YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the ALFRED E. PERKINS FUND MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY ^m, MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1922 Copyright, 1922, bv THE MUNDUS PUBLISHING CO., Ltd., AMSTERDAM german edition Copyright, 1922, by J. G. COTTA, STUTTGART-BERLIN Printed in the United States of America Published May, 1922 CONTENTS PAGE Impulsus Scribendi I CHAPTER I Childhood Days 3 Boys will be Boys 3 My Father's Nature 18 Princes, Sovereigns and Sayings 27 CHAPTER II Soldier, Sportsman and Student ..... 35 The Value of Prussian Drill 35 The Queen .... 41 Student Life 44 In Command of the Foot-Guards .... 51 CHAPTER III Matrimonial and Post-Matrimonial .... 60 Freely Chosen Freely Given 60 Recollections of Russia 65 Statecraft Studies in Germany and England . 70 The Row in the Reichstag 96 How the Kaiser Worked 104 Our pre- War Policy 108 Travel Impressions 118 CHAPTER IV Stress and Storm 126 The Cloud on the Horizon 128 The Cloud Bursts 135 Our Military and Civil Leaders 157 My Memorials 163 Hindenburg and Ludendorff 184 V vi CONTENTS CHAPTER V i PAGE Progress of the War 197 Battle of the Marne 198 Verdun 210 Princes and Politicians at the Front . . . 223 CHAPTER VI The Great Collapse 237 Foreseeing the End 237 Mistaken Proceedings 248 Wilson and Foch 266 The Wrong Man 274 CHAPTER VII Scenes at Spa 280 Schulenburg: Groner 285 The Forged Abdication 300 The Council of Officers 308 The Kaiser's Ejection 320 CHAPTER VIII Exiled to Holland 328 Waiting for Berlin 329 Accepting the Inevitable 336 What was Done in My Absence . . . . 339 Farewell to My Troops 344 The Decisive Step 348 Wieringen 3^4 My Message 362 Index ,67 ILLUSTRATIONS The Crown Prince Frontispiece FACING PAGE The Crown Prince and Crown Princess with Their Children and with the Mayor of Wieringen and His Wife 62 The Crown Prince and Crown Princess at Wieringen 282 The Crown Prince's Residence in Wieringen . 354 IMPULSUS SCRIBENDI March, 1919. It is evening. I have been wandering once more along the deserted and silent ways between the wind-swept and sodden meadows, through grayness and shadow. No human sound or sign. Only this seawind grabbing at me and driving its fingers through my clothing. A March wind ! Spring is near at hand. I have been here four months. In the vast expanse above me sparkle the eternal stars, the same that look down upon Germany. From the horizon of the Zuyder Zee, the lighthouses of The Oever and of Texel fling their beams into the deepening night. On my return I find my companion waiting anxiously at the little wicket-gate of the garden. Had I been gone such a long time? I am now sitting in this small room of the par sonage. The paraffin lamp is lighted; it smokes and smells a little; and the fire in the grate burns rather low and cheerless. Not a sound disturbs the silence, save this cease less blowing of the wind across the lonesome and slumbering island. Four months ! 2 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE In this seemingly endless time — which I have spent in one unbroken waiting-for-something, listen- ing-for-something — the thought has recurred again and again to me: "Perhaps, if you were to write it out of your heart?" This idea has seized me again to-day; it was my one companion as I trudged the silent roads this evening. I will try it. I will write the pages which shall recall and arrange the past, shall bring me out of this turmoil into calmness and serenity. I will re touch the half-faded remembrances, will give ac count to myself of my own doings, wishes and omis sions, will fix the truth concerning many important events whose outlines are seen at present by the world in a distorted and falsified picture. I will de pict all events honestly and impartially, just as I see them. I will not conceal my own errors nor in veigh against the mistakes of others. I will compel myself to objectivity and self-possession even where recollection's turgid wave of pain, anger and bit terness breaks over me and threatens to sweep me along with it in its recoil. In the distant days of my youth I will commence my reminiscences. CHAPTER I CHILDHOOD DAYS When I look back upon my childhood, there rises before me as it were a submerged world of radiance and sunshine. We all loved our home in Potsdam and Berlin just as every child does who is cherished and cared for by loving hands. So, too, the joys of our earliest childhood were, for sure, the same as the joys of every happy and alert German lad. Whether a boy's sword is of wood or of metal, whether his rocking-horse is covered with calfskin or modestly painted — this, at bottom, is all one to the child's heart; it is the symbol of diminutive manliness — the sword or the horse itself — that makes the boy happy. We played the same boyish tricks as every other German boy, — except, perhaps, that we spoiled bet ter carpets and dearer furniture. Whenever and with whomsoever I have talked of those childhood years, I have found full confirmation of the truth that — be he child of King or child of peasant, son of the better class or son of the workman — every lad's fancy has a stage of development in which it seeks the same bold adventures and makes the same won derful discoveries, undertakes expeditions into roomy and mysterious lofts or dank cellars; there are hap- 4 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE penings with suddenly opened hydrants which refuse to close again when the water gushes out, and secret snowball attacks upon highly respectable and punc tiliously correct state officials who, forgetting all at once their reverend dignity, turn as red as turkey- cocks and shout: "Damned young rascals!" As far back as I can remember, the centre of our existence has been our dearly beloved mother. She has radiated a love which has warmed and com forted us. Whatever joy or sorrow moved us, she has always had for it understanding and sym pathy. All that was best in our childhood, nay, all the best that home and family can give, we owe to her. What she was to us in our early youth, that she has remained throughout our adolescence and our manhood. The kindest and best woman is she for whom living means helping, succoring and spend ing herself in the interests of others; and such a woman is our mother. Being the eldest son I have always been partic ularly close to our beloved mother. I have carried to her all my requests, wishes and troubles, whether big or little; and she, too, has shared honestly with me the hopes and fears couched in her bosom, the fulfilments and the disappointments which she has experienced. In many a difficulty that has arisen in the course of years between my father and me she has mediated with a soothing, smoothing and adjust ing hand. Not a heart's thought of any moment CHILDHOOD DAYS 5 but I have dared to lay it before her; and this loving and trustful intercourse continued throughout the grievous days of the war; nor has the relationship been destroyed by all the trying circumstances which now separate me from her. I am particularly happy to know that, in these painful times, she is still, in misfortune, permitted to be the trusty help mate of my severely tried father as she was once in prosperity, and I am grateful for the dispensation which has rendered it possible. She has been his best friend, self-sacrificing, earnest, pure, great in her goodness, perfect in her fidelity. As her son, I say with ardent pride: she is the very pattern of a German wife whose best characteristics are seen in the fulfilment of her duties as wife and mother, and in her they display themselves only the purer and clearer now that the pomp of Imperial circumstance has vanished and she stands forth in her simple humanness. The relations between us children and our father were totally different. He was always friendly and, in his way, loving towards us; but, by the nature of things, he had none too much time to devote to us. As a consequence, in reviewing our early childhood, I can discover scarcely a scene in which he joins in our childish games with unconstrained mirth or happy abandon. If I try now to explain it to my self, it seems to me as though he were unable so to divest himself of the dignity and superiority of the 6 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE mature adult man as to enable him to be properly young with us little fellows. Hence, in his pres ence we always retained a certain embarrassment, and the occasional laxity of tone and expression adopted in moments of good humor with the mani fest purpose of gaining our confidence rather tended to abash us. It may have been, too, that we felt him so often to be absent from us in his thoughts when present with us in the body, that rendered him almost impersonal, absent-minded, and often alien to our young hearts. My sister is the only one of us who succeeded in her childhood in gaining a snug place in his heart. Moreover, all sorts of otherwise unaccustomed re straints were experienced at his hands. When, for instance, we entered his study — a thing which never exactly pleased him — we had to hold our hands be hind us lest we might knock something off one of the tables. In addition to all this, there were the reverence and the military subordination taught us towards our father from our infancy; and this en gendered in us a certain shyness and misgiving. This sense of constraint was felt both by myself and by my brother Fritz, though certainly neither of us could ever have been characterized as bashful. I myself have only got free of the feeling slowly and with progressive development. In recalling my father's study, I am reminded of an incident of my childhood which has imprinted CHILDHOOD DAYS 7 itself indelibly upon my memory because it involved my first and unintentional visit to Prince Bismarck. It was early in the morning. My brother Eitel Friedrich and I were about to go to Bellevue for our lessons, and I was strolling carelessly about in the lower rooms of the palace. Accidentally I stumbled into a small room in which the old Prince sat por ing over the papers on his writing-desk. To my dismay he at once turned his eyes full upon me. My previous experience of such matters led me to believe that I should be promptly and pitilessly ex pelled. Indeed, I had already started a precipitate retreat, when the old Prince called me back. He laid down his pen, gripped my shoulder with his giant palm and looked straight into my face with his penetrating eyes. Then he nodded his head several times and said: "Little Prince, I like the look of you, keep your fresh naturalness." He gave me a kiss and I dashed out of the room. I was so proud of the occurrence that I treated my brothers for several days as totally inferior beings. It was incredible ! I had blundered into a study and had not been thrown out — not even reprimanded. And it was withal the study of the old Prince. The nature of our later education tended to estrange us from our father more and more. We were soon intrusted entirely to tutors and governors, and it was from them that we heard whether His Majesty was satisfied with us or the reverse. Here, 8 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE in the family and in our own early youth, we already began to experience the "System of the Third," the unfortunate method whereby, to the exclusion of any direct exchange of views, decisions were made and issued by means of third persons who were also the sole mouthpieces by which the position of the interested party could be stated to the judge. This principle, so attractive to a man of such a many-sided character and so immersed in affairs as unquestionably the Kaiser has always been, took deeper and wider root with the advance of years, and in cases in which place-seeking, in gratiating and irremovable courtiers or politicians have gained possession of average posts that gave them the position of go-between has caused the ex clusion of disagreeable reports and the doubtless often quite unconscious distortion of news with its consequent mischief. The "department" (Kab- inet), especially the Department of Civil Adminis tration was fundamentally nothing but a "personal board," the head of the department (chef de cabinet) was the mouthpiece and intermediary of any and every voice that made itself heard in this sphere of activity; he was also the bearer of the Imperial de cision. The idea of such a position presupposes un qualified and almost superhuman impartiality and justice — doubly so, when the ruler (as in this case the inner circle was well aware) is susceptible to in fluence and is shaken by bitter experiences. Then CHILDHOOD DAYS 9 the responsibility of these posts becomes as great as the power they confer, if their occupant exceeds the clearly defined limit indicated. Then, and still more when they tacitly combine their influences so as to strengthen their position, they and their helpers at court become distorters of the views upon which the ruler must base his final and important decisions. It is they who are really responsible for the wrong decisions that were made in the name of the ruler and which possibly sealed his fate and that of his people. But who would think now of discussing the sins committed against the German people by the heads of many years' standing of the Civil Department and the head of the Marine Department in their duo logues over the daily "Vortrage." Closely and firmly they held the Kaiser entangled in their con ceptions of every weighty question. If, after all, a mesh was rent, either through his own observation or by the bold intervention of some outsider, their daily function gave them the next morning an opportunity of repairing the damage and of removing the im pression left by the interloper. I am aware that none of these men ever wittingly exercised a noxious influence. Every one considers his own nostrum the only one and the right one to effect a political cure. Turning from those who were the pillars of this principle back to the principle itself, I know too that 10 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE a chef de cabinet who would have influenced and , moulded the decisions of the Kaiser in quite another | way might have proved a blessing to the Fatherland i and to us all, if that chef had been a firm, strong and 'steadfast personality. But unfortunately destiny placed among the Kaiser's advisers no men of such a | stamp with the single exception of the clever and ) resolute Geheimrat von Berg whose appointment to Ahe responsible post of Chief of the Civil Depart- ; ment took place in the year 1918 — consequently too late to be of any effective service. In general, the notions of the rest were characterized by dull half- heartedness. Wherever they had to suggest men for the execution of new tasks, the men whom they proposed and recommended were only too often mediocre. Any one who was willing to go his own road with a resolute tread was carefully avoided. Hence, instead of a determined course, there was eternal tacking — instead of a steadfast and clear sighted grasp of the consequences of such a policy, there was masking of the imminent dangers and a deaf ear for the louder and louder warnings of anxiety and alarm, until at last the cup of fate which they had helped to fill flowed over. It was in the obscurity of their departments that these "advisers of the crown" labored, and it is into the darkness of oblivion that their names will disappear. But the taint of their doings will cleave to His Majesty's memory where no more guilt at- CHILDHOOD DAYS 11 taches to him than just this: not to have displayed a better knowledge of character in the choice of his entourage and not to have been more resolute in dealing with his advisers when the wisest heads and the stoutest hearts among all classes in Germany were but just good enough for such responsible positions. It was a fundamental mistake that only the Im perial Chancellor made his report in private. All other ministers were accompanied by the chiefs of their respective departments; for the reports of the Military and Naval Ministers, indeed, Adjutant- General von Plessen was also present. In this way the departments acquired a certain preponderance over the minister or the man who was respon sible. But this theme has led me far astray. I must re turn to the recollections of my youth. I stopped at the "System of the Third Party." In regard to us boys, the result was that when we acquired military rank, the Kaiser's intercourse with us was generally conducted through the head of the Military Depart ment or through General von Plessen and, indeed, that in quite harmless matters of a purely personal nature, we occasionally received formal military no tices. (Kabinetts-Orders.) Amicable and friendly discussion between father and son scarcely ever took place. It was clear that the Kaiser avoided any personal controversy in which decisions might be 12 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE necessary; here, again, the third party was inter posed. For trivialities which, under other condi tions, a few paternal words might have settled, in termediaries and outsiders were employed and thus made acquainted with the affair; in my own case, since nature has not gifted me with a taste for such punctilious formalities, the tension was often increased. It is quite possible that these gen tlemen, who were convinced of the very profound importance of their missions, were not always re ceived by me with a seriousness corresponding to their own self-esteem and that they rewarded me by taking the first opportunity to express to His Majesty their views on my immaturity and lack of courtesy and dignity. Most certainly these inter mediaries are in no small degree answerable for mis understandings, and for the fact that small conflicts were occasionally intensified or caused all kinds of prejudices and imputations. Sometimes I received the impression that these little intrigues assumed the character of mischief-making. Everything I said or did was busily reported to His Majesty; and I was then young and careless, and I certainly ut tered many a thoughtless word and took many a thoughtless step. In such circumstances it was for me almost an emancipation to be ordered before the Kaiser in regimentals and to receive from him in private a thorough dressing down on account of some inci- CHILDHOOD DAYS 13 dent connected with a special escapade. It was then that we understood one another best. More over, one might often, in such colloquies, give rein to one's tongue. An absolutely innocent example just occurs to me. I had always been an enthu siastic devotee of sport in all its forms: hunting, racing, polo, etc. But even here there were re strictions, considerations and inhibitions. One felt just like a poacher. Thus I was not to take part in races or in hunting on account of the dangers involved. But it was for that very reason that I liked this sport. Now I had just ridden my first public race in the Berlin-Potsdam Riding Club — and was hoping that there would be no sequel in the shape of a row, when next morning the Kaiser ordered me to appear before him at the New Palace in regimentals. There was thunder in the air. "You've been racing." "Zu befehl." "You know that it is forbidden." "Zu befehl." "Why did you do it, then?" "Because I am passionately fond of it and be cause I think it a good thing for the Crown Prince to show his comrades that he does not fear danger and thereby sets them a good example." A moment's consideration, and then suddenly His Majesty looks up at me and asks: "Well, anyway, did you win?" 14 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE "Unfortunately Graf Koenigsmarck beat me by a short head." The Kaiser thumped the table irritably: "That's very annoying. Now be off with you." This time my father had understood me and had appreciated the sportsman in me. The older I grew, the oftener did it happen that serious men of the most varied classes applied to me to lay before the Kaiser matters in which they took a special interest or to call the attention of His Majesty to certain grievances or abuses. I took such matters up only when I was able to inquire into them thoroughly and to convince myself of the justification for any interference. Even then their number was considerable. In most cases the subjects were disagreeable; and they concerned affairs which my father would probably never other wise have heard of and which he nevertheless ought, in my opinion, to be made acquainted with. The most difficult matter that I had to take to him was doubtless the one which I was forced to deal with in the year 1907. It was then that I had to open his eyes to the affair of Prince Philip Eulen- burg. Undoubtedly it was the duty of the respon sible authorities to have called the Kaiser's atten tion long before to this scandal which was becoming known to an ever-widening circle. But they failed to lay the matter before him; and since they left him in total ignorance of it, I was obliged to inter- CHILDHOOD DAYS 15 vene. Never shall I forget the pained and horrified face of my father, who stared at me in dismay, when, in the garden of the Marble Palace, I told him of the delinquencies of his near friends. The moral purity of the Kaiser was such that he could hardly conceive the possibility of such aberrations. In this case he thanked me unreservedly for my interference. In contrast with the Eulenburg affair, most of the questions which, on my own initiative or at the sug gestion of others, I had to bring before His Majesty were questions of home or foreign politics, or they concerned leading personages, nay, rather persons who were irresolute and flaccid, but who stuck tight to posts which ought to have been occupied by clear sighted and steadfast men. In such cases the Kaiser generally listened to me quietly, and frequently he took action; more often, however, he was talked round again by some one else after I had left. It was inevitable that, in the long run, my reports and suggestions should affect him disagreeably. As he travelled very much, I saw comparatively little of him. In consequence, our meetings were mostly encumbered with a whole series of communications and questions by which he felt himself bothered. I myself was fully conscious of the pressure of these circumstances, but saw no means of altering them. Anyway, I considered it my duty to keep the Kaiser frankly informed of all that, in my view, he ought to know but would otherwise remain ignorant of. 16 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Notwithstanding all this tension and although my father was annoyed by certain idiosyncrasies of mine — above all by my disinclination to adopt the tra ditionally princely manner — he was, in his own way, fond of me, and in the secret recesses of his heart proud of me too. Naturally, much was whispered, gossiped and written in public about these personal relations of ours. If I had possessed the nature to take all this sort of thing seriously, I might soon have appeared very important in my own eyes. Repeatedly there was talk of marked discord, of sharp reprimands on my father's part, of open or covert censure. In all this, as I have shown and as I would in no wise cloak or disguise, there was sometimes a grain of truth— a grain about whose significance a mighty cackle arose among the old women of both sexes. To re iterate, there were early and manifold differences of opinion and many of them led to some amount of dispute. In so far as these conflicts were concerned with personal affairs and not with political ques tions, they were, at bottom, scarcely more last ing or more serious than those which so often occur everywhere between father and son, between repre sentatives of one generation and another, between the conceptions of to-day and those of to-morrow; the difference lay in the enormous resonance of court life which echoed so disproportionately such simple events. Thus, these rumors do not really touch the CHILDHOOD DAYS 17 heart of the matter. The frequently recurring fact that father and son differ fundamentally in char acter, temperament and nature, appears to me, so far as I know the Kaiser and know myself, applic able to us. It is, indeed, regularly observable in the history of our house. It is possible, too, that there has come between us the great epochal change from traditional con ceptions to a broader view of life — a change which seems to have inserted itself between people of the Kaiser's years and my contemporaries and by which I have benefited while he has viewed it with hos tility. At any rate, many of his notions, opinions and actions appeared to me strange and even in comprehensible; they struck me so at an early period of my life and the more so the older I grew. The first group of the questions towards which, even as a lad, I felt a certain inner opposition, concerned court ceremony as it was then practised. It was painful to me to see people losing their freedom through prescribed and often thoroughly musty regulations. Each became, I may say, the actor of a part; nay, under the influence of these sur roundings, men who were otherwise clever lost their own opinion and yielded here nothing more than the average. Hence, wherever possible, I myself later on avoided everything courtly, pompous or decora tive; and, as far as was feasible, I suppressed all for malities in my own circle. For my recreative hours 18 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE I desired, not endless reunions and ceremonious gala performances, but unrestrained intercourse with people of all kinds, sociability in a small circle, theatres, concerts, hunting and sport. Intercourse with persons of my own age always had a greater attraction for me than association with people much older than myself, though I never designedly avoided the latter. Furthermore, my natural bent bringing me perhaps more in touch with actualities than was possible to my father and giving me the chance to talk with and listen to a greater number of unprejudiced persons of all pro fessions, I frequently felt impelled by the convic tions thus gained to warn and to contradict. But I have ever recognized in the Kaiser my father, my Imperial overlord, to whom it was my duty as well as my heart's wish to show every respect and every honor. I have been perusing the pages which I penned recently as reminiscences of my childhood and of my attitude towards my parents. The perusal sug gests to me that my jottings are not quite just to my father's character, that they speak only of petty weakness, that, if I am to give a complete sketch of his personality, I must dwell upon him more in detail. When I try to distinguish his deepest charac teristic, a word forces itself upon my attention which I am almost shy of applying to any man of CHILDHOOD DAYS 19 our own day, a word which seems hollow and trite because, like some small coin, it is flung about so continually and thoughtlessly: it is the word "Edel" (noble). The Kaiser is noble in the best sense of the word; he is full of the most upright desire for goodness and piety, and the purity of his intel lectual cosmos is without a blemish and without a stain. Candor that makes no reservations, that is perhaps too unbounded in its nature, ready con fidence and belief in the like trustworthiness and frankness on the part of others are the fundamental features of his chatacter. Talleyrand is said to have uttered somewhere the maxim: "La parole a ete donnee a Vhomme pour deguiser sa pensee." With my father it has often seemed to me as though speech had been bestowed upon him that he might unfold to his hearer every nook and cranny of his rich and sparkling inner world. He has always al lowed his thoughts and convictions to gush forth in stantaneously and immediately — without prelude and without prologue, an incautious and noble spend thrift of an ever-fertile intellect which draws its sustenance from comprehensive knowledge and a fancy whose only fault is its exuberance. More over, he is by nature and by ethico-religious train ing free from all guile; he would regard secrecy, dissimulation or insincerity as despicable and far beneath his dignity. The idea that the Kaiser could ever have wished to gain his ends by false 20 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE pretenses or to pursue them by tortuous routes is for me quite unimaginable. It may be that, with all this unreserved and unrestrained self-expression, the passion for complete frankness which is implanted in every virtuous being found, in the Kaiser, its strongest support in his evident overestimation of his momentary personal influence. In a personal exchange of ideas he believed himself to be sure of immediate victory and to need the expedients of trickery or dodgery just as little as he did wordy diplomatic skirmishing. I have a thousand times observed the effects of his personality to be indeed very great and have seen men of otherwise thor oughly independent habit fall an easy prey to his frequently fascinating, though perhaps only transi tory, influence. Nevertheless, such successes, experienced from youth onward and, still more, the consequent ex pressions of admiration and the flattery of com plaisant friends and courtiers in the end clouded his judgment concerning the expediency of thus sacrific ing every final reserve as well as obscuring his in sight into the fact that the individual — even though he be an emperor and a never so energetic personal ity — is of little ultimate weight in comparison with the vast world-shifting currents of time. To this lack of perspective in estimating his per sonal relations and his personal influence may be partly attributed his remaining so long unconscious CHILDHOOD DAYS 21 of the full significance of the approaching danger. Many a false estimate was formed by him in this re gard, and his confiding trust was not seldom lulled into security by clever opponents. So it happened that, even when the enormous pressure of economic and political forces was incon- trollably driving the world towards the catastrophe of war, he believed himself able to bring the wheels of fate to a standstill by means of his influence in London and St. Petersburg. The capacity to esti mate men and things correctly — that is, impartially and objectively and without any personal exaggera tion — is of the greatest moment to rulers and states men. It has not been liberally bestowed upon the Kaiser, and my impression is that responsible indi viduals and the heads of the various "cabinets" have not, by any means, always intervened with the energy necessary to correct erroneous concep tions of this description. In the depths of his nature my father is a thor oughly kind-hearted man striving to make people happy and to create joyousness around him. But this trait is often concealed by his desire not to appear tender but royal and exalted above the small emotions of sentiment. He is thoroughly idealistic in thought and feeling and full of confidence towards every collaborator who enters fresh into his environ ment. Present and future he has always seen and gauged in the mirror of his own most individual 22 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE mental cosmos, which became all the more unreal, the harder and the more inflexible grew the secret and the open struggle for our national existence, both within the realm and without it, or the more harshly one fragment of this cosmos of ideas after another was snatched away and crushed by the hand of destiny. In the chivalrous ethics of the Kaiser his con ception of loyalty is of great moment. He de mands it without reserve, and there is scarcely any dereliction which he feels more keenly than actions or omissions that he regards as breaches of trust. Take one example: he has never, from the bottom of his heart, pardoned Prince Billow for not giving him that support which he might have expected in the November incidents of 1908. As a matter of fact, unless I am mistaken, those severe conflicts, with their stormy Reichstag sittings and their num berless press attacks, meant for him far more than an affront to his Imperial position or dignity. It was only to outsiders that they appeared to have this effect. Possibly I was able at that time to see deeper into the heart of my Imperial father than any one, save my dear mother; and I am firmly ' convinced that, from experiences which were for him barely conceivable and scarcely tolerable, his j self-confidence received a blow from which it has , never recovered. His joyous readiness of decision i and intrepid energy of will, till then undaunted, CHILDHOOD DAYS 23 were suddenly broken; and I believe that the germ was then planted of the lack of decision and vacil lation noticeable in the last ten years of his life and especially during the war. From that moment on- • ward, the Kaiser allowed affairs to glide more and more into the hands of the responsible advisers in the various Government departments, eliminating himself and his own views either partially or even entirely. A secret and never-expressed anxiety con cerning possible fresh conflicts and responsibilities which he might have to confront had come over him. Where strong hands were needed, complaisant and officious persons pushed themselves forward, and, making use of the opportunity to usurp functions which should never have come within their scope, they dragged into the sphere of their own small- mindedness matters which, so long as the then current constitutional ideas remained valid, ought never to have been withdrawn from the range of the unhampered Imperial will. Still I will not be too hard upon these advisers; I do not wish to be unjust to them; it may be that, in the anguish of those dark days, His Majesty was sometimes even grateful to them for so busily troubling their heads —it may be that they believed themselves to be acting for the best while in reality creating only evil. The Kaiser, too, in those years of self-depression and of weakness just as in his days of unbroken 24 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE self-confidence, desired to do his best, and he re garded as the best the peace of the realm. Nothing should destroy that; with every means at his com mand he would secure that to the empire. The ter rible tragedy of his life and of his life's work lay in the fact that everything he undertook to this end turned to the reverse and became a countercheck to his aims, so that finally a situation arose in which we were faced by enemy upon enemy. April, 1919. Weeks have passed since I last occupied myself with these pages. Tidings have come to hand which are enough almost to break one's heart,— which show our poor country to be torn by internal dissension and to be conducting a desperate struggle with a pack of heartless and greedy "victors." In the face of these monstrous events and problems, I have felt as though the individual had no right whatever to review and determine the petty incidents of his own life and destiny. Thus spring has had to come before I could revert once more to my task — spring with its sunny, green pastures in which droll little lambs are skipping beside the dirty winter- woolled ewes, and across which blow the clear sea- breezes in ceaseless restlessness. In this radiance and in the revived color every where visible, all things look better, and people too have more genial faces. CHILDHOOD DAYS 25 When I think of these first months here in the island ! With the best will to make the best of it, there was not much to be done. Distrust and re serve in every one — among the fisherf oik and among the peasants, and among the tradespeople in Ooster- land, in Hippolytushoef and in Den Oever. A shy edging to one side when you came by: "De kroon- prins" — and that was as much as to say: "That Boche — the murderer of Verdun, the libertine." What the Entente with the help of their mendacious press and their agents had beaten into the minds of these good people had got thoroughly fixed. Nor was there any possibility of an explanation with them concerning this nonsense. Moreover, my quar ters can scarcely be heated, since these little iron stoves will not burn, and our famous single lamp smokes and can only burn when petroleum is to be had. Therefore, as soon as it is dark, one crawls into bed and lies there sleepless to torture oneself with the same matters over and over again, and gets half mad with worrying over the questions: "How did it all happen?"— "Where lies the blame?" — "How might one have done better?" Now, all has grown less hard and is more tolera ble. To-day, the people of the island know that none of all the slanders that have been circulated about me are justified. Their distrust has van ished; their simple, unsophisticated nature now meets me frankly. Every one greets me in a friend- 26 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE ly manner, and most people shake hands. I also receive occasional invitations and then sit in these clean little rooms to sip a cup of cocoa and make trial of my acquirements in the Dutch language. One person in particular has done much to en lighten people and to smooth my path, namely, Burgomaster Peereboom. At the outset, he was the only one who thrust aside all prejudice, and sought to see and to help the human individual — he and his family. And to him and to his warm-hearted and active wife I am indebted for many a little im provement in my modest household at the Parson age as well as for many a wise hint that taught me to understand my new environment. One or two Germans also tendered me immediate help; among them the experienced Count Bassenheim of Amster dam, who knows Holland as well as he does his beautiful Bavaria; then the clever and ever-faithful Baron Huenefeld, formerly vice-consul at Maas tricht, whose care for me has been most touching; further, there are several German business men of Amsterdam, faithful, self-sacrificing men to whom I owe a lifelong debt of gratitude. And so there only remains unchanged the anxiety as touching my old home, my country, the longing for her and for those to whom I belong. But not of that now. I will talk here of that other life which to me, in the seclusion of this island, CHILDHOOD DAYS 27 often appears so distant as to be separated from the present by a whole train of years. * * # * % Born heir-apparent to a throne, I was brought up in the particular notions valid by tradition for a Prussian prince. No one in the family had ever cherished a doubt as to the suitability and excellence of these principles, for in their youth all its male members had traversed exactly the same path. While fully recognizing the undeniable value of the old Prussian traditions, I believe, nevertheless, that the narrow, sharply defined and hedged-in educa tion of Prussian princes (in which the rigid etiquette of the court combines with the anxious care of the parental home to provide instructions for mentor, tutor and adviser) is calculated to produce a definite and not very original product adapted to ceremonial duties rather than a modern man capable of taking an unswerving course in the life of his times. If I had submitted tamely to the system, it would in time have led me into a position in which I should have been ignorant of the world, sequestered and secluded. The worst of such a position appears to me to be, not the Chinese Wall itself, but the ulti mate incapacity to see the wall, so that the immured imagines himself free while in reality his mental range is closely circumscribed. At an early age, and certainly at the outset as a mere consequence of my natural disposition though 28 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE later with growing consciousness and maturer judg ment, I opposed the efforts to level out the inde pendent features in me with the object of creating a "Normal Prussian Prince." Two directly diverg ing views were at work here. On the one hand was the traditional notion stressed so emphatically throughout His Majesty's reign, the notion of the augustness (erhabenheit, exaltedness) of the ruler, the notion — figuratively expressed in the word itself — that the Prince, King, Kaiser must stand elevated high above the level of the governed classes; on the other hand was my own conception that he must become acquainted with life as it is and as it has to be lived by people of every station. It remains to be said that the endeavor to be true to my con viction in thought and act caused me many a strug gle and many an unpleasantness. The upbringing and the daily life of us children in the Imperial parental home was simple. We certainly were not indulged — least of all by our military governors. My first military governor — I was then a lad of seven years — was the subsequent General von Fal- kenhayn. I remember him with reverence and gratitude. He did not pamper me; permitted no excuses; and even in those childhood years he im pressed upon me that, for a man, the words "dan ger" and "fear" should not exist. In the best sense, he passed on to me the undaunted freshness of his CHILDHOOD DAYS 29 faithful soldierliness. There was in me from infancy a passion for horses and riding. General von Fal- kenhayn arranged our rides in the beautiful environs of Potsdam in such a way that we had obstacles to surmount. Hedges, fences, walls, ditches and steep gravel-pits had to be briskly taken. He used to say on such occasions: "Fling your heart across first; the rest will follow." That saying I have taken with me through life; again and again, and in recent circumstances when the drab hours of my destiny and my loneliness here in this island have threatened to stifle me, the general has stood before my mind's eye and has helped me over my difficulties with his brave soldierly philosophy. Even when a lad I had to prove myself as patrol and scout, and I was also instructed in reading maps. Gymnastics, drill and swimming were ardently prac tised as physical training. An event that made a deep impression upon my young mind recurs to me. I was permitted to pre sent myself to Prince Bismarck in due form and not in the unofficial way in which I had done so when, as a youngster, I suddenly surprised him in his den. From my father I received instructions to don my uniform and meet him at Friedrichsruh; I was go ing to the eightieth birthday of the ex-chancellor (Alt-Reichskanzler). To don uniform was, even in that early period, the acme of delight to my boyish heart; and to this was to be added a visit to the 30 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE man whom, then as now, a healthy instinct taught me to regard as a sort of legendary hero. In the night before this journey, I did not sleep a wink. Bismarck was suffering severely from gout, and leaned upon a stick to welcome us in the castle. At lunch he displayed an astounding liveliness and vigor; but, as a consequence of the excitement nat urally experienced in this first "official" appearance of mine, this general impression is all that I have preserved in my recollection. Moreover, it must be confessed that I was rendered somewhat anxious during the meal by the Prince's big boarhound, who suddenly laid his cold nose on my knee under the table, and growled very unmistakably whenever, unobserved, I tried to free myself. After lunch, His Majesty mounted horse and, on a piece of ploughland close to the castle, awaited Bismarck at the head of the Halberstadt Cuirassiers, whose chief the aged Prince had been appointed. I had the honor of accompanying the old gentleman in his carriage. In a truly paternal manner, he pointed out to me all the beauties of the Friedrichs- ruh Park. My father delivered a very fine speech and presented the Prince with a sumptuously wrought sword of honor. The Prince replied with a few pregnant words. Then we returned to the castle. I noticed that the Prince was very weary and fatigued; the pro longed standing had doubtless put too great a strain CHILDHOOD DAYS 31 upon him. His breathing was quick and heavy; and finally he tried to open the tight collar of his uniform, but failed. Almost startled by my own boldness, I bent over him and undid it; then he pressed my hand and nodded gratefully. We left the same afternoon. On this beautiful day, which I would not, for all that is dear to me, have blotted out of my memory, I had seen for the last time the greatest German of his century. Our first scientific education we received from our private tutor. I cannot approve of this method, for the pupil misses the stimulating rivalry of com rades. When I entered the Cadet School at Plon as a lad of fourteen, in April, 1896, large gaps mani fested themselves in my knowledge, which neces sitated a good deal of overwork. In my Plon days, the future General von Lyncker acted as governor to me and to my brother Eitel Friedrich. He was a typical high-minded Prussian officer of the old school. His unswervingly serious nature made it rather difficult for him to enter into the ideas of us immature little creatures or to dis cover the appropriate means of managing us. And we were real children at that time. For him there existed only orders, school, work and duty, and again orders and duty. When I grew a bit older, we often got to loggerheads. As a youth, I cer tainly was not a pattern being for the show-window of a boys' boarding-school; but that there was so 32 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE much to complain of as General von Lyncker man aged to discover day in day out, I really cannot be lieve. Moreover, although quite unintentionally on his part, his somewhat hard and unyielding manner hurt me. But it was this very General von Lyncker whom the Kaiser afterwards employed as go-be tween when disagreeable conflicts arose. Although I readily and gratefully acknowledge that, in the task imposed upon him, General von Lyncker never adopted the r61e of time-serving tale-bearer or con sciously increased the friction — anything of the kind would have been totally irreconcilable with his sin cere and lofty character — still, I cannot help saying that the introduction of his frequently brusque manner rather tended to widen the breach than to narrow it. As Plon cadets, we were very fond of Frau von Lyncker. At that time a special School of Princes was formed at Plon for my brother Fritz and me. Each of us had three fellow pupils. In harmony with the totally false educational principle which this evinced, any association with the other cadets was looked at askance. Nevertheless, from the very first day onward, we continually leaped o'er the barriers and seized every opportunity of culti vating comradeship and friendly relations with the other lads of the corps. The football, the rowing matches and the snowball fights are still for me pleasant recollections. Many of my then "corps" CHILDHOOD DAYS 33 companions, drawn from the most varied classes, have become good friends of mine with whom I have remained bound by close ties ever since. Dur ing the war, I often quite unexpectedly ran up against one or other of my old Plon comrades in distant France; and then, amid all the harsh ear nestness of the time, the long-lost, care-free days of youth rose before our memories like a sweet smile. In acquiescence with my special wish, I was per mitted to apprentice myself to a master turner. Among the Hohenzollerns it is customary for every Prince to learn a trade. In general, of course, such princely apprenticeships must not be regarded too seriously, though the tradition is a valuable symbol and un beau geste. Now, while I will not assert that I could make my way in the world with my turner's craft, I can say with truth that I have prac tised it with pleasure again and again and that mas ter and apprentice took the matter quite seriously. My good master kept me hard at it, and I was an ardent and willing pupil, and felt thoroughly happy in the atmosphere of the joiner's workshop and in his simple, cleanly household. Our associations at Plon took us into the families of the masters, and we had also friendly relations with the grammar-school boys. Furthermore, I had a few "friends" among the farmers of the neighbor hood; I ploughed many a piece of their land, and I 34 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE still remember how proud I was when my furrow turned out neat and straight. In the year 1887, that is, long before my Plon days, an event happened which I must recall here as it made a strong and vivid impression on my young imagination. It was my first sea trip. The aged Queen Victoria was to celebrate the jubilee of her reign. My parents went to England to take part in the festivity and took me with them. It was at a great garden fete in St. James's Park that I first saw the Queen — sitting in a bath-chair in front of a sumptuously decorated tent. She was very friendly to me, kissed me and kept on fondling me with her aged and slightly trembling hands. Un fortunately, I have no recollection whatever of the words she spoke; I only know that my boyish fancy was far more occupied with the two giant Indians on guard before the tent than with the weary little old lady herself. The huge multitude in St. James's Park and the intermingling of representatives of almost every race made a deep impression upon me. And if my youthfulness rendered me unable to appreciate the symbolism of the British world-power embodied in the picture, it nevertheless absorbed with awe the astounding copiousness of what it saw and forever guarded me from underrating the significance of the British Empire. CHAPTER II SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, AND STUDENT If I regard the turn of the century as the close of my childhood and youth, I would consider the years which followed as my apprenticeship. After I had passed my matriculation examination, and following upon the declaration of my majority on May 6, 1900, my father placed me in the body company of the First Foot-Guards, in which regi ment, according to tradition, every Prussian Prince must first serve. This was a good thing since that regiment has always been conspicuous for its excel lence, and the young Princes receive in it a thor oughly strict training. I was afterwards appointed lieutenant and chief of the 2d Company, which my father had commanded when a young Prince; accordingly, I said to myself: "You are taking here the first steps on the road which is to lead you, through years of learning, to the great tasks of life." I was inspired by the strongest faith in my life and my future — filled with a sacred determination to be honest and conscientious. The moment when, in the venerable old Schlosskapelle in Berlin, I took the military oath on the colors of the body corps before my Imperial father and Supreme War Lord still stands out clearly before me in all its thrilling solemnity. 35 36 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE The barracks of the First Foot-Guards, the regi ment house and the Casino of the Officers' Corps were now my new home; the rigid and numerous military tasks were my new school. The chief of my company, Count Rantzau, was a typical old, experienced and conscientious Prussian officer of the line. He himself was always punctual to the min ute; he never spared himself, and he devoted him self fully to his profession; but he also required the utmost from his officers and his men. Accuracy in every detail and strictness towards laxity were com bined with an unerring sense of justice and a warm heart which followed with human sympathy the progress of every one. His company revered him. Now, that excellent man rests in French soil before Rheims. Stern but just, a man and superior as he ought to be, honored and respected by me and by all was likewise my first commander, Colonel von Pletten- berg. With the same feelings, I recall also my old battalion commander, Major von Pluskow; a giant even among the tall officers of the regiment, he was famous as a drill-master and, despite his strictness, much liked as an ever-kind superior. What I learned in the Foot-Guards formed the foundation of my entire military career. The value of faithfulness in little things, the much-decried fatigue-uniform, the iron discipline and the abused, because misunderstood, Prussian drill became clear SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 37 to me in their full significance as a means of concen trating the vast number of heads and forces into a single unit of the greatest strength. The army trained on these principles gained the great and im perishable victories of the year 1914. Unfortu nately, in the long course of the war, this admirable Prussian method was pushed more and more into the background, greatly to the detriment of the army and its value. On the whole, my lieutenancy was an incompar ably pleasant time. I was young and healthy, ful filled my duties with passionate devotion and saw life in sunshine before me. A circle of friends of like age with myself enabled me to enjoy the blessings of that comradeship which is the most important root whence a Prussian corps of officers draws its strength. To-day, alas, the green sods of France and Russia cover the mortal remains of most of the brave and trusty men who were then young and joyous and faithful; it is lonesome around me. In those distant days of my lieutenancy and for years afterwards, three dear friends stood particu larly near to me; they were Count Finckenstein, von Wedel and von Mitzlaff — all of them at that time lieutenants. They shared with me joy and sorrow till fate separated us forever. Fincken stein and von Wedel fell in the ranks of our fine old regiment — my dear Wedel at Colonfey and brave Finckenstein at the head of his company at Ba- 38 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE paume. Mitzlaff was, for a time, orderly officer in my staff; subsequently he took over a squadron in the East and then returned to the west front as battalion leader. A mournful shroud hangs over the memory of my last sight of this trusty comrade. It was in the summer of 1918, just before the last great Rheims attack. On a visit to the staff of my brave Seventh Reserve Division, I learned by acci dent that my friend Mitzlaff was with his battalion in the neighborhood. I at once drove over to him and found him in a little half-demolished farmhouse. Seated on a broken camp-bed, and sharing some cigarettes and a bottle of bad claret which he had managed to rake up somewhere in honor of my visit, we chatted for a long time about the events of our youth and exchanged many an anxious word concerning the future. Both of us knew how mat ters stood and how overfatigued the troops were. Mitzlaff himself, however, was of good cheer. Then we held each other's hand for a good while and parted. I drove back to my staff quarters; while he moved up into the front position with his men. Three weeks later I stood beside his simple soldier's grave; a few days after I had bidden him farewell, the brave chap had fallen at the head of his men in storming the enemy's position. He was the last of my three faithful friends. I remained with the First Foot-Guards one year. During that time, the evening order-slip beside my SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 39 bed determined the hours of the following day. But, in that winter, there was not much sleep for me; for my position demanded my presence at court festivi ties and a crowd of private gatherings. Often I did not get to bed till two o'clock, and by seven I was in the barracks, where my duties kept me busy till noon and again from two till five. Frequently, too, after-dinner attendance at the cleaning of rifles, saddlery, and so on, fell to my lot. This task I was particularly fond of. My grenadiers sat in the lamplight cleaning and polishing their kits. This provided a natural opportunity to approach them quite closely and humanly and to converse with them about their little personal joys, sorrows and wishes. They talked of their homes or of their civilian occupations with brightened eyes, the fine German folk-songs and soldier's ballads filling up the intervals in the conversation. To have shared in such an evening would perhaps have opened the eyes of the clever people who babble so much about the tyranny and harsh treatment of the militarism of that time. During my lieutenancy, as also afterwards, I de voted as much of my leisure time as possible to sport. This I did, not merely because of my natural in clination for sport, but also because I considered its practice to be of particular significance for the future head of a state; and that is, after all, what I was. The community of sport is calculated, more than 40 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE anything else, to remove internal and external bar riers between people of like aims; for it is exactly in sport that the actually and manifestly best performance is decisive. Who accomplishes it — whether junker, business man or factory-hand, Chris tian, Jew or Moslem — is a matter of indifference. Therefore I have repeatedly attended bicycle races, football matches, route marches and other sporting events; and, on suitable occasions, I have promoted them by the presentation of prizes. This, again, is one of the things by which I have given offense: a properly brought up heir-apparent should, forsooth, maintain an exalted position and hold himself aloof from such noisy affairs. All right, then, I have pur posely not been this ideal of a prescribed heir-appar ent; instead, by visiting sporting events, I have gained an insight into the life and bustle, and into the exigencies and desires of many classes of people with whom otherwise, by reason of my upbringing and general circumstances, I should never have come into touch. In those days, however, I was, above all, heart and soul a soldier; and it is no exaggeration to say that, of an evening, I looked forward with pleasure to my next day's duties. The training and the as sociation with the rank and file, the strict old-Prus sian discipline, the healthy physical exercise in wind and weather, the pride taken in the ancient regi mental uniform — all this made me love the service. SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 41 As with all things else, so too with the soldier's calling, one must bend to the task with one's whole being and with real love and devotion, if success is to be obtained. This is the spirit that must ani mate both the officer and his troops. Short energetic spells of work with the utmost exercise of all one's capacity, smartness and dis cipline, cleanliness and punctuality, punishment for every negligence or passive resistance, but a warm heart for the most meagre or the stupidest recruit, gaiety in the barracks, as much furlough as possible, exceptional distinctions for exceptional performances — in a word, sunshine during military service formed the fundamental principle which guided me. May, 1919. Two bitter-sweet days have been mine in this month of May. On the sixth, I celebrated the thirty-seventh anniversary of my birth. Loving letters from family and numberless indications of remembrance from all parts of my native country the homeland proved to me here in my seclusion that there are still people who feel that they belong to me and cannot be alienated from me by a never so wildly raging campaign of slander. From the island and from the Dutch mainland, many touching indications of love and sympathy have also reached me — little, well-meant presents for the improvement of my modest household, flowers in such plenty that 42 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the small narrow rooms of the parsonage cannot contain them. And then, after all the unspeakably severe and lonely experience of the past half-year, I was able, with the consent of the Dutch Government, to leave the island towards the end of the month and to celebrate a day with my mother on the estate of good Baron Wrangel. "Celebrate" ? I don't know whether that word suits the hours in which, arm in arm, and no one near, we walked up and down in the rose-dappled garden, and, as so often in the bet ter days gone by, I was able unreservedly to pour out, to my heart's content, all that burdened it. To my mother, to that ever-sympathetic and com prehending woman, so clear-sighted and wide-vi- sioned in her simple modesty, I could always come in past years when my thoughts and my heart needed the kindly and soothing hand of a mother to smooth out their tangles and creases. It was so when I was a child, it was so when I wore my lieu tenant's uniform, it was so when later in life I had duties to fulfil in responsible positions; and that it has remained so to this day has been proved by those few short hours in which, after the first shock of reunion, we recovered our inward equanimity. Scarcely ever before had I felt so deeply the measure with which her nature and her blood had determined my own. During the initial period of my service in the SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 43 First Foot-Guards, a sorrowful event at the begin ning of the year 1901 took me once more to London, namely, the death of my great-grandmother, the aged Queen Victoria of England. Since the affair in St. James's Park, in which my boyish imagination had been too completely capti vated by the exotic figures around her for me to gain anything but a purely superficial idea of the Queen, I had seen her twice. Each time the fea tures of her character impressed themselves more deeply upon me; my eyes had been opened to the activities of this remarkable woman who maintained to the end her resolute nature and strength of will. Now, in the winter of 1901, I was to do her the last reverence. The Queen had died in her beautiful castle at Osborne in the Isle of Wight. There the coffin had been placed in a small room fitted up as a chapel. Over it was spread the English ensign, and six of the tallest officers of the Grenadier Guards kept watch beside it. In their splendid uniforms, their bearskin-covered heads bowed in sorrow, their folded hands resting upon their sword-hilts, they guarded, immovable as bronze knights, the last sleep of their dead sovereign. The transport of the dead Queen to London took place on board the "Victoria and Albert." During the entire passage, which lasted fully three hours, we steamed between a double row of ships of the 44 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE entire British navy whose guns fired once more their salutes to the Queen. The funeral procession through the streets of Lon don was most impressive. A moving incident occurred at Windsor on the way from Frogmore Lodge to the Mausoleum. It was a bitter winter day; and the train which brought the mortal remains of the Queen was several hours behind time. Just as the procession was about to start, the six artillery horses of the hearse began to jib; one of the wheelers kicked over the pole; the coffin began to sway, and threatened to slip from its platform. Prompt and brief orders were at once given by the then Prince Louis of Battenberg who was in command of the naval division drawn up at the spot. The horses were unharnessed, and, almost before one could realize what had happened, three hundred British seamen had their ropes fixed to the hearse; with calm tread and almost inaudibly, the dead Queen's sailors drew their sovereign to her last resting-place. In the spring of 1901 the period of my lieuten ancy came to an end. I was now to study, and, like my father before me, I matriculated at Bonn University. The four semesters spent at the old alma mater were for me two delightful and fruitful years, re plete with serious study and happy student's life SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 45 and filled with all the enchantment of Rhenish charm and merriment. In accordance with tradition I became a member of the Borussia (Prussian) Corps. Nevertheless, I was not simply and solely a "Bonner Prussian"; on the contrary and rather in despite of the strict forms of the corps, I had many friends in other corps of the "Bonner S. C." My sport-loving heart led me to share with great delight in the fencing practice which formed the preparatory training for duelling. Fain would I have taken active part in the latter; but, as an officer, I was only permitted to use the unmuffled weapon in serious affairs of honor. Comprehensible as this youthful impulse still appears to me, though I by no means wish to underrate the value of the "scharf en mensur" for the training of eye, hand and nerve, I believe, nevertheless, that our German studentry exaggerated its value. As in the question of weap ons, so, too, in regard to drinking-bouts, I consider that the "Trinkkomment" (drinking statutes) — for which I never had any great liking and to which, as a student, I submitted unwillingly — needs to be purged of many formulae that have developed into abuses. This, moreover, is demanded by the pres sure of present circumstances. Genuine and prac tical love for the German Fatherland, in its distress and humiliation, means work, and work and work again; it means this especially for our youth, who, 46 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE in the self-training of their own personalities, are preparing values for the national entity on which may depend the fate of the coming generation. The hours of my delightful Bonn days that were not occupied in study or in corps life I em ployed in intercourse with people of all classes in the Rhineland. I accepted gratefully the hospi tality of professors, merchants and manufacturers in whose families I was welcomed with genuine Rhenish cordiality. Having hitherto come into touch mainly with people of the military class, these new associations provided me with copious fresh and vivid impressions as a valuable additional gain to the intellectual stimulus of the university studies proper. To these studies I devoted myself with ardor, and I often think with gratitude of the prominent men who acted as my counsellors and mentors, such men as: Zitelmann, Litzmann, Go- thein, Betzold, Schumacher, Clemen and Anschtitz. With special indebtedness I recall the brilliant lec tures of Zorn, the famous professor of constitutional law; and a strong bond of confidence and friendship