Tir* "'"r"'' ¦ ¦'¦> "-¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ '¦¦¦'¦ . ¦'¦'¦' '<¦ ¦¦ :¦¦¦"¦¦ /¦ :¦¦';.,¦: ¦¦ .. -¦,: CORDS TON BRoe AND KIS DESGEnDAR^S. © The Brockway Family. SOME RECORDS OF WOLSTON BROCKWAY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. COMPILED FOR FRANCIS E. BROCKWAY. OWEGO, N. Y.: Leon L. Brockway's Power Print, 1890. ^~Z^{^. <3 INTRODUCTION. Some years ago Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Brockway of New York, W. I/. Brockway, also of New York, and the Hon. Beman" Brockway, of Watertown, N. Y. were engaged jointly or severally, in gathering records for a genealogy of the Brockway family, and I was invited by one or more of them to contribute - the records of the branch to which I belong, and was compelled to plead ignorance. Disliking to remain under the imputation of not knowing anything of my ancestry, I employed Mr. D. Williams Patterson, of Newark Valley, to make some investigations and show me in which branch I belonged. On re ceiving his report, I invited my relatives to join me in making a complete genealogy of the family, but each preferred to take care of his own "knitting work." In January, 1887, the Hon. Beman Brockway published a pamphlet of twenty-two pages, contain ing the result of his studies, and intimating that one of the other parties might also print a collection of records at some future time. I decided to put my col lection in print as an encouragement to our cousins, and to make sure that the records should not be lost or scattered. As the family grows, there may be a chance for each member to compile and print a genealogy for himself. "So mote it be." F. E. BROCKWAY. Owego, N. Y, Aug. 1890. BROCKWAY -FAMILY, FIRST GENERATION. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, the progenitor of the New England family bearing his name, was probably born in some part of England, not far from 1638. In a deposition made by him 10 July 1714, and recorded in Lyme, his age is stated at ' 'seventy years or there abouts," and he stated that he had dwelt in Lyme for fifty years past ; but there are indications that both his age and the length of his residence in Lyme were placed too low. He bought land with a house and barn thereon, of John Reynolds, both of Say brook, Conn., 3 December 1659, the land being described as "one ye eastsid of ye riuer ouer against ye towne of Saybrooke," and the consideration, ^20 sterling. The natural inference is that he was of full age when he made this purchase, and that he settled at once in his new house, and that would fix the date of his birth about 1638, and make his residence in Lyme to cover nearly fifty-five years, in July 17 14. His first home in Lyme was probably on Duck River, at some distance south of the present village of Lyme, and near Long Island Sound. A highway laid out 24 March 1698-99, is described as follows : "The highway on the Southward side of Duck riuer is as follows : First, the highway from Wolston Brockway's Landing place is four rods wide, FIRST GENERATION the landing place being in length from said highway, southwest ten rods and a half to a stub' ' etc. This road passed the "planting field" and thence to "Black Hall river." Between Smith' sNeck and the planting field it passed Thomas Champion's house, Richard Smith's yard, Edward Lay's land and William Brock way's corner. In 1675 he sold to Isaac Watterus of Lyme, a piece of land in "the planting field," bounded northerly by the lands of the said Isaac, and easterly by the Black Hall river. In this deed he was styled Planter. See Lyme deeds Vol. I, p. 66. On the 9th of February 1676-77, in a deed to Richard Smith he was styled Cooper. He sold land 29 April, 1682 to Christopher Christophers of New London, des cribing it as "all of my land purchased of John Rey nolds, in the neck of land commonly called Black Point," twenty acres of upland and three and a half of meadow. He and wife Hannah, by deed dated 13 March 1707-08, gave their homestead to their sou, Richard Brockway, with reservation during their lives, and a stipulation that he should pay ^15 to his brother, John Brockway, on their death. In a deed to his youngest son, John Brockway, 5 September 17 16, conveying five acres of land near Flat Rock Hill, he again styled himself Cooper. He was frequently elected to some office in the town. As hayward, 13 Feb. 1676-77 ; fence-viewer, 24 Sept. 1677 and 9 Dec. 1679 ; hayward, 29 Dec. 1684; and pound-keeper on the same date; surveyor, 27 Nov. 1689 and 16 Dec. 1690: fence-viewer, Dec. 1690, 14 Dec. ,1697, 15 Dec. 1698 and 15 Dec. 1701. He was elected constable 18 Dec. 1699, but refused to serve. He owned land at Tantum Morantum, near what is now Brockway's Ferry, as early as 1 Feb. 1702-3, at which date he bought forty acres of land there of Rev. Moses Noyes, which was already in Brockway's possession, but it is not known that he lived there. His ear-mark for cattle, recorded at Lyme 1 June, 16— was afterward transferred to his grandson, William Brockway, Jr. BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. The townsmen of Lyme, 27 Aug. 1688, assessed him as "Walstone Brockway," as follows : "3 persons, 60 00 00 ' 'house and Lands 02 00 00 "2 Oxen, two Cowes 16 00 00 "1 : 3 yerling 5 : 2 yeiiings . . 12 10 00 " 1 Mare 2 hogs 12 sheep . ... 13 00 00 ^103 10 00" The tax on this amount was £0: 8: 7^. See the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. XXXIV, pp. 379 to 381. He married with Hannah BrigGS, widow of John Harris of Boston, Mass, with whom she married 10 September, 1657.* She was born at Boston, 28 Au gust, 1642, daughter of William and Mary Briggs. f She died at Lyme, 6 February, 1687-88. He married with a second wife whose name was Hannah, but her maiden name has not been found. He gave his land to his children during his life. Perhaps the latest deed was to his daughter, Hannah Wade, dated 16 May, 1717, giving her certain personal property, to take efiect on the death of himself and wife. He died not long before 11 November 1717, at which date his son, Richard Brockway, was granted administration on his estate. Probably his widow died before 7 April, 1719, at which date the adminis trator reported that he had paid debts and charges, amounting to ^"24 : 1 : 7, and that £1 : 13 : 8, re mained for distribution. The court ordered that the eldest son should have a double portion, 6.?. , each of the other seven children 3J. and 3^. to the children of Wolston Brockway, Jr. , deceased, and 3.5-. to the chil dren of Mary Mott, deceased. He was probably buried in Duck River cemetery in the village of Old Lyme. * The date of the death of John Harris has not been found. He left one son, John Harris, born at Boston, 8 August, 1658, who lived at Lyme. t John Briggs, the father of Mrs. Brockway, lived most of his life in Boston ; but he bought land in Lyme, 27 October 1680, of his son-in-law, Wolston Brockway, and sold the same to his son, John Briggs, 15 February, 1680-81, "with the frame of a house there on standing, which I purchased of John Lareby." Before 1685 he had returned to Boston. SECOND GENERATION BHOCKWAY FAMILY, second generation. ^Children ofWolston and Hannah (Briggs) Brockway: I. HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 14 Sept. 1664, [not 24 Sept. as others have read it ] ; married there 23 Aug. 1682, with Thomas Champion, who was born at Saybrook, Conn., in April 1656, son of Henry and Deborah Champion. He, died at Lyme in 1705. She married (2d) with John Wade, and as "my daughter, Hannah Wade, of Lyme,'' received a deed from her father 16 May 1717, convey ing to her certain personal property, on the death of himself and wife. II. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 July 1666 ; married there 8 March 1692-93, with Elizabeth . Gregory Wilterton, of Hartford, Conn., by his will of 1674, gave him a leg acy °f ^10, in consideration of which his father deeded land to him in 1709. He settled at Brockway' s Ferry, in that part of Lyme to which Joshua, the son of Uncas, gave the name of Joshuatown ; and died there 29 March 1755, in the 89th year of his age, as testified by his grave stone, still legible in the family cemetery at that place. His wife, it is said, was bur ied by his side, but no stone is there to tell the date. His father deeded land to him at Tantum Moran turn, (Joshuatown) 8 June 1697, Lyme Records II, 302! On this land he probably settled. At the May session in 1724, the General Court granted to him, in con- 12 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. nection with William Pratt, who lived on the west side of Connecticut river, the right to keep a ferry, which is still known as Brockway's Ferry. He signed a paper, 7 Dec. 1724, relating to ecclesiastical matters in Lyme, North Quarter, now Hamburgh. III. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 7 Feb. 1667-68 ; married there 4 Dec. 1688, with Margaret . His ear-mark for cattle was recorded at Lyme, 19 May 1696, and he died there early in 1707. Letters of administration on his estate were granted to his widow, 4 June 1707, and the estate was distributed 17 March 1713-14. She married (2d) at Lyme, 7 Feb. 1710-11, with Thomas Ennis, and died there 17 Jan. 1738-39, aged 73 years. By her second marriage she had one son, Thomas Ennis, born at Lyme, 28 May 1712. IV. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 16 Jan. 1669-70 ; married there 6 April 1692, with Samuel Mott, of Lyme, and they had a gift of land from her father, 27 March 1697. Her name on the town record is written Marah, that being the form which town clerk, Joseph Peck, was in the habit of using for Mary. V. BRIDGET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9 Jan. 1671 [1671-72].^ The copy in Register, Vol. 23, p. 427, has the month July, which is erroneous. Beman Brockway's pamphlet says she married in 1 7 14, with Jonathan Beebe. If so she must have been his second wife. Bridget, wife of Jonathan Beebe, died in East Haddam, Conn., 6 April 1756, aged eighty-six years. , according to her gravestone. VI. RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 33 30 Sept. 1673 ; and the record says 31 Sept. ; married there 25 Oct. 1697, with Rachel She died at Lyme, 9 April 1718 ; and he married (2d) 5 May 1720, with Elizabeth Tiffany. In Dec. 1718, he was surety for Edward Lay and Samuel Chapman, to the Governor and Council of Conn. He joined the First Church in Lyme, in Oct. 1739. SECOND GENERATION 10 ii VII. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, 47 Conn., 24 May 1676 ; married there about 1701, with William Harris, of Lyme, and her father gave land to them 23 Jan. 1705-06. He probably died as early as 1710, and she married (2d) in March 1711-12, with Roger Alger, Sr. "Elizabeth, widow of Roger Alger, late of Lyme, deceased, formerly the wife of William Harris, dyed in July, in ye year 1729." VIII. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 Sept. 1679 ; married [East Haddam records,] 20 Jan. 1703 [1703-04] with Nathaniel Beckwith, and they were living at East Haddam 23 Nov. 1704, when .her father gave land to his "well beloved son-in-law, Nathaniel Beckwith, of hadam, on the east side of the river." IX. DEBORAH. BROCKWAY, . b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 May 1682. X. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., date not found ; had an ear-mark for cattle recorded 12 Feb. 1729-30. His father, in deeding his homestead to Richard Brockway, 13 March 1707-08, provided that Richard should pay ^15 to John Brockway, on the death of their father. He was probably the son of the first wife, but it is possible that the second wife was his mother. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. BROCKWAY FAMILY, third generation. Children of William and Elizabeth Brockway : 3 12 I. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 58 26 Dec. 1693 > married there 3 Oct. 1716, with Prudence Pratt. See the Pratt Genealogy, p. 170. She was daughter of Capt. William and Hannah Kirt land Pratt, of Saybrook, Conn., where she was born 11 March 1685-86. He died at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, 4 Dec. 1774, in the eighty-first year of his age, and was buried there in the Brockway cemetery. She died 7 April 1760, aged seventy-one years, and was buried at Brockway's Ferry, where her grave stone is yet legible. William Brockway married [Lyme First Church record] 10 Nov. 1760, with Mrs. Susanna Tinker, both of Lyme. William Brockway, Jr., signed a paper relating to the inability of the people to call and support a minister in the North Quarter of Lyme, 7 Dec. 1724. Two years later a church was formed there, now the church at Hamburgh. x3 II. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 10 61 May 1697 : married there 1 March 1727, with • Elizabeth Banning, who was born about 1705. She died at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, 26 April 1738, in her thirty- third year, and was buried there in the Brockway cemetery. He married (2d), at Lyme, 22 March 1739, with Sarah Scovil, of Say brook, who was born about 1708. She died 12 June 1770, in her sixty-second year, and was buried in the io THIRD GENERATION family cemetery at Brockway's Ferry. She was a large, resolute woman, and tradition says that her husband once went hunting, and on his return, with out game, found that she had caught two deer on the smooth ice, cut their throats, and drawn them home. He married (3d) with a widow Avery. He bore the military title of lieutenant. He died 27 Nov. 1777, in the eighty-first year of his age, and was buried in the tamily cemetery at Brockway's Ferry. He also signed the paper, 7 Dec. 1724, relating to ecclesiasti cal matters in Lyme North Quarter. 14 III. RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 69 11 Sept. 1699 ; married, probably, with Deborah Reed. He settled near the First Church in Lyme, and was probably a member of it, but the loss of the early records makes the proof difficult. Mr. Charles Hallam Brockway furnished the names of his chil dren, as we have given them. Possibly he had a wife Bridget, as a grave-stone at Brockway's Ferry seems to show that Thomas Brockway, son of Capt. Richard and Mrs. Bridget Brockway, died 16 Sept, 1742, in his third year. A pair of small stones, near those of Thomas, bear no inscription except R. B. , and may mark the grave of another child of Richard Brockway. Richard - Brockway was one of the sign ers of the Lyme North Quarter paper 7 Dec. 1724. 15 IV. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 2 March 1701-02. 16 V. EBENEZER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 73 29 Oct. 1704 ; married 11 Feb. 1734-35, with Sarah Buckingham, , daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah (Lay) Buckingham, of Saybrook,' where she was born 4 Aug. 1712. See the Buckingham Genealogy, pp. 145 and 149-150. 17 VI. DOROTHY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , and was named in her father's will of 1728. Children of Wolston and Margaret Brockway : 18 I. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, born at Lyme, BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. ii J9 20 21 22 23 24 Conn., 26 Oct. 1689. He died before 17 March 1713- 14, at which time the estate of his father was distri buted, and he not mentioned, while his brother, Samuel Brockway, was called the eldest son, and received a double portion. II. SAMUEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 76 10 Feb. 1691-92 ; was called eldest son, 17 March 1713-14, when his father's estate was distributed. He settled in Branford, Conn., before 21 Jan. 1734- 35, when he joined his brothers, Edward and Ephraim, and his sisters, Deborah Champion and Margaret Smith, in selling a part of their heritage in Lyme; to Samuel Selden. The laud lay at Fish ing Cove. III. JONATHAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , 10 May 1694. It seems probable that he died before 21 Jan. 1734-35, at which date his brothers and sisters deeded land at Fishing Cove, in Lyme, to Samuel Selden, and his name does not appear in the conveyance. See Lyme Laud Records, Vol. V, p. 273. IV. DEBORAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , 11 Nov. 1696 ; married with Stephen Champion, of Lyme. She joined with her brothers and sister in selling to Samuel Selden, some land at Fishing Cove, in Lyme, 21 Jan. 1734-35. The wife of Stephen Champion died at Lyme, 3 Oct. 1737. V. EDWARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 March, 1698-99 ; was living at Lyme as late as 21 Jan. 1734-35, but settled later at Branford, Conn. There are indications that he married with Mary Ely, daughter of William Ely ; grand daughter of William Ely, and great grand daughter of Richard Ely. See the Lee Genealogy, p. 26. VI. MARGARET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 April 1701 ; married with Joseph Smith, of Lyme, and they joined with her brothers and sis ter in selling to Samuel Selden, some land at Fishing Cove, in Lyme, 21 Jan. 1734-35. VII. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 79 12 THIRD GENERATION 4 April 1703 ; married there 7 Feb. 1726-27, with Susanna Carrier. He was living at Lyme, 21 Jan. - 1734-35, when he joined his brothers and sisters in selling to Samuel Selden, some land at Fishing Cove, in Lyme. 5 Children of Samuel and Mary (Brockway) Mott : 25 I. MARY MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 10 March 1692-93 ; married with Ambrose NilES. She died 20 June 1765, in her seventy-first year, and was buried in the cemetery near Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme. 86 26 II. SAMUEL MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Feb. 1694-95. 27 III. HANNAH. MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 11 March 1696-97. 28 IV. JOHN MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 Dec. 1698. 29 V. EXPERIENCE MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 March 1703-04. 3° VI. LYDIA MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 2 March 1706 [1705-06]. 3i VII. NATHANIEL MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 16 July 1707. 32 VIII. DEBORAH MOTT, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 June 1710. 7 Children of Richard and Rachel Brockway : 33 I. RACHEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 Aug. 1698. 34 II. HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 14 Aug. 1700. 35 III. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 June 1703 ; married there, 10 March 1723-24, with Peter Tubbs. . 87 36 IV. RUTH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 June 1706. 37 V.- LYDIA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 April 1709. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 13 38 VI. RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9° 4 April 171 1 ; married there 14 May 1740, as "Rich ard Brockway, 3d," with Hannah Randall, of Colchester. He was baptized in First Church of Lyme, 27 May 1733, adult, and the names of his parents were not recorded. 39 VII. JEDEDIAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, 94 Conn., 23 Oct. 1713 ; married there 3 Oct. 1743, with Sarah Fox, of New London. He was baptized at Lyme, First Church, 3 June 1733, as an adult, and his parents names were not recorded. 40 VIII. DEBORAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 7 Dec. 1716. ? Did she marry 15 May 1735 (First Church Record) with Robert Ames, of New London ? Children of Richard and Elizabeth (Tiffany) Brockway: 41 IX. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 22 June 1721 ; married there 5 Nov. 1740, (First Church Record) with Samuel Waller, both of Lyme, and died at Lyme, 30 March 1742. 4I* X. CONSIDER BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Feb. 1723 [1723-24]; died there 17 Feb. 1747-48, and probably was not married. 42 XI. ABIGAIL BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Feb. 1723 [1723-24.] She married 7 Nov. 1745, with Benjamin Fox, Jr., who was born at New London, 29 Aug. 1715, and had several children. 43 XII. SILENCE BROCKWAY, a daughter, b. at Lyme, Conn., 13 April 1726. 44 XIII. EUNICE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 24 Aug. 1732 ; baptized in Lyme First Church, 8 Oct. 1732 ; died at Broadalbin, N. Y., in 1817. XIV. NATHAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, 102 Conn., 7 May 1736. Probably his wife's name was Elizabeth Thompson. He moved from Lyme, after his marriage, to Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and thence in March 1792^0 Broadalbin, Mont gomery Co., N. Y., where he died 11 Aug. 1822, aged eighty-six years. 45 14 THIRD GENERATION 46 XV. TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9 Aug. 1740 ; baptized there in the First Church, 10 Aug. 1740. Children of William and Elizabeth (Brockway) Harris : 47 I. TABITHA HARRIS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9 May 1702. 48 II. SARAH HARRIS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 Feb. 1704-05. 49 III. ESTHER HARRIS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 11 Nov. 1706. 50 IV. THANKFUL HARRIS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 Feb. 1707-08. Children of John Brockway : 11 51 I. BRIDGET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 Aug. 1708. Bridget, daughter of John Brockway, died at Lyme, 7 Nov. 1736, (First Church Record.) 52 II. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., i< 25 Dec. 171 1 ; the record was first written 23 Dec. 1 71 2, then changed. He married 30 Sept. 1736, with Anna Brook, of New London. It is said that they moved to Vermont, and had twelve children. They joined the First Church in Lyme in April 1741, and it was probably he who was baptized there 13 June 1731, a few weeks after the baptism of his father and the other children. 53 III. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 3 July 1 7 13 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 9 May 1731. 54 IV. JANE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 Feb. 1717-18 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 9 May 1731 ; married (First Church Records of Lyme) 26 Oct. 1738, with Nathaniel Beckwith, both of Lyme. 55 V. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 4 July, 1 72 1 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 9 May 1731. 56 VI. PHEBE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 15 Feb. 1724-25 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 9 May 1731. 57 VII. NAOMI BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 3 May 1727, and was probably baptized there, in the First Church, 9 May 1731, though the record gives the name of her sister Bridget, after the other four. 16 FOURTH GENERATION BROCKWAY FAMILY, FOURTH GENERATION. Children of William and Prudence (Pratt) Brockway : 12 58 I. HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 30 Nov. 1 718. She married (East Haddam Records) 18 Oct. 1733, with Joshua Beebe, of East Haddam, and had six children. 59 II. GIDEON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme Conn., 112 about 1720 ; married with Lois Beman, who was born there about 1722, "dau. of Phineas and Mary (Burban) Beman." She died 24N0V. 1792, in seven tieth year, and was buried 25 Nov. 1792, in the family cemetery at Brockway'sFerry, where her gravestone calls her widow of Gideon Brockway.- The Hon. Beman Brockway's pamphlet says he died of small pox in 1783. 60 III. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., i22 22 Feb. 1^23-24 ; married there 19 April 1744, with Hannah Clark, daughter of Thomas and Hannah ( ) Clark. [This Thomas Clark was born about 1686, or 1687. See Reg. Vol, 38, p. 231, April 1884.] They settled at Joshuatown, where she died 8 Jan. 1797, in seventy-third year, and was buried 9 Jan. 1797. Capt. William Brockway died 25 Feb. 1798, in his seventy-fifth year. They were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. He died of consumption ; she had ' "a fit' ' and fell in the fire. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. *7 Children of John and Elizabeth (Banning) Brockway : 61 i I. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 2 April 1728. II. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 28 July 1729 ; married there with Caroline Reed, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah ( ) Reed, of Lyme, where she was born 14 Feb. 1731-32. She died at Joshuatown, in Lyme, 4 March 1807, aged seventy-three years, and was buried there. He died at Joshuatown, 23 Sept. 1817, aged eighty-seven years, and was buried there. The Hamburgh Church Record calls her age seventy-five years. He was often called "John Brockway, 2d." 63 j III. EBENEZER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 Oct. 1731 ; married there with Mary But ler, "a niece of Col. Zebulon Butler, of Wyoming." She was born in Lyme about 1735. Captain Ebenez er Brockway died in Lyme, 9 May 1812, in his eigh ty-first year, and was buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. She died 29 Nov. 181 1, in her seventy- fourth year, of apoplexy or ' 'palsy. ' ' 64 IV. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 March 1734. She married with Nathan Beck with, of East Haddam, Conn., who died before 25 Oct. 1 761, when she, a widow, had four children baptized at Hadlyme, Conn. ; yet tradition says ' 'she married with Baker and went west ;" but no record of that marriage has been found, unless it be the following : Constant Baker, ot Millington, Conn. , married at Lyme 26 March 1778, with Brock way. If this was her second marriage the record not only omits her christian name, but gives her maiden name instead of her married surname. 65 V. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 26 April 1738 ; married, as Mary Banning Brockway, 4 April 1761, with Elijah Bingham, at Lyme, "and died at New London, Conn." They had eleven children. See the Willimantic fournal for 28 Aug. 1863. 13 *35 J43 FOURTH GENERATION Children of John and Sarah (Scovil) Brockway : 66 VI. ELIHU BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 March 1740 ; was} boating stone for a house, which in 1885 was occupied by George Warner, and was accidentally drowned, 17 May 1771, in his thirty- second year, according to his gravestone at Brock way's Ferry. He was not married. 67 VII. DOROTHY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 3 June 1742. She married with Benjamin Baker, and died 16 June, 1772, in ber twenty-eighth year,, as is said by her gravestone at Brockway's Ferry. 68 VIII. EZEKIEL BROCKW AY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 May, 1745 ; died there 17 Sept. i75i,in his seventh year, and was buried in the family cemetery, at Brockway's Ferry. 13 64 Children of Richard and Deborah (Reed) Brockway : i ' 69 I. RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1730 ; and perhaps it was he who was baptized there (First Church Record) 27 May 1733, and the names of his parents not recorded. He married with Desire Mitchell, and settled near Brockway's Ferry in Lyme. He died in Lyme, 15 Jan. 1812, aged eighty-two years. She was born about 1731, and died 16 Jan. 1814, aged eighty-two years. They were buried in the family cemetery, at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme. He was called Captain Richard. II. EZRA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 24 x56 May 1732 ; married there 14 Nov. 1754, with Dorcas Giddings, who was born about 1736, and died 7 March 1814, aged seventy-eight years. He died 15 April 1814, aged eighty-two years. They were buried in the family cemetery at Brockway's Ferry,in Lyme. 7i Children of Captain Richard and Mrs. Bridget Brockway : III. THOMAS BROCKWAY, died at Brockway's 14 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. J9 72 73 i ' 74 75 76 Ferry, 16 Sept. 1742, in his third year, and was buried there. IV R. BROCKWAY. The only authority for this is a pair of small gravestones in the cemetery at Brock way's Ferry (near the grave of Thomas above) one of which bears the inscription "R. B.," and nothing more. It may have been Rachel or Ruth. Children of Ebenezer and Sarah (Buckingham) Brockway : ^ 1. EBENEZER BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, Conn., 16 Jan. 1735-36. He was distinguished from the other Ebenezer Brockways, by being called "Winking Nezer," as a weakness of his eyes caused a habit of winking. II. LEBBEUS BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, Conn., 29 Dec. 1738. III. ELIJAH BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, Conn., 29 Nov. 1744. He settled in Saybrook, oppo site Brockway's Ferry, and was remembered by Charles Hallam Brockway, in 1883, as having lived there about 181 3. Children of Samuel and ¦ Brockway : I WOLSTON BROCKWAY was born about 1723; perhaps at Lyme, Conn. ; perhaps at Branford, Conn., and he may be that Wolston Brockway who was bap tized at the First Church in Lyme, 13 June 1731, and no record made of his parents' names, but that suppo sition is made improbable by the fact that he was baptized in manhood. He married, in 1744, with Dorcas Weeden or Wheden, of Branford, and set tled in Sharon, Conn., about 1750. Their home stead is still occupied by their descendents. It lies in the south part of the town, bordering on Kent, and is about one mile from the west line of Connecticut. A Congregational church was formed about two miles from his house, at what is now called Amenia Union, just on the State line, about the fall of 1759, and in this church he and his wife were publicly baptized, 16 Nov. 1760. A modern observer, who should com- 16 158 161 19 164 20 FOURTH GENERATION . I pare the farm on which he settled, on the south end of Sharon mountain, with one that was offered to him at the same price, in the beautiful Oblong Val ley, in the adjoining town of Amenia, N. Y., might wonder what influenced his choice. II. TIMOTHY BROCKWAY, b. at Branford, Conn. ; married with Mercy . He settled at Sharon and died there before 10 Nov. 1759, at which date his widow, Mercy Brockway, had their three children baptized. She was probably that Mercy Brockway who married at Sharon, 11 March 1760, in the evening, with Ashbel Goodrich. 