and Heavenly father, stedfastly hoping, that through his infinite mercy and the precious merits of our blessed redeemer Jesus Christ, it will enter into eternal salvation. Amen. Item. I desire that my body may be com mitted to the earth wherever I may chance to die, without any pomp or parade, or any unnecessary ex pense whatever. Item. My will and desire is that my executor hereinafter named, do pay as soon after my decease as may be consistent with the good of my es tate, all my just debts ; that is to say all demands not debarr'd by any act or acts of limitation, and which shall be supported by indifferent testimony, and no others. The various affairs in which I have been con cerned ; the variety of Countries in which my transac tions have been, and the circumstances of the late Revolution, which have necessarily occasioned the loss of many material papers and vouchers ; together with the misfortune of loosing my eyesight, which has caused my accounts to be more imperfect than they otherwise would have been, render this, precaution 95° absolutely necessary. Item. I give and devise and be queath to my dearly beloved Son, William Ludwell Lee, and his heirs forever, all that estate real, per sonal and mixed, lying, being and situate in James City county, James Town, and the City of Williams burg, which descended to his mother, my late dear wife, Hannah Philippa Lee, as coheiress and legatee of her late father, the Honorable Philip Ludwell, and as coheiress to her late sister, Frances Ludwell,* with all the Horses, Mares, colts, Mules, asses, Horn'd cattle, sheep. Hogs, and stocks of every kind, and all the plan tation utensils, that may be on the said estate at the time of my decease, and also all my Books, plate and furniture, that may be in my house at Greenspring, or in the hands of any other persons or person, at the time of my decease, except such particular Books and pieces of plate or furniture which I shall hereinafter bequeath to either of my two dear daughters, Portia and Cor nelia. f Item. I give and bequeath unto my dear daughter, Portia Lee, and her heirs forever, all that tract or parcel of Land lying and being on the waters of Bull run, and in the County of Prince William or Loudoun, which I purchased of John Page Esq., of Rosewell, in the County of Gloucester, containing by estimation twelve hundred and fifty acres more or less, which tract of land was conveyed to me and my heirs -* Frances Ludwell died 14 September, 1768. tPortia married 'William Hodgson, of White Haven, England, and died at Alexandria, Va., ig February, 1840. Cornelia mar ried John Hopkins, and died in 1817 or 1818. 951 forever by the said John Page, by deed bearing date on the twelfth day of October in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, and by him acknow ledged in the General Court on the twenty sixth day of the said October, in the said year, and then and there ordered to be recorded ; together with all houses, improvements, advantages, and hereditaments and ap purtenances to the said tract of land, in any wise be longing, when she shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, or on her day of marriage ; provided she doth not marry without the consent of a majority of her Guardians herein after appointed, who shall act in that capacity, to be obtained in writing, and not before she shall arrive to the age of sixteen years. My will and meaning is, that if she shall marry before she shall be of the age of sixteen years, or after that, before she shall be of the age of twenty-one years, without the consent in writing previously obtained of a majority of her guardians aforesaid, as aforesaid, in either of the above cases the devise herein made of the land afore said, shall be void and of no effect ; but the said land shall pass and go to my son, William Ludwell Lee, and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my said daughter, Portia Lee, twelve hundred and fifty pounds sterling money of Great Britain, to be paid to her at the age of twenty one years or on her day of marriage, but upon the same condition and provision which hath been herein before annexed to the devise of the land herein before given to her. And in the meantime my will and desire is, that the profits of the 952 land herein before devised to her and the interest of the legacy of twelve hundred and fifty pounds sterling aforesaid, shall be applied, from the time of my de cease, to her maintenance and education, or so much thereof as my executors think proper, and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid as before mentioned with regard to the said money legacy to my said daughter, Portia Lee. Item. I give and bequeath unto my said dear daughter, Portia Lee, a Mahogany desk and book case, which stands in my chamber, and was used always by her late dear Mother, together with all the printed and manuscript Books therein at the time of my decease. Item. I give and bequeath to my dear daughter, Cornelia Lee, two thousand pounds sterling money of Great Britain to be paid to her when she shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, or on the day of her marriage, provided she doth not marry with out the consent of a majority of her Guardians herein after appointed, who shall act in that capacity, to be obtained in writing, and not before she shall arrive to the age of sixteen years. For my will and meaning is, that if she shall marry before she shall be of the age of sixteen years, or, after that, before she shall be of the age of twenty one years, without the consent in writing previously obtained of a majority of her Guardians aforesaid, as aforesaid, in either of the above cases the bequest herein made to her shall be void and of no effect, but the said legacy shall pass and go to my son, William Ludwell Lee, forever, and in the mean time, until the said legacy shall be payable to her, my Will 953 and desire is, that the profits or interest of the said two thousand pounds sterling from the time of my decease, shall be applied to her maintenance and education, or so much thereof as my Executors herein after men tioned, or a majority of them, shall think proper ; and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid as before mentioned with regard to the legacy itself to my said dear daughter, Cornelia Lee. Item. My will and de sire is that my property in the British Funds which is placed there in the names of Thomas Rogers and George Welch, Bankers in London, shall not be ap plied either to payment of debts due from me, or oi any of the legacies herein bequeathed until after my other personal Estate not herein before given shall have