mm t iii I * Ijillfc ttteli- m^'-^ di.! ,' aft! . f iff' itf' .S3' ''^ t,l»lilJ,JJ llw ^^ ^ f^Jwft^A?^ 1^^^^ ^^^gB g^^^p i ^^^ S^P^ 1 fs m YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the HENRY W. SCOTT ^. JR. FUND NOTES OR ABSTRACTS OF THE WILLS CONTAINED IN THE VOLUME ENTITLED THE GREAT ORPHAN BOOK AND BOOK OF WILLS, In the Council House at Bristol. By the Rev. T. P. WADLEY, ALA., Rector of Naunton Beauchamp ; Honorary Member of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaological Society, and of the Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archceological Society. BRISTOL : Printed for the Bristol and Gloucestershire Society by C. T. JEFFERIES AND SONS, Printers, RedclifF Street, 1886. o n NOTICE. Members of the Society are requested to cancel and remove the " Introduction " issued with Part I. of the Book of Bristol Wills ; and also the leaves, pp. 49-50 ; 59-60 ; 103-104 ; and 195-196 in that and the subsequent parts, and substitute for such introduction and leaves respectively, the introduction and leaves sent herewith. John Maclean. INTRODUCTION. The following notes or abstracts were made towards the end of the year 1879, and in the early part of 1880, under the auspices of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archreological Society, which had previously obtained the requisite permission from the Bristol Town Council. In making these abstracts, care was taken to give the names of all the persons mentioned in each will, adhering to the original spelling of their surnames, and setting down full particulars of the bequests in every case of real property. And for the satis faction of other antiquaries, besides the genealogist, it was deemed advisable to note all the places, streets, lanes, and ships of which the testators make mention. The Orphan Book has been rightly described as the "great" book, being of much larger size than either of its companion volumes, which are entitled — Register Book of Wills, No. 2, and Register Book of Wills, No. 3. It will be seen that, viewed chronologically, these two books have been wrongly numbered. The great book contains 448 wills. There appears to have been no will preceding that of John Woderoue as far back as the year 1479. It may be remarked that in Additional MS., 29866, at the British Museum, there are some copies of wills, which one might have expected to find in this collection : viz., those of Margery Spert, a.d., 1389, who owned property in the town and suburb of Bristol, and was mother of Thomas Spert, whose will is here; Thomas Berkeley, burgess, 1436, nephew of John Olyve, whose will is also here ; Hugh Withyford, merchant of Bristol, 1441 ; and William Withyford, son and heir of the said Hugh, 1449. There are 113 wills in the second book, the dates ranging from 1630 to 1674. The third book contains nearly 300 wills, upwards of sixty of them bearing date towards the end of the reign of Elizabeth, and the last one dated May 13th, 1633. 2 INTRODUCTION. There are also two volumes of Recognizances at the Council House. The first of these recites the charter granted by King Edward III. to the burgesses of Bristol, in reference to the protection of the lands, tenements, and goods bequeathed to orphans and children who were minors in the town and its suburb. The seventh year of the reign of that king seems to be the earliest date, mentioned in this volume, of the appearance of persons before the Mayor as guardians of orphans and their property : in which year, on Monday in the vigil of the Purification of the B.V.M., William de Cropenhull came and made a declara- tien (recognovit) at the Guildhall, before Roger Turtle, then Mayor, relative to the will of John de Aschton, deceased, and as guardian of Walter and Isabel, children of the said John, Alan de Wrington being a bondsman for Cropenhull. It is further shown that when an orphan had arrived at his full age, and been put in possession of his legacy, it was his duty to acknowledge the receipt thereof personally before the Mayor. One of the most interesting entries in this book of Recognizances relates to the family of the celebrated William Canynges. It states that his' father John being dead, and his mother Joan having become the wife of Thomas Yonge, burgess, the said Thomas appeared before the Mayor, on Monday next after the feast of St. Thomas Martyr, 9 Henry IV., and acknowledged that he had undertaken the guardianship of Thomas, son of the said John Canynges, being of the age of ten years and a half, and of William, son of the same John, aged five years and a half. This book does not seem to have been much used between the reigns of Edward IV. and Elizabeth. In the second book of Recognizances, 18 Charles I. appears to be the latest date. Repeated mention of the exercise of this jurisdiction occurs in the Orphan Book. Reference is made to it in the earliest dated will, that of John Dodyng, No. 1 8. The following note is inserted after the record of proof, at the Guildhall, of the will of Walter Fro mpton, burgess, who made his will in 1423, having then an only son ; " Et co'misim' admi'straco'em lib'or' ten'tor' infra diet' test'm con tent' qua'tu' ad officiu' n'rm p'tinet executrici infrascripte in forma iuris iurate salua & res'uata nob' & Succ' n'ris potestate quacu'qz INTEODUCTION. 3 t'ras &. ten'ta Orphani infrascripti p' inf'scriptu' nup' p'rem suu' du' vixit eid'm Orphano p' p'sens test'm legata sufficient' p'sonis quibz nobis fore videbit' co'mittend' & eid'm Orphano inde modo debito sc'd'm tenore' & eff' cm eiusd'm testame'ti respondend' iux' tenorem Carte d'ni Regs' in auxiliu' ''o anima for three or four years. Legacies to his mother Lucy, wife Agnes, and son John ; to the fabric of AA'orcester cathedral ; the fraternity of the Nativity of the blessed Mary in the said church of St. Stephen, and to the rector there ; to each order of friars in Bristol. Wife Agnes, John Swell and William Nywbury, to be executors. By a codicil under tho date 13th Notes of Bristol Wills. 15 kal. May, 1385, " temp'e quo languebat in Mari inf dioc' Exon'," testator be queathed a pipe of wine, or 100 shillings, to the fabric of St. Stephen's church in Bristol, and the same to the fraternity at Coventry. Proved before Walter Cheltenham and Walter Gybbes, commissaries of the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the church of St. Augustine the Less of Bristol, 3rd kal. May, 1385 ; at the Guildhall on Monday next before the feast of St. Bartholomew Apostle, 10 Richard ii. The will of Walter Cheltenham, rector of " Wythyndon " in the diocese of Worcester, and commissary general of the Archbishop, was proved Sept. 15th, 1385, and will be found in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth, Courteney 211. 22.— WILLIAM MILTON, tucker and burgess. 1386. Monday next before the feast of St. Laurence. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Werburgh of Bristol. Legacies to the fabric of that church, to the rector, and tvery chaplain, clerk, and suflFragan thereof, Robert Milton, sherman, to John Crompe and Magot, servants of testator, the prior and brethren of the house of the Kalendaries,and each order of friars at Bristol. Poor and needy people to have bread on the day of burial. To son Walter, shops in Gropelane, late the property of Master Nicholas Ryuer, also the tenement inhabited by testator in Cornestret. Son Walter and the said Robert Milton to be executors ; the rector of St. Werburgh overseer. Proved before John de Dunclent, Sept. 16th, 1386 ; at the Guildhall on Monday next before the feast of St. Michael Archangel, 10 Richard ii. 23.— WALTER DERBY, burgess. 1385. Thursday next before the feast of Simon and Jude Apostles. To be buried in the church of St. Werburgh of Bristol in the chapel of St. Anne ' ' de nouo ediflcand'. " Legacies to the fabric of the said chapel, to the rector of the said church, the clerk, suffragan, and every chaplain there, to the vicar and the fabric of St. Leonard's, and to the clerk and each chaplain, to the four orders of friars in Bristol and every friar belonging thereto, to the prioress and nuns of Barugh, and Isabel Poleyne a nun there, to the prior and convent of Bradstoke, to the vicar, and each chaplain, and the clerk, and the fabric of the church of Erlyngham, to the prioress and sisters of St. Mary Magdalene, and the poor of the same town. Two chaplains to celebrate in the church there during one year for testator's soul, his father's and mother's, &c. To the prioress and sisters of the house of St. Bartholomew of Bristol, and Joan Maryon sister there, to the chapel of the Assumption on the bridge of Avon, to the fabric of the chapel of the blessed Mary of RedclifF, to the master and brethren of the hospital of St. John by RedclifF, to Henry prior of the Kalend- aries of Bristol and each of his brethren being chaplains there, to the fabric of All Saints' church in Bristol, and Sir William Lench vicar thereof, to the fabric of the churches of St. Peter and St. James of Bristol, to the fabric of the church of Worcester, to each order of medicant friars in Gloucester and Oxford, to the Carmelite friars of Marlborough, to every poor person in the hospital of St. John at Bristol, in the house of Langrewe and in the almshouse by Temple gate, to every blind or lame poor person in Bristol. Twenty- 16 Notes of Bristol Wills. four poor men clothed in white or in black to sit about testator's corpse on the day of burial, twelve of whom to cai-ry torches : twelve wax tapers also to be provided " chca corpus men' ardent' die sepultur'." No feastuigs for the rich on the occasion, but for the poor. Legacies to each master of winc- drawei-s in Bristol, and every other wine-drawer, to every carrier of salt in the town, and every laborer upon the Key ; to Master Thomas Spert a gUt gh-dle given to testator by John Bai-staple, &c. ; to Master John Dene, and his sister Elizabeth and her children ; to John Stophenys the fourth part of the ship called the "Marie ;" to testator's servant William Godewyn £20, and one half of the said ship, of which Walter Cogan is master; to servant Nicholas and John Castell half the ship called the " Nicholas ;" to the said John Stephenys and Nicholas "dimidia' p'tem del Balyngei' vocat' Trinite cum toto app'at' medietat' p'tinent' ;" to Julian testator's mu'se, and John Berkeley his ser^Tuit, to Joan Reynold, to tlie children of John Ailly for their marriage, to Richard Portyngale, Maud Fi'ensch, Robert Cordy, and John Benham, to servants Walter Beauflour, William Sampson, and Joan Asshton, to William and John Spaynell, to Sir William Bryght- lamton, Philip Excesti-e, Letice Chaunger, Alice Williams, and Richai-d Morewey. To wife Joan £200, in the name of the thh-d pwt of goods, and certain vessels ; the rent of a tenement inhabited by John Candevere in Cornestret, with reversion after the death of the said John, also a tenement in tlie aforesaid street, and one in tlie High-street, both of which belonged formerly to John Blanket, and rent of the tenement in Wynche- sti-et, bought of the executors of Joan Sampson, opposite the church of the Holy Ti'inity of Bristol, with reversion of the same, and five shops in the corner of Langrewe, formerly purchased of John Warwyk, and six shops, with garden adjoining, in tlie suburb of Bristol in Bastestret, bought of WUliam Peyto, and the corner tenement in High-street, by tlio high Cioss, and the corner tenement opposite the house of the Kalendai-ies in Bristol ; all which property to be held by her during her life, if she shall keep herself single and chaste, if 'not, all the said property to be forthwith sold, and tlie money applied to pious uses. To John Stephenys a tenement in Cornesti-et, in which William Wermynstre A leaf missing. 24.— RICHARD MULEWARP, merchant. 1386. Aug. 8th. " Ego Ric'us Mulewaid m'cator sup' Pontom Bristoll manens." To be buried in the chapel of St. Thomas the Mai-tyr, before tho altar of the fraternity of the same. Legacies to the work (op'i) of the chapel of Redcliff, to the vicar there for tithes, to the work of the cluiiiel of iSt. Thomas, to each friai- of the four mendicant orders, and to the poor in the almshouses in Bristol, to other poor on tlie day of burial, for funeral oxponsca and celebrations pro anima, to ^^¦illiam Hewyssche, to the needy prisoners of ilonkbridge in Bristol, to servants Joan Abraliam and Cristina Priour, to John Xewton my apprentice, to sons John and Bernaid ; residue to wife Edith ; she, and son John, and Walter Martyn, executors. Witnessed by William' Wiche, John Corby chaplaui, and A\'illiam Hewyssche. Proved in the chapel of !St. Thomas of Bristol, June 25th, 1387 • at ^tlie GuUdhall on Monday next after the feast of St. Baitholomow Apostle 11 Richaid ii. ', Notes of Bristol Wills. 17 25.— THOMAS SAMPSON, burgess. 1387. June 9th. To be buried in the cemetery of the church of the blessed Mary of RedcUflF " inf pueros meos ib'm sepultos." Legacies to the fabric and vicar of that church, to the fabric of the church of St. Thomas of Bristol, to the parish chaplain of the said church, and to each chaplain, and the deacon, sub-deacon, and suflFragan there, to the poor on day of burial, to PhUip my brother, and his son Richard, and daughter Benet, to kinswoman Agatha, to Sir WUliam, chaplain at the Kalendaries, my wife's kinsman, to cliaplains of honest conversation, to pray for my soul, and the souls of all the faithful, to William More, and his daughter Joan, and wife Cristina, testator's daughter, and to her daughter Joan, to Thomas Borgeys, to servants John Hulle, Thomas Peu'ell, Margery, and George, to John Deye and John Hore, late servants, to Peres my kinsman and late servant, to Thomas Person, to the sick poor, and for the niarriage of poor maidens ; to wife Joan and her heirs and assigns, a ship " vocaf la Cog- Johan;" to Janyn of Norton, a helmet, with its garniture (auentalV), habergeon, lance, and small breastplate ; to wife Joan the tenement in which I dwell, situate between that of William Combe and the one inhabited by PhUip Dyar, to go, after her decease, to son William and his lawful heirs ; if he should die s.p., the property to be sold by my executors, or their executors "p' visum Maioris ville Bristoll," who is to have twenty shillings for his pains, and the money to be disposed of among the poor, feeble, and lame, and in the marriage of poor maidens ; to wife Joan the reversion of the tenement in Redcliff-street , between the tenement of John Yong and that of Robert Cheddre, when it shall fall after the death of Thomas In- hyne ; to go, on the death of the said Joan, to my son William and his lawful heirs ; if the said William should die s.p., to go to testator's daughter Cristina, wLEe of William More, and her lawful heirs. To wife Joan £300 in money, or in merchandise wares, as they are set down " in p'cio in Jnuentar' meo," in the name of the third part of all my goods, also vessels of silver, brass, wood, and lead. To son William £300 in money, or in merchandise wares, as set down in the said inventory, some of the wares being beyond the sea. To wife Joan, the keeping of son William and the aflFects bequeathed to him, she finding sufficient security before the Mayor, " p'ut mos est." The said Joan, Thomas Colston, William Wermynstre, and William More, executors. Witnessed by Sir William Kene chaplain, Thomas Person, and others. Proved in the chapel of the blessed Mary of RedclifF, July 15th, 1387 ; at the GuUdhall on Monday next after the feast of the Exaltation of the holy Cross, 11 Richard ii. 26.— THOMAS CLERK, burgess. 1387. Tuesday before the feast of the Decollation of St. John Baptist. To be buried in the church of St. Werburgh. Legacies to the fabric of that church and of St. Leonard's, to each priest in the latter and the clerk, in which also two priests are to celebrate pro anima ; to the mother church of Worcester ; to son John £20 sterling, also vessels, including " vnu' Ciphum de Degun;" the said John and his legacies to be in the keeping of John Stephens : to John Florys 40 shUlings and all testator's armour ; to servant Isabel. Sir Philip Sherror and John Stephens executors. c 18 Notes of Bristol Wills. Proved before John Barell clerk, commissary and sequestrator general for the Bishop of Worcester, in the church of All Saints of Bristol, Sept 7th, 1387 ; at the GuUdhaU on Monday next after the feast of St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist, 11 Richard ii. We have here an ancient Gloucestershke and Bristol surname. ThewiU of John BareU the younger, son of Robert, of the parish of Holy Trmity, Bristol, was proved in P.C.C., Dec. 4th, 1406. 27.— JOHN WARMYNSTRE. 1388. Aug. 21st. To be buried in the church of St. Thomas of Bristol, before the altar of St. Nicholas. Legacies to the fabric, the pai-ish chaplam, and the three clerks of that church, to the mother church of Wells, to the vicar of the church of RedeliflF, Bristol ; for burial and obit 100 shUlings ; to servant Thomas Wolf articles of clothmg ; to each order of mendicant friars at Bristol. All lands, tenements, &o., hi the town and suburb of Bristol, late the property of Walter Muleward burgess, and purchased by testator of John Milward, the said Walter's brother, to be sold, and the residue of the money, after payment of all debts, to remaui with wife Cristina ; to ser vant John 20 shillings if he sliaU stay with the said Ci'istina for the term agreed on between us, otherwise " nichU." To Thomas atte Hay and John Sharp 20 shillings apiece, if they will act as executors with the said Cristina. Proved m the parish church of RedeliflF, Sept. 4th, 1388 ; at the GuUd haU on Monday next after the feast of St. Vincent, 12 Richard u. 28.— JOHN MULEWARD. 1388. April 2nd. " Quond'm Alius Ric'i Muleward burgens' vUle Bristoll." To be buried in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr of Bristol. Legacies to the work of the said church, and of RedeliflF, to the vicar of the latter for tithes, to the work of St. Peter's of Bristol, and that of the chapel of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon, to the four orders of mendicant friars, and the needy in the various almshouses of Bristol, to the poor on the day of burial, to John Thomme and his wife, to Joan Abraham, John Newton, Cristina Priour, John son of Thomas Norton, John son of John Momfort, and William Hewylis. To my brother Bernard a shop in the suburb of Bristol, on the bridge of Avon, between the tenement of John Bunt and the shop which Edith our mother holds for her life, with reversion of the same, after her death, for the term of five years after the feast of the Annunciation of B.V.M., 11 Richaril ii. , according to a writuig. Four Treiitals of St. Gregory to be celebrated pro anima. Residue to tho said Edith. The aforesaid Bernard and Thomas Norton, executors. Proved m the chapel of St. Thomas of Bristol, May Uth, 1388 ; at the Guildhall on Monday next after the feast of St. Vincent, 12 Richard ii. 29.— EDITH MULEWARD. 1388. Sunday next after the feast of Easter. Testatrix was relict of Richard Muleward, of the parish of St. Thomas of Bristol, in the diocese of Bath and Wells. To be bmied in the tomb of the aforesaid Richard, in the chapel of the said St. Thomas. Legacies to the fabric of that chapel, and the parish chaplain there, to the fabric and vicar of St. Mary of RedeliflF, to the four orders of mendicant friars of Bristol. Forty pounds of wax to Notes of Bristol Wills. 19 make tapers for use at the time of burial. " Jfm lego vlf hoc tres libras monete Anglicane ad tenend' exequias meas." To the needy prisoners in Monkbridge, to the aged, needy, &c., in the various almshouses of Bristol, to my servant Joan Abraham, and apprentices John Newton and Cristina Priour, to Janyn David, to Cecily Hewyhs and her husband William, to John Thommys of Middlezoy und his wife, to former servants Joan Barbour and Cristina Shippester, to my spiritual daughter Edith, daughter of Roger TaiUour, to William White, and Master Simon Uphull. Residue to son Bernard ; he and William White executors. Witnessed by Sir Henry Netherhaven perpetual vicar of RedeliflF, Walter Martyn, the aforesaid William White, John Newton, Master Simon Uphull notary public, and others. A codicil was added June 28th, 1388, witnessed by John Mounford, and some of the parties already named : half the residue of the goods of testatrix and her husband to be disposed of for the benefit of the soul of Richard, her husband, of John her deceased son, and of herself, at the discretion of Thomas Norton, burgess of Bristol. Proved in the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, Sept. 10th, 1388 ; at the Guildhall on Friday next after the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 12 Richard ii. 30.— NICHOLAS TYMTENHULL. 1388. Sept. 28th. Testator, who belonged to the parish of Temple in Bristol, made his (nuncupative) will at sea, during a violent storm : "lego ai'am meam d'o & corpus men' sacre sepultur' iuxta disposic'oem clemencie diuine." All debts to be paid, and Margery his wife to have the residue, and his tenement in Temple-street, and be executrix. Proved at Chew, before Ralph Canon, commissary general of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Jan. 18th, 1388 ; at the GuUdhall on Monday next before the feast of the Purification of B.V.M., 12 Richard ii. 31.— WALTER FROMPTON, burgess. 1388. Dec. 6th. To be buried in the parish church of St. John of Bristol. To wife Isabel, for her life, the shop inhabited by Geoffrey Padir- stowe in the High-street, also the rent of a tenement, with reversion thereof, opposite the church of St. Peter, next the tenement of John Lan- castre, also a shop in Fisscherstret, held by Thomas Pyke, and the rent, with reversion, of a shop held by Andrew Anketill, and of one inhabited by Robert Hoper, in the same street, and a shop on the Key inhabited by Simon Spert, and the rent of a tenement on the Key inhabited by Ralph Blanket, next a tenement of the prior and brethren of the Kalendaries, and sis shops in Gropelane next the tenement of John Slo, also the rent, with reversion, of the shop inhabited by Joyce Webbe, and a yearly rent from a tenement in Langrewe inhabited by John Bissy, and the rent of a tenement inhabited by Elizabeth Dodyng, opposite the church of St. Laurence, next the tene ment of John Hanam ; on condition that the said Isabel carefully preserves the said possessions ; but if she should marry again, or live unchastely, they are to be sold after three proclamations at the high Cross " cum tuba & plus oflFerenti ; " the money thereby raised to be divided into four equal parts, one for the blind, lame, &c. ; the second for the marriage of poor C2 20 Notes of Bristol Wills. young women within the province of Canterbury ; the third for the mendmg of the roads and bridges about Bristol, &c. ; the fourth for the four mendicant religious orders in Bristol and other places. To son Walter and his hehs a tenement m the comer in St. Ewen's parish, and one at Newgate, between a tenement of Robert Chedder on either part ; and the rent of a tenement in Bradstret, by the cemetery of holy Cross on the. one part, and a tenement of the prior and brethren of the Kalendaries on the other ; also two shops annexed to the aforesaid tenement, and a yearly rent from the tenement inhabited by Nigel Fisscher in Worschupstret, and a shop on the Key held by Walter MicheU next a tenement of Robert Chedder, and the rent, with reversion, of a tenement Inhabited by John Wyke on the Key, next a tene ment of John Vyel, and the rent, with reversion, of three shops in Mersch stret occupied by John Pakker, and six shops in Merschstret and Lovelane next a tenement of the prior and brethren of the Kalendaries, and the rent, with reversion, of four shops "situat exf p'tam Aillewardi," next a tenement of John Pedewell, and a tenement on the bridge of Avon, inhabited by Richard Chippenham, and a garden "situaf en la Market." If the said Walter should die s.p., the property to be sold in the manner expressed above, and the money simUarly distributed. To Walter Frompton clerk, son of Roger, testator's brother, the shop inhabited by Roger Chaundeler in the High-street, in the comer opposite the church of the Holy Trinity, next the tenement of Richard Cobyndon, and the rent, with reversion, of the shop held by John Hynebest, next a tenement of the Augustinian convent at Bristol, and the rent, with reversion, of a tenement in Merschstret, inhabited by Edmund Beauflour, next the tenement of Thomas Graunt, and a yearly rent from a tenement on the Key, inhabited by John Roper ; to have and to hold the said possessions until he has been promoted to an ecclesiastical benefice, when they are to remain to testator's son Walter and his lawful heirs. To servant Joan Asscheworthy, for her life, the shop held by John Hunteley in Cokynrewe, also two marks of yearly rent from the tenement of Thomas Sutton in Cornestret, and the rent of a tenement in Wynchestret, next the tenement of Roger Dyar ; the said property to go afterwards to son Walter and his heirs. To servant John Raulyn, for his life, a shop in Lewynesmede in which Thomas Screven dwelt. The tenement inhabited by Hugh Plommer, and the one inhabited by Henx Goldsmyth, and the reversion of the tenement given to Joan Asscheworthy for her life in Bradstret, next the tenement of the prior of Henton, also the reversion of twelve shops in Gropelane "inf portam Alwardi," granted to William Couley for his life, to be sold, and the money distributed "in forma p'missa ; " also reversion of tenement in Knyfmestret and of yearly rent from the tenement of Yvo Fluyt in Brodemede, given to the aforesaid Joan Asscheworthy, to be sold in like manner. To my son Richard, for hia life only, three shillings of yearly rent issuing from the shops buUt by David Seys. To sou Walter 100 marks, also a gold ring "quo solebam sigUlare," a hom, &c. To John Knygton (sic) my chaplam £20, a sUver charger, &c. Legacies to the blind and lame, to WUliam Couley and Simon Olyver. Certam household goods to be divided into three parts, one share together with 100 marks, to wife Isabel. If the said Walter shaU marry without the executors' consent, he is to have none of the moveable goods bequeathed to him. Two chaplains to celebrate for ten years in the church Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 21 of Frompton for testator's soul and his benefactors. Celebrations also for the soul of John Wyseman of Coscombe. To John Champeney £3 on con dition that he asks for nothing more from the executors. Richard Adekyn is to serve Sir John Knyghton, WUliam Couley, John Raulyn, and Nawdyn. To Robert Dudbroke is left the remainder of the term of the apprenticeship of John Thomas. Residue of goods to be divided into four parts, one for the blind, lame, &c., the second for the marriage of poor young women and the support of widows, the third for mending roads and hridges, and other works of piety in the province of Canterbury, the fourth for the four men dicant religious orders of Bristol and other places within the said province. To Sir John Cook chaplain and Nawdyn 40 shillings apiece. Sir John Knyghton chaplain, Walter son of Roger Frompton, William Couley, and Robert Dudbroke, executors. Witnessed by Sir John Walter, William Couley, John Raulyn, Richard Cook, John Nawdyn, and others. Proved in the parish church of St. Duiistan in London, Jan. 21st, 1388 ; before the Mayor and Bailiffs of Bristol on Friday next before the feast of the Purification of B.V.M., 12 Richard ii. This will is also in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth, Courteney, 227, 8. 32.— NIGEL CHEPSTOWE, burgess. 1383. April 23rd. To be buried in the church of the blessed Nicholas of Bristol, under the campanile, near the place where the body of late wife Joan rests. Legacies to the fabric, the vicar, Richard the clerk, and the fraternity of the holy Cross in the crypt of the said church, to every chap lain there, or serving in the chapel on the bridge of Bristol, to the fraternity of the blessed Katharine in the church of the blessed Mary "ad portum Bristoll," to that of the blessed Maiy on the bridge, for repairing the bridges of Chepstow, Usk, and Caerleon, to the four orders of friai's m Bristol, to the fabric of the church of Worcester, to Sir David Newnton, to Maud Stevens for her marriage, to Elen my maid, to every prisoner in Monkbridge, to the poor, to every decayed beggar m Bristol too feeble to leave his bed. To son Robert £10 ; and half the price of my dwelling house in liiistol to be divided between him and Edith my daughter, the other half for masses and alms for the soul of my wife Joan and my own. To son John the debt he owes for a cloth, also the debt of Henry Rirran formerly my servant. The garden in the suburb of Bristol called Brodemede, to be sold for pious uses ; and as daughter Edith wishes to give ten marks for it, she ia to be preferred to all other persons in the purchase. Sir David Newnton and son Robert executors. I'roved before John Barell, clerk, Nov. 30th, 1387 ; at the GuUdhaU on Friday next after the feast of the Purification of B. V.M., 12 Richard u. 33.— THOMAS CHAPELEYN. 1 388. Monday next before the feast of Agapitus. To be buried withui the western entrance of St. Stephen's church in Bristol. Towards glazing one of the windows vjs. viijd., on condition that the procurators of that church .arc willing that testator should be buried in that place : the same sum to the rector, on condition that the four torches used on the day of 22 Notes op Brlstol Wills. burial shaU serve at the four altars of the same church in honor of the elevation of the Body of Christ. Legacies to son WUliam and daughter Isabel, to each chaplain attending the funeral rites, to the fabric of the mother church of Worcester, to Sir Philip Hoke, to Sir Richard Egger chaplam, to Richard Chapeleyne my brother, and John Chapeleyne my godson, to Agnes Brewer ; residue to wife Maud. If son AViUiam and daughter Isabel should both die under age, the money bequeathed to them to be divided between the poor and a chaplain who is to celebrate ?)J-o anima. Wife Maud, John Chapeleyn, and Peter atte Wode to be executors. Richard Egger overseer. The aforesaid John and Peter to have for then- pains those sums of money which they owe. Proved in the parish church of St. Ewen of Bristol, Oct. 1st, 1388 ; at the GuUdhaU on Monday next after the feast " Cathedr' sc'i Petri," 12 Richard ii. 34.— RICHARD DERNEFORD. 1388. Jan. 26th. To be buried hi the cemetery of holy Cross Temple of Bristol. Legacies to the vicar and each chaplain celebrating in that church, and the two clerks. To wife Alice and her unborn infant, a white cloth not yet completely finished. To servant Edward an article of clothing— vna' sloppa' — of Irish cloth. Legacies to servant Philip, to Robert Make- atese, to sons John and Stephen, and daughter Joan, who is left to the keeping of Stephen Plastrer. One "chayne" of cloth, and one "doseyn" of russet to be sold for funeral expenses and payment of debts. Residue to wife Alice ; she, and Stephen Plastrer, and Robert Makeatese, executors. Proved in the parish church of Redcliff, Feb. 23rd, 1388 ; at the GuUd hall on Wednesday in the second week of Lent, 12 Richard ii. 35.— WALTER MICHELL, burgess. 1388. On the day of St. Valentine Martyr. To be buried in the church of St. Stephen of Bristol. Legacies to each chaplain celebrating there, to Richard the clerk, and Richard the suflFragan of that church, in which a chaplain is to celebrate for a year after testator's decease ; to the mother church of Worcester, to John Glise " co'morant' in flForest," to sons Robert, John, and Richard MicheU. Son Thomas MicheU and wife Isabel to be executors. Memorandum — the said Walter Michel! bequeathed xxj". xiij». iiij*. to each of his sons Robert, John, and Richard, as was declared before John Viell, Mayor of Bristol, ' ' in plena Cur'. " Proved in the parish church of St. Augustine the Less of Bristol, April 24th, 1389 ; at the GuUdhall on Monday next after the feast of the Lord's Ascension, 12 Richard ii. 36.— KATHARINE CALF. 1389. May 21st. — " licenciata p' Henricu' Calf maritum men'." To be buried in the church of St. Werburgh of Bristol, in the chapel of the blessed Mary. Legacies to the poor and for masses, to servants Joan Jacob, Joan Sparewe, and Joan Saundres, to former servants Alice Cartcre and Katharine Perell, to kinswoman Edith, wife of Adam TaiUour. To my executors the reversion of messuA,ges and lands in the town and suburb of Bristol; viz., reversion of dwelling-house in Smalstret, tenement, &c., in Notes op Bristol Wills. 23 Baldewynstret, one in Bastestret, another on the bridge of Avon ; reversion of a curtilage in Mersshstret, and of a grange and croft " in la Redelond ; " which property husband Hem-y Calf holds for his life ; also reversion of all property in the town and suburb, purchased by John Spicer, father of testatrix, of Walter Broun and Thomas Mynty, chaplains, and left to her by will, the same to be sold, and the money expended in masses, &c., pro anima. To the said Henry Calf, for his life, a half share in all messuages, lands, tenements, rents, &c., with reversions, in the town and suburb, on the death of my brother Robert Newmaystre, for which half Thomas Lyonns and his wife Margaret received of my husband and me £50 for seisin — " anteq'm possemus h're s'si'am." The aforesaid half share to go, after the death of the said Henry, to sister Margaret and her heirs for ever. The said Henry Calf, and John Warwyke, rector of St. Werburgh's in Bristol, to be executors. Proved in the parish church of St. Ewen, June 21st, 1389 ; at the Guild hall on Monday next after the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas Martyr, 13 Richard u. 37.— SIMON HALEWEY, burgess. 1389. June 12th. To be buried in the church of the Friars Preachers of Bristol, before the image of the blessed Mary. Legacies to the fabric of that church, and every friar of the house, to each other order of mendicant friars in Bristol, to the fabric of All Saints' church, and to the vicar and clerk thereof, to the prior of the Kalendaries, and every chaplain "ad exequias meas venienf ," to the fabric of the church of St. Peter. On the day of burial, four torches to burn about testator's body, and 40 shillings for the needy poor. To wife Margery £40 of silver, and her chamber, &c. To son John house property in Worschupstret, for his life, to be afterwards sold, and two chaplains to celebrate as long as the money lasts, one in All Saints' church, and the other in St. Peter's aforesaid. To Thomas Halewey with Joan my daughter £30, six silver spoons, a silver girdle, &o. To brother Thomas Halewey, to Richard Halewey, to servant Elen, to John Hachet, Joan Strete, and Richard atte Feiradon. To daughter Joan Brayne " vnu' Ciphum men' voc' Note.'' All the debts of William Brid forgiven. Philip Excestre and Thomas Halewey executors. Son John may, if he should desire, purchase the aforesaid property, and pay £10 less than any one else might wish to give. Proved in the parish church of St. Ewen of Bristol, June 18th, 1389 ; at the GuUdhall on Monday next after the feast of St. Margaret Virgin, 13 Richard ii. 38.— HUGH LE HUNT, burgess. 1389. Monday next after the feast of the Annunciation of B.V.M. To be buried in the chapel of the blessed Mary in the church of St. Werburgh of Bristol, by former wife Cristina, and under the same stone. Legacies to the fabric, and Sir John Warwyke rector of that church, to each order of mendicant friars of the town, to the fabric, and Sir Thomas rector of St. Ewen's, the water-bearing clerk (aquebaiulo), and the fraternity of St. John Baptist in the same church, to Richard Portingale, to Richard son of tes tator's wife Katharine, to Simon Olyver. To wife Katharine all lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol, for her life, to go 24 Notes ok Bristol Wills. afterwards to son John ; if he should die s.p., the said property to be sold, one half of the money for the church work of St. AVerburgh, the other for masses, &c., pro anima. To the said John £20, also swords, poleaxes, bows and arrows, four gold rings, &c. ; wife Katharine to be his guardian, and to have the residue of goods. She and Simon Olyver executors. Proved in the church of St. Ewen oi Bristol, July 18th, 1389 ; at the GuUdhaU on Friday next before the feast of St. Michael Archangel, 13 Richard ii. 39.— JOHN RIPER. 1389. Sept. 14th. To be buried in the church of the Friars Preachers of Bristol. Legacies to the prior and each friar of that house, and to my three sons. Executors to have the keeping of sons Robert and Adam and their effects during their minority (name of third son not given). To kinsman Richard articles of clothing, including a pair of scarlet hosen ; to kinswoman Mariot 40 shillings ; to wife Maud 60 ounces of sUver vessels, and all interest in the messuage held of the prior of St. James of Bristol, in Wynchestret, between testator's property and that of William Somerwell. Dwelling house and six adjoining shops in that street, to be sold for the payment of debts, and provision for wife Maud. Nicholas Wareyn, John Bailly, otherwise called Tibbys, of Bedmynstre, and John Richardys, executors ; Simon Olyver, overseer. Proved in the church of St. Ewen of Bristol, Oct. 1st, 1389 ; at the Guildhall on Monday next after the feast of All Saints, 13 Richard ii. 40.— JOHN SWELL. 1389. May 5th. To be buried m the church of the Holy Trmity of Bristol, before the altar of St. Katharine. Legacies to the rector of that church, the parish clerk, and each chaplain celebrating there "die obitus mei," and to friars who shall say Dirige and .mass, which they are to do in their own houses, — "in suis pp'is domibz & non veniant ad mansionem meam nee ad eocl'iam vbi sepulf fue'." To the said altar of St. Katharine, after the death of wife Margaret, a chalice "cum toto apparatu," also " vnam picta' tabulam ; " and a breviary to that church. Cloth of russet to be laid over my body, and given, after burial, to the poor and needy pro anima. Eight poor people to have russet cloaks and carry four torches and four round tapers, " & non portef plus de lumine c'ca corpus meu'." To the fabric of St. Ewen's of Bristol 20 shillings ; for mending the roads near Bristol £5. Legacies to poor people holding houses, and other needy people, having wives and children, in and near the town, and certain men who have lost their goods "p' auenturam ; " to the marriage of poor maidens, to Robert and Joan Dedbroke, to Coueley, to former servant Alice, to Joan Waleys, Thomas Blount, John Spyne, WiUiam Wilteschire, to my chaplain Sir Richard, to servants Walter and Philip, to Bydowe, and Hykedon. " Jfm lego omibz Wynhalyers de Bristoll x^." To John son of Joan wife of Stephen Ferrour of Glastonbury, also to John son of Stephen Ferrour and Joan his wife. To the Commonalty of the town of Bristol £5. To Richard Inhyne and John Chiltenham barber, £5 apiece, if they will administer. To Maud Coueley, Nawdyn, John Rawlyn, Thomas Passemer, Sir WiUiam, chaplain, celebrating at St. Ewen's, John Hamnie, John Cameleiuh and the mother church of Worcester. To unmarried daughter Alice an'l her Notes of Bristol Wills. 25 heirs, a tenement in Smalstret held by John Toftrang ; if she should die s.p., wife Margaret to have it for her life, to be afterwards sold, and the money given to the poor. To the said Margaret, for her life, the rent and services paid by William Solers and Agues his wife for a tenement in the suburb of Bristol, in Knyfsmythstret, in the corner, as one goes towards Gropelane ; also two shops annexed to that tenement : to be dealt with, after her death, in the above-written manner ; also to the said Margaret, a garden in the suburb, in Puthay, to go, after her death, to daughter Alice. A chaplain to celebrate for ten years on the altar of St. Katharine in the church of the Holy Trinity of Bristol. Wife Margaret, Richard Inhyne, Thomas Blount, and John Chiltenham, executors. Proved before John Barell, clerk, &c., Sept. 30th 1389 ; before the Mayor and BaUiflFs on Monday next after the feast of Philip and James Apostles, 13 Richard ii. 41.— WALTER STODELEY, burgess. 1387. Monday, Sept. 2nd, To be buried in the church of St. Laurence of Bristol, before the altar of the blessed Mary. Legacies to the rector of that church, and Sir William, the rector's kinsman, to the clerk, and each chaplain celebrating there, to the four orders of friars of Bristol, to the hospitals of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Bartholomew, to every poor man and woman in the hospital of St. John Baptist, of Bristol, to the almshouse "in la langrewe," to the fabric of the churches of St. Ewen, St. Augustine, St. Michael, All Saints, and St. James, of Bristol, to the sustentation of the bridges of Chepstow and Newport in Wales, to the sustentation and repair of the bridge of Tewkesbury, for mending the common way between Pontley and the park of Harefeld, as one goes towards Gloucester. To wife Elen, for her life, a tenement in Knyfsmythstrete, and three shops in Gropelane ; which tenement and shops were lately bought of John Canynges and Joan his wife. If she should marry again, son John and his heirs to come into possession. If the said John should die s.p., the property to be sold for the benefit of the poor and other works of charity. To the Same John, my interest in the shop which John Bury, chaplain, and I bought of Joan for- merley wife of Hugh Leyg'ue, in the suburb of Bristol, in Temple-street, also a tenement in the suburb "in vico vocaf Redeclyuestret," lately purchased of John Coton, also a cellar, &o., in the cemetery of St. Stephen of Bristol, lately purchased of John Champenes of Pennesford and Alice his wife. To the same John £100, two brass pots, &c., and a girdle which John Seymour bequeathed to me. John Stephenys to be guardian of the said John and his effects during minority. Legacies to sister Alice, Thomas my son and his mother Maud, to Walter Davy, John Wolf "webbe," Anketill Moygne, Edith Colet, to each of my god-children, to Simon Pert, and his three sons, to the work of the Commonalty of Bristol, to infirm men and women " infra Com' Bristoll," to the prisoners in Monkbridge bread and drink, to every porter " p' Kayam" who formerly served testator, to the mother church of Worcester, to each chaplain at the funeral and mass in the aforesaid church of St. Laurence, to Walter son of Richard Carpenter, to friar John Dernef ord of the order of Preachers, to the fabric of the chapel of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon, to WUliam Norton, William Waleys, John Cobyndon, Richard Portingale, John Austyn, Peryn, Alice Williams, Joan Cornyssh, 26 Notes op Bristol Wills. Richard son of wife Elen, servant Agnes, Robert Greyuyle, Walter Seymour, John Stephenys, and John Goos. Two honest and well reported chaplains to have 80 marks, and celebrate divine offices for four years in the church of St. Laurence of Bristol for the souls of testator, his former wife Joan, his father and mother, John Seymour, &c. Wife Elen, who is to have the third part of all eflFects, Walter Seymour, and John Stephenys, to be executors. Proved in the parish church of St. Ewen of Bristol, April 6th, 1 390 ; at the Guildhall on Monday next after the feast of Corpus Christi, 13 Richard 42.— BERNARD OBELEYB. 1389. Ides of March. — "p'ochus eccl'ie sc'e Crucis de Temple Bristoll." To be buried in the cemetery of that church. Legacies to Sir WUliam the vicar. Sir Henry parish chaplain, and the fabric of the bell of the same church, to each chaplain and the two clerks there, to maid Beatrix, Walter Taverner, William Stede, WUliam Asch, William Knyzt, sister Joan, daughter Alice, John and Felix de Well'. To wife Agnes a tenement in the parish of holy Cross, to be disposed of, after her death, for the benefit of our souls. A tenement in the market, in the parish of St. PhUip of Bristol, to be sold for the payment of debts. Residue to wife Agnes. She and Peter atte Barugh to be executors. Proved in the church of holy Cross Temple of Bristol, April 9th, 1390 ; at the Guildhall on Thursday next after the feast of the Lord's Epiphany, 14 Richard ii. 43.— JOHN INHYNE, of St. Leonard's parish in Bristol. 1390. Day of St. Bartholomew Apostle. To be buried in the church of St. Nicholas in the same town. Legacies to the mother church of Worcester, to the fabric and vicar of the church of St. Leonard of Bristol, to the frater nity of the holy Cross in the church of St. Nicholas "inle Crowde," to two chaplains to celebrate pro anima, one in the church of St. Leonard, the other in that of Sf. Nicholas. To wife Margery, for her life, tenements in the town and suburb of Bristol, and lands in the fee. of Bedemynstre and Knoll. All tenements situate "sup' la Were & in Berlane " to be sold for payment of debts, and the remainder for the chaplains celebrating for our souls. Adam Inhyne, if he should desire, may have all the said property for £5 less than others oflFer. After the death of the said Margery, the tene ments at RedeliflF, with aU lands in the aforesaid fee, to go to son John and his heirs. If he should die s.p., the said property to be sold by the procurators of the churches of St. Leonard, St. Nicholas, and St. Thomas the Martyr, and the money given to pious uses. Wife Margery and Adam Inhyne, executors. Proved in the church of St. Ewen of Bristol, Dec. 8th, 1390 ; at the GuUdhall on Friday next after the feast of St. Wolstan Bishop, 14 Richard ii. 44.— ELIAS SPELLY, burgess. 1390. Jan. 13th. To be buried in the church of the blessed Mary of Kingswood. Legacies to the vicar and fabric of St. Leonard's in Bristol, to each chaplain coming "ad exequias meas," to the cathedral church of Worcester, to the abbot and convent and every monk at Kingswood the Notes op Bristol Wills. 27 four orders of friars of Bristol, the poor in the hospital of St. Bartholomew of Bristol, the fabric of the house of St. Mary Magdalene there, the fabric of the houses of Friars Preachers and Friars Minors in the city of Wor cester, the fabric of the house of St. Mary Magdalene there, and Elen Spelly — "d'ne Blene Spelly sorori eiusd'm domus," to poor and very needy churches, to John Ombersey (Ombersley) monk of Evesham, to my most needy kinsfolk, to every godchild in the street "vocaf Baldewynstr'," to all sick people lying in their beds, and unable to help themselves, in the town and suburb of Bristol, to the fabric of a certain bridge between Calne and "Chiriell," for the making and mending of causeways about Bristol and elsewhere, and mending the " Cawsey de Bedmynstre," to ten maidens, and the daughter of Henry Spelly, for their marriage. Two chaplains to celebrate in the said church of St. Leonard for twenty years for my soul, and the souls of my father and mother, &c., and have £200. To Thomas Norton, burgess of Bristol, a tenement called " le Niewynne " in the town of Bristol, in the High-street, also the corner tenement in Smalstrete inhabited by John Sely, and the comer tenement at the end of the bridge of Avon, as one goes towards Toukerstret, purchased of William Combe, and lately held by John Luk, also a shop next the said tenement lately purchased of the said William Combe, and now held by John Gyna, turner, also four shops Ui the suburb of Bristol in Temple-street, between property of John Yong and Sir Thomas Broke, knt., also two tenements in Temple-street held by Henry Stokmer and Jolm Archor, between property of the procurators of the Temple church, also shops in Berlane m the same parish of Temple, also a messuage in Baldewynstret between the tenement of Henry Spelly and that which John Poculchurche holds of testator, which messuage was lately held by WUliam Salesbury, also three shops in the same street, between the said tenement held by John Pooulchurch and the shops of Joan Brompton, also a messuage in the same street, between the tenement of Richard Braillys and testator's dwelling house, also tenements in the street of St. Nicholas in Bristol, and a hall and shop in Gropelane, held by Richard Frere, and a shop there held by John Mamfras, also a tenement in Lewynes mede inhabited by Richard Stephenys, and the rent received from a tenement of Roger Spert in the street of the blessed Mary "de fforo ; " the said Thomas Norton, his heirs and assigns, to pay yearly to Agnes, testator's wife, 20 pounds of silver. Legacies to the said Agnes, to John Pooulchurch, Philip Excestre, and his dau. Agnes, Philip Kyngton, William Hogekyn, to all testator's servants and maids, to each master of " Wynehaliers " in Bristol, to each porter " vocaf sakberer " in the town, and each other porter about the Key and the Back. To Elias son of Philip Excestre two shops in in the suburb of Bristol, opposite the Cross, in Baldwynstreet ; if the said Elias should die s.p., the property is to remam to Alice, daughter of the said Philip ; if the said Elias and Alice should die under age, the said Philip and his wife Margaret to have it for their life, and Thomas Norton, his heirs and assigns, to possess afterwards. The aforesaid Philip Excestre to have the keeping of the aforesaid Elias, Alice, and Agnes, with the property be(iueathed to them, according to the custom of the town. To John Pocul- church and his wife Amy, and their heirs, the tenement in Baldewynstrete now inhabited by them, with a shop " post' ius m vico sc'i Nich'i." If the said John and Amy should die s.p., Thomas Norton, his heirs and assigns, to 28 Notes op Bristol Wills. have the said property. To Henry son of Roger Specheley, and his hehs, the rents and services paid to testator by Juliana Southwode for a tenement on ;the Back of Avon, with reversion of the same ; which property was lately purchased of Isabel Arthur. To the same Thomas Norton aU the other lands, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol, also aU my ship " vocaf la George." To Thomas Norton, son of the said Thomas, aU my lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the city and suburb of AA''orcester, the same Thomas to provide a chaplain to celebrate pro anima in the chapel of St. Oswald at Worcester. Residue of goods to be disposed of by executors, Thomas Norton, PhUip Excestre, and John Poculchurch. Proved before John Chewe, clerk, sequestrator general and commissary for the Bishop of Worcester, Feb. 2nd, 1390 ; before the Mayor and BaUiflFs on Thursday next after the feast of the Purification of B. V. M. , 1 4 Richard ii. The registers of the Bishops of Worcester state that a WUliam Spelly was ordained a secular deacon in the parish church of Chipping Campden, Dec. 18th, 1406, on a title from the hospital of St. Oswald, by the city of Worcester. Elias Spelly's will is also registered at Somerset House, in Bovs, 8, where May 22nd, 1391, is given as the date of probate. It is foUowed, in the Orphan Book, by a deed in which Alan son and heir of Robert de Wring- ton formerly burgess of Bristol, grants and confirms to Sir Robert Broforde and others, chaplains, all his lands, tenements, &c., in the said town and suburb, the deed being dated at Bristol Oct. 20th, 14 Richard ii., and wit nessed by Elias Spelly, then Mayor, Thomas atte Hay, Sheriff, Robert Dudbroke and John Selwode, BaiUffs, Thomas Baupyne (sic), Thomas Knap, WUliam Frome, and many others. Which deed is followed by what purports to be a wUl made by Walter Derby, burgess of Bristol, on Monday in the feast of St. Silvester Pope, 1386. All his lands, tenements, rents, &c., are bequeathed to John Stephenes, Thomas Colston, and Nicholas le Clerk. No witnesses are named, and there is no record of probate. A fuller copy of the document occurs in the Library at Lambeth, in Courteney, 230 ; and the names of WiUiam Canynges, John Sloo, Simon and John Olyver, John Candaver, John SomervUle, and Walter Cogan are there given as witnesses. In .he note of proof, dated 1389, Colston's name is spelt Colston. In the margin is written—" Probacio dci' testamenti ac reprobaeio probac'ois habif circa illud et falser' codicill' eid' testamento annex'." 45.— WILLIAM FILBERD, burgess. 1391. April 15th. To be buried in the chapel of St. Thomas of Bristol '•ante altam Crucem." Legacies to Sir Richard Leonns parish chaplain of that chapel, and all the clerks and chaplains there ; to the fabric thereof 30 shUlings, and a mazer bowl oaUed Godezere ; to the fabric of the church of Redcliff, and Sir Henry Netherhaven perpetual vicar thereof, to the alms houses of Langrewe and Templestrete, to the abbot and convent of St. Augustine, to Roger the brother, Alice the servant, and John at Glastonbury, son of testator, to Robert Cleyvile and Walter Martyn, co-executors with wife Alice, who is to have residue of goods and the term of 30 years granted to testator by John Staunford, burgess of Bristol, in the house inhabited by John Frere in St. Thomas's street ; the remainder of the term to revert after the death of Alice, to the said John Staunford, who makes oath that! provided seven of the 30 years then remain, he or his representatives will Notes of Bristol Wills. 29 pay a chaplain of good and honest conversation 100 shillings to celebrate for one year in the aforesaid chapel, and on that agreement he is enrolled in the great missal of the high altar of that chapel, the procurators thereof, namely, Thomas Hay and AVilliam White, as also testator and his wife and execu tors, and Sir Richard Leonns, priest (p'b'ro) of the diocese of London, with others, being witnesses. In addition to this, a chaplain is to celebrate in the said chapel for two years, or two chaplains for one year, and to have £10. Proved in St. Mary's chapel by the close of Wells cathedral. May 8th, 1391, and before the Mayor and Bailiffs of Bristol on Monday next after the feast of the Lord's Ascension, 15 Richard ii. 46.— ALAN WRYNGTON. 1392. Sunday next before the feast of Philip and James Apostles. To be buried in the chapel of the blessed Mary next the church of holy Cross Temple of Bristol. Legacies to the work of that chapel and of the church of St John in Bristol, to the rector of the latter, to the fabric of Worcester cathedral; to servant John Basset a life interest in lands and tenements "iuxta les Barres voc' la Redelond." All the charitable works ordered by testator in a certain schedule — Cedula — written " de manu Thome Hendy " to be ful filled and performed. Sir Richard Peautrer, Sir John Blake, and all the other feoffees of the gift of lands, rents, tenements, &c. , in the town and suburb of Bristol, to sell the same according to the arrangement and promise of Thomas Knap of Bristol and Simon Olyver ; the money to be expended on solemn masses and other pious uses. Executors to be . Henry Wyvelescombe, Sir William Broun " de Bromezerd iuxta Herford," Philip Excestre, John Sutton son of Thomas Sutton, and John ChUtenham barber. Proved, with codicil annexed, before John Chewe, clerk, ' jt'm lego iiij" ad emendao' vestimenf eocl'ie mee p'och'." Twenty chaplains to attend the funeral rites, and have vj3 viijd equally divided among them. To wife Julian all household utensils, jewels. Sec, except armor, clothing, silver girdles, baselards, and daggers. Other effects to be equally divided into three parts ; the first part pi-o 112 Notes op Bristol Wills. anima, the second part for wife Julian, ,the third for children John and Joan. If the said children should die under age, or Joan before marriage, their legacies were to be divided into two portions ; one for wife Julian, the other to be disposed of for the welfare of testator's soul, the souls of the said John and Joan, (Src. To each order of friars at Bristol vs. To the fraternity of St. John Baptist vjs viijd. Xo son John the best girdle, "cu' om'ibz baslardis & daggeris meis. " To kinsman Robert, all the armor pertaining to testator's body. Legacies also to the fraternities of St. Katharine and the Assumption of the blessed Mary, to Thomas FUour, and his wife Joan, daughter of testator. Residue of goods " in pijs op'ibz." Wife Julian and John Milton executors ; to the latter xxs. John Bolton, to whom xxs, overseer. Wit nessed by the said Sir John Chivaler, Simon Roger, the said Thomas FUour, and others. Proved before the ecclesiastical authorities Dec. 18th, 1425. No record of proof before the Mayor. 217.— JAMES COKKES, burgess. 1423. May 21st. To be buried "in medio corp'is eccl'ie b'te Marie de fforo Bristoll' coram ymagine sc'e Crucis existent' in australi p'te eiusdem eccl'ie." To the fabric of that church xxvj^ viijd. Xo the rector, for tithes, &c., xiijs iiijd. Xo the four orders of friars xxs apiece, that they may attend the mortuary offices, and have testator's soul in remembrance for a month, and each find one chaplain of their own order to celebrate eluring that time in the said church. A thousand masses to be celebrated, with all speed after the day of his death, by divers chaplains, to whom £5. Twelve poor men to be employed about his burial for a month " ad orand' cotidie," &c., and receive from the executors meat and drink every day, two pence, and a hood and go-wn apiece. £10 for the fulfilling of the will, for the said twelve poor meu, and for keeping the obit in the best manner. £12 to be distributed among divers poor people, each to have one penny. £20 to be bestowed upon the paralytic and sick poor within four years next after testator's death ; namely, 100 shillings yearly, the sum to be laid out in meat, drink, fuel, and candles ; in the feast of All Saints 20 shillings, in the feast of the Lord's Nativity 40 shillings, and in the feast of Easter 40 shillings. Unbequeathed jewels, as silver cups, and cups called " masers & notes hemisaf," &c., to be divided into two equal parts ; one for wife Margaret, the other for Thomas Fissche, who is to pay the executors two shillings for every oz. of the better and worse. To Sh John Coterel, chap lain, vjs viijd yearly, for twenty years, in the feast of Easter, if he should live so long, that he might pray for testator's soul, and the souls of his parents, benefactors, &c. To younger son John £20. To elder son John £20, to free him from his debts, according to the ordering of Thomas Fissche and John Bolton. To the said Thomas, and his wife Joan, daughter of testator, after wife Margaret's decease, the great silver cup with cover, weighing 33 oz. and 3 quarters. To Joan, testator's sister, 100 shillings. To the fraternity of St. John Baptist of Bristol xxs sterling. Legacies to Sir Thomas Holme, chaplain, servant Joan Whitman for her marriage, servants John Batyn and Margaret, Richard Fynche, Hugh Escot, John Bolton, and the prior of the house of St. James at Bristol. To wife Margaret, a messuage in Worscbipstrete, situate between shoixs of the abbot and Notes op Bristol Wills. 113 convent of St. Augustine of Bristol, on the one part, and the shops held by John Spyne of the prioress of St. Mary Magdalene, on the other, and extending from the said street to a certain lane leading ' ' ad fonte' vocat' Edde welle ; " also a messuage in the same street, situate between the messuage of the said Thomas Fissche and that of Thomas Seyaell, and extending from the street to the cemetery of the aforesaid St. Mary's church ; a messuage and shop iu S^. Mary's street, inhabited by John Grove, situate between a messuage of the said abbot and convent, on the east, and one of Dame Joan Brook, relict of Sir Thomas Brook, on the west ; a messuage in the same street, situate between a messuage of Hugh Escot, inhabited by the said Hugh, on the one part, and one of testator's messuages, inhabited by John Bern, brewer, on the other part ; a mes suage, &c., in the same street, situate between property of the said abbot and convent, and of Joan Brook, relict of Sir Thomas Brook, late of co. Somerset ; also a yearly rent due from Thomas Papworthe, burgess of Bristol, and his wUe Julian, for a messuage in Wynchestrete, situate between testator's messuage inhabited by Thomas Balle, on the one part, and Towre- strete on the other ; together with the reversion of that messuage after the death of the said Thomas and Julian ; and also all that " bassam domu' vocaf le Stable," held of testator by John Osteler, and situate behind the said messuage inhabited by Thomas Papworth ; the whole of the aforesaid property to be held by the said Margaret for her life, on condition of remaining sole and chaste, other man as a husband, and also pro viding a fit chaplain to celebrate daily pro 'anima during her life, in the parish church of the blessed Mary "de fforo." If she should fail in any point, the property to pass immediately to younger son John and his lawful issue ; in default of issue, rem. to the said Thomas Fissche and his wife Joan, and issue ; in def. , rem. to elder son John Cokkes, and his lawful issue; in def., to be sold; one half of the money to be delivered to the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol for their use, the other for the poor and works of charity. To wife Margaret, all the state and term in a messuage, with a shop in front, in Weste Towker strete, between the Law- eUche on the one part, and testator's shop inhabited by Thomas TaUlour, on the other ; also in the rent due from Michael Rob'd and his wife Joan for the same messuage and shop, held by them in virtue of testator's grant for a term of thirty years beginning in the feast of the Annunciation of B.A'.M., 9 Henry v. If the said Margaret should die before the expiration of the term, the said messuage and rent to remain to younger son John, &c. ^ Also to wife Margaret the state and term in a shop in WestTowkerstrete, situate between the shop held by the said Michael and Joan, and a tenement of the prior and convent of Witham, inhabited by the said Thomas TaiUour ; also the rent due from the said Thomas for the same shop, held of testator "ad volu'tete';" rem. to younger son John, &c.; also the terra in a messuage in Wynchestrete, situate between the messuage inhabited by Thomas Papworthe on the east, and a messuage of the master and brethren of the fratemity of St. John Baptist of Bristol on the west ; and the rent due from Thomas BaU and his wife Alice for the messuage held by them of testator for a term of forty years begmning Oct. 1st, 9 Henry v.; rem. as before. Also to wife Margaret, a messuage in St. Mary's street, with two shops ; rem. to elder son John and his lawful issue ; m def., rem. to Thomas Fissche, and his wife 114 Notes of Brlstol Wills. Joan, dau. of testator, and their lawful issue : in dot., rem. to youiii,'oi- son John and his lawful issue : hi def., rem. to the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol, and the poor, &c Also to tho said JIargarct, for her life, a messuage and shop hi AA'ynchestrete, situate between the messuage of John Cly\e, inhabited by John Bolton, on the one pai-t, and a messuage of Thomas Erie, inhabited by John Draper, on the other. To younger son John, the mes suage called ' ' le Thorowhowse," with throe sliops, &c. , situate iu St. Mary's sti-eet, between a stable held by Richai-d Shh-wyu, and a messuage inhabitod by Robert Haselwell, turner ; also a shop in the High-sticet ' ' in rengia cocor'," between a little lane as one goes from the same street towards the church of All Saints, on the one pai-t, and a shop of Sir John b'r.'unptou Ch'l'r, inhabited by Thomas Dugeon, on the other ; also messuages, &c., in St. Mary's street, between the messuage of Hugh Escot, on the west, and that of Bernai-d Brewer, on the east ; and two shops on the bridge of Avon, between the shop mhabited by Philip Tornour, on the one pai-t, and that of Henry GUdeney, inhabited by Robert Beverley, on tlie other ; in default of issue, rem. to the said Thomas Fissche, &c. To elder son John, four shops in the suburb of Bristol, by the outer gate of Fi-ome, as one goes to the house of the Fi-iais Minors, lately had by testator of tho gUt and feoihnent of Thomas Malvern ; also the messuage held by Robert Prowte in " le Brodemede " between a messuage of the said Thoinas Fissche, on the west, and Thomas AVellyngton's garden, on the east ; a shop iii the same pai-t, betv\een the messuage of the said Thoinas Fissche, on the oast, and tlio shop of the said Thomas AVellyngton, on the west ; and the rent due from John Budde and his wife Joan for a messuage in Mersschestiete, between the said Thomas Fissche's shop, on the west, and ^^ hat was lately the messuage of Adam luhyne, on the east ; the said messuage being held of testator by tho said John and Joan Buddc for a teim of twenty years from the feast of St. Michael Archangel, 7 Henry v.; together with the reversion of the said property. If elder son John should die s.p., rem. to younger son John anel his lawful posterity ; in def. , rem. to the said Thomas Fissche, &c. Residue of goods to wife Margaret. She, Richaril Fynche, younger son John Cokkes, and Hugh Escot, executors. The said Thomas Fissche and John Bolton overseers. Proved before Jolm Clyve, Mayor, and Robert Colvilc, Sheriff, on Monday next before the feast of St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist, 5 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 218.— JOHN AILLEWARD, burgess. 1427. Mai-ch 26th. To be buried "in campaniU eccric sc'e AA'orburge " at Bristol, to the fabric of which church, for the breaking of the ground, xx*. To the fabric of the cathedral church of Worcester iijs iiijd_ Xo the frater nity of St. John Baptist of Bristol, xxs. Legacies also to the Friai-s Preaohers, Minors, and Cainielitcs at Bristol, the fabric of the church of St. Leonard there, kinsman AA'alter Was, and Sir Richaid Fraunceys. To wUe Emmot, for her lite, a tenement iu Oldccorn strete, situate between what was lately the tenement of AA'Uliam AVai-mystre, inhabited by AA'Uliam Marcus, and Jolm Kerdif's tenement, and extending from the said street to ft garden of the lord of Burnell ; remainder to Agnes daughter of testator's Notes op Brlstol Wills. 115 son William Aylleward, and her lawful issue ; in dot., rem. to apprentice Richard Blake and his hehs and assigns. Testator's wife to have the residue of his effects, and maintain an honest chaplain of good report to celebrate pro anima for three years. She and Richard Blake executors. John Grissche overseer. Proved before Thomas Morclon, clerk, commissary general of the Bishop of Worcester, in the parish church of St. John of Bristol, Aug. 26th, 1427 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff. 219.— THOMAS YONGE, burgess. 1426. Friday, March 14th. To be buried in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol, before the altar of St. Nicholas. A chaplain of good and honest conversation to celebrate therein pro anima for one year after testator's decease, and be paid cvjs. viijd. Legacies to the high altar, every chaplain, and the two clerks of that church ; each order of mendicant friars in Bristol, and the poor of the almshouse in " le langrewe". To wife Joan, a messuage in Templestrete, between a tenement of Thomas Blount and what was lately the tenement of John Droys ; a tenement in the suburb "in vico flfuUonu'," between what was lately the tenement of John Prishton of Coventry, on the one part, and that of Nicholas Devenyssch, on the other ; four messuages in Templestrete, between property of Thomas Norton and Richard DoUyng ; a shop at the south end of the bridge of Avon, situate between what was lately the property of John Droys and William Colyns of co. Gloucester ; the rents and services clue from John Brewere and John Forde, dyer, for two messuages, situate conjointly "in vico flFullonum" between what was lately a tenement of John Droys and the tenement of Reginald Jacob of Dorchester ; with the reversion of the said two messuages : remainder to son Thomas Yonge and his lawful issue; in def., rem. to son John Yonge and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to daughter Alice Yonge and her lawful issue. Also to wife Joan, a shop at Bristol "in alto vico," situate between a shop belonging to the chantry of Walter Frampton, formerly burgess of Bristol, and one belonging to the chantry of Evorard le ffrenssch, formerly burgess ; a messuage in the market, situate between a tenement belonging to the parish church of St. Philip of Bristol and what was lately the tenement of William Frome ; six shops in the said market, situate between property of Mark William and the shops lately held by Martin Bowcher ; a garden in the same part, lying between a garden of the prior of St. James in Bristol and what was lately the garden of John Bar- staple ; a messuage in Baldewynstrete, situate between what was formerly the property of Richard Peawtrer and Henry Frampton ; a yearly rent of three shillhigs of silver and one pound of pepper, due from a tenement on the Back of Avon, situate between what were formerly tenements of Thomas Coventre and Robert atte Walle, which tenement was lately held by John Clyfford ; the rent due from a tenement in the same part, situate between what was lately the tenement of the said John Clyfford and the common wall of the town, which tenement Elizabeth atte Walle lately held ; a yearly rent of two shUlings of silver, due from a tenement "in vico sc'i Nich'i, " situate between what was formerly the tenement of John Cleof and a void place near what was formerly the tenement of Richard Tylly ; a yearly rent due fiom a tenement in the same street lately held by John I 2 116 Notes of Brlstol Wills. Cobyndon, anel situate by the tenement of Henry Honefield ; a yearly rent from the void place lying between what were formerly the tenements of Henry Honefield and Richard Tylly, in the same street ; and a yearly rent from a place (placea) which was formerly Robert Holhursf s, in the same street : remainder to son John and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to son Thomas and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to daughter Alice and her law ful issue. Residue of goods to be divided into three parts ; one p7-o anima, another for testator's wife, the third to be parted between his said three children. His wUe and son Thomas executors. Proved before John Nuton, Mayor, and John Sherp, Sheriff, on Friday next after the feast of St. Hilary Pope, 6 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 220.— THOMAS BEAVFLOUR. 1426. Sept. IStli. Testator describes himself as " compos mentis mee timens mortis p'icl'm michi imminere," and desires to be buried in the church of St. Stephen, opposite the altar of St. Katharine. To the mother church ijs. To the high altar of my parish church " p' decimis meis negligent' decimat ' " xK Legacies to Sir John, parish chaplain. Sir John Herford, Sh John Cadican, and each other priest (p'sbif o) of that church attending the mortuary offices ; to Edmund the clerk, and John the sutfragau of the church ; to my sister ; to John Crede, kinswoman Isabel, servants John Cole, Joan Rederisse, and Alice, William Pavy and his wife Joan, testator's daughter. To son John, 100 marks "sub hac condicione q'd bn' & honeste h'eat se & q'd sit sub gub'nac'oe & regimine matris sue & AA'Ul'i Pavy ;" which sum is to remain to wife Agnes, if John should depart first. A fit chaplam to celebrate for the soul of testator, &c., in St. Stephen's church, and have xxiiiji'. To Sir Robert Londe (or Loude), Scolemaistre, vjs. viijd, Xo the fabric of the church xiijs. iiijd. -Wife Agnes to have the thud part of the effects, &c. , and be co-executor with son John. WilUam Pavy overseer. Note of proof before the ecclesiastical authorities dated Oct. 8th, 1426. No record of proof before the Mayor. This will is also registered at Somerset House, Lvffenam, 7, where it is said to have been made Sept. 8th, and proved Oct. 9th, 142G. 221.— DAVID RUDDOK, burgess. 1426. Nov. 16th. To be buried in the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr of Bristol, to the vicar of which, for tithes, xxs. Testator's effects, wheresoever found, to be divided into three parts ; one for needy people, &c. , the second for wife Isabel, the third to be equally divided among his children, John, Thomas, WiUiam, and Isabel. If all these should die, the suid third pai-t to be divided equally ; one portion pro anima, the other for wife Isabel, who is also to have all household utensils, except jewels of sUver, cups, spoons, &.C., which are to be divided into three equal parts, as expressed above. The said Isabel to have the keeping of all the chUdren during their minority, finding due security before the Mayor of Bristol, according to the custom of the town. Of the thiid portion of goods, 100 shiUings for the Notes op Brktol Wills, II7 fabric of the chapel aforesaid. Residue " p ' ai'a mea in pica vsus.'' Wife Isabel and son John executors. Edmund Broun and John YheveU over seers, to whom 20 shillings apiece. Proved before John Bernard, bachelor in laws, commissary general of the Bishop of Bath and WeUs, Jan. 14tb, 1426, No record of proof before the Mayor. 222.— JOHN CLYVE, burgess. 1430, Jan. 3rd. To be buried in the chapel next the chancel of the church of the Holy Trinity in Bristol. To the mother church of Worcester vjs. viijd. Xo the said church of the Holy Trinity vjs. vUjd, and testator's best missal. A missal also to the church of St. John. To wife Isabel, and Thomas Clyve, 'otherwise called Thomas Berkeley, a messuage in Bradstrete, situate between the tenement of John Berdon and that of Richard Cheddre esquire, and extending from the said street to the lane called Towreatrete ; also two tenements in Knyfsmythstrete, between the shop held of testator by Thomas Lombard and what was formerly Nicholas Wareyn's tenement, which tenements- are inhabited by John Parys and Bartholomew Pytte, "vestment- maker." Also to the same Isabel and Thomas, all the lands and tenements lately acquired by the grant and feoffment of John Stephenes, late burgess of Bristol, and formerly an executor of the will of John Castell, late burgess of the same town ; lands and tenements in the parish of the Holy Trinity, namely, in the street called Py they , and in Wynchstrete ; a messuage in the street of the blessed Mary " de fforo," inhabited by William Moret ; a messuage in the street of St. Nicholas, inhabited by the vicar of St. Leonard's of Bristol, and situate between what was lately the tenement of AVilliam Berdon and a tenement of the prior of the blessed Mary of Witham of the Carthusian order ; a tenement in the town of Bristol, in Fuysterlane, inhabited by John Ryngeston "hosteler"; four shops with gardens adjoin ing in Brodemede, between what was lately a tenement of John Prowte and the garden of AVilliam AVorcestre ; five shops with gardens in Worschup- fulstrete ; a garden lying ¦ in Irysschmede, by the house of the Friars Preachers of Bristol, between what was lately Walter Wynter's land and the garden of Mark William, which garden WiUiam Moret holds ; the rents and services due from Thomas Lombard, shoemaker, for a shop, with the solar above it, in Knyfsmythstrete, between testator's tenement, lately inhabited by AA'alter Baker, and Frome gate ; the rents and services due from John Spaldyng and his wife Isabel for property in the same street, situate between testator's tenements inhabited by John Paryce and Bartholo mew Vestmentmaker, with the reversion after the death of the tenants ; the rents and services due from John Gegge and Thomasine his wife for a tenement with adjoining shops, &c., in a lane as one goes from Merstret "versus Kayam ville," situate between what were lately the shops of Thomas Knapp and the tenement lately inhabited by John Saundres ; the rents and services clue from Margery late wife of John Prowte " whyttower," and her son William, for a tenement with two shops, &c., in Brodemede, situate between tenements of AVilliam AVorcestre, the elder, on either side ; the rents and services due from Joan Barette for a messuage with four shops and garden in Lewynsmede, situate between a tenement of John Frampton Ch'l'r and what was lately the tenement of John Canynges ; also a shop in 118 Notes of Bristol Wills. Redeolyfstrete, situate between what was formerly the shop of John Bath and the shop which William Devyas formerly held, which property testator had bought of SibU Moys, relict and executrix of Alexander Moys, late burgess of Bristol ; and aU interest in the tenement and adjoining lands, meadows, and pastures in Shernehampton, co. Gloucester, situate between a tenement of the Bishop of AVorcester, on the one part, and a tenement of John Nuton, on the other. To Geoffrey John of Bristol, draper, and his wife Margaret, all testator's state in a tenement in Bradstrete, situate between his own dwelling house and a tenement of the fraternity of St. John Baptist. Provision to be made for a fit chaplain to celebrate for twelve years in the chapel next the chancel of the Holy Trmity of Bristol for testator's soul, and the souls of his parents, &c. To the aforesaid Isabel and Thomas Clyve, otherwise called Thomas Berkeley, all the lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol "apud lez Barrez," bought of Walter Wynter, fomierly burgess of the town. Residue of goods, after the full payment of debts and funeral expenses, to be employed pro anima by Thomas Clyve, otherwise called Thomas Berkeley ; but he and wife Isabel to have the use of the said goods during her life. These two, and Sir Thomas Marchall, vicar of All Saints', to be executors. In witness whereof I have put my seal to this my testament. And because my seal is unknown to most people, I have caused the seal of the dean of the deanery (decanatus) of the town of Bristol to be put to the presents. In the presence of Sir Richard Gierke, rector of the parish church of St. John, Master John Fitz waryn, rector of the parish church of the Holy Trinity of Bristol, Nicholas Excestre, Thomas Hallewey, John Twyneho, and Thomas Market. Proved before John Leycestre, Mayor, and Hugh Withiford, Sheriff, on Friday in the morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul, 9 Henry vi. Pre viously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 223. -JOHN COKKYNG, burgess. 