78 III. JEREMIAH BROCKWAY is the name which tradition gives as one of this household, and it is said that he dwelt in the Oblong Valley, in Amenia, N. Y. , but no records have been found which refer to him. 171 79 80 82 83 Children of Ephraim and Susanna (Carrier) Brockway : I. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 31 March 1728, and was drowned there, 29 June 1738, aged ten years and three months, according to the record of the First Church. II. ASA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 12 July 1730. His name is not again found, and he may have been that child of Ephraim Brockway, who died 21 April 1733, according to the First Church record, which does not give the child's name. III. MARGARET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., in 1732 ; baptized there in the First Church, 4 June 1732.* It seems likely that she lived to ma turity, and married (Lyme First Church Record) 9 Dec. 1759, with Ahimaaz Reed, both of Lyme. IV JOANNA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., in 1734 ; baptized there in the First Church, 31 March 1734. V. JONATHAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., in 1738 ; baptized there in the First Church, 28 May 1738 ; married there 20 Oct. 1757, with Phebe Smith, of Lyme. 24 174 BROCKWAY FAMILY. 21 84 1 VI. HULDAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1740 ; baptized there in the First Church, 19 Oct. 1740. 85 VII. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1741 ; baptized there in the First r Church, 1 Nov. 1741 ; married there, 30 Dec. 1760, (First Church Record) with Esther Corkins, both of Lyme. . Her name would properly be written Calkins. 1200 86 Children of Ambrose and Mary (Mott) Niles: I. AMBROSE NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1723 ; died there 30 Aug. 1793, in seventieth year. He was buried in the cemetery at Brockway's Ferry, and seems to have had a wife Mary. 25 182 87 89 909i92 93 Children of Peter and Sarah (Brockway) Tubbs : I. RICHARD TUBBS, b. at Lyme, Conn. March 1724-25 ; and died there 22 Sept. 1730. II. LYDIA TUBBS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 16 1727. III. SARAH TUBBS, b. at Lyme, Conn. April 1729. 35 16 Dec. 22 Children of Richard and Hannah (Randall) Brockway : I. LOIS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 March 1741 ; baptized there in the First Church, 3 May 1741 ; died there 15 July 1756. II. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 13 March 1744-45. III. HETTY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 3 Dec. 1746. IV ENOS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 April 1757. 38 94 Children of Jedediah and Sarah (Fox) Brockway : I. JONAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 16 39 22 FOURTH GENERATION 95 9697 9899 100 101 102103 104 105 106 107 108109 no Jan. 1744 [1744-45. J II. GIDEON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. 14 Sept. 1746 ; died there 12 Dec. 1749. III. RACHEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 Aug. 1748 ; and died there 13 Dec. 1749. IV RACHEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 5 Nov. 1750. Query : Did she marry 12 March 1770 (First Church Record), with William Levingston, both of Lyme. V. NAOMI BROCKWAY, b. 5 May 1753. VI. LYDIA BROCKWAY, b. 20 April 1755. VII. LUCY BROCKWAY, b. 5 March 1757. VIII. GIDEON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 April 1759. at at at Lyme, Lyme, Lyme, Conn. Conn. Conn. , Children of Nathan and Elizabeth (Thompson) Brockway : I. RUSSEL BROCKWAY. II. CONSIDER BROCKWAY. III. RICHARD BROCKWAY, married with Sal ly Haven ; settled in Sempronius, N. Y. , and died there. IV. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY. V. TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. 6 March 1774 ; died 4 Dec. 1866. Children of Wolston and Anna (Brook) Brockway : 1. BRIDGET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 Dec. 1737 ; baptized there, in First Church, 5 Jan. J737-38 ; married there, 29 Dec. 1761, with Ben jamin Hutson, Jr, , both of Lyme. II. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 29 Aug. 1739. III. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9 March 1741-42 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 4 April 1742. IV. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, 45 185 52 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 23 in Conn., 9 March 1741-42 ; baptized there, in the First Church, 4 April 1742. V. ANNA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn.-, 14 March 1743-44 ; baptized there, in the£First Church, 18 March 1743-44. 24 FIFTH GENERATION BROCKWAY FAMILY, FIFTH GENERATION. 112 H3 114 "5 116 Children of Gideon and Lois (Beman) Brockway : I. GAMALIEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 7 Oct. 1746 ; married with Azuba^) Peck, who was born 23 Nov. 1747, and died 28 March 1813. He died 17 Aug. 1809. II. SEMELLIUS BROCKWAY, b at Lyme, Conn., about 1747 ; married with Bridget Brock way, daughter of Ezra and Dorcas (Giddings) Brock way. He died a few years after his marriage, and she married (2d) with Capt. Abner Ely. See the Hyde Genealogy, p. 840. III. ISAIAH BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1749 ; married there, with Elizabeth Comstock, who was baptized at Hadlyme, Conn., 28 Feb. 1747-48, daughter of William and Elizabeth Com stock. They dwelt in Lyme till 1780, then moved to East Granville, Mass., and thence, about 1785, to Southampton, Mass., where she died 24 Jan. 1807. Pie married (2d) with Mrs Anna Culver, who was born in 1755, and died in 1825. He died 13 Dec. 1829. IV. LOIS BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1749 ; died there 1 Feb. 1761, in her twelfth year, and was buried in the family cemetery, near Brockway's Ferry. V. GIDEON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1752 ; married with Phema Jerome. 59 192 196 323 156 198 206 BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 117 VI. LYDIA BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1760 ; married with Sheldon Bali., and settled at Erie, Pa. j 118 VII. LUCY BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1760 ; married with M Gibbs. 119 ; VIII. BEMAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 Jan. 1763 ; married 13 June 1790, with Sally Bostwick, daughter of Ichabod and Lucy (Warner) Bostwick. She was born 12 Oct. 1773. They settled at Lysander, N. Y., where he died in 1814, and was buried there. She died 27 Oct. 1841. | I2o IX. PRUDENCE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1765; married with Samuel Robert son, and removed to Susquehanna, Pa. ! 121 X. BURBAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 March 1767 ; married 27 May 1790, with Lois Anna Bostwick, who was born 9 Jan. 1772, and I died 26 Nov. 1859. He died 2 Sept. 1861. Children of William and Hannah (Clark) Brockway : 122 I. THOMAS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 Jan. 1745 [1744-45] ; a clergyman ; graduated at Yale College in 1768 ; was ordained as pastor of the church at Lebanon Crank, now Columbia, Conn., 24 June 1772, having preached there since Jan. 1772- He married 8 Dec. 1772, with Eunice Lathrop' daughter of Elijah and Susanna (Lord) Lathrop, of Norwich, Conn., where she was born 13 Sept. 1753. She removed to Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y. , and died there, at the house of her son, Lathrop Brock way, 16 Sept. 1823. The following inscription may be read in the cemetery at "Columbia. "In Memory of the 25 210 ! 213 216 219 60 228 REV. THOMAS BROCKWAY, A. M. He died July 5th, A. D., 1807, i in the 36 Year of his ministry 1 and in the 63 Year of his age. \ As an Husband he was tender, as a Father affectionate and as a Friend sincere. 26 FIFTH GENERATION As a minister of Christ he shunned not to declare all the counsel of God, and was wise in turning men to righteousness. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev. Ild ioth." The following account of his ministry is copied from pages 14 to 18, of a pamphlet entitled The ijolh Anniversary of the organization of the Congregation al Church, in Columbia, Conn, Oct. 24, 1866, and it follows the history of the pastorate of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D. "A little more than two years and the fourth pas tor was settled, Rev. Thomas Brockway. Mr. Brock way was born in Lyme, in the year 1744. He was graduated at Yale College in 1768. " In January, 1772, he received a call to settle over this church and society. The terms of the settlement were as follows: 'Voted to give Mr. Thomas Brock way two hundred pounds settlement, one hundred to be paid at the end of the first year, and fifty pounds at the end of each of the two following years. Also, to give him ninety pounds salary, and to get him as many cords of wood yearly, at six shillings a cord as he desires, not exceeding thirty cords, to be reducted out of the above ninety pounds. ' "He was ordained the 24th of June, 1772. The Wednesday previous was observed as a day of fasting and prayer with reference to the occasion. A person was chosen in behalf of the church and society to re turn thanks to the Reverend Council for their assist ance in ordaining Mr. Brockway. The ministers in vited on the Council were, Rev. Messrs. Solomon Williams, of Lebanon; Timothy Stone, of Goshen; Joseph Huntington, of South Coventry; Benjamin Pomeroy, of Hebron; Samuel Lockwood, of An dover; George Beckwith and Stephen Johnson. The sermon was preached by Rev. Stephen Clark, of Kensington, from 2 Cor. 4, 1, which, in accordance with a vote of the society, was published. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 27 ' ' The earliest Church Records of any extent, are in the handwriting of Mr. Brockway, commencing with his settlement. When he began his ministry, the church consisted of sixty-nine members; thirty- two males, and thirty-seven females. He was with this people during the troublous times of war, when the life of some of our churches, as well as of many of our noble-hearted patriots, was put in jeopardy. He was ready to share with his people in their pecuniary struggles, proposing 'to give in fifteen pounds a year till the enemy withdrew, and ten pounds a year till the Continental debt be paid.' But this was not enough. As soon as the news of the burning of New London reached this place, 'he started off with his long gun and deacons and parishioners to assist in doing battle with the enemy. ' ' ' The seasons of special religious interest during his ministry will be noticed in his own words, taken from an account published near the close of his life in April 1803, in the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine. ' Compared with other accounts, I have little to say, yet on the score of sovereign grace, and the almighty power of the Divine Spirit in subduing the sinner, I have much to say. I can bear the same testimony with those that have labored in a larger field that with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plen teous redemption.' "One still remains with us who was a subject of that revival of 1801, and united with the church that year, whose wife, — also a subject and uniting with the church then, — has passed away during the pres ent year. Thirty-five were added to the church as the fruits of that revival. The whole number admit ted to the church during Mr. Brockway's ministry was one hundred and thirty-nine, of whom twenty- nine were by letter. ' 'Having been ill, and not able to preach for a few weeks, he went to Lyme, his native place, for the benefit of his health, and there he died suddenly on the night of the fourth of July, 1807. His body was 28 FIFTH GENERATION 123 124 "5 126 brought to Columbia, and on Monday the sixth, the funeral was attended by a large concourse of people. The sermon was preached by Rev. Zebulon Ely, of Lebanon, from Hebrews 13: 7, 8. ' ' His pastorate was just the same number of years as Dr. Wheelock's, thirty-five. He died at the age of sixty-two, and you read upon his tombstone in yonder cemetery, 'As an husband, he was tender; as a father, affectionate; and as a friend, sincere. As a minister of Christ he shunned not to declare all the counsel of God, and was wise in turning men to righteousness. ' ' 'Mr. Brockway married Eunice Lathrop, of Nor wich, Dec. 18, 1772. They had thirteen children, three sons and ten daughters; two of whom, a son and daughter, are buried by the side of the father. Mrs. Brockway died in I823. " He published an epic poem, entitled ' The Gospel Tragedy,' in 1795; a sermon on 'Virtue its own rewarder,' in 1795; and one at the ordination of Rev. Bezaleel Pinneo, in Milford, Oct. 26, 1796, from Colossians 1: 26, 27." II. BROCKWAY, an infant, died at Lyme, Conn., 13 Oct. 1746; -and was buried at Brockway's Ferry, but the gravestone does not give name, sex or age. III. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 May 1748. She married at Lyme, 15 Oct. 1769, with Abel Hall, both of Lyme. IV. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 Oct. 1750*, married 19 Dec. 1793, with Edward Champlin, of Lyme. She died at Lyme, 20 April, 1818, aged sixty-eight years, and was buried in Joshuatown cemetery. V. HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 28 Dec. 1752; unmarried; died there 26 March, 1814^ in sixty-second year, and was buried in Joshuatown cemetery. She was at the wedding of her brother's widow in the evening as well as usual, was taken ill in the night, and died within two days, BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 29 127 VI. ABNER BROCKWAY, b. Lyme, Conn., 28 241 Dec. 1754; married 7 Sept. 1775, probably at Lyme, with Catharine Marvin, and settled in Joshuatown, on the North road where George Way lived in 1885, and half a mile from where William P. Brockway dwelt in 1885, and from there moved to Lima, N. Y., where she died in 1831. It is said that he died at Lyme 6 Sept. 1808. N E. H and G. Reg. XVI, 246. 128 VII. TEMME BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17, Nov. 1757; died there 13, Dec. 1762, in her sixth year, and was buried in the family cemetery at Brock way's Ferry, where her gravestone has her name "Tame." 129 VIII. ELISHA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1759, married there 16 Dec. 1779 (First Church Record), with Abigail Hall, of Lyme. There are some reasons for thinking that he and Elizabeth were twins. T.30 IX. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about Oct. 1759, and died there 19 Dec. 1760 in the fourteenth inonth of her age, and was buried in the family cemetery at Brockway's Ferry. I3I X. LOIS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , about \ 371 1 761; married there, in Hamburg, 3 Dec. 1788, with Ambrose Niles, Jr. \ 182 132 ' XI. TEMPERANCE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 30 June 1763; married 6 Nov. 1783, with Israel Selden Spencer, who was b. 1 Aug. 1762, son of Israel and Elizabeth (Marsh) Spencer. They set tled at Port Gibson, Miss. , late in life, and died there; he 5 March 1837, aged seventy-four; she 14 June 1844. 133 | XII. CLARK BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1766; moved from Lyme to Western New York, when that country was new, and settled at Lima, now in Livingston county. He was probably that Samuel Clark Brockway, who married 3 Dec. 1789, with Sally Wade, both of Lyme, daughter of Elisha and Mary (Jones) Wade,- of Lyme, where she was b. 1 March 1768. His daughter, Lovina Brockway was baptized 30 June 1799, by the pastor of the First 3° FIFTH GENERATION 134 Church of New London, Conn., while on a tour of missionary service at Charlestown, Ontario county, N. Y., now Lima, Livingston county, N. Y. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 252 about 1769; married with Elizabeth Dunham, daughter of Daniel and Anna Dunham, of Columbia, Conn. They settled at Joshuatown, "on the homestead of his father, in the house which in 1885; was occupied by the widow of Orrin Banning. He was known as William Brockway, Jr., and died 10 April 1812, in the forty-third year of his age. He was buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. She married (2d) about 24 March 1814, with Ebenezer Brockway, Esq., r H and with him continued to reside in the same house. Children of John and Caroline (Reed) Brockway : 135 I. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1756; married with Levi Luther, and died 14 April 1825, m *ier sixty-ninth year, according to a record kept by Judah Cone, of East Haddam. 136 II. BENJAMIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1758; married with Harvey and set tled in Grassy Hill district in Lyme. III. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., in October 1760; married there in July 1810, with Irena Reed, daughter of Capt. George and Mary (Ely) Reed, of Lyme, where she was born about 1778. He settled in Joshuatown, in Lyme, where his son William Palmer Brockway was living in April 1888, and died there 29 Nov. 1841, aged eighty-one years. She died there 18 April 1864, aged eighty-six years, and they were buried in the Joshuatown cemetery, which was orig inally a part of his farm and nearly opposite their house. He was a deacon of the Baptist Church at Pleasant Valley, in Lyme. 138 IV. LEBBEUS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1762 ; settled at Stephentown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., where he died in Dec. 1830. He had a wife, but no children. 62 260 261 264 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 3i r39 140 141 142 V. ENOCH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1764, and it is said that he had a wife and a large family of children, when he moved to Utica, N. Y. VI. EZRA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1764; and it seems that he must have been a twin with Enoch, or that Enoch was younger than he, and born in 1766. He married with Margaret Banning, daughter of Johnawt (Butler) Banning, of Hadlyme, in Lyme, where she was born about 1762. They settled in Joshuatown, and died there, he, 20 Oct. 1844, aged eighty years ; she, 20 Oct. 1853, aged ninety-one years, and were buried in the Josh uatown cemetery. VII. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1768; married with Jonathan La- Place. They dwelt in Lyme, and died there ; he, 21 July 1833, aged seventy-one years ; she, 28 May 1837, aged sixty-nine years, and were buried in the ceme tery at Joshuatown. VIII. REED BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 5 Aug. 1770 ; aud when about sixteen years old he took a pack of clothes on his shoulder and went on foot to Stephentown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., where he taught school for five years, after which he studied law. He married at Troy, N. Y., 27 Dec. 1 795, with Mary Niles, daughter of Hon. Jonathan and Mary ( ) Niles, of Stephentown. She was born 25 March 1777. They settled, it is said, on the Susquehanna River, at a place called Susquehanna, Penn. , but whether in Dauphin Co. , near Harrisburg, or at some place in the county of Bradford, or the county of Susquehanna, is an undecided question. She died about December 1808, or January 1809, either at Susquehanna, Penn., or at Stephentown, N. Y., aged nearly thirty-two years. In a letter to his daughter some years later, he describes her as ' 'the per- . fection of feminine form, ' ' and others have often refer red to her as having remarkable beauty. Her death was caused by consumption. He married (2d), at Troy, 241 268 278 32 FIFTH GENERATION N. Y., with Elizabeth Halsey, daughter of Silas and Mercy (Bugsbee) Halsey. She was born about July 1792. They dwelt in Troy till the early part of 1824, then settled in Lisle, N. Y., where he bought a farm of four hundred acres, and engaged in farming, lum bering, trading, and tavern-keeping. He was post master at Lisle from 19 Aug. 1829 to 1 April 1834. The tavern whieh he kept stood opposite the present railway station in Lisle, and was burned some years after his death, and the loss of his family record in that fire has made it hard to obtain facts. He was a man of unusual personal beauty and suavity of manner, and a favorite with all who made his acquaintance. About January 1833, his business required him to spend the night at Binghamton, N. Y., and the tav ern-keeper put him in a bed with damp sheets, which gave him rheumatism, ending in neuralgia of the heart, which after twenty mouths of acute suffering, caused his death 30 Sept. 1834. He possessed great force and energy, with strong and tender affections, and deep religious convictions. His widow married (2d) with French, of Lisle. She died 21 Oct. 1869, aged seventy-seven years and three months. Children of Ebenezer and Mary (Butler) Brockway: 63 ' -13 I. ZEBULON BROCKWAY. b. at Lyme, Conn., j 291 about 1760 ; married there with Abigail Banning, daughter of John and (Butler) Banning, of Lyme, where she was born about 1760. Capt. Zebu lon Brockway died at Lyme, 16 March 1837, aged seventy-seven years. She died there 10 April 1838, aged seventy-eight years. They were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. 4! II. EBENEZER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 297 about 1762 ; married with Mrs. Elizabeth (Dun ham) Brockway, widow of William Brockway, and 134 settled in the house of her former husband. He was familiarly known as Ebenezer Brockway, Esq. He ! died at Joshuatown, in Lyme, 7 Nov. 1843, aged BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 33 H5 146 147 148 149 eighty-one years, and was buried there. His grave stone calls him Hon. Ebenezer Brockway, and recites the fact that he was "one of the framers of the con stitution of this state" [Connecticut.] She died at Joshuatown 17 Feb. 1861, aged eighty-four years. III. BETSEY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., married 30 June 1785, at East Haddam, Conn., with Selden Warner, son of Jabez and Hannah (Brain- erd) Warner, of East Haddam, where he was born 8 Dec. 1760. IV. SYLVESTER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Oct. 1767; married at Millington, in East Haddairv, Conn., 20 Feb. 1800, with Polly Davis. who was born 3 August 1782, and died at Hadlyme, 4 March 1859, aged seventy-six years, seven months, and one day. He died at Hadlyme, Dec. 15 1849, aged eighty-two years, two months, and fourteen days, and was buried in the Joshuatown cemetery. V. DAVID BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1769 ; married there (3d Church Rec.) 11 Feb. 1801, with Mary Anderson, both of Lyme. She was born about 1779 ; and died about 1844, aged sixty-five. Capt. David Brockway died at Lyme, 5 Feb. 1830, aged sixty years, and was buried in the cemetery on Eight-Mile River, a mile above Ham burgh. VI. ELIHU BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1772 ; married there (3rd Church Rec. ) 15 Aug. 1799, with Hephzibah Ely, both of Lyme. She was born at Lyme, 22 July 1780, youngest daughter of Elijah and Catharine (Lee) Ely. He died at North Lyme, about 1818, aged forty-six years. She re moved to East Haddam, Conn., and died about 1845, aged sixty-five years. VII. EZEKIEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1776, and died 28 Feb. 1862, aged eighty-six years. See the Hyde Genealogy, p. 846. He mar ried with Frances Griffing, who died 8 May 1862, 2661 299 303 no 311 34 FIFTH GENERATION i aged seventy-five years. They were buried in the old cemetery near Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme. X5Q VIII. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., married (as Polly Brockway, of Lyme, in the third or North Lyme Church Records) 7 Feb. 1799, with Ethan Allen Willey, of East Haddam, Conn. She died at Hadlyme, Conn., 25 March 1838, aged fifty- nine years ; and the inscription at her grave errone ously calls her daughter of Zebulon Brockway. Her husband died 5 May 1859, aged eighty-three years. x5i IX. CLARISSA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. Children of Richard and Desire (Mitchell) Brockway : 152 ; I. MARY BROCKWAY, "eldest child of Richard Brockway," married with Tabor Pratt, son of Heze kiah and Ann ( ) Pratt, of Westbrook, Conn. He was born there in 1751, and died there 22 Nov. 1829, aged seventy-eight years. The record of her death has not been found. For their children see the Pratt Genealogy p. 291. ' v, II. RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 29 Sept. 1759 ; died 22 Dec. 1828, aged sixty-nine years. He married with Susanna Spelman, who was born 14 March 1768, and died 7 Feb. 1827, aged fifty-nine years. They were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown, in Lyme, and their gravestones set forth the dates of their birth as well as of their death. i>! III. SARAH MITCHELL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Cotin., 30 Aug. 1768; died there 13 April 1840, aged seventy-two, and was buried in Joshua town cemetery. IV, BRIDGET C. BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1771 -Jmarried, as second wife, with the Rev. Simeon Dickinson, a Baptist clergyman of East Haddam, Conn., where he died 17 April 1837, aged seventy-nine years. She died 23 Feb. 1846, aged seventy-five years, and was buried in the Joshuatown cemetery. 69 3*3 BROCKWAY FAMILY. 35 Children of Ezra and Dcrcas (Giddings) Brockway : 70 156 I. BRIDGET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., ^ 26 Sept. 17JI55 ; married with Semellius Brockway. ix- After his death she married (2d) with Capt. Abner Ely, son of Samuel and Hannah (Marsh) Ely, of | Lyme, where he was born about 1749. He died at j Lyme, 2 Jan. 1805, aged fifty-six years. She died there 2 March 1838, aged eighty-two years. They were buried in the Ely cemetery, between Hamburgh and the Connecticut river. See the Hyde Genealogy, p. 840. 157 II. ELIAS BROCKWAY, may have been a mem- ' 332 ber of this household, and he is given this place, on conjecture, till further investigation may reveal his true position in the family. He married at Lyme, Conn., 9 April 1787, with Lovisa Champion, who died after bearing ten children to him. It is said that he married a second wife, by whom he also had a large family, and that he finally went to Ohio and joined the Mormons. Children of Ebenezer Brockway : 73- 158 I. LEBBEUS BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, 342 Conn. He probably married with Ann Pratt daughter of Jedediah and Ann (Wolcott) Pratt, of Saybrook, Conn., where she was born about 1768. See the Pratt Genealogy, p. 183. 159 II. DESIRE BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, Conn. 160 III. SARAH BROCKWAY, b. at Saybrook, Conn. Baptized there, in the Second Church, now Centre Brook in Essex, 5 June 1757, by the Rev. Hobart Estabrook, pastor of the Church at Milling- ton, Conn. Was not she the woman of that name who married at Millington, 25 July 1776, with Abraham DOOLITTLE, of Middletown, Conn. ? Children of Elijah Brockway : 161 I. ELIJAH BROCKWAY, b. in Saybrook, Conn. 162 II. ROSWELL BROCKWAY, b. in Saybrook, Conn. 75 36 FIFTH GENERATION l I 163 III. GEORGE BROCKWAY, b. in Saybrook, i 346 Conn. ; was still living there in 1883, and nearly ninety years old. He married 22 Sept. 1823, with Emily Post, daughter of Benjamin and Hephzibah (Pratt) Post, of Essex, Conn. , where she was born 5 Sept. 1802. See the Pratt Genealogy, p. 100. Children of Wolston and Dorcas (Wheden) Brockway : 16 164 | I. NATHANIEL BROCKWAY, b. probably at I 35° Sharon, Conn., 5 April, 1748 ; baptized at the Knib- loe Church at Amenia Union, N. Y., 28 Dec. 1760 ; married there 29 Dec. 1768, with Sylvia Hunter, who was born 27 Oct. 1750. She was publicly bap tized in the Knibloe Church, 22 Sept. 1776. They j dwelt for several years at Dover, Duchess County, N. Y., perhaps till 1790 ; then moved to Schodack,N. Y., where he bought, for $350, the improvements and possession of five hundred and fifteen acres of leased land in the Van Rensselaer patent, most of which was covered with pine timber. He built a good house, which is yet standing, on the Boston and Albany turnpike, seven miles from Albany, and for many years kept it as a tavern. He bought land in Sharon in 1772, again in 1779, of Timothy Brockway, and in 1783. He afterward divided his farm among his | sons, reserving a life-rent for himself, and moved to Chatham. About 1823, ne returned to Schodack, bought an acre of land of one of his sons, and built thereon a 'new house, which is still standing, about half a mile south of that which he first built. He was a very strict puritanical methodist : kept Satur day night as holy time, and had preaching in his house once in two weeks. He died at Schodack Cen tre, 7 Sept. 1838, aged ninety years and five months. She died 23 March 1834, aged "eighty-four years and eight months." If date of birth is right, eighty-three years and five months. Another record says he died 8 Sept. 1836. BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 37 166 167 165 i II. LYDIA BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn. ; baptized there in the Knibloe Church, 28 Dec. 1760 ; married there 9 Nov. 1769, in the evening, with Smith Paine, of Kent, Conn. They settled at Nas sau, N. Y., and died there. III. JOSEPH BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., about 1755 ; baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 28 Dec. 1760 ; married there 19 Jan. 1775, with Jane Doty, who was born 27 Nov. 1756. IV. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn. ; baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 28 Dec. 1760. He was a farmer and innkeeper, aud was living as early as 1804, in the town of Amsterdam, N. Y., on the south side of the river, in what is now the village of Jacksonport. About 181 1 he left Am sterdam, and probably settled at Vernon, Oneida county, N. Y., and, if no error has been made in identi fying him, he and his wife, Catherine, gave a power of attorney to Jesse Brockway, of Vernon, 13 Sept. 1826, to sell land in Montgomery county. See Land Records, Vol. 22, p. 162. His relatives remember him chiefly for his courage in marrying a young wife when he was over eighty years old. V. ASA BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., 18 June, 1759 ; was baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 28 Dec. 1760 ; a farmer, served as a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and for that service was given a pension of of twenty-eight dollars per annum, on the 11 Oct. 1833, to begin 4 March 1831, and con tinue during his life. He married at Sharon, 30 March 1780, with Sarah Chapman, of Sharon, who was born there 17 July, 1760. He remained with his parents, taking care of them in the helplessness of age, and died on the same farm, 29 May, 1838, aged seventy-nine years. She died there 9 Jan. 1827, aged sixty-seveu years. They were buried in the South cemetery, in Sharon, but no inscriptions have been found at their graves. 169 VI. AMAZIAH BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, 359 369 38 FIFTH GENERATION 170 171 172 173 174J75176 177 178 179180 181 Bonn., about 1762 ; baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 15 Aug. 1762. VII. SYLVIA BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 30 Sept. 1767: married there, 3 Feb. 1785, in the evening, with Ambrose Swift. .She was living at Little Falls, N. Y., as late as 1858. Children of Timothy and Mercy ( ) Brockway : I. CHLOE BROCKWAY, baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Knibloe Church, 10 Nov. 1759 ; had a guardian appointed in 1761. II. MARY BROCKWAY, baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Knibloe Church, 10 Nov. 1759 ; had a guardian appointed in 1761. III. TIMOTHY BROCKWAY, baptized at Sha ron, Conn. ; in the Knibloe Church, 10 Nov. 1759. He had a guardian appointed in 1761 ; and sold land in Sharon, to Nathaniel Brockway in 1779 ; married at Sharon, 31 Oct. 1782, with Hannah Boland, both of Sharon. Children of Jonathan and Phebe (Smith) Brockway : I. ASA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 April 1758. II. MARTIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 26 April 1760 ; and died there 30 Nov. 1760. III. MARTIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 3 Dec. 1761. IV. SUSANNA BROCKWAY^ b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 March 1764. V. JONATHAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 Feb. 1766. VI, JESSE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 24 April 1768. VII. PHEBE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 29 April 1770. VIII. RUFUS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 14 August 1772. 77 83 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 39 182 Children of Ambrose and Mary ( ) Niles: I AMBROSE NILES, JR., b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1 761 ; married there, in Hamburgh, 3 Dec. 1788, with Lois Brockway. Dea. Ambrose Niles died 21 March 1835, aged seventy-four years. Lois, his wife, died 17 Feb. 1837, aged seventy-five years. Before he was elected deacon, he bore the military title of Captain. J83 II. BENJAMIN NILES, b. in Lyme, Conn., about 1763 ; died there 3 July 1767, in his fourth year, and was buried near Brockway's Ferry. x84 HI. MARY NILES, married at Hamburgh, in Lyme, Conn., 3 July 1799, with Jonah Cone, Jr., of East Haddam, Conn. 86 371 !3! Children of Richard and Sally (Haven) Brockway : 185 ! I. SABRINA BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 186 ; II. ELECTA BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 187 I III. POLLY BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 188 IV. CLARK BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 189 V. WHITMAN BROCKWAY, was living at Mo ravia, N. Y. , and had two sons, William Brockway and Darius Brockway ; both thought to be living when the circular was issued by the Hon. Beman Brockway. I9o ' VI. HANNAH BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 191 VII. STIMPSON BROCKWAY, died before 1883. 104 40 SIXTH GENERATION 192 * 193194 *95 196 197 BROCKWAY FAMLIY, SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Gamaliel and Azubah (Peck) Brockway : I. HIEL BROCKWAY, b. 16 April 1775 ; mar ried with Phebe MERRILL, who was born at Killing- worth, now Clinton, Conn., 3 Nov. 1774, and died 19 Aug. 1851. They settled at Brockport, N. Y., which took its name from him. "He was an enter prising citizen with a great amount of push. He was a noted canal man, and owned a line of packets between Rochester and Buffalo." II. ALICE BROCKWAY. III. HARRIET BROCKWAY. IV. GEORGE BROCKWAY, "was murdered by a neighbor, with a butcher knife." Children of Semellius and Bridget (Brockway) Brockway : I. SEMELLIUS BROCKWAY. His history has not been«£ound. II. DORCAS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; married there, (See Hamburgh Chutch Record.) 16 Nov. 1797, with Eleazer Ely, who was born about 1765, and died at Lyme, 1 Aug. 1818, aged fifty-three years. He was buried in the Ely cemetery, near Hamburgh, and near him lie two of their children, to wit : Dorcas Brockway Ely, died 25 Oct. 1821, aged eighteen years ; and Emma Ely, died 21 April 1829, aged twenty-four years. 112 337 113156 BROCK WA Y FA MIL Y. 41 198 ! i 199 | 200 201 202 203 204 ! 205 206 207 208 209 Children of Isaiah and Elizabeth (Comstock) Brockway : I. BUCKLAND BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1769 ; died there 1776. II. LOIS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1771 ; died unmarried, 11 June 1847. III. ANNA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 March 1774 ; married with Boyington French, who died in 1802, and she married (2d) with Seth Crafts, of Whately, Mass. by whom she had no children. She died 19 Aug. 1863. IV. BETSEY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 Dec. 1777 ; married with Thomas Herrick, of Blandford, Mass., She died 14 June 1869. V. BUCKLAND BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1779. VI. FANNY BROCKWAY, b. at East Granville, Mass., 11 Feb. 1782 ; married with Amasa Shurt- LEFF, who was born 6 Aug. 1780. She died 11 March 1861. VII. GIDEON BROCKWAY, b, at East Gran ville, Mass., 11 Aug. 1784; married 9 March 1813, with Nancy Williams, who was born 9 Oct. 1786, and died 19 April 1855. He settled at Southampton, Mass. , and removed in 1832 to . He died 15 Jan. 1870. VIII. SEMELLIUS BROCKWAY, b. at South ampton, Mass. ,27 March 1787 ; married 15 Nov. 1820, with Delia Burt, who was born 18 Jan. 1798, and died 10 Dec. 1853. 114 mar- Children of Gideon and Phema (Jerome) Brockway: I. ROBERT BROCKWAY. II. CHARLOTTE BROCKWAY, b. ried with Elias Tuttle. III. MARIA BROCKWAY, b.- ; married with Augustus Brockway. ¦ IV. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b.- with Baron. married 390 393 399 404 409 116 42 SIXTH GENERATION 2IO 211 212 213 214 215 Children of Sheldon and Lydia (Brockway) Ball : I. LUCY BALL b. ; married with Becker, and had five children. II. GIDEON JOHNSTON BALL, b. ; married with Lydia Dodge. "He was at one time third Auditor of the Post-office Department, and came within one vote of being nominated for governor o f the Keystone State. He was a man of considerable ability, but took so little interest in his family con nections as to be unable to tell me anything about them." III. SHELDON BALL, b, ; married with Jane SterrETT, and had six children. 117 Children of Beman and Sally (Bostwick) Brockway : I. AUGUSTUS FREDERICK BROCKWAY, b. 11 May 1791, died 9 Oct. 1793. II. SALLY M. BROCKWAY, b. 15 Sept. 1793 ; died 2 July 1794. III. BEMAN BOSTWICK BROCKWAY, b. 22 Sept. 1797 ; died 15 Oct. 1807. 119 2l62172l8 Children of Samusi and Prudence (Brockway) Robertson I. BEMAN ROBERTSON. II. FANNY ROBERTSON. III. ALFRED ROBERTSON. 120 219 220 Children of Burban and Lois Anna (Bostwick) Brockway : I. HENRY WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. 19 March 1791 ; married with Sarah Gill, who was born 22 April 1798, and died 27 Sept. 1877. He died 26 March 1846. II. ELIZA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 19 March 1793 : married with Dr. Orris Crosby, who was born 2 Jan. 1791, and died in 1862. She died 25 July 1865, without children. 121 411 BROCKWAY FAMILY. 43 221 III. HORACE BROCKWAY, b. i March 1796; ;m married 8 Nov. 1824, with Eliza Morse, who was born 2 Dec. 1807. He died 10 May 1835. IV. SALLY BOSTWICK BROCKWAY, b. 21 j' Jan. 1799 ; married 21 March 1820, with Austin Goodrich, who was born 13 July 1796, and died 6 June 1871. She died 27 Sept. 1881. V. ANNA BROCKWAY, b. 12 Dec. 1801 ; died 10 Jan. 1802. VI. CLARISSA BROCKWAY, b. 23 May 1803 ; ¦! '9 married with Jeremiah Mann, who was born 5 July 1800, and died 11 Sept. 1868. She died 17 March 1884. 225 VII. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. 24 Feb. 1806 ; died 9 April 1868 ; unmarried. 226 VIII. CHARLES BURBAN BROCKWAY, b. 6 i ' Dec. 1810 ; married 25 March 1852, with Rachel R STERRETT, who was born 25 Dec. 1822. He died 4 Dec. 1883. IX. FREDERICK BROCKWAY, b. 15 Sept. 1813 ; died 23 Sept. 1847 ; unmarried. 228 229 Children of Thomas and Eunice (Lathrop) Brockway: I. DIODATE BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 19 Sept. 1773 ; was baptized there 27 Sept. 1773 ; and died there 15 Dec. 1775, in the third year of his age. His grave stone says: "He was a very amiable Child — his Early forwardness greatly raised the Expectations of friends — but alas ! the flower droped, and is seen no more." "See ! what the Power of Death can teach And let your Reason learn : For Dust and Ashes loudest preach Man's infinite Concern." II. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn.., 28 Nov. 1774; was baptized there 14 Dec. 1774 ; married 11 Nov. 1794, with Joel 122 44 SIXTH GENERATION West, a clergyman of the Congregational church, son of Capt. Samuel and Sarah (Hunt) West of Columbia, where he was born 12 March 1766. He grad. at Dar- mouth College, 26 Aug. 1789 ; was licensed 18 Nov. 1790; ordained at East Hampton, Conn., 17 Oct. 1792 ; and died there 26 Oct, 1826. She died there 29 Sept. 1853. They had eight children. 230 III. DIODATE BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 29 Dec. 1776; was baptized there 26 Jan. 1777. The 150th Anniversary of the Organization of the Congregational Church in Columbia, Coin., October. 24th 1866; page 40 says: "Diodate Brockway, sec ond son and third child of Rev. Thomas and Eunice Brockway, was born Dec. 29, 1776. He was grad uated at Yale College in 1797, united with this Church in Sept., 1798, studied Theology with Rev. Elijah Parsons of East Haddam, was licensed by the Middle sex Association, Oct. 3, 1798, and was ordained pastor of the church in Ellington, Sept. 19, 1799. He re tained the pastoral office fifty years, though by reason of his infirmities he had the assistance of colleagues the last eighteen years. He was a Fellow of Yale College from 1827 till his death. He died Jan. 27, 1849, aged 72. He published a sermon, preached at the funeral of Deacon Gurdon Elsworth, 1803 ; another at the dedication of the Meeting House in Ellington in iSo5 ; a sermon before the Missionary Society of Connecticut ; an Election sermon in 1818, and a New Year's sermon in 1828." Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797. Yale College. Pub. 1848. ' "DIODATE BROCKWAY, was born Dec. 29, 1776, at Columbia, Windham county, Conn. His father, Rev. Thomas Brockway, a native of Lyme, Conn., graduated at Yale in 1768, was pastor of the Congregational Church in Columbia, then a Parish in the town of Lebanon, and died there, July 5th, 1807. His wife was Eunice Lathrop 428 BROCKWA Y TAMIL Y. 45 of Norwich, who became the mother of thirteen chil dren, ten daughters and three sons. After the death of her husband, she removed with her son, Lathrop Brockway, to Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y., and there died Sept. 16th, 1823. 'She was a devoted ly pious woman, and died in the triumphs of faith. ' ' ' 'Diodate Brockway spent his childhood in Columbia. He says: 'I recollect well — and it is among my earliest reminiscences — the stir that was made in my native village by the news of the burning of New London by the British in the war of the Revolution. An ex press brought the news, and I saw my father and some of his parishioners start for New London with their guns. ' Diodate prepared for College at a Classical School in his native place, under a succession of teach ers, mostly graduates of Yale College. "During the first six months after he left College, he taught school at East Haddam Landing ; and then commenced the study of theology under the di rection of Rev. Mr. Parsons, of East Haddam ; and afterwards completed his studies under his father. He was licensed by the Middlesex Association, and after a few weeks commenced preaching in Ellington, Hartford county, Conn. , and was ordained over the Congregational Church there, Sept. 19, 1799. His father preached on the occasion upon a stage erected in the open air. Ellington was then comparatively a new and unsettled town. Now it is populous, and one of the pleasantest in the state. There Mr. Brock way has continued to reside until the present time. In the month of July, 1804, occurred his memorable fall from the belfry to the ground floor of his new and unfinished meeting house. He thus describes the event. 'I was led by a train pf circumstanes to as cend the tower. A scaffolding was built around the dome posts, and taking hold of of a board carelessly fastened to the dome post with but a single nail, the board gave way, the nail drawing out, and I fell backwards inside the building, the distance of sixty- five feet. It is remarkable, that on the same day, 46 SIXTH GENERATION heavier men than myself had taken hold of and been supported by the same board. I remember well the first thoughts that flashed through my mind when I found myself falling, I Was aware I must be instantly killed. I thought of my wife and children, and my final account. I instinctively caught at the cross timbers in falling, but in vain. I struck upon a join er's bench, on the lower floor of the house: one of my thighs was broken, a severe wound was made in my head by a nail, and I was taken up for dead. It was some time before signs of life were discovered. Through the good providence of God I recovered, but have ever since been lame. After a partial recovery, I preached for some time sitting in a chair. It was a most wonderful escape from instant death, and is ever to be commemorated by me as a special interposition of a kind Providence in my behalf. ' Since this memorable event, Mr. Brockway has not only been lame, moving with much difficulty, but his general health has been gradually declining. He says : 'For the last twenty years of my life, my health has been so poor that I have scarcely had respite from bodily suffering. ' He is still the Senior Pastor of the Church in Ellington, and now has his third colleague, who he says, is 'an excellent, and talented young man. ' In 1827, Mr Brockway was elected a Fellow of Yale College, a station which he still fills. During his ministry he published five occasional sermons ; name ly, a funeral sermon, a dedication, a missionary, an election, and a New Years sermon. "On the 29th of October, 1799, Mr. Brockway was married to Miss Miranda Hall of Ellington ; who bore him seven children, and died March 29th, 1824. He says of her, 'she was a woman endowed with a high order of intellect, and was gifted with uncommon discretion, and devotedly pious. She died lamented by all, and to my grief and irreparable loss. ' Since her death Mr. Brockway has remained single. ' 'Mr. Brockway says, his 'worldly circumstances are comfortable, very far below affluence, but above BROCKUW Y FAMILY. A 7 231 |. 232 233 234 want. ' He has an excellent housekeeper, jwho has lived with him forty-four years, and is now more than seventy years of age. Mr. Brockway made a public profession of religion at Colum bia his native place, in 1798. He says : 'Through life I have indulged a hope that I was a child of God ; and I think I have earnestly desired the salvation of sinners, have labored — how feebly and imperfectly, none better understands than myself — for that glorious end. 'j. m. ' ' He died at Ellington, 27 Jan. 1849, aged 73. His wife was born 19 Sept. 1780, and one of her descend ants gives the date of her death as "21 March 1824," in her 44th year. IV. EUNICE BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 20 Nov. 1778 ; was baptized there 3 Jan. 1779 ;, married in 1799, with Ebenezer Reed, who died at Chili, N. Y., 15 May 1831, aged 57 years. See died 23 Jan. 1859. They had seven children. V. SOPHIA BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 27 Jan. 1781, was baptized there, in March, 1781; married 18 Oct. 1802, with John Fitch, a physician, son of Capt. John Fitch, of Clinton, N. Y. , formerly of Pomfret, Conn. , where he was born 7 March 1779. He died at Clinton, 23 Oct. 1841, after a successful practice of forty years. She died at Syracuse, N. Y., 30 Dec. 1870. They had eight chil dren. VI. ALICE BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 4 Nov. 1782 ; was baptized there in, December 1782 ; married 24 Nov. 1802, with Aaron Skinner, son of David and Jerusha (Lord) Skinner of Colchester, Conn., where he was born 22 March 1779. He died at Battle Creek, Mich. 31 Aug. 1862. She died at Marysville, Ohio., 19 Aug. 1851. They had eleven children. VII. POLLY BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 19 June, 1784; was baptized there 48 SIXTH GENERATION in the same month ; married 5 Feb. 181 3, as his sec ond wife, with John Bullen, Jr. She died at Clinton, N. Y. , 6 Dec. 1820. - She had eight children. * VIII. NANCY BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon now Columbia, Conn., 30 April 1786, .and was bap tized the same day. She died 15 April, 1794, in the eighth year of her age. Her gravestone says: "Her dispositin was amiable, naturally inclined to sobri ety; by this she promised a virtuous life, but the fond expectations of Friends was disappointed by an early death. 236 IX. NABBY BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 27 June 1788; and was baptized there, in August, 1788 ; maaried with Dr. Stephen Fitch Kinney, who died at Marysville, Cal. , 31 May 1872. She died at New Haven, N. Y., 7 Oct. 1824. She had seven children. :'o, X. LAURA BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 7 June 1790; and was baptized there in July 1790. She died at Nanvoo,Ill., 11 Oct. 1853- 238 XI. LATHROP BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 5 July 1792, and was baptized there in August, 1792 ; removed in 1811, to Clinton, N. Y., where he died 17 Oct. 1879. He married 20 Jan. 1823, with Marilla Ticknor, who was born in 1795, and died 16 Dec. 1823. He married (2d) 10 Jan. 1826, with Jane Maria Benedict, daughter of Isaac and Fanny (Hopkins) Benedict, of Clinton, where she was born, 16 Jan. 1803; and died 19 March 183 1, [See the Benedict Genealogy, p. 120.] He married (3d) 7Feb. 1832, with Emily Norton, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Asahel Strong and Mary Clap (Pitkin) Norton, grand daughter of the Rev. Timothy and Temperance (Clap) Pitkin, and great grand daughter of the Rev. Thomas (President of Yale College) and Mary (Whiting) Clap. See Goodwin's Genealogical 4341 BR O CKWA Y FA MIL Y. 49 Notes, pp. 335, 336. She died at Clinton, 19 May 1874. 239 XII. SUKEY BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 20 June 1794; and was baptized there in July 1 794. 240 XIII. . MARIA BROCKWAY, b. at Lebanon, now Columbia, Conn., 23 July 1796 ; and was baptized there in October, 1796. Children of Abner and Catharine (Marvin) Brockway : 127 :>' I. CATHARINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 July 1776 ; married with Lazarus Church, and settled at Rockford, 111. , where she died 14 Dec. 1851, aged 75 years and a half. The Hon. S. M. Church of Rockford, is her son. IL LUCIN A BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 Sept. 1778 ; died 26 March 1779. : ! III. MARVIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 July 1780. 2 14 IV. JAMES BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 435 23 May, 1782 ; married 27 Oct. 1803, with Lydia Brainerd, daughter of John and Anna (Smith) Bfain- erd, of East Haddam, Conn. , where she was born 29 June 1780, and baptized in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 20 July 1794. He died in East Haddam,' 25 Jan. 1806, in his 24th year. She died there 22 Feb. 1834, aged 54 years, and they were buried at Hadlyme. See the Brainerd Genealogy, p. 53. 245 V. ABNER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 19 Aug. 1785 ; and died there 3 Sept. 1808. 246 VI- PICKETT BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 43" 10 April 1788 ; married 7 Sept. 1818, with Rhoda N. Clarke. He married (2d) 13 Oct. 1822, with Nancy Stevens. He died 20 Jan. 1833. 247 VII. TEMPERANCE BROCKWAY, b. 10 Dec. 1792 ; married with James CowlES. She died 9 Feb. 1820. 248 ' VIII. DAVID C. BROCKWAY, b. 2 May 1794 ; 5° SIXTH GENERATION died 12 Aug. 1806. !9 IX. SAMUEL BROCKWAY, b. 2 Sept. 1795; died 12 Aug. 1814. X. ALICE BROCKWAY, b. 8 May 1798 ; died 3 June 1823. ;i XL ELISHA MARVIN BROCKWAY, b. 3 Aug. 1801 ; died in Nov. 1848. Children of William and Elizabeth (Dunham) Brockway : 13 i 252 I. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, 442 in Lyme, Conn., on Saturday, 8 Dec. 1798 ; married there, 15 Dec. 1830, with Nancy Fidelia Brockway, 321 [The record of marriage calls her Nancy Fidelia Post, she been married and widowed. J She died 26 Aug. 1836, aged 39 years. He married (2d) 22 Oct. 1837, with Hannah Martin, both of Lyme, daughter of William and Lucy (Roberts) Martin, of Lyme. He died on Thanksgiving day, 26 Nov. 1874, aged nearly 76 years. They were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. 253 IL SAMUEL MOSELEY BROCKWAY, b. at 445 Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., on Wednesday, 18 June, 1800 ; married 27 Sept. 1826 (Town record says 1825) with Temperance Clark Spencer, daughter of " Israel Selden and Temperance (Brockway) Spencer, of 132 Hadlyme, Conn., where she was born 4 Jan. 1797. ; , ! III. GEORGE BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn. , on Sunday, 24 Jan. 1802. IV. DANIEL DUNHAM BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, 19 Nov. 1803. 256 V. THOMAS CLARK BROCKWAY, b. at Josh uatown, in Lyme, Conn., 27 June 1805 ; was graduat ed at West Point Military Academy, and died at Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter., 28 Sept. 1831, aged 26 years. ' 'Thomas C. Brockway set off for West Point 23 June 1824."— Old Diary. ,,; VI. ELIZA DUNHAM BROCKWAY, b. at Josh- ,!51 uatown, in Lyme, Conn., 5 Oct. 1807 ; baptized at BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 51 Hamburgh, in 1825 i married at Lyme, 1 May, 1828, with Nathaniel M. Brown, both of Lyme. 258 VII. LAURA ANN BROCKWAY. b. at Joshua- town, in Lyme, Conn., 10 June 1809; baptized at Hamburgh, in 1825 ; married with George Bar tholomew. She died 23 Nov 1836, aged 27 years, and was buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. VIII. HORACE AUSTIN BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., Nov. 1811 ; baptized at Hamburgh, in 1825, married there, 9 June 1834, with Rhoda Griffin, both of Lyme. Child of Levi and Sarah (Brockway) Luther : 135 I. LEVI LUTHER b. He was baptized and 460 joined the church at Hadlyme, Conn., 18 Dae. 1814. His wife was Fanny Beckwith. 261262 263 (Harvey) Brockway: Children of Benjamin and - I. RODNEY BROCKWAY, b. about 1785 ; died in Lyme, Conn., 2 July 1837, "aged 52 years." II. BENJAMIN BROCKWAY, b. He married at Lyme, 16 Jan. 1845, with Deborah Howard, both of Lyme ; Benjamin Brockway died 30 Nov. 1855 ; "aged 70 years;" His widow, Deborah Brockway, died 14 Oct. 1857, aged 53 years. They were buried in the Lord cemetery, two miles south of Hamburgh, in Lyme, Conn. III. BETSEY BROCKWAY, married with Dea. Peck. 136 264 Children of John and Irena (Reed) Brockway : I. JOHN REED BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., June 181 1 ; a farmer ; married there, 13 March 1838, with Harriet N. GiLLET, daughter of Dan and Betsey (Royce) Gillet, both of Lyme. They settled at Grassy Hill, in Lyme, and were living there in Jan. 1886. 137 463 52 SIXTH GENERATION 265 II. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., about Dec. 1814 ; and died there in June 1815, aged seven months. 206 HI. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Joshua town, in Lyme, in 1816 ; married with Henry Pratt, of Essex, Conn., where they were living in Nov. 1885. 267 IV. WILLIAM PALMER BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., 23 Jan. 1818 ; married at Old Lyme, 23 Aug. 1840, with Elizabeth Bulk- Eley Tinker, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Latimer) Tinker of Old Lyme, where she was born in Jan. 1815. Her mother died soon after her birth, and she was adopted by Capt. Zebulon Brockway. They were living in Jan. 1886, on the same farm which his grandfather and father had occupied before him. 464 Children of Ezra and Margaret (Banning) Brockway : :M I. LUCINA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1784, Miss Comstock gave the name as Lucina, calling her one of the elder children, and said she died in childhood. The Holmes Record says: "A daughter of Ezra Brockway died 30 April 1787, aged 3 years. ' ' "0 II. HARRIET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., and died there in childhood. -'/<> III. DEBORAH REED BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1788, married 7 October, 1810, with Barak Beckwith Willey, son of Abraham and Susanna (Beckwith) Willey, of East Haddam, Conn., where he was born, 24 March 1782. They dwelt in Hadlyme, Conn., till their children were all born, went in 1826 to Cayuga Co. , N. Y, , and about 1830 settled at Ira, N. Y., where she died 3 Feb. 1841, in her 53d year ; and he, 24 Feb. 1875, when about 93 years old. 7i IV. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1790; married with Jared Spencer Miner, of Millington, in East Haddam, Conn., She 140 465 BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 53 died 2 Jan. 1820, aged 29 years. Her daughter. Caroline Miner, died 16 Sept. 1833, aged 17 years, They were buried in Joshuatown Cemetery. 272 '¦¦ V. GEORGE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., and died there when a young lad. 273 | VI. LUCINA BROCKWAY, b. about 1795, at | Lyme, Conn. ; married there (Third Church Records) 23 June, 1816, with Nathan Damon, of Ellington, Conn. They settled at North Lyme, and died there. 274 VII. EZRA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about .1796, married there, 9 Feb. 1821, with Leonora Brockway, of Lyme. He died 1 May 1876, aged eighty years, and was buried in the cemetery at the south part of Hadlyme, Conn. 275 ! VIII. NILES SLUMAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1798; died there, unmarried, 14 March 1853, aged fifty-four years, and was buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. 