been applied and found insufficient. Item. I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint, the Honorable John Blair of the City of Williamsburg,, Benjamin Harrison Esq:,- of Brandon, in Prince George County, and my two dear Brothers, Francis Lightfoot Lee, and Arthur Lee,. Esq. to be executors of this my last Will and Tes tament, and g.iardians to my children; and I also ap point my dear Sister Rebecca Lee,* of Menokin, guar dian to my two dear daughters, Portia and Cornelia Lee, particularly desiring, that they may be under her sole care and discretion re.specting their education. Item. I give to each of my above mentioned executors a mourn ing ring of five guineas value, as a testimony of my es teem, and in full of every claim that they might or may *Rebecca [Tayloe] Lee, wife of Francis Lightfoot Lee. 954 have against my estate as being executors thereof ; and my meaning is that my executors, or any of them, shall not be discharged by virtue of this will or any clause thereof, from the payment of any debt or debts that they, or any of them, now owe, or at the time of my decea.se, may be owing to me. Item. I give to my dear sister, Rebecca Lee of Menokin, a mourning ring of ten guineas value. Item. My Will and desire is, that my son William Ludwell Lee may henceforth omit the name of Lee and take and bear the name of William Ludwell only, that the family name of Ludwell, so ancient and honorable, both in England and America, from which he is lineally descended, may be revived. Item. It is my will and desire, and earn est request to my executors, that they take special care that no woodland be cleared, and that no timber or other trees be cut down on any part of my estate in James City County, on any pretext whatsoever, except for the necessary purposes of my said estate ; that is to say for firewood to be used on my plantations, for the necessary building and repairing of the houses, for making and repairing the fences on my lands, for to bacco Hogsheads and tight casks for the use of my plantations, and for wheelwright timber to be worked by my own people, and for coal for my blacksmiths shop. Item. I desire that my Executors may have two women servants at least to be occupied in and about my house, Greenspring, and a man and a boy to work in the gardens, to take care of the fruit trees on my several plantations and to take [care] of my stables. 955 Lastly I give, devise and bequeath to my Son, William Ludwell Lee, and his heirs forever, all the rest and residue of my Estate not herein before devised, whether the same be real, personal or mixed. In Witness whereof I have this twenty fourth day of February, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, subscribed my name and fixed my seal. W. Lee. [seal.] Signed, sealed, published and declared, by the said William Lee in our pres ence, as his last Will and Testament ; at whose request and in whose pres ence, and in the presence of each other, we have hereunto subscribed our names as witness thereto. Anne Lee. Theodorick Lee. Charles Lee. I, William Lee, of Greenspring, in the Parish and county of James City, and Commonwealth of Virginia, do make, publish and declare this writing to be a codi cil to my last Will and testament dated (I think) in February, 1789, which is now in the possession of my Brother Francis Lightfoot Lee Esq. of Menokin, in the County of Richmond, and Commonwealth aforesaid : Whereas in my said last Will and Testament I have given and devised to my only son William Ludwell and his heirs forever, all my lands both freeholds and leese hold in the said County of James City, all my Houses 956 and lots in Williamsburg and James Town, which I hold in right of his late dear Mother Hannah Philippa, oldest daughter and coheiress of the late Honorable Philip Ludwell, also all my lands in Loudoun or Prince William County, which I purchased of John Page, Esq., of Rosewell, in the County of Gloucester, also all my negro slaves, horses, horn'd cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, asses, mules and stock of every kind, with all my plantation utensils which may be on my said lands ; and furthermore have made him, m3' said Son, my residuary legatee, whereby he will be entitled to and inherit all that Tract or parcel of Land adjoining to Green Spring, being part of the Land commonly called and known by the name of the Main or Gover nor's Land, which I have lately bargained for with the Professors of William and Mary Colledge, and with the approbation of the Visitors of said Colledge. Now I do hereby declare and make known, that my intention by the before mentioned legacies and devises was and is to give and bequeath all the said before mentioned lands, houses, lots, negro slaves, with their increase, and all the other property therein mentioned to my said son, William Ludwell, and his heirs forever, when he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years ; and in the meantime so much of the produce or profits thereof as my Executors shall think proper, shall be applied to his Maintenance and education, and the remainder of such profits or produce, if any there be, to go and de scend to him with the other real and personal Estate. But if my said Son, William Ludwell, should depart 957 this life before she arrives at the age of twenty one years, then and in that case, I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Portia, and her heirs forever, when she shall arrive at the age of twenty one years, if she then be unmarried, or at the age of eighteen years if she be then married, or at any time thereafter when she shall be married, before she arrives at the age of twenty one years, provided always that she marries agreeably to the restrictions pointed out in my said last Will and Testament, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said Parish and County of James City, commonly called and known by the name of Green spring, whereon are the plantations called Green Spring, Scotland, and Vemeys, and several tenements, also all that tract or parcel of Land adjoining Green spring, being part or parcel of that tract of land com monly called and known by the name of the Main or Governor's land, which I lately bargained for with the professors of William and Mary Colledge and with the approbation of the Visitors of the said Colledge, also all my Lots in James Town, also half of my Negroe slaves, respecting quantity and quality, in which half all the tradesmen are to be included, together with one half of all my Horses, horn'd Cattle, sheep, Hogs, and stocks of every kind, and all the plantation utensils, that may be on the said lands, and the