1430. Dec. 14th. Testator describes himself as of the parish of St. Nicholas of Bristol, in the diocese of Worcester, and desires to be buried in the parish church of St. Mary of Redcliff, "sub lapid' ib'm in qua (sic) nomen men' ac nomen Alicie nup' vx'is nice sunt suprasoripf ." To the mother church of Worcester xxd. Xo every chaplain of St. Nicholas's church attending all the funeral rites ijd. To wife Felicia, a state and term in a tenement and adjoining curtilage in Redeclevestrete, situate between a tenement of the master and brethren of tho hospital of St. John Baptist, held by Richard Brokworth, on the one part, and a tenement of the abbot and convent of St. Augustine of Bristol, on the other, and extending from the King's way towards the Avon ; a state in two tenements in the street called Redeclyf pitte, between a tenement of the master and brethren of the said hospital of St. John Baptist, inhabited by Richard Noreys, on the one part, and the tenement lately held by John Tylar of the said master and brethren, on the other, and extending from the street to a tenement of the said master and brethren, lately inhabited by John Swalledale ; a state and term in a garden, with dovehouse built therein, by the cemetery of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, situate between the garden of the said master and brethren, on the one part, and what was lately a garden of Sir Thoinas Brook knt., on the other, which garden and dovehouse Nicholas TaiUour lately Noths of Bristol Wills, 119 held ; a state imd term in a croft upon Redcliff hill, by the high way lead ing towards "Trevell Mille," between the garden of the relict of AA'alter Newcombe, and what was lately Gilbert Brampton's, one ridge (capud) of the said croft extending beyond the land of the master of St. Katharine the Virgin by Bristol ; a state and term in a tenement inhabited by Thoinas Webbe in AA'orschipstrete, situate between a tenement of the said master and brethren of the hospital of St. John Baptist and a tenement of the Com monalty of the town of Bristol, and extending from the King's way in front to the Avon behind ; a state and term in a tenement in St. Mary's street, lately inhabited by AA'Uliam Canon, between property held by Thomas Halle wey and the (late) shops of AA'illiam Frome, and extending from the street to what was lately a messuage of John Stoke ; a state and term in three shops with a solar inhabited by John Kyppok, smith, in " seint Marie strete," situate between the tenement lately inhabited by John TaiUour and that which John Wyse lately inhabited, and extending from the King's way to the land " de Kalenders ;" and a state in the shop lately inhabited by WiUiam Worcestre in Bradstrete, situate between what was lately the tenement of William Plomer (sic), relict of Hugh Plomer, and the late dwelling house of Robert Bowyer, and extending from the street to the tenement lately inhabited by John Spyne : all this property to be held of the chief lords, &c., by the said Felicia and her assigns. Also to her, two messuages in Mersschstrete, situate between a tenement of Nicholas Excestre, on the south, and what was lately a tenement of Agnes who was wife of Henry Vyell, on the north, and extending from the street to the common wall of the town. Residue of goods to the said Felicia and son John, She to be executrix. John Eyre and John atte AA'odde overseers. Proved before John Skeffyngton, clerk, commissary general of the Bishop of Worcester, Jan. 30th, 1430 ; afterwards before the Mayor. It is recorded in the registers which were kept by the Priors of Wor cester "sede vacante," foUo 259, that Master John Skeffyngton and another deputy were employed by the Prior, in the year J 433, to make a visitation at Bristol. On Sunday, Oct. 25th, they were with the Abbot of St. Augustine at dinner (in prand'). On the next day, before dinner, they visited the monastery, and, after dinner, the Master of St. Mark and his brethren. On Tuesday, Oct. 27th, before dinner, they visited the clergy and people of the deanery in the church of St. Augustine, and, after dinner, the Prior of St. James, and the Dean and chapter of Westbury, 224.— HENRY GILDENEY, burgess, 1430. Dec. 13th. To be buried in the chancel of the crypt of St. Nicholas's church at Bristol, in which church a fit chaplain is to celebrate for seven years, and pray, first for testator's soul, and the souls of Thomas and John, and afterwards especially for his soul, and the souls of his late wives Joan and Joan. Legacies to the vicar of that church. Sir John How- legge the chaplain, and every other chaplain celebrating therein ; to the mother church of AVorcester, Sir Thomas Hallewey and Su- Henry Hars- feld, chaplains, another Thomas HaUewey, Thomas Wyke of Staunton Drewe, WUliam Pytte, John Vyell, John Gyles, Richard Morgan, clerk, the chapel of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon, John Assch, son of 1-20 Notes of Bristol AVills. Agnes Assch, Alexander Potekary, for his good service and painstaking, John Basset, whose legacy included a baselard with an ivory haft garnished with sUver ; to servants .John Harry, Richard, Agnes TaUlour, Margery, and Elen. To the abbot and convent of St. Augustine of Bristol, testator's pension (pensionem) yet remaining unpaid, " vt ip'i sp'ialiter orent p' ai'a mea." Two shillings sterling to be distributed every week for two years among the bedridden and other very needy people, that they also may pray. To the chaplain appointed to celebrate for seven years, £18 of the sum of £52 due to testator from Andrew Parle, burgess of Bristol ; the remaining £34 to be paid to wife Margaret, and employed pro anima. To the said Margaret, for her life, the rents and services due from John Sherp and Joan his mother, executors of the will of John Sherp, late burgess of Bristol, for a messuage inhabited by the said John and Joan in Oldecornstrete ; also the shop annexed to the said messuage in the same street, and lately inhabited by William Baret ; the reversion to be sold within three years after the death of testator, and the money employed "in pios vsus." Richard Newton, "Recordator ville," to have the said reversion, if desirous, for twenty marks less than any one else might offer ; if not, Thomas AVyke might have it, and give £10 less. The reversion of all lands, tenements, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol, granted to wife Margaret for her life , to be sold within three years after testator's death, and of the money raised, 100 shiUings to the fabric of the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, 100 shillings to the Carmelite Friars of Bristol, £3 to each of the four executors, Richard Nuton, Robert Russell, William Pytte, and Thomas Wyke, and £3 to the aforesaid Thomas Hallewey ; the residue of the said money to the poor, &c. To^ kinswoman Agnes Roper, for her life, a tene ment in the suburb in Redeclyvepytte, situate between Ralph Chaloner's tenement and testator's shop inhabited by Joan Shop, widow ; the reversion to be disposed of for pious uses. Testator, having granted to Robert Russell and Thomas Hallewey, "burgens' ville," a yearly rent from property called " le Wildehows " in King's Berton by Bristol, co. Gloucester, acquired by a fine thereof levied in the court of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, before Richard Nuton, steward of the court, and John Cuffe and John Cokkes, suitors, now wills that the said Robert and Thomas shall grant to the aforesaid John Harry that rent for his life, and afterwards dispose of it " in pios vsus.'' Also, having granted to Richard Nuton and Thoinas Hallewey, lands and tenements in Botelleres AA'anstre, co. Somerset, lately acquired by the grant of John Hawkyns of Estwanstre, in the same county, now wills that the same John Harry should have this property for his life ; the reversion to be religiously disposed of. To the executors before named, and wife Margaret, a tenement inhabited by Emmot Beverley, widow, on the bridge of Avon, situate between the tenement inhabited by Isabel Bolo (Bole ?), widow, anij the one inhabited by John Shyryngton, mercer ; that they, or their assigns or executors, within half a year immediately after testator's death, should make John Byre, John Loveney, Philip Guyen, AVilliam Lucas, John Cokkes, and Richard Bedstone, burgesses of Bristol, feoffees of the aforesaid tenement, to be held by the said six persons, their heirs and .assigns, of the chief lords for ever, on condition of their finding yearly, from the feast of Easter until that of the Lord's Ascension, a certain taper, called the great Paschal, burning in the church of St. Nicholas of Bristol, according to the custom hitherto Notes op Bristol AVills. 121 obtaining and approved in that church, without any other money payment or consideration ; the vicar of the said church, or the parish chaplain, to rehearse publicly in " le pulpite," before all the people, this present legacy, yearly in the day and feast of Easter, that they may especially pray at that time for testator's soul : his obit also, and that of his former wives Joan and Alice (sic), to be kept every year on Tuesday in the week of Easter ; the -vicar of the said church to be paid sixpence, each of the chaplains four pence, and the water-bearer, for bell-tolling, eight pence ; the town- crier of Bristol also to have four pence, if he will go round all the town and suburb, and proclaim the obit. To the parish church of Wanstre, co. Somerset, xs. of the sum of thirty shillings owing to testator by Thomas TaiUour, so that a cow may be bought, and with the profit thereof testator's obit kept there ; the said legacy to be publicly rehearsed every year in the pul pit of that church before the parishioners, that they may especially pray, &c. To the parson of Wanstre vjs. viijd, and to WilUam Seggel, of that parish, xld, out of the residue of the said thirty shUlings. Residue of goods to be disposed of pro anima by wife Margaret. She, Richard Nuton, Robert Russell, WiUiam Pytte, Thomas AA'yke, and John Lucas, clerk, to be executors. Thomas HaUewey, overseer. Proved before John Leycestre, Mayor, .and Hugh Withiford, Sheriff, on Wednesday next before the feast of the Exaltation of the holy Cross, 10 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. The wUl of Margaret, relict of Henry GUdeney, late burgess of Bristol, was made Jan. 8th, 1430. To be buried in the crypt of St. Nicholas's church at Bristol. Legacies to the vicar, and the fabric of that church, in which a chaplain was to celebrate for four years ; to her sister Elizabeth Basset, and John son of AVilliam Basset. Her brother William Basset to have the residue, and be co-executor with AA'illiam Pute, merchant of Bristol. Proved Jan. 28th, 1430. Registered at Somerset House, Luffenam, 15. PhUip Guyen, who is named in the will of Henry GUdeney, may probably have been the Philip Geen, or Gy won , otherwise Smyth, whose will is registered in the Library at Lambeth, Stafford, 129. It was made Feb. 7th, 1438, and proved Oct. 20th, 1445. He desired to be buried in St. Nicholas's crypt at Bristol, and left legacies to the vicar of that church, daughter Elena, Worcester cathedral, Alice and John Stephen. Stephen ap Griffith, and his wife Emmot, executors. 225.— NICHOLAS EXCESTRE, burgess. 1434. Sept. 16th. To be buried in the crypt of the parish church of St. John Baptist of Bristol, to the fabric of which, for tithes, vjs. viijd, and a wine vessel of silver and gilt. Legacies also to Sir Nicholas, and Sir William, chaplains there, the parish clerk, and Sir Denis, the parish chaplain ; to the mother church of Worcester, and each order of mendicant friars at Bristol. To son Mark Excestre, and Thomas AVesterley and Thomas Pavy, merchants of Bristol, a hall and five adjoining shops in the suburb, out side Frome gate, between the said gate, on the one part, and a certain common slip (slipam), on the other ; also two shops in Fysschernelane, between a shop of the abbot of Tintern and one which was formerly Robert 122 Notes op Brlstol Wills. Gardyner's, now John Shipward's ; and a yearly rent from a tenement in habited by Alice Tyler, widow, which was lately Yvo Floyfs, now John HaUe's of Redelond, situate in Brodemede, between property of the said John Halle and Thomas Griffyth ; all this to be held for ten years by the said three, who are therewith to find and support a fit chaplain to cele brate pro anima during that time in the said church of St. John, at the altar of St. Nicholas. To WUliam Wonder and John Frensche, procurators of the said church, a state and term in property situate in Lewyns mede, between the tenements of Richard Forster and John AVhyte, barber ; the said procurators and their successors to contribute therewith to the support of the chaplain. To wife Joan, housshold vessels, a silver cup standing on three feet, with cover, *c. ; also a yearly rent issuing from a corner shop in Templestrete, situate between what was lately the tene ment of Richard Jolyff and the street called Langrewe, and extending from the street to Lawdiche ; also a tenement in Bradstrete called ' ' AA'ryngtons- tenement," situate between testator's tenement held by Thomas AA'esterley and a tenement of the abbot of Malmesbury ; property in Gropelane, between John Sherp's tenement and what were lately the shops of John Arthur of Clopton ; a hall and fourteen shops opposite St. Peter's place, situate between the shops of our lady the Queen, which Simon Olyver lately caused to be built anew, and the lane called " Stretedefence," and extending from the said place to the late shop of William Warmystre, weaver, now Richard Halle's ; a shop on the Key, opposite the pipe called the Key pipe, between some shops of Lucy Steplienes and one of Walter Estcote ; another shop on the Key " subtus le pentys," between and under a tenement of the aforesaid John Sharp and what were lately the shops of Mark AA'illiam, and under these shops ; and another in Fysschernelane, between what was lately the shop of John Harrewell and the shop of tlie abbot of Tintern : this property to be held by the said Joan for her life. To servant Margaret Lely, 40 shillings ; also for her life, two shops in Gropelane, between property of John Twyneho and the abbot of Kingswood. To the aforesaid Thomas AVesterley and his wife Margaret, testator's daughter, and their heirs and assigns, a tenement in Bradstrete, with a shop in front, situate between the tenement bequeathed to wife Joan and testator's tenement inhabited by the aforesaid AVilliam Wonder, and extending from the street to St. John's lane ; also a garden and close annexed thereto in the suburb, "iux' lez Barrez," between the little lane "in qua iacet Seint Marie AA'ell " and the common gutter by the wall of the Friars Preachers' orcliard, on the one part, and the late close of AA'illiam Cary, now John Bolton's, on the other, and extending from the King's way to the Frome ; a barn and close adjoining in the Redelond, situate between a little lane ex tendmg to one of testator's closes and Lucy Draycote's close, on the one part, and a tenement of the prior of St. James, on the other ; a small close in the same part, situate between what was formerly John Stoke's close and that of Lucy Draycote, and extending in width between what was lately John Burbaohe's land and the close of the prior of St. James ; a close in the suburb, situate between the close of AVilliam Arch of Bedmynstre and that of the said prior ; also the reversion of the aforesaid rent in Temple strete, when it shall fall after the decease of testator's wife ; and the rent in Brodemede, after the terra of ten years. To the aforesaid Thomas Pavy Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 123 and his wife Alice, testator's daughter, and theh heirs and assigns, a tene ment in Bradstrete, between the tenement bequeathed to Thomas Westerley and Margaret his wife and the shop and tenement of John Twyneho ; also a comer shop in Horstrete, situate between the lane leading to St. Michael's hill, on the one part, and the late shop of Robert Russell, on the other, and extending from the street to what was lately the garden of the said Robert. The tenement called " Wryngtonstenement," immediately after the death of wife Joan, and the aforesaid two shops in Fysschernelane, after the term of ten years, to remain to the said Thomas and Alice Pavy, and their heirs and assigns for ever. To son Mark Excestre, a corner tenement with shop, &c. , in Gropelane, situate between the land of John Nuton, on the one part, and the shops of the lord of Bumell, held of the said lord by Joan Graunt, on the other, and extending from the King's way to the common wall of the town of Bristol ; also to him and his heirs, a tenement and adjoining garden in the same street, situate between a lane where one goes towards " Love- yhate," on the one part, and the late shops of Mark William, on the other, and extending from the little lane to the common wall of the town ; and the six shops in Gropelane, after the decease of testator's wife, and also those two in the same street, bequeathed above to Margaret Lely, im mediately after the said Margaret's decease, and the property outside Frome gate, bequeathed, for ten years, to Thomas Westerley, Thomas Pavy, and Mark. To son Thomas Excestre, and his heirs, a corner tenement on St. Michael's hiU, between the lane leading towards St. Michael's church, on the one part, and John Nuton's shops, on the other ; also the rents and services due from WUliam Hukeford, mason, for a tenement and garden in Mersschstrete, situate between what were formerly the shops of William AVarmystre and the tenement of John Kenne of Wroxhale, which tenement the said William Hukeford holds of testator for a term of years ; and the reversion of the same. To son William Excestre, and his heirs, a tenement in Knyfsmythstrete, situate between a tenement belonging to the chantry of St. Laurence of Bristol and the entrance of a tenement of the master of the house of St. Mark. To the aforesaid Thomas Westerley, Thomas Pavy, and Mark, the rents and services due from John Strete and Joan his wife, and Thomas their son, for a tenement held of testator by them for their life, situate on the Back of Avon, between a former tenement of Thomas Beaw- pyne and one of Sir Thomas Brook knt., and extending from the King's way to the entrance of what was lately Richard Spysour's tenement in Baldewyn strete ; the said three persons to hold these rents and services, and the reversion, after the death of the said John, Joan, and Thomas, and dispose therewith pro anima; rem., after a term of ten years, to Thomas and Margaret Westerley, and their heirs. To son AA'iUiam Excestre, and his heirs, those two shops on the Key, after the decease of wife Joan. To son John, testator's best missal, a cup called bolle pece, &c. To son Thomas, a gilt spicedish, a girdle garnished with nettle leaves, &c. To son Mark, a silver cup with a star in the middle, &c. Silver cups also to Thomas and Margaret Westerley, Thomas and Alice Pavy, and testator's son AViUiam. Residue to be distributed pro anima. Thoinas Westerley, Thomas Pavy, Mark Excestre, and Thomas Excestre, executors. Witnessed by Sir Nicho las AVonsy, chaplain, Thomas Caudell, clerk, William Tyrry, Johu Copper, clerk William More the writer, and others. 124 Notes of Bristol Will-.. Proved before Thomas Hallewey, Mayor, and Thomas Fissche, Sheriff, on Wednesday next before the feast of St. Martm Bishop "in yeme," 13 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 226.^70HN FISSCHER, merchant and burgess. 1434. Friday next after the feast of St. Kalixtus Pope. To be buried in the parish church of St. Werburgh of Bristol, in which a chaplain is to celebrate for ten years for testator's soul, and the souls of his parents, and wives Joan and AUce, John Seymour, AA'alter Seymour, and Margaret his wife, WUUam FolkyshuU, Master Richard Bruton, and Sir John Frampton, receiving yearly the sum of eight marks. Twenty shillings for his burial in that church. Legacies to the rector, the clerk, and every priest there, and all other priests and clerks attending the funeral rites ; to the mother church of Worcester, the Carmelite Friars of the blessed Mary, the Minors, Preachers, and Augustinians by Temple gate, the sisters of St. Mary Mag dalene, the poor of St. Laurence outside ' ' lafford " gate, those of the Holy Trinity "in diet' porta," and of the house of St. John "de la Redeclyue pytte," the prisoners at Monkebrigge, kinsman and servant JohnDiar, kins man AA'illiam Tonbrigge, kinswoman Alice, who is daughter of John Cokkes of Luttelton, servants Thomas AVytham, Margaret, and Cristina Sixty shillhigs' worth of bread to the poor "in die obif mei." To kinsman WiUiam Drivare of Luttelton xls. Xo Alice Dryvare, daughter of AA'iUiam Drivare vj''. xiijs. iiijd^ also a silver cup with cover, price xls, a maser, price xx"*, and six silver spoons, price xiijs. iiijd_ Xo Joan Merbury (?), daughter of Joan Folkeshull, and her heirs, two tenements in the street of St. Nicholas at Bristol, situate between a certain " introitus " of the prior and convent of Maydenbradley, formerly mhabited by John Fnyster, on the cast, and one which was formerly inhabited by John AUmer, on the west, and extending from the street to the land of the said prior and convent. To wife Joan, for her Ufe, testator's dwelling house and shops in Smalstrete ; the reversion to be disposed of pro anima. To Sir Richard Luttelton, canon and prior of the monastery of St. Augustine of Bristol, x". He, wife Joan, and Thomas Passwer, executors. Proved before the Mayor and Sheriff, on Friday next after the feast of the Conception of B.V.M., 13 Henry vi. No record of proof before the ecclesiastical authorities. The episcopal registers at Worcester state that Richard Litulton, in company with other canons of St. Augustine's of Bristol, was ordamed a religious priest in AA'orcester cathedral, May 27th, 1396. 227.— EDMUND BIERDEN. 143.1. Aug. 18th. Testator describes himself as of Bristol, and desires to be buried in the cemetery of holy Cross Temple there, near his brother. For funeral expenses vj". xiij^ iiijd. Xo the high altai- of that church, for tithes and offerings forgotten, vjs. viijd. Legacies also to every chaplaiu, and the two clerks thereof, each order of friars, the poor and leprous at St. Laurence's outside "lafford " gate by Bristol, the poor of the late shops of Elias SpeUy iu Berelane, the poor inmates of the hospital of St. John Baptist, of the almshouses in Langrewe and Templestrete, of Brightseowe (?), Notes op Bristol AVills. 125 and St. Bartholomew, the prisoners at Monkebrigge, the nuns of the blessed Magdalene at Bristol, AA'illiam Rook, "ffirmar' meo in Com' Herford," and his wife Katharine, each of testator's godchildren, and AA'iUiam Sevyer of Bristol, weaver, sou of Robert Sevyer. To Agnes Bierden, late the wife of my brother William Bierden of Bristol, the tenement inhabited by her in Temple-street, situate between a messuage of Thomas Blount, on the one part, and the messuage of Isabel Droys, inhabited by William Delyn, weaver,. on the other, and extending from the said street to the street of St. Thomas ; also tenements, Ac, in the same street, situate between what were formerly the messuages of Hugh Carleton and Henry AA'yvescombe, and extending from the street to the Lawediche ; a yearly rent from property in the same street, situate between shops belonging to the church of Holy Cross Temple, on the one part, and the late messuage of John Barstaple, on the other ; a tenement, &c., in RedecUfstrete, situate between what were lately the messuages of John Newton and Sir Thomas Brook knt. , and extending from the street to St. Thomas's cemetery ; a tenement in the same street, situate between John Blekker's messuage and what was lately the messuage of Master Simon Uphulle, and extending from the street to the river Avon ; the rent issuing from a messuage and laud ' ' in vico vocaf Redeclyuepy tte exoppo'ito Hospital' sc'i Joh'is ib'm," situate between the late messuage of Master Simon Uphull and a messuage of the said hospital, and extending from the street to a messuage of St. Katharine's by Bristol ; and a tenement in Pylestrete, situate between a messuage belonging to St. Mary of Red cliff and what was lately Thomas Knap's tenement, and extending from the street "ad le Brodediche vUle Bristoll';" all this property to be held by the said Agnes, for her lite, of the chief lords ; rem. to John Fitelton of co. Somerset, and his wife Alice, and their lawful issue ; in default of such issue, to be disposed of "in pios vsus p' salute ai'e mee," &c. To the said John and Alice, sUver vessels, one of them called a spicedish ; also to them, and their lawful issue, a tenement in Knyfsmythstrete, situate between a messuage of the prior of the Kalendaries and one of Clement Bagot, and extending from the King's way to the said Clement's messuage ; property in the same street, situate between what was lately the messuage of Sir Thomas Brook knt. and the dwelling house of WUliam More, scrivener, and extend ing from the street to a messuage of the master of St. Mark of ByUeswyk ; a tenement in Horstrete, otherwise called Fromebriggestrete, situate between the messuage of Mark AA'Uliam, inhabited by Richaid Ridere " Bokebynd- ere," on the one part, and what was formerly the messuage of Stephen Comyn, on the other, and extending from the said street to the river Frome ; a tenement situate between St. Laurence's church and St. Giles's gate, and extending from the street leading from Knyfsmythstrete "ad Keyam " to Conglane ; a tenement on the Key, situate between the dwelling house of Alan Chaundeler and a messuage of the prior of Bath, and extending from the street to the lane called " Bastewalles ;" a tenement in St. Nicholas's street, between the dwelling house of AValter Power, merchant, and the late messuage of John Clyve ; and three shops in Bradstrete, situate between a messuage of the said John Clyve, on the one part, and the late messuage of Thomas Knap, inhabited by AA'illiam Chiltenham, barber, on the other, and extending from the street to what was lately the property of John Richardes ; this property to be religiously disposed of, if the said John and 126 Notes of Brlstol Wills. Alice should die s.p. "Jfm lego noui (sic) op'e canccUc ccc'ie b'te ilaric de Redeclyue Cs." To Sir Richard Janys, vicar "sc'e Crucis Templi," a book caUed le bible, lately bought of Thoinas Boys, chaplam. The sum of x". xiijs. iiijd for celebrations in that church, for two whole years, for testator's soul, and the souls of his father John, and mother Alice, brothers William, John, and Thomas, sister Rose, &o. The aforesaid Agnes Bierdene and Sir Richard Janys to be executors. To the latter Cs. Proved before Nicholas Devenyssch, Mayor, and John Spicer, Sheriff, on Monday next after the feast of the Assumption of B.V.M., 14 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. The will of William Bierdene, of Bristol, is registered at Somerset House, Marche, 48. It was made July 1st, 1420, and proved on the 16th of the following month. Testator mentions his late wife Agnes, and father John, and leaves legacies to John Deye, parson of Baggeworthe, the mendi cant poor of the late shops of Elias Spelly in Berelane, and Agnes P'stwod. To his present wUe Agnes, the house inhabited by him in Temple-street, between a tenement of Thomas Blount and what was lately John Sely's tenement ; also property in the same street, situate between a tenement of John Droys and the late tenement of William AA'ermynstre of Bristol, tucker ; rem, to daughter Alice Bierdene and her issue ; in def., rem. to brother Edmund Bierdene and his lawful issue ; in def. , rem. to John Sause- mer. All other lands, rents, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol, to the said Edmund, who is appointed co-executor with wUe Agnes. The reference to Elias Spelly suggests the addition of a note which ought to have been inserted after his will : no. 44. The will of his widow, Agnes Spelly, was made iu 1393, in the feast of the Nativity of B.V.M., a " cedula" being appended Sept. 10th., in the same year. She desired to be buried in the church of the Friars Minors of Bristol, and bequeathed sums of money to Robert Spelly, his daughter Agnes, and his son, her maid-servant Isabel Ken, and the church of St. Leonard at Bristol, in which her annivers ary was to be duly kept for ever. To Joan Spelly, daughter of testatrix, brazen vessels, silver cups, &c. Legacies also to John Pokelohurch, John, hermit of the chapel of St. Jordan (Gordian?), John Gamclyn, skinner, &c. Proved May 15th, 1405. Registered in Marche, 9. The diocesan registers at Worcester mention a Richard Spelly of Claines, near that city, living in 1302. 228.— EDWARD REDE, parchmentmaker and burgess. 1436. Tuesday, May Ist. To be buried in the cemetery of St. James's church in Bristol, "iuxta sepultura' p'ris mei." To the fabric of that church xxs. To the parish chaplain there xld. Xo the prior of St. James, a cow already in his keeping. To each monk living in the said priory xxd. To the mother church of Worcester xijd. Xo Thomas David " Madok de Wall' " the debt owing by WiUiam Wodynton, of Kerdyf in Wales. To Joan, daughter of the said Thomas, all the debts owing by WUliam ap Thomas ap Prene. To my brother David Whittower, a blue go-wn "penulaf cu' penula vulpor'." Legacies also to Sir John Pouter, chaplain, Robert David of Bristol, whittawer, William David, Edith Davy, and servants Howele Notes op Bristol Wills. 127 and Cristina. To Joan, testator's wife, £40 of good and lawful English money ; also his dwelling house in "le Brodemede," situate between what was lately the tenement of Joan Stephenes, now John Crynche's, and one of the abbot and convent of St. Augustine, and extending from the said street to the late .land of Mark AA'illiam ; also one pepper-corn, being a yearly rent due from Joan AA'ooetre (sic), widow, for a tenement, with garden, &c., in the same street, situate between the late tenement of John Clyve, now inhabited by Hem-y Hemyng, and a tenement of the Kalendaries, now mhabited by AVUliam AA'orcestre, whittawer, and extending from the said street to the river Frome ; the reversion of this property, after the death of the said Joan Worcetre, to be held by wife Joan for her life ; to be sold after the death of these two, together with the reversion of testator's dwelling house, and the money distributed pro anima. To ser vant Alice Edward, for her life, three shops in the street called Ratenrewe, in the parish of St. James the Apostle, lately bought of Richard Forster, merchant of Bristol, situate between property of Mark Somerwell and a lane leading from the said street towards the Frome ; remainder to the aforesaid Robert Davy and his heirs. The executors are to sell the property in Lewynesmede, situate between Richard Forster's tenement inhabited by John y herward, tanner, and a tenement of the prior of St. James inhabited by AVilliam Bracy, tanner ; also that in "le Market," situate between the tenement of William Glasier, "Belmaker," and the late shops of Margaret Martyn, and extending from the King's way in front to a lane where one goes to St. PhUip's church behind ; the money to be distributed pi-o anima. John Marie of Bristol, merchant, is to pay his debt of £16, in the next feast of Easter after the making of this wUl, or before that feast, in the church of the Holy Trinity of Bristol, and then all those lands, &c., on Redcliff hiU and in Pylestrete, which testator lately acquired by the grant of the said John, shall revert to him, and his heirs and assigns, according to the tenor of certain indentures ; failing to do so, the said property is to be disposed of " in pios vsus." David Thomas, " boucher " and burgess, to whom xls sterling, and a horse " de Baye colour," John Brandesby of Bristol, saddler, to whom xls and a sheaf (garba') of arrows, and Robert Davy, executors. Testator added a codieU, bequeathing forty dozen parchments to his wife Joan, and a bullock to his servant Alice Edward ; and ordering that if the parishioners of St. James's church in Bristol would buy his missal "quod de nouo fieri feci," they might pay the executors one half of its value, so that, in consideration of the other half, his name be enrolled among the other names of benefactors of that church, and be rehearsed by the parish chaplain on Sundays, in the pulpit, hereafter for ever ; it not, this order to be void. Proved before the Mayor and Sheriff on Friday next before the feast of SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 15 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 229.— ROBERT BELAMY, burgess. 1436. Saturday, March 16th. To be buried in the parish church of St. Michael of Bristol, " coram cruce ib'm," to the fabric of which church, for his burial, xK To the rector, for tithes and offerings, vj« viijd. Xo the 128 Notes of Bristol Wills. clerk of the same church, " p' classo ineo pulsand'," iijs iiijd_ Xo the mother church of Worcester xijd. Xo the poor and needy in the parish of St. Michael aforesaid, for theh prayers, 100 shillings ; and the same sum for funeral expenses. Ten shillings to each order of mendicant friars at Bristol. The executors were to sell a messuage, with garden. Sec, on St. Michael's hill, situate between the land belonging to the procurators of St. Werburgh's church, and held by AA'illiam Bradford, on the north, and the corner mes suage lately held by John Ewley and John Seynt of testator's grant and feoffment, and the late land of VValter Rodeuey knt., on the south, and extending from the King's way as one goes towards the house or hospital of St. Mary Magdalene "anfius," on the west, as far as the garden of the master of St. Barthomew's hospital, held by John Vyell the younger, on the east ; also all testator's lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the town and suburb ; the money to be distributed for the benefit of his soul, and that of his late wife Agnes, the souls of her parents, John and Alice Jacob, and the souls of all the faithful dead. Residue of goods for the celebration of masses, and for the needy poor. AA'ilUam Tyrry of Bristol, merchant, and AA'illiam More of the same place, writer, to be executors, and have xx» apiece. Proved before Richard Forster, Mayor, and Walter Power, Sheriff, on Friday in the morrow of St. Blaise Bishop, 15 Henry -.'i. Previously proved before John Hamham, commissary general of the Bishop of Worcester. 230.— JOHN LEYCESTRE, burgess and merchant. 1436. Oct. Ist. To be buried in the parish church of St. Stephen of Bristol, in the chapel of the blessed Mary, under the image of St. George. To the rector thereof, for tithes and offerings forgotten and withdrawn, xl". To the mother church of Worcester vjs viijd. To the fabric of the said church of St. Stephen £5. Legacies also to the parish clerk, and suflfragan, and each chaplain thereof attending the masses of requiem, and other mortuary solemnities, daily for four weeks next after testator's decease ; also to every other chaplain of the town who shall bo present ; each of the four orders of friars ; the needy poor ; every almshouse at Bristol ; John Sergeant, and Tibot his wife, and all their children ; my sisters Agnes and Margaret ; my brother Ralph, and his wife and children ; Laurence son of Roger Batte ; the lady Emmot Payn, nun of Tarant ; Janyn Reynold, and Margaret his wUe, and all their chUdren ; Roger Strete, and ICatharine his wife ; appren tice John Rede, and servant Isabel Exale. Poor people to have £10 in money, and clothing to that amount, on the day of burial. For funeral expenses £20. To the fabric of the church of Thorleston £5. A chaplain to celebrate pro anima in that church for two whole years, and be paid £11. The sum of £10 for the liberation of poor prisoners at Monkebrigge ; £10 for mend ing bad and dangerous roads near the town of Bristol ; and £10 for the marriage of poor virgins. To the fraternity of St. John Baptist xl*, and a like sum for the reparation of the chapel of St. George at Bristol. To John Streynesham, merchant of Bristol, John Broun, and Roger Strete, tanner . and burgess of the town, all testator's lands, tenements, &c., " in vico vocaf le Market ;" also the property on Redcliff hill, held for a certain term of years by Henry Bisley, dyer, and his wife Joan and son Thoinas ; the four teen shops in Gropelane, purchased of John Clyve, late merchant of Bristol ; tlie shop, with solar above it, on the Key, situate between the late tenements Notes of Bristol Wills. 129 of Roger Batte and Sir Thomas Brook knt. ; and the rents and services due from the said Henry Bisley and his wife and son Thomas, for a tenement in Redeclyvestrete, held by them for their life, with the reversion thereof : all this property to be held by the aforesaid three persons for twenty years, on condition of their providhig a fit chaplain to celebrate pro anima during that time in the church of St. Stephen aforesaid ; to be afterwards religiously disposed of. John Streynesham and John Broun, merchants of Bristol, being already enfeoffed in all testator's property in Fremschawe, within the manor of Hambroke, and hundred of Wynterborne, co. Gloucester, are to enfeoff therein his wife Emmot, immediately after his decease ; the said property to be held by her for her life, and afterwards disposed of pi-o anima. Also to her, a tenement in the suburb of Bristol, opposite St. Stephen's church, situate between the tenement of John Blount esquire, mhabited by testator, on the one part, and what was lately the tenement of Walter Carpenter, on the other ; remainder to testator's sister Margaret, widow of Roger Batte, who is to hold it for her life, and pay out of it ten shillings yearly to the execu tors, that they may keep up testator's anniversary in the said church of St. Stephen ; the property to be afterwards religiously disposed of. The aforesaid John Streynesham, to whom £10, John Broun, to whom £10, and Roger Strete, executors. John Marler, clerk, to whom 100 shillings, overseer. To AViUiam More, the writer, xiijs iiijd, AVitnessed by Nicholas Devenyssch, John Shipward, Hugh Withiford, John Troyt, William More, and others. Proved before the Mayor and Sheriff on Wednesday next after the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas Martyr, 15 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 231.— JOHN STEPHENES, "wolmanger" and burgess. 1440. June 20th. To be buried in the parish church of St. James of Bristol, by the altar of St. Thomas, to the fabric of which church iij" vjs viijd. Xo the rector thereof, for tithes and offerings, xls. To Sir John Nouerton, parish chaplain there, xiijs iiijd. Xo each monk in the priory of the said St. James, for their prayers, xijd. Xo the mother church of Wor cester, iijs iiijd. Xo each order of mendicant friars in Bristol present at the funeral rites, ijs vjd. To wife AUce and her heirs, a tenement in Lewyns mede, situate between a messuage of the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury, CO. Gloucester, on the one part, and the messuage of Joan lately wife of Peter Lucas, late of the said town, ' ' Bowcher, " on the other, which tene ment was inhabited by Germanus Thomas, brewer ; also all testator's interest in the messuage inhabited by John Chamberleyn, tailor, in Oldecornstrete. The said Alice to be executrix, and have the residue of all effects, and dispose therewith pi-o anima. AA'itnessed by Sir John Nouerton, John Gusshe, John Sawyer, tucker, Thoinas Assche, baker, Taiicred Johnson, and others. Proved before Nicholas Freine, Mayor, and John Stanley, Sheriff, on AA'ednesday next before the feast of St. Matthias Apostle, 19 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 232.— THOMAS BLOUNT, burgess and merchant. 1441. May 2Gth. To be buried in the cemetery of the parish church of holy Cross Temple, near to the wall of the chapel of the blessed Mary, 130 Notes op Bristol Wills. on the south side of that chapel. To the said church, my book caUed " Antiphenall." To the vicar there, for tithes, vjs viijd. If the parishioners intend to build the tower of that church, they are to have forty shillings "de bonis meis cu' ip'i idem Campanile de nouo edificau'int. " And if the said parishioners shall hereafter convey, or caused to be conveyed, the water of a certain conduit now being at the gate called " Temple yhate," from the said conduit in leaden pipes to the cross of the Temple aforesaid, they are to have, from testator's effects, 500 pounds of lead for that work. To the mother church of Wells xld. Xo each convent of mendicant friars at Bristol ijs vjd. To wife Margaret, for her lite, testator's dwelling house, with the shops and gardens adjoining thereto, in Templestrete, situate between the late tenement of William Berden, inhabited by John Wawton, and Richard Forster's shops ; remainder to Richard Forster, burgess and merchant of Bristol, and his heirs and assigns. To the same Richard and his heirs, a tenement in the said street, situate between a messuage of Thomas Cheddre esquire, inhabited by Simon Yonge, tucker, and the mes suage of Nicholas Caunterbury, inhabited by Henry Archer, dyer ; also a tenement in Towkerstrete, between what was lately the messuage of John Canynges, inhabited by John Berber, tucker, and the messuage of John Forde, inhabited by Patrick Devy, dyer ; also all that inclosed void place of land, and a drying-room built therein, lately held by John Lese, tucker, in " seint Thoinas strete," by Houndenlane, situate between the stable and garden of testator's dwelling house and what was lately the land of John Haveryng, and extending from St. Thomas's street in front to the garden " mei p'dicf Thome Blount " and the garden of the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury behind ; the reversion of all this property to be held by the said Richard and his heirs, after the death of testator and his wife, for the £200 paid by him to testator. To wife Margaret and John Baker, bailiff of Templefee at Bristol, testator's state and term " in tota ilia Turre vocaf Towreharratz," and in a parcel of land lying behind the walls of the town, and extending in length from Temple gate to the aforesaid tower, and in breadth from the said walls to the common ditch of the town ; to hold the said tower and parcel of land, paying for the same the rents and services yearly due to the Mayor and Commonalty of the town of Bristol. The said Margaret to have during her life the use of all testator's jewels and silver vessels ; that which remains of them after her decease to be made into chalices pro anima for poor churches. To Thomas de la Pille testator's best gown " scarleti color' penulaf cu' penula de poleyne greye." Wife Margaret to be executrix, and have the residue of goods. Proved before John Stevenes, bachelor in laws, and canon of the cathedral church of AA'eUs, June 28th, 1441 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff of Bristol. 233.— ROBERT HALLE, otherwise Hegham. 1441. June 25th. To be buried in the parish church of the Holy Trinity at Bristol, to the fabric of which xls. Legacies also to the rector there, the cathedral church of Worcester, the poor in the Bristol almshouses, and other poor of the same to-wn. To wife Amy, for her lite, lands, tenements, rents, &c. , in the town and suburb of Bristol ; remainder to sons Thomas and AA'illiam ; remainder, after their decease, to John, testator's son and Notes op Bristol Wills. 131 heir. To the said Amy, for her life, lands, tenements, &c., in Eston Gordon, Feylond, and Portbury, co. Somerset, and in Hampton and Combe, co. Gloucester ; rem. to son John. He and she to be executors. Sir John Fitz waryn, rector of the aforesaid parish church, to be overseer. Witnessed by the said Sir John, John Mede, and Robert Steynour. Proved before William Canynges, Mayor, and John Shipward, Sheriff, on Wednesday in the feast of St. Lucy Virgin, 20 Henry vi. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 234.— THOMAS FISSCHE, burgess and merchant. 1440. Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol, outside the north porch, by the grave of late wife Joan. Legacies to the vicar, the fabric, each chaplain of that church, the two clerks there, and the mother church of Wells. To wife Agnes and her heirs, a tenement inhabited by Robert Herverd, shoemaker, in Wynch strete, Bristol, between a tenement of the prior and brethren of the Kalendaries, inhabited by Richard Smyth, shoemaker, and that of Thomas Castelman, inhabited by John Carpenter, tailor ; also the lands, tene ments, &c. , in the town and suburb, possessed by testator in fee simple, and lately bought of John Bathe, otherwise called Pocheon, and Robert Nemot, late burgess of Bristol, deceased ; one half of this property to be sold by the said Agnes, or by her executors, and the money distributed pro anima, and the other half to remain, after her decease, to William Fissche, testator's brother. Also to the said Agnes, a state and term in a messuage, garden, &c, in West Toukerstrete, situate between the lane called Westbury lane, on the one part, and a tenement of the prior and convent of the blessed Mary of Wytham, inhabited by John Sawyer, tucker, on the other part, which property testator purchased of William Fitz William, prior of the said house, for a term of ninety years ; also a state in three tenements in Towker strete, situate between a tenement of the said prior and convent, lately inhabited by Ralph Willond, dyer, on the one part, and the tenement lately inhabited by David Danyell, tucker, on the other ; and a state in a tenement in Templestrete, between the messuage lately inhabited by Philip Hore, tucker, on the one part, and the tenement of William KnoUes, on the other ; which four tenements testator had purchased of John Cosham, late prior of the house of the blessed Mary of Wytham, and that convent, for ninety years. If Agnes should die within the said term, rem. to brother William Fissche and his assigns. To the said Agnes, a state in two messuages, with theh adjoining closes, in the town of Mersschefeld "voc' Bstem'ssohfeld," in the south part of the said town, between the tenement inhabited by Thomas Passch, on the west, and that inhabited by Peter Gosse, on the east, which property testator bought of Thomas by divine permission late abbot of the monastery of the blessed Mary of Keynsham, and the convent there, "simul cu' Thoma ffyssche nup' p're meo defunoto," for a term of sixty years ; rem. to testator's kinsman Richard Deenys and his assigns, if the said Agnes should die within the term. Wife Agnes to be executrix, and have the residue of goods. John Burton, merchant of Bristol, overseer. Proved before the Mayor and Sheriff on Wednesday next after the feast of the Lord's Epiphany, 20 Henry vi. Previously proved before the eccle siastical authorities. k2 1.32 Notes of Bristol Wills. 235.— RICHARD TRENODE, merchant. 1442. Tuesday in the week of Pentecost. To be buried in the parish church of St. Leonard of Bristol. To the mother church of Worcester vj» vujd. "Jt'm lego ad p'formand' nigra' sectam dc'e eccl'ie sc'i leonardi de sect' capi (for capae ?) p' me antea eid'm eccl'ie daf xls." Xo wife Joan, for her lite, a messuage in Baldewynstrete, with shop in front and garden behind, situate between the tenement of Thomas Cheddre, esquire, and that of WilUam Arthur of Bedmynstre ; also a yeai-ly rent from a tenement on the back called " Avenbakke," adjoining the cemetery of the parish church of St. Nicholas at Bristol, on the south side of the cemetery : the said property to be disposed of pro anima immediately after her death. Wife Joan and William Pavy to be executors. John Sherpe and Nicholas Freme overseers. Proved before John Hernham, commissary general of the Bishop of Worcester, July 23rd, 1442 ; also before the Mayor and Sheriff. The wUl of William Pavy the elder, burgess and merchant of Bristol, was made on the day and feast of St. George Martyr, 1461. To be buried in the crypt of the parish church of St. Leonard in Bristol, in which church a chaplain was to celebrate for three years, and to which testator bequeathed his best missal, his book called Legenda Sanctorum, a good Psalter, and a pair of black vestments. To the vicar thereof xxs. To the mother church of AVorcester ijs. To wife Joan, and son WUliam Pavy, his dwelling house on the Key of Bristol, and all lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the parish of St. Stephen ; two messuages in Redcliff-street, by the tenement held by Richard Kayton ; four shops in the parish of St. James ; two messuages on the Were at Bristol ; and a messuage " siue hospiciu' " in Tewkesbury, co. Gloucester, called " le Bere." If son WiUiam should die s.p., all the said property to remain to son Robert Pavy and his issue ; in default, rem. to sou John Pavy ; in default, rem. to son Richard Pavy ; in default, rem. to daughter Margaret wife of Edmund Westcote ; in default, rem. to daughter Elen Pavy ; in default, rem. to daughter Elizabeth Pavy ; in default, rem. to Richard Chokke the elder, of Staunton Drewe, and his lawful heirs. To wife Joan and son William, a cottage in Cornstrete, Bristol, situate between a tenement of the Mayor and Commonalty, inhabited by John Swancote, on the one part, and a tenement of the church of St. Werburgh, inhabited by Thomas Rowley, on the other. To daughter Elen, four pipes of woad, and twenty marks in silver cups, &c. To son John, for his maintenance at school for six years, twenty-four marks sterling. To son Richard, four pipes of woad, worth eighty marks. To son Robert, four pipes of woad of the same value. To AA'iUiam More the elder, the writer, vjs viijd. Residue to wife Joan and son AA'Uliam. They and the aforesaid Richard Chokke to be executors. Master Hugh Pavy, testator's son, overseer. Proved in the collegiate church of Westbury, Oct. 5th, 1466, and regis tered at AA'orcester, in Bishop Carpenter's register, vol. i., folio 205. 236.— AA'ILLIAM FISSCH, merchant. 1441. June 20th. To be buried in St. Thomas's cemetery at Bristol. Legacies to each chaplain of the church there attending the mortuary offices. Notes of Bristol A\'ills 133 and the two pai-ish clerks, the cathedral church of St. Andrew of Wells, and the vioai- of the blessed Mary of Redcliff'. To wife Agnes, the best standing bowl \\ith silver cover, &c. Jewels, goods, and merchandise within the realm of England, and in aU parts beyond the sea, to be divided into thiee equal parts ; one for wife Agnes, the second for the three chUdien equally, the thud pro anima. If the children should die under age, the said Agnes to have their legacies. To son AA'ilUam Fyssche, forty shUlings of yearly rent from one half of all the lands, tenements, 4c., in tlie town and suburb, given to testator by the will of his brother Thomas Fissche, formerly burgess of Bristol, after the death of Agnes, wife of the said Thomas. To daughter Joan, forty shillings of yearly rent from the same property, when it shall faU after the death of the said Agnes. The said lands, tenements, &c., to remain to son Thomas and his la-wful issue ; in default, rem. to son WUUam ; in def., rem. to daughter Joan; in def., rem. to Richard Denys "nepoti meo," son of WUliam Denys, late of Mei-sschefield. If the said Richard should die s.p., the executors are to seU the said half of the property under the oversight of the Mayor of Bristol, and distribute the money in works of charity for the health of testator's soul, and the souls of -wife Agnes, brother Thomas, &c. To the said Agnes for her life, after the death of the aforesaid Agnes, 100 shillings of yearly rent from the lands, tenements, &c. She, Matthew Shim-j-n, and Richard Morgan executors, and Sir Nicholas Pittes, vicar of the parish church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, overseer. To the said Matthew and Richard, 20 shillings. Proved before John Stephenes, Ucenciate in laws, and canon of Wells cathedral, Sept. 12th, 1441 ; afterwards before Clement Bagot, Mayor, and Nicholas HUle, Sheriff. 237.— JOHN GOSSLYN, "Belyetter" and burgess. 1450. May 12th. — " compos mentis laudetur altissim' p'ponens p' dei griam partes Romanas c^usa p'egrinandi visitare condo test' m men' in hiinc modum, Jn primis lego ai'am meam deo om'ipotenti corpus q' meum sepeUend' vbicumq'dens disposuerit." To wife Margery, lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the toT^-n and suburb of Bristol, and also in Xew Sarum, and elsewhere in England, for her Ufe. It shall be la-wful for her to sell them pro anima. If she does not, the money raised by disposal of them after her decease to be distributed to chaplains, poor virgins, for their marriage, prisoners, the bUnd, lame, &c. To the said Maigery, a state and term of yeare in a house in Balde-wynstrete, opposite the Cross, inhabited by Robert ilegges. She, John Megges, and John Strete, tanner, to be executors. WiUiam Talbot of Biistol, overseer. Proved before John Stanley, Mayor, and Richard Hatter, Sheriff, May 22nd, 30 Henry vi. No record of proof before the ecclesiastical authorities. We have here an ancient Bi-istol surname. John le Hattere, of the ward (quarterium) of the blessed Mary of Redcliff', occurs on a Gloucestershire snbsidy-roU at the Record Office, dated 6 Edward u. The wUl of Richard Hatter, burgess and merchant of Bristol, is regis tered at Somerset House, Stohton, 10. It was made September 5th, 1457. Testator desired to be buried in the church of All Saints, to the fabric of -Irhich iijU vjs viijd. Twenty-four chaplains to be at the mortuary offices. 134 Notes of Bristol Wills. and twelve poor men to hold torches burning thereat. To the fabric of the mother church of Worcester vjs vujd. Xo the fabric of St. Leonard's of Bristol vjl' xiijs iijjd^ in -which church a chaplain was to celebrate for twelve years. Legacies also to the vicar of that church, to the reparation and building of the tenements and ornaraents of Thomas Hallewey's chantry, to my brother John, and brother William Hatter of London, and the chUdren of the former, my sister Isabel Stafford, Robert Warmyngton and his wife. Master Richard AA'arrayngton, Thomas Devenyssh, Richard Boole, John Milleyn, apprentice Richard Marchall, and servants John Laveraunce and Maud. Wife Constance and her son John Hawke to have the residue of goods, and be executors. Given at Bristol. Witnessed by John Tumor, vicar of St. Leonard's, John Shoppe, John Prince, William Waring, chap lain, Richard Haddon, Nicholas Reede, WUliam Moore the writer, and others. Proved at Lambeth, Sept. 21st, 1457. 238.— JOHN CASTELMAN, burgess. 1446. Nov. 4th. — "compos mentis laudetur Altissimus eger in corp'e." To be buried in the chapel of the blessed Mary, in the parish church of holy Cross Temple at Bristol, diocese of Bath and Wells, to the vicar of which, for tithes and offerings forgotten, vjs viijd, and to the fabric, for grant of inter ment, 200 pounds of lead, wife Edith to keep the lead until there is need to repair the said church. Legacies to the fraternity of St. Katharine in that church, the mother church of Wells, and the altar of St. Citha (sc'e Cithe virginis) in the conventual church of the Augustinian friars at Bristol. To wife Edith, lands, tenements, shops, gardens, &c., in the town and suburb, for her use and pro anima. She and Thomas Yonge, Recorder of the said town of Bristol, executors. To the latter, for his pains, xxs. Sir Richard Jamys (sometimes written Janys), vicar of the aforesaid church of holy Cross, overseer. Witnessed by the said Sir Richard Jamys, John Davy, chaplain celebrating in that church, Thomas Yonge, tucker, WUliam Payn, Robert Core the writer, and others. Proved before AA'illiam Coder, Mayor, and Thomas Meed, Sheriff, on AA'ednesday next after the feast of St. Hilary Bishop, 31 Henry vi. No record of proof before the ecclesiastical authorities. This will is also registered in the Library at Lambeth, Stafford, 147. 239.— JOHN BURTON, burgess. 1454. March 21st. To be buried in the parish church of St. Thomas the Martyr, diocese of Bath and Wells, by the altar of St. John Baptist. To the fabric of that church, five marks. 'To the cathedral church of St. Andrew of Wells, xxd. For funeral expenses, and for the poor on the day of burial, xxU. To Nicholas Pittes, Philip Mede, John Gaywode, and Richard Thyng- wall, of Bristol, the reversion of the half of tenements, &c., lately purchased of Agnes, wife of John Spycer of Bristol, formerly wife of Thomas Fyssh, late burgess of that town, which property the said Agnes held of testator for her life ; namely, the half of a tenement inhabited by Jen'n Deyell in St. Nicholas's street, situate between the tower (campanUe) of the church of St. Nicholas, on the cast, and the late cellar of Thomas Chedder esquire, held by Robert Bracy, on the west, and extending from the said street lo the old Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 135 wall of the town ; the half of a tenement in AA'ynchestrete inhabited by Thomas Griffith, smith, situate between a tenement of the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol, inhabited by AA'iUiam Herbard, on the west, and a teuemeut of the chantry of Robert Chepe, lately founded in the aforesaid church of St. Thomas, inhabited by Richard AA'ebbe "Corio'," on the east ; the half of thi-ee shops in the said street, separately inhabited by Richard Forbour, Thomas Cotyller, and AA'illiam Steppe, situate between the tene ment of John Cockes, brewer, mhabited by Thomas Spenser, merchant, on the west, and the tenement of John Tydrj-ngton and his wife Edith, inhabited by John Clerk, pointmaker, on the east ; the half of a garden in the ilarket " cu' vno logge in eod'm Gardino," held by Johu Symondes, hooper, situate between the gai-den of the almshouse §.t Laffordesyate, held by the poor of the said house, on the east, and the garden of Joan Erley, widow, held by John Newton, on the west, and extending from the King's way in front to a lane called " seint PhUippeslane " behind ; the half of a gai-den or void place of land (placee f re) on the AA'ere, in a waj- where one goes from the Were towards Erlesmede, held by Thomas Griffith, situate between a tenement of the prioress and sisters of the house of St. Mary Magdalene of Bristol, held by John Rider, tanner, on the west, and a gai-den of the aforesaid Philip Mede, held by John Clerk, pointmaker, on the east ; the half of a tenement held by Richard Waxmaker on the bridge of Avon, situate between a tene ment of testator's inhabited by AA'alter Benett, hosier, on the south, and a tenement of WiUiam Tavemer, gentleman, inhabited by Margaret Pyke, on the north ; the half of a tenement and two ceUars on the Back of Avon, containing divers "mansiones" held by Edward WUliam and several others, situate between a lane where one goes from the said Back towai-ds Bastestrete, on the north, and the tenement of WUliam Wanstre, inhabited by Thomas John, on the south ; the halt of the two messuages, inhabited by Edward Mason and Nicholas Stocke in Merchestrete, situate between a tenement of the fratemity of St. John Baptist at Bristol, on the south, and the land of John Sherp the elder, on the east ; the half of a close on St. Michael's hiU, held by Richard Ewyn "halyer," lying between a close of the abbot and convent of St. Augustine, held by the said Richard, on the west, and the land of the Commonalty of Bristol, on the east, and extending from the King's waj- T\here one goes towards Clifton, in front, to the giu-deu of Jolin Sherp the elder, behind ; the half of a tenement inhabited by John Eljott in RedecUfstrete, situate between the tenement of John Hampton of Bath, mason, on the south, and what was lately the shop of Thomas Pysshe, on the north, and extending from the street to the late tenement of Thomas Parkhous ; the halt of a tenement held by Oliver Meke " chalno'" in the said street, between the tenement of Sir John Seymour knt. , inhabited by Lodowic Chalnour, on the north, and a void place of land belonging to the master of St. John's hospital, and held by Jolm Meke and others, on the south ; the half of a tenement held by AA'ilUam Tanner, crocker, in Rede cUfstrete, situate between a tenement of Thomas A'yell, gentleman, iuhabited by Thoinas TaiUom-, on the south, and a tenement of the said John Hampton of Bath, inhabited by WiUiam Hone, weaver, on the north, and extending from the street to what was lately the tenement of the said Thomas Park hous, inhabited by Xicholas Hyll ; and the half of a shop held by the aforesaid John Elyott in Redeclyfstrete, between the late shop of the said Thomas 136 Notes of Bristol Wills. Parkhous, inhabited by Thomas Tadelton, latoner, on the north, and the tenement inhabited by the said John Elyott, on the south. To the same Nicholas Pittes, PhUip Mede, John Gaywode, and Richard Thyngwall, a tenement and shop in Lewenesniede, between a tenement belonging to the chantry of Thomas Halewey, late burgess of Bristol, and Joan his wife, lately founded in the parish church of All Saints, on the east, and a certain common gutter running from the said street to the river Frome, on the west ; also a tenement at the north end of the bridge of Avon, between the tenement of John Thorp, inhabited by John Compton, merchant, on the south, and the late tenement of Thomas Fyssche, inhabited by Richard Wexmaker, on the north ; also property in Templestrete " direct' exoppo'ito Crucis vocaf Stalegecrosse," between a tenement ^belonging to, the chantry of Robert Chepe, lately founded in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr, on the north, and a tenement of the lady Margaret Countess of Salop, on the south ; also two tenements, with garden adjoining, in St. Thomas's lane, opposite the southern entrance of St. Thomas's church, situate between a tenement of the prior and brethren of the Kalendaries, on the east, and a tenement of the procurators of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, on the west, and extending from the said lane to a path where one goes "ad latrinas situaf sup' le Lawediche ;" the said Nicholas Py ttes, Philip Mede, &c. , to hold this property after the death of the aforesaid Agnes, on condition that they found and duly establish a perpetual chantry, so that a chaplain may here after for ever celebrate divine offices at the altar of St. John Baptist in the parish church of St. Thomas of Bristol, for the good estate of our lord the King, and Margaret Queen of England, his consort, and Edward Prince of Wales, his eldest son, and for the good estate of testator and his wife Isabel, and for the souls of all these after their departure "ab hac luce," and for the performance of other works of piety : the said chantry to be caUed the . perpetual chantry of John Burton, merchant of the town of Bristol, for ever, and the chaplain thereof for the time being to be caUed the chaplain of the perpetual chantry of John Burton, merchant of the town of Bristol ; Ucence and the King's letters patent for this purpose to be procured. To wife Isabel £100, also merchandise wares, wool, &c. ; also, for her life, lands, tene ments, rents, &c., in the town and suburb of Bristol ; rem. to daughter Isabel, wife of Thomas Yonge, and her hehs for ever. To the said wife Isabel, the fourth part of a ship called " la Marie de Bristoll," being now in "Islande," of which Robert Goteham is master, together with all its fittings, and the merchandise therein. To my brother Nicholas Burton, the true value of 200 marks in cloth, &c. To kinsman Robert Jonys, cloth, woad, coats of mail, &c. Legacies also to kinsman John Jonys, John Gaywode, kins woman Edith Jonys, and the four orders of friars at Bristol. Thomas Yonge and Sir John Fortescu knt. to be executors, and each to have xx". Witnessed by Master Nicholas Pyttes, WUliam Canynges, Philip Mede, John Jonys, WUliam More, Nicholas Parker, Richard Hickes, John Edwardes, and others.Proved at Lambeth July 28th, 1455 ; also "p' tres vices p'clamaf fuit in pleno huudr'o tenf apud Bristoll," in the GuUdhall, before WiUiam Coder, Mayor, &c., on Fiiday next after the feast of the Purification of BA'.M., 36 Henry vi. Notes of Bristol AA'ills. I37 Thomas Parkhous, of Bristol, who died in 1449, bequeathed £10 to the church of Bradford in Yorkshire, " vbi oriu'dus fui," and where he then had a brother John. 240.— THOMAS JONYS, cofferer and burgess. 1464. Sept. 18th. To be buried in the crypt of St. Nicholas at Bristol. To the cathechal church of Worcester iijs. iiijd. Xo Master John Arffos, vicar of the said church of St. Nicholas, xs. To the chapel on the bridge of Avon vjs. vujd. Xo the fraternity of St. John Baptist at Bristol vjs. vujd. To wife Elen, for her lite, a messuage in Baldewynestrete, situate between the tenement of Richard Erie, inhabited by Elen Stoumiy, and what was lately the tenement of the Lady de Lysle, inhabited by Roger Plomer, and extending from the street in front to the orchard of the said Richard ; remainder to the procurators of the aforesaid crypt, and their successors for ever ; the whole rent, after the said Elen's death, to be expended on divine offices in that crypt every year, on the vigil of St. Matthew, in the month of Sept., "cum Placebo & Du-ige & die Crastino sequente Cum Missa de Requiem," at which mass the procurators are to offer a penny for the good of testator's soul and that of his wife Elen, and the souls of Robert Thomas and Edith his wife ; the vicar of the church for the time being to have twelve pence yearly for celebrating, and each chaplain four pence for taking part at the said anniversary. To the principal clerk of the church, for taking part, ,. two pence; "& pro pulsac'o'e maxime Campane. ad exequias anniuersarij mei Tribz Signis 4. ad Missam -vno Signo solempniter faciendo uijd ." the secondary clerk also to receive two pence from the aforesaid procurators, for taking part in the said exequies and for the preparation " de la heerce ;" and four pence yearly to the common beadle (Bedmanno Co'i) of the town for proclaiming the anniversary. The sum of eight pence out of the rent of the aforesaid messuage to be divided equally every year between the procurators for their pains ; but if they shall be found neglectful in paying and doing as ordered by testator, they are to forfeit the eight pence for that year ; the vicar of the said church of St. Nicholas to enter the said messuage and distrain. Testator's soul and his wife Elen's to be "recommended " in the pulpit every year, on Sundays ; and the vicar to be paid by the procura tors on St. Matthew's day. The guardian also of the fraternity of St. John Baptist in Bristol to be paid twelve pence for ever, on condition that he and his successors provide for the due observance of the anniversary in the said church on that day. The remainder of the rent to be paid as a salary to a chaplain of the said fraternity of that crypt, who is to celebrate therein. A secular chaplain is also to celebrate pro anima for two years in the aforesaid church, and receive £12. Legacies also to son Thomas Jonys, and mother Isabel Jonys, Richard Ewryn, chaplain, and my brothers John and Waryn Ewryn. Wife Elen and John Skry veyn executors. To the latter, ten shillings and a gown. Witnessed by Master John Arffos, vicar of St. Nicholas's, AVilliam AVeele, chaplain, John Cogan, mercer, John Stevenys, and William More. Proved before Master John Hamham, commissary of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sept. 24tb, 1464; afterwards before John Shypward the elder. Mayor of Bristol, and John Hawkys, Sheriff. 138 Notes of Bristol Wills. Elen Sturmy was widow of Robert Stunny, burgess and merchant of Bristol, who made his wUl June 27th, 1457, because he was then "passinge ouer the see, vnder the mercy of God.'' He bequeathed forty shiUings to " the Church Werk " of St. Nicholas of Bristowe, and twenty shUlings to " the Crowde " therein. The sum of £30 to be expended during five years on behalf of the souls of his " ffader and moder." To the parish church of Knygton (Knighton), co. Worcester, xls. Legacies also to the priests of the college of ' ' Seynt marye yeild in Ludlowe, "the fraternities of the chapel on the bridge and of St. John Baptist at Bristol, the poor friars of "ye Woodehous by ye Clee in Shroppeshire," my brother John Sturmy, " Nevowe " Robert, and the other children of brother John, " Cousyn " Roger Banastre, apprentice John Penk, &c. If testator's ship and goods come home in safety, then, after his decease, a secular priest is to sing for him in St. Nicholas's church ' ' a bone ¦wrote " for ten years, and another in the above-written church of Knyghton, and have yearly nine marks, and forty pence " for brede wyne and light." Residue to -wife " Elyne." She and brother John Sturmy to be executors. Master John Arffos, vicar of St. Nicholas's, and John Hosier, draper, of Ludlow, overseers. Proved |at Lambeth, Dec. 12th, 1458. Registered at Somerset House, Stohton, 14. The diocesan registers at Worcester give the following particulars. 1446, Apr. 2nd, Master John Arffos, master in arts, of the diocese of Wor cester, was ordained a secular deacon by the Bishop of i Worcester, in the parish church of Hembury in Salt Marsh, on a title conferred by Merton college in Oxford ; and, at the same time, friar WUliam Arffos, canon 'of St. Augustine's monastery at Bristol, was ordained a religious priest. 1446, Apr. 16th, the said John Arffos was ordained a secular priest in the church of the house of St. Mark at Bristol, on the title of his vicarage of St. Nicholas in that town. 1447, Dec. 30th, the Bishop of Worcester granted to Master John Arffos, master of arts, vicar of St. Nicholas's, Bristol, a Ucence to preach and expound the Word of God anywhere within the diocese. 1457, Dec. 1st, the Bishop granted to Richard Arffos esquire the office of keeper of the manor of Wythyndon, co. Gloucester, and of all the woods, &c., per taining thereto. 241.— LODOWIC MORS, burgess and merchant. In the margin Morse. 1464. Feb. 7th, To be buried "in Portion Eccl'ie b'te Marie de Redclyff BristoU' Bathon' & AVellen' dice' videl'it coram ymagine b'te Marie ib'm." One quarter of woad for testator's burial there. To the mother church of Worcester xxd. Xo the vicar of St. Leonard's at Bristol, for tithes and offerings, vjs. vUjd. Legacies also for the reparation of that church, and to friars John Everard and John Leyson. To ¦wife Joan, for her life, testator's dwelling house in Oldecomstret. If son Thomas should die before the age of 22, and s.p., the said tenement to remain to son John. If John should die s.p., rem. to son AA'alter and his issue ; in default, rem. to Lodowic John of Bristol, merchant, and his heirs. If the said Lodowic should wish to inhabit the said house, he is to pay wife Joan xls sterling during her lite. To son John, a shop on the Key of Bristol, held of testator by John Robyn, hooper ; wife Joan to receive the rent of it until the said son John shaU be 22 years old. H he should die s.p. , rem. to son AA'alter when 22 ; in def., rem. to son Thomas when 22 ; in def., rem. to Lodowic Notes op Bristol AVills. 139 John. To son Thomas, seven pipes of woad ; seven to son Walter ; and six to sou John ; of which pipes, six are within testator's house, and as many as fourteen in certain ships returning by the grace of God from parts beyond the sea. If any misfortune should befall the said fourteen pipes, the burden of the accident to be borne by his sons according to the dis cretion of his wife. If all his sons should die before coming to years ' ' dis- crec'o'is," the said pipes to come to the hands of his said wife ; and then, eight pipes for Lodo-wic John ; three for the reparation of the house of the Friars Minors at Bristol ; two for repairing the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff ; one pipe for repahing the church of St. Leonard ; two pipes to John Lewys, brother of the said Lodowic John ; two to Joan and Agnes, daughters of testator's sister ; one pipe to William Rede ; and one to Alice sister of wife Joan. The said Joan to be executrix. Witnessed by John Streynsham and Robert Core, Proved before AA'illiam Spenser, Mayor, and John Gierke, Sheriff, on Wednesday next after the feast of the Lord's Epiphany, 5 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 242.— WILLIAM CAUNTERBURY, esquhe, burgess. 1459. Jan. 4th. To be buried in the parish church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol, to the vicar of which, for tithes and offerings forgotten, xijd. Xo the mother church of WeUs xijd. Xo wife Alice and her heirs, two tenements in Castelstrete, in the parish of St. Peter the Apostle, situate between the tenement of John Taverner and that of the prior of Maydenbradley, and extending from the said street in front to a tenement of WiUiam Canynges behind ; also two gardens in Mershstrete, between the land of John Sherp and that of WUliam Erleygh ; and lands, tene ments, &c., on the Key, which property is to be sold by her, or by her executors, and the money distributed pro anima. To PhUip Mede, Thomas Sawyer, Robert Baron, John Jones, dyer, Richard Kayton, and Walter Fosse, aU testator's lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Redeclyfstrete and Templestrete, on condition that, immediately after his decease, they make for his wife Alice a sufficient and secure estate of and in four messuages in the former street, situate between the land of Sh Walter Rodeney knt. and what was lately the land of Thomas Cheddre esquire ; she to hold the said messuages for her lite, paying yearly to the said Philip, Thomas, and the other feoffees, one red rose at the feast ot the Nativity of St. John Baptist, if demanded, for all other services, exactions, &c And, after her decease, the said feoffees shall find a priest, or fit chaplain, to celebrate masses and other divine offices in the aforesaid church of St. Thomas for ever, for the good of testator's soul, his wife's, &c. To his said wife, who is made executrix, and to her assigns, a state in two messuages in Bradstrete, lately occupied by Robert Hygham. To John Alwyn, tiler, " optimam meam Togam stragulatam vocaf Ray in vna p'te virid' Coloris cum f urrura in eadem Toga existen'. " Legacies also to wife's kinswoman Alice, and Elen Stagge, testator's servant and apprentice. Sir Maurice Berkeley knt. , lord of Beverston, to be overseer. Proved in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol, March 3rd, 1459 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff. 140 Notes op Bristol Wills. 243.— THOMAS ROGER, burgess and merchant. 1465. Jan. 16th. Testator describes himself as of the parish of St. 1 Stephen of Bristol, in the diocese of AA'orcester, and desires to be buried in St. Stephen's church, before the altar of St. Katharine the Vhgin. To the mother church of Worcester xK To the rector of the said church of St. 1 Stephen, for tithes and offerings forgotten, vjs viijd. Xo Master John Gomond xld, that he may pray for testator's soul. To Sir Geoflfrey Norman, and Sir John Wodward, xxd apiece, and to each of the other chaplains of ¦ of the said parish church, xijd. Xo the procurators thereof, for testator's burial there, a quarter of woad. A fit secular chaplain to celebrate therein. ' To each order of friars at Bristol vs. To the procurators of the parish church ¦ of Mersshfeld, for the work thereof, "vnu' settyng Woode." To wife . Agnes, for her lite, lands, rents, reversions, &c., in Bristol, and " in Com' i ac Suburb' eiusdem " ; remainder to son AA'illiam Rogers, and his lawful : issue ; in default, to be sold, and the money distributed pro anima. Residue to wife Agnes. She and son WUUam to be executors. John Streynsham overseer. Witnessed by Sir Geoffrey Norman, John Wodward, John Emayn, li'ato (?), and others. Proved before William Canynges, Mayor, and John Gaywod, Sheriff, March 20th, 7 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical ; authorities. Master John Gomond, clerk, was named as an executor and legatee in the wiU of Thomas Norton, of the parish of St. Peter of Bristowe, brother of Walter Norton, who was father of Thomas Norton the elder, and Thomas Norton the younger ; wiU proved Feb. 16th, 1449, and registered in the Library at Lambeth, Stafford, 184. A document at the Record Office mentions that John Streynesham, John Nancothan, and some others, were employed to collect a subsidy iu the town and suburb of Bristol, 24 Henry vi. And from the Worcester dio cesan registers, it appears that a Thomas de Strengesham was ordained an acolyte in Worcester cathedral in 1314, and that John Strengesham was of Ashchurch, co. Gloucester, in 1339. 244.— AGNES FYLOUR, widow. 1467. Nov. 8th. Testatrix was of the parish of All Saints in Bristol, and desired to be buried in the parish church there, in the chapel of holy Cross, by the burial-place of Thomas Hallewey. To Sir Maurice Hardwyk, vicar of the said church, for tithes and offerings, vjs. viijd., also a chaUce of silver and gilt, for his own use. Six chaplains, named by him, to take part in the mortuary offices during one month after the death of testatrix, and have forty shillings sterling equally divided among them. A fit secular chaplain to celebrate pro anima in that church for three years, and be paid £18 for that term. To the mother church of AA'orcester viijd. Xo son Thomas Fylour of London, mercer, a messuage in the High-street at Bristol, inhabited by testatrix, situate between the messuage "voc' le Grene latyce" inhabited by John Compton, on the north, and land belonging to the abbot and con vent of Tewkesbury, and held of them by testatrix, on the ^outh, and extending from the said street to the land of the master of St. Laurence by Notes op Bristol AVills. 141 Bristol. The said Thomas to keep the anniversary of testatrix every year, expending twelve shillings on the same ; that is to say, giving to eight priests four pence apiece ; to the poor five shillings in bread ; to the clerk "Classicu' pulsanti" twelve pence, and for his other duties two pence; to the town-crier two pence ; to the vicar for the time being, for wax to burn, twelve pence, and that he may see to the fulfilment of these orders, and have her " recommended " among the other benefactors of the said church, twelve pence ; and to the procurators, that they may attend to the holding of the said anniversary, twelve pence, equally divided. After the death of the said Thomas, the messuage is to be held by daughter Joan, on condition of her keeping the anniversary in the same manner ; after the said Joan's decease, rem. to Sir Maurice Hardwyk, vicar of All Saints', and John Compton and W illiam Rowley, procurators of the said church, to be held by them, and their assigns, on the same condition ; which parties are to have and keep all the muniments relating to the aforesaid messuage immediately after the decease of testatrix. To daughter Joan "duas pecias de Cres- cloth," a kirtle, &c., and two pieces " de Rawe IHemyssh." To son Thomas's wife, a gown of scarlet. A sura of money to be laid out ' ' in Camis- ijs & Smokkys " for poor men and women. Clothing also for servants Isabel Abell, Dionisia, and " Theodur." Son Thomas to be executor, and ^ dispose of the residue after payment of debts, &c. Richard Haddon to be overseer, and have "p ' suo labore vnu' Nobile." Proved before Thomas Bevyr, bachelor in decrees, commissary in the town and deanery of Bristol for the Bishop of Worcester, Nov. 30th, 1467 also before Robert Jakys, Mayor, and John Hoper, Sheriff. 245.— WILLIAM SHEPWARDE, otherwise Barstaple, of Marlborough, CO. WUts, gentleman. In the margin Shipward. 