YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HISTORY SCHOHARIE COUNTY, BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK: CONTAINING ALSO A SKETCH OF THE CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ; INTERESTING MEMORANDA OF THE MOHAWK VALLEY; TOGETHER WITH MUCH OTHER HISTORICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTER, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. ILLUSTRATED WITH MORE THAN THIRTY ENGRAVINGS. BY JEPTHA R. SIMMS. Sleep soldiers of merit, sleep gallants of yore, The hatchet is fallen, the struggle is o'er, — While the fir tree is green and the wind rolls a wave, The tear drop shall hrighlen the tarf of the brave. — Upham ALBANY; MUNSELL & TANNER, PRINTERS 1845. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by JEPTHA R. SIMMS, In the Clerk's Office of the Northern District of New York. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF THE SCHOHAKIE AND MOHAWK VALLEYS, Classic Grounds for ihe Antiquarian, This volume is respectfully dedicated. And should the young be interested in its perusal, and its scenes of blood tend to increase their love of country and hatred of tyranny inspiring them with gratitude towards the heroes of the Revolution, — a spirit to emulate their daring deeds, and a desire to become familiar, not only with the stirring events which have been enacted near their own domestic altars, but a perfect history of their whole country — her institutions and the manner of preserving them.; then will his desired reward be attained. THE AUTHOR. PREFACE Comparatively few persons ever read the preface of a book, although every one should who would peruse the contents of the latter understandingly : for as a door serves us to enter the dwelling of our neighbor, so a preface is given by the writer of a volume as its entrance. That individual who does not read what an author says of his own book, can never fully appreciate its merits or demerits. Says Phillips in his Million of Facts: "Let us garner up our notices of past ages, and preserve them in the archives of the country : we shall please and instruct ourselves by so doing, and make posterity lasting ly indebted to us for the deed. To transmit the honors of one age to another is our duty ; to neglect the merits of our fathers is a disgrace." Actuated by corresponding motives, I com menced collecting historic matter in 1837, with the view of making it public. From the lips of many hoary-headed persons of intelligence then living, whom I visited at their dwellings at no little sa crifice of time, the matter presented in the following pages was taken down ; which individuals could say of numerous impor tant transactions — I was an actor in, or I witnessed them, The collection of materials for this volume began just before it was publicly announced, that Col. Stone's forthcoming Life VI PREFACE. of Brant would serve up many border transactions, but rightly, conjecturing that not a few would escape that writer's notice, par ticularly of a personal character, which might prove highly in teresting to the general reader, I continued my gleanings ; with what success the following pages will show. This volume does not profess to contain a detailed narrative of all the tragic scenes enacted on the frontiers of New York; for the reader is aware that several large books filled with such matter have already been published. I have aimed, therefore, to present incidents which have escaped the knowlege of previous writers, or trans actions to which I could add new facts, generally noticing in their place, however, the most important events published by other authors. When writers are obliged to rely principally on oral testi mony for what they publish, they are liable, from the treachery of memory in some, and the fondness for the marvelous in others, to imposition, to be practised in turn upon their readers. Aware of this, in matters of importance I have principally confined my inquiries to individuals sustaining a character of conscientious regard for the truth. More than this, I have had the same stories related by as many different persons as possible, often strangers to each other; and then, on carefully examining their testimony, have been enabled to arrive, as I believe, very sa- tisfactorily at the truth. These antiquarian researches should have been made at an earlier day, but the stale maxim, " better late than never," will surely hold good in this instance if any. When I commenced collecting materials for this work, I had not designed to make it so extended, but incidents of real in terest coming to my knowledge, which transpired in sections remote from the Schoharie settlements, where those researches began; I resolved to enlarge it so as to garner up as many PREFACE. vii unpublished events as possible, particularly of the Revolution ; in pursuance of which plan I visited not a few aged persons in the Mohawk valley. To render the book generally useful, believing it would fall into the hands of some who might never read an elaborate history of the American Revolution, I con cluded to incorporate from the most authentic sources, a brief sketch of the principal causes which brought about that Revo lution, adding to it the Declaration of our Independence, a do cument, which, though now in the possession of comparatively few, should be in the hands of every American citizen. Since the subject matter of the volume has taken a wider range than was at first anticipated — in truth, not a few novel and important facts have come to hand since a prospectus was issued for it, the author has thought seriously of changing the title because too local ; but as often has the question of the poet arisen — " What 's in a name 1" and not fastening on any one more satisfactory, it has been retained. That portions of the volume may be found obnoxious to criticism, I do not doubt, as it has mostly been written in the midst of the family circle and domestic cares. Indeed, had it been penned under more favor able auspices, I am not quite certain it would have been pro nounced a very classic production; for, having been bred be hind a counter, much of my early life was devoted to merchan dising instead of letters. A friend who has often seen me in my studio, surrounded by my family, has wittily suggested the propriety, not inaptly I must confess, of dating this volume in the kitchen, and dedicating it to my better-half. The reader may expect to discover some little repetition, and a want of smoothness and harmony in its parts, since portions of this work\have been added as new light has been cast upon them, long after others were written : besides, some of it has V1U PREFACE. undergone a hasty abridgement to bring it within the volume, which now by far exceeds its intended limits. Care has been taken to correct several errors into which previous writers have fallen, from their not sufficiently authenticating what they publish ed ; and it is very possible with all my pains-taking, that I have fallen into some. If an essential one should become apparent to any reader, he will confer a favor on the author by pointing it out ; as also he will by transmitting ancient writings, or in teresting unpublished facts to his address. A true history of the Revolution cannot be written until the epitaphs of all the actors in that great struggle for civil liberty shall have become moss- bound ; for as the several parts of a body serve to make up its whole, I conceive it necessary to bring together those scattered parts before it can be pronounced complete. Frequently do historic facts spring into life on the death of a scarred veteran, when, perhaps, for the first time his old papers fall under the observation of individuals who can appreciate their worth. Although apprised by some of my pioneers in book-making that local histories soldom quit cost, and urged by timid friends long since to abandon the whole enterprise, still I have perse vered in presenting the volume, such as it is, to the public, feeling conscious, whether deceiving myself or not, that I was discharging a duty I owed my country ; and if I have brought into the general store-house any new materials for the future historian, then has my labor not been in vain. That portions of matter in the following pages may be thought by some readers of too little importance to merit a place ; or that other passages are too minutely detailed — too prolix to suit fastidious tastes, I do not doubt. What pleases one will not always please an other, and that which some readers would be most desirous to retain, would possibly be the first rejected by others. The mi- PREFACE. IX nuteness with which our countrymen Stephens, Brooks, Clark and other gifted writers have described what they saw and felt, is the charm which renders their writings peculiarly acceptable to most readers. As seasoning in food renders it more agree able to the palate, so small incidents, trivial in themselves, if not tedious, may give zest to a published event. I would here acknowledge my indebtedness to all such per sons as have in any manner aided me, by communicating in formation either by letter or otherwise; and while I do so, take pleasure in expressing my especial obligations to my friends, Mr. Allen V. Lesley, a young gentlemen of much promise, who sketched with accuracy the principal views with which the volume is embellished; to my engravers, particularly to Messrs. V. Balch and E. Forbes, who have done most of the engraving, for the skillful manner in which they have executed their trust, and to the Rev. John M. Van Buren for taking some pains unsolicited, to bring the work into favorable notice. So much imposition has of late been practised in the sale of books by subscription, that I should not forget to signify my gratitude to those who have conditionally agreed to purchase this book, as they have secured to me the means of its publication. Persons of little reading are incredulous when told that in teresting facts of by-gone days remain unpublished, but my in vestigations have been sufficient to satisfy me, that thrilling in cidents of an unique character may yet be brought to light, and I cannot refrain from indulging a hope, that other writers will enter the field to glean where yet they may. And now, in closing my introduction and offering this humble effort to the public, to seek its share of popular favor, I cannot refrain from observing, that I am induced to do it, more from a desire to be come useful than conspicuous. J. R. SIMMS. Fultonville, JV. Y. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Origin and signification of Schoharie — Schoharie tribe of Indians, how formed and distinguished — Location of Mohawk Castles — Indian Confederacy of New York and policy of, the Albanians — Course of the Confederates in the Revolution — Arts of the aborigines — Mysterious pit — Indian customs and worship — Proper use of tobacco — Indian villages — Residence of Karighon- dontee — Indian Castle at the Wilder-Hook — Indian name of mountains — Number of Schoharie Indians — Their coat of arms — Their foot-paths — North America peopled by religion— Policy of Queen Anne towards Ger man emigrants — Schoharie settled by Germans— Their passage from Eu rope — Encamp on the Hudson — Arrive at Albany — Distinction between German and Dutch — Messengers sent to Schoharie — Party remove thither — Incidents on the way — Origin of the word Helleberg — Location of Schoha rie settlers — Their names — Probable number. - - Page 21 CHAPTER II. Poverty of Schoharie Germans — Birth of four children — First wheat sown in Schoharie — Milling done at Schenectada — Industry and Bravery of the women — Physicians and Ministers — First horse — Settlement in Vrooman's Land— -Indian titles at that place— Murder of Truax — Its object how re vealed — Arrival of Bayard — Nature of his visit mistaken — Attempts to capture him — He escapes to Schenectada — Schoharie lands sold at Albany to seven partners — Foot race at Weiser's dorf — Battle between Captain Hartman and his Indian neighbors — Puts a spell upon their guns — Smoking of the calumet — Sheriff Adams arrives at Weiser's dorf — Rides upon a rail — Returns to Albany- — Delegates sent from Albany to England — Are committed to the Tower — Their return home — Weiser and others remove to Pennsylvania — Origin of Cook-house — Horses return to Schoharie — In stances of brute instinct — Justice Garlock removes to the Mohawk valley — Evidence of his justice. ... - 51 CHAPTER III. Ancient apple trees^First grist-mill in Schoharie county — Cobel's mills— In dian name of Cobelskill — Old mill-stone — Introduction of bolting-cloths — Schoharie fashions — Profitable women — Buttons — Dandies — Long beards — First cider made in the county — First wheel-wright — First German school in America — Schools in Schoharie — First black-smith in Schoharie — Do mestic beer — Dutch pride and prejudice — Introduction of slaves and their treatment — Farming utensils — Mode of threshing with horses — Shoe makers — Tailors — Hatters — Abundance of fish — How exterminated — Wild animals — A German killed by a bear — -Anecdote of the bear-catcher — A bear killed by a German — Hunt on Fox's creek — A tartar caught — Promi nent hills east of Middleburgh — A panther story — Beavers and their dams — Doct. Moulter kills a wild-cat — First distillery in Schoharie — Fate of its owner — An Indian shoots six deer with arrows — Rattle snakes — How de stroyed — Indian courtship — Schoharie Indians sell lands — Ancient bond — Purchases of Indians how legalized — Royal permit to purchase of Indians — XU CONTENTS. Sale of lands in New Dorlach— Reservations to government— Sales made in presence of Sir William Johnson— Certificate of Thpmas Bradstreet— Certificate of Mayor of Albany respecting sale of slaves— The King s highways, how obstructed— First merchant in Schoharie— Anecdote of his marriage— His portrait— The second merchant— His will— A cannon, to whom presented and when used— Origin of Punchkill— Anecdote of John J. Lawyer— Liquor drank at funerals— Indian murders — Savage act of a father — An Indian marries his prisoner. ... - Page 79 CHAPTER IV. Groat family settle in the Mohawk valley— Erect a grist-mill— Highland troops arrive at Fort Johnson — Lewis Groat captured in the French war — Incidents on his way to Canada — His return home — Murder of Mrs. Van Alstyne and captivity of her daughter — Sir William Johnson — His birth — Is agent for Sir Peter Warren — Establishes himself at Warren's Bush- Becomes an Indian agent for the British government — Obtains a house keeper — His marriages — Is created a Baronet — Erects Fort Johnson — Builds mansions for his sons-in-law — Removes to Johnson Hall — Sir John Johnson — His marriage and subsequent conduct — Sir William's death — Guy Johnson succeeds him as Indian agent — Johnson mansions by whom occu pied in the Revolution — Their confiscation — Commissi oners for selling con fiscated personal property in Tryon county — Confidential slave of Sir John Johnson — His recovery — Sale of Johnson Hall — Spook stories — Sir William Johnson a great land-holder — His fondness for women — Lives with Molly Brant — Pleasing anecdotes of the Baronet — Notices of him from the Gen tleman's Magazine — His coffin made into bullets — Place of his burial — His portrait — Old King Hendrick — Dreams with Sir William Johnson — Com missioners of the colonies and Chiefs of the Six Nations meet at Albany — ¦ Speeches of Hendrick and other chiefs — Capt. John Scott erects Fort Hunt- er — Queen Anne's Chapel and Parsonage — Indian war dances, how ob served at Lower Mohawk Castle — Rev. John Stuart removes to Canada — Sells a slave — Scott's Patent — Marriage of Ann Scott — An Irish colony — Jelles Fonda an early tradesman on the Mohawk — A match at boxing- Smoking at funerals — Boating on the river — Names of rapids — Little Falls — Gen. Schuyler constructs inland Locks — Evidence of his prudence — Durham boats on the river — Difficulties to encounter — Accidents — First bridges in the Mohawk valley — Early merchants at Canajoharie — A duel— The Yankee Pass — Caughnawaga Church — Indians obtain a church bell at the Upper Mohawk Castle — Location of Forts Herkimer, Dayton and Plain — Land speculations — Tragic adventure at the Devil's Hole — Ancient tax-lists — Large bill of rum — First Court held in Tryon county — Herkimer county organized — Public punishment — Changes in Western N. York. 105 CHAPTER V. Strength of the Vrooman family — A load of wheat— Women go to market and work in the field — Dutch fondness for horses — Feats of strength — Trial of strength and speed — Charitable act of Miss Vrooman — Weddings how celebrated — Gifts to intended brides — Horning at weddings — Playing cards ¦ Fiddlers — Frolicking — Female ball dress — Dancing fifty years ago Anec dote of Judge Brown— Supawn how eaten — Dutch eat their places New Year's day how observed— Christmas, Paas and Pinkster— Early farming Dutch butter — Sour-crout how made — Dutch dishes — More witchcraft How to get rid of rats— Schoharie invaded in the French war — An Indian treaty — A jubilee — Riding on horseback — Sparking — Why Americans de generate—First Schoharie tea-party— Causes of the American Revolution- Ignorance of the British ministry— Opposers of British tyranny— Freedom of opinion by whom established— English policy for raising a revenue Debt of England— Tax imposed— Gov. Bernard issues a pamphlet— Stamp duties— Virginian boldness— Franklin in England— Perseverance of Gren- ville— Barre's reply to Townsend— Sayings of Franklin— Friends of Stamp Act how treated— Virginia resolves— Continental Congress— Death and re surrection of liberty— Sons of liberty— Patriotic ladies— Speech of Fitt— CONTENTS. Xiii Franklin interrogated— Repeal of Stamp Act— Popularity of Gov. Ber nard — Domestic looms resumed — India tea rejected — British troops sent to New York and Boston— Dickinson's Essays— Gov. Bernard returns to Eng- land — Convention at Annapolis — Troops at Boston fire on the citizens — Event how celebrated— Extract from Dr. Warren's Oration— Tax on tea retained. page 155 CHAPTER VI. A contest approaches— Burning of the Gaspee— Gold versus liberty — Predic tion of Patrick Henry— Espionage of Gov. Hutchinson— Town Committees organized— Franklin sends home letters — East India Company in trouble- It sends tea to America — Its destruction at Boston— Unwise acts of the British government — Predictions of Gov. Johnson and Gen. Conway — Just views of Bishop Shipley— Effect of Boston Port-Bill— Call for a Congress- Patriotic mottos — Proceedings of Congress — Allan's comment on the abili ty of that Body — Warm discussions in Parliament — Speech of Lord Chat ham — Expedient of Lord North— Origin of the terms Tory and Whig — Cod-fishing prohibited — Battle of Lexington — Its effect on the country around— Capture of the northern military posts — Ethan Allen's authority — Preparations for war — Washington is appointed to command the army — Battle of Bunker's Hill — Death of Warren— Anecdotes of the battle — Ar rival of Washington — Proceedings of Congress — Post-office established — Gov. Penn interrogated by the House of Lords-— Hessian troops employed — American flag — Colonial Governors — Boston evacuated — Defence of Fort Moultrie — Intrepidity of Jasper and McDonald— Their dying words — Ar gument for education — Mrs. Elliot — Story of Jasper and Newton — Com missioners sent to Canada — Declaration of" American Independence. 182 CHAPTER VII. Committees formed in frontier settlements — Indian treaty in Schoharie — Bra- kabeen Castle — Contagious disease — Schoharie Indians go to Canada — Death of granny Warree — A matricide — Schoharie Council of Safety — Ball family divided in politics — Organization of Schoharie militia — Resolution of New York Committee of Safety — Oath of allegiance — Record of Judge Swart — His personal services — Chairman Ball's sons perform extra labor — Accident on the Hudson — Anecdotes of Ball — Attempt to take his life — Character of Col. Vrooman — Attempt to capture him — Designs upon Wash ington — Commissioners sent to France — Events of 1776-:-Anecdote of a piquet guard — Washington's retreat from Long Island — Battles of Trenton and Princeton — Sufferings of Washington's army — His remarks to Colonel Reed — A singular requisition — Plan of the enemy for 1777 — Arrest of Col. Huetson — Tories in Schoharie — Brant at Unadilla — Interview between Gen. Herkimer and Brant — Affidavit of Col. Harper — Particulars of the inter view from Joseph Wagner — False impression of Herkimer's character cor rected — Harpersfield exposed — Cherry Valley threatened — Rangers to be raised — Letter from Chairman Bail to New York Congress — Reply of that Body — They write to the Albany Committee — Geographical ignorance of State Council — Frontier how protected — Albany Committee write General Schuyler — Same Body censure New York Council — Schuyler writes Alba ny Committee — His apprehensions — New York Council of safety write Al- bany Committee, evincing warmth — Girls murdered at Fort Schuyler — Glance at the enemy's movements — Letter from Albany Committee to New York Council — Schuyler to same Body— Schoharie messenger — New York Council to Gov. Clinton — Albany Committee write the Council — Clinton's letters ordering troops to Schoharie. 206 CHAPTER VIII. McDonald invades Schoharie — Patriotism of Henry Hager — Messengers dis patched to Albany — Col. Harper visits Schohaiie — Starts for Albany — Is visited in the night — Next day isjursued by Indians — Escapes from them and reaches Albany — Notice of his arrival — New York Council forward XIV CONTENTS. letters to Col. Pawling— Harper obtains a company of Cavalry— Captain Mann how concealed — Barracks how constructed — Troops halt at Sny- der's^-Effect of music— Death of an Indian— Novel confinement— Madam Staats— Battle of the Flockey— Citizens accompany McDonald in his flight— Concealment and surrender of Capt. Mann— Chairman Ball to Scho harie Committee— Mann's property not confiscated— Col. Harper writes Council of Safety— Reply of that Body— Extract from Journal— Commis sioners of Tryon county how instructed by New York Council— Remarks of Rev. Daniel Gros— Expedition to Norman's-kill— Advertisement , by Chairman Ball— Citizens of Schoharie transport provisions to Stillwater— Anecdote of the Patroon— New Dorlach— Money buried in Albany — Bur goyne's surrender how celebrated in Albany — Anecdote of Evert Yates — Incident of the French war — A spy in Burgoyne's camp — Death of Gen. Fraser— By whom killed— Retreat of Burgoyne how cut off— Anecdote to show skill of Morgan's riflemen — Anecdotes ofthe Oriskany battle — Death of Gen. Herkimer — Indians in a cellar — Corps of Invalids — British enter Philadelphia— Sufferings of the American army at Valley Forge— Anec dote of Washington — Acts of Gov. Tryon — Arrival of Lafayette — Con spiracy against Washington — A female spy and Maj. Tallmadge — Scho harie Forts when and how constructed. .... Page 237 CHAPTER IX. Interesting incidents now lost — Fortune how fickle — Last effort of Chatham— Acts of Parliment rejected — Treaty with France — Its effects — Settlement on Cobelskill — Organize a militia company — Lieut. Borst shoots an In dian — Cobelskill battle — Death of Capt. Patrick— Names of Cobelskill mi litia engaged — Escape of Belknap — Escape of Henry Shafer — Burial of the dead — Subsequent celebration — Designs on Cherry Valley how thwart ed — Destruction of Wyoming — Dastardly act of a Tory — Invasion of the German Flats — Walter Butler imprisoned— Escapes and leads the enemy to Cherry Valley — Pleasing anecdote of Brant — England declares war against France — Battle of Monmouth — Capt. Molly — Col. William Butler goes to Schoharie — Heroic Soldiers — Fate of a Scout — Capt. Long inter cepts and kills Capt. Smith — Death of Christopher Service — His confisca ted property recovered — His remains how honored — Lower Fort garri soned — Col. Butler destroys Indian towns on the Susquehanna — Col. Du- boise winters in Schoharie — Gerard arrives in the States as Minister from France — Dr. Franklin goes to France as American Minister — Price of Am erican scalps — British possess Georgia — Washington's winter quarters — Jay chosen President of Congress. - 272 CHAPTER X. Captivity of Cowley and Sawyer — Escape from their enemies and return to Schoharie — Murder of Durham and his wife — Capt. Hager on the Dela ware — Mohawk river settlements invaded — Anecdote of Complanter and his Father — Contemplated invasion of the Indian settlements — Execution of Hare and Newbury — Signification of Caughnawaga — Arrest of the Spies — Burial of Hare — Clinton's army at Cooperstown — Moves down the creek— Industry of Beavers— Death of a Deserter— Anecdotes of Colonel Rigne— Col. Butler leaves Schoharie— The Boyd family— Lieut. Boyd and his sweet-heart — She invokes a Curse upon him — Marriage of her Daugh ter — Elerson surprised by Indians — Kills one and escapes — Brown's Mills why not burned — His house plundered while he is in it — A wedding — Source of water how discovered — Anecdote of a Sentinel in a tree — Battle of New town — Sullivan's signal guns— Rescue of a Prisoner made at Wyoming Destruction of Indian property— A Child found— Its Death— Scout under Lieut. Boyd — Death of an Oneida — Two of Boyd's party set out for the Camp— Murphy shoots an Indian— Scout surrounded by the Enemy— Cap ture of Boyd and Parker— Escape of Murphy and two others— Death of Boyd and Comrade— Fate of Han- Yerry— Indians die of Scurvy— Justice to Boyd's memory— Schools in the Revolution— Delegates from Tryon County to State Convention— Invasion of Ballston— Capture of Col. Gor- CONTENTS. XV don — He escapes with others and returns home — Command of Col. Fish er — Capt. Fonda shoots a deserter — Is tried and acquitted— John Jay sent as Minister to Spain— Attack of the Americans and French on Savannah — Death of Count Pulaski — Gov. Tryon burns several towns in Connecticut — Stoney Point stormed by Wayne — Acts of Paul Jones — Winter quarters of Gen. Washington and sufferings of his army. - - - Page 291 CHAPTER XT. , The enemy moving — Death of a Tory named Cuck — Imprisonment of Van Zuyler — Sugar makers frightened— Lient. Harper and friends captured by Brant, at Harpersfield — Harper saves the Schoharie settlements by duplici ty — Tory consultation — Harper's word doubted— March begun — Harper confronted by a Tory — Murder of an aged prisoner — Efficacy of rattle snake soup— Enterprise to Minisink — Schoharie captives in danger of be ing murdered — Are saved by an Indian who escaped from Van Campen — Party feast on horse flesh — Boast of Tories — Ashes used for salt — A run ner sent to Niagara— Kind object of Brant in forwarding a messenger — Running the gantlet — Prisoners before Col. Butler — Price of American blood in Canada — Condition of prisoners at Chamblee — Attack on the Sa- condaga block-house — Letter of Col. Fisher — Indians pursued and killed by Solomon Woodworth and party — Public officers in Schoharie — Second invasion of Cherry Valley— Captivity of Moses Nelson— Fort Orange re built— Willet's attempt to take it— Letters to Col. Fisher showing an ex pected invasion — Enemy enter Johnstown — Murder of the Putmans and Stevens — Fate of two Tories — Fisher family — Troops arrive in Johns town — Death of Capt. Hanson— Signification of Ca-daugh-ri-ty— Course of the enemy — Attack on the Fisher dwelling — Fortunes of Col. Fisher and fate of his brothers— Fonda brothers— Sheriff White and his neighbors — Furniture destroyed in Maj. Fonda's dwelling— Murder of Douw Fonda — Pleasing incident — Acts of the party under Johnson— Escape of George Eacker— Johnson's confidential slave— Boys liberated near Johnstown — Invaders- return to Canada — Escape of young Hanson. - 321 CHAPTER XII. Captivity of William Hynds and family at New Dorlach— An Indian attempts to surprise a sentinel at the Upper Schoharie Fort— Captivity and rescue of William Bouck and others— Seth's Henry in Vrooman's Land— Is at a spring— Resentment of the Indian WiUiam— Indians in the dwellings of the pioneers— Captive negroes liberate themselves— Attempt to capture Capt. Richtmyer — Mohawk valley invaded — Schoharie scout fall in with the enemy— Alarm guns how fired — Brant invades Vrooman's Land— Fate of the settlement— Character of Col. Vrooman— Indian grudge— Infant smiles save a father— Escape of Pull-foot Vrooman— Names of captives — Several citizens escape in a wagon— Number of houses burnt— Judge Swarfs horse by whom rode— War-club of Seth's Henry— Escape of the Hager family— Old gentleman throttles his dog— His capture and treat ment—Burning of Crysler's mill— Mill-stone recovered— Two Tories join the enemy— Hager family reach the Fort— Burial of the dead— Singular presentiment— Fate of the Vrooman infant— Brant releases part of the prisoners — Destructives assemble at Oquago— Prisoners divided — Boyd's scull— Lieut. Vrooman about to be murdered— Henry Hager insulted— Efficacy of tobacco— Prisoners run the gantlet— Attempt to fire the maga zine at Quebec— Negro prisoners adopt the Indian's life— Loss of British ship Seneca— Schoharie prisoners lodged at South Rakela— Their return home— Particulars from whom derived. 365 CHAPTER XIII. Romantic courtship and marriage of Timothy Murphy— The bride's first in terview with her mother — The reconciliation — Duty of Rangers — Their music when on a scout^Dancing at the Middle Fort— Rival dance of the soldiers— Ballston settlement invaded— Attempt to capture Maj. Mitchell — XVI CONTENTS. Enterprise of Jo. Bettys— Absence of a Schoharie scout protracted— Sir John Johnson leaves Niagara to invade the frontiers of New York— Names of hills— Johnson's army discovered— A pack horse taken— Torch of de struction first applied— Volunteers meet the enemy— Daring of Murphy— Burning of Middleburgh Church- Powder how sent up from Lower Fort- Volunteers under Capt. Lansing— Escape of Elerson— Stand made by the enemy— Mrs. Richtmyer frightened to death— How to start a bachelor— A flag of truce how attended— Is fired on by Murphy— Conduct of Major Woolsey— Surrenders his command to Col. Vrooman— Firing renewed— Loss of the Americans— Wilbur scalps an Indian— A dead Indian is found in the woods — Enemy move down the valley— Anxiety at the Upper Fort— A heroine— Lower Fort how garrisoned — Scout from that Fort meet the enemy— Death of Van Wart—Fate of Anthony Witner— Firing heard in Cobelskill — Preparations to defend Lower Fort— Salute from a grass-hop per — An ancient apple tree — War's beverage — A presumptuous Indian — Adventure of Enders— An Indian killed at a well — Fate of a deer — Mor tar abandoned — A Tory arrives at the Fort. - ; - Page 388 CHAPTER XIV. Schoharie militia pursue the enemy— Schoharie fires seen at Fort Hunter — Cadaughrity destroyed — Enemy encamp near the Nose — Americans encamp in Florida — Battle of Stone Arabia — Death of Col. Brown— His remains honored— Pleasing anecdote of an Indian and a colt— Skirmish near St. Johnsville — Cowardly conduct of Gen. Van Rensselaer — Climax of his management— Anecdote of Capt. Vrooman — Willing captives— Schoharie horses recovered — Novel manner of carrying bread — Incidents from John Ostrom — Grain how saved— Maj. Woolsey leaves Schoharie — Death of a spy — Invasion of New Dorlach — Death of Michael Merckley and his niece Catharine — Murder of John France and providential escape of his brother Henry — Burial of the dead— A reason for Merckley's death — Number of buildings burnt in Schoharie county — Extract of a letter from James Madi son — Continental money — Charleston captured — Kniphausen invades New Jersey — Arrival of French troops — Retreat of Gates and death ef DeKalb — Treachery of Benedict Arnold. 421 CHAPTER XV. Mutiny at Head-Quarters — Erection of block-houses — Fort Duboise — Cap ture of Jo. Bettys and two associates — Col. Livingston's regiment in the Mohawk valley— Conduct of Maj. Davis— His death— Brant surprises a party of wood-choppers near Fort Schuyler — Americans pursue and recov er shoe-buckles— Prisoners go through the manual exercise to gratify Brant — Boys captured near Fort Herkimer — Invasion of Curry Town — Escape of the Tanner family — Death of Jacob Moyer and son— Prisoners made in the settlement— Capt. Gros sent to New Dorlach— Discovers the enemy's trail and sends word to Willet— Sharon battle— American loss and death of Capt. McKean — The captive Jacob Dievendorf— A religious meet ing broken up— Murder of Hoffman and wife — Capture of William Bouck and other citizens of Schoharie in a wheat field — Indians eat a hedgehog Escape of Lawrence Bouck— Fare of prisoners on their journey — Their return home— Ulster county invaded— Troops sent to Schoharie— Capture of Lt. Borst an J others in Myndert's valley— Death of Borst— Capt . Wood- worth and company surprised on West Canada creek and most of them killed — Incidents in the vicinity of Fort Dayton. - . . 450 CHAPTER XVI. Invasion of Maj. Ross— Death of Myers of Curry Town— Other citizens captured— Village of Fultonville— Escape of a prisoner— Willet pursues the ^enemy— Battle near Johnson Hall— Incidents of the battle-Retreat of Maj. Ross— Manner of crossing creeks— Death of Walter Butler— Captiv lty and return of prisoners-Brant again invades Vrooman's Land-Death of Adam Vrooman— Enemy are pursued— Fate of Richard Haggidorn— CONTENTS. XVII Murphy fortune's favorite — A dead Tory— Capt. Hager pursues the ene my — A rum-keg how guarded— Battle of Lake Utsayantho— Cowardly conduct of Capt. Hale— An incident which followed— Fruitless expedition of several Tories — Unexpected meeting of Capt. Eckler and Brant — For mer escapes by flight— How concealed— A prisoner captured near Fort Plank— Escapes in the night — Is concealed and nearly suffocated in a log — Events of 1781 — Military enterprises in the Southern States — Abortive plan to capture Arnold— Siege of York Town— Capture of Cornwaliis and his army — Event how celebrated — British standards to whom delivered — Anec dotes of stealing in the Revolution— Arnold destroys New London — Death of Ledyard and Montgomery — Conduct of Col. Gallup — Massacre in the Fort and attending incidents — Anecdote of a petticoat. - - Page 470 CHAPTER XVII. Predatory warfare continued in 1782 — Murder of the Dietz family — Captiv ity of Capt. Dietz and the Bryce boys— Captivity of McFee's children — Character of Gen. Herkimer and others— Murder of Adam Vrooman — In vasion of Fox's creek— Murder of Young Zimmer and capture of his brother — Death of a Hessian— The Becker family — John Becker how killed— Escape of Jacob and Wm. Becker— Indians discovered by boys — Attack on the Becker house— Eccentricity of Shell — Attempt to fire the building — Ingratitude of a Tory — Capture of several prisoners — Novel torture— Virginian spirit — A Tory wedding— Cobelskill again invaded — Several citizens killed or captured— Capture of the elder George Warner and son Nicholas — Escape of Joseph Burner— Meat how cooked and divid ed — Escape of Nicholas Warner— Kind treatment of George Warner — Indian reverence of a Deity — Warner returns home— Gen. Washington vi sits Schenectada — Burning of that place by the French and Indians — Wash ington's treatment of Col. Fisher— His letter to the officers of Schenecta da — Anecdote of his visit— Murphy takes a prisoner who escapes with his rifle— A Tory how concealed — Anecdote of Murphy and his cow — Notices of Timothy Murphy — Inscription on his tomb-stone — Incident at Fort Du boise and death of a calf. 490 CHAPTER XVIII. Ratification of Peace — Gen. Washington resigns his Commission — Lands for feited—Tories return to the States and boast of their deeds — Indians return to Schoharie — Fate of Seth's Henry — Attempt to kill Abram — He disap pears at a Bee — Indians become alarmed — Beverages drank in the war — Incidents in the life of Capt. Eben Williams — Conduct of Col. Vose in Gates' campaign — Anecdote of CoL Scammel— Gen. Montgomery's widow how honored — Army at Budd's Huts — Duty of Col. Laurens at York Town — Anecdote of an Irish Lieutenant— Incidents of the siege— Officers killed in duels— Celebration at West Point — Cincinnati Societies organized — Habits of Capt. Williams— Military Journal of Maj. Fallmadge— Incident in the river Bronx — Tallmadge commands a squadron of horse — Corresponds with Washington— Loses his horse— Enterprise against Lloyd's Neck — Surprise and capture of Fort St. George— Washington's letter respecting it — How noticed in Congress — Capture of Fort Slongo — Enterprises how thwarted— London trade an incident of —An English Sloop captured in the Sound— Society of the Cincinnati how organized— Spies in New York how protected — Order in which the Americans entered New York after its eva cuation by the British— Last interview of Gen. Washington and his offi cers — Maj, Tallmadge returns home— Marries and settles for life. - 528 CHAPTER XIX. Capt. Thomas Machin— Battle of Minden— The Duke of Bridgewater's Ca nals — Machin arrives at New York — Locates in Boston— Is one of Boston Tea Party— Plans fortifications near Boston— Is sent by Gen. Washington to the Highlands of the Hudson— CoBperates with Gen. Clinton— Request of Gen. Schuyler— Putnam's Rock— Council of Safety recognize acts of XVIII CONTENTS. Capt. Machin-Orders to be observed by artificers— Washington's letter to Gen. Knox-Kingston how fortified-Correspondence showing the prepara tions making to receive the enemy-Machin a recruiting °mcer-£"*CK on Fort Montgomery-Death of Capt. Milligan-Lelters of Got . CUntcm- Expense of Iron used in obstructing the Hudson— Capt. Machin writes JN. York Council of Safety-Officers above their business-Letter from t*en. Parsons about fortifying West Point-Col. Hughes' letter respecting cord- age-Gen. Clinton wanlsfish-Gov. Clinton's letter relating to lead mines- Gen. Parsons wants timber-Capt. Machin writes Gen. McDougal about river chain-Gov. Clinton will purchase a phaeton-He certifies to the acts of Capt Machin-Chain of what iron wrought-Statement showing who fortified the Highlands and obstructed the river— Letter from Doct. iree- man -Letter from Peter Woodward— Machin's private expenses- Dis burses large sums of money -Importance of the works— Importance of se curing the Hudson— Expedition of Col. Van Schaick to Onondaga— A plan for supplying Albany with water— Machin in Sullivan's expedition- Letters from Doct. Young— Letters from Henry Rutgers, jr.— Death of Kayingwaurto, a Seneca Chief— Receipt for scalps— Capt. Greg and his do» -Surrender of a Wyoming Fort— Table of distances in Western New York— Letter from Gen. Clinton— Cupid in the camp— Letter from Henry Rutgers respecting sufferings of the army— Doct. Young writes on the same subject— Ezra Patterson writes from Fort Pitt— Instructions to a Committee of Officers sent to the Legislature— Letter from Lt. Bradford showiDg condition of the army— Capt. Hubbell wants money— Difficulties attendant on recruiting service — Capt. Machin at York Town — Maj. Pop- ham parts with his sword— Letter from W. Morris— Machin about to mar ry—Recruiting orders from Gen. Washington— Extract from Parker's let ter— Machin is slandered— A messenger sent to Boston— Machin marries Miss Van Nostrand— Popularity of Machin— Gen. Clinton out of money- Correspondence of Joseph Wharton respecting lands at Cooperstown — Value of Western lands— Letter from Gov. Clinton about land— Machin settles at New Grange — Order of Timothy Pickering — Certificate of Gen. Clinton — Extent of Machin's business — Great copper-firm— Machin re moves to Montgomery county — His patrons and friends — He is a Freema son — Obtains a pension — His death. ¦ ... Page 550 CHAPTER XX. Schoharie County when formed and how bounded — Its towns— New era in its history — First Attorneys— Neatness of Schoharie women — Want of taste among the Germans and Dutch— Out buildings in New England how adorned — Statistics of the county — Schoharie Judges — Lime-stone and fos sils — The county interesting to Geologists — Turnpike roads — Canajoharie and Catskill Rail-Road— Congressional and Senatorial Districts — Sources and outlet of the Schoharie— Extent and formation of Schoharie flats — Public executions — Trial of Van Alstyne — Establishment and history of the Lutheran Church— Singular incident in the Hfe of Domine Sommer — Some notice of the Reformed Dutch Church — A faithful church officer — Ministerial fees — Churches when first warmed — Tidingmen and their au thority — Blenheim — Statistics of the town — Jacob Sutherland once a resi dent — Statistics of Broome — David Elerson — How he obtains a carriage and horses — His death — David Williams — Notice of Gen Shays — Indian war-path — Statistics of Carlisle — Town by whom settled — Its rocks and caverns — Indian's cave — Statistics of Cobelskill — Incidents in the life, of Gen. Dana — Gen. Wm. Eaton — Anecdote of Gen. Lee — John Redington — Monumental inscriptions — Statistics of Conesville — Statistics of Fulton — Bouck's Falls — Ex-Governor Bouck — Abraham A. Keyser — Statistics of Jefferson — Statistics of Middleburh — The Vlaie — County Poor-house — Statistics of Schoharie — Indian mound — Gebhard's Cavern — Otsgaragee Cavern — Nethaway's Cave — Schoharie minerals — Monumental Inscrip tion — Statistics of Seward — New Dorlach— Monumental inscription — Sta- tistics of Sharon — New Rhinebeck — Sharon Springs — -Analysis of water — Rare mineral— ThePavilion — Statistics of Summit — Lake Utsayantho. 601 CONTENTS. XIX CHAPTER XXI. Ancestry of David Williams — His biography — Capture of Maj. Andre — Cow boys — Courtship of Williams — How he chanced to be one of the captors — The object of the captors' expedition— Incidents attending the arrest of Andre — A singular dream — Congress how apprised of Andre's capture- Resolution of that Body on the subject — Marriage of Williams — He parti cipates in a celebration at New York — How honored — His death — Obitua ry notice of his death — His burial — Incidents connected with the arrest and execution of Andre — Instructions of Sir Henry Clinton — Papers found on Andre's person — Conduct of Col. Jamieson — Extract from the Journal of Maj. Tallmade — Joshua H. Smith is suspected and tried — Board con vened to try Andre — Manner of his execution — Champe's attempt to arrest Arnold — Capt. Nathan Hale — Bold exploit of his — His arrest and execu tion—Confession of Cunningham — Fate of Andre and Hale contrasted — Andre's remains taken to England — Character of Andre over-rated — Proof of his character — His poem called the Cow-Chase — Somewhat phophelic — Arnold how respected in England — An acrostic to his fame — Monuments to Paulding and Van Wart — Efforts to obtain a monument for Williams. 646 INDEX TO POST OFFICES IN SCHOHARIE COUNTY. Page. Argusville, 643 Barnerville, 619 Blenheim, 615 Brakabeen, 623 Bynville, 623 Carlisle, 618 Central Bridge, 632 Charlotteville, 645 Cobelskill, 619 Cobelskill Centre, 619 Conesville, 623 Esperance, 632 Franklinton, 630 Fultonham, 623 Gallupville 632 Gardnersville, 642 Gilboa, 615 Hunters Land, 630 Page. Hyndsville, 642 Jefferson, 630 Lawyerville, 619 Leesville, 643 Livingstonville, 615 Middleburgh 630 Mossville, 630 North Blenheim, 615 Punchkill, 619 Richmondville, 619 Schoharie Court House, 632 Sharon, 643 Sharon Centre, 643 Sloansville, 632 Smithton, 615 Summit Four Corners, 645 Waldensville, 632 ERRATA. On page 117, under cut, instead of North read South view. It is the view of Guy Park as seen from the Erie canal. On page 182, for the remotest parts, read their remotest part. On page 194, for fighting a just cause, read fighting in a just cause. On the same page, for messenger of death, read messengers of death. On page 195, fourth line from top, for Bunker, read Yankee. On page 374, first line, after neighbor insert a comma. On page 615, under post offices in Broome, for Livingston, read Living stonville. HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY. CHAPTER I. The border wars of New York, in the great struggle with Eng land for American nationality, originated some of the most thrill ing incidents that ever did or ever can stamp the page of history. Many of those transpired in that part of Albany county now known as Schoharie; while events of no less interest were enact ing in Tryon, and other frontier counties. Some of them have already been published, but there are not a few, especially of those which occurred in the Schoharie settlements, that have either not been presented to the American reader at all, or if they have, but partially and inaccurately so. Schoharie is the present name of a county, a town, a village, and a river, in the state of New York. The geographical posi tion of the county, its division into .towns, &c, will be given in a subsequent chapter of this work. The word Schoharie, is abori- ginial, and signifies, agreeable to published definitions, drift, or flood-wood. The author has spared no little pains to arrive at the origin and true meaning of this word. The word Sclwharie, of the word from which that was derived, when originated, not only signified flood-wood, but a certain body of flood-wood. At a dis tance of about half a mile above the bridge which now crosses the Schoharie in the present town of Middleburgh, two small streams run into the river directly opposite each other. The one on the west side, coming from a north-west course, was formerly 3 22 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, called the Line kill, being the northern boundary line of the first Vrooman Patent — which instrument embraced that part of the town of Fulton, now called Vrooman's Land. The other stream is called Stony creek, and runs into the Schoharie from a south east course. John M. Brown, Esq., in a pamphlet history of Schoharie, published in 1823; attributes to this stream, which he calls the little Schoharie, the origin of the latter word. The two streams mentioned, falling into the Schoharie at that place, pro duced in the latter a counter current, which caused a lodgment of drift-wood at every high water, directly above. The banks of the river there were no doubt studded at that period with heavy growing timber, which served as abutments for the formation of a natural bridge. I judge so from the fact, that between that place and the bridge below, on the west bank, may now be seen a row of elm stumps of gigantic growth. At what period the timber began to accumulate at that place, is unknown; but it was doubtless at a date far anterior to the settlement of the Scho harie valley, by the aborigines of which we have any certain knowledge. At the time the Indians located in the valley, who were the owners of the soil when the Germans and Dutch first set tled "there, tradition says there were thousands of loads of wood in this wooden pyramid. How far it extended on the flats on ei ther side is uncertain, they being at that place uncommonly wide; but across the river it is said to have been higher than a house of ordinary dimensions, and to have served the natives the purposes of a bridge ; who, when crossing, could not see the water through it. One tradition says Schoharie signifies to take across or carry over; while another tradition, from an equally creditable source, gives its literal meaning to be, the meeting of two waters in a third — both referring, beyond doubt, to the drift-wood in question, and its locality. This mausoleum of the forest suo-ar- tree, gnarled oak, and lofty pine, was called by the Indians who dwelt in its immediate vicinity, to-wos-scho-hor,* the accent falling ** I give the orthography of this word as it sounded when spoken by Mrs Susannah, widow of Martin Van.Slyek. At an interview in 1837, I found Mrs. Van Slyck quite intelligent, and possessed of a very retentive memory. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 23 on the third and fourth syllables. From that word has been de rived the present word Schoharie, the first two syllables having been entirely dropped, while another has been added in its Angli- cisement. Several years ago I saw an ugly shaped glass bottle in Schoharie, said to have been imported from London by John Lawyer, the first merchant among the German settlers. His name and the place of his residence were stamped upon the bottle in English letters, the latter being there spelled Shoary. Many of the old German people of that county, at the present day, pronounce it Shuckary, which, it will be perceived, differs nearly as much from the sound bf the word as now written, as that does from the sound of the word here given as the original. At what period the aborigines located who were occupying the Schoharie flats when the Germans and Dutch first settled upon them, is unknown. Judge Brown, in the pamphlet to which I have alluded, informs us that the first Indian settlement was made by Ka-righ-on-don-tee,* a French Indian prisoner, who had taken She formerly dwelt in Vrooman's Land, near where the bridge of drift-wood had been — could once converse with the natives in their own dialect, and still retains many of their words. She gave the word to which the note re fers, as the name by which they called the natural bridge — by whom she had often heard it spoken. The author is indebted to the kindness of this lady and her tenacious memory, for several interesting facts tradition has pre served, relating to the early settlement of Vrooman's Land by the whites, she being a granddaughter of the first Vrooman settler ; and also for several incidents worthy of record which transpired during the revolution. * At a personal interview with the venerable patriot Brown, in Sept. 1837, he, pronounced this word as though written Kar-eek-won-don-tee. I adopt his written orthography, however, with the difference only of ending it ee. believing it to be sufficiently correct. At this interview he assured the au thor that on the 5th of the following November, he would be ninety-two years oldl Although his faculties, mental and bodily, were failing him, still we are indebted to his good humor and hospitality for some explanations of his pamphlet, and for much other matter not contained in that. Reading his pamphlet to him, and questioning him about customs which were in vogue in his earlier years, he seemed almost inspired with new life — his spirits, ani- mation and memory revived, and he was enabled to relate many anecdotes, which, to use his own words, **¦' lie had not thought of in fifty years before." Mr. Brown and his amiable consort were both sociable and urbane, and I spent nearly a day very agreeably with them. Brown was married at twenty- five to a Miss Hager, of Brakabeen, Schoharie county, with whom he lived 24 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, for a wife a Mohawk squaw ; that his father-in-law gave him a part of those flats to remove him from the presence of the Mo hawk Indians, by whom he had been made prisoner, as they bore a deadly hatred ta the Canada Indians, and in a drunken frolic might kill him; that families from the Mohawk, Mohegan, Tuscarora, Delaware, and Oneida tribes there joined him, so that a new tribe, of which he was principal chief, was formed, num bering at one time about three hundred warriors. Karighondontee was probably a Canadian chief of some cele brity, who had been taken prisoner by the Mohawks in one of the b}oody wars, which the animosity existing between the Ca nadian Indians and the Five Nations was continually originating. As speculation alone can furnish any thing like a beginning to the first settlement of Schoharie by the natives known as the thirty-eight years. He had nine children by that marriage, and several of them are now settled near him in Carlisle. Mrs. Brown, his present wife is, if memory serves me, twenty-two years younger than her husband. She was a Van Arnein from below the Helleberg, and has been married about twenty-six years. Her father was a captain of militia in the continental service. Brown had no issue by his second wife. He was among the first settlers in Carlisle, and, in common with the pioneers of that day, endured his full share of privations and hardships. He was a firm patriot, and a captian of the Tryon county militia in the revolution; he received a cut in one knee with a drawing-knife during, the war, from which he ever after. went very lame. Subsequent to receiving the injury mentioned, he sent a messenger to Gov. G. Clinton, informing him of his lameness; at the same time signifying a wish to resign his commission. He received in return a very civil letter from His Excellency, in which he expressed much regret at his misfortune; assuring him also that his services could not be dispensed with, or his commission returned; but that if he could not walk to command his company he, (the governor,) would send him a horse that he might ride. When Otsego county was organized, Brown was one of the commission ers for laying out several public roads in that county; and when Schoharie county was formed, he was again called on to discharge the same duties. The commissioners associated with him in Otsego county, were Mr. Hudson and Col. Herrick, who together laid out twenty-seven public roads. Mr. Brown was appointed by the governor and council of appointment, third judge of the first bench of the Schoharie county courts. He was three times a candidate for member of assembly, and once lost his election by only two votes. Considering his limited opportunities in early life, he was an intelligent man. That he never obtained a pension while many others less deserving did, was to him a source of no little mortification and grief. Judge Brown died in the fall of 1838 or 39. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 25 Schoharie tribe, save what has been already related ; I trust the reader will indulge me in carrying it a little farther. The revo lution in England in the latter part of the seventeenth century, which placed William and Mary upon that throne, was followed by a general war in which several nations of Europe were en gaged. Nor were the colonies of America idle spectators of the tragedy. From Europe the grand theatre of that war, the crim son art was brought into the wilds of North America. The Ca- nadas, then French colonies, with the Algonquin Indians within their own territory, were fiercely engaged with the British co lonies and the Five Indian Nations then their allies, along the borders of New England and New York. The Mohegans,* who, as we have already seen, made a part of the Schoharie tribe, it is not improbable were engaged in considerable num bers with the people of New England, and at the close of the war or soon after joined Karighondontee : as I suppose that chief to have been made prisoner in that war. The Mohegans, to whom war or the chase may have discovered the Schoharie valley, finding it to be a country sparsedly settled — equal in beauty to the banks of the Thames in Connecticut, from whence they emigrated — where game was plenty, and where, too, they would not be surrounded by the " pale faces" and amenable to their laws, may have been induced to settle there ; or they may there have sought an asylum from motives not dissimilar to those which brought hither the Mohawk. I suppose the time of Karighondontee's settlement to have been within about twenty years of the first German settlement in Schoharie ; and conclude so lrom the fact that the tribe was not then more formidable in numbers; for the Tuscarorasf could not have joined it until about the time the Germans located, as they did not leave Carolina in numbers till near that period. * A part ofthe Mohegan and Stockbridge Indians, migrated and joined the Five Nations before the revolution — Morse's Gazetteer. t This tribe came from North Carolina about 1712, and joined the confede racy of the Five Nations, themselves making the sixth. See Lewiston, where they still have a village. — Spafford's Gazetteer of N. Y. 26 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, It may not perhaps be improper to say a few words respecting the Six Nations of Indians. At the time our pilgrim fathers first landed in America, a confederacy existed between the five most powerful Indian Nations then hving in the state of New York- They were called by the French the Iroquois; by the English the Confederates, or Five Nations ; by the Dutch, more particu larly those in the Mohawk valley, the Maquaas ; and by them selves, Aganuschioni, or United People. Their government in many respects was republican. At what time and for what pur poses this confederacy was formed, is unknown. It may have originated in conquest, the weaker nations in turn being subdued by the most powerful one ; or, from a natural desire to resist and conquer a common foe, that existed from the alliance of other powerful nations. Whatever may have originated this union of Indian strength, it must have existed for a great length of time ; for when the Europeans came here, it is said the Confederates all spoke a similar language. The Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca nations formed the confederacy — the Tusca roras joining them, as has been shown, at a subsequent period. Says the historian Trumbull, " Each of the Five Nations was sub divided into three tribes or families. They distinguished them selves by three different ensigns, the Tortoise, the Bear, and the Wolf. Whenever the sachems, or any of the old men, signed any public paper, they traced upon it the mark of their respective fa mily." The same author, giving Roger Williams for authority, says the word Mohawk imports cannibal, and is derived from the word moho, to eat. This is undoubtedly a popular error. The Mohawk nation took its name from the river along which it dwelt, called the Mohawk's river — as the Dutch have it, the Ma quaas' river — which signifies, in plain English, the muskrat's ri ver. Many ancient Indian land titles have so called the stream in English, writing it in the possessive case; and to this day muskrats are numerous along its shores, hundreds being killed in the valley at every spring freshet. The Mohawk, which was the most eastern ofthe Five Nations, had in the latter part of its existence as a nation, three castles AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 27 all of which were on the south side of the Mohawk river. The lower, or eastern castle, was at Icanderago,* afterwards called Fort Hunter, near the junction of the Mohawk and Schoharie rivers ; the central or Canajoharie castle, as then called, stood on the brink of the prominence at the east end of the present village of Fort Plain ; which hill was called by the Indians Ta-ragh-jo- res, signifying hill of health ,-f and the upper and most western was in the present town of Danube, not far distant from St. Johns- ville. The Caughnawagas, who resided at the Tribes'. hill, oppo site Icanderago, and the ancient village which still bears their name, were a family of the Wolf tribe of Mohawks. When the Dutch first located at Albany, they courted the friendship of the Confederates ; and by furnishing them with fire arms and ammunition to war against their northern enemies, they secured their trade and friendship — the latter proving of most es sential service to the colony of New York, in her subsequent wars with Canada. At the beginning of the American revolution, a majority of the Confederates, owing in a great measure to the un bounded influence of the Johnson family over them, remained true to the British interest, removed to Canada with the Johnsons and Butlers, and fought for Britain — proving a terrible scourge to our frontier settlements. Most of the Oneidas, however, and a part of the Tuscaroras, either remained neutral or sided with the Americans; rendering them, as guides and runners, very important services ; on which account lands have been re served to them in the state. The Oneida Reservation is in Ver non, Oneida county, and the Tuscarora in Lewiston, Niagara county, where they still have villages. Their numbers are fast * McAuley, in his History of New York, gives this as the Indian name for the estuary of the Schoharie river. t Peter J. Wagner, Esq., who learned the site of this castle, the name of the hill and its signification, from Col. John Frey, an early settler in the valley, who spoke the Mohawk dialect well. A territory extending from Spraker's Basin to Fort Plain, a distance of six miles, was originally called Canajoha rie ; indeed the town of Canajoharie now covers nearly the same extent on the river, and the castle stood on land still within the extreme limits of that town. 28 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, diminishing, and their national character departing ; and the time is probably not very distant when it will be said of this once powerful confederacy, which often led to victory its thousands of warriors — it has been, yet is not. If such a writer as Washing ton Irving would write a history of the North American Indians, the world would owe him a debt of gratitude. Surely such a work would not detract from the merited literary fame of the au thor of Columbus, to say nothing of the well-emptied saddle-bags of that splenetic old gentleman, Sir Deidrich Knickerbocker. The Schoharie tribe of Indians seems to have been made up of the fractional parts, or refugees from different nations, some of which may have been compelled to flee from the council fires and hunting grounds of their fathers; and perhaps might not have been inaptly termed by other nations, a tribe of refuge, since it corresponded in some degree to the cities of refuge established by Moses, among the tribes of Israel. That Schoharie was settled if only for indefinite periods to suit the convenience of the na tives for hunting and fishing, long before its settlement by Ka- righondontee, there can remain no doubt; for to this day are found many flint arrow-heads, and not unfrequently other relics of savage ingenuity, which the contiguity of the whites at the time he settled was calculated to obviate the necessity of their re taining in use; for Schenectada and Albany were both within thirty miles of his location by the paths then traveled. It is true, bows and arrows were still used by some of the Indians after the Germans arrived there, but many of them possessed fire-arms and well knew how to use them Ions: before. It is astonishing to what perfection the aborigines of the United States had carried the manufacture of their wooden and stone in struments for defence and domestic utility, before the Europeans found their way hither ; since history informs us that they were not the possessors of even a knife, or any instrument of iron. To look at a flint arrow-head, see the regularity of its shape, and to what delicate proportions it has been wrought from so hard and brittle a substance, it seems incredible that it could have been formed by art, without the aid of other implements than those AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 29 of stone. One would almost suppose the Indian to have been capable of softening the flinty rock by some chemical agent, previous to its being wrought into such beautiful forms. The ca binet of the antiquarian will exhibt them of various dimensions and a variety of colors ; pipes, hatchets, wedges, and culinary vessels, all ingeniously formed from different kinds of stone, are likewise often found at the present day near the site of ancient Indian villages — giving additional evidence of the perfection to which necessity will carry certain arts. The abundance of Indian relics formerly found there, the small- ness of the tribe and its comparatively brief existence, are facts on which I predicate an opinion, that the Mohawks and Delawares, in times of peace, dwelt in and about Schoharie. This conclusion seems not only plausible but very probable, as the former, who were called the true heads of the Confederacy, lived along the Mohawk valley, and the latter inhabited along the Delaware — the Schoharie valley being to them the natural route of inter communication. Some twenty-five years ago, there might have been seen nearly a mile north of the Schoharie Court House, a deep pit, in which was observed a heavy, upright, wooden frame. Its location was on a knoll, in an old apple orchard upon the farm now owried by John L. Swart : which orchard seems, at least in appearance, to merit an existence coeval with the first German settlements. For what purpose that frame was there sunk, or by whom, tradition breathes not even a whisper. Judge Brown said he remembered having seen it, but assured the author that persons then living in the vicinity much older than himself, could give no clew to its ori gin. This artificial cavern, which is said to have been apparent ly fifteen or twenty feet deep, by those who looked into it, was discovered at the time alluded to, by the accidental caving in of the earth near one corner of it. The opening has long since been closed, without an interior examination of the pit. Its origin must be left entirely to conjecture. It may have been an under ground place of refuge ; or, it may have served as a depository for treasures; or, — but I leave to the curious the solving of its mysteries. 30 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Indians have generally believed in the existence of a God or Great Spirit, and a future state. They worshiped a plurality of imaginary deities, such as the heavenly bodies, fire, water and the like — indeed any thing mysterious or superior to themselves. In New England, says Trumbull, although they believed in one su preme God, or a being of infinite goodness, still they paid most of their devotion to the evil spirit, whom they called Hobom- ocko : thinking, no doubt, that if they made peace with their enemy, they, were safe. Little is known of the Schoharie tribe of Indians until the Ger mans came into their midst. Tlieir general customs and habits were as similar to those of neighboring tribes, as the multigener- ous nature of their own would allow. The customs of the Caro lina, Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania Indians, from which the Schoharie tribe was principally composed, no doubt differed as, much, perhaps more, than would those of an equal number of the present white population, if collected from the same sections of the Union. The refugees from some of the tribes lived together when their numbers would admit, and they doubtless kept up in a measure their own national character. Time is required in all cases, where people from distant countries form a settlement, to sink into one general custom or habit, the diversified manners of their native land. The Mohegans settled near the mouth of the Little Schoharie kill in the present town of Middleburgh, and were living separate from the main body of the tribe, long after Conrad Weiser and his German brethren lo cated in their immediate vicinity. One good reason for this, was the fact that they spoke a different language from the principal part of the tribe. They also had a small castle near the present residence of Henry Mattice. It is said by historians. that Indians arc invariably born white : if so, I must presume this freak of nature found its way to the Schoharie tribe. " Indian lovers generally live together on trial before marriage :" and I have no reason to believe it was other wise here. Among the Five Nations, history assures us, polyga- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 31 my was not customary, but the Indians in general, Solomon like, kept many concubines — and never thought they had too many women. As the Schoharie tribe was deficient in numbers, I readily conclude it placed as much dependence on women to in crease the number of its warriors, as did any of the Six Nations. In Virginia, it is said, the Indians had altars of stone whereon they offered a sacrifice of blood, deer's suet and tobacco. Now I dare not suppose that Karighondontee or any of his tribe were equally religious ; but I may say, I have never heard that any people ever appropriated tobacco to a much better use — surely it were far better thus to burn, than masticate it : while its fumes, I do not scruple to believe, would ascend to heaven with as grate ful odor — if neatness and health are called in question — as from the lips of that individual, whose taste is so perverted as to smoke it. That the Schoharie Indians had many customs and habits in common with other nations, the author has obtained satisfactory proof : such as the burial of treasures with the dead — holding councils when on the eve of some momentous undertaking — cele brating victories — face painting — (from whom some modern la dies have possibly borrowed the disgusting, habit) — scalping the fallen foe — wearing trinkets about their persons — compelling their women to do the drudgery — requiting hospitality with kind ness, and secretly revenging insult with the tomahawk. What civilized people call society was rarely ever found among the jab- origines of the United States. Unless engaged in war or the chase, their favorite employ — they led lives of indolence and in activity. A custom once prevalent among the Indians of New England and New York, was that of burying the dead in a sitting posture facing the east: it was also customary among the In dians of eastern New England, for such as had taken prison ers, to kill as many of them as they had relatives or friends killed in battle. — See Drake's Church's life of Benjamin Church. Beside? the village of the Mohegans already located, the Scho harie tribe had several others : one of which was on the farm formerly owned by Alexander Vrooman — on the west side of the 32 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, river. Nearly opposite that, on the other side of the river, they had another ; and a distance of several miles farther up the val ley, on the farm of the late Peter P. Snyder, a third. At each of the two former they had a small castle ; and at- the latter, where they dwelt for many years after the two northern villages were abandoned, they had a burying ground. Those villages were all within four miles of the present site of the Court House. With in the recollection of some now living, twenty-one wigwams were yet standing upon the Snyder farm ; and a few old apple trees still to be seen there, are supposed to have been planted by the natives. Near this orchard many burials are said to have been made at their place of sepulture : nor, indeed, were the manes of nature's children without companions, to share the pot- age* taken along at their death ; as a portion of the consecrated ground was set apart, for the defunct slaves of the early Germans. The fifth, and most important village of the tribe, where dwelt Karighondontee and his principal chiefs, was in Vrooman's land : where they had a strong castle, and a place of burial. This cas tle was built by John Becker, who received from Sir William Johnson, as agent for the British government, eighty pounds for its erection. It was built at the commencement of the French war, and constructed of hewn timber. The Indians held some four hundred acres of land around it, which they leased for sever al years. Contiguous to this castle, along both sides of the river, could have been counted at one time seventy huts ; and relics of savage ingenuity are now often plowed up near its site. An an gle of land, occasioned by a bend in the river, on which this cas tle stood, was called the Wilder Hook, by the Dutch who settled near it, and signified the Indian's Corner. Among the old people in that vicinity, it is still known by the same name. The Indians gave names to most of the mountains and promin- • It was not only customary for the aborigines of this country to bury the implements of war, and treasures of the warrior with his body ; but also a kettle of food, such as beans or venison, to serve him on his journey to the delectable hunting grounds, whither he believed himself going. There he expected to find plenty of wild game, handsome women, and revel eternally in voluptuousness. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 33 ent hills in the county, among which were the following: On the west side of the river, directly opposite the brick church in Middleburgh, is a mountain rising several hundred feet, and covered with timber of stunted growth. The traveler will readily notice this, as being the highest of the surrounding peaks, which hem in the river and valley for a considerable distance on either side. This mountain the natives called Ou-con-ge-na, which sig nified, Rattle-snake Mountain, or Mountain of Snakes. It was literally covered with rattle- snakes in former times. The next peak above on the same side of the river, which has a very bold twmination towards the valley, they called O-nis-ta-gra-wa, and spoke it as though written 0-nis-ta-graw-w>a«g7i / It signifi ed the Corn Mountain. Between that and the river was the Wilder Ho.ok : at which place the flats are well adapted to the cultivation of Indian corn. It was this consideration which gave to this mountain its significant name. The next hill above the Onistagrawa, now known as Spring Hill, the Indians called To- wok-now-ra — its signification is unknown. At Middleburgh, two valleys meet; the one through which the Schoharie wends its way, and the other through which the Little Schoharie kill runs some distance before it empties into the former. Consequently, on the south-east side of the river as it there courses, the mountain ridge which confines the river to its limits on the eastern side, suddenly terminates, and again ap pears east of Middleburgh village. The termination of the hill alluded to, which lies south-east of the Onistagrawa and distant perhaps two miles — was called by the Mohegans who dwelt at its base, the Mo-he-gon-ter, and signified Falling Off, or Termin ation of the Mohegan Hill. It served not only to designate the locality, and preserve the name of the Connecticut Indians, but, like many of their words which have a twofold meaning ; it de noted a hill terminating at a valley. A fraction of the Stock- bridge tribe of Indians, who emigrated from Massachusetts, also dwelt near the Mohegans. I have no data by which to estimate the whole number of Schoharie Indians, except the statement in Brown's pamphlet, 34 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, which sets down the number of warriors at about three hundred. Now by supposing that each of those warriors, on an average, had two women, that there were two children to each woman — that there were fifty men unfit for warriors from age or infirmity, and as many old women ; the tribe would then number two thou sand two hundred souls. This estimate may be thought too large ; but if so, the reader has the same right and means to lessen its numbers, that I have to increase them. And whether he is a Yankee or not, he may guess at their numbers with impunity ; although it is hardly a supposable case, still there may have been here and there a warrior to whom Cupid had not revealed OvicWs art; there are few of nature's children who are strangers to love. The coat of arms, or ensign of the Schoharie tribe, was a turtle and a snake. Figures representing those animals, they were careful to place on all deeds or writings — which were to prove an evidence of faith. Nor were they confined to placing them on paper or parchment ; for whenever they deeded land, trees serving as bounds or land-marks, bore the characteristic emblem of the tribe. Brown enumerates the five following foot-paths as being in use by the Schoharie Indians, when the whites first settled among them. The first he mentions began at Catskill, and followed the kill of that name up to its source at the Vlaie, from whence it continued down to Middleburgh. Over a part of this path now runs the Loonenburg turnpike. The second began at Albany and led over the Helleberg, down Foxes creek valley, and terminated in Schoharie. By this path the Germans traveled, who first set tled Schoharie. The old road, as now called, from thence to Albany, follows very nearly the route of that path. The third commenced at Garlock's dorf, and led to Schenectada through Duanesburgh. By this path, the Dutch who first settled in Vroo man's Land, proceeded from Schenectada. This path was much used for several years by the Schoharie Germans, who went to that ancient city with grists upon their backs to get milling done ! The fourth led from Kneiskern's dorf down the Schoharie to Sloansville, from thence through the towns of Charleston and AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 35 Glen to Cadaughrity and ended at Fort Hunter. This path was much traveled by the natives, who went from the Mohawk to the Susquehanna valley. The fifth led from Kneiskern's dorf north-west to Canajoharie. This path, says Brown, was much traveled by the early Germans, who often went to visit relatives at the German Flats. It continued in full use, he adds, until af ter the year 1762, at which time Sir William Johnson reviewed a brigade of militia, of which he was general — near the upper Indian castle of the Mohawks. Besides those enumerated, the Indians must have had other paths, perhaps of less notoriety, leading in different directions from Schoharie. One traversed not a little by the Indian hunter, led directly up the Schoharie to near its source, and from thence to the Susquehanna and Genesee valleys. While another of some importance to the hunter, must have led up the Cobelskill to it source, and from thence to Otsego lake. It may justly be said, that religion has peopled by the whites, the greater part of North America ; for many of the first Eu ropean immigrants came to this goodly heritage to find a place where they could worship Jehovah as seemed to them proper and desirable. True, the prospect of realizing the desires of Ortugal, induced many to settle in Spanish America ; but Catholicism was the handmaid of lucre, ahd aided not a little in conquering and civilizing Mexico, so far as that country has been civilized ; it must be acknowledged, however, that civilization has advanced tardily in all Spanish America. This is owing no doubt to two obvious reasons : the general indolence of the inhabitants, (their wealth being derived directly from the precious metals instead of agriculture,) and the fact that the Catholic religion is less fa vorable to civilization, than is the Protestant. After the throne of England had been vacated by the death of William and Mary, Queen Anne ascended it, and as her pre decessors had done, she tolerated the Protestant religion. It was often the case in former times, that when one form of religious worship was tolerated ina kingdom of Europe, and laws were enacted to compelTall to conform" to it, many who had scruples about 36 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, adopting it, at the sacrifice of judgment and feeling, fled to other countries where their own religion prevailed. It was bigotry and. Catholicism, which drove the ancestors of General Marion from France to South Carolina. The grandfather of Marion was a French Protestant : by the authorities of France he was banish ed to -perpetual exile, and notified by letter, that if found in the kingdom after ten days from the date had transpired, his life would be forfeited, his body consumed by fire, and the ashes scattered on the winds of heaven. I have mentioned this case to show the reader the nature of the persecution, which tended in a great measure to people the United States. The Puritans, as the Plymouth, Massachusetts, pioneers were called, fled with their pastor, the Rev. John Robinson, in the year 1607, from England to Amsterdam in Holland ; from thence they soon after removed to Leyden. From the latter place, in the year 1620, they went to Southampton in England, from whence they embarked for America on the 5th day of Aifgust of the same year, and after a long, tedious voyage, anchored in Cape Cod harbor, on the 10th day of the following November. The colony which European persecution there planted, although se veral times on the eve of annihilation, was the means of peopling all New England. Queen Anne, who received the crown of England in the year 1702, knowing that the Germans were in general peaceable, loyal subjects,' and lovers of liberty from principle — anxious to increase the population of her American colonies, held out strong inducements to this hardy and industrious race of people to become British subjects. She offered to give them 1 ands, if they would set tle on the frontier of certain colonies, and furnish them at the be ginning with necessary tools, provisions, &c. What added to the inducement, they could there practice their own form of religious worship. There is a charm in the word liberty, that converts a desert wild into a paradise, and severs the cords of the fraternal, social circle. The generous offers of Queen Anne induced thousands to bid a final farewell to the land of their nativity — cross the foam- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 37 ing Atlantic, and erect their altars of worship in the wilds of America, thousands of miles from the luring places to which they were .known in childhood. Schoharie, with the exception of its Indian inhabitants, was first settled by the Germans and Dutch, and to religion and the love of liberty is that settlement mostly to be attributed. In saying Schoharie, I allude to all the settlements first made in Schoharie county, without distinction of towns ; as a territory of many miles in extent, now making a part of several towns, was, at first, known by no other name than that of Schoharie. I find it somewhat difficult to harmonize the contradictory statements, tending to fix the precise year in which the Germans first arrived in that valley. Brown says " they sailed on new year's day in the year 1710, from some port on the Rhine, down that river to Holland from whence they sailed to England ; that being there further provided, they sailed for America ; and after a tedious voyage in which a great many died, they landed at New York on the 14th day of June, 1712 ; having been one year five months and several days [over two years,] on their journey ; that they were then sent up the Hudson river to East and West Camp, (so called from the circumstance of their having encamped there,) where they wintered in ground and log huts. — That from there the spring following, they went to Albany, from whence some found their way to Schoharie, after a journey of four days by an Indian foot path, bearing upon their backs tools and provisions with which they had been provided by agents of the queen." Brown is doubtless in error about the time the emigrants were coming from Germany to New York ; it could not have been upwards of two years, as it would seem by his data. Many, of the aged people with whom I have conversed on this subject, agree in fixing the date of their departure from Leyden in Holland, as early as 1709, while some others name that year as the traditionary one in which they first reached Schoharie. A record in the Lutheran church at Schoharie, states that Abraham Berg, from Hessen, came to America in 1709, but the record was made many years subsequent to that date, and may be in- 4 38 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY accurate ; recording the time of arrival here, instead of departure fnta Hessen. From a comparison of all the evidence collected on the subject, I believe they left Germany late in 1709, arrived at New York in 1710, and the following year went to Schoharie. Smith's history of New York informs us, that General Hunter, who had been appointed governor of the province, arrived at New York on the fourteenth day of June, 1710, bringing with him near three thousand Palatines, who, the year before, had fled to England from the rage of persecution in Germany. That "many of these people seated themselves in the city of New York, where they built a Lutheran church ; others settled on a tract of several thousand acres, in the manor of Livingston, where they still have a village called the Camp, which is one of the pleasantest situations on Hudson's river ; right opposite, on the west bank are many other families &i them. Some went into Pennsylvania, and by the favorable accounts of the country, which they transmitted to Germany, were instrumental to the transmigration of many thousands of their countrymen into that province. Queen Anne's liberality to these people," he adds, " was not more beneficial to them than serviceable to this colony. They have behaved themselves peaceably, and lived with great industry. Many are rich ; all are Protestants, and well affected to the government : the same may be said of those who have settled amongst us, and planted the lands westward of Albany, We have not the least ground for jealousy with respect to them." It will be observed, that the arrival at New York of the Ger mans by whom Schoharie was undoubtedly settled, was on the same day of the same month, two years earlier than the date given by Brown, as the one on which they arrived. There can remain little doubt, that the time of their arrival as given by Smith is correct. Another writer, Spafford', in his Gazetteer of New York, speaking of Livingston's manor, says : " In the year 1710, agreeably to an arrangement with Queen Anne of Eng land, the proprietor conveyed a tract of six thousand acres ad joining the Hudson, from the south-eastern part of the manor, to a AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 39 number of Palatines, who had served in her armies, and were now driven from Germany by the French army. The same writer, speaking of Germantown, Columbia county, in which town is the village of East Camp, says : " In June, 1710, seventy families of poor Palatine soldiers who had served in the army. of Queen Anne, by whom they were hired of the Electorate of the Palatinate, arrived at New York, the most of whom soon removed to these lands, then included in Livingston's manor." The reader will here understand why these people were called Palatines. Palatine is a term which was formerly given to a prince, and probably is still, in some parts of Germany. He was invested with royal privileges to preside over a certain territory, called a Palatinate ; hence emigrants from such coun tries in Germany, as are subject to the government or direction of a Palatine, have been called Palatines or Palatinates. " In 1725," continues Spafford, "according to an arrangement of King George I. with the proprietor, letters patent were granted to certain persons belonging to the settlement of East Camp, as it was then called, as trustees for the whole, conveying the right of soil in perpetuity for the use of said inhabitants. And the grant seems to have been well devised, with the whole condi tions on which it was made. Forty acres were directed to be appropriated to the use of a church and the maintenance of a school, and the residue to be equally divided among the inhabi tants, which was faithfully performed by the trustees. This lit tle colony received many marks of the kindness, care and bene ficence of Queen Anne, under whose special patronage it was first planted. The country was then wholly wild, and the first encampments were distinguished by local names. Hence came East Camp, a more general name of three little lodges in this town ; and West Camp, the name of a similar settlement on the opposite side of the river, now in Saugerties, Ulster county. The settlements first commenced by three small lodges of tem porary huts, each of which was placed under the superintendance of some principal man, from whom they took their names, with the addition of dorf, a German word for village. Hence Weiser's 40 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY dorf, Kneiskern's dorf, names now disused, except by a very few of the ancient Germans." r According to Spafford's account it would appear as though the first settlers at the Camps, had been hired by Queen Anne to serve in her wars. But the other published accounts, and tradition, which seems not to have slumbered on this subject, unite in ascrib ing their emigration from Germany chiefly to religious oppression. It is not improbable that some of the most warlike of those Ger mans, may have aided the colonies and Iroquois in the war they were then waging with Canada ; — a distinguished historian does indeed say that some of them were so engaged; (See Bancroft's U. S. vol. iii, p. 221) — but that those who tarried at the Camps left their native land for that purpose, seems hardly admissible, from the fact, that male and female, oJ4 and young, great and small were included in this group of immigrants ; the major part of which would have been sorry materials for an army. He must be in error about the number of the first settlers, unless two different parties arrived at the Camps during the same year, which is not improbable ; as more than seventy families, which he gives for their whole number there, removed to Schoharie ; at which time many families settled along the Mohawk river. It is highly probable, that of those who arrived, seventy families at least remained at the Camps, and became permanent settlers. Few incidents worthy of notice, in the long journey of these emigrants, have been preserved. They are said to have embarked from Plymouth, a port somewhat celebrated for the embarkation of Europeans to this continent. While the ship was lying at an chor some distance from the shore, awaiting for a fair wind or sailing orders, with the emigrants on board, six of them went to land in a boat to make some necessary purchases. Only one name of the six is now remembered, that was Becker. He was a relative of the ancestors of the Beckers, who now live on Fox's creek, in the present town of Schoharie. After making purchases, they put off to regain the ship ; but having a gale of wind to encounter, which had sprung up while they were on shore the boat capsized and its crew were all buried in the raging bil lows. With this unhappy commencement, it is but natural to AND BORDER WAR OF NEW YORK. 41 suppose their surviving friends anticipated a voyage across the Atlantic, fraught with difficulty and danger: indeed such it proved ; for it was protracted by adverse winds to a length of months, and rendered truly appalling, when, as provisions began to fail them, they saw grim death, through all the horrors of starvation, staring them in the face. Before they reached New York, crumbs were sought for by the half starved children in every nook and corner, and when fortune thus discovered to them the scanty object of their search, no matter how filthy or stale, it was considered a God-send and greedily devoured. Several pas sengers died on the voyage : one old lady, who had been ill of consumption for some time, died and was consigned to the deep at the Narrows, below New York. If several died on the jour ney, it is not certain that the whole number of the emigrants was less at their final debarkation, than it was when they left the land of their fathers, as I have to record the fact, that the rule of ancient arithmetic, which subtracts one from one and leaves two, was not unfrequently exemplified during the passage. By the by, that is a valuable rule in peopling all new countries. Soon after they landed at New York, they were sent up the Hudson to the Camps ; (with the exception of those who became permanent settlers in the city, and those who went to Pennsylva nia ;) where they made a temporary location. As they did not arrive at New York until the middle of June, it will be observed that the season had too far advanced to allow those who intended to become frontier settlers, or citizen farmers, to select an ap proved location, and raise their sustenance for that season : they therefore went into quarters to await the return of Spring. They erected temporary huts, settling in seven squads or messes, each with a head man or commissary, through whom they received their provisions from an agent of the Queen, until they were per manently located. Conrad Weiser, Hartman Winteker, John Hendrick Kneiskern, Elias Garlock, Johannes George Smidt and W7illiam Fox were six of the number ; and as John Lawyer be came one after their arrival at Schoharie, he may have made the seventh. The several settlements over which they presided, were 42 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, called dorfs, signifying towns. Each of the said "list men," as Judge Brown termed them, (from the fact, that each had enrolled on a list or schedule, the names of every man, woman and child belonging to his beat ;) was obliged to make careful report, from time to time, to the royal agent, of all changes in his dorf; of its approaching wants, etc. How these honest, good natured, simple people, spent the greater part of a year at the Camps, this depo nent has been unable to learn ; but as they possessed the charac teristic good nature of their mother country, — were fond of ath letic exercises, not to the exclusion of fumigation however, he supposes, as the Queen's punctual agent did not allow them to anticipate much care or concern about their temporal affairs, that they " drove dull cares away," by what their descendants term frolicking : and that although they were in a strange land, they resolved* it should be to them a land of social enjoyment. The reader is ready to ask, what means the term frolicking in this place ? It means, as I have been assured by the descendants of those virtuous and happy people, the indulgence of certain pro pensities of the human heart to seek pleasure. They fiddled, they danced, they ran foot races ; and groups were not unfrequently seen among them, jumping, wrestling, &c, in summer : while winter found them skating, or playing various kinds of plays, such as now sometimes make part of an evening's entertainment at a village party, in which bussing, that delectable finale to which they generally tend, bears a conspicuous part. Some se date mortal, on whom life hangs heavily, may be ready to ex claim, "strange that a people who left their native land on ac count of religious persecution, should have allowed their children or any of their numbers, to indulge in such foolish propensities !" It is indeed strange ; but no less strange than true, if they lived at the Camps as they afterwards did in Schoharie. One fact how ever, might be urged in mitigation of their wickedness, if such the reader terms it. Not a particle of hypocrisy, that ingredient so necessary in making up the human character at the present day, dwelt in the hearts of these people. The reader will re member, that I have not called them a fashionable people. Na- AND BORDER WAR OF NEW YORK. 43 turally honest themselves, they supposed others so, and had im bibed liberally those true German principles of nature, founded on a belief, that " there is a proper time for every purpose ;" which bade them not look to the morrow, for that which rightly be longed to the present day ; or anticipate the troubles to which nrjan is heir, and which are so profusely scattered along his path. That there were many among those emigrants who lived pious and exemplary lives, not approving the course of their fellows, there can be no doubt. At what time in the spring of 1711, those who had not chosen to remain at the Camps, moved up the river to Albany, is uncer tain. It must have been as early as circumstances would allow. On their arrival at that Dutch city, they sent several individuals of their number into the Mohawk and Schoharie vallies, to spy out a good location for their permanent settlement. Perhaps it may be well to say a few words in this place, in explanation of the term Dutch. Emigrants from the German circles, were ori ginally called Germans or High Dutch ; and indeed continued to be so called, long after their emigration to this country ; while those from Holland or the United Provinces were called Dutch : or, in contra-distinction of the term High Dutch given the Ger mans, Low Dutch. Many persons of the present day, unacquaint ed with the geography of Europe, express surprise to hear the distinction of the terms German and Dutch made, supposing them synonymous. The German circles or states, and Dutch provinces, are as distinct countries, as are England and Scotland, perhaps more so ; and their languages as little alike, as were formerly those of the latter countries. Nor indeed are the former under the same government, which is the case with the latter ; and yet people express no surprise to hear the distinction of English and Scotch emigrants made, when those countries are in question. When the historian tells us that the Dutch settled at Albany, which was by them called Willemstadt, where they built Fort Orange ; and at New York, then called New Amsterdam, in or about the year 1614, nearly one hundred years previous to the settlement of Schoharie ; he dees not intend to be understood that 44 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, those places were settled by Germans, but by Hollanders or Dutch. ** As the sections of the United States, originally peopled by the Dutch and Germans, received additional settlers from other coun tries, and conformed to the English language, — the Whole assimi lating by gradual process to new characteristics, as their old were reluctantly absolved ; the sectional appellatives of all, whether English, Scotch, or Irish — Dutch, German, or Swiss, yielded to two simple terms, Yankee and Dutch. The German messengers, with whom we parted company a short time since, deputed to Schoharie, were conducted by an Indian guide over the Helleberg*, and on the second day they gained a commanding view of the flats along Fox's creek. They proceeded down that stream, until from one of the hills which skirt its lowlands, they gained a prospect ofthe Schoharie valley, at the place where Fox's creek runs into the Schoharie. There their vision was delighted by one of the most beautiful and pic turesque scenes, with which nature has decorated the earth. They beheld the green flats of Schoharie, spread out before them like a beautiful, though neglected garden. To the west, directly oppo site the mouth of said creek, their view was obstructed by a ro mantic mountain rising several hundred feet, and terminating in a bold cliff towards them. I regret that I have been unable to learn the original Indian name of that mountain : the Germans called it the Clipper berg, meaning the rocky mountain. I take the liberty of giving to it, the name of Karighondontee, intending by so doing to perpetuate the name of the Schoharie Indian tribe. On the summit of the Karighondontee, is a cultivated farm for merly owned by Henry Hamilton, Esq., an excursion to which often rewards the rambler in the summer season, with one of the • On arriving upon this mountain, which is a spur of the Catskill moun tains, those emigrants halted on several eminences to enjoy the rich prospect thus afforded. Helle— signifies light or clear, and berg — hill or mountain. Hence the appropriate name they gave it— Helleberg, Prospect Hill or Sight ly Mountain. Helderberg, the Dutch orthography for this word, has, within a few years, very improperly gained place ; its original German name being far more poetic and soft. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 45 most enchanting views imaginable. Off to the right hand of the deputation, as they stood on the summit of tbe hill, near where it descends into the two valleys, on the north side of Fox's creek ; they were enabled to catch a view of the great bend in the river, where it takes a more easterly course, immediately after receiving Cobel's kill. They did not long tarry to contemplate on the richness of the prospect, which the union of those three valleys, beautified as they then were by luxurious spring, was calculated to create. Perhaps there was no Mozart present, to catch inspi ration from the wanton carol of the countless feathered musicians, by which they were surrounded : or Spurzheim to forestal the virtues, — perchance the hidden wealth, of the hilly protuberances which rose in romantic grandeur, on which side soever they gazed. The hill on which I have supposed the pilgrim messen gers to have stood, and from which they caught a view of " the promised land," the Indians called Oxt-don-tee. After taking this hasty glance of the country before them, which they no doubt did with eyes and ears, if not mouths, open ; they returned speedily to Albany, and reported progress to their anxious breth ren. Would kind reader, I could serve you with the maiden speeches of those honest spies, who were among the first white men known to have trod upon Schoharie soil : but in the absence of such an intellectual treat, your own fertile imagination must create them. They were dehvered before the immortal seven, who were the sanhedrim of the multitude, and one thing is cer tain : they were fraught with a prevailing argument against the entire Mohawk valley, which was not even allowed a hearing ; and nearly the whole caravan,* loaded down like so many pack horses with provisions and tools, without a vehicle of any kind, •started forthwith for Schoharie. The interval lands which the deputies had visited, were, at that time, to a great extent cleared or timberless, and presented * As the German settlements along the Mohawk were commenced about the same time with those of Schoharie, it is not improbable, that the relatives of the messengers sent up that river, awaited their return at Alba ny, and on their bringing a favorable report of the country, removed thither. 46 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, the appearance of a limited prairie : and few were the native in habitants, who then dwelt upon them. These two considerations, no doubt, greatly influenced, the hasty decision of the colonists. Gentle reader, you, who ride perhaps in a gilded carriage, and think elliptic springs and a good road scarcely endurable, must not be offended when informed, that your great-great-grand mothers, (I am now speaking to the fair sex, of the uncontami- nated descendants, of the primogenial pilgrims to the happy val ley, not of Rasselas, but Schoharie;) clad in linsey-woolsey of limited length, bearing each in their arms an heir apparent, and each on their back a sack of provisions or unmentionables ; set out on foot to make this long journey, upon an intricate Indian foot path.* Would you ask why their husbands did not carry the burthens, thus imposed upon their amiable consorts 1 I have already said they had not a vehicle of any kind; nor indeed had they the aid of even a single horse ; consequently the husbands and all the children able to bear burthens, were heavily laden. They left Albany on Thursday, and as may be supposed, their progress was necessarily very slow. Nights they slept in the open air, after having built fires to keep off the wolves, which thickly infested the forest through which they were journeying. Nothing remarkable happened during the first two day's journey. On Saturday they reached the present site of Knoxville, which appears to be the summit level between Albany and Schoharie, where they halted and assembled together. Some misunderstand ing having arisen, a contest ensued, in which many of the party were engaged, from which circumstance the place has since been known by the older inhabitants, as Fegt berg, or fighting hill. * This journey of thirty odd miles, is looked upon at the present day as a small matter, since a stage rattles over it every day ; but it was far other. wise at that period. Many were the tears of sympathy shed in Albany, at the departure of these good people, because they were going so far from any other settlement. What changes time brings. Where is now your sympathy, 0 ye Albanians ! for the comely looking Swiss maidens and their forlorn mothers, who are now in motley groups, lingering not unfrequently a few days with you, ere they commence a western journey, which may number thousands of miles ? AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 47 What gave rise to this quarrel, I have been unable to learn, lt is not improbable that the " green eyed monster" was the direct or indirect cause, originating in a spirit of emulation to direct the movements of the party. No one seems to have been very seri ously injured by this unlooked for trial of strength ; the insurgents were overpowtred, good order again restored, and the line of march resumed. On Sunday, (probably in the latter part of April,) a day of seven, dedicated to cleansing and decorating the outward man of the civilized world, having arrived at a small brook, which descends from the hills on the north side of Fox's creek, and runs into the latter near the present residence of Sam uel Stevens, and within sight of the Schoharie valley, the party halted and resolved on having a general purifying. Says Brown, " while washing, the lice were swimming down the brook j which is called Louse kill to this day." Tradition corroborates this sto ry. I may have occasion hereafter to speak of the cleanliness of the descendants of these people. There can be little doubt, but that the washing adventure, may prove a mirror to many parties of emigrants, who have been long journeying. It is not difficult to account for the fact, that the most negligent of the number, (for I cannot believe all were so) should have become filthy. They were poor, had not changes of apparel ; of course, the clothing they wore, without much pains-taking to keep it clean, must have become dirty : add to this the fact, that they had been for a great length of time, either journeying or dwelling in rude huts, in either case greatly crowded, without any conveniences for private ablution ; and we have a plausible reason to believe the story a true one. Poor people, although. cleanly, find it difficult at times, to exhibit evidences of their neatness, especially while traveling. The Schoharie flats to which they were journeying, and upon which they arrived on the day of their purifying, had been pur chased of the natives by an agent of the Queen, to prevent future hostilities between them and the Germans. The tract of land thus purchased, began on the little Schoharie kill in the town of Middleburgh, at the high water mark of the Schoharie river, at 48 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, an oak stump burned hollow, which stump is said to have served the Mohegan and Stockbridge Indians, the purposes of a corn mill ; and ran down the river to the north, taking in the flats on both sides of the same, a distance of eight or ten miles, contain ing twenty thousand acres. By the side of this stump was erect ed a large pile of stones, which was still standing since the year 1800. Upon this stump was cut the figures of a turtle and a snake, the ensign of the Karighondontee tribe, the Indian seal of the contract. Having arrived in safety, the Germans settled along the Schoharie on the land provided by the queen, in sever al villages or dorfs, as they called them, under the direction of the seven individuals, who acted at the Camps as their captains or commissaries. Prudence, no doubt, dictated the necessity of set tling near together, that they might be the better prepared to an ticipate any hostile movement of their Indian neighbors. Weiser's dorf, (so called after Conrad Weiser the founder,) was the most southern village, and occupied part of the present site of the vil lage of Middleburgh. This dorf contained some forty dwellings. They were small, rude huts, built of logs and earth, and covered with bark, grass, &c. They were built on both sides of a street, which ran nearly east and west, and may have been called Weiser street. Hartman's dorf was the next settlement down the river, and was about two miles north of Weiser's dorf. This was the only one of the settlements called after the christian name of its founder or patroon : his name having been Hartman Winteker. This flekken,* (if the largest village in seven merited the name,) is said to have contained sixty-five dwellings, similar in construc tion to those spoken of in the dorf above. The Germans, (as is the custom of their descendants,) built their ovens detached from their dwellings : and thirteen are said to have answered all the good house-wives of Hartman's dorf, the purposes of baking. Like the former, this village was built along one street ; and I am gratified to think I can inform the reader precisely where it * Dorf means a compact farmer's town or small village ; flekken a larger village than a dorf and less than a city : and stadt, an incorporated city— Brown. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 49 was situated. Every man who has traveled from Schoharie Court House to Middleburgh will remember, that having proceed ed about three miles, and crossed two brooks, the most southern of which was called, in former days, the Wolfs kill, he came to two angles in the road, between which, he perceived his course changed from south to west for the distance of, perhaps, a quarter of a mile. He will also remember, no doubt, how straight and level that part of the road was, gently descending to the west ; and, too, that he expressed surprise to his companion, or, if he had no more sensible person with him, to himself, that the road had never been straightened. Now, since I have traced the lo cation of Hartman's dorf by tradition, to the immediate vicinity of this knoll or table-land, upon which the two angles in the road appear, and have too much charity to believe, that that part of the road would not have been straightened, had the commission ers who laid it out not had some noble object in view, I have come to the conclusion, and doubt not the good sense of the read er will bear me out in it, that that part of the road which runs, east and west, between the angles spoken of, was once Hartman's street, and that upon each side of it once stood the unpretending dwellings of Hartman's dorf. The next village north, was in the vicinity of the court-house, and was called Brunnen or Bruna dorf, which signified the town of springs. There are several springs in this vicinity ; and a liv ing one, which issues from beneath the rocks a little distance south-east from the court-house, supplies most of the villagers with excellent water. The principal or most influential man among the first settlers at this place, was John Lawyer. Some of his descendants, as also those of some of the Shaeffers and Ingolds, who were also among the first settlers, still reside near the location of their ancestors. The next settlement was in the vicinity of the present residence of Doctor C. H. Van Dyck, about a mile north of Bruna dorf; and consisted of Johannes George Smidt, (or Smith in English,) with a few followers of the people, for whom he had acted as commissioner at the Camps. Smith is said to have had the best house in Smith's dorf, which 50 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, was thatched with straw. I am not certain that any of his clan are now represented in that section. It is probable, however, that the Snjders who reside there, may be descended from the first settlers. Fox's dorf was next to Smith's, north, and took its name from William Fox, its leading, man. He settled about a mile from Smith, in the vicinity of Fox's creek, so called after him. The Snyders, Beckers, Zimmers, Balls and Weidmans, now residing along, and near that stream, are regular descendants of the first settlers. Elias Garlock, with a few faithful followers, who, doubtless, adhered to him on account of his great wisdom, which remains to be shown, located about two miles farther down the river, near the present residence of Jacob Vrooman. This was called Garlock's dorf. The Dietzes, Manns and Sternbergs, were among the first settlers at Garlock's dorf, whose descend ants still occupy the grounds. The last and most northerly set tlement, was called Kneiskern's dorf, after John Peter Kneiskern, its leading man. It was two or three miles from the last men tioned settlement, and was made along the east side of the river, opposite the mouth of Cobel's kill. The Kneiskerns, Stubrachs, Enderses, Sidneys, Berghs and Houcks, residing in that vicinity, are descendants of the original settlers. This, and Bruna dorf, are the only ones of the seven settlements, in which the descend ants of the list men or founders, dwell at the present day. The sectional names of Kneiskern's and Hartman's dorf, are still in use ; while the other five have sunk into oblivion. Among the first settlers at these seven dorfs, were some whose descendants still reside in the county, their first location in but few instances being now traceable. It is presumed many of them settled at the two most southern, and important villages. The Keysers, Boucks, Rickards, Rightmyers, Warners, Weavers, Zim mers, Matrices, Zehs, Bellingers, Borsts, Schoolcrafts, Kryslers, Casselmans, Newkirks, Earharts, Browns, Settles and Merckleys, were doubtless among the first settlers. The whole number of Germans who located in the Schoharie valley in 1711, must have been between five and seven hundred. (51 ) CHAPTER n. Having located the pioneers of Schoharie according to their several inclinations, let us see how they were to live. More or less land was found at each settlement cleared, and with little pains, it was fitted for cultivation. It has been already shown that their effects were conveyed in such a manner, that we must presume they possessed very little of this world's gear. Their all, no doubt, consisted in a few rude tools, a scanty supply of provisions, a meagre wardrobe, and a small number of rusty fire arms : they had to manufacture their own furniture, if the apolo gy for it, merited such a name. Bedsteads, they for some time dispensed with. From logs they cut blocks, which answered the purposes of chairs and tables ; sideboards, sofas, piano fortes, ot tomans, carpets, &c, were to them neither objects of family pride, convenience or envy. They endeavored to foster the friendship of their Indian neighbors, and from them they received corn and beans, which the latter kindly showed them how to cultivate. Within one week after their arrival, four children were born ; a fact I think very worthy of record in the annals of this people. Their names were Catharine Mattice, Elizabeth Lawyer, Wilhel- mus Bouck and Johannes Earhart. In preparing ground for plant ing, which was done in the absence of plows, by broad hoes, they found many ground nuts, which they made use of for food, the first season. I have no account of their having been furnished with provisions by the Queen's agent, after they left Albany, and suppose they were left to live on their own resources, and what the country afforded. The want of grist mills, for several years, they found to be a source of great inconvenience. The stump mentioned in the pre- 52 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ceding chapter, which served as the southern bound of the first Indian purchase, not only answered the Indians, but the first Germans, the purpose of a corn mill. By the side of this hollow stump, an upright shaft and cross-bar were raised, from which was suspended a heavy wood, or stone pestle, working on the principle of a pump. Their corn for several years, they hulled with lye, or pounded preparatory to eating it. Brown says, the first wheat was sowed in Schoharie in the fall of 1713, by Lambert Sternberg, of Garlock's dorf. As I have shown the arrrival of the Germans to have been two years ear lier than the time stated by him, I suppose the first wheat to have been sown in the fall of 1711. As Schenectada was nearer the Schoharie settlements than Albany, for such necessaries as they required the first few years, they visited the former place the most frequently. Those who possessed the means, bought wheat there at two shillings a spint, (a peck,) or six shillings a skipple, had it ground and returned home with it on their backs, by a lonely Indian footh-path, through a heavy forest. It was thus, Sternberg carried the first skipple of wheat ever taken to Schoharie in the berry. He re sided near the present residence of Henry Sternberg, a descend ant of his. On the west side of the river, opposite Garlock's dorf, had been an Indian castle, which was abandoned about the time the Germans arrived ; the occupants having removed up the river, to the Wilder Hook. On the ground within the dilapidated inclosure, the wheat was sowed, or rather planted, (as they then had no plows or horses,) over more than an acre of ground ; it was planted within this yard, because it was a warm, rich piece of ground with little grass on it, and being inclosed, would remove the danger of having the crop destroyed in the fall or spring, by deer, which were numerous on the surrounding moun tains. This wheat, which rooted remarkably well in the fall stood so thin, from having been scattered over so much ground, that it was hoed in the spring like a patch of corn ; and well was the husbandman rewarded for his labor. Every berry sent forth several stalks, every stalk sustained a drooping head, and AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 53 every head teemed with numerous berries. When ripe, it was gathered with the greatest care ; not a single head was lost, and when threshed, the one yielded eighty-three skipples. In these days, when the weevil scarcely 'allows three, to say nothing of thfe eighty, bushels to one ; this statement would perhaps be look ed upon as incredible, were not all the circumstances known. Many procured seed from Sternberg, and it was not long before the settlers raised wheat enough for their own consumption. For several years, they had most of their grain floured at Schenectada. They usually went there in parties of fifteen or twenty at a time, to be better able to defend themselves against wild beasts, which then were numerous between the two places. Often, there were as many women as men in those journeys, and as they had to encamp in the woods at least one night, the wo men frequently displayed when in danger, as much coolness and bravery as their Uege lords. A skipple was the quantity usually borne by each individual, but the stronger often carried more. Not unfrequently, they left Schoharie to go to mill, on the morn ing of one day, and were at home on the morning of the next ; performing a journey of between forty and fifty miles, in twenty- four hours or less, bearing the ordinary burden ; but at such times, they traveled most of the night without encamping. It is said, that women were not unfrequently among those who performed the journey in the shortest time — preparing a breakfast for their families, from the flour they had brought, on the morning after they left home. Where is the matron now to be found, in the whole valley of the Schoharie, who would perform such a jour ney, in such a plight 1 As may be supposed, many of the first settlers in Schoharie were related. Hence has arisen that weighty political argument sometimes heard, " he belongs to the cousin family." Owing to the industry and economy of the colonists, and the richness of the soil, want soon began to flee their dwellings, and plenty to enter; and as their clothes began to wax old, they manufactured others from dressed buck-skins, which they obtain ed from the Indians. A file of those men, clad in buck-skin, 5 54 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, with caps of fox or wolf-skin, all of their own manufacture, must have presented a formidable appearance. It is not certain but the domestic economy of the male, was carried into the female department ; and that here and there a ruddy maiden, concealed her charming proportions beneath a habit of deer-skin. It is said that physicians accompanied the first Germans to Schoharie ; and that for many years, ministers, or missionaries, under pay from the British government, labored in the different German settlements in the country. They visited the people; married those whose peace of mind Cupid had destroyed ; preached to, and exhorted all. Their audiences usually occupied some convenient barn in the summer season, and the larger dwell ings in the winter. The want of horses and cattle at first, was much felt by the settlements. By whom cattle, swine and sheep were first intro duced, I have been unable to learn. The first of the horse kind they possessed, was an old gray mare. She was purchased at Schenectada for a small sum, by nine individuals of Weiser's dorf; and it is said they kept her moving. Who the nine were, who gloried in owning this old Rosinante, is unknown ; but there can be little doubt that Weiser, the patroon, owned an important share. It may be asked, whether the people of those settlements, who resided too close together, to admit of lands for cultivation lying between them, did not live as do the shakers; who make all their earnings common stock. With a mutual under standing, each labored for his own benefit, and in order to prevent difficulty, lands were marked out and bounds placed, so that every one knew and cultivated his own parcel. Not long after the Germans settled in Schoharie, the Dutch be gan a settlement in Vrooman's Land, on the west side of the river, two or three miles above Weiser's dorf. Adam Vrooman, a citizen of Schenectada— a farmer of considerable wealth, and somewhat advanced in life, took a royal patent for this land, from which cumstance, it was called Vrooman's Land : by which name it „ still distinguished. This patent was executed August 26, 1714 Previous to obtaining the royal title, Vrooman had received Indian cir- is AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 55 conveyances for portions of the land as gifts. One of two deeds, which have escaped the fate of most of Col. Peter Vrooman's papers, contains the names of eighteen Indians, inserted in the following order : " Pennonequieeson, Canquothoo, Hendrick the Indian, [probably King Hendrick of the French war,] Kawna- wahdeakeoe, Turthyowriss, Sagonadietah, Tucktahraessoo, Onna- dahsea, Kahenterunkqua, Amos the Indian, Jacob the Indian, Cor nelius the Indian, Gonhe Wannah, Oneedyea, Leweas the Indian, Johanis the Indian, Tuquaw-in-hunt, and Esras the Indian, all owners and proprietors of a certain piece of land, situate, lying and being in the bounds of the land called Skohere." The title is for two hundred and sixty acres of land near the hill " called Onitstagrawa ;" two hundred of which were flats, and sixty acres wood-land. The instrument closed as follows: "In testimony whereof, we, the three races or tribes of the Maquase, the Turtle, Wolf and Bear, being present, have hereunto set our marks and seals, in the town of Schenectady, this two and twentieth day of August, and in the tenth year of her Majesty's [Queen Anne's] reign. Annoque Domini, 1711." Eighteen wax seals are at tached to the conveyance, in front of which are arranged, in the order named, the devices of a turtle, a wolf and a bear, the form er holding a tomahawk in one of its claws. The other deed alluded to, is dated April 30, 1714, and con tains the eight following names : " Sitionneequerison, Tanuryso, Nisawgoreeatab,Turgourus, Honodaw, Kannakquawes, Tigreedon- tee, Onnodeegondee, all of the Maquaes country, native Indians, .owners and proprietors, &c." The deed was given for three hun dred and forty acres of woodland, lying eastward of the sixty acres previously conveyed, " bounded northward by the Onitsta grawa, to the southward by a hill called Kan-je- a-ra-go-re, to the westward by a ridge of hills that join to Onitstagrawa, extending southerly much like unto a half moon, till it joins the aforesaid hill Kanjearagore." This instrument closes in the manner of the one before noticed, except that each Indian's name is placed be fore a seal to which he had made his mark. The ensigns of the three Mohawk tribes, are conspicuously traced in the midst of the 56 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, signatures. One of the. two witnesses to both deeds was Leo Stevens, a woman who acted as interpreter on the occasion of granting each conveyance. Both deeds were duly recorded in the secretary's office of the province. March 30th, 1726, Adam Vrooman obtained a new Indian ti tle to the flats known as Vrooman's Land, executed by nine indi viduals of the nation, " in behalf of all the Mohaugs Indians." Some difficulty had probably arisen, in consequence of his hold ing more land than the first deeds specified. The new title gave the land previously conveyed with the sentence, " let there be as much as there will, more or less, for we are no surveyors ;" and was executed with the ensigns of the Mohawk nation — the turtle, wolf and bear. Vrooman's patent was bounded on the north by a point of the Onitstagrawa and the Line kill, and on the south by the white pine swamp, (as a little swamp near the present residence of Samuel Lawyer was then called) and a brook running from it, and em braced a good part of the flats between those two bounds from the hill to the river, excepting the Wilder Hook : where dwelt many of the natives, and where, as before stated, was their strong est castle. This patent was given for eleven hundred acres, more or less. It is said to have contained about fourteen hundred acres : than which very little better land ever was tilled. He had not designed to settle on this land himself, but made the purchase for a son. Peter Vrooman, for whom it was bought, settled on it soon after the purchase. He had quite a family, his oldest son, Bartholomew, being at that time fourteen or fifteen years old. He had a house erected previous to his moving there, and other conveniences for living. The first summer, he employed several hands, planted considerable corn, and fenced in some of his land. In the following autumn, he returned with his wife and children to Schenectada to spend the winter ; leaving a hired man by the name of Truax, and two blacks, Morter, and Mary his wife, to take care of the property ; of which he left considerable. Not long after Vrooman returned to Schenectada, Truax was most cruelly murdered. The circumstances attending this murder, are AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 57 substantially as follows. The evening before his death, Truax returned from the pleasing recreation of gunning, with a mess of pigeons, which he told Mary to dress and prepare for breakfast. Being fatigued, he retired to rest earlier than usual, and soon for got his cares and dangers, in a grateful slumber familiar to the sportsman. Mary cleansed the pigeons, and after having done so, she unconsciously put the knife into a side pocket still bloody, intending, but forgetting to wash it. Morter was absent from home during that evening and most of the night. Mary arose betimes in the morning, with no small pains prepared the savory dish, and waited sometime for Truax to rise. Observing that he kept his room unusually late, she went to his door and called to him, but received no answer. She tried to open the door and found it locked on the inside. As may be supposed, she felt the most lively apprehensions that all was not right. She could, from some position outside the house, look into his window. Thither she with trepidation went, when her suspicions were more than realized, and she learned too well the reason he had not risen at his usual hour. She quickly communicated intelli gence of her discovery to the Indians, her nearest neighbors : who, on their arrival at the house," burst open the door of his room. Horrible indeed was the sight then disclosed. Poor Truax lay in his bed, which he had sought without the least sus picion of danger, cold and stiff in his own gore ; with his throat cut from ear to ear. Indian messengers were immediately dis patched to Schenectada, to communicate the tragic affair to Peter Vrooman. About the same time, the bloody knife was discovered in the pocket of the weeping Mary. On the evening of the same, or early the following day, the messengers returned with Vrooman, and proper officers to arrest the murderer, or whoever might be suspected. Suspicionsxwere fixed upon the two blacks ; and when the fact of finding the bloody knife in the pocket of Mary, and the circumstance of Morter's being absent from home were known, both were arrested, and hurried off to Albany for trial. The day of examination soon arrived, and the prisoners were 58 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, brought to the bar. The trial proceeded, and the testimony of the Indians, to whom Mary had first communicated her suspicions of the murder, was heard. No unsettled difficulty was shown to have existed between the murdered and the accused : indeed, lit tle appeared at the trial to criminate the blacks, more than is al ready known to the reader. When the facts, that the throat of Truax had been cut, that a bloody knife was found on the person of Mary, and that Morter had sullenly refused to answer questions during his arrest and confinement, were known to the court, cir cumstantial evidence was deemed sufficiently strong and lucid to fix guilt upon them : and as the murder had been an aggravated one, the prisoners were sentenced, as tradition says, to be burned alive. When interrogated by the Judge, before passing his sen tence, whether they had aught to say why sentence of death should not pass upon them, Mary boldly and firmly declared her innocence, and her ignorance of the real murderer : stating, in a feeling manner, all she knew of the affair ; how the knife had been heedlessly put into her pocket after cleansing the pigeons, and forgotten ; how much she respected the deceased, and how much she lamented his untimely death ; and ended by an appeal to the great Judge of the universe of her innocence of the crime, for which she stood accused. Morter, on being interrogated, re mained sullenly silent; and after receiving the sentence, both were remanded to prison. On the day of their execution, which had not been long delayed, the condemned were taken west of the city a little distance, where had been previously prepared, a circular pile of pine faggots of a conical form. In the centre of the pile the victims were placed, and the fatal torch applied. Mary, still protesting her innocence, called on the Lord, whom she trusted would save her ; and prayed that he would, in the heavens, show to the spectators some token of her innocence. But alas ! the day of miracles had passed ; and as the flame surrounded her, she gave herself up to despair. She expired, endeavoring to convince the multitude of her innocence. Her companion met his fate, with the same stoic indifference he had manifested from the hour of his arrest. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 59 After the execution of this unhappy couple, one of whom, as will be seen hereafter, expired innocent of the crime for which she suffered, the affair died away, and nothing further was dis closed for several years. Facts then came to light revealing the whole transaction. At the time the murder was committed, a man by the name of Moore resided at Weiser's dorf. The Ger mans at that settlement, which was distant from the dwelling of Vrooman about two miles, it was supposed, envied Vrooman the possession of the fine tract of land he had secured ; and by com pelling him to abandon, hoped to possess it. It is not probable, however, that any one of them, except Moore, thought of getting it by the crime of murder. He conceived such a plan, and con spired with Morter to carry it into execution. Moore thought if Truax was murdered, Vrooman would be afraid to return for fear of sharing a like fate, and would then dispose of the land on reasonable terms ; when he might secure to himself a choice par cel. Morter was promised, as a reward for participating in the crime, the hand of Moore's sister in marriage. It is not likely the girl herself, had the most distant idea of the happiness her brother had in store for her. Amalgamation to Morter appeared in enticing garments. To pillow his head on a white bosom, and bask in amalgamated pleasure, would, he thought, amply com pensate for becoming the tool of Moore. He therefore resolved to aid him, and it was agreed the deed should be executed in such a manner as to throw suspicion on Mary his wife : who, he in tended, should prove no obstacle in the way of realizing his sen sual desires. The circumstance of his wife's having pigeons to dress, seemed to favor the design. Perhaps he had seen her put the bloody knife into her pocket : at all events, the present seemed to them a favorable opportunity, and they resolved to accomplish the foul deed that night. Accordingly, at midnight, the murder ers approached the house in which slumbered their innocent vic tim. Finding his door locked, they found it necessary to devise some plan to gain admission to his room without breaking the lock, and, if possible, without alarming Mary, a victim they in tended the law should claim. By some means they gained the 60 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, top of the chimney, which was not very difficult, as the dwelling was but one story, and sliding carefully down that, they soon found themselves in the presence of their still slumbering victim. Which of the two drew the fatal knife is unknown ; it is supposed one held him, while the other, at a single stroke, severed the jugu lar vein. The nefarious deed accomplished, the assassins left the room, and away they sped from the dwelling, fearful alike of their own shadows. The light of the morrow's sun disclosed this damnable deed. When the commotion and anxiety of the next day followed dis covery, Moore feigned business from home, and kept out of the way until after the arrest of his hardened accomplice. Not long after this murder was committed, a disturbance arose among the Germans, through ignorance, as will be seen, and many of them left the Schoharie valley and sought a residence elsewhere. Moore was among those who went to Pennsylvania. He lived a life of fear for some years in that state, but at length a sum mons from on high laid him upon a bed of languishing. As dis ease preyed upon his vitals, the worm of torment gnawed his con science. Sometimes in his broken slumbers, he was visited (in fancy,) by the ghost of a man struggling upon a bed ; and as he heard the rattle of his throat as the breath left his body, he saw the fearful gash and the flowing blood. At other times he saw two persons, whom the crackling flames were devouring ; and, as the appeal to heaven for a token of the innocence of one of them rang in his ears, he often awoke with exclamations of horror. Being past the hope of recovery, and so grievously tormented, in order to relieve in some measure his guilty conscience, he dis closed the facts above related. Truax was the first white man murdered in Schoharie county ; and may be said to have fallen a victim to the unholy cause of amalgamation. The Germans had not been long in possession of the Schoharie flats, and were just beginning to live comfortably, when Nicholas Bayard, an agent from the British crown, appeared in their midst. He put up in Smith's dorf, at the house of Han-Yerry (John George) Smith, already noted as being the best domicil in the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 61 settlement. From this house, (which was in fact the first hotel in Schoharie, and might have been called the half-way house, as Smith's was the central of the seven dorfs,) Bayard issued a no tice, that to every house-holder, who would make known to him the boundaries of the land he had taken ; he would give a deed in the name of his sovereign. The Germans, ignorant though honest, mistook altogether the object of the generous offer, and supposing it designed to bring them again under tyrannic land holders, and within the pale of royal oppression, resolved at once to kill Bayard, whom they looked upon as a foe to their future peace ; and by so doing, establish more firmly the independence they had for several years enjoyed. Consequently, early the next morning, the nature of the resolve having been made known the evening before, the honest burghers of Schoharie, armed with guns and pitch-forks; with many of the softer sex, in whom dwelt the love of liberty, armed with broad hoes, clubs and other missiles ; surrounded the hotel of Smith, and demanded the per son of Bayard, dead or alive. Mine host, who knew at that ear ly day that a well managed hotel was the traveler's home, posi tively refused to surrender to his enraged countrymen, his guest. The house was besieged throughout the day. Sixty balls were fired by the assailants through the roof, which was the most vul nerable part, as that was straw : and as Bayard had, previous to his arrival, been by accident despoiled of an eye, he ran no little risk of returning to the bosom of his family, if fortunate enough to return, totally blind. Bayard was armed with pistols, and oc casionally returned the fire of his assailants, more, no doubt, with the design of frightening, than of killing them. Having spent the last round of their ammunition, hunger beginning to gnaw, and the sable shades of evening to conceal the surrounding hills, the siege was raised, and the heroes of the bloodless day dispersed to their homes, to eat their fill and dream on their personal ex ploits — the invulnerability of their foe, and the mutability of princely promises. The coast again clear, Bayard left Schoharie, and under the cover of night, traveled to Schenectada. From there he sent a message to Schoharie, offering to give, to such as 62 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, should appear there with a single ear of corn — acknowledge hirrl the regal agent — and name the bounds of it, a free deed and last ing title to their lands. No one felt inclined to call on the agent, whose life they had attempted to take, and after waiting some time, he went to Albany and disposed of the lands they occupied, to fiye individuals. The. patent was granted to Myndert Schuyler, Peter Van Brugh, Robert Livingston, jr., John Schuyler and Hen ry Wileman, the purchasers, and was executed at Fort George, in New York, on the third day of November, 1714, in the first year of the reign of George I., by Robert Hunter, then Governor of the province, in behalf of the King. The date of this con veyance, I think, goes far to prove the settlement of Schoharie to have been as early as the time previously given ; as the settlers had been upon their lands several years, and were beginning to live comfortably, previous to the arrival of the royal agent. This patent began at the northern limits of the Vrooman pa tent, on the west side of the river, and the little Schoharie kill on the opposite side, and ran from thence north ; taking in a strip on both sides of the river : at times mounting the hills, and at others leaving a piece of flats, until it nearly reached the present Montgomery county line. It curved some, and the intention was, to embrace all the flats in that distance. Patent was taken for ten thousand acres. Lewis Morris, jr., and Andrus Coeman, who were employed by the purchasers to survey and divide the land ; finding the flats along Fox's creek, and a large piece at Kneis kern's dorf, near the mouth of Cobel's kill, were not included in that patent ; lost no time in securing them. Those several pa tents often ran into each other, and in some instances were so far apart, as to leave a gore between them. The patent taken to se cure the remainder of the flats at Kneiskern's dorf, began at a spring on the west side of the river, near the bridge which now crosses that stream above Schoharie Court House, and also ran to, or near the Montgomery county line. Between that and the first patent secured, which were intended to embrace all the flats, was left a very valuable gore, which Augustus Van Cortlandt after wards secured. Finding much difficulty in dividing their lands, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 63 they so often intersected, the first five purchasers and their sur veyors, Morris and Coeman, whose right in the Schoharie soil was proportionably valuable, agreed to make joint stock of the three patents. Since that time they have been distinguished as the lands of the seven partners Patents and deeds granted at subsequent dates, for lands adjoining those of the seven partners, were, in some instances, bounded in such a manner as to infringe on those of the latter, or leave gores between them. As may be supposed, evils were thus originated, which proved a source of bickering and litigation for many years. Suits for partition, were brought successively in Schoharie county in 1819 — 25 — 26 — 28 and 29 : at which time they were finally adjusted. The latest difficulties are said to have existed between the people of Duanes burg and Schoharie. After the seven partners secured their title to the Schoharie flats, they called on the Germans who dwelt upon them, either to take leases of, to purchase, or to quit them altogether. To neither of these terms would they accede, declaring that Queen Anne had given them the lands, and they desired no better title. The read er will bear in mind the fact, that those people had no lawyers among them, except by name, on their arrival — that they lived in a measure isolated from those who could instruct them — that they spoke a language different from that in which the laws of the country were written, which laws they were strangers to ; and that they placed implicit confidence in the promises of the good Queen, that they should have the lands free ; and he will be less surprised at their stubbornness. Their faith in the promises of the Queen, had not been misplaced, as the intention of the crown to give them free titles by Bayard clearly proves. The great diffi culty proceeded from their ignorance of the utility, and manner of granting deeds. The patent taken by the five partners was dated in November, 1714 ; and it was not until the first of August of that year, that Queen Anne died. It is therefore very probable, Bayard was an agent commissioned by her ; if not, by George I., who intended in good faith to carry into effect the design of his predecessor. Whether royal agents were sent to the other Ger- 64 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, man settlements in the United States for the same charitable pur pose or not, I am unable to say. At this period of the history, several incidents transpired wor thy of notice. I have already remarked that the Germans were fond of athletic exercises. After their location, such sports as were calculated to try their speed and strength, were not unfre quently indulged in. In the summer of 1713 or '14, a stump was given by the In dians to their German neighbors at Weiser's dorf; to run a foot race, offering to stake on the issue, a lot of dressed deer-skins against some article the Germans possessed ; possibly, their old mare. The challenge was accepted, and a son of Conrad Weiser was selected, to run against a little dark Indian, called the most agile on foot of all the tribe. On a beautiful day the par ties assembled at Weiser's dorf to witness the race. The race course was above the village, and on either side the Germans and Indians took stations to encourage their favorites. About indi vidual bets on the occasion, I have nothing to say. The couple started, a distance of half a mile or more from the goal, at a giv en signal, and onward they dashed with the fleetness of antelopes, amid the shouts and huzzas of the spectators. The race was to terminate just beyond the most southern dwelling of Weiser's dorf. They ran with nearly equal speed until their arrival at the dwell ing mentioned, sometimes fortune inclining to the white, and sometimes to the red skin ; when an unexpected event decided the contest in favor of the German. They had to run very close to the house, and Weiser, being on the outside as they approached it side by side, sprang with all his might against his competitor. The sudden impetus forced the Indian against the building, and he rebounded and fell half dead upon the ground. Weiser then easily won the race, amid the loud, triumphant shouts of his coun trymen. Whether the victor found his strength failing him, and adopted the expedient of disabling the Indian from fear of losing the wager, or whether, confident of superior pedestrian powers, he gave the Indian a jog with malicious intent, is unknown to the writer. The Indians, and their defeated champion, were terribly AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 65 i enraged at first, and positively refused to give up the forfeit : but Weiser, who had already learned much of the Indian character, and knew the danger of trifling with their misfortunes, with a grave-yard countenance, appeased their wrath, by satisfying them that the whole difficulty proceeded from accident — that he stum bled upon some obstacle which rendered it unavoidable, and was very sorry 'it had happened. With this explanation their anger was appeased, and they delivered up the skins ; from which it is but fair to conclude, the whole Weiser family were clothed. This is the only dishonest trick I have heard related of the first Germans, and with the exception of Moore, they seem to have been strangers to crime. Foot races were often run by those people : at times, fifteen or twenty entering the course together. It has been already remarked, that the Germans settled in clusters or dorfs, to be the better able to repel Indian invasion, and it now remains to be shown that such caution was rewarded, if tradition speaks the truth. The privilege the writer claims, he allows to the reader, to wit : that of believing as much of the fol lowing story as he pleases. When related to him, the author thought it too good to be lost. At the foot of the hill south of where stood Hartman's dorf, which is the descent from a table land to the river flats, as the road now lies, may be observed on one side a kind of marsh, through which runs a brook, receiving in its course the waters of several springs. At the period to which I allude, this marsh was thickly covered with alders and other swamp timber, and afforded a safe covert for no inconsiderable force. Early upon a certain day, in a certain year, Karighondontee and many of his warriors were assembled at this swamp, to give battle to the good people of Hartman's dorf, distant half a mile from the encampment. If the reader desired to know the cause of difficulty, or in what pre cise year it arose, I should be unable to inform him ; it must have been previous to the arrival of Bayard. It being rumored through the place that it was besieged, great was the commo tion through its one important street. By times, the brave Cap tain Hartman had taken a public station, and around him a mul- 66 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, titude were soon gathered. The tactic skill of the Captain re quired little time in marshaling his brave followers — his tender care about their temporal affairs at the Camps being still remem bered — who waited with impatience the march to glory. What other officers assisted Captain Hartman on this momentous occa sion, is of no consequence at this late period. Various were the weapons with which the dangerous looking corps were armed. Few fire-arms might have been seen, but forks, shovels, broad hoes, axes, poles, clubs, hand-saws, and the Lord knows what other missiles, gleamed threateningly in the sun. Indeed, the care-worn and trusty sword of the Captain, when drawn, added not a little to the warlike appearance of the troop, to say nothing of its multiform, military garb. " What a fine martial array," thought he, as his eye ran along the ranks, and he gave the com mand to " face towards the river and march !" Each individual of the brave band cast a furtive, speaking glance at the front stoop of his own dwelling, where stood the domestic circle weep ing or encouraging, or that of his lover, who was leaning upon the half opened door, with an arm across her face to conceal the gushing tear, or her pouting, nectareal lip ; and to the enlivening sound of the violin, their favorite and only music, set forward with a firm step, determined to conquer or die. Two-thirds of the distance from the village to the rendezvous of the enemy al ready in his rear, the Captain ordered a halt, to communicate to his troops some necessary instructions about the plan and manner of prosecuting the attack. Some of his men now hesitated about assaulting the enemy, as they were mostly armed with un erring rifles. The misgivings on this score soon became general, and then was called forth all the dormant eloquence their brave leader was so noted for possessing. Stepping upon a stump, from which position his commanding person and cheerful counte nance were truly conspicuous, he addressed his followers. He directed their attention to the time when they were persecuted in Germany — to the perils they had overcome by sea and land. He assured them that although the enemy had rifles, yet not one of them should discharge. He conjured them not to sully, by cow- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 67 ardice, their national character. He reminded them of their so cial relations which were jeopardized — of the love of their wives, their parents, their children, and lastly of their plighted. He ac companied the latter part of his pathetic speech, with a signifi cant flourish of his sword towards their village, a part of which was still in view. The appeal was irresistable, and with one voice the whole corps, in true German, responded — " Fuehret an !" Lead on ! Fearlessly he did lead on, and thus was he followed. Faith is the vital principle by whieh every successful effort of man is put forth, and without it, the sinews of war are powerless. Indeed, faith is no less requisite in war than religion, and no bat tle ever was won without it. So thought the daring Hartman, and so had he instructed his followers to think. When they came to the wood in which the enemy had taken a position, the Ger mans, following the example of their Captain, rushed furiously upon the wary foe. They met, as had been anticipated, his lev eled guns, but no sound, save their repeated clicks, was heard : no death-telling report rang through the valley, and the whoops of the savages, as they noted the failure of their rifles, gradually died away on the morning air. The confidence of the colonists was increased, on beholding the prophecy of their Captain veri fied, in the click of non- discharging fire-arms, and true to their leader, they seconded all his movements. The red man fell back abashed, and ere he could discover the cause of his ill luck, the sturdy German was upon him, the sight of whose weapon was enough to carry terror to his heart's warmest blood, and he was compelled again to flee. " An !" shouted the immortal Captain, " An !" The charge was too impetuous to be withstood, and the Indians fled in terror, uttering, as they left the swamp in posses sion of their enemy, the death yell. Well might they have sup posed, from the clashing of missiles coming accidentally in con tact with their fellows, or with obtruding trees, and now and then -with the head or shoulders of their comrades, that the carnage was terrible, and the reason for the death yell obviously augment ed. What a cruel, bloody art, is war. The troops of Captain Hartman belabored the natives lustily with fork and hoe, as may 68 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, be supposed, in their retreat. Here, some were seen hobbling off from the field of battle with bruised shins ; there, others with el bows or fingers disjointed — all amazed at the manifest prowess of their German enemies, and still more dismayed that their rifles gave no report. If any there were among them who fought on that memorable occasion with bows and arrows, and doubtless there were some, it is highly probable the thick buck-skin gar ments of the colonists arrested the further progress of their arrows ; else the fate of the day might still have been different, and I now had to record the success, instead of the defeat, of the stout Ca nadian Chief, Karighondontee. The little army of Hartman were soon left complete masters of the bloodless field, (as it would have been, had not the careless wielding of the missiles brought them occasionally in contact with a nasal organ ;) and the re peated German huzzas of the conquerors, reverberated along the Oucongena. The enemy fairly ousted and the field gloriously won, the victors returned again to their homes to a still more en livening air than the one with which they had left them, the whole length of the bow being given it; where awaited them the cheers and smiles of their fair ones. It is but reasonable to suppose, that a messenger had been sent forward to apprise the villagers of the great success and triumph of the German arms, without loss of life or limb, since I must believe, that had the good matrons been expecting to see any of the corps borne home on a litter, they would not have made the welkin ring with their shouts. Thus ended the first regular battle of the Germans in the valley of Schoharie, no less gloriously than did the siege of Smith's hotel, already before the reader, on which occasion they com pelled their supposed enemy to flee by night. One thing, how ever, remained to be done, the pipe of peace was yet to be smoked. Accordingly, on an appointed day, soon after the battle, the parties met in the shade of a majestic oak, not a mile from the battle field, which had buffeted the storms of several cen>- turies, and may be still standing, and well and faithfully did the Germans smoke the calumet. They are a people extremely fond AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 69 of fumigating, and the opportunity to show their Indian neigh bors their patience and skill in the art, as may be supposed, was heartily embraced. Nor is it improbable, that their countrymen at Weiser's dorf were guests on so important an occasion. The Indians were again compelled to accord to their (now) friends of the pipe, superior skill. The Virginia weed all burned, the par ties dispersed. Well would it be if all battles ended, like the bat tle of Hartman's dorf, in nothing worse than smoke. Perhaps thou art amazed, kind reader, while perusing the sim ple narrative of this battle, to find that the fire-arms of the In dians did not discharge. The days of witchcraft are now happi ly passed forever ; but the time has been, when it was no uncom mon thing for a spell or enchantment to extend to the lock of a rifle : so says tradition. — George Warner. We have seen how Bayard, the royal agent, was treated, when he visited Schoharie to execute deeds to the German land-holders ; that in consequence, the land was disposed of, and it now remains to be shown what effect that sale had on the tenant. Being called upon by the partners to lease or purchase, they declared they would do neither. Finding lenient measures of no avail, they re solved to obtain justice by the strong arm of the law. Accord ingly, a sheriff from Albany, by the name of Adams, was sent to apprehend some of the boldest of the trespassers, as they had now become, and frighten others into proper terms. The Albanians greatly underrated the character and bravery of those people, who had not only compelled an agent ofthe crown to flee, but had, in fair fight, victoriously battled their Indian neighbors. It is possi ble they had never heard of that terrible conflict. Adams, con scious of his own honorable intentions, passing through a part of the valley, made a halt at Weiser's dorf. He had no sooner discovered his business and attempted the arrest of an individu al, than a mob was collected, and at that early day the lynch law was enforced, The women of that generation, as has been shown by their journeys to Schenectada, possessed Amazonian strength and constitutions, if not proportions ; nor, indeed, were they lack ing in Spartan bravery. A part of those , well-meaning dames, 6 70 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, remembering the promises of Queen Anne, and sharing with their husbands the belief that they were objects of oppression, — that the intention was to compel them to pay for lands they al ready considered their own ; under the direction of Magdalene Zeh, a self appointed captain, took the sheriff into their own hands and dealt with him according to his deserts, of which the captain was judge. He was knocked down by a blow from the magistrate, and inducted into various places in that young village where the sow delighted to wallow. After receiving many in dignities in the neighborhood of Weiser's dorf, some of which he was conscious of receiving and some not, he was placed upon a rail, and rode skimington through most of the settlements. He was exhibited at Hartman's, Bruna, Smith's and Fox's dorfs to his discomfiture ; and finally deposited on a small bridge, made of logs, that had been placed across a stream on the old Albany !road, a distance from the starting point of between six and seven miles ; no ordinary journey for such a conveyance. This stream was formerly called Mill brook, — why, remains to be seen, — and cross es the road a short distance west of the residence of Peter Mann, in Fox's creek valley. The captain then seized a stake, which she carelessly laid over his person, until two of his ribs made four, and his organs of vision were diminished one half. She then, with little ceremony and less modesty, bathed his temples in a very unusual, though simple manner, to the great annoyance of the uninjured eye— poor fellow, he could not resist the kindness— and called off her compatriots, leaving him for dead ; or rather to die if he chose. He saw fit to do no such act, in such a plight, and after such a nursing ; and as soon as consciousness returned how long after Mistress Lynch had left him is unknown, he gath ered himself together and departed for Albany. What strange thoughts must have occupied his mind, while homeward bound. He must have been conscious, when the faculties of his mind re newed their action, that whether his knowledge had increased or not, his bumps assuredly had. His progress must necessarily have been very slow, thus bruised and maimed, and it was not until the third day after he had been on the rail-rode, that he reached Ver- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 71 re-berg, a hill seven miles west of Albany, from whence he was taken to the city in a wagon. As there were no public houses, and few Samaritans on the road at that time, he was exposed nights to the carnival of wild beasts, and by day, to danger of perishing with hunger. His arrival at Albany, wounded and half blind as he was, and maul-treated as he had been, prognosti cated no good for the people of Schoharie. The leading facts in the foregoing statement, were published by Judge Brown, who assured the author that he received them from Sheriff Adams, vi va-voce — from his own lips. The word berg, as we have shown, signifies a hill or mountain. At the period of which I write, before public houses were estab lished between the two places, the people of Schoharie, who had occasion to go to Albany to make disposals and purchases, went in squads and encamped out over night. The most important bergs and creeks on the road, were then the guides by which they knew the route, distance, &c, and served the traveler in lieu of mile-stones. The first important stopping place, after leaving Schoharie, was at the Long-berg, east of Gallupville. There, if the wayfarer left the valley late, he tarried over night : to it was therefore called the first day's journey. The Beaverkill, which is a branch of Fox's creek, was also a guide : then came the Feght- berg, Supawn-berg, Lice-berg, Helle-berg, Botte-Mentis-berg, and lastly Verre-berg. All these names had some significant meaning, which continued to remind the traveler of their origin, long after the road, which was then little more than a rough foot path, and hardly admissible for any kind of wagons, became a public one, properly laid out. Long-berg signified the long hill. Feght-berg, the fighting hill, the origin of which has previously been given. Supaan is the name among the Germans and Dutch, by which Indian pudding, usually called mush or hasty pudding among the English, is known. Why that name attaches to a hill, the writer has not been informed. The origin of Lice-berg and Verre-berg are also among the mysteries. A hill was called Bot te-Mentis-berg from the following circumstance. A man, whose given name was Botte Mace, — or Bartholomew in English — was 72 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, passing along in the evening and fell into a pit, where he was obliged to remain until morning : to the nearest hill was given his name, by which it was long after known. As may be supposed, the people of Schoharie, after "dealing with poor Adams in the manner they had," became cautious about visiting Albany, where several of the partners resided. There was, in fact, little intercourse between Schoharie and Albany for some time : the people of the former viewing those of the latter place, in a light, of lively apprehension. In civilized life, it is happily ordered that one community shall not live entirely inde pendent of all others. There were some necessaries which they must have, and which they could not well procure without going there. The men, therefore, sent their wives after salt ; which was one of the indispensables ; saying, in effect, they will rever ence them : and if they did venture to Albany themselves, they were sure to do so on the Sabbath, and equally mindful of leav ing the same evening. What a profanation of the Lord's day ! — but let us not anticipate a judgment. By remaining silent in the mean time, and not appearing to heed their coming or going, the real owners of the Schoharie soil, lured the occupants into a be lief, that all the malicious acts extended to Sheriff Adams, not forgetting the last act of Magdalene, were entirely forgotten : and that there was no longer any need of caution about entering that good city. It was indeed presuming much on the charity of the partners, whose agent had been so harshly treated : but no matter, such was the fact. With the vigilance of the sentinel crow, were the people of Schoharie watched, who began to be looked upon as being no better than they should be, — as women are wont to say of frail sisters, — and preparations were matured for seizing some of them. It was not long after suspicion was lulled, before quite a number of them entered the city for salt, when the partners, with Sheriff Adams and posse, arrested and committed them to jail. The most notorious of the party were "placed in the dungeon, among whom was Conrad Weiser, jr., of running memory. As soon as news of this arrest and impri sonment reached Schoharie, her citizens were horror stricken 1 AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 73 " Wliat shall we do ?" — was the interrogatory on the lips of one and all. How sadly, thought they, have we realized our Euro pean dreams of American happiness. Desirous of remedying in future the evils to which they were subjected, it was, at a meet ing of the citizens, resolved to get up a petition setting forth their grievances, persecutions, &c; and delegate three of their number to lay it, with all due humility, at the feet of King George; praying, at the time, for his future protection against their ene mies, the Albanians. This petition, which is said to have been drawn by John Newkirk, was entrusted to the elder Conrad Wei ser, one Cassleman, and a third person, name not known, for pre sentation. Looking through grates and living on bread and water, had a wonderful effect on the spirits and temper of the incarcerated ci tizens of Schoharie. They therefore made a virtue of necessity, and resolved to comply with the requisitions of the law, by taking leases and agreeing to pay rent 'for, or to purchase the land. Be fore releasing the prisoners, the partners drew up a statement of the abuses to Bayard and Adams, when in the discharge of their official duties at Schoharie, and required them to be witnessed un der hand and seal. This last requisition complied with, they were allowed to depart for their own homes. The importance with which the colonists viewed this matter may be conceived by the delegation to England : for, surely, no trifling consideration would induce three men, who loved retire ment, to make such a journey at such a time. We should look upon it at the present day, as being a great undertaking- — saying nothing of locomotives, rail-roads and steam- packets, which were then unknown. No delay was allowed after procuring the duly attested evidence of the proceedings of Judge Lynch : it was for warded immediately to the King. It is highly probable, that the same ship bore the Schoharie ambassadors and the swift witness against them, to the British throne. The petition was presented about the year 1714 or '15. The ship in due time arrived in Eng land, and the Schoharie delegation, wishing to make a respecta ble appearance among the foreign ambassadors, were subjected to 74 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, some little delay, in arranging their wardrobe, exchanging their buck-skin garments for cloth, &c: in the mean time, the message of the partners was under the consideration of the King. On presenting their petition, how were Weiser and his friends as tounded, to find the King and his ministry in possession of all the late transactions at Schoharie. Had the ghosts of Bayard and Adams appeared before them, they would hardly have been more horror-stricken, than they were to hear their own misdemeanors told them from such a source. Their confusion betrayed their guilt, and established, beyond a doubt, the truth of the charges prefered against them and their neighbors. The King and his advisers, supposing the evil deeds of the Schoharie people result ed from bad hearts instead of ignorance, the real parent of all their difficulties, without listening to what they might say for themselves, ordered them to close confinement in the tower. How much the present difficulty of these well meaning people argues in favor of an education, and a knowledge of the world and its transactions. Had they been better informed, they would have been less suspicious ; for suspicion and distrust are the hand maids of ignorance. The liberal minded, is generally the well informed man. But, as already remarked, there were some good reasons for their not advancing rapidly in their knowledge of men and things. They spoke not the general language of the coun try : which circumstance prevented, in a measure, that intercourse with the world, so necessary to the expansion of the human un derstanding, and the removal of national or local prejudices. They were accustomed to transact most of their own business without pen, ink or paper ; and, agreeable to the knowledge they had, and their own method of doing business, they considered a promise made in good faith, as valid as a bond, for such in fact it was with them, and never dreamed of the possibility of their be ing mistaken about the object of Bayard's mission ; or that any thing farther was necessary from the British crown to establish their legal title to the lands, than the mere promise of the Queen that they should, without money or price, possess them. During the confinement of the disappointed trio, many of the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 75 people of Schoharie, convinced that they stood in their own light, and that they had wholly mistaken the intention of Bayard, too late indeed to obtain a legal title to their lands free of charge, be gan to purchase of the partners, who granted them liberal terms. At length, Weiser and his comrades were discharged from the tower, and proceeded home with all possible haste : and had the former only been by name in the positive degree on his arrival in England, he assuredly would have been by nature in the compa rative on his return to Schoharie ; as he had become in fact much wiser. The return of the embassy, whose mission had resulted in effecting nothing but disgrace for themselves ; and tended only to disclose the general ignorance of their constituents, created no httle excitement in the valley. Conrad Weiser was, by nature, a proud, high-spirited man, and could not brook the mortification his own ignorance had originated. Soon after his return, he re solved to leave Schoharie forever, and had little difficulty in per suading many of his countrymen to join him. Accordingly, with as httle delay as possible, about sixty families packed up and set forward with all they possessed for Pennsylvania. The want of horses and cows, which was so seriously felt by the Germans when they first located at Schoharie, was, at the time I now speak of, a source of little inconvenience, as they then owned a goodly num ber. The disaffected party passed up the Schoharie river, piloted by an Indian. Brown says, they arrived, after a journey of five days, at the Cook-house,* where they made canoes, in which they went down the Susquehanna. Here is a trifling error in his • I make the following extract from a letter from the Hon. Erastus Root, of the New York Senate, in answer to several inquiries, dated Albany, April 11th, 1843. " You ask whence originated the name of Cook House. Vari ous derivations have been given, but the most natural and probable one is this — That on the large flat bearing the name, being on the way from Cochec- ton, by the Susquehanna and Chemung to Niagara, there was a hut erected, where some cooking utensils were found. It had probably been erected by some traveler who had made it his stopping place and had cooked his provi sions there. It has been stated to me as a part of the tradition, that the hut remained many years as a resting place to the weary traveler, and that the rude cooking utensils were permitted to remain as consecrated to the use of succeeding sojourners." General Root went to reside in Delaware county in 1796. 76 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, pamphlet, as the Cook-house is on the Delaware river. As he says, they passed down the Susquehanna, preparing their canoes for that purpose, near the mouth of the Charlotte river. Nicho las Warner, one of the oldest citizens of Schoharie county, in the fall of 1837, assured the author that he had seen the stumps of the trees on the Charlotte branch of the Susquehanna, which Weiser and his friends felled to make the canoes from, in which they floated down the river. Their cattle and horses were driven along the shore, and were frequently in sight of the water party, until the latter left their canoes. Weiser and his followers settled at a place called Tulpehocken, in Berks county, Pennsylvania, on the north side of a creek of that name ; where, it is said, he be came a distinguished and useful citizen.* The party probably settled near their countrymen who emigrated from Germany at, the time they did, and located in that State. Most of the fami lies which followed the fortunes of Weiser, were from Weiser's and Hartman's dorfs. Hartman Winteker removed at the same time to Pennsylvania. Whether they had to purchase lands in Tulpehocken, I cannot say. Few of Weiser's party ever revisited Schoharie : several old men did, however, nearly fifty years after. A singular circumstance is said to have transpired, showing the instinct of the horses which accompanied the emigration to Penn sylvania. Twelve of those noble animals left their master's cribs, and after an absence from them of a year and a half, ten of them, in good condition, arrived at Schoharie : a distance through the wilderness of over three hundred miles. It is possible they re membered the sweet cloverf of Weiser's dorf, and longed again to munch it. Two instances of brute instinct, not dissimilar to the one rela- * In 1744, one Conrad Weiser was Indian interpreter for the colony of Pennsylvania, who was, doubtless, the swift-footed son of the one named in the context. t The laud through which the little Schoharie kill, in Middleburgh, runs to the river, is to this day called the clauver wy, which signifies the clover pas ture. When the Schoharie valley was first settled, the land along that stream was thickly covered with clover, which was seen in few other places about the Schoharie : hence the appropriate name. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 77 ted, were told the author by Mrs. Van Slyck. About the year 1770, the Bartholomews removed from New Jersey to the Char lotte river. Soon after their arrival there, three of their horses disappeared, and after much unsuccessful searching for them, it was concluded they had strayed away and become a prey to wild beasts. Judge the surprise of the owners to learn after some time, that one of them had been taken up within two, and another with in five miles of their former residence. The third was found by them near Catskill. The other story is perhaps the most singular of the two, as the horse has given numberless instances of remarkable sagacity. Not many years from the period above cited, Ephraim Morehouse removed in the spring from Dutchess county to the vicinity of the Charlotte river. He passed through the Schoharie valley on his way, and tarried over night with Samuel Vrooman, father of my informant, with whom he was acquainted. He drove with his cattle a large sow with a bell on. As Morehouse approached the end of his journey, the sow disappeared. After considerable delay in a fruitless search for her, he proceeded on his way. In the following autumn he revisited the place of his former resi dence, and on his return again tarried over night with Vrooman. He then related the circumstance of losing his sow, and again finding her. She had returned to the old stye in due time, to the great surprise of the neighborhood. Whether she retraced her way by the same path or not is unknown ; but to reach her for mer place, had been compelled to swim the Hudson, and perform a solitary journey of one hundred miles. About the time Weiser and his friends left Schoharie, there were others among the dissatisfied, who, not choosing to follow his fortunes, sought a future residence in the Mohawk valley. Elias Garlock, the founder of Garlock's dorf, removed to the Mo hawk, accompanied by several of his neighbors. Some of the party had relatives or friends there who located at the time the Schoharie settlements were begun, which induced them to remove thither. They settled in and about Canajoharie, at Stone Ara bia, or upon the German Flats. 78 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY. Tradition has preserved but little in the life of Justice Garlock, the most noted of the Schoharie Germans, who removed to^the Mohawk valley. He is said, while there, to have been the only justice of the peace in the Schoharie valley. The name of the shrewd constable who aided him in administering the few laws by which they were governed, has been lost. Only one important decision of this sage justice is known to the author. His sum mons was usually delivered to the constable viva voce, and thus by him to the transgressor of the law. If the justice wished to bring a culprit before him, he gave his jack-knife to the constable, who carried it to the accused, and required him at the appointed time to appear with it before the justice. What it meant he well understood. If two were to be summoned at the same time, to the second he gave the tobacco-box of the justice, and as that usually contained a liberal supply of the delectable narcotic, the consequences of a failure to return it in person to the justice, in due time, were dangerous in the extreme. The decision of Justice Garlock alluded to, terminated so happily for those most interested, that I cannot withhold it from the reader. A com plaint having been entered before him, the knife was issued, and the parties assembled forthwith. The plaintiff told his story, which appeared simple and true. The defendant, with more zeal and eloquence, plead his cause — quoting, if I mistake not, some previous decisions of his honor — and made out, as he thought, an equally good case. After giving the parties a patient hearing, the justice gave the following very important decision. " Der blandif an derfendur bote hash reght ; zo I dezides, an pe dunder, der knonshtopple moosh bay de kosht." ( 79) CHAPTER III. After the removal of Weiser and others from Schoharie, the difficulties to which the ignorance and suspicions of the people had subjected them, were soon quieted, and they once more be came a happy community. They were careful afterwards to se cure legal titles to their lands, and thereby remove the danger of troubles in future, from a cause which had already tended greatly to decrease their numbers, and harrass their feelings. There were, as I have been informed, several apple trees stand ing on the flats near the present dwelling of John Ingold, at the time the Germans arrived, supposed to have been planted by the Indians. One of these antiquated trees, at least 140 years old, was still standing in 1842, and very fruitful. Other trees of the same planting were yet bearing fruit in 1837. The trees from which the first apple orchards in Schoharie were derived, were procured, as Judge Brown assured me, in the following manner. One Campbell and several other individuals went from the Scho harie valley to New York, to be naturalized, a few years after the settlement was commenced. Their business accomplished, they started for home on board of a sloop ; but not having money enough to pay their passage to Albany, they were landed at or near Rhinebeck, and traveled from thence on foot. Crossing the Rhinebeck flats, each pulled up a bundle of small apple trees in the nurseries they passed, from which the first orchards in Scho harie were planted. The second season after the murder of his agent Truax, in Vrooman's Land, Peter Vrooman returned to that place and es tablished a permanent residence. He planted an apple orchard, 80 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, . which is yet standing, near the dwelling of Harmanus Vrooman. Some of the Swarts, Eckers, Zielleys, Haggidorns, Feecks, and Beckers, with perhaps some other Dutch families, settled in that vicinity about the same time. There were few regular mechanics among the first settlers, on which account the native genius of all was more or less taxed. We have seen to what inconvenience and labor they were sub jected for the want of mills. The first grist mill in the county was erected by Simeon Laraway, on the small stream called Mill brook, from that circumstance, which runs into Fox's creek near Waterbury's mills. Upon a bridge which crossed this brook, Sheriff Adams was left, after having had occular demonstration of the prowess of Magdalene Zeh, in the first anti-rent war. Some part of the race-way of this mill is still to be seen. Before the erection of Simeon's mill, as usually called, several hand mills, like the one at Weiser's dorf, were in frequent use. In the course of twenty or thirty years after Weiser and his friends left, several other mills were established in and about Schoharie. One Cobel erected two of those.* One of them was built on a small brook in a ravine on the south side of the road, a few rods distant from the river bridge, one mile from the Court House. The other mill he erected about the same time on Cobelskill, which took its name from that circumstance. It stood near the mouth of the kill. It was not until about the near 1760, that bolting cloths were used in Schoharie. Henry Weaver, who owned a mill near where Becker's now stands, on Foxes creek, was the first who introduced them. At almost as late a period as the revolution, the colonists pro- * This creek took its name after the paternal name of the mill-wright, as Judge Brown assured me. I find the name written Cobels kill in many ofthe old conveyances, and in all the early Session laws, of the state. It is, in truth, the correct orthography of the word. In writing Fox's and Cobel's kill, I shall in future omit the apostrophe and hyphen, for reasons obvious to the reader. The Indians called Cobelskill the Ots ga-ra-gee which signified the hemp creek. When first settled by the whites, an abundance of wild hemp grew along its banks. The natives often visited them to procure it, making from it fish nets, and ropes to aid them in transporting their portable wealth. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 81 cured most of their shoes at Albany, or East Camp ; and one pair was the yearly allowance for each member of the family. They were repaired by traveling cobblers. Those unaffected Germans were not votaries to fashion, of course they were not very particular about receiving their male fashions from England, or their female from France. The good wife and daughters generally cut and made the rude apparel of the family, and thought it no disgrace. The settlers manufactured most of their own buttons, and often the same garment had on those of very different sizes, of wood, horn, bone or lead. Not having been accustomed to luxuries from childhood, they were contented with simple fare and uncouth fashions. Their clothes, as may be supposed, did not set out a good form to very fascinating advantage. Those useless bipeds denominated dan dies, noted for their mustaches, idleness and empty pockets, were unknown in the Schoharie valley at that day ; indeed, they are strangers there at the present time. Of course, other considera tions than mere dress, or a display of jewelry, could create, influ enced their choice of a partner for life. They had little to be proud of, consequently many of the men did not shave oftener than once or twice a month. A Dow or a Matthias would hard ly have been distinguished from them, had they appeared at that day. Habituating themselves to do men's work, many of the wo men were, from exposure, sun-burnt and coarse featured, and in some instances it became necessary for them to clip an exuberant growth of beard, which was done with scissors. Lawrence Schoolcraft, one of the first settlers in Schoharie, at the residence of Peter Vrooman, made the first cider in the coun ty. The manner of making it being unique, was as follows. The apples were first pounded in a stamper similar to the Indian corn stamper before mentioned. After being thus bruised, the pumice was placed in a large Indian basket previously suspended to a tree, beneath wliich was inserted a trough, made by fastening to gether the edges of two planks, which served to catch and carry the juice compressed by weights in the basket, into some vessel placed for its reception. In the year 1752, one Brown, the father 82 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, of Judge Brown, removed from West Camp to Schoharie. He was then a widower, and soon after his arrival married a widow, who possessed ten acres of land and about one hundred and ten pounds in. cash ; which enabled him to establish and carry on his trade successfully. He was a wheel-wright, and the first who prosecuted that business in the county. The people had manu factured a kind of rude wagon before his arrival, with which they transported light loads to and from Albany, performing the journey in about five days. This Brown, in 1753, made the first cider^press ever used in the county. The same process which pre pared the pumice for Schoolcraft did for Brown, as he purchased the same pounder. The press was first used at Hartman's dorf, where he resided. John Mattice Junk, or Young in English, the grand-father of Judge Brown, on the Mother's side, is said to have taught the first German school at the Camps, ever taught in America. This was about the year 1740. Schools began to be taught in the Schoharie settlements shortly after ; one Spease kept the first, and one Keller the next. German teachers were employed in the German settlements, while at Vrooman's land a school was taught in Dutch. About the year 1760, English instruction was introduced into those schools, and in some instances the English, German and Dutch languages were all taught by one teacher, in the same school. Little attention was then paid to the convenience or comfort of the scholars. Barns, in some instances, became school-houses as well as churches, in the summer ; and if schools were continued in the winter, some rude log dwelling be came a witness to the child's improvement. Stoves, in those days, were unknown. The settlers had mammoth fire-places, however, and plenty of wood ; and in numberless instances, a fearful pro portion of a cord was seen ignited in the same fire. Few horses were shod for many years after the settlement be gan ; and those persons, who required any kind of smith-work their own igenuity could not create, were obliged to go to Alba ny or Schenectada to get it done. John Ecker is said to have AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 83 been the first black-smith in the Schoharie valley, and he was a self instructed one. The Germans formerly brewed a kind of domestic strong beer, and most of those in Schoharie brewed their own. From the fact, that the Dutch, who settled in Vrooman's Land, were more wealthy than their German neighbors located below them, a kind of pride or distant formality, was manifested by the former towards the latter for many years. When prejudices of any kind are allowed to gain a place in the human breast, it often requires generations to eradicate them. The prejudices alluded to as having existed between the Dutch and Germans, tended for many years almost wholly to prevent inter-marriages between them. The former, therefore, who did not choose to marry cous ins — most of those settlers being related — went to Schenectada or Albany for wives. As Cupid is now and then a very mischievous boy, there may have been individual instances, in which the irre sistible passion of love, aided by stratagem, trampled paternal prejudices under foot, and united the sturdy German and amorous Dutch maiden. But we must suppose such cases extremely rare, as the law which still requires in some parts of New England, the publishing of the bans for several Sabbaths preceding the nuptials, was then in force in New York. The Germans, when they located at Schoharie, owned no slaves, nor, indeed, did they for several years ; but these accompanied the Dutch on their arrival as a part of their gear. By industry, and a proper husbanding of what the earth produced, the wealth of the former increased rapidly, and it was not long before they, too, possessed them. The manner in which the slaves of Schoharie were generally treated by their masters, is not inaptly described by Mrs. Grant, in her Memoirs of Albany. They were allowed freedom of speech, and indulged in many things, which other members of the family were, whose ages corresponded to their own ; and to a superficial spectator, had the color not interfered, they would have seemed on an equality. Individual instances may now be cited where blacks would be much better off under a good master than they now 84 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, are, or, indeed, than thousands of the operatives of England are — still, no one can from moral principle, although he may from motives of expediency, advocate the continuance of the evil as just and proper in any country. The existence of slavery in the United States, is the greatest stain upon their national escutcheon. This I believe to be a fact generally conceded, by all the good and virtuous in the land. The question then, which naturally arises, is, or rather it should be, what is the best and most proper man ner of obliterating the stain 1 Let reason and common sense, not fanaticism and malice, reply. Many of the tools used in husbandry in former days, were both clumsy and uncouth. Rakes used in Schoharie, were made with teeth on both sides. Hay forks were made of wood, from a stick having a suitable crotch for tines, or by splitting one end of a straight stick and inserting a wedge. The improvement made in plows since that time, is perhaps as great as that made on any one* implement of the cultivator. The wagons seen in Schoharie before the year 1760, had no tire upon the wheels. Grain was then thrashed, as it is at the present day by the de scendants of those people who have no machines for the purpose, by the feet of horses. The process is simple, and as it is fast giv ing place to the buzzing of machines, it may be well to relate it. In the center of the barn floor, which is roomy, an upright bar is placed, previously rendered a pivot at each end, to enter a hole in the floor below, and a corresponding one in a beam or plank over head. Through this shaft, at a suitable height from the floor, a pole is passed, to which several horses are fastened so as to travel abreast. Sometimes a number are fastened to each end of the pole, and in some instances, a second pole is passed through the shaft at right angles with the first, to which horses are also at tached. A quantity of sheaves being opened and spread upon the floor, the horses are started at a round trot, thus trampling the grain from the straw. The upright, when the horses move, turns upon its own pivots. Persons in attendance, are constantly em ployed in turning and shaking the straw with a fork, keeping the horses in motion, removing any uncleanness, &c. The outside AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 85 horse travels, as may be supposed, much farther in his circuits than the inside one, for which reason they are occasionally shift ed. Grain is broken less if thrashed with unshod horses. Some use a roller to aid in the process. This is a heavy, rounded tim ber, worked much smaller at one end than the other, with square pins of hard wood inserted at proper distances the whole length. The smallest end of this roller is so fastened to the shaft as to pre serve the horizontal motion of one, and the perpendicular motion of the other, at the same time. To the heavy end of the roller, horses are fastened, drawing it on the same principle, that the stone wheel in an ancient bark mill was drawn. In threshing with horses, the roller is a great assistance. Fanning-mills, for cleaning grain, were unknown in former times, it being separated from its chaff by fans, or shoveling it in the wind. As I have already stated, much prejudice existed at Schoharie in former days, between the Germans and Dutch. These nation al antipathies were manifested in nothing more clearly at first, than in matters of religion. The early Germans were, almost without exception, disciples to the doctrines of Martin Luther ; while the Dutch, collectively, subscribed the Calvinistic, or Dutch Reformed creed. Time, however, the great healer of dissensions, aided by intelligence, the champion of liberality, by degrees less ened, and has now almost entirely removed those prejudices- While they existed, they tended to prevent that friendly inter change of good feeling — that reciprocity of kindness, so necessa ry to the prosperity and happiness of an isolated people. As Judge Brown remarked, at our interview, " the Low Dutch girls formerly thought but little of the High Dutch boys," and the young people of both settlements kept separate companies for many years. In a few instances, elopement took place, but they were rare, as distant ministers were cautious about uniting a cou ple who could not produce a certificate of publication, although occular demonstration might convince them of the genuineness of their affection, and demand their union. Among the first shoemakers who worked at the trade in Scho harie, was one William Dietz. Few, if any, boots were then 7 86 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, worn. Men wore low, and women high heeled (called French heeled) shoes. A specimen of the latter may now be seen in the Cabinet of John Gebhard, jr. Esq., at Schoharie Court House. Shoes were then fastened with buckles, which, like those worn at the knees, were made of silver, brass or pewter. Caleb Cosput and John Russeau were the first tailors. They worked, as did the first shoemakers, by whipping the cat — from house to house. Breeches and even coats were made of deer-skins, and in some instances, of blankets, in their day : the former being fastened to striped hose at the knees with huge buckles, of silver, if attain able, if not, of brass or pewter. One Delavergne was the first hatter, and is said to have been well patronized. Cocked, or three cornered hats were then the tip of fashion. To see an exquisite of the present, dressed in the costume of that day, with hair long-cramped before, and terminating at the neck in a braided cue, or if not braided, wound with black rib bon or an eel-skin, the whole head being finely powdered and sur mounted with a cocked hat ; with a blanket coat on, of no ordi nary dimensions, ornamented with various kinds of buttons; breeches of deer -skin, too tight for comfort, and kept up without braces by a tight band above the hips, allowing the nether gar ment to appear between them and the vest, and fastened at the knee with large bright buckles to a pair of striped silk hose ; the whole of the fabric described, resting upon a pair of pedestals cased in pen-knife pointed shoes clasped with daring buckles ; the hero with a pipe in his mouth, the bowl as large as a tea-cup — would be worth far more to the spectator, than to visit a menage- ry and see half a dozen country girls mounted upon the back of an elephant, or a fool-hardy keeper enter a cage with the most ferocious animals. Fish are said to have been very plenty formerly in most of the streams in Schoharie county. For many years after the Revolu tion, trout were numerous in Foxes creek, where now there are few, if any at all. From a combination of causes, fish are now becoming scarce throughout the county. In many small streams AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 87 they have been nearly or quite exterminated by throwing in lime. This cruel system of taking the larger, destroys with more cer tainty all the smaller fish. Such a mode of fishing cannot be too severely censured. The accumulation of dams on the larger streams, proves unfavorable to their multiplication. Fine pike are now occasionally caught in the Schoharie, as are also suckers and eels. Some eighty years ago, a mess of fish could have been taken, in any mill-stream in the county, in a few minutes. Wild animals of almost every kind found in the same climate, were numerous in and about Schoharie, for a great length of time after the whites arrived. Bears and wolves, the more gregarious kinds, often appeared in droves numbering scores, and in some in stances, hundreds ; and were to the pioneer a source of constant anxiety and alarm. Deer, which were then very numerous, the mountainous parts affording them, as all other animals, a safe re treat, are still killed some winters in considerable numbers, in the south part of the county. But few incidents, worthy of notice, relating to wild animals, have come to my knowledge. One of the first German settlers was killed by a bear, between the resi dence of the late Cyrus Swart (near the stone church,) and the hill east of it. He had wounded the animal with a gun, when it turned upon, and literally tore him in pieces. The Indians hunt ed them far food, and not unfrequently had an encounter with them. Nicholas Warner assured the author, that when a boy, he saw an Indian, called Bellows, returning from a hunt, holding in his own bowels with his hands. He had, after wounding a large bear, met it in personal combat, and although so terribly lacerated he slew it. Jacob Becker informed me, that there was an Indian about Foxes creek in his younger days, called The-bear-catcher, who received his name from the following circumstance. He was hunting — treed a large bear and fired upon it. The beast fell and a personal rencounter ensued. The Indian, in the contest, seized with an iron grasp the lower jaw of Bruin, and a back-hug was the consequence. He succeeded in holding his adversary so firm ly that the latter could not draw his paws between their bodies. Bruin had, however, in the outset, succeeded in drawing one of 88 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, them obliquely across the breast of the red man, scarifying it in a fearful manner. While thus situated, holding his adversary at bay, he called to a son, who was hunting in the woods not far off, for his assistance. The latter repaired hastily to the spot, and al though he might at times have approved of a fair fight, in the present instance paternal affection demanded his immediate inter ference. Placing the muzzle of his rifle between the extended jaws of the bear, he discharged it, to the great rehef of his father, who had been so affectionately embraced. The followingadven- ture was related by Andrew Loucks. One Warner, who was among the first settlers at Punch-kill, went out towards evening to seek his cows. He met in his path a large bear, having cubs, which instantly pursued him. He ran for safety behind a large tree ; round which himself and madam Bruin played bo-peep for some time — neither gaining any advantage. At length Warner seized a hemlock knot, and with it, Sampson like, slew his shaggy pursuer. The following story was also told me by Jacob Becker, the scene in which is said to have been enacted near Foxes creek. John Shaeffer and George Schell went hunting. Shaeffer had a dog which treed a bear, and he being near at the time, instantly fired upon it. Bruin fell, though not passively to yield life. The dog attacked him, but was so lovingly hugged, that his eyes seemed starting from their sockets, and he cried piteously. Shaef fer thought too much of his canine friend to see him fall a vic tim to such affection, and endeavored to loosen one of the bear's paws : but as he seized it, it was relaxed and quicker than thought thrown round again, so as to include in the embrace his own arm. Shaeffer might as easily have withdrawn his hand from a vise. When he found he had caught a tartar, or, rather, that the bear had, he hallooed like a loon for his companion to come to his as sistance and reach him his tomahawk. Many of the white hunt ers, in former times, were as careful to wear tomahawks as their Indian neighbors. The missile was handed very cautiously at arms' length, and Shaeffer buried the blade of it in the brains of his game, to the rehef of his other arm and the resuscitation of the dog. Bruin, as may be supposed, did not relish the interfer- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 89 ence of the master, when he was evincing so much of the world's genuine love for Carlo. The three most prominent hills east of Middleburgh village, are] called the Fire-berg, the Amos-berg, and the Clipper-berg. The first named is the most southern, and took its name (as Geo. Warner informed the author) from the following circumstance. A tar barrel having been raised to the top of a tall tree on that hill, it was, at a particular hour of a certain night, set on fire, to ascertain if the light could be seen from the residence of Sir ^ William Johnson, in Johnstown, at whose instigation it was done. Whether it was seen there or not, tradition does not inform us, but the circumstance was sufficient to originate a name for the hill. Amos-berg, the next one north, signifies the ant-hill, or hill of ants; it having been, in former times, literally covered with those insect mounds. Clipper-berg, directly north of Amos- berg, signifies the rocky-hill, or hill scantily covered with vegeta tion. The following story was related to me by Maria Teabout. She with several other individuals, was on the Fire-berg before the > revolution, when a loud scream like that of a child was heard some distance off, to which she made answer by a similar one. She was told by the men to keep still, that it was a painter, and by answering it they would be in great danger. " A painter !" she exclaimed, "what then is a painter?" Being young and heedless, she continued to answer its cries, until her companions, alarmed for their own safety, had taken to flight, and she found herself alone. As she was part native she felt little fear, until the near approach of the animal struck terror upon her mind. She had not time enough left her to secure a safe retreat, but in stantly concealed herself in a hollow tree. The animal approach ed so near that she saw it from her concealment, but as that did not see her, it went back in the direction from whence it came. In the meantime, those who had fled on the panther's approach, went home and reported Maria as slain in an awful manner. A party, consisting of Col. Zielie, with half a dozen of his neighbors, and a few Indians, all mounted on horseback and armed with 90 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, guns, set out to seek and bring whatever of Maria might be left, after the panther had satiated his appetite. Leaving their horses near the entrance, they went into the woods and began to call to her. She heard the voice of Col. Zielie, and came out from her hiding place. The Indians then declared they would soon have the panther. After fixing a blanket on a tree so as to present a tolerable effigy of one of their party, they all fell back and con cealed themselves behind trees. An Indian then began to call, and was soon answered by the animal, wliich approached stealth ily. When it came in sight, it fixed its eye on the effigy, and crawling along with the stillness of a cat, it approached within a few paces, from whence, after moving its tail briskly for a few seconds, it bounded upon it with the speed of an arrow. In an instant the blanket was torn into strings, and as the disappointed animal stood lashing its sides furiously with its tail, looking for the cause of the voice, (panthers having no knowledge or belief in ghosts) and its deception, a volley of rifle balls laid it dead on the spot. The skin was taken off, and some slices of the critter, as Natty Bumpo would call it, were taken home by several of the Indians to broil. Thus ended the panther, and thus did not end my informant. Few panthers have been killed in the county since the remembrance of any one living in it. One of the last was shot near the residence of John Enders, on Foxes creek. The sagacious beaver was a resident of this county on the ar rival of the Germans. They were numerous along Foxes creek, and at a place called the Beaver-dam, on that stream, which is now in the town of Berne, Albany county, they had several strong dams. Wild-cats were numerous in Schoharie formerly. The follow ing anecdote is related of old Doctor Moulter, a sort of physician who lived on Foxes creek, and flourished about the time of the Revolution. He awoke one night from pleasant dreams, to hear an unusual noise among his setting geese. Without waiting to dress, or seize upon any weapon, he ran out to learn the cause of alarm. On arriving at the scene of action, although his prospect was yet sombre, he discovered the cause of disturbance in the ap- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 91 pearance of an unwelcome animal, that was paying its devoirs to the comely neck of the mistress of a polluted bee-hive. He ran up and seized it by the neck and hind legs, and although it strug gled hard to regain its liberty, he succeeded in holding it until his boys, to whom he called for assistance, came and killed it. The reader may judge his surprize as well as that of his family, when, on taking it to the light, it proved to be a good sized wild-cat. Had he caught hold of it otherwise than he did, it is highly pro bable that in his state of almost native nudity, he would have re pented his grasp, if not lost his life. Many anecdotes are told of this same Dr. Moulter. When he located at' Schoharie, he was afraid to ride on horseback, unless some one led his horse by the bridle. Those who led his nag for him, grew tired of gratifying his whims, and would occasionally let go his reins, and leave him to shift for himself. This kind of treatment soon taught the old Doctor the skill of horsemanship. He is said to have doc tored for witches, and promulged the superstitious doctrine of witchcraft. Nor was he wanting in believers, as no dogmas, however doggish they may be, need much preaching to gain prose lytes. Francis Otto, who is said to have established the first distillery in the county, (which was for cider-brandy, and stood perhaps half a mile east of the present site of the Court House) was also a kind of doctor. In fact, he was one of that useful class, who can turn their hand to almost anything ; being a brandy-maker, a doctor, a phlebotomist, a barber, a fortune-teller, etc., as occa sion required. He too, believed in witchcraft. His death took place just before the Revolution, in the following manner. He had spent the evening at the house of Ingold, where now stands the dwelling of John Ingold ; and left there to go home, with the bosom of his shirt, his general traveling store-house, filled with apples. He may, to have kept off the chill of the evening, and increase his courage, tasted a potation of his own distilling, of which he was very fond. On the following morning he was found in a bruised state, having fallen off the rocks not far from his own dwelling. He was alive when found, but died soon af- 92 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ter. As he was much afraid of witches, and the like evil genii, it was confidently asserted and generally believed, that witches had thrown him off the rocks. Thus ended the first distiller, poor Otto, of bewitching memory. Deer, it has been remarked, were numerous in and about Scho harie formerly. Jacob Becker related the following story, whieh he had learned from his father. An old Indian, who lived in Gar lock's dorf, was very skillful in the use of the bow and arrow. This Indian stationed himself one day, at a run-way the deer had on the north side of Foxes creek, not a great distance from Beck er's mill. It was at a place where there is a small stream of wa ter descends from the hill, affording a kind of path from that to the flats below. At this place this Indian was concealed, when a noble deer came leisurely down ihe declivity. An arrow from his bow pierced the heart of the unsuspecting victim, when it bounded forward a few paces and fell dead. Scarcely had he time to draw from his quiver an arrow, before another deer de scended. A second arrow sped, and a second bleeding victim lay stretched near its fellow. Another and another descended to meet a similar fate , until six were, in quick succession, bleeding upon the ground. There were times, when, like the one named, the arrow was as trusty as the rifle ball. The distance must not be great, however, and the bow must be drawn by a skillful war rior. The arrow giving no report to alarm the following deer, the Indian was enabled, by his masterly skill, to bring down six5 when a single discharge from a rifle, would have sent the five hindmost deer, on the back track. The arrow, however, would not tell upon a distant object hke the rifle ball, and great muscu lar strength was required to send it, even at a short distance* to the heart of a bounding buck. Rattle-snakes were very numerous formerly, along the north side of Foxes creek, and the west side of the Schoharie. Hun dreds were often killed in a single day at either place. Neigh borhoods turned out in the spring about the time they came from their dens, in the latter part of April, or early part of May, to destroy them, and by thus waging war against them, they were AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 93 nearly exterminated. There are a few remaining now at both places. It was not uncommon, in raising a sheaf of wheat from the ground, on the flats near the hills, which afford their favorite haunts, as early as the revolution, to find one or more of those venomous serpents under it. They were but little dreaded then, especially by the Indians, for if they could get at the wound with their mouth, suction, with their other applications, generally saved the bitten. The Indians, said Andrew Loucks, rubbed tlieir legs with certain roots, to avoid being bitten by rattle-snakes, and made use of several kinds of roots and plants, in effecting a cure for the bite of those reptiles. The knowledge they had of botany, although limited, was of a practical nature, and enabled them not unfrequently to effect a cure, when a similar application of a sci entific mineral compound, would have destroyed. This country, undoubtedly, affords an herb for almost every disease of the climate, and more attention should be paid to the study and medical appli cation of Botany. Rattle-snakes diminish rapidly in numbers, if hogs are allowed to run where they infest. They will eat them invariably, with the exception of the head, whenever they take them. There are individuals, in fact, who eat those venomous reptiles, and pronounce them palatable. The late Major Van Vechten, of Schoharie, formerly ate them, and at times invited his friends to the banquet. On one occasion, he had several young gentlemen to partake with him, who, as I suppose, were either ambitious to be able to say they had eaten of a " sarpent," or de sired to rattle a little as they went through the world. Did they taste exceedingly flavorous, one would suppose the idea of eating a rattle-snake would sicken the eater, save in extreme cases of approaching starvation. The following Indian custom was humorously told the author by George Warner. When Cupid has destroyed the red man's peace of mind, he provides himself with a quantity of corn, and seeks the presence of the ruddy squaw. He then commences snapping kernels at the coy maid he wishes to woo. If she snaps them back, the contract is considered firmly made. If she does not, the lover is led to conclude she " don't take," and leaves 94 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, her presence somewhat mortified. If matters proceed favorably and a contract is made, she takes off one garter, and after the marriage ceremony is performed, he probably takes off the other — if, by the by, she has ever had any on. The Schoharie Indians, says Brown, claimed the lands lying about Schoharie, and made some sales, but were interrupted in those transfers of lands by the Mohawks, who proved that the land given to Karighondontee's wife, at the time her husband set tled, was to be no more than would be required to plant as much corn as a squaw could hold in her petticoat; which, he adds, would be reckoned about a skipple. A squaw's petticoat neither has great length or breadth; but the reader will understand that the grain was carried in the garment in the man ner of a sack. But a few years after the Schoharie Germans had their diffi culties with Bayard, the royal agent, and Sheriff Adams, they be gan to secure land not only of the seven partners, but also of the natives, and made transfers among themselves. A bond in the writer's possession, given for what is unknown, by " John Andrews of Scorre, [Schoharie] to John Lawer [Law yer,] for twenty-six pounds three shilHngs, corrant money of New York. Dated the 3d day of May, in the fifth year of our Sove raign Lord George [I.] king of Great Britain, France and Ire land, and in the year of our Lord God, 1720; shows the earliest date of any paper I have met with, that was executed between the early settlers in the Schoharie valley. This date is within ten years of their first arrival. The bond is written in a fair, legible hand, and most of the orthography is correct. In the early conveyances, lands in the vicinity of the Schoharie Court House, were located at " Fountain's town, Fountain's flats, and Brunen or Bruna dorf." Some of the old deeds bound those lands on the " west, by the Schoharie river, and on the east, on the king's road." The road then ran near the hill east of the old Lutheran parsonage house, which is- still standing; leaving nearly all the flats west of it. In ancient patents, the brook AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 95 above Middleburgh village is called the Little Schoharie ; which name I have chosen to continue. Many of the Indian sales of lands in Schoharie county, were legalized by the governor and council of the colony. The fol lowing paper, which is copied verbatim et literatim, will show the usual form of a royal permit : " By His Excellency the Hon. George Clinton, Cap tain-General and Governor in Chief of the colony of New L. S. York, and Territories thereon depending in America, Vice Admiral of the same and Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet. " To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern, Greeting : — " Whereas Johannes Becker, jr., Johannes Schafer, jr., Hendrick Schafer, jr., and Jacobus Schafer, by their humble petition pre sented unto me and read in Council this Day, have prayed my license to purchase in his Majesty's name, of the native Indian proprietors thereof, six thousand Acres of some vacant Lands, Situate, Lying*. and being in the County of Albany, on the North side of the Co belskill, and on the East of the Patent lately granted to Jacob Borst, Jacob C. Teneyck and others near Schoharie : in order to obtain His Majesty's Letters Patent for the same or a proportionate quantity thereof. I have therefore thought fit to give and grant, and I do by and with the Advice of his Majesty's Council, hereby give and grant unto the said Petitioners, full Power, Leave and lycense to purchase in his Majesty's Name of the Native Indian Proprietors thereof, the Quantity of Six thousand Acres of the vacant Lands aforesaid. Provided the said purchase be made in one year next after the Date hereof, and conformable to a report of a Committee of His majesty's Council of the second day of De cember, 1736, on the Memorial of Cadwallader Colden, Esq., representing several Inconveniences arising by the usual Method of purchasing Lands from the Indians. And for so doing this shall be to them a sufficient lycense. " Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Fort George, in the City of New York, the sixteenth Day of November, one thousand s^ven hundred and fifty-two. " By his Excellency's command, G. CLINTON." " Geo. Banyak, D. Sec'y." A conveyance made in December, 1752, of fifteen thousand acres of land in " New Dorlach," now in the town of Seward — bounds it on " West creek" — west branch of the Cobelskill be ginning at a bank called in an Indian conveyance, " Onc-en-ta- 96 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, dashe." This I suppose to have been the Indian name of the mountain south of Hyndsville. When the county of Tryon was organized, it took in " New Dorlach ;" which was embraced in Otsego county on its organization ; and subsequently became a part of Schoharie county. The parties to an indenture, made November 30th, 1753, were Johannes Scheffer, Christ Jan Zehe, Johannes Lawyer, Michael Borst, Johannes Borst, Johan Jost Borst, Michael Hilkinger, Wilham Baird, Jacob Borst, Michael Bowman, Johannes Brown, Barent Keyser, Peter Nicholas Sommer, Johannes Lawyer Ser, Hendrick Heens, and William Brown." It was a purchase of fifteen thousand acres of land on the north side of the " Ostgarrege or Cobelskill, about seven miles westerly from Schoharre." The author has in his possession, a parchment copy of letters patent, dated March 19, 1754. It was granted in the reign of George IL, under the administration of George Clinton as gover nor, and James De Lancey lieutenant-governor, to John Frederick Bauch, [now written Bouck,] Christian Zehe, Johannes Zehe, Michael Wanner, [Warner,] and Johannes Knisker, [Kneiskern,] " For a certain Track of Land lately purchased by them of the Native Indian proprietors thereof, situate, lying and being in the county of Albany, to the westward of Schoharry, and on the south side of a creek or brook, called by the Indians Ots-ga-rd- gee, and by the inhabitants Cobelskill, containing about four thou sand eight hundred Acres, and further bounded and described as by tbe Indian purchase thereof, bearing date the Ninth day of November last, might appear." The Patent grants among other things, Fishings, Fowlings, Hunting and Hawking; re serving at the same time Gold and Silver mines, and "All trees of the Diameter of#Twenty-four Inches and upwards at twelve Inches from the ground, for Masts for our Royal Navy. And also all such other trees as may be fit to make planks, knees, and other things necessary for the use of our said Navy :" with the privilege of going on and cutting the timber thus reserved, at any time or in any manner. The following singular sentence appears in the patent. The purchasers, after being individually AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 97 named, were, with their heirs and assigns forever, " To be holden of us, our heirs and successors in fee and common socage, as of our Mannor of East Greenwich, in the County of Kent, within our Kingdom of Great Britain, yielding, rendering and paying there for yearly, and every year forever, unto us our heirs and succes sors, at our Custom House in Our City of New York, unto our Collector or Receiver General there for the time being, on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, commonly called Lady day, the yearly Rent of two shillings and six pence for each and every hundred acres of the above granted Lands, and so in proportion for any lesser quantity thereof." Within three years after the date of the patent, the purchasers whose interest was equal, were required " to settle and effectually cultivate at least three Acres of every fifty Acres, of the land capable of cultiva tion." The conveyance was to be invalidated by the wanton burning of the growing timber. About the year 1760, says Brown, the Mohawks began to sell large tracts of land around Schoharie, through Sir William John son, who was a royal agent of Indian affairs for the six nations of New York, and liberally paid by the British Government. These conveyances to be legal, he adds, were required to be made in his presence, he usually taking good care to secure a valuable interest to himself. Land was considered of little value among the pioneer settlers of New York, and large tracts were often disposed of for an in considerable sum. The following certificate, found among the papers of the late Philip Schuyler of Schoharie, will serve to show from its vague limits, the value set by the owner on a large tract of now valuable land. " I do hereby certify to have sold to Messrs. Philip Schuyler and Abraham Becker, and their associates, the Flats of the Cook House with an equal quantity of upland ' near the path going to Ogwage [Oquago.] — And I hereby permit them to take up or mark off any quantity of land they may farther think proper, on the west side the said Cook House branch, granted to me, the sub scriber, by the Governor and Council of this province of New York. Albany, 19th June, 1773. TH. BRADSTREET." 98 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Attached to this certificate is an affidavit made by George Mann in 1818, before Peter Swart, a Judge of the court of com mon pleas for Schoharie county, which states that in the month of June, 1773, being then at the Indian village of " Orgquago," he saw " Philip Schuyler pay to the Chiefs of the Indian tribe of the same name, in behalf of John Bradstreet, the sum of one hun dred dollars, which he understood to be money received by them in consideration of a deed for a certain tract of land given by the said Chiefs to the said Bradstreet, and which land was situated on the west branch of the Delaware river, commonly called the Koke- house branch.* He adds that Alexander Campbell, John H. Becker and David Becker, were also present at the time. I have before remarked that the Schoharie people owned slaves. Many of them were either purchased in the New England states, or of New England men. A certificate of the sale of a black girl about thirteen years of age, given on the 7th day of July, 1762, by " John McClister of Connecticut, to Jacob Lawyer of Schohary," for the sum of sixty pounds, [f 150,] New York cur rency, will probably show the average value of female slaves at that day. At a later period, able bodied male slaves often sold as high as $250. When slaves were purchased out of the Colo ny, a duty was required to be paid on them, as the following cer tificate of the Mayor of Albany will show. " Theas are to Certify, y' Nine negro men and women has been Imported Into ye County of Albany from New England, and ac cording to an Act of y6 Governor, ye Council, and the generall As sembly; William Day has paid y" Duty for said negro men and women : witness my hand this twentieth Day of Aug'. 1762 VOLKERT Pr. DOUW, Mayor." Five of the above mentioned slaves were sold at Schoharie. While New York was a British province, public roads were called " The King's Highways," and were kept in repair by a tax levied by officers under the crown. Individuals were not compelled at that period to fence in their lands along the high ways, but where the line fence between neighbors crossed them, * Koke is the Dutch of cook — to prepare to eat. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 99 they placed gates. This was a source of constant vexation to the traveler, who often complained that more obstructions of the kind were stretched across the road, than necessity required. Ac cordingly, to remedy the evil, a legislative act was passed, by which those obstructions could only be placed across the King's road by a legal permit ; signed by several of his Majesty's Jus tices of the peace. The traveler was annoyed by gates across the highway in thickly settled communities in the Mohawk and Scho harie valleys, for many years after the American revolution. John Lawyer, named in the bond of 1720, and the father of one of the first white children born in Schoharie, was one of the principal settlers at Bruna dorf: and was the first merchant among those Germans — trading near the present residence of An drew Beller, half a mile south of the Court House. He is said to have been a flax-hatcheler in Germany : and we must suppose, from the state of his finances on his arrival in the Schoharie val ley, that he commenced a very limited business. The natives were among his most profitable customers; as he bartered blank ets, Indian trinkets, calicoes, ammunition, rum, &c, with them, for valuable furs, dressed deer-skins, and other commodities ofthe times. He was one of the best informed among the Germans who settled the county ; and before his death became an extensive land-hold er. He was quite a business man and a useful citizen, aiding ma ny who purchased land in making their payments; and acquired the reputation of a fair and honorable dealer. He became a widower when about eighty years old, and mar ried a widow in New York city. Arriving at Albany he sent word to have one of his sons come after him : but they were so offended to think he should marry at that age, . that neither of them would go. One Dominick took the happy couple to Schoharie ; where, we take it for granted, they spent the honey moon. It has been stated that Lawyer had several children by this late marriage. Judge Brown assured the author he had indeed, but that they were many years old when he married their mother. A well executed family portrait of this father of the 100 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Lawyers, in the fashion of that day, is now to be seen at the dwelling of the late Wm. G. Michaels, near the Court House. It was painted in New York, and tells credibly for the state of the fine arts at that period. A second John Lawyer, who usually wrote his given name Johannes (the German of John), a son of the one mentioned above, succeeded his father in the mercantile business. He be came a good surveyor, and surveyed much land in and around Schoharie county. He was also an extensive land-holder, own ing at least twenty-five thousand acres of land, and his name appears in very many conveyances made in that county before the year 1760. I have before me a copy of the will of this man, which was dated March 10th, 1760 : by which it appears he was then a merchant. He had three sons and two daughters, and his will so disposed of his large estate, as to be equally distributed on the death of his widow, to the surviving children and the lawful heirs of the deceased ones. Few parents at the present day in Schoharie county, imitate the commendable example of this wealthy man, and divide their property equally between sons and daughters. The latter, who are by nature the most helpless, are frequently unprovided for, and while a son or sons are enjoying the rich inheritance of a " wise father," a worthy daughter is sometimes compelled, on the death of her parents,, either to marry against her own good sense and inclination, a man unworthy of her ; or feel herself really dependant on the charity of those from whom she should not be compelled to ask it. Johannes Lawyer was succeeded by a son, his namesake, in the mercantile business. He was also a surveyor, and transacted no little business. Lawrence Lawyer, one of his sons, who was still living in Cobelskill in 1837, informed me that some person in New York presented his father with a small cannon while in that city purchasing goods, a short time previous to the French war : and that during that war, whenever the Schoharie Indians, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 101 who were engaged with the Mohawks under General, afterwards Sir Wm. Johnson, returned home with the scalps of ten or fifteen of the enemy, this cannon was fired for joy. Thus we perceive that the very cruel Indian custom of scalping, condemned in the savages during the Revolution about twenty years after, the whites had approved in the French war, and demonstrated that approval by the discharge of cannon. Can we blame the un lettered savage for continuing a custom his fathers — indeed we ourselves have taught him to think fair and honorable, by our own public approval and celebration 1 Ought we not rather to pity the degraded, injured Indian ; and amid blushes, censure ourselves for encouraging his love of cruelty instead of tender mercy 1 I learned from this old patriot, who was one of the early set tlers of Cobelskill, the origin of the name Punch-kill. His grand father took a patent of lands adjoining this stream : and on running out the lines, in making a survey, punch was made and freely drank on the premises, on which account fhe brook was called Punch-kill, and has been so called ever since. This kill is in the northeast part of the town, and falls into the stream of that name. John I. Lawyer, who was a nephew of the second Schoharie merchant, was learned out, according to a phrase of the times, having received a share of his education in Boston, and proved a very correct surveyor. He was rather eccentric, and perhaps was not in all respects as happily married, as it is the good for tune of some men to be. An anecdote related of him which tends to show his character, is as follows : He had been accus tomed for a long time to occupy a high chair at the table while eating. A grandson of his coming home after a long absence, who was a great favorite with his grandmother, she insisted on his having the high chair at the festive board. The old gentle man put up with the treatment for a few days, but at length growing impatient at such improper favoritism, he entered his dwelling as the table was setting, with a saw, and before any one 8 102 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, could stay proceedings, he raised the table and sawed off its legs. " Now," said he to his wife, " your favorite can have the high chair. The old lady cast her eyes on the sorry picture which the dishes in fragments on the floor presented, and began to storm — but it was of no use — the husband kept his temper. His voice was notybr war. He went directly and procured a new set of dishes, and ever after he had no difficulty in occupying such a seat at his own table as he chose. It was formerly customary, not only in Schoharie, but in almost every county in the state, to provide refreshments at funerals. Indeed, within twenty years, the custom of providing liquor on such occasions has been in vogue, and the bearers and friends of the deceased were expected to return to the house of mourning after the burial, and drink. Neither was it at all uncommon for people in those days to go home from a funeral drunk : but the barbarous and unfeeling custom of passing the intoxicating bowl on such occasions, has yielded to a better spirit, lt is said that John Lawyer, the second one mentioned in this chapter, kept a barrel of wine for several years before his death to be drank at his funeral ; that it was carried out on that occasion in pails, freely drank, and many were drunk of it. Cakes were carried round at such times in large baskets, and in some instances a fu neral appeared more like a festival than the solemn sepulture of the dead. The old people give a reason somewhat plausible for the introduction of such a custom in this county. Its inhabitants were sparsedly settled over a large territory, and many had to go a great distance to attend funerals, — and as all could not be ex pected to eat a regular meal from home, those extra provisions were made for friends present from remote sections. A custom of that kind once introduced, even if at the time justifiable, it is easy to perceive might be continued in after years, until it became ob noxious to sympathy and highly reprehensible. The following is the copy of a receipt, evidently in the hand writing of the second mentioned John Lawyer, his name being written as the contraction of Johannes. It was doubtless given as it purports, for liquor drank at a funeral. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 1 03 " Scokerie, March 29, 1738. " Then Received of John Schuyler the sum of Twenty Shilings for the five galing [gallons] of Rum at the Bearing [burying] of Maria Bratt. Recd by me. JOHS. LAWYER." The Schoharie Indians had but few serious difficulties with the early white settlers. Judge Brown mentions in his pamphlet that a squaw once shot a man on the sabbath, while returning from Church. The Indians often had personal broils among themselves, and generally settled them in their own savage way. Brown also states that in his time he saw one William, a son of Jan, stab and kill another Indian at the house of David Becker, in Weiser's dorf. An eye-witness of the act informed the author, that the Indian killed was called John Coy. . David Becker then kept a public house, which stood on the present site of the par sonage house belonging to the brick church in Middleburgh. John had a child in his arms in the bar-room, and was asked by Wilham, another Indian, to drink with him. The former de clined drinking, and walked out of the room upon a piazza in front of the house. William soon after followed him out and bu ried the blade of a long knife in his back' — which he did not at tempt to draw out — and departed. John died almost instantly. The cause -of this assassination informant did not know : it is doubtless to be attributed to the red man's curse — alcohol. Mrs. Van Slyck related the following traditionary story, which serves to illustrate the Indian character. At a house which stood on the farm now owned by Henry Vrooman, and contiguous to Wilder Hook, about the year 1750, one Indian stabbed another on the threshold of the door to the entrance into the upper part of it. The deed was committed in the evening, and was the re sult of a former quarrel. The tribe took little notice of the act, but when the corpse of the murdered man was about to be low ered into the grave, the father of the murderer required his son to get into it to dig one end deeper. He did so, and while standing there, the father sunk a tomahawk into his brains. He was laid down in the narrow house with his implements of war beside him — the other victim placed upon the body of his murderer, and both 104 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY. buried together. Thus bodies which in life were rendered so hateful to each other by the savage spirits which controlled them, mingled into one common earth after death, by the fiendish act of a father ; who, by endeavoring to punish the believed wrong of a son, became himself the most guilty of the two. However un natural an act like this may seem, it was by no means uncommon among the unlettered sons of the forest. The father often assumed the responsibility of punishing the son, and the son the father, for misdemeanors which might have a tendency to disgrace the avenger, even to the taking of life. The following anecdote will show another peculiarity of the Indian character. One of the Schoharie Chiefs, named Lewis, is said to have gone to battle — probably in the French war, — scalped a squaw, taken her home as his prisoner, and afterwards made her his wife and the mother of his children. The Indians were in the annual habit, to considerable extent, of taking up a temporary residence near corn fields — when the corn became eatable, — proving unprofitable neighbors to the whites. ( 105 ) CHAPTER IV. It has been the intention of the writer, as expressed in the pre face, not to confine this work to the limits of Schoharie county, but to garner up as much unpublished historic matter as possible. Tradition has preserved but few of the personal adventures origi nated in the French war. The facts contained in the following sketch were narrated to the author in 1841, by John L. Groat. In the year 1716, Philip Groat, of Rotterdam, made a purchase of land in the present town of Amsterdam. When removing to the latter place, Groat was drowned in the Mohawk near Sche nectada, by breaking through the ice. He was in a sleigh accom panied by a woman, who was also drowned. His widow and three sons, Simon, Jacob and Lewis, the last named being then only four years old, with several domestics, made the intended settlement. In 1730, the Groat brothers erected a grist-mill at their place, (now Crane's village,) thirteen miles west of Sche nectada — the first ever erected on the north side of the Mohawk. This mill, when first erected, floured wheat for citizens who dwelt upon the German flats, some fifty miles distant. The first bolt ing cloth in this mill, was put in by John Burns, a German, in 1772. When hostilities commenced between England and France, in the war alluded to, Lewis Groat was living at the homestead. He was a widower at the time with five children ; and owning a farm and grist-mill, he was comparatively wealthy. In the af ternoon of a summer's day in 1755, two hundred Highland troops, clad in rich tartans, passed up the valley on their way to Fort Johnson, six miles above — then the residence of Gen. William 106 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Johnson. Groat, observing the swing gate across the road had been left open by the troops, went, after sun down, to shut it. When returning home, it began to rain, and for temporary shelter he stepped under a large oak tree : while there, three Indians, a father and sons, approached him. He took them to be Mohawks, and extending his hand to the oldest, addressed him in a friendly manner. The hand was received and firmly held by the Indian, who claimed Groat as his prisoner. Finding they were in earn est, and seeing them all armed with rifles, he surrendered himself. The captors belonged to the Owenagunga,* or River tribe of In dians, whither they directed their steps. The object of their ex pedition, which was to capture several negroes, they soon disclosed to the prisoner, who told them if they would let him go across the river to Philips', he would send them some. " Yes," said the old Indian, holding his thumb and finger together so as to show the size of a bullet, " you send Indian leetle round negar, he no like such." They had proceeded but a few miles, when a pack was placed upon the back of the captive, after which he walked much slow er than before. The old Indian threatened to kill him if he did not increase his speed. " What can you get for a scalp 1" asked Groat. " Ten livres," was the reply. " And how ¦much for a prisoner 1" he again asked. " Two hundred livres," replied the Indian. " Well" said Groat, "if ten livres are better than two hundred, kill me and take my scalp .'" The Indian then told the prisoner that he would carry his own pack and the one apportioned him, if the latter would but keep up with the party. The* propo sition was acceded to, and they moved forward — the old Indian with two packs on. He took a dog trot and Groat kept near him. The feet of the savage often had not left the ground, when those of his captive claimed occupancy of it. The warrior exerted all his strength to outrun his prisoner, who kept constantly " bruising his heel :" until the former, exhausted and covered with perspira- * The Owenagungas settled above Albany, on a branch of Hudson's river, that runs towards Canada, about the year 1672.— Colden's History of the Five Nations. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 107 tion, fell upon the ground. They had run about a mile and were both greatly fatigued, but Groat had triumphed. When the Indian had recovered from his exhaustion, he told Groat if he would carry one of the packs, he might travel as he pleased. After this adventure he was kindly treated, and often on the way did his captors give him plenty of food and go hungry themselves, saying that they were Indians and could endure hun ger better than himself, because accustomed to it. Nights, his feet were tied to temporary stocks made by bending down stad- dles, but always secured so high that he could not reach the cord as he lay upon the ground. After journeying a day or two, the prisoner resolved on attempting his escape. One evening when unbound, he hoped to give his captors the slip, but suspecting his motives they cocked their rifles, and not being able to gain even tem porary covert of a large tree, he abandoned the hazardous project. Near Fort Edward, the party fell in with two Mohawk Indians, one of whom, being an old acquaintance, gave the prisoner a hat, of which he had been plundered by his captors. The Mo hawks were on a hunting excursion, and remained in company with the party for a day or two, in the hope of affording the pri soner an opportunity to escape. The captors were to be made drunk by liquor in possession of the Mohawks ; but as the time for the expedient drew near, Groat fell sick, and had to see his friends depart without him. He, however, gave one of them his tobacco-box, and requested him to carry it to his family, and tell them when and where he had seen its owner, that they might know he was still alive. The Indian did return and deliver the box as requested : but the family were suspicious the Indian had killed him and fabricated the story ; which his protracted absence tended to confirm. When he got back, he presented the friendly Indian with a fine horse. They proceeded some distance by water down Lake Champlain, and on landing at an Indian settlement, Groat had to run the gantlet. His captors had conceived quite an attachment for him, and offered, before arriving at the village, to place a belt of wam pum around his neck, which, according to the custom of their 108 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY tribe, would have entitled him to the same privileges as them selves ; and exonerated him from the running ordeal. He thought the acceptance of the belt would be an acknowledgment of his willingness to adopt the Indian life, and refused the offer proffered in kindness, which he regretted when too late. As the lines of women and boys were drawn up through which he was to flee, and he was about to start, his captors, who had relieved him of his pack, buried their faces in their hands, and would not witness his sufferings. He was beaten considerably, and on arriving at the goal of freedom, the blood from some of his bruises ran down to his feet. A short time after, Groat was sold to a French Ca nadian, named Lewis De Snow, who told him, on going to his house, that he was to be his future master, and his wife his mis tress. The former replied that he had long known his master — " he dwells above," he added, pointing his finger upward. At first the Frenchman treated him unkindly. He was willing to work, but would not submit to imposition ; and on being severely treated one day, he assured his Canadian master, that sooner than put up with abuse, he would poison him and his wife, and make his escape. Learning his independent spirit, his owner ever af ter treated him like a brother. The next summer, war was form ally declared between Great Britain and France. Groat was claimed as a British prisoner previous to the capture of Quebec, and was for six months imprisoned at St. Francis' -way, near Mon treal : where he suffered from short allowance of food. He was finally liberated and returned home, after an absence oi four years and four months, to the surprise and joy of his family, which had considered him as lost forever — was again married, and my in formant was a son by his second wife. John L. Groat died in January, 1845, aged about 90 years. Early in the French war, Eve, the wife of Jacob Van Alstine, who resided in the Mohawk valley, not far from the Groat fami ly, was proceeding along the road on horseback, with a little daughter in her arms ; and while in the act of opening a swing- gate which obstructed the road, was fired upon by a party of hos tile Indians, and wounded in one arm. The enemy then dispatched AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 109 and scalped her, but sparing her child, carried it to Canada. Af ter a long captivity, the child returned, — and now, (1843,) at the age of nearly a century, is still living with her nephew, J. C. Van Alstine, Esq., at Auriesville, Montgomery county. The following particulars relating to Sir William Johnson and his family, which were mostly derived from Mr. Groat, will, I trust, prove interesting to the reader. Lewis Groat, his father, lived on terms of intimacy with the Baronet, from his first arrival in the Mohawk valley, to the day of his death. Sir William Johnson was born in Ireland in 1714, and was de scended from honorable parentage. His uncle, Admiral Warren, (Sir Peter Warren,) secured a title to some fifteen thousand acres of land, lying mostly within the present town of Florida : not long after which, Sir William became his agent for those lands. Young Johnson had been disappointed in a love affair in his na tive country, and was possibly sent to America on that account. He arrived in the colony of New York between the years 1735 and 1740, and settled at a place then known as Warren's Bush, a few miles from the present village of Port Jackson. On his arrival, the Mohawk valley was mostly peopled by Indians. Small settlements had, indeed, been made by Germans at Canajo harie, Stone Arabia and the German Flats ; and the Dutch were tardily extending their settlements westward of Schenectada; but the white population in the valley was, comparatively speak ing, very limited.* He at once resolved on a permanent settle ment — closely observed the habits and customs of the natives, and being an adept in the study of human nature, soon acquired their confidence and good will. He had not been long in the valley before he became an agent of the British government, for the Six Indian Nations, possibly through the instrumentality of admiral Warren. Johnson had been only a few years at Warren's Bush, when his friend Lewis Groat, who lived but a short distance from his own residence, asked him in a familiar manner why he did not get married ? He replied that he wanted to marry a girl in Ireland— that his parents were opposed, to the match, and that since he could not 110 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, marry the girl of his choice, he had resolved never to marry, but would multiply as much as he could. It is believed that he faith fully observed this resolution for many years. Near the two canal locks below Port Jackson, some two miles from Johnson's residence, lived at that time, Alexander and Harman Phihps, brothers. With those brothers, was living in the capacity of a servant girl, Miss Lana, [Eleanor] Wallaslous, unless I am mis taken in her name, of German parentage. She was a native of Madagascar, and on arriving at New York at an early age, was sold into servitude, to pay her passage. She was an uncommon ly fair — wholesome lookmg maid. Groat, knowing his friend's determination not to marry, asked him why he did not go and get the pretty High Dutch girl at Philips' s, for a housekeeper ? He replied*. I will do it ! and they parted. Not long after this interview, Groat was at Philips's on busi ness, and not seeing her, enquired of one of the brothers where their High Dutch girl was "? Said Philips, "Johnson, that d — d Irishman came the other day Snd offered me five pounds for her, threatening to horse-whip me and steal her if I would not sell her. I thought five pounds better than a flogging, and took it, and he's got the gal." Johnson obtained* the girl in the precise manner he had assured his friend he would proceed. This German girl was the mother of Sir John Johnson, and the wives of Col. Guy Johnson, an Irish relative of Sir William, and Col. Daniel Claus. Henry Frey Yates, Esq., in a communication to his son, Ber nard F., in which he notes several exceptions to sayings of Col. Stone, in the Life of Brant, which memoranda have been kindly placed in the hands of the writer by the son since the above was written, quotes from the first volume of that work, page 101, a re mark that " the mother of Sir John Johnson was a German la dy," and thus discourses :— "Mr. Stone has been misinformed as to the history of the mother of Sir John ; she was not a German lady. She was a German by birth." After naming William Harper, a former judge of Montgomery county, and his brother, Alexander, as authority for what he says, he thus continues :— " The facte with respect to the mother of Sir John are, that she AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. Ill was a poor German girl, who, on her arrival in New York, was sold for her passage over from Germany. That was then the uni versal practice, and the only method that the poorer class of Ger man emigrants had, when they wanted to emigrate to this coun try. They were obliged,, before they embarked on ship-board for America, to sign articles by which they bound themselves to the captain, that, on their arrival here, they should be sold for their passage money, for one, two, three, or four years, as the captain could make a bargain with the purchaser, the captain being ob liged to board them, &c. Whenever a ship arrived, it was imme diately advertised that she had brought so many male and female immigrants, who were to be sold for their passage." They were usually sold into servitude, to such persons as would take them at the shortest period of services, and pay the captain, in advance, his charges for their passage and contingent expenses. Purchasers were bound, on their part, to treat those servants kind ly, and release them at the expiration of their time. This custom continued for some twenty-five years after the close of the Ame rican Revolution, and numbers who proved valuable citizens, avail ed themselves of this method of crossing the Atlantic. When passengers were advertised for sale, says Mr. Yates — " The wealthy Germans and Low Dutch, from various parts of the country, would then repair to New York and make their purcha ses. Sometimes one would purchase for a number of families. In this way it was, that the mother of Sir John was purchased for her passage across the Atlantic by a man named Philips, re siding about twelve miles above Schenectada, on the south side of the Mohawk ; and nearly opposite Crane's village on the north side of the river. Sir William, seeing the young woman at the house of Mr. Philips, and being pleased with her, bought her of him and took her to his dwelling at the old fort. Sir William had three children by her, Sir John, Mrs. Guy Johnson and Mrs. Col. Claus. Sir William never was married to her, until on her death bed, and then he did it only with a view to legitimize [legitimatise] his children by her. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Barkley, the Episcopal minister residing at Fort Hunter, 112 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, where he officiated in a stone church built by Queen Anne for the Mohawk Indians." At page 387, vol. 1, of Stone's Brant, Molly Brant, a sister of that chief, is spoken of as the wife of Sir William Johnson. With reference to this woman, says the memoranda of Yates — " It is true that Sir William was married to Molly according to the rites of the Episcopal church, but a few years before his death. The Baronet, feeling his life drawing to a close, and abhorring living longer in adultery, to quiet his conscience, privately married Molly to legitimize his children by her, as he had done those by the Ger man girl, who was the mother of Sir John and his sisters." Among the few who witnessed the ceremony of the Baronet's second marriage, the memoranda names Robert Adams, a mer chant of Johnstown, and Mrs. Rebecca Van Sickler : to the last mentioned he accredits his authority. Mrs. V. S., as the manu script continues, " was always received into all the respectable fa milies in Johnstown as a welcome guest, and was very fbnd of re lating anecdotes of Sir William. Molly was a very exemplary woman, and was a communicant of the Episcopal church. Among all the old inhabitants on the Mohawk, Molly was respected, as not only reputable, but as an exemplary, pious, christian woman. The care that she took of the education of her children, and the manner in which she brought them up, is at once a demonstration of the depth of the moral sense of duty that she owed her off spring." As early as the summer of 1746, Colden, in his Indian history, speaks of Mr. William Johnson (afterwards Sir William John son) as " being indefatigable among the Mohawks." " He dressed himself," says that writer, " after the Indian manner, made frequent dances according to their custom when they excite to war, and used all the means he could think of, at a considerable expense, (which His Excellency, George Clinton, had promised to repay him,) in order to engage them heartily in the war against Cana da. [The same writer, noticing the efforts made by Johnson to engage the Mohawk Nation in the British interest against the French, in a war then existing, says that with a part of the Mo- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 113 hawks then residing principally in the vicinity of the Lower Cas tle, he went to Albany to attend a treaty.] " That when the In dians came near the town of Albany, on the 8th of August, Mr. Johnson put himself at the head of the Mohawks, dressed and painted after the manner of an Indian war-captain ; and the In dians who followed him were likewise dressed and painted as is usual with them when they set out in war. The Indians saluted the Governor as they passed the fort, by a running fire, which his Excellency ordered to be answered by a discharge of some cannon from the Fort. He afterwards received the sachems in the fort- hall, bid them welcome, and treated them with a glass of wine." Sir William was a military man of some distiction in the colony, and during the French war, held a general's commission. Soon after the signal defeat of Baron Dieskau, in 1755, by the troops under Gen. Johnson, in the northern wilds of New York, the title of baronet was conferred upon him, with a gift of parliament to make it set easy, of five thousand pounds sterling, nearly twenty thousand dollars — in consideration of his success. His fortune was now made, and he was the man to enjoy it. Previously, he erected Fort Johnson, a large stone mansion on the north side of the Mohawk, about three miles west of Amsterdam, where he resided for nearly twenty years. This building, which was a noble structure for the middle of the last century, is pleasantly situated near the hill on the west bank of a creek, on which the Baronet built a grist mill. This dwelling, which was finished in side in a then fashionable style, is said to have been fortified from the time of its erection, until the conquest of Canada and termination of the French war. This place, (now owned by Dr. Oliver Davidson,) is called Fort Johnson to this day. At a latter period he erected dwell ings for his sons-in-law, Guy Johnson and Daniel Claus. That occupied by the first flamed, a large stone dwelling, is still stand ing one mile above Amsterdam, and was formerly called Guy Park. Previous to its erection, he occupied a frame building standing upon the same site, which was struck by lightning and consumed. 114 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, loHi SOUTH VIEW OF FORT JOHNSON. The mansion of Col. Claus, which was about centrally distan between Fort Johnson and Guy Park, was also constructed of stone, and was large on the ground; but being only one and and a half stories, high, it presented a less imposing appearance than did the other Johnson buildings. The cellar of the latter house is still to be seen. Each of those dwellings had a farm attached to it of one square mile, or six hundred and forty acres. About ten years before his death, Sir Wm. Johnson erected Johnsmi Hall, a large wood building with detached stone wings, situated one mile west from the village of Johnstown ; and on his removal to that place, (at present owned and occupied by Mr. Eleazer Wells,) AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 115 Fort Johnson became the residence of his son, who, during a visit to England, had also been gifted by royalty with a title to his name ; and an annual stipend of five hundred pounds for the honors of knighthood. Sir John married a Miss Watts of New York city. He was also on terms of intimacy for several years with Miss Clara Putman of the Mohawk valley, by whom he had several children IIIHEIL llMJlF minnl m EAST VIEW OF JOHNSON HALL. The following notice of the Baronet is from the September No. ( 1755) of the London Gentleman's Magazine. The article was an extract from a journal written in America. " Major General Johnson, (an Irish gentleman) is universally esteemed in our parts, for the part he sustains. Besides his skill and experience as an old officer, he is particularly happy in ma king himself beloved by all sorts of people, and can conform to all companies and conversations. He is very much of the fine gen tleman in genteel company. But as the inhabitants next him are mostly Dutch, he sits down with them, and smokes his tobacco, drinks flip, and talks of improvements, bears and beaver skins. Being surrounded with Indians, he speaks several of their lan guages well, and has always some of them with him. His house is a safe and hospitable retreat for them from the enemy. He takes care of their wives and children when they go out on par ties, and even wears their dress. In short, by his honest dealings with them in trade, and his courage, which has often been suc cessfully tried with them, and his courteous behaviour, he has so endeared himself to them, that they chose him one of their chief sachems or princes, and esteem him as their common father." 116 HISTORY, OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Sir William Johnson lived in comparative opulence from the time of his knighthood to the day of his death, which occurred suddenly at Johnson Hall, on the 24th of June, 1774. He died at the age of nearly sixty years. It was supposed by many of his neighbors at that time, that he found means to shorten his days by the use of poison. Col. Stone, in his Life of Brant, ex presses a different opinion ; but several old people still hving, who resided at that time, and have ever since, but a few miles from Johnson Hall, believe to this day that he took the suicidal draught. There were certainly some very plausible reasons for such a conclusion. As the cloud of colonial difficulty was spreading from the capital of New England to the frontier Eng lish settlements, Sir William Johnson was urged by the British crown to take sides with the parent country. He had been taken from comparative obscurity, and promoted by the government of England, to honors and wealth. Many wealthy and influential friends around him, were already numbered among the advocates of civil hberty. Should he raise his arm against that power which had thus signally honored him*? Should he take sides with the oppressor against many of his tried friends in a thousand perilous adventures 1 These were serious questions, as we may reasonably suppose, which often occupied his mind. The Baronet declared to several of his valued friends, as the storm of civil dis cord was gathering, that " England and her colonies were ap proaching a terrible war, but that he should never live to witness it." Such assertions were not only made to Lewis Groat, but also to Daniel Campbell and John Baptist Van Eps, of Schenec tada, and to some of them repeatedly. At the time of his death, a court was sitting in Johnstown, and while in the court house on the afternoon of the day of his death, a package from England, of apolitical nature, was handed him. He left the court house, went directly home, and in a few hours was a corpse. The fore going particulars are corroborated by the researches of Giles F. Yates Esq. The excitement of the occasion may have produced his death without the aid of poison ; but as he died thus suddenly, his acquaintances believed he had hastened his death. The three AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 117 individuals named, being together after the event, and speaking of the Baronet's death, agreed in their opinion that his former declarations were prophetic, and that he was a man sufficiently determined to execute such design if once conceived. Col. Guy Johnson succeeded Sir William at his death,as the superintendent of Indian affairs for the colony of New York. In 1775, Guy Johnson abandoned his situation on the Mohawk, and, with Joseph Brant and a formidable number of the Six Na tions, went to Canada. Whether Colonel Claus accompanied Guy Johnson or Sir John to Canada, is uncertain ; but sure it is, he also left his possessions in the valley and removed thither. Sir John, violating a compact of neutrality made with General Schuyler, set out for Canada in the month of May, 1776, ac companied by about three hundred followers, mostly Scotch settlers in and around Johnstown. After a march of nineteen days through an almost unbroken wilderness, suffering severely for the want of provisions, they reached Montreal. The wife of Guy Johnson died a short time after her removal to Canada. ¦¦¦¦¦¦filHil ^*^*^^^^«**^^^^-'^^^^¥f^^^^^^^^^^g NORTH VIEW OF GUY PARK. Guy Park, which was just completed when its owner left it, was occupied during the war by Henry Kennedy; Fort Johnson by Albert Veeder ; and the Claus' house by Col. John Harper, until it accidentally took fire from a supposed defect in the chim ney, and burned down. A tavern was afterwards erected near 9 118 , HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, its site, and was for years known as the Simons place. These buildings, and the lands of their owners, with Johnson Hall and the lands belonging to it, were confiscated to the United States ; as was also the property of Col. John Butler, one of the King's justices for Tryon county, a man of influence and wealth, who re moved at the beginning of the war from the same neighborhood to Canada. ¦ The commissioners appointed March 6th, 1777, for disposing of confiscated personal property in Tryon county, were Col. Fre derick Fisher, Col. John Harper, and Maj. John Eisenlord. The latter was, however, killed in the Oriskany battle, early in August following, and his place supplied by one Garrison. When the personal property of Sir John Johnson was sold, which was some time before the sale of his real estate, his slaves were disposed of among the " goods and chattels." Col. Volkert Veeder bought the confidential one with whom the Knight left his plate and valuable papers, who buried them after his former master left. He kept the concealment of those valuables a secret in his own breast for four years, until Sir John visited the Mo hawk valley in 1780, and recovered them and the slave. The commissioners for selling real estates in Tryon county, were Henry Otthout and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. They sold Johnson Hall, with seven hundred acres of land, to James Cald well of Albany, for £6,600^who soon after sold it for .£1,400. Caldwell paid the purchase in public securities, bought up for a song, and said he made money in the speculation, although he disposed of the property for £5,200 less,, " on paper," than he gave for it. This transaction will serve to show the state of American credit at that period — probably in 1778 or '79. Tradition says that a black ghost appeared several times dur ing the Revolution, in a room in the north-west part of Fort Johnson, while occupied by Veeder. In one of the rooms at Guy Park, a female ghost resembling the then deceased wife of Guy Johnson is said to have appeared, to the great annoyance of the credulous Kennedy family. Even in the day time, they were more than once alarmed. About this time a German, a stranger AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 119 to the family, called there, and inquired if the lady of its former proprietor had not been seen ; and when answered in the affirma tive, he requested permission to tarry over night in the haunted room. It was readily granted, and he retired at an early hour. In the morning before his departure, he told the family they need be under no further apprehension, that the ghost would not again appear ; and in truth she did not. The mystery of the visits to those dwellings, which was a favorite theme on the tongue of the marvelous for many years, has never been revealed, and some of the old people living in the vicinity still beheve that the visitants were supernatural beings, or real ghosts. The truth probably is, that the black ghost seen at Fort Johnson, was not the ideal, but the flesh and blood person of the confidential slave of its former proprietor ; who, by showing his ivory tp some purpose, took ad vantage of the fears of the family to bear off some valuable arti cle secreted in some part of the building by its former occupants. Nor is it unlikely that a similar mission prompted some female to visit Guy Park — for ghosts never travel by daylight — that she could not find the article sought for, and that consequently a man, a stranger to the family, whose agent she may have been, know ing she had failed to obtain the treasure, visited the house, and by gaining access to the room, found the object desired, and could then tell the family confidently that the ghost would not reap pear. Many valuable articles were left behind by tories in their flight, who expected soon to return and recover them ; and when they found the prospect of their return cut off, or long delayed, they then obtained them by the easiest means possible — and sure ly none were easier than through the mystery of superstition. From the great facility of Sir William Johnson to obtain lands, he became a most extensive land-bolder. He was remarkably fond of women; and is believed to have been the father of several scores — some say an hundred children; by far the larger number of whom were part native, some by young squaws, and others by the wives of Indians who thought it an honor to have them on intimate terms with the king's agent ; and would even bring them a great distance to prostitute them to his insatiable 120 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, lust The Five Nations, says Colden, carried their hospitali ty to distinguished strangers so far, as to allow them their choice of a young squaw, from among the prettiest in the neighborhood, (washed clean and dressed iri her best apparel) as a companion during his sojourn with them ; who performed all the duties of a fond wife. Of this custom, which was in vogue when the Baron et settled among them, he availed himself. He had a rich scar let blanket made, and bound with gold lace, which he wore when transacting business with the Indians, and it being a par tial adoption of their own style of wardrobe, it pleased them very much. He often boasted of the pleasurable scenes of which that blanket was the sole witness. He erected buildings at a place called the Fish House, on the south bank of the Sacondaga river, some twelve or fifteen miles north-east of Johnstown, where he kept two white concubines, by the name of Wormwood. After the death of the mother of Sir John Johnson and his two own sisters, the Baronet took to his bosom Molly Brant, with whom he lived until his death. She was the mother of seven of his children. Many pleasing anecdotes are related of Sir William Johnson, who perhaps exerted an unbounded influence over a greater num ber of Indians, than it was ever the lot of another white man to obtain in North America. His general character was rather happily elineated by Paulding in his Dutchman's Fireside. Wljen he had trinkets and other presents to distribute among the Five Na tions, and they assembled around Fort Johnson, and afterwards Johnson Hall, his tenants and neighbors were invited to be pre sent. He was extravagantly fond of witnessing athletic feats, and on such occasions was gratified. On those festivals, not only young Indians and squaws, but whites, both male and female, were often seen running foot races, or wrestling for some gaudy trinket, or fancy article of wearing apparel. Men were some times seen running foot races for a prize, with a meal-bag drawn over their legs and tied under the arms. The ludicrous figure presented by the crippled strides and frequent tumbles of those competitors, was a source of no little pleasure. Not unffequent- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 121 ly a fat swine was the prize of contention. Its tail being well greased, the whole hog was given its freedom, and the individual who could seize and hold it by the tail became its lawful owner. It required a powerful gripe to win, and many a hand did such prizes usually slip through. An old woman is said to have seized on one, amid the jeers of the laughing multitude, after it had es caped the grasp of many strong hands, and firmly held it. The secret was, she had prepared herself with a handful of sand. On one occasion, half a pound of tea was awarded to the individual who could, by contortion of feature, make the wryest face. Two old women were sometimes heard scolding most vehemently, the successful one to be rewarded with a bladder of Scotch snuff. The erection of a straight pole, after it had been peeled and well besmeared with soft-soap, with a prize upon its top worth seek ing,— and after which the young Indians," in a state of nudity, would climb, was an oft repeated source of amusement. Children were sometimes seen searching in a mud-puddle for coppers Sir William had thrown in. His ingenuity was taxed for new sour ces of -merriment, and various were the expedients adopted to give zest to the scenes exhibited on those gala days. He was also a man of considerable taste, and discovered not a little in the culti vation of shrubbery around Fort Johnson. As the Johnsons were extensive land-owners, and preferred leas ing to selling land, their disaffection to the American govern ment, and its final confiscation, was a good thing for the country, as it became subsequently occupied by freeholders. The confis cated lands of the Johnson family, must have yielded no in considerable sum to an impoverished treasury. The following anecdote is related of Sir William Johnson, who preferred retaining in himself the right of soil to his landed pos sessions. He one day visited a tenant who was engaged in chop ping wood for him. After some little conversation, the chopper described a certain one hundred acre lot in Albany bush, (now the eastern part of Johnstown,) and asked the Baronet what he would take for it, and execute him a deed. The latter, supposing the man had very little money, named a sum which was about the 122 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, real value of the soil. "I will tafte it,", was the quipk and em phatic reply of the laborer ; and he began counting out the mo ney to his astonished landlord, upon the very stump the last fallen tree had left. " I would rather not have sold it for twice that sum," said Sir William, " but since you have fairly bought it, you shall have a title to it ;" and taking the money, he executed a deed to him. He was the patron of , many laudable enterprises, and I must suppose him to have aided in establishing Queen's College, N. J., as he was the first trustee named in the charter. In the summer of 1764, says the Gentleman's Magazine, pub lished soon after, " Sir William Johnson, with a body of regular and provincial forces, to which more than one thousand friendly Indians have joined themselves, has lately marched to visit the forts of Oswego, Niagara, Detroits, Pittsburg, fyc, in order to strike terror in the Western nations, and to reduce them to reason ; many of these nations are unknown to their brethren, and some have already of fered terms of peace ; the Shawnese are the most formidable of those who stand out : And the friendly Indians express great eager ness to attack them. Since the march of these troops, the back settlements have enjoyed perfect tranquility ; and the Senecas have sent in a great number of English prisoners, agreeable to their en gagement." In the May number of the same Magazine, for 1765, 1 find the following additional notice of the Baronet : " Sir William Johnson at his seat at Johnson Hall, in North America, has had a visit lately paid him by upwards of a thousand Indians of different tribes, all in friendship ; greatly to the satis faction of his Excellency, as tending to promote a good understand ing with those nations, for the good of his Majesty's subjects." Before his death, Sir William Johnson willed to his children by Miss Brant, the valuable lands known as the Royal Grant, which he obtained so easily from the celebrated warrior Hendrick. Af ter death, his remains were placed in a mahogany coffin, and that inclosed in a leaden one, previous to being deposited in a vault beneath the Episcopal Church ; which building was erected in Johnstown about the year 1772. At some period of the Revolu tion, lead being very scarce, the vault was opened and the leaden coffin taken by the patriots and moulded into bullets. The coffin AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 123 containing the body having become somewhat broken, a new one was made after the war closed, and the Baronet's remains trans ferred to it. The lid of the first coffin, which bore his name in silver nails, was afterward suspended in the church. Not many years ago, the edifice was fitted up at considerable cost, at which time the vault was filled up with sand. In a destructive fire which subsequently visited Johnstown, the church was burned down; and on its being rebuilt, the site was so altered as to leave the grave of Sir William* outside its walls. — Alexander J. Comrie. HENDRICK, GREAT CHIEF OF THE MOHAWK NATION. " The brave old Hendrick, the great Sachem or Chief" of th Mohawk Indians, one of the Six Nations now in Alliance with, and subject to the King of Great Britain." * A portrait of Sir William Johnson was owned in Johnstown until about the year 1830, when it was purchased by a member ofthe Col. Claus family for a small sum, and taken to Canada.— Mrs- W. S. 124 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY. At the bottom of the picture is the preceding explanation. This celebrated warrior, commonly called King Hendrick, was, for a time, the most distinguished Indian in the colony of New York. For the picture from which the above was engraved, I would here acknowledge my indebtedness to John S. Walsh, Esq., of Bethlehem. This interesting relic of the Mohawk valley, around which cluster associations of classic interest, connected with the colonial history of the state, was sold in the revolution among the confiscated property of Sir John Johnson, went into the Cuyler family for a length of time, and subsequently into that of Mr. Walsh. The tradition in the latter family is, that Hendrick visit ed England in the evening of his hfe, and that while there was presented, by his Majesty, with a suit of clothes richly embroid ered with goldflace, in which he sat for his portrait. As he is represented in full court dress, it is highly probable the tradition is correct. The original picture -is a spirited engraving — colored to life and executed in London, but at what date is unknown ; probably about the year 1745 or '50. He visited Philadelphia some time before his death, says the historian Dwight, at which time his likeness was taken ; from which a wax figure was made, said to have been a good imitation of his person. King. Hendrick was born about the year 1680, and generally dwelt at the Upper Castle of the Mohawk nation, although for a time he resided near the present residence of Nicholas Yost, on the north side of the Mohawk, below the Nose. He was one of the most sagaeious and active sachems of his time. He stood high in the confidence of Sir William Johnson, with whom he was en gaged in many perilous enterprises against the Canadian French ; and under whose command he fell in the battle of Lake George, September 8th, 1755, covered with glory. In the November number of the Gentleman's Magazine, for 1755, is the' following notice of his death : " The whole body of our Indians were prodigiously exasperated against the French and their Indians, occasioned by the death of the famous Hendrick, a renowned Indian warrior among the Mo hawks, and one of their sachems, or kings, who was slain in the battle, and whose son upon being told that his father was killed, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 125 giving the usual Indian groan upon such occasions, and suddenly putting his hand on his left breast, swore his father was still alive in that place, and stood there in his son." The tract of land owned by Sir William Johnson, and called the Royal Grant, which contained nearly one hundred thousand acres of choice land, now mostly situated in the county of Herki mer, was obtained from Hendrick in the following manner. Be ing at the Baronet's house (Fort Johnson) the sachem observed a new coat, richly embroidered with gold lace, which the former intended for his own person; and on entering his presence after a night's rest, he said to him, "Brother, me dream last night." " Indeed," responded the royal agent, " and what did my red brother dream?" "Me dream," was the chief's reply, "that this coat be mine !" " Then," said the sagacious Irishman, " it is yours, to which you are welcome." Soon after this interview, Sir William returned his guest's( visit, and on meeting him in the morning said to him, " Brother, I dreamed last night !" " What did my pale-faced brother dream'?" interrogated the Sachem. " I dreamed," said his guest, " that this tract of land," describing a square bounded on the south by the Mohawk, on the east by Canada creek, and on the north and west by objects familiar to them, " was all my own !" Old Hendrick assumed a thoughtful mood, but although he saw the enormity of the request, he would not be outdone in generosity, or forfeit the friendship of the British agent, and soon responded, " Brother, the land is yours, but you must not dream again !" The title to this land was con firmed by the British government, on which account it was called the Royal Grant. — Henry Frey Yates, Esq. In the summer of 1754, a plan of colonial alliance was pro posed in the American colonies, to resist the encroachments of the Canadian French and Indians, in furtherance of which the chiefs of the Six Nations of New York met the commissioners of the several governments at Albany on the 2d of July ; when those Sachems were addressed by James De Lancey, then lieu tenant governor of the colony. Hendrick, whose speeches are said to have been correctly reported for the London Magazine, in 126 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, which I find them, was the principal speaker; and as those speeches will compare for reasoning and pathos with those of modern statesmen, indeed, would not have disgraced a Demos thenes, and will serve to introduce the young reader to an almost extinct race of men, I insert them. Abraham, Sachem of the Upper Castle of the Mohawks, rose up and said — " Brethren, You, the governor of New York, and the commis sioners of the other governments, are you ready 'to hear us ! The governor replied, they were all ready. " Then Hendrick, brother to the said Abraham, and a Sachem of the same castle, rose up and spake in behalf of the Six Na tions as follows : " Brethren, just now you told us you were ready to hear us ; hearken unto me. " Brother Corlaer, (a name given to the governor of New York by the Indians long ago,) and brothers of the other governments, Saturday last you told us that you came here by order of the great king our common father, and in his name to renew the antient chain of friendship between this and the other governments on the continent, and us the Six United Nations : And you said also, there were then present commissioners from Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pensylvania, and Maryland ; and that Virginia and Carolina desired to be con sidered also as present : We rejoice that by the king's orders, we are all met here this day, and are glad to see each other face, to face ; we are very thankful for the same, and we look upon the governors of South Carolina and Virginia as also present, [a belt. " Brethren, We thank you in the most hearty manner for your condolence to us ; we also condole all your relations and friends who have died since our last meeting here. [gave three strings of wampum. " Brethren, (holding the chain belt given by his honor and the several governors in his hand,) We return you all our grateful acknowledgements for renewing and brightening the covenant- chain. " This belt is of very great importance to our united nations and all our allies. We will therefore take it to Onondago, where our council-fire always burns, and keep it so securely, that neither thunder nor lightning shall break it. There we will consult over it, and as we have lately added two links to it, so we will use our endeavors to add as many links more as it lies in our power : And we hope when we shew you this belt again, we shall give you reason to rejoice af it, by your seeing the vacancies in it filled up (referring to his honor's explanation of it in his general speech). In the mean time we desire that you will strengthen yourselves, and bring as many into this covenant as you possibly can. We AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 127 do now solemnly renew and brighten the covenant-chain with our brethren here present, and with all our other absent brethren on the continent. " Brethren, As to the accounts you have heard of our living divided from each other, it is very true, we have several times attempted to draw off those of our brethren who are settled at Oswegatie, but in vain ; for the governor of Canada is like a wicked deluding spirit ; however, as you desire, we shall persist in our endeavors. " You have asked us the reason of our living in this divided manner; the reason is, ybur neglecting us these three years past; (then taking a stick and throwing it behind his back) You have thus thrown us behind your backs, and disregarded us ; whereas, the French are subtle and vigilant people, ever using their utmost endeavors to seduce and bring our people over to them. [a belt. " Brethren, The encroachments of the French, and what you have said to us on that article on behalf of the king our father ; as these matters were laid before us as of great importance, so we have made strict enquiry among all our people, if any of them have either sold or given the French leave to build the forts you mention, and we cannot find that either sale has been made or leave has been given ; but the French have gone thither without our consent or approbation, nor ever mentioned it to us. "Brethren, The governor of Virginia and the governor of Canada are both quarrelling about lands which belong to us, and such a quarrel as this may end in our destruction. They fight who shall have the land ; the governors of Virginia and Pennsyl vania have made paths through our country to trade, and built houses without acquainting us with it ; They should have first asked our consent to build there, as was done when Oswego was built. [gave a belt. " Brethren, It is very true, as you told us, that the clouds hang heavy over us, and it is not very pleasant to look up, but we give you this belt [giving a belt] to clear away all clouds, that we may all live in bright sunshine, and keep together in strict union and friendship ; then we shall become strong, and nothing can hurt us. " Brethren, This is the antient place of treaty where the fire of friendship always used to burn, and it is now three years since we have been called to any public treaty here ; 'tis true, there are commissioners here, but they have never invited us to smoke with them (by which they mean, the commissioners had never invited them to any conference), but the Indians of Canada came frequently and smoked with them, which is for the sake of their beaver, but we hate them (meaning the French Indians) : We have not as yet confirmed the peace with them : 'tis your fault, brethren, we are not strengthened by conquest, for we should have gone and taken Crown Point, but you hindered us : We had concluded to go and take it ; but we were told it was too late, and 128 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY that the ice would not bear us. Instead of this you burnt your own fort at Saraghtogee and run away from it ; which was a shame and a scandal to you. Look about your country, and see you have no fortifications about you, no, not even to this city. 