276 IX. ABBY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1800, died there when nineteen years old, 2 Jan. 1819. X. MARGARET BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1805, married with Jabez Comstock, sou of Jabez and Dorothy (Hun) Comstock. They settled at Hadlyme, where she died 30 March, 1884. aged seventy-seven years. She had twelve children, 474482 3°3 278 Children of Reed and Mary (Niles) Brockway : I. JONATHAN NILES BROCKWAY, b. at Susquehanna, Penn., 19 March 1797; married 15 Oct. 1826, with Harriet M. Fuller. They dwelt in Lisle, N. Y, till the latter part of 1845; then re moved to Belvidere, 111., arriving there in Jan. 1846. She died at Belvidere, 4 Feb. 1849. He married (2d) 15 May 1851, with Mrs. Martha Wattman, of Ulster, Bradford Co., Penn. He died at Belvidere, 8 Feb. 1857, aged sixty years. His death was caused by lung fever, resulting from chills and fever. 142 489 54 SIXTH GENERATION 279 II. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Susque- 511 hanna, Penn., 22 March 1801; she was brought up by her aunt, Mrs. Caroline (Brockway) LaPlace, and was accustomed, in her girlhood to write her name Caroline L. Brockway, and it is so written in the rec ord of her marriage, at Lyme, Conn., 2 March, 1820, with Zebulon Brockway, but after marriage she 293 dropped the initial. 280 in. SAMANTHA BROCKWAY, b. at Susque- 49° hanna, Penn., 23 Feb. 1803; married at Troy, N. Y., 29 April 1823, with Peter Bontecou; son of David and Polly (Clark) Bontecou, of Coeymans Hollow, or New Baltimore, N. Y., formerly of New Haven, Conn. , where he was born 26 Jan. 1797. They set tled in Troy, where she died 9 May 1824, °f puer peral metroperitonitis, aged twenty-one years, two months, and sixteen days, and was buried in the old Ida Hill burying ground, and afterward remoVed to Oakwood Cemetery, in Troy. He married (2d) 6 Aug. 1828, with Sophia Thompson, of Troy, who died there 9 June 1850. He married (3d) 31 Dec. 1851, with Mrs. Sarina Langworthy. He died at Troy, 20 March 1868, of pneumonia, aged seventy- one years, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery. ;;, IV. POLLY BROCKWAY, b. at Susquehanna, Penn. ; married 1828, with William L Cook, and settled at Phelps, N. Y., where she died 29 May, 1831 ; a member of the Methodist Church. Her hus band has since lived at Davenport, Iowa. 282 V. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Susque hanna, Penn., 28 Feb. 1808; married at Lisle, N. Y., March 1830, with Daniel Havens, M. D., and set tled in Marathon, N. Y. , where she died 16 Dec. 1849, in her forty- second year. Children of Reed and Elizabeth (Halsey) Brockway : 142 283 VI. SARAH ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. 497 Y., 4 Aug. 181 1 ; married at Lisle, N.Y., in April 1831, with Albert Dwight Freeman, who was born at Lisle, 12 March 1809, and baptized there in Sept. BR O CKWA Y FAMIL Y. 55 1816, son of Stephen and Clarissa (Thompson) Free man. They settled at Lisle, where he died 7 April 1871. She was living at Binghamton, N. Y. , 'fcin April 1888. 284 VII. REED BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., in 1813, and died there when two years old of inflamma tion of the brain. .¦:S ,-, VIII. REED HALSEY BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Troy, N. Y. , 30 Sept. 1816; when a lad of an age to follow laborers into the meadow, he became ex hausted by overwork in haying and probably suffered sunstroke, after which he was subject to violent con vulsions, resulting in hydrocephalus. He died 20 April 1836, "aged nineteen years, six months and twenty-one days. ' ' In early life he gave evidence of unusual mental and physical ability. 286 IX. JOHN BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Troy, N. Y. , 30 Sept 1816; was thrown from a horse and re ceived an injury to the brain which caused mental unsoundness, and in his early manhood he wandered from his home, and his family have never yet known his fate. 287 X. DANIEL D. TOMPKINS BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y. , about December 1819, and died there in March 1821, aged one year and three months. 288 XL CHARLOTTE MERCY BROCKWAY, b. 504 at Troy, N. Y., 20 Dec. 1821; and when two years old moved with her parents to Lisle, N. Y., where she married in 1840, with Charles Wells Free man, who was born there 17 Feb. 1811, and baptized there in Sept. 1816, son of Stephen and Clarissa (Thompson) Freeman. He died at Lisle, 3 Nov. 1875. She died there, 5 Jan. 1888, after an illness of thir teen years. 289 XII. MARY MARIA BROCKWAY, b. at Lisle, N. Y, 23IN0V. 1830; married" there, 24 June 1855, with Lucius French, M. D. of Lisle, where she was still living in April 1888. 56 SIXTH GENERATION 290 291 292 293 XIII. WILLIAM LARNED MARCY BROCK WAY, b. at Lisle, N.'Y., in October 1833; and died there 5 March, 1835, aged one year and five months. Children of Zebulon and Abigail (Banning) Brockway : I. JOHN COTTON MATHER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1784; a physician; married there, 20 April 1820, with Elizabeth Beckwith, who was born 4 April 1800, at Lyme, and died in 1881. He died 1846. She was daughter of George Beck with. II. ZEBULON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , about 1786 or 1787; died there about 14 Aug. 1788, aged one year and a half, and was buried 16 Aug. 1788, (Hamburgh Church Record) III. ZEBULON BROCKWAY, b. at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 10 March 1791; married at Lyme, 2 March 1820, with Caroline Brockv/ay, settled at Brockway's Ferry, and engaged in trade. In 1836 they moved to Hadlyme Landing, in the same town, where he died on Sunday, 12 Jan. 1862, of inanition of the stomach, and was buried in the Cove cemetery at Hadlyme. She died at Elmira, N. Y. , of stricture of the bowels, 3 July 1881, aged eigh ty years, and was buried by her husband. He was a fraction less than six feet high, weighing about one hundrel and fifty-five pound3,wkh a frie presence and a winning manner, which gained the respect of all who met him. His careful judicial mind made him a safe counselled, and his advice was frequently sought in public and private matters, and he was a ready speak er with a reputation for wit and repartee. He was a member of the Methodist church, and an out spoken anti-slavery ma:i. He was an associate justice of the County Court; was many years a member of the Legislature of Connecticut, both as representative and as senator; and was a colonel in the militia. In the latter part of his life he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law, more to the benefit of his clients, 143 508 511 279 BROCK WA Y FA MIL Y. 57 than his own gain. He was a man to be long and kindly remembered by all who knew him. 294 IV. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn.; married there, 23 Jan. 1815, with Selden JEWETT Warner, of Hadlyme, (Hamburgh Church Record.) 298 He died 16 Oct. 1866, aged seventy-nine years. She died 10 June 1875, in her eighty-first year. They were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. 295 V. BETSEY BROCKWAY, married with Se- !i mellius Brockway Ely. 328 144 Children of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Dunham) Brockway : 296 I. EBENEZER DUNHAM BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., 25 Sept. 1816; bap. at Hamburgh, in 1825; an^ died in Norwalk, Conn., leaving five daughters. 297. II. MARY SOPHIA BROCKWAY, b. at Joshua town, in Lyme. Conn., 23 May 1818; baptized at Hamburgh, in 1825; married with Joseph Smith Brockway. 594 145 Child of Selden and Betsey (Brockway) Warner : 298 I. SELDEN JEWETT WARNER, b. at East Haddam, Conn,, 9 Sept. 1787; married with Mary Brockway, and had several children. 294 146 Children of Sylvester and Mary (Davis) Brockway : v 299 I. JOSEPH DAVIS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 11" May 1801; married 18 May 1835, with Rebecca A. Johnson, who was born 28 Oct. 1807. - They were living at Hadlyme, Conn., in Dec, 1885, without children, 300 II. CHARLES HALLAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 July 1803; married 28 May 1837, 5i8 withAMiRAH Frances Luther. They were living 460 at Hadlyme, Conn., in 1887, and his memory has 58 SIXTH GENERATION been of special service in compiling these records. III. DIODATE MACK BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 14 April 1806; and died there 10 May, 1808, aged two years. 302 IV. BROCKWAY, a daughter, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 Dec. 1811, and died the same day. Children of David and Mary (Anderson) Brockway : 147 3o3 I. LEONORA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 482 about 1802; married there 9 Feb. 1821, with Ezra Brockway. She was still living in 1883, aged 274 eighty-one years. 304 IL ABBY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1804; was living in 1883, aged seventy-eight years. 305 III. ANSEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1806; was living in 1883, aged seventy-seven years. 306 IV. DAVID BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; died. 307 V. SELDEN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; died. 308 VI. AUGUSTUS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; died. 3o9 VII. SAMUEL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn.; died. Child of Elihu and Hephzibah (Ely) Brockway : 148 310 I. MARIA BROCKWAY, died. Children of Ezekiel and Frances (Griffin) Brockway : 149 311 I- EDWARD CHAMPLIN GRIFFIN BROCK WAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; married there 12 Feb. 1837, with Adeline Damon, both of Lyme. They 474 settled at Hamburgh, in Lyme, and were living there in Nov. 1885. BR O CKWA Y FAMIL Y. 59 312 II. EBENEZER E. BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, 536 Conn., 4 Dec. 1819; married at Lyme, 14 Jan. 1845, with Lucy Stark Bill, both of Lyme. She was born there, 23 March 1822, daughter of Lodowick and Betsey (Geer) Bill. See the Bill Genealogy,^. 297. 313 III. FRANCES BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. 314 IV. CATHARINE BROCKWAY, married with Abraham Wolcott Willey, son of Ethan Allen and Mary (Brockway) Willey, of Hadlyme, Conn., I5° where he was born 31 Dec. 1812. They dwelt in Norwich, Conn. 315 V. JANE ANN BROCKWAY. 316 VI. JAMES MONROE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; died there 10 Nov. 1847, aged twenty- six years, and was buried near Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme. 317 VII. CHARLES BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn.; died there, 7 Jan. 1735. of scarlet fever, aged three years, three months, and eighteen days, and was buried near Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme. "Five living and two dead" in 1883. Children of Richard and Susanna (Spelman) Brockway : 153 318 I. JANE BROCKWAY. 3i9 II. SUSANNA BROCKWAY. 320 HI. RICHARD CHAMPLIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Oct. 1793; died there 15 Aug. 1838, in his 45th year. "Richard C. Brockway went to Frank Laplace's to live, 22 Feb. 1825." Old Diary. 33I IV. NANCY FIDELIA BROCKWAY, b. at 442 Lyme, Conn., 14 Sept. 1797; ("daughter of Richard Brockway") married there, in Hamburgh, 6 July, 1817, with Asa David Post, of Saybrook, Conn. "David Post died 21 June 1823," buried 22 June 1823, and she married (2d) 15 Dec. 1830, with Wil liam [Brockway, of Lyme. She died there 26 Aug. 252 1836, -aged thirty-nine years. 6o SIXTH GENERATION 322 V DESIRE MITCHELL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 10 July 1800; died there 22 June, 1823, aged twenty-three years; unmarried, and was buried in the Cemetery at Joshuatown, in Lyme. 156 Children of Abner and Bridget (Brockway) Ely : 323 I. BRIDGET ELY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1779. Unmarried in 1859. 324 II. ARABELLA ELY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1779; died there, 9 Aug. 1806, aged twenty-six years, and was buried in the Ely Cemetery, 325 III. EZRA ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1781; married with Mary Baker, and settled on Cape Cod, Mass. , ' 'where he died without children. ' ' See the Hyde Genealogy, p. 840. His Gravestone in the Ely Cemetery, at Lyme, says he died at Kingston, Ja maica, 17 Dec. 1809, aged twenty-eight years. 326 IV. CALVIN ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1787; died there 3 May 1788, in his second year, and was buried in the Ely cemetery. 327 V. ABNER SHELDON ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 Nov. 1789. See Hyde Genealogy, p. 840. His wife died 8 March 1823; buried 9 March. 328 VI. SEMELLIUS BROCKWAY ELY. b. at Lyme, Conn. See the Hyde Genealogy, p. 840 and 843. He married with Betsey Brockway. 295 329 VII. MARTHA ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn. Un married in 1859. 33° VIII. JANE ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn., married with Giddings, of Sherman, Conn., and had several children. 331 IX. TEMPERANCE ELY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , "died in childhood." 157 Children of Elias and Lovisa (Champion) Brockway : 332 I. CHRISTOPHER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 9 April 1787; a mariner; married there 22 June 543 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 61 1806, with Christiana Chapel. He was lost at sea, aged forty-four years, in the schooner Alabama, which sailed from New York, i Dec. 1831, for Mobile. She died 5 Aug. 1856, aged seventy, and was buried in the Whistletown cemetery, in East Lyme, Conn., where her gravestone has her name ' 'Chrischina. ' ' II. JASPER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 552 20 April 1790; married there 4 July 1812, with Miss Hannah Crandall. ,: III. ELLICE BROCKWAY, a daughter, b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 June 1793. IV. BETSEY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 Sept 1795. 336 V. ELIAS BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 Nov. 1797. VI. WILLIAM CHAMPION BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme. Conn., 15 Aug. 1799. VII. GEORGE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 Dec. 1804. VII. CHARLES BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 13 June 1807. 340 IX. JAMES MADISON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 27 May 1809. X. LOVISA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 May, 181 1. Children of Lebbeus and Ann (Pratt) Brockway : 158 342 I. HALSEY BROCKWAY. 343 II. ALBERT BROCKWAY. 344 IIL SOPHIA BROCKWAY. 345 IV. TEMPERANCE BROCKWAY. Children of George and Emily (Post) Brockway: 163 346 I. ASA P. BROCKWAY, b. at Essex, Conn., 6 June 1824. 347 II. GEORGE F. BROCKWAY, b. at Essex, Conn. , 16 Aug. 1828. 62 SIXTH GENERATION 348 III. LAURA J. BROCKWAY, b. at Essex, Conn., 18 Dec. 1830; and died 22 Dec. 1830. ;V19 IV. ALEXIS C. BROCKWAY, b. at Essex, Conn. , 20 Dec. 1836. Children of Nathaniel and Sylvia (Hunter) Brockway : 164 350 I. DORCAS BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, Duchess 558 Co., N. Y., 25 Aug. 1769; was baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Knibloe Church, 13 Oct. 1776. She married with Simeon Reno. She married (2d) with John Hall, and lived to see the fourth generation of her descendants. She fell through a trap-door, and injured herself so as to be very lame for the last years of her life. She was also a Methodist, and while a widow lived with her father several years. She died 25 Feb. 1861, aged ninety-one years and six months at the house of her son, Nathaniel Reno, in Schodack. 35 ' II. STEPHEN BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, N. 565 Y., 21 Jan. 1772, and was baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Knibloe Church, 13 Oct. 1776. He married (1st) with Anna Sprong, (2d) with Anna Bur- well, and (3d) with Elizabeth McClure, widow of Archibald McClure. He settleo" at Root, Mont gomery Co. , N. Y. He died at Canandaigua, N. Y. , 27 Dec. i860, aged eighty-eight years. His last wife died at Canandaigua, at the house of her son William McClure, 27 Dec. 1855. ;v III. WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, N. 57* Y., 21 or 31 March, 1775; baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Knibloe Church, 13 Oct. 1776; married 20 April 1795, with Martha Garrison, who was born 30 June 1778, and settled in Schodack, N. Y. They were members of the Presbyterian Church at Nassau, N. Y. She died at Schodack, 10 April 1850. He died at Schodack, 27 Dec. 1868, aged ninety-three years and nine months. V,'. IV. JEREMIAH BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, Duchess Co., N. Y, 17 Dec. 1777; married with BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 63 Sally Swift. They settled at Schodack, N. Y, and succeeded his father as proprietor of the Brock way tavern, and died there; she, 30 June 1835; he, 2 May 1837, aged sixty years. They were buried on their farm, where his parents were, but have since been removed +0 Nassau cemetery. She was born 28 Nov. 1776. V. NATHANIEL BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, N. Y. , in 1779; died in infancy. VI. DAVID BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, N. Y., 21 Dec. 1782; married Betsey Rogers, and settled at Greenbush, N. Y., where he kept the Ferry house for many years, and died there 24 June 1848, aged sixty-six years. She died in Albany, N. Y., 27 Dec. 1855, at the house of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Halstead. 356 VII. SYLVIA BROCKWA Y,b. at Dover, Duchess Co., N" Y., 6 May 1785; baptized at Sharon, Conn., in the Kuibloe Church, 31 May 1785; married with Chauncey Porter, a carpenter. They dwelt in Schodack, N. Y., afterward' at Nassau, N. Y., and finally settled on a farm, in Pittsford, Monroe Co. , N. Y, where he died of "black jaundice," in 1836. She died, 15 June 1874, aged eighty-nine years, at the house of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Cuyler, of Palmyra, N. Y. VIII. JESSE BROCKWAY, b. at Dover, Duchess Co., N. Y. , 30 Jau. 1788, married there in 1806, with Content Buffi ngton, who was born 3 April 1786, at Dover, daughter of Preserved and Sarah Burling ton. All of his life except the first two years, he spent in Schodack, within half a mile of the spot where he died. She died there 15 March 1857, "just fifty years after their marriage." After her death, two of his daughters lived with him till his death, 12 July 1869, aged eighty-one years and five months. His wife was seventy-one years old at her death. 358 IX. LYDIA. BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 27 Oct. 1793. 592 597 606 64 SIXTH GENERATION Children of Joseph and Jane (Doty) Brockway : 166 359 I. LEVI BROCKWAY, married with Hannah 617 Marvin. He died at Cold Spring, near Horseheads, N. Y. 360 IL LYDIA BROCKWAY, married with Ebene- °21 zer Davis of Nassau, N. Y. 361 III. REUBEN BROCKWA Y,b. at Sharon, Conn. , 631 22 March 1778; married with Catharine Delama ter. They settled at Homer, N. Y., and he died there, 2 Feb. 1858. 362 IV. HANNAH BROCKWAY, married with 640 Thomas Knox, and lived in Schodack, N. Y. 363 V. ALMIRA BROCKWAY, married with Fran-. cis Baker. 364 VI. HULDAH BROCK WAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., 642 26 Jan. 1785; and was four years old when she went with her father to Schodack, N. Y. , five miles from the home of D. H. Garrison. She married at her mother's house 23 Dec. 1801, with John Garrison, who was born in Amenia, N. Y., close to the line of Sharon, Conn., 3 June, 1780, son of Aaron and Eliza beth (Jones) Garrison, and grandson of Ira Garrison. They seitled on a fine farm in Schodack, and died there; he 24 Jan. 1854, aged seventy-three years, seven months, and twenty-one days; she, 6 May i860, aged seventy-three years. 365 VII. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. n Aug. 1785, 647 married with Hannah HawlEY. He married (2d) with Eunice Follansby, who was born at South SchodacK, N. Y., 23 April 1800, daughter of George and Eve (Turck) Follansby. He was a carpenter, ahd dwelt in Troy, N. Y. He died 29 July 1854. 366 VIII. ARTEMAS BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, 663 Conn., 16 Dec. 1789; married 2 Nov. 1809, with De sire Dillay, who was born 7 May 1787; and died 18 April 1841. He died 26 July 1857. 311 IX. LAURA BROCKWAY, married with Ammi 678 Phillips, and settled at Rhinebeck, N. Y. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 65 368 X. JOSEPH BROCKWAY, b. 22 Aug. 1796, at Schodack, N. Y. ; married there 12 Sept. 1821, with Atty Follansby, who was born 9 Nov. 1795, and died 25 Aug. 1872. He died 29 Oct. 1870, all at Schodack. She was daughter of Jerome and Eliza beth (Witbeck) Follansby. 682 Children of Asa and Sarah (Chapman) Brockway : 369 I. JARED BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., baptized there, in the Knibloe Church, 27 June 1784; unmarried; ate his dinner one day feeling as well as usual, sat down by the fire to shell some corn, was attacked by bilious colic, and died the same evening. No record has been found to show the date, or his age at death. II. MARTHA BROCKWAY, b. at Sharon, Conn., 27 May 1790; married with Caleb Reynolds, who was born 4 March 1786. They settled on the farm which she inherited from her father, in the south west corner of Sharon, and he died there, 26 July 1826, aged forty years. She died there, 17 Sept. 1870, They were buried in the south cemetery in Sharon, near the village of Ameia Union, but their graves are not marked. 168 689 37* 37^ 373 Children of Ambrose and Lois (Brockway) 2JHes: I. BENJAMIN NILES, b. about 1789; died of scarlet fevcf, 10 March 1794, aged four and a half years, according to the Hamburgh Church Record; while his gravestone says 9 March 1794, in his fifth year. H. MARY NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., joined the church at Hamburgh, 14 Nov. 1812; married 11 Sept. 1816, with Israel SPENCER,of Hadlyme, Conn. III. WILLIAM BROCKWAY NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1796; married there 27 July 1823, with Julia Ann Ely, who joined the Church 182 I31 696 66 SIXTH GENERATION 374 375 376 at Hamburgh, in Lyme, in 1828, and died there 27 Feb. 1842, aged forty -two years. He died 4 June 1845, aged forty-eight years. IV. AMBROSE NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., about Dec. 1799; and died there 4 Feb. 1800, aged two months. He was buried in the Joshuatown cemetery. V. AMBROSE NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., joined the Church at Hamburgh, as Ambrose Niles Jr., 14 Nov. 181 2. Dr. Ambrose Niles, of Lyme, married 2 April 1823, with Frances Marvin, of Hartford, Conn. VI. BENJAMIN CONE NILES, b. at Lyme, Conn., died 24 Mardh 1815, in his fourteenth year. There are indications that he and Ambrose were twins, and born in 1801. BR O CKWA Y FAMIL Y. 67 BROCKWAY FAMILY, SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Hiel and Phebe (Merrill) Brockway : 192 I. AUGUSTUS BROCKWAY, b. 19 March 1797; died 17 Aug. 1835. 378 II. CHARLES M. BROCKWAY, b. 26 Oct. 1800; died 3 Jan. 1873. 379 HI. ELIAS P. BROCKWAY, b. 28 Aug. 1802. married 9 March 1823, with Charlotte Richard son, and died 29 Sept. 1836. 380 IV. ALICE, BROCKWAY, b. 5 March 1804; mar ried 9 March 1819, with Stewart L- Brown. She married (2d) 8 March 1829, with Philo Hyde. She died 3 Sept. 1836. 381 V. EDWARD BROCKWAY, b. 25 Sept. 1805; married 18 March 1827, with Eliza Cagwin. 382 VI. IRA BROCKWAY, b. 22 April 1807; died 17 Nov. 1830. 383 VII. MARY ANN BROCKWAY, b. 18 Aug- 1808; married 20 Feb. 1826, with Frederick WIl- kie. She died 25 Nov. 1835. 384 VIII. AZUBAH BROCKWAY, b. 15 March 1810; married 5 Oct. 1825, with Davis Carpenter, who was born at Walpole,, N. H., 25 Dec 1799; took the degree of M. D., at Middlebury College, Vermont, in 1824; moved to the State of New York in 1825, and was a Representative in Congress f ron 1853 to 1855. She died 11 Feb. 1881. 68 SEVENTH GENERATION 385 IX. HIEL BROCKWAY, b. 30 Aug. 181 1, died 11 Dec. 1844. 386 X. PHEBE BROCKWAY, b. 14 March 1813; died 9 Aug. 1842. 387 Xl/MARIA BROCKWAY, b. 9 Nov. 1814; mar ried 7 May 1835, with Elias BELLOWS HOLMES, a lawyer, who was born at Fletcher, Vermont, 27 May 1807; settled in Monroe Co., N. Y, and was a Rep resentative in Congress from 1845 to 1849. 388 XII. NATHAN REED BROCKWAY, b. 5 April 1816. XIII. JULIA BROCKWAY, b. 24 Jan.- 1818; 389 married in 1835, with Alonzo Bannister. 200 Children of Boyington and Anna (Brockway) French : 39° I. LUMAN FRENCH, b. 1795; died about 1863. 391 II. BUCKLAND FRENCH, b. 1798; died in 1799. 392 III. BUCKLAND FRENCH, b. 1802; died 1802. 201 Children of Thomas and Betsey (Brockway) Herrick : 393 I. ALMENA HERRICK, b. at Blanford, Mass., 22 March 1803; married 5 April 1831, with P. D. Gadwell, who died 13 Aug. 1871 She died in 1870. 703 ,394 II. LUCINA HERRICK, b. 17 Sept. 1804; mar ried with Curtis Black, who was born in 1804. He died 13 May 1835; and she married (2d) 5 Dec. 1836, with John Lewis, who died 14 July 1849. She died 14 Jan. 1886. 707 395 III. THOMAS HERRICK, b. 26 Aug. 1809; mar ried 28 June 1836, with Mary A. Knox, who died 1 Feb. 1872. 714 39° IV. BETSEY ANN HERRICK, b. 11 Nov. 1812; married 28 Nov. 1833, with Henry Very, of Hart ford, Conn., who was born 29 Nov. 1800. 724 397 V. HARMONY HERRICK, married 28 Jan. 1836, with Denison C. Healy. 729 398 VI. URSULA HERRICK, married with Julius 734 C. Pratt. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 69 Children of Amasa and Fanny (Brockway) Shurtleff: 203 I. SIMEON SHURTLEFF, b. 9 July 1808; "graduated at Amherst College, in 1832; studied medicine at Pittsfield, under the direction of Profess ors, Child and Parker; and graduated at the Berkshire Medical College, December 1835. He immediately commenced the practice of medicine at Sinsbury, Conn. , and pursued it successfully in that place and Westfield, Mass., over twenty -five years, when failing health compelled him to relinquish it. He devoted all his leisure time to the pursuits of natural science. It became a passion with him. He collected speci mens of most of the plants, minerals, and birds found in New England, but devoted more time to the study of conchology than to any other branch of natural science. His cabinet contained more than 10,000 specimens of shells." He married 12 Jan 1837, with Mary Ann Phelps, and died 23 Dec. 1865, without children. II. GEORGE SHURTLEFF, b. 27 Aug. 1822; married 21 Oct. 1852, with Sarah A. Nichols, who was born 25 April 1827, and died 25 Feb. 1872. They had one daughter. III. DAVID SHURTLEFF, b. 19 June 1818; unmarried. : IV. MARCUS SHURTLEFF, b. 5 Oct. 181 1; died in 1824. ;c V. CARMI SHURTLEFF, b. 15 Jan. 1815; mar- 741 ried 26 Oct. 1841, witn Amanda B. Doane, who died 14 Oct. 1870. He married (2d) 31 July 1871, with Anna P. Hatch. Children of Gideon and Nancy (Williams) Brockway : 404 I. BEMAN BROCKWAY, b. at Southampton, Mass., 12 April 1815; a printer; married 23 May 1837, with Elizabeth Allen Warner, who was born 21 April 18 16, daughter of Solomon Warner of Northampton, Mass. She died 10 Sept. 1854. He 204 748 7o SEVENTH GENERATION married (2d) • 22 Oct. 1855, with Sarah Warner Wright, who was born 24 June 1816, a cousin of his first wife, and both were nieces of the late Professor Warner of Amherst College. The following notice of him is taken from the Gazetteer of Hampshire County, Mass., pp. 429-430. "Beman Brockway was born in i8i5,and spent the early years of his boyhood upon the paternal home stead, and in acquiring the art "preservative of arts," in the office of the Courier, a newspaper published in Northampton. But his father was allured to the rich er lands of Chautauqua county, New York, in 1832, and he followed him the next year, to be immediately solicited to undertake the publication of the Sentinel, a weekly newspaper at Mayville. The enterprise proved successful financially, and he remained as edi tor and proprietor eleven years, when he sold the es tablishment and purchased the Palladium, a weekly paper at Oswego, which he soon converted into a daily. He sold the Palladium, in 1853, having been invited by Horace Greeley to join the editorial staff of the New York Tribune. There he remained two years. His duties were laborious, but were performed to the entire acceptance of Mr. Greeley, who to the close of his eventful life manifested a strong personal and po litical friendship for Mr. Brockway. He returned to Oswego, and in 1858, was elected to the legislature where he served with distinction and usefulness, es pecially on questions affecting the canals, and was mainly instrumental in perfecting and securing the passage of an efficient law for the registration of voters. Soon after, he removed to Watertown, re sumed the profession of editor, and was so engaged when, in 1865, he was invited by Governor Fenton to accept the position of private secretary; but the Governor, who highly appreciated his capacity and ability, presently tendered him the responsible office of canal appraiser, the duties of which he discharged with signal success until the expiration of his term in 1870. In the course of that year he became connected ,/ - - j|* %wtm .-/' ,.;*!pr • llr If? ¦SI *¦¦ J WWSSk*. sp*- ;¦ ^^^^ Hli*. NHSBgiS WIKHS^ '-S^JQljrairs sms.nrhn'ffi'K 72 SEVENTH GENERATION Children of Henry William and Sarah (Gill) Brockway : 219 411 I. HENRY HOBART BROCKWAY, b. 16 Oct. 1833; was still unmarried in 1887. 