• Y;&LH«¥]MIIYEIESinrY' Gift of 19(1 GENEALOGY & ANNALS OF TH E VAN LIEW FAMILY THOS. L. VAN LIEW GENEALOGY AND ANNALS OF TH E VAN LIEW FAMILY AMERICA FROM THE YEAR 1670 DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME. AND M. BRIEF RECORD OF A FEW FAMILIES WITH WHOM THE VAN LlEW FAMILY INTERMARRIED TVlcrrna_<=> 'l_vlVia.-v\ N/aYi Llt'W COPYRIGHT, I9IO. THOS. L. VAN LIEW -"> ... V CONTENTS. PAGE Picture of Compiler ...... 2 Introduction ...... . 7-8 Historical Mention, Etc 9-10-11 Wyckoff Family . ..... 11 Duryee Family . . . . . . .12 Sansbury Family ...... 14 Foster Family . . . . . . .14 Will of Frederick Hendrickson Van Liew . . 13 Will of Denice Van Liew . . . . .13 Will of Joost Duryee . . . . . 13 Genealogy of the Van Liew Family . . 15-16-17-18 INTRODUCTION. The compilation of this genealogical record was brought about by a little incident that happened to the writer in the early part of January, 1010. This incident made him realize that it was high time for something to be done for the preservation of our family tree records. Now that a beginning has been made, all members and descendants are particularly requested to keep up these records (which are most important). Blank pages are put in this little volume for the express purpose of recording future events as they may happen from time to time in the various branches of the family. It will be seen from this record that the head of the family was Hendrick Van Leeuwen, Holland. Therefore the first gen- m KB. eration begins with his son, each descendant is numbered consecutively, and where a descendant married his number is shown again, in order to more readily identify his line of descent, and the number of generation preceding indicates the generation of his children. Abbreviations : B., Born ; Bp., Baptized ; D., Deceased ; Dau., Daughter ; M., Married. I hereby extend my heartfelt thanks to my dear mother and brother, John Van Liew, and to all those mambers of the various branches of the family who so kindly lent me their assistance in this work. The utmost care has been taken to make this record correct in every detail. THOS. L. VAN LIEW. St. Louis, December 15th, 1910. THE FAMILY'S RECORD HISTORICAL The Van Leeuwens came from Utrecht, Holland, and from the Village of Leeuwen, in Gelder- land, on the "Ware, in the Netherlands, Holland. There are no Van Liews in Holland. The family there spell their name Van Leeuwen. First changed in America about year 1700 to Lewen. In the Province of New Jersey, just prior to the Revolution, 1775, it was spelled Lewe and Lew, thus Van Lewe — Van Lew. During and after the Revolution it began to be spelled as now, viz. : Van Liew. The family name is shown in this Record, after the first generation as Anglicized (Van Liew), in order to give uniformity and to avoid confusion. The children of the Van Liew family were generally taught the Dutch language until about the year 1810. November 17, 1701, Frederic Hendrickson Van Leeuwen (Van Liew) of Nassau Island (Long Island) purchased property in Middlesex and Somerset Counties, Province of New Jersey. The Van Liew families of the Colonial period were large land, stock and slave owners. Concerning the Period of the Revolutionary War. In all about fifteen male members of the Van Liew family served in the Revolution under Gen. George Washington. However, thus far, there is accessible record of ten only, and of these the service of five only is thus far shown. It is hoped the matter will be fully cleared up (which the compiler under stands is now being done). Here are names of the Patriots: 1. Cornelius Van Lew (Van Liew), Somerset Co., N. J. 2. Denice 3. Dennis 4. Frederick 5. Frederick 6. Hendrick 7. Jeremiah •8. John 9. Peter 10. Richard " — Private, Capt. John Sebring's Co., 1st Bat. Somerset Co., N. J., Militia. ..Sergeant, Capt. John Sebring's Co., 1st Bat. Somerset Co., N. J., Militia. Middlesex Co., N. J.. 3rd Reg. Middlesex, State Troops, Conti nental Army, Capt. Phillips' Co. Somerset Co., N. J. . .Private, Capt. John Sebring's Co. 1st Bat. Somerset Co., N. J. Militia. . .Private, Capt. John Sebring's Co. 1st Bat. Somerset Co., N. J., Militia, and Capt. Wm. Jones' Co., 2nd Battalion. *John Van Liew stationed at Springfield, N. J. June 18 to 27, 1780, under Col. John Taylor. S.7 D. 6 6 9 8 0 0 0 2 10 1 65 The Patriots were called Rebels and the non-Patriots Loyalists. For five years New Jersey was a granary for both armies and was a perfect hotbed of warfare during the Revolution. The length of service of the Patriots was from three months up. In one instance, after the Battle of Trenton, December 26, 1776, they extended their time for two weeks. Their time was divided between their crops and service in the army. "Two Forts or Redoubts were thrown up on the farm of Denice Van Liew at Middlebush, N. J., by the British General Howe with two Divisions. Winter of 1778-1779. Another Fort was made on farm of Ann Van Liew, widow of Cornelius" June 14-19, 1779. (Ann's farm was on opposite side of road from that of Denice.) They were driven from home by the British, their cattle confiscated, and the meat was chopped up on the old Dutch cupboards in the kitchens. The nicks in the cupboards were