1467. July 2.3rd. To be buried in the church of the blessed Mary of Marlborough, to the vicar of which, for tithes, and for his prayers, xxs. For the sustentation of the light of the blessed Mary " de Pytte", in the said church, a cow. To the fabric of St. Peter's church in the same town iijs iiijd. To Sir John Aspsen, chaplain, vjs viijd. To the fabric of the cathedral church ot the blessed Mary of Salisbury iijs iiijd. Xo the fabric of the church of All Saints at Burbache vjs viijd, and those two cows in the keeping of Robert Kember, so that the guardians of the said church keep testator's obit therein yearly for ever. To the fabric of St. Thomas's church in the city of AVorcester (a mistake for Winchester), vjs viijd. Xo the fabric of the church of the Holy Trinity at Mottesfont vj" xiijs iiijd sterling, that the prior and convent thereof may keep testator's obit every year, after the sale of his capital messuage or tenement, lately that of Hugh Crane, in the aforesaid city of AVorcester ( Winchester). To the fabric ot the church of St. Margaret at Poughley co. Berks, five marks sterling, that the prior and convent thereof may yearly keep his obit. To John Hardy, "ad orand' p' ai'a mea," vjs viijd. Xo AVilliam Shepward otherwise Barstaple, "Nepoti meo," forty shillings, after the sale of the tenement in Cornestrete at Bristol, To Isabel Newbury, after the sale ot the capital messuage or tenement in the aforesaid city of AA'inchester, 100 shiUings sterling. To Robert Erley, brother of the said Isabel, a gown, &c., and twenty shillings in money, after the sale of the said capital messuage. To 142 Notes op Bristol AA'ills. AViUiam Manger, and his wUe Emmot, testator's sister, six marks, and all the moveable goods in the said capital messuage ; also a tenement in Rad- clyfstrete at Bristol, for their life , and a rent issuing from the messuage or tenement "in alto vico voc' le Starretau'ne in villa BristolUe ;" and a rent from a messuage on the bridge of Bristol, late the property of my mother Joan Erley, lately wife of Robert Erley, who was of Wolsale, co. WUts, esquire ; remainder to John Shepward otherwise Barstable, "nepoti meo," and his lawful issue ; in default, rem. to Robert Shepward otherwise Bar- stable, and his lawful issue ; in def. , rem. to the aforesaid WiUiam Shepward otherwise Barstable, and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to Thomas Shepward otherwise Barstable ; in def. , rem. to John Shepward the elder, merchant of Bristol. To the aforesaid John Shepward otherwise Barstable, two tenements with adjoining gardens in Marleburgh ; one of them called " Caleys," and situate in Seyntmarigrene there, between the tenement of WilUam Dohnan, on the north, and the tenement of Yorke (sic), on the south ; the other tenement being situate in the street as one goes towards the Castle " extra lez barres," and held by John Prenshman, weaver. But if the said John Shepward otherwise Barstable does not conduct himself well towards the executors, they are to have the said two tenements. To the said executors, the lands and tenements in the city of Winchester, in which Robert Pytte otherwise Cornyssh, citizen of Winchester, is enfeoffed ; also the aforesaid tenement in Cornestrete at Bristol, inhabited by Thomas Ship- lode, wherein Henry Vaughan and others "ad meam deno'icac'oem ex confidencia ffeoffaf exist';" the said property to be sold for payment of debts and legacies, and for masses and charitable purposes pro anima. Meadow and other lands in Groston, and Westledwyn, " ac de Fourde," in which Robert Roo "de hospic' d'ni Regis," and others, are enfeoffed for testator's use, to be held, immediately after his decease, by AA'Uliam Manger and his wife Emmot, testator's sister, and their heirs and assigns, on condition that they keep his obit every year in the aforesaid church of the blessed Mary of Marleburgh. The said William and Emmot, and John Wyse, vintner, citizen of New Sarum, to be executors. No record of proof. Walter Bardestaple occurs on the Gloucestershhe subsidy-roll, 6 Edw. ii, above referred to ; he, and William de Pridie, Richard de Pridie, Thomas de Pridie, BUssota Vallet, and Thomas Hemyng, weaver, possessed goods in the ward of the blessed Mary in the Market, in the town of Bristol. 246.— JOHN JAY, burgess. 1468. April 13th. To be buried in the choir ot the parish church of St. Mary of Redcliff, Bristol, to which church, for his burial, xxs, and to the -vicar, for tithes, vjs viijd. Xo the mother church of Wells xijd. Xo the church of St. Thomas the Martyr, at Bristol, vjs viijd. Testator's wife Joan to have 100 marks in ready money, in silver bowls and cups, and 100 marks in salt and other articles ot merchandise! Household vessels, "hoc est in Aula in Parlario in Cameris et in Coquina," to be divided into three ecjual parts ; wife Joan to take the first part ; the two other parts to be for the five children. To elder daughter Joan, a pipe of woad, and two whole cloths ; her mother's legacy also to be for her. Testator's share of the ship Notes op Bristol Wilis. 143 caUed " Trinite " to be for his sons .John and Henry. To the said Henry, the house in Templestrete lately inhabited by John Bukke ; also " vnu' vas et vnu' ffomeys." To younger daughter Joan £20 in money, in merchandise wares, and in utensils. The same to daughter Julian. If aU the chUdren should die, " q'd absit," the effects bequeathed to them to be disposed of pro anima. Son John to be executor, and have the ordering of the residue of goods. John Dunstar, prior of the monastery of Bath, Master Nicholas Pittes, vicar of Redcliff, my brother John Jaye, and John Godard, merchant, to be overseers. Proved before Robert Jakys, Mayor, and John Hoper, Sheriff, on Wed nraday in the feast of St. Margaret Virgin, 8 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecKilesiastical authorities. 247.— TANGELA A CLONNE, -widow. In the margin Aclonne. 1468. Feb. lOth. To be buried in the cemetery of the church of St. James of Bristol " iuxta Sepultm-am Parentum & f^muliar' meor'." To the mother church of the blessed Mary the Virgin at Worcester uijd. To the parish church of St. James aforesaid a brass dish. To the sustentation of St. Katharine's altar in that church "vnu' PaUiu' de le TwyUy." To AVUliam Payne, son of daughter AUce, £4 of lawful money of England ; and the same to his brother Thoinas Payne. John Houndesley, merchant, and his wife Alice, the said daughter of testatrix, to be executors, and dispose of the residue of goods pro anima. Sir WiUiam Nuport, prior of the priory house and church of St. James aforesaid, overseer ; to whom ijs for tithes and offerings, and for his prayers. Proved before PhUip Mede, Mayor, and Robert Straunge, Sheriff, March 13th, 9 Edward iv. Previously proved before Thomas Bevir, commissary in the town and deanery of Bristol for the Bishop of Worcester. 24S,-^0HN NANCOTHAN. 1469. Oct. 14th. To be buried in the chapel of St. John Baptist within the church of St. Ewen of Bristol. Legacies to the rector that church, the fratemity of St. John Baptist there, the mother church of Worcester, the parish church of All Saints at Bristol, the fabric of the church of the Holy Trinity there, the fabric of the church of the blessed Mary of Yatton, of the parish church of Congresbury, and of the church of St. Paul "iuxta Porthynes " in ComwalL To Sir Robert Dewy, chaplain of the aforesaid fratemity, a gown " Coloris Blacke a lire engreyned Cum quadam ffurrura voc' le Croppes of Grey." To John, son of testator, £20 sterling, also "meu' Salsare Optimu' Argenteu'," six sUver spoons, having a maiden's head at the end of every spoon, an entire bed, &c. To daughter Margaret £20, also " meu' Optimu' Nucem," and other six spoons, having " in flfine cuiusUb't Cocliar' Caput Puelle." To daughter Edith forty shillings sterling, a cup, &c. 'To daughter Isabel forty shillings, a cup, &c. Twelve pence sterling to each of the chUdren " quos a Sacro fonte leuaui." To the venei-able (venerabUi viro) PhUip Meed, merchant, forty shUings. Wife ilargaret to be executrix. The said PhUip Meed overseer. Proved before John Shipward, Mayor, and WUUam Brydd, Sheriff, Aug. 6th, 10 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 144 Notes op Bristol AA'ills. 249.— WILLIAM ROKES. 1469. March Uth. To be buried in the chancel of the parish church of St. Stephen at Bristol, beside the burial-place of former wife Joan. To the cathedral church of AA'orcester xijd. To the rector of the aforesaid church of St. Stephen, "Curato meo,'' xxd; and to the use of that church, on account of testator's interment tlierein, vjs viijd. Xo daughter EUzabeth a pipe of woad, and a silver cup. To daughter Katharine one whole cloth, and a silver cup. To son John a whole cloth, &c. To Elizabeth, wUe of testator, for her life, his dwelling house in Merschstrete, situate between the tenement belonging to St. Stephen's church, on the south, and one of the Lady de Seymour, on the north, and extending from the street to the tenement of the said church ; remainder to son John and his lawful issue. If all testator's children should die s.p., rem. to John Rokes "Nepoti meo," and his heirs ; in default of issue, the said property to be sold, and the money distributed for the good of testator's soul, and that of his uncle Thomas Rokes, &c. AA'Ue Elizabeth to be executrix. AA'Uliam Spencer overseer. Proved at Lambeth June 28tli, 1470; before John Shipward, Mayor, and WUliam Brydd, Sheriff, Aug, Uth, 10 Edward iv. The Lady de Seymour here referred to was probably Isabel relict of Sir John Seymour knt., who is mentioned in the will of John Burton, burgess of Bristol : no. 239. Bishop Carpenter's register at AA'orcester, vol. i., folio 192, states that Isabel Seymour, widow, took the vow of perpetual chastity in the collegiate church of AA'estbury "inf inissar' solempnia," in the presence ot the said bishop, who gave her his benedic tion, and put upon her the vidual vesture, June 3rd, 1405. 250.— JOAN FORDE. In the margin Foorde. 1463. Feb. 8th. Testatrix had been wife of John Forde deceased, and desired to be buried "iuxta Sepultura' dc'i Joh'is fforde. scil't in Cimiterio Eccl'ie P'och' Sc'e Crucis Templi" at Bristol, in the diocese of Bath and AA'eUs. To the vicar thereof, for his prayers, and for tithes and offerings forgotten, vjs viijd, a fit secular chaplain to celebrate in that church for two whole years for the welfare of her soul, and the soul of her husband, parents, &c. To the mother church of AA'eUs xld. Xo John Bryd, son of my son John Bryd, the value of £30 in money and instruments pertaining to the craft of a dyer, and household goods. If he should die under the age of twenty, £10 to remain to John Strafford of London, grocer, £5 to Isabel wife of AA'illiam Keniys, mercer, and £5 to the Carmelite Friars of Bristol, where the parents of testatrix were buried, pro\-ided that her name and that of the aforesaid Jolm Fo.-de, and the names of her parents are especially named among the other benefactors "in Pulpito P'dicaf temp'e cciam Missar' & di'or'." Master AA'alter Hunt, brother of testatrix, and her kins man Henry Chestir to be executors, and dispose of the remaining £10, and also have the keeping of the aforesaid Johu Bryd. Edith AA'olf, overseer, to whom a gold ring, &c. Proved in the parish cliurch of Redcliff, Nov. 16th, 1464. No record of proof before the Mayor. Notes op Brlstol AVills. 143 251.— JOHN GAYWODE, burgess. 1471. May 11th. To be buried in the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, at Bristol, by the entrance to the chapel of the blessed Mary, " sub lapide ib'm p' me ordinaf." To the fabric of that church xxs. To my curate. Master Nicholas Pyttes, for tithes, vjs viijd. Xo the cathedral church of AA'eUs xxd. Porty shillings to the fabric of the church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol. Four pence to Master Bulkeley, that he may be present in the said church of St. Thomas on the day of burial, or of the obit " ad Mensem." To the scholars of the said master, that they may be present therein, and say " v. p'r. n'r. v. Aue maria Cum Credo,'' on either of those occasions, eight pence among them " in vino causa reorea- c'onis." Legacies also for the repair of the tenements belonging to the fraternity of the Assumption of B.V.M. on the bridge of Avon ; to the fabric of the parish church of Worle, co. Somerset ; the four orders of friars at Bristol, if present at the mortuary offices ; the needy poor of the fraternity of St. John Baptist ; the poor of the almshouse of "longerewe," and of Richard Forster by Redeclyf yate, of the " Lazarehous apud Bright- bowe," of the almshouse of William Canynges on Redcliff hill, and of John Spicer by Temple gate ; the poor of the fraternity of St. Katharine ; the poor and needy at the fullers' hall ; the poor of the almshouse near the church of All Saints, and of the Holy Trinity "apud Laffordesyate ;" the needy prisoners of Newgate ; to the prior, subprior, canons, and priests of the priory house of AA'ursprynge, co. Somerset, also eight pence among them for a flagon of wine ; to Margaret Palmer, for her marriage ; to Master Thomas Palmer, rector of Wynterborne, Nicholas Palmer, Sir William Palmer, canon of Wursprynge, John Palmer, the elder, and John Palmer, the younger ; wife's daughter Joan Coklonde, and her husband Philip Coklonde ; William Browne, husband of sister Agnes ; Katharine Bury, Joan Poleyne, servants Alice Crosse and Agnes Burye, and apprentice Thomas Skynner. To Agnes, testator's wife, his dwelling house in Redeclyf Strete, situate between a tenement of AA'ilUam Rogers, on the north, and a certain void place of Richard Arthour of Clopton, esquire, on the south, and extend ing from the street to " le Lawedyche ;" also a tenement inhabited by Joan Newe, widow, in the same street, situate between the tenement of John Bagod, on the north, and that of John Merbury, esquire, on the south, and extending from the street to the river Avon behind ; a tenement in habited by Thomas TaiUour in Wynchestrete, between a tenement belonging to St. Augustine's monastery, on the east, and one belonging to the Commonalty of Bristol, on the west, and extending from the street to the house of Richard Haddon ; and a garden ' ' iuxta le Were " in the suburb, as one goes towards Elebrigge, opposite the tenement inhabited by Thomas Oseney -. all this property to be held by the said Agnes for her life, and to remain afterwards to son John Gaywod and his lawful issue ; in default of such, rem. to daughter Katharine and her lawful issue ; in def., rem. to daughter Isabel and her lawful issue ; in def. , rem. to testator's brother John Gaywod of Pevesey ; in def., rem. to testator's sister Agnes Browne and her lawful issue ; in def. , rem, to AA'illiam Gaywode of Stamfourde ; iu def., rem. to the rightful heirs " Sanguinis mei." To son John a tenement in the suburb "in Angulo Redeclyf Pytte," opposite the hospital of St, John Baptist, between a tenement belonging to the said hospital, on the L 146 Notes of Bristol AVills. north, and Pylestrete, on the south : the said John to make a yearly pay ment to testator's daughter Katharine. To brother John Gaywode, of Pewesey, for his life, a tenement and garden on Redcliff hill, opposite the cemetery of the blessed Mary of Redcliff, situate between the tenement of Master Nicholas Pyttes, vicar of Redcliff, on the north, and property of John Whitton of Bakwell, co. Somerset, on the south, and extending from the street to the garden of Redcliff vicarage ; which tenement formerly belonged to testator's uncle, Richard Stamt orde of West Tekynham ; rem . to son John and his lawful issue; in def., rem, to the procurators of the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff for ever. To son John, a garden with a well therein, by Brightbowe, extending in length from the King's way to a close of the master of St. John Baptist's hospital, opposite the cross standing in the King's way, by the almshouse " de Lazares," and extending in width between a tenement of the Lady Lysle and the garden of William Rogers of Bristol ; also two closes and a garden at Brightbowe, extending, on the west, from the King's way to Redeclyf Mede, and, on the south, to a close of the master of St. Katharine's hospital by Bristol, and, from the north part, to the small close of the Lady Lysle ; half an acre of meadow in Redeclyf Mede, containing in length 391 feet (pedes regales) towards the south-west and north-east, and in width, to the end of the said Mede south-west, 56 feet, and in the end of the said Mede north-east, two feet and upwards; and a tenement in Worshuppstrete "alias vocaf Sham els," inhabited by John Goldesborough, boucher, situate between a tenement of the prior of St. James of Bristol, on the west, and the tene ment of John Halle of Redelande, on the east, and extending from the street to a tenement of Thoinas Norton, inhabited by William Isegar ; the said son John and his lawful issue to hold this property, and the sum of twenty shillings from the tenement in Worschuppstrete to be paid to Agnes, sister of testator, yearly throughout her life. To the same John , a tenement in St. Mary's street, " exoppo'ito ecol'iam b'te Marie de fforo," between .John Sherp's tenement, on the west, and a tenement belonging to the fraternity of the Assumption of the blessed Mary, on the east ; rem. to the use of the Commonalty of Bristol, at the ordering of the Mayor and Chamberlain, it John should die s.p. To daughter Isabel, for her marriage, twenty marks sterling ; if she should die before marriage, ten marks to son John, and ten for the marriage of Margaret Palmer, daughter of testator's sister ; also to the said Isabel, "vnam Tabulam duplicatam de Wayneskott cu' quatuor pedibz & vnu' Beste in eadem," &c. ; also two small gardens in the lane by Elebrigge, where one goes towards Laffordesyate, which gardens extend from the said lane to the King's way in " Olde Market," and are situate between the garden of John Yonge of London, on the west, and that of AA'illiam Boxe, on the east; a house in the corner by the AA'ere "apud watryngplace," extending from the King's way by the castle wall to the garden of the chantry " Eborardi le ffrenssh," and, in the eastern direction, towards the garden of the Lady Isabel Seymour ; and a void place at the Barres, "pro gardino," between the tenement of Thomas Asshe, on the north, and a certain void place of the Lady Isabel Seymour, widow, on the south ; which property testator had bought of Sir Nicholas Barstaple, clerk, and John Warmystre of AA'ynterborne, co. Gloucester : rem. to son John for his life, and afterwards to the use of the Commonalty of Bristol, if the Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 147 said daughter Isabel should die s.p. To son John, a purse of cloth of gold, a pah of beads " de Calsydonyes ;" also, after the death of testator's wife Agnes, tapestry for the hall and parlor, with bankers and cushions to match ; two pairs of cuirasses complete " cu' duabz Saletes viseraf iacenf in nouo barello vocaf hogyshed ;" a pair of brigandines covered with red worsted, with buckles and pendants of silver ; the two best pollaxes, ' ' cu' vno longedbeef garnisat' cu' Cerico ;" a spear standing in the hall by the entrance to the kitchen ; a candlestick of latten hanging in the hall ; two great andirons for the hall, in use at the feast of Christmas (ad ffm Cristysmas) ; a silver cup " de Paryce fact' cum Curto Pede Ac Cum vno Signo Jn Medio Colorat' cum Ameir ;" twenty marks sterling ; &c. To Richard Selar, husband of daughter Katharine, the second best gown of black " penulaf cum Wylde ware," a pair of cuirasses complete, with a salet and visor. AA'ife Agnes to be executrix. Edmund Newe overseer. Testator's seal being unknown to most people, he caused the seal of the mayoralty of Bristol to be put to his wiU, July 18th, 11 Edward iv., Thomas Kerapson being then Mayor. Proved before John Cogan, Mayor, and John Jay, Sheriff, Oct. 24th, 12 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 252. -JOHN SE'YNTE, burgess. 1471. Dec. 25th. To be buried in the parish church of the Holy Trinity at Bristol. For burial there vjs viijd, and the same sum to the rector for tithes. To the mother church of AA'orcester xijd. Xo wife Alice, son John, and daughter Joan, tenements in Stipestrete, in the parish of St. Michael in Bristol. To Alice, wife of testator, and to his and her children, two other tenements in the same street, situate near the void place of the sisters of the Magdalene, for the keeping of his obit in the church aforesaid, in the vigil of the Apostles Simon and Jude, the obsequies ot the dead to be had in the vigil, and mass on the morrow following, attended by six chap lains, to be nominated by the rector, or any one else occupying his place ; remainder, after the death of the said Alice and the children, to the use of the procurators of the said church for ever, who are to have the obit kept in the aforesaid form. The said AUce is also to find a secular chaplain in the said church of the Holy Trinity for the space of one year. Testator grants full power to his son .John, and makes him heir of all his lands and tene ments within and about the town of Newport in Wales, formerly the property of John Gierke ; namely, the " hospicium " opposite the tenement of AA'illiam Kemmys, situate a little way beyond the high cross, and extending from the street to the well "vocaf Paynes well ;" and another tenement in the middle of that town, formerly called " Coyte place," which tenement Morgan Jenkyn ap Philipp built on testator's land, and held for a long time, " et adhuc iniuste detinet," with divers other lands and tene ments, to our cost and detriment and the hurt of his soul. To the said John all things pertaining to the craft of brewing, " vnu' par Sereticar' de le Plate," a salet, the best poUaxe, a pair of brigandines covered with blue velvet, and adorned with embossed work (cu' pustulis), and pendants, &c. To wife's daughter Alice twelve silver spoons, and a coverlet " de Arace." Legacies also to John Mayhowe "wexmaker," AA'illiam Proute, purser, and Johu Seynt upon the Back. Wife Alice and son John to be executors. Thomas Proute overseer. Witnessed by John Bagod, .John Mayhowe, " Wexchaundeler," and others. 148 Notes op Bristol Wills. Proved at Lambeth, March 31st, 1473; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 253.— WILLIAM ROGERS, of Bristol. 1471. May 6th. To be buried in the church of St. Stephen in Bristol, by the tomb of his father. To the church of Mary at Worcester twelve pence. To the fabric of the said church of St. Stephen three measures of woad. Legacies also to the rector of that church, Master Geoffrey the curate, and WilUam the suffragan there ; to kinsman John Croke, and John Wodeward, chaplain. To eldest son William a tenement in RedcUffstrete, lately held by WUliam Hurne, between the tenements of Thomas Yonge and John Gaywode. To son Thomas the other tenement situate in that street. Wife Maud to possess the said two tenements for her life. If she should die during the minority of the said sons, the property is to be under the management of the executors until they are of full age. If both sons should die under age, it is to be at the disposal of the said Maud and her executors and assigns. To John Skryven, merchant, " meam Tunicam Squamatatam. vulgariter nuncupaf . A pair of Brigandyrons, " Residue of goods to wife Maud and her assigns. She to be executrix, and to dispose for the health of testator's soul. John Wodeward and John Skryven overseers. Proved at Lambeth, Nov. 21st, 1471 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 254.— JOHN CLERKE, mercer. 1473. April 3rd. Testator was of the parish of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol, and desired to be buried in the church there. To the fabric of that church two quarters of woad. To the cathedral church of Wells iijs iiijd. Xo Master Nicholas Pittes, vicar of the parish churches ot Bedminster and Redcliff, and testator's curate, xxs for tithes and funeral lights. To elder son John, son William, and younger son John, two pipes of woad apiece ; the said six pipes to be paid to them out of the woad then being in parts beyond the sea. To the parish church of Warmyster a pair of green vestments. Residue to wife Giles (Egidia) and son William, who are made executors. Witnessed by Philip Meede, merchant, Richard Dug- more, chaplain, William Wykam, John Reynold, John Smyth, and John White, burgesses of Bristol, and others. Proved at Lambeth, April 13th, 1473 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 255.-JOHN BROWNE, baker and burgess. 1473. Jan. 20th. "Compos mentis mee laudetur altissimus." To be buried in the church of the Apostles SS. Philip and Jacob, within the chapel of St. Nicholas. For the use of that church, and for testator's burial there, xs. To his curate, that he may pray " p' ai'a mea,'' iijs iiijd. Xo the cathedral church of Worcester xijd. Xwelve chaplains to take part in the mortuary offices, and have Uijd apiece. Twelve torches to burn on the day of burial and at the month's mind. Wife Alice to find for herself meat, drink, and clothing, during her life. To the said Alice a tenement in the suburb of Bristol "in vico vocaf Olde Markett," situate between the garden of Thomas Arong, on the west, and the King's way towards Elbrigge, on Notes of Bristol AA'ills, 149 the east, and extending from the street to the garden of Sir Edward Grey knt. Lord Lisle ; to remain, after the death of the said Alice, to son William and his lawful issue ; in default, rem. to son Humphrey and his lawful issue ; in def., rem to son Henry ; in def., rem. to son Thomas ; in def., rem. to daughter Margery ; in def., rem. to daughter Joan ; in def., rem. to John Browne, son of testator's late son John, and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to the procurators of the church of the Apostles Philip and Jacob, for the use of the said church for ever. Gowns to testator's brother Thomas, and his brother in law (ffratri in lege). To his sister Agnes "vnu' Curtell' Cloth." Residue to wife Alice, who is made executrix. Thomas Keamys overseer, to whom four marks sterling. Witnessed by the said Thomas Keamys, Richard Batheryn, John Calicote, and others. — Oseney. Proved at Knoll, April •2nd, 1474 ; afterwards at Bristol, before AVilliam Spenser, Mayor, and Edmund Westcote, Sheriff. 256. — WILLIAM CODER, burgess and merchant. In the margin Codder. 1473. March 14th. — " sanus mente laudetur altissimus." To be buried in the crypt of the parish church of St. Nicholas at Bristol, under testator's marble stone, beside the bodies of his wives there interred. To the pro curators of the said crypt, for his burial there, xiijs iiijd. Xo the chaplain of the fratemity, celebrating therein, that he may pray for testator's soul, vjs viijd. Xo the said church of St. Nicholas a hundred marks for a set of vestments. To the mother church of Worcester xiijs iiijd. Xo the parish church of St. Leonard in Bristol £40 for a set of vestments. To the fabric of the campanile, and for the reparation of the parish church of St. Laurence of Ludlow twenty marks. To the friars of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel at Ludlow aforesaid xxs, that they may pray for testator's soul, and devoutly celebrate the mortuary offices and mass ; and the same sum to the Augustinian friars there. To the Friars Preachers of Bristol xxs, that they may be present at various mor tuary offices, and on the day of the anniversary. Sums of money also to the three other orders ot friars at Bristol, that they may be present ; and to each curate of Bristol, each annuellere priest, and every parish clerk in the town, if present on the day of burial. Twenty poor people to hold torches about testator's body on that day, or at least on the day of his trental, and have a gown with a hood of Welsh cloth. Bread and ale to be distributed among the poor, feeble, and needy on the day of burial, and on that of the trental. Forty shillings to the parish church of Westbury, that the parishioners there may recommend testator's soul in theh prayers. To Thomas Withyford, gentleman, two pipes of woad, reckoning sixteen mea sures in each pipe. To kinsman John Coder all those books of Latin (Latinales) already in his keeping, and all the Latin books in a chest within testator's house, together with the said chest, and ten marks in money. To William Coder of Newland £10. To his son Richard £5. To John Mason xxs, &c. The debt ot five marks is remitted to the mother of the said John Mason, on condition of her providing him with necessaries at school. To William Colwell, son of testator's daughter Agnes Coder (sic), a hundred marks, and five pipes of woad ; the said William Colwell and his legacies to be in the keeping and governance of William Hoton, merchant of Bristol, until he be of full age, namely, 21 ; the said William Hoton finding sufficient security 150 Notes of Bristol Wills. to the Mayor of the town of Bristol, as the custom is. If the said AVilliam Colwell should die under age, his effects are to go to testator's issue. To Thomas Oseney, clerk to the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol, three yards of scarlet cloth, and forty shillings in readj' money. To AA'illiam Hoton, merchant of Bristol, and his heirs, a tenement in " Ooldcornestrete, " situate between the cemetery of the parish church of St. Leonard and the tenement inhabited by William AVater, and extending from the said street to the garden of Sir Edmund Hungreford knt. The said AA'illiam Hoton to keep testator's anniversary in the said church of St. Leonard, with six chap lains, and tolling of the bells there, and distribute ten shillings yearly among the feeble and needy poor, and order the burning of four tapers, to the value of iijs iiijd^ at the said anniversary, and lay out yearly, pro anima, xls in pious uses and works of charity. To the fraternity of the holy Cross at the church of St. John Baptist of Bristol xxs. Legacies also to the prioress and convent of the blessed Mary Magdalene at Bristol, the poor of long Rewe and at Laffordesyate, Alice Hoton, Lodowic Jennys, merchant of Bristol, Katharine Aphowell, Maud Coder, Margaret Lewes, each of testator's maid servants, John son of AA'illiam Hoton, John son of William Wodyhgton, merchant of Bristol, AA'illiam Hoton, canon of St. Augustine's monastery at Bristol, and son of the aforesaid William, Philip Puton of Ludlow, AA'alter Puton, and Sir Ricliard Warens, chaplain. The aforesaid William Hoton and AVilliam AA'odyngton to be executors, and have £10 apiece. Witnessed by Sir John Torner, clerk, vicar of St. Leonard's in Bristol, Sir Richard Warens, chaplain, Richard Coder of Newland, and many others. Proved at Knoll, AprU 2iid, 1474; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 257. —WILLIAM HYNDE, burgess and whittawer. 1473. Feb. 27th. To be buried in the cemetery of the church of St. James in Bristol. To the mother church of Worcester iijs jiijd. Xo the new bell, bought of John Callicote, to serve in the church of St. James aforesaid, iiiji. A fit chaplain to celebrate therein for three years. To the prior of St. James, and Laurence the parish chaplain there, iijs iiijd apiece. Ten shiUings to be equally divided among the four orders of friars on the day of burial, and the same sum to be laid out in bread for the poor. To Daniel Sheldon a horse. To Thomas Proud "meam Togam de Kendall." To Roger AVotton a new gown "pellipaf cu' ffechewes." To John, son of testator's son John, ten marks of silver when eighteen years of age. To Joan, sister of the said John, ten marks when she is married. If both should die under age, the twenty marks are to be distributed pro anima. Legacies also to Joan, late wife of son John, the chamber of the town of Bristol, John Swayn, and testator's maid Edith. Half of the residue of goods to wife Joan ; the other half to be under the control of the aforesaid John Swayn and the said Joan for her life, it she remains unmarried. These two to be executors, and the aforesaid Roger AA'otton overseer. Witnessed by Laurence Preston, chaplain, Thomas Skydmore, Thoinas Proude, and others. Proved before Robert Carewe, master of arts, commissary of the Bishop of Worcester, iu the parish church of St. James at Bristol, Aug. Uth, 1474; afterwards before the Mayor, (Sic, Notes of Bristol AVills. 151 258.— WILLIAM CANYNGES. In the margin—" Test' m AVill'i Canynges nup' decani de Westbury, antea p' quinq' vices nup' Maioris ville Bristoll'." 1474. Nov. 12th. Testator describes himself as clerk, dean of the collegiate church and college of the Holy Trinity of Westbury upon Trym, by Bristol, in the diocese of Worcester, and lately a merchant of the town of Bristol aforesaid. He commends his soul to Almighty God, the B.V.JI., and all the saints, and deshes to be buried in the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff at Bristol, in the place which he had constructed and made on the south side of that church, by the altar of St. Katharine, where the body of his late wUe Joan was buried. To the mother church of AA'eUs xxd. To Master Nicholas Pittes, vicar of the said church of Redcliff, v", on condition that the lights on the day of burial and the month's mind be borne and lighted freely, and without further payment, within that church and the limits thereof, and that the executors arrange on the day of burial twenty-four torches "nouif empf quolib't eor' ponderis xxjU cere," with other tapers according to their discretion ; the said torches, after the month's mind, to be distributed to twenty-four parish churches outside and nearest to Bristol in either direction. To every chaplain of the said church of Redcliff vjs viijd, on condition of their being present on the day of burial, and through the whole month immediately following testator's death, and saying daily by note, in the choir of the said church, the exequies of the dead, and mass of Bequiem. To each of the three clerks serving in the said church iijs iiijd^ on condition of their being present. To each of the tliree pro curators of the church vjs viijd, Xo the keeper of the box for oblations at the north doorway of that church xxd. Xo each of the fellows of the collegiate church and college ot AA'estbury aforesaid vjs viijd, and to each chaplain and deacon of the same college vs, on condition of their personal attendance at the obsequies and mass in the said church of Westbury, and afterwards conducting his "body to the church of Redcliff, to the place of burial. To John Hampton ujs iiijd, on the same condition. To John Gardyner xxd, on the same condition. To Thomas Norman xxd, on the same con dition. To WUliam Whetenhall xxd, on the same condition. To William Clerk, "aquebaiulo de Westbury p'dicf," iijs iiijd^ on the same condition. To each of the twelve chorister boys of Westbury viijd, on the same condition. To the six priests of the new chapel, lately founded in Westbury aforesaid by the venerable father in Christ and lord John bishop of Worcester, iijs iiijd apiece, to pray for testator's soul. To each of the six poor almsmen of AVestbury, lately founded by the said lord bishop, xijd. To each of the six poor widows of Westbury, lately founded by the same, xijd. To the fabric of the church of Westbury xfs. To the fabric of the church of Compton Craynefeld, and to the tower thereof, xls. Xo testator's poor alms men dwelling on RedclyfhuU at Bristol, to each one of them living at the time of his death, xxs. To the order of Friars Minors of Bristol xx'', on condition of being at the mortuary offices and mass on the day of burial, and of the month's mind in the aforesaid church of Redcliff, and on the day of the anniversary in the first year after testator's death. Legacies to each of the other orders of friars at Bristol, on the same condition ; to the fraternities of the Assump tion of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon, St. John Baptist founded in the church ot St. Ewen, St. Katharine of Bristol founded in holy Cros.s Temple, 1,52 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. and the fraternity ot the Commemoration of Souls founded in the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff; to Thomas Warley, AA'Uliam Cooke, John Wadnyng, Richard Hikkes, AA'illiam Trowell, and Gregory Greemer, servants of testator ; to Janen Cooke, and John Boriet, servants of the college of AA'estbury. The sum of xx" to be distributed to the poor, lame, blind, decrepit, and needy dwelling in Bristol on the day of burial ; a further sum of xx" to them at the month's mind ; and xx" to the poor on the da5- of the anniversary. To the church of Redcliff aforesaid testator's two books" voc' liggers cu' Integra legenda," on condition that one of the said books be in the choir of that church before one of his chaplains there, "p' me p' p'petuo fundaf ," on one side of the choir, and the other book on the other side, before his other chaplain for the time being, as need may require. To his chaplain Peter Lawles, and his successors, serving or ministering at the altar of St. Katharine of Redcliff aforesaid, the best pair of vestments of velvet. To his chaplain Thomas Hawkesok, and his successors, a pair ot vestraents of damask "blodij Coloris " for ministration at the altar of St. George in the said church. Another pair of vestments of red damask for the use of the hospital of St. John Baptist in Redclifputte for ever. To AA'illiam Canynges, nephew of testator, a tenement in the corner of Bradstrete at Bristol, by St. John's gate, inhabited by Richard Deryk, shoe maker, in which tenement Elizabeth Sherp, widow, has the half of one chamber by right of inheritance ; also a tenement annexed thereto in St. Laurence's lane, where one goes from Bradstrete towards Smallestreet, opposite the church of St. Laurence the Martyr, inhabited by John Robyns, hooper ; testator's whole state in a tenement inhabited by AA'illiam AVykham, dyer, in Redclyfstrete, between a tenement of Philip Meede and one belong ing to the monastery of St. Augustine at Bristol ; a close lying between the meadow called Redclyfmede and testator's garden opposite the cemetery of the blessed Mary of Redcliff ; an orchard in Pilestrete, held by John Tyler, weaver, between the King's way and a small garden of testator's ; also that small garden held by the same John Tyler in Redelane ; also the reversion of tenements, lands, &c., in Bristol and the suburb, in the hand of Isabel Powlett, late wife of William Canynges, testator's deceased son, by the gift of testator for her life only ; namely, two tenements in AA'estowkerstrete, in the parish of St. Thoinas the Martyr, situate between property of the prior of the Carthusian house of Witham on either side ; also two messuages on the bridge of Avon, situate between a messuage of Isabel, late wife ot Sir John Seymour knt., on the north, and a lane where one goes to a certain draught called " Avenprevey," on the south, and extending from the King's way to a void place of land belonging to the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol ; also the messuage inhabited by Richard Griffith, waxmaker, on the bridge of Avon, between the tenement of Thomas Yong and his wile Isabel, on the south, and that of John Taverner, on the north ; a large tenement with fourteen shops opposite St. Peter's cross, between the shops of our lady the Queen, which Simon Olyver lately caused to be buUt anew, and a lane called "Strete of defence;" and two messuages "sup' le AVeer," between land belonging to the prior and convent of Witham and the tenement of Hugh MuUe, gentleman ; all this property to be held by the said WiUiam after the said Isabel's death. If he should die s,p. , it is to remain to Isabel (Elizabeth) Canyi ges, niece of testator, and sister of the said WUliam, and to her lawful NoTE.s cjf Bristol AVills. 153 issue. If she should die s.p., it is to be sold by the Mayor and Common Council of Bristol, and the procurators of the church of the blessed Mary of Reilcliff ; one half of the money to be delivered to the said procurators for the use and sustentation of his two perpetual chantries founded by him in that church, and the other half to the Chamber of Bristol for the use of the said town. To Elizabeth Canynges, late wife of testator's sen John, a messuage in St. Nicholas's street, " siraul cu' vno magno vaute" pertaining thereto, held by John Penke, merchant ; also another messuage annexed thereto, in the same street, held by the same John ; and another in " le Thoroughowa," between the aforesaid street and Baldewynestrete, held by Edward Bery, baker ; another messuage in Baldewynestrete, " in Occidentali p'te diet' Thoroughous," with a large cellar lying next to the said messuage of the said Edward, held by John Janyns ; and another messuage in the same street, with two cellars situate in the " Thorowehous " aforesaid, held by .Robert Megges ; and a large cellar in the east part of the same Thorowe hous : the aforesaid Elizabeth Canynges to hold this property, for her life only, ot the chief lords of that fee ; to remain afterwards to the aforesaid Isabel, testator's niece, and to her lawful issue ; in default of such, to be sold by the Mayor and Common Council of Bristol, and the procurators of the church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff ; one half of the money to be delivered to the said procurators for the use and sustentation of testator's perpetual chantries hi that church, and the other half for the use of the town of Bristol. The residue of all and singular his unbequeathed goods, chattels, jewels, and debts, to William Spenser, merchant of Bristol, and sen-ant Richard Hykkes, who are to be executors, and distribute therewith " p' ai'a mea." AVitnessed by Master Philip Hyette, subdean of the collegiate church of Westbury, Thomas Hexton, merchant of Bristol, John Grene " Cirurgico eiusd'm ville," and others. — Hardyng. Proved at Lambeth, Nov. 29th, 1 474 ; also at Bristol, before Robert Straunge, Mayor, and John Forster, Sheriff, Jan. 12th, 14 Edward iv. — T Oseney. "Hardyng " probably stands for Matthew Hardyng, whom the diocesan registers at AA'orcester mention as chaplain to the Mayor of Bristol, and from whom, as from other Bristol clergy, a subsidy was due in 1475. The will of William Canynges, as registered in the Orphan Book, is foUowed by a memorandum to the effect that John Holden, citizen and cloth-merchant of London, who had married Elizabeth (Latinized Isabella in the said will and bond), daughter of Thomas Canynges, late citizen and alderman of London, and niece of William Canynges, late dean of the church and college of the Trinity of Westbury upon Tryra, was bound, Sept. Uth, 19 Edward iv. , to the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol, in the sum of £100, to make no alienation or " discontynuaunoe " of and in five tenements in St. Nicholas's street, in the town of "Bristowe," and in Baldwyn-street, in the suburbs thereof ; which five tenements had come to EUzabeth, then wife of the said John Holden, by the devise and will of the testament of the said William Canynges. The will of William Canynges, son of the said testator, was made June 8th, 1458, in the dwelling house of Stephen Forster, citizen and merchant ot London, in the parish of St. Botulph by Billingsgate. He describes himself as son of William Canynges, merchant 154 Notes op Bristol Wills. of the town of Bristol, and leaves funeral arrangements to his father, who is to be executor. All his lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Bristol and " AA'ellis," after the decease of his wife Isabel without issue by him, to John Canynges, his brother, with remainder to his father AVilliam, in case of John's death s.p. AA'itnessed by the aforesaid "honorabilis vir" Stephen Forster, and John Jaye of Bristol, merchant. Proved Nov. 20th, 1458. Registered at Somerset House, Stohton, 14. In the same year, old style, the eminent merchant is mentioned as a correspondent of Sir John Fastolf knt. . Paston Letter.'^, Gairdner's edition, i. 425. The surname occurs at an early date in the AA'orcester diocesan registers : — 1308, 12th kal. Jan., brother Thomas de Canyngges, of the order of Friars Minors, was ordained a priest by the bishop of AA'orcester in the parish church of " Foleham,'' diocese of London. The same registers contain the following particulars. ] 467, Aug. 16th, in the house of Sir John Lewys otherwise Tumor, vicar of St. Leonard's in Bristol, Sh Richard Countasse, chaplain, was admitted to the vacant perpetual chantry founded by Richard Spycer, late burgess of Bristol, in the church of St. Nicholas ; to which chantry he was presented " p' Egregiu' vim' VVill'm Canynges Maiore' ville BristolUe," patron by right of his mayoralty. , 1467, Sept. 19th, in the chapel within the college of AA'estbury, the bishop of AA'orcester admitted AVilliam Cannynges (sic), rector of St. Alban's iu AA'orcester, to the order of acolyte, on the title of his said benefice. 1467, March 12th, in the chapel within the bishop of AA'orcester's manor of Northwick, the said bishop admitted AA'illiam Cannynges, ot the diocese of Bath and AA'eUs, upon letters dimissory, to the order of subdeacon, on the title of his patrimony. 1468, AprU 2nd, in the chapel within the manor of Northwick, the bishop of AA'orcester admitted AA'illiam Cannynges, ot the diocese of B. and W., upon letters dimissory, to the order of deacon, — " ad ti'm patrimonij sui de quo reputauit se contentu' in diaconu' rite & cano'ice ordinauit." 1468, April 16th, in the same chapel, the bishop of AA'orcester admitted AA'illiam Cannynges, of the diocese of B. and W., upon letters dimissory, to the order of priest, on the title of his patrimony. On the same day, the said bishop collated Sir AA'illiam Cannynges, chaplain, to a canonry in the collegiate church of AA'estbury, and the prebend of " Goderynghill alias diet' Wodeford ant Trekehill vel Bryan" in the same, vacant by the free resignation of Master Robert Slymbrygg, last canon and prebendary thereof. The said Robert had been collated to this preferment, which was of the yearly value of forty shillings, in 1467, Nov. 7th, and, on Dec. 27th, he took an oath of obedience to the dean, or, in his absence, the subdean. The possessor of this preferment had a right to a stall in the choh, and a place and voice in the chapter ot AA'estbury. 1468, May 5th, the bishop collated Sir John Lewys otherwise Tumor, chaplain, to the rectory of St. Alban's in AA'orcester. 1469, June ,3rd. Sir AA'illiam Cannynges, chaplain, was collated by the bishop of AVorcester to the office of dean of the collegiate church and college of AA'estbury, vacant by the free resignation of Master Henry Sampson ; and took an oath that he would observe all the statutes and ordinances appohited by the said bishop, the founder and patron, would be content with the sums set forth in the statutes, and would not reveal the secrets of the said church and college to the detriment thereof. He was inducted and histalled on the same day, by vittue of a mandate issued to Master Philip Hyett, subdean, or president Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 155 of the chapter there, in the presence of Master Thomas Hawkyns, arch deacon of Worcester, Thomas Balsall, professor of sacred theology, William Mogys, archdeacon of Stafford, "ac me Rob'to Enkbarow. et multis alijs Socijs & ministris d'ce Eocrie." The canonry vacated by Canynges was accepted, on the same day, by Henry Sampson, master in the faculty of arts, who had been presented to the deanery of Westbury Jan. 20th, 1458, five months after Philip Hyett had been collated by the bishop to the office of subdean. This Sampson appears to be identical with Henry Sampson, master of arts, whom the bishop collated to the rectory of Tredington, co. AA'orcester, Sept. Uth, 1451, and who died Nov. 17th, 1482, as stated on his monumental brass in Tredington church, which represents him as wearing the almuce of a canon. The diocesan registers mention that the bishop, being in his college of AA'estbury, within a certain oratory there, selected Robert Multon, one of the seven monks nominated by the chapter or convent at AA'orcester, for the office of prior in the cathedral church, in succession to Thomas Musard deceased ; in the presence of William Vance, or Vauxe, the bishop's chancellor, who was, or had been, one of the canons of Westbury, William Cannynges, dean of the said college. Master Thomas Balsall, &c., Aug. 19th, 1469. Canynges, it appears, died Nov. 17th, and the bishop appointed as his successor Master Robert Slymbrygg, doctor of decrees, Dec. 5th, 1474 ; the entry of the appointment containing a note that the main portion of the fruits and profits of the vicarage of Kempsey, CO. AVorcester, with the annexed chapels of Stoulton and Norton, had lately (Sept. 2nd, 1473) been made over to the church and college of Westbury for the use of the dean thereof. About forty-one years afterwards, according to the registers, the name of Canynges became again connected with this place. Sept. 14tli, 1515, Master William Canynges, master of arts, was instituted to the office of subdean and vicar in the collegiate church of Westbury, vacant by the death of John Wellew ; being presented by, the dean and chapter there, and promising on oath to obey and reverence the dean and his successors, to reside constantly and personally, to observe the statutes of the reverend father in Christ, John lord bishop of Worcester, the illustrious founder, to be content with the appointed yearly sum of £10, and to abstain from revealing to any man the secrets of the said collegiate church and college to the detriment thereof. At the end of one year however the office was vacant by his resignation ; the institution of his successor bearing date Oct. 1st, 1516. 259.— WILLIAM HOTON, merchant. In the margin .ff^ottora. 1474. Sept. 3rd. To be buried in the north porch of the church of St. Werburgh, by the burial-place of Master WilUam Sutton, clerk, rector of that church, there interred. Legacies to the said church, and the rector, who was to have one of testator's gowns " penulaf cu' bever ;" to the mother church of Worcester ; each order of friars in Bristol, if present at the mortuary offices, &c., and offering masses and prayers pro anima ; the poor of the almshouses of St. Katharine and " longe Rewe," of the almshouse by the church of All Saints in Bristol, and of that at " laffordys yate;" servants Maud Codder, Elizabeth Hunte, Katharine Whight, Joan Byrch, and Joan Bury ; apprentices John Askell, Edmund Dovandre, and John With, on condition that they kindly and diligently serve testator's wife ; 156 Notes of Bristol AVills. Lodowic John, merchant of Bristol ; Thomas Oseney, clerk of the Mayor and Commonalty of the town ; Katharine Buntyng, and AA'illiam Buntyng. A chaplain to celebrate for testator's soul every day for four years in the aforesaid church of St. Werburgh, and have £24 sterling. Twelve poor men to be provided with a black gown of Welsh cloth on the day of the trental, and to hold twelve torches. To son William Hoton, canon of St. Augustine's at Bristol, five marks in ready money, a standing silver cup with cover, &c. To servant Elizabeth Cromwell £8, and two yards and a half of woollen cloth " de Sadde morrey ;" also fifty shillings, if her brother George Cromwell be dead on the day of testator's burial. To son John and his heu-s, a tenement in " Old Cornestrett " in Bristol, situate between the cemetery of St. Leonard's church and the tenement inhabited by AA'illiam Water, and extending from the street to the garden of Sir Edmund Hunger- ford knt. ; which property testator had by the gift and grant of William Coder, late merchant of Bristol, on condition that the said John Hoton and his heirs duly keep the said William's anniversary every year in the parish church of St. Leonard aforesaid, with six chaplains, " et pulsac' Campanar' ib'm," and distribute ten shUlings in bread among the poor, feeble, and needy, also arrange for the buniing of four tapers, of the value of iij" iiijd, at the said anniversary, and yearly dispose of forty shillings for pious purposes, for the welfare of the said William Coder's soul, by the advice and counsel of AA'iUiam Wodyngton, merchant of Bristol, and his heirs. AVife Alice and son John to be executors : two parts of the residue of testator's effects to the former, and the third part to the latter. William AA'odyngton to be overseer, and have £10 sterling. Witnessed by Master Thomas Pyttes, rector ot St. AA'erburgh's, John Alberton, and John Swancote of Bristol, " M'cator'," and many others. Proved before the Mayor and Sheriff, Sept. 20th, 15 Edward iv. Pre viously proved at Lambeth. 260.— ROBERT JACOB, otherwise Jakes, merchant. 1475. May 24th. — " sanus mente laudef altissimus,'' To be buried in the church of St. AA'ei-burgh, at the discretion of wife Elizabeth. To the said church, for burial there, xxs. To the mother church of Worcester iijs iijjd. To the rector of St. AA'erburgh's, for tithes, " meam sengle Armulausara de Skarlette." If testator's moveable goods should not be enough to pay all his just debts, there was to be a sale of his messuage, toft, and void place in Corne stret, situate between what was formerly the messuage of Robert Shypward, lately inhabited by Philip Geyuan (?), on the west, and the messuage lately held by Isabel Power, on the east, and extending from the said street to what was formerly Robert Russell's land ; the surplus of the money so raised to be expended on celebrations pro anima for one year in the parish church of St. Werburgh. If the said goods should suffice for the payment of all just debts, wife Elizabeth to hold the at oresaid property for her life. To son John and his lawful hehs, after the death of testator's brother Humphrey Jacob of Tam worth, lands, tenements, reversions, and services in Brantyngthorp, Great Petelyng, Little Petelyng, and Wheston, co. Leicester. To -wife EUzabeth, for her life, a tenement in Tamworth, co. Warwick, situate in Chhchstret, between the prebendal land of Sirescote and what was lately the land of John Aston, and extending from the King's way to the King's fosse ; also a Notes of Bristol Wills. 157 burgage in Tamworth, situate in Chirchstret, between the land of Richard Archar of Stotfold, esquire, and his wife Alice, and the land of Henry Jeke, and extending from the King's way ' ' vna cu' ffossa d'ni Reg's " to the land of Thomas Ferreys ; another burgage in Tamworth " p'ut situaf in Alto vico vocaf Chh-chstret. exopposito stansili (?) Ciinif ij," between the prebendal land of Chescote and testator's own land ; also his state and term of years in a messuage at Bristol in Cornestret, situate between the late tenement of John Wythyford " & Mesuagiu' Abbaf sc'i Augustini & Neth," lately in habited by David Sergeaunte, and extending from the street to the messuage of the Lady Elizabeth Russell : remainder to sons .John and William ; the former to possess all the aforesaid lands, tenements, &c., in co. Leicester ; and AVilliam to have the state and term of years in the aforesaid messuage in Cornestrete, also testator's dwelling house, toft, and void place in the same street, it they shall not have been sold by wife Elizabeth, and the remaining property in Tamworth. If William should die s.p., rem. to son John and his lawful issue ; in def., rem. to daughter Margaret and her heirs for ever. Residue of goods to wife Elizabeth, who is to be sole executrix, and dispose "p' salute ai'e mee," and give to sons John and William, out of the said residue, £20 apiece. AA'itnessed by Master Thomas Pyttes, rector of St. AA'erburgh's, John Forster, merchant and sheriff of Bristol, Robert Bolton, John Estoefeld, Henry Dale, Nicholas Slyke, merch : ot Bristol, and others. Proved before WUliam Byrde, Mayor, and Thomas Rowley, Sheriff, Jan. 24th, 15 Edward iv. Previously proved at Lambeth. 261.— PHILIP MEDE, burgess. 1471. Jan. 11th. To be buried in the church of the blessed Mary of RedcUff, by the altar of St. Stephen the Martyr. To the vicar of that church, for tithes and offerings, xxs. To the fabric of the same church a pipe of woad. To the mother church of St. Andrew of Wells xijd. Xo the church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Bristol £4 sterling, " de ciuibz dicta Eccl'ia raichi debet iij" vs. " To wife Isabel, for her life, lands, tenements, etc., in the county of Somerset and in Bristol ; rem. to son Richard Mede and his lawful posterity ; in default of issue, rem. to Maurice Berkley and his wife Isabel, testator's daughter, and their lawful issue ; in def., rem. to PhUip Ryngston and his lawful issue ; in def. , rem. to Robert Ricarde and his heirs and assigns. A fit chaplain to celebrate and pray for testator's soul, and the souls of his parents, and be paid £40 sterling. Residue of goods to wife Isabel. She, and son Richard Mede, and Maurice Berkley to be executors. Witnessed by Master John Mede, rector of Wraxal, William AA'ykam, Robert Baron, John Lauerance, Ed'o Bracy, and others. Proved before AA'Uliam Brid, Mayor, and Thomas Rowley, Sheriff, March 26th, 16 Edward iv. Previously proved at Lambeth. 262.— THOMAS KEMPSON, the elder, burgess. 1475. Nov. 29th. To be buried within the church of the blessed Mary of " Radeclif." To the cathedral church of VA'ells xxd. Legacies to Sir Thomas Smith, vicar of holy Cross Temple, testator's curate, for tithes. Sir Roger Kempson, chaplain, his brother. Sir AA'illiam Kempson, chaplain, John Hone, and Richard Radifford. To wife Joan, in money, 100 marks sterling ; 258 Notes of Bristol Wills. in jewels of silver, the worth of 100 marks ; five pipes of woad, and all house hold UtensUs • she to find a fit secular chaplain, who is to celebrate pro anima for seven years in the aforesaid church of holy Cross, and receive a yearly stipend according to the usage of the town of Bristol. To kmsman Thomas Kempson the best coat of maU, &c. To Robert Bonok a barrel ot oU To twelve needy men a gown of "Russet ffrise." Wife Joan to be executrix, and have the residue of goods. John Screveyn to be overseer, and have ten marks sterUng. Witnessed by Sir Thomas Smyth, vicar of holy Cross Temple, and John Screveyn, merchant. Proved at Lambeth, Jan. 16th, 1475. No record of proof at the GuUdhaU. 263.— ROBERT HYNDE, goldsmith and burgess. 1476. May 17th. To be buried in the parish church of the Holy Trinity at Bristol. To the cathedral church of AA'orcester xijd. Xo the aforesaid church of the Holy Trinity, for the use of the high altar, "vnu' Paxbrede Argenti & deauraf ponder' quindecim vnc' ad orand' p' ai'a mea," &c. To Master Robert Carewe, rector of that church, and testator's curate, for tithes, xxs sterling. To each of the chaplains celebrating therein, and present at the burial and month's mind, xijd. Xo a fit secular chaplain, to celebrate pro anima therein for a whole year, vj". To the water-bearing clerk of that church, "p' classis pulsand' diem sepulture mee et indies videl't vnam pulsac'o'era apud le Curfew vsq' ad mensem," xvjs viijd. li-Qr the use of the chapel of St. James in the parish .church of Newent "in fforesta " vjs yiijd. To the church ot St. Ewen at Bristol vjs viijd. To each of the four orders of friars there, present at the funeral rites, v^. To every parish church of the town of Bristol, situate within the diocese of Wor cester, the churches of the Holy Trinity and St. Ewen only excepted, iijs iiijd. Xo the King's way between Chepnam and Calle, towards London, vjs viijd. Legacies also to the chapel ot St. Katharine in the church ot holy Cross Teraple at Bristol, the fabric of the chapel of St. Anthony, opposite the chapel of St. Anne, John Balle at " Manyswyhope in fforesta," and John Gylbert " Cariar." Residue of goods to testator's wife Elen and his children. Edward Kyte and John Birde, of Bristol, to be executors, and take £-1:0 for the fulfilling of the will, &c., reserving for themselves forty shillings apiece. Proved before John Bagott, Mayor, and AA'illiam AVykeham, Sheriff, Nov. I8th, 16 Edward iv. Previously proved at Lambeth. 264.— JOHN SHIPWARD, the elder, merchant. 1473. Dec. 14th. To be buried in the chancel of St. Stephen's church at Bristol, by the high altar, " in loco quo (sic) de nouo construxi de petra," beside wife Katharine. To the mother church of Worcester vs. To the rector of the said church of St. Stephen, for tithes, xls. xhe sum of x" to be distributed iu bed-clothes "die obitus mei" among poor householders in the parish of St. Stephen, according to the discretion of the executors, and the advice of the rector there. Five marks for the poor on the day of burial, and the same sum at the month's mind, in bread and ale. Four large and four small tapers, weighing ten pounds, to stand burning upon the hearse from the day of burial to that of the month's mind, " cu' duobus Notes op Bristol Wills. 159 Standarddez cu' olio ardent' die ac nocte a die p'dicf Obitus mei vsq' ad die' Mensalis mee. " Twenty -four torches to burn about testator's body on those occasions, and to be held by twenty -four poor men, to each of whom a gown of black frize with a hood of white frize, and four pence in money. Two torches to burn daily at the mass of Bequiem in the said church of St. Stephen, from the day aforesaid to the month's mind, to be held by two poor men, who are to have a daily payment of a penny apiece, and meat and drink at the charges of the executors. Of the aforesaid twenty-four torches, after the month's mind, two are to be given to the said church of St. Stephen, two to the church of All Saints in Bristol, for the use of the frater nity of Jesus there, two to the church of St. Bartholomew's hospital, for the use of the fraternity of St. Clement, one to the chapel of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon, and one to each of the other parish churches and chapels in Bristol, where most needed, according to the discretion of the executors. To the said church of St. Stephen two missals, and a chalice of silver and gilt ; also six pairs of vestments, namely, one pair of " velwett sup' velwet Browderyd cu' vna Cruce de Redde velwett," another of black damask, embroidered with a cross of cloth of gold, another of white baudkin with a cross of red, another of green ' ' Borde Alisonder, " &c. ; on condition that testator's priests, singing iu the said church, shall have and use the said vestments at the high altar on every needful occasion, to the praise of God, without contradiction of the rector or procurators. Legacies to each chaplain, clerk, and singing boy at the said church of St. Stephen, and all the curates, chaplains, and parish clerks of the town, attending the mortuary offices ; each order of friars in Bristol, if present ; every prisoner in the King's gaol of Newgate, every man and woman in any almshouse in the town of Bristol on the day of testator's death, each inmate of the almshouse of the Holy Trinity at Lafford's gate, and the chapel of the blessed Mary on the bridge of Avon. To John, son of testator, his ' ' hospicium " in the High-street at Bristol, called " Gillowes," inhabited by David Osteler; a tenement annexed thereto, lately inhabited by John Leynell, draper ; a tene ment and ceUar there, held by Hugh Forster, saddler ; a tenement there, inhabited by William Atkyns and his wife Maud, lately inhabited by the aforesaid John Leynell ; a tenement there called "le Cokke," inhabited by Clement VA'iltshire, with a stable and chamber behind the " Gillowes," held by William Peynf ; a tenement in " seynt Nicholas Strete," held by John Fumyvall, pewterer, with a cellar there held by the said Clement AA'iltshiie ; a cellar there held by John George ; also a tower in a large garden ' ' apud Lafforddes yate," together with the garden itself ; five other gardens there, held by Edmund AA'escote, Thomas Daske, Richard Boteler, John Cely, and Thomas AA'odward and his wife Isabel ; also seven acres of meadow in Radclyff Mede, held by David Hosteler ; and a garden " extra Temple yate," lately held by John Gregory, merchant : all this property to be had and held by said John Shipward and his lawful posterity, on condition that two chaplains be found for twenty-five years to celebrate daily at the high altar ot the aforesaid church of St. Stephen, for testator's soul, and the souls of his parents John Shipward, late merchant of Bristol, and Guynot his wife, 3i AA'illiam Philippys, late of Bath, draper, and Agnes his wife, &o. ; and after the said twenty-five years, one fit chaplain is to celebrate for ever pro anima at the high altar of that church ; the said chaplain, and each ot the 160 Notes of Bristol Wills. said chaplains, vested in surplices, shall on the days in future " post meridie' & ante vesp'ar' decantac'onem " say distinctly and openly the offices for the dead according to the use of Sarum before the high altar aforesaid, and on the morrow of those days the mass of Bequiem ; the aforesaid chaplains, during the said term and years, to say mass in honor of the most blessed Name of Jesus on every Friday in the week, unless other feasts occur, or any other lawful cause prevent ; the said priests to be present daily in surplices in the choir of St. Stephen's church, and sing mattins, mass, and vespers with the other ministers of the said church ; son John and his lawful heirs to pay yearly to the said chaplains nine marks, and for bread, wine, and wax, two shillings ; the anniversary to be kept in that church every year, the exequies on the 2nd of August, and mass of Beqiiiem on the morrow, the rector attending with nineteen chaplains and the clerks of the church, he to be paid, for celebrating and singing, iiijd, and for having a light in the church at the time of the said exequies and mass, ijs ; each priest then present iiijd, each clerk ijd, each procurator xijd, and to a hundred poor people dwelling within the said parish jd apiece. To the Mayor of Bristol, personally attending the said rites, and making an offering at the said mass, vjs viijd. Xo the Sheriff and Recorder of the town, personally attend ing, iijs iiij,j apiece. To the bailiffs of the said town, the clerk to the Mayor and Commonalty, and the Mayor's sword-bearer, personally attending, xijd apiece. To other persons in the service ot the Mayor and Sheriff, and to the itinerant bailiff, personally attending, iiijd apiece. To the clerk of the said- church of St. Stephen, for tolling the bells, xxd. To the crier iiijd. xhe said Mayor, Sheriff, and Recorder to take the oversight of the keeping of the said anniversary every year on the aforesaid day for ever. If the in tention of this will should be neglected by son John and his posterity, the aforesaid property is to pass to testator's daughter Agnes, wife of Edmund AVescote, and to her daughter Isabel Norton, in equal portions, to be held by them and their lawful heirs, on condition that the said chaplains be provided, and the anniversary kept, &c. If the said Agnes and Isabel should die s.p., rem. to testator's daughter Joan, wife of Thomas Norton esquire, and her lawful issue, on the same conditions. If the said Joan should be neglectful, or die s.p., rem. to Master John Harlowe, rector of the said church of St. Stephen, and John Scryven and Henry Vaughan, procurators of that church, and their successors, and to the parishioners there, and their heirs for ever, on the same conditions. If they should faU to carry out testator's intention, rem, to AVUliam Bridde, Mayor of Bristol, and his successors, and the Commonalty of the town for ever, to be held on the same conditions. To the said son John and his lawful heirs a tenement on the Key of Bristol, inhabited by Gillam de la Founte, merchant ; a tene ment in Fysshereslane, inhabited by Robert Bridde, with a void place of land adjoining it ; a tenement " apud le Pyll yende," inhabited by Benedict Crose, mason, and another there, inhabited by Richard MakweU, taUor, from which tenement a yearly rent of assize has gone to the rector, pro curators, and parishioners of the aforesaid church of St. Stephen ; also a tenement in Mersshestrete, inhabited by John Colle, with two cottages opposite to the said tenement ; a newly built tenement in the same street, between the tenement ot Thomas Yong, the Judge, .and that of John AVykys, gentleman ; two tenements in the same street, inhabited by Richard Spenser Notes op Bristol AVills. 161 and Richard BuUoke ; two newly built tenements in the same street, in habited by Katharine Whyte and Thomas Sutton ; a tenement in the same street, inhabited by Thomas Knokke ; a house called " le Masthous," situate on the Key next that of John Bagod ; the house called " le Scolehous," with a long cellar underneath, at the end of the said Key, near the tower there ; a tenement in " Seynt Marystrete," purchased of William Joce, late merchant of Bristol ; two tenements on the Were, between what was lately the tenement of John Innyng, gentleman, and a tenement of the Lady Isabel Stenshawe ; and testator's state and term of years in the tenement i^Jhabited by him. If son John should die s.p., all this property to remain to daughter Agnes, wife of Edmund Wescote, and Isabel Norton, her daughter, in equal portions. If both of these should die s.p., rem. to daughter Joan, wife of Thomas Norton esquire, and her lawful hehs. If the said Joan should die s.p., the property is to be expended on the celebration of masses, on poor bedridden people, the marriage of young virgins, defective highways, &c. To Edmund Wescote, merchant of Bristol, and his wUe Agnes, and their lawful hehs, the tenement inhabited by them in " Balwyne- strete." If they should die s.p., rem. to the aforesaid Isabel Norton. To the same Isabel a tenement in Cristemastrete, inhabited by John Stokys, merchant ; also a tenement in Balwynestrete, by the church of St. Leonard, lately inhabited by Geoffrey Jankyn, mariner ; a tenement in Gropelane, inhabited by Roger Purches " halyer ;" and a tenement in Mersshestrete, inhabited by John Fowke, baker. If the said Isabel should die s.p., rera. to Edmund AA'escote and his wife Agnes ; in default of issue, rem. to son John Shipward ; in def., rem. to Joan wife of Thomas Norton esquhe. If the said Joan should die s.p., the property is to be religiously disposed of for the health of testator's soul, and that of his wife Katharine, &c Son John and Edmund Wescote to have the residue of goods, and be executors. AA'itnessed by Thomas Oseney, Thomas Newton, Thomas Lane, and others. Proved at Lambeth, Jan. 1st, 1476 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff. — Oseney. 265.— HENRY BROUN, brewer. 1464. Dec... To be buried in the church of the Holy Trinity in Bristol. Legacies to the high altar and fabric of that church, and the mother church of AA'orcester. To son Richard a silver cup. Residue of goods to wife Isabel, who is to be executrix, pay debts, and dispose pro anima. Master Robert Carew, rector of the aforesaid church, to be overseer. Proved before Master Thomas Bevir, "in decreto Bacallar'," &c., in the church of St. Peter of Bristol, Jan. 15th, 1464. No record of proof before the Mayor. • 266.— AVILLIAM ROAVLEY, burgess. 1478. Nov. 25th. To be buried in the chapel of St. George within the church of the Carmelite Friars " apud Burdcaux." To the use of the said friars " 1 ffrankes monete Acquitanie " in addition to funeral expenses. To wife Elizabeth household goods, and the third part of the jewels. To Thomas Rowley, testator's father in Bristol, the sum of £10 sterling, that he may bestow it on the most needy poor, &c. The said Thomas to provide a fit chaplain to celebrate " vnu' trigentale p' ai'a mea sicut ip'e quondam M 102 Notes of Bristol Wills. Ordinauit p' ai'a flEratris mei RicardL" Testator's four daughters to be pro vided for out of his goods, and the wUl fulfiUed by his father, " Cuius conscienciam Jlluminet Sp'us veritatis." To father's apprentice George xls. To my boy Nicholas xxs. Kinsman .John Chestre to have £10 sterUng, and be overseer of all the effects in those parts, both of merchandise and "de Gubernacione Nauis," and render a good and faithful account to testator's father after the arrival of the ship at the port of Bristol. His said father to have the residue of goods, and be executor. AA'itnessed by .lanycot Barero, Richard Seynt, Roger TaiUour, Richard Vaughan, Thomas ap HoweU, Robert Barero, and others. Proved before William Spencer, Mayor, and John Skryven, Sheriff, Sept. 15th, 19 Edward iv. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. This will is followed by two notes relating to administration ; from which it appears that Thomas Rowley, testator's father, died before the wiU was proved, and that administration was committed, first to ilargaret Rouley, widow, and John Esterfield, of Bristol, and afterwards to testator's uncle WUliam Rowley. The notes make mention of Master William Vauxe (spelling the name thus, and also Vance), dean of the collegiate church of AA'estbury ; who, according to the AA'orcester diocesan registers, was dead in 1479, and was succeeded by Master John Lyndesey, professor of sacred theology, Aug. 25th, in that year. 267.— AA'ILLIAM ROWLEY, merchant. 1479. Nov. 6th. Testator is described as " de BristoU' Mei-cator. nacion' Anglican' dei gr'a mente sanus. corporea licet egritudine detentus.'' His will is nuncupative, and was made in the town of " Dam in fflandria," in the dwelling house ot the honorable Roger de Dam, citizen and inhabitant of that town. He desired to be buried in the parish church of the blessed Mary there, — " in ambitu elegit retro chorum," and bequeathed Flemish money to the fabric of that church "pietatis intuitu ac fauore Sepulture," and to the church itself " p' testamento ;" also to each curate and chaplain, and to the guardians " sen matricularijs" thereof. To the religious ladies of St. Agnes there, of the order of St. Augustine, ' ' p' humanitate p' easd'm p'stita in extremis," &c., eight crowns of French money to be once paid (semel leuan'). Testator's effects moveable and immoveable to be parted between his wife Joan and children, provision being made pro anima. Legacies to the vicar of St. Ewen's in Bristol, the hospital of the town of " la Rentarya in Hispania," and the church of the blessed Mary of " Huren- heranso " in Spain. John Estirfield of England, to whom £5 sterling of English money, and testator's belpved wife Joan to be executors. "Acta fuerunt in villa de Dam." Witnessed by Master Francis Caen', licentiate in decrees, " Alterius porc'onis ib'm vicesgeren'," Arnold Helle and Nicholas Horenbord, priests of the diocese of Tournay, and chaplains of the aforesaid parish church, brother John Bond, hospitaller, Nicholas A'and ', " vecf ens (?) Burgi," Master John oocx (?), Englishman, Peter Aeruondts (?), Christopher Maercolff, Francis Rehighoodt (?), and more witnesses worthy ot credit, inhabitants of the same town. " Ei Ego Marcus Cryn P'b'r oriu'dus de Ghistolla Torn'cens' Dioc' sacris Ap'lica & iinperiali auct ' Notarius juratus Quia," &c. Notes of Bristol Wills. 163 • Proved at Knoll, May 3rd, 1480; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 268.— JOAN KEMPSON. 1479. Sept. 10th. Testatrix was widow of Thomas Kempson, bnrgess of Bristol, in the diocese of Bath and AA'eUs, and desired to be buried in the parish church of holy Cross Temple there, before the altar dedicated in honor of SS. Andrew and Nicholas, to which altar she bequeathed a missal. To the -vicar of that church a bowl, worth four marks, and six of her best towels. To the said church xxs, and to the chapel of St. Katharine there vjs. viijd. xhe sum of £100 for the support of a perpetual chaplain in the church aforesaid ; the sum to be laid out in tenements, but to be safely kept in a chest by Sir John Mason, vicar of the church, Robert Bonnok, and John Jay, merchant of Bristol, each of whom is to have a key, until the tenements are obtained and peaceably held. To the cathedral church of Wells xvjd. To Alice wife of Richard Mathowe a cloth "voc' le forste cloth ;" and a similar one to the daughters of Thomas Egleston. To my chaplain Sir Richard four yards of green cloth. The best loom to Thomas Dexe, the second to Thomas Penlowe, the thhd, being near the Avon, to Thomas Wigan. To each of the sons of my sister vjs viijd. Xo the church of St. Peter in Bristol " ij Tortell'." Legacies also to the wife of John Hoppis, the house of the Augustinian friars at Bristol, the church of St. Augustine the Less, the church of Clifton by Bristol, the chapel of St. Anthony, and Joan daughter of Ric'nard Rastf orth. Residue of goods, lands, and tenements to the executors, namely, Robert Bonnock, and his wife Elen, daughter of testatrix. The aforesaid Sir John Mason to be overseer. Witnessed by the said Sir John, William Sodbury, and John Crykald of Bristol, weavers, and others. Proved at Mathfeld, Oct. 8th, 1479. No record of proof before the Mayor. This will is followed by two blank pages ; after which there is a writing, dated July 1st, 1561, relating to the foundation of the Gramraar School in Bristol, and addressed to "all. trewe. xp'en. people." by Nicholas Thorne of -the city of Bristowe, merchant. The writing is followed by twenty- three blank leaves. 269.— PETER DREAA'Z, burgess and merchant. 1487. Sept. 18th. To be buried in the parish church of St. Stephen, to the fabric of which " idest le Rode lofte " xls. Xo the rector of that church, for tithes, vjs viijd. Xo the cathedral church of Worcester xijd. Xo daughter Margaret £10 sterling. To Margery " filie mee Medic " £10. To daughter Katharine £10. To son Robert £10. If the said Margaret should die s.p., or before coming to years of discretion, her portion is to be divided equally between the survivors. If all except one "diem claudant extre- mum," that one is to take the whole sum of £40. If all should decease, " q'd absit," before their lawful age, a fit priest is to celebrate pro anima in the aforesaid church of St. Stephen, and receive nine marks yearly of the £40, as long as it will last. Twenty shUlings' worth of bread to be dis tributed to the imprisoned and the poor. To brothers Richard and John Drewz fifty shillings apiece. Johu Balle to have testator's part of the salt M 2 ¦164 Notes op Bristol Wills. in the cellar of John Burton. Legacies also to John Bray, apprentice John Quyrke, and servant Joan Cory. Residue of goods to wife Joan. She and the aforesaid John Drewz to be executors. Richard Vaughan overseer. Witnessed by Master Walter Morice, bachelor in decrees, Robert Warner, chaplain, and John Ball, merchant. Proved at Moretelake, Oct. 1st, 1487 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 270.— ELIZABETH FERRE, 1487. Feb. Uth. Testatrix describes herself as "late the wyf of William fferre somtyme the wife of John Alberton nowe beyng widdowe." To be buried in the church of St. Stephen of Bristowe. "Jtem y bequeth to the Cathedrall of Worcestre xijd." Xo son Andrew Alberton a signet of gold, two pairs of sheets, a covering of a bed " of Inxbon worke," &c. To son John Alberton " a hother Signet of golde. ij peire of Shetes w' a Bedde white and blewe a mete cloth and a Towell of workes And a Carpette." To daughter Joan Alberton the state and term of years now to come of the place inhabited by testatrix, and the residue of house hold effects after the payment of the bequests before written. If Joan should die unmarried, the said state to remain to son John and his assigns. If all the chUdren should so die, their legacies "shall be bysette in tynding of Seculer preeste " to sing in the aforesaid church of St. Stephen as long as " the saide goodez shalle suffice." Residue to the said children, "to be departed egally emongest them." They are made executors. John Walshe and John Drewez overseers. Witnessed by Sir John Edwardez, George Hunte, and others. Proved before John Esterfeld, Mayor, and John Chestre, Sheriff, Aug. 6th, 3 Henry vii. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities. 271.— EDWARD KYTE, burgess. 1487. June 18th. To be buried in the parish church of the Holy Trinity of Bristol. To the cathedral church of Worcester vjd. To daughter Joan Kyte xviij" xiijs iiijd. in money ; also " vnu' Noote hamisaf cu' argento & deauraf ,.. .men' optimu' ffethirbedde," &c. If she should die "ante annos nubiles," her legacies are to be distributed "in pijs vsibz & Caritaf p' salute ai'e mee," &c. A measure of woad for the use of the aforesaid pariah church. A secular chaplain to celebrate therein for two years, at the altar of St. Katharine, and be paid £12. Sir Thomas Lyncoln to have testator's horse. Wife Agnes to have the residue of goods, and be executrix. Sir Thomas ^Lyncoln and John Kyte overseers : to the latter articles ot clothing, including testator's best doublet. Witnessed by John Bale, Simon Passhley, John G'uute (Graunte ?), and others. Proved in the parish church of the blessed Mary " in Foro," Jjily 13th, 1487 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff. 272.