'Tis but one step from Canada hither, and the French may easily come and turn you out of doors. " Brethren, You desired us to speak from the bottom of our hearts, and we shall do it. Look about you, and see all these houses full of beaver, and the money is all gone to Canada; like wise your powder, lead, and guns, which the French make use of at the Ohio. " Brethren, You were desirous we should open our minds and our hearts to you ; look at the French, they are men ; they are fortifying every where ; but we are ashamed to say it ; you are like women, bare and open, without any fortifications." At the close of the above speech, Abraham, a brother of Hen drick, rose up and said : " Brethren, We should let you know what was our desire three years ago, when Col. Johnson [he was promoted to Major General in 1754] laid down the management of Indian affairs, which gave us great uneasiness ; the governor then told us, (governor of New York) it was in his power to continue him, but that he would con sult the council of New York ; that he was going over to England, and promised to recommend our desire, that Col. Johnson should have the management of Indian affairs, to the king, that the new governor might have power to reinstate him. We long waited in expectation of this being done, but hearing no more "of it, we em brace this opportunity of laying this belt [and gave a belt] before all our brethren here present, and desire that Col. Johnson may be reinstated and have the management of Indian affairs ; for we all lived happy whilst under his management ; for we love him, and he us ; and he has always been our good and trusty friend. " Brethren, I forgot something ; we think our request about Col. Johnson, which governor Clinton promised to carry to the king our father, is drowned in the sea ; the fire here is burnt out ;' and turning his face to the New York commissioners for Indian affairs in Albany there present, desired them to notice what he said." On the same day, Hendrick, in the name of the Mohawks of the Upper Castle (Connejohary) in a private audience, delivered the following speech — in the presence of several sachems of each of the other nations, to the governor of New York : _ " Brother, We had a message some time since to meet you at his place when the fire burns ; we of Connejohary, met the mes senger you sent with a letter at Col. Johnson's ; and as soon as we received it we came running down, and the Six Nations are now here complete." AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 129 The Governor replied — " Brethren of the Six Nations, you are welcome, I take this op portunity, now you are all together, to condole the loss in the death of your friends and relations since you last met here ; and with this string of wampum I wipe away your tears, and take sor row from your hearts, that you may open your minds and speak freely." [a string of wampum. Hendrick continued — " Brother, We thank yon for condoling our loss ; for wiping away our tears that we may speak freely ; and as we do not doubt but you have lost some of your great men and friends, we give you this string of condolence in return, that it may remove your sor rows, that we may both speak freely : [gave a string.] (Then Hen- drickj addressing himself to the Six Nations, said,) "That last year he attended Col. Johnson to Onondago to do service to the king and their people ; that Col. Johnson told them, another gov ernor was expected soon, and they would then have an opportu nity of seeing him, and laying their grievances before him. — That the new governor arrived soon after, and scarcely had they heard of his arrival, but they had an account of his death: and that now he was glad to see his honor, to whom he would declare his grievances. " Brother, We thought you would wonder why we of Connejo hary staid so long ; we shall now give you the reason. Last sum mer We of Connejohary were at New York to make our complaint, and we thought then the covenant chain was broken, because we were neglected ; and when you neglect business, the French take advantage of it ; for they are never quiet. — It seemed so to us, that the governor had turned his back upon the Five Nations, as if they were no more ; whereas the French are doing all in their power to draw us over to them. We told the governor last sum mer, we blamed him for the neglect of the Five Nations; and at the same time we told him the French were drawing the Five Na tions away to Oswegechie, owing to that neglect which might have been prevented, if proper use had been made of that warning ; but now we are afraid it is too late. We remember how it was in former times, when we were a strong and powerful people : Col. Schuyler used frequently to come among us, and by this means we kept together. " Brother, We, the Mohawks, are in very difficult circumsran- ces, and are blamed for things behind our backs which we do not deserve. Last summer, when we went up with Col. Johnson to Onondago, and he made his speech to the Five Nations, the Five Nations said they liked the speech, but that the Mohawks had made it. We are looked upon by the other nations as Col. Johnson's counsellors, and supposed to hear all the news from him, which is not the case ; for Col. Johnson does not receive from, or impart much news to us. This is our reason for staying behind, for if we had come first, the other nations would have said that we made the 130 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Governor's speech; and therefore, though we- were resolved to come, we intended the other nations should be before us, that they might hear the Governor's speech, which we could hear afterwards. " There are some of our people who have large open ears, and talk a little broken English and Dutch, so that they hear what is said by the Christian settlers near them, and by this means we come to understand that we are looked upon to be a proud nation, and therefore stayed behind. 'Tis true and known we are so ; and that we, the Mohawks, are the head of all the other nations. Here they are, and must own it, But it was not out of pride we Conne- joharies stayed behind ; but for the reason we have already given." A speaker followed Hendrick, in behalf of all the Six Nations. After expressing his joy at the renewal of the ancient covenant- chain between all his Majesty's governments on the continent and the Six Nations ; for the promises on the part of the New York Governor of future protection ; and the danger he thought they would be in, if Col. Johnson left off the management of Indian af fairs, — observing, if he fail us, we die, — he alluded to what the Governor of Pennsylvania, through Mr. Weiser, his interpreter, had said on the day before, respecting a new road from Pennsylvania to Ohio. " We thank the Governor of Virginia," said he, " for assisting the Indians at the Ohio, who are our relations and allies ; and we approve of the Governor of Pennsylvania not having hitherto intermeddled in this affair. He is a wise and prudent man, and will know his own time." He closed as follows : — " Brethren, We put you in mind in our former speech of the de fenceless state of our frontiers, particularly of the country of Che- nectady, and of the country of the Five Nations. You told us yes terday you were consulting about securing both yourselves and us. We beg you will contrive something speedily: you are not safe from danger one day. The French have their hatchet in their hands both at the Ohio and in two places in New England. We don't know but this very night they may attack us. One of the1 principal reasons why we desire you to be speedy in this matter is, that since Col. Johnson has been in this city, there has been a French Indian at his house, who took measure of the wall round it, and made a very narrow observation of every thing thereabouts. We think him (Col. Johnson) in very great danger, because the French will take more than ordinary pains either to kill him or take him a prisoner, upon account of his great interest among us, being also one of the Five Nation." {Col. Johnson is one of their Sachems.) [Gave four strings of wampum. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 131 The Governor replied — " I have now done speaking to you ; but before I cover up the fire I must, recommend to you to behave quietly and peaceably to all your brethren and their cattle, in your return home." Hendrick responded — " Your honor told us you now covered up the fires, and we are all highly pleased that all things have been so amicably settled ; and hope that'all that has passed between us may be strictly ob served on both sides. " Brethren of the several governments, We hope that you will not fail in the covenant-chain, wherewith we are mutually bound, and have now so solemnly renewed and strengthened ; if we do not hold fast by this chain of friendship our enemies will laugh us to scorn. " Brethren, We wish you would all contribute to make some provision for us in our return home, which will effectually prevent our people from killing the inhabitants' cattle ; and we desire you will provide some wagons for us to go to Chenectady. We think this expense will fall too heavy upon our province, as we have the presents from all to carry up. We beg we may take all care of the fire of friendship, and preserve it, by our mutual attention, from further injuries. We will take care of it on our sides, and hope our brethren will do so on theirs. We wish the tree of friendship may grow up to a great height, and then we shall be a powerful people. " We, the United Six Nations, shall rejoice in the increase of our strength, so that all other nations may stand in awe of us. " Brethren, I will just tell you what a people we were formerly. If any enemies rose against us, we had no occasion to lift our whole hand against them, for our little finger was sufficient ; and as we have now made so strong a confederacy, if we are truly earnest therein, we may retrieve the ancient glory of the Five Nations. " Brethren, We have now done. But one word more must we add : If the French continue their hostilities, the interpreter will want assistance — three or four to be joined with him ; but this matter we submit to the Governor. We have now fully finished all we have to say." The following speech, delivered at the same convention by one of the River or Stockbridge Indians, is too full of figure and me lancholy truth to be omitted in this place : " Fathers, We are greatly rejoiced to see you all here ; it is by the will of Heaven that we are met here, and we thank you for this opportunity of seeing you all together, as it is a long while since we had such a one. 132 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, " Fathers, who are here present, We will give you a short rela tion of the long friendship which has subsisted between the white people of this country and us. Our forefathers had a castle on the river : as one of them walked out he saw something on the river, but was at a loss to know what it was ; he took it at first for a gTeat fish ; he run into the castle and gave notice to the other Indians ; two of our forefathers went to see what it was, and found it a vessel with men in it ; they immediately joined hands with the people in the vessel, and became friends. The white people told them they should not come up the river any further at that time, and said to them they would return back from whence they came, and come again in a year's time, and come as far up the river as where the old fort stood. Our fathers invited them ashore, and said to them " Here we will give you a place to make you a town ; it shall be from this place up to such a stream, (meaning where the petteroon mill now stands,) and from the river back up to the hill. Our forefathers told them, though they were now a small people, they would in time multiply, and fill up the land they had given them. After they were ashore some time, some other Indians, who had not seen them before, looked fiercely at them ; and our forefathers observing it, and seeing the white peo ple so few in number, lest they should be destroyed, took and shel tered them under their arms ; but it turned out that those Indians did not desire to destroy them, but wished also to have the same white people for their friends. At this time which we have now spoken of, the white people were small, but we were very numer ous and strong ; we defended them in that low state : But now the case is altered ; you are numerous and strong, but we are few and weak ; therefore we expect that you will act by ns in these cir cumstances, as we did by you in those we have just now related. We view you now as a very large tree, which has taken deep root in the ground, whose branches are spread very wide. We stand by the body of the tree, and we look round to see if there be any one who endeavors to hurt it, and if it should so happen, that any are powerful enough to destroy it, we are ready to fall with it. [gave a belt. " Fathers, you see how early we made friendship with you ; we tied each other in a strong chain : That chain has not yet been broken : We now clean and rub that chain to make it brighter and stronger ; and we determine on our parts that it shall never be broken; and we hope that you will take care, that neither you nor any one else shall break it ; and we are greatly rejoiced, that peace and friendship have so long subsisted between us." — Gen tlemen's Magazine. The three Castles of the Mohawk Nation, says Colden, were all surprised and captured by a party of six or seven hundred French and Indians, on the 8th of March, 1693. The Lower AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 133 Castle was bravely defended by the few warriors who chanced to be in it, until they were overpowered by numbers. In the reign of Queen Anne of England, and about the year 1710, a frontier military post was established at the junction of the Schoharie and Mohawk rivers, on the east bank of the form er, and near the eastern Mohawk Castle. Captain John Scott, an English officer, erected a small fort of hewn timber at this place, and called it Fort Hunter, in honor of Robert Hunter, then governor of the colony ; which fort wajs intended to protect the natives against the hostile French, and secure their trade. About the same time a small church was built near the fort, and called Queen Anne's Chapel. It was erected by the Queen, whose mu nificence endowed it, says Colden, " with furniture, and a valuable set of plate for the communion table." It was a substantial stone edifice, somewhat resembling in appearance the one afterwards erected at Caughnawaga, and was for a great length of time un der the management of an Episcopal Society in England, for propagating the gospel in foreign parts, which society supported a minister at this place as a missionary among the Mohawk In dians. The entrance to the chapel was on its north side near the centre. The pulpit, which was provided with a sounding board, stood at the west end, and directly opposite were two pews fin ished for the occupancy of Sir William Johnson and the minister's family ; the floor of which was elevated. Johnson's pew was also furnished with a wooden canopy. Moveable benches served the rest of the congregation with seats. Fort Hunter was a place of no little importance in the early history of the Mohawk valley ; and at thSt post were doubtless planned some important enterprises against the Canadas. Speak ing of the Indian " war dances," Colden says : " An /ifficer of the regular troops told me, that while he was commandant of Fort Hunter, the Mohawks on one of these occa sions, (that of a war dance,) told him, that they (the Indians) ex pected the usual military honors as they passed the garrison. The men presented their pieces as the Indians passed, and the drum beat a march ; and with less respect, the officer said, they would have been dissatisfied. The Indians passed in single row one af- 10 134 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ter another, with great gravity and profound silence ; and every one of them, as he passed the officer, took his gun from his should er, and fired into the ground near the officer's foot : They marched in this manner three or four miles from their Castle. The women on these occasions follow them with their old clothes, and they send back by them their finery in which they marched from the Castle." The ruins of old Fort Hunter were torn down at the beginning of the Revolution, and the chapel enclosed by heavy palisades. In the corners of the yard were small block houses mounting can non. This place, which continued to be called Fort Hunter, was garrisoned in the latter part of the war, and Capt. Tremper, from below Albany, was its commandant. The chapel was torn down about the year 1820, to make room for the Erie canal. AA^AA.^ r^ .;.*-. , , ..,„.,_.„:•-:_-... QUEEN ANNE'S CHAPEL PARSONAGE. Queen Anne's chapel was early provided with a small bell, which is now in use on the Academy in Johnstown. A glebe or farm of three hundred acres of good land was attached to it, which was conveyed at some period by the natives to Dr. Bar clay, and by him to the society alluded to, on their reimbursing AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 135 him moneys expended upon it. The parsonage house, said to have been built about the time the chapel was, is still standing in Flo rida, half a mile below the Schoharie, and a few rods south of the canal, from which it is visible. It is a stone building, some twenty-five by thirty-five feet on the ground, two stories high, with a quadrangular roof, presents a very ancient appearance, and is possibly the oldest house west of Schenectada in the Mo hawk valley. The chapel farm was disposed of some years ago, and part of the proceeds, nearly fifteen hundred dollars, were laid out in erecting the Episcopal Church at Port Jackson, in the same town ; and the residue, an equal sum, invested In the Epis copal Church of Johnstown. — Spafford's Gazetteer, Peter Put- man, J. L. Groat, A. J. Comrie, and others. The chapel parsonage at Fort Hunter, is now owned and oc cupied by Nicholas Reese. The last occupant under the patron age of the Missionary Society, was the Rev. John Stuart, who was officiating there at the beginning of the revolution. He re moved, with the Indians under his charge, to Canada — they choos ing to follow the fortunes of the Johnsons and Butlers. I have in my possession a bill of sale from Mr. Stuart to John Conyn, who returned to the Mohawk after the revolution, of a male slave called Tom Doe, who went from Fort Hunter with his master to Canada. The sale was for $275 in specie, and was dated at Montreal, November 19, 1783. At the close of the war, Mr. Stuart settled on Grand river, and resumed his ministerial labors. In 1720, Captain Scott took a patent for the lands extending from Aurie's creek to the Yates and Fonda line, near the present village of Fultonville. Aurie is the Dutch of Aaron, and the creek was so called after an old Indian warrior named Aaron, who Uved many years in a hut which stood on the flats now owned by J. C. Yost, on the east side of the creek. The adjoin ing village was named after the stream. Early in the eighteenth century, three brothers named Quack- enboss emigrated from Holland to the colony of New York ; one of them locating at New York city, and the other two at Albany. Peter, one of the latter, settled on Scott's patent, only two or 136 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, three years after it was secured. He resided near Aurie's creek at the now Leslie Voorhees' place. Mr. Quackenboss had several children grown up when he arrived in the country, and David, his elder son, after a somewhat romantic courtship, married Miss Ann, a daughter of Captain Scott, and settled on Scott's Patent, where the Montgomery county poor house now stands. A young officer under the command of Captain Scott, requested young Quackenboss, then in the employ of the captain, to speak a good word for him to Miss Ann, which he readily promised to do. While extolling the good qualities of her admirer, he took occa sion to suggest his partiality for herself. The 'maiden, who had conceived an attachment for Quackenboss instead of the young subaltern, shrewedly asked him why he did not make advances on his own account. He had not presumed on so advantageous a match ; but the hint was sufficient to secure his fortune and happiness. His son John, a fruit of this connection, born about the year 1725, was the first white child born on the south side of the Mohawk — west of Fort Hunter, and east of the German settle ments some distance above. Captain Scott had one son who be came a general officer. — John Scott Quackenboss. About the year 1740, a small colony consisting of sixteen families of Irish immigrants was planted, under the patronao-e of Wm. Johnson, afterwards baronet, on lands now owned by Henry Shelp, a few miles south-west of Fort Hunter, in the pre sent town of Glen. Several years after they had built them selves rude dwellings, cleared lands, planted orchards, and com menced their agricultural labors, a disturbance arose between the Indian Confederacy of New York and the Canadian Indians, which the colonists conceived endangered their domestic tranquili ty ; in consequence of which the settlement was broken up, and the chicken-hearted pioneers, then numbering eighteen or twenty families, returned to the Emerald Isle. Traces of their residence are visible at the present day. — John Hughes and Peter Pulman. The first merchant in the Mohawk valley west of Schenectada, was Maj. Jelles (Giles) Fonda, a son of Douw Fonda, an early settler at Caughnawaga. For many years he carried on an ex- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 137 tensive business for the times, at the latter* place — trading with the white citizens of the valley, and the natives of western New York ; the latter trade being carried on at old Fort Schuyler, now Utica; Fort Stanwix, (called in the revolution Fort Schuyler,) now Rome, and Forts Oswego, Niagara and Schlosser. An ab stract from his ledger shows an indebtedness of his customers at one time just before the revolution, amounting to over ten thou sand dollars. Many of his good he imported directly from Lon don. To his Indian customers he sold blankets, trinkets, ammu nition and rum ; and received in return, peltries and ginseng root. The latter was at that time an important item among the ex ports of what was then, Western New York ; and the two named added to the article of pot-ash, almost the only commodities pur chased in a foreign market. The following anecdote is believed to be true. In the employ of Sir William Johnson a few years before his death, was an Irishman named McCarthy, by reputation the most noted pugil ist in Western New York. The baronet offered to pit his fellow countryman against any man who could be produced for a fist fight. Major Fonda, tired of hearing the challenge, and learning that a very muscular Dutchman named John Van Loan, was living near Brakabeen, in the Schoharie valley, made a journey of some forty or fifty miles, to secure his professional sevices, for he, too, was reputed a bully. Van Loan readily agreed to flog the son of Erin, for a ten pound note. At a time appointed, numbers were assembled at Caughnawaga to witness the contest between the pugilists. After McCarthy had been swaggering about in the crowed for a while, and greatly excited public expectation by his boasting, inducing numbers to bet on his head, his competi tor appeared ready for the contest — clad for the occasion in a shirt and breeches of dressed deer-skin fitted tight to his person. A ring was formed and the battle commenced. The bully did his best, but it was soon evident that he was not a match for his Dutch adversary, who slipped through his fingers like an eel, and parried his blows with the greatest ease. Completely ex hausted and almost bruised to a jelly, Sir William's gamester was 138 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, removed, looking if not expressing — peccavi. — Abraham A. Van Home, who obtained the facts from a son of Van Loan. I have spoken in the preceding chaper, of the custom of pro viding refreshments at funerals; a practice which continued in vogue in some degree for at least one hundred years, and until about the year 1825. Smoking was an attendant on the prevail ing habit, as the following order from Col. Dl. Claus, will show. " Sir — I have sent the bearer for four dozen of Pipes and a few pounds of Tobacco, for the burial of Mr. Raworth's child wh please to charge to me. " Monday, 27th Aug., 1770. D. CLAUS." " To Maj'r Jelles Fonda." The trade with the Indians along the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence, was carried on by the aid of boats propelled from Schenectada up the Mohawk at great personal labor, in con sequence of their being several rifts or rapids in the stream. The first obstruction of the kind was met with six miles above Schenectada, and was called Six Flats' rift; proceeding west came in course similar obstructions known as Fort Hunter rift ; Caughnawaga rift ; Keator's rift, at Spraker's, the greatest on the river, having a fall of ten feet ; Brandywine rift, at Cana joharie, short but rapid ; Ehle's rift near Fort Plain ; Kneiskern's rift, a small rapid near the upper Indian castle, a little above the river dam; and the Little falls*, so called as compared with the Cahoes on the same stream near its mouth. At the Little Falls, a descent in the river of forty feet in half a mile, boats could not be forced up the current, and it became a carrying place for them and merchandise, which were transported around the rapids on wagons with small wide rimmed wheels, the water craft re- • The village of Little Falls, so romantically situated on the Mohawk, al ready has a population numbering some three thousand inhabitants, and is rapidly increasing. It seems destined to become the largest place between Albany and Utica in the Mohawk valley. A manufactory for woolen goods has recently been erected here, and an academy, a large stone edifice, con structed of masive granite from the vicinity, recently completed, was opened in November, 1844, with a male and female department : the former under the charge of Merrit G. McKoon, A. M., and the latter under the superin- 'endance of Miss Amanda Hodgeman, a young lady of real merit. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 139 launched and and re-loaded to proceed onward. On such occa sions one of the party usually staid with the goods deposited above, while the team returned for the boat. Small batteaus, known in early times as three-handed and four-handed boats, Were in use on the Mohawk, which carried from two to five tons each; and so called because three or four men were required to propel them. There boats were forced over the rapids in the river with poles and ropes, the latter drawn by men on the shore. Such was the mode of transporting merchandize and Indian commodi ties to and from the west, for a period of about fifty years, and until after the Revolution. A second carrying place in use at an early day was near Fort Stanwix, from the boatable waters of the Mohawk to Wood creek. Passing into Oneida lake, the batteaus proceeded into the Oswego river, and from thence to Oswego on lake Ontario. From Oswego to Niagara, a place of much im portance, merchandize was transported in the same boats or on sloops. Major Fonda, as his papers show, had much to do with the navigation ofthe river in the French and American wars with England. — Joseph Spraker. After the Revolution, the tide' of emigration was " Westward Ho ! " and a corporate bpdy, known as the " Inland Lock Navi gation Company," constructed a dam and sluice to facilitate busi ness at Wood creek, and built several locks at Little Falls, so that boats might pass and repass without unloading. These locks were constructed under the supervision and direction of Gen. Philip Schuyler, whose memory, for services rendered his country in her most trying period, will ever be held in grateful remembrance by the citizens of New York. The locks at Little Falls were com pleted in 1795. The following original paper, given by Gen. Schuyler to a namesake, and son of the Rev. Mr. Schuyler, of Schoharie, will show at what time the business was most actively prosecuted.To Mr. Philip Schuyler : " By virtue of the powers vested in me by the directors of the Inland Lock Navigation Companies in this state, I do hereby ap point you an Assistant Superintendent, to superintend, direct and 140 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, command the mechanics and labourers, and their respective over seers, already employed in the service of the said companies, hereby requiring the said overseers, and others so employed, m all things to pay due obedience to all your lawful requisitions and directions. " Given under my hand, in the county of Herkimer, this eighth day of May, 1793. "PH: SCHUYLER, "President and Superintendent." In June following, Gen. S. gave his namesake the annexed ve ry flattering testimonial, which shows the usual caution of that great man in guarding against accidents : Falls, June 22, 1793. "Dear Sir : — I experience so much satisfaction from your at tention, and the readiness with which you comprehend the hints given by me for the construction of the works, that I consider it as a duty to give you this written testimony of my perfect satis faction of your conduct, and to evince my sense of it by a pecuni ary reward. Your compensation, from the original time of agree ment, will be two dollars per day ; this, however, I do not wish you to mention, least others should conceive that I made a discrimina tion unfavorable to them, although in reality I do not, for their ser vices are by no means as important to the Lock Navigation Com pany as yours. " Least an accident should happen to me, which might deprive you of the benefit of the above mentioned allowance, you will keep this letter as a testimony thereof. " I am, Dear Sir, " Your friend and humble servant, "PH: SCHUYLER, " President of the Board of Directors. " To Mr. Philip Schuyler." After the locks were built at Little Falls, business on the river greatly increased, and apples and cider were then among the com modities sent west. The clumsy batteau, which had for half a century usurped the place of the Indian?s bark canoe, — the little craft which had danced on the bosom of the Mohawks' river for many ages, — soon gave place to the Durham boat, carrying from ten to fifteen tons, and constructed, in shape, not unlike a modern canal boat. Few of them were decked over, except at the ends, but all were along the sides, where cleets were nailed down to give foothold to boatmen using poles. Boating, at this period was at tended with great personal labor : the delay of unloading at Lit- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 141 tie Falls had been obviated, but it was found more difficult to force large than small craft over the rapids. Several boats usually went in company, and if any arrived firsfat a rift, they awaited the ap proach of others, that the united strength of many men might aid in the labor before them. Those boats were often half a day in proceeding only a few rods, and not unfrequently were they, after remaining nearly stationary on a rapid for an hour, when the strength of numbers was united with poles and ropes in propel ling, compelled to drop below the rift and get a new start. Twen ty hands, at times, were insufficient to propel a single boat over Keator's rift. When boat's crews were waiting at a rapid for the arrival of their fellows, they usually did their cooking on shore. Poles used on those boats had heads, which rested against the shoulder, which was often calloused or galled, like that of a col- ' lar-worn horse. Black slaves, owned by settlers in the neigh borhood of rapids, both male and female, were often seen assist ing at the ropes on shore, when loaded boats were ascending the river. Accidents sometimes occurred to boatmen, though seldom at tended with loss of life. A three-handed boat once struck a rock in Keator's rift, upset, and a negro was drowned. At Fort Hun ter rift, a three handed boat upset, when Wm. Hull and Kennedy Failing were drowned, — the third person in the boat, a son of Abraham Otthout, of Schenectada, swam ashore. One of the last accidents of the kind on the river, occurred while the Erie Canal was building, to a Durham boat, one of the best of that class of river craft, called the Butterfly. It was descending the river, then swollen, laden with flour, when it became unmanage able, swung round, and struck its broadside against a pier of the Canajoharie bridge, and broke near the centre. The contents of the boat literally filled the river for some distance, and a hand on the boat was drowned. His name was afterwards ascertained to be John Clark. His body was recovered twelve miles below, and was buried on the river bank, in the present village of Fulton- ville. His bones having been disclosed by the spring freshet of 1845, they were taken up and buried in the village burying- 142 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ground. The owner of the boat, a Mr. Myers, had its fragments taken to Schenectada and rebuilt, after which it entered the ca nal, (the eastern sections being completed,) and from thence he transported it into Cayuga lake. While there engaged, his boat sunk laden with gypsum, and he was drowned. Thus ended the Butterfly and its owner. Boats managed by skilful hands some times sailed down the rapids at Little Falls when the riveir was high, but it was always attended with danger. Several row-boats, constructed expressly to carry some twenty passengers each, from Utica to Schenectada, and tastefully curtained, were in use on the Mohawk some forty years ago. They were called river packets.— Myndert Starin. The first bridge of any importance in the Mohawk valley, was built by Maj. Isaiah Depuy, a resident of Glen at the time of his death (1841), and was erected across the Schoharie at Fort Hun ter. It was commenced in October, 1796, and on the 4th day of July following, the anniversary of Liberty was celebrated upon it. The next bridge worthy of note in the valley, was an elliptic or arched one over the Mohawk at Schenectada. It was begun in 1797, and when nearly completed, the winter following, was up set by the wind, taken down, and rebuilt on piers. While this bridge was building, an incident of no little interest occurred. Af ter the string pieces had been laid, and before they were planked, a young son of the contractor walked unobserved over the middle of the stream. A workman discovering the urchin upon the tim bers, directed the attention of the father that way. With feelings of deepest anxiety he beheld his darling boy in a position from which a misstep would inevitably launch him into eternity. Pru dence dictated silence, and after the little fellow had surveyed the premises to his satisfaction, he returned to the shore, to the great relief of his agitated parent, who gave him a good basting for his motherly curiosity. A bridge was begun at Canajoharie before the Schenectada bridge was completed. This was also an elliptic, and required to be taken down at the end of a year or two, when it was placed on three piers. Some years previous to the erection of this bridge , AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 143 a ferry was established at Canajoharie, and owned by the Messrs. Roseboom, who traded where the ferry was located, one mile east of the village. At an early period, a good bridge was built over the east Canada creek, which afforded a pattern for one construct ed at Caughnawaga — where, for many years, there had also been a ferry. The last mentioned bridge was put up in the summer and completed by the following winter, so as to be used on one track, but the first spring freshet carried it off. Afterwards, the Mohawk Turnpike Company erected another, some thirty rods farther up the river, which is still standing. A bridge was stretched across the river many years ago, a little below the Nose, but it was soon after swept away by the ice and never rebuilt. > Bridges have also been erected over the Mohawk at Cahoes Falls, Am sterdam, Fort Plain, Little Falls, Herkimer and Utica. Archibald and James Kane, brothers, established themselves in the mercantile business on the Mohawk about the year 1795 ; lo cating between the Rosebooms and the present village of Cana joharie, where one of their buildings, having an arched roof, is still to be seen. The Kanes were, for a time, the heaviest deal ers west of Albany. At this period there was much gambling and horse-racing in the Mohawk valley. Indeed, there continued to be until about the year 1825. Intemperance, the parent of many vices and miseries, was an attendant, and to such an extent did it stalk abroad for thirty or forty years, that numerous churches were seriously affected by it, their ministers often setting the ex ample, then prevalent in New York and New England, not only of placing the beaded liquid before friends, but of drinking with them at taverns. On a certain occasion in 1797 or '98, when a party were playing cards (a game of lieu) at Canajoharie, with stakes upon the table amounting to some five hundred dollars, Archibald Kane became indebted to Barney Roseboom for nearly one hundred dollars, and another of the gamesters becoming the debtor of Kane for about the same sum, a difficulty originated in trying to reconcile the liability of the parties to each other, and Kane gave Roseboom a challenge to personal combat. It was supposed that the challenge would not have been given, had the 144 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, challenger believed his antagonist would have accepted it, the lat ter having a lovely wife and several interesting children ; but it was accepted, ground paced off, and shots exchanged with a brace of trooper's pistols. Kane was wounded in his left arm, and with the wound his bruised honor was healed ; the combatants be came as warm personal friends as ever, and thus ended an affair which created no little excitement for a time, in Western New York. A few years after the transaction above related, Archibald Kane went to Hayti, ^married into the family of the governing nobility, and died there. A pleasing story was originated when the Kanes were trading at Canajoharie, about an imposition practised by a shrewd Yan kee, upon an honest Dutch justice of Herkimer county, who had arrested him for journeying on the Sabbath. According to the story, the Yankee was stopped, but as his business was urgent, the man of equity agreed to give him a written permit to proceed for a nominal sum. The justice, requesting the traveler, to write it, is said to have se* his hand unconsciously to an order on the Messrs. Kane for some fifty dollars, instead of a permit to travel ; which, when presented for payment, he pronounced the tam Yan kee pass: but James Kane, who now resides in Albany, pronoun ces the whole narrative a hoax. The Caughnawaga church, a land mark of former days, is a stone edifice, and was erected in 1763, by voluntary contribu tions. Sir William Johnson gave liberally towards building it The steeple was placed on it in 1795. Of this church and con gregation, the Rev. Thomas Romeyn was the first pastor. He died, and was succeeded in June, 1795, by the Rev. Abraham Van Horn, one of the earliest graduates of Queen's College, New Jersey. Mr. V. H. was settled in Ulster county five years previ ous to taking charge of the congregation at Caughnawaga, and married, during his whole ministry, about fifteen hundred cou ple — more, perhaps, than any clergyman now living in the Unit ed States. He died suddenly at an advanced age, January 5, 1840. This church was without a bell- until the confiscated property AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 145 of Sir John Johnson was sold in the revolution, when the former dinner-bell of his father, Sir William, was purchased by several male members, conveyed to it on a pole by friendly Indians, and placed upon it. On the bell is the following inscription — " S R William Johnson Baronet 1774. Made by Miller and Ross in Eliz. Town." It weighs something over one hundred pounds. CAUGHNAWAGA CHURCH. This edifice, now under the management of the Rev. Douw Van OLinda, who has fitted it up for a classic school, is hereafter to be known as the Fonda Academy; the first term of which in stitution commenced with flattering prospects in the latter part of 1844, under the tuition of Mr. Jacob A. Hardenbergh, a gradu ate of Rutger's College, New Jersey. At an early period, a small church was constructed of wood 146 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, near the Upper Mohawk .Castle, at which place the missionary minister, resident at Fort Hunter, sometimes officiated. This church was provided with a small bell, similar to the one on Queen Anne's chapel, and after the revolution, the Indians who had removed from its neighborhood, made application to obtain it. Being denied their request, they succeeded in getting it down in the night ; and in a canoe paddled up the Mohawk with it un molested — transporting it as best they could to Canada. — Joseph Wagner. Churches were erected by Lutherans at Stone Arabia in 1770, in the western part of Palatine in 1772, and at the German flats before the revolution. The two latter were of stone. The last named was situated in the valley, on the south side of the river, four miles westward of Little Falls. Some ten rods west of this church stood the parsonage, a stone dwelling (torn down to give place to the Erie canal) which was inclosed with palisades hav ing block-house corners, and known in the revolution as Fort Herkimer.* Fort Dayton, another military post of the Mohawk valley, was situated in the western part of the present village of Herkimer. In going from the former to the latter fort, the river was crossed at a rapid one mile above Fort Herkimer. Fort Plain, a military establishment of great importance in the border transactions of the Mohawk valley, stood eighteen miles eastward of Fort Herkimer, and within the present thriving village which bears its name. Forts Plain, Herkimer and Dayton were all three erected as early as 1776, and in their vicinity many thrilling events transpired, which characterised the war of the revolution on the frontiers of New York ; not a few of which have gone down to oblivion. There was much speculation in new lands in the interior of New York, between the French and American wars with Eng land, and thousands upon thousands of acres changed owners for a mere song — land now valued at millions of dollars. Among • Some writers have stated that Fort Herkimer stood near General Herki mer's house— not so . although called after him, it was six miles westward of his residence. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 147 the speculators were Sir William Johnson, Governor Tryon, Ma jor Jelles Fonda, and Colonel John Butler. Lands on the Sacon- daga river were brought into market at this period. FORT PLAIN. Above is a view of this Fort as it was seen in the revolution, except that it was inclosed by strong palisades. The little church seen in the right of the picture, was burned down by the Indians during the war. The following sketch of a transaction not generally known, is no doubt the most authentic account of it ever obtained. It is drawn, by permission, from notes of a journey to Niagara, made by a friend in 1806. In the summer of 1759, Sir William Johnson landed with a bo dy of troops at the mouth of a creek four miles from Niagara, since called Johnson's creek, and took possession of forts Niagara and Schlosser, posts of much importance, on the east side of Nia gara river, as they commanded the trade of the upper lakes. In 1760, Mr. Stedman, an Englishman, contracted with Sir William to construct a portage road from Queenston Landing, now Lewis- ton, to Fort Schlosser, a distance of about eight miles. The road having been completed, on the morning ofthe 17th Sept., 1763, 15 Wagons and teams, mostly oxen, under an escort of 24 men, com manded by a sergeant, and accompanied by the contractor, Sted man, and Capt. Johnson, as a volunteer, set out from Fort Niagara, 148 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, with stores, &c, intended for the garrison at Fort Schlosser. Arri ving something over two miles from the top of the mountain above Lewiston, and ten or twelve from Niagara, the escort and wagons halted about 1 1 o'clock, on a little savanna of green sward to rest and take refreshments, beside a gulf called in Indian and English, the Devil's Hole. This is a semi-circular precipice or chasm of some two hundred feet diameter up and down the river on the summit, but less at the bottom. A little distance from the brink of the hole is a kind of natural mound, several feet in height, al so of cresent shape ; and sixty feet from the top issues a fine spring, which dashes down through the underbrush to the river. A small brook in the neighborhood, called the bloody-run, now runs into the chasm. The Seneca Indians continued in the French interest at this period, and fearing a hostile movement on their part, a detachment of volunteers consisting of one hundred and thirty men, uuder the command of Capt. Campbell, marched from Queenston to strengthen the escort. Just as the troops under Capt. C. reached the spot where the escort had halted, about five hundred Indians, who had been concealed behind the mound, sprang from their covert with savage yells, and like so many tiV gers began an indiscriminate slaughter of the troops, who were thrown into the utmost confusion. Resistance against such odds did not long continue, and those of the party who were not killed or driven from the precipice with their teams, attempted their es cape by flight. In the midst of the conflict, Stedman sprang up on a small horse, and giving the faithful animal a slap on the neck with his hand, it bore him over the dead and dying, and through the thick ranks of the foe, who discharged their rifles, and hurled their tomahawks in vain at his head. Of those who jumped directly down the precipice in front, some seventy or eighty feet, which has an uneven surface below, only one escaped with life. This was a soldier named Mathews, from whom these particulars were obtained by the tourist. He was then living on the Canada shore, near Niagara, and familiarly called Old Brittania. Several trees were growing from the bottom of the hole, the tops of which reached near the surface of the ground. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 149 Into one of these trees Corporal Noble leaped and hung, in which position eleven bullets riddled his body. Captain Johnson, of the escort, was killed, and Lieut. Duncan, of the relief, a native of Long Island, and a promising young officer, was wounded in the left arm, of which he died. The whole number of troops and teamsters was about one hundred and seventy-five, of this number only some twenty-five escaped with life, and all of them, except Stedman and Mathews, did so below or near the north end of the hole, at a little sand ridge, which served to break the fall. * Of Capt. Campbell's command, only eleven escaped with life. The loss of the enemy was inconsiderable compared with that of the British. A short time after this horrid affair, the Indians, who considered Stedman a charmed man, gave him as a reward for his daring feat, a large tract of land, which embraced all that he rode over in his previous flight. He returned to England, taking along this favorite horse, and never afterwards would he allow it to be saddled or harnessed. My friend T., in whose journal I find the above facts, first visit ed the Devil's Hole, with a relative, August 10th, 1806, at which time he entered it by descending a tree, to search for evidences of the event related. In the bottom of the chasm he found the sculls of several oxen " mouldering and covered with moss," a piece of a wagon, and the small part of a horn ; which latter relic he took from the place, and after retaining it in his possession thirty-eight years, kindly presented to the author. The close of the French war left the colony of New York deeply in debt, and resort was had to direct taxation to sustain the government. The assessment was leyied "By virtue of three acts of General Assembly of the Colony of New York ; the first for the payment of the second .£100,000 tax, the second for the pay ment of the .£60,000 tax, and the third, for the raising and col lecting the arrears of several acts therein mentioned." The com missioners of the county, who set their hands and seals to the war rant sent "Mr. John Fonda, Collector for Mohawks," were " Rens. Nicoll, Marte Halenbeck, Abraham Douw, and Cornelis Van Schaack." The warrant was dated at Albany, July 17th, 11 150 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY 1764. The tax on the citizens of the Mohawk valley amounted to .£242,17 6— $607 19, and was collected, except $2 81 bad debts, and receipted by John Stevenson, in Albany, the 11th of October following. Were not part of this tax list gone, I would present it to the reader. The following are some of the largest sums taxed to individuals on the portions of the manuscript re maining : Valuation. Assess Valuation. Assess Sir Wm. Johnson, XI 67 £20 17 6 Peter Young, £13 £1 12 6 Margrit Flipse, 24 3 00 0 John Nukerk, 13 1 12 6 Marte Van OLinda, 21 2 12 6 Hans Klyn, 13 1 12 6 Lewis Groat, 20 2 10 0 Daniel Clas, 10 1 5 0 Davit Pruyn, 20 2 10 0 Guy Johnson, 10 1 5 0 Isaac D. Graf, 18 2 5 0 John Have, 10 1 5 0 Hans Antes, 17 2 2 6 Jacob Potman, 10 1 5 0 James McMaster, 16 2 0 0 Clas D. Graf, 9 1 2 6 Harme Vedder, 16 2 0 0 Harmanis Mabe, 9 1 2 6 Wouter Swart, 36 2 0 0 Cor's Potman, 9 1 2 6 John Johnson, 16 2 0 0 Cor's Nukerk, 9 1 2 6 The following tax list will show the names of many of the ci tizens living in and near that part of the Mohawk valley now embraced in Montgomery county, and their comparative wealth at that period. The manuscript, which has been preserved among the papers of the late Maj. Fonda, is without date: it is written in a fair, legible hand, and must have been executed a few years prior to the revolution. " A List of the persons that are assessed above five pounds, with the sums they are to pay, and the number of days they are to work upon the King's highways, annexed. PERSONS NAMES. (A o Cfttfl £ o <•) CA>> c s a P a o PERSONS NAMES. John Bleven, Abraham Hodges, John & Evert Van Eps, Wm. & Woulter Swart, Martinus Van OLinda, Mary Phillipse, Abraham Phillipse, William Allen, John Souls, £ 6 il 10 1 15 3 10 1 17 3 17 3 6 1 15 3 6 1 Christian Earnest, John Waters, Christopher McGraw, James Phillipse, William Snook, Samuel Pettingal], Patrick McConnelly, John Van Dewake, Peter Young, M is o «s (A & 03a- a q a •< o £13 s3 d 12 3 9 1 6 10 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 6 10 1 6 10 1 6 AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 151 PERSON'S NAMES. m to £ o < Oi , — , >> a* da0 o a o PERSONS NAMES. oi «j a O 3 a 3 13 S Jhe colonies, which had for their chief object, the speedy communication of important information, there being then but few printing presses in the country. Some time in this year, Doctor Franklin obtained in London several original letters, written by governor Hutchinson and others at Boston, to members of the British Parliament ; stating that the opposition to the laws, were, in Massachusetts, confined to a few factious individuals : recom mending at the same time, the abridging of colonial rights, and the adoption of more vigorous measures. These letters were transmitted to America, and their contents being soon known in every hamlet in New England, the popular indignation was great ly increased. The legislature of Massachusetts, in an address to his Majesty, demanded the recall of the governor and lieut. gov ernor. This legislative proceeding was the cause of much oppro brium being cast upon Franklin in England. Owing to the rigid observance of the non-importation resolves, the East India company now found their tea accumulating in vast quantities in their ware-houses. They were therefore under the necessity of petitioning Parliament for relief. Permission was granted them to import it on their own account : and they accord ingly appointed consignees in several American sea- ports, and made heavy shipments to them. They intended, no doubt, to land it free of duty to the American merchant, but the law im posing the duty yet remained on the statute book of England ; and the popular voice decided, that while the right to tax was maintained, the tea should not be landed. In Philadelphia, the consignees declined their appointment. In New York, hand-bills were circulated, threatening with ruin those who should vend tea ; and warning pilots, at their peril, not to conduct ships into that port laden with the article. In Boston, inflammatory handbills were also circulated, but the consignees, being in favor with the governor, accepted their appointments. This excited the whole colony of Massachusetts, and enraged the citizens. In the mean time, several ships, containing thousands of chests, arrived on the coast. So determined were the people not to allow the tea to be landed, that ship after ship was compelled to return to England, 184 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, without unlading a single chest. Philadelphia took the lead, and was nobly sustained by New York. In Charleston, it was landed but not permitted to be sold. On the twenty- ninth of November, the Dartmouth, an East India ship, laden with tea, entered the harbor of Boston. At a numerous meeting of the citizens, held to consult on the course to be pursued, it was resolved, " that the tea should not be landed, that no duty should be paid, and that it should be sent back in the same vessel." To enforce the resolu tions, a vigilant watch was organized to prevent its being secret ly landed. The captain was notified to return with his cargo ; but Governor Hutchinson refused to sanction his return. In the mean time, other vessels, laden with tea, arrived there. On the sixteenth December, the citizens of Boston and vicinity assembled to determine what course to adopt. On the evening of that day, when it was known that the governor refused a pass for the ves sels to return, a person in an Indian's dress gave the war whoop in the gallery of the Assembly room. At this signal, the people hurried to the wharves ; when a party of about twenty men, dis guised as Mohawks, protected by thousands of citizens on shore, boarded the vessels, broke open and emptied the contents of three hundred and forty-two chests of tea into the ocean, without tu mult or personal injury. What a tea party the fishes and sea- serpent must have had that night. These violent proceedings greatly excited the displeasure of the British government. Early in 1774, an act was passed in Par liament, levying a fine on the town of Boston, as a compensation to the East India company for the tea destroyed the preceding De cember. About the same time, an act closing the port of Boston and removing the custom house to Salem : and another*deprivino- the colony of Massachusetts of her constitution and charter, were passed : and to cap the climax of oppression, a bill was introduced making provision for the trial in England, instead of that colony for capital offence ; which passed the same year. A few indivi duals strenuously opposed those measures, believing tbat the colo nists would be driven to acts of desperation ; but they were passed by large majorities. When the bill for blockading the town of AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 185 Boston was under discussion in March of this year, Gov. John ston, who opposed the measure, said in a speech on that occasion, " I now venture to predict to this house, that the effect of the pre sent bill must be productive of a general confederacy, to resist the power of this country." Gen. Conway was again found the champion of equal rights, and when the bill was under discussion to destroy the chartered privileges of the colony, he closed a brief but pertinent speech with the following sentence : " These acts respecting America, will involve this country and its ministers in misfortunes, and, I wish I may not add, in ruin." It has often been asserted that the whole bench of Bishops in England, who are legally constituted members of Parliament, were in favor of forcing the colonies to submit to the unwise acts of the mother country. As there was one most honorable exception, I take pleasure in making it more generally known. The Rev. Dr. Jona than Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, was the nobleman to whom I allude. When the bill for altering the charter of the colony of Massachusetts was under discussion, he prepared a speech replete with wisdom, and containing the most convincing proofs, that the British government were in the wrong and were pursuing a course illy calculated to bring the colonies again to prove profitable to England. He showed the evil of making the governors depend ent on the crown, instead of the governed, for support. Said he : Your ears have been open to the governors and shut to the peo ple. This must necessarily lead us to countenance the jobs' of in terested men, under the pretence of defending the rights of the crown. But the people are certainly the best judges whether they are well governed ; and the crown can have no rights incon sistent with the happiness of the people." [Speaking of the act of taxation, he said:] " If it was unjust to tax them, [the Ameri cans] we ought to repeal it for their sakes ; if it was unwise to tax them, we ought to repeal it for our own." [He exhibited the fact that the whole revenue raised in America in 1772, amounted only to eighty-five pounds.] " Money that is earned so dearly as this [said he] ought to be expended with great wisdom and econo my. My lords, were you to take up but one thousand pounds more from North America upon the same terms, the nation itself would be a bankrupt." [He added, in another place:] " It is a strange idea we have taken up, to cure their resentments, by increasing their provocations, to remove the effects of our own ill conduct, by 186 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, multiplying the instances of it. But the spirit of blindness and infatuation has gone forth. * * Recollect that the Americans are men of like passions with ourselves, and think how deeply this treatment must affect them." The able and argumentive speech of the learned Bishop, which was not delivered in the House for want of an opportunity, was published soon after, but, as he had anticipated, " not a word of it was regarded." While the declaratory bill of the sovereignty of Great Britain over the colonies was under discussion, in March, Mr. Pitt, then lord Chatham, again opposed the principle of taxa tion without representation, and closed an animated speech as fol lows: " The forefathers of the Americans did not leave their native country, and subject themselves to every danger and distress, to be reduced to a state of slavery : they did not give up their rights ; they looked for protection, and not for chains, from their mother country ; by her they expected to be defended in the possession of their property, and not to be deprived of it ; for should the pre sent power continue, there is nothing they can call their own ; or, to use the words of Mr. Locke, ' what property have they in that which another may by right take, when he pleases, to himself?' " The news in the colonies of the passage of the unjust laws above mentioned, carried with it gloom and terror. The better informed saw the approaching contest, yet firmly resolved to live or die freemen. From the north to the south the same spirit was manifested, and the kindest sympathy felt for the Bostonians, who were considered as suffering in the cause of liberty. The first day of June, when the Boston port-bill began to operate, was observed in most of the colonies as a day of fasting and prayer. Governor Hutchinson of Massachusetts was recalled early in 1774, and General Gage appointed his successor ; but the inter ests of the people found no material benefit from this change of rulers. On the 17th of June, the general court of Massachusetts, at the suggestion of a committee in Virginia, recommended the calling of a Congress at Philadelphia, on the first Monday of the following September. At a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the city of New York, convened in an open field on the sixth AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 187 of July, with Alexander McDougal in the chair, a series of spirit ed resolutions were adopted, among which was the following : " Resolved, That any attack or attempt to abridge the liberties, or invade the constitution of any of our sister colonies, is imme diately an attack upon the liberties and constitution of all the oth er British colonies." About this time, the motto, " United we stand, divided we fall!" originated in Hanover, Virginia ; while almost at the same in stant the motto, " Join or die !" had its origin in Rhode Island. On the first day of September, the following circumstance gave a new impulse to the spirit of independence in the colony of Massa chusetts. Gov. Gage had ordered a military force to take posses sion of the powder in the provincial arsenal at Charlestown, near Boston. It was rumored abroad, that the British fleet in the har bor were bombarding the town, and thirty thousand men, in less than two days, mostly armed, were on their way to Boston. An other circumstance took place in that city, about the same time, which added oil to the lamp of liberty. Gov. Gage deprived John Hancock of his commission as colonel of cadets ; a volun teer body of governor's guards. The company took offence at the act, and instantly disbanded themselves. The late governors, Bernard and Hutchinson, repeatedly represented to the British ministry, that the colonies could never form a union. They had hoped as much, and taken no little pains to prevent such an event ; but when the fifth of September arrived, delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies met in convention, Georgia alone excepted : she soon after joined the confederacy. Peyton Randolph, of Vir ginia, was chosen president, and Charles Thompson, of Pennsyl vania, secretary of this body. Patrick Henry was the first to ad dress the meeting. While in session, this Congress passed reso lutions, approving the course of the citizens of Boston — opposing the acts of Parliament — advising union, peaceable conduct, etc. They remonstrated with General Gage against fortifying Boston Neck — recommended a future course to be pursued by the colo nies — setting forth clearly the present evils, their causes and re medies. They advised economy and frugality — the abstaining 188 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, from all kinds of intemperance, festivities, and the like — requir ing committees to report all the enemies of American liberty, that their names might be published. They also addressed a pe tition to the. king— a memorial to the citizens of England-— an address to the people of the colonies — and another to the French inhabitants of Quebec, Georgia, Nova Scotia, and other British provinces not represented. In their petition to the king, they simply asked to be restored to their situation in the peace of 1763, in humble, strong and respectful terms. They urged the colonies " to be prepared for every contingency." They invited the co operation of the British colonies not represented in that congress, in their resistance to oppression ; and adjourned on the twenty- sixth of October, after a session of fifty-two days, to meet again on the tenth of the following May. Says Mr. Allan, author of the American Revolution : " That an assembly of fifty-two men, born and educated in the wilds of a new world, unpractised in the arts of polity, most of them unexperienced in the arduous duties of legislation, coming from distant colonies and distant governments, differing ih religion, manners, customs and habits, as they did in their views with re gard to the nature of their connexion with Great Britain — that such an assembly, so constituted, should display so much wisdom, sagacity, foresight and knowledge of the world, such skill in ar gument, such force of reasoning, such firmness and soundness of judgment, so profound an acquaintance with the rights of man, such elevation of sentiment, such genuine patriotism, and above all, such unexampled union of opinion — was indeed a political phenomenon, to which history has yet furnished no parallel." The resolves of Congress were strictly observed, by all the thir teen colonies, a system of commercial non-intercourse with the mother country was maintained, and the militia were drilled and preparations made for any emergency. In December following, Maryland alone resolved to raise £ 10,000, for the purchase of arms and ammunition for her defence. In January, 1775, colo nial difficulties were the cause of warm discussions, in both Houses of the mother government. On a motion for an address to his Majesty, to give immediate orders for removing his troops from Boston, Lord Chatham delivered a powerful speech. He asserted AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 189 that the measures of the preceding year, which had placed their American affairs in so alarming a state, were founded upon mis representation — that instead of its being only a faction in Boston, as they had been told, who were opposed to their unlawful go vernment, it was, in truth, the whole continent. Said he, " When I urge this measure for recalling the troops from Bos ton, I urge it on this pressing principle — that it is necessarily pre paratory to the restoration of your prosperity." [He termed the troops under General Gage,] " an army of impotence — and irrita tion — I do not mean to censure the inactivity of the troops. It is a prudent and necessary inaction. But it is a miserable condition, where disgrace is prudence ; and where it is necessary to be con temptible. Woe be to him who sheds the first, the unexpiable drop of blood in an impious war, with a people contending in the great cause of public liberty. I will tell you plainly, my lords, no son of mine, nor any one over whom I have influence, shall ever draw his sword upon his fellow subjects." [He stated, that from authentic information he knew that the whole continent was unit ing, and not commercial factions, as had been asserted. Speaking of the principles which united the Americans, he said,] — " 'Tis hberty to liberty engaged, that they will defend themselves, their families and their countiy. In this great cause they are immova bly allied. It is the alliance of God and nature — immutable, eter nal, fixed as the firmament of Heaven. When your lordships look at the papers transmitted us from America, when you consi der their decency, firmness and wisdom, you can not but respect their cause and wish to make it your own — for myself I must de clare and avow that, in all my reading and observation, and it has been my favorite study — I have read Thucidydes, and have stu died and admired the master states of the world — that for solidity and reasoning, force of sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion, under such a complication of different circumstances, no nation or body of men can stand in preference to the General Congress at Phila delphia. I trust it is obvious to your lordships, that all attempts to impose servitude on such men, to establish despotism over such a mighty continental nation — must be vain — must be futile. To conclude, my lords, if the ministers thus persevere in misadvising and misleading the King, I will not say that they can alienate his subjects from his crown, but I will affirm that they will make the crown not worth his wearing. I shall not say that the King is be trayed, but I will pronounce that the kingdom is undone." Lord Chatham was nobly sustained by Lord Cambden, but they were of a small minority, and their reasoning was buried in the popular will of that immortal mortal, Lord North. A favo rite measure of the latter gentleman, for healing the dissensions 190 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, in the colonies was adopted, which was in substance, that if any" colony would consent to tax itself for the benefit of the mother country, Parliament would forbear to tax that colony, as long as the contribution was punctually paid. One would suppose that head brainless that looked for a very beneficial result from the passage of such a law. In March of this year, the celebrated Edmund Burke delivered a long and able speech in Parliament in favor of conciliating colonial difficulties — but to no purpose. An effort was made by the British ministry, when they found the Americans uniting, to create a separation of interest, and prevent a union of the northern and southern, by conciliating the middle colonies, but without effect : the motto, United we stand, had gone forth, and no political maneuvering could annual it. At this pe riod, there were not a few in the colonies, who, from reverence, timidity or sinister motives, clung to the authority of the mother country. The most of those, however, were recent immigrants from England and Scotland, and a multitude of officers dependent on the Crown and its authority, for a continuance of kingly honors. These adherents to British authority were called Tories, and the friends of liberty and equal rights were called Whigs; names originated many years before in England. To compel New Eng land to submit to the acts of Parliament, they were prohibited, in the course of this year, from fishing on the banks of Newfound land ; and armed vessels were sent to enforce the law. This pro hibition was severely felt, as several colonies were extensively en gaged in that business. The gtorm which had so long been gathering over this conti nent, was now about to descend in all its fury. On the 19th day of April, 1775, Gen. Gage sent from Boston a detachment of 8 or 900 troops, under the command of Col. Smith and Maj. Pit cairn, to destroy a collection of military stores, accumulated at Concord by the friends of liberty. At Lexington, a small village which they had to pass, a company of sixty or seventy militia were paraded near the village church. Maj. P. riding forward, ex claimed, Disperse, you rebels — throw down your arms and dis perse ! The militia hesitated, and the Maj. firing a pistol, ordered AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 191 a company under Capt. Parker, to fire upon them : the command was obeyed, and eight were killed and several wounded. The militia dispersed, and the troops marched on to Concord. Some of the stores had been removed, what remained were destroyed. The minute men of that town had assembled before the arrival of the regulars, but being too weak to oppose the latter, retired on their approach. As the report of the firing upon the militia at Lexington spread with almost lightning rapidity, from the ring ing of bells, firing of signal guns, &c, the country was soon in arms. Finding themselves reinforced, the Concord militia ad vanced, and a skirmish ensued, in which several were killed on both sides. The British troops, seeing that they were to have hot work, as almost every male citizen between the ages of ten and eighty were arming for the fight, began to retreat. In their course they were fired upon from all manner of concealments. Every stone-wall, tree, stump, rock, old barn or workshop, sent forth its unerring bullet into the ranks of the enemy. Had not the British been reinforced by about 900 men under Lord Percy, few of the first detachment would ever have reached Bos ton alive. The British loss in this battle, called the battle of Lexington because it commenced and much of it was fought in that town, in killed wounded and prisoners, was 273 ; and that of the Provincials, 87. General Gage had thought, previous to the battle of Lexington, that five regiments of British infantry could march from Maine to Georgia. Possibly he had entered the right school, to learn how to appreciate American valor with more certainty. Thus closed the opening scene of a tragedy, destined to last eight long years. The news of this battle spread rapidly through the New England provinces. The plow was left in the furrow — the chisel in the mortice — the iron in the forge; and the hand that had placed it there, grasped the missile of death, and hastened to the vicinity of Boston. In a few days, a large army was assembled under the command of Generals Ward of Massachusetts, and Putnam of Connecticut, and closely invested the town. While matters stood thus, in and around Boston, a plan for 192 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, the capture of the fortresses of Ticonderoga, Crown Point and Skeenesborough, now Whitehall, commanding the route of inter communication between the colonies and Canada ; was conceiv ed and boldly executed. The fortresses were all surprised and captured, as was a sloop of war near the outlet of Lake George, without bloodshed, by colonels Ethan Allen, and Seth Warner, with two hundred and thirty Green Mountain boys, and officers Dean, Wooster, Parsons, and Arnold, and forty other brave spirits of Connecticut. On the evening of the 10th of May, as the invaders approached Ticonderoga, a sentinel snapped his gun at Colonel Allen and retreated, followed by the latter and his brave comrades. On gaining possession of the fortress, the com mander was found napping. Colonel Allen demanded of him the immediate surrender of the fort. " By what authority, sir V It is possible the thought may not have entered the mind of the rebel chieftain, that such a question would be propounded ; but his fruitful genius instantly prompted the following, singular, and laconic reply — "In the name ofthe Great Jehovah and the Con tinental Congress." As may be supposed, the summons was from too high a power to be resisted. A minute account of the battle of Lexington, with depositions to prove that the British troops shed the first blood, were trans mitted without delay to England, by the provincial legislature of Massachusetts then in session ; closing with the following sen tence : Appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we de termine to die, or be free. The Colonial Congress again assem bled, on the very day their authority had been so successfully an ticipated, by the intrepid Allen at Ticonderoga. Preparations at this time, were every where being made in the colonies, for the maintenance of the stand taken against oppression, by a resort to arms. A new impulse seemed given to the spirit of opposi tion, by the defeat of the British troops at Lexington, and the capture of the northern military posts ; but a majority of Con gress, had not as yet formed the resolve, to aim at a final sepa ration from the mother country. John Hancock, in consequence of his having been proscribed by the British government, was AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 193 chosen president of this Congress. As military preparations were making, a resort to arms had commenced, and it was pretty evident that others must follow ; Congress saw the necessity of giving to those preparations a head, and most fortunately ap pointed THE WORLD'S MODEL MAN GEORGE WASHINGTON, tO that honorable post. He received the appointment of commander-in- chief while a member of Congress, on the 22d of May, and be gan immediately to prepare for his laborious duties. He arrived at the American camp on the 3d day of July. Georgia having sent delegates to the Congress of 1775, all the colonies were then represented. Early in June, several transports filled with troops under the command of generals Howe, Clinton and Burgoyne, arrived at Boston. On the 17th, the battle of Breed's, now called Bunker's hill, was fought. An intrenchment was thrown up on the pre ceding evening, by a body of one thousand men under Colonel Prescot. The intention was to have fortified Bunker's hill, but the officers sent to throw up the redoubt, found that less tenable, and built the fortification on Breed's hill. Ground was broken at twelve o'clock at night, and by daylight a redoubt had been thrown up eight rods square. In the morning, a reinforcement of five hundred men was sent to their assistance. Although a heavy cannonading was kept up from daylight by the British shipping, the Americans, encouraged by General Putnam and other brave officers, did not cease their labors. About noon, General Gage, astonished at the boldness of the American mili tia, sent a body of three thousand regulars, under Generals Howe and Pigot, to storm the works. Generals Clinton and Burgoyne, took a station in Boston, where they had a commanding view of the hill. The towers of the churches — the roofs of the houses — indeed every eminence in and around Boston, was covered with anxious spectators ; many of whom had dear relatives exposed to the known danger, awaiting with almost breathless anxiety the deadly conflict. Many, and heart-felt were the prayers then offered up, for the success of the patriot band. About the time the action commenced, General Warren, who was president of the 194 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, joined the Americans on the hill as a volunteer. The British troops, having landed from their boats, marched to attack the works. The Americans, re serving their fire until the white ofthe eye was visible, then open ed amost destructive one, dealing death on every hand. Indeed, rank after rank was cut down, like grass before the mower. The enemy wavered, and soon retreated in disorder down the hill. Then might doubtless have been heard a stifled murmur of ap plause, among the eye witnesses in Boston, who believed their countrymen fighting a just cause. And then too, might have been seen the lip of the British officer and rank tory, compress ed with anger and mortification. While this attack was in pro gress, the fire-brand of the licensed destroyer, by the diabolical order of Gen. Gage, was communicated to the neighboring vil lage of Charlestown, containing some six hundred buildings, and the whole in a short time were reduced to ashes ; depriving about two thousand inhabitants of a shelter, and destroying property amounting to more than half a million of dollars. The British offi cers with much difficulty, again rallied their troops, and led them a second time to the attack. They were allowed to approach even nearer than before ; when the Americans, having witnessed the conflagration of Charlestown, themselves burning to revenge the houseless mother and orphan, sent the messenger of death among their ranks. The carnage became a second time too great for the bravery of the soldier — the ranks were broken, and the enemy again retreated, some even taking refuge in the boats. When the British troops wavered a second time, Clinton, vexed at their want of success, hastened to their assistance with a re inforcement. On his arrival, the men were again rallied, and compelled, by the officers, who marched in their rear with drawn swords, to renew the attack. At this period of the con test, the ammunition of the Americans failed, and the enemy entered the redoubt. Few of the. former had bayonets, yet for a while they continued the unequal contest with clubbed muskets, but were finally overpowered. The American loss in numbers, was inconsiderable until the enemy scaled the works. They AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 1 95 were forced to retreat over Charlestown Neck, a narrow isthmus which was raked by an incessant fire from several floating bat teries. Fortunately, few were killed in crossing the Neck. The following anecdote is characteristic of Bunker bravery : While the Americans were retreating from the hill across Charlestown Neck, Timothy Cleveland, of Canterbury, Ct, was marching with others with trailed arms, when a grape shot struck the small part of the breech of his gun-stock, and cut it off. He had proceeded several rods before he was aware of his loss — but ran back and picked it up, declaring, " The darned British shall have no part of my gun." The gun-stock was repaired with a tin band, and was long after in the service of its patriotic owner, who was from the same county and under the command of Gen. Putnam. — Joseph Simms. The British loss in this, which was the first regular fought battle in the Revolution, was, in killed and wounded, one thousand and fifty-four, including many officers, among whom was Major Pitcairn of Lexington memory.* The American loss in killed and wounded, was four hundred and fifty4hree ; and among the former was the talent ed, the kind-hearted and zealous patriot, Gen. Warren; who received a musket bullet through the head. He was a distin guished physician in Boston, and warmly espoused the cause of his country, and yielded his life a willing sacrifice in her defence ; undying be his memory in the American heart ! What a scene of sublime grandeur must this battle have pre sented, to the citizens of Boston and the surrounding hills ! The roar of cannon and musketry — the clashing of steel, as hand to hand the foeman met — the groans of the wounded and dying — the shouts of the combatants — the dense cloud of smoke which enveloped the peninsula, lit up transversely by streams of death - boding fire — the sheet of flame and crash of burning buildings and falling towers at Charlestown — the intense anxiety of those interested for the safety of friends and their property — the proba- *For some further particulars relating to this battle, and the death of Pitcairn, see a sketch of the personal character of Gen. James Dana, insert ed under Cobelskill. 196 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ble effect of that day's transactions, on the future prosperity of the colonies — combined to render it one of the most thrilling spectacles mortal eye ever witnessed. The British trumpeted this battle as a victory. " If they call this a victory, how many such can the British army achieve without ruin 1" asked the Ameri cans. The following anecdotes of the battle of Bunker's Hill, I find in a letter from Col. John Trumbull, the artist, to Daniel Putnam, a son of Gen. Israel Putnam, dated New York, March 30th, 1818. The letter is published in a reply of the latter to an unkind at tack made by Gen. Dearborn, some time previous, in a pubhc journal, in which the imputation of cowardice was cast upon the brave " Old Put" — who always dared to lead where any dared to follow. The writer, though a native of the same county in which the old hero died, never heard of but one act in his adventurous life which evinced a want of judgment, and that was far from a cowardly one. It was that of his '** entering a cavern to kill a wolf, and leaving his gun outside," until he entered a second time. Says Trumbull : " In the summer of 1786, I became acquainted, in London, with Col. John Small, of the British army, who had served in America many years, and had known General Putnam intimately during the war of Canada from 1756 to 1763. From him, I had the two following anecdotes respecting the battle of Bunker Hill : I shall nearly repeat his words. Looking at the picture which I had then almost completed, he said : ' I don't hke the situation in which you have placed my old friend Putnam ; you have not done him jus tice. I wish you would alter that part of your picture, and intro duce a circumstance which actually happened, and which I can never forget. When the British troops advanced the second time to the attack of the redoubt, I, with the other British officers, was in front of the line to encourage the men : we had advanced very near the works undisturbed, when an irregular fire, like a feu-de- joie, was poured in upon us ; it was cruelly fatal. The troops fell back, and when I looked to the right and left, I saw not one officer standing ; — I glanced my eye to the enemy, and saw several young men leveling their pieces at me ; I knew their excellence as marks men, and considered myself gone. At that moment, my old friend Putnam rushed forward, .and striking up the muzzles of their pieces with his sword, cried out, " For God's sake, my lads, don't fire at that man — I love him as I do my brother." We were so near - AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 197 each other that I heard his words distinctly. He was obeyed ; I bowed, thanked him, and walked away unmolested.' " The other anecdote relates to the death of Gen. Warren : " At the moment when the troops succeeded in carrying the re doubt, and the Americans were in full retreat, Gen. Howe (who had been hurt by a spent ball, which bruised his ancle,) was lean ing on my arm. He called suddenly to me : ' Do you see that ele gant young man who has just fallen ? Do you know him V I looked to the spot towards which he pointed — ' Good God, sir, I believe it is my friend Warren.' ' Leave me then instantly — run ; keep off the troops, save him if possible.' I flew to the spot : 'My dear friend,' I said to him, ' I hope you are not badly hurt.' He looked up, seemed to recollect me, smiled and died ! A musket- ball had passed through the upper part of his head." The Congress which met in the summer of 1775, had not yet determined to throw off all allegiance to the British crown, and in July of that year, prepared a declaration of American griev ances for the preceding ten years, with the causes which had led to them. They also drew up a respectful address to the King, in which they avowed boldly, that they were " resolved to die free men rather than live slaves." This Congress established a gener al post office and general hospital, and resolved to emit a paper currency. Its proceedings, however, effected nothing towards healing the difficulties with the mother country. In November, the House of Lords, at the motion of the duke of Richmond, met to interrogate ex-governor Penn, who had been two years gover nor of Pennsylvania. He stated, in reply to certain questions, that he had resided four years in the colonies — that he was per sonally acquainted with all the members of the American Con gress^ — that the colonists were united — were, to considerable ex tent, prepared for war — could make powder, small arms and can non: — were more expert at ship-building than Europeans — and that if a formidable force was sent to America, the number of co lonists who would be found to join it, would be too trivial to be of any consequence. The duke of Richmond then proposed the last petition of Congress to the King, as a base for a plan of ac commodation, and urged the impossibility of ever conquering America, as the learned John Wilkes had emphatically done in 14 198 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, the House of Commons, the preceding February : but the motion was lost. In December, Mr. Hartley made an effort to have hos tilities suspended : and in the following February, Mr. Fox at tempted the same thing ; soon after which, the King, by a treaty with the Prince of Hesse Cassel, made an arrangement to hire sixteen thousand troops of that Prince, to aid in subduing his American subjects. It was urged in vain, that they were setting the example for the colonies to call in foreign aid. In March of 1776, the duke of Grafton made another ineffectual attempt to open the eyes of the King and ministry, after which war was con sidered as actually declared. It was thought by the court party, that one or two campaigns at most, would bring America in sack cloth and ashes at the foot of the British throne. In 1775, the colonies adopted a plain red flag. By a resolution of Congress, the flag of the United States, consisting of thirteen stars and thirteen stripes, was adopted June 14th, 1777. On the 13th January, 1794, two new states having been added to the compact, the stars and stripes were increased to fifteen each. In January, 1817, by an act of Congress, it was resolved that it should consist of thirteen stripes, 'and a star for every additional state. If matters were every day becoming worse in England, in the latter part of the year 1775, and the early part of '76, they were assuming an aspect no more favorable to a reconciliation in the colonies. Many events had transpired after the battle of Bunker's hill, which served to feed the flame of discord. Lord Dunmore, governor of Virginia, had pursued a course which rendered him not only odious to a majority of the colonists, but which tended greatly to unite the anti-tea party. The governor of North Ca rolina, also proved himself to be a tool of the British ministry : while Governor Tryon, of New York, in his efforts to please his master, became so unpopular, that he was obliged, in the course of the year to follow the example of Gov. Dunmore, and seek personal safety on board of an armed vessel. The British, in 1775, burnt Stonington in Connecticut, Bristol in Rhode Island, and Falmouth in Massachusetts ; and durino- the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 199 Same year, the colonists, in several expeditions, had conquered a good part of Canada. Lord Dunmore, governor of Virginia, had for some time been arming the slaves, and instigating them to im brue their hands in the blood of their masters ; and on the first of January, 1776, he burnt Norfolk. On the 17th of March follow ing, the British having been compelled to evacuate Boston, Washington entered it, to the great joy of its patriotic citizens. A fleet under Sir Peter Parker, with several thousand British and Hessian troops, arrived on the coast of America early that year. Sir Henry Clinton, after leaving Boston, intended to take posses sion of New York, but finding General Lee there to oppose him, he sailed with the British fleet to attack Charleston, South Caro lina. Lee, learning his intentions, managed to arrive there before him, and prepare the city for au attack. A fort was quickly thrown up on Sullivan's Island, of palmetto trees and sand, com manding the entrance to the harbor. On the 3 1st of May, the enemy under Commodore Parker and Sir Henry Clinton, attacked it with a strong force, but were re pulsed with severe loss, by the troops under Col. Moultrie, whose name it afterwards bore. The conduct of two sergents, Jasper and McDonald, deserves particular notice. Says the biographer of Marion : " A ball from the enemy's ships carried away our flagstaff. Scarcely had the stars of liberty touched the sand, before Jasper flew and snatched them up and kissed them with great enthusiasm. Then having fixed them to the point of his spontoon, [a kind of spear,] he leaped upon the breast-work amidst the storm and fury ofthe battle, and restored them to their daring: station — waving his hat at the same time and huzzaing, 'God save liberty and my country forever!' A cannon shot from one of the enemy's guns entered a port-hole and dreadfully mangled McDonald, while fighting like a hero at his gun. As he was borne off in a dying state, he said to his comrades, " Huzza, my brave fellows ! 