still unites me with that great teacher. Out of my intercourse at Bonn with intellectual leaders in the fields of science, technology, industry and politics, there arose in me the desire henceforth to occupy myself more than ever before with the problems of our home and foreign policy and espe cially with matters of sociology. SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 47 Like the lieutenant's period of my life, the two sunny years at Bonn sped rapidly by. They brought me an abundance of delightful and valua ble experiences: the enjoyment of nature in a world full of beauty, youthful knowledge, attachment to select and clever men, Rhenish joyousness and the germs of much knowledge that ripened later into intellectual possessions. Some amount of travel, undertaken during the vacations (in the late summer of 1901 through England and Holland) and, with my brother Eitel Fritz, at the close of my university career, also helped to widen my intellectual vision. The im pressions afforded me I welcomed with an awakened and more receptive mind than ever before. When I recall those travels, two figures particu larly stand out before me as lifelike and undimmed as though, not years, but only days or at most weeks separated me from them. These are Abdul Hamid, the last of the Sultans of the old regime, and Pope Leo XIII. Strange as it may seem, these two men, who, in their natures and in their world, differed in the extreme both outwardly and in wardly, are inseparably united in my mind by circumstances from which I can scarcely detach myself. In the solemn completeness of the Vati can, seemingly so untouched by haste or time, and in the fairyland of the Sultan's court, so entirely outside the range of every occidental gauge and law, 48 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE there was revealed to me something utterly new and unsuspected, something into which I entered with astonishment. These men — the most remark able Pope of the 20th century (for whose spiritu alized being I could not, for a moment, feel any thing but the deepest awe) and the ruthless, al mighty Padishah (in whose presence I quickly recovered my self-possession) — both had the same expression of eye. Penetrating, clever, infinitely pondering and experienced, they looked at you with their gray eyes in which age had drawn sharply de fined white rings around the piercing pupils. The picture that awaited my brother Eitel Fritz and me as we arrived at Constantinople on board the English yacht "Sapphire" on a wonderful spring morning, was absolutely enchanting; and the events of the few days during which we were guests at the Golden Horn augmented the impression that we were dreaming a dream out of the "Arabian Nights." Shortly after our arrival in the harbor, the Sul tan's favorite son came to welcome us in the name of his father; and towards noon the Estrogul Dra goons — excellent-looking troops on small white Arabs — escorted us to the Yildiz Kiosk, where the Sultan received us at the head of his General Staff and his court suite. Abdul Hamid was an exceptionally fascinating personality— small, bow-legged, animated, a typical SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 49 Armenian Semite. He was exceedingly friendly, I might almost say paternal, towards us. We were quartered in a very beautiful Kiosk of the enormous palace buildings of the Yildiz. About half an hour after we had occupied our rooms, the Sultan came to pay us a return visit. He arrived in a little basket-chaise, driving the nimble horses himself and followed on foot by his entire big suite. This included many elderly stout generals, and as the Sultan drove at a trot and these good digni taries were determined not to be left behind, their appearance when they got to the palace was any thing but ravishing. The rules of the country permitted Abdul Hamid to speak nothing but Turkish; consequently, our conversations with him had to be interpreted sen tence by sentence and were excessively wearisome. Moreover, the old gentleman understood our French perfectly, and when I happened to tell him some humorous anecdote or other, it was most amus ing to see him laughing heartily long before the dragoman, with the solemnity of a judge, had given him the translation. In the evening a banquet was to be given in our honor. Where this was to take place no one knew at first, since the Sultan's fear of would-be assassins was so great that he took the precaution to keep the time and place of such festivities secret as long as possible. At the last minute, therefore, and much 50 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE to the confusion of the marshals of his court, he issued the command for the dinner to be given in a great reception-room. The Sultan and I sat at the head of an intermi nably long table. Every one else, including my poor brother, had to sit sidewise so as to face the Padishah; there was not much chance of eating anything, but the sight of the Sultan is as good as meat and drink to a believing Mohammedan. It struck me that my exalted host was wearing a very thick and badly fitting uniform, till a sudden movement on his part revealed to me the fact that he had a shirt of mail concealed underneath it. In conversation he evinced great interest in all German affairs and proved to be thoroughly informed on the most varied subjects; we discussed naval problems, the recent results of Polar research, the latest pub lications on the German book market and, above all, military questions. The days that followed were no less interesting than the first. We visited the sights of the city and its environs, and the old gentleman displayed a touching care for our welfare. On the last day of our sojourn he invited us to a private dinner in his own apartments. The only other people present were my attendants, the Ger man ambassador and the Sultan's favorite son. The Sultan, who was very fond of music, had asked me to play him something on the violin. The Prince SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 51 accompanied me on the piano, and we played an air from "Cavalleria Rusticana," a cavatina by Raff and Schumann's "Traumerei." Then there followed an affecting incident. As a surprise for the old gentleman, I had practised the Turkish National Anthem with my army doctor, Oberstabsarzt Wide- mann; and as soon as we had finished playing it, the Sultan, who seemed to be deeply moved, flung his arms about me; then, at a sign from him, an adjutant appeared with a cushion on which lay the gold and silver medal for arts and sciences, and this the ruler of all the Ottomans pinned to my breast. Then he showed us his private museum containing all the presents received by him and his ancestors from other European Princes. Here, among a great quantity of trash, were grouped a number of beau tiful and valuable articles. Thus, I recall an amber cupboard presented by Frederick William I. This meeting with old Abdul Hamid has remained for me one of the most interesting encounters that I have ever had with foreign Princes. In my twenty-second year, I was appointed to the command of the 2d Company of the First Foot- Guards. The amplitude of work involved by this responsible position for the next two and a half years brought me the greatest satisfaction. That I was intrusted with this particular company filled me with peculiar pleasure, as I had become acquainted with 52 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE all my non-commissioned officers when a lieutenant. The heads of companies, squadrons and batteries form, in conjunction with the regimental com manders, the backbone of the army, inasmuch as, within the scope of their duties, the value of the individual as leader and trainer has a chance of making itself felt. But not much inferior to the personal importance of the head of the company must be ranked the personality of the sergeant- major, significantly dubbed in Germany the "com pany's mother." My own sergeant-major, Wergin, was a devoted and conscientious man who set an example to all in the company. Early and late his thoughts were occupied with the Royal Prussian service and he was, at the same time, continually busied about the welfare of his hundred and twenty grenadiers. In themselves the labors which fell to us captains in the First Foot-Guards were light and gratifying. The corps of non-commissioned officers was complete and consisted throughout of thoroughly efficient men; while the recruits of each year were excellent, all of them being well-educated young fellows and representing, in many cases, the fourth generation of service with the regiment or even with the same company. On the other hand, there was a certain difficulty in the bodily dimensions of the men. The height of many of them was altogether out of pro portion to their breadth, and it was necessary to SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 53 exercise great care lest they should, at the outset, be subjected to overexertion. Furthermore, my tall grenadiers could eat an incredible quantity of food ! With my company and with the troops afterwards intrusted to me, I laid great stress upon smartness and discipline. Our combined movements and our drill as a whole were worth seeing, and the grena diers themselves were proud of their unimpeach able form. My general principles were: short but very ener getic spells of duty; for the rest, leave the men as much as possible unmolested; plenty of furlough, merriment in the barracks, excursions, visits to the sights of the town and its surroundings, occasional attendance at theatres, a minimum of disciplinary punishments. My men soon knew that, when he had to punish them, their captain suffered more than they did themselves. I endeavored to work upon their sense of honor, and that was nearly al ways effective. Of course, in the foregoing, the duties and labors of a company's captain are anything but exhausted. Apart from all questions of military service, he must be a true father to his soldiers; he must know each individual and know where the shoe pinches in every particular case. Just this phase of the officer's call ing gave me the greatest pleasure, and its exercise gained for me the confidence and the attachment of every one of my grenadiers. They came to me with 54 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE their troubles both small and great, and I felt my self happy in their firm and honest confidingness. Some fine, charming young fellows have passed thus through my hands. Many a one I met again after wards in the war; many a one now rests in foreign soil, true to the motto on the helmet of our first battalion: Semper talis. Despite this passionate and devoted attention to my duties with the First Foot-Guards, in which regiment I made closer acquaintance with my two former adjutants and future lords in waiting — the conscientious Stiilpnagel and the faithful Behr — I was not purely and solely a soldier during those years. The Bonn impetus continued active, and the living questions of politics, economics, art and technical science occupied even more of my leisure time than in the years which had opened my eyes to their importance. Whereas, in the year of my lieutenancy, I had joined with a certain interest and curiosity in all the court festivities that came in my way, an ever- increasing dislike for the pomp of these affairs began to develop within me as my judgment ma tured. The much too frequently repeated cere monial, maintained as it was here in rigid form, appeared to me often enough to be an empty and almost painful anachronism. How many deeply reproachful or gently admonitory glances have I not received from the eyes of court marshals whose SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 55 holiest feelings I had wounded ! But here, as in so many other spheres, the exaggeration of the circum scribed, the "exalted," the congealed, had impelled me to a noticeable nonchalance — not by any means always intentional, often enough involuntary and as though a reaction was bound to take place of its own accord. Court festivities ! Thinking of them reminds me of a man for whom, and for whose art, I always cher ished the greatest veneration and the sight of whom on these occasions invariably filled me with plea sure and brought a smile to my lips. It was Adolf Menzel. His appearance was generally preceded by a tragi-comedy in his home and on the way to the palace, since he was so deeply absorbed in his work till the last moment that no amount of subsequent haste in dressing could enable him to arrive in time. In his later years an adjutant of my father's was always sent to fetch him, and this messenger often enough had to help in getting him dressed. But it was all to no purpose; he still came late. Indelibly imprinted in my memory is Menzel as I saw him at the celebration of the Order of the Black Eagle. On this occasion, the knights wear the big red-velvet robes and the chain of this high order. The little man, whom none of the robes would fit, struggled wildly the whole time with his train, at which he kept looking daggers from his spectacled, but expressively flashing eyes. 56 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE At the close of the ceremony, it was customary for the knights to defile, two by two, before the throne, to make their obeisance to the Kaiser and to leave the chamber. According to the order of rank, it always happened that the dwarfish Menzel was accompanied by the abnormally tall haus- minister, von Wedel. When this ill-matched couple stood before the throne, the sight was in itself suffi cient to fill one with a warm sense of amusement. But when, at the same time, the artist was aroused in Menzel's bosom, it was difficult to restrain one's hilarity. Menzel seemed to forget altogether where he was, and I have seen him, entirely captivated by the picturesqueness of the scene before him, give his head a sudden jerk, set his arms akimbo and stare long and fixedly at my father. — Meantime old Wedel had delivered his correct court bow and was marching off, when, to his horror, he noticed, his partner still planted before the throne. I don't know which delighted me more at that moment, whether the perplexed and dismayed face of the hausminister, who felt himself implicated in an unheard of breach of traditional etiquette, or the little genius who, turning his head first one way then the other, gazed at the Kaiser, heedless of those waiting impatiently behind him for the space in front of the throne. In the end, Wedel took courage and plucked Menzel by the sleeve. This interruption greatly annoyed the seemingly very SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 57 choleric master of the brush. If a look can foam with rage, it was the one which, with head thrown back, Menzel flung up into the eyes of his tall com panion. Then, gathering up the skirts of his robe, he stumbled angry and offended out of the room. It was as though he seemed to be saying to himself: "Bah! What a gathering, where one may not even look at people for a bit," Time and again have I stood and chatted with him at such court ceremonies. He was full of dry humor, sarcasm and criticism. Nothing escaped his notice; and since, little by little, people had ceased to expect from him a strict subordination to rules, he had come to regard himself as a species of supe rior outsider and perhaps felt fairly happy in the exceptional position which certainly provided him with many an artistic suggestion. For my part, as already stated, these festivities, in which every one made a show of his own vain glory, soon lost all attraction for me. Their rigid mechanical nature became dreary; their stiff pomp was like a mosaic made up of a thousand petty vanities set in consequentialism of every shade. I perfectly well recognized that ceremonial festivities necessitated a certain formality; but it appeared to me that they ought also to be animated by an in nate freedom, and of this there was scarcely a trace perceptible. In free and unconstrained intercourse with capa- 58 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE ble men of every category, with artists, authors, sportsmen, merchants, and manufacturers, I found greater stimulus than in these courtly shows. Moreover, as a lover of sport and the chase, I gave my physical frame its due share in cheerful exer tion. Withal, I felt the vexation of having continually to take into consideration my position as Prince. In everything that I undertook, I was surrounded by people who — with the best intentions, no doubt, but much to my annoyance — rehearsed, again and again, their two little maxims: "Your Imperial Highness must not do that" and "Your Imperial Highness must now do this." Any attempt to re pulse these admonitions or to introduce the freedom of action of a free being into this fusty formalism met with a total lack of understanding. It was, therefore, best to let people talk and to do what seemed most simple and natural. Only one person showed any sympathy with my opposition or any comprehension of my desire to be a Uttle less "Crown Prince" and a little more of a contemporary human being. It was my dear mother. Ever and again, when I sat talking with her on such matters, I felt how much of her nature she had passed on to me — only that what in my blood offered masculine resistance had ultimately accommodated itself and quieted down in her. For this self-resignation she undoubtedly drew never- SOLDIER, SPORTSMAN, STUDENT 59 failing energy from the deep religiousness of her nature. To the strictly reUgious character of her ethical views is also to be attributed her urgent desire that we, her sons, should enter wedlock "pure," and un touched by experiences with other women. With this object in view, she and those around us whom she had instructed endeavored to keep us, as far as practicable, aloof from any one and every one who might possibly lead us astray from the straight paths of virtue. Undoubtedly my mother, in her thoughts and purposes, was inspired by the best intentions in regard to us and to our moral and physical welfare; and, whatever nonsense may have been early circulated about me, I, at any rate, cannot have greatly disappointed her. CHAPTER III MATRIMONIAL AND POST-MATRIMONIAL June, 1919. Wrote letters first thing. Then, after breakfast, two hours at the anvil in the smithy. Luijt told me that an American had offered twenty-five guilders for a horseshoe that I had forged. Might he give him one? These people are, after all, incorrigibly ready to inspire the likes of us with megalomania- even when we sit on a grassy island far from their madding crowd. At one time they used to pick up my cigarette-ends; and now, for a piece of iron that has been under my hammer, a snob offers a sum that would help a poor man out of his misery in the old homeland. It is not surprising to me that many a one, under the influence of this cult, has become what he is ! No, we are not always the sole culprits ! I left Luijt and went down to the sea, stripped and plunged in. How that washes the wretched ness out of you for a while and makes you forget the whole thing ! About noon, I told my dear Kummer, who has been with me for some time, the story of the Ameri can. He is on fire with enthusiasm ! "Twenty-five gmlders, at the present rate of exchange ! I'd keep on making horseshoes for them the whole day." 60 MATRIMONIAL 61 After dinner, looked through the old notes of the battles at Verdun and worked at the subject for the book. Took a walk with Kummer. And now it is evening again. Another day passed. How long will it be now? On a beautiful and memorable summer's day of the year 1904, in fir-encircled Gelbensande, the seat of the Dowager Grand Duchess Anastasia Michail- ovna of Mecklenburg, I was betrothed to Cecilie, Duchess of Mecklenburg. Not quite eighteen years of age, she was in the first blush of youth and full of gaiety and joyousness. The years of her childhood, in the society of her somewhat self-willed but loving and beautiful mother, had been replete with serene happiness. On a bright June day of the following year, my beautiful young bride gave me her hand for life. She entered Berlin on roses; she was received by the welcoming shouts of many thousands; she started upon her new career upborne by the love and sym pathy of a whole people. And as, on that day, I rode down the Linden with my 2d Company to form the guard of honor, the warm-hearted partici pation of all that great throng touched me very deeply. Moreover, the city and the happy faces, the many pretty lasses and the roses all over the place presented an unforgetable picture. My gren- 62 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE adiers naturally felt that they quite belonged to the family and strode along smartly. A kind destiny permitted my choice to be free from all political or dynastic considerations. It fell upon her to whom my heart went out and who gave me her hand as freely and whole-heartedly in return. Our union was the outcome of genuine and sincere affection. Shall I take any notice of all the nonsense that has been talked and written concerning my wedded life? If the good people who have such "brilliant connections" and consequently such "intimate in sight" and "reliable information" would but be a little less self-important. I can say this: whenever the newspapers printed such things as "The Divorce of the Crown Prince Imminent," my wife and I had a good laugh over the matter. What a craving for sensation possesses the public ! I can only thank my wife from the bottom of my heart for having been to me the best and most faith ful friend and companion, a tender helpmate and mother, forbearing and forgiving in regard to many a fault, full of comprehension for what I am, hold ing to me unswervingly in fortune and in distress. She has presented me with six healthy and dear children whom I am proud of with all my heart and for whom I feel a longing as often as I stroke the head of one of these flaxen-haired little fisher lads here, May my four boys some day be brave Ger- THE CROWN PRINCE AND CROWN PRINCESS WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND WITH THE MAYOR OF WIERINGEN AND HIS WIFE MATRIMONIAL 63 man men, doing their duty to their country as true Hohenzollerns ! During the time of severe torment that followed Germany's downfall, my wife stuck to her post with exemplary faithfulness and bravery and, in a hun dred difficult situations, proved herself to possess that strong, noble nature for which I love and revere her. After all "war" has entered our married life! In 1915, the Crown Princess paid me a two-days' visit in my headquarters at Stenay. At 4 o'clock in the morning of the second day, there began a French air attack manifestly aimed full at my house which, at that time, had no bomb-proof cellar or dugout. A direct hit would undoubtedly have meant thorough work. The attack lasted two hours. In that time, twenty-four aeroplanes dropped bombs around us and a hundred and sixty bombs were counted. Several of them landed only a few yards from the house and, unfortunately, claimed a num ber of victims. It was the severest air attack that I had ever experienced, and was a test to the nerves in which my wife showed the greatest courage and calmness. The way in which she stood the strain was magnificent. Following upon my captaincy in the First Foot- Guards, I was now to be appointed to the command of a squadron. Through the mediation of his Excel- 64 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE lency, von Hiilsen, I requested His Majesty to in trust me with a squadron of the Gardes du Corps. At first, His Majesty wished to appoint me to the Hussars. Ultimately, he gave way and placed me, in January, 1906, at the head of the body squadron of the Gardes du Corps, though, instead of the handsome uniform of that regiment, he ordered me, by special decree, to wear the uniform of the Queen's Cuirassiers. In this new position, my love of horsee found once more a wide field of activity, and I look back with great satisfaction to the delightful period dur ing which I was attached to this proud regiment whose glorious traditions are so intimately bound up with the history of the Brandenburg-Prussian state. That it was no mere parade troop was proved at Zorndorf and again in the gigantic struggle of the world war. It was a bitter-sweet joy to me to re ceive, only a few days ago, a loving sign that the old and well-tried members of the body squadron had not forgotten their former leader in his present misfortune: on my birthday, May 6, a small album containing the signatures of the officers and gardes du corps of the old squadron found its way to my quiet island. — Of the officers and of the gardes du corps ! — How many names are wanting ! East and west repose those whose names are not in the album. My thoughts wander in both directions to greet the brave dead. Here, although it belongs to a later period, I MATRIMONIAL 65 would say a word about my appointment to the third military weapon — the artillery. To render me familiar with it, I was appointed, in the spring of 1909, to the command of the Leibbatterie of the First Field Artillery. I felt particularly happy in this excellent regiment — excellent both from a mili tary standpoint and in its comradeship; and I recall with sincere gratitude the assistance given me by my faithful mentor, Major the Count Hopfgarten, and his manifold suggestions in matters relating to artillery. Even at that time, the mode of employing our field artillery and, to some extent, also, our mode of firing struck me, in some points, as out-of-date when compared with French regulations. About five years later, the experiences of the war demon strated that the French army really had gained a start of us in the development of this weapon. With us the technology of artillery had dropped be hind the equestrology; the horse had obtained too many privileges over the cannon. As personal adjutant, I asked and obtained the services of Captain von der Planitz. This excellent and well-trained officer, whom I shall ever grate- fuUy remember as a sincere and noble man and as my long-standing and trusted companion and coun sellor, fell as commander of a division in Flanders. A report is being circulated by the newspapers which purports to come from an eye-witness of the 66 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE murder of Tsar Nicholas and to reveal, in all its horrors, his bloody end. This description, whose ghastUness is only en hanced by its cold objectivity, I read this morning. Ever since, as the rain outside has continued to pour down ceaselessly, my thoughts have reverted again and again to this poor man — to him and those around him on the two occasions that I came into closer contact with him, — first, as his guest in Rus sia and, afterwards, on the one occasion that he was our guest in Berlin. Now, as I write these Unes in recollection of him, it is night. When I first met Tsar Nicholas at St. Petersburg in January, 1903, he was at the height of his power. I had been despatched to take part in the Bene diction of the Waters. The court and the troops formed an exceptionally brilliant framework to the celebration. But the Tsar, himself, who was at bottom a simple and homely person and most cor dial and unconstrained in intimate circles, appeared irresolute, I might almost say timid, in his public capacity. The ravishingly beautiful Empress Alex andra was, in such matters, no support for him, since she herself was painfully bashful, indeed al most shy. In complete contrast to her, the Dowager Empress, Maria Feodorovna, embodied perfectly the conception of majesty and of the grande dame, and she exercised also the chief influence in the poUtical MATRIMONIAL 67 and court circles of St. Petersburg. It was par ticularly noticeable how little the Tsar understood how to ensure the prestige due to him from the members of his family, i. e., from the Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses. When, for instance, the company had met previous to a dinner, and the Imperial couple entered, scarcely a member of the family took any notice of it. An absolutely pro voking laxity was displayed on such occasions by the Grand Duke Nicholai Nicholaievitch, who, by the way, did not hesitate, in conversation with me, to give fairly pointed expression to his dislike of everything German. In vain did I look for traces, in St. Petersburg, of the old friendship between Prussia and Russia; English and French were the linguistic mediums; for Germany no one had any interest; more often than not I even came across open repugnance. Only two men did I meet with who manifested any marked liking for Germany, namely, Baron Fredericks and Sergei Julivitch Witte, who, a few years later, was made a count. With Witte I had a long talk upon the question of a new Russo-German treaty of commerce, in the course of which the politician, with his far-sighted views of finance and political economy, maintained emphatically that, in his opinion, the healthy devel opment of Russia depended closely upon her pro ceeding economically hand in hand with Germany. The fear of assassins was very great at the court. 68 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Among the many precautionary and preventive measures which I saw taken everywhere, one that I met with on paying the Tsar a late evening visit made a deep impression upon me. In the vestibule of his private apartments, the Emperor's entire body-guard of about one hundred men were posted like the pieces on a chess-board. It was impossible for any one to pass; and my entrance created the greatest alarm and excitement. Within the inner circle of his family, the Emperor was an utterly changed being. He was a happy, harmless, amiable man, tenderly attached to his wife and children. From the Empress, too, disap peared that nervousness and restlessness which took possession of her in public, she became a lovable, warm-hearted woman and, surrounded by her young and well-bred daughters, she presented a picture of grace and beauty. I spent some delightful hours there. On the second occasion, my wife and I were in vited to Zarskoe Selo. Here I might have imagined myself on the country estate of some wealthy pri vate magnate, but that, at every step, the poUce and miUtary precautions reminded me that I was the guest of a ruler who did not trust his own peo ple. Zarskoe stands in a great park. Outside the palings was drawn up a cordon of cossacks who trotted up and down night and day to keep watch. Within the park stood innumerable sentinels, while MATRIMONIAL 69 inside the palace one saw everywhere sentinels in couples with fixed bayonets. I said to my wife at the time that it made you feel as though you were in a prison, and that I would rather risk being bombed than live permanently such a life as that. A distressing motor drive still remains vivid in my memory. The Tsar wanted to show us the palace on the lake side. We started off in a closed carriage. It was the first time, for months, that the Emperor had left Zarskoe. The drive lasted about four hours. The impression was cheerless and deeply depressing. Every place we passed through seemed dead; no one was permitted to show himself in the streets or at the windows — save, of course, soldiers and policemen. Weird silence and oppressive anxiety hung over everybody and every thing. To be forced to conceal oneself like that! Eh, it was a life not worth living. We also took part in a great military review. The guards looked brilliant; and, true to their an cient tradition, they later on fought brilliantly in the war. An uncommonly picturesque impression was made by the bold-looking Don, Ural and Trans- baikal cossacks on their small, scrubby horses. The reception in the family circle was as hearty as on my first visit. For hours we canoed about the canals, and discussed exhaustively many a political problem. These talks convinced me that the Tsar cherished sincere sympathy for Germany, 70 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE but was too weak to combat effectually the influ ence of the great anti-German party; the Dowager Empress and the Grand Duke Nicholai — both pro nounced opponents of Germany — possessed the up per hand. Tsar Nicholas was not, in my judgment, the per sonality that Russia needed on the throne. He lacked resolution and courage and was out of touch with his people. As a simple, country gentleman, he might perhaps have been happy and have had many friends; but he did not possess the qualities essential to lead a nation in the development of its capacities; possibly, indeed, his timid mind scarcely dared to reflect upon the merest shadow of such qualities. Deeply tragical appeared to us, even at that time, the weakly and continually ailing little heir-ap parent, Alexis Nicholaievitch. Though already nine years old, he was usually carried about like a little wounded creature by a giant of a sailor. With anxious and trembling tenderness, the parents clung to this fragile offspring of the later years of their wedlock who was expected some day to wear the Imperial crown of Russia. All over! Gone in blood and horror this little wearily flickering life. * * * * * After I had completed another two and a half years of military service, I felt a lively desire to fill in the very considerable gaps in my knowledge MATRIMONIAL 71 of political and economic affairs. Wishes repeatedly expressed by me in the matter had hitherto been disregarded, which was the more remarkable as, in the history of our house, the ruler for the time being had always treated the due preparation of the heir- apparent for his future career as a particularly ur gent duty of the office conferred upon him. Con sequently, I felt myself ill used in being thus denied the opportunity to grasp and fathom subjects whose mastery was essential for me. Without exaggera tion, I can say that I had to wrestle tenaciously and uncompromisingly for admission to an environ ment in which I might acquire this indispensable knowledge. It was therefore with all the greater satisfaction that, in October, 1907, I welcomed the Kaiser's finally consenting to attach me to the bureau of the Lord Lieutenant at Potsdam, to the Home Office, to the Exchequer and to the Admiralty. I was, however, to wait a while before being initiated into questions of foreign policy; these were treated as a trifle mysterious — and as though they lay within the sphere of some occult art. For the present, therefore, I was to have the opportunity of attend ing lectures on machine construction and electro- technics at the University of Technology in Char- lottenburg, where I might acquire a more extensive acquaintance with these subjects which had always aroused my peculiar interest. Thus the obstacles that had heretofore stood in 72 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE my way were now removed; doors which had been kept religiously closed to me at last opened to my hankering for knowledge. My self -instructive activities in the various minis tries — which were greatly facilitated by my father's orders to supply me with every desired information — speedily led to my occupying myself busily with the great questions of the day and their international interdependence; and thus I soon found myself ab sorbed in the study of the German and the foreign press. The pulse of our life is the newspaper; in it beats the heart of the times; inertness and activity, lassi tude and fever find in it their efficacy and expression and, for him who has to care for the well-being of the entire organism, they became, under certain circumstances, admonishing and warning voices. In that year of study which I devoted to the press, my first modest gain was that I learned to estimate clearly the significance of the newspaper for those who are willing to hear, to see and to recognize;— yes, for those who will hear, see and recognize, and are not blinded to the signs of the times by an os trich-like psychology either imposed upon them or voluntarily adopted. Of course, I had read the newspapers before, in the ordinary acceptation of the term. Mainly, I had confined myself to journals of the conserva tive type and colorless, well-disposed news-sheets; MATRIMONIAL 73 though I had, at any rate, read them unmutilated by anybody else's scissors. Now, I ploughed my way daily through the whole field from the Kreuz- zeitung to the Vorwdrts ; and often an article marked by me found its way to the proper persons to give me the required explanations and enlightenment. Consequently, in regard to particular cultural and political questions, I soon arrived at a point of view which showed me the problems from quite a different angle from that adopted by His Majesty on the ground of the press cuttings and the reports presented to him. The humor of history was gro tesquely inverted: the King was guided ad usum delphini, and the Dauphin drew his knowledge out of the fulness of life. By reason of this deeper in sight into the driving forces of the masses and of the times, many of the fundamental notions kept to by the Kaiser in his method of government ap peared to me to have lost their roots and to be no longer reconcilable with the spirit of modern mon archy with its wise recognition of recent develop ments and current phenomena. Besides the German state organization, there was another which, at that time, aroused my special in terest, namely, the British. I had been about a good deal in England, and, in many an hour's talk on this fascinating subject my uncle, King Edward, had lovingly instructed me concerning England's political structure, in which I recognized many a 74 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE feature of value to our younger development. When I recall these memorable conversations, in which my part was that of a thoroughly unsophisticated young disciple of a successful past master and fatherly friend, it strikes me that the King wanted to bestow upon me something more than a simple lesson in the conditions of England; it was rather as though this, in his own way highly talented man recognized that the ideas which had governed the first two decades of my father's reign had been lead ing farther and farther from the lines along which the monarchy of Germany ought to develop, if that monarchy were to remain the firmly established and organic consummation of the state's structure; it was as though he clearly and consciously meant to call my attention to this danger point, in order to warn me and to win me to better ways even at the threshold of my political career. All that my old great-uncle imparted to me out of the fulness of his observation and experience I gladly accepted and developed, and doubtless this has had its share in forming my views concerning the Kaiser's maxims of government and in my feel ing a strong inclination for the constitutional sys tem in operation in England. During this period of eager study, I received from Admiral von Tirpitz, the head of the Admiralty, some particularly deep and stimulating impressions. In him I found a really surpassing personality, a MATRIMONIAL 75 man who did not stare rigidly at the narrow field of his own tasks and duties, but who saw the effects of the whole as they appeared in the distant political perspective and who served the whole with all the comprehensive capacities of his ample creative vigor. The great work of producing a German navy had been intrusted to him by the Kaiser, and his life, his thoughts and his activities were entirely filled with the desire and determination to master the enormous task for the good of the empire and in spite of all external and internal opposition. How well he succeeded has been proved by the Battle of Jutland which will ever remain for him an honor able witness and memorial — Jutland, where the fleet created by him and inspired by his mind passed so brilliantly through its baptismal fire in contest with the immensely stronger first navy of the world. Germany had then every reason to be proud of the glorious valor and exemplary discipline of her young bluejackets. Only in one fundamental question did I, in that year of co-operation, differ from the lord high ad miral. He held firmly to the conviction that the struggle with England for the freedom of the seas must, sooner or later, be fought out. His object was the "risk idea," that is to say, he maintained that our navy must be made so strong that any possible contest with us would appear to the English to be 76 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE a dangerous experiment because the chances of the game would then be too great — chances that could not be risked without involving the possibility of the EngUsh dominion of the seas being entirely lost. To the ideal principle underlying this defense the ory I did not shut my eyes; but, considering our political and economic position, it seemed to me that its form, which presupposed our being the sole opposing rival of England at sea, did not permit its realization. I was rather of opinion that the "risk idea" could only ripen into a healthy, vigorous and real balance of power at sea, if the counterpoise to England were formed in combination with another great power whose land forces for this purpose would not come into consideration, but whose navy in conjunction with our own would yield a force ade quate to gain the respect and restraint aimed at. In this way, if the thing were at all feasible, not only could an immense reduction of our naval burden be effected, but it would be easier to overcome the great danger of the whole problem, namely, the smothering of our sea forces before their goal had been reached; for, I always frankly maintained and asserted that the British would never wait until our "risk idea" had materialized, but, consistently pursuing their own policy, would destroy our greatly suspected navy long before it could develop into an equally matched and — in the sense of the "risk idea" — dangerous adversary. MATRIMONIAL 77 That, in point of fact, the will to adopt such a radical course was not wanting, was further proved to me recently on reading Admiral Fisher's book. He states the matter with astounding candor in the following way: "Already in the year 1908, I pro posed to the King to Copenhagen the German navy." In consequence of our political isolation, all my doubts and considerations had to remain doubts and considerations. An ally whose navy came into consideration as an adjunct to ours we did not pos sess. Nor would an alliance with Russia, such as was aimed at by Tirpitz, have given us the help of such a navy. When the various efforts to bring about an under standing over the naval question had all failed, the right moment and the last chance arrived for Eng land to try conclusions with the German navy with some UkeUhood of success. The opportunity of war in the year 1914 offered that chance and provided also an unexampled slogan: there were binding treaties to be kept, and England could likewise ap pear as a spotless hero and the protector of all small nations. In all this, too, it was naturally not the naval problem per se which induced England to seize this opportunity of joining in a war against Germany. Sea power is world-power; our navy was the pro tecting shield of our world-wide trade; it was not the shield, but the values which it covered, at which 78 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the blow was aimed, in the not overwillingly waged war. The motive forces which urged towards war, towards final settlement, across the Channel were the same that had previously effected our economic isolation; they grew out of England's struggle for existence with the vast development of German industry and German commerce. Her attempted strangling of these in pre-war years had failed; the German expansion continued. Hence England gave up the endeavor to avoid war; the final settle ment must be faced. No one who knew the situa tion could doubt that England would make the utmost use of such an excellent opportunity as that provided by our treatment of the Austro-Serbian dispute. Only lack of political insight on the part of our statesmen could overlook all this and hope for the neutrality of England as Bethmann Hollweg did. And when we were once involved in war with England and problems of attack were presented to our navy in place of the defensive tasks for which it had been created, it was a fatal blunder to keep it out of the fray, or to deny a free hand in its employ ment to Grand-Admiral von Tirpitz who knew the instrument forged by him as no one else could. The parties who, at that time, had to decide con cerning the fate of the navy failed to gain that im mortality which lay within their reach. Although it lay within arm's length of both von Miiller and MATRIMONIAL 79 of Admiral Pohl neither of these men has succeeded in gaining immortality. Everybody clung to Beth- mann's notion of carrying the fleet as safe and sound as possible through the war in order to use it as a factor in possible peace negotiations — an idea that was scarcely more sensible than, say, the idea of carrying the army and its ammunition intact through the war with a like purpose. People philo sophized over distant possibilities and missed the hour for acting! Admiral von Tirpitz was a highly talented and strong-willed man, looked up to by the entire navy. His sense of responsibility and his resoluteness per sonified, as it were, for them the fighting ideal of his weapon, and I am still convinced that he would have turned the full force of the fleet against England as rapidly as possible. Such an attack, carried out with fresh confidence in one's own strength and under the conviction of victory, would not have failed. That such a view is not in the least fantastic and is shared by the enemy is evidenced by a pas sage in Admiral Jellicoe's book, in which he writes: — "With my knowledge of the German navy, with my appreciation of its performances and with a view to the spirit of its officers and its men, it was a great surprise to me to see the first weeks and months of the war pass by without the German navy having conducted any enterprises in the Chan nel or against our coasts. The possibilities of sue- 80 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE cess of an immediate employment of the German forces I should not have underrated." But, as Goethe says, enthusiasm is not like her rings; it cannot be pickled and kept for years; and the spirit of attack, national consciousness and dis cipline cannot be preserved or bottled. In our navy, so proud and powerful at the outbreak of the war, these qualities withered and decayed because that navy was not allowed to prove its strength, and was not used at the right moment. Hence, the weapon which failed to strike when it ought to have struck finally turned against our Fatherland and helped to bring about our defeat. I have perused the sheets written yesterday. These jottings of mine will not constitute a regular and well-arranged book of reminiscences reproducing events in their exact order of time. I had intended to write of my inauguration into the affairs of the Admiralty and of the valuable work in conjunction with Admiral von Tirpitz; and, in the ineradicable bitterness of my recollections, I sped into the events of later years. In mentioning the "risk idea" of Tirpitz, I touched upon our political isolation. On this sub ject there is, perhaps, much more to be said. When, soon after the completion of my labors at the Admiralty, I penetrated farther and farther into the problems of the foreign policy of the empire, I repeatedly found confirmation of the fact that, as I MATRIMONIAL 81 had observed during my travels, our country was not much loved anywhere and was indeed frequently hated. Apart from our allies on the Danube and possibly the Swedes, Spaniards, Turks and Argen tinians, no one really cared for us. Whence came this? Undoubtedly, in the first place, from a cer tain envy of our immense economic progress, envy of the unceasing growth of the German merchant's influence on the world market, envy of the great dUigence and of the creative intelligence and energy of the German people. England, above all, felt her peculiar economic position threatened by these cir cumstances. This was naturally no reason for us to feel any self-reproach, since every people has a per fect right, by healthy and honorable endeavors, to promote its own material well-being and to increase its economic sphere of influence. By fair competi tion between one nation and another, humanity as a whole attains higher and higher stages of civiliza tion. Only ignorant visionaries can imagine that progress in the life of the individual, of a people or of the world can be expected if competition be barred. But it was not alone envy of German efficiency that gained for us the aversion of the great majority; we had managed by less worthy qualities to make ourselves disliked. It is imprudent and tactless for individuals or peoples to push themselves forward with excessive noisiness in their efforts to get on; dis- 82 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE trust, opposition, repulsion and enmity are thereby provoked. Yet it is into this fault that we Ger mans, both officially and personally, have lapsed only too often. The openly provocative and blus tering deportment, the attitude adopted by many Germans abroad of continually wishing to teach everybody and to act as guardians to the whole world ruffled the nerves of other people. In con junction with the stupidity and bad taste of a kin dred character proceeding from leading personages and public officials at home and readily heard and caught up abroad, this conduct did immense dam age, more especially, again, in the case of England, who felt herself particularly menaced by modern' Germany. In many a political chat, that was as good as a lesson to me, my great-uncle, King Edward VII — with whom I always stood on a good footing and who was undoubtedly a remarkable personality en dowed with vast experience, as well as great wisdom and practical intelligence — repeatedly expressed his anxiety that the economic competition of Germany would some day lead to a collision with England. "There must be a stop put to it," he would say on such occasions. Facing all these facts objectively and remember ing that England's forces had always been employed against that Continental power which at any given moment happened to be the strongest, it followed MATRIMONIAL 83 that, sooner or later, the German Empire would in evitably become involved in a war unless the oppo sition between it and England were removed. Personally, I considered it desirable to strive for an understanding with England on economic, eco- nomico-political and colonial questions. I did not, however, entertain any Ulusions as to the difficulty of such an undertaking. I was quite aware that any such effort presupposed a thorough discussion both of the naval programme and of economic mat ters. The goal appeared to me well worth the sac rifice, for the relaxation of the political tension followed ultimately by an alliance with England would not merely have secured peace, but would have provided us with advantages amply compen sating for the concessions made. Prince Biilow, with whom I once talked about this delicate question, re ferred me to a saying of Prince Bismarck's, namely, that he was quite willing to love the English, but that they refused to be loved. For an alliance with England, which, while not involving the sombre risk of war with Russia, would have been calculated to bind England really and seriously, he seemed at that time not at all disinclined. But as, accord ing to him, Lord Salisbury, the British Prime Minis ter in the early years of the century, was not to be persuaded to such an alliance, he thought to do better, under the circumstances, by adopting a "policy of the free hand." Similar answers were 84 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE given me by all the other leading statesmen of the realm to whom I disclosed my ideas: an under standing with England, they said, was impossible; England would not have it; or, if a basis were found, we should lose by the whole affair. But their rea sons failed to convince me. Why, a glance across the black, white and red frontier poles showed that, all around us, quite other political feats had been performed; but they had been performed by men who understood their profession and the signs of the times. Nor do I consider that, in the years to which I refer here, England was indisposed or could not have been won over, even though matters were no longer presented to us on a silver tray as they had been at the beginning of the Boer War, when Joseph Chamberlain quite openly tried to bring about an alliance between Germany, England and the United States. Even now the possibility of start ing over at the point where we had then failed was by no means out of the question. Nevertheless, I had to accept the fact that Prince Biilow and his politicians were not to be persuaded to a serious, well-grounded understanding with England; they seemed thoroughly satisfied with the outwardly amiable and courteous relations, they considered the situation well tried and satisfactory, and saw no reason to regard it as so acute or threatening. Hence, for the future, I endeavored to think the matter over on the rigid lines laid down by Wilhelm- MATRIMONIAL 85 strasse. Assuming it to be impossible to alter the dif ferences with England or to bridge the gap opened during the Boer War by the overhasty Kriiger tele gram (the responsibility for which, by the way, has been quite unjustifiably charged to the Kaiser), the only possible and capable ally left for us in Europe was Russia. If we had an alliance with Russia, England would never risk a war with us; nay, she would have to be satisfied if this alliance did not menace her Indian dominions. Consequently every effort should be made to re-establish the bond which, subsequent to Bismarck's retirement, had been broken by denouncing the reinsurance treaty; every thing ought to be done to loosen the Franco-Russian Alliance and to draw Russia into co-operation with ourselves. This, too, was no easy task ; but there was a prospect of succeeding, if we supported Russia's wishes in regard to the Dardanelles and the Persian Gulf. I talked at the time with Turkish politicians about the matter and found them anything but in accessible in regard to the question of a free passage through the Dardanelles. Moreover, opposition to this solution was scarcely to be feared from our allies Austria-Hungary. Here, therefore, I seemed to see a suitable starting-point. From all these considerations France was excluded since, after the weakening of Russia, we had missed the opportunity of coming to a complete under standing with the well-intentioned Rouvier Cabinet 86 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE in the early summer of 1905. In the meantime, by skilful cultivation of the idea of revenge against Germany, even the bitterness towards England caused by the Fashoda affront had been dissipated. The conditio sine qua non for any agreement would be the sacrifice of at least a part of the Reichsland, a thing which we could not even discuss in times of peace. But, neither during Billow's chancellorship nor Herr von Bethmann's, was any energetic action undertaken or well-defined programme adopted by the Government to bring about an understanding with England or to attach our policy to Russia. People clung to the hope of sailing round any pos sible rocks of war; they wished to offend nobody and therefore conducted a short-term hand-to-mouth policy which had no longer anything in common with the clever and wide-spun conceptions of Bis marck tradition. As a consequence, very depressing misgivings often overcame me when I thought what notions our leading statesmen entertained of our political position. That they misconstrued the seriousness of affairs I refused to believe, for the fact of our isolation was sufficient to prove even to the most inexperienced observer with any sound common sense that, with our peace policy of "niemand zu Liebe und niemand zu Leide" (without considera tion of persons) we were in danger, between two MATRIMONIAL 87 stools, of coming to the ground. Hence I was obliged just to recognize the incomprehensible calm with which our political leaders guided the realm through those times while our opponents' ring closed tighter and tighter. The game was an unequal one ! It was unequal in the parties that faced each other as exponents of the two sets of effective forces. On this side was His Majesty, who, down to the crisis of November, 1908, ruled with great self-con fidence and a perhaps too assiduously manifested desire for power; beside him and severely handi capped by all kinds of moods and political sym pathies and antipathies of the Kaiser's, stood Prince Biilow, whose place was taken the following summer by Theobald von Bethmann. On the other side was King Edward VII, and be side him and after him half a dozen strong, clear headed men who, misled by no sentiment, worked along the lines of a firmly established tradition to accomplish the programme mapped out for Eng land and England's weal. I repeat it: the game was unequal. I do not underestimate the great talents which, in the most difficult circumstances, enabled Prince Biilow, time and again, to bridge over gulfs, to ef fect compromises and adjustments, and to disguise fissures. But he was not a great architect; he was not a man of Bismarck's mighty mould; he was not 88 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE a Faust with eyes fixed on the heights and the hori zon; no, he was none of these, but he was a brilUant master of little remedies with which to save oneself from an evil to-day for a possibly more bearable to morrow; he was a serious politician who had thor oughly learned his handicraft and exercised it with graceful ease; firm in the possession of this, he was therefore no charlatan; he was a reader of char acter, too, who knew how to deal with his men — a personality. Of all post-Bismarckian chancellors, Prince Biilow strikes me as, far and away, the most noteworthy; indeed, I would place him well outside the frame of this very relative compliment that really does not say much. He understood perfectly how to defend his policy in the Reichstag; and his speeches, with their genuine national feeling, scarcely ever missed their mark. Moreover, he could negotiate, he showed skill and tact in personal intercourse with parliamentarians, foreigners and press men; and, like no one else since the first chancellor, he gave a due place in his calculations to the value of the press and of public opinion. I look back with pleasure to my conversations with him. What a gaily pliable intellect ! What sound sense ! What excellent judg ment of men and of problems ! He was also, I consider, the best man at hand in the summer of 1917; and I greatly regretted, at that time, his not being called to the chief post after MATRIMONIAL 89 Bethmann's exit. His peculiar character would as suredly have understood how to bring about fruit ful co-operation between the Government and the Higher Command; I believe, too, that this adroit diplomatist would have succeeded in finding a way out of the difficulties of the World War, and that he would have effected a peace that would have been tolerable for our country. On each of the two occasions when a fresh chancel lor was to be appointed, I advised His Majesty to select either him or Tirpitz, — unfortunately, with out success! The reappointment of Biilow as chancellor would not have been prevented by the aversion which the Kaiser had conceived during the events of November, 1908, if the proper influen tial parties had assiduously supported the choice. I was able to ascertain that, on both occasions, the necessary precautions had been taken to ensure Billow's being passed over by the Kaiser. Yonder stood the King. I am aware that there is a tendency (not by any means confined to the general public) to impute to King Edward a personal hatred of Germany — a diabolical relish for destruction which found expres sion in forging a noose for the strangling of our country. To my mind such a presentation of his character is totally lacking in reality. Among others, my father has never viewed King Edward without all sorts of prejudices, and has conse- 90 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE quently never formed a just estimate of him. That trait — so constantly visible in the Kaiser's actions — of readily attributing positive failures to the activities of individuals and of regarding them as the result of machinations directed against him personally may play some part here. But there was doubtless always, as a matter of fact, what I might call a latent and mutual disapproval present in the minds of these two men, notwithstanding all their outward cordiality. The Kaiser may have felt that his somewhat loud and jingling rather than essential manner often sounded in vain upon the ear of King Edward with his experience of the world and his sense of realities; that it encountered scep ticism; that perhaps it was even received sometimes with ironic silence; that it met with a sort of quiet obstruction too smoothly polished to present any point of attack and thus easily tempted the Kaiser to exaggerate it. Having myself known King Edward from my earliest youth and having had ample opportunity of talking with him on past and current affairs al most up to his death, my own conception of his character is an utterly different one. I see in him the serene world-experienced man and the most successful monarch in Europe for many a long day. Personally, he was, as far as I can remember, ex tremely friendly to me and, as I have said before, he took a most active interest in my development. In MATRIMONIAL 91 the year 1901, just after the passing of the Queen, he invested me with the Order of the Garter; the cere mony took place in Osborne Castle, and King Ed ward addressed to me an exceedingly warm-hearted and kinsman-like speech; I was then on the threshold of my twentieth year, and my great-uncle seemed, from what he said, to feel a sort of responsibility for my welfare. His sense of family attachment was altogether strongly marked; to see him in the circle of his Danish relatives at Copenhagen filled the be holder with delight: there, he was only the good uncle and the amiable man. Often we have sat talking for hours in the most unconstrained fashion — he leaning back in a great easy chair and smoking an enormous cigar. At such times, he narrated many interesting things — some times out of his own life. And it is from what he imparted to me and from what I saw with my own eyes that I have formed my picture of him — a pic- true that contains not a single trait of duplicity, a picture that reveals him as a brilliant representa tive of his country's interests and one who, I am convinced, would rather have secured those inter ests in co-operation with Germany than in spite of her, but who, finding the former way barred, turned with all his energies to the one thing possible and needful, namely, the assurance of that security per se. Owing to the great length of his mother's reign, Edward VII did not come to the throne till he was 92 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE a man of very ripe age. As Prince of Wales he had abundantly exploited his excessively long period of probation. On leaving his parental home with a good training and education, he rushed into life with an ardent thirst for pleasure and gave himself up to his strong passions for women, gambling and sport. In this way he passed through all circles and all strata of society — good, bad and indifferent — and nothing human remained alien to him. Just as an old and tranquillized mariner talks of the voy ages weathered in years gone by, so did King Ed ward speak to me of those experiences of his which had evoked from the public only hard and dispar aging judgments. Yet, for him and for his country, those years of restless vagabondage became fruitful. His clear, cool and deliberative insight and his prac tical common sense brought him an unerring knowl edge of mankind and taught him the difficult art of dealing properly with differing types of humanity. I have scarcely ever met any other person who understood as he did how to charm the people with whom he came in contact. And yet he had no vanity, he displayed no visible wish to make any impression by his urbanity or his conversation. On the contrary, he almost faded into the background; the other party seemed to become more important than himself. Thus he could listen, interject a question, be talked to and arouse in each individual the feeling that he, the King, took a most kindly MATRIMONIAL 93 interest in his thoughts and actions— that he was fascinated and stimulated by him. In this way he gained the friendship and attachment of a great number of people — above all of those who were of value to him. In his own country, his taste for sport secured him an enviable position. He owned a superb racing stud, devoted himself with great enthusiasm to yachting, and was perhaps the best shot in England. Moreover, that partiality for beautiful women which he kept even throughout the later years of his Ufe became finally a key to the extra ordinary popularity enjoyed by him in England and throughout the Continent. In his outward appearance and bearing he was the grand seigneur and finished man of the world. It is thus that I see the King and the qualities that served him in carrying out his policy. An ex cellent reader of character and a cool tactician, he gained permanent successes wherever he interposed his personality. It was his influence that drew France into the entente cordiale with England in spite of Fashoda; and it was he, personally, who attracted the Tsar farther and farther away from Germany and won him for England notwithstand ing the great commercial antitheses in the Far East and in Persia. Why all that ? To destroy Germany ? Certainly not ! But he and his country had recognized that, 