produce and profits of the said lands and personal estate from the time of my decease or that of my said son William Lud well, whichever shall last happen, shall go and descend to my said daughter Portia, together with the real and 958 personal estate herein given to her. Item. In case my said son Wm. Ludwell departs this life before he ar rives at the age of twenty one years, then and in that case, I give and devise to my daughter Cornelia and her heirs forever, when she shall arrive at the age of twenty one years, if she be then unmarried, or at the age of eighteen years, if she shall be then married, or at any time thereafter before she arrives at the age of twenty one years, when she shall be married, provided she marries agreeably to the restrictions mentioned in my said last Will and Testament, all these two tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in the said county of James City, commonly called and known by the names of Hotwater, and New Quarter, all my Houses and lots in the-City of Williamsburg, and all my Lands in Loudoun or Prince William County, which I pur chased of John Page, Esq. of Gloucester County, and also the remaining one half of all my negro slaves, of all my horses, Horn'd Cattle, sheep. Hogs, and Stocks of every kind, and all the plantation Utensils that may be on the lands herein given to her, the produce and profits of the said real and personal estate from the time of my decease, or that of my son William Ludwell, which ever shall last happen, shall go and descend to my said daughter Cornelia, together with the real and personal' estate herein before given to her. Item. I hereby nominate and appoint Mr. Robert Andrews of the City of Williamsburg, Mr. William Wilkinson Jun. of the Main, executors of this codicil and of my last Will and Testament jointly with those gentlemen men- 959 tioned as my executors in my said last will and Testa ment. Item. I give to the said Robert Andrews and William Wilkinson, Jun., to each of them, a mourning ring of five guineas value as a mark of my esteem and compensation for their trouble in acting as my Execu tors. Item. I desire that this codicil may be proved and recorded in the same Court with my said last Will and testament. Given under my hand at Green Spring, this twenty first day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety. W. Lee. Sign'd, published and declared by Wil liam Lee, being of perfect sense and memory, to be a codicil to his last Will and Testament, and, at his re quest and in the presence of each other, we have subscribed our names hereto as witness. John D. Wilkinson of the Main. William Moody, York County. Richd. Moor, Overseer at present at Greenspring. Know all men, that I William Lee of Greenspring in James City County, and Commonwealth of Virginia, being of sound disposing sense and memory, do make, ordain, publish and declare this to be a codicil to my last Will and Testament, to which I shall subscribe my name at the bottom, this fourth day of February in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ seventeen hundred and ninety five. Whereas I did on the sixth day of Octo- 960 ber last, at a public sale of the lands and other prop^ erty of John Warburton deceased, purchase of his Ex'ors one tract of land in the Main, containing by a late survey three hundred acres, whereon the late John Harriss some time since lived and dyed, and one other tract of land lying in the pine woods between the land of William Wilkinson Jun. and John D. Wilkinson containing between fifty and sixty acres more or less, for which two tracts or parcels of land the said Execu tors of John Warburton deceased have made and passed deeds of conveyance to me, which are recorded in the County Court of James City. Now I do by this codicil give and bequeath the said two above men tioned tracts or parcels of land with all their appurten ances to my son William Ludwell, and his heirs for ever, exactly in the same manner that I have given to him my other lands in James City County, with this further condition, that he is, in consideration of this devise, to pay to my two daughters Portia and Corne lia, the sum of seven hundred pounds current money to be equally divided between them, their respective portions or moieties of the said seven hundred pounds to be paid to each of them, when they shall arrive at the age of twenty one years, or be married, which ever event shall first take place. But in case my said son William Ludwell should depart this life before he ar rives at the age of twenty one years, then I give and bequeath the said two before mentioned tracts or par cels of land with all their appurtenances, to my daugh ter Portia Lee and her heirs forever, she or they in 961 consideration of this devise paying to my daughter Cornelia Lee, the sum of five hundred pounds current Money when she, the said Cornelia Lee, shall arrive at the age of twenty one years or be married, which ever event shall first take place. ¦ In Witness whereof I have hereunto set and subscribed my name the day and year above written. W. Lee. Signed published and declared in our presence by William Lee, of Green spring, in the County of James City, to be a codicil to his last Will and Testament, and at his request we have hereunto subscribed our names as Witness. John D. Wilkinson. Leon'd Henley. John Nettles. Virginia to Wit ; At a General Court held at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, the uth day of June 1796. A writing, bearing date the twenty-first day of April 1790, purporting to be a codicil to this will was proved by the oaths of John D. Wilkinson and Richard Moor, Witnesses thereto, who being further swom deposed, that they saw William Moody the other witness thereto, who is now dead, subscribe his name to the same in the presence and at the request of the Testator ; and an other writing, bearing date the fourth day of February 1795, also purporting to be a codicil to the said Will was proved by the oaths of John D. Wilkinson, Leon ard Henley and John Nettles witnesses thereto, on the 962 Seventeenth day of the same Month the said Will was proved by the oaths of Ann Lee and Charles Lee wit nesses thereto, and together with the said Codicils, or dered to be recorded ; and thereupon for reason appear ing to the Court, and because the Executors therein named had not attended to qualify as such. On the motion of William Ludwell Lee, who made oath, and together with Charles Lee and Robert Gamble his se curity, entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of eighteen thousand pounds conditioned according to Law, he was appointed to collect and preserve the