! YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HISTORY AMERICAN REVOLUTION; COMFBEHENDINa ALIi THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS IN Tfl^ Fp:f:&'^AND>5N*^^E CABINET. BY'^iUL ALLElJ;')j;SQ. ta WHICH ARE ADDED, TP^iStQ^dS^CfilTANT RESOLUTIONS CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, ASD MANT OF THE MOST IMPOETAifX LETTERS OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. IW TWO TOIVMES — TOL. I, BALTIMORE: PRINTED FOR FRANKLIN BETTS. Wm, Wooddy, Jr. printer. 182g. Whatever relates to the birth of a great, free, powerful, and independent nation, must, neces sarily, form an important era in the history of the World that we inhabit. Abortive attempts by nations to relie? ve themselves from the chains of oppression, . '¦e always denominated treason against the rulers of the day, and the records of criminal jurisprudence con stitute, perhaps, their only memorial : so true is the remark of Dr. Priestly, that every unsuccessful revolt is called a rebellion, and every successful struggle a Revolution. "Wallace died upon the scaffold, while Washington was triumphant. Those who performed a conspicuous part in the early stages of our Revolution, not being recognized by their enemies as the agents of an independent pow er, were stigmatized as rebels, denounced as traitors, and interdicted from the common rights of humanity exercised by all belligerent nations, and "which may now be said, even in times of hostility, to constitute a part of national law. The word rebel was, during om' IV PREFACE. revolutionary struggle, a sanction to any enormity that our enemies were capable of inflicting. It is now said, and there is Indeed a precedent that gives a coloura ble pretext for such an assertion, that all resistance to established authority becomes, ipso facto, criminal ; and while the trae friend of liberty deplores the enor mities, the pander of arbitrary, power rejoices in the history, of the French revolution. It furnishes the lat ter with a pretext to prove his favourite position, that no nation Is to be entrusted with the government of it self : it serves to consecrate any tyranny on the part of the rulers, and any state qf servile acquiescence on the part of the people. To this example, however, the former may proudly oppose the history ofthe As2»«i- rican revolution ; it was a revolution in favour of a free; government ; it was a revolution in favour of that la,v, that had been handed down to us as an invaluable le gacy by our ancestors ; it was a revolution that pre served to the Colonies, under another name, the rights secured by Magna Charta. Astonishing as the fact may appear j it is nevertheless true, that solittle did the Ame ricans contend for, beyond what was secured to them in the grant oftheir royal charter, that some ofthem have preserved those very charters to the present day, not withstanding they have renouaccd the authority of the Monarch by whom they were granted. Others have in the constitutions that have been subsequently fram ed under the name ofthe people, recognized and adopt ed all those rights guaranteed by the royal charters ; and even at the pi;esent day, the constftution of the PREFACE. V United States, and the constitutions of the scA'eral States, have only given to those cha.rtered rights a new name. The People now speak in their collective inajes- ty, where a Monarch, in his individual tlaiajfesty, former ly sspoke ; and the lips of both Utter precisely the same sentiments — so fiilse was the opinion prevalent iii the day of our revolution, that our ancestors vvere rfebels. In the prosecution of the present work, it is deem ed proper to state, that the facts have been drawn from what is htinestly believed to be the most unques tionable sources : from a painful and accurate examina tion and comparison of the various histories of that important event ; from the correspondence of those who were tke immediate parties in a struggle so glbrious i-o our country ; from official documents, from the ar chives of our Coutineutal Congress, and those of the different Legislatures ; aticl frdin the orderly books, that may properly be denoiuiuated the journals of the army. Much, perhaps, remains to be known, that may yet be preserved to posterity, if the [irivate cor respondence of those who Were the iifamediate actors in this important drama, has yet survived the dilapi dations of time and of accident ; but much is irrevoca bly covered by the ashes of the grave. It may be proper here to mention, that the author, in recording the events of our Revolution, is largely in debted to the voluntary services of two of his literary , friends, without whose kind assistance it is probable that he should have never been able to have complied with his obligations to the publick : an assistance, so VI PREFACE. important that he is confident the reader will have abundant cause for congratulation. This will account for the difference of style that Avill be observed in the course ofthe present work-.. He regrets that he is not allowed to mention the names of his associates. If this history should answer the expectations of its patrons, he hopes that it will be remembered to whom honour is due. Our Country has now acquired a rank, and a name, and a character, amongst the powers of the earth : she has extended her dominion from the Maine to the Gulph of Mexico ; from the Atlantick to the Pacifick Ocean. She has, in the language of Milton, risen like a strong man from sleep ; and has shaken- her in vincible locks. Every American must ferver>tly off*> up aprayerto the throne of Divine Grace, that she may grow in dignity, in honour, and in virtue, ds she has grown in power — Or, to pursue the prophecy of the Bard, that " she may kindle her undazzled eyes at the full mid-day beam, and unscale her long abused sight at the fountain itself of Heavenly influence." P. A. TAEliE 0¥ COXTEKTS, OF VOLUME ONE. PAGE Chap. i. — Introductory remarks. 