— AGNES KYTE. 1487. Dec. 17th. Testatrix was widow of Edward Kyte, late of Bristol, merchant, and desired to be buried in the parish church of the Holy Trinity, to which she bequeathed a measure of woad. To the cathedral church of Worcester vjd. To son John a gown which belonged to the late husband of Notes of Bristol Wills. 165 testatrix, also a whole cloth called a "See Cloth,'' six cushions, "vnu' Table cloth," and all the wares beyond the sea already in his governance. To daughter Alice a gown ' ' coloris morrey," a pair ot beads, &c. To daughter Joan "vnam Note" with the cover, and a pair ot beads "deCoralle." If the said Joan should die under age, "videli't ante Annos nubiles," her legacies are to be distributed 2>ro anima. Residue to tho executors. Sir Thomas Lyncoln, chaplain, and Thomas Davye* Witnessed by Hugh Bruer, John Sadiller, and others. Proved in the parish church of the Holy Trinity of Bristol, Jan. 24th, J 487 ; afterwards before the Mayor and Sheriff. 273.— RICHARD ERLE, esiiuiro, burgess. 1491. June 15th. Testator commends his sinful soul to Almighty God, his Creator and Redeemer, the B.V.M. " Rcgine misericordie," and all the saints, and desires to be buried in the chapel of St. Michael the Archangel, on the north side of the high altar of the parish church of the Holy Trinity at Bristol ; to which altar, for tithes and offerings forgotten, iijs iiijd. The sum of four pence to the mother church, the cathedral of the blessed Mary of Worcester. Legacies also to the high altars ot the parish churches of St. Philip and St. Leonard of Bristol. Residue of goods to the executors, namely, William Joh'nes, clerk, John Wareyns, and Thomas Howell, for payment of legacies, &c. To Sir Edmund Gorges knt. and his heirs and assigns testator's dwelling house in the Old Market at Bristol. Reference is made to a deed, bearing date May 7th, 6 Henry vii., by which testator made over to WUliam Joh'nes, clerk, George Monoux, William Gauncell, Hugh Joh'nes, Thoinas Howell, John AA'areyns, John Sokett, Simon Passheley, and John Davy, tho younger, nineteen tenements and a garden in Bristol and the suburb ; tlie said feoffees being required to find, out of the rents of that property, a fit and honest chaplain to celebrate daily, iu the aforesaid chapel of St. Michael, for testator's soul, and that of Thomasine his late wife, and the souls of Thomas and Margery Erie, his parents, and others, in all succeeding years ; the said feoffees and their heirs and assigns to pay the chaplain ten marks yearly ; the said chaplain to sing in the aforesaid church ot the Holy Trinity at all mattins, masses, and vespers, and at other canonical hours. And if the chaplaiu should be neglectful, he is to be removed "infra tres monicioncs. " The executors, or their heirs or executors, are to soil, after testator's death, all his other messuages, cottages, lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the town and suburb, and dispose of the money thus : —to Tristram Fulbroke, Robert Fulbroke, and Margaret Launde, testator's daughter, the sum of twenty shillings apiece yearly during their lives ; also to AA'Uliam White, dyer, and his wife Elizabeth, for her service "michi impenso," twenty shillings yearly during the said Elizabeth's Ufe. The executors are also to keep, or cause to be kept, in the aforesaid church, testator's obit or anniversary on June 16th, or the day following, with "Placebo & dirige" at night, and mass of Bequiem on the morrow, for eighty years next after his decease ; paying and distributing the sum of vjs \'iij'i among tho priests, cloiks, and poor people attending the exequies, and for bell-tolling and the burning of tapers. The anniversary to bo kept also in tho saino form on June 16th, or tho day following, tor eighty years, in tho conventual church of the blessed 166 Notes of Bristol Wills. Mary of "AVyttham," in the cathedral church of St. Andrew the Apostle in WeUs, and in the church ot St. Augustine's monastery at Bristol ; the sum of vjs vujd to be yearly paid in each of these three churches. Witnessed by Sir Robert Carter, parish chaplam of the aforesaid church of the Holy Trinity, George Monoux, one of the baUiffs of the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristol, John Davyson "auctoritate ap'lica Notario," Hugh Joh'nes, William Walshe, and others. Proved at Lambeth, Aug. 5th, 1491 ; also before John Stephens, Mayor, and William Regent, Sheriff, and George Monoux and Richard Vaughan, Bailiffs of the town, on Friday, Aug. l-2th, 6 Henry vU., in the GuUdhaU, " in pleno hundred' tunc ib'm tenf s'c'd'm Ub'tates & consuetudi'es eiusd'm ville. per sacr'md'ni Ric'i Hopkyns Confessoris dc'i defuncti," 274,— EDMUND NEWE, burgess and dyer, 1491. Jan. 1 6th. To be buried in the cemetery of the parish church of St. Thomas at Bristol, to the use of which church, and chiefly for the reparation of the porch on the north side, a quarter of woad. To the vicar of Redcliff, testator's curate, for tithes, vjs viijd. Xo wife Agnes "duas Saltes Argenti cu' vno coop'culo, .... vnu' Spyce disshe," twelve silver spoons, &c. To son John a pipe of woad, a cup " voc' A home " garnished with silver, six silver spoons, &o. To son Robert a pipe of woad, &,c. To son Richard a pipe of woad, twenty ounces of silver " p' vno Cipho sibi fact'," &c.; also to the said Richard and his lawful heirs, testator's dwelling house in Redde- clifstrete, situate between the tenement of John Bagod, on the north, and the tenement inhabited by John Brooke, gentleman, on the south, with all the fittings "& instrumentis artis mee." In default of issue, rem. to son John ; in def., rem. to son Robert ; in def., rem. to daughter Margaret and her lawful hehs. To the said Margaret a pipe of woad, a silver salt-cellar, without cover, "vnu' hedde bonde," a maser "harnizaf cu' signo in medio videli't Rosa," a girdle, &c. To John Stalworth, the younger, a green girdle " harnizaf & stipaf velut grosses." To Alice^ Coker a standing maser bound with silver and gilt, with a silver cover, and three lions under the feet thereof ; also a cup, &c. To Margaret Newe, daughter of John Newe, a standing silver cup with silver cover, " et illu' Ciphu' voc' A Costard." Legacies also to the cathedral church of Wells, servant John Cokkes, and Isabel DoUe. Residue to wife Agnes and son John, who are to be executors, and dispose for the health of testator's soul "vtip'i reddant racionem in die iudicij." Thomas Flexhall overseer. Witnessed by Master Nicholas Pittes, master of arts, "Curato meo," John Hawley, notary public, and many others. Proved at Lambeth, Feb. 21st, 1491 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. Tho surname of this testator was anciently at Cheltenham, William le Newe, of that town, occurs on a Gloucestershire subsidy -roll, 1 Edward iii,, at the Record Office. And the diocesan registers at Worcester state that Henry Newe, of Cheltenham, was ordained a secular acolyte in the pariah ehuroh of Hartlebury, Dee, 21st, 1370, Notes of Bristol Wills, 167 275.— CLEMENT WILTESHIRE, merchant. 1488. June 30th. To be buried in the parish church of All Saints at Bristol, in the chapel of the blessed Mary there, if a convenient place can be found, if not, in any place (in alico loco) according to the discretion of the executors and the parishioners. To that church, for burial there, xxs. To the mother church of AVorcester xxd. a fit priest, chosen by the vicar of the said church of All Saints, to celebrate therein pro anima for three years, receiving yearly £6 of lawful English money. To Sir John Thomas, vicar of that church, for tithes, xfs ; also a gown of scarlet, formerly belonging to William Coddar, that he may pray for the soul of testator and that of ilargery his wife, and the souls of their parents, brothers, sisters, &c., on every Sunday, among the other dead of the said church, according to the usage there. To sons Richard, Clement, Henry, and Daniel Wilteshire, £10 apiece. To son Clement the state and terra in the tenement lately purchased ot John Shipward of Bristol, merchant, for a term of sixty years, situate iu the High-street, " iuxta Le Cok in the Hope," and inhabited by John Jay, tailor. To son Henry the state and terra in the cellar purchased, for the same length of time, of the said John Shipward, situate in " saint Nicholas strete iuxta portam," at the hinder part of the tenement called " ({elows June," on the west side of that tenement. To son Daniel the state and term ot and in the cellar purchased, for the same length of time, of the said John Shipward, situate in the same street, by the said gate, at the hinder part of the same tenement, on the east. To daughter Alice the state and term in a tenement in the High-street, lately purchased for a term of sixty years of John Newlond, abbot, and the convent of St. Augustine's monastery by Bristol ; rem. to son Richard, if the said Alice should die before niarriage. To daughter Anne the state and term in the tenement in Templestrete, lately purchased for a terra of ninety-nine years of Isabel Hosyer of Bristol, widow. Testator's wUe Joan Batyn to have, for her lite, his state and term in the tenement inhabited by him in the High-street, called "LeCok in the Hope," purchased of the aforesaid John Shipward for a term of sixty years ; rem. to daughter Katharine. To daughter Agnes and her lawful heirs, the tene ment lately purchased in fee simple of John Gaywode of Bristol, merchant, situate "in vico vocaf Wynestrete ;" rem. to her brother Richard Wilte shire, if she should die s.p. It Richard should so die, rem. to son Clement ; in def. , rem. to son Henry ; in def. , rem. to son Daniel ; in def. , rem. to the rightful hehs of testator for ever. To each of his daughters, twenty ounces of silver ; also a ghdle of silver and gilt, each of the girdles being worth xls "ad minus." To Henry Weston, "Senesoallo Cur' Tols' ville," a standing cup with a cover of silver and gilt, formerly belonging to Robert Bolton, merchant of Biistol. Testator wills that Richard Andrewe, his father-in-law (paf mens in lege), receive weekly, out of his effects, xijd sterling for his support during his life. To apprentice Robert Russell a cloth "vocaf A See clothe." Legacies also to apprentices William Forest and John Sandy, and servants John Ryppe, Isabel AVilteshire, and Margery. Residue of goods to wife Joan Bateyn and son-ui-law John Parnand, who are to be executors, and dispose for the health of his soul, and the souls of his children by his late wife Margery. John Pollard of Bristol, mercer, to be overseer, and have xls for his pahis. Witnessed by Henry Weston esquh-e. Sir John Thomas, testator's curate, AVilliam Sare, notary public, and many others. 16S Notes op Bristol Wills, Proved at KnoU, Jan, 7th, 1492 ; also at Bristol, before John Hawkes, Mayor, and John Dreux, Sheriff, on Friday, Feb. 1st, 8 Hem-y vu, 276.— THOMAS BAKER, grocer, 1492. Feb. 14th, To be buried in the parish church of All Saints, if he should happen to die in Bristol. Forty shUlings to the fabric of the nave of that church, for his burial. Twenty shUlings to Sir John Thomas, vicar of the said church, for tithes and offerings, and that he may on every Sunday exhort the parishioners especially to pray for testator's soul. Twelve pence to the mother church of the blessed Mary in the city of Worcester. Forty shillings to the fabric of the parish church of St. Briavels in the Forest of Dean, on condition that the guardians of the goods of that church keep testator's obit there in the week next after his decease. To the prior and convent of each house of mendicant friars at Bristol twenty shillings, that they may attend the mortuary offices on the day of burial, and also "in die Mensis." To eldest son Thoraas Baker 100 marks of lawful English money, and 50 ounces "ponderis troie" in silver cups, bowls, 'salt-cellars, and spoons, when he is twenty-four years of age. To daughter Alice Baker 100 marks, and silver cups, spoons, &c., when sixteen years of age. Also to daughters Margaret, Joan, Elizabeth, Anne, and Maud, 100 marks, &c., when sixteen years of age. If all the children should die under age, wUe Maud is to enjoy their portions during her life, if' she keeps herself single and unmarried. A fit chaplain to celebrate for six years in the aforesaid church of All Saints, and receive yearly £6 sterling. Testator's obit or anniversary to be kept also in the same church year by year for ten years, with " Placebo & dhige " at night, and mass of Bequiem on the morrow, on the day upon which he shall happen to migrate " ab hac luce." The sum of ten shillings to be expended on each anniversary, of which twelve pence to the aforesaid Sh John Thomas, and the remaining nine shillings to the priests and clerks taking part in the said offices, and for lights, and tolling of the bells. Wife Maud to provide due security before the Mayor of Bristol "p' viam recognic'o'is," according to the laudable custom of the town, in respect of the aforesaid 700 marks and 350 ounces of silver bequeathed to the children. To John and William, sons of John Hutton, late merchant of Bristol, 100 shilUngs apiece, when aged twenty-four. If they should both die under that age, the said legacies are to be divided equally among testator's own children. To Magdalene Baker, daughter of James Baker, late merchant of Bristol, deceased, £20 sterling when she is sixteen years of age. If she should die under that age, or be unwilling to obey the govern ance of testator's wife Maud and John Stevyns, his own children are to have the said legacy. To his sister EUzabeth, and EUzabeth daughter of his brother WUliam Baker, 60 shUlings apiece. To his said brother 100 shiUings, on condition of being " beniuolus " to wife Maud hi .all transactions. To David WhitecasteU, chaplain, 20 shUlings, that he may pray for testator's soul. To servant Katharine Treheron, for her marriage, a pipe of woad, containing " sexdecim mensuras quarterij BristoU'." Legacies also to ser vant Alice Bernard, and her daughter Joan Bernard when sixteen years of age ; servant John AA'illys ; apprentices Thomas Paty, Ralph Walsshe, and John Carpynter; John Bale; Agnes Furboure, servant of Maud Wodyngton, widow, for her marriage ; the aforesaid John Stevyns, for his pains, &c. Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 169 Residue to wife Maud and her executors, on condition of keeping herself shigle and unmarried. To the same Maud, who is appointed executrix, all testator's lands, tenements, and rents in the town and suburb of Bristol, for her life ; rem. to son Thomas and his lawful hehs. Also, for her life, lands, tenements, &c. , in the aforesaid parish of St. Briavels, and in Hewellesf eld, within the Forest of Dean, lately bought of brother William Baker, Thomas Dull, and others. Witnessed by Sir John Thomas, dean of the deanery of Bristol, and vicar of All Saints', Sh Henry Scurlag, clerk, David WhitecasteU, chaplain, John Stevyns, merchant, Thomas Snyg, mercer, Thomas Pernaunte, grocer, William Smyth and John CoUes, literates, Thomas Bale, and others. Proved before John Hawkes, Mayor, and John Dreux, Sheriff, April 17th, 8 Henry vii. Previously proved at Lambeth, To this will there is appended a memorandum, to the effect that on Oct. 14th, 9 Henry vU., Thomas Wodyngton came before the Mayor and Sheriff, and with the assent of the Mayor and the Alderraen of Bristol, and also of Maud, widow and executrix of Thomas Baker, late of Bristol, grocer, espoused Alice, daughter of the said Thoinas, and acknowledged the receipt, frora the aforesaid Mistress Maud, of the 100 marks of lawful money of England, and 50 ounces of silver, bequeathed to the said Alice by the afore said Thomas Baker's will, enrolled in the court there. 277.— EDWARD DAWES, merchant. 1493. July 2l3t. To be buried before the altar of the blessed Mary in the parish church of the blessed Werburgh of Bristol, to the high altar of which church, for tithes and offerings, twenty shillings. Eight measures of woad, of Bristol warranty and measure, towards buying a pair of new organs for that church. A fit chaplain to celebrate there for four years next after testator's decease, and be paid £24. All debts to be paid. The sum of £10 for funeral expenses, and for distribution at the month's mind. Two shillings to the mother church of St. Mary of Worcester. Forty shillings to the fabric of the nave of the parish church of St. Leonard at Bridgnorth. Six shillings' worth of bread to be divided among the poor in the gaol of Newgate at Bristol. Twenty shilUngs for the raost needy poor. Legacies also to the prior, or guardian, and convent of each house of mendicant friars at Bristol ; Thomas Dawes, chaplain, Hugh Dawes, John Dawes, and Roger Dawes, brothers of testator ; his god-daughter Elen Dawes, daughter of the said Roger ; Thomas Patte ; servants Robert Rowlowe, Margaret Spycer, and Elizabeth Edwardes. To son Richard Dawes, " in recompensac'o'em sibi de & pro tota p'parte sua ip'm contingen' de bonis meis," sixty ounces of silver, and five pipes of woad, worth £40 sterling ; also the half of all testator's im- pleraents and household utensils, jewels and wares excepted ; to be delivered to the said Richard when twenty-one years of age. If he should die before that age, wUe Joan to have one half of the said legacy, the executors bestowing the other pro anima. To wife Joan, in the narae of her whole rightful portion of the moveable goods and chattels, ten pipes of woad, worth £80 sterling, and twenty woollen cloths, worth eighty marks ; also, £30 in money, eighty ounces of silver, and the other half of all household goods, except the before excepted articles. Testator's most beloved brother Roger Dawes and John Robertes, merchants, to be executors, and John 170 Notes op Bristol Wills. Esterfeld, merchant, overseer ; to each of whom a pipe of woad, good and merchantable. Witnessed by John Esterfeld, Richard Hoby, Richard Hemmyng, merchants, Robert Birche, chaplain, "Confessore meo," Thomas Wahnesley, chaplain, and others. Proved at Lambeth, Aug. 6th, 1493 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the Mayor and Sheriff. 278.- THOMAS BEELL, biu-gess. 1493. July 30th. To be buried in the crypt of the parish church of St. Nicholas at Bristol, in which church a fit chaplain is to celebrate pro anima for one year, and be paid nine marks. Legacies to the high altar thereof, the fabric of the nave, and the reparation of the said crypt, for his burial therein ; the mother church of St. Mary of Worcester ; John Sherp, gentle man ; each of testator's brothers ; the boys of his hospice, staying in London ; John Prankeleyn, and ¦ Forster, gentleman. To son Thomas twenty marks when 21 years of age. To sons John and Henry Beell twenty marks apiece when of that age. To daughters Alice and Elen twentj- mai-ks apiece when married. Residue to wife Katharine, who is made executrix. John Dreux to be overseer, and have three yards of scarlet cloth. Witnessed by Sh Robert Birche clerk, testator's confessor, to whom ten shUlings, Janycote Barrero, Patrick Cole, John White, Thomas Cahnady, and others. Proved at Lambeth, Aug. 6th, 1493 ; afterwards at Bristol, before the ilayor and Sheriff. 279.— DAVID AP POLLANGHAN', burgess, 1495. May 9th. To be buried in the crypt of St. Nicholas at Bristol. To the cathedral church of Worcester xxd. Xo Master John Burton, testator's curate, for tithes, vjs vUjd. For the use and reparation of the said chiurch of St. Nicholas vjs vujd. ^ fit seculai- chaplain to celebrate for two years in the crypt aforesaid, at the altar of St. Citha, and have £12. To son Sir John, the canon, a sUver cup called "A flBatte Pece," and six sUver spoons " cum ilaidenheddis." To the other John, son of testator, a pipe of woad, a stand ing sUver cup with cover, and six sUver spoons " de Maidenheddis. " To son Thomas £10 in money and a pipe of woad. To daughter Joyce £30 hi money. To wife Margaret, for her life, two tenements on the Back of Avon ; rem. to son Thomas during the term of years not yet complete therein. Residue of goods, after deduction of debta and funeral expenses, to wife Margaret, who is made executrix. Thomas Vaughan and Patrick Cole over seers, to whom ten shUlings apiece. Witnessed by John Hawley, notary pnbUc, Sh WUliam Carpynter, chaplain, and many others. Proved at Lambeth, July 23rd, 1495 ; afterwards at Bristol, before John Esterfeld, Mayor, and ilatthew Jubbes, Sheriff. 2S0.— AVILLIAM DE LA FOUNTE, merchant. 1493. Feb. 12th.—" compos mentis in bona memoria existens et corporis sanitate p'ponens A-isitare terram Rome." ily body to ecclesiastical burial " vbicumq' deus disposuerit me obhe." To the mother church of Worcester xijd. Xo Sir John A'aughan, pai-ish priest of St. Stephen's church at Bristol, and testator's curate, vjs vujd sterUng, for tithes. To tlie works of that Notes op Bristol Wills. 171 church xxs. An honest priest to celebrate therein for seven years for tes tator's soul, and the soul of his late wife Alice, his parents, brothers, sisters, &c., and receive yearly £6 sterling. Forty pence to each of the four orders of friars at Bristol. To sons Edmund and John £20 apiece at the age of 21. To elder daughter Joan, daughter Anne, younger daughter Joan, and daughter Elizabeth, £20 apiece at the age of 15. If all should die under the said ages, their portions are to be distributed pro anima. To servants Isabel Skydmore and Margaret Sawce forty shillings apiece. To servant Margai-et Mathewe twenty shUUngs. AA'ife Elizabeth to be executrix. PhUip Ryngstone and John Barryero, merchants of Bristol, to be overseers, and have forty shillings apiece. Witnessed by the aforesaid Sir John Vaughan, John Barryero, AVUliara Sare, notary public, and many others. Testator added a codicU on April 8th, 1495, bequeathing £40 in salt, after four pence the bushel, to his parish church of St. Stephen, and legacies to his chUdren, to St. Clement's chapel, &c. Witnessed by Master Philip Ryngstone, Sir Johu A'aughan, Sh John Hawley, and others. Proved before WUliam Regent, Mayor, and Nicholas Broun, Sheriff, Sept. Uth, 12 Henry vii. Previously proved at Lambeth, 281.— JOHN PENKE the younger, merchant. 1493. Sept. 14th. To be buried in the parish church of " Alhalowyn in Bristowe." To the cathedral church of Worcester xijd. Xo the use of the aforesaid parish church four measures of woad. To "my Curate -vicary of the saide Churche. iuj mesures of wode.'' A secular priest to sing in that church "at dyuynes" by the space of two years, and have £12. To wife Alice Penke eight pipes of woad " and x ton -wyne." To " my suster Annes Pynke" two pipes of woad, a coverlet "of verdour colour," a dozen of pewter vessels, &c. To " my suster Johane Penke Uj ton of Gascoyn wyne the fust that shaU come fro Burdeux of myn." To my brother Thomas Penke " iij ton wyne co'mjmg first fro Burdeux of myn And J forgeve him all suche money as J haue lent hym before this tyme." To Master Thomas Cornyssh, suflfragan at AA'eUs, and Sir John of London a pipe of wine apiece. Legacies also to John Bonwey, Thomas .Baron, Simon Gerveys, and John Shipman. Wife Alice to be executrix, and have the residue of goods. Testator's " flMer " John Penke and Thomas Snygge the younger "to been as ou'seers." To the former "x mesures wode. nowe being in his owne keping redy." To Thoinas Snygge iij" vjs vujd. AA'itnessed by John Bowley, merchant, Simon Gerveys, merchant, Edward Gibbes, mariner, and others. Proved before John Dreux, Mayor, and Hugh Joh'nes, Sheriff, on Friday, March 3rd, 12 Henry vu. Previously proved at Lambeth, 282,— JOHN HENLOVE, dyer, 1498, March 18th. To be buried in the cemetery of the parish church of the Holy Cross at Bristol, under a yew-tree growing there. To the procurators of the said church, for testator's burial, vjs vUjd. To Edmund Burley, vicar of the church, for his prayers, forty shillings sterling, also a standing sUver cup, &c. To the mother church of Wells xijd. Xo daughter Margery a pipe of woad good and merchantable, of the real value of twenty marks sterling, containing sixteen measures, of Bristol measure, " s'cd'm 172 Notes of Bristol Wills. assaiam & p'bacionem cons'ilis gaide in eadem villa antiquit' vsitaf ; '" also cups, &c. , and a pair of coral beads, worth twenty shillhigs ; to be delivered to her when married. If sheshould die before marriage, the said legacies to be expended pro anima. To the same Margery a teneraent in Templestrete, situate between the tenement belonging to the abbot and convent of the blessed Mary of Keynsham, and occupied by John Yong, on the south, and the tenement of Humphrey Hervy and Anne his wife, held by Richard Snowe, weaver, on the north, and extending from the said street to a ditch ' ' vulgarif nu'cupaf le Lawediche " ; which teneraent the aforesaid John Henlowe (sic) by the name of John Henlove of Bristol, dyer, purchased for himself, and his heirs, of John Forster of London, gentleman ; the said tenement to be held by daughter Margery and her hehs after the death of wife Isabel. To kins men Robert Henlove, Gregory Henlove, and Thomas Henlove, a whole w-ooUen cloth apiece, price £3 sterling, or else that sum of money. To the said Gregory and Robert, after the death of wife Isabel, all the utensils and instruments pertaining to testator's craft of dyeing, divided equally between them. To John Tyler, weaver, "vna Cratera' argenti & in p'cell deauraf ponderanf sexdeci' vnc' ponderis Troie,'' &c. Residue of goods to wUe Isabel. She, and the aforesaid Edmund Burley, and John Tyler to be executors — " quor' conscienc' illuminet sp'us sc'us." AA'itnessed by Thomas Smyth, tucker, Thoraas Broke, tucker, John Piers, dyer, and many others. Proved before Richard Vaughan, Mayor, and Hugh Elyot and John Bateyn " vie' eiusdem vUle,'' on Friday, Feb. 5th, 16 Henry vii. Previously proved at Lambeth. 283.— JOAN JONS. 1501. Aug. 13th. Testatrix was relict of John Jons, otherwise Morgan, late of Bristol, brewer, and desired to be buried in the cemetery of the church of St. Peter at Bristol. To the high altar of that church, for tithes and offerings, iijs iiijd ; also a linen cloth. To the chapel of the blessed Mary in the same church iijs iiijd. Xo the mother church of Worcester xijd. Xo sister Katharine Joh'nes my best cap of velvet. To Cristina Hawkyng, widow, "vnam togam vna' tunica' voc' le Sloppe Mantell & vnam tunicella' vocaf le petycote." To 'Joan Henewod half a dozen " de garnyssli vessell'," &o. To my curate Sh Thomas Schaftspere " vnu' collitegiu' de veluet cum laqueo cerico. " Legacies also to Anne wife of Robert Howlet, cooper, Agnes wife of John Baker, Margaret Phill, widow, servant Joan Gronowe, and John Davys, baker. Residue of goods to sons John Jons otherwise Morgan, master in arts, and Thoraas Jons otherwise Morgan, who are made executors. Master Hugh Joh'nes overseer. Witnessed by Sh Thoraas Schaftspere, curate, John Davys, baker, Matthew Cotynton, and many others. Proved before George Monoux, Mayor, and Thomas Parnant and Thomas Snyg, Sheriffs, on Friday, Dec. 17th, 17 Henry vii. Previously proved at Lambeth. The name of the above mentioned ' ' curate " occurs as Thomas Shot t- spere, Shafftesper, Shakespeh, and Shakespeire, in some Bristol wills registered at Somerset House. 284.— JOHN FUYSTER, burgess and merchant. 1501. July 2nd. Testator bequeathed his soul to Ahnighty God, and his body "to be buryed hi the Crowde of seint Nicholas by iny Moder and Notes op Bristol AA'ills. 173 -vnder the same stone." To the mother church of Worcester xijd. Xo the vicar of St. Nicholas " for Satisfaccion of my tythes forgoten " xxs. To " the werkes " of the said church xfs. To Robert Fnyster, testator's son and heir, all his lands and tenements " within Herford and the ffraunchise of the same accordyng to my ffaders last will And he to haue possession of the same And to put his moder in suertie to pay her yerely x" clere. Without any other charge." To wife Elizabeth five pipes of woad, household goods, half of the plate, &c. ; also the state and term of testator's dwelling house and gardens " in the Bartilmewes." If son Robert, who is to have the other half of the plate, should die before her, the said plate is to be " departed " between John Wyot and Joan Fnyster. To Robert Fnyster articles of clothing, "iij pau-e of Brigandynys," &c. To daughter Joan two pipes of woad, twenty marks in plate, "and xx marke of my Cabbowe. in money or dettes. or otherwise, to the value." To the works of "the mynisf of Herford" xls. To " the vicaires of the same Monastery to their werkes " xfs. To " Alhal- owen Church " there xls. To servant Joan xxs. To the chapel on "the Brigge " vjs vUjd. To John Wyot the best ring, &c. ; also four yards of " violet in grayn' and oon of my gownes that he will chose." Testator wills that after the payment of his debts, and all the cost of burying, month's mind, and twelve months' mind, " all the Residue of my Cabbowe be departed in two wherof J bequeth to (.nc) oon half to Robert my son and the other half to be disposed for my sowle And my fryndez soules in fyndyng a Preste to pray for vs in seint Nicholas churche by the orden'nce of myn' Executrix whorae J raake chef Elizabeth ray -wyf and Robert my sonne. And John Wyot to be ou'seer." Proved before George Monoux, Mayor, and Thomas Parnaunt and Thomas Snyg, Sheriffs, on Monday, March 21st, 17 Henry vii. Previously proved at Lambeth. 285.— THOMAS EDWARDE. 1503. Sept. 17th. — "p'nu'c manens in villa BristoU' Wellen' & Bathon' cUoc'." To be buried in the parish church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff. To the mother church of St. Andrew at AVells vjd. To the high altar of my parish church, namely, of St. Thomas the Mart-yr, for tithes and offerings, xijd. Xo ¦wife Joan " om'ia clenodia argentea & deauraf," and other house hold utensils ; also, for her life, lands and tenements in or about the town of Stanford. But it she should take another husband, all the said property is to pass to Henry Edward, testator's son and heir, except one messuage situate in the parish of St. Andrew in that town. If the said Henry should die s.p., the property is to be disposed of pro anima. An honest priest to celebrate daily for four years. To daughter Agnes x", on condition that she properly serves and pleases her mother. To William, Henry, and John Edwarde, xs apiece. Legacies also to the mendicant friars of Bristol and Stanford, and testator's sister Agnes. Residue to wife Joan. She, John Wynter of Stanford, and Sir Richard Moskam, priest, of the same town, to be executors : to these two xxs apiece. Master Richard Merycke to be over seer, and have xx*. Witnessed by Nicholas Broun, Richard Meryck, James Baker, Thomas Devyncher, John Barbour, Richard Skansby, John Wynter " de villa Stanfordie," and Sir AA'illiam Moskam of the same town, 174 Notes of Bristol AVills. Proved before Roger Dawes, Mayor, and Thomas Elyot and John Harrys, Sheriffs, on Friday, Jan. 14th, 21 Henry vU. Previously proved before the ecclesiastical authorities, 286.— THOMAS ELYOT, burgess, 1505. Feb. 9th— "beyng hole of mynde & in good memory thanked be Jh'u." To be buried within "the Church hey of the p'issh church of seynt Thomas the Martir in the Town of Bristowe nygh vnto the tombe or place where the body of Alice late my wyf lieth ther buryed." To the mother church of WeUs xijd. Xo the high altar of the said parish church of St. Thomas, for tithes, &c., iijs iiijd. To Thomas Hoskyns " a Crucifix of golde." To my brother John Elyott "a hors beyng w' John Payne of Elborowe." To Sh John Russell "a gown of Tawney which his ffader william Joly " gave to testator ; also " a paire of hosen of Puke." To Isabel Tanner, over and above her wages, vjs viiijd, and " asmoohe cloth as woll make the saide Jsabell a gowne." To wife Joan all household goods, plate, &c., which she brought unto testator at her marriage, arid " the Nutte " made of her own stuff and plate ; also the state and terra of years in testator's dwelling house " sett in Redclifstrete in the p'issh of Seynt Thomas aforseid." But if she " do mary ageyn. and kepe her not sole or woll not dwell in the saide ten't her self," the said house or teneraent is then to remain unto son Nicholas. To the same Nicholas all the " ffate ffurneys Cestren," &c. If he should die s.p., the state and terra of years then to come is to remain to son Thomas Elyot. To the said Thomas all the state, title, interest, and "termes of yeres" of the house in Barton hundred, and the stuff belonging to the same, he "payeng yerely vnto thabbotof Seynt Austynes the rent therof," Also to the said Thomas Elyot all " the wynes beeng in the Celer wherof. he berith the key," and other wines and goods in the hands of cousin Robert Elyot, and all the money and debts owing by Richard Baker, merchant, and also " my stonding place in Seynt James chirch hey w' the sayes therto belonging." To son William and his lawful heirs a tenement on the east side of Redclyfstrete, in "the parisshe of o"' Lady of Redolyf " in the suburb of the town of Bristowe. If he should die s.p., rem. to son Thomas and his lawful heirs ; in def., rem. to Robert Elyot, son of testator's brother John. If Robert should die s.p., rem. to " the right heirea of John Jay thelder m'chant of Bristowe." Testator's children to have the residue of his goods. His sons Thomas and William Elyot to be executors. John Jay, John Elyot, and Thomas Hoskyns, overseers. Testator wills, requires, and charges his said two sons ' ' vpon my blissyng that they vse & ex'cise thexecucion of this my testament in eu'y thyiig hi thaduyce & agrement of my foresaide overseers & none otherwise." The said executors and overseers to have free entry and issue into and from his dwelling house or tenement aforesaid, " at all tymes Lefull & conuenyent by the space of one yer. & one day next ensuyng after my decesse w'oute eny impedyment or contradiccion' of my wyf or of eny other p'sone or p'sones." Witnessed by Sir John Russell, priest, William Bedford and Thomas Devonshire, " Burgeisez " of the town of Bristowe, and others. Proved at Lambeth, March 5th, 1505. — Jo Yong. Also proved at Bristol, before John Vaghan, Mayor, and John Edwardes and Simon Gervys, Sheriffs, on Monday, Feb. Uth, 23 Henry vii. Notes of Bristol Wills. 175 287. -JOAN RYNGSTON, widow. 1509. April 15th. Testatrix was of the parish of St. Stephen in Bristol, mthe diocese of Worcester, and desired to be buried in St. Stephen's church, "in the Sepultre where the body of my late dere husbond Philip Ryngston nowe lyeth buryed." She bequeathed to "the modre church of o"^ blessid Lady of worcestr' " xxd. Xo the reparation of the said church of St. Stephen a pipe of woad good and merchantable, and "a Standing cupp of sUu' on 'gilt w* a cover of the same weyeng xxiij vnces." The executors are to find " or doo to be founde " an honest priest of good name and fame "for to pray & syng for my sowle and for the Sowle of my dere husbond abouesaid and all xp'en Sowles hi the space of two yeres next aff my decesse within the saide p'issh Church of seynt Stephens, at the aulter of Seynt John baptist there ; " the same priest to say "his masse " there every day during the said two years, unless hindered by a reasonable cause, and to receive yearly for his salary £6 sterling. To daughter Joan Rowlowe (sic), wife of Robert Rolowe, " ij p'pez of wode good and m'chaundable ; " and a like bequest to daughter Agnes Snyg, wife of John Snyg, mercer. To youngest son John Ryngston forty ounces in silver plate, and two pipes of woad good and merchantable, to be delivered to him by the executors when he shall come to his age of xxiiij years. If he should die before that age, " which god defend," the said goods to be equally divided among "others of my children aboue & wtfu named then ou'lyving." The forenamed son John Ryngston, with all his bequests contained as well in the testament of " my saide dire husbond PhUip Ryngston. as in this my p'sent testament," to be committed and delivered unto Robert Thorn' of Bristowe, merchant. The executors are to " fynde vnto the same .John Ryngston sufficient Lernyng in Gramer clothing and all other necessaries belonging to his body vntil the saide John co'me to his age of discrecion that is to say. xiiij yeres," or until the time of his being apprenticed with some honest man, after the advice and discretion of the said Robert Thorn and the executors ; during all which space, "that is to wete fro ray deth or decesse vntil the saide age of xiiij yeres,'' or until he be apprenticed, the same John Ryngston is to be in the custody, ward, governance, and guiding of the forenamed Robert Thorn, or of such a " sad & discrete " person as the same Robert shall depute or assign ; and as soon as he shall come to his age of xxiiij years, all his whole bequests to be delivered to him. All " beddys Shettes blankettes Cou'lettes Napry hangynges pottes pannes," &c., to be equally divided among the children of testatrix. To John son of William Burley forty shillings in money, and a pipe of woad good and merchantable, to be delivered to him when aged xxj years. To Agnes Ryngston, daughter of eldest son John, twenty "vnces" of silver plate when agedxvj. To ser^'ants Water Alpe and Agnes Anthony, "Sengleiworaan," half a pipe of woad apiece. To the ' ' pore prisoners of Newgate in Bristowe eu'y Wednesday in the weke oon aff another, ymraediatly folowing during an hole yere next aff my decesse. vjd in brede," to be equally distributed. The executors are to fulfil the last will of "my saide late dire husbond," whereof the date is the xx'" day of August, Mcccccvij. Residue of all ''goodes catalx. Juelx," &c., not bequeathed, debts being fully contented and paid, and "my buryeng. monethes mynd and yeres mynd worshipfuUy kept," &c., to be equally divided between 176 Notes op Bristol Wills. sons Thomas and William, in the presence of the overseers ot this will, and William Edwardes, mercer. The "half parte or halvendele" of the said goods, &c. , to be delivered to the aforesaid AA'illiam Edwardes ' ' to thuse and behoof " of son WilUam, if apprenticed with the same WiUiam Edwardes ; the latter to be bounden in a certain sum of money, ' ' for to relyu'e (relyvere, for relevy ?) or doo to be relyu'd " unto the said William Ryngston all his bequests as soon as the same William ' ' shall co'me oute of his App'ntise- wike or assone as his app'nticewyk shalbe fynysshed. or ended." The said Thomas and William Ryngston to be executors. Robert Thorn' and Robert Rolowe overseers. To "eu'ych of my saide Ou'seers " vj" xiijs iiijd. Wit nessed by Sir William Hawkes "my Curate," Sir John Hewys, chaplain, Nicholas Box, merchant, and many others. Proved before John Caple, Mayor, and John Williams and John AA'il- kyus. Sheriffs, on Monday, Aug. 26th, 2 Henry viii. Previously proved at Lambeth. 288.— STEPHEN FORSTER, merchant. 1508. Sept. 16th.— "beyng in good and stedfast mynd," and deshing that his body be " buryed in xp'en grave where please god." To the parish church "a pipe of oode of vj m'ro warantise conteynyng xvj mesures." Executrix to cause that a trental be said on "the day of ray deeces," and on other two or three days, "w'xxx prestos eu'y prest having for his labour iiijd sterling," with all things belonging to the same "for the welth of my soule and all xp'en soules." The sum of iiijs iiijd for the prayers of thirteen poor men. A priest of good name and fame to sing and pray for the space of three years next after testator's death " w'in the parisshe chirch where J dwell and inhabit at the tyme of ray deth," and be paid ix marks sterling for his labor, and xxd for light, &c., every year. A measure of woad "of vj m'ro warantise" to every house of "the iiij ordres of ffreres in Bristowe to pray for my good fryndes & me." To the chapel of " Seynt Clement set beside the Marsshe in Bristowe " two measures of woad. To the poor prisoners of Newgate, every Friday for the space of a whole year, xijd sterling "in ferthing bred." Towards the reparation of the Temple pipe, and the conduits of Redcliff, All Saints', and St. John's in Bristowe, " that is to sey to eu'y of them " a measure of woad. To brother John Forster "a pipe of ode (sic) of vj m'ro warantise." To brother Richard Forster a pipe of woad, and "oon of ray gownes and an other to my brother John aforenamed." To the children by " my. wyf Johane " lands and tenements " set in the town of Bristowe or elswhere w'in Englond ; " but she to have the rule and profit of the same lands " vnto the tyme that he or they be of the age of xxij yere olde." If the said child or children die before that age, brother John Forster and his heirs to have the said lands ; and " for defaute " of heirs, rem. to the next of testator's kin. To son Richard xij pipes of woad, &c. And if another child shall be born to testator by his wife Joan, the same child is to have x pipes of woad, iij tons of iron, and x" in silver plate. But if there shall be no child to live to the age of twenty-two years, "then J. will that x of the aforenamed xxij pipes oode be delyu'ed vnto the holy churche of seint Stephen in Bristowe. so that the parisshens of the saide churche doo let fynde a good prest for to Syng and pray for my soule and all my good frendes soules for the space of vj yeres," WUe Joan to have the NoTEi OF Bristol Wills. j-j residue of the woad, iron, 4c., and of all testator's other goods, and be fuU and gole executrix, pay aU debts, and " doo for my soule and for her fathers soule as J was bounde by conscience.'' My "good frynde" .John Metiam to be overseer of this -wiU and testament, and to have for his labor a pipe of woad " of vj m'rc," testator's best gown, and best ring of gold. " J haue writen it w' myn' oune hand." Proved at Lambeth, May 7th, 1510. No record of proof before the Mayor. 289.— MAUD ESTERFELD. 1491. July 21st. Testatrix was wife of John Esterfeld of Bristol, mer chant, and made her wUl by his leave. I^he commended her soul to Almighty God, her Creator and Redeemer, to the B.V.M. "Regine misericordie," and to aU the saints, and desired to be buried by (iuxta) the chapel of the blessed Mary ' ' de Belhons " in the parish church of .St. Peter at Bristol, to the use of which chapel she bequeathed her wedding ring. Another ring ot gold to the use of the chapel of the blessed Mary "situaf in portico " of the parish church of the blessed Mary of Redcliff ; and another to the use of the chapel of .St. Anne by Bristol, cm. Somerset. Four shUlings for the reparation of the cathedral church of the blessed Marj- of Worcester. Twelve pence to the high altar of the parish church of St, Werburgh the Virgin at Bristol, for tithes. Ten shillings for the renovation of the tabernacle of the blessed Mary in the same church. To son John Esterfeld, the younger, two tene ments held by WUliam Malteman in Templestrete, in the parish of holy Cross, and agarden held by John Spenser in the Old Market " iuxta portam LafforcL" If the said John should die s.p., rem. to son Henry Esterfeld ; in def., rem. to daughter Isabel ; in def., rem. to daughter .Joan. To the said two daughters "omamenta corporis mei" To son WUliam Rogers two dozen napkins, four towels, twelve dishes, twelve amber salt-cellars, 4c. Legacies also to the mendicant friars of Bristol, Lucy Nete, AUce Dee, and servant Agnes. John Esterfeld, husband of testatrix, to be executor. Sealed with her seal and his. Proved at Lambeth, Feb. 6th, 1492. No record of proof before the Mayor. The wiU of John Esterfeld of Bristol, merchant, husband of the aforesaid Maud, is registered at Somerset House, Holgrave, 26. It was made Feb. 5th, 1.504. To be buried in ' ' the holy Oratory of our blessed Lady of Belhowsse" ¦within the church of St. Peter in Bristowe ; to which chapel of our Lady "my best masse boke my chalice of sUuer and gUt and my Cruettes of sUuer." To the high altar of St. Werburgh's church in Bristowe vjs vujd. To the "moder chirch of Worcestre" xijd. An honest priest to "sing before my AVif in saint AVarbrois chirch in Bristowe bj- the space of an hoole yere," and be paid vju. To wife " .Scolast" certain goods, and £100 in money ; also the state possessed by testator in his dweUing place, it disposed to dwell therein, she paying the rent, £4 by the year, to Sir John Rodney knt., and finding reparations ; also the garden in St. Leonard's lane, as long as she dweUeth in the said house. The executors are to restore to St. Werburgh's church the house held by testator at a yearly rent of xiijs iUjd. To Master John Esterfeld, son of testator, and " Chanon of saint Georges chapell within the casteU of AA'indesore," three ot the best gowns N 1-8 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. • furred with such as he shall choose ; also articles of silver plate, and the best " coverpayne otherwise caUed a bredecloth." To son Henry Esterfeld a coverlet of arras work "the which J had of maister ffoster " ; also a feather-bed and bolster, " ij pylowesgamcsshed," a Psalter-book, a " matens boke," the best chain of gold with the cross thereunto belonging, a pah of complete harness, pots, pans, ewers, &c., and "my clothe presse to pak in clothes" ; also two new houses built by testator in Smalstrete, and inhabited by John Jamsye and William Hurst. If the said Henry should die s.p., rem. to "my yong Son John Esterfeld" and his hehs ; mdef., rem. to daughter Jane Poppheyne. If he " doo mary in ray lit dayes," he is to have in money xl", in plate xxx" "after iijs iijjd the vnce," m iron xij tons, price the ton five marks. If he marry afterwards, "wisely and discretely by the aduise- ment of my Son maister John Esterfeld and myn Executours," he isto receive in money, plate, and iron, " as is afore rehersed,",and to have a state in the house of Richard Hobbes ; also in gardens held by Genet Boole and John Wassh, laborer ; and the garden in St. Leonard's lane, after the decease of testator's wife, or her departing from his dwelling house in Smalstrete. To younger son John the money in the hands of " his maisf Dauid PhUip alias Dauid Cogan ;" --¦ " cheyne of gold with a Sanguinarye ; " the " best matens boke" covered with velvet; pots, pans, &c.; also all the lands that "his moder" bequeathed him by her testament, namely, a house in Templestrete, lately inhabited by William Maltman, jand a garden in the Old Market place, held by John Spenser, mercer ; the rent to be kept in the hands of the aforesaid Master John Esterfeld until the younger John be of lawful age ; the latter also to have the house in Templestrete next to Maltman's house. If he should die s.p., rera. to son Henry Esterfeld and his heirs ; in def., rem. to testator's daughter and her lawful hehs male. It at length there should be no heir, these houses and gardens are to remain to "the Alrae. ib'm," Oct. 31st, 14 Eliz. 318.— EDMUND WO9DD. In the margin Wood. 1571. Oct. 23rd. Testator was a "m'chaunt ot the cytie of Bristowe," and desired to be buried in the crowde of St. Nicholas. To eldest son WUliam Woodd " my howse att Borton," with all the cattle there, namely, " ffyftene Kyne, ffyve yowng cattle named yerlinges alitle more or lesse one hundreth and twentie shepe ;" also £80 at the day of marriage, or age of twenty-one. To son John Woodd £80 in like manner. V^'ife Ellyn to have, during her natural life, the profits of the house, appurtenances, and cattle "before mencioned." To daughters Alice and Joan £50 apiece at the clay ot marriage. To daughter Elizabeth £10. To "the poore Almes bowses " of the city £5. To son John the fee simple of the •little tenement " in Ballance strete ;" also the lease of my dwelling house, and the lease of -the house " app'tey'ing to the companey of the Taylors," inhabited by John Rowland. Wife Ellyn to have and enjoy, during her lUe, "the forenamed howse in ffee symple," and also the two leases, and the profits of the same. To servants Roger Freeman and Joan Bradf orde forty shillings apiece. Testator's goods being ' ' directted in trades ot the sea and otherwayes in venter," he willed that U any part of them should miscarry or be lost, the legacies of his said children should bear their portion of the losses. His wife to be executrix, and have the residue of goods. Within three months next after his decease, she is to discharge Mr. John Browne and John Bysse, merchants, "my suerties for the so'rae of ffiftie powndes to the Chambre of Bristowe." Mr. John Browne, Thomas Powell, and Robert Kytchin, merchants, to be overseers. Signed, Edmond Wood, Witnessed by John Browne, Robert Kytchin, Thomas Powell, and Nicholas Hickes, No record of probate occurs in the Orphan Book : but the wiU was proved Nov, 22nd, 1571, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Holney, 41, 319.— JOHN WHYTE, merchant. 1569. Nov. 26th. Testator was of " the cittie of Bristowe," and wUled that his body be buried "in suche place as it shall please god to caU me," and that " maister laurence shall make A s'mone at my buriaU to whome J doe gyve for his paynes takinge in that behalf sixe shilinges and eighte pence." To wife Edith White £400, some part of which to be received of Edward CuUymore, her brother ; also a " Tenement with the bowses there vnto belonginge wherein she nowe dwellethe," and one garden belonging to the same, caUed " MichaeU Hill garclen ;" rem. to son George and his heirs. Also to the said Edith, for her life, the garden "at Marke Lanes end ;" rem. to daughter Edith White and her assigns during all the years contamed " ui Notes of Bristol Wills. 203 A lease thereof made vnto rae." To the said daughter Edith 100 marks when twenty-one years of age, or married ; also a goblet parcel-gUt, and " one cuppe of silu' called the rocke." To son Thomas £100 when twenty- one ; also a dozen of silver spoons parcel-gilt, called ' ' the Twleve Apostelles,'' three gUt goblets, &c. , after the death of wUe Edith ; also to him, and his heirs, a tenement "sitting and beinge in the highe streate," in the farm and occupation of one Ralph Hurte. To son George 100 marks of lawful English money when twenty-one ; also " my beste awndyoms," &c., and " my goulde rynge w'" deathes hedd in it." To daughter Susan £60, and a goblet parcel- gilt ; also testator's lease and term of years in three tenements ' ' w'" A Orcharde at Lawfordes gate," which he had by the demise of his father-in- law AA'alter PhUippes. To daughter Elizabeth £50 when twenty-one, or married ; also £10, to be paid to her by one John AVhitte of London, merchant, at the end of her " apprentishoode," or at the day of her marriage ; and a goblet parcel-gUt. To daughters Maud and Grace £50 apiece at the age of twenty-one, or day of marriage : to the former " my oulde goblett p'ceU gylte ;" and to the latter ' ' my taster of silu' and eighte sUu' spones." To the prisoners in Newgate in Bristowe £5 "in brede chese and bere and other victuaUs." The sura of £20 "vnto the moste porest howsholders dweUing in Bristowe beyonde the haven in temple streate S' Thomas streate and Racliff streate." Legacies also to the poorest house holders " in marshestreate in the p'ishe of S' Stevens," the poorest people dwelling in St. Werburgh's parish, servant Ellyn Harrys, ahns-people in Bristowe, brother Richard AVUlymotte, brother-in-law Edward CuUymore, sister CuUymore, cousin Joan Williams, Ralph Hooper, and Joan Skynner. Residue to wife Edith for her lUe ; to be afterwards divided equally among all the chUchen. Dominick Chestar, and Thomas Williams "my nevewe," merchants of Bristowe, to be executors, and each to have £o. Witnessed by John Gislingham, Robert Coulye, and WiUiam Norton. Proved at London, May 1st, 1570. Law. Argall. 320.— WILLIAM CHESTER, whittawer. 1572. Dec. 1st. Testator was of " the cytie of Bristowe," and deshed to be buried near unto his father and brothers. To eldest son William £20 ; also the land consisting of three tenements "which J nowe dwell in," and which " my father gave me ;" also two tenements at "the corners" of St. James's Back, inhabited by the good wUe Mathewe and a brewer ; three tenements by " the bans ;" and three tenements before St. Stephen's church door "that the good wief Moore made one of." WUe Joan to occupy the first mentioned three tenements during " her widowe estate," paying to son William twenty shillings a year. But wien she is married " then J doe geve him the three howsenthat J dwell in,'' with all the implements, "that is y" back parlor w*" waynescote and a fahe folding table," and the fore parlor " hanged w*" sales and borders, and the chambers aboue w'" stayned clothes," and the standing bed that testator lay in, " w*" certayne Coffers that was (sic) my fathers, and other tryfling implementes w* J doe not reraembre." To son Harry £10 ; also to him, and wife Joan, all the houses in Barton hundred " w* J bowght for lieves" of Sir Morrys Denny s, and those bought of brother Thomas. If son Harry should " dye wt"owt issue," rem. to AValter Chester ; in def., rem. to James Chester ; in def., rem. to 204 Notes of Bristol Wills. Thomas Chester; m def., rem. to eldest son WUliam; m def., rem. to daughter Elizabeth Chester; in def., rem. to daughter Mary Chester; in def., rem. to my brother Thomas and to "his Successors for ever." To son James £20, and two of the tenements " at Brode meade ende ;" the other two tenements to son Thoraas ; the garden to be shared equally by them and theh hehs. To daughter Elizabeth £8. 3. 4, and " the litle crewes covered w'" silver." To daughter Mary £30, and the second salt with the cover. Articles of plate also to sons WUliam, Harry, Walter, James, and Thomas. To my sister Roberts " one olde AngeUett." To son Walter £10 ; also to him, and to his hehs, two tenements in the tenure of WilUara Yate and EUzabeth Cradock, widow ; wife Joan to receive out of this property forty shillings yearly, and a like sura yearly out of son VVilliam's lands. To the servants of the house " one ffryse amongest thera." Legacies also to brothers Thoinas and Dominick, and the poor. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Witnessed by Thoinas Chester "ar," Robert Smythes, William Pyll, John Horte, John Jacob, Christopher Burkhed, and others. Proved at London, March 7th, 1572. 321.— WILLIAM CLEMOND, mnholder. 1569. Nov. 29th. To be buried in the parish church of St. PhUip at Bristowe, ' ' in such place as yt shall seme beste to my wief to laie rae. " The sum of xxs to the poor of that parish ; and iijs iiijd toward " aboord cloth for the co'mu'yon table." To son Thoraas, after the death of wife Elizabeth, the house " lying w'"out Laffordes gate," inhabited by thegoodwife Lambe, and lately bought of Mr William Bede. Also to son Thomas twelve pieces of brass, &o., and £10 in money; of which goods and raoney "my wief shall haue the'custody " till he come to the age of twenty-one, " and thus the Ahnightie god blesse hira." To son William two houses in the same part, the one bought of the said Mr. Bede, and inhabited by Edward Baker, "arrowhedd maker," and the other bought of Edmond Grove, pointmaker, and inhabited by one Fissher and Margaret Sknowe ; also three silver spoons, &c., and " in currant money x"." The goods and money of the said William to be kept in like manner as those of his brother till he ' ' com' to thage of xxj" yeres." If these sons should both die before that age, rem. to son John. If all the children should die s.p., rem. to wife Elizabeth, who is made sole executrix. My neighbours John Warren and Thomas Colman to be overseers, and have xs apiece. Witnessed by Roger CKaloner, curate of the said St. Philip's, John Warren, David Harris, Joan Harris, and Robert Graie. Nov. 25th, 1569, is here given as the date of proof. But according to the copy at Somerset House, Daper, 27, the will was made Oct. 29th, 1569, and proved Aug. 2iid, 1572. 322.— WILLIAM YEMAN, glover. 1573. Dec. 21st, Testator was of "the cytie of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried "in Christian buriall." To son William three houses, two ot them behig withiii the parish of St. Peter, and the other in St, James's parish " hi Brodenieade ;" also £20 of money, with " ray best goblett," to him and his heirs for ever, WUliam Yeman the younger, grocer, to have Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 205 the custody of this son WiUiam, and of his goods and lands. To daughters Alice, Margery, Katharine, and Joan £20 apiece, and to "base dowghter" Katharine £5 ; to be paid to thera at the age of twenty. If any die before that age, the portion of such " to be equallie devided among the rest vivent." To my father John Yeman one silver spoon. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be executrix. William Yeman the younger, grocer, to be overseer. Proved April 5th, 1574. This will is also in the Bristol probate office. 323. -JOHN KETTINGALL, mercer. 1569. March Uth. Testator was of "the Citie of Bristowe," and wUled that his body be buried "in the earth from whense yt came." To eldest son John Kyttingall £20 when twenty-one years of age. To sons Tobit and George £-20 apiece when twenty-one. To daughter EUzabeth Kyttyngall £-20 at the day of her marriage. To " ray ChUde that my wief nowe goeth wt"all." £'20 at the age of twenty-one, " if that it be a boye," but at the day of marriage, if " a wench." If all the children should die before receiving their legacies, one half to remain to wife Elizabeth, and the other to brother- in-law John Hylhowse, or Agnes his wife ; and for any such lack, to my sister Alice Kittingall, or to the children ot the said John and Agnes Hilhowse. To brother John Cother " my wedding gowne lyned w'^Taffata." To " the poore of this citie " xxs in wood and bread. Legacies also to brother John Hilhowse, servant John Foliett, and cousin Jaraes. AVife Elizabeth to have the residue, and be full and sole executrix. Brother John Cother, and cousin Hugh James, overseers. Unto ' ' ray brother Cawtylde my ringe ot golde w'" the Onyxe stone whose frindshippe towardes ray poore ChUdren and wief J trust J nede not to crave.'' Witnessed by Mr. Roger Jones, Mr. George Higgyns, John Huntington, and John Cother. Proved at London, April 26th, 157. (sic). The year was 1570, as appears by a copy of the will at Somerset House, Lyon, 10. 324.— RICHARD MERICK, taUor. No year given. July 17th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Tueiis in the citie of Bristowe," and desired to be buried " in Christen buryall." To each of hia three sons, Robert, John, and WilUara, iij" vjs viijd. jf they should all die " before they be able to make any will," rein, to the daughters ot sister Maud and of brother Walter ' ' by equall porc'ons. " To son Robert the lease of testator's house, if he shall live " to thage of xxiiij" yeres," if not, to "the rest Successivelie one after the other.'' To brother John Mirick, the elder, " a yarde and half of puke kersey of iijs the yarde." To William Merick, of Redyker, " my bowe and my arowes and a dosen of bowe stringes that are in my Cownter." To each brother and sister " a paire of hose of xijd apaire." Legacies also to Elenor Jurdon, daughter of sister Maud, every almshouse in Bristowe, and godfather William Merick. 'Wife Anne to have the residue, and be executrix. Brother John Mirick, the younger, and Philip Browne, overseers, to each ot whom four yards of "the best kersey in my shoppe orelles vjs viijd apece." Testator added a codicil, Sept. 10th, 1573, in order to give twenty nobles to each ot his three sons ; also the best gown and a ring to son Robert ; 206 Notes of Bristol Wills. " my other Puke gowne " to son John ; and " my shepes Colo'' gowne " to son William, Witnessed by John Mirick of Bristowe, Thoraas Ryder, Laurence AA'ally, and Mr Dove of London. Proved at London, Oct. 26th, 1573. 325.— RALPH PILKINGTON. 1570 (?). June 12th. Testator was of "the p'ishe of all Saintes within the Citie of Bristowe," and desired to be buried in the church there. The sura of xxs to " the poore people of the Cytie of Bristoll" at the time of burial ; and vs to the curate of All Saints'. Forty shillings to Alice wUe of Robert Mellye of Bristowe, goldsmith . To Jane Serehe, daughter of Johu Serehe, after the decease of wUe Joan, all the money that shall be then unpaid ot one obligation of £90, bearing date Jan. 28th, 10 Eliz., due from one Richard Proctor, of the city of London, merchant tailor, or from his heirs or assigns. To wife Joan " my part of all the rest of the yeres of Pile Hills and AA'are ineades the Conye close and brode meade," with three acres adjoining to Temple mead ; the lease of " my dwelling howse called gillardes June," with seven acres of mead "lying in Redclief meade "; also eight kine "going vppon the said grounde," and two oxen. All other "my free purchased landes w'"in the Cytie of Bristowe J doe freelie geve vnto the foresaid Jane Sarche." Wife Joan to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix. Robert Saxcey, alderman, and Thomas Wysshe, gentleman, overseers, to each of whom xxs. Witnessed by Robert Saxcey, WiUiam Hastling, and Robert Cole, writer. Note of probate dated the last day of Feb., 1574. 326.— GEORGE GRAYE, mnholder. 1567. Nov. 26th. Testator was a "Citezen of the Citie of Bristowe in the p'ishe of Saint Marye Port," and desired to be buried in the church or churchyard of the said parish. To the poor men's box there ijs vjd. To the poor prisoners of Newgate ijs vjd. To eldest son William Graye " two gownes furred one w*" bugge and the other with black branched damaske ;" also " ray inarbell riding cote laied with laces," &c. To youngest son George Graie the lease of a house inhabited by one John FiUan, grinder, " in St Marie port Strete ;" also twenty marks at theage ot twenty-one ; rem. to wife Alice Graie, if he should die before that age. The said Alice to be sole executrix, and have the dwelling house, and all unbequeathed goods, lands, and tenements ; she to be bound "with suertie " to the over seers in the sum of £40 for the performance of the wiU, &c. John Cowper alias Rowland, " Citezen and drap' of the Citie of Bristowe," and AA'illiam Yate, citizen and soapmaker of the same city, to be overseers. Witnessed by John Cowper, William Yate, and David Roberts. Proved Aug. 17th, 1573. 327.— ROGER JONES, grocer, 1574. Sept. 23rd. Testator was of "the Citie of Bristowe," and desired to be buried " in the ground as nere my sonne Edward Jones as maye be ;" also that before all things his debts be " paled to all men." To a preacher that will preach " at my buryall " vjs viijd, Xo sister Higgyns Notes op Brlstol AA'ills. 207 "ablack goune & hoode." Gowns to "my cosen doctor Mathewe," and cousins Buckford, Cother, and Elizabeth Benett. Two gowns to " ray sonne and dowghter," and £'20 to their daughter " litle Besse " at her raarriage. To cousin Syneff a gown, or forty shUUngs in money. Testator having a bond of " my lord Staffords " of £40, bequeaths one half of that sum to cousin Syneff, " yf J doe receyve and be paied the same." Legacies also to my six servants, cousin Richard White, and the poor. AA'Ue Elizabeth to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Son-in-law Richard Moore to be overseer, and have xls. AVitnessed by John Bosswell, Henry Millard, and Nicholas HiU. Proved at London, Oct. 20th, 1574. 328.— WILLIAM CARR, merchant. 1574. Jan. 10th. To be buried in the parish church of St. AA'erburgh, by my late wife, " yff J dy in BristoU. " The executors are solemnly charged to see that all debts be justly and truly paid. The sum of £10 a year to the poor within the said city, out of lands and tenements ; the Mayor and Commonalty to attend to the yearly bestowal of the money. If the good order used within the city should be dissolved and discontinued, then ' ' the maior & corajmalltie of the said citee for the time being shall yeerly forever " pay and distribute the same amount, out of the rents of such lands and tene ments, to the poor in the almshouses on St. James's Back and in Lewens mead, and in those of "the three kinges of Culleine" and St. John's ; £4 of the amount to be for "the poore prisoners of Newgate w* live vppon the bagge." If the Mayor and Commonalty at any time hereafter "raake defalte," then all persons " and boddies politicfue " standing and being seized of such lands and tenements, shall then and from thenceforth stand and be seized thereof, and of every part thereof, "tothonly vse andbehooff" of testator's right hehs for ever. To wUe Anne all goods, plate, jewels, house hold stuff, &c., and £200 ; also, for her life, a yearly rent of £20 out of lands and tenements in AA'oodspring, in the name ot " her Joincture ;'' also tes tator's dwelling house, garden, and orchard " in Balldwinstreete within the said city of Bristoll, during her widdowhed," and half of all the stuff in the said house; also 100 oz. of "plate percell guilte," and 50 oz. of "guylte plate." To son John, and to his heirs for ever, the said dwelling house, garden, and orchard ; also a messuage in the same street, in the tenure of AA'alter Standfast, and a messuage called "Beards land" in Congresbury, CO. Somerset; also half the stuff iu the dweUing house, and 100 oz. of "plate guUte." Testator being bound with Thomas AUdwoorth, merchant, unto the Queen's Majesty, for and with the said John Carr, in one obligation of £800, bearing date Aug. 20th, 15 Eliz., for and concerning " certeine Portingall goods " delivered to the said John Carr, in respect of certain goods of the said John ' ' staled iu Portingall ; " U the said John, and his executors and admin istrators, will at all times acquit and discharge testator's heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, as the said Thomas AUdwoorthe, his heirs, &c., for and concerning the said obligation, and the penalty therein contained ; the said John Carr, and his heirs, &c., at all times permitting testator's executors to execute their office ; then testator releases unto his said son John all debts and duties ' ' w* he oweth vnto me either for moneys or wares lente 208 Notes op Bristol Wills. or sould vnto him : " in case of refusal, " this my releasse shall be voied and of none effecte." Testator having already executed an estate in tail to his son Edward Carr, of and in "the Scite and demeansnes " of Woodspringe, 00. Somerset, and assigned to him a lease in reversion for the term of twenty- one years of and in the parsonages of Worle and Kewstoke, and all right, title, and interest in one close of pasture called " CoUam," in the said county ; now moreover bequeaths to the said Edward all the stock and store of oxen, kine, &c., going or pasturing "in or vpon the demesnes " of Woodspringe, or in Worle, or Kewstoke, geldings and mares excepted ; also irapleraents and furniture of husbandry in Woodspringe, and some of the stuff in the house there ; growing corn, 100 oz. of plate parcel-gilt, and a counting-chest standing on a frame in "my bedd Chamber at orestreete. " To son-in-law WUliam Younge and his wife Anne, testator's daughter, and the heirs of the latter, a teneraent, with garden and orchard ground, in the occupation of Henry Wyate. To Mary Ashe, daughter of John Ashe, and of testator's daughter Margaret, a tenement "in Balldwinstreete," in the occupation of Nicholas Hickes, merchant, with all the wainscot, glass, &c., therein ; in default of issue, rem. to Anne Ashe, another daughter of the said John. Testator having, by indenture, Aug. 8th, 13 Eliz., conveyed to his friends in trust WilUam Young, Richard Cole, and John Ashe, his lease and term of years in the lands and tenements called " the twelve ffarraeis of Weeke Sainct Lawrence," co. Soraerset, " to thonlie vse " of his last will and testament, does now dispose of the whole profits thus : — the executors to receive the yearly rent of £60 for two years, for the benefit of son John Carr ; and, for ten years afterwards, the said rent to be received and paid towards the agreement, satisfaction, or payment of £2000, payable hereafter to Richard Owen for the manors of Congresbury and Lawrence Weeke : and when the person who shall have immediate inheritance of the said manors, at the decease of "ladie Mary Allen," or hereafter, shall raake agreement with the said Richard Owen, his executors and assigns, in the discharge of the said £2000, then testator's executors shall forthwith upon request render up, satisfy, and pay to such person, having inheritance, as shall raake such agreement and satisfaction of the said sura, all such yearly rent as before that time, since the expiration of the said two years, they have received, &c. To the children of William Young, by my daughter Anne, £20 yearly, equally divided among them out of the said rent of £60, for and during twelve years after the expiration of the aforesaid time. To Mary and Anne, daughters of John and Margaret Ashe, £12 out of the said rent, equally divided, for the space of twelve years. To " ray sonne " Richard Colle, and Alice his wife, £18 yearly for the space of twelve years. The residue of the said rent, and all rents and profits during the reraainder of the time after the expiration of the twelve years, to be paid to the person having inher itance of the said manors, and making satisfaction or agreement of or for the £-2000. To son-in-law Richard Cole and his wife Alice, testator's daughter, 300 oz. of parcel-gilt plate. A considerable amount of plate also to son-in-law William Younge, and his wife Anne, and daughters Alice and Anne ; to son-in-law John Ashe, and his daughters Mary and Anne. The sum of £25 for the making or repairing of "highewaies" within fifteen miles of Bristoll. To the marriage of poor maidens in that city xxvj" xiij"- iiijd j ^o one maid to have to her marriage above Notes of Bristol AA'ills, 209 xls. For the clothing of the poor " where neede ys in BristoU " Ix". To servant Edward Barrowe the lease in reversion for twenty-one years in a tenement in Porteshedd, co. Somerset, in the occupation of Thomas Chappell. To servant AA'illiam Oliver the lease in reversion of twenty-one years in one close of pasture called " Carrells hamme," containing eight acres within "the seawall," and three acres "withoute the seawall" in Porteshedd aforesaid, in the occupation of John Stevens, or John Cottrell, To the poor prisoners of Newgate " w'^^ live by the bagg," £20 weekly in bread. To every poor man and woman in every almshouse within Bristoll xijd "to the some of tenn poundes." To servant Edmund Cooke the lease in reversion for twenty-one years in a messuage and tenement, with lands thereunto belonging, in Carswell, in the parish of Portbury, CO. Somerset, in the occupation of WUliam Parker alias Locker, or his assigns. To each of "my frinds " Thomas Kelke, Thomas AUdwoorth, Thomas Rowlannde, and Thomas Symons, merchants, xxs for a ring. To "my frinde " Robert Dowe xx marks " for his chilldren.'' To " my cosen " WUliam Bithesea v", and a good gown. To the marriage of the daughter of Thomas Haines of Bristoll, dwelling " w'" William James wyfe widowe in Sainct James p'ishe," £10. Legacies also to every maid servant, "myfreind" John Jacob, Johu Blande, and Elizabeth Blande. All " myne apparell " unto my children and friends. Richard Colle and John Ashe to be executors, and have £20 apiece. Residue of goods to go towards the pajrment of the said sum of ^62000 to that person, or persons, which shall make agreement or satisfaction of the same to the said Richard Owen, or to his assigns. William Younge, 'Thomas AUdwoorth, Thomas Rowlande, and Thomas Simons, over seers. Witnessed by Thomas AUdwoorth and Thomas Rowlannde. "Probatum fuit in cur' prerogativa Anno d'ni 15/5" : no mention of day or month. There is however a copy of the wil at Somerset House, Pyckering, 21, frora which we learn that it was proved on May 16th, in that year. 329.— JOHN CUTT. 1571. Jan. 10th. Testator, who was " of Bristow marchaunte and late Maior there," desired to be buried in the parish church of St. Werburgh. To his wUe Joan the manor and lordship of Burnett, co. Somerset, with all houses, lands, &c., appertaining thereto, and all other lands, tenements, &c., in Wells, Burnett, and elsewhere in that county, for the term of sixty years, " if she so longe lyve ;" rem. to son William Cutt and his lawful heirs male ; in def., rera. to son Nicholas Cutt and his heirs male ; in def., rem. to son Matthew Cutt. To the said Joan, for sixty years, the parsonage of Chewton Kemshara in Somerset, with the tithes and profits belonging to the same, and the yearly profits and coraraodities in Broadmead lying in the same parish ; rem. to son Matthew for eighty years, he paying £4 yearly to WUliam Cutt and his heirs male, who are afterwards to inherit this pro perty ; in def., rem. to the said Nicholas Cutt and his heirs male ; in def., rem. to the said Matthew. To the said Joan, for sixty years, testator's dwelling house in Bristowe, in Comestreet, and all hia other lands, tene ments, &c., in the city, except the property already given to son Nicholas ; rem. to the said Nicholas. To son WiUiam £100, on condition of his being bound to his mother in the sum of £500, that she and her assigns shall or may 210 Notes op Bristol Wills. quietly have and enjoy the aforesaid manor of Burnett, &c. To son Matthew £100 at the age of twenty-one. To daughter Bridget £33 6s. 8d. over and above the £100 delivered to brother-in-law John Ritche ; the said sums to be paid at the day of her marriage. To the said John Ritche a ring of gold of the value of forty shillings. A scarlet gown to son Nicholas. A gown " furred with geunyttes " to son-in-law John Bisse ; and a cassock of damask and satin coat to the children of the said John. A gown lined with satin, &c., to son- in-law Robert Sanforde. A velvet coat to brother-in-law Thomas Kelke. Son WilUam to have the rest of the apparel. The sum of £4 to the poor people of the almshouse " in the marshe in Bristowe." To "my poore woorckmen," the tuckers, and others, £6. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be sole executrix. The aforesaid Thomas Kelke, John Bisse, Robert Sanford, and Nicholas Cutt, overseers. Testator forgives and remits to his said son William " all suche debtes as he doethe owe vnto me," on condition of his en tering into the abovesaid bond of £500 to his said mother. Witnessed by Thomas Kelke, Robert Sanford, John Dye, and Nicholas Cutt. Proved "in cur' prerogatiua" before Thomas Godwin, dean of the cathedral church, 1575 : no mention of day or month. The will was proved on June 10th, in that year, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Pyckering, 24, 330,— JOHN ROCKWELL, brewer, 1572, July 18th. Testator was of "thep'ysheof S* Mariporte within the citee of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the church of that parish, "by Mr Edwardes tombe." Mr. Huntington, the preacher, was to "make a Sermon in the daye of my buriall " in the said parish church, and have for his pains vjs viijd sterUng. To William Gibbes twenty quarters of malt. To William Greene twenty quarters of malt, and iij" x' sterling ; also ij", due to testator from William Mays of Laffords Yate, and ij" viijs, due from Mr Lacy of the same part. To John Rockwell £14, due from Stephen Spur- lock " of the redlion in redclyff Streete," and two dozen of " Standes." To son William Rockwell both the furnaces, with "all the vates Trendills and kives," the mill, the .well, and all other implements " that belongethe vnto my brewhowse ;" but wife Katharine to have and occupy all these things during her life. The dwelling house, after her decease, to son Gilbert. To Joan Tailor xls j also, for her life, the tenement inhabited by John FiUian ; rem. to her brother Richard Tailor for his lUe, and after wards to testator's son William and his heirs. To son-in-law William Gibbes " two Crewses of Silver," &c., bnt wife Katharine to have the use of them while a pure widow. To sons Gilbert and William twenty quarters of malt apiece, and wood to " brew it withall. " To William Rockwell of Barton hundred ij" sterling ; also " his bed w"=" he lieth vpon," &c.« Legacies also to Nicholas Greene, and his brother Anthony Greene, Richard 'Tailor, and servants Ellin and Hugh. Wife Katharine to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Mr John Horte and WiUiam Gybbes overseers : and "J geve to the said Master John Horte for his pains to be taken in this behaulf xiijs iiijd." -Witnessed by John Gregory, clerk, Nicholas Robins, John Kemsham, Anthony Phillips, WUliam Greene, and others. Proved " in cur' prerogatiua," Oct, 9th, 1572. Notes of Bristol Wills. 211 The register of burials in the parish of St. Mary-le-port, Bristol, contains these entries : — John Rockewell, brewer, July 22nd, 1572 ; Gilbert Bockewell, householder, Aug. 9th, 1573; John Gregorie "the minister," AprU 10th, 1579 ; Katharine Rockewell, widow, April 8th, 1583. 331.— ROGER CLASBOCK. 