goods and chattels of the Testator, until the Executors in the said will and codicils named should appear and qualify, until the further order of the Court. And at a General Court held at the Capitol aforesaid the thirteenth day of June 1797, John Blair, Benjamin Harrison, William Wilkin son, Robert Andrews, and Francis Lightfoot Lee, the surviving Executors named in the said will and the codicils thereto, having severally renounced the Ex ecutorship of the said will, on the motion of William Ludwell Lee, Son of the Testator, who made oath and, together with Theodorick Lee and Robert Gamble his securities (who severally justified as to their respective sufficiency,) entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of Thirty thousand pounds, conditioned as the law directs, certificate was granted him for ob taining letters of Administration of the Estate of the said Testator with his said Will annexed in due form. A copy. Teste J. Brown, Cl. Cur. Teste. Peyton Drew c. g. c. 963 LORD CHATHAM TO WILLIAM LEE. Hayes, Sept. 24, 1774. Lord Chatham presents his compliments to High Sheriff Lee, and desires to express many thanks to him for the favor of his very obliging attention in communi cating the instructions from Philadelphia. A true friend and affectionate well-wisher to Araerica cannot but lament extremely that zeal overheated by persecu tion has carried a suffering people much as I conceive beyond the mark. To be restored to their Charters, and give as they judge proper their own money were it was thought the essential objects. Declining as they now do to recognize the Supreme authority of the Par liament of Great Britain to bind America by laws of trade & Navigation, must if persevered in disarm their friends here, while it multiplies and strengthens their enemies. Overstrained authority on this side has united America in one common cause. Preten,sions & Claims pushed to excess on the part of the Americans may dispose and unite England to resist even their most just demands. The cause of America, which I have sincerely at heart, will I fear lose ground apace on this side of the Atlantic as soon as their unadvised in structions come to be more publicly known. INDEXES. LETTERS WRITTEN BY WILLIAM LEE TO INDIVID UALS AND COMMITTEES, PRINTED IN THESE VOLUMES. PAGE Adams, John. 17 March, 1780 .... 77g 30 March 787 g April 7g4 25 April 7gg 14 June 804 8 July 8og g March, 1783 . . g3i 27 March g36 24 April g43 Arendt, Baron d'. 20 April, i77g 621 23 August 72g Aylett, William. 10 September, 1777 Ballendine, John & Co. 6 March, 1775 . . Barclay, Thomas. 9 January, 1783. . . . go8 2 February gi8 Barthelemy, — 12 July, i77g 703 Bondfield, John. 17 November, 1777 . . 271 13 December 287 2 January, 1778. . . . 324 21 March 576 249 144 Brailsford, Samuel. ig August, 1775 . Breteuil, Baron de. 6 June, 1779 - ¦ Bridgen, Edward. 3 January, 1783. . . 17 January Brown, Edward. 3 Januaiy, 1775. . . 17 January . . 30 January . . . 9 February. . . 21 March .... 18 December, 1777. 12 January, 1778. . . 26 February 19 March 8 March, 1779 . . . Carter, Landon. 22 December, 1774. 19 May, 1775. . . 10 March Castries, Marquis de. II February, 1781. Commissioners at Paris. 20 August, 1777. . 10 November . . . . 169 • 647 • 90s • 913 no III121 124150 2g5 341 368 411 ¦ 535 . lob , 141 . 147 , 841 . 2ig .563 (967) 968 6 March 568 8 May, 1778 . . . - 42g Committee on Foreign Affairs. 12 September, 177S . . 473 15 October . . . . 4gg 25 February, I77g. . 525 25 March 603 28 September. . . 73g Deane, Silas. 12 August, 1777. . 17 December . . 16 March, 1778 . . Delap, S. and J. H. — March, 1778 . . Digges, Thomas. 7 October, i77g. . Dolman, William. 20 November, 1782 Dubourg, Barben. 27 August, 1776. . Dumas, C. W. F. 10 September, 1776 . . 182 21 March, 1777 .... igo Ellis, — . 24 June, 1778 45g Fauntleroy, Moore. 22 December, 1774. . . 100 Franklin, Benjamin. 25 February, 1778, 12 March. . . , 13 March 3g7 30 March, i77g . . . . 5ii 27 June 695 • 215 . 288 ¦ 399 578 757 895 180 367 395 7 October, 1782. 12 November . . PAGE .881 Griffen, Thomas Bartrand. 22 December, 1774 . . Hassenclever, Peter. 2 October, i77g. . . . Henry, Patrick. 3 September, 1777 . . Hicks, William. 31 December, 1774 . 27 January, 1775. 12 June Izard, Ralph. 4 March, 1775 14 August . . 10 May, 1778 . 2 March, I77g 20 June. . . . 25 June. . 12 July. . . 17 July. . . 31 August. . . Jefferson, Thomas. 28 September, I77g Jenings, Edmund. 11 April, 1778. . 24 June 19 July Kenner, Rodham. 15 May, 1775 . . . Laurens, Henry. 24 December, 1782. 25 December . . . 102 755245 105 121160138 16S 430 535 675 68g706 712727 745 416454466 155903904 969 3 January, 1783. • 14 January .... Le Blanc. ig April, 1779. . • 20 July Lee, Arthur. 6 August, 1777 . ¦ 12 August .... 14 August .... 21 August PAGE . 907 . 910 618721 , 204 212 . 216 . 227 30 August 230 5 September ,247 23 April, 1778 . ... 418 30 April 425 10 Juue 444 20 June 445 24 June 448 27 June 460 16 July 462 30 July 468 8 October 482 18 October 503 27 January, 1779- • • • 5i4 7 January 5i" 21 January 523 27 January 524 28 January 533 17 April 615 4 May 624 10 May °35 26 May 644 10 June ^52 14 June, 1779 ^56 20 June 670 jgjune 697 PAGE 7 July 699 i4july 709 17 August 724 I September 73i 4 September . . • . 735 12 September 737 28 September 75 1 24 December 769 2g January, 1780. ... 774 24 March 787 24 March 795 9 April 790 24 April 800 15 May 785 16 June Sag 23 June 808 8 October 813 17 October 815 6 November 818 6 December . ... 826 10 December 833 ig July, 1782 864 30 August 875 25 October 883 26 October 885 20 November . . . . 88g 17 December 899 10 February, 1783'. • ¦ 923 24 February 928 2 April 939 22 June 945 Lee, Francis Ligttfoot. 16 July, 1774 ^5 24 December loi 13 January, 1775. • • ¦ i09 970 25 February. . . . I March. . . . II March 24 May II November, 1777 4 January, 1778. . 28 February 23 March. . . 26 March, 1779 10 May. . . . 20 May. . . . 2 September. 12 February, 1782. Lee, Henry. 7 June, 1779. . . . 14 June Lee, Richard. 9 January, 1775 . 9 February . . Lee, Richard Henry. 17 March, 1774 . 10 September . . I January, 1775. 17 January . . 20 January . . 10 February . . 25 February . 3 April. . . 24 May 13 Jnly 22 September. . 15 October, 1776 I September, 1777 18 September . 7 October . . 124 8187 104III 114123 126 152 157 i6i171 184 239 249254 PAGE PAGE 125 24 November .... 271 137 30 November 279 151 2 January, 1778 . . .314 158 g January . ... 334 263 24 January 346 325 4 February 353 374 13 February 355 402 15 February 363 607 28 February 370 628 23 March 407 638 30 May 440 733 12 September 477 852 15 October, 1778 . . . 