412 II. HORACE HEBER BROCKWAY, b. 9 Feb. 1837; died 21 June 1877; unmarried. 413 HI. HARRIET AUGUSTA BROCKWAY, b. 16 April 1841. Children of Horace and Eliza (Morse) Brockway : 22* 414 I. HENRY BROCKWAY, b. 4 Sept. 1825; m!"> ?6° ried 10 April 1855, with Adelaide Averill, who was born 4 March 1833. 415 IL BEMAN BOSTWICK BROCKWAY, b. 12 Feb. 1829; resides in Roseburgh, Douglass Co., Ore gon, and has one child. 416 HI. BURBAN BROCKWAY, b. 7 Feb. 1831; resides in Oregon; unmarried. 417 IV. MARY ANN BROCKWAY,b. 15 April 1835. Child of Austin and Sally ^BostwickJ Goodrich : 222 4i8 I. HARRIET GOODRICH, b. 7 March 1821; 763 married 19 Sept. 1839, with Thaddeus Sobieski Ways, who was born 2 April 1817. Children of Jeremiah and Clarissa (Brockway) Mann : 224 419 I. AUGUSTA MANN, b. 25 Nov. 1826; married 2 Sept. 1844, with William Hunt, who was born 29 Jan. 1822, and died 1 Dec. 1869. 420 II. CAROLINE MANN, b. 22 Aug. 1828; mar- 766 ried 21 April 1852, with William Bell, who was born 5 April 1828. 421 III. LYDIA ANN MANN, b. 13 Dec. 1833; mar- 771 ried 6 Dec. 1870, with Lucius G. Hamilton, who was born 15 April 1826; and died 16 March 1874. BR O CKWA Y FA MIL Y. 73 Children of Charles B. and Rachel B. (Sterrett) Brockway : 226 I I. MARY STERRETT BROCKWAY, b. 29 772 April 1853; married 21 May 1879, with James M. Williams, who was born 22 July 1850. 423 II. FREDERICK BURBAN BROCKWAY, b. 773 20 July 1854; married 13 Sept. 1877, with Emma Lavon Cushman, who was born 22 June 1855. III. MARTHA A. BROCKWAY, b. 24 Jan. 1856; died 7 Feb. 1869. 1 IV. CHARLES BOSTWICK BROCKWAY, b. 20 Feb. 1859, was still unmarried in 1887. 426 v. DAVID STERRETT BROCKWAY, b. 23 June 1863; died 15 July 1865. ' VL BELL R. BROCKWAY, b. 31 March 1866; died 16 Oct. 1866. Children of Diodate and Miranda (Hall) Brockway : 230 428 I. JOHN HALL BROCKWAY, b. at Ellington, 775 Conn., 31 Jan. 1801; graduated at Yale College in 1820; a lawyer; settled in his native town, and has been a member of the Connecticut House of Repre sentatives, a Senator of Connecticut; and was a mem ber of Congress from 1839 to 1843. He married 22 Jan. 1829, with Flavia Field Colton, who was born 18 Aug. 1805. He died at Ellington, 29 July 1870. She was living at Berkley, Cal., in Jan. 1888. 429 II. MORTIMER W. BROCKWAY, b. at Elling ton, Conn., 26 Dec. 1802; a farmer; was living there with his fa+her, in 1848, unmarried, and died 1 Sept. 1869. 430 III. MIRANDA BROCKWAY, b. at Ellington, Conn.', 20 March 1805; and died there 3 Aug. 1816, aged eleven years. 431 IV. JANE MATILDA BROCKWAY, b. at El lington, Conn., 17 Aug. 1807; and died there 5 Feb. 1808. 432 V. EDWIN BROCKWAY, b. at Ellington, Conn., n SEVENTH GENERATION 433 434 2 Aug. 1809; married and had three children. He died 5 Jan. 1839, in his 30th year, and his wife and children all died before he did. VI. FRANCIS BROCKWAY, b. at Ellington, Conn., 23 Aug. 1812; died 19 July 1816. This name is "Frances" in Dr. A. N. Brockway's book. VII. JANE EUNICE BROCKWAY, b. at Elling ton, Conn., 8 May 1814; died there 27 April 1847; unmarried, aged thirty-three years. Child of Lathrop and Marilla (Ticknor) Brockway: 434' I. JOHN BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y. Dec. 1823; and died there 16 Dec. 1823. J3 238 4342 4343 4344 4345 Children of Lathrop and Jane Maria (Benedict) Brockway: 238 II. THOMAS HENRY BROCKWAY, b. at Clin- 781 ton, N. Y., 23 Aug. 1828; a farmer; married there 26 Jan. 1853, with Eliza Newell, who was born at New Hartford, N. Y, 20 May 1830, daughter of Jeff rey and Christina Newell. They were living in Clinton, in 1888. III. FANNY JANE BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y. 2 March 1831; and was living there in 1888, unmarried. Children of Lathrop and Emily (Norton) Brockway : 238 IV. ASAHEL NORTON BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y., 7 Feb. 1834; and died 2 Dec. 1834. V. ASAHEL NORTON BROCKWAY, b. at 788 Clinton, N. Y., 24 March 1836; graduated at Hamil ton College, 1857, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City in 1861 ; was physician in Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. city, from 1 April 1861 to 1 Oct. 1862; acting assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, in DeCamp General Hospital, Davids Island, N. Y. , until 6 Oct. 1864, when he resigned the position, and began a private practice in Harlem, New York. In July 1885, he was elected Alumni Trustee of Hamil- BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 75 ton College for four years. He married 9 July 1863, with Harriet Angeline Bonestell, who was born 23 April 1832, daughter of Jacob and Lura Bone stell. She died at Clinton, 18 Nov. 1867. He mar ried (2d) 20 May 1872, with Frances W. Y. Plymp ton, who was born at Columbus, Ga., 26 Feb. 1840. They were living in Oct. 1888, at No. 50 East 126th Street, New York, having just returned from a visit to Europe. They published in 1888, a "Genealogy of a Branch of the Descendants of Wolston Brockway" of thirty-four pages from which these, and a few other facts have been copied. Child of James and Lydia (Brainerd) Brockway: I. JOSEPH BRAINERD BROCKWAY, b. at East Haddam, Conn., 25 May 1805 ; married there 16 Jan. 1825, with Catharine Jennet Clark, who died 9 Aug. 1825, in her eighteenth year. He died at Portland, Me., 25 Sept. 1851, in his forty-sixth year, and was buried at Hadlyme, Conn. 244 436 437 438 439440 241 442 443 ( Khoda N. (Clarke) Brockway : Children of Pickett and \ (.Nancy (Stevens) Brockway: I. SAMUEL BROCKWAY. IL CATHARINE H. BROCKWAY. III. EMILY BROCKWAY. IV. WILLIAM S. BROCKWAY. V. ALICE BROCKWAY. VI. EDWARD P. BROCKWAY. Children of William and Nancy Fidelia (Brockway) Brockway: I. THOMAS CLARK BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 18 Sept. 1831. II. RICHARD WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 Feb. 1835 ; died there 3 June 1873, 246 252 321 76 SEVENTH GENERATION 444445 446 aged 38 years, and was buried near the Congregation al church in Hamburgh. He married with Marga ret A. Brockway. Their son, Walter Leon Brock- 53 J- way, died 6 Feb. 1873, aged two years and four months, and was buried near his father. III. NANCY JANE SHELDON HARRISON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1 Aug. 1836. Children of William and Hannah (Martin) Brockway : 252 IV. EBENEZER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 17 Oct. 1838. V. CELIA BROCKWAY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 51/' 26 July 1841; married 22 Nov. 1871, with John Com stock, who was born 13 Dec. 1837; son of Jabez and Margaret (Brockway) Comstock. They were living 277 in 1888, at Hadlyme, where he kept a country store. Children of Samuel Moseley and Temperance Clara (Spencer) Brockway : M7 I. SAMUEL GODDARD BROCKWAY, b. 15 Aug. 1827. ! i.; II. MARY EMELINE BROCKWAY, b. 29 Jan. 1830. 449 III. HORATIO NELSON BROCKWAY. 450 IV. ISRAEL DUNHAM BROCKWAY, resides at Wellsville, Kansas. He married 26 July 1877, with Harriet Griffin. 451 V. ELIZABETH SPENCER BROCKWAY. 452 VI. WILLIAM SPENCER BROCKWAY. 453 VII. MARIA BROCKWAY, said to be . living at Wellsville, Kansas, in Nov. 1885. 253 454 Children of Nathaniel M. and Eliza (Dunham) Brockway Brown: I. WORTHINGTON DUNHAM BROWN, b. at Lyme, 8 Feb. 1829. 257 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 77 455 II. JANE MILES BROWN, b. at Lyme. 13 Nov. 1831. 456 III. JENETT ELIZA BROWN, b. at Lyme, 5 Oct. 1833. 457 IV. ELLEN LAURA BROWN, b. at Lyme, 8 April 1837. 458 V. PETER WILBUR BROWN, twin, b. at Lyme, 29 June, 1843. 459 VI. KATHLEEN BROWN, twin, b. at Lyme, 29 June 1843. 460461462 463 464 [Children of Levi and Fanny (Beckwith) Luther : I. AMIRAH FRANCES LUTHER, b. 21 Sept. 1818; baptized at Hadlyme, Conn., 6 June 1819; mar ried 28 May 1837, with Charles Hallam Brockway. II. ELLIOT BECKWITH LUTHER, baptized at Hadlyme, Conn., 1 Sept. 1821. III. WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN LUTHER, baptized at Hadlyme, Conn., 2 Nov. 1823. Child of John Reed and Harriet (Gillet) Brockway : I. JOHN NEWTON BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , died when eighteen years old, and was buried at Grassy Hill, in Lyme. Child of William Palmer and Elizabeth Bulkley (Tinker) Brockway : I. ELLEN ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., 28 June 1841; married in Old Lyme, 24 Nov. 1881, with Willis ScoTT Banning, a farmer, son of Orrin A. and Charlotte (Davis) Banning, of Joshuatown, where he was born, 24 April 1854. They were living with her parents, in Jan. 1886. They have had two sons, not named. The first lived a few hours, the second died at birth. 260 5i8300 264 267 78 j SEVENTH GENERATION Children of Barak Beckwith and Debora Reed (Brockway) 270 Willey : 465 I. JANET WILLEY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 8 July 1811; married 1 March 1837, with William J- Graham; and died 30 March 1869, leaving two chil. dren. 466 II. SUSAN B. WILLEY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., about 1813; dwelt with her father, at Ira, N. Y., and died 1.7 Aug. 1859, unmarried, aged forty-six years. 467 III. DEBORAH WILLEY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 13 Dec. 1815; married 15 Aug. 1837, with William W. Thompson, settled near Ira, N. Y. and had three children. 468 IV. BARAK BECKWITH WILLEY, b. at Had lyme, Conn., 23 June 1819; died there, 27 Dec. 1821, and was buried at the Hadlyme Church. 469 V. ABRAHAM RICHARDSON WILLEY, b. 2 Sept. 1822; married in 1843, with Minerva Sant. He was living in Fair Haven, N. Y., in 1888, a lawyer. 470 VI. BARAK BECKWITH WILLEY, b. 8 May 1828, married 4 Sept. 1861, with "Sarah J. Warn, of Sennett, N. Y. ; resided in Utica, N. Y. ; was an active politician, and his removal in 1881 to Neligh, Nebraska, where he now resides, called forth numer ous expressions of respect from the press of New York State. ' ' See the Willey Genealogy, page 98. 271 Children of Jared Spencer and Caroline (Brockway) Miner : 471 I. DANIEL SOUTHMAYD MINER. 472 II. CAROLINE MINER, twin, died 16 Sept. 1833, aged 17 yeats. 473 III. HARRIET MINER, twin. 273 Children of Nathan and Lucina (Brockway) Damon : 474 I. ADELINE DAMON, married with Edward 492 Champlin Griffin Brockway, and settled at Ham 3H burgh, in Lyme. BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 79 475 II. ADDISON E. DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1819 ; died there 7 April 1835, aged sixteen years, and was buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown, in Lyme. 476 III. NATHAN DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn., and was living there, at Joshuatown, in Nov. 1885, un married. 477 IV. HENRY N. DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; married with Nancy Hayden, of Joshuatown, in Lyme, and died there 15 Jan. 1854, aged thirty years. He was buried in Joshuatown. She married (2d) with Baruch Johnson, and was living with him in Dec. 1885, at Grassy Hill, in Lyme. 478 V. ABBY ANN DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; married with Augustus Morgan, who died, and she married (2d) with Cyrus Chapman, and was liv ing at Millington, Conn., in Nov. 1885. 479 VI. AMELIA DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn., mar ried with Charles Hayden, of Essex, Conn., and died some years before 1885. 480 VII. JOHN DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn., and died there unmarried, when about 25 years old. 481 VIII. MATTHEW DAMON, b. at Lyme, Conn., and was living there, near Hamburgh, in Nov. 1885; unmarried. 274 Children of Ezra and Leonora (Brockway) Brockway: 303 482 I. EDGAR BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 7 July 1824, according to au old diary. He married at Lyme, 24 Oct. 1847, with Louisa B. Luther, both of Lyme. 778 483 II. MARGARET BROCKWAY, died in infancy. 484 III. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ^ in Sept. 1831 ; and died there when two years and ten months old, 7 July 1834. She was buried in the South cemetery in Hadlyme. 485 IV. ELEONORA BROCKWAY, married with Jabez Comstock, and lived at Hadlyme, Conn. , in Nov. 1885. 8o SEVENTH GENERATION 486 V. LLEWELLYN BROCKWAY, died when six or eight years old. 487 VI. ELIZA BROCKWAY, died when four or five years old. 488 VII. MARY BROCKWAY, resides with her moth er, at Hadlyme, Conn. , unmarried. 278 Children of Jonathan Niles and Harriet M. (Fuller) Brockway 489 I. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lisle, N. Y, 25 Oct. 1827. 490 II. FRANCIS FULLER BROCKWAY, b. at Lisle, N. Y, 1831. 491 III. REED BROCKWAY,b. at Lisle, N. Y, 1833. 492 IV. HENRY JEROME BROCKWAY, b. at Lisle, N. Y, 1835. 493 V MARY BROCKWAY. 494 VI. SARAH JOSEPHINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lisle, N. Y, 1839. 495 VII. JAMES ENSIGN BROCKWAY, b, at Bel videre, 111., 2 Feb. 1849. 280 Child of Peter and Samantha (Brockway) Bontecou: 496 I. REED BROCKWAY BONTECOU, b. at Troy, N. Y., 1824; a physician and surgeon, and was living there in June 1888. 283 • Children of Abner Dwight and Sarah Ann (Brockway) Freeman : 497 I. STEPHEN DWIGHT FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 12 Nov. 1831; married with Anice Fougesee, of Coultersville, California. She died at Mariposa, Cal., of hemorrhage of the lungs, 22 March 187 1, aged twenty-three years. He died of consumption, at the Adams House, Chicago, 111., 20 Oct. 1873, while try ing to reach his mother's house. BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 498 II. WILLIAM HENRY FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 29 Dec. 1834. -I mo III. ELIZABETH CLARISSA FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 8 April 1837, and died there, 15 Sept. 1840, "aged three years, five months, and seven days." IV. CHARLES ROMAINE FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 16 Nov. 1839; and died there 4 Oct. 1842. V. HENRY CLAY FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 26 July 1843; enlisted in "Scott's 900th Caval ry," and served, without a furlough, to the end of the war of 1861. He died of consumption, at Lisle, 4 May 1870. 502 VI. REED BROCKWAY FREEMAN, b. at 793 Lisle, N. Y. , 8 Nov. 1847; a manufacturer; married at Binghamton, N. Y., 9 Sept. 1867, with Lizzie Rizpah Fisher, daughter of John W. and Deborah Jane (Palmer) Fisher. They settled at Binghamton, and were living at 10 Pine street in April 1888. .; rj VII. FRANKLIN HOVEY FREEMAN, b.?at Lisle, N. Y., 18 March 1850, aud lived at Scranton, Pa., in 1888. Children of Charles Waldo and Charlotte Mercy (Brockway) 288 Freeman : 504 I. JOHN CHARLES FREEMAN, b. at Lisle, N. 795 Y , 14 Feb. 1842 ; captain in First N. Y. Veteran Cavalry, and Inspector General in the Cavalry Corps, 1864-1865; prepared for college at Homer, N. Y., 1855-1858; Principle of Academy at Kinderbook, N. Y., 1858-1860; B. A., University of Michigan, 1868; M. A., University of Michigan, 1871; B. D., Union Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111., 1872; LL. D. , University of Chicago, 1880; Associate Professor Greek in university of Chicago, 1868-1874; Professor of Latin in same, 1874-1879; Professor of English Literature in University of Wisconsin, 1879 to present time (1888); and published editions of Xenophon's Memorabilia, and Dialogues of Lucian, 82 SEVENTH GENERATION at Chicago, in 1872: He married at Geneva, 111., 5 July, 1870, with Emma Belden, who was born in the city of New York, 23 April, 1843, daughter of Horace and Julia (Canfield) Belden. They dwelt in Chicago till 1879, then removed to Madison, Wis., and were living there in April, it Children of Lucius and Mary Maria (Brockway) French : 289 505 I. WILLARD PARKER FRENCH, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 2 Sept. 1857; died there 2 Mar. 1863, aged five years and six months. 506 II. MARY ELIZABETH FRENCH, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 14 June 1859 ; died there 12 June 1866. 507 III. TOMMIE FRENCH, b. at Lisle, N. Y., 6 Oct. 1861 ; died there 4 June 1862, aged eight months. Children of John Cotton Mather and Elizabeth (Beckwith) 291 Brockway : 508 I. JOHN GRIFFIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1821; baptized at Hamburgh, in Lyme, 31 Oct. 1824; died in 1865, and was buried in Ham burgh cemetery. 509 IL ELIZABETH^ BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. ; baptized at Hamburgh, in Lyme, 31 Oct. 1824. 510 in. JANE AMELIA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 1826 ; baptized at Hamburgh, in Lyme, 9 July, 1826; married with Parker, and died in 1849, lgaving an infant sou, who died in 1850. Children of Zebulon and Caroline (Brockway) Brockway : I79 5n I.WESLEY BROCKWAY, b. at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 9 Dec. 1821; died there 3 Nov. 1830; was buried there, and afterward removed to the Cove Cemetery, in Hadlyme. He was feeble from his birth. 512 II. SAMANTHA CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. 801 BR O CKWA Y FA MIL Y. 83 at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 15 Dec. 1824; married at Hadlyme, Conn., 15 Nov. 1843, with Henry Tracy Comstock, son of Elijah and Laura (Selden) Comstock, of Hadlyme, where he was born 30 Jan, 1815; and died 15 Aug. 1886. She was yet living there in April 1888. 5i3 III. ZEBULON REED BROCKWAY, b. at Brockway's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 28 April 1827; married at Wethersfield, Conn., 13 April 1853, with Jane Woodhouse, daughter of Sylvester and Sarah (Harris) Woodhouse. They reside at Elmira, N. Y., where he has long been Superintendent of the State Reformatory. 514 IV. HUGH BLAIR BROCKWAY, b. at Brock- 809 way's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 7 Nov. 1829; married at New Salem, N. Y., 7 Oct. 1857, with Alida Young, daughter of Henry and Mary (Hendrickson) Young, of New Salem. He served in the First Regi ment Connecticut Cavalry from 9 Aug. 1862 to 19 Aug. 1865; took part in the battles of Harper's Ferry, Mine Run, Spottsylvania Court House, Beaver Dam Station, Strawberry: Hill in Sheridan's raid around Richmond in May 1884, Ashland, White-Oak Swamp, Lacy's Springs, Waynesborough and Sheridan's raid around Richmond, in March 1865. He was commis sioned as second Lieutenant, by Gov. Buckingham, in June 1864. She died. He was living at Elmira, N. Y., in June 1888. , 515 V. WILBUR FISK BROCKWAY, b. at Brock- 815 way's Ferry, in Lyme, Conn., 2 Aug. 1833; was bright, adventurous, and energetic, and his love of pioneer life led him, in 1856, to settle in California, where he married Mademoiselle Amelie , in 1862 ; and died of consumption, in San Francisco, 8 Dec. 1866. 516 VI. MARY ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 16 Feb. 1837; and was living there in June 1888; unmarried. She has been a member of the Congregational church of Hadlyme, since 1856; and deserves the thanks of all her relatives for the as- 84 SEVENTH GENERATION 517 sistance which she has given in compiling this gen ealogy. VII. FANNY BROCKWAY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 13 July 1840. married there, in 1866, with Osmer Willis Fay, son of Hubbard N. and Eunice (Willis) Fay. They were living at Rock Falls, 111. , in June ii 817 Child of John and Celia (Brockway) Comstock: ,V I. MARGARET BROCKWAY COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn. , 1 July 1879. 443 Children of Charles Hallam and Amirah Francte (Luther) Brockway : 518 I. LAURA ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 16 April 1838; and died there 28 Jan. 1843, aged four years, nine months, and thirteen days. 9 II. JANETTE FRANCES BROCKWAY, b. at Ll|me, Conn., 10 Jan. 1841; married 3 April 1859, with Orin SouThmayd Miner, who was born in 1837. She died 28 June 1870, aged twenty-nine years, five months, and eighteen days. He died "in Sept. 1879, aged forty-six years. " Either the year of birth, or the age at death, as given must be erroneous. 520 III. CHARLES HALLAM BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 Feb. 1843; married 1 Oct. 1863, with Sarah Elizabeth Miner They were living in Jan. 1886, without children. IV MYRON HOLLEY BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Sunday morning, 17 Aug. 1845. V. MIRIAM ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Lyme, Conn, on Sunday morning, 17 Aug. 1845; and died 29 Sept. 1845, aged six weeks and one day. VI. EMERETTE MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Monday morning, 28 Sept. 1847; married 21 Oct. 1865, with Charles Caroll Miner. 300 460 820 825 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 85- 524 . VII. JOHN WESLEY BROCKWA Y,b. at Lyme, Conn., on Sunday, 9 June 1850; married 24 Nov. 1875, with Carrie Arminda Martin. 828 525 VIII. LEE LUTHER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Wednesday, 27 'Oct. 1852, married 28 Nov. 1872, with Isabel Asenath Phelps, daughter of George Nelson and Abby J. (Warner) Phelps, of Lyme, where she was born in March 1856. 832 526 IX. EVA ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Sunday, 21 Feb. 1854; married 28 Jan. 1876, with Llewellyn Comstock. 834 527 X. JESSIE ELLA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Monday, 31 March 1856; married 6 March 1878, with Frank Lewis. 835 528 XL CARRIE BELL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., on Saturday, 18 Sept. 1858; and died there . 28 April, 1863, aged four years, seven months, and ten days. 311 Children of Edward Champlin Griffin and Adeline (Damon) Brockway : 474 529 I. ANTOINETTE BROCKWAY. 53Q II. PLUTARCH BROCKWAY. 53i III. MARGARET A. BROCKWAY, married with Richard William Brockway. 443 532 IV. HIRAM BROCKWAY. 533 V. JENNY BROCKWAY, married with James Ames, of New London, Conn., and she died in the fall of 1883. 534 VI. HENRY BROCKWAY. 535 VII. LENNIE RICKARD BROCKWAY, daugh ter, b. at Lyme, Conn., about 1858; died 17 Aug, 1874, aged sixteen years, and was buried in the cemetery at Hamburgh, in Lyme. 312 Children of Ebenezer E. and Lucy Stark (Bill) Brockway : 536 I. LODOWICK BILL BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 8 Oct. 1845 ;was living in 1883. 86 SEVENTH GENERATION 537 II. JAMES MONROE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 31 July 1848 ; was living in 1883. 538 III. MARY ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 May 1850; died there 29 June 1851. 539 IV. MARY ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 April 1852. 54° V CHARLES LOVELAND BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 Sept. 1855; was living in 1883. 54i VI. ELLEN GRIFFIN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 12 Aug. 1858. 542 VII. FANNIE LOUISE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn. , 7 Sept. 1861 ; was living in 1883. See the Bill Genealogy, p. 297. 332 Children of Christopher and Christiana (Chapel) Brockway: 543 I. JULIA ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 16 Dec. 1807; died about 1856, aged forty- nine years. 544 II. EUNICE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 Jan. 1810; died about 1865, aged fifty-five years. Did she marry at Lyme, 27 March 1831, with George W. Chadwick? 545 III. CHARLES ELIAS LEVINGSTON BROCK WAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 Nov. 1811. The name of his first wife has not been learned. He married at Lyme, 16 May, 1847, with Caroline M. Rogers, of East Lyme; he then of Saybrook. He died about 1863, aged fifty-two years. 837 546 IV. EZRA C. P. BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 6 March. 1814; was living in 1833, in Lyme. 547 V MARYETT BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 19 (family record says 18) March 181 6; married 26 June 1836 with Elisha H. Smith, of Lyme. She died 21 March 1885. 548 VI. CHRISTOPHER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 25 May 1818. He married 1 April 1840 with Abby Ann Gee, and was living, in 1883 at Mystic, -" Conn. BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 87 549 VII. JOSEPH SMITH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, 842 Conn., 3 June 1820; married with Mary Sophia 297 Brockway. She died 11 Nov. 1856, aged thirty- eight years, and was buried at Hamburgh. He mar ried (2d) with Almira J. Attwood, who died 18 Feb. 1878, aged fifty-four years, and was buried in the Hamburgh cemetery, in Lyme. He "was living at Lynn, Mass., in 1886. 55° VIII. ELIZABETH HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 11 June 1822; died there 13 April 1845, aged twenty-three. 55i IX. SARAH CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 19 Oct. 1824; married with Alfred P. Beckwith, and lives a mile below Hamburgh, Conn. 333 Children of Jasper and Hannah (Crandall) Brockway : 552 I. LOVISA ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 23 Aug. 1813. 553 II. JULIA EMELINE BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 2 April 181 5. 554 III. HORACE GARDINER BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 7 Jan. 1817. 555 IV. ROBERT SMITH BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 Aug. 1818. 556 V. HENRY BRAYMAN BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 20 April 1820. 557 VI. CARLOS MARCENA BROCKWAY, b. at Lyme, Conn., 15 Feb. 1822. 350 Children of Simeon and Dorcas (Brockway) Reno : 558 I. CLEMENT RENO. . 559 II. PETER RENO. : 560 III. POLLY RENO. 561 IV. NATHANIEL RENO. 562 V. STEPHEN RENO. 563 VI. LYDIA RENO. 564 VII. RENSSELAER RENO. 88 SEVENTH GENERATION Children of Stephen and Anna (Sprong) Brockway : 351 565 I. WILLIAM BROCKWAY. 566 II. DAVID BROCKWAY. 567 III. RENSSELAER BROCKWAY. 568 IV. ANNA BROCKWAY. 569 V. CATHARINE BROCKWAY. 570 VI. MARIA BROCKWAY. 573 Children of Wolston and Martha (Garrison) Brockway : j 325 571 I. DEBORAH, b. at Schodack, N. Y, 7 March 1797 ; died May 28, 1820. 572 II. HARRIET BROCKWAY, b. at . Schodack, N. Y., 17 May 1800; married with Cornelius Haw- LEY. She died 17 April 1849. III. DORCAS BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 17 Sept. 1801; married with Harvey Rogers. She died 28 July 1866. 57i IV. SYLVIA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 7 July 1806; married with George Hollister. She died 20 April 1872. 575 V. ANN MARIA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 6 April 1808; married with Andrew Bedell. 576 VI. JESSE BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 11 March 1804; died there 24 Oct. 1807. 577 VII. SUSAN BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y, 1 April 1810; died 31 Oct. 1882. 578 VIII. ADELINE BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 28 Sept. 1812; married with Jacob N. Smith, and had no children. 579 - IX. JULIET BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., lojan. 1815. 580 X. GEORGE WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 10 Jan. 1820; married with Aman da Burgess. He died 5 Dec. 1884. 581 XI. JANE CORNELIA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 28 April 1817; died there 25 May 1829. BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 89 Children of Jeremiah and Sally (Swift) Brockway : 353 582 I. NATHANIEL BROCKWAY, b. 28 Nov. 1797. He married witli Louise ShiblEY. He died 12 May 1884. 583 II. JOSEPH BROCKWAY, b. 3 Sept. 1799; mar ried with Maria Towne. He died 12 May 1881. 584 III. LYDIA BROCKWAY, b. 1801; married with Jeremiah ShiblEY. She died 25 Aug. 1848. He was born in 1804, and died 1841. 585 IV. JEREMIAH BROCKWAY, b. 1804. He died in 1841. 586 V. JULIA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 20 April 1807; married with Henry Smith, who was born in 1800, and died in 1849. Sne died 10 April 1879. 587 VI. ELIZA BROCKWAY, b. 20 April 1809; mar ried with Thomas Birdsall. 588 VII. SYLVIA BROCKWAY, b. March 1811; mar ried with Nicholas Husted. 589 VIII. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. 7 Aug. 1813; married with Lewis Walker, and married (2d) with Jeremiah Shibley. She died 20 March 1881. 59° IX. SALLY BROCKWAY, b. 20 Aug. 1815; mar ried with Lorenzo Reed. Married (2d) with Henry Weiderwax. 59i X. JESSE BROCKWAY, b. 10 Aug. 1820. 355 Children of David and Betsey (Rogers) Brockway : 592 I. MILO BROCKWAY. . 0^— 593 II. ELIZA BROCKWAY. j) ,\^l;-. % &Xy QL III. HARRIET BROCKWAY, married with -WM. .v-61 -i 594 > AlvERSON, and dwelt in New Haven, Conn., iu 1883. 595 IV. JULIA BROCKWAY. aw. fl :. .- ' „<^-- 596 V. NATHANIEL BROCKWAY, was living at -. 1 New Haven, Conn., in 1883. V.>oL '.v~-v>! VIII. MARIA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y. , and died in infancy. Children of Ephraim and Eunice (Follansby) Brockway : 655 IX. HENRY LAFAYETTE BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 23 June 1825; died 8 Feb. 1865, aged thirty-nine years, seven months, and sixteen days. 656 X. ORVILLE HURD BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 15 Dec. 1826. 657 XL ORAMINTHY BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y. 7 April 1828 ; died there 25 Aug. 1829, aged one year, four months, and eighteen days. 658 XII. JANE EVELINE BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 30 Dec. 1829. 659 XIII. MARY ANGELINE BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 24 April 1832. 