1575. June 10th. Testator was of the parish of Temple, in the city of Bristow, and deshed to be buried in the churchyard there. To William, Maud, Alice, and Elizabeth Clasbock, the children of his son John late deceased, £20 13s. 4d. equally divided, that sum being in the hands of his son-in-law Jenkine Apphowell ; to be paid within twenty days after testator's death to the Mayor of this city, who is to dispose of the same to such person or persons as seem most meet and convenient according to his discretion with the advice of the overseers ; the same person or persons putting in sufficient sureties to bring up the said children at his or theh own proper costs and charges, and pay the portions bequeathed to them at the age of twenty, or when married, according to " the custome for orphantes vsed wthin (sic) this Citie." All household stuff to Jane Powell, daughter of testator's daughter, except one platter and one pottinger, which his kinswoman Elizabeth Clasbock is to have. The aforesaid Jenkine Aphowell to be sole executor, and have all the rest of the goods and money. Mr. John Barnes, Mr. Randall Hassald, William Nicholls, and Milles Evans, overseers, to whom vjs viijd " to be bestowed vppon a breakefast at suche time as they shall thincke goode." Witnessed by Mr. Edward Porter, No record of proof. The Temple parish register records the burial of Maud Clasbock, a child, Aug. 1st., and of Roger Clasbock, Aug. 8th, 1575 ; the letter " p," evidently standing for "plague," being inserted opposite to both, and indeed nearly all the entries of burials (a very considerable number) which took place in that year, 332,— JOHN NORTH ALL, pewterer, 1572. Feb. 16th. Testator was of "thecyteeof Bristoll," and d^ired to be " honestlie and decently buried" within his parish church called Christ Church ; and that an " honest preacher " should preach a sermon at his burial, and be paid vjs viijd. He willed that those feoffees whom he had chosen and put in special trust, named and specified in a deed of feoffment bearing date "the said xxvj'" daie (sic) of ffebruary," 15 Eliz., and their heirs, should stand and be seized of his dwelling house and appurtenances in " Wine streete," in the aforesaid parish, to his use for life and that of his wife Elizabeth during her life, in full recompense of her jointure, and dower of all his lands, tenements, &c., within Bristoll or elsewhere ; rem. to the use of son Rowland Northall and his wife Elizabeth during their lives ; rem. John to Northall, eldest son of the said Rowland, and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to the heir male of the said Rowland ; in def., rera. to the said Rowland's daughters; in def., rem. to "theirs " of John Ades of Bristoll, pewterer, by his late wUe Elizabeth, testator's daughter; in. def., rem. to brother Thomas Northall and his legitimate heirs. The said feoffees, after testator's decease, are to stand seized of the messuage iu the High-street, held by the said John Ades at a rent of " vij" by theere," to the use of the said Rowland, and of Elizabeth his wife, during their lives ; rem. to the p 2 212 Notes op Bristol AA'ills. said John Northall, son of Rowland, and bis legitimate male issue ; rem. to the heirs of the said John and Elizabeth Ades, it the said Rowland should leave no male or feraale heirs ; rem. to brother Thomas Northall, U the said John and Elizabeth should be s.p. The feoffees are also to stand and be seized of a tenement in Baldwin-street inhabited by AVilliam Mills "the Searcher," and also of a tenement in the said parish of Christ Church, in the tenure of Humphrey Androwes, and a tenement in the tenure of George Roselie, fletcher, to the use of the said Rowland and his wife Eliza beth during their lives ; rem. to John, son of Rowland, and his heirs. To the said Rowland a messuage or tenement in AA'olverhampton, co. Stafford ; rem, to the use of the said John Northall, son of Rowland, and his legiti mate hehs. Any doubt or question that may arise as to the disposition of the inheritance of these lands, tenements, &c., to be explained by testator's friend Mr. Reade, to whom ' ' J have imparted ray inj'nde at lardge before the making of the same will." AVUe Elizabeth to have the use of all fur naces, brewing utensils, horse-mills, mUl-horses, drays, &c. , and be bound with two good and sufficient sureties to Thomas Younge of Bristoll, grocer, WiUiam Reade of Bristoll, esquhe, and John Athall, the overseers of this will, to yield up these things to son Rowland, his executors and assigns "ymeadiatlie after my decease :'' Rowland to occupy for his lUe ; rem. to his said son John. To wife Elizabeth all the money she has ' ' to hie and sell withall ;" also all the malt and wood in the mansion-house, and certam household stuff. To each of the three daughters of the said Rowland, at the age of eighteen, or the tirae of marriage, £20, out of the £200 due from John Ades. To the children of my said son-in-law John Ades, by daughter Elizabeth, £20 "by even porcions" at the age of eighteen, or the time of mar riage. To the poor of the city ot Bristoll £10. To Ellen Northall, daughter of son Rowland, a " nutt enclosed w'" Silver and gilte of aocorne woorcke and a cover gilte for the same." Legacies also to Joan and Elizabeth Northall, the other daughters of the said Rowland, and Elizabeth his wife, Leonard Pope, and John Hall " my wyves kynsman," and the overseers of the will. The ^aid John Northall, son of the said Rowland, to have the residue, and be sole executor. WUliam Reade and Thomas Younge, or the survivor of them, to assign and appoint what fee the said John Athall shall yearly have for the gathering and paying ot the rent of "my said landes." Witnessed by Edward Dowting, Hugh Barrett, and Leonard Pope. Testator added a " Codicill nuncupatyve " in his dwelling house in Wine-street, in the presence of his daughter-in-law Elizabeth, wUe of Rowland NorthaU, July 29th, 1574, in order to bequeath certain sums of money to Elizabeth "his owne wief," his three maid-servants, and the three daughters of his son Rowland. Witnessed by John Hunte, Agnes CoUman, Elizabeth Risby, John Greene, Alice Reade, Joan Cox, and others. Proved "in cur' p'rogaf," June 5th, 1575. 333.— GEORGE ROWSLEY, Sept. 26th. Testator was of " the cytee of Bristowe and of the parishe of Christchurch, " and desired to be buried within. the church of that parish. To brother Anthony " ray rugg gowne my fryse ierkm and my mouldes of breeches and the breeches." To servant Robert Priest £10, to be " paicd of the rent of my shoppe r'c'd at S' James tide from yere to yere at Notes op Bristol AA'ills. 213 my wyves discretion." To Edith Priest, and cousin Agnes Priest, £10 apiece. WUe Alice to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Witnessed by Richard Howseman, Margaret Thurston, and others. Proved Oct. 2-2nd, 1575. 334.— THOMAS BETTES, "yeman." 1575. Oct. 13th. Testator, who was of the parish of St, Nicholas "w'"in the cytee of Bristoll," desired to be buried in " S' Nicholas crowde." To every one of " my wives childrens children " forty shillings apiece. To son-in-law John Bonner all the debts owing to testator. Loving wife Welthian to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Witnessed by Thomas Addams, ropemaker, Thoinas Grove, " sayler," Joan wife of Lewes Philippes, baker, with divers others. Proved " in cur' p'rogativa,'' Nov. 29th, 1575, Administration to the aforesaid Welthian. 335.— HUGH MATHOW. 1575. July 24th. To be buried at the discretion of " my exeoutrice." To my three children, Thomas, Margaret, and Amy, xx", to be equally divided, and paid at the age of eighteen, "and not before." If all should die before that age, wife Agnes to have the said raoney. To brother Nicholas Mathew (sic) forty shillings, and all wearing garments "saving only my best gowne." WUe Agnes to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Brother-in-law John Adies, overseer. Witnessed by John Bun-owes, Edward Davis, James Farley, and Roger Rice " person of S' Johnes in Bristowe." Proved Aug. 18th, 1575. 336.— WILLIAM RIDGES, taUor. 1575. Sept. 26th. Testator was of " the cytie of Bristow," and be queathed his body "to the earth from whence yt came." To son William a standing bed, with " a tester of drapry and hedd of y« same ;" also a great chest, a table board, " w'" aU thiraplem'«s in the Parlo" and a bible." To daughter Elizabeth Ridges a new standing bed, &c., and " a spruse chest of xls." WUe Mary to have the residue, and be executrix. Witnessed by John Grigg, clerk, Hugh Jones, and Davy Philippes, Proved before William Jones, doctor of laws, official of the whole diocese of Bristoll, Oct. 7th, 1575. Adm'on to Mary Ridges, executrix named in the wUl. The register of the parish of St. Nicholas, Bristol, records the burial of William Ridges, Sept. 27th, 1575. 337.— JOHN PAINE alias FLETCHER, draper. 1575. July 2'2nd. Testator, who was of the parish of St. Nicholas "wt"inthe cytee of Bristow," wiUed that his body be "buryed in xp'ien buriall w*"in the parish church of Abergainy,'' and bequeathed to John James, vicar of that town, ten shUlings for a mortuary. To eldest son Toby, sons William and John, eldest daughter Alice, and daughters Agnes, Mary, and Elizabeth, £5 apiece. Unto Hughes xx». To wife Alice Paine the 214 Notes of Bristol Wills. lease of the dwelling house, all household stuff, &c. ; also, during her " wydow- hedd," after the decease of testator's mother, the house inhabited by his said mother ; rem. to eldest son Toby. My " welbeloved wyfe Alice Paine " to be sole executrix. Mr. Robert Saxey and Mr. John Browne, aldermen of "the cytee of Bristoll," overseers. AVitnessed by Frances Jones, "Elyno"^ Jones al's viz' Rees, Joane viz' Thomas," and James Blan. Proved " in cur ' p'rogativa," Nov, 2nd, 1575, 338, -JOHN BOYDELL, 1575. Aug. 15th. Testator was " of the cytee of Bristoll vyntener," and deshed to be buried " w'"in the parish church of the holy Trynitee of Bristoll comonly called Christchurche ;" also that at his burial there be made a sermon by Mr. Northbroke, or by some other " learned and discreete person," and "for the same sermon so to be made J geve xK" To son Benjamin Boydell £20. To son Giles Boydell £20 at the age of twenty- three. To son Robert Boidle £20 at the age of twenty-one. To sons Nicholas, Richard, WUliam, and John Boydell £-20 apiece at the age of twenty-one. To son Ralph Boidell £20 at the same age. To daughter Alice Boydell £40 at the same age, or when married. To daughter Elizabeth, wUe to Christopher AVodward, one of testator's " stone Cuppes or cruses w'" a cover of Sylver." To daughter Anne, wUe to Richard Honye, " one other of my stone Cruses," &c. To son-in-law Richard Honie £20. To Mary Woodwarde, daughter of the said Christopher, £5 at the age of twenty-one ; and £5 to her brother Richard Woodwarde at the same age, WUe Elizabeth to occupy testator's dwelling house " beinge now a Taverne and called by the name of the Horshedd scituate in Wynestreete in Bris- tcwwe (sic) aforesaid ; " also to have " the occupac'on " and profits of that tenement in "the Highe streete of Bristowe" in the occupation of William Newton, and lately in the tenure of Arthur Hamonde, for the term of sixty years, if she " doe so longe lyve ;" and of the teneraent in the occupation of AVilliam Yeman, the elder, in the same street ; the said three messuages or tenements being held by two several leases, the one made to testator by David Harries, grocer, for forty-nine years, and ratified and confirmed by " the Deane and Chapter of the Cathedrall churche of the holly Trynitie of Bristowe lordes of the premisses ;" the other, by the said dean and chapter for sixty years : son Benjamin to have the use, occupation, and profits ot all three tenements after the death of wife Elizabeth. If the said Benjamin should decease before "the determinac'on " of the said terms of years, son Giles to succeed him. If all the sons should decease, then daughter Alice, &c. The said Benjamin, while holding the three tenements, to provide for his sister Alice, and, after her marriage, to pay her a yearly sum of twenty shUlings : the holder of the said three tenements to be bound to the Mayor and Comraonalty in the sum of £1000, to observe the leases, &c. WUe Elizabeth to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Mr. Richard Cole, Christopher Woodwarde, Edward Lewes, and Johu Dye, overseers, to whom five shillings apiece. Witnessed by Richard Honie, GUes Boydle, and John Dye, No record of probate : but the wUl was proved Oct. 29th, 1575, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Pyckering, 37. Notes op Bristol Wills, 215 Then foUows a schedule of the wainscot, " seaUnge worke," &c., in the tavern called the " Horsse hedd in Wynestreete. " There was "a presse w'" iiij<"^ romes to sett Tavern pottes vppon ;'' also "a seate of Drapery w'" iij» Cupbordes and lockes and keis to the same " for him or her that receiveth the money for the "wyne;" also " a glassewindowe all glased," &c. The teneraent in the High-street, " wherein Will'm Yeman' thelder nowe dwellethe," contained hall, parlor, kitchen ; also the " AUer " in which there was "an oulde Cheste," 339,— JOHN STONE, 1575. June 24th. Testator was ot the parish of Temple iu " the citie of Bristowe," and deshed to be buried in the church of that parish "in the north sydeof thechancell by the northe wynde." To Mr. Northbrocke " to preache my ffunerauU Sermon xs, yf he be at whome at that time," otherwise some other preacher "shall have yt to preache at my funerauU tenne shillingas." The sum of forty shUlings unto the vicar of Temple, Sir Richard Barwycke. To " the CatheadrauU churche of Sayncte Augustines " iijs iiijd. Xo the poor people ot the parish of Temple £3. To those of the city £5. To those of the city almshouses £5. Forty shillhigs unto " the poore prysoners " of Newgate. To John Freeman " my -wyves dawghtors Sonne " £20, after the said wife's decease. Sums of money also, after her decease, to the three children of Henry Stone, to Anthony son of William Stone, Thomas Appowell, William Oldbearye, Robert Wolforde's two chUdren, and WUliam "my boy." To John son of William Stone, after her decease, the fee simple of testator's dwelling house, and the drapery about the house, "withe the Brewhowse," &c. ; also the mUl, three horses, &c. If the said John should die under the age of twenty-one, or without law ful issue, rem. to Anthony Stone. It the said Anthony should so die, rem. to "the nexte of my kynne," namely, William Oldbearie, otherwise called Lamberd. To the same William Oldbearye, after wUe Joan's decease, the house inhabited by Edward Buscon, " payeing therfore to the chamber of Bristow by theere xvd." Legacies also to my mother-in-law M'''s Stand- bancke, men-servants, maid-servants, and Elizabeth Stone, widow. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be whole executrix. Mr. Anthony Stand- bancke and Edmund Robartes, overseers, to each of whom forty shillings. Witnessed by Richard Barrwyck, vicar of Temple, and Mr, Anthony Stand- bancke, with others. Proved "in cur' p'rogativa," Aug. 1st, 1575. 340.— JOHN COTTRELL, 1575. Oct. 28th. Testator was "of the City of BristoU march'unte," and desired that his body be buried " wheare it shall pleas my lorde god & Savioure Jhesus christe for that vppon the departure to Sea." To son James the sum of £200 "starling in monie" of the goods "w°" J lefte in England ;" also the lease of testator's dwelling house "in Chrestmas street in Bristoll," with all implements and furniture ; but wife Alice to have the same house " vntill my sayed Sonne corae to the ffuU age, yff she do so longe lyve :" also to him "my Chayne of golde whiche J leafte at whom." To daughter Alice £200 ; also " my best dyamounte Gold rynge," &c. If God should " send the myniken and the domynycke of Bristoll well whome in 216 Notes or Bristol AVills. Saffetye then J do geve more ^•nto my Sonne James £300, my leas Chayne," &c. To daughter Katharine £50, &c. ; also, after "the Save ary vault of the said Shippes won hundreth pounde :" and £100 to daughter AUce. To every godchUd " a noble A pese of Corraunte monney w^" is vjs viijd." Legacies also to sisters Ydde SUvester and Joan Frye, brother SUvester, and the poor people of the almshouses iu the Marsh and at Michael's hUl, AA'Ue Alice to have the residue of goods, lands, &c , and be executrix. Mr. Thomas Chester " of Bristoll AUderman," overseer, to whom " J do geve for a Token a gould rynge withe a torkes stone." Witnessed by Richard Barrett, Edward Morris, and Thomas Barnes. No record of probate : but the wUl was proved April 5th, 1576, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Carew, 1. 341,— THOMAS ROBARTES, clothier. 1574. Sept. 7th. Testator was " of the parrishe of the Temple in the cytie of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried in the_ church of that parish. The sum of £5 to the poor there ; and £5 to the poor of the city. Unto "the Tenne Almeshousses " ten shillings apiece. Unto "the mendinge of highe waies aboute Bristoll " £10. Forty shUlings unto the prisoners of Newgate. To my mother Margaret Robertes £10. To " my suster Mar garet Cee" £10; and £10 to each of her three chUdren. Unto "myne Aunte Langeforde " and cousin Browne forty shUlings apiece. Unto my servante, besides their wages, xUjs Uijd "a peece.'' To brother AA'Uliam Robartes "all suche debte as he owethe me." To brother Harry all that he oweth, as well for John Large as himself. Testator's apparel to be equally divided between his brother Edmund Robertes, Peter See, and Arthur See "his sonne." AA'Ue Alsey to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Thomas Kyrklande, testator's " Brother Lawe," and Edmund Robartes, his brother, to be overseers, and have forty shillings apiece. Witnessed by Richard Barwick, " vickar of Temple," and John Barrens. On Sept. 10th, 1574, additions were made to the will and testament : Sister See to have "one Chaine of goulde beinge in valew woorth iiij" ;" and her two daughters xxs apiece. To brother John Robartes " my golde rynge w*" the scale of Annes." To Mary Robartes, brother Edmund's daughter, "one Portigewe of goulde." To William Cooke " one peece of goulde of xxs." To the wife of brother John Robertes, and the wUe of brother Edraund Robartes, xxs apiece. AA'itnessed by Sir Richard Barrwick, vicar of Temple, and John Barons. No record of probate : but the will was proved Aug. 5th, 1575, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Pychering, 32. 342.— JOHN AVHITE. No date. Testator describes himself as "of the citie of Bristowe and of the p'yshe of the blessed Trynitie in the same Citie Showraaker and Jnholder." To be buried within the church of the said parish. To Richard Howseman " oure Curate " iijs jiijd. Xo sou Thomas the lease of a house ; testator's wife to enjoy it till he is twenty-one, givmg him vjs viiijd " everee yeere " for the rent. If Thoinas should die before that age, she is to ' ' dispose " Notes of Brlstol AA'ills. 217 it to one or more of the chUdren. The sum of £10 " to ffinde him at Scoole." To daughter Margaret £20 at the day of her raarriage. To daughters Joyce, Joan, and Agnes, £10 apiece when raarried. If " ray wief do mary agayne," she is to pay to "everie ot them xx" apece." Johu RotheU to have the best gown, and Thomas Nelmes the second gown. WUe Joan to have the residue, and be sole executrix. John RotheU and Thomas Nelmes overseers, to whom ten shUlmgs apiece. Witnessed by the said John and Thomas, and Richard Howseman, " withe other more." Proved before WUliam Jones, doctor of laws, Nov. Uth, 1575, 343.— EDMOND JONES, 1573. Nov. 15th. Testator was of the city of Bristol, clothier, and willed that his body be " buryed as the Tabernacle of a Christian mans Soule in the parrishe churche yeard of Saincte Nich'as wt"in the said citie wheare my father and mother do lye." To " the. vicarye " there, for tithes for gotten, vjs. Wife Agues to have, for her life, aU the lands and tenements possessed by testator in fee simple " in the parrysshe of Saincte Mighill within the coun'tye of the citie of Bristowe ; " rera. to Edmond Jones, son of brother John Jones of the said city, draper, and to his legitimate hehs ; the property to be enjoyed by the said Agnes without any suit or trouble on the part of the said John, and of Edmond and John, his sons ; in default of issue, rem. to the said John Johnes (sic), brother of the said Edmond, add his heirs, ' ' vppon like condic'on above wrytten " ; in def. , rem. to William Jones, son of brother Thomas ; in def , rem. to " my righte heires foreu'raore." WUe Agnes to have the use of the dwelling house upon the Back of the said city, during testator's term of years ; if she should decease before the end of the term, rem. to the aforesaid " Edmond Jones the Sonne " during the rest of the said term. She is also to have the use and occupation of a " wonrck house," four tenements, and six gardens, and of all the houses held by lease "for terme of yeers " of the demise of Henry Weston, esquire, situate in Bristow, " in a Streete theare called Rackly" within the parish of St. Nicholas; also of two furnaces, &c., in that street ; rem. to the said John Jones, brother to the said Edmond, if she should decease before the end of the term or lease. To brother John Jones a great spruce table board, standing " in ray Haull above " in the dwelling house ; also a standing cup with a cover of silver and double-gilt " w* was my fathers," on condition that wife Agnes is allowed peaceable occupation of all this legacy during ' ' her naturall lief. " To Roger Jones, son of brother John, a silver goblet parcel-gilt, weighing by estimation xvj oz., and two dozen silver spoons weighing eight oz. To my brother Thomas Cooke "aCloke cloth" of the value of vjs viijd the yard. To EUzabeth and , daughters of the same Thomas, "and to everye of thera v yardes of ffyne ffryse," of the price of xx pence the yard. To Nicholas Gaynaforde and Walter Dowle " a goulde ryng " apiece. To Jane Dixon, Joan Bonner, and Elizabeth Ingeinan, daughters to brother Thoraas Jones, "a Cassocke clothe" apiece. To John Jones, son of the said Thomas, "a gowne clothe of Sheepes coUoure." Legacies also to Roger, Richard, and William, sons of the said Thomas Jones, John son of Thomas Cooke, Letice Dull, and " Luce " Gainsford. AVife Agnes to have the residue, and be aole executrix. Philip 218 Notes of Bristol AA'ills, Langley and George Badram overseers, to each of whom a gown cloth of the the value of xls, " or elles xls a peece in money at theyre ellection." Wit nessed by Leonard Pope, George Badram, and Philip Langleye, Proved " in cur' p'rogatiua," AprU 7th, 1576. 344.— AVILLIAM BODMAN, shipwright. 1575. Sept. 4th. Testator was of the parish of St. Stephen, in the city of Bristowe, and deshed to be buried in the " churchiarde " of that parish. To the relief of the poor, sick, and needy there, vjs vUjd. To "my fower ChUldren " £10 apiece. Unto " eu'ie of my p'ntices one pece of eu'y kinde of my Tooles." To John Warfourde "my best Jerkin and breeches Saving one." One suit ot apparel to be bought for son John " that is iu the marget." Twenty shillings to "Mathew my maide." The sum of £10, ' ' that was the bequeaste ot my ffather," to be paid to " my Systre Wellthiane or to her Assign'." Testator leaves " the purchase of AVeste Weston" to his son Thomas, " to enioie it as his owne for it is his purchase." But wUe Margaret to have the goods, household stuff, &c. , there ; also the rest of the goods in Bristowe, and be sole executrix. AViUiam Evance, of Weare, and Randall Wilbram overseers, to each of whom xs. AVitnessed by John Knighte, " ghostly counselor," John Fletcher, John Gryffith, mariner, John Whyte, and others. Proved " in our' p'rogativa," Dec. 5th, 1575, 345.— THOMAS FITTZ JEPFREIS, honmonger. In the margin Fitzieffrey. 1575, Oct. 3rd. Testator was of the parish of St. Nicholas. His body "to thearthe." The sum of £5 to the poor of Bristoll, at the discretion of Mr. Northebroock, preacher, and Mr. Thomas Simondes, merchant. To William AVillson, son of wUe's first husband, one standing bed, &c. To ,^lice Mefflin, sister of the said WUliam, a " bedsteede," &c., and xxs in money. To wife's son Lewes Coston xxs. To Alice Coston, her daughter, xs : the legacies of the said Lewes and Alice to remain in the keeping of their mother Anne while they are under age. If they should both die, rera. to brother John Fittz Jeffrey, to whom also £10. To testator's sister, Robert Abbott's wife, dwelling " in Tesbury p'ish," £10. To Thomas Fittz Jeffrey, son of brother Edward, and Matthew Fytts' Jeflfrey, "my Sister Elyzabethes Sonne," £10 apiece. WUe Anne Fittz Jeffreie to have the residue, and be executrix. Master John Northbroock, preacher, Thomas Symons, and Christopher Flower, supervisors. AA'itnessed by Mr. John Northebrock, WiUiam Thomas, Hugh Watkyns, Agnes Hailes, Jane Jones, and Lewes Coston. " By me Thoms' ffittz Jeffreye." Proved before William Jones, doctor of laws, Deo. 5th, 1575. The register of the parish of St. Nicholas records the burial of Thomas feetsgefferis, Oct. 6th, 1575. 346.— AMBROSE DAVIES. 1575. Aug. 28th. Testator was of "the Mydle Temple of the citie of London," and deshed to be buried in the parish church of Temple (at Bristol). The sum ot £5 unto the poor folks of that parish. To Richard Davies the fee simple of all testator's lands. If the said Richard should Notes op Bristol Wills. 219 decease before the age of twenty-one, or other-wise without lawful issue, rem. to Katharine Davies. To the sarae Katharine the house inhabited by John Barro. To Richard Horner £10. To Davye Owldfielde £8. Alice Homer to have the best " ffetherbedd." Legacies also to Hugh Carroo, John James, and his wiie, and Dorothy Bene. Richard and Katharine Davies to be executors, and enjoy the residue of the goods when twenty-one years of age. Sh Richard Barwick and Richard Horner to be overseers, and ' ' see me honestly brought in yearthe." To the forraer xls. Witnessed by David Ouldfielde, John James, Hugh Carowe, Sir Richard Barwick " vicker of Temple," and others. Proved before Thomas Goodwyn, " sacre Theolog' professore," Sept. 6th, 1575. The Teraple parish register records the burial of Ambrose Davis, Sept. lat, 1575 ; the letter " p " being opposite to the entry. 347.— JOHN ROWLAND. No date. Testator's -wife Elizabeth to have all his household stuff; also, on the safe arrival of all his adventures, araounting to £300 and upwards, "as by my boke of remembraunce appereth," she is to enjoy the one half, "howsoever yt fall out w'" Losse or galnes ; " and son Thomas the other hah ; on condition of theh giving to testator's sisters, " Luce " and Agnes, twenty marks apiece, and to his father, Richard Rowland, £20. If wUe Elizabeth should bear another child, and it " do come to age," it is to have £50 out of " his mothers & brothers porcion." It the said EUzabeth should marry again, uncle Mark Wardford is to take unto him the aforesaid Thomas, with his portion of goods, until he is twenty-one years of age, putting in " suffycient suerties." If "the child happen to dye" before that age, testator's father and mother to have the use of his goods, which are after wards to remain equally to sisters "Luce" and Agnes. The best gown to brother Nicholas Langford ; and to my sister Joan, his wife, "ray ring w'" the Turkey stone w'=" J weare. '' To father-in-law John Langley " ray ring of JemoUes" ; and unto my mother-in-law " ray bachelers salt being silver and guilt." To brother-in-law Thomas, their son, "ray whistle w'" hath a Toothe Piker in hira " both of silver and gilt. Legacies also to brother Richard Langley, sister-in-law Elianor Young, and WilUara and Mark, chUdren of uncle Mark Wardford. Testator leaves for overseers of this last will, to be accomplished according to his ti-ue meaning, Mr. George — , John Webb, father-in-law John Langley, and aforesaid uncle Mark, to whom xxs apiece. Witnessed by Marks Warford and Lewes Dawkin. Proved " in cur' p'rogatiua," May 18th, 1576. 348.— JOHN CURTIES. 1576. May 16th. Testator was " of the citie of Bristoll Cooke," and deshed to be buried in the church of "all saintes otherwise called Alhal- lowes w'"in the citie of Bristoll aforesaid, where my mother was buryed." The sum of twenty shillings for the poor on the day of burial. To son Thomas £24 when twenty-one years of age ; wUe Elizabeth to have the bringing up of him ; also, to the said Thomas and his heirs, testator's dwelling house with all " drapery wayneskott glasse wyndowes," &c., after 220 Notes of Brlstol Wills, the said Elizabeth's death. If Thomas should decease s.p., rem. to daughter Margery and her hehs. The said Margery to have £24 "in the daye of her mariage"; also a whole "garniahe" of pewter vessels of the best sort, a " brasse crook," &c., and " one table bourde w'" a frame standing over the Walters June dore." Testator gives and bequeaths vjs viijd to " the M" and Company of taylors w'"in the city of Bristoll for a token of remembraunce. " To Joan Burchall " my maide " vjs viijd. To son Thomas " my golde ringe w'" a scale in yt." WUe Elizabeth to be sole executrix, have the residue of goods, and possess and enjoy the messuage or tenement "for terme of her naturall liffe." Walter Davies, glover, and David Jones, innholder, to be overseers, and have xijd apiece. Witnessed by Richard Langton, notary public, Julian Betham, Joan Burchall, William Hobbes, and others. Proved before Felix Lewes "legu' doctore," June 8th, 1576. 349.— EDWARD PORTER, draper. 1577. April 12th. Testator was of " thecyteeof Bristoll," and deshed to be buried "in the crowde of S' Nicholas at the staires foote there," bequeathing the sum of twenty shillings for repairing and mending ' ' the staires there," to be paid to "the Proctors" of the parish ''ymediatly after the same ys amended." The sura of £20 to "poore people" in the said city. To brother Simon Porter £10, to be paid yearly in sums of forty shillings at the feast of St. James the Apostle, until the said raoney be "truely contented & paied " ; the said yearly payraent to cease, if the said Simon should decease before any or all of the days of payment. To brother John Porter £10, to be paid in like manner. To Joan, Rose, William, and Margaret Porter, children of the said brother John, now and long before in testator's keeping, £400, equally divided ; the said William to have his money at the age of twenty-six, and the others to have theirs at their marriage, or at the age of twenty, if not then raarried. Wife Elizabeth to have the occupation of £-200 ot that sura in the mean time, putting in good and sufficient sureties to ' ' the father ot Orphantes w''"in the said cytee " ; the other £200 to be in the keeping ot testator's overseers. The said Eliza beth to have the residue ot goods, and be sole executrix. Brother-in-law Thomas Kelke " of the cytee of Bristow Alderman," Walter Pikes, Richard Cole, and Thomas Pytt, overseers. Witnessed by Thomas Kelke, Walter Pikes, Thoraas Pytt, and George Baldwin. Proved " in cur' p'rogativa," April I9th, 1577. 350.— JOHN HOLLAND, glover, 1575. Aug. 14th. Testator was of "the citye of Bristoll," and willed that his body be "buryed at the discretion ot ray Executrix." To son Harry, after the decease of wife Dorcas, and to his heirs for ever, the garden "att Stony Hyll" ; the forepart of the house which was one Murcock's tenement, " viz all the yeres vnexpyred in the same"; " my Bedd that J Lye on," &o.; and also, after " my raothers deathe," the house in Conway ; and all the goods bequeathed to testator by his father. In default of issue, the said house in Conway to remain to Hugh Thomas, "ray susters soime," and his heirs; in def., rem. to "my syster" and her heirs for ever. To daughter Alice the second bed in the forechamber, five silver spoons, " my Notes of Bristol AA'ills, 221 greate crock," &c. ; also all the years unexpired in the whole house inhabited by Kerry. To brother Sir Harry Holland " my best gowne faced w*" boudge." To Hugh Bro-wne "my Chamlett bretches & the raouldes &, also a cassock sUke grograine," being in the house of Nicholas Rice, tailor. Legacies also to Justinian Elston, James Thomas, Robert Sadler, and Roger Rice " p'son." WUe Dorcas to have the residue, and be sole executrix " yf so be that she shall recover of this her Sicknes," If she should die, tes tator's two chUdren to be executors : and U they also " do decease of this Sicknes," then Hugh Thomas, Katharine Taylor, and testator's two "systrein in Law," Margaret and Charity Greneway, to be executors. Sh Humphrey Brickdall, Justinian Elston, and Hugh Browne, smith, to be overseers, and each to have xijd. Witnessed by John Yeroth the younger, Justinian Elston, Robert Sadler, James Thomas, and the aforesaid Roger Rice, Proved " in Cur' prerogativa," Oct. 24th, 1575. The register of the parish of St. John records the burial of John Holland, Aug. 15th, 1575 ; also the baptism of his son Henry, Oct. Uth, 1572, and of his daughter AUce, AprU 7th, 1574. 351.— JOHN HOLLYSTER. In the margm HoUaster. 1575. July 29th. Testator was " of the citie of Bristoll Marchaunt." Hia body " to the yearth wherehence yt came." To the Chamber of BristoU £10, to be " ymployed in woode att the key at every springe of the yere," to serve the poor of the city in winter, they paying no more for it than what it cost, " whereby my Tenne poundes may remayne wholy con- tynually to that vse." To Edith HoUyster, testator's daughter, his lands in Congresbury, after her mother's death, " contayninge by Estiraac'on Ixj acres & haUe," the gift of his father-in-law John Iryshe ; also £20, given her by the ¦will' of her grandfather, the said John ; and a. further sum of £20, which "J do geve her in reddy money." To daughter Annis HolUster £40 ; also, after her mother's death, the fee simple of two tene ments, bought of Mr. Henry Doddington, one being in Cornestreete, and occupied by testator, the other inhabited by Samuel Gough, skinner. To daughter Mary HolUster, the lease of the haU of Thomas HolUster's windmill ; also the lease of a house in Cornestreete inhabited by WiUiam Cutt, merchant ; and the adventure "w<=" J have w'" me in the Pryrarose for the Matheras (?) w* that w=" J have lyeing there allreaddy w'=" is litle more or lesse of a Hundred and Twenty poundes as by my booke shaU appere." Wife Joyce to have the residue, and be executrix. If daughter Annis should die s.p., daughter Mary to have the two tenements ; and the £40 to be parted between the other daughters. If all should die before marriage, wUe Joyce to take theh portions, and the " heire of my Bodye " to have the lands. To daughter Annis "all my Boordes" at brother Richard HoUester's at Westerley, with all those " in ray house," to help her "to Buylde in Bristoll." Thomas Symons "thelder m'chaunt," William Soman, WUlUam Avery, Thomas Hollester, and brother Richard Hollester be to overseers, and have xxs apiece. Proved "in Cur' prerogativa," July 29th, 1577. 222 Notes of Bristol Wills. 352.— EDWARD FRENCHE, grocer, 1577. July 27th, Testator was " of the citye of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried in the parish church of St. Thomas there. The sum of twenty shillings to the poor of the said parish. Forty shillings yearly unto " my mother." To sons Toby and Richard £60 apiece at the age of twenty-four. To daughter Katharine £60 at the day of her marriage. Testator forgives all the debts of his brother-in-law Humphrey Griste ; and bequeaths twenty shillings to each of the three children of the said Humphrey " by my suster," to be paid when they are twenty-one years of age. He also forgives his brother Thomas Frenche £5 of the debt of £17 ; and gives ten shillhigs to each of the said Thomas's three chUdren. WUe Anne to have the residue, and be executrix. Richard Fuller of Exbridge, co. Somerset, and Thomas Tagg, overseers. Witnessed by George Baldwyn, John Alkjm, and Buck- forde (sic). Proved "m Cur' p'rogaf," Aug, 22nd, 1577, 353.— ROGER ADDAMS, 1562 (?). March 15th, Testator was a soapmaker "of the citye of BristoU," and deshed to be buried in " the churche of S' Tewens," To son Nicholas, when twenty-one years old, the house ' ' w*" all the implementes as J bought yt in Broadestrete wherein dwelleth nowe Grace Borry widowe " ; also £10, the furnace, &c, WUe Joan to have the use of the said furnace, on allowing the said Nicholas £7, To daughters Mary, Elizabeth, and Agnes Addams £10 apiece ; also to " the childe w"" my wUe goeth wt"aU" £10 ; to be "d'd vnto them " at the day of theh marriage. If the expected one should be a "manchilde," he is to have his portion at the age of twenty-one. If any should happen to die before marriage, sister Elizabeth Addams to have £5 out of that portion ; the rest of the money to be divided equally among the remaming daughters. If they should all die before marriage, and a " man childe " should survive, he is to enjoy one half of the premises with his brother Nicholas, If all the legitimate sons and daughters should die before their lawful age, wUe Joan to have the house, and one half of theh bequests; and Richard Mydleton, son of brother-in-law James Mydleton, to have the other haU, Legacies to the said James, and sister Elizabeth Addams, WUe Joan to have the residue, and be sole executrix. My " lovinge gossipp James Dowle" and James Mydleton to be overseers. To James Dowle "my Bow wt" my Qujrver and all my shaftes." No record of probate. A note states—" Concordat cum Reg'ro Walter Gliston," The register of the parish St. Ewen records the baptism of Nicholas son of Roger Adams, March 14th, 1554, and the burial of Roger Adimse (or Admise ?), June 12th, 1564. 354.— GILES HOBBES, vmtner. 1575. Nov. 26th. Testator's body to the "yearthe" from whence it came. To his sister Anne PepwaU £40 in money, and his best gold rmg. To brother Thomas £40, which he oweth testator upon an obligation ; also "one golde Rmge w'" a dyamond stone w* he hathe allreddy of mme." To Jane Hobbes, daughter of the said Thomas, "one payre of Virgynalles," To Mrs, Maud Moore, testator's mother, £10, To Mr, Moore, his father-in- Notes of Bristol Wills, 223 law, all right, title, term, and interest yet to come in " the Bargaine w* J have in East Brynte," with £11 rent due from John Bysse for that bargain ; also £5 due from Wall for rent. Unto " myne vnckle and Aunte," Peter See and his wUe, £20, &o. The sum of forty shillhigs towards " the maynteu'nce and rep'ac'ons of my pai-rishe churche called S' Mary Porte ;" twenty shillings to Mr. Wade ' ' to make merry amongest the parrishners " there ; and twenty shillings to the poor of the said parish. The sum of £5 to " the poore of the citye of Bristoll," to be distributed by the hands of Mr. Northbroke. Frise gowns and cassocks, and "eight kerchers" unto eight poor men, and eight poor women, who are to accompany testator's corpse to the grave. To " my brother MicheU PepwaU," and his wife, a mourning gown and a mourning cassock. To Mr. Michael PepwaU "sheryff" the best gold ring " sauinge one." To "the mendinge of Bryntm'sshes Cawsey" xls. To " the Taylors haull " vjs viijd. Legacies also to Arthur, Anne, and Mary See, George Higgins the younger, son of Mr. George Higgins, John Cecill, Michael Gadburye "my Boye," maid-servent Emlyn Borrage, and servants Joan Cecyll, Alice Borrage, Thomas Hydden, and Agnes. Brother Nicholas Hobbes to have the residue, and be sole executor. Mr. Michael PepwaU and Mr. John Wade overseers. Witnessed by Mr. John Northebrock, preacher, and John Harris, with divers others. Proved "m Cur' prerogaf ," Nov. 24th, 1576. The register of the parish of St. Mary-le-Port records the burial of this testator ; also of Mr. Nicholas Hobbes " of y« Raven," Oct. 17th, 1594, and of Giles Hobbes, " slayne in fight," Aug. 3rd, 1611, 356.— THOMAS WARDEN, 1579, Aug, 10th, Testator was " of the City of BristoU marchaunte," and desired to be buried in St. Werburgh's church. To sons Thomas and Nicholas £300, " lying in Maister Carrs hands." To daughters Mary and Elizabeth £100 apiece. To wUe Joan £100, and all the household stuff. Thomas Aldworth and son-in-law Erasmus Write to be executors. Witnessed by Thomas Aldwourth and Robert Pressye. Proved "in Curia p'rogativa," Sept. Uth, 1579. 356.— JOHN CHAMBERS, taUor, 1580. Sept. 20th, Testator was " of the Cyty of Bristow," and deshed to be buried in "the Crowde of Samct Nich'as Parrishe church," Three shUlmgs and four pence to "the poore," To eldest son Dommiok "a dossen of postle spoones at the price of five poundes w<=" yf they way more, the ou'plus J wiU to remaine to the vse of my wief Alice." To second son Thomas £4. To thhd son John the biU of £5 due from Master John Brad- stone of Wmterbourne. To fou'rth son WiUiam £5. To daughter Alice £5, U she come to age to enjoy the same; U not, two of "her bretheren," WUliam and Thomas, to share that sum equally, if they survive her. The sum of £5 to " the chUde vnbome, wherw'" my wief now goith be yt boy or inaide." WUe Alice to have the residue, and be sole executrix, Mr, William Hopkms and brother WiUiam Chambers overseers. Witnessed by George Harris, clerk, William Hopkms, and WUUam Chambers. 224 Notes op Bristol AVills, Proved Oct. 13th, " mill'mo quingentesimo septuagesimo octogesimo." The register of the parish of St. Nicholas records the marriage of John Cliameres and Alice Morgan, Nov. 23rd, 1561 ; the burial of Morgan Harris, Aug. 2nd, 1580 ; and the burial of John Chambers, Sept. 23rd, 1580, 357.— MORGAN HARRIS. 1580. July 29th. Testator was of the parish St. Nicholas "the confesser," within "the dioc' of the cyty of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried in the crowde of St. Nicholas. To wife Elizabeth thirteen horses "w'" chaines hedstalls dreyes," &c.; also, for her life, the dwelling house on the Back, with " the forehowse " inhabited by John Eaton, and the shop under the same ; and all testator's lands in Bristoll ; rem. to his brother William Harris ; and all his lands in Wales, the rent thereof being " her ioincture." To the eldest son of brother William one standing bedstead, &c. To Katharine, testator's mother, one chamber within his said dwelling house, already occupied by her ; also xxs, and " meate and drinck during her lief." Ten shillings to "the Master and fellowshipp of the bakers of the city of Bristoll." WUe Elizabeth to be executrix, John Henry and William Vawer overseers. Proved " in Cur' prerogatiua," Sept. 12th, 1579 (sic). 358.— JOHN DRAPER, the elder. 1578. Jan. 27th. Testator was " of the cyty of Bristoll marchaunt," and desired to be buried in St. John's church. To "a precher to exhorte the people in gods word at my buriall " vjs viijd. Xo son John Draper, and his legitimate heirs, the "howse in Brodstreete" inhabited by Thomas WaU ; also a garden in Grope lane ; and three gardens ' ' on Michael! hill," two of them, with a lodge in one, being held by John Caro, and the third by Philip Browne ; wUe Anne to have the property for her life. To cousin Richard Weaver, of Worcester, iijs iiijd. Xo WUliam Browne £4, besides the twenty shillings due to hhn when eighteen years of age. Forty shillhigs to "poore people." Legacies also to " my maide " Alice Browne, my two maid-servants, and the parson of St. John's. WUe Anne and son John to have the residue, and be executors. Richard Langford and John Henry overseers, to whom xs apiece. Sealed July 6th, 1579. Witnessed by Thomas Price, notary public, John Henry, notary public, and Roger Rice, rector of the church of St. John Baptist. Proved " iu Cur' prerogatiua," Sept. 23rd, 1579. 359.— NICHOLAS CUTT, of the city of Bristol, merchant. This will is dated " hi the three and twentith yeere of the raigne of oure Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth," Feb. 21st. My body "to the earth from whence yt came.'' All lands, tenements, &c., to wife Bridget and to her heirs and assigns for ever. The sum of £5 to the poor people within the city. Wife Bridget to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Father- in-law Mr. Robert Saxey and Edward Morris, merchant, to be overseers. Witnessed by Robert Saxey, WiUiam Saxey, WUliam Hickes, John Robertes, John Willett, and Edward Morris. Proved "in Curia p'rogatiua," May 2nd, 1580 (sic). The register of the parish of St. Nicholas records the burial of Nicholas Cutte, March 31st, 1581. Notes of Bristol Wills. 225 360.— NICHOLAS WILLIAMS. 1565. Sept. 1st. Testator describes himself as "of the citie of Bristo-we Tailor and late Maio' of the sarae citie," and desires to be buried "in the p'ishe (sic) of Saint Marie port of Bristoll." To Mr. Elton, preacher, " for his good & godlie adu'tisement & eounsell xs praying him to make my funerall sermon. " To wife Joan, for her life, the house called " the Crowne," inhabited by Katharine Wight, widow, " in S' Marie port strete ;" rera. to son Rowland and his legitimate heirs ; in def. , rem. to son Edward and hia legitimate heirs; in def., rera. to "my cosen John White sonne of my brother Thomas White" and his legitiraate heirs. To son Rowland £10 at the age of twenty-four. Wife Joan to enjoy the leases during her life ; rem. to son Edward : but the leases and interest of and in a tenement in the street aforesaid, in the tenure of WilUara Grigg, tailor, and held by testator of the Chamber of Bristowe, and also of and in the tenement called "the Swanne " in the tenure of George Graye, in the same street, to remain to ' ' the M"" & company of the occupac'on of Taifors w'"in the same Cytie. " If son Edward should die before the expiration of the leases and interest to hira bequeathed, rera. to son Rowland ; if Rowland should die, rem. to all the children of brother Thomas White, saving the lease of " my howse called the bore hedd being in the highstrete w°" lease J geve & bequeath to my Cosen Richard Newman bocho'' after the decesse ot my wief And my Sonne Rowland and Edward it then the same lease or any p't thereof be vndefmyned & vnexpired." To the said Edward "my Nest of gobletts' w* their cover w'=" cost me xxxv"," half a dozen of silver spoons, and £10 at the age of twenty-four. Testator forgives and releases to Richard Lang ton, notary, twelve shillings "p'cell of iiij" xijs ^y* he oweth me." To the said Richard Newman "ray worken day gowne that J ware the last som'." To George Graye the gown worn by testator "in the wynter vppon workin daies." To David Martyn "my cloke dressed w'" lace about the ooller.'' To sister Joan White six yards and a half " of Welsh frise." To Agnes Marten six yards of friae ; and teatator wiUs that vjs viijd be abated yearly to her, during her life, of the rent paid by her for hia houae wherein she dwelleth. Twenty shillings to " the poore people in BristoU." Legacies also to late servant Nicholas Robins, cousin John White, Thoraas Jones, tailor, John Rockwell, Jenkyn Dye, and Joan Haynes. My " welbeloved wief " Joan to have the residue, and be executrix. Mr. John Woode, "vpholster," and Hugh Draper, vintner, to be overseers, and have xxs apiece. Proved before John CottreU, doctor ot laws, Sept. 12th, 1565. 361.— WILLIAM YEMAN. 1580. Nov. Uth. Testator was " of the citye of Bristowe," and desired to be buried in the church of All Saints. To Mr. Haslyn, the vicar there, iijs iiijd; and to a preacher "at ray buryall" vjs viijd. six poor men to have " vj gownes of black frise " at the burial. To son WUUam Yeman two goblets of silver parcel-gilt, &c. ; also six silver spoons " w'" postle heddes," weighing xj oz. iij qrs. ; the best ring of gold " w'" a scale in him " ; twelve "voyders" ; a "Custerd coffyn," a pair of dogs, &c. To Susan Yeman, at the day of her marriage, £3. 6. 8 ; also the beat coverlet, &c. The same amount to her sister Mary Yeman, at her day of marriage ; also " the frame bedd " 226 Notes of Bristol Wills. in the fore chamber, &c. To Joan Hunt, testator's daughter, £6. 13. 4 ; also six sUver spoons " w'" flatt heddes " ; the hanging of the parlor " of fine red saie & grene the borders of the storie of Elias " ; the " Jland coffer and the busse chest in the Alarie .... a large loking glasse .... a fier slice a paire of pott hookes a rack to hange crocks' .... a blanckett of wedraole," &c. To Joan, daughter of Edward Evenet, £3. 6. 8, to be paid at her day of marriage; also "a Crock a litle skUlett," Sec The sarae amount to Florence Evenet, her sister, at the day of raarriage ; also " a payueted panne," &c. The same amount to Alice Evenet, theh sister, when married ; also three platters, two pottengers, &c. Twenty shillings to Joan, daughter of John Yeman, shoemaker, at her marriage ; also a crock, a pan, &o., and " the paynted clothes in my baft charaber The hanging of the p'lor of all saye red & grene and the borders of the storie of grisell." The same amount to her sister Annis Yeman at her marriage ; also a crock, &c. The same amount to Grace Yeman, their sister in Cardiff, at her marriage. If the said Grace should die before "the daye of her Mariage," her legacy of xxs is to be bestowed upon the town walls. Twenty shUUngs to cousin Joan, daughter of Stephen Tanner, ' ' at her daie of Mariage " : U she should die before that day, the said money is to be bestowed " vppon the rep'ac'ons of the Towne walls' in Cardiffe." Legacies also to Agnes, daughter of Arthur Yeman in Cardiff, at her raarriage ; and each of her sisters, Mary and Joan Yeman, in like manner. Son William to have the residue, and be executor. Testator adds the names of his well beloved in Christ, Mr. Thomas Colston and Thomas Pawkett, who are apparently to act as overseers. Proved before Felix Lewis, doctor of laws, Jan. 7th, 1580. 362.— RICHARD LANGFORD, merchant. 1580. Nov. 18th. Testator was of the parish of St. Stephen, and desired to be buried in the church there, "as nere my doughter as it con-veniently raaye be." The sum of twenty shillings towards the marriage of " poore maides " in that parish ; and twenty shillings to poor people in Bristowe. To Elizabeth, wUe of testator, £500. To his five children £1000, to be equally divided, and paid to them at the age of twenty-one, or when married. To brother Ellis Langford £10. To sister Elizabeth Langford £20, of which she is to enjoy the profit and increase during her life ; rem. to the executors. To brother Edmond Langford £8 : to his child, testator's goddaughter, forty shillings. To brother Richard Bailieflfs chUdren £10, whereof "my godson" shall have forty shillings. To brother Thomas Langf Old's children £10. To Henry Robertes "my gimmoU ringe." Legacies also to brothers AA'alter and WiUiam Langford, and the poor in Ludlow. Testator forgives his sister Partridge all that may be due at his death. Residue of goods, leases, money, plate, &c., to the executors, namely, wUe Elizabeth, and son Richard Langford. "M"^ Thomas Slocurabe nowe Maio'^ of Bristowe ray father in Lawe M'' John Robertes," Mr Robert Kitchin, and brother Charles Langford to be overseers, and have forty shUlings apiece. AVitnessed by Thomas Pryn, notary public, Henry Robertes, and Thomas Langford. Proved before William Drury, doctor of laws, Dec. 2nd, 1580. Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 227 363.— THOMAS COXE, citizen and mero'nant of Bristol. 1580. Feb. 8th. To be buried "at the discreae'on of my executor.'' Thomas Callohill, citizen and apothecary of Bristowe, and John Bollton, citizen and goldsmith there, to be overseers, and have £4 apiece. Brother William Coxe to be executor, and have £60, and all testator's books, weapons, and apparel. To Thomas Coxe, son of the said William, £6 towards "his schoole" and maintenance in Christian religion, "as J a bounde beinge his godfather :" the said Thomas to be placed with a teacher who is free from " papiste or Annabaptiste " notions, and believes in the sufficiency of the " workes and merites " of Christ " w'"out Trentalls or any other Sacrelege." If this son of the said WilUairi should die, rera. to "the nexte childe of his bodye." To brother-in-law's second daughter, Elizabeth CallowhUl, twenty marks at her day of raarriage ; the money to be put meanwhile in "the chambers handes," or other assured person, who is to pay towards the young maid's expenses after the rate of " Seven in the hundred for the yefe." To Christopher and Philip CallowhUl, " my brother lawes seconnde and thirde boyes," twenty nobles apiece " towardes their meynten'nce to schoole :" U either of them should die, his children Thomas and Constance CallowhUl to have the money. To Matthew Coxe, " remayn inge in my brother lawes house," £5 to maintain him in some good service, " for that he is an Jnnocente." To sister Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Callow- hill, "A broken whistle w* wayeth three ownces," &c. Residue "vnto the godly poore people of the worlde, as also some parte thereof to be dis tributed vnto poore raarryners for their meynten'nce and reliefe of suche that hathe by rae hurte or raeyned (.sic) in the defense of the raerchaunte and his gooddes." Proved " in Curia prerogatiua," Sept. 25th, 1581. 364.— JOHN PREWETT, the elder. 1579. Aug. 14th. Testator was of the parish of St. Jaraes " w'Mn the subburb of the Citie of Bristowe," and desired to be buried in the churchyard there, hard by his wUe. To " S" Jones," minister of that parish, xxs. To the mother church of the city of Bristowe ijs vjd. Twelve poor men and twelve poor women of the aforesaid parish to have gowns of frise, and £5 in money or bread. To wife Ellyn £50 ; also all the plate that she brought "vnto me," full and whole, &c. To son John Prewett, the lease of the dwelling house ; rem. to his son Arthur, if he should decease before the end of the lease ; also the lease of " ray lesowe w'" the ragg " held of the hospital at Lafford gate ; rera. to Anthony, son of the said John ; also the interest and term of years in a stable held " w'"in the black friers," and in a lane called "Erlesmeade lane," with both the leases concerning the same. To the same John "my Synett & gold ring w''" J were," testator's name being graven thereupon ; also two presses, &o., and "fower diker of Rawe leather." To son AViUiam Prewett the use of the best new coverlet, as long as he liveth ; rem. to my said son John and Anthony hia aon ; three of the best gowns, and my ring that hath the white stone in it ; also the lease of two tenements, with all the woods belonging to them " at Hannam," held of " ray lord Barkley." To daughter Margaret TUor the lease held of Cornish Laighton "the bocher;" rem. to her son Ralph Scalter, U she should 228 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. decease before the exphation of the lease, and to AVilliam Scalter, if Ralph should decease. To William Scalter and Joan TUor, children of the said Mar garet, twenty nobles apiece. To daughter Charity Cory, for her life, the two tenements bought of WiUiam Cooper ; rem. to her daughter Margaret Cory and her heirs : the said Margaret to have twenty nobles at the age of sixteen. To WiUiam Cory, son of the said Charity, twenty nobles at the age ot eighteen. Son AA'Uliam to be sole executor, and have all the plate, and the rest of the leather of "my Tanne howse." Mr John Browne, alderman, and " my loving kynsman " John Sayer ot Bauwell to be overseers, and have xxs apiece. Witnessed by Richard Clark, John Clark, and Thomas Prin, notary public. "Probatum fuit hoc testamentu' Coram PhiUippo Langley Maiore in Guyhald BristoU'," Oct. 28th, 1581. 365.— ROGER DEER. In the margm " Jhon Deere." No date. To be buried in the churchyard ot Temple, " by my neigh bour John Clark." WUe Katharine to be sole executrix. To sons Henry, John, and William, twenty shillings apiece at their day of raarriage or age of twenty-four. To son William, after his mother's decease, "my howse and lease " ; rera. to son John Deer, if AA'illiam should die s.p. To son-in-law WUliam Dane and daughter Maud Dere (sic) a broad loom, standing in the south side of " my shoppe next to Thoinas Tippers howse ;" also " one osset loome," two flowerpots, &c. To wife Katharine "ray howse called the beer howse," with the lease thereof, at Teraple gate ; to go, after her decease, to " that childe w'=" she shall think best of." Proved before Felix Lewes, doctor of laws, Deo. 5th, 1578. 366.— ANTHONY ROBYNS, merchant. 1581. Aug, 13th. Testator was ot " the Cytie ot Bristowe,'' and desired to be buried in St. Ewen's church. To daughter Anne £300 ; of which sum £100 to be delivered to Mr Michael PepwaU, with the said Anne, for her use ; he to keep her, and have her " broughte vppe in Lerninge w'" the said hundreth poundes till her age of one and twentye yeres or daye ot Marriadge :" the other £'200 to remain with the overseers, and be paid to her at the said appointed time. It she should die first, £100 to remain to " my nexte ot Kynne," and £-200 to wife Grace, if then living. To Alice AA'adley £10 ; also the lease of a garden in St. Mark's lane, held of " the Chamber of BristoU;" but the said Grace to hold it "all the yeres yf she Lyve soe longe." To each ot the four chUdren of Thomas Ryder £4. To brother and sister Mericke forty shillings apiece. To godson Anthony Crewe £5. To the use ot "the poore people in the Ahneshouse in y» Mershe" £5, the profits to be delivered to thera yearly. Legacies also to wife's goddaughter Anne Crewe, Margaret Ryder, Mr Michael Pepwell and his wife, the writer of this will and testament, " ray Maide," and three other " poore maydes," Joan Syllyvaunt, and sister's son Richard Lea. AA'Ue Grace to be sole executrix, and have the residue of goods, and also " houlde and enioye the house J nowe dwell in duringe her liefe." Father-in-law Thomas Eddye and Thomas Ryder overaeera, to whom forty shillinga apiece. Witnessed by John Mericke, Thomas Eddye, Thoinas Ryder, and Edward Lane. Proved "in Cui-* prerogatiua," Nov. 8th, 1581. Notes of Bristol AVills. 229 367.— THOMAS LAWRENCE. 1581. Jan. Uth. His body " to the yearthe. " To daughter Elizabeth £20 when raarried. To brother Richard Lawrence twenty shillings. Wife Jane to have the residue, and be sole executrix. William La'wrence and Richard Stones overseers. Witnessed by Dyricke Dyrrickeson, George Langton, John Johns, Rice (Richard?) Arther, with others. " Md J geve vnto my daughter Elizabeth one standinge bedsteade and a spruce Cheaste " —Aug. 1st, 1582. Proved before John Sprinte, S.T.P., and Felix Le-wys, doctor of laws, "in Cur' Consistor' Bristoll." The register of the parish of St. Mary-le-Port records the burial of Thomas Lavrence, tailor, Jan. 6th, 1582. 368.— DAVID HARRIS, grocer. 1582. Oct. 4th. Testator was " of the Citie of Bristowe Alderman,'' and deshed to be buried in the crowde of St. Nicholas, where his father and first wUe lay, "yf J dep'te in Bristoll or w*"in one and Twenty myles of Bristowe." To wUe Margaret a yearly rent of £26. 13. 4. out of all my lands and tenements, during "her widowhed." If she should marry, the profit of the said annuity to remain to son David Harris and his children, and my daughter Alice and her children, ' ' ioyntly and equally, " To the said Margaret and David the dwelling house " indifferently to vse betwixt them ;" but daughter Alice and her husband may, if they please, have and dweU in " a third p'te of the howse :" the fee simple to remain at length to aon David and his heirs. To the said Margaret and David the profit of all the leases "for terme of yeres," equaUy between them; the residue to remain to son David and his heirs. He is also to have "my Shoppe of my said howse " with the implementa, paying the aaid Margaret during " her widowhed " £5 quarterly ; also the lower great ground in Froglane " during my terme of yeres yet to come ;" my ring " w'" the Turcas," and all " my bookes of Phisick." To the said Margaret " the greate downe bedde in the greate Chamber," &c. To daughter Alice and her legitimate heirs a house "in Tuckar streate," in the tenure of the goodwUe Apprice ; also seven other tenements in the tenure of Richard Shoile, Richard Jenkins, WiUiam Ricartes, Edward Hoskins, the goodwUe Sutton, Mr Blake, and the good wUe Apparry ; also a stable in the tenure of Mistress Higgins, and a pave ment or yard in the tenure of Morris Aprotherowe. To son John Harris tenement in Lewens mead. To son George the higher orchard hi Froglane "during my yeres." To daughter Alice 100 oz. of auch plate aa hath not " the grocers armes ;" also my ring " w*" the fflower of diamondes." If she and her hehs should decease s.p., the abovesaid property to remain to son David and his legitimate heirs. If David should die s.p., the lands held in fee shnple, and given to him, to remain to daughter Alice and her legithnate hehs. The said David and son-m-law Ralph Bennett to be fuU executors. The former to have the residue of lands and tenements ; also " the Salt w*" the Chi-istall and the nest of gobletts' w'" the ffeete of Griffins and theh- Cover." To servant Robert Reckcliffe £4 ; " my Ridmg cloke," &c. Residue of goods to be divided equally between wUe Margaret, son David, and daughter Alice. Mr Standback and Mr Walter PUies overseers : to the 230 N^oTEs OP Bristol AA'ills. latter a gown ; to the former a mourning go-wn. AA'itnessed by David Harris, Ralph Bennett, AUce Bennet alias Harris, Robert Reckcliffe, Anthony Standback, and Margaret Harris. Proved "m Cur' p'rogativa," Nov. 20th, 1582. 369.— THOMAS KELKE, merchant and alderman. 1583. June 10th. To be buried in the chm-ch of the parish where God . shall caU him out of this world. To Thomas Kelke, son to testator's son Richard, £400. If he should die under the age of twenty-one, rem. to hia father Richard. The said Richard to have and enjoy £200 "in his keep- inge," and to disburse to the poor " at the daie of my buriall," or very shortly afterwards, the sum of £10, and the sarae sum yearly "for the space of xxtie yeres next co'minge." To sister Kelke of London, late wUe to " my brother Jo" Kelke deceased," and to her chUdren, £20. To the poor in the city of Bristowe £10. To the poor prisoners of Newgate £13. To each of twenty -four poor people, twelve of whom to be women, ' ' a fryse Gowne esteemed at xij". " FUty-two poor maidens to have vjs vujd each, to theh . marriage. To Richard Kelke's other three chUdren, viz. , John, Anne, and , vj" xiijs iiijd apiece. To each servant dwelling with testator at his death xxs. To his sister, Clement's wife, sister Cutt, and sister Garrett, each a ring of gold, worth xls. xhe sum of £10 for " the rep'ac'ons of the Cunditts' in Bristowe ;" and the same amount towai-ds repahing the high ways about the city. Son Richard Kelke to be sole executor, and have the use and profite of all testator's lands, &c. ; rem. to Thomas, son of the said Richard, and to his legitimate hehs; in def., rem. to the heirs of "Jo" Kelke my brother deceased in London;" in def., rem. to "the next of bloode." Brother Clement Kelke, "my frinde John Henry," and Mr. Thomas Aldworth, overseers, to each of whom xls. Testator bequeaths £20 for a stock of money, to remain for ever "in the howse of correction within the Citie of Bristoll," for the maintenance and "settinge of work of such people as shalbe therevnto co'mitted for their mysdemeanors. " Read and published Sept. 2nd, 1583. Oh Lord into thy handes I do comitt my sowle w* is thye dewe ffor why thowe hast redeemed it my Lord & god most trewe. By me Thoinas Keike. AA'itnessed by John Henry, Robert Temple, and Thomas Aldworth, Mayor. Proved Sept. 24th, 1583. 370.— WILLIAM PILL, grocer. 1582. AprU 7th. Testator was ot " the Citie of Bristowe," and deshed to be buried in the church of All HaUows, " as neere my Pewe as may be." The sum of vjs viijd for " a Sermond at my buriall." Twelve " gownes of ffrize " to be ready against that time for twelve poor people ; and twenty shUlings " in bred " to the poor. To sou Anthony and his lawful " heires males "my dwelling house in "the High streate of the same Citie;" in def., rem. to son Nich-jlas and his lawful heirs male; in def., rem. to AVilliam PUl, ray brother's eldest son, and his lawful hehs male ; m Notes of Bristol Wills. 231 def., rem. to Humphrey Pill, "my brothers sonne," and his lawful heirs male; in def., rem. to WUliam Pill, my brother's youngest son. To the aforesaid Anthony and his heirs all other lands, and all goods, jewels, plate, &c. Wife Jane to have, during her life, the back chamber " w''"in ray dwellinge howse," and bedding, &c., for herself and a raaid-servant : the said Anthony to suffer her to have also the use of half the garden in " the Pythey," and to pay her ten shillings yearly for the rent of "my howse at • Bewdley ;" also twenty shillings every quarter of a year ; and to find her and her servant meat and drink convenient, and make her a black gown ' ' agaynst my buriall. " Son Anthony to pay son Nicholas £50, and make hira a black gown ; also to give and deliver unto son-in-law John Warde " my Signett," and to daughter Margery "one Silver standinge Cuppe gilt w*" a Cover," and to either of them a black gown. To brother Richard a pah of breeches, and " drawers vppon them," a " felt batte," &c. To William Pill " my brothers youngest Sonne " £10 at the age of twenty-aix. Twenty shilUngs to Richard Cap', servant of son Anthony, "at thende of his App'ntishoode." Legacies also to William Pill, my brother's eldest son, Humphrey Pill, my brother's son, my two maid-servants, and " the company of poyntemakers." Son Anthony to be sole executor. Witnessed by Bartholomew Chappell, Richard Edwardes, and Edward Hollester. Proved Sept. 6th, 1582. 371.— ROBERT PRESTON. 1583 (sic). Jan. 8th. Testator describes hunself as "of the City of Bristoll taylor," and desires to be buried " in the p'ishe Churche of Christe churche." All his plate to be sold, and the proceeds divided equally between his wUe and son Robert : the latter to have certain furniture, and also, after her decease, the lease of the dwelling house. WUe "Roes" to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Mr. Ralph Dole and Thoraas Aldworth overseers. Witnessed by Ralph Dole, Thomas Aldworth, and John Grygge. Proved before Thomas Knowles, master of arts, exercising sphitual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction throughout the whole city and deanery of Bristoll, March 6th, 1582. The register of the parish of Christ Church records the burial of Robert Bresson, tailor, Jan. 12th, 1582. 372.— JOHN AWSTE, baker. 1583. July 15th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Peters w'"in the Citye of BristoU," and deshed to be buried in the churchyard there. To wife Mary the lease of three houses ; rem. equally to ray three children Robert, William, and Elizabeth Awste, now under the age of twenty-one. To eldest son Robert £5. The sum of £10 to daughter Elizabeth, when married. To the poor people of this city " xx dozen of breade," Twenty shillings to brother William Awste "twoe yeres after ray funerall." To sisters Agnes, Dorothy, and Alice, twenty shUlings apiece. Ten shillings towards the maintenance of the bakers' hall. Wife Mary to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Thomas Poole and WilUara Wyett overseers, to each of whom xxs. Witnessed by Huraphrey Mosely, parson of St. Peter's, Thomas Bamell, Thoinas Dorrell, and James Sargente, writer hereof. Proved Sept. 27th, 1583. 232 Notes of Bristol Wills. 373. -KATHARINE ROCKWELL, widow. 1582. Feb. 19th. Testatrix was of the parish of St. Peter, and deshed to be buried in the church of " S' Marie Porte," between her husband and son Gilbert. Five shillings to the poor of those two parishes ; and ten shillings in bread to be given away "at my buriall." To Ma... Rockwell, daughter of Gilbert Rockwell, one pot of silver, &c. To Thomas, son of the said Gilbert, "one greate Crock w''"out legges ;" also the " brue howse" held by John Lewes, "w'" the drap'ie about the p'lo"^ next the Streate of the sarae howse.'' To John, brother of the said Thoraas Rockwell, three silver spoons. Legacies also to Agnes, wife of John Lewes, and late servant Welthian Thomas. Son William Rockwell to be sole executor, and have the residue of goods ; also to hold and enjoy the lease of the dwelling house for a year ; rera. to daughter Joan Greene. Nicholas Robbins and John Lewes overseers, to each of whom ijs vjd. Witnessed by Richard Arther, clerk, Nicholas Robbins, John Lewes, David Richartes, and Anne Robins. The following persons were owing sums of money to testatrix "at the daie of my death :" — Jo'» Barrat, Jo" Lewes, Jo" Robinson, Richard Harrison, John Swyfte, and daughter Joan Greene. Proved May 6th, 158.. This wUl is also registered at Somerset House, Bowe, 25, where May 6th, 1583, is given as the date of probate. 374.— WILLIAM COXE, merchant. 1581. July 8th. Testator was of the parish of St. Stephen in Bristowe, and desired to be buried in the church there, as nigh to the place ' ' whereas my Sonne Henrie was buried as yt Conveniently may be." To daughter Margaret and her lawful hehs " my Sixe . . . and gardeyne groundes -vnto them ap'teyninge " ; also a stable and orchard " in Marsh streate w'"in the said Citie of Bristoll " ; a garden ground and stable ; a " well howse ; " a well in the aforesaid " streeate " bought of William Jones ot Bristowe, merchant; a house "in Redcliffe streate w'^in the said Citie" bought of Edward Veale of Over, and inhabited by Daniel Goughe ; and a house upon the Back inhabited by William Colstone : but wife Margaret, during her life, to enjoy the profits of the said house on the Back, and of the garden, stable, well, and wellhouse bought of WiUiam Jones. To wife Margaret the lease of testator's dwelling houae. To daughter Margaret a dozen of silver spoons " w'" maydens heddes gilted," &c. , also " a garnishe of vesseh " To servant Joyce ijs vjd. " Jt'm Jn London M"^ Pitte and J haue paide for W" my Sonues Rannsorae one Hundreth Powndes " unto Mr. Colthurste and Simon Lawrence of London ; testator paying 100 marks, and Mr. Pitte the rest ; "the w«" Mr Pitte hath in Suyte vppon their bande," and what he shall recover thereof " the after p'te of tho Nete ot that as shall Co'me to my p'te " to be for daughter Margaret ; and wife Margaret to have " thother iij q'ters," and also the residue of goods, and be sole executrix, Mr, Thomas AA'arren, merchant, and Richard Langton of the city of Bristowe, notary public, to be overseers, and have ten shillings apiece. Proved June 20th, 1583, 'I'he register of the parish of St. Stephen records the burial of WiUiam Cox, July 5th, 1682. Notes of Bristol Wills. 233 This will is followed by an inventory of the goods and chattels of Edward Pitte, late of the city of Bristowe, merchant, deceased, taken by Edward Norrice, Thomas AVhite, and Christopher Pitte of the same city, merchants, Oct. 4th, 1583. Deceased had two Luxborne chairs, valued at xvjs viijd ; " one little bible booke," vs ; " the worne Jrishe Cad," xxiiijs ; " ij Calyvers," xxs ; " the xxiiij*" p'te of a Shippe Called the vnicorne," xvj" ; "an adventure in the Pellican," vij" xiijs iiijd. Thomas White owed money to deceased ; and the latter was in debt to Mr. William Birde, Mr. Richard Cole, Thomas Pitcher, Richard Rice, Griffith Berebrewer, and Edward Lewea. The order or decree for, and concerning the distribution of the goods, &c., of deceased, was raade by Mr. WUliam Drurie, doctor of laws, and commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury : William, John, and Anne Pitte; children of the said deceased, were each to receive £25 at the age of twenty-one, or when married. 375.— JOHN PALMER, baker. 1'583. June 7th. Testator was of the parish of St. Thomas in "the Citye of Bristoll." His body " to the yearthe from whence yt came." To eldest son Thomas the dwelling house " w'" Pavem* where the well ys," &c., and the little house " at Redclife gate," with the orchard there ; also a " greate Spruce Cheaste," and a " greate hoope Ringe of golde," after the decease of wUe Elizabeth. To son John the house "in Temple Streate" that David Barnes dwelleth in ; also the new house "that ys a buildinge ;" the house inhabited by David Lloyd; a "garden place called Glovyers Greene in Temple p'ishe " ; three tenements " above the Pipe in S' Thomas Streate w'" the gardeyns belonginge to them"; the house "before S*^ Thomas Churche " in the holding of Richard Hall of " the La'rac " ; the said John and his lawful heirs to possess this property, " payenge the Annual Rente " : he and son Thoraas to enter and enjoy their lands at the age of twenty-one. To the said John "a Silver goblette double gUte'' after the decease of wUe Elizabeth; also "my Lease w°" J haue of M' Sachefylde " in reversion of ray daughter Dorothy Younge. If John should die under the age of twenty-one, rem. to son Thomas ; and if Thoraas should so die, daughters Elizabeth and Agnes to share this lease equally. To the said Thoraas and John the "beste Salte" after wife Elizabeth's lecease, " devyde.d bytwene thera." To daughter Alice "the thirde best Crocke," &c. ; also, when married, xiiij", which is in the hand of Thomas Tomlyne. To daughter Agnes a " fether bedd," &c., and x" when married. [f the aforesaid sons should die s.p., daughters Elizabeth and Agnes so have theh lands, equally divided. If these daughters should die before narriage, rem. to wife Elizabeth and daughter Alice. To Thomas and John, sons of my daughter Tomlyne, and Elizabeth, her daughter, vs 5ach at the day of theh marriage. To daughter Tomlyne " a Stone Cruse jovered w'" Sylver," &c. To Margaret and Elizabeth Younge, daughters of Dorothy Younge, vs each when married. To "the Poore" xxs. WUe Elizabeth to have the use of all the lands for twelve years, to build the louses "in Temple Streate," paying "the Lordes Rente," to "the keepinge ifpp of my Children," &c!.; and after the exphation of those years, to have " the thirde foote or penye of all my Landes during her naturall lyfe." She is also, during those years, to pay the supervisors of the will, to the use of 234 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. testator's sons Thomas and John, vs apiece, "as A Knowledge penney " that he has made them " hehes and Lordes '' of the said lands. AA'ife Elizabeth to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix ; and also, " w'"in or at the twoe yeres ende," to make a tomb " over me and my wUe." WUliam Sayer, Richard Kitchinge, and Thomas Masone, super\'isors, to each of whom xs. Witnessed by John Thewe, curate there, Henry Slye, and Robert Rogers. Proved Oct. 12th, 1583. 376.— RICHARD CAUSE. 1583. Sept. 8th. Testator was a " Citizen and Tann' of the Citie of Bristowe," and committed his body "to y° earth." To his wUe Agnes the sum of £10 yearly out of his lands and leases ; also £10 in money, and "the ij Chambers before streate the w=" J lie in my selfe rent free during her life" ; together with all the furniture in them. To cousin Barber of London, and cousin Elizabeth his wife, and their lawful issue, ' ' my howse the -w"" J nowe dwell in w'" vates &, trowes " belonging thereto. To cousin Robert Leversage of London, and cousin Katharine his wife, and their lawful issue, a tenement " vppon the weare " inhabited by Joan White, widow, with a void ground "lyenge in S' Marie Porte streate," held by lease of testator by Robert Risbie, furrier. Cousins Barber and Leversage to pay, each of them, xxs yearly to wUe Agnes, which shall be " towardes her x" yeerly before bequeathed." All the rest of the free lands, and the leases, to Philip son of kinsman William Cause of the parish of Wollasson, within "the shere" of Gloucester, and to the hehs of the said Philip ; but wUe Agnes to have, during her life, £8 by the year out of this property. Legacies to the poor of that parish, and of St. Peter's, and the two sons of cousin William Cause. Margery Bushe ' ' the mydwife " must have xiij" vjs viijd " of the meere debt that J owe her whereof she hath c'teine Naperie of myne in Pawne for the same." I Richard Cause have written this " all w'" my owne hand." Witnessed by Thomas Colman, vicar of St. PhiUp's " w'"in the deanerie of Bristoll." No executor having been appointed, adm'on was granted to testator's relict, Agnes Causse, by the archbishop of Canterbury, Sept. 28th, 1584. Rich'us ArgaU. 377.— RICHARD SWETNAM, merchant. 1584. Sept. 20th. Testator was of the parish of St. Stephen, and made his -wUl nuncupatively. To his four daughters, Frances, Anne, Judith, and Elizabeth, £10 apiece. Twenty shillings to " the poore." WUe Frances to be executrix. Witnessed by William EUys, Richard Shore, WilUam Swetnam, Simon Aldworthe, WilUam Chewe, and others. Proved " in Curia prerogativa, " Oct. 9th, 1684. 378.— RICHARD SALTREN, merchant. 1584. Aug. 2nd. Testator was ot " the p'ishe of S' John Baptiste in the Citie of Bristowe." His body to be " laied in Cristian buriall." To his sons, John, Richard, William, and Edmond, £40 apiece. To his daughter Mary Saltren £50. The said sons to have their legacies at the age of twenty- one ; the daughter to have her portion at the same age, or when married. Notes of Bristol AVills. 235 Wife Joan to keep their portions, putting in "sufficient suerties to the court of Orphans in the Citie of Bristowe." Forty shillings unto the poor people " whereas it is raost neede " in the city. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Mr. WUliam Saltren, testator's brother, and Mr. WUliam Ellis, " nowe Sheriffe," to be overseers. Witnessed by WilUara Saltren, William Ellis, WUliam Smyth, Thomas Prin, and Thoraas Saltren. No record of probate. The register of the parish of St. John records the burial of Richard Salteron, Aug. 6th, 1584. 379.— JOHN WELSHE, merchant. ¦ 1584. Jan. 20th. To be buried iu the church of St. Stephen, " so nighe to my Pewe as Convenyently may be." AVUe Margery to have all goods, debts, lands, &c., and be executrix. John Caroe and servant PhUip HUl overseers. Witnessed by the said John and PhUip, and Patrick Mathewe, with others. Suras of money were due from Mr. Walcott "that married my Ladie Arnold," John Bull " the Smyeth," and Thomas Lewes : and testator owed money to his cousin Parmynter and Bodraan's daughter. Proved " m Cur' p'rogativa," Feb. 13th, 1584. 380.— William shutle woorth. 1584. March 17th. Testator was " of the p'ishe of teraple Bearebrewer," and desired to be buried in the church there " before the Pewe wherein my wief Elizabeth lyeth." Twenty shillings to the poor people of that parish. To sister Joan Selraan £10 ; also the money which testator had of her to keep. To wUe Elizabeth, for her life, the new house inhabited by son-in- law Griffeth Perkin, and a close "att Reddclyf hill" containing two acres ; also to her, and her heirs and assigns for ever, the ground called " the Leare ground " wherein testator used to lay his wood ; and the teneraent held " of ffee ffarrae," inhabited by WilUara Lawrence " Clarke of Temple." The said Elizabeth to be sole executrix, and to bring up "my bpy William Shutlewoorth the Sonne of Edward Shutlewoorth," except it be his mother's pleasure to bestow the charges on him, and see him brought up herself. If the said William should die s.p., all testator's lands to be divided between the chUdren of Griffeth Perkin and of John Shutlewoorth, plumber. Sums of money to the chUdren of the said Griffeth, and to John, William, and Bridget, children of the said John. Mr. Thomas Slocorabe, alderman, Mr. William Bird, and Mr. John Harte, drapers, to be overseers, and have xxs apiece. Witnessed by Richard Martyn, vicar, John Younge, John Shutle woorth, Mary his "wief," and John Selman. No record of probate. The register of the parish of Temple gives the marriage of WUliam Shuttleworth and Elizabeth Sellman, Nov. 30th, 1574, and the burial of the former, March 19th, 1584. 381.— WILLIAM HUKINES. 1583, June 14th, Te.stetor was of the pariah of St. Stephen " w"'in the Cytie of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried in the church there. To his mother, Agnes Hukines, twenty nobles in money, to be given to her by " my Gossipp" John Caro "att sundrye Tymes a weeke," If she should die 236 Notes of Bristol Wills. before spending that sum, rem. to brother's daughter Elizabeth. To wife Amy the dwelling house, during " her naturall lyfe " ; rem. to brother Thomas Hukinea and his lawful heirs ; in def., rem. to the next of kin. Legacies to the almahousea in the Marsh and " att Laffardes gate," Mr. Tyson, parson of St. Stephen's, and the clerk. Wife Amy to have the residue, and be executrix. Mr. George Badrara and John Caro overseers. Witnessed by John Caro, Richard Walsh, Katharine Caro, Thoraas Tyson, rector, and Matthew Negd. Sums of money were due from John Griffeth, John Jones, and William Smith. At the request of testator's wife, all the debts of his brother-in-law Robert Abe van are forgiven, " Saving A Couerlett y* J haue of his in Pawne of money the w<=" Couerlett J doe geve and bequeath vnto my Seru'nte Joane Darby." No record of probate : but the will was proved Aug. 28th, 1583, as appears by the copy at Somerset Houae, Bowe, 41 ; in which copy the sur name Badram is incorrectly written Badna'me. 382.— WILLIAM HAMMONDES, blacksmith. 1584. Aug. 25th, Testator dwelt in the parish of St. Peter, in "the Cytie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the church there. To daughter Joan £5, to be in the hands of wUe Katharine ' ' against her daie of Mariadge. '' To servant Ansell Slaughter forty shillings ' ' att thend of his yeres " which he hath to serve me or my wUe ; also " A litle Anvill w=" is nowe in my shopp." WUe Katharine to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Thoraas Moone, sraith, and feichard Page, barber, to be overaeera. Witnessed by Humphrey Mosely, parson of St. Peter's, Walter Baynam, taUor, "and me James Sargente wryghter hereof," with others. Proved " in curia prerogatiua," Oct. 5th, 1584. 383.— ELIZABETH SLOCOMBE, widow. 