Vale Universitv Libratv 39002015039986 GERMAN SETTLERS GERMAN SETTLEMENTS '¦'.'' IN INDIANA \ firi- thtt fauittda^ if tc CoCUgt, m. i^ Cttbii^ 'Y^ILE«¥IMII¥lEI^SIIir¥« o ILIIBl^^IElf « »933 ¦vv>aMQMg GERMAN SETTLERS AND GERMAN SETTLEMENTS IN INDIANA ^ A MEMORIAL FOR THE STATE CENTENNIAL 1916 BY DR. WILLIAM A. FRITSCH EVANSVILLE, IND., 1915 "COPYRIGHT" Williara A. Fritsch, 1915 Dedicated to the {Members ofthe German- American ^Alliance in Indiana "By the Author PREFACE. The author of this small volume has been a citizen of Indiana for over fifty years. A German by birth and educa tion, he has ever taken an interest in the German language and literature. In his travels over the state as a member of the State Board of Health and in re sponse to calls for speeches, he has come in contact with a large number of Ger mans throughout the state. He believes that over half the population of the state are either German or of German descent and feels that they have not received due credit for their share in the de velopment of the state. For many years he has devoted his leisure hours to the task of gathering facts and data regard ing the Germans as a factor in the up building of the state and offers this lit tle book as a result of his labors, with the hope that it may prove of interest to the reader. W. A. F. THE EARLY SETTLERS OF INDIANA. When in the year 1786 the United States Congress passed the "Ordinance for the North West Territory," by virtue of which the large domain comprising the present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin were freed from eastern control and open ed up to general immigration no one thought that in little more than one hundred years the great forests and prairies of the Middle West would be trans formed into five great states. Governor St. Clair took control on July 15, 1788, the territory having then only a sparse population, but the fertile lands and the provision excluding slavery from this territory and granting entire re ligious freedom to every settler brought a flood of immigration, which in a short time converted these woodlands and prairies into places of human habita tion and progressive cities. Among these immigrants there were from the very beginning men and women of German descent who contributed their share in the upbuilding of these states, and to them must be attributed in some meas- 5 ure the progress in science and culture for which the state of Indiana is famous. The first settlers in Indiana were Frenchmen im migrating over Canada. King Louis XIV of France, who had seized the German countries on the Rhine, also sought conquests in America; and after the dis coveries of de La Salle, the French pressed down the Mississippi valley. To establish their claims, several forts were built on the Wabash river, the first being Fort Quiatonon, not far from where the city of La- Fayette now stands. Ft. Vincennes, about 100 miles below, was built in 1727. In the wake of the soldiers came tradesmen, and Ft. Vincennes became a thriv ing French village and subsequently the first capital of Indiana. Among the early inhabitants we find men with German names, evidently Germans from Alsace Lorraine, who had immigrated with the French. When the English tried to seize this wild country in which the Indians were still on the warpath, Virginia sent General George Rogers Clark with an army west over the Ohio to take possession of it for the United States. Among his troops there were many German- Americans, one of whom. Captain Leonard Helm, was appointed commander of Ft. Vincennes and agent for the Indians of the Wabash valley. When an Eng lish force under Colonel Hamilton came south to re capture Vincennes, they found Helm in command of the fort with but one soldier, the French inhabitants having fled. Butler, in his "History of Kentucky," 6 tells us how Captain Helm, at the approach of the English, bravely placed a loaded cannon before the entrance of the fort and upon their coming within hailing distance, commanded them to halt, empha sizing his demand by brandishing a firebrand and shouting that he would shoot if they came nearer. Hereupon the English proposed a parley in which they agreed that Captain Helm and his men should have free passage from the fort with their arms. Imagine their surprise when Captain Helm, with his command of one man, stepped forward! When General Clark, who was in Kaskaskia, heard of the fall of Ft. Vincennes, he hastened through the wilderness of Illinois with his army and recaptured it, reinstating Captain Helm in his old command. In 1792 the Mennonite preacher, John Heckewelder came to Ft. Vincennes, having been sent by President Washington to act as counselor and interpreter of Indian languages to General Rufus Putnam, who con cluded a treaty of peace with the Indians at this place. Later we find another Mennonite missionary, A. Luckebach, on the White river in Indiana. All these good intentions availed but little at this time as the Indians were restless. "St. Vincennes, July 4, 1800. On this day com mences the government of the Indiana Territory; William Henry Harrison being chosen as governor; William Clark, Henry Vanderburgh and John Grif fin judges for the Indiana Territory."7 With these words of the journal, the young Indiana government announces itself. Indiana Territory was at that time composed of Indiana and Illinois with Ft. Vincennes as the seat of government. In 1800 its whole civilized population amounted to 5,651 souls, but large hordes of Indians roamed about in this wild country. In the year 1811 when Chief Tecum seh and his brother, the Prophet, encouraged by the British in Canada, stirred up the Indians against the white settlers in the territory. Governor Harrison held conferences with the Indians and strove to pacify them, but when he saw that they were bent to go on the war-path, he gathered troops and with his little army of 910 men, of whom 213 were militia from Vin cennes, Corydon and other places along the Wabash, marched against the Indians. Coming upon the Prophet's town in the neighbor hood of the present city of Lafayette on the morning of November 7th, 1811, he was attacked by the In dians, and the battle of Tippecanoe ensued. This was the first battle in the second war with England, Gen eral Harrison dispersing the Indians and destroying their stronghold. Among the men who distinguished themselves in this battle were two officers, whose names are familiar to German-Americans and plainly indicate their German ancestry. One was Captain Geiger, who with his men conducted himself bravely to the last. The other. Colonel Luke Decker, com manded part of the militia. When the Legislature 8 soon after met in Vincennes, the assembly passed a vote of thanks to Colonel Decker and his men for the valor with which they had fought for their homes and firesides. Luke Decker, who lived in Knox County, not far from Decker's Station was a man of great energy and versatility and held several positions of importance in the new territory. In a fight with In dians on Mississinewa river, December 12, 1812, Lieutenant Waltz of Captain Markel's company, was killed and praised for his valor in the reports of his superior officers. In the year 1796, some Swiss citizens of the Canton Waadt, attracted by a German traveler's vivid descriptions of the country, organized a company to buy land on the Ohio River and culti vate vineyards. They bought a large tract of land in what is now Switzerland county and founded the town of Vevay on the Ohio river in Indiana. Vine yards were planted which are still in existence. In 1810 considerable wine was made here while the women of the colony wove straw hats, which they sold to Cincinnati merchants and to the boats passing on the Ohio river. This was the first settlement of the Swiss, later we will mention others. In the year 1816, after the separation of the state of Indiana from Illinois, the constitutional Conven tion assembled at Corydon, whereto the new capital of Indiana had been transferred. The convention opened on June 10th, and the first constitution of the state was adopted, Indiana becoming a state of the 9 Union on December 11, 1816. One member of this assembly, Frederick (Reichard) Rapp, we will meet with again in the next chapter. NEW HARMONY A GERMAN SETTLEMENT. In a fertile valley on the lower Wabash river about sixty miles from its confluence with the Ohio, lies the town of New Harmony. It is one of the oldest towns in Indiana and some of the quaint old build ings of the first settlement are still standing. The history of this beautiful little town is certainly inter esting. Let us see who its first inhabitants were and whence they came. Under the government of Duke Charles Eugene of Wuertemberg, Germany (by the grace of Napoleon I, the rulers of this German province are now kings), who had established the Karlsschule, the alma mater of the great German poet Friedrich Schiller, there lived in the rural village of Iptingen, near the city of Maulbronn an active and intelligent weaver by the name of Johann George Rapp. Besides weaving for other people, he cultivated a few acres of land and conducted a wine-press. During his leisure hours he read the Bible. Becoming intensely imbued with communistic ideas he began to preach in his twenty- fourth year, urging the return of the customs and 10 ceremonies of the early Christians. Annoyed by his teachings, the pastors of the Wuertemberg state church and other religious denominations petitioned the government to forbid Rapp's preaching to the people. The duke of Wuertemberg, however, regard ed Rapp and his doctrines as harmless and refused to interfere. Rapp's propaganda bore good fruit