94 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE for some years, the curve of Germany's commercial, economico-poUtical and industrial progress had been such that England was in danger of being outstripped. Here he had to step in. As an agreement could not be effected, commercial isolation became his instru ment for curtailing our development. War with Germany the King, I believe, never wanted. I be lieve, too, that not only would he have been able to prevent the outbreak of war, but that he would in deed have prevented it. I believe so, because his statesmanlike foresight would have recognized both the revolutionary dangers and the risk run by the great European powers of losing authority and in fluence in world-competition if — armed as never before — they tore and lacerated each other by war among themselves. I will go further and assert that, with the acknowledged status enjoyed by him in Europe and in the world at large, King Edward, if he had lived longer, would probably not have stopped at the creation of a Triple Entente but would perhaps have built a bridge between the Entente and the Triple Alliance and thus have brought into being the United States of Europe. He, but only he, could have done it. His epigones have placed the outcome of his labors in the service of Russia and France; and there with began the war, long, long before the sword it self was unsheathed. In the face of all this and in certain anticipation MATRIMONIAL 95 of this final settlement, it became the bounden duty of the German Empire to arm itself as thoroughly as possible and to demand a similar fighting power from Austria, which country, under the influence of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the men selected by him, had become politically very active. This was the least we could do to ensure some pros pect of an honorable and bearable settlement. And that there was danger in the air was proved not merely by the general political complexion; the fe verish and unconcealed warlike preparations of the Entente were clearly directed against us and showed that they wanted to be ready and then to await the right watchword for a rupture. France exhausted her man-power and her finances in order to maintain a disproportionately large army; Russia, in return for French money, placed hundreds of thousands of peasants in sombre earth-hued uniforms; Italy glared greedily at Turkish Tripoli and built fortress after fortress along the frontiers of its deeply hated ally, Austria. England watched this activity and launched ship after ship. In spite of these huge dangers, our own prepara tions were limited to the minimum of the essential; and if proofs were required that we did not desire the war, it would suffice to point out that it did not find us prepared as we ought to have been. So far as my very circumscribed capacities and my feeble influence went in the years preceding the war, I per- 96 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE sistently advocated, in view of the menacing situa tion, an augmentation of our military resources. Not much was done, however. The last Defense Bill of 1913 had to be forced down the throat of the Imperial Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg. The re-equipment of the field artillery could not be car ried out before the outbreak of war, with the result that the superior French field-guns gave us a deal of trouble for a long time. I am speaking here of the Bethmann era, and yet I would not leave the period of Prince Billow's chancellorship without dwelling for a little on one of the most perturbing incidents in the life of the Kaiser, namely, the conflict of November, 1908. In the Reichstag sitting of the tenth — ten years to the day before all ended in the journey to Holland — the storm began to howl and lasted throughout the following day. The causes are known. In reality, how did matters stand? In the year 1907, while staying with the retired General Stuart Wortley at Highcliffe Castle on the Isle of Wight, my father had entered into a number of informal conversations in which, undeniably, sev eral unintentional and therefore injudicious remarks and communications escaped him. With the help of the English journalist, Harold Spender, these com munications were afterwards worked up by Wort ley into the form of an interview to be published MATRIMONIAL 97 in the Daily Telegraph. The manuscript was for warded to the Kaiser with a request that he would give his consent to its publication. In a perfectly loyal way, the Kaiser sent it on to the Imperial Chancellor and asked him for his opinion. The pro ceedings were consequently all absolutely correct; and nothing improper had occurred, unless the re marks themselves are to be characterized as such; and even then, one must give the Kaiser credit for having made them with the object of improving Anglo-German relations, just as General Stuart Wortley, with the like intention, hit upon the idea of making them known to wider circles. The manuscript was returned to the Kaiser with the remark that there was no objection to its being published — save that, through negligence and a number of unfortunate coincidences, none of the gentlemen who were responsible for this judgment had actually read the text with any care. And so mischief stalked his way. For two days the Reichstag raged at the absent Kaiser; two groups of representatives of almost every party poured out their pent-up floods of in dignation; all the dissatisfaction with his methods and his rule that had been accumulating for two decades now burst forth in an unimpeded stream. And yet the man who was called by my father's trust to stand by his Imperial master, to cover him and to defend him, — that man failed, that man 98 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE shrugged his shoulders and shuffled off with a scarce concealed gesture of resignation. Nerves, you say? Possibly. The only man who, on that occasion, chivalrously rushed into the breach in defense of his King was the old and splendidly faithful deputy von Oldenburg. Considering the general indignation that had arisen, the task before which Prince Biilow stood was indisputably very difficult; but, on the other hand, it is perfectly comprehensible that the Kaiser — who, in this case, had acted quite correctly, and now saw himself suddenly, and for the first time, face to face with an almost united opposition of the people — was wrenched out of his security and confidence and felt that he was deserted and aban doned by the chancellor. Meantime, the press storm continued and pro duced day after day a dozen or so of accusatory and disapproving articles. My father had returned. Prostrated by the ex citing and violent events and still more by the lack of understanding he had met with, he lay ill at Potsdam. The incomprehensible had happened: after twenty years, during which he had imagined himself to be the idol of the majority of his people and had supposed his rule to be exemplary, disap proval of him and of his character was quite unmis takably pronounced. It was under these circumstances that I was ur gently called to the New Palace. At the door, my MATRIMONIAL 99 mother's old valet de chambre awaited me to say that Her Majesty wanted to see me before I went to the Kaiser. I rushed up-stairs. My mother received me im mediately. She was agitated, and her eyes were red. She kissed me and held my head before her in both hands. Then she said: "You know, my boy, what you are here for?" "No, mother." "Then go to your father. But sound your heart before you decide." Then I knew what was coming. A few minutes later I stood beside my father's sick-bed. I was shocked at his appearance. Only once since have I seen him thus. It was ten years later, on the fatal date at Spa, when General Groner struck away his last foothold and, with a shrug, coldly destroyed his belief in the fidelity of the army. He seemed aged by years; he had lost hope, and felt himself to be deserted by everybody; he was broken down by the catastrophe which had snatched the ground from beneath his feet; his self-confidence and his trust were shattered. A deep pity was in me. Scarcely ever have I felt myself so near him as in that hour. He told me to sit down. He talked urgently, ac cusingly and hurriedly of the incidents; and the bit- 100 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE terness aroused by the injustice which he saw in them kept reasserting itself. I tried to soothe and encourage him. I stayed with him for quite an hour sitting on his bed, a thing which, so long as I can remember, had never happened before. In the end it was arranged that, for a short time, and till he had completely recovered from his ill ness, I should act as a kind of locum tenens for the Kaiser. In exercising this office I kept entirely in the back ground, and was soon released from the duties alto gether, since, in a few weeks, the Kaiser was seem ingly himself again. Seemingly! For, as I have already said, he has never really recovered from the blow. Under the cloak of his old self-confidence, he assumed an ever- increasing reserve, which, though hidden from the outside world, was often more restricting than the limits of his constitutional position. In the war, this personal modesty led to an almost complete ex clusion of his own person from the military and organization measures and commands of the chief of his General Staff. Those of us officers who had an insight into the business of the leading military posts could not but regret this fact, as we had un reservedly admired the sound judgment and the military perception of the Kaiser even in operations on a grand scale. During the war, I had frequent occasion to discuss the entire strategic situation MATRIMONIAL 101 with my father, and I generally received the impres sion that he hit the nail on the head. July, 1919. Bright midsummer days are now passing over the island in which I have lived for roughly three-quar ters of a year. Three-quarters of a year in which the closely cir cumscribed space and its inhabitants have become dear to me; in which the vast silence and the sky and the sea, the privacy and the seclusion have brought me much that I had never before possessed — change and ripening in my own nature, changes in my views and judgments on the things that lie be hind, around and before me. It is not inactive revery with me, for each day is filled up from morn ing till night with letter-writing, with my reminis cences, diaries, reading, music, sketching and sport. I am not unhappy in my loneliness, and I almost believe that to be due to all the unstifled desire to produce which is still unreleased within me and makes me hope in spite of everything — makes me hope that the future will somehow open up the pos sibility of my laboring as a German for the German Fatherland. Anxieties as to the pending extradition wishes of the Entente? That is a question constantly re peated in the letters sent by good people at home and I can only repeat as often: No, that really will not turn my hair gray. 102 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE I have a longing for home, for my wife, for my children. Often it comes over me suddenly, through some accidental word, through a recollection, a picture. Recently, as I had just got out my violin and was about to play a bit, I couldn't bring my self to do so, the yearning had got such a hold of me. And then at night ! The windows are wide open, and one can hear the distant plash of the sea and often the deep lowing of the cattle in the pastures. Heinrich Heine says somewhere: "Denk' ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, bin ich um meinen Schlaf gebracht." In the June days just gone by, came the news that the Versailles "Diktat" had been signed. The Peace Treaty! The word will scarcely flow from my pen, when I think of this chastising rod, this birch that blind revenge has bound for us there, this closely woven network of chains into which our poor Fatherland has been cast. Preposterous demands, that even with the very best intentions no one can fulfil ! Brutal threats of strangulation in the event of any failure of strength! Withal, unexampled stupidity — a document that perpetuates hatred and bitterness, where only liberation from the pressure of the past years and new faith in one another could unite the peoples into a fresh and peacefully reconstructive community. There remains only trust in the oft-tried energy and capacity of the German himself who, when time after time gruesome fate has led him through MATRIMONIAL 103 darkness and the depths, has found the way up to the light again; and there remains, too, the great truth of all world experience that presumption, in the end, goes to pieces of itself. Poverty-stricken, Germany and the German people go to meet the future. The wicked treaty, that rests upon the question of war guilt as upon a huge lie, has torn from them colonies, provinces, and ships. Workshops are destroyed, intellectual achievements stolen, competition in wide spheres of activity violently throttled. The treaty prepares for Germany the bitterest humiliation; it purposes to strangle and destroy her in unappeased hate and unabated terror. But, in spite of it all, Germany will persist and will flourish again; and a time will come when this enforced pact will be talked of only as a stigma of a bygone day. I wish for the homeland tranquillity and internal peace in which to get back to its wonted self, in which this earthly kingdom — exhausted by unheard- of sacrifices and damaged by the blows of fate — may recover its strength. And I should like to share in its new era ! Yet, the only service I can render to my country is to stand aside and continue to bear this exile. The short space of time during winch I was in trusted with the representation of the Kaiser gave 104 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE me a deeper insight than any previous period of my life into the mechanism of his technical Govern ment labors, into the manner in which he was kept informed by the various officials and into the dis posal of his time. Although, from years of cursory observation, I was fairly familiar with the outlines of this mechanism, I clearly remember that the closer acquaintance I now made with its structure filled me with the greatest amazement. That I speak of it here with unreserved candor is evidence that I do not regard my father as ultimately and solely responsible for this state of affairs. If you remove the mask of monarchy, the Kaiser is, by nature, simple in his character; and if he allowed these evils to arise about him, his share in them was due partly to the out-of-date upbringing caused by an old-fashioned conception of the royal dignity, and still more to his innate adaptability to the arrange ments of his environment and to his renunciation of that simplicity and directness which might better have become his deepest nature. As a consequence, there developed, little by little, out of the zeal dis played by those around him for the pettiest affairs, a vast ceremonial that robbed the simplest pro ceedings of their naturalness, that removed every little stone against which the monarch might have struck his foot, and that strove to drown every whisper which might have been disagreeable to his ear. In the course of decades, this system deprived MATRIMONIAL 105 the Kaiser more and more of his capacity to meet hard realities with a firm, resolute and tenacious perseverance. How can a man, accustomed to expect as a matter of course the spreading of a carpet before his feet for every step he takes, maintain himself when he is suddenly confronted with really serious conflicts in which nothing can help him but his own resolu tion? Time seemed to be no object in ceremonial affairs; yet often none could be found for questions that demanded serious and calm consideration. Not only for me, but for many a minister and state secretary, it was often quite a feat to break through the protective ring of zealous gentlemen who wished to prevent His Majesty from being "worried" with troublesome affairs and to save him from overfa tigue and annoyance. Even when the ring was pierced, one had not, by any means, gained one's point; I remember many a case in which one or the other "Excellency" who had come to report to the Kaiser on a certain burning question, returned home ward with an admirable impression of the anima tion, the vigor and the communicativeness of His Majesty, and possibly with enriched knowledge con cerning some sphere of research or technology, but without having unburdened himself of the burning question with which he came. Any one who failed to proceed, more or less inconsiderately, with his re- 106 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE port, might well find himself listening instead to a report of the Kaiser's on the subject in hand based upon preconceived notions; the would-be adviser would then be dismissed without ever having found an opportunity of stating his own views. I have already hinted that the Imperial Chancery prepared for the Kaiser a filtration of public opinion in the form of press cuttings. The preparation of this material appeared to me to be influenced too much by the desire to exclude the disagreeable and even the minatory — to be pleasant rather than thorough. Many things, therefore, that ought to have come under the Kaiser's eyes, even if they were not exactly gratifying, were never seen by him. In much the same plane lay the consular reports. They were often nothing more than amusing chats and feuilletons. When these "political reports" passed through my hands in 1908, I missed any clear judg ment of the situation, any sharply defined presen tation or positive suggestion. A favorable exception among the communications sent in by our representatives abroad was to be found in the reports of the naval commanders. They were evidently drawn up by men whose eyes had been trained to look broadly at the world, to see things as they really are and to form a just estima tion of the whole; they manifested calm and objec tive criticism and furnished cautious and far-sighted suggestions. MATRIMONIAL 107 August, 1919. The last few days have brought me again one or two welcome visitors from the homeland — above all, excellent Major Beck, to whom I am attached by so many hard experiences shared in the army. Hours and hours were spent in taking long walks and sitting together — sometimes talking, sometimes silent. And during those hours, the prodigious strug gle of the past came vividly before me again — espe cially the last anguish that followed our failure at Rheims, the unceasing decay of energy and con fidence, and then the end. A few Dutch families have also been to see me; and Ilsemann came over from Amerongen, and had much to tell me about my dear mother; she suffers severely, is physically ill, but will not give way; she knows only one thought, namely, the welfare of my father and of us all, and has only one wish, which is to lighten for us what we have to bear. But the best visit is still to come. My wife and the children are to spend a short time with me here on the island. How we shall manage with such limited room and such a lack of every accommoda tion I don't know myself — but we shall do it some how. It was touching to see the ready proffers of help that were made on the mere report of my ex pecting my wife and children. Not only on the island — where every one now likes me and where the Frisian reserve has long given place to hearty 108 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE participation in my joys and sorrows — but from yonder on the mainland also. In a day or two, Miildner, my untiring and faith ful companion in this solitude, is to go to Amsterdam to do some shopping and other errands. In one of the rooms, the wall-paper is to be renewed; all sorts of household utensils need supplementing; and Amsterdam friends are going to lend me furniture. The parsonage is to become more respectable; in its present condition, it would really be quite im possible for it to lodge a lady. These capital people of mine are working feverishly. But to get back to my subject. I stopped at my recollections of our foreign policy in the years prior to the war. Closely connected with it were our home politics. Here, too, we suffered from the same lack of resolution, firmness and foresight. People fixed their eyes upon the things of to-day instead of on those of to-morrow. Hence, only half -measures were taken, and everybody was dissatisfied. Ever since I began to concern myself with politics, I have become more and more convinced that our home policy should develop along more liberal lines. It was clear to me that one could no longer govern on the principles of Frederick the Great — still less by outwardly imitating his manner. Just as little could I sympathize with the continually yielding and generally belated manner in which our liberal reforms were carried out. The almost systematic MATRIMONIAL 109 method of first refusing altogether and then finding oneself obliged to grant a part of what was de manded appeared to me doubtful and dangerous. A foresighted and properly timed liberal_ policy ought to have been able to reject inordinate wishes from whatever quarter they came, and thus to main tain a just balance of forces for the welfare of the whole. Such government would also have been able to reckon with a certain constancy of parliamentary grouping. But after the collapse of the Biilow bloc — which certainly, in itself, presented no very great attractions — the only policy we had was Bethmann's "governing over the heads of the parties," with its convulsive formation of majorities from case to case and its silencing of the minorities. In so far as they could be fitted into the historic ally determined development of the State, the polit ical and economic aims of the social democratic party as the representative of a large portion of organized labor, ought to have been taken into con sideration unequivocally and without any miscon struction or suffocation of what was possible; though the Government had no cause and no right to allow themselves to be pushed or driven in every ques tion. In its ideological endeavors to entice the social democrats away from their policy of negation into the sphere of productive co-operation and in its misconception of the fact that, for purely tactical 110 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE reasons, the social democrats of that period would not give up their policy of opposition within the then existing constitution, Bethmann's Government allowed itself to be exploited and weakened by the extraordinarily . well-managed and well-disciplined social democratic party. To the other parties little attention was paid. Moreover, the fact was alto gether overlooked that, in their humane and pro gressive spirit, the social legislation in the care for workmen in Germany was already a very long way ahead of all measures of the kind in other countries and that this great work had been ardently pro moted by the Kaiser. As in its attitude towards the opposition so in the Polish and Alsace-Lorraine questions, the policy of the Government was un certain, being almost invariably harsh where it ought to have been yielding and yielding where it ought to have been firm. Absolutely nothing was done in the way of economic mobilization to meet the eventuality of war, although there could be no doubt that, if an ultima ratio ensued, England would at once endeavor to cut us off from every oversea com munication and that, in respect to foodstuffs and raw materials of every kind, we should be thrown on our own stocks and resources. As in all problems of foreign policy, so again in this question, the only man in the Government who showed any understanding for my fears and anxie ties was Admiral von Tirpitz. MATRIMONIAL 111 In the eight years' chancellorship of Herr von Bethmann HoUweg I over and over again took the opportunity of talking to him about the attitude of the Government towards foreign and home affairs. Here, in one and the same sentence in which I write that I always found him to be high-principled in thought and action and a man of irreproachable honor, I would state that we were not friends, and that an impassable chasm lay between his mentality and my own. In the post for which we ought to have desired the best, the boldest, the most far- sighted and the wisest of statesmen, there stood a bureaucrat of sluggish and irresolute character, his mind in a revery of weary and resigned cosmopoli tanism and tranquil acceptance of immutable developments. People liked to call him the "Phi losopher of Hohensinow." I never succeeded in discovering a trace of philosophic wisdom in the languid nature of this man who dropped so easily into tactless fatalism and who qualified even an upward flight with the motto of "divinely ordained dependency." His hesitating heart had no wings, his will was joyless, his resolve was lame. This man, eternally vacillating in his decisions and oppressed by any contact wifh natures of a fresher hue, was certainly not the suitable person ality, in the years prior to the war, — least of all in the three that immediately preceded its outbreak — to represent German policy against the energetic, 112 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE resolute, quick-witted and inexorable men whom England and France had selected as exponents of their power. Even in the days when I was attached to the various ministries for purposes of study, many peo ple of excellent judgment told me that it was easy to discuss questions with Bethmann, but the disap pointing thing about it was that one never reached any conclusive result; for, whatever the seemingly final outcome might be, he had, after musing for a while, one more sentence to utter, and that sentence began with the word "nevertheless." This word "nevertheless" stands for me Uke a motto above Herr von Bethmann Hollweg's political career. On one single occasion I allowed myself to be swept into a marked demonstration against him be fore the whole world, and I readily admit that this public utterance of my opinion would have been better left unmanifested. It will be remembered that, in the Reichstag sitting of November 9, 1911, I gave clear expression to my approval of the speeches hurled against Herr von Bethmann's and Kiderlen- Wachter's, at first galling and afterwards retracting, policy in the Morocco affair, which had brought us a severe diplomatic check. At the time, the press of the left hastened to stigmatize me as a batter ing-ram of extravagant and bellicose pan-German ideas. Nothing of the kind ! The case was quite different! The drastic methods of Kiderlen, the MATRIMONIAL 113 wanton provocation implied by the despatch of the "Panther" to Agadir was just as disagreeable to me as the hasty retreat which followed Lloyd George's threats in his Mansion House speech: both bore evi dence of the groping uncertainty of our leadership, a leadership which failed to see how sadly the first step affected the mentality of the other side and how much the second impaired our prestige in the eyes of the world. Thus, it was from the feeling that poUtical tension had risen to fever-heat that, on that 9th of November, 1911, I spontaneously ap plauded those speeches which were directed against the feeble and oscillating policy of the Govern ment. What a curious part coincidence plays in our affairs! Once again the 9th of November stands marked in the book of my remembrances — three years after the great Reichstag storm concerning the Kaiser interview of the Daily Telegraph and seven years to the day before the last act of the collapse in Berlin and Spa! A discussion of the incident soon followed — on the same evening, as a matter of fact. To begin with, the Kaiser admonished me. All right. Then I gave vent to my thoughts and feelings; and I blurted out all my fears for the future, my wishes for the suppression of a shilly-shally policy. I spoke without the slightest reserve; — and once 114 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE more I was forced to note the fact that the Kaiser could not Usten. In the end we dined together in a not particularly talkative mood. Then, at His Majesty's request and in his pres ence, Bethmann, who, withal, was once again highly interesting and to the point, gave me, the "fron- deur," a long lecture which failed to convince me. PoUtics, even high politics, are not an occult sci ence. The times are dead and gone in which they could be conducted with Metternichian ruses. They can nowadays dispense with apergus of speech and with the jabot of the Viennese Congress just as well as with the monocle of a later epoch of development. But they presuppose, besides all the obvious and the learnable, a few such things as practical com mon sense to reduce all their problems to the sim plest formulae, knowledge of human character and an eye for the general mentality of the peoples with whom one has to reckon. Herr von Bethmann Hollweg — who, by the way, knew scarcely anything of foreign countries — pos sessed none of these things; and neither Kiderlen- Wachter nor Secretary of State Jagow was the man to fill the gap with his intellectual talents. True, there were, in our diplomacy, men of quite another category, who thought broadly and saw clearly; but people were content to know that they filled posts abroad where their voices could be heard MATRIMONIAL 115 but where their influence upon the conduct of for eign politics was bound to remain very slight. I entertain not the least doubt that such men as Wangenheim and Marschall — even Mont and Met- ternich — would have understood how to give a timely turn to our foreign policy so as to conduct it into the proper and the constant way. Just this very Herr von Kiderlen used to be praised by Bethmann as the great political light from the East. Personally, too, I myself liked this agreeably natural and courageous Swabian, despite his panther-like leap into the china-shop of Agadir. But his special suitability for the highly important post of foreign secretary did not strike me, the more so as he entirely lacked the most important quality for such a position, namely, the capacity to see things from the point of view of others. He not only utterly failed to consider the mentality of France and England, but he did not even appreciate the poUtical tendencies of Roumania, the country in which, for ten years, he had charge of Germany's interests. That sounds almost like a bad joke, and it is, after all, only an example of what a poor reader of character the chancellor himself was and how lim ited was the horizon of his staff at the Foreign Office. But it is incumbent upon me to furnish evidence for my views as to Herr von Kiderlen's knowledge of Roumania. On returning from my Roumanian 116 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE travels in April, 1909, 1 told my father I had received the impression that there was only one person in Roufnania who was friendly to us, namely, King Carol himself. The leading political circles, who were only waiting for the decease of the aged King, were thoroughly and firmly under French and Rus sian influence. The sympathies of the Crown Prin cess were directed towards England, and the Crown Prince was very much under her influence. Conse quently, I could not help thinking that, in the event of war, Roumania would fail her allies, even if she did not go over to the other party altogether. His Majesty sent me to the secretary for foreign affairs in Wilhelmstrasse to report my impressions. Herr von Kiderlen-Wachter listened with complaisant superiority and smiled. He thought I must be mis taken; believed I must have had a bad dream; the- whole of Roumania, with which he was as familiar as with his own hat ("wie sei' Weste' tasch' ") was, to the backbone, our sterling ally. "Sozusage' miin- delsicher!" Soon afterwards, we had to experience the trend of events which followed upon King Carol's death. But, after all, what is the false estimate of Rou mania in comparison with the erroneous conception formed by Herr von Bethmann HoUweg and his ExceUency von Jagow concerning the attitude of England? They remained hoodwinked in the mat ter until, in August, 1914, Sir Edward Goschen tore MATRIMONIAL 117 the bandage from the chanceUor's dismayed and horror-struck eyes. Because — be it said to his credit — he had repeat edly made mild and inadequate attempts at a rap' prochement with England without encountering any notable opposition, and because he knew that Eng land had repeatedly stated in Paris that she de sired to avoid a provocative policy and did not wish to participate in a war called forth by France, Bethmann imagined that the rapprochement had thriven to such an extent as to preclude England's joining in war against us at all. But the last effort made in the year 1912 by inviting Lord Haldane, the minister of war, to come to Berlin, had also been a failure. It had failed because, meantime, the re lations of England to France and thereby to Russia had become too intimate; so that even the great sacrifice which Admiral von Tirpitz declared himself prepared to make in the question of the Navy Bill in exchange for a British neutrality clause was in effective. England was determined to maintain her "two keels for one" standard under all circum stances. Sir Edward Grey declined to enter into any engagement on account of "existing friendship for other powers"; and therewith matters became clear to any one who had eyes to see. Nor did Haldane make any secret of England's attitude in the event of war with France and Rus sia; as the Kaiser told me himself later, Haldane 118 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE informed our ambassador, Prince Lichnowsky, in a visit concerning political questions, that under the suppositions stated and irrespective of what party might set the ball rolling, his Government could not agree to a defeat of France by us and a consequent domination of Germany on the Continent. They would intervene in favor of the powers allied with England. That, in spite of this fact, the gentlemen at the Foreign Office and above all the minister responsible for our foreign policy continued to live on calmly and self-complaisantly in their world of dreams dur ing those perilous and menacing times one finds it difficult to understand. The ears of our politicians had caught up the voices from Paris in which they heard England's desire for peace and they allowed themselves to be misled by the alluring idea that England would maintain peace in Europe in any circumstances; they assumed that the serious, warn ing words spoken by Lord Haldane in London were intended solely to prevent a breach of peace on the part of Germany. "F *?• *t* *i» •!• I have again run off the track of my story; it seems that I cannot even make a chronicle of the affairs. But I must try to take up the thread again. Down to the year 1909, I had visited, sometimes alone and sometimes in my father's suite, England, MATRIMONIAL 119 Holland, Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and a few districts of Asia Minor. My stay in these countries had always been relatively short, but had sufficed to provide me with valuable opportunities of com parison and to convince me of the necessity for see ing more of the world. It was, therefore, a great satisfaction to my de sire for further knowledge when, in 1909, my father consented to my undertaking an extensive tour in the Far East. My wife accompanied me as far as Ceylon and then went to Egypt; while I proceeded to travel through India. The British Government had prepared for my journey in the most friendly way; so that I really obtained a great deal of in formation. In every detail and everywhere I went, I met with the greatest hospitality. I recall with special pleasure Lord Hardinge, Sir Harold Stuart, Sir John Havitt and Sir Roos-Keppel. The Ma harajah of Dschaipur and the Nisam of Hyderabad also provided me with a splendid reception. In India my love of hunting and sport found all that my heart could desire. The magnificence of Indian landscape and of Indian architecture opened up a new world to me. The profusion of experiences of all kinds presented to me I welcomed with all the susceptibility and power of enjoyment of my youth; I wished to devote myself unrestrictedly to all that was great and novel, and I sometimes forgot, per haps, that people expected to find in me the son 120 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE of the German Emperor and the great-grandson of the Queen. Of all the impressions I received the greatest and most lasting was that made upon me by the organ izing and administrative talent of the English. It struck me, too, as a noticeable peculiarity, that, in the various branches of administration, compara tively very young officials were employed, but that they were energetic and were invested with great independence and responsibility. Extensive and healthy decentralization prevailed generally. Every where I was impressed by the vast power of Eng land, whose magnitude was, before the war, fre quently and considerably undervalued in Germany intoxicated as she was with her own rapid rise. But it became just as clear to me how enormous was the competition which Germany created for the British in the emporiums of the Far East. Thus, many an English merchant told me, in confidential talk, that it could not go as it was — England could not and would not allow herself to be pushed to the wall by us. I myself, during the sea voyage, no ticed that we met about as many German merchant vessels as British ones. Moreover, the muttered curse, "Those damned Germans!" occasionally reached my ear. Omens of a gathering storm ! When, later on, I talked of these observations to the responsible parties at home, the warning was MATRIMONIAL 121 treated very light-heartedly. That some English shopkeeper or another swore when we spoiled his business for him didn't matter in the least; the man should give up his "week-end" and work the way our people did, then he would have no need to swear. Besides we really wanted to live in peace with those gentlemen. "And Your Imperial High ness has seen for yourself how you were received there." Thus, there was not much to be done. I, for my part, knew that the "shopkeeper" was Eng land herself, that no one over there was willing to sacrifice his week-end and that my reception was an act of international courtesy and nothing more. The will to live at peace with others has only a sig nificance if one knows and adopts the means by which that peace may be realized. After my return and in pursuance of His Ma jesty's commands, I visited with my wife the courts of Rome, Vienna, St. Petersburg and St. James — the last on the occasion of the coronation. Everywhere we met with the most friendly per sonal reception; but everywhere, too, appeared warning signs of the conflict and danger which were gathering ominously around the realm. The journey to England we performed on board the new and heavily armored cruiser "Von der Tann." This excellently constructed vessel aroused the utmost excitement in England. During the great naval review in the Solent, it was interesting 122 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE to observe the British marine officers and sailors devoting the greatest attention to our "Von der Tann." For the war vessels of other nations they displayed not the slightest interest. Their judgment culminated in unbounded praise of the wonderful lines of the ship and of the practical distribution of the guns. During the coronation festivities in London, the reception accorded me and my wife by aU classes of the population was exceptionally cordial. The English press also welcomed us warmly; and during those days we noticed nothing of the hatred of Ger many. But if an eloquent illustration were needed of how misleading it is to draw conclusions from the signs of sympathy shown towards Princes and heirs- apparent, such an iUustration is to be found in an experience of our own. It has hung a signum vani- tatis in my memory. As King George and Queen Mary at the close of the coronation ceremony left Westminster Abbey, spontaneous cheers rose from the assembly. Imme diately afterwards, the foreign Princes moved down the gigantic church, and, as the Crown Princess and I reached the middle of the nave, the same spon taneous cheers that had greeted the King and Queen were accorded us. Afterwards I was told by English people that I might be "proud of my self"; for never before in the history of England had a foreign princely couple received such an ova- MATRIMONIAL 123 tion in Westminster Abbey. Four years later we were at war; four years later, the man whom they then cheered had become a "hun." Here I should like to mention an incident in my London sojourn which casts a light on the ideas of a leading English statesman of that day. The for eign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, was introduced to me, and, in the course of the thoroughly animated conversation which ensued, I made the incautious remark, that, in my opinion and with a view to the certainty of peace, it would be far and away the wisest thing for Germany and England, the two greatest Teutonic nations — the strongest land power and the strongest sea power — to co-operate; they could then moreover (if need be) divide the world between them. Grey listened, nodded and said: "Yes, true, but England does not wish to divide with anybody — not even with Germany." In Vienna, the then heir-apparent, Francis Ferdi nand, spoke with me very earnestly and very anx iously about the dangerous Serbian propaganda; he foresaw an early European conflict in these intrigues that Russia was fanning. I had, for a long time, been watching with discomfort the growing depen dence of our Near East policy upon the ideas of the Vienna Ballplatz; consequently the remarks of the Archduke raised in my mind grave doubts as to this shifting of our political focus from Ber lin to Vienna; these doubts continued to worry 124 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE me from that day onward, but the unreserved ex pression I gave to them, both in the Foreign Office and in the presence of individual representatives of our diplomatic service, was all in vain. The fears that the Reich would some day become fatally de pendent upon the superior diplomacy of Austria- Hungary, as expressed with such anxious prescience by Prince Bismarck in his last memoirs, seemed to me to have long ago found their fulfilment. In the Vienna Belvedere, under the influence of the strangely suggestive words of this dangerously am bitious Archduke, — who was prepared to act an any thing but modest part and who was as clever as he was ruthless, — the definite feeling came over me that, as a result of this too great dependence, we should sooner or later become involved in a conflict brought about for the purpose of promoting the ambitions of the Austro-Hungarian dynasty; that the Archduke was putting out feelers and developing ideas which should enable him to see what he might expect from me. Destiny took the game out of the hands of that undoubtedly remarkable man and made of him the spark which was to kindle the great conflagra tion. But, after bringing him to a bloody end, it spared us none of the bitter effects of our depen dence and subordination; the results of the excessive Viennese demands upon Serbia involved us in the war against our will. On July 28, 1914, when Ser bia had accepted almost all the points of the Aus- MATRIMONIAL 125 trian ultimatum, my father annotated thus the telegram which brought the news of Serbia's sub mission: — "A brilliant performance within a limit of 48 hours. That is more than one could expect. A great moral success for Vienna; but with it disap pears every reason for war, and the Austrian minis ter, Giesl, ought to have remained quietly in Bel grade. After that, I should never have ordered the mobilization." I quote this telegram and its mar ginal notes, because they prove irrefutably the peaceful desires of Germany and the Kaiser. They prove the good-wiU, in spite of which our destiny — bound to the policy of the Vienna Ballplatz to the extent of vassalage — strode its way. In Russia, where, as already stated, I sojourned with my wife after my Indian travels, I received the impression that the Tsar was as friendly to Ger many as ever, but that he was less able to put his friendliness into action. He was completely en meshed by the pan-Slav and anti-German party of the Grand Duke Nicholai Nicholaievitch and power less to oppose that Prince, who made a public ex hibition of his hatred for Germany. CHAPTER IV STRESS AND STORM September, 1919. The beautiful, happy days are past which I was able to spend here with my dear wife and the boys, the days in which we all wanted to enjoy the brief pleasure like simple, rustic holiday-makers and in which I purposely tried to forget that my nearest and dearest were staying for only a short sojourn with a voluntary exile. By nature and upbringing I am not sentimental, and I wul not lose myself in sentimental emotions; but I can honestly say that the island is more deso late than ever, now that I have to go my walks be tween the pastures, along the irrigation canals, up the shore and through the villages without my wife and without the boys. In their childish way, the Uttle chaps found everything that was strange and new to them here incomparably delightful, thought it all a thousand times finer than the best that they had in our own Cicilienhof at Potsdam or at Ols. Everywhere I now miss those boys, miss the inquir ing remarks of those youngest ones who really made their first acquaintance with their father here on the island, miss continually the kind, wise and under standing words of the wife who has so many sorrows 126 STRESS AND STORM 127 and worries of her own to bear and who yet never loses courage. Over there, at Hippolytushof, we stowed the little fellows in the house of the ever- ready Burgomaster Peereboom — for we had no room for them in my parsonage — and there they were soon the friends and confidants of all the lads anywhere near their own age. In our Oosterland cottage, quarters were found only for my wife and her companion. Everything now seems empty, since it is no longer filled with her fun at the primi tive glories and makeshifts of our "bachelor's house hold." On her way home she stayed at Amerongen. It is depressing to read what she writes about things there. Our dear mother suffering, and yet unwearily troubling about the Kaiser, about my brothers, my Uttle sister and her grandchildren; my father bitter and not yet able to release himself from the ever-revolving circle of brooding about the things that have been. It is a very different question whether the will and vital courage of a man of thirty-six years are to withstand the test of such a terrible strain of destiny, or whether a man of sixty is able to see shattered before him his Ufe's work that he had re garded as imperishable. In the last few days, my thoughts have reverted to him over and over again. 128 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE At the time that I was about to start on my In dian tour, my military career had reached the point where I was to receive the command of a cavalry regiment. It was a matter of great moment to me; and, with a view to the political situation, I did not wish to be too far away from the centre of govern ment, from those men who had to cook the broth in the serving out of which I was at the time so inter ested. In this matter of the army I could not approach the Kaiser directly. My appointed intermediary was the chef du cabinet militaire, General von Lyncker. I discussed the affair with him and asked for the Gardes du Corps. Herr von Lyncker, who treated my request quite impartially and without any prepossession, entertained great doubts; he told me that His Majesty would almost certainly not consent; rather than raise this "problem" again, they would prefer to drop my suggestion. From the trend of the conversation, moreover, it was ob servable that the inner circle of His Majesty's ad visers and certain Government officers did not pas sionately share my wish that I should remain near the centre of government. I therefore asked for the King's Uhlans in Han over or the Breslau Body Cuirassiers; and Herr von Lyncker said that would not create any difficulty, and he would advise His Majesty accordingly. I was content; after all, Hanover and Breslau did not STRESS AND STORM 129 lie quite outside the world and one might keep fairly in touch with things from either place. Such was the situation when I left for India. But at Peshawar I read in an English newspaper that His Majesty had appointed me to the com mand of his First Body Hussars at Langfuhr by Danzig. My prime feeling was one of disappointment, not only because my wishes had been once more totally pushed aside, but because it seemed to be a sort of principle to refuse the fulfilment of the wishes of us sons in military matters. Nor was this all. The remote position of Danzig and the bleak climate, which I feared especially on my wife's account, were not particularly alluring. Contrary to my expecta tions, everything turned out capitally, and, but for my worries about the general situation of affairs, the two years and a half spent in Danzig became the happiest time of my life. We lived in a small villa which scarcely afforded sufficient room for my already considerable family. But we made ourselves very comfortable and led a happy and peaceful life. It was an honor and a pleasure to be the com mander of that fine old regiment. The officers were all young, — a companionable medley of nobles and commoners. The serious and faithful character of my old regimental adjutant, Count Dolina, I recall with particular pleasure. Most of the officers 130 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE were the sons of landed proprietors in East and West Prussia whose fathers and grandfathers had worn the Black Attila and the Death's Head of the Body Hussars. Similarly, the regiment recruited its non-commissioned officers and men almost exclu sively from among the young country people of East Prussia, West Prussia and Posen, tip-top soldiers who brought with them from their homes a love of horses and an understanding for their management. Finally, the horses themselves were excellent; and we were the only white-horse regiment in the army. The love of riding which had been in me from childhood could now have full away. In accor dance with the convictions gained by experience, I limited the course-riding to the minimum, and laid chief stress upon cross-country and hurdle riding, in which really first-class results were obtained. Great emphasis was placed upon foot-practice and firing, more perhaps than was then customary with confirmed cavalrymen. The war showed that this training is, even for cavalry, a thing that should not be neglected. I did my best to maintain a liking for the ser vice among my Hussars. I had a nice commodi ous Casino installed for the use of the non-commis sioned officers, as well as comfortable quarters for the men. The men who had been in the ranks for a year or more were lodged separately from the re cruits to prevent possible difficulties. In the leisure STRESS AND STORM 131 hours there were plenty of outdoor games. Towards the end of my time, we had a well-trained football team in which the officers participated. It was during this period of my life that " Deutsch- land in Waffen" was published, a picture-book for young Germans. The preface which I wrote for it has been unjustly taken to indicate that I had ranged myself among the war firebrands. Nothing was ever further from my thoughts; nor can an im partial perusal of my paragraphs discover such a meaning in them. The preface was written in con sequence of the increasing dangers that threatened us; it was directed against sordid materialism and pointed out to the youth of Germany that it was their duty and honor to fight, if necessary, for their country. It was the admonition of a German and a soldier to the rising generation of Germans whose young energies and whose patriotic spirit of self- sacrifice we could not dispense with in the hour of need. Since my demonstration against Bethmann Holl- weg's Morocco policy, I was labelled as a war inciter by every blind pacifist in Germany and by their friends abroad whenever I came before the public. So it was in the case of this little dissertation on our army: people sought in it evidence of the tendencies unjustly ascribed to me. Similarly they imagined themselves to have pinned me tight when, a short time afterwards, I came forward in another public 132 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE affair, namely, the Zabern incident which obtained such unfortunate notoriety. Our policy in the Reichslanden (Alsace-Lorraine) had, for years, caused me great anxiety. My visits to these provinces, as well as the reports of many of my comrades in the garrisons of the west frontier and the honest descriptions given me of conditions there by those familiar with them, had opened my eyes to the realities of the situation. Sugar-plums and the whip had prevailed ever since 1871. The results corresponded to the tactics. The last period had been one of sugar-plums, and the reichsldndische constitution had been its consummation. French propaganda now had its own way and did what ever it pleased. The pro-French notables set the fashion and called the tune for the civil administra tion. The military were, in a sense, merely tol erated by the irredentist circles. Just one example to illustrate the pre-war conditions in the German Reichslanden and the attitude of the governmental authorities. Two of my flying officers told me one day that, in the year 1913, a great French presenta tion of the colors took place, and they — the military — were advised not to show themselves in the streets on that day lest the sight of their Prussian uniform might irritate the French. Under such conditions it was that the conflict arose. The civil population had heckled the Prussian military, the officer had defended himself, and then the whole world sud- STRESS AND STORM 133 denly howled at Prussian militarism. At this mo ment, at a time when foreign countries and the never-lacking sophist advocates of absolute justice in our own poor Germany were doing everything to discredit our last and only asset, our army, in the eyes of friend and foe, I readily and "without the proper reserve," as it was said, took my stand by my comrades who were so hard pressed by the at tacks of pubUc discussion. I wired to General von Deimling and to Colonel von Reuter. That is all true. But that I sent the colonel a telegram con taining the words "Immer feste druff" I learned from the newspapers, and this invention was due to the falsifying fantasy of those peace-lovers who sought perhaps to strengthen the great hankerings for peace all around us. In truth I had telegraphed to Colonel von Reuter as a comrade that he should take severe measures, since the prestige of the army was at stake. If Lieutenant von Forstner had been condemned, every hooligan would have felt encour aged to attack the uniform. An untenable situation would have been sanctioned, doubly untenable in the Reichslanden, where, in consequence of the lax attitude of the civil authorities, the military already found themselves in the most difficult circum stances. I should like to have seen what would have happened in England or France, if an officer had been provoked as Lieutenant von Forstner was. But we were in Germany. German pubUc opinion 134 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE had once more a pretext for busying itself with me in conjunction with the events described; the old talk about a camarilla, about the war firebrand and the frondeur of Langfuhr were dished up again in the leading articles of the scribblers. If they were to be beUeved, I had once again made myself "impossi ble." The highest dignitaries wore the doubtful faces prescribed for such occasions of national mourn ing, and His Majesty was highly displeased. Schiller says in "William TeU": "The waters rage and clamour for their victims"; and another passage runs: "'Twas blessing in disguise; it raised me up wards." Out of the blue and with great suddenness every thing happened. His Majesty took my regiment from me and ordered me to Berlin, so that my over grown independence might be curtailed and my do ings better watched. I was to work in the General Staff. In this way a ring was completed: the wish not to have me too near the central authorities had sent me to Langfuhr by Danzig; the wish to have me within reach brought me back again; in both cases, a Uttle indignation and a little annoyance played their part. At any rate, among the incorrigible pacifists who wished to disperse with pretty speeches the war menace already hanging above the horizon, indigna tion was aroused by my farewell words to my Hus- STRESS AND STORM 135 sars. I had called it a moment of the greatest hap piness to the soldier, "when the King called and March ! March ! was sounded." According to them I ought doubtless to have told my brave comrades some beautiful fairy-tale. When I rode for the last time down the front of my fine regiment and the farewell shouts of my Hussars rang in my ears, my heart became unspeak ably heavy. It was as though a still, small voice whispered that this was the farewell to a peaceful soldier's Ufe which I was never again to know. What I was now to leave had all been so beautiful, so happy and so replete with honest labor. In foreign soil, sleeping their eternal sleep, now rest many — too, too many — of the bright and capa ble young comrades of my beloved and courageous regiment of Hussars whose uniform I wore through out the war with joyous pride. Among them lies my cousin, Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, a particularly undaunted rider and soldier. My recol lections will be with them all in grateful sadness as long as I live. Perhaps I ought to have torn up the sheets I wrote yesterday and to have rewritten them in a different style. When I read them through to-day, I found in them a note of irritability that I would rather not introduce into my memoirs. But I shall let them remain as they are; they bear witness to 136 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the bitterness which still possesses me when I recall that last year before the war and the absurdity of our "ostrich" policy. What a sorry humor comes over me when I remember how they dubbed me the instigator to a "fresh, free, rollicking war" because of my warning: "Then preserve at least your last for the grave day and keep yourselves armed for the struggle that is surely coming!" The truth is that I was clearly conscious of the terrible seriousness of our position, that I neither was nor am a Cassandra, filUng the haUs of Troy with verses of lament, but a man and a soldier. Yet people in our beloved homeland took it very Ul that I was the latter, and they do so still. For the winter 1913-14 I was ordered to the Great General Staff for purposes of initiation and study. My instructor was Lieutenant-General Schmidt von Knobelsdorf, who became afterwards my chief of general staff in the Upper Command of the Fifth Army. In matters of military science I owe much to His Excellency von Knobelsdorf. He was a brilliant teacher in every domain of tactics and strategy. His lectures and the themes he set for me were masterpieces. His chief maxim was: clearness of decision on the part of the leader; trans lation of the decision into commands; leave your subordinates the widest scope of personal responsi biUty. My appointment to the General Staff gave me an STRESS AND STORM 137 exhaustive insight into the enormous amount of work it performed. I was able to penetrate into the superb organization of the whole, to become ac quainted with the maintenance, the re-enforcement and the movements of the army, and to form an opinion concerning the defensive forces of other na tions. In the operations department I heard lec tures on the proposed concentration of the armies in the event of war. In the lectures and discussions concerning a possi ble world war, I received the impression that the British army and its possibilities of development in case of war were treated too lightly. People seemed to reckon too much with the disposable forces of the moment and too little with the values which might be created under the pressure of war and resistance. I knew something of the English and their army from my various visits and from personal observa tion, and I knew, too, their great talent for organiza tion as well as their skiU in improvising. If a conceivable war were carried successfully through before these talents could be brought into play, the estimates of our General Staff might prove correct, but not otherwise. The Russian army I also con sidered not to have been always rated at its full significance. In regard to our western neighbor and presum ably immediate adversary, I have only to recall that France, at that time, despite her considerably smaller 138 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE population, maintained an army almost as large as ours. To do so, she levied eighty per cent of her men, whereas we contented ourselves with about fifty per cent. The general view of the peace strength in the event of a war such as that which actually occurred may be put thus: — For Germany not quite 900,000 troops, and for Austria-Hungary about 500,000— together, roughly 1,400,000 men on the side of the Central Powers. On the other hand, Russia alone provided the Entente with well over 2,000,000 sol diers, to whom were to be added those of France and Belgium. Thus, even at the outset of the war, we were outnumbered in the ratio of two to one. Reck oning the quality of the German as high as you please — and to place him very high was quite justi fiable — the odds were too great. With all that, we had, in 1914, an army which, in every way, was brilliantly trained; and consequently, in the summer of that year, when the die was cast, we took the field "with the best army in the world." But, so far as provision for war was concerned, we had unfortunately not, in our peace prepara tions, attained the maximum of striking energy. We had not, by a long way, exploited all the re sources of power in people and land or mobilized them in time. That the Great General Staff had repeatedly expressed urgent wishes in this matter I can myself testify. The fault did not lie there. STRESS AND STORM 139 Nor did it lie with the German Reichstag, which, in consideration of the menacing seriousness of the situation, would not, despite its party differences, have refused to provide the German sword with all possible force and keenness, if the responsible min isters had used all their weight to this end. But it seemed then, as it had done in peace time, as though all communications, suggestions or inquiries issuing from military quarters, and especially from the General Staff feU on barren ground. Close co-operation was, under such circumstances, impos sible. In that very year 1914, a question arose which was viewed from totally different standpoints by the two parties. The Russians began to make a comprehensive redisposition of their troops. Quite evidently the centre of gravity was being shifted towards the German and Austrian frontiers, which felt more and more the pressure of these amassments. From the interior of Russia, also, the General Staff received news of curious troop movements. How were these proceedings to be explained? The miU tary view that they gave us good reason to be pre pared for any event was met by the watery explana tion that the affair was only a test mobilization; and, in stupid anxiety lest a definite clearing of the matter might "start the avalanche," the political gentlemen adopted the attitude of "wait and see." 140 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Subsequent to the summer sojourn of the General Staff in the Vosges under the leadership of its chief, von Moltke, I received a few weeks' furlough, which I spent in West Prussia. Early in July, I joined my family in a charming little villa presented to us by the town of Zoppot. It was a magnificently brilliant summer, and the days were quickly spent in such recreations as swimming, rowing, riding and tennis. Zoppot was filled with strangers, including many Poles. In the midst of this serene peacefulness, I was startled by the gruesome telegram which brought me the tidings of the Archduke's assassination. That this political murder would have serious conse quences was obvious. But this dull, anxious con viction remained, for the present, confined to my own bosom; not a soul among our leading states men thought it necessary to hear my views or to inform me of those of our ministers. Neither from the Imperial Chancellor, nor from the Foreign Office, nor from the chief of the general staff did I learn a thing about the course of affairs. The Kaiser was cruising in Norwegian waters, which I had to take as an indication that nothing unusual was to be anticipated. Only the news paper reports strengthened my belief that serious developments were approaching. From Danzig mer chants who had just returned from Russia I also received news indicating that an extensive west- STRESS AND STORM 141 ward movement of Russian troops was taking place ; though, naturally, I had no means of checking the correctness of this information. It was also from the press that I gleaned my first information concerning the Austrian ultimatum. Its wording left the door open to every possibility, according to the political attitude adopted towards it by our Foreign Office. To me it seemed quite self-evident that the Wilhelmstrasse ought to as sume an independent position and certainly ought not to allow itself to be drawn once more, as, unhap pily, had previously been the case, into the wake of a pronounced Austrian policy. To these days, in which the world faced such tre