objects of curiosity for many years afterward. The Van Liew family was partly reimbursed for their many losses by a special act of the New Jersey Legislature. Shortly before the close of the Revolutionary War, in 1781, the New Jersey Legislature ordered a record to be taken, under oath, before the appraisers of the damages done by the British to the prop erty of the Patriots of New Jersey. The Van Liew family rendered bills as follows, viz. : Hendrick Van Liew £ 11 Ann Van Liew 276 Frederick Van Liew 183 Frederick Van Liew, Jr 15 Cornelius Van Liew 18 Johannes Van Liew 519 "The old Van Liew homestead was a large double house, six miles from New Brunswick, N. J., which was occupied, the first floor, by the Federal officers during the Revolution. The Van Liew fam ily lived upstairs. During this time Gen. Washington visited this house, and a skirmish and battle occurred on a knoll in the center of the farm, just west of the house, between the British and the Fed erals. Many flints and bullets were found on the farm for years afterwards. The Patriots' barns were torn down and the floors of the homes were torn up to make bridges and to complete the boats in construction for the purpose of aiding the British Army to cross the Raritan River near New Brunswick, N. J." — Extract from Judge Ralph Voorhees (Fredcnia, N. Y., Papers). Richard Van Liew and a member of the Wyckoff family acted as guides to Gen. Washington in New Jersey. The term "Mile Run," used in the old stage- coaching days on the road from New York City to Philadelphia, was expressive of the distance out of New Brunswick, N. J., toward Philadelphia. Thus three miles out — "3 Mile Run," etc. This is how the localities of 3 Mile Run, N. J., and 6 Mile Run, N. J., derived their names. Van Liews lived at both places. The name of Dennis and Denise, given to our sons of every generation, really should be Denise or Denice, in honor of and in perpetuation of the name of Helena Denise (or Denice), born March 5, 1700, the wife of Frederick Van Liew, born April 30, 1694. Let future generations take especial note of this and continue the good deed. First settlement of lands in Somerset County, New Jersey, began November 1st, 1681. The Van Liew Cemetery in New Brunswick is a beautiful place. There are interred members of the Van Liew, Wyckoff, Vanderbilt. Suydam and other families. One-half mile south of Middlebush, N. J., Depot, back of the main wagon road, one field to the east, on what is now known as the Drew farm, is a little, triangular spot, one acre in extent. This was the burial place of many of the early Van Liews in New Jersey, the graves long since obliterated. The Van Liews intermarried with the following-named families : Burhans, Voorhees, Power, Sans- bury, Denice, Benton, Van Wicklen, Quigley, Van Doren, Bowman, Bennett, Duryee or Duryea, Cor- telyou, Cowenhavens, Hendricksons, Polhemus, Bogarts, Van Arsdale, Rapelyea, Lott, Schenck, Van Srychler, Ditmass, Sutphin, Wyckoff, Suydam, Langstruat, Manger, Budd, Veghte, Probasco, Bun, Parsell, Williamson,, Vanortstrand, Cerk, Van der Vere, Buckeliew, Hageman, Graham. 10 The Dutch Reformed Church at Millstone, N. J., was 100 years old Saturday, August 11, 1866. The list of subscribers for building of church, December 6, 1766, includes the following names: Cor nelius Van Lewe, Denice Van Lewe, Ann Van Liew (Ann subscribed March 6, 1777, two months after the decease of her husband, Cornelius). Abraham Durye subscribed at the same time. And Gabriel Duryee subscribed at the close of the Revolution. John Van Liew, who was born January 9, 1791, at Middlebush, N. J. (grandfather of the compiler of this Record), moved west to Ohio, that his children might expand, and prophesied that his chil dren would live to see people fly through the air and also have free communication through the world. He at first emigated as far as Chicago, 111., at which place a land owner offered to trade a tract of land, located in what is now the heart of Chicago, for one of his (John Van Liew's) horses, but my grandfather declined the offer and moved back to Morrow County, Ohio, where he resided many years. He also resided in Richland County, Perry Township, Ohio. He moved West from New Jersey about 1834. Henry Clow Van Liew (Record No. 49) owned and operated saw mills and flour mills in Michigan and Indiana. He was engaged in the drug business at South Bend, Ind., at the time of his decease. Alpheus 0. Van Liew (Record No. 73) was a druggist at Lakeville, Ind. The Burgomaster of the City of Amsterdam, Holland, at the present time is a Van Leeuwen. The writer recently received a communication from that gentleman. References : N. J. Archives ; Early Settlers of Kings Co. ; Officers and Men of N. J. in Rev. ; Centl. Histh. Somerset Co., N. J. ; History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, N. J. ; N. Y. in Revolu tion; L. I. Genealogies; N. Y. G. & B. Record. THE WYCKOFF FAMILY. All its branches are descended from Peter Claus Wyckoff, who came from the Netherlands, and settled in Flatbush, L. I., in 1655. He married Grietje, daughter of Hendrick Van Ness, and had seven sons — Claus, Hendrick, Cornelius, John, Gerritt, Martin and Pieter. Simon Wyckoff, son of Cornelius, lived at Three -Mile Run, N. J. The name was spelled Wickoff, Wikoff, Wyckoff, Wykoff. The following-named members of the family served in the Revolution: Wickoff — Cornelius, Garrett, Jacob, John, Joachan, John B., Peter, Samuel, William; New Jersey. Wikoff — Okey, Garrett, Jacob, Peter, William ; New Jersey. Wyckoff — Cornelius, George, Garrett, Isaac, John B., Peter C. ; New Jersey. Wykoff — Jacob; New Jersey. Major Wyckoff and Private John Wycoff ; New York. (See Van Liew Record No. 15.) In Somerset County, New Jersey, November 14, 1783, A marriage license was issued to Peter Van Liew (line of descent not yet found) and Sytie (Cynthia) Wyckoff. M. Nov. 20, 1783. 