1583. Oct. 21at. Testatrix was " of the Cytie of Bristoll," and wiUed that her body be " layed in S' Nycolas Crowd," near her first husband Thoraas Goodawle. To daughter Elizabeth Goodawle aiias ElUott, and to her heirs for ever, a yearly rent of xxs from a messuage or tenement " vppon the weer in the Suburbes of the Cytie of BristoU," withui the parish of St. Peter, in the tenure of John Wallys, slaymaker and weaver, and situate and lying there between "a howse late builte sometyrae in the occupac'on of Thomas Dye deceassed and nowe in the occupac'on of Edward Bateman," on the west side, and a tenement inhabited by Thomas Poole, tanner, on the east. To daughter's chUdren, WUliam, ThcAias, Henry, and John Elliott, £10 apiece at the age of twenty-one ; rem. to their mother, U they should die under that age. Testatrix wUls that " the saied toner boyes or ChUldren shalbe putt foorth to honest and Credible p'sons and to learne some honest Craft or trade of lyvmg." My said daughter Elizabeth to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix. Mr. WiUiam Prewett and Mr. Thomas Pytt overseers, to each of whom an " Angell of goUd." Witnessed by WUliam Prewett, Richard Rise, Thomas Picher, Bartholomew HiU, and Patrick Younge. Proved June 30th, 1584. Notes of Bristol Wills. 237 384.— JOHN AUSTE, baker. 1583. July 25th. Testator was of the parish of St. Peter " w'Mn the Cytie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the churchyard there. Wife Mary to be sole executrix, and have the lease of the three houses enjoyed by testator ; the said lease to be equally divided, after her decease, between his three children, Robert, William, and Elizabeth Auste. To eldest son Robert, and son William, £5 apiece. To daughter Elizabeth £10 at the day of her marriage. Unto the " poore people of this Cytie towardes their Releef xx''^ dossen ot bredd." To brother William Auste, and sisters Agnes, Joan, and Alice, xxs apiece. Ten shillings towards the maintenance of the bakers' hall. Residue to wife Mary. Thomas Poole and William Wyett overseers, to each of whom xs. Witnessed by Humphrey Mosely, parson, Thomas Bamell, Thomas Dorrell, and James Sergent. Proved Sept. 27th, 1583. 385.— JOHN POPLEY alias Deane. 1583. Feb. 27th. Testator was of the parish of St. John Baptist, in "the Cyty and dioces of Bristoll," and willed that his body be " laied in Christian Buriall. " To his wife Margery, for her life, all his tenements, &c. , in the city and suburbs, and all rents, fines, and profits ; also the goods which she brought with her when married. To aon Edmond Popley and his legitimate heirs, after the deceaae of wife Margery, the reversion and rents of the ' ' messuage or tenement called the White Harte lying in Brood street w''"in the Cytie of Bristoll," in the tenure ot Thomas Thoraas. To John Popley the younger, son of "ray late owne Sonne John Popley thelder deacessed," those two teneraents or houses "in S' Nycolas Street in Bristow," now or lately held by Davys, cobbler ; and a house " in Ballwinstreet," inhabited by John Millerd, hooper. To daughter Elizabeth Eaton a small goblet, &c., and " the greate thick panne w"" was her grand mothers " ; also to her, and her legitiraate heirs, " all that ray vtter Corner Tenement or howse scituate vppon the key of Bristoll att the easte end there," in the occupation of AVilliam Smith, merchant, and the reversion and rents of the same, after the decease ot wife Margery. To Edmond Eyton, one of the sons of the said Elizabeth Elton (sic), "a stone Cruse w*" Cover bnin and foote ot Siluer doble guilt." To daughter Piudence Longe £5, six silver spoons, &c. ; also to her, and her legitimate heirs, "my inner Comer Teneraent or howse also Scituate vppon the East end of the Key," inhabited by Thomas Cutt " Seriaunte," and the reversion and rents, after the decease of my said wife. To Margery Jones, daughter of John Jones, blacksmith, £10, to be levied and paid out of the teneraent called "the AVhite Harte,'' in the day ot her raarriage ; also to her, and her legitimate heirs, all that void ground behind the aforesaid corner tenements upon the Key, " wherevppon was some tyme a howse & late by Casualty of ffier wasted." The sum of £4 to " the poore people in the Cytie of Bristoll," and five shillings to " the p'son ot S' John the Baptiste.'' To William Starling "my Prentice," the years remaining, after my wife's decease, of the lease "in the withie Bedd or twigg bedd" iu Pile street, provided he continues his service, and behaves hunself " trewe and gentell towardes ray wief." If any of the chUdren, or other " legatory " shall molest, sue, or trouble " my saied wief," the legacies of such are to be distributed "amongest the poore 238 Notes of Bristol Wills. people in the Cytie of Bristoll by the good discrec'on of the Maior and AUderraen." Wife Margery to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix. Robert Tyndall "my Sonne in Lawe" and Thoraas Prin' of Bristoll, overseers. Proved AprU 15th, 1584. 386.— ELIZABETH BRAMPTON, widow. 1583. Dec. 28th. Testatrix, who was of the parish of St. Thomas, describes herself as "the vnprofltable Seru'nte of God weake in boddy not w'"standing stronge in mind." Her body to the earth "whereof yt Came." To Mr. Tewe, curate of the said parish, vjs vUjd. To the poor of Bristoll £10, divided as foUoweth : twenty shillings to St. Thomas's almshouse, and vjs viijd to every almshouse within the city ; the residue of the raoney to be given to poor householders of the parishes of St. Thomas, "Racliffe," and Temple. To Anne Jenson £5; also "my gowne furred w'" shankes," a " Chamlett kirtle," &c. To Frances Sraith, during her lite, a " gillt Salt w'" A Cover " ; rem. to her daughter EUzabeth Smith. To cousin John Sraith "his wief," and children, two obligations of £30 due from one John Harrwood. To Joan Burchall and her five children £12. To John Fursell's daughter vjs viijd a year ; if she should die s.p., rem. to Joan Ruddock and her heirs for ever. To cousin Martha Snowe, daughter of Anne Saunders, £20 at her marriage ; also "half A garnishe of pewter vessell," &c. ; rem. to the children of cousm .John Snowe, if she should die before marriage. To Joan May "the golde Ringe w'=" J were vppon ray finger." To ray neighbour Riehiird May the lease of my garden and stable, and forty shillings in raoney. If John Fursell should sell away the house, the drapery, glass, &c. , to be for the use of the executors. Legacies to Robert Gillmara, Joan Coxe, Alice wife of Jaraes Owfford, cousin John Snowe, William Stibbea, and his wife. Of the residue of goods, one half to the said John Snowe, the other to William Stibbes : the said John and William to be executors. Richard Maye overseer. Witnessed by Richard May, John Snowe, William Stibbes, Richard Burcott, James Newton, and John Tewe. Proved Dec. 18th, 1584. 387.— JOHN BOSSINGTON alias George. 1575. Aug. 26th. Testator was of the parish of Temple " in the Cytie of Bristoll." To be buried " in the p'ishe and Churchard of Teraple. " To daughter Alice a flookbed, a broad loora with " the harnya belonginge to the aame," &c. Wife Eleanor to have the reaidue, and be sole executrix. Wit nessed by Sir Richard Barwicke, " viccar of temple,'" and Maister Randall Hassall, with others. Proved Sept. 17th, "Anno d'ni millesimo quingentesimo ootuagesimo quinto." The Orphan Book contains another copy of this will, in which testator desires to be buried " in the p'ishe Churche of Temple," and which gives 1575 as the year when the will was proved. The Temple parish register records the burial of John Bosaington, Aug. 28th, 1575, and of M'' Richard Barwick, vicar, Jan. 7th, 1575 ; the letter "p" being opposite to both the entries. Notes op Bristol AVills. 239 388.— CHRISTOPHER FRYNDE, hooper. In the margin Frend. 1575. Sept. 19th. Testator was of "the Cytie of BristoU." His body to the earth. To his children John, Joan, and Edward, £5 apiece at the age of fifteen. If all should die under that age, the whole of the money to remain to wUe Margery and her assigns. To son John " my bibell." Wife Margery to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Proved Jan. 30th, "Anno D'ni Millesimo quingentesimo quinto. " This will is registered twice ; the second copy giving 1575 as the year in which it was proved. 389.— THOMAS ADDAMS, tanner. 1585. May 27th. Testator was of the parish of St. Peter in Bristoll, and desired to be buried in the church there, " in the North ille," where his father had erected a " tome " and lay buried with both his wives, and two of testator's children, namely, Thoraas and Annis. To the parson there vjs vujd. To Robert Addams, "ray Sonne and heire," £200 when aged twenty- one ; also " the beste peece of Arras or tapstry w°" J bought my self." To daughter Joan £200 at the age of " twentie yeres," if she will be ruled and counselled in marriage by her mother and by my overseers. If both the chUdren should die under age or before raarriage, their raoney to reraain to the Mayor and Comraonalty, for the purchase of land ; the yearly rent of one moiety thereof to be lent unto "the poore Craftes men of the Citie of Bristoll" on good sureties "freely w'^owt payinge anie thinge therefore " by the space of seven years ; to be delivered afterwards to other such persons upon like sureties ; " and so allwaies to continewe in such sorte as S'' Thomas White knighte gave his Legasey to the saied Citie of Bristoll " : the corapany of tanners to have " raore benefytt of this ray guitte from time to tirae then anie other one Company w'"in the saied Citie of Bristoll shall and haue." The yearly rent of the other moiety of the said lands is to be given by the advice and counsel of the Mayor and aldermen, and of the overseers of this will, to good and charitable uses, as relieving the poor, especially in St. Peter's parish, and to the ' ' increase of relief in some Almes bowses and to the increase of A stocke in the howse of correction or such like." To brother Robert Addams twenty marks ; and testator does not know that he owes him anything " butt for A trusse of taffata," to the value of xs or there abouts. To brother Francis Addaina twenty nobles, upon condition that " he wUbe thankfuU and not vse such vngratefull and threateninge Speeches aa at his laste being heere " to testator's wife. The same amount to the daughter of the said Francis by his first wife. To Thomas Baynam "my Nevewe " £20. To John and David Jones, children of testator's wife, £6 apiece " when they come to their severall ages," order to be taken " by the Courte of Orphanes " for the payment thereof. To Thoinas Cory £20 on condition of his being "faithfuU and trustie vnto my wife," and that " he doe mary my kynsewoman Jane Addams." Testator forgives the debts of John Prewet, John Christopher's wUe, and "the poore Coblers w'"in this Citie." Six poor men and six poor women to have a "frise gowne," &c., and " sixe pence A pece." Forty dozen of bread to the poor people of the city. Legacies also to William son of Richard Baynam, Agnes wUe of Thoinas Belling'ara, the daughter of John Gervys and of ray sister Alice, 240 Notes of Bristol Wills. Christopher Walker "my Vnckles Sonne," Margaret daughter of Robert Lathbury at her marriage, Joan Tyler, daughter of cousin Margaret Tyler, when married, John Leech, "my man" William Hoell, and "my Nurse w"" nuraed my two daughters." WUe Joan to have the residue, and be executrix. Mr. Philip Langley, alderman, Mr. Robert Smithes, and AA'illiam Edmondes to be overseers. All goods and plate given to testator's children by Robert Arden deceased, their grandfather, to be " co'mitted to the Courte of Orphanes." No record of probate: but the will was proved June 26th, 1585, as appears by the copy at Soraerset House, Brudenell, 32 ; which copy gives May 17th as the day on which the will was made. 390.— ELIZABETH JONES, widow. 1575. Sept. 4th. To be buried " in the Crowde in the parishe of S' Nycholas w'"hi the grate," by late husband Roger Jones. Debts to be paid with as convenient speed as may be. To sister Elynor Higgines £30. To " ray welbeloued cossen Maister Doctor Mathewe my golld ringe sett w'" an emerod." To Elizabeth daughter of Richard Moore and of Elizabeth his wife "my only daughter " a hundred marks at her marriage, " J meane w'" the xx" that my late husband gave her by his Will the whole to be a hundred markes"; also "ray beste neste" of double-gilt goblets, &c., "ray litle golld ringe sett w'" arubye," and the fourth part ot all the houaehold stuff. The sum of £100 towards the provision ot the poor, who are to have " xxx'y blake gownes of frise '' out of this money. To cousin John Cother a black gown, and to "ray Coasen his wief" a cassock " of Grogran' w'" mynkea." To servant Nicholas Hill £20. To servant Anthony HUl £5. To Jane Cother " my shippes CoUo'' Cassock furred w'" otter and a peticote ot f risadowe. " To goddaughter Elizabeth Cother ' ' one ffrocke of Chamlett garded w'" velvett." To servant Elizabeth Bosewell a gown, &c., on con dition that she " sarve the Residewe of her yeres w'" my daughter Elizabeth Moore." To Mrs. Buckford of London " that litle Bes mopre dweled w'" " a gold ring set with a stone " called a Saffyer." Legacies also to cousin Katharine Buckford, John Faye, servant John Bosewell, and late servants Harry Millard and Thomas Tayler. Son-in-law Richard Moore, and his wUe Elizabeth to have the residue, and be executors, Edward Porter over seer, to whom " A golld ringe." No record of probate : but the wiU was proved March 10th, 1575, as appears by the copy at Soraerset House, Carew, 4 ; which gives Sept. 3rd as the day on which the will was raade, 391.— JULIAN ROBERTS, widow. 1584. April 22nd. Testatrix was of the parish of St. Nicholas "in the Citie of Bristoll," and commended her body " to the earth from whence yt carae." Six poor raen to have gowna, and six poor woraen to have cassocks " of blake frise." To " ray Sister and Dorothie" £-20. The same amount to be equally divided between the children of my brother. To "my Cosen Margarett that is my Serva'nte " £20 when married ; also " two hoopea of gold to make her a weddinge ringe." To goddaughter Anne SawU " my weddhige ringe," &c.; but Edward Longe "ray ffreind " to have the keeping Notes op Bristol Wills. 241 of the same until the day of her marriage. If the said Anne should die unmarried, her said bequests are to be divided equally among the children of my brother Richard. To Joyce Havyland " my seconde beste sallte Seller and v" in monie." Unto "my ffreind" M''s Anne Colstone a gold ring " w'" A pearle sett in yt.'' To goddaughter Mary Powell, when married, "x" in monies and her Goblett that I haue in pawne." Legacies also to John Howell, shearman, and his daughter Mary Howell, Matthew Haviland, goddaughter Mary Smithes, John Grigge, clerk, and the poor. My "trustie frindes " Edward Longe and Margery his wife to be executors, and have the residue of goods, and also " my howse in the Citie of Bristoll neere the Crowde dore." Witnessed by John Grigg, John Howell, and Thomas Williams, "Chirurgion." No record of proof. The register of the parish of St, Nicholas records the burial of " Jellian Roberts widdow," June 1st, 1584. 392.— PHILIP KYTE, 1585. Dec. 5th. Testator was of the parish of St. Mary Port "w'Mn the Cytie of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried "in ,the South Jle '' of the church there, near unto the place where his "last wyfe" Joan Kyte lieth buried. To eldest son Philip twenty marks, on condition of his permitting Katharine Kyte, " my wyfe that noweys," to occupy the dwelling house " in S' Marie Porte streate " for eight years : in case of refusal, son John to have that money, in addition to £20, at the age of twenty-one ; and also to have it, U the said Philip should die under that age. Also to the said John, after the decease of Agnes Kyte, widow, " my naturall Mother," the lease of one parcel of pasture ground iu the tenure of brother WUliam Kyte, situate in the parish of Chippenham, co. WUts, " nere vnto the Causey or highwaie " of that parish. To the said Agnes " one olde Angell'of Golde beinge of the value of Tenne Shillinges in raoney." To sister Alice Kyte ' ' an olde Angell of Golde" ot the same value. If both the said sons should die under the given age, £10 out of their legacies to remain to the said Alice, and other £10 to sister Katharine Kyte ; and the twenty marks to wife Katharine, who is also to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix, and stand bound "in good and sufficient Bandes to the ffathers of the Orphantes in this Case p'vided " to bring up the said Philip and John " in learninge w'" meate drinck Clothinge," &c., until they are twenty-one. My brother William Kyte, to whom vjs viijd, and Anthony Phillippes, to whom iijs iiijd^ overseers. AA'illiam Pynder, writer, "the ffirme " of Anthony Phillippes, " the ffirme " of Philip Gwynne, shoemaker. Proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, Jan. 10th, 1585. 393.— ROGER SHIPMAN, mercer. 1586. July Uth. Testatorwas " of the Cytie of Bristoll. " To sons Thoraas, John, William, and Edward, £50 apiece. To daughter Margery Shipman £50 when married, or aged twenty-one. If any of the said children should die under that age, the portion, or portions, to be equally divided among those that survive. The sum of £10 unto poor householders within "this Cytie.'' AA'ife Bridget to have tho reaidue, and be aole executrix. To the 8 242 Notes of Brlstol Wills. child she is about to bring forth, ii it shall live, "all such p'fitt and gaine as shall rise and increase vppon my parte of the Twenty Tonnes of Oile w"^ is betweene my Gossippe Will'm Carle and me." My " -vncle " Mr. Thomas Aldworth and the said William Carle to be overseers. Witnessed by — Aldworth and the said William. Inventory stated to amount to vij" xxiij" vjs xd. Proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, Aug. 26th, 1586. 394.— THOMAS ROWLAND, merchant. 1584. AprU 20th. To be buried "in my p'ishe Churche.'' Twenty shillings " towardes the rep'ac'ons of the sayde Churche vnto the newe worke." To the Mayor and Commonalty of Bristoll " towardes the rep'ac'ons of the sayde Cytie " £5. To eldest daughter, Joyce Rowland, two hundred marks, with one of the best goblets, &c., and " a pann that was her graund- mothers, and one garnishe ot pewter vessell." To second daughter, Margery, one hundred marks ; also a lease held of Merburyes, which ' ' J boughte of John Sandiforde of Lo'. J haue as yet an eighte & twentye yeare to corae or thereabouts " ; also "one greate Jland chest," &c. To third daughter, Mary, £80; also a table cloth "of Hollande," &c. To fourth daughter, Anne, £20, &c., and she, for her life, "to be the ffirste in a lease that J boughte of the Chamber of Bristoll in reversion of old mother Stokes." Legacies also to fifth daughter, Katharine, sixth daughter, Alice, and seventh daughter, Elizabeth. Unto Gelyan Rowland, my youngest daughter, £40, and my best dozen ' ' of SUuer Spones of the guilte Apostells ." Unto the child that my wife "goeth withall" £30, and one of "my best guilt Tanck- ardes." All the legacies to be paid to them "at the daye of theire lawfull Maniadge," or when aged twenty-four. Sums of money to the almshouses, each of " ray apprintices, " raaid-servant Ellen, godson Thoraas Rowland, and godson and son-in-law Richard Langford. All "my firste wiues landes in Wales shall goe amongest ray Seven daughters and hers " aa their inheritance, to be divided equally by the rent, or as raay best be devised by " learned Councell," that they have no strife, but agree " like lovinge Siatera." All the landa "in towne'' to reraain to wife Elizabeth during her life, and afterwards to "oure heires betwene vs begotten." She to be executrix, and have five hundred marks, "J say 333" 6^ 8d," and to recover all debts and goods "due vnto me aswell beyonde the seas aa here withui the lande." She is to trouble no person " for anie dett due vnto rae that is not able nor of power to paye the same but suche J freely forgive as J hope and beleue freely to be forgiven thorowe the tender mercy ot o'' Savio'^ Jesus Christ vnto whose tuic'on and mercy J Coraytt iny soule for ever." Proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, April 21st, 1586. The register of raarriages at St. Stephen's has the entry— Thomas Rowland and Elizabeth Langford, Nov. 30th, 1581. 395.— WILLIAM PEP WALL, alderman. 1571. Feb. 1st. Testator was of "the Cyttie of BristoU," and desired to be buried in the parish church ot St. Nicholas there, m decent order according to his calling. To son Michael and his heirs the manors, lands, tenements, &c., at Coldashton, Hamestwell, and Tatwicke, purchaaed of Sir Walter Dennia knt. , deoeaaed, and Richard Denuia esq. ; but wUe Elizabeth Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 24,1 to have this property for her life, as being " ioynte purchasar thereof withe me." She is also to enjoy the parsonage there, with the mansion house, lodge, 4c., " whether she marrie or not marrie " ; and the dwelling house in Bristoll "somtyme called the Starr," if she live sole and unmarried, with all wares, stock, and store in the shop, warehouses, &c., -within the said mansion house, she paying debts and duties owing for the said wares as weU in London as elsewhere ; also all the plate, jewels, &c. To the said Michael and his heirs the property at Tatwicke purchased of Edward Teinte (?), in the tenure of Guninge (?) or of his assigns ; and other property there pur chased of Goore, gent. , in the tenure of John Smithe ; and the grove there "nowe in myne owne possession ;" also all the lands, tenements, &e., in Bristol, and those in the parish of Almesbury Hill, co, Glouc, lately purchased of Giles Ive, gent. To daughter Langley the best nest of goblets, &c. , and ' ' one Caat- inge bottell of silver guilt w'" a litle cheine belonginge to the same. " To daughter Susan Yonge " a pepper Boxe of Siluer guilte," &c., and a cross of gold. To son Timothy the advowson of the benefice of Coldashton, after the decease of the parson there ; also 1 00 marks, &c. , and two goblets of silver parcel-gilt, as soon as he (Timothy) shall be "charged to be residensarie " upon his spiritual promotion of Harford Este. To aon John £100, and "a Goblett of siluer p'cell guilt." To servant Mary Roche, towards "the p'ferment of her Marriage," £20 ; but " yf she never Marye then this guifte to be voyde." To the mother of the said Mary £5. To the children of Rodeman of Merahfyld, being "ray Kynn," £5. Twenty poor raen to have a gown apiece "at my buryall." The aum of £10 to "the poore mens Boxe equallie to be devided araongest thera." To son Richard a cassock of velvet, &e. Black gowns to such as shall be appointed mourners at the burial, by " thadvise " of the overseers, " that is to wyte " to sons Langley and Younge, John PepwaU, Timothy PepwaU, WUliam Reade, and such others, besides ' ' weoraens gownes. " To each of ' ' ray apprintices " and ser vants £5. To "my frend" M'' Rede vj" xiijs iiijd. Legacies also to daughter Langley's sou Toby, daughter Elizabeth Jones, John PepwaU, aon Langley, Besse Higgens, and servant Joan Hawkins. Son Michael to have the residue, and be sole executor. Son M'' Philip Langley and friend M"^ William Rede overseers. On Feb. Uth, 1573, testator wrote an explanation of his meaning, and ordered that his aon Michael should be bound to his aaid wife in a reasonable sura, so that she raight be made the raore secure in the possession of her legacies. Son John to have £50, instead ot the aforesaid £100. To servant Richard Treherne "one Tune ot ledd." Witnessed by WUliam Rede, PhUip Langley, WiUiara Gittens, John PepwaU, EUzabeth PepwaU, Michael PepwaU, William Sprinte, and Richard Treherne. Proved " ¦ die Junij," 1574. The PepwaU pedigree in the Harleian MS., 1543, begins with this testator, and mentions hia aons, Michael, John, and Timothy, and daughters, Mary, wUe of Philip Langley, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Jones, and Susan, wife of Richard Yonge ; also the children which the said Michael had by hia wife Anne, daughter of Davy Hobbes. R 2 244 Notes of Bristol Wills. 396.— JOHN BRAMPTON, merchant. 1563. July 23rd. Testator was of the parish ot St. Thomas " w'"in the Cyttie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the churchyard there. To " the Curat " of that church xijd. Xo " the Cathedrall Churche of Bristoll " xxd. Xo the poor on the day of burial iij", either in money or in bread. To daughter Joan, late the wife of Thomas Fussell, xx", and " in my apparell as shalbe valued at iiij"." To wiie Elizabeth, for her life, the dwelling house, in " a Streate called Redcliffe Streate next thowse of Thomas Homer called the Beares Inde " ; rem. to daughter Joan and her legitimate heirs, who are to pay out of the said tenement the yearly sura of vjs viijd towards the relief ot the poor ot the aforesaid parish of St. Thomas, to be received and paid by the churchwardens. And " yf yt fortune that godlie vse be broken, of the gathering for the poore,'' the said money to be given yearly to the poor people ot the almshouse " called Burtones Almeshouse," and so to continue for ever. To wiie Elizabeth and her assigns for ever a tenement or house "lyinge in Chipna' in the Countie of Wiltshere," between the tenementa of Philip Smythe and Bartholomew Fuatewe (?), with all the landa, leaaes, &c. To daughter Joan a house in Redcliff-street in the tenure of Joan Pinoley, widow, next testator's dwelling houae. Wife Elizabeth to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix. Witnessed by John Tewe, curate, Richard Alkin, Thomas Horner, and WilUam Sutton To James Bodie of Bristoll, towards his losses that he sustained " by suertishipp for Tison," xls. Xo Thoraas Fussell, son of daughter Joan, xls, to be "paide vnto him at his Corainge out of his Apprentishippe. " Robert Banner ot BristoU is released from his debt of iij'' iijs iiijd. Proved before John Cottrell, doctor of laws, archdeacon of Dorset, Dec. 10th, 1566. 397.— THOMAS OLIVER, baker. 1557. June 19th. Testator was of "the p'ishe of S' Thomas thappostell withui the Cittie of Bristoll," and deshed to be buried iu the churchyard there. To the poor alms-people within that parish vjs viijd in bread. To daughter Elizabeth Oliver and her heirs a messuage " in Reckcliffe streate" inhabited by Richard Rose, shoemaker, to be enjoyed by her at the age of eighteen. To wife Margaret a raeasuage " vppon the Backe of thafforesaid Cyttie of Briatoll," inhabited by John Thomas. To son John, at the age of twenty-one, and to his heirs for ever, all the rest of the lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the said city and "subburbes." Wife Margaret to have the keephig of the said son and daughter " duringe theire nonage," and have the profits of the said property ; and the property itself, for herself and legitiraate heirs, if the aaid chUdren should die under age, or s.p.; for lack of such heirs, rem. to brother-in-law Richard Alkin and his legitimate heirs ; in def. , rem. to sister-in-law Elizabeth Craddooke. To son John a goblet of silver parcel- gilt, and " haiilt a dozen of Silver spones with Maydens heddes." To daughter Elizabeth -"a standinge Cuppe of SUuer p'cell guilt," &c. Wife Margaret to have the residue, and be sole executrix. My ' ' verie lovinge frendes" Richard Alkin and Thomas Ciaddocko, "ray brotherlawes," to he overseers, and have xs apiece. To AA'iUiara Edraondes " Surgion," for his "paines takinge w'" rae," vj" viijd. AVitnessed by Richard AA'oodcocke, saddler, William Dawemer, tailor, Randall Hassall, shearman, Richard ¦Alkyn, and others. Proved July 12th, 1557. Notes op Bristol Wills. 245 398.— RICHARD CARY "thelder," merchant. 1570. June Uth. Testator was of " the Cyttie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried " in Saint Nicholas Crowde." To eldest son Richard Cary £10. To son William, and daughters Frances, Ann, Elizabeth, and Mary Carye, £10 each. The sura of £4C0 to my father William Carry (sic), "w''"iaa dett that J owe vnto him." To daughter Letice Mellin £5. Wife Joan to redeem all the lands, tenements, &c., "that be in mortgage," After her lUe, and the expiration of nineteen years, all the property to remain "in ffee Shnple" to son Christopher and his legitimate heirs ; in del, rem, to eldest son Richard and his legitimate heirs. AVife Joan to be executrix, and to have one part of the residue of goods ; " thother twoe p'tes " to be for the said six last children. Brother Williem Carye and brother Eobert Halton to be overseers, and have xxs "a pece." Witnessed by Robert Halton and Christopher Pacye "Prebendarie in the Cathedrall Churche of Bristoll." Proved Nov. 3rd, 1570. 399.— THOMAS INMAN, shearman. 1 585. March 16th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of Temple within the Cittie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the churchyard there "at theaste end of the Chauncell of the said Churche where somtyrae an old yewe tree stod"." To the poor of that parish ten shillings in bread on the day of burial. Unto our vicar vjs viijd; ajj^ a like sura to M' Greene, preacher and vicar of Henbury, who is to ''preache a Seimonat myburyal." To wUe Joan a silver- gilt ring, in token of charity, and for the reraerabrance of ' ' the vowe and promise in matrimonie w'=" he (sic) hathe voluntarilie renounced in her wilfuU sep'atinge of her self from me." To sister Alice Henshawe £15 ; also, for her lUe, a chamber "in my howse," the said chamber being over "the p'lo'^ " of the house bought of William Rise. To son Thomas £12, part in money, and part in "howsehould stuffe" ; also the house with the lease bought of WUliam Rise. To daughter Agnes Imnan as much '-blacke ffrise " as will make her a casscck, and " twoe shirtes of myne to make her smockes." Legacies also to William Rise and John Sextene. Son John to have the residue, and be sole executor. J chn Yonge and Henry Beale overseers, to each of whom vjs viijd. AVitneaaed by Richard Martin, Richard Mero, Dame Oldfild, John Yonge, Henry Beale, and others. Testator added a postscript, stating that his son Thomas was to have the £12 at the age of twenty -two, or vhen married, and the lease of the house immediately after "my decease." Witnessed by Richard Smithe, Thcmas Hamor, Robert Bydo, and Richard Martyne. To brother Sir Thoraas of Puxon the best gown, for the use of "my sister" or himself. Testator owed sums of money to Thomas Teige, Thoraas Toningham (?), and John Griffen. "Henry Salisburye oweth me vppon a band of ffive poundes," for payment whereof PhUip Jones gave his word before Robert Morris "who brought me his goldringe in token of paym*. " Proved March 24th, 1585. 400.— WILLIAM TUCKER. 1583. July 14th. Testator describes himseUas one of "the Aldermen of the Cittie of BristoU," and deshes to be buried "in Christian Buryall." Twelve poor men to accompany his corpse to the " funerall," and each to have a gown of black frise- To wife Isabel, for her life, the dwelling house 246 Notes op Bristol Will«. upon the bridge of Avon, and a messuage in St. Nicholas street ; her son Thomas Clement to succeed to the said dwelling house, and to hold it for twenty-one years, paying yearly £6, at the four principal terms in the year, to such person and persons, their hehs and assigns, as testator ' ' shall deuise the Reu'c'on in ffe thereof." If the said Thomas Clement be not living at the death of the said Isabel, apprentice and kinsman Matthew AA'arren is to hold and enjoy the said messuage during the appointed time for the like rent of £6 ; and to possess it, ii the said Thomas should die before the expiration of the twenty-one years. Four of "the Auncyent p'sons w'"in the p'ishe of S' NichoUas w"=" haue beyn Mayors or Sherives of the said .Cittie," and theh- hehs and assigns for ever, to have the reversion " in ffee " of all and singular the aforesaid property, on condition that the said four persons, within one month next after testator's decease, grant over the same in trust to twelve, or sixteen other persons of the same piirish, and to their hehs and assigns : of the issues and profite, forty shUlings to be bestowed yearly for ever on the poor people in the said parish, and vjs vujd to a learned preacher, to preach one sermon in the parish church aforesaid yearly for. ever upon the fhst Sunday after Trinity Sunday ; all the residue to be "for and towardes the rep'ac'on." To kinswoman Sible AA'arren £20, one haU to be paid at the day of her marriage, and the other twelve months afterwards. To appren tice and kinsman Matthew Warren £20. AA'Ue Isabel to have the residue of goods, and be executrix. John Roberts, alderman, and Hierome Ham gent., "Towne clarcke of the said Cittie," to be overseers, and each to have four broad yards of cloth " of xvs a yeard." Proved Nov. 15th, 1583. This wUl is followed by a memorandum that adm'on of the effects of Richard Boidell of the city of Bristol, who had died intestate, was granted to his brother AVUliam, March 5th, 1584. The wUl of the latter, which' -was- made Nov. 29th, and proved Dec. 16th, 1597, is in the Bristol probate office. He therein calls himseU "AA'Uliam BoydeU of the cittie of Bristoll m'chaunt," and desires to be " buryed as neareas may be to my mothers graue in Christ churche p'ishe." Sums of money are bequeathed to every one of his sister's children, and to a preacher to preach at the burial. His brother-in-law Christopher AA'oodwarde to have the residue, and be executor. The register of the parish of Christ Church records the baptism of Richard son of John Boydle, AprU 3rd, 1562, and of AVUliam, son of the same, July 23rd, 1563 ; also the marriage of Christopher AA'oodwarde and Elizabeth BoydeU, June 12th, 1570. 401.— THOMAS PITTS. 1585. Jan. 8th. Testator was of the parish of Temple in " the Cittie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried "in Temple Churche before my pewe, that is to saye, betwene the Table for Collecc'on for the poore & my pewe aforesaid." Ten shillings to " the vicare," and £5 to the poor of the said parish. To son AViUiam and his heirs and assigns, after the death of wiie Joan, the dwelling house for the specified term of years. The rent of the house wherem AVUliam Howe dweUeth "shall aunswere the Churche of Temple " for the rent of the house inhabited by son Richard " in the longe Rowe," the yearly rent to be paid to the churchwardens of tha; church in " the behaulffe " of the said Richard. If the said Richaid should Notes of Bristol Wills. 247 depart thia life before the expiration of the said lease, the rent of that house ia to be equally divided among his children. The said Richard shall have "egresse and regresse into the Racke" in the backside of the house wherein John Higgens now dwelleth ; but he ia not to " aett nor lett the said Racke to anie other ;" the said house and lease to remain, after the death of wUe Joan, in the power and occupation of son William. To Margaret, daughter of the aaid William, the second silver salt. To William, aon of the same, a silver goblet. To Elizabeth, daughter of the sarae, " one silver drinckinge Cuppe." The said children to have their legacies at theh day of marriage, and also £10 in equal portions. To Robert Kytchin, son of Richard Kytchen (sic), £3 at the age of twenty-one. Wife Joan to be sole executrix. A\ illiam Nicholls and son AVilliam Pitts overseers, to each of whom twenty shillings. Witnessed by Richard Martin, vicar. " Probatu' fuit hoc p'sens Testamentu' in Curia p'rogativa." No date is given : but the will was proved May 6th, 1586, according to the copy at Somerset House, Windsor, 25. The Temple parish register records this testator's burial, April 2nd, 1586. 402.— RICHARD GOORE, shoemaker. 1586. Jan. 6th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Thomas the Apostle in the Cytty of Bristowe." His body " to the earth." Wife Margaret to have the dweUing house for her lUe ; rera. to son James and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to second son John and hia legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to the expected offspring, if a man child. If neither son should have issue, rem. to daughter Alice and her legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to the expected one, U " a maide Childe." To son John the lease of a house in Redcliff-street, held of the feoffees of St. John's parish in Bristowe. WUe ¦MSfi-garet to bring up the said John untU hia age of twenty-one, and have - the profit of the aaid house. To sons James and John, and daughter Alice, £40 apiece ; the sons to have the money when twenty-one, and the daughter when married. To the said Alice the lease of five tenements and gardens in St. Thomas street : the aforesaid Margaret to bring her up, and enjoy the profit of the lease until the said Alice is eighteen years of age. To kinsman Edward Goore £5. WUe Margaret to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Thoraas Sawnders "of Coventree " and James Hurtnall of Bristowe over seers. Witnessed by James Hurtnall, Richard Davis, WUliam Cadle of Bedminster, Edward Goore, Richard Edwards, and Thomas Prin. "Probatu' fuit hoc p'sens Testamentu' in Curia p'rogativa s'c'do die post festu' Assenc'o'is An" sup'adicf Ric'us Argall." The register of the parish of St. Thomaa records the burial of Richard Gower, Jan. 9th, 1586. 403.— HUGH GYBBES. In the margin Oibbes. 1585. Nov. 7th, Teatator was of the parish of " S' Mary porte in the dioces of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the church there. To eldest daughter Margaret Gybbes, at the day of her marriage, £10, and "one Standinge Bedd." WUe Joan, daughter Margaret's " raotherinlawe, " to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Witnessed by Thomas Nelmes, John Hurtnoll, Richard Arther, clerk, with others. " Probatu' fuit hoc p'sens Testamentu' eora' Episcopo Glouc' et Bristol!' " Jan. i2Ui, 1585, 248 Notes op Bristol Wills. 404.— ROBERT PRISYE, meichant. In the margin Prine. 1586. Sept. 27th. Testator was of " the Cytty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the church " of S' Warboroughes," bequeathing ten shillings towards "the rep'acions" thereof. The sura of x" to Mary daughter of Richard Wryte of Wantage, when married. The same amount to "the poore Jnhabitantes ot the Cytty of Bristoll." To Alice Rowland vj" xiijs iiijd. Xo servant Margery xxs. WUe Joan to have the residue, and be executrix. Thomas Aldworth "my welbeloved Brother" to be overaeer. Proved before William Blackleeche, doctor of laws, Oct. 17th, 1586. 405.— THOMAS SLOCOMBE, alderman. 1586. June 22nd. Testator waa of " the Cytty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried " in S' Nicholas Crowd." To da,ughter Elizabeth Rowland £60 ; and to each of her daughters, Julian and Sarah Rowland, £20. To daughter Bridget Chester £60 ; and to her children, James, Mary, Elizabeth, and Bridget Chester, £10 apiece. To daughter Joan Dydrayster £40 ; and to her "fyve sonnes," Thoraas, Richard, Edward, Henry, and Thoraas, £10 apiece; and to her daughter, Bridget Dydinister, £10. To "ray sonne" John Slocombe £100 ; also to hira and his legitimate heirs male, after the death of wife Elizabeth, three teneraents " in Broademead iu S' James p'ishe in Bristoll," and a house " in S' Nicholas streat " in the occupation of M'' John Robertes. If son John should die s.p. , rem. to Gilbert, son of ray son Henry Slocombe, and "his yssue males"; in def., rem. to "my heyer male generall." To Thoraas, John, and Elizabeth Slocorabe, the three children of son John, £10 apiece at the age of twenty-one, or their marriage. To Gilbert Slocombe aforenamed £10 ; " allso J Confesse J owe him " £20. To Mary Langford a " gylt Salt" bought of John Yevans, a gilt goblet, " one beeie Cruse," &c., and six silver spoons " w'" Lyons heades." Legacies also to John son of ray brother John Slocombe "deceassed," sister Yoweii, and her three daughters, WilUara Yowen, George Yowen, my brother John Slocombe, the parish of Willscorabe, and the poor of " the p'ishe of Huyshc chamflows." To each of twelve poor men in Bristoll a gown, a cap, and four pence in raoney. To each of twelve poor women there a "fryse gowne," also a " kerchewe and fower pence." WUe Elizabeth to have the residue, and be executrix. Mr. John Browne, alderman, to be overseer, and have " towards A gowne " £3, also "auAngelett." Witnessed by WilUam Chaple and Elizabeth Rowland. No record of probate : but the wUl was proved Dec. 2nd, 1586, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Windsor, 69. 406.— JOHN GRYFFYN. 1587. April 20th. Testator describes hunself as "of the p'ishe of Temple wythin the Cytty of Bristoll Beerebrewer," and deshes to be buried " w'Mn the mterclose, in the place where the deske atoode, before it was sett att the Pulpytt." To the poor of that parish on the day of the funeral, as much bread as shall cost £5, To Sh Richard Marten " the vicker of Temple " £4. To the preacher for a funeral sermon " to befe preached at my buryaU" vjs viij. To the common use of "the poore and Co'mons of the Cytty of Bristoll" £100, to be delivered unto the Mayor, &c,, for the yearly Notes of Bristol 'Wills. 249 purchaae of corn, to be aold to the poor at a reasonable price. To Christian, wife of Thomas Vethered, £10 ; in case of her death, the said money to "disoend" to her legitimate children. If the said Thomas Vethered shall bring in two sufficient sureties " vnto the father of the Orphauntes " within the city, he may enjoy the said " Tenne powndes " during the " minorytie of the said Childe or Children." If the children should die under the age of twenty-one, the said money is to be distributed to the almshouse of St. Thomas " in the Longe Rowe," the almshouses of the Tuckers' hall and Weavers' hall, anel the almshouse " w'"out Temple gate," by even portions. To Elizabeth daughter of Thcmas Hilling £5 at her marriage, or age of twenty-one. If she should die before, the said money is to be parted among the Newgate prisoners, the almshouse " at the Whirlegige at MichaeU Hill," the " spytle howse" and almshouse of St. Katharineat Redcliff hill, the alms house at Tower lane, and Sir Richard Marten, the vifcar of Temple, or his children in his absence. To John Hooke, and Edith his wife, ten shillings apiece. The sum of £5 towards " the Repayrirge of Bedminster Calsey," half of which money to be bestowed in stuff and woikmanship on " the one ende of the Calsey from Redclyffe hill vnto bright bowe," and the rest " on the other ende or p'te of the Calsey from bright bowe to Bedminsters townes ende." To Richard Kytchinge, of the parish of Temple, "a goulde ringe by estiraac'on in pryce or value xxs havinge therin a Read stone w'" a mayden heade." To Robert Deane, hooper, " dwellinge in Ballandstreat," ray third gown, ' ' by the narae of silke Russett soe Called w'" gowne J have Co'monly woren on Sunda'es. " To John Barrowe of Temple parish, shearman, my gown " comonly called a Shepe Russett gowne." If wife Maud should depart this life before the lease of the dwelling house be exphed, the said house, with the horse-mill, three horses, and brewhouse, shall " discend " to the relief of the poor inhabitants of the parish of Temple, and also "to the yerely Repayringe of the Cundyte of the said p'ishe of Temple " : the said house and lease, with the horse-mill, &c., to be ordered, set, and let by the dis cretion and " good Advyce" of the fraternity and brotherhood of the vestry of the parish of Teraple, together with "myne overseers," to the uses aforesaid. Unto the parish of Temple "my newe howse in Tuckerstreat," between the house of Mr. Richard Kelke, on the south-east side, and a house of Thomas Lucas, dyer, " Comonly Called the Doggeshead iu the Pott," on the north-west ; the rent to be distributed' yearly to the poor people c.f the said parish. Wife Maud to hold this hcuse during her lUe, and to be sole executrix. WUliam NichoUa of the parish of Teraple, clothier, and Matthew Havelande of St. Leonard's pariah, merchant, to be overseers, and each to have £6. 13. 4. Witnessed by Richard Martin, vicar of Temple, Matthew Havelande, and WUliam Nicholles. Proved " in Cur' prerogatiua," June 6th, 1587. 407.— WILLIAJiI GYTTINS. 1582, Jan. 1st, Testatorwas "of the Cytty of Bristoll marchaunte," and desired to be buried " in S' Warborough Churche." To the reparation thereof xxs ; and to S' Stephen's church xxs. To son John Gyttens £100 at " the ende of one yere," and £100 at the age of twenty-one ; also, after the decease of -wife Mary, " my estate in feefaime of my house in SmaUstreate," paying xls a year to" the vse of the iiij'''' kinges vppon MichaeU HUl," with 250 Notes op Bristol Wills. all drapery, glass, &c. , and twelve spoons " w'" a wylde man gylt on the endes of Every of them." To son Champion Gyttons £200 at the age of twenty-one. To son Thoraas Gyttyns £200, and the fee simple of a house "vppon the Keye." To son Jeffery Gyttyns £200 at the same age, and a lease for nine hundred years of a house on the Key inhabited by Michael Knott, To George and William Colston, sons of daughter Elizabeth, wife to William Colston, £25 apiece at the age of twenty-one. To daughter Mar garet £50 towards her maintenance, and " all the Stocke belonginge to the grownd of my howse in Publowe," the money to be delivered to her at the discretion of ' ' my wyffe, ' ' as she ' ' shall see neede w'" her estate " in that house, "and Afterward to Champyon." To daughter Agnes Gyttins £100 at her marriage, and £100 after her mother's decease ; also " my castinge bottell of Silver " double-gilt. To daughter Mary Gyttins £100 at her marriage, and £100 after her mother's decease; also "one of my iij goblettes of xvj ounces double gylte," &c. To brother Robert Gyttyns £20, " w'" all other debtes to him dxie." To " my Lovinge sister Lady Jane Pip A Portygue to raake her a Jewell, acknowledginge my self to be A Thowsand tymeS more in her debte." To " my good M's mystris Pepwell" a Portigue of gold, or the just value. The sum of £3.6. 8, to "the helpe and furnyture of bedinge in mambridge nowe the howse of Correcc'on." The same araount to " the Co'raon box of the poore in this Cytty." Testator forgives William Cole all the money paid " for his Redemption from Argel], Jn Considerac'on he shall doe my wyff'e true and dilygent service duringe his Apprenti- shipp. " Forty shillings to William Swetnam over and above ' ' his dewe at the Co'minge owt of his yeeres." Legacies also to daughter Elizabeth Colston, brother Edward Gyttins, sisters Elizabeth, Cicely, Dorothy, and Katharine, and " the mayde in the howse." WUe Mary to be executrix, and have the reaidue of goods, debts, merchandise, &c. Michael Pepwell, M'^ John Bro-svne, M"^ WUliam Hickes, and William EUice overseers, " to whome J doe geve xxs J say to eu'y of them." Provided always, " and yt is my determynate will that if any p'te of my Adventure, w''" thia daie J have at the Sea to ffraunce Spayne Portingall and Turkey which J doe eateme in 20138" doe myssecarry, w"" god forbid," each of my chUdren to " beare the losae alyke," and wife Mary to have " the gaynes." No record of probate : but the will was proved March 20th, 1586, as appears by the copy at Somerset House, Spencer, 13. 408,— JOHN BOS WELL, 1586, March 20i.h, To be buried "in the Crowde of S* nioholas p'ishe," To the poor of that parish xxs. The same amount to "the poore of the p'ishe of Shiftnall whereas J was borne," to be distributed at the discretion of brother George BosweU. To sons William and John xxx" each at the age of twenty-one. To daughter Elizabeth xl" at the same age, or when married. Also "U my wief be w^" Child whether it bee a Boye or a wenche J doe geve and bequeath vnto yt xx"" at the age of twenty-one, or day of marriage " yf it bee a wenche." To sister Joan BosweU forty shUlmgs, haU of which brother WiUiam BosweU gave her. To servant James Atwood forty shUlings, " yf that he dothe serve owte his yeeres w'" my wief," The same amount to Edward Dowle, serving out his years with " my wief " to make up " the so'me of iiij" specyfied in his Jndentures." Ten shUlings to Notes op Bristol Wills, 251 Michael Tillett " my boye," Twenty shillings to John Stinohcome, " yf he be bownde and serve his yeres." Legacies also to aiater Elizabeth Benion, sister Anne BosweU, sister Elianor'a daughter Margery, brother Richard Boawell, Elizabeth Watkins, Richard Ywerae, John Grigge clerk, and servants Alice and Joan. If all the children should die, their legacies shall remain to brother Richard's children, WUe Elizabeth to have the residue, and be executrix. M"^ John Webbe and brother Richard BosweU overaeera : to the former xls. Witneased by John Cothery, Adam Bynion, and George Watkins. Proved May 13th, 1587. 409,— THOMAS GRYFFYTHE, In the margm Griffith. 1586. Sept. 13th. Testator was " of the Cytty of Bristoll marchaunte." His body " to the Earth from whence yt Came;" trusting by Christ's " deathe and Resurrection to obteyne forgevenes of my sinnes." The sura of iij^' in bread to " the poore people of Bristoll at my buryinge." To son John the lease of " my howse vppon the backe wheriu J dwell," with the glass, wainscot, " the frame bourde in the Parlor of Wallnutt tree," &c. : but wife Elizabeth to enjoy it " tenn yeres after my death if she soe longe Lyve," and remains unmarried. To daughters Elizabeth and Mary two stone cruses covered double-gilt, and six silver spoons. To daughter Maud ' ' my Turkey goldringe ." To son Thomas ' ' a Stone Cupp Covered w'" silver. " Of the residue of goods, money, plate, &c. , one third part to wife Elizabeth, and the other parts to the children, John, Thomas, Elizabeth, Maud, and Mary, in equal portions. Wife Elizabeth and son John to be executors. M^ WUliara Hopkins and brother Hugh Griffythe overseers. Witnessed by Hugh Griffyth and William Griffyth. The " so'me of the Jnventory is iUjC ij" xs," Proved Oct, Uth, 1586, 410.— ROGER HAYNES, shoemaker. 1587. June 21st. Testator was of " the Cytty of Bristoll and of the p'ishe ot the Holly Trinitie,'' and desired to be buried in St. Peter's church yard, " neere vnto the place where my ffather and mother doe Lye buryed." Ten shUlings unto " the poores box of Christ Church ;" and the same amount to that of St. Peter's. To servant Mary Smyth, and to her legitimate heirs, two houses " in Def ens streate " in the parish of St. Peter, in the occupation of Mary Mosly, widow, and John A Price ; in default of issue, rem. to ray .servant and kinswoman Elizabeth Whyte and her heirs. To the said Elizabeth £5, and two houses " on Michael HUl." To Walter Pykes, alderman, and to his heirs, a house " in Wyne streate," in the occupation of John Bantinge "mynister." To M' John Browne, alderman, and to his hehs, a house in the same street, in the occupation of Richard Coollim"' (?), saddler. To WUliara son of Thomas Pytt of Bristoll, merchant, and to his heirs, the lease and intereat in testator's dwelling houae, with the wainscot, glass, and " portall," the doors, &c. To the .said Thomas " my bloode stone. " Unto the company of "the Shomakers of BristoU" my great pan "andbrandire and Pykes thervnto belonginge," to be kept "in the hall vntyll there be cawse to vse the same," and to be lent to every householder of that company " one daye in the yeere and noe more to boyle 252 Notes op Bristol Wills. their pecs' and not for any other vse payinge iiijd to the vse of the poore of the said Crafte." To John Gryffyn, innholder, "my best Ringe." To Richard Stone and William Cradocke, shoemakers, twenty shilUngs apiece. Legacies also to servant Agnes Coorant, godsons Roger Offley and Roger Baker, Joan Dye, daughter to Robert Dye, and goddaughter Alice Gryffyth. Roger Cooke, tanner, to have the residue, and be executor. ' ' M'' Alderman Browne and M'' Alderman Pykes " to be overseers. " Wytnes herevnto ray fyrrae and Scale, donne in the p'sence of these p'sons vnder wrytten R H Red fyrmed and Sealed in the p'sence of vs " George Baldwyn, Thomas Pytt, and Maud Pytt. No record of proof. 411.— WILLIAM STERNOLDE, cooper. 1587. Dec. 10th. Testator was of "the Cytye of Bristoll." His body " to the Earthe. " Twenty shilling to the poor of the parish of St. Nicholas. To brother Robert Stemolde my best wearing apparel ; also £10, "to be paid w*"in one halfe yeere after my decease, yf yt please god that xlviij barrells of Hearinge nowe laden abourde the I'obye of Newnam, and xxviij barrells of heringe nowe Laden and A kynterkin of heringes nowe Laden abourd the Peeter of Milford be safely dischardged att the Porte of Bristoll or any other Porte of Right dischardge to the vse of me the said Willia' Sternolde or my Executors." To wUe Agnes the rents of lands iu " the Forest of Deane," co. Glouc, untU daughter Margaret shall attain to the age of twenty-one. If the said Agnes should bear another child, it is to have £30 at that age. The said Agnes and daughter Margaret to have the residue, and be executors. "Jtem J doe hereby Release vnto ray Cosen Robert A Deane all Acc'ons and demands' from the beghininge of the worlde vntill this daye." Brother-in-law John Wbytson and "my Cosen xp'ofer AUeway ' ' overseers, to each of whom ten shillings. Witnessed by Robert A deane, Matthew Cable, William Sternolde, and John Whytson. Proved before WUliam Drury, doctor of laws, Feb. 8th, 1587. 412.— DAVID OLDEFEILDE, shearman. 1587. June 13th. Teatator was of " the Cytty of BristoU," and deshed- to be buried "by my firste Wief in Temple Chm-che yarde." To son Edmund £10; also the lease of the house which he dwelleth in "in Tucker streate ;" and also "my grindinge Stone furnished." To daughters Mary and Agnes OldefeUde £20 apiece. To son William " the Tenne powndes w°" was Lefte w*" John Spencer of London for the placinge of my said Sonne." To son John £6, "that ys Three powndes in monye, and more Three powndes sobers, and owinge rae by Michael! Thirkell." To sister Agnes ' Dyer "three yardes of AA'oded Russett Cloth " to raake her a gown. Six shUlings to sister Judith; also "a ffrize Cassoke and a Sraocke." To son Thomas "my Ringe that I had of Parrye Gould smyth of London'." Legacies also to Alice OldefeUde, daughter to son Edmund, and Davye son of Thomas Tyther. WUe Cicely to have the residue, and be executrix. Thomas Pytte and William Nicholls overseers, to wholn ten shUlings apiece. Witnessed by the said Thomas and WiUiam. Proved before William Drury, doctor of laws, Feb, 6th, 1587, Notes of Bristol Wills. 253 413.— PETER MATHEWE, draper. 1587. Oct. 1st. Testator was ot " the Cytie of jBristoU," and desired to be buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas, by the appointment of " my good frinde William Vawer shyryte nowe of Bristoll." To wife Anne £300. To sons Bartholomew and John £200 apiece at the age of twenty-one. To daughter Penelope £200 when married. The sura of £100 unto "ray onely faythfuUyst friude vnder god in the worlde WUliara Vawer nowe one of the Slieryf es of the said Cytie of Bristoll." Unto ' ' my by ffather Thomas Mathewe " 100 marks, and " the Graye geldinge w°" he had of me at his laste behige here." To brother James Mathewe £50. The sum of £20 to each of my sisters Joan and Susan, who are both married, " but J doe not knowe theh husbandes names. '' To the children of Henry Elliott "who was executed at Glouc'" £-20, to be equally divided. To Mistress Garrett "whoe was sometymes ray Mystris" £20. To John Weste "of Andyver " the money that he " doth reste owinge me vppon accompte w"" ys abowte Ten powndes or twentye Markes," but the executor is not to make him "any Acquyttaunce," by reason of "an Eatatute w'=" J have passed to one Roberto Godfrye w'" his condiscente And J have taken the same Roberto Godfrye elettor for Cxviij" w'=" was the prinoypall that remayned vnpaid of the Statute " To father-in-law Peter Shoe £20. Unto the poor generally of the city of Bristoll XlOO, for provision of corn, and other things necessary. Twenty nobles unto " my good frinde M'' Doctor Dunn ;" and the same araount to Thomas Thomas, saddler, dweUing in Bristoll "at the Signe of the Harte;'' and to Shingleton, a draper "of Sowthe Hampton." To Lewys Phillippes, late baker "of the Backe of Bristoll ", £10. Unto the poor of Stratford and Honnington, co. AA'ilts, " where J was brought vppe in ray Childhode," £23 " to eyther of them." A further sum of £150 to ray three children, equaUy divided. My "good frinde M'' Vawer" to be executor, and to bring up the aaid children "in Vertue and Learninge." To " my frindea " M"^ Hierom Ham and Edward Lane £5 "the peece." AVitnessed by AA'illiam Vawer, Peter Shoe, and Richard Moore. On the day after the date of the will, testator added a " schedule :" having given unto the poor generally of the city of Bristoll £100, " for the provysion of Corne,'' &c., the said sum is now willed and bequeathed to remain for ever with ' ' the Mayor and Co'inynaltye " of the city, to be from time to time converted and employed for "a Stocke in the howse of Correction to sett poore people in AVorke w'"iii the said Cytye.'' AA'itnessed by AA'iUiara A'awer, Hierom Ham, Thoraas Saull, AA'illiam Dawl. . . . Proved Oct. 9th, 1587. 414. -JOHN CAROE, vintner. 1588. Sept. 13th. Testator was of the parish of S' Stephen iu Briatoll, and willed that hia body be " burieil in good order in the churche of S' Stephens aforesaide," To the paraon and the clerk there ten ahillinga apiece. To the poor of the city £13. 6. 8., immediately after the burial. To wife Katharine, for her life, a messuage upon tho Key, commonly called " the tower," and three other messuages there, now or late in the occupation of WUliam Atkins, joiner, Edward Nayler, and Richard Adamea ; a 2.'')4 Notes of Brlstol Wills. messuage in Small-street, now or late in the occupation of John Younge ; a messuage "in Redcliffe streate," now or late in the occupation of Luke Harris, and commonly called " the Red Lion," and other messuages in the same street, now or late in the occupation of Humphrey Massis, William Jones, Elizabeth Pickerill, and Michael Vynson (sic ) ; also the messuage "towardes Marshestreate," held of M'' Standfaste, and the messuages "scituate by Froome gate," now or late in the occupation of Anthony Goodier : the said Katharine to receive the rents of all the other messuages, landa, &c. , to the uae of teatator's five sons ; and, after her decease, ' ' the Red Lyon," and the messuage on the Key in the possession of the aforesaid William Atkyns, to reraain to eldest son John Caroe and his legitiraate heirs ; in default of such issue, rera. to Henry Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to William Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rera. to Richard Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to " Elexaunder Caroe " and his legitimate heirs. To the said Henry Caroe " my sonne," and his legitimate heirs, eight messuages " in Redcliffe streate" now or late in "the severall occupac'ons" of Michael Wynson, M"s Crickland, Edward Nightingale, John Melloes, Humphrey Masies, and Philip Jones ; also three messuages in Temple-street, whereof two are, or late were in the tenure of Nicholas Lyon, and one was lately purchased of William Kirke and his son, or of one of them ; in def. , rem. to William Caroe and his legitiraate heirs ; in def. , rem. to the said Richard Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in dot. , rem. to the said Alexander Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def. , rem. to the said John Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def. , rem. to testator's right hehs. To son WUliara and his legitiraate heirs the afore said messuage upon the Key " Comonlye called the tower;" in def., rem. to the said Richard Caroe : also to the said William all the terms, estates, &c., in messuages on the Key "nere vnto the said howse called the tower." To son Richard and his legitiraate heirs a messuage "in Temple Streate," in the posseaaion of Thomas Davis, tucker ; and those messuages now or late in the occupation of Elizabeth Pyckerell, Edward Naylor, John Young, and Anthony Goodier ; in def. , rem. to Alexander Caroe and his legitiraate heirs ; in def., rem. to the aaid John Caroe and his legitimate heira : also to the said Richard all the "estates terraes' and interestes " in the messuage in Fisher lane, now or late in the possession of Thomas Davis, hooper ; in the messuage " in Marshestreate," now or late in the possession of Robert Baynhara ; in two tenements in Silver-street, now or late in the possession of John Wilbram ; in a messuage and garden " in Horse streate," held by lease ; and in two gardens "at MichaeU Hill," in the several possessions of Hemy Griffyn and John Bull. To Alexander Caroe and hia legitimate heira a messuage in Fisher lane, now or late in the tenure of Richard Larabard ; also two houses and gardens, and " one woorck- house " in Horse-street, with outhouses, &c. , now or late in the possession ot WUliara Atkins and others ; a garden now or late in the poaaeaaion of Henry Gibson, and a messuage in Horse-street, now or late in the occupation of Thomas Garalyn ; another messuage " in Horsestreate," now or late in the occupation of WUliara Phillippes ; three tenements upon Michael hill, now or late in the tenure of PhUip Phylon, Roger Oliver, and Elizabeth Mason, widow; a messuage and garden "in tholde M'kett," now or late in the possession of Richard Young; and one shop "in Lewins Meade," now or Notes op Bristol Wills. 255 late in the possession of John Bull "smythe;" in def., rem. to son John Caroe and his legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to son Henry. To the said Alexander the messuage or tenement in Temple-street, held of the Mayor, Burgesses, and Commonalty of the city. None of testator's sons, or their hehs, are to alienate or lease any of the aforesaid property before they shall come to the age of twenty-eight. Wife Katharine, after a reasonable "prysment" thereof made to the value of £100, to take "at her election " goods, plate, and "husholde stuffe" to furnish the said house called " the tower," and to enjoy and possess such goods "during her naturaU liffe;" remainder to son William. She ia also to have 100 raarks, and all testator's timber within the city of Bristoll, for the building and repairing of the said house. To cousin Julian More £5 in raoney, and as much black cloth as wUl raake her "a Gowne." To cousin Thomaa Kynch, of VA'aterford, forty shillings to buy him three yards of satin to raake him a doublet. Twenty shillings unto Joan which was my servant, and " nowe dwellethe w'" M'' Kelke." lien shillings to servant Joan, who lately dwelt with master Bisse. Ten shillings to every servant in testator's house at the tirae of his decease, "bothe men kinde and women kinde." Legacies also to Matthew Hitchinges, Katharine Kett, daughter of PhUip Ket (sic) of Waterford, and William Scott, and his daughter Julian. Wife Katharine to be executrix, and to provide, within forty days after testator's decease ' ' at the fartheste," gold rings of six or seven shiUings apiece, and give the same unto those " my frindes " as foUoweth, viz. , good wif e Merricke, Henry Griffythe, and hia wife, goodwife Clodd, Edward Naylor, and hia wife and daughter, MI'S Harte, M''' Androea, 'W Perrie, the wife of Henry Lucas, Elizabeth Tytherton, the wUe of Richard Adames, and master Androes. The residue of testator's goods, &c., to be sold, and the raoney divided among his five sons. John Androwes " Customer," Robert Perrey, gent., Henry Griffithe, tailor, and Richard Adames, ropemaker, to be overseers, and each to have four marks. Witnessed by Hobert Perrey, John Lardge, and Henry Griffin. Proved Sept. 30th, 1588. 415.— CHRISTOPHER CECYLL. In the margin Cecill, 1587. May 30th. Testator was of "the p'ishe of S' MichaeU in the Subvrbes of the Cytie of Briatoll." His body " to the Earthe to Chriatyan Buriall." To hia " verv frinde " Richard Mascall of the aaid city, butcher, and hia heirs, the measuage wherein the said Richard doth now dwell, "in the Shambles Called WorahipfuU Streate, extendinge from the said Streate vnto the Church yarde of S' Mary Porte," and ail testator's other lands, teneraents, &c., within the sarae city, and elsewhere in England, paying to wife Elizabeth, during her life, four nobles a year, the payment to be raade quarterly "aa he dothe vae to doe." Tho aaid Elizabeth to have all the raoveable gooda, and be executrix. Witneased by Richard Yorke, tanner, Richard George, brewer, Anthony Goodyer, tailor, Walter Fryer, tailor, Walter Tovye, smith, Richard Byllinge, tailor, and Thomas Pryn', notary public. No record of proof. 256 Notes op Bristol Wills. 416.— PATRICK WISE. 1588. Sept. 10th.— "ot the Cyty of BristoU Muzition eutendinge (yf god p'mit to goe for Jrelande doe make my last will and Testament .... my body to the earth to be enterred where yt shall please god." All my worldly goods, &c., to daughters Letice AA'yse and Joan AA'ise. Patrick Younge, dyer, and Michael Winson to be overseers, and have " the vse of my said Children' and theh porc'ons." Inventory=f 161. 0. 7. Proved Jan. 16th, 1590. 417._-WILLIAM NICHOLLS, clothier. 1589. Aug. 4th. Testator was of the parish of Temple within the city of BristoU, and wUled that his body be " buryed in o'' Lady Chappell in the p'ishe Churche of Temple neare vnto the Corpes of Johane my wyffe." Five marks to the poor of that parish at the funeral. Forty shiUings to Richard Marten, vicar of Temple ; and vjs viijd to a preacher for preaching a sermon "att my funerall." Twelve poor men to have "ffrize gownes and Cappes," and be present. To daughter Alice, wUe of Walter Williams, £100 ; also " twoe gylte boules of sylver," Ac, and " thre goulde ringes w°" was my wyfes. " To son-in-law Walter AA'illiams ' ' my blacke geldinge. " To AValter, son of the said Walter, £10 at the age ot twenty-one. To Alice, Mary, and Anne, daughters of the said Walter, £10 each when married. To servant Ellis Nordon xxs, to be delivered to him shortly after " ray deceasse." Legacies also to Richard Jackson, David Henton, John Gybbens, David Williaras, John Browninge, and Margery wife of Owen Rogers. Son-in-law AA'alter Williams and Matthew Havelande to be o^•e^seel¦s, and each to have xls. Son George Nicholls to be executor, and have the residue of goods, lands, &c. Son-in-law Walter to have " the tutele and govermenfof the said George with all his legacies during "the tyme of his Mynorytie," putting in "suffycient suerties to the father of the orphans,'' and paying v" yearly for the use of every £100. If the said George should die under the age of twenty-qne, daughter Alice Williams and her children to have all the goods, lauds, &c. Witnessed by Richard Marten " mynister " (the writer of the will), AA'alter AVilliaras, and Ellis Northerne. .Proved Nov. 18th, 1589. 418.— ANTHONY STANDBACKE. 1587. May 31st. Testator describes hiraself as "of the Cytye of Bristoll Late Maj'or there," and wills that his body " be Layed in xpi'en buryall " in the crowde of S' Nicholas. To his wUe Katharine Standbacke, for her life, all his lands, tenements, rents, &c. , " w'"in the Cytye of BristoU, in the County of Bristoll and in Templestreate, and in S' Nicholas Streate there and ela where in the Reabne of Englande ;'' to reraain for ever, after her decease, to all intents and purposes to that good and godly use of orphans and fatherless children "or otherwyse howsoever" as of late it was devised by M' Jolm Carre, deceased, "for an Hospitall to be erected w'"in this Cytye of Bristoll," as by the will and testaraent of the said John Carre ' ' y t raaye appeere. " In default of such erection of the said hospital "and soe that yt doth not take effect," all the said property to go to "my said AA'yffe yf she be lyvinge," and to "my very lovinge and Trusty friude il'' AA'iUiara Byrde," woollen draper, to be uaed to their good and godly diacretion, or the discretion of Notes of Brlstol Wills. 257 one of them " survyvinge," for the best profit and commodity of the poor. WUe Katharine to have the residue of goods, and be sole executrix. The said M"^ WUliam Byrde to be overseer. Witnessed by the said William, Thomas Brooke, and Thomas Pryn, notary public. No record of proof. The register of the parish of S' Nicholas records the burial of " Jonue the wiffe of Antonye Stanbacke," Feb. 23rd, 1575, and of " Antonye Stan- banke," June 8th, 1587 ; and the marriage of Thomas Callowhill and Katharine Stanbanke, widow, Sept. 25th, 1587. 419.— GEORGE MARTYN, soapmaker and chandler. 1589. Dec. Slat. Testator was of "the parrishe of S' Thomas the Appostle w'"in the Cyty of Bristoll," and declared his last will "nuncupa- tyvelye." To his son Richard the dwelling house in Redcliff-street, with the furnace and all implements and utensils for soapmaking and " for Chaundlinge ;'' also the land " in Jvye Lane " and in S' Thomas-street. To his son George a houae next adjoining unto the aaid dwelling houae, and the house "in Redclyffe Streate" wherein Thomas Browne "the Hatter" dweUeth. All his apparel to his said two sons : and ' ' all his wyffes apparrell " to his daughters, Anne, Elizabeth, Cecily, and Edith. Legacies to his brother Richard Martyn " of Dorsley," kinsman Harry Martin of Bristoll, Philip Juke, late servant Edith Symons, William Kearne, Richard Wood- sonne, and Dorothy Hawkins. To Alice Martyn " his Pownde garnet ringe." To Harry Mirtyn aforesaid "his beste Lardge Byble." To the poor of Bristoll £10, " w"^ ys in the handes ot the Chamberlenof Bristoll." To the poor of Blaisdon parish £10. Residue of goods to be equally divided among his six chUdren. If any of the said children should die before his or their lawful age, the portion to remain among the children of hia brother AA'illiam Marten, late of Bleisdon, deceased. His brother Richard Marten and kinsman Henry Martyn to be overseers. Witnessed by Richard AVoodson, Henry Martyn, and AA'illiam Came. ' ' Administracio Conoessa fuit in Curia p'rogativa Thorae Grayle daf London xiiij'° die mens' Januarij Anno d'ni 1589." 420.— RICHARD ROGERS the elder, soapmaker. 1588. May 28th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Thomas Thappostle in the Cyty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the churchyard there ' ' as nere the grave of my ffather and in such semely sorte as shaU seme good to my executors and overseers." To the said parish church xxs. To the poor people of St. Thomas's almshouse xxs. For "my funerrall Sermon" vjs vUjd. Twelve poor men and women to have gowns " of Blacke ffrize,'' and "to eu'y of the women a kerchewe clothe of dowles." Forty shillings to be bestowed in apparel upon kinsman William James of Bedminster, and his wUe. To daughter Rachel £100 at the age of twenty, also "ray frier Cuppe covered w'" sUver ray lytic Sylver Cuppe w'=" J vse to warrae drinke in," &c. To daughter Joan Rogers £200, and the lease of an orchard at Temple gate; also "my silver salte w»" J bought of David Warren of Worle," a walnut chest. Sec, and " my Crocke J bought of goodwyffe Baker." 258 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. Twenty raarks to each ot the chUdren of son Richard Rogers. To Agnes Rogers, " the nowe wyffe of my said sonne Richard," £60. To son Nicholas Rogers £50. To son Robert Rogers three sUver spoons, a sUver pot marked with testator's name, and a maaer ; also ' ' my right and interest of the howse att Porte WaUea w"" J houlde of the p'ishe Churche of the blessed lady of Redclyffe in the subvrbes of the Cyty of Bristoll." To son Richard the biggest silver salt, "my great aqua vitse Crocke my yron Crocke," &c., and "abrasen Chaffingedishe w=" was his grandmothers ;" also £50towarda "the buyldinge of the lytic olde howae wherein J nowe dwell lyinge betwene the lande of John Alkin of the south side and my howse J bought of M"" Harry Braine of the north side " ; the lease of the garden in Redcliff, and all the timber and treea in the orchard at Temple gate before bequeathed to daugh ter Joan, who ia to allow the said Richard free egress and regress for the purpose of cutting, squaring, sa-wing, &c. , the said timber during the space ot five years next after testator's decease. To daughter Rachel and her legitiraate hehs, the meaauage or teneraent in the tenure of Richard Edwardea, pewterer, in Redcliff-street, between son Richard's dwelling house, on the south side, and the tenement in the tenure of AVilliam Slany, girdler, on the north, and extending frora the aaid street forwards ' ' vnto the Halle" of the said messuage "nowe in the manuraunce" of the said Richard Rogers backwards ; which property testator purchased of Robert Henshawe. If the said Rachel should die s.p., rem. to son Nicholas and hia legitimate heira. To sons Richard and Robert, and their heira, a messuage or tenement "in Redclyffe streate," between the raessuage in the manurance of George Marten, soapmaker, on the north, and the messuage in the manur ance of William Jones, soapmaker, on the south, and extending in length from the said street forwards " vnto the Ryver of havon " backwards ; which said tenement testator purchased of David Harris the younger, and used tor his "worke howse." To his said son Robert Rogers and his heirs, the corner house " at the bridge ende in Bristoll," turning into Redcliff-street, in the occupation of James Inshall, goldsmith ; which teneraent testator bought of M"^ Maurice Rodny esq. ; also another messuage, adjoining the said tene ment, between the aforesaid "litle oulde howse " on the south, and the said corner messuage on the north ; which property was purchased ot M"^ Harry Brayne. Sums of money to "ray prentyces " Benjamin Jeu'n, John CuUymore, and Thoraas Puxatone, and to servants Margaret Hentton and Elianor Dewell. Sons Richard and Robert to have the residue, and be executors. Peter Bysse and Richard Davies overseers, to each of whom xxs. Witnessed by Peter Bysse, Richard Davys, Thomas Puxstone, and Margaret Henton, Proved June 19th, 1588, 421.— THOMAS AVALL, soapmaker. 1589. Aug. 16th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of Christchurche wythin the Cyty ot BristoU," and committed his body " to xp'ien buriall." To son John AA'all the " biggeste Jlande Chayer," &c, also £20, and " my greate Sope furnes w'"all vates," &c, at the age of twenty-one ; but wife Margery during "her wydowehed " is to hold and use the said furnace, &c., paying yearly twenty shillings to the said John. To daughter Anno Wall the best Note.'! op Bristol Wills, 259 bedstead in the higher parlor, &c., and a spruce chest " w* ys in the Cock- lofte," also a Uttle " portingall Chayer," and £50 in ready money at the age of seventeen. WUe Margery to be sole executrix, and to hold and enjoy, for her lUe, the house in Lewens mead, and see the yearly payraents raade to "the Goodwyffe Pullen." William Browne, skinner, and William Jones, baker, to be overseers. "The Totall some of the Jnventory Amountethe to the some of Cxliij" xvs viijd," Proved before William Drury, doctor of laws, Nov. 19th, 1589. ' 42-2,— WILLIAM SLANYE, girdler, 1589. May 27th. Testator was of "the Cyty of BristoU," and desired to be buried in the parish churchyard of St. Thomas. Wife Katharine to enjoy, during her life, the dwelling house "att the Bridge ende"; rem, to sons J ohn and Henry Slanye and their heirs for ever. To the said Henry a stone cruse covered with silver, and six silver spoons. All "workinge Tooles" to son John, if he will follow "my occupac'on"; if not, to his brother Henry, if he will use them ; it not, to wife Katharine. Violet breeches &c., to John Robertes "my Surgion." A black doublet, &c., to " my vncle " George Slanye of Bewdley. A " Crane Colored fustian dublet " to cousin Thomas Morgan of Bewdley. A platter to " Gregorie Baylyves Sonne my godson." One flookbed to Thoraas Trowbridge of Hutton; and "my best hatte" to the uncle of the said Thomas. Legacies also to the poor of St. Thomas's almshouse, Thomas Lawrence, goddaughter Joyce Cother, Edmund Trowbridge, Siraon Barrett of Hannam, and the goodwife Jorden. AA'ife Katharine to have the residue, and be executrix. Dated in Bristoll. John Cother and John Richman overseers, to each of whom vs. Witnessed by the said overseers. Inventory = £76, 10. 3, Proved Aug. 2nd, 1589. 423.— JAMES TURVER, glover, 1588. June 3rd. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Thomas Thappostle w'"in the Cyty ot BristoU." The sum of £5 to be paid to " every of my ChUdren," viz., Margery, Johu, Nicholas, and Mary, vhen of lawful years and discretion ; wife " Erae " to have the use of the money in the mean time, putting in sufficient assurance for the payment thereof to the overseers, ' ' yt she shall chaunoe to marry.'' She is alao to have the residue of gooda, and be sole executrix. AVilliam Higgins and George Martyn overseers. Witnessed by Thomas Thackham, preacher, Nicholas Rece, and Peter Bysse, Proved before Gilbert Browne, doctor of laws, Feb. 5th, 1 588, 424.— JOHN BRINSDON. 1588. April 3rd. — "my bodye to be buryed in the earth att the dia cretion of my ffrindes." To son John £100 ; also to hira and his heirs, two houses in Wootton ; in default of heirs, rera. to son William and his heirs. Brother George oweth £62, of which the aum of £32 ia forgiven ; so that aon John ahall hold an eatate in reversion of a teneraent " w'=" he hath boughte vnto hira." To aon WUliara £50. To sister Margaret twenty nobles. Wife Dorothy to pay for brother Giles £10, for which testator is bound to his sister Anne. " Jtem my vncle nicholas Webbe oweth me Tenne powndes s 2 260 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. for Roberto osbome besides accompte of wheate w"^ J bought of my Cosen poore," and other money " w^"" ys noe p'te of Roger Bowraans p'te,'' and also £20 "w"" he p'mised rae w'" my first wyffe in mariadge." Roger AVebbe oweth £10 at his day cf marriage, or death. Brother AA'illiam Brinsdon to pay Mr, Langley £20, due upon Roger Bowman and testator ; on payment of which amount, the said Roger is to pay "my wyffe" £10. Mr Leea oweth £30, "whereof there ys Paulne for ten po-wndes." John Sachfeild is also in debt. Roger Bowman had put into stock £500, and testator £400 ; but the said Roger having taken out almost £300, ' ' my accompte muste nodes be better then his," yet testator is content to part with him " yt he soe will." AA'Ue Dorothy to have the residue, .and be sole executrix, AVitnessed by Mr AA'Uliam Wally, Mr AA'illiam Sherston, and others. Proved before AA'illiam Drury, doctor of laws, June 18th, 1588, 425.— EDWARD ROE. 1588. Jan. 13th. To be buried "over against my pewe dore." All goods to " my wyffe," who is to pay " my debtes," and be cxocutrix. AA'it nessed by Thomas Tayler, Thomas Prhiter, Agnes Coodyoro, Alice Hamlett, Christopher Coffe, and Thomas Mors. Proved " in Curia prerogativa " Jan. 25tli, 1588. 426.— ELIZABETH ROE, widow. 1589. April 14th. Testatrix was ot " the Cytie of Bristoll," and desired to be " buryed in the Churche of the p'ishe of S' Thomas nere vnto iny husbande." To ray two children, Joan and Elizabeth Roe, £100, of which the sum of £40 has been lent to John Kidwellyter alias Kainshutte (?) ; also all the household stuff, plate, &c., to be equally divided, and paid at their marriage. To the said Joan " my Grogran gowne my best petycoate and my silke grograyne aprone." To the said Elizabeth " my blacke Laced gowne," &o. All the linen and twelve "gonlderinges " to be equally divided between the said children. Twenty shillings to Alice Clarke. Thomas Printer, father of testatrix, to be executor, and Thoinas Taylor, overseer. AA'itnessed by John Hinge, Alice Clarke, Anne Goodyere, Thomas Mors, and Christopher Cute. No record of proof. The register of the parish ot S' Thoraas records the burial ot Edwai-d Rooe, Jan. 24th, 1588, and that of Elizabeth Rooe, April 29th, 1589. 427.— THOMAS POLLINGTON, merchant. 