487 20 December 5og 648 10 February, 1779 . . . 519 659 25 February 529 25 March ... . . 5g4 24 June 680 14 October 758 30 October 761 15 February, 1780. . 776 13 April 7g6 26 April 803 3 December 822 20 February, 1781. . . 843 13 April 849 II March, 1782 .... 855 22 June 863 29 July ... . . 867 I October 877 1 October 879 22 November 892 II February, 1783. . 927 Lee, Thomas. 15 March, 1779 . . . . 537 971 I05 574 Lidderdale, John. 2 January, 1775. . Limozin, Andrew. ' 21 March, 1778 . . Lloyd, John. 25 February, 1778 . . . 365 7 March 392 21 March 401 Madison, Rev. James. 24 June, 1778 451 Marbois, Barbfi. 16 May, 1779 636 Mason, George. 29 July, 1775 167 Morris, Robert. 21 August, 1777 .... 223 Morris, Thomas. 4 January, 1778. ... 330 8 January 331 Neufville, Jean de. 27 August, 1778 .... 472 22 April, 1779 622 Nicholas, Robert Carter. 6 March, 1775. . . .139 24 September 175 g August, 1777 .... aog Page, John. 24 June, 1778 456 Partridge, J. 24 December, i77g. . . 771 Petrie, Samuel. 4 May, i77g 627 Pitt, William. 14 March, 1783 .... g33 President of Congress. 5 October, 1777. ... 255 22 January, 1778. . . .345 28 February 384 23 March 411 30 May 43g 8 March 540 16 March 584 17 March 53g 10 February, 1781 . . . 840 Robinson, Josiah. 14 June, i77g 662 Rogers, Thomas. 8 December, 1777. . . 284 18 December 300 Schulenberg, Baron. 16 January, 1778. ... 343 6 March 3go 28 December, 1780. . . 837 Schweighauser, J. D. 21 March, 1778 .... 575 Secret Committee. I September, 1777 . . 231 Secretary of Foreign Affairs. 31 March, 1782 .... 856 Shippen, William, Jr. 9 March, 1775 .... 146 24 June, 1779 689 Speaker House of Rep., Penna. 22 March, 1775 . . . . 151 972 PAGE Stewart, Anthony. 4 January, 1775. . . . 106 Stockton, Samuel W. 13 June, 1779 654 17 Jnne 667 20 June 672 24 June 690 27 June 693 8 July 701 21 March, 1780 .... 784 gjuly 812 10 February, 17S3 . . . 921 Tayloe, John. 10 Febmary, 1775 . . 124 20 March 150 Thomson, Charles. 24 November, 1777 . . 281 18 December 298 2 January, 1778. . . 320 Thorpe, Samuel. II April, 1778 413 14 October 483 I December, 1779. . . 767 18 June, 1782 859 27 August 872 17 January, 1783. . . . gi5 24 January gi7 II April g4i Williams, Jonathan. 5 March, 1778 .... 387 GENERAL INDEX. Abigail, the, 557. Accounts, commissioners', 275, 336. public, 522, 6g4. Adams, John, on futile mis sions, ig5; ap pointed commis sioner, 402 ; as com missioner, 434 ; con ceit of, 420, 445 ; on Deane, 437 ; on Deane's address, 517 ; ambitions, 808; leaves for America, 5g4; recall of ap pointment, 717 ; ar rives in France, 776 ; letter to Lee, 782 ; his powers, 788, 7g4 ; at Amsterdam, 816 ; treaty with Holland, 880; anonymous charges against Lee, go8 ; on Robert Mor ris, g48 ; mentioned, 4I9> 425, 426, 430i 463, 925. John Quincy, g7. Samuel, 59g, g44. Agents of Congress, 186, ig3, 236. Alliance, the, 762, 800. Alliance, a quintuple, 787. Almon, 676. America, and Great Britain, 81, 88 ; question in England, 185; intelligence from, 181, 220, 248, 433, 497, 647, 655, 689, 730 ; not indebted to any power for independence, 923, g24 ; taxes in, 458. Amherst, Lord, 89, 168. Appointment of ministers, 926. Arbuthnot, 643, 669. Aristocracy in Virginia, i. Arms, quality of i8g, 210, 695. prices of, 498. Amold, Benedict, reported de feat by Burgoyne, 266 ; trea son, 830, 837 ; in favor at court, 868. Artope, 621. Associations in England, 792, 797- Austin, 287. Austria, war with Prussia, 428, 439, 603 ; and America, 857. (973) 974 Babson, Captain James, 228, 267, 388. Baker, William, 26, 112. Bancroft, Doctor Edward, rela tions with Deane, 49, 50 ; mentioned, 286, 409, 422, 618, 817. Mrs., i8g. Barclay, David, 22, 113. Thomas, agent of Vir ginia, 908, 918. Barnett, Captain, 726, 735. Barr^, 869. Bathman freres, 429. Bavarian succession, 379, 385, 439. 441, 453, 458, 465, 470, 502, 510, Bayonne, free port, 363. Beaumarchais, relations with Deane, 47, 48, 226 ; ship ments to Virginia, 504, 770; demand upon Congress, 382, 610 ; intercepted letter, 615 ; mentioned, 324, 382, 421, 610, 626, 631. Berkeley, Sir William, 2, 4. Berkenhout, Dr., 616. Berkley, Sarah, 75. Berthault, 388. Billingsport, 288. Blackburn, John, 130. Blake, Daniel, 581. William, 253, 270, 365, 372. Bollan, 170. Bondfield, John, 366, 392, 393, 408, 418, 435, 437, 56g, 576. Bouvouloir, 46. Boston port bill, 24, 82, 94, 114. Brailsford, Samuel, 874. Braxton, Carter, 536, 596, 651, 734- Breteuil, Baron, 448, 464, 531. Bribery, ministerial, 149, 378, 496 (&ee.fohnstone). Bridgen, Edward, 24, 214 ; anonymous letter, 905, 912, 913. Broglio, Marshal, 453. Bromfield, Thomas, 29, 97, 130. Brown (of So. Ca.), 372, 374. Browne, Edward, Lee's partner, 105, 285 ; suggested as con sul, 349.:363, 491. Browning, Oscar, 213. Brune, the, 372, 374. Brunswick, Duke of, 782. Bull, Frederick, 17, 18. Bunker Hill, 1 58. Burgoyne, General, igi, 266, 287, 321, 391, 423, 457, 471. Burke, Edmund, 85, 88, 112, 120, 169. Bute, Lord, 439, 457, 609. Butler, Col. John, 486. Byland, Admiral, 788. Campbell, Frederick, 148, 535. Capes, E., 285. Carleton, Sir Guy, 8g, igi, 376. Carmichael, William, secretary 573 to Deane, 50 ; Lee's suspic ions of, 58, 60 ; quarrel with Lee, 205, 207, 215 ; Lee's warnings against, 217, 265, 338, 351, 40s ; intrigues of, 326, 334. 355. 403. 4ogi 420, 495> 513, 579. 6og ; Stolen de spatches, 425, 426 ; secretary to Jay, 700, 7b8, 786, 7gi ; statement to Congress, 716, 793; mentioned, 522, 653, 724. 734. Cartel for sailors, i^g. t^artef. Col. Charles, 73, 96. Catholics, 89, 92, 164, 323. Champibn, Richard, gg, it4. Chatham, Lord, 6, 93, 115, I34; letter from, 963. Chaumont, Le Ray, 269, 422, 697, 851. Choiseul, Duke de, 431. Ciphers, 283, 417, 666. Citizens, not subjects, 535. Clarkson, Mat., 524. Clinton, Sir Henry, 375, 376, 536, 703. 707, 709. 813, 815, B30 ; Spurious letter, 8og. Clonardj Count, 866, 883. Coldefl, Governor, 128. Cbllier, Sir George, 700, 757. Colston, Raleigh, 424. Cotamerce, American, 515, 6ig, 623, g33. ComtnissiOUfers, American, in troduced at Pi-ench court, 402, 403, 411. Commissioners, British, to America, 468, 4g6, 506, 513, 521. Common Council of liOttdtin on New York Petition, 31. Comyn, favored as consul, 464, 471. Contiliation, North's bill of, 377. 385. 