11 DURYEE FAMILY. JOOST DTJRIE, DURYE, OR DURYEA, Emigrated about 1675 from Mannheim in Palatine of the Rhym. Was a respectable French Huguenot, and was accompanied by his wife, Magdalena Le Febre, and his mother. He settled at first at New Utrecht, where he bought a farm, which he sold October 5, 1681, for 3200 Gulden and a new wagon to Gerrit Cornelisen (Van Duyn), as per page 148 of Liber AA of Flatbush, Records. Left New Utrecht and settled in disputed lands between Newtown and Bushwick, L. I., as per Rikers' New town. Where he died about 1727. His name appears on the assessment rolls of Bushwick of 1683 and 1693, and Census of 1698, and he took oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. — The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. FIRST GENERATION. Children. Joost Peter Jacob Abraham Charles Jaques Bp. Jul. 13, 1679, at Flatbush. Antonette Bp. Dec. 11, 1681, at Brooklyn. Magdalena Bp. Oct. 19, 1687, in New York. Cornells Simon Bp. Nov. 26, 1693. Philip SECOND GENERATION. Joost (Jousten) M. Apr. 17, 1681, Lena or Helena , and D. 1727. Was a farmer and lived at Bushwick, L. I. Children. Magdalientje Bp. May 29, 1705. Joost Hendrick Bp. Nov. 23, 1718. Falkert THIRD GENERATION. Joost Settled in 6 Mile Run, N. J. Married 1730. Wilemtje or Antje Terhune Antje Terhune was daughter of Albert (Janse) Terhune, who was Bp. Apr. 13, 1684, and M. Oct. 17, 1708, to Aaltje Voorhees. Children. Joost FOURTH GENERATION. Joost Duryee D. Oct. 3, 1794. Magdalene (suppose) Bairds Children. ~ D. Dec. 25, 1793. Magdalean B. Apr. 1, 1751. Anna B. Feb. 24, 1753. Frederick B.Apr. 8,1755. Simon B. Nov. 31, 1757. Dinah B. Feb. 18, 1760. Married Dennis Van Liew, born May 10, 1761. See No. 22 Van Liew Record. Mary B. Jun. 5, 1763. William B. Jan. 4, 1765. D. Apr. 23, 1850. Anne B. Feb. 18, 1768. George B. Apr. 30, 1770. D. Oct. 3, 1776. These New York Duryees served in the Revolution: Abraham Duryee, Dutchess County, N. Y., Militia, 4th Regiment. John Duryee, Dutchess County, N. Y., Militia, 4th Regiment. John Duryee, Jr., Dutchess County, N. Y., Militia, 4th Regiment. Abraham Duryee, Jr., Dutchess Co., N. Y., Militia, 2nd Regiment. Jacob K. Duryee, Ulster Co., N. Y., Militia, 2nd Regiment. Capt. Stephen Duryee, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Militia, Regiment of M'nute Men. Geo. Durya. These New Jersey Duryees served in the Revolution: Chas. Duryee. Frederick Duryee. John Duryee. Simon Duryee. 12 WILL OF FREDERICK HENDRICKSON VAN LIEW. Page 332. In the name of God, Amen. Nov. 19, 1712. I, FREDERICK HENDRICKSON VAN LEAW, of Jamaica in Queens County, Gentlemen, being weak in body, I leave the use of all my Estate, real and personal, to my wife, Dinah, which is not already given to my sons by deed of Sale. Also £150, and she is to have an equal proportion with my daughters in all my estate, to be at her disposal, "but among my children," and she shall pay to my daughters, Greta, Dinah, Elizabeth and Analche, when they are married or of age, equal to what my daughter, Mary Probasco, hath received. After my wife's decease my house and lands and meadows and rights are to be sold at vendue among my children. If my wife should die before my youngest daughter is capable of earning her own living "something is to be allowed for her bringing up." If either of my sons, John, Henry, and Frederick, should die with out issue the rest shall inherit his share. As I have given to my son, FREDERICK by deed land in the Jerseys I leave him £5, "and when he shall come of age to work upon his land in ye Jerseys, my son Henry is to allow him a year's board if he is single." My estate in Holland, if ever it be obtained, is to be divided among my children. Witnesses. Rem Dorlant, Hannah Dean, Benjamin Woolsey. Proved June 6, 1726. —P. 369-370. N. Y. Hist. Society (Collns, 1893) Abs. of Wills, Vol. 2, 1708-1728 Year. WILL OF JOOST DURYEE, Dated Sept. 11, 1794, probated Oct. 14, 1794, says in part : "I, Joost Duryee, of the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, being very sick and in per fect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God. * * * That is to say they are to pay unto my daughters, Magdalena Barkelow, Dinah Van Liew, Mary Davis and Anne Sorter. Each of them the sum of one hundred and twenty-five pounds each, to be paid unto them out of my Real Estate in five equal yearly payments after my decease, * * * I give unto my beloved sons, Simon Duryee and Wil liam Duryee, all and singular my lands, etc. * * * Executors : Witnesses : SIMON DURYEE, DAVID COVENHAVEN, WM. DURYEE, JOHN REEVE Of Somerset County, N. J. JACOOB LAKE. Oct. 14, 1794. Children's grandfather on mother's side, William Bairds, also left a legacy to the children, as men tioned in above will. Joost Duryee 's wife not mentioned in will, as her decease occurred prior to making of will. (As noted.) The family name was spelled Duryee, Durye, Durya and Duryea. However, the will of Joost (George) spells it Duryee, as does also the records in the Van Liew family Bible of the Colonial period. WILL OF DENICE VAN LEWE. In the name of God Amen this 7th day of Oct. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hun dred and Seventy Seven I Denice Van Lewe of Middlebush in the County of Somerset in New Jersey yeoman being sick and weak in body, but of sound perfect mind and understanding. Thanks be given unto God therefor and considering the uncertainty of this Transitory life do make publish and declare this my last will and Testament. (Value of Estate as bequeathed about $10,000.00.) CHILDREN Cornelius Van Lewe. Frederick Van Lewe. Denice Van Lewe. Johannes Van Lewe, Lena Van Lewe. Ida Van Lewe. Dinah Van Lewe. Executors. His Loving Brother John Van Lewe and Sons Cornelius Frederick And Son In Law Garrett Hendrickson of Middletown Monmouth Co N. J. Chas Pettit Witnesses Regr. Peter Stryker Probated Jany 6 1778. Garrit Voorhees, Jr. His Excellency Gov Livingston Rynear Probasco Jas Kirkpatrick Surrogate. 13 SANSBURY FAMILY. Ralph Sansbury B. Jul. 18, 1765. D. Nov. 19, 1841. Eleanor Van Pelt B. Aug. 7, 1768. D. Dec. 28, 1815. Children. Catherine B. Apr. 26, 1789. D. Dec. 28, 1827. Horace B. May 11, 1793. D. Nov. 4. 1834. Julia B. Aug. 10, 1795. Harriet B. Jan. 5, 1797. D. Feb. 26, 1848. Amelia B. Dec. 13, 1799. Maria B. Feb. 7, 1802. Wayne B. Jan. 23, 1804, at New York. Randolph B. Nov. 26, 1807. Caroline B. Aug. 30, 1810. Dunbar B. Jun. 15,1813. Four of the above-named children married as follows: Catherine Sansbury M. Oct. 3, 1815. Henry Clow Horace Sansbury M. , 1819. Margaret Daniels Julia Sansbury M. May 4, 1820. John Van Liew (See No. 42 Van Liew Record. Amelia Sansbury M. Oct. 3, 1821. Benjamin Ogden M. Oct. 12, 1788. FOSTER FAMILY. Ebenezer Foster B. Oct. 30, 1788. Elizabeth Thompson B. Sep. 27, 1800. Children. Eliza Ann Caroline B. Aug. 11, 1819. Abbeville, S. C. Margaret Atteline B. Nov. 9, 1821. Robert Thompson B. Mar. 1, 1824. North Carolina. Infant Boy B. May 6, 1826. Twin Girls B. May 15, 1828. Thomas James B. Oct. 6, 1829. Mississippi. Hannah Jane B. Jun. 22, 1832. Murray Co., Tenn. Premelia Emeline B. Nov. 2, 1837. Co., Tenn. Luvinda Sarah B. Nov. 29, 1840. Tipton, Tenn. 14 D. Dec. 2, 1854. Tipton, Tenn. D. Jun. 6, 1854. Tipton, Tenn. D. Jan. 22, 1901. Shelby Co., Tenn. D. Jun. 23, 1826. D. May 1, 1870. Memphis, Ten. D. Aug. 24, 1826. D. May 15-16, 1828. D. Dec. 14, 1899. Memphis, Tenn. M. Sept. 24, 1818. D. 1865. Memphis, Tenn. D. Feb. 10, 1908. Covington, Tenn. (See Van Liew Record No. 49.) GENEALOGY OF THE VAN LIEW FAMILY. (Originally spelled Van Leeuwen.) 1. Hendrick Van Leeuwen Holland. Of French extraction. FIRST GENERATION. His Son. 2. Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen Born in Holland. Came to America and settled in Jamaica, L. I., 1670. Later Somerset County, New Jersey. He was a large land and stock owner Wife Dinah Van Leeuwen .... SECOND GENERATION. Children. 3. John 4. Henry B. 5. Frederick B. Apr. 30, 1694. D. Nov. 27, 1756. 6. Greta B. 7. Dinah B. 8. Elizabeth B. 9. Analche B. 10. Mary B. Married a Mr. Probasco. None of above children were of age at time Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen made his will, November 19, 1712. Will proved June 6, 1726. THIRD GENERATION. 5. Frederick Van Liew B. Apr. 30, 1694. Married , 1715. Helena Denise or Denice B. Mar. 5, 1700. D. Mar. 6, 1784. (8 p. m.) Helena Denise was the daughter of Jacques Denise of the Narrows, L. I. And whose wife was a daughter of Jacques Cortelyou, first of the Cortelyou family in America. Jacques Denise was a ferryman at the Narrows, L. I., and lost his life by drowning. Children. 11. Dyna B. Aug. 16, 1718. D. Nov. 22, 1760. 12. Helena B. Oct. 15, 1721. D. Jul. 6, 1778. 13. Maritja B. Mar. 14, 1724. 14. Frederick B. Feb. 5, 1727. D. May 6, 1758. 15. Denice B. Mar. 25, 1729. D. Oct. 17, 1777. 16. Cornelius B. Jan. 7, 1734. D. Jan. 29, 1777. 17. Johannes. B. Apr. 16, 1736. D. Oct. 10, 1794. Reiner Veghte Married December 1, 1737. 11. Dina Van Liew Ram Ditmas or Ditmars A marriage license was issued in Somerset County, N. J., August 6, 1739. 12. Helena Van Liew Joost Duryee (Long Island). A carriage license was issued in Somerset County, N. J., June 5, 175 0. 13. Maritja (Anglicized Maria) . . 14. Frederick Van Liew Married October 11, 1750. Antje Bennett FOURTH GENERATION. 15. Denise or Denice Van Liew. . . B. Mar. 25, 1729. Married Dec. 26, 1751. Eidea Wyckoff Age 16 at marriage. Daughter of Cornelius Wyckoff. B. D. Feb. 27, 1775 See copy of will on another Children. page. 18. Cornelius B. Aug. 27, 1752. 19. Lena (Helena) B. Apr. 5, 1754. 20 Frederick B. Jun. 12, 1756. D. Nov. 20, 1791. 21. Ida (Eidea) B.Aug. 7,1758. D.Feb. 3,1766. 22. Denice B. May 10, 1761. D. Sep. 19, 1811. 