Yili'Um.ersil^Libr.ir,' i ^ :x r :W".«,^»l!>-.''.*.«v>/; 1 7,'tV •*! ¦' j'« ' -I . *•.¦! -T Sl'^Srife ST' tjc..' rl*7r lg>V-(;V, . WAR M, SERyiGE LIBRARy THIS-BOOK-ISPROVIDED -BY THE-PEOPLE OF-THE UNITED-STATES THROUGH-THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION FOR THE-USE-OF THE-SOLDIERS AND- SAILORS l^/" K, TRUTH Ai.i. glorious Truth ! thy raidiant light Dispels the dark sulphurious gloom of night ; Firm as a rock ihnt rears its ancient head, With deep foundation laid on ocean's bed ; Though lightnings flash, though seas and thunders roar, Thou wilt remain when Time shall be no more. (UXXj'^'^^'®^^^ BY jTvvrBARBERTjyVj) HISTORICAL, POETICAL AND PICTORIAL AMERIC AI SCENES; PIIINCIPAI.LT MORAL AND RELIGIOUS; BEING A BELECTION OP INTERESTINB INCIDENTS IN AMERICAN RISTORI ; TO WmCH TS ADDED A HISTORICAL SKETCH, OF EACH OF THE UNITED STATES. By JOHN W BARBER, (Author of Connecticut and Massachusetts Hist. Collectiona,) AND ELIZABETH G. BARBER. NE"W HAVEN, CT. : PIIBIISHED FOE J. H. BRADLEY. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, Bt JOHN "W. BARBER, Jn the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Conn. c ti'Vi'v % so h gcereotrped by X H. BENUaU Now Haven, Conn. PREFACE. The object of this work, is to present to the reader a series of Historical Incidents in American History, (some of which may not be generally known,) in an historical, pictorial, and poetic form. We are aware that the plan of this work difiers from any we have yet seen, but we flatter ourselves that it will be found interesting and in structive. In the historical introduction to each of the scenes de scribed, we have aimed at accuracy and, simplicity ; in the lines that follow, there is, of course, latitude given to introduce moral and religious reflections. Whatever we have advanced of this nature, we trust -will b'e found in accordance with the great and vital principles of Christianity. Instead of glorifying mere militai-y he roes, as is too often the case among all nations, we have aimed to give prominence to men who practised the virtues of Christianity. Such men only are the real patriots and nobles of the human race, and such only are worthy of lasting remembrance. In some instances, in the composition of the stanzas, we have not hesitated to use the language, or mode of expression used by others, "whenever it would forcibly convey what we wished to present. Simple illustrations of the great truths of religion and morality have been aimed at, rather than originality of thought, or elegance of diction. As this work is of an historical nature, it was deemed proper to add a short historical sketch of the history of each State, to which is prefixed the " armorial bearings," or " coat of arms " of each State, in a more perfect form, it is thought, than they ever yet have been exhibited. Whatever may be thought of this work as a mere Ut erary production, we have aimed to produce strictly an Amekican Book, the influence of which, we trust, -will be found on the side of " God and humanity ;" and we believe some part of it, at least, will, in some form, live, after we, father and daughter, have left these mortal scenes. J. W. B. E. G. B. New Haven, Conn., April, 1850. CONTENTS. Page, The Pilgrim Fathers, . . 7 Ancient Church of Jamest'n, 10 Pocahontas, 13 The Indian Mother, . .14 Massasoit, 16 The Grave of Lady Fenvrick, 18 First Settlers of Connecticut, 20 Roger Williams, ... 24 The Regicide Judges, . . 26 Deliverance of Hadley, . 29 Preservation of Mr,Stoddard,32 William Penn, .... 34 The Salem Martyrs, . .36 The Indian Reformer, . . 38 Destruction of lyAnville's Fleet, 40 Zinzendorf, 42 Rescue of Major Putnam, 46 The True Wife and Mother, 48 The Mother's -Voice, . .51 Col. Boone's First View of Kentucky, 54 Anthony Benezet, ... 66 Founding of Dartmouth College, . . . , 58 Pago, Washington's Acknowl edgment, 60 Gen. Reed refusing the Bribe, 62 Passing the Delaware, . . 64 Washington at Morristown, 67 Funeral of Gen, Frazer, . 69 Count Donop, .... 72 Death of Baron DeKalb, . 75 Moravian Indian Martyrs, 77 Prince Gallitzin, . . . ^80 Council of the Mohawk Women, 82 Campbell's Grave, ... 85 The Western Missionary, 83 Perilous Passage on the Lakes,90 Shenandoa, the Oneida Chief, 93 First Born of the Reserve, 96 HanYerry, 98 The Indian Blessing on New Jersey, .... 100 The Mother Perishing with Cold, 102 Church in the Wilderness, 104 Thanksgiving, .... 106 contents. Page, MAINE 109 NEW HAMPSHIRE, 111 VERMONT, . . . 113 MASSACHUSETTS, 115 RHODE ISLAND, . 117 .CONNECTICUT, . 119 NEW YORK, , . 121 NEW JERSEY, . . 123 PENNSYLVANIA, . 125 DELAWARE, . . 127 MARYLAND, . . 129 VIRGINIA, . . , 131 NORTH CAROLINA, 133 SOUTH CAROLINA, 135 GEORGIA, . . . 137 FLORIDA, . . . 139 ALABAMA, . . . 141 MISSISSIPPI, . . 143 LOUISIANA, . . 145 'Round Tower at Newport, 181 Mortal sickness among the Indians, .... 183 Pequot Expedition, . . 185 Death of Marqaette, . 187 First Settlers of Granville, 189 Attack on Brook&eld, , 192 Destruction of Schenectady, 194 Escape of the Dustan Family 196 Burial of Mr. Treat, . 198 .Swedish Church at Wil mington, .... 900 ¦Church of the Blind Preacher, .... 202 PaB«- OHIO . 147 KENTUCKY, . 149 TENNESSEE, . . 151 MICHIGAN, . . . 153 INDIANA, . . . 155 ILLINOIS, . . . . 156 MISSOURI, . . . 158 ARKANSAS, . . . 160 TEXAS, . . . . 161 WISCONSIN, . . 163 IOWA, .... . 165 CALIFORNIA, . . 166 OREGON, . . . . 167 NEW MEXICO, . 167 MINNESOTA, . . 168 DESERET, . . . 168 Discoveries and Settlen lents, 169 War of the Revolution , . 173 One of Many, . . . . 177 iUITIES, EVENTS. fco. The New Haven Spec tre Ship, . . 205 Burial of De Soto, . . 208 Chief Justice Marshall . 210 Dr, Franklin and the P lo ture of the Crucifiii< rn, 212 Baron Steuben and Lie ut. Gibbons, . , 214 The Faithful Indian M 28- senger. . 216 Gen, Herkimer, . , 218 Red Jacket, . . . 220 Two Honest Men, . 222 Death of Lieut, Woodw fard . — Oregon, . . . . 225 Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth, 1620. THE PILGRIM FATHERS. The Colony at Plymouth, Mass., was the first permanent Eu ropean settlement in New England, It was planted principally for the sake of the free and undisturbed enjoyment of religious liberty. Being persecuted in England, their native country, they went to Holland in 1008, where they remained till they sailed for America. Having procurred two small ships, they departed from Leyden, after having kept a day of fasting and prayer, with Mr, Robinson, their pastor, for God to direct them on their way. They proceeded to Flymouth, Eng,, one of their ships-being con demned, the other, called the May Flower, crowded with passen gers, about one hundred in number, put to sea, September 6th, After a long and dangerous passage, they arrived at Cape Cod, November 9th. After exploring the country, they finally landed at a place they called Plymouth, on the 22d of December, 1620. The anniversary of their landing is celebrated by their descendants as a religious festival. Dare, was the day with storms ! Old ocean rolled in foam, and dashed its madd'ning billows on the shore. Deep moaned the ancient forests to the 8 wintry winds. Their naked limbs they stretch towards heaven and shiver in the northern blast. The green earth, seared by frosts, is stiff with ice, and white with snow. In by-gone years these western shores were one vast wild. The ravening beast, or man more savage still, roamed in the forest shade and on the misty hill. A snow white sail is seen towards the rising sun. A feeble band is on the rolling surge. Westward the dove-like sail pursues its way. 'Tis like the star of heaven amid the shadowy clouds, the harbinger of day. A germ of mighty Empire moves within that fragile bark. The noblest born of earth are there ; the men of soul who go where duty leads, against a world in arrns. Dauntless in Freedom's holy cause, their eye on heaven, they quail not 'neath a tyrants' power The mighty God alone they fear, and hira they love. They near the icy shore. No rolling drum, nor thundering cannon speak them near. Angelic spirits hover round, and guard their onward way. The ocean Eagle soared above the foaming waves to see a sight so strange. The stoi-my sea in its far distant roar, gave forth its note of joy. The gently waving' pine, with its soft, solemn music, vast and deep, murmured a pleasant welcome. Amid the forest gloom, far from their father land, they stand undaunted. The sea bird's scream, the wolf howl, and the yells of savage men around are heard. In God's Great Temple, in the open air, they call on Him they love, to guard them from the dangers pressing nigh. Their prayer is heard. They raise their notes of joy. Their music sweet. is borne by winds along, and the wild woods repeat their hymn of praise ! 9 No glittering mines of gold allured them to this distant shore. They sought their wealth above, and " Freedom to worship God " on earth. No warrior's crovra, nor Fame's loud trumpet blast, impelled them onward. They sought a brighter, yea, a holier, heavenly crown of life, undimmed by tears and blood. They sought their honor fr-om above, unsoiled, and lasting as eternal years. The times of old have rolled away ! the ashes of the Pilgrims rest beneath the soil they trod. Their spirit lives and broods around. Their sons stUl westward press their way. The forests dark and wild, still fall before them. The yellow grain, waving in smnmer glow, and golden corn ripening in the autumnal sun, stands thick around. The heaven-ward pointing village spire is seen on hill and dale. The Star of Empire rises in the mighty West! Green is the earth o'er the Pilgrim graves, but greener and brighter grows their fame. The hate of despots can not blast, nor purblind bigot zeal tarnish the brightness of their honored names. Their record is secure on high : an adamantine tower resting on ocean's bed, 'gainst which the an- gry surges roar, and foam, and dash in vain ! In Freedom's holy cause, our Fathers suffered, toiled, and died. The story spreads and widens with advancing years. In regions yet unknown, where the wil& Indian roams, their names will yet be known, and their example tell on generations yet unborn. A mighty host shall yet arise towards the setting Sim, on to the broad Pacific sea, who wiU with thrilling accents celebrate that day when the lone Pilgrim band first trod the ice-bound shore ! 3, w. B. 10 Ruijis of the Church at JamcsiotDn, ANCIENT CHURCH AT JAMESTOWN. Jamestown, in Virginia, the first permanent British settlement in North America, was founded by Capt. John. Smith and his companions. May ISth, 1607. The only vestiges of this ancient town are the remains of the church steeple or tower, about thirty feet in height, and a disordered group of tomb stones. The precise date when this church was erected can not now be ascer tained, but it is supposed to have been nearly two hundred and forty years since. This place has been the scene of many interesting events in the early history of Virginia. Old church ! beside thy ruined walls The same bright waters flow, And still the golden sunlight falls On thee, as long ago, When first amid the solemn wood, Thy walls in stately beauty stood. 11 But thou art crumbling to decay, This moss grown arch alone TeUs of the centuries passed away, The generations flo-wn ; The " dark brown years" with storm and blast, ^d withering blight, have o'er thee passed. Where roams the dusky chieftain now 1 Where blaze the council fires ; And where the race of paler brow, Virginia's noble sires ? The groups^ who flUed yon house of prayer ? Echo repeats^ and answers " Where 1" Lone reKc of a by-gone age ; The traveler seems to see The story traced on History's page, Revived again by thee : The by-gone years return once more. When first the white man trod the shore. The gallant ship again has sped,' Her course the ocean o'er ; The snowy sails oncl more are spread By old Powhatan's shore ; He seems to see its gallant band Tread the fair soil of this new land. He seems to see the group that bowed. Old church, to worship here ; The stately forms of rulers proud. 12 The gallant cavalier ; The flower of England's chivalry. Youth, beauty, age and infancy. Here Pocahontas kneels again To take the holy vow ; And here Powhatan with his train Of warriors mingles now ; And gallant Rolfe, here claims his bride. The Indian Princess by his side. Old church, the Fathers long have slept, They moulder now with thee ; Above thine ancient waUs have swept The waves of Time's broad sea ; Of spire and aisle and arch bereft. But little now of thee is left. So earth at last must pass away. Each stately tower and dome ; Its castles proud, its ruins gray ; All frail as ocean's foam, Swept on by Time's resistless sea, And lost in vast eternity. But humble hearts that gathered here, ShaU rise in that great day. When the Almighty shall appear, And earth shall pass away ; Above the mighty wreck shall soar To live when " time shall be no more." E. G B. 13 POCAHONTAS. In the preceding stanzas, the marriage of Pocahontas with Mr. Rolfe is introduced. The following account of this Indian princess, is from Allen's American Bio graphical Dictionary. " Pocahontas, daughter of Powhattan, emperor of the Indians of Virginia, was born about the year 1595, When Captain Smith was taken prisoner in 1607, and it was determined that he should be put to death, his head was placed upon two large stones at the feet of Powhattan, that a number of Indians, who stood ready with lifted clubs, might heat out his brains. At this moment, Pocahon tas rushed to the spot and placed her own head upon his. From regard to his daughter, the savage king spared his life. In 1609, when but fourteen years of age, she went to Jamestown, in a dreary night, and unfolded to Captain Smith a plot, which the Indians had formed for the extermination of the English, and thus at the hazard of her life saved them from destruction. In 1612, after Captain Smith left the colony, she was, for a bribe of a copper kettle, be trayed into the hands of Captain Argal, and detained a prisoner, that better terms of peace might be made with her father. He offered five hundred bushels of com for his daughter, but before this negotiation was completed, a different and more interesting one had commenced. A mutual attachment had sprung up be tween her aud Mr. Thomas Rolfe, an Englishman of good charac ter, and with the consent of Powhattan they were married. This event restored peace, and secured it for many years. Pocahontas soon made a profession of Christianity and was baptized. In 161C she accompanied her husband to England, where she was received with distinction at court. It is said, that king James expressed great indignation, that one of his subjects would dare to marry into a royal family. As she was about to embark for Virginia, in 1617, she died at Gravesend, aged about twenty- two years. She is represented as a pious Christian. She left one son, Thomas Rolfe ; and from his daughter descended some of the most respec table families in Virginia." 2 14 THE INDIAN MOTHER. Pammehantht, an Indian of distinction, with his wife on Mar tha's Vineyard, having lost five children within ten days of their birth, had a sixth child bom about the year 1638, a few years be fore the English first settled on the Island. The mother, greatly distressed with fear that she should lose this child also, and utterly despairing of all human help, took up her little son, and went into the fields to weep, alone. While here, it was powerfiolly im pressed upon her mind, that there is one Great Almighty Being, who was to be prayed to for help. She accordingly called on this God for mercy, and dedicated her child to him. It lived, and afterwards became an eminent minister of Christ to the Indiana. The Indian Mother mourns her children gone» For one by one, to fell disease a prey ; Quickly they faded in life's earliest morn, And only one is left to cheer her way. She looks upon her child : must he too leave Her lonely homo for yonder spirit land ? 15 Must she be left alone on earth to grieve. Bereft of all her smiling household band ? Is there no help ? her anxious heart inquires : In vain the Indian Powaw tries his skill : No savage rite his demon God inspires. The mother's heart is sad and cheerless still. Despairingly she wanders with her boy. Through lonely fields, in sorrow and forlorn, When suddenly a blessed gleam of joy Breaks on her darkened soul like rays of morn. " Oh yes ! there must be one who rules above, The Great Good Spirit yet unknown to me, The Lord of all, a God of boundless love. The mighty maker of the earth and sea. He made the sun to rise from ocean's bed. And sink behind the western hills at night : He makes the moon her silver light to shed. The twinkling stars to shine with radiance bright. By him the earth in summer verdure glows. The forest boughs with smiling green are spread : The yellow com in plenty he bestows. He guards his chosen ones and gives them bread. He feeds the little birds that skim the air. The fishes gliding through the limpid wave : His goodness and his love are every where, On him I call, for he alone can save. True faith was this, of that untutored mind. Though long 'in darkness she had blindly trod. The child she fi-eely thus to Heaven resigned, Was spared to be a servant of his God. 16 MASSASOIT, THE INDIAN SACHEM. In 1623, Massasoit, the Indian Prince of Sachem, of the Mas sachusetts Indians, being sick, the Governor of Plymouth Colony sent Edward Winslow and Jonn Hambden to make him a visit. They arrived at the Sachem's house about midnight, and found him surrounded by his people, using their charms and incantations, with hideous noises, in order for his recovery. He was so far ex hausted that his sight was gone, but on being informed that two of his English friends had come, he desired to speak with Mr. Wins low, regretting that he could never see him more. Mr. Winslow then carefiilly administered cordials which he had brought with him, which operated kindly, and soon restored his sight and strength. Upon his recovery he said, " Now I know the Enghsh are my friends and love me, and I shall never forget their kind ness." In gratitude to his English friends, he disclosed a plot which the Indians had formed to destroy them. This timely no tice probably saved the colony from destruction. Stretched on a bed of pain, the Sachem lay, Great Massasoit, to fell disease a prey. 17 Darkness broods round ! his soul is filled with fears, Save ! Great Spirit save ! for death appears. With savage rites, his tribe a clamorous crowd. Have gathered round with innovations loud ; Louder, and louder rose the horrid strain. The chieftain suffers siiU, and all is vain. " His eyes are dim, no more will he behold The king of day, with beams of brightest gold : The silver moon, the lake, the rock-bound shore. The smiling woodland, he will see no more. No longer shall he seek the forest shade. Or hunt the deer within the greenwood glade ; In love he ruled the warriors of his race. But death is near ! who 1 who shall fill his place ?" So spake his people, as they gathered round To see him die ; but hark ! what sudden sound Of unexpected joy is heard this hour ? Rejoice ! the white men come with healing power. They come in mercy, and with skillful hand, Beside the chieftain's couch, the travelers stand ; With soothing care the fell disease is stayed. And gratefully, the chieftain owhs their aid. " The white men are my friends, they love me well ! In peace and love we will together dwell " No more wiU we against the white man plot, His deed of kindness, shall not be forgot." The vow was kept, and as the years rolled round. In Massasoit a faithful friend they found ; He" ne'er forgot the white man's kindly deed. The aid they gave him in his hour of need. 2* le 6^- Monument of Lady Fenwick, Saybrook, Conn. THE GRAVE OF LADY FENWICK. At the mouth of Connecticut River, about forty rods south of the remains of Saybrook Fort, is a sort of tabular monument erected over the remains of Lady Anne Botcler or Butler, the wife of Col. Fenwick, the commander of the fort at Saybrook Point. This lady was the daughter of an English nobleman, and consequently retained her maiden name. She accompanied her husband into this then wilderness, and lived in a rude fort, surrounded by hostile savages. She died in 1648, and was buried on a small elevation called " Tomb Hill," near the water. Her husband afterwards returned to England, and was appointed one of the Judges for the trial of Charles I. " The dark brown years have passed over it : she sleeps alone, far from the land of her Fathers, ' at the noise of the sounding sni^e 1' Her tomb is seen by the mariner, as he passes by on the dark rolling sea !" Osaian. Not in a sunny vale That blooms in beauty in her native isle, Not in the heart of some secluded dale, Where the blue skies with gentle radiance smile. 19 Not in some stately pile. Or gorgeous vault beneath her castle home ; Not in the Abbey's dim and shadowy aisle. Where anthems peal through fretted arch and dome. No ! they have made her grave Afar, alone ! beside the rolling surge. Where ocean birds their dusky pinions lave. And foaming billows sound her ceaseless dirge ! Far out upon the wave Where the wild breezes fill the snowy sail. The hardy mariner makes her lonely grave, And hears her requiem in the stormy gale. Far from her native land. Like some fair flower, she slowly drooped and died, The fairest, frailest, 'mid the Pilgrim band. The gentle daughter of a house of pride. What though no costly shrine Her hallowed dust with stately pomp should grace. The daughter of a long ancestral line. Has won a holier, nobler resting place. For lofty hearts and true. Their holiest tribute to her memory paid ; Hands strong, the spirits high commands to do, 'Mid prayers and tears her resting place have made. There let her calmly sleep. Where the dark wave her ceaseless requiem sighs, TiU the last Trump shall break that slumber deep, And she with myriad hosts of earth shall rise ! E. G. B. 20 Jdr. Hooker and his Congregation passing through the WUdemcaa. FIRST SETTLERS OF CONNECTICUT. About the beginning of June, 1636, the Rev. Messrs. Hooker and Stone, with their congregation of about one hundred men, women and children, took their departure from Cambridge, near Boston, Mass., and traveled more than two hundred miles, through a trackless wilderness, to Jlartford, Conn. They had no guide but their compass, and made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were passed with great difficulty. They had no cover but the heavens, nor any lodgings but those that simple nature afforded them. Mrs. Hooker, being feeble, was carried upon a horse litter; the company were nearly a fortnight upon their journey. " This adventure was the more remarkable, as many of this company were persons of figure, who had lived in England, in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were entire strangers to fatigue and danger." " The forest through which they passed, for the first time resounded with the praises of God ; the Indians following them in silent admiration." Beneath the deep and verdant shade, Amid a new found land, 21 Through forests wild, the wand'rers strayed, A Pilgrim exile band. / The magic needle for their guide. The changeless Polar star. They wandered on, through paths untried, To seek a home afar. And manhood's stately form was there, Fair childhood with its glee. And tottering age with hoary hair. And smiling infancy. And gentle woman with her smile, Cheered danger's darkest hour, Who bloomed of old in Britain's isle. Of princely halls the flower. And one, a suffering one and meek, They bore o'er hill and dale. While o'er her pale and sunken cheek Swept evening's chiUing gale. O'er rock and hill, by stream and glade, Through arches deep and high, Where gorgeous hues of forest shade. First met their wondering eye. The forest monarchs stood in bands, The stately oak and pine. And spread abroad their leafy hands, Like priests at nature's shrine. 22 And there, like incense, softly rose The strains of prayer and praise. And broke the Sabbath like repose With soft harmonious lays. And oft as evening's purple shade Was lost in twilight dim. Together in the forest glade They sang their evening hymn. And when the rosy morning woke The POgrim's song of praise. There on the Indian's ear fii-st broke. In sweet harmonious lays. And here the child of dusky brow. Who long in darkness trod. First learned in humble faith to bow. And seek the Pilgrim's God. Fair native land ! what led them thence. The dazzling lure of gold ? The thrilling tales of eloquence. That Poet lips have told ? Nay ! one whose name to song is dear, Through many a land abroad. Hath told what turned their footsteps here, '^ Freedom to worship God!" E. G. 23 Thomas Hooker, the first minister in the colony of Connecticut, was born in Leicestershire, England, in 1586, and was educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge. After preaching for some time in London and Chelmes- ford, he was silenced for his non-conformity. He came to New England in 1633, in company with Mr. Cotton and Mr. Stone. He had great influence in establishing the order of the churches in Connecticut. He was re markable in his manner of preaching. With a loud voice, an expressive countenance, and a most command. ing presence, he preached with a zeal and energy sel- dom equaled. He appeared with such majesty in the pulpit, that it was pleasantly said of him that " he could put a king in his pocket." He died of an epidemic fe ver, July 7th, 1647. As he lay on his death bed, one of his weeping fi-iends said to him, " Sir, you are going to receive the reward of all your labors." "Brother," he replied, " I am going to receive mercy." Samuel Stone, the teacher of the church at Hartford, and colleague to Mr. Hooker, was born at Hartford, England, and died July 20th, 1663. " While he was regarded as one of the most accurate and acute disputants of his day, he was also celebrated for his wit and humor. Dr. Mather says of him, ' He was an extraordinary per son at an argument ; and as clear and smart a disputant, as most that ever lived in the world." The following inscription is on the monument erected to his memory at Hartford. " New England's glory and her radiant crowne. Was he who now in softest bed of downe. Til glorious resurrection mome appeare Doth safely, sweetly sleep in Jesus here. Tis known beyond compare he did excell ; Errors corrupt by sinewous dispute He oppugne and clearly them confute ; Above all things he Christ his Lord prefer'd Hartford, thy richest jewel's here inter'd." 24 ROGER WILLIAMS. Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, wag one of the early Puritan ministers who came over to New England. As sonK of his religious sentiments differed from most of those by whom he was surrounded, and as he refused to cease preaching to them, he was banished from the colony. In the depth of winter, in 1636, he was obliged to leave his family in Salem, Mass., and return into the wilderness of Rhode Island, where he might enjoy religious freedom unmolested. Here he fixed upon a spot, which in grateful remembrance of" God*s merciful providence to him in his distress," gave the name of Providence. His memory is de serving of lasting honor for the hberty and generous toleration which he gave " to all sorts of consciences," and for his kindness and benevolence to the native Indians, and all others with whom he was connected. Williams, a name to human freedom dear, True noble of the human race : T:. .n in the truth of God, he feels no fear, Though danger stares him in the face. 25 Freedom to think, to act, and worship God, The great Creator gives to man : Frail man would o'er his brother hold the rod. And tell him where to pray, and when. " Freedom to worship God," for this to gain, Williams retires into the wilderness ; 'Mid wintry snows he feels that God is near. To kindly cheer him and to bless. That God who kindly fed in times of old, By ravens, in the desert wild and wide. Doth keep his servant in these western wilds. And aU his wants are well supplied. He builds his cottage in a lonely place, Trusting in God for his defence ; Religious freedom kindly gives to all, And founds his city Providence. From Persecution's fierce and cruel power, A place of Refuge here is found : To worship God as conscience prompts the soul : Oh call it " high and holy ground !" Oh haste the hour, when persecuting men No more shall curse the earth abroad, When bigot fire and flames, no more consume The servants of the living God. Great Power above ! oh give us all to feel Thee still our Father and our Guide ; Be thou our Light through this dark wilderness,. For all is dark and drear beside. 3 26 i*ir ^- ". .. 