1 die, but don't let (he cause of liberty die with -me!" The day after the action, many citizens of Charleston of the first rank of both sexes visited the fort, to tender in person their thanks for its gallant defence, and by it 200 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, their own protection. Among them was Gov. Rutledge, dis tinguished for his patriotic zeal and devotion to the cause of his country. In the presence of the regiment to which Jasper be longed, he loosed his own sword and presented it to him, tender ing him at the time a commission. The brave sergeant with heart-felt thanks declined accepting the latter, because he could not read. Let parents who neglect to educate their children, consider well the reason this young man gave, for not accepting proffered honor. Nor was this a solitary case, hundreds of dar ing spirits in the course of the war, were obliged to decline for the same reason the laurels their own valor had won, and see them adorn the brow of their less meritorious brethren. A Mrs. Elliot, (whose husband was colonel of artillery.) on the occasion above referred to, presented the regiment with a beauti ful American standard, richly embroidered by her own hands. It was delivered to Jasper, who, on receiving it, declared he never would part with in life. He kept his promise ; for some time after in an effort to bear off those colors in an attack on Savannah, he was mortally wounded. A short time before his death, he was visited by Major Horry. He spoke with freedom of his past life and future prospects, and dwelt with evident sa tisfaction on the virtues of his mother. How true it is, that mothers generally lay the foundation for man's future greatness — future happiness. The last moments of many a poor soldier and weather-beaten tar, have added their testimonny to the fact, that lasting advice may generally be traced to the affectionate and pious mother. Jasper sent the sword presented him by Gov. Rutledge, to his father, as a dying memento of his own patriot ism. He also left with Major Horry his tender regards for the Jones family,* in whose fate he had, by a daring exploit, become * His acquaintance with the Joneses originated as follows: In disguise, and accompanied by his trusty friend Newton, he visited u British post at Ebenezer, where they tarried several days. Before leaving, they learned that a parly of ten or twelve American prisoners were confined there in irons, to be sent back to Savannah, from whence some of them had deserted the British service. The friends begged permission to see them, among whom were a Mr. Jones, his weeping wife, and smiling boy. The AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 201 interested; giving evidence in death, that a just reward attends the good deeds of the virtuous. About the time the attack was made on Fort Moultrie, Con gress appointed Dr. Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carroll commissioners to carry addresses into Canada, but they affected very little ; the Canadians being then, as they have ever since been, too loyal to appreciate liberty. Early in May, 1776, Congress took measures to sound the co lonies on the propriety of casting off all allegiance to the mother country. Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, gave notice that on a future day he would move for a declaration of Independence. Fiom the time of his notice the press proved a powerful auxiliary in the popular cause. Many essays and pamphlets were publish ed and distributed on the subject, and one from the pen of Thomas Paine, entitled Common Sense, aided much in preparing public opinion to sanction the step about to be taken. On the 1st of July it was introduced, and the three following days it was ably discussed, when the vote was taken and six states were enrolled for and six against the declaration, and one equally divided. One of the delegates from Pennsylvania, it is said, was influenced to leave the House, and thus a majority of one vote in a committee two friends were much interested in the fate of the Joneses, and soon after left the camp and retired to a neighboring wood, where they pledged their lives to rescue the prisoners or perish in the attempt. They remained in the British camp until the prisoners, under a guard of a sergeant, corporal, and eight soldiers set forward for Savannah. About two miles from ihe place of destination, Jasper and Newton secreted themselves near a spring, a little distance from the road, where the party soon after halted. Watching their opportunity, they sprang from they covert, and seizing two muskets that were resting against a tree, they shot two soldiers who were keeping guard, and reached them in time to strike down with clubbed muskets, two Others who were in the act of taking up their arms. Seizing the two loaded guns they gained command of those left by five of the party near the road, and the other six surrendered themselves prisoners. The heroes liberated the captive Americans, and placing guns in their hands, after stripping the four dead soldiers, led the party in safety to the American garrison-at Purysburg. When the affray at the spring commenced, Mrs. Jones fainted to the earth, but recovering and finding her husband and boy safe, she became frantic with joy, and viewing her deliverers in the light of angels, she called down heaven's blessings upon them. 202 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, of the whole, decided the fate of the declaration. Thomas Jef ferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and R. R. Livingston were appointed to draft a Declaration of Indepen dence. Each prepared one, but that of Jefferson was, with a few slight alterations, adopted, on the fourth of July, 1776 ; and read as follows. "THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. " When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires, that they should declare the causes which im pel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evi dent — that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new govern ment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former system of government. The history of the pre sent king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an ab solute tyranny over these states. To prove, this, let facts be sub mitted to a candid world. " He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and ne cessary for the public good. "He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation, till his assent should be obtained ; and, when so suspended, he has ut terly neglected to attend to them. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 203 " He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature — a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. " He has called together legislative bodies, at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public re cords, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. " He has dissolved "representative houses repeatedly, for oppos ing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. " He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large, for their exer cise ; the state remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the dan ger of invasion from without and convulsions within. " He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states, for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreign ers ; refusing to pass others, to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. "He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. " He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the ten ure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. " He has erected a multitude of offices, and sent here swarms of officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. " He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. " He has affected to render the military independent of, and su perior to, the civil power. " He has combined with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction, foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giv ing his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them by a mock trial, from punishment for any murder they should commit on the inhabitants of these states : For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended of fences : For abolishing the free system of English law in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarg ing its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit in strument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments : For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power, to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever : 204 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, " He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. " He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. " He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mer cenaries, to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun, with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. " He has constrained our fellow citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the exe cutioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. " He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has en deavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. " In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for re dress, in the most humble terms : our petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose character is thus marked, by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. " Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British breth ren. We have warned them from time to time, of attempts made by their legislature, to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emi gration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, aud we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connexions and , correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind — ene mies in war ; in peace, friends. "We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, for the rectitude of our intentions, DO, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to .be, free and independent states ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all po litical connexion between them and the state of Great Britain, is and aught to be totally dissolved ; and that as free and independ ent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, con tract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 205 of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Signed by order and in behalf of the Congress. JOHN HANCOCK, President. Attest. Charles Thompson, Secretary. New Hampshire. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Rhode Island, fyc. Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery. Delaware. Caesar Rodney, Thomas M'Kean, George Read, Maryland. Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Storie, Charles Caroll of Ca- rollton. Connecticut. Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott. New York. William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. Virginia. George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, jr. Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. North Carolina. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn. New Jersey. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark. Pennsylvania. Robert Morris, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, John Morton, George Clymer, James Wilson, George Ross. South Carolina. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, jr. Thomas Lynch, jr. Arthur Middleton. Georgia. Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton. ( 206 ) CHAPTER Vn. While the colonists along the sea-board were beginning to realize the horrors of war, most of the frontier settlers were spectators for a while — not idle ones however. There was a restless anxiety which reached the log tenement of the most dis tant pioneer. Committees of vigilence, whose duty it was to gather information relative to the portending storm, and prepare for the defence of the settlements, were organized in Tryon county as early as 1774. A council of safety was chosen in Schoharie not long after. At an early period of the difficulties, an effort was made by the Schoharie settlers to get the Indians in their neighborhood to re main quiet, and let the colonies settle their own quarrel with the mother country. A meeting was held for that purpose at the old council ground in Middleburgh. Brant with several Mohawk chiefs is said to have been present, on which occasion a Mrs. Richtmyer, living in the vicinity, acted as interpreter. The In dians agreed to remain neutral or join the Americans, says an old citizen who was present at the time ; but they were too fond of war to remain inactive, while the British government was urging them at once to take up arms. Previous to the Revolution, a small qastle had been erected for the natives at Brakabeen,* on the west bank of the Schoharie, several miles above Wilder hook, to which many of them re moved from the latter place. Near it they had a burying ground. A deputation from the Schoharie tribe were present in August, •Brakabeen is the German word for rushes, and obtained from the unusual quantity of that plant found along the banks of the river at that place. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 207 1775, when several commissioners met the chiefs of the Six Nations at the German Flats ; and it is believed they were at Albany, where a subsequent meeting was held the same year, for the same purpose. At the time the Indians left the Mohawk valley to follow the fortunes of the Johnsons, the Schoharie In dians, who survived a pestilence, except two or three families, imitated their example, leaving the council grounds and green graves of their fathers. Brown says, that while the Indians were assembled to treat with the commissioners of the Indian department, a contagious disease — which he calls yellow-fever — broke out amongst them, which carried them off in great numbers. That the survivors supeistitiously supposed the Great Spirit was angry with them for not serving their king, or for hesitating about entering his service; and that consequently they joined the royalists and went to Canada. Warree, an old Cherokee squaw, said to have been 105 years old, usually called the mother of the Schoharies, who was living at Brakabeen at the beginning of hostilities, took the prevail ing epidemic in 1775, and died with it. This good old squaw who was familiarly called Granny Warree, was the second wife of Schenevas, a Schoharie chief, after whom Schenevas creek jn Otsego county, was called.* For several years before her • Brown's pamphlet originates the name of this stream from the following circumstance: Two Indians, Schenevas and son, were there in the winter on a hunt — a deep snow fell and they concluded to return home. After tra veling some distance, they kindled afire and tarried over night. The fol lowing morning they set forward on their journey, but the 'father became fatigued, and finally returned to the place from whence they had first started. The son, discovering his father had taken the back track, returned also, and found him seated by a fire which he had kindled. The son killed his father with a tomahawk, buried him in the snow and returned to Schoharie, since which time this stream has been called Schenevas creek. At a. personal interview, Judge Brown related the following tradition, which he believed true: A Schoharie chief named Schenevas, whom I sup pose to have been the one killed at the Schenevas creek, was living in the lower part of Schoharie. His mother, an aged widow, was living with him. She was a quarrelsome old squaw — was very fretful, and often wished her self dead when in a fit of ill humor. Her son, getting out of patience with •her, went to Lambert Sternberg and borrowed a shovel, with which he dng 20 S HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, death, she used to walk with two canes, a good example for the modern exquisite, while her hair, unconfined and white as the Alpine snow, floated loosely at the sport of the breeze. When she felt the prevailing malady stealing upon her, and witnessed its fatal effects upon many of her tribe, believing her days were numbered, she desired to be carried to the spot where her hus band had died. She was universally beloved by the whole tribe, indeed by all the white citizens who knew her, and her request, although it subjected Ihem to great inconvenience in their pre sent difficulties, was readily complied with. She survived the journey but a day and two nights, and "was gathered to her fathers, to enter new hunting grounds." She was buried by her faithful warriors who had carried her the whole distance — fifteen or twenty miles — beside her departed husband, near the present residence of Mr. Collier. It is a remarkable fact, that while a large part of the Scho harie Indians died of this contagious disease, . not a single white citizen took it. Who the first chosen council of safety were in Schoharie, 1 am unable to say. Johannes Ball, a thorough going Whig, was chairman of the committee from its organization to the end of the war. It consisted generally of six members, and under went some changes to meet the exigencies of the times. The following persons it is believed were members in the course of the war : Joseph Borst, Joseph Becker', Peter Becker, Col. Peter Vrooman, who is said to have done most of the writing for the board, Lt. Col. Peter Zielie, Peter Swart, Wm. Zimmer of a grave, in Sternberg's orchard. He then conducted his mother to it. You have often wished yourself dead, said he, I have prepared your grave — you must die. When she saw the open grave, and realized that she had been taken ather word, she was terrified and began to cry. The savage son told her she must not be a baby — that she was going to the Great Spirit who did not like babies. He then forced her into the grave — bade her lie down — and buried her alive. She struggled hard as the earth covered her, but, re gardless of her entreaties, he stamped down the earth upon her, and closed up the grave. We could wish for poor human nature that those parental murders were mere fiction; but we have too much reason to believe them true — indeed history furnishes us with abundant evidence of inhuman atro cities in savage life. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 209 Brakabeen, Wm. Dietz, Samuel Vrooman, Nicholas Sternberg, Adam Vrooman, George WTarner of Cobelskill, and Jacob Zim mer of Foxes creek. Mr. Ball, chairman of the Schoharie committee, had two sons, Peter and Mattice — who were both living in 1837, in the town of Sharon — who, with their father warmly espoused their coun try's cause; while another son, and his brother, Captain Jacob Ball — a leader among the tories at Beaverdam ; and John Peter Ball, another relative, as warmly advocated that of the oppressor. As appears by the ancient records preserved in the Secretary's office at Albany, a regiment of militia was organized for the " Schoharie and Duanesburgh districts," as the fifteenth regiment of New York militia, and commissions to its officers were issued and dated October 20, 1775. It was composed at first of only three companies, and as their members were not all well affected toward rebellion, and scattered over considerable territory, the reader will see their need of foreign assistance. The following is a list of officers to whom commissions were at first issued. " Peter Vrooman, Col. ; Peter W. Zielie, Lieut. Col. ; Thomas Eckerson, Jr. 1st Maj. ; Jost Becker, 2d Maj. ; Lawrence School craft, Adjt. ; Peter Ball, Qr. Master. " First Company — George Mann, Capt. ; Christian Stubragh, 1st Lieut. ; John Dominick, 2d Lieut. ; Jacob. Snyder, Ensign. " Seco?id Company — Jacob Hager, Capt. ; Martynus Van Slyck, 1st Lieut. ; Johannes W. Bouck, 2d Lieut. ; Johannes L. Lawyer, Ensign. " Third Company — George Eechtmyer, Capt. ; Johannes I. Law yer, 1st Lieut. ; Martynus W. Zielie, 2d Lieut. ; Johannes Lawyer Bellinger, Ensign." A small company of militia was afterwards organized in Co belskill, under Capt. Christian Brown and Lieut. Jacob Borst, which was possibly attached to the Schoharie regiment. On the 14th of June, 1776, I find by the Albany records, that Schoharie was represented in the " general committee chamber," by chairman Ball and Peter Becker, of the Schoharie council of safety. At a meeting of the New York State Committee of Safety, convened at Fishkill, October 9, 1776, the following reso lution was adopted — 210 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, " Resolved, That the persons hereafter mentioned, be appointed to purchase at the cheapest rate, in their several counties, all the coarse woollen cloth, linsey woolsey, blankets, woollen hose, mit tens, coarse linen, felt hats, and shoes fitting for soldiers ; and that they have the linen made up into shirts." [The committee named for Albany county were] — " Capt. John A. Fonda, of the manor of Livingston ; Peter Van Ness, of Claverack ; Barent Van Beuren, of Kinderhook; Isaac V. Arnum, of Albany: Cors. Cuyler, of Schenectada ; James McGee and Henry Quackenboss, of the ma nor of Rantselear ; Anthony Van Bergen, of Cocsakie ; Henry Oothout, of Katskill ; and Johannes Ball, of Schoharie ; and that the sum of 100 pounds be advanced to each of them for purchasing the above articles." The following oath of allegiance was found among the papers of the late Chairman Ball — "You shall swear by the holy evangelist of the Almighty God, to be a true subject to our continental resolve and Provincial Con gress and committees, in this difficulty existing between Great Britain and America, and to answer upon such questions as you shall be examined in, so help you God. " Derrick Laraway appeared and swore the above mentioned, before the chairman and committee, at Schoharie, and signed the association, on the 30th day of June, in the year 1776." The following papers are copied from a record made by Judge Swart some years before his death. They were obtained through the politeness of the late Gen. Jacob Hager, and although they exhibit personal services, as they will throw some light on Scho harie affairs in the Revolution, I give them an insertion. " Names of the Persons that made resistance in 1777, against McDonald and his Party." The Hager Family.* Peter Zielie, jr. Storm Becker jr. Peter Vrooman, [Col] Thomas Eckerson, John H. Becker, Jonas Vrooman, Thomas Eckerson jr. John I. Becker, Peter Swart, [after- [Maj.] David Becker, wards judge,] George Eichtmyer, Albertus Becker, Peter A. Vrooman, Cornelius Van Dyck, Peter Zielie, [Lt. Col.] Peter Powlus Swart, Tunis Eckerson, Peter Van Slyck, Abraham Becker, Cornelius Eckerson, Martinus Zielie, John A. Becker, Hendrick Becker, Peter Becker, Storm A. Becker, John S. Becker, Christian Richtmyer. John Van Dyck, • It is a fact worthy of note, that while members of almost every family of distinction in the Scnoharie settlements were found in hostile array, as futher AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 211 The preceding memorandum embraces few if any names of in dividuals north. of the present limits of Middleburgh; although there were many patriots about Foxes creek, and the Schoharie valleys farther north, and not a few in the more distant set tlements. The party named assembled at Middleburgh, and be gan fortifying the stone house of John Becker, afterwards picket ed in, and occupied as the middle fort. The record of Swart thus continues : " I was enrolled in the militia at sixteen years of age ; [this was the lawful age for enrolling at that period] served as a private six months ; then I was appointed a corporal — -served in that capacity about one year; then 1 was appointed sergeant in Capt. Hager's company; 1778, I was appointed ensign in said company, in the room of John L. Lawyer; 1786, I was promoted to first major of the regiment; 1798, I was promoted to lieut. colonel com't; 1784 I was appointed justice of the peace without my knowledge ; 1796 I was appointed one of the judges of the county, which office I have resigned 1818 ; 1798 I was elected a member of assembly ; the next election I was solicited to stand again as a candidate, which I utterly refused ; 1806 I was elected a member of Con gress. I was afterwards again requested to stand as a candidate for Congress, which I refused ; when John Gebhard, Judge Shep ard, and Boyd were candidates for Congress. Gebhard and Shepard met with their friends at the Court House for one of them to give way ; no arrangement could be made ; they both signed a written declaration to give way in case I would accept a nomination, which I also refused. 1816 I was elected a senator. At the expiration of my time I was again requested to stand a can didate for the senate, which I also refused. I never craved or re quested an office. " I was one of the first that signed the compact and association. 1776 I turned out to Stone Arabia to check the progress of the enemy and tories. In the fall of the same year, I turned out to A'oany, from thence to Fort Edward, from thence to Johnstown, to check the enemy. 1777, in the spring, I turned out to Har- persfield, from thence to the Delaware to take up disaffected, from there home. Three days home, I went down the Hellenbergh to take tories ; after we had together about twenty-five of them, went to Albany and delivered them in jail. A few days after wards went to Harpersfield ; from thence to Charlotte river to take against son, brother against brother, &c, all the members of the Hager fa mily at once united with those who were unfurling to the winds of Heaven, the stars and stripes of freedom. From the number of Beckers on this list, we may reasonably suppose that few of that name were tories. 212 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, McDonald, and send him to jail. In August 1777, was one of the thirty-two that made a stand to oppose McDonald^ and his party. I was one of the two that risked our lives to crowd through the tories' guns to go to Albany for assistance ; was taken prisoner by the Indians and tories ; the same evening I made my escape.* I was one of the six councillors that went from the stone house across Schoharie creek into the woods in a cave, to consult what measures to adopt — secresy at that time was the best policy.! Did not McDonald and his party come down as far as my house, and there encamp till next day, and destroy every thing ? I had left home. The same day McDonald and his party were defeated and fled into the woods, and went off to Canada, and about twenty- six from Brakabeen went with him. What would have been the result if our small party had made no resistance, and had tamely submitted ? McDonald would have marched through Schoharie, and in all probability reached Albany. What was the conse quence as far as he came down ? W as not the farm of Adam Crysler confiscated ? Also the farm of Adam Bouck and brothers ? Also the farm of Frederick Bouck ? Also the farm of Bastian Becker ? Also the farm of John Brown ? Also the farm of Hen drick Mattice ? Also the farm of Nicholas Mattice, and a number of others that were indicted ? And a number more that had joined McDonald and fired on our men." Peter and Mattice Ball, as their father was chairman of com mittee, were subjected to much arduous duty, and consequently were often pressed into unexpected service. Peter Ball related to the author the following melancholy incident. He had been sent to Ticonderoga with a sleigh load of stores for the army, during the winter preceding Burgoyne's campaign. While re turning, in company with other sleighs which had been there for the same purpose, the horses attached to one of them, which was driven by a boy and contained six soldiers, took fright at the sound of a drum in one of the sleighs. They were driving upon ice at the time, and if I mistake not, they were on the Hudson, * Swart and his neighbor, Ephraim Vrooman, were sent to Albany for aid, by Col. Vrooman, and started on foot, supposed the day before Col. Harper did, and arrived there almost as soon. They were detained on their way, by coming unexpectedly upon a party of armed royalists ; but finally escaped from them and pursued their journey. t The stone house to which he alludes, was that of John Becker, after wards fortified as the middle fort. The cave, or place of concealment, for merly called "the committee hole," was on the opposite side of the river from Middleburgh, in a ravine between the mountains. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 213 near Saratoga. When the horses started, one of the men took the reins from the boy, who jumped out and escaped ; but the soldiers and horses broke through the ice and were all drowned. Ball assisted in recovering the bodies of the soldiers, and conveyed them to Albany in his sleigh. Once he carried a load of powder in a wagon to Lake George ; three other loads went at the same time, and all were guarded by military from Albany. On two other occasions, he was sent to Fort Edward with flour from Schoharie, and was pressed to take loads from there to Lake George. On those occasions he had to lie out nights, and suffered from cold. Chairman Ball resided about half a mile north of the stone church in Schoharie, known, when fortified in the Revolution, as the Lower Fort. His son, Wilhelmus Ball, now resides on the same ground. Peter Ball once playfully remarked to the author, that his father had nine children by his first wife, and only ten by his second. Several anecdotes of interest are told of Chairman Ball. His neighbor, George Mann, who was a captain of militia, kept a public house where Cornelius Vrooman now lives, and warmly advocated royalty. His house was made the rallying point for To ries and Indians in the year 1776 and early part of '77, to con sider the past and plan future operations. The individuals of this stamp who usually met there, neither liked Johannes Ball nor his politics. It was therefore thought best to get him out of the way if possible : indeed, it was afterwards asserted and confidently be lieved, thathe hundred guineas were offered by an agent of the king for his destruction. David Ogeyonda, a subtle Schoharie warrior, who had a hut on the lands of Adam Vrooman, and who had been for some time active for the Tories, doing the duties of a runner, spy, &c, was to be the instrument of his death. Ball was to be invited to the house of Mann, under Ihe pretence of having important business to transact with him, or some one else when David was to provoke him to a quarrel, and thus have a plausible pretext to kill him. Hostilities had not yet gone so far in Schoharie, that either party felt justified in imbruing their 15 214 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, hands in the blood of an old neighbor, without the show of cause. Ball went to the house of Mann, at the appointed time, taking the precaution to go armed with a brace of loaded pistols. He found that the business was of little importance, but that the In dian, David, was determined to quarrel with him. As the savage not unfrequently seized the handle of a long knife worn in his girdle, he suspected his motive and made good his escape ; keep ing a chair with one hand between his enemy and himself until he reached the door, while the other hand rested upon a pistol. This transaction took place but a short time previous to the death of this Indian, as will appear hereafter. It had been the usual custom for ministers of the gospel, to re member the king in their prayers on the Sabbath, previous to the commencement of difficulties. One Sunday, as Chairman Ball was leaving the stone church, just before the outbreak of hostili ties, when the excitement of stifled feeling was scarcely controlled, he said to one of his Whig neighbors, who was standing so near old domine Schuyler that the latter could hear the remark, " the domine does not dare to pray for King George any more, and for Congress he will not pray." Schuyler usually preached in Low Dutch at Middleburgh, and in German at Schoharie. Col. Peter Vrooman, one of the Schoharie committee, was a major of militia before the revolution. He was a captain in the French war, and assisted in erecting fortifications at Oswego. If not as energetic as some officers, he was far from being as pusil lanimous as represented in the Annals of Tryon County, or Stone's Life of Brant. The old soldiers who served under him, represent him as having been a bold and determined man, and his conduct on several occasions during the war, gave good evidence of that fact. He was very much respected in the coun ty, and is said to have been nineteen years a member of either the senate or assembly of New York An attempt was made to take him prisoner during the war. A liberal reward had been offered for his apprehension. A meeting of the council of safety was to take place at his house, and supposing he would remain at home, several of the enemy had secreted themselves, intending AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 215 to secure his person when the rest of the committee retired. The snow was deep and the enemy expected an easy conquest ; but it became necessary for him to leave home with his guests, and the intentions of the foe were thwarted. In 1776, a plan was devised by Governor Tryon, aided by the Mayor of New York, to seize the person of Gen. Washington ; some of whose guard were in the plot : but the design of the enemy was seasonably discovered, and those who were conniving with the enemy, executed. — Bancroft's Washington. In the fall of 1776, Congress sent Dr. Franklin, Silas Dean and Arthur Lee as commissioners to the court of France for aid : and also resolved to build a navy. The year 1776 closed without any thing remarkable occurring to disturb, unusually, the peace of the frontier settlements. After the Declaration of Independence, events transpired in other places, involving the safety of the republic. In August, the whole of Long Island fell into the hands of the enemy, and in September, the city of New York followed the same fate.* * The masterly retreat of Gen. Washington with his army across the East river from Brooklyn to New York, is thus related by Major, afterwards Col. Benjamin Tallmadge, in his military journal : "In the face of many diffi. culties, the Commander-in-chief so arranged his business, that on the eve ning of the 29th, [Aug.] by 10 o'clock, the troops began to retire from the lines in such a manner that no chasm was made in the line, but as one regi ment left their station on guard, the remaining troops moved to the right and left, and filled up the vacancies, while Gen. Washington took his station at the ferry, and superintended the embarkation of the troops. It was one of the most anxious, busy nights that I ever recollect, and being the third in, which hardly any of us had closed our eyes to sleep, we were all greatly .fa tigued. As the dawn of the next day approached, those of us who remained in the trenches became very anxious for our own safety, at which time there were several regiments still on duty. At this time a very dense fog began to rise, and it seemed to settle in a peculiar manner over both encampments. I recollect this peculiar, providential occurrence perfectly well, and so very dense was the atmosphere, that I could scarcely discern a man at six yards distance. When the sun rose we had just received orders to leave the lines. but before we reached the ferry, the Commander-in-chief sent one of his aidi to order the regiment back to its former station. Coir Chester immediately faced about and returned to the lines, where we tarried until the sun had risen, but the fog remained as dense as ever. Finally, the second order ar rived for the regiment to retire, and we very joyfully bid those trenches a 216 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, I shall have repeatedly to speak of the difficulty the Americans experienced in procuring a supply of the munilir ns of war. The following anecdote will show that it extended to small concerns. In the early part of the contest, gun-fiints were so scarce, that troops while performing the manual exercise, substituted wooden ones for those of silex. While James Williamson was on duty one moonlight night in 1776, on Long Island off Gardiner's Isl and, as piquet guard, he saw an armed barge approaching the shore near him from one of the British ships off the Island. He instantly raised his piece and cocked it, when, to his chagrin, he found it had a wooden flint in the lock. The men in the barge, who were sufficiently near to see the leveled musket, ignorant of its harmless condition, shifted their course without attempting to land. — James Williamson. The defeat of the Americans on Long Island and the loss of New York, were succeeded by a catalogue of disasters, which tended to make the royalists more bold, and greatly to dishearten the Americans. Several hunched houses were destroyed in New York by fire, soon after the British took that city. In November, Forts Washington and Lee, situated nearly opposite each other on long adieu. When we reached Brooklyn ferry the boats had not returned from tlieir last trip, but they very soon appeared and took the whole regi ment over to New York ; and I think I saw Gen. Washington on the ferry stairs when I stepped into one of the last boats that received the troops. I left my horse tied to a post at the ferry. " The troops having all safely reached New York, and the fog continuing as thick as ever, I began to think of my favorite horse, anil requested leave to return and bring him off. Having obtained permission, I called for a crew of volunteers to go with me, and guiding the boat myself, I obtained my horse and got off some distance into the river before the enemy appeared in Brooklyn. As soon ns they reached the ferry, we were saluted merrily from their musketry and finally by their field pieces, but we returned in safely. In the history of warfare, I do not recollect a more fortunate retreat. After all, the providential appearance of the fog saved a part of our nrmy from being captured, and myself, for certain, among others who formed the rear guard. Gen. Washington has never received the credit Which was due to him for this wise nnd most fortunate measure. When the enemy had taken possession of the heights opposite to the city, they commenced firing from the artillery, and the fleet pretty soon were in motion to take possession of those waters ; had this been done a little earlier, this division of our nrmy must inevitably have fallen into their hands." AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 217 the banks of the Hudson, about ten miles above New York, which commanded the river, fell into the hands of the enemy : the former after a most gallant defence, and the latter by being aban doned ; and the Commander-in-chief, unable to oppose a superior force, retreated into New Jersey. By the fall of Fort Washing ton, says the diary of Col. Tallmadge, " we lost about three thou sand men, a great part of whom perished in prison by severe usage, sickness, §"c." While a dark pall seemed spreading around the cause of Liberty, Gen. Howe issued a proclamation offering pardon to all who would submit to royal authority. The pros pects looked so gloomy, that many of the best citizens of New Jersey were induced to sacrifice their feelings — abandon Free dom's cause, and claim British protection. Gen. Washington, with the remains of his army, was obliged to retreat over the De laware ; about which time the British gained possession of Rhode Island. The sagacious commander, who had seen his troops re peatedly in retreat before a well fed and well clothed enemy, not only observed their numbers fast lessening by desertion, but also the necessity of staying the tide of that enemy's success, and roll ing back the cloud which seemed ready to burst and obscure the light of Liberty forever. He resolved to hazard all in one bold effort, and on Christmas night he crossed the Delaware at Tren ton, surprised a body of Hessian soldiers — took nearly a thousand prisoners, and recrossed the river in safety, with the loss of only nine men. On the 2d of January, 1777, the main body of the British ar my under Cornwallis, who had hastened on from New York after the capture of the Hessians, marched to attack the Americans. They encamped near Trenton at night, intending to commence an action in the morning, when Washington, knowing the compara tive weakness of his famished troops, conceived and executed an other bold project. After renewing his fires, he left his encamp ment about midnight, and by a circuitous route gained the rear of the enemy — pushed on to Princeton, near which place he met and defea'ed a body of them, and again took several hundred prison ers. The enemy finding himself out-generaled, retreated to New 218 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Brunswick, and the American army went into winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey. The brilliant victories of Trenton and Princeton, while they tended with magnetic power to raise the drooping spirits of the patriot band — in fact, of the whole Ame rican people — won for their great leader the appellation of the American Fabius. Few can realize at this day, the importance of those victories to the American arms. For months, a series of disasters had attended them, and the stoutest hearts were begin ning to yield to despair. The great and good Washington led forth to conquest on those occasions, a half-naked, famished troop of heroes, who, under similar circumstances, would have followed no other leader. Reader ! would you realize the sufferings of that little band of patriots, who remained willing to follow the fortunes of your bleeeing country, in the darkest hour of her adversity 1 — and by so doing arrive at a more just estimate of the value of that liber ty you now enjoy 1 Imagine yourself on some of the coldest nights of winter, when the wintry winds are moaning around you, and the stars are looking coldly from the blue vault above, seated by the road side where is passing in silence a body of armed men, fatigued, disheartened, ragged, barefooted, faint from want of food, and many with limbs frozen from exposure : — and on the morrow, go trace their footsteps o'er the frozen ground by their own blood ; then tell me if you can guard with too much watch fulness — or look with favor upon any attempt to mar that hb erty? The proverbial caution and prudence of General Washington, were perhaps evinced in nothing more visibly during the war, than in his general orders to avoid the ill will or needless suffer ing of the citizens. When his cold and wearied troops encamped the night after the battle of Princeton, as has been stated by an officer who was present, his orders contained this unusual requisi tion — " not to burn the stone walls /"—tacitly implying, that they might, on that one occasion, bum rail fences, which are said to have been burned with impunity. The enemy having matured his plans during the winter, began AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 219 to move early in the summer of 1777, and expected to make an easy conquest of the whole colony of New York. Gen. Burgoyne left Crown Point with such an army as he had vauntingly de clared in the British Parliament, he could lead from Maine to Georgia ; and with it one of the best trains of artillery ever seen in America. He was to push his way to Albany along the Hud son. Colonel St. Leger, with a large body of British, Tories and Indians, left Oswego about the same time, intending to pillage the beautiful valley of the Mohawk, and rest himself after his work of destruction, at Albany. Sir Henry Clinton, whose well fed troops had been basking in some of the smiles and some of the frowns ofthe New York fair, after doing what mischief he pleased along the romantic shores of the Hudson, was to offer his services and compliments in person to the citizens of Albany. And lastly Captain McDonald, a noted Tory leader — a Scotchman who had been living for a time on Charlotte river, with a body of several hundred royalists and Indians, was making his way down through the Schoharie settlements, intending to meet the trio already named, and revel with them in " the beauty and booty" of Al bany. This was a most trying period for New York. To meet and repel the several attacks, appeared to some of the most patriotic a matter of impossibility — but with a firm reliance on the God of battles for success, they buckled on their armor, and resolved to try. Most of the published accounts erroneously make the irrup tion of McDonald and his legions at a later date. Some of the Schoharie militia were called into service on seve ral occasions in the latter part of the year 1776, and early part of 1777. Mattice Ball said he was under Capt. Hager in the enter prise which Judge Swart alludes to, as having taken place in the spring of 1777. The party were volunteers, and proceeded to Loonenburg, now Athens, to arrest Col. James Huetson, who was marshaling Tories. They were in seach of him thirteen days, a part of which time they levied a tax upon his poultry yard, and ate up his chickens. After securing him and some twenty other genial spirits, they delivered them to the military department at . Albany for safe keeping. Huetson was afterwards bong; k-* ft-' -**1 f °"^ ' 220 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, I have remarked briefly, that members of families in Schoharie were found entertaining different opinions respecting the bellige rent attitude of England and her colonies, and consequently were in hostile array. Capt. Jacob Ball, mentioned as the brother of Johannes Ball, raised a company of 63 royalists at the Beaver- dam and in Duanesburgh and went to Canada, accompanied by several relatives. George Mann, another captain of militia to whom we have alluded, on being ordered out with his company to oppose the enemy, openly declared himself friendly to the royal power. Adam Crysler and his brothers, with several other indi viduals, who were men of no little influence residing in the south part of the Schoharie settlement, also sided with royalty. The example of several respectable officers and other individuals of reputation, as may be inferred, augured no good for the welfare of that community, as the prudent knew full well that " a house divided against itself," like Franklin's empty bag, " could not stand alone." As appears by an affidavit of William Johnston, jr., made July 16, 1777, which I find on the journal of the New York council of safety, Joseph Brant had then, with some eighty warriors, commenced his marauding enterprises on the settlements at Una dilla; by appropriating their cattle, sheep and swine to his own benefit. To obtain satisfaction for those cattle, and if possible get the Indians to remain neutral in the approaching contest, in the latter part of June, 1777, Gen. Herkimer, with three hun dred and eighty of the Tryon county militia, proceeded to Una dilla, (an Indian settlement on the Susquehanna,") to hold an in terview with Brant. That celebrated chief, then at Oquago, was sent for by Gen. Herkimer, and arrived on the 27th, after the Americans had been there about eight days in waiting. Colonel John Harper, who attended Gen. Herkimer at this time, made an affidavit on the 16th of July following the inter view, showing the principal grievances of which the Indians complained, as al>o the fact that they were in covenant with the king, whose belts were yet lodged among them, and whose service they intended to enter. The instrument farther testified, that AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 221 Brant, instead of returning to Oswego, as he had informed Gen. Herkimer was his intention ; had remained in the neighborhood, on the withdrawal of the American militia, and was preparing to destroy the frontier settlements. The following particulars relating to the interview between Gen. Herkimer and Brant, were obtained from the venerable patriot, Joseph Wagner, of Fort Plain. He states that at the first meeting of Gen. Herkimer with Brant, the latter was attended by three other chiefs, William Johnson, a son of Sir William Johnson by Molly Brant, which son was killed at the battle of Oriskany the same year, Pool, a smart looking fellow with curly hair, supposed part indian and part negro, and a short dark skin ned Indian, the four encircled by a body-guard of some twenty noble looking warriors. When in his presence, Brant rather haughtily asked Gen. Her- " kimer the object of his visit, which was readily made known ; but seeing so many attendants, the chief suspected the interview was sought for another purpose. Said Brant to Herkimer, I have five hundred warriors at my command, and can in an in stant destroy you and your party ; but we are old neighbors and friends, and IwiU not do it. Col. Cox, a smart officer who ac companied Gen. Herkimer, exchanged several sarcastic express ions with Brant, which served not a little to irritate him and his followers. The two had had a quarrel a few years previous, about lands around the upper Indian castle. Provoked to anger, Brant asked Cox if he was not the son-in-law of old George Klock? Yes ! replied Cox in a tone of malignity, and what is that to you, you d — d Indian 1 At the close of this dialogue Brant's guard ran off to their camp, firing several guns, and making the hills echo back their savage yells. Gen. Herkimer then assured Brant that he intended his visit for one of a pacific nature, and urged him to prevent their moving to hostilities. A word from that chief hushed the tempest of human passion, which but an in stant before had threatened to deluge the valley with blood ; the parties, however, were too heated to proceed with the business which convened them. Said Brant, addressing Gen. Herkimer, 222 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, it is needless to multiply words at this time, I will meet you here at precisely 9 o'clock to morrow morning. The parties then se parated to occupy their former position in camp. From what had transpired, I presume, Gen. Herkimer did not feel wholly secure in his person; for early on the following morn ing he called on Mr. Wagner, then an active young soldier of his party, and taking him aside, asked him if he could keep a secret. When assured in the affirmative, he informed Wagner that he wished him to select three other persons, who, with him self should be in readiness at a given signal, to shoot Brant and the other three chiefs, if the interview about to take place did not end amicably. In case of the least hostile movement on their part, the chiefs were to be sacrified. Wagner selected Abra ham and George Herkimer, nephews of Gen. HerkimerJ and a third person name now forgotten. Col. Stone, speaking of this transaction in the Life of Brant, not aware of its having been dictated by the circumstances as any arrangement of caution, which should reflect credibly on the prudence of Gen. Herkimer, thus comments on it — " There is something so revolting — -so rank and foul-r-in this project of meditated treachery, that it is difficult to reconcile it with the known character of Gen. Herkimer." In another place he adds, " A betrayal of his [Herkimer's] confi dence, under those circumstances, would have brought a stain upon the character of the provincials, which all the waters of the Mohawk could not have washed away." Difficult indeed would it be if necessary, to reconcile this affair with the honorable life of the brave Herkimer, but such is not the case, and I have presented this whole matter solely to correct an impression con veyed in the life of Brant, which reflects ignobly on the charac ter of that officer. The whole proceeding was only one of pre caution, and had it been otherwise would have been executed, as ample opportunity was afforded Wagner and his accomplices, to assassinate the chiefs. Col. Stone quotes the manuscript of my informant as authority for what he states, but there is some mistake in the matter, as Wagner assured the writer he never had furnished a manuscript account of the affair to any one. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 223 With the arrangement of circumspection on the part of Gen. Herkimer, as stated above, the parties held their interview on the 28th of June ; the last convention of the kind held in New York. Brant was the first to speak : said he — " Gen Herkimer, I now fully comprehend the object of your visit, but you are too late, 1 am already engaged to serve the king. We are old friends and I can do no less than let you return home unmolested, al though you are entirely within my power." After a little more conversation, in which the parties agreed to separate amicably, the conference ended, at which time Gen. Herkimer presented to Brant seven or eight fat cattle that had but just arrived, ow ing to obstructions on the outlet of Otsego Lake, down which stream they were driven or transported. For three days previous to the arrival of the cattle, the Americans were on very short allowance. Whether Brant had five hundred men at his command may be doubted ; Col. Harper has given their number as about one hun dred and thirty-seven — possibly there were foes in concealment unknown to that officer. The Americans retraced their steps to the Mohawk valley, and scarcely had they set out, when the In dians began to repeat their depredations on the patriotic citizens in the neighborhood. Brant soon after fell back to Oquago, to strengthen his numbers, and prepare to act in concert with St. Leger. After the war Brant visited the Mohawk valley, at which time Mr. Wagner conversed with him about the treaty at Unadilla. On being assured by my informant that he was in readiness at the second interview to shot him down, that chief expressed much surprise that Gen. Herkimer had taken such precaution. Among the papers of Chairman Ball I find the following : " Schoharie, July 7th, 1777, in Committee Chamber first Re solved, that all the persons between tha ages of sixteen and fifty years, from the dwelling house of Christian Shaffer and to north ward in Schoharie, are to bring their arms and accoutrements when they come to the meeting at either of the two churches in 224 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Fountain Town and Foxes Town,* on Sunday or any other day when kept ; and if any of them shall neglect in bringing their arms and accoutrements to either of the churches, shall for feit and pay the sum of three shillings, New York currency, into the hands of Mr. Johannes Ball, for the use of paying the cost for the district of Schoharie ; or if any person shall not pay the said sum as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for Mr. Johannes Ball to give a warrant directed to a sergeant or corporal, and levy the same on the offender's goods and chattels, and also the costs thereof. " And the persons inhabiting from the dwelling of Baltus Krys- ler to the said Christian Shaffer, are to bring their arms, &c. to the church in Weiser's Town, as they are ordered to [in] Foxes Town ; and if neglected to pay the same to Mr. Johannes Becker, and be put in execution by him as ordered by Mr. Ball aforesaid. " And persons southward from Baltus Krysler's are to be armed when [they] come to any meeting that may be kept in Brakabeen, and if neglected, to pay the fines to Mr. William Zimmer, and^to be put by him in execution as beforementioned, and for the use as aforesaid. " N. B. Their resolve in Fountain Town Church is to be paid to Mr. Johannes Lawyer, and to be put by him in execution as within mentioned, and for the use as aforesaid ; and George War ner is appointed to see [that] the inhabitants of Cobelskill bring their arms when [they] come to meeting there, and put this re solve in execution as within mentioned, and for the use aforesaid. " Secondly, Resolved, that four watches are to be kept in Scho harie every night from this time constant : the first is to be kept at the dwelling house of Capt. George Mann, and under his com mand, and in his absence the next in command ; the inhabitants from Christian Shaffer's dwelling house and to northward, are to be under Capt. Mann's command for the watch to consist of eight men. The second is to be kept at the dwelling house of Mr. Hen drick P. Becker, and under the command of Capt. George Richt- myer, and in his absence the next officer in command : the inha bitants from Hendrick Tansen's house and so northward to Chris tian Shaffer's, are under the command of this second watch, and to consist of six men. The third is to be kept at the dwelling house of Mr. Johannes Feak, and under the command of Lieut. Martynus Van Slyck, and in his absence the next officer in com mand ; the inhabitants from Baltus Krysler's dwelling house and so northward to Hendrick Tanse's are under the command of this third watch, and to consist of six men. And the fourth is to be kept by the inhabitants from Baltus Krysler's and so southward, at the dwelling house of Mr. Hendrick Hager under the command of Capt. Jacob Hager, in his absence the next officer in command; " The former a Lutheran church then standing a little distance east of tha Court House, and the latter the stone edifice erected by the Dutch church, and still standing one mile north of the Court House. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 225 and this watch is to consist of six men. Every person or persons neglecting to serve on such or either of such watches aforemen tioned, shall for every neglect pay and forfeit the sum of twelve shillings for the use of the district of Schoharie." At an early stage of difficulties, the little settlement at Harpers- field, which was greatly exposed to savage inroads, organized a committee of vigilance, of which Isaac Patchin was chairman. This settlement was within the limits of Tryon county. In view of the enemy's proximity, Mr. Patchin wrote to the State Coun cil of Safety, on the 4th of July, 1777, as follows : " Gentlemen — The late irruptions and hostilities committed at Tunadilla, by Joseph Brandt, with a party of Indians and tories, have so alarmed the well-affected inhabitants of this and the neighboring settlements, who are now the entire frontier of this state, that except your honors doth afford us immediate protection, we shall be obliged to leave our settlements to save our lives and families; especially as there is not a man on the outside of us, but such as have taken protection of Brant, and many of them have threatened our destruction in a short time, the particular circum stances of which Col. Harper, (who will wait on your honors,) can give you a full account of, by whom we hope for your protection, in what manner to conduct ourselves." On the 8th July, William Harper wrote the Albany council from Cherry Valley, also within Tryon county, stating the ex posed condition of that place, and the rumor of the enemy's nearness under Brant. The committee to which was referred the correspondence of Isaac Patchin and Wm. Harper, introduced several resolutions to the council of safety on the 17th July ; in which they recommended raising two companies of rangers, to serve on the frontiers of Tryon, Ulster, and Albany counties, un der the command of John Harper and James Clyde, as captains, and Alexander Harper and John Campbell as lieutenants. Lt. Harper, as soon as twenty-five men were enlisted by Col. John Harper as recruiting officer, was to take charge of them and repair to a post of danger. In the correspondence of the Provincial Congress of New York, I find the following : Schoharie Committee Chamber, July 17, 1777. " Gentlemen — The late advantage gained over us by the ene- 226 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, my, has such effect upon numbers here, that many we thought steady friends to the state seem to draw back ; our state therefore, is deplorable ; all our frontiers [frontier settlers] except those that are to take protection from the enemy, are gone, so that we are entirely open to the Indians and tories, which we expect every hour to come to this settlement : part of our militia is at Fort Ed ward; the few that are here many of them, are unwilling to take up arms to defend themselves, as they are not able to stand against so great a number of declared enemies, who speak openly without any reserve. Therefore, if your honors do not grant us immediate relief, of about five hundred men to help defend us, we must either fall a prey to the enemy, or take protection also. For further par ticulars we refer you to the bearer, Col. Wills, in whom we confide to give you a true account of our state and situation, and of the back Settlements, as he is well acquainted with them. We beg that your honors will be pleased to send us an answer by the bearer. We remain, iTour honors' most obed't humble servants. Signed by order of the committee. JOHANNES BALL, Chairman.. The above letter was read in Council, at their afternoon session, on Saturday, July 19th, and after some discussion it was referred to Messrs. Jay, Platt, and R. R. Livingston. On the 22d, the Council wrote " To the Chairman of the Committee of Schoha rie," as follows : " Kingston, July 22, 1777. "Gentlemen : It greatly astonishes this Council that the settle ment of Schoharie, which has always been considered as firmly and spiritedly attached to the American cause, should be panic- struck upon the least appearance of danger. Can you conceive that our liberties can possibly de redeemed from that vassalage which our implacable foes are, with unrelenting cruelty, framing for us, without some danger and some vigorous efforts on our part ? To expect that Providence, however righteous our cause, will, without a vigorous use of those means which it has put in our power, interpose in our behalf, is truly to expect that God will work miracles for us, when those means, well improved, will afford suf ficient security to our inestimable rights. It is your bounden du ty, if you wish for the smiles of Heaven in favor of the public cause in which you are so deeply interested, to acquit yourselves like men. A few worthless Indians, and a set of villains, who have basely deserted their country, are all the enemies vou have to fear. J "We have good reason to believe that the greatest and most de serving part of the Six Nations are well disposed toward us. This Council is exerting itself to secure you against danger, and only AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 227 wish you would second their efforts. Tryon county is a frontier to your settlement ; in that county Fort Schuyler is a respectable fortress, properly garrisoned. Major General Schuyler has sent up apart of a regiment as a further reinforcement. We have au thorized Colonel Harper to raise and embody two hundred men for covering and protecting the inhabitants, and have formed such a disposition of the militia of the county of Tryon for alternate re lieves as we hope will tend effectually to secure you. " If any proclamations or protections should be offered you by the enemy, by all means reject them. From the woful experience of those who have fallen within their influence in other parts of the country, we have the highest reasons to believe that your ac ceptance of those tenders of friendship, should they be made, will render your misery and slavery unavoidable. " In further attention to the cause of your settlement and Tryon county, we have this morning sent Mr. Robert Livingston to Gen. Washington. He is authorized to concert with his Excellency the most effectual measures for putting the western frontiers of this state in all possible security. " In the mean time we expect much from your public virtue ; that it will induce you to apprehend and send to us the disaffected among you ; that it will lead you to the most effectual means of securing your property from the depredations of a weak but insidi ous foe ; and that it will teach you the impropriety of deserting your habitations, and keep you in continual readiness to repel the assaults of the enemies of the liberty of your country. We write to the general committee of the county of Albany, to give you all the countenance, assistance, and support in their power." The following is part of a letter from the same body, under the same date, to the Albany Committee. " Gentlemen — The great depression of spirits of the inhabitants of Tryon county, and the settlers of Schoharie, give this Council much uneasiness, as it exposes them to the depredations of an ene my whom they might otherwise despise. " We hope that your committee will not be wanting to support the drooping spirits of the western inhabitants in general, and par ticularly of those within your county. Wc have great reason to fear the breaking up of the settlement of Schoharie, unless our exertions be seconded by your efforts. You well know that such an event on the frontiers will not only be attended with infinite mischief to the inhabitants, but will furnish cause for discourage ment to the country in general. Every means should therefore be tried to prevent it. " This Council are earnestly solicitous to put the western fron tiers of this state in a situation as respectable as possible ; and though they conceive the enemy's strength to consist principally in those exaggerations which result from the threats of our internal 228 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, foes, and the fears of our friends ; yet as those may be productive of real mischief, they would endeavor by every means in their power to prevent the evil. Your known exertions in the public cause will not permit them to doubt of your straining every nerve to second their endeavors," &c, &c. The reader will observe that in the letter to the Schoharie com mittee, the state council, in speaking of the foe to which the Scho harie settlement was exposed, consisted only of a few worthless Indians and Tories ; and that they believed the Six Nations, as a whole, were well affected towards the republicans. This, how ever, as the result showed, was not the fact — as the principal warriors of four of the Six Nations had already taken up the Bri tish hatchet, and were led on by a formidable number of royalists. They also spoke of Tryon county as the frontier of Schoharie — the whole being well protected by the garrison of Fort Schuyler, ge nerally known as Fort Stanwix. This part of the letter discovers the ignorance of the council ofthe true geography of the frontier settlements ; as that fort was situated at least 100 miles northwest of Schoharie, while the enemies of the latter were expected from a southwest direction, from whence they usually approached. In that direction were the settlements of Unadilla, Harpersfield and Wyoming, either of which could be avoided ; but the two former were early broken up and their well disposed inhabitants driven in upon less exposed communities — while the fate ofthe latter is too well known to be commented on here. The truth is, that, as an old soldier {James Williamson) of Fort Schuyler once observed to the writer, that fortress did not answer the purposes for which it was intended in the revolution, as the enemy could, and did pass round it in every direction to the frontier settlements — the unbroken forest concealing their approach, until, as if by magic, they appeared at the very dwellings of the pioneers. On the 22d of July, the chairman of the Albany committee wrote to Gen. Schuyler as follows — " Hon. Sir — Colo. Vrooman and two other gentlemen from Schoharie, are now with us, and represent the distress their part of the county is driven to. " Threats, they hourly receive ; their persons and property are AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 229 exposed to imminent danger : nearly one-half of the people here tofore well disposed, have laid down their arms, and propose to side with the enemy. All which change has taken its origin from the desertion of Ticonderoga, the unprecedented loss of which, we are afraid, will be followed by a revolt of more than one-half of the northern part of this county. We therefore beg leave to suggest whether it would not be advisable to detain one or two companies of continental troops, which are expected here, to be sent that way for a few days, which -we suppose might bring the greater part again to a sense of their duty." On the 24th of July, the chairman of the Albany committee wrote to the council of safety as follows — Gentlemen — Yours of the 22d instant is now before us, recom mending us to use our utmost influence to revive the drooping spi rits of the inhabitants of this and Tryon county. A duty so es sential as this, has long since been our principal object, by follow ing the example you have recommended to us ; but upon the whole, gentlemen, they are only words upon which we have long played, and we earnestly hope they may be realized in such a manner as that the usual confidence the people of this and Tryon county have in our board, may not depreciate in the eyes of the public, on which head we beg leave to remark, that your sanguine expecta tions of Col. Harper's rangers will by no means answer the pur pose. The gentleman undoubtedly has abilities, and will exert himself; but when'this matter is held up in a more clear view, it will appear that every man, almost, in this and Tryon county, adapted for the ranging service, is engaged in the continental, occasioned by the amazing bounty that has been given ; and on the other hand, the necessary men employed in various branches attending an army, together with the constant drain of militia, though but few in number, occasioned by the above circumstance, are still necessitated to discharge their duty to their country, all which point out to you the impracticability of the plan. After con sidering these particulars, (which we believe have not been suffi ciently suggested by the honorable the council,) we conceive it will be impossible to collect any more men on the proposed plan, by reason that their pay and encouragement is not adequate to the times. If the foregoing difficulties have any weight, you may judge that no essential service can be expected from the rangers, nor can have any weight with the people to the westward. " We enclose you a copy of a letter by us sent to Gen. Schuy ler, from which you will perceive the distressed situation the people of Schoharie are in." On the 25th of July, Mr. Livingston returned from his confer ence with the Commander-in-chief, and reported that his excel- 16 230 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, lency had already ordered Gen. Glover's division of the army to march to the relief of Tryon county ; and a letter was immediate ly dispatched to the committee of that county, informing them that Glover's brigade had marched to Albany, there to receive directions from Gen. Schuyler, then in command of the northern army. The latter officer, in a letter to the Albany committee, dated Moses Creek, four miles below Fort Edward, July 24th, after speaking of the gloomy aspect of military affairs in that quarter, the desertion of New England troops, &c, thus adds : " Happy I should still be, in some degree, if I could close the melancholy tale here ; but every letter I receive from the county of Tryon, advises me that the inhabitants of it will lay down their arms, unless I support them with continental troops. From what I have said you will see the impossibility of my complying with their request. The district of Schoharie has also pointedly inti mated, that unless continental troops are sent there,' they will also submit to the enemy. Should it be asked what line of conduct I mean to hold amidst this variety of difficulties and distress, I would answer, to dispute every inch of ground with Gen. Burgoyne, and retard his descent into the country as long as possible, without the least hopes of being able to prevent his ultimately reaching Albany, unless I am reinforced from Gen. Washington, or by a respectable body of the militia. The former I am advised I am not to have, and whence to procure the latter I know not. I must therefore look up to you ; but though I am under the fullest conviction that you will readily afford me every aid in your power, yet I fear it cannot be much. " In this situation you will be pleased to permit me to observe, that I think the council of safety ought to press Gen. Washington for an immediate reinforcement of at least fifteen hundred good continental troops. Those of our own state, if possible, if not from any of the southern colonies ; one thousand to reinforce me, the remainder to be sent to Tryon county." In the same letter Gen. Schuyler expressed his fears that should Burgoyne be able to penetrate to Albany, the force ap proaching the Mohawk under Col. St. Ledger would be able to meet him there; in which case if Gen. Howe pressed up the river, Gen. Washington would either be put between two fires, or compelled to file off into New England. He however trusted such a result might not be realized, and hoped the freedom of his sentiments would not be thought to rise from a principle which would disgrace a soldier. He added, " I assure you they do not ; AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 23 I aad I hope my countrymen will never have occasion to blush for me, whatever may be the event of this campaign." The Council of Safety, in reply to the Albany Committee's let ter of the 24fh, responded on the 27th of July as follows: — " Gentlemen — Your letter of the 24th inst. has just been received and laid before the council. It was not by words alone that the council expects the drooping spirits of the inhabitants of Tryon county should be revived, nor do they know any other way of realizing those expectations than by vigorous exertions. " It is highly unreasonable to expect that the militia of other states or additional detachments from the continental army should be sent to Tryon or Schoharie, when their own exertions, with the aid already afforded, would secure them. Harper's rangers are not the only measures taken for their support ; a third part of the militia is ordered to be embodied, and the council will provide for their pay. But if when their all is at stake, they should think the wages too little, and from such degenerate, mercenary principles refuse to march, they will merit the distinction to which their want of courage and public spirit will expose them. " It is by example, not speeches, that the council wish they may be encouraged. They expect the county of Albany will ex ert itself ; that their leading men on other occasons, will not be backward now ; that they will march with the militia, and ani mate the body of the people by their perseverance, spirit and pa triotism. If the salvation of such a cause be not sufficient to in duce us to such actions, future generations may with propriety say that we did not deserve to be free. If malcontents among you are fomenting divisions or encouraging a revolt, they ought to be immediately apprehended, and it is presumed you have sufficient strength at least for the purpose of internal goverment. If a few dispirited people are permitted to lay down their arms, and with impunity, not only to disobey orders, but to say they will side with the enemy, government has become base and feeble indeed. Your powers are equal to all these exigences, and the council hope you will exert them. That large drafts of men have been made from the militia is a fact not to be denied ; but it is equally true that their number is still very respectable, and if they please, very formidable. In short, there is reason to fear that the panic and irresolution which seems to prevail in the western district, will, by being introduced into the history of the present glorious contest, injure the reputation which this state has justly acquired by its strenuous and noble exertions in the common cause of America. " P. S. We have the best assurances that Gen. Glover, with his brigade, is sent up to reinforce the northern department ; and we flatter ourselves that Major General Schuyler will, as he finds himself reinforced, cause troops to file off for the defence of the 232 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, western frontiers. To facilitate this, we have written pressingly to the Governor of Connecticut-for aid." The following extract of a letter from Col. Gansevoort to Col. Van Schaick, dated Fort Schuyler, July 28th, will show one of the earliest of those tragedies which crimsoned the frontier forest of New York. " Dear Sir — Yesterday, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, our garri son was alarmed with the firing of four guns. A party of men was instantly dispatched to the place where the guns were fired, which was in the edge of the woods, about five hundred yards from the fort; but they were too late. The villians were fled, after having shot three girls who were out picking raspberries, two of whom were lying scalped and tomahawked ; one dead and the other expiring, who died in about half an hour after she was brought home. The third had two balls through her shoulder, but made out to make her escape. Her wounds are not thought dan gerous : by the best discoveries we have made, there were four Indians who perpetrated these murders. " I had four men with arms just passed that place, but these mercenaries of Britain come not to fight, but to lie in wait to mur der ; and it is equally the same to them, if they can get a scalp, whether it is from a soldier or an innocent babe." Instead of Gen. Schuyler's affording the western settlements any relief after having been reinforced by Glover's brigade, we find him, under date of August 1st, writing from Saratoga to the New York council as follows : " I have desired Col. Van Schaick to apply for all the militia of Schoharie, Duanesburgh, Schenectada and Tryon county, that can be collected ; but I forsee that nothing will be effected, unless a committee of your body is deputed to repair to Albany." [Those militia were intended to reinforce the northern army.] Let us take a hasty glance at the progress of the enemy's cam paign in the summer of 1777 ; when he hoped by one energetic blow, to separate the New England from the Middle states. Col. St. Leger, checked in his progress down the Mohawk, by a bloody battle with the Tryon county militia, at Oriskany, on the morning of August 6th, under the brave old Herkimer, in which some of his men performed prodigies of valor; and a timely sor-* tie from Fort Schuyler by troops under Col. Willet — finding his Indians deserting him— Col. Gansevoort unwilling to surrender — AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 233 and a body of troops under Gen. Arnold advancing to raise the siege of that fortress — was obliged to make good his retreat to Canada. Gen. Burgoyne, after contesting the ground for some time, and meeting with repeated defeats — seeing his Indian allies deserting him from a dislike to Morgan's rifle-men, and his own retreat cut off, surrendered his army to Gen. Gates, who had suc ceeded Schuyler, as prisoners of war. Gen. Vaughan, with a body of troops from the army of Sir Henry Clinton, after ascend ing the Hudson as far as Kingston, and reducing that flourishing village to ashes, learning that Gov. Clinton* was marching to op pose him, fell back down the river. It remains for us to follow the footsteps of McDonald. At this unsettled period, when no forts had been erected in the Schoharie settlements to which the timid might flee for safety, confusion, for want of union, was manifest among the courageous* Under date of August 9th, the Albany committee wrote to the council of safety as follows : " We inclose you a copy of a letter just now received from the committee of Schenectada. You will perceive by its contents, that a reinforcement is called for in that quarter. It gives us pain to inform you that it is out of the power of this county to send them any. The depredations committed by the tories is of the worst consequences, as it effectually prevents the militia from joining the army pursuant to Gen. Ten Broeck's request ; each part calls for more help to assist themselves. A Captain Mann, of the militia of Schoharie has collected a number of Indians and tories ; de clares himself a friend to King George, and threatens destruction to all who do not lay down their arms or take protection from our enemies. In order to support our friends in that quarter, a force should be sent to them. This is needless to attempt, as a reason is assigned why no force can be had. " In yours of the 27th ult., you desire that every nerve may be exerted ; this has been done, though without the desired effect. Our army to the northward, we have already informed you, does not appear adequate to repel the force supposed to be coming against them," &c, &c. The above letter, and one from Gen. Schuyler, dated at Still- * In the Annals of Tryon County, the invasion of McDonald is erroneously set down as having occurred in 1778. Campbell also states that three forts had been erected in Schoharie the fall before. The forts were erected at the time he states ; but not, however, until after McDonald's visit. 234 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, water, August 6th, were received by the state council on the 1 1th : from the latter, I take the following extract : " General Ten Broeck has ordered out the whole of the militia ; but I fear very few will march, and that most of them will behave as the Schoharie and Schenectada militia have done. How that is, you will see by the inclosed, which are copies of letters I have this morning received." [What the conduct alluded to was, does not appear on the journal of the council, but we may suppose they refused to march until some provision was made for the protection of their own families against the common foe.] On the afternoon of Monday, the 11th, Benjamin Bartholomew, from Schoharie, was admitted to the council chamber, and in formed the council in substance : " That a certain man at Schoharie was collecting a party in fa vor of the enemy : had dispirited the inhabitants ; that the few re solutely well affected were escaping from thence privately." [That body then drafted the following letter to Gov. Clinton:] "Sir— The council have received advice, that one Captain Mann is collecting a force in Schoharie, and has prevailed upon the inhabitants, through fear, to take part with him, and even to take up arms against us. As this must expose the frontiers of Ulster and Alba ny counties, and the flame may possibly extend further, if not in stantly checked — " They would suggest to your Excellency the propriety of send ing a party under the command of an active and intelligent officer, by the way of Woodstock or Catskill, who may fall upon the par ty, arouse the spirits of our friends, and give the Indians such an impression of our activity, as will render them cautious of opposing us. Perhaps about two hundred men might be spared for this pur pose from the garrison in the Highlands, and, if necessary, they might again be reinstated by other militia. The council submit this plan to your Excellency, and if it should be approved, doubt not but that it will be carried instantly into execution, since secre cy and expedition will ensure its success." * On the 11th, the Albany committee, in a letter to the council, speaking of their apprehensions for the northern army and the ul timate fate of Albany, and the meritorious conduct of Gen. Her kimer, after he was severely wounded, in refusing for hours to leave the Oriskany battle field, thus observe : " The people of Schoharie have informed us that they will be obliged to lay down their arms. The militia that could be collect ed in this county have been sent to the army : they have been long AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 235 in service, and seeing no prospect of relief, intend soon to return and remove their families to a place of greater safety." Gov. Clinton addressed the president of the council from New Windsor, on the 11th of August, as follows : " Sir — I wrote this morning to Colo. Pawling, advising him of the conduct of Capt. Mann, of the Schoharie militia, mentioned in the letter of the committee of Albany, a copy of which you sent me. I am apprehensive, that unless he and his party are speedily routed they will become formidable and dangerous neighbors to our western frontiers. I therefore proposed to Colo. Pawling, in the letter I addressed to him this morning, the propriety of em bodying a party of men out of his regiment, under an active offi cer, for this purpose, and directed him to call on your Honorable House for their advice and assistance on this occasion, which, should they agree with me in sentiment, they will please to afford him. " It is clearly my opinion, that it is essential to the public safe ty to have this business executed with dispatch and effectually. That fellow, without doubt, acts under the encouragement and by the advice of the enemy ; and even though he should not attempt to commit hostilities on the inhabitants of the western frontiers, the very deterring of the militia from marching to the aid of the northern army alone is a capital mischief; besides suffering such an atrocious and open offender to pass with impunity, would, in point of example, be extremely impolitic. It may be necessary to exercise a good deal of prudence with respect to the Indians who are with Capt. Mann, the management of which I must submit to the council." The next day, his excellency again addressed the president of the council, as follows : " New Windsor, \2th Aug't, 1777. " Dear sir — On the receipt of a letter yesterday morning from General Scott, enclosing a copy of a letter from the committee of Albany, to your honble. board, containing the same intelligence respecting Capt. Mann, mentioned in your letter of the 11th inst.. just now delivered me, I immediately wrote to Colonel Pawling on that subject, pointing out the propriety of destroying Mann and his party by a sudden exertion, with a detachment of the militia under an active officer, and desiring him, if he thought it practica ble, to set about it immediately ; and in that case to call upon the council for their advice and aid. This morning I addressed a let ter to your honorable board on the same subject, by which you will observe my sentiments coincide exactly with the council's on this occasion. I dare not however, at present, venture to take any of the continental troops from the garrison in the Highlands for this business. 236 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ETC. " The designs of the enemy under General Howe, are yet un certain ; the garrison not over strong ; and should any unlucky ac cident happen in that quarter, in the absence of troops, which might be drawn from thence for this expedition, I would be greatly and perhaps deservedly censured. If the militia are to be em ployed, they can be much easier and more expeditiously had in the neighborhood of Kingston and Marbletown, than by marching them up from the fort. " Major Pawling was charged with my letter to council, andleft my house this morning for Kingston. I mentioned this scheme to him, and he expressed a strong desire to command the party, to which I consented, provided a party proper for him to command should be ordered out on this occasion. I know him to be possessed of prudence as well as spirit." ( 237 ) CHAPTER Vni. The reader will perceive by the correspondence in the preceding chapter, that provision had been made, although tardily, to succor Schoharie. Many well disposed citizens in McDonald's descent through the southern settlements, seeing no assistance at hand, anxious for the safety of their families and property, accepted his offered protection of royalty — while not a few joined in the wake of the tory chief, to swell his already formidable numbers. In his approach to the more thickly settled parts of Schoharie, he could have numbered several hundred followers — Indians and loyalists — armed with various weapons, which number rumor, with her many tongues, greatly multiplied. It is not surprising that the comparatively small body of militia assembled at the house of John Becker — a part of which house is now standing — felt them selves too weak to oppose their enemies unaided. They, how ever, began barricading the windows and doors of this stone dwel ling ; and deputed two pf their number, Vrooman and Swart, to go to Albany for assistance. Henry Hager, of North Blenheim, late a judge of Schoharie county, very kindly, furnished the author with a manuscript of some facts relating to Schoharie. He states that McDonald reached the river above Brakabeen, on Sunday the 10th of Au gust, and "marched up and down the road, stationing guards, &c." As the enemy were over-running the valley, Henry Hager, grandfather of my informant, then over 70 years old, was anxious to inform the patriot party below of the invader's progress and espionage along the valley. There was no whig near with 238 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, whom he could consult — indeed the Hager family was the only one, for a distance of several miles, that had not either already joined the enemy's standard, or accepted of his proffered protec tion : he therefore started to do the errand himself, a distance of nearly nine miles. Leaving home about sun-down, he had pro ceeded but a short distance when he was brought to a stand by an emissary of royalty ; who demanded where he was going, his business, etc. His good judgment readily prompting a reply, he feigned business with a blacksmith living below. The sprig of his majesty informed him that the man he wished to see was in a house near by. He was permitted to enter and do his errand, which was to order some small job. We suppose the interview between Mr. Hager and Vulcan to have been on Sunday : the latter told him he would do his work, and that he might call for it as early as he pleased next morning. Leaving the infected house, Hager again encountered the man endowed with brief au thority, who granted him permission to return home. It was nearly dark when the aged patriot left the tory senti nel. Proceeding a few hundred yards on his way home, until out of sight of the enemy, he went down a bank of the river which he forded, and by a circuitous route, reached the Stone House in safety and communicated the approach of the invaders. Capt. Jacob Hager, his son, was there at the time. He had returned with a party of Schoharie militia from the northern army but a few days before, where he had distinguished himself in several hazardous enterprises, transporting cannon to Fort Edward, etc. On Monday morning Col. Vrooman, fearing Swart and his com rade might not reach Albany in season to obtain assistance, sent Capt. Hager and Henry Becker on the same errand ; with in structions to keep the woods whenever there was danger of meet ing with detention. At this juncture of their proceedings, in the afternoon of the day on which Hager and Becker had left, Col. John Harper — whose duty the reader will remember, required him to look to the pro tection of Schoharie — arrived, to consult with Col. Vrooman and the Whigs there assembled, on the best course to be adopted un- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 239 der the circumstances. It was readily agreed that the friends of equal rights assembled, or likely to be in season, were too few to oppose successfully McDonald's progress. No time was to be lost, as it was expected the band of outlaws would reach that vi cinity on the following day : in order, therefore, to get aid in season to be of service, it was thought advisable for a messenger to proceed immediately to Albany on horseback. Col. Harper volunteered his services, and although the day was far spent, he mounted and set forward. Knowing that it would be extremely hazardous to pursue his journey in the night, he rode about five miles and put up at a public house then kept by John I. Lawyer, mentioned in Chap. III. of this work : in the latter part of the war his son, Jacob Lawyer, Jr. was its host. This ancient inn stood near the old Lutheran parsonage. The building is still standing on the premises of Chester Lasell — Mrs. W. G. Michaels. On the night Col. Harper staid at Lawyer's, there was quite a gathering of Indians and tories, at the tavern known in those days as, The Brick House at the Forks of the Road* distant from the former inn about a mile and a quarter. The object of this meet ing of genial spirits, was, no doubt, to receive and communicate intelligence from and to the royalist party above, and also to learn tidings from such as kept an eye on the movements at Law yer's tavern. A whig (George Warner, Jr. of Cobelskill) who was a watchman secreted with others that night, along the fences south of the Brick House, to note the motions of the enemy, as sured the author that he saw individuals all night passing and re passing — whom he supposed communicating with the McDonald party. Col. Harper, having secured his horse and taken supper, retired early to an upper room, and locked the door, but did not think it prudent to undress. Some time in the evening, a party from the Brick House arrived at Lawyer's. The object of their visit being made known to the landlord, which was to get Harper to accom- * This house, now owned and occupied by Cornelius Vrooman, stood in the forks of the old Albany and Schenectada roads. It was a two story dwelling at the period of which I am speaking. 