and he soon had a large following. Desiring to live together free from persecution they decided to emigrate to America. Rapp, his son Johannes, and two elders were sent to investigate, and purchased a tract of five thousand acres of land twenty-five miles west of Pittsburg at three dollars an acre. In the spring of 1804, Rapp went to Baltimore where three hundred of his people landed with the ship Aurora on July 4th. Another party of two hundred and sixty, headed by Frederick Reichert arrived the next month at Phila delphia, where Rapp received them. Arriving at their settlement a constitution was adopted, all the members giving up their money and agreeing to live and work together under chosen leaders. The com munity was named Harmony, Johann George Rapp being elected the spiritual leader and teacher, and his adopted son, Frederick (Reichert) Rapp, the business manager of the new town, three elders being associa ted with them in the management of affairs. The Rappites, as they were generally called, built over one hundred houses in their village and soon had over three thousand acres of land under cultivation. As 11 far back as 1807 a great number of the society adopt ed the celibate life; still marriages occurred in the society, Rapp's only son among them, Rapp himself solemnizing the marriage. If young couples married and left the community, the Rappites helped them and took a kindly interest in them. In the year 1814 the Rappites sold Harmony to a Pennsylvania German for $100,000, and with their goods, agricultural imple ments and machinery valued at $45,000, moved down the Ohio River to Indiana, where they had bought 30,000 acres of land, and founded Harmony, later re named New Harmony. Here they established a dis tillery, brewery, mills and factories and manufactured cotton and woolen goods, the daily output of their factories in 1822 amounting to $262.00, according to the "Niles Register." In order to guard against river pirates and warring redskins who were prowling about, the Harmonites built a fort which is still in a fair state of preserva tion. The falls of the Wabash near the town were uti lized to furnish water power for a mill and hammer factory. The town grew steadily. The work was done in groups or companies, each group selecting its own foreman whose duty it was to deliver the products to the general storehouse. Soon the lofts of the store house were filled with all kinds of manufacture'd pro ducts and from near and far came farmers to pur chase necessities and to have their grain ground. The producing power of these enterprising Germans be- 12 coming too great for their immediate neighborhood, branch stores and agencies were established in Vin cennes, Ind., Shawneetown, 111., Louisville, Ky., Pitts burg, Pa., and other places, their products and man ufactured articles finding a ready sale throughout the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, from Pittsburg to New Orleans. From a report of the English colony at Albion, Edwards County, Illinois, we glean that the manufactures of the Rappites were given the prefer ence over all others, and that in the years 1818-1824, the English settlers had purchased $150,000 worth of goods from the Rappites. River transportation was mostly on flat boats. In 1823 Jonathan Lenz (then a lad of sixteen, but later one of the trustees of the so ciety) had charge of such a cargo valued at $1,369 and containing thirty-nine kegs of lard, one hundred kegs of butter, six hundred and eighty bushels of oats, eighty-eight barrels of flour, one hundred and three barrels of pork, thirty-two oxen, sixteen hogs and forty barrels of whiskey. Today its entire cargo would be worth many times more. Among the Rap pites there were good farmers as well as good me chanics; travelers coming from far and near to ob serve the commercial life and the well conducted farms and vineyards. The typical dwelling house of the Rappites had no door facing the street, the doors being on the sides of the houses towards the beau tiful flower gardens which were to be found every where. Some of the houses are standing today, bear- 13 ing evidence of the substantial manner in which they were erected. Ferdinand Ernst passed through New Harmony on his way to Illinois in 1819. Coming from Princeton on horseback, he arrived just as the vesper bells were ringing, the familiar sounds of which, though strange in America, carried his thoughts back to his fatherland. In a book published in Germany, he gives a good description of the town and his visit. Of special interest to us is his description of a thresh ing machine, which the Harmonists used at this early date. Schoolcraft visited the town in 1821 and writes: "They have no spendthrifts, idlers or drunkards in Harmony — everybody is working." Another writer, George Flower, says, "With surprise all who went to Harmony observed with what facility the necessaries and the comforts of life were acquired and enjoyed by every member of Rapp's community. When com pared with the privations and discomforts to which individual settlers were exposed in their backwoods experiences, the contrast was very striking. The poor hunter who brought a bushel of corn to be ground, coming from a distance of perhaps ten miles, saw with wonder people as poor as himself living in good houses surrounded by beautiful gardens, clothed in garments of the best quality and regularly supplied with meal, meat and other food without any apparent individual exertion. He could not fail to contrast the comforts and conveniences surrounding the dwel- 14 lings of the Harmonites with the dirt, desolation and discomforts of his own log hut. It opened to his mind a new train of thought. One of them said to me, 'I studies and studies on it,' an expression that depicts the feelings of every person that obtained a sight of Rapp's German community at Harmony." Father Rapp was at this time still the head of the communtiy and their spiritual advisor. His adopted son, Frederick Rapp carried on the business with the outer world, while Romelius L. Baker was the mana ger of the general merchandise store. When Indiana adopted a state Constitution at Corydon in 1816, Fred Rapp was a delegate to the assembly from Gibson County, and as a man of af fairs had great influence in that body. In 1820 he was appointed a member of a committee of ten to select a more central place for the capitol of the state of Indiana, which committee subsequently selected Indianapolis. In the year 1824 the Rappites or Harmonites, through the agency of Richard Flower, sold all their possessions on the Wabash, including the town of Harmony, to Robert Owen of Scotland for the sum of $150,000, and nearly all moved back to Pennsylvania, where they built a third town on the Ohio River be low Pittsburg, which they named Economy. A few remained in the state and these were the agitators for a large German immigration in the southern part of Indiana. Owen took possession of New Harmony 15 and promulgated his humanitarian ideas in the wil derness of America. Financially his experiment did not meet with the success that favored the thrifty Germans, who to the number of eight hundred had labored and built up a community which could be considered a model in its day. Yet Owen, McClure and the naturalists who frequently made New Har mony their abode, among them two German princes from the fatherland, contributed their share in the uplifting of humanity and the progress of the state. Since the Civil War, New Harmony has had a healthy growth and with its fine working men's library do nated by one of its public spirited citizens. Dr. Mur phy, together with other endowments, is now one of the most beautiful and progressive little towns of its size in the country. At Economy, the Rappites displayed the same ac tivity and industry. Father Rapp died here in the year 1847 at the age of ninety. The German historian Franz Loeher, visited him shortly before his death and gives a good account of Rapp and his co-workers in his book: "Land und Leute in der alten und neuen Welt" (Land and people of the old and new World.) During the civil war the Rappites displayed their pa triotism by taking into their community orphan chil dren of Union soldiers, who had been killed in the civil war, and raising them until they could support themselves. Among these was J. S. Duss, whose father had been mortally wounded at Gettysburg and 16 died in a hospital. Young Duss was raised in Econ omy, attended college, became a teacher and musi cian, and after his marriage joined the Harmonist so ciety and as one of the trustees directed the affairs of the community until it was dissolved in 1906. Sev eral German books were published at Economy, the best known being the hymn book of the society with the title: "Harmonisches Gesangbuch, theils von anderen Autoren theils neu verfasst" (Harmonic hymn book partly by other authors, partly original compositions). The first edition appearing in 1827 contained the militant songs of the old protestant church from the time of Martin Luther to Ernst Moritz Arndt and some newer songs by members of the society. It was in 1869 that the writer first saw New Har mony, many of the buildings reminding him of struc tures in the old country. Observing the neglected condition of the massive old Rappist church which was being used as a packing house, he wrote to the trustees of the society at Economy and suggested that they buy the building and donate it to the town for some good purpose. After some correspondence on the subject, Mr. Jonathan Lenz, one of the trustees of the society came to Evansville to visit the writer and then went to New Harmony, where he purchased the church and turned part of it into a public school. He also bought the burial ground of the Rappites, which had been unintentionally sold with the other 17 land and used the remaining bricks from the church to build a brick wall around this cemetery where sev eral hundred of the Harmonist pioneers lie buried, no monuments or mounds marking their resting places. Some fine trees which had grown up in the cemetery were ordered cut down by Mr. Lenz, much to the writer's regret. In the week of June 6-13, 1914, New Harmony cele brated its centennial anniversary, many literary men, statesmen and others assembling at the little town on the Wabash to pay homage to the early Ger man pioneers whose keen intellects and indomitable zeal had blazed a path for future generations. The first day of the celebration was Rapp Day and many people of German descent, the ancestors of some of whom had been pioneers of the town, came from near and far to honor the memory of the sturdy builders of New Harmony in song and speech in the old ceme tery of the Harmonists. The occasion was a most happy one and many were the wishes for the future prosperity of fair New Harmony on the banks of the Wabash. 