'f'" ': 7^ Judaea Cave, New Haven. THE REGICIDE JUDGES. On the restoration of monarchy in England, the Judges who condemned King Charles I. to death, were obliged to flee the kingdom to save their lives. General Goffe and Whalley, two of the judges, made their escape to New England in 1660, but were compelled to Uve in great secrecy to prevent being apprehended by the King's commissioners. Sometimes they were hid in cel lars, by the colonists who secretly befriended th'em, other times they would resort to the woods, caves, and other hiding places. They concealed themselves for a while, in a kind of a cave or ap erture beneath some detached rocks near the summit of West Rock, about two miles from New Haven, Conn. This place ia now called the Judges Cave, and on one of the rocks is inscribed " Opposition to Tyrants is obedience to God." If tradition be correct, their remains now rest near those of Col. Dixwell, back of the Center Church, in New Haven. On the mountain, stem and high. Bleak and lonely lies the cave, Giant rocks around it lie, , Forest trees around it wave. 27 And the river far below, Narrowed to a silver thread, And the fields in summer's glow. Far before the eye are spread. While the city's distant spires. And the blue and rolling bay. Glisten in the crimson fires. Kindled at the close of day. Many a score of years ago. Wilder scenes then met the eye. Of the two who looked below, From their rocky fortress high. Lonely was the view, and wild. And the exile's cave was bleak. Rocks by Nature rudely piled Formed the home, they came to seek. Wintry winds came howling by. Storms would in their midst intrude. And the panther's gleaming eye. Looked upon their soUcude. Outcasts from their place of birth, Like the holy men of old ! In the dens and caves of earth, Parched with thirst, and chilled by cold. Nobles of the Pilgrim race. Fame like theirs will ne'er decay : StiU is seen their hiding place, But the exiles, where are they 1 Still the Pilgrim's burial ground. Keeps their ashes in its trust. Hoary age, the spot has crowned Earth to earth ! and dust to dust ! Earth shall keep their precept still, " That to brave the tyrant's rod. With a firm unfettered will. Is obedience to God." 28 One of the Regicides, Col. John Dixwell, resided in New Ha ven, Conn., for a long period, under the assumed name of James Davids. He was married in this place, and left a wife and two children. At his death, he discovered hia true character to the people. Fearing his enemies might dishonor his ashes, he re quested that only a plain stone might be erected, inscribed with his initials, J. D., Esq., with his age and time of his death. Af ter a lapse of one hundred and sixty-one years, on Nov. 29, 1849, his remains were disinterred by his relatives, and re-committed to the earth, back of the Center Church, standing on the public square or green. A tasteful and durable monument is placed over hia remains. The inscription on the east side, is as follows, viz. John Dixwell, a zealous patriot — a sincere christian, an honest man, he was faithful to duty through good and through evil report, and having lost fortune, position and home in the cause of his country, and of human rights, found shelter and sympathy here, among the fathers of New England. His descendants have erected this mon ument as a tribute of respect to his memory, and as a gratefiil record of the generous protection extended to him, by the early inhabitants of New Haven. Erected, A. D. 1849. Inscription on the west side : Here rest the remains of John Dixwell, Esq., of the Pri ory of Folkestone, in the county of Kent, England, of a family long prominent in Kent, and Warwickshire, and himself possessing large estates, and much influence in his country ; he espoused the popular cause in the revolu tion of 1640. Between 1640 and 1660, he was colonel in the army, an active member of four parliaments, thrice in the council of state, and one of the high court which tried and condemned King Charles tke First. At the restoration of the monarchy, he was compelled to leave hia country; and after a brief residence in Germany, came to New Haven, and here Uved in seclusion, but en joying the esteem and friendship of the most worthy cit izens, till his death in 1688-9. 29 Gen. Goffe repulsinjr the Indians. DELIVERANCE OF HADLEY. When Gen. Goffe, one of the judges of King Charles I, was secreted in Hadley, Mass., in September, 1675, the Indians at tacked the town, while the inhabitants were at public worship. The men immediately took to their arms, but were soon thrown into the utmost confusion, till GofTe, entirely unknown to thein, white with age, of a commanding and venerable aspect, and in an unusual dress, suddenly appeared among them, encouraged the affrighted inhabitants, put himself at their head, and by his mili tary skill, led them on to an immediate victory. After the dis persion of the enemy, he instantly disappeared. The wondering inhabitants, alike ignorant whence he came, and where he had retired, imagined him to be an angel, sent for their deliverance. Hark ! hark ! the watchman's thrilling cry, Falls wildly on the ear ; To arms ! forth to the conflict fly ! To arms ! the foe is near. 3* 30 Pale grew the tender mother's cheek, As silently she pressed. With feelings words might never speak. Her loved ones to her breast. Now louder rose the savage yell. The echoing woods along ; These rav'ning wolves, who, who can quell 1 For they are fierce and strong. Unused to mortal, savage strife. Pale grew the Pilgrim's brow : Disordered now he strives for life. Oh ! who shall save him now ! The man of God has bowed him there. His flock around hira press ; Wilt thou not hear thy servant's prayer. While in this wilderness ? " Save us, O God ! our Father, save," Was now the fervent cry ; " No other refuge now we have. Swift to our rescue fly !" The prayer is heard ! a form is seen Amid the frighted band. Firm as a rock, bold and serene. With flashing sword in hand 1 His waving locks are snowy white, Made venerable by time ; And yet his eye is keen and bright As that of manhood's prime. 31 " Courage ! cheer up ! ye pilgrim band !" His tones are loud and clear, Like one accustomed to command, He stands unflinching here. " Stand here ! stand there ! and thus control These furious men of blood :" Unwonted courage nerves the soul Of him who trusts in God. " Our leader bold ! he's from above, He bears a charmed life," So spake the soul that saw him move. Unharmed amid the strife. Awed by his mien of majesty, The lightning of his eye ; The foe fall back in wild dismay, They shrink, they run, they fly ! The strife is o'er ! the battle plain The Pilgrim band has won ; But wonderingly, they look in vain For him who led them on. Mysteriously the stranger came, As strange his flight had been ; None knew his story or his name, Amid these wondering men : But deemed him as an angel sent. For their deliverance given ; While many a prayer that evening went From thankflil hearts to heaven. 32 PRESERVATION OF MR. STODDARD. Solomon STonnARD was for a long period the minister of the Gospel at Northampton, Mass., where he died in 1729, in the 86th year of his age. He " possessed probably more influence than any other clergyman in the province, during a period of thirty years. Here he was regarded with a reverence which will be scarcely rendered to any other man. The very savages are said to have felt towards him a peculiar awe." It is said that once when he was passing from Northampton to Hatfield, a Frenchman, or Canadian Indian, in arribush, pointed his gun at him, but was warned by the Indians not to fire, because that man " was EnglishmarCs God." He was also preserved, it is said, in a similar manner, while meditating in an orchard back of the church in Deerfield, on a sermon he was about to preach. Unhahmed where foes in ambush lay, The man of God passed by, Though danger frowned upon his way, And sudden death was nigh. 33 For twice the foe with murderous aim His heart a mark had made. And tvdce the musket's fatal flame The Indian's hand had stayed. " The white man's God, thou shalt not harm," The dusky warrior cried ; His grasp was on his comrade's arm. His musket turned aside. What wondrous power is this, that charmed The sas-age Indian so ? That thus the man of God, unharmed, Should pass a lurking foe ? Oh anxious hearts ! foreboding ill ! In this a lesson read ; God's love, a shield is round you still, Where duty's path shall lead. His presence like a wall of fire, WUl circle round your way ; . With awe the fiercest heart inspire, And hate's fell weapon stay. Oh timid hearts ! oh anxious souls ! This lesson keep in view ; He who the threatened ill controls, WiU he not care for you ? Then on ! where duty's path shall lead, Away with doubt and fear ! Stand at your post ! your hour of need Shall find a guardian near. E. 6. B. 34 WILLIAM PENN. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, came over to America in 1689, with a colony of Friends or Quakers. He en deavored to plant and sustain his infant colony, on the principles of Christian Love. He gave free toleration to all religious sects, purchased his land honestly of the Indians, and treated them kindly : and it is said that in their wars with the whites, they never killed a Quaker, knowing hira to be such. He founded his capital, which he called Philadelphia, or seat of brotherly love. William Penn was the son of an Admiral in the English navy, who persecuted him on account of his religious sentiments. He also was imprisoned for the same cause, and sufiered much in his attempts to do good to others. Moved by the loye of God and man, he turned, A friend iiideed from childhoods stately home. To mingle with the few, whom pride had spum'd. Afar amid the western wilds to roam. A father's angry frown he heeded not — The world's fcold taunts ; the flattering voice of Fame j But with a humble sect, he cast his lot, And meekly bore hia Master's cross of shame. 35 He might have won amid his native land, A place where dazzling glories gleaming shone ; He might have swayed the sceptre of command, With favored nobles near a kingly throne. But loftier aspirations filled his mind. To found an Empire where sweet peace should reign ; Friends, native land, he cheerfully resigned, And sought a place beyond the roUing main. Unarmed except by Love, in danger's hour. He moved midst savage men ; his power they feel ; All conquering Love ! more mighty in thy power. Than thundering cannon, or the glittering steel. Like coals of fire, it melts the stubborn will : Those who had lurked like tigers for their prey. With fell design, with murderous aim to kill. Those savage foemen quailed, and owned thy sway. And he who wears the garb of Love may stand. Firm as if circled by a wall of lire ! Hate will not lift 'gainst him the murderous brand. And kindled flames of fell revenge expire ! Immortal Penn ! what though a crowd unkind. Heaped cruel insult on thine honored name. E'en prison walls could not suffice to bind The noble spirit, fearless still of -shame. Immortal Penn ! thou hast not lived in vain. Thy bright example still shall brightly shine. And numerous voices here, and o'er the main. With deathless laurels shall thy name entwine. And thou, blest Love ! descended from above. Myriads of voices yet shall pierce the skies, Shall sing the mighty truth, that God is Love ! And many a Philadelphia, yet shall rise. 1. W. B. 36 THE SALEM MARTYRS. In 1699, occurred one of the most surprising and afflicting scenes ever witnessed in New England, from the supposed preva lence of witchcraft. At this period, many learned and eminent men in England and America, fully believed in the existence of this crime. The excitement commenced in Salem and its vicin ity. About one hundred persons were accused ; about fifty con fessed themselves guilty. Those who confessed themselves guilty of this crime, appear to have done it in order to save their lives, as they afterwards declared themselves innocent. Twenty per sons were executed for practicing witchcraft, most of whom ex hibited a forcible example of the strength of moral principle. It appears that if they would only confess the crime like the others, their lives might have been spared. But these martyrs, (as they may be truly called,) rather than confess what they knew to be untrue, nobly preferred to suff*er death. When the wild stoim so strange, burst o'er the land, Dark was the hour, strong was the spell, 37 When high and low, to false accusers gave The hearing ear, to slanders fell. Oh sacred love of truth divine ! for thee. Many the martyr's path have trod. Though fire and shameful death their lot would be. If they spoke truth before their God. True sons and daughters of the Pilgrim race. Their honor from above they seek ; Their life with all its charms they freely give. Rather than lying words to speak. Their friends with tears come round, and urge them on To save their lives ; this, this they press. Oh own what weak and frenzied men have said. And Uve your fellow men to bless. No, no ! these hero-martyrs firm replied. Death in its shameful form we brave : Nought but the simple truth shall pass our lips, We can not lie our lives to save. Oh blessed power that nerves the Christian soul ; His strength he feels is from on high : Rather than in the least to swerve from truth. He'll give up aU, and nobly die. Then cease to sneer, nor raise the foolish laugh. At weakness here, wherever found ; How few in this dark world, can pierce beyond. Bewildering mists that float around. But look with triumph on these noble souls. Who duty's path have nobly trod : For truth, like those of old, they gave up life. True martyrs of the living God. J. W. B. 4 38 THE INDIAN REFORMER. In the year 1745, the devoted missionary, David Brainerd, la bored among the Indians in Pennsylvania. When at a conside rable distance from the English settlements, he met with an Indian reformer, who, though dressed with bear skins, in a most wild and fantastic manner, with a rattle in his hand, was evidently sincere and honest in his way. Notwithstanding his outward appearance, there was much in his character which appeared christian-like. He said that he formerly Uved like the rest of the Indians, but God had changed his mind and shown him what he should do. Since that time he had tried to serve him, and he loved all mankind as he never did before. He was derided by most of the Indians as a precise zealot. He opposed their drink- m-g strong drink (or fire water) with all his power, and when at any time he could not prevent it, would go weeping to the woods. In every clime in this dark world abroad, God can the thickest clouds dispel : His being to the weakest mind can show, By many signs infalHble. 39 Oh let us not, the mercy of our God, Confine to our own sect or place : He is the Lord of all, of high and low. Father of all the human race. The Indian wild in the far lonely wood. Feels the " Great Spirit " ever near ; His voice within he hears, and upward looks. And calls on God, and God will hear. This sum of heavenly truth, that " God is Love," On Pagan hearts this Light of day. Pours forth new hght ! new Love inspires his soul. And hateful pdssions die away ! He meekly strives his brethren to reclaim. From the destructive power of sin. To drink no more the fiery, maddening draught. But strive to have all peace within. But if they were to his entreaties deaf. His soul was pained, his tears they fell ; Into the forest depths he took his way. Before the Lord his griefs to tell. What though his sacredotal robes may seem, Uncouth and barbarous to our sight. Oh judge him not severe ! he fancies thus. This mode of dress, he thinks it right. His paler brother too, has modes and forms. Of priestly dress : in various ways. Attracts the notice of his fellow men, As fancy, or as fashion sways. With equal eye, the Father of us all. Whether in skins or silks we dress, He sees us all ! he knows our thoughts and aims, With pity sees our weaknesses. Throughout all time and place, he that performs The works of love and righteousness ; God will accept, though lame his creed. The upright man will surely bless. 1. w. 40 DESTRUCTION OF D'ANVILLE'S FLEET. In 1746, a poweriul fleet from France, under the command of Duke D Anville, consisting of about forty ships of war besides transports, sailed to ravage and destroy the Enghsh settlements, on the American coast. The consternation was great among the colonies, especially when they learnt that no fleet had sailed from the mother country in quest of the French. But a kind Provi dence appeared for their deliverance. A most remarkable series of disasters pursued the French. The Duke D' Anville died in a sudden and unexpected manner ; his successor, in a fit of delirium, killed himself The fleet sustained much damage by storms, and great loss by shipwrecks. In addition to this, a mortal sickness prevailed, and swept off" a large portion of the troops, and the re mainder soon after embarked for France. Such an instance of preservation, without the aid of human power, seldom occurs ; and the pious people of that time, ascribed their deUverance to that Being, who caused the Assyrian monarch to return to his own country, without so much as shooting an arrow against Je rusalem. 41 The dark'ning clouds of war are gathering fast. The foe draws near with towering pride. Threatening our land with fiery 'vengeance storm, And desolation far and wide. In proud array the hostile fleet of France, Are marshaled for the onset dread ; A powerful force urged on by sweUing sails. By noble, warlike Captains led. God of our Fathers ! kindly save us now. Oh shield us by thy mighty power ; Oh Father, hear us in our deep distress. And save us in this trying hour. Thine ancient people, when the mighty hosts By proud Senacherib were led. Their prayers they raised to thee : in one short night, Thy power did lay them helpless, dead. Our father's prayers were heard : sickness prevails ; Death thins the ranks ; o'erpowers the foe ; The frowning heavens above are dark with storms. The foaming biUows rage below. By stormy winds dismaiitled, and o'er-powered. The mighty ships are sunk like lead : Amid the waste of waters wide around. The foe lies low among the dead. Disease and flood, and stormy -winds, and death, Fulfill the will of the Most High : Strong is the power that kindly guards all those, That on the mighty God rely. 4* J. W. B. 42 i m^ :" f :MSO ¦*¦. 1 I, ZINZENDORF, THE MORAVIAN MISSIONARY. In 1742, Count Zinzendorf, the celebrated Moravian mission ary, went among the Shawnee Indians, in the Wyoming valley in Pennsylvania. Unable to appreciate the pure motives of his mission, they suspeci-ed him of being a spy, or a land speculator in disguise, and accordingly they sent some of their number to kill him. Zinzendorf had kindled a fire in his tent, and was deeply engaged in writing and meditation when the Indians stole upon him, to execute their bloody commission. Warmed by the fire, a large rattle snake crept forth, and glided harmlessly over the legs of the holy man unperceived by him. The Indians, however, were at this very moment looking stealthily into the tent and saw the movement of the serpent. Awed by this scene, they desisted from their bloody purpose ; they soon retired, and informed their iiountrymen that the Great Spirit protected this white man, and they dared not raise their hands against him. Alone ! and far fi-om childhood's home, He crossed the stormy sea to roam, An exile, in the forest wild, To seek and save frail nature's child ; The dusky Indian who hath ma^e, His home within the green wood shade. 43 Sweet love T O Charity divine ! What wondrous mighty power is thine ! Which thus the ties of nature rends. And severs country, kindred, friends, And ills to share, all perils brave, A fallen sinful race to save. Count Zinzendorf, of noble race. Like him of Patmoa finds a place. To hold communion sweet, on high. Where heavenly visions meet the eye ; To write : and to the churches tell. Though dark around, yet all is well. Upward he looks ! his spirit flies. To far off bowers of Paradise, To meet with spirits of the just. Made perfect in their love and trust ; Unmoved he sits, serene his brow. What angel guards his musings now 1 For see ! what danger now betides ! A horrid serpent o'er him glides : Calmly he sits, unconscious still Of aught that now may threaten ill : The poisonous reptile all disarmed, Creeps on, and leaves him quite unharmed. He rests ! while savage foes draw near. Amazed they stand in wondrous fear : What potent spell, what magic charm Can shield the pale faced man from harm 1 Some mighty power to them unknown. Must guard this stranger when alope. He sleeps ! but sleep hke his, may speak A lesson words are all too weak To tell ; the white man's God hath power To shield his servant at this hour ; That he whom Israel's Watchman keeps. Through threatened ills, untroubled sleeps. 44 MORAVIANS. The United Brethren, or Moravians, of whom Connt Zinzendorf was a distinguished member, derive their or- igin from the Greek Church, in the 9th century. The society, as at present, was placed on a permanent foun dation in 1722, by the Count, who gave the perse-juted brethren in Moravia, a place of refuge on his estates in Saxony. Zinzendorf, having adopted the sentiments of the Brethren, was consecrated one of their Bishops and from thenceforward devoted his life to the cause. Under the guidance of the Count, certain article ? of union were agreed to, which embraced only the great truths of Scripture. Individuals of all Protestant denom inations, conseqtiently have always been freely admitted into their communities without renouncing their pecuUar creeds. Discussions respecting controverted points are avoided, but they make the merits of Christ their princi pal theme, and hope of salvation. The Brethren early turned their attention to this coun try, in order to introduce christianify; among the Indiana. In 1741, they settled near the forks of the Delaware, in Pennsylvania. Count Zinzendorf, then on his mission ary tour in America, visited this placej)n Christmas in that year, and lodged in a log-house, attached to which was a stable. From this circumstance the name of Bethlehem was given to the settlement. " No people have probably done so much in the cause of mis sions, in proportion to their means, aa the Moravians. The suf ferings and devotedness of their missionaries have been great. They have oftentimes gone forth, single-handed and unknown, among the slave population in the West Indies, the degraded and filthy Greenlanders, and the savages of our own country. In some instances ten, in others nenT fifty years have elapsed, ere they saw any fruit ; yet they continued to labor, full of faith, and struggling against misrepresentation, suffering, and loss of life." 45 Bethlehem, the largest town of Moravians in this country, is about 48 miles north of PhUadelphia, and contains about 1600 inhabitants, mostly of German de scent. The town is beautifully situated, and is celebra ted for its neat and orderly appearance. The following, respecting their religious customs, &c., is fi-om a recent publication. As usual among the Germans, great attention is paid to music ; almost every dwelling has its piano, and it forms one of the most interesting features of their public worship. Before the Lord's supper, they have a love feast, when all assemble expressly to listen to vocal and instrumental music, interspersed vrith hymns, in which the congregation join, while they partake of a cup of coffee, tea, or chocolate, and light cakes, in token of fellowship and brotherly union. Easter morning is devoted to a solemnity of a peculiar kind. At sunrise the congregation assemble in the graveyard ; a service, accompanied by music, is celebrated, expressive of the joy ful hopes of immortality and resurrection, and a solemn commem- moration of those who, in the course of the last year, have gone to heaven. Soon as a person dies, the event is announced by solemn instru mental music, from a band stationed in the church tower. Differ ent tunes are played, signifying the age, sex, and condition of the deceased ; so it is then usually known'who is dead. These death hymns, sounding, as they often do, upon the still morning or eve ning air, must have a singularly melancholy efTect upon the hearer, reminding him that he too is mortal. Their funeral services are usually performed in church ; from thence the congregation march to the grave, preceded by a band of music. If the deceased is a female, the ladies follow first after the coffin ; if a male, the re verse. They consider death as no evil, but the entrance to eternal Wiss, and therefore do not mourn for friends, nor wear insignia of grief. In alluding to the departed, they use the expression, " helm gehen," signifying that they, have gone home. The graveyard, Uke most of this denomination, is laid out as a garden, and planted with trees, under which are seats for visitors. The graves are de void of the disagreeable coffin-like shape of our own ; but resemble flower beds, and in many cases are covered with myrtle and other ornamental plants. The monuments are small slabs laid horizon tally upon the graves, the inscriptions uppermost, and bearing aim- ply the name, age, and place of decease. 46 RESCUE OF MAJOR PUTNAM. In 1758, Major Putnam, when near Fort Edward, during the war with the French and Indians, was taken prisoner by the latter. They determined to roast him alive. Accordingly they stripped him, bound hira to a tree, and piled up dry brush and other fuel in a circle around him, which they set on fire. A sud den shower damped the rising flame. Still they strove to kindle it, until at last the blaze ran fiercely round the circle. The sava ges yelled in triumph, and Putnam fully believed that his final hour had now come. He summoned all his resolution, and composed his mind as far as he could, to bid farewell to all he held most dear. The bitterness of an agonizing death wao in a manner past, and nature was quitting her last hold on life, when a French offi cer rushed through the crowd, opened a way by scattering the burning brands, and severely reprimanded the savages. This was Molang, the commanding officer, who, having received in formation of what was going on, rushed to the relief of Putnam, and at the last moment saved his life. A FEARFUL sight uow rises to the view. In the dark northern forests wild ; Putnam the brave is seized, condemned to death. Fast bound amid the blazing pile. 47 The scorching fire begins to rise ; Loud sounds the savage demon yell : The suffering victim looks for help above. From foes the children dire of hell ! Oh Father help him in this trying hour ; Help him ! he calls on thy great name : The prayer is kindly heard, a sudden shower Puts out the kindling, rising fiame. With fell revenge and hate, the savage crew Kindle again the raging fire ; Prepare a feast of death, and see once more, A victim brave, in flames expire. ¦The savage «yells in horrid triumph rise. Like demons mad, they dance around ; The crackling, roaring flames now mount on high. The death-song swells with fearful sound. My hour is come ! I shall behold no more My loved ones, and my partner dear ! Perish I must ! within this scorching flame : No human help doth now appear. Yet Father thou canst save ! when all below Is darkness to the human eye ; Yet Father to thy stern decree I bow. Submissive at thy feet I lie. That man is blessed, who puts his trust in thee. Who lives, or dies at home, abroad : Strong is the power that kindly guards him round. Strong is his helper. Father, God ! A voice is heard ! a noble form appears, Molang, the generous Frenchman, braves, Drives back the wretches with indignant frown. Scatters the fire, the victim saves. Oh noble thus ! our enemies to love. Kindly assist them in distress ; And him who reigns above, the Lord of all, The merciful will surely bless. 43 THE TRUE WIFE AND MOTHER. In 1764, Col. Boquet, having conquered the Indians in the vi cinity of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, compelled them to sue for peace. One of the conditions of peace was, that the Indians should de liver up all the women and children whom they had taken into captivity. Many of these had learned the language of their cap tors, adopted their habits, and were bound to them by ties of affec tion. The separation between the Indians and their prisoners was heart-rending. Some afterwards made their escape, and re turned to the Indians. One female, who had been captured at the age of fourteen, had become the wife of an Indian Chief, and mother of several children. When informed that she was to be delivered to her parents, her grief could not be alleviated. " Can I," said she, "enter into my parents dwelling? Will they be kind to my children ? Will my old companions associate with the wife of an Indian ? And my husband, who has been so kind — I will not desert him !" That night she fled to the camp of her husband and children. Strange is the forest scene, A. sorroAving group is there ; 49 The Indian with his dusky brow. And woman pale and fair. The parting hour has come. And tearfidly they stand ; WhUe fi-iends their long lost kindred claim, Amid that forest band. *' Back to the white man's care, The captives we restore ; But to the Indian's homes and hearts. They wiU return no more. Mother, and wife, and maid. From hUl, and stream, and dell ; And from your homes beneath the shade. Ye go : fareweU ! farewell !" These moiu-nful words are heard. Sad as a funeral knell ; And the proud Indian's bitter tears, FaU with the word, farewell ! Hark ! for 'tis woman speaks. The Mother and the wife : Hear ! for her kindred bid her rend The ties more dear than life. " They bid me seek again. The home of childhood's years ; But oh ! its far off beauty shines. But dimly through my tears. A dearer home is mine. Within the green wood glade ; 5 60 There dwells my love, my children play. Beneath its leafy shade. My children ! bom and reared Amid the forest wild ; Will not the white man proudly spurn. The Indian's dusky chUd ? And those I loved of old. My friends in years gone by. Will they not mark the Indian's wife With cold averted eye 7 And he I loved so well. That heart so kind and true ; Can ye give back such love as his. Which I resign for you? And shall I leave him ? No ! I leave the white man's care ; Back to the forest's depths I go. My home and heart are there. Yes ! for a mother's love. No laws of caste can bind ; And only in one faithfiil heart. The wife her home may find. So woman's love will shine. Alike through good or ill. In palace hall, or forest shade, Pure and unchanging still. 