433, 451. Congress, Continental, reported action, 167; petition, rSg; rumored dissensions in, t7'7, 701, 713 ; on recall, '715, 725. Consuls in Frehch ports, $^3, 427. Continehtal money, 401, 833 (see Paper Monty). Contracts with foreigners, 809. Conway's motion, 855. Conyngham, Gustavus, 223, 671. Cornwallis, Lord, 37S, '830. Coventry committee, aj. Cutler, Samuel, 671, 672, 677. D'Acosta, 423, 464, 614, e^s. Dana, Francis, 849, 933, 937, 943. Darby's fleet, to be interested, 842. Dartmouth, Earl of, 1%, 88. Deane, Silas, appointed agent in France, 46; fais cOnnfeC- tions there, 49, sd, 5I ; tte"* antagonism, 59, i64, 273, 277, 280, 288; charge tiff da*- 976 honesty, 60, 493, 596, 694, gi5, 922 ; Adams on, 437 ; presents Declaration of Inde pendence, 187 ; appointed minister, ' 193 ; appointment of Williams, 197, 397, 399, 544, 572 ; of Ross, 407 ; rela tions with Thomas Morris, 213, 256, 259, 301, 367 ; on Lee's allowance, 235 ; in trigues of, 334, 419, 495, 609, 688 ; against Schweighauser, 358 ; on 1 2th article of treaty, 360 ; card, 387 ; on agents, 392 ; stolen despatches, 425, 478 ; recall, 402, 430 ; ru mored appointment, 513, 611; statement to Congress, 366, 516, 522, 523, 541, 642, 654, 660, 669, 680 ; and W. Lee, 549, 584, 682 ; intercepted letters, 615, 836 ; before Con gress, 713, 717 ; at Passy, 817, 825 ; a British agent, 835, 924; mentioned, 206, 421, 422, 426, 434, 445, 629, 651, 671, 673, 675, 701, 702, 709, 711. Deane, Simeon, 333, 337, 370, 375, 384, 421, 463. 46g, 478, 601. De Berdt & Co., 11, 865, 875, 886. Debts, sterling, 64g, 660. Declaration of Independence, 182, 183, 187, ig5. Delancy, 128. Delap, S. & J. H., 324, 392, 408, 418, 569, 577, 578. Delicpore, 365. Denmark, 533. Despatches, the stolen, 421, 425, 440, 463, 558, 601, 676. D'Estaing, 428, 469, 497, 535. ' ' Detector, "660, 694. Deux Fonts, Duke, 441. Dickinson, John, 169,, 753, 784. Digges, Thomas, 339, 670, 724, 757, 809. Digname, 232. Dissensions among American commissioners, 606. Dobre^, 208, 248, 531, 579. Dohrman, 731. Dolman's English property, 895. Donop, Count, 288. Dorsius, 235. Draper, William, 8g. Drayton, W. H., 718, 734. Duane, James, 716. Dubourg, Barbeu, 47, 48, 49. Du Condray, 50. Dumas, C. W. F., 500, 504, 672, 700, 791, 801, 811, 925. Dunkirk, a free port, 363. Dunmore, Lord, reported dead, 109 ; letter to Lord Dart mouth, 127, 140, 149; con vention on, 156 ; taking the powder, 162 ; proposes a reg iment, 355 ; forging paper money, 401. 977 Eden, William, 421. Education in America, 452, 863, 879. Elliot, Hugh, 213. Ellis, 243, 361, 489. Embden as a port, 322. Esdaile, 16. Europe, position of, i65, 278, 404, 430, 455, 469, 520, 603, 611, 623, 634, 641, 646, 687, 712, 728, 734, 740, 759, 769, 780, 786, 787, 798, 802, 805, 817, 838, 847, 870, 891, 893, 925. Farmers' General, 217, 226. Faucitt, General, 282, 527, 813. Fauntleroy, Moore, 243, 489. Fisheries, American, 404, 410, 467, 46g. Fitzhugh, 467. Flood, Doctor, 69. Folger, John, 421, 422, 425, 441, 667. Ford, Hezekiah, 625, 706. Fordyce, a bankrupt, 684. Fox's motion, 361. Fox, George, 889. Foy, Captain, 143. France, aids to America, 48, 263, 270 ; officers from, 181 ; policy, 249, 27g, 327 ; treaty with America, 354, 357, 411, 584, 5g2; free ports, 363; ready for war, 383 ; change of ministry, 821, 828. Franklin, Benjamin, Letters in favor of Deane, 47, 4g ; comes to France, 50 ; draft of reply to Lee, 53 ; and Williams, 55. 397, 568, 571 ; Lee's an tagonism, 61, 207, 400, 727 ; letter of, g8 ; Thomas Morris, 305, 561 ; recommends Car michael, 335 ; proposition ot reconciliation, 132 ; of peace, 734; on 12th Article of Treaty, 360 ; on reconciliation, 376, 378 ; opinion of Digges, 340-; on agents, 390, 392, 395, 401, 408 ; conversation with the French king, 416 ; intrigues of, 419, 420, 427, 445, 504, 944 ; the stolen despatches, 425 ; relations with Adams, 437 ; on plurality of minis ters, 437 ; dictator, 491, 734^ " doctor," 505 ; sole minister, 524, 535, 593, 655, 660; op posed to Dutch treaty, 531 ; on Deane and his charges, 534, 915, 922 ; the Teschen con gress, 536, 604 ; on Schweig- hauser's commissions, 571- on Lee's salary, 598, 876, 882, 886, 888, 889, 924; loans, 653; Sayre, 657 ; before Congi-e^, 717 ; on the Lees, 795 ; ap pointment of grandson, 937, 940 ; mentioned, 256, 426, 431, 434, 464, 46s, 469, 545, 640, 711, 791, 812, go2. 978 :pranklin, William Temple, 6i8, g;?§, 9^37. 94i. Gage, General, 89, 99, 156, 161, 164, 168. ©arth, 170. Qates, Qeneral Horatio, 391. Qeorge IIL, his obstinacy, 83, l66, 354, 383, 609, 693 ; on territorial cession, 405 ; rage for revenge, 366 ; on peti tions, 25, 30, 38. ©^orgia, 171, 444. girard, aud Morris's papers, 353; and treaty, 359, 428, 600, 629. Germaine, I,ord George, 287, 375, 376, 690. Germany, war iu, 379, 385, 403; mercenary troops from, 443, 5", 520, 526, 536, 603 ; policy of, 461, 520, 526, 532, 642. Gerry, Elbridge, 716. Gilby, 477. Gilion, Commodore, 653. Girt, Launcelot, 136. G. G., 205, 215. Glasgow, petition of merchants, 148, 174. Gordon riots, 806. Gourlade, 290. Grand, 368, 419, 464, 469. tlreat Britain, relations with America, 413. 4^6, 484, 511, ^37 ; invasion by France, 453; declares war upon the Dutch, 800, 802 ; associations in, 792, 797 ; riots, 806 ; trade with America after the peace, 919, 920, 933, 939, 943. Green, Captain, 372, 374- Green Spring, 363, 459, 48,8, 854. 863, 928, 946. Grenville, 93, 871. Griffin, Cyrus, 753. Gruel, 57, 58, 2q8, 224, 228, 234, 240, 301, 356, 423. Grymes, Charles, 648. Lucy, 648. Hake, i8g. Hardy, Admiral, 738. Harmony in public councils, 634. Harrison, Benjamin, 51, 176, 351. Hartley, David, 2ig. Hassenclever, Peter, 653. Hayley, Alderman, 22, 23. Henry, Patrick, 162. Hessians, 190, 282, 298, 321, 323. Hinman, Elisha, 332. Hipkins, John, 159. Hodge, William., imprisonment of, 222, 231, 268, 28a, 328, 334, 564. Hodgson, William, 63. Holker, 352, 421, 515, 671. Holland, proclamation, 153 ; Lee's treaty with, 47?, 475, 478, 480, 487, 499, 509, 525. 531 ; goods in, 427 ; policy, 714, 781 ; Adams's treaty, 8.80. 979 Hopkins, Benjamin, 41. John, 63. "Hops," 286, 342. Hortalez, 48. Howe, Lord, 132, 190, 191, 271, 288, 344, 375, 376, 391, 497. Hunt, 130. Hutchinson, Governor Thomas, 120. Hynson, Captain Joseph, 421, 422, 42s, 447. Independence, American, 211, 354. 357. 403. Indians, employment of and barbarities, 486, 642, 707. Instructions to Lee, 193. Insurance, 342. Intelligence from America, 711, 726, 757, 805, 837. from England wanted, 663. Interest on continental loans, 777- Ireland, 643, 668, 789, 792, 8ig. Izard, Ralph, appointment to Naples, ig4, 252 ; on Morris incident, 256 ; payment of all'o-wance, 314, 362, 844 ; on I2th article of treaty, 35g; resigns, sgg ; on negotiations with Germany, 678 ; removed from office, 718 ; mentioned, 38, 59. 392. 404. 