18 OTHER IMMIGRANTS. After the departure of the great body of Harmon ists for Economy, Pa., only a few remained behind on farms near the old home town. Soon, however, other Germans came to help build up existing villages and to establish new ones. Vincennes had been established before Knox county, of which it is the county seat. Soon other counties on the Wabash and Ohio were or ganized, the first immigration, which came from the eastern states chiefly from Pennsylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, being directed to the southern part of the state. At the constitutional con vention at Corydon in 1816 only 13 counties were represented by delegates. On a chart of Indiana pub lished in the year 1817 the northern part of the state was a large empty space, only the following counties being given, Gibson, Posey, Warrick, Perry, Harrison, Clark, Jefferson, Switzerland,. Dearborn, Wayne, Franklin, Ripley, Jennings, Jackson, Washington, Orange, Pike, Daviess, Knox and Sullivan. To these counties there came many Germans, who as sturdy 19 / pioneers had a large posterity though sometimes with slightly altered names. Wayne County on the Ohio border naturally be came the home of many Germans across the line, chiefly from Cincinnati. Later, however, many immi grants came directly from the old country, a large number coming from Hanover, Germany. Among these there was a pioneer physician. Dr. Wedekind, who settled in Richmond. Dr. Wedekind became widely known through his contributions to news papers and magazines. At Centerville, nearby, a Pennsylvania-German Lutheran preacher, Samuel K. Hoshour, conducted a school and was the teacher of Oliver P. Morton, Lew Wallace and other eminent Indiana men. Lew Wallace gratefully mentions Hos hour in his autobiography. The poet Joaquin Miller was born near Marion, Grant County, among the In dians, who had a reservation there; and in his old days he wrote feelingly of his Indiana home and his old neighbors. Miller's mother was born at Frankfort on the Main. The Hoosier poet, James Whitcomb Riley, is also of German descent. In the year 1847 the first railroad in the state was built from Madison to Indianapolis. Madison attract ed many Germans and for a short time a German newspaper was published there. In 1850, John L. Mansfield (Johann B. Lutz) came to Madison from Lexington, Ky., where he had been a professor of 20 mathematics in Transylvania University and where he had married a lady by the name of Mansfield, whose name he adopted. Mansfield became very popular in Madison and was repeatedly elected to the state legis lature. During the civil war he was appointed general of the state militia by Governor Morton. The India napolis-Madison line was utilized during the war to transport many northern regiments to Kentucky. Between 1820 and 1840 large numbers of German immigrants came to Indiana via New Orleans and up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. This immigration came chiefly from Hessen-Darmstadt, Wupperthal and the Rhein province. Among those from Hessen- Darmstadt was William Heilman, who worked for a while on a farm in Posey county, became a successful manufacturer in Evansville and represented the 1st Indiana district in Congress. From Hueckeswagen, a town on the Wupper where broadcloth is manufactured, came William Rahm with his wife and eight children. Boarding a sailing vessel at Antwerp in October, 1848, they landed at New Or leans after a voyage of ninety-three days. Another trip on the steamer "Uncle Sam" finally brought them to Evansville, Indiana, on March 1, 1849. At Lamas- co, then a suburb, but now a part of greater Evans ville, Rahm established a general merchandise store with a stock of dry goods and hardware which he had brought from Germany. He soon built up a large business and his success attracted a large num- 21 ber of people from his home town. Of the new ar rivals some established themselves in Knox County, around Bethlehem Church, Ferdinand, Westphalia and Vincennes. Warrick county was divided and a new county formed which was named Vanderburg, after Judge Vanderburg of Vincennes, who was of Dutch extraction. Many Germans also settled in the river towns of Newburgh, Rockport, New Albany, Jeffersonville, Madison, Lawrenceburg and Mt. Ver non. A Swiss-German colony established Tell City, which soon became a live manufacturing town. In early days New Albany was the largest city in the state, but was soon outstripped by Indianapolis and Evansville. The country farther away from the Ohio gradually came under the plow. A fine Catholic seminary and monastery were established at St. Meinrad, while Fulda became the home of a pros perous Swiss-German settlement. The towns of Fer dinand, Huntingburg and Jasper, Dubois county, have a large German population, a German paper, "Das Signal," being published at Huntingburg. The names of such villages as Elberfeld, Haubstadt and Darm stadt indicate their early settlers, whose descendants still love their mother tongue and German customs. New Elsass, Dearborn County, was founded in 1839 by Frank Anton Walliser. Its early inhabitants ar ranged shooting matches and other German celebra tions which were attended from far and near. The passing through the state of the railroads brought a 22 large influx of Germans, Carl Schurz writing to his wife in 1852 from Indianapolis that of the 18,000 in habitants of that town 2,000 were Germans. Today Indianapolis has over 300,000 inhabitants, with a large, intelligent and prosperous German population. In the northern part of the state several counties were named after Germans who had distinguished themselves in the Revolutionary War — Steuben, De Kalb and Jasper. Terre Haute, La Fayette, Peru, Logansport, Elk hart, Bern, Michigan City, South Bend, Crown Point, Hammond and Ft. Wayne all have a large number of German citizens, many of whom take a prominent part in the commercial and social life of their re spective communities. When Germans settled in a town they generally soon built a meeting house or church, the preacher in the early times generally also assuming the duties of teacher in the community. When Dr. F. A. Wylie came from Pennsylvania to teach at the state university in Bloomington, he was accompanied by Lewis Bollman, a nephew of that genial adventurer, August Erich Bollman, who had tried to liberate General LaFayette when he was a prisoner at Olmuetz. The Bollmans came from Hoya on the Weser, Han over, Germany. Lewis Bollman was born May 24, 1811, at Williamsport, Pa., where he studied medicine before going to Bloomington, continuing his studies 23 and taking his degree at the Indiana University. Dr. Bollman was reporter of the Indiana Legislature for many years until appointed statistician of the Depart ment of Agriculture by Abraham Lincoln-. Upon his return from Washington, Bollman edited a paper at Bloomington and took a great interest in agriculture and the cause of the workingman. Bollman died at Bloomington on Sept. 3, 1888. Contemporaneously with Bollman there lived in Terre Haute a leading German lawyer by the name of Albert Lange. Born at Charlottenburg near Berlin on Sept. 26, 1801, Lange studied history and law at Berlin. The spread of the liberal movement attracted Lange to this country in the year 1829. For a short time he edited a German paper in Cincinnati. From there he went to Hancock County, Indiana, where he married the daughter of an old settler and farmed for some time. Moving to Terre Haute, he took up his old profession and prac ticed law. Drifting into politics, he joined the Whig party under Taylor and Filmore was U. S. Counsel at Rotterdam. Returning to Terre Haute, he was repeat edly elected to office, serving as mayor of the city for many years. In 1860 he was elected state auditor and proved of great assistance to Governor Oliver P Morton during the civil war. Relinquishing his of fice he retiirned to Terre Haute, where he continued to practice law until his death on July 25, 1869. An estimate of the German population of Indiana may be gained by the number of German papers 24 which circulated among them. When one considers that in pioneer times newspapers could not be sent long distances owing to lack of transportation facili ties, and were for the most part local papers published for the town and surrounding country, the large number of German papers published in various parts of the state in the early days bear evidence of the large and scattered German population. Let us see where German