51 THE MOTHER'S VOICE. In 1764, Col. Boquet of Pennsylvania, having defeated the In dians, compeUed them to sue for peace. One of the conditions apon which peace was granted, was that the Indians should re store all the women and children they had taken captive from the white settlements. Many had been seized when very young, forgot their own language, and grew up to maturity, in the wig wams of the savages, adopting their manners and customs. A great number of the restored prisoners were brought to Carlisle, — many^ mother found a lost child, but others could not desig nate their children. Among these, was an aged woman, whose child, little girl, had been teken from her several years before ; but was unable to recognize her daughter, or converse with the released captives. With a breaking heart, she lamented tx3 Col. Boquet her hapless lot. The Colonel requested her to sing a hymn which she used to sing to her daughter when a little child. This was no sooner complied with, than tho long-lost daughter rushed into the' arms of her mother. In strange fantastic dress arrayed, The rescued captives stand. 53 With warriors of the forest shade Amid the little band. Of friends that here their kindred claim. Repeating each familiar name. And here the mother seeks with tears. Her loved, her long lost chUd, So changed by lapse of weary years. From the young face that smUed, Upon her in her childish glee. In days of helpless infancy. Dark was the storm of war that swept The peaceful cormtry o'er ; When friends and kindred sadly wept. For those they saw no more : And many a mother mourned her child Borne captive to some forest wUd. What tone, that long lost child shall reach. What voice her tale impart ? She knoweth not her loved one's speech ; And with a heavy heart. She looks from face to face with tears. To seek the one, long lost for years. Is there no dear femiliar word. Which on her ear should break ? Is there no lay in childhood heard Sweet memory's chords to wake. To free that spirit from its spell ? The soldier bade the mother teU. 53 She sings the song of other days, The liymn so sweet and mUd , One of the simple cradle lays. She sang her infant child. And learned that loved one's childish tone. To mingle sweetly with her own. A mother's voice ! what magic ai-t It hath to touch the soul ; It enters in the inmost heart. Its passions to control : That voice that lulled the babe to rest, In slumber on a mother's breast. A mother's voice, it teUs of love, Such as few hearts may know. Such as the angels feel above, For those they guard below ; A love the world can never chiU, Pure, undefiled, and changeless still. Oh blessed voice ' oh long lost strain ! Thy tone has pi erced one ear ! The davghter echoes back again. The song to meinory dear : She rushes to her mother's breast ! A mother's heart n ust think the rest ! 5 ¦' E. G. 54 COL. BOONii'S FIRST VIEW OF KENTUCKY. In 1769, Col. Daniel Boone, and a few others from Virginia, made an exploring expedition into the wilderness westward. After a long fatiguing march over a mountainous^region, they came to the top of an eminence, from whence, with joy and won der, they discovered the level and beautifiil landscape of Ken tucky. " Here," says Col. Boone, " nature was a series of won ders, and a fund of delight. Here she displayed her ingenuity and industry, in a variety of flowers and fruits beautifully colored, elegantly shaped, and charmingly flavored : and we were diverted with numberless animals, presenting themselvee perpetually to our view. The buffaloes were more numerous than cattle on other settlements — their numbers were amazing." Fate was the scene that lay. Before fhe little band. Which paused upon its toilsome way. To view this new found land. Field, stream, and valley spread. Far as the eye could gaze. 55 With Summer's beauty o'er them shed. And sunlight's brightest rays. Flowers of the fairest dyes. Trees clothed in richest green ; And brightly smiled the deep blue skies. O'er this enchanting scene. Such was Kentucky then. With wild luxuriance blest ; Where no invading hand had been : The garden of the West. Such must have seemed the land, Columbus fqund of old ; Whose beauties lay on every hand. Whose charms were never told. So to the Christian's eyes, The land of promise seems : So many a fairy vision lies. Before our gaze in dreams. Kentucky ! years have passed Since first they pressed the sod ; Another race its lot has cast. Where once the Indian trod. Fair as thou wert of old. The patriot's cause be thine. Thy sons for Liberty be bold. For Freedom's rights divine. E. G. n. 56 Benezet instructing colored children. ANTHONY BENEZET. This celebrated philanthropist was. a native of France. On account of religious persecution in that country, his parents, in 1731, removed to London. While here, the family adopted the religious opinions of the Society of Friends, and in 1731, emigra ted to Philadelphia. In his zeal to do good, he left a profitable mercantile business, and devoted himself to the instruction of youth. He was a friend to the poor and distressed of every de scription, and labored most earnestly for their relief and welfare. He made great exertions to have the slave trade suppressed. The unfortunate and degraded situation of the African race in this country, deeply moved his sympathy, and he made strong efforts for their elevation and improvement. The loss of this benevolent man was deeply felt, and his funeral was attended by all religious denpminations. Many hundred cohired persons, with tears, fol lowed his remains to the grave. An American officer of the Revolutionary army, in returning from the funeral, pronounced a striking eulogium upon him. " I would rather," said he, "be Anthony Benezet, in that coffin, than the great Washington with all his honors." 57 Servant of God ! thy work is done. No more thy thoughts employ On earth below.: the victory's won ! " Enter thy master's joy." Like him thy suffering bosom heaved. Thy tears like rain-drops flowed. For sufTering, fallen, wretched man. Thy sotil with mercy glowed. Long didst thou meekly strive and toil. To raise an injured race. And give them hope 'mid keen despair. And beings lost embrace. The widow and the fatherless, With sighs and tears deplore, This benefactor of our race On earth, they see no more. Oh, sainted one ! in this dark world Too few like thee are seen ; " Like angel heavenly visitants. Too few and far between." No hollow, false, deceitful tears. O'er Benezet are shed. Thy memory will live above. When earth gives up its dead. No rattUng dram, no volley loud. Speaking of war's dread trade ; No gaudy banners proudly wave. Where thy remains are laid : Oh no ! angelic hosts attend. Thy spirit to convey. From these dark bewildering scenes, To endless, perfect day. Kind heaven doth guard thy sleeping dust, Though scattered round, abroad : Thy spirit sweetly rests within "The bosom of thy God ! 58 FOUNDING OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. In 1770, Dr. Wheelock removed from Connecticut, his family and school to Hanover, New Hampshire, and laid the foundation of Dartmouth College at that place. The roads at that period, being rough and unfinished, the pupils performed the journey on foot. The site selected for the college and other buildings, was an extensive plain, shaded with lofty pines, with no accommoda tions except two or three log huts. A college and other buildings were erected and partially finished before the aummnal snows set in. In the ensuing winter, the snow lay four feet in depth, between four and five months. " Sometimes standing in the open air, at the head of his numerous family, Dr. Wheelock pre sented to God their morning and evening prayers : the surround ing forests, for the first time reverberated the solemn sounds of supplication and praise." In the deep shadow of the solemn wood. With rustling pines, and woodland songsters nigh. The man of God amid his scholars stood, ' And raised the tuneful song of praise on high. Dartmottth, endeared to science is thy name. Thy bounteous gift yet still shall long endure, 59 These dauntless hearts, these weary travelers came, Thy gift for unborn thousands to secure. No pompons rites the pleasing service crowned. No organs swell, no costly robes wore there. But murmurs of the forest reigned around. Unbroken save by sounds of praise and prayer. It was a simple stracture which they reared. Deep in the heart of that secluded grove. But by the labor of their hands endeared. And hallowed by a blessing from above. Far different this from proud ancestral piles. Beyond the sea, 'mid England's stately homes. Where shadowy stillness reigned in cloistered aisles. The dust of centuries, on ponderous tomes. Where pale monastic men still pondered o'er. Old volumes saved from all destroying time. Not such famed Dartmouth, was thy treasured store, Nor dim religious splendor such as theirs, was.thine. But through the winter's storm, and summer's heat. Fair Science, did thy children gather there. The Indian youth sat at Instruction's feet, With his white brother, void of slavish fear. Deep lay the snow its humble walls around, -When winter's wind came howling fiercely by ; Their couch oft-times in summer's heat the ground. And the blue vault above, their canopy. Such Dartmouth, were thy " founding times " of old. Clouds of the morn that ushered in thy days. Of calm prosperity when we behold Thy numerous sons, rehearse old Dartmouth's praise. £. a. B. 60 WashiTiffton asking pardon of Mr. Fayne. WASHINGTON'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. In 1754, Washington, then a youjjg man of 22 years of age, was stationed with his regiment at Alexandria. At this time, an election for public officers took place, and the contest between the candidates became exciting and severe. A dispute took place between Mr. Payne and Washington, in which the latter, (an occurrence very uncommon with him,) became warm, and said something which gave Mr. Payne so much offense, that he knocked Washington down. Instead of flying into a passion, and sending him a challenge to fight a duel, as was expected, Washington, upon mature reflection, finding that he had been the aggressor, he resolved to ask pardon of Mr. Payne on the morrow. Accordingly he met Mr. Payne the next day, and ex tended his hand in a friendly manner : " Mr. Payne," said he, " to err is nature : to rectify error is glory. I find I was wrong yesterday : but I wish to be right to day. You have had soma satisfaction : and if you think that was sufficient, here's my hand : let uB be friends." It ia hardly necessary to state, that ever after wards they were so. 61 Grkat Washington ! more noble far thou wert, When like a suppliant thou didst meekly yield. Than when thy banners waved in victory high. O'er foemen prostrate on the battle field. Thou canst forgive ! oh heavenly blessed power ! Our brother frail, his insults to forgive. To rise above revenge, that passion strong. And good for evil, kindly, nobly give ! True courage this ! that nobly dares do right, Nor heeds the proud, the puny worldling's scora , Fears not the slanderous tongue, or hellish spite. But bravely, boldly, meets the thick'ning storm. He soars above the fogs that close him round. The dark sulphureous clouds that frown below, To realms above, where seraph voices sound. Where Love and Friendship pure, forever glow. So like Monadnock's lofly towering height. When all below the murky clouds deform ; Though lightning's flash, though loud the thunder rolls. In sunshine peers above the raging storm. Oh little souls, that have no strength to rise Above an insult : choose the better part, Cherish the noble feeling of the soul. That crushes hate when rising in the heart. Be like the Father of your country bold, 'Tis Godlike thus, for evil good inspire ; It calms the stubborn spirit sweetly down. Melting the soul with coals of heavenly fire " 6 J. W. B.. GEN. REED REFUSING THE BRIBE. lit May, 1778, when Gen. Joseph Reed, of Pennsylvania, was a member of the American Congress, three Commissioners from Great Britain, Governor Johnstone one of them, addressed pri vate letters to Francis Dana, Robert Morris, and Gea. Reed, to secure their influence towards restoring harmony with the mother country, by giving up their independence. But the attempt was in vain with these patriots. Gen. Reed, who was somewhat des ponding of the American cause, had a direct proposition made to him, by a lady employed by Gov. Johnstone, that if he would effect a re-union between the two countries, that ten thotisand pounds, and the best otBce in the gift of the crown in America, should be at his disposal. He replied, " that he was not worth purchasing, but such as he was, the king of Great Biitain was not rich enough to do it." No honors high, bestowed by kingly hands ; No glory bright, to gain the mob's applause ; Nor titles proud to cluster roimd his name. Can move the hero fi-om his coimtry's cause. No mines of gold can draw the patriot's soul. Who to his country stands : no golden shower Can blind his vision to his country's good ; In virtue strong, he scorns the tempter's power. When titled men clothed vidth oiHcial power. To tempt his soul with wealth and honor high. He spurns the bribe ! and nobly, boldly teUs, Though poor, no king is rich enough to buy. No threats of dangers, chains or banishment, Or gifts of wealth, or power, or titled name, Can daiuit, or lure the noble lofty soul, That feels, oh Liberty ! thy sacred flame. My country ! sacred home ! I feel the power These magic watch words give the inmost soul ; More potent far than kingly mandates are. The patriot's noble spirit to control. Though tyrant's stalk around with pomp and power, Boasting with pride that God hath made them so. Freedom " though crushed to earth shall rise again," And men its lasting triumphs yet shall know. What hosts are crushed by dire oppression's chain. Throughout the wide-spread earth around, abroad ; And creep and cringe before their fellow- worms, Who claim the high prerogative of God. Go make those little craven servile souls, Their birth-right for a mess of pottage give ; The high bom soul disdains the proflered bribe, And nobly scorns in slavery's garb to live ! J. w. B. 64 PASSING THE DELAWARE. Tot summer and fall of the year 1776, waa the most gloomy period of the American Revolution. After a series of disasters. Gen. Washington was obhged to retreat from New York towards Pennsylyania. The army, which had consisted of 30,000 men, was reduced to about 3000. Many of these were ragged, without shoes, and pinched with hunger. Their footsteps through the ice and snow, were marked with blood as they fled before the enemy. The American cause seemed desperate, and Congress recommended to each of the States, to observe " a day of solemn fasting and humiliation before God." Washington saw the ne cessity of striking a successful blow for the salvation of his coun try. On the night of Dec. 25th, 1776, the army re-crossed the Delaware, and advanced to attack a division of Hessians, who lay at Trenton in fancied security. They were taken by surprise. A few with their commander. Col. Rahl, were killed, and 1000 were made prisoners. The oppressor's marshalled hosts mighty in arms advance. The sons of Freedom flee before their haughty foes. The ilill fed tyrants stalk around. 65 The men of servile souls creep forth and do them homage. The lonely star of Freedom bright shi ning on these western shores, grows dim, and dark sulphureous storms now brood around. In war's dread strife, our father's ranks grew thin and scattered. They bent before the raging storm. Through ice and snow, their footsteps marked their path with blood. With fleets and armies strong, the foe pursued, resolved to crush the feeble few, who nobly stood in arms for freedom's holy cause. The heavens grew dark with clouds ; the tem- pest thickened round their path, their friends grew sad and silent. Crushed down, but not destroyed, our fathers hearts grew firm and strong. Like the firm oak that shoots its roots into the earth, more deep and strong, when rudely shaken by the whirlwind blast ! One band remained. Firm in their country's bleeding cause, they scorn to yield. One mighty effort more to make for freedom, sinking beneath the tyrant's power, they forward move. With lion hearts, and arms of steel, resolved on victory high, ornobly fall as mart3Trs for the rights of men. They cross the raging flood, 'mid wintry blasts and crackling ice. Safely they reach the other shore. Their ranks in stern array are formed. Onward they press on icy pavement strong. The mortal conflict hastens on. An Empire's fate hangs trem bling in the breeze. Freedom is lost, or victory won. The thoughts of home steal o'er and fill their souls. Perhaps the coming storm -will lay them low in blood, and those they love -will see their forms no 6* 66 more. Their souls are moved within. They cin-se that lust of power and pride that s-wims in tears and blood. To crush this power, they boldly breast the leaden, deadly, thtmdering storm ! The sun had tipped the distant hUls with silvery light, when roused fi-om sleep, the foe appeared in sight. Columbia's chieftain rises in his might, and waves aloft his flashing steel. Once more ! my fellow soldiers brave ! once more ! he cried. For Freedom high now boldly strike ! As when some mighty storm, with whirlwind power, sweeps o'er the plain, so rushed om fathers on the haughty foe. Dismayed, o'er-powered and crushed, they fell before the fiery tempest. They lay their weapon in the dust and ask for life. Fair Freedom smiled in tears of joy, that now this west ern world was fi-ee ! Though storms may rage, and blacker grow the skies, desert not Truth, or Freedom's holy cause. With heart sincere, oh firmly breast the howling storm, and quail not before the lightning's flash. The right shall yet prevail, the foe shall fall, and final victory yet shall come ! 67 WASHINGTON AT MORRISTOWN. N. J. In 1777, the American army were obliged to retire before the superior force of the enemy, in the vicinity of Philadelphia, and encamped at Valley Forge, about 22 miles distant. The army arrived at this place, about the 18th of December, and it is said that they might have been tracked, by the blood of the soldiers feet, in marching bare-footed over the hard, frozen ground. The army built themselves log-huts, or cabins, for a shelter ; but they endured extreme suffering, from the want of provisions, blankets and clothing, and many perished from privations and disease. The American army had also sufTered much the previous winter, when they lay at Morristown, N. J. It is related, that on one occasion, Washington told one of his hungry men, to go to hia table and refresh himself, while he would take his gun and per form the duty of a common soldier, as a sentinel in his place. The commander-in-chief, by many similar acts of condescension, greatly endeared himself to the American soldiers. 'Mu) vrinter's howling storms of snow and ice. The soldiers still with hope inspired. Reared their rude cabins 'mid the chiUing blast. With love of home and freedom fired. 68 HI clad they shivered in the wintry wind. No blasts could cool their hearts desire ; By hunger sore, and fell disease they fell. And inftheir country's cause expire. True heroes these ! that stand like valiant men, Though sufierings many, keen and long; No bribes can move them from their country's cause. For freedom firm ! in virtue strong ! Great Washington their life of hardships shares, With courage bold and martial grace His presence cheers the faint desponding heart, He takes the humblest soldiers place. Greatness of mind is this, that soars above The petty place of rank and birth. That feels for every man a brother's love ; Such are the noblest minds on earth. The noble chieftain scorns, disdains to leave His soldiers in their sore distress j He shares the sufferings, dangers, toils. Which round his soldiers hourly press. Thy spirit Liber.ty ! our Fathers felt. With Hon hearts, and upward eye ; Firmly they stood in Freedom's holy cause. Nor cowered beneath the angry feky. FUNERAL OF GEN. FRAZER. In October, 1777, Gen. Burgoyne, when advancing upon the Northern States from Canada, was effectually checked in his progress at Saratoga. Near this place, a bloody battle was fought, in which Gen. Frazer, one of the principal officers of the enemy, fell, mortally wounded, by a shot from one of Morgan's rifle men. As he lay dying he was heard to exclaim, " oh fatal ambition !" " oh my poor wife '." He was buried according to his request, on an elevatioiv near Hudson river, on which was a battery. His remains were attended to the grave, at 6 o'clock in the evening, by the general officers ; and the fiineral scene is described as imusually solemn, impressive and awftil, by the voice of the chaplain, being accompanied by constant peals from the American artillery, and the cannon shot which flew thick arotmd and near the procession. The warrior sleeps, he wakes no more, At glory's voice of chivalry : 70 His part amid the strife is o'er ; He starts not at the cannon's roar. Nor rolling drum, nor musketry. No more the soldier leads the band. Of Britain's warlike infantry. They hear no more his stem command. Nor gleams his sword, nor waves his hand. Urging to death or victory. The rifle lays the chieftain low. By Morgan, aimed so fetaUy, He falls where streams of life blood flow. Where comrades 'neath the deadly blow. Have fallen, wounded mortally. So " glory leads, but to the grave," Such was the soldier's destiny. To meet his doom he crossed the wave, His.life blood flowed, his deeds so brave. Were given for chains and slavery. In evening shadows sinks the sim. And life departs thus mournfully. Its brightness fades in shadows dun. And so the hero's course was run. And ended thus in tragedy. His lifeless form is borne on high. In solemn martial pageantry While threat'ning clouds obscure the sky. And fires of death are flashing nigh. And roar of dread artillery. 71 They grant the soldier's last request, Though death flies rotmd so fearfully. They lay the warrior down to rest. The ttnf upon his lifeless breast, His grave is in the battery. Ashes to ashes ! dust to dust ! The chaplain's voice thus steadily, Gives back to earth its mournful trust. Slowly and sadly as he must, Amid war's dread artillery. And in the soldier's native land, The tidings fall most heavily ; The wailings of his household band, O'er him, laid low by war's dread hand, The spirit move to sympathy. Oh when shall war's dread tumult cease, And brothers dwell in unity. The captive from his chains release : Father of all ! oh give us peace. And heaven bom love and harmony. 72 Count Donop ¦mortally wounded at Red Bank. COUNT DONOP. In 1777, Col. Donop, a brave Hessian officer, made an attack on the Red Bank, an American fortification, on the New Jersey side of the Delaware. Col. Greene, the commander, having retired to an inner fort before the attack, the Hessians entered the out- works with shouts, supposing they had gained the victory. But as they advanced a short distance, a most terrible and over whelming fire, strewed the ground with the dead and dying. Count Donop, mortally wounded, was conveyed to the house of a Friend near by, where he expired. " See in me," said the dy ing Count, " the vanity of human pride ! . I have shone in the courts of Europe ; and am now dying in the house of an obscure Quaker !'* Dark lowering clouds float o'er the sky afar, Fit emblem of the dark'ning shade of war : Above the smiling land of peace outspread, Where bannered armies of invaders tread. 73 The Hessian warrior onward leads the way To scenes of blood, in battles proud array ; Bright visions dazzling float before his gaze, / When sovereign tongues shall speak the soldier's praise : When laurel wreaths shall crown his brow with fame ; When beauty's lips shall proudly speak his name ; When minstrel harps amid his native land, Shall soimd the victories of his conqueiing hand. With pride he bids the band of freemen brave, Who nobly sought their native land to save, Lay down their hostile arms, or else prepare. The traitors ignominious doom to share. His soldiers moimt the walls, and victory cry. Their shouts exulting, and their banners high, When see ! they downward sink ! in groans they fall J A storm of dea(fly fire sweeps o'er them all ! Alas, poor Donop ! whither now have fled The dreams which their enchantment roimd thee shed ; Thy noble form all crushed and mangled lies, In blood, in groans, in mortal agonies. " Oh cursed ambition !. false deceitfiil spell, Hath lured me on to leai-n the trade of hell ; Hath led me far across the rolling sea, To crush a nation struggling to be free. Sinking in death, uncared for, and unknown, I lie, who 'mid tlie pomp of courts have shone : No gentle voice shall whisper words of peace, Or bid the parting spirit sweet release !" 7 74 Not so the Christian Soldier! though he dies, He wins a crown beyond the starry skies : With peaceful hope he yields his latest breath. And gains the victoiy in the hour of death. No mad ambition goads him to the field. Against the widow, and the orphan steeled ; To gain on History's brilliant page a name. Though men may bleed, may die to give him fame. But Love, sweet Love ! impelled alone by thee, The Christian Soldier, fetterless and free. The wretched cheers ! the drooping heart shall raise. Though none on earth may ever speak his praise. But when the dread and final hour shall rise, And rolling thunders cleave the parted skies ; When dire convulsions rend the stormy spheres ; And o'er the wreck of time the Judge appears : The Chkistian Hebo, in that hour shall stand. Arrayed in shining robes at his right hand ; On Life's fair book shall there b^raced his name. In lines of living Light ! to deathless fame ! 75 DEATH OF BARON DE KALB. The Baron de Kalb, a General in the American Revolutionary army, was a native of Germany, born about the year 1717. He fell mortally wounded in a battle near Camden, S. C, while vainly attempting to prevent the defeat of the Americans under Gen. Gates, August, 1-780. He appears to have had a kind of presentiment, that he would fall in the approaching contest, which he ezpressed to several of the American officers, who were deeply affected by this circumstance. Said this brave foreigner, " To die, is the irreversible decree of Him who made us. Then what joy to be able to meet death without dismay. This, thank God, is my case. The happiness of man is my wish : that happiness I deem inconsistent with slavery. And to avert so great an evil from an innocent people, I will gladly meet the British to-mor row, at any odds whatever." An aged hero from a distant land, For freedom's cause hath crossed the sea , The brave de Kalb, a name to freemen dear. Periled his all for Liberty. 76 - * Tyrants and despots with their iron power. Have cursed the earth, both far and wide , Millions condemned to suffering, toil and death. To bloat their fellow-worms with pride. The warlike Britons marshalled hosts draw near ; Aloud they raise the battle cry : " The foe I'll meet ; on to the conflict go. Though in the bloody storm I die." " To die, is the irreversible decree Of Him who governs all below : I feel within the solemn time draws nigh. When from these mortal scenes I go." De Kalb thus spoke : he leaves his friends in tears^ With high resolve, come death or life ; He meets the foe, he braves the fearful storm, For others good he joins the strife. With thundering cannon, and with rolling drum, The storm of death sweeps wildly by; With overpowering numbers rush the foe, With deafening shouts the fearfiil fly. The stranger hero quails not I still he stands, Nerved to the conflict, scorns to flee : Wounded he falls, his life-blood freely flows, Sacred to Freedom ! Liberty ! 77 THE MORAVIAN INDIAN MARTYRS. Sevikal depredations having been committed by hostile Indi ans, on the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Virginia, a company of upwards of 100 men, under the command of Col. Williamson, crossed the Ohio, determined on vengeance. On the Sth of March, 1782, they came upon the Moravian settlements at Salem and Gnadenhutten, and by. false pretences, caused the Christian Indians to assemble at the latter place. Here they were treacherously imprisoned and barbarously murdered. These Indians, ninety in number, consisting of men, women and children, when their immediate death was determined on, kneeled down and prayed to God their Savior, took affectionate leave of each other, and then sang a hymn of praise to Him who would soon relieve them from all pain and sorrow. Impatient of delay, the blood-thirsty wretches interrupted the last hymn they could sing on earth, and demanded if they were not ready for death. They answered yes, and added, they had commended their souls to God, with the assurance that he would receive them. " They were then put to death. Those of the soldiers, eighteen in number, who opposed these murders, stood at a di8tance,wringing their hands, and calling God to witness, " that they were innocent of the lives ,7* 78 of these harmless Christian Indians." -The unchristian savages were themselves amazed at this bloody deed. They said that t-Qey had endeavored to draw their brethren back to heathenism, but that the Great Spirit, in order to prevent it, had taken them to liimself. Our time is come ! when we must go Into the " Spirit Land " on high ; The cruel white man false has proved. And basely led us here to die. Great God of all ! on thee we call ; Our murderous foes around us press ; Our souls receive : be with us now. Nor leave us in our sore distress. 