mendous decisions, belongs an interlude — a painful one to me, that was once more to reveal to me, just before the eleventh hour, the chasm between my own conception of things and the Imperial Chancellor's. It was my last peace conflict with Herr von Bethmann — in reality a matter of no con sequence, and one of which I speak here only be cause, at the time, it was dragged into the news papers and capital made of it to my detriment. I had given expression to my interest in the ut terances of two Germans who, like myself, saw the gathering storm and raised their voices in warning. The one was the retired lieutenant-colonel, D. H. Frobenius, who had published a political pamphlet called "The German Empire's Hour of Destiny"; 142 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the other was Professor Gustav Buchholz who had delivered a speech on Bismarck at Posen. The wording of my telegram to Frobenius ran: — "I have read with great interest your splendid brochure 'Des Deutschen Reiches Schicksalsstunde' and wish it the widest circulation among the German people, Wilhelm Kronprinz." These "bellicose manifestations" ("Kriegshetze- rischen Kundgebungen") Herr von Bethmann con sidered calculated to "compromise and cross" ("kompromittieren und kontrekarrieren") his firmly established policy; and he found time, on July 20th, to address personally to His Majesty a long tele gram complaining of my action and requesting him to forbid me by telegram all interference in politics. Thereupon, in a telegram from Balholm, dated July 21, the Kaiser, appealing to my sense of duty and honor as a Prussian officer, reminded me of my promise to refrain from all political activity; accordingly and without any discussion as to whether, in my telegram quoted above, could be found anything more than the thanks of an inter ested and approving reader, I wired to His Majesty on July 23: "Commands will be carried out." At that moment I had other matters to worry about than disputes with Herr von Bethmann over the limits of my right to thank some one for a book that had been sent me. The next tiling I learned touching the great prob- STRESS AND STORM 143 lem was that the Kaiser had arrived at Kiel on board the "Hohenzollern" on the morning of the twenty-sixth and that he had proceeded immedi ately to Potsdam. That was comforting, since, if there were any prospect of maintaining peace, he would exert himself to the utmost to do so. Then sUence again. Then, in the newspapers, which we Caught at hungrily: "Grey has suggested in Paris, Berlin and Rome a concerted action at Vienna and Belgrade — the crown council in Cetinje has resolved upon mobilization." Distinctly and clearly, as though it were but yesterday, I still recall the 30th of July. My adju tant MiiUer and I were lying in the dunes sunning ourselves after a delightful swim, when an urgent telegram was brought me by special messenger. It contained His Majesty's orders for me to come at once to Potsdam. We now saw the full serious ness of the situation. I started immediately. On the thirty-first, there was a supper at the New Palace, at which my uncle, Prince Henry, was also present. After supper, His Majesty walked up and down in the garden with Prince Henry and me. He was excessively serious; he did not conceal from himself the enormous peril of the situation, but he expressed the hope that a European war might be avoided; he himself had sent detailed telegrams to the Tsar and 144 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE to the King of England and believed he might an ticipate success. Some difference arose between my uncle and my self through my asserting that, if it came to war, England would most assuredly take the side of our adversaries. Prince Henry contested this. Thus I found here the same optimism that had clouded the views of the Imperial Chancellor who, to the last moment, held firm and fast to his beUef in England's neutrality. His Majesty was in some doubt as to the attitude which England would adopt in the event of war. My last conversation on this question with the Imperial Chancellor, von Bethmann HoUweg, took place at the palace in Berlin on August 3. It is stamped into my memory — sharp and indelible; the impressive hour in which it occurred enhanced the depth and significance of the effect, which, with final and terrible clearness, once more revealed to me, on the threshold of war, that our only prospect of success lay in the strength of the German army. On that 3d of August, I had just taken leave of my father to join the army. My car stood ready. As I was about to leave the little garden between the palace and the Spree, I met the chancellor com ing in to report to His Majesty, and we spent a few minutes in talk. Bethmann: Your Imperial Highness is going to the front? STRESS AND STORM 145 I: Yes. Bethmann: Will the army do it? I: Whatever an army can do we shall do; but I feel constrained to point out to Your Excellency that the political aspect of the stars under which we are entering the war is the most unfavorable that one can imagine. Bethmann: In what way? I: Well that is clear: Russia, France, England on the other side; Italy and Roumania at most neutral —though even that is improbable. Bethmann: Why that is impossible. England wUl certainly remain neutral. I: Your Excellency will receive the declaration of war in a few days. There is only one thing to be done: to find allies. In my opinion, we must do everything to induce Turkey and Bulgaria to con clude alliances with us as soon as possible. Bethmann: I should consider that the greatest misfortune for Germany. I stared at him puzzled, till I perceived the con nection between his remark and what had gone be fore. In his incomprehensible ideology he meant that, by such alliances, we might forfeit the friend ship and the certain neutrality of England — friend ship and neutraUty that existed only in his own head. As soon as I grasped this, our conversation was over. I saluted him and drove off. There was only one hope, one support, on which 146 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE we could lean; that was the German people in arms, the German army. With that we might perhaps succeed in our task despite our diplomatists and despite the naive imaginings of this chancellor who was so spiritually minded as to be almost out of touch with mundane realities. The incredible conception of our political situa tion, as revealed by Herr von Bethmann HoUweg in the conversation just cited, is apparent also in the re port of the British ambassador, Sir Edward Goschen, on his decisive interview with the chancellor the next day. According to that report, Herr von Beth mann, now that he was at last bound to see before him England's true face, admitted with emotion that his entire policy had collapsed like a house of cards. Since those fateful summer days of the year 1914, I have thought much and often about these inci dents; and here in the solitude of the island I have occupied myself particularly with the matter. The blue, the red and the white books of the various countries have furnished me with many a hint as to the actual proceedings of the weeks immediately before the war, and I find myself obliged to formu late a judgment in even more severe terms than before, that in those fateful days Bethmann Holl- weg's policy and the Foreign Office failed more completely than one might have expected from the example of preceding years. STRESS AND STORM 147 That, in a war between Austria and Serbia, Rus sia would back Serbia and France Russia, and so on, was known to every amateur politician in Ger many. Instead of critically examining Austria's action and saying categorically to the Ballplatz: "We shall not wage war for Serbia," people did as I had feared; they allowed themselves to be com pletely taken in tow by Austria. That is what hap pened, and in my opinion, none of the other rep resentations of the case by the Foreign Office go to the root of the matter. The totally incomprehen sible attitude of the Foreign Office placed us in quite a false light; so that the Entente, adducing the outward appearance as proof, assert that we declined the mediation of England because we wished to go to war. Withal, this Foreign Office was so sure of itself that it allowed the Kaiser to proceed to Norway, the chief of the general staff to stay at Carlsbad, and His Excellency, von Tirpitz, to remain on fur lough in the Black Forest. Thanks to an incredibly blind management of our foreign affairs, we just blundered into the world war. So remarkable was the incompetence of our responsible authorities that the world refused to believe us, refused to regard such simplicity as pos sible, took it to be a cleverly selected mask behind which was hidden some particularly cunning scheme. When the Kaiser1 returned from Norway, it was 148 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE too late to accomplish anything. Destiny strode her way. June, 1920. For considerably more than half a year, I have not had in my hands these sheets on which I had set down a review of my life and of my immediate environment down to the outbreak of war and, at the same time, my impressions and reminiscences of the events which led up to it. Not that I had given up the idea of sketching the incidents of the war in a similar way, but because, in the progress of the work, it soon appeared necessary to lift these out of the scope of personal reminiscences and to mould them into the form of an historical presentation of the events of the war. Consequently, from October of last year till now, my task has been the recording of the purely mili tary happenings which from the day we took the field I shared and experienced in common with the troops intrusted to me, during the long days of the war as leader of the Fifth Army and as commander- in-chief of the "Kronprinz" group of armies. All the great events experienced in those years and all the sufferings that I had to wrestle with and to bear I have conscientiously noted down. In this way there has been laid the foundation of a presen tation of the tremendous military performances of that fellowship whose members stood as comrades STRESS AND STORM 149 under me and with me in the field. It is a presen tation which, the more I occupied myself with it, tempted me the more to make the utmost use of the copious material in my possession; I was lured, too, by the thought of erecting to my faithful fellow soldiers a chaste and simple monument in the shape of a straightforward and unadorned narration of their doings. The account that I have given in it, as a soldier, of those bloody and yet immortally great four and a half years will not fit into the framework of what I have previously recounted in these pages. It is military technical writing in the strictest sense of the word and is to take the character of a separate and complete volume. These considerations have led me to decide upon lifting the presentation of the military enterprises and battles bodily out of these present memoirs and to proceed, as before, with the frank and free de scription of my most personal impressions and ex periences and my attitude towards the most weighty problems brought before me by the war and into which I was swept by the general collapse and crash. But before returning to my remembrances of that more distant past, I should like to say something of the eight or nine months which have elapsed since I wrote of them last in this manuscript. If any one had said to me last autumn: When the New Year comes, the spring, the summer, you wiU 150 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE still be on this island and far from your home, I should not have believed him, should scarcely have been able to bear the thought of it. Thus the never- failing hopes of a progressive restoration of our homeland to fresh order and tranquillity coupled with the work which — alongside of everything else brought by the days, months and seasons — I have never interrupted for any length of time, have helped me over this period. Friends, also, who have visited me in my solitude and brought me a kind of echo from the world, have helped to lighten my seques tered lot; so, too, have the good, simple people around me, who, since they made the acquaintance of my wife, have grown doubly fond of me; finally, there is my faithful comrade, Major von Muldner, who, in self-sacrificing devotion, shares with me this solitude and, ever and again, takes upon himself a thousand and one troubles and worries in order to spare me the burden. Who were all the people that came? In autumn there was that fine editor, Prell, a thorough Ger man, who conducts the Niederldndische Wochen- schrift in Amsterdam, accompanied by his col league, Mr. Rostock. This German-American gave me some interesting descriptions of anti-German war propaganda in America. He also brought with him a propaganda picture which is said to have met with great success over there; it represented me armed as an ancient Teutonic warrior, fighting STRESS AND STORM 151 women and children in the attack on Verdun. An other visitor was Captain Konig, the famous com mander of the submarine " Deutschland." Then there were Mr. Kan, the secretary general to the Home Office, a strictly correct Dutch state official, to whose truly humane care I owe so much — and His Excel lency, von Berg, formerly Supreme President of East Prussia and afterwards chief of the depart ment of home affairs, who has proved one of the best and most unerringly faithful advisers of our house in fortune and misfortune; he belongs to the distant "Borussia" days of Bonn, was a friend of the Kaiser's in his youth, and is one of the men who, with deep human comprehension, have re mained true to the lonely, aging man at Amerongen. The winter has set in with comfortless and sombre severity. The anniversary of my landing on the island was shrouded in grayness and mist, like the day itself. Leaden clouds lay heavy over the sea and over the little island; and, day and night, tem pests swept across the dikes and scourged the un happy country. A few days' work with Major Kurt, my former clever and indefatigably active intelligence officer, constituted a welcome respite. Shortly before Christmas, Muller, my old adju tant and chief of staff, arrived with Christmas presents from home — presents sent by relatives and touching tokens of affection from modest, unknown persons. For the German children who, at the 152 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE time, were staying with good people on the island to recuperate from the gruesome effects of the famine blockade, I arranged a Christmas feast in the little Seeblick Inn at Oosterland with a Christmas tree and all sorts of presents and old German carols. On December 23, the small and intimate circle of my household celebrated Christmas in the parson age; and next day Muldner and I, accompanied by two gentlemen appointed by the Dutch Government, crossed over to the mainland and proceeded to Amerongen to keep Christmas with my parents in the hospitable home of Count Bentinck. A few months before — in October — I had seen my father for the first time since that 9th of November of the previous year, on which day, after grave talks, I had left him in Spa under the assured conviction that, in spite of all opposition, he would remain with the army. Ineffaceable is the image left to me of that man with silver-gray hair standing in the light of the many candles on the tall, dark-green tree; still there rings in my ear the unforgetable voice as, on that Christmas Eve, he read the gospel of the first Noel: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men." On the twenty-seventh I travelled back to Wieringen. The New Year came and its days resembled the days of the year gone by. "Peace on earth"? STRESS AND STORM 153 Hatred and revenge more savage than ever before ! The unbroken determination to destroy on the part of France, who cannot pardon us the mendacity of her theses on war guilt ! The newspapers once more fuU of inflammatory comments on the extradition question! And, very amusing for me, the wild rumors of my approaching or even accomplished flight in an aeroplane, a submarine or God knows what! On one occasion two American journalists actually appeared in my cottage and asked permis sion to assure themselves of my presence here with their own eyes. I willingly consented to their re quest. In the beginning of February, the official extradi tion list was made known — nine hundred names, with mine at the head. On that occasion, for the first time, I interrupted the aloofness of my life here on this island, and addressed a telegram to the Allied powers, offering to place myself voluntarily at their disposal in lieu of the other men claimed. This step, a simple outcome of my feelings, evoked no reply from any one of the powers and was exten sively misinterpreted both at home and abroad. Buoyed up by the reports in the various news papers, I lived on into March in the hope that, despite all the after effects of the revolution fever and party strife, our homeland was on the road to internal tranquillity and consolidation. This belief was suddenly crushed by the news of the Kapp 154 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE putsch and its important consequences. Over and above the pain caused by this relapse into san guinary disturbances, the incident meant for me a bitter disappointment of my hopes that, at perhaps no very distant date, I might venture to return to my place within my family and on German soil without risk of introducing fresh inflammable matter into the Fatherland. Events had demonstrated that the hour of my return had not yet come, that pos sibly it still lay in the distant future. Considering the mentality manifested by the homeland, I was forced to fear that I might become the apple of dis cord among opposing parties, to fear that — hold aloof from all political affairs as I might — my return would be made the countersign for fresh struggles for and against existing conditions by one party or another without any consideration of my wishes in the matter. The reasons which, on November 11, 1918, had decided me, with a heavy heart, to go to Holland proved to be still valid; hence, if I were not to render null and void the object of my sacrifice by failure half-way to its completion, I had still to remain and to endure. I frankly concede that those March days, in which, with intense bitterness, I struggled through to this conviction, held some of the hardest hours of my life. The fifteen months spent on my island in primitive surroundings and far from every intellectual stimulus and from all culture had been rendered tolerable by STRESS AND STORM 155 the beUef that the end of my solitude and the re- entrance into the circle of my people and into the Ufe of German labor were within measurable dis tance of being accomplished. The goal had seemed to be attainable in perhaps a few months. This open outlook had enabled me to endure really very great hardships with courage, and the thought that it was now only a little while longer had been my best solace. In this way everything acquired the char acter of the transitory and provisional. It would have been stupid self-deception for me to try to maintain this confidence after those days of March. The old wounds that had been ripped open again could not be healed in months; it would take years for that. It is strange how small, external aids of nature often give us sudden strength to overcome the sever est mental conflicts that have lasted for days and nights together. I quite clearly see a day at the end of March. I smell the keen sea breeze and the vapors of the ground as the earth awakened in the early spring. From the study in my parsonage a small veranda, bitterly cold in winter, communi cates with the vegetable garden — long and narrow like a towel and not much bigger. On the day in question, I was standing in the doorway of the ver anda and looking pensively across the desolate winter-worn garden. In the previous spring we had letevery thing grow as rank and wild as it 156 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE pleased. Why not? We should be gone in three months or so. But now, at the sight of the tangled and unkempt beds, the raggedness of the shrubs, and the paths weather-worn by frost and rain, I felt suddenly the impulse to do something here. Against a little kennel-like shed attached to the house there leaned a spade. I snatched it up with an ardent will, and set to digging. I went on and on till my back ached. The work of that hour was a relief from the inner burden I bore. I would not let the time pass in vainly waiting for the hour of my return home. Strive for the attainment of your wishes and your longings, but accept the hardships of the times and so live that they, too, may help to determine the future. Since that morning, I have worked daily in our little garden. It is restored to order. Some one will reap the fruits — I or another. That was in the days of the Kapp putsch. I must say something more about this unhappy episode. Feeling and believing that a monarchical Govern ment, which stands above all party differences, best suits the peculiar political and complex conditions of our homeland — of the German country and the German people — I should not be true to my convic tions if I did not frankly state that I can understand the temptations and allurements which enmeshed so many excellent, experienced men — men of high ideals — in this mistaken enterprise. That they lacked a proper understanding of the new situation STRESS AND STORM 157 created by the collapse of Germany and consequently had not the necessary strength to withstand the temptation of the moment I deeply regret. To reckon with facts, even when the facts do not re spond to our wishes, is more essential for us Germans than ever, because our prime and weightiest duty towards ourselves and our successors is first to re build our demolished house, and every particle of strength squandered in pursuing other aims is lost to the main object. So soon as that house stands once more grand and firm on the soil of our home, our disease-stricken and debiUtated German na tional feeling will find its strength again in its pride over what has been done. What more have I to report ? A mild spring has come — my second spring on the island. My parents have removed to their new residence. %: * ^ * $ In his records pubUshed towards the end of 1919, Lord Fisher says with blunt candor: — "The essence of War is Violence." "Moderation in War is Imbecility." "It is the duty of the Government — of any Gov ernment — to rely very largely upon the advice of its miUtary and naval counsellors; but in the long run, a Government which is worthy of the name, which is adequate in the discharge of the trust which 158 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the nation reposes in it, must bring all these things into some kind of proportion one to the other; and sometimes it is not only expedient, but necessary, to run risks and to encounter dangers which pure naval or military policy would warn you against." If we admit the correctness of these maxims of Lord Fisher — and, for my own part, I do not hesi tate to subscribe to them — we find in them a keen criticism of the attitude of our Imperial Government, since, throughout the war, there was no such co operation between it and the Higher Command, and, above all, there was no such preponderance of the Government. The Imperial Government, which ought to have uttered the final and decisive word in all matters touching the sphere of politics, played much too passive a part. In critical moments, when events clamored for decision and for action, little or nothing was done. At the best, the Government "weighed considerations," "made inquiries," swayed between the "to be sure" of their discernment and the "but nevertheless" of their fear of every ac tivity, so that the right moment was allowed to pass unseized. So it came about that the Higher Command occasionally interfered more in questions of home and foreign policy than, according to its province, it ought strictly to have done. It is this which now forms the principal accusation against General Ludendorff. But the Higher Command did so, because it was forced to do so; it did so in STRESS AND STORM 159 order that something, at any rate, might be under taken for the solution of pressing questions, that things might not simply disappear in sand. If, therefore, the public blamed General Ludendorff, and still blame him for having ruled like a dictator inasmuch as he meddled with all political affairs and with problems of substitutes of every kind, food, raw materials and labor, no one acquainted with the actual circumstances and events is likely to deny that there is a grain of truth in the assertion. He will have to point out, however, that General Ludendorff was compelled to interfere by the inactivity and weak ness of the authorities and personages whose right and whose duty it was to fulfil the tasks arising out of the matters in question. I could not contradict Ludendorff when he used to say to me: "All that is really no business of mine; but something must be done, and if I don't do it, nothing will be done at home," meaning by the Government. In such moments, my heart well understood this energetic and resolute man, albeit my reason told me that there was too, too much piled upon his shoulders. Every man's capacities have their limit; and no day has more than 24 hours. Hence it was impos sible for one man, even one of our best, to supervise and direct both the enormous apparatus of our Higher Command and also every domain of our economics and of our home and foreign policy. The necessity of adapting himself to such excessive tasks 160 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE was bound to cause some detriment to the powers of the most highly gifted person. The unfavorable issue of the Battle of the Marne in September, 1914, frustrated the prospects of Schlieffen's programme of first rapidly prostrating France and then dealing with Russia. That we were faced with a war of indefinite duration now seemed probable and, personally — in the year 1915 — I came to the conclusion that, in the event of an excessive prolongation of the war, time would be on the side of our adversaries. It was bound to give them the opportunity of mobflizing the immeasur able resources of the world which lay like a hinter land behind their fronts. It would give them the chance of marshalling these against us, while our mewed-up Central Europe had to confine itself to the exploitation of its own raw material which, moreover, had not been supplemented by any sys tematic pre-war preparation. Time, too, would af ford our adversaries opportunity to levy and train enormous armies and to reduce to a minimum the calls made upon the individual fighter; whereas we should be forced to demand from every German the sacrifice of his last ounce of energy, thus, in the end, exhausting our strength by the inequality of the terms imposed. From the moment that this was recognized, it be came the duty and task of the leading statesman, the Imperial Chancellor, continually to consider STRESS AND STORM 161 political steps for the conclusion of the war more or less independently of the plans and views of the mUitary leadership. Whatever successes were achieved by the army, were they never so brilliant, the far-sighted politician ought to have made use of them solely and simply as footholds and rungs for him to climb by; on no account ought he to have been dazzled by them; on no account ought he to have adopted towards the Higher Command the attitude: "Finish your work first; then it will be my turn, for the present there is nothing for me to do." But had Herr von Bethmann HoUweg the least capacity to will vigorously or boldly to dare anything? Had he survived the terrible collapse of his "England theory" or the political hara-kiri of his declaration of August 4, 1914, as a man psychically unimpaired? Be that as it may, our political des tiny continued to remain intrusted to this man, whose hands had been palsied by ill-starred enter prises and whose eyes had acquired the lack-lustre of resignation. When I seek for any energy in Beth mann HoUweg, there occurs forcibly to my mind an episode told me, with every guarantee for its ve racity, by a Hamburg ship owner in the summer of 1915. Ballin, he said, had called on the Imperial ChanceUor and, out of the wealth of his knowledge concerning world affairs, had urgently talked to him about the general situation. When he stopped, Bethmann heaved a deep sigh, drew his hand across 162 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE his forehead and said: "I only wish I were dead. . . ." In order to rouse him out of his lethargy, Ballin, with an attempt to laugh, replied: "I dare say you do. No doubt it would just suit you admirably to Ue in your coffin aU day long and watch other people toiling and worrying." Quite certainly it would have been no easy matter, and for that discouraged heart it would have been impossible, to detach one of our enemies from the alliance and come to a separate understanding with him; but that it would have been useless, as the Foreign Office assumed, to make the attempt, I failed to see during the war and I fail to see still. Separate peace might, I conceive, have been con cluded perhaps with Russia, say in the early sum mer of 1915, immediately after our break through at GorUce. StUl the difficulties of negotiating with Russia at that time were very great. Nicolai Nicolaievitch and the entire Russian war party were at the helm of affairs, the Entente agreement to conclude no separate peace was still quite young, and Italy's entrance into the war dated only from May. But, for all that, it is impossible to say what attitude Russia would have adopted towards pro posals on our part if they had included the preser vation of her frontier-line of August 1, 1914, and a big financial loan or the guarantee of her financial obligations towards France. In any case, the chances of a separate arrange- STRESS AND STORM 163 ment with Russia were excellent in the latter part of the summer of 1915, when Russia was in very serious military difficulties and the Tsar had ap pointed the admittedly pro-German Stuermer, to the premiership. I considered it, at the time, an unmistakable sign of willingness to negotiate, and I urged our leaders to grasp the opportunity. As a matter of fact, in the course of the summer- and in the early autumn, numerous deliberations of a gen eral character were carried on and terms consid ered; but all this took place privately among Ger man diplomatists or extended only to conversations between them and the Higher Command. Prac tical deductions which might have resulted in the inauguration of relations with Stuermer were not discussed. We got no farther than empty lamen tations and futile complaints that the war had completely cut us off from all possibility of com municating with people across the frontier, that we could not join them, "the water was much too deep." If it be contended that it is all very easy, now that the war has been lost, to come forward and say "I always told you so; if you had listened to me, things might have turned out differently," I would meet such not altogether unjustifiable argu ments by quoting some thoughts and suggestions from a memorial drawn up and addressed by me to all persons concerned on December 18, 1915, 164 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE that is to say, at a time when such ideas might have borne fruit. In this memorial, I maintained that we ought to strain every nerve to achieve a separate peace with one of our opponents. Russia appeared to me to be the most suitable. At the end of the memorial I wrote: — "What our people have accomplished in this war will only be properly valued by historians of a future date. But we will not flatter ourselves with any complaisant self-deception. The sacrifice of blood already made by the German people is enor mous. ... It is not my office here to marshal the figures; but a series of very grave indications ought to make us consider how long we can continue to fill up the gaps in our army. I am quite aware that, if we were to drain our national energy in the same way as France, the war might be con tinued for a very long time. But this is just what ought to be avoided. Every one who is at all in intimate touch with the front is deeply saddened when he sees what children now find their way into the trenches. We ought to consider that, after the war, Germany will need forces to enable her tp ful fil her mission. I will not speak here of the finan cial situation because, I am not in a position to form a competent opinion. In an economic sense, Germany has adapted herself to the circumstances of the war most admirably; but still in this domain also should be the desire not to prolong the war un- STRESS AND STORM 165 necessarily, as that would cause too heavy a loss. Moreover, despite all the wise measures of the Government, the progressive rise in the cost of Uving continues to weigh upon the poorer classes of the population, and there is a great lack of fodder in the country. AU this, with all that it involves, makes a curtailment of the war very desirable; so that the answer to the question 'What can we at tain?' is simply this: — "If we get a separate peace with Russia, we can make a clean sweep in the west. If this is im possible, we ought to endeavor to bring about an understanding with England. Only in one of these ways, is it, I believe, feasible to bring the end within sight; and an end must be made visible, un less we are to fight on till our country is utterly exhausted. "Our present favorable situation makes it pos sible to proceed on the lines suggested." That is what I wrote and advocated before Christmas, 1915. It had no effect whatever; I might as well have shouted to the winds. Similar circumstances arose the following year; but it was not until the autumn of 1916 that the Imperial Chancellor had carried his ponderings to the conclusion that there was no prospect of a sepa rate peace with Russia: Russia, he said, was under the dictation of England, and England was for con tinuing the war. Meantime we had truly gained a 166 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE success which was bound to exclude all possibility of an amicable understanding with Tsarist Russia; we had created the Kingdom of Poland and, in the summer of 1916, we had drafted a Polish programme that could not but act like a blow in the face to the Tsar and to all Russia. Stuermer fell; and, in the early spring of 1917, the Tsar was swept off the throne by the waves of the revolution which the Entente had been promoting. During the months which followed the outbreak of that revolution, the east front was quiet. It was not until the last day of June that the Russians attacked again under Brussilov. A fortnight later, our counter-attack pierced their lines at Tarnopol and a great victory was gained over the already decaying Russian army. At about the same time, namely, on July 12, Bethmann resigned. In the main, the chancellor's remarks in his second volume concerning my share in the proceedings are correct, and I have nothing of moment to add to them. Herr Michaelis, a man of unproven political possibUities and concerning whose capacities or incapacities no one, at that time, was able to express a convincing judgment, took over the inheritance. According to what I heard, Valentini, wringing his hands and crying "A kingdom for a chancellor," stumbled, in his search, across this official, who, within the scope of his pre vious labors, had certainly merited well. I myself had never yet met Dr. Michaelis. He was now in- STRESS AND STORM 167 troduced to me as an exceptionally capable man to whom one might apply the proverb "Still waters run deep." This was in July, 1917, just before his presentation to the Kaiser, and when, at the command of His Majesty, I was to negotiate with the party leaders at Schloss Bellevue in connection with the Bethmann crisis. The conversation turned upon the burning question of the situation created by the action of Erzberger in the Reichstag Com mittee, and still more upon the bad impression made upon the enemy by the matter and form of the peace resolution, whose drafting was so impolitic, unwise and clumsy that it had seriously injured our interests. Instead of being the expression of a genuine desire for peace on the part of an unbroken combatant, this" resolution looked like a sign of miUtary weakness and waning resistance. Only the reverse of the desired effect could be expected. I found Michaelis in general quite of my own opin ion; but I could not induce him, in this short inter view, to disclose his own ideas, and consequently I could form no image of the plans he carried in his pocket for grappling with the exceedingly difficult task which was to fall to him as Bethmann's heir. But in Dr. Michaelis, the best of intentions coupled with pious confidence was recognizable. That was not exactly a great deal; but I said to myself: He is about to present himself to His Majesty, he knows your antipathy to the policy prevailing hitherto 168 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE and does not know how much he can venture to say to you; you must wait and see. In any case, the change of chancellors appeared to provide the right moment for me to risk raising my voice once again and to place my view of things before the deciding authorities. I was induced to take this course by the conviction that, after all, the criticism which I had expressed upon the Bethmann HoUweg Govern ment, a judgment upon a system which, with Beth mann's exit, had come to a certain formal close, should not exhaust itself in rejection and negation; I felt that he who claimed the right to criticise as sumed the duty of proposing something better and of defending it both in the present and in the future. Consequently, in the summer of 1917, while we were fighting in Russia, I worked out another memorial and laid it simultaneously before the Kaiser, the Imperial Chancellor and the Higher Command. It came into being in the days when, as leader of my army, I had just gained on the Aisne and in the Champagne an extensive defensive victory against an attempt of 79 French divisions to pierce my lines; and I will gladly leave it to public opinion to decide whether, in this memorial, the "war fanatic" and "victor" is speaking or whether it is a witness to my desire for an honorable peace. This memorial was written after a conver sation with the clever and politically far-sighted Dr. Victor Naumann, but only those paragraphs re- STRESS AND STORM 169 ferring to our foreign policy have any significance for my then attitude towards the peace question in the East. I quote here the principal passages, be cause, taken together as a whole, they show my atti tude at that time towards many other important questions connected with the war: — "The change in the leadership of the empire, with which is to begin a new era in German and Russian policy, wUl naturally necessitate the draw ing up of a balance concerning the past, in order to find a more or less reliable basis for future plans. In my opinion, therefore, the following points must be determined: — 1) What stocks have we of raw materials of every kind ? 2) What is our maximum capacity for work ing up these materials ? 3) What stocks of coal do we possess ? 4) What stocks of food and fodder have we? 5) What is the position of our transport facili ties? "When this has been determined, it will be neces sary to decide how many military recruits Germany can call up and train next year without imperilling her absolutely essential economic capacity. "But this is not all. We must also consider the moral values, the mood of the people; and in test ing these, one may with tolerable certainty predict that the longing for peace in the masses of the 170 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE population has become very strong. The enormous sacrifices of blood during the three years of war already experienced — sacrifices which have cast al most every German home and every German family into mourning — the prospect of fresh and severe losses of valuable human life, the mental depression caused and augmented by privations of every kind, the dearth of food and coal — all these things com bined have awakened a dissatisfaction in wide circles of the people (and not by any means only among the social democrats) which is as hampering to the continuance of the war as it is disintegrating to the monarchical idea. " If it be added that the assured hope of a rapid conclusion of the U-boat warfare has not been ful- fiUed, this serious mood ceases to cause surprise. "We ought to construct, from the best accessible data, schedules of the resources of our allies parallel with those drawn up concerning our own; for only so can we learn what we have to expect and what we can accomplish. "All this information in regard to ourselves and our allies having been collected, we shall have to obtain an approximately accurate knowledge of the forces and reserves of the enemy. Without exposing oneself to the reproach of being a pessimist, one may say at once that a comparison of the schedules will scarcely turn out favorable to ourselves. The natural deduction is that, even at the best, an at- STRESS AND STORM 171 tack on our part is no longer to be thought of, but only a maintenance of our position coupled with intensive prosecution of the U-boat warfare for a certain period. If this expires without having brought us any hope of a cessation of hostilities, we must seek the peace which our diplomatists will meanwhile have been preparing. This duty is all the more incumbent upon us inasmuch as we must say to ourselves that our chief ally, Austria-Hun gary, by reason of her economic and, still more, her political conditions at home, will be unable to prose cute the war for more than a moderate length of time. I need scarcely add that, in Turkey also, the situation is anything but rosy. "Now I do not for one moment overlook the fact that our adversaries also find themselves in a diffi cult position or that they dread another winter campaign extremely. Yet, there are two factors which have recently evoked a certain change of feeling. The first is America's entrance into the struggle, and the hopes which it has awakened; the second is the overhasty action of the Reichstag (in the peace resolution), which, in enemy and neutral countries, is regarded as an absolute declaration of bankruptcy. To-day, in London and Paris, and even in Rome, people believe that they may wait for us to lay down our arms, since it is now only a question of time. "Now, what are we to do in order to persist with 172 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE honor and, if possible, with success, despite all these things? First, what are we to do at home? We must have maintenance of the line of demarca tion between the individual offices of the empire without prejudice to united action. Although, there fore, the leading minister bears the full responsibUity for our home and foreign policy, wholesome co operation with the Higher Command, the Admiralty, etc., is indispensable. The larger federal states must also be kept informed as to our situation. Serious attention must continue to be paid to the regulation of our coal and food supplies. "Foreign Policy. — Here again only one will can dominate, but it must be aided by the mutual and candid information of the directing offices, e.g., the Foreign Office, the Higher Command, the Ad miralty. Candor towards our allies is a duty. So far as possible we must spare the neutrals and defer to their wishes. "Every idea of seeking peace via England is to be given up, and a resolute endeavor made to ob tain peace with Russia. There is hope that, with the repulse of the present attack, a change of mood will take place in Russia; then we must seize the right opportunity. We may also advise the neu trals that, in general, we are not averse to peace on the basis of the status quo ante; they will let the other side know. Simultaneously, deft negotiators must use persuasion with the Russians. STRESS AND STORM 173 "It is almost certain that the West will decline. On the other hand, it may be hoped that Russia will seek peace. In this case, we shall have created a situation which will render England — already groan ing under the effects of the U-boat privations — some what dubious as to whether she and her allies shall fight on or, within a reasonable time, enter into negotiations with us. Should Russia not give way, then we can come before the people and say: 'We have done everything to bring about peace. It is now demonstrated that our enemies wish to de stroy us; therefore we must strain every nerve to frustrate their aim.' Possibly such action may bring us unsuspected help out of the ranks of the people. Under aU circumstances, it is our duty to work for a not too distant peace; for, unless the U-boats shall have brought England to reason within the next few months, their further employment wiU not have the same effect as heretofore. Distress with us will increase, and the replenishment of our reserves of men will become more difficult from day to day. The vital energy of our people wiU be di minished by further blood-letting; in the interior, strikes and revolts may occur; a failure in the pro duction of ammunition may render us defenseless. The financial burden of the empire will swell to gigantic proportions; our allies will possibly seek separate peace; the neutrals may be forced to join the enemy. 174 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE "To carry out a policy properly one must have the courage to look facts in the face. A danger recognized is a danger half surmounted. Just now the preservation of the dynasty, the maintenance of the German Empire and the existence of the Ger man people are all concerned. If our enemies dic tate peace, the last syllable of Hohenzollern, Prus sian and German history will have been written. It must not come to that; and therefore, it is our duty, if so it must be, to attain a peace of compro mise. Such a peace would truly be a disappoint ment; but an indefinite prolongation of the war might see us, in the spring of 1918, facing the whole world alone, shorn of our allies, bleeding from the severe wounds of a three and a half years' war and threatened with destruction. " If we conclude an early peace with our eastern adversary, Russia will Ue open to us as a domain for economic expansion. If that peace comes too late, then we come too late, because the Americans will have gained a firm footing in that vast realm. But we must also remember that, with an early peace, we should have financially won the war. "One thing is certain: if we but maintain our selves in this war, we shall be the real victors, be cause we shall have fought the whole world without being destroyed. This will procure us after the war an unexampled prestige and an enormous increase of power. Our position resembles that of Frederick STRESS AND STORM 175 the Great, prior to the Peace of Hubertsburg. He stands rightly recorded in history as the victor, be cause he was not defeated. (Signed) "WILHELM, Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Prussia." In March, 1918, roughly three-quarters of a year after the drafting of my memorial, we concluded a peace with revolutionary Russia. What a peace! On the one hand with the dominating demeanor of the victor who dictatorially imposes his will, — on the other hand yielding and accommodatingly trustful in questions that concerned our vitals. Joffe was permitted to come to Berlin and circulate his rou bles in Germany for the world revolution. Once more the old half-and-half methods. No, so far as I can see, the Government did not make a sufficiently earnest effort to supplement the work of the sword with vigorous, prompt and ade quate political measures. In quoting the memorials addressed by me, in December 1915, and in July 1917, to the Kaiser, the Higher Command and the Imperial Chancellor, I have demonstrated that, during the war, I repeat edly and urgently advocated preparing the way for a peace by compromise. Of course the drafts re ferred to were only two of the many efforts which I made in the same direction. It would vastly ex ceed the limits proposed for these memoirs if I were 176 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE to give chapter and verse for all that I undertook, subsequent to the Battle of the Marne, for the carry ing out of my ideas which I never recanted, that the indefinite prolonging of the war would be intoler able, both for those at the front and those at home, as well as the urgent need for a compromise, and how advantageous (even though it might appear scarcely beneficial at first) this compromise would be compared with a similar agreement reached after complete exhaustion. Besides this from my own knowledge gained in personal contact with soldiers and civUians I have made attempts to correct the erroneous and optimistic notions entertained in cer tain high quarters concerning the privations of the people at home, about the power of endurance of the troops at the front who had been overburdened during the past year and about many similar ques tions. To all these questions I may refer later on. "But," many wUl say, "in public and especially to the troops, the Crown Prince, more than once, both by word of mouth and in writing, expressed and demanded determination to conquer and con fidence of victory. He wished to prevent certain German journals, which tended to damp this con fidence, from reaching the front." Yes, assuredly I did ! And, in doing so, I fulfilled my duty as an officer and a soldier, just as I fulfilled my duty as a politically thinking man and as Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Prussia when STRESS AND STORM 177 I endeavored to induce the proper authorities to face unwelcome facts and to strive for a peace by compromise. I am of the firm opinion that each of these apparently so opposite actions was perfectly justified and that they were, indeed, complementary. I only regret that, as an adviser without political re sponsibiUty, I possessed neither the means nor the power to influence successfully the politically re sponsible persons, and that I had to look on while political resolutions and irresolution were, as I be lieved, determining unhappily the destiny of Ger many. I referred just now to my suggested prohibition at the front of various journals which systematically injured our prospects of winning the war. At that time the democrats talked with great indignation about a deliberate gagging of the press and of the public if the idea were carried out — at that time, forsooth, when it was essential to preserve for its sole task the army on which everything depended and to shield it from any deteriorating or disin tegrating influences. As a matter of fact, nothing was done; the evil was permitted to continue its corrosion. Only with the support of a people determined to win and convinced of victory could the Government risk steps to bring about a separate peace — an un derstanding with one or another of our adversaries. Every effort in this direction was futile, nay, per- 178 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE nicious and injurious, when we gave the impression of being unable to continue the war and urgently needing peace. Useless and senseless, therefore, were the offers of peace publicly shouted out to the world — offers which also gave no clear notion of what we really wanted. These offers — as any statesmen ought to have foreseen — only served to strengthen our enemies' hopes of an early coUapse of our country, to increase their confidence and their determination to hold on till the "knock-out- blow" all to our detriment, all to our doom. For the duration of the war and to carry it to a fortunate issue, determination to win and confidence of victory were only to be maintained in people or army if, at the head of affairs, stood not merely vigor ous and bold military leaders but likewise an equally capable Government, which, during the bloody struggle on land, at sea, in the air, should not for one second lose control of the numberless threads of its foreign policy and which should never allow the slightest favorable movement of events in the war-fevered world to escape the grasp of its ever- ready hand — a Government that, with keen fore sight, yet with wise recognition and consideration of what was possible, was able to see before it the road along which it could lead the country as rapidly as possible to a happy and honorable peace. * % * if * The only Government that could be a sure guide to satisfactory peace was one which, by means of a STRESS AND STORM 179 wise home policy, had under complete control all the various elements, classes, members and parties of the entire people. That it was particularly difficult to concentrate into one dynamic entity the variety of opinions, wishes and impulses of a people so inclined to inter nal differences and quarrels as the Germans is quite true. The sense of nationality that, in such countries as England and France, fused all parties into a single will for the whole duration of the war, unfortunately suffered manifest disintegration among us Germans by reason of the multiplicity of party views which soon began to be active, and through which the idea of a party truce was undermined and our vigor of at tack weakened. Nor was it, by any means, only among the parties of the left that such sins were com mitted against the great idea of unselfish patriotism. By leaving to the war speculator unlimited indepen dence and unbounded opportunities of profit and by not organizing properly the industries essential to the existence of the struggling State, our mistaken economic policy was responsible for the early reap pearance of the old social and economic animosities which soon became very bitter. Moreover, an abso lutely morbid tendency to a mistaken objectivity at all cost repeatedly drove a large portion of our German people, even during the war, into extensive discussions and to self-examination that bordered upon mental chastisement. This was done openly before the whole world, and ultimately made the 180 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE world beUeve that the conscientious amongst us doubted the justice of our deeds and aims. In Eng land, all parties had only one principle for every pro gramme and every action of their Government, the strong principle of a firmly established nation, the principle of "right or wrong — my country." A miserable hero of such mistaken objectivity, a man in whose heart the bright flame of the greater idea could never blaze up, was the first war chan cellor. His Reichstag declaration on August 4, 1914, concerning our advance into Belgium, is the great and bitter classic example of his incapacity to understand either the soul of his own people or the mentality of our adversaries. On that 4th of August, 1914, before a single shot had been fired over yonder, we Germans had lost the first great battle in the eyes of the world. And blind he remained to all the events and de velopments around him throughout the long years of the war during which we had to put up with him. Thus, he stressed again and again the special merits, as he called them, of the social-democratic party in offering to co-operate at the outset of the war. As though, at that time, the working masses would not simply have swept away their leaders if they had dared to express themselves against co operation ! At that moment, the entire German peo ple were unanimous in their deep conviction that we were on the threshold of a war forced upon us, of an STRESS AND STORM 181 inevitable war from which we could be delivered only by resolutely and victoriously struggling through to an assured peace. That many a leader of the ex treme left never in his heart of hearts desired a com plete German victory seems to have remained long hidden from the chancellor's perception. At any rate, he did nothing to combat their efforts to under mine the confidence of the masses in the German cause. General Ludendorff complains bitterly in his war memoirs that the Government at home did scarcely anything to keep aUve the "will to victory" in the German people, or to combat energetically the ten dency to defaitisme. I, too, could not resist the im pression that, during the war, the proper authori ties permitted these tendenices to grow without adopting any energetic counter measures. Defait isme, which, regardless of every other consideration, was rigorously crushed in France, England and Amer ica, as a principle adverse to the necessities of the hour and opposed to the interests of the State, was allowed to run riot with us. Our Government was powerless to cope with it, yet believed itself able to sUence and neutralize anti-national conduct by weak indulgence. Nervelessly they let things take their course, seemingly disinclined to picture to themselves the fatal end to which, sooner or later, it all must lead. Wherever difficulties and impediments arose, re- 182 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE course was had to small remedies, to half-measures, to extravagant concessions flung down with both hands or to compliance that was hesitating and be lated. They made shift with patchwork until no more patching was possible and everything fell to pieces. CivU dictators, conscious of their road and with eyes fixed on victory, like Clemenceau and Lloyd George, were utterly lacking with us. The longer the war lasted, the more autocratic and severe be came the governments of the hostile countries and the more vacillating and yielding our own. — The munition workers at home were given fabulous wages to keep them in a good temper. The only effect was that their cupidity was enhanced, a higher premium put upon shirking, the soldier at the front irritated and deprived of his willingness to fight. Why was not every caUing of importance to the war made compulsory? Why were not those levied for work at home placed in the same category as to wages and rations as those under the colors? People talk ad nauseum of the dutiful home warriors ! "War" em ployer and "war" employee ought both to have been compassed by the organization of "war" industry. For the organization of industry at home, the AuxUiary Service Act (Hilfsdienstgesetz) was ulti mately adopted. But it was due to the initiative of the Higher Command, whose business it was not; and when it came, what a maimed creature it was ! Irresolute and somewhat unfortunate was like- STRESS AND STORM 183 wise the attitude of the Government towards the problem of the Prussian suffrage question during the war. The social democrats, making a slogan of the idea, conducted vigorous propaganda and — while our armies were engaged in the severest struggles and their welfare depended upon the smooth working of the industrial mechanism at home — even did not hesitate to throw out threats of a strike. Two courses were open to the Government. One was to say that wartime was unsuitable for deal ing with changes of the constitution, especially as the best part of the people were then under arms at the front and consequently unable to co-operate in the reorganization; but then it would have had to pull itself together and ruthlessly repress every agitation aimed in a different direction. The other course was for the Government to decide upon a revision of the Suffrage Act, but in that case it ought not to have hesitated to arrange for a speedy dissolution of the House of Deputies, and should have resorted to every possible means to carry out its purpose. The Government once more adopted the fatal method of half-measures. When His Excellency, von Valentini, the chef du cabinet civil, brought me the so-called "Easter mes sage" in 1917, I expressed to him my astonishment at this patchwork, and pointed out to him that such a decree would satisfy nobody, that, in a short time, 184 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the Government would be forced to grant direct suffrage, and it would be better to do it straight away as a spontaneous act of His Majesty. Val entini replied: "The direct secret ballot is out of the question; what is proposed is a plurality vote similar to the Belgian arrangement." Count von der Schulenburg, chief of the General Staff of my army, was present at this conversation. August, 1920. Since I last had these sheets in my hand, our parents and we children have suffered a heavy blow: my brother Joachim, utterly broken down, has passed out of this Ufe. Immediately on receipt of the news, I travelled to Doom, in order to be with my mother in, at any rate, the first and severest hours of her sorrow. What a deal of suffering des tiny has heaped upon this poor and sick maternal heart. At the beginning of the month, my brother Oscar, who had arrived at Doom just after me, came to see me here on the island. Eitel Friedrich was also here; and so, little by little, they are aU making ac quaintance with the smaU plot of earth on which I have lived for over 20 months. I can imagine that, when they happen to have good weather here for their short stay, the place will not seem- so very dreadful to them. It was a great pleasure to me to receive a visit from my old and trusted Maltzahn, STRESS AND STORM 185 who, when he came to see us at the front, shared with me many an anxiety concerning our internal situation. At the end of the month, my wife is to come here again — this time with all four boys. In these personal recollections of mine, I feel im pelled to say a few words about the two men whose names personify, for the whole German people, their idea of military leadership, namely Field-Marshal von Hindenburg and his first quartermaster-gen eral, General Ludendorff. It is superfluous to say much here of what our country owes to these two men. Suffice it to call to mind the great victories at Tannenberg and at the Masurian Lakes. At that time, the names of these two were in everybody's mouth, and both at home and at the front arose the wish that the lead ership of the entire German army might be placed in their hands. We commanders-in-chief shared fully this general desire to see Hindenburg and Ludendorff in the most responsible positions, and we received, with joy and hope, the ultimate de cision of His Majesty to place them there. Never have I seen any other two men of such different character complement one another to form a single entity as did these two. In aU questions that arose during their period of co-operation, the weal of the Fatherland and the happiness and honor of the army were, for them, the common basis for their deliberations, their plans and their resolutions. 