23. Johannes B. Jun. 24, 1763. 24. Eidea B. Jun. 24, 1768. 25. Dinah B. Sep. 23, 1771. FOURTH GENERATION. 16. Cornelius Van Liew B. Jan. 7, 1734. Married. Will dated Somerset Co., N. J., Oct. 10, 1776. Anne Bowman B. Probated Jan. 6-7, 1778. Children. 2 6. Frederick 27. Cornelius 28. Dennis Bp. Millstone, N. J., Dec. 27, 1767. 29. John Bp. Millstone, N. J., Aug. 5, 1770 30. Mary 31. Anne 32. Helena Bp. Millstone, N. J., Aug. 1, 1772 15 FOURTH GENERATION. 17. Johannes Van Liew B. Apr. 16, 1736. Dorothy Lott B. Apr. 13, 1740. Children. 33. Frederick B. Jul. 12, 1760. 34. Johannes B. May 17, 1762. 35. Denise B. Apr. 25, 1764. 36. Annie B. Jul. 29, 1769. 37. Hendrick B. May 25, 1776. 38. Cornelius B. Dec. 26, 1778. FIFTH GENERATION. 22. Dennis Van Liew B. May 10, 1761. Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J.' Dinah Duryee B. Feb. 18, 1760. Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J. Children, 39. Ida B. Mar. 8,1783. Middlebush, N. J. 40. A Son B. May 3, 1785. Middlebush, N. J. 41. George B. Oct. 1, 1789. Middlebush, N. J. 42. John B. Jan. 9, 1791. Middlebush, N. J. 43. Dennis B. May 19, 1793. Middlebush, N. J. 44. Ira Condit B. Jan. 24, 1796. Middlebush, N. J. 45. Mariah B. Oct. 12, 180i. Middlebush, N. J. 46. Dinah B. Aug. 20, 1805. Middlebush, N. J. SIXTH GENERATION. 42. John Van Liew B.Jan. 9,1791. Middlebush, N. J. Julia Sansbury B. Aug. 10, 1795. Children. 47. Sansbury B. Jan. 7, 1821. Middlebush, N. J. 48. Ogden Benjamin B. Sep. 26, 1822. Middlebush, N. J. 49. Henry Clow B. May 23, 1825. Middlebush, N. J. 50. Ellen Malvina B. Jul. 26, 1827. Middlebush, N. J. 51. John B. Sep. 22, 1829. Middlebush, N. J. 52. Dennis B. Jan. 20, 1831. Middlebush, N. J. 53. Julia B. Jun. 23, 1833. Middlebush, N. J. 54. Dunbar B. Dec. 10, 1836. Richland Co., O. SEVENTH GENERATION. 47. Sansbury Van Liew B. Jan. 7, 1821. Margaret Jane Wilhelm B. Oct. 15, 1824. Children. 55. Julia B. Nov. 29, 1844. Frederick, O. 56. Francis Marion B. Dec. 1, 1845. Frederick, O. 57. Mary B. Jan. 25, 1848. Frederick, O. 58. Ellen Malvina B. Jan. 3, 1850. Woodbury, O. 59. Amanda (twins) B. Feb. 25, 1852. Woodbury, O. 60. Amelia (twins) B. Feb. 25, 1852. Woodbury, O. 61. Laura Jane B. Dec. 27, 1856. Dewitt, Mich. 62. Sophrona Scott B. May 29, 1859. Dewitt, Mich. 63. John B. Sep. 9, 1862. Saginaw, Mich. 64. Leverett B. Jun. 3, 1871. Saginaw, Mich. 65. Everett B. Jun. 3, 1871. Saginaw, Mich. 16 D. Oct. 9, 1813. Married June 16, 1759. D. Sep. 19, 1811. Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J. D. Sep. 3, 1832. Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J. D. Oct. 9, 1845. D. Jul. 4, 1785. D. Dec. 29, 1839. Mouth Cumberland River, Ky. D. Dec. 2, 1865. Robinson, Brown Co., Kans. D. Nov. 10, 1847. Married March 10, 1782. Widow of Jacob Probasco, who D. May 9, 1823. Their son Jacob D. Oct. 23, 1847. Mary Van Liew, dau. of Dennis and Sarah and wife of Mar tin Bun, D. Jan. 18, 1849. D. Jun. 26, 1839. Wife of Peter Studiford Parsell. D. Dec. 2, 1865. Robinson, Kan. D. Aug. 21, 1873. Saginaw, Mich. D. Mar. 24, 1888. Saginaw, Mich. D. Jul. 8, 1867. Valley Falls, Kan. D. May 7, 1888. South Bend, Ind. D. Jan. 1, 1894. Holt Co., Mo. D. Jul. 21, 1854. Cincinnati, O. D. Feb. 24, 1895. Hiawatha, Kan. D. Jul. 25, 1834. Sandusky, O. D. Jan. 23, 1876. Saginaw, Mich. D. Dec. 20, 1844. Frederick, O. D. Apr. 8, 1901. Saginaw, Mich. D. Aug. 21, 1861. Saginaw, Mich. D. Sep. 18, 1861. Saginaw, Mich. D. Jun. 8, 1868. Saginaw, Mich. Married May 4, 1820. Bachelor. Bachelor. Married Feb. 4, 1844, Wood bury, Morrow Co., O. 48. 66, 67.68. 69. 70. 71 72. 49, 73 74. 75. 767778 50. 79. 808182,8352 84. 85. 86.87. 73.88. 89. 90. 91. 92. SEVENTH GENERATION. Ogden B. Van Liew B. Sep. 26, 1822. Ellen Foust B. Mar. 5, 1832. Baltimore, Md. Children. Lucretia Ellen B. Jan. 2, 1853. Waterford, O. John Hartford B. Sep. 15, 1856. Lauderdale Co., Tenn. Julia Sansbury B. Oct 28, 1858. Gayhill, Tenn. Henry Ogden B. Jan. 11, 1861. Valley Falls, Kan. William Wallace B. Sep. 13, 1862. Valley Falls, Kan. Lewis Edwin B. Nov. 7, 1864. Valley Falls, Kan. Benjamin Franklin B. Jun. 7, 1867. Valley Falls, Kan. SEVENTH GENERATION. Henry Clow Van Liew B. May 23, 1825. Hannah Jane Foster B. Jun. 22, 1832. Murray Co., Tenn. Children. Alpheus O B. May 19, 1849. Portersville, Tenn. John B. Oct. 18, 1851. Marion, Ark. Julia Elizabeth B. May 20, 1854. Tipton Co., Tenn. Thomas James B. Jan. 15, 1859. Larwill, Ind. Thomas Lillian B. Dec. 15, 1860. Larwill, Ind. Dora Etta (adopted) B. Apr. 29, 1869. South Bend, Ind. SEVENTH GENERATION. Bradford William May B. Jul. 6, 1824. Ellen Malvina Van Liew B. Jul. 26, 1827. Children. John Asa May B. Nov. 24, 1851. Deleware, O. Julia Bernice May B. Apr. 10, 1855. Morrow Co., O. Emma Ellen May B. , 1857. Morrow Co., O. Infant Son B. , 1859. Morrow Co., O. Charles Bradford May B. Jun. 20, 1870. Holt Co., Mo. SEVENTH GENERATION. Dennis Van Liew B. Jan. 20, 1831. Angeline Swayze B. Aug. 13, 1841. Children. Mary Elizabeth B. Oct. 24, 1862. Larwill, Ind. Julia Ellen B. Jan. 12, 1864. Hiawatha, Kan. Emma Alice B. Aug. 14, 1865. Eldora B. Nov. 1, 1867. EIGHTH GENERATION. Alpheus O. Van Liew B. May 19, 1849. Mary Ducomb B. May 16, 1849. Children. Maud D B. Apr. 