'Mid pale faced savage, cruel men. These Christian MartjTS meekly stood. Like harmless lambs, 'mid cruel wolves. Like those of old, they call on God. He gives his servants mighty power. Courage to meet their threatened doom. And with his smile to cheer the hour. Of danger's deepest, darkest gloom. These servants of the living God, Unite in hymns of joyfid praise. Meet the last earthly summons dread. And loud their songs of triumph raise. " Make haste ! no longer sing and pray ; Make haste, your blood we wait to shed :" So spake the fell, infernal crew. Like wolves impatient to be fed. 79 One loved, and long, and last embrace ; They pardon all, and are forgiven : Meekly they die, calling on God, Like Steph^en, look, and rise to heaven. Oh sacred power ! that nerves the soul. To suffer death 'mid scenes like this : Above the world the spirit soars. Resting in lasting heavenly bliss. Silent in death these martyrs lay ; They triumphed in the darkest hour : Like saints of old, they nobly fell 'Mid hellish spite, and demon power. The savage pagan hears the tale. How white men kill the men that pray ; Amazed he stands at deeds like this. Murder most fold in open day. " Oft have we tried to draw them back. No more the Christian's God to love," This to prevent, the red men said, "Their God has taken them above." 80 Prince Gallitzin, at Loretto, Penn. PRINCE GALLITZIN. Demetrius AuGtisTus Gallitzin, a Catholic clergyman of Cambria Co., Penn., was bom at Munster, in Germany. His fether. Prince de Gallitzin, ranked among the highest nobility of Russia J his mother was the daughter of a celebrated Field Mar shal, under Frederick the Great. The young Prince held a high commission in the Russian army from his infancy. While quite a youth, he came to America, and landed at Baltimore in 1782. He soon turned his attention to the christian ministry, and for 42 years exercised the pastoral office in Cambria County. When he first came to this place, situated among the Alleghany mountains, he found it a wilderness, but by great labor and privations, and after expending a princely fortune, h^ succeeded in making " the wilderness to blossom aa the rose." He who might have reveled in princely halls, spent thirty years in a log cabin, denying him self, that he might raise the fallen, clothe the naked, and feed the hungry. He died in May, 1840, at Loretto, near Ebensburg, aged 70 years. Sekvant of God ! thy heavenly mission's o'er, Thy work in this dark world is done j 81 Thy Master calls thee to a throne above ; Thy conflict's past ! thy victory's won ! Though bom in princely halls and nursed with pride. Though wealth was thine, and honor, fame ; Too poor it proved, to fill a soul like thine,i That sought a new and hoUer name. Then ask not with a bigof s purBIind zeal. Which 1 Paul or Cephas he preferred : But (£d he strive to do his master's will; And did he htraibly walk with God I Oh for that love of Truth ! that looks above. The feeling of a bigot's heart ; That tramples down the walls that men would raise. To ke£p God's servants wide apart. Gallitzin ! bom a nobleman of God, Thyself thou didst not seek to please. By shrinking far away to cloistered walls> To doze out life in Unless ease. Oh no ! but like thy master, thou didst toil. Among a fallen race, around, abroad. And preach his gospel to the humble poor, And coll the wandering back to God. The splendors of a royal Court were left. To hush the cries of sore distress : To clothe the naked, feed the hungry poor. The widow and the orphan bless. Did glory bring thee to the tented field. And warlike hosts await thy nod ! Oh no ! thou liVst to save the Uvea of men, Yes ! like thy Savior, Jesus, God. Oh for (hat time ! when men like Christ shall Uve ! Too few like thee, oh sainted one. Thy heavenly Master's footsteps here have trod : Servant of God, weU done ! well done ! J. W. B. 82 COUNCIL OF THE MOHAWK WOMEN. Justice has hardly been done to the virtues of the Indian wo men of our country. Instances have been known, when by their influence as peace-makers, they have prevented many bloody wars. Alive to the interests of those dear to them, they have implored those who had the power to stop the traffic of spirituous liquors, the use of which has ruined so many tribes. In May, 1809, the Mohawk women assembled in council, to which they called the celebrated Capt. Brant, and other chieftains of the tribe. Addressing them as Uncles, in the Indian manner, they lamented the many misfortunes among them caused by drinking the "Jire waters," and implored them to stop the trade. There being con tentions among the Mohawk warriors and chieftains, they en treated them to bury all disputes, and added, that as they had in a great measure been the cause of stirring up their male relations, they would do it no more. Capt. Brant replied, addressing them as " nieces" that they would do their best to have these evils don away. Blest are the messengers of peace, Who come with soothing power, 83 To bid the storms of passion cease. In hatred's darkest hour. In every clime, fair woman mild. Her gentle sceptre wields. And man's proud spirit, stern and wild. Beneath its influence yields. When the accursed " fire waters " came, Among the Indian race. To kindle hatred to a flame. With misery and disgrace. Then gentle woman's voice was heard. The Mohawk matron's prayed. The honored chieftains of their race. For Right to lend their aid. The white man comes with draughts of fire. To barter here for gain ; Sons, brothers, sires, the poison drink. With misery on its train. The mother's praters, the wife's deep sighs. The sister's hapless lot ; The tears that fall from orphan's eyes, « Alike are heeded not. Brother with brother madly strives. Ruled by a demon sway. And fiercely shed each others blood. Like ravenous beasts of prey. 84 " Oh bid the murderous traffic cease. Ye chieftains of our race ; And to the reign of peace and love. These fiendish deeds give place. Oh drive the poison far away. And bid the white man bring The. maddening liquor here no more. Nor touch the accursed thing. So let our simple prayer be heard. Our by-gone joys restore ; Bury the hatchet in the earth. And live in peace once more." The chieftains listened to their prayer. And pieced their vow that day. To touch no more the poisonous draught. But drive it far away. So woman should thy voice be heard. And so thine influence given ; Quelling the stormy passions power. Leading the soul to Heaven. CAMPBELL'S GRAVE. On the Sth of July, 1779, a body of 3000 men, under the com mand of Gen. Tryon, landed near New Haven, Conn., and pro ceeded to the invasion of that place. About 1500 of the enemy, under Gen. Garth, landed at West Haven Point, and took up their march for New Haven. Their march along the summit of Milford Hill, with their scarlet uniform, and well burnished arms flashing in the sun beams, is described as a most imposing scene. Adjutant Campbell, tall and elegant in person, of splendid mili tary appearance, and the idol of the soldiers, commanded one of the advance guards of the enemy. He was shot down by some of the miUtia, who had hastily assembled to oppose their progress. He was carried into a humble dwelling near by, where he ex pired. His body was found on a bed unattended, and was car ried on a sheep-rack to his grave. The spot is still to be seen, designated by a small rough stone, on which is inscribed, " Camp bell, 1779," erected, by the Author of this work, in Sept. 1844. No marble monument is thine ; No stately pile, no massive tomb, 8 86 Where waving banners proudly shine. Amid the Abbey's gloom : No pompous strains to tell thy praise ; No child of song awakes his lays ; No organ's peal through arches high, A requiem to thy memory. No, thine is but a lowly grave. Beneath New England's deep blue sky ; Its summer flowerets o'er thee wave. Its winds thy requiem sigh : A lowly grave, one simple stone, TeUs of thy song linked name alone ; Alone, afar ! above the plain. Thy sleeping dust doth still remain. Sleep on, oVgallant soldier thou ! Sleep on and take thy dreamless rest ; Death's seal upon thy noble brow. The turf upon thy breast : But calm beneath these smiling skies, The forest city near thee Ues, The murmuring river rolls between. Her stern old rocks, her bowers of green. Perhaps amid thy native land. Thine own fair isle beyond the sea. The loved ones of thy household band. Looked long in vain for thee : For thee they watched through long bright hours ; For thee they decked their green wood bowers ; And listened at the homestead door. For footsteps they should hear no more. 87 Oh bright thy country's banners danced, And fluttered in the morning light ; And flashing steel and scarlet glanced, All bathed in radiance bright : At night their path was lone once more, The drum was still, the strife was o'er : And thou the noblest of them all. Doomed in the foremost ranks to fell. Full many a year since then has passed, Of toil for blood bought liberty : Right manfully the die was cast, For death or victory. And now our flag floats far and wide, Its stars and stripes, our country's pride, And we a people brave and free. To God alone bow heart and knee. But when the last dread trump shall sound, And like a scroll roll back these skies. From every bloody battle grovmd. Earth's myriad hosts shall rise ; And marshaled rank on rank shall stand. The warrior hosts of every land ; Then forests wild, and ocean's bed, Alike that day give up their dead. E. C B. 68 STERN MISSIONARY. About the year 1800, at the period of the first settlement of our western states, itinerant missionarieg were sent fi-om the east to labor in the new settlements scattered here and there in the wilderness. In order to extend the light of religion, and lay the foundation of happiness and intelligence to a great people yet to come, these devoted men endured much toil, danger and Euflerino' in the tedious forests, unknown deserts, and trackless uninhabited regions. One of these misaenaries, while travelling in the north- em section, in the depth of winter, became bewildered and be- nmnbed by the chilling frost. He was found sometime after wards, having been frozen to death while on his knees, in the attitude of prayer. True Patriot of the human race is he, A soul of noble, yea of heavenly birth ; Who hves to scatter light and love abroad. The faithful servant of his God on earth. No golden region far doth lure hirn on. Nor hope of honor bright, nor selfish love 89 Inspires his breast : his soul, with eagle eye, Looks upwards to the realms above. What though thy lowly name v?ill not appear Upon the musty rolls of human fame. In God's own book of everlasting life Is found inscribed thy new and holier name. The proud of earth may scorn thy humble mien. Despise thy work, disdain thy feeble voice ; Angels attend thee in thy mission round. And ever in thy labors kind rejoice. . Through forests dark and wild, o'er mountains high. In wilds wherever human foot has trod. To dark benighted, fallen, wretched men. Thou art the high Ambassador of God. No ravening beasts, nor savage cruel men. Thy firm and dauntless heart can ever move. Nor summer's burning heat, nor winter's cold. Can stay thy noble embassy of love. * Thou laboreat still ; waiting thy masters will. To be discharged, and calmly then obey. The summons to thine everlasting rest. In realms of endless light ! eternal day ! The time is come ! fierce howls the wintry blast ; No farther onward can the wanderer go ; Kneeling, on God he calls ; calmly he dies. Amid a lonely wilderness of snow. Oh thus to die ! and nobly thus to fall ! -When on a mission, holy, high like this | Immortal honor bright, it gives the soul, " Sacred, substantial, never fading bliss." Angelic hosts now hail thee welcome home ; Thy godlike spirit dwells among the just ; Though ravening wolves may howl, and roam around. Thy God vidll guard his servant's sleeping dust. 8* /. w. I 90 PERILOUS PASSAGE ON THE LAKES. The North American Indians appeared to have*faT more cor rect views of the Deity than most heathen nations. Though gen erally Polytheists, or believers in many gods, yet they beUevtd there was one Supreme God or Great Spirit who ruled over all. A person long resident among the Indians, states that he has of ten seen them pray to the Great Spirit when about to engage in any enterprise of moment, or hazard. An Indian woman of his acquaintance, wishing to visit an island in one of our great North ern Lakes, was in trouble on account of the great hazard of the undertaking. Placing herself in the attitude of prayer, she fer vently prayed to the Great Spirit to give her a safe passage. Then addressing herself with energy to paddling her frail canoe hrough the foaming waters, she was landed on the desired shore in safety. The thickening foarn is on the deep, The tall grass waves around, And through the pines, the storm winds sweep, With wild and mournful sound. 91 Afar the sullen waters roar. And low the wild bird flies ; While threatening clouds portentous soar, And darker frown the skies. The Indian matron views the scene ; Far off" yon island lies ; Loud roars the pathless gidf between. The lake's broad billows rise. Undatmted stands the fearless form, Of one who dares to brave. The fury of the coming storm. The madness of the wave. " Great Spirit, thou dost rule the sea, By thine Almighty power ; Thy feeble creature calls on thee. Oh save me in this hour ! When as the -wreaths of smoke rolled by. The fiery deluge came, Wrapping the prairie, and the sky. In one broad sheet of flame. And when the deer flew quickly past, Urged on by terror wild. And perished in the fieiy blast. Then thou didst save thy child. When the fierce wolf, and panther howled, Around their forest den. And round my pathway wildly howled. Still thou wert with me then. 92 When cruel foemen like a flood, O'erwhelmed our smiling land. Nor spared the tender infants blood. Thou savest me from their hand. Great Spirit ! creature of thy care. To thee alone I bow ; Thou didst of old in danger spare. Oh save thy servant now !" The frail canoe has left the shore ; Far, far behind it lies ; The lightnings flash, the thunders roar. And darker grow the skies. But still she calls on God to save ; She plies the nimble oar ; The bark flies on, she skims the wave ; She nears, she gains the shore ! 93 SKENANDOA, THE ONEIDA CHIEF. Seenandoa, the celebrated Oneida chief, was Ae firm and effi cient friend of the United States during the Revolutionary war. He was very savage, and addicted to drunkenness during his youth, but by the effort of Rev. Mr. Kirtland the missionary, and his own reflections, he lived a reformed man more than sixty years, and died in Christian hope. He died in 1816, at Oneida Castle, near Utica, N. Y., at the advanced age, it is said, of one hundred and ten years. He desired to be buried near Mr. Kirtland, his beloved minister and father, that he might, (to use his own ex pression,) " Go up with him at the great resurrection." To a friend who called on him a short tune before his death, he thus expressed himself through an interpreter : "I am an aged hemlock. The winds of an hundred winters have whlBtled through my branches ; I am dead at the top. The genera tion to which I belonged have mn away and left me ; why I hve, the Great Good Spuit only knows. Pray to my Jesus that I may have patience to wait my appointed time to die !" Time with unsparing hand. Sweeps all away, the dark brown years Have sped ; 94 An aged hemlock, grey with years I stand. My leaves are scattered, and my top is dead. An hundred winter's winds have o'er me past. And left my branches bare amid the chilling blast. An hundred springs have brought The swelling buds, the flowers, the early rain. The sun's bright rays, the forest depths have sought And freed the streamlets from their icy chain ; They brought the songs of many a woodland bird. And the green leaves by balmy breezes stirred. But they shall bring to me The tender foliage of my youth no more ; My Spring is past, and wasted stands the tree Whose beauty. Summer's breath can ne'er restore ; Spring, Summer, Autumn, with their charms have flown. And in my Winter time I stand alone. And all I used to love In by.gone years, amid my race are gone ; Still smile the fields, where we were wont to rove ; My comrades heed no more the blushing dawn. Or the wild notes that called them to the chase. Like morning vapor, gone ! who, who shall fill their place 1 The streams go bubbling by. Beside whose banks, the red man used to stray ; The skies as warmly smile ; with softest sigh. Amid the moaning grove the breezes play : " Will ye come back, oh friends I loved of yore 1" The winds reply " No more ! they come no more !" Like them I too must go, — The good Great Spirit, soon for me will call ; 95 T<^hy thus so long, I linger here below, I know not ; but my Savior knoweth all ; Oh friends, that he will grant me patience, pray. That I may calmly wait, through long delay. And when that call, I hear. And longing, weary, I shall go to rest. Lay me by him, who taught me first to fear The white man's God, the Father ever blest ; Lay me by him, that I with him may wake. When the Great Resurrection morn shall break. Oh brave and honored chief! Death's summons found thee waiting for the day. Whose peaceful coming brought thee sweet relief. And called the prilgrim fi-om his weary way. To join the blood-washed throng around the throne. Where age steals on no more, nor grief is known. E. 6. B. 96 Death of tke child of Judge Kingsbury. FIRST BORN OF THE RESERVE. Amon'G the first families that wintered on the Connecticut Western Reserve, (the north-eastern section of Ohio,) was that of Judge James Kingsbury. They arrived at Conneaut, (some times termed the Plymouth of the Reserve,) during the summer of 1796, soon after the country was first surveyed. Being compelled by business to visit the State of New York, with the expectation of a speedy remm to his family. Judge Kingsbury was detained by a severe sickness till winter set in. As soon as he was able, he proceeded on hia return, with an Indian to guide him through the wilderness. His horse having been disabled, he left him in the snow, and mounting a bag of ilour on his own back, he urged his way onward towards hia family. He finally arrived in safety, and found the partner of his cares, reduced by famine to the last stages in which life can be supported ; and near her, on a little pal let, lay the remains of his yoimgest child, bom in his absence, who had just expired for the want of that nourishment which the mo ther was unable to give. Child of Ohio*a pioneers ! First in its northern wilderness 1 97 'Mid wintry storms and forests wild. Suffering by hunger, sore distressed I . The Mother helpless, lonely, sad. In a rough dwelling famished lies : Her sufferings keen ; her friends away ; Her little one, it moans and dies ! ¦Through forest branches bare and high. Fierce sweeps the wind the cottage pass ; The Wolf-howl and the Panther's scream. Are heard above the wintry blast. Where is the husband 1 father, where 1 When will he come 1 O see thy child ! Vain is the call ! louder the wind Is heard along the forest wild. A weary wanderer, lost, forlorn. Perhaps he roams the forest o'er ; Perhaps by ravening beasts he's torn. Or chilled, he sinks to rise no more. So spake in tears the suffering wife ; Beside her lay her infant dead. First bom upon the wild Reserve, By hunger sore its spirit fled. Through suffering thus, Ohio rose Thy fields, from out the wilderness ; Thy brave and hardy pioneers. Millions of freemen yet shall bless. And such was woman's love, that led Through western -wilds, her fragile form ; Like rainbow beauty, softly shed. And gleaming brightest through the storm. 9 HAN YERRY, AND JUDGE WHITE'S GRAND-CHILD. Judge WmTE, the first settler of Whitetown, N. Y., removed to that place in 1784. Han Yerry, an Oneida Chief, who lived in the vicinity, called on the Judge one day, and asked him if he was his friend 1 Yes, hejeplied. Well then, said the Indian, do you beUeve that I am your friend'? The Judge again repUed, yes. Then said Han Yerry, I will tell what I want, then I shall know whether you speak true vtords. The Indian then pointed to a little child, the daughter of one of his sons, two or three years old, and said : my wife wants to take her home to stay one night with us, and we will bring her home to-morrow. The feelings of the grand-father and the mother were put to a severe test. They however concluded it would be best to put confidence in the word of the savage, and thus appeal to his sense of honor. They were told to take the child. A long night and day succeeded, with many foreboding fears on the part of the mother. At the close of the day, the little child was brought back, arrayed in all the finery of Indian attire. This adventure was the cause of an ardent at- tochment between the whites and Indians. The Indian clapped ihe smiling babe. And bade the prattler rest. 99 [n childhood's fearless innocence. Upon his dusky breast. And towards his forest home he turned, While yet the mother's eye Looked on her child, and red-browed guest. In strange anxiety. ' Let us be friends," the Indian said. This prattling child shall b», Between the pale faced race, and mine, A pledge of amity. Back to the Indian's forest home. This child I bear awhile ; For one amid the woodland wild Will love his infant smile." He turns him to depart once more ; Pale grows the mother's cheek ! The conflict 'twixt her love and fear, A mother's heart may speak. How shall she let the dear one go. Far from its mother's breast ; She must, or make a deadly foe Of her dark Indian guest. Slow through the forest winding path. She sees their figures fade ; She gazes still, till they are lost Amid the deep'ning shade. The night wears on, and comes the day, But come no chief or child : Slow pass the tedious hours away. The mother's heart is wild. But sudden up the woodland path, A stately form appears ; They come ! the Indian and the child ; Sad mother, dry thy tears. Then anxious mother be at rest. Kind hearts thy child restore ; Thy confidence hath made thy guest A friend for evermore. 100 Arms of New Jersey. THE INDIAN BLESSING, ON NEW JERSEY. In 1832, a petition was presented hy Bartholomew S, Calvin, an aged Delaware Indian, for some compensation for relinquish ing some rights his tribe had in hunting and fishing in New Jersey. The Legislature received the petition, and granted 2,000 dollars, being all that was solicited- Calvin returned a letter of thanks to the Legislature, in which he feelingly bears his testimony to th© high sense of justice ever shown by the people of New Jersey, to a feeble and wasted people. Said he, " not a drop of our Hood have you spilled in battle. — Not an acre of our land have you taken lut by our consent. * * * There may be some who would despise' an Indian benediction : but when I return to my people, and make known the result of my mission, the ear of the Great Sove reign of the Universe, which is still open to our cry, will be pen etrated with our invocation of blessings upon the generous sona of New Jersey, * * * * Unable to return them any other compensa tion, I fervently pray that God will have them in his holy keep- ingj*** and receive them into his kingdom above." Brothers ! to you the mighty and stout hearted. To you, who fitly speak the white man's power; Type of a race, whose glory is departed. Aged and weak I come to you this hour. These broad green fields, these hills, these woodlands hoary The chieftains of our nation trod of old : 101 Our smiling lakes, our rivers fraught with story. We offer to your pale faced race for gold. For proudly to your honor, be it spoken. Since first the white man sought these vales we tread, No treaty of our peace, has yet been broken. No drop of Indian blood has yet been shed. Farewell ! we go, and blessings be upon you : The Indian's path is towards " the setting sun ;" Your kindly deeds, your noble acts have won you The Red Man's thanks, long as his life shall run. Let others scorn the humble boon we proffer. An Indian's benediction on your lot, 'Tis all we have to give ; and this we offer. Though humble, hearts like yours, will spurn it not. And when towards home, our journey we are wending, And tell the deeds of noble hearts and true ; Then grateful prayers, and warmest blessings, blending, Shall reach the Almighty's ears for yours, and you. So spake the Indian, andno prouder story E'er graced the lists of worldly rank and fame ; No other State can boast the meed of glory. That's linked New Jersey with thine honored name. 9* 102 THE MOTHER PERISHING WITH COLD. In December, 1827, Mr. Blake, with his wife and infant daugh ter, while traveling in a sleigh over the Green Mountains in Vermont, were overtaken by a snow storm. The storm was so thick and fiirious, that their horse refijsed to stir. Mr. B., realiz ing his dangerous position, after protecting hia wife and child as well as he could against the storm left them, intending to seek for aid at the first house he could find. He was soon benumbed by the cold, and fell, and found himself unable to rise. His wife, as ia supposed, alarmed at his long absence, left the sleigh in or der to find him. When within thirty rods of her husband, she was overcome by the cold. Knowing her fate, she stripped her self of the thickest part of her clothing and wrapped up her infant daughter. Mr. Blake was found afive the next morning, with his hands and feet badly frozen : the body of his wife was found lifeless and cold : and lifting up the infant from its snowy bed, the hearts of the beholders were rejoiced to see it smile. In the following stanzas, some extracts are taken from Mrs. Seba Smith's expressive lines on this touching incident. The storm waa fierce, the wintry blast Howled deep at close of day ; 103 And where the snow fell thick and fast. The travelers pressed their way : The husband, wife, and infant child. Alone, amid the tempest wild. To save that cherished wife and child, The husband braves the snow ; But the fierce storm grew still more wild. He can no farther go : 'Tis vain against the blast to press. He sinks amid the wilderness. And^he the mother with her child ! Sweet woman's sorig has told. How bravely in the tempest wild. She braved the blast so cold : And how that frail defenceless form Pressed on, still on, amid the storm. And how the mantle from her breast. She folded round her child ; And as she sank at last to rest, Upon her infant smiled ; With love that death could never chill. Pressed to her heart that infant still. Now fiercely howled the wolf afar. And loudly roared the blast. With chill of death : the morning star Its ray around him cast ; And waving pines, with mournful sound. So deep and solemn, wailed around. At dawn the traveler passed by. And found her icy form. Who, when no earthly friend was nigh. Perished amid the storm : " He moved the robe fi-om off the child — The babe looked up and sweetly smiled." A mother's love ! thus, thus through all It lives through every ill : No storms its courage can appal. Nor icy blast can chill: Like evergreens 'mid wintry snows. With brighter beauty ever glows. 