186 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE If I were to characterize the field-marshal general as he appeared to me in the years of his zenith, I would say that the greatest impression was made by the simple energy and composure of his self- contained personality. It was a composure that communicated itself to every one who came into contact with him, convinced every one that the fate of the armies was well cared for in that calm, firm hand, watched over by those earnest and yet ever- friendly eyes. If he spoke, the effect was height ened: one was then impressed not merely by the statuesqueness of his tall, broad-shouldered figure, but by the depth and timbre of his voice and the fluency of his measured, thoughtful and deliberate speech; the conviction was confirmed that the speaker was absolute master of the situation and expressed views that could be thoroughly relied on. This feeling was not confined to the individual ad dressed, it extended to the masses when the field- marshal general appeared before them. Further more, a scarcely definable peculiarity of manner seemed to efface the dividing-line between his pro fessional and his human interest in people, problems and things. The great and emancipating victories in the East were soon invested with almost mythical features; with these as a background, Hindenburg's personal ity became, for people and army, a symbol of German victory and of rescue from the exigencies of war. STRESS AND STORM 187 That unrevealed something, which largely has its roots in the judgment of the heart and the feeling, which creates the hero for the multitude and which never appeared in such men as Falkenhayn or Lu dendorff, soon fashioned a halo about Hindenburg and made him the ideal leader in the eyes of the Ger mans. At home and at the front, I have heard this confidence, so touching in its primitive simplicity, expressed over and over again in the words: "Our old Hindenburg'U manage it"; the utterance was, as it were, a refuge from the pressure of the time, and remained so later, when, for us leaders, who had long since been stripped of our optimism by our knowledge of the true state of affairs, the only reply possible was dead silence. Even more now than during the war, there is a very wide-spread belief that, as field-marshal gen eral, Hindenburg played little more than a decora tive part beside General Ludendorff, who has been regarded as the real spiritus rector of the Higher Command. My insight into the admirable rela tions between these two leaders fully justifies me in characterizing such a view as mistaken; in no case could it be said of the era in which the field-marshal general was in unimpaired enjoyment of his physical strength and energy. That even a Hindenburg — who, though in full possession of his mental and bodily vigor, was nearly sixty-seven years old when he entered the campaign — could not help feeling 188 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the effects of his increasing age after three or four years of excessive work, worry and responsibility may be safely asserted without fear of detracting in any way from the imperishable services of this venerable commander and estimable man. As, in the course of time, some relief became necessary, the indefatigable energy of the so much younger friend and close collaborator took over a portion of the burden; and their admirable unity remained a strong and resolute will without any bargaining about the intellectual share of each. How much aid Hinden burg received from his comrade became bitterly evident when the unity was broken by the retire ment of Ludendorff, and his place was filled by one whose inadequacy despaired all too soon at the thought of keeping the leaky ship above water and bringing it safely to port through all storms and with its old flag still flying. The character of this new man was such that he struck the flag with an indifferent shrug just as coolly as he flung away as empty "ideas" the things that till then had been sacred to the German people; the energies of the same successor exerted in a different direction be came the strongest shaping forces of the peculiar development of the events of November in the Great Headquarters at Spa. Owing to the nature of my tasks and duties, I came much more into contact with General Luden dorff than with the field-marshal general. I can STRESS AND STORM 189 conscientiously say that I always felt a strong sense of being in the presence of a personality of steely energy and keenly sharpened intellect, of a Prussian leader of the traditional glorious type in the best sense of the term. In his bright office-room, in which were focussed the rays from every front of the foe- girt Fatherland, I have, on countless occasions, dis cussed with him the questions and problems of the war and especially the situation of my own troops. Whereas, on the one hand, in talks with the field- marshal general, one felt, as I have already hinted, that his grave and easy speech was the outcome of the deepest assurance, on the other hand, one seemed, in conversation with General Ludendorff, to be in the glittering workshop where only the greatest mental wrestling succeeded in regaining this assur ance from day to day by an unceasing struggle with untold antagonisms, hostile principles, obstacles, difficulties and shortcomings of every kind. It has already been stated that this mass of af fairs brought before him for settlement tasks and problems which did not properly belong within the traditional scope of his post. He took them upon himself because their solution was of the greatest significance for the military situation and because without his intervention they would have remained undealt with. Successful and deserving of thanks as many of his performances in these domains that lay outside his own proper sphere certainly appear to 190 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE me, still, I believe I may say, without in any way giving a wrong impression of his strong personality, that his essential importance and greatness lay in the provinces of strategy, tactics and organization. In these fields and so long as the troops and material lay intact in his hands, his brilliant mastery of the whole theory of war, his wealth of ideas and mar vellously exact intellect solved with astounding cer tainty miUtary problems of the most difficult char acter and won for him and for the German arms im perishable fame. His keen and complete analysis of a situation, his unfailing conversion of theory into command and act, his accurate knowledge of the value of the forces employed, with which he could reckon as though they were invariable mathematical quantities — all these things contributed to win for him the great victories at Tannenberg, Lodz and the Masurian Lakes. Afterwards, when he had taken over the gigantic tasks of the Higher Com mand, they secured him successes in imperishable strategic significance during the struggle for the German Line down to the spring of 1918 — successes whose lustre is perhaps still dimmed by the lack of ultimate effect and the shadow of the miscarriage in the final combat, but which the verdict of the future will unquestionably range with the greatest military performances of all time. His great and bold ideas were only impaired when the units which he fitted into his structure were no STRESS AND STORM 191 longer capable of satisfying the demands which, ac cording to tradition, he believed himself justified in making upon the troops — when the normally ac cepted fighting value of the units became subject to the ups and downs, produced by physical and psy chical influence, and the uncertainty and friability of the material introduced factors which caused ir remediable errors in the calculations of the machine. The successful designer of battles and calculator of victories, who, ever since he led his first men as a little lieutenant, had been accustomed to regard the concepts of discipline, punctuality and fighting courage as things of iron-like rigidity, the prac tised strategist, who, ever since he first donned red-striped trousers as a young officer of the Gen eral Staff, had combined with the idea of a battery or a division definite striking values and calculable effects, now suddenly saw himself compelled to query all these notions. Enterprises which, assum ing the reliability of the individual factors, bore ev ery promise of success, broke down in the execution because the machine, partly overstrained and partly rusty, failed to perform its task. The last German attacks, *. e., from March 21, 1918, down to the de cisive turning-point of the war — the irruption of the enemy at the Forest of Villers-Cotterets on July 18 —were, notwithstanding some brilliant initial suc cesses, nothing but a series of bitter examples of this fact. 192 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Both as a man and as a soldier, General Luden dorff suffered severely under these conditions and bore them with a heavy heart. Like, doubtless, every other commander, I sympathized with him in this torture. All of us, who had passed through the iron school of the grand old army and had breathed the air of the Military Academy in Konigsplatz, had been equipped in that famous building with the firmest confidence in the unflinchingness of the great army which was the embodiment of the strength and pride of the German people; and this palladium we now saw tottering. For my part, I had, at an early period, been un able to shut my eyes to these cracks, rents and flaws; and I dutifully laid my observations and suggestions before the quartermaster-general. Even yet, when I recall those conversations, I am filled with gratitude by the remembrance of the friendli ness and attention with which General Ludendorff listened to the views and wishes of one so much younger than himself, and did all he could to meet the demands which he recognized as justified. It is tme that, especially in the later period of our increasing exhaustion of man-power, food-stuffs and war material, he was only too often obliged, with a resigned ultra posse, to decline what he would cer tainly have gladly conceded had he been able. As I learned to know him in years of mutual labor for the same end, General Ludendorff was never a daz- STRESS AND STORM 193 zler or a thruster. To his upright and stem sol dierly character it would be as alien to seek the favor of individuals or to fear their disfavor as it would be to court the approval or dread the disapproval of the masses. For his decisions he knew only one cri terion; that was their practical fitness for the attain ment of his great aim; and that one aim was to carry the Central Powers, and especially Germany, out of the war into a firm peace which would leave us room and light for our further natural development. With absolutely passionate devotion and creative energy, he threw the whole of his abundant per sonality into the accomplishment of his military tasks, never seeing in this immense self-sacrifice anything more than the fulfilment of the obvious duty owed to the Fatherland by every German, whether civilian or soldier. This admirable and robust conception of duty and of faithful perse verance, coupled with a high estimate of the inher ent moral worth of the German at the front and the German at home, inclined him, particularly in the last periods of the war, to assume and presuppose such vigor and virtue as a reliable basis for military operations and for demands upon the homeland, even when privations and disappointments as well as disintegrating influences and anti-moral forces had already enfeebled and corroded the original soundness. FiUed by the strongest sense of na tional honor, he found it bitter to have to believe 194 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE in the decay of this vigorous moral stamina of the German people, when no eye could any longer re main closed to the painful fact. For a long time he refused to recognize the reality of the situation, and wrestled to preserve within himself the proud image of the German immutably tme to Kaiser and empire. This high estimation of the masses caused him for a long time to regard the disintegrating forces as merely pernicious, exceptional phenomena; it was also, perhaps, the ultimate reason of his attention being turned so late to the agitators and their vic tims — too late, indeed, for any energetic action to be taken. In regard to the moral fighting value and physical capacity of the troops, which constituted the most important factors in calculating the chances of an early and fortunate conclusion of the war, our views differed more and more as time went on and the gap became very wide in the latter half of the war. Nor would I conceal my opinion that, in the choice of his immediate co-operators, General Ludendorff was not always happy, nor always open to representations as to the incompetency of such individuals or willing to consider statements which ran counter to their reports. Severe views of fidel ity towards painstaking subordinates who gave him the best assistance of which they were capable in duced him to leave posts inadequately filled for a longer time than was consistent with the best in terests of public affairs. STRESS AND STORM 195 While anything but an uncritical upholder of General Ludendorff's views or a mute admirer of all his acts, I nevertheless account him to be a surpass ingly great German commander, characterized by the strongest patriotic energy and faithfulness — a man who stood at the head of the German army like a symbol of its traditions and of its conscience. For his enemies to feature him as a "gambler" and "hasardeur" is to circulate an untmth. Would to God we had had, among the political leaders of the realm, experts of equal capacity, of equally thorough deliberation and equally conscientious daring; would to God it had remained possible for each and every individual to turn to good account all his energies in the sphere of his own most special calling. In the chapter on Rome in Count York von Wartenburg's "Weltgeschichte in Umrissen," which I have recently been reading, I came across a pas sage the other day concerning the Battle of Cannse and steadfastness in defeat which has imprinted it self upon my memory as particularly applicable to our own times. Referring to epochs subsequent to the days of Rome, York speaks of the disgraceful manner in which the Pmssian people heaped con tempt and contumely upon the army for having suf fered defeat at Jena when "it was neither the only culprit nor even the principal one.' ' Farther he says : — "If a people wishes to survive victoriously a Cannae, it must never lose completely its regard for its leaders and its standard." 196 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE From the bottom of my heart I wish for the resurrection and the new greatness of our German Fatherland and its people. But only when the vast multitude, now blinded by the ranting agita tion of false prophets, has recovered its vision for past greatness will it be able to understand and appreciate the old that was and to labor indomi tably for the new that is some day to be. CHAPTER V PROGRESS OF THE WAR October, 1920. At the beginning of the month I spent a few days on the mainland. I had to visit a dentist in Over- veen named Schaefer. I could never have believed it possible for any one to enjoy so much the modest little pleasures which a dentist can provide with all his smaU instruments of torture. I felt thoroughly comfortable as I leaned back in his swivel-chair — rather different sort of furniture from our Wieringen appointments. The trip was the first interruption for a long time to the persistent quiet and solitude of the island; and just at present, when the advance of autumn is robbing the drab landscape of its last few charms and the equinoctial gales are beginning to rage, it helped me to surmount the prospect of another long, hard and sombre winter in this seclu sion and in the restricted accommodation of this little dwelling, so far from my home and my loved ones. Moreover, in Schaefer's delightful little villa near Haarlem, we found high-minded, amiable and well-educated people whose hospitality it was a pleasure to enjoy. On the way back, we called at Burgomaster Peereboom's and spent an hour or two 197 198 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE with that old friend, who now lives at Bergen, his place at Wieringen having been taken by the equally excellent and ever-helpful Mr. Kolff. This new Burgomaster and his wife, who is of German origin, do everything in their power to render my life more bearable. Among the letters from home which awaited me on my return, was one from a war comrade. It spoke of a hundred matters and touched upon the silly twaddle that is circulating among those who know more than anybody else in the world about my activities as commander of the Fifth Arm^ So, then, I am said to be answerable for the disastrous retreat ordered by the Higher Command after the Battle of the Marnq in the year 1914. These exces sively clever people know that with unerring cer tainty. Perhaps, therefore, it will not be altogether out of place if I state what I know of this battle that formed the turning-point of our destiny — more particularly, since what has so far been said on the subject by serious and critical observers tells very Uttle concerning the events of the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Armies. What I intend to write here is not a description of the military developments and the operations of my Fifth Army in those bitter days; for that I have made other arrangements; I propose here only to sketch in broad outline the circumstances which, at PROGRESS OF THE WAR 199 that time, led the German army to desist from its victorious advance and to start a tragic retreat. The blame mine? Only mean malice could invent such an idea, only unbounded stupidity could be Ueve it ! As commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, I led the advance of my army in August, 1914; I saw the decisions and notices that were issued and was present at the scanty discussions with the General Higher Command and with the adjacent armies; finally, I had the best of opportunities to watch and study hour by hour the development of affairs dur ing the Battle of the Marne. My impression is that it was an unfortunate combination of many circum stances that led to this pernicious result. Besides the unquestionable incompetence and the consequent moral and physical collapse of General von Moltke, there was the unfortunate and rapidly discouraged leadership of the Second Army by General von Biilow, and the absolutely disastrous activity of an officer of the Headquarters Staff, who, oppressed by a sense of responsibility and personal pessimism, assumed a verbal order given to meet a particular emergency, as conferring full powers upon him, and so occasioned a retreat of the two victorious armies on the wings before a decision had been reached. Whenever I think of the senseless and incompre hensible flinging away of the successes gained at that time, whenever aU the horror of that insensate 200 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE folly comes before me, I see the tragic figure of a man who ought to have led, but who was no leader, and who broke down when the rising pressure of events broke down the traditional scheme: that fig ure is the figure of Lieutenant-General von Moltke. I knew the general well, I sincerely revered him as a man, and I feel deeply the tragedy of a fate which, in its purely human features, seems to me to have a certain intrinsic resemblance to the fate of the un fortunate Austrian, Benedik. General Moltke was a thoroughly high-minded man and a devoted friend of my father's. When, on the urgent recommenda tion of his most intimate advisers, the Kaiser, in 1906, called him to the chief position in the General Staff, von Moltke earnestly begged His Majesty to excuse him as he did not feel competent to fill the post. When, however, the Kaiser insisted upon his decision, the Prussian officer obeyed. He subse quently endeavored, with inexhaustible diligence, to master the enormous detail of the work of the General Staff. There was something shy in his character; he seemed occasionally to have but little confidence in himself, and so he soon became totally dependent upon his collaborators. The great per sonal amiability and ardent human cordiality which he possessed made it difficult for him to gain that authority which is so essential to the chief of a Gen eral Staff. During my service with that staff, it was mentioned to me as typical that even the quar- PROGRESS OF THE WAR 201 termasters-general used to report to the old and in exorable Schlieffen with a certain feeling of nervous ness, whereas everybody Uked appearing before General von Moltke. General von Moltke was never a robust man. When the war broke out, he had just completed two drastic cures at Carlsbad. He entered the war as a sick man. The direction of the various armies by the chief of the general staff was a very loose one. His headquarters in Luxembourg were much too far removed from the scene of battle; and, at such a distance, he could not follow events with the neces sary accuracy — could not supervise them with the necessary clearness; possibly, too, the eye for the essential and the requisite rapidity of resolve failed him at the cmcial moments of the battle. In any case, the great imperfections of communication at that time gave rise to difficulties, so that there was occasionally a complete lack of connection with the advancing army. This destroyed the unity of lead ership; ultimately, the armies, when they had once started their advance and knew their road, waged war more or less independently, each communicating with its neighbor as occasion required. Immediately after the Battle of Longwy, I was called to the Great Headquarters in Luxembourg. I took the oppor tunity of talking quite unequivocally with Moltke's right-hand man, Lieutenant-Colonel Tappen, con cerning the loose control of the armies by the Higher 202 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Command, and I demanded the appointment of per manent liaison officers between the General Higher Command and the Higher Command of each army. The proposal was smilingly shelved with the remark that no change was necessary as everything was working excellently as it was. When the situation of the First and Second Armies became acute, the chief of the general staff sent Lieutenant-Colonel Hentsch as intelligence officer of the General Higher Command on a tour of inspection to the Higher Command in each army. As General von Kuhl once told me, the decision as to the course the battle was to take was laid in his hands. At the beginning of his tour, Hentsch appeared first at Varennes in the Higher Command of the Fifth Army on the afternoon of September 8. He gave us a sketch of the entire situation as far as it was known in Luxembourg. For a cool and impar tial judge, these details constituted anything but an unsatisfactory picture, although truly it was clear that the hitherto rapid and victorious advance had come to a standstill. On leaving us, Hentsch proceeded along the whole front to obtain a per sonal opinion concerning the Fourth, Third, Second and First Armies. Here began the unfortunate in fluences at which I have already hinted. Quite pos sibly, Hentsch really did receive some very bad im pressions, especially from the Higher Command of the Second Army; maybe his nerves gave way; at any rate, instead of encouraging the Higher Com- PROGRESS OF THE WAR 203 mand of the Second Army to unflinching resistance, he agreed to their retreating. The description which he gave of the dissolution of the Second Army and the use made of his supposed authority to order the retreat of the armies ultimately induced the First Army to fall back upon Soissons, though it did so with great reluctance and only because it had itself lost direct touch with the Second Army. In these critical days of Hentsch activity, my Higher Command attacked without success along the line Vavincourt — Rembercourt — Beauzee and St. Andre, and prepared a night attack for Septem ber 10, whose object was to procure us more free dom of action, since we were closely confined be tween Verdun and the trackless Argonne region. The General Higher Command, which had mani festly been more and more disquieted by Hentsch' s reports, at first disapproved of this plan for a night attack, in which the Thirteenth Army Corps (with the Twelfth Cavalry Division) and the Sixteenth Army Corps were to participate; however, after re peated representations had been made, permission was finally given. The attempt was therefore promptly undertaken and succeeded brilliantly. The army gained the line Louppy le Petit to the east of the Rembercourt heights, and the northeast of Courcelles-Souilly; Sarrail's army giving way to the extent of about 20 kilometres. On this 10th of September, Lieutenant-Colonel 204 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Hentsch returned via Varennes from his tour. Since he had first visited us, his view of the general situation had become pronouncedly pessimistic. He expressed himself hopeless as to the condition of the right wing, and demanded from me the immediate withdrawal of the Fifth Army. From his description, the First and Second Armies were now only fleeing remnants; the Third Army was maintaining itself with difficulty; the Fourth was in passable order. I told Lieutenant-Colonel Hentsch that an im mediate retreat of the Fifth Army was out of the question, since neither the general situation nor the position of the army imperatively called for it; further, that before the idea could be even enter tained, the removal of all my wounded from the ter ritory just gained would have to be assured. As Hentsch, despite these objections, became importu nate, I asked him for his written authorization. He could produce none; and I thereupon informed him that we were not in a position to comply with his wishes. With the retreat from the Marne, Schlieffen's great plan was frustrated. It was based on the rapid subjection of France. I shall never forget the terrible impression made upon me on Septem ber 11 by the sudden appearance in my Varennes and Argonne Headquarters of General von Moltke, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Tappen. The general was completely broken down, and was liter- PROGRESS OF THE WAR 205 ally struggling to repress his tears. According to his impressions, the entire German army had been de feated and was being rapidly and unceasingly rolled back. He explained that he did not yet know where this retreat could be brought to a standstill. How he had formed such a senseless conception was for us, at that time, beyond comprehension. He was astonished at the calm and confident view of the situation taken by the Higher Command of the Fifth Army. But he was not to be converted to a more optimistic opinion, and he demanded — as Hentsch had done the day before — the instant withdrawal of my army. As no imperative reasons for such a hasty step were even now perceptible, a Uvely controversy ensued which ended in my de claring that so long as I was commander-in-chief of my army, I bore the responsibility for that army and that I could not agree to an immediate with drawal on account of the necessary removal and proper transport of my wounded. With tears in his eyes, General von Moltke left us. From a hu man standpoint I felt the deepest sympathy with the utterly cmshed man, but, as a soldier and leader, I was unable to understand such a physical break down. During the afternoon of September 11, Colonel von Dommes brought me the further instmctions of the General Higher Command. My army was to fall back to the district east of St. Menehould. 206 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE The colonel suggested retaining the southern edge of the Forest of Argonne. The Higher Command of the Fifth Army decided, however, to go as far back northward as the line Apremont — Bauluy — Montfaucon — Gercourt, since it did not appear ad visable to remain ahead of the army (already re treating in compliance with the orders of the Gen eral Higher Command), especially as the liberated enemy forces were now in a position to advance from Verdun in any desired direction and thus threaten, not only the communications of the Fifth Army, but also those of the entire western army. Only after the removal of all its wounded did the Fifth Army withdraw. The retreat was carried out in perfect order from the 12th to the 15th of Sep tember and the new positions were taken up with a strong sense of superiority. There was no moles tation on the part of the enemy; Sarrail did not dare to attack us; and if he had, it would have been a bad thing for him. From the heights just to the north of Varennes, I watched the rear of the Thir teenth and Sixteenth Corps leave their trenches, and I can assert that, save for some cavalry patrols, no enemy forces followed our troops anywhere. In the course of the war I had the opportunity of talking over, with hundreds of officers of all grades, and with hundreds of the rank and file, the fatal incidents of the First Battle of the Marne. What I PROGRESS OF THE WAR 207 heard was always the same: we had completely re pulsed the French counter-attacks and had success fully reattacked ourselves, when the incomprehen sible orders to retreat arrived. My brother Eitel Fritz commanded at that time the First Regiment of Guards. Later on, he de scribed the day to me with honest wrath. "We were in full assault upon the French position," he said, "after having repulsed various French counter attacks. Our men were, it is tme, very fatigued; but they advanced courageously and determinedly. Everywhere the French were to be seen in full flight. We had victory in our hands, when suddenly an orderly officer appeared with that damned order to stop the attack at once and start the march back." He told me that it was the most agonizing experience of his life to have to go back with his brave men over the road that they had won with such severe strug gle, and to see the wounded who were now certain to fall into captivity. Our famous grenadiers re fused to believe it all and kept on asking: "Why must we fall back? We have beaten the French!" And they were right. The German army was not defeated at the Mame; it was withdrawn by its leaders. The battle was lost because the Highest Command gave it up as lost; in spite of the numerical superiority of the enemy — in the ratio of two to one — that Highest Command might have led its armies to victory, if it had clearly perceived the 208 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE situation and had acted adequately and resolutely. It is not post factum wisdom, but the expression of a view borne in upon me at the time, when I say that, by a vigorous condensation of our right wing for united action and by strengthening it with easily possible reinforcements from the left wing, a dis persal of the threatening danger might have been achieved without any serious difficulty. General von Moltke I saw only once afterwards. It was in the headquarters at Charleville. He had already been removed from his command; I found him aged by years; he was poring over the maps in a little room of the prefecture — a bent and broken man. The sight was most touching; words seemed impossible and out of place; a pressure of the hand said all that I could say. I was told later, on credible authority, that the unfortunate man sank into a morbid search after the reasons for his ill fate, that he tried to dis cover exonerations and justifications for his failure and lost himself in all manner of unfruitful mysti cism. In the end he died at Berlin of a broken heart. With him passed away a real Prussian officer and a high-minded nobleman. That he was faced with a task which exceeded his capacity, that, with a mistaken sense of duty, he undertook it against his will and conscious of his own inadequacy, proved fatal to him and to us. PROGRESS OF THE WAR 209 End of October, 1920. In this second half of this month, I have been over to the mainland again. It was on the 22d, the anniversary of my mother's birthday. — They were quiet, sad days in Doom; for it cannot escape the eye of any one who loves her that my mother's strength is waning, that sorrow is eating her up. The wound made in her maternal heart by the death of my brother Joachim has never healed; he was the weakest of us boys and claimed a greater share of her motherly care. On the birthday itself, she had to keep her bed. I could only sit beside her, hold her small hand in mine and talk to her. I told her a number of amus ing and harmless little anecdotes concerning my island household; and it was a pleasure to see a faint smile light up her kind features every now and then; but it was only a short flicker of sunshine, that was gone again almost instantly. And when she is up and walks through the rooms and her tired eyes wander caressingly over all the old furniture and mementos of her Berlin and Potsdam days, it is as though she were bidding them all a silent farewell. My uncle, Prince Henry, was also at Doom, and came over to Wieringen for a day on his way back. Muldner is to make another trip home in Novem ber to hear and see how things stand. These jour neys of his make me feel like Father Noah "who sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters 210 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE were abated from off the face of the ground." When will he return with the olive branch? Our old friend, the ever faithful and helpful Jena, is to take his place while he is gone, and to keep me and my two dogs and my cat company. A few weeks ago, I endeavored, in these sheets, to refute the silly twaddle which connects my name with our failure at the Battle of the Mame. I should like now to dissipate a second fable. 1 Among the many untruths disseminated about I me by spite or stupidity, is the assertion that I am ) answerable for the losses at Verdun and the ultimate i failure there. The persistence with which this legend crops up again and again makes an explana tion of the facts necessary. The order to attack Verdun naturally did not proceed from me; it originated in a decision of the General Higher Command. The intention and the G. H. C.'s reasons for the enterprise find expression in a report to the Kaiser by General von Falken- hayn, as head of the commander-in-chief's General Staff, at Christmas, 1915. This report contains the following passage: — "Behind the French section of the western front, there are, within range, objects for whose retention the French are compelled to risk their last man. If they do so, the French forces, since there is no option, will be bled white, whether we reach our objective or not. If the French do PROGRESS OF THE WAR 211 not risk everything, and the objective falls into our hands, the moral effects upon France will be enor mous. For this local operation, Germany will not ) be forced to expose seriously her other fronts. She j can confidently face the divertive attacks to be ex pected at other points, nay, she may hope to spare troops enough to meet them with counter-attacks." Soon afterwards, the General Higher Command j issued orders for the advance on Verdun. The-jJ G. H. C. was unquestionably influenced by our nu- ! merical inferiority and the wish to anticipate an expected attack by the enemy with unenfeebled ; forces at some spot unsuitable to ourselves. British 1 organization had by this time become effective; the French had been relieved. In the spring of 1916, i the enemy troops in the west outnumbered our own i by more than a million; according to General von Falkenhayn's own figures, the Germans totalled 2,350,000 against 3,470,000 of the Entente, and we ' were also vastly out-munitioned. In judging of the plan, the Higher Command of the Fifth Army took the view that both sides of the Meuse must be attacked simultaneously and with < strong forces. Such a proceeding was vetoed by I the General Higher Command. The attack on the east bank only was carried out under the direct in structions of the G. H. C; and it would probably have succeeded but for the intervention of un toward circumstances. 212 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE The preparations for the attack had quite escaped the notice of the French. The concentration of the artillery had not been interfered with in any way; the attacking infantry had suffered scarcely any Josses in the initial assault. Everything had been brilliantly prepared. Then, on the eve of the day originally selected for the attack, storms of rain and snow set in which prevented every possibility of the artillery seeing their objective. From day to day the attack had to be postponed, so that it actually took place 10 days later than originaUy arranged. The Higher Command of the Fifth Army passed an agonizing time; for, as things stood, every hour lost meant a diminution of our prospects of speedy success. As a matter of fact, in that period of waiting, our purpose was betrayed by two miserable rascals of the Landwehr who de- 1 serted to the French. Nevertheless, it was no longer possible for our enemies to carry out their counter-measures quickly enough. The attack began on February 21, 1916; and the huge successes of the first three days are well known. The infantry of the Third, Eighteenth, and Seventh Reserve Corps performed marvels of i courage. The taking of Fort Douaumont crowned ' everything. Indeed, we should, after all, have suc ceeded in mshing the entire east front of Verdun, if the reserves promised us had arrived on time. Why they failed to do so is not within my knowl edge. PROGRESS OF THE WAR 213 I was told by Captain von Brandis, who stormed Fort Douaumont, that, on the fourth day, he had observed a complete absence of Frenchmen in the whole district of Douaumont — Sonville — Tavannes. But our own troops had exhausted their strength; the weather was horrible, and rations could not everywhere be brought up as needed. That it would have been quite possible to take the entire \ east front of Verdun by at once continuing the attack is clear from the fact that the local lead ers of the French had already ordered the evacua tion. Only later was this order countermanded by General Joffre. But, from the statements and de scriptions which I have recently seen in a report by a French officer who fought at Verdun, it is evident that, on the third day, the defense of the east front there was actually broken. Moreover, the great- danger of the position for the French on February 24 has been described by General Mangin in the ; Revue des Deux Mondes. The fatigue of our troops after a huge military performance and the lack of reserves despoiled us of the prize of victory. I bring no accusation ; I merely record the fact. From that day onward, surprises were no longer possible; and the early, impetuous advances by storm gave place to a gigantic wrestle and stmggle for every foot of ground. Within a few weeks, L perceived clearly that it would not be feasible to 214 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE break through the stubborn defense, and that our own losses would ultimately be quite out of propor tion to the gains. Consequently, I soon did every thing in my power to stop the attacks; and I re peatedly gave expression to my views and the de ductions to be drawn from them. In this matter I stood somewhat opposed to my then chief of staff, General Schmidt von Knobelsdorf, and my rep resentations were at first put aside; the orders ran A' continue to attack." That, in consideration of the high moral values attaching to the continuance of the enterprise, a contrary opinion would have had to overcome enormous opposition, and that the G. H. Command was bound to look at the stmggle for Verdun from a different standpoint than that of the Higher Command of the Fifth Army, must be un conditionally conceded. Still, even looked at from that superior standpoint, I believe my suggestions to have been correct. When, later on, the situation became so acute 1 that, in view of the futility of the sacrifices, I felt unable to sanction the continuation of the attack, I reported personally to the Kaiser and made written representations to the G. H. Command; whereupon the Kaiser adopted my view and granted the de sired cessation of the attack. After the resigna tion, on August 29, of General Falkenhayn, the head of the commander-in-chief's General Staff and of the Operation Department, the orders to cease at- PROGRESS OF THE WAR 215 tacking were issued by Field-Marshal General von Hindenburg on September 2, 1916, together with in stmctions to convert into a permanent position the lines that had been reached. Regrettable as the final result may be, it should not be forgotten that, although the attack on Ver dun cost us very heavy losses, the French suffered even more than we did. About seventy-five French divisions were battered to pieces in the devil's caul dron of Verdun. Hence, the force of the French shock at the Somme was very greatly diminished by Verdun; and it is impossible to say what the effects of the Somme advance might have been had not the Battle of Verdun reduced and weakened the re sources of France in men and in material. I feel that I cannot close my remarks concerning my attitude towards the stmggle for Verdun with out a reference to the cowardly and slanderous con tumely cast upon me during the past two years by those German newspapers which prefer to make use of a cheap slogan rather than allow tmth to prevaU. Just during the last few days, I have read it once more: "The Crown Prince, the laughing murderer of Verdun." Gall and wormwood in the little light left me on this island, which, for three hundred out of the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, is wrapt in fog and storm. 216 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE "The laughing murderer of Verdun!" So that's what I am, is it? One might almost come to be lieve it tme, after hearing the calumny so often. It cuts me to the quick, because it concerns what I had saved as my last imperishable possession out of the war and out of the collapse. It touches the unsoiled reminiscences of my relations to the troops intrusted to me; it touches the conviction that those men and I understood and tmsted each other, that we had a right to believe in one another, be cause each had given his best and done his best. What was to be told of Verdun and my part in the contest for the fortress I have already told. It remains for me to say something about my relations to the troops and about my laughter. It goes rather against the grain to say much concerning the former point. I will only mention that, in the untold fights which took place, I had grown as fond of my brave and sturdy troops as though they were my own children; and I did every thing in my power to ensure them recreation, quiet, rations, care and rewards in so far as these were at all possible in the hard circumstances of the war. Whenever feasible — that is, whenever my duties permitted me to leave the Higher Command of my group for any length of time — I joined my fighting troops in the fire-zone to see with my own eyes how things stood; and, wherever it could be managed, I personally saw that something was done to relieve their hardships. PROGRESS OF THE WAR 217 In the Argonne it was the same as at Verdun or in the chalk-pits of Champagne; and, among the many hundreds of thousands who came under my command in the course of the terrible war, there can be very few indeed who did not see me in their sector. Therefore, I can dispense with many words, and boldly call upon all my brave officers, non commissioned officers, and men of the old Fifth Army and my Army Group to testify to my rela tions with them. The knowledge that they repaid my love with incomparable soldierly qualities, with fidelity and with courage, that they were per sonally attached to me, is for me to-day a source of happiness that has remained to me out of the past, and that no thoughtless agitator shall destroy with his mendacious attacks. "The Crown Prince, the laughing murderer of Verdun!" So then, now for my laughter! Yea, truly, I was wont to laugh in my young years. I was never a moper or a stay-at-home. I was fond of laughter; for I found life joyous and bountiful, and laughter was for me, as it were, an expression of gratitude to destiny for letting me rejoice in my strength with freshness, health and faith. Even in the war, despite all its bitter trials, I never completely lost my capacity for laughter. Every one who went through it like a man must have experienced, in just the most terrible periods, the desire to be rid of all that unheard-of horror, of 218 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE all that death and destmction, must have felt an almost greedy impulse towards every sensation and every assuring expression of this life that hangs between the present and the undoubtedly better hereafter. Thus, at that time also, I made no his trionic mask of my face for the benefit of the re cording public, but showed myself as I was. That, even at the time, at home and perhaps be hind the lines, my laughter aroused censure here and there I know perfectly well. "The Crown Prince," people said, "always looks happy; he does not take things very seriously." Oh, you dear, kind, captious critics, what did you know about it? If I had troubled half as much about you then as you did about me, my laughter would doubtless have vanished. But I troubled myself only about one thing — about the men in trusted to me, the men who were bearing the bmnt of things. And if those old warriors of mine, who were then the care of my heart and whom I look back to stUl in love and comrade-like attachment, if they had objected to my laughter, then I would admit you people to be right ! But they understood and thanked me. For their sakes I really did laugh and smile, even when I felt in anything but a laugh ing mood. Pictures of those bitter days rise before me. I recall a review of the recmits. Last year's batch of young fellows have just completed their PROGRESS OF THE WAR 219 training and are to leave for the front. Six hun dred dear, bright German lads, scarcely out of their boyhood, stand there. They are really still much too young for the difficult task. Their bright eyes are turned expectantly and feverishly upon me; what wiU the Crown Prince say to them? I feel a lump in my throat, and my eyes are inclined to get dim; for I had seen only too many go and too few return, and these are scarcely more than children ! Dare I let these lads see what is passing within me ? No! — I pull myself together and smUe; then I say to them: "Comrades, think of our homeland; it must be; it is hard for me to let you go, but you will accompUsh your task. Show yourselves worthy of the comrades at the front. God bless you !" And they cheer and start confidently on their way. A big battle is in progress. Serious reports are arriving from the front; the enemy have penetrated into our lines at a dangerous spot. I am sitting in the room of my chief of staff with the map before me and the telephone at my side. We have brought up the reserves; the artUlery and the fliers are in ac tion ; and we await reports. The telephone rings, and I snatch up the receiver. Report from Army Higher Command: "The breach has widened, but we hope to halt in lines A to B." The weightiest cares press upon the chief of staff and the commander-in-chief. There are no more reserves at our disposal; the last man and the last machine-gun have been sent in. 220 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Now the soldiers must do it by themselves. Will it succeed ? I walk out to step into my car and motor to the neighborhood of the attack. Hundreds of soldiers fill the road; their inquiring eyes are bent anxiously upon me. The difficulties of the situation up at the front have got about; it looks very much like a dis position to panic here. I get up and call out to them: — "Boys, there is heavy fighting going on, but we shall manage it, we must manage it, and you must help me!" I smile at them. They doubt less say to one another: "It's a tough job, and it may cost us a lot. But he trusts to us, and he keeps a good heart himself; it'll be all right." And, in place of the ominous silence that met me when I came out, loud cheers of encouragement follow me as I drive off. Another picture. It is after the severe stmggle on the Chemin des Dames. I drive to a regiment that has just returned from the fighting to recuperate for a few days on the Bove Ridge. The men have quar tered themselves in shell-holes and in old French dugouts. I talk with many of them; they are ut terly fatigued. In one of the shell-holes a party of corporals are playing the card-game of skat. I sit down with them and add three marks to the pool. Their tongues are loosed. They are all thoroughbred Berliners. Most of them know me. At first they grumble at the length of the war, but PROGRESS OF THE WAR 221 they add: "Well, we'll set the kid on its toddlers." Soon I have to leave for other troops. An old chap stands up — a man of quite forty-five — and holds out his homy hand to me, saying: — "You're our ole Willem, and we shan't forget your comin' to see us 'ere; when we goes back to the front, we'll think o' you, and you shan't 'ave no cause to com plain o' us." A thunder of hurrahs echoed over the blood-soaked Chemin des Dames. So much for my laughter then; and I can only confess: I can laugh still. In spite of all the blows of fate, in spite of all vexations, reverses and lone liness, I stiU often feel it welling up in me; and I thank God that He has left me that ! I felt it only yesterday while playing with the fisher chUdren over there in Den Oever; and I felt it the other day while talking with the smith's man. December, 1920. Muldner has come back. How does the passage about Noah run in the Bible? "But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. "And he stayed yet another seven days." So there is nothing for it but to take one's heart in both hands and to enter the third winter on the island. 222 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE One great delight I have had: a visit ! My little sister has been with me for a few days on her way home from Doom. Any one who could know what we have been to one another from childhood (the "big brother" of the little sister and vice versd) would understand and appreciate how much this reunion after such a long time meant to us two. Scarcely was the little Duchess gone, when the storms burst across the sea — wild and ceaseless by day and by night. They almost carried away the roof of the parsonage from over our heads. Winter has mshed upon us this time in a big attack — with a sudden fall of the temperature, with snow blizzards and hard frosts and masses of ice in the Zuyder Zee. It is worse than even the first bitter winter that we spent here two years ago. A biting northeaster and driving ice in the sea make communication with the mainland almost im possible. Added to this is a breakdown of the tele phone, so that we are quite cut off from the world. And the latest news from the sick-bed of my mother was so very grave that the worst is to be feared. When I think of it, there comes to me as it were a prayer: "Not now — not in days like these." By three o'clock, or, at the latest, by four, it is night. Then I seat myself beside the little iron stove with the paraffin lamp and my books and papers before me. When my eyes wander over the book-shelves, I PROGRESS OF THE WAR 223 think to myself: "What a lot you have read and ploughed through in the past two years ! More than in all the thirty-six that preceded them." During the war, the Higher Command of my Fifth Army and my Army Group often received visitors from the homeland and from neutral coun tries. Of these visits I propose to say something here. The German federal Princes frequently came to see their troops, and I was able thoroughly to dis cuss, with some of them, the whole situation and the position of affairs at home; often enough their warnings were directed towards trying to find some possible opportunity for an arrangement with the enemy, a view which I heartily shared. It is to be regretted that the German federal Princes were not oftener heard by the Imperial Government; many of them clearly foresaw the catastrophe. The federal character of the German Realm (so carefully guarded by Bismarck) was only too often relegated to the background during the last fifteen years of the em pire by reason of the excessive centralization at Berlin. People overlooked the fact that it was just the more local and tribal pride of the different states which best helped to cement them together into a realm. Of the prominent personages who visited me from allied and from friendly states I should like to men tion Enver Pasha, Crown Prince Boris of Bulgaria, 224 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Count Tisza, Kaiser Karl and Sven Hedin. Count Ottokar Czemin was with me twice. We had some exhaustive political talks; and I received the im pression that the Count was a high-minded, upright and clever statesman who surveyed the actual situa tion clearly and wished to reckon with facts. In the summer of 1917, he came to see me at Charle- ville; we discussed thoroughly the highly critical condition of things, and he was of the opinion that the Dual Monarchy was on the point of exhaustion, that it only kept itself going by means of stimulants and that we, also, had passed the zenith of our mUi tary power. He foresaw the coming collapse and wished to prevent it by comprehensive and tangible concessions to the enemy. A peace by agreement on the basis of surrender and sacrifices on the part of the Central Powers was his object; and his re marks disclose a certain conviction that this aim might be achieved provided the necessary steps were taken. We ought to relinquish Alsace-Lorraine and to find compensation in the east, where an annexa tion of Poland and Galicia to Germany should be worked for. Austria, on her part, was prepared, not merely to relinquish Galicia, but also to cede the Trentino to Italy. Knowing only too well the difficulties of our position, I could not turn a deaf ear to his suggestions; but I pointed out to him that any such proposals as those he was now putting forward were bound to meet with strong opposition PROGRESS OF THE WAR 225 in Germany. People at home saw our victorious armies standing well advanced into enemy territory; the majority believed thoroughly in our chances of success; they would not be amenable to the idea of giving up old Imperial territory just to get peace, just to keep the defense unbroken. Notwithstand ing my recognition of these difficulties and my utter scepticism concerning the Poland compensation idea, I carefully weighed the sacrifice required from us by Czernin's scheme against the incalculable disaster into which I believed we should glide if the war were continued; and I told the Count that I would do all in my power to support his views, especially with the leaders of the army. The steps thereupon taken by Count Czernin himself failed. The Im perial Government seemed to consider the sacrifice expected from us to be too great. Unless I am mis taken, Bethmann HoUweg appeared particularly scared by the problem: "How am I to acquaint the Reichstag and the people with the truth?" Still less receptive to the Count's proposals was the Gen. Upper Command; as General Ludendorff explained, they regarded it as incomprehensible, with the armies unbeaten, that we should talk of giving up ancient German territory which had been so long under foreign domination and had been regained with German blood. I give due honor to all the arguments put forward by General Ludendorff in defense of his standpoint: they are to be found in 226 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE his memoirs, and proceeded from the optimistic heart of a fine soldier, not from the mind of a cool and judicial statesman. On my side, I endeavored to see the problem in its simplest form, namely: "Prestige in the French portions of Alsace or the existence of the realm?" Hence, I advocated an attempt on the lines suggested by Czernin. But my sole success was that I was said to have "got limp" and to have gone over to the political "bears." Dutch, Swedish, Spanish and, at the outset, American miUtary missions were frequently our guests. Among them, there was many an excellent and sympathetic officer. Several times, too, German parliamentarians found their way to me. There came, for instance, von Heydebrand, Oldenburg- Januschau, Kampf, Schulze- Bromberg, Trimborn, Fischbeck, David, Hermann Muller. With the Majority Socialist, David, I had a long and interesting talk in the summer of 1917. Although our views, naturally, were anything but identical, we found many points of agreement. On my inquiring as to the next demands on his party programme, he stressed the necessity for an Act to Aid the Unemployed. In reply to my objection that it would be very difficult to determine, in every case, whether the unemployment were really un deserved, he assured me that a very rigorous check would be exercised so as to exclude all possibility of abuse. When I read nowadays of the enormous PROGRESS OF THE WAR 227 sums expended by the realm and by the munici palities in assisting the unemployed, my mind occa sionally reverts to that talk with "Comrade" David: have David and the other fathers of the Act really succeeded in carrying into practice their theory of a check to exclude all abuse ? I could wish it, but I am inclined to doubt it. After David had left me, I received an account of a little incident that happened to him during his journey through the war zone, an incident which reveals him as a very admirable man. In a small place were posted some Landwehr men and some columns consisting mostly of elder men who had ceased to care much for the war. They recognized David and explained to him that they wanted to go home — wanted to fight no more. Thereupon, the Social Democrat David made them a vigorous speech, in which he told them that every one had to do his duty, that striking in the face of the enemy was quite out of the question. The speech did not miss its mark. In July, 1918, I conversed with Herr von Heyde- brand about our situation and our war aims; and I was touched by the optimism with which he regarded the future even at that time. He was quite dis mayed when I disclosed to him the naked tmth, when I told him that, for a long time, we had been conducting a war of desperation on the west front, conducting it with fatigued and exhausted troops 228 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE agamst vastly superior forces. ' On my giving him accurate figures and other evidence in proof of my assertions and explaining to him our bitterly griev ous position in regard to reserves, he appeared scarcely able to grasp the hard actuality unfolded before his eyes. Afterwards my chief of staff con firmed for him what I had said and furnished him with further particulars. — Herr von Heydebrand then told me that, from what he had now learned he must recognize that, hitherto, he had cherished a totally false view of our situation; he and his party had been utterly misinformed in Berlin. The over-rosy official view also explains the other wise inexplicable and frequently exaggerated aims of the pan-Germans who have been so decried on account of their mistaken demands. Like many others, they really knew nothing of the actual situa tion. They wanted to point the people to some tangible war aims. France was fighting for Alsace- Lorraine, England for the domination of the seas and for her trade monopoly, Russia for Constanti nople and for ice-free access to the ocean, Italy for the "unredeemed provinces." What was Germany fighting for ? To this the pan-German party wished to give the answer; and the simple tmth "for her life, for her unscathed existence, for her unob structed development" did not sound strong enough. And yet of all war slogans it was the only firm, strong and worthy one. PROGRESS OF THE WAR 229 Out of a land of dreams millions of Germans were suddenly dragged into pitiless and harsh reality by the unfortunate events of the year 1918. It affords imperishable testimony to the fatal effects of artificially cultivating an iU-founded optimism, effects especially fatal when, in war time, the judg ment on the general situation is too favorable. Nay, I maintain that the coUapse of Germany would never have developed into such a terrible catas trophe, if the severe reverses at the front, which they considered utterly impossible, had not torn the peo ple out of all the illusions anxiously fostered by offi cial personages. They had universally believed everything to be highly favorable and prosperous; and now, all of a sudden, they had to see that they had been duped by misleading propaganda. So ef fectually had this thoughtless, vague optimism been instilled into their minds that, even in times of the greatest excitement, tired people took refuge in it and very few had the energy or self-reliant cour age to picture to themselves the results of a possible defeat. And, yet, it was just such as these few who drew from their inner conflicts with final bitter possibilities a stronger power of resistance, since they learned thereby that every supremest effort was essential for stmggle and victory, that defeat meant destmction. The lack of uprightness and tmthfulness which arose from loose thinking and which had become 230 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE second nature to many gentlemen in responsible positions, has taken a bitter revenge. With the opiate of eternal reassurances that all is well you cannot stimulate to the acme of effort either the individual or the community. A much stronger effect is obtained by honestly pointing out that enormous tasks are to be accomplished in a life-and- death stmggle, that this stmggle is harder than any that a people has ever passed through, and that, unless all is to be lost, no nerve must weaken, no soul become lax, in the ups and downs of this vital con flict. Clear knowledge as to the results of a possi ble defeat ought not to have been withheld from the people at home, and the horror of the strife at the front ought never to have been disguised for them by a false mystification when failures occurred. I am not here advocating any doleful damping of peoples' spirits; all I say is, that, from the outset, the German people ought to have been honored by assuming it to be mature enough to face the whole hard tmth and to steel its heart by gazing at it. Hundreds and hundreds of times, I said to my troops: "Comrades, things are going hard with us. They are bitterly difficult. It is a case of life and death for you and for all that we Germans have. Whether we shall pull through I do not know. But I have every faith in you that you will not desert one another or the cause. There is no other way out of PROGRESS OF THE WAR 231 it; and so, forward, for God and with God, for the Kaiser and the realm ! for all that you love and re fuse to see crushed." Such things as these ought to have been told the people at home according as the situation called for it. But the authorities preferred to ration the tmth. The result was that the nation, starving for news, snatched greedily for mmors and tittle-tattle as substitutes for what was kept from them; while dis trust and disintegrating doubt grew apace. These false tactics began at the First Battle of the Marne; and we never got rid of them till the coUapse came. The German press is not to be blamed for the mistaken views of its readers; the evil had its roots in the source from which the information was sup- pUed to the press. An honest desire for the tmth was displayed throughout by the newspapers of all shades of opinion, though naturally party views and personal interests played their part. During the war, press representatives of the most diverse political opinions, and especially war correspondents who were my guests and whom I met over and over again with the fighting troops, complained to me that they were not permitted to write of the things as they saw them, that they might only give their readers an inkling of the tmth, but not tell them the full seriousness of the situation. Very bad news it was thought preferable to suppress altogether. Especially when matters were critical at the front, 232 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the red pencil wallowed in the despatches and re ports; and what ultimately remained had often as sumed quite a different air when denuded of its context. The censor's office, by reason of its effect upon these reports of immediate eye-witnesses, has sinned very grievously against the country. New Year's Eve, 1920. Half an hour ago, we rose from our modest cele bration of New Year's Eve — Miildner, Zobeltitz and myself. Thus quite a little party ! How delighted I was when, as soon as the ice per mitted, Zobel came over. But, after all, the evening has been a quiet and oppressive one. It was as though each of us hung secretly in the web of his own thoughts, and as if each, when he spoke, was anxiously choosing his words lest he might touch some old wound or sore. It was fortunate that we had good old Zobel with us in his orange-colored jersey. His melancholy humor is inexhaustible; and he has the knack of making the hardest things softer and more bearable by means of his dry, quiet wise fooling. What a lot passes through one's mind in such hours ! Past, present, future — like the medley of a cinema picture, one's self being only a helpless spectator. PROGRESS OF THE WAR 233 And my family — wife, children, parents, brothers and sister — somewhere each of them on this last night of the old year has been thinking of me. Dear comrades of the field — living and dead! Friends, even though the end was so different from your wishes, the sacrifices you made for our poor country, for our longings and for our hopes will not be lost. Your deeds remain a sacred example and the best seed for a new period in which the Germans shall again vigorously beUeve in themselves and their mission — for a period that will come, that must come. And all the other faces out of pre-war years! But all that seems now to me to be much longer ago; it is as if a thin film of dust were settling upon it. There is so much that one cannot imagine again as it used to be. I fancy we have all learned a great deal by bitter experience. And yet it is only seven years ago. How fast life mshes on ! And in another seven years? God knows, the lot of us Germans is miserable enough now, and I, personally, cannot exactly com plain of any preferential treatment. But when I look forward into the future, I seem to feel that we must find the way up to the light again at no very distant date. January, 1921. It is still winter weather; but it is almost toler able again; the unbearably depressing isolation 234 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE caused by the floating ice has been broken; the post has arrived, and we are once again a part of the world. — Spring-tides and hurricanes are things which — considering the moods of the climate here — are best regarded as harmless excesses not to be noticed overmuch. Almost as soon as we were "ice-free," Zobel left, disguised as an Arctic explorer. I myself was over in Doom again for a few days to make up for not being there at Christmas. Now, those quiet hours with my mother and the long talks with my father belong to the past, and only the great winter silence lies before me. Those talks with my father! There is hardly a problem of our past which did not crop up in the course of them. And, whenever I am with him and see how he worries himself to trace the road of our destiny, when I recognize that, with all our mis fortune, he sought always to do the best for the realm and the people intrusted to him, I feel the bitter injustice done him by a great portion of our people in not allowing anything that he accom plished to be of any value, in burying under the ruins of an unsuccessful peace poUcy all that was great and good and imperishable in the thirty years of my father's reign. I believe myself to be fairly free from blindness to the mistakes of the throne in Germany during re cent decades; and possibly these sheets bear testi- PROGRESS OF THE WAR 235 mony, here and there, to my wish to see clearly and to speak frankly of what I see. That, in my opin ion, much that, at the present time, is generally at tributed to the Kaiser should rather be charged to the unhappy influence of unsuitable advisers has been stated already. With all that, however, these memoirs would give a one-sided idea of my views concerning the activities of my father, if they did not expressly record my full recognition of the great personal share taken by him in the prosperous development of the empire. His services to the empire began when he was still a prince. In the years following the war of 1870-71, the army remained stationary for a long time. The officers were, in part, too old, but people did not care to pension off men who had done such excellent work in the war, and a very cautious at titude was adopted towards innovations generally. The well-tried principles on which the war with France had been won were to be kept, as far as pos sible, intact. It was, therefore, greatly to his credit that the young Prince William recognized the perils inherent in this stagnation. He used the whole force of his personality to effect an up-to- date reorganization of our army training, an effort which cost him many a severe conflict. I remem ber that my father, much to the astonishment of the great generals, caused the heavy artillery of the Fortress of Spandau to take part in the manoeuvres 236 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE of the Potsdam garrison, a thing till then quite un known. In further production of this idea he sub sequently, as Kaiser, took a large share in fostering the growth of our heavy artillery. The develop ment of our engineer troops is also largely due to his personal initiative. He also devoted himself energetically to the cultivation of a patriotic, self- sacrificing spirit in the army, and, wherever he could, he advocated the maintenance of traditions and of esprit de corps of the various troops. The creation of our navy I regard as solely attribut able to my father; in this he took the great step into the world which was essential for Germany if she were to become a world power and not remain merely a Continental one. But we owe to him not only our navy; he likewise took an active share in the development of our mercantile fleet. In the sphere of labor legislation he played a leading part; and there is a touch of the tragic in the fact that it was the labor party who finally brought about his fall, although for their sake he had gone through the first great conflicts of his reign and caused the SociaUst Act to be quashed. CHAPTER VI THE GREAT COLLAPSE For the great Rheims offensive in the month of July, 1918, the General Higher Command had brought together all our disposable forces, reserving only some fresh divisions and heavy artillery with the Prince Rupprecht Army Group for the Hagen attack. When this move upon Rheims failed, I no longer entertained any doubt that matters at the front as well as affairs at home were drifting to wards the final catastrophe — a catastrophe which was inevitable unless, at this eleventh hour, great decisions were formed and energetically carried out. My chief of staff, Count von der Schulenburg, fully shared my views, and consequently, after the enemy's great offensive of Villers-Cotterets, we left no means untried to persuade the General Higher Command to adopt two measures above all; namely, the placing of affairs at the front and affairs at home on a sounder basis. In consideration of our extremely difficult mili tary situation, we regarded it as requisite that the entire front should be immediately withdrawn to the Antwerp-Meuse position. This would have brought with it a whole series of advantages. In 237 238 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the first place we should have moved far enough from the enemy to give our severely fatigued and morally depressed troops time to rest and recuper ate. Moreover, the entire front would have been considerably shortened; and the naturally strong formation of the Meuse front in the Ardennes would have afforded us, even with relatively weak forces, a strong line of resistance. In this way a saving of reserves could be effected. The weak spots of the front naturally remained the right wing in Belgium and the left at Verdun. Our views of the situation were laid before the Higher Command in a report in which we stated that everything now depended upon withstanding the attacks of the enemy until the wet weather set in, which would be about the end of November. If we had not the forces to hold the long front line, we ought to make a timely withdrawal to a shorter one. It was immaterial where we halted; the im portant point was to keep our army unbeaten and in fighting condition. Our left wing between Sedan and the Vosges could not retire and must therefore be strengthened with reserves. The Higher Command replied that they could, at most, decide to withdraw to the starting-point of the spring advance of 1918. They adopted the view — in itself perfectly correct — that, first, a further retirement would be an admission of our weakness, which would lead to the most undesirable political THE GREAT COLLAPSE 239 deductions on the part of the enemy; secondly, that our railways would not enable us to evacuate quickly the extensive war zone beyond the Antwerp-Meuse position, so that immense quantities of munitions and stores would fall into the hands of the enemy; thirdly, that the Antwerp-Meuse line would form an unfavorable permanent position, since the rail ways, having no lateral communications, would render cumbrous and slow the transport of troops behind the front and from one wing to another. We, however, were of opinion that a retirement was unavoidable and that it would be better to withdraw while the troops were capable of fighting than to wait till they were utterly exhausted. Poli tics, we thought, ought to yield to the military neces sity of retaining an efficient army. The loss of material and the unfavorable railway facilities could not be helped; we should have to fall back; and it would be better to do so in time. At home we wanted energetic, inexorable and thorough leadership — dictatorship, suppression of all revolutionary attempts, exemplary punishment of deserters and shirkers, militarization of the muni tion works, etc., expulsion of doubtful foreigners and so on. But our proposals and warnings had no effect; we knew, therefore, what was coming. We soon saw ourselves in the midst of the disin tegration; we had to watch with open eyes the in- 240 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE evitable catastrophe approaching nearer and nearer, day by day, ever faster and ever more insatiable. When I look back and compare the past, that time is the saddest of my life — sadder even than the critical months at Verdun or the deeply painful days, weeks and months that followed the catas trophe. With an anxious heart I entered every morning the office of the Army Group; I was always prepared for bad news and received it only too often. The drives to the front, which had previously been a pleasure and recreation for me, were now filled with bitterness. The staff officers' brows were furrowed with care. Wherever I went, the troops, though stiU unimpeachable in their demeanor — willing, friendly and cheerful in their salutes — were worn to death. My heart turned within me when I beheld their hollow cheeks, their lean and weary figures, their tattered and dirty uniforms; one would fain have said: "Go home, comrade, have a good long sleep, have a good hearty meal — you've done enough," when these brave fellows used to pull themselves together smartly on my addressing them or shaking hands with them. And the pity of it all was, I could not help them; these tired and worn- out men were the last remnants of our strength, they would have to be worked remorselessly, if we were to avoid a catastrophe and obtain a peace that was at all tolerable for Germany. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 241 So, from day to day, I had to look on while the old virility of my bravest division dwindled away, while vigor and confidence were bled whiter and whiter in the incessant and arduous battles. As things stood, no rest could be allowed to the war worn troops, or at most only a day now and then. Instead of a drastic shortening of the front, we had still the old extent to cover with our anaemic and decimated divisions. It soon became quite im possible to do so at all adequately. Clamors for re lief and rest were made to me, which I found myself unable to grant. Reinforcements stopped almost completely; and the few little groups that dribbled out to us were only of inferior value. They consisted mostly of old and worn-out soldiers sent back to the front again; often they were gleaned from the hos pitals in a half-convalescent condition; often they were half-grown lads with no proper training and no sort of discipline. The majority of them were of a refractory and unmly disposition — an outcome of the agitators' work at home and of the feebleness of the Government who did nothing to counteract these agitators and their revolutionary intrigues. That the source of disintegration lay at home and that thence there flowed to the front an ever-renewed and poisonous stream of agitatory, mutinous and rebellious elements no unprejudiced observer could question. This conviction is not, by any means, based solely upon the views of military circles at the 242 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE front; during my journeys on furlough and otherwise, I saw for myself behind the lines and at home what was going on. From these personal observations I became con vinced that this movement had its source in the in adequate feeding and care given to the people at home; so that, especially in the last year and a half of the war, the revolutionary tendencies grew so rank that they choked every better disposition. And I put the blame less upon the people, who hungered and pinched at home for their Fatherland, than upon those who were called to provide for something better, to see that things were more justly distributed and with an energy that showed no respect of persons. Finally, I blame those men at the head of affairs who, when they saw the failure of existing forces, omitted to create a post and ap point an official who, with unlimited powers and freed from all the hindrances and encumbrances of the old officialdom, should enforce the necessary measures with dictatorial authority. That, during the menacing years of crisis, we did nothing to make economic provision for the war, and that we were therefore quite unprepared in an eco nomic sense, I have stated above in discussing the years preceding the catastrophe of 1914. The error of that period was immensely magnified during the war by lack of foresight and by clinging to a system which maintained itself by one makeshift after THE GREAT COLLAPSE 243 another. The decisions and schemes adopted were not precautionary; they came merely in reply to the incessant knocks of necessity. A characteristic example is the mania for commandeering that took possession of the State, which appeared just when there was scarcely anything left to seize and which was doomed to failure also owing to a wide-spread corruption not infrequently winked at and encour aged. All this does not, by any means, exonerate the radicalism of the left or its filibustering followers, whose policy was to draw party advantage and to profiteer by the war, from an inexpiable share of re sponsibUity for our miserable collapse after four years' heroic fighting. It only admits that minds cannot be enmeshed until circumstances have crip pled their energy and rendered them open to the specious arguments of the agitator; it only admits that those who ought to have nourished the people with spiritual and bodily food, who ought to have assured its will to victory and its patriotic spirit in a sound body — that these very men unfortunately helped to pave the way for its downfall. Even as early as the beginning of the year 1917, I received, from conversations with many simple people in Berlin, the impression that weariness of the war was already very great. I also saw a great and a menacing change in the streets of Berlin. Their characteristic feature had gone: the contented face 244 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE of the middle-class man had vanished; the honest, hard-working bourgeoisie, the clerk and his wife and children, slunk through the streets, hollow-eyed, lantem-jawed, pale-faced and clad in threadbare clothing that had become much too wide for their shmnken limbs. Side by side with them jostled the puffed-up profiteer and all the other rogues of like kidney. It goes without saying that these contrasts aroused dissatisfaction and bitterness in the hearts of those who suffered, and whose faith in the justice and fairness of the authorities was severely shaken. Nevertheless, nothing was done to remove the evil; in the fullest sense of the saying, whoever wished to profiteer profiteered — profiteered in state contracts, in essential victuals, in raw materials, in party gains for the benefit of the "International." The effects of all this were severely felt, both be hind the lines and at the front. Every bitter letter from home carried the bacillus; every soldier re turning from furlough who had come into touch with these things and told his impressions to his overtaxed comrades, helped to spread the disease; and it was aggravated by every refractory young rascal who had grown up without a father's care and whom the home authorities shunted to the front because they could not manage him themselves. The sources from which the losses of the troops were made good were the deputy-general commands THE GREAT COLLAPSE 245 at home. Their enormous significance was not sufficiently recognized, nor their value properly ap preciated in selecting the individuals who were to re place the commanding generals and chiefs of staff. From the outset, old men were appointed — often worthy and deserving soldiers who enthusiastically placed their services at the disposal of their country, but who had no proper estimate of the energies and capacities left to them. People wished not to be un grateful, wished to provide a sphere of activity for these wUling patriots in which they could do no harm; it also gave an opportunity of liberating fresher forces for the front. All this may have been very well, so long as we could reckon with a short war and with the stability of home affairs as they stood in 1914; but it ought to have been drastically ordered to fit in with new ideas, when the duration of the war could no longer be estimated even ap proximately, when it became necessary to consider carefully the possibility of new or recurrent move ments that might exercise a destmctive influence upon the unanimity that had originally been so re assuring. No such thorough adaptation to suit the altered circumstances ever took place. Whoever once occupied a deputy's post occupied it perma nently; or if a post became vacant by death or be cause the substitute was really too utterly incapable, it was filled again from the ranks of those who had failed at the front or who, through illness or wounds, 246 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE were now considered fit only for home service. A home post! What harm can the man do there? The man who was no longer a man, whose energies were used up, who knew nothing of the war, or who, if he had been to the front, had, with few exceptions, returned embittered to regard home service as a buenretiro after labors accomplished, — this type of man caused us untold injury. Just in the last years of the war, all the human material that we called up and combed out ought to have passed through the strongest and firmest hands before being incor porated at the front. These men, who were, for the most part, worm-eaten by revolutionary ideas or tainted with pacifist notions, ought to have been trained by vigorous educative work into disciplined men worthy of their comrades at the front. With a few nice phrases such as were common at the meet ings of "warriors' societies" or at memorial festivi ties, no such educative work could be performed. And what the homeland failed to do could never be done afterwards by instruction in patriotism, were it never so well meant. To my mind, the idea of in stilling into the men within sound of the guns the patriotism they lacked was naive in the extreme. We received as supplementary drafts men who had started with the determination to hold up their hands at the very first opportunity. But it was the mis taken method of filling the responsible positions in the commandos that avenged itself most terribly. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 247 In the summer and early autumn of 1918, the spreading demoralization became more and more noticeable in the occupied territory. The order that originally existed behind the lines was visibly de teriorating. In the larger camps on the lines of com munications, thousands of straggling shirkers and men on leave roamed about; some of them regarded every day that they could keep away from their units as a boon from heaven; some of them were totally unable to join their regiments on account of the overburdening of the railways. I remember at the time a journey to the front which took me through Hirson Junction. It was just dinner-time for men going on leave and stragglers, who stood around by the hundred. I mingled with the crowd and talked to many of the men. What I heard was saddening indeed. Most of them were sick and tired of the war and scarcely made an effort to hide their disinclina tion to rejoin their units. Nor were they all rascals; there was many a face there which showed that the nerves had given way, that the energy was gone, that the primitive and unchecked impulse of self- preservation had got the mastery over all recogni tion of the necessity for holding out or resisting. Of course among the stragglers in Hirson there were also a number of fine fellows who maintained their courage and bearing. To meet this disintegration of forces which might have been concentrated into a valuable help for our daily increasing needs noth- 248 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE ing, or next to nothing, was attempted. New com prehensive and thorough measures were imperative here, and they should have been intrusted to the Higher Command to enforce. Within the sphere of our Army Group, we naturally did everything that lay in our power to introduce some sort of order into the chaos, but we received very slight support in our efforts. The discipline behind the lines slackened omi nously. This I could perceive in Charleville, the headquarters of the Army Group. Men had con stantly to be taken to task on account of their slack bearing and their failure to salute. Men returned from leave, who had previously performed their duties in an exemplary manner, were inclined to insubordination and mutiny. The younger replace ments were, at best, utterly wanting in enthusiasm and generally showed an absolutely frivolous con ception of patriotism, duty and fidelity — things which, for a soldier, should be sacred matters. Un fortunately, the highest authorities resolved upon no energetic or exemplary measures in regard to these dangerous phenomena. The behavior of the French population was, it is tme, correct; but they did not disguise their delight at our manifest de cline. * * * * * By the end of September, events came fast and furious. It was like a vast conflagration that had THE GREAT COLLAPSE 249 long smouldered in secret and that, suddenly getting air, now burst into flame at numberless spots. Fire everywhere: here in the west and in the south east and at home. The collapse of Bulgaria was the first visible sign. Bad tidings had arrived from the Balkan front on September 26. They reached us while our own Army Group was itself engaged in a severe defensive battle against big attacks to the west of the Aisne and on both sides of the Argonne from eastward of Rheims up to the Meuse, a battle which, despite all our heroic resistance, ended in our having to yield ground to the vastly superior masses of the enemy with their armored tanks. The Bulgarians, under the heavy pressure of the united forces of the Entente on the Macedonian front, had retired on a wide line. They had lost a great number of prisoners and a large quantity of material; and, as we gathered from the brief telegrams and telephone messages, Malmoff, the Bulgarian Prime Minister, believed that he could only meet these reverses by entering upon peace ne gotiations with the commander-in-chief of the En tente armies. The situation thus created spelled serious peril for us; the elimination of Bulgaria might mean the beginning of the end for the Central Powers; the Danube lay open to the Entente forces; the invasion of Roumania and Hungary had been brought within the bounds of more immediate possi bility. The news caused the Kaiser and the General 250 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Higher Command at Avesnes the greatest consterna tion. For the time bemg, the gap was stopped; the influence of the King and of the Crown Prince Boris succeeded in stemming the rout; and the General Higher Command arranged for the immediate trans port to the Balkans of some Austrian divisions and of several divisions from the east to succor the severely damaged front. Meantime the most vehement attacks upon the entire west front from Flanders to the east of the Argonne were continued by the Entente armies with a savage determination such as had never been dis played before. We received the impression of being at the climax of the concentric hostile offensive and — though the gigantic attack might compel us to yield ground — we felt that, by devoting all our strength to the endeavor, we might, after aU, main tain our position; only that behind this desperate effort stiU lurked the agonizing question: "How long yet?" On September 28, I visited my brother Fritz, who, with his division, First Guards division, was engaged in severe combat with the Americans at the eastern extremity of the Argonne. I know my brother to be a very brave, intrepid and cool-headed man and one whose care for his troops was exem plary. He was accustomed to affliction and distress; the First Guards had stood all along where things had been about as hot as they could be, at Ypres, in THE GREAT COLLAPSE 251 Champagne, at the Somme, the Chemin des Dames, Gorlice, the Argonne. This time I found him changed; he was filled with unutterable bitterness; he saw the end approaching and, together with his men, fought desperately. He gave me a description of the situa tion which filled me with dismay. His entire di vision consisted of 500 rifles in the fighting zone; the staff with their despatch-carriers were fighting in the front line, rifle in hand. The artillerymen were extremely fatigued, the guns were worn out, fresh ones were scarcely to be got from the works, the rations were insufficient and bad. What was to come of it all ? The American attacks were in them selves badly planned; they showed ignorance of war fare; the men advanced in columns and were mowed down by our remaining machine-guns. No great danger lay there. But their tanks pierced our thin lines — one man every twenty metres — and fired on us from behind. Not till then, did the American infantry advance. Withal the Ameri cans had at their disposal an incredible quantity of heavy and very heavy artillery. Their preUminary firing greatly exceeded in intensity and heaviness anything we had known at Verdun or on the Somme. In a report I made to His Majesty at Spa, I de scribed to him in detail the desperate condition of these First Guards; the Kaiser talked about it to Ludendorff; but no decision to relieve them was arrived at; I may admit that perhaps it could not 252 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE be done, for we now needed every available man for the last stmggle. At this time, all my attention and energy were devoted to the stormy events at the front and to the troops intmsted to me. Almost daily, I was in the fighting zone; and, till far into October, I was so occupied with my duties as leader of the Army Group that I was unable to follow attentively the highly important political events which were taking place, although I recognized them to be of the most serious import. Hence, while, in another place, I can report from personal experience and from my own judgment concerning the gigantic battle in which we were engaged, I can only briefly refer to those political happenings which may be con sidered more or less matters of common knowledge. On September 30, I received from His Excellency von Berg an unexpected telephone call to Spa, where, in the General Headquarters, important de cisions of a military character touching the question of peace and the situation at home had been made or were about to be made. Since I had hitherto been carefully confined to the scope of my military duties, this order suggested that something unusual was in the air. There was no reason to hope for anything good; and the information that met me at Spa was tmly startling and dismaying even to one who, like myself, had come prepared to hear bad news. I will sketch in a few lines what I learned. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 253 Field-Marshal General von Hindenburg and Gen eral Ludendorff had conferred with the minister for foreign affairs and had been informed that, in pur suance of the negotiations of August 14, efforts had been made to approach the enemy states through the mediation of neutral powers, but that these had failed to develop into peace negotiations, nor was there any hope of success in that direction. In reply to the Foreign Office's declaration of bankmptcy, the representatives of the General Higher Command had stated that, in consideration of their own breakdown in the field and at home and considering the enormous superiority of the enemy forces and the gigantic efforts they were making, they saw themselves faced with the impossibility of gaining a military victory. Even though this effort on the part of the enemy appeared to be the last possible spurt before the finish, success for us could no longer give us "victory," but, as had been ad mitted in August, could only lie in our surviving the enemy's will to continue the war, — in a stmggle as to whether one could hold out to the last quarter of an hour. Considering the utter failure of the home departments and the question of reserves, it had to be acknowledged that the only thing possible was to choose a better defensive position in which to winter. During that period, an armistice and peace negotiations should and must be begun. The Meuse position, which my chief of staff and I had advocated 254 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE immediately after the unsuccessful Rheims offensive in July and while we could have with comparative ease disengaged ourselves from the enemy, was now to be occupied for the winter defensive. Still more threatening was what the secretary of state had to report concerning the situation at home, where the people had glided faster and faster under the control and the influence of the majority parties. According to his statements, revolution, stmggling for control of the State, stood, as it were, knocking at the door. Induced by the conditions arising out of the unfavorable military situation, and quite regardless of the strength or weakness of the State, the majority parties — who desired the offensive for their own ends — had made a violent attack in the principal committee of the Reichstag, upon the Imperial Chancellor, Count von Hertling. The main accusations brought against him were: — the supremacy of the deputy commanding gen erals at home, the Suffrage Act, and the influence without responsibiUty exercised upon home politics by the Higher Command. The demands put for ward were aimed frankly at parliamentary control of the Government and the shelving of the military regime. The two ways of overcoming the crisis would have been, on the one hand, for the Govern ment to assert its authority in unequivocal fashion by acting, in the one case, with all the powers of a dictator, in the other to submit and grant the de mands of the majority parties. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 255 The secretary of state believed it possible to dis arm the revolutionary movement by granting par liamentary government on a broad national basis; hence he advocated this policy notwithstandmg the fact that circumstances in the country and our re lations with the enemy were highly unpropitious for such a reorganization of the constitution. Thus, the revolution threatening from below was to be suffocated with the mantle of a revolution from above; and a fresh welding together of the decaying forces of the people was to be effected under the slogan of a "Government of National Defense." I will gladly assume it to be indisputable that these responsible statesmen who advocated this policy believed in the possibility of getting workable con ditions by their method and that they hoped for a certain yield from the new government firm, at any rate in foreign affairs, /. e., with a view to the peace negotiations. But I must confess that I could not resist the impression that it was all a matter of fine words, that the whole thing was only the form (evil in itself and embellished by auto suggestion) under which its advocates abandoned the power in the State to their opponents of the majority parties. His Majesty agreed to the proposals of these gentlemen. The manifold difficulties now crowding forward had already reached the steps of the throne, and the Kaiser, under pressure of these problems, 256 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE seemed to be suffering from a lack of psychical stamina; he appeared unable to assume a strong, self-reliant position. Consequently, in the various proposals of his military and political counsellors, he saw succor and support, at which he eagerly grasped in order, for the moment at least, to feel that the dangers were surmounted. The position of the Imperial Chancellor, Count von Hertling, whose age and infirmities rendered him physically unfit for his office, appeared so se verely shaken that the Kaiser, since the Count de clined to participate in the change of constitution, declared himself willing to accept the resignation that had been tendered. As successors were men tioned, first of all, Prince Max of Baden and the secretary to the imperial exchequer, Count Rodern; the selection of the latter appearing the more probable. On account of the menacing and uncertain general situation at the front and at home, the gentlemen from Berlin, as well as those of His Majesty's suite and of the General Headquarters, were in a very serious mood. In regard to the military difficulties, it was hoped, however, that the great battle on the west front might be fought out without any severe defeat. Moreover, a hope of keeping the allies who had become unreliable was also cherished. People likewise believed themselves able, by carrying out the intended constitutional change, to effect such THE GREAT COLLAPSE 257 an alteration of the mental trend at home that, on the whole, a firm front could be shown at home and abroad. Personally, I could not share the optimism dis played in this view of matters at home. Both by nature and by conviction gained from history and experience, I always possessed a leaning towards the British constitutional system, and I have thought much about its adaptability to our form of state. As I have pointed out before, I was not spared a good many rebuffs and criticisms whenever, in pre war years, I expounded and defended my opinions on this subject. What was now to take place, ap peared to fall into line with my notions. Appeared to do so, though in reality it had nothing in common with them. Only what is given with a willing hand meets with appreciation; what is ultimately snatched with the claim of a right, after it has been withheld time and again, has no value as a gift. To divest one self of a thing voluntarily and at the right moment and with discernment is manly and regal, if the word may be used; but it is just as manly and regal to refuse what is to be extorted as the prize of a trial of strength in the hour of a country's bitterest need when it is straggling for existence. A liberal, voluntary and timely reconstruction of our consti tution would have revealed the strength of the crown; it would have disarmed the opposition and 258 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE brought it back to a sense of duty. But for the crown to yield to violent claims, backed by threats of revolution, was to display signs of helplessness and feebleness which could only increase the cupidity of the covetous within the country and without. At the moment when the flood was at hand, a dyke was razed, because it was believed possible to as suage and calm the approaching billows by re moving the obstruction. Madness! One merely gave up everything that lay behind the dyke; the Spa decisions unconditionally abandoned the powers of the State to the parties of the extreme left who were going "the whole hog," aiming at revolution. In the teeth of the storm, one should have been strong and shown one's strength. But the rigid home programme of August 14, the programme of thoroughness, order, strictness, energy, the pro gramme of no longer closing one's eyes, the pro gramme which, in the days of the first sinister omens, had been demanded by Ludendorff as a conditio sine qua non and which had been promised by the chancellor, — that programme had never been carried out. Nothing had been done since then. Now, when the storm was howling, it was too late to strengthen the rotten bulwarks, to repair the neglected dykes. No dyke captain or dictator, were he ever so talented, were he the immortal dyke captain von Schonhausen himself, could undo or retrieve in a few hours the sins and the negligences THE GREAT COLLAPSE 259 of many years. That we no longer knew a firm hand in the country, that the Government had for years not led, but suffered things to go as they pleased, brought about consequences that decided the question of supremacy. And on that day, men, whose final wisdom it was to lay upon other shoulders the responsibility for the results of their own inca pacity, abandoned monarchy bowing to the demo cratic demands of our enemies and to threatening internationalism of every shade. As I have al ready said, His Excellency von Hintze, the secre tary of state for foreign affairs, undertook to report upon the situation in the interior as well and to recommend as the best solution the "revolution from above," which, as things stood, was nothing but "surrender at discretion." Strange that this man, whose praiseworthy past entitled him to be held worthy and to be tmsted, and who, as Kuhlmann's successor, might have accomplished so much, — strange that this man should have chosen this course. In tmth and honor, it must be said that what I have just written is, in part, the outcome of pos thumous consideration and discernment. Into the short hours of that conference, there was forced and pressed so much exciting news and I was so anxious to get back to the troops and the battle from which I had been called that I only grasped the general outline of affairs. Nor, indeed, was I asked for my 260 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE opinion on all those seething problems or on aU that, in the main, was already, unalterably fixed by de terminations arising out of the agony of the mo ment. It was almost a wonder that people had remembered that the commander-in-chief of the army group was also the Crown Prince of Germany and of Prussia. Irresponsible, without rights, but nevertheless. . . . And so I was summoned, and while a thousand voices called me away to the post of my soldier's duties, I had to look on at events which were irresistibly concentrating themselves to produce the great crash. Immediately upon the conclusion of the confer ence, the Kaiser left for home; and the field-marshal general followed him on October 1, as he himself said, to be near His Majesty in those days of gravest decision, to give information to the Gov ernment now forming and to strengthen its confi dence. On October 2, indications accumulated that, in spite of the original doubts, Prince Max of Baden would be selected as Imperial Chancellor, his origin and personality affording a guarantee, as it was then thought, that the interests of the crown would be safeguarded in the reorganization of home poUtics which appeared to have become necessary. In the preUminary negotiations, the Prince seemed to have adopted unreservedly the official programme of the majority parties. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 261 February, 1921. My Army Group was still straggling in the sever est defensive battle, when I learned of the actual appointment of Prince Max of Baden on October 1. A new Government had been created, containing several social-democratic members. This innova tion signified, in the eyes of the world, a reversal of the home policy of the empire, a change of sys tem in the direction of democracy and parliamen tary government. Whether that which, to some extent, had been produced under the pressure of a very serious foreign situation would really prove capable of welding the nation together remained to be seen. On October 4, my Army Group was again en gaged in the severest defensive fighting, the enemy having commenced a general attack along the en tire western front. The battle raged bitterly on the ridge and the slopes of the Chemin des Dames between the Ailette and the Aisne, in Champagne, on both sides of the road leading northward from Somme-Py, between the Argonne and the Meuse, to the east of the Aisne and on both sides of the Montfaucon-Bautheville road. Since September 26, we had located no fewer than thirty-seven attack ing divisions. And they had artUlery, tanks and fliers in apparently inexhaustible quantity. On the whole, our older troops behaved magnificently and fought with undiminished tenacity. And yet 262 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE we now suffered losses in men and material such as we had formerly never known. Oftener and oftener did individual divisions now faU us — partly through exhaustion, but also (and that was the most serious point) on account of the international and pacifistic contamination of the troops. Cour ageously advancing troops were howled at as "war- protractors" and "blacklegs." Distmst of their comrades caused demoralization in the resisting powers of the whole body; failure on the part of cer tain contaminated troops led to our flank being turned and to the capture of groups that were honestly fight ing; frequently, therefore, such unreliable troops had to be eliminated and the gaps filled with trust worthy but overfatigued divisions. And so I had to use up my best capital, although I realized fully what it meant. And yet, even now, I could weep when I think of the unbroken spirit of self-sacrifice shown by the trusty, brave and well-tried troops who faithfully performed to the last their severe duty. They upheld, through all that misery, our best tra ditions. On that 4th of October, I drove over to Avesnes for a conference with Lieutenant-General von Boehn and his general staff; from there I went on to Mons and discussed the military situation at length with the Crown Prince of Bavaria and his chief of gen eral staff, His Excellency von Kuhl. We were unani mously of opinion that, in the present conditions, we THE GREAT COLLAPSE 263 could not continue to maintain contested positions on our war-worn front in the face of continuous at tacks by an enemy in superior force. We lacked the troops requisite for counter-attacking and for providing our soldiers with the necessary repose. Consequently, it appeared to us essential to relin quish further territory and, while covering our with drawal, to take up more retired positions and thus, by shortening our front, to obtain the reserves essen tial for a continuation of the battle, whose duration it was not possible to determine. WhUe my brave divisions, ragged and tattered as they were, were retiring step by step and defend ing themselves as they went, — Berlin despatched, to the President of the North American RepubUc, via Switzerland, the offer which suggested a "just peace," based in essence upon the principles put forward by Wilson, — an offer which was coupled with a disastrous request for the granting of an armistice. The straggle continued, and there was no end to the battle visible. Our troops were now opposed to enormously superior odds, both in men and material. They withstood them; they intercepted attacks, and evacuated ground; they closed up to form a new front and offered fresh resistance. Al most daily I was at the front and saw and spoke to the men. They behaved heroically in the unequal combat, and faithfully fulfilled their duty to the 264 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE death. He lies who asserts that the fighting spirit of the front was broken. It was stronger than the shattered and exhausted bodies of the men. The men grumbled whenever they had a moment's time to grumble, just as every genuine German grumbles; but, when it came to the point, they were ever ready again. And these incessant battles had a curious result. They effected a kind of self-purification of the troops. Whatever was foul and corrupt filtered through into captivity with the enemy; what re mained to us was the healthy kernel. AU that these emaciated and miserably cared for, these overfatigued and death-hunted German warriors could possibly give, that they gave. Gratefully my thoughts fly back to them — to those whose bodies lie where we left them, and to those living ones now scattered in German cities and German villages, who follow the plough, who stand at the anvil, who sit at their desks, to all who are peace fully laboring again in the homeland. StUl the enemy rushed on; every day brought a big attack; the air trembled in fire; the dull thuds, the roar, the rattling peals never paused again. On the night of the 5th, the left wing of the I Army had retired behind Suippes; in order to get into touch again with the retreating VII, it had to leave the salient of the Rheims front and to with draw its right whig as far as Cond6. On October THE GREAT COLLAPSE 265 10, the XVIII Army, which at that time had also been ranged under the Army Group, retired, fight ing hard, to the scarcely marked out Hermann line. While all my thoughts were concentrated upon the battle and upon the German soldiers intmsted to me, there reached my ears from home news that sounded distant and strange: the wording of our Peace Note to President Wilson; the bmsque refusal voiced by the Paris press; the reply which evaded replying and demanded our agreement to evacuate all occupied territory as a condition of an armistice. There was talk of consultations among the leading statesmen, of the formation by the Higher Command of an armistice commission under the expert, General von Guendell. War Minister von Stein, resigned his office and was re placed by General Schenck. We fought. The rage of the battle began to subside slowly at the end of the second week. There was utter exhaustion on both sides. We had yielded ground under the enormous pressure, but we stood; and nowhere had the enemy broken through. On the 10th, the III Army stood in the new Brunhilde position from St. Germainmont on the north bank of the Aisne passing through Bethel to the east of Vouziers and west of Grandpre. Gall- witz was fighting the Americans in the area between Sivry and the Forest of Haumont. By the 12th, the I Army had occupied, according to plan, the 266 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Gudran-Brunhilde position and the VII Army had retired to the Hunding position behind the Oise- Serre sector. A review of the military situation showed that the threatened collapse of the west front had been prevented by the transfer of the lines of resistance to stronger and shorter sectors. Despite all the seriousness of the situation, we stood for the moment fairly firm; and, while the enemy might be preparing for fresh concentration and offensive, we could ourselves be recuperating and getting ready for defense — and such a breathing- space was more than necessary to the overfatigued and overtaxed troops. There remained, in my opinion, the faint hope that the peace efforts now being undertaken might lead, before the winter began, to a conclusion of the war honorable for Germany by reason of its bemg a righteous peace of reconciliation. Failing this, we could — again, according to my personal views — reckon with a possibility of holdmg out till the spring of 1919 at the uttermost. On October 12, in reply to the inquiry of Presi dent Wilson, Berlin gave a binding acceptance of the conditions drawn up by him and also signified that we were prepared to evacuate the occupied areas on certain conditions. All the news from the other side seemed to me to reveal vaguely two opinions straggling for suprem- THE GREAT COLLAPSE 267 acy. There was Wilson, who wanted to establish his fourteen points; there was Foch, who knew only one aim— our destraction. Which would win? The couple were unequally matched — the sprinter Wilson and the stayer Foch. If things were quickly settled, Wilson's chances were good; if the negotiations were protracted, time was in Foch's favor. Every day's delay was a gain to him; it allowed the dry-rot in the homeland to spread; it enfeebled and wasted the front, which was mainly buttressed upon aux iliary and defensive positions. The 13th brought me news that caused me great uneasiness on my father's account. Developments in home politics had led to the resignation of His Excellency von Berg, the excellent and well-tried chef du cabinet militaire. His departure removed from the permanent inner circle of the Kaiser a man who, by reason of his old youthful friendship and disregard of courtly conventions, was able, in loyal candor and simplicity, to show the Kaiser things as they really were. On the 15th the vigorous attacks began again against the Army Group of Crown Prince Rup- precht, against me and against Gallwitz. The en emy had pushed forward to our new front and made a fresh onslaught. Loss of ground here and there. The troops were nearly played out. Next day, LUle fell. With the Crown Prince of Bavaria things were worst. Losses were sustained wherever 268 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the enemy attacked. Now that they had heard something of a possible armistice and approaching negotiations, it was as though our people could no longer find their full inner strength to fight. Also as though, here and there, they no longer wanted to. But where lay the dividing line between could and would with these men, who had a thousand times bravely risked their lives for their country, and whose heads were fuddled by hunger, pain, and privation? Does that final and single faUure make a coward of the man who has a hundred times shown himself a hero? No! Only it deprives him of the prize for which he risked his life a hundred times. Once more — whUe the new Government is making a quick change toward democracy and turning the Imperial constitution topsyturvy — a note from President WUson. It is in a new tone — arrogant and implacable, it imposes conditions which consti tute an interference in Germany's internal affairs. It voices clearly the spirit of Foch which threatens to overpower Wilson — the spirit of Foch, which brags of the military results of the last few days, who wishes for postponement and delay in order that the disaster which has swooped upon the Ger man people and the German army may rage more madly than ever. I cannot refrain from reproduc ing here a page from my diary which records the situation as I saw it then: THE GREAT COLLAPSE 269 "There is at the moment a marked contrast be tween Wilson and Foch. Wilson desires a peace by justice, reconciliation and understanding. Foch wants the complete humiliation of Germany and the gratification of French vanity. "Every manifestation of firmness on the German front and in the German diplomatic attitude strength ens Wilson's position; every sign of military or po litical weakness strengthens Foch. "Wilson demands surrender on two points only: 1. U-boat warfare; no more passenger ships to be sunk. 2. Democratization of Germany. (No deposition of the Kaiser; only constitutional mon archy; position of the crown as in England.) "A military humiliation of Germany is not aimed at by Wilson. Foch, on the other hand, wishes, with every means possible, to effect a complete mili tary capitulation and humiliation (gratification of French revenge). Which of the two will get the upper hand depends solely and simply upon Ger many. If the front holds out and we preserve a dig nified diplomatic attitude, Wilson will win. Yield ing to Foch means the destraction of Germany and the miscarriage of every prospect of an endurable peace. "England's position is an intermediate one. The main difficulty in the peace movement is France. 270 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE "Attainment of a peace by understanding is ren dered much more difficult for Wilson by the fact that our democratization and the peace steps have come at the same moment. This is regarded as a sign of weakness, and it strengthens Foch's position. If we want a peace of justice, we must put the brake on everywhere — especially in our hankering for peace and armistice. Moreover, we must do every thing possible to hold the front and to direct the further democratization along calmer or, shall we say, more reasonably convincing lines." What was written above about Wilson was, at the moment for which it was intended, perhaps quite correct; but it was soon no longer so. Still I could believe even now that this self-complaisant theorist wanted, at first, to settle matters justly and con scientiously — till a stronger and more cunning man caught him and, with ironic superiority, harnessed him to his own chariot. On October 17, Ostend, Bruges and Tournay were given up by the Army Group of my brave cousin, Rupprecht; on the 19th, the enemy settled down on both sides of Vouziers on the east bank of the Aisne and began preparations for further attacks. From home there arrives news of feverish excite ment among the people. Some are depressed and despairing; others were filled with the hope of a reasonable settlement. And then rumors of an ap proaching abdication of the Kaiser, of an election of THE GREAT COLLAPSE 271 the House of Wittelsbach in place of the Hohen- zollerns, of a regency of Prince Max of Baden. Fighting continues; we hold out fairly well. Any one who can keep on his legs is put in the ranks; for it is a question of the possibility of an armistice, of peace. The General Higher Command emphati cally warns the leaders that, considering the dip lomatic negotiations in progress, a further retreat might have the most serious influence upon events. Hence, we must hold tight to the Hermann and the Gudran positions! Good God! What have these positions to offer? They are incomplete and, in many places, only marked j)ut ! And yet, the men who for four years have given their best, prove themselves now, in these hardest days, to be the finest, the trustiest soldiers in the world ! They hold the front ! On the 21st, we learn the terms of the Govern ment's reply to Wilson. Everythmg has been done to meet his wishes. Surely, on this basis, he can find ways and means to conclude an armistice and to start peace negotiations. Will he indeed do so? WUl he do so still ? More days pass, during which thousands of Germans and men of all nations are mowed down, during which the gentlemen at the green-baize table take their time, during which our position at the front does not improve. The voice of WUson's note of the 24th, that arrogant and haughty voice, was the voice of Marshal Foch — or 272 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE the voice of a Wilson who had sunk to be the puppet of the French wire-puller and now equalled his mas ter in hawking and spitting. Once more, in those gmesome, sombre days, in which I saw my poor, battered divisions sacrificing all that was left, my heart was to be cheered by my brave fellows. It was on October 25. I mo tored to the front to convince myself of the condi tion of some of my divisions in the severe fighting. After visiting the divisional staffs of the 50th In fantry and the 4th Guards, I proceeded to a height from which I hoped to get a sight of the fighting lines. In a green valley in front of the village of Serain- court, I met the sectional reserves that were about to march into the fight. They consisted of the regi ments of the I Infantry Division and included my Crown Prince Regiment. When the troops caught sight of my car, I was at once surrounded by a throng of waving and cheering men. All of them betrayed only too clearly the effects of the heavy fighting of the last few months. Their uniforms were tattered, their stripes and badges were scarcely visible; their faces were often shockingly haggard; and yet their eyes flashed and their bearing was proud and con fident. They knew that I trusted them and that they had never disappointed me. Pride in the deeds of their division inspired them. I spoke with a good many, pressed their hands; men who had dis- THE GREAT COLLAPSE 273 tinguished themselves in the recent battles I deco rated with the cross. Then I distributed among them my small store of chocolate and cigarettes. And so, in all the bitterness of those days, a delight ful and never-to-be-forgotten hour was spent in the circle of my well-tried front troops. Meantime, the French had got the village that lay before us under heavy fire and their artillery now began to sweep the meadows. I ordered the battalions to open out; and, as I drove away, loud hurrahs were hurled after me from the throats of my beloved "field-grays"; on all sides there was waving of caps and a hoisting of rifles. Without shame, I confess that the cheers, the shouts, the waving brought tears into my eyes; for I knew how hard and how desperate was the entire situa tion. My Grenadiers at Seraincourt! They were the last troop whom, with flashing eyes and hurrahing voices, I saw march to battle. Dear, dear, trusty lads, each of whom my memory salutes gratefully from this island of mine. A few hours later on ar riving at the Army Group quarters, I stood again in that other world of anguish and anxiety; fresh tidings of a severe and doubtful character awaited me from home. Next day, October 26, I received by telephone news of Ludendorff's resignation. In connection with the well-known incident of the Higher Com- 274 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE mand's telegram to the troops on October 24, he had faUen a victim to Prince Max of Baden's Cabi net question. I knew at once that this meant the end of things. I was informed that the intention was to appoint General Groner as his successor. I rang up the field-marshal general. With a clear knowl edge of what it signified, I urgently adjured him to reconsider his purpose and implored him not to select this man in whom there was no trace of the spirit which alone could save us now. The field- marshal general, who doubtless felt constrained to comply with the views of the Imperial Government, was of a different opinion, and next day General Groner was appointed first quartermaster-general. On October 28, my adjutant, Miiller, returned from an official journey to the homeland. He brought the first evU news of mutiny in the navy. From his report, it appeared evident that the revolu tion was already menacingly at hand in Germany; but that apparently nothing was being done at present to suppress the rising movement. With a clear appreciation of the position, Muller proposed the posting of some reliable divisions behind the Army Group as soon as possible, so that one might have these troops ready at hand if necessity arose for their employment. This suggestion was un fortunately not considered further; our attention was aU too deeply engaged at the front and riveted, as in duty bound, on the troops under our care. THE GREAT COLLAPSE 275 From November 4 onward, my four armies, along their entire front, retreated towards the Antwerp- Meuse position, fighting hard as they retired and performing everything in perfect order and abso lutely according to plan. At this time, General Groner, the new first quartermaster-general, paid us a visit. The chiefs of my four armies reported upon the situation of their various fronts. All of them laid stress on the strained condition of their troops and the entire lack of fresh reserves. But they were quite confident that the retreat to the Antwerp-Meuse position would be accomplished successfully and that the position would be held. Afterwards my own chief of staff made a final re port, two points of which I recall. They were definite demands. The one was that the discussion of the Kaiser's position at home and in the press, must cease, since the troops were quite incapable of bear ing this burden in addition to aU the rest. The other demand was that the General Higher Com mand must not issue instmctions which they them selves did not believe could be carried out; if, for instance, the retention of a position was ordered, the troops must be put in condition to hold it; confidence in the leadership was shaken by com mands which the front was unable to obey because, in the given circumstances, it was impossible to carry them into effect. On November 5, the Higher Command of the 276 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Army Group shifted its quarters from Charleville to Waulsort, about 50 kilometres farther north. This small place lies half-way between Givet and Dinant in a ragged, rock-girt valley, which, at the time of our arrival, was filled with a thick, clammy fog — sombre and depressing. I lodged with a Bel gian, named Count de Jonghe, a nobleman of agree able tactfulness. In a long talk during the evening, he summarized his views on the causes of our break down, which was now patent to the inhabitants. Germany, he said, had committed two grievous mis takes: she ought to have made peace in the autumn of 1914; if she had then failed to obtain it, she ought to have appointed a civil dictator with unlimited powers and possessed of the energy necessary to secure order in the interior. On the same evening, Major von Bock, the first general staff officer of the Army Group, told me that he had been insulted in the open streets by a Land- sturm soldier from the lines of communication. Two days later I made my first personal acquaintance with the revolution. I was driving with my orderly officer, Zobeltitz, along the Meuse road from Waul sort to Givet to visit once more the troops who were to hold the Meuse line. A few kilometres from Waulsort, just as we reached a spot where the rail way runs close beside the highroad, we saw a leave- train of men which had halted and was flying the red flag. Immediately afterwards, from the open and THE GREAT COLLAPSE 277 the broken windows my ears were greeted with the stupid cries of "Lights out! Knives out!" which formed a sort of watchword and slogan for all the hooligans and malcontents of that period. I stopped my car and, accompanied by Zobeltitz, walked up to the train. I ordered the men to alight, which they at once did. There may have been five or six hundred of them — a rather villainous-looking crowd, mostly Bavarians from Flanders. In front of me stood a very lamp-post of a Bavarian ser geant. With his hands thrust deep into his trou sers' pockets and displaying altogether a most pro vocative air, he was the very picture of insubordina tion. I rated him and told him to assume at once a more becoming deportment, such as was proper to a German soldier. The effect was instantaneous. The men began to press towards us, and I addressed them in urgent tones, endeavoring to touch their sense of honor. Even while I was speaking, I could see that I had won the contest. In the end, a mere lad of, perhaps, seventeen years, a Saxon with a frank boyish face and decorated with the iron cross, stepped forward and said: "Herr Kronprinz, don't take it ill; they are only silly phrases; we mean nothing by them; we all like you and we know that you always look after your soldiers well. You see, we have been travelling now for three days and have received no food or attention the whole time. No 278 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE one troubles about us, and there are no officers whatever with us. Don't be angry with us." A general murmur of applause followed. I gave the lad my hand and then followed a comic close to the affair. The lad said: "We know you always have cigarettes for good soldiers; we've nothing left to smoke." I gave the men what cigarettes I had; al though these "good soldiers" really did not deserve them; I did it simply because I appreciated their con dition, which certainly was in part responsible for their nonsense; I felt clearly that, if everything be hind the lines and at home were not out of joint, these men would have followed the right path. I narrate this episode of November 7 merely to show on what a weak footing the movement largely stood; it was fanned into flame by violent agitation; and, as the above incident proves, a calm and reso lute attitude did not miss its object with the men, who were, on the whole, not fundamentally bad. Unfortunately, there was a complete lack of deter mined action on the part of the home authorities, both civil and military. By the orders against shoot ing, the road was paved for the revolution. Concerning the behavior of the troops in those days, it should be said that, despite the months of stmggle that they had gone through, they carried on their retreat in perfect order and, in the main, with out any important interference from the enemy, who followed hesitatingly. The prospect of the new THE GREAT COLLAPSE 279 Meuse position, with its natural strength artificially increased, seemed to give the troops great encourage ment as to the future. One episode remains to be recorded. On the sixth, the negotiators despatched by the German Government crossed the road between La Capelle and Guise within the area of the XVIII Army. CHAPTER VII SCENES AT SPA End of April, 1921. It is almost two months since I wrote the last of the above lines. As often as I have prepared my self to record those last and bitterest experiences, which have occupied my thoughts a thousand times, there has come over me a revulsion from the torture of recalling the still fresh sorrows. Moreover, other cares and other griefs have kept me away from these pages. At the end of February I was at Doom; on the twenty-seventh my parents celebrated the forti eth anniversary of their wedding-day. Celebrated? No, it was not a celebration. Everything in the beautiful and well-kept house was sad and depressed. My mother was confined to her couch, and her weakness permitted her only occasional hours of waking. She was so feeble that she could scarcely speak; and yet the slightest attention was received with "Thank you, my dear boy"; and then she gently stroked my hand. It made one grind one's teeth together. The foreboding that, on that day, I held her in my arms for the last time has never since left me. AU subsequent reports damped every hope of re- 280 SCENES AT SPA 281 covery. One could only pray: "Lord, let it not last long ! " In six weeks' time the last sad news reached me on the island. We went to Doom; and during all the long hours of the journey, I was unable to grasp the idea that she would no more speak to me, that her kind eyes would no more be turned upon me. She was the magnet which attracted us chUdren, wherever we might be, towards the parental home. She knew all our wishes, our hopes, our cares. Now she had been taken from us forever. Changed, empty, strange appeared to me park and house and everything. My poor father ! Whatever his outward demeanor, I knew that his inmost heart was shaken. His old pride, his determination not to allow others to see his emotion, his resolve to comport himself like a king, supported him so long as we and other people were present. But the solitude ! That night I was alone with my beloved mother for the last time. Through the hours of darkness I kept a long vigil beside her coffin. In that solemn, quiet chamber, with its heavy odors of wreaths and flowers and soft shine of the burning tapers, there floated before my memory an endless procession of pictures out of the past. Her joy when I reported to her as a ten-year-old lieutenant, and the parade went off all right not withstanding the shortness of my legs and the diffi- 282 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE culty I had of keepmg step with the long-Umbed grenadiers. Her beaming face when she held my bride in her arms for the first time and said: "My dear boy, you have made a good choice"; from that day onward till the end, a great love knitted together the two women. I saw her sitting at the bedside of my brothers Fritz and Joachim during a severe illness — night after night untiringly — a devoted nurse, a mother who would have immolated her own self. I saw her at court festivities, in all the splendor of the crown — a tall and noble figure with a wealth of prematurely gray hair above the fresh, kind face; while every word showed a simple, generous nature with the gift of attracting and understanding others. Then, ever and again, in her writing-room at the New Palace. — It is in the interval between my morning and afternoon duties. I have ridden over to the palace, and now, while she listens and replies, I walk up and down before her. She is my confessor who always finds the right advice and the best solu tion of all my little difficulties; and in the heart of that seemingly unpolitical woman, there was vast room for the serious problems and for the greatness of the entire Fatherland. Her clear recognition of many an error caused her to suffer — in a quiet, hid den way— far more anxiety than the outside world ever imagined. THE CROWN PRINCE AND CROWN PRINCESS AT WIERINGEN SCENES AT SPA 283 Then the war-time — care upon care, care upon care. And then all that followed. I see her there in the garden of Doom House. She is seated in a little pony-carriage; and I hold her hand and walk beside her. "My boy," she says, "yes, it is beautiful here, but oh ! it is not my Potsdam, the New Palace, my little rose-garden, our home. If you only knew how homesickness often gnaws at me. Oh, I shall never