660 XIV. ELIZABETH ANTOINETTE BROCK WAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 4 Sept. 1834 ; married 6 365 904 BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 95 Nov. 1861, with her cousin, David Henry Brock way. 661 XV. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. at Troy, N. Y., 19 April 1837. 662 XVI. JOSEPH WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. at j Troy, N. Y., 4 April 1839 ; and died there 23 Nov. 1839, aged seven months and nineteen days. 688 666 667 668 Children of Artemas and Desire (Dillay) Brockway : 663 j I. BROCKWAY ; died in infancy. 664 i II. — — BROCKWAY ; died in infancy. 665 ! III. HARRIET BROCKWAY, b. 9 Sept. 1814, though the family record says 1816 ; married with Joseph Hall, and they were living 'at Pilot Knob, Adams Co., Wis., in 1885, and he died there 12 Oct. j 1886. Have one son, Joseph. IV. NANCY ANN BROCKWAY, b. 22 May 1816 ; married at Burlington, N. Y., with Aaron Terry. They settled at Cambridge, 111., where she died in Nov. 1864. V. JULIA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 12 Sept. 1817. VI. JOSEPH BOYINGTON BROCKWAY, b. at Burlington, Otsego, Co., N. Y., 20 Oct. 1819 ; a joiner and farmer; married at Berkshire, N. Y. , 4 Feb. 1841, with Amanda Winship, daughter of Luke Bates and Cynthia (Ball) Winship, of Berk shire, where she was born 25 Dec. 1816. 669 VII. ALMIRA BROCKWAY, b. 4 March 1821 ; died 29 March 1832. VIII. BROCKWAY, twin, b. 20 March, 1823 > died. 671 IX. EMMA BROCKWAY, twin, b. 20 March, 1823 ; married with Henry L Browne. She was living at Cobleskill, N. Y. in 1890. 672 X. LAURA BROCKWAY, b. 18 June 1824 ; married with Carter. She died at Smithport, Penn., 12 Jan. 1855. 366 889 96 SEVENTH GENERATION 673 674 675 676677 678679680 ,681 682 683684685 686 687 XI. ARTEMAS BROCKWAY, b. 2 March 1826 ; married 4 Nov. 1847, with MELISSA , who was born 4 Nov. 1831 ; was living at Corning, in 1890. Children of Artemas and Angelina ( ) Brockway : XII. JULIA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 1 Nov. 1842. XIII. MARY ELLEN BROCKWAY, b. 28 Nov. 1845. XIV. LYDIA A. BROCKWAY, b. 3 Nov. 1847. XV. PHEBE E. BROCKWAY, b. 27 Dec. 1851. Children of Ammi and Laura (Brockway) Phillips : I. GEORGE PHILLIPS. II. HENRY PHILLIPS. III. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, a harness maker, set tled in Elmira, N. Y. IV. RUSSELL PHILLIPS. Children of Joseph and Atty (Follansby) Brockway : I. JESSE JOSEPH BROCKWAY, b. at Scho- N. Y., 9 Dec. 1822 ; married 16 April 1846, with Sarah Ann Roberts. They were living at Burton, Mich., in Jan. 1886 ; six children. II. ELIZABETH JANE BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y. , 19 Oct. 1824 i married there 2 Feb. 1853, with William H. Harder. III. LAURA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y, 3 Oct. 1826; married at Troy, N. Y., 28 Dec. 1854, with Martin Jones. IV CHARLES BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 30 Oct. 1828 ; married at Erin, Chemung Co., N. Y., 24 Dec. 1851, with Lucinda Park. She died 7 Jan. 1883. He married (2d) 1885. V. JULIA ANN BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1830 ; married there 29 March 1853, with Jacob S. Gardinier. He died 30 Sept. 1880. VI. MARY BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 366 367 368 894 899 902 NOTE TO NO. 688. ANCESTRY OF DAVID HENRY BROCKWAY AND HIS WIFE. , '— j iF'5. i . J: a" w "¦"eon:, o. at- Witbeck, m Holstein. and was at Beverwyck before '"c New Amsterdam. Van Buren. I * «awsa — --tsmw.wi»* ^:WsJw^^U bany N. Y., 30 Oct. 1710; m. 1 April 1738, with Magtel Wyn- gaart, who was buried 9 Sept.1746. 'ssrrj'ssfe &.» SeptTTe^id'.o7rDfcu^e2: b- l5 Jan- i bap. at Albany, N. Y., 9. Jan' !<.»; m. about 1751 as second wife. trsx!^TrttiD» b-at **-* EveTurck.=George Follansby, b. IMarch 1778. At'ty Follansby b 9 Nov 173764765 Children of Henry and Adelaide (Averill) Brockway : I. ALICE JEANNETTE BROCKWAY, b. 28 May 1856; married 24 Oct. 1878, with Albert L. Stone, who was born 7 Sept. 1852. II. ANNA BOSTWICK BROCKWAY, b. Feb. 1862. III. BEMAN BURBAN BROCKWAY, b. 1867; and died 16 Feb. 1872. 414 17 in Children of Thaddeus Sobieski and Harriet (Goodrich) Ways: I. ANN ELLICOT WAYS, b. 27 May 1842; died 5 Nov. 1874. II. CHARLES BROCKWAY WAYS, b. 19 Oct. 1847; died 4 April 1848. III. THADDEUS GOODRICH WAYS, b. 11 June 1856; died 7 Jan. 1882. 418 104 . 766767 768 i 769 1 I 770 771 , 772 773 774 775 776 EIGHTH GENERATION Children of William and Caroline (Mann) Bell: 420 I. AUGUSTA MANN BELL, b. 28 Dec. 1854; 951 married 26 Oct. 1881, with Wilbur Fiske Small- wood, who was born 18 July 1853. II. MARY NORTON BELL, b. 6 Dec. i860; died 21 Sept. 1863. III. CLARA MANN BELL, b. 22 Dec. 1862; 1 died 23 Sept. 1863. i IV. CAROLINE MANN BELL, b. 9 April. 1866. | V. WILLIAM JEREMIAH BELL,b.2oNov.i873- 421 Child of Lucius G. and Lydia Ann (Mann) Hamilton : I. CHARLES MANN HAMILTON, b. 23 Jan. 1874. Child of James M. and Mary Sterrett (Brockway) Williams: I. LOIS BROCKWAY WILLIAMS, b. 26 Nov. 1882. Children of Frederick Burban and Emma Lavon (Cushman) Brockway : I. BYRON B. BROCKWAY, b. 24 Dec. 1878. II. MAY CUSHMAN BROCKWAY, b. 20 June Children of John Hall and Flavia Field (Colton) Brockway: I. EMELINE COLTON BROCKWAY, b. at .El lington, Conn. , 5 Dec. 1829 ; and was living at Berk ley, Cal., in Jan. 1888. II. LOUISA WELLS BROCKWAY, b. at El lington, Conn. , 29 April, 1833 ; married there 3 Sept. 1863, with Martin Kellogg, son of Deacon Allyn and Eliza (White) Kellogg, of Vernon, Conn., where he was born 15 March 1828. He graduated at Yale College in 1850, and at Union Theological Seminary, 422 423 428 953 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y. 105 N. Y., in 1854 ; pastor of the Congregational Church in Grass Valley, Nevada Co. , Cal. , and afterward of Oakland, Gal. ; was elected a professor in the College of California, about i860, and when that institution was merged in the University of California, in 1868, he was one of the first two professors elected in the University, that of Ancient Languages, which he held for some years, and was then elected Professor of Latin Language and Literature, which he still holds, in June 1888, residing at Berkley. III. MARY FIELD BROCKWAY, b. at Elling- 954 ton, Conn., 3 March 1839 ; married 23 Jan. 1873, with George Dickson Metcalf, a lawyer, who grad uated at Yale College in 1870 ; and they were living at Berkley, Cal. , in Jan. 1888, and he practiced in Oakland. He was son of Dr. John Milton and Mary Isabella ( ) Metcalf, and was born in Macoupin, Co., 111., 30 Sept., 1847. Children of Edgar and Louisa B. (Luther) Brockway : 482 778 FRANK E. BROCKWAY, died 25 Nov. i860, aged seven years and three months. 779 II. LINNIE BROCKWAY; daughter, died 1 Nov. i860, aged four years and eight months. 780 III. BROCKWAY; infant, died 29 Sept. 1862, aged three days. These records are all on one stone, in the South Cemetery in Hadlyme, Conn. Children of Thomas Henry and Eliza (Newell) Brockway: 4342 781 I. LATHROP NEWELL BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y, 19 Feb. 1854 ; married 18 July 1883, with Ida Augusta Many, who was born 9 Oct. 1855, daughter of Daniel J. and Sarah Many. They had a daughter born in 1888. 782 IL WILLIAM HENRY BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y, 13 Jan. 1856; married 17 Feb. 1875, with Sarah Boon, who was born 6 Jan. 1855. io6 EIGHTH GENERATION 783 III. EMILY CHRISTINA BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y. , 16 Jan. 1861 ; married there 18 Nov. 1886, with Edward Byington Dana, son of George and Lucy (Byington) Dana. He was born at Belpre, Ohio, 28 Oct. 1857, and graduated at Marietta Col lege in 1879. She has one daughter. 784 IV. FANNY ELIZA BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y., 5 Sept. 1863; died at Muskegon, Mich., 16 May 1888. 785 V. THOMAS CLINTON BROCKWAY ; twin, b. at Clinton N. Y., 17 Dec. 1869. 786 VI. CLARA TRAVOR BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Clinton, N. Y., 17 Dec. 1869. ;: VII. SIDNEY STEWART BROCKWAY, b. at Clinton, N. Y. , 13 March, 1876. 788 789 890 891 892 Children of Asahel Norton and Harriet Angeline (Bonestell) Brockway: I. HARRIET LOUISA BROCKWAY, b. 29 July 1864. II. ROBERT NORTON BROCKWAY, b. 2 Sept. 1867. 4343 Children of Stephen Dwight and Anice (Fougesee) Freeman : I. FRANK STEPHEN FREEMAN, b. at Mari posa, Cal., 27 Dec. 1867; and was living at Scranton, Penn., in April 1888. II. WALTER DWIGHT FREEMAN, b. at Mari posa, Cal., 12 June 1869, and was living at Camden, N. J., in April 1888. III. ALBERT DWIGHT FREEMAN, b. at Mariposa, Cal., about Oct. 1870, and died there of hemorrhage of the lungs, 11 March 1871, aged five months. 893 Children of Reed Brockway and Lizzie Rizpah (Fisher) Freeman : I. LOUIS REED FREEMAN, b. at Bingham- 497 502 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 107 ton, N. Y., 7 Jan. 1869; and was living there in April 1888. 794 II. HARVEY CHAUNCEY FREEMAN, b. at Binghamton, N. Y., 9 Sept. 1870; and was living j there in April 1888. 504 Children of John Charles and Emma (Belden) Freeman : 795 L.JOHN DWIGHT FREEMAN, b. 31 March 1871. 796 II. GERTRUDE FREEMAN, b. 18 May 1872 ; died 11 Sept. 1872. 797 III. CHARLOTTE FREEMAN, b. 11 Sept. 1873. 798 IV. MARY FREEMAN, b. 3 Nov. 1875. 799 V. HENRY FREEMAN, b. 4 Nov. 1879. i 800 VI. EDMUND FREEMAN, b. 23 May 1886 ; died 21 Aug. 1886, 512 Children of Henry Tracy and Sainantha Caroline (Brockway) Comstock : 801 I. LAURA COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 19 June 1846 ; married 11 Oct. 1870, with Brevet Col. James Allen Bates, a native of Scotland. 802 II. CARRIE COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 8 Sept. 1848 ; died 20 July 1858. 803 III. GRACE COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 25 Jan. 1851 ; married 17 May 1882, with Frederick Stanley Seymour. They have no children. 804 IV. JENNIE COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 1 June 1853; died 29 Jan. 1864. : 805 V. HENRY BROCKWAY COMSTOCK, b. at Hadlyme, Conn. , 23 Nov. 1855 : died 23 Nov. i860. 806 VI. OLIVER HENRY COMSTOCK, b. at Had lyme, Conn. , 27 Nov. 1863 ; died 18 March 1866. 513 Children of Zebulon Reed and Jane (Woodhouse) Brockway: 807 I. EMMA BROCKWAY, b. at Albany, N. Y., 2 964 108 EIGHTH GENERATION Aug. 1854; married at Elmira, N. Y., 16 Nov. 1881, with Frank Marlette Blossom, son of Nathan Hopkins and Mary Ann (Marlette) Blossom, of Ro chester, N. Y., where he was born 1 Feb. 1844. 80S II. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. at Rochester, N. Y., 27 Dec. 1856; and was living at Elmira, N. Y., in June 1888. Children of Hugh Blair and Alida (Young) Brockway : 514 809 I. GRACE BROCKWAY, b. at New Salem, Albany Co. , N. Y. , and died there while on a visit. 810 II. LOUISE BROCKWAY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn. ; married with William Ellsbre. 811 III. BLANCHE BROCKWAY, b. at Hadlyme, Conn., 8 Aug. 1862 ; married in All Saints Church, Providence, R. I. , 20 Aug. 1885, with Edgar Wil son Chapman, who was born at Westerly, R. I., 12 Sept. 1852, son of Sumner and Sarah (Brightman) Chapman. They were living at Westerly, in June 1888. 812 IV. MARY BROCKWAY, familiarly called "Meena," b. at Hadlyme, Conn.; married with William Nye. 813 V. HELEN SCOTT BROCKWAY, b. at De troit, Michigan. 814 VI. ELIZABETH MARIA BROCKWAY, famil iarly called "Bessie," b. at Detroit, Michigan. Childtertgs? Wilbur Fisk and Amelie (— — ) Brockway: 515 815 I. NELLIE BROCKWAY is married and has two children. 816 II. BROCKWAY, a daughter; died. Children of Osmer Willis and Fannie (Brockway) Fay : " 517 817 I. FANNIE BELLE FAY. 818 II. ALICE FAY. 819 III. EUNICE FAY. BROCKWA Y FAMILY. 109 Children of Orin Southmayd and Janette Frances (Brockway) Miner: :-'.-:o I. SOUTHMAYD HALLAM MINER, b. 10 Jan. i860, and died 20 Oct. i860, aged nine months and ten days. s.m II. HATTIE MARIA MINER, b. 31 Dec. 1861 ; married in May 1881, with Charles Eugene Brainerd, and had a daughter, Janette Brainerd, b. 8 Nov. 1882. III. FREDERICK ORIN MINER, b. 17 July 1864. IV CLARENCE CATHWOOD MINER, b. 10 Aug. 1866. V. WILLIE MINER, b. 28 Jan. 1870. 519 825 826827 828829 830831 832 Children of Charles Carroll and Emerette Mary (Brockway) Miner: I. CARRIE LUCADON MINER, b. 28 Feb. 1868. II. ABBY MARIA MINER, b. 23 Aug. 1870. III. GRACE LEE MINER, b. 7 Nov. 1877. Children of John Wesley and Carrie Arminda (Martin) Brockway : I. WILBUR WELLS BROCKWAY, b. 18 Sept. 1876, and died 29 May 1877, aged eight months. II. MABEL MARTIN BROCKWAY, b. 4 June 1878. III. FANNIE .LUTHER BROCKWAY, b. 18 May 1880, and died 13 Oct. 1881, aged a year and a half. IV. JULIA ETTA BROCKWAY, b. 14 Nov. 1882. Children of Lee Luther and Isabel Asenath (Phelps) Brockway : I. GEORGE LEE BROCKWAY, b. 10 Nov. 1875 ; died 3 Dec. 1875, aged three weeks. 523 524 525 no EIGHTH GENERATION 833 II. CARRIE BELL BROCKWAY, b. 13 Sept. 1877- Child of Llewellyn and Eva Ann (Brockway) Comstock : 834 I. LLEWELLYN COMSTOCK, b. 29 March 1876, and died 4 July 1881. 526 835836 837838839 840841 842 843 844 855 Children of Frank and Jesse Ella (Brockway) Lewis : I. CHARLES L. LEWIS, b. 21 Dec. 1878. II. ELLA P. LEWIS, b. 5 Jan. 1881. 527 Children of Charles Elias Levingston (and first wife) Brockway : I. CHARLES JULIUS BROCKWAY, b. 1835 ; died 1867, aged thirty-two years. II. EDWARD A. BROCKWAY, b. 1838 ; died 1842, aged four years. III. CHRISTOPHER C. BROCKWAY, b. 1843 ; was living in 1883. Children of Charles Elias Levingston and Caroline M. (Rogers) Brockway : IV. EMMA C. BROCKWAY, b. about 1849. V. ISAIAH M. BROCKWAY, b. about 1850. Children of Joseph Smith and Mary Sophia (Brockway) Brockway : I. KATHLEEN BROCKWAY, b. 1845 5 died 20 Jan. 1872, aged twenty-six years. Hamburgh ceme tery. II. J. ERVEN BROCKWAY, b. 1847 5 died 10 March 1870, in twenty-third year. His gravestone in the Hamburgh cemetery calls him ' 'only son. ' ' HI. BROCKWAY, b, April 1849; died 11 May 1849, aged two weeks. IV. BROCKWAY; son, b. Sept. 1856; died 6 Nov. 1856, aged six weeks. 524 545 549 297 BROCKWA Y TAMIL Y. in Children of Chauncey Porter and Ruth Ann (Manning) Brockway: 846 _I. ELCEA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 27 Nov. 1827; married 5 Nov. 1845, with Abraham Flagler. II. JESSE RENSSELAER BROCKWAY, b. 11 " Dec. 1829, at Schodack Centre, N. Y. III. SYLVIA BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack Cen tre, N. Y., 12 June 1831 ; married 19 Dec. 1849, with Henry Mesick Best, who was born at Clifton Park, N. Y. 849 IV. JOHN POCKMAN BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack Centre, N. Y. , 1 March 1833 ; married 8 Jan. 1874, with Jennie Blue. He was living in 1883, at Vining, Clay Co., Kansas. 850 V. CONTENT BROCKWAY, b. 6 Sept. 1834 ; married 8 Sept. 1858, with Nathan Garnsey Peck, who was born at Clifton Park, N. Y. VI. CHARLES SIMEON BROCKWAY, b. 21 April 1837 ; died 10 June 1838, at Clifton Park, N. Y. VII. CYNTHIA EMILY BROCKWAY, b. at Clifton Park, N. Y. , 27 July 1839; married 3 Dec. 1862, with S. W. Pearsall. 853 VIII. ALBERT LADUE BROCKWAY, b. at Clifton Park, N. Y, n Sept. 1841 ; married 16 Dec. 1874 ; with Mary E. Simpson. IX. ARZELIA BREWSTER BROCKWAY, b. n Feb. 1845; died 11 July 1845, at Clifton Park, N. Y. X. DORA ALVIRA BROCKWAY, b. at Clifton Park, N. Y., 30 May 1851 ; married 14 Jan. 1874, with P. J. Brown. 606 Children of Simeon George and Lydia Maria (Brockway) Roraback : 856 L JANE ELIZA RORABACK, b. at South Schodack, N. Y., 26 Nov. 1826; married there 18 Oct. 1844, with Henry Miller, a farmer, son of Abraham and Katy (Roraback) Miller, of Schodack, 607 966 112 EIGHTH GENERATION where he was born, and died. She was living with her parents, in Jan. 1886. 857 II. JESSE BROCKWAY RORABACK, b. at South Schodack, N. Y., 10 Sept. 1828; a farmer ; married with Catharine Schermerhorn, daugh ter of Ryer and Alida (Miller) Schermerhorn. They settled at South Schodack, next door to his parents, and were living there in Jan. 1886. 858 III. JAMES RORABACK, b. at South Schodack, N. Y., 28 March 1831. He settled in Albany, N. Y., and was living there in Jan. 1886, engaged in build ing machinery for pressing hay. , 968 859 860 861 862 863 864 Children of Elisha C. and Orpha Terry (Brockway) Conklin: 611 I. MARY JANE CONKLIN, b. 3 March 1833 ; 969 married 4 April 18^7 with Edward Vincent Carr. _ II. MATTHEW CONKLIN, b. 30 Dec. 1834 ; mar- 9> ' ried 22 Nov. 1861, with Adrianna H. Kinney. III. EMILY FRANCES CONKLIN, b. 3 March '- 1837; married 5 July 1862, with Charles M. Greg ory. She died 15 July 1883. IV JESSE BROCKWAY CONKLIN, b. 4 April 976 1839; married 18 Dec. 1866, with Ida Roberts, who died 22 Dec. 1867. He married (2d) 12 Sept! 1871. with Mary Thomas. V. HENRIETTA EUGENIA IDA ESTELLE CONKLIN, b. 28 June 1841 ; married 1 Feb. 1875, with Henry G. Dixon. They have no children. VI. GEORGE BROCKWAY VAN HOESEN 978 CONKLIN, b. 17 June 1846; married 8 June 1866, with Adelaide Wright, and after her death, with Sarah Wells. Children of Garret H. and Deidamia Eudora (Brockway) C13 Fosmire : •%5 I. CHARLES HENRY FOSMIRE, b. 31 Dec. •)*?. 1857 ; married 29 Oct. 1879, with Minnie DeWitt BROCKWA Y FAMILY. "3 Bush, who was born 10 May 1859. They settled at Charlotte, Mich" 614 Child of Martin and Dorcas Ann (Brockway) Strever : 866 I. ESTHER CONTENT STREVER, b. 26 Oct. 1861 ; married 3 Dec. 1884, with William Harris Elliot, who. was born 27 July 1858. They settled i at East Greenbush, N. Y. 615 1 Child of Abner and Mary Jane (Brockway) Wade : 867 I. DEIDAMIA EUDORA^ BROCKWAY WADE, b. 28 Sept. 1844 > married 22 Dec. 1875, with William LEE Vandenbergh, who was born 6 Feb. 984 1842. They settled at Schodack Centre, N. Y. 622 Children of Asbury and Harriet (Davis) Hibbard : 1 868 I. HENRY HIBBARD went to Virginia before the war of 1861. 869 II. SIBYL HIBBARD married with John Bunce, .and lived in Henry street New York city, in 1885. 870 III. LOUISA HIBBARD; married; is a widow in New York city. 871 IV. HIBBARD, a daughter ; married with T}T*T"nr*TT''P vrlin lrotvf" i Iity^t" "tililr* in "Pi ft" JJlVl LJ'^rXlviS.. W1HJ rvL UL a. il VCI. V 0UJ.UIL 111 JL 1LL0* field, Mass. He died, and she and her sons continued the business. 872 V. WILLIAM HIBBARD settled in West Vir ginia. 632 Children of Smith Payne and Minerva (Northrup) Brockway : 873 I. WILLIAM NORTHRUP BROCKWAY, b. at Cortland, N. Y., 6 June 1829 5 married at Preble, N. Y., 23 Oct. i860, with Edith Hine, who was born 22 Oct. 1836, at Preble, daughter of William and Phebe Hine. They settled at Homer, N. Y. , where he died on Thursday evening, 24 Oct. 1889, aged 987 ii4 EIGHTH GENERATION sixty years. The following resolutions of respect were adopted by the citizens of Homer 25 October 1889: First. That in the death of Mr. Brockway, our village has lost one of its most enterprising business men, whose abilities and tact have builded in our midst a large, successful and permanent manu facturing establishment, giving employment to hundreds of labor ing men, and benefiting and enriching our whole community. Second. That we recognize in Mr. Brockway's remarkable career those splendid qualities of pluck, nerve, determination, practical sagacity, and sterling honor, which won the confidence of business men in all parts of the United States, triumphed over all obstacles and layed deeply and firmly the foundations and builded high the superstructure of a great business establishment in our midst, which has blessed thousands of our people, and promises much good in the future. Third. That our sorrow is intensified by the fact that death has removed him at the very time when his indomitable energy had triumphed over all obstacles ; wealth had been accumulated, and the enjoyment thereof seemed at hand. Fourth. That we extend to his family our sympathy in their deep affliction. Fifth. That as a mark of our respect and admiration for Mr. Brpckway, and as a token of the gratitude which the people of this village justly feel toward him, we cause these resolutions to be printed in the newspapers of our county, and that the president of this village cause the same to be engrossed, and that he present them to the family of the deceased. 874 II. MARY HELEN BROCKWAY, b. 26 Feb. 183 1 ; married with William Phillips. 875 III. ANGELINE JANETTE BROCKWAY, b. 24 July 1835 ; died 31 Dec. 1878 ; married with Charles Shopbell. 876 IV. EMMA JANE BROCKWAY, b. 3 Nov. 1837; married with Joseph Ensworth. 877 V. HENRY SMITH BROCKWAY, b. at Groton, 992 N. Y. , 19 Nov. 1839 ; baptized and joined the M. E. Church, at Homer, N. Y., 1 April 1865 ; married at Homer, 16 Oct. 1867, with Frances Louisa Hoyt, who was born 19 July 1842, at Port Jervis, N. Y. , daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Banister) Hoyt. She was baptized and joined the M. E. Church, at Homer, 20 July 1862. He was brought up in the cabinet and undertaking business, and was, in ii /fe&^ Jr£r*cJe* SzuC, V BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y "5 Superintendent of William N. Brockway's carriage factory, and resided at Homer. 878 VI. THOMAS ROCKWELL BROCKWAY, b. 5 Dec. 1841 ; died 28 Oct. 1842. 642 Child of George and Sarah (Garrison) VanHoesen: -79 I. JOHN VAN HOESEN, was living with his fath l er, at Greenwood, Mc Henry Co. , 111. , in Nov. 1885. 644 i Children of Francis W. and Laura (Garrison) Barlow : 880 I. BARLOW, a daughter. 881 II. BARLOW, a daughter. Children of David Henry and Elizabeth (Payne) Garrison: 645 | 882 I. MARY ANN GARRISON, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 4 March 1884; married with William Henry Hoage, and was living at New Utrecht, L. I. , in Nov. 1885, without children. 1 C83 II. CORDELIA GARRISON, b. at Schodack, Aug. 1845, and died, aged five years. 884 1 III. CLARISSA GARRISON, b. at Schodack, 16 Aug. 1853 5 married with James Carman. They were living at No. 5 Green Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., in Nov. 1885, without children. 885 IV. FANNY GARRISON, b. at Schodack, N. Y. ; died, aged three years. 886 V. ORESTES GARRISON, b. at Schodack, N. Y. , 26 Aug. 1858 ; a farmer ; married with Belinda Lodowyck, daughter of Henry and (Van Sin- deren) Lodowyck. He was living at Schodack, in Nov. 1885, without children, on the farm which has been owned and occupied by his father, his grandfather, and his great grandfather, before him. Henry Gar rison was the first settler on it. 887 VI. ELMA GARRISON, b. at Schodack, N. Y., Aug. 1864 ; married with Aaron Putman, and was n6 EIGHTH GENERATION living at East Greenbush, in Nov. 1885, about thirty rods from her father's house. 88H VII. FRANK BARLOW GARRISON, b. at Schodack, N. Y. , Aug. 1867 ; was living with his father, at East Greenbush, N. Y, in Nov. 1885. Children of Joseph Boyington and Amanda (Winship) 668 Brockway: 889 I. LLEWELLYN BROCKWAY, b. at Berkshire, N. Y., 31 Dec. 1841. 890 II. FRANCIS EDWIN BROCKWAY, b. at Berk- 994 shire, N. Y. , 10 Sept. 1844 ; married at Newark Val ley, N. Y., 27 Sept. 1865, with Sarah Isabella Lincoln, daughter of Otis and Sarah (Slosson) Lin coln, of Newark Valley, where she was born 25 June 1842. See the Whitney Family of Connecticut, p. 1582. They settled in Owego, N. Y, and were living there, at 24 Paige street, in March 1890. He was then teller of the First National Bank of Owego, and the finan cial author of this book. 891 III. MARY ADELE BROCKWAY, b. at Athens, Penn., 10 Aug. 1848; married at Berkshire, N. Y., 21 Sept. 1870, with Charles M. Perrigo, a miller, of Dryden, N. Y. 892 IV. GEORGE W. BROCKWAY, b. at Athens, Penn., 30 Nov. 1851 ; died 25 Aug. 1852. 893 V. EMILY BROCKWAY, b. 11 Sept. 1853 ; died 11 April 1854. * Children of William H. and Elizabeth Jane (Brockway) 683 Harder : 894 I. ANN AMELIA HARDER; married with Philip Alutry. 865 II. DAVID H. HARDER; unmarried. 896 III. MARY JANE HARDER; married with James F. Chamberlain. 897 IV JAMES W. HARDER ; married with Hattie Cobb. BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y. 117 8g8 899 900901 i 902 ! 903 1 904 905906 907. 908909 910 V. ELIZABETH A. HARDER; marrried with John Price. 685 686688660 692 • Children of Charles and Lucinda (Park) Brockway: I. FLETCHER W. BROCKWAY ; married with Frances Wheat. He married (2d) with Fanny II. ROSALIND BROCKWAY; married with Isaac Rumsey. III. ELIZA BROCKWAY ; married with Judson . Tupper. Children of Jacob S. and Julia Ann (Brockway) Gardinier: I. CHARLES GARDINIER; married with Hattie Haight. II. ATTY GARDINIER ; married with Richard L. Roberts. Child of David Henry and Antoinette (Brockway) Brockway: I. JOSEPH D. BROCKWAY, b. at Schodack, N. Y., 29 Dec. 1863. Children of Lyman and Amanda Malvina (Bartram) Reynolds: I. EDWARD MERRITT REYNOLDS. II. CHARLES COLEMAN REYNOLDS, died unmarried. III. SUSAN MARIA REYNOLDS. IV. JOSEPH REYNOLDS. V. CHARLOTTE REYNOLDS, b. at Sharon, Conn. , 8 June 1845. She married with'Mr. Honour, and settled on the homestead of her grandfather and great-grandfather, in Sharon. VI. LUCY AMELIA REYNOLDS. n8 NINTH GENERATION BROCKWAY FAMILY, NINTH GENERATION. Children of Hiram H. and Ophelia (Black) Knox : 9n I. CURTIS HENRY KNOX, b. 20 Oct. 1849 ; died 15 March 1855. 913 II. MINNIE A. KNOX, b. 15 Feb. 1864. 708 Children of Emerson W. and Charlott E. (Herrick) Oatley : 714 913 I. G. WELLS OATLEY, b. 30 Aug. 1856. 9i4 II. WALTER HERRICK OATLEY, b. 2 May 1858. 915 III. LOTTIE ELIZA OATLEY, b. 11 July i860; died 9 April 1869. 916 IV. ROSE GERTRUDE OATLEY ; twin, b. 9 March 1865. 917 V RUTH GAYLORD OATLEY; twin, b. 9 March 1865 ; died 14 Aug. 1867, 918 VI. FREDERICK LUCIEN OATLEY, b. 9 Aug. 186*7. Children of Henry Knox and Sarah E. (Park) Herrick : 715 9*9 I. HATTIE PARK HERRICK, b. 25 Aug. 1863. 920 II. JENNIE MARY HERRICK, b. 10 Sept. 1864; married 13 Dec. 1883, with Walter B. Holcomb. 921 III. SADIE EMILY HERRICK, b. 18 Nov. 1875- BROCKWA y'fAMIL Y. 119 Children of Emory C. and Ursula Maria (Herrick) Hawes: 716 922 I. MAY LIZZIE HAWES, b. 26 July 1862 ; died 8 Feb. 1868. 923 II. EMORY WESSON HAWES, b. 1 Feb. 1864. 924 III. HARRY LUTHEN HAWES, b. 31 May 1869. 925 IV. LEON EDWARD HAWES, b. 17 Feb. 1873. Child of William R. and Emma Louise (Herrick) Nye : 717 926 I. THEODORE HERRICK NYE, b. 30 June 1871. 718 Children of James and Mary Elizabeth (Herrick) Richards: 927 I. EMMA LOUISE RICHARDS, b. 18 Dec. 1865. 928 II. LOUIS HERRICK RICHARDS, b. 24 Jan. 1869. 929 III. LENA MAY RICHARDS, b. 22 Jan. 1880. Children of George D. and Melissa Blair (Herrick) Nye : 720 93° I. G. ARTHUR NYE, b. 19 Dec. 1871. / 93 1 II. BESSIE HERRICK NYE, b. 17 March 1873. 932 III. ISABELLA MELISSA NYE, b. 5 Oct. 1877. 933 IV. PAUL THOMAS NYE, b. 22 July 1879. 934 V. VAIL ELLIOT NYE, b. 2 Nov. 1881. Children of William and Julia (Sherwood) Very : 724 935 I. EDITH VERY, b. 5 April 1866. 936 II. SUSAN VERY, b. 13 July 1869. 937 III. BESSIE VERY, b. 29 March 1872. 120 NINTH GENERATION 938 939 94o941 942 943 944 Child of Jefferson Warner and Martha H. (Orchard) Brockway : I. FLORA ORCHARD BROCKWAY, b. 29 Jan. 1883. 746 Children of Henry L. and Elizabeth Gertrude (Brockway) Lamb: I. ROBERT BROCKWAY LAMB, b. 4 Aug. 1869. II. LAURENCE BIGELOW LAMB, b. 22 Oct. 1871. III. ARTHUR WARNER LAMB, b. 12 Nov. 1873 ; died 8 Aug, 1879. IV. ELIZABETH WARNER LAMB, b. 21 May 1876. V. BERTHA LAMB, b. 11 July 1879. Child of Victor Horace and Mary Asenath (Wood) Greeley: I. WILLIE C. GREELEY. 747 754 Children of George William and Euretta Evalena (Greeley) 755 Chapman : 945 I. GEORGE H. CHAPMAN, b. 25 Aug. 1873. 946 II. EUGENIA CHAPMAN, b. Nov. 1874. Children of Richard A. and Euretta Evalena (Greeley) Rice: 755 947 HI- GEORGE H. RICE, b. 29 Dec. 1880. 948 IV. RICHARD A. RICE. 949 95o Children of Frederick W. and Susan M. (Judd) Brockway : I. WILSON JUDD BROCKWAY, b. 18 April 1880. Children of Albert L. and Alice Jeanette (Brockway) Stone : I. FRANK AVERILL STONE, b. 11 Oct. 1880. 756 760 BROCKWA Y TAMIL Y. 121 Child of Wilbur Fiske and Augusta Mann (Bell) Smallwood: I. JOHN BELL SMALLWOOD, b. 19 Sept. 1882. 766 Children of Martin and Louisa Wells (Brockway) Kellogg: 952 I. GRACE HALL KELLOGG, b. 26 Aug. 1865 ; died 17 Oct. 1865. 953 II. NORMAN BROCKWAY KELLOGG, b. 29 1 Aug. 1867 ; died 25 Nov. 1867. 776 Children of George Dickson and Mary Field (Brockway) Metcalf: : ,i I. JOHN BROCKWAY METCALF, b. 15 Nov. 1874. 955 II. PEYTON WYETH METCALF, b. 1 Feb. 1877. 956 HI. ERNEST EDWIN METCALF, b. 28 Jan. 1878 ; died 30 Oct. 1878. 957 | IV MARTIN KELLOGG METCALF b. 28 i Feb. 1881. 777 Children of William Henry and Sarah (Boon) Brockway: 958 I. HARRY LATHROP BROCKWAY, b. 8 Feb. 1876. 959 II. MABEL ELOISE BROCKWAY, b. 22 Sept. 1877. 960 III. FLORA MAY BROCKWAY, b. 12 July 1879. 961 IV. ROBERT CLINTON BROCKWAY, b. 11 June 1883. 962 V. WILLIAM FREDERICK BROCKWAY, b. 26 Feb. 1886. 963 VI. CARL WOLSTON BROCKWAY, b. 1 May 1888. 782 122 NINTH GENERATION Children of Frank Marlette and Emma (Brockway) Blossom: £07 964 I. MADELINE BLOSSOM, b. at the Reformatory, in Elmira, N. Y, 30 Sept. 1884. 965 II. FRANK BROCKWAY BLOSSOM, b. at 120 West Second street, Elmira, N. Y. , 4 Feb. 1887. Children of Henry and Jane Eliza (Roraback) Miller : 856 966 I. SIMEON GEORGE MILLER ; married. II. CHARLES ISAAC MILLER ; married. 