104 'f^. ^r^' CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS. In the western part of Virginia, in the mountainous region, the country is thinly settled, and the roads few. In some counties there are no settled clergymen, and the inhabitants are princi pally dependent on itinerant preachers, to conduct the public worship of their larger religious assemblies. In order to enjoy their religious privileges, they assemble together firom a large district of the surrounding country, and once every year form a kind of religious Encampment. The engraving is fi-om an orig inal drawing fiom Howe's Hist. Coll. Virginia, and represents one of these encampments. The rude stmcture seen in the cen tral part, is for public religious services. It is surrounded on three sides by rows of log cabins, built for the convenience of the people who assemble here to worship God, in the depth of a wild forest. In the lone forest, solemn, dark and wild. Where men from worldly turmoil meet : Oh sacred spot ! where God is worshipped. In love and unity complete ! No towering turrets meet the wondering eye j No massive structure high and wide ; 105 No columns high, nor gaudy frescoed walls. Speaking of wealth, of power, of pride. Oh no ! nought but a simple, lowly shed, A cover firom the sun-lit heat ; No doors to close 'gainst him with " raiment vile," Nor is he shown a beggar's seat. 0 blessed place ! where Christians love to meet, In this dark wilderness of sin ; To talk of Him they love, oh converse sweet ! Their heavenly work they thus begin. No pompous priest attempts, with flowery words, To gain on earth a brilliant name ; Who loves the fleece more than the flock itself: A stigma on the Christian name. No puppet men are wanted here to teach, To show forth things they never knew. Like tinkling cymbals, and like sounding bi-ass. Like changing winds, like morning dew. But in the humble stand, the man of God appears, With zeal divine, and ardent love ; His soul yearns kindly o'er his fellow men. And longs to turn their thoughts above. They feel the flame ! they raise their notes of praise ; The forest echoes with their voice : Oh heart-felt joy ! they feel that heaven is near ; They in the love of God rejoice. Oh for that time ! when holy, heavenly power, Shall cleanse this fallen world from sin ; When every heart, the power of Christ shall prove, And life immortal feel within. J. W. B. 106 H J THANKSGIVING. The first settlers of New England, having no regular set fests and festivals iu their church discipline, appointed days of fasting on special occasions, such as times of great mortality, scarcity of provisions, and times of public dangers in times of war. Days of Thanksgiving were appointed on occasions of great joy, such as the termioation of Indian and French wars, remarkable deliv erances from dangers, &c., and especially for abundant crops. This ancient practice is still kept up, and has been extended to many States of our Union, who now annually appoint a day of fasting and humiliation in the spring, and a day of Thanksgiving- generally in the last of November, of each year. The '' church going bell," summons the people to the house of God, wher» *.he preacher on these occasions, generally recounts the mercies of »Ke past and other years. The scattered members of each famiiy meet under the paternal roof, and it is of gratitude, hilarity and joy. The rolling year has well nigh fled ! Crowned with the mercy of our God each season passed away ! Our garners ftill ! enough for each, and all. The 107 father, grey with years, calls his offspring round ; the mother, with willing hand, prepares the dainty treat. The festive board groans with the choicest food. Brothers and sisters meet, in friendship dear, and chastened joy. This festal day, the happiest of the year, is hailed with joyful welcome. The aged sire, with fond re membrance, and with grateful thanks, tells of the scenes of old. The young in years, blooming in life's fair mom, now meet in childish glee. The merry laugh, the noisy gambols of the joyous youth are heard around. In times of old, the red man of the forest shade, lurked round our Father's dwellings. Thirsting for blood, he raised the murderous hatchet, and aimed the swift-winged arrow fraught with death. His eye spared not the beauteous maiden bathed in tears, the whitened locks of age, nor infants smiling at their mother's breast. Oh give your thanks to God, for he is good and kind. The savage lurks around no more ! His fearful yells no longer rouse us from our midnight slumbers. His bloody hatchet, buried in earth, re mains ; his knife is broken, and his arrow wings its deadly flight no more ! The men of France, with their dusky allies, moved from the north, with hostile steps. Red des olation marks their path 'mid wintry snows : in silent watches of the night they burst in upon the sleeping villagers. In horror wakened, they fall in blood. The flames rise high ! the morning sun looks on the smoking ruins round. Give thanks ! The mother with her offspring at her breast, trembles no more ! The mighty ships 109 of France, freighted with death, are scattered by the tempest blast, or sunk like lead, beneath the mighty waters ! The foe's strong hold, high on the frowning rock, is taken, and on these western shores, he bears his sway no more. The hostile British hosts, pass o'er our land. Their path is marked by fire and blood. With iron power they strive to crush a people struggling to be free. With proud contemptuous scorn, they forge our chains. They claim the right divine, to guide our thoughts, to take our hard-earned bread, and lord it o'er our land. Give thanks ! that now no despots have the pow- er to say, where, when, and how, to worship God. Give thanlis ! no one can take our children's bread to feed and pamper lordly pride. No royal pauper here, to feed and clothe, by the hard earnings of the laboring poor. We reap on soil we claim our own, and toil for those we love. Earth's straggling millions crushed to the dust, look upward with their longing eyes. The bow of Promise glows on dark'ning clouds, that flee before the orb of day. Give thanks ! The Despot's pow er, hoary with age, grows weak ; fetters and chains, brown with the rast of time, now break away. With bosom bare, her eye on heaven, fair Truth advances, and the shades of night retire. A voice is heard above, that " God's imsuflfering kingdom soon shall come !" 109 [/ Guide.] MAINE. The morning sun-beams earhest light on thee ; Far eastward lies thy cold and rugged shore : Thy wealth lies in the forest, and the sea ; "Thy sons they range the ocean o'er. Maine was originally granted by James I. to the Plymouth Company, in 1606, by whom it was transfer red to Mason and Gorges in 1624. This territory wa» afterwards purchased by Massachusetts, and became connected with that State in all its political relations, till it became an independent State in 1820. While belonging to Massachusetts it was Called the " Province," or " IDistrict of Maine." It received its name as early as 1633, in compliment to Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I. king of England, who was a possessor of Maine, a district, or department in France. The celebrated Capt. John Smith, so well known in the annals of Virginia, made an unsuccessful attempt to settle this part of the country as early as 1614. The. first permanent lodgment of the whites within the State, was made at York, by the Plymouth Colony, in 1630. The first settlers were men of energy and perseverance. 10 110 By them, and their sons, the stately forest trees are con verted into an article of commerce, and then* fisheries have created a hardy race of seamen. Maine, at the period of its first settlement, was gi-eally harrassed by the hostile Indians.^ In 1693, York and Wells were attacked by the French and Indians. From this time till about 1702, was one continued scene of bloodshed, bm-ning and destroying. The inhabitants suffered much for several years before and after the year 1724. As late as 1744, and 1748, persons were cap tured and killed by the Indians. * During these wars, the Indians in the French interest, were encouraged by the Catholic missionaries from Can ada, to make aggressions upon the English, whom they considered as intruders upon the country. One of these was Father Sebastian Ralle, a French Jesuit, a man of learning and address, much endeared to the Indians by his religious labors among them for a space of thirty- seven years. He resided at Norridgewock, with a tribe of that name, who had a church at this place. He was killed in an expedition of the English against the Indians in this place, in 1724. After the English had retired, the Indians found the mangled body of their beloved pastor near the cross erected in the vUlage. A monu ment ^was erected to his memory in 1833, by Bishop Fenwick, of Boston. Maine comprises about one-half of the area of New- England. Its northern boundary extends some distance northward of Quebec. It was through the vast wilder ness In the north-western section of this State, that Gen. Arnold, with 1,100 men, made his celebrated expedition against Quebec in 1775. By a partial construction of the treaty of 1783, nearly a third part of Maine was claimed by Great Britain. In 1842, a treaty was estab lished, by which the British claims were much restricted. Ill NEW HAMPSHIRE. Old " Granite State," thy snowy mountains stand. And make of thee a Western Switzerland : Thy sons are hardy, brave ; firm for the right ; '*' rhy Sun is clear, and shines both fair and bright. The early history of New Hampshire is closely con nected vsdth that of Massachusetts. John Mason, Fer dinand Gorges, and others, having obtained of the Ply mouth Company several gi-ants of land north of Massa chusetts, in 1623, sent fr'om England a few persons to begin a settlement. A part landed at Little Harbor, on the west side of Piscataqua river, and built the first house, which was called "Mason's Hall." The remainder proceeded up the river and began the settlement of Do ver. The first settlers followed fishing and commerce, as their trading business, and their settlements increased but slowly. The first towns, for a period, remained dis- tinct and independent communities. In 1641, these little republics, distrusting their abilities to protect themselves, formed a coalition with Massachusetts, and long remained a part of that Colony. In 1679, a decree was passed, that New Hampshire should be a separate Province, to be ruled by a President 112 and Council, who were to be appointed by the king. The first assembly, consisting of eleven members, met at Portsmouth, in 1680. The peace of the colony was long disturbed by the heirs of Mason, who claimed the soil as their property. New Hampshire suffered much fi-om the Indian wars. Dover was surprised in 1689. Maj. Waldron, and twenty-three others, were murdered. From this period to the close of the French wars, the inhabitants were often harrassed by the incursions of the savages. Many were killed, and others carried into captivity. In 1719, one hundred families, mostly Presbyterians from the north of Ireland, settled the town of London derry. They introduced the foot spinning-wheel, the manufacture of linen, and the culture of potatoes. In 1740, a long and tedious controversy between Massa- chus^ts and New Hampshire, respecting their divisional line, was decided in England, by the Lords in council. New Hampshire declared her independence of Massa- chusetts in June, 1776, and the same year formed a tem porary government. Its present Constitution was adop ted in 1792. New Hampshire is fi-equently called the Granite Stale, from the vast quantities of that rock found within its ter- ritory. The granite is of a superior quality, and much of it is quarried and transported to other States. The State is also called the Switzerland of America, on ac count of the salubrity of its climate ; its wild and pictu resque landscapes, and particularly its celebrated White Mountains, the highest elevation in New England, and covered with snow for ten months in the year. The scenery, as viewed from Mount Washington, one of the highest of these elevations, is sublime and beautifid. 113 VERMONT. " Green Mountain State," thy nardy sons are free. For " Freedom, Independence" honor bright : Changeless as Evergreen, thy fame shall be — Strong to defend ; firm to sustain the right. Vermont derives its name from the Green Mountains, which extend through it. Its territory was first explored by the French, from Canada. ''The name is derived from the Green Mountains : verd, in the French language, signifies green, and mont, mountain. They are so called on account of the numerous evergreens with which they are covered. The first settlement in this State was commenced at Fort Dummer, in the south-eastern part, in 1724. On the other side of the State, a fort was built, at Crown Point, in 1731. This part of the country became the seat of war, and was constantly exposed to the incursions of the French and Indians, which of course prevented its early settlement. After the reduction of Canada, Vermont was rapidly settled, by emigrants principally from Connecticut, who, following the course of the river, located themselves on its banks in the limits of Vermont and New Hampshire. 10* 114 So rapid was the progress, that during the year 1761, not less than sixty townships, of six miles square, were granted on the west of Connecticut River. When Gen. Burgoyne lay at Fort Edward, in 1777, he learnt that a quantity of stores had been collected at Bennington by the Americans. To destroy these, as well as to intimidate the patriots and animate the royal ists, he sent forward Col. Baum, with 500 men and 100 Indians. Col. Breyman was sent to reinforce him, but ¦did not arrive in time. On the 16th of August, Gen. Stark, of New Hampshire, with about 800 militia men, most of whom were denominated " Green Mountain Boys," attacked Baum in his entrenched camp, and kill ed or took prisoners nearly the whole of his men. At the close of the action. Col. Breyman arrived; he con- tinned the contest till sunset, and under cover of night was able to effect his retreat. New York and New Hampshire both laid claim to Vermont till 1764, when New- York obtained a grant from the British Parliament, which put an end to the claims of New Hampshire. New York now attempted to enforce her jurisdiction, but this was resisted by the inhabitants. They claimed to be independent both of New York and New Hampshire, and organized them- selves in armed bands, having Colonels Ethan Allen and Seth Warner, both brave and resolute men, as their leaders. This controversy continued till the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, when the attention of all parties was turned to a more important object than that which rela ted to titles of lands. In 1777, the people of Vermont declared themselves independent, and organized a gov ernment for themselves. In 1790, all controversy with New York was amicably adjusted, and in 1791, Vermont was admitted in the Union. Her present Constitution was adopted in 1793. 115 [By the sword he seeks peace under Liberty.'] MASSACHUSETTS. Old Massachusetts, where the Pilgrim band First found a home, and where their ashes lie ; Foremost in Freedom's ranks thy children stand. On Histoiy's page thy fame shall never die. The first settlement in Massachusetts, was commenced by the Colony at Plymouth, in Dec, 1620. The Colo nists were originally from the north of England, and were called Puritans, for their uncommon zeal in endeavoring to preserve the purity of Divine worship. Being perse cuted by their enemies, they fled to Holland, and from thence, after a few years, they sailed for America. Be fore they landed, they formed themselves into " a body police," and chose Mr. John Carver their first Governor. The whole company who landed, consisted of 101 souls, forty-six of which number died before the ensuing spring. The territory of Massachusetts, for many years com prised two distinct colonies, "Plymouth Colony," and the " Colony of Massachusetts Bay." In 1692, these colonies were united under one charter, and received the name of Massachusetts, from an Indian tribe so called, who lived around the vicinity of Massachusetts Bay. The word Massachusetts, signifies, it is said, in the Indi- an language, Blue HUls. 116 In 1675, commenced " King Philip's war," the most destructive Indian war, ever waged upon the Infant Col onies. It was terminated by the death of Philip, Aug., 1676. Massachusetts was the greatest sufierer. In the French War, her frontiers were ravaged by the French and Indians from Canada. In 1704, Deerfield was burnt, and in 1708, Haverhill was surprised. In 1692, a great excitement took place, on account of the sup- posed prevalence of witchcraft in Salem and its vicinity. In 1745, by the exertions of Massachusetts, a force was raised which captured from the French the strong for tress of Louisburg, on Cape Breton. The great drama of the American Revolution, first opened in Massachusetts : the first blood was shed at Lexington, April 19th, 1775. The battle of Bunker Hill took place, June 17th following. On May 17th, 1776, the British troops evacuated Boston. Massachu setts fornished more men and money, than any of the other colonies, in carrying forward the war of the Rev olution. In 1780, the Constitution of the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts went into operation. In 1786, an insurrection took place, generally known as " Shays Insurrection." It appears to have arisen from a number of causes, the most prominent of which were, a decay of trade, scarcity of money, inability of individuals to pay their debts, a relaxation of manners ever attendant on war, and heavy taxes. The leader of the malcontents, was Daniel Shays ; who, collecting a force, endeavored to stop the proceedings of. the civil courts. On Jan. 25th, Shays appeared at Springfield, at the head of 1100 men, evidently for the purpose of seiz- ing the Arsenal at that place. Gen. Shepherd, who was appointed with a sufficient force to guai-d this place, warned Shays of his danger, should he attempt to ap proach. This was unheeded. Gen. Shepherd then or dered his men to fire. Three of the insurgents were killed. The remainder fled, and the rebellion was effec tually crushed. 117 RHODE ISLAND. Though small in size, thy soul is large in thee ; All " sorts of consciences" find liberty : Williams, thy founder, in thy wilds first trod, And gave to all " fireedom to worship God." Rhode Island is the least, in extent of territory, of any State in the Union ; but in proportion to its number of inhabitants, its resources are greater. It owes its first settlement to Roger Williams, who was banished from Massachusetts on account of his religious senti ments. Mr. WiUiams commenced his settlement at Providence in 1636. The State embraces what were once caUed the " Rhode Island and Providence Planta tions." The island of Rhode Island, from which the State derives its name, was so caUed from its fancied resemblance to the ancient Grecian Island of Rhodes. The Narragansett Indians, one of the powerful tribes in New England, had their seat in Rhode Island. In King Philip War, this tribe was totally ruined by the destruction of their strong hold in Dec. 19th, 1675. Gov. Winslow, with a force of 1000 men from the col onies of Massachusetts, Plymouth and Connecticut, after wading through the snow attacked their fort, and after a 119 desperate resistance, it was fired and consumed. In this celebrated swamp Jightf about one thousand Indian war riors perished. The finishing blow was given to the Indian power in New England, by the death of Philip, who was killed near Mount Hope, by a iiiendly Indian, August, 1676. When the New England colonies formed their mem orable confederacy, Rhode Island applied to be admitted a member. Plymouth objected, asserting that her settle ments were within her boundaries. The commissioners decided she might enjoy all the advantages of the con federacy, if she would submit to the jurisdiction of Ply mouth. This she declined, preferring independence to the benefits of a dependent union. In 1644, Mr. Williams obtained a patent for the territory, and permission for the inhabitants to institute a government for them selves. In 1663, a new charter was granted, which formed the basis of government till- 1842, when the present government waa adopted. During the Revolutionary war, Rhode Island rendered efficient aid. She gave liberty to a number of hundreds of slaves, on condition they would enter the Revolutionary army. About 300 of them, under the command of Col. Chistopher Greene, de feated the British in their attack on Mud Island, in the Delaware, in 1777. The original Charter of Rhode Island, confined the right of suffrage, or voting, principally to the landholders. When it be came a manufacturing State, this was considered a grievance. In January, 1841, the Legislature, upon the petition of the " Suffrage" party, consented to have a convention called to form a new State Constitution. This, however, did not satisfy the Suffrage party, who issued a call for a convention a month previous to that author ized by the State. The different conventions met ; each formed a Constitution, which they submitted to the people. The one sub mitted hy the Charter party was rejected, wliile the Suffrage party declared theirs adopted and established as the supreme law of the State. Both parties chose their State officers. Gov. King at the head of the Charter party, and T. W. Dorr at the head of the other. After a considerable display of military force by both par ties, most of the officers chosen by the Suffrage party resigned their situations, and this threatening storm passed over without bloodshed. Dorr was tried for treason, and condemned to hard labor for life, but was hberated in 1844, by the Legislature, after he remained in prison for about one year. 119 [He who transplanted still sustains.] CONNECTICUT. " He who transplanted thee, will still sustain ;" Thy patriot shoots are spreading far and wide : Fair Science, Freedom, follow in thy train ; For Liberty thy sons have bled and died. At the first period of its history, Connecticut consisted of two colonies, that of Connecticut, and that of New Haven. Connecticut Colony was first settled by a com pany of emigrants from Massachusetts, who> in 1636, psssed through the wilderness, with Messrs. Hooker and Stone, their ministers, at their head. New Haven Col ony was settled by Rev. Mr. Davenport, Mr. Eaton and others, in 1638. These two Colonies were united under one government in 1662, by a Charter from Charles II. This Charter conferred unusual privileges. It was obtained by Gov. Winthrop, of Connecticut, who arrived in England at an auspicious period for the colony, as a number of its friends were in high office at court. Mr. Winthrop had " an extraordinary ring," which had been given his grandfather by King Charles I., which he pre sented to the king. This, it is said, exceedingly pleased his majesty, as it had been once the property of a father most dear to him. The New Haven Colony was, at the 120 first, much dissatisfied with their union with Connecticut, as they feared it would mar the order and purity of their churches, and have a bad effect on the civil administra tion. In New Haven Colony, no person could vote al the freemen's meetings, unless he was a member of the church ; but in Connecticut, all orderly persons, possess ing a fi-eehold to a certain amount, could have this priv ilege. This Charter was suspended in 1686. Sir Edmund Andross, called the " Tyrant of New England,'* endeav- ored to take it away, but it was secreted in a large hoi low oak, still standing in Hartford, known by the name of " Charter Oak.'' While the other colonies were suf fering under the domination of Royal Governors, Connec ticut remained a free and independent community, being ever governed by rulers of her own choice. At the time oTthe first settlement of Connecticut, the Colony be came involved in war with the Pequots ; one of the most terrible and warlike tribes in New England. By a most daring attack, led on by Capt. Mason, these Indians were utterly defeated and ruined. In the Revolutionary war, Connecticut was one of the foremost in the struggle, and was lavish of her blood and treasure in the cause. Fairfield, Norwalk, and New London, were laid in ashes, and Hale, Ledyard, Wooster and others, sacrificed their Uves for Amer ican freedom. Connecticut, by her Charter limits, extended from Narraganset river on the east, to the South Sea on the west. In 1774, a settle ment at Wyoming in Pennsylvania, was formed into a town called Westmoreland, which sent representations to the Assembly of Connecticut. After the Revolution, it was decided that Connec ticut must relinquish her claims to any territory lying within the Umits of Pennsylvania. She however claimed the lands loest, within the range of her northern and southern boundaries. In 1786, Connecticut ceded to Congress all her claims to western territory, except a tract 120 miles in length, now in the limits of Ohio, still called the Connecticut, or Western Reserve. The pro ceeds from the sale of these lands constitutes the School Fund of Connecticut. Though now small in extent and population, is sec ond to none of her sister states, in the virtue, genius and enterprise of her sons. She has furnished many distinguished men, and some of the most powerful states in this Union, are largely indebted to her, for the elements of their greatness and prosperity. 121 [More Elevated.] NEW YORK. " Excelsior," " higher still " thy course shall be. The motto on thy shield foretells thy fame ; In commerce, wealth, and heaven born Liberty, " The Empire State " thyself, thou dost proclaim. The first settlement of New York was made by the Dutch in 1614, on the present sites of the cities of New York and Albany. New York was then named New- Amsterdam, and Albany Fort Orange. The Dutch, in 1629, established a colonial government for this part of the country, calling it New Netherlands. In 1664, Charles II. granted to his brother, the Duke of York, afterwards James II., a patent of a tract of country com prising the present states of New York and New Jersey. The same year it was taken from the Dutch and named " New York." In 1673, the territoiy was re-taken by the Dutch, but soon restored to the English by treaty. During the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars, the territory of New York became the theatre of many important military trensactions. In 1690, the French and Indians from Canada, in the depth of winter burnt Schenectady and massacred the inhabitants. The battles of Lake George and Ticonderoga, the capitula- lation of Fort William Henry, the operations at Os- 11 122 wego, Niagara, and other posts on the frontiers, are no ted events in American history. The celebrated confed eracy of the " Six Nations," consisting at first oljive, then of six Indian tribes, was located within the limits of New York.* In the Revolutionary period, the Americans were forced to abandon the city of New York, which was ta ken possession of by the British troops, in Sept., 1776, and occupied by them till the " evacuation," Nov. 25th, 1783, when Gen. Washington marched in wilh the American troops. The battles on Long Island, at White Plains, capture of Fort Washington, treason of Arnold, storming of Stony Point, and the surrender of Burgoyne, all within the limits of the State, are prominent events in the Revolution. The first constitution of state government was adopt ed in 1777, the second in 1822, the present one in 1846. New York was the seat of the Federal Government du ring the first year of its existence. During the last war with Great Britain, her territory again became the the atre of important military operations. She has pursued a wise policy in sustaining objects of public utility, and now ranks as the " Empire State," being the first in wealth, resources, commerce and population. * Tlie Iroquois, or the confederated tribe called the Five Na tions, were in possession of most of the territory within the Umits of New Yorli, at the time of its first settiemeot by the Dutch. The confederacy consisted originally of five nations, the Mohawks, (the leading tribe,) the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. In 1719, they were joined by the Tuscaroras, a tribe driven by the Carohnians from the frontiers of Virginia. After this, the confederacy of the Iroquois was called the " Six Na tions." At the time of the first European settlements, they were estimated in number, from twenty to twenty-five thousand. At the time of the Revolutionary war, all these tribes, with the excep tion of the Oneidas, took up the hatchet against the Americans. Their principal leader was Col. Joseph Brandt, a chief of the Mo hawk tribe, who was educated under the care of Dr. Wheelock, first President of Dartmouth College. He held a commission un der the British government, and died in Canada in 1607. 123 NEW JERSEY. Thine are the battle-fields for Freedom won ; Thine is the soil that patriot blood hath stained ; The Storm of War that swept o'er thee has gone. And left thy noble sons the victory gained. It is believed that the first settlement in the limits cf New Jersey, was commenced at Bergen, about the year 1628, by a number of Danes, or Norwegians, who ac companied the Dutch colonists who came over to New Netherlands. In 1623, the Dutch West India Company dispatched Capt. Mey, with a company of settlers, to the Delaware. Mey entered Delaware Bay, and gave his name to its northern cape, [Cape May,] and built a forti fication a few miles below Camden, calling it Fort Nassau. In 1637, a colony of Swedes purchased lands on both sides of the Delaware, and began settlements. The first English settlement in New Jersey, appears to have been made at Salem, in 1641, by persons from New Haven, Conn. In 1664, the Duke of York made a gi-ant of New- Jersey to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret. It was granted to these proprietors for ten shillings, and an annual rent of " one pepper corn," to " be paid on tho day of the nativity of St. John tlie Baptist, if legally demanded." These two proprietors formed a constitu- 124 tion, gave liberty of conscience, and appointed Carteret Governor. It is said that the ten-itory was named New Jersey in compliment to Cai-teret, who defended the Island of Jersey against the Long Parliament during the civil wars. The Province was divided into two parts. East and West Jer sey. In 1677, Lord Berkley, who owned West Jersey, becoming dissatisfied, sold his right or interest to John Fenwick. and Edward Byllings, of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. Many persons of this religious faith emigrated to this part of New Jersey soon afterwards. In 1709, the proprietors surrendered their right of government to the English Crown, and Queen Anne established a royal government, which continued till the Revolution. New Jersey was the seat of war during the bloody struggle be tween Great Britain and the Colonies. Some of the most impor tant battles were fought within her limits. Her proportionate lo-ses in men and property, was greater than any of her sister States, and her sufferings in the cause of American freedom entitle her to the gratitude of her sister States. New Jersey was originally settled by the Lenni Lenape, or jDeZctioare Indians, as they are usually called. In 1832, a grant of $2000 was obtained from the Legislature of New Jersey, by B. S. Calvin, an aged Indian representing the Delaware tribe, for some claims they had against the State. Their claim was nobly advocated by Mr. Southard, and at the close of his speech he re marked : " Tiiat it was a proud fact in the history of New Jersey, that every foot of her soil had been obtained fi-om the Indians by fair and voluntary purchase ; a fact that no other State in the Union can boast of." The sum that Calvin received was not large, but it was all he asked for, and considering the nature of the claim, it must be regarded as an act of beneficence as much as of justice. The councils of Barclay and of Penn, (the former a Governor, and the latter a proprietor of the colony,) seemed to have influenced their successors, and it is with feelings of honest pride that a Jerseyman may advert to the fact, that the soil of his State is unstained by a battle with the Indians^ and that every acre has been fairly purchased. 