12,1875. Lakeville, Ind. Aggie B. Jun. 14, 1877. Lakeville, Ind. Don Foster B. Aug. 17, 1879. Lakeville, Ind. Dotelle B. May 30, 1885. Lakeville, Ind. NINTH GENERATION. Dr. E. J. Lent B. Aug. 17, 1870. Maud D. Van Liew B. Apr. 12, 1875. Children Helen Maurine B. Sep. 30, 1894. Lakeville, Ind. 17 D. Dec. 17, 1906. Valley Falls, Kan. Married Feb. 28, 1854, Nobles- ville, Ind. D. Feb. 14, 1861. Valley Falls, Kan. D. Aug. 14, 1906. Lakeville, Ind. D. Oct. 10, 1854. Tipton Co., Tenn. D. May 3, 1860. Larwill, Ind. D. Aug. — , 1869. South Bend, Ind. D. Jan. 9, 1899. Holt Co., Mo, D. Mar. 2, 1898. Holt Co., Mo. , 1867. Morrow Co., O. 2 weeks old. Morrow Co,, O. D. Jul. 18, 1891. Kansas City, Mo. Married June 20, 1848, Tipton Co., Tenn. Married Jan. 2, 1851, Wood bury, Morrow Co., Ohio. Married Nov. 3, bia City, Ind. 1859, Colum- Married June 2, 1872, 3 mi. E. of Lakeville, Ind. Married Dec. 3, 1893, Lake ville, Ind. NINTH GENERATION. 90. Don Foster Van Liew B. Aug. 17, 1879. Married Nov. 30, 1905, Dan- Lura Etta Ketring B. Jun. 13, 1883. ville, 111. N. Webster, Ind. Children. 93. Donald Edwin B. Feb. 10, 1907. South Bend, Ind. 94. John Alpheus B. Sep. 2, 1910. Chesterton, Ind. NINTH GENERATION. Oscar J. Chapman B. Dec. 20.1869. Married May 9, 1895, South 89. Aggie Van Liew B. Jun. 14, 1877. Bend, Ind. Children. 95. John Van Liew Chapman B. Jul. 13, 1896. Lakeville, Ind. 96. Donald E B.Oct. 21,1898. D.Jan. 2,1899. Logansport, Ind. 97. Paul Milton B. Apr. 9, 1900. D. Apr. 20, 1900. Logansport, Ind. 98. Mary Louise B. Mar. 21, 1902. South Bend, Ind. 99. Harriet Jane B. Apr. 25, 1909. Danville, 111. NINTH GENERATION. Fred Canfield Emerson B. Sep. 25, 1882. Married May 30, 1908, South 91. Dotelle E. Van Liew B. May 30, 1885. Bend, Ind. EIGHTH GENERATION. 74. John Van Liew B. Oct. 18, 1851. Married Feb. 8, 1869, Larwill, Emma A. Robinson B. >>v\'\, 1852. Ind. Children. ^ 100. Lou Etta B. Nov. 9, 1869. Larwill, Ind. 101. Winifred B. Mar. 12, 1876. Ada, O. NINTH GENERATION. C. L. McFadden B.Jul. 27,1865. Married May 7, 1887, Van 100. Lou Etta Van Liew B. Nov. 9, 1869. Wert, O. Children. 102. Van Liew B. Jul. 30, 1889. Madison Lake, Minn. 103. Helen L B. Apr. 23, 1893. Van Wert, O. 104. Carl J B. Dec. 21, 1895. Van Wert, O. NINTH GENERATION. C. G. Lieberg B. Feb. 29, 1872. Married Aug. 14, 1895, Madi- 101. Winnifred Van Liew B. Mar. 12, 1876. son Lake, Minn. Children. 105. Helenita E B. May 12, 1896. Mankato, Minn. NINTH GENERATION. Wm. B. Hire B. Nov. 21, 1868. Married March 29, 1909, Belle- 100. Lou Etta Van Liew B. Nov. 9, 1869. fontain, O. Children. EIGHTH GENERATION. 77. Thomas Lillian Van Liew B. Dec. 15, 1860. Edith Lenora Barnett B. Apr. 27, 1874. Married Oct. 22, 1892, First M. Campbellford, E. Church, Chicago, 111. Ont, Can. Children. 106. Edith Lillian B. Jun. 3, 1895. No. 57 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Christened in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1895. Pastor, Rev. Lyman Abbott, successor of the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. IS GENEALOGY AND ANNALS OF THE VAN LIEW FAMILY IN AMERICA FROM THE YEAR 1670 DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME ERRATA AND ADDENDA P. 9. 1 Cornelius Van Lew (Van Liew), Somerset Co., N. J. (Add) Militia, Private. ¦ 2 Denice Van Lew (Van Liew) Somerset Co., N. J. (Add) Militia, Private. 6 Hendrick Van Lew (Van Liew), Somerset Co., N. J. (Add) Militia, Private. 9 Peter Van Lew (Van Liew), Somerset Co., N. J. (Add) Militia, Private. 10 Richard Van Lew (Van Liew), Somerset Co., N. J. (Add) Militia, Private. P. 10. Under heading, 'The Van Liew family rendered bills as follows, viz.:" Add, Denice Van Liew £296, 1, 2. P. 15 (3) John Van Leeuwen (suppose), Member Capt. Timothy Bagley's Co. (Cavalry), Queens Co., N. Y., 1715. P. 15 (4.) Henry Van Leeuwen (suppose), Member Col. Thomas Ffarmar's Reg., 7th Company, N. J., 1715. P. 15 (5) Frederick Van Leeuwen (suppose), Member Capt. Wolsy's Company, Queens County, N. Y., 1715. P. 13. Will of Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen. In the original will name is spelled Van Lean. The word Gentlemen should read Gentleman. Will proved June 8 (not June 6), 1726. At time of his decease Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen resided at Jamaica, L. I. The item on P. 15, referring to age of his children should be eliminated. P. 15 (2) Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen, of Utrecht. M; Oct. 2, 1681. Dina Jans (or Jansz) of New York. "Both living at Jamaica." P. 15 (3) John Van Leeuwen. M. Catrina (Catherine) . Children. Witnesses: Dina B. Bap. Kryn Janse, Dina Hendrickse. Catrina 3. Bap. May 15, 1712. Joseph Van Cleef, Catrina Van Cleef. Frederick B. Bap. Mch. 27, 1715. Hendrick Van Leeuwe, Dina Van Leeuwe. Johannes B. Bap. Dec. 6, 1719. Theunis Polhemus, Sara Pol- hemus. Hendrick B. Bap. Feb. 11, 1722. Jan Dorlant, Aaltie Dorlant. Saara B. Bap. Sept. 13, 1724. Saara Schenck. Abram Schenck, Rebecka B. Bap. Sept. 13, 1724. Seymen Noortwyck, Falkertie Noortwyck. r[ Witnesses Pt15 (4) Henry (or Hendrick) Van Leeuwen. Bap. . 1683. Jan Frederick Van Leeuwen* M. Geurtje Coteleau. Altie Jans. Children. Frederyk B. Bap. Aug. 9, 1719. Lena B. Bap. Oct. 8,1727. P. 15 (5) Frederick Van Liew (Van Leeuwen).