240 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, pany them to their rendezvous, he expostulated with them for in truding upon the rest of his guest, but to no purpose, for see him they would. Knowing that he was near an infected district, Col. Harper had taken the precaution to leave a light burning. Hear ing an unusual noise below, he seized his pistols and stepped to the door, and while listening to learn the cause of his disturbance, he overheard the suppressed but earnest voice of the landlord on on the stairs, urging the intruders not to ascend. Said he — "For God's sake, gentlemen, desist! for I tell you he is a soldier, terri bly armed, and some of you must die before he will be taken!" Expostulation was in vain, and the landlord was thrust aside by the tory party, which rapped at the door of his guest. With pis tol in hand he opened it, threatening death to the first man who should step over its threshold. The intruders then made known to him the object of the visit, and the intrepid Harper, with a pistol in each hand, replied, " / will be there in the morning, but attempt to take me there to-night at your peril ! " Seeing him thus arm ed, and knowing from the flash of his eye that his threat would be executed, the party quailed before him and withdrew. He again locked his door, and was not afterwards disturbed. Col. Harper started next morning, about 8 o'clock, armed as on the night previous, with a sword and brace of pistols. Cross ing Foxes creek bridge, which stood where the present bridge now stands, without any opposition, (some writer has erroneously sta ted that a Tory sentinel was on the bridge) he rode up to Mann's tavern, as I have been credibly informed by an eye-witness/ fas tened his horse, and went in. He was in the house but a few mi nutes, came out, remounted, and started off on the Schenectada road, via. Duanesburgh, for Albany. He rode a small black mare, with a white stripe in the forehead, which started from the inn up- •David Warner, of Cobelskill. At the time alluded to, he states that he was a lad about ten years of age ; that he then boarded with Capt. Mann's father, and went to school near Foxes creek ; that several boys, himself with the rest, had assembled after breakfast near the tavern to go to school. The morning was unusually pleasant. It was not usual, at that period, to see a stranger, with holsters, upon his saddle. Mr. W. also saw Col. Harper re turn next day with cavalry. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 241 on a pace, struck a gallop near the top of the hill, and soon bore the rider out of sight. He had disappeared but a few mi nutes, before^-ue Indians arrived at Mann's, and entered the cellar kitchen, followed by the boys, who were still at play in the street. Within half an hour, two of Captain Mann's horses, a black and a roan, were brought before the door, and two Indians, Seth's Henry,* a tall, dark Schoharie chief, sometimes familiarly called Set, or Sethen Henry, and David, a small Indian, before noticed, mounted them, and started at a full gallop on the road Col. Har per had taken. The Indians, in pursuit were armed only with knives and tomahawks. COLONEL HARPER CONFRONTING THE INDIANS. For a distance of several miles, at that period, there was scarce ly a house on the old Duanesburgh road. As Col. Harper drew near Righter's place, he discovered that he was pursued. Passing Over a knoll, or turn in the road, which hid him from his follow- •The name of this Indian's father was Seth, and his own Henry ; he was known in the war by the name in the context. 242 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ers, he dismounted, drew his sword from its scabbard, and stuck the point of it in a dry stump before him, and holding a pistol in each hand, ready cocked, he leaned back against his horse, and awaited the approach of the Indians, the tallest of whom he had already recognized. Riding at a rapid rate, and before they were aware of their proximity, they drew very near the object of their pursuit. The instant they saw him, they reined up, within reach of his pistols. Not choosing to risk a shot, he exclaimed in a voice and manner that carried terror to their savage breasts — " Stop you villains — face about and be off this instant, or these bullets shall whistle through your hearts." The Indians, seeing him thus armed, dared not advance, and wheeling their horses, sullen ly withdrew. It is said, however, that Set dogged him, at a res pectful distance, a good part of the way to Albany. I have been enabled to be thus circumstantial, from having conversed with several individuals who received from Col. Harper's own mouth the account of his pursuit soon after its occurrence, whose statements do not vary in anything material. Col. Harper's arrival in Albany, on Tuesday, August 12th, is. thus noticed in the Journal of the Council of Safety the following day. Christopher Fiero stated to that body that one Du Boise, who left Albany the evening before, reported " That every road from Schoharie is obstructed and filled up by the tories there; that Col. John Harper had escaped from thence, and that Col. Vroo man, with about twenty-five whigs, had fortified themselves in a house there." Under the same date on the Council's Journal, I find the copy of a letter written by that body, to Col. Pawling, on the subject of Gov. Clinton's letters, previously inserted, which ¦ reads as follows : " Sir — We enclose you two letters received from the Governor, by which it appears that he is very anxious to have the party detached for Schoharie. We have received information that Col. Vrooman, with a party of whigs, is besieged there by the to ries. " It is necessary that he should be relieved immediately. You will therefore be pleased to issue your orders this night for two hundred drafts to be made from your regiment ; after which you will, agreeably to the Governor's directions, repair to this place, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 243 and confer with the Council about the most practicable means of executing your plan. "We are extremely sorry that so much precious time has alrea dy been lost by the miscarriage of your letter." [The above let ter was signed by the President and forwarded by a light- horseman ; after which the Council] "Resolved, That Gen. Scott, R. R. Livingston, and Maj. Tappan, be a committee to assist Col. Pawling in executing the secret expedition," Col. Harper, unadvised of the proceedings of Gov. Clinton and the Council, on his arrival in Albany, applied either to the Albany committee, or Col. Van Schaick, then in command of that milita ry station — or, what is quite likely, to both — for assistance ; and a small body of cavalry was granted him. The company con sisted in rank and file of twenty-eight stout looking men.* They were well-clad, wore caps, and made a fine military appearance. By whom they were commanded, the author has been unable sa tisfactorily to learn. The old citizens of Schoharie all assert that he was a Frenchman, and spoke imperfect English. The party, conducted by Col. Harper, left Albany in the evening, and riding a good part of the night, arrived in Schoharie early on Wednesday. One of the party had a trumpet, the first, probably, ever heard echoing among the mountains of Schoharie — an occa sional blast of which is said to have carried terror to the hearts of the evil doers, and produced an effect equal to that of watching his opportunity after traveling several days with his new master, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 257 but his old fusee went off — too much excited to discover the in creasing length of his ramrod. The following anecdote was told the author by Jacob Van Al- styne, who was at the taking of Burgoyne. He was then adju tant of a regiment of Rensselaer county militia, under Col. Ste phen J. Schuyler, Lieut. Col. Henry K. Van Rensselaer, and act ed in the two-fold capacity of adjutant and quarter-master. Col. Schuyler was a brother of Gen. Philip Schuyler, and having the oldest commission among the colonels on that station, he acted as brigadier general in the latter part of the campaign. A German, named John Tillman, a portly gentleman who resided at Albany after the war, acted as German interpreter for Gen. Gates, and was requested by the latter to select a proper person to go into the British camp as a spy ; the object of whose mission was, to circulate letters among the Hessian soldiers, to induce them to de sert, and to bring on an engagement in such a manner as Gates desired. Tillman selected Christopher Fisher,* a private in Col. Schuyler's regiment — a shrewd fellow and always ready with an answer to any question that might be asked him. Fisher, being well acquainted with my informant, visited him to ask his advice in the hazardous undertaking, naming the reward offered. The Jatter told him what the consequence would be if he was detect ed, but declined giving counsel. " Well," said Fisher, " if you will not advise me how to proceed, then I must act on my own effected his escape when the party were all asleep. He went a short dis tance and secreted himself in a hollow log. As soon as his absence was dis covered, several of the enemy pursued him; and he in his concealment heard them pass and repass, hallooing to each other. After their return he directed his course to the Mohawk, and at the end of eight or nine days journey through the forest, in which time he suffered much from hunger and exposure, he reached the bank of West Canada creek, and discovered an Indian and squaw upon its opposite shore. He called to them to come to him, but they did not move until he held up a piece of money. The Indian then sent the squaw in a canoe after him. He obtained food from them, who proved to he of a friendly tribe, and in a few days more reached home in safety; but it was a long time before his comrades in the perilous enterprize all re turned. * Fisher was a native of Schoharie county, of German origin, and had re moved to Rensselaer county just before the war. 258 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, judgment :" so saying, he took his leave of Van Alstyne, who thought but little more of the matter until after the battle, which occured October 7th. While in his tent after that engagement, Fisher entered and showed him a purse of gold and his discharge from the service. Van Alstyne then desired to know how he had proceeded. Fisher stated that on the day appointed, he ap proached the enemy's picket with a sheep upon his back, which had been killed for the occasion. He was hailed by the guard, who demanded of him his residence and the object of his visit. Fisher replied, that he lived a few miles back in the country — " that the d — d Yankees had destroyed all his property but one sheep, which he had killed, and was then taking to his friends." On hearing this reply, the sentinel treated him kindly, and deliv ered him over to an officer with a favorable report. In the Bri tish camp, he was asked by a superior officer, what proof he could give that he was not deceiving. Said Fisher, "the rebels are preparing to give you battle, and if you will go with me, I will convince you of its truth." The officer followed Fisher to a cer tain place, from which was visible a wood. Here had been sta tioned, agreeable to the order of Gates, a body of Morgan's rifle corps, who were to exhibit themselves in a stealthy manner. The rifle-men wore frocks and were easily distinguished. " There — there" — says Fisher, "dont you see them devils of Morgan's dodging about among the trees 1" And sure enough, as fast as the spy directed his vision, the British officer could see the moving frocks of the American rifle-men. When urged to enlist into the British service, Fisher pretended an aversion to war, pleading also the necessity of returning home to protect his family against the rebels. He was allowed to -leave the camp when he chose, and embraced the opportunity while the armies were engaged. He was, however, admitted into communion as a genuine royalist, and being allowed to mingle for several hours with those who spoke German, he discharged the duties of his perilous mission to the satisfaction of Gen. Gates. A party of British troops were sent to dislodge the rifle-men pointed out by Fisher — a general engagement followed, and the result is known to every American AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 259 reader. Burgoyne capitulated soon after. The spy executed faithfully the principal object of his hazardous enterprise, and many of those Hessian soldiers deserted the British service in that campaign, and either entered the American service, or became good citizens of New York. Mr. Van Alstyne died in May, 1844, aged nearly 95 years. Gen. Fraser, a distinguished officer in the British army, was looked upon by some of the Americans as a more dangerous lead er to oppose than Bnrgoyne himself. Several published accounts state that such was the opinion of Col. Morgan. During the en gagement of October 7th, it fell to the fortune of Morgan's rifle corps to meet in battle the troops under Fraser. Morgan select ed a few of his best marksmen, who were placed in a favorable position, and instructed to make Fraser their especial mark. Timothy Murphy, who afterwards went to Schoharie, was one of the riflemen selected to execute this unholy design. The party thus stationed had each a chance to fire, and some of them more than once, before a favorable opportunity presented for Murphy; but when it did, the effect was soon manifest. The gallant gene ral was riding upon a gallop when he received the fatal ball, and after a few bounds of his charger, fell, mortally wounded. The fact that Murphy shot Gen. Fraser, was communicated to the writer by a son of the former. A letter dated Amherst, Mass., Oct. 7, 1835, and first published in the Saratoga Sentinel, introduces a new competitor for the honor, if such it was considered, of having slain Gen. Fraser. The letter is from the pen of E. Mattoon, Esq., being a reply to an interrogatory letter of a preceding date, from Philip Schuyler, Esq., a son of the late Gen. Schuyler. Mr. Mattoon expresses his belief, in the letter, that Gen. Fraser was killed by an old man with a long hunting gun, and not by one of Morgan's men. There can be no doubt but that the old gentleman to whom he alludes, shot an officer, but that he killed Gen. Fraser I cannot believe, since not only Murphy was positive he fell before his rifle, but several authors have stated that Fraser told his friends after he fell, that he saw the man who shot him, and that he was 260 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, a rifleman posted in a tree. The remains of Gen. Fraser were taken to England after the war. After Gen. Burgoyne had resolved on retreating from Saratoga to Canada, Gen. Nixon, of the First Massachusetts brigade, suc ceeded in gaining Fort Edward in his rear ; and the first intima tion the retreating hero, who was to march through the colonies with three British regiments, had that his retreat was cut off, was from hearing the evening gun fired at that fortress. As its thun der came booming along the valley of the Hudson, borne upon the evening breeze, it sounded in his unwilling ears the knell of his military glory. — Capt. Eben Williams. David Elerson, who was a private in Capt. Long's company of Morgan's rifle corps, and compatriot of Timothy Murphy in many hazardouus enterprises, related the following anecdote to the author in 1837. Morgan's riflemen had acquired much cele brity as marksmen while under Gen. Gates. When in the vici nity of Albany, on their return from the northern army, a gentle man near whose residence they halted, expressed a wish to witness their skill. The captain signified his willingness to gratify his curiosity, and a piece of paper was fastened upon a small poplar tree. Elerson handed his rifle, one of the best in the company, to John Garsaway, who, informant said, took a surer aim than himself. The rifle was leveled 100 yards distant from the mark and fired. The leaden messenger passed through the paper and the tree — splitting the latter several inches, and ruining it. Said the gentleman, looking at his crippled tree, which had almost been converted into a weeping willow (it will be remembered that fashion then made the poplar a very desirable shade tree) " I do not wonder the Indians are afraid of Morgan's riflemen, if that is the way they shoot." He then treated the company to liquor, as was the custom of the times — expressed his satisfaction at their skill, as he again cast his eye upon his blasted poplar, and the troops resumed their march. Maj. Stephen Watts, the brother-in-law of Sir John Johnson, was left mortally wounded on the Oriskany battle-ground ; and as an American soldier named Martin G. Van Alstyne was passing AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 261 him, he was addressed by the dying royalist, who begged of him to be borne to a stream of water at a little distance off; saying that he could not survive his wounds, but that the crystal ele ment would afford him a little comfort in his dying moments. He was carried to the place indicated, and presented Van Alstyne with his watch as a reward for his services. Watts survived his wounds but a few hours. The watch Van Alstyne would never part with in his lifetime, although offered several times more than its real value by a friend of the Watts family, who were very de sirous of obtaining a keepsake of their deceased kinsman. — Joshua Reed. Col. Hendrick Frey, (a colonel of colonial troops under Sir William Johnson in the French war,) a wealthy royalist who re sided during the revolution in a large stone house* one mile above the present village of Canajoharie, was at home, as he feigned neutrality, and on the day after the Oriskany battle a party of hostile Indians levied a tax on his hospitality. As they assembled around a table to eat, a sister of Frey who was waiting upon them, discovered on the person of one, the shirt of Maj. John Frey, their patriotic brother— one sleeve of which had been per forated by a bullet and left very bloody. Her worst fears were aroused, and nearly letting fall something she held, she ran to her brother Hendrick, placed her hands on his shoulders and ex claimed in a tone of real sorrow " Brother John is dead !" as signing as her reason for such belief the sight of the bloody trophy before them. The colonel who could speak the Indian dialect well, desired his sister not to show any emotion before the Indians; and endeavored to quiet her fears by remarking that probably the shirt had belonged to some one else. The agitated maiden could not be persuaded into such a consoling belief, as the garment had been the workmanship of her own hands ; and her mental agony seemed almost insufferable. In a short time the Indians left the house, and proceeded down the river, followed at a little distance by Col. Frey, who was de- • This house took fire in the night, from a deposit of ashes, and burned down about the year 1832. 18 262 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, sirous of knowing the fate of his brother. Near the mouth of the Canajoharie creek he overtook them, and inquired of the possessor where he got the shirt which covered his brawny frame. He re plied that he had wounded an officer the day before in the Oris kany contest, in an arm which he had exposed from behind a tree, had made him his prisoner, and after taking from him such portion of his clothing as he desired; had sold him to a British officer who would probably take him to Canada. Frey hastened home and communicated to his sister what he had learned, which tended somewhat to calm her agitated mind, for to know that he still lived, although a wounded prisoner, was some consolation. Maj. Frey was taken to Canada, suffering much on the way, and while there confined ; a durance which lasted nearly two years. — J. Reed. The timely sortie of the brave Willet on the camp of the be siegers at Fort Schuyler, caused their comrades engaged in the crimsoned fields of Oriskany, to withdraw and leave the militia of the Mohawk valley victors of the field. The Indians, who were among the last to leave, had mostly disappeared, and the firing had nearly ceased, when Capt. John James Davis remarked to Isaac Covenhoven, a soldier who stood behind a tree near to the one which concealed himself — "I believe the red devils have pretty much all left us !" " 1 don't know," said C. " there may be some of them lurking about yet." The words were scarcely utterered when Capt. D., who was a brave and meritorious officer, fell mortally wounded ; a bullet from the rifle of an Indian having passed through his lungs. — Isaac Covenhoven. Capt. Jacob Gardinier, of the Tryon county militia, was distin guished for his daring bravery and personal acts in this terrible conflict. Some account of this officer's exploits in that battle are very properly related in the Life of Brant. The Rev. Daniel Gros, in his work on " Moral Philosophy," to which 1 have allud ed, in some of his remarks on civil liberty, while speaking of the moral obligations of free citizens to act in defence of their country, referring to that battle, thus observes : " Let it stand recorded among other patriotic deeds of that little army of militia, that a AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 263 Jacob Gardinier, with a few of his men, vanquished a whole pla toon, killing the captain thereof, after he had held him for a long time by his collar as a shield against the balls and bayonets of the whole platoon. This brave militia captain is still alive, and was cured of thirteen wounds." After being literally riddled by bul lets and bayonets, Capt. Gardinier crept into a cavity at the roots of a fallen tree, and continued the fight. He had with him a German lad, as a waiter, who then beqame very useful, bringing to his master, guns of the fallen, loading such as were not loaded, &c. He was so wounded that he could neither stand or load his own gun, and yet from his place of temporary safety, he did no little execution. Observing an Indian stealthily dodging from tree to tree to get a shot at an American officer, upon whom he had brought his rifle several times with partial aim, Capt. G. shot him, and sent his High Dutch boy, as he called him, to get his gun. The lad returned with a report that the Indian was not dead, but was kicking. He had fallen across a log with his feet up, and was probably in the death struggle. After a few minutes, the boy was again sent, and soon returned with all the Indian possessed save his dead carcase. Capt. Gardinier, who was a blacksmith before the war, and re sided near the river opposite Caughnawaga, had in his employ a man named Henry Thompson, a native of New Jersey. He was a tall, lank looking fellow, as odd as he was ungainly. He was in the Oriskany battle as a private under his employer, and after the conflict had lasted some time, and groans and. death were ren dered familiar, he approached the captain and told him he was hungry. "Fight away .*"' said the intrepid officer, "I cant with out eating," said Thompson. " Then go and get you a piece," was the reply. He did so — sat down in the midst of the battle, on the body of a dead soldier, and ate heartily, while the bullets were cutting the air around his head like hail-stones. Having fi nished his repast, he arose and fought with renewed energy, ap pearing in the thickest of the fight. Such an evidence of cool bravery, to gratify hunger, I believe was never excelled, if before equalled. 264 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Samuel Gardinier, a brother of Jacob, was also in the post of danger at Oriskany. He had two balls shot into his body just above the groin. They were fired from opposite directions almost at the same instant ; and so near did they lodge that when an in cision was made to one, the other was visible, and both were ta ken out together. He recovered and lived several years after the war was over. The bullets were evidently fired from fowling guns, and are treasured as sacred relics by his descendants. — An ecdotes from Rynier, a son of Samuel Gardinier. Valentine Fralick, of Stone Arabia, was a militiaman at Oris kany. In the heat of battle, a little aside from the main army, William Merckley, a neighbor of Fralick, fell near the latter, by the shot of an Indian, mortally wounded. The former kindly offered to assist his wounded friend, but the assistance was de clined. " Take care of yourself, and leave me to my fate," was the wounded man's reply. Fralick, seeing several Indians ap proaching, instantly sought shelter under a fallen tree, and while thus concealed, they passed and repassed over the tree, in search of, but without finding him. When the immediate danger was over, he returned to the body of his comrade, who had been toma hawked and scalped, and giving it a temporary burial, he sought the American camp. — John, a son of Valentine Fralick. During one of the earliest invasions of the Saratoga county set tlements by the enemy, (probably in 1777,) the following singular incident occurred. A party^ of Canadian Indians arrived just at night at the house of Angus McDermott, a Scotchman, who had but recently arrived in the country. The soldiers were helping themselves to whatever the house afforded to eat and drink, when all at once the floor gave Way, and they were precipitated into the cellar. No one was seriously injured, and the jollification was continued there. The Indians kept the family within doors, so that their arrival should be unknown in the neighborhood, and scattering about the settlement early in the morning, they com menced their diabolical deeds of destruction and death. — Angus McKinlay. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 265 It has been said ofthe brave Gen. Herkimer — who was hurried into the Oriskany conflict through the rashness of his young offi cers, several of whom called him a tory for his prudence, and soon after lost their own lives — that after he was wounded, and no longer able to remain upon his horse, his saddle was placed against a tree, upon which he sat down, and from whence he continued to issue his orders. While thus seated, he took from his pocket a tinder-box, and with his pocket-knife and a flint arrow-head, which he carried for the purpose, he lit his pipe and smoked it with as much apparent satisfaction as he would have done in his own house. Gen. Herkimer was taken to his resi dence — a large gambrel-roofed brick building, still standing a lit tle distance from the canal, two miles east of Little Falls, where he lived several days. GEN. HERKIMER'S HOUSE/DANUBE. After the battle of Oriskany, a song, commemorative of the event was composed, and for a long time sung in the Mohawk valley, of which the following is a stanza : " Brave Herkimer, our General, 's dead, And Col. Cox is slain; And many more, and valiant men, We ne'er shall see again." In June, 1777, Congress resolved to establish a corps of inva lids, consisting of 8 companies, each to have 1 captain, 2 lieuten- 266 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ants, 2 ensigns, 5 sergeants, 6 corporals, 2 drums, 2 fifes, and 100 men, to be employed in garrison duty. A company of this kind was formed in Schoharie In the fall of 1777, or early in 1778, of which Tunis Vrooman, who had served in the French war, was appointed captain, Peter Snyder and Martinus Vrooman lieuten ants, and John L. Lawyer its ensign.- This company, which was mostly in the vicinity of the Upper Fort, was called in Schoharie, the " Associate Exempts." In the fall of 1777, Congress adopted thirteen articles of con federation ; Maryland was the last state to adopt them. In No vember, Forts Mifflin and Mercer, which prevented the passage of British shipping to Philadelphia, were taken by the enemy, after a severe loss on their part, and a most gallant defence of them by Colonels Greene, Smith, and Simms, and Maj. Thayer, and the enemy entered that city in triumph, where they wintered. About the same time Washington went into winter quarters at Valley Forge, Pa., fifteen miles northwest of Philadelphia, where his ar my erected temporary huts, but their sufferings were most acute from a want of nearly all the munitions of war. The winter was a very severe one, and the American soldier might daily be traced by his own blood! Nothing but an unconquerable love of Liberty, deep- rooted and steadfast, could have induced men to con tinue in the American service. — Allan* and Tallmadge's Journal. The following anecdote will not only show the true piety of Gen. Washington, but the power on which he relied for the final success of his suffering country. While the American army was in camp at Valley Forge Isaac Potts, a respectable Quaker, who had often seen Washington going to, or returning from a grove at a little distance from his own dwelling early in the morning, had the curiosity to learn the object of those visits. En tering the thicket one morning very early, he secreted himself; soon after which the American commander advanced to a retired spot near him, and upon his knees offered a fervent prayer to the God of battles for the triumph of patriotic principles. Soon af ter, Potts returned home : his wife observing his thoughtful, coun tenance, thus said to him—" Isaac, something moves thee I per- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 267 ceive." "Yea, Sarah!" he replied, " I never believed until this morning that a soldier could be a Christian." He then related what he had witnessed and remarked, " that such prayers as George, the Virginian offered, must prevail ; and that England never could subdue her colonies." — Capt. Eben Williams. In the course of this year, (1777) Gov. Tryon became almost a savage — sending out parties to burn buildings and wantonly de stroy the property of many inoffensive colonists. When remon strated with by Gen. Parsons, he declared that had he more au thority, he would burn every committee-man's house within his reach, and expressed a willingness to give twenty silver dollars for every acting committee-man who should be delivered to the King's troops. — Allan. The preceding paragraph will- show the reader the reason why the county called Tryon, was afterwards given the name of the immortal Montgomery, in whose veins coursed the very best of Americanised Irish blood. The year 1777 was one of alternate hopes and fears to the American people. They had witnessed with gratitude the success of their arms in northern New York — while several forts along the Hudson had been captured by the enemy, and the battles 6f Brandywine and Germantown had been followed by disaster. In April of this year, it should not be forgotten, a new impulse was given the cause, by the opportune arrival, with several of his countrymen, of the brave, noble hearted, generous Lafayette : who not only bared his own breast to the storm in its fury, but who, with a magnanimity that put sinister nature to the blush, threw into the exhausted treasury ofthe nation, his ample fortune — bury ing beneath it the scabbard of his sword. Let that patriot who glories in being an American, love and venerate the virtues of Lafayette as did Washington; and let him remember, too, that this country should ever be a home for the oppressed of every land, for good men of other lands aided in establishing its free dom. With many other gallant foreigners, a DeKalb and Pulaski mingled their life-blood with that of a Warren, a Woodhull, a Montgomery, a Herkimer and Mercer, to water the shriveled roots 268 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, of the tree of liberty — while a Lafayette, a Kosciusko %nd a Steu ben, prompted to deeds of noble daring; aided more fortunately in sustaining the American flag. It was during the year 1777, that an attempt was made by foul intrigue, to supplant Gen. Washington and promote Gen. Gates to the .chief command. Several officers of rank favored the Gates' party, among whom were Generals Mifflin and Conway — the latter an Irishman — and several members of Congress. Anony mous letters, reflecting on the character and military skill of Washington, were put in circulation. Mr. Laurens, president of Congress, and Patrick Henry, one of its master spirits, communi cated to Washington the character of his foes and the nature of their design. Happily for the country, the machinations of this unholy ambition recoiled upon the heads of its instigators. Con way found it necessary to resign his commission. This subject matter afterwards originated a duel between Conway and Gen. Cadwallader. After the duel, the former, thinking himself mor tally wounded, expressed to Gen. Washington by letter, his deep regret for the part he had acted in the Gates transaction, adding his own testimony to the many virtues of the Commander-in- chief. — Bancroft's Washington and Wirt's Henry. The following romantic incident is copied from the journal of Col. Tallmadge. In December, 1777, when the British army was at Philadelphia and the Americans under Washington were at Valley Forge, Major Tallmadge was stationed between the armies with a detachment of cavalry, for the purpose of observation, and to circumscribe the range of British foraging parties. The duty was an arduous one, the horses being seldom unsaddled, or the squad remaining all night in the same position, from fear of a visit from the enemy, which on one occasion they received with the loss of several men. While on this duty, says the journal : " Being advised that a country girl had gone into Philadelphia with eggs, instructed to obtain some information respecting the enemy, I moved my detachment to Germantown, where they halt ed, while with a small party I advanced several miles towards the British lines, and dismounted at a small tavern called the Rising Sun, in full view of their out posts. Very soon I saw a young fe- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 269 male coming out from the city, who also came to the same inn. After we had made ourselves known to each other, and while she was communicating some intelligence to me, I was informed that the British light horse were advancing. Stepping to the door, I saw them at. full speed chasing in my patroles, one of whom they took. I immediately mounted, when I found the young damsel close by my side, entreating that I would protect her. Having not a moment to reflect, I desired her to mount behind me, and in this way I brought her off more than three miles, up to Germantown, where she dismounted. During the whole ride, although there was considerable firing of pistols, and not a little wheeling and charging, she remained unmoved, and never once complained of fear after she mounted my horse. I was delighted with the trans action, and received many compliments from those who became acquainted with the adventure." [The journal does not say at whose instigation this heroine had visited Philadelphia, but Gen. Washington was doubtless her employer.] Three forts were erected in the Schoharie valley, the central being the first one built. It was known during the Revo lution as the Middle Fort, and stood on the farm now owned by Ralph Manning, about half a mile east of north from the Middleburgh bridge. It was constructed in the fall of 1777, by the citizens and soldiers — the former drawing together suitable timber, and the latter, with their aid, giving it a proper place. The two story stone dwelling, owned and occupied by John Beck er — the kitchen part of which is still standing — was inclosed within the pickets of the fort. The Upper Fort, situated five miles west of south from the middle fort, was commenced in the fall of 1777 and completed the summer following. The one story frame dwelling of John Feeck was there inclosed within the pickets. This fort stood not far distant from the present site of Murphy's mill, in the upper end of Vrooman's land. The Lower Fort, situated six miles north ofthe middle fort, was begun and completed about the same time as was the upper fort. The stone church, still standing one mile north of the Court House, was there inclosed within the pickets. The two latter forts were built as was the former, by the joint labor of citizens and soldiers. The middle fort was known as head quarters during the war, where usually resided the principal commandant of all three, and 270 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, at which place, the business involving the welfare of the settle ment, was generally transacted. wsklm&im wmHmamWyBHtSmSm JF ANCIENT DUTCH CHURCH, SCHOHARIE, AS SEEN IN 1817. The Lower Fort consisted of an inclosure by strong pickets of about half an acre of ground, embracing the stone church, (a view of which is here given,) with block-houses in the south-west and north-east corners mounting small cannon. Along the west side of the inclosure, small huts were erected of rough boards for the summer residence of the inhabitants in that part of the valley; with a board roof sloping from near the top of the pickets to ward the centre of the yard. Each family which claimed the . protection of the small garrison at this place, had such a rude dwelling, in which were deposited their most valuable effects. Near the north-east corner, or in that part of the inclosure toward the burying-ground, was a temporary tavern kept by Snyder, a former inn-keeper of that vicinity. The Middle Fort was an in closure of an area of ground rather larger than that picketed in at the lower fort, with block-houses in the north-east and south AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 271 west corners, where cannon were mounted. The principal en trance was on the south side, and on each side of the gate were arranged the soldiers' barracks. The pickets, as at the fort be low, were about a foot through, and rose some ten feet from the ground ; with loop holes, from which to fire on invaders. A brass nine pound cannon was mounted on the south-west block house, and an iron one at the diagonal corner, each of which, as the block-houses projected, commanded two sides ofthe inclosure; while along the eastern and western sides were arranged huts for citizens, similar to those at the lower fort. The Upper Fort stood on tbe west side of the river, and as at 'those on its opposite side, a fair plot of ground was inclosed. One side of this inclosure was picketed in, while on its other sides a breast-work was thrown up of timbers and earth, some eight or ten feet high, and suffi ciently thick to admit of drawing a wagon upon its top, with short pickets set in the -outside timbers of the breast-work. A ditch surrounded the part thus constructed. Military barracks and small log huts were erected within the inclosure, to accommodate the soldiers and citizens. Block- houses and sentry-boxes were built in the north-west and south-east corners, each mounting a small cannon to guard its sides. From its construction, this fort ress, probably, better merited the name ot fort than either of the others ; although some have stated that a moat partially surround ed the middle fort. ( 272 ) CHAPTER IX. Much that transpired in the American revolution of the most thrilling interest, not only in Schoharie but in all the frontier set tlements, is now lost forever, to the American reader. To adopt the language of a beautiful writer — " Many prudent counsels con ceived in perplexing times — many heart-stirring words uttered when liberty was treason — many brave and heroic deeds, per formed when the halter and not the laurel was the promised meed of patriotic daring, are already lost and forgotten in the graves of their authors." The capture of Burgoyne and his army not only inspired Ame ricans with confidence of their final triumph, but the truly phi lanthropic all over the civilized world hailed the event as ominous of good. Fortune is a fickle goddess. Let success attend the ambitious adventurer, and a sycophantic world is ready to rend the air with shouts of praise, and strew his path with flowery gar lands ; but if misfortune attend him, his imagined friends are changed to foes. It is probable that few leaders under similar circumstances could have done more for his royal master than had poor Burgoyne ; and yet on his return to England, he was treated with contempt by the parasites of royalty. Early in 1778, mortified at the result of her Canadian expe ditions, England sought a reconciliation with the states. Lord Chatham, known at an earlier period in the House of Commons as the talented Pitt, the champion of civil liberty, attended on one occasion in the House of Lords during the session of that year. He was desirous of a compromise, but opposed to acknowledging HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ETC. 273 our independence. While laboring to show how the difficulties could be settled, his emotions overcame him and he sunk nerveless into the arms of his friends. He was carried home — survived his last effort to speak but a few weeks, and his grave oratory was hushed forever. The love of country rose paramount in the last effort of this truly great man. Parliament passed an act that ses sion declaring that they would not in future again tax the colo nies, and commissioners were sent to treat with the state authori ties. The terms proposed by the mother country were rejected. An attempt was then made to bribe some of the influential Ame rican statesmen, but the proposition met with deserved scorn. Early this season the French nation, which had looked with jealousy upon England after the loss of the Canadas, concluded a treaty of commerce and alliance with the American commissioners. It was signed on the 6th of February. The acknowledgment of the independence of the United States by France, had a very be neficial tendency. It was greeted every where as the passport to independence, consequently every demonstration of joy was manifested. The treaties were read by the chaplains at the head of each brigade — ^published in the colonial papers, and made known from the sacred desk by ministers of the gospel, from Maine to Georgia. Many who were before wavering in their course, when they saw a powerful nation becoming their ally, manifested a willingness" to exert themselves in their country's cause. The rich fiats along the Cobelskill at the out-break of hostili ties, contained some 20 families in the distance of three miles, be lieved to have been all whigs. They organized a company of militia for their own defence, of which Christian Brown (a brother of the late Judge Brown) was captain, and Jacob Borst, lieute nant : but had erected no fortifications. The first appearance of tlie enemy in the Schoharie settlements in 1778, was at Co belskill. The events which transpired there, were communicated to the author by Nicholas and George Warner brotherSj Lawrence Lawyer, and Judge Brown. The three former were in the battle fought in that town. In the latter part of May several Straggling 274 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Indians were seen in the vicinity of that settlement, and Capt. Brown, anticipating a hostile movement of the enemy, thought it prudent to send to the fort at Middleburgh for assistance. The lower fort was not quite completed at that time. Captain Pa trick was dispatched with a small company of volunteers, and ar rived at the residence of Capt. Brown on the 26th of May, where they remained until the 28th, when they moved up to the^d wel ling of Lawrence Lawyer. Scouts were kept out constantly, but nothing worthy of notice transpired until that day, when Lieut. Borst, his brother Joseph, and one of the Freemires were on a scout some miles up the creek. The latter was several hundred yards from his companions, seated upon a pile of drift- wood, fish ing, when two Schoharie Indians, Ones-Yaap and Han-Yerry (the latter a chief) with a savage yell, intended to intimidate, sprang up the bank of the creek from a place of concealment and ap- proached them. After a friendly Salutation, they began to re prove the brothers, for being in the woods, to shoot Indians who did them no liarm. Joseph replied to the speaker, that they in tended no harm to those who were friendly. Han-Yerry ap proached him, seized his gun in a.playful manner, threw open the pan, and gave the gun a sudden jerk to spill out the priming, ex claiming as he did so, Yo yenery hatste! signifying — It is goodif this be gone ! Borst, seeing the object of the Indian was to disarm him, instantly dropped his own gun and seized that of his adver sary, and wrenching the flint from the lock, he replied in the In dian dialect, Yo yenery sagat! lt is good if this is served so! The Indian then dropped his gun and clinched Borst, but the latter, giving a loud whoop closed manfully with his antagonist and soon brought him upon his knees. While they were strug gling for. mastery, the other Indian approached the lieutenant and bade him surrender himself his prisoner : but instead of doing so, he stepped back and sent a bullet through his body. Han-Yerry succeeded in freeing himself from the grasp of his adversary, and seeing his comrade upon the ground, instantly fled. leaving his gun. The lieutenant ran and caught up the gun of his brother and snapped it at the fleeing Indian, but as it was not primed the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 275 latter escaped. On the same day, George Warner and John Fes- r ter returned from Cherry-Valley, where they had been the day before to carry a letter — doubtless to apprize that settlement of the proximity of the enemy. The day after the Borsts had the rencounter with the Indian scout, the Cobelskill battle was fought ; which occurred on Sa turday the first day of June* On the morning of that day Cap tain Miller, who was sent from the Schoharie fort with part of a company to reconnoitre, arrived at Lawyer's. Several of his men, one of whom was named Humphrey, volunteered to remain with Patrick, and, he returned to the fort, before the enemy in force were discovered. The regulars under Capt. P. numbered between 30 and 40 ; and the militia volunteers under Capt. Brown were 15. After Capt. Miller left Lawyer's, the troops under Patrick marched up the creek to the residence of George Warner, who was one of the Schoharie committee, and father of the namesake before mentioned. Warner's was the southernmost house in the settlement, and stood on a knoll at Cobelskill Centre. An orchard at this time covers the site. The troops had been at Warner's but a short time, when 15 or 20 Indians discovered themselves a little distance above the house, and the whole force was marched in pursuit of them. Brown was opposed to the pursuit, and told Patrick he feared they would be ambuscaded. The latter ridiculed the idea, and was disposed to assign another motive than that of caution to the militia cap- • Several writers who have published some notice of this battle, have given it an erroneous date. Brown, in his pamphlet history, says it transpired " on the first day of June or July, in the year 1776," but at a personal interview he said that date was wrong, and that it took place on Saturday before Pink ster, the year after Burgoyne's capture. Campbell, in the Annals of Tryon County, dates it in May, 1779. Stone has entered it in two places in the Life of Brant, supposing from Brown's account and one he found among the pa pers of Col. Gansevoort, as they differed in dates and material facts, that he was recording two transactions. The last notice he accredits to a letter from Col. Varick to Col. Gansevoort, dated Schenectada, June 3, 1778, which let ter stated that this invasion of the enemy took place on the preceding Satur day. This last date corresponds with the one given the author by the three living witnesses named, who stated that it took place on Saturday preceding Pinkster — Whitsunday, which came that year on the 2d day of Jane. 276 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, tain who, stung by the imputation, then yielded to the wishes of Patrick, notwithstanding the misgiving of his own better judg ment. The enemy, who kept up a running fight, had not been pursued a mile, before it was evident their numbers were increas ing; A halt was then made by the Americans near the present residence of Lambert Lawyer, with the militia on the right to wards the creek, and a sharp engagement followed. Both parties fought in the Indian style, under the cover of trees. It soon be came manifest from the firing, that the number of the enemy was very great. After several of his men had fallen around him, Capt. Patrick received a shot which broke his thigh. Two of his brave soldiers, in an attempt to bear him from the field, were sur rounded by a party of the enemy, and shared his unhappy fate. A lieutenant under Capt. Patrick is said to have been spared, by giving a masonic sign to Brant. When Capt. Patrick fell, Brown ordered a retreat, which was most timely, for had it been delayed but a few minutes until the enemy could have extended his flanks, so as to surround the little band of patriots, few if any would have survived that day. The families in the settlement, hearing the firing, very properly sought safety in the depths of the forest, or by a rapid flight to Schoharie, ten miles distant. On arriving at the house from which they had been so artfully drawn into an ambush designedly laid, three of Patrick's men and two of Brown's took refuge within it, which providentially favored the escape of their fugitive friends. Being fired on from the house, the Indians halted to dislodge its inmates, by which the rest of the party gained time sufficient to make good their retreat. The house was set on fire, and three of its inmates were buried in its ruins. The continental soldiers, in attempting to make their escape from the burning building, were slain. One was evidently shot, but the other was supposed to have been taken alive and tortured to death. The party who first .visited the scene of blood after the battle, found this soldier not far from where the house had stood, with his body cut open and his intestines fastened round a tree several feet distant. In one hand was a roll of continental bills, placed there by the enemy in derision of our country's almost valueless AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 277 "promises to pay." It was subsequently known, that the enemy fired at least fifty balls into one window of this house, at its in mates. The names of the men under Capt. Brown in this engagement were, Lieut. Jacob Borst, Nicholas Warner, George Warner, jr., George Freemire, John Shafer and Lawrence Lawyer, who es caped uninjured, 6 ; John Zeh, Martinus and John Fester, Jacob and John Freemire and Jacob Shafer, killed, 6 ; Peter and Henry Shafer and Leonard King, wounded, 3. The whole number killed in the engagement, including Capt. Patrick and his men, was about 22 : five or six of his men were also wounded and two were made prisoners. More than half the Americans engaged were either killed or wounded. The enemy, as was afterwards ascer tained, consisting of Indians (mostly Senecas, Schoharies and Oquagos, instead of Onondagas as stated by some writers) and to ries, numbered over three hundred and fifty, and were commanded by Joseph Brant. Service, a noted tory, who lived near the Char lotte river, and the Schoharie chief, Seth's-Henry, acted a con spicuous part in the engagement. The loss the enemy sustained was never exactly known, but was supposed to equal, if it did not exceed that of the Americans. A mulatto, who was with the enemy at this time and returned after the war, Stated that twenty- five of their number, mostly Indians, were buried in a mud-hole near David Zeh's. He also stated, that seven of the enemy who were wounded in the battle, died on their way to Canada. George Warner's was the first house burnt in the Schoharie settlements in the revolution. The enemy, after the engagement, plundered and burnt all the dwellings in Cobelskill as far down as the churches, except an old log house, formerly occupied by George Warner, which stood near the present residence of his son David. This house was left, as was afterwards supposed, with a belief that its owner might return and occupy it, after losing his framed dwelling, which would afford an opportunity to capture a com mittee-man. The dwellings burnt at this time were those of George Warner and his son Nicholas, George Fester, Adam Sha fer, William Snyder, John Freemire, Lawrence Lawyer, John 19 278 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Zeh, John Bouck and John Shell ; (the latter owned by Law rence Lawyer,) in all, ten, with the barns and other out-houses ; making, as stated in the record of the Lutheran Church at Scho harie, " twenty buildings burned." The two militia-men who took shelter in the house of Warner, were Martinus Fester and John Freemire. The remains of Fester fell into a tub of soap in the cellar, and were known by his to bacco-box ; and those of Freemire were identified by his knee- buckles and gun-barrel. Jacob Shafer was wounded in one leg early in the action, and was carried by his neighbor, George War ner, jr., to a place of temporary safety, who agreed to get a horse and take him to the fort. As the battle terminated unfavorably, he was left to his fate — was discovered next morning by the ene my and killed. The remains of John Fester were not discovered, until a piece of wheat was harvested, into which he had fallen. Jonas Belknap, one of Patrick's men, received a ball in his right hip and was borne out of the battle by Lawrence Lawyer, as the latter assured the author. The following additional facts respect ing this soldier, who died a few years since at Gorham, Ontario county, were told the author by Ezekiel Howe, a nephew of said Belknap. After having been " carried one side," to use the words of Lawyer, Belknap discovered a hollow Jog into which he crept The next day he backed out of his resting place cold and stiff, and while seated upon a fence, reflecting on the events of the last twenty-four hours, he discovered two Indians laden with plunder approaching him, having two dogs. Unobserved by them, he let himself fall into a bunch of briers. The Indians halted near him, and their dogs placed their paws on the fence and growled. He supposed himself discovered, but soon one of them took out a bottle, from which both drank, and he had the satisfaction of see ing them resume their march, without noticing the irritation of their canine friends. Casting his eyes along the beautiful valley and surveying the ruins of the preceding day, he discovered the old house of Warner, on the west side of the creek, still standing. to which he made his way. He found it unoccupied, but victuals were on a table, and after eating, he laid down, faint and sad, up- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 279 on a bed which the house also afforded. In the afternoon, two men came and conveyed him to the Schoharie fort, where his wound was properly drest and he recovered. Henry Shafer, mentioned as being wounded in this engagement, received a ball in his thigh which brought him to the ground. The bone was not fractured, but the limb was benumbed. He regained his feet but fell the instant his weight came upon the wounded limb. Disencumbering himself of his gun and powder- horn, after several unsuccessful attempts to run, action returned to the limb and he fled. He directed his steps toward Schoharie, and on the way fell in with Peter Snyder, his brother-in-law. They traveled nearly to Punchkill together, when Shafer, too weak to proceed, concealed himself and requested his comrade to inform his friends at the fort where he might be found, desiring them to come after him. His fellow-traveler went to the fort, but instead of doing the errand as desired by his wounded rela tive, he reported him dead. Shafer tarried beneath a shelving rock until Monday morning, when, by great exertion, he arrived at the house of a friend in Kneiskern's dorf. As he was much exhausted, he was very prudently fed gruel until he revived, when he was taken to the fort and cured of his wound. — From Peter, son of Henry Shafer* The night after the Cobelskill battle it rained, and a dreary one it must have been to the surviving citizens of the Cobel skill valley, many of whom were in the forest to which they had fled from their burning dwellings, exposed to the mercy of wild beasts — foes less to be dreaded than those left behind. The wife of Lawrence Lawyer, with several other persons, was in the woods three days, and finally came out near the mouth of the Co- • Mr. Shafer lived to become a very useful citizen. He was for many years a justice of the peace — frequently represented Cobelskill in the board of su, pervisors — for several years was a member of the state legislature — and was for a great length of time a judge of Common Pleas ; which several stations, considering his early opportunities, he discharged with credit to himself and fidelity to the public. He was remarkably punctual in the performance ol his official duties. He died on the 15th of April, 1839, in the eighty-second year of his age. 280 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, belskill. Scouts were sent out to reconnoitre and look after the wounded, and absent members of families, but it was several days before the dead were buried. Some day in the course of the week following the engagement, Col. Vrooman with part of the Schoharie troops, and Col. Yates with a detachment of Schenec tada militia, went to perform the last sad duties to those martyrs to the cause of liberty. As the weather had teen wet and cool, the bodies were found to have suffered but little change. A pit was dug near where George Warner's house had stood, into which several boards were laid : the charred remains of the three soldiers taken from the cellar, and the mutilated remains of those near, were then buried within it. Pits were also dug so as to re quire as little moving of the bodies as possible, in which Captain Patrick and the other soldiers were deposited. None can realize at a period of nearly seventy years after it transpired, the solem nities of that burial. Several ofthe deceased left wives and chil dren to mourn their untimely fate ; while all left friends who had centered on them hopes of future usefulness and aggrandizement. This blow was a most severe one for the little settlement of Co belskill. Peaceful be your rest brave warrior ! for " When ye sank on your bed of death, No gentle form hung over you ; No fond eye raugl.t your parting breath, Or shrunk in anguish from the view ! But oVr you, in that hour of fate, Bent the dark" Ir.dian's " vengeful form ; And the stern glance of ruthless hate Gleamed dreadful, 'mid the hurrying storm. No mourning dirge did o'er you swell, Nor winding sheet your limbs inclosed ; Fcr you was tolled no passing bell ; No tomb was raised where you reposed, Your bed of death — the battleground, 'Twas there they heaped your funeral mound, And all unhallowed was your grave, Save by the ashes of the brave." — Lines on Waterloo. On the knoll where stood the house of George Warner, which was burnt in the Revolution, as before stated, the patriotic citizen* of Cobelskill celebrated the anniversary of our national indepen- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 281 dence, on the 4th day of July, 1837. An appropriate oration was delivered on the occasion by Demosthenes Lawyer, Esq. How proper, after so long a time, to assemble on that day, on ground consecrated by patriot's blood, and water it with the tear of gratitude. A few days previous to the irruption of the enemy into Cobels kill, they were in the vicinity of Cherry Valley. Brant had his destructives there with the intention of laying waste that place. He secreted them on Lady hill,* about a mile east of the fort, to await a favorable opportunity to strike the fatal blow, and slayor capture some of its influential citizens. A company of boys happened to be training, for boys then caught the martial spirit, as Brant, like the eagle from its eyry, was looking down from his hiding place upon the devoted hamlet. Mistaking these miniature soldiers for armed men, he deferred the attack for a more favora ble opportunity. After killing Lieut. Wormwood, a promising young officer from Palatine, who had left the foit but a few min utes before on horseback, and taking Peter Sitz, his comrade, pri soner,! Brant directed his steps to Cobelskill. On the 4th day of July, 1778, the beautiful valley of Wyoming in Pennsylvania, fell a prey to the savage cupidity of the British, Tory and Indian forces under Col. John Butler ; and its inhabit ants were either killed, carried into captivity, or escaped by a most appalling flight. The poem entitled " Gertrude of Wyo ming," from the pen of the English poet Campbell — founded up on the tragedies of that massacre — is doubtless familiar to most of my readers. Many of the most unfeeling and inhuman acts of cruelty committed on the fleeing inhabitants and soldiers of this ill-fated place, were committed by tories. On this occasion, a to ry found a brother secreted, who had been an American militia man, but had fled, abandoning his gun. On recognizing his brother, the tory said to him, " So it is you, is it ?" The unarmed • This hill was embraced in a patent owned by a rich lady in England, from which circumstance it was formerly called Lady Hill. — Moses Nelson. t For the death of Lt. Wormwood and capture of Sitz, see rfnnals of Tryon County. 282 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, man approached his kinsman, fell upon his knees and besought him to spare his life ; promising, if he would, to live with him and become his servant. " All this is mighty fine," replied the human fiend, " but you are a d—d rebel /" At the close of this sentence, he leveled his gun and sent the death-telling ball through his body. — Chapman's History cf Wyoming. About the first of September of this year, the enemy destroyed several of the western settlements on the south side of the Mo hawk. In a letter written at one of the frontier posts, by CoL Klock to Gov. Clinton, and sent by " Col. Fisher and Zep. Batchellor, Esq.," probably in September (it being without date,) he thus observes — " I beg leave to represent to your Excellency the most deplora ble situation of this country. The enemy have from time to time desolated and destroyed the settlements of Springfield, Andreas- Town, and the German-Flats ; by which at least one hundred and fifty families are reduced to misery and distress. People who were in nourishing circumstances are thus, by one wanton act, brought to poverty. " Notwithstanding I have repeatedly wrote our situation down and asked relief, we have obtained none except Alden's regiment, which is stationed at Cherry- Valley, where they remain in garri son. Woful experience teaches us that the troops in Cherry- Val ley are by no means a defence for any other part of the country. [After speaking of the ungovernable spirit that influenced the con duct of some of the settlers, the desertion of a part of the militia to the enemy, and the necessity of immediate succor, he adds] — From the information we are able to collect from prisoners" and otherwise, we learn that the enemy when at the German-Flats were 500 or upwards strong, commanded by Capt. Caldwell — that they intended soon to make another incursion, and that a reinforce ment of 5 or 600 was on its march to join the enemy." During the invasions above noticed, nearly 1000 horses, cattle, sheep and swine were killed or driven away. The settlers at the German-Flats, by receiving timely notice of danger, with one single exception, fled into the neighboring forts and escaped the tomahawk. The loss of so many dwellings, with most of their furniture, and barns well filled with the recompense of the hus bandman's toils, must have been a most serious one to this district. Capt. Walter Butler was a son of Col. John Butler, a justice of AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 283 the king's court for Tryon county, who resided, at the commence ment of the war, about a mile from the ancient village of Caugh nawaga. He went with the royalists who left the county in 1775, to Canada. In the summer of 1778, he returned to the Mohawk valley — was arrested, and confined in the Albany jail. Under the pretence of ill health he was removed to a private dwelling, from which, aided by treachery, he escaped. Burning with re venge for his imprisonment, on his arrival in Canada he obtained command of a part of his father's regiment of tories called But ler's Rangers ; and with them directed his steps towards the fron tier settlements of New York. On his way he met Brant return ing to Canada from his Mohawk river expedition, who reluctantly joined him in his enterprise. Their united forces were 500 In dians, and 200 tories, worse than Indians. On the morning of Nov. 11th, they surprised Cherry-Valley, killing 32 of the in habitants and 16 continental soldiers, among whom was Col. Al den, the imprudent commander of the garrison, who is said to have been a man of intemperate habits. Nearly all the dwellings and barns in the settlement — just filled with an abundant harvest, were burned, and^- House-less were those who from the wood returned, The fate of relatives to mourn ; While other friends to living death, they learned, By human fiends, were captive borne. The enemy, making between 30 and 40 prisoners at Cherry- Valley, passed down the Susquehanna to its junction with the Tioga — up the latter to near its source, thence along the Seneca lake to the Indian castle at Kanadaseagoj near the present village of Geneva ; where a division of the prisoners took place. The day after the massacre, 200 militia arrived at Cherry-Valley, and buried the dead.* The sufferings of the prisoners on their way to Canada, must have been very severe : many of them were women and children, illy fitted to endure the fatigues of a journey of three or four hundred miles, at that inclement season. * For a more minute account of the destruction of this place, see Campbell's Annals of Tryon County. 284 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE; COUNTY, The following anecdote was related by Joseph Brant after the Revolution, to John Fonda while at his house near Caughnawa ga. Brant, on being censured by. Fonda for his cruelties at Cherry-Valley at the time of its desolation, said the atrocities were mostly chargeable to Walter Butler. He then stated that among the captives made by him at that place, was a man named Vrooman, with whom he had had a previous acquaintance. He concluded to give Vrooman his liberty, and after they had pro ceeded several miles on their journey, he sent him back about two jniles, alone, to procure some birch bark for him; expecting of course to see no more of him. After several hours Vrooman came hurrying back with the bark, which the chieftain no more wanted than he did a pair of goggles. Brant said, he sent hjs prisoner back on purpose to afford him an opportunity to make his1 escape, but that he was so big a fool he did not know it ; and that consequently he was compelled to. take, him along to Cana da. — Mrs. Evert Yates, a daughter of John Fonda. The English government on being officially informed of the treaty of alliance between France and the United States, declar ed war against the former ; and thought it prudent to concentrate its forces. On the 18th of June, the British troops under Sir Henry Clinton evacuated Philadelphia, and set out for New York. Gen. Washington hung upOn his rear, watching a favorable op portunity to give him battle. On the 28th of that month, the battle of Monmouth was fought. Both armies were flattered during the day by alternate success, and encamped in the evening on the battle ground. Washington slept in his cloak after the fatigues of that day, in the camp of his brave men. In the night, Clinton silently withdrew, thus conceding the victory of the pre ceding day to the spangled banner. The loss of the Americans in this engagement was from two to three hundred in killed and wounded ; and that of the enemy about one thousand, nearly half of whom were killed. The day on which this action was fought was extremely hot, and the suffering of both armies was very great for the want of proper drink. Says the Journal of Col. Tallmadge, " Many died on both sides from excessive heat and AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 285 fatigue, the day being oppressively warm, and the troops drink ing too freely of cold water." James Williamson, a soldier who assisted in burying the dead after the battle, assured the writer that he saw around a spring in a grove not far from the battle field, the dead bodies of twelve soldiers, supposed to have been vic tims of cold water. American historians have recorded few instances of female pa triotism and bravery, which rival the following : In the battle of Monmouth a gunner was killed, and a call was made fpr an other, when the wife of the fallen soldier, who had followed his fortune to the camp, advanced and took his station ; expressing her willingness to discharge the duty of her deceased husband, and thus revenge his death. The gun was well managed and did good execution, as I have been informed by an eye witness. After the engagement, Gen. Washington was so much pleased with the gallant conduct of this heroine, that he gave her a lieutenant's commission. She was afterwards called Captain Molly. — Capt. Eben Williams. A short time after the battle of Monmouth, Lieut. Col. Wm. Butler, with the 4th Pennsylvania regiment, and three companies of rifle men from Morgan's corps under Maj. Posey, commanded by Captains Long, Pear and Simpson, was ordered to Albany, and from thence to Schoharie. While there he commanded the Middle Fort. The command of the Schoharie forts devoled on Col. Peter Vrooman during the war, when no continental officer of equal rank was there. Among the rifle men who went to Schoharie at this time, were some most daring spirits — men whose names should live forever on her fairy mountains and in her green valleys. We do not be lieve it necessary, although it is a fact too generally conceded, that glittering epaulets are indispensable in forming a hero. Of the brave soldiers sent to aid the Schoharie settlers in their de fence, and guard from savage cruelties the unprotected mother and helpless orphan, whose names I would gladly chronicle could I collect them, were Lieut. Thomas Boyd, (whose tragic 286 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, end will be shown hereafter,) Timothy Murphy, David Elerson,* William Leek,f William Lloyd, a sergeant, John Wilber,f — — - Tufts, Joseph Evans, Philip Hoever,§ Elijah Hendricks, John Garsaway, a very large man, and Derrick Haggidorn. Nor should we forget to name several of the native citizens who encountered many dangers in the discharge of their duty ; of the latter were Jacob and Cornelius Van Dyck, Jacob Enders, Bar tholomew C. Vrooman, Peter Van Slyck, Nicholas Sloughter, Yockam Folluck, Joackam Van Valkenberg,|| Jacob Becker, and Thomas Eckerson. There were no doubt others equally merito rious, whose deeds are unknown to the writer. The following facts, relating to the attempted arrest and death of Christopher Service, a tory of no little notoriety, living on the Charlotte river, were communicated by Judge Hager, Mrs. Van Slyck, and David Elerson. The people of Schoharie had long suspected Service — whb re mained with his family entirely exposed to the enemy — of clan destinely affording them assistance. Captain Jacob Hager, who was in command of the Upper Fort, in the summer of 1778, sent Abraham Becker, Peter Swart, (not the one already introduced,) and Frederick Shafer, on a secret scout into the neighborhood of Service, to ascertain if there were any Indians in that vicinity, and to keep an eye of espionage on the tory. They arrived in sight of his dwelling after sundown, and concealed themselves in the woods, intending to remain over night. After dark the mus- quitoes began to be very troublesome, but the party did not dare * He was married in Schoharie during the war, and became a permanent resident of the county. He was a ranger for several years, and, as he stat ed to the writer, an extra price was set on his own and Murphy's scalps by the enemy. He was 95 years old at our interview, at which time he was boarding with Dr. Origin Allen, near the Baptist church in Broome, of which the old hero was a member. t Went west after the war, and died in Cayuga county. % Was from Reddington, Pa. He was a carpenter by trade, married a Miss Mattice and settled on Charlotte river. § Remained in Schoharie county after the war. II Killed in battle near Lake Utsayuntho, in 1781. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 287 to make a fire to keep them off. Becker told his companions he was well acquainted with Service, having lived near him for some time ; said he would go and reconnoitre, and if there were none ofthe enemy abroad, he would inform them, in which case all agreed to go to the house and tarry over night. Becker, after a short absence, returned with the assurance that the " coast was clear," and that he had made arrangements for their accommodation; whereupon all three went to the dwelling. As they approached the door, the light was extinguished, but Becker went in, followed by his friends. They advanced to the centre of the room, at which time one of the family re-lit the candle, the light of which show ed Swart and Shafer their real situation. Along the wall, upon one side of the room, were arranged a party of armed savages, who instantly sprang upon, and bound them. The two pri soners were kept there until morning, when they were hurried off to Canada. Becker, who had not been bound, was suffered, after giving the Indians his gun and ammunition, to depart for home. He returned to the fort, and reported that the scout, near Charlotte river, had fallen in with a party of Indians in ambush, from whom they attempted to escape by flight; that he was in advance of his comrades, who were both captured ; that he came near being over taken, when he threw away his gun and equipage, and thus re lieved, made his escape. Shafer, who remained in a Canadian prison until the war was closed, returned to Schoharie and made known the above facts. Swart never returned to Schoharie. He was taken by distant Indians, as his friends afterwards learned, be yond Detroit, where he took a squaw and adopted the Indian life. From the commencement of the border difficulties, Service had greatly aided the enemies of his country, by sheltering and victual ing them, in numerous instances. He was comparatively wealthy, for the times, owning a well-stocked farm and a grist mill. When the tories and Indians from Canada were on their way to destroy the settlements, they always found a home at his house, from whence, after recruiting, they sallied forth on their missions of death. Several attempts were made to take him be fore the Schoharie committee, previous to his joining Brant in his expedition against Cobelskill. 288 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Soon after the return of Becker with his hypocritical narrative, Col. Butler sent Capt. Long with some twenty volunteers in the direction of Charlotte river to reconnoitre, and if possible discov er some traces of the enemy. One object of the expedition was, to arrest Service and take him to the Schoharie forts, or to slay him in case of resistance. Arriving near the head waters of the Schoharie, Capt. Long unexpectedly took a prisoner. On his per son he found a letter directed to Service, and on opening it, learned that Smith, its author, a tory captain who had enlisted a company of royalists on the Hudson near Catskill, was then on his way to the house of Service, who was desired in the letter to have every thing in readiness to supply the wants of his men on their arrival. Learning from their prisoner the route by which Smith would ap proach, the Americans at once resolved to intercept him. Some fifteen or twenty miles distant from the Upper fort, while proceed ing cautiously along the east side of the river, Smith and his fol lowers were discovered on the opposite bank. Capt. Long halted his men, and proposed to get a shot at Smith. It was thought by some of the party an act of folly to fire at so great a distance, but the captain, accompanied by Elerson, advanced and laid down be hind a fallen log. Some noise was made by this movement, and the tory chief stepped into an open piece of ground a little dis tance from his men to learn the cause of alarm, and thus fairly exposed his person. At this moment the rifles were leveled. Capt. Long was to fire, and in case he missed his victim, Elerson was tomake a shot. At the crack ofthe first rifle, the spirit of Smith left its clay tenement to join kindred spirits ; but where — God on ly knows. The scout then advanced and poured in a volley of balls, wounding several, and dispersing all of the tories. Thus unexpectedly did justice overtake this company of men, whose zeal should have led them to serve tlieir country instead of her foes. Capt. Long and his companions then directed their steps to the dwelling of Service. On arriving near, proper caution was taken to prevent his escape, and Murphy and Elerson-. were deputed to arrest him. They found the tory back of his house, making a AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 289 harrow. On the approach of the two friends, Mrs. Service, sus pecting the object of their visit, came out and stood near them, when they informed her husband the nature of their visit Ser vice called them d — d rebels, and retreating a few steps, he seized an axe and aimed a blow at the head of Murphy. But the man who could guard against surprise from the wily Indian, was not to fall thus ignobly. Elerson, who stood a few feet from his com panion, as he assured the author, told Murphy to shoot the d — d rascal. The wife of Service, seeing the determined look of Mur phy, caught hold of his arm and besought him not to fire. He gently pushed her aside, and patting her on the shoulder said, " Mother, he never will sleep with you again.". In another in stant, the unerring bullet from his rifle had penetrated the tory's heart. Capt. Long and his men now advanced to the house, in which was found forty loaves of fresh bread, proving that some notice had already reached there, of Smith's intended visit. Many have supposed that injustice was done to Service. The author has taken considerable pains to inform himself on this point, and finds proof most satisfactory to his own mind, that from his ability and willingness to supply the wants of the enemy and his retired residence, he was a very dangerous man to the cause of liberty. An old tory, who returned after the war, and died a few years ago in the town of Mohawk, was accustomed, when intoxicated, to " hurrah for king George." At such times he often told about being in person at the house of Service, who, as he said, " lived and died a tory, as he meant to." Had not Service made an at tempt on the life of Murphy, he would probably have been con fined until the war closed, and then liberated, as was the case with several wealthy royalists. The property of Service was confiscated in the war. Not many years ago, a son of his suc ceeded in recovering the confiscated property of his father, and thus came into the undivided possession of an estate amcunting to eight or ten thousand dollars. The fortune thus obtained, how ever, was soon dissipated. In the latter part of August, 1778, the Lower Fort, but recent ly completed, was commanded by Lieut. Col. John II. Beeckman. 290 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ETC. , Early in October, Col. Butler proceeded from Schoharie with the troops under his command, to Unadilla and Oquago, Indian towns on the Susquehanna, which they effectually destroyed, with large quantities of provisions. The troops under Col. Butler, in this excursion, among whom were several volunteers from the Schoharie militia, suffered in credible hardships. " They were obliged to carry their provi sions on their backs ; and, thus loaded, frequently to ford creeks and rivers. After the toils of hard marches, they were obliged to camp down during wet and chilly nights without covering, or even the means of keeping.their arms dry." — Dr. Ramsay. . After an absence of sixteen days, they were greeted with a hearty wel come at the forts in Schoharie. A regiment of New York state troops, under Col. Duboise, went into winter quarters at Schoharie, in the fall of 1778. Adjt. Dodge, Maj. Rosencrans, Capt. Stewart, and Ensign Johnson; of Duboise's regiment, were quartered in the kitchen of Chairman Ball's dwelling. — Peter Ball. On the 6th of August of this year, M. Gerard was publicly re ceived by the United States government as minister of the king of France On the 14th of September following, Dr. Franklin was appointed minister to France, the first American minister delegated to a foreign court. " The alliance of France gave birth to expectations which events did not fulfil ; yet the presence of her fleets on the coast deranged the plans of the enemy, and induced them to relinquish a part of their conquests." — Hale. The reward paid by English agents for the scalps of the Ame ricans, eight dollars each, excited the avarice of both Indians and tories ; and many innocent women and children were slain not only in this, but in the several years of the war, to gratify the cupidity of a merciless and unfeeling enemy. Late in the fall, the army under Washington erected huts near Middlebrook, in New Jersey, and went into winter quarters. In December of this year, Mr. Laurens resigned his office as presi dent of Congress, and John Jay was chosen in his place. ( 291 ) CHAPTER X. Early in the spring of 1779, two men named Cowley and Sawyer, were captured near Harpersfield, by four Schoharie In dians ; Han-Yerry, who escaped from the Borsts the day before the Cobelskill engagement, Seth's-Henry, Adam, a sister's son, and Nicholas, also a relative. One of the captives, was a na tive of the Emerald Isle ; and the other of the green hills of Scotland. They were among the number of refugees from Har persfield, who sought safety in Schoharie at the beginning of difficulties. The prisoners could not speak Dutch, which those Indians un derstood nearly as well as their own dialect ; and the latter could understand but little, if any, of the conversation of those Anglo- Americans. When surprised, they intimated by signs as well as they could, that they were friends of the king ; and not only evinced a willingness to proceed with their captors, but a desire to do so. An axe belonging to one of them was taken along as a prize. The prisoners set off with such apparent willingness on their long journey to Canada, that the Indians did not think it necessary to bind them. They were compelled to act, however, as " hewers of wood and drawers of water," for their red masters. They had been captives eleven days, without a favorable op portunity to mature a plan for their escape, which they had all along premeditated. On arriving at a deserted hut near Tioga Point, the captives were sent to cut wood a few rods distant. On such occasions, one cut and the other carried it Where it was to ¦< be consumed. While Cowley was chopping, and Sawyer waiting for an armful, the latter took from his pocket a news paper, and pretended to read its contents to his fellow ; instead of doing which, however, he proposed a plan for regaining their 292 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, liberty. After carrying wood enough to the hut to keep fire over night, and partaking of a scanty supper, they laid down in their usual manner to rest, a prisoner between two Indians. The friends kept awake, and after they were satisfied their foes were all sound asleep, they arose agreeable to concert, and secured their weapons, shaking the priming from the guns. Sawyer with the tomahawk of Han-Yen y — who was thought the most desperate ofthe four — took his station beside its owner; while Cowley with the axe, placed himself beside another sleep ing Indian. The fire afforded sufficient light for the captives to make sure of their victims. At a given signal the blows fell fatal upon two ; the tomahawk sank deep into the brain of its owner, giving a sound, to use the . Words of an informant,* like a blow upon a pumpkin. Unfortunately, Sawyer drew the handle from his weapon in attempting to free it from the skull of the savage, and the remainder of the tragic act devolved upon his companion. The first one struck by Cowley was killed, but the blows which sent two to their final reckoning, awoke their fel lows, who instantly sprang upon their feet. As Seth?s-Henry rose from the ground, he received a blow which he partially warded off by raising his right arm ; but his shoulder was laid open and he fell back stunned. The fourth, as he was about to escape, received a heavy blow in his back from the axe. He was pursued out ofthe hut — fled into a swan?p near, where he died. The liberated prisoners returned into the hut, and were resolving on what course to pursue, when Seth's-Henry, who had recovered and feigned himself dead for some time, to embrace a favorable opportunity, sprang upon his feet — dashed through the fire — caught up his rifle, leveled and snapped it at one of his foes — ran out of the hut and disappeared. The two friends then primed the remaining guns, and kept a vigilant watch until daylight, to guard against surprise. They set out in the morning to return, but dared not pursue the route 'Lawrence Mattice. The adventures of Cowley and Sawyer were princi- cipally derived from Mr. Mattice and Henry Hager, who learned the particu lars from the captives themselves. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 293 they came, very properly supposing there were more of the enemy not far distant, to whom the surviving Indian would communi cate the fate of his comrades. They recrossed a river in the morning in a bark canoe, which they had used the preceding afternoon, and then directed their course for the frontier settle ments. The first night after taking the responsibility, Cowley was light headed for hours, and his companion was fearful his raving would betray them ; but when daylight returned, reason again claimed its tenement. As they had anticipated, a party of Indians thirsting for their blood, were in hot pursuit of them. From a hill they once descried ten or a dozen in a valley below. They remained concealed beneath a shelving rock one night and' two days, while the enemy were abroad, and when there, a dog belonging to the latter, came up to them. As the animal ap proached, they supposed their hours were numbered ; but after smelling them for some time, it went away without barking. On the third night after their escape, they saw fires lit by the enemy, literally all around them. They suffered much from ex posure to the weather, and still more from hunger. They ex pected to be pursued in the direction they had been captured, and very properly followed a zig-zag course ; arriving in safety after much suffering, at a frontier settlement in Pennsylvania, where they found friends. When fairly recruited they directed their steps to Schoharie, and were there welcomed as though they had risen from the dead, among which latter number, many had supposed them. Sawyer is said to have died many years after, in Williamstown, Mass.; and Cowley in Albany. At the time Cowley and Saw yer returned from their captivity, the upper Schoharie fort was commanded by Maj. Posey, a large, fine looking officer, who, as an old lady of Schoharie county once declared to the author, was the Iiandsomest man she ever saw. Friendly Indians were sometimes in the habit of taking np a winter's residence in the vicinity of American frontier posts. In the spring^f this year several Indians, who pretended friendship, left the Johnstown fort, where they had for some time been a tax 20 294 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, on the charity of its officers ; but they had gone but a few miles north of the garrison when they halted and murdered an old gen tleman named Durham and his wife, whose scalps they could sell in an English market. — James Williamson. The manuscript furnished the author by Judge Hager, states that in the year 1779, probably in the spring, a rumor reached the Schoharie forts that Capt.. Brant, on the evening of a certain day, would arrive at some place on the Delaware river with a band of hostile followers. Col. Vrooman thereupon dispatched Capt. Jacob Hager with a company of about fifty men to that neighborhood. Hager arrived with his troops after a rapid march, at the place where it was said Brant was to pass — thirty or forty miles distant from Schoharie; and concealed them amidst some fall en timber beside the road. This station was taken in the afternoon of the day on which Brant was expected to arrive, and continued to be occupied by the Americans until the following day between ten and eleven o'clock, when, no new evidence of Brant's visit being discovered, Capt. Hager returned home — thinking it possi ble that Brant was pursuing a different route to the Schoharie settlements. Capt. Hager afterwards learned from a loyalist, in whose neigh borhood he had been concealed, that he had not been gone an hour when the enemy about one hundred and fifty strong — In dians and tories, arrived and passed the fallow where he had been secreted. On being informed that a company of Americans had so recently left the neighborhood, prepartions were made to pur sue them. When about to move forward, Brant enquired of a tory named Sherman, what officer commanded the Americans and on being informed that it was Capt. Hager, whose courage from a French war acquaintance was undoubted, he consulted his chiefs and the pursuit was abandoned. Brant, on learning that Schoharie was well defended, seems to have given up the idea of surprising that settlement, and directed his steps to more vulnerable points of attack. Several settlements were entered simultaneously by the enemy along the Mohawk river early in the season — directed no doubt by this distinguished AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 295 chief. Apprised of Sullivan's intended march to the Indian coun try, he hurried back to prepare for his reception. A party of Indians under the celebrated chief Cornplanter, ap peared in the vicinity of Fort-Plain at this time, and after burning a small church not far from the fort, among other depredations, captured John Abeel an old inhabitant. They had traveled but a few miles before they discovered that he could talk their own language nearly as well as themselves. This discovery soon led to another of a more singular character, but truly fortunate for the captive, for on enquiring his name, Cornplanter knew at once he stood before his own father. Abeel had been a trader among the Indians some twenty-five years before in Western New York, and in one of his visits became enamored with a pretty squaw. The graceful warrior " John," called among his race Cornplanter, now before him, was the fruit of this libidinous, wayward affection. The chief had learned the history of his parentage from his mother, who called him by the christian name of her lover. A pleasing recognition followed, the father was instantly set at liberty, and conducted in safety to his own home. — P. J. Wagner, Esq. Cornplanter visited his relatives at Fort-Plain, who were among the most repectable citizens in the Mohawk valley, several times after the war ; and was treated with the civilities his dignified and manly bearing merited. The repeated assaults along the whole frontier of New York and Pennsylvania during the preceding year by the enemy, arrest ed the attention of Congress, which resolved to send an army into the Indian country in the summer of 1779, and retaliate their at- trocities by a destruction of their settlements. Accordingly, an ar my was assembled under Gen. Sullivan, at Tioga Point, at which place he was met by Gen. James Clinton, who marched from Ca najoharie, on the Mohawk, with a division of the army. As a preliminary movement to the invasion of the Indian country by Gen. Sullivan, Col. Van Schaick went from Fort Schuyler, under the instructions of Gen. James Clinton, with detachments of his own and Col. Gansevoort's regiment, and destroyed the possessions of the Onondagas. 