967 Child of Jesse Brockway and Catharine (Schermerhorn) 857 Roraback: 968 I. CHAUNCEY RORABACK. Children of Edward Vincent and Mary Jane (Conklin) Carr: 859 969 I. FRANK CONKLIN CARR, b. 5 May i860. 970 II. MINNIE EVELYN CARR, b. 13 March 1862. Children bf Matthew and Adrianna H. (Kinney) Conklin: 860 971 I. ELBERT E. CONKLIN, b. 6 Sept. 1863, at Jamesville, Onondaga Co., N. Y. 972 II. HARRY T. CONKLIN, b. 13 Oct. 1866, at Jamesville, Onondaga Co. , N. Y. Children of Charles M. and Emily Frances (Conklin) Gregory: 861 973 I. JOHN PERCY GREGORY, b. 4 May 1865. 974 II. ORPHA BELLE GREGORY, b. 17 Aug. 1867. 975 III. GEORGE CONKLIN GREGORY, b. 13 Aug. 1875. Child of Jesse Brockway and Ida (Roberts) Conklin: 862 976 I. JESSE I. CONKLIN, b. 6 Dec. 1867, at James ville, Onondaga Co., N. Y. BROCKWA Y TAMIL Y. 123 977 978 979980981 Child of Jesse Brockway and Mary (Thomas) Conklin : II. FLORA BELLE CONKLIN, b. Sept. 1872. Child of George Brockway VanHoesen and Adelaide (Wright) Conklin : I. ROSSITER C. CONKLIN, b. at Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Children of George Brockway VanHoesen and Sarah (Wells) Conklin : II. IDA MAR CONKLIN, b. 5 June 1879. III. ORA BELLE CONKLIN, b. 18 April 1881. IV. EMILY FAY CONKLIN, b. 12 Dec. 1884. 862 864 864 982983 984985986 987 Children of Charles Henry and Minnie DeWitt (Bush) Fosmire : I. ALTA BUSH FOSMIRE, b. 19 Sept. 1880. II. EDITH M. FOSMIRE, b. 21 May 1883, at Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 865 Children of William Lee and Deidamia Eudora Brockway (Wade) Vandenbergh: I. JESSE BROCKWAY VANDENBERGH, b. 1 Oct. 1880. II. JOHN EDSON VANDENBERGH, b. 7 Dec. 1883. III. MARY CORNELIA VANDENBERGH, b. 26 Sept. 1886. Children of William Northrup and Edith (Hine) Brockway : I. FLORENCE ISABELLA BROCKWAY, b. at Homer, N. Y., 31 Aug. 1861 ; married there, 15 Jan. 1885, with Faron Maxson, who was born 15 Feb. 1849, at South Spafford, N. Y., son of John and Mary Jane (Davis) Maxson. They settled at Cortland Vil lage, N. Y. He died 23 Aug. ii 867 873 124 NINTH GENERATION 988 II. GEORGE ALBERT BROCKWAY, b. at Homer, N. Y. , 26 March 1863 ; married at Cortland, N. Y., 15 June 1887, with Leffingwell Dunbar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Dunbar. They were living at Homer, in March 1890. 989 III. JOSEPHINE ARABELLA BROCKWAY, b. at Homer, N. Y., 8 June 1864. 990 tV. FANNIE MAY BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Homer, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1867. 9 V WILLIE HINE BROCKWAY, twin, b. at Homer, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1867 ; and died there 26 or 27 Aug. 1868. Children of Henry Smith and Frances L. (Hoyt) Brockway: 877 99a I. FRED EUGENE BROCKWAY, b. at Homer, N. Y., 20 June 1877; died 13 Oct. 1877; and was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Homer. 99 j II. HARRY LYNN BROCKWAY, b. at Homer, N. Y., 7 Jan. 1881. Child of Francis Edwin and Sarah Isabella (Lincoln) 890 Brockway: 994 I. LEON LINCOLN BROCKWAY, b. at New ark Valley, N. Y, 3 Oct. 1866. and was in March 1890, proprietor of a Job Printing office and Society Badge Manufactory, at No. 34 Lake St., Owego, N. Y. BROCKWA Y TAMIL Y. 125 BROCKWAY FAMILY, TENTH GENERATION. Child of Faron and Florence Isabella (Brockway) Maxson: 995 I. EDITH JANE MAXSON, b. at Cortland, N. Y., 6 Nov. 1885. 987 BROCKWAY FAMILY APPENDIX. ADDITIONS. Since the early part of this work was printed, some additional records have been furnished by Mrs. Asahel Norton Brockway, which are here given for the benefit of those who are interested. 45 NATHAN BROCKWAY, is said to have had three wives ; the first, Elizabeth Tiffany ; the second, Elizabeth Thompson; the third, Eunice Stair, who died 12 March 1813. 46 TIFFANY BROCKWAY, married with Ann Holenbeck. 434s FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Nathan and Elizabeth (Tiffany) Brockway : 45 See Numbers 102 to 106. 1001 I I. CONSIDER BROCKWAY, b. 22 March 1762; married with Keziah Ferry; married (2d) with Hannah Main. He died 3 July 1847. 1002 IL RICHARD BROCKWAY, b. about 1764; married with Sally Havens. 1003 III. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. 10 July 1766; married with Jonathan Olmsted, and had no children. Children of Nathan and Elizabeth (Thompson) Brockway : 45 1004 IV. POLLY BROCKWAY, b. 10 July 1772 ; mar ried with Robert Kasson, and had ten children. i3° BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y 1005 V. TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. at Stephentown, N. Y., 6 March 1774; married 11 April 1799, with Lucy Alvord, who was born 22 Feb. 1778, and died 10 Oct. 1819. He died 4 Dec. 1866. ioio ioo6 VI. HANNAH BROCKWAY, b. 8 July 1775; married with James Taylor, and had eight children. 1007 VII. NATHAN BROCKWAY, b. 25 Sept. 1777 ; married with Eunice Carter, and died 7 Feb. 181 3. 1008 VIII. CHARLES BROCKWAY, b. 24 Feb. 1779; married with Eliza Gorton, and died in May 1847, without children. 1009 IX. LOIS BROCKWAY, b. 29 Oct. 1783; mar ried with Thomas Bicknel. IOIO IOII IOI2 1013 1014 1015 1016 FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Tiffany and Lucy (Alvord) Brockway : I. ELIZABETH T. BROCKWAY, b. 6 June 1801 ; married 24 June 182 1, with Absalom Bart lett, who was born 9 Jan. 1794. II. NATHAN BROCKWAY, b. 2 Feb. 1803 ; died 6 Nov. 1832 ; unmarried. III. PHEBE A. BROCKWAY, b. n Aug. 1805; married in 1833, with Stafford Godfrey, and died 4 Nov. 1839. IV. AMANDA BROCKWAY, b. 1 June 1807; married with Peter Ferguson; and died 1 Jan. 1874. V. TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. at Broadalbin, N. Y, 9* Sept. 1813; married 5 July 1837, with Cornelia A. Babcock, who was born 22 Dec. 1812. VI. LODICEA BROCKWAY, b. 21 Jan. 1816; married with Walter H. Babcock, who was born in Sept. 1809. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Tiffany and Cornelia A. (Babcock) Brockway : I. MORTIMER E. BROCKWAY, b. 29 April 1005 1016 1014 1020 APPENDIX. *3* 1017 IOl8 ! IO19 | 1839 ; married 6 March 1859, with Emma R. Sowles, who was born 4 June 1840. II. NATHAN J. BROCKWAY, b. 22 May 1842 ; married 24 Sept. 1866, with Harriet Amelia Le Valley, who was born 12 Dec. 1844. III. CHARLES TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. 25 Jan. 1847 ; married 5 Feb. 1866, with Emma Hale, who was born 13 July 1846. IV. CORNELIA E. BROCKWAY, b. 1 Oct. 1859- 1024 1028 1020 102 1 1022 1023 102410251026 1027 SEVENTH GENERATON. Children of Mortimer E. and Emma R. (Sowles) Brockway: I. JESSE J. BROCKWAY, b. 6 Nov. 1861. II. JOHN WALLACE BROCKWAY, b. 27 Nov. 1864; and died jo Aug. 1866. III. EMMA BROCKWAY, b. 17 Feb. 1872 : and died 9 March 1872. IV. RUTH M. BROCKWAY, b. 12 Jan. 1878. Children of Nathan J. and Harriet Amelia (Le Valley) Brockway : I. ANTOINETTE BROCKWAY, b. 1 Sept. 1870. II. TIFFANY BROCKWAY, b. 19 March 1872 ; and died 4 May 1875. III. FLORENCE BROCKWAY, b. 9 Feb. 1877. IV. WALTER H. BROCKWAY, b. 7 April 1879. 1016 1017 Children of Charles Tiffany and Emma (Hale) Brockway : 1028 I. JENNIE E. BROCKWAY, b. 3 Dec. 1866. 1029 II. CHARLES S. BROCKWAY, b. 18 Feb. 1871, and died 29 Nov. 1879. 1030 III. CLARA E. BROCKWAY, b. 17 Feb. 1873. 1031 IV. ANNA C. BROCKWAY, b. 26 July 1879. 1032 V. ALICE M. BROCKWAY, b. 13 Sept. 1881. 1018 132 BROCKWA Y FAMILY. The following records of the descendants of ;» :> Ephraim Brockway, were partly gathered by Mrs. Asahel Norton Brockway, of New York, by cor respondence, and were partly taken from a manuscript which Mrs. Mary Adele (Brockway) Perrigo, found among his descendants, in Auburn, N. Y., too late to take their proper place in the series. It is said that Ephraim Brockway served as captain of a company in the war of the Revolution. The order of his chil dren is wholly conjectural, except in those cases where dates of birth are given. 85 4345891 FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Ephraim and Esther (Calkins) Brockway: 85 1201 j I. MARY BROCKWAY; married with Joseph Earl. 1202 j II. WEALTHY BROCKWAY, married with Dudley Beckwith. III. DANIEL BROCKWAY, b. about 1767 ; mar- 1 1 1 ried in 1792, with Phebe Harrington, who was born 6 May 1772, and died 9 Sept. 1845. He died 16 Nov. 1812. It is said that they dwelt near Platts- burgh, N. Y., and had previously dwelt in Vermont. 1204 | IV. JOSEPH BROCKWAY, dwelt in Charlotte, near Rochester, N. Y. 1205 V. EZRA CALKINS BROCKWAY, dwelt in Western Ng-w York. 1206 VI. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, married with John Bingham. 1207 VII. LUCINDA BROCKWAY, b. 25 Aug. 1776; ' vi.s married with Isaac Warren, of Vermont. 12071 VIII. JUDITH BROCKWAY ; married with j Dickenson. 1208 IX. JUNE BROCKWAY; married with Cazzac. 1209 X. WILLIAM C. BROCKWAY, b. 24 Feb. 1786; 1 .,. APPENDIX. 133 1210 married with Betsey Hadley. He died in Canada, about i860. XI. EPHRAIM BROCKWAY, b. about 1789; married in 1807, with Rebecca White. He mar ried (2d) with Betsey Briggs, who died 15 March 1816. He married (3d) 25 March 1816, with Sylvia Garret. About 1822, he went to Canada, without his children, and died about 1851. 1225 sixth generation. Children of Daniel and Phebe (Harrington) Brockway : 1211 j I. JAMES BROCKWAY, twin ; died, aged one | week. 1 21 2 | II. IRA BROCKWAY, twin ; died, aged one week. : III. WILLIAM HENRY BROCKWAY, b. 10 Nov. 1796; married 18 Nov. 1818, with Lucinda Graves, who was born 2 April 1797, and died 23 Sept. 1874. He died 5 Feb. 1884. IV. HIRAM S. BROCKWAY, b. 10 Oct. 1799; married Oct. 1824, with Betsey Graves, who was born in June 1804, and died in 1867. He died 3 Jan. 1874. 1203 1230 Child of Isaac and Lucinda (Brockway) Warren : 121 5 I. ACASTUS WARREN, b. 8 Feb. 1799; mar ried with Emily Brockway, daughter of Martin Brockway. 1207 Children of William C. and Betsey (Hadley) Brockway : !3t6 1. MARTHA ANN BROCKWAY, b. 6 Aug. 1809. 1 '/ II. WILLIAM HADLEY BROCKWAY, b. 24 Feb. 1813 ; a clergyman ; married with Clarissa Porter. He died at Albion, Michigan. 1209 1242 134 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y 12181219 1220 122112221223 1224 III. PHILIP CALKINS BROCKWAY, b. 30 March 1814 ; and died 4 Nov. 1847. IV. DANIEL DUNBAR BROCKWAY, b. at 1246 Morristown, Vt., 2 May 1815 ; married 21 Jan. 1836, with Lucina Hawes. V. BETSEY AUGUSTA BROCKWAY, b. at Morristown, Vt., 2 Sept. 1816. VI. JENNETTE' OPHELIA BROCKWAY, b. at Morristown, Vt, 3, Jan. 1818 ; married with H. M. Chapman. VII. JANE EVELINE BROCKWAY, b. at Mor, ristown, Vt, 30 Nov. 1819, and died 14 Aug. 1821. VIII. LUCY OLIVIA BROCKWAY, b. at Mor ristown, Vt, 4 April 1821 ; and died 19 April 1825. IX. ALONZO W. BROCKWAY, b. at Morris- 1: y town, Vt. , 22 Sept. 1823. He was living, a few years ago, at Brownsville, Tenn., and probably gave some of these records. Child of Ephraim and Rebecca (White) Brockway: 1210 1 5 I- MARY ANN BROCKWAY, b. 12 June 1809 ; married 23 Dec. 1828, with E. R. Jones. She and her daughter, Mrs. Mary E. (Jones) Cavert, were living at Burnt Hills, in Ballston, N. Y., a few years ago. Children of Ephraim and Betsey (Briggs) Brockway: 1210 II. CHARLES' CALKINS BROCKWAY, b. at Ballston, N. Y., in 181 3. III. SILAS BRIGGS BROCKWAY, b. at Balls- ton, N. Y, 25 April 1815; maaried with Eliza Mattoon. Children of Ephraim and Sylvia (Garret) Brockway: 1210 1228 IV. JOSHUA BROCKWAY, b. at Ballston, N. Y, 23 Jan. 1817, though the record erroneously says 1816 ; and died in 1846. 1229 V. OSSIAN A. BROCKWAY, b. at Ballston, N. Y., 20 Dec. 1820. 1226 1227 APPENDIX. 135 SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of William Henry and Lucinda (Graves) Brockway: iii 1 :.>> I. EDGAR G. BROCKWAY, b. 28 Oct. 1819, and died 9 Aug. 1820. II. HIRAM S. BROCKWAY, b. 28 March 1821 ; married 8 Jan. 1846, with Betsey Ransom. He died in 1876. III. GEORGE W. BROCKWAY, b. 26 March ' <>" 1823 ! married 1 Sept. 1847, with Isabella Gibson. IV. CAROLINE BROCKWAY, b. 1 Feb. 1825; ' :6<) married 12 Jan. 1842, with L. W. Page. V. HARRY BROCKWAY, b. 27 April 1827; ' ¦¦'¦'/ 3 married 2 Sept. 1852, with Maria G. Day, who was born 25 May 1829. He died 1 Oct 1870. VI. MARY A. BROCKWAY, b. 17 April 1829 ! married 14 June 1853, with Martin F. Calkins, who was born 24 March 1825. 1236 VII. WILLIAM BROCKWAY, b. 5 Sept. 1831 ; 1279 married 1 Jan. 1857, with Ruth Chapman, who was born 27 Oct. 1834. 1237 VIII. PLINY BROCKWAY, b. 26 Aug. 1833; and died 14 March 1842. 1238 IX. MARTHA BROCKWAY, b. 2 April 1836; 12S2 married 4 Sept. 1867, with John H. Phinney. X. MARIA R. BROCKWAY, b. 22 April 1838; married 10 Oct. 1866, with John H. Phinney. She died 1 March 1867. i XI. PATRICK H. BROCKWAY, b. 22 Oct. 1285 1840; married 1 Feb. 1870, with Josephine A. Rust, who was born 1 May 1848, and died 10 Oct. 1 87 1. He married (2d) 17 May 1875, with Albina M. Rust, who was born 1 Jan 1851. km XII. JOSEPHINE BROCKWAY, b. 11 Sept. 1844 ; married 1 Jan. 1872, with Joseph M. Myers, who was born 14 May 1857. She died 21 May 1872. 136 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y Children of William Hadley and Clarissa (Porter) Brockway: 1217 1242 I. SOLOMON PORTER BROCKWAY, b. 6 1287 Dec. 1837 ; married 15 Oct. 1867, with Emily Ag- ard, who died 4 Feb. 1879. He married (2d) 27 April 1880, with Lizzie A. Freeman, who was born 6 Dec. 1837. 1243 n- WYATT SUMNER BROCKWAY. 1244 III. LEONIDAS H. BROCKWAY, b. 16 Dec. 1846. 1 2 1,5 IV. MARY A. BROCKWAY ; married with Dickey. Children of Daniel Dunbar and Lucinda (Hawes) Brockway: 1219 12 j 6 I. CHARLOTTE LOUISA BROCKWAY, b. 2 Feb. 1841 ; was a widow, 7 April 1884. 1247 H. DELIA HORTON BROCKWAY, b. 18 Sept. 1842 ; was a widow, 7 April 1884. 1248 III. SARAH LUCELIA BROCKWAY, b. 17 Jan. 1844 ; was a widow, 7 April 1884. 1249 IV. ALBERT ALONZO BROCKWAY, b. 29 Oct. 1847. 1250 V. ANN MEDORA BROCKWAY, b. 1 Feb. 1851, and was practicing medicine, at Duluth, Minne sota, in April 1884. 1251 VI. DANIEL DUNBAR BROCKWAY, b. 16 Jan. 1856, and died on the same day. Children of Alonzo W. and ( ) Brockway : 1224 1252 I. WILLIAM G. BROCKWAY, b. 20 Jan. 1857 ; 1288 married with Mamie B. Bradford. 1253 IL ALONZO W. BROCKWAY, b. 12 Sept. 1875. 1254 III. VIOLETTA MARY BROCKWAY, b. 29 Dec. 1877. EIGHTH GENERATION. Children of Hiram S. and Betsey (Ransom) Brockway: 1255 ' I. ISABELLA BROCKWAY, b. 28 Jan. 1847, 12561257 1258 I J259 i 1260 APPENDIX. *37 though the record says 1846 ; married with Charles Bennet. II. PLINY S. BROCKWAY, b. 18 Dec. 1848. III. CLARA R. BROCKWAY, b. 8 Feb. 1854. IV. PARLEY H. BROCKWAY, b. 17 Nov. 1855- V. CHARLES E. BROCKWAY, b. 7 March 1858. VI. CORDELIA A. BROCKWAY, b. 3 May i860. ! 1261 ; 1262 i 1263 i ; i 1264 j | ^65 ! 1266 | 12671268 1269127012711272 1273 1274 Children of George W. and Isabella (Gibson) Brockway : I. W. H. BROCKWAY, b. 26 Oct. 1848 ; died 28 Aug. 1881. II. ELIZABETH BROCKWAY, b. 23 March 1851. III. LUCINDA BROCKWAY, b1 4 March 1853. IV. MARIAN BROCKWAY, b. 23 June 1857. V. ISABELLA BROCKWAY, b. 7 Feb. i860. VI. GEORGE W. BROCKWAY, b. 15 Feb. 1862. VII. LILY BROCKWAY, b. 25 April 1865 ; and died 13 April 1870. VIII. ROBERT BROCKWAY, b. 12 Feb. 1868. 1232 Children of L. W. and Caroline (Brockway) Page : I. MARIAN PAGE, b. 3 July 1844. II. W. H. PAGE, b. 8 July 1847. III. MARY EVALINE PAGE, b. 8 July 1852. IV. HORACE W. PAGE, b. 29 Dec. 1857. Children of Harry and Maria G. (Day) Brockway : I. LILY MARIA BROCKWAY, b. 23 June 1853; married 5 June 1872, with Arthur Napier, who was born 9 Sept 1846. II. FRANCIS M. BROCKWAY, b. 5 May 1862. 1233 1234 1291 138 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y 12751276 127712781279 12801281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 Children of Martin F. and Mary A. (Brockway) Calkins : I. CHARLES B. CALKINS, b. 10 May 1854. II. FREDERICK W. CALKINS, b. 23 Oct. 1855- III. DANIEL E. CALKINS, b. 15 Feb. 1859; and died 19 July 1866. IV. HENRY G. CALKINS, b. 12 June 1865. 1235 Children of William and Ruth (Chapman) Brockway : I. LOUISE JANE BROCKWAY, b. 11 April 1858 ; married 19 July 1883, with Thaddeus Stan wood. II. F. H. M. BROCKWAY, b. 9 April 1861. III. FLORENCE M. BROCKWAY, b. 17 Jan. 1863. Children of John H. and Martha (Brockway) Phinney: I. FLORENCE MAY PHINNEY, b. 8 July 1868. II. ELIZABETH PHINNEY, b. 13 Aug. 1870. III. EVA L. PHINNEY, b. 4 Sept. 1873. Child of Patrick H. and Josephine A. (Rust) Brockway: I. ALBERT BROCKWAY, b. 10 Oct. 1871 ; died 31 Oct. 1871. Child of Patrick H. and Albina M. (Rust) Brockway : II. JAMES HENRY BROCKWAY, b. 14 March 1876. Child of SolomonPorter and Emily (Agard) Brockway: I. EULA M. BROCKWAY, b. 16 Dec. 1869. Child of William G. and Mamie M. (Bradford) Brockway : I. BROCKWAY, a daughter, b. 15 Sept. 1882 ; died 2 Oct. 1883. 1236 1238 1240 1240 1242 1252 APPENDIX. J39 NINTH GENERATION. Children of Charles and Isabella (Brockway) Bennet : 1255 1289 I. MAUD BENNET, b. 4 Jan. 1874. 1290 II. BENNET, b. 29 Aug. 1876. 1273 Child of Arthur and Lily Maria (Brockway) Napier : 1 291 I. HARRY NELSON NAPIER, b. 9 Nov. 1874. SEVERAL BROCKWAYS WHOSE PROPER PLACE HAVE NOT BEEN FOUND. 1292 ALMIRA BROCKWAY, age and parentage not known ; married with Edward Cone, who was born at Westmoreland, N. Y., about 1802, son of Walter 1293 Rutherford and Dorothy (Palmer) Cone. JANE BROCKWAY, of Lyme, Conn., mar ! ried 13 Aug. 1772, with Joseph Gates, of East Had dam, Conn. , who was baptized at' Millington, Conn. , 14 Feb. 1748, son of David and Lydia Gates. 1T\ (X) 1294 Capt. JEDEDIAH BROCKWAY, b. about 1786; had wife Phebe. He died at Lyme, Conn.-, 9 July 1852. They had twin children born about 5 May , 1811, one of whom died 19 May 1811, aged two weeks; the other died 26 May 181 1, aged three weeks. They 1295 were buried in the cemetery at Joshuatown. JEDEDIAH F. BROCKWAY, married at Lyme, Conn., 1 July 1849, with Mrs. Elizabeth E. 1296 Hayden, both of Lyme. MARY BROCKWAY, of Lyme, Conn., mar ried 10 Aug. 1773, with Jeremiah Cone, of East Haddam, Conn. She died 23 Sept. 1775. His name is called Jared, in the clergyman's record of marriage. He was probably led into the error by the nickname Jerry, which is common to both names. 140 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y 1297 1298 1299 1300 1 301 1302 SALLY BROCKWAY, b. 1776; parentage not known ; married 20 Oct 1798, with Stephen Pratt, who was born at Deep River, Conn., about 1780. Son of Jedediah and Ann (Wolcott) Pratt. He died in 1850, aged 70 years. She died 26 June 1854, aged 78 years. For their children see the Pratt Geneal ogy, p. 185. ELIPHALET BROCKWAY, aged fifty-four years, was buried at Hamburgh, Conn., 11 Nov. 1793. CLARISSA BROCKWAY, died at Campville, N. Y., 31 Aug. 1870, aged sixty- four years and eleven months. JOEL BROCKWAY, aged eighteen years, was buried at Hamburgh, Conn., 15 Oct. 1796. ULYSSES BROCKWAY, died at Joshuatown, in Lyme, Conn., 25 Feb. 1833, aged twenty-four years. WILLIAM H. BROCKWAY, Superintendent of the Brush Electric Company ; was killed on Thurs day evening, 2 Sept. 1886, at Minneapolis, Minn., while attempting to repair an electric light. Orders had been given to disconnect, but by some misunder standing, the current was turned on as usual at 6. 40. Connecticut Courant, of 9 Sept. 1886. J303 BRIGGS RECORDS. Those persons who are interested in the records of the family of Wolston Brockway, should feel an equal interest in the history of the kindred of his wife, Hannah Briggs, a portion of which is here given. WILLIAM BRIGGS, and wife, Mary, dwelt in Boston, as early as 1642; afterward, perhaps, at Hingham, Mass., for a few years; then again, in !3°4 APPENDIX. 141 i3°4 J305 1306 1307 130813091310 13111312 1657, az Boston ; and later, in Lyme, Conn., where he bought land of his son-in-law, Wolston Brockway, 27 Oct. 1680, which land he sold to his son, John Briggs, 15 Feb. 1680-81, with the frame of a house thereon, "which I purchesed of John Lareby." Children of William and Mary (- -) Briggs: I. HANNAH BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 28 Aug. 1642, and the printed record seems to show that she was buried on the same day, which must be an error ; baptized 2 Aug. 1646, by the Rev. Mr. Hobart, perhaps at Hingham, Mass. ; married at Boston, 10 Sept. 1657, with John Harris, and with him, settled at Lyme, Conn. , where he is supposed to have died. She married (2d) about 1663, with Wolston Brockway. II. PETER BRIGGS, birth record not found; baptized by the Rev. Mr. Hobart, perhaps at Hing ham, Mass., 2 Aug. 1646. III. JOHN BRIGGS, birth record not found ; bap tized 20 Dec. 1646, perhaps at Hingham, Mass., see the Diary of the Rev. Mr. Hobart, quoted in Sava ges Genealogical Dictionary, Vol. Ill, p. 606. He and wife, Mary, dwelt in Boston, Mass., from 1668 to 1678; at Lyme, Conn., in 1681 ; and had probably returned to Boston before 1685. Children of John and Mary ( ) Briggs : I. MARY BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 28 Jan. 1668-69. II. WILLIAM BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 28 Aug. 1672; birth also recorded, at Lyme, Conn., as 30 July 1672, though the Rev. Mr. Chapman's copy says 1673. III. JOHN BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 20 Dec. 1674. IV. JONATHAN BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 22 March 1678. V. PETER BRIGGS, b. at Lyme, Conn., 5 Feb. 1680-81. VI. JOSEPH BRIGGS, b. at Boston, Mass., 7 April 1685. 1303 1306 142 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y eighth generation. Child of Henry L. and Emma (Brockway) Browne: 671 1313 I. WILLIAM HENRY BROWNE, b. 25 May 13*6 1843 ! married 29 June 1867, with Acelia Bertraud Cramer, and they were living in May 1890. . Children of Artemas and Melissa Brockway : 673 1314 I. LAURA BROCKWAY, b. 29 March 1849; 1319 married 20 Aug. 1867, withjAMES BAKER. She died 30 April 1877. i3J5 II. WILLIAM H .BROCKWAY, b. 22 Aug. 1859; married 17 Aug. 1882, with Jennie McCormick, who was born in 1858. NINTH GENERATION. Children of William Henry and Acelia Bertraud (Cramer) 1313 Browne : 13^ I. ETHEL GRAHAM BROWNE, b. at Troy, N. Y. 22 Aug. 1868. 1317 II. GRACE EMMA BROWNE, b. at Troy, N. Y. 29 Oct. 1870. J3i8 in. WILLIE MC MURRAY BROWNE, b. at Schenectady, N. Y. 25 Jan. 1875 : and died 13 Jan. 1878. Children of James and Laura (Brockway) Baker: 1314 1319 I- ALVIN BAKER, b. 5 Nov. 1869. 1320 II. GLEN BAKER, b. 11 Nov. 1871. Children of John Pockman and Jane E. (Blue) Brockway: 849" 1321 I. HATTIE JANE BROCKWAY, b. at Vining, Kansas, 16 Nov. 1874. 1322 II. ALBERT LEROY BROCKWAY, b. at Vin ing, Kansas, 29 Sept. 1876. r323 APPENDIX. 143 III. CARRIE RUTH BROCKWAY, b. at Vin- ing, Kansas, 12 Oct. 1878 : and died. J3«4 IV. JOHN CUSTER BROCKWAY, b. at Vin- ing, Kansas, 1 Feb. 1881. !325 V. ELLSWORTH BURTON BROCKWAY, b. at Vining, Kansas, 8 March 1883. 1326 VI. LILIAN ROSE BROCKWAY, b. at Vining, Kansas, 24 Sept. 1885. 1327 VII. ALTHEA MAY BROCKWAY, b. at Vin ing, Kansas, 28 May, 1889. More Brockways whose Proper Places have not been Found. 1328 AARON L. BROCKWAY, married at Lyme, Conn., 26 Oct. 1845, with Mary E. Anderson. 1329 EZRA BROCKWAY, of Lebanon, Conn., mar ried at Lyme, Conn., 14 Sept. 1826, with Lucy Ann Steward, of Lyme. ,_ !33o FREDERICK L. C. BROCKWAY, married i at Lyme, Conn., 9 April 1848, with Miss Marian C Peck, both of Lyme. J *33* JULIAN BROCKWAY, married at Lyme, Conn., 6 July 1826, with Asahel Miller, both of Lyme. J332 WILLIAM BROCKWAY, of Saybrook, Conn., married at Lyme, Conn. , 29 March 1846, with Mary Boo, of Amsterdam, Holland. The following Fac-similes of Autographs were not obtained in season to be printed in connection with the history of their authors. ymoUJ^w ^^v^/^j *p, No. 1. This was copied from a broken page of the first 144 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y volume of Lyme town votes. The signature was with others of a committee, made on the record, and is the only one known to exist. Its date is about 1675, perhaps 11 Aug. 1675. 4 a/fiOJt No. 19. Signature to a deed dated 25 June 1753, conveying eighteen acres of land in Sharon, Conn., to his son, Wolston Brockway and his wife Dorcas. No. 76. Signature to a deed dated 14 May 1754, conveying land in Sharon, Conn., fifty-two acres in one piece, and eighteen acres in another, to his wife, Dorcas Brockway. Of Branford, Conn. ; signature to a deed dated 23 Feb. 1764, conveying fifty acres of land in Sharon, Conn., to his "brother, Wolston Brockway, (No. 76,) of Aminiah, in the province of New York. ' ' His his tory has not been obtained. No. 168. Signature to a note of hand, dated Kent, N. Y. , 20 May 1835. APPENDIX. 145 No. No. CORRECTIONS. 1, line 1, insert 2 in right hand margin. head-line, insert 2, head-line, insert 1 in right hand margin. No 2. Thomas Champion died at Lyme, 5 April !705. No. 21. Deborah Brockway, married with Leech, of New London, and as his widow, ' 'Deborah Leech, of New London," married (2d) 28 Sept. 1726, with Stephen Champion, and she joined church in Lyme, 6 April, 1735. For Azubab, read Azubah. Insert period after Mrs. Insert xiii before Wm. For Johnson (Butler) Banning, (Butler) Banning. read No. 112. No. 114. No. 134. No. 140. John and — No. 145. For 2661 in right margin, read 298. No. 156. For 17755, read 1755. No. 157. Since No. 157 was printed we have been told that Elias Brockway was the son of Wolston Brockway, perhaps No. 52, and that he had a brother, Wolston Brockway, who also returned to Lyme, and at one time followed the painters trade. No. 176. Drop the number, one line. No. 182. Drop the number, one line. No. 190. For I90, read 190. No. 235. For dispositin, read disposition. No. 236. For maaried, read married. No. 288. Charles Wells Freeman, is the name as given in the record of his baptism at Lisle, N. Y. , while his son calls him Charles Waldo Freeman, as given in the head-line at No. 504. No. 367. For 311, read 367. No. 399. For Sinsbury, read Simsbury. 146 BR O CKWA Y FAMIL Y No. 428. "Flavia Field Brockway, widow of the Hon. John Hall Brockway, of Ellington, Conn. , died at Berkley, California, 10 Nov. 1889, aged eighty-four years. Conn. Courant, of 28 Nov. 1889. No. 441. For 241, read 441. No. 442. The No. 321, should be opposite the head-line in right margin, with No. 252. No. 465. Exchange the hyphen and period at the ends of lines 2 and 3. No. 472. For yeats, read years. No. 504. Cap. U, wanting. No. 536. Letter E lost out of head-line. No. 626. For Hubbarb, read Hubbard. Nos. 790, 791, 792 and 793 were erroneously printed 890, etc. , and should be changed. No. 845. For 855, read 845. No. 860. For Mathew, read Matthew. No. 865. For DeWit, read DeWitt APPENDIX. 147 notice; The Genealogy of the Brockway Family is yet to be written. This publication, the third in the series of attempts, has been compiled with honest care, but under the great disadvantage of coming in to the field after three other collectors of genealogical records had gleaned in it with more or less success, and our letters asking for records were often met by the reply that they had already been furnished to oth er persons, who were named. Selections from two of these manuscript collections have been printed, and from these pamphlets we have made such extracts as we could use to advantage in this, but of the value of what remains unprinted, we have not been per mitted to judge. The other collection of records, that of W. L. Brockway, of the City of New York, has been placed in our hands since the last page of this book was in type, even to additions and corrections ; but while acknowledging its value and importance, we decided to do nothing more till the various branches of the family could heartily unite in an effort to make a complete genealogy worthy of the family. D. WILLIAMS PATTERSON, Genealogist. INDEX. Elizabeth. 8. Roger. 8. Nettie. 738. Philip. 894. ¦ • 594- Lucy. 1005. James. 533. Robert. 40. ALGER. ALLEN. ALUTRY. ALVERSON. ALVORD. AMES. ANDERSON. Mary. 147. Mary E. 1328. ATTWOOD. AlmiraJ. 549. AVERILL. Adelaide. 414- AVERY. . . . 13- BABCOCK. Cornelia A. 1014. Cynthia. 647. Walter H. 1015. BAKER. Alvin. 1319. Benjamin. 67. Constant. 64. Francis. 363. Glen. 1320. James. 1314- Mary. 325. . . . 64. BALL. Cynthia. 668. Gideon Johnston. 211. Lucy. 210. Sheldon. 117, 212. BANISTER. Elizabeth. 877. BANNING. Abigail. 143. Elizabeth. 13. John. 143. Margaret. 140. Orrin. 134. Orrin A. 464. Willis Scott. 464. BANNISTER. Alonzo. 389. BARLOW. Francis W. 644. . . . . 880, 881. BARON. . . 209. BARTHOLOMEW. George. 258. BARTLETT. Absalom. 1010. BARTRAM. Amanda Malvina. 692. Noah. 692. BATES. James Allen. 801. BECKER. . . . 210. BECKWITH. Alfred P. 551. Dudley. 1202. Elizabeth. 291. !5° BROCKWA Y FAMILY BECKWITH. Fanny. 260. George. 122, 291. Nathan. 64. Nathaniel. 9, 54. Susanna. 270. Andrew. 575. Bridget. 6. Jonathan. 6. Joshua. 58. Emma. 504. Horace. 504. BEDELL. BEEBE. BELDEN. BELL. Augusta Mann. 766. Caroline Mann. 769. Clara Mann. 768. Mary Norton. 767. William. 420. William Jeremiah. 770. BEMAN. Lois. 59. Phineas. 59. BENEDICT. Isaac. 238. Jane Maria. 238. BENNET. Maud. 1289. . . . 1290. Henry Mesick. BEST. BICKNEL. Thomas. 1009. BILL. Lodowick. 312. Lucy Stark. 312. BINGHAM. Elijah. 65. John. 1206. BIRDSALL. Thomas. 587. BLACK. Betsey Abigail. 707. Curtis. 394. Curtis Birdseye. 710. George Thomas. 709. Ophelia. 708. BLOSSOM. Frank Brockway. 965. Frank Marlette.