papers were published in this state and where they still exist. In Vincennes, when the first French settlers had died out, they were replaced in greater numbers by the Germans. This the oldest town in the state, now has several German congregations with fine churches. A number of its leading merchants, manufacturers and professional men can read and write German, but the German paper maintained by its citizens for some years no longer exists, the larger and more newsy German dailies from St. Louis and Evansville having replaced it at their breakfast table. Mt. Vernon also once had a German paper for the large German population of Posey county but it also was forced to give way to the St. Louis and Evans ville papers. Evansville, being the center of a large German population, has had many German newspapers. The first German paper, Der Volksbote, edited by J. Roh- ner was established in 1851 and was maintained for a long time. In 1853, Theodore Dietsch established "Die 25 Reform." Dietsch had been a member of the Frank furt Parliament and was perhaps too radical in his utterances as "the Reform" soon ceased to exist. An other reason for the brief existence of the "Reform" may be found in the circumstance that the publisher of its competitor, "Der Volksbote" had secured the services of a brilliant young German by the name of Frederick Keller, a theological student of Heidelberg, who was forced to leave the fatherland in the period of political unrest of 1848-1849. Passing through New York, Canada and Ohio, Keller drifted to Indi ana where he found employment as editorial writer for a number of German papers. Keller resided in Evansville twice and died here of pneumonia on Dec. 14, 1876 in his 48th year while editing "Die Union." Dr. Amelia R. Keller, of Indi anapolis is a daughter of this pioneer newspaper man. The "Union" and "Demokrat" existed in Evansville for a long time, the former as an evening and the latter as a morning paper, the "Union" finally selling out to its competitor, which is now the only German paper in Evansville appearing there over fifty years, and edited by Frederick Lauenstein. Rockport and Tell City also once supported Ger man local papers but are now supplied by Evansville and Louisville. At New Albany, Henry Lange for many years pub lished a German newspaper which was, however, final- 26 ly crowded out by the larger Louisville paper. Lange is also the author of two volumes of poems. At Jeffersonville, G. F. Engelhardt for many years published the "Beobachter aus Indiana." He also published and circulated many valuable German books and pamphlets. An accident on a traction car unfortunately put an end to Engelhardt's activity. At Huntingburg, Dubois County, there is the "Huntingburg Signal," its long existence proving the strong hold it has upon the Germans of that town and vicinity. Richmond and Bern also published German papers. At Indianapolis a number of German papers have been circulated among the people of this and neigh boring towns. In the year 1848 Julius Boetticher es tablished a weekly paper, "Das Indiana Volksblatt." It was well managed and secured a large circulation. The publication by this office in 1853 of a transla tion of the Indiana Statutes into German gives evi dence of the scope of this establishment and the large German population of the state at that time. Other papers making their appearance were "Die Freie Presse," "Tribuene," "Telegraph," and "Spottvogel." At the present time there appear the daily "Tele graph" and the "Tribuene," and the Sunday "Spottvo gel," both having a large circulation. Indianapolis has had some very able editorial writers, among whom I might mention Julius Boetticher, Adolf Seidensticker, 27 Frederick Keller, Carl Beischlag, T. B. Jeup and Phillip Rappaport. Terre Haute has also had several German papers, the "Terre Haute Journal" still existing. At La Fayette, Francis Johnson edited the "Deutsch Amerikaner," and published several books in the English language. Logansport still maintains a German weekly, while the large German dailies of Chicago seem to supply the needs of the large German population of Crown Point, Michigan City, South Bend and Hammond. At Fort Wayne we find the strong German daily "Freie Presse und Staatszeitung," ably edited by Her man Mackwitz, and well supported by Concordia Col lege and the many good German families of Ft. Wayne and vicinity. Thus we find German newspa pers published and eagerly read in all parts of the Hoosier State. 28 GERMANS IN THE CIVIL WAR. The early German pioneers of Indiana took little interest in National politics, their minds being too much occupied with putting their homes in order. The presidential campaign of William Harrison, who had been their war governor when Indiana was yet a ter ritory and with whom they had marched in their wars with the Indians and the English, served to stir up the Hoosiers. Little did they dream then that half a cen tury later many of them would fight in a greater war. At the organization of the Northwest Territory it was ordained that slavery should be excluded from its bounds, but the slavery question continued to be agitated with more fervor as the years passed by. It was, as Carl Schurz termed it, "an irrepressible con flict," while Abraham Lincoln in his famous debate with Douglass said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot en dure permanently half slave and half free." The Germans of the United States were for freedom of the colored race and bitterly opposed to slavery. Out 29 of eighty-eight German newspapers in the United States eighty opposed the Kansas-Nebraska bill, the Germans of Indiana sharing the views of their com patriots in the Nation at large. As stated in a prev ious chapter, the German revolution of 48-49 brought to this country many well educated men, such as Carl Schurz and others. Many of these became newspaper editors and opposed slavery from the lecture plat form. In the National Republican convention at Chi cago in 1860, a large number of the delegates from Indiana were Germans. The committee on resolu tions which drafted the party platform had among its members such well known Germans as Carl Schurz of Wisconsin, Gustav Koerner of Illinois, and Judge Wm. H. Otto of New Albany, Indiana. Judge Otto being the secretary of the committee. A Hoosier German was thus largely instrumental in drawing up the platform on which Lincoln was elected. When the war broke out Evansville had a military organization known as the Steuben artillery, com posed entirely of Germans and organized several years before. The company consisted of fifty men, eight or nine of whom came from Tell City, Martin Klauss serving as captain. They were sworn in as state militia and equipped with two cannons and twenty-four Mississippi rifles. They were first sta tioned at Evansville where they examined boats on the Ohio river for contraband of war for the south. In June, 1861, they were sent to Indianapolis to en- 30 list in the United States service as the First Battery of Indiana. Here the company was further equipped with cannon, ammunition and horses and sent to Mis souri. The battery arrived after the battle of Wilson Creek and took part in the campaign following, doing such good service at the battle of Pea Ridge on March 7 and 8, 1862, that they received the commendation of General Franz Sigel for their prompt action in carrying out orders. The First Indiana Battery aided in the siege of Vicksburg and took part in many other engagements during the war until mustered out of the service on August 22, 1865. The Sixth Indiana Battery was also recruited in Evansville, and composed of German volunteers with Fred Behr as Captain. Behr lost his life on the first day of the battle of Shiloh, the Sixth Indiana Bat tery being stationed in the woodland at the extreme right when caught in a flank movement by the enemy, from which only one cannon commanded by Lieuten ant Wm. Mussman was able to extricate itself. This cannon and two others of Hoffmann's battery in charge of the men of the 6th Indiana Battery helped to recapture the cannons which had been taken the day before at Shiloh Battle. Michael Mueller was the successor of Captain Behr and ably led this company till mustered out of service on Sept. 9th, 1864. The largest body of Germans was the 32d Infantry Regiment recruited from the larger cities of the state, there being a company from Evansville, Terre Haute, 31 LaFayette and other places, August Willich being its first Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel H. Von Trebra its drill master at Indianapolis. Both Willich and Von Trebra had been officers in the Prussian army. The latter was living with his family on a small farm near Danville, Illinois, when the war broke out. Hear ing that a German regiment was being organized at Indianapolis, Von Trebra went there and enlisted, be coming its drill master and bringing it to a high state of efficiency. August Willich was a dashing and fear less leader and was often called the Bluecher of our western armies. The 32d Indiana infantry regiment was commanded in the German language, each com pany having a book in which the orders of the colonel or superior officer were written in German. When the regiment was ready for military service, it was sent by rail to Madison and from there by boat to Louisville, where it joined General Buell's army. The first engagement of the 32d Indiana regiment was at Rowletts station near Munfordville, Ky., on December 17, 1861. Four companies had been sent south over the Green River to observe the enemy when they were suddenly attacked by an overwhelm ing force and the bugler called for help. Colonel Willich being absent at a council of war. Colonel Von Trebra assumed command and hastened with a part of the regiment to the assistance of the troops en gaged, driving the enemy back with great loss. In 32 recognition of the valor of the regiment. General Buell issued the following order: General Orders. No. 23. Headquarters Department of the Ohio. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 27, 1861. The General Commanding takes pleasure in bring ing to notice the gallant conduct of a portion of C«l. Willich's regiment, 32d Indiana at Rowletts Station in front of Munfordville on the 17th inst. Four com panies of the regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Von Trebra, on outpost duty, were attacked by a column of the enemy, consisting of one regiment of cavalry, a battery of artillery and two regiments of infantry. They defended themselves until reinforced by other companies of the regiment, and the fight was con tinued with such effect that the enemy at length re treated precipitately. The attack of the enemy was mainly with his cavalry and artillery. Our troops fought as skirmishers, rallying rapidly into squares when charged by the cavalry, sometimes even defend ing themselves singly and killing their assailants with the bayonet. The General tenders his thanks to the officers and soldiers of the regiment for their gallant and efficient conduct on this occasion. He commends it as a study and example to all other troops under his command and enjoins them to emulate the discipline and instruction which insure such results. The name of Rowlett's Station will be inscribed in 33 the regimental colors of the 32d Indiana regiment. By command of Brigadier General Buell, James B. Fry, A. A. G. Chief of Staff. Many years after the war General John M. Claiborne, a southern aristocrat, as he styled himself, in a series of articles for the Gal veston News, gave an exaggerated account of the part that Terry's Texas Rangers took in the fight at Row lett's Station, which caused Wm. Friedersdorf, an old soldier of the 32d Indiana regiment, to send the fol lowing communication to a Missouri paper. "In stead of 3,000 "federal Dutch" engaged that day, our force did not number over 700, all belonging to the 32nd Indiana infantry. We were called Germans (Dutch by the enemy) but the majority of us were born or raised under the flag, which we served — the stars and stripes and understood for what we were fighting. We were all American citizens. I think fifty-five of our regiment had seen service in the old country. We received the same pay as other soldiers, and like most of the others, the majority of us could have made much more outside than in the service. We were doing picket duty, not having started on the march, when the rangers attacked us. There were just four, not fifteen cabins, "nigger quarters" at the place. We had only thirteen killed in that engagement, in cluding brave Lieutenant Sacks, a Jew who died re volver in hand, rather than surrender. On a little mound in Munfordville are twelve 34 graves holding the remains of all our men killed in action, except those of Lieutenant Sacks, which were sent to a brother in Philadelphia. A farmer showed us two graves six or seven miles south of our little battle and told us they contained the bodies of two of our men murdered by Col. Terry's son while prisoners. We never heard of that youthful "aristocrat" aveng ing his father's death in open battle. Not over twen ty-five of our men were wounded ; they all recovered. We admired the bravery and dash of Col. Terry and his command, but facts are facts, and facts are said to be stubborn things. If the battle was over "in a period of four minutes," that was all the time re quired by the "Dutch" to clean up the rangers, aris tocracy and all. They left their dead commander on the field and asked for his remains the next day." The 32nd Indiana was with General Buell at Shiloh and helped win that battle, on the second day. Col onel August Willich was soon afterward assigned as Brigadier General of the 6th Brigade and Lieutenant Colonel Von Trebra took command of the 32d Indi ana regiment on Aug. 9th, 1862, at Battle Creek. Un fortunately Von Trebra took sick and was obliged to return to his home in Illinois, where he soon after died. A younger brother of Von Trebra who had en listed as a private in the 32nd regiment, later became a captain and remained with his company to the end of the war. Colonel F. Erdelmeyer was the last com manding officer of the 32nd and remained so until it 35 was mustered out of service in the fall of 1864. This regiment had a good reputation and took part in all the great battles in the West: Stone River, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge and the Atlanta campaign. All the regiments from Indiana had Germans in their ranks, some having whole companies. Of the 14th Indiana, which was sent to the Shenandoah Val ley and fought at Antietam and Gettysburg, over half were composed of Germans, Company E being wholly Germans. In the 24th regiment, organized by Alvin P. Hovey, later Governor of Indiana, one company, led by Captain John Grill, was entirely composed of Germans, while other companies were about half Ger man. A large per cent of the 42nd Indiana regfment were also Germans, John E. Eigenmann rising to the captaincy of Company D. Eigenmann was severely wounded and captured at the battle of Stone River. Being unfit for further service he was paroled to the end of the war. Company A, of the 136th Indiana regiment, was German with the exception of one comrade, whom we taught so much German that he was able to understand us. Other companies of this regiment were also largely composed of Germans. Many of the commanding officers of our regiments were born in the fatherland and had seen service there. Among these we might mention General Wil lich, Colonel Von Trebra, Colonel Erdelmeyer, who commanded the 32nd regiment. Colonel Carl A. Zol linger of the 129th regiment, and Colonel Rheinland- 36 er, of the 25th. Colonel Richard Dale Owen, son of the social reformer, Robert Owen, of New Harmony fame, was educated in Switzerland and spoke German well, his regiment having many Germans in its ranks. Lieutenant Colonel Gustav Gerber died at the head of his regiment in the battle of Shiloh. Among the Indiana generals there were some of German descent, as well as some of German birth. Thus the grandparents of General Pleasant Adams Hackleman had immigrated from the fatherland in 1773 and 1774 settled in the Carolinas, whence they crossed the mountains to Kentucky and 1800 moved to Indiana. Hackleman's father was born in North Carolina in 1786, while he himself was born at BrookviUe, Ind., in October, 1816. As I was told by Dr. Hackleman of Rockport, a cousin of the general, Abraham Lincoln, after his inauguration as President, appointed the general as a member of a peace con gress which held a conference with representatives from the south, without, however, accomplishing any thing. When the war broke out Governor Morton appointed Hackleman colonel of a regiment. On April 28, 1862, he became a general, his old regiment hon oring him by presenting him with a fine sword. He was destined not to enjoy his promotion long, as he was killed on October 3, 1862, at Yuka, near Corinth, while leading a charge of his brigade. General Hack leman was the only general from Indiana to lose his life on the field of battle. 37 August Willich was born at Braunsberg, Prussia, on Nov. 14, 1810. At the age of 12 he was sent to a military school at Potsdam. Upon graduating he en listed in the Prussian military service as lieutenant of artillery and was assigned to the fortress of Wesel. The wave of liberalism which swept through the Rhineland in the forties led him to quit the service, which he re-entered, however, in the revolutionary period of 1848, becoming an associate of Franz Sigel in Baden. At the close of this revolution Willich and many others emigrated to America. Being an able civil engineer, Willich soon found employment in the Coast Survey of North and South Carolina. Here he became acquainted with the intrigues of the southern slave holding aristocracy. Coming north to Cincin nati he edited a German paper and at the outbreak of the civil war organized the 9th Ohio regiment and later the 32nd Indiana, of which he became colonel. Willich was a courageous leader and splendid disci plinarian, and good to his men. After the battle of Shiloh he was appointed general of the 6th brigade. In the battle of Stone River (Murfeesboro) his, impetuosity led to his capture by the Confeder ates. He was soon after exchanged and with his regi ment again and distinguished himself with his troops in the battles of Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge. At Resaca he was shot in the right arm, which was lame after that. After the war Willich retired to St. Mary's, Ohio, where he died on January 22nd, 38 1878. A fine monument erected to his memory by his comrades, who respected and loved him, marks his final resting place in Elm Grove cemetery, near St. Mary's. General Fred Knefler, another Indiana man, was a German-American. He was in the thick of the fight at Chattanooga and Mission Ridge, of which battles he later gave vivid descriptions. In the early part of the civil war there was great need of all sorts of war utensils and Governor Morton therefore established an arsenal to manufacture these, putting in charge a German by the name of Herman Sturm, who was at that time conducting a small ma chine shop in Indianapolis. Sturm proved himself equal to the task and under his direction articles to the value of $800,000 were manufactured for the In diana troops. At the conclusion of the war the Na^ tional Government took possession of the arsenal. 