125 PENNSYLVANIA. Land of immortal Fenn, of Love and Peace, Amid thy sister States thy fame is bright. And still with coming centuries, shall increase. While firm and true thy sons maintain the Right. The Dutch appear to have been the first who endeav ored to explore, and colonize the country, lying on both sides of Delaware Bay and River. In 1631, the Swedes laid out the present town of Newcastle on the Delaware, and at the same time, it is believed they constmcted a number of small forts, or block houses, within the present limits of Pennsylvania. One of the forts was on Ten- cum Island, in Delaware river. This they called New Gotlemhurg, and Printz, the Sweedish governor, had a plantation on the island. In 1655, Gov. Stuyvesant, the Dutch Governor at New Amsterdam, [New York,] sent a force of 700 men against the Swedes on the Delaware, who, being unpre- pared for resistance, surrendered. The English con quest was in 1664. In 1681, King Charles II. granted Pennsylvania to William Penn, in consideration of sei-vices rendered the crown by Admiral Penn, his father. The name com pounded of Penn, and sylva, a grove of wood, was given by the king, and signifies literally Penn's Woods. 11* 126 In 1682, William Penn, with his colony of Friends or Quakers, landed on the shores of the Delaware, purchased the land of the natives, and laid the foundation of Phila- delphla, his capital. The colony was governed by depu ties, appointed by the Proprietors, till the commencement of the Revolutionary war. Penn died in 1718, leaving his interests in Pennsylvania, as an inheritance to his children. Their claim was eventually purchased by the Commonwealth, for £130,000 sterling. In 1767, Mason's and Dixon's line was drawn to mark the boundary between this state and Maryland ; aud in 1784, the north-western portion of this State, not being included in the former purchase, was bought of the Indi ans. The first constitution was adopted in 1776, the second in 1790, and the present one in 1838. During the Revolutionary war, Philadelphia was the seat of the General Government, and it continued here tiU it was removed to Washington, in 1800. The old State House in which Congress sat when Independence was declared, is stiU remaining. The original bill, cast many years before the Revolution, stiU hangs in the town, having a remarkable inscription, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land, to all the inhabitants thereof." Lev. XXV, 10. After the battle of Brandysvine, Sept. 11th, 1777, the British took possession of Philadelphia, which they retained tUl the following June. In July, 1778, the settlements of Wyoming, were visited by a band of tories, and Indians. A large portion of the men in the settle ments were killed in battle ; others massacred ; the settlements were laid waste, and the women and children fled through the wilder ness for safety. In 1794, occurred the " WTiiskey Insurrection." This took place in the four western counties of Pennsylvania, on account of duties laid by Congress on spirits distilled in the United States, and upon Stills. This law bore hard upon the western counties, as whisky at that period was almost their only article of export. An armed body of insurgents having committed some outrages. President Washington ordered Gov. Lee, of Mary land, with a body of 1500 men, to the scene of disturbances. On the approach of this force, the insurgents laid down their arms, and promised obedience to the lawe. 127 DELAWARE. Smallest in number of the old thirteen. Thy soul is large for truth and freedom famed : The Swedes and Fins first sought thy vallies green. Thy southern cape, Point Paradise they named. Delaware is the smallest in population, and, except Rhode Island, the least in extent of any State in the Un ion. It was first settled by a company of Swedes and Fins, under the patronage of King Gustavus Adolphus. This company came over in 1627, and landing at Cape Henlopen, were so much charmed with its appearance, that they named it Paradise Point. It was however af terwards called Cape Henlopen, from a Dutch navigator of that name. The Swedes purchased lands on both sides of the Delaware from the Indians. They called the country New Sweden, and the river New Swedeland Stream. They seated themselves at the mouth of Chris tian Creek, near WUmington. The name of Delaware was derived from Sir Thomas West, Lord Delaware, Gov ernor of Virginia, who died on his voyage near the mouth of the bay. The Swedes being molested by the Dutch, built forts at Christiana, Chester and Tinicum. This latter place, now in the limits of Pennsylvania, was their seat of gov- 128 ernment, and their Govemer Printz, erected a strong fort of hemlock logs, and a splendid mansion for himself, called "Printz Hall." In 1651, the Dutch built a fort at New- Castle. Printz considering this to be within the Swe- dish territories, protested against it, and Risingh his suc cessor, took the fort by stratagem, when enjoying the Dutch hosphality. Stuyvesant, the Dutch Governor of New York, in 1664, sailed to the Delaware, reduced all the Swedish settle ments, and all the inhabitants who would not take the oath of allegiance to Holland, were sent to Europe. The wife of Pappegoia and daughter of Gov. Printz, who, not withstanding all the advantages of living in her father's mansion, was so poor from the want of laborers, that the Dutch government granted her a small aid, which was for some time an ox and some hogs both fatted, and grain for bread yearly. After the conquest of the Dutch by the English, Wil- Ham Penn, in 1682, purchased of the Duke of York, the town of New Castle, and twelve mUes around it ; and by another purchased the land from New Castle to Cape Henlopen. These tracts, which constitute the present State of Delaware, were called the " Territories," and were for twenty years, governed as a part of Pennsylva nia. Its first constitution was adopted in 1776, its pres ent one in 1831. In the Revolutionary war, the Dela ware Regiment was considered the most efficient in the Continental army. 129 MART Ii AND. Justice, with scales and sword, is type of thee. And firm for Freedom mayst thou ever stand ; Thy founder, Baltimore, sent o'er the sea. And freedom kindly gave in Maryland. In 1632, George Calvert, a distinguished CalLolic, (usually called Lord Baltimore,) applied to Charles I. for a territory fi>r the purpose of establishing a colony. He was of Flemish descent, but bom in England, and was created Baron of Baltimore, in Ireland, in 1625. Be-. fore the grant had passed the royal seal, he died, and the territory was granted to Cecil Calvert, his oldest son, about two months aftewards. The country .was named Maryland, in honor of Henrietta Maria, the queen con sort of Charles I. In 1634, Leonard Calvert, first Governor of Maryland, and brother of Cecil, the proprietor, with about 200 Catholic emigrants, arrived at Point Comfort in Virginia. He then proceeded up Chesapeake Bay, entered the Po tomac, which he sailed up twelve leagues, and came to an anchor under an island, which he named St. Cle ment's. Here he fired his cannon, erected a cross, and took possession " in the name x>f the Savior of the world, and the King of England." 130 Having peaceably purchased the land of the Indians, Gov, Calvert located himself at St. Mary's. By grant ing free toleration, and giving equal protection to all re ligious denominations, Maryland became a prosperous colony, and an asylum for those who were persecuted for religious opinions in the other colonies. The first assembly was composed of the freemen in the colony. In 1639, there was a change — the House of Assembly was made up of representatives chosen by the people. In 1650, there was another change, by which the Legislature was divided into two houses — the proprietors choosing one body, the people the other. During the civil wars in England, the name of papist became so obnoxious, that the Parliament assumed the government of the province, and appointed a new Gov ernor. Many changes took place in the government till the Revolution ary war, when the authority fell into the hands of the people. In 1776, they adopted the Constitution, which has been frequently amended. During the Revolutionary struggle, Maryland bore her full share of the sufferings, dangers, and privations of the contest. In the second war with Great Britain, after the enemy had made a successful attempt against Washington, they were emboldened , to undertake an expedition against Baltimore. On the I2th of Sept., 1814, Gen. Rosa, with 5000 men, landed at NorthPoint, about fourteen miles from the city. The militia were called into the field ; the aged and the rich voluntarily entered the ranks ; and Gen. Striker) with 3000 men, was ordered to retard the advance o* the enemy. The advanced parties met about eight miles from the city. In the skirmish which ensued. Gen. Rosa was killed. The enemy, however, continued to advance, and the Americans fell back to their entrenchment, about two miles from the city. After the enemy had landed at North Point, the British fleet sailed up the Petapsco, and bombard ed|jFort McHenry and Fort Covington. These were bravely defendedj^e fleet was repulsed, and the com mander of the troops finding the naval force could render no as sistance, retreated to North Point, and re-embarked his forces. The loss of the Americans, in killed and wounded, amounted to one hundred and sixty-three, among whom were some of the moat respectable citizens of Baltimore. 131 [Thus always with tyrants.] VIRGINIA. " Mother of States and Statesmen," still thy fame. Rich with the glowing history of the past, Shall find amid thy country's lists a name. And round thy sons a fadeless halo cast. Virginia is distinguished as the largest, and the ear liest settled of the original thirteen States. It was named Virginia, by Sir Walter Raleigh, in honor of Elizabeth, the virgin Queen of England. It is often called the " Old Dominion." This name appears to have been giv en for her loyalty to Charles II., during the civil wars in England. Chesapeake, the name of the bay forming the eastern boundary, is an Indian word, signifying " Mother of Waters." The " London Company," having received a grant of Virginia, fitted out three ships vidth one hundred and five men, to befgin a settlement. ^They landed at Jamestown, May 13th, 1607, and began the first permanent English settlement in North America. Among these adventu rers, were but four carpenters, and twelve laborers, to fifty four gentlemen. The colonists sufliered much for want of provisions, and in four months from the time of their landing, fifty of the company had perished. By the 132 exertions and address of Capt John Smith, they were probably saved from destruction. In 1608, Capt. Newport brought over 120 persons to join the colony, with supplies of provisions. In 1609, five hundred men, women, and chUdren were sent over, who finding the colony so much reduced by sickness and want, they resolved to abandon the country, and actually sailed for England. But the next day, meeting Lord Del aware, with fresh supplies, they all returned and prose cuted the planting of the country. In 1619, the first legislative body in this country met at Jamestown. As many had become dissatisfied, and contemplated returning to England, the London Com pany, in 1620, sent over more than ninety young women, to be disposed of as wives to the young planters. At first, the price was 100 lbs. of tobacco each, but the de- mand was so great, that it was increased to 160 lbs. In 1620, a Dutch ship from the coast of Guinea, entered James River, and sold twenty slaves to the colonists, be ing the first introduced into the country.* In 1624, King James dissolved the London company, assumed the government, and appointed a Governor. For a long period, Virginia experienced much trouble and difficulties with their vari ous governors. The State adopted its first Constitution in 1776, and its present one iu 1830. Virginia is distinguished for being the birth-place of many illustrious men, and was one of the leading States that distinguished themselves in the Revolutionary war. In 1781, the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown, in this State, decided the Revolutionary contest. While the name of Washington appears on the page of American history, Virginia will be honored and revered among her sister States. * Virginia, having an estensive territory and many slaves, has ever been sensitive in regard to t^s class other population. About the year 1800, a well organized insurrection of slaves in the imme diate vicinity of Richmond, was mercifully prevented by the timely discovery of a young slave, and the sudden rise in the river render ing it impassible. In 1831, Nat Turner, a fanatical slave in South ampton county, moved, as he said, by certain appearances in the sun, in August, coUected a body of 60 or 70 slaves, and commenced the work of indiscriminate massacre. Fifly-five men, women and children, were murdered before the Ineurrectiou could be suppressed. 133 NORTH CAROIilNA. The old " North State," for Freedom's holy laws. For Liberty thy nohle sons declared ; First to defend thy Country's injured cause, The glorious boon of Independence shared. In 1630, Charles I. granted to Sir Robert Heath, a territoiy south of Virginia, extending from the Atlantic Ocean, to the South Sea, by the name of Carolina.^ Between 1640 and 1650, persons suffering from religious persecution in Virginia, fled beyond her limits, and with out license from any source, occupied that portion of North Carolina, north of Albemarle Sound. Their nura-- ber annually augmented, and were enabled by the fertil ity of the soil, with little labor, to live in abundance. " They acknowledged no superior on earth, and obeyed no laws, but those of God and nature.." As Sir Robert Heath had not complied with the con ditions of his patent, the king, in 1633, granted the same territory to Lord Clarendon and seven others, and gave them the powers of government. To encourage emigra tion, religious liberty was granted. At the request of the proprietors, a constitution of government was pre pared by the- celebrated John Locke. This instrument provided that the Governor or Palatine, should hold his 12 134 office during life, and that the office should be horedttary. It also provided, that a hereditary nobility should be cre ated, to be called land-graves and caziques, and that, once in two years, representatives should be chosen by the free-holders. All these, with the proprietors or their deputies, were to meet in one assembly, which was to be called the Parliament, and over which the Palatine was to preside. This Constitution caused great disorder in the colony, and it was abolished in 169.3. In 1729, the Crown purchased from the proprietors, the Carolinas, for £17,500 sterling, and established two separate Gov- ernments, called North' and South Carolina. In 1707, a Company of French Protestants, arrived and seated themselves on the river Trent. In 1710, they were joined by a large number of Palatines, who fled from Germany on account of religious persecution. In 1719, the Tuscarora, and other Indians, formed a plot to murder all these settlers. In one night, twelve hundred of these savages, in separate parties, broke in npon their settlements, and murdered men, women, and children. Gov. Cra ven, of South Carolina, dispatched nearly a thousand men. imder Col. Bamwell, who followed the savages into a hideous wilderness, defeated them, and compelled them to sue for peace. The Tusca roras soon after went to the north, and joined the Five nations ; this making the sixth tribe of that confederacy. About the year 1730, the soil in the interior of North CaroUna, was found to be more fertile than that on the coast. Many emi grants from the northern colonies, particularly from Pennsylvania, now setUed in this section. In May, 1775, the " Committee of Safety " met in Mecklenburg County, and by a series of resolutions, declared themselves "free and independent " of the British Crown. In 1796, the State adopted its Constitution, which with some mod ifications continues to the present time. 135 SOUTH CAROLINA Palmetto like, she towers above the rest. While with her sister States she takes her stand ; With chivalry inspired, with fearless breast, Firm in their rights, her sons together stand. The first settlement of this State was made by Gov. Sayle, at Port Royal, in 1670. The next year he found ed old Charleston, on the banks of the Ashley river. In 1684, all the freemen meeting at this place elected rep resentatives to sit in Colonial Parliament, according to the Constitution prepared by Mr. Locke. The situation of Charleston being found inconvenient, the inhabitants, in 1680, removed to the site of the present city of Charleston. The first Constitution of State government was formed in 1775 ; the present one in 1790. Several circumstances, at this period, tended to pro mote the growth of the colony. The Puritans, from England, came over, to avoid the licentiousness which disgraced the Court of Charles II. ; the Cavaliers also came to restore their fortunes, exhausted by the civil wars. The conquest of New York induced many of the Dutch to resort to it. The arbitrary measures of the French King drove many of his Protestant subjects into exile, some of whom came to Carolina. Many of these exiles were rich, industrious, and of exemplary lives. 136 Many of the prominent settlers being Episcopalians, they procured the passage of a law establishing the Episcopal religion, and excluded dissenters from the Assembly. This illiberal proceeding made much trou ble in the colony, till it was made void by Queen Anne. In 1702, Gov. Moore, of Carolina, made an unsuccess ful expedition against St. Augustine, then a Spanish settlement. In 1706, the Spaniards from Florida, inva ded Carolina ; but Gov. Johnson was so well prepared for them at Charleston, that they retired without doing much injury. In 1715, a distressing Indian war broke out. All the tribes from Florida to Cape Fear, engaged in a conspir acy to extirpate the whites. Having massacred many of the inhabitants, Gov. Craven, at the head of 1200 men, marched against the savages, and defeated them at their camp at SaltcatcJiers. In 1738, occurred an alarming insurrection among the blacks, but it was speedily put down. In 1780, the British troops took possession of Charleston. South Carolina was the theatre of some of the fiercest struggles of the Revolution, at the Cowpens, King's Mountain, and Eulaw Springs. Gen. Francis Marion, one of the ablest and one of the most successful partizan officers in the Revolution, was born near Charleston. At the commencement of the conflict, he was a captain m Col. Moultrie's regiment. He was entrusted with a small force employed in harassing the British and Tories, and gained a number of important advantages, which procured him, in 1780, the commission of a brigadier general. He continually sur prised and captured parties of the British, .and their friends, by the secrecy and rapidity of his movements. In 1781, he captured a number of forts, and forced the Briitsh to retire to Charleston. He received the thanks of Congress for his intrepid conduct at the battle of Eutaw Springs. " He seldom failed of capturing his enemy, and almost always did it by surprise. His courage was the boldest, his movements the most rapid, his discipline severe, and his humanity most exemplary," 137 GEORGIA. Form George, the Sovereign, was derived thy name : In the far South thy sunny bowers of green : A refuge for God's poor, of old, thy fame ; Youngest thou art, of all the old thirteen. Georgia was the last settled of the thirteen original States. Its territory was included within the limits of the Carolina charter, but no settlement was made till after that charter was forfeited. In the reign of George II., several benevolent persons in England, formed a plan of planting a colony in this region. Their principal ob ject was to seek a place for the poor people of Great Britain and Ireland ; also a place of refuge for the per secuted Protestants of all nations. In 1732, a patent was obtained, conveying to twenty- one trustees, the territory now constituting the State of Georgia. These trustees having first set an example themselves, by largely contributing to the scheme, under took also to solicit benefactions fi-om others, and to apply the money towards clothing, arming, purchasing utensils for cultivation, and transporting such poor people as would consent to go over and begin a settlement. The Trustees managed the concerns of the colony. One of 138 their regulations were, that the lands should not be sold by the owners, but should descend to their male children only. They also forbade the use of rum in the colony, and strictly prohibited the impoitation of slaves. Bu* none of these regulations remained long in force. In Feb., 1733, James Oglethorpe, with 116 emigrants commenced a settlement at Savannah. Many persons afterwards arrived, and to each a portion of the wil derness was assigned. But it was soon found, that these emigrants, who were the refuse of cities, had been rendered poor by idleness, and irresolute by pov erty, were not fitted to fell the forests of Georgia. The trustees therefore made liberal offers to all who would come over and settle in the colony. In consequence of this, naore than 400 persons from Germany, Scotland, ¦and Switzerland, arrived in the year 1736. The Ger mans settled at Ebenezer, and the Scotch at New Inver ness, now Darien. In 1736, the celebrated John Wesley, made a missionary visit to Georgia, and two years after, George Whitfield, another celebrated Methodist preacher, arrived in the colony for the purpose of estab lishing an Orphan Houses where poor children might be fed, clothed, and educated in the knowledge of Christianity. War having been declared against Spain, Gen. Oglethorpe, at the head of about 2000 men, partly from Virginia and Carolinas, undertook an expedition against Florida. He took two Spanish forts, besieged St. Augus tine, but was obliged to abandon the siege and return. Two years afterwards, in 1742, the Spaniards invaded Georgia, and the colony was in imminent danger. By an artful stratagem of Gen. Ogle thorpe, in which he made the Spaniards believe a large force waa coming to his assistance, they fled with such precipitation, that they left several cannon, and a quantity of provisions behind them. During the Revolutionary war, Georgia waa overrun by the British troops, and many of the inhabitants were obliged to flee into the neighboring States for safety. The suflerings and losses of her citizens, wag as great in proportiou to her numbers and wealth, as in her sister States. In Dec, 1778, Savannah was taken by the British, and in October following. Count Pulaski, a Polish officer in the American service, was killed in an unsuccessfiii assault on this place. The first State Constitution was formed in 1777, the second in 1785, and the present in 1798, and amended in 1839. 139 FliORID A. Far to the sunny South, sweet land of flowers. Be Soto trod thy shores in olden time ; The Creek and Seminole have roamed thy bowers. Who now have vanished from thy sunny clime. FiiOHiDA was discovered by Sebastian Cabot, sailing under the flag and patronage of England, in 1497. In 1512 and 1516, Ponce de Leon, one of the companions of Columbus on his second voyage, explored this part of the country. It was called Florida, from the circum stance of its being discovered on Palm Sunday ; or, as some say, from the numerous flowering shrubs which every where gave the country a beautiful aspect. In 1539, Ferdinand de Soto, who had been an officer under Pizarro, sailed from the island of Cuba, of which he was Governor, with about 1000 men, and landed on the western shore of Florida. From the Gulf of Mexico, he penetrated into the country northward and westward, in search of gold. The Spaniards wandered about in the wilderness for four years ; De Soto and about half his men perished before they got back to the Spanish settlements. In 1553, the French attempted to estab lish a colony, which occasioned a contest between them and the Spaniards, in which the latter were finally victo- 140 rious. In 1763, Flo.tida was ceded to Great Britain by Spain, in exchange for Havana. The Spaniards recon quered it in 1781. In 1819, the Spaniards ceded it to the United States as a compensation for their spoliations on the commerce of the United States. In 1822, East and West Florida were formed into one territory. In 1845, Florida was admitted into the Union as a State. Its Constitution was adopted in 1838. The Seminole Indians occupied, until lately, the Ever- ¦glades, a flat, marshy district, in the central and southern part of Florida. As early as 1821, the National Gov ernment were urged to remove the Creeks, who had fled into this territory, and incorporated themselves with the Seminoles. Difficulties continuing with the Indians, a Treaty was made in 1832, at Payne's Landing, in which they agreed to remove west of the Mississippi. This treaty being considered by many of the Seminoles as unfair, they refused to remove. In 1835, Gen. Thomp son having a dispute with Osceola, a favorite chief of the Indians, caused him to be arrested, and put him into irons for a day. Osceola was exasperated, and deter mined upon revenge. On Dec. 28th, 183.5, Major Dade, with 117 men, fell into an ambuscade of the Indians, and were all killed but tlu-ee men, one or two of whom afterwards died of their wounds. Gen. Thomp son and some of his companions were waylaid the same day, and liilled, in sight of Fort King, by a party of Indians headed by Osceola. After a variety of conflicts, Osceola, in Oct. 1837, with about 70 warriors, under the protection of a flag, came into the camp of Gen. Jessup, who caused him to be forcibly detained. He was taken to St» Augusline, thence to Fort Moultrie, al Charleston, where he died, Jan. 1838. This harassing warfare was brought to a close by Col. Worth, in 1849, after millions of money had been expended, and hundreds of valuable hves sacri ficed. Great numbers of soldiers perished by disease contracted by traversing through swamps, morasses, and waters of stagnant lakes, in pursuing the Indians from place to place. 141 AliABAMA. Thy snowy wealth o'er all thy fields is spread. Makes wings for commerce, on the ocean wide : On shivering want, its fleecy gifts are shed. That freight the barks, which o'er thy rivers glide. Most of the territory of Alabama, was included in the original patent of Georgia. In 1802, Georgia ceded all her territory west of Chattahoochee river, to the United States ; and extending to the Mississippi river, it was erected into the Mississippi Territory in 1817. It con tinued a part of the Mississippi Territory vmtil 1819, when a State constitution was formed, and in 1820, it was admitted into the Union, as an independent State, Since the termination of the Creek war in 1814, Ala. bama has grown rapidly in population and wealth, by her agricultural productions, of which cotton is the prin^ cipal. De Soto, a Spanish officer, appears to have been the first European who traversed the soil of Alabama. This waa in 1540. In 1701, D'lbei-ville, a distinguished French naval officer, erected a fort at Mobile, which, for a number of years, appears to have been the principal seat of the French power in its southern settlements. In 142 1704, Louis XIV., the French king, sent over twenty viituous young women, in order, as he stated, " to be married to the Canadians, and to the other inhabitants of Mobile, in order to consolidate the colony." They proved to be an important and valuable addition to the colony, though it appears that a kind of insurrection took place, in which they threatened to leave the country the first opportunity, for being enticed from home, (most of them being from Paris,) to live on com, when they were promised "the milk and honey of a land of promise." At the period of the second war vdth Great Britain, Alabama was a theatre of Indian warfare, as a great part of the State a t that time was inhabited by a number of tribes of IndiaiM, of whom the Creeks were the principal. These Indians received their name, from the fact of the country which they inhabited, having numeroua creeks or streams of water. In 18 19, the Creeks having been stirred up to war by Tecumseh, the celebrated Shawnee warrior, commenced hostile operatrons. In Aug., they fell on Fort Mimms : the garrison made a desperate resistance, but out of three hundred men, women, and children, only seventeen survived the massacre. The adjoining States were now roused to action. In Nov., Gen. Jackson, assisted by Generals Coffee, Floyd, and Claiborne, en tered the Indian country. Gen. Jackson defeated the Indians at Talladega, where two hundred and ninety of their warriors were left dead npon the field. On Nov. 29, Gen. Floyd attacked the Creeks on their sacred grountj at Autossee. The Indians fought bravely in its defense, but were overcome. Four hundred of their houses were burned, and 200 of their bravest warriors killed, among whom were the kings of Autossee and TallahasBee. The lost stand of the Creeks was at Tohopeka, a fortified place at the bend of the Tallapoosa, called by the whites the " Horse-shoe- bend." The Indians had erected a breast-work, from five to eight feet high across the peninsula, where a thonsand of their warriors had collected. These fought desperately, but were entirely de feated. Five hundred and fifty of I heir number were killed on the peninsula, and many were drowned or shot in attempting to cross the river. The victory ended in the submission of the remaining warriors, and in 1814, a treaty of peace was concluded, and the Creeks now have removed westward of the M:psissippi. 