I'p, «, t-*nC -*-. ^*Vk. '* .ft- '^iriTr- r— "¦'=—' '•««'¦'*'•-"¦¦ *»^'***' Z5 ' THE GENEALOGIST'S GUIDE TO FEINTED PEDIGEEES. BEING A GE]5J"EEAi SEAIiOH GENEALOGICAL, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS RELATING TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, TOGETHER WLTB. REFERENCES TO FAMILY HISTORIES, PEERAGE CLAIMS, ETC. BY GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.D., OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BABBISTEB-AT-LAW. * Enquire, I pray tbee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers.' —Job-viiLS. ' It is asserted after much reSection, that there is scarcely an iniportant fact in the annals of this country but either had its origin, or became intimately involved in a point of Gene alogy.'— ffir Harris Nicolas, in '-Memoir of A. Vincent,' p. 4. LONDON : GEOEGE BELL & SONS, YOEK STEEET, COVENT GAEDEN. 1879. ADVICE TO THE READER. READ THE PREFACE BEFORE YOU CONSULT THE BOOK PREFACE. The preface being usuaUy disregarded by the majority of readers, I have ventured to give those who may consult this book the foregoing necessary advice. No dictionary can be profitably used, or its author fairly judged, unless the plan upon which it is compiled be first comprehended. The following pages wUl I hope, serve to make my method clear, and render my book easy to be understood. This index was prepared for my own use, but the amount of information it contains has so much exceeded my original design, that in the absence of any more complete book of reference to British genealogies, or the probabUity of one being published, I submit it to the students of this by no means unimportant part of our National History. In compUing a catalogue of this kind, it would have been, had it been possible, more satisfactory to have confined its refer ences to pedigrees presumably true. It is not asserting too much to say that most pedigrees are to some extent false ; nor is this to be wondered at when we consider that the object of their compUers is too often to gratify the vanity and flatter the pride of the ignorant and the purse-proud. The critical reader wUl be enabled by consulting these references to see almost at a glance how new men have been 'joined on ' to old families, and how frequently one author has copied the errors of another without having made the slightest attempt to verify his state ments, or even had the honesty to acknowledge the sources whence the information he repeats has been derived. vi PEEFACE. It wUl be asked, and very properly, what kind of genealogy I have considered a pedigree of sufficient importance to be cata logued here. My answer is, that as a general rule, I have in cluded any descent of three generations in male line. A pedigree, therefore, which sets forth the descendants of A in the families of B, 0, and D, is referred to under such of the families of B, C, and D, as happen to have three generations in male line given in it ; if there be only two and an heiress, it is not noticed. The titles of the works here indexed are given as briefly as is consistent -with rendering them easy of identification. Where it occurred to me that a doubt might arise as to the book in tended, I have added the place and date of publication in paren theses, and trust that the reader indifferently acquainted with genealogical and topographical literature wiU have no difficulty in finding the book he may require in any ordinary library catalogue. Of late years it has been a custom to reprint many genealogical articles from the publications of Archaeological Societies, and such works as Dr. Howard's ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica.' These, at first sight appear to be independent family memoirs, and are calculated to mislead the unwary into the idea that they are privately-printed family histories of great variety. Such ' puUs ' have been carefully excluded from this guide, unless they contain additional matter to that given in the work in which their contents originally appeared. When, as is frequently the case with county histories, a book has passed through more than one edition, reference is made to the best and most easUy accessible edition. In consulting the following pages it is therefore necessary to bear in mind that references to Dagdale's 'Warwickshire are to the 2nd Edition (Thomas's) Chauncy's Hertfordshire „ 1st Erdes-wicke's Survey of Stafford shire Whitaker's Deanery of Craven Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis Hunter's Hallamshire Ashmole's Berkshire Morant's Essex Blomefield's Norfolk Hasted's Kent Hutchin's Dorset Gregson's Portfolio of Fragments 3rd 1st1st New 2nd 2nd 8vo. fol. 3rd 3rd 1869 fol. PEEFACE. vii Dallaway's Sussex are to the 1st Edition. Burton's Leicestershire „ 2nd „ Thoroton's Nottinghamshire „ 2nd „ ¦Whitaker's History of Whalley „ 4th „ Baines' Lancaster „ „ of 1836. T. Nicholas's County Families of Wales „ 2nd „ Ormerod's Cheshire „ 2nd „ (Helsby's) In some of the above works a pedigree may have been given in another and suppressed in the edition indexed; in such instances it wUl be found noticed with the number of the edition added. The references to ' Glover's Derbyshire ' are to the 4to. edition, and the figures in parentheses refer to the 8vo. edition. When a pedigree is on a folding table, the page which it faces is given.To some books no page is cited, in such cases it must be understood that they are not paged. It should be remembered when consulting the references to Burke's ' History of the Commoners,' that the second and sub sequent editions of that work bear the title ' Landed Gentry.' In these the pedigrees (except in a few instances) being in alphabetical order, the page where a pedigree wUl be found is not given, the number appended being that of the edition in which it is contained. When, as often happens, more than one famUy of the same name occurs, its place of residence is given in parentheses, a plan necessary to avoid confusion, and to show that more than one genealogy wiU be found in the edition referred to. The abbreviation add. = addenda; supp.= supplement; corr.= corrigenda. To the fifth edition there are two supplements. No attempt has been made to add to other references the name of the place at which the family resided. To have done so would have increased the size of this work without affording any help to the bond fide genealogist^ who never rests content till he has examined the pedigrees of every person of the name in which he is interested, lest by chance he should miss the particular object of his inquiry. These pages have not been compiled for the benefit of careless, idle, or superficial pedigree hunters. . The words ' Caermarthenshire Pedigrees,' ' Cardiganshire Pedi grees,' and ' Pembrokeshire Pedigrees,' refer to a book entitled viii PEEFACE. ' Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembroke shire, in continuation of Lewis Dwnn, to about the years 1700-10. From the MS.- of John Philipps AUen Lloyd Philipps, Esq., of Dale Castle, co. Pembroke. Typis Medio Montanis, 1859.' Fol. Privately printed by Sir Thomais PhiUipps, Bart. As a general rule the surname of a family is the heading under which its genealogy should be sought, but to this one exception is sometimes made, viz. where there is a peerage title. In searching therefore for titled families it is necessary to look both under the surname, and also under the title, reference being unavoidably made now to the one and again to the other. To have given references in this work to the pedigrees of peers and baronets contained in the numerous Peerages and Baronetages which have been published during- the last two hundred years, would have increased its cost and size without being a proportionate aid to the reader. It should, however, be borne in mind that they, especially the Baronetages, contain the pedigrees of many families not to be found elsewhere. Lists of the principal works of this class wUl be found in Mr. Richard Sims's ' Manual for the Genealogist,' a book so weU-known as to render it unnecessary to repeat them here. Peerages of England at p. 180, Scotland at p. 187, and Ireland at p. 188. There is also a list of Royal Genealogies at p. 178. Private Acts of ParUament frequently contain much genea logical information ; a coUection in thirty- nine foUo volumes is in the GuUdhaU Library, with MS. pedigrees by Sir George Naylor. The numbers of the session papers, printed by order of the House of Lords, which are given as references to the evidence taken on claims to peerages and to vote at the elections of Irish peers, refer to the number at the bottom of each paper. The volume in which the paper wUl be found can be ascertained by referring to the General Indexes to the Sessional Papers. Though these give the page as weU as the volume, it would be useless here to refer to the page, because it is the MS. page of the copy arranged for the library of the House of Lords, and not the page at which th6 particular paper inquired for would be PEEFACE. ix found. An explanatory note to this effect wUl be seen at the commencement of the General Indexes. The foUowing catalogues of pedigrees and genealogical works are already weU known : Bridger's ' Index to Printed Pedigrees,' Coleman's ' General Index to Printed Pedigrees,' MarshaU's ' Index to Pedigrees in the Printed Herald's Visitations,' a list of Family Histories, etc., in Sims's ' Manual for the Genealogist,' pp. 242-279, and 'A catalogue of pedigrees hitherto unindexed,' by G. W. M. ; their coUective contents wUl be found in these pages, together with more than double the number of references they contain. The late Mr. Bridger, indeed, whose work is the largest of them aU, estimated (in his preface) his references at 16,000 ; those in this volume are estimated at nearly three times that number. Mention of other works of the same kind may not be con sidered out of place. Sims's 'Index to the Heralds' Visita tions ' is a useful guide to the MSS. coUections in the British Museum, though very inaccurate, incomplete, and untrustworthy. The ' Heraldic Calendar,' by WUliam Skey, pubhshed in 1846, gives a Hst of pedigrees and arms recorded in the Herald's Office, in DubUn Castle. Whitmore's 'Handbook of American Genealogy' contains much information relative to the pedigrees of English families whose descendants have settled in America; it reached a third edition in 1875. Durrie's ' Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies ' (2nd Edition, Albany, U.S.A, 1878), gives references to the pedigrees in books published in America, and may frequently be consulted with advantage by EngUsh readers. There is a useful list of claims to Scottish peerages, from 1788-1838, in the 'Gentleman's Magazine ' for April, 1839. A catalogue of Foreign genealogies wUl be found in Moule's 'BibUotheca Heraldica,' pp. 619-648. 'L'Art de verifier les Genealogies des Families Beiges et HoUandaises, ' par J. Huyttens (Brussels, 1865, 8vo.), is a work similar to several of those already mentioned. In inquiries of a genealogical nature, biographical memoirs should not be overlooked, as they often supply information of great value. PhUlips's ' Dictionary of Biographical Reference ' is an exceUent index to the best known Biographical dictionaries. An index, embracing as this does the pedigrees contained in X PREFACE. every important genealogical and topographical work, as weU as those in many of minor importance, but little known and rarely met with, is certain to contain some errors both of omission and commission. For such I must crave the in dulgence of the reader, and express a hope that he wiU inform me of them, in order that should my book be fortunate enough to reach a second edition, I may be able to correct them GEORGE W. MARSHALL. THE GENEALOGIST'S GUIDE TO PRINTED PEDIGREES. AB.4.DAM. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Abarough, or Abarrow. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 63. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 265. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T". Phillipps, 1. Harleian Society, xi. 1. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Abbatt. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. Abbott, or Abbot. Pedigree of Abbott of Suffolk. Single sheet, 1862. Surrey Archaeological Collections, ii. ; iii. 265. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.). Harleian Society, vi. 1. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Abram's History of Blackburn, 589. Abdy. Hasted's Kent, iii. 510. Morant's Essex, i. 177; ii. 152. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 7. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 17. Visita tion of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1, Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii. 203. Wright's Essex, ii. 411. Surrey Archseological Collections, vii. Abell, or Abells. Morant's Essex, ii. 228, 230. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by SirT. Phillipps, 1. Lipscombe's History ofthe County of Buckingham, i. 164. Abercromby. Burke's Commoners, iii. 1. Aberdeen. See Gordon. Abergavenny. Hasted's Kent, ii. 196, 198, 269. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 577. See Neville. Abergwili. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 26, 97, 235. Abermaed. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 26, 51. Abermarlies. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 17. Abernon. Surrey Archseological Collections, v. 53. Abingdon. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583 and 1623, printed by 1 ABI 2 ADA Sir T. Phillipps, (1864, fol.) 1. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 1. (Earl of,) Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii. 135. Abington. Nash's Worcestershire, i. 588. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 168. Ablett. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Abney. Harleian Society, ii. 153, 154 ; viii. 287. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 1032. Burke's Commoners, i. 572, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir 'Thos. Phillipps, 1. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 1. Aboyne. Claim of George Earl of Aboyne to title of Marquis of Huntly, etc., Sess. Papers, 197 of 1838. Abrahall. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 124. Abraham. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 1. Foster's Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters, Part ii. 10. Achmuty. Burke's Commoners, iv. 734 ; Landed Gentry, 2. Acherley. Antiquities and Memoirs of the Parish of Myddle, written by Richard Gough, 1700, (fol.) 21. ACHYM. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 291. Ackers. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Moreton Hall,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Prinknash Park,) 5. AcLAM, AccLOM, AcKLOM, Or AcKLAM. Surtces Society, xli. 65. Poulson's Holderness, i. 334, 454. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 109, 203. ACLAND. Hasted's Kent, i. 533. Collinson's Somerset, i. 256. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 207. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 153. Harleian Society, vi. 2-4. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 2. A'Combe. See Combe. A'Court. Hoare's Wiltshire, I. ii. 121. Acton. Bigland's Observations on Marriages, 31. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583 and 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (1864, folio) 2. Burke's Commoners, (of Wolverton,) iv. 686, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of West Aston,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Gatacre^ Park,) 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Josenh Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 2. Page's History of Suffolk, 581. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 124. Adair. The Agnews of Lochuaw, by Sir A. Agnew, 616. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 552. Burke's Landed Gentrv, (of BeUegrove ) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Heatherton Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Loughanmoae), 2, 3, 4. Suckling's History of Suffolk, i. 201. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, i. 91. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii. 39. Adaai. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps 1 ?. Burke's Commoners, (of Newbiggen Hall,) i. 524, Landed AGM 4 ALB Gentry, 2; (of Nunnery,) Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Hutchinson's Histor^ of Cumberland, i. 195. Jefferson's History of Leath Ward, Cumberland, 243. Harleian Society, xu. 329. Agmondesham. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir 1. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. Manning and Bray s Surrey, ill 99 4GNEW.'The Agnews of Locknaw, by Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., " M.P., Edinburgh, 1864, 8vo. Burke's Royal lamilies, (Londra, 1851 8vo ) i 173. Lands aud their owners in GaUoway, by P. ±1. M'Kerlie, i. 104, 140, 164. See Vans-Agnew. Aguillon. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 484 ,...„„ AlKiN. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii. 18». Ailesbury. &e Aylesbury. ,„,, „ v •• -.qo e AiLSA. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) n. 183. ^e« Kennedy. Ainsworth. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Smithills Hall,) 2, 6, 4, 5 ; (of Spotland,) 2 supp. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 29 ; Ixxxu. 83. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 10. Abram's History of Blackburn, 386, 614, 623. AiRD. Paterson's History of the County of Ayr, ii. 426, 433. AlRLIE. &e Ogilvy. AlRTH. Airth Papers (in reference to claim of R. B. AUardice to Earldom of Airth), by H. Gurney, London, 1839. See Allardice, Barclay-Allardice, Strathern. Airy. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 10. AiSLABiE. A Genealogical Account of the Lords of Studley Royal, by J. R. Walbran. AiTCHiSON. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 10. Akeroyd. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 485. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 260. Akers. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 11. Akney. The Genealogist, iii. 62. Akroyd. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4 supp., 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 11. Alan. Fisher's History of Masham, 209. Manx Society, x. app. A. Munford's Analysis of Dome.sday Book of Co. Norfolk, 11, 12. Albany. Harleian Society, i. 48. Surrey Archseological Collections, iv. Manning aud Bray's Surrey, iii. 141. Albemarle. Morant's Essex, ii. 317. Whitaker's History of Craven, 1st edn., 212. History of Lambeth, by Thos. Allen, 274. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vi. 264. Poulson's Holderness, i. 24, 37 ; ii. 351. Whitaker's Deanery of Craven, 212. ManningandBray'sSurroy, iii. 496. Baker's Northampton, i. 672. Albert, H.R.H. Prince. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, PI. 1. ALB ALE Albini. East Anglian, ii. 43, 55, 69, 86, 100, etc. Fisher's History of Masham, 210. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 65. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 67. History of Castle and Town of Arundel, by M. A. Tierney, 168. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 455. Blore's Rutland, 114. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 27. Memorials of the Church of Attleborough, by J. T. Barrett, 12, 179. Alchorne. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 96. Berry's Kent Genea logies, 176. Alcock, or Alcocke. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 108. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Wilton,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Kingswood Warren,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Ballynoe,) 4. Burke's Heraldic Register, (pubhshed with St. James's Magazine,) 57. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 219. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.), 12. Alcock-Stawell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Aldam. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 12. Aldborough. See Stratford. Aldeburgh. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 279. Alder. Raine's History of North Durham, 301. The Genealogist, ii. 251. Alderford. Harleian Society, xii. 59. Aldebsey. Hasted's Kent, ii. 585. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 290. Harleian Society, i. 32. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 739. Burke's Commoners, i. 99 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 13. Alderson. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 13. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.). Aldham. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 122. Baker's Northampton, i. 432. Aldithley. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, 93. Aldrich-Blake. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 13. Aldridge. Castles, Manors, and Mansions of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C. J. Robinson, 28. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 14. Aldwark. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 52. Aldworxh. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 1. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 14. Aleigh. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicholas, 1. Harleian Society, ix. 1. Alen. Burke's Commoners, ii. 363. Alesbury, or Alesburye. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 20. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 671. Alexander. Claim of Willm. Alexander to the Earldom of Sterling, Sess. Papers, May 1760 — March 1762. An Analytical Statement ALE 6 ^^^ of the Case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Doran, by Sir T. C. Banks, London, 1832, 8vo. Case of the Rt. Hon. Alexander, Earl of Stirling, by F. J. Burn. London, 1833 8vo. Narrative of the Proceedings to overthrow the Earl of Stirling,i etc., by E. Lockhart, Esq., Edinburgh, 1836, 4to. The Stirling Peerage Trial of Alexander Humphreys, or Alexander, styling himself Earl of Stirling, for Forgery, edited by W. B. D. D. Turiibull, Esq., Edinburgh 1839, 8vo. Report of the Trial by Archibald Swmton, Esq., Edinburgh, 1839, 8vo. Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and of the House of Alexander, by tbe Rev. C. Rogers, Edinburgh 1877 2 vols., 8vo. Alexander, Earl of Stirhng; original case ot the Appellant, and appendix. Reprinted, 1867, London, 4to. The Respondents' Case. Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1867, 4to. Supple mental Case of the Appellant. London, n. d. 4to. Supplemental Case for the Respondents. Edinburgh, 1868, 4to. Morant s Essex, i. 129, 132. Hasted's Kent, iii. 84. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 554. Burke's Commoners, (of Powis,)ii. 170, Landed Gentry, 2, 3 ; (of Ahilly,) 4, 5 ; (of Boydstone), 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Westerton,) 4, 5 ; (of Ballochmyle,) 4 and supp., 5 ; (of Milford,) 5. Hamp shire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 15-20. Wright's Essex, ii. 332. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 336. The Genealogist, ii. 196. Albyn. Harleian Society, vi. 5; xiii. 133, 333. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. See Alleyn. Alford. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 82. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 302. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 486. CoUec- tanea Topographica et Genealogica, iv. 177. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii. 30. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 315. Visitations of Berk shire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 1. Alfounder. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 1049. Alfrey. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 244. Alibond. Harleian Society, viii. 407. Alington. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, ii. 182. Burke's Commoners, i. 570; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 541. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 21. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 363. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, iv. 111. Alison. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 28. Alkin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Alkstede. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 258. Allan. Parentalia Memoranda ; Lineage of the Allans of Stafford shire, Hyltons of Westmoreland, Clervaux and Chaytor families of Croft in Richmondshire, by W. H. Longstaffe, Esq., Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1852, Bvo. Wills of several members of the Family of Allan of Darlington. Privately printed at the Darlington Press, 4to. Burke's Commoners, i. 39, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. ^ This -work was published in French at same time. ALL 7 ALL Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 2, 109. History of Darlington, by W. Hylton Dyer Longstaffe, not paged, and iii — xxxii. Burke's Authorized Arms, 2. Ord's History of Cleveland, 499. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) i. 67; ii. 15. Surtees' Durham, iii. 373. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 22. Allanson. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Allardice. Case of Robert Barclay Allardice, claiming the title of Earl of Airth. Folio, pp. 10, and pedigree, 1838. Appendix to this Case. Folio, pp. 15, 1838. Claim of E. B. Allardice, Esq, to be Earl of Airth. Sess. Papers, 162 of 1839. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii. 33. See Airth. Allaunson. Harleian Society, i. 96. Allen. Hasted's Kent, ii. 247'^ 568, 605. Gent. Mag., 1847, i. 370. Notes and Queries, 1 S. xii. 427, 520. Visitation of Somer set, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 5. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 361. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 76, 192. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Harleian Society, i. 6, 53; ii. 109, 195; xi. 2. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 2. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Cresselly,) 2, 3, 4,5; (of Bicton,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of theEhydd,) 5 ; (of Clifford Priory,) 5 ; (of Inchmartine,) 5 ; (of Hoyland,) 2. Visitation of Stafford shire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Visitations of Berk shire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 2. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 1. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 163, 804. Visitation of London in Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archseological Society, 26. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 22, 24. Notices of Great Yarmouth, by J. H. Druery, 167. The Genealogist, iii. 62. Foley's Records of the English Province, S. J., ii. 133. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedi grees, 3. Allenson. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 230. W. Paver's Pedigrees of Families of the City of York, 7. Allestry. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1864, fol.) 1. The Genealogist, iii. 61. Allett. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Harleian Society, xi. 2. Allexander. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 316. Alleyn, or Alleyne. Morant's Essex, i. 180, 343 ; ii. 99, 131. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 corr., p. 426. Jewitt's Eeliquary, xiv. 64 ; xv. 253. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Wright's Essex, i, 209, 245. Harleian Society, xiii. 333. See Aleyn. Allfrey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 25. Allgood. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britan nica,- by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 25. ALL 8 ALS Allhusen. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 25. Allin. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 103. Page's History of Suffolk, 327. Allington. The Topographer, (London, 1789-91, 8vo.) i. 187. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 468. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 4. Allison. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 26. Alliston. Herald and Genealogist, v. 401. Allix. Burke's Commoners, (of WiUoughby,) i. 482, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Swaffham,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 26. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 6. Allott. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 366, 450. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 27. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 2. Alloway. Herald and Genealogist, v. 78. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 100. Allsop, Alsop, or Alsopp. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 63. Jewitt's Eeliquary, vii. 17 ; xii. 127, 188. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 21. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Harleian Society, ii. 105. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 1. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 694* ; iv. 802. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 27. The Genealogist, iii. 63. Allysonn. Harleian Society, vii. 26. Almack. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 2B. Alman. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 81. Carthe-w's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii. 702. Almer. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 355. Almery. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 8. Alneto. Baker's Northampton, ii. 44. Alno. Succinct Genealogies of the Ancient Houses of Alno or De Alneto, Broc of Shephale, Latimer of Duntish, Drayton of Drayton, Mauduit of Werminster, Greene of Drayton, Vere of Addington, Fitz-Lewes of West Hornedon, Howard of Effingham, and Mordaunt of Turvey, by Rob. Halsted. London, 1685, folio. Alphe. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 247. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Alphegh. a Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London, 1B75, 4to.) Alport. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 668. Alspath. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 985. Alston. Hasted's Kent, ii. 538. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 217. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viii. 109-111 ; xiii. 335. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, ALT 9 ANC (London, 1877, Bvo.) 28. Page's History of Suffolk, 120, 938, 957. Alta Ripa. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 38. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 192. Altham. Morant's Essex, i. 24, 405 ; ii. 60, 488. Berry's Hertford shire Genealogies, 172. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Clutter buck's Hertford, i. 248. Whitaker's History of Whalley, ii. 268. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 28. Alured. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 144. Alwent. TheAntiquitiesofGainford,byJ.R. Walbran, 50. Surtees' Durham, iv. 24. Alwin. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 167. Alye. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583, and 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (1864, fol.) 2. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 223. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 546. Ambler. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 8. Ambrose. Morant's Essex, i. 194. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 64 ; Ixxxiv. 3. Amcoats, Amcotes, or Amootts. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Read's History of the Isle of Axholme, edited by T. C. Fletcher, 384. Surtees' Durham, i. 197. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 29. Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 652. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedi grees, 10. Ameridith. Harleian Society, vi. 6. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 4. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and Pitman Jones, 596. Amery. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society, xiii. 393. Ames. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cussans' History of Hert fordshire, Parts xi. and xii. 234. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 29. Antiquities and Memoirs of the Parish of Myddle, written by Richard Gough 1700, (fol.) 55. The Genealogist, ii. 273. Amherst. Hasted's Kent, i. 353; ii. 143, 145, 358. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 212. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 191, 494. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Amhurst. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. See Tyssen-Amhurst. Amneville. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 194. Amory. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 23. Visitation of London , 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Harleian Society, vi. 7. Amos. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 30. Amphlett. Nash's Worcestershire, i. 481. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, .3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 135. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 30. Amundevill. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 360. Amy. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Mac lean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 652. Ajmys, or Amyce. Harleian Society, xiii. 19. Ancaster. Case upon the Petition of his Grace the Duke of Aacaster ANC 10 ANG and Lord Robert Bertie concerning the ofiice of Lord Great Chamberlain of England, 1780, fol., pp. 4. Ancketill. See Anketell. Anderson. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 19. Pedigrees from Visitation of Northumberland, printed by SirT. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, 1858, fol.) 1. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 325. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Grace Dieu,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Jesmond House,) 2, 3, 4; (of Havering Grange,) 2. Account of the Parish of Lea with Lea Wood, (London, 1841, Bvo.) 17. Surtees' Durham, i. 98, 122 ; ii. 269. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 285. The Genealogist, i. 380 ; ii. 220. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 32. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 9, 12. Anderton. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 725. Burke's Com moners, i. 607, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 148. Lydiate Hall and its Associations, by Rev. T. E. Gibson, (1876, 4to.,) 49, 165. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 4-7. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 184. Raines's History of the Co. of Lancaster, iii. 452. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 32. Foley's Records of the English Province, S. J., iii. 744; iv. 713. Andrew. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 352. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire .Antiquarian Magazine, 113. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 530. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 38, 108. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. PhiUipps, 2. Baker's Northampton, i. 167, 295. Harleian Society, xii. 50. Andrews, or Andrewes. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 228. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 47. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 330. History of Newenham Abbey, by James Davidson, 168. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4. More about Stifford, by William Palin, 8, 70. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) i. 497. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 182. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 8. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 198. Wright's History of Rutland, 34. Bridge's Northampton shire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 38, 108. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 473 ; iii. 456. Proceedings of the Essex Archseological Society, New Series, i. 55. Surtees' Durham, iv. 145. Harleian Society, xii. 395. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, iii. 177. Andros. Chronicle of the Family of De Havilland. Androwes. Morant's Essex, ii. 212. Anes. Harleian Society, i. 65. Angell. Hasted's Kent, iv. 35. Surrey Archseological Collections, iii. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, Anger. The Genealogist, iii. 234. ANG 11 ANS Angerstein. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 33. Angevin. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, v. 334, 345. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 8. Angiel.. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 193. Anglesea, (Earldom of). See Annesley, Mountnorris, Mulgrave, Valentia. Anguish. Burke's Commoners, ii. 419, Landed Gentry, 2. Notices of Great Yarmouth, by J. H. Druery, 167. Angus. See Douglas, Hamilton. Anion. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Anketell, or Anketill. Burke's Commoners, iv. 529, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 62; iv. 513. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1B77, Bvo.) 32. Shirley's History of the County of Monaghan, 158. Anlaby. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 334. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 122, 123, 486. History of Beverley, by G. Poulson, i. 393. Annand. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Annandale. See Hopetoun, Johnstone, Campbell. Anne. Gentleman's Magazine, (Seize Quartiers of Queen,) 1851, i. 284. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 285 ; xli. 10. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 360, 361. Harleian Society, v. 191. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 148. Stemmata Britan nica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 33. Annesley. Gentleman's Magazine, xiv. 24; 1831, i. 503; ii. 405. The Tyndale Pedigree, by B. W. Greenfield. Case of Arthur Annesley, Viscount Valentia, upon his claim to be Earl of Anglesea, and Baron Annesley, fol., pp. 4. Claim of James Annesley, Esq., to the Earldom of Anglesea, before the Irish Court of Exchequer 1743. Newcastle, 1744, fol. Claim of William Richard, Earl of Annesley, to Vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, K of 1855. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 12, 33. Burke's Commoners, (of Bletchington,) i. 7, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Arley Castle,) 2 supp., 3. Harleian Society, iv. 125; v. 201, 217, 263. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 280. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 2. Baker's Northampton, i. 502. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1B51, Bvo.)i. 118. Annwill. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 92. Ansell. Clutterbuck's Hereford, iii. 57. Ansley. The Genealogist, ii. 142. Anson. Pedigree of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Anson, of Shugborough, Co. Stafford, London, 1806, fol., in three folding tables. Genea logical Tables of the Family of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Anson, Baron Soberton, fol. (privately engraved). Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 101. Anstey, or Anstie. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 361. Aubrey's Col lections for Wilts, (London, 1821, 4to.) printed by Sir T. Phillipps, ii. 6. Anstis. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 68. ANS 12 AP0 Anstruther. Claim of Dame Ann Paterson Anstruther to the title of Baroness Polewart or Polwarth, Sess. Papers, 101 of 1818. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 56. Anstruther-Thompson. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Anthony, or Antonie. Harleian Society, i. 43. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 309. Anton. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 9. Antrim. Earls of Antrim, 'The Macdonnells of Antrim,' by Rev. G. Hill, 1873, 4to. Claim of Mark, Earl of Antrim, to Vote at Elec tions of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, G of 1857-8. Antrobus. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 658. Anwyl. T. Nicholas's County Families of Wales, 699. Ap Adam. Memoir of the Family of Sir John ap Adam ; Ormerod's Strigulensia, Art. xii. Apelby. Harleian Society, ii. 11. Aperdale. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 653. Apeton. Morant's Essex, i. 315. Ap Habrl Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 56, 57. Appleby. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 209. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 487. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) ii. 66. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 12. Hutchinson's History of Dur ham, iii. 3. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 442. Surtees' Durham, i. 53. Applethwaite. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 33. Appleton, or Appulton. Hasted's Kent, i. 206, 253. Morant's Essex, i. 263. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i. 73. '.L"he Archseological Mine, by A. J. Dunkin, i. 142. Harleian Society, xiii. 134. Appleyard. Amye Robsart, by George Adlard, 10. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 38. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 146. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 364. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 17, IB. Applynden. Surtees' Durham, i. 217. Ap Rees, or Ap Rhese. Camden Society, xliii. 31. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 203. Lipscombe's History of the County of Bucking ham, iv. 126. Ap Rys. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 252, 263. Apsley. Hutchinson's Memoirs ofthe Life of Col. Hutchinson, (1B06, 4to.,) 144. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 150. Harleian Society, viii. 372. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 281. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 520. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i. 320 ; ii. 243. Sussex Archseological Collections, iv. 220 ; xxviii. 197. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C. J. Robinson, 176. Apulderfield, or Apuldrefield. Hasted's Kent, ii. 686. Topo grapher and Genealogist, iii. 178. ARA 13 ARD Arabin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Arblaster, or Arbalester. Bib. Top. Brit., ix.. Part 4, 161. Morant's Essex, i. 470. Shaw's Staffordshire; i. 225. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 1. Arbuthnot. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 33. Arcedeckne. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Archbold. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viii. 242. Ajrchdale. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 35. Abchdall. Burke's Commoners, ii. 107 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Archdeacon. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 234. Archdekne. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, iii. 259. Archer. Memorials of Families of the surname of Archer. London, 1861, 4to. Morant's Essex, i. 161, 21B. Berry's Sussex Gene alogies, 235. Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies, by J. H. Lawrence-Archer, 393. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 12. Burke's Com- moners, i. 576, Landed Gentrv, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, v. 319 ; viii. 388 ; xii. 309 ; xiii." 136. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 781. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, 8vo.) 35. Turner's History of Town and Soke of Grautham, 85, 132. Warwickshire Pedigrees from Visitation of 1682-3 (privately printed, 1865, Bvo.). Herald and Genealogist, ii. 523. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 180-193. Archer-Burton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. Archer-Houblon. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 163. Archibald. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 36. Arddwyfaen. Archseologia Cambrensis, 4 Series, viii. 195. Arden, Ardern, or Arderne. Memoir on the connection of Arderne, or Arden, of Cheshire, with the Ardens of Warwickshire, by George Ormerod. London, 1843, Bvo. Edmondson's Account of the Gre- ville Family, 7. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1. Ormerod's Miscellanea Palatina, Part 2. Drum- mond's History of Noble British Families, Parts i. and ii. Shakespeareana Genealogica, by G. E. French, 416-503. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 92. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 207. Sir T. Phillipp's Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 37. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. Burke's Commoners, (of Longcroft,) i. 630, Landed Gentry, 2, 3 and corr., 4, 5 ; (of Sunbury,) 5. Topographer and Genealogist, i. 212, 214. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 102. Har leian Society, v. 161, 207 ; viii. 90 ; xii. 73, 176-182. Baker's Northampton, i. 66. The Monumental Effigies in Elford Church, Staffordshire, by E. Eichardson, (London, 1852, fol.) 1. Bartlett's History of Manceter, being No. 1 of Nichols' Miscellaneous Anti quities, 165*. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Eev. Peter Whalley, i. 587. Shakespere's Home, by J. 0. M. Bellew, 38. Dugdale's ARD 14 AEM Warwickshire, 925, 952, 1056. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 36. J. P. Earwaker's East Cheshire, i. 328, 473. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 548 ; ii. B5, 250. Ardes. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 334. Aedyngton. Surtees Society, xli. 21. Areyns. Poulson's Holderness, i. 440. Argall. Hasted's Kent, ii. 418. Harleian Society, xiii. 137, 335. Argentein, or Argentine. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, ii. 181. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) i. 184. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 13. Clutter buck's Hertford, ii. 541. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts xi. and xii., 51. Norfolk Archeology, iii. 267. Page's History of Suffolk, 231. Argenton. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 363. Argum. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 178. Argyle. The Argyle Papers, edited by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1834, 4to. Hasted's Kent, i. 373. Life of John Duke of Argyle, etc., by Robert Campbell, Esq., London, 1745, Bvo. Arkinstall. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Arkney. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 1. Arkwright. S. Glover's Peak Guide, edited by Thomas Noble, 122. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Sutton Scarsdale,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Willersley,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hampton Court,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mark Hall,) 3, 4, 5. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 37. Armenters. Baker's Northampton, i. 443. Armeston. Harleian Society, ii. 176. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 467. Armigeb. Harleian Society, viii. 76. Armin. See St. Medard. Armine. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 19. Armistead. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 39. Armitage, or Armytage. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 87-94, 181 ; New Series, i. 436. Surtees Societ}', xxxvi. 25, 251. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Atherdee,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (uf Milnsbridge House,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorksliire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 488. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 91. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i. 210. Stem mata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 39. History of Barnsley, by Rowland Jackson, 150. Armorer. The Genealogist, ii. 219. Armstrong. Burke's Commoners, (of Garry Castle,) iv. 346, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Castle Iver,) Commoners, iv. 350, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ballycumber,) Commoners, iv. 343, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4; (of Gallen,) Commoners, iv. 337; (of Killylea,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (ofMealiffe,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hemsworth,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Willow Bank,) 5 ; (of Co. Clare,) 3, 4 ; (of Kippure ARM 15 ASC Park,) 2, 3. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 40, 42. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 76. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 22. Armstrong-MacDonnell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Armyne. Blore's Rutland, 176. Arnall. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 238. Arney. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4 supp. Arnold. Burke's Landed Gentry (of Ashby St. Ledgers,) 2, 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Little Missenden,) 2, 3, 4, 5 supp. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 618 ; iii. 711. Clutterbuck's Hertford,!. 99. Baker's Northampton, i. 247. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1B77, Bvo.) 43. Arnot. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 457. Arnwood. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 247. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 2. Arpe. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii. 231. The Genealogist, iii. 271. Arragon (Queen Kath. of). Gentleman's Magazine, 1829, i. 397. Abscott. Harleian Society, vi. 9-11 ; ix. 286. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 3. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 489-491. Arsic. Hasted's Kent, ii. 572. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, i. Parti. 11. Arthington. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 272. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 132. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 5. Stem mata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 44. Arthur. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 177. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 574. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 44. Arundel, or Arundell. Bird's Magazine of Honour, 78. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 393. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i. 306, 316. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. 90. Gentleman's Magazine, 1829, ii. 215 ; 1833, ii. 498. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 312—339 ; iii. 240-255. Morant's Essex, i. 168, 294 ; ii. 465. Savage's History of the Hundred of Car- harapton, 160, 569. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 163 ; New Series, ii. 74. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N, H. Nicholas, 1, 2. Burke's Commoners, i. 512. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 312. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i. 17. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 4. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 39 ; iii. 80. CoUectaneaTopographicaetGenealogica, vi. 16. Harleian Society, ix. 2, 3, 271. Dallaway's Sussex, IL i. 109. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 476, 477. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 257. Hoare's Wiltshire, IV. i. 179. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 27, 282, 311, 553 ; ii. 471. Baker's Northampton, i. 547 ; ii. 243. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 44. Archseologia, xviii. 99. See Howard, ASCOUGH. Fisher's History of Masham, 297. ASH 16 ASH Ash, or Ashe. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 157. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 80. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 5. Burke's Commoners, (of Ashfield,) i. 577, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Ashbrook,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Langley,) 5. Westcotes Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 633. Hoare's Wiltshire, L ii. 118; III. i. 41. Wiltshire Archseological Magazine, v. 3B2. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 20. ASHAWE. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 6. Ashbrook. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 91. ,t o • ¦ AsHBURNER. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 224. ASHBURNHAM, or AsHBORNHAM. Drummond's History of Noble British Families, Parts i. and ii. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 28, 185. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. ASHBY. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 25. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, v. 125-141. Notes on the Parish of Harefield, by W. F. Vernon, 27. Harleian Society, ii. 13, 14. Topography and History of New and Old Sleaford, (Sleaford, 1825, 8vo.) 140. Burke's Commoners, (of Quenby,) iv. 175, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Naseby,) 5. Collectanea Topo graphica et Genealogica, v. 125. Burton's Description of Leicester shire, 213. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iii. 298, 299, 493. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 45. Ashby-Maddock. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 25. ASHBWL. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 351. ASHCOMB, or AsHCOMBE. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Oxfordshire Pedigrees, fol., n. d., printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 12. Harleian Society, v. 318 ; xi. 3. AsHEHOW. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 73. ASHENHURST. Jewitt's Reliquary, viii. 97. The Genealogist, iii. 62. AsHETON. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 63,64. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 370. ASHFEILD, or Ashfield. Sir T. Phillipps's Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 40. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, folio,) 1. Visitation of Oxford shire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, folio,) 12. Harleian Society, v. 163, 165, 170,220; xii. 165. Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme, in Co. Oxford, by H. A. Napier, 347. Sussex Archseological Collections, xxv. 114. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 20. Page's History of Suffolk, 747, 804. AsHFORD. Harleian Society, vi. 15. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 481. AsHFORDBY. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4th edition, 1537. Ashfordby-Trenchard. Burke's Commoners, iv. 75. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 199. ASHHURST. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Lancashire ASH 17 Ai Pedigrees. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (Lon^ 1877, Bvo.) 46. Ashley. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. Philli (Middle Hill, 1854, foHo). Visitatio Comitatus Wiltoniie, 1 printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. i. 24. Bal Northampton, i. 246. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 557. Ashley-Cooper. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 594. AsHMALL. Surtees' Durham, iii. 87. Ashman. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipp AsHMOLE. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Si Phillipps, 1. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, xlix. Ashton. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, viii. 147. Harl Society, ii. 198. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 8, 20, 28, 112; Ix: 7, 14, 17, 20, 45, 95 ; Ixxxiv. 10-18. Foster's Lancashire Pedigi Butter worth's Account of the Town, etc., of Oldham, 157. Coi History of Lancashire, i. 450. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 360. Clutterbi Hertford, i. 261. Baines's History of the County of Lanca ii. 532, 591, 596 ; iii. 190. Stemmata Britannica, by Jo: Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 46. South Mimms, by F. C. ( 62. Jewitt's Reliquary, xvii. 254. Abram's History of Blackb 500. The Genealogist, ii. 327. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedig: 21,24. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 175. Harleian Society, xiii. Ashtown. See Trench. AsHURST. Morant's Essex, ii. 296. Burke's Royal Families, (Lon 1861, Bvo.) i. 194. Harleian Society, viii. 414. Chetham Soc: Ixxxii. 97 ; Ixxxiv. 9. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arm 11. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 666. Wright's Essex, i. Local Gleanings, by J. P. Earwaker, ii. 799, 803. AsHWELL. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipp Ashwin. Pedigree of Ashwin of Bretforton, Corbet of Quinton, Rawlings, on a folio sheet, privately printed by Sir Tho Phillipps, Bart. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (Lon 1877, Bvo.) 47. Pedigree of Ashwin of Bretforton, Co. Wig printed by Sir Thos. PhiUipps, (Middle Hill, 1837,) folio page. AsHWOBTH. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir Phillipps, (Middle Hill, folio,) 12. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, Harleian Society, v. 307. Ask, or Aske. Surtees Society, xli. 64. Foster's Visitations Yorkshire, 107, 118. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, i. Askew. Burke's Commoners, (of Eedheugh,) ii. 292, Landed Ger 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Pallinsburn,) Commoners, ii. 294, Landed Ger 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Raine's Histor; North Durham, 186. Hodgson's Northumberland, IL, ii. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) AsKOUGH. Harleian Society, vii. 37, 38. Askwith. W. Paver's Pedigrees of Families of the City of Yorl Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 211, 487. ASLACTON, Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 262. 2 ASL 18 ATH AsLAKE. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 336. ASPDEN. Abram's History of Blackburn, 686. ASPINALL. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Whitaker's History of Whalley, ii. 107. Stemmata Brittanica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 48. Abram's History of Blackburn, 475. ASPINWALL. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lan caster, 212. AsSHENHURST. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, foho,) 1. AsSHETON. Chetham Society, xiv. iii ; xcviii. 59. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Whitaker's History of Whalley, ii. 2, 121. Stemmata) Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1B77, 8vo.) 48. Abram's History of Blackburn, , 464. AsTELL. Burke's Commoners, i. 540, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. AsTiN. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 338. ASTLE. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 80. Astley. Case of Sir Jacob Astley on his claim as co-heir to the title of Baron Hastings, 1840, folio, pp. 47. Claims of Sir Jacob Astley, Bart., and of H. Le-S. Styleman Le Strange, Esq., to be co heirs to the title of Baron Hastings, Sess. Papers 211 of 1B40, and 55 of 1841. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 417. Beltz's Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, App. 13. Hasted's Kent, ii. 184, 579. Morant's Essex, ii. 64. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 79, 136. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 372. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Felfoot,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Ansley Park,) 5. Visitation of Warwick shire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 72. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 83; Ixxxiv. 19; xcv. 43. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, iii. 154. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1, 2. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 284. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 55. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iv. 59, 811. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 19, 68, 107. Hoare's Wiltshire,n. ii. 9. Harleian Society, xii. 365; xiii. 13B, 337. Norfolk Archseology, iv. 19. Abram's History of Blackburn, 571, 690. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, iii. 73. Aston. Clifford's Description of Tixall, 145-153. Berry's Hertford shire Genealogies, 10. Chronicle ofthe Family of De Havilland. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 and corr., 3. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 105. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 2. Erdeswick's Survey of Staffordshire, 71. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 627. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 229^ Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 219. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 721. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 24. ASTRIE, or ASTBY. Camdeu Society, xliii. 98. Harieian Society i 68; viii. 382, 383. ^ ' Atcherley. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 5. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 16. Athknry. See Birmingham, SiiWELL, ATH 19 ATW Atherley. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Atherton. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 70. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 20; xcviii. 86. Athlumney. Claim of W. M. S., Baron Athlumney, to Vote at Elec tions of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, C of 1864. Athol, or Atholl. Case of Charlotte, Duchess Dowager of Atlioll, respecting her claim to the office of Great Chamberlain of England, pp. 5, folio. Case of the Duke of Atholl claiming the Barony of Strange, 173 j, folio, with Pedigree. Claim ofthe Duke of Atholl to the Barony of Strange, Sess. Papers, Feb. and March, 1736. Manx Society, x. app. E. See Murray. Athorpe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i. 137. Athow. Blomefield's Norfolk, vii. 293. At Hull. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 56. Athy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Atkin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4. Atkins, or Atkyns. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 643, Burke's Com moners, (of Firville,) iv. 667, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Water- park,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viii. 11, 332. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii. 362. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 131. South Mimms, by F. C. Cass, 56. Atkins-Bowyer. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Atkinson. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 86. Berry's Hertford shire Genealogies, 65. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 364. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 3. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583 and 162.3, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (1864, folio,) 2. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Lorbottle,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Rehins,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cangort,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ashley Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Angerton,) 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Morland,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 and 2nd supp. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 489. Harleian Society, iv. 129 ; viii. 120. Hodgson's Northumberland, IL ii. 193. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, Founders Kin, 9. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 80. Atmore. History ofthe Hundred of Bray, by Charles Kerry, 124. Aton. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 609. Tate's History of Alnwick, i. 406. Attegare. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 155. Attehooke. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 97. Att Fenne. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 16. Atthill. Burke's Commoners, i. 164, Lauded Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Att Milne. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i. 239. Attslow. Morant's Essex, i. 205. Harleian Society, xiii. 337. Attwater. Hutchin's Dorset, iv. 66. Atty, Attye, or Atye. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ingon Grange,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Rugby,) 5 ; (of Penley Hall,) 2, 3, 4. History of Hamp- stead, by J. J. Park, 198. Atwell. Harleian Society, iv. 107. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 31. Atwill. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 88, 95. Harleian Society, 2—2 ATW 20 AUS vi. 12. Visitation of Devonshire, 1620, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 1. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 612. Atwood, or Att\y^6od. Morant's Essex, i. 155. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 44. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583 and 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (1864, foho,) 3. Westcote's Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 591. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 570. Harleian Society, xiii. 338. AuBERViLLE. Blanche's Corner of Kent, 290. Aubrey, or Awbrey. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 59. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltoniee, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Robin son's Mansions of Herefordshire, 65. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 87, 91. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 39, 57. Gla morganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 23. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 229. Lips combe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 67-74. Dunkin's History of BuUington and Ploughley, ii. 137. Memoir of John Aubrey, by John Britton, 24. Jones's History of the County of Brecknock, ii. 368, 567, 607, 665. AUCHER. Hasted's Kent, ii. 501. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 223. Auchinleck. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. AuCHMUTY. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Audborough. Surtees Society, xli. 63. AUDELEY, or Audley. j. Wilkinson's History of Broughton Gifford, folding plate. Morant's History of Colchester, 138. Morant's Essex, i. 412 ; ii. 32, 205, 549. Herald and Genealogist, v. 65. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 662. Camden Society, xliii. 54. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 134. Jewitt's Rehqnary, vii. 18. Lord Bray- brooke's History of Audley End, 24. Visitation of Norfolk, pub lished by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 129. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 148. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, 93. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 17. Hoare's Wiltshire, L ii. 227. Wiltshire Archseological Maga zine, V. 267. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 25. Page's History of Suffolk, 703. Harieian Society, xiii. 338. Audham. Baker's Northampton, i. 432. AuFRERE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. and add., 3,-4, 6 and supp. Aughton. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 68 ; xcix. 80. AUNEBY. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 489. AUNGER. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps 3 AuNSLEY. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iii. 33 ' Austen. Hasted's Kent, i. 161 ; ii. 387 ; iii. 95. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 47. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 127, 350. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 95. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by bir i. PhiUipps, 3. Burke's Commoners, i. 444, 466, Landed Gentry, 2 3 4, 5 ; (of Capel Manor,) Landed Gentry, 5. Brayley's History of Surrey, V. 139. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 100. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 139. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 414. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii, 339. AUS 21 AYL Austin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Harleian Society, viii. 147. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 339. The Genealogist, iii. 235. AuSTREY. Camden Society, xliii. 98. AUSTWICK. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 23. AuSTYN AP Rees (Children of). Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 277. Avan. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 9, 11. AVELAND. See Willoughby. Aveline, Avelyn, or Avelyne. Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme in Co. Oxford, by H. A. Napier, 266. Visitations of Berk shire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Avenell. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 217. AVENON. Harleian Society, i. 3. Account of the Company of Ironmongers, by John Nicholl, 645. Visitation of London, in Transactions of London and Middlesex Archseological Society, 14. Avery, or AveBey. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 6. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, folio,) 26. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 32. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 655. Harleian Society, xi. 3 ; xii. 407. Awbre. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 235, 237. AwDELEY. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 152, 351. Harleian Society, xiii. 139. AwDRY. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Seend,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Notton,) 2, 3, 4, 5. AWNBY. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 313. AwsiTER. Visitation of Middlesex, Salisbury, 1820, folio, 21. Ayala. Croke's History of the Family of Croke, No. 2. Aylesbury, or Ailesbury. Collectanea Topographica et Genealo gica, vii. 256. Harleian Society, iv. 125. Bridge's Northampton shire, by Revd. Peter Whalley, i. 52. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 828. Baker's Northampton, i. 355. Aylesford. Gentleman's Magazine, liii. 576. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 125. Aylet, or Aylett. Morant's Essex, i. 142; ii. 148, 393. Harleian Society, xiii. 339. Ayleworth. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 312. Ayliff. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 284. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 2. Aylmer. Claim of Lord Aylmer to vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 16 of 1859 sess. 1 ; 222 of 1B60. Morant's Essex, ii. 136. Hasted's Kent, iv. 29. Burke's Commoners, (of Wal worth Castle,) i. 177, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Courtown,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5; (of Lyons,) 2, 3, 4, 6 supp. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 39. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 908. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedi grees, 26. Ayloffe. Morant's Essex, i. 69 ; ii. 138. Wright's Essex, ii. 443. Harleian Society, xiii. 20, 141, 340. Aylward. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. AYL 22 ^^^ Aylway. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 13. Harleian Society, v. 311. Aylwin. DaUaway's Sussex, i. 200. , ,^-,-, • . j Aylworth. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583, and 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (1864, fol.) 3. Harieian Society, v. 216. Visi tations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 3. Aynscombe. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 98. Aynsley. Burke's Commoners, i. 588. Hodgson's Northumberland, L ii. 210. ... ^, , AYNSWOBTH,orAYNESWORTH. Harleian Society, viu. 441. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 22. Ayote. Baker's Northampton, i. 355. Ayre. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 3. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir Thomas PhUlipps, 3. Harleian Society, vi. 13; ix. 3. Ayscough. Gentieman's Magazine, 1830, ii. 594. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 147, 153, 342. W. Paver's Pedigrees of Famihes of the City of York, 10. Harleian Society, iv. 77; vni. 69. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 27, 29, 30. History of Richmond, by C. Clarkson, 252. Surtees' Durham, in. 227, 318. Thoroton's Not tinghamshire, ii. 253. Ayshcombe. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 3, Ayshforde. Harleian Society, vi. 16. Ayson. Harleian Society, xiii. 336. Aysshe. Harleian Society, vi. 14; xi. 4. Aysteeby. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 24. Ayton, or Aytone. Monipenny v. Aytone, Case for Respondent, Appendix, 1757. Surtees' Durham, i. 186. Aytoun. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Baard. Harleian Society, xiii. 22. Baber. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 7, 9. Harleian Society, viii. 1 29 ; xi. 5. South Mimms, by F. C. Cass, 56. Babington. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4th edn., 1729. Harleian Society, ii. 205 ; iv. 150; v. 146. Gentleman's Magazine, 1866, i.566. TopographerandGenealogist,i. 133-141, 333-343. Jewitt's ReUquary, ii. 186. Burke's Commoners, iv. 513; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, ii. 94 ; viii. 313. Dickinson'sHistory of Southwell, 2nd edition, 177. Shaw's Staffordshire, n. 27. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 2. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 473. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, in. 954, 964, 965, 967. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 243. Babthorpe. Camden Society, iv. ci. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 102, 598. Monasticon Eboracense, by John Burton, 435. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 424. Foley's Records of the English Province S. J., iii. 192. Bach, or Bache. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 35. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1864, fol.) 1. The Genealogist, ui. 64. BAC 23 BAG Bachesworth. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 442, Backhouse. Harleian Society, i. 63. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 3. Backus. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Backwell. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 24. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 376. Bacon. Gentieman's Magazine, 1825, i. 609 ; 1826, i. 394 Blome field's Norfolk, vi. 503. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 305. Harleian Society, i. 9; viu. 14. Fitzwalter Peerage Evidence, folding at 211. East Anglian, ii. 273. Chronicle of the FamUy of De Havilland. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 24. Blomefield's Norfolk, vii. 165. Burke's Commoners, iv. 122. Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme, in Co. Oxford, by H. A. Napier, 42. Dickinson's History of Southwell, second edition, 165. Hodson's Northumberland, Ill.-ii. 374. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 5. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 711. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. ii. 45. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 2. Visitato Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 93. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 32. Page's History of Suffolk, 179, 569, 712. Badcock. Burke's Commoners, iii. 77. Harleian Society, vi. 15 ; xiii. 340. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 115. Badda. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 194. Badeley, or Baddeley. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 87. Badew. Morant's Essex, ii. 19. Badlesmere. G. p. Scrope's History of Castle Combe, 56, 65, 69. Hoare's Wiltshire, I. ii. 86. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 102. Stemmata Baronialia, by Francis Townsend, 1. Baesh. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 243. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 192, 284. Bagenhall, Bagnall, or Bagenal. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Jewitt's Reliquary, x. 111. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 346. Bagehot, or Baghott. Harleian Society, ii. 150. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, i. 548. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 1. Bagge, or Bagg. Burke's Commoners, iii. 227, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society, vi. 16. Baggiley. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 550. Bagnall. See Bagenhall. Bagnall- Wild. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Bagot, or Bagott. Memorials of the Bagot Family, Blythfield, 1B24, 4to. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 16. Burke's Com moners, (of Pype HaU,) i. 503, Landed Gentry, 2, 3 ; (of Ard,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Kilcoursey,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Castle Bagot,) 3 ; (of Elford,) 5. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, 264. Baker's Northampton, i. 532. BAG 24 ^AK Bagshaw, or Bagshawe. Jewitt's Reliquary, vn. 18; viii- 240. Pedigrees of Bagshaw, 'ex verbis Arthuri Bagshawe de Weston Subedge; privately printed by Sir Thos. PhiUipps, 1 858. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 246, (2 1 3). Burke's Commoners, ii 28 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 171. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) 1. Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 354.' TheGenealogist, in. 64. Foster's Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 31. Bagwell. Burke's Commoners, iii. 141, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Baignard. Morant's Essex, u. 322. Baikie. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3 supp., 4, 5. t , i \ Bailey. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Nant-y-Glo,) 5 ; (of Ightham,) 6 supp. ; (of Aberaman,) 3, 4 ; (of Glenusk Park,) 2 and add. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 36. Bailie. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Baillie. Lives of the BaiUies, by J. W. Baillie, Edinburgh, 1872, 4to. Case of A. D. R. C. W. BailUe, M.P., on his claim for tiie titie of Baron Wharton, 1843, fol., pp. 16. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Dochfour,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Redcastle,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Jervis- wood,) 2, 3. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'KerUe, i. 177. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 384. Burke's Commoners, iii. 277. See Tynte. Baily. Burke's Landed Gentry, . 3, 4, 5. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltoniffi, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Bain. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4 supp., 5. Genealogical Chart of the Family of Bain, by Rev. C. Rogers, February 1871, Broadside. Bainard. Munford's Analysis of Domesday Book of Co. Norfolk, 45. Proceedings of the Essex Archseological Society, v. 265. Bainbridge, Bainbrig, or Bainbrigge. Topographer and Gene alogist, ii. 75. Visitation of Durham 1615, (Sunderland, 1B20, fol.,) 24. Visitation of Durham 1575, (Newcastie, 1820, fol.,) 5, 47. Glover's History of Derbyshire, u. 575, (552). Surtees' Durham, i. 101 ; iv. 141. Harleian Society, ii. 181, 190. The Genealogist, iii. 236. Burke's Commoners, iv. 52, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iu. 632, 882, 883, 883*. -Bainbrigge-Le Hunt. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4. Baird. Account of the surname of Baird, edited by W. N. Frazer, Edinburgh, 1853, 4to. The 2nd edn., London, 8vo., is called 'Genealogical Collections concerning the Sirname of Baird.' Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Baker. Botfield's Stemmata Botevilliana, 147. Hasted's Kent, ii. 281 ; iii. 49. Morant's Essex, i. 231, 258, 301, 303. Berry's Hertfordshire Geneatogies, 83, 87. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 284. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 216, 353. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 225. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 45. Burke's Commoners, (of Elemore Hall,) i, 546, Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Bayfordbury,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of West Hay,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Fenton,) 4, 5 ; (of Hardwicke Court,) 2, 3, 6 ; 5 supp. p. 46 ; (of Cottesmore,) BAK 25 BAL 2, 3 ; (of Orsett HaU,) 3 ; (of Lismacue,) 5 supp. ; (of Fort William,) 5 supp. Harleian Society, iv. 36 ; xiii. 145. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 630. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i. 18. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 78. History of Hartlepool, by Sir C. Sharp, (1816, Bvo.) 83. Burke's Authorised Arms, 22. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 93. Surtees' Dur ham, i. 121 ; ii. 358. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts ix. and X. 144. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ii. 251. Scott of Scot's- HaU, by J. R. Scott, 207. Baker-Cresswell. Burke's Commoners, ii. 290. Bakepuiz. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 6. Balam. Visitation of Norfolk, published by the Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 49. Balcarres. See Crawfurd. Baloh, or Balche. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 10. Harleian Society, xi. 6. Balden. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 44. Balderstone. Abram's History of Blackburn, 413. Baldock. Harleian Society, viii. 265. Baldwin, or Baldwyn. Camden Society, xliii. 58. Burke's Com moners, ii. 695, Lauded Gentry, 2, 3, 4; (of Aqualate,) Commoners, iii. 196. Harleian Society, viii. 238; xii. 377. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 122. Bale. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 240. Harleian Society, ii. 141. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) ii. 27. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 539. Balfe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Balfour. Claim of Robert Bruce of Kennet to be Lord Balfour of Buriey, Sess. Papers, 237, 237^ of 1861. Claim of F. W. Balfour to dignity of Lord Balfour of Buriey, Sess. Papers, G of 1862 ; A of 1864; D of 1867; C of -1867-8; F of 1868-9. Burke's Com moners, iii. 133; (of Towneley HaU,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Whittinghame,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Balbirnie,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Balfour,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Fernie Castle,) 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 60. Balfour-Ogilvy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Balguy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Balidon. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 1. The Genealogist, ui. 63. Baliol, or Balliol. The Antiquities of Gainford, by J. R. Walbran, 147. Burke's Patrician, iii. 174, 264. Hodgson's Northumber land, II. ii. 41. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 232. Ord's History of Cleveland, 395. Surtees' Durham, iv. 59, 60. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 17. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 48. Ball, or Balle. Account of the Family of Druce of Goreing, 21. Jewitt's R, ii. 4. Burke's Commoners, i. 257 ; Landed Gentrj', 2, 3, 4, 5. Hodgson's Northumberland, I. ii. 258. Blackhall. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H, Nicolas, 10. Blackley, The Genealogist, iii, 238, BLA 48 BLA Blackman, Harleian Society, v. 193. Blackmore, or Blackemore. Hasted's Kent, iii. 98. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 316. Harleian Society, vi. 31. Blacknall. Visitation of London, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 6. Harleian Society, iv. '113. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 7. Blackstone. Gentleman's Magazine, 1827, ii. 224. Berry's Berk shire Genealogies, 97. Burke's Commoners, iii. 544; Landed Gentry, 2. Blackwall. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 20. Blackwell. Harleian Society, viii. 459. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 335. Blackwood. Account of the Printinghouse family of Blackwood, See 'The Critic,' Nos. 522-628. Claim of the Rt. Hon. F. T. Blackwood Baron Dufferin and Claneboye to Vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 245 of 1848. Bladen. Blore's Rutland, 180. Bladwell. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii. 499. Blaeny. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 134, 283, 284,299. Blage. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, ii. 1. Blagrave. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 145. Ashmole's Anti quities of Berkshire, iii. 329. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. PhilUpps, 7, 8. Blagrove. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 24. Blagge. Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 521. Blague. Burke's Commoners, iii. 663. Blair. Burke's Commoners, (of Blair,) iv. 392, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Penninghame,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5; (of Bal- thayock,) 2, 3, 4. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunning hame, 221, 234. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, i. 86; iii. 180, 217. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i. 413, 429; ii. 255, 368, 382, 475. Blair-Imrie. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Blake. Morant's Essex, ii. 24. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, l2. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 14-5, 306. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, ii. 1. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ballinafad,) 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Horsted,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Swanton Abbots,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Renvyle,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ballyglunin,) 3, 4 and supp., 5 ; (of Towerhill,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Cregg Castie,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of KUtul- lagh,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Furbough,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Meriiu Park,) 3 ; (of Coolcun,) 6 supp. Harleian Societj', viii. 299; ix. 11; xi. 121; xiii. 152. Raine's History of North Durham, 316. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 6. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Blaker. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 87. Blakemore. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Blakeney. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Blakeston, or Blakiston, Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, BLA 49 BLE 1820, fol.) 65, 74. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 21. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 119. Surtees' Durham, i. 246, 276 ; ii 231, 255; iu. 162, 163, 402. Blakiston-Houston. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Blan CHARD. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 19. Burke's Commoners, iii. 437, Landed Gentry, 2. Harleian Society, xi. 9. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Blanck. Harleian Society, i. 12. Blancks. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 116. Bland. Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Bland, by N. Carlisle, London, 1826, 4to. Kent's British Banner Dis played, 693. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 350. Burke's Commoners, (of Kippax Park,) in. 326, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Blandsfort,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Derriguin Castle,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, iv. 89, 182. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 93, 208. Bland Y. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 144. Blandy-Jenkins. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Blane. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 23. Blany. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Blathwayt. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 64. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 33. Blaxland. Hasted's Kent, iu. IB, Blaxton. The Antiquities of Gainford, by J. R. Walbran, 49. Blaydes. Burke's Commoners, i. 667, Landed Gentry, 2 and corr., 3, 4. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 483. Blaykeston. Visitation of Durham, 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 18, 60, 51. Blayne. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. PhiUipps, 19. Blayney. Burke's Commoners, iv. 632, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Shirley's History ofthe County of Monaghan, 248, 251. Blencowe. Burke's Commoners, (of Marston St. Laurence,) i. 414, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Blencowe,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of the Hooke,) 3, 4, 6. Hutchinson's History of Cumber land, i. 413. Jefferson's History of Leath Ward, Cumberland, 383. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 182. Baker's Northampton, i. 640. Blenkinsop, Blenkinsopp, or Blenkinsoppe. Visitation of Dur ham, 1575, (Newcastie, 1820, fol.) 48. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hodgson's Northumberiand, III. ii. 131, 345. Surtees' Durham, ii. 189. The Genealogist, ii. 143, 256. Blennerhasset, or Blennerhassett. Morant's Essex, ii. 153. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Suckling's History of Suffolk, i. 37. Norfolk Archseology, -vii. 86. Blethyn. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. PhUhpps, 42. Blewett, or Blewitt. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 20. Chronicle of the Family of De Havilland. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 4 BLI 50 -BLU Bligh Pocock's History of Gravesend, 68. Hasted's Kent, i. 496. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 13, 14. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 289. Harieian Society, ix. 12, 13. Blight. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 289. ^ , ^ ^, Blinckarne. Visitation of Middlesex, (Sahsbury, 1820, fol.) 51. Bliss. J. H. HiU's History of Langton, 63. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 693*. Blith, or Blith:e. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) 2. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 1021, 1051. The Genealogist, in. 121. Blodwell, or Bladwell. Harleian Society, vui. 264. Blofeld. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Blois. Burke's Royal FamiUes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) n. 52. Page's History of Suffolk, 63, 286. Blomefield. Blomefield's Norfolk, i. 101. Blondell, or Blondel. Chronicle of the Family of De Havilland. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 113, 114. Blondeston. Harleian Society, iv. 157. Bloom. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 14. Bloomfield. See Douglas. Blore. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Blosse. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 38. Blount, or Blunt. Pedigree of Blunt of Heathfield Park, Co. Sussex, and of Lydiard MUicent, Co. Wilts, privately printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, Bart., Single sheet. Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Blount. London, 1B26, 4to. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 194. Morant's Essex, ii. 48. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 285. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 417. Harleian Society, i. 28; xiii. 163. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 263*, 624. Nash's Worcestershire, u. 163. Burke's Commoners, in. 199 ; (of Maple Durham,) Com moners, iii. 163, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Orleton,) 2, 3 and corr., 4, 6. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 234. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i. 354. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 296. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 211; ii. 350; iii. 195. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 222. The Genealogist, u. 19, 44 Blower. Harleian Society, xiii. 351. Bloyou. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, iii. 159. Bludder. Surrey Archseological Collections, iii. Harleian Society, viii. 48. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 306. Aubrey's Anti quities of Surrey, iv. 210. Bluett, or Bluet. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society iv. 32. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 512. Blundell. Account of the Parish of Sandford, by Rev. E. Marshall, 20. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iv. 218. Burke's Commoners, ii. 527, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 67. Lydiate Hall and its Associa- BLU 51 BOG tions, by Rev. T. E. Gibson, (1876, 4to.) 84. Harieian Society, viii. 136. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 76 ; Ixxxiv. 37-40. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 223. Blundell-Weld. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 101. Blundeville. Harleian Society, iv. 99. Blunt. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle HUl, fol. ) 1 4. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Wallop House,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Kempshott,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, v, 221, 296. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 80. Dallaway's Sussex, IL u. 342. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 201. Chauncy's Hertford shire, 503. See Blount. Blythe. Jewitt's Reliquary, v. 203. Lincolnshire Tradesmen's Tokens, by Justin Simpson, (London, 1872, Bvo.) 55. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 321, 627. Blythman. Morant's Essex, ii. 281. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 179. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 7. Board. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Sussex Archseological CoUections, vi. 202. Boardman. Abram's History of Blackburn, 578. BOASE. An Account of the families of Boase, or Bowes, etc. Printed for Chas. Willm., Geo. Clemt., and Fredk. Boase. Exeter, 1876, 4to. BoCKETT. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 78. Booking. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part u. 423, BOCKLAND. Hoare's Wiltshire, 111. iv. 50. Boddam. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. BoDDiNGTON. Miscellauea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 428; ii. 163, 244, 545. BoDDYE. Harleian Society, xiii. 155. Bode. Hasted's Kent, ii. 726. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 136. BoDEN. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. BoDENHAM. Burke's Commoners, iv. 83, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Wright's History of Rutland, 112. Blore's Rutland, 49. Hoare's WUtshire, IIL iv. 61. Bodkin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 6. BoDLE. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 87. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 802. BoDLEiGH, or BoDLEY. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 499. Harleian Society, vi. 33. BoDRiGAN. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 548-556. BoDEUGAN. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 234. BoDULGATE. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, u. 363. BoDVEL. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 173. BoDYAM. Sussex Archseological Collections, iii. 93. See De Bodiam. -BoDYCHEN. Archasologia Cambrensis, 4 S. ii. 241, 333. BoGAN. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 96. Harleian Society, vi. 37. BoGANS. Visitation of CornwaU, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 24. Harleian Society, ix, 14, 4—2 BOG 52 BOL BoGER. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Bogle. Airth Peerage Evidence, 116. BoHUN. The Diary of Edmund Bohun, edited byS. W. Rix. Beccles, 1853, 4to. Gentleman's Magazine, 1827, i. 587. Morant'sEssex, u. 451, 455. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 253, 429; vii. 289. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 459 ; ii. 188. Munford's Analysis of Domesday Book of Co. Norfolk, 50. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 206. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 282; IL i. 22. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, i. app. 33. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 762. Baker's Northampton, i. 544. Page's History of Suffolk, 393. See BoUN. Bois. Jones's History ofthe County of Brecknock, ii. 319. BoKELAND. Hoare's Wiltshire, III. iv. 44. Bokenham. Abstract of Records, etc., to prove the Claims and Title of Katherine, wife of Richard Bokenham, of Weston Mercate, Co. Suffolk, to the Barony of Berners, 1717, folio, pp. 55. Claim of Mrs. Bokenham to the Barony of Berners, Sess. Papers, March-June 1720. Harleian Society, xiii. 351. Boketon. Baker's Northampton, i. 32. Bolam. Hodgson's Northumberland, I. ii. 333. BoLBECK. Hodgson's Northumberland, I. ii. 239. Bold. Burke's Commoners, iii. 84. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 110; Ixxxii. 15 ; Ixxxiv. 41. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 182. Baines' History of the Co. of Lan caster, iii. 717. Ormerod's Cheshire, iL 484. Bolden. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. BoLDERO. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 263. Page's History of Suffolk, 718. BoLEBEC. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 493, 526 ; in. 510. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 261. Boles. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 48. BoLEYNE. Historical Anecdotes of the Family of the Boleynes, Careys, Mordaunts, Hamiltons, and Joscelyns, by E. G, S. ReUly. Newry, 1839, 4to. Gentieman's Magazine, 1829, i. 397 ; 1849, ii. 155. Blomefield's Norfolk, vi. 386. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. 184. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 94. The Citizens of London and their Rulers, by B. B. Orridge, 186. BOLGER. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. BOLINGBROKE. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 346. BoLiTHO. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Bolle, or Bolles. Anecdotes of the Family of Bolle, in lUingworth's Account of Scamp ton, 1810, 4to. Berry's Hertfordshire Genea logies, 40. Burke's Commoners, ii. 389. Harleian Society, iv. 94. BoLLERON. Chetham Society, xcix. 70. BoLNEY. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T, PhiUipps, 9, BoLRON. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, folio). Bolter. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 26. BoLTON. Camdeu Society, xliii. 65. Visitation of Norfolk, published BOM 53 BOO by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 101. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Bective Abbey,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mount Bolton,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of the Island,) 5 ; (of Tullydonnell,) 5 supp. ; (of Curraghduff,) 2 and corr. Burke's Heraldic Register, (published -with St. James's Magazine,) 50. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 563. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i. 60. Abram's History of Blackburn, 262, 561, 655. BOMFORD. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bonamy. Chronicle of the Family of De Havilland. BoNAR. Popular Genealogists, 55-82. Burke's Landed Gentry,'(of Bonare,) 2 supp., 3, 4; (of Camden,) 2 supp., 3, 4. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) i. 179. Herald and Genealogist, v. 641. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 118. BONATRE. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 21. Bond. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H Nicolas, 15, 16. Burke's Commoners, (of Grange,) i. 240, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ardglass,) Landed Gentry, 2. Harleian Society, ix. 15. Hutchins' Dorset, i. 603 ; iv. 328. Boner. Burke's Heraldic Register, (published with St. James's Magazine,) 79. BoNFOY. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 19. Harleian Society, viii. 191. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii. 549, 550. Herald and Genealogist, -vi. 153, 358. BONHAM. Morant's Essex, ii. 156, 178, 191, 606. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 78, 167. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Harleian Society, xiii. 352. BONINGTON. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 2. The Genealogist, iii. 121. BONITHON, or BoNYTHON. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N, H Nicolas, 17, 21. Harleian Society, ix. 16. Bonnell. Visitation of Middlesex, (Sahsbury, 1820, fol.) 2. Bonner. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 21. Harleian Society, xi. 9. Bonnor-Maurice. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. BoNSALL. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. BoNViLE, or BoNViLLE. Toulmau's History of Taunton, new edn. by James Savage, (Taunton, 1822, Bvo.) 69. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 394*. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 65. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 465. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 75. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C, J. Robinson, 149, Foster's Account of Families descended from Francis Fox, 26. BoODE. Harleian Society, xiii. 26, 73. Booker. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add,, 3, 4, 5. BOOSEY. Harleian Society, xiii. 352. Booth, or Boothe. The Tyndale Pedigree, by B. W. Greenfield. Gentleman's Magazine, 1B48, ii. 608. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 17, 368. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 103. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iii. 308. Visitation of Durham, BOO 54 BOR 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 52. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 242. History of the Parish of Ecclesfield, by Rev. J. Eastwood, 380. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harieian Society, iu. 5 ; viii. 342. History of the Ancient Chapel of Blackley, by Rev. J. Booker, 26, 27. Chetham Society, Ixxxu. 10; Ixxxiv. 44; xcviii. 78. Visitations of Berkshu-e, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 9. Hutchinson's History of Durham, ii. 306. Surtees' Durham, i. 246 ; iv. 92. Baines' History of the County of Lancaster, iii. 113. J. P. Earwaker's History of East Cheshire, i. 53. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 523 ; ii. 382. Earwaker's Local Gleanings, ii. 642, 649, 683. BooTHBY. Morant's Essex, i. 57. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 58. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 43. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T, Phillipps, 2. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 2. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 171, 177-179. The Genealogist, iii. 122. BoOTLB. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 45. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iv. 247. BooRDE. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 270. Sussex Archseological Collections, vi. 202. BoRARD. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv, 105. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 360. BoRDE. Sussex Archseological Collections, vi. 202. BoRDON. John Brewster's History of Stockton-upon-Tees, 46. BoREMAN. Harleian Society, xi. 11. BoRLACB, or BoRLASE. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 80. History ofthe Hundred of Desborough, by Thomas Langley, 317. Lipscombe's History ofthe County of Buckingham, i. 309. Borough. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. PhUlipps, 5. Surtees Society, xlL 44. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 581, (555). Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visita tions of Yorkshire, 3. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) ii. 237. Hodgson's Northumberland, II. ii. 41. Clutterbuck's Hert ford, iii. 131. BoRRER. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i. 41. BORRET. Hasted's Kent, i, 317, BORRON. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 354. BORROUGH. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 394. BoRROWES. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 86. BoRTHWiCK. Claim of Henry Borthwick to the title of Lord Borth- -wick, Sess. Papers, Jan.-April, 1762. Claim of John Borthwick to the same, Sess. Papers, Feb., 1774 — Nov., 1776. Claim of Archibald Borthwick to the same, Sess. Papers, 83 of 1812 ; 26 of 1812-13; 77 of 1813-14; 49 of 1814-15. Claim of Cunning hame Borthwick to same, Sess. Papers, C of 1868-9 ; B of 1B70. Case of Henry Borthwick, claiming the title of Lord Borthwick, March, 1762, folio, reprinted 1868. Case of John Borthwick of Crookstown, claiming the Title of Lord Borthwick, March,. 1762, BOR 55 BoT folio, reprinted 1868. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, ii. 446. BoRTON. Surtees Society, xli. 61, 79. -BoSANQUET. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 254. Burke's Com moners, (of Forest House,) in. 316, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Broxbournbury,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts ix. and x., 176. T. Nicholas's County Families of Wales, 772. BosAVERN, or BosAVARNE. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 12. Harleian Society, ix. 17. BOSCAWEN. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 18. Harleian Society, ix. 20. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 447. BosEViLLE, or BossEViLE. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 297. BosSAWSACH, or BossAWSACKE. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 22. Harleian Society, ix. 22. BoSTOOK. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 9, 10. BosUM. Harleian Society, xii. 89. BosuSTOWE. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 23. Harleian Society, ix. 23. BosviL, BosviLE, BosviLL, or BosviLLE. Genealogical Tables of the Bosville Family, in Baverstock's Account of Maidstone, 1832, Bvo., 14-22. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 276. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 32. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 480. Burke's Commoners, L 516 ; (of Ravenfield,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 338, 356, 368. Harieian Society, iv. 64, viii. 180. Wainwright's Wapentake of Strafford and Tickhill, 90, 122. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i. 123, 127, 133, ii. Ill, 245, 393. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 348. BosWELL. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 32. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Crawley Grange,) 2, 4 supp., 6 ; (of Iver,) 4 supp., 5 ; (of Balmuto,) 4 supp. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i. 237. BoTELER, BoTiLLER, Or BoTiLER. Hasted's Kent, ii. 291, iv. 219, 223. Morant's Essex, i. 295-310. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 22. Surrey Archseological Collections, iii. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 11. Burke's Com moners, i. 516, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi. 36, viii. 26, xi. 11. Camden Society, xcix. 83. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 172, iv. 814. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vii. 1. Lipscombe's History ofthe County of Buckingham, i. 596. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 854, 1073. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 533. Clutterbuck's Hert ford, ii. 46, 347, 475. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 309, 330, 333, 515. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 191, iii. 123, Memoirs of the family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 138. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 728. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 74. BOTERELL. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 631-641. BOT 56 fiOU BoTFlELD. Stemmata BoteviUiana, Memorials of the Families of De BoteviUe, Thynne, and Botfield, by Beriah Botfield. First edn, 1843, Bvo. 2nd edn. Westminster, 1B5B, 4to. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Decker Hill,) 2, 5; (of Norton Hall,) 2, 3, 4; (of Hopton Court,) 2. Topographer and Genealogist, iii. 468. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd series, i. 52. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 31. BOTHOM. Harleian Society, ii. 166. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 22. BoTHBY. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, foL) 14. W. Robinson's History of Tottenham, ii. 162. BoTHE. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iii. 113. See Booth. BoTTETOURT, or BoTETOURT. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 276. Blore's Rutland, 90, 209. See Berkeley. BoTREAUX. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 67. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, vu. 159. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 768. Hoare's Wiltshire, I. ii. 92. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 32. See LoUDOUN, Hastings. BoTRY. Baker's Northampton, i. 641. BOUCHERETT. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. BouCHlER. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 85. BOUGE. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iv. 1006. BOUGHTON. Morant's Essex, i. 259. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 84. History of the Town and School of Rugby, by N. H. Nicolas, 38. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 302. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 100. Harleian Society, xii. 83. Scott of Scot's- Hall, by J. R. Scott, 176. BouLD. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 246, ii. 245, 317. BoULTBEE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Boulton. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 133, Burke's Com moners, ii. 378, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 123. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 670. BoUN. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv, 644. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 133. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 126. (SfeeBoHUN. BouRCHiER. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 391. Ha.sted's Kent, i. 130. Morant's Essex, i. 145, 363, 380, 383, 401, ii. 76, 80, 135, 149, 254, 448. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 55. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 140. Toulman's History of Taunton, new edn., by James Savage, (Taunton, 1822, 8vo.) 70. Foster's Visitation of York shire, 62. History of Leeds Castle, by C. Wykeham-Martin, 140. Harleian Society, vi. 34, viii. 310, xiii. 353. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) ii. 372. Herald and Genealogist, viii. 367. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 258, Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G, Oliver and P, Jones, 460, Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 123, Wright's Essex, i. 463. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii. 651. BouREMAN. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thos, Phillipps, 24, BOU 57 BOW BoURKE. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Thornfields,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Carrowkeel,) 4 supp. ; (of Carraghleagh,) 4 supp. Bourne, Hasted's Kent, u, 692. Morant's Essex, i. 149. Visita tion of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 23. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 128. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 64, (56). Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 1. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 14. Burke's Commoners, (of Hilderstone,) ii. 31, Landed Gentry, 2 and final add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Wyersdale,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hickinsall), 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Testwood,) 2, 5. Harleian Society, v. 183, 316, xi. 13, xiii. 4, 354. Jewitt's Reliquary, xv. 235. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 9. Dunkin's History of BuUington and Ploughley, i. 273. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 34. Bourstal. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 324. BouTH. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 19. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 129. BouVERiE. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 611. Hasted's Kent, iii. 373. Burke's Commoners, ii. 7, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hoare's Wiltshire, III. v. 35. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 208. BoVER. Gentleman's Magazine, 1843, i. 371, ii. 31. Earwaker's Local Gleanings, ii. 807, 815. BoviLE. Page's History of Suffolk, 376, 385. BoVY. Harleian Society, xii. 187. BowATER. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 177. BowcHER. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 27. Harleian Society, xi. 11. BoWDEN. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 20. Glover's History of Derby shire, ii. 33B, (304). Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 262*. BowDiTCH. Hutchins' Dorset, ii, 83. BowDLEB. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 277. The Genealogist, i. 279. Bo-WDON. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Abram's History of Blackburn, 620. BowEN. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 110, 116-120, 162, 163, 166-170, 180, 222. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Bowen's Court,) 4, 5 ; (of Camrose,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Courtwood,) 4, 5 ; (of Llwyn- gwair,) 4, 5 ; (of Troedyrawr,) 2, 3, 5 supp. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 21, 47, 51. Cardiganshire Pedigrees, 98, 112, 117. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 119, 120, 121, 124, 130, 134, 138, 154, 158, 159, 162, 163. Meyrick's History of the Co. of Cardigan, 175, 194. T. Nicholas's County FamUies of Wales, 895. Bowen-Davies. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Bower. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 25, 26. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 52. Jewitt's Reliquary, -vii. 241, viii. 63. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 391, (358), Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Broxholme,) 4, 5 ; (of Iwerne House,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Welham,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. History of Darlington, by W. Hylton Dyer BOW 58 BOW Longstaffe, Ixxxv. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 181. Harleian Society, xi. 12. Burke's Authorised Arms, 124. Archseologia ..iS^liana, 2nd Series, v. 80. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonias, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 538. Surtees' Durham, iii. 367. Bowerman. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 518. Hampshire Visitations, printed by SirT. Phillipps, 6. Bowes. Claim of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Bowes to be Earl of Strath- more, Sess. Papers, 39 of 1821. Morant's Essex, i. 442. Visita tion of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 70, 84 Visitation of Durham, 1675, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 2. Burke's Commoners, (of Bradley HaU,) i. 181, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Streatham Castle,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 497, 596. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 137. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 381. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 2. History of Darlington, by W. Hylton Dyer Longstaffe, xci. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 253, Surtees' Durham, i. 236; iii. 383 ; iv. 107, 110, 116. The Monumental Effigies in Elford Church, Staffordshire, by E. Richardson, (London, 1852, fol.) 1. Wright's Essex, ii. 758. Harleian Society, i. 29 ; viu. 383. xiii. 5, 27, 355. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lan cashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.) See Boase. BowETT. Sussex Archseological Collections, xi. 88. BoWLBY. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 100. BoWLE. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 357. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Hoare's WUtshire, V. i. 63. Bowles, Burke's Landed Gentry, (of North Aston,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Milton House,) 5 ; (of Enfield,) 5. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 77. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 63, 69. Hoare's WUtshire, II. u. 145; IV. n. 36. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 596. Baker's Northamp ton, i. 612. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts v. and vi. 81. Bowman. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) Bownest. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 226. Bowreman. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 78. BowRiNG. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. BoWRNE. Sir T. PhUlipps' Topographer, No. 1, (March 1821, 8vo.) 25. Harleian Society, xiii. 156. BOWYER. Gentleman's Magazine, 1825, ii. 586. Surrey Archseologi cal Collections, iu., and iii. 220. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 250. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 134, 363. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 33. Harleian Society, vi. 37. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 446. BOX 59 BOY History of the Parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, by Henry Ellis, 329. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, iii. 151. Dalla- way's^Sussex, i. 61. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 563. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 6. Ord's History of Cleveland, 341. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 618. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii. 409. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C. J. Robinson, 156. Box, or BoXE. Harleian Society, i. 10. The Genealogist, i. 97. BoxTED, Morant's Essex, ii. 239. Boxwell. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of the Hermitage,) 5 ; (of SarshUl,) 5. Boycott. Burke's Commoners, iv. 470, Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4,5. Boyd. History of KUmarnock, by Archibald M'Kay, 19-37. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Rosslare,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Merton Hall,) 2, 4 supp., 5 ; (of Ballymacool,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ballycastle,) 4 ; (of Middleton Park,) 2, 3, 4. George Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 125, l39, 247, 433. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Keriie, i. 320 ; n. 301. Paterson's History ofthe Co. of Ayr, i. 394, 421 ; ii. 80, 135, 171. Boydell. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 848. BoYES. Surtees' Durham, iii. 288. Boyle. Memorials of the Illustrious Family of Boyle, by E. Budgell, 1732, Bvo. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 753. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 65. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 94. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 102, 106. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 37, 303. 64 ' Quartiers ' of Captn. Gerald Edmund Boyle, compiled by E. M. Boyle, 1874, broadside, printed at Torquay. Boyne. Claim of G. F. Visct. Boyne, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 0 of 1855. Boynton. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 126, 127 ; xli. 42. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo,) ii. 114. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 4, 8. History of Richmond, by C. Clarkson, 280. Poulson's Holderness, i. 196. Surtees' Durham, ii. 211. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.). Boys. Morant's Essex, i. 408, Hasted's Kent, iii. 70, 665 ; iv. 184, 223; Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 28. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 16, 438-447, 453. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 318. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 129. Pedigree of the Family of Boys, by W. Boys and W. Boteler, large sheet. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Harleian Society, xi. 14. Dallaway's Sussex, IL ii. 245. BoYSE, Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 7. BoYViLL, or BoYViLLE. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 170, J. H. BOZ 60 BRA HiU's History of Market Harborough, 260. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, ii. 568. Jefferson's History of Allerdale Ward, Cumberland, 152. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 916. BozoM. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 247, 328. BOZON, BozUN, or Bozoun. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i. 276. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 132. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 409. Brabazon. Genealogical History of the Family of Brabazon, by H. Sharpe. Paris, 1825, 4to. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Brabazon Park), 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mornington,) 4, 5 ; (of Louth,) 2. Harleian Society, ii. 47. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 171, 345. Brabyn. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 46. Bracebridge. Shakespeareana Genealogica, by G R. French, 511. Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, Part ii. Burke's Com moners, (of Atherstone,) i. 270, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Morville,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Bartlett's History of Man- cetter, being No. 1 of Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, 166*. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, B. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iii. 1145, 1146. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 1056. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 419. Har leian Society, xii. 9. Brackenbury. Visitation of Durham, 1675, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 7. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Skendleby,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Scremby,) 2 supp,, 3, 4, 5. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 240. Bracton. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 32. Bradbery. Harleian Society, i. 65. Bradbridge, or Beadbruge. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 287. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i. 355. Bradbury. Morant's Essex, u., 627, 5B7, 596, 614. East Anglian, i. 228. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 21. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 139. Harleian Society, xiii. 28, 157. Bradden. Baker's Northampton, ii. 36. Braddon. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Treglith,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Skisdon Lodge,) 2 supp. and add., 3, 4, 5. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 267. Braddyll or Braddill. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 310. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 47. Corry's History of Lancashire, i. 449-456. Whit- taker's History of Whalley, u. 3. Abram's History of Blackburn, 438, 663. See Bradhull. Bradeston. Morant's Essex, i, 77. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.,) 2. Bradford. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 229. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T, PhiUipps, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 326. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i. 330. BEA 61 BRA Bradforth. The Genealogist, i. 378. Bradgate. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iv. 122, 330. Bradhull. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 27 ; Ixxxii. 30. See Braddyll. Bradkirk. Chetham Society, xcu. 177. Bradley. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615, (London, 1853,) 23. Burke's Commoners, (of Gore Court,) iv. 203, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Slyne House,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 38; Ixxxiv. 49. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 126. Harleian Society, xii. 356. Bradney. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 67, Burke's Commoners, ui. 607. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 222*. Bradshaigh or Bradshagh. Burke's Authorized Arms, 144. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 52. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, in. 553. Bradshaw, or Bradshawe. Jewitt's Eeliquary, ii. 223 ; vii. 22 ; viii. 235. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 101, (90), 248, (218). Burke's Commoners, iv. 367, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 204. Harleian Society, ii. 44, 161; viii. 284. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 88; Ixxxii. 57, 58; Ixxxiv. 50-56. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 863*- Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 180. Earwaker's Local Gleanings, i. 195, 202, 219, 229, 232. Bradshaw-Isherwood. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees, Bradstone. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 250. Bradstock. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 478. Bradway. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 2. Brady. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Bragden. Harleian Society, i. 48. Brage. Morant's Essex, ii, 313. Wright's Essex, i. 548. Braham or Brahams. Harleian Society, viii. 55. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 10. Brailsford. Burke's Commoners, iii. 139, Landed Gentry, 2. Braine. Beltz's Eeview. of the Chandos Peerage Case, Appendix 23. Antiquities and Memoirs of the Parish of Myddle, written by Eichard Gough 1700, (folio,) 25. Braithwaite. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Foster's Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters, Part il 26. Brakyn. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 5. Brakenbury, or Brakynbury. Surtees Society, xli. 41. Surtees' Durham, iv 19, 20. Bramley-Moore. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Bramston. Camden Society, xxxii. 17. Hasted's Kent, iii. 510. Morant's Essex, ii. 72, 539. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 258. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 50. Harieian Society, i. 66 ; viii. 14 ; xiii. 157, 356. Burke's Commoners, ii. 430, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. The Citizens of London and their Eulers, by B. B. Orridge, 205. Brampton. Blomefield's Norfolk, i. 245 ;- vi. 433. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 68-74, BRA 62 BRA Branan. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 274. Branas. Poetical Works of Lewis Glyn Cothi, (Oxford, 1837,) 411. Bran CHE. Harleian Society, i. 13. Branckeb. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Brand. Harleian Society, viii. 330 ; xiu. 357. Clutterbuck's Hert ford, iii. 73. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts vii. and viii., 136. Brander. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Brandeston. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 786. Harleian Society, xU. 127. Brandling. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 26. Visitation of Durham, 1616, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 3. Burke's Commoners, n. 39, Landed Gentry, 2. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 71. Surtees' Durham, ii. 90, 91, 92. Brandon. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 164. Copies of Various Papers, etc., relating to the Peerages of Brandon and Dover, n.d. (circa 1769) 4to. pp. 30, printed by the Duke of Hamilton. Wright's History of Rutland, 126. Brandreth. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, ix.. Part 4, 39. Burke's Commoners, (of StuUach,) iv. 137, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Houghton), Landed Gentry, 5. Nichols' Miscellaneous Anti quities, No. 4, 38. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 42. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 2. Brandwood. Abram's History of Blackburn, 502. Branfill, or Branfil. Morant's Essex, i. 109. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp, 3, 4, 6. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.)i. in. Bransby. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 212. Branthwayte. Blomefield's Norfolk, v. 110. Braose. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 69, 202, 394. Dallaway's Sussex, i. xlvu. ; IL ii. 174. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 77. Baker's Northampton, ii. 239. Sussex Archseological Collections, v. 5 ; viii. 102 ; xxvi. 261. Brasbbidge. Harleian Society, ii. 43. Brasey. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 14 Brasieb. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, ii. 26. Brasse. Surtees' Durham, i. 82. Brassey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6 supp. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 577. BRATHWAITE. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1616, (London, 1853,) 3. BRATTON. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 32. Harleian Society, vi. 115. Bray, or Brave. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 263. Gentleman's Magazine, lix. 424, Ixix. 277. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 37. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 24. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 14. Burke's Commoners, (of Shere,) iii. 241, Landed Gentry, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Langford HUl,) 2, 3, 4, 6. Miscel lanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 62, Harleian BRA 63 BEE Society, v. 316 ; ix. 23. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 34. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) u. 6. Jewitt's ReUquary, xiv. 64. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter WhaUey, i. 176. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 517, 523. Baker's North ampton, i. 162, 169, 685. See Hart-Dyke, Cave. Braybroke, or Braybrooke. j. H. HUl's History of Langton, 19. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 10. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 10. Pro ceedings of the Essex Archseological Society, v. 297. Clutter buck's Hertford, iii. 58. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, U. 72. Braylesford. Account of Beauchief Abbey, in No. 3 of Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, 94. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) 2. The Genealogist, iii. 122. Brayn, or Brayne. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1669, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 3. Breadalbane. The Breadalbane succession case, how it rose and how it stands, by James Paterson, 1863, Bvo. Claim to Earldom of Breadalbane (in the House of Lords), Appellant's Case, 4to. pp. 488, Edinburgh, n. d. Respondent's Case, 4to. pp. 153. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 192. See Campbell. Brearey. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 210. Thoresby's Ducatus Leo diensis, 126. Brecknock. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 69. Brein. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 19. Bremer. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Brendisley. Harleian Society, iv. 140. Brent. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 435. Hasted's Kent, iii. 214. Brerehaughe. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 125. Breres. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 93, 95. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 71. Brereton. Observations on the History of one of the old Cheshire Families, by Sir Fortunatus Dwarris, Archseologia, vol. 33. Jewitt's Reliquary, xiii. 191. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 29. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Brinton,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Carrigslaney,) 4 supp. Harleian Society, xi. 14. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 3. J. P. Earwaker's East Cheshire, i. 260. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 442, 556 ; u. 195, 686. Brerewood. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 511. Bretagne. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i. 28. Bretesche. Savage's History of the Hundred of Carhampton, 300. Brether. Harleian Society, xiii. 158. Bretherton. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 56. Breton. Hasted's Kent, iii. 117. East AngUan, iii. 86. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 206. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, vii. Parts i. and u. 348*. Harleian Society, u. 161. Bridge's North amptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 78. Nichols' History of BEE 64 BEI the County of Leicester, iv. 484. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Baker's Northampton, i. 220. Wilson's History of the parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 253. Bret, or Brett. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 543. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 325. Harieian Society, i. 47 ; ii. 206. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 158. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 400. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 162. Brettarghe. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 57. Brettell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Herald'and Genealogist, i. 421-430. Bretton. Morant's Essex, i. 410. Bretun. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 33. Brewer. Collinson's Somerset, i. 53 ; iii. 78. Brews. Blomefield's Norfolk, viii. 267. Page's History of Suffolk, 35. Brewster. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Wrentham,) 2 supp., 3, 4 ; (of Hedingham,) 2 add. Brianzon. Morant's Essex, i. 77. Brice. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 30. Harleian Society, xi. 14. Brickdale. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 91. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 supp. Brickenden. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, Brickwood. Morant's Essex, i. 336. Bridgeman, or Bridgman. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 3. Harleian Society, viii. 288, Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees, Bridger. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 109. Burke'sLandedGentry, (of Buckingham House,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Halnaker,) 2 supp., 3, 4. Horsfield's History of Lewes, ii. 130. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii. 265. Bridges. Hasted's Kent, iu. 704, 762. Bray Peerage Evidence, 1836, 304. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 31. Topographer, (London 1789-91, Bvo.) i. 158. Claim of Sir Brook W. Bridges, Bart, to be Baron Fitzwalter, Sess. Papers, 159 of 1842 ; 104 of 1843 ; 51 of 1844. Harieian Society, v. 200 ; viii. 37, 179; xi. 16 ; xiii. 29, 158, 358. See Bruges. Bridgewater. See Egerton. Brierwood. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 227. Brigg. Blomefield's Norfolk, viii. 270. Morant's Essex, ii. 484. Briggs. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615, London, 1853, 22. Blomefield's Norfolk, iv. 220. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 497. J. H HiU's History of Market Harborough, 81. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 629. Abram's History of Blackburn, 390. Partial Record of the Descendants of Walter, Briggs, by Sam. Briggs. U. S. A., 1878, 4to. Bbigham. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 136. Visitation of Oxfordshire, BRI 65 BRO 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 14 Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 167. Harleian Society, v. 301. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 268. Brigginshaw. Visitation of Middlesex (Sahsbury, 1820, fol.) 20. Bright. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 263. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Herald and Genealogist, -vi. 503-511. Burke's Authorized Arms, 43. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 78. Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 353, 355, 359, 417. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i. 365 ; ii. 189, 437. Surtees' Durham, iv. 145. Robinson's Mansions of Here fordshire, 73. Brightwell. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 122. Brigstock. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 47. Brinckman. Hutchins' History of Dorset, ii. 397. Brind. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Brinkley. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Brinsley. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ii. 260. Brisbane. A Genealogical Table of Genl. Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., etc., by William Eraser, Edinburgh, 1840, large sheet. Genea logical Table of the FamUies of Brisbane of Bishoptoun, etc., Mak- dougall of Makerstoun, and Hay of Alderstoun, by William Fraser, Edinburgh, 1840, large sheet. Burke's Commoners, ii. 332, Landed Gentry, 5. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 90. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, u. 306. Bbisco. Burke's Commoners, in. 235, Landed Gentry, 2. Hutchin son's History of Cumberland, ii. 459. Harleian Society, xiu. 496. Briscoe. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Fox HiUs,) 4, 5 ; (of River- dale,) 4, 5 ; (of Tinvane,) 3, 4, 5. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 158. Brisk See Ruggles-Brise. Brisko. Harleian Society, iii. 33 ; -vii. 11. Bristow. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 and corr., 3, 4, 5. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. ii. 11, 31*, 32*, 33* 34*. Surtees' Durham, ii. 167. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 254. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts vii. and viii. 139. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 324. Harleian Society, xiii 369. Bristowe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Brittany (Dukes of). Registrum Honoris de Richmond, (by Roger Gale,) folding table after preface. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 84. Briwerje. Collinson's Somerset, i. 53 ; iii. 78. Baker's Northampton, ii. 239. Broad, or Bboade. Burke's Authorized Arms, 168. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 550. Broadhead. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 397. Bboadhurst. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Broadley. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Welton House,) 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Kirkella,) 2, 3 and supp., 4. Broadmead. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. 5 BRO 66 BRO Broadnax. Hasted's Kent, ul 159. Broadwood. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Lyne,) 5 ; (of Holmbush,) 5. Broc, or Brock. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Herald and Genealogist, v. 508. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck ingham, i. 399. Ormerod's Cheshire, u.B20. See Alno. Brocas. Brydges' Topographer, iv. 53. Berry's Hampshire Genea logies, 90. The Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) iv. 55. J. H. HiU's History of Market Harborough, 273. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 7, 22. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 832. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 4, 29. Brochwell YSGITHROG. Dwuu's Visitations of Wales, i. 319. Brock-Hollinshead. Abram's History of Blackburn, 685. Brockdish. Blomefield's Norfolk, v. 336. Brocket, or Brockett. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 132. The Antiquities of Gainford, by J. R. Walbran, 106. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 360. Harleian Society, xiii. 30. Brockhill. Hasted's Kent, ii. 497. Brockholes. History of Merchant Taylors' School, by Rev. H. B. Wilson, 1173. Burke's Commoners, iii. 384, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 58. Whitaker's History of Rich mond, u. 449. Brockhull. Hasted's Kent, iii. 406. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 106. Brocklehurst. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Hurdsfield,) 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Tytherington,) 3 supp., 4. Brockman. Hasted's Kent, iii. 394. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 118. Burke's Commoners, iii. 367, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, xiii. 161. Broderwick. Visitationsof Berkshire, printed by SirT. PhUlipps, 11. Brodie. Burke's Commoners, (of Brodie,) iii. 594, Landed Gentry. 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Lethen,) Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Eastbourne,) 4 supp., 5. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 39. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 109. Brodie-Innes. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Brodnax, or Brodnix. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 46. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 126. Harleian Society, viii. 186. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i. 50. Brodrepp. Hutchins' Dorset, n. 159. Brodrick. Claim of Rt. Hon. Charles Brodrick, Visct. Middleton, to Vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 161 of 1854. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 359. Harleian Society, viii. 102. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 33. Brograve. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 31. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 272. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 154. Chauncy's Hertfordshke, 227. Broke. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 47. Col lectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i. 22. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Page's History of Suffolk, 61. Brokeman. Morant's Essex, ii. 108, 386. Brokesborne. Harleian Society, xiii. 96. BRO 67 BRO Brokesby. Harleian Society, ii. 49. Nichols'Historyof the County of Leicester, iii. 40& ; iv. 725. Brokhols, or Brokholes. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 31, 66. Brome. Blomefield's Norfolk, x. 108. Hasted's Kent, i. 115. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 289. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 15. Burke's Com moners, iv. 604, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, iv. 134; V. 229, 263; xii. 97. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 86. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 22. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 853, 971. Brome of Wolferlow ; Brome of Avenbury ; Pedigree of the Bromes of Avenbury and Wolferlow, Co. Hereford ; three tables, printed for late Gordon Gyll. Bromeg. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 160. Bbomfield. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 361. Hampshire Visi tations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Bromley. Noble's Memoirs of the House of Cromwell, ii. 203. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 86. Nash's Worcestershire, i. 595 ; ii. 445 ; supp. 42. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Surtees' Durham, i. 48. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 304. Ormerod's Cheshire, U. 642. Brompton. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, iv. 244. Bbomwich. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 2. Dugdale's Warwickshire, BB6. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. Bronker. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 23. Brontiston. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 22. Brook, or Brooke. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 457. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 22. East Anglian, ii. 130, 142. Hasted's Kent, i. 492. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 58. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 32. Berry's Kent Genealo gies, 45. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 339. Burke's Com moners, (of Mere,) iii. 625, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ufford Place,) Commoners, i. 336, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hand- ford,) Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 6 ; (of Sibton Park,) 4, 5 ; (of Haughton,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Dromavana,) 4, 5 ; (of Church MinshuU,) 5. Harleian Society, ii. 66; xi. 15. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 698. J. H. HiU's History of Market Harborough, 147. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 389. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 326. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 24. Poulson's Holder ness, i. 240. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 262. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 465, 680. Page's History of Suffolk, 159. &e Verney. Brookes, or Brooks. Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, Part ii. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Flitwick,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Barlow HaU,) 5. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 11. Abram's History of Blackburn, 390. Bbooker. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 225. Brookesby. Harleian Society, ii. 201, iv. 133. Brookman. Harleian Society, xiii. 161. 6—2 BRO 68 BRO Brooksbank. W. Robirison's History of Hackney, i. 447, Broomhead. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 189. Brothers. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Brough. Poulson's Holderness, i. 366. W. Dickinson's History of Newark, 276. Brougham. Burke's Commoners, i. 265. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 204. Hutchinson's History of Cumber land, i. 301. Broughton. Morant's Essex, U. 218. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 33. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 329, ii. 315. Camden Society, xliii. 81. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 5. Seize Quartiers of the FamUy of Bryan Cooke, (Lon don, 1867, 4to.) 92. Harleian Society, iii. 28; vi. 38; xi 16; xiu. 161. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 226. Visitation of Stafford shire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Westcote's Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 632. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 11. Clutterbuck's Hertford, n. 529. Brouncker. Burke's Commoners, iv. 404, Landed Gentry, 2, 3 and corr., 4, 5. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Bbouning. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 659. Brown. Jewitt's Reliquary, vui. 237. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i. 240. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, ix. Part 4, 143, Topographer and Genealogist, ii, 102. Hasted's Kent, ii. 440. East Anglian, i. 145, 182, 200. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 81. Burke's Commoners, iii. 382 ; (of Harehill's Grove,) Commoners, iv. 34, Landed Gentry, 2, 3 ; (of Brandon,) Commoners, iv. 1 28 ; (of Woodthorpe Hall,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5 ; (of Clonboy,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mount Brown,) 4, 5 ; (of Rossington,) 4, 5; (of Unthank HaU,) 4, 5 : (of Kingston Blount,) 5 ; (of Jarrow HaU,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Beilby Grange,) 2, 3, 4. J. H. HUl's History of Market Harborough, 224. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 50. Wright's History of Rutland, 118, 129. Blore's Rutland, 51. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 589. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 149, 560. The Genealogist, L 220. Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 632, 666. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Keriie, iii. 224, 372. See Montague. Brown-Morrison. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Browne. Statement of the claim of Henry Browne, Esq., to the dignity of Viscount Montague, by H. Prater, London, 1849, Bvo. Case of Henry Browne, Esq., on his claim to the title of Viscount Montague, 1851, 4to. Morant's History of Colchester, 111. Morant's Essex, i. 10, 137, 118, 349, 417 ; ii. 64, 470. Hasted's Kent, i. 297 ; iii. 357, 588 ; iv. 40. Harieian Society, i. 20, 24, 25, 62; viii. 27, 183, 267, 380; xi. 16; xiii. 5, 31, 163, 165, 359. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 241, 251. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 90. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 73. East Anglian, i, 182. Camden BRO 69 BEU Society, xliu. 95. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 254, 350, 354. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 377. Visitation of Middlesex, (Sahs bury, 1820, fol.) 36. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 320, (295). Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 15. Burke's Commoners, iu. 382, 529, 539 ; (of Higham HaU,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5 ; (of Morley HaU,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of JanevUle,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Bronwylfa,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Browne's Hill,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mount Kelly,) 3, 4, 5; (of Browne Hall,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Eaheens,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Braeffey,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Caughley,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Salperton,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Eathbane,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of TaUantire,) 2, 3, 5 ; (of BaUinvoher,) 6 ; (of Elsing HaU,) 5 ; (of MeUington,) 5 ; of Aughentaine,) 5 supp. ; (of Sweeney,) 5 . supp. at p. 47 ; (of ManuUa,) 4; (of Kilskeagh,) 3, 4; (of Moyne,) 3, 4; (of Monkton Farleigh,) 2, 5 ; (of New Grove,) 2 ; (of GreenviUe,) 3 ; (of Mount Hazel,) 6 supp. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 323, 333. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 1. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 143. Blore's Eutland, 93, 220. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Eev. Peter Whalley, ii. 497. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 12. Visi tation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 2. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 874, 888 ; iu. 1029. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hutchins' Dorset, i. 165, 583 ; ii. 298. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 182. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 448; ii. 130. Wright's Essex, ii. 669, 735. The Genealogist, in. 70, 122. Foley's Eecords of the English Province S. J., ii. 428. Carthew's Hun dred of Launditch, Part ii. 464. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ui. 42. Browne-Mostvn. Burke's Commoners, iii. 381. Brownfield. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Browning. Fosbroke's Abstracts of Smith's Lives of the Berkeleys, Brownlow, or Br6wnlowe. Gentleman's Magazine, 1826, i. 26. Jewitt's Eeliquary, vii. 22. Tumor's History of Town and Soke of Grantham, 100. Bruce. Case on behalf of Robert Bruce of Kennet, claiming digni ties of Lord. Balfour of Burleigh, etc., (London, n. d. fol). Genea logy of the branch of the Bruce Family settled in Ireland, Heirs Male of the Bruces of Newtoune, and eldest Cadets of Airth, folio broadside. A genealogical view of the origin and descent of the Bruce Family, in the History of Scotland, by R. Kerr, i. xxv- xlix. Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns, by M. E. Cumming Bruce. Edinburgh, 1870, 4to, Fauconberge Memorial, 62, Drummond's History of Noble British Families, iii. and iv. Burke's Commoners, ii. 369 ; (of Kennet,) Commoners, ii. 485, Landed Gentry, 2 and supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Clackmannan,) Com moners, iv. 618 ; (of Kinnaird,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Miltown,) 4, 5 ; (of South Park,) 5 supp. ; (of Scoutbush,) 2, 3, 4. Herald and Genealogist, viii. 338. Paterson's History of the Co. BRU 70 BRY of Ayr, ii. 270. The Genealogist, in. 19, 38. OBurke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 34. Ord's History of Cleveland, 249. See Balfour. Bruce-Dundas. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 121. Bruce-Gardyne. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 189. Bruckshaw. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. Bbudenell, or Brudnell. J. H. HiU's History of Langton, 186, Camden Society, xliii. 88. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 109. Harieian Society, u. 143 ; Ui. 48. Gyll's History of Wraysburj', 206. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, u. 447. Wright's History of Rutiand, 119. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, iL 302. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 153. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 807, 913. Bruen. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Oak Park,) 3, 4, 5. Ormerod's Cheshire, u. 309, 322. Brueee. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 326. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 670. Baker's Northampton, ii. 239. Brueeton. Dwnn's Visitation of Wales, ii. 363. Beuges. Harleian Society, i. 79 ; viu. 179 ; xiu. 158. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3. 4, 5. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 9. See Bridges. Brugge. Braye Peerage Evidence, 304. Bruley. Harleian Society, v. 186. Brune. Burke's Commoners, i. 205. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 214, 237, 241. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 71. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 10. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 190. Bruning. Herald and Genealogist, iii. 519. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. Brunskell, or Brunskill. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 44. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 17. Surtees' Durham, iv. 93. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.). Brunswick (House of). Jacob's Peerage, i. 8, 44. Memoirs of the House of Brunswick, by H. Rimius, 1750, 4to. Brunwin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Brus. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 130. Herald and Genealo gist, viii. -336. Maclean's History of "Trigg Minor, i. 651. History of Hartlepool, by Sir C. Sharp, (1816, Bvo.) 14. Surtees' Durham, iii. 94, 328. Bruse. Hoare's WUtshire, IL i. 162 ; IIL iL 77. Bruton. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, 8vo.) u. 181. Harleian Society, vi. 336. Bruyn. Morant's Essex, i. 99. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 66. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, v. 102. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 186. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 349. Bryan. Case of George Bryan claiming the Barony of Slane, foho. BRY 71 BUC Additional case of George Bryan claiming the Barony of Slane, 1831, foL, pp. 63. Claim of George Bryan, Esq., of Jenkinstown, to be Lord Baron of Slane, Sess. Papers, 157 of 1830; 64 of 1830-31 ; 41 of 1831 ; 75 of 1831-2. Berrys Sussex Genealogies, 110. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 5. Archseologia Cantiana, iv. 244. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Jenkinstown,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Upton,) 3 supp., 4, 6. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, ui. 250. Hutchins' Dorset, i. 448. Bryant. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 437. Brych. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 121. Brychan. Jones's History of the County of Brecknock, i. App. 1-30, at 341. Brydges. The Case of Edward Tymewell Brydges claiming the Barony of Chandos of Sudeley with Appendices, fol., Sess. Papers, 1790 — 1 802-3. General Pedigree of the Rev. Edward Tymewell Brydges, fol. Single sheet. Claim of E. T. Brydges Clerk, to the Barony of Chandos, 1790, fol. Pedigree of the descendants of John Brydges of Harbledown, fob, single sheet. Proofs of the pedigree of John BrydgesofHarbledown, fol., single sheet. Atavise Regise, by Sir E. Brydges. Florence, 1820, 4to. Stemmata Ulustria prsecipue Eegia, auctore Sir Egerton de Bruges, Bart. Paris, 1825, foL Harleian Society, xui. 160. Burke's Commoners, iv. 552. Hamp shire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Clutterbuck's Hertford, u. 450. Jacob's Peerage, i 392. Hasted's Kent, iv. 301. Gentleman's Magazine, 1826, i. 110. Berry's Kent Genea logies, 492. Bryers. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 59. BuCHAN. Case of Sir Colin Mackenzie, Bart., on his claim to the Title of Earl of Buchan, with Appendix, 1832, foL Sir Colin Mackenzie's claim to the "Title and Dignity of Earl of Buchan and Lord Auchterhouse, n. d, (circa 1840) fol. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Buchanan. A genealogical essay upon the Family of Buchanan, by W. Buchanan. Glasgow, 1723, 4to. History of the ancient surname of Buchanan, by W. Buchanan. Glasgow, 1793, 8vo. Inquiry into the Genealogy, etc., of Highland Clans and Families of Buchanan, by W. Buchanan. Edinburgh, 1755, Bvo. ; 2nd edn., Glasgow, 1820. Burke's Commoners, (of Auchintorlie,) iu. 654, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ardoch,) Commoners, ii. 336 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of DrumpeUier House,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5; (of Hales Hall,) 2 final add., 3 supp., 4, 5; (of Powis,) 5 supp. Herald and Genealogist, v. 516 ; vL 93. Buchanan-Hamilton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. _ Buck, or Bucke. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 17. Morant's Essex, ii 618, 622. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 99, 100. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 69, 70. Cambridgeshire Visita tion, edited by Sir T. PhiUipps, 4. Nash's Worcestershire, ii 19. History and Antiquities of FUey, by John Cole, (Scarborough 1828, Bvo,) Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle HiU, 1854, foL) 3, 4. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Denholme,) 3, 4, 5 ; BUG 72 BUL (of Agecroft Hall,) 2 ; (of Moreton,) 2, 3. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, U. 178. Surtees' Durham, ui. 269. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 251. History of the Life and Reigne of Richard the Third, by Geo. Buck, (London, 1647, fol.) 68. The Genealogist, in. 238. BuCKERlDGE. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 49, 153. BUCKHURST. Claims of M. S. West, and Lord de la Warr, to Barony of Buckhurst, Sess. Papers, E of 1876. Buckingham. Case of Richard Plantagenet Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, on his claim to the dignity of Lord Kinloss, 1867, fol., pp. 10. Supplemental case of same, 1867, pp. 30. Petition of G. W. F. Marquis of Aylesbury in opposition to the said claim, 1867, fol., pp. 2. The Family of Buckingham and Chandos, Stowe Catalogue, 1848, 4to. Lord Braybrooke's History of Audley End, 7. GyU's History of Wraysbury, 273. See Villiers. Buckland. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 341. Harleian Society, xi. 16. Buckle. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 19. Berry's Sussex Gene alogies, 22. Burke's Commoners, ii. 673, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Harleian Society, viii. 356. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii 587. Surrey Archseological Collections, vi. The Genealogist, ui 251. Buckler. Hutchins' Dorset, ii 479. Buckley. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of New Hall,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ard- wick,) 2 supp., 3, 4 ; (of Minesteed Lodge,) 2. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 60. T. Nicholas' County Families of Wales, 281. Buckley-Mathew. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 672. BuCKNALL, or Bucknell. Harleian Society, viu. 241. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 247. BuCKNER. A Royal Descent, by P. E. Sharpe, (London, 1876, 4to.) 49. Buckston. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 155, (134). Burke's Commoners, ii. 406, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Buckworth. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. PhUhpps, 6. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. BuDGEN. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 64. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii 173. BuDOKESiDE. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver aud P. Jones, 465. Budworth. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Memorials of the parishes of Greensted-Budworth, Chipping Ongar, etc., by P. J. Budworth, (Ongar, 1876, %yo,) 21. BuFKiN. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 470. BuGAN. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 24. BUGG, or BuGGE. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 272. Wright's Essex, ii 290. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 47. The Genealogist, ui 239. Harleian Society, xiu, 167, 363. BuGGiN, Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 219. BuiSLY. Blore's Rutland, 15. BuLBEC, Kennet's Parochial Antiquities, ii. 452. BuLKLER. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 21. BuLKLEY, or BuLKELEY, Dwnu's Visitations of Wales, i, 112; ii. BUL 73 BUN 90, 133, 145, 211. Surtees Society, xxxvi, 247. Burke's Com moners, iii 336, Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Harleian Society, viii, 455. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 10, 11. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. u. 28. J. P. Earwaker's East Cheshire, i. 181. T. Nicholas' County Families of Wales, 38, Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 662. Bull. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 15. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 286. Harleian Society, v. 306; xi 17. BULLAKER. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 17. BuLLEN. Sir T. Phillipps' Topographer, No. 1. (March 1821, Bvo.) 54. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 482. Jones' History of the County of Brecknock, ii. 698. BULLER. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 25. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 34. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Downes,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Morval,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Pelynt,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Erie HaU,) 5. Harieian Society, ix. 24. See DuNBOYNE. BuLLEYNE. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 21. Bullingham. Blore's Rutland, 180. BuLLMER. Surtees Society," xli. 25. Bullock. Morant'sEssex, ii. 118. Harleian Society, i 82 ; xiii. 168. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 106. Burke's Commoners, (of Ship- dam,) iv. 129, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4; (of Falkborne,) Com moners, ii 621, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of North Coker,) Landed Gentry, 2 final add., 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 498. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 299. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 12. Wright's Essex, i. 229. Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 285. G. W. Johnson's History of Great Totham, 44. BULLOIGNE (Earls of). Collinson's Somerset, u. 80 ; iu. 4. BuLMAN. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 361. BuLMER. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, foL) 21. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 199. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 176, 193. Graves' History of Cleveland, 407-410. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iu. xxvi Ord's History of Cleveland, 386. Surtees' Durham, i 79. BuLSTRODE. Aungier's History of Syon Monastery, 495. Croke's History of the Family of Croke, No. 34. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iu. 310. Harleian Society, viii. 373. GyU's History of Wraysbury, 217. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck ingham, iv. 503, 572. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 12. BULTEEL. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bulwer. Blomefield's Norfolk, viii. 332. Burke's Commoners, i. 445, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 72. BuNBURY. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Moyle,) 3, 4, 5 j (of Lisne- BUN 74 BUR vagh,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5; (of Marlston House,) 5 supp. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 395. BUNCE. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 282. Hasted's Kent, i. 331 ; ii. 605, 507. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 379. Burke's Com moners, iii 369. Harleian Society, viii. 42, 44. Bund. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 5. Burke's Heraldic IUustra tions, 22. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, Founders' Kin, 1. Bungay, or Bungey. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 319. Surrey Archseological Collections, vii Bunny. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 46. Surtees Society, xxxvi 279 ; xli 82. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderiand, 1820, foL) 90, Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visi tations of Yorkshire, 77, 411. Surtees' Durham, iv. 41. York shire Archseological and Topographical Journal, iii. 8. BuNTiNE. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 293. Bunting. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 82. BuRCHALL. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4. Burchell-Herne. Burke's Commoners, ii 689, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burchill. Jones' History of the County of Brecknock, ii 441. Burchinshaw. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii 300, 346. Burden. The Genealogist, iu. 145. BURDET, or BuRDETT. Appendix to the Case of Sir J. S. Sidney, claiming to be Lord Lisle. Surtees Society, xxxvi 2. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ballymany,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hunstanton,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Shrubhurst,) 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 242, 336, 338. Harleian Society, ii. 18, 23 ; xii 101. Ord's History of Cleveland, 319. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 177. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 129, 182. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ui 351 ; iv. 608, 630* 820, 866. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 847. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii 350, 376. Hoare's Wiltshire, II. i 153. BuRDON. Topographer and Genealogist, ii 73. Burke's Commoners, i 359, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi. 39. Mac lean's History of Trigg Minor, i 394*. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. ui 46. Surtees' Durham, iii 416. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ui 130. BuRE. Harleian Society, xiii. 6. BURELL. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sh N. H. Nicolas, 26. Harleian Society, ix. 25. BuRFORD (Barony of). Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, iv. 303. BURGAINE. Harleian Society, vi. 40. BuRGANEY. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 858. BuRGATE. Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme in Co. Oxford, by H. A. Napier, 66. BuRGES, or Burgess. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 27. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ix. 26 ; xiii 159. Burgh. Hasted's Kent, ii. 496. Catterick Church, by Rev. James BUR 75 BUR Raine, (London, 1834, 4to.) 22. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 268, 415. History of Gainsburgh, by Adam Stark, 2nd edn. 369. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 237. Burghersh. Gentleman's Magazine, xxxiii 193, 684; 1827, i. 202. Hasted's Kent, i. 404. Blore's Rutland, 204. Hoare's Wiltshire, I. ii 88. Sussex Archseological Collections, xxi. 126. Excerpta Cantiana, by Rev. T. Streatfield, 6. BuBGHERST. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, u. 108. BURGOIN, BURGOINE, Or BuRGOYNE. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 27. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 6. Harleian Society, -vi. 41. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 476, 551. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts v. and vi. 29. Burke. Chronicle of the FamUy of De Havilland. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Beaconsfield,) 4, 6 ; (of Ballydugan,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Elm HaU,) 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of St. Clerans,) 2, 3, 4, 6; (of Knocknagur,) 3, 4 ; (of Ower,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Tyaquin,) 2, 3 ; (of Prospect Villa,) 2 supp., 3, 4 ; (of Slatefield,) 4. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 20. Burke's Authorized Arms, 138. BuRLACY. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 81. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 309. BuRLAND. Hutchins' Dorset, in. 257. BuRLETSON. Surtees' Durham, i 110. Burleigh. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. BuRLEY. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 289. Burke's Commoners, iii. 527. Topographer and Genealogist, iii. 486. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 11. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. Surrey Archseological Collections, vii. Burlington. Case of Richard Earl of Burlington, claiming the Barony of Clifford, folio, pp. 3. Claim of the Earl of Burlington to the Barony of Clifford, Sess. Papers, May 1737. Burn. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Burn-Murdoch. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. BuRNABY. Burke's Commoners, (of Baggrave Hall,) iv. 702, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Langford Hall,) Landed Gentry, 6. J. H Hill's History of Market Harborough, 99, 335. Bridge's North amptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 587. History of the Town and School of Rugby, by N. H. Nicolas, 36. Harleian Society, xii. 146. Burnaby-Atkins. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. BuRNAED. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, -vi. 200. BURNBY, or BuRNEBY. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 134. Har leian Society, vi. 42. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 494. BuENE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 15. BuRNEL, or BuRNELL. Colliuson's Somerset, ii. 422. Morant's Essex, ii 12, 92, 577. Bird's Magazine of Honour, 75. Hasted's Kent, i. 1 68. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1 820, fol. ) 25. Burke's BUR V6 BUR Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, iv. 99. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 728. Gyll's History of Wraysbury, 1 3. Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2nd edition, 308. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, vi. 134. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i 222. BuRNES. Notes on his Name and Family by James Burnes, K.H. Edin burgh, 1851, Bvo. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. See Burns. Burnett. East Anglian, iu. 94. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 90. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Gadgirth,) 5 ; (of Monboddo,) 5 ; (of Barns,) 2 supp. Harleian Society, xiu. 364. BuRNOPP. Surtees' Durham,' ii 334. Burns. Chronicle of 100th Birthday of Robert Burns, by J. Ballan tine, 1859, Bvo. Genealogical Memoirs of the FamUy of Robert Burns, by Rev. 0. Rogers. Edinburgh. 1877, Bvo. BURNYNGHILL. Surtees' Durham, i. 199; iii. 310. Burr. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Aldermaston,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Gayton,) 2. BuRRARD. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 154. Records of the Corporation of the Borough of New Lymington, by Charles St. Barbe. Burke's Royal FamiUes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 35. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 11. BuRRE. Harleian Society, xiu. 32, 169. Burrell. Case of Peter Burrell, Esq., and his wife, Baroness Wil loughby d'Eresby, upon their claim to the office of Lord High Chamberlain of England, with Appendix, 1787, pp. 10. Hasted's Kent, i 85., Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 42. Burke's Commoners, (of Broomepark,) iv. 633, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Stoke Park,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vii. 34. Blore's Rutland, 50. Herald and Genealogist, viii. 203. Horsfield's His tory of Lewes, i 329. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii 295. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i 308. The Genealogist, ii 226. Page's His tory of Suffolk, 142. BuRRON. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 65. BuRROUGHES, or BURROUGHS. Burke's Commoners, (of Burlingham,) iii. 553, Landed Gentry, 2 and corr., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Long Stratton,) Commoners, iii. 554, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Rousay,) Landed Gentry, 4 supp., 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) u. 8. Burrow. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 628. BuRROWES. Burke's, Landed Gentry, (of Stradone,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Dangan Castle,) 4. BuRSLEM. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 194. Burt. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 40. Burton. Account of the township of Iffley, by Re-v. Edwd. Marshall, (1870, Bvo.) 92. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 259. Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, V. parti. 196. Harleian Society, i. 31 ; ii. 66, 160; ui 6. Berry's Sussex Genea logies, 333. Glover's History of Derbyshire, u. 324, (288, 655). Burke's Commoners, (of Longner,) iv. 261, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Mount Anville,) Commoners, iii 269, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Sackett's Hill House,) Commoners, iu. 312^ Landed Gentry, BUR 77 BUS 2 supp., 3 ; (of Burton Hall,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Car- rigaholt,) 3,' 4, 5 ; (of Cherry Burton,) 5 ; (of Somersby,) 5 ; (of Tunstall,) 4. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 38. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 7, 277, 498. J. H. HiU's History of Market Harborough, 261. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 57. Wright's History of Rutland, 25. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 207. Topographer and Genea logist, i 493, 679. Blore's Rutland, 91, 217. Shaw's Stafford shire, i 78. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 2. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 161. Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 401. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii 820 ; iv. 635, 644. Dugdale's Warwick shire, 289. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 434. Manning and Bray's Surrey, u. 509. The Genealogist, iu. 123. Burton-Phillipson. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. BuRWELL. Harleian Society, viii. 165. Surtees' Durham, iv. 168. Bury. Morant's Essex, i 221. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 9. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir Thomas PhUlipps, 6. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Harleian Society, v. 142, 214 • vi. 42 ¦ xii. 266 ; xiii. 364. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 495, 496. Herald and Genealogist, i 338. Visita tions of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 12. Memoirs of the FamUy of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 63, Abram's History of Blackburn, 503. BuRYNGTON. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 55. Harleian Society, vi 41. Busbbidge. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 3. Busby. Croke's History of the Family of Croke, No. 43. Harleian Society, iii 12 ; viu. 144. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii. 507. Surtees' Durham, i 75. BusFEiLD, or BusFiELD. Burke's Commoners, iv. 701, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 6. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 290. Bush, or Bushe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Visitatio Comi tatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. BUSHELL. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 600. Surtees Society, xxxvi 82. Fish wick's History of Goosnargh, 120. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 498. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 1 46. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 62. Harleian Society, xu. 139. Busk. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Fords Grove,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Culverden,) 5 supp. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts vu. and -viii 150. Buskin. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 103. BusSERE. Harleian Society, xii. 136. BUSSEW. Blore's Rutland, 15. BussiE. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 360. Bustard. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Harieian Society, v. 196. BUS 78 BUT BusvARGUS. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by N. H. Nicolas, 27. Burke's Commoners, iv. 296. Harleian Society, ix. 27. BusWELL. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii 24. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iv. 578. Butcher. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 95. Butler. Some Account of the Family of the Butlers, particularly of the late Duke of Ormond. London, 1716, Bvo. Herald and Genea logist, iv. 209. Morant's Essex, u. 310. Bibliotheca Topogra phica Britannica, v. Part i 9 app. ; ix. Part 4, 191. Dwnn's Visi tations of Wales, i 76, 132, 179, 180. Sir Thos. PhiUipps' Topo grapher, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 26. Visitation of Durham, 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 49. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 83, 229. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. PhUlipps, 5. Visita tion of Durham, 1615, Sunderland, 1820, foL) 100. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 176. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle Hill, foL) 2. Visitation of Oxford shire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 15. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1669, (Middle HUl, 1864, fol.) 12. Burke's Commoners, iii. 253; (of Warminghurst,) iii. 517; (of Cazenoves House,) Landed Gentry, 4 supp., 5 ; (of Ballyline,) 4, 6 ; ^f Castie Crine,) 4, 6 ; (of Cregg,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Pendeford,) 4, 5 ; (of Priestown,) 2 add., 3, 4. Harleian Society, iii. 4; v. 141 ; viii. 362 ; xii 357 ; xiu. 32, 169, 365. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 43, 105 ; Ixxxiv. 63, 64; Ixxxv. 113; xcviii 93, 96. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii. 255. Jewitt's Reliquary, xiii 256. Visitation of Warwick shire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 162. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, ii 7; iv. 334. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 266. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, ii. 454, 455. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 82, 101. West cote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 483. Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 257. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 148. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hutchins' Dorset, ui 543. Surtees' Durham, iu. 49. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii 222. Baker's Northampton, i 427, 470, 475. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iii. 660 ; iv. 450, 471. Archseologia Cambrensis, 1 S. ii 279. Abram's History of Blackburn, 619. BUTLER-BowDEN. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Lanca shire Pedigrees. Butler-Danvers. Burke's Commoners, i. 148. Butt. Berry's HertfordshireGenealogies, 41. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 124 Butter. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Butterwicke. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 271. Butterworth. Chetham Society, Ixxxu. 12 ; Ixxxiv. 65. Buttevant. Claim of J. R. B. Viscount Buttevant to vote at elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 215 of 1825. See Barry. Button. HeraldandGenealogist, iv. 195. Berry's Hampshire Gene alogies, 33. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. PhUhpps, BUT 79 BYR 34. HampshireVisitations, printed by SirT. PhUlipps, 12. Visi tatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Butts. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 257. Visitation of Norfolk, pub lished by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 343. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4. Buxton. Blomefield's Norfolk, v. 283. Jewitt's Reliquary, vu. 243. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 60. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) 2. The Genealogist, in. 123. BwL. Dvmn's Visitations of Wales, i 266. Byam. Memoir of the Revs. H. J. and E. Byam, by E. S. Byam. Ryde, 1854; 2nd edn. Tenby, 1862, Bvo. Savage's History of the Hundred of Carhampton, 171. Gentleman's Magazine, 1848, i 39. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 570. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 22. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 196. Harleian Society, xi. 17. Cambrian Journals, 2 Series, v. 1-82. Pedigree of Byam of Luccombe, etc., priv. printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 4 leaves, circa 1841. Byby. D-wnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 288. Byde. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 11. Harleian Society, viii 131. Clutterbuck's Hertford, in. 297. Byelby. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 499. Byer. Hasted's Kent, i 223. Byerley. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 499. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iii. 178. Surtees' Durham, iii 313. Byers. Surtees' Durham, i 180. Byflete. Harleian Society, xi. 18. Bygode. Surtees Society, xli 67. Byll. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by N. H. Nicolas, 6. Harleian Society, ix. 27. Bynchestre. Surtees' Durham, iii. 310. Bynd. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 186. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Byndlos, Byndlose, or Byndlosse. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 48. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615, (London, 1853,) 1. Byne. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 83. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 186. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add. Dallaway's Sussex, II. u, 131. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii 513. Byng. Hasted's Kent, ii. 235. Burke's Commoners, i 14, Landed Gentry, 2. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 160. Byrbeck. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 191. Byeche. Life of Bishop Hough, by John WUmot, 140. Byechet. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 346. Byed, or Byede. Visitation of Cornwall, edited by N. H. Nicolas, 28. Lord Braybrooke's History of Audley End, 292. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Harleian Society, ix. 28 ; xiu. 365. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, i 614. Byene. Burke's Commoners, (of Cabinteely,) i. 462, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of AUardstown,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Byrom. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Harleian Society, iv. 11. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 35 ; Ixxxiv, 66-68. BYR 80 CAL Byron. Surtees Society, xh. 5. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 4. Harleian Society, iv. 9. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 4 ; xcviu. 56. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ii 285. Pedigree of George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron, by Edward Bernard. London, 1870, folding sheet. Byrt, or Byrte. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 83. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 142. Meyrick's History of the Co. of Cardigan, 130. Byrtwesyll. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 32. Bysh, Byshe, or Bysshe. Surrey Archseological Collections, in. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 199. Harleian Society, viu. 135. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 318. Bysshopp, or Bysshop. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 213. Dalla way's Sussex, II. i. 204. Bythesea. Burke's Commoners, (of the Hill,) iv. 603, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; of (Week House,) Commoners, u. 663, Landed Gentry, 2. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 20. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 165. Cabbell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Cabell. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 110. Harleian Society, vi. 43. Cade. Harleian Society, vi. 43. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 399. Cadivor ab Dinaval (Descendants of). Meyrick's History of the Co. of Cardigan, 156. Cadman. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 116. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Cadogan. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 353. Oadurcis. Herald and Genealogist, vi 249. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, i app. 33. -Baker's Northampton, u. 239. Cadwaladye. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, u. 228, 248. C^SAR. Life of Sir Julius Csesar, Knt., -with Memoirs of his Family and Descendants, by Edmund Lodge. London, 1827, 4to. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 489. Burke's Commoners, u. Ib. Harleian Society, viii 88. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 345. W. Robinson's History of Hackney, i 302. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii 286. Cage. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts iii. and iv. 66. Hasted's Kent, ii. 487. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 273. Cam bridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 7. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 136. Harleian Society, xiii. 367. Cahill. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4 supp., 5. Cairnes. Shirley's History ofthe County of Monaghan, 216. Caithness. See Sinclair. Calamy. Gentleman's Magazine, Ixxxvi, ii, 9.0, 296, Ixxiv. 123. Calcott. Sh T. PhUlipps' Topographer, No. 1., (March 1821, Bvo.) 28. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society, iu. 31 ; v. 150. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 79. CAL 81 CAL Calcraft. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ancaster Hall,) 2, 3 4 5 • (of Rempstone,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Hutchins' Dorset, i 534. ' ' Caldecot, Caldecote, or Caldecott. Burke's Commoners (of Rugby,) i 626, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Holbrook Grange,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Holton,) 3, 4. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 14. History of the Town and School of Rugby, by N. H. Nicolas, 40-43. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 79. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 693. Calderwood. Coltness CoUections, 393. Caldwall. Harleian Society, ii. 192. Caldwell. Burke's Commoners, (of Linley Wood,) iv. 597, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of New Grange,) Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 6 ; (of Beechlands,) 2 add., 3, 4. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir Thos. PhiUipps, 3. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 370. Harieian Society, xiu. 368. Caley. Surtees Society, xxxvi 125. Call. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 22. Callaghan. Burke's Commoners, iii 608, Landed Gentry, 2. Callander. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Callard. Harleian Society, vi. 336. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 582. Calley. Burke's Commoners, (of Burderop,) iv. 153, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Blunsdon,) Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Callis. English Church Furniture, by Edward Peacock, 31. Calmady, or Calmadye. Burke's Commoners, i 268, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 206. Harleian Society, vi. 43, 44 ; ix. 288. Calrow. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Abram's History of Blackburn, 727. Calthorp, Calthorpe, or Calthrop. Blomefield's Norfolk, -vi. 514 ; ix. --'16, 305, 322. Gentleman's M.igazine, 1831, ii 406; 1832, i 109. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 35. Blomefield's Norfolk, vii 58 ; ix. 305. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Stanhoe,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Gosberton,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viii 9 ; xi. 20. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii 615. Page's History of Suffolk, 698. Calton. Camden Society, xliii. 40. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUhpps, 13. Calveley. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 285, 768. Calverley. Burke's Patrician, iv. 1. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 61, 382; xli 85. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 39. Burke's Commoners, (of the Broad,) i 673 ; (of Oulton Hall,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 9. Harleian Society, viii 305. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 69. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 116, Archseologia .^Eliana, 1st Series, ii 176. See Blackett. Calvert. Morant's Essex, ii. 621. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealo- 6 CAL 82 CAM gies, 13-24. Burke's Commoners, (of Albury HaU,) iu. 399, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Ockley Court,) Landed Gentry, 6 ; (of Hunsdon,) 2, 3. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 500. Jewitt's Reliquary, xiv. 84. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 184. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 613. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iu. 182, 335. Calwodeley, or Calwoodleigh. Harleian Society, vi. 44. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii 38, 40. Westcote's Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 614. Caly. Blomefield's Norfolk, x. 178. Calybutt. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii 681. Calz. Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2nd edition, 274. Thoro ton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 267. Cambell. Herald and Genealogist, v. 267. Morant's Essex, i 7, 19. Account of the Company of Ironmongers, by John Nicholl, 564. Cambo. Hodgson's Northumberland, I. ii. 284. Cambridge. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Camden. Hasted's Kent, i 102. Camelfoed. See Pitt. Cameeon. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Lochiel,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Worcester,) 2. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 159. Camilla. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii 234. Cammel. Hutchins' Dorset, iu. 166. Camock, or Camocke. Morant's Essex, i. 408. Harleian Societv, xiii 170. Camoys. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, u. 264. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i. 241. Dallaway's Sussex, i. 217. Sussex Archseological Collections, iu. 94. See Stonor. Campbell. The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor. Edinburgh, 1859, 4to. Case, and further case, of Dougal Campbell, M.D., claiming titie, etc., of Eari of Annandale, 1844, fol. The House of Argyll, and collateral branches of the Clan Campbell. Glasgow, 1871, Bvo. Claim of John CampbeU to be Eari of Breadalbane, Sess. Papers, C of 1867 ; A of 1B67-B. Claim of Gavin Campbell to be Earl of Breadalbane, Sess. Papers, B of 1872 ; F of 1877. 'The Spectator,' for 1864, pp. 1357, 1385, 1413, 1442, 1469. Hasted's Kent, 1. 373. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 267. Munro Appellant and Campbell Respondent ; Respondent's case in House of Lords, 179B. Jacob's Peerage, i 442. A letter to Mr. Campbell of Bar- breck, containing an account of the Campbells of Barbreck, by F. W. Campbell. Ipswich, 1830, 4to. Burke's Commoners, (of Cessnock,) ii 359, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Barquharrie,) Commoners, li. 158, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Fairfield,) Com moners, u. 362, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Barbreck,) Com moners, 1. 563, Landed Gentry, 2, 6 ; (of Gatcombe,) Commoners, u. 187; (of Auchmannoch,) Commoners, iv. 14, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Ormidale,) Landed Gentry, 2 final add., 3, 4, 5 : (of Mongie,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Lochnell,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ard- CAM 8? CAP chattan,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Colgrain,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Isley,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Skerrington,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Jura,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Sonachan,) 4, 5 ; (of Stonefield,) 4, 5 ; (of Stracathro,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Blythswood,) 5 ; (of Edenwood,) 6 ; (of Ardpatrick,) 5 ; (of Fair field,) 5 supp. ; (of Dunoon,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of GlenfaUoch,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Skipness Castle,) 2, 3. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i 44. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 49, 118. George Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 359. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 73, 81, 85, 192. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 359, 443 ; ii. 69, 319, 331, 388, 392, 428. Campbell-Da-vys. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 4, 5. Campbell-Renton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Campion. Hasted's Kent, iii. 40. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 9, 82. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Horsfield's History of Lewes, u. 171. Campton. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 177. Cam vile, Camvill, or Camville. Harleian Society, ii 23. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 350. Dugdale's Warwick shire, 847. Hoare's Wiltshire, II. i 153. Baker's Northampton, i 694. Candler. Harleian Society, i 33. Baker's Northampton, ii. 51. Burke's Commoners, i 105, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cann. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 801. Harleian Society, viii 338. Cannan. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, iii 98. Canning, or Canynge. Memorials of the Canynges family, by George Price. Bristol, 1854, 8vo. Morant's Essex, ii 571. Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, by J. B. Heath, 201. Burke's Commoners, iii. 262, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Herald and Genealogist, i 273. Account of the Company of Ironmongers, by John Nicholl, 570. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 634. Harleian Society, xii 226 ; xiii. 369. Canon. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 144. Cant. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii 222*. Cantelupe, Cantalupe, or Cantilupe. Historical Notices of the Parish of Withyham, Co. Sussex, by R. W. SackvUle-West, 41. J. H. Hill's History of Market Harborough, 37. Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2nd edn., 314. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 176. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 24. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii 493. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 661, 833. Thoroton's . Nottinghamshire, ii 240, 246. Cantillon. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 51. Cantbell. History of Melbourne, by J. J. Briggs, 2nd edn., 175. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 13. Canun. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 231. Capel, or Capell. Jacob's Peerage, i 560. Morant's Essex, i. 137; ii 220, 401. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 1. Visita^ tion of Somerset, printed by Sir Thomas PhUlipps, 36. History 6—2 CAP 84 CAR and Description of Cassiobury Park, by John Britton, 29. T. Faulkner's History of Hammersmith, 183. Burke's Landed Gen try, 2, 3, 4, 5. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, u. 500. Har leian Society, xi. 20; xui. 32, 171, 370. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 243. Wright's Essex, U. 35. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 155, 158. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii 479. Capenhubst. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 570. Capes. Baker's Northampton, i 378. Caple. Duncumb's History of the Co. of Hereford, U. 364, 366. Cappee. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Capron. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. Caraunte. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Carbery. See Vaughan. Carbonel. Page's History of Suffolk, 376. Garden. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6 supp. Ormerod's Cheshire, U. 699. Cardew. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, ii. 449. Cardigan (Earl of). Burke's Eoyal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 141. Cardinal, or Cardinall. Morant's Essex, i 442. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harieian Society, xiii. 33, 172, 370. Cardwell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 6. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Abram's History of Blackburn, 390. Care. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol) 3. Car:6e. Chronicle of the Family of De Havilland. Carent. Collinson's Somerset, ii 203, 366, 383 ; iii. 207. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 112. Carew. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 331, 516. Lyson's Environs of London, i 53.^ Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, v. 93. Chronicle of the FamUy of De Havilland. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 78, 89. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 3. Visitation of CornwaU, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 28. Surrey Ai-chseological Collections, i Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 121, 124. Burke's Commoners, (of Crowcombe,) i. 266, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ballinamona,) Commoners, iv. 644, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Beddington,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society, vi. 45, 46; vui 263; ix. 28, 33; xui 371. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 528. Manning and Bray's Surrey, u. 523. Burke's Eoyal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 161. Herald and Genealogist, vii. 19. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 319; ii. 240, 365. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 147. Carewe. Pedigree of Carewe of Carew Castle, co. Pembroke. . Privately printed by Sir Thos. PhiUipps, Bart. Double-page folio. ' Carey, Claim of W. F. Carey to the Barony of Hunsdon, Sess. ' A corrected copy of this pedigree was afterwards given to the subscribers to that work. CAR 85 CAR Papers, Feb.— March, 1707. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 385. Morant's Essex, i 271. Chronicle of the Family of De HavU- land. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Careysville,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Rozel,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 6. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 38-48. Raine's History of North Durham, 30. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 510. Wain wright's Wapentake of Strafford and TickhUl, 197. Ord's History of Cleveland, 474. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 115. See Boleynes. Carfield. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 22. Carigne. Surrey Archseological Collections, vi. Carington, or Carrington. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 124. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 83. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 128. Harleian Society, ii 130, 146 ; xiii 33, 173. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iu. 29. Ormerod's Cheshire, i 544. Carkeredge. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 137. Carleil, or Carleill. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 115. Burke's Commoners, iii. 587, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Poulson's Holderness, i 277. Carlele. Surtees' Durham, i 196. Carlell. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 123. Carles. Harleian Society, xii 23. Carleton. Camden Society,- Ixxix. xii. Berry's Sussex Gene alogies, 232. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 6. Sir T. PhiUipps' Topographer, No. 1. (March 1821, Bvo.) 17. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1674, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 2. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 15, 16. Burke's Commoners, iii 259 ; (of Market HiU,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Clare,) 4 supp., 5. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 234. Harleian Society, v. 122. GyU's History of Wraysbury, 95. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, i 340. Jefferson's History of Leath Ward, Cumberland, 95. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 458*. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii 414. Carlisle. The Seize Quartiers of G. W. F. Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle. Folio sheet. Collections for a History of the family of Carlisle. London, 1822, 4to. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedi grees of Founders' Kin, 112. Carlyle. Journal ofthe British Archseological Association, ix. 174. Burke's Patrician, iii. 563. Carlyon. Burke's Commoners, iv. 22, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 48. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 18. Carmarthen. See Osborn. Carmichael. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 44. Carmichael-Ferrall. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Carmino, Carminow, or Cabmynowe, Collectanea Topographica CAR 86 CAR et Genealogica, i. 319. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 317; iu. 158. Polwhele's History of Cornwall, ii. 43. Harleian Society, ix. 33, 296. Caemond. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iii 42. Carn. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 5, 6. Burke's Commoners, iv. 479, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Carnaby. Pedigrees from Visitation of Northumberland, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HiU, 1B5B, fol.) 2. Surtees' Durham, u. 266. The Genealogist, i 310 ; ii 257. Carnagie, Carnegy, or Carnegie. History of the Carnegies, Earls of Southesk, by WUUam Fraser. Edinburgh, 1867, 4to. 2 vols. Case of Sir James Carnegie, of Southesk, Bart., on his claim to be Earl of Southesk, etc., 1848, fol., pp. 30. Claim of Sir James Carnegie, of Southesk, Bart., to be Earl of Southesk, Sess. Papers, 283 of 1B47-8 ; 164 of 1854 ; 164 of 1B54-5 ; A of 1854-5. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 484. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Boy- sack,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Lour,) 5. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1861, Bvo.) ii 177. Caenaevon (Earl of). Burke's Royal Families, (London 1851, Bvo.) ii 43. Caene. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Dimland Castle,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Penzance,) 4 supp. Caensew. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii 169, 172. Pol whele's History of Cornwall, iv. 112. Harleian Society, ix. 35, 217. Caepentee. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 6. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir "T. PhUlipps. Caepenter-Garniee. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Carr, or Carre. The Family of Carre of Sleford, Co. Lincoln, Pro ceedings of Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society, 1863, Bvo. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 40. Topography and History of New and Old Sleaford, (Sleaford, 1825, Bvo.) 112. Pedigrees from Visitation of Northumberland, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, 1858, foL) 3. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1669, (Middle Hill, 1854, fol.) 3. Burke's Commoners, u. 354, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Cavers,) Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Yorkshire FamUies. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 600, 602. Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 439, 603. Surtees' Durham, i 208, 209. The Genealogist, i 306 ; in. 88, 110, 193. Sleaford, by the Ven. Edward TroUope, 134. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C. J. Robinson, 161. Abram's History of Blackburn, 392. See Ker. Carrell, or Carill. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 358. Dallaway's Sussex, i 190. Carric, or Carrick. Claim of the Earl of Carrick to Vote at Elec tions of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 269 of 1857-8. Some Account of the Earldom of Carric, by Dr. A. Carrick, with Notices of the Earldom after it came into the families of Bruce and Stewart, by James Maidment, Edinburgh, 1857, Bvo. Morant's Essex, ii 62. CAR 87 CAR Carrington. Morant's Essex, ii. 113. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 66. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 233. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 500. Harleian Society, xu. 71. See Carington. Carrington-Smith. Burke's Commoners, iv. 740, Carroll, Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ashford,) 4, 5 ; (of Ballynure,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Carrow, or Carrowe. Harleian Society, i 46. Hutchinson's His tory of Durham, ii 417. Surtees' Durham, iii 131. Carruthers. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Annandale Observer, (newspaper,) 5 July, 1878. Carryll. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 72. Caesey. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 123. Carson. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, iii. 156. Cartaret. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 743. Carter. Hasted's Kent, iii 182. Morant's Essex, n. 411. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 414. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 363. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Watlington Park,) 4, 5 ; (of Castle Martin,) 2 ; (of Erris,) 3. Harleian Society, viii. . 65 ; ix. 36. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 133. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i 15. Carteret. A History of the Noble FamUy of Carteret, by Arthur ColUns, 1756, Bvo. Burke's Authorized Arms, 166. Carthew. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. and add., 3, 4, 5. Carthew-Yorstoun. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Cartwright. Burke's Commoners, (of Aynhoe,) ii 437, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Norwell,) Commoners, ii 436, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Ixworth Abbey,) 2. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 501. Harleian Society, i v. 109. Bridge's Northampton shire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 137. Hutchins' Dorset, u. 99. Baker's Northampton, i 548. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 173. Caeus. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1616, (London, 1853,) 11. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 60 ; Ixxxiv. 69. Caeus- Wilson. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Oarvick. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Carvill. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 501. Carwaedine. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 114. Carwitham, or Carwytham. Harleian Society, vi. 337. West cote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 652. Cary. Records of the Family of Gary, Viscts. Falkland, by C. J. Robinson, M. A., Westminster, 1864, Bvo. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 37. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedi grees, 141 — 146. Burke's Commoners, (of Torr Abbey,) ii 33, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Follaton,) Commoners, ii. 38, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of White Castle,) Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 6 ; (of Munfin,) 4 supp. Harleian Society, -vi. 47-51 ; -vii 19 ; vui. 81-128; ix, 37; xi 20, Lipscombe's History of the County CAR 88 CAT of Buckingham, i 162. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 129 ; iu. 181. Burke's Royal FamiUes. (London, 1861, Bvo.) ii 105. Herald and Genealogist, ii 341, 344; iii 33, 129; vi 1-32, 477. West cote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 507, 509, 510. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 178. Caryl, or Caryll. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 109. Foley's Records of the English Province S. J., iU. 534. A Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London, 1875, 4to.) 79. DaUaway's Sussex, i 190. Carysfort. Claim of the Earl of Carysfort to Vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 212 of 1857, Sess. 2. Casamajor. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 87. Casberd. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Casborne. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Case. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ince,) 4, 5 ; (of ThingwaU Hall,) 2 ; (of Papplewick HaU,) 3. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 70. Greg son's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 176. Casement. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of BaUee House,) 4, 5 ; (of In verm ore,) 4, 5. Casey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Caslock. Hasted's Kent, ii 597. Cason. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 144. Cass. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 38. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 142. Cassan. Burke's Commoners, i 643, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cassidy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Cassillis. Claims preferred to the House of Lords in the Case of the Cassillis Peerage, by James Maidment, Edinburgh, 1840. See Kennedy, Ruglen. Castell, or Castello. East Anglian, ii 171, 272, 282. Blomefield's Norfolk, viii 47. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 7. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseo logical Society, i 12. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i 181-186. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 214, 881. Harleian Society, xiii 371. Castillion. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by SirT. Phillipps, 13. Castle. Camden Society, xliii. 111. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Castleford. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 344. Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete, 263. History of Ecclesfield, by J. Eastwood, 432. Castle-Stewart. Claim of Lord Castle-Stewart to the title of Lord Ochiltree, Sess. Papers, AprU 1790— June 1793. Caswall. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 33. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts xi and xii 161. Caswell. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 22. Catelyn. Harleian Society, viu. 161. Cater. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, Ui 286. Harleian Society, ii. 1 ; viu. 116. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 13. CAT 89 CAW Caterall. Fishwick's History of Goosnargh, 160. Foster's Visita tions of Yorkshire, 291, 502. Caterick. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 255. Catesby. Harleian Society, in. 33; xu. 125, 142. Bridge's North amptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 16. Dugdale's Warwick shire, 788. Baker's Northampton, i 244. Cathcart. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Carbiston,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Knockdolian,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Lands and their Owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Keriie, i 194. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 304, 306, 329 ; ii 365. Catheral, or Cathrall. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 39. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 394. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 709. Catleyn. Blomefield's Norfolk, viu. 31. Caton. Burke's Commoners, iv. 305, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 supp. Cator. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Catterall. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 71. Whitaker's History of Whalley, ii. 22. Caulfeild. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Donamon Castle,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Drumcairne,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Raheenduff,) 2, 3, 4 ; (of Bloomfield,) 2, 3, 4. Caulx. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 38. Caurthyn. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 699. Cave. Claim of Sarah Otway Cave, of Stamford Hall, to be Baroness Braye, Sess. Papers, 40 of 1836 ; 91 of 1838 ; 171 of 1839. Col linson's Somerset, iii 87. Croke's History of the Family of Croke, No. 22. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 10. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 60. Sir Thomas PhiUipps' Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 29. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1674, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 3. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ii 120, 122, 125, 133 ; v. 154 Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 580. Nichols' His tory of the County of Leicester, ii 888 ; iu. 68, 290, 293, 345 ; iv. 359, 371, 420. Baker's Northampton, i 348. Robinson's Man sions of Herefordshire, 213. Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 73. Cavell. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, u. 157. Harleian Society, ix. 37. Cavendish. Memoir of the Family of Cavendish, by W. Kennett. London, 1708, Bvo. Historical Collections ofthe Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, by A. Collins. London, 1752, fol. The Lives of the Dukes of Devonshire, descended from Sir WiUiam Cavendish, by Joseph Grove. London, 1764, Bvo. The Great Governing Families of England, i 137. Jacob's Peerage, i. 240, 264. Morant's Essex, ii. 323. Gentle man's Magazine, 1B35, i 611. S. Glover's Peak Guide, edited by Thos. Noble, 53. Glover's History of Derbyshire, u. 140, 276, (123, 252). Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Munford's Analysis of Domesday Book of Co. Norfolk, 47. Hodgson's Northumberland, L u. 386. Wright's Essex, i. 564. Archseologia, xi. 52, 62. Cawarden. Burke's Commoners, iii. 441. Shaw's Staffordshire, i 180. CAW 90 CHA Cawley. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 284. Dallaway's Sussex, i. app. to Chichester. Cawton. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 602. Cay. Burke's Commoners, i 384, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Cayley. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 196. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 164 Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Harleian Society, viii 72. Cecil. Burleigh, The Life of Wm. Cecil Lord Burleigh, etc., by W. H. Charlton, M.A. (Stamford, 1847, Bvo.) 1. The Great Govern ing Families of England, ii. 61. Jacob's Peerage, i 491, 496. De Scales Peerage Evidence, 492. Drummond's History of Noble British Families, i and ii. The Life of Cecil Lord Burleigh, with Memoirs ofthe Family of Cecil, by A. Collins, London, 1732, Bvo. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 208. A Guide to Burleigh House, by T. Blore, 7. Clutterbuck's Hertford, u. 339. Wright's History of Rutiand, 63. Blore's Rutiand, 24, 25, 80, 82. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 592. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii. 274. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 308. Ceelye. Harleian Society, ix. 38. Cenan ab Coel Godhebawg. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii 243. Cerne. Wiltshire Archseological Magazine, iu. 178. Ceevington. Hoare's WUtshire, III. v. 27. Chad. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Chaddock, or Chattock. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 134. Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, edited by John Fetherston, 457. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 72. Chadeeton, or Chaddeeton. Gentleman's Magazine, 1864, n. 460. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i 160. Surtees Society, xxxvi 314. W. Paver's Pedigrees of FamUies of the City of York, 12. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol) 2. History of the Ancient Chapel of Blackley, by Rev. J. Booker, 147. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 6 ; xcv. 55. Chad WICK. Whitaker's History of WhaUey, 441. Glover's History of Derbyshire, u. 220, (189). Burke's Commoners, (of New HaU,) iu. 438, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6; (of Padleston Court,) Commoners, iv. 456, Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Swinton HaU,) iv. 456, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Mavesyn-Ridware,) Commoners, iii. 444 ; (of Daresbury HaU,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of High Bank,) 3, 4, 6 ; (of Ballinard,) 5 supp. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Chetham Society, Ixxxii 110 ; Ixxxiv. 73, 74. Shaw's Staffordshire, i. 182. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 160. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. PhUlips, 3. Corry's History of Lancashire, u. 542-651, and app. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, ii. 665. Chafin. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HiU, 1854, foL). Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonis, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hutchins' Dorset, iii 566. Chafy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 and supp. Chaker. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, u. 192. CHA 91 CHA Chaldecott. Hutchins' Dorset, i 591. Hoare's WUtshire, IV. u. 32. Chalderton. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Chalener. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 3. Chalfhunt. Hasted's Kent, ii 695. Chalke. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 39. Harleian Society, xi. 22. Challen. Burke's Commoners, i. 646, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii 323. Challenor, Challonor, Challoner, or Chalonee. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 73, 345. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 201. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Portnall,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Guisborough,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Kingsfort,) 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iii 80. Horsfield's History of Lewes, ii. 246. Graves' History of Cleve land, 412. Ord's History of Cleveland, 221. Challons, or Chalons. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, u. 42. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 614. Chalmer. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 323. Chalmers. Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., by Wm. Hanna, LL.D., i 2. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chaloner. Kent's British Banner Displayed, 192. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 201. Harleian Society, viii 282. Chamber. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 366. Visitation of Durham, 1616, (Sunderland, 1820, folio) 28. Harleian Society, vii 5 ; xiii. 372. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ui. 969. Surtees' Durham, ii 55. Chambeelain, Chambeblaine, Chamberlayn, Chambeelayne, Chambebleyne, or Chambeblyn. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 706. Morant's Essex, u. 261, 534. Sir Thos. PhiUipps' Topographer, No. 1. (March, 1821, Bvo.) 44. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 337. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 92. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, ii 211. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 16. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Maugersbury,) 2 and corr., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Stoney Thorpe,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cranbury Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i 24. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 198. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, l76. Harleian Society, u. 137; v. 236, 253, 271 ; viii 50 ; xii 259. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 88. J. H. Hill's History of Market Harborough, 128. Collectanea Topo graphica et Genealogica, iii. 95. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 63. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 14. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, ii. 881 ; iii. 476. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 376. Hampshire Visitations, printed by SirT. Phillipps, 12. Chamberlen. Morant's Essex, i. 342. CHA 92 CHA Chambers. Hasted's Kent, iii. 25. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 360. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 32. Burke's Commoners, (of Bredgar House,) ii 179, Landed Gentry, 2; (of Hafod,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5 ; (of Fox Hall,) 3, 4 ; (of Lough- veagh,) 2 supp. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 603. Harleian Society, ii 51 ; iv. 157. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 140. Jewitt's ReUquary, xiv. 63, 126. W. Robinson's History of Hackney, i 299. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 20. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iU. 1029. Chambre. Burke's Commoners, ii. xv. 240 ; (of Hawthorn HiU,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6; (of Halhead HaU,) 2 add. J. H. HiU's History of Market Harborough, 285. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii 831. Baker's Northampton, i 66. Chamier. Memoir of D. Chamier, by Wm. Courthorpe, London, 1B62. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 33. Chamond. Harleian Society, ix. 40. Champagne, Champaigne, Champaine, or Champayne. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 272. Hutchins' Dorset, iii 160. Historical Account of the Church of Stoke Golding, by T. L. Walker, 22. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 1006. Champanti. Harleian Society, viu. 219. Champeenon, or Champernowne. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 129, 131. History of Clyst St. George, by Rev. H. T. EUacombe, 65. Burke's Commoners, ii 271, Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi. 53. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 554 ; ii 241. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, u. 132. Champion. Harleian Society, i 3; ii. 53. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 311. Visitation of London, in Transactions of London and Middlesex Archseological Society, 8. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 14. Champion-De Ceespigny. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 84. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 124. Champley. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Champnes. Harleian Society, xi. 21. Champneys, or Champneis. Hasted's Kent, i 127; iii 326. Visi tation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 40. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 40. Burke's Commoners, iii. 555, Landed Gentry, 2. Harleian Society, vi. 52. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 616. Chancelloe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Hutchinson's His tory of Durham, iii. xxiv. Chanceux. Morant's Essex, i 314. Chandler Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 52. Surtees' Durham, i cxxi. Chandos. A letter relative to the Barony of Chandos, by Sir N. H Nicolas, Bvo. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 718. Papers on the Chandos Peerage, n.d. fol. Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, by G. F. Beltz. London, 1834, Bvo. See Buckingham, Bbydges, CHA 93 CHA Chandos-Pole. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1861, Bvo.) ii. 198. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chanon. Harleian Society, vi. 53. Chanwoeth. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 21. Chapleyn. Morant's Essex, ii. 366. Chaplin, or Chaplyn. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Blankney,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Tathwell HaU,) 2 add., 3, 4, 6. Harleian Society, viii. 221. Chapline. Foster's Account of FamUies Descended from Francis Fox, 20. Chapman. Hasted's Kent, ii, 513. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 88. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 98. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Nor folk Archseological Society, i 94. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 6. Bibliotheca Topo graphica Britannica, vii. Parts i. and ii 360.* Harleian Society, ix. 40. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 17. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 27. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 210. Ch.\ppel, or Chappell. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 41. Harleian Society, xi. 21. History of Barnsley, by Rowland Jackson, 65. Chaelemagne. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 57. Chaeles. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 112. Westcote's Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 541. Pages' History of Suffolk, 110. Charleswoeth. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 6. Charleton. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1864, fol.) 2. Genealogist, in. 167. ChArleville. Claim of the Rt. Hon. C. W. G., Earl of Charleville, to vote at elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 198 of 1852-3. Charley. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Finaghey House,) 4, 5 ; (of Seymour Hill,) 4, 5. Charlton. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Hesleyside,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Apley Castle,) 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of ChUwell,) 2, 3, 4, 5 and supp. ; (of Wytheford HaU,) 2 ; (of Ludford,) 2, 3. Burke's Heraldic IUus trations, 76. Chapman. Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 75. Charnel, Charnels, or Charnells. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 92, 177. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 295 ; iu. 1047* 1049* ; iv. 984*. Harieian Society, ii. 122 ; xii. 53. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 26, 119. Charnock. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 65, 76 ; Ixxxu. 8, 104. Charron. Hodgson's Northumberland, II. ii. 260. Surtees' Dur ham, u. 225. Charton. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, ix. 319. Chase. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 26. Chastelin. Harleian Society, xiu. 226. CHA 94 CHE Chatfeild, or Chatfield. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 5. Visita tion of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 3. DaUaway's Sussex, i 69. Chattock. See ChaDdock. Chaucer. Plate at commencement of Speght's edn. of Chaucer's Works, 1602, folio. Chaunceler. Surtees' Durham, iii. 329. Chaunceux. Baker's Northampton, i 224. Chauncey, or Chauncy. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 113. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4 Harleian Society, viii 353. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 119. Clutterbuck's Hertford, u. 400. Baker's Northampton, i. 494. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 60, 189. Chaundler. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 12. Chaunterell. Hutchins' Dorset, i 667. Chauntrell. Ormerod's Cheshire, u. 775. Chawner. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chaworth. The Tyndale Pedigree, by B. W. Greenfield. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 503. Harleian Society, iv. 123 ; -vui. 179. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 141. Account of Beau chief Abbey, in No. 3 of Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, 110. A Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London, 1875, 4to.) 13. Baker's Northampton, ii 239. "Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i. 198. Chaytor. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 302. Burke's Commoners, u. 139, Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Fos ter's Visitations of Yorkshire, 414. A Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London, 1875, 4to.) 51. Whitaker's History of Rich mondshire, i 240. History of Darlington, by W. Hylton Dyer Longstaffe, not paged, and lix. -Ixxvi Hutchinson's History of Durham, ii 327. Surtees' Durham, iv. 111. See Allan. Cheale. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes and C. J. Robinson, 95. Cheales. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Checkford. Hutchins' Dorset, i 633. Chedyok. Hoare's Wiltshire, III. i 3. Cheek, Cheeke, or Cheke. Morant's Essex, i 61. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iu. 318. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 42. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 98. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 43. Harieian Society, xi. 21; xiii 91, 176, 373. Hampshire Visitations, printed by. Sir T. PhUhpps, 12. Wright's Essex, u. 430. Page's History of Suffolk, Oio. Cheese. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Cheesment-Severn. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Cheevers. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3. Chelrey. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 86. Chelworth. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 43. Chenduit. Baker's Northampton, i 649. CHE 95 CHE Cheney. CoUinson's Somerset, i 244 ; u, 375. Jewitt's Reliquary, xi. 115. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. 375. Morant's Essex, u. 121. Hasted's Kent, ii 661 ; in. 469. Berry's Buck inghamshire Genealogies, 21. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 126. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Badger Hall,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Gaddesby,) 4, 5 ; (of Monyash,) 2. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 148. Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, edited by J. E. Jack son, 401. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Baker's Northampton, i. 714. Bibliotheca Topo graphica Britannica, i Part i 38. Chenouth. Harleian Society, ix. 41. Chepstow (Lords of). Journal of British Archseological Association, X. 265. Cherlecote. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 507. Chernock. Burke's Commoners, ii. 104. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 132. Cherry. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 72. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Denford,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Buckland,) 2, 3, 4. History of the Hundred of Bray, by Charles Kerry, 64. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, ui 158. Surrey Archseological Collections, -vi. Cheselden, or Chesilden. Harleian Society, iii. 21. Wright's History of Rutland, 24 Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ui 19 ; iv. 408. Cheseldon. Harleian Society, ii 107. Cheselton. Harleian Society, u. 20. Chesenhall. Harleian Society, viu. 247. Cheslyn. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, iii. 314. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iii 864. Chesnall. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 71. Chester (Earldom of). Journal of British Archseological Association, vii. 123. (Norman Earls of) Jewitt's Reliquary, ix. 80. Col lectanea Topographica et Genealogica, ii. 249. Miscellanea Gen ealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 412. Baker's Northampton, i 121. Ormerod's Cheshire, i 48, 167. A defence of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyvelock, Earl of Chester, against Sir Peter Leycester's declaration of her illegitimacy, by Sir Thomas Main- waring, Bart. London, 1673, 12mo. [A long list of works on this celebrated controversy wiU be found in Sims' Guide to the Genealogist, Topographer, and Antiquary, p. 260.] History of Repton, by Robert Bigsby, 1. Chester. Genealogical Memoirs of the extinct family of Chester of Chicheley, by R. E. C. Waters. London, 1878, 4to., 2 vols. Harleian Society, i 1 ; u. 138; viii 16; xiii. 374. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 363. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 10-15. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 82. Visitation of London in Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archseological Society, 2. Burke's Commoners, (of Bush HaU,) ii. 17, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Chicheley Hall,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo,) ii. 68. Herald and Genea- CHE 96 CHI legist, -vi. 265. Gage's History of ThingOe Hundred, Suffolk, 391. The Archseological Mine, by A. J. Dunkin, i 92. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 52. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts xi. and xii. 7. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 91. D. Royce's History of Stow on the Wold. Chesterfield. Case on behalf of George Philip Stanhope, claiming to be Earl of Chesterfield. London, 1873, foL Claim of George Philip Stanhope to be Earl of Chesterfield, Sess. Papers, E of 1873. Chestre. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 469, 1083. Cheswick. Raine's History of North Durham, 228. Chetham. Jewitt's Reliquary, ix. 107, 220. Visitation of Suffolke, edited by J. J. Howard, ii. 59. History of the Ancient Chapel of Blackley, by Rev. J. Booker, 148, 156, 204. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 87 ; Ixxxiv. 75-77. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancas ter, ii 395. Chetham-Strode. Burke's Commoners, ii 117, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chetwin. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 101. Chetwinde. Harleian Society, xui 22. Chetwode, or Chetwood. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 198. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, iv. Part v. 46. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iii. 2. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 3. Bridge's Northamp tonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 217. Baker's Northampton, i 739. Ormerod's Cheshire, i 662. Chevercourt. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii 396. Cheverel. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ui. 510. Hutchins' Dorset, i 414. Chevers. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Chew. Abram's History of Blackburn, 442. Cheynduit. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i. 541. Cheyne, or Cheyney. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, u. 134. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i 314, 409. Herald and Genealogist, iu. 290. Poulson's Holderness, U. 495. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter WhaUey, i 204, 348. West cote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 518. Hoare's Wiltshire, 111. i. 3. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 133. Baker's Northampton, i 714. Sussex Archseological Collections, xxv. 108. Cheytoe. Visitation of Durham, 1576, (Newcastie, 1820, fol.) 30. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderiand, 1820, foL) 34. Chibboene. Morant's Essex, u. 177. Harleian Society, xiu. 374. Chichele, or Chicheley. Stemmata Chicheleana, by Dr. Buckler. Oxford, 1766, 4to. Supplement to the Stemmata Chicheleana. Oxford, 1776, 4to. Hasted's Kent, i 44, 54. The Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo) iii 70. History of the Colleges and Halls of Oxford, by Anthony A. Wood, edited by John Gutch, 259. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 179. Chichester. History of the Family of Chichester, by Sh A. P. Bruce CHI 97 CHO Chichester, Bart. London, 1871, 4to. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 6. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, 8vo.) ii. 209. History of Carrickfergus, by SamL M'Skimin, 2nd edn. 363, etc. Harleian Society, vi 55, 56. Herald and Genealogist, vii 174, 276. Shaw's Staffordshire, i 368, 374. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 604, 607, 608, 609. Foley's Records of the English Province S. J., iv. 646. Chichley. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 9. Harleian Society, viii 234. Chidiock. Hutchins' Dorset, u. 257. Chilcot, or Chilcott. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 44. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, foL) 12. Harleian Society, xi 22. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, iii 265, 299. Child, or Ohilde. English Merchants, by H. R. Fox Bourne, i 332. Morant's Essex, i 30. Nash's Worcestershire, i 99. Burke's Commoners, (of Bigelly House,) iu. 692, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Kinlet,) Commoners, iii 195, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Newfield,) 2, 3, 4. Harleian Society, viii 139, 285, 424; xii 205. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 112. The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, by John Ward, 87. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 171. Childe-Pemberton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Childers. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 65. See Walbanke. Chippingdale. Harleian Society, ii 157. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 278. Chisenhall. Burke's LandeS Gentry, 2 supp. Chetham Society, Ixxxii 24 ; Ixxxiv. 78. Chisholm, or Chisholme. Malcolm's Memoir of the House of Drum mond, 117. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of that Ilk,) 4,5. Chiswell. Morant's Essex, u. 562. Chivers. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, pruited by Sir T. Phillipps. Chiverton. Harleian Society, viii 176 ; ix. 42. Choke. Collinson's Somerset, ii 292, 434. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 14. Chokes. Baker's Northampton, ii 273. Cholke. Harleian Society, xi 22. Cholmley, Cholmeley, Cholmondeley, or Cholmundeley. Mis ceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii 218. Memoir of Sir Hugh Cholmley, Knt., with some account of his family, 1787, 4to. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Brandsby,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Whitby,) 2, 3, 4. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 219, 221. Harleian Society, vi 57. Tumor's History of Town and Soke of Grantham, 152. Hunter's Deanery of Don caster, ii 454. Ormerod's Cheshire, i 672 ; ii. 157, 637. Surtees Society, xli 21. Surrey Archseological Collections, v. Cholwill. Harleian Society, vi 58. 7 CHO 98 CLA Chorley. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 72 ; Ixxxii. 48, 121 ; Ixxxiv. 80-82. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Chowne. Hasted's Kent, ii. 241. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 133. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 85. Burke's Landed Genty, 3, 4. Horsfield's History of Lewes, ii 7. Christian. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. J. H. Hill's History of Market Harborough, 37. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, u. 146. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, ii 494. Christie, Genealogical Memoirs of the Scottish House of Christie, by Rev, C. Rogers, London, 1878, Bvo. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Durie,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Preston Deanery,) 5. Christmas. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. Christopher. Topographer and Genealogist, ii 110, 555. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Christopher-Nisbet-Hamilton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Christy. Burke's Commoners, iv. 364, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chudleigh. Harleian Society, vi. 59. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 462. Hutchins' Dorset, iv, 4. Church. Harleian Society, xiii 177, 375. Churchar. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 48. DaUaway's Sussex, II. i 359. Churchill. Hasted's Kent, iv, 4. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 563. Hutchins' Dorset, u. 417; 2nd edition, iii. 325. Hoare's WUt shire, I. u. 253. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 217. Baker's North ampton, i. 198. Foster's Account of FamUies descended from Francis Fox, 25. Chute. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 117. Berry's Kent Genea logies, 172, 491. Burke's Commoners, iii 42, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vui 91. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, 8vo.) i 56. Hampshire Visitations, printed: by Sir T. PhUlipps, 13. See Wiggett. CiampantI. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 233. Hampshire Visi tations, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 13. CiBBER. Baker's Northampton, i. 366. CiL Sant. Poetical Works of Lewis Glyn Cothi, (Oxford, 1837,) 297. CiOCHES. Baker's Northampton, u. 273. Clanchy. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Clanmorris. Claim of Lord Clanmorris to Vote at Elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 17 of 1859, Sess. 1. Clanna-Rory. a History of the Clanna Rory, or Rudicians, by R. F. CronneUy. Dublin, 1864, Bvo. Clanricarde. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 123. Clanronald. Vindication of the Clanronald of Glengarry, with Re marks as to the Descent of the Family who style themsdves of Clanronald. Edinburgh, 1821, Bvo. Clapcott. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Clapham. Gentl'enian's Magazine, 1853, ii. 384.- Surtees Society, xxxvi. 43. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigi-ees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 12. Harleian CLA 99 CLA .Society, vi 59 >; viii 67 ; xii 367. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 218. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwick shire Antiqnarian Magazine, 140. Poulson's Holderness, n. 42. Foster's Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters, Part ii. 41. Clare. Strigulensia, by George Ormerod, 62. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 125. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck- ' ingham, i 200. Hutchins' Dorset, iu. 462. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i 220 ; ii 90, 299. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii 225. Clarell, or Clarel. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii 53. Clarenaulx. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 99. Clarence. Claim of Wm. Henry, Duke of Clarence, to Vote at Elec tions of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 1806. Clark. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 7. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 45. Burke's Commoners, (of Belford HaU,) i. 596, Landed Gentry,- 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (or Buckland Toussaints,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Largantogther,) 4, 5 ; (of Tal-y-Garn,) 5 ; (of Speddock,) &; (of Frimhurst,) 4. Harleian Society, viu. 56, 246 ; xi. 23 ; xii. 199. Burke's Eoyal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 123. Clarke. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 237. Morant's Essex, ii 459. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 131. Burke's Com moners, (of Welton Place,) iv. 264, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hyde HaU,) Commoners, ii 189, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Ardington,) Commoners, i 110, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Comrie Castle,) Commoners, i 225, Landed Gentry, 2; (of Achareidh,) Landed Gentry, 4, 5 ; (of Bridewell,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Knedlington,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Swakeleys,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Tremlett,) 5 ; (of Kings- downe,) 5 ; (of Handsworth,) 2, 3, 4. Topographer andGenealo- , gist, ii 10. Harleian Society, viii 387. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 14. Baker's Northampton, i 460. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 24. Suckling's History of Suffolk, u. 377. Burke's Heraldic IUustrations, 25. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol) 2. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 13. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii 468. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 474*; ii 783 ; iii. cxh. Antiquities and Memoirs of the Parish of Myddle, written by Richard Gough 1700, (foho,) 27. Wright's Essex, ii. 263. History of Barnsley, by Ro-wland Jackson, 65, 113. Surrey Archseological Collections, vi Some Account of the Taylor Family, by P. A. Taylor, 696. History of Willoughby, by Thomas Deacon, 19. The Genealogist, ii 169 ; iii 124, 158. Clarke-Jeevoise. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 341. Nichols' ' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 602. Clabeb-Waedlow. Burke'5 Landed Gentry, 2. Clarke- Wellwood. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 64. Burke's Commoners, i. 276, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4,5. Clarkson. Harleian Society, iv. 92. Clavell, or Clavill. Hutchins' Dorset, i 570, 695 ; iii 510. 7—2 CLA 100 OLE Claveleshey. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 61. Claver. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 376. Clavering. Burke's Commoners, i 237, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 82. Herald and Genealogist, iii 513. Raine's History of North Durham, 213. Hodgson's Northumberland, I. n. 372. Hutchinson's History of -Durham, ii 442. Surtees' Durham, ii 228, 248, 280. Baker's Northampton, i 546. The Genealogistj ii 221. Claxton. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 46. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 18. Visita tion of Durham, 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 54. Harleian Society, iv. 183 ; xi. 24. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii xxxi. Surtees' Durham, i 28, 57 ; iu. 79, 299 ; iv. 97. Page's History of Suffolk, 216, 725. Clay. Jewitt's Reliquary, x. 145, 253, 254 ; xi. 64. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2nd edition, 344, Hunter's History of the Parish of Sheffield, 395. Clayfield-Ireland. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Clayhills. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Clay-Ker-Seymer. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 66. Clayton. Topographer and Genealogist, i. 384. Berry's Bucking hamshire Genealogies, 77. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 260. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Hedgerley Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Adlington,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Enfield,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Norfolk,) 2. Foster's Visi tations of Yorkshire, 504. Harleian Society, vui 86, 130, 187, 270. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 47 ; Ixxxiv. 83-85. The Genealo gist, iii. 240. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 167. Hodgson's Northumberland, III. ii. 419. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 256. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii 304. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iii. 467. Whit aker's History of Whalley, ii 274. Abram's History of Blackburn, 567, 591. Clealand. Burke's Commoners, iv. 220. Cleaver. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 304. Harleian Society, viii 66. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 45. Cleburne. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 265. Cleeve. Memorials ofthe Parishes of Greensted-Budworth, Chipping Ongar, etc., by P. J. Budworth, (Ongar, 1876, Bvo.) 6. Cleghoen. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Cleiveland. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, vii.. Parts i and ii 134. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 707, 708, 727. Cleland. Herald and Genealogist, v. 79. Burke's Commoners, (of Rath Gael,) iv. 218, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Stormont Castle,) Landed Gentry, 5. Clement. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii 266. Visitation of Nor folk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 11. Harleian Society, -vi. 338. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 132. Meyrick's History of the Co. of Cardigan, 253. CLE 101 CLI Clements. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ashfield Lodge,) 2, 3, 4, 5 and supp. ; (of Rathkenny,) 3, 4, 5. History of Carrickfergus, by Saml. M'Skimin, 2nd edn., 328. Carthew's Hundred of Laun ditch, Part ii. 426. Clendinning. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Clendon. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter WhaUey, ii 15. Clenhill, or Clenhell. The Genealogist, i 302. Pedigrees from Visitation of Northumberland, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, 1858, fol.) 4 Clerbecke. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, ii 125. Cleee. Blomefield's Norfolk, vi 389; xi 234. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, ii 258, 321. A Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London, 1875, 4to.) 52. . Burke's Authorized Arms, 4. Clebk, Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1B20, fol,) 18. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Clerk-Rattray. Burke's Commoners, iu. 186. Clerke. Hasted's Kent, ii 239, 424 ; iu. 107. Morant's Essex, u. 372. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 315. Berry's Kent Gene alogies, 84. Archseologia Cantiana, iv. 246. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii 182. Topographer and Gene alogist, ii 9. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 216. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 446. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 266 ; iv. 407, Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 301. Harleian Society, xii 156. Clermont. See Fobtescue. Cleevaux. Burke's Commoners, ii. 139. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 412. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, i 240. History of Darlington, by W. Hylton Dyer Longstaffe, not paged, and lix. -Ixxvi Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 174. See Allan. Cleseby. Archseologia -lEliana, 2nd Series, v. 33. Cleveland. W. Mortimer's History of the Hundred of Wirral, 321. Cleves (Q. Anne of). Gentleman's Magazine, 1829, i 397. Clevland. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Cleybbooke. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 148. Clibborn. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Clidero-we, or Cliderow. Chetham Society, xcviii 42. Clutter buck's Hertford, iii. 121. Whitaker's History of Whalley, ii. 376. Cliffe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, xiii. 35, 178, 376. Clifford. Collectanea Cliffordiana, by A. Clifford, 3 parts. Paris, 1817, Bvo. Cliffordiana, an account of the Cliffords of Chudley, by G. Oliver. Exeter, 1827, 12mo. Claim of the Countess Dowager of Dorset and the Earl of Thanet to the Barony of Clifford, Sess. Papers, May 1663— Nov. 1694. Hasted's Kent, ii. 412, 558, CLI 102 CLI 636. Gentleman's Magazine, Ixvii 842 ; Ixviu; 18 ; Ixxxvii u. 207. Clifford's description of Tixall, 154, Berry's Buck inghamshire Genealogies, 17. Burke's Commoners, iii 660. Foster's Visitations- of Yorkshire, 111. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Frampton,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5; (of Perristone,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Castle Annesley,) 2, 3, 4. Fo-ster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Harleian Society, vi. 62. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, 73. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, i Part i 40. History of Hartiepool, by Sir C. Sharp, (1816, Bvo.) 28. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 15. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, V. 147. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 62. Whit aker's Deanery of Craven, 209, 363. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, u. 170. Hoare's Wiltshire, II. ii. 115 ; V. iii. 46. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 4 Mornings in Spring, by Nathan Drake, i 53, etc. See Burlington. Clifford-Constable. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Clifton. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vii 144. Cam den Society, xliii. 4. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 296, 341. Burke's Commoners, (of Clifton and Lytham,) u. 54, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Clifton Hall,) Landed Gentry, 5. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part i 173. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 6. Harleian Society, iv. 16. Chetham Society, Ixxxi. 42 ; Ixxxii. 88 ; Ixxxiv. 86. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. History of Blyth, by Rev. J. Raine, 138, 139. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iv. 404. 'Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 104, 153. Norfolk Archseology, iu. 127. Memorials of the Church of Attleborough, by J. T. Barrett, 183. See Grey de Ruthyn. Clinch. Hasted's Kent, iii 13. Clinton. Memoirs of the Clinton FamUy, by Henry Fynes-Clinton. London, n. d., 4to. The Great Governing FamUies of England, i 189. Hasted's Kent, u. 299. Jacob's Peerage, i 480. Topo grapher and Genealogist, i 349, 492. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 651, 993, 1007. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 99. Clutterbuck's Hert ford, in. 119. Harleian Society, xii 137. See Teefusis. Clippesby, or Clipsbye. Blomefield's History of Norfolk, xi 160. Harleian Society, xiu. 67. Clitheeow, Clitherowe, or Clitheroe. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshu'e, 238. Account of the Company of Ironmongers, by John Nicholl, 562. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii 551. Whitaker's History of WhaUey, ii. 376, Clive. Claim of Edwd. James, Earl of Powis, to vote as Baron Clive at elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 238 of 1861. Gentle man's Magazine, 1833, U. 27. Hasted's Kent, u. 806. Jewitt's Reliquary, vi 27. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 111, Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Robinson's Mansions of Here fordshire, 313 CLO 103 COB Cloberry. Harleian Society, vi 60 ; viu. 66. Westcote's Devon shire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 655. Clodeshall. Harleian Society, xu. 74. Clodshale. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 884. Cloncurry. Claim of the Rt. Hon. Edw. Baron Cloncurry to vote at elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 160 of 1854. Clonville. Morant's Essex, ii 37. Clopton. Morant's Essex, i 276 ; ii 321, 540. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, i 20-135, 314. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, foL) 102. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 4. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, v. Part U. 101. (2nd edn. 112). Harleian Society, viii 159 ; xii. 109 ; xiu. 179, 377. Hutchinson's History of Dur ham, iii 228. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 171. Shakespere's Home, by J. C. M. Bellew, 20, 66. Dag dale's Warwickshire, 698. Surtees' Durham-, iv. 48. Wright's Essex, i 561. Close. Burke's Commoners, iii. 247, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Topographer and Genealogist, i 557. Clothall. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 319. Dallaway's Sussex, II. ii 245. Clotheram. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 234. Clotworthy, or Clotwoethik Chronicle of the FamUy of De Havilland. Harleian Society, vi. 61. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 480, 663. Clough. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i. 319. Burke's Commoners, of Pias Clough,) iii. 515, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Clifton House,) Landed Gentry, 6. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 504. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 225. Earwaker's Local Gleanings, ii 802. v Clovill. Morant's Essex, u. 59. Harleian Societv, xiii 36, 180, 377. Clowes. Burke's Commoners, (of Delaford,) iv. 724, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Broughton Hall,) Landed Gentry, 6. Foster's Lan cashire Pedigrees. Cludde, or Cludd. Burke's Commoners, i. 483, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 Harleian Society, iv. 103. Clutterbuck. Berry's HertfordshireGenealogies, 177-184. Burke's Commoners, (of Warkworth,) ii. 224, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Newark Park,)-Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viii 225. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii 300. Glutton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3. Clutton-Brock. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Clyborne. Harleian Society, vii. 29. Clynton. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 110. Clyve. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 800. CoAPE. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 301. COATES. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 245. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4,5. Cobb, Cobbe, or Cobbes. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix, 68. Hasted's COB 104 COD Kent, iu. 137, 462. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 149. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 332. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 292. Visitation of !N orfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 317. Oxfordshire Pedigrees, fol., n, d., printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. Visitation of Oxfordshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 16. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 133. Harleian Society, v. 320; viii 126. Poulson's Holderness, ii. 426. Hamp shire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 14. CoBBOLD. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Cobham. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vii. 320-354. Pocock's History of Gravesend, 35-46, Collinson's Somerset, iii 303. Morant's Essex, u, 635. Hasted's Kent, i 402, 489, 490, 562 ; ii. 496. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. 169. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii 131. Wright's Essex, ii. 92. Archseologia Cantiana, xi 81; xii. 113. See Brooke. CoBLEE. Chronicle of the Family of De HavUland. CocHEANE. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 264. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 124, 400. Cock. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 120. Jewitt's Reliquary, xi. 215. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 576 ; ii. 369. Harleian Society, ix. 43. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 55. Chauncy's Hert fordshire, 296. CocKAiN, or Cockayne. Cockayne Memoranda, by A. E. Cockayne. Congleton, 1873, Bvo. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iv. 607. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 1120. Cussans' History of Hertfordshire, Parts vii. and viii. 27. Topographer and Genea logist, iii 437-461. Gentleman's Magazine, 1863, u. 223. Cockbuen. Burke's Royal Famihes (London, 1851, Bvo.), u. 185*. Cocke. Topographer and Genealogist, U. 107. Visitation of War wickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Maga zine, 214. Harleian Society, xu. 261. CocKEEELL. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 505. CocKES. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 43. Harleian Society, xi. 24, CoCKESFiELD. Harleian Society, xii. 109. COCKET. Blomefield's Norfolk, vii 6. Carthew's Hundred of Laun ditch, Part ii. 680. CocKFiELD. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 422 ; x. 266. CoCKRAM, or CoCKEEAM. Harleian Society, vi. 63. Hutchins' Dorset, i 672. CoCKBANE, Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Cocks. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 421. Hasted's Kent, ii 552. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i. 286. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 457. CocKSHED. Harleian Society, vi. 63. Cockshutt. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 524 Abram's History of Blackburn, 541. CoDDiNGTON, Burke's Landed Gentry, % 3, 4, 5, COD 105 COL Code. Polwhele's History of Cornwall, iv. 112. CODEINGTON. Bennett's History of Tewkesbury, 435. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. COE. Morant's Essex, ii. 279. CoELL. Harleian Society, -viii 194. CoETMOE. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 65. Coffin. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi 64. Cogan. Sir T. PhUlipps' Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 24. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 47. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1674, printed by Sir T, Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 3. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Harleian Society, v. 132 ; xi. 26. COGGLESHALL, or CoGSHALL. Moraut's Essex, i. 261, 263. Wright's Essex, ii. 584. Harleian Society, xiii 37. COGHILL. Visitation of Oxfordshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 17. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 505. Harleian Society, v. 285. CoGHULL. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 817. CoHAM. Burke's Commoners, i 458, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo.) ii 176. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 122. Burke's Authorized Arms, 36. CoKAiNE. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii 41, (32). - See COCKAIN. Coke. Hasted's Kent, i. 288. History of Melbourne, by J. J. Briggs, 2nd edn., 161. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 237. Burke's Commoners, (of Trusley,) iv. 268, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Holkham,) Commoners, i. 3 ; (of Lemore,) Landed Gentry, 5 ; (of Lower Moor House,) 2, 3, 4. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 35, 170, 299. Harleian Society, -vi. 69 ; ix. 44. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii 784*. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 124. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 369. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 523. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iii. 208. Baker's Northampton, i. 141. • Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 108. Cokefeld. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ii 253. CoKEE. Collinson's Somerset, ii. 343. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. Hutchins' Dorset, i 310 ; iii. 723. Hoare's WUt shire, I. ii. 30. Baker's Northampton, ii. 266. Cokesey. Nash's Worcestershire, ii. 60. Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme in Co. Oxford, by H. A. Napier, 46. CoKET. Gentleman's Magazine, 1831, i 417. Page's History of Suffolk, 700. CoLBECK. The Genealogist, iii. 81. CoLBOENE. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 49. Harleian Society, xi. 26. The Genealogist, iu. 241. CoLBRAND, or CoLBBOND. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 183. Dalla way's Sussex, i app. to Chichester. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 394. Colby, dr Colbye. Surtees' Society, xxxvi. 47. Visitation of Nor- COL 106 COL folk, pubhshed by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 95. Miscel lanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 73, 76. Colchestee. Harleian Society, viu. 295. Duncumb's History of the Co. of Hereford, u. 400. COLCLOUGH, CoLECLOGH, or CoLECLOUGH. Harleian Society, i. 52. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillips, 3. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i 182. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 and supp. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 59 ; -Founders' Kin, 17. The Borough of Stoke- upon-Trent, by John Ward, 340. Erdeswick's Survey of Stafford shire, 506. CoLDHAM. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 2. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. DaUaway's Sussex, i. 230. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iii 163. Harleian Society, xiii 378. Cole. Genealogy of the Family of Cole, by J. E. Cole. London, 1867, Bvo. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 234-250. Morant's Essex, i. 489 ; ii. 478. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 48. Surrey Archseological Collections, ii. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 307. Burke's Commoners, (of Stoke Lyne,) i 192; (of Holybourn,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5; (of Brandrum,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Twickenham,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Leixlip Castle,) 6 ; (of Marazion,) 2 add., 3, 4. Harleian Society, V. 190; xi 27; xiii 38, 378. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 88. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) ii. 171. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, u. 68. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 519. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 14. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 272. Shirley's History of the County of Monag han, 227. COLEBEOOK, or CoLEBEOOKE. Hasted's Kent, ii 756. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 94. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 134. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i 52. CoLEGBAVE. Burke's, Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. CoLEMOBE. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 90. Harleian Society, xn. 335. COLEPEPER. History of Leeds Castle, by C. Wykeham Martin, 173. Hasted's Kent, ii 174, 188, 366, 466, 476 ; ui 36, 89. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 77. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 136. Herald and Genealogist, viii. 337. Baker's Northampton, u. 124. Coleridge. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Coles. Visitation of WUtshire, 1677, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ditcham,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Parrocks Lodge), 2, 3, 4, 5. Baker's Northampton, i 433. Colet. Life of Dr. John Colet, by Samuel Knight, (Oxford, 1823, Bvo.) XX. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 46., COLETHURST. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 60. COLEVILLE. Memoirs ofthe famUy of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 197. CoLEWORTH. Baker's Northampton, i 607. COL 107 COL CoLFE. Bibliotheca Colfanse Catalogus, by W. H Black, (1831,- Bvo.) 17. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 368. CoLiNS. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 562. CoLLAMORE. Harleian Society, vi 65. CoLLEN. Harleian Society, xiii. 182. CoLLES. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 51. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 92. Harleian Society, xii. 247. Collet, or Collett. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 4, 47. Colleton. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigree, 168. Harleian Society, vi 66. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 619. CoLLEY. Gentleman's Magazine, 1822, ii 325 ; 1823, i 40. Burke's Authorized Arms, 172. Surtees' Durham, i 198. CoLLiEE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Topographer and Genealogist, in. 568. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, iv. Part i 6. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, Founders' Kin, 20. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 486. Foster's Account of FamUies descended from Francis Fox, 16. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, iii. 125. Collin. Jewitt's Reliquary, xv. 162. History of the FamUy of Smith, by Augustus Smith, M.P., (London, 1861, fol.) 26. Har leian Society, xiii. 379. Colling, or Collinge. Harleian Society, ix 44. Visitation of Suffolke, edited by J. J. Howard, ii. 47. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. COLLINGS. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 119. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4. Harleian Society, vi. 67. CoLLiNGWOOD. Pedigrees from Visitation of Northumberland, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, 1858, fol.) 4. Burke's Com moners, (of Diseington,) i 472,. Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Chirton,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cornhill House), 2 and corr., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 189. Surtees' Durham, i 7. The Genealogist, i 301, 304 ; ii. 225. Collins. A Genealogical Table shewing the Descent of John Stratford Collins, Esq., etc., broadside. Morant's Essex, i. 346; ii. 27, 130. Hasted's Kent, ii. 254. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 89. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 433, 458. Burke's Commoners, (of Betterton,) iv. 616, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hatch Beauchamp,) Commoners, iii 536, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Truthan,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Walford,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Simmons Court,) 2 supp. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 325-335. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,, 97. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 34. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps,, 15. Collins-Teelawny. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. CoLLiNSON. Burke's Commoners, ii 538, COL 108- COL COLLIS. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Castle Cooke,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Lismore,) 3, 4 ; (of Fort WiUiam,) 2 supp., 3, 4. Colly. Harleian Society, iu. 25. Wright's History of Rutland, 65. CoLLYER. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CoLLYNS. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 118. Harleian Society, vi 67. Colman. Memoirs of the Colman Family, by R. B. Peake, (London, 1841, Bvo.) Harleian Society, vi 65. COLMER. Harleian Society, xi. 28. COLMORE. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 47. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 52. Burki-'s Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, xi. 28. CoLNET, or Colnett. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 16. Hamp shire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 14. Cologan. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 37, CoLQUHOUN. The Chiefs of Colquhoun, by Willm. Fraser. Edin burgh, 1869, 4to. 2 vols. Burke's Commoners, ii 346; (of Killermont,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 533. History of Dumbartonshire, by Joseph Irving, 381. Colquit. Harleian Society, ix. 45. Colston. Harleian Society, i 32, 74 ; viu. 223. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 and add., 3, 4, 5. Phelps' History of Somerset, i 470. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 45. Colt. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. 263. Visitation of Suffolke, edited by J. J. Howard, ii 27-44. Morant's Essex, i 6, 313 ; u. 485, 492. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 293. Burke's Landed Gen try, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, viu. 392. Wright's Essex, ii. 300. CoLTHURST. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 370. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. Graves' History of Cleveland, 378. Colthurst-Vesey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. CoLTMAN. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Naburn HaU,) 5 ; (of Hag- naby,) 5. CoLTRANE. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, i 496. COLUMBELL. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 23, Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 1134. COLVELL. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, u. 73. CoLViLE, CoLViLL, or CoLViLLE. Claim of Charles John ColvUle Baron Colville of Culross to vote at the elections of Scotch Peers, Sess. Papers, 36, 84 of 1860. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii 171. Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 123. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. PhUlipps, 9. Burke's Commoners, (of LuUington,) iii 543, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ireland,) Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 164, 200. Harleian Society, iv. 138; xiii 180, 377. Ord's History of Cleveland, 457. W. Watson's Account of Wisbeach, 482. Collectanea 'Topographica et Genealogica, vi. 153. Baker's Northampton, i. 9. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii 397. Page's History of Suffolk, 599. COL 109 CON CoLWiCH. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.). 3. Genealogist, iii. 167. COLYAEE. Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, No. 4. 82. CoLYER. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, ix. Part 4. 84. Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, No. 4. 84. CoLYN. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 36. CoMB, or CoMBE. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 53. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Cobham Park,) 5 ; (of Oak- lands,) 6; (of Earnshill,) 5. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 204. Har leian Society, xi 28; xii 291. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 418. Shakespeare's Home, by J. C. M. Bellew, 66. CoMBEMAETiN. Baker's Northampton, u. 241. CoMBEB. Gentleman's Magazine, 1831, i 504. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 142. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 58. Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex, by D. G. C. Elwes, and C. J. Robinson, 191. CoMBEEBACH. Collections for a Genealogical Account of the Family of Comberbach, by George W. Marshall, LL.B. London, 1866, Bvo. CoMBEEFOED. Shaw's Staffordshire, i 434. A History of Wednes- bury, (Wolverhampton, 1854, 8vo.) 161. Erdeswick's Survey of Staffordshire, 397. Harleian Society, xu, 35. Combes. Harleian Society, viii. 127. CoMBRE. DaUaway's Sussex, II. ii 323. Comer. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. COMiN. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii. 66. CoMMEBELL. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 93. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, CoMPTON. Jacob's Peerage, i 604, Gentleman's Magazine, lix. iii 491. Morant's Essex, i 24. Drummond's History of Noble British Families, i and ii. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 364. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 54. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 328. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569, (Middle HUl, 1864, fol.) 4, Burke's Commoners, iv. 311, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, xi. 29. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 344. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 14, 15. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 549. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. ii. 49. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 354. CoMYN. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 12. Visita tion of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fol.) 16. Surtees Society, xxxvi 72. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Manx Society, x. app. D. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 368. Clutterbuck's Hertford, u. 432. CoMYNS. Hasted's Kent, ui. 148. Morant's Essex, u. 60. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Wright's Essex, i 164. CONANT. Burke's Landed Genty, 5. History of Sandwich, by W. Boys, 274. CoNCANON. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4. CoNEY. Harleian Society, viii 136. CON UO CON CONGEEAVE, or CoNGREVE. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 27. Burke's Commoners, (of Congreve,) i 15, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 5; (of Mount Congreve,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Flichity House,) 5 ; (of Burton,) 4. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Harleian Society, xu. 45. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 565. CoNiERS. Surtees Society, xli. 46. Hutchinson's History of Durham, ii 417; iii 88. Coningsby. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 2, 161. Blome field's Norfolk, vii. 413. Harleian Society, viii. 69. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 760. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 444. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 462, 531. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 148. Memoirs of the FamUy of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 259. South Mimms, by F. C. Cass, 70. Conliffe. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 22i Conn. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Connellan. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Conner. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 6. CoNNOCK. Harleian Society, ix. 46. CoNNY. Harleian Society, iii 10. CoNOLLY. Burke's Commoners, (of Castletown,) ii 159, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cottles,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, Founders' Kin, 21. Conquest. Proceedings of the Archseological Institute, (York, 1847,) 229. Conroy. Burke's Commoners, i 491. CoNSETT. Ord's History of Cleveland, 564. Constable. Gentleman's Magazine, 1835, i 152. Surtees Society, xxxvi 119, 137, 323, 335, 339 ; xli 68. Burke's Commoners, i 328 ; (of Wassand,) Commoners, i 547, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Otley,) Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 56, 146, 177-179, 195-198, 306, 416, 506, 507. Harleian Society, iv. 40. Graves' History of Cleve land, 243. Poulson's Holderness, i 431,437; ii 227-235. A List of Roman Catholics in the County of York in 1604, by Edward Peacock, 127. Constable-Maxwell. Burke's Commoners, i 325, Landed Gentry, 2,3. Constantine. Harleian Society, viu. 217. Hutchins' Dorset, iu. 304. Contry. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 45. Archseologia Cantiana, v. 235. - . Conway. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with WarwickS^hire Antiquarian Magazine, 177. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 847. Harleian Society, xii. 27. CoN-WY. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii 85, 118, 296, 324, 340. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Con VERS. J. H. Hill's History of Langton, 216. Morant's Essex, i. 49. Hasted's Kent, i 35. Harleian Society, i 33. Graves' CON 111 COO History of Cleveland, 49, 330, 439. Berry's Essex Genealogies, 141. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 340; xli 48. Visitation of Durham, 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, foL) 63. Visitation of Durham, 1616, (Sunderiand, 1820, fol.) 12, 104. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 71, 164, 244, 608. History of Hampstead, by J. J. Park, 124. Whitaker's History of Rich mondshire, ii, 42. Ord's History of Cleveland, 555. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii. 456, 467. Archseologia Mlima,, 2nd Series, v. 36. Surtees Durham, i 28; iii 37, 79, 81, 219, 247, 401. Wright's Essex, ii 460. Thoroton's Nottingham shire, ii. 293. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol). Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 3. See Osborn. Conyngham. Hasted's Kent, iv. 320. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 207. Coo. Morant's Essex, ii. 307. Harleian Society, xiu. 182, 380. CooDE. Harleian Society, ix. 46, 48. Cook, or Cooke. The Seize Quartiers of the Family of Bryan Cooke, Esq., etc., 1857, 4to. Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 81, 551. Hasted's Kent, i. 156. Morant's Essex, i. 66, 230 ; ii 607. Notes on the Parish of Harefield, by W. F. Vernon, 62. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 472. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 105. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 299. Edward Miller's History of Doncaster, 206. Burke's Commoners, (of Peak,) ii. 266 ; (of Owston,) Commoners, ii. 276, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Kiltinan Castle,) Landed Gentry,' 2 supp., 3, 4, 5; (of Cordangan,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5; (of COokesboroughj) 4, 5 ; (of Camerton,) 5 supp. ; (of Gurrangreny,) 4 ; (of Retreat,) 2 add., 3, 4 ; (of Farm Hill,) 2 supp. ; 5 at p. 1441. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Harleian Society, ii 108; vi 69. Visitation of Sussex, 1570, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle Hill, fob) 3. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 9. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i 346. Harleian ¦ Society, viii 290, 434, 475 ; xii 299 ; xiii 39, 183, 381. Visita tion of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Anti quarian Magazine, 94. J. H. Hill's History of Market Harborough, 287. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, ii. 16. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 54. Dallaway's Sussex, II. i 23, 36, 236. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 556. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 3. Wainwright's Wapentake of Stratford and Tickill, 124. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 75, 210. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 468. Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archseological Society, iii 307. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 66, 57, 58. Particulars of Alderman Philip Malpas and Alder man Sir Thomas Cooke, KB., by B. B. Orridge, 22, 23. Wright's Essex, ii. 440. The Picards, or Pychards, (London, 1878, 8vo.)( 173. Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion, by B. B. Orridge and W. D. Cooper, (1869, 4to.) 23. The Genealogist, ui 14, 158. CoOKE-CoLLis. Burke's Landeid Gentry, 2 supp., 4, 5. coo 112 COP COOKES. Nash's Worcestershire, i 440. Burke's Commoners, iv. 519 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Warwickshire Pedigrees from Visitation of 1682-3, (privately printed, 1865). History of the Colleges and Halls of Oxford, by Anthony k Wood, edited by John Gutch, 632. CoOKSEY. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. 45. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 654. CoOKSON. Burke's Commoners, (of Whitehill,) ii. 506, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 and supp. ; (of Meldon Park,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CooKWORTHY. Foster's Account of Families descended from Francis Fox, 18. Cooper. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, ix. Part 4. 196. Harleian Society, i 66 ; ii. 90 ; iv. 140. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 89. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 99, 377. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, fob) 55. Burke's Commoners, (of Tod- dington,) i 158, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Failford,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cooper Hill,) 3 supp., 4, 5 ; (of Cooper's HUl,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Markree Castie,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Pain's Hill,) 5 ; (of Killenure,) 5 ; (of Finchley,) 3 supp., 4 ; (of Shrewl Castle,) 2. More about Stifford, by WiUm. Palin, 49. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 602. Herald and Genealogist, viii. 193. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2nd edition, 302. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i. 40 ; ii 7 2. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 42. Burke's Authorized Arms, 87. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 15. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 974. Surtees' Durham, iv. 160. TheGenealogist, i 257. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 59. Notes and Queries, 5 Series, ix. 246. CooRE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. CooTE. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 85. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 180. Cope. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 301. T. Faulkner's History of Kensington, 62. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Drumelly,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Loughgall,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Osbaston HaU,) 5. A Royal Descent, by T. E. Sharpe, (London. 1875, 4to.) 15, 53. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 122. Visi tation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 16. Baker's Northampton, i 748; u. 13, 51. CoPELEY. Surtees Society, xli. 73, BL CoPEMAN. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. CoPLEDiKE. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseo logical Society, i. 10. CoPLESTON, or CoPLESTONE. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 165. Harleian Society, vi. 70, 72, 340. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 394*. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and COP 113 COR P. Jones, 503, 605, 506. Hutchins' Dorset, ii. 282. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 73. Foster's Account of Families descended from Francis Fox, 25. Copley. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 259, 272, 276. Surrey Archseo logical Collections, iu. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 296. Berry's Surrey Genealogies, 86. Edward Miller's History of Doncaster, 163, 222. Burke's Commoners, ii 155. Foster's Yorkshire Pedi grees. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 10, 11, 608, 526. Dalla way's Sussex, II. ii. 339. Wainwright's Wapentake of Strafford and Tickhill, 113. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 9. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 51, 251, 342 ; ii 548. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii 231. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 133. Aubrey's Antiquities of Surrey, iv. 219. CoppiN, Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 347. Copping. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 11. COPPINGER, or CopiNGER. Gentleman's Magazine, 1831, i 12, 110, 112. Burke's Commoners, iii 601 ; (of Ballyvolane,) Commoners, ii. 326, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Midleton,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Leemount,) 2 supp., 3, 4. Page's History of Suffolk, 523. Coram. Harleian Society, vi- 73. CoRBALLY. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. COEBET, or COEBETT. Blomefield's Norfolk, x. 459. Morant'sEssex, i 341 ; ii 109. Gentieman's Magazine, Ixxix. 599, 825, 903. Surtees Society, xxxvi 359. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i 36. Blomefield's Norfolk, x. 459. Burke's Commoners, (of Sundorne,) iii. 627, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ynysymaengwyn,) Commoners, ii. 95, Landed Gentry, 5 ; (of Elsham,) Commoners, iii. 189, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Longnor,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Admington,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ii 17, 48, 177; iii 4; xu. 63. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 271. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 45. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 7 ; ii 128. Hodgson's Northumberland, IL ii 112. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, i 100; iii 183; vu. 40; x. 182. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iii 1100; iv. 620. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 140. Baker's Northampton, i 130. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part u. 672. See AsHWiN. COEBIN, or CORBYN. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 230. Dugdale's War wickshire, 1119. Harleian Society, xii. 312. CoRBEOND. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, viii. 184. Corby. Foley's Records ofthe English Province, S. J., iii. 59. COEDALL. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, i. 91. CoRDELL. Visitation of Suffolke, edited by J. J. Howard, i 245-266. Harleian Society, i 91. CoEDBAY. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. CoEHAM. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 172. COK 114 COT Cornewall, or Cornwall. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 199. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 1 12. Baker's Northamp ton, i 415. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 118. Miscel lanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 445, 46 1. Pedigree of the Cornewalls of Berrington, priv. printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, folio sheet. The Genealogist, iii. 225. Harleian Society, xiii. 6. Corney. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1534, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 17. Harieian Society, v. 244. Cornish. Morant's Essex, ii. 87. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Black HaU,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Marazion,) 2. Harleian Society, xiii. 8. CoRNOCK. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cornwall (Earls of). D. Gilbert's History of Cornwall, iv. 346. CoRNWALLis. Gentleman's Magazine, 1836, i 406, 502. Harleian Society, iv. 161. CoRRANCB. Burke's Commoners, iii. 370, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CoRRY. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, ii. 291. Shirley's History of the County of Monaghan, 189. Corsane. Lands and their Owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, iu. 247. CORSELLIS. Morant's Essex, i 407; u. 188. Berry's Essex Genea logies, 44. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 6. Wright's Essex, i. 397. CORSTORPHINE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. CORTINGSTOCK. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 55. Cory, Corye, or Corrie. Harieian Society, vi 73. Dawson Turner's Sepulchral Reminiscences of Great Yarmouth, 108. CoRYNDON. Harleian Society, vi 74. CORYTON. Burke's Commoners, i 232, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ix. 49. Cosby. Herald and Genealogist, v. 335. Gentleman's Magazine, 1834, i. 179. Burke's Commoners, iii. 163, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cossen. Harleian Society, ix. 51. CossiNGTON. Surrey Archseological Collections, iii CosTELLO. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3 supp., 4, 5. CoswoRTH. Harleian Society, i 16; ix. 60. COSYN. Morant's Essex, i. 291. Surtees' Durham, i. cxiv. Cotes. History of T^tbury, co. Gloucester, by A. T. Lee, 249. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ii. 94. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv, 35, 212, Dug dale's Warwickshire, 369. CoTGREAVE. Burke's Commoners, i. 530. COTON. Warwickshire Antiquariau Magazine, Part 1. Cottam. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 83. Chetham Society, Ixxxu. 100. Cotterell. Harleian Society, viu. 409. CoTTESFORD. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. COT 115 COU PhUlipps, (Middle HUl, fol.) 17. Harieian Society, v. 284. Dunkin's History of BuUington and Ploughley, i 316. Cottesmore. Harleian Society, v. 195. CoTTlNGHAM. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 541. CoTTiNGTOM. Hoare's WUtshire, IV. i 24. COTTINGTON. Visitation of Somerset, printed by SirT. PhiUipps, 56. Harleian Society, xi 29. Cottle, Cotele, or Cottell. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 475. Visitatio Comitatus WUtonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. The Genealogist, i 340. Harleian Society, xiii 383. Pedigree of C -ttell of Yeolrabridge, Co. Devon, single sheet, privately printed hy Sir T. Phillipps, Bart., 1867. Harleian Society, vi 75. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 667, 670. Cotton. Jewitt's Reliquary, ix. 177. Gentleman's Magazine, 1825, i 581 ; 1833, i 400. The Tyndale Pedigree, by B. W. Green field. The trial of the second issue in Bere versus Ward, 1823, fob, at end. Morant's Essex, i 422 ; ii 406, 528. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 152. Camden Society, xliii. 26. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 52. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 10. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 476. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, ii 191 ; vi. 341 ; viii 171 ; xii 305 ; xiii 40, 384. Visitation of Warwick shire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 96. Herald and Genealogist, viii 337. J. H. HiU's History of Market Harborough, 137. 278. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 642-662. Shaw's Staffordshire, i 157*. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 4. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 15. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 17. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, U. 694, 834 ; iv. 64, 636, 724. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 375. Wilson's History ofthe parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 239. Notices of Great Yarmouth, by J. H. Druery, 124. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Cotttmian Library, (1800, fol.) Preface, xiii Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 786. Cotton-Sheppard. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 203. Cottrell. Burke's Commoners, iv. 745, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. CoTTRELL-DoRMER. Lipscombe's History of the 0^>unty of Bucking ham, i 119. CoucHMAN. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 260. CouLSON. Surtees Society, xxxvi 323. Burke's Commoners, ii. 525, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hodgson's Northumberland, IIL ii 131. Ord's History of Cleveland, 411. CoULTHART. A Genealogical Account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and CoUyn, chiefs of the name, etc., by George Parker Knowles. London, 1855, Bvo. Coulthart, of Coulthart, CoUyn, and Ashton- under-Lyne, derived from the Family Muniments, and brought down to A.D. 1853, by Alex. Cheyne and George Parker Knowles, broadside slieet. Notes and Memoranda to the Coulthart and 8—2 COU 116 COU Ross Pedigrees, 1864, Bvo., pp. 11. Popular Genealogists, 22-51. Manchester Guardian (newspaper). May 30, 1865. Herald and Genealogist, iii. 17, 151, 252. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 39; 2nd Series, i 18. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3 and corr., 4. Fosters' Lancashire Pedigrees. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) ii 212. CoULTHUEST. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedi grees. Ord's History of Cleveland, 350. Whitaker's Deanery of Craven, 172. COUMBEMABTIN. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter WhaUey, i 324. CouNDON. Foster's Visitsitions of Yorkshire, 507. Surtees' Durham, in. 262. Counsel. History of Gloucester, by T. D. Fosbrooke, vi. Coupee. Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, iii. 19. CoURCi, or CouECY. Claim of John de Courcy to be Baron King- sale and Baron Courcy of Ringrone, Sess. Papers, 144 of 1831-32. Baker's Northampton, i 619. CoURTAULD. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Some Account of the Taylor Family, by P. A. Taylor, 699. CouETENAY, CouETNAY, or CouETNEY. Discours sur la G^n^alogie et Maison de Courtenay. Paris, 1603, Bvo. De stirpe et Origine Domus de Courtenay. Paris, 1607, Bvo. A Genealogical History of the Noble Family of Courtenay, by Ezra Cleaveland, B.D. Exeter, 1736, fol. Case of William, Viscount Courtenay, on his Claim to the Earldom of Devon. 1830, fob, pp. 24. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee for Privileges on the Peti tion of William, Viscount Courtenay, 1831, fol. Sess. Papers, 27 of 1830-31. Histoire G6n6alogique de la Maison de Courtenay, par Jean du Bouchet, 1661, fol. Letter to Lord Brougham on the late decision ofthe Earldom of Devon, by T, C. Banks. London, 1831. Report of Proceedings in the claim to the Earldom of Devon, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1832, Bvo. Collinson's Somerset, ii 160, 341. Savage's Hundred of Carhampton, 343-51 4 Herald and Genealogist, iv. 279. Journal of the Archseological Institute, x. 52. Burke's Commoners, ii. 306; (of Ballyedmond,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi 76 ; ix. 51-53. Topographer, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) i. 133. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 76, 459, 656 ; U. 189, 240. Polwhele's History of Cornwall, iv. 9. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck ingham, i 466, 471. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 570, 573, 574-576. Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete, 166. Harding's History of Tiverton, i Part 2, 19. Jewitt's Reliquary, xvu. 17, 97, 135, 213. See Teacy. CouBTHOP, or CouETHOPE. Hasted's Kent, u. 375, 387 ; iii 650. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 216. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 476. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Harleian Society, viii 134. Collec tanea Topographica et Genealogica, ii. 279, 393. COUETIER. Pedigree of Courtier, privately printed by F. W. Courtier, folio sheet. COU 117 CilA Courtown. Claim of the Earl of Courtown to vote at elections of Irish Peers, Sess. Papers, 87 of 1859 sess. 1. Coventry. Account of Croome D'Abitot, with Biographical notices of the Coventry family, Worcester, 1824, 8vo. Warwickshire Pedigrees from Visitation of 16B2-3, (privately printed, 1866,) App. Herald and Genealogist, vii. 97. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 358. Covert. Morant's Essex, i 291. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 428. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 18, 323. Manning and Bray's Surrey. ii 65,441. Coward. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 56. Harleian Society, xi 30. COWDRAY, or CoWDREY. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 324. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, iv. 251. Hampshire Visitations, printed by SirT. PhiUipps, 17. Cowell-Stepney. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Burke's Autho rized Arms, 174. T. Nicholas' County FamiUes of Wales, 282. Cowley. Pedigree of Cowley of Eastington, co. Gloucester, privately printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 1868, folio page. CoWLiN. Harleian Society, ix. 54. Cowper. Claim of F. T. de G., Earl Cowper, to be Lord Dingwall, and Lord Butler of Moore Park, Sess. Papers, C of 1870; C of 1871. Harleian Society, i 83; ii. 152. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 15. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i 597. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 167. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 146, 276. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i 51 ; New Series, i 330. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 corr., p. 426, 4, 5. Dallaway's Sussex, i 194. ; II. i 356. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 974. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 194, The Citizens of London and their Rulers, by B. B. Orridge, 194. Ormerod's Cheshire, i 375. Surrey Archseological Collections, vi Cox. Herald aud Genealogist, v. 84 ; viii. 64. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 163, (140). Berry's Sussex Genealogies, B. Berry's Berkshire Genealogies, 37. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 57. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ballynoe,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of CoolcUffe,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Broxwood,) 3, 4, 5. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 15. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 864. CoxB. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 114. CoxwELL. Burke's Commoners, iii. 471, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CoxwELL-RoGERS. Miscellauea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 265. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CoYNEY. Burke's Commoners, ii 42, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663-4, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 4. CoYNY. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 25. CoYS. Morant's Essex, i 103. Harleian Society, xiii. 184, 385. Crabb, or CrAbbe. Harleian Society, ix. 55. East Anglian, u. 259. The Genealogist, iii. 241. Cracheeode. Morant's Essex, ii. 360. Wright's Essex, i 644. CRA 118 CRA Crackenthorpe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Ceaceoft. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 12. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Lincolnshire Tradesmen's Tokens, by Justin Simpson, (London, 1872, Bvo.) 13. Stemmata Britannica, by Joseph Foster, (London, 1877, Bvo.) 29. CeaduCK, or Cradocke. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 588. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 218. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i l43, 201. Glamorganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. PhUlipps, 20. Burke's Commoners, iv. 256, Landed Gentry, 2, 5. Burke's Patrician, iv. 481. Harleian Society, U. 149. Surtees' Durham, iv. 13. History of Richmond, by 0. Clarkson, 177. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 31. Nichols' His tory ofthe County of Leicester, ii 466; in. 1149, 1160; iv. 802, 807*. Pedigrees of the Leading Families of Lancashire, pubhshed by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.) Ceafoed. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 109, 133. Ceafte. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 27. Ceaggs. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii, 34, Hasted's Kent, i 42. Craig-Laurie. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Crakenthorp. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 40. Cramer. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Cramlington. The Genealogist, ii. 184. Crane. Visitation of Suffolke, edited by J. J. Howard, i 137-162. Baker's Northampton, ii. 243. Cranesley. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, ii. 89. Cbanford. Baker's Northampton, i 244. Harleian Society, xu. 129. Cranmeb. Nicholas' edition of Walton's Complete Angler, i 142. H. J. Todd's Life of Archbishop Cranmer, 1831, Bvo. Gentle man's Magazine, Ixii 991 ; Ixiii 120, 230. Harleian Society, iv. 70 ; viii 327, 430. Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 391. Manning and Bray's Surrey, u. 497 ; iii clii Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, i 262. Memoirs of the family of Chester, by by R. E. C. Waters, 367, etc. Cranstoun. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 139. Crashaw. Surtees Society, xxxvi 212. Craster. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Crastre. The Genealogist, ii. 16. Crathorne. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 145. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 207. Graves' History of Cleveland, 105. Ord's History of Cleveland, 490. Ceaufuied. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 42. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 327, 418 ; ii 77. Ceaufued. Burke's Commoners, (of Craufurdland,) ii 230, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5, (of Auchinames,) Commoners, u. 384, Landed CRA 119 CRE Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. George Robertson's Description of Cunning hame, 130, 257, 335. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i. 277, 355, 403, 428, 430, 437 ; ii 39, 114, 139, 195, 318, 335, 368, 440. Craven. Surtees Society, xxxvi 33. Burke's Commoners, i. 180 ; Landed Gentry, (of firockhampton Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Bram- bridge,) 4, 5 ; (of Richardston,) 2 supp., 3, 4. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 174. Harleian Society, -viii 143, 161. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 6, 111. Abram's History of Blackburn, 749. Crawford. Burke's Commoners, ui. 181, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Burke's Patrician, vi 272. Burke's St. James's Magazine, i 242. See Montrose. Cba-wfurd. Claim of Mr. John Lindsay Crawfurd to the Title and Estates of Crawfurd and Kilbirny. Paisley, 1819, 4to. The Craw furd Peerage, with genealogical particulars relating to the Illus trious Houses of Crawfurd and Kilbirnie, by Dr. A, M. Adams. Edinburgh, 1829. An Examination of the Claim of J. L. Craw furd, by J. Dobie. Edinburgh, 1831, 4to. Sketch of the Case of John Lindsay Crawfurd, by Dr. A. M. Adams. Edinburgh, 1834, 4to. Case of John Lindsay Crawfurd, fol., pp. 50, and Appendix pp. 44 ; reprinted with additions in 3 vols. Bvo., 1849. Lives of the Lindsays, or a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres, by Lord Lindsay. Wigan, 1840, Bvo., 4 vols. Claim of James, Earl of Balcarres, to be Earl of Crawfurd, and Lord Lindsay ; and Petition of Robert Lindsay Crawfurd, Esq., claiming the same titie, Sess. Papers, 206 of 1845 ; 47 of 1846 ; 231 of 1847; 135 of 1847-B ; 347 of 1852-3. Report of Speeches of Counsel, etc., upon the Claim of James, Earl of Crawfurd and Balcarres, to the original Dukedom of Montrose, by Lord Lindsay. London, 1856, fob [A bibliographical catalogue of the Cases and Papers printed is given at p. ix. of the Introduction.] Herald and Genealogist, V. 172. Burke's Commoners, (of Crosby,) i 551, Landed Gentry, (of Milton,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Crawfurd,) 2 - (of Saint Hill,) 2,3. Crawley. Morant's Essex, ii 604. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Baker's Northampton, i 185. Crawshaw. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 330. CrawshAY. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Cray, or Craye. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. PhiUipps, 10. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T, PhiUipps, 17. CrayfOrd. Hasted's Kent, iv. 137. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, ii 30. Creagh. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Bally Andrew,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Dangan,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Creagh Castle,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Cahirbane,) 6 ; (of Carrigerry,) 2. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2nd Series, i 63. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedi grees of Founders' Kin, 29. Crean. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3. CRE 120 CRE Cree. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Cregoe. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Creighton. Burke's Commoners, iii. 636. / Creke. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 8. Clutterbuck's Hertford, u. 496. Ceemee. Harleian Society, viii. 89. Ceeon. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 28. Ceesacre. Burke's Commoners, Ui. 452. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, i 372. Crespeild. Harleian Society, vui. 607. Crespin. Camden Society, xliu. 54 Hutchins' Dorset, iu. 626. Cressel. Harleian Society, ix. 56. Cressener. Morant's Essex, ji 264, 266. Berry's Essex Genea logies, 121. Wright's Essex, i. 477. Cressett. MisceUanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 31. Cressl Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i. 120. Cresswell, or Ceeswell. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 24, 248. Burke's Commoners, (of Ravenstone,) in. 495, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Pinkney Park,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 149. Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 210. Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter WhaUey, i 191. Hodgson's Northumberland, II. U. 200. Baker's Northampton, i. 668. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 19. Cresswell-Baker. Burke's Commoners, ii. 290, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Cressy. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 269. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 509. Harleian Society, iv. 41, 95. History of Blyth, by Rev. John Raine, 135. Dugdale's War-svickshire, 671. Clutter buck's Hertford, i 407. Baker's Northampton, i 355. Thoro ton's Nottinghamshire, iii 416, 419. Cresville. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 18. Creswick. Harleian Society, viii. 175. History of Ecclesfield, by J. Eastwick, 408. Creuz:^. Herald and Genealogist, i 259. Crevequer, or Crevecceur. Planch6's Corner of Kent, 286. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 280. Crew, or Crewe. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 216, (184). Bridges' Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i 198. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, 85. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 303, 839. Baker's Northampton, i. 685. Wilson's History of the parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 224. Hinchliffe's Barthomley, 241, 371. Crewdson. Foster's Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters, Part u. 29. Crewe-Read. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Ceewer. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 213. Crewes. Harleian Society, ix. 66. Crews. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, iv. Part vi 112. Creyke. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 328. Burke's Commoners, iv. 24 ; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Burke's CEI 121 CRO Royal Families, (London, 1861, Bvo.) i 21. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 163. Crichton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Crichton-Makgill. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 107. Origan. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2. Criketot. Page's History of Suffolk, 788. Criol. Planche's Corner of Kent, 291. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, u. 147. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i 280. Crips, or Cripps. Extracts from the Registers of Chipping Norton, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, pp. 4,) 4. Sussex Archaeological Collections, xxviii. 186. Crispe. The Pedigree and Arms of the Family of Crispe, folio sheet 1734. Gentleman's Magazine, 1847, i. 598. Hasted's Kent, iv. 333. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 360. Berry's Kent Genealo gies, 154, 491. Harleian Society, v. 207. Some Account ofthe Taylor FamUy, by P. A. Taylor, 697. Crispin. Gentleman's Magazine, 1832, i 27. Croc. Herald and Genealogist, v. 512. Crochrode. Harleian Society, xiu. 184, 385. Crocker. Harleian Society, -vi. 78 ; ix. 57. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 550. Crockhay. Harleian Society, ix. 57. Croft. Notices of the Ancient Family of Croft, by N. Carlisle. London, 1841, pp. 79. Pedigree of Croft, of Croft Castle, Co. Hereford, privately printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, Bart., single sheet, folio. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Stillington HaU,) 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Aldborough Hall,) 4, 5 ; (of Greenham Lodge,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Harleian Society, ii. 140. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 16. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 483, 876. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 81. Chetham Society, xcix. 5. Croftes. Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 134. Page's History of Suffolk, 684, 761, BIB. Crofton. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Crofts. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 91. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Velvetstown,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Churchtown,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Somp- ting Abbots,) 5. Harleian Society, viii. 293. Crofts-Read. Harleian Society, viu. 293. Croke. A Genealogical History of the Croke Family, originally named Le Blount, by Sir A. Croke. Oxford, 1823, 4to., 2 vols. Kennet's Parochial Antiquities, ii. 473-498. Berry's Buckingham shire Genealogies, 39. Burke's Commoners, i 364, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Harleian Society, v. 280. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 131, 368; U. 189, 194. Hoare's Wiltshire, IV. ii. 122. Herald and Genealogist, i 338. Hutchins' Dorset, iii. 628. Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E, C. Waters, 79. Croker. Burke's Commoners, iv. 315; (of Westmoulsey,) Com moners, i. 340, Landed Gentry, 3; (of Ballynagarde,) Landed CRO 122 CRO Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (ofthe Grange,) 5. Harleian Society, v. 185; vi. 78. Herald and Genealogist, vui 377-391. Foster's account of Families descended from Francis Fox, 23. Ceomartie. The Earls of Cromartie, their Kindred, Country, and Correspondence, by William Frazer. Edinburgh, 1876, 2 vols. Crombock. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 89. Cromer. Hasted's Kent, ii. 575. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 318. Crommelin. Burke's Commoners, iv. 422, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Crompe. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 165. Pedigree of Crompe of Bretforton, Co. Wigorn, privately printed by Sir T. PhUlipps. Harleian Society, xiii. 386. Crompton. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 593, (578). Surtees Society, xxxvi 161, 322. Burke's Commoners, (of Duffield Hall,) iii. 689, Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Agerley HaU,) Landed Gentry, 5 ; (of Hacking,) 2 supp. Butterworth's Account ofthe Town, etc., of Oldham, 130. Crompton-Stansfield. Burke's Commoners, iii. 59, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Cromwell. A sermon preached on the death of Wm. Cromwell, Esq., with a brief account of the Cromwell Family, by Thomas Gibbons. London, 1773, Bvo. Anecdotes and observations relating to Oliver Cromwell and his Family by Sir James Burrow. London, 1763, 4to. The Patrician, edited by J. Burke, i 121-128. Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, 1st Series, 26-39. Gough's edition of Camden's Britannia, ii. 161*. Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, iv. Part ii. 228. Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, by Mark Noble, Birming ham, 1 787, Bvo. 2 vols. A Review of Noble's ' Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell,' by W. Richards. Lynn, 1787, Bvo. The Genealogical Line, or Paternal Descent of Oliver Cromwell, Sir John Prestwick's ' Respublica,' 1787, 4to. Bibliotheca Topo graphica Britannica, vi. Part iii ; see additions to this. Gentleman's Magazine, Ivi 44. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 9, 40. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 77, 106. Camden Society, xliu. 79. Burke's Commoners, i 428, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, iv. 5. Blore's History of South Winfield, in Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, No. 3. 36. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii. 96. The Citizens of London and their Rulers, by B. B. Orridge, 190. Cronin-Coltsman. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 6. Crooke. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 17. Earwaker's Local Gleanings, u. 513, 526, 543, 549, 749, 756, 765. Ceookee, Jewitt's Reliquary, vii 23. Ceoome. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Ceopley. Camden Society, xliii. 59. Visitation of Middlesex, (Salisbury, 1820, fol.) 8. Cropper. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Foster's Lancashire Pedi grees. Crosbie. Gentleman's Magazine, 1833, i, 208. Some Account of CRO 123 CRY the Worshipful Company of Grocers, by J. B. Heath, 204, 291. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ballyheigne,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Ardfert Abbey,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Crosier. Visitation of Durham, 1615, (Sunderland, 1820, foL) 25. Burke's Commoners, ii 658. Surtees' Durham, iii 310. Crosland. Surtees Society, xxxvi 133, 188. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 509. Cross. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Red Scar,) 6 ; (of Eccle Riggs,) 5 ; (of Dartam,) 5. Fishwick's History of Goosnargh, 42. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 107. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Crosse. Burke's Commoners, (of Shaw Hill,) i 531, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Broomfield,) Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3. 4. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck ingham, ii. 1 1 6. Abram's History of Blackburn, 503. Crossing. Harleian Society, vi. 342. Crossley. Burke's Commoners, ii. 536, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5, and supp. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Corry's History of Lancashire, ii. 653-655. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, ii 649. Grossman, or Crosman. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 298. Harleian Society, ix. 58. Croston. Surtees Society, xxxvi 60. _ Crouch. Morant's Essex, ii. 345. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iu. 429. Crow. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 6. Crowder. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 259. Crowe. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Dromore House,) 4, 5 ; (of The Abbey,) 3. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii. 621. Crowley. East Anglian, in. 96, 121 ; iv. 171. Harleian Society, viii. 495. Crowmeb. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, i Part i. 22. Croxall. Shaw's Staffordshire, u. 107*. Croxton. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 144. Croyser. Visitation of Durham, 1575, (Newcastle, 1820, fol.) 20. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 165. Crozier. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Cruikshank. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3 supp., 4, 5, Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 89. Cruis, or Crues. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 177. Harleian Society, vi. 79. Crum-Ewing. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. Crump, or Crumpe. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 337. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, u. 528. Cbumwell. "Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 170. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part ii 522. Crutchley. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cruwys. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5, Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 516. Crux. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 363. Cryche, Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ui 125. CRY 124 CUM Crymble. History of Carrickfergus, by Sam. M'Skimin, 2ud edn., 330. Crymes. Harleian Society, vi. 79. CuBiTT. Burke's .Landed Gentry, (of Catfield,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Honing,) 2, 3, 4, 5. Collections for a History of the Family of Cubitt, in the Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany by W. Rye, Part i 215. CuDDON. Suckling's History of Suffolk, u. 294. CuDMORE. Morant's Essex, ii. 163. Harleian Society, vi. 80; xiu. 386. CuDWORTH. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 15 ; Ixxxii. 80 ; Ixxxiv. 90. Butterworth's Account of the Town, etc., of Oldham, 69. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii 270. CuFAUDE. Gentieman's Magazine, Iviii 574 ; lix. 561. See Cuffold. CuFFE. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 58. Descent of WUliam Cuffe, Esq., from King Edward HI. (London, small 4to. 1876.) Harleian Society, xi. 30. Cuffold. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 281. Hampshire Visita tions, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 19. CuKENEY. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, iii. 373. CuLCHETH. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 82 ; Ixxxiv. 91, 92. Miscel lanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, ii. 209, CULLEN. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 26. CuLLEY. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Fowberry Tower,) 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Coupland Castle,) 5. CuLLiFORD. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 69. Harleian Society, xi. 31. Hutchins' Dorset, i 516. CullinYnfyd. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 22. CuLLOW. Harleian Society, ix. 58. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, iu. 252. CuLLUM. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, (CuUum's Hawsted,) V. Part ii 152, (2nd edn., 179.) Gage's History of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 478. Page's History of Suffolk, 647. Cully, or Culy. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 941. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 123. CuLME. Camden Society, cv. at end. Harleian Society, -vi. 81. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 516. CuLPEPER. Gentleman's Magazine, Ixvii. 294, 476, 543, 663, 646. Archseologia Cantiana, iv. 264. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 56. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 136. Bartlett's History of Man ceter, being No. 1. of Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, 50. Dugdale's Warwickshire, lOBO. Baker's Northampton, ii. 124. Sussex Archseological Collections, x. 154. Scott of Scot's-Hall, by J. R. Scott, 228. CuLWORTH. Baker's Northampton, i. 607. CuMBEBFOED. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, ix. Part 4, 257. Cumin, or Cumyn. Hodgson's Northumberland, II. n. 41. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 661. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 442, See Beuce. CUM 125 CUR Cuming. Burke's Royal Famihes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 88. Cumming. A Table showing the famUies [Tomkins, Leith,] descended from Sir Alexander Cumming of Coulter, etc. Cora- piled in 1868-70, and brought down to 1877, broadside. The Genealogist, iii 1. CuNiNGHAM, or CuNNiNGHAME. Burke's Commoners, (of Caddell,) ii. 526, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Lainshaw,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Balgownie,) 5 ; (of Caprington,) 5. Geo. Robertson's Description of Cunninghame, 128, 172, 200, 224, 321, 434. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) U. 60. Lands and their owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Kerlie, iii. 151. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 210, 232, 427, 451 ; u. 37, 49, 117, 143, 212, 248, 252, 254, 408, 446, 456, 459. CUNLIFFE. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii. 22. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Gregson's Fragments relative to the County of Lancaster, 168, 169. Whitaker's History of WhaUey, u. 259. Abram's History of Blackburn, 392, 445. Cunninghame-Graham. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. CuppAGE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4. Cupper. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 60. Harleian Society, v. 204; xi. 31. Cure. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CuRGENVEN. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, ii. 265. Curl. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ii 262*. CuRLL Dugdale's Warwickshire, 656. Curling. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 5. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. . CuRRE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. CuRRER. Surtees Society, xxxvi 231, 252. Burke's Commoners, (of Clifton,) in. 94, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Kildwick,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, Founder^ Kin, 2. Whitaker's Deanery of Craven, 162. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 63. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 510. CuRRiE. Herald and Genealogist, v. 175. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of West Horsley,) 5 ; (of Minley Manor,) 5 ; (of Bush HUl,) 2, 3, 4. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 205. CuRSON, or CURSONE. SirT. PhiUipps' Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 22. Visitation of Norfolk, pubhshed by Norfolk Archseological Society, ii. 17. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 3. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, prmted by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HiU, fol.) 17. Harleian Society, V. 131. Carthew's Hundred of Launditch, Part U. 747. CURTEIS. Hasted's Kent, iii 89. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 65, 69. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 214. Burke's Commoners,!. 314; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Harleian Society, viii. 213. Curtis. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Foster's Account oi Families descended from Francis Fox, 21. CUR 126 DAB CuRTLEE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. CUETOIS. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. CuRWEN. Surtees Society, xli. 97. Burke's Commoners, i 677; Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 8, 11. Harleian Society, vu. 30. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 28, 68. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, ii 143. Jefferson's History of Allerdale Ward, Cumberland, 251. CuRWYN. Surtees Society, xli. 100. CuRZON. Case of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, claiming the Barony of Powes, 1731. Topographical Miscellanies, (London, 1792, 4to.) unpaged. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii 179, 587, (566). Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 6. Harleian Society, iv. 163. Page's History of Suffolk, 914. CusACK. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Gerardstown,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Moyangher,) 2. Burke's Patrician, vi. 59. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 157. CusSE. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Oust. Tumor's History of Town and Soke of Grantham, 101. CusTANCE. Burke's Commoners, i 492, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. CuTCLiFFE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Harleian Society, vi 81. CuTHBEET. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 6. Hutchinson's History of Durham, iii. 305. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, i 365. Cdthbebt-Keaeney. Burke's Landed Gentry, 4, 5. CuTHBEBTSON. Hodgsou's Northumberland, III. ii 117, 436. CuTLEE. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 4. Some Account of the Worship ful Company' of Grocers, by J. B. Heath, 253. Burke's Com moners, iv. 688, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Upton,) Commoners, iv. 690, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 510, 511. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 113. Harleian Society, ii 138; viii 161, 362. Nichols' History ofthe County of Leicester, iii. 634. Hunter's Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 266. Midland Counties Historical Collector, published by Archi tectural and Archseological Society of Leicester, 1855-1856, ii. 306. CuTT, CuTTE, CuTTES, or CuTTS. Moraut's Essex, ii. 439, 497, 583, 689. Hasted's Kent, ii. 495. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 7. Proceedings of the Essex Archseological Society, iv. 26. Harleian Society, xiii. 44. Cypfin. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 307. D'Abbetot. Harleian Society, xii. 136. D'Abernon. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 721. Daberon. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ii 161. Dabridgecourt. Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, 70. Topographer and Genealogist, i 197. Harleian Society, iv. 37 ; xii. 47. Topo grapher, (London, 1789-91, Bvo.) i 191. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 69. Hampshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 19, Dugdale's Warwickshire, Index. DAG 127 DA L Daccomb, or Dackombe. Hutchins' Dorset, i. 146, 229, 510. Dackham. See Daccomb. Dacee. Hasted's Kent, i 121 ; U. 162. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 66. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i 302. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, i 60, 468 ; ii. 568. Jeffer son's History of Leath Ward, Cumberiand, 167, 170, 172, 175, 345. Hodgson's Northumberland, II. ii. 375. Archseologia .Mliana, 2nd Series, ii. 137. Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts vii. and -viii 136. Chauncy's Hertfordshire, 301. Surtees Society, Ixviu. 393. Dacres. Harleian Society, viii 320. Clutterbuck's Hertford, ii 101. Dacus. Collinson's Somerset, iii. 55. Dade. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 460. D'Aeth. Hasted's Kent, iv. 211. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 249 Burke's Commoners, iii. 86, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Dagge. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, i 295 ; u. 179 ; in. 168. Harleian Society, ix. 59. Daggeworth. Morant's Essex, U. 155, 262. Daines, Denes, or Dines. Morant's Essex, i. 460. Dakeyne, or Dakin. Glover's History of Derbyshire, U. 393, (361). Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HiU, 1854, fol.) 3. The Genealogist, iu. 57. Dakins, or Dakyns. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 169, 511. War-wickshire Pedigrees, from Visitation of 1682-3, (privately printed, 1865). Dalby. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619, published with Warwick shire Antiquarian Magazine, 54. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 16. Harleian Society, xii. 369. Dalden. Surtees' Durham, i 6. Dale. Jewitt's Reliquary, vii. 181. Topographer and Genealogist, ii 105. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, Pi. 14. Morant's Essex, i 437. Glover's History of Derbyshire, ii. 53, (46). Burke's Commoners, (of Ashborne,) iv. 115, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Glanville's Wootton,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Tunstall,) 2 supp. Harleian Society, i 65, 94; xiii. 186. Surtees' Durham, i 261, 307; iv. 145. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i 16 ; ii 142. Lincolnshire Tradesmen's Tokens, by Justin Simpson, (London, 1872, Bvo.) 61. Blore's Rutland, 61. Dalgleish. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Dalison. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 182. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 183. Dallas. Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies, by J. H. Laurence-Archer, 123. Dallas- FoRKE. Burke's Landed Gentry, 6. Dallaway. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 286. Dalmahoy. The Family of Dalmahoy, of Dalmahoy, Ratho, co. Edinburgh, 1867, Bvo. Also eleven pages relating to surname of Falconer, published with it. Dalrymple. Lands and their Owners in Galloway, by P. H. M'Keriie, i 153, 184. Paterson's History of the Co. of Ayr, U. 435. See Stair. DAL 128 DAN Dalston. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615, (London, 1853,) 5. Harleian Society, vii. 5. Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, ii. 447. Dalton. Morant's Essex, n. 377. Harleian Society, i 44 ; vui. 311. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 47, 143. Cambridgeshire Visitation, edited by Sir 'T. PhUlipps, 12. Burke's Commoners, (of Slening- ford,) i. 528, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Dunkirk,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4 ; (of Thurnham,) Commoners, i 522, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4. Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. Chetham Society, Ixxxii. 32 ; Ixxxiv. 94. Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii 134. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 141. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, i 328. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4, (Middle HUl, 1854, fol.) 3. Hoare's WUtshire, IV. u. 33. Baines' History of the Co. of Lancaster, iv. 543. The Genealogist, iii 16, 90. Dalway. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. History of Carrick fergus, by SamL M'Skimin, 2nd edn., 317. Daly. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Castle Daly,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Raford,) 5 ; (of Cooliney,) 3, 4 ; (of Dunsandle,) 2. Dalyel, or Dalyell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3 supp., 4, 5. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 106. Dalyngbuge, or Dalyngrudge. Sketch of Bodyam Castle in Sussex, by Willm. Cotton, 11. Sussex Archseological CoUections, iii 93 ; ix. 287. Dalyson. Hasted's Kent, ii. 260. Dalzell. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Damee. Hutchins' Dorset, iv. 387. Dames. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Dammaetin. Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 324. D'Amorie. Manning and Bray's Surrey, iu. 485. Damport. Chetham Society, Ixxxi 133. Danby. j. Fisher's History of Masham, 244. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 93; xh. 87. Burke's "Commoners, i 200. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 262, 264, 292. Harleian Society, viii 436. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, i 254; ii. 98. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 202. Dancastell. Visitation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, 16. Dande. Harleian Society, iv. 131. Dandy. East Anglian, ii. 164. Harleian Society, ix. 60. Page's History of Suffolk, 628. Dane. Harieian Society, i. 10. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 62. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3. Danet. Nash's Worcestershire, i 347. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 671. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 523. Daneys. Blore's Rutland, 61. Daniel, or Daniell. Morant's Essex, u. 176, 310. Gentieman's Magazine, 1826, i. 130. Berry's Hertfordshire Genealogies, 102. Visitation of Suffolk, edited by J. J. Howard, i 231-243. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Stoodleigh, 4, 5 ; (of Newforest,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Auburn,) 6 ; (of Trelissick,) 2. Foster's Visitations of DAN 129 BAR Yorkshire, 124. Harleian Society, viu, 157, 384, 501. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 95. Account of Beauchief Abbey, in No. 3 of Nichols' Miscellaneous Antiquities, 148. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 472, 734, The Genealogist, u, 27, Page's History of Suffolk, 914. Dannet, or Dannett. Harleian Society, u. 64, Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, ui 235, 969. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 34. Dansey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2 supp., 3. Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, 45. Danson. Whitaker's History of Craven, 1st edn. 73. Danvebs. Claim of G. J. Danvers Butler Danvers, Earl of Lanes- borough, to vote at Elections of Peers, Sess. Papers, 96 of 1848. Gentleman's Magazine, 1830, ii. 607. Potter's History of Charn- wood Forest, 140. Appendix to Case of Sir J. S. Sidney claiming to be Lord Lisle. Sir Thomas Phillipps' Topographer, No. 1, (March, 1821, Bvo.) 28. Berry's Buckinghamshire Genealogies, 95. Oxfordshire Pedigrees, fob, n. d., printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, (Middle HUl, fob) 3. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634, printed by Sir T. PhUlipps, (Middle Hill, fol.) 17. Burke's Commoners, i 149. Harleian Society, ii 86; v. 172, 187, 188, 265, 304; xii 115. CoUectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i 324. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buckingham, i 280 ; iv. 530. Topo graphical CoUections of John Aubrey, edited by J. E. Jackson, 217. Bridge's Northamptonshire, by Rev. Peter Whalley, i. 163. Burton's Description of Leicestershire, 102. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 188, 189. Dugdale's Warwickshire, Index. Baker's Northampton, i 443, 605. Danyel or Danyell. Morant's Essex, i, 361. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. Phillipps. Dantees. Chetham Society, xcvii. 124, Dapifee. Munford's Analysis of Domesday Book of Co. Norfolk, 25, 38. D'Aeabin. See Adleeceon. D'Aranda. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, i. 83. Darby. Burke's Commoners, (of Colebrookdale,) ii. 310, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Stoke Court,) Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Leap Castle,) 2, 3, 4, 5. D'Aroi, Darcy, or D'Argy. Herald and Genealogist, iv. 449. Jacob's Peerage, i. 612. Morant's Essex, i. 314, 391, 396, 398, 458, 476; ii. 28, 139. Surtees Society, xxxvi 108, 209. Burke's Commoners, (of Kiltullagh,) iu. 142, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of New Forest,) Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Hyde Park,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Lacken,) 2. Foster's Visitations of York shire, 47, Graves' History of Cleveland, 49, 140, Burke's Royal Families, (London, 1851, 8vo,) ii 160. Burke's Heraldic Illustra tions, 43. Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, ii. 45. Poulson's Holderness, ii 200. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 226. Ord's History of Cleveland, 445. Surtees' Durham, i. 182. Hunter's 9 DAR 130 DAU Deanery of Doncaster, ii. 164, 391. Clutterbuck's Hertford, i. 324. Wright's Essex, ii 775. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, ii 293. Pedigrees of the Leading Famihes of Lancashire, published by Joseph Foster, (London, 1872, fol.) Memoirs of the Family of Chester, by R. E. C. Waters, 664. Harleian Society, xiu, 44, 186, 387. D'Aecy-Evans, Burke's Commoners, ii, 26, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Darell, or Darrell, Hasted's Kent, ii. 380 ; iii 224. Morant's Essex, i. 370. Berry's Kent Genealogies, 102. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 165. Burke's Commoners, i vui, 369 ; (of CalehUl,) Commoners, i 133, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visita tions of Yorkshire, 78, 84. Harleian Society, iv. 90 ; viii. 240 ; ix. 61. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, -vi. 124, Visi tation of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps, 16. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iu, 86, WUtshire Archseological Magazine, iv. 226, Foley's Records of the English Province S, J,, iii. 475. Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, in, 81, D'Aegues. Planche's Corner of Kent, 256. Darley. Jewitt's ReUquary, vii. 23. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 87. Harleian Society, ix. 60. Daenley. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 81. Darroch. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Darsett, Harleian Society, xii. 79. Daete. Harleian Society, ix. 279. Dartmouth (Lord). Hasted's Kent, i. 71. Darwin. Glover's History of Derbyshire, U. 178, (154). Burke's Landed Gentry, (of BreadsaU Priory,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Elston HaU), 3, 4, 5. Dashwood. Hasted's Kent, U. 833. Berry's Buckmghamshu-e Genealogies, 98. Burke's Landed Gentry, 3, 4, 5. Harleian Society, A'iii. 388. Lipscombe's History of the County of Buck ingham, u. 222, Cussan's History of Hertfordshire, Parts vii and viii., 52. Dassett. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire, 98. Daston. Harleian Society, xii. 21. Daubeney, or Daubeny. CoUinson's Somerset, iu. 109. Burke's Commoners, iv. 738, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, i. 314. Daundy. Page's History of Suffolk, 91, Daunt, or Daunte, History of the FamUy of Daunt, by J, Daunt, Bvo. Rudder's Gloucestershire, 586. Visitation of Gloucester shire, 1569, (Middle HUl, 1854, fob) 4. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Owlpen,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Fahalea,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Newborough,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Sliveron,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Tracton Abbey,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5 ; (of KUcascan,) 2 supp., 3, 4, 5. Dauntesey, or Dauntsey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. i 83. Clutterbuck's Hertford, iu. 33. DAV 131 DAY Davall, Morant's Essex, i. 492. Davenant. Hoare's Wiltshire, V. ii. 85, 125. Harleian Society, xiu. 388. Davenpoet. History and Genealogy of the Davenport Family, by A. B. Davenport. New York, 1851, Bvo. Supplement to the same. Stamford, Conn. 1876, Bvo. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Capesthorne,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Davenport,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Bramall Hall,) 2 add., 3, 4, 5 and supp. ; (of Foxley,) 5. Visitation of War wickshire, 1619, published with Warwickshire Antiquarian Maga zine, 160. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 112. Chetham Society, Ixxxiv. 96. Surtees' Durham, i 170. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 122. J. P, Earwaker's East Cheshire, i. 164, 436. Harleian Society, xii 373. Ormerod's Cheshire, ii 285, 771. Daventre, Baker's Northampton, i 309. Davey. Burke's Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5. David. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 82, 103, 155, 217. Glamor ganshire Pedigrees, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, 7, 41, 42. Cardiganshire Pedigrees, 113. Meyrick's History of the Co. of Cardigan, 152. David ab Morgan. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii 124. David ap Einion. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 195. David, Griffith. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 279. David, Jevan. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 80. David, Owen. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 281, 309. David, Rys. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 224. David, Rytherch. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 16, 239. Davids. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, u. 300, 321. Davidson. Davidson Genealogy, a broadside sheet signed C. T. M'Creedy, 2nd Sept. 1867. Herald and Genealogist, v. 368. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Inchmarlo,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of TuUoch,) 4, 5 ; (of Cantray,) 2 add., 3, 4. Hodgson's Northumberland, HI. u. 337. Davies. Camden Society, Ixviii. xiii. Berry's Sussex Genealogies, 153. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i 77, 96, 307 ; ii..86, 119, 312. Visitation of Somerset, printed by Sir T. Phillips, 63. Burke's Commoners, i 324 ; ii 277 ; iv. 384 ; (of Marrington HaU,) Commoners, ii. 642, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 6 ; (of Elmley Park,) Commoners, ii. 259, Landed Gentry, 2 ; (of Moor Court,) Landed Gentry, 2 add., 3, 4, 5 ; (of Alltyr Odin,) 3, 4, 5 ; (of Danehurst,) 5 ; (of Croft Castie,) 5 ; (of Castie Green,) 4, 5 ; (of Pentre,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Gwysaney,) 3 supp., 4 ; (of Eton House,) 2 supp. ; of Birmingham,) 2 add. ; (of Vronheulog,) 2. Burke's Heraldic Register, (published with St. James's Magazine,) 67. Harieian Society, viu. 212, 162. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) i. 94; ii. 214. Seize Quartiers of the Family of Bryan Cooke, (London, 1857, 4to.) 67. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 155, 356. Polwhele's History of Cornwall, iv. 94. Burke's Visitation of Seats and Arms, i 69. Burke's Heraldic IUustrations, 18. Caermarthenshire Pedigrees, 56. Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, 128, 9—2 DAV 132 DAW 129, 135. Hoare's Wiltshire, IV. ii, 36, T. Nicholas' County Famihes of Wales, 193. Davile, Surtees Society, xxxvi. 101. Davils. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 611. Davis. Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, i, 70, 96, 179, 194, 244. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5. Harleian Society, viu. 162 ; xi. 32. Phelps' History of Somersetshire, ii. 24. Burke's Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, 69. Visitations of Berkshire, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 16. Davison. Harleian Society, vui 101. Hutchinson's History of Durham, ui 120. Surtees' Durham, u. 227 ; Ui. 166, 167. D'Avrenches. Archseologia Cantiana ii. 142; iii 273. Davy, or Davye. Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, 93, 97, 99. Surtees Society, xxxvi. 386. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk Archseological Society, 275-290. Burke's Landed Gentry, (of Ingoldsthorpe,) 2, 3, 4, 5 ; (of Lesketh How,) 4, 5. Harleian Society, vi. 83-85. Westcote's Devonshire, edited by G. Oliver and P. Jones, 598. Burke's Royal FamiUes, (London, 1851, Bvo.) ii. 66. Visitatio Comitatus Wiltonise, 1623, printed by Sir T. PhiUipps. Davys. Hoare's WUtshire, IV. i. 136, Dawbney. Harleian Society, i. 58. Dawe, Burke's Commoners, iv. 577, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5, Hutchins' Dorset, u. 654. Dawes. Morant's Essex, ii. 397. Burke's Landed Gentry, 5 supp. Burke's Royal FamUies, (London, 1851, Bvo.) u. 117. Harleian Society, ii 98 ; viii. 270. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees. Burke's Heraldic Illustrations, 146. Nichols' History of the County of Leicester, iv. 484. Archseologia .*E5^*:,.il'" ;>»<' ',«tr<^ '¦¦^--^-f"'^'}':^ '-. y^- ,'r- ^'