see my home again." Now she rests in the homeland earth to which her last longings went forth. Just a bit of the way (as far as Maarn Station) I accompanied her on her homeward journey; then I turned back to my island here. Days of sadness succeeded; not an hour passed in which my thoughts were not with her; but what was told me in a thousand letters of how unfor- gotten she was in the homeland, of the love that had sprung up from the seed which she had sown, that, at least, was a great comfort to me. Then, too, my brother-in-law, the Duke of Brunswick, was with me for a few days. Sissy is to remain for the present at Doom, so as to lighten my father's sorrow in the first great loneliness and to bring a woman's voice into that beautiful and yet so friend less house. But I must now proceed to chronicle what I 284 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE have to say concerning that last and bitterest ex perience of the breakdown. God knows it is more difficult for me than all that I have recorded hith erto. On the evening of the 8th of November, 1918, I received at Waulsort an unexpected command from His Majesty to report myself to him next morning at Spa. Not a word as to what it con cerned or what he wanted of me. — I had only the knowledge that this summons could not portend anything good and a foreboding of fresh agonizing conflicts. In cold, gloomy weather, I motored through a heavy fog that seemed to choke the whole country side. Everything apathetic, comfortless, dreary and devastated; the half-demolished houses, their plaster crumbling from their damaged walls; the intermi nable roads, ground by the violent jerkings of a hundred thousand wheels and pounded by the iron- shod hoofs of a hundred thousand horses. And those wan, haggard faces, so full of bitterness and sorrow and misery, as though their owners would never again be able to win through to fresh faith in life. The car jolted through fields of mud, flinging the brown mire about it in huge fountains; it mshed heedlessly past columns of weary soldiers and troops and groups of men who once had been soldiers and who, now disbanded, trudged their way laden SCENES AT SPA 285 with indistinguishable chattels; it left behind it curses and cries and fists raised in the gray mist. On and on. Soon after midday we arrived at Spa, stiff and frozen to the marrow. The Kaiser was lodged in Villa Fraineuse just outside the town. General von Gontard, the court marshal, re ceived me in the hall. His face wore a serious and very anxious look. In reply to my questions, all he did was helplessly to raise his hands; but the action said more than any words could have done. My chief of staff, Count Schulenburg, was there. He had been in Spa since the early morning, and, un til my arrival, had been advocating our views with the Kaiser. Pale and manifestly much moved, this strong man, with a keen sense of responsibility and fine fidelity to his sovereign, proceeded, rapidly and in brief soldierly words, to give me an out line of the incidents into whose development we were now being dragged and urgently to beg me to do everything to deter His Majesty from overhasty and irretrievable decisions. According to Schulenburg's report, the course of events so far had been as follows: In the early morning, my father had thoroughly discussed the situation with Major Niemann, the officer of his General Staff, and had resolved boldly to face the threatening revolution. With this firm 286 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE resolve, the Kaiser had participated in a discussion at which the field-marshal general, with General Groner, Plessen, His Excellency Marshal von Hintze, Herr von Griinau and Major Niemann were present. The field-marshal general had opened the deliberations with a few words which clearly re vealed that he was on the point of giving up every thing: he must first ask His Majesty to permit him to resign, since what he had to say could, he felt, not be said by a Prussian officer to his King and lord. Only the Kaiser's head twitched. First let us hear what it is. Then General Groner had spoken. As Schulen burg sketched things, I could see and hear Groner— Groner the new man who had been only a fortnight in the place vacated by Ludendorff, and was ham pered by no such considerations as those which choked the words in the throat of the old field- marshal general. A new tone, which bmsquely and aggressively broke away from all tradition, which endeavored, by despising the past, to gain inward strength for the coming death-blow. General Groner's words as reported to me by Schulenburg, had they been the ultimate tmth, would indeed have signified the end: the miUtary position of the armies desperate; the troops waver ing and unreliable, with rations for a few days only and with hunger, dissolution and pillage threatening to follow after; the homeland blazing up in inextin- SCENES AT SPA 287 guishable revolution; the reserves available, refrac tory, disintegrating and mshing to the red flag; the whole hinterland, railways, telegraphs, Rhine bridges, depots and junctions in the hands of the revolution aries; Berlin at the highest pitch of tension which, at any moment, might snap and bathe the city in blood; to turn the army upon the civil war at home with the enemy in the rear would be quite impossi ble. These views of his and the field-marshal gen eral's had been indorsed by the divisional chiefs and by most of the representatives of the General Higher Command. Although not expressly, this report contained implicitly a demand for my father's abdication. Speechless and deeply moved, my father had listened to these deplorably gloomy statements. A benumbing silence followed. Then, seeing from a movement on the part of my chief of staff that he wished to be heard, the Kaiser sprang up and said: —"Speak, Count! — Your opinion?" My chief of staff had replied as follows: — That he could not regard the remarks of the quartermaster-general as a tme description of the state of affairs. For example, the Army Group of the Crown Prince, despite great difficulties and hard ships, had fought brilliantly through the long autumn campaign and was still firm and unbroken in the hands of its leaders. After its enormous efforts, it was now exhausted, overtaxed and filled with the 288 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE desire for repose. If a definite armistice should come about, if the troops were granted a few days' rest, the refreshment of sleep and tolerable rations, if the leaders were given a chance to come once more into closer touch with the men and to exer cise influence over them, then the general frame of mind would improve. It would, indeed, be quite impossible to wheel round the troops of the whole west front to face civil war in Germany; but this was not within the limits of necessity. What was needed was resolute and manly resistance to ac tivities which had unfortunately been allowed free play much too long, the immediate and energetic suppression of the insurgents at the centres of the movement, the rigorous re-establishment of order and authority ! — The question of rationing had been depicted by General Groner in much too sombre tints; the effects of energetic proceedings against the Bolshevists in the rear of the army would be a fresh rally of the loyal elements in the country and the smothering of the revolutionary movement. Hence there should be no yielding to the threats of criminal violence, no abdication, but no civil war either — only the armed restitution of order at the spots indicated. For this purpose the mass of the troops would, without question, stand loyally by their Kaiser. The Kaiser had accepted this view. Consequently, opposition had arisen between my chief of staff and SCENES AT SPA 289 General Groner, who, in the course of this discussion, had persisted in his assertions that events had gone too far for the measures proposed by Schulenburg to stand any chance of success. According to his rendering, the ramifications of the insurgents cov ered the entire homeland, the revolutionaries would indubitably cut off all supplies intended for any army operating against them, and, moreover, the army was no longer reUable, nor did it any longer support the Kaiser. The views put forward by General Groner found a certain confirmation in manifold telephonic mes sages which arrived from the Imperial Chancery during the discussion; these reported sanguinary street fighting and the defection of the home troops to the ranks of the revolutionaries, and repeatedly demanded abdication. They evidently proceeded from a state of panic; and, on account of their ur gent character, made a deep impression; but to what extent they were founded upon fact could not be tested. In spite of all this, the Kaiser had stood resolutely by his original decision. But, in face of the irrec- ontilable opposition between the two views of the situation and the logical conclusions involved, he had ultimately turned to General Groner and declared with great firmness that, in this exceedingly grave matter, he could not acquiesce in the opinion expressed by the general but must insist upon a written state- 290 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE ment signed by the field-marshal general, von Hinden burg, and by General Groner — a statement based upon the judgments to be obtained from all the army leaders of the west front. The notion of waging a civil war lay outside the scope of his consideration; but he held firmly to his desire to lead the army back home in good order after the conclusion of the armi stice. General Groner had then adopted an attitude which seemed to indicate that he regarded all further discussion as a vain loss of time in face of a definitely fixed programme; he had bmsquely and slightingly confined himself to remarking: "The army will march back home in good order under its leaders and commanding generals, but not under the leader ship of Your Majesty." In reply to the agitated question of my father: "How do you come to make such a report? Count Schulenburg reports the reserve!" Groner said: "I have different information."* * It must be recorded here that General Groner made this report to my father long before the vote had been placed before the commanders at the front. What "other information," then, did the first quartermaster- general possess, and from which leader of the west front did it proceed? These questions still remain unanswered. From none of the four armies placed in my charge did I ever receive any report which could justify General Groner's conclusion in regard to the front or even concerning the rear of my armies. The information referred to by General Groner he must have received on the 7th or 8th of November, for at Charleville he was still in good spirits, on the 5th he had ardently taken the part of the Kaiser, and on the 6th the Gen. Higher Command wrote to the armies on the west front that, for the armies, there was no Kaiser question and that, true to their oath, they stood immutably loyal to their Chief War Lord. SCENES AT SPA 291 In response to a further protest by my chief of staff, the field-marshal general had finally relin quished his attitude of reserve. With every respect for the spirit of soldierly loyalty displayed in Schu- lenburg's views, he had come to the practical conclu sion of General Groner, namely, that, on the basis of the information received by the Higher Command from home and from the armies, it must be assumed that the revolution could no longer be suppressed. Like Groner, he too, was unable to take upon himself responsibility for the trustworthiness of the troops. Finally, the Kaiser had closed the discussion with a repetition of his desire that the commanders-in- chief be asked for their views. "If you report to me," he said, "that the army is no longer loyal to me, I shall be prepared to go — but not till then !" From these discussions and decisions it was clear that the Kaiser was willing to sacrifice his person to the interests of the German people and to the maintenance of internal and external possibilities of peace. At the conclusion of the parley, Count Schulenburg had called particular attention to the fact that, in any decisions of the Kaiser's, questions concerning the Imperial Crown must be carefully distinguished from those of the Prussian royal throne. At the very most, only an abdication of the Kaiser could be con sidered; there was no need even at the worst of any talk of a renunciation of the throne of Prussia. For 292 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE this standpoint he had propounded important rea sons; and he had also expressed the opinion that the alarming telephonic messages from Berlin needed careful investigation before they could be made the basis of any resolve. My father had assured him that, in any circum stances, he would remain King of Pmssia and that, as such, he would not desert the army. Further more, he had at once ordered that an immediate tele phonic inquiry be made to the Governor of Berlin concerning the situation there; he had then walked into the garden accompanied by some of the gentle men of his suite; whUe the field-marshal general, General Groner and Count von Schulenburg had remained behind in the council room. In the en suing discussion on the last statements of Schulen burg, the field-marshal general confessed to the opinion that the Kaiser must, in all circumstances, maintain himself as King of Prussia, whereas Gen eral Groner remained sceptical of this and averse to such a claim. He stated that a free decision to this effect if taken by the Kaiser some weeks earlier might perhaps have effected a change in the situa tion; but that, in his opinion, it now came too late to be of any value in combating the revolt now blaz ing in Germany and spreading rapidly every moment. What had followed next had seemingly been cal culated to justify this view of General Groner's— if it could be accepted as the actual truth concern- SCENES AT SPA 293 ing the situation and the frame of mind in the homeland: The answer of the chief of the general staff with the Berlin Government, Colonel von Berge, had arrived and had brought a confirmation (albeit a qualified one) of the representations furnished by the Imperial Chancery— bloody street-fighting, de sertion of the troops to the revolutionaries, no sort of means in the hands of the Government for com bating the movement; furthermore, an appeal by Prince Max of Baden stating that civil war was inevitable unless His Majesty announced his ab dication within the next few minutes. With these messages, the field-marshal general, General Groner and His Excellency von Hintze had hurried into the garden and were now reporting the matter to the Kaiser, while Count von der Schulen burg was explaining the situation to me. I now went with my chief of staff to join the Kaiser. He stood in the garden surrounded by a group of gentlemen. Never shaU I forget the picture of that half-score of men in their gray uniforms, thrown into relief by the withered and faded flower-beds of ending autumn, and framed by the surrounding mist-man tled lulls with their glorious foliage of vanishing green and every shade of brown, of yellow and of red. 294 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE The Kaiser stood there as though he had suddenly halted in his agitated pacing up and down. Pas sionately excited, he addressed himself to those near him with violently expressive gestures. His eyes were upon General Groner and His Excellency von Hintze; but a glance was cast now and then at the field-marshal general, who, with his gaze fixed on the distance, nodded silently; and an occasional look was also turned towards the white-haired Gen eral von Plessen. Somewhat aloof from the group, stood General von Marschall, the Legation Coun cillor von Griinau and Major von Hirschfeld. With their bowed attitudes, most of the men seemed oppressed by the thought that there was no egress from their entanglement — seemed, whUe the Kaiser alone spoke, to have been paralyzed into muteness. Catching sight of me, my father beckoned me to approach and, himself, came forward a few paces. And now, as I stood opposite him, I saw clearly how distraught were his features — how his emaciated and sallowed face twitched and winced. He left me scarcely time to greet the field-marshal general and the rest; hastily he addressed himself to me, and, whUe the others retired a little and General Groner returned to the house, he burst upon me with aU he had to say. He poured out to me the facts without the slight est reserve, reiterated much of what Schulenburg had SCENES AT SPA 295 reported just before, supplemented the particulars, and gave me a deeper insight into the character of the catastrophe threatening to spring from the insta bility and the disintegration of will and energy. Only just arrived from my Army Group and the seclusion of the front, and whUe I was still endeavor ing to grasp and master all that Schulenburg had told me, I now learned that, the previous evening, be fore he called me to Spa, a thorough consultation had taken place concerning the situation, in which General Groner had urgently dissuaded the Kaiser from returning home — from attempting "to pene trate into the interior." Insurrectionary masses were on their way to Venders and Spa, and there were no longer any trustworthy troops whatever! Nor, said he, durst my father proceed to the front with any such intention as to die fighting; in view of the approaching armistice, such a step might give rise to false deductions on the part of the Entente, and thus cause even greater mischief and still fur ther bloodshed. My father also informed me that, according to the statements of these gentlemen, the cities of Cologne, Hanover, Brunswick and Munich were in the hands of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Councils, while in Kiel and Wilhelmshafen the revo lution had broken out, and that, in view of the ap parent necessity for his abdication as Kaiser, he was going to transfer to the field-marshal general the chief command of the German army. 296 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Notwithstanding my great perturbation, I at once tried to intervene and to check, wherever, in my opinion, it appeared possible, despite the hitherto precipitate course of events, to caU a halt, and wher ever a halt was essential, unless everything were to be lost. Even if the abdication of the Kaiser as such were really no longer to be avoided, his king ship of Prussia must, at any rate, remain un shaken. "Of course !" The words were uttered in such a matter-of-fact way and his eyes were so firmly fixed on mine that much appeared to me to have been gained already. I also emphasized the necessity for his remaining with the army in all circumstances, and I sug gested his coming with me and marching back at the head of my troops. General Groner now joined the other group again, accompanied by Colonel Heye, who, as I learned, had come from a conference of front officers con voked as a sort of council by the Higher Command without consulting the chief commanders of the army or the army groups, the vote of this council being taken by Groner to be decisive. In reply to the Kaiser's command, Colonel Heye reported to the following effect: The question had been put to the commanders whether, in the event of a civil war in the homeland, the troops could be reUed upon; the answer was in the negative; the SCENES AT SPA 297 trustworthiness of the troops had not been uncondi tionally guaranteed by certain of these gentlemen. Count von der Schulenburg intervened. He ad duced what we, who were familiar with our men, knew from personal experience; above all, this one thing, that the great majority of the army, if faced with the question whether they would break their oaths and desert their sovereign and Chief War Lord in the time of need, would certainly prove tme to their Kaiser. At this, General Groner merely shrugged his shoulders and sneered superciliously, "MUitary oaths? War Lords? Those are, after aU, only words; those are, when all is said, mere ideas." Here were two systems which no bridge could join, two conceptions which no mutual comprehen sion could reconcile. The one was the Prussian offi cer, loyal in his duty and devotion to Kaiser and to King, ready to live and die in the fulfilment of the oath which he had taken as a young man; the other, the man who doubtless never had taken things so ear nestly or with such a sense of sacred obligation, who had regarded them rather as symbol and "idea," who was always desirous of being "modem" and whose more supple mentaUty now freed itself with out any difficulty from engagements which threat ened to become awkward. Once more Schulenburg replied, telling the general that such statements as his only showed that he did 298 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE not know the heart and mind of the men at the front, that the army was tme to its oath and that, at the end of those four years of war, it would not abandon its Kaiser. He was still speaking, when he was interrupted by His Excellency von Hintze, who had meantime re ceived further reports from Berlin and wished to lay the evil tidings before the Kaiser. The Imperial Chancellor, Prince Max, he said, tendered his resig nation and reported that the situation had become so extremely menacing in Berlin that the monarchy could no longer be saved unless the Kaiser resolved upon immediate abdication. The Kaiser received the news with grave silence. His firmly compressed lips were colorless; his face was livid and had aged by years. Only those who knew him as I did could penetrate that mask of calmness and self-control maintained with such an effort in spite of the impatiently urgent demand of the chancellor. When Hintze had finished, he gave a brief nod; and his eyes sought those of the field-marshal gen eral as though searching them for strength and suc cor in- his anguish. But he found nothing. Motion less, deeply touched, silenced by despair, the great old man stood paralyzed, while his King and lord, whom he had served so long and so faithfully as a soldier, moved on to the fulfilment of his destiny. The Kaiser was alone. Not one of aU the men of SCENES AT SPA 299 the General Higher Command, not one of the men whom Ludendorff had once welded mto a firm en tity, hastened to his assistance. Here, as at home, disraption and decay. Here, where an iron will should have been busy enforcing itself in all the posi tions of authority and gathering all the reliable forces at the front to make itself effective, there was only one vast void. The spirit of General Groner was now dominant, and that spirit left the Kaiser to his fate. Hoarse, strange and unreal was my father's voice as he instructed Hintze, who was still waiting, to telephone the Imperial Chancellor that he was pre pared to renounce the Imperial Crown, if thereby alone general civil war in Germany were to be avoided, but that he remained King of Pmssia and would not leave his army. The gentlemen were silent. The state secretary was about to depart, when Schulenburg pointed out that it was, in any case, essential first to make a written record of this highly significant decision of His Majesty. Not until such a document had been ratified and signed could it be communicated to the Imperial Chancellor. The Kaiser expressed his thanks. Yes, he said, that was true; and he instructed Lieutenant-General von Plessen, General von Marschall, His Excellency von Hintze and Count von der Schulenburg to draw up the declaration and submit it to him for signature. 300 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE We therefore went indoors again. While the gentlemen were still at work on the document, there came another telephone call from Berlin. The chef of the Imperial Chancery, His Ex cellency von Wahnschaffe, asked urgently for the declaration of abdication; he was informed by Count von der Schulenburg that the decision already come to by His Majesty was being formulated and would be forthwith despatched to the Imperial Govern ment. The document did not contain the abdication of the Kaiser, but expressed his willingness to abdicate if thereby alone further bloodshed and, above all, civil war would be avoided. It also stressed the fact that he remained King of Pmssia and would lead the troops back home in perfect order. On the basis of this decision, there lay upon the chancellor the onus of reporting afresh concerning the development of the situation at home. Then, and not before, the final imperial decision would have followed. His ExceUency von Hintze undertook to telephone the wording of the document to the Imperial Chan cery. It was now one o'clock, and we proceeded to lunch. That silent meal, in a bright, white room whose table was decked with flowers but surrounded only by bitter anguish and despairing grief, is among the most horrible of my recollections. Not one of SCENES AT SPA 301 us but masked his face, not one who did not convul sively endeavor, for that half-hour, to hide his un easiness and not to talk of the phantom which lurked behind him and could not for a single moment be forgotten. Every mouthful seemed to swell and threaten to choke us. The whole meal resembled some dismal funeral repast. After this painful lunch, His Majesty remained in conversation with me and Schulenburg. A few min utes after two o'clock, he was called away by Gen eral von Plessen, as State Secretary von Hintze, while telephoning to Berlin, had been surprised by a fresh communication. We others remained behind in anxious suspense, fearing that some totally unforeseen incident had oc curred which would still further complicate the al ready bewildered and confused situation. Those few minutes seemed like an age to me. Presently Schulenburg and I were ordered to the Kaiser. Notwithstanding his outward and forcibly as sumed self-control and dignity, he was excessively agitated. As though stiU in doubt whether what he had just passed through could be reality and truth, he told us that he had just received informa tion from the Imperial Chancery to the effect that a message announcing his abdication as Kaiser (and as King of Pmssia) and, simultaneously, declaring my renunciation in a similar sense had been issued 302 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE by Prince Max of Baden and disseminated by Wolff's Bureau without awaiting the declaration of the Kaiser or consulting me in the matter; further, that the Prince had resigned his post of Imperial Chancellor and had been appointed Imperial Re gent, while the social-democratic Reichstag deputy, Ebert, was now Imperial Chancellor. We were all so dazed and paralyzed by this start ling news that for the moment we could hardly speak. Then we immediately endeavored to ascertain and establish the sequence of these unexampled proceed ings: His Excellency von Hintze had just begun to telephone the declaration drawn up by His Majesty, when he was interrupted. This declaration, he was told, was quite futile; it must be the complete abdi cation, as Kaiser and as King of Prussia also, and Herr von Hintze must listen to what was about to be 'phoned him ! The state secretary had protested against this interruption and had declared that the decision of His Majesty must now be heard before anything else. This he proceeded to read ; but he had no sooner finished than Berlin informed him that a declaration had already been published by Wolff's Bureau and immediately afterwards communicated to the various troops by wireless telegrams; this decla ration stated: "The Kaiser and King has resolved to abdicate the throne. The Imperial Chancellor re mains in office till the questions connected with the SCENES AT SPA 303 abdication of the Kaiser, the renunciation of the throne by the Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Pmssia and the appointment to the regency are settled. ..." The state secretary, von Hintze, had forthwith entered a categorical protest against this proclamation, which had been issued without the Kaiser's authorization and did not represent in the least His Majesty's decisions. Von Hintze had repeatedly demanded the presence of the Imperial Chancellor himself at the telephone; and Prince Max of Baden had then, in reply to Hintze's inquiry, per sonally acknowledged his authorship of the pub lished proclamation and declared himself prepared to accept the responsibility for doing so. Thus, he did not, for one moment, deny that he was the originator of this incomprehensible act, namely, publishing, without His Majesty's authoriza tion, decisions ostensibly his which he had never agreed to, in such a form, and in a way that, to say the least, was casual, forestalling my own decisions in a matter that had not yet been broached even by a single word. In the excited and credulous mood of the people at home and of the troops, it was clear to us that, by the extraordinary behavior of the Prince, the appear ance of an accomplished fact had been created which was to cut the ground we stood upon from under our feet. With a clearer judgment as to what had hap- 304 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE pened to His Majesty and to me, and clearer views concemmg what was now necessary, we passed over into the room where the other gentlemen were assembled. Great consternation at the monstrous proceedings seized them also. Cries of indignation mingled with suggestions as to how this crafty coup was to be met. Schulenburg and I importuned His Majesty never, under any circumstances, to submit to this coup d'etat, but to oppose the machinations of the Prince with every possible means and to abide unalterably by his previously formed resolution. The Count also emphasized the fact that this incident rendered it aU the more essential for the Kaiser, as Chief War Lord, to remain with the army. In this advice we found some support from General von Marschall, and especiaUy also from the old Colonel-General von Plessen, whose faithful and chivalrous nature and strong soldierly instinct burst through the otherwise courtier-like formalities usually carefully observed by him and revolted indignantly against the disgraceful blow aimed at his Kaiser and the entire dynasty. It was of great importance that, by personal inquiry, he demonstrated the un- tenability of Groner's assertion that the troops of the headquarters had become unreliable and no longer afforded the Kaiser sufficient protection. Count von der Schulenburg and I offered to SCENES AT SPA 305 undertake the subjection of the revolutionary, ele ments at home, proposing first to restore order in Cologne. But this suggestion the Kaiser declined to entertain, as he would have no war of Germans against Germans. Finally, he declared repeatedly and with great emphasis that he abode by his decision to abdicate if necessary as Kaiser but that he remained King of Prussia and, as such, would not leave the troops. He instructed General von Plessen, General von Marschall and His Excellency von Hintze to report at once to the field-marshal general concerning what had happened in Berlin and his own attitude. Somewhat encouraged by this firm mood of my father's, who now seemed to see his way clearly through all the entanglements and difficulties, I took leave of him, my duties as commander-in-chief requiring my presence in the headquarters of the Army Group at Vielsalm. As I held his hand in mine, I never imagined that I should not see him again for a year and that it would then be in Holland. Count von der Schulenburg remained in Spa. It was from him, and not from personal experi ence, that I gathered my information concerning the further events of that fatal 9th of November in Spa. Schulenburg, who, together with me, had taken leave of the Kaiser, had been called back by him 306 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE once more. My father had repeated: "I remain King of Pmssia and, as such, I do not abdicate; and I also remain with the troops ! " Then, as it was impossible to recognize the revolutionary Govern ment in BerUn, the question of the armistice was discussed. Who was to conclude it? His Majesty decided that Field-Marshal von Hindenburg should take over the supreme command and be responsible for conducting the negotiations. At the close of the conversation, the Kaiser held out his hand to Count Schulenburg and repeated: "I remain with the army. Tell the troops so !" On leaving His Majesty, Schulenburg proceeded to the quarters of the field-marshal general, where, together with General Groner, General von Mar schall, State Secretary von Hintze and the legation councillor, von Griinau, a conference was com menced at half past three concerning the situation created by Berlin. General Groner declared that there were no military means of counteracting the abdication proclaimed in Berlin. At the suggestion of His Excellency von Hintze it was decided to draw up a written protest agamst the declaration of abdi cation which had been proclaimed without the con sent or approval of the Kaiser, and to have this docu ment signed by the Kaiser and deposited in a secure place. In discussing the personal safety of the Kaiser, for which General Groner declined aU re sponsibiUty, the question was raised as to what SCENES AT SPA 307 domicUe the Kaiser could select if any development of affairs should force him to go abroad, and Hol land was mentioned. Count Schulenburg stood alone in his opinion that it would be a grave mistake if His Majesty left the army. He urged that His Majesty should join the Army Group, the way being open. Fully confident in the Kaiser's firm resolve, Count von Schulenburg, accompanied by the other mem bers of the Army Group Staff, had then driven back to Vielsalm, where his presence was urgently re quired on account of the tense situation at the front. As I stated in recounting events at Spa on Novem ber 9, the views obtained from a conference of officers from the front by Colonel Heye's submitting to them certain questions were adduced as evidence in sup port of the chief quartermaster-general's opinion on the prevailing mood of the troops at the front. At my instance an officer of the Army Group Gen eral Staff, who had accompanied Count Schulen burg to Spa, made a record of the character and the procedure of this council convoked directly by the General Higher Command. I append this docu ment here as a key to the temper and the mental condition prevalent at Spa and because it is necessary to a right understanding of what took place. On account of the relations of the officer to the service, his name is suppressed. 308 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE ,14, XI, '19. My Experiences at General Headquarters on 9, XI, 1918. (Written from memory.*) In the night of the 8th-9th, November, General Count von der Schulenburg received a telephone call from Major von Stiilpnagel ordering him to come to Spa on November 9. Major von Bock took the message. No information was given as to why Count Schulenburg should come or who wished to see him. — Count Schulenburg was rather astonished when Bock brought him the message, but he at once gave orders for his departure on the 9th. He appointed Captain X of the General Staff, Orderly Officer Lieutenant Y and myself to accom pany him. The same morning, instmctions had been given to transfer the quarters of the Upper Command of the Army Group from Waulsort to Vielsalm. At 8.30 a. m. on November 9, we reached the Hotel Britannique in Spa. On our arrival, we were struck by the fact that, in the hall of the hotel there was assembled a large body of officers not belonging to the Higher Command and that others were continu ally arriving. They were exclusively officers from the front; no commander-in-chief, commanding gen erals, chiefs of staff or other General Staff officers were present. * Use has also been made of certain notes written by Captain X and myself on December 2, 1918, and now in the possession of Count Schu lenburg. SCENES AT SPA 309 Count Schulenburg at once proceeded to the Operations Department on the first floor in order to inquire the reasons for his bemg summoned. On the way up-stairs he met Colonel Heye. This officer was manifestly surprised to see Count Schulen burg. After a short conversation, which I could not hear, Schulenburg returned to me, saying: — "We are evidently not wanted here at all. We have rushed into an affair which does not concern us, but we wUl see what is really going on !" From the numerous officers standing around, we learned that they had all been ordered to attend a meeting at 9 a. m. Apparently, from each of the divisions of the army groups Rupprecht, Kron- prinz and Gallwitz, a selected officer, divisional commander and infantry brigade or infantry regi ment commander had been summoned and had been rapidly brought along by motor-car. No informa tion concerning these orders had reached the Upper Command of the Army Group. The reason for the conference could only be guessed. The first idea was that it concerned the expected armistice. But rumors were circulating about measures to oppose the spread of the revolutionary movement in Ger many; there was unverifiable news of civil war in the homeland, of the westward advance of mutinous sailors through Aix-la-Chapelle, Bonn and Coblenz, of the blockading of the railways along the Rhine and the consequent entire stoppage of the com- 310 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE missariat. From the few members of the General Higher Command whom I managed to see, no further information was to be obtained in the hurry of the moment. Those whom I saw appeared de jected and rather desponding. It must be added here that, for nearly a fortnight, the Upper Command of the Army Group had received through the post neither newspapers nor letters and that we were, therefore, inadequately informed as to the situation at home, while the front had been living for weeks on nothing but mmors. Hence I observed that the officers arriving from the front accepted without any criticism, even very unfavorable reports circulating in the conference. A suitable soil for pessimism was, moreover, prepared in them by the fact that almost all had been fetched, just as they were, from the retreating battles in which they had been fight ing for weeks and which were excessively exhaust ing and in every way depressing; most of them, too, had travelled, in many cases hundreds of kilo metres, in open cars and clad in thin coats; and they were cold, unwashed and unfed. Soon after the conversation with Colonel Heye, Count Schulenburg, together with Captain X and myself, went to the hotel dining-room, where the officers from the front were assembling. In talk ing to various acquaintances, my impression was deepened that, for the reasons already adduced, these officers were in a very depressed mood. Mean- SCENES AT SPA 311 time, Colonel-General von Plessen and General von Marschall had entered the room. Their dejected spirits were noticeable. When they caught sight of Count Schulenburg, who stood near me, they at once came up and commenced talking to him. I could only hear fragments of the conversation and guess its general tenor. But, almost at the outset, Count Schulenburg said to the two of them very sharply: —"Have you all gone mad here?" Later he said, among other things, "The army stands firmly by the Kaiser." I noticed that Colonel-General von Ples sen and General Marschall drew fresh confidence from the conversation with Count Schulenburg; and I heard the words "Schulenburg must go with us at once to the Kaiser." The meeting had not yet been opened, and Colonel-General von Plessen and General v. Marschall very soon took Count Schulenburg out of the room and drove with him to His Majesty. — Captain X, Lieutenant Y and I stayed behind. Captain X and I decided to remain at the meeting, although we both felt that we were anything but welcome there. About nine o'clock, Field-Marshal General von Hindenburg, accompanied by Colonel Heye and a few other members of the Higher Command, en tered the room. The field-marshal, having wel comed the officers assembled by his orders, thanked them warmly for all that they had hitherto done; he then characterized the situation as serious but 312 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE not desperate, and proceeded to explain the object of the meeting. In Germany, he said, revolution had broken out and, in some places, blood had al ready flowed. The resignation of the Kaiser was being demanded. The Higher Command hoped to be able to oppose this demand, if the requisite assur ances were given them by the army at the front. On these questions which Colonel Heye would pres ently lay before them, the gentlemen were to ex press their views. In further delineation of the position of affairs, the field-marshal stated roughly that it was a question for His Majesty whether he could march to Berlin at the head of the entire army in order to recover there the Imperial and Royal Crown. For this purpose, however — no armistice having as yet been concluded and the railways not being available — the whole army, with the enemy of course following rapidly in its rear, would have to wheel round and march for two or three weeks fighting all the way in the endeavor to reach Berlin. Special emphasis was laid by the field-marshal upon the difficulties of getting supplies of all kinds, since everything was in the hands of the insurgents, and he laid stress on the fatigues and privations to which the troops would be unceasingly subjected. After this description of the situation — all of whose points were given by the field-marshal, not by Colonel Heye — the former left the meeting. I remember that my first impression, as I uttered SCENES AT SPA 313 it to Captain X, was something like this: — It is regrettable that the generally revered field-mar shal, whom many of those present had certainly just seen for the first time, should have been obliged to address them on such a sad matter and that he had given them a sketch of the miUtary situation which many critical minds could only regard with considerable scepticism. For me there could be no doubt that, after such a representation of affairs, only negative answers could be expected. MeanwhUe, the attendance at the meeting was continually being increased by new arrivals, though many did not get in till after midday, when the an swer to the questions had been long since reported to His Majesty. These questions — two or three in number — were put to the meeting by Colonel Heye. Their wording has escaped my memory; but roughly it was asked whether, under the watchword "For the Kaiser," the Higher Command could, with any pros pect of success, call upon the troops at the front to march to Berlin and thus unloose a civil war, or whether the army could no longer be had for this purpose. Colonel Heye requested the gentlemen to consider this important matter each for himself and uninfluenced by one another. After the lapse of a certain time, he would invite the gentlemen to come to him and state their views, as far as possible, general command by general command, beginning with the right wing. 314 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE What replies Colonel Heye received is unknown to me; but, as already indicated, I do not doubt, from what had passed, that the vast majority of them were in the negative. As I learned afterwards, all the officers from the front who took part in the con ference were pledged to secrecy by Colonel Heye and gave their hand on it. No such request was put to Captain X or myself. My judgment upon the conference and the inter rogation of the front-line commanders may be for mulated as follows: — Considering the importance of the verdict to be given by each individual officer ordered to Spa, it was bad management to interrogate these men who, in many cases, were physically and psychicaUy re duced without giving them an opportunity of re cuperation or giving them time mentally to digest the news placed before them in reference to the state of affairs at home. It was noticeable in the after noon how changed these same officers were in appear ance after they had rested a bit, had washed and dressed, had lunched and lighted a cigar. It was an incomprehensible omission to leave un- summoned the commanders-in-chief, the command ing generals and the chiefs of staff, to hear, as it were, the officers from the front behind their backs. Did the General Higher Command fear their judg ment? For that there was no occasion. From the SCENES AT SPA 315 Higher Command of the Crown Prince Army Group, at any rate, they had all along, and especially during the last few weeks and months, heard nothing but the most candid pronouncements as to the fighting capacity of the troops. Unfortunately, their state ments had not always met with the proper considera tion. The picture of the situation from which the com manders were to form their judgment was so sombre that an answer in favor of His Majesty was scarcely to be expected. On such an hypothesis, the army was not to be won over for the Kaiser. Moreover, a large proportion of the front officers doubtless lacked the analytic capacity and tactical judgment requisite for getting to the very heart of this mo mentous situation. If, as it would now appear, the significance of the interrogation was whether the Kaiser could remain with his army or not, it was a culpable omission not to have pointed out more explicitly the consequences which might ensue from their replies and therefore no detailed representation was given of what the position would be if His Majesty failed to remain Chief War Lord. So far as I am aware, the question whether His Majesty would be safe with the troops was never put. Not until 4.30 p. m. did Count Schulenburg re turn to the hotel. Captain X, Lieutenant Y and 316 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE I had spent most of the time waiting in the hotel, without being able to ascertain anything of any significance from any one. Count Schulenburg was greatly agitated. Briefly and with intense indigna tion he described what had happened. As the most essential points of what he told us, I recall es pecially the following: — We have no longer any Kaiser. A consultation has just been held at the field-marshal's villa as to whether His Majesty shall be sent off to-night to Holland. Groner says he can no longer guarantee his safety for another night. Bolshevists are, he asserts, marching on Spa from Venders. The verdict of the front officers brought by Heye has turned out to be in the negative. My objections that the army is loyal and abides by its oath were shelved by Groner with the words: "Loy alty to King and military oaths are, after all, mere ideas!" I could not carry my demand that the commanders-in-chief and the commanding generals should have a hearing. On my departure His Majesty promised me he would remain King of Pmssia and stay with the army. Concerning every thing else that occurred in His Majesty's villa and the field-marshal's and what Count Schulenburg told us further, exact information is to be found in the record of the events at Spa on November 9, as since published in the press. I would emphasize the fact that the particulars contained therein co incide perfectly with what Count Schulenburg told SCENES AT SPA 317 us at the Hotel Britannique and during the return journey to Vielsalm, i. e., while still under the first impressions of what he had just experienced. Signed, pro tern, in the General Staff of the Higher Command of the Crown Prince Army Group. On the top of all the exciting events of that day the night brought me a letter from my father which was irreconcilable with the last impressions which I and the chef of my General Staff had carried away with us from Spa, and destroyed all the hope and con fidence we had cherished concerning a restoration of the old order of things. The letter confronted me with unalterable facts which could not but change the course of my destiny and turn me aside from the path which I had hitherto regarded as the only proper one and which, relying upon my rights and obligations, I had intended unswervingly to follow. My father's letter ran: — "My dear boy, "As the Field-marshal cannot guarantee my safety here and will not pledge himself for the reliability of the troops, I have decided, after a severe inward struggle, to leave the disorganized army. Berlm is totally lost; it is in the hands of the Socialists, and two governments have been formed there — one with Ebert as Chancellor and one by the Indepen- 318 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE dents. Till the troops start their march home, I recommend your holdmg out at your post and keep ing the troops together! God willing, I trast we shall meet again. General von Marschall will give you further information. "Your deeply-bowed father, (signed) "WILHELM." I had no particulars concerning the circumstances which had been cogent enough to force the Kaiser, in a few hours, to give up everything and to desist from his determination to stand by his kingship. For the present, we could only assume that the Kaiser had been rendered pliable by the influence of those men whose views Count Schulenburg and I had combated with all our might and who had thus been paralyzed so long as we were in Spa. Details of what took place on that fatal afternoon only came to my knowledge very much later. I gathered them from conversations with His Majesty and the gentlemen of his suite and from the written records of various participators. From these it appeared that, after the departure of Count Schulenburg, a report was made to His Majesty, the field-marshal, Generals Groner and von Marschall, His ExceUency von Hintze and Herr von Griinau. Later on Admiral Scheer also joined the party. The Kaiser was most urgently pressed to issue his abdication and to start for Holland. SCENES AT SPA 319 Emphasis was laid on the fact that fifty officers from aU parts of the army had expressed the opinion that the troops at the front were no longer to be tmsted. It was declared that, in these circumstances, the Kaiser must leave the collapsing army and go to Holland. Groner emphasized the fact that the General Staff was of the same conviction. For His Majesty, the attitude adopted by the field-marshal general was decisive. No final decision seems to have been formed. His Majesty only agreed to preparatory steps being taken for his journey to Holland. After the conference had been closed, the Kaiser said to Count Dohna, who reported himself from furlough: "I have answered Groner categorically that I have now done with him; despite all sugges tions, I remain in Spa." To his two aides-de-camp he remarked: "I am staying the night in the vUla; proyide yourselves with arms and ammunition. The field-marshal tells me that we may have to reckon with Bolshevist attacks." It was not until after a further discussion with Colonel-General von Plessen and Herr von Griinau, that the Kaiser decided not to pass the night in Villa Fraineuse but in the tram at Spa, for which he gave the necessary orders. Further representations —made at the instance of the field-marshal general after supper and based, at his wish, upon the great danger of Bolshevist attacks from Aix-la-ChapeUe 320 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE and Verviers — were needed to induce the Kaiser to leave. Major Niemann, the General Staff officer of the Higher Command attached to the Kaiser, has furnished a description of what occurred. Accord ing to this account, the resolve of His Majesty in the course of the afternoon and evening of November 9, developed as follows: "Between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Field- Marshal von Hindenburg and State Secretary von Hintze reported to His Majesty that the situation was continually growing worse and requested him to consider crossing the frontier into neutral territory as the last resort. The field-marshal made use of the words: 'I cannot assume the responsibility for the Kaiser's bemg dragged to Berlin by muti nous troops and there handed over as a prisoner to the Revolutionary Government.' His Majesty de clared his assent to preparatory steps being taken by His Excellency von Hintze for the possible recep tion of His Majesty in Holland. After this conver sation His Majesty again gave personal instmctions for measures of security to be adopted during his stay in Spa. "Towards 7 p. m., His Excellency von Hintze and Colonel-General von Plessen again came to request His Majesty, in their own name and in the name of the field-marshal, to leave for Holland that night. The situation at home and in the army, said the state secretary, made a speedy decision SCENES AT SPA 321 by His Majesty essential. The possibility of His Majesty's being seized by his own troops, as already stated by the field-marshal, was getting nearer and nearer.— At first, His Majesty yielded to this pressure. Subsequently, however, on calm reflec tion, His Majesty came to the decision not to leave but to remain with the army and to fight to the last. On the way to the royal train, in which the greater part of the suite lived and in which all meals were taken, His Majesty, about 7.45 p. m., com municated this decision to his aides-de-camp, von Hirschfeld and von Ilsemann. On reaching the royal train, he proceeded to General von Gontard and told him expressly that he would not follow the advice given him by the Higher Command to leave the army and the country; on the contrary, he would stay with his army to the end and risk his Ufe. The demand that he should leave the army was, he said, preposterous. "His Majesty expressed himself in the same sense to Colonel-General von Plessen and to General Baron Marshal. "By supper-time (8.30 p. m.) the idea of departure appeared to be finaUy given up. "After supper, i. e., about 10 o'clock, Baron von Griinau appeared under instructions from His Ex cellency von Hintze, and reported to His Majesty that both Field-marshal von Hindenburg and State Secretary von Hintze had come to the conclusion 322 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE that His Majesty must start for Holland without delay. The situation had become untenable, as the insurrectionary movement threatened to travel from Aix-la-ChapeUe and Eupen to Spa, and insur gent troops were already marching on the town; while the route to the front was blocked by mutinous troops on the lines of communication. "His Majesty, yielding to these renewed urgent demands of the leading responsible military and competent political advisers, gave orders for the journey to the Dutch frontier to start at 5 a. m. on November 10." — All these facts seem to me to prove that His Majesty did not resolve, of his own accord, to go to Holland. On the contrary, he protested against the idea to the very last. But all his advisers, with the Higher Command at the head, employed the most forcible means to wrest this decision from him. The leading persons of his suite seem also to have gone over to the other side in the course of the afternoon and to have exerted themselves to ob tain an early departure of His Majesty. Only in this way can it be explained that, in Viel salm, a bare hour by motor-car from Spa, we did not get news of this decision in time for us to intervene and to induce the Kaiser to join our Army Group. — Tme, the situation at the front was very critical, and our presence in the Vielsalm headquarters extremely necessary. Nevertheless, it was a mis- SCENES AT SPA 323 take for Schulenburg and me not to have remained in Spa or to have taken the Kaiser along with us when we left. We relied upon the promise of the Kaiser and upon those around him, who knew our views and attitude, to give us a caU immediately any change occurred in the Kaiser's resolve. Considering in retrospect the abdication of the Kaiser, it seems to me that there was only one suitable moment for such an act. That moment was at the end of September, when Kaiser and peo ple were startled by the miUtary coUapse and by the demand of the Higher Command for an im mediate armistice proposal. The revelation of the bald truth was so crushing that the people would have understood the Kaiser's taking upon himself the responsibiUty and sacrificing himself. Such an abdication would have been voluntary and would not have weakened the monarchy. In October, one privilege after another was wrested from the crown. Even the Higher Command, in the middle of October, agreed to the supreme command in wartime bemg torn from the Kaiser — from the Chief War Lord. Ultimately came the demand for abdi cation, and it grew louder and louder as the hostUe propagandists acted more and more in concert. If it had been accorded in response to this pressure, the crown would have been surrendered to the ab solute control of ParUament and of the mob, and the end would have been just the same. 324 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Or does any one still believe that the dynasties would not have been overturned, if the Kaiser had abdicated in the days of November or in the fore noon of November 9? The revolution was not di rected against the person of the Kaiser but against monarchy. For months the ground had been undermined, and the favorable moment was being awaited. This moment had arrived when the people's confi dence in Hindenburg and Ludendorff received such a severe blow by the recognition that the war was lost. The people were worn out; the masses were worn out and ready for the revolution; the middle- classes were worn out and apathetically let things slide. The will to war and to resistance was para lyzed; and people yielded to the delusion that they would obtain a better peace by removing the Kaiser. The revolution had an astoundingly easy game to play. A few hours sufficed to sweep away the heredi tary Princes and their governments. Without fight ing and without bloodshed, the revolution was accomplished— a proof of how thoroughly it was prepared, partly by the moving and swaying forces of our unfortunate destiny and partly by the sys tematic work and influence of the revolutionaries. The Kaiser recognized that the abdication de manded from him would be the commencement of chaos. He recognized that, for the difficult times ahead of us, one thing especially was essential: the SCENES AT SPA 325 one thing needful was the maintenance of authority and of the fighting capacity of the army so that it might resist any attempt to dictate peace. Was he not right? The German people had received the most extensive democratic rights. The old authority could not be dispensed with in the hour of greatest peril. The Higher Command were forced to sign the ignominious armistice, not because we were defense less, but because the field army could not continue the campaign with the revolution in its rear. The entire blame for their misfortune our people have heaped upon their old Kaiser. As his son, but also as one who was never his blind admirer, I must demand justice in any verdict pronounced upon my father. For three years he has been over whelmed with abuse by the parties of the present Government who still impute every failure to the old regime and especially to the Kaiser, and by the heroes of the extreme left as well as those of the right. Like everybody else, my father was, after all, only human, and he too was worn out. Did not stronger men also experience their hours of weakness in the war? To what trials was not this sensitive and most pacific of princes exposed in the war? The last year of the war brought disappointment after disap pointment. In its evil closing months, adverse in telligence was followed by evil tidings and evil tidings by bad news; and, in the closing days and 326 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE hours everything collapsed. He had resolved to tread the path of duty, and in that path to fall fighting. He relied upon the Higher Command, who, till the 6th of November, took his part with the whole weight of their authority. In the decisive hour, when the nation, the home army and the navy deserted him, that man also faUed him who for him and for the nation was the greatest authority and to whom he had subordinated himself. Is it any wonder that my father tmsted this man, this responsible adviser, more than he did me or my chef? Is it any wonder that, in the enormous excitement and tension which had seized him, he, after prolonged opposition, eventually yielded be cause his great field-marshal strove for it with all the means at his disposal? Is it not natural that he should have shunned a bloody straggle against two fronts, a straggle withal which, in the judg ment of the field-marshal general, the German army was no longer morally capable of conducting? What enormous difficulties lay in the fact that the enemy Alliance was prepared to negotiate only with a so-called popular Government ! Without a doubt, our enemies, in the event of a conflict, would have made the surrender of the Kaiser a preliminary condition for the continuance of the armistice and peace negotiations. Was my father to place army and country in such a terrible dilemma ? And so he SCENES AT SPA 327 acquiesced in his fate, rather than involve his brave and severely suffering people and army in civil war on his account. It was but logical that he should go abroad after he had given up the stmggle with the revolution. I demand for the Kaiser humaneness in delibera tion and righteousness in judgment; and yet I fear I shall not convince his adversaries — those adver saries who cast stones at him because he went to HoUand and who would have stoned him just the same, if, after abdicating, he had marched back home. But I hope to meet with understanding for my father among those nationally disposed Ger mans who have the honest courage to look back and to beat their own breasts: "He that is without sin!" CHAPTER VIII EXILED TO HOLLAND May, 1921. In the early morning of November 10, I delib erated with my chief of staff, Count Schulenburg, about the situation created by the departure of the Kaiser and the possibilities left open to me. My own inclination was stiU towards resistance. Combat the revolution then? But only Hinden burg, the man into whose hands the Kaiser com mitted the supreme command over the troops at the front and the troops at home and to whom I, myself, am subordinate as soldier and as leader of my Army Group, only this one man has the right to summon us to such a combat. And while we are still talking of him and of the decisions which he may perhaps be making, there comes the report from Spa that he has placed him self at the disposal of the new Government ! Therewith, every thought of fighting is blasted in its roots — any enterprise against the new mlers is doomed to futility. With Hindenburg and the watchword of order and peace, much might have been saved; in opposing him there was only more to be lost, namely, German blood, and the prospect of an armistice and of peace. 