1587. Jan. 20th. To be buried " in BristoU in Christ Churche in tho Chauncell as nere the grave of my late wyffe Elizabethe as convoniently maye bee." To Thomas PolUngton "my sonne and heyer" and his legitimate heirs, after the decease of my raother, lands, tenements, &c., " in the Towne and p'ishe of Thame in Oxforde shere late ray father AA'ill'm PoUingtona deceaased and ya two bowses w'" gardens ortchards and thapp'teu'nces and halfe an Acre of meade grownde app'teyninge to tho greater howse." If Thoraas should die s.p., rera. to son Richard and his legitimate heirs. To the said Thomas £300 at the age ot twenty-two; also " my beste gylte silver salte" ; also to him and his heira " iny howae in Bristoll that J dwell in in Notes op Bristol Wills. 261 AVynestreate " ; in def . , rem. to daughter Elizabeth PolUngton and her hehs for ever. To son Richard PolUngton a lease of sixty years of the parsonage of Kingston ' ' nere to Tanton in Som's'tshere houlden of s' Augustines in Bristoll " ; also £300 at the age of twenty-two, and three silver pots parool- gilt. To eldest daughter Elizabeth PoUington £300 at the age of twenty-one, or when married ; also ' ' her owne mothers weddinge ringe of goulde and a Gymoll of goulde and her beste gowne of Shepne Clothe and her beste Lyiinen. " To daughter Margery PoUington £300 at the age of twenty-one, or when married; also "one gylte ale potte," &c. If both aona should die s.p., daughters Elizabeth and Margery, and their heirs, to have the property in Thame, and also the aforesaid lease of the parsonage of Kingston. The sum of £20 to " the poore people p'itioners and Almeshowses of Bristoll." Tes tator forgives his brother William PoUington all his debts, and gives him " to begyn to trade w'" xl"." He also forgives "Johane Yevans of London my naturall sister" all her debts, and gives her xxs. To "myne owne Mother " xls. Legacies also to sister Alice Cobbet, John Savadge the elder and hia wUe, and Thomas Savadge ' ' ray Servaunte. " Wife Susan to be sole executrix, and have the residue of goods, debta, adventures, &c., and the custody and "goverraente" of the children during their minority, and have and enjoy "the vse of the stookes " and legacies, to bring them up, and also the dwelling house until aon Thomaa come to the age of twenty-one. WUliara Yemans, grocer, and WUliam Ellis, merchant of Bristoll, to be overseers. Witnessed by Matthew Hickman and Thomas Savadge. Proved " in Curia prerogatiua Canf ," before William Lewen, doctor of laws. May 29th, 1590. 428.- JOAN STONE, widow. 1590. April SOth. Testatrix was of " the Cytye of BristoU in the p'ishe of Temple there," and desired to be buried iu the chancel " w'"ui the p'ishe Churche of Temple in Bristoll afforesaid," as near as might be to her late husband Mr John Stone. Forty shUUnga unto Mr Richard Marten, , vicar of Teraple. To son-in-law Sampaon Edwardes two goblets "all gylte p oz xlix ounces," one stone pot, with a foot, lip, and cover " all gylte," six silver spoons " w'" ThapposteUs vppon thendes," &c. To daughter Edith the second best diaper table-cloth, &c. To Edmond son of Sampson Edwardes, at the age of twenty-one, 100 raaiks ; also "one very fayer gylt salt w'" a Cover," &c., " my best Carpett for a table, w'" a lesser Carpett for a syde table," &c. If the said Edmond should die under the given age, the said money to remain to daughter Edith ; and the plate and other legacies to be equally divided between Thomas Brooke, the younger, and Joan, Margery, and ¦Elizabeth Alye, the children of "ray Cosen" Edward Alie of Tewkesbury. The sura of i4 unto "my syster" Elizabeth Barebone, and forty shillings to her daughter Elizabeth. To John, William, Thomas, and Walter Stone, " the ffower sonnes of my Nephewe " John Stone, xxs apiece. To son -in-law John Gostlett one pot of silver, ic. To Joan Hedges, one of the daughters of the said John, forty shillings. To Agnes and Elizabeth, two of hia other daugh ters, £10 apiece, Sec, at the day of their marriage. To the children of WUliam Bullocke and Fortune " his wyffe " £20. To the poor people of Temple parish £5 ; and to the poor of other parishes of this city ' ' other fyve powndes " on the day of "my funerall." The sum of £65 to be distributed 282 Notes op Bristol Wills, among the poor of the parishes of Temple, St. Thoraas, and Redcliff, within the term of thirteen years ; that is to say, £5 yearl.y, first to one parish, and then another, at " than'ncyacon' of o'' Lady S' Mary the virgin," until the said sum be "fully distributed and geven." The sura of £100 to be bestowed in cloth and other necessaries requisite and needful for the charges of "ray funerall"; whereof unto twelve poor men, twelve gowns and "Cappes," and to twelve poor women "xij ffrize gownes and xij ells of dowles for kerchers." Legacies also to Thoinas Brooke, the younger, at the age ot twenty-one, Elianor Heriottes, .John Conie and his wife Agnes, and children Robert and Mary Conie, and each of the chUdren of Thoinas Saule of Clifton. Thoraas Brooke to have the residue, and be sole executor. Kinsraan Edward Alie and WUliam Sayer overseers, to each of whom ' ' a mourninge gowne." Witnessed by Edward Alye and WUliara Sayer, Proved July 3rd., 1590. 429.— WALTER DAVYES, glover. In the margm Davis. 1589. May 24th. Testator was of " the Cytye of Bristoll," and parish of All Saints, and willed that his body be buried " in the earth whereof yt was made." To cousin AA'alter Davys £10 at the age of twenty-one, and one thousand of white leather. To John, Edward, and Thomas, three of the sons of brother John Davis, deceased, £5 apiece at the age of twenty-one. To sister Joan £3. 6. 8. To Roger son of Richard Davys £3 at the age of twenty-one ; and to his sister Elianor £3 : U these two should die before the "tymes afforesaid," the children of brother John Davys are to have their legacies in " equall porc'ons." To cousin Alice Bellamye xxS; and to her children x* apiece at their several days of marriage, or their ' ' seu'all ages of xxj yeres," To James Davys of Upton xxs ; and to each of his children x* at the age of twenty-one, or their marriage. To Elizabeth and Anne Hamlen, the children of Robert Haraly n, late of ' ' the Cyty of Bristoll m'chaunte deceassed," xs apiece, to be paid to them " as ys before expressed." To Walter son of Thoraas Rockwell " sayler " xls at the age of twenty-one : it he should die under that age, rera. to Edith the child of Thoraas Rockwell. To "ray wyffe " a yearly rent of ,tlO over and besides her other legacies ; the said rent to be received out of testator's dwelling house, and the teneraent in High-street in the tenure of Edward Evenet, goldsmith, the tenement in Broad-street in the tenure of John Henry, and the raeasuage and tenement in the tenure of Thoraas Holbeck, haberdasher, " vppon the bridge of Havon, w'"in the said Cyty." James Baughe to be allowed quiet possession of " my shoppe," and the chamber wherein " he nowe lyeth," and such other rooms as have been demised and granted to hira by indenture of lease ; and to have and use all the implements in the rooms. Testator's heira to have and enjoy all his drapery, and " waynscott Glaase wyndowes," &c., in his dwell ing house, and also in the tenement in the tenure of the said Edward Evenett, goldsmith, and in the tenement in the tenure of James Cadle, pewterer. WUe Edith to have and enjoy " the Chamber afurestreate," with " thegallery adioyninge vnto the same," during her lUe, without paying any rent. Twenty shUlings to Walter son of Richard Yorke, Twenty shUlings to the company of " white Tawers " within the city "att my Buriall." The lands and tenements before mentioned, and the tenements held by Edward Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 263 Evenett and John Henry to go to that child " ray wyffe nowe goeth w* all," if the same be a man child, and to its heirs ; in default of issue, rem. to daughter Joan for her life ; and, after her decease, and that of the said child, to Walter Davys, son of brother Jghn, and his legitimate heirs ; in def . , rem. ' to John, Edward, and Thomas, aons of the said John Da\ies, and to their heirs jointly for ever. To daughter Joan and her heira for ever, a tene ment in Temple-atreet, in the tenure of Richard Horner, dyer. If wUe Edith should bear a " woman Childe," it is to have £60, To cousin Mabel Morgan, widow, and hor daughters Margery and Alice Morgan, a yearly rent of forty shillings out of lands and tenements "somtymes the Lorde Lysles Lande," purchased by lease for certain years of the Chamber of the city of Bristoll, and held by Walter Pykes alderman, Richard May gent., and AA'Uliam Colston merchant, A yearly rent of fifteen shillings, during testator's term and interest of and in the meaauage called ' ' Brcwe howse," situate in "the Subvrbes of the Cytye of Bristoll afforesaid," without tho gate called "the Pythye gate," and held by Christopher Uyllet, brewer, to be divided equally between the poor of the almshouaea of Lewens mead and St James's Back, and the prisoners in the gaol of Newgate. To cousin AA'alter Davys, and his heus, executors, and assigns, all right, title, interest, and dcniaiid in a messuage upon the bridge of Bristoll, now or late in the tenure of Thoinas Holbecke ; paying to wife Edith the said yearly rent during hor life, and also " one Suger loffe weyenge ten powndes and a box of lu'nialade weyenge iij" yerely," at the feaat ot the Circumcision of our Lord " Comonly called newe yeios day " ; and, after her decease, paying to the other cxcoutor, if then living, during hor natural life, the said augar- loaf, &c,, at the feaat aforesaid : also, paying to the said Edith, during the space of six years, the sum of xlv" iiijd at the four principal feasts of the year. To Michael Bowden "my apprentyce" £3. 6. 8, to be paid to hini "att the,\pyrac'on of his apprentishippe." Wife Edith and daughter Joan to have the residue, and bo executors. Richard Maye and John Henry gent, to be overseers, and have twenty fchillings apiooo. Read, published, sealed, and subscribed, Jan. 7th, 1589, in the presence of the said Richard and John, Proved May 20th, 1590, 430,— PHILIP SCAPULIS, stationer. In the margin Scapelis. 1589, Aug. 9th, Teatator describes hiraaelf as born in Germany " in the Auncient Citie of Tryer and dwellinge in Bristoll in England in AVinstreate in tho p'ishe of the holye Trinitie," and desues to be " buryed after the manner of A Christian man " in the church ot that parish " before the Pewe wlierem J was wonte to kneale," Ten shillings unto " the poore man John BaU the Crippell," Ten shillhigs unto old John Tannye, bowyer, and his wife. Ten shillings unto the poor man lieughes, lame man, being one of the almsmen ot " the Alines howse w''''in Laffordes gate," and to Anne his wUe, " the longeste liver of any of thoiu bothe," Ten shillings unto " the poore woman the Goodwife Gere w"" some tjrae did dwell w"-" me m Loudon and ilid there INurse me A Childe in my howse dwellinge nowe in BristoU," Five shillings in bread to the poor prisoners in Newgate " the w°" haue noe thinge but that is geven them by godlie disposed people," Xo fifty poor mon or woraen that be known to be " trewe p'testantes " sixpence I'uoli. Five shillhigs to the wife of the goodnian Ryae deceased, that "some 264 Notes op Bristol Wills. tymes " was a shearman dwelling in Temple-street, and his wife is " nowe " in one ot the almshouses " w'"in loffordes yate." To godson PhUip, son of Thomas the gardener, and to godson PhUip, aon ot Lewea Tayler, ten shillings ej,3h. To cousin Margaret, Thomas Tyler's kinswoman, twenty shillings besides her wages. Unto my godson (the son of Anthony Simons tailor, deceased,) called '" by my name Phillippe," ten shillings. "J doe yeve vnto tho poore widdowe (of) Ankerett Knighte pointmaker deceased dwellinge in Lewens meade tenne shillinges." To Richard Foorde, stationer, " w=" was some tyme ray prentice," the great press standing in the garden, and the three raoulds made of " latten wyer," to make " paste bourdes w'" all," &;c. To neighbour Nicholas Woulte, cutler, " my longeste Ridinge swoorde." To cousin Henry Nayler " my other longe Ridinge swoord.'' Legacies also to Robert Goodyer, sraith, and Margaret his wife, dwelling in St. Peter's parish, old Richard Rudge, shoeraaker, old Johu Faye, grocer, dwelling upon the bridge, George Brynilaye, testator's gardener, and his wife, Alice and Elizabeth Yeoraans, testator's " raaydes," the poor old woman " the Good wUe EUyn one of the Almes howse of MichaeU HUl," and Master Jones "our p'son." Wife Elizabeth to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Cousin Thomas Tyler, hooper, " dwellinge in Ballante streate,'' and friend Hugh Harvye, schoolmaster and scrivener, "dwellinge by S"- Peters Ploumpe," to be overseers. To the said Thomas Tyler " my beste blacke gowne " furred with white lamb, and " faced w'" bodge." To the said Hugh Harvye the other best black gown "lyned w'" double frysado and faced alsoe w'" bodge"; also to each of them fifty shillings in money "w<'^ they shall receave of Richard Foord stacioner of BristoU" of that money "w="he dothe owe rae," and all bows, shafts, and quivers, parted justly between them. Witnessed, on Jan. 20th, 1589, by Henry Nayler and Richard Foorde. Proved "iu Curia Prerogatiua," May 21st, 1590. The register of the parish of Christ Church records the burial of Mar.v Scapuhs, Aug. 19th, 1574 ; the baptism of Maigaret daughter of Philip Scapulis, June 28th, 1581, and her burial, June 3rd, 1585 ; and the burial of PhUip Scapulis " stacioner," May 7th, 1590. The register ot Bristol appren tices states that David son of Johu Trewell of Chard, co. Somerset, " posuit se app'ntic' Ph'o Scapulis Stac'on' et Marie vx' eius", Aug. 25th, 1561. 431.— ANTHONY PILL, grocer. 1591. April 10th. Testator, who was of the parish of All Saints " in the Cytye ot Bristoll," made his wUl nuncupatively, appointing his wiie Elianor and only son John executors, and bequeathing all his goods to them. AVitnessed by WiUiam Dyvis (Davis), Amy Brooke, Margery Buffin, Elizabeth Williams, and others. ' ' Probatum fuit hoc p'ns Testamentu' in Curia prerogativa sc'do die post festu' sc'i Joh'is Bap'te : 1591." The Orplian Book contains another copy of this wUl, the probate clause stating that it was proved AprU 23rd, 1591 ; which agrees with the copy at Somerset House, Sahiberbe, 28. Anthony Pyll was admitted to the freedom of the city of Bristol, Sept. 19th, 12th Eliz,, "quia fuit fiUiJs WUl'ini Pyll groc' Burgens'," Notes of Bristol Wills. 265 432.— JOAN WHYTE, widow. In the margin White. 1592. Aug. 21st. Testatrix was of " the Cytie of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the churchyard of Christ Church. Five shillings to the poor of St. John's almshouse ; and two shillings to every other almshouse in " the Cytie of Bristoll." Forty shiUings in bread unto the poor of the said city "in gen'all." To son Thomas Whyte the lease of the house comraonly called "the AVhyte Lyon Lyenge in Brodestreate," which lease was also given to him by his father deceased. To son-in-law John RotheU, and his wife, xx". To EUzabeth Herytorde x" " at the daye of her Marryadge" : rem. to .John RotheU and his wife, if she should die before marriage. To Thomas Farmer, and his wife, the three bowls, and " twoe whyte ones w"" he hathe of inyne." To William Waynewrighte, and his wife, xxx". To daughter Anne Waynewrighte the spruce chest in the great chamber, and a ' ' lytic Cheste w'" the Lynnen that ys yn him beinge yn the Lynnen Charaber. " To the said Anne, and Joan Farmer, the best coverlet and curtains, " w'" the ffrenge," each of them to have the use thereof as often as they, or either of them, lie in childbed, and " the Longeste Lyver of them twoe " to possess the said goods. To Mr. Morgan Jones " o"^ p'son " xs. To the aforesaid John RotheU xxs. Legacies also to John Woodwarde, and Thomas, Joyce, and Anne Woodwarde, children of John, every one of Thomas Nelme's children, John and Richard, sons of Edward Herryforde, and Mr. Aberte. Son Thoraas to have the residue, and be executor. John RotheU and John Woodwarde overseers. Witnessed by Morgan Jones " the wry ter hereof," John RotheU, John Woodwarde, Thoraas Farmer, and WUliam Waynrighte. Proved before Francis Jaraes, vicar general in spirituals of the bishop of Bristoll, Sept. 22nd, 1592. The name of this testatrix suggests a reference to the will of Thomas White, of the city of Bristoll, merchant, proved in P.C.C, March 24th, 1601, Montague, 8, containing the words, — to son Thomas "ray Ringe which I allwaies weare that S"' ffraunces Drake gave " : to daughter-in-law Alice Grice " ray diamond Ring which was her mothers, and the double hoope ringe that her Mother allwaies wore which sir ffrauncs' Drake gave. " 433.— PHILIP LANGLEY, alderman. 1587. June 5th. Testator was of " the Cytye of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in the pariah church ' ' of Alhallu wea. " To wife Mary, for her lUe, the dwelling house in " the highe atreate " of that city, and a messuage in the same street called "the George," in the occupation of John Webbe, draper, and Elizabeth BosweU, widow ; also two teneraents in St. Nicholas street, iu the occupation of Robert Prince, John Harris, and James Bushe ; two tenements "in S' Mary porte streate," in the occupation of Philip Gwynne and Richard Browne, shoemakers; four tenements "in Wyue- streate," in the occupation of John Thurstone, John Morgan "seriaunte,'' Joan Lenny, widow, and WUliam Butler : the same lands and tenements to remain to son Toby Langley and his legitimate heirs male, on condition that he does not grant or demise any part of the said property to any person for more than twenty-one years, or less, or three lives, or less, reserving there upon the old accastomed rent, or more, " as Tente in Tayle May Lawfully doe " ; if lie should do so, the property shall remain to PhUip Langley, son 266 Notes of Bristol Wills. ot the said Toby, and his heirs male ; in def., rera. to the feraale heirs of the said Toby. All other lauds, tenements, &c., and all landa "houlden for terme of yeeres," and leases, &c., in the city of Bristoll, and in the counties ot Somerset, Gloucester, and Monmouth, and elsewhere in the realm of England, except one garden, held for a term of years of the parishioners of All Saints' within the said city of Bristoll, lying "neere a streate Called the Pythie," to go to son Toby, and his legitimate heirs raale, on the aforesaid condition ; in def., rem. to the heirs male of brother William Langley, deceased. To the said Toby 200 oz. of plate, he to make "his Choyse," save only of such plate as Mr. PepwaU " my wyves ffather " gave her ; also £2000, to be paid to him in separate sums within four years ; £1000 of this aura to be in the keeping of the Mayor, Burgeases, and Commonalty, until the said Toby or his heirs, by the advice of the executrix and overseers, shall conclude, and "thinke yt good and Convenyent" to purchaae landa therewith ; the said Mayor, Sec, to pay him and his heirs, &c. , " vij" yeerely for eu'y hundred" for the use and possession thereof ; the said Toby or his heirs to give the Mayor and Chamberlain one year's notice before he or they take out the money for the purchase of lands. If "any honest burges " shall borrow any of the said money, the said Mayor, &c., "shall not take above the rate of viij" for the forbearaunce or Loane of every hundred pounde' for one year. To Philip Langley, son of the said Toby, 200 oz. of the best plate at his age of twenty-one ; his father to have the use of it in the meantime, " puttinge in suffycyent securytye vppon receyte thereof vntothe Mayor Bur gesses & Comynalty of the foresaid Cytye of Bristoll for the dely very thereof vnto the said Phillippe at his full age of xxj yeeres. " To Mary Langle^, eldest daughter of the said Toby, £250 in money at the age of seventeen ; and tlie same araount to Anne Langley, " my sonnes youngest daughter, " at eighteen : if both should die, their brother Philip is to have their said money. To the said Philip £200 at the age of twenty- one ; the said money to be divided between his two sisters, Mary and Anne, U he should die. To his said sisters 200 oz. of plate, equaUy divided at their age of eighteen. To son Toby all goods and chattels, plate, &c., at " or in Catchecoulde," co. Glouc, where he "nowe dwelleth " ; also one garnish of pewter vessels, &c., " my Byble ray booke of Statutes," a pair of " Corslettes ffurnished," and a musket furnished. Wife Mary to have, during her lUe, "the vse of my Andyrons," which cost £8 ; also the use of furniture " in my nowe dwellinge howse in the high streate in Bristoll ; " rem. to son Toby for his lUe. To the said Mary the use and occupation of the garden in " or neere the PyttyeHill in the Cyty of Bristoll," held for a terra of years of the parishioners of All Saints', she paying the yearly rent for the same ; rem. to son Toby. To EUynor Langley, daugLter of brother William, x" in money. To cousin WUliam Langley, "nowe dwellinge in Luxborne in Porthigale," son to brother William Langley deceased, xl" in money, to be "ymployed and bestowed to his vse m the most vendyble m'chaundyzes for Spayne and Portingale." To cousin Robert Langley, brother to the foresaid 'WUliam, xx". To servant Annis Williams x" when married. To cousin Sarah PepwaU xx" when married. To the poor people of the parishes of St. Philip, St. James, St. Michael, Temple, and Redcliff, x", viz., xls to gach parish ; and xxs to the yoor of each of the parishes cf St. Peter, Christ Church, St. Stephen, ami St. Nicholas, Unto " ray old s'vantes and now my good Notes of Bristol Wills. 267 frindes," Mr. Ralph Hurte, John Hewghes, Edmond Maddock, John AA'allie, and John Robertes, xxxs each, " to be paied them in Angells of gold, wherw*" J pray them to make eu'y of thera a signett w'" my coate Armor to be graven therein, And to weare the same as a token of reraerabrance of me sometymes their master." Unto " my lovinge Cosens " AA'illiam AA'illiams, and Roger Williams, of Newport, xl^ apiece, to make them " seu'all signettes of gould w'" ray coate arraor therein " ; also to the said AVUliara AA'illiaras, and Roger AA'illiaras, £3. 6. 8., to employ and bestow the same upon the amendment of the highways, &c., "frora llysweryd to Traslon' iu the p'ishe of Christchurch," co. Monraouth, and other £3. 6. 8. towards amending " the highe waies betwixt Gates ashe and Christchurch," in the said county. WUe Mary to pay fifty shillings yearly to William and Anne Langley, the two poor children of John Langley, tucker, towards the maintenance of the said AViUiam to be brought up at school until he is thu-teen or fourteen years of age, and to provide apparel, &c., for the said Anne till she be "of the adge of x or xj yeeres," and both to be bound apprentice : to the said AA'illiam Langley v^' at the age of twenty-one ; and to the said Anne, his sister, v" when eighteen. To eighteen poor men " a fryse gowne and a new capp" and sixpence apiece; and to eighteen poor women "a fryse gowne and a CarchUe of dowlesse or Lockrome" and sixpence apiece : the men to be taken out of the almshouses " of the trynitie of Laffordes gate and of the three kinges of Collen att S' Michaells " ; the keeper of " the hospitall of Laffordes gate," Christopher, testator's water-bearer, Abbington, his horse-keeper, and John Langley, tucker, to be of that company ; the women to be of the same houses, and of the almshouse of "All ballon'," the goodwife Perrin to be one. To the poor inhabitants within the parish of Christ Church, co. Monmouth, xls, to be distributed by cousin William Williams and Ryce Langley. Legacies also to servants John Fowins, Morgan Watkins, Davie Goughe, Sander Robertes, and Anne Howell, U serving testator at the time of his death, and towards repairing the bridges of Newport, Carlyon, and Chepstow. AVife Mary to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Owen Guin esq., cousin WUliam Williaras of Newport gent. , and brother Michael PepwaU esq. to be overseers, and each to have iiij" towards " their mominge Clotheis to be worne after my decease. " Ii wiie Mary should refuse to enter into bonds to the Mayor, Burgesses, and Commonalty of Bristoll, for the perforraance of all the legacies, son Toby is to have £500 besides his other legacies. AA'itnessed by Michael PepwaU, Owen Gyn (sic), and WUliam WUliams. On Aug. 14th, 34th Eliz., testator made the following codicil. ' To his wUe Mary his dwelling house for her life, and for the term of thirty-one years in reversion next alter the expiration of her lUe ; also, for her life, ' ' my house in broadmeade," late in the occupation of Richard Dole. She is to pay but vj" for "ray best paire of Andioms," and to have, for her lUe, all the lands "w''" J bought in fee farme." To servant John Fowens, and "my kinsweoman" Anne, his wUe, " for terme of xxj yeeres," the tenement and lands which John James and his sister -Joan, or some one of them holdeth "in iny manno' of Birwick," co. Glouc, My nephew WiUiam Langley being now deceased, the two daughters of "my Cosen M' Woodsonnes wief," sister to the said William, are to have his lega«y. To John Langley, son of "my sonne" 268 Notes of Bristol Wills, Toby, an eatate "in reuerc'on for the terme of his leif" of a tenement and landa held by John Pryor and his wife, for theh- lives, "in my Manno'' of Berwicke aforesaied " ; also the sum of £50, Twenty ahillinga to each of " my three inaide s'vantes," Joan Hibbott, Elizabeth Smyth, and Jane Bennett. The xl" bequeathed to the two daughters of son Toby, and given thera by theh deceased " graundmother M'''s Pipwall " by her will, and remaining in testator's hand, to be accepted and taken as part ot the vc" which he has bequeathed to them. To the Mayor and Comraonalty of Bristoll xx" towards redeeming the manor of Congresbury, out of the interest money " w"" they Doe owe me for money lent them." No record of proof. The register of the parish of St. Nioholas records the marriage of Philip Langley and Mary PepwaU, Sept. Uth, 1557. 434.— MARGARET TYNDALL. 1605. March 30th. Testatrix was " of the p'ish of S" John the Baptist within the Cittie and Countie of Bristoll daughter and heire of John Sebright late of the same p'ish and Cittie Gent, deceased," and desired to be buried in the churchyard of that parish, " as neere where my father and mother lyeth as conveniently it may be. And J will that there be a tombstone there sett with my name engraved, and the day and yeere of ray buriall for a memoriall." The sum of four pence yearly to the parson and his successors "for the roome of the stone there to stand." TVeuty shillings unto the parson " for my duties omitted." The same amount to the poor of the almshouse of S' John's aforesaid. Ten shillings to a preacher ' ' for a sermon to be made at my buriall." As touching "ray land called Estharas hay lyinge iu the p'ish of Overly (Wolv erley) in the Countie of Worcester,'' in the occupation of Thomaa Beat or his assigns, cousin Edward Sebright and hia hehs are to have the said property, on condition of hia giving. "for a fine thereof " the sum of £20, to be divided among the children of cousin Thomas Such, and among Roger Goodier and his two sisters, and also on condition that he and his heirs pay out of the issues and profits of the said property a yearly rent of twenty shillings for ever for the poor in "the Citty of Briatoll." If the aaid Edward should refuse, cousins Thomas Goodier and Thomas Warren are to hold the property on the same condition : and if they refuse, then the said property, and the rents and reversions of the same, are to pass to Sir George Snigge knt., one of the barons of " his Ma'es Court " of the Exchequer, AVilliam Ellis merchant, one of the alder men of "*the said Cittit ot Bristoll," John Andres gent., AA'alter Gleson, Thomas Prin, and James Farly, citizens and burgesses of the same city, being cofeoflees of the lands and tenements "belonginge to the said p'ish Church of S'' Johu the Baptist in Bristoll," and to their hehs and assigns, on condition of theu- performance of the said fine and "yeerly An'uitie for ever." To the same cofeoflees the messuage and tenement "wherein J now dwell in Bristoll in Brodestreete. " Whereas the father of teatatrix did bequeath his house in Overley, wherein one Wallis dwelled at the yearly rent of twenty shillinga, to remain, after the death of testatrix, and of Edith Coleman, now deceased, to WiUiam Winter of Bristoll, hooper, and to his lawful heirs ; and that house being since sold ; the heirs of the said WiUiam Notes of Bhistol Wills. 269 Winter are to have twenty shUlings yearly out of the issues and profits of the said dwelling house in Broad-street ; and the rest of the rents and profits to be yearly distributed among the poor of Bristoll : the " seller Roome " with a little pavement adjoining to the dwelling house, and held of the Chamber of Bristoll by lease, to remain and continue " vnto my said dwellinge house." To Margery Floide the little tenement with the little shop under the Guild hall, parcel of the said Chamber's lease ; she to dwell there " duringe all the yeeres to come in the said Chamberlins lease," and to pay yearly the ten shillings due to " the Chamberlin." The sum of £10 to "the poore at my buriall." To Mary Longe, " now dwelUnge with me," £10, a feather-bed, Sec, and "the bigger Crocke that goeth about the house." To Margery Floide " the lesser brasse Crocke w°" goeth about the house," &c. To "the Com'union Table att S'* Johns one Table cloth of diaper with blew at the end, and one quart present pott to be vsed to fetch wine for the Com'union Table." To Susan Walter "my best Curtins and vallenoe." To Edmond Popley " the Jland Chest in the great Chamber wherein his linnen was." To goodwUe Haines (?), ot Hambrocke, " the ringe vpon ray finger." Legacies also to Margery Lucas, William Longe, Edith Sperckes, daughter of Alice Sperckes, godson Thoinas Warren of Overley, old Mj"^ Foyns, widow, Elizabeth Cooleman, John Greeves, little Elizabeth Floid, goddaughter Mary Foyns, and servant Jane Sambome. The rest of the goods, &c., to be sold, and the raoney given to the poor. Testatrix desires her " verie good friendes " M'' John Foyns and M.'' Hugh Murcott to "be aydinge and assis- tinge heerein," and to each of thera, "for their gentlenes and paines," forty shillhigs : likewise M"" WUliara Lewes " searcher " to be helping herein, ' ' to whora J glue ray husbandes best ringe " : and alao to ' ' ray Cozen " Thoraas Prin, for his help, "ray owne best ringe." Witneaaed by John Fownea, Hugh Murcott, William Davella, Thoraas Prin, and John Northall jun"^. Administration was granted to the feoffees named in the said last will, before Morgan Jones, surrogate, and Nathaniel PownoU, notary publie and registrar, April 9th, and to AA'alter Gleson, before John Gooder, &c., AprU 12th, 1605. This will is also in the Bristol probate office ; which office contains only two of the wills registered in the Orphan Book. The register of the parish of S' John records the burial of Margaret Tyndall "widowe," April 10th, 1605. It is not quite evident from the register, whether her father was buried in 1565, or in the following year. The burial of Thomas Pryn " notarie public " occurs under the date April 1st, 1607. 435.— ABRAHAM COLLMAN, mercer. 1592. March 28th. Testator was of " the Cyty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried in S' PhUip's churchyard " neere the place where ray Grand father was buryed." To sons Abraham and John, and daughter Margaret, £20 apiooo ; and the same amount to " my childe wherew'" my wyet nowe goeth wi^haU " ; to be paid at their day of marriage, or age of twenty-one. If all of thera should die before that time, rem. to my two sisters Katharine and A nue. Wife Margaret to have the residue, and be sole executrix. Also " J doe pray and desyer M'' Mayor of this Cyty and those to whome the cause of Orphans doth or shall app'teyne to cause good suertyes to be put 270 Notes op Brlstol Wills. in for the assuraunce of the ChUdrens Legacyes accordinge to the lawdable Custome of this Cytye." John Fox and Thomas Wilcockes to be overseers. Witnessed by the said John and Thomas, and by Thomas Whyte. Proved June 8th, 1592, 436.— ELIZABETH PEPWELL, widow, 1591. June 10th. Testatrix was of " the Cyty of Bristoll," and desired to be "buryed after this my transytory lyef fynishid by the side of my husbande WUl'm PepwaU at Goulde Aishton in the County of Glouc'." To son Timothy Pepwell £400, " for the payment whereof J doe appoynte " the £200 in the hands of M'' Reade, £50 in the hands of M' Thomas Ivye, and £50 in the hands of WUliam Osborne ot Maxfield, and the other £100 " nowe Remayninge in ray sonne Langlies handes," the "encrease and proffytte " whereof to be paid yearly to the said Timothy " for the maynteu'nce of him his wyet and Children, vntill the the said Tymothye Pepwell and my sonne Langley shall fjmde or procure some good lande to be bought w*" the said mony for the better and more Certeynetye of the Lyvinge of the said Tymothie Se Elizabeth his wyef." The said Timothy and Elizabeth to hold the lands " for terme of their Lyves, w'" remayndor to his eldest sonne " : but U the said eldest son should die s.p., rem. to " his seconde sonne" ; and so to every one of his children, one after another. To the children of the said Timothy £40, equally divided, and "ymployed " by son Langley to the use of the said chUdren, till the sons " be of thage of xxj yeeres," and the marriage of the daughters, or their age of twenty-one, "yf they be not raarryed." To the said Timothy all the linen " w''" nowe ys in the Cheste at the heddes hedde in the fore Chamber next the streate." To daughter Mary Langley £100; also "ray best bedde in Bristoll w*" the bedsteede and Curteyues of silke," the linen which she " hath alredye, and was delyvered vnto her by ray raayde Elizabeth Mur when her husbande was Mayor," and also " a presente potle potte." To daughter Elizabeth Jones the use of £100, delivered to " my sonne Langley " ; rem. to her husband Ryce Jones, if theu living ; U not, to such as the said Elizabeth "shall lymytte and appoynte by her discretion " ; and it she do not dispose the same accordingly, the said money to " remayne amongesto the female Children of my daughter Andres, aud the females of the daughters ot the said Tymothie then Lyvinge towardes their p'ferment to be equaUy devided amongest them " : the said Ryce Jones to have the use of the said £100, if he "canne geve good and suffycyent suertyes to my said souinlawe M'^ Langley " for the repayment of the said £100 " laste inenc'oned," and for the use of the same during the lUe of the said Elizabeth, and " y f he the said Ryce Jones shall have geven over the partnerahippe betweene him and Roberte Sanford." To goddaughter Anna Younge three "Bell Candlestickes," &c., at her marriage, or age of tweuty- one. To Mary and Anne, daughters of Toby Langley, £20 apiece at the age of seventeen. To the three daughters of daughter Androwes £20 apiece at their marriage, or age of twenty-one. To son Timothy " a paler of Childbed sheetes and a Coople of pillowe beeres of hollande half a garnishe of vessell, T« o paier of flaunders Candlestickes a Turkey Carpet, . . . , seaveii silver spoones flatte headed at the endes a Stone potte Covered w'" sylver dowble gylte Wexte and footed," and "a Chayer that Came frora beyonde , sea," To John PepwaU "nowe prisoner iu ffraunce" £100, To Sarah Notes of Bristol AVills, 271 Pepwell " half a dossen of spoones Lyon headed," and £100 in raoney at the age of eighteen, or when married. To the two children of aon John PepwaU deceased, viz., to Elizabeth £50, and to Samuel £10 ; to be put out to their use till "the same Samuell doe accomplishe the Age of xxj yeeres," and the said Elizabeth be of the sarae age, or married. To Agnes PepwaU £50 when married. The sum of £10 for " the repayringe of the highe wayes betweene Bristoll, and Colde Aisheton." The same araount unto the poor of "the p'ishe of St Nicholas in Bristoll." Forty shillings to the repairing of the church " of Colde Aishton," Six poor men and six poor women of Bristoll, and the same number "of Colde Aishton" to have "ffrize gownes" and four pence apiece, "to be delyvered at the solempnisinge of ray ffunerall." Twenty shillings to " eu'y of the Almeshowses in Bristoll." Legacies also to daughter Jones, daughter Andros, wife of John Androwes, Arthur Pep- wall, godson Edward PepwaU, Toby, Matthias, and Samuel PepwaU, Toby Langley, sister Botche, cousin Beaae Smythe my brother's daughter, every maid and raan servant, "the p'son of Colde Aiahton John Tayler," and Thomaa Gunninge " Baylye of Goulde Aiahton." Son Michael PepwaU to have the residue, and be executor. M'" Thomaa Ivye and M'' William Reade "Esquyers," and M.'^ Philip Langley to be overseers, " to whome J geve three of my best oxen to each of them one, And to cache of thera a gowne and xls in mony a peece." My sons and their wives, and daughters and their husbands and all their children, and Toby Langley and his wUe and children, to have "gownes at ray funerall." If son Michael shall not permit son Langley to take and receive " the monyes " owing by M'' Reade, M'' Ivye, and WUliara Osborne, to the use of son Timothy, or shall do any act to prejudice or hinder " the receyte thereof," or shall not willingly suffer John Gunninge " nowe my servaunte and apprentyce," who is to tarry and abide in the " howse and shoppe " of testatrix by the space of two years next after her decease, ' ' to thintent " to gather her debts, and make sale of her wares; or it he do wilfully " w'"stande to p'fourme the execution " of the will, according to the true and plain meaning of the same, " then J doe appoynte and make Marye Langley my daughter my sole executrix." To servant John Gunninge, "for his paynes," five marks in money "at the Comingo fourth of his apprentishippe." By me Elizabeth PepwaU. " Wrytten by rae George Baldwyn by hor appoyntnient." Witnessed by Philip Langley, Michael Popwall, John Androwes, George Baldwyn, and Johu Gunninge, Proved "in Curia prerogativa" before John Hone, doctor of laws, July 24th, 1591. 437.— HUMPHREY ANDROWES, raerchant taUor, 1588, May 31st. Testator describes hiraself as "of the Cyty of Bristoll marchant Tayler and of the p'ishe of the holy Trynytye CaUed Christ Church there." His body unto the earth " to bo Laide in xp'ien buriall in decente inanner. " His wife Agnes to be " sole and only Executrix. " To son Huraphrey and his heirs two messuages " soytuate & lyinge vppon the Key of Briatoll w'"in the p'ishe of S' Stephena," in the occupation of Thomas Grove, raariner, "tenant to the same;'' also all interest, right, title, "and residewe of the terme of yeeres to come " of and in all that long shop under one of the foresaid messuages, and a shop in the occupation of John Jorden, 272 NoTE.s OP Bristol Wills. joiner, belonging to one of the same ; but wiie Agnes and her assigns are to hold and occupy the said tenements, shops, goods, 4c., "for the terme of her naturaU lyef." To the said Humphrey £100 at the age of twenty-one. To son John £100 at the same age ; also aU interest and term of years in a messuage " scytuate in Wynestreate in Bi-istoU, w'^in the p'ishe of Christe- churche wherein PhUlippe Scapulis stac'oner doth nowe dwell for Certeyne yeeres determynable \"ppon his lyef, except one yeere more after his deceasse graunted for his wyef that nowe ys To houlde yt ;" but wUe Agnes to possess and occupy the same messuage for her Ufe : the said John to take it -with aU the leases and writings belonging thereto. To daughters Abigail and Agnes Androwes £100 apiece at the age of eighteen, or when married. If aU my four chUdren should die under age, or before marriage, £100 to Thomas, Richard, and Mary Griffythe, three of the children of Edward Griffythe deceased, •' my -wyves Late brother," equally divided at their age of eighteen. If they should all die, rem. to the chUdren of sister Alice Chamley equally ; and one other £100 to be divided among the chUdren ot the said Alice " by even porc'ons ": one other £100 to remain to wiie Agnes : and ot the other £100, one half to "remayne to the vse of the Chamberlen of Bristoll and his Successors for the tyme beinge for ever " to buy " certeyne Landes in ffeesimple," the rent of which to go to the repairing of ' ' the Pyttye plumpe " for ever ; and the other £50 to remain " to the Company and fellowshippe of Taylers in BristoU," and to be "sette owte vnto fyve p'sons of the same Company to every one Ten powndes a peece for and duringe the terme ot ffyve yeeres to occupye the sarae vppo' Condic'on that every one of them w^" shall have the mony shalbe bounde w* two suffycient suertyes, bothe to the Chamberlen of Bristoll and to the Master and Company of Taylers for the tyme beinge in a reasonable some asweU to repay the Princy- pall some Receyved at the ende of the said terme of ffyve yeeres, As alsoe to pay every yere, every one of the fyve p'sons six shUlinges eight pence a peece, w"" amountethe to xxxUjs iiijd a yere Aud the sarae raony of AJs viijd a peece shalbe yeerely distributed amongest the poore of the Company of Taylers where moste neede shalbe by the good discrescyon and advisement of the M aster and assistantes or the moste p'te of them from tyme to tyme and soe yt to Contynewe for ever." To daughter Abigail and her heirs the tenement " over against the Key Pype in Bristoll," being the tenement of Thomas Latymer ; also " a voyde peece of grownde Lyinge vppon the Key," and adjoining unto the back part of " the Taverne Called the Starre," between a tenement in the occupation of Richard Addams, ropemaker, and a tene ment in the occupation of , " w''" said voyde grownde Thomas Good man Jo yner dothe newe occupye and possesse ;" which property "my late ffatbei-iu lawe J ohn Griffyth deceassed in his lyef tyme did geve and graunte vnto me the said Humfrey Androwes and Agnes mj' wyef his daughter for the terme of our lyves and the Longest Lj'ver of vs." If all the said four children should die s.p., the said two tenementa and shops upon the Key are to remain unto the legitimate heh-s of the aforesaid Edward Griffythe ' ' ray wyves brother ;" and for lack of such issue, to testator's right hehs. To sister's daughter Agnes Chamley, " nowe dwellinge w'" me in service," twenty marks at the age of twenty-one, or when married ; also " one honest and Comley sea'te of Apparrell for holly dajes aud a,n other suyte for working- day es." To her brother Thomas Chamley twenty marks at the age of Notes of Bristol Wills. 273 twenty-one. Forty shillings in money to " the goodwyef Robins nowe beinge my servaunte ;" and twenty shillings to every one of testator's aervanta and apprentices at the time of his death. AA'itnessed by Thomas Prinne, notary public. Proved April 22nd, 1592. 438.— WILLIAM PYTTES, clothier. In the margin Pittes. 1592. Oct. 30th. Testator was of the parish of Temple within the city of Bristoll, and his will was " wrytten by rae Ryohard Martin mynister of the said p'ishe. " To be buried ' ' in the Churche of Teraple. " Forty shillings to the poor of the said parish. To eldest son William "ray howae Wherein J nowe dwell w'" all furnyture therevnto belonginge," which included " a standinge bedde w'" a Truckle bedde vnder yt," and the best coverlet " w"^" J bought of Lynzye the wayte player ;'' wife Agnes to have and hold the said house and furniture till the said William come to the age of twenty-one ; also to him £60 at that age ; and the lease of the house " wherein my mother nowe Jnhabyteth," to hold after her decease ; and also the house, rack, and garden in the tenure of John Higgins. If son William should die before the given age, all his legacies to pass to " the nexte of his bretheren in age w=" then shall lyve," at the age of twenty-one. To aons Robert, Thoraas, and John, £20 apiece at that age. To daughter Elizabeth £30, and " one brasae Crock," &;c., at that age: if she should die before the said age, the two daughters of brother Richard Pyttes are to have her said raoney. To George " ray prentyce " ten shillings. To servant Agnes, and Sir Richard Martin, vicar of Temple, ten shillings apiece. AVUe Agnes to have the residue, and be sole executrix. M"- John Pykes and Thomas Hayward overseers. Witnessed by WUliara Barnes. No record of proof. The Temple parish register records the burial of William Pittes, Nov. 29th, 1592. 439.— MARY NOBLE, widow. 1588. Feb. 12th. Testatrix was of "the p'ishe of S' PhiUipps w'"hi the Cytye of Bristoll," and desired to be buried at the discretion of her executors. Twenty shillings to the poor of the said parish. To eldest son Jessie £5, also " my Bedsteede iu the Parlor,'' &c., at his age of twenty-one, or when married. To son Thomaa £5, and ' ' a f etherbed w'" hia app'ten'nces and my best panne and my best Crock," at that age, or when raarried. Money and gooda also to daughter Elizabeth and son John, at that age, or their raarriage. To servant Alice Burriett " a flocke bed that ys behinde the lytic Charaber Dore." Uncle John Bushe, and brother-in-law John James, " my trustie frindes," to have the residue, and be executors. Wit nessed by WUliara Edmondes, John Bushe, Nioholas Blake, and Robert Jefferia. Proved " in Curia prerogatiua," April 30th, 1589. 440.— JOHN JONES "ai'a Smythe." 1592. Feb. 26th. Testator describes himself as "of the p'ishe of S' Thoraas w*"in the Cytie of Bristoll Sraythe." His body " to the earth from whence yt came. " To son John Jones and his heirs ' ' one Tyled howse w'" T 274 Notes of Bristol Wills. one ortcharde lyenge and behige w'"in the p'ishe of S' Georges in the County of Som's't nowe in myne owne handes and fforteene Acres of grownde there vnto belonginge nowe in the tenure of Richard Churchehowse. " Also to the said John "ray best Anvill and my third Anvill," &c., and "my Satten dublett and my signet ringe And the one haUe of my workinge Tooles ;" also £30 "at thende of his yeeres of Apprentishippe." To daughter Elizabeth Jones, and her legitiraate heirs, one house and orchard " w'" one stytch of lande belonginge therevnto," in the tenure of Thomas Whytinge of S' Georges ; also " ten Acres of grownde " in that parish, in the tenure of John Hillseley of Leigh. To daughter Jane Jones, and her legitimate hehs, one house, and aeven acres of ground thereunto belonging, in that parish, in the occupation of Elizabeth MoUgrove. To daughters Elizabeth and Jane, and theh legitiraate heirs, nine acres of ground, in the tenure and occupation of James Whytinge, of that parish, and Thomaa Perrington, of Leigh aforeaaid, to be equally divided between them ; also £20 apiece at their marriage, or age of twenty-one. To daughter Margery Jones .£10 at that age, or when married. To son Thoraas Jones, and his legitiraate heirs, " the George Close lyinge and beinge w'"in the p'ishe of Redclyffe w'"in the Cytie of Bristoll and a styche of grownde lyinge in Redclyffe Meade," all beinge in the tenure and occupation of Thoraas Thoralinson, of the parish of S' Thoraas ; also " the howse J nowe dwell in," after the decease of wife Margaret, and £20 at the age of twenty-one. If all the children should die before that age, or their marriage, and Michael Partridge, brother of wife Margaret, should die s.p., one half of the said houses and landa to go to the poor of the parish of S' Thomas in Briatoll, and the other half to the poor of the parishes of Redcliff and Teraple iu the same city. To ' ' the Company of the Smythes in Briatoll to drincke six shillinges eight pence." Legacies also to servant Thoinas Jeine, WiUiara Beast " o'^ raynister of S' Thoraas," and the twenty-four alms-people of that parish. Wife Margaret to have the residue, and be executrix. AA'illiam Pryddy, William Sayer, aud Laurence Reade, overseers, to each of whom xiijs iiijd. AVitnessed by the said Laurence, and by AA'illiam Pryddy, AA'illiam Harris, and William Beast. Proved "in Curia p'rogativa," May 10th, 1593. 441.— WILLIAM BITFEILDE, soapraaker. 1591. July 21st. Testator was of " the Cytie ot Bristoll," and desired to be buried in S' John's churchyard " next to my wief there buried." Son- in-law William Yate and daughter Margaret, his wife, to take into their charge and custody son Martin Bytfield, " beinge a siraple and innocent Creature w'"owt discretion or goverment," and provide hira with " sufficient and Convenyent meate and drincke lodginge and app'ell Duringe his naturall lyffe :" if they wUl do so, they are to have " my best nest of silver goblettes w'" one Cover double Guilt of the value of xxxiij" viijs or thereabowtes aud a nest of Silver Aleouppes Double guilt of the value of xvij" or there abowtes," &c., also " one doosen of Apostle Spoones of silver of the value of viij" or thereabowtes. " To wife Joan, for her life, the messuage and teneraent in the occupation of Thomas Langley ' ' scytuate and beinge in xp'omas streate w'"in the said Cyty of Bristoll," and the messuage "in Cornestreate," which was "sometyrae p'cell of the possessions of the late dissolved monastery of Michaells Kinton," co. AA'ilts, in the occupation of John Staple Notes of Bristol AA'ills, 275 " ffurber ;" also " one chief rent or yeerely rente " of twelve pence, issuing out of a tenement "in Baffestreate w'"in the said Cytie," sold to John Bulbeck, deceased; and a yearly rent of four shillinga, "issuinge owt of one Tenement in Redclieffe streate w'"in the said Cyty and yeerely paid by the proctors of the p'ishe of Redclieffe afforesaid"; rem. to daughter Joan, and her legitimate heirs ; in def., rem. to " ray Right heyrea for ever." The executors are to hold the dwelling house and shop " for the terme of nyne- score dayes next after my Deceasse ;" rem. to sou Giles Bytfield and his heirs, together with "all the glasse iu the howse and the drapery and borders in the Parlo'' accordinge to a fformer bargayne betweene vs before this tyme concluded, Jn Considerac'on of Threescore and odd powndes by hira to me paid." After the ninescore days, the said GUes to have all the- residue of the lease and term of years of and in the said shop, together with the original lease thereof, on condition that he ' ' shall make seale and delyver to myne executors a generall releas of all deraaundes (the Legacyes afforesaid excepted) w'"in forty daies next after my deceasse." To Henry, son of the said William and Margaret Yate, "my greate signet of goulde w'" a Red stone therein.'' To "my Lovinge ffrend Thomas Fawkett my Geneva bible and Twenty shillinges for a token of olde good will." Wife and daughter Joan to have the reaidue, and be executora. Son-in-law AA'iUiara Yate and the aaid Thoraaa Fawkett overseers. Witnessed by the said Thomas, and by William Saxey, Edmond Erond, and George Caulie. Proved "apud Bristoll " before Morgan Jones, deputy to Francis James, doctor of laws, Oct. 21st, 1591. 442,— HENRY GOUGHE, raerchant. 1592. Jan. 20th. Testator was of " the Cyty of Bristoll." No dhection as to burial. To wUe Mary, during her life, the dwelling house "in Bald-wynstreate ;" also all lands and tenementa in " the forreat of Deane," CO. Glouc, until son George Goughe shall accomplish the age of twenty-one, "yf she shall soe longe lyve :" U the aaid George should die, she is to hold the property during the minority of aon Matthew, and also the orchard and garden "at MichaeU Hill." To daughter Anne Goughe the lease of the house inhabited by goodwUe Leeke in the pariah of S' Nicholas in Bristoll ; the said lease and house to remain to daughter Elizabeth Goughe, if the said Anne should die before marriage ; and to Matthew Goughe, if the said Elizabeth should so die ; and to son John Goughe, if the said Matthew should so die. To daughter Anne £100 at the age of eighteen, or when raarried. To daughter Elizabeth £100, to be paid to her in like raanner. To sons Matthew and John £100 apiece at the age of eighteen, except it shall seera better to " ray wyef and their frindea " to be paid rather for their preferment as apprentices, or to detain the same " tyU they come to xxiij W yeerea of Age, yf they be not apprentises." And whereas "some p'te of my estate lyeth on the sea, and beyonde the sea in adventures my wiU ys that U any shaU myscarry and be lost of my goodes," the losses shaU be cast upon aU the goods, plate, and chattels, and be "borne equally by my wyef and the fower children above named to whome J have geven the cccc" sol' p' libro." Eldest son George, and his legitimate heirs, to have aU lands and teneraents " m the forrest of Deane ;" also the dwelling house in S' Stephen's parish, with the reversion thereof, and the garden and t2 276 Notes op Bristol Wills. orchard at Michael hill, and all implementa "aswell at Breme in my howae there, aa in Bristoll in my dwellinge howse there," except the estate herein mentioned "to my wyef ;" in default of issue, rem. to Matthew, my second son ; in def. , rem. to John, my third son. The plate to be divided among the said children. WUe Mary to be sole executrix. Brother George Gough, brother-in-law Thoraas Jaraes, and "Tho: Whyt my kynsman" to be supervisors. Witnessed by Thomas James and Thomas Whyte, Proved " in Curia prerogativa" Nov. 13th, 1593. 443.— BENEDICT WYNTER, gentleman. In the margm Winter. 1592. Feb. 14th. — -"of the Citye of Bristoll genf , , . at this present J ame bounde on A voyadge to the Seas and knowe not whether ever J shall retume home againe or not yet reposinge ray seUe into the handes of the Almightye bothe abroade and at home and alwayes appealinge vnto Christe Jesus the sonne of god for ra'cye." To brother WiUiara Wynter £200. To Anne Huntlye, daughter of Ansell Huntlye " of Hull al's Hill of the p'ishe of Barckley," co. Glouc, gentleraan, " whoe raarryed w'" my sister marye," £100. To sister Anne, wife of George Pryce, £50, to be delivered by the executors to the Mayor' and Comraonalty of Bristoll to the use of the said Anne, and by them to be put forth upon good assurance for her better maintenance frora time to time " soe longe as shoe shalbe covert baron w*" the said George Price," and no part thereof to be delivered unto him, ' ' iu considerac'on of the speciall care w'=" J desier the mayor to take thereof for the tyme beinge." The sum of £10 unto " the Newe erected Hospitall called the Queenes Hospitall in the Colledge Greene of Bristoll." The same araount to servant Robert More (?), if he " returne from Sea." To Thomas Knowell of Sherborne " the some of Tenne poundes to imploye in A pece of silver plate and thereon to grave my armes and name in Remem braunce of me. " Brother-in-law Aunsell Huntlye to have the residue, and be executor. Witnessed by Anselme Huntlye, George Baldwyn, and Thomas Stevens. No record of probate. 444.— ELEANOR PILL, widow. 1594. June 9th. Testatrix was of " the p'ishe of all hollandes wt"in the Citty of Bristowe, "and willed that her body be laid " as neere vnto ray late husbande as yt convenientlie maie be." All her apparel to be equally divided between her two sisters, Agnes ' ' the wiefe of William Nicholas of Pilston (Pilton) in devonsheere," and Grace " the wiefe of Jesper Castelman " of Bridgwater, co. Somerset. To kinsman Hugh Poarde the dwellmg house, with "the vse and p'ffite of my garden grounde in S' Jones p'ishe in Bristoll," adjoining to the back part of the almshouse there, until son John Pill is twenty-one years of age. If the said John should die before that age, the said Hugh to enjoy the lease, and all the whole years to come. The said John to pay and allow towards the building of a lodge in the said garden, which the said Hugh ' ' dothe purpose to cause to be newlie builte " there, one thhd part of all such charges and expenses as by a just "accompte" shall appear to be laid out by the said Hugh, or his asaigna, in the building of the lodge. To the said Hugh Pearde "the leas and terme of yeres of A stable Roorae w'=" liethe in Diicklane neere the Pittie gate in Bristoll ;" also Notes of Bristol AA'ills. 277 two other leases " of certeine romes p'cell of the Gillardes June in the Highe Streate,'' the one granted by Ralph Piltingetonn (Pilkington), and the other by William Davis. Gold rings to brothers George and John Pearde, and brothers-in-law John AA'ade of London, and Nicholas Pill. Forty shUlings to the poor in "the Cittie of Bristowe." Residue of goods, leases, &o., to son John Pill at his full age of twenty-four. The said Hugh Pearde to have the tuition, custody, education, and bringing up of the said John untU he shall be of the age " of xxj''" yeres," and also the use and keeping of his goods, leases, plate, &c. If the said John should die before the age of twenty-four, the said Hugh to have the third part of his goods ; and the children of the aforesaid sisters, Agnes and Grace, to have the other " to thurde p'tes " equally divided. The said Hugh to hold, possess, and enjoy the house aud cellars ' ' wherein J nowe dwell in the Highe streate," paying to the use and account ot the said John PUl a yearly rent of £10. The said John to be sole executor. Thomas Salterne, grocer, and Jaraes Cadell, pewterer, to be overseers, and have xs apiece. Witnessed by the said James, and by William Davis, innholder, and Thomas Prinne. Sealed, &c., June 10th, 1594. No record of probate. Comraission to adminiater waa granted to Hugh Perde, Deo. 3rd, 1594, aa appears by fne copy at Somerset House, Dixey, 88. 445.— THOMAS DAVIS, hooper. 1593. Dec. 25th. Testator was of " the p'ishe of S' Stephens w*"hi the Cyty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried iu the churchyard of that parish, "as nighe vnto my sonnes grave as raay be." If wife Agnes should marry, she is to pay £10 to son Henry, and also give to hira " the great Cheast at the Stayer head," &o. She is to have the use of the goods "vntill she shall marry," when brother John Davis shall have the keeping of " my said Sonne," and the goods, until he corae " of Lawfull yeres." A black cloth doublet to the husband of sister Joan. The best breeches to brother John. To "ray brother John his daughters " xs apiece. Wife Agnes to have the residue, and be executrix. Witnessed by John Davis, hooper, and Thomas Tyzon, parson of S' Stephen's. Proved at BristoU, Feb. 15th, 1595. This will is foUowed by a considerable number of the writings referred to in the Introduction. 446.— WILLIAM PREWETT, draper. 1594. AprU 2nd. Teatator was of "the Citye of 'Briatoll," and deahed to be buried in the churchyard of S' James's parish, " in the Tombe where my father was layed." Eighteen poor men, and eighteen poor women to have " blacke frize go wnea," andth« men capa, and the women "Kercheiffes" at the burial. To the two almshouses in the parish of S' James twenty shillings apiece. To the almshouse without Temple gate, and that " in the Tuckers Hall," twenty shUlings apiece. To " the Spittell house " without Redcliff gate ten shUlings yearly out of " my landes " for ever, " soe as they doe not p'cure any lisence vnto them or vnto any other for thera to begge but if they shall have or procure any suche lisence then this leagasye to be voide." The sum of £5 to the repairing of " the Highe waye betwene Redcliffe Churche 278 Notes of Bristol AA'ills. and the Brighte Bowe ;" and the same amount to the repairing of "the Highe waye betwene Laffordes aud Dungeons Crosse." To wife Joan the lease of the house at Hanam, and of the mills, grounds, &c., if she continue " sole and vnraarryed ;" Thomas Pitcher to assure unto her the benefit of the grant which testator procured Richard Danvers to ' ' make vnto hira vpon truste to ray vse :" after her decease, or marriage with any other, the said lease of Hanam house, mills, and grounds, had of AA'illiam Lacye, as also the said interest conveyed by Richard Danvers unto Thomas Pytcher, to go to the executors : the said Thomas to assign the interest that "remanethe in him" of the premises to the uses aforesaid. To wife Joan, for her lUe, the dwelling houae upon the Back in Bristoll, with the shop, &c., stretching unto S' Nicholas-street, and all the rooras thereof, in the occupation of " my selfe," or of Thomas Pitcher ; rera. to the said Thoraas and his wife Prudence during their lives ; rem. , after their decease, to nephew Anthony Prewett and his hehs. To the said Joan the rent of the dwelling house of Richard Ryce, tailor, in Bristoll ; the reversion of the house and rent, after her decease or marriage, to remain to the said Anthony, and to his heirs. Also to the said Joan £100, fourscore oz. of plate, &c., and all the household stuff in the aaid houaes at Hanam and Briatoll, for her life. Testator having in his house two rings, "thone w'" a dyamonde of John Westons in panne of fower poundes thother A Turkeys of Henrye Westons in paune of fortye seven shillinges,'' the said John and Henry are to have their rings again upon payment of the money ; but U they shall not be redeemed, daughter- in-law Prudence Pitcher to have the ruig with the diamond, and also "the beste ringe w'" a turkeys " bought by testator of Richard Bennett. To son- in-law Thoinas Pitcher the ring ' ' w'^^ my mother gave me when J was a batcheler." To brother John Prewett 100 marks; also £10 yearly, to be paid quarterly by even portions, out of all "ray landes and rentes" in Bristoll, ray said dwelling and Richard Rice's house excepted. To sister's son William Corye so much as shall raake up the legacy bequeathed unto hira by John Prewett " my father " remaining in " my handes " £40, to be paid at his age of twenty-one. To Alice Weekes, Thomas Wykes, and Charity AA'eekes, the children ot Edward Weekes " bye my sister," £30 apiece at their marriage, or age of twenty-one ; rem. to the executors, U the said chUdren should all die. To the children of " my Neeoe " Joan Yoroke £10 apiece at their raarriage, or age of twenty-one. The aum of £5 yearly to late servant Patrick AA'hite. To kinsraan William, aon of Patrick Younge, £5 when he shall " come fourthe of his app'ntiahode. " To Alice and Anne, the children of Thomas Pytcher, £40 apiece at their marriage, or age of twenty-one. To Bartholoraew HiU, and to his heirs and asaigna, the garden bought of William Lacye in the pariah of S"- Philip in Briatoll. Edward AA'eekes is forgiven " all that he dothe owe vnto me." These to have black cloth gowns at "my buriall," — wUe Joan, Thoinas Pitcher and his wUe Prudence, brother John Prewett and his wife, AA'iUiam Yorcke and his wife Joan, Richard Hill, Edward Bosdon, Thoinas Pytt, William Vawer, Richard Smythe sheriff of Bristoll, Christopher Walker, Patrick AVhite, and William Younge " a Clooke." John Harris, the keeper of Nev?gate in Bristoll, also to have ' ' a gowne of blacke Clothe at my buriall. " To nephew Anthony Prewett all lands, teneraents, reversions, &c., and the residue of goods. AA'Ue Joan to leave the executors £50 after her decease. Legacies to the Notes of Bristol AVills. 279 pariahionera of the church of S' Nicholaa in Briatoll " to the vae of theire said church thadvowaon of the same w'=" J boughte of William Jones," to sister Charity's daughter Margaret Burnell, wife of John Bumell of Exeter, son-in-law Richard Hill, Joan wUe of William Wyott, servant John Cosson, Edward Bosdon, and Thomas Pytt. Edward Bosden, Thomas Pytt " charaberlayne " of Bristoll, and late servant Patrick White to be executors " of truste to thuse of my said Nephewe Anthonye Prewett " until he is twenty-five years of age, when he is to be full and whole executor. Master WUUam Vawer, and the aforeaaid maater Richard Smythe, overseers. Thomas Pitcher to " instructe and bringe vpp my said Nephewe in the trade of drap'ye " untU he is twenty-five. Witnessed by William Carey, draper, and Roger Longe. Proved at London, June 14th, 1594. 447.— ROBERT TAYLOR, merchant. In the margin Tayler. 1594. Aug. 24th, Testator was of " the Citty of Bristoll," and desired to be buried where his executrix should think it convenient. Forty shillings to be distributed among the poor of Briatoll "at the tyme of my buriall," To son Robert £20, whereof the sum of £10 is paid ; also "my signett of golde," &;c. To daughter Katharine Childe £20, whereof the sum of £10 was paid in June 1587 ; also some plate. To daughter Jane Taylor £80, &o. To daughter Anne Tayler £70, &c. Twenty shUlings ' ' in golde " to sister Margaret Robins. The legacies of my two young daughters, Jane and Anne, to be delivered in ready raoney unto " Credible men in the Citty of BristoU " for a reasonable annuity for the maintenance of the said children ; which men are to give good assurance with sureties to the executrix and overseers ; and "neither the ffather of the orphantes nor the Chamber of the citty of Bristoll " is to be troubled in the matter. WUe Katharine to be sole executrix, and to have the residue of goods, and the debts owing by son Robert and others. Brother-in-law John James of WoUaston, Thomas Durlinge, and son Robert, overseers, to each of whom xs. AVitnessed by Thomas Watkins " Scr' " and Robert Taylor, No record of probate : but the will was proved Oct. 23rd, 1595, having been made Aug. 16th, 1594, according to the copy at Somerset House, Scott, 57. 448.— RICHARD COOKE. 1593. Feb. 4th. Testator, who was of " the p'ishe of Littell S' Austins by Brisf," waa then "meaninge by the aufferance of god to make my voyadge ou' the Seaa, " His body to the earth. Ten shillings to ' ' the poore of the same p'ishe." To son John £10 ; alao "my Whistell and Chaine and my Jnstrumentes belonginge to the Sea," To daughter Anne £10, &c,, and a " Table Boorde in the Cocklofte," To son William £10, and "A Salte of Silver," To son Thomas £10 ; also a stone cup covered and bound with silver and gilt, and a counter " beinge of apruce." To son Philip £10, &c., and haU a dozen "of Silvei^ apoonea doble gilte.'' 'To (daughter?) Agnes Cooke the lease and years to come " ot the howse that Nicholas Barnes dwel lethe in," To aon Thomas and his legitiraate heirs, after the decease of his mother, " the howse that J doe dwell in ;'' in def., rera, to son Philip ; in 280 Notes op Bristol Wills. def., rem. to son William; in def., rem, to son John; in def., rem. to daughter Agnes and her heirs for ever. The pewter and brass given to the chUdren by their grandmother, to be equally divided among them. The daughters to have their legacies at the age of sixteen, and the men chUdren at twenty-one. Wife Joan to have the residue, and be executrix. Wit nessed by Thomaa Batten, Clement Goddell, WiUiam Merrike, " w*" other raore." No record of proof, 449.— THOMAS NEATHWAY, mariner, 1595. Feb. 7th. Teatator deacribes hiraaelf aa " of Bristoll in the County of Som's't Marryner." His body to the earth "whereof yt was ffirste made." To youngest son Thomas Neathway £100 at the age of twenty-one : " my good frinde " John Younge of Bristoll to have " the puttinge fourth of the said hundred powndes to the beste vse, " and to put in sufficient surety for the repayment of the said raoney, with the profits thereof. If the said Thoinas die before the given age, the said money to corae to eldest son George Neathway. And whereas "J was p'te victualler at the tyme ot my hurte in the good shippe called the Swan of Bristoll in the some of ffortye fyve powndes tenne shUlinges J also will and bequeathe, that if yt shall ohaunce the said Shippe to take any purchase in this her voyadge that the quarter thereof shall corae and be to the vse of ray youngest sonne Thoraas Neath way, and alsoe to be putt fourth to the beste p'ffytte, by the foresaid John Younge, vntill he shalbe of age. And if he chaunce to dye before, then to co'nie vnto my other sonne George Neathway." To apprentice Robert Trippett "my sea Chiste,'' sea apparel, and all sea iuatruments. AVife Elizabeth Neathway and son George to b3 executora. The said John Younge, overseer. Witnessed by John Hoggett, Thomas Greves, John Chesses, and John Armorer. This will is also registered in the third volume of wills at the Council House ; but neither that volume nor the Orphan Book gives the date of probate. There is however a copy at Somerset House, Drake, 15, from which we learn that the will was proved Feb. 26th, 1595, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS, For "Porteshened," in the note of probate after the will of John Stoke, p, 7, read Portesheued. For " p'ochus," in the first line of Bernard Obeleye's will, p. 26, read p'och' as. The clause in the will of Thomas Tanner, p. 63, relating to the tapers, raay seem to requhe some explanation. Testator desired that eight poor people should carry eight tapers to the cathedral church of St. Andrew, 'and hold thera "in exequijs raeis circa corpus raeum ib'm de nocte & in Crastino ad missam ;" and also — " lego alijs viij paup'ibz deferent' alios viij Cereos ab eccl'ia sc'i Andree p'dicf ad eccriam sc'i Cuthb'ti AA'ell' chca corpus meum in exequijs meis de nocte Se in missa in Crastino," A legal document, 10 Richard U., preserved at Bristol, was witnessed by AA'illiam de Ele, as the name is also -written in the Orphan Book, pp. 12, 52 ; not le Ele, as on p. 75. The names of Laurence Wermystre and his wife Maud, by whom certain rents and services were paid, were accidentally omitted from the sixth line of the will of Margaret Stephenus, p. 97. The will of Laurence Warmestre, burgess of Bristol, was made April Uth, 1421, and proved May 6th, in the same year, in P.C.C, J/arcAe, 51. He bequeathed suras of money to the mother church of Worcester, St. Stephen's church in Bristol, where he desired to be buried, the cathedral church of Waterford in Ireland, the church of St. Mary of "Roos," &c., and left all his lands and other possessiona in the town and fielda of AA'eyraouth to Agnea Gros, relict of Henry Gros. The sura of £7 for a chalice and pair of vestments for the use of the chapel or parish church of Weymouth. Forty ahillings to Thoraas Knapp's daughter when raarried, John Troyt and Robert Panys executors. For " Halleway," in the note of probate after the will of John Hethe, p. 110, read Hallewey. The original of the clause relating to the soleran remembrance of the soul of Thomas Jonys, and his wUe Elen's, p. 137, may suggest a more desirable rendering : — "volo insuper q'd p' ffelici Reco'raendac'o'e A'i'e race ac A'i'e p'd'ce Elene vx'is mee in D'm'icis in Pulpito faciend' quilibet vioar' d'ce Eccl'ie sc'i Nich'i qui p' terapore erit sing'lis Annis irap'petun' p'cipiat p' manus procurator' eiusdera Cripte Die sc'i Mathei de redditu Mesuagij p'd'ci." In the second note on p. 138, fifth line, orait "friar," Insert of before " that church," in the second line of the will of John Nancothan, p, 143. It raay be mentioned that a John Nancothan, grocer, was admitted to the freedom of the city of Bristol, on Feb. 24th, iu the 5th year of the reign ot Elizabeth. 282 Corrections and Additions, In the heading of the will of William Canynges, p. 151, omit the comma, and insert it- before "antea," It appears that Thoinas Hawkesok, whose narae occura in the will, was ordained a secular priest in the church of St, Nicholas at Worcester, obtaining his title frora Great Malvern, March 14th, 1466. The copy of this will at Somerset House, Wattys, 17, has Isabel Powett instead of "Powlett." For "Eatoefeld," at the end of Robert Jacob's will, p, 157, read Fstrefeld. For "Ei," in the last sentence ot William Rowley's will, p, 162, read Mt. The word "Cabbowe," in John Fuyster's will, p. 173, is explained in the will of John Rowley, merchant and burgess of Bristowe, dated Sept. 2nd, 1489, and proved Nov. 10th, in the same year, in P.C.C, Milles, 29, That teatator speaks of " alle my Cabowe or stuf in Maroh'undise." For " especiall," in the last line ot p. 178, read especciaU. The will of Robert Thorne, p. 180, differs in several places from the copy at Somerset House, Thower, 18. The latter baa Gregorio Catanio, Anthony Cornell, Bobert Ondeley, Sec. The will of Robert Thorne, father of thia teatator, which waa proved July 6th, 1519, may be seen there, in Ayloffe, 19 ; and that of his mother, Joan Thorne, proved May 16th, 1523, iu Bodfelde, 8. The will of John Awate, or Auste, is entered twice, with different dates, in the Orphan Book, and was inadvertently copied a second time into this work; pp. 231, 237. i3srx)E x: Abbington,—, 267. Abbott, Eobert, 218 Abell, Isabel, 141 „ Eiohard, 83 Aberte, Master, 265 Abevan, Robert, 286 Abolton, James, 200 Abraham, Adam, 65 „ Joan, 16, 13, 19 Aclonne, Tangela, 143 Adames, Richard, 2.53, 265, 272 Adams, Nicholas, oS, 67 „ Eobert, 190, 289 Addams, Agnes, 222 Elizabeth, 222 „ Francis, 239 „ Jane, 239 „ Roger, 222 „ Thomas, 213, 2S9 Addyson, John, 200 A Deane, Eobert, 262 Ades, Elizabeth, 212 „ John, 211, 212 Adekyn, Richard, 21 Adies, John, 213 Aeruondts, Peter, 162 AflUde, Martin, 1S6 Afylde, Roger, 193 Aileway, Ohristopher, 252 Ailleward, John, 114 Ailly, John, 16 Ailmer, John, 124 Alberton, Andrew, 164 „ Joan, 164 John, 156, 164 Aldeworth, Thomas, 199, 207, 209, 223, 230, 231, 242, 248 Aldworthe, Simon, 234 Aleyn, Isabel, 9 Alflat, Eobert, 200 Algode, Sunon, 59, 76 Alkin, Eichard, 244 Alkyne, John, 199, 222, 258 ,, Margaret, 199 „ Eiohard, 199 Allen, Lady Mary, 208 Alpe, Water, 175 Alwey, Nicholas, 70 Alwyn, John, 139 Alye, Edward, 261, 262 „ Elizabeth, 261 „ Joan, 261 ,, Margery, 261 Amayne, Agnes, 180 „ John, 186 Amyet Eobert, 8 Andreas, John, 96 Andrewe, Eichard, 167 Androwes, Abigail, 272 Agnes, 272 Humphrey, 212, 271, 272 John, 256, 268, 271 Anketill, Andrew, 19, 48, 67 Anthony, Agnes. 175 ap Griffith, Stephen, 121 ap Howell, Thomas, 162 ap Philipp, Morgan Jenkyn, 147 Aphowell, Katharine, 150 Apparry, goodwife, 229 Apphowell, Jenkine, 211 Appowell, Alice, 197 „ Richard, 198 „ Thomas, 215 William, 197, 198 ap PoUangha', David, 170 „ John, 170 A Price, John, 251 Aprioe Thomas, 199 Apprice, goodwife, 229 Appulby, Eiohard, 73 Aprotherowe, Morris, 229 ap Thomas ap Prene, William, 126 Arch, William, 122 Archar, Eichard, 157 Archer, Henry, 130 Archor, John, 27 Arden, Robert, 240 Ardern, John, 93 Arffos, John, 187, 138 ,, Eichard, 188 „ -William, 138 Argall, Laurence, 197, 200, 203 „ Eichard, 234, 247 „ Thomas, 180, 182, 196 Armerer, John, 280 Armys, Richard, 65 Arnold, Lady, 285 Arondell, John, 97 Arther, Eichard, 232, 247 Arthour, Eichard, 145 Arthur, Adam, 64 Isabel, 6, 28, 41 „ John, 37, 106, 122 „ Thomas, knt., 6, 41 William, 132 Arvas, Eichard, 108 Ashy, Robert, 63 Asch, Eichard, 43 „ William, 26 Ashcote, William, 49 Ashe, Anne, 208 „ John, 208, 209 „ Margaret, 208 „ Mary, 208 Askell, John, 166 Aspsen, John, 141 As-sch, Agnes, 120 „ John, 119 ,, Eose, 53 Assche, Thomas, 129, 146 Asscheworthy, Joan, 20 Asshton, Denis, 70, 83 „ Joan, 16 Eobert, 70, 71 Aston, John, 156 at Berkyng, Agnes, 76 Athall, John, 212 Atkins, William, 263, 254 Atkyns, Maud, 169 William, 159 atte Barugh, Peter, 28, 47 atte Celer, John, 64, 108 „ Thomas, 69 atte Corner, Adam, 11 atte Feiradon, Richard, 23 234 atte Hay, Thomas, 18, 23, 32, 55, 110 atte Hulle, Thomas, 44 atte Lane, William, 29, 33 atte Mede, Thomas, 42 atte Rode, Alice, 105 w alter, 105 atte Walle, Elizabeth, 115 „ Robert, 115 atte Water, William, 63 Attewelle, John, 89 atte Welle, William, 102 atte -Wode, Peter, 22, 86 Atwood, James, 250 Aumiger, William, 8 Auncell, Elen, 94 Aungell, Isabel, 84 Au.ste, or Awste, John, 231, 237 „ Elizabeth, 231, 237 Mary, 231,- 337 „ Robert, 231, 237 ¦William, 231, 237 Austyn, John, 25, 73, 85 ,, Eichard, 39 Austyne, Doctor, 193 Avery, William, 221 Avynce, Hugh, 106 Aylleward, William, 115 Baath, John, 42 Babbecary, Henry, 36 Babestoke, John, 87 Backe, Thomas, 41, 81 Backwell, Joan, 93 Badecok, Gilbert, 94 „ John, 36 Badram, George, 218, 236 Badron, Thomas, 110 Bagenham, Alexander, 96, 97 Baggewell, John, 46 Bagod, John, 145, 147, 161, 166 Bagot, Clement, 125, 133 Bagott, John, 158 Bagpath, Henry, 102 „ John, 53, 70 Bailieff, Eichard, 226 Baillebien, Thomas, 33 Bailly, John, 24, 86 Bailye, James, 193 Baker, Alice, 88, 168 „ Anne, 168 „ Edward, 204 ,, Elizabeth, 163 ,, goodwife, 267 „ James, 168, 173 ,, Joan, 168 ,, John, 130, 172 ,, Magdalene, 168 „ Margaret, ISO, 168 ,, Margery, 111 „ Maud, 168 ,, Ralph, 52 „ Eichard, 174 „ Roger, 252 „ Thomas, 168, 169 „ Walter, 88, 117 „ William, 77, 106, 168, 169 Bakkester, Robert, 65 Baldwin, George, 220, 222, 252 271,276 Bale, John, 164, 168, 169 Ball, Alice, 113 „ John, 158, 163, 164 „ Thoinas, 113 Ballarde, Alice, 193 „ Jane, 192, 193 „ Joan, 192, 193 „ Syble, 19-2 Ballarde, William, 180, 183, Balsall, Thomas, 155 Bannebury, John, 33, 52, 7 Banner, Robert, 244 Bantinge, John, 251 Barber, 234 Barbor, Eichard, 6, 41 Barbour, Geoffrey, 43 „ Joan, 19 „ John, 51, 173 William, 89 Barebone, Elizabeth, 261 Barell, John, 18, 21, 26, 38 Robert, 18 Barero, Janycot, 162, 170 „ Robert, 162 Baret, Margery, 95 ,, William, 95, 120 Barette, Joan, 117 Barloo, Roger, 186 Barlow, John, 185, 186, 187 Barnell, Thomas, 231, 237 Barnes, 200 „ David, 233 „ John, 211 ,, Nicholas, 279 „ Thomas, 216 „ William, 273 Barnesley, Gilbert, 192 Baron, Robert, 139, 157 ,, Thomas, 171 Barons, John, 199, 216 Barough, Thomas, 77 Barrat, John, 232 Barret, William, 198, 201 Barrett, Hugh, 212 ,, Eichard, 216 Barri, Thomas, 38 Barro, John, 219 Barrowe, Edward, 209 ,, John, 249 Ban-}', Elena, 47 ,, Stephen, 47 Barryei-o, John, 171 Barstaple, Isabel, 6, 86 ,1 John, 6, 16, 69, ¦ 74, 86, 115, 12.5 ,, Maud, 35 „ Nicholas, 146 ,, Robert, 80, 81 Walter, 142 Barstaple, alias Shepward, „ „ Robert, 142 ,, ,, Thomas, 14 „ „ William, 14 Bartelote, Tiiomas, 69 Barton, Thomas, 07, 76 Barwicke, Richard, 216, 216 Baskervile, John, 107 Basset, Elizabeth, 121 „ John, 29, 86, 120, 1: „ William, 121 Batche, Cristian, 197 Bateman. Edward, 236 Bath, alias Pochyn, John, ', Bathe, John, 46, 66, 71, 73, Batte, Laurence, 128 ,, Margaret, 129 „ Roger, 86, 87, 128, 1: Batten, Thomas, 280 Batter, John, 93 Batyn, Joan, 167 „ John, 112 Baughe, James, 262 Bawdon, Alice, 42 Bawnc, Edward, 181 Baylyve, Gregory, 259 285 Baynam, Richard, 239 „ Thomas, 239 W alter, 236 „ William, 239 Baynham, Robert, 254 Bayon, John, 108 Robert, 108 Beale, Henry, 245 Beast, William, 274 Beauflour, Agnes, 46, 116 „ Edmund, 20, 42 „ Geoffrey, 6. 48 „ Thomas, 116 Walter, 16 Beaupyne, Margaret, 78 „ Thomaa, 28, 77, 78, 127 Beche, de le, Richard, 43 Bede, William, 204 Bedford, William, 174 Bedhampton, Richard, 61 Bedstone, Richard, 120 Beede, Thomas, 188 Beell, Henry, 170 „ John, 170 ,, Katharine, 170 ,, Thomas, 170 Bekeford, Maud, 50 Bekeswell, ^v alter, 34 William, 34 Beket, John, 36, 37 „ Maud, 37 Belamy, Robert, 127 Bell, Ahce, 196 „ James, 196, 197 Bellamye, Alice, 262 Bellmgam, Thomas, 199, 239 Bene, Dorothy, 219 Benet, Robert, 82, 99 „ Thoinas, 52, 53, 54, 57, 53, 74 „ Walter, 135 „ William, 74 Benham, John, 16 Benion, Elizabeth, 251 Benley, Alice, 81 ,, Joan, 97 „ John, 97 ,, Eobert, 98 „ Thomas, 97 „ William, 81, 90, 103 Bennet, alias Harris, Alice, 230 Bennett, Jane, 268 „ Ralph, 229, 230 „ Eichard, 278 Bense, Thomas, J79 Beoff, John, 73, 74 Berber, John, ISO Berdon, John, 117 „ William, 65, 117 Berebrewer, Griffith, 233 Berelay, John, 59 Berford, William, 35 Berkeley, John, 16, 48 ,, Maurice, knt., 1.39 ,, alias Clyve, Thomas, 117 Berkley, Isabel, 157 ,, Maurice, 157 Bern, John, 113 Bernard, Alice, 168 „ Joan, 168 John, 117 Bemelee, John, 41 Bertlot, Thomas, 83 Bertram, John, 92 Bery, Edward, 153 „ John, 59 Sest, Thomas, 268 Betham, Julian, 220 Bettes, Thomas, 213 Welthian, 213 Beverley, Emmot, 120 John, 110 „ Eobert, 114 Bevyr, or Bevir, Thomas, 141, 143, 161 Bewsam, Master, 182 Beynton, John, 189 Bierden, Agnes, 125, 126 „ Alice, 126 „ Edmund, 48, 124, 126 „ W illiam, 10, 40, 48, 94, 125, 126 130 Birche, Eobert, 170 Birde, John, 168 „ William, 233, 235 Bisley, Henry, 128, 129 ,, Thomas, 129 Bissy, John, 19 Bitfield, Giles, 275 „ Martin, 274 William, 274 Bithesea, William, '209 Blake, John, 29, 87 „ Master, 229 „ Nicholas, 199, 273 „ Richard, 116 Blakeford, Walter, 89 Blakemore, Richard, 101, 107 Blakeney, William, 00 Blan, James, 214 Blancombe, Stephen, 102 Blande, Elizabeth, 209 „ John, 209 Blanket, John, 16, 62 „ Ralph, 19 Blecker, John, 61, 68, 125 Bleys, John, 82 Blith, John, 63 Bloundel, Richard, 39 Blonnt, Alice, 82 „ John, 129 „ Thomas, 24, 25, 31, 48, 80, 81, 82, 92, 96, 100, 115 125, 126, 129 Bloys, John, 101 Bluet, Agnes, 60 Bocher, Thomas, 48 Bodie, James, 244 Bodman, John, 218 „ Thomas, 218 William, 218 Body, John, 86 Boilon, Richard, 39 Bokebynder, James, 38 Bokelond, Alice, 102 ,, Joan, 101 ,, Margery, 102 „ Richard, 101 ,, Thomas. 