39 AFTER THE CIVIL WAR. At the close of the war one regiment after another was mustered out of service, the soldiers left for their respective homes to become civilians again, and this country, so rich in resources, prospered as never be fore. The thrifty Germans made good farmers, and often on land where others could not eke out an existence, they made a good living. In the cities the German artisan, tradesman and professional man also pros pered. They generally had large families, often gave their children a college education and otherwise pro vided for them. Some of these German-Americans are worth remembering. We will give a brief sketch af a few. In the spring of 1853 there came to Green castle, Ind., from Bischofsheim on the Rhine, not far from Strassburg, a young baker by the name of Louis Weik. Young Weik established and successfully conducted a bakery for a number of years. He raised a large family and was highly respected in the com munity, being repeatedly elected to the city council. His son, Jesse W. Weik, together with William H. 40 Herndon, Abraham Lincoln's law partner, edited one of the best biographies of Lincoln in existence and he IS now engaged to verify the route the Lincoln family took in moving from Spencer county to Illinois. Ex-Governor Conrad Baker and his brother, Wil liam Baker, a former mayor of Evansville, Indiana, were Pennsylvania Germans, who had come to Indi ana from Bethlehem, Pa., long before the war. At the beginning of the war, Conrad Baker, who was then practicing law at Evansville, was appointed colonel of the First Indiana cavalry. He was subsequently elected lieutenant governor and governor of Indiana. Indiana has had five state treasurers of German de scent. The first of these, August Lemcke, became well known as a writer and financier. Lemcke was born in Hamburg, Germany, and as a young man came to this country to make his home with an uncle, who had a general merchandise store in Posey Coun ty. Young Lemcke later moved to Evansville, where he held several positions in the city administration and was elected sheriff of Vanderburgh County for two consecutive terms. As state treasurer he was very popular and at the conclusion of his term of office made his home in Indianapolis. In 1905 he wrote a book entitled, "Reminiscences of an Indianian, from the sassafras log behind the barn in Posey County to broader fields." Several large office buildings in Indianapolis bear his name. Indiana has also had several good judges, who came 41 from the fatherland. George Ludwig Reinhard was born on July 5, 1843, in Unterfranken, Bavaria, and came to America with his mother in 1857. At the be ginning of the civil war he enlisted in the 15th Indi ana regiment and fought in the battles of Green Briar, W. Va., Perryville, Ky., Shiloh, Stone River, Lookout Mountain, and other engagements. After the war Reinhard took up the study of law at Owens- boro, Ky. A few years later he removed to Rockport, Ind., where he was elected prosecuting attorney for Spencer and Warrick Counties, and in 1882 judge for these two counties, to which position he was re-elect ed in 1882. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the Appellate Court in 1891, Governor Hovey appointed Judge Reinhard to the position, the people of the state sanctioning the appointment in the election the year following. Upon his retirement from the bench, Judge Reinhard was called to a chair in the law school of the State University at Bloomington and died as dean of this school some years later. Judge Reinhard was the author of several law books. Judge Peter Maier emigrated to Ohio when quite young and after receiving his education there, began the practice of law in Evansville, Ind., was elected judge of the Circuit Court in Vanderburgh County and many years later justice of the peace in Evans ville, but died before finishing his term of office. Judge Johannes Kopelke, of Crown Point, Ind., was born on June 14, 1854, in Buchwald, near Neustettin, 42 Pommern, Germany. After studying law at Ann Ar bor, Michigan, he started the practice of his profes sion at Crown Point, Ind. The high esteem in which Kopelke is held by the people of his section of the state is shown by his election to various positions of trust. He has served in the State Senate and on Feb. 23, 1911, he was appointed Judge of the Lake County Superior Court by Governor Marshall. He is a ver satile writer, and upon his return from a visit to Europe he published a fascinating book on his trip entitled "Sommerausflug nach Europa, hauptsaechlich Deutschland," (Summer Outing to Europe, especially Germany.) Indiana has had quite a number of German-Ameri can representatives in the lower House of Congress. John Kleiner, a German school master, was elected mayor of Evansville and then elected to represent the First district of Indiana in Congress. William Heilman, a manufacturer of portable saw mills and other machinery, and who in his time was one of the leading manufacturers in the state, was elected to the State Senate and later represented the First district in Congress. John W. Boehne, who was born in a German settle ment in Vanderburgh County, came to Evansville when a young man and by dint of industry and thrift amassed a fortune in the foundry business. After twice serving the city of Evansville as mayor, he was 43 elected to represent its large commercial interests as Congressman in Washington. Charles Lieb, of Rockport, the present Congress man of the First district, was born in Flehingen, Ger many, May 20, 1852. Coming to Rockport when young he has since resided there, and as one of its leading bankers, has contributed his share in build ing up this prosperous little town. Before his election to Congress, Lieb served three terms in the State Legislature. The 13th Congressional District of Indiana is rep resented in Washington by Henry A. Barnhart, son of a German Baptist minister. It has frequently been said that Germans do not take enough interest in politics. The names of the above, together with the large number who have been elected to the legislature and filled county and city offices, prove the contrary. However, it should be of greater interest to know how this large immigration has aided in the development of the state. The Germans are frugal and industrious, persever ing and thrifty. They do not speculate nor gamble and by their economical mode of living they have set a good example to others. Two German schools of Indiana have exerted a great influence for good in this state, Concordia Col lege of Ft. Wayne, which is still in existence, and the "German-English Independent School" at Indianapo lis, which existed for many years and in which many 44 of the best citizens of Indianapolis received their edu cation. Teachers of the public schools frequently visited these schools to study the methods of the Ger man teachers. Theodore Stein of Indianapolis, who was once a student of the German-English Independent school, has written an interesting history of his alma mater, which is well worth reading. When the school ceased to exist, its teachers readily found positions in the public schools of the state. One of these, Professor Theodore Dingeldey, taught school for many years in a small country school in Posey County, and upon his death his former pupils erected a fine monument over his last resting place in the Zion's Church Cemetery, Posey County. The writer once stood at the grave of this good and learned pedagogue and saw the follow ing epitaph on his tombstone: Here Hes the body of Prof. Theodore Dingeldey, born in Germany, 1845. Died Feb., 1903. Sleep on dear friend and take your rest. We know that you Have done your best. This stone was erected here By those to whom he was dear. Wherever Germans lived in any number a meeting house was built and a singing society organized. The Harmonists of New Harmony were the first to organ- 45 ize a singing society. They had a good band and on the Fourth of July invited the farmers of the neigh borhood and entertained them with patriotic songs and music. From New Harmony singing societies spread over the whole state, the larger societies in the cities employing music directors to teach them. Thus the Germans have undoubtedly done much to bring music to the homes and firesides of the people of In diana and popularized Mozart and Beethoven. They also introduced gymnastics here. German turning societies existed in the state long before the civil war. Today calisthenic exercises form part of the curriculum of our public schools. Though only a modest beginning has been made in art, the future promises much. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Indianapolis, perhaps the most pretentious architectural and sculptural achievement in the state, was planned by a German, Bruno Schmitz, and the artist, who made the fine sculptural work at the foot and around the monument, was Rud. Schwartz, another German. In many other things, making for progress, the Germans have taken the initiative. From them we have learned a great deal in scientific and intensive farming and the care and breeding of our domestic animals. The German word for domestic animals is "Hausthiere," which would signify that they belong to the house and should receive humane treatment. With this impulse Adolph Melzer, a citizen of Ger- 46 man birth and a friend of animals, has built a "Friendly Inn" for horses in Evansville, the second largest city of the state, where he boards hungry and neglected horses, giving them shelter and food at the lowest possible cost to their owners. He has also caused to be placed in one of the streets of the city a fine fountain for horses and dogs. It is a little early to speculate on the influence of the Germans on the English, or rather American lan guage, yet we find many German words used in Eng lish b,ooks. Thus we find the words "plunder" and "plunder box" in the works of Eggleston and other writers in expressing things of little value and boxes for storing them. Not long ago while walking through the public market the writer saw a small boy walk up to a stand with a bowl in his hand and call for a dimes' worth of Schmier-Kas (cottage cheese). Sauer-kraut has also become almost as popular here as in the old country, while Froebel's kindergarten has now a strong hold in our public communities and with it, the word kindergarten has been incorporated in our language. We could extend this list of household words of German origin, but these few may suffice. 