296 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, While Gen. Clinton was waiting at Canajoharie for his troops and supplies to assemble, and also for the construction of bateaus, two. tories were there hung, and a deserter shot. The following letter from Gen. Clinton to his wife, dated July 6th, 1779, briefly narrates the death of the two former : " I have nothing further to acquaint you of, except that we ap prehended a certain Lieut. Henry Hare, and a Sergeant Newbury, both of Col. Butler's regiment, who confessed that they left the Seneca country with sixty-three Indians, and two white men, who divided themselves into three parties — one party was to attack Schoharie, another party Cherry- Valley and the Mohawk river, and the other party to skulk about Fort Schuyler and the upper part of the Mohawk river, to take prisoners or scalps. I had them triep by a general court martial for spies, who sentenced them both to be hanged, which was done accordingly at Canajoharie, to the sa tisfaction of all the inhabitants of that place who were friends to their country, as they were known to be very active in almost all the murders that were committed on these frontiers. They were inhabitants of Tryon county, had each a wife and several children, who came to see them and beg their lives." The name of Hare was one of respectability in the Mohawk valley, before the revolution. Members of the Hare family were engaged for years in sundry speculations with Maj. Jelles Fonda, who, as already observed, carried on an extensive trade with the Indians and fur traders at the western military posts ; his own re sidence being at Caughnawaga.* Henry Hare resided before the war in the present town of Florida, a few miles from Fort Hunter. At the time he left the valley with the royalist party to go to Ca nada, his family remained, as did that of William Newbury, who * All the territory on the north side of the Mohawk, from The Nose to Tribe's Hill, a distance of nearly ten miles, was called Caughnawaga— an. In dian name, which signified Slone in the water. Some writers have given as its signification, " The coffin-shaped stone in the water." Tradition has handed down from a family which early settled on the bank of the river near this stone, the interpretation first given. This Indian name, we must suppose originated long before this state was settled by the whites : of course the abo rigines could have known nothing about coffins— they had no tools by which they could possibly make thek. When the revolution began, Maj. Fonda was erecting buildings for the prosecution of business, six miles westward of his Caughnawaga residence, on a farm since known as the Schenck place. At a later day he built the dwelling now owned by C. McVean, Esq., so pleasant ly situated on the hill in Fonda, where he died June 23d, 1791, aged 64 years. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 297 lived about 3 miles from Hare, toward the present village of Glen. If Hare had rendered himself obnoxious to the whigs of Tryon county, Newbury had doubly so, by his inhuman cruelties at the massacre of Cherry-Valley, some of which, on his trial, were pro ven against him. Hare and Newbury visited their friends, and were secreted for several days at their own dwellings. The form er had left home before daylight to return to Canada, and was to call for his comrade on his route. Maj. Newkirk, who resided but a short distance from Hare, met a tory neighbor on the afternoon of the day on which Hare left home, who either wished to be con sidered one ofthe knowing ones, or lull the suspicions resting upon himself, who communicated to him the fact that Hare had been home — and supposing him then out of danger, he added, " per haps he is about home yet." He also informed him that Newbu ry had been seen. Hare brought home for his wife several arti cles of clothing, such as British calicoes, dress-shawls, Indian mo- casons, &c, and on the very day he set out to return to Canada, she was so imprudent as to put them on and go visiting — the sight of which corroborated the story told Newkirk. The Major noti fied Capt. Snooks, who collected a few armed whigs, and in the evening secreted himself with them neaT the residence of Hare, if possible, to give some further account of him. Providence seems to have favored the design, for the latter, on going to New bury's, had sprained an ankle. Not being willing to undertake so long a journey with a lame foot, and little suspecting that a friend had revealed his visit, he concluded to return to his dwelling. While limping along through his own orchard, Francis Putman, one of Snook's party, then but 15 of 16 years old, stepped from behind an apple tree, presented his musket to his breast, and or dered him to stand. At a given signal, the rest of the party came up, and he was secured. They learned from the prisoner that Newbury had not yet set out for Canada, and a party under Lieut. Newkirk went the same night and arrested him. They were ena bled to find his house in the woods by following a tame deer which fled to it. The prisoners were next day taken to Canajoharie, where they were tried by court martial, found guilty, and execut- 298 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ed as previously shown. The execution took place near the pre sent village of Canajoharie.* The influence exerted by the friends of Hare to save him would have been successful, had he declared that he visited the valley solely to see his family. He may have thought they dared not hang him ; certain it is, that when he was interrogated as to the object of his visit, he unhesitatingly said that he not only came here to see his family, but also came in the ca pacity of a spy. A deserter, named Titus was shot at Canajoha rie about the time the spies were hung, as I have been informed by an eye witness to all three executions. — James Williamson. Deserters were shot for the first, second, or third offence, as cir cumstances warranted. Newbury and Titus were buried near the place of execution, and the bones of one of them were thrown out at the time of constructing the Erie Canal, by workmen who were getting earth for its embankment.f The bo dy of Hare was given to his relatives for interment. Previous to burial the coffin was placed in a cellar-kitchen, before a window, in which position a snake crawled over it. This circumstance gave rise to much speculation among the superstitious, who said "it was the Devil after his spirit." The troops under Gen. Chnton opened a road from Canajoha rie through the town of Springfield, to the head of Otsego lake, where they launched their fleet of bateaus and floated down its placid waters nine miles to its outlet — now the location of the ro mantic and tastefully built village of Cooperstown. This passage down the lake was made on a lovely summer's day, and the sur rounding hills being covered with living green, every dash of the oar throwing up the clear, sparkling water, a thousand delighted warblers greeting them from the shores as the response of the martial music from the boats — the whole being so entirely novel the effect must have been truly enchanting and picturesque. On arriving at the foot jof the lake, the troops landed and remained several weeks, until it was sufficiently raised by a dam constructed at the outlet, to float the boats. When a sufficient head of water 'John S. Quackenboss and Mrs. E. Gardinier. tDaniel Spencer, a worthy pensioner, now living at Canajoharie. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 299 was thus obtained — the boats having been properly arranged along the outlet and filled with the troops, stores and cannon — the dam was torn away, and the numerous fleet of small fry, (two hun dred and eight boats) floated off in fine style, and passed down the tributary into the winding Susquehanna. (This is an aboriginal word, said to signify,, the crooked river.) It is said that prepara tory to opening the outlet of the lake, a dam made by the saga cious beavers on one of the larger inlets, which flooded considera ble ground, was ordered to be destroyed to obtain the water. It was partially so served, but the night following it was, by the in dustrious animals, again repaired. A more effectual destruction followed, and a guard of men was stationed all night, to prevent its being again built by its lawful owners. While the army were quartered at the outlet of Otsego lake, two men were tried for desertion, and both were sentenced to be shot. The youngest of the two, whose name was Snyder, was pardoned by Gen. Clinton. The other man was a foreigner, who had previously deserted from the British, and having now desert ed from the American flag, and persuaded Snyder to desert, Clin ton said of him — " He is good for neither king or country, let him be shot." The order was executed on the west side of the outlet, not far distant from the lake. Not a house had then been erected where Cooperstown now stands. — Williamson. The company to which Williamson belonged, was attached in Sullivan's campaign to the second New York regiment, command ed by Col. Rigne, a French officer. He was a large, well made, jovial fellow, of whom Mr. Williamson related the following an ecdote. Among the men who aided in our glorious struggle for independence, was a regiment of blacks, who generally proved to be good, faithful soldiers. That they might readily be distin guished, they wore wool hats with the brim and lower half of the crown colored black — the remainder being left drab or the native color. While waiting for Otsego lake to rise, the troops were drilled every day. As Col. Rigne was thus engaged with his own and parts of several other regiments, among whom were one or two companies of black soldiers, one of the latter men, from 300 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, inattention, failed to execute a command in proper time. " Hal loo !" said the colonel, " you plack son of a b h wid a wite face ! — why you no mind you beezness 1" This hasty exclama tion in broken English so pleased the troops, that a general burst of laughter followed. Seeing the men mirthful at his expense, he good humoredly gave the command to order arms. " Now," said he, "laugh your petty full all!" and joining in it himself, hill and dale sent back their boisterous merriment. In the summer of 1779, Col. Wm. Butler received timely or ders to move from Schoharie and join the forces under General Clinton at Canajoharie. Among Col. Butler's men, who had Ten dered good services in Schoharie during their sojourn, were Lieut. Thomas Boyd,* Timothy Murphy and David Elerson. Murphy was a native of Pennsylvania, of Irish parentage, and Elerson a Virginian, of Scotch descent. While Col. Butler was in Springfield, in the month of June, as sisting to open a wagon road for the transportation of the boats, David Elerson obtained permission of his captain to proceed about * Lieut. Boyd was a native of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. He was about the usual height, and was a stout built, fine looking young man ; being very sociable and agreeable in his manners, which had gained him many friends in Schoharie. While there, he paid his addresses to Miss. Cornelia, a daughter of Bartholomew Becker, who gave birth to a daughter after his death, of which he was the reputed father. This child, named Catharine, grew up a very respectable woman, and afterwards became the wife of Mar tinus Vrooman. While the troops under Col. Butler were preparing to leave Schoharie, Miss Becker, in a state of mind bordering on phf ensy, approached her lover, caught hold of his arm, and in tears besought him by the most earnest entreaties, to marry her before he left Schoharie. He endeavored to put her off with future promises, and to free himself from her grasp. She told him " if he went off without marrying her, she hoped he would be cut to pieces by the Indians !" In the midst of this unpleasant scene, Col. Butler rode up and reprimanded Boyd for his delay, as the troops were ready to march — and the latter, mortified at being seen by his commander, thus im portuned by a girl, drew his sword and threatened to stab her if she did not in stantly leave him. She did leave him, and anticipating future shame, called down the vengeance of heaven upon him. Her imprecation was answered, as will hereafter be seen, to the fullest extent : a fearful warning to those who trifle with woman's affection. Such was the last interview of Lieut. Boyd with the girl he had engaged to marry. — Josias E. Vrooman, who wit nessed the parting scene. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 30 1 a mile from the camp to a deserted house, and gather some mus tard for greens. While thus engaged early in the day, he heard a rustling in some rank weeds near, and on looking in that direc tion, discovered to his surprise, nearly a dozen Indians cautiously advancing to capture him. He sprang and seized his rifle, which stood against the house, at which instant several tomahawks" were hurled at him, one of them nearly severing a finger from his left hand. He dropped his haversack of greens and fled. In starting from the house, his foes ran so as to cut off his flight to his friends. He had to pass over a small clearing between the house and the woods, and on arriving at the farther edge of the former, he found his progress obstructed by fallen trees. He plunged in among them, when his pursuers, fearing he might escape, dis charged their rifles at him. The volley rattled the old timber harmlessly about his head. Driven from the direction of the American camp, he fled, not knowing whither. After running for several hours, and when he began to think he had eluded the vigilance of his pursuers, an Indian appeared before him. As he raised his rifle the savage sprang behind a tree. At that instant, a ball fired from an opposite direction entered his body just above the hip — making a bad flesh wound. He then changed his di rection, and renewed his flight. Descending a steep hill into a valley, through which coursed a small stream of water, he reached the level ground much exhausted; but the moment his feet struck the cool water his strength revived, and scooping some up in his hand, which he drank, so invigorated him, that he gained the summit of the opposite hill with comparative ease. He had pro ceeded but a little way further, however, when he found himself again growing faint ; and stepped behind a fallen tree just as an Indian appeared in pursuit. Not doubting but his hours were numbered, he resolved not to die unrevenged, and instantly raised his rifle to shoot him. Too weak and excited to hold his gun, he sat down upon the ground, rested it upon his knees, fired, and the Indian fell. He had barely time to reload his faithful piece, be fore several other foes came in sight. His first thought was to bring down another, but as they gathered around their fallen 302 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, chief, and began their death yell, the hope of escape again re vived. While they were lingering around their comrade, Elerson darted off into the forest. He followed the windings of a creek for some distance, and finding in a thicket of hemlocks a large hollow tree, crawled mto it, and heard no more of the Indians. It was hear night, and being greatly exhausted, he soon fell into a sound sleep. On the following morning he backed out, found it rained, was lost, and again entered his gloomy shelter. As it continued to rain, he tarried in the log three nights and two days, without food or having his wounds dressed. He then crept from his concealment, cold, stiff and hungry, unable at first to stand upright. He was enabled, by the sun's welcome rays to direct his course, and came out at a place in Cobelskill, known . in former days as Brown's Mills, distant about three miles from where he had been concealed, and at least 25 from the place where he had first been surprised. Capt. Christian Brown, the owner of the mills, was acquainted with Elerson, treated him kindly, and sent him to the Middle Fort, ten miles distant, where his wounds were properly dressed, and he recovered. The writer saw, at his interview with this old soldier in 1837, when he ob tained these facts, the scars from the wounds above noticed, and also other similar marks of honor. Captain Brown, (a brother of Judge Brown,) is the officer mentioned as having been engaged under Captain Patrick the summer before, in the Cobelskill battle. His mills — a grist-mill and saw-mill, were among the first erected in that part of Scho harie county, and were not burned during the war, because a tory named Sommer, who owned lands not far distant, expected if Brown's place was confiscated to the British government, to obtain it. To gratify him the buildings were spared. Brown's house, a small one story dwelling, now covered with moss, is still standing. At the time the lower part of Cobelskill was burnt, a party of Indians plundered it. Captain Brown, learning that the enemy were in his vicinity, hurried his family into the woods, and then returned to secure some of his effects. While thus engaged, he saw from a window a party of Indians approaching, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 303 and as he could not leave the house so as to avoid being seen by them, he secreted himself in some part of it. The enemy enter ed and supposing it entirely deserted, plundered and left it, after which Capt. Brown sought his family, and with them fled to a place of greater safety. — James Becker. At the house of Capt. Brown, (said George Warner,) during the absence of the former, and in the time of the Revolution, a wedding was consummated. The groom and bride were Brown's hired man and servant girl. The Cobelskill soldiers were invited guests, and of course attend ed — for who does not attend a wedding when they can? After the lovers were united, the party as abundantly served with good pork and sour-crout ; and being the best the bride could provide, they were received with as much gratification as would have been the rich dainties of a modern festival of the same cha racter. The parties were poor, and the friends knew it, and made themselves merry. The wedding was in truth a good one, for certainly " All 's well that ends well." Brown's mills were situated on a road now leading from Barnerville to the village of Cobelskill, about two miles from the latter place. They were erected on a stream of water a few rods from a deep pool, whence it issued. It was unknown for many years where the water came from, until a saw-mill was erected at Abraham Kneiskern's in Carlisle, on a stream of water, which, near the mill, sank into the earth and disappeared. After this mill began to operate, saw-dust made its appearance in the pool near Brown's mills, three miles distant. This mill-stream runs into the Cobelskill at Barnerville. Several mill-streams in Car lisle and Sharon, sink into the earth, and re-appear at considerable distances from the place of entrance. While Gen. Sullivan, with his army, was at Tioga Point, he was much annoyed by small parties of Indians, who crept up in the long grass on the opposite side of the river, and fired upon his men, killing or wounding them in repeated instances ; and he devised a plan to intercept them : the execution of which was committed to Lieut. Moses Van Campen. The following is Van 304 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Campen's own account of his manner of proceeding, as publish ed in a small volume entitled, Sullivan's Campaign. " Major Adam Hoops— " An aid-de-camp to Gen. Sullivan, presented to me my instructions, with a sheet of white paper folded up, a leaden weight within, and a twine-cord about twenty feet long fastened to it. I was to get as near the enemy's camp as was prudent, and to select one of the shady oaks, conceal my men in the bush, and place my sentinel in the top of the oak, with the paper and twine- cord — to give the signal if he discovered a party of Indians — to sink the paper down the tree as many feet as they were in num bers — if passing to the right or left to give the signal accordingly. " It was one of the warm days in the latter part of August, I marched as near to the enemy's camp as I was directed. I se lected my tree — my sentinel ascended twenty or twenty-five feet, and my men were concealed. We laid in watch about an hour. Every eye was fixed on the sentinel. At length the paper drop ped down about four feet. I spoke to my men, saying, 'My good fellows, we shall soon have sport.' The paper continued to drop to ten feet. I observed again, ' We shall have somethimg more to do.' The paper continued to drop to fifteen feet. 'Now, my good fellows, we shall have enough to do — fifteen to twenty of us. Let every shot make their number less." Behold,! the fel low had fallen asleep — let the twine-cord slip through his fingers — lost his balance — and came down like a shot head foremost. He was much bruised by the fall. I make my report to the general, &c, &c. Gen. Clinton joined Gen. Sullivan at Tioga, August 22d, and four days after, the army, then five thousand strong, moved for ward. All the Indian huts discovered on the route from Tioga westward, with the fields of growing corn, beans, &c, were de stroyed by the American troops. At Newtown, now Elmira, the enemy under Cols. Butler and Johnson, and the chieftain Brant, collected a force, threw up a breastwork, and prepared to dispute the further progress of the invaders of their soil. On the 29th of August the troops under Sullivan reached the fortifications of the enemy, and a spirited action followed. The enemy evinced great bravery, but being overpowered by numbers, they abandoned their works with considerable loss. Gen. Sullivan had a morning and evening gun fired daily while proceeding to and from the Indian country, for which he has been much censured by some chroniclers. His object in doing it was, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 305 to notify the numerous scouting parties which were daily kept out, of his position. Several pleasing incidents owed their origin to the signal guns. In one instance a large party of Indians were in ambush to sur prise an advanced guard when the signal gun was fired from ele vated ground not far distant. The Indians — who ever dread the sound of cannon, supposing the gun fired at them, scampered off hke frightened sheep. Upon the firing of a signal gun after the battle of Newtown, a white woman came into the American camp. Knowing Col. John Butler, whom she supposed could give her some account of her red husband, she enquired for Col. Butler, and was immediately introduced to Col. William Butler. On coming into his presence and finding him a stranger — the truth flashed upon her mind — she was in the American camp, and in fie presence of those who would protect her. She stated that she was a native of Danbury, Connecticut ; had been married several years, and was living at Wyoming the year before, when that delightful country was devastated by the enemy — at which time she was made a prisoner. Her husband had been killed among the numerous victims of savage cruelty. She further stated that at the time she was captured she had three children — two small boys and an infant child at the breast. The boys were given to different Indians, and the brains of the infant were dash ed out against a tree ; after which she was compelled to live with an Indian as his wife. When she thus providentially entered the American camp, she had an infant child — the fruit of her late un happy connection. This child died not long after, and it was suspected that an American soldier, from sympathy to the woman, had given it poison. As the Indian country had been invaded, this woman had been obliged to follow the fortunes of her master, and having been separated from him by the discomfiture of the enemy, Sullivan's cannon, which she supposed fired in the British camp, directed her course. On the return of the army, she went back to her friends in Connecticut. — James Williamson. After the battle of Newtown, Gen. Sullivan sent back to Tioga much of his heavy baggage, and pushed forward in pursuit of the 306 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, enemy — fully executing in the destruction of the settlements the orders of the Commander-in-chief. The country of the Cayugas and Senecas, where the Indians had many flourishing settlements and several well built villages of good painted frame-houses, were entirely destroyed — together with the fields of growing corn and beans. Fruit trees, of which the Indians had an abundance, laden with green apples, peaches, and pears, were cut down. Ears of corn were found in that country full eighteen inches long, showing the exceeding fertility ofthe soil.' It seems indeed lamentable that stern necessity should require the destruction of fruit trees, the growth of many years — but when we consider that they afforded the enemy an important item of his annual food, we must admit that the measure as one of retaliation, Was justifiable. At the Indian village of Kanadaseago, situated a little distance west of Geneva, a white male child was found by the American army. It was not more than three or four years old, and when discovered, was naked, with a string of beads about its neck. This child, which had been abandoned by the enemy in their pre cipitate flight, was supposed to have been among the captives made the year before, on the frontiers of New York or Pennsylva nia. He was found before the door of a hut playing with small sticks, and when accosted could only say, sago — how do, and a few other Indian words ; having been captured too young to give the least clue to his paternity. — James Williamson. In addition to the above, I learn from the son of Capt. Machin, respecting this probable orphan child, that it found in that officer, (an engineer in the army,) a god-father, and was christened Thomas Machin — that it was nearly famished when found, and could not have been kept alive, had not the Americans providen tially taken a fresh-milk cow which had strayed from the enemy that the milk of this cow, which was driven with the army on the return march for that purpose, afforded its nournishment — that the little unknown was taken in the fall to the house of Maj. Logan at New Windsor, where it took the small-pox in the hard winter following and died, without any information ever being disclosed as to its birth-place or parentage. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 307 Major Paar commanded the rifle corps which accompanied Sul livan in his expedition. When the army, which had met with little opposition from the enemy after the battle of Newtown, ar rived at the inlet of Conesus Lake, a scout was sent out early in the evening, under Lieut. Thomas Boyd,* one of which was Timothy Murphy. Says Major Hoops, in a letter I find in Sulli van's Campaign — " I was in the General's tent when he gave his instructions to Lieut. Boyd, which were very particular — verbal, of course. The country before us was unknown. We had heard of an Indian 'Castle on the river Genesee, which, by our reckoning, might be a few miles ahead of us. The term Castle was taken from Chateau — the French having long before magnified Indian villages into Chateaux, afterwards rendered literally into English. There were the Oneida Castle, perhaps at or near to Utica, — the Seneca Cas tle, near to the present village of Geneva, as well as some others. The Castle Lieut. Boyd was detached to discover, consisted, pro bably, of a few Indian huts, near Williamsburgh, a few miles above the present village of Geneseo. " The evening before Lieut. Boyd was detached by Gen. Sulli van from the inlet of the Kanaghsas Lake, a log bridge was begun and finished in the night, or early in the next morning, over the inlet. Boyd, not having returned by daylight, the General was very uneasy ; particularly from finding that, to the six riflemen he meant Boyd's party should consist of, twenty-two musketmen had been added." The bridge alluded to was constructed by a strong covering party, sent in advance of the main army to open a road through a marshy piece of ground, and erect the bridge. The object of the scout was, to reconnoitre the ground near the Genesee river, at a place now called Williamsburgh, at a distance from the camp of nearly seven miles. The party were guided by Han Yerry — John George — a. faithful Oneida warrior. In a skirmish which took place the afternoon previous to the surprise and massacre of Boyd's command, between Sullivan's advance guard and the enemy, the latter captured two friendly Oneidas, who had, from the beginning of the war, rendered the Americans constant service, and one of whom was then acting as •Some published account has erroneously stated the given name of this man to have been William. 308 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Gen, Sullivan's principal guide. This Indian had an older broth er engaged with the enemy, who, as they met, is said (in Stone's Brant) to have addressed him as follows : " Brother ! You have merited death. The hatchet or the war- club shall finish your career. When I begged of you to follow me in the fortunes of war, you were deaf to my entreaties. "Brother! You have merited death, and shall have your deserts. When the rebels raised their hatchets to fight against their good mast«r, you sharpened your knife, you brightened your rifle, and led on our foes to the fields of our fathers. " Brother ! You have merited death, and shall die by our hands. When those rebels had driven us from the fields of our fathers to Seek out new houses, it was you who could dare to step forth as their pilot, and conduct them even to the doors of our wigwams, to butcher our children and put us to death. No crime can be greater. But though you have merited death, and shall die on this spot, my hands shall not be stained with the blood of a bro ther. Who will strike?" In an instant the tomahawk of Little Beard was twirled wilh lightning rapidity over his head, and in another the brave Oneida, the friend of America and of humanity, lay dead at the feet of the infuriated chief. When we contrast the conduct of this Indian, who declared that his hands should not be stained with the blood of a brother; with that of the fratricide, who sought out his brother among the fleeing inhabitants of Wyoming, and shot him while in the act of begging for his life ; with that of William Newbury, at the mas sacre of Cherry-Valley, who, finding a little girl by the name of Mitchell among the fallen, in whom the spark of life was re viving, with the blow of his hatchet, in the presence of her con cealed father, laid her dead at his feet ; with that of a tory named Beacraft, who was with the desolaters of Vrooman's Land ; and other instances of no less savage spirit — we shall find that of the unlettered Indian to rise in the scale of our just estimation, as that of his more savage allies, sinks them to abhorrence and contempt. One mile and a half from Sullivan's camp, the Indian path di vided, one branch leading to Canasaraga, in the direction of Wil liamsburg, and the other to Beard's Town. Boyd advanced cau tiously and took the Canasaraga path. On arriving at the latter AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 309 place, he found it deserted, although the fires of the enemy were still burning. As the night was far advanced, he encamped near the village, intending to seek out on the morrow, the location of the enemy. This was a most hazardous enterprise. Twenty- eight men, seven miles from their camp — a dense forest interven ing — and a thousand foes besetting their path to cut off their re treat. But danger was what the party courted. Before day break, Boyd dispatched two of his men to Sullivan's camp — in tending to push forward still farther into the wilderness — but as they never reached it, it is quite probable they were intercepted by the enemy and slain. — S. Treat's Oration, in Sullivan's Campaign. Before they were put to death, the enemy no doubt learned from them the exact situation of Boyd's command. Just after day light, Lieut. B., accompanied by Murphy cautiously crept from his place of concealment Near the village of Canasaraga, they dis covered two Indians coming out of a hut, fired at them, and a ball from Murphy's rifle sealed the fate of one. The other in stantly fled. Murphy, as was his usual custom when he killed an Indian, took off his scalp, and as he had on a good pair of moca- sons, he transferred them to his own feet. After the escape of the Indian fired upon by Boyd, he rightly supposed his visit would soon be made known, and he resolved to return immediately to the American camp. Boyd was advised by Han-Yerry to pursue a different route back, which commendable advice he did not choose to follow. — James Williamson. About the time Murphy shot the Indian in the morning, an in cident of interest occurred near the main army, which is thus re lated by Maj. Hoops. " Early in the morning, Mr. Lodge, the surveyor, proceeded to chain from the west side of the inlet, where there was a picquet posted, and ascended a little way from the foot of the hill, outside the sentinels, in advance from ihe picquet, and was noting his work, when he was fired on by a single Indian who had crept up near him. Leaving his Jacob-staff standing, he made the best of his way toward a sentinel — the Indian almost at his heels, toma hawk in hand. It is probable the Indian had not seen the senti nel till he raised his piece and (when Mr. Lodge had passed him) fired, bringing him down, perhaps not mortally wounded. The 21 3 1 0 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, whole picquet immediately advanced, strongly supported ; and as cending the hill, found a line of packs." Lieut. Boyd and his followers pursued their back track with the most zealous caution, with Han-Yerry in front and Murphy in the rear, to guard against surprise. It is not improbable that the two messengers sent forward by Boyd a few hours before, had fallen into the hands of the enemy contiguous to the American camp, and that they had left their packs to intercept the returning scout, which were found soon after Mr. Lodge was fired upon. Not the rustling of a leaf or spear of grass escaped the observa tion of the returning scout. Nearly two-thirds of the distance was overcome — less than two miles intervened between them and the camp — and the party were beginning to breathe freely, when they were surprised by 500 Indians under Brant, and 500 Royal ists under Butler. The enemy were secreted in a ravine through which they rightly conjectured Boyd would approach. — Statement of John Salmon, in Sullivan's Campaign. What could 28 men do, when opposed by 1000, or nearly forty to one. Discovering the enemy to be concealed in great numbers, Boyd resolved on at tempting his escape by cutting through his thickly opposing ranks. In the first onset, not one of his men fell, although their fire told fearfully upon the enemy. A second and third attempt was made, and seventeen of the Americans had fallen. — Salmon. At the third onset of the brave scout, the ranks of the enemy were broken, and Murphy, tumbling a huge warrior in the dust who ob structed his passage — even to the merriment of his dusky com panions — led his thus liberated comrades. — Treat's Oration. Boyd, supposing if any one escaped with life it would be Mur phy, determined to follow him, but not being as fast a runner, he was soon taken, and with him one of his men named Parker. Murphy, as he found the path unobstructed, exclaimed of himself, in hearing of the enemy, " Clean Tim. by G — d !" shaking his fist at the same time at his pursuers. — Treat's Oration. After Murphy had been pursued for some time, he observed that he had distanced all his blood-thirsty followers except two, a tall and a short Indian. Several times as they neared him, Murphy would AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 311 raise his rifle, which was unloaded, and they would fall back. He found as he ran, that his mocasons began to prove too tight, ow ing to the swelling of his feet.* He opened a pocket knife, and while running (at the hazard of cutting his shins) he slit the tops of his mocasons, which afforded relief. Shortly after, he entered a piece of swale, and his feet becoming entangled in long grass and rank weeds, he fell. The place proved a favorable one, for concealment, and he did not immediately rise. As his pursuers broke over a knoll so as to gain a view of the grass plot, not dis covering him, although he did them, they altered their course. Murphy then loaded his rifle, and cautiously proceeded on his way to the camp. He knew from the beginning of the melee, should he be taken prisoner, what his fate would be, having the scalp of an Indian in his pocket, and his mocasons on his feet. Shortly af ter Murphy again set forward, he discovered himself to be head ed by an Indian in the woods : which discovery was mutual and both took trees. After dogging each other for some time, Mur phy drew his ramrod, placed his hat upon it and gently moved it aside the tree ; when the Indian, supposing it contained a head, fired a ball through it. The hat was thereupon dropped, and run ning up to scalp his man, the Indian received the bullet of Mur phy's rifle through his breast ; exclaiming, as he fell backwards, "O-wah!" Murphy, Garret Putman of Fort Hunter (afterwards a captain,) and a French Canadian, were all of Lieut. Boyd's command who regained the American camp. The two latter secreted them- -selves early in their flight under a fallen tree, around which was growing a quantity of thrifty nettles, and escaped observation ; although several Indians passed over the log in pursuit of Mur phy. John Putman, a cousin of Garret, also from the vicinity of Fort Hunter, was killed in Groveland. At his burial it was supposed he had been shot in the act of firing, as a ball and ""It has been stated, and is now believed by many, that Murphy skinned the feet of this Indian and put the green hides on. It was not so ; and had he been disposed to have done it, which I cannot possibly admit, he could not have had time on that morning. 312 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, several buck-shot had entered the right arm-pit, without injuring the arm. — Peter, a brother of John Putman, corroborated by James Williamson. A soldier named Benjamin Custom, who joined Gen. Sullivan with the troops from Schoharie, attempted to follow Murphy, but was overtaken and slain in Groveland. — Geo. Richtmyer. When Murphy reached the camp, and told the sad fate of his companions, Gen. Sullivan declared it was good enough for them, as they had disobeyed his orders ; possibly in advancing farther than he intended they should. — J. Williamson. When Boyd found himself a prisoner, he obtained an inter view with Brant, who was a freemason. After the magic signs of a brotherhood were exchanged, the dusky warrior assured the captain he should not be injured. Soon after their capture, Boyd and Parker were hurried off to the vicinity of Beard's Town, now in the town of Leicester, ten or fifteen miles distant from the bat tle-field. Brant was called off on some enterprise not long af ter, and the prisoners were kept in charge of one of the Butlers, probably Walter, the destroyer of Cherry- Valley; who began to interrogate them about the future instructions of Gen. Sullivan, threatening them, if true and ready answers were not given, with savage tortures. Boyd, believing the assurance of Brant ample for his safety, too high minded to betray his country on the ap pearance of danger, refused, as did Parker, to answer Butler's questions ; and the latter, executing his threat, gave them over to a party of Seneca Indians. Little Beard and his warriors, seized the helpless victims, and having stripped, bound them to ' trees. They then practised their favorite pastime for such occa sions, of throwing their hatchets into the tree just over the heads of their victims. Becoming wearied of this amusement, a single blow severed Parker's head from his body. The attention of the tormentors being undivided, they began to tax their ingenuity for tortures to inflict on his surviving comrade. Making an in~ cission into the abdomen, they fastened his intestines to a tree, and Compelled him to move round it, until they were thus all drawn out. He was again pinioned to a tree, his mouth enlarged — his AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 313 nails dug out — his tongue cut out — his ears cut off — his nose cut off and thrust into his mouth — his eyes dug out, and when sinking in death, he was also decapitated, and his disfigured head raised upon a sharpened pole. To those Indian cruelties we must sup pose Butler was not only a witness, but that they were rendered the more inhuman, in the hope of gratifying his revengeful dis position. Thus fell the brave Lieutenant Thomas Boyd, at the age of twenty-two years. On the arrival of Murphy, Gen. Sullivan ordered Gen. Hand forward to relieve Boyd and party. At the spot where the en gagement had taken place, he discovered several Indian blankets, and an Indian's corpse, which had been accidently left among the fallen Americans ; but returned to the main army, ignorant of the fate of Boyd. — Oration of Treat. Poor Han-Yerry, who had performed prodigies of valor in the conflict of Oriskany, and who had rendered the American cause much real service, fell literally hacked in pieces. The army, as it moved on towards the Genesee river, buried the bodies of those who fell in the present town of Groveland. On the following day, Generals Clinton and Hand, with about two thousand troops, were sent across the Genesee river to Beard's Town, to destroy the dwellings, crops, &c. of the Senecas. — Treat's Oration and Letter of Van Campen. Mr. Sanborn, a soldier who was on the extreme right wing of Clinton's army, discovered the headless bodies of Boyd and Par ker. The rifle company of Captain Simpson, of which Boyd had been lieutenant, performed the melancholy duty of burying the mutilated remains of their comrades, which was done under a wild plum tree, and near a stream of water. — James Williamson. Beard's Town, one of the largest Indian villages in the Gene see valley, was effectually destroyed, as were several other Indian towns on the west side of the Genesee, by the troops under Gen. Clinton, together with every growing substance found, that the enemy would eat. While this destruction was in progress, offi cers Poor and Maxwell proceeded along the east side of the river and destroyed the villages of Canawagus and Big Tree. Three 314 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, days being thus occupied in this vicinity, in the work of devasta tion, Sullivan commenced his return march to Tioga Point. As the American troops approached the western Indian villages, the women and children fled from them to Niagara, while the Indians and their tory allies prowled about the forest, watching the move ments of their foes, and seeking a favorable opportunity to strike an effective blow. During the winter following, the Indians be came a tax upon the British government, and as the weather was intensely cold, and they were fed on salt provisions, to which they were unaccustomed, they died in fearful numbers by the scurvy. — Treat's Oration. It is gratifying to know, that justice has now been done to the memory of Boyd and his companions. In the autumn of 1841, sixty4wo years after their massacre, their remains were taken up, through the commendable zeal of the citizens of Rochester, re moved to that city and deposited at Mount-Hope cemetery. On the delivery, by the citizens of Livingston county, of the bones of Boyd and Parker, which were found near the junction of two creeks, hereafter to be known as Boyd's creek and Parker's creek, and those of that unfortunate lieutenant's command who fell in Groveland, to the receiving committee of Monroe county, an appropriate oration was delivered at Geneseo, by S. Treat, Esq. of that place, to an audience, estimated at five thousand persons. When the procession arrived at Mount-Hope, near Rochester, and had deposited the sarcophagus and urn in their final resting place, a patriotic address was delivered by his Excellency William H. Seward. Several old soldiers took part in the ceremonies, among whom were Maj. Moses Van Campen, who had, in early life, been a near neighbor of Boyd, and Mr. Sanborn, who discovered the remains of Boyd and Parker the day after they were killed. The proceedings were highly creditable to the enterprise and patriotism of Monroe and Livingston counties, and will forever be hailed as a bright page in the history of Western New York. The place of their burial at Mount-Hope, is set apart not only to receive the remains of those brave men, but of any other soldiers of the revo lution that may desire a burial there. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 315 To a State Convention, called to devise measures "for appre ciating the currency, restraining extortion, regulating prices, and other similar purposes," Frederick Fisher, John Frey, Christopher W. Fox, Crowneage Kincade, John Petrie, and Werner Deygert were elected by the people of the Mohawk valley, as certified to by Jacob G. Klock, chairman of Tryon county committee. Da ted, Committee Chamber, August 16, 1779. In October of this year, the enemy, about two hundred strong, under Major Monroe, consisting of British regulars, tories, and In dians, entered the Ballston settlement. Most of the early settlers of Saratoga county were from New England, and were good li vers. An invasion had been anticipated, and two hundred Schen ectada militia were sent to aid in protecting the settlement. A church, called afterwards the red meeting-house, was being erected at the time, and opposite and near it, a dwelling owned by a Mr. Weed was inclosed in pickets, at which place the Schenectada troops were stationed. About the same time, the Ballston mili tia, thinking the troops sent to aid them were not sufficiently cou rageous, erected a small defence on Pearson's Hill, afterwards called Court House Hill, nearly two miles in advance ofthe stock ade named, and where the invaders were expected to enter. The little fortress on the hill was guarded for several nights, but as the enemy did not appear, it was abandoned. The second night (Sunday night) after the Ballston troops dis persed, the enemy broke into the settlement. They made their first appearance at Gordon's Mills, situated on a stream called the Morning kill, entering the public road at the foot of the hill no ticed. Col. James Gordon, who commanded the Ballston militia, and Capt. Collins, an active partizan officer, living near him, were both surprised at their dwellings, and borne into captivity, with nearly thirty of their neighbors. On the arrival of the enemy at the house of Capt. Collins, Mann Collins, his son, escaped from it, and gave the alarm to John and Stephen Ball, his brothers-in- law. The latter mounted a horse, and rode to the house of Maj. Andrew Mitchell, (Major under Col. Gordon,) who, with his fa mily, fled into the fields, and escaped. The Balls also communi- 316 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, cated intelligence of the enemy's proximity to the Schenectada troops at the Fort. At Gordon's Mills, one Stowe, his miller, was captured on the arrival of Monroe's party, and, for some reason, soon after libera ted. Feeling himself obligated to Col. Gordon, he thought it his duty to inform him of his danger, and afford him a chance of es cape. Crossing a field with that laudable intent, he met an In dian, who, seeing a fugitive, as he supposed, attempting to escape, thrust a spontoon through his body, and instantly killed him. Great numbers of cattle and hogs were driven away at this time, or killed, several dwellings and out-buildings burned, and the whole settlement greatly alarmed by the invaders, who pro ceeded directly back to Canada by the eastern route. Among the dwellings burned were those of one Waters, one Pearson, several Spragues, and several Patchins. Two dwellings, a little north of the present residence of Judge Thompson, owned at the time by Kennedys, escaped the torch, as they had a friend among the in vaders. The troops assembled in the neighborhood were on their trail by daylight on Monday morning, and followed some distance ; but meeting a liberated captive, who bore a message from Col. Gor don advising the Americans to abandon the pursuit, it was given over. Why the message was sent, I am not informed, but pre sume he either thought the enemy too strong to warrant it, or the prisoners in danger of assassination if a hasty retreat was neces sary. Col. Gordon was an Irishman by birth, and a firm patriot. He was confined in a Canadian prison for several years, and was one of a party of six or eight prisoners, who effected their escape in the latter part of the war, and after much suffering succeeded in reaching home. Henry and Christian Banta, Epenetus WThite, an ensign of militia, and several others, neighbors of Col. G., and captured subsequently, also escaped with him. Procuring a boat, the fugitives crossed the St. Lawrence, and from its southern shore directed their steps through the forest, coming out at Passama- quoddy Bay, in Maine, where they found friends. Before reach ing a dwelling the party were all in a starving condition, and Col. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 317 Gordon gave out, and was left, at his request, by his friends, who proceeded to a settlement, obtained assistance, returned, and bore him in a state of entire helplessness to a place of safety, where he recovered. While the party were journeying, they agreed that if either of them obtained any thing to eat, he should be permitted to enjoy or distribute it as he chose. In the forest, to which the trapper had not been a stranger, one of the number found a steel-trap, in which an otter had been caught, and suffered to remain. It was mostly in a state of decomposition. The leg in the trap was whole, how ever, and a sight of that, Col. Gordon- afterwards assured his friends, looked more inviting to him than the most savory dish he had ever beheld ; but pinching hunger did not compel a violation of their agreement — his mouth watered in vain, and the finder ate his dainty morsel undisturbed. When the fugitives arrived at a house, and asked for bread, the woman told them she had not seen a morsel in three years. After crossing the St. Lawrence, two Indians accompanied them as guides, but under some pretext left, and finally abandoned them. The party, after suffering almost in credible hardships, all reached their homes in Ballston to the great joy of their friends. — Charles and Hugh, sons of Major Mitchell. In the fall of 1779, several stockades in the vicinity of the Mo hawk river were under the command of Col. Fr. Fisher, as ap pears by a journal of that officer's military correspondence, placed in the hands of the author by his son Maj. Daniel Visscher. Col. Fisher estabhshed his head quarters at Fort Paris. The following facts are gleaned from the memoranda. His first patrol for the several garrisons was " Washington," and countersign " Sulli van." Subject to his direction were the troops stationed at the Johnstown Fort, Fort Plank, and the block-houses at Sacandaga, and Reme Snyder's bush. The last named was a little distance northeast of Little Falls. About the 10th of November, as reported to Gen. Ten Broek, then commanding at Albany, Col. Fisher mentions the burning of a dwelling in the back part of Mayfield. The owner, Harmanus Flanke, suspected of disaffection to the American cause, was then 318 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, living in Johnstown. The house was supposed to have been de stroyed by some one from the block-house at Sacandaga. The roof of another house, the owner of which was of similar politics, was torn off, such was the spirit of party animosity. In a letter to Maj. Taylor, then commanding the Johnstown Fort, dated November 27, Col. Fisher states that he is under the necessity of convening a court martial on the following day, and that he, the Major, should attend, bringing with him another offi cer, also to act as a member. The same letter states that an ac cident happened at that fort the same morning, by which twfr men were wounded — one mortally. The nature of the accident is perhaps explained in a letter from Col. Fisher to Gen. Ten Broek, dated the 28th instant. In it he states, that during his ab sence to visit Fort Plank, a detachment of men from. Col. Stephen J. Schuyler's regiment mutinied, and expressing a determination to leave the fort, charged their pieces with ball, in presence of the officers. They were at first persuaded to unsling their packs and remain until Col. Fisher returned, but seeing Captain Jelles Fonda, (known afterwards as Major Fonda,) then in temporary command of the garrison, writing to Col. F., the mutineers again mounted packs, and knocking down the sentinels in their way, be gan to desert in earnest. Capt. Fonda ordered them to stand, but not heeding his command they continued their flight, when he or dered the troops of the Fort to fire upon them : the order was obeyed, and Jacob Valentine, one of the number, fell mortally wounded, and expired the next morning. The letter does not so state, but I have been advised that the deserters considered their term of enlistment at an end. The court martial, I suppose, con vened to try Capt. Fonda, as I have been credibly informed that he was thus tried for a similar offence, and honorably acquitted. Early in December, as the season was so far advanced that an enemy was unlooked for, and provisions were becoming scarce, it was resolved, at a meeting of Colonels Fisher, J. Klock, and Lt. Col. B. Wagner, with the sanction of Gen. Ten Broek, to dismiss the three months militia from further service ; and some of the gar risons were for a time broken up. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 319 The early and energetic measures adopted in 1779, against the enemy, prevented the sallies of the latter upon most of the fron tiers of New York, and that year was one in which the pioneers suffered comparatively but little, from the tomahawk and scalping knife. At this period of the contest the states were beginning to gain favor in Europe. Early in 1779, the king of Naples opened his ports to the striped bunting of the United States; and in the course of the season Spain declared war against England. John Jay was appointed by Congress, of which he was then a member, a minister to the court of Spain. Although no great enterprises were achieved to the United States during this season, if we except the destruction of the In dian possessions in western New York ; still many events oc curred in the length and breadth of the land, to raise and depress the hopes of the Americans. The south became the theatre of some of the most important events. An attempt was made by the American troops under Gen. Lincoln, and the French under the Count d'Estaing, to take Savannah; and notwithstanding the allied forces displayed great bravery, they were repulsed with a loss of 1000 men. Several good officers were killed in this un fortunate attack, among whom was the noble and generous Pole, Count Pulaski, then a brigadier-general: Although several brilliant exploits were performed' at the south by the American troops, still the year .closed without any event transpiring to greatly accelerate the close of the contest. In the course of the season, Gen. Tryon and Gen. Garth wantonly de stroyed much property along the coast of Connecticut.-* After sacking New Haven, they laid Fairfield and Norwalk in ashes, committing numerous outrages upon the helpless citizens. As the militia turned out promptly on those occasions, the British sought safety on shipboard. While the enemy were thus en gaged in Connecticut, Gen. Wayne most gallantly stormed the fortress of Stony Point in the Highlands ofithe Hudson. It was also in the autumn of this season that Com. John Paul Jones, a meritorious and distinguished naval officer in the Ameri- 3.20 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ETC. can service, alarmed several towns in Scotland, and in an en gagement off that coast, took ttfe British frigate Serapis, after one ofthe most bloody iattles- ever fought upon the ocean. Both ships were repeatedly on fire,; and when the enemy struck his co lors, the woundfed could .scarcely be removed to the conquered vessel, which was also much crippled, before the Bon Homme Richard, Jones's ship, went down. At the close of the season, p-art ofthe northern army went into winter quarters-under Gen. Washington a second time at Morris town, New Jersey, and -the remainder in the vicinity of West Point. Owing to the almost valueless currency of the country, which would not buy prqvisjpn§, a want of proper management in the commissary department, a lack of suitable clothing, and the extreme severity of the winter, ihe American troops suffered in credible hardships. But this' suffering was endured, for their be loved commander suffered with them, and the object for which tue soldier.Iiad taken up arms, had not yet been accomplished. ( 321 ) CHAPTER XI, If the Indians had been severlyohastised in New York jA- 1779, and had been obliged to Seek out new habitations for t^eir'.fami- lies, and consequently were not^ery troublesome * thatv?e'^ph ;' they were early treading the 'warpath the succeeding ygatf&o revenge the lasting injuries done..them. The following incident transpi^edun the spring of 1780,*% the Mohawk valley. The facts weteig-jetelated to the author '-by John S. Quackenboss, and Isaac Covenhemen; the latter one ofthe ac tors: George Cuck, a tory who had. become somewhat notorious from his having been engaged, with1- the enemy at Oriskany, Cherry-Valley, and elsewhere5 efiterffl the valley of the' Mohawk late in the fall of 1779, with the view of obtainingihe scalps o£ Capt. Jacob Gardiner, and his Ljeuf; Abrahanj D. Quack^oSossJt- (father of John S.,) for which .the" enemy had offered a' large bounty. Cuck was seen several times in the fall, and' on one oc casion, while sitting upon a rail fence, was fired upon by Abra ham Covenhoven, a former whig neighbor.. The ball entered the rail upon which he sat, and he escaped. As nothing more was seen of him after that event, it was. generally supposed ,he had returned to Canada. At this period,- a tory by.the'name^pfylQhn Van Zuyler, resided ina small- dwelling which stood in a. then retired spot, a few rods south of the present residence of Maj. James Winne, in the town of Glen. Van Zuyler had *ffl*iree daughters, and although he lived some distance from neighbors, and a dense forest intervened befween his residence and the river settlements, several miles distarit^tfie young whi'g§ would ^occa sionally visit his girls. Tory girf*s> I must presume^ sometimes made agreeable sparks, or spaj^S^especially in sugar time. 322 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, James Cromwelf,. a young man who lived near the Mohawk, went out one pleasant summer evening in the month of March, to see .bne of Van Zuyler's daughters. Most of the settlers then made maple sugar, and Cromwell found his fair Dulcinea, boiling sap in .the sugar bush. * While they were sparking it, the term for courtihg .in the country, the girl, perhaps thinking her name would soon be Mrs. Qromwell, became very confiding and com municative. She told her beau -that the tory Cuck, was at their house. ' Cromwell at first appeared incredulous — " he is surely there??«said she, " and when any one visits the house, he is secret- " ei'linder' the floor." The report of his having been seen in the fail instantly recurred to his mind, and from the earnestness of the girl, he believed her story. Perhaps Cromwell was aware that the girl when with him was inclined to be whiggish — be that as it may, he resolved instantly to set about ascertaining the truth or falsehood of the information: In a very short time he com plained of being made suddenly ill, from eating too much sugar. The girl whose sympathy was aroused, thinking from his motions that he was badly griped, finally consented to let him go home and sugar off alone. Away Vent Cromwell pressing his hands upon-'his bowels, and groaning fearfully until he was out of sight and hearing of his paramour," when the pains left him. Taking a direct course through the woods, he reached the dwelling of Capt. Jacob Gardinier, some four miles below his own, and with in the present village of Fultonville, about 12 o'clock at night, and calling him up, told him what he had heard. Capt. Gardin ier sent immediatly to'* his Lieut. Quackenboss, to select a dozen stout hearted men and meet them as soon as possible at his house. The lieutenant enquired what business was on hand — the mes senger replied—" Capt. Gardinier said I should tell you that there was a blhck bear to be caught." In a short time the requisite number of whigs had assembled, and the captain, taking his lieutenant aside, told him the duty he had tp perform. He de- clined*going himself on account of ill health, and entrusted the enterprise to his lieutenant. He directed him to proceed with the utmost caution, as the foe was no doubt armed, and as his AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 323 name was a terror in the valley, to kill him at all hazards. The party well armed, set off on the mission. The snow yet on the ground was crusted so hard, that it bore them, and having the advantage of a bright moon-light night, they marched rapidly forward. Halting a quarter of a mile from Van Zuyler's house, the lieutenant struck up a fire, and as his men gathered round an ignited stump, he addressed* them near ly as follows : " My brave lads ! It is said the villian Cuck, is in yonder house, secreted beneath the floor. The object of our visit is to destroy him. He is a bold and desperate fellow — doubtless well armed, and in all probability some of us must fall by his hand. Those of you, therefore, who decline engaging in so dangerous an undertaking, are now at liberty to return home." " We are ready to follow where you dare to lead !" was the re sponse of one and all. It is yet too early, said the lieutenant, and while they were waiting for the return of day, the plan of attack was agreed upon. At the stump was assembled Lieut. Quackenboss, Isaac and Abraham Covenhoven, twin brothers, John Ogden, Jacob Collier, Abraham J., and Peter J. Quacken boss, Martin Gardinier, James Cromwell, Gilbert Van Alstyne, Nicholas, son of Capt. Gardinier, a sergeant, Henry Thompson, and Nicholas Quackenboss, also a sergeant. It was agreed that the party should separate and approach the house in different directions, so as not to excite suspicion. The appearance of a light in the dwelling was the signal for moving forward, and se lecting Ogden, Collier, and Abraham J. Quackenboss to follow him, the lieutenant led directly to the house. As they approach ed it, a large watch dog met them with his yelping, which caus ed the opening of a little wooden slide over a loophole for ob servation, by a member of the family ; but seeing only four per sons, the inmates supposed they were sugar-makers. On reach ing the door and finding it fastened, the soldiers instantly forced it — the family, as may be supposed, were thrown into confusion by the unexpected entrance of armed men. " What do you want here *?" demanded Van Zuyler. " The tory George Cuck !" was the lieutenant's reply. Van Zuyler declared that the object of 324 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, their search was not in his house. The three daughters had al ready gone to the sugar-works, and their father expressed to Lieut. Quackenboss, his wish to go there too. He was permitted to go, but thinking it possible that Cuck might also have gone there, several men then approaching the house, were ordered to keep an eye on his movement. Abraham Covenhoven was one of the second party who entered the house. There was a dark stairway which led to an upper room, in which it was thought the object of their search might be secreted. Covenhoven was in the act of ascending the stairs with his gun aimed upward, and ready to fire, as Abraham J. Quackenboss, drew a large chest from the wall on one side of the room, disclosing the object of their search. Discharging a pistol at Nicholas Gardinier, the tory sprang out before Quackenboss, who was so surprised that he stood like a statue, exclaiming, "dunder! dander! dander!" The wary lieutenant was on his guard, and as Cuck leaped upon the floor from a little cellar hole, made on purpose for his secre tion, he sent a bullet through his head, carrying with it the eye opposite. He fell upon one knee, when the lieutenant ordered the two comrades beside him to fire. Ogden did so, sending a bullet through his breast, and as he sank to the floor, Collier, placing the muzzle of his gun near his head, blew out his brains. Thus ended the life of a man, who, in an evil hour, had resolved to imbrue his hands in the blood of his former neighbors and coun trymen. When the first gun was fired, Covenhoven said the report was so loud and unexpected that he supposed it fired by Cuck him self, and came near falling down stairs. Had the party not divi ded into several squads, thepeep from the slide window would have betrayed the object of their visit, and more than one would doubtless have fallen before the villain had been slain, for he had two loaded guns in the house, and a brace of well charged pistols, only one of which he had taken into his kennel. They also found belonging to him, a complete Indian's dress, and two small bags of parched corn and maple sugar, pounded fine and mixed to gether, an Indian dish, called by the Dutch quitcheraw — intended as food for a long journey. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 325 After his death, it was ascertained that Cuck had entered the valley late in the fall — that he had been concealed at the house of this kindred spirit, who pretended neutrality in the contest, whose retired situation favored the plans of his guest, and was watching a favorable opportunity to secure the scalps mentioned, and return to Canada. The making of maple sugar he had sup posed would favor his intentions, as an enemy was unlooked for so early in the season, and the persons whose scalps he sought, would probably expose themselves in the woods. He had intend ed, if possible, to secure both scalps in one day, and by a hasty flight, pursue the nearest route to Canada. As the time of sugar- making had arrived, it is probable his enterprise was on the eve of being consummated ; but the goddess of liberty, spread her wings in his path, and defeated his hellish intentions. Van Zuyler was made a prisoner by the party, and lodged in the jail at Johnstown ; from whence he was removed not long af ter to Albany. When they were returning home with Van Zuy ler in custody, as they approached the sugar bush of Evert Van Epps, near the present village of Fultonville, one of them, put ting on the Indian dress of Cuck, (which, with the guns and pis tols were taken home as trophies,) approached the sugar makers as an enemy, which occasioned a precipitate retreat. The fugi tives were called back by others of the party, when a rope being provided, their prisoner was drawn up to the limb of a tree sev eral times by the neck ; but as he had been guilty of no known crime, except that of harboring Cuck, although suspected of burn ing Covenhoven's barn in the fall, his life was spared and he was disposed of as before stated. Cuck was a native of Tryon county, and was born not many miles from where he died. On the 2d day of April, 1780, a scout of fourteen individuals, commanded by Lieut. Alexander Harper, (not Col. John Harper as stated by some writers,) were sent from the Schoharie forts by Col. Vrooman into the vicinity of Harpersfield, to keep an eye on the conduct of certain suspected persons living near the head wa ters of the Delaware, and if possible to make a quantity of ma ple sugar. The party were surprised after being there a feWdays, 22 326 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, by a body of Indians and tories under Joseph Brant, and hurried off to Canada. The scout consisted of Lt. Harper, Freegift Pat chin* Isaac Patchin his brother, Ezra Thorp, Lt. Henry Thorp, Thomas Henry, afterwards major, and his brother James Henry, Cornelius Teabout, one Stevens and five others. About the time they arrived at their place of destination, a heavy snow fell, and not anticipating the approach of a foe, they began their sugar manufacture. The preceding winter has justly been designated in the annals of mercury as the cold winter, and the spring was ve ry backward. They were busily engaged in sugar makings— which can only be done while the weather thaws in the day time and freezes in the night — from the time of their arrival until tbe 7th, when they were surprised by forty-three Indians and seven tories. So unlooked for was the approach of an enemy, and so com plete was their surprise, that the Americans did not fire a gun. Two of them were shot down, and eleven more, who were in the sugar bush, surrendered themselves prisoners. Poor Stevens, who was on that day sick in bed, and unable to proceed with the pri soners, was killed and scalped in cold blood. Brant, on recognis ing Harper, approached him. " Harper !" said he, " / am sorry to find you here!" " Why?" — asked the latter. " Because" re plied he, *¦' / must kill you, although we were once school mates !" The ostensible object of Brant's mission had been, to lay waste the Schoharie settlements. Confronting Harper, with his eyes keenly fixed upon him, he enquired- — " Are there any troops at Schoharie?" Harper's anxiety for the settlers prompted the readv answer — " Yes, three hundred continental troops from the eastward, arrived at the forts but three days since." The intelligence — false, although the occasion justified it — was unwelcome to the great chief, whose countenance indicated disappointment. The eleven prisoners were then pinioned, and secured in a hog-pen. Several tories were stationed to guard them during the night, among * Mr. Patchin was a fifer during the war, and a general of militia after its close. He was a very worthy man, and once represented his county in the Legislature. 7- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 327 whom was one Beacraft, a notorious villain, as his after conduct will show. The Indians built a large fire near, and were in consultation for a long time, about what disposition should be made with the pri soners. Harper could understand much of their dialect, and ov erheard several of the Indians and tories urging the death of the prisoners, as they did not consider the enterprise sufficiently ac complished. The opinion of Brant, which was that the party re turn immediately to Niagara, finally prevailed. Often during the night, while an awful suspense was hanging over the fate of the prisoners, would Beacraft comfort them with this and similar salu tations — " You d — d rebels ! you 'll all be in hell before morning." Lieut. Harper discovered, while the enemy were consulting the preceding evening, that his word was doubted by many of the par ty, and early in the morning he was ordered before an Indian council consisting of Brant and five other chiefs. He was told that his story about the arrival of troops at Schoharie was unbe- lieved. The question as to its truth was again asked, while the auditors — tomahawk in hand — awaited the answer. Harper, whose countenance indicated scorn at having his word thus doubt ed, replied that what he had before told them was true, and that if they any longer doubted it, they should go there, and have their doubts removed. Not a muscle of the brave man's countenance indicated fear or prevarication, and full credit was then given to the statement. Fortunate would it be if every falsehood was as productive of good, for that alone prevented the destroyers from entering the Schoharie valley, when it was feebly garrisoned, and where they intended to strike the first effectual blow in revenge of the injuries done them the year before, by the armies under Van Schaick and Sullivan. The rest of the prisoners were now let out of the pig-stye, when Brant told them in English that the intended destination of the parly was Schoharie, which he had been informed was but feebly garrisoned — that his followers were much disappointed at being obliged thus to return — that it had been with difficulty he and his chiefs had restrained the desire of their comrades to kill the pri- 328 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, soners and proceed to the Schoharie valley — that if they would accompany him to Niagara, they should be treated as prisoners of war, and fare as did their captors. The latter expressed a wil lingness to proceed. They were compelled to carry the heavy packs of the Indians, filled with plunder taken at the destruction of Harpersfield but a few days before, and all set forward for Ca nada. They were still bound, and as the snow was several feet deep, they at first found it very difficult to keep up with the In dians, who were provided with show- shoes. Some ten or fifteen miles from the place of capture, the party halted at a grist-mill, upon the Delaware river, owned by a tory. This royalist told Brant he might better have taken more scalps and less prisoners ; and his daughters, sensitive creatures, even urged the more gene rous chieftain to kill his prisoners then, lest they might return at some future day and injure their family. The enemy obtained of this tory abcut three bushels of shelled corn, which was also put upon the backs of the prisoners, and they resumed their march. They had proceeded but a few miles down the river, when they met Samuel Clockstone, a tory well known to Brant and most of the prisoners. When Brant made known to him the intended ex pedition, and its termination from what Lieut Harper had told him, Clockstone replied — " depend upon it, there are no troops at Schoharie — I have heard of none." With uplifted tomahawk Brant approached Harper, who was confronted by Clockstone. " Why have you lied to me 1" — asked the Indian, with passion de picted in every feature and gesture. Harper, apprised of what the tory had said, in his reply, thus addressed the latter. " I have been to the forts but four days since, the troops had then ar rived, and if Capt. Brant disbelieves me, he does so at his peril.'j Noble, generous hearted fellow, thus to peril his own life to save the lives of others. He had alone visited the forts after the party were at the sugar-bush, which Clockstone happened to know, and the latter admitted that possibly troops had arrived. Brant was now satisfied that his prisoner had not deceived him, and the march was resumed. In the vicinity of Harpersfield the Indians made prisoners an AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 329 aged man named Brown, and two little boys — his grand-sons. On the day after the party met Clockstone, as the traveling was very bad, Brown, having also a heavy pack to carry, found himself unable to keep up with the company, and begged permission of his captors to return ; telling them that he was too old to take any part in the war, and could not injure the king's cause. On his making this request, the party halted and the old gentleman's pack was taken from him. Knowing the Indian character, he read his fate in the expressive gestures of his silent masters, and told his grand-sons, in a low voice, that they would never see him again, for the Indians were going to kill him. He took an affect ing leave of the boys and was then compelled to fall in the rear, where he was left in the charge of an Indian, whose face, painted black, denoted him as being the executioner for the party. In a short time this Indian overtook his comrades with the hairless scalp of the murdered prisoner, hanging at the end of his gun. The party proceeded down the Delaware river to the Cook house flats, from whence they directed tlieir course to Oquago. Constructing rafts, they floated down the Susquehanna to the mouth of the Chemung. The prisoners were unbound when on the raft, but rebound on leaving it. The Indians, capable of enduring more fatigue than their pri soners on a scanty supply of food — being provided with snow-shoes, and having little baggage to carry, would probably have wearied out most of their prisoners, whose bodies, like that of poor Brown, would have been left to feast wild beasts, and their bones, like his, to bleach upon the mountains, had not Brant providentially fallen ill of fever and ague, which compelled the party for a time to lay by every other day on his account. They had been jour neying about a fortnight, and were approaching a warmer lati tude, when a rattle-snake, which had left its den in a warm spot, was killed, and a soup made of it, a free use of which effected a cure for the invalid. The corn obtained near the head of the Delaware, was equally distributed among tbe whole party, by an allowance of about two handfuls a day, which was counted out by the berry to deal jus- 330 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, tice. This is a noble trait of the Indian character. He never grudgingly gives a scanty allowance to his prisoner, and satiates his own appetite, but shares equally his last morsel with him. The corn was boiled in small kettles carried by the Indians pre paratory to eating. While in the vicinity of Tioga-Point, the prisoners came near being sacrificed, to gratify the savage disposition to revenge, even on the innocent, an injury done to a friend. While the Indians were on their way down the Chemung, Brant detached ten of his warriors, mostly Senecas, to a place called Minisink,* an old frontier settlement on the borders of New York and Pennsyl vania, in the hope of making prisoners and plunder. They ar rived in due time at the place of destination, and succeeded in ob taining several scalps and five prisoners, three men and two small children. The following particulars of their capture and escape, I find in a note subjoined to Treat's Oration, delivered at Geneseo in 1841, on exhuming the remains of Lieut. Boyd and his com mand. " The father of Major Van Campen was thrust through with a spear ; and whilst the red warrior was, with his foot on the breast of his victim, endeavoring to extricate his spear, another savage had dashed out the brains of Moses Van Campen's brother with a tomahawk, and was aiming a blow at Moses' head. He seized the Indian's arm, and arrested the descending blow. Whilst thus en gaged, his father's murderer thrust his spear at his side. But he avoided the weapon, being only slightly wounded. At this mo ment the chief interfered, and his life was spared. " After several days' march, the party of Senecas above men tioned, arrived near Tioga point, with Lieut, (now Major) Van Campen ; a Dutchman by the name of Pence ; Pike, a robust Yankee; and two small children. During the day, these prison ers marched with the party, bearing the baggage ; and at the eve ning halt, were made to carry the wood for the fires. " Van Campen had, for some time, urged upon the two men, prisoners with him, to make an attempt to escape during the night, by tomahawking the Indians whilst sleeping. He depicted to them the horrors of a long captivity, and of the agonizing tortures to which they would probably be subjected. His companions, however, weTe at first alarmed at the danger of a contest with ten warriors. During the afternoon preceding the eventful night of * This word signifies, as I have been told, " The water is gone. " AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 331 their delivery, he succeeded in persuading them to join him in the meditated blow, before they crossed the river and their retreat wiis thereby cut off. He advised them to remove the Indians' rifles ; and with the head of the tomahawks, dash out their brains ; for if the edges of the weapon were used, the time required to extricate the hatchet after each blow, would prove a dangerous delay. He Wits over-ruled by his comrades ; and after some discussion among them, that plan was adopted, which was finally acted upon. " At evening, the savages, according to their custom, lighted their fires, and bound the arms of the captives behind their backs. They then cut two forked stakes for each side of the fire, and placed between them (resting on the forks) two poles, against which they could lean their rifles. During the evening meal, one of the savages, after sharpening a stick on which to roast his meat, laid down his knife in the grass, near the feet of Van Campen, who saw it, and so turned his feet as to cover it, hoping the Indian would forget it before going to rest. After the meal was finished, the ten Indians having first examined their prisoners to ascertain if they were fast bound, lay down to sleep. Five were on each side of the fire — their heads under the poles, and his rifle standing at the head of each, ready to be grasped at the instant. " About midnight, Van Campen sat up and looked around, to learn if all were asleep. Their loud snoring told him the hour to strike had arrived. He then, with his feet drew the knife within reach of his pinioned hands. Rising cautiously, he roused his companions. Pence cut the bands from Van Campen's arms, and the latter then cut loose his two comrades. There had been a slight fall of snow, which had frozen among the leaves, and ren dered every footstep fearfully audible. But they succeeded in re moving all the rifles to a tree at a short distance from the fire, without awaking one of the warriors. During the afternoon, sev eral of the rifles had been discharged in killing a deer, and, through forgetfulness, left unloaded. The plan proposed was, that Pence, who was an excellent marksman, should lie down on the left of one row of Indians, with three rifles ; and, at the given signal, fire. They supposed the same ball would pass through at least two sav ages. In the mean time, Van Campen should tomahawk three of those on the other side and Pike, two. Then there would be but three Indians remaining, and each of the captives was to fasten on his foe — Van Campen and Pike with their tomahawks, and Pence with one of the undischarged rifles. Fortunately, for their safety, Pence had taken the two unloaded rifles. " All things being ready, Van Campen's tomahawk . dashed out the brains of one of the Indians at a single blow ; but Pence's ri fle snapped without discharging. At the noise, one of the two as signed to Pike's charge, with a sudden " ugh !" extended his hand for his rifle. Pike's heart failing him at this awful crisis : he crouched to the ground and stirred not. But Van Campen saw the Indian starting to his feet; and, as quick as thought, drove the 332 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, tomahawk through his head. Just as the fifth blow of Van Camp en had despatched the last savage on his side of the fire, Pence tried the third rifle, and the ball passed through the heads of four. The fifth on that side, John Mohawk, bounded to his feet, and rushed towards the rifles. Van Campen darted between him and the tree, and Mohawk turned in flight. Van Campen pursued him, and drove the tomahawk through his shoulder. Mohawk imme diately grappled his adversary ; and, in the struggle, both fell — Van Campen undermost. Each knew his life depended on the firmness of his grasp ; and they clung to each other with unre- laxed nerve, and writhed to break free. Van Campen lay under the wounded shoulder, and was almost suffocated with the Indian's blood which streamed over his face. He eagerly stretched his hand around Mohawk's body to reach the knife of the latter; for the tomahawk had fallen from his hand in the struggle. But as they fell, the Indian's belt had been twisted around his body, and the knife was beyond his reach. At length they break away, and both spring to their feet. Mohawk's arms had been round Van Campen's neck, and the arm of the latter over the back of the former. As they gained their feet, Van Campen seized the toma hawk and pursued the again retreating Indian. His first impulse was to hurl the hatchet at his foe ; but he saw at once the impru dence of the course. If it missed its object, it would be turned in a moment against his own life ; and he therefore gave over the pursuit, and one alone of the ten Senecas escaped. " On returning to his comrades, he found Pike on his knees beg ging for his life, and Pence standing over him with loaded rifle, ready to fire. Pence answered V. C.'s inquiry into his conduct, by saying, " De tam Yankee bee's a cowart, and I musht kill urn." With difficulty Van Campen prevailed upon the Dutchman to spare the frightened and dastardly Pike. They then scalped their victims ; and, taking their rifles, set forward with the two boys, on their return home, which they reached in safety. Among the scalps which were strung to the belt of one of the warriors, were those of Van Campen's father and brother." 4 Mohawk, the sachem who had escaped from Van Campen, was occupying a little hut near Tioga Point, where the Minisink party were to await Brant's arrival, endeavoring to cure his -wound, when he returned with his prisoners. As the party under Brant drew near that place, the war whoop was sounded, and was soon answered by a pitiful howl — the death yell of the lone Indian. The party halted in mute astonishment, when the Indian, with the nine pairs of mocasons, taken from the feet of his dead comrades, came forward and related the adventures of himself and friends, and the terrible disaster that had overtaken them. Instantly, the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 333 whole band under Brant seemed transformed to so many devils in carnate, gathering round their prisoners with frantic gestures, and cutting the air with their weapons of death. At this critical mo ment, when the fate of the prisoners seemed inevitable from the known rule of Indian warfare, Mohawk threw himself into the midst of the circle, and made a signal for silence. This Indian knew most of the prisoners, having lived about Schoharie before the war. He told his attentive auditors, that the prisoners were not the men who had killed his friends, and that to take the lives of innocent men to revenge the guilt of others, could not be right : he therefore desired them to spare their lives. The storm of pas sion which seemed ready but a moment before to overwhelm the prisoners, now yielded to the influence of reason, and the toma hawks of the savages were returned to their girdles. The company again moved forward, the prisoners grateful to the Almighty for their deliverance from such obvious perils. On arriving near Newtown, the whole party, Indians as well as prisoners, were on the point of starvation, when an unusual number of wolf-tracks arrested their attention. They led to the half-devoured carcase of a dead horse, supposed to have been a pack horse, left by accident the fall before by the army under Gen. Sullivan. The under side of the animal, frozen, and buried in snow, was found in a good state of preservation. It was in stantly cut up, and equally distributed, even to the fleshless bones, among the whole party. Fires were built — the meat cooked — and the nearly famished travelers feasted upon the remains of this horse, with far more satisfaction than would the epicure upon his most dainty meats. In the present county of Steuben, the prisoners saw the " Painted Post," which had been erected by the Indians, to com memorate some signal battle fought upon the spot. Leaving the route of Sullivan on the Chemung, they proceeded farther north. On their journey, the tories, Beacraft,* and Barney Cane, boast- * Priest states, that Beacraft boasted at this time of killing a Vrooman boy in Schoharie. He had no lack of evil deeds at that period, but that writer must have misunderstood Gen. Patchin in that part of the narrative. 334 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ed of the acts of cruelty each had then perpetrated during the war. The party descended to the Genesee river nearly famished, and there met a company of Indians that had arrived to make preparations to plant corn. The latter had brought with them from Niagara, a fine looking horse, which Brant instantly order ed killed, and distributed to his again starving men and prisoners. No part of the animal, not even the intestines were suffered to be lost. They roasted the meat, using white ashes as a substi tute for salt. They also found upon the Genesee flats, small ground nuts, which they roasted and ate with their horse flesh. From this place, Brant sent forward a runner to Niagara, a distance of eighty miles, to announce the result of his expedition, the number of prisoners, and their character. Brant was in pos session of a secret which he kept in his own breast, that doubt less operated as an incentive for him to save the life of Lieut. Harper and his men. Among the prisoners taken at the massa cre of Cherry-Valley, in the fall of 1778, was Miss Jane Moore, whose mother was a sister of Harper. Not long after her arrival at Niagara, she was courted, and became the wife of Capt. Powel, a British officer of merit.