143 MISSISSIPPI. Father of Waters ! like a smiling child. Thy namesake State upon thy border lies ; Where roamed the Chickasaw and Choctaw wild. Amid thy woods, now smiling fields arise. Ik 1716, Bienville, one of the Governors of Louisiana, sailed up the Mississippi as far as Natchez, erected and garrisoned a fortification which he called " Fort Rosalie." This spot had been marked down by Iberville, in 1,700 as an eligible spot for a town, of which he drew a plan, and which he called Rosalie, the maiden name of the Cotmtess Pontchartrain, of France. In 1729, the Natchez nation of Indians, feeling them selves aggrieved by the French, laid a plot for their de struction. On the 28th of Nov., they appeared in great numbers about the French houses, telling the inhabitants they were going a hunting. They sang after the calumet, in honor of the French commander, and his company. Each having returned to his post, a signal was given, and instantly the massacre began. Two hundred French men were killed. " Of all the people at Natchez, not more than twenty French, and five or six negroes es caped. One hundred and fifty children, and eighty wo men, with nearly as many negroes, were made prisoners. 144 The Frei ch governor of Louisiana, M. Perier, resolved on avenginy the massacre, sent to the Choctaws, who furnished a body of 15 or 1600 warriors, to assist the French against the Natchez, The Natchez being be sieged in their fort by the French, had the address during the night, to make their escape. Learning afterwards, that they had fortified themselves -west of the Mississippi, the French followed them thither. Here they were be sieged, and compelled to surrender themselves as cap tives. They were taken to New Orleans, where they were confined in separate prisons ; and afterwards were transported as slaves to St. Domingo. Thus perished the Natchez nation, " the most illustrious in Louisiana." The Chickasaws were the dread of the French cblonists, as they had incited the Natchez against them. They occupied a large and beantiful tract east of the Mississippi, at the head of the Tombec- bee. This they would not allow the French to occupy, but main tained their own independence. In 1736, a force from New Or leans, under Bienville, and another body from the region of the niinois, made an unsuccessful attempt against the Chickasaws. Bienville was obUged to throw his artillery into the Tombecbee, and retire down the river. The brave young officer, d'Artaguette, who commanded the party from the Illinois, was compelled to wit ness the torture and death of his companions, and then dismissed, to go and relate to the whites the deeds of the Chickasaws. In 1763, the country was ceded to the British. North of the 31st degree of north latitude, this territory was within the char tered hmits of Georgia. In 1795, the Legislature of Georgia, sold 22,000,000 acres of land in this State, called the Ta zoo pur chase, to four companies, for $500,000, who afterwards sold it at advanced prices, to various persons, mostly in the eastern and middle states. The next year the legislature declared the sale unconstitutional, and ordered the records of it to be burnt, without refunding the money. The southern section of the State was within the limits of Florida, and was purchased of Spain in 1821. In 1798, this State, together with AlabamFx, were constituted Mississippi Terri tory. In 1817, Mississippi, 1 \ving formed a constitution of State government; was admitted ia * the Union. 145 LOUISIANA. Louis of sunny France, hestowed thy name. The gay and generous Frenchman roams beneath thy skies, And rivalling old Orleans, in wealth and fame. Its namesake on thy soil in heauty lies. Louisiana appears to have been first visited by the Spaniards under De Soto, who died at the mouth of Red River, in May, 1542, at the age of forty-two. This cel ebrated adventurer, finding that the hour of death was come, appointed a successor, and with his dying breath, exhorted his desponding followers to " union and confi dence," words now emblazoned on the Arras of Louis iana. The Spaniards, to conceal the death of their leader- from the Indians, put his body into an oak hollowed out for the purpose, and sunk it in the river. De Soto, it is said, expended 100,000 ducats in this expedition, like the- fabled Pelican of old, gave his own blood for the- nourish ment of his brood of followers. In 1682, M. La Salle, a French naval officer, discov ered the three passages by which the Mississippi dis* charges its waters into the Gulf. La Salle having pre pared a column with the arms of France affixed, and a cross, ascended the river to a dry spot above inundation, where, having erected the column, he took possession of 13 146 the countEy, " In the name of the Most High, mighty, invincible, and victorious Prince, Louis the Great, by the grace of God, King of France and Navaire, fourteenth of that name." After the Te Deum was chaunted, a salute of fire-arms, and cries of vi-ce le Roi, La Salle said, his Majesty, as eldest son of the Church, would an nex no country to his crown, without making it his chief care to establish the Christian religion therein : its sym bol must now be planted ; which was accordingly done at once, by erecting a cross, before which, religious ser vices were performed. The country was named Louis iana in honor of the French King, La Salle attempted a settlement, but it failed. In 1P99, a more successful attempt was made by Iberville, who entered the Missis sippi and founded a colony. His efforts were followed up by Cro- zat, a roan of wealth, who held the exclusive trade of the_ country for a number of years. About the year 1717, he transferred his in terest to a chartered company, at the head of which was the cele brated John Law, whose national bank and Mississippi speculation, involved the ruin of half the French nobility. The stock of this company at one time, advanced to upwards of two thousand per cent., and the notes of the bank in circulation, exceeded two hun dred millions of dollars. In 1731, the Company resigned the con cern to the crown, who in 1762, ceded the whole of Louisiana to Spain. In 1800, Spain re-conveyed the province to the French, of whom it was purchased by the United States in 1803, for fifteen millions of dollars. This purchase included the territory west of the Mississippi. In 18 12, the present State of Louisiana formed a Constitution and was admitted into the Union, On the 8th of January, 1815, a body of about 8000 British troops, under Gen. Packingham, made an attempt to obtain possession of New Orleans. This place was defended by aboot 6000 militia jien under Gen. Jackson. The Americans, behind their breast works of cotton bales, and other materials which no balls could pea- etrate, poured such a fire on the advancing troops of the enemy, that whole ranks were literally swept away. Gen. Packenham, and Gen. Gibbs, the second in command, were mortally wounded. The enemy retreated with the loss of 2600 men, in killed, wound ed, and captured. The American loss amounted to only six killed and seven wounded. 147 OHIO. Ohio ! " Beauteous River," on thy shore. Peace, plenty, with their choiceat blessings rest. And dotting with her boats thy waters o'er. There lies thy city fair, " Queen of the West." Ohio receives its name from the river, which forms its southern boundary. The word Ohio, in the Wyandot language, signifies fair, or " Beautiful River," which was the name given to it by the French, the first Euro peans which explored this paa-t of the country. In Au gust, 1679, La Salle launched upon Lake Erie, the Grif fin, a bark of about 60 tons, with which he proceeded through the lakes to the Straits at Mackinaw. In 1750, a French post had been fortified at the mouth of the Wa bash, and a communication was established through that river and the Maumee, with Canada. The French, at this period, had a chain of fortifications back of the Eng lish iSltlements, and the territory north.|Fest of Ohio, was included within the Hmits of Louisiana. About this time, the Ohio Company was formed, and for the purpose of checking the progress of the French, made attempts to establish trading houses among the In dians. The first English settlement in the Ohio valley, appears to have been made on the Great Miami, where 143 th'^^y erected a trading house in 1749. In 1752, this was destroyed by the French, and the traders were carried away to Canada. The Moravian missionaries, prior to the American Revolution, had a number of stations within the limits of Ohio. As early as 1 762, the mission aries, Heckewelder, and Post, were on the Muskingum. Mary Heckewelder, the daughter of the Missionary, is said to have been the first white child born in Ohio. During the Revolutionary war, most of the western Indians were more or less united against the Americans, by means cf the British influence. During the Fr'^nch wars, that nation instigated the Indians to fall on the frontier settlements. In 1782, a party of Americans, under Col. Williamson, murdered, in cold blood, ninety- four of the defenseless Moravian Indians, on the Muskingum. In the same year, CoL Crawford, at the head of about 500 men, was defeated on the Sandusky by the Indians ; he was taken prisoner, and burnt at the stake wilh horrible tortures. After the Revolution, the States who owned, or had a claim on western unappropriated lands, with a single exception, ceded vhem to the United States. The State of Connecticut, ceded her claim of soil and jurisdiction, to that part of Ohio, since known as the " Western Eeserve." The first settlement in this part of the State, was made at Conneaut, in 1796, by settlers from Connecticut. The first regular, permanent, white settlement within the bounds of Ohio, was commenced in the spring of 1788, at Marietta, so named in honor of Marie Antoniette, Queen of France. At this, as well as at other places in this State, are the remains of mounds, and other ancient works, evidefftly erected by a people which once inhabited this fertile region, far more advanced in civilization than the present race of Indians. The Indians continuing hostile, in 1790 Gen. Harmer was sent against them with 1300 men. This expedition proved unsuccess ful. In 1791, Gen. St. Clair, with a force of 3000 men, assembled at Cincinnati, commenced his march against the Indians on the Maumee. He was defeated with the loss of 600 men killed, among whom was Gen. Butler. In 1 794, another army under Gen. Wayne, was sent against the Indians. He encountered the ene my, and after w short and deadly confl ict, they were totally de feated, and soon after were compelled to make peace. In 1799, Ohio formed a territorial government, and in 1802, formed a State constitutionj and was admitted into the Uniou. 149 KENTUCKY. The hunter Boone, the hardy pioneer, Thy flowery wilds among the first explored ; And in our country's hsts, to freemen dear. Thy gallant sons, thy fame spreads far abroad. Kentucky was originally within the limits of Vir ginia ; its first actual explorer, of whom we have any \eiy definite knowledge, was Col. James Smith, who traveled westward in 1766, from Holston river, with three men and a mulatto slave. They explored the country south of Kentucky, and also Cumberland and Tennessee rivers down to the Ohio. The beautiful tract of country near the Kentucky river, the finest perhaps of the Ohio valley, appears to have been reserved by the Indians as a hunting ground ; and consequently, none of their settlements were found there. In 1767, John Finley, and some others, made a trading expedition from North Carolina to this region. Upon his return, he communicated his discoveries to Daniel Boone, and some others, who agreed, in 1769, to under take a journey to explore it. After a long fat.iguing march, over a mountainous wilderness, they arrived upon its borders ; and from an eminence, discovered the lovely valley of If entucky. Here they encamped, and some 13* 150 went to hunt provisions, which were readily procured, there being plenty of game, while Col. Boone and Mr. Finley, made a tour of the countiy. But notwithstanding this promising beginning, the company soon found noth ing but hardships and adversities. All the companions of Boone were killed by the Indians, and himself taken prisoner. He soon made his escape. He remained in the wilderness for some time, entirely alone. He re turned to his family in North Carolina, after au ab sence of nearly three years. During nearly the whole of thfs time, he never tasted bread, or Salt, nor beheld the face of a single white man, excepting his brother, and his companions who had been killed. In 1771, Boone, with his family, started to make a set tlement in Kentucky, in Powel's valley. Being joined by five more families, and forty men, well armed, they proceeded onward with confidence, but when near the Cumberland Mountains, they were attacked by a large party of Indians, and were obliged to retreat to the set tlements on Clinch river. Here they remained tUl 1774. In this year, James Harrod built the first cabin in the State, on the spot where Harrodsburg now stands. In 1775, Boone erected a fort at Boonsborough, brought his family and some others, and established a permanent settlement. The first settlers were harrassed by the at tacks of the Indians for a long period, till Gen. Clark scoured the wilderness, took their posts, destroyed many of their villages, and compelled theta to make peace. In 1777, Burgesses were chosen to represent the county of Kentucky in the Legislature of Virginia. In 1783, Kentucky was formed into a district. In 1785, a Convention was formed for the purpose of procuring an entue separation from Virginia. This was effected the following year. It continued an independent district, till June 1st, 1792, when it was received into the Union as an independent State. The first constitution was formed in 1790, '.he present one in 1799. l-'l TENNESSEE. The plough is on thy shield, thy fertile soil. Like Eden, 'neath thy children's cultivating hand With richest fruit rewards their patient toil, And scatters " plenty o'er a smiling hand." Tennessee* was originally included in the charter of North Carolina, given by Charles II, in 1664 ; but no settlement was made beyond the Alleghany Mountains till 1757, when a few hardy pioneers established them selves at Fort Loudon, on Watagua river. The French ha^nng stirred up the Cherokees to hostilities against the English settlements. Col. Montgomery was sent with a force to subdue them. After destroying a number of their towns, he was attacked by the Indians and forced to retire without effecting his object. In 1760, the Cherokees blockaded Fort Loudon. The garrison, about 200 in number, having subsisted for some time on horse flesh, agreed to capitulate, on condition they should be allowed to return to Virginia, or Fort Prince George. After marching about fifteen miles from the fort, they *Thi3 State takes its name from its principal river. The Indians are said to have given this name to the river on account of its curvature, which gave to their imaginatiuns the form of an Indian spoon, which is the meaning of the name. 152 were treacherously fired on by the savages, and those who were not massacred were made prisoners. The next year. Col. Grant, with about 2,600 men, marched into the Cherokee country, gave battle to the Indians, burned their dwellings and laid waste their country These measures humbled the savages, and compelled them to make peace. In 1765, settlements were begun on Holston river, and during the Revolutionary war the settlers had fre- quent contests with the Indians. In 1782, the Legisla ture of North Carolina appointed commissioners to ex plore Davidson County, (which at that time was very ex tensive,) and report which part was best for the payment of the bouhty promised to the officers and soldiers of that State during the Revolution. A settlement had been made in this part of the State in 1780, under the guid ance and direction of Col. Robertson, at a place they named Nashville, in honor of Gen. Nash, who Avas killed at the battle of Germantown, in 1777. The county was named Davidson, in honor of Gen. Davidson, who fell in opposing Cornwallis, in 1781. The militaiy warrants weie made out, many of the officers and soldiei-s repair ed to this section to secure and settle their lands, and many purchBsers from various States of the Union be came settlers. In 1785, the inhabitants of the counties of Sullivan, Washing ton and Green, lying directly west of the Alleghany mountains, framed a constitution, elected their governor, and erected them selves into an independent State, by the name of the New State of Franklin. This premature State was to comprehend " all that tract of country which lies between the mountains and the Suck or Whirl in the Tennessee river." These proceedings occasioned great confusion and warm disputes, which continued until 1788, when the thoughts of independency were relinquished, and tran quility was restored. The territory was finally ceded to the United States in 1790, and a territorial government was estabUsh ed under the name of the " Territory Southwest of the Ohio River." In 1796, Tennessee was admitted into the Union as a State. 153 MICHIGAN. The missionary and the hunter bold, First ranged thy forest depths in times of old: Earth's mightiest Lakes, now bound thy lengthened shore. The Huron brave shall tread thy fields no more. The Huron tribe of Indians, were the aboriginal in« habitants of Michigan. They were anciently very nu merous, brave and powerful, and their settlements ex tended as far north as Lake Superior. As early as 1634, ihe French Catholic missionaries, founded a mission near Lake Huron, and in 1660, a station was established on the rocky and pine-clad borders of Lake Superior. In 1663, the mission at St. Mary's Falls was founded, and in 1671, Father Marquette gathered a little flock of In dian converts at Point St. Ignatus, on the main land north of the island of Mackinaw. The great body of the Hurons, were converted by the efforts of the mission aries, to the profession of Christianity. The Iroqifgis, or Five Nations, made war upon them, and massacred or dispersed most of their number. In 1667, Louis XIV. sent a party of soldiers to this territory, to protect the French fur-traders. In 1701, a French colony left Montreal, and began the settlement of Detroit, which was a place of resort of the French missionaries, as early as 1620. Having established mil. 154 itary posts at this, and other places, they soon extended their commerce westward of Lake Michigan, to the In dians on the Mississippi. They were steadily opposed by the Iroquois, and the settlements being somewhat neglected by the French government, they never flour ished as colonies. The war of 1756, dispossessed the French of all their northern possessions, and of the rest of this territory, whibh remained in a, neglected state iu the hands of the British till the peace of 1783, gave it over to ihe United States, and a governor was appointed in 1787, for all the territoiy N. W. of the Ohio. In 1796, the fort of Detroit was ceded by the British to the United States, and the peninsula of Michigan proper was formed into a county, called the county of Wayne. In 1805, it was formed into a distinct territorial govern ment, and in 1836 it was admitted into the Union as a State. In the war of 1812, the important fortress of Mackinaw, being garrisoned by only 57 men under Lieut. Hanks, was surrendered on the 17th of July to a party of 1000 British and Indians. On the 15th of August, Gen. Brock, with a, force of 1300 men, of whom 700 were Indians, summoned Gen. Hull to surrender Detroit, stat ing that he would be unable to control the Indians if any resist ance should be offered. Although Hull had a force of 800 men, yet he supposed it would be useless to resist, and, to the astonish ment of all, he surrendered at discretion, without scarcely any oppo sition. The indignation was great against him, and after he waa exchanged, he was tried by a Court martial, sentenced to death, but on account of his age and services in the Revolution, the President remitted the punishment, but deprived him of all military command. On the 9ad of January, 1813, Gen. Winchester, who was encamped fit Frenchtown on the river Raisin, was surprised by a force of British and Indians under Gen. Proctor. After a severe contest the Americans surrendered, under a promise of being protected from the Itiriians. This promise was broken : a large number of pris oners, mostly tliose who were wounded, were murdered by the In- ' dians. Gen. Winchester's force consisted of about 800 men, prin cipally volunteers from some of the most respectable families in Kentucky. One-third were killed in the battle and massacre that followed, and but 33 escaped. The merciless savages fired the town, dragged the wounded from their houses, killed and scalped them in the streets, and left their mangled bodies in the high-way 155 DIANA, Land of ihe Shawnee braves, thy fertile plains The Buffalo wild herd shall tread no more ; Thy far spread prairies teem with golden grain. And towns arise where forests waved .before. This State, till Jan. 1801, formed a part of the Northwest Ter ritory. It was then created into a separaie territory, and Gen. Harrison was appointed Governor. It was admitted into the Union in 1816, and adopted its constitution. The first settlement iu this State was raade by the French, at Vincennes, as early, there is reason to believe, as the year 1735. This place, or post, receiv ed its name from M. de Vincennes, a young and brave French ofBcer, who was killed in an expedition aaginst the Chickasaws, in 1735. At the peace of 1763, between France and England, this country came into possession of Great Britain. In 1779, Vin cennes was taken from the British by a party of Virginia militia, under Col. Clark. Just previous to the war of 1812 with Great Britain, Indiana was harrassed by the hostile movements of the Shawnee and other Indians, led on by Tecumseh, and his brother, the Prophet. On the 7th of November, Gen. Harrison met a number of the Proph , ef s messengers at Tipppecanoe, a branch of the Wabash, then the principal seat of the Shawanese. Agreeing to a short suspension of hostilities, tbe Indians endeavored to take Harrison by surprise ; they were, however, defeated, with the loss of 170 killed, and 100 wounded. ILLINOIS. On thy broad fieldg, and prairies wild and vast, The thundering herd shall rush no longer past ; But cultured by the hand of man, thy soil With rich abundance crowns the laborer's toil. This State derives its name from the river Illinois, an Indian word, signifying a man full of age, in the vigor of his years. Illinois river is the river of men. The first settlement within the limits of the State, was made by the French, at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Peoria, some where between the years 1690 and 1700. It appears clear, that Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois before 1693, and became the founder of Kaskas kia, though in what year we know not ; but for some time it was merely a missionary station, and the inhabi tants of the village consisted entirely of natives ; it being one of the three such villages ; the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. In 1789, Illinois constituted a part of the Northwest Territory. In 1800, Indiana and Illi nois became a separate territoiy. In 1809, it was made a separate territory, and in 1818, it was admitted into the Union as an independent State. The first European who touched the soil of Illinois, appears to have been one Perrot, an agent for the In- tendant of Canada, who, in 1670, explored Lake Michi- 157 gan as far as Chicago. In 1673, Fathei Marquette, the devoted and pious French missionary, M. Joliet, of Quebec, with five boatmen, left the Michilimacinac, passed down Green Bay, and entered Fox river. From thence they crossed over to the Wisconsin, and sailed down the Mississippi as far as Arkansas, when they return ed to the north. They were kindly received and feast ed by the Illinois. Their feast consisted of four courses : the first of hominy, the second of fish, the third oi dog, which the Frenchmen declined, and the whole concluded with roast buffalo. The Illinois Indians are described by all travellers as remarkably handsome, well manner ed and kind. In the year 1812, Gen. Hull, who surrendered Detroit into the hands of the British, directed Capt. Heald, who commanded Fort Dearborn, at Chicago, to distribute his stores to the Indians, and retire to Fort Wayne. Not having perfect confidence in the In dians, he threw the powder into the well, and wasted the whiskey.. As these were the articles they most wanted, they were so exaspe rated, they fell upon the garrison after they had proceeded about two miles from the fort, and massacred about 60 persons, being about two-thirds of their number. In 1840, the Mormons having been driven out of Missouri, loca ted a city on the east bank of the Mississippi, which they called Nauvoo. They had extraordinary privileges granted them by the State. But here, as elsewhere, numerous difficulties arose between them and the surrounding inhabitants. On June 27th, 1844, Jo seph Smith, the Mormon prophet and leader, with his brother Hyram, were killed by a mob, and in a short period after, the Mormons began their movement toward California. 14 158 MISSOURI. With hills and dales, and plains diversified. Thy commerce growing, spreading far and wide. Large in extent among each sister state. These and thy mines of wealth shall make thee great. MissouEi was originally included in the limits of Lou isiana, purchased of the French government iu 1803. In 1804, the territory was organized into the district of Louisiana, and was under the authority of Gov. Harrison of Indiana. In 1806, it became a territory under its own government. In 1812, its name was changed to Mis souri. In 1820, il was admitted into the Union, after much debate and agitation, on the subject of admitting new slave states into the confederacy. In 1763, Mr. Laclede, the head of a mercantile com pany, who had obtained a monopoly of the Indian and fur-trade, on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, left New Orleans on an expedition fitted out to form establishments, and open a commerce with the natives. Laclede having left his stores at Fort Charles on the Kaskakias, proceeded up the river to the bluff, where St. Louis now stands. He was so much pleased with the situation of the place, that he determined to make it the central place of the 159 company's operations. Laclede was accompanied by Auguste and Pierre Choteau, two young Creoles of New Orleans, of high respectability and intelligence. In Feb., 1764, Auguste, the elder of the two brothers, commenced the first buildings at St. Louis, and these brothers never afterwards quitted the country of their adoption. They became the heads of numerous families, whose name is, even at this time, a passport that commands safety and hospitality among the Indian nations in the United States north and west. In 1669, settlements were made on both shores of the lower por tion of the Missouri. Blanchette, " the hunter," built a log house, the first dwelling on the site of the beautiful village, which in 1784, received the name of St. Charles. St. Genevieve was settled as early as 1774. New Madrid was laid out by Col. Morgan, under the Spanish government, about the year 1790. On the 16th of December, 1811, commenced a series of earth quakes, which continued till the February following. The most destructive shocks took place in the beginning, although they were repeated many weeks, becoming lighter till they died away in slight vibrations, like the jarring of steam in an immense boiler. New Madrid, having suffered more than any other town on the Mississippi from its effects, was considered as situated near the fo cus from whence the undulations proceeded. This place, which stood on a bluff bank, fifteen or twenty feet above the summer floods, sunk so low, that the next rise covered it to the depth of five feet. The bottom of several fine lakes in the vicinity, were elevated, so as to become dry land, and have since been planted with corn. The earth on the shores opened in wide fissures, and closing again, threw the water and mud, in huge jets, higher than the tops of the trees. The atmosphere was filled with a thick vapor, or gas, of a purple tinge. The agitation of the waters of the Mississippi were BDch, that many boats were overwhehned, and their crews drowned. 