- 807. Madeline. 964. Nathan Hopkins. 807. Jennie. 849. Hannah. 173. BLUE. BOLAND. BONESTELL. Harriet Angeline. 434s. Jacob. 4345. Lura. 434s. BONTECOU. David. 280. Peter. 280. Reed Brockway. 496. Sarah. 782. Mary. 1332. Sarah. 782. BOO. BOON. BOSTWICK. Ichabod. 119. Lois Anna. 121. Sally. 119. BRADFORD. Mamie R. 1252. BRAINERD. Charles Eugene. 821 Hannah. 145 Janette. 821. John. 244. Lydia. 244. . 871. BRIDGER. BRIGGS. Betsey. 12 10. Hannah. 1, 1303, 1304. John. 1 note, 1303, 1306, 1309. Jonathan. 1310. Joseph. 1312. Mary. 1, 1303, 1306, 1307. Peter. 1305, 1311. William. 1, 1303, 1308. BRIGHTMAN. Sarah. 811. INDEX. 151 BROCKWAY. Aaron L. 1328. Abby. 276, 304. Abigail. 42. Abner. 127, 245. Adeline. 578. Albert. 343. 1285. Albert Alonzo. 1249. Albert Ladue. 853. Albert Leroy. 1322. Alexis C. 349. Alice. 193, 233, 250, 380, 440. Alice C. 759. Alice Jeanuette. 760. Alice M. 1032. Almira. 363, 669, 1292. Alonzo W. 1224, 1253. Althea May. 1327. Amanda. 1013. Amaziah. 169. Andrew J. 749. Angeline Janette. 875. Ann. 408. Ann Maria. 575. Ann Medora. 1250. Anna. 111, 200, 223, 568. Anna Bostwick. 761. Anna C. 1031. Ansel. 305. Antoinette. 529, 1024. Artemas. 366, 620, 673. Arzelia Brewster. 854. Asa. 80, 168, 174, p. 144. Asa P. 346. Asahel Norton, introduction, 433, 434*, 4345> 45 appendix, 1200. Augustus. 208, 308, 377. Augustus Frederick. 213. Azubah. 384. Bell R. 427. Beman, introduction, 6, 59, 119, 189, 404. Beman Bostwick. 215, 415. Beman Burban. 762, Benjamin. 136, 262. Betsey. 145, 201, 263, 295, 328. 335. Betsey Augusta. 1220. Blanche. 811. Bridget. 6, 14, 51, 107, 113, 156. Bridget C. 155. Buckland. 198, 202. Burban. 121, 416". Byron B. 773. Carlos Marcena. 557. Carl Wolston. 963. Caroline. 124, 141, 209, 225, 265, 266, 271, 279, 293, 489, 589, 639, 808, 1206, 1233. Caroline L. 279. Carrie Bell. 528, 833. Carrie E. 75 1- Carrie Ruth. 1323. Catharine. 167, 241, 314, 569. Catharine H. 437. BROCKWAY. Celia. 446. Charles. 317, 339, 685, 1008. Charles Bostwick, 425. Charles Burban. 226. Charles Calkins. 1226. Charles E. 1259. Charles Elias Levingston. 545. Charles Hallam. 14, 75, 300, 460, 520. Charles Julius. 837. Charles Loveland. 540. Charles M. 378. Charles R. 753. Charles S. 1029. Charles Simeon. 851. Charlotte. 207. Charles Tiffany. 1018. Charlotte. 207. Charlotte Louisa. 1246. Charlotte Mercy. 288. Chauncey Porter. 606. Chester. 647. Chloe. 171. Christopher. 332, 548. Christopher C. 839. Clara E. 1030. Clara R. 1257. Clara Traver. 786. Clarence B. 750. Clarissa. 151, 224, 1299. Clark: 133, 188. Consider. 411, 103, 1001. Content. 850. Cordelia A. 1260. Cornelia E. 1019. Corrie A. 752. Cynthia Emily. 852. Cynthia Experience. 616. Daniel. 1203. Daniel Dunbar. 1219, 1251. Daniel Dunham. 255. Daniel D. Tompkins. 287. Darius. 189. David. 147, 306, 355, 566. David C. 248. David Henry. 660, 688, 688 note. David Sterrett. 426. Deborah. 10, 21, 40, 571. Deborah Reed. 270. Deidamia Eudora. 613. Delia Horton. 1247. Desire. 159. Desire Mitchell. 322. Diodate. 228, 230. Diodate Mack. 301. Dora Alvira. 855. Dorcas. 197, 350, 573. Dorcas Ann. 614. Dorothy. 17, 67. Ebenezer. 16, 63, 73, 134, 144, 445- Ebenezer Dunham. 296. Ebenezer E. 312. Edgar. 482. 152 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y BROCKWAY. Edgar G. 1230. Edward. 19, 22, 381. Edward A. 838. Edward Champlin Griffin. 311, 474. Edward P. 441. Edwin. 432. Elcea Ann. 846. Electa. 186, 651. Eleonora. 485. Elias. 157, 336. Elias P. 379 Elihu. 66, 148. Elijah. 75, 161. Eliphalet. 1298. Elisha. 129. Elisha Marvin. 251. Eliza. 487, 587, 593. 9°i. Eliza Ann. 220. Eliza Dunham. 257. Elizabeth. 8, 15, 41, 61, 91, 105, 129, 130, 229, 282, 509, 1003, 1262. Elizabeth Antoinette. 660, 688, 688 note. Elizabeth Comstock, 409. Elizabeth Gertrude. 747. Elizabeth Hannah. 550. Elizabeth Jane. 683. Elizabeth Maria. 814. Elizabeth Spencer. 451. Elizabeth T. 1010. Ellen Elizabeth. 464. Ellen Griffin. 541. Ellice. 334. Ellsworth Burton. 1325. Emeline Colton. 775. Emerette Mary. 523. Emily. 438, 893, 1215 Emily Christina. 783. Emily E. 758. Emma. 671, 807, 1022. Emma C. 840. Emma Jane. 876. Enoch. 139, 140. Enos. 93. Ephraim. 19, 24, 79, 80, 85, 167, 365, 661, 688 note, 1200, 1210. Esther. 634. . Eula M. 1287. Eunice. 44, 230, 231, 544. Eva Ann. 526. Ezekiel. 68, 149. Ezra. 70, 113, 140, 268, 274, 303, 1329. Ezra Calkins. 1205. . Ezra C. P. 546. Fannie Louise. 542. Fanny. 203, 517. Fanny Eliza. 784. Fanny Jane. 4343. Fanny Luther. 830. Fanny May. 990. F. H. M. 1280. Fletcher W. 899. Flora May. 960. BROCKWAY. Flora Orchard. 938. Florence. 1026. Florence M. 1281. Frances. 313, 433. Francis. 433. Francis Edwin, introduction, 890. Francis Fuller. 490. Francis M. 1274. Frank E. 778. Fred Eugene. 992. Frederick. 227. Frederick Burban. 423. Frederick L. C. 1330. Frederick W. 756. Gamaliel. 112. George. 163, 195, 254, 272, 338. George Albert. 988. George F. 347. George Lee. 832. George W. 892, 1232, 1266. George Wolston. 580. Gideon. 59, 95, 101, 116, 204. Grace. 809. Halsey. 342. Hannah. 1, 2, 34, 58, 126, 190, 362, 1006. Harriet. 194, 269, 572, 594, 665. > Harriet Augusta, 413. Harriet Louisa. 788. Hattie Jane. 1321. Harry. 1234. Harry Lathrop. 958. Harry Lynn. 993. Helen Scott. 813. Henry. 414, 534, 636. Henry Allen. 748. Henry Brayman. 556. Henry Hobart. 411. Henry Jerome. 492. Henry Lafayette. 655. Henry Smith. 877. Henry William. 219. Hetty. 92. Hiel. 192, 385. Hiram. 532. Hiram S. 12 14, 1231. Horace. 221. Horace Austin. 259. Horace Gardiner. 554. Horace Heber. 412. Horace T. 757. Horatio. 635. Horatio Nelson. 449. Hugh Blair. 514. Huldah. 84, 364. Ira. 382, 1212. Isabella. 1255, 1265. Isaiah. 114. Isaiah M. 841. Israel Dunham. 456. James. 244, 121 1. James Ensign. 495. James Henry. 1286. INDEX. 153 BROCKWAY. James Madison. 340. James Monroe. 316, 537. Jane. 54, 318, 1293. Jane Amelia. 510. Jane Ann. 315. Jane Cornelia. 581: Jane Eunice. 434. Jane Eveline. 658, 1222 Jane Matilda. 431. Janette Frances. 519. Jared. 369. Jasper. 333. Jedediah. 39, 1294. Jedediah F. 1295. Jefferson Warner. 746. Jennette Ophelia. 1221. Jennie E. 1028. Jenny. 533. Jeremiah. 78, 353, 585. J. Erven. 843. Jerusha. 650. Jesse. 167, 179, 357, 576, 591. Jesse Joseph. 682. Jesse J. 1020. Jesse Rensselaer. 847. Jessie Ella. 527. Joanna. 82. Joel. 1300. John. 1, 11, 13, 51, 55, 62, 137, 286, 4341. John Cotton Mather. 291. John Custer. 1324. John Griffin. 508. John Hall. 428. John Newton. 463. John Pockman. 606, 849. John Reed. 264. John Wallace. 1021. John Wesley. 524. Jonah. 94. Jonathan. 20, 83, 178. Jonathan Niles. 278. Joseph. 166, 583, 368, 631, 688 note, p. 144. 1204. Joseph Boyington. 668. Joseph Brainerd. 435. Joseph D. 904. Joseph Davis. 299. Joseph Smith. 297, 549. Joseph Wolston. 662. Josephine. 1241. Josephine Arabella. 989. Joshua. 1228. Judith. 12071. Julia. 389, 595. Julia Ann. 543, 586, 667, 674, 686. Julia Emeline. 553. Julia Etta. 831. Juliet. 579. Julian. 1 33 1. June. 1208. Kathleen. 842. Lathrop. 122, 230, 238. BROCKWAY. Lathrop Newell. 781. Laura. 237, 367, 672, 684, 1314. Laura Ann. 258, 518. Laura J. 348. Lavinia. 619. Lebbeus. 74, 138, 158. Lee Luther. 525. Lennie Rickard. 535. Leonidas H. 1244. Leon Lincoln. 994. Leonora. 274, 303. Levi. 359, 617. Lillian Rose. 1326. Lily. 1267. Lily Maria. 1273. Linnie. 779. Llewellyn. 486, 889. Lodicea. 1015. Lodowick Bill. 536. Lois. 90, 115, 131, 182, 199, 1009. Louisa Wells. 776. Louise. 810. Louise Jane. 1279. Lovina. 133. Lovisa. 341. Lovisa Ann. 552. Lucina. 242, 268, 273. Lucinda. 1207, 1263. Lucy. 100, 118, 618, 637. Lucy Alivia. 1223. Lydia. 37, 99, 117, 165, 358, 360, 584, 638. Lydia A. 676. Lydia Maria. 607. Lyman. 649. Mabel Eloise. 959. Mabel Martin. 829. Margaret. 23, 81, 277, 446, 483. Margaret A. 443, 531. Maria. 208, 240, 310, 387, 453, 570, 654. Maria R. 1239. Marion. 1264. Martha. 370, 1238. Martha A. 424. Martha Ann. 1216. Martin. 175, 176, 1215. Marvin. 243. Mary. 5, 53, 65, 125, 150, 152, 172, 294,298, 314, 484, 488, 493, 687, 812, 1201, 1296. Mary A. 1235, 1245. Mary Adele. 891. Mary Angeline. 659. Mary Ann. 383, 417, 1225. Mary Banning. 65. Mary Elizabeth. 516, 538, 539. Mary Ellen. 675. Mary Emeline. 448. Maryett. 547. Mary Field. 777. Mary Helen. 874. Mary Jane. 615. Mary Maria. 289^1 Mary Sophia. 297, 549. 154 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y BROCKWAY. Marv Sterrett. 422. May Cushman. 774. Mercy. 77. Milo. 592. Miriam Elizabeth. 522. Miranda. 430. Mortimer E. 1016. Mortimer W. 429. Myron Holley. 521. Nabby. 236. Nancy. 235. Nancy Ann. 666. Nancy Fidelia. 252, 321. Nancy Jane Shelden Harrison. 444. Nancy Keziah. 406. Naomi. 57, 98. Nathan. 45 appendix 1007, ion. Nathan J. 1017. Nathan Reed. 388. Nathaniel. 164, 173, 354, 582, 596, 648. Nellie. 815. Niles Sluman. 275. Olive Ann. 612, 652. Oraminthy. 657. Orpha Terry. 611. Orville Hurd. 656. Ossian A. 1229. Parley H. 1258. Patrick H. 1240. Phebe. 56, 180, 386, 610. Phebe A. 1012. Phebe E. 677. Philip Calkins. 12 18. Pickett. 246. Pliny. 1237. Pliny S. 1256. Plutarch. 530. Polly. 150, 187, 234, 281, 1004. Prudence. 120. Rachel. 33, 72, 96, 97. Redexalana. 407. Reed. 142, 284, 491. Reed Halsey. 285. Rensselaer. 567. Reuben. 361. Richard. 1, 7, 11, 14, 38, 69, 104, 152,321, 1002. Richard Baxter. 405. Richard Champlin. 320. Richard William. 443, 531. Robert. 206, 1268. Robert Clayton. 961. Robert Norton. 789. Robert Smith. 555. Rodney. 261. Rosalind. 901. Roswell. 162. Rufus. 181. Russel. 102. Ruth. 36, 72. Ruth M. 1023. Sabrina. 185. BROCKWAY. Sallie. 590, 1297. Sallie Bostwick. 222. Sally Eliza. 609. Sally M. 214. Samantha. 280. Samantha Caroline. 512. Samuel. 18, 19, 249, 309, 436, p. 144. Samuel Clark. 133. Samuel Goddard. 447. Samuel Mosely. 253. Sarah. 9, 35, 64, 108, 135, 160. Sarah Ann. 283. Sarah Caroline. 551. Sarah Josephine. 494. Sarah Lucelia. 1248. Sarah Mitchell. 154. Selden. 307. Semellius. 113, 156, 196, 205. Sidney Stewart. 787. Silas Briggs. 1227. Silas Hawley. 653. Silence. 43. Sinai. 633. Smith Payne. 632. Solomon Porter. 1242. Sophia. 232, 344. Stephen. 351. Stimpson. 191. Sukey. 239. Susan. 577. Susanna. 177, 319. Sylvester. 146. Sylvia. 170, 356, 574, 588, 608, 848. Temme. 128. Temperance. 132, 247, 253, 345. Thomas. 14, 71, 122, 230. Thomas Clark. 256, 442-. Thomas Clinton. 785. Thomas Henry. 434s.' Thomas Rockwell. 878. Tiffany. 46, 106, 46 appendix, 1005, 1014. 1025. Timothy. 77, 164, 173. Ulyses. 1301. Violetta Mary. 1254. Walter H. 1027. Walter Leon. 443. Wealthy. 1202. Wesley. 511. W. H. 1261. Whitman. 189. Wilbur Fisk. 515. Wilbur Wells. 828. William. 1, 3, 12, 60, 109, 134, 144, 189, 252, 321, 565, 1236, 1315, 1332. . William C. 1209. William Champion. 337. William Frederick. 962. William G. 1252. William H. 1302. William Hadley. 1217. William Henry. 782, 1213. INDEX. J55 BROCKWAY. BURT. William Larned Marcy. 290. Delia. 205. William Northrop. 873, 877. William Palmer. 127, 137, 267. BURTON. William Spencer. 452. Clarissa. 645. William S. 439. Willie Hine. 991. Wilson Barnard. 410. BURWELL. Anna. 351. Wilson Judd. 949. BUSH. Wolston. 1, 1 note, 4, 18, 52, 76, no, 352, Minnie De Witt. 865. 4345.S695, 1303, 1304, pp. 143, 144. W. L. Introduction. BUTLER. Wyatt Sumner. 1243. Mary. 63. Zebulon. 143, 150, 267, 279, 292, 293. Zebulon. 63. Zebulon Reed. 513. • ¦ 140, 143- 64, 123, 302, 663, 664, 670, 780, 816, BYINGTON. 844, 845 misprinted 855, 1288. Lucy. 783. BROOK. CADWELL. Anna. 52. Adeline. 703. BROOKS. George. 706. Sally. 649. P. D. 393. Ruth. 705. BROWN. Ellen Laura. 457. Sidney. 704. Jane Miles. 455. C AG WIN. Jenett Eliza. 456. Eliza. 381. Kathleen. 459. CALKINS. Nathaniel M. 257. Charles B. 1275. Peter Wilbur. 458. Daniel E. 1277. P-J- 855. Esther. 85. Stewart L. 380. Frederick W. 1276. Worthington Dunham. 454. Henry G. 1278. BROWNE. Martin F. 1235. Ethel G. 1316. CANFIELD. Grace E. 1317. Julia. 504. Henry L. 671. William H. 1313. CARMAN. Willie M. 1318. James. 884. BUCKINGHAM. CARPENTER. Hezekiah. 16. Davis. 384. Sarah. 16. CARR. William Alfred. 514. Edward Vincent. 859. BUCKLEY. Frank Conklin. 969. Mary Ann. 693. Minnie Evelyn. 970. BUFFINGTON. CARRIER. Content. 357. Susanna. 24. Preserved. 357. CARTER. Sarah. 357. Eunice. 1007. BUGSBEE. . . 672. Mercy. 142. CAVERT. BULLEN. Mary E. 1225. John, Jr. 234. CAZZAC. BUNCE. . . . 1208. John. 869. BURBAN. CHADWICK. Mary. 59. George W. 544. BURGESS. CHAMBERLAIN. Amanda. 580. James F. 896. 156 BROCKWA Y FA MIL Y CHAMPION. Deborah. 2, 19. Lovisa. 157. Henry. 2. Stephen. 21. Thomas. 1, 2. Edward. 125. CHAMPLIN. CHAPEL. Chrischina. 332. Chrjstiua. 332. CHAPMAN. Cyrus. 478. Edgar Wilson. 811. Eugenia. 946. Rev. Frederick W. 1308. George H. 945. George William. 755. H. M. 1221. Ruth. 1236. Samuel. 7. Sarah. 168. Sumner. 811. CHILD. Prof. .... 399. CHRISTOPHERS. Christopher. 1. CHURCH. Lazarus. 241. S. M. 241. CLAP. Temperance. 238. Thomas. 238. CLARK. Catharine Jennet. 435. Hannah. 60. Polly. 280. Stephen. 122. Thomas. 60. CLARKE. Rhoda N. 246. COBB. Hattie. 897. COLTON. Flavia Field. 428. COMSTOCK. Carrie. 802. Elijah. 512. Elizabeth. 114. Grace. 803. Henry Brockway. 805. Henry Tracy. 512. Jabez. 277, 446, 485. Jennie. 804. John. 446. COMSTOCK. Laura. 801. Llewellyn. 526, 834. Oliver Henry. 806. Margaret Brockway. 5171. Miss . . 268. William. 114. CONE. Edward. 1292. Jared. 1296. Jeremiah. 1296. Jonah, Jr. 184. Judah. 135. Walter Rutherford. 1292. CONKLIN. Elbert E. 971. Elisha Crosby. 611. Emily Fay. 980. Emily Frances. 861. Flora Belle. 977. George Brockway Van Hosen. 864. Henrietta Eugenia Ida Estelle. 863. Henry T. 972. Ida Mar. 978. Jesse Brockway. 862. Jesse I. 976. Mary Jane. 859. Matthew. 860. Ora Belle. 979. Rossiter C. 978. COOK. William H. 281. COOLEY. Frank E. 731. CORDWELL. Mary. 653. CORKINS. Esther. 85. CORRECTIONS. Corrections, p. 145. COVEY. Franklin S. 751. COWLES. James. 247. COX. James. 623. CRAFTS. Seth. 200. CRAMER. Acelia B. 1313. CRANDALL. Hannah. 333. CROSBY. Orris. 2.20. INDEX. 157 DALY. CULVER. Anna. 114. CUSHMAN. Emma Lavon. 423. CUYLER. G. W. 356. Charles. 734. DAMON. Abby Ann. 478. Addison E. 475. Adeline. 311, 474. Amelia. 479. Henry N. 477. John. 480. Matthew. 481. Nathan. 273, 476. DANA. Edward Byington. 783. George. 783. DAVIS. Adaliah. 621. Charlotte. 464. Cordelia. 626. Ebenezer. 360. Edward. 625. Harriet. 622. Henry. 624. Julia Ann. 628. Keziah. 648. Levi. 630. Lizzie. 629. Mary Jane. 987. Patty. 627. Polly. 146. Samantha. 623. DAY. Maria G. 1234. DELAMATER. Catharine. 361. DICKENSON. . . 12071. DICKEY. • • 1245- DICKINSON. Simeon. 155. DICKSON. Elizabeth E. 405. DILLAY. Desire. 366. DIXON. Henry G. 863. DOANE. Amanda B. 403. DOCHTER. Geertruy Andriese. 688 note. DODGE. Lydia. 211. DOOLITTLE. Abraham. 160. DOTY. DRAKE. Jane. 166. Francis A. 725. J- L- 725- DUNBAR. H. P. 988. Leffingwell. 988. DUNHAM. Anna. 134. Daniel. 134. Elizabeth. 134, 144. EARL. Joseph. 1201. ELLIOT. William Harris. 866. ELLSBRE. William. 810. ELLSWORTH. Gurdon. 230. ELY. Abner. 113, 156. Abner Sheldon. 327. Arabella. 324. Bridget. 323. Calvin. 326. Dorcas Brockway. 197. Eleazer. 197. Elijah. 148. Emma. 197. Ezra. 325. Hephzibah. 148. Jane. 330. Julia Ann. 373. Martha. 329. Mary. 22, 137. Richard. 22. Samuel. 156. Semellius Brockway. 295, 328. Temperance. 331. William. 22. Zebulon. 122. Thomas. 4. ENNIS. ENSWORTH. Joseph. 876. ESTABROOK. Hobart. 160. 158 BROCKWA Y FAMILY FAY. Alice. 818. Eunice. 819. Fannie Bell. 817. Hubbar N. 517. Osmer Willis. 517. FENTON. . Gov. . . 404. FERGUSON. Peter. 1013. FERRY. ' Keziah. 1001. John. 232. FITCH. FISHER. John W. 502. Lizzie Rizpah. 502. FLAGER. Abraham. 846. FOLLANSBY. Atty. 368, 688 note. Eunice. 365, 688 note. George. 365, 688 note. Jerome. 368, 688 note. FOSMIRE. Atta Bush. 982. Charles Henry. 865. Edith M. 983. Garret Henry. 611,613. FOUGESEE. Anice. 497. FOX. Benjamin, Jr. 42. Sarah. 39. FREEMAN. Albert Dwight. 283. Charles Romaine. 500. Charles Wells. 288. Charlotte. 797. Edmund. 800. Elizabeth Clarissa. 499. Agard, Emily. 1242. Franklin Hovey. 503. Frank Stephen. 790, misprinted 890. Gertrude. 796. Harvey Chauncey. 794, misprinted 894. Henry. 799. Henry Clay. 501. John Charles. 504. John Dwight. 795. Lizzie A. 1242. Louis Reed. 793, misprinted 893. Mary. 798. Reed Brockway. 502. Stephen. 283, 288. Stephen Dwight. 497. FREEMAN. Walter Dwight. 791, misprinted ; William Henry. 498. FRENCH. Boyington. 200. Buckland. 391, 392. Lucius. 289. Lunian. 390. Tommie. 507. Mary Elizabeth. 506. Willard Parker. 505. . . . 142. FULLER. Harriet M. 278. GARDINER. Atty. 903. Charles. 902. Jacob S. 686. GARRET. Sylvia. 1210. GARRISON. Aaron. 364. Ansel W. 643. Clarissa. 884. Cordelia. 883. David Henry. 364, 625, 645. Elma. 887. Fanny. 885. Frank Barlow. 888. Jane Elizabeth. 646. Ira. 364. John. 364. Laura. 644. Martha. 352. Mary Ann. 882. , Orestes. 886. Sarah. 642. GATES. GEE. GEER.GIBBS. David. 1293. Joseph. 1293. Lydia. 1293. Abby Ann. 548. Betsey. 312. M . . 118. GIBSON. Isabella. 1232. GIDDINGS. Dorcas. 70, 113. • ¦ 33°- GILL. Sarah. 219. T.J. 728. GILLET. Dan. 264. Harriet N. 264. INDEX. *59 Stafford. 1012 Ashbel. 77. Austin. 222. Harriet.. 418. Eliza. 1008. GODFREY. GOODRICH. GORTON. GRAHAM. GRAVES. William J. 465. Betsey. 12 14. Lucinda. 12 13. GREELY. Benjamin. 406. Euretta Evalena. Horace. 404. Victor Horace. 754. Willie C. 944. GREGORY. Charles M. 861. George Conklin. 975. John Percy. 973. Orpha Belle. 974. GRIFFIN. Harriet. 450. Rhoda. 259. GRIFFING. Frances. 149. HADLEY. Betsey. 1209. HALE. Emma. 1018. HALL. Abel. 124. Abigail. 129. John. 350. Joseph. 665. Miranda. 230. HALSEY. Elizabeth. 142. Silas. 142. HALSTEAD. A. C. 355. HAMILTON. Charles Mann. 771. Lucius G. 421. HARDER. Ann Amelia. 894. David H. 895. Elizabeth A. 898. James W 897. Mary Jane. 896. William H. 683. Phebe. 1203. HARRINGTON. HARRIS. Esther. 49. John. 1, 1 note, 1304 Sarah. 48, 513. Tabitha. 47. Thankful. 50. William. 8. • ¦ ¦ 136. Anna P. 403. HARvEY. HATCH. HAVEN. Sally. 104, 1002. HAVENS. Daniel. 282. HAWES. Emory C. 716. Emory Wesson. 923. Harry Luthen. 924. Leon Edward. 925. Lucina. 1219. May Lizzie. 922. HAW LEY. HAWS. Cornelius. 572. Hannah. 365. Jane. 607. HAYDEN. Charles. 479. Elizabeth E. 1295. Nancy. 477. HEALY. Denison C. 397. HEALEY. Laura A. 731. Maria L. 730. Mary E. 732. Rachel M. 729. Winfield. 733. HENDRICKSON. Mary. 514. HERRICK. Abbie Ann. 722. Almena. 393. Bessie Brockway. 712. Betsey Ann. 396. Charlotte E. 714. Emma Louise. 717. Harmony. 397. Henry Knox. 715. Hattie Hill. 723. Hattie Park. 919. Isabella Alice. 719. Jennie Mary. 920. i6o BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y HERRICK. Lucina. 394. Mary Elizabeth. 718. Melissa Blair. 720. Sadie Emily. 921. Thomas. 201, 395. Ursula. 398. Ursula Maria. 716. HIBBARD. Asbury. 622. Henry. 868. Louisa. 870. Sibyl. 869. William. 872. . . 871. HINE. Edith. 873. Phebe. 873. William. 873. HOAGE. William Henry. 882. HOBART. Rev. Mr. 1304, 1305, 1306. HOLCOMB. Walter B. 920. HOLENBECK. Ann. 46 appendix. HOLLISTER. George. 574. HOLMES. Elias Bellows. 387. HONOUR. ¦ • 9°9- HOPKINS. Fanny. 238. HOWARD. Deborah. 262. HOYT. Frances Louisa. 877. Joel. 877. HUBBARD. Sarah. 636. HUN. Dorothy. 277. HUNT. Sarah. 229. William. 419. HUNTER. Sylvia. 164. HUNTINGTON. Joseph. 122. HUSTED. Nicholas. 588. HUTSON. Benjamin, Jr. 107. HYDE. Philo. 380. JEROME. Phema. 116. JOHNSON. Baruch. 477. Rebecca A. 299. Stephen. 122. JONES. Elizabeth. 364. E. R. 1225. Martin. 684. Mary. 133. Mary E. 1225. JOSHUA. Indian. 3. JUDD. Nelson E. 732. Susan M. 756. KASSON Robert. 1004. KELLOGG. Allyn. 776. Grace Hall. 952. Martin. 776. Norman Brockway. 953. KINNEY. Adrianna,H. 860. Stephen Fitch. 236. KIRTLAND. Hannah. 12. KITCHENER. Thomas. 652. KING. Edward L. 711. KNOX. Curtis Henry. 911. Hiram H. 708. Lydia. 640. Mary A. 395. Minnie A. 912. Storm. 641. Thomas. 362. LAMB. Arthur Warner. 941. Bertha. 943. Elizabeth Warner. 942. Henry L. 747- Laurence Bigelow. 940. Robert Brockway. 939. LANGDON. Herbert B. 727. INDEX. 161 Sarina. 280. LANGWORTHY. LA PLACE. Caroline. 279. Frank. 320. Jonathan. 141. LAREBY. John. 1 note. 1303. LATHROP. Eunice. 122, 230. Elijah. 122. LATIMER. Nancy. 267. LAY. Edward. 1, 7. Sarah. 16. LEE. Catharine. 148. Jerry. 640. Thomas. 640. LE VALLEY. Harriet Amelia. 1017. LEVINGSTON. William. 97. LEWIS. Anna Lucina. 712. Charles L. 835. Ella P. 836. Frank. 527. Helen Maria. 711 John. 394. John Wesley. 713. LINCOLN. Otis. 890. Sarah Isabella. 890. LOCKWOOD. Samuel. 122. LODOWYCK. Belinda. 886. Henry. 886. LORD. Jerushe. 233. Susanna. 122. LUTHER. Amirah Frances. 300, 460. Elliot Beckwith. 461. Levi. 135, 260. Louisa B. 482. William Chamberlain. 462. LYMAN. John E. 758. MC CLURE. Archibald. 351. Elizabeth. 351. William. 351. Stephanie. 748. MAIER. MAIN. Hannah. 1001. 638. MALTBIE. MANN. Augusta. 419. Caroline. 420. Jeremiah. 224. , Lydia Ann. 421. MANNING. Ruth Ann. 606. MANY. Daniel J. 781. Ida Augusta. 781. Sarah. 781. MARLETTE. Mary Ann, 807. MARSH. Elizabeth. 132. Hannah. 156. MARTIN. Carrie Arminda. 524. Hannah. 252. William. 252. MARVIN. Catharine. 127. Hannah. 359. Frances. 375. MATTOON. Eliza. 1227. MAXSON. Edith Jane. 995. Faron. 987. John. 987. MC CORMICK. Jennie. 1315. MERRILL. Phebe. 192. METCALF. Ernest Edwin. 956. George Dickson. 777. John Brockway. 954. John Milton. 777. Martin Kellogg. 957. Mary Isabella. 777. Peyton Wyeth. 955. MILLER. Abraham. 856. Alida. 857. Asahel. 1331. Charles Isaac. 967. Henry. 856. Simeon George. 966. l62 BROCKWA Y FAMILY MINER. Abby Maria. 826. Caroline. 271, 472. Carrie Lucadon. 825. Charles Carroll. 523. Clarence Cathwood. 823. Daniel Southmayd. 471. Frederick Orin. 822. Grace Lee. 827. Harriet. 473. Hattie Maria. 821. Jared Spencer. 271. Orin Southmayd. 519. Sarah Elizabeth. 520. Southmayd Hallam. 820. Willie. 824. MITCHELL. Desire. 69. William C. 729. MOREY. Augustus. 478. Eliza. 221. Lulu. 737. MORGAN. MORSE. MOSELEY. MOTT. MYERS. Deborah. 32. Experience. 29 Hannah. 27. John. 28. Lydia. 30. Mary. 1, 25. Nathaniel. 31. Samuel. 5, 26. John. 629. Joseph M. 1241. Simeon. 669. NAPIER. Arthur. 1273. Harry Nelson. 1291. NEWEL*.. Eliza. 4342. Jeffrey. 434*. Christina. 434=. NICHOLS. Sarah A. 400. NILES. Ambrose. 25, 86, 131, 182, 374, 375, 376. Ambrose E. 700. Benjamin. 183, 371. Benjamin Cone. 376. Enoch. 702. Jonathan. 142. Julia. 701. Mary. 86, 142, 184, 372. NILES. Mary Spencer. 699. William Brockway. 373. William Pitt. 696. . . 697, 698. NORTHRUP. Minerva. 632. NORTON. Asahel Strong. 238. Emily. 238. NOTICE. Notice, p. 147. NOYES. Moses. 1. NYE. 93i- Bessie Herrick. G. Arthur. 930. George D. 720. Isabella Melissa. 932. Paul Thomas. 933. Theodore Herrick. 926. Vail Elliot. 934. William. 812. William R. 717. OATLEY. Emerson W. 714. G. Wells. 913. Lottie Eliza. 915. Frederick Lucien. 918. Rose Gertrude. 916. Ruth Gaylord. 917. Walter Herrick. OLMSTED. Jonathan. 1003. OSTRANDER. Gerritje. 688 note. Johannes. 688 note. Margarita. 688 note. ORCHARD. Martha H. 746. PAGE. Horace W. 1272. L. W. 1233. Marian. 1269. Mary Evaline. 1271. W. H. 1270. PAINE. Smith. 165. PALMER. Deborah Jane. 502. Dorothy. 1292. PARK. Lucinda. 685. Sarah E. 715. PARKER. Prof. . 399. . 510. INDEX. 163 PARKS. Henry. 707. PARSONS. Elijah. 230. PATTERSON. D. Williams. Introduction, p. 147. PAYNE. Elizabeth. 645. Francis W. 612. Nathaniel. 645. PEARSALL. S. W. 852. PEASE. Mary. 735. PECK. Azubah. 112. Joseph. 5. Marion. 1330. Nathan Garnsey. 850. Wright H. 730. Deacon . 263. PERRIGO. Charles M. 891. Mary Adele. 1200. PHELPS. George Nelson. 525. Isabel Asenath. 525. Mary Ann. 399. PHILLIPS. Ammi. 367. Andrew. 628. George. 678. Henry. 679. Russell. 681. William. 680, 874. PHINNEY. Elizabeth. 1283. Eva L. 1284. Florence May. 1282. John H. 1238, 1239. PINNEO. Bezaleel. 122. PITKIN. Mary Clap. 238. Timothy. 238, PLYMPTON. Frances W. Y. 434=. POMEROY. Benjamin. 122. PORTER. Caroline. 599. Chauncey. 356, 601. Clarissa. 1217. Margaret. 600. Mary Elizabeth. 603. ( PORTER. James. 605. Jane Maria. 602. Olive Ann. 598. Sarah. 604. Sylvia. 597. POST. Asa David. 321. Benjamin. 163. David. 321. Emily. 163. Nancy Fidelia. 252. PRATT. Angie. 739. Ann. 152, 158. Frederick. 737. George. 735. Henry. 266. Hepzibah. 163. Hezekiah. 152. Jedediah. 158, 1297. Julius C. 398. Louisa. 734. Nathaniel Charles. 738. Prudence. 12. Stephen. 1297. Tabor. 152. Thomas Herrick. 736. William. 3, 12. Willie. 740. PRICE. John. 898. PROCTOR. Robert. 646. PUTMAN. Aaron. 887. Hannah. 38. Betsey. 1231. RANDALL. 736. RANSOM. REAN. REED. Ahimaaz. 81. Caroline. 62. Deborah. 14. Ebenezer. 231. George. 137. Ireua. 137. Lorenzo. 590. RENO. Clement. 558. Benjamin. 62. Lydia. 563. Nathaniel. 350, 561.. Peter. 559. Polly. 560. Rensselaer. 564. 164 BROCKWA Y FAMIL Y RENO. Simeon. 350. Stephen. 562. REYNOLDS. Alfred. 694. Caleb. 370. Charles Coleman. 906. Charlotte. 909. Edward Merritt. 905. Horace. '695. John. 1. Joseph. 690, 908. Lucy Amelia. 910. Lyman, 692. Milo. 693. Sarah Maria. 691. Susan Maria. 907. . . 689. RICE. George H. 947. Richard A. 755, 948. RICHARDS. Emma Louise. 927. James. 718. Lena May. 929. Louis Herrick. 928. RICHARDSON. Charlotte. 379. ROBERTS. Ida. 862. Lucy. 252. Richard L. 903. Sarah Ann. 682. ROBERTSON. Alfred. 218. Beman. 216. Fanny. 217. Samuel. 120. ROCKWELL. Ruth. 632. Thomas. 632. ROGERS. Betsey. 355. Caroline M. 545. Harvey. 573. RORABACK. Chauncey. 968. George. 607. James. 858. Jane Eliza. 856. Jesse Brockway. 857. Katy. 856. Simeon George. 607. ROYCE. Betsey. 264. RUMSEY. Isaac. 900. RUST. Albina M. 1240. Josephine A. 1240. SANT. Minerva. 469. SAVAGE. Hon. James, L. L. D. 1306. SCHERMERHORN. Catharine. 857. Ryer. 857. SCO VI L. Sarah. 13. SELDEN. Laura. 512. Samuel. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24. SEYMOUR. Frederick Stanley. 803. SHANNON. Lucy. 692. SHERIDAN. Philip H. 514. SHERWOOD. Julia. 724. SHIBLEY. Jeremiah. 584, 589. Louise. 582. SHOPBELL. Charles. 875. SHURTLEFF. Amasa. 203. Carmi. 403. Catharine. 741. David. 401. Edwin. 742. Ella Jane. 744. Frank B. 743. George. 400. Joseph C. 745. Marcus. 402. Simeon. 399. SIMPSON. MaryE. 853. SKINNER. Aaron. 233. David. 233. SLINGERLAND. Maria. 709. SLOSSON. Sarah. 890. SMALLWOOD. John Bell. 951. Wilbur Fiske. 766. INDEX. 165 Anna. 244. Elisha H. 547. Henry. 586. Jacob N. 578. Joseph. 23. Margaret. 19. Phebe. 83. Richard. 1. SMITH. Sarah C. 735. Susanna. 153. SNOW. SPELMAN. SPENCER. Israel. 132, 372. Israel Seldon. 132, 253. Temperance Clark. 253. SPRONG. Anna. 351. STAIR. Eunice. 45 appendix. STERRETT. Jane. 212. Rachel R. 226. STEVENS. Nancy. 246. STONE. Albert L. 760. Frank Averill. 950. Timothy. 122. STREETER. Barber. 650. STREVER. Esther Content. 866. Martin. 614. STEWARD. Lucy Ann. 1329. SWIFT. Ambrose. 170. Sally. 353. TAYLOR. James. 1006. Susan. 410. TENNANT. Simeon. 626. TERRY. Aaron. 666. THOMAS. Mary. 862. THOMPSON. Clarissa. 283, 288. Elizabeth. 45, 45 appendix. Sophia. 280. William W. 467. TICK NOR. Marilla. 238. TIFFANY. Elizabeth. 7, 45 appendix. TINKER. Elizabeth Bulkeley. 267. Jonathan' 267. Susanna. 12. TOWNE. Maria. 583. TUBBS. Lydia. 88. Peter. 35. Richard. 87. Sarah. 89. TUPPER. Judson. 901. TURCK. Eve. 365, 688 note. Jeronimus. 688 note. TUTTLE. Elias. 207. UNCAS. Indian. 3. VAN BUREN. Caatje Martense. 688 note. Sally (Brooks.) 649. VAN DEN BOUGH. Elizabeth. 688 note. VANDENBERGH. Jesse Brockway. 984. John Edson. 985. Mary Cornelia. 986. William Lee. 867. VAN DEUSEN. Catharine. 688 note. VAN HOESEN. George. 642. John. 879. VAN SINDEREN . . 886. VAN VALKENBURGH. Jannetje. 688 note. Lambert. 688 note. Jochem. 688 note. Jochum. 688 note. VANWILBECK. Jan Thomase. 688 note. VERY. Alice. 728. Anna Brockway. 725. Bessie. 937. Edith. 935. 166 BROCKWAY FAMILY VERY. WEST. Edwin. 726. Joel. 229. Henry. 396. Samuel. 229. Louisa. 727. Susan. 936. WHEAT. William. 724. Frances. 899. VROOMAN. WHEDEN. Eva Hendrickse. 688 note. Dorcas. 76. WADE. WHEELOCK. Abner. 615. Eleazar. 122. Deidamia Eudora Brockway. 867. WHITE. Elisha. 133. Eliza. 776. Hannah. 1, 2. Rebecca. 12 10. John. 2. Sally. 133. WHITING. Mary. 238. WALKER. Lewis. 589. WILKIE. Samuel. 41. Frederick. 383. WARN. WILLEY. Sarah J. 470. Abraham. 270. Abraham Richardson. 469. WARNER. Abraham Wolcott. 314. Abby J. 525. Barak Beckwith. 270, 468, 470. Elizabeth Allen. 404. Deborah. 467. George. 66. Ethan Allen. 150, 314. Jabez. 145. Janet. 465. Lucy. 119. Susan B. 466. Selden. 145. Selden Jewett. 294, 298. WILLIAMS. Solomon. 404. James M. 422. Prof. .... 404. Lois Brockway. 772. Nancy. 204. WARREN. Samuel. 712. Acastus. 1215. Solomon. 122. Isaac. 1207. , WILLIS. WATTERUS. . Eunice. 517. Isaac. 1. ¦ 637- WATTMAN. WILTERTON. Martha. 278. Gregory. 3. WAY. WINSHIP. George. 127. Amanda. 668. WAYS. Luke Bates. 668. Ann Ellicot. 763. WITBECK. Charles Brockway. 764. • Elizabeth. 368, 688 note. Thaddeus Goodrich. 765. Jonathan. 688 note. Thaddeus Sobieski. 418. Jonathan Janse. 688 note. WEEDEN. WOLCOTT. Dorcas. 76. Ann. 158, 1297. WELDEN. WOOD. George Wolston. 652. Mary Asenath. 754. Thomas. 652. WOODHOUSE. WEIDERWAX. Jane. 513. Henry. 590. Sylvester. 513. WELLS. WRIGHT. Sarah. 864. Adelaide. 864. Thomas. 651. Sarah Warner. 404. INDEX. 167 YOUNG. Alida. 514. Henry. 514. SURNAME UNKNOWN. Amelie. 515. Ann. 152. Annatie. 688 note. Elizabeth. 3. Elsie. 688 note. Fanny. 899. SURNAME UNKNOWN. Hannah. 60. Margaret. 4. Mary. 142. Melissa. 673. Mercy. 77. Phebe. 1294. Rachel. 7. Sarah. 62. BROCKWAY. Florence Isabella. 987. I LIBRARY 3 9002 01516 mmmii