* Beacraft did kill a boy named Vrooman in Schoharie in the manner there de scribed, but it was not until the 9th day of the following August, as will be shown. He also boasted of the act after it was committed. He was a no torious villain, and partial justice was awarded him subsequently. * " In person, Brant was about the middling size, of a square, stout build, ^fitted rather for enduring hardships than for quick movements. His complex ion was lighter than that of most of the Indians, which resulted, perhaps, from his less exposed manner of living. This circumstance, probably, gave rise to a statement, which has been often repeated, that he was of mixed origin. [The old people in the Mohawk valley to whom he was known, generally agree in maintaining that he was not a full blooded Indian, but was part white.] He was married in the winter of 1779, to a daughter of Col. Croghan, by an Indian woman. The circumstances of this marriage are somewhat singular. He was present at the wedding of Miss Moore from Cherry-Valley, who had been carried away a prisoner, and who married an officer of the garrison at Fort Niagara. " Brant had lived with his wife for some time previous, according to the Indian custom, without marriage; but now insisted that the marriage cere mony should be performed. This was accordingly done by Col. Butler, who was still considered a magistrate. After the war he removed with his na- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 335 Brant suggested to his runner to the fort, that Capt. Powel should send the warriors from both Indian camps contiguous, down the lake to the Nine Mile Landing — there to await his arrival with the prisoners. Having obtained permission from Col. Butler to do so, Powel gave the Indians a quantity of rum to aid, as they supposed, in their celebration, and away they went. The danger Brant justly apprehended, was, from the im possibility of restraining the violent acts of many of the Indians, while the prisoners were running the gantlet, knowing that re lations of the Minisink party would be present burning with re venge, and all were smarting under the chastisement they had received the preceding year. He knew that no act, however atrocious, would be considered by many of his warriors, too se vere to inflict at this time on the prisoners. That Harper was a relative of Mrs. Powel, Brant concealed from every individual of his party. Four days after the messenger had been sent forward, they ar rived near Niagara, when the tories began to tantalize the prison ers, by telling them that in all probability few of them would sur vive running the gantlet. On arriving at the first encampment the prisoners were as happily disappointed to find that the lines through which they were to pass were composed of old women and children, who would not be likely to inflict much injury, as were the tories to find the revengeful warriors all absent. Most of the prisoners escaped with httle injury, except Freegift Patch- in, He was approached by an old squaw, who, as she exclaim- tion to Canada. There he was employed in transacting important business for his tribe. He went out to England after the war, and was honorably received there." — Memoirs of Dr. Wheelock — see N. Y. Hist. Coll. Joseph Brant died on the 24th November, 1807, at his residence near the head of Lake Ontario, in the 65th year of his age. Not long before that event, the British government refused, for the first time, to confirm a sale of lands made by that chief, which mortified him very much. The sale was afterwards confirmed, at which he was so much elated, thathe got into a frolick, that is said to have laid. the foundation for his sickness, and re sulted in his death. The wife of Brant, who was very dignified in her ap pearance, would not converse in English before strangers, notwithstanding she could speak it fluently. 336 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ed "poor shild," gave him a terrible blow upon the head. As the prisoners drew near the second encampment, they were grati fied to perceive that, through the policy of Capt. Powel, a regi ment of British troops was thrown into parallel lines to protect them. When Patchin had arrived within a few rods of the gate way, an Indian boy ran up and gave himi a blow on the forehead with a hatchet, which had nearly proven fatal. A soldier stand ing by, snatched the weapon from the hand of the young savage and threw it into the lake. The unexpected meeting of Harper with friends among the enemies of his country, was no doubt very gratifying. On arriving at the fort, the prisoners were brought before seve ral British officers, among whom sat Col. John Butler as presiding officer. The colonel put several abusive questions to the pri soners, and addressing Freegift Patchin, who stood nearest his seat, he asked him " if he did not think that by and by his In dians would compel a general surrender of the Yankees'?" Smart ing under his wounds, he replied that " he did not wish to answer for fear of giving offence." The unfeeling officer insisted on an answer, and the young American, whose patriotic blood was ri sing to fever heat, replied — " If I must answer you, it is to say, No — you might as well think to empty the adjoining lake of its waters with a bucket, as attempt to conquer the Yankees in that manner." Butler flew into a passion, called Patchin " a d — d rebel" for giving him such an insolent reply, and ordered him out of his sight. At this instant, a generous hearted British officer in terfered. Said he to Col. B., "the lad is not to blame for an swering your question, which you pressed to an answer : he has no doubt answered it candidly, according to his judgment." Ex tending a glass of wine to Patchin, whose spirit he admired — " Here, my poor fellow," said he, " take this glass of wine and drink it." Such unexpected kindness received his grateful re membrance. The examination of the prisoners having ended, Mrs. Nancy Bundy,* who was also a prisoner at the time, prepared •This woman stated to Freegift Patchin, " that herself, her husband, and two children were captured at the massacre of Wyoming, and brought to the AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 337 as speedily as possible, a soup made of proper materials for them. The captors received as their reward for the delivery of the Schoharie party eight dollars per head. This it is believed was the stipulated reward for American scalps or prisoners, to be paid for by Col. John Butler,* the British agent for that business, dur ing the war : but it was often the case that the delivery of a com mittee-man's scalp or his person, or that of an officer or noted sol dier, entitled the possessor to a larger sum. From Niagara, the prisoners, except Harper, were sent from post to post, and finally lodged in prison at Chamblee. Here they remained in irons nearly two years, suffering most acutely for the necessaries of life. Free. Patchin was reduced to such a state, as to be unable to rise from the floor without the aid of one of the Thorps. Doctor Pendergrass, a physician who had the care of the prison ers, totally neglected to require into their real condition, the con sequence was that some of them became objects of loathing, even to themselves. Of the latter number was Free. Patchin. A wor thy physician at length succeeded Pendergrass in his station, and the sufferings of the prisoners was at once mitigated. On his first visit to the prisoners confined in the room with the Patchins, Steele, the commanding officer of the fort, accompanied him. The doctor proceeded to examine the prisoners singly. Ashamed Genesee country. There she had been parted from her husband, the Indians carrying him she knew not where. She had not been long in the possession of the tribe with whom she had been left, when the Indian who had taken her prisoner was desirous of making her his wife ; but she repulsed him, say ing, very imprudently, she had one husband, and it would be unlawful to have more than one. This seemed to satisfy him, and she saw him no more for a long time. After a while he came again, and renewed his suit, alleging that now there was no objection to her marrying him, as her husband was dead, ' for,' said he, ' I found where he was, and have killed him.' She then told him, if he had killed her husband he might kill her also, for she would not marry a murderer. When he saw that his person was hateful to her, he tied her, took her to Niagara, and sold her for eight dollars. The fate of her chil dren she did not know. — Priest." * This man, who died some years after the war near Niagara, partially re ceived punishment in this life for bis cruelties in the Revolution, for he was six weeks dying— or rather continued to breathe in the most acute sufifering for that length of time, every hour of which it was thought would prove his last. A fact communicated by a friend who was in Niagara at the time. 338 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, of being seen, Free. Patchin was occupying the darkest corner of the room, and had thrown an old blanket around him, to hide his naked limbs. The doctor at length approached him. " Well, my lad," he asked, " what is the matter with you 1" " Nothing, sir," was the reply. " Then get upon your feet," added the doc tor. " I cannot do it," replied Patchin. The former then thrust the end of his cane under the blanket and removed it, discovering his pitiful condition. The doctor possessed a humane heart, and his sym pathy for the prisoner was instantly aroused. Turning to Steele, with a look that denoted surprise and anger, he demanded to know why this prisoner had been so cruelly neglected, ordering his shackles instantly removed. The language and treatment of this medical officer was so unexpected, and so different from what he had previously experienced, that Patchin could not refrain from weeping like a child. With proper treatment his health was soon improved. From Chamblee the prisoners were taken to Rebel Island where they remained nntil peace was proclaimed. From that place they were sent to Quebec, via Montreal, and put on board of a cartel ship bound for Boston : where they arrived after many perils at sea. They then directed their course to Albany, and from thence to Schoharie, where they arrived nearly three years after their capture. Gen. Patchin was married after the war, and settled in Blenheim, Schoharie county, where he resided until the close of his life. His widow assured the writer, that Mr. Patchin's constitution received a shock while a prisoner, from which he never entirely recovered. A large body of the enemy having been seen in the latter part of March, in the vicinity of Putman's creek, as stated in a letter from Col. Van Schaick, of Albany, to Col. Fisher, the formpr re commended sending a reasonable force to the Sacandaga block house. Col. Fisher accordingly despatched to that post one-third of his regiment, and ordered Lieut. Col. Veeder to repair thither, and take the command. The remainder of the regiment was or dered out, and stationed at Fort Johnson and other commanding points near the Mohawk, until the 1st of April, and then dispers- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 339 edV The enemy, however, had lingered about the settlements, as the following letter will show : Caughnawaga, 3d April, 17S0. " Sir — On Tuesday night last, the block-house [at Sacandaga] was attacked by a scouting party of Indians, to the number of se ven, as near as could be ascertained, [proved to be five] and en deavored to set it on fire in two different places, which they would have effected had it not been for the activity of one brave man who lived there, named Solomon Woodworth, who, although alone, sal lied out and extinguished the fire. Whilst he was doing it, five shots were fired at him, one of which only touched him. On his return into the house he fired at them, one of whom he wounded in the thigh, on which the rest fled and took the wounded Indian with them. The reason of the block-house being without men at that time, was through the neglect of one of the militia officers, which I have taken notice of already in a particular manner, i immediately sent out a party after them, who returned without success for the want of snow shoes. Seven volunteers [six, as sta ted in a subsequent letter] turned out on last Thursday, and came up with them on Saturday about 12 o'clock; when five of the In dians fired upon my men, and the whole missed, upon which the brave volunteers run up and fired upon them with buck-shot and wounded every one of them, took, and killed the whole, and brought in all their packs and guns without ever receiving the least hurt. This intelligence I just received from Col. Veeder, by express from the block-house, where he commands sixty men. " You'll please order up some rum and ammunition for the use of my regiment of militia, being very necessary as the men are daily scouting. Your commands at any time shall be punctually obeyed, by " Your most humble servant, "FREDERICK FISHER, Colonel. " Col. Goshen Van Schaick — sent by express." In a letter from Col. Fisher to Col. Van Schaick, dated April 13th, the names of the volunteers in the above enterprise are gi ven, and are as follows : Solomon Woodworth, John Eikler, Pe ter Pruyn, David Putman, Rulf Vores, and Joseph May all. The Indians were overtaken and killed about forty miles north of Sa candaga. At this period of the war, Marcus Bellinger was supervisor, and William Dietz, a Justice of the Peace for Schoharie. Agreeable to an act of Congress, passed Feb. 12, 1780, assessors were ap pointed in the frontier districts to ascertain, as nearly as possible, 340 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, how much' grain each family might need for its consumption, that the remainder of the stock might be in readiness for their less pro vident neighbors or the army. Bellinger gave written certificates to the requisite quantity for each family in his district, and Dietz gave written permits to such as had not a supply, to draw one. The following particulars were narrated to the author in 1841, by Moses Nelson, then a resident of Otsego county. He stated, that on the morning Cherry-Valley was destroyed, in the fall of 1778, he, then in his 14th year, was at the fort ; that when the alarm was given of the enemy's approach, he ran home — some half a mile distant — and, with his mother, then a widow with whom he was living, fled to Lady hill, east of the village ; where they remained concealed until the enemy had left. Nelson had four half-brothers at the lime, older than himself, who were all in the service of their country. In the month of March following, he enlisted in the bateau service, for a term of ten months, on the Hudson river, rendezvousing at Fishkill. After the time of his enlistment expired, he again returned to Cherry- Valley, and was living with his mother at that place, where a few daring spirits still continued their tesidence, when, on the 24th of April, 1780, a party of seventy-nine hostile Indians and two tories, broke in upon the settlement. One of the latter, named Bowman, a former resident of the Mohawk valley, was the leader of the band. They had previously been to the vicinity of the Mohawk, where they had made several prisoners ; and passing along Bowman's creek — called at its outlet the Canajoharie creek — they captured several more, among whom were two persons named Young. This party killed eight individuals and took fourteen prisoners in this expedition, and among the former was the mother of my in formant, whose bloody scalp he was compelled to see torn off, and borne off-as a trophy. This band of furies consisted of warriors from various tribes ; and among the number were two Stockbridge Indians, one of whom claimed Nelson as his prisoner. The route pursued by the enemy, after completing the work of destruction at that doomed place, was dawn the Cherry- Valley creek : and from Otsego lake, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 341 down the Susquehanna to the Tioga, and thence westward via the Genesee flats to Niagara. The enemy while returning to Canada, separated into small parties, the better to procure the means of subsistence. The two Stockbridge Indians with whom he journeyed, made a canoe from a bass-wood tree, in which, with their prisoner, they floated down the Susquehanna. At Indian villages, the party usually assem bled. At two of those, Nelson had to run the gantlet, but he escaped with little injury. One of the prisoners, an aged man, who ran with a heavy pack on his back, was nearly killed. When Nelson was about to run, his master, who was called Capt. Da vid, took off his pack to give him a fair chance for his life; and on one accasion placed himself at the entrance of a wigwam to which the prisonesrs were to flee, to witness the feat. Owing to his fleetness, he was not much injured. Said his master as he approached the goal, you did run well. Many of the party — and among the number was his master David, tarried nearly two weeks to plant corn, in the Genesee valley — at which time he was sent forward with David's brother to Niagara, where he ar rived after a journey oi eighteen days from his captivity. As one of the Stockbridge Indians was an excellent hunter, Nelson did not suffer for the want of provisions, such as they were. The party, on their start from Cherry-Valley, took along several hogs and sheep, which were killed and then roasted whole, after burning off the hair and wool. On his arrival at Niagara, Nel son was told by his master that he was adopted as an Indian, and was at liberty to hunt, fish, or enlist into the British service. Not long after this he was sold into the forester service of the enemy, the duties of which were " to procure wood, water, &c, for the garrison, and do the boating ;" being attached to what was called the Indian department. He was sent on one occasion with a party to Buffalo. He was for a while, with several other captives whose situation was like his own, in the employ of Col. John Butler. More than a year of his captivity was spent in the vici nity of Niagara. In the spring of 1782, when the enemy set about rebuilding 23 342 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Fort Oswego, three officers, Capt. Nellis, Lieut. James Hare, and Ensign Robert Nellis, a son of the captain, all of the forester ser vice, had charge of the Indians there employed. Nelson and two other lads, also prisoners, accompanied this party, which was con veyed in a sloop, as waiters. About one hundred persons were employed in rebuilding this fortress, which occupied most of the season. The winter following, Nelson remained at this fort, and was in it when Col. Willet advanced with a body of troops in Feb ruary, 1783, with the intention of taking it by surprise. The en terprise is said to have proved abortive in consequence of Col Willet's guide, who was an Oneida Indian, having lost his way in the night when within only a few miles of the fort. The men were illy provided for their return — certain victory having been anticipated, and their sufferings were, in consequence, very severe. This enterprise was undertaken, says Col. Stone, agreeably to the orders of Gen. Washington; but it certainly added no laurels to the chaplet of the brave Willet. Col. Willett, possibly, may not have known that Fort Oswego had been so strongly fitted up the preceding year, and conse quently the difficulties he had to encounter before its capture — be that as it may, the probability is, that had the attack been made, the impossibility of scaling the walls, would have frustrated the design, with the loss of many brave men. The fort was surrounded by a deep moat, in the centre of which were planted heavy pick ets. From the lower part of the walls projected downward and outward, another row of pickets. A draw-bridge enabled the in mates to pass out and in, which was drawn up and secured to the wall every night, and the corners were built out so that mounted cannon commanded the trenches. Two of Willett's men, badly frozen, entered the fort in the morning, surrendering themselves prisoners, from whom the garrison learned the object of the en- erprise. The ladders prepared by Willett to scale the walls, were left on his return, and a party of British soldiers went and brought them in. The longest of them," said Nelson, " when pla ced against the walls inside the pickets, reached only about two thirds of the way to the top." The post was strongly garrisoned, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 343 and it was the opinion of Mr. N. that the accident or treachery which misled the troops, was most providential, tending to save Col. Willett from defeat, and most of his men from certain death. While Nelson was with the two Indians on his way from Cher ry-Valley to Niagara, David, his owner, afterwards told him that the other Indian wanted to kill him. He said he replied to his brother — " You must first kill me, then you will have two scalps and be a big man." On their route to Canada, they passed the body of a white man, who had been killed by some other party. Peace was proclaimed in the spring of 1783, and Nelson, with many other prisoners — none however, who were taken when he was — returned home via Ticonderoga and Fort Edward. Previ ous to his return he visited Montreal, where he was paid for labor done in the British service the year before. Several times in April, of this year, the Mohawk river settle ments were alarmed by anticipated invasions, but those alarms died away and were not renewed until near the middle of May. The following correspondence addressed to " Col. Fisher, at Caughna waga," gives the earliest reliable testimony of the enemy's ap proach. " Fort Paris, May 15th, 1780. " Sir — I have intelligence which I believe is very certain, that the enemy are on their way, and will attack in four different places in this county within a few days. I hope you will exert yourself to discover them, and make every possible preparation to defeat their design. " It is expected that they will come by the way of Sacandaga. •' I am your hble servt. " JACOB KLOCK, Col." Bearing the same date, Col. Fisher received an anonymous let ter written at Caughnawaga, stating that an invasion of the ene my under Sir John Johnson was hourly expected, adding as a cor roborating circumstance, that a number of his near neighbors, five of whom were named, had gone away the night before to join the invaders. The writer added, that he had written some days pre vious what he suspected, and thatthe enemy would be very strong. Among the Fisher papers on this subject I also find the following- 344 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Schenectada, 11th May, 1780. " Dear Sir — Just this moment returned from Albany, Col. Van Schaick has requested of me to write to you, requesting you to send me by the bearer, Sergt. Carkeright, an account of all the persons that have gone to the enemy from your county, with their names, which request I wish you to comply with ; also let me know if any thing of the alarm has turned up. " I am, dear sir, your friend, " H. GLEN." " Col. VlSGER." Nothing more was heard of the enemy until Sunday night the 21st day of May, when Sir John Johnson, at the head of about five hundred troops, British, Indians and tories, entered the Johns town settlements from the expected northern route. The objects ofthe invasion doubtless were, the recovery of property concealed on his leaving the country, the murder of certain whig partizans, the plunder of their dwellings, and the capture of several indi viduals as prisoners : intending, by the execution of part of the enterprize, to terrify his former neighbors. About midnight the destructives arrived in the north east part of the town, from which several ofthe tories had disappeared the day before, to meet and conduct their kindred spirits to the dwellings of their patriotic neighbors : for when Johnson was censured for the murder of those men, he replied that " their tory neighbors and not himself were blameable for those acts." A party of the ene my proceeded directly to the house of Lodowick Putman, an hon est Dutchman, living two miles and a half from the court house. Putman had three sons and two daughters. On the night the en emy broke into his house, two of his sons were fortunately gone sparking a few miles distant. Old Mr. Putman, who was a whig ofthe times, and his son Aaron who was at home, were taken from their beds, murdered, and scalped. While the Indians were plundering the house and pulling down clothing from hooks along the wall, Mrs. Putman snatched several articles of female apparel, such as gowns, petticoats, &c. from the hands of a large Indian, telling him that such and such things she must and would have for her daughter. The fierce looking savage, whom few women of the present day would care to meet, much less to contend with, AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 345 offered some resistapce to her gaining several garments, and they jerked each other about the room ; but seeing her determination to possess them, he finally yielded to her entreaties and prowess, and with a sullen " Umph!" let go his hold. After the enemy had been gone sometime from the house, Mrs. Putman and her daugh ter Hannah, afterwards the wife of Jacob Shew, Esq., leaving the mangled remains of their murdered friends, proceeded to the Johns town fort, where they arrived about sun-rise. The jail was pa lisaded, and, with several block-houses built within the inclosure, constituted the Johnstown fort. At this period, one of Putman's daughters was married to Ama sa Stevens, also a whig, living in the neighborhood. While some of the enemy were at Putman's, another party approached the dwelling of Stevens, and forcing the doors and windows, entered it from different directions at the same instant. Poor Stevens was also dragged from his bed, and compelled to leave his house. Mrs. Stevens, in the act of leaving the bed, desired a stout savage, or a painted tory, as she afterwards supposed, not to allow the Indians to hurt her husband. He forced her back upon the bed with her terrified children, a boy, named after his grandfather, two and a half years old, and an infant daughter named Clarissa, tell ing her she should not be hurt. A few rods from the house Ste vens was murdered, scalped and hung upon the garden fence. Af ter the enemy had left the dwelling, Mrs. Stevens looked out to see if she could discover any one about the premises. She had supposed her husband taken by them into captivity ; but seeing in the uncertain star-light the almost naked form of a man leaning upon the fence, she readily imagined it to be that of her husband. In a tremulous voice she several times called "Amasa! Amasa !" but receiving no answer she ran to the fence. God only knows what her mental agony was, on arriving there and finding her hus band stiffening in death. With almost supernatural strength she took down the body and bore it into the dwelling, (which, with Putman's, had been spared the incendiary torch from motives of policy,) and depositing it, sprinkled with the scalding tears of blighted affection, she snatched the two pledges of her early love 346 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, and sought safety in flight to the fort ; where she found her sur viving relatives. The amorous Putman brothers set out on their return home to wards day-light, from what is now called Sammons' Hollow, and discovering the light of the burning buildings at Tribes' Hill, they hastily directed their steps to the fort, meeting at the gate-way their mourning relatives. Stevens had just finished planting when murdered, and the next week purposed to have journeyed eastward with his family. The Putmans were killed on the farm now owned and occupied by Col. Archibald Mclntyre. They were both buried in one grave in a single rough box ; and while their neighbors were perform ing the act of burial, they were once alarmed by the supposed ap proach of the enemy and left the grave, but soon returned and filled it. — Clarissa, relict of Joseph Leach, and daughter of Amasa Stevens. Dividing his forces, Col. Johnson sent part of them, mostly In dians and tories, to Tribes' Hill ; under the direction, as believed, of Henry and William Bowen, two brothers who had formerly lived in that vicinity and removed with the Johnsons to Canada. These destructives were to fall upon the Mohawk river settlements at the Hill, and proceed up its flats, while Johnson led the remain der in person by a western route to Caughnawaga, the appointed place for them to unite. The Bowens led their followers through Albany Bush, a tory settlement in the eastern part of the town, where, of course, no one was molested, and directed their steps to the dwelling of Capt. Garret Putman, a noted whig. Putman, who had a son named Victor, also a whig, had been ordered to Fort Hunter but a few days before, and had removed his family thither ; renting his house to William Gault, an old English gar dener who had resided in Cherry-Valley before its destruction, and Thomas Plateau, also an Englishman. Without knowing that the Putman house had changed occupants, the enemy surrounded it, forced an entrance, and tomahawked and scalped its inmates. The house was then pillaged and set on fire, and its plunderers knew not until next day, that they had obtained the scalps of AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 347 two tories. In the morning, Gault, who was near eighty years old, was discovered alive outside the dwelling, and was taken across the river to Fort Hunter, where his wounds were properly drest, but he soon after died. Among the early settlers in the Mohawk valley was Harman Visscher, who died before the Revolution, leaving an aged widow, three sons, Frederick a colonel* of militia, John a captain, and Harman; and two sisters, Margaret and Rebecca. Frederick the elder brother, who was born on the 22d of February, 1741; was married and resided a little distance below the paternal dwelling, which stood nearly on the site of the present residence of the Hon. Jesse D. De Graff. The other Fisher brothers were unmarried, and, with their mother and sisters, lived at the home stead. The Fisher family was one of much influence, and warm ly advocated the popular cause. The following anecdote will show the position of the elder brother, at an early period of the contest. Soon after the difficulties commenced at Boston, a meet ing of the citizens along the Mohawk valley was called at Tribes' Hill, on which occasion Col. John Butler was present, and harrangued the multitude on the duties of subjects to their sovereign, &c, and then proposed" a test for his hearers, some three hundred in number. Having formed a line, he desired those who were willing to oppose the king, to remain standing, and those who favored royal pretensions to advanee a few paces forward. The result was, Frederick Fisher stood alone, as the only avowed opposer of the British government. — David, his son. A few days before the invasion of Johnson, a bateau from Schenectada was seen opposite Col. Fisher's, taking in his most valuable effects; and his neighbors, living along the south side of the river, among whom was Nicholas Quackenboss, crossed over to learn the cause of his removal. On his arrival, the neighbor enquired of Col. Fisher if an enemy was expected, that • Some of the family write this name Visscher, and others Fisher. The original Dutch name was Visger. Harman Visscher's son Frederick, the colonel, wrote his name Fisher until just before his death, at which time he desired his children to spell the name as in the context. Fisher is the Eng lish of Visscher. 348 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, he was thus preparing to move his family and effects? The colonel replied that he knew of no hostile movement unknown to his neighbors. After a little conversation of the kind, and when about to recross the river, said Quackenboss, clenching his fist ina threatening mariner and addressing him playfully in Low Dutch, " Ah, colonel ! if you know something of the enemy and don't let us know it, I hope you '11 be the first one scalped !" Having sent his family to Schenectada, Col. Fisher went to the homestead, thinking himself and brothers would be the better able to defend themselves, if attacked by an enemy. On Sunday evening, about eight o'clock, Captain Walter Vrooman, of Guilderland, arrived at the Fisher dwelling with a company of eighty men, on his way to the Johntown fort. He had intended to quarter his men over night at Fisher's, for their own comfort and the safety of the family ; but the colonel, ob serving that himself and brothers could probably defend the house if attacked, forwarded the troops to Johntown, knowing that that place was feebly garrisoned. After the murder of Gault and Plateau, the enemy proceeded up the river to the dwelling of Capt. Henry Hansen, which stood where John Fisher now resides.* On reaching the dwelling of Hansen, who was an American captain, the enemy forced an en trance — and taking him from his bed they murdered and scalped him. His sons, Victor and John I., then at home were captured. Margaret, a daughter, was hurried out of the house by an Indian, who told her it was on fire. She asked him to aid her in carry ing out the bed oh which she had been sleeping, and he did so. Depositing it in an old Indian hut near by, and learning that her mother was still in the burning building, finding access through the door too dangerous, she broke a window in her room and * Henry Hansen was a son of Nicholas Hansen, who with his brother Hendrick, took two patents, each for one thousand acres of land along the north side of the Mohawk, above Tribes' Hill. The patents were executed by Gov. Hunter, and dated July 12, 1713. The brothers settled on those lands soon after, and Henry Hansen was the first White child born on the north side of the Mohawk west of Fort Hunter, and east of the German settlements, many miles above. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 349 called to her. As may be supposed, the old lady was greatly terrified and bewildered at first ; but recovering, she groped her way to the window, and was helped out by her daughter, who assisted her to the hut — from whence, after day light she was conveyed to a place of safety. The enemy made no female scalps br captives at this time, and offered indignities to but few of the sex. In the garret of Hansen's dwelling was a keg of powder, which exploded with terrific effect. Proceeding west along the river, the enemy next halted at the dwelling of Barney Hansen, which stood where Benj. R. Jenkins now lives. Hansen, who chanced to be from home, had a son about ten years of age, who was then going to school at Fort Hunter. On Saturday evening preceding the invasion, Peter, a son of Cornelius Putman, of Ca-daugh-ri-ty,* about the same age as young Hansen, went home with the latter, crossing the river in a boat, to tarry with him over Sunday. The lads slept in a bunk, which, on retiring to rest on Sunday night, was drawn before the outside door ; and the first intimation the family had of the ene my's proximity, was their heavy blows npon the door with an axe, just before daylight, sending the splinter's upon the boys' bed, cau sing them to bury their heads beneath the bedding. An entrance was quickly forced, and the house plundered. The boys were led out by two Indians, and claimed as prisoners, but owing to the ear nest entreaties of Mrs. Hansen that they might be left, a British officer interfered, saying that they were too young to endure the journey : they were then liberated. This house was built and owned by Joseph Clement, a tory, who was supposed to have been present ; consequently, it was not burned. From the house of Barney Hansen; the enemy proceeded to that of Col. Fisher, where Adam Zielie now resides, and where, too, they were disappointed in not finding any of the family : plunder- *Ca-daugh-rirty, is an Indian word, and signifies The Steep Bank, back wall, or perpendicular wall ! In the southeast part of Glen is a high bank on the Schoharie, a mile or two from its mouth or the ancient Fort Hunter, occasion ed by an extensive slide at least one hundred years ago, the Indian name for which originated at the time. 350 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ing and setting it on fire, they hastened onward to the Fisher homestead, where they arrived just at daylight. Among the plun der made at Hansen's, was the clothing of young Putman, and as the Indians threw away such articles as they considered useless, he followed them at a distance, recovering and putting on his ap parel as fast as rejected. He obtained the last of it near the dwelling of Col. Fisher — entering which he discovered it to be on fire. Looking for pails he found several which the enemy had broken, but a further search discovered a tub of sour milk : this he drew near the fire, and throwing it on the flames, with his hands extinguished them — not, however, until a large hole had been burned entirely through the floor. This house was consumed in October following. About twenty of the enemy first arrived at the old Fisher place, and attempted to force an entrance by cutting in the door, but be ing fired upon from a window by the intrepid inmates, they re treated round a corner of the house, where they were less exposed. the main body of the enemy, nearly three hundred in number, ar rived soon after and joined in the attack. The brothers defended the house for some length of time after the enemy gained entrance below, and a melee followed in the stairway, on their attempting to ascend. Several balls were fired up through the floor, — the lower room not being plastered over head, which the brothers avoided by standing over the large timbers which supported it. At this period the sisters escaped from the cellar-kitchen, and fled to the woods not far distant. They were met in their flight by a party of savages, who snatched from the head of one, a bonnet ; and from the bosom of the other a neckerchief — but were allowed to escape unhurt. Mrs. Fisher, about to follow her daughters from the house, was stricken down at the door by a blow on the head from the but of a musket, and left without being scalped. The brothers returned the fire of their assailants for a while with spirit, but getting out of ammunition their castle was no longer tenable ; and Harman, jumping from a back window, at tempted to escape by flight. In the act of leaping a garden fence, a few rods from the house, he was shot, and there killed and scalp- AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 351 ed. As the enemy ascended the stairs, Col. Fisher discharged a pistol he held in his hand, and calling for quarters, threw it behind him in token of submission. An Indian, running up, struck him a blow on the head with a tomahawk, which brought him to the floor. He fell upon his face, and the Indian took two crown scalps from his head, which no doubt entitled him to a double re ward, then giving him a gash in the back of the neck, he turned him and attempted to cut his throat, which was only prevented by his cravat, the knife penetrating just through the skin. His broth er, Capt. Fisher, as the enemy ascended the stairs, retreated to one corner of the room, in which was a quantity of peas, that he might there repel his assailants. An Indian, seeing him armed with a sword, hurled a tomahawk at his head, which brought him down. He was then killed outright, scalped as he lay upon the grain, and there left. The house was plundered, and then set on fire, (as stated by Wm. Bowen, who returned after the war,) with a chemi cal matcli, conveyed upon the roof by an arrow. Leaving the progress of the distructives for a time, let us follow the fortunes of Col. Fisher. After the enemy had left, his con sciousness returned, and as soon as strength would allow, he as certained that his brother John was dead. From a window he discovered that the house was on fire, which no doubt quickened his exertions. Descending, he found his mother near the door, faint from the blow dealt upon her head, and too weak to render him any assistance. With no little effort the colonel succeeded in remov ing the body of his brother out of the house, and then assisted his mother, who was seated in a chair,* the bottom of which had al ready caught fire, to a place of safety ; and having carried out a bed, he laid down upon it, at a little distance from the house, in a state of exhaustion. Tom, a black slave, belonging to Adam Zielie, was the first neighbor to arrive at Fisher's. He enquired of the colonel what he should do for him 1 Fisher could not speak, but signified by signs his desire for water. Tom ran down to the • • This chair is preserved as a sacred relic by the De Graff family, at the Visscher house. 352 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Da-de-nos-ca-ra,* a brook running through a ravine a little distance east ofthe house, and filling his old hat, the only substitute for a vessel at hand, he soon returned with it ; a drink of which restored the wounded patriot to consciousness and speech. His neighbor, Joseph Clement, arrived at Fisher's while the colonel lay upon the bed, and on being asked by Tom Zielie what they should do for him, unblushingly replied in Low Dutch, " Loot de vervlukten rabble starven!" Let the cursed rebel die! Tom, who possessed a feeling heart, was not to be suaded from his Samaritan kindness, by the icy coldness of his tory neighbor, and instantly set about relieving the suffering man's condition. Uriah Bowen arrived about the time Tom returned with the wa ter, and assisted in removing the dead and wounded farther from the burning building. Col. Fisher directed Tom to harness a span of colts, then in a pasture near, (which, as the morning was very foggy, had escapped the notice of the enemy,) before a wagon, and take him to the river at David Putman's. The colts were soon harnessed, when the bodies ofthe murdered brothers, and those of Col. Fisher and his mother, were put into the wagon, (the two latter upon a bed,) and it moved forward. The noise of the wagon was heard by the girls, who came from their concealment to learn the fate of the family, and join the mournful groupe. When the wagon arrived near the bank of the river, several tories were pres ent, who refused to assist in carrying the Fishers down the bank to a canoe, whereupon Tom took the colts by their heads, and led them down the bank ; and what was then considered remarkable, they went as steadily as old horses, although never before har nessed. The family were taken into a boat and carried across the river to Ephraim Wemple's, where every attention was paid them. When a person is scalped, the skin falls upon the face so as to dis figure the countenance ; but on its being drawn up on the crown ofthe head, the face resumes its natural look ; such was the case with Col. Fisher, as stated by an eye witness. * Da-de-nos-ca-ra or Da-da-nus-ga-ra, " means literally, bearded trees, or tress with excrescences or tufts to them.'' (Giles F. Yates. Esq.) Lands ad- joining this stream were originally timbered with hemlock and black ash, which originated the significant name. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 353 Seeing the necessity of his having proper medical attention, Cel. Fisher's friends on the south side of the river, sent him for ward in the canoe by trusty persons, to Schenectada, where he ar rived just at dark the same day of his misfortune. There he re ceived the medical attendance of Doctors Mead of that place, Stringer, of Albany, and two Surgeons, belonging to the U. S. army. His case was for some time a critical one, and he did not recover as was anticipated ; but on turning him over, the reason why he did not was obvious. The wound inflicted by the scalping knife in the back of the neck, had escaped the observa tion of his attendants, and the flies getting into it, and depositing their larva, had rendered it an offensive sore, but on its being pro perly dresesd, the patient recovered rapidly. At the time Col. Fisher received his wounds, Nicholas Quackenboss previously mentioned, happened to be at Albany, purchasing fish and other necessaries, and on learning that his neighbor was at Schenectada, called, on his way home, to see him. On enquiring of Fisher how he did, the latter, placing his hand on his wounded head, replied in Dutch, " Well, Nicholas, you've had your wish !" The reader must not suppose, from what took place between Fisher and Quackenboss, at the two interviews named, that the former at the time of remov ing his family, was in possession of any intelligence of the enemy unknown to his neighbors. It was then notorious in the valley that an invasion was to be apprehended. Several attempts were made to capture Col. Fisher during the war, which proved abortive. After he recovered, he gave the faithful negro* who had treated him so kindly when suffering un der the wounds of the enemy, a valuable horse. Gov. George Clinton, as a partial reward for his sufferings and losses in the war, appointed Col. Fisher a brigadier general ; but refusing to equip himself, his commission, which was dated February 6, 1787, was succeeded on the 7th of March following, by his ap- * Tom afterwards lived in Schoharie county, where he was much respect ed for his industrious habits, and where at a good old age he died. After his removal to Schoharie, he usually paid Col. Fisher a visit every year, when he received substantial evidence of that patriot's gratitude. 354 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, pointment of first judge of the Montgomery county common pleas. After the war was over, a party of Indians on their way to Albany halted a day or two at Caughnawaga, among whom was the one who had tomahawked and scalped Col. Fisher, in 1780, leaving him for dead. This Indian could not credit the fact of his being still alive, as he said he had himself cut his throat ; and was desirous of having occular demonstration of his exist ence, and possibly would have been gratified by the family, but information having reached the ears of the colonel that his tor mentor was in the valley, a spirit of revenge fired his breast, and himself and John Stoner, then living with him, who, in the mur der of his father, had some reason for not kindly greeting those sons of the forest; having prepared several loaded guns, the friends of the family very properly warned the Indian and his fel lows, not to pass the house withm rifle shot distance ; which hint was duly taken, and serious consequences thus avoided. Judge Fisher — a living monument of savage warfare — was an active and useful citizen ofthe Mohawk valley for many years, and died of a complaint in the head — caused, as was supposed, by the loss of his scalp, on the 9th day of June, 1809. His widow, whose maiden name was Gazena De Graff, died in 1815. Some years after the Revolution, Judge Fisher, or Visscher, as it is now written by several of the family, to whom the homestead reverted on the death of his brothers, erected a substantial brick dwelling over the ashes of his birth place, where he spent the evening of his days amid, the associations of youthful pleasure and manly suffering. This desirable farm residence, a view of which is shown in the plate opposite, is pleasantly situated on a rise of ground in the town of Mohawk, several miles east of Fonda, Montgomery county. It is given the Indian name of the adjoin ing creek, in the hope of preserving that name. Between the house and the river, which it fronts, may be seen the Mohawk turnpike, and the track of the Utica and Schenectada railroad. The place is now owned and occupied by Mr. De Graff, who mar ried a grand-daughter of its former patriotic proprietor. DADEKOSCARA PLACE or J U DC E VI S5CH ER MANSION AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 357 From this digression, let us return to the war-path of the ene my. They captured three negroes and a wench belonging to the Fisher family ; burnt Fisher's barn, and in it, as supposed, their own dead, killed by the brothers ; from whence they proceeded to the dwelling of Barney Wemple, a little farther up the river — which was rifled and burnt with the out-buildings attached. Wemple had sent a slave, before daylight, to catch horses, who, hearing the firing, and discovering the light of the burning build ings down the valley, ran to the house and gave the appalling in telligence that a sleepless foe was near. Thus alarmed, the fami ly fled, almost naked, into a small swamp, just in time to escape the tomahawk. Wemple erected a dwelling on the site of his former one, soon after it was burnt, which shared a similar fate during Johnson's invasion of the valley the following October. In their course up the river, the enemy also burnt the out-build ings of Peter Conyne, the dwelling of John Wemple, and possi bly one or two others. Arriving at Caughnawaga, the destruc tion of property was renewed. Douw Fonda, who removed from Schenectada and settled at that place, about the year 1751, (the same year in which Harman Fisher settled below,) was an aged widower, and resided, at the time of which I am writing, with a few domestics, in a large stone dwelling with wings, which stood on the flats between the present turnpike and the river, a few rods east of the road now leading to the bridge. It had beeu the in tention of the citizens to fortify this dwelling, and it was partially surrounded by strong pickets. Fonda's three sons, John,* Jelles, and Adam, also good whigs, were living in the neighborhood. * At the commencement of hostilities, he had some difficulty with Alexan der White, sheriff of Tryon county, about their hogs and cattle breaking in npon each others premises, which resulted in a quarrel, in which White called Fonda a d — d rebel ; and the latter, provoked to anger, did not scruple to give his majesty's peace officer a severe caning: the result was, White took Fonda to the Johnstown jail. The citizens in a mob soon after proceeded to the jail and liberated Fonda, and attempted to secure the person of the sheriff, then at the village inn kept by Mattice. Armed with a double-barreled gun, White fired several times on the assailants from an upper window, and then secreted himself in a chimney, where he remained while the patriot party, who had forced an entrance, were in the house. Soon after, sheriff White, 358 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, Jelles Fonda* resided a short distance below the Caughnawaga church, owning a large dwelling and store, which stood where C. Hempsted now resides. At the time of this invasion, he was ab sent on public business. About a week previous, he sent part of his family and effects in a bateau to Schenectada, to which place they were accompanied by the wife and children of John Fonda. The wife of Major Fonda and her son Douw, were at home, how ever, on that morning. Hearing the firing at Fisher's, and dis covering the light of the burning buildings below, Mrs. Fonda and her son fled to the river near, where there was a ferry. Re maining in the ferry-boat, she sent Douw to get two horses, and being gone some time, her fears were excited lest he had been captured. As her apprehensions for her son's safety increased, she called him repeatedly by name. He returned with the horses and they began to cross the river, but had hardly reached its cen tre, when several of the enemy, attracted to the spot by her voice, arrived on the bank they had left. A volley of balls passed over the boat without injuring its inmates, and leaving it upon the south shore, they mounted their horses, and directed their course towards Schenectada, where they safely arrived in due time. Adam Fonda, at the time of Johnson's invasion, resided near the Cayadutta creek, where Douw Fonda now does. Arriving at Adam Fonda's, the enemy made him a prisoner, and fired his dwelling. Margaret, (Peggy, as she was called,) the widow of Barney Wemple, lived near Fonda, and where Mina Wemple now whose official authority was now at an end, was smuggled from Johnstown in a large chest by his political friends ; and his wife shortly after followed his fortunes to Canada. The dwelling vacated by White, was owned at his death by Sir Wm. Johnson, and stood on the present site of the Montgomery county court house in Fonda i this dwelling was occupied by John Fonda af terwards. — Mrs. Evert Yates, daughter of John Fonda. ' Mr. Fonda had seen service in the French war under Sir Wm. Johnson, had for many years been extensively engaged in merchandising, was a cap tain and afterwards major of militia in the Revolution ; and was much of that period in the commissary department. He was a man of wealth, influence and respectability, and at the beginning of colonial difficulties, had the most flattering inducements offered him to side with royalty, which he promptly rejected. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 359 lives, at which place she then kept a public house. The enemy making her son, Mina, a prisoner, locked her up in her own dwelling and set it on fire. From an upper window, she made the valley echo to her cries of murder and help, which brought some one to her relief. Her voice arrested the attention of John Fonda, who sent one of his slaves round the knoll which former ly stood west of the Fonda Hotel, to learn the cause of alarm ; but hardly had the slave returned, before the enemy's advance from both parties was there also, making Fonda a prisoner, and burning his dwelling. The eastern party, on arriving at the dwelling of Maj. Fonda, plundered and set it on fire. There were then few goods in his store ; but his dwelling contained some rare furniture for that pe riod, among which was a musical clock, that at certain hours per formed three several tunes. The Indians would have saved this house for the great respect they had for its owner, but their more than savage allies, the tories, insisted on its destruction. As the devouring element was consuming the dwelling, the clock began to perform, and the Indians, in numbers, gathered round in mute astonishment, to listen to its melody. They supposed it the voice of a spirit, which they may have thought was pleased with them for the manner in which they were serving tyranny. Of the plunder made at this dwelling, was a large circular mirror, which a citizen in concealment saw, first in the hands of a squaw, but it being a source of envy it soon passed into the hands of a stout Indian — not however without a severe struggle on her part. The Indians were extravagantly fond of mirrors, and it is not unlikely this costly one was broken in pieces and divided between them. Among the furniture destroyed in the house, was a marble table on which stood the statue of an Indian, whose head rested on a pivot, which, from the slightest motion was continually — "Niding, nodding, and nid, nid nodding." Neither the parsonage, which stood a little north of the present one, or the church at Caughnawaga, were harmed. Dr. Romeyn, then its pastor, was from home. Mrs. Romeyn, as she was flee- 24 360 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ing up the hill north of her house with her family, carrying two children, was seen by the Indians who laughed heartily at the ludicrous figure she presented, without offering to molest her, un less possibly by an extra whoop. When the alarm first reached the family of Douw Fonda, Pene lope Grant, a Scotch girl living with him, to whom the old gen tleman was much attached, urged him to accompany her to the hill whither the Romeyn family were fleeing ; but the old patriot had become childish, and seizing his gun he exclaimed — " Pene lope, do you stay here with me — I will fight for you to the last drop of blood !" Finding persuasion of no avail, she left him to his fate, which was indeed a lamentable one ; for soon the enemy arrived, and he was led out by a Mohawk Indian, known as One Armed Peter (he having lost an arm) toward the bank of the river, where he was tomahawked and scalped. As he was led from the house, he was observed by John Hansen, a prisoner, to have some kind of a book and a cane in his hand. His murderer had often partaken of his hospitality, having lived for many years in his neighborhood. When afterwards reproved for this murder, he replied that as it was the intention of the enemy to kill him, he thought he might as well get the bounty for his scalp as any one else ! Mr. Fonda had long been a warm personal friend of Sir William Johnson, and it is said that Sir John much regretted his death, and censured the murderer. This Indian, Peter, was the murderer of Capt. Hansen, on the same morning. With the plunder made at Douw Fonda's were four male slaves and one female, who were all taken to Canada. Several other slaves were of the plunder made in the neighborhood, and doubtless be came incorporated with the Canada Indians* An incident of no little interest is related by an eye witness from the hill, as having occurred in this vicinity on the morning * The preceding facts relating to this invasion were obtained from Daniel Visscher and John Fisher, sons of Col. Fr. Fisher ; Mrs. Margaret Putman, a sister of Col. Fisher; Angelica, daughter of Capt. Henry Hansen, and widow of John Fonda ; Catharine, daughter of John Fonda, late the wife of Evert Yates ; Peter, a son of Cornelius Putman; Volkert Voorhees ; Cornelius, ton of Barney Wemple ; David, son of Mam Zielie ; and John S. Quackenboss. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 361 of this invasion. A little distance in advance of the enemy, a man was seen in a wagon which contained several barrels, urging his horses forward. Despairing of making his escape with the wa gon, he abandoned it, and mounting one of his horses he drove to the river, into which they plunged and swam across with him in safety. On reaching the wagon, the barrels were soon found to contain rum, which had been destined to one of the frontier forts. Knocking in the head of a cask, the Indians were beginning fo drink and gather round with shouts of merriment, when a British officer dressed in green came up, and with a tomahawk hacked the barrels in pieces, causing the liquor to run upon the ground, to the mortification of his tawny associates, who dispersed with evident displeasure. — Mrs. Penelope Forbes. Her maiden name was Grant. The enemy, led by Col. Johnson in person, on their way to Caughnawaga, plundered and burned the dwellings of James Da vis, one Van Brochlin and Sampson Sammons. — Mrs. John Fon da. Sammons with his sons, Jacob, Frederick and Thomas, were captured, but himself and youngest son, Thomas, were set at lib erty : the other two were carried to Canada. For an account of their sufferings, see Life of Brant. Cornelius Smith, who lived two miles west of Major Fonda, on the morning of Johnson's invasion, was going to mill,* and called just after daylight at Johannes Veeder's. The latter was then at Schenectada, but his son, Simon, (afterwards a judge of Mont gomery county,) who resided with him, was at home, and had arisen. On his way to Veeder's, Smith had discovered the smoke of the Sammons dwelling, but being unable to account for it, continued his journey, and was captured just below. Mr. Veeder, who had accompanied Smith toward the road from hearing the dis charge of musketry down the valley, soon after his neighbor was out of sight, beheld to his surprise a party of Indians approach ing him from that direction ; upon which he ran to his house, * A small grist mill, which stood near the present site of the district school house in Fonda. This mill was inclosed by palisades in the latter part of the war, to serve the purposes of a fort. 362 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, (which stood a little distance above the present village of Fonda, where a namesake now resides,) pursued by them. He alarmed his family, which consisted of Gilbert Van Deusen, Henry Vroo man, a lame man, and James Terwilleger, a German ; and seve ral women and slaves. The three men snatched each a gun and fled from a back door, Vrooman with his boots in his hand ; and as Veeder, minus a hat, was following them with a gun in each hand, the enemy opened the front door. They leveled their guns but did not fire, supposing, possibly, that he would be intimidated and surrender himself a prisoner. As Veeder left the house, the women fled down cellar for safety. The fugitives had to pass a board fence a few rods from the house, and as Veeder was leaping it, several of the enemy fired on him, three of their balls passing through the board beneath him. One of his comrades drew up to return the fire, but Veeder, fearing it might endanger the safe ty of the women, would not permit him to. The house was then plundered, and after removing the women from the cellar, an act, I suppose, of an Indian acquaintance, the house was fired, and with it several out buildings. The dwellings of Abraham Veeder, Col. Volkert Veeder, that of Smith already named, and those of two of the Vroomans, situated above, also shared a similar fate, and became a heap of ruins. — Volkert, a son of Simon Veeder. At this period, George Eacker resided where Jacob F. Dock stader now does, just below the Nose. Having discovered the fire of the burning buildings down the valley, he sent his family into the woods on the adjoining mountain, but remained himself to secure some of his effects. While thus busily engaged, several of the enemy arrived and made him prisoner. As they began to plunder his house, they sent him into the cellar to procure them food. On entering it, he discovered an outside door ajar ; passing which, he fled for the woods. As they thought his stay protract ed, the Indians entered the cellar, and had the mortification to see their late prisoner climbing the hill, beyond the reach of their guns. Finding his family, he led them to a place of greater se curity in the forest, where they remained until the present danger was past, and their buildings reduced to ashes. — David Eacker, first judge of Montgomery county at his death. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 363 The enemy proceeded at this time as far west as the Nose, de stroying a new dwelling, ashery, &c, just then erected by Major Jelles Fonda. — Mrs. John Fonda. When Sir John Johnson removed from Johnstown to Canada, a faithful slave owned by him, buried, after he had left, his most valuable papers and a large quantity of silver coin, in an iron chest, in the garden, at Johnson Hall. Among the confiscated property of Sir John sold at auction, was this very slave. He was bought by Col. Volkert Veeder, and no persuasion could in duce him to reveal any secrets of his former master. This slave was recovered by Johnson on the morning of his invasion ; and returning to the Hall with his first owner, he disinterred the iron chest, and the contents were obtained. Some of the papers, from having been several years in the ground, were almost destroyed. This slave, although well treated by Col. Veeder, was glad of an opportunity to join Col. Johnson, (who had made him a confidant,) and accompany him to Canada. — Mrs. Fonda. Several boys were captured along the river, who were liberat ed at Johnson Hall, and returned home, among whom were James Romeyn, and Mina Wemple. The latter, hearing the proposi tion made by Sir John, to allow the boys to return, who was rather larger than any of the others, stepped in among them say ing, me too ! me too ! and was finally permitted to accompany them off; and returned to the ashes of her inn, to console his mother. Thomas Sammons, Abraham Veeder, and John Fonda, (and possibly some others) were also permitted, on certain condi tions, to return home ; the latter, and his brother Adam, casting lots to see which should be retained a prisoner. The captives thus liberated, were given a pass, by Col. Johnson, lest they might meet some of the enemy, and be retaken. They had not proceeded far when Veeder, (who was a brother of Col. Volkert Veeder,) halted, to read his pass. " Well," said his companion, Fonda, in Low Dutch, "you may stop here to read your pass, if you choose, but I prefer reading mine when out of danger of them red devils of Sir John's." — Evert Yates. Colonels Harper and Volkert Veeder, collected, as speedily as 364 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ETC. possible, the scattered militia of Tryon county, to pursue the inva ders, but being too weak successfully to give them battle, they were permitted, almost unmolested, to escape with their booty to Canada. John J. Hanson, captured at Tribes' Hill, after journey ing with the enemy two days, effected his escape, and arrived half-starved, at the dwelling of a German, living back of Stone Arabia, who supplied him with food, and he reached Fort Hunter in safety. — Mrs. Evert Yates. ( 365 ) CHAPTER XII. The following facts were obtained in 1837, from Henry Hynds, a son of William Hynds, who was one of the few whigs living in New Dorlach, in the Revolution. On the evening of July 4th, 1780, a party of the enemy, consisting of seven Indians, a squaw, and one white man, Capt. Adam Crysler, arrived in the settle ment and put up, as was afterwards learned, at the house of Mi chael Merckley. The ostensible object of their visit was, to cap ture Bastian France, as a son of the latter informed the author ; but as he chanced to be from home, at the suggestion of the Merckley family, they concluded to seize upon some other whigs in the vicinity. As there was but Httle intercourse among distant neighbors in that busy season of the year, and William Hynds was living in quite a retired place, it was suggested to Crysler, that if this family was carried into captivity, and the house not burned, they might be gone a week, and no one else know of their ab sence. The suggestion was received with favor, and the next day, as the family of Hynds were at dinner, they were surprised, and taken prisoners. As the captors approached the dwelling, they fired a gun in at an open door, to imtimidate the family ; and en tering secured Mr. Hynds, his wife, daughters Catharine, and Ma ry, who were older than my informant, and four children, younger, Elizabeth, William, Lana, and an infant. The Indians then plun dered the house of whatever they desired to take along. Henry was compelled to catch four horses belonging to his father, obedi ence to which command several of the party stood with ready ri fles to enforce, and prevent his escape. Upon the backs of three horses was placed the plunder made in the dwelling ; and upon the fourth, on a man's saddle, Mrs. Hynds, with several of her youngest children, was permitted to ride. The party moved for- 366 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ward about 2 o'clock, and traveled that afternoon to Lake Utsay- antho, and encamped near the Champion place, seven miles dis tant from the dwelling of Hynds. The second night they en camped in an orchard near Collier's. Among the plunder taken from the dwelling of Hynds, was a quantity of ham and pork, which the Indians ate ; giving the prisoners flour, which they made into pudding. Mr. Hynds was bound nights, and a rope laid across his body, each end of which was tied to an Indian. The party were three weeks going to Niagara ; and killed on the route one deer, sev eral muskrats, otters, &c, which served for food. In lieu of salt, they used ashes, and the family continued well until they reached Niagara. The large children went barefooted nearly all the way to Canada. Soon after they started, the squaw took from Henry, his shoes, which, as she could not wear them, she threw away. While journeying, they built fires nights, around which they slept upon the ground. Soup was their usual supper. On passing Indian villages, the prisoners were much abused by squaws and children ; and on one occasion, Mr. Hynds was knocked down by a blow upon the head with an empty bottle. ' Soon after their arrival at Niagara, Mr. Hynds and all his fa mily, except Henry, took the fever and ague, of which William, a promising lad, died. The prisoners were at Niagara when the troops under Sir John Johnson, destined to ravish the Schoharie and Mohawk valleys, set out on their journey. The tories from Schoharie and New Dorlach, who accompanied the army, often boasted to the prisoners, that Albany would soon be taken by the British, when themselves were to possess certain choice sections of the Schoharie flats. Mary, then fourteen or fifteen years of age, was separated from the rest of the family at Niagara, and taken to supply a vacancy in an Indian family, occasioned by the death of one of its members. Some time in the fall, the prisoners were re moved to Buck's Island, where Elizabeth, the child next older than William, also died. From the Island, they were removed to Montreal, where Lana, the youngest child but one, died. Mrs. Hynds, whose constitution was undermined by the accumulating AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 367 load of her mental and bodily sufferings, with her infant child soon after followed her other three children to the grave ; reduc ing the family from nine to four. In the winter following his capture, Henry had a severe attack of fever and ague, and was removed from the guard-house to the hospital ; where he was properly treated and soon recovered. About two years and a half after their capture, Mr. Hynds, his son Henry, and daughter Catharine, with nearly three hundred other prisoners, returned home by the usual route down the Hud son river. Mary was detained nearly three years longer in Ca nada, but finally returned home. As was surmised, the whigs of New Dorlach knew nothing of the capture of Mr. Hynds and his family until they had been gone three or four days. The greater part of the month of July, 1780, Seth's Henry, and a few other Indians, were secreted about the Schoharie set tlements, in the hope of killing or surprising some of the princi pal settlers, as he stated after the war. One dark night, this Indian, says Josias E. Vrooman, visited the upper fort, in the hope of surprising a sentinel. He commenced climbing up at one of the sentry-boxes, with a spear in his hand, but before he was within reach of the sentinel, who chanced on that night to be Frederick Quant, the latter heard his approach, and gave the usual challenge. The Indian then dropped down upon the ground, and threw himself under one of the farm wag gons which usually clustered around the outside of the pickets. A ball from the rifle of Quant, fired in the direction he ran, entered a waggon near his head, but the Indian made his escape. For the following particulars the author is indebted to the ma nuscript of Judge Hager, to Col. J. W. Bouck, and the memory of Dick, a former slave belonging to the Bouck family. About the 25th of July, William Bouck, an elderly man, the one mentioned as the first white male child born in Schoharie, went from the upper fort tq his dwelling, situated where Wilhel^- mus Bouck now resides, (nearly two miles distant from said fort,) to secure his crops, taking with him a girl named Nancy Latti more, a female slave, and her three children, two sons and a daugh- 368 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, ter. As the family were making preparations in the evening to retire to rest, Seth's Henry and three other Indians entered the house and captured them, securing the little plunder it chanced to contain. The leader was disappointed in not finding either of Mr. Bouck's three sons at home. Dick Bouck, the youngest of the slaves, as the enemy entered the house, sprang behind a door which stood open, and escaped their notice. The other prisoners were taken out, and as they were about to start on their journey, Master Dick, afraid of being left alone in the dark, made some noise on purpose to attract their attention, and one of the Indians re-entered the house and " hus tled him out." Speaking of his capture, Dick said, " I made a noise, like a tam fool, and de Ingens took me dar prisoner." The party then set forward, and the captor of Dick (then eight years old) took him upon his back, and carried him as far as the resi dence of the late Gen. Patchin, a distance of seven or eight miles, where they encamped. The enemy expected to be pursued the following day, when it would undoubtedly become known that Mr. Bouck had been captured, and before daylight the march was resumed. After sunrise, Dick had to travel on foot with the other prisoners ; and on the following night encamped at Harpersfield. At this place lived a Scotch tory, named Hugh Rose, who made jonny-cake for the Indians, which the latter shared with their pri soners. " Dis, said Dick, " was de fus food de gabe us fore we lef home." While on their way from the Patchin place to Har persfield, the party, for obvious reasons, avoided the beaten road, but Dick, who said " de bushes hurt him pare feet," embraced re peated opportunities to steal into it, and sometimes traveled seve ral rods in it, before his violation of their commands was ob served. He often was cunning enough to leave the road just in time to avoid detection, but repeatedly he was caught in "the for bidden path," when he was put upon a new trail, with a threat or a slap. Rose furnished provisions for the enemy to subsist on a part of the way to Canada, and they left his house about 8 o'clock the next morning. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 369 William Bouck, Jr. was out on a scout from the upper fort at the time his father's family was captured. The scout consisted of Bouck, John Haggidorn, Bartholomew C. Vrooman, (the first hus band of Mrs. Van Slyck before mentioned,) and Bartholomew Haggidorn. They were sent on the errand which had led so ma ny scouts in that direction — to anticipate, if possible, any hostile movement of the enemy. The Indians, with their prisoners, had been gone but a very short time from the house of Rose, before the scout named entered it. They enquired of Rose if there were any Indians in that vicinity. " Yes," he replied, " the woods are ¦full of them." They desired to know in what direction they were from his house, when, instead of sending them from, he directed them towards the enemy. The footsteps of the scout arrested the attention of the Indians, who halted, leveled their rifles, and wait ed the approach of the former. The Indians were on a rise of ground, and as Bouck looked up he saw Nancy, waving her bon net, with fear depicted in her countenance, which signal he right ly conjectured was intended to warn him of danger, and direct his flight in another course. He instantly divined the reason of her being there, and apprising his comrades of their peril, he turned and fled in an opposite direction. At that instant the Indians fired, and John Haggidorn was wounded in the hip, and a ball passed through the cravat of Bouck, which was tied around his neck. Haggidorn fell, but instantly sprang up and followed his companions. Had they known that there were but four of the enemy, they would no doubt have turned upon them and rescued the prisoners. The scout returned to the house of Rose, and as Haggidorn was too severely wounded to proceed, he was left by his friends, who assured the tory that if harm befel their wounded friend, or he was not well taken care of, his own life should be the forfeit. As was anticipated, Bouck was missing in the morning, and as soon as information of the fact reached the fort, Capt. Hager des patched about twenty men, under the command of Lieutenants Ephraim Vrooman and Joseph Harper, in pursuit of the captors. They rightly conjectured the enemy would take the usual route to- 370 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, wards Harpersfield, and after proceeding in uncertainty until they discovered the track of Dick in the path, which they at once sup posed left the impression, of his heel, they pushed forward rapidly. The scout had gone but a few miles towards the fort, when they fortuately fell in with the pursuing party, and instantly joined it. After arriving at the place where Haggidorn had been wounded, they soon struck upon the trail of the enemy, which ascended the high grounds near. The Indians had gone but a mile or two be yond where the scout saw them, and halted to rest upon a narrow plain near the top of the mountain, where three of them remain ed with the prisoners, while Seth's Henry ascended to the summit, which afforded a most extended prospect, to reconnoitre. The In dians left with the prisoners, feeling themselves secure, had laid down their packs, and were in the act of mending their mocasons, as the Americans were cautiously winding their way up the ac clivity. Seth's Henry, from his elevated position, completely overlooked his approaching foes, and feeling satisfied that they were now safe, he had just returned to his companions and told them they were out of danger from pursuit, as the Americans gained a view of them within rifle-shot distance. The lives of the prisoners being endangered, several of whom were nearest the Americans, prevented the instant discharge of a volley of balls, but as Leek had a fair aim upon an Indian, he snapped and his rifle unfortu nately missed fire. Hearing the click of this lock, the Indians instantly sprang to their feet, seized their weapons, and leaving their prisoners and packs, giving a whoop and exclaiming Yan kees, fled barefooted down the mountain in an opposite direction. The prisoners were then unbound, grateful for so unexpected a deliverance, and the party descended the hill, and proceeded to the dwelling of Rose. A kind of litter was there prepared, on which Haggidorn was carried by his friends to the fort, where, under proper treatment, he recovered. If Seth's Henry, was foiled in taking Mr. Bouck and his family to Canada, it did not discourage him from making other attempts to surprise some of the Schoharie citizens. Familiar as he was AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 371 with every hill, dale, ravine, and cluster of shrubbery along the river, he was enabled often to approach the very dwellings of the settlers, without being observed. He told Mrs. Van Slyck, after the war, that en Tuesday, one week before the destruction of Vrooman's Land, and about a week -after his capture of William Bouck, himself and two other In dians, one of whom was called William, his sister's son, lay con cealed near a spring, in an angle of a fence, by the thick shade of a sassafras tree, not far from her father's dwelling, when she with a pail went to the spring for water — that William wanted to shoot her, but he would not let him. Mrs. Van Slyck stated, that on the day referred to, her father, Samuel Vrooman, was at work, with several others, in a field of grain not far from his house, where a small party of riflemen from the fort were in attendance to guard them ; and that she was at home alone to prepare their dinner. When she had it about ready, she went with a pail to the spring mentioned for water. As she approached it she saw the mocasoned track of an In dian, which she at once recognized as such, but recently made in the soft earth near it. In an instant she was seized with the most lively apprehension ; and the first thought — as she felt her hair move on her head — was, that she would turn and run ; but this would betray to the enemy her knowledge of their supposed proximity; whereas, if she did not pretend to notice the track, if her scalp was not what the foe sought, she would doubtless es cape. She therefore walked boldly up to the spring, dipped her pail, with little caution about roiling the water, and walked back to the house. She expected, at every step, to hear the crack of a rifle discharged at herself, and passing several stumps on the way, this, and this, thought she, will shield me for the moment. On arriving at the house, she set down her pail, and ran to the field (leaving several gates open) to tell her friends what she had seen at the spring. The soldiers visited it and saw the Indian foot-marks, but the makers, observing their approach, had fled. Seth's Henry pretended, after the war,athat nothing but his friendship for her saved informant's life at the spring, but the fear 372 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, of pursuit from the riflemen near, was, perhaps, the real cause of her escape. William, who leveled his rifle at her, and was pre vented firing by the caution of his leader, had, for many years, held a grudge against her. Being often at her father's house be fore the war, she one day accused him of stealing geese eggs, which he resented, although perhaps guilty, drew his knife and, struck a blow at her, the blade of which entered the right thigh, leaving an indellible evidence of his resentment. The same day that those Indians were concealed at Vrooman's spring, they were discovered elsewhere by some person in the settlement. Seth's Henry told Mrs. Van Slyck, that the night ^preceding his visit to the spring, he, with his companions, had entered the kitchen of Ephraim Vrooman's dwelling, and finding a kettle of supawn, made use of it for their suppers. Two Ger mans lodged in the house that night ; a fact unknown to the In dians, as was to the former the nocturnal visit of the latter. Af ter procuring food at this house, they went to the barn of Samuel Vrooman, where they tarried over night. Thus were an armed and savage foe often prowling about the very dwellings of the frontier settlers of New York, without their knowledge. Seth's Henry, at his interview, also stated to Mrs. Van Slyck, that some time in the summer of 1780, seven Indians (of which number, was the Schoharie Indian, William,) went into the vici nity of Catskill to capture prisoners. That they visited a small settlement where the whites were from home, and soon succeeded in capturing seven lusty negroes. The latter generally went so willingly into captivity that they were seldom bound in the day time. After traveling some distance, the party halted upon the bank of a spring to rest : when the Indians, leaving their guns behind them, descended to drink. The favorable moment was seized by the prisoners to liberate themselves, and snatching up the guns, they fired upon their captors, four of whom were killed : the other three fled, and William was the only one who recovered his trusty rifle. The negroes, with the six guns, returned home in due time, without further molestation. Capt. Richtmyer, who resided near the Middle fort, was told AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 373 by Joseph Ecker, (a tory who returned to Schoharie after the war,) that on a certain day, four tories, a Shafer, a Winne, a Mil ler, and another person he would not name, (supposed by Captain R. to have been Ecker himself,) were secreted all day near his meadow, not far from the present site of the county poor house, in the hope of making him their prisoner. The grass was cut, and they expected the captain would be there to cure it, but for tunately Col. Zielie ordered him to superintend the making of cartridges at the fort, and next day several soldiers were sent from the fort to guard the workmen. Thus was the design of the enemy frustrated. Four places of concealment were made and occupied by the tories near the field, by setting up green twigs, which were afterwards noticed by the citizens. — George, a son of Capt. Richtmyer. On the second and third days of August, 1780, the settlements in and around Canajoharie were laid waste by a body of Indians under Brant. Sixteen of the inhabitants were killed, between fifty and sixty made prisoners ; over one hundred buildings burnt, and a large amount of property destroyed. This happened at a time when the Tryon county militia were mostly drawn off to Fort Schuyler. See letter of Col. Clyde to Gov. George Clinton, da ted, " Canajoharie, August 6th, 1780 ;" first published in the An nals of Tryon County. At this time a party of the enemy appeared in the vicinity of Fort Dayton. Two Indians had the temerity to approach a barn, in which two men were threshing, on whom they fired. The flail- stick in the hands of one was nearly severed by a bullet, but the young farmers escaped to the fort. It was well garrisoned, and a party of Americans being then mounted, pursued and killed • both the Indians. The enemy succeeded, however, in capturing the wife of Jacob Shoemaker, and her son, a lad some ten years old, who were in a field picking green peas. On their arrival in Canada, Sir John Johnson, paid seven dollars to ransom the mother, who, leaving her son in captivity, arrived at Albany some time after, from whence she was carried to Schenectada in a wagon, by Isaac Covenhoven, and from thence she accompanied 374 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, one Walradt, a former neighbor to Herkimer. — Isaac Covenhoven, who was at Fort Dayton during the invasion. It is probable the Schoharie settlers had been notified of the misfortunes of their friends in the Mohawk Valley, and were anx ious to guard against surprise. The Schoharie forts were feebly garrisoned at the time, but small parties of soldiers were constantly engaged during the day, to guard the more exposed inhabitants while harvesting an unusual growth of wheat. Early on the morning of the 9th of the same month, a scout, consisting of Coonradt Winne, Leek, and Hoever, was sent by Capt Hager, from the Upper fort to reconnoitre in the western part of the present town of Fulton. The scout was instructed to return immediately to the fort without firing, if they saw any of the enemy, and were not themselves discovered. In that part of Fulton, now called Byrnville, or Sap Bush Hollow, some five or six miles distant from the Upper fort ; the scout seated themselves upon a fallen tree, near the present residence of Edwin M. Dexter, to eat their breakfast ; and while eating, a white man, painted as an Indian, made his appearance within some fifty yards of them. Stooping down as nature prompted, he became so good a mark, that Leek, who was a dead shot, not seeing any one else, could not resist the temptation to fire, and levelling his rifle, the tory was instantly weltering in his gore. As surgical instruments were af terwards found upon his person, he was supposed to have been a surgeon, in the employ of Brant. A small stream of water near, which took its name from the killing of this man, whose carcase rotted by it, has been called Dead Man's creek, ever since. Leek had not had time to reload his piece, before the enemy appeared in sight. The scout fled, hotly pursued by a party of In dians, who passed their dying comrade without halting. Hoever had to drop his knapsack, containing some valuable articles, to outrun his pursuers, which he afterwards recovered, the enemy supposing it contained nothing more than a soldier's luncheon. They were so closely followed that they were separated, Leek fly ing towards the fort, while Hoever and Winne were driven into the woods, in an opposite direction. The two latter afterwards AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 375 saw, from a place of concealment near the Schoharie, in the pre sent town of Blenheim, their foes pass up the river with their pri soners and plunder. Leek reached the fort in safety, after a race of nine or ten miles, but not enough in advance of his pursuers, to have a seasonable alarm given to warn the citizens of impending danger. The single discharge of a cannon was the usual signal ; if the discharge was repeated, it was considered hazardous to ap proach the fort, while a third successive discharge served to as sure the citizen that he could not possibly reach the fort, without encountering the enemy. The invaders, consisting of seventy-three Indians, almost naked, and five tories — Benjamin Beacraft, Frederick Sager, Walter Al- let, one Thompson, and a mulatto, commanded by Capt. Brant, approached Vrooman's Land in the vicinity of the Upper fort, about ten o'clock in the morning. They entered the valley on the west side of the river, above the Onistagrawa in three places; one party coming down from the mountain near the present resi dence of Charles Watson : another near that of Jacob Haines, then the residence of Capt. Tunis Vrooman ; and the third near the dwelling of Harmanus Vrooman, at that time the residence of Col. Peter Vrooman, who chanced to be with his family, in the Mid dle fort. Capt. Hager, had gone on the morning of that day, to his farm, attended by a small guard, to draw in some hay nearly seven miles distant from the Upper fort, the command of which then de volved on Tunis Vrooman, captain of the associate exempts. Al though the citizens of Schoharie had huts at the several forts where they usually lodged nights, and where their clothing and most valuable effects were kept during the summer, the female part of many families were in the daily habit of visiting their dwellings to do certain kinds of work, while their husbands were engaged in securing their crops. On the morning of the day in question, Capt. Vrooman also returned home to secure wheat, ac companied by his family, his wife to do her week's washing. The command of the garrison next belonged to Ephraim Vroo man, a lieutenant under Capt. Hager, but as he went to his farm- 25 376 HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY, soon after Capt. Vrooman left, it finally devolved on Lieut. Wil liam Harper, who had not a dozen men with him in the fort. The wife of Lieut. Vrooman also returned home to do her washing.* Capt. Vrooman, who had drawn one load of wheat to a bar rack before breakfast, arose on that morning with a presentiment that some disastrous event was about to happen, which he could not drive from his mind ; and he expressed his forebodings at the breakfast-table. Four rifle-men called at his house in the morn ing and took breakfast with him, but returned to the fort soon af ter, to attend the roll-call. Capt. Vrooman's family consisted of himself, wife, four sons, John, Barney, Tunis and Peter, and two slaves, a male and female. After breakfast, Capt. Vrooman and his sons drew another load of wheat to the barrack : and while it was unloading, he stopped repeatedly to look out towards the sur rounding hills. The grain had not all been pitched from the wag on, before his worst fears were realized, and he beheld descend ing upon the flats near, a party of hostile savages. He descend ed from the barrack, not far from which he was tomahawked, scalped, and had his throat, cut by a Schoharie Indian named John : who stood upon his shoulders while tearing off his scalp. Many of the old Dutch dwellings in Schoharie (the outside doors of Which were usually made in two parts, so that the lower half of the passage could be closed while the upper remained open,) had a kitchen detached from them : and such was that of Capt. Vrooman. His wife was washing in a narrow passage be tween the buildings, where she was surprised and stricken down. After the first blow from a tomahawk, she remained standing, but a second blow laid her dead at the feet of an Indian, who also stalped her. The house was then plundered and set on fire, as was the barn, barracks of grain, hay, &c; and the three oldest boys, with the blacks, made captives. Peter, who fled on the first alarm and concealed himself in some bushes, would probably have escaped the notice of the enemy, had not one of the blacks • Mrs. Vrooman said to her friends as she left the fort, " This is the last morning I intend to go lo my house to work." Her words were truly pro. phetic — Andrew Loucks. AND BORDER WARS OF NEW YORK. 377 made known his place of concealment : he was then captured and taken along a short distance, but crying to return, he ran to a fence, to which he was pursued by the tory Beacraft, who caught him, and placing his legs between his own, bent him back and cut his throat ; after which, he scalped and hung him across the fence.* Vrooman's horses were unharnessed and civen to the boys to hold, as were several more, while the Indians were plun dering, killing cattle and other animals, and burning buildings. While the Indians were shooting hogs in the pen, a ball went through it and lodged in the calf of John's leg; which instantly brought him to the ground : the horses then ran towards the river, and two of them were not recaptured. The party which entered the valley at the dwelling of Colonel Vrooman, were led by Brant in person, who hoped to surprise a rebel colonel; but the services of that brave man were to be spared to his country. His family were also at the Middle fort.f From the dwelling of Col. Vrooman, which was a good brick tenement, and to which was applied the torch of destruction, Seth's Henry (with whom the reader has some acquaintance,) led several of the enemy to the dwelling of Lieut. Vrooman ; which stood where Peter Kneiskern now lives. His family consisted of himself, wife Christina, sons Bartholomew and Josias E., and * Of the murder of this Vrooman boy, Beacraft took occasion repeatedly to boast, in the presence of the prisoners, while on his way to Canada ; as also he did on several subsequent occasions : and yet he had the impudence to return, after the war closed, to Schoharie. His visit becoming known,