1 Chap. ii. — Further Preliminary Observations. 24 Chap. hi. — Resignation of Mr. Pitt.„Appointment of Lord Bute...Peace of Fontainbleau...Mr. Grenville made Prime Minister...His proposition to tax. the Colonies...Resolutions imposing Stamp Duties...and the consequences thereof. 53 Chap. iv. — Meeting of the first Continental Congress at New Yorlci.Tljey publish a manifesto, and petition the King and Parliament...! st of November, 1765, observed throughout the Colonies, as a day of mourning...Publick funeral of Lib erty in New Hampshire...non-importation agreement„.the people refuse to use Stamps...e£fects of the popular ferment upon the Parliament...debates upon its repeal...effects of the noijL-importation upon the Merchants of London...their peti tion to the King and Parliament...RepeaI of the Stamp Act... universal joy of the Americans in consequence. 77 Chap. v. — Repeal ofthe Stamp Act produces but a short calm... transactions in England...Mr. Pitt taken into the Ministry... VIII CONTENTS. PAGE the strange mixture in his administration...Mr. Townsend made Chancellor ofthe Exchequer...Mr. Pitt accepts the title and dignities of Earl of Chatham...Mr. Grenville's Prohibito ry Act against New York...its effects upon the other Colo- nies...Arrival of British troops in Boston...consequences thereof...Mr. Townsend's plan for taxing the CoIonies...Ef- fects of his measures upon the Americans...Deatli of Mr. Townsend, and appointment of Lord North...Lord Chatham resigns, and is succeeded by the Earl of Bristol...Lord Hills borough made Secretary of State for the Colonies...Resolu- tions of Boston town 'meetings...CLrcular Letter ofthe Mas sachusetts Assembly...The Farmer's Letters...Govemour Bernard dissolves the Legislature...effects of this violence... Seizure of Mr. Hancock's sloop...riot in consequence there- of...Board of Trade remove from Boston...Meeting at Faneuil Hall..,Art'ivaI of a British squadron and tivo regiments at Boston...The Governour quarters them in Faneuil Hall...Re- solutions of the merchants...Letter of the Philadelphia mer chants to their agents in London.„Revival of the Statute .3f - Heniy VIII...Resolutions of the Virginia House of Buwess- es...The Governour dissolves them...Other Assemblies slso ' dissolved...Conduct of Governour Bernard...his recall...ai5^ character...Different conduct of Governour Bottetourt„.Lord Hillsborough's Circular...Sentiments of the Philadelphia merchants on his conciliatory proposition. 100 Chap. vi. — State of affairs in England...Ineffectual opposition of the friends of America to the Ministry...Lord North suc ceeds the Duke of Grafton as First Lord of the Treasury... His motion for the partial repeal ofthe Port Duties...Debates thereon...Riot at Boston between the soldiers and ropema- kers...Several ofthe people killed by the soldiers...Mr. Hutch inson refuses to remove the troops from Boston...Funeral pomp at the burial of those killed...Liberty poles erected in New York...Assembly of Massachusetts convened at Cam- bridge...Their remonstrances on account of it...TriaI of Cap tain Preston and his soldiers...Honourable conduct of Mr Adams and Mr. Quincey...Mr. Hutcliinson made Govern our a.id Captain General...AtFair ofthe Gaspee at Rhode Is land-Instructions ofthe town of Petersham to their consti- tuents...General feeling of the people on the first measures of Lord North's administration. . „_ I CONTENTS. IX Chap. vii. — Operations of I773...Vir^nia ResoIves..,Proceed- ings ofthe Massachusetts Assembly...Discovery of a secret CM'respondence.^.Proceedings thereupon....Speech of Mr. Wedderburn...The King refuses to remove Governour Hutch- inson...East India Company send over their Tea...The Ame ricans refuse to have it landed-Burning ofthe Tea at Bos ton. 158 Chap. viii^-Events of 1774..Parliamentary proceedings..Bos- ton Port BilI...Subversion ofthe Charter...Recall of Govern our Hutchinson...General Gage succeeds him...Proceedings of Virginia on the Boston Port Bill...Govemour Dunmore dis- sblves the House of Burgesses...Proceedings ofthe other Co- lonies~.Massachusett8 General Court meet at Salem...lst of June observed as a day of fasting and prayer...Secret pro ceedings of the General Court at Salem...Their resolve to call a General Congress...Adoption of that measure by the other Colonies, and appointment of Deputies. 172 Chap. ix. — ^Events of 1774 continued...Conduct of General ''»ije...Meeting of the people of Suffolk...Goveniour's Ca dets disband themselves...Meeting of the Congress...Sundry \ resolutions thereoL.Their letter to General Gage..,Declai-a- tion of Rights.,.Article8 of Association...Addresses to the King and Peoplc.General Gage calls a meeting of the Ge neral Court....Countermands the order...The members as semble to form a Provincial Congress.,.Their proceedings... Conduct ofthe other Colonies. 20^ Chap. x.»— Events of 1775...Proceedings of the British Parlia- ment...Speech of Lord Chatham.,..Lord North's Fishery Bill...lus conciliatory propositions.,.QxtTa.ordmarj confes sions of some Noble Lords...People of New Hampshire seize the powder at the Fort...Movement of Colonel Le6lie.MQuar- rel in New York.«Affair of Lexington and Concord™ Jlxploit of the Reverend Mr. Payson...Seizure of the powder in Vii-- ginia...Conduct of Patrick Henry,..hoTd North's conciliato ry proposals received...Affair of Ticonderoga..,Conduct of General Gage to the people of Boston..,Massachusett9 Con gress meet...appoint Generals-Adams and Hancock declar ed outlaw8...Continental Congress meet..,their proceedings.™ Hancock appointed President,..Washington appointed Com mander in Chief,..Battle of Breed's Hill.,