** M. Mch. 9, 1717. Helena Denise (or Denice or De Nys). P. 15 (6) Greta Van Leeuwen M. Oct. 30, 1713. Jan Stryker. ?Probably a brother of Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen and of (suppose) Peter Van Leeuwen, both of whom came to America at about same time as did Frederick Hendrickson Van Leeuwen. **Date of his birth as shown in record not verified. P. 15(7) Dinah Van Leeuwen. B. or Bap. Dec. 9, 1694. M. Johannes Symons. Children. Antje B. Bap. Feb. 11, 1732-3. Isak B. Bap. June 22, 1735. Geertje B. Bap. Oct. 3, 1736. Aaltje B. Bap. Sept. 9, 1739. P. 15 (9) Analche Van Leeuwen. (Suppose) Bap. June 27, 1703. Witnesses: Jan Blauw Maria Van Leeuwe. P. 15 (11) Dyna Van Liew. B. Aug, 16, 1718. Bap. Sept. 21, 1718. Witnesses: Jaques De Nys. Dinah Van Leeuwe. P. 15 (13) Maritja Van Liew. D. Oct. 28, 1761. About 7 p. m. M. Joost Duryee. Children. Magdalean B. Apr. 1, 1751. Anna B. Feb. 24, 1753. Frederick B. Apr. 8, 1755. Simon B.Nov. 30, 1757. Dinah B. Feb. 18, 1760. See No. 22 Van Liew Record. See P. 12. The second wife of Joost Duryee was Magdalene (sup pose) Bairds. See P. 12. Children. Mary B. June 5, 1763. William B. Jan. 4, 1765. D. Apr. 23, 1850. Anne B. Feb. 18, 1768. George B. Apr. 30, 1770. D. Oct. 3, 1776. Mary, William and Anne received a legacy from their grandfather, William Bairds. (Compiler's comment on P. 13 should so read.) P. 15 (19) Helena Van Liew. D. June 1, 1785. M. Garret Hendrickson. P. 15 (20) Frederick Van Liew. D. Nov. 28 (not Nov. 20), 1791. P. 16 (35) Denise Van Liew. D. July 9, 1857. P. 16 (38) Cornelius Van Liew. D. Feb. 16, 1815. M. Hannah Van Doren. D. Nov. 6, 1821. P. 18 Emma A. Robinson. B. Aug. 9, 1852. P. 11. References. (Add) Second Annual Report of the State Historian of New York, Colonial Series Albanv 1897. ' y' Reformed Dutch Church Records of Jamaica, Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Port Richmond (S. I ) NY "Our Ancestors," by Charlotte R. Van Woglum (Mrs. Bleecker Bangs), Brooklyn 1896 "Historical and Genealogical Miscellany," by John E. Stillwell, M. D., New York 1906 Magazine "Our Home," 1873. Papers by Tunis. G. Bergen;1 \ Note — Figures in parenthesis indicate Van Liew Record number. P., page. Please gum edge and fasten to stub of blank page. ST. LOUIS, MO., DECEMBER 15TH, 1912. THOS. Ii- VAN LIEW. GENEALOGY AND ANNALS OF THE VAN LIEW FAMILY Errata and Addenda No. Two p. 15. ( 4) p. 15. ( 24) p. 16. p. 16. p. 16. ( 44) p. 16. ( 49) p. 17. ( 73) p. 17. •( 74) p. 17. ( 75) p. 17. ( 76) p. 17. ( 77) p. 17. ( 78) P 12 Joost Duryee, who D. Oct. 3, 1794. "In 1753 he purchased 264% acres in Montgomery Town ship, of Abraham Van Horn, merchant, of New York, for £1058, current money of the Colony of New York." Several of the early New Jersey Duryees were interred in a cemetery at or near Blawenburg. Montgomery Township, Somerset County, N. J. The old homestead was located in this vicinity, where probably was the birthplace of Dinah Duryee, B. Feb. 18, 1760. Wil1 of Frederick Hendrickson Van Liew. The phrase. "But among my children", was probably inserted as a protection of the rights of the other children. Quotation from Law Points: "It is not necessary to leave children something. Merely mentioning them in some way is sufficient. For instance, 'As to all my children.' " Henry (or Hendrick) Van Leeuwen, who M. Geurtge Coteleau, first child Frederyk. Bap, Aug. 9, 1719 (Add) Witnesses: Rem Vander Beek, Dorethe Coteleau. Eidea Van Liew. M. John Cook. Authty: original Jetter in compiler's file. John Cook to his brother-in-law, Denice Van Liew, dated Handcock Township, Washington County, Maryland. Jan. 13th, 1800. Dinah Duryee Van Liew. D. Nov. 8, 1832, not Sept. 3, 1832. Age 72 yrs, 8 mo. and 20 days. None of the descendants of John Van Liew, B. Jan. 9, 1791. Record No. 42, served in the Civil War, 1861-1865, nor in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Ira Condit Van Liew resided in Cincinnati, Ohio. Henry Clow Van Liew was named after Henry Clow, who M. Catherine Sansbury. (See P. 14.) Alpheus O. Van Liew was christened Alpheus, and the middle name "Omega" was added by him self in after years (Alpha, "first" and Omega, "last" — Greek). John Van Liew was named after his grandfather, John Van Liew, Record No. 42. Julia Elizabeth Van Liew was named after her two grandmothers. Thomas James Van Liew was named after his uncle, Thomas James Foster. (See P. 14.) Thomas Lillian Van Liew was named "Thomas" after his uncle, Thomas J. Foster, and "Lil lian" in remembrance of his dear little brother just before him (Record No. 76), who lat terly used the expression, "Oh, lilly", whenever satisfied and happy. Dora Etta Van Liew was named after Mrs. Dora Etta Gibson of Warsaw, Ind., a family friend. B. Ligonier, Ind., not South Bend, Ind. D. South Bend, Ind,, Aug. 19, 1869. Age 3 mo. and 20 days. p. is. Wife of Don Foster Van Liew. Record No. 90. Lura .Etta Ketring Van Liew D. Sept. 6, 1916, Gary, Ind. P. 18. ( 95) John Van Liew Chapman. Is serving in the European War. Volunteered at Chicago, 111., March 15> 1917. Landed at Bordeaux, France, May 15, 1917. Was in American Field Service in France, T. M. U. 52 7 Automobile Cervois American. Is now