160 ARKANSAS. The plough and the steam boat are upon thy shield. Commerce and Agriculture's skillful hand Shall skim thy streams, shall furrow o'er thy fields. And make thee great amid thy sister band. Ahkansas receives its name from the large river by which it is centrally intersected. It was a part of the Louisiana purchase. It became a separate territory in 1819, and in 1836, it adopted a State constitution, and was admitted into the Union. The first white man who traversed the territory of Arkansas, waa De Soto, the celebrated Spanish adventurer, who, after his wander ings east of the Mississippi, reached t^je banks of the great River of the West, not far from the 35th parallel of latitude. A month, it is said, was spent in preparing barges to convey his horses, many of whom lived, across the rapid stream. Having successfiilly passed it, they pursued their way northward, and then turning westward again, they marched more than two hundred miles from the Mis sissippi to the highlands of White River. But still they found no gold, (the object of their search,) no gems, no cities : only bare prai ries, and tangled forests, and deep morasses. To the south again they toiled on, and passed the third winter of wandering upon the Waschita. In the following spring, (1542,) De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, descended the Waschita, to its junction with the Mississippi. His men and horses wasted away, the Indiana were hostile about him, till he sunk into dKCOuragement and died. The territory of Arkansas appears to have been next visited by Father Marquette, and a few others, who came down from Canada in 1673. The French voyagers from the Ohio, passed down the river to the neighborhood of the " Arkamscas," or Arkansas, where they were kindly received. 161 TEXAS. "Lone Texian star," that rose in southern skies. Now mingled with the northern constellation bright ; Far in the sunny South, thy domain l.es ; Thy sons are warlike, readiest in the fight. The territory of Texas proper, appears to have been first visited by La Salle, who sailed from France to St. Domingo, and from thence proceeded the discovery and settlement of the fanied Louisiana. The French, who intended to enter the Mississippi, appear to have first landed at Matagorda Bay, where they began a fortifica tion in March, 1685. Here they met with many discour agements ; their vessel, which had their provisions and most valuable stores, was wrecked ; and the seed they planted would not sprout. Some of the men deserted to the Indians ; others were discouraged, and becoming mutinous, murdered La Salle, and some others, (as fer as can be judged,) upon a branch of the Brazos. Youtel the historian, and some others, penetrated to the Missis sippi ; and from thence he proceeded northward, and reached Quebec in July, 1687. It is believed that settlements were made in the limits of Texas, as early as 1692 ; but the savages were so hostile, that little progress was effected. The Spanish, 14* 162 and afterwards the Mexican Governments, in order to establish settlementB, ofiered grants of land, as inducements to settlers fi-om the United States. In 1821, Stephen B, Au8tin,{xora Connecticut, went to Brasses, to secure a portion of territory bequeathed to him by his father. Many settlers soon afterwards located them selves here, and their increase and prosperity began to alarm the Mexicans. When the Mexican government abolished slavery in her limits, in 1825, most of the settlers being planters fi-om the Southern States, who had brought their slaves with them, felt them selves aggrieved. They petitioned the Mexican Congress in vain, for relief, and Austin, the principal man in the colony, was im prisoned for two yfars. On the establishment of Centralism, un der Santa Anna, Texas, in 1835, declared her Independence. Gen. Coss was sent against the Texans but he was defeated and taken prisoner. Santa Anna, the President of Mexico, with a force of 8000 men, now moved forward, threatening to exterminate the Americans fi-om the soil of Texas. In March, 1836, San Antonio de Bexar was besieged ; the Alamo was defended by a force of only 187 men, for two weeks. They were all slain but seven, who surren dered. Col. IVavis, Col. David Crockett, and Col. Bowie, the in ventor of the Bowie knife, were all killed in the defense of this place. While Santa Anna was engaged at San Antonio, Gen. Urrea marched upon Goliad. He had a severe contest with Col. Fanning's troops, who, on March 20th, surrendered themselves as prisoners of war. Nine days afterwards, all the Texans, 520 in number, were shot down, except six only, who made their escape. On April 2lst, Santa Anna came up to a body of 783 Texans, commanded by Gen. Houston, near the banks of San Jacinto. Being masked by the timber, the Texans marched into a valley, from which they rushed upon the Mexican lines in front. When within about 600 yards, the Mexicans opened their fire. The Tex ans, nothing daunted, moved on,' and when within about 70 yards of their foes, opened a terrible fire; with their double barrel guns, and pistols, of which some had five or six about them, besides knives and tomahawks. They swept over the Mexicans hke the wind ; took their artillery already loaded and primed, and fired it upon them, as they retreated in total rout and confusion. The Texan loss was only 2 killed and 23 wounded. The Mexican loss is stated to have been 630 killed, 208 wounded, and 730 prisoners, among whom were Santa Anna, and his principal ofiicers. This victory secured the Independence of Texas. The Mexicans made repeated hostile demonstrations, apparently with Ihe view of recovering Texas, but owing to a variety of causes, nothing of importance was effected. Texas remained a sepa rate government till 1845, when by mutual agreement, it was an nexed to the United States as a member of the Confederacy. 163 \riSCONSIN. Far to the north thy boundaries appear. Where the wild Chippewa his lodge doth rear : Thy sons are free, thy climate breathes of health. And in thy fertile soil are mines of wealth. One of the first Europeans who visited the territory of Wisconsin, was Father Marquette, a piouS Catholic Mis sionary, who, after spending about three years at the Straits of Mackinaw, the idea of exploring the lands yet farther towards the setting sun, had been growing more and more definite in his mind. " He had heard of the great river of the West, and fancied that upon its fertile banks — not rnighty cities, mines of gold, or fountains of youth — but whole tribes of God's children, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with the wish to go and preach to them, he obeyed with joy the orders of Talon, the wise Intendant of Canada, to lead a party into the unknown distance." He was accompanied by M. Joliet, of Quebec, and five boatmen. This little band of seven, left Mackinaw in two bark canoes, in May, 1673. They passed down Green Bay to Fox river, which they entered and dragged their canoes through its strong rapids, to a village of In dians where AUmiez, a French Missionary had visited. 164 and where " they found a cross, on which hung skins and belts, bows and arrows, which they had offered lo the great Manitou, [God,] to thank him because he had ta ken pity on them during the winter, and had given them abundant chase." Beyond this point, no Frenchman had gone ; and here was the bound of discovery. The friendly Indians then guided to the Wis consin, about three leagues distant, whose waters flowed westward. Down this they floated, till, on the 17th of June, when, with joy, they entered the Mississippi. They proceeded down the river to Ar kansas, then they returned to Green Bay without loss or injury. Wisconsin was next visited by La Salle, and Father Hetmipin, a Franciscan friar, a man of much ambition and energy. These ad venturers, having passed down the Illinois, Hennipin paddled up the Mississippi as far as the Wisconsin, where he was taken pris oner by the Indians, who treated him and his companions kindly. They took them up the river to the Falls, which Hennipin named St. Anthony, in honor of his patron Saint. From this point he re turned to Canada and France hy way of Lake Superior. Wisconsin was under the government of France, till 1763; of Great Britain, till 1794 ; of Ohio, till 1800 ; of Indiana, till 1809 ; of IlUnois, till 1818 ; of Michigan, till 1836 ; and under a territorial government till 1848, when she was adm-itted into the Union as a State. The principal place in this State, is Milwaukie, formerly the site of a village of the Sac and Fox tribe of Indians. Its name is said to be derived from Man-na-wah-kie, an Indian word, sig nifying good land. In the spring of 1832, the Winnebagoes, Sacs, and Foxes, im der Black Hawk, commenced a war with the United States. Many settlements were broken up and destroyed, and many of the inhab itants were killed. Gov. Reynolds, of Illinois, ordered out 2000 miUtia. Congress ordered 600 mounted Rangers to be raised, and Gen. Scott waa ordered fi"om the sea board, with nine companies of artillery. The troops on their route were attacked with the Cholera, and out of one corps of 208 men, but nine were left alive. After an unsuccessfiil contest, with the ovecwhelming force of the whites. Black Hawk, and his brother the Prophet, were surren dered to Gen. Street, at Prairie du Chien, on the 27th of August, which ended the war. 165 IOWA. The Eagle, bow, and arrow here we see, Columbia, and the Indian emblems, types of thee ; Thine onward course, is like an Eagle's flight ; Thy soil is fertile, and thy skies are bright. This State derived its name from the loway tribe of Indians, formerly located on the Iowa river, but now intermingled among the surrounding tribes, principally among the Sauks, or Sacs, and Foxes. These tribes had the reputation of being the best hunters of any on the borders of the Mississippi or Missouri. At the time the white traders first went among them, their practice was, to leave their villages as soon as their corn and beans were ripe, and taken care of, to go on to their wintering grounds ; it being previ ously determined in council, on what particular ground each party shall hunt. The old men, women, and children, embark in canoes ; the young men go by land with their horses ; and on their arrival, they immediately commence their winter's hunt, which lasts about three months. "They return to their villages in the month of April, and prepare their lauds for cultivation. In June, most of the yonng men went out on a Summer's hunt and returned in K-ptH. In 1839, Iowa was purchased of the Indians, and in 1833, it be gan to be settled hy white emigrants. Since this period, the popu lation has increased with astonishing rapidity ; towns have been built, and improvement has rapidly progressed. In 1838, Iowa was separated from Wisconsin, and had a distinct territorial gov ernment of its own. In 1844, she adopted a constitution, and asked to be admitted into the Union. In 1846, terms with regard to her boundaries were agreed upon, and Iowa became the twenty-ninth State admitted into the Union. 166 [I have found iC] CALIFORNIA. Far west, on to the broad Pacific sea. The germ of Empire great is found in thee ; By rapid Sacramento's distant tide. Thy mines of gold are famed both far and wide. The first European who visited the coast of California, after the voyage of Cabrillo, in 1542, appears to have been Sebastian Via- caino, who was appointed by the Spanish government to explore the north-west coast of California. Viscaino appears to have made the discovery of the harbors of San Diego and Monterey, in 1602. It was not until 167 years after the first discovery was made, that the Spaniards attempted settlements in New California, so named in distinction frona old California, which embraced the peninsula. In 1542, this coast was traversed by Cabrillo ; in 1578, by Sir Francis Drake. The first colonists were principally Cath olic missionaries, and their settlements were called Missions. San Diego was founded in 1769 ; Monterey in 1770 ; and San Francisco in 1776. In June, 1846, Capt. John C. Fremont took military possession of Sonoma, and soon established the American authority. He was assisted by Com. Sloat, commander of the Pacific squadron. In February, 1848, California was ceded hy Mexico to the United States. In 1849, a State government was organized, and Repre sentatives and Senators to Congress were appointed. California is now rapidly increasing in population : great num bers arriving for the purpose of " digging gold ;" this precious metal being found in large quantities near the banks, or in the beds of streams which empty into the harbor of San Francisco. 167 OREGON. The first European navigator who traversed any part of the coast of Oregon, was Cabrillo, who, in 1542, sailed up as far as latitude 44°. In 1578, Sir Francis Drake ranged this coast from latitude 38 to 48.' This region was called by the English, New Albion. The name Oregon is from Oregano, the Spanish name of wild marjoram ; and it is from this herb, or some other similar, it is supposed the name arose. The name of its principal river is de rived from the name of Columbia Redivinia, an American vessel from Boston, Mass., commanded by Capt, Grey, who, on May 11th, 1792, discovered this important stream. Its two great branches, the Lewis and the Clark, were named from Captains Lewis and Clark, who travelled westward, passed over the Rocky Mountains, and explored the country in 1805. Having wintered west of the mountains, they returned in safety, pursuing nearly the same route east which they travelled west. In 1811, Astoria, a trading establishment, was formed by the American Fur Company, at the mouth of Columbia river. This colony consisted of 120 men, and was under the direction of the late John Jacob Astor, of New York, from whom the place de rived its name. In the course of two years from the founding of Astoria, five other establishments were made. The bounda ries of Oregon were for some time undefined, owing to the cou- fUctmg claims to the territory by a number of the European gov ernments. In the years 1818, 1824, and 1826, a number of uu- euccessful negotiations were made in London. In 1846, a bound ary was agreed upon, and all differences happily adjusted. In 1849, a territorial government was formed. NEW MEXICO. New Mexico was first visited by the Catholic missionaries in 1581, but it was not subdued by the Spaniards till 1644. The missions were established here in 1660. The capital, Santa Fe, was founded in 1682. The name Mexico, in the Aztec Indian \siVguage,signiQes the habitation of the God of War. Upon the commencement of the difficulties between the United States and Mexico, orders were issued to Col. Kearne-y, in May, 1846, to make a movement on New Mexico. He concentrated his forces at Brent's Fort, on the Arkansas river. This force con- - sisted of eighteen hundred men, part of whom were Mormons, who were about emigrating to California. Upon the approach of the Americans, Gov. Arm:"o called a council of war, in which his principal officers advised a retreat, which advice was followed. 168 On August 18th, Gen. Kearney took possesaicc of Santa Fe, and caused the oath of allegiance to be taken to the American govern ment. In January, 1847, Gov. Brent and five other ofiicers of the territory were murdered, at Taos, about 50 miles north of Santa Fe — the northern part of the Indians and New Mexicans rose up in rebeUion. This movement was put down by Col. Price, after about 150 of the insurgents were killed. . MINNESOTA. Father Hennepin, a Catholic missionary, who wag at the Falls of St. Anthony in 1680, appears to have been the first European in the limits of this territory. Its name is derived from Mini-sotah, the name given by the Sioux to St. Peter's river ; mini, in their language, meaning water, and sotah, muddy, or shghtly turbid. In 1695, it appears that M. LeSeur discovered, (as he supposed,) a copper mine on Blue Earth River, a tributary of St. Peter's. In 1767, Capt. Jonathan Carver ascended to the Falls of St. Anthony, and was well received by the Indians, and, as he states, granted him a large tract of land. In 1805, Lieut. Pike was sent to explore the sources of the Mis sissippi, In this tour hepurchased the site on which Fort SnelUng is situated. In 1819, barracks were erected at this place. In 1820, Gov, Cass was sent with an escort of soldiers to explore the head waters of the Mississippi. He ascended the river as far as Cass Lake. In 1823, Major Long went onrthe Red River as far north as Pembina, the Upper Selkirk settlement, which, being found within the limits of the United States, took formal possession. This colony was founded by Lord Selkirk, in 1812. The land on which St. Paul, the principal place in the territory, was purchased of the government in 1848, it is said, at $1,25 per acre. In 1849, Minnesota was organized as a Territory, and the Hon. Alexander Ramsay, of Pennsylvania, Was appointed its governor. DESERET. The first civilized establishment in this tract of country, appears to have been made by Miles- M- Goodyear, a native of New Haven, Conn., who created a trading fort in the valley of the Grent Salt Lake, which he sold to the Mormons in 1847. This singular people, having been driven from various places, encamped at Council Bluffs, on the Missouri, in 1846. The next year, 500 of their number volunteered into the service of the United States, and were dismissed in California. In 1848, the Mormons began to remove their famiUes to the valley of the " Great Sa.t Lake," and their settlements are now rapidly extending. 169 DISCOVEBIES AND SETXEEMENTS. IN THE ORDER OF TIME. 1492. Long centuries ago, the Genoese, The bold Columbus crossed the stormy seas. With courage bold, with spirit firm and brave, A land to find beyond the western wave. 1497. Sebastian Cabot, son of Venice, came In later years, this new found land to claim. To find for unborn millions here a home. Where savage men alone were wont to roam» 1512. Next Ponce de Leon, sought thy verdant bowers. Fair Florida, the lovely land of flowers ; 1528. And next de Narvaez, with his hostile band, Sought to invade, and conquer this fair land. 1535. Far to the North, where wild Canadians roam, Cartier, the Frenchman, sought to find a home ; 13 170 1539. And in the South, De Soto sought for gold. Where the great Mississippi's waters rolled 1562. And next, the Frenchman Rihault, with his band. Of fearless exiles sought Colurabfa's strand. And near the blue Edisto, sought in vain, A home amid the western wilds to gain. 1584. Raleigh, the knight, and soldier, bold and brave. Sent forth his comrades o'er the Atlantic wave. And this fair Southern State, Virginia named. From England's virgin Queen, in history famed. 1586. Next Grenville, crossed the ocean with his band, A Colony to plant in this new land : Again, and yet again, come o'er the wave, Virginia's pioneers, the bold and brave. 1602. Years passed away ; on Massachusetts shore. The daring Gosnold turned his prow of yore : 1608. Next Chesapeake, brave Smith explored thy bay. And far Quebec, arose to mark the day. 1609. Brave Hudson next, to this new country came. And blue Manhattan gave thy later name ; 1611. Champlain, the Frenchman, many a year ago. His record left where silvery waters flow. 1614. The sea-girt coast, throughout our country famed. By Charles the monarch, was New England named ; While Holland's sons filled fair Manhattans isle. And where New Jersey's fruitful vallies smile. 171 1620. And next the glorious " Pilgrim Fathers " came, To Plymouth rock, a spot endeared to fame ; 1623. New Hampshire next, Columbia's Switzerland, Was peopled by the Pilgrim's hardy band. 1627. Fair Pennsylvania, smiling Delaware, The Swedes, and Fins, first sought a dwelling the'-e 1633. Next Maryland, the noble Baltimore, With his adherents sought thy fertile shore. 1635. Then old Connecticut, along thy side, Thine early settlers laden vessels glide , Old Windsor still repeats the red man's name. And Hartford tells her early settlers fame. 1636. Next dauntless Williams, with a spirit free, Rhode Island, found a hiding place in thee, A fugitive who gained a deathless fame. And with his country's annals linked his name. 1637. New Haven next, city, and colony, Thy noble foimders sought a home in thee ; 1639. Next Narraganset in thy rolling bay. The vessels of fair Newport's settlers lay. For twelve bright years, behold new scenes arise ! Oh fair Columbia 'neath thy smiling skies, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Carolina fair, With bright New Jersey's annals mingling there. 1682. Next Penn of memoiy well beloved and great, The ocean crossed to found a peaceful State ; A city where sweet Peace and Love should reign, And richest blessings follow in their train. 172 1682. While brave La Salle bestowed his monarch's name. Where nowa home the generous Frenchmen claim; 1702. And Louisiana, 'neath thy smiling skies. We next behold a New Orleans arise. 1723. The settler turns to thee, Cheen Mountain State, And Trenton, linked with our young country's fate ; 1733. The increasing tide fair Georgia moves to thee, 1740. Exploring thy fair bsrdera Tennessee. 1749. Next Nova Scotia, on thy strand so bleak. The sons of Britain came a home to seek ; 1765. To Tennessee and Carolina fair. New groups of hardy settlers now repair. 1773. And fair Kentucky to thy fertile land. Came hunter Boone and his adventurous band ; 1787. Next fair Ohio, 'neath thy smiling skies. Amid thy woods the log built cabins rise. lis --_il r " — ' 'y^* I ¦5^ Scene at Lerington. WAR OF THE REVOEITTIOIH. EIGHT YEARS. 1775. \The first year of the Sevolution.] [n seventeen hundred seventy-five began Our country's struggles for the rights of man : In Massachusetts, firm for freemen's right. On Lexington's green plain began the fight. On Bunker's bloody hill, where Warren fell, The sons of Freedom strong, their prowess tell ; And brave Montgomery, with ardor fired. Before Quebec, 'mid wintry snows expired. The people spurn their tyrant's hateful sway, The Royal Governors now flee away ; 15* 174 A youthful nation, (men, both bold and true,) For Freedom strong, now rises to the view. 1776. In " Seventy-six," George Third, the British king. Commands his Hessian soldiers, forth to bring Their burnished arms, and cross the stormy sea. To crush a people struggling to be free. Our fathers now their freedom strive to gain. Their Independence boldly now proclaim ; They pledged their " Fortunes, sacred Honor, Life," And periled all amid the deadly strife. Great Britain's hostile troops in proud array. New Yorh they take, and onward press their way ; Our father's fled, but still for Freedom brave. At Trenton's fight, their bleeding country save. 1777, In " Seventy-seven," from far Canadian snows. Behold Burgoyne advancing with our foes ; Let Bennington rehearse that foe's defeat. And Saratoga's plains, the tale repeat. Let Brandywine, our fathers prowess speak. And the bright waters of the Chesapeake : When driven from the land of peaceful Penn, Death's dangers darkened o'er our gallant men. And while the Patriots forced to quit the field. Resolved on Independence, scorned to yield ; " Mother of States, and Statesmen," still in thee. Was found a shelter for tho noble free. 175 1778. In " Seventy-eight," from sunny France, a band Of gallant spirits, gave a brother's hand : And now, amid the clouds of gloomy fears. Freedom looked up, and brightly smiled through tears. Blue Narraganset, in thy rolling bay. The generous Frenchmen's freighted vessels lay ; While gallant Steuben, far from " Fatherland," In warlike science, gave his heart and hand. See fair Savannah, struggling with the foe. Behold within her walls the life blood flow : Now Carolina's plains were darkened o'er. With clouds of war, they feel the foemen's power. 1779. In " Seventy-nine," through want and much distress. Our fathers still for Freedom onward press : Red ruin stalks around, the flames rise high, Norwalk, and Fairfield, low in ashes lie. O'er deep morass, o'er mountain, and o'er plain, Led by their brave commander, gallant Wayne, Our troops press on, at lonely midnight hour. The fort they gain, their foes they overpower. See now the red man with the foe allied, The " Continental " force, they now defied ; 'Gainst Sullivan, their tribes they fight in vain, Their country wasted, and their warriors slain. 1780. In " Eighty," Carolina ravaged by the foe, Beheld her gallant patriot sons laid low ; Her army close besieged, and forced to yield, Charleston now falls, and Britons gain the field. 176 Cornwallis to the South, now bends his way. Gates he defeats, who flees with sore dismay. The foe stalks round, with haughty power and pride. With fire and sword spreads devastation wide. Arnold, a traitor's perjury is thine. The sword once laid on Freedoms sacred shrine, Against thy country's injured cause was turned. While patriot souls, the foul Apostate spumed. 1781 Behold the routed foe on Cowpens field. By Morgan's gallant band compeUed to yield ; While proud Cornwallis, forced at last to fly. And gallant Green's brave band, won victory. And northward still, the invading forces came. Invading peaceful homes, with sword and flame. While once again, from sunny France a fleet. Appeared our Father's sinking hearts to greet. Then quailed at last, our coimtry's haughty foes. Then Freedom's sun, in glorious brightness rose ; At Yorktown with humiliation sore, * Cornwallis yields : — the bloody strife is o'er. 177 Columbia ! land of Liberty — home of the brave and free ; The pilgrim sons of many a clime have found a home in thee ! Along thy wide-spread shore, the flag of every cUme is furled. And Hope's prophetic eye still turns to greet this Western World. ITAEY. Columbia ! centuries ago, the daring Genoese, The far off mighty West to seek, sailed over unknown seas : The pride and power of Italy, since then, have passed away ; The " Star of Empire" in the West has risen, since that day. Oh, Italy ! thine exile sons, in fair Columbia see The tokens of a mightier power than ever dwelt in thee ; The Eagle that unfurled its wing o'er Capitolian dome. Broods o'er the Western Empire now, as once o'er ancient Rome. 178 SPAIBT. Thy sons, fair Spain, were earliest here, from out thy orange bowers ; DeLeon sought sweet Florida, thy lovely land' of flowers ; And proud de Narvaez gained thy shore, and with his warrior band In vain essayed, in olden time, to conquer this new land. Then, seeking for the golden stores of which the Spaniards told. Came brave DeSoto with his band, twelve hundred comrades bold ; He sought the flowery wilds beyond, and on, still on, he pressed. Where the dark Mississippi rolled, with calm majestic breast* What though the haughty Spaniard now, the Indian's dusky race. To children of a paler brow at last have given place 1 Their sunny homes are southward still ; their names are storied o'er Along the blue Pacific wave, and Mexico's bright shore. FRANCE. Where once the wild Canadian tribes were wont of old to roam. The gay and generous Frenchmen came to seek another home. By fair Edisto's glancing stream, on Carolina's plain, And northward, 'neath a colder sky, along the blue Champlain. Thy sons, sweet France, throughout our land, are scattered far and wide ; Their place is seen where crystal waves of proud St. Lawrence glide ; By old Quebec's stern fortress rock ; by Montreal's dark towers ; And where of old the Hugenot sought Carolina's bowers. And Louisiana, through her fields, thy fame in music tells. And where the Mississippi's tide all proudly ebbs and swells ; And far from France, a New Orleans, the stately Southern Queen, A home is theirs, and Florida with vales of changeless green. 179 GKEAT BRIXAIIV. Old England hither sent her sons, in by-gone days of yore. When gallant Raleigh sent his fleet to old Virginia's shore. That whispers, in her name, the fame of England's virgin Queen, And Roanoke tells the tale along its banks of green. While Jamestown wears its laurels yet, Virginia tells with pride. Of noble sons and statesmen, still to Britain's blood allied ; And Massachusetts wears it yet her glory and her crown, That hoary Flymouth rock is hers, a spot of broad renown. Where first the' Pilgrim sires set foot, a noble exile band. Whose sons are scattered far and wide, throughout our happy land ; Their sails are set on every stream, their feet on every shore ; They climb the mountains, tread the vales, and skim each ocean o'er. SWEDEiy. Where the blue Baltic laves the rocks of Sweden's rugged strand. There came from out its forests dark, a hardy northern band ; A band oi Swedes and Fins to seek a distant shore more fair; The sylvan home of peaceful Penn, and smiling Delaware. NORWAT. Tra