47 GERMAN INDUSTRY AND PUBLIC INSTITU TIONS. One of the largest factories in Indiana is. the South Bend establishment of the Pennsylvania-German, Studebaker Brothers, the greatest wagon builders in the state. These Americans were proud of their Pennsylvania-German origin.. They moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio, later to South Bend, Indiana, where they started with moderate means their large wagon factory, which has grown from year to year, notwithstanding many discouragements and a severe loss by fire, which consumed the entire plant. Un dismayed, the brothers set to work and rebuilt it, with added improvements, making now also automobiles and kindred articles. Their products go to every part of the civilized world. The Studebakers were patriotic people. In a park near Lincoln City, which now is state property, Peter E. Studebaker had a slab raised to the memory of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, the Presi dent's mother, whose grave had been neglected for more than 60 years. The erected slab bears this in scription : To the mother of our martyred President. 48 Erected by a frienlS. No one knew who gave it, with it were directions that it should be placed above the grave of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, with an iron fence around it. The request of the unknown donor was carried out, but the men who did the work at the time did not know who paid them. The money came through a bank in Rockport and that was all that was known. Col. Geo. M. Studebaker, eldest son of Clem Stude baker, was the commanding officer of the 157th Regi ment Ind. Vol. in the Spanish war. John Moler Studebaker, the sole survivor of the five brothers, celebrated his golden wedding in 1910 and is still hale and hearty. He has been a munifi cent patron of South Bend, one of his recent gifts being a $25,000 electric fountain, erected in one of the parks — and furthermore has done much to aid in the promotion of the South Bend park system. In Evansville we have the largest cigar factory un der one roof; the ground on which the factory stands measures 241 by 469 feet, the buildings of brick, are modern and sanitary, a model of its kind. 2,000 per sons, mostly girls, work in this factory and when they go to or return from work swarms of neatly clad women throng the sidewalks of the streets. The daily output of hand made cigars is 400,000. Diamond Joe and Charles Denby are the main brands of the factory. The founder, Hermann Fendrich, was born on the Mth of April, 1813, in Baden-Baden, Germany; 49 when 8 years old he came with his parents to Balti more, where he worked with four brothers in the to bacco business. In 1850 he came West and established his own tobacco store on Main street, between First and Second streets. After many years of hard labor and industry, he became wealthy and after death left the management of his large business in the hands of his son, H. Fendrich, who erected the present build ings and enlarged the business. Another example of foresight and perseverance is Herman Hullman, Sr., of Terre Haute. Born in Ger many he came to this country without means and laid a foundation for his wholesale business so strong and good that he could branch out and extend his busi ness in Terre Haute to other cities, where he estab lished new stores; by and by he established new stores in Mattoon, 111., and Evansville, which flourished as the mother house. At the same time he was a benevo lent citizen in his home town and wherever he went. He donated large sums to a hospital, and other insti tutions received aid from him ; when he died two years ago he left a large fortune to his two sons. On Pigeon Creek, near its confluence with the Ohio river, is sit uated the oldest and well arranged saw mill in Evans ville. It was erected by John A. Reitz, an emigrant from Dorlar in Westphalia, Germany, who came to Evansville, December, 1836, and was followed by many relatives; he started the mill in 1845, which has foeen in continuous operation since. After the death 50 of John A. Reitz, his eldest son, Francis Joseph Reitz, born in Evansville in 1841, became manager of the saw mill; he is interested in the furniture business and other industries and had been for some time a trustee in the City National Bank of Evansville, when he was elected its president. The new bank recently occupied, was erected under his supervision and is as substantial as it is beautiful. Francis Joseph Reitz is a kind hearted man, righteous in his dealings with others and well liked. The Old State National Bank in Evansville, the oldest in the city, has also a Ger man president, Henry Reis, born on February 15, 1847, near Mainz, Germany; came with his parents from the fatherland in 1849 to Indiana; they settled in the country, but soon moved to Evansville, where young Reis had better opportunities to receive an education. When he left school, he worked for some time in a drug store, then in a bank and worked him self up from a bank clerk to his present position. He celebrated not long ago his 50th anniversary as a banker and received on this occasion many acknowl edgments of good friendship and fellowship. The bank is building a splendid new business house, in which the Old State National Bank will occupy the lower floor, in the spring of our centennial year. The People's Savings Bank is too presided over by a German pioneer, Henry V. Bennighof, born in 1833 in Wonheim, Rhein-Hessen, came to Evansville in 1852, engaged in business and took part in the Sav- 51 ings Bank, where in 1875 he was elected a trustee and is now the bank's president. Mr. Bennighof at the age of 82 is still active and goes to the bank every day to greet his many friends. The reader will not go amiss if he concludes that the other officers and the stockholders of these banks are mostly Germans or of German descent. Many German business men and artisans have helped to build up these banks and they have done their part faithfully, as no bank has ever failed in Evansville. Such a good, honest citizen, for instance, was Gott lieb Bippus; he was born in Holtzhausen, Wurtem berg, October 13th, 1813, and arrived in Evansville in 1836. He married the following year and estab lished himself as a house carpenter and contractor in Lamasco, an adjoining town ; many houses were built by him there and in the surrounding country. He was one of the founders of the "Dreieinigkeits Gemeinde" (the first Lutheran church) and built their first frame church. He and his wife raised a large family and one son, Jacob Bippus, the well known contractor, and nine grandsons followed in his footsteps and became carpenters in Evansville and Illinois, as he had been. Indianapolis has many German business houses and financiers. Men like Hermann Lieber, who was not only a manufacturer but also an art connoisseur and progressive citizen; Clemens Vonnegut, O. N. Fren zel, president of the Merchants' National Bank, and his brother, J. P. Frenzel, president of the Indiana 52 Trust Co., Theodore Stempfel, Armin Bohn, are well known throughout the state. Over the state, in many other places, we find manufacturers and financial in stitutions, which are controlled by officers and stock holders of German descent, who have proved them selves capable men. The churches of the different religious denomina tions and their schools are substantial and fine struc tures, which do honor to the religious sentiment of their people. Indiana can also be proud of her many benevolent institutions, to whose support the Ger mans have freely contributed. There are hospitals in the larger cities, a home for old people in Indianapolis and an orphan asylum. The singing societies and turners have fine buildings with large, splendid halls and in Indianapolis they are rightly proud of the "German House." 