74 Bokerell, Henrv, 46, 106 „ John, 106 Bolardine, Alice, 192, 193 ., Anne, 192 Bole, Isabel, 120 ,, Joan, 31 „ John, 97, 108 ,, Richard, 60, 184 Bollton, John, 227 Bolton, John, 100, 112, 114, 122 „ Robert, 157, 167 Bonce, Eobert, 105 Bonde, John, 80, 162 Bonnor, John, 213 Bonok, Robert, 168, 163 Bonwey, John, 171 Boole, Genet, 178. 286 INDEX. Bord, John,14 Bore, Roger, 89 Borgeys, Thomas, 17 Boriet, John, 152 Borne, John, 5, 13 „ William, 60 Borrage, Alice, 2-23 „ Emlyn, 223 Borry, Grace, 222 Borton, John, 66, 109 „ Richard, 66, 93, 99 Bosdon, Edward, 278, 279 Bosewell, Elizabeth, *240 John, 240, 260 Bossington, John, 238 ,, alias George, John, 238 Bosswell, John, 207 BosweU, Anne, 261 „ Elizabeth, 266 „ George, 260 ,, Joan, 250 „ Eichard, 251 „ William, 260 Botch, , 271 Boteler, Henry, 56 „ Richard, 169 Boteman, Philip, 62 Botener, Thomas, 57 BotiUer, John, 84 „ Maud, 84 Botoner, WiUiam, 90 Boucher, Martin, 77, 87, 115 Bougham, Nicholas, 31 Boughan, \S illiam, 66, 67, 100 Bount, John, 14, 73 ,, Roger, 74 Boure, John, 99 Bourne, 79 Bowde, Joan, 106 „ WiUiam, 106 Bovy, or Bony, Eichard, 50 Bowden, Michael. 263 Bowley, John, 171 Bowman, Roger, 260 Bownes, John, 6 Bowyer, Joan, 48 „ Robert, 49, 119 Box, Nicholas, 176 Boxwell, Joan, 104 „ John, 104 „ Robert, 104 BoydeU, Alice, 214 „ Benjamin, 214 Elizabeth, 214, 246 Giles, 214 John, 214, 246 „ Nicholas, 214 „ Ralph, 214 Richard, 214, 246 William, 214, 246 Boys, Thomas, 126 Braci, WiUiam, 40 Bracy, Ed., 157 „ Robert, 184 „ WUliam, 127 Bradford, Joan, 202 „ John, 63 WiUiam, 128 Bradstone, John, 223 Braillys, Richard, 27 Brampton, Elizabeth, 238 GUbert, 119 John, 80, 244 Brandesby, John, 127 Branktre, Henry, 32 Brathelyn, Dayowe, 30 Bray, John, 164 Brayle, Eichard, 73 Brayn, Henry, 96 „ Eobert, 71 Brayne, Harry, 183, 258 ,, Joan, 23 Bremcote, Andrew, 6 Brent, Henry, 78, 99 „ WUliam, 33, 70 Brett, or Britt, William, 103, 109 Brewer, Agnes, 22 „ Bernard, 114 „ Joan, 47 ,, John, 37 ,, Richard, 67 ,, WiUiam, 63, 95 BrickdaU, Humphrey, 221 Brid, WiUiam, 28 Bridde, Robert, 160 Bridport, John, 65, 66 Brigg, OUver, 188 -Briggewatir, John, 65 Brinsdon, John, 259 William, 259, 260 Bris, Richard, 39 Bristelton, Julian, 31 „ Thomas, 31 Broforde, Robert, 28 Broke, John, 44, 80, 166 ,, Julian, 35 „ Lady, 48, 113 „ Thomas, knt., 27, 30, 37, 48, 52, 66, 67, 77, 78, 82, 94, 100, 103, 106, 113, 118, 123, 129, 130 „ WUliam, 33, 44, 70, 71, 33 Brokeworth, Agnes, 66 ,, John, 56 „ Richard, 66, 73, 118 Brokke, Laurence, 91 Bromdon, Eichard, 65 Brompton, Joan, 27 „ John, 47 Brond, Eiohard, 87 Brooke, Amy, 264 Thomas, 44, 172, 267, 261, 262 Broun, Beatrix, 105 Edmund, 67, 100, 108, 117 Elen, 100 „ Henry, 161 „ John, 63, 77, 102, 106, 123, 129 Nicholas, 171, 173 „ PhiUp, 9 ,, Eiohard, 161 „ Walter, 23, 79 „ WiUiam, 29, 92, 100 Brounenesyng, David, 62 Browne, Agnes, 146, 179 „ Alice, 224 Gilbert, 259 Hugh, 221 „ Humphrey, 149 John, 148, 149, 190, 202, 214, 223, 248, 250, 251, 252 „ Philip, 205, 224 „ Richard, 265 „ Robert, 105 „ Thomas, 257 „ WiUiam, 145, 149, 193, 224, 259 Browninge, John, 256 Brownwyn, Eichard, 87 Bruer, Hugh, 165 „ John, 62 Brues, John, 101 Bruton, John, 86 „ Richard, 63 Brwton, John, 77 Bryd, John, 144 Brydd, John, 97 INDEX. 287 Brydd, WiUiam, 143, 144 Br> ghtlampton, WiUiam, 16, 56 Brymlaye, George, 264 Brynt, Marion, 43 „ Robert, 43 Brynyng, Walter, 38 Bryt, John, 33, 62 Buckford, , 222 ,, Katharine, 240 „ Mrs., 240 Budde, Joan, 114 „ John, 114 Buffln, Margery, 264 Bulbeck, John, 275 Bulkeley, Master, 145 BuU, John, 235, 254, 255 Bullocke, WiUiam, 261 BuUoke, Richard, 161 Bunt, John, 18 Buntyng, Katharine, 166 „ WiUiam, 156 Burbache, John, 81, 90, 106 122 Burchall, Joan, 220, 233 Burcott, Richard, 238 Burden, WiUiam, 103 Burford, John, 62, 95 Burgeys, Joan, 31 „ John, 68 Burgin, Robert, 188 Burkhed, Christopher, 204 Burlas, Robert, 86 Burley, Edmund, 171, 172 „ John, 176 William, 175 Burnell, John, 279 ,, Margaret, 279 Burriett, Alice, 279 Burrowes, John, 213 Burton, Alice, 133 ,, Joan, 6 John, 44, 45, 131, 134, 136, 144, 164, 170 „ Nicholas, 136 „ WiUiam, 31, 35 Bury, Agnes, 145 ,, Joan, 166 ,, John, 25 ,, Katharine, 145 „ Robert, 40 Buscon, Edward, 215 Bushe, James, 266 „ John, 273 ,, Margery, 234 Busshoppe, Cecily, 110 John, 110 Butler, Bridget, 193 „ Elizabeth, 193 ,, Francis, 193 „ Robert, 183, 192, 198 „ WUUam, 266 Buttiller, Katherine, 85 Byddeston, Richard, 85 Byde, Robert, 246 Bydow, Thomas, 97 Bydowe, 24 Byllinge, Richard, 265 B.ynion, Adam, 251 Byrch, Joan, 156 Byrde, William, 167, 160, 266, 267 Byrymore, John, 108, 109, 110, 111 Bysse, Joan, 188 „ John, 202, 210, 223 „ Peter, 258, 259 Cable, John, 49, 101 ,, Matthew, 252 CabuU, Richard, 106 CabuU, WUliam, 66 Cadbury, John, 58 Robert, 44 Cadell, James, 277 Cadican, John, 116 Cadle, James, 262 „ William, 247 Caen, Francis, 162 Cake, John, 80 Calf, Henry, 22, 23, 39, 83 „ Katharine, 22, 83 „ Roger, 63, 60 Calicote, John, 149, 160 CallowhUl, Christopher, 227 ,, Constance, 227 „ Elizabeth, 227 Philip, 227 Thomas, 227, 257 Calmady, Thomas, 170 Camel, Robert, 11 „ Thomas, 82 Cameleigh, John, 24 Cammell, alias Arnald, Robert, 45 Camvyle, John, 85 CamyUe, John, 103 Candevere, John, 16, 28, .39 Candover, John, 58 Canon, Ralph, 19, 30, 44, 46, 62 „ William, 89, 119 CantweU, Adam, 73 Canyng, Maud, 73 Canynges, Agnes, 41, 48, 68 „ Elizabeth, 162, 153 ,, Joan, 25 John, 26, 40, 48, 64, 55, 66, 77, 117, ISO, 15S, 164 ,, Margaret, 90 „ Simon, 48, 90 „ Thomas, 90, 153, 164 „ William, 5, 6, 7, 14, 28, 41, 48, 58, 131, 136, 139, 140, 145, 161, 162, 154, 166 282 Capella, de, WiUiam, 69 Caple, John, 176 Capper, Christopher, 187 Carew, Robert, 150, 158, 161 Carey, WUliam, 279 Carie, WiUiam, 242, 246 Carieton, Hugh, 77, 86, 110, 125 Carne, or Carue, John, 70 „ WiUiam, 257 Caroe, Alexander, 254 ,, Henry, 264 „ John, 224, 235, 236, 253, 264, 265 „ Katharine, 236 „ Richard, 254 „ WiUiam, 254 Carowe, Hugh, 219 Carpenter, Bishop, 132, 144, 161 „ Henry, 13 John, 131, 168 „ Richard, 25 Th., 38 „ Thomas, 63 Walter, 110, 129 William, 33, 170 Carr, Anne, 207 „ Edward, 208 „ John, 199, 201, 207, 208, 256 „ WUliam, 193, 194, 207 Carse, Hugh, 70 Thomas, 70 „ William, 70 Carsewell, John, 11, 12 Carter, Alice, 22, 39 „ Robert, 166 Cary, Anne, 245. 288 Cary, Elizabeth, 245 ,, Frances, 245 „ Gervase, 46 ,, Joan, 245 ,, John, 46 ,, Mary, 245 „ Richard, 245 „ WiUiam, 46, 122 Castell, Alice, 60, 87 „ John, 16, 42, 44, 60, 117 „ WiUiam, 59, 64 Castelman, Edith, 134 „ Jasper, 276 „ John, 134 Thomas, 131 Catanio, Carolo, 130 ,, Georgio, 180 Cattaynes, Leonard, 134 CaudeU, Thomas, 111, 123 Caulie, George, 275 Cauntelbury, John, 3 Caunterbur3^ Alice, 139 John, 30, 73, 82, 84, 39 „ Nicholas, 89, 130 WiUiam, 139 Cause, Agnes, 234 ,, Richard, 234 ,, WiUiam, 234 Causy, Hugh, 8 Cave, or Cane, Philip, 50 Cawfylde, 206 Cawse, Richard, 183 Cecill, Christopher, 255 „ Elizabeth, 255 ,, Joan, 228 „ John, 223 Cely, John, 159 Chalnour, Lodowic, 135 Chaloner, Peter, 99 „ Ralph, 120 ,, Richard, 38 Chamberleyn, John, 129 Chambers, Alice, 223 „ Dominick, 223 „ John, 223, 224 „ Thomas, 223 „ W HUam, 223 Chamley, Agnes, 272 „ Thomas, 272 Champenes, Alice, 26 „ John, 25 Champeney, John, 21 Champeneys, Richard, 36 Champion, William, 86 Chapeleyn, John, 12, 22, 109 „ Maud, 22 „ Richard, 22 „ Thomas, 21 Chaple, William, 248 Chai^pell, Bartholomew, 231 „ Thomas, 209 Chauncellor, Master, 194 Chaundeler, Alan, 125 „ Roger, 12, 20 Chaunger, Letice, 16 Cheddre, Richard, 117 „ Robert, 6, 9, 17, 20 „ Thomas, 130, 132, 134, 139 ,, William, 9 Cheltenham, or Chiltenham, John, 24, 25 29, 33, 34, 61, 92 „ Walter, 12, 16 William, 125 Chepe, Robert, 70, 136, 136 „ WUliam, 80 Chepman, John, 39, 105 „ Nicholas, 8, 84 Chepstowe, Joan, or John, 33 „ John, 21, 63 ,, Nigel, 21 ,, Robert, 21 Chesewell, Cristina, 80 „ John, 30 Chesses, John, 280 Chester, Bridget, 248 ,, Dominick, 196, 203, 204 „ Edward, 194, 201 „ Elizabeth, 204, 248 Henry, 144, 208, 204 „ James, 194, 203, 204, 248 ,, Joan, 203 John, 162, 164 „ Mary, 248 „ Thomas, 194, 195, 204, 216 Walter, 203 „ WUliam, 203, 204 Chewe, John, 28, 29, 30, 32, 40, 42, 5£| „ William, 234 Chichelew, Edith, 12 „ John, 12 Childe, Katharine, 279 Chippenham, Richard, 20 Chivaler, John, 111, 112 Chokke, Eichard, 132 Christopher, John, 239 Churchehowse, Richard, 274 Churchey, Nicholas, 42 Chynham, Eichard, 93 Clarke, Alice, 260 „ John, 228 „ Eichard, 228 „ Thoinas, 186 Clasbock, Alice, 211 „ Elizabeth, 211 . „ John, 211 „ Maud, 211 „ Roger, 211 „ WiUiam, 211 Clement, Eichard, 73, 193 „ Eobert, 68 „ Thomas, 246 Clemond, Thomas, 204 William, 204 Cleof, John, 115 Clerk, Joan, 87 „ John, 71, 93, 135, 139, 147, 143, „ Nicholas, 28 „ Richard, 37, 118 „ Robert, 195 „ Thomas, 17, 32, 59, 76, 186 „ Walter, «9 ,, WUliam, 47, 148, 151 CleyvUe,- Robert, 28 Clifford, Agnes, 10, 84 ,, John, 10, 84, 113 Clodd, goodwife, 255 Clune, John, 192 Clyforde, James, 185 Clyve, Isabel, 117 ,, John, 64, 74, 83, 89, 114, 117, 12 127, 128 „ WUliam, 96 Clyve, alias Berkeley, Thomas, 117 Cl>vedon, Alexande., 96, 97 „ Alice, 77 ,, Joan, 96 Cobbe, Joan, 02 Cobbet, Alice, 261 Cobyndon, Henry, S9, 83 „ John, 26, 116 „ Richard, 20, 39 Cockes, John, 185 Cockesey, , 186 Cocus, Thomas, 47 Codde, David, 33, 42, 43 289 Coder, Agnes, 149 „ John, 149 „ Maud, 150, 155 ,, Richard, 160 „ WiUiam, 184, 136, 149, 166, 167 Codrington, Francis, 185, 186 Codyngton, Cristina, 43 „ John, 48 Cofei-er, Eichard, 99 Cofle, or Cufe, Christopher, 260 Cogan, John, 137, 147 „ Walter, 16, 28, 38 Cogan, alias Philip, David, 178 Coke, Elizabeth, 193 „ John, 35 ,, Richard, 43 „ Sysley, 193 ' ,, Thomas, 13 ,, WiUiam, U Coker, Alice, 160 Cokkes, James, 32, 34, 77, 79, 81, 33, 84, 102, 104, 105, 112 „ ¦ John, 102, 112,103, U4,'120, 124 169 ,, Margaret, 112 Cokking, Jphn, 82, 118, 119 „ Felicia, 118 Coklonde, Joan, 145 „ PhiUp, 145 Cole, John, 104, 116 „ Patrick, 170 „ Richard, 198, 201, 208, 209, 214, 220 S33 „ Robert, 12, 206 „ Stephen, 196 „ WiUiam, 250 Coleman, Edith, 268 „ Elizabeth, 269 Colet, Edith, 25 Colle, John, 160 CoUes, John, 169 Collman, Abraham, 269 ,. Agnes, 212 „ John, 269 „ Margaret, 269 CoUyngs, , 181 CoUyns, Henry, 179 Colman, John, 87 ,, Thomas, 204, 234 Cohnere, Henrys' 6 Colne, or CoUys, Ralph, 29 Colston, Anne, 241 ,, Elizabeth, 250 „ George, 250 ,, Michael, 200 „ Thomas, 5, 6, 17, 28, 35, 78, 197 200, 201, 226 „ WiUiam, 92, 99, 232, 250, 263 Colthurste, Master, 232 Colvyle, Robert, 76, 96, 104, 114 ColweU, William, 149, 150 Colyns, Thomas, 104, 107 „ WiUiam, 115 Combe, Elias, 66 „ John, 83 William, 17, 27, 94 Comber, John, 61, 66, 67 Cofner, John, 43 Compton, John, 186, 140, 141 -¦Oompaignon, Katharine, 78 „ Nicholas, 73 Comyn, Stephen, 125 Conie, Agnes, 262 „ John, 202 „ Mary, 202 „ Robert, 262 Coningham, Thomas, 200 2 C Cooke, Edmund, 209 ,, Janen, 1,52 „ John, 21 ,, Philip, ,, Eichard, 21 „ Roger, 183, 252 „ Thomas, 82, 38, 217 ,, William, 33, 162, 186, 216 CooUimor, Richard, 251 Cooper, WUliam, 223 Coorant, Agnea, 262 Copper, John, 123 Coi-by, John, 16 Cordy, Eobert, 16 Core, Robert, 134, 139 Oorfleld John, 198 Cornell, Thomas, 180 Cornewale, Richard, 52 Cornysh, Eleanor, 186 „ Joan, 25 „ Thomas, 171 ,, aKas Pytte, Robert, 142 Cory, Charity, 223 ,, Henry, 68 „ Joan, 164 „ Margaret, 228 ,, Thomas, 239 ,, William, 228 Coryour, Hugh, 93 Cosham, John, 131 Cosson, John, 279 Coston, Alice, 218 „ Francis, 186 ,, Humphrey, 180 ,, Lewes, 218 Coterel, John, 112 Cother, 207 „ Elizabeth, 240 ,, Jane, 240 „ John, 206, 240, 269 ,, Joyce, 259 Cothery, John, 251 Coton, Agnes, 105 „ John, 25, 46, 83, 105 Cotterell, Andrew, 201 ,, James, 215 „ John, 209, 216, 226, 244 Cotyller, Thomas, 135 Coueley, Maud, 13, 24 Couley, Robert, 203 WiUiam, 20, 21 Countasse, Richard, 154 Courtenay, William, 97 Covyntre, or Coventre, John, 104 „ Thomas, 116 Cowper, Agnes, 183 „ Giles, 133 „ John, -206 ,, Margaret, 232 „ Margery, 183 „ Rouland, 183, 184 WUliam, 183 Coxe, Joan, 212, 238 „ Matthew, 227 „ Thomas, 227 „ WiUiam, 199, 200, 227, 232 Cradock, Clement, 197 Elizabeth, 204, 244 „ John, 200 ,, Thomas, 244 „ WiUiam, 262 Cragge, William, 101 Crane, Alice, 69 „ Hugh, 141 Crede, John, 116 „ Thomas, 10 Crewe, Anne, 228 290 Crewe, Anthony, 228 Cristisham, Nicholas, 64 Croke, John, 148 Crokker, Eichard, 42 Crompe, John, 15 Cromwell, Elizabeth, 166 „ George, 156 Cropenel, WUliam, 93 Cros, Robert, 13 Crosbie, Nicholas, 191 Crose, Benedict, 160 Crosman, Aenes, 75 ,, Robert, 75 Croter, John, 63 Croume, John, 67 Croute, Nicholas, 29 CruU, Thomas, 83 Crykald. John, 163 Cryn, Marcus, 162 Crynche, John. 127 Cuffe, John, 120 CuUymore, Edward, 202, 203 „ John, 258 Curteys, Edward, 63 Curties, Elizabeth, 219 John, 219 „ Thomas, 219 Cutley, John, 196 Cutt, Bridget, 224 „ John, 201, 209 ,, Matthew, 209 „ Nicholas, 209, 210, 224 „ Thomas, 237 „ William, 209, 210, 221 Dagyn, Thomas, 103 Dakins, Richard, 188 Dale, Henry, 157 Dam, de, Roger, 162 Dane, William, 228 Danvers, Richard, 278 DanyeU, David, 181 ,, Thomas, 55 Darbie, Edith, ISS Darby, Joan, 236 Darleston, Henry, 6, 78, 8 Daske, Thomas, 169 Daton, John, 94 Dauburne, John, 89, 96 Daunteseye, Hugh, 82 Davells, WiUiam, 269 David, JanjTi, 19 „ Robert, 126 „ Thomas, 126 „, 10, 126 Davies, Ambrose, 218, 219 ,, Katharine, 219 „ Eichard, 213 „ Robert, 201 ,, Walter, 220 Davis, or Davys, Agnes, 277 „ Edward, 213 Davy, Edith, 126 „ John, 69, 134, 165 ,, Robert, 127 „ Thomas, 166 Henry, 190, 277 James, 262 John, 172, 194, 196, 262 263 277 Richard, 193, 247, 25S, 262 Roger, 262 Thomas, 254, 262, 277 Walter, 200, 262, -263 WiUiam, 264, 277 , 287 Davyson, John, 166 Dawemer, WUliam, 244 Dawes, Elen, 169 „ Hugh, 169 ,, Joan, 169 „ John, 169 „ Richard, 169 „ Roger, 169, 174 „ Thomas, 169 Dawkin, Lewes, 219 Dawkins, Robert, 199 Deane, Elizabeth, 186 „ Robert, 249 Deane, alias Popley, John, 237 Deare, Katharine, 199 Dedbroke, Joan, 24 „ Robert, 24 Dee, Alice, 177 Deenys, Richard, 181 Deer, or Dere, Henrj-, 228 „ John, 38, 228 „ Katharine, 228 Roger, 199, 228 WiUiam, 228 Delaware, Lord, 180 Delyn, John, 31 ,, William, 125 Dene, John, 16 ,, William, 75 Denebawde, Thomas, 5 Dennis, or Dennys, Morrys, 203 Eichard, 133, 242 Walter, knt., 242 WiUiam, 133, 179 Derby, Margaret, 49 ,, Nicholas, 49 „ Walter, 6, 6, 7, 16, 23, 108 Derlton, de, John, 68 Derlyng, Nicholas, 91 Dernefoi-d, John, 25, 43, 61, 73 ,, Eiohard, 22 Deryk, Richard, 152 Devenysch, Ismaeta, 43 „ John, 37, 58, 64 Nicholas, 80, 85, 116, 126, 129 „ Thomas, 134 Devonshire, Thomas, 174 Devy, Patrick, 130 Devyas, William, 118 Devyncher, Thoinas, 173 Dewell, Elianor, 268 De\vy, Robert, 143 Dexe, Thomas, 163 Deye, John, 17, 66, 126 DeyeU, Jeu'n, 134 Didbrok, Alice, 91 „ Eobert, 91 Dier, or Dyar, Agnes, 262 „ John, 6, 87, 124 Philip, 17 „ Eichard, 66 Eoger, 20 „ Stephen, 65 „ Thomas, 66, 90, 91, 94, 95 98, 99, 126 Dixon, Jane, 217 Doddesley, John, 54, 55 Dodyng, John, 13 Dole, Ealph, 231 ,, Richard, 267 DoUe, Isabel, 166 DoUyng, Cristina, 101 Richard, 101, 102, 115 Dolman, William, 142 Don, John, 43, 45 Donhede, Edith, 45 ,, John, 46 291 Donne, John, 71 „ Thomas, 71 Donnynge, W Uliam, 191, 192 Donster, Isabel, 46 John, 31, 50, 75, 143 Dorrell, Thomas, 231, 237 Dorset, Matthew, S5 Dovandre, Edmund, 165 Dove, Master, 206 Dowe, Robert, 209 Dowle, Arthur, 196 „ Christopher, 196, 197 „ Edward, 250 „ Henry, 197 „ James, 196, 222 „ John, 196 Walter, 217 Downe, Thomas, 51 William, 61 Dowting, Edward, 212 Drake, Francis, knt,, 265 Draper, Anne, 224 ,, Hugh, 2-25 „ John, 82, 97, 99, 100, 114, 224 WilUam, 9, 10 Draycote, John, 49, 88 „ Lucy, 49, 122 „ Thomas, 49 „ WUliam, 49 Dreux, John, 169, 170, 171 Drewes, John, 184, 185, 186 Drewz, John, 163, 164 ,. Peter, 163 „ Richard, 163 „ Eobert, 163 Dreyse, John, 68, 69 Drivare, Alice, 124 „ WUliam, 124 Droys, Isabel, 99, 109, 115, 125 „ John, 67, 79, 80, 84, 90, 91, 94, 95, 93, 99, 126 Drury, William, 226, 238, 252, 259, 260 Drynkewater, Thomas, 43, 69 Dudbroke, David, 79, 84, 94, 96, 99, 100 „ Eobert, 21, 23, 57, 69 DuddeUesblu-y, WUliam, 107 Dudmester, Goodlove, 196 „ Richard, 196 Dugeon, Thoinas, 114 Dugmore, Richard, 148 Didl, Letice, 217 „ Thomas, 169 Dunclent, de, John, 7, 9, 14, 15 Dunn, Doctor, 263 Durlinge, Thomas, 279 Dybon, Walter, 94 Dydmister, Bridget, 248 „ Edward, 248 „ Henry, 243 „ Joan, 248 „ Richard, 248 „ Thomas, 248 Dye, Jenkyn, 225 „ Joan, 252 „ John, 197, 201, 210, 214 „ Robert, 252 „ Thomas, 236 Dyhuce, John, 61 DyUet, Christopher, 263 Dyme, Adam, 46 William, 46, 69 Dyrrickeson, Dyricke, 229 Eaton, or Elton, Edmond, 237 „ EUzabeth, 237 „ John, 224 2 0 2 Eddye, Thoinas, 228 Edmonds, « illiam, 179, 240, 244, 273 Edward, Agnes, 67, 173 ,, Alice, 127 „ Henry, 173 „ Joan, 178 „ John, 173 „ Thomas, 173 William, 173 Edwardes, Edmond, 261 „ Elizibeth, 169 „ John, 136, 164, 174 „ Master, 210 „ Richard, 231, 247, 253 ,, Sampson, 261 W iUiam, 176 Egger, Richard, 22, 42 Eglesale, WiUiam, 88 Egleston, Thomas, 163 Eiton, Master, 225 Elcok, Joan, 46 Ele, de, and le, WiUiam, 12, 62, 76 ElUott, or Ellyett, Barbara, 182 „ EUzabeth, 182 „ Henry, 236, 263 Hugh, 172 ,, Joan, 174 „ John, 135, 136, 174, 182, 236 ,, Katharine, 182 ,, Nicholas, 174 Robert, 174, 182 ,, Thomas, 174, 236 „ William, 174, 182, 236 Ellis, WiUiam, 235, 261 Elston, Justinian, 221 Emayn, John, 140 Engelond, Julian, 72 „ Thomas, 72 England, Margaret, Queen of, 136 Englissh, John, 33 „ Maud, 83 Enkbarrow, Robert, 155 Erie, Margery, 166 „ Richard, 137, 165 „ Thomas, 67, 108, 114, 166 „ Thomasine, 166 Erley, Joan, 135, 142 „ Robert, 141, 142 Erleygh, William, 139 Erlyngham, de, Sibil, 5 Erneawey, Agnes, 7 ,, John, 7 Erond, Edmond, 276 Erothe, John, 190 Escote, Elizabeth, 62 „ Hugh, 112, 113, 114 „ Walter, 62 „ -William, 62, 53 Estcote, Walter, 122 Estcourt, John, 96, 93, 101 Estegate, Agnes, 188 „ Robert, 183 Esterfeld, Henry, 177, 178 „ John, 157, 162, 164, 170, 177, 178 Maud, 177 Eston, Thomas, 68, 101 Evan, Joan, 133 Evance, John, 188 William, 218 Evans, Milles, 211 Evenet, AUce, 228 Edward, 226, 262, 263 „ Florence, 226 „ Joan ,226 Everard, John 138 292 Eweyn Richard, 48 Ewley, John, 128 Ewryn, John, 137 ,, Richard, 137 ,, Waryn, 137 Ewyas, David, 38 Ewyn, Eichard, 136 Exale, Isabel, 123 Excestre, Elias, 27 ,, Joan, 122, 128 „ John, 123 ,, Margaret, 27 Mark, 121, 123 Nicholas, 86, 94, 118, 119, 121 ,, Philip, 6, 16, 28, 27, 28, 29, 4.'^ „ Thomas, 123 WUliam, 123 Eyre, John, 119, 120 Fader, WilUam, 75 Fagan, John, 5 „ Tibot, 5 Falaunce, John, 66 Famer, .John, 52 Farley, James, 213, 26s Farmer, Joan, 265 „ Thomas, 265 Fastolf, John, knt., 154 Faunt, John, 43 „ PhUip, 72, 109 Fawkener, William, 13 Fawkett, Thomas, 226, 276 Pay, John, 189, 240, 264 Fayreford, Henrj , 31 Fembrigg, Richard, 74 Ferant, Ralph, 64 Ferour, Felicia, 64 „ Richard, 64 Ferre, Elizabeth, 164 „ WUliam, 164 Ferreys, Thomas, 15" Ferrour, John, 24 ,, Stephen, 24 Ferthyng, Isabel, 48 ,, John, 51 W alter, 48 Filberd, Alice, 28 ,, John, 28 „ WiUiam, 6, 28 Pillian, John, 206, 210 Filter, Alice, 74 ,, Thomas, 74 Fissche, Agnes, 131, 133 Thomas, 112, 118, 114, 124, 1,31 138, 134, 136, 136 „ WUliam, 131, 132, 133 Fisscher, Joan, 124 Nigil, 20 Fissher, or Fysher, Anne, 194 „ John, 88, 84, 85, 124, 194 ,, Katharine, 194 ,, Simon, 76 „ , 204 Fitzjeflrey, Anne, 218 „ Edward, 218 ,, John, 213 „ Matthew, 218 „ Thomas, 218 Fitz waryn, John, 118, 131 Fitz WUUam, WUliam, 131 Flecchar, or Fleccher, AUce, 193, 194 „ John, 6, 103 WUUam, 193, 194 Fletcher, John, 218 Fletcher, alias Paine, John, 213 FlexhaU, Thoinas, 16fi Floide, Elizabeth, 269 „ Margery, 269 Florys, John, 17 Flowen", AUce, 199 Flower, Christopher, 218 Floyt, or Fluyt, Agnes, 62 ,, John, 7, 62 ,, Nicholas, 62 „ William, 62 „ Yvo, 20, 122 Fodygndon, Henry, 45 FolkyshuU, John, 72, 124 „ William, 72, 124 Polyot, or Foliett, John, 51, 77, 205 Foorde, Richard, 264 Forbour, Richard, 135 Forde, Joan, 144 ,, John, 116, 144 Forest, WUliam, 167 Forster, Adam, 71 ,, Alice, 71 „ Edward, 103 Hugh, 169 ,, Joan, 176 John, 49, 71, 80, 153, 167, 171 176Richard, 122, 127, 128, 130, 1 176 „ Stephen, 158, 176 WUliam, 66, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74 Fort, WilUam, 46 Fortescu, John, knt,, 136 Posse, Walter, 139 Founte, de la, Alice, 171 ,, Anne, 171 Edmund, 171 Elizabeth, 171 Gillam, 160 ,, John, 171 WiUiam, 170 Fourbour, Agnes, 168 WiUiam, 93 Fowens, John, 267 Fowke, John, 161 Fowler, Francis, 180 Fownes, John, 269 Fox, John, 270 FoxhuU, WUliam, 44 Foyns, John, 269 Mary, 269 Frampton, Henry, 115 John, knt., 114, 117, 1-24 Frank, John, 32 Fl'ankeleyn, John, 170 Fraunceys, John, 36 Richard, 114 Freeman, John, 215 „ Roger, 202 Freman, Alice, 64 ,, Joan, 56 ,, John, 64 ,, Thomas, 54 Freme, Nicholas, 129, 1S2 Frenche, Edward, 222 Katharine, 222 „ Eichard, 222 „ Thomas, 222 Toby, 222 Frensch, Adam, 49 ,, Alice, 49 Maud, 11, 16, 49 Frensch, le, Eborard, 32, 115, 146 Frenshman, John, 142 Frenssh, Joan, 56, 57 ,, John, 56, 122 Frenssh, Julian, 56 293 ,, Thomas, 36, 64 Frere, Agnes, 103 „ Henry, 103 „ Isabel, 103 ,, Joan, 103 „ John, 28, 35, 78, 103 „ Richard, 27, 74, 103 ,, Roger, 103 „ Thomas, 103 „ Walter, 103 „ WUliam, 94 Freweyn, Joan, 33 „ John, 32 Frie, or Frye, Joan, 216 „ John, 189, 196 Frier, or Fryer, PhUip, 184 „ Walter, 255 Frize, Master, 196 Frome, William, 13, 14, 23, 42, 57, 1 lo, 119 Frompton, Agnes, 60 „ Alice, 109 „ Isabel, 19 ,, Joan, 41 „ John, 109 „ Richard, 13, 20 „ Roger, 20, 21, 60 Walter, 13, 19, 20, 21, 41, 97, 109, 115 Frost, Margaret, 42 ,, William, 42 Frox, Julian, 74 Frynde, or Frend, Christopher, 239 Edward, 239 ,, Joan, 239 „ Margery, 239 Fulbroke, Eobert, 165 ,, Tristram, 165 Fuller, Richard, 222 Furnyvall, John, 159 Fursell, John, 238 Fussell, Joan, 244 „ Thomas, 244 Fustewe, Bartholomew, 244 Fuyster, Elizabeth, 173 „ Joan, 173 John, 124, 172 „ Robert, 173 Fyl, Thomas, 64 Fyler, Agnes, 111 ,, Beatrix, 111 „ John, 111 „ Thomas, 111 FyUe, Thomas, 101, 106 „ WiUiam, 82 Fylour, Agnes, 140 „ Thomas, 105, 112, 140 Fynche, Joan, 58 ,, Katharine, 58, 107 Eichard, 34, 58, 107, 112, 114 Fysshprest, Walter, 59 Fytelton, AUce, 125 ,, EUzabeth, 66 „ John, 66, 125 Gadburye, Michael, 223 Gainsford, Luce, 217 „ Nicholas, 217 Galon, John, 37 Gamelyn, John, 126 Gamlyn, Thomas, 254 Gardener, Eobert, 33 WUliam, 33 Gardyner, John. 70, 151 Eobert, 13, 70, 122 Garewey, Matthew, 94 Garnet, John, 106 Garrett, Mistress, 253 „ , 230 Gasquj-n, Peter, 66 Gate, WiUiam, 36 Gauncell, WUUam, 165 Gaveler, Gilbert, 81 Gaywode, Agnes, 146, 147 „ Isabel, 146 „ John, 134, 136, 140, 146, 146, 147, 148, 167 „ WUliam, 145 Gegge, John, 117 „ Thomasine, 117 Gele, John, 103 George, John, 169 ,, Eichard, 255 ,, alias Bossington, John, 238 Gere, goodwife, 268 Gerveys, John, 239 „ Simon, 171, 174 ,, alias Davis, Harry, 190 Geyl, Nicholas, 6 Gibbes, or Gybbes, Edward, 171 „ Hugh, 247 ,, Joan, 247 ,, John, 50 ,, Margaret, 247 „ Walter, 15 ,, WiUiam, 210 Gildeney, Henry, 110, 114, 119, 121 „ Joan, 119 - Gillman, Eobert, 238 Gislingham, John, 208 Glaceare, WiUiam, 74 Glasier, Henry, 100 „ WUliam, 127 Gleson, Walter, 268, 269 Glise, John, 22 Gliston, Walter, 222 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 120 Gloucestre, Isabel, 81 ,, Margaret, 105 „ Eobert, 88 „ Thomas, 11, 77, 81, 105 Glover, John, 102 „ Julian, 9 ,, Thomas, 9 „ Walter, 9 Godard, John, 143 Goddell, Clement, 280 Godefelawe, Thomas, 106 Godehyne, John, 109 Godereste, or Goterest, John, 39 Godesone, Denis, 80 ' Godewyn, WiUiam, 16 Godeyer, , 43 Godfrye, Robert, 253 Godwin, Thomas, 210, 219 Golde, Agnes, 11 „ John, 89 Goldesborough, John, 146 Goldsmyth, William, 98 Golsmyth, Frederick, 59 Gomond, John, 140 Gonette, John, 99 Goodale, Thomas, 192, 193 Goodawle, Elizabeth, 236 Thomas, 236 Goode, Thomas, 32, 35 Goodechild, Richard, 99 Gooder, John, 269 Goodman. Thomas, 272 Goodson, John, 104 ,, Margaret, 104 Ooodyere, or Goodier, Agnes, -260 „ Alice, 260 ,, Anthony, 204, 255 294 INDEX. Goodyera, or Goodier, Margaret, 264 Robert, 264 Roger, 268 Thomas, 263 Googh, Edward, 103 Goore, Alice, 247 Edward, 247 James, 247 John, 247 Margaret, 247 Richard, 247 , 248 Gobs, John, 26 „ Walter, 10, 13, 85 Gorges, Edmund, Knt., 165 Gosham, John, 107 Gosse, Peter, 181 Gosslyn, John, 133 „ Margaret, 133 Gostlett, John, 261 Goteham. Robert, 136 Gough, Anne, 275 „ Daniel, 232 „ Davie, 267 „ Elizabeth, 276 „ George, 276, !i76 „ Henry, 275 „ Jeun', 62 „ John, 275, 276 „ Mary, 276 „ Matthew, 275, 276 „ Samuel, 221 Gradeley, Cristina, 10, 11 „ Robert, 10 Graie, Robert, 204 Graunt, Elena, 56 „ Joan, 123 „ John, 66, 164 Thomas, 20, 56, 62 Grawnte, alias Wyoote, Robert, 58 Graye, Alice, 206 ,, George, 206, 225 WiUiam, 206 Grayle, Thomas, 257 Greemer, Gregory, 162 Greene, Anthony, 210 „ Joan, 232 ,, Master, 245 „ Nicholas, 210 Greeves, John, 269 Gregory, John, 159, 210, 211 Grene, John, 189, 201, 212 WUliam, 44, 210 Greneway, Charity, 221 „ Margaret, 221 Grevell, Margaret, 43 „ WUliam, 178 Greves, Thomas, 280 Grey, Edward, Lord Lisle, 149 Greynton, John, 64 Greyuyle, Robert, 26 Grice, Alice, 265 Griffen, or Griffyn, Henry, 251, 255 „ John, 245, 262 ,, Thomas, 49 Griffethe, or Griffith, Alice, 262 „ Edward, 272 „ EUzabeth, 251 „ Geoffrey, 108 ,, Henry, 255 Hugh, 251 „ Joan, 108 „ John, 218, 236, 261, 272 „ Mary, 272 Eichard, 152, 272 , Thomas, 108, 122, 135, 251, 272 Grigg, John, 213, 231, 241, 261 William, 225 Grissche, John, 115 Griste, Humphrey. 222 Gronowe, Joan, 172 Gros, Agnes, 281 ,, Henry, 281 Grove, Cristina, 33 „ Edmond, 204 „ John, 113 ,, Margaret, 106 „ Margery, 55 ,, Eichard, 55 „ Thomas, 213, 271 Gryffyn, John, 248 „ Maud, 249 Grygge, Alice, 194 „ Robert, 194 Grynder, John, 102 Gryne, William, 193 Grynwey, Richard, 194 Guin, Owen, 267 Gunnett, Dionisia, 39 Gunninge, John, 271 „ Thomas, 271 Gusshe, John, 85, 129 Guyen, Philip, 120, 121, 156 Gwynne, Philip, 241, 265 „ Thomas, 189 Gy. Ahce, 109 „ John, 109 Gybbens, John, 266 Gylbert, John, 168 Gylemyn, or Gilmyn, Thomas, 11, 14, 34, 67 Gyles, John, 119 Gyna, John, 27 Gyttins, or Gittens, Agnes, 260 ,, Champion, 250 ,, Edward, 260 „ Jeffery, 250 „ John, 249 ,, Mary, 249, 250 „ Robert, 260 „ Thomas, 250 WiUiam, 243, 249 Gywon, or Geen, PhUip, 121 Hachet, John, 28 Hacket, John, 188 Haddon, Richard, 134, 141, 145 „ Robert, 6 Hadecombe, John, 33 Hailes, Agnes, 218 Haines, Thomas, 209 Halewey, Alice, 71, 72 ,, Joan, 71, 72 „ John, 23, 54, 71 ,, Margery, 23 „ Richard, 23 ,, Simon, 6, 23 ,, Thomas, 23, 64, 71, 72, 109, 110, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 134, 136, 140 Hall, or HaUe, Cristina, 43, 88 „ John, 60, 122, 146, 212 „ Richard, 43, 76, 88, 89, 122, 233 „ Thomas, 43 Halle, alias Hegham, Amy, 130, 181 „ John, 130 „ Robert, 130 ,, Thomas, 130 WUliam, ISO Halperton, John, 91 Halteby, William, 43 Halton, Robert, 197, 245 INDEX. 295 Ham, Hierome, 246, 263 Hame, Agnes, 6 ,, John, 44 Hamersley, Sampson, 191 Hamlen, or Hamlyn, Anne, -262 „ Elizabeth, 262 Robert, 262 Hamlett, Alice, 260 Hamme, John, 24, 63 „ W alter, 63, 64 Hammondes, Joan, 236 „ Katharine, 236 „ WiUiam, 236 Hamond, Arthur, 214 ,, Richard, 57 Hamons, Arthur, 196 Hamor, Thomas, 245 Hampton, John, 186, 151 Hanam, John, 19 Hancock, WUliam, 199 Hanham, Richard, 48 Hansford, Margaret, 92 Harderley, Richard, 11 Hardwyk, Maurice, 140, 141 Hardy, John, 141 Hardyng, Matthew, 158 ,, Thomas, 178 Harethorn, Thomas, 97 Harewell, de, John, 53 Harlowe, John, 160 Harnham, or Hernham, John, 128, 132, 137 Harper, John, 95 ,, Nicholas, 61 „ Thomas, 95 William, 96, 180, 184 Harrewell, John, 78, 122 Harries, David, 214 Harris, David, 187, 188, 204, 229, 280, 258 „ Elizabeth, -224- „ George, 223, 229 „ Joan, 204 „ John, 223, 229, 265, 278 ,, Luke, 264 Margaret, 229, 230 ,, Morgan, 224 „ Thomas, 182 „ WiUiam, 224, 274 Harrison, Richard, 232 Harrwood, John, 288 HaiTy, John, 108, 120 Harrys, Ellyn, 208, „ John, 48, 77, 87, 174, 186 ,, Master, 185 ,, Robert, 99 ,, Thomas, 187 Harsfeld, Henry, 119 Harte, Alson, 180 ,, John, 235 ,, Katharine, 179 ,, Mistress, 255 „ Thomas, 179 Harvye, Hugh, 264 HaselweU, Eobert, 114 Haslyn, Master, 226 Hasplond, John, 76 Hassald, or Hassall, EandaU, 211, 238, 244 Hassefeld, Henry, 69 Hassok, PhUip, 93, 98, 106 HastUng, WiUiam, 206 Hastyne, Julian, 56 Hastyng, John, 90 ,, Margery, 63 „ Nicholas, 68, 72 Hathewey, John, 12 „ WiUiam, 12 Hatter, Constance, 134 „ Eiohard, 133 „ William, 134 Hauker, WiUiam, 8, 14 Haukeslow, Joan, 91 „ Richard, 91 Hau'sam, WiUiam, 73 Haveryng, Joan, 98 „ John, 78, 98, 130 „ PhUip, 98 ,, Thomas, 98 Haviland, Joyce, 241 Matthew, 241, 249, 256 Hawke, John, 134 Hawkes, John, 168, 169 „ WiUiam, 176 Hawkesok, Thomas, 152, 282 Hawkins, or Hawkyns, Dorothy, 257 ,, Joan, 243 „ John, 120 ,, Thomas, 165 Hawkyng, Cristina, 172 Hawley, John, 106, 166, 170, 171 Hawvyle, WUiam, 86 Hay, Thomas, 29 Hayles, WiUiam, 84, 86 Haynes, Joan, 225 „ Roger, 251 Hayward, Roger, 6 ,, Thomas, 273 Hede, Cristina, 103 „ John, 103 Hedges, Joan, 261 Hegg, Richard, 14 Helle, Arnold, 162 HeUewyse, John, 102 Hemyng, Anne, 192 Henry, 62, 94, 127 „ Eichard, 170 „ Thomas, 142 WUliam, 192 Hendy, Thomas, 29, 84, 68, 81 „ WiUiam, 36 Henewod, Joan, 172 Henlove, Gregory, 172 „ Isabel, 172 John, 171, 172 ,, Margery, 172 „ Robert, 172 ,, Thomas, 172 Henry, John, 224, 230, 262, 263 Henshawe, Alice, 245 „ Robert, 258 Henton, David, 266 ,, Margaret, 258 Henx, , 20 Herbard, William, 135 Herford, John, 97, 116 Heriottes, EUanor, 262 Herveid, Robert, 181 Hervy, Alice, 9 ,, Anne, 172 ,, CecUy, 43 ,, Humphrey, 172 ,, Joan, 36 „ John, 9, 43 ,, WiUiam, 36, 73 Herwai-d, y, John, 127 Heryforde, Edward, 265 „ Elizabeth, 265 Heryng, John, 37 ' „ WiUiam, 68 Heth, Alice, 110 „ John, 31, 109, 110 Heughes, , 263 Hewghes, John, 267 296 Hewvhs, Cecilv, 19 WiUiam, 18, 19 Hewys, John, 176 Hewyssche, William, 16 Hexton, Thomas, 153 Heynes, WiUiam, 54, 55 Heytesbury, Joan, 108 „ John, 108 Hibbott, Joan, 268 Hickes, Nicholas, 202, 208 „ Richard, 186, 162, 153 ,, Thomas, 185 „ WiUiam, 224, 250 Hickman, Matthew, 261 Higgens, John, 247, 273 Higgins, Besse, 243 „ Elynor, 202, 240 „ George, 197, 202, 205, 223 „ Mary, 201 „ Master, 201 „ Mistress, 229 WiUiam, 259 Hilde, Geoffrey, 7 Hilhowse, Agnes, 205 ,, John, 205 HiU, Anthony, 197, 240 „ Bartholomew, 197, 236 ,, Joan, 197 „ John, 197 ,, Nicholas, 240 „ Philip, 235 „ Richard, 197, 278, 279 „ Thomas, 194, 197 HiUaore, EUine, 188 „ Joan, 138 „ John, 188 PoUdorus, 188 WiUiam, 188 Hillard, John, 66 HUling, EUzabeth, 249 „ Thomas, 249 Hillseley, John, 274 Hitchinges, Matthew, 255 Hobbes, Davy, 243 „ Giles, 222, 223 „ Jane, 2'22 „ Nicholas, 223 „ Eichard, 178 „ Thomas, 222 William, 46, -220 Hoby, Eiohard, 170, 178 Hodson, Eichard, 198 Hoell, WUUam, 240 Hogekyn, William, 27 Hoggett, John, 280 Hoke, Joan, 196 „ Philip, 22 „ WiUiam, 81 Hoker, Edith, 94 ,, Nicholas, 40. 94 Holbeck, Thomas, 262 Holden, EUzabeth, 153 „ John, 153 Hole, Geoffrey, 36 Holebrond, William, 88 Holewey, FeUcia, 103 ,, Joan, 54 Holhurst, Robert, 116 Holland, Alice, 220, 221 „ Dorcas, 220, 221 „ Harry, 220, 2-21 , John, 220, -221 HoUyster, .\nnis, 221 Edith, 221 „ Edward, 231 „ John, 221 ,, Joyce, 221 HoUyster, Mary, 221 Richai-d, 221 „ Thomas, 221 Holme, Thomas, 90, 112 Hone, John, 167, 271 ,, WiUiam, 135 Honefield, Henry, 116 Honie, Richard, 214 Honsome (?), Henry, 72 ,, Maud, 72 Hooke, Edith, 249 „ John, 249 Hooper, Ralph, 203 Hope, John, 62 Hoper, Hugh, 77 John, 143 „ Reginald, 33 ,, Richard, 44 Hobert, 19 „ WUliam, 79 Hopkins, or Hopkyns, David, 99, 105 ,, Richard, 166 „ William, 2-23, 251 Hoppis, John, 163 Hore, John, 17 „ Philip, 131 ,, Thomas, 63 Horenbord, Nicholas, 162 Horlok, Richard, 65 Homar, Elyn, 193 PhiUp, 193 Hornecastell, John, 6 Horner, Alice, 219 ,, Richard, 219, 263 „ Thomas, 199, 200, 244 Horte, John, 204, 210 Horugge, Walter, 54, 72 Hosier, Isabel, 167 „ John, 138 Hoskins, or Hoskyns, Edward, 229 Thomas, 174 Hosschekyns, John, 109 Hosteler, David, 159 Hoton, Ahce, 160, 156 „ John, 1.36 „ William, 149, 160, 165, 156 Houghlot, John, 64 Houndesley, Alice, 143 ,, John, 143 Howe, William, 264 HoweU, Anne, 267 ,, John, 241 Mary, 241 „ Thomas, 105, 186, 1S7 ,, WiUiam, 70 Howlegge, John, 119 Howlet, Anne, 172 „ Robert, 172 Howse, John, 195 Howseman, Richard, 213, 216, 217 Howson, Thomas, 181 Howys, William, 76 Hubbei-thorne, Harry, 181 Huchons, Agnes, 33 Hughes, John, 187 Hukeford, William, 123 Hukines, Agnes, 235 „ Amy, 236 ,, Thomas, 236 WUUam 236 Hull, or HuUe, John, 17, 66 „ Nichola-i, 66 Hungerford, Edmund, Bart., 150, 156 Hunt, Elizabeth, 156 ,, George, 164 „ Hugh, 23, 39, 50, 84 .397 Hunt, Joan, 86, 226 „ John, 24, 38, 212 „ Katharine, 23, 24 „ Walter, 144 „ WiUiam, 86 Hunte, alias Calf, John, 86 Hunteley, John, 20 Huntington, Earl of, 135 ,, John, 205 „ Master, 210 Huntlye, Anne, 276 „ Anselm, 276 Hurdeman, Joan, 100 „ William, 33, 67, 71, 100 HureU, John, 77 Hurne, WUliam, 148 Hurst, WiUiam, 178 Hurte, Ralph, 203, 267 Hurtnall, James, 247 John, 247 Huth, Julian, 63 Hutton, John, 168 „ WUUam, 168 Huys, Master, 194 Hydden, Thomas, 223 Hyett, PhUip, 153, 154, 155 Hygham, Robert, 139 Hykedon, , 24 HyU, Nioholas, 135, 207 Hynde, Elen, 158 „ Joan, 150 ,, John, 160 „ Robert, 168 „ WUUam, 160 Hyndebest, or Hynebest, John, 20, 8 Hywes, Robert, 91 Ilmge, John, 260 Inet, Henry, 36, 76, 88 Ingeman, Elizabeth, 217 Inhyne, Adam, 26, 81, 102, 114 „ John, 26 ,, Katharine, 102 ,, Margery, 26 „ Eichard, 24, 26, 31, 36, 46 ,, Thomas, 17 „ William, 102 Inman, Agnes, 245 ,, Joan, 245 „ John, 245 ,, Thomas, 245 Innyng, John, 161 „ Richard, 78 Inshall, James, 258 Iryshe, John, 221 Isegar, William, 146 Ive, Giles, 243 Ivye, Thomas, 270, 271 Jacelyn, Paul, 96 Jackman, Thomas, 180, 181 Jackson, Richard, 256 Jacob, Alice, 128 ,, Elizabeth, 156, 167 ,, Humphrey, 156 ,, Joan, 22 „ John, 128, 166, 1.57, 204, 209 ,, Reginald, 115 „ William, 167 ,, aZ'iffl* Jakes, Robert, 156 Jakys, Robert, 141, 143 James, Francis, 265, 275 ,, Hugh, 201, 205 „ John, 213, 219, 267, 273, 279 ,, Thomas, 276 „ WilUam, 209, 267 Jamsye, John, 178 Jankyn, Geoffrey, 161 Janyns, John, 153 ,, Thomas, 95 Janys, or Jamys, Richard, 109, 126, 134 Jaye, Benet, 181 „ Henry, 143 ,, Joan, 142 „ John, 106, 142, 143, 147, 163, 167, 174 „ Mistress, 190 „ WiUiam, 182 Jefleris, Eobert, 273 Jeffreys, John, 179 Jeine, Thomas, 274 Jeke, Henry, 157 Jenkins, Philip, 199 „ Eichard, 229 Jenson, Anne, 238 Jeu'n, Benjamin, 258 John, Geoffrey, 118 „ Lodowic, 138, 139, 156 ,, Margaret, 118 „ Thomas, 135 Joh'nes, Hugh, 165, 166, 171, 172 ,, Katharine, 172 „ WUUam, 165 Johnson, Tanored, 129 Johnsonne, Eoger, 201 Joly, WiUiam, 174 Jolyfl, Eichard, 122 Jones, Agnes, 217 „ Alice, 193 „ David, 196, 220, 239 „ Edmond, 217 „ Edward, 185, 206 „ Eleanor, 183, 214 „ Elias, 63 ,, Elizabeth, 240, 243, 270, 274 ,, Frances, 214 „ Griffith, 184 „ Hugh, 184, 191, 213 ,, Humphrey, 192 „ Jane, 218, 274 ,, Joan, 183 „ John, 139, 217, 236, 237, 239, 273, 274 ,, Margaret, 183 ,, Margery, ¦^'¦ij, 274 ,, Maurice, 110 „ Morgan, 264, 265, 269, -275 ,, Nicholas, 182 „ PhUip, 245, 254 ,, Richard, 217, 243 ,, Roger, 189, 205, 206, 217, 240 „ Ryce, 270 „ Thomas, 193, 217, 225, 274 „ William, 182, 188, 213, 217, 218 232, 254, 258, 269, 279 Jons, alias Morgan, Joan, 172 ,, John, 172, 229 ,, Thomas, 172 Jonys, Edith, 1'36 „ Edmond, 189 „ Elen, 137 ,, Elizabeth, 189 ,, Isabel, 137 „ Jane, 189 „ Joan, 189 „ John, 136, 189 ,, Lodowic, 150 ,, Eichard, 189 „ Robert, 136 „ Thomas, 137, 189 „ Welthian, 189 „ WiUiam, 189 398 INDEX. Joos, or Joce, Agnes, 58, 60 „ Alice, 68 ,, Anthony, 58 „ Gilbert, 34, 35, 60, 58, 69, 60, 94 „ Robert, 59 WUliam, 161 Jorden, goodwife, 259 „ John, 271 Jubbes, Matthew, 170 Juke, PhUip, 267 Jurdon, Elenor, 205 „ John, 183 KayneU, Richard, 82 „ WiUiam, 82 Kayton, Richard, 132, 139 Keamys, Thomas, 149 Kearne, WiUiam, 257 Kebbe, Thomas, 36 „ Walter, 86, 86 Kedwelly, William, 63 Kelke, Clement, 230 „ John, 230 „ Richard, 230, 249 „ Thomas, 209, 210, 220, 230 Kember, Robert, 141 Kempe, Maud, 53 Kempson, Joan, 157, 158, 163 ,, Roger, 157 Thomas, 147, 167, 158, 163 „ William, 157 Kemsham, John, 210 Kemys, Isabel, 144 WiUiam, 144, 147 KendaU, WiUiam, 72 Kene, WiUiam, 17, 44, 45, 66 Kenfeke, Henry, 70 „ John, 70 ,, Katharine, 70 „ WiUiam, 70 Kenne, John, 123 ,, lord of, John, 41 Kerdif, John, 114 WiUiam, 38 Kerne, John, 182 Kerry, , 221 Kett, Katharine, 265 „ Philip, 256 KettiU, Mighell, 188 KettingaU, or KyttingaU, Alice, 206 „ EUzabeth, 206 „ George, 205 „ John, 205 „ Tobit, 205 Keynesham, John, 62 KidweUvter, John, 260 KUderton, William, 100 Kirke, WiUiam, 254 Kitchin, Richard, 234, 247, 249 Robert, 202, 226, 247 Knap, or Knappe, Avice, 68 ,, Reginald, 94 „ Thomas, 6, -28, 29, 68, 117, 125, 281 WiUiam, 68 Knighte, Ankerett, 264 ,, John, 218 Knokke, Thomas, 161 KnoUes, WiUiam, 131 Knott, Michael, 250 Knottyng, .lohn, 178 KnoweU, Thomas, 276 Knowles, Thomas, 231 Knyght, Nicholas, 36 „ Richard, 77 „ WUUam, 26, 35, 134 Knyghton, John, 14, 20, 21, 41, 43, 65 Kynch, Thomas, 265 Kynge, Cristina, 93 Kyngton, Philip, 27 Kyppok, John, 119 Kyte, Agnes, 164, 241 Alice, 241 Edward, 158, 164 Joan, 164, 165, -241 John, 164, 241 Katharine, 241 Philip, 241 William, 241 Lacy, Master, 210 ,, WiUiam, 278 Laighton, Cornish, 227 Lambard, Richard, 254 Lambe, goodwife, 204 Lamberd, alias Oldbeary, William, '216 Lancastre, John, 19 Lane, Alice, 78 „ Edward, 228, 263 „ John, 78 „ Thomas, 161 „ WiUiam, 179 Lang, John, 98 Langford, Charles, 226 „ Edmond, 226 „ Elizabeth, 226, 242 „ Ellis, 226 ,, Joan, 219 „ Mary, 248 „ Nioholas, 219 „ Richard, 224, 226, 242 „ Thomas, 226 „ Walter, 226 „ William, 226 , 216 Langley, Anne, 266, 267, 270 „ EUynor, 266 „ John, 107, 219, 267, 270 „ Mary, 243, '265, 266, 267, 270, -271 „ Master, 260 „ Philip, 218, 228, 240, 243, 265, 266, 268, 271 „ Richard, 219 Robert, 266 „ Ryce, 267 Thomas, 219, 274 „ Toby, 248, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271WUliam, 266, 267 Langton, George, 229 „ Richard, 190, 198, 199, 220, 226, 232 Lai^e, John, 216, 266 Lasingbie, Thomas, 179 Lathbury, Margaret, 240 „ Robert, 240 Latymer, Thomas, 272 Launde, Margaret, 166 Launsdon, Agnes, 199 Laurence, WiUiam, 98 Laveraunce, John, 134, 167 Lavynton, John, 79, 80 Lawles, Peter, 162 Lawrence, EUzabeth, 229 Jane, 229 Richard, 229 Simon, 232 Thomas, 229, 259 William, 229, 235 399 Lea, Master, 260 „ Richard, 228 Leche, Ralph, 183 Ledbury, Agnes, 90 „ Richard, 42, 67 „ Robert, 90, 91 Leech, John, 240 Leicestre, John, 83, 98, 100, HO, 118, 121 128 Lekas, Henry, 68 Lely, Margaret, 122, 123 Lemenstour, Robert, 44 Lemman, Agnes, 72 „ John, 73, 83 „ Thomas, 72, 73 Lemyng, Robert, 189 Lenam, John, 44 Lench, WUliam, 15 Lenny, Joan, 266 Leonns, Richard, 28, 29 Lese, John, 99, 130 Leveden, John, 57 Leversage, Katharine, 234 „ Robert, 234 Lewcas, Elizabeth, 199 „ Thomas, 199 Lewen, WiUiam, 261 Lewes, Edward, 214, 233 „ Felix, 220, 226, 228, 229 „ John, 282 ,, Margaret, 160 „ Thomas, 235 „ William, 269 Lewys, David, 201 „ John, 139 „ Thomas, 134 „ alias Tumor, John, 154 Ley, John, 48 Leyoetur, John, 109 liByQ, John, 29 Leyg'ue, Hugh, 26 LeyneU, John, 169 Leyson, John, 138 Libbe, Roger, 64, 86 Littilton, John, 85 Lloyd, David, -233 Locker, alias Parker, William, 209 Lodbroke, Agnes, 188, 189 ,, Jonas, 189 „ Thomas, 188, 189 „ Walter, 188 WUUam, 188, 189 Lodelow, Agnes, 101 „ Robert, 100 „ Roger, 101 ,, WUliam, 101 Lokier, Henry, 95 „ Margery, 44 Lombard, Ralph, 99 „ Thomas, 117 Londe, or Loude, Robert, 116 London, Agnes, 84 Alice, 34 Henry, 33 John, 171 Maud, 34 Thomas, 48 Long, Edward, 240, 241 John, 62, 97 Margery, 241 Mary, 269 Pradence. 237 Roger, 279 William, 269 Loryng Walter, 34 LotereU, Hugh, knt., 97 Loue, Agnes, 34 Loveney, John, 120 Lucar, Emanuel, 180, 181, 182 „ Thomas, 180 Lucas, Henry, *254 ,, Joan, 129 „ John, 104, 121 ,, Margery, 169 „ Peter, 129 „ Stephen, 52, 63 ,, Thomas, 249 „ WiUiam, 120 Luk, John, 27 Lumbard, Thomas, 69 Luttelton, Richard, 124 Lydeford, Martin, 12 Lye, Joan, 62 :„ Thomas, 62, 58, 71, 78, 82, 87, 91, 104 Lygh, Agnes, 61 ,, Joan, 61 „ John, 61 ,, Margaret, 61 „ Maud, 61 ,, Nicholas, 61 „ Robert, 61 „ Thomas, 61 „ WUUam, 105 Lyme, Adam, 68 „ John, 79 „ Walter, 63 Lymnour, John, 94, 109 Lyncoln, Thomas, 164, 165 Lyndesey, John, 162 Lyndraper, William, 34 Lynton, John, 32 Lynzye, , 273 Lyon, Nicholas, 264 Lyonns, Thomas, 23 Lysle, de. Lady, 137, 146 Lord, 149, 263 LyteU, John, 33 Lyveden, Roger, 106, 107 Mablie, Alice, 11 Macham, William, 181 Maddock, Edmond, 267 Maercolff, Christopher, 162 Maistre, Thomas, 62 Makeatese, Robert, 22 MakweU, Richard, 160 Maltman, WiUiam, 177, 178 Malveme, Thomas, 10, 99, 114 Malyns, John, 99 Mamfras, John, 27 Manger, Emmot, 142 „ WUliam, 142 Marchall, John, o5 ,, Richard, 134 Thomas, 71, 78, 87, 107, 111, US Marcus, Williamj 114 MareschaU, William, 58 Markes, William, 60, 79 Market, Thomas, 118 Marie, John, 127 Marier, John, 129 ,, Nicholas, 29, 30 MarteU, John, 33 Martyn, or Marten, Agnes, 226 „ Alice, 257 ,, Anne, 267 ,, CecUy, 257 „ David, 225 „ Edith, 257 „ EUzabeth, 267 ,, George, 267, 258, 259 „ Harry, 267 ,, Margaret, 127 400 INDEX. Martyn, or Marten, Richard, 235,245,247, 248, 249, 256, 267, 261, 273 Walter, 16, 19, 23 WiUiam, 257 Maryon, Joan, 15, 57 Mascall, Richard, 256 Mason, Edward, 135 ,, Elizabeth, 254 ,, John, 149, 163 ,, Nicholas, 10 „ Richard, 106 „ Thomas, 234 „ WUliam, 36 Massis, or Masies, Humphrey, 264 Mathew, or Mathowe, Agnes, 213 „ Amy, 213 ,, Anne, 258 ,, Bartholomew, 253 „ David, 190 ,, Doctor, 207, 240 Elizabeth, 201 „ goodwife, 203 Hugh, 213 , , James, 253 John, 201, 202, 253 Judith, -201 ,, Margaret, 171, 213 „ Nioholas, 68, 213 „ Patrick, 285 „ Penelope, 268 Peter, 263 ,, Richard, 163 „ Thomas, 218, 253 Toby, 201, '202 Maulbe, , 193 Mavyle, John, 88, 92, 93 May, Agnes, 42 ,, Joan, 233 „ Richard, 42, 238, 263 „ Eobert, 42 ,, Walter, 42 Mayes, Thomas, 93 „ WiUiam, 210 Mayhowe, John, 147 Meddon, Reginald, 8 Mede, or Meed, Isabel, 167 „ John, 131, 157 Philip, 134, 135, 136, 139, 143, 148, 152, 167 ,, Eiohard, 157 „ Thomas, 134 Mefflin, Alice, 218 Megges, John, 133 ,, Eobert, 133, 153 Meke, John, 185 „ Oliver, 135 Mellin, Letice, 245 Melloes, John, 254 Mellye, AUce, 206 ,, Eobert, 206 Menyber, Walter, 63 Merbury, Joan, 124 ,, John, 145 Merick, or Merycke, Anne, 205 ,, ,goodwife, 256 „ John, 194, 197, 206 206, 228 Richard, 173, 206 Robert, 205 Waller, 205 ,, WiUiam, 182, 206, 206 '280 , "-28 Merk, atte, Clement, 14 Mcro, Richard, 245 Mershe, James, 88 ,, Joan, 182 Merston, John, 99 „ Thomas, 98 Mertok, Richard, 59 Messam, John, 177, 180 Mey, John, 45 MichaeU, Jeffery, 188, 189 ,, Margaret, 188, 189 MicheU, Isabel, 22 John, 22, 94 Richard, 22 „ Robert, 22, 81 „ Thomas, 22, 75, 92 Walter, 20, 22 Middelton, de, John, 36 Millard, or MiUerd, Henry, 207, 240 ,, John, 237 MillejTi, John, 134 Mills, WiUiam, 212 MiUyng, John, 14 Milman, Stephen, 48 Milton, John, 112 „ Robert, 16 ,, 'Walter, 16 „ WilUam, 15 Modeford, John, 42 Moffett, Robert, 181 ,, Thomas, 180 Mogys, William, 165 MoUle, Avice, 111 ,, WiUiam, 111 MoUgrove, Elizabeth, 274 Momfort, John, 18 Monoux, George, 166, 172, 173 Monyngton,' Walter, 6 Moone, Thomas, 236 Mooi-e, Elizabeth, 240 ,f goodwife, 203 ,, Master, 222 „ Maud, 222 ,, Richard, 207, 240, 253 Mordon, Thomas, 115 More, Cristina, 17, 44 „ John, 81 ,, JuHan, 190, 256 ,, Margaret, 199 „ Nicholas, 63, 64 „ Robert, 276 ,, Thoinas, 199 ,, WUliam, 17, 76, 88, 123, 125, 15 129, 132, 134, 136, 137 MoreU, Thomas, 73 Moret, WiUiam, 117 Morewey, Richard, 16 Morgan, Alice, 224, 203 „ John, 265 Mabel, 263 ,, Margery 263 ,, Richard, 119, 133 ,, Thomas, 159 „ alias Jons, John, 172 Thomas, 172 Morice, Walter, 164 Mon-is, Edward, 216, 224 ,, Robert, 245 , 197 Mors, Joan, 138 ,, John, 138, 139 ,, Lodowic, 138 ,, Thomas, 138, 139, 260 „ Walter, 138, 139 Morys, Agnes 1*9 Mosely, Humphrey, 231, 236, 237 „ Mary, 2.-.1 Moskam, Richard, 173 ,, WUUam, 173 INDEX. 401 Mounford, John, 19 Mourton, Heni-y, 78 Moygne, or Moigne, AnketUl, 25, 43 ,, ,, Thomas, 62 Moys, Alexander, 36, 46, 118 „ SibU, 46, 118 Muleward, Bernard, 16, 18, 19, 84 ,, Edith, 16, 13 ,, Joan, 53 „ John, 16, 18, 19, 63 „ Richard, 16, 13, 19 Walter, 18 MuUe, Hugh, 152 Multon, Robert, 155 Mur, Elizabeth, 270 Mui-cock, , 220 Murcott, Hugh, 269 Muryweder, John, 5 Musard, Thomas, 155 Myagh, James, 33 Mydleton, James, 222 „ Richard, 222 Myles, John, 186 Mylles, goodman, 194 „ John, 186 Mynde, Roger, 69, 84 Mynty, Thomas, 23 Naillesey, John, 69 „ Thomas, 69 Nancothan, John, 140, 143, 281 ,, Margaret, 143 Nansmoen, Avice, 96 „ BeUnus, 96, 97 „ Isabel, 96 Nashe, Laurence, 179, 108 „ William, 180 Nawdyn, John, 21 , 21, 24 Nayler, Edward, 258, 264, 255 Henry, 264 Neathway, Elizabeth, 280 „ George, 280 „ Thomas, 280 Need, Matthew, 236 Neel, or Nele, Agnes, 51 „ AUce, 100 ,, John, 75 WiUiam, 69, 100 Nelmes, Thomas, 217, 247, 265 Nemot, Margaret, 80 Robert, 80, 1-31 Nete, Lucy, 177 Netherhaven, Henry, 19, 28, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 61 Newbury, Isabel, 141 Newcombe, Alice, 68, 101 „ Walter, 44, 63, 101, 119 Newe, Agnes, 166 ,, Edmund, 147, 166 „ Henry, 166 ,, Joan, I45 „ John, 166 ,, Margaret, 166 „ Richard, 166 ,, Robert, 166 „ WUliam, 166 Newlond, John, 167 Newman, John, 200 Richard, 225 Newmaystre, Robert, 23, 39 Newnton, David, 21 Newton, David, 11 ,, James, 238 John, 10, 18, 19, 66, 74, 90, 100, 101, 102, 116, 118, 123, 125, 135 Newton, Richard, 120, 121 „ Thomas, 161 „ William, 214 Nicholas, Agnes, 276 William, 276 Nicholls, George, 256 ,, Joan, 256 WiUiam, 211, 247, 249, 252, 256 Nightingale, Edward, 254 Noble, Elizabeth, 273 ,, Jessie, 273 ,, John, 273 „ Mary, 273 „ Thomas, 273 Noi-don, or Northerne, EUis, 266 Noreys, Richard, 118 Norman, Geoffrey, 140 „ Thomas, 151 Normore, WiUiam, 99 Noi-rice, Edward, 233 North, Richard, 81 Northall, EUzabeth, 211, 212 EUen, 212 Joan, 212 John, 211, 212, 269 Rowland, 211, 212 Thomas, 211, 212 Northbroke, John, 214, 216, 218, 223 Northton, Thomas, 51 Norton, Anthony, 187 ,, Isabel, 160, 161 „ Joan, 160, 161 „ John, 18, 30 „ Robert, 82 „ Thomas, 13, 19, 27, 28, 59, 87, 90, 92, 93, 115, 140, 146, 160, 161 Walter, 140 „ William, 25, 30, 35, 36, 52, 64, 55, 82, 203 Nouerton, John, 129 Nuport, WiUiam, 143 Nuton, see Newton. Nywbury, William, 14 Obeleye, Agnes, 26 ,, Bernard, 26, 55 Offley, Master, 195 ,, Eoger, 252 Okeley, Eiohard, 37 Okerforde, John, 14 Oldbeary, alias Lamberd, WiUiam, 216 Olde, James, 191 „ Joan, 190, 191 OldefeUde, or Oldflld, Agnes, 252 „ Alice, 252 ,, CecUy, 252 ,, Dame, 245 ,, David, 262 ,, Edmund, 252 ,, John, 252 Mary, 252 ,, Thomas, 252 WiUiam, 252 Olfylde, David, 197, 198, 201 „ Edmund, 201 Oliver, or Olyver, Agnes, 104 ,, EUzabeth, 244 John, 28,35, 104, 244 ,, Margaret, 244 ,, Roger, 254 ^ „ Simon, 20, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 52, 85, 104, 122,162 „ Thomas, 244 WilUara, 209 Ombersey, John, 27 Onley, Ralph, 131 402 Oocx (?), John, 162 Orchard, Robert, 78 Oseborne, Elen, 32 ,, Eobert, 260 „ William, 270, 271 Oseney, Thomas, 145, 149, 150, 163, 156,161 Osteler, David, 159 John, 113 Ostriche, WiUiam, 184 Ouldfielde, Davy, 219 Outtley, John, 192 Overton, Richard, 192 Owen, John, 8 „ Richard, 208, 209 Owfford, Alice, 238 „ James, 238 Oysell, alias Spert, Simon, 62 Paans, Alice, 79, 80 „ Richard, 79 ,, WUliam, 79, 80 Pacy, Christopher, 245 ,, Master, 190 Padirstowe, Geoffrey, 19 Paine, alias Fletcher, Alice, 213, 214 John, 213 Toby, 213, 214 WiUiam, 218 Page, Richard, 286 Pakker, John, 20 Palmer, Agnes, 67, 233 „ Alice, 238 „ Edith, 67 „ Edward, 67 „ Elizabeth, 233, 234 John, 8, 32, 50, 67, 84, 146, 199, 200, 288, 234 „ Margaret, 146, 146 ,, Nicholas, 145 Robert, 67 Thomas, 145, 238, '234 William, 35, 145 Paltysmore, William, 93 Panys, AUce, 31, 32 „ John, 32, 63 „ Richard, 31, 82, 43, 49, 59 „ Robert, 231 „ WiUiam, 82 Pappeworthe, Joan, 111, 112 John, 111, 112 „ Julian, 111, 112, 118 ,, Thomas, 111, 113 Parice, or Parys, John, 81, 117 , 107 Parker, alias Locker, William, 209 Parkhous, John, 137 Thomas, 135, 136, 137 Parle, Andrew, 97, 120 Parlebien, Thomas, 10 Parmynter, , 235 Parmyter, John, 35 Parnand, John, 167 Partridge, Michael, 274 , 226 Pascowe, William, 97 Passch, Thomas, 131 Passemer, Thomas, 24 Passhley, Simon, 164, 165 Passwer, Thomas, 124 Patte, Thomas, 169 Paty, Thomas, 168 Pavy, Alice, 123 „ Elen, 132 „ Elizabeth, 132 „ Huirh, 132 ,, Joan, 116, 132 Pavy, John, 76, 80, 132 ,, Margaret, 132 „ Richard, 132 „ Robert, 132 ,, Thomas, 121, 122, 123 „ WilUam, 116, 132 Pay, John, 82 Payne, Alice, 143 „ Emmot, 128 „ Joan, 183 „ John, 174 „ Thomas, 148 „ William, 134, 143 Pays, Agnes, 106, 107 „ AUce, 48, 107 „ John, 106, 107 „ Thomas, 106, 107 „ William, 43, 77, 106 Pearde, or Perde, George, 277 Hugh, 276, 277 „ John, 277 Peautrer, Agnes, 87 Isabel, 11, 12 Richard, 11, 29, 69, 69, 99, 115 Pecche, Hugh, 6 Pedewell, Emmot, 68 „ John, 12, 20, 58 ,, JuUan, 12 ,, Margaret, 14 Peter, 84 „ Eichard, 66, 101 „ Robert, 93 „ Thomas, 14 „ Walter, 12 WiUiam, 63 Pedmore, Thomas, 43 Pegge, Agnes, 104 Pembroke, Isabel, 81 „ John, 81 Penard, John, 66 Penke, or Pynke, Alice, 171 „ Annes, 171 ,, Joan, 171 John, 76, 138, 153, 171 „ Thomas, 171 Penlowe, Thomas, 168 Penrice, John, 63 Penseford, Richard, 74 „ WiUiam, 68, 69, 74 Peny, Roger, 68 PepwaU, Agnes, 271 „ Anne, 222 „ Edward, 271 EUzabeth, 242, 243, 270, 271 „ John, 243, 270, 271 Mary, 268, 270 Matthias, 271 Michael, 223, 228, 242, 243, 260, 267, 271 „ Mistress, 260, 268 „ Richard, 243 ,, Samuel, 271 „ Sarah, 266, 270 „ Timothy, 243, 270 „ Toby, 271 WiUiam, 181, 242, 266, 270 Percie, EUz., 136 Perell, Katharine, 22 Perent, John, 10 Peris, or Perys, John, 104 Thomas, 104 Perkin, Griffeth 235 Perle, Emmot, 13 Periour, WUliam, 60 Pernaunte, Thomas, 169, 172, 173 403 Perrey, Mistress, 255 ,, Robert, -266 Perrin, goodwife, 267 Perrington, Thomas, 274 Persevale, Ralph, 65 Person, Isabel, 97 . ,, John, 32 „ Thomas, 17, 48 Pert, Simon, 25 Peseley, Thomas, 96 Peu'eU, Thomas, 17 Peyntour, Alia, 102 „ John, 63 William, 169 Peytevyn, Reginald, 37 Peto, WiUiam, 16 Phelpys, Joan, 69 Philip, alias Cogan, David, 178 Philippes, Agnes, 159 „ Anthony, 199, 210, 241 „ Davy, 213 „ Joan, 213 „ Lewes, 213, 253 Walter, 203 WUliam, 159, 254 PhiU, Margaret, 172 Phylon, Philip, 254 Pickerell, EUzabeth, 254 Piers, Alice, 48 „ John, 104, 108, 172 „ Thomas, 87 Pikes, Walter, 229 Pilkington, Joan, 206 Ralph, 208, 277 Pill, or Pyll, Anthony, 230, 281, 264 Elianor, -264, 276 ,, Humphrey, 231 „ Jane, 231 John, 264, 276, 277 „ Nicholas, 230, 277 „ Richard, 231 „ William, 204, 280, 231, 264 Pille, de la, Thomas, 130 Pincley, Joan, 244 Pip, Ladv, 250 Pitcher, Alice. 278 ,, Anne, 278 „ Prudence, 278 „ Thomas, 233, 236, 278, 279 Pitte, or Pyt, Anne, 283 ,, Bartholomew, 117 „ Christopher, 233 Edward, 233 „ John, 233 ,, Master, 232 „ Maud, 252 Thomas, 220, 236, 251, 252, 2*73 279 „ William, 119, 120, 121, 233, 251 Pittes, or Pyttes, Agnes, 273 Elizabeth, 247, 273 Joan, 246, 247 „ John, 273 „ Margaret, 247 Nicholas, 183, 134, 136, 143,146,146,143,151,166Richard, 246, 247, 273 „ Robert, 273 Thomas, 156, 157, 246, 273 WiUiam, 246, 247, 273 Plastrer, Stephen, 22 Plomer, or Plommer, Agnes, 56 Edith, 69, 64, 65 „ Hugh, 20, 59, 64, 119 „ John, 53, 59, 64 Plomer, or Plommer, Laurence, 59 „ Richard, 59 „ Roger, 137 WiUiam, 69, 119 Pochen, John, 73, 77 Pochyn, alias Bath, John, 74, 131 Poculchurch, or Pokelohurch, Amy, 27 » „ John, 27, 28, 126 Poleyne, Isabel, 15 ,, Joan, 145 „ John, 62, 63 PoUard, John, 167 Pollesworth, Stephen, 6 PoUington, Elizabeth, 260, 261 ,, Margery, 261 „ Richard, 260, 261 „ Susan, 261 „ Thomas, 260, 261 ,, WiUiam, 260, 261 Polton, Thomas, 31, 85, 86, 37, 38, 61 Ponter, John, 126 Poole, Thomas, 231, 286, 237 Pope, Leonard, 212, 213 Popley, Edmond, 237, 260 „ rt^ms Deane, John, 237 ,, „ Margery, 237, 283 Poppham, Robert, 173 Poppheyne, Jane, 178 Popylton, WiUiam, 79 Portbury, Agnes, 64 ,, Henry, 54 „ Joan, 64 ,, Julian, 52 ,, Nicholas, 62 ,, Eichard, 11 Porter, Edward, 211, 220, 240 „ Elizabeth, 220 ,, Joan, 220 „ John, 69, 220 „ Margaret, 220 „ Eose, 220 „ Simon, 220 „ Richard, 61 „ WiUiam, 220 Portingale, or Portyngale, Richard, 16, „ „ 23, 26 Portlond, Walter, 54 Possebury, John, 64 Pos,sh, Joan, 71 Potekary, Alexander, 120 Poul, John, 42 Poulet, WilUam, 43 Pounde, Agnes. 62 ,, Alexandra, 61 „ Alice, 61 ,, Margaret, 61 WiUiam, 61 Pounsot, Amy, 94 „ Edward, 94 Pountfreyt, Adam, 11 Eve, 11 WUUam, 11 PoweU, Jane, 211 „ Mary, 241 „ Thomas, 202 Power, Alice, 69 „ Isabel, 156 „ John, 87 ,, Walter, 69, 126, 128 Powke, Agnes, 72 ,, Thomas, 72 Powlett, Isabel, 152 Powlysham, John, 106 Pownam, WiUiam, 99, 102 PownoU, Nathaniel, 269 Poyner, goodwife, 197 404 Poynez, Elizabeth, 56, 56 William, 55 Prat, Robert, 71 Precye, Joan, 188 Predy, Isabel, 72 „ William, 72 Pressey, or Prisye, Joan, 248 „ Robert, 201, 223, 248 Prestbury, Thomas, 35 Preston, Laurence, 150 „ Robert, 231 „ Rose, 231 P'stwod, Agnes, 126 Prewett, Anthony, 227, 278, 279 Arthur, 227 „ Ellyn, 227 ,, Joan, 278 ,, John, 227, 289, 278 WiUiam, 227, 228, 236, 277 Price, or Pryce, Anne, 276 ,, George, 276 „ Thomas, 224 Pridie, de, Richard, 142 ,, Thomas, 142 WiUiam, 142 Priest, As-nes, 213 ,, Edith, 213 „ Robert, 212 Primlok, John, 10 Prin, or Prynne, Edward, 186 „ Richard, 182' „ Thomas, 226, 228, 235, 238, 247, 265, 257, 208, 269, 273. 277 Prince, or Prynce, John, 134 ,, Margaret, S") ,, Robert, 265 Printer, Thomas, 260 Priour, Cristina, 10, 18, 19 „ Richard, 95 Prisshton, or Prysehton, John, 38, 40, 42, 60, 115 Proctor, Richard, 206 Proude, Thomas, 150 Prowte, John, 108, 117 ,, Margery, 117 Robert, 114 ,, Thomas, 147 „ William, 117, 147 Pruett, John, 190 Pryddy, WUliam, 274 Pryor, John, 268 Pullen, goodwife, 2.59 Purches, Roger, 161 Pute, WUliam, 121 Puton, Philip, 160 ,, Walter, 150 Puxstone, Thomas, 258 Pycheford, John, 106 Pyckering, WUliam, 180 Pygas, John, 12 Pyke, Margaret, 135 ,, Thomas, 19 Pykenham, Adam, 34 Pykes, Alderman, 252 „ John, 187, 188, 273 ,, Maud, 187 „ Walter, 183, 220, 251, 203 „ William, 187 Pynehyn, Thomas, 195 Pynder, William, 241 P.vtte, alias Cornyssh, Robert, 142 Quyrke, John, 104 Radifford, Richaid, 157 Ralegh, Thomas, 8 Randolf, John, 62 EastaU, John, 189 Rastforth, Richard, 163 Rawe, Nicholas, 30 Rawlyn, or Raulyn, John, 13, 20, 21, 24 Reade, Alice, 212 ,, Laurence, 274 ,, WiUiam, 212, 270, 271 Rece, Nicholas, 259 Reckcliffe, Robert, 229, 230 Rede, Alice, 39 „ Edward, 110, 126 ,, Joan, 127 ., John, 39,40, 86, 128 „ Nicholas, 134 „ WiUiam, 39, 139, 243 Redeberd, Thomas, 5 Rederisse, Joan, 116 Rees, Elvnor, 214 Regent, WiUiam, 166, 171 Reignolde, Richard, 181 Reinghoodt, Francis, 162 Reve, Richard, 43 „ Stephen, 37, 62 Reynald, John, 52, 63 Reynesbury, Thomas 81 Reynold, Janyn, 128 „ Joan, 16 „ John, 148 „ Margaret, 128 Ricarde, or Ricardes, Robert, 157 „ WiUiam, 197 Ricartes, WUliam, 229 Rice, or Rj'ce, Nicholas, 221 Richard, 233, 278 Roger, 213, 221, 224 WiUiam, 199 Richard, or Richardes, John, 24, 36, 81 92, 110, 125 ,, „ Julian, 88, 92 Richartes, David, 232 Riche, Julian, 35 Richman, John, 259 Ridges, EUzabeth, 213 ,, Mary, 213 „ WiUiam, 213 Rigelyn, Philip, 62 Riggewey, Robert, 94 Rijs, (Rys?), WiUiam, 86 Ripe, Roger, 62 Riper, Adam, -24 „ John, 24 ,, Maud, 24 „ Robert, 24 Rirran, Henry, 21 Risbie, or Risby, Elizabeth, 212 „ Robert, 234 Rise, Richai'd, 236 „ WiUiam, 245 „ , 263 Ritche, John, 210 Robartes, Alsey, 216 Edmund, 215, 216 ,, Margaret, 216 ,, Mary, 216 ,, Thomas, 216 William, 210 Rob'd, Joan, 113 „ Michael, 113 Roberts, David, 206 „ Henry, 226 John, 169, 193, 195, 216, 224, 2'26 246, 248, 259, 207 „ Julian, 240, -241 „ Master, 199 ,, Sander, 287 . 204 305 Robins, or Robyns, Alice, 107 Anne, 228, 282 Anthony, 228 goodwife, 278 Grace, 228 Joan, 107 John, 107, 162 Margaret, 279 Nicholas, 210, 226, 232 Richard, 107 Robinson, John, 232 Robrok, WilUam, 74 Robyn, John, 138 Roche, Mary, 243 RockweU, Edith, 262 „ GUbert, 210, 211, 282 John, 210, 211, 225, 232 „ Katharine, 210, 211, 232 „ Thomas, 232, 262 „ Walter, 262 „ WUliam, 210, 282 Roddeney, John, 94 Rodeman, , 243 Rodney, John, knt., 177 „ Master, 187 ,, Maurice, 258 „ Walter, knt., 123, 139 Roe, Edward, 260 „ Elizabeth, 260 „ Joan, 260 Roger, and Rogers, Agnes, 140, 258 Alice, 200 Charity, 200 Edmond, 188, 200 EUzabeth, 200 Elyn, 200 Jane, 200 Joan, 257 Margery, 256 Maud, 148 Nicholas, 258 Owen, 256 Rachel, 267, 253 Ralph, 200 Richard, 257, 2.58 Robert, 234, 253 Simon, 112 Thomas, 140, 148, 200 William, 64, 140, 145, 146, 143, 177 Roke, or Rook, Walter. 41, 43, 45 „ William, 126 RokeU, John, 31, 82, 85 Roke.s, Elizabeth, 144 ,, Joan, 144 „ John, 144 ,, Thomas, 144 „ William, 144 Romesay, John, 54 Roo, Robert, 142 Roper, Agnes, 120 ,, Cristina, 50 ,, Henry, 46, 50 ., Joan, 50 „ John, 20, 31, 82, 50, SO ,, Julian, 31, 32 „ Peter, 60 „ Richard, 50 ,, Thomas, 60 WUliam, 31, 82 Rose, Richard, 244 Roselie, George, 212 RotheU, John, 217, 265 Rowberwe, John, 44 ,, Margaret, 44 Rowe, Joan, 73 „ . Robert, 73 Rowland, Alice, 243 „ EUzabeth, 219, 242, 243 „ Gelyan, 242 John, 178, 179, 202, 219 „ Joyce, 242 ,, Julian, 248 „ Richard, 219 Sarah, 248 Thomas, 209, 219, 242 ,, alias Cowper, John, 206 Rowley, Elizabeth, 161 ,, Joan, 162 John, 282 ,, Margaret, 162 ,, Richard, 162 „ Thomas, 132, 157, 161, 162 WiUiam, 141, 161, 102 Rowlowe, Joan, 175 Robert, 169, 175, 176 Rowsley, Alice, 213 ,, Anthony, 212 George 212 Ruddock, David,' 104, 116 ,, Isabel, 116, 117 „ Joan, 238 John, 35, 116, 117 „ Thomas, 116 WiUiam, 116 Rudge, Richard, 264 Ruspyn, John, 8 Russell, Agnes, 51 ,, Edmund, 51 „ Lady Elizabeth, 157 ,, Emma, 58 ,, Joan, 97 „ John, 61, 66, 174 Peter 97 ", Robert, 32, 76, 96, 98, 99, 100, 111 120, 121, 123, 156, 167 „ Roger, 39, 53 „ Thomas, 97 Ryder, or Rider, John, 136 ,, Margaret, 228 ,, Richard, 125 „ Thomas, 206, 228 Rye, John, 59 Ryngston, Agnes, 175 ,, Joan, 175 „ John, 117, 176 PhUip, 157, 171, 175 ,, Thomas, 176 WiUiam, 176 Ryppe, John, 167 Ryuer, Nicholas, 15 Sachefield, John, 201, 206 „ Master, 233 „ Robert, 109 Sadler, John, 165 Ealph, 194 „ Richard, 30 Robert, 86, 221 Salisburye, or Salesbury, Henry, 246 ,, William, 27 Salop, Countess of, 136 Salterne, Thomas, 277 Saltren, Edmond, 234 „ Joan, 235 „ John, 234 „ Mary, 234 „ Richard, 234, 235 ,, Thomas, 235 „ WiUiam, 234, 235 Sambome, .Jane, 269 Sampson, Henry, 154, 155 Joan, 16, 17 „ Thomas, 17, 44, William, 16, 17, 44 306 INDEX. Sandiforde, John, 242 Sandy, John, 167 Sanford, Robert, 210, 270 Sare, John, 186 „ WiUiam, 167, 171 Sariaunte, John, 185 SauH, and SawU, Anne, 240, 241 Thomas, 253, 262 Saundres, or Saunders, Agnes, 186 „ Alice, 30 „ Anne, 238 ,, Joan, 22 John, 40, 117 Robert, 30, 61 „ Thomas, 247 WUliam, 30, 51 Sausemer, John, 126 Savage, John, 38, 261 „ Thomas, 261 Saverey, John, 38 Sawce, Margaret, 171 Sawyer, John, 129, 131 „ Thomas, 139 „ Walter, 84 Saxey, Master, 199 „ Robert, 206, 214, 224 WiUiam, 224, 276 Sayer, John, 223 „ WiUiam, 234, 262, 274 Scalter, Ralph, 227 William, '228 ScapuUs, Elizabeth, 264 ,, Margaret, 264 Mary, 264 „ Philip, 263, 264, 272 Schaftspere, or Shakespeire, Thomas, 172 Scherhay, Alice, 76 Robert, 76 Scherman, Thomas, 40 Scosy, Edmund, 83 Scot, John, 32 ,, William, 86, 87, 225 Screven, or Scriven, Alice, 45 Hugh, 45 John, 137, 143, 153, 160, 162 „ Eichai-d, 49 ,, Ihomas, 20 Scurlag, Henry, 109 Scyrry, Anne, 197 ,197 Sebright, Edward, 268 John, 182, '268 See, Anne, 223 „ Arthur, 210, 223 „ Margari't, 216 „ Mary, 2-2:1 ,, Peter, 216 Seggel, WUliam, 121 Selar, Katharine, 147 „ Richard, 147 Selcok, Joan, 80 \\-illiam, 57, 80, 39 Selke, John, 61 Selman, Elizabeth, 235 „ John, 235 Selsy, John, 9 ,, Lucy, 10 ,, M.argaret, 10 „ Thomas, 9 Selwode, John, 28, 66 Sely, Isabel, 92 ,, John, 27, 67, 86, 91, 126 Seman, WilUam, 221 Sendel, Robert, 92 Serehe, Jane, 206 „ John, 206 Sergeant, and Sargente, David, 167 „ James, 231, 236, 237 „ John, 123 „ Tibot, 128 Seriaunt, Vv illiam, 84 Sevyer, Robert, 125 „ WiUiam, 125 Seward, Roger, 9 Sextene, John, 246 Seydon, Beatrix, 69 ,, Henry, 59 Seymour, Isabel, 144, 152 „ John, 25, 26, 84, 85, 124, 135, 144, 152 Lady, 144, 146 Margaret, 63, 84, 85, 124 „ Walter, 26, 51, 58, 72, 77, 84, 1-24 Seynt, Alice, 147 ,, Joan, 147 „ John, 123, 147 ,, Richard, 162 Seynt Mariechurche, Isabel, 69 Seys, David, 20 ,, Joan, 42 ,, John, 42 Seysdon, Margaret, 67 Seysell, Thomas, 103, 113 ShareshuU, John, 110 Sharp, or Sherp, Elizabeth, 162 „ Joan, 96, 120 ,, John, 18, 40, 63, 83, 89, 96, 104, 116, 120, 122, 132, 136, 139, 146, 17U Shoe, Peter, 253 Sheldon, Daniel, 150 Shephurd, John, 45 William, 43 Shepisby, Elen, 83 Sherborne, John, 34, 36 Sherman, John, 93 Sherrer, Pliilip, 17 Sherston, >\'illiam, 260 Shewarde, Thomas, IbO Shingleton, , 253 Shiplode, Thomas, 142 Shipman, Bridyet, 241 „ Edward, 241 John, 171, 180, 241 ,, Margaret, 241 „ Roger, 241 „ Thomas, ISO, 241 „ William, 181, 241 Shippester, Cristina, 19 Shipward, or Shepward, Ouynot, 159 ,, Joan, 87 „ John, 1-22, 129, 131, 137, 142, 143, 144, 168, 159, 160, 161, 167 ,, Katharine, 15S, 161 „ Robert, 79, 84, 86, 87 ,, aZias Barstaple, John, 142 „ Robert, 142, 166 „ Thomas,142 „ William, 141 Shirwyn, or Sheruwyii, Isabel, 108, 111, „ John, 108, 111 Matthew, 108,111, 133 „ Richard, 94, 111, 114 „ Thomas, 108, 111 INDEX. 307 Shiryngton, John, 81, 120 Shoile, Richard, 229 Shop, Joan, 120 ,, John, 95, 134 Shore, Richard, 284 Shutleworth, Bridget, 235 „ Edward, 235 „ Elizabeth, 235 „ John, 285 „ Mary, 235 „ William, 236 Silvester, Tdde, 216 Skansby, Richard, 173 Skeffyngton, John, 119 Sknowe, Margaret, 204 Skragge, WiUiam, 107 Skydmore, Isabel, 171 „ Thomas, 150 Skynner, Joan, 203 „ Sai-a, 43 „ Thomas, 145 Slanye, George, 259 „ Henry, 269 „ John, 269 Katharine, 259 „ WiUiam, 253, 259 Slape, John, 30 Slaughter, Ansell, 236 Slocombe, EUzabeth, 236, 248 Gilbert, 248 Henry, 243 John, 248 Thomas, 226, 235, 248 Sloo; John, 13, 19, 23, 41, 69 ,, Margaret, 69 „ Eiohard, 13, 69 Slye, Henry, 234 Slyke, Nicholas, 167 Slymbrygg, Eobert, 154, 155 Smert, John, 81 Smith, or Smythe, Agnes, 201 „ Besse, 271 „ Edmond, 195, 201 ,, Elizabeth, 233, 268 ,, Frances, 283 John, 148, 188, 238,243 „ Katharine, 192,200,201 ,, Letice, 201 „ Mary, -201, 2,-.l „ Peter, 200, 201 Philip, 63, 121, 244 „ Ealph, 195, 201 „ Richard, 131, 245, 278, 279 „ Robert, 196, 198, 200 „ Roger, 90 ,, Samuel, 201 „ Thomas, 69, 71, 73, 101, 158, 172, 201 „ WiUiam, 60, 169, 236, 236, 237 ,, ¦ , 200 Smitbeman, William, 198 Smothie, WiUiam, 197 Smythes, or Smithes, Elizabeth, 196 „ Goodloxe, 196 ,, Margery, 48, „ Mary, 241 „ Robert, 204, 240 Snigge, or Snygg, Agnes, 175 „ George, 193, 268 ,, John, 176 Thomas, 169, 171, 172, 173 Snowe, John, 233 ,, Martha, 238 ,, Richard, 172 2 D 2 Sodbury, John, 76, 78 „ WUliam, 163 Sokett, John, 165 Solas, Alice, 93 ,, WiUiam, 93 Solers, Agnes, 26 „ William, 25 Sellers, Agnes, 65 „ Elen, 66 ,, Margaret, 66 „ Thomas, 66 „ WiUiam, 65 Somervyle, or Somerville, Agnes, 82 „ Elizabeth,81,82 John, 28, 81 Somerwell, AUce, 69 ,, Cassandra, 34 „ John, 14, 34, 69, 110 „ Mark, 127 William, 10, 24, 84, 69 Sopemaker, Adam, 79 Southfolke, John, 78 Southwode, Julian, 28, 65 Sowey, Edith, 11 Spaldyng, Isabel, 117 „ John, 117 „ Margaret, 90 „ Richard, 89 Sparewe, Joan, 22 Spaynell, John, 16 „ Mark, 30,103 ,, Richard, 80 ,, Soneta, 30 WiUiam, 30» Specheley, Henry, -28 ,, Roger, '28 \ SpeUy, Agnes, 27, 126 „ Elen, 27 ,, Elias, 26, 28, 57, 124, 126 „ Henry, 27 „ Joan, 126 ,, Richard, 126 „ Robert, 126 „ WiUiam, 28 Spenser, or Spencer, John, 177, 178, 262 „ Richard, 160 ,, Thomas, 135 „ William, 139, 144,149, 163, 162 Sperckes, Alice, 209 Edith, 269 Spert, Margery, 52 „ Roger, 27 „ Simon, 19, 52 ,, Thomas, 16, 52, 53 Spicer, Agnes, 134 ,, Henry, 41 „ John, 28, 41, 49, 134, 145 ,, Margaret, 169 „ Richard, 11, 34, 154 „ Stephen, 6, 41 „ Thomas, 90 „ William, 86 Spisour, and Spyser, Alice, 69 „ Avice, 69 „ Cecily, 89 „ John, 69, 89 „ Richard, 89, 123 „ Robert, 69 „ Eoger, 69: „ Thomas, 69 Sprate, WUliam, 198 Spratt, WiUiam, 200, 201 Spray, John, 33 Spi-inte, or Sprynte, John, 185, 191, 194, 229 „ WiUiam, 243 308 isdex. Spryngot, John, 48 Spuriock, Stephen, 210 Spynaw, de, Amald, 78 Spyne, John, 24, 69, 80, 87, 103, 113, 119 Squihere, Alice, 87 Sqnyer, Matthew, 87, 92 Stafford, Isabel, 134 Lord, 207 Stagge, Elen, 139 Stalworth, John, 166 Stamforde, Richard, 146 Standbank, or Standback, Anthony, 215, 230, 256, 267 ,, Joan, 267 ,, Katharine, 256 ,, 267 , Master, 229 , Mistress, 215 ,, Richard, 194 Standfast, Master, 254 „ Walter, 207 Stanes, Joan, 14 „ John, 14 „ Margaret, 14 Stanley, Henry, 103 „ John, 129, 133 Stanshawe, John, 83 ,, Lady EUzabeth, 161 Stanys, John, 9 Staple, John, 274 Stappe, Willia-m, 135 Stapulton, , 43 StarUng, WUliam, 237 Staunford, John, 28f 93 Stede, William, 26 Steph', John, 42 Stephanys, John, 93 Stephen, Alice, 121 „ John, 121 Stephens, Alice, 129 Joan, 110, 127 „ John, 17, 28, 60, 81, 86, 117, 129. 166 „ Lucy, 83, 122 ,, Richard, 110 „ Thomas, 110 „ William, 79, 80 Stephenus, John, 91, 97 ,, Margaret, 91, 97 SleiJhenys, John, 16, 26, 26, 37, 42, 67 „ Richard, 27 Stephyn, John, 73 Stemolde, Agnes, 252 ,, Margaret, 252 „ Robert, 262 „ William, 252 Stevans, William, 193 Stevens, and Stephenes, John, 130, 133, 137, 163, 169, 209 ,, Maud, 21 ,, Thomas, 27G „ William, 33 Steyl, Alice, 60 ,, John, 50 ,, Sarah, 60 ,, Thomas, 50 ,, William, 60 Steynour, Robert, 131 Stibbes, v\ illiam, 238 Stiel, John, 07 ,, Maud, 67 ,, William, 9, 44 Stinchcome, John, 251 Stocke, Nicholas, 135 Stodeley, Elen, 26, 26 ,, Joan, 26 Stodeley, John, 25 „ Richard, 26 Walter, 25 Stoke, Agnes, 6 ,, Alice, 6 „ Isold, 6 ,, Joan, 5, 6, 41 „ John, 6, 41, 119, 122 ,, Margaret, 43 ,, Robett, 6 ,, Roger, 6 „ WiUiam, 31 Stokes, or Stokys, John, 43, 161 Stokmer, Henry, 27 Stone, Anthony, 215 „ Edith, 96 ,, Elizabeth, 215 ,, Henry, 215 ,, Joan, 216, 261 „ John, 37, 95, 190, 215, 261 „ Richard, 252 „ Thomas, 261 ,, Walter, 261 „ WUliam, 215, 261 Stones, Richard, 229 Storthwait, John, 98, 98, 101, 102, 1 106, 107 Stoui-ton, WiUiam, 78 Stoventon (?), Hugh, 77 Stowell, Dame Joan, 96 ,, Thomas, knt., 97 Stradling, Francis, 183 Strafford, John, 144 Stratton, John, 88 Straunge, Robert, 143, 163 Strech, Thomas, 94 Strengesham, de, Thomas, 140 Strete, Joan, 28, 123 „ John, 123, 183 „ Katharine, 128 „ Roger, 128, 129 ,, Thomas, 128 Streynesham, John, 128, 129, 139, 140 Strode, John, 62, 63 Sturmy, Elen, 137, 138 „ John, 138 „ Robert, 138 Suche, or Souche, Anne, 197 ,, Charity, 198 „ Dorcas, 198 „ Elizabeth, 198 George, 197, 193 John, 197 „ Mary, 198 „ Robert, 198 „ Silvester, 197 „ Thomas, 268 William, 197, 198 Suelle, John, 101 Sutton, goodwife, 229 „ Joan, 63, 95, 96 „ John, 29, 40, 60, 72, 84, 95, 98, „ MabUla, 96 ,, Richard, 37 „ Thomas, 20, 29, 40, 65, 58, 94, „ WilUam, 155, 244 Swalledale, John, 113 Swalwe, John, 50 Swancote, John, 182, 156 Swayn, John, 150 Swell, AUce, 24, 25 „ John, 14, 24 ,, Margaret, -24, 25 Swetnam, Frances, 234 ,, Richard, 199, 200, 234 ,, William, 234, 260 Swyfte, John, 232 IXDEX. 309 Swyfte, Thomas, 60 Sydbury, WilUam, 35 Sydenham, Henry, 36 „ Joan, 35, 36 ,, Richard, 36 ,, Simon, 35, 36 Sylke, Thomas, 191 Sylly, Roger, 95 Syllyvaunt, Joan, 228 Sylney, Agnes, 97 Symondes, or Symons, Anthony, 264 „ Edith, 257 „ John, 136 ,, Philip, 264 „ Thomas, 199, 209, 218, 221 295 Syneff, '—, 207 Taber, John, 6 Tadelton, Thomas, 136 Tagg, Thomas, 222 TaiUour, or Tailor, Adam, 22, 39 ,, Agnes, 120 „ David, 190 „ Elen, 39 ,, Joan, 66, 210 „ John, 35, 119 „ Nicholas, 38, 93, 118 ,, Reginald, 64 ,, Richard, 210 „ Robert, 191 „ Roger, 19, 162 ,, Thomas, 113, 121, 135, 145 WiUiam, 73 Talbot, John, 98, 104 ,, WiUiam, 133 Tamworth, WiUiam, 81 Tankard, Thomas, 5 Tanner, Edward, 70 Isabel, 63, 174 „ Joan, 70, 102, 226 John, 30, 86, 77 ,, Stephen, 226 „ Thomas, 63 William, 82, 135 Tannye, John, 263 Taunton, Alice, 7j ,, Joan, 7 ,, Roger, 7 Walter, 108 Taverner, John, 139, 152 ,, Peret, 34 „ Walter, 26 WiUiam, 135 Tawnye, John, 196 Taylor, or Tayler, Anne, 279 Jane, 2/9 John, 271 Katharine, 221, 279 Lewes, 264 PhUip, 264 Robert, 279 Thomas, 240, 260 TedistiUc, Agnes, 13 ,, Joan, 13 ,, Margaret, 13 Walter, 13, 60 Teffent, John, 91 ,, Margaret, 91 Tcige, Thomas, 245 Teinte (?), Edward, 243 Temple, Robert, 230 WiUiam, 38, 95 Templecombe, de, Master, 46 Tewe, John, 238, 244 ,, Master, 288 Thackham, Thomas, 269 Thewe, John, 199, 200, 234 Thirkell, Michael, 252 Thlau (?), Joan, 81 Thluyt, John, 7 Thomas, David, 127 Edith, 137 ,, Germaniis, 129 „ Hugh, 220, 221 ,, Isabel, 100 ,, James, 221 ,, Joan, 214 „ John, 43, 70, 167, 108, 244 ,, Robert, 137 „ Thomas, 237, 253, ,, Welthian, 232 ,, William, 194, 218 Thomlinson, Thomas, 274 Thomme, John, 18 Thommys, John, 19 Thorne, Bridget, 186 ,, Edward, 185 „ Frances, 186 ,, .Tames, 180 „ Joan, 282 ,, John, 185, 186 „ Mary, 134, 185 „ Nicholas, 163, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186 -' „ -Robert, 175, 176, 180, 182, 184, 186, 186, 282 „ Thomas, 180 „ Vincent, 180, 184 „ WiUiam, 180, 181 Thornebury, Elen, 81 Thorp, John, 6, 48, 74, 136 „ Thomas, 86 Thurston, John, 265 „ Margaret, 213 Thyngwall, Richard, 134, 136 Tibbys, alias Bailly, John, 24 Tiler, see Tyler. TUIett, Michael, 261 TiUy, Alice, 8 ,, Elianor, 8 ,, Joan, 8 „ John, 8, 95 ,, Margaret, 8 „ Richard, 116, 116 ,, Robert, 7 Tiperton, Nicholas, 31 lipet, John, 43 Tipper, Thomas, 223 Toftrang, John, 25 Toker, WUliam, 80 Tomkyns, Agnes, 183 Tomlyne, Elizabeth, 283 ,, John, 233 „ Thomas, 233 Tommas, John, 67 Tommes, John, 79 Tonbrigge, William, 124 Toningham (?), Thomas, 245 Tonnell, Mistress, 185 Torner, or Tornour, John, 150 „ Philip, 114 Torre, John, 87 Torrynton, or Torynton^, Isabel, 94 ,, John, 39 Tostl-ong, Agnes, 45 „ John, 46 Tought, WiUiam, 62 Touker, or Tucker, Isabel, 245, -246 ,, Peter, 46 „ Walter, 35 310 INDEX. Touker, or Tucker WiUiam, 245 Tovy, John, 66 ,, Walter, 266 Treherne, Richard, 243 Treheron, Katharine, 168 Trenode, Joan, 132 „ Richard, 132 TreweU, John, 264 Trippett, Robert, 280 Tristy, Agnes, 94 „ John, 94 Trowbridge, Edmund, 269 „ Thomas, 269 Trowell, WilUam, 152 Troyt, John, 129, 281 Tryne, Joan, 48 Turke, Walter, 88 Tumour, or Turner, John, 134, 196 ,, Thomas, 99, 100 Turtle, Roger, 65 Turver, Eme, 269 ,, James, 259 „ John, 269 „ Margery, 259 „ Marj-, 259 ,, Nicholas, 259 Twyneho, or Twynyho, Edward, 179 „ John, 118, 122, 123 Tyderley, Matthew, 85 Tydryngton, Edith, 185 „ John, 135 Tye, WiUiam, 99 Tyler, or Tylor, AUce, 122 „ Elias, 56 „ Joan, 223, 240 „ John, 76, 108, 113, 152, 172 „ Margaret, 227, 240, 264 „ Thomas, 264 „ WiUiam, 98, 193 TymtenhuU, Margery, 19 ,, Nicholas, 19 Tyndall, Faith, 190, 191 „ Jane, 190, 191 ,, Joan, 190 „ Margaret, 268, 269 „ Richard, 190, 191 ,, Robert, 190, 101, 238 „ Thomas, 190, 191 „ WiUiam, 190 Tyrry, William, 123, 128 Tyson, Mistress, 193 ,, Thomas, 180, 193, 236, 277 ., > 244 Tyther, Thomas, 262 Tytherton, Elizabeth, 265 Ulage, John, 34 Umfray, John, 96 UphuU, John, 90 ,, Simon, 19, 30, 49, 50, 57, 94, 125 Vaghan, John, 100, 174 VaUet, BUssota, 142 Vand', Nicholas, 162 Vauce, or Vauxe, William, 155, 162 Vaughan, Henry, 142, 160 „ John, 170, 171, 178 „ Richard, 162, 164, 160, 172, 193 „ Thomas, 170 Vawer, WiUiam, 224, 253, 278, 279 Veale, Edward, 232 Veel, John, 81 Venour, or Vencr, Cristina, 48, 72 „ Richard, 72, 90 Vestmentmaker, Bartholomew, 117 Vethered, Christian, 249 „ Thomas, 249 Viel, see Vyell. Virly, , 43 Voghan, William, 88 Vyell, Agnes, 119 ,, AUce, 57 ,, Elizabeth, 67, 81 „ Henry, 67, 119 „ John, 10, 20, 22, 67, 67, 84, 91, 119, 128 „ Thomas, 135 Vyne, Thomas, 9 Vynour, John, 91 „ Walter, 62 „ William, 109 Wade, John, 199, 223 Wadham, John, knt., 56 Wadley, AUce, 228 Wadnyng, John, 162 Waky, Thomas, 93 Walcott, Master, 235 Wale, John, 74 ,, Margaret, 74 „ Walter, 74 Wales, Edward, Prince of, 136 ,, Margery, 88 ,, Nicholas, 38 Waleys, Agnes, 31 ,, AUce, 81 „ Joan, 24, 31 ,, Margery, 65 ,, Nicholas, 65 „ Richard, 31 „ Walter, 31 „ Willism, 25, 31 Walker, Christopher, 240, 278 WaU, Anne, 258 „ John, 258 „ Margery, 268, 259 ,, Thomas, 224, 268 WaUis, , 263 Wallop, WiUiam, 6 Wally, John, 260 ,, Laurence, 206 „ William, 260 W'allyce, Richard, 58 Wallys, John, 286 Walmesley, Thomas, 170 Walsh, David, 82 ,, John, 107 ,, Katharine, 107 ,, Ealph, 168 ,, Richard, 236 „ Simon, 107 „ Thomas, 99 „ WUliam, 166 Walter, John, 21 „ Susan, 269 Wanstre, Alice, 94 ,, Roger, 94 „ WiUiam, 135 Warde, John, 231 Warden, Joan, 223 ,, Nicholas, 223 Thomas, 186, 223 Wardford, Maiks, 219 William, 219 Warens, John, 165 ,, Richard, 160 Wareyn, see Warren. Warfourde, John, 218 Waring, William, 1:U Wariey, Thomas, 162 311 Warman, WiUiam, 196 Warmyngton, Richard, 134 „ Robert, 134 Warmynstre, or Wermystre, Alice, 5, 45, 73, 74, 94,99 ,, Cristina, 18 ,, John, 18, 56, „ 94, 148 ,, Laurence, 281 „ Maud, 281 ,, Thomas, 45 ,, William, 5, 16, 17, 46, 62, 74, 94, 114,122,123, 126 Warner, Robert, 164 Warren, or Wareyn, David, 257 „ John, 204 „ Matthew, 246 „ Nioholas, 6, 24, 40, 41, 117 „ Sible, 246 „ Thomas, 232, 268, 269 Warwyk, John, 16, 28, 46, 60, 57, 59 Was, Walter, 114 Waseh, John, 178 Water, William, 160, 166 WaterfaU, AUce, 102 Waterman, Walter, 93 Watkins, Elizabeth, 261 ,, George, 251 Hugh, 213 „ Morgan, 264 „ Thomas, 279 Watley, Joan, 196 „ Richard, 196 Wattis, Joan, 40 ,, John, 40 Wawton, John, 130 W axmaker, or Wexmaker, John, 89 „ Richard, 135, 136 Wayn, Richard, 92 Waynewrighte, Anne, 264 WiUiam, 264 Weaver, Richard, 224 Webbe, Cristina, 89 John, 219, 261, 265 Joyce, 19 Nicholas, 259 Peter, 68 Richaid, 135 Roger, 260 Thomas, 119 William, 88 Weekes, or Wykes, Aline, 278 „ Charity, 273 Edward, 273 Thomas, 278 Weele, William, 137 Weir, de, Felix, 26 John, 26 WeUew, John, 155 Wellischotte, Roger, 108 Wellyngton, or V^ helyngton, John, 7 ,, Thomas, 109, Wellys, John, 40 Welshe, John, 235 ,, Margery, 235 West, Alice, 198, 199 Arthur, 198 Elizabeth, 198, 199 John, 193, 253 Joyce, 198, 199 Walter, 193, 200 W'estcote, Agnes, 160, 161 114 Westcote, Edmund, 132, 149, 169, 160, 161 ,, Margaret, 132 Westerley, Margaret, 122, 123 „ Thomas, 121, 122, 123 „ William, 98 Westley, WUliam, 39 Weston, Agnes, 173 „ Amy, 31 „ Henry, 167, 217, 278 „ John, 81, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 278 Wetham, John, 101 Wether, Robert, 65 Wever, John, 86 Wheitley, Elizabeth, 199 Whete, Thomas, 70 WhetenhaU, William, 151 Whetocke, Thomas, 196 Whight, Katharine, 165 Whitawyer, or Whittower, David, 126 „ Elias, 7,1011 ,, Milcensia, 7 White, or Whyte, Agnes, 217 AUce, 71 „ Anne, 201 Edith, 73, 202, 203 EUzabeth, 166, 203, 251 ,, George, 202, 203 GUes, 186 „ Grace, 203 Joan, 217, 225, 234, 265 ,, John, 64, 66, 96, 122, 143, 170, 196, 202, 203, 216, 218, 225 ,, Joyce, 217 ,, Katharine, 161 ,, Margaret, 217 „ Maud, 208 Patrick, 278, 279 „ Richard, 33, 207 „ Roger, 31 „ Thomas, 6, 71, 180, 186, 203, 216, 226, 233, 266, 270, -276 „ Thomas, knt., 239 ,, Warine, 76 „ William, 8, 19, 29, 35, 56, 73, 84, 165 ¦WhitecasteU, David, 168, 169 Whitman, Joan, 112 Whitton, John, 146 Whityng, or Whytinge, Beatrix, 5 „ Jaraes, 274 „ John, 56 „ Thomas, 274 Whych, Maurice, knt., 6 Whytson, John, 262 V\ icham, Alice, 178 Wiche, WiUiara, 16 Wigan, Nicholas, 30 ,, Thoraas, 163 Wight, Katharine, a25 Wigmore, Mary, 188 „ Roger, 188 WiUiam, 188 Wilbram, John, 254 „ HandaU, 218 Wilcockes, Thomas, 270 Wilkyns, John, 39, 176 WUlett, John, 224 WiUiam, Edward, 135 Mark, 67, 74, 84, 108, 115, 117, 122 123 125 Williams, Alice, 16, 26, 33, 266 „ Anne, 266 „ Annis, 266 „ David, 266 „ Edward, 225 31': ¦Williams, Elizabeth, 183, 264 „ Joan, 203, 225 John, 5, 176 „ Mary, 266 „ Nicholas, 225 Roger, 267 „ Rowland, 226 Thomas, 74, 133, 189, 203, 241 „ Walter, 256 WiUiam, 267 Willy, or WyUie, John, 59, 179, 180, 191, 196 „ Richard, 63 WUlymott, Richard, 202, 203 Willys, John, 168 WUshyre, John, 195 Wilson, Cecily, 188 Myles, 188 WiUiam, 218 Wilteshire, Alice, 167 „ Clement, 159, 167 'Daniel, 167 Henry, 167 „ Isabel, 167 „ Margery, 167 „ Richard, 167 „ Robert, 90 William, 24 Wincheoombe, Richard, 33, 84, 37, 40, 73 Winson, or Wynson, Michael, 254, 250 Winterborne, WiUiam, 36 With, John, 155 Withyford, Hugh, 113, 121, 129 „ John, 167 ,, Thoraas, 149 Wode, Richard, 179 Wodeford, Alice, 33 William, 77, 84 Wodeley, Alice, 76 „ John, 40, 57, 70 „ Thomas, 76 Walter, 76 Wodelond, WiUiam, 12 Woderoue, Agnes, 5 ,, Avice, 5 ,, Cristina, 5, 8 „ John, 6, 6, 7, 8, 36 „ Richard, 31 Wodevile, John, 106 Wodeward, see Woodwarde, Wodynton, Maud, 168 „ Thomas, 169 V\ illiam, 126, 160, 156 Wolf, Edith, 144 „ John, 26 „ Thoraas, 13 „ William, 82 Wolforde, Robert, 215 WoUeye, de, WiUiam, 7 Wonder, William, 122 Wonsy, Nicholas, 123 Wood, Alice, 202 „ Edmund, 202 „, 202 „ Joan, 202 ,, John, 202, 226 „ William, 202 Woodcocke, Richard, 244 Woodson, Richard, 257 , 267 Woodwarde, or Wodeward, Anne, 265 ,, Christopher, 214, 246 „ Elizabeth, 214 Isabel, 169 John, 140,148, 266 Woodwarde, or Woodward, Joyce, 26 „ Mary, 214 ,, Richard, ; ,, Thomas, 266 Worcestre, or Wircestre, Joan, 107, 127 ,, Richard, 39 „ William, 12 107,117,119 Woseley, Frances, 185 ,, Francis, 134 ,, John, 180 ,, Katharine, 180 „ Nioholas, 134, 185 Wotton, Robert, 59 ,, Roger, 160 „ Walter, 33, 78 Woulfe, Nioholas, 284 Write, Erasmus, 223 Wroxale, W., 38 Wroxhale, William, 61 Wryngton, or Wrington, Alan, 28, 29, 61, 77, 86 „ Robert, 28 Wryte, Mary, 243 „ Richard, 248 Wudhouse, Agnes, 183 ,, Margaret, 183 „ Nicholas, 182, 183 „ Thomas, 183 Wyate, WiUiam, 208 Wybbe, Thoraas, 42, 44, 46, 46, 47, 60, 63, 66, 58 Wycombe, Agnes, 62 John, 36, 52, 63, 64 Wydeboruwe, William, 75 Wyeckam, Agnes, 191 ,, Ahce, 191 „ Edmond, 191 Harry, 191 „ John, 192 „ Katharine, 191 „ Margery 192, 196 Mary, 191 ,, Richard, 191,196 ,, William, 191 Wyett, William, 231, 237 Wygan, , 43 Wyke, John, 20, 30, 37, 39, 42, 43, 58 90 „ Thoraas, 119, 120, 121 Wykehara, Bishop, 74 Wykham, WUliam, 148, 162, 157, 168 Wykyng, John, 63 ,, Julian, 105 ,, Richai'd, 105 Wykys, John, 160 Wylde, Robert, 65 Wylmott, Thomas, 104 Wynchestre, Isabel, 37 John, 37 Wyncley, and Wyngtley, Thomas, 33, Wynkeley, John, 59 Wynnall, Richard, 179 Wynne, John, 30 Wynter, or Winter, Benedict, 276 ,, Constance, 82 „ John, 82, 173 ,, PhUip, 82 „ Thomas, 82 Walter, 117, 113 William, 268, 276 Wyoote, alias Grawnte, Elizabeth, 58 „ Robert, 68 Wyot, Joan, '279 „ John, 173 313 „ Robert, 39 „ WUliam, 279 Wyppay, Maud, 106 Wyse, or Wise, Joan, 256 John, 110, 119, 142 ,, Letice, 256 Patrick, 266 Wysebeche, Martin, 97 Wyseman, John, 21 ¦Wysshe, Thomas, 206 Wyte, John, 70 Wytham, Thomas, 124 WythipoU, Edmund, 180 „ Elizabeth, 180 „ John, 180 Paul, 180, 181 WiUiam, 181 Wythsyd, John, 51 WyveUscombe, Clarice, 35, 86 ,, Gunnilda, 35 „ Henry, 6, 29, 85, 65 ,, John, 35 Wy\-escombe, Henry, 125 Talton, John, 94 Tate, Henry, 275 „ Margaret, 274, 275 „ WiUiam, 204, 208, 274, 275 Yeman, Agnes, 2'26 „ AUce, 206 ,, Annis, 226 „ Arthur, 226 ,, Grace, 226 ,, Joan, -306, 226 „ John, 205, 226 ,, Katharine, 205 „ Margery, 206 ,, Mary, 226, 228 ,, Susan, 225 WiUiam, 197, 204, 205, 214, 215 225, 226 Yemanns, WUUam, 200, 261 Yeomans, Alice, 264 Elizabeth, 264 Yerdesleigh, Maud, 87 Yeroth, John, 221 Yeuele, Amy, 93 ,, Cristina, 93 „ Ralph, 93 Yeuelton, Beatrix, 84 ,, John, 81 Yevans, Joan, '261 „ John, 248 Yev.yU John, 108 Yewen, John, 63 YheveU, John, 117 Yonge, Isabel, 136, 152 ,, Joan, 115 „ John, 27, 31, 116, 146, 172, 174 235, 245, 254, 280 „ Simon, 83, 130 ,, Thomas, 81, 87, 106, 107, 115, 116 134, 136, 14S 162, 161, 196, 212 ., ¦WUliam. 91, 190, 208, 20J, 27S Yorke, Joan, 273 „ Richard, 256, 262 „ Walter, -262 „ William, 278 „ ¦ > 1*2 Young, AUce, 208 „ Anna, 270 „ Anne, 208 Dorothy, 233 Elianor, 219 „ Elizabeth, 233 ,, Margaret, 233 Patrick, 236, 256, 278 Richard, 101, 197, 199, 243, 254 ,, Susan, 243 Yowen, George 248 WiUiam, 248 „ , 248 Yweme, Richard, 251 Omitted : — Axston, John, 11 Barth, John, 41 Bonner, Joan, 217 Bos^vell, John, 250 Brau^-hton, James, 195 Cooke, Richard, 279 Dawes, Edward, 169 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01517 6994