328 EXILED TO HOLLAND 329 Hence, my every temptation to regain my heredi tary power by force of arms must be repudiated; and all that can persist is my desire in any case to do my duty as a soldier who has sworn fealty to his Kaiser and owes obedience to the representative appointed by that Kaiser. Accordingly, I will re tain the command in my hands and will safely lead back home, in order and discipline, the troops in tmsted to me. Count von der Schulenburg indorses this resolve with his advice; and like views are ex pressed by my army leaders von Einem, von Hutier, von Eberhardt, and von Boehn, some of whom pre sent themselves among the staff of the Army Group in the course of the morning while the others are communicated with by telephone. Not one of them but is deeply affected by these unhappy decrees; not one of them who does not regard the events of Berlin and Spa with bewilderment. The same question again and again: "And Hindenburg?" And again and again the one answer: "General Groner " After a long discussion of the pros and cons, I left Vielsalm in the afternoon. Schulenburg advises me urgently to proceed nearer to the troops at the front during the negotiations with Berlin, and to await the decisions of the Government in a spot more remote from the demoralization that was likely to find more ready expression behind the lines. On the other hand, it is necessary to select a place 330 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE accessible by telephone. Therefore, in the end, it is agreed that I shall, for the present, proceed to the headquarters of the Third Army. That drive I shall never forget. My orderly of ficer, Zobeltitz and the courier officer of the Army Group, Captain Anker, accompany me; while my two adjutants, Muldner and Muller, remain behind to conduct the further negotiations with the Gov ernment. In one place we passed through, my car was sur rounded by hundreds of young soldiers, who greeted me with shouts and questions. It is a depot of re cruits of the guards; none of the lads will believe in the reports of the revolution, and they beg me to march home with them. They are prepared to batter everything to pieces ! When they hear that Hindenburg also has placed himself at the disposal of the new Government, they become quite silent. That seems beyond their comprehension. I press many hands; I hear behind me the shouts of the young voices: "Auf Wiedersehen !" — Dear, tmsty German lads — now doubtless German men ! We toil along incredible country roads and forest tracks; and, about nine o'clock, we reach our goal. But no staff is to be seen anywhere ! Accidentally, a veterinary surgeon turns up in the dark and in forms us that no staff has ever been located here. The name of the headquarters of the Third Army occurring twice, they have been incorrectly indi- EXILED TO HOLLAND 331 cated on my map. But he will show us the way to the next place, where von Schmettow's staff was located yesterday. Our route traverses a vast and pitch-dark forest. In an hour's time we arrive at a house where every one has already retired to rest. After much shout ing and sounding of our motor-homs an officer at length appears and explains that this is a school for ensigns; von Schmettow's group has already left. The young man is exceedingly kind, as though he must apologize for Schmettow's having gone. He begs me to stay the night; he does not know where the Third Army Staff is located, but presumes Einem to have taken up his quarters in the neigh borhood of the little town of Laroche. We proceed, therefore, on our night journey. Eventually we find Laroche. It is a railway junc tion. It is a terrible chaos through which we drive: bawling, undisciplined men going on leave, shouts and screams; and storming of the trains. At the commandant's, we learn that the Third Army Staff is lodged in a house quite close by. Off we start again ! On a deeply ratted road we have to pass under a narrow railway arch. Here an Austrian howitzer battery has jammed itself into some German munition vans in a hopeless entangle ment. It is pitch dark to boot. The small lights flicker; the men shout and curse. Our car sinks deeper and deeper into the mud; and a fine, cold 332 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE drizzle pours down. And thus we sit there and wait in that chaos for two whole hours. The yelling and bawling at the railway station reverberates over our heads; groups of muddy shirkers and soldiers from the lines of communication drift mistrustfully past, casting greedy, sidelong looks at us as they go by. Two such hours, after that flood of terrible events and with one's heart full of pain and bitterness. It is like a picture of the ghastly end of our four and a half years of heroic straggle: confusion, insanity, crime. I would not wish my worst enemy the burning torture of those hours. It was past midnight when we eventually reached the army headquarters, where we were welcomed with cordial friendship by His Excellency von Einem and his chief of staff, Lieutenant-Colonel von Klewitz. They had been expecting us since late in the afternoon, and had begun to fear some mis fortune might have overtaken us and they would not see us again. We soon retire to bed; but again I find it scarcely possible to sleep. The eleventh is a cold, sombre day. At the Third Army Headquarters not a trace of the revo lution is observable. From the chief of staff down to the lowest orderly, everything is irreproachable; and it is a pleasure to see the smartness and alacrity of the men. Were it not that all the unspeakably EXILED TO HOLLAND 333 bitter experiences of the last few days are burned indelibly into my brain, I could, at the sight of this perfect order, imagine myself awaking from a hor rible dream. Klewitz told me, by the way, that a soldiers' council had been formed among his tele phone staff; but he had soon put an end to it, and the men came to him afterwards to apologize. In the course of the forenoon, the leader of the First Guards, General Eduard von Jena and his gen eral staff officer, Captain von Steuben, reported to me. They are both fine, well-tried men. We were much affected; and when they took leave of me, tears were in their eyes. In the afternoon I telephone to my adjutants at Vielsalm. They report that, in regard to the nego tiations with the Government, they are again com municating with Berlin, but no decisions have been come to yet. One thing I request, namely, that no sort of conclusive settlement shall be made, that the final decision be left to me. Hence, wait on ! Wait? Wait for what miracle? Is not, in all that I already know, all that is barely concealed under the form of discussions and negotia tions, the "No" of the gentlemen in Berlin clearly audible? And, indeed, if they are to retain the power they have usurped, can they act otherwise? And if I wish our poor and oft-tried country to have peace, can I repudiate their "No"? One unforgetable impression of that day I must 334 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE record here: It is evening. Sunk in agonizing thought, I am walking alone in the park of the cha teau. I have taken refuge in this solitude and seclu sion in order to look in the face the finalities which are about to be consummated. And I reason thus. When that "No," which is surely coming, has robbed you of your place beside your comrades, and has reft from you your re sponsibilities and duties as an active soldier — what then? Are you then to take one of the trains at Liege or Herbesthal and travel to Berlin in order not to become the nucleus of disturbances by remaining with the troops ? Will you live there as an idle gen tleman passively watching them — in the wild frenzy and raving delirium of their jaded, goaded and mis guided brains — violate all that tradition had made so sacred to you and to them? Or would you like to be there as the person on whom all their quarrels turned? "No!" But a way opens out at the moment when you are forced by their "No" to give up your desire to return home with the troops, at the moment when you are deposed by the new mlers and dis charged from the service. That way is the way across the frontier. Over there, away from all fermenting conflicts, you might wait a few weeks till the worst of the storm is over and reason and discernment have helped to restore order. Then, at the latest, on the con- EXILED TO HOLLAND 335 elusion of peace, you could return to your wife and children and to the fresh labors which await you and every other German. I think of my father, whom, in this way, I should see again And the whole bitterness of this separation and this exile comes over me. Early dusk veUs the autumn trees; sleet is falling, and a penetrating chill arises from the wet, moulder ing leaves and the soddened earth. Suddenly, along the road outside, a company marches by. The men are singing our fine old soldiers' song, "Nach der Heimat mdcht' ich wie- der " Singing! Marching! "Good God," I think to myself. I stmggle with my feelings as best I can; but they are too strong for me, I cannot resist them. StUl they sing — softer now and more distant I kept up until then. But that — in the darkness and soUtude in which no one could see — that over came me. Late in the evening arrived the declaration of the Government that, having heard the advice of War Minister General Scheuch, they must refuse to allow me to remain any longer in the Higher Com mand of the Army Group. The new commander- in-chief had no further use for me. And so nothing was left but to write my farewell letter. It ran as follows; 336 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Headquarters of the Crown Prince Army Group "German Crown Prince," November 11, 1918. Dear Field-Marshal General, In these days— the most grievous of my father's life and of mine — I must beg to take leave of Your Excellency in this way. With deep emotion, I have been forced to the decision to avaU myself of the sanction accorded by Your Excellency to my relin quishing my post of commander-in-chief, and shall, for the present, take up residence abroad. It is only after a severe inward straggle that I have been able to reconcile myself to this step; for it tears every fibre of my heart not to be able to lead back home my Army Group and my brave troops to whom the Fatherland owes such an infinite debt. I consider it important, however, once again to give Your Excellency, at this hour, a brief sketch of my attitude; and I beg Your Excellency to make whatever use of my words may seem at all fitting to you. Contrary to many unjust opinions which have en deavored to represent me as having always been a war-inciter and reactionary, I have, from the outset, advocated the view that this war was, for us, a war of defense; and, in the years 1916, 1917 and 1918, I often emphasized, both by word of mouth and in writing, the opinion that Germany ought to seek to end the war and that she should be glad if she could maintain her status quo against the entire world. EXILED TO HOLLAND 337 So far as home politics are concerned, I have been the last to oppose a liberal development of our con stitution. This conception I communicated in writ ing to the Imperial Chancellor, Prince Max of Baden, only a few days ago. Nevertheless, when the vio lence of events swept my father from the throne, I was not merely not heard, but, as Crown Prince and heir-apparent, simply ignored. I therefore request Your Excellency to take notice that I enter a formal protest against this violation of my person, my rights and my claims. In spite of these facts, I held to my view that, considering the severe shocks which the army was bound to sustain through the loss of its Kaiser and Chief War Lord as well as through the ignominious terms of the armistice, I ought to remain at my post in order to spare it the fresh disappointment of see ing the Crown Prince also discharged from his posi tion as mUitary commander-in-chief. In this, too, I was led by the idea that, even though my own person might be exposed to the most painful conse quences and conflicts, the holding together of my Army Group would avert further disaster, from our Fatherland, whom we all serve. These consequences to myself I should have endured in the conviction that I was doing my country a service. But the attitude of the present Government had also neces sarily to be taken into account in deciding whether I was to continue in my military command. From 338 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE that Government I have received notice that no further military activity on my part is looked for, although I should have been prepared to accept any employment. I believe, therefore, that I have remained at my post as long as my honor as officer and soldier required of me. Your Excellency will, at the same time, take notice that copies of this letter have been despatched to the Minister of the Royal Household, the Prussian State Ministry, the Vice-president of the House of Deputies, the President of the House of Lords, the Chef du Cabinet militaire, the Chef du Cabinet civil and a few of the miUtary leaders with whom I am more intimately acquainted. I bid Your Excellency farewell with the ardent wish that our beloved Fatherland may find the way out of these severe storms to internal recovery and to a new and better future. In conclusion, I am," Yours, (Signed) WILHELM, Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Pmssia. To His Excellency, Field-Marshal General von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General Headquarters. Soon after these incidents, I felt the desire to have a short account prepared of all that had taken place, including more especially the progress of the nego- EXILED TO HOLLAND 339 tiations between my Army Group in Vielsalm and the Government in Berlin during my stay at Third Army Headquarters. As a supplement to the de scription given by me, I insert here the account drawn up and signed by my chief of staff, Major- General Count von der Schulenburg and my two acting adjutants Miiller and Muldner: — Account of the Events of the 10th and 11th of November, 1918. On November 10, 1918, the chief of the General Staff of the Army Group under the German Crown Prince, Major-General Count Schulenburg urgently advised His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince, to remain at the head of the Army Group. The Commanders-in-Chief v. Einem, von Boehn, v. Eberhardt and von Hutier, some of whom appeared personally in the headquarters of the Army Group, indorsed this view, each expressing his opinion in dependently to the Crown Prince. On November 10 the Crown Prince betook himself to the front, viz., to Third Army Headquarters, in order not to come prematurely into contact with various signs of demoralization. In Vielsalm, the headquarters of the Army Group, a conference was held, on November 11, with His Excellency von Hintze, in which Count Schulenburg and the two personal adjutants, Major von Miiller 340 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE and Major von Muldner, took part. Count Schu lenburg advocated the Crown Prince's remaining at the head of his Army Group. He pointed out that the field-marshal and Groner were also of this opinion. In general, the two personal adjutants agreed with this view, but they called attention to the fact that, before his departure for Holland, the Kaiser had declared that, under no circumstances, must civil war be inflamed in Germany. Willingly or unwillingly, however, now that the Kaiser had crossed into Dutch territory, the Crown Prince, as things stood, would, in all probability, become the cause of such civil war. Even if this factor were excluded, it might be assumed with certainty that the new Government would bring about, with all convenient speed, the termination of so commanding a military part as that held by the Crown Prince. At the latest, this would have to take place at the Rhine; and then there would no longer be left to the Crown Prince any decision as to his further actions. He would presumably be forced to accept any conditions im posed upon him and would not even have any choice as to his future domicile. If he chose it in Germany he would always remain the nucleus of movements that might lead to incalculable consequences. His Excellency von. Hintze declared that the question of whether the Prince was to remain or depart was one to be decided by the responsible military au thorities. It was agreed to inquire of the Govern- EXILED TO HOLLAND 341 ment, and His Excellency von Hintze offered to transmit the question. He requested the Imperial Chancellor to come to the telephone. The chan cellor was at a sitting and could not be spoken to. His place was taken by Herr von Prittwitz and Herr Baacke. While His Excellency von Hintze was talking with these gentlemen, Count Schulen burg dictated to Major von Muldner the inquiry put to the Government by the Crown Prince: — "The Crown Prince has a fervent desire to remain at the head of his Army Group and, in these serious times, to do his duty like every other soldier. He will lead his troops back home in strict order and discipline, and he engages to undertake nothing against the Government in these times. What is the attitude of the Government in this matter?" His Excellency von Hintze telephoned this inquiry to Herr Baacke, who wrote it down and verified it. During these negotiations, the Crown Prince called for Count Schulenburg and His Excellency von Hintze and demanded that no final arrangements should be made and that, in any case, he reserved to himself the decision. Late in the evening, Major von Muldner received a telephone message to the effect that, after having consulted the war minister, Scheuch, the Govern ment must answer the inquiry of the Crown Prince in the negative, and that they had no intention of leaving the Crown Prince in command. Thereupon, and with the consent of Field-Marshal 342 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE von Huidenburg, the Crown Prince laid down the command and, after a severe internal straggle, re solved in favor of the journey to Holland, saying to himself that, after the decision already formed, his remaming would not bring about any change in the situation but would only aggravate and confuse it, so that he was convinced he ought to make this sacrifice for the Fatherland. The departure took place in the forenoon of No vember 12. Berlin, April 4, 1919. (Signed) VON MULLER, Major. MULDNER VON MULNHEIM, Major. COUNT VON DER SCHULENBURG, Major-General. The next night is sleepless, restless. It is like one long horror to a tortured heart which must now tear itself away by the roots from its affections, hor ror against the brain which vainly racks itself for a better solution of the problems. In the end, only one thing stands clear, namely, that not through me or on my account must be shed further blood at home, that I dare not be a hindrance to any possible restoration of internal tranquillity or to the finding of a peace which the Fatherland can bear. EXILED TO HOLLAND 343 We intend to travel in the early morning — to travel across the frontier into Holland. Two cars with only the most absolutely indispensable luggage. We have talked about it for days; and I have thought of scarcely anything else at night; yet now that it faces me in all its reality, I can hardly realize it. Quite quietly and with but few words, I should like to leave the Third Army Headquarters. What can be said has been said. And every military duty has been fulfiUed up to the last moment. The com mand of the Army Group hitherto intmsted to me passed to Lieutenant-General von Einem with the advent of the armistice. Departure — stem com pulsion ordains it. Why make the heart stUl heavier? But, when I enter the hall, the whole Head quarters Staff is there in full regimentals and with their helmets on — all of them, even the clerks and orderlies. In front of them, leaning upon his sword, stands the fine old colonel-general, von Einem; next to him is his chief of staff, my good Klewitz — that admirable soldier, never daunted though things were often so black ! Only that, in his sturdy features, there is something I have never seen there before. Einem speaks — encouraging, deeply felt words, be lief in a new future! Three cheers for the com mander-in-chief of the Army Group fill the hall and re-echo above my head. 344 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Commander-in-chief of the Army Group? Am I that still? Perhaps at this moment the field- marshal general holds my letter of resignation in his hands. I cannot speak, cannot answer. I press the hands of the old and weU-tried officers; and I see tears on the cheeks of the men. We must be off. On the way, we have to halt with the staff of the First Army, which has its quarters in the picturesque Rochefort Chateau in the Ardennes, not far from Namur. There, at General von Eberhardt's — the general was for a long time a tmsty leader in my Army Group — I have to meet my chief of staff. Thus, I have another bitter farewell to take from him also, from the man who, during the severest period of the war, stood nearest to me as my military assistant and adviser, and to whom, for all that he gave me as a soldier and a man, I am so deeply indebted. We are all deeply moved as I now sign the last army order to my troops. "To my Armies ! "His Majesty the Kaiser having laid down the supreme command and the armistice being con cluded, I am compelled by circumstances to retire from the leadership of my Army Group. As ever heretofore, so also to-day I can only thank my brave EXILED TO HOLLAND 345 armies and each man in them from the bottom of my heart for the heroic courage, self-sacrifice and resignation with which, in prosperity and in adver sity, they have faced every danger and endured every privation for the Fatherland. The Army Group has not been defeated by force of arms ! Hunger and bitter distress have conquered us! Proudly and with heads erect, my Army Group can leave the soil of France which the best German blood had won. Their escutcheon is un blemished, their honor untainted. Let every one see to it that they remain so, both now and later in the homeland. Four long years I was permitted to be with my armies in victory and in distress; four long years my whole heart was given up to my troops. Deeply moved, I part from them to-day, and I bow my head before the splendor of their mighty deeds which history will some day write in words of flame for later generations. Be tme to your leaders as you have been heretofore, tUl the command comes which shall set you free for wife and child, for hearth and for home. God be with you and with our German Fatherland ! "WILHELM, "The Commander-in-Chief, "Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Pmssia." 346 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE And now the moment of separation has come here too. I can scarcely tear myself away. But it must be — my people urge me. Muldner has been holding a cap ready for me for some time — a gray infantry cap; he thinks, I suppose, that I shall not notice what it is in this torment and dis traction; he wishes to disguise me with it, in his affectionate care imagining that I shall be safer and less easUy recognized in that unaccustomed color. "No, I want my Hussar cap for this last journey, too ! No one will do me any harm !" And now they pretend to be unable to find it. But I wait; and, at last, the black one with the death's-head turns up and I don it once again. I look into their faithful eyes; we can only nod; words stick in the throat. Schulenburg jerks out: "If you see my lord and Kaiser over there in Hol land " then he falters, too. The motor whirs; and we start. We drive through the back areas of two disin tegrating armies, districts which are disengaging themselves in mad haste from the firmly established order of a four years' campaign. Our cars are gray; they carry my three tmsty companions and myself to the bitter end. In the front car are Miiller and Muldner, I following them in the other car with the sick Zobeltitz. There are soldiers everywhere, saluting and shout ing. No, I was right; no one will interfere with me. EXILED TO HOLLAND 347 I return their salutes; and I can't help thinking, again and again: "If you lads only knew how I feel just now." Our route goes via Andenne to Tongem. Belgian soil; everywhere the Belgian flags are flying in the towns, and the population is celebrating. Moreover, the look of our own people changes as we get farther and farther from the front. Crowds of men who once were soldiers now drift along with out discipline. Shouts that are no longer friendly greet our ears. There is the incessant repetition of the sUly catchwords of those days; swaggering and bragging, each boaster tries to outdo the other in his display of rebelliousness, shouting : " Knives out ! " "Gofor'im!" "Blood up!" But we are stopped nowhere. At one spot we pass a cattle transport driven by "Landsturm" men. One old chap, passing close to the car and waving a red flag above his oxen, curses me roundly; the officers, he says, are to blame for it all; they've kept hey-day — he is half famished! — That is really too much for me, and I give the miser able man such a dressing-down that, trembling and white as a sheet, he makes salute after salute. Wretched rabble that have never faced the enemy and are now playing at revolution ! Just before Vroenhoven we see the last German troops; "Landsturm," they are making off toward home. 348 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Near Vroenhoven we halt in. the Dutch barbed wire. My heart thumps loudly as I jump out of the car. I am thoroughly conscious that the few paces before me are decisive. As though all crowded together in one moment, the pitiless and tormenting scenes of the last few days stand once again before me: Spa; the Kaiser; the field-marshal; Groner's face; my Schulenburg, adjuring and undauntedly opposing the others; my father's letter; and the decision from Berlin which gives me my discharge and cuts the ground from under my feet. No, it must be; it must be; there is no other way. Suddenly there come into my mind the words that General von Falkenhayn used to call out to me when, as a boy, I had to take some difficult ob stacle with my horse: "Fling your heart across first; the rest will follow." Then I take the few steps in front of me. Veiled, blurred and uncertain is my impression of what followed next. People surround me, comrades (Muller deadly earnest; and Muldner, self-possessed, soldierly, practical and clear as ever) and stran gers. There is a young, perfectly correct Dutch officer, who at first is so surprised that he cannot grasp the situation and does not know what to do with us. But he sees that we cannot remain here; conse quently, we are taken past a presenting guard into a EXILED TO HOLLAND 349 small inn, where amiable and silent attendants serve us with hot coffee. Meantime Maastricht is rang up. The young offi cer returns. He is, himself, oppressed by the duty incumbent upon him: he must request the surrender of our weapons. Then follows a moment of intense bitterness, which is rendered endurable only by the tact of the petitioner. Baron von Hunefeld and Baron Grote come over from Maastricht. Soon Colonel Schroder of the military police arrives with his adjutant. Our fur ther destiny lies in his hands. He acts energeti cally. Telephones ring and telegrams are des patched. Reports, inquiries, regulations to be ob served. Thus our destiny begins to shape itself. In any case, we are first to proceed to the prefec ture in Maastricht and to await the Government's decision at the residence of the governor of the Province of Limburg. Again we drive off. Everything is warlike here also. The streets of the town are blocked with guards, wires and chevaux-de-frise. The news of our arrival, too, has spread with incredible celerity; and the people regard us with sinister looks. "The Boches are here ! The Crown Prince ! " It is nearly one o'clock when we enter the prefec ture. On the square below is a raging, yelling crowd, consisting mostly of Belgians. 350 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE Baron van Hoevel tot Westerflier receives us with a thoroughly humane and magnanimous comprehen sion of our position, and endeavors in every way to alleviate our melancholy situation. He, too, de clares that our arrival has come as a complete sur prise to the Dutch Government and that further de cisions must be awaited. He then leaves us alone in the cold splendor of the large hall of the prefecture. However tactfully it may be done, however skU- fully the veil may be drawn over the reality, one feels oneself to be, after all, a prisoner, to be no longer a free man, master of one's own decisions, to be a person who may be compelled to stay or forced to go. To all the other torments is now added the feeling that one wears invisible shackles. We sit doing nothing round the table on highly ceremonious chairs; or we range restlessly round the room, or stare silently out of the tall window. What is going to happen now? The hands of the timepiece seem scarcely to move; sometimes I think they have stopped altogether. And, to make things worse, good Zobeltitz, poor fellow, lies doubled up with pain on the plush-cov ered bench. Occasionally one of us talks — rather to himself than to the rest. It is always the same thing, one of those thoughts that go buzzing through our heads and which we cannot properly grasp; and no one makes any answer. EXILED TO HOLLAND 351 Now and then there is a knock at the door. Every one is filled with expectation. But it is noth ing; only the governor sending to inquire after our wishes or the commandant of police mforming us that he is still waiting for instmctions. And again we are alone, our thoughts busy with the past from which we are physically separated, or turned towards the future into which we cannot see. Broodingly we ask ourselves: "What is happening behind us while we wait here like caged animals? What in the field, among the men who have been our comrades for four and a half years? What in the homeland? What at home among our wives and children? Zobel has got up with difficulty and is creeping about the room. Now and again his honest, dark eyes catch mine. In spite of all the tortures of his stomach, which ought to have been under the sur geon's knife long ago, he looks at me as though he would fain do something for me. Then he stops in a comer before the white bust of William of Orange, who gazes down comfortably and in dignity from his pedestal. Zobeltitz nods to him and says philosophically: "Aye, aye, my dear Van Houten, you never dreamed it would come to this, did you ? " How much bitterness may not be mitigated by such a sudden sally of humor in the midst of de spair! The martyrdom of waiting is almost ren dered easier. 352 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE The Baron has dinner served for us. Notwith standing all our protestations, a real dinner. It is all so well meant; but, in the mood which now holds us in its clutches, we can scarcely swallow a mouthful. At last, by midnight, things are settled. We are, for the present, to find shelter in Hillenraadt Castle belonging to Count Mettemich. Again we are in open cars, with the police officer beside us. The streets through which we pass are cordoned off by patrols of marees chaussees, in ac cordance with the wise and proper orders of Colonel Schroder. A bitterly cold fog lies over the landscape and makes the night still more impenetrable. Only the searchlights bore white funnels in the dark mto which we hasten. It is as though, at one moment, they threaten to swallow us up, and the next have hurried phantom-like away. Two hours pass thus. Then we stop before the Count's castle near Roer- mond. We remove our coats in the great hall which is faintly lighted by candles. Stiff with cold we are, wretched at heart and rootless on foreign soil. Suddenly, the lady of the house descends the stairs — young, blonde, dressed all in black, a chain of pearls round her slender neck. All feeling of strangerhood vanishes before those warm and sym pathetic eyes. EXILED TO HOLLAND 353 From that moment onward throughout the un speakably difficult ten days which we spend in Hil- lenraadt Castle, this kind woman looks after us with the most delicate tact, and becomes to me a good friend with whom I can talk over many a tor turing question. The Countess is a believing Cath olic and suffers severely under the misfortune which has come upon our country; moreover, she is deeply anxious about her husband, who, during these days of revolution, is in Berlin. Thus pass ten days, during which, while bad news follows bad news from the field and from home, negotiations are carried on with the Dutch Govern ment concerning our future. In the course of these proceedings, it appears that outward circumstances compel Holland to couple the question of my intern ment with my arrival and my wish to sojourn tem porarily on neutral soil. Only under guarantees to the outside world is it possible for the neutral State to afford him hospitality or to endeavor to oppose the demands already being made for my "extradi tion." Thus, I have suddenly found myself in a position of constraint. In view of the conclusion of the armistice on November 11, the possibility of such a situation arising never occurred to any one in considering the pros and cons of my journey — neither to me, nor my chief of staff, nor the gentle men about me, nor the state secretary of the For eign Office, nor His Excellency von Hintze, nor the 354 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE General Higher Command. We all cherished the assured conviction that I could claim exactly the same rights as all the gentlemen of the Imperial suite, none of whom had been interned or were to be interned, and whose movements were left to their own discretion. Despite the difficulties and tor ments involved, these discussions and negotiations are conducted by the representatives of the Dutch Government in a spirit of genuine humaneness. In full accord with the character of the Dutch people, every one of the men with whom we came into con tact over the matter proved to be just, impartial and ready to stand up for his own personal convic tion. At length, we receive some sort of indication as to my future. Colonel Schroder brings me news that the Dutch Government have appointed the Isle of Wieringen for my residence. Wierigen ? The Isle of Wieringen ? No one in the house knows where the island may be. Wieringen ? I hear the name for the first time in my life; I can form no notion of it, attach no idea to it. And now, as I write these reminiscences, I have been living for nearly three years on this small spot of sea-girt earth. Even this last phase of the journey into exile is full of little hindrances, vexations and annoyances. EXILED TO HOLLAND 355 Early in the morning we bid farewell to our kind Countess as the train leaves Roermond Station at seven o'clock. A Dutch captain is appointed as our companion. Towards one o'clock, we are in Amsterdam- many inquisitive people throng the station, and there is a cordon of soldiers — and by three o'clock we reach Enkhuizen, an out-of-the-way place on the shores of the Zuyder Zee. As we had learned on the way, a steam-yacht of the Administration of Hydraulic Engineering is to meet us here and take us across to the Isle of Wieringen. But, in the fog, the yacht has run herself on a sand-bank off Enkhuizen and begs to be excused. During my consequent enforced stay at Enkhuizen, the population gives utterance to its feelings in cries, yells, hoots, and curses. By an unmistakab1e ges ture towards the neck followed by an upward move ment of the hand, the crowd, with a remarkable expenditure of mimicry, makes it clear to me how thoroughly the caricature of my person produced and disseminated by Entente propaganda has fixed itself in their minds. In any case, all this does not exactly tend to enliven one's feelings. After a long palaver, it is eventually decided to go on board a little steam-tug and to search for our yacht. So off we go. The fog on the Zuyder Zee is so thick that we can scarcely see twenty yards ahead, 356 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE and an icy wind is blowing from the open sea. We stand on the deck of the little pitching and rolling steamer and stare into the fog for hours together. It is a cheerless business. At last we find the yacht. But there is not much comfort to be gained from her. Her screw is broken. First, we have to tug her off. Then she is lashed alongside the tug; and we are then, it would seem, in a position to steer for Wieringen. Aye, if we only knew where Wieringen lay. In the fog and the deepening darkness and the heavy storm and the turbulent sea, our magnificent navi gators spend hours in searching for the island. But the island cannot be found; it has vanished, as though devoured by the sea and the fog. In the end, some where about ten o'clock at night, they give up the search and decide to drop anchor till the morning. But this again proves to be fool's wisdom, for the sea is so rough that the two ships are continually bumped against one another. A number of rivets have already been loosened, and, if things go on like this, there is every prospect of our being drowned — man and mouse. And so up comes the anchor again ! Next we try to reach the harbor of Medemblik on the mainland, and — bold seafarers bemg often blessed rather with good luck than with brains— we at last manage to get there towards midnight. Wieringen ? Just a foretaste which prevented our EXILED TO HOLLAND 357 expectations from running too high; that was all that this day brought us. But next day the effort succeeded. The sea hav ing quieted down, we go aboard in the morning and make the island about noon in calm, clear winter weather. Indelible is the impression of that moment in which I first set foot upon the firm ground of this little comer of earth. The harbor is again crowded with people. There are the quiet and distrustful natives of the place staring at this curious billeting; and there are re porters from all parts of the world and deft-handed photographers. It makes you feel like some rare animal that has at last been successfully caught. I should like to say to each of these busybodies: "Ask nothing, and get out of the way with your quizzing camera. I want quiet; I want to collect my thoughts and to rearrange my ideas after all this disaster — and nothing more!" In a primeval vehicle — assuredly the best the island boasts — we proceed to the village of Ooster- land. The venerable jolting-car smells of oil and mief and ancient leather. Even still, if I close my eyes and recall that hour, I can smell that ineradi cable odor. We are set down at the Uttle parsonage, which is very much out of repair. Everything is bare and desolate. 358 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE A few rickety old pieces of furniture — absolute cripples ! Chilliness and solitude ensconced like phan toms between them. The decrepit chariot outside turns groaning and moanmg on its axles and jogs off homeward through the fog. Home !— The thought of it almost chokes me. Days and weeks ensue that are so cheerless and leaden as to be almost unbearable. Like a prisoner, like an outlaw, I move among this small group of people, who turn away their lowering, shy visages as they pass or, at most, look askance at me with inquisitive half-closed eyes. I am the bloodthirsty baby-killer; people are embit tered against the Government for having imposed such a burden upon this honest island and for letting me roam about it untrammelled. The burgomaster, Peereboom, has his work cut out for him; it is a difficult task to calm these agi tated souls. And absolutely heart-rending news dribbles in from home concerning the course of events! We have no German newspapers. Only from Dutch journals — which are out-of-date by the time they reach us — can we spell out the tenor of the London, Paris and Amsterdam telegrams; and their tenor is "blood and tumult," the palace shelled and pil laged, domination by the sailors, Spartacist battles, a threat of invasion by the Entente. EXILED TO HOLLAND 359 One would like to cry out for a little hope, for a little light to be granted to the land to which every fibre of one's heart is attached and for whose peace and security one would willingly make every sacri fice! Sacrifice? Yes, they ask one from me, of which I will speak here. On December 1, von Pannwitz, secretary to the German Legation at The Hague, arrives with a fresh demand sent by the new German Government. The secretary is an old member of my corps in my student days at Bonn. God knows, the task can scarcely have been an easy one for him, and he doubtless undertook it only because what he had to tell me was less painful to listen to from the lips of a friend than from those of a stranger. He is to obtain from me a formal renunciation of my personal claims. A renunciation! — Why? — What for? — The gen tlemen in Berlin, who hold the power in their hands and who, according to their own assertions, represent the will of the majority of the German people, have not hitherto been so pedantic and punctilious in their dealings with the rights of the Hohenzollerns. Did they not, on November 9, announce the abdica tion of His Majesty and my own renunciation, with out waiting for the Kaiser's decision or even advising me? And did not the same lips which, a few weeks before, had swom fealty to His Majesty, without a 360 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE scrapie proclaim the German repubUc? What can my renunciation signify to those gentlemen? It has not been their custom heretofore to trouble about such small matters ! But other considerations press for attention. What is the tme foundation of the rights exercised by a ruler who regards himself as the chief servant of the State, or by the prospective heir to a throne who, according to traditional law, is some day to take over that service ? Is it merely his ancestry and his inherited and guaranteed claims? Or is it not rather only by gaming the confidence of the nation which intrusts itself voluntarily to the leadership of one who is carrying on the tradition that he earns afresh the real substance of those actual rights? Is not the one without the other void and empty? And, can I, without further consideration, believe that I have the confidence and attachment of the majority of Germans, after our collapse, in this hour of deepest distress and humiliation, when so many hundreds of thousands see before them a portrait of me which is nothing but a disfigurement, a viU- fication, a distortion of my tme self? — No, that is impossible ! Shall I present to my German Fatherland the spectacle of one who persists in demanding his rights when they deny him the best elements in these rights— love and confidence? Shall I, by a rigid insistence upon "my bond," provide a war-cry for EXILED TO HOLLAND 361 all those who stand for monarchy in the State, and that at a time when, according to my deepest con victions, the Fatherland — whether as republic or as monarchy — demands from all of us internal sol idarity against the rapacious desires of the "victors" around us and work, work, work ? — Once more, No ! And if, under the stress of circumstances and for the benefit of the whole, the individual renounces a prescriptive right, does he thereby relinquish any particle of that sublimer free right of obeying a pos sible summons issued to him by the will of the majority? My renunciation, proceeding from my love of the Fatherland, cannot be regarded as blame worthy. It is evidence of one thing only, that in the fateful hours, with the enemy at our gates and divided counsels at home, when the great need of the moment was to save the country from further dissensions, I obeyed the demands which were cal culated to serve her interests. And so, I yielded to the somewhat belated wishes of the new Government; but I repeat that it was not for their sakes and not because I recognized any of the traditional rights of my position as in any way affected by the violent doings of the revolution; no, it was because, so far as in me lies, I desire, as much as any one of my compatriots, honestly to help in preventing conflagration and in healing and strengthening by devotion and self- abnegation our so severely tried Fatherland, till the 362 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE hour shall come in which I, too, may take active part with my fellows in productive labor in my home country. September, 1921. I have pemsed again the pages describing my journey to Holland and the almost unbearable first weeks of my sojourn on the island here. Vividly present is the recollection of that painful past. And yet it is so distant — almost three years ! Those who then regarded me with deep-rooted distmst, with reserve and even with repulsion have long since be come friends who admit me to their joys and sor rows, small as well as great, — friends whose simple and straightforward fairness lightens my solitude by many a token of genuine good-will. It is tme, too, that the tranquillity and seclusion of the island have doubtless tended to deepen and enrich my powers of discernment; and yet, all this and all that the Dutch people have given me in their hospitality could not make me forget my Ger man homeland. My old love for her and my long ing for the people who are my kindred are as strong in me as ever. The hour of fulfilment has, alas, not yet stmck, and I cannot yet actively co-operate in the work of restoration; all I can do is to await that hour in self-control and patience, enduring meanwhile the hardships of exile and solitude without complaint. EXILED TO HOLLAND 363 I have sketched in these pages the most important matters of my life up till now, and I have not wit tingly suppressed any essentials. I have finished. But I would not say good-by to those Germans who have followed my course in this narrative with out expressing to them the wishes that fill my heart for them, for us all, for our sacred Fatherland which gave us birth and which, whether it flourish or whether it fade is the source from which our life's blood issues. What, in our great depression and misery we most of all need, in order to regain our old position, is internal unity founded upon self-sacrificing love of the Fatherland, coupled with national conscious ness and national dignity. Away with the acrimonious cries which tend to perpetuate internal strife and prevent the return of peace! It cannot be our aim continually to re proach one another with having broken the pitcher. In some way we were all of us sinners; and what we need is a new vessel instead of the shards of the old one. Let every one who may be called to share in de termining the destiny of the German people to-day feel the full weight of the responsibilities intmsted to him ! May that much-abused and often miscon strued saying "Room for the competent !" at length be turned to deeds ! Let us have only the best men 364 MEMOIRS OF THE CROWN PRINCE at the helm ! Let the most tested experts, the most capable, the stoutest come to the front ! It is not a question of whether they come from the right or from the left, whether they have or have not a past, whether they are republicans or monarchists, em ployers or workmen, Christians or Jews; all that should be asked is whether they are honest men in spired with German feelings and prepared to work for the reconstruction of their country with all their might and all their combined vigor — united at home and strong towards the world without. Fettered by the chains which the impossible and criminal Treaty of Versailles has forced upon our powerlessness, Germany has lain prostrate and help less for three years. She is helpless because she squanders her strength in internal feuds, because a large proportion of her people continue to listen to the "Pied-Piper" melodies of those rogues or madmen who sing them the alluring lay of universal brother hood in the paradise of internationalism. How long is it to last, how long? Open your eyes and look around you; and you will see that this world by which you are encompassed is one homogeneous proof that nowhere is a hand held out to help you and that only he who helps himself finds recognition. Above all, be Germans, and take your stand firmly on the ground of practical politics in this so eminently prac tical world, reserving your romanticism for better days in which it will be less fatal to the whole fabric. EXILED TO HOLLAND 365 Believe me, a German people which buries its party quarrels, which liberates itself from the miser able materialism of these recent years and which, united in its love for our impoverished and yet so gloriously beautiful Fatherland, straggles for freedom with an indomitable will, — such a German people can shake off its shackles and burst its manacles. But you must display sternness, and you must wrestle with that fervor which knows only the one ardent longing and cries: "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." I do not summon to revenge or to arms or to vio lence. I call upon the spirit of Germany; let that be strengthened; for the mind makes the deed and the destiny — and senseless is the tool without the master. — Possibly this saying is the key to that destiny through which we have been passing for a generation, and also to that which lies ahead and into which we may enter as victors over all our opponents if we do but bind together all the best of our energies into a potent whole. INDEX Abdul Hamid, Sultan, 47 ff.; enter tains German Princes, 48 ff. ; his learning, 50; entertained by Crown Prince, 50 ff. Agadir, 113, 115 Ailette, 261 Aisne, 168, 261, 265, 270 Alexandra, Empress of Russia, char acter of, 66, 68 Alexis Nicholaievitch, Tsarovitch, 70 Alsace-Lorraine question, uncer tain German attitude, no; policy in, 132 ff.; plan to relinquish, 224 Americans, combat with, 250 ff. Amerongen, 127, 152 Anastasia Michailovna, Dowager Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg, mother of Crown Princess, 61 Anker, Captain, 330 Anschtitz, 46 Antwerp-Meuse line, 237, 239, 275 Apremont, 206 Ardennes, 238; Rochefort Chateau, 344 Argentinians, friendly to Germany, 81 Argonne, 203, 204, 206, 217, 249 ff., 261 Armament, German, 95 ff. Armies, peace strength of, 138 Armistice, rumored, 268; events prior to, 285 ff. Artillery, German and French methods compared, 65 Augusta Victoria, Kaiserin, moth erly kindness and sympathy, 4 ff., 58, 282 ff.; confidence of Crown Prince in, 4 ff., 282 ff.; visited in exile by Crown Prince, 42; agitation over Wortley inci dent, 99; illness, 107, 127, 184, 209, 280; death, 281; life as pic tured by Crown Prince, 281 ff. Austria-Hungary, German allies, 85 ; asked by Germany to arm, 95 ; ultimatum, 141; weakness of, 224. See also Vienna Auxiliary Service Act, 182 Avesnes, 250, 262 Baacke, Herr, 341 Balance of power, naval, 76 Balkan defeats, 249 ff. Ballin, 161 ff. Bapaume, 37 Bassenheim, Count, helps Crown Prince, 26 Bauluy, 206 Beauzee, 203 Beck, Major, visits exiled Crown Prince, 107 Behr, Adjutant and lord, 54 Belgium, German position in, 238 Bentinck, Count, 152 Berg, von, His Excellency, 10, 151, 252, 267 Berge, von, Colonel, 293 Berlin, childhood home, 3; Schloss- kapelle, 35; Crown Princess re ceived in, 61; collapse of Kaiser in, 113; populace changed in 191 7 in, 243 ff.; despatches to Presi dent Wilson, 263, 266; uprisings in. See Revolution Bethel, 265 Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, hopes for neutrality of England, 367 368 INDEX 78, 86; naval plans, 79; handi capped by Kaiser, 87; retired, 89; against armament, 96; govern ment under, 109 ff. ; character and limitations, in ff., 116, 161, 180; lectures Crown Prince, 114; last peace conflict with Crown Prince, 141 ff.; opinions of English atti tude, 144 ff. ; war attitude, 180 ff. ; afraid of Reichstag, 225 Betzold, 46 Bismarck, Prince, kindness to the young Crown Prince, 7; birthday visit of Crown Prince and Kaiser to, 29 ff.; attitude towards Eng land, 83 ff.; retirement, 85; might of, 87 ff.; Buchholz's speech on, 142; guarded German realm, 223 Bock, von, Major, 276 Boehn, von, Lieutenant-General, 262 Boer War, 84, 85 Bolshevists, 319 Bonn University, 44 ff., 54, 151 Boris, Crown Prince of Bulgaria, 223, 250, 262 Borussia (Prussian) Corps, 45 Bove Ridge, 220 Boyhood of Crown Prince. See Education of Crown Prince Brandenburg, Prussian state, 64 Brandis, von, Captain, 213 Bruges, surrender of, 270 Brunhilde position, 265 Brunswick, Duke of, 283 Brussilov, 166 Bulgaria, possible alliance with, 145; collapse of, 249 ff. Biilow, von, Prince, pardoned by Kaiser, 22 ; attitude towards Eng land, 83, 84, 86; handicapped by Kaiser, 87 ff.; talents of, 87 ff.; reappointment as chancellor, 89; Wortley conflict of November, 1908, 96 ff. Cadet School at Plon, attended by Princes, 31 ff. Canna?, Battle of, 195 Carol, King of Roumania, 116 Cecilie, Duchess of Mecklenburg, Crown Princess of Germany, be trothal in 1904, 61; marriage in 1905, 61 ; character of, 62; as wife and mother, 62 ff., 107 ff., 126 Censorship, 232 Ceremonies. See Court, German Chamberlain, Joseph, attempts al liance between Germany, Eng land, and the United States, 84 Champagne, 168, 217, 251, 261 Charleville, headquarters of Moltke, 208, 248; Czernin visits Crown Prince at, 224 Charlottenburg, University of Tech nology in, 71 Chef de Cabinet, power as Kaiser's intermediary, 8 ff. Chemin des Dames, 220 ff., 251, 261 Clemen, 46 Clemenceau, 182 CondS, front, 264 Constantinople, visited by Crown Prince, 48 Courcelles-Souilly, 203 Court, German, ceremonies and festivities, 54 ff. Czernin, Count Ottokar, 224 ff. Daily Telegraph, Wortley incident, 97. "3 Danzig, life of Crown Prince in, 129, 134 Dardanelles question, 85 David, Majority Socialist, 226 ff. Death's Head Hussars, 129 ff. Defeat, German, Chapter VI; causes of, 237 ff., 241 ff.; not caused by force of arms, 345 Defense Bill of 1913, 96 Deimling, von, General, 133 de Jonghe, Count, 276 Demoralization of Germany. See Defeat Den Oever, 25, 221 "Deutschland in Waffen," 131 INDEX 369 Dinant, 276 Divorce, rumor of Crown Prince's, 62 Dohna, Count, 319 Dolina, Count, adjutant, 129 Dommes, von, Colonel, 205 Douaumont, Fort, 212 ff. Eberhardt, von, General, 344 Ebert, Imperial Chancellor, 302, 317 Education of Crown Prince, in trusted to tutors, 7; intermedi aries, 8, II ff.; typical training of Prussian Princes, 27 ff., 35; amended by Crown Prince, 28 ff. ; military governors, 28 ff., 31 ff.; physical training, 29; scientific education, 31; at Plon, 31 ff.; military appointments, 35 ff., 129; lieutenancy, 37; at Bonn Univer sity, 44 ff. ; travel, 47; commands, 51 ff., 129; moral teachings, 59; at University of Technology, 71; political and economic studies, 71 ff. See also Military Record Edward VII, King of England, in structs Crown Prince in British politics, 73 ff.; opinion on Ger man-English economic rivalry, 82 ff., 94; falsely accused of hating Germany, 89 ff.; character and interests of, 90 ff. Einem, von, 331 ff., 343 Eitel Frederick, Prince, as a youth, 6, 7, 3T, 47, 48; visits Crown Prince in exile, 184; command in war, 207; combat against Ameri cans, 250 England, politics of, studied by Crown Prince, 73 ff. ; von Tirpitz's opinion of naval rivalry of, 75 ff . ; motives in Great War, 77 ff., 117; threatened by German merchant influence, 81 ff.; blockade against Germany, no; administrative talent of, 120; army of, 137; at war, 165 ff., passim Enmity towards Germany, 81 ff. Enver Pasha, 223 Erzberger, 167 Estrogul Dragoons, 48 Eulenburg, Prince Philip, 14 ff. Exiled life of Crown Prince, 25 ff.; peasants' distrust, 25; discom forts, 25, 154 ff., 222 ff.; friendli ness of neighbors, 26, 362; birth day, 41; visit to Kaiserin, 42; as a smith, 60; value of secluded life, 101 ff.; loneliness, 102, 126; news of peace treaty, 102; visitors in 1919, 107 ff. ; news of Kaiserin's illness, 107, 127, 184; wife's and children's visit, 107 ff., 126; news of Kaiser, 127; work and friends, 149 ff. ; Christmas, 151 ff.; extra dition, 153; visits to Doom, 184, 209, 234, 281; visit to Overveen, 197; sister visits Crown Prince, 222; New Year's Eve party, 1920, 232 ; visits parents, January, 1921, 234; April, 280 ff.; death and funeral of Kaiserin, 281; arrival in exile, 354 ff.; renunciation, 359 Falkenhayn, von, General, 28, 187, 210 ff., 215, 348 Far East, travels of Crown Prince in, 119 ff. Fashoda affront, 86, 93 Federal Princes, 223 Finckenstein, Count, friend of Crown Prince, 37 Fischbeck, 226 Fisher, Admiral, Lord, quoted, 77, 157 ff- Flanders, Planitz dies in, 65 Foch, war aims and methods, 267 ff. ; demands of, 271 ff. Foreign policy of Germany, 80 ff., 172 Forstner, von, Lieutenant, 133 France, 37; artillery methods of, 65; enters entente cordiale, 93; army maintained by, 95, 137 ff. See also War Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, 95; 370 INDEX opinions of Serbian propaganda, 123; influence of, 124; assassi nated, 140 Franco-Russian Alliance, 85 Frederick Charles, Prince of Prussia, 135 Frederick the Great, 108, 174 ff. Frederick William I, 51 Fredericks, Baron, 67 Friedrichsruh, 29 Frobenius, D. H., The German Em pire's Hour of Destiny, 141 ff. Galicia, 224 Gallwitz, 265, 267 Garter, Order of the, given to Crown Prince, 91 Gelbensande, 61 George V, King of England, corona tion, 122 Gercourt, 206 Giesl, Austrian minister, 125 Givet, 276 Go-betweens, Kaiser's system of, 8ff. Goethe, 80 Gontard, von, General, 285, 321 Gorlice, 162, 251 Goschen, Sir Edward, 116, 146 Gothein, 46 "Government of National De fense," 255 Grandprg, 265 Grenadier Guards (British), 43 Grey, Sir Edward, 117, 123, 143 Groner, General, 99, 275, 329; ac tivities during Spa conference and abdication plans, 286 ff., passim Grote, Baron, 349 Griinau, von, 286, 294, 306 Gudrun-Brunhilde position, 266, 271 Guendell, von, General, 265 Guise, 279 Hagen attack, 237 Halberstadt Cuirassiers, com manded by Bismarck, 30 Haldane, Lord, British Minister of War, 117, 118 Hardinge, Lord, 119 Haumont, Forest of, 265 Havitt, Sir John, 119 Hedin, Sven, 224 Heine, Heinrich, quoted, 102 Henry, Prince, 143 ff., 209 Hentsch, Lieutenant-Colonel, 202 ff., passim Hermann position, 271 Hertling, von, Count, Imperial Chancellor, 254, 256 Heydebrand, von, 226 ff. Heye, Colonel, 296, 307, 309 ff. Hillenraadt Castle, 352 Hindenburg, von, Field-Marshal, greatness, 185 ff. ; character, 187; burden of war, 187 ff.; withdraws Verdun attack, 215; efforts at mediation through neutral pow ers, 253; supreme commander, 306, 311, 328; at disposal of new Government, 330; Crown Prince's farewell letter to, 336 ff. Hintze, von, His Excellency Mar shal, 259 ff., 286, 293 ff., 298 ff., passim, 340 ff. Hippolytushoef, 25, 127 Hirschfeld, von, Major, 294, 321 Hirson Junction, 247 Holland, Kaiser plans to retire to, 318 ff. See also Exiled Life of Crown Prince Home policy of Germany, narrow ness of, 108 ff. Hopfgarten, Major the Count, mentor to Crown Prince, 65 Hubertsburg, Peace of, 175 Huenefeld, Baron, helps the Crown Prince, 26 Hulsen, von, His Excellency, 64 Hunding position, 266 Hiinefeld, von, Baron, 349 Ilsemann, von, 107, 321 India, Crown Prince in, 119 " International," 244 INDEX 371 Italy, arms against Austria, 95; en trance into war, 162; plan to cede Trentino to, 224 Jagow, Secretary of State, 114, 116 Jellicoe, Admiral, quoted, 79 ff. Jena, defeat at, 195 Jena, Edward von, General, 210, 333 Joachim, Prince, death of, 184, 209 Joffre, General, 213 Jutland, Battle of, 75 Kampf, 226 Kan, Secretary-General, 151 Kapp putsch, 154, 156 ff. Karl, Kaiser, 224 Kiderlen-Wachter, 112, 114; praised by Bethmann, 115; character and limitations of, 115 ff. Kiel, Kaiser arrives at, 143 Klewitz, von, Lieutenant-Colonel, 332 Knobelsdorf, Schmidt von, Lieu- tenant-General, 136, 214 Koenigsmarck, Graf, 14 Kolff, Burgomaster, 198 Konig, Captain, 151 Konigsplatz, military academy at, 192 Kreuzzeitung, 73 Kriiger telegram, 85 Kuhl, von, His Excellency, 262 Kuhlmann, 259 Kummer, 60 ff. Kurt, Major, 151 La Capelle, 279 Langfuhr, 129, 134 Laroche, 331 Leo XIII, Pope, 47 ff. Lichnowsky, Prince, 118 Lille, fall of, 267 Litzmann, 46 Lloyd George, David, 113, 182 Lodz, victory at, 190 London, influence of Kaiser in, 21; death of the Queen brings Hohen- zollerns to, 43 ff.; coronation in, 126 Longwy, Battle of, 201 Louis of Battenberg, Prince, 44 Louppy le Petit, 203 Ludendorff, General, accused, 158 ff.; character, 159, 187, 189 ff., 192 ff. ; complaints in memoirs, 181; greatness, 185; retirement, 188; genius of, 189, 193 ff.; suffer ing of, 192; objects to possible concession of territories, 225; dis cusses American advance with Kaiser, 251 ff. ; resignation, 273 Luijt, 60 Luxembourg, Headquarters in, 201 Lyncker, von, General, 31 ff., 128 Lyncker, Frau von, 32 Maastricht, 349 Macedonian front, 249 Maharajah of Dschaipur, 119 Majority parties, power of, 255 Malmoff, Bulgarian Prime Minister, 249 Maltzahn, 184 ff. Mangin, General, 213 Maria Feodorovna, Dowager Em press of Russia, character and in fluence of, 66 ff . ; opponent of Ger many, 70 Marne, Battle of the, 160, 198, 199, 206; not a German defeat, 207, 210; false tactics begun at, 231 Marschall, von, General, 115, 294, 304 ff., 311 Mary, Queen of England, corona tion, 122 Masurian Lakes, victory at, 190 Max, Prince of Baden, 256, 260; 274; appointed chancellor, 261; rumor of regency of, 271; urges Kaiser's abdication, 293; author of abdication proclamation, 303 Mecklenburg. See Cecilie and Ana stasia Michailovna of Menzel, Adolf, at court festivities, 55 ff- 372 INDEX Metternich, 115, 352 Meuse, 211, 238, 249, 254, 261, 276, 279 Michaelis, Herr Dr., 166 ff. Military Record of Crown Prince, lieutenancy, 37; First Foot Guards, 51 ff.; Gardes du Corps, 64; artillery, 65; First Body Hus sars, 129; General Staff, 136 ff.; leader of Fifth Army, 148, 199 Military resources of Germany. See Armament Mitzlaff, von, 37 ff. Mobilization for war, 143 Moltke, von, Lieutenant-General, tragic figure, 200 ff., 204 ff., 208 Mons, 262 Mont, 115 Montfaucon, 206 Montfaucon-Bauthville road, 261 Morocco affair, 112 Muldner, Crown Prince's compan ion in exile, 108, 150, 152, 209, 221, 232, 330, 339 ff., 346 Miiller, Adjutant, 143, 151, 274, 330, 339 ff-, 346 Miiller, von, 78 Miiller, Hermann, 226 Namur, 344 Naumann, Dr. Victor, 168 ff. Navy, German, 74, 78 ff. See also Tirpitz; factor in defeat, 80 Nicholai Nicholaievitch, Grand Duke, 67; opponent of Germany, 70, 125, 162 Nicholas, Tsar of Russia, report of murder of, 66; Crown Prince's visit to, 66 ff.; character of, 66 ff., 70; bodyguard of, 68 ff.; secret sympathy for Germany, 69, 125; alienated from Germany by Ed ward VII, 93 Niemann, Major, 285 ff. Nisam of Hyderabad, 119 Oldenburg, von, defends Kaiser in Wortley conflict, 98 Oldenburg- Januschau, 226 Oosterland, 25 Osborne Castle, 91 Ostend, surrender of, 270 Overveen, 197 Pannwitz, von, 359 Paris press, refusal of peace offer, 265 Peace Treaty. See Treaty of Ver sailles Peereboom, Burgomaster, 26, 127, 197. 358 Persia, 93 "Philosopher of Hohensinow," in Planitz, von der, Captain, personal adjutant to Crown Prince, 65 Plessen, von, n, 286, 294, 299, 304 ff., 310 ff. Plettenberg, von, Colonel, first commander of the Crown Prince, 36 Pl6n, cadet school attended by Princes, 31 ff. Pluskow, von, Major, 36 Pohl, Admiral, 79 Poland, question of, uncertain Ger man attitude, no; Kingdom of, 166, 224 Political and economic interests of the Crown Prince, 71 Potsdam, childhood home, 3; rides in, 29; civil appointments of Crown Prince in, 71; Kaiser's ill ness at, 98; Crown Prince's Cicilienhof in, 126; events in, prior to war, 143 ff. Prell, editor of the Niederliindische Wochenschrift, 150 Press, Crown Prince's interest in the, 72 ff. Prittwitz, von, 341 Programmes of war outlined by Crown Prince, 168 ff., 176 ff. Rantzau, Count, 36 Regency of Crown Prince, tempo rary, 100, 103 ff. INDEX 373 Reichslanden. See Alsace-Lorraine Reichstag, stormy sittings of, 22; rage over Wortley incident, 97; Crown Prince outspoken in 191 1 in, 112 ff.; for armament, 139; Erzberger action in, 167; attack upon Hertling in, 254 Rembercourt, 203 Reuter, von, General, 133 Revolution in Germany, 295 ff., 309, 317. 322, 324 Revue des Deux Mondes, 213 Rheims, 36, 38; offensive, 237, 254; yields, 249, 264 Rodern, Count, 256 Roos-Keppel, Sir, 119 Rostock, 150 Roumania, 115 ff.; foreign influ ences in, 116 Rouvier Cabinet, 85 ff. Rupprecht, Prince, 237, 267, 270 Russia, 37; Crown Prince's visits to, 66 ff., 125; possible alliance with, 77, 85, 86; arms for war, 95; army of, 137; movements of troops, 139 ff.; at war, 162 ff.; German peace with, 175 Russo-German treaty of commerce, 67 St. Andre, 203 St. Germainmont, 265 St. Menehould, 205 St. Petersburg, influence of Kaiser in, 21; visit of Crown Prince to, 66 ff. Salisbury, Lord, British Prime Minister, 83 Sarrail, 206 Schaefer, dentist, 197 Scheer, Admiral, 318 Schenck, General, 265 Scheuch, Minister General, 335, 341 Schiller, William TeU, quoted, 134 Schlieffen, plans checked at the Marne, 160; feared by subordi nates, 201 Schmettow, von, 331 Schonhausen, von, dyke captain, 258 Schroder, 349, 352 Schulenburg, von der, Count, 237, 328; activities during Spa con ference and abdication plans, 285 ff., passim, 339 ff. Schulze-Bromberg, 226 Schumacher, 46 Sedan, 238 Seraincourt, 272 ff. Serbia, 123 ff., 147 Sivry, 265 Socialist Act, 236 Socialists, 317 Somme, river, 215, 251 Somme-Py, 261 Son ville, 213 Spa, 99, 113; General Headquarters, 188; plans at, before defeat, 251 ff., 258; scenes at, before sur render, 285 ff. Spandau, Fortress of, 235 Spaniards, friendly to Germany, 81 Spender, Harold, English journal ist, 96 ff. Stein, von, War Minister, 265 Stenay, Crown Princess visits at, 63 Steuben, 333 Stuart, Sir Harold, 119 Stuermer, 163, 166 Stiilpnagel, adjutant and lord, 54 Suffrage Act, 254 Suippes, 264 Swedes, friendly to Germany, 81 Switzerland, intermediary to United States, 263 Talleyrand, 19 Tannenberg, victory at, 190 Tappen, Lieutenant-Colonel, 201 ff., 204 Tarnopol, 166 Tavannes, 213 Tirpitz, von, Grand-Admiral, char acter and activities of, 74 ff., 79; opinions on struggle with Eng- 374 INDEX land, 75 ff., 117; denied free naval power in Great War, 78; under stands economic difficulty, no Tisza, Count, 224 Tongern, 347 Tournay, surrender of, 270 Travels of the Crown Prince, 118 ff., 121 Treaty of Versailles, signed, 102; humiliation of Germany by, 103, 364 Trentino, plan to relinquish, 224 Trimborn, 226 Triple Alliance, 94 Triple Entente, 94; war prepara tions of, 95 Tripoli, 95 Turkey, friendly to Germany, 81; possible alliance with, 145 Valentini, von, His Excellency, 166, 183 Varennes, 202, 204 Vavincourt, 203 Verdun, 203, 206, 238, 240; Crown Prince not answerable for losses at, 210 ff., 213 ff. Versailles Treaty. See Treaty of Versailles Victoria, Queen, visited by the Kaiser and his family at her ju bilee, 34; death and funeral of, 43 «. Vielsalm, headquarters at, 305, 322, 329. 333, 339 Vienna, 123; Near East policy de pendent upon Ballplatz, 123; de mands upon Serbia, 124 ff. Villers-Cotterets, Forest of, 191, 237 Vortrage, 9 Vorwarts, 73 Vosges, 238 Vouziers, 265, 270 Vroenhoven, 347 ff. Wagenheim, 115 Wahnschaffe, von, His Excellency, 300 War, Great, England's motives in, 77 ff . ; a German naval blunder in, 78 ff. ; gathering storm of, 120 ff. ; mobilization, 143; events prior to, 144 ff.; details of, 156 ff., to end; Crown Prince's programmes of, 168 ff., 176 ff. Wartenburg, York von, Count, Weltgeschichte in Umrissen, 195 Waulsort, headquarters shifted to, 276 Wedel, von, 37, 56 ff. Wergin, Sergeant-Major, 52 Widemann, Oberstabsarzt, 51 Wieringen, Isle of, appointed place of Crown Prince's exile, 354 ff. Wight, Isle of, Victoria dies in, 43; Wortley in, 96 Wilhelm II, Kaiser, relations with children, 5 ff., 16; restraints im posed on children, 6, n; go- betweens, 8 ff., 14, 105 ff.; private interviews with Crown Prince, 12 ff., 113; compared with son, 16 ff. ; respected by Crown Prince, 18; nobility of character, 19; characteristics, 19 ff. ; weakness of, 20 ff., 104 ff.; conception of loy alty, 22 ff.; relaxing hold on af fairs, 23; desire for peace, 24, 125; birthday visit to Bismarck, 29 ff.; ceremonies at court of, 55 ff., 104 ff.; press cuttings and reports presented to, 73 ff., 106; attitude towards England, 87 ff., 97; re appoints Biilow, 89; prejudice against Edward VII, 89 ff.; Wortley conflict of November, 1908, 96 ff.; breakdown, 100; grants cessation of Verdun at tack, 214; early service to the empire, 235 ff. ; agrees to majority- party proposals, 255 ff.; urging and rumors of abdication, 270, 291, 295; at Spa conference, be fore surrender, 286 ff.; agrees to abdicate, 298 ff., 359; unjustly blamed, 325 ff. INDEX 375 Wilson, Woodrow, Berlin despatch to, 263, 265; conditions of, ac cepted by Germany, 266, 271 ; fourteen points, 267 ff.; notes, 268 ff. Witte, Sergei Julivitch, 67 Wittlesbach, House of, 271 Workmen's and Soldiers' Councils, 295 Wortley, General Stuart, 96 ff. Wrangel, Baron, 42 X, Captain, 308, 310 ff., 315 Y, Lieutenant, 308, 311, 315 Ypres, 250 Zabern incident, 132 Zarskoe Selo, 68 Zitelmann, 46 Zobeltitz, friend of Crown Prince, 232, 276 ff., 330, 346, 350 ff. Zoppot, Crown Prince at, 140 Zorn, lecturer on constitutional law, 46 Zorndorf, 64