53 PIONEERS IN THE PROFESSIONS. As rich as commercial activities of the Germans in Indiana were, we must not forget what was accom plished in the professions by them. In the course of our narrative, we called the attention of our readers to officers, lawyers and judges, who were known and respected by the people; so we had physicians and doctors who held an honored place in their communi ties. The pioneer physician was not an expert in ab dominal surgery or modern bacteriology, but never theless Tie was an adept in the healing art and prac ticed it conscientiously in his neighborhood. Such an old pioneer physician was Doctor Konradin Homburg in Indianapolis; he was born in Rhein-Pfalz, Ger many, in 1797, and came to the United States in 1826. Cincinnati was his first stopping place, but he soon came to Indianapolis. A busy practitioner, he was also a progressive citizen and at one time a trustee of the German-English Independent school; he died in Indianapolis March 1, 1881. In Evansville, Doctor Francis Muehlhausen was the pioneer German physician. He emigrated with his 54 wife and son Mathias, from Hesse Darmstadt, Ger many, in the fall of 1838. They landed at Baltimore and moved to Taylorsville, Ohio, where Dr. Muehl hausen practiced medicine for about one year, and then came to Lamasco, an adjoining German town of Evansville, which was incorporated later into the greater Evansville, where he opened an office on Ful ton avenue. In this new country and among his coun trymen from abroad he gathered a large practice and soon built a commodious house in Lamasco, where he died in the year 1862. Doctor Ludwig Fritsch, born February 3, 1824, in Paderborn, Germany, came to Evansville from Cin cinnati in 1849; he was a well educated physician, a very busy practitioner; being also a horticulturist, he loved to cultivate flowers on his farm just outside the city. Dr. Fritsch has done much to popularize natural sciences; he died June 26, 1900. Doctor Adolphus F. Wulkop was another pioneer physician in Evansville. He was born in 1809 in the province of Hanover, Germany, and came to the United States in 1838. For some years he practiced in Louisville, Ky., where he was also interested in a drug store. In 1855 Doctor Wulkop came to Evans ville and for 30 years until the time of his death, on November 24th, 1884, was a successful practicing physician of this city. In Ferdinand, Dubois Co., there lived about this time Doctor Matthew Kempf, who was known as a 55 surgeon and whose services were in great demand in the country and in the surrounding territory. No doubt there were other physicians throughout the state who made friends in the families in which they served.. The clergy of the Catholic and Protestant churches were generally scholars and school masters, teaching the children in the German language. When the con gregation became larger and could afford it, a teacher was employed. A number of the pastors and teachers wrote books and through them became more widely known. Pastor Henry Meissner, of St. Charles church, in Peru, Ind., came from Muenster, Germany, where he was born in 1842. He watched over his peo ple, who honored him as a father, about 30 years, and when he died, he left some literary productions, which are worth reading. One, "Knabbeln," is written in "Low German," the language of his native country, and is, as the title indicates, of a humorous nature. His poems, "Orgeltoene," printed in 1887 in Bocholt, Germany, contain beautiful specimens, the inspira tions of a talented man. Dr. W. Sihler, pastor and teacher in Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana, published in 1872 "Epistel Predigten," which were much read by members of his church. In the State University at Bloomington first class German in structors were employed. Carl Osthaus, who gradu ated from the Gymnasium in Hildesheim, Germany, and later from the State University, has for many 56 years been an efficient teacher in our University. He is the author of several German text-books for schools and has contributed articles in German and English for magazines and newspapers. Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann was born in Flehingen, Germany, March 9, 1863. He came to America as a boy and received his early schooling in Rockport, Spencer Co., Ind. He studied at Indiana University and at Harvard and has been Professor of Zoology at Indiana since 1891. He has won especial eminence in the field of ichthyology and has written several books and numerous papers on his favored study. We have quite a number of German authors in In diana, who deserve mention in this chapter. Otto'Stechhan of Indianapolis came to this coun try with his parents from Berlin, his birthplace, at the age of three. He attended the German-American Independent school in Indianapolis and remembers with pleasure his school days and his teachers. He was in the furniture business and became independ ent. Elected to the Indiana legislature as a represen tative from Indianapolis, he went there with good in tentions for reform, but was not so successful and was glad to return to private life. He has written novels and poems in English and German. A volume of poems, "Lieben und Leben,!" (Love and Life) ap peared in 1894. Lorenz Rohr, born in 1847, in Vinningen, a village two miles from Landau, Rhein-Pfalz, studied in 57 Munich and Tuebingen, and was for many years and at the time of his death in 1902, editor of the German Demokrat, in Evansville. In 1869 he published a small volume of poems under the title, "Zwewle, Knowloch un Marau," in the dialect as spoken in his native vil lage. These humorous poems inspired by his love for his old home, were received with great pleasure by his countrymen. , Joseph Keller, of Indianapolis, has given us a good book in a volume "Zwischen Donau und Rhein." He gives therein an account of his younger years and de scribes the beautiful country of his native land, the Black Forest, Hohenzollern, Hohentwiel and other ro mantic places. The beautiful views and pictures of villages and cities in the book make it still more agreeable to its readers. The singing societies over the state, especially in Indianapiolis and Evansville, had the best of teachers. The Maennerchor in Indianapolis had, as its director for many years. Professor Carl Baruch, and the Ev ansville Liederkranz, the oldest singing society in the metropolis on the Ohio, had Professor Johannes Wer- schinger and other talented directors. 68 GERMAN-AMERICAN ALLIANCE OF INDIANA. Like the great banyan tree, whose branches and foliage cover more than an acre of land, the German- American Alliance spreads its network of societies over the whole country. The German-American Al liance of Indiana is a branch of the National Organi zation and is governed by the same principles. They are in brief: 1. The Alliance refrains from all interference in party politics. Whenever its principles are attacked or endangered by political measures, the society re gards it as its right and duty to defend these in the political field. 2. Questions of religion are strictly excluded. 3. It recommends the introduction of the study of German in the public schools on the following broad basis: Along with English, German is a world lan guage. Wherever the pioneers of civilization, trade and commerce have penetrated we find both English and Germans represented, and wherever the knowl edge of two languages prevails an independent, clear 59 and unprejudiced understanding is more readily formed and friendly relations promoted. 4. We live in an age of progress and invention. With the rapid pace of our time the demands on the individual are inexorable, requiring a healthy mind in a healthy body. The Alliance therefore favors sys tematic instruction of physical culture in our public schools. 5. It favors taking the school out of politics, for only a system of education that is free from political influence can attain the best results. 6. It urges all Germans to acquire the right of citi zenship as soon as possible, to take an active part in public life and to exercise their right at the polls. 7. It favors either the liberal interpretation or the abolition of laws that put unnecessary difficulties in the way of acquiring the right to citizenship and fre quently prevent it. Good character and not the abil ity to answer a set of arbitrary questions on history and politics ought to determine the fitness of the ap plicant. 8. It opposes every restriction of immigration of healthy persons of Europe, exclusive of anarchists and convicted criminals. 9. It favors the abolition of laws which check free intercourse and restrict the personal freedom of the citizen. 10. It favors the founding of societies which fos ter the German language and literature; teach those 60 anxious to learn; and arrange courses of lectures on art and science, and topics of general interest. 11. It favors a systematic investigation of the share Germans have had in the development of their adopted country, in war and in peace as the basis of a history of German-American activity. The German-American Alliance of Indiana this year held its 12th annual session at Ft. Wayne. The Alli ance now embraces 123 different societies, including singing and gymnastic societies. Catholic and Protestant benevolent societies, etc. Since its organ ization it has been ably presided over by Joseph Kel ler, of Indianapolis, who with the other officers, have spared no effort to make the Alliance a success. The various societies and city organizations constituting the State Alliance give all kinds of German entertain ments, engage good lecturers, promote the German theater, singing, etc. The State Alliance now has a membership of over 10,000 members of both sexes, there being a number of women's clubs. Every year the Alliance meets ih one of the cities of the state, the various organiza tions being represented by delegates. The session of the convention generally closes with a German day celebration of speech-making, song and frolic. The proceedings of the convention and the reports of the various societies and the committees of the state or ganization are published in pamphlet form and are eagerly read by Germans in this and other states. 61 CONTENTS FAQB The Early Settlers of Indiana 5 New Harmony a German Settlement 10 Other Immigrants 19 Germans in the Civil War 29 After the Civil War 40 German Industry and Public Institutions 48 Pioneers in the Learned Profession 54 German-American Alliance of Indiana 59 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01503 9986 Mr/- 1 'i I N. • ?• ft..,!! «-»- r^' '^ 'In