420, 436, 516, 522, 524. Jackson, 724. Janson, S. T., 155. Jay, Sir James, 494. Jay, John, charged with loy alty, 51, 127 ; appointed to Spain, 786, 791, 824, 828, 847 ; on Clinton's letter, 8n ; in triguing for position, 925. Jenings, Edmund, suggested for Madrid, 195 ; on Car michael, 205 ; on Molleson's failure, 369 ; suspected, 617 ; on divulging treaty, 645, 685 ; mentioned, 465, 658, 671, 808 ; 925 (see note on page 930). Jenne, 557. Jett, Lister, 212. Jobbery in American affairs, 347. John the Painter, 543. Johnson, Joshua, 29, g7, 420. Captain, ig7, igg, 231, 662. Johnstone, George, 43g, 457, 496, 510, 600, 610, 680, 708, 803. Jones, John Paul, 437, 636, 702, 706, 763, Sia, 817. Kendrick, Captain, 221, 228 267, 388. Keppel, Admiral, 5,12, 535. King, Jobn, 319, 635. Kirkman, John, 13, 23. Knyphausen, General, 470. Landais, 815. 980 Landlazuge, 388, Lane, Thomas, 21. Langdon, John, 51. Laureguais, 48. Laurens, Henry, reported duel, 669 ; his capture, 813, 816, 818, 825, 827 ; commissioner to negotiate peace, 893 ; and anonymous letter, 903, 904, 906, 907, 910 ; mention, 271, 522, 812. Lee, Arthur, connection with Wilkes, 9 ; speech in favor of Sayre, 13 ; intelligence for Congress, 43, 48, 51 ; prevents recall of Morris or Williams, 56 ; hatred of Deane and Franklin, 58, 338 ; favors Shelburne, 94 ; pamphlet, 152 ; appointed to Spain, 194, 791 ; on Carmichael, 206 ; described by the Ledger, 208 ; papers stolen at Berlin, 213 ; on Schweighauser, 239 ; Mor ris's papers, 353 ; the treaty, 359, 360; on Lloyd, 373; financial matter, 419; Deane's attack, 517, 524, 534; re called, 535, 715, 717 ; resigns, 5g9 ; on Williams's accounts, 631, 6g6 ; on Prussian nego tiations, 678 ; snuff box, 774 ; mutiny on AUiance, 800 ; mentioned, 50, 87, 170, 182, 434. 436. Lee, Brutus, 63, 611, 651. Lee, Cassius F., Jr., 65. Cornelia, 63. Francis Lightfoot, 74, 75, 671, 675. Henry, 648, 651. Ludwell, 241, 362, 490, 625. Philip, 652. Philip Ludwell, 364, 877. Portia, 63, 551. Richard, the immigrant, 2. of Westmore land, 4. Richard Henry, 383, 434, 495, 517. 523. 638, 645, 654, 680, 716, 735 ; re ply to Deane, 517. Thomas, 4. Thomas, 241, 320, 349, 358, 362, 363, 374. 491. 732, 753. 761. William, birth, 6 ; goes to England, 6 ; commer cial aims, 10 ; marriage, 10 ; trade letter, 11 ; elected sheriff, 14, 17 ; addresses to Livery, ig, 77 ; candidate for Alder man, 20 ; merchants' petition, 22, 24, 123, 124; presents petition to the King, 26 ; elected Alder man, 26, 157, 158 ; in tercepted letters, ^14; ap pointed Commerc ial agent at Nantes, 45, 52, 542, 585 ; receives 98 1 diplomatic appoint ment, 59, 558 ; instruc tions, 193 ; relations with Thomas Morris, 201, 204, 212, 228, 255 ; comments on appoint ment, 198 ; the German mission, 196, 244, 251, 254, 264, 282, 321, 341, 343. 345. 380, 385, 390. 409, 412, 423, 429, 438, 447, 474, 499, 621, 678, 704, 741 ; errors in the commission, 272, 283, 345, 350; Morris's papers, 355, 365, 367, 370, 384, 408; allowance, 272, 314, 350, 362, 432, 538, 597, 608, 844, 849, 853, 864, 876, 882, 886. 888, 924 ; speculations, 244, 368, 706; on North's concilation, 378, 391 ; on tobacco contract, 382, 545 ; Beaumarchais, 382; appointments, 353, 3g3, 401,408, 569; prizes,399; treaty with Holland, 472, 475, 478, 519, 525, 673, 677 ; retaining the Al dermanship, 507, 583, 591, 677, 767, 772; on Teschen Congress, 514, 536 ; Deane's charges, 517, 521, 530, 642, 661 ; reply, 539. 595. 605, 707; applies for draft of treaty, 562 ; sacrifices, 233, 494, 597, 639, 650, 701, 863 ; on Petrie's charge, 627, 644, 683 ; on tender laws, 648, 699; reply to Cutler, 674 ; re call of commission, 63, 715, 725, 753, 758; fix ing his residence, 731, 751 ; the Virginia agency, 737, 762, 778; mercantile matters, 797; executes a will, 872 ; his father's estate, 877 ; anonymous letter, 903- gi5 ; to return to Amer ica, g28, g44, g45 ; on Pitt's trade bill, g34, 946 ; will, 949 ; death, 63 ; character, 64. William Ludwell, 63, 651. Lees, the English, 2. Lemaire, 443, 446, 461, 613, 696. Lewis, Francis, 275. John, 454. Lexington, battle of, 160, 161. Limozin, Andrew, 279, 392, 408, 425, 56g, 574. Lincoln, General, 706. Littleton, Lord, 120. William Henry, 383, 384. Livery of London, 12, 15, 25. Lloyd, Col., 265. John, recommended for 982 consul, 271, 275, 348, 354.365,373,392,398, 569 ; and Morris's pa pers, 365, 372; men tioned, 388, 410, 420, 522, 580. Loan in Europe, 275. Loan office, continental, 602, 607, 777- London livery, 12, 15, 25 ; for eigners in office, 27 ; corpo ration, 152, 163 ; election, 483 ; aldermen of, 507 ; consis tency, 710. Long Island, battle of, i8g. L'Orient, a free port, 363. Lott, 128. Lovell, James, 434, 721. Luzerne, 629, 686. Madison, James, 451, 460. Mansfield, Lord, 414, 439, 457. Marbois, Barb^, 636.. Marseilles, a free port, 3.63. Marylanders, warnings against, 814, 832. Mathews, 6gg, 710. McCreery, Williami 418, 434, 438. McEvers, 128. Mercenaries, German, 179, ?83, 298, 3i6, 321, 323. Merchants, hoUowness of peti tion, 281 29, 90, 95, 106, IIO, I 131, 148, 154, 162. Merckli, 435. Meredith, Sir William, 23, 690. Millar, 676. Ministry, British, policy, 103, 112, 114, 129, 133, 141, 166, 168, 171, 185, 413, 439, 454, 456 ; in want of troops, 385, 520 ; change in, 856, 867. Minority in Parliament, 360. Molasses duty, 358. MoUeson, 24, 74, 108, 368, 377. Mciesworth, Captain, 515. Monroe, James, 892. Montaudoin, 47, 289. Montbarey, 613. Monthieu, 544. Morris, Gouverneur, 716. Robert, on his brother's conduct, 255, 258, 300 ; his distressed condition at begin ning of the war, 596, 947 ; a supposed Brit ish agent, 803 ; Lee's estimate of, 947 ; mentioned, 57, 357, 371. 372, 394, 402, 407, 409, 410, 420, 493, 524. 567, 600, 663, 669, 693, 887. 890. Thomas, appointed commercial agent, 45, 188, 543 ; Frank lin's letter on, 53 ; Lee's union, 56, 57 ; commissioners called 9^3 upon to interfere, 19s, 255, 561, 592; his misconduct, 204, 212, 224, 234, 240, 301, 543 I death, 353, 565 ; his papers, 355, 365, 367, 370, 374, 384, 395, 407, 495. 566, 585, 600; men tioned, 52, 54, 55, 199, 216, 232, 273, 277, 290, 331, 348, 357, 394- Moylan, 290, 421. Mulberry trees, 364, Navy, American, romantic, 922. French.a scheme for,84i. Great Britain, 807. Negotiations at Paris, 184, Negroes, care of, 363. emancipation, 130,. 144, 171.. Neufville, Jean de, 472,,499> 509, 525, 624. Neutrality, armed, 526,1791,796, 817, 819, 824. New England, bill against, 137, 139, 140, 145, 146. 14S, 151- Newnham, Nathaniel, 20, 4S3.. Newtoitt, John, 69. New York committee, 31; offic ials, 160; traitors, 128. Nicholas, Robert Carter, 139. Nicholson, Captain Samuel, 197, igg, S23, 231, 409, 450, 4S4i 6,62, Noailles, 411. Non-exportation, 99, loi, 105, 109, 144, 148, 154. North, Lord, election squib, 16; submits American papers, 21; characterized, 24, 88; bill, 82; motion, 133, 135, 137, 141, 150; eager to resign, 361; measure of conciliation, 37^ ; on commissioners, 513; men tioned, 94, 128, 414. 