in U. S. Aero Service, Tours, France. (Subject to Amendment. (Authty: his parents.) P 18 (102) Van Liew McFadden. Member the 10th U. S. Engineers or "forestry regiment", nicknamed "Lumber Jack Regiment." Sailed about Sept. 10, 1917. from or near New York City to Europe. Volunteered from McCormick, Wash., to Van Couver Barracks Wash. (Subject to Amendment.) Authty; his mother.) p 1R ri06) Edith Lillian Van Liew. M. Alfred Clodius. B. Sept. 11, 1892, St. Louis. Mo. M. at St. Louis, l ¦ Mo_; jan. 15, 1917, by Rev. Otto Press, Assistant Pastor St. Paul's Evang. Church, 1804 South Ninth. Witnesses: Thomas Lillian Van Liew and wife, Edith Lenora Van Liew. Add Record No. 107. Dorothy Dina Van Liew. B. Apr. 23, 1914, 10:30 A. M. D. Apr. 23, 1914, p- 18- ^ j A jyi.F at 935a Rutger St., St. Louis, Mo. Dau. Thos. L. and Edith L. Van Liew. Record No. 77. Several of the early New Jersey Van Liews are interred in the South Middlebush Cemetery. These two entries appear in an old family Bible of our line: "1838, Jan. 7, died Pomppei. Aged 91 years." "1840, Oct. 28, died Cathine, widow Pomppei. Aged 82 years." (Probably old family servants.) Sanper Edward A Barnett. No. 500602, Signal Corps .Canadian Engineers. Enlisted Aug., 1915. Serving "Somewhere" in France. B. June 3, 1890, Campbellford, Ont., Canada. Brother-in- law of Thomas Lillian Van Liew. Record No. 77. N0te Henry Clow Van Liew family data shown on authority of compiler's mother. Figures in parenthesis indicate Van Liew record number. P., page. THOMAS L. VAN LIEW, Compiler. ST. LOUIS, MO., OCTOBER 4th, 1917. GENEALOGY AND ANNALS OF THE VAN LIEW FAMILY Errata and Addenda No. Three P. 17. ( 77) P. 17. P. 17. ( 90) Thomas Lillian Van Liew was commissioned Government Registrar Sept. 3, 1918, by Local Board, Division 7, State of Missouri, for Precinct 6, Ward 7, St. Louis, Mo., and served Sept. 12, 1918 (Selective Draft Registration Day), without compensation. He is in the service of the "United States Railroad Administration, W. G. McAdoo, Director General of Railroads", at St. Louis, Mo. Dr. E. J. Lent was commissioned Captain in the U. S. Medical Corps Aug. 31, 1918. He left home, (South Bend, Ind.) Sept. 8, 1918, and reported for duty at the Walter Reed Hospital, Ta- koma Park, Washington, D. C, Sept. 10, 1918. Commanding Officer, Colonel Schreiner. (Subject to Amendment. (Authty: his wife, Maud D. Van Liew Lent.) P. 17. ( 92) Don, Foster, Van Liew. B. Aug. 7, 1879. Grace, Ernestene McLouth. B. Oct. 7T1882. Dau. Mr. and Mrs., Sylvester F. Humble (N. Webster, Ind.), and widow of Segur Julius McLouth, who lost his life by drown ing in a lake near Adrian. Mich., Aug. 21, 1913, leaving widow and one child, Dorothy Eloise McLouth. B. May 1, 1902. Helen Maurine Lent. B. Sept. 30, 1894. Gilbert de Lafayette Jay, Jr., U. S. N. R. F. B. Nov. 14, 1894, Kokomo, Ind. Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Jay. Ensign Jay is now paymaster in the United States Naval yards at Buffalo, N. Y. M. Nov. 29, 1917. Gary, Ind. P. 18. M. June 15, 1918, 12 Noon, New Old South Church, Bos ton, Mass., Rev. G. A. Gor don, D. D. In the presence of the Class of 1918 of Wel- lesley College. Wellesley, Mass., of which Miss Lent was a member, and 50 addi tional guests. Note: Clandestinely mar ried at Hotel Crawford, Go- wanda, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1918, by the Rev. James C. Buchanan. Witnesses: Gayl E. Cooper, Philip D. Jay. Oscar J. Chapman. Is now a Y. M. C. A. War Work Secretary with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Under E. C. Carter, General Secretary Y. M. C. A. of American Division 12 Rue d'Aguesseau, Paris, France. He volunteered for duration of war in this service, May 1, 1918, Danville, 111., reported at New York City, May 20, 1918. Took an intensive training at Princeton University for one week with 179 other Y. M. C. A. men. and all sailed on a transport with 2000 soldiers June 6, 1918; landed at Liverpool, England, June 18, 1918. (Subject to Amendment.) (Authty: his wife, Aggie Van Liew Chapman.) M. Jan. 10, 1918. Los. Angeles, Calif. P. 18. (103) Helen, Lee, McFadden. B. April 23, 1893. Hugh, John, Dixon. B. May 8, 1891, Los Angeles, Calif. Children. (108) John V. Dixon. B. Oct. 14, 1918, Los Angeles, Calif. P. 18. (104) Carl J. McFadden. Enlisted in the U. S. Navy, Dec. 13, 1917, from Los Angeles, Calif. To Naval training station, San Diego, Calif. Ensign Conover in command. (Subject to Amendment.) (Authty: his grandfather, John Van Liew.) Note— Figures in parenthesis indicate Van Liew record number. P., page. ST. LOUIS, MO., OCTOBER 28th, 1918. THOS. L. VAN LIEW, Compiler. GENEALOGY AND ANNALS OF THE VAN LIEW FAMILY Errata and Addenda No. Four P. 17. ( 92.. (109) Also Errata and Addenda No. Three, Page One . Helen Maurine Lent Jay. Gilbert de Lafayette Jay, Jr. Children. Nancy Jay B. Dec. 27,1918, 6:40 P. M. Children's Hospital, 219 Bryant St., Buffalo, N. Y. P. 17. Hannah Jane Foster B. June 22, 1832 Murray Co., Tenn. ST. LOUIS, MO., OCTOBER 20th, 1919. D. Jan. 6, 1919. Children's Hospital, 219 Bryant St., Buffalo, N. Y. D. Aug. 17, 1919, 2:40 P. M., 939a Rutger St., St. Louis, Mo. (Interred South Bend, Ind.) THOS. L. VAN LIEW, Compiler. 01494 4210