470. 7'Io, 902. North ministry, 361. Norton, 454.Fletcher, 819, Nova Scotia, 433. Oaths, 601. Oliver, 16. Opposition iu Parliament, 470, 710, 782. Orvilliers, 676. Osbaldiston, Richard, 71. Paca, W., 718. Paine, Thomas, 669. Palisser, Hugh, 512. Panin, 648, 728. Paper money in America, 649, 660, 833, 850. Paradise, John, 891. Parties in yAnierica, 637 ;; in Britain, 153, 172. Partridge, J., 26. 984 Peace, instructions and propo sals for, 599, 633, 723, 735, 744, 840, 857 ; Franklin's proposition, 734; Necker' s proposed truce, 779; negotia tions at Paris, 860, 885, 899, 917, 927; black work in, 893; the treaty in Parliament, 929, 940. Peculation, 596. Peltier du Doyer, 387, 556, 631. Penet, 46, 301, 356, 374, 423, 460, 464, 468, 497, 778, gig. Penet, Pliarne & Co., 47, 58, 224, 228, 234, 240, 267. Penn, Richard, i6g, 669. Pennsylvania, proceedings of Assembly, 146. Petition, general mania for, 40; London merchants, 23, no, III, 120, 121, 122, 123, 148. Petrie, S., 208, 219, 297, 618, 625, 627, 644, 657, 684, 794, 831. Picquet, La Motte, 643, 647. Pirates, 237. Pitt, William, 868, 900 ; his trade bills, 933. Plater, George, 787. Pliarne, 46, 301, 374, 464. Plomer, 13. Politics, English, 6. Ports, free, in France, 363, 427. Portugal, attitude of, 317. Post office, insecurity of, 620. Powder for Colonies, 89. Pringle, J. J., 368. 658, Prizes, questions arising on, 53, 220, 228, 230, 252, 267, 280, 287, 292, 324, 332, 402, 551, 764. Privateers, regulation of, 278, 317- Prohibitory act, 378. Prussia and American priva teers, 501 ; position of, 416, 428, 439, 609, 785 ; trade with America, 276, 299, 318, 756, 838 ; king of, and America, 321, 354, 403, 668, 678, 741. Pulteney, 428. Quebec act, 89, 92, 164 ; mer chants, 22, 920. Recruiting in Great Britain, 164, 179, 192, 316, 323, 32g, 360, 37g, 385, 616. Reed, Joseph, 51. Richard Penn, the, 534. Ridley, Matthew, 370. Roberts, John, 17, 77. Robinson, John, 337. William, 70. Rogers, Nicholas, 207. Rolleston, 130. Ross, Captain, 40, 394. John, sent to Nantes, 46, 203, 549 ; sketch of, igg ; interferes with Lee, 215, 356, 370, 38g, 394, 396, 407 ; charges 985 upon Lee, 371, 3gg ; seeks appointment, 354. 420 ; set aside by Adams, 435, 437 ; men tioned, 52, 213, 225, 302, 354, 361, 365. 373, 374, 409, 410, 418, 419. 493, 524, 663, 671. Russia, troops from, 179 ; decla ration of neutrality, 790, 7g6 ; may injure France, 647. Rust, Vincent, 69. Sampson, Captain, 752. Sawbridge, 16. Sayre, Stephen, 13, 15, 17, 77, 213. 657. Schulenberg, Baron, 679. Schweighauser, J. D., 239, 357, 358, 366, 388, 393, 408, 418, 419, 435, 437, 531,571,574. Miss, 208. Scotch, the, 164, 174, 183, 424, 626, 942. Scrutiny of votes, 77. Seal for Virginia, 482. Searle, James, 816, 8ig, 825, 828, 84g. Secret Committee, 362, 381. Selkirk, Earl of, 636. Separation of political and financial concerns in agents, 632. Shakespeare, John, 16, 26. Shelburne, Lord, election squib, l6 ; a wicked man, g4 ; 414, 417 ; minister, 447, 867, goi ; duel, 78g ; hostile to America, 857, 869 ; on peace, 89g ; mentioned, g26, g30. vSheriffs of London, address, 77. Shipwrights, petition of, 165. Silk culture, 364. Sloane, Hans, 383. Smith, Lieut. Col. Edward, 421. Meriwether, 716, 753. Rev. Thomas, 102. William, 301. Snuff-box, 775. SoUier, 54, 215. Spain, friendly to America, 27g ; political position, 357, 383, 386, 519. 610, 641, 6g8, 699, 703, 727. 741. 821 ; Amer ican prizes, 26g ; king of, g3g. Specie, bills in America, 489; suggested introduction, 834. Stanley, Hans, 383, 384. Stephen, Adam, 825. Stevenson, William, 61, 325, 334, 363. Stewart, Anthony, 106. Stockjobbing, 285, 300, 901. Stockton, Samuel W., 528, 657, 693. Stormont, Lord, 411. Suffolk, Lord, 119. Supplies, purchase of, 276, 283; quality of 189, 210, 695. 986 Taxation of America, 93. Taxes in America, 318, 458. Tayloe, John, 75. Tea in Maryland, 107; Virginia, ito; payment for, 87. Temple, Lord, 93, 414. John, 431, 6g8, 707, 713. Teschen, Congress of, 514, 536, 603, 740. Thomson, Charles, 332. Thompson, Captain, 447. Thornton, Major, 286, 36g, 428, 670. Thorpe, S., 2g7, 872. Tobacco contracts, 59, 217, 226, 263, 382 ; sales and trade, 73, 74, 86, 105, 107, log, 125, 145, 150, 159, 2g7, 490; ware houses, 69. Tories in America, 823. Townsend, Alderman, 920. Townshend, John, 16. Traitors in America, 832. Treasonable correspondence, 371- Treaty of commerce with France, 12th article, 358; with Prussia, 2gg ; with Euro pean powers, 433, g3i. Trecothick, Barlow, 20, 2g, 96. Trumbull, John, 831. Union of Colonies, 90. Van Berckel, 49g. Vaughan, Samuel, 22, 288. Vergennes, 48, 404, 518, 534, 788. Verplanck, 372. Virginia, aristocracy of, i; con vention, 156 ; resolutions, 104 ; disturbances, 162 ; re ply to North, 178; defence of, 172 ; agency of, 241, 247, 737, 762, 778, 908, gi8 ; seal for, 482 ; purchase of arms, 443, 448, 611, 613, 6g5, 700, 745 ; loan for, 635, 72g, 749 ; paper money, 823 ; invasion of, 699, 823, 846, 850. Washington, George, 177, 271, 288, 391, 453, 456, 938. Watts, 128. Wedderburne, 361, 709, 941. Welch, 285. Wentworth, Paul, 170, 286. West Indies, 359, 723. Wharton, Samuel, 658, 810, 812. White, Henry, 128. Wickes, Lambert, 53, 197, 199, 202, 222, 231, 251, 662. Wilkes, John, 7, 16, 25, 40. Williams, Jonathan, commis sioners appoint to receive prizes, 52, 197, igg, 202 ; Op posed by Lee, 55, 56, 262, 273, 277, 28g ; removal de manded, 60, 556, 55g; the Nantes prizes, 22g, 230, 253, 267 ; Morris joins with him, 331, 348 ; commissions, 366 ; 987 appointment suggested by Lee, 373, 392, 3g7, 398, 401, 408; Adams and, 435, 436; Arthur Lee on his accounts, 631 ; mentioned, 418, 428, 493, 541, 567, 663, 736, 770. Wooldridge, 23, 42, 132. Wormeley, 75, 454. Wrixon, Major, 515. Yorktown, breach of capitula tion, 859. Young, John, 357, 358, 381. Page 58, 6th line 195, 14th line 208, i6th line 327, 15th line 368, 6th line 387, 6th line 390, Heading 428, 1 6th line 825, 6th line 905, Heading ERRATA. from top, for Dana, read Deane. from bottom, for Edivard read Edmund. from top, for 5 r read S[chweighause']r. from bottom, for Jennings read Jenings. from top, for L 1 C 1 read L[amber']t Clourjt. from bottom, for vice read rice. of letter, for Scuhlenberg read Schulenberg. from bottom, for Thoronton read Thornton from bottom, for Stevens read Stephen. of letter, for WiUiam read Edward. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01470 6452 ¦''.r.ifS'"'. - >+..tt-gfj^-i . j-l 1 "lit J "I' M4J^M .«¦ <¦ *• -''Si I' *.*<' ^'V^Tki » wwM '¦¦ .:•? r I "••¦'.'¦•"jifiti . _ M -_ ¦ M4-M 1 " I ' ill' ''" 1 1 '• ' ^m. ."I'SK'W.