¦tij..^,-; .- rt . » >¦ *' jir" 'A . 1*11^4^1 ¦ii'PflllF'iHI- YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1935 EXTRACTS FROM THB SPIRITUAL DIARY JOHN RUTTY, M.D. FALMOUTH 5 PRINTED BY J. TRATHAN, BOOKSELLER, MARKET-STRAKD. EXTRACTS FROM THE INTRODUCTION. As the following Diary is the proper character istic of its author, so does it hold forth to us a spe cimen of the trials and conflicts, the discipline and perseverance that we are called to in our passage through this state of probation, in one way or ano ther : for though all are not appointed to the same particular exercises and trials, yet every one has a warfare to accomplish, and therefore comes within the apostle's exortation, to " endure hardness as a 'good soldier of Jesus Christ ;" and it is to be well noted, that our greatest foes are those within our selves, even our own natural evil propensities and inbred corruptions ; and as to search out and know these is the first part of our business, so to watch and fight against them, in a dependance on that gracewhich alone is sufficient for our victory, makes the most considerable part of the Christian life to the very end of it. We have here before us a strik ing example of the striving for the mastery, in a good wrestler with flesh and blood for more than the last twenty years of his life, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of his faith, under whose banner he fought, and being faithful unto death, we doubt not his having received a crown of life. 11 It will appear from the following memoirs, that the author possessed uncommon tenderness of con science, extending not only to every plain deviation from the strict rule of duty, but even to matters of mere human infirmity, and such as would escape, not only censure, but almost notice in many per sons of approved character : but it was a small thing with him to be justified in man's judgment; for he saw evil in its root, and inward workings in the ground of his nature, where its operations were not the less real before God, because not apparent to others, and therefore he could not rest satisfied with any thing short of a clean heart and a right spirit from the Lord ; and thus must it ever be with the interior Christian, who brings every thing to the test of that pure law of God, before which noth ing can stand that is not according to truth and righteousness in the inward parts. When the Di vine Spirit maketh his abode in the soul of man, it maketh him to be of a quick understanding in the fear of the Lord, opens to the view of his mind many hidden things of darkness, which before lay concealed from him, and convinceth him of his most secret sins : hence proceed self-judging, self-con demnation, and all the holy exercises of a penitent and contrite heart. Some will be ready to make an objection to the religious character of our author, as being in bon dage to the law, and to fear, and, as such, a stran ger to that perfect law of liberty, which is the highest excellence of the gospel dispensation. To which be it answered, that he was indeed under the law, but under the law to Christ ; he walked in fear, but it was a holy fear of offending, a filial re verence, and not that slavish fear, which is the parent of a constrained obedience ,• for as it was his choice and delight to be engaged in his Master's in service, so he counted it his highest honour, to see the work of the Lord prosper in his hands, under his appointment to the office af an elder in the church to which he belonged, giving God the glory. There is indeed a liberty promised in the gospel, consisting in a perfect freedom from sin, and free dom to righteousness, even in that perfect love which casteth out all fear, and a blessed privilege it is from the Lord ; not only in the perfection of it, but also in our advances towards it ; but how few in comparison, even among the excellent, at tain unto it before death is swallowed up in victory ; before mortal shall have put on immortality, and corruptible shall have put on incorruption . To stand in awe, that we sin not, is certainly a precept applicable to the best of men ; and if we commune with our own hearts in that religious reverence that is due to so awful an examination ; if we consider rightly the power and malice of our great adver sary, the deceitfulness of sin, the frailties of our mortal nature, and the many dangers and snares that beset us on every side, these considerations will lead us to a charitable interpretation of much scrupulosity in our brethren with respect to many smaller matters, if any thing can be called small that appears to them to carry with it even the most distant effect on their spiritual concerns. The severity of Dr. Rutty in the judgment he passed on himself in m3.tters of mere human in firmity, and such as were chiefly complexional, does not appear to have lessened his charity towards others, for he had much of that Christian humility which leads us to esteem others better than our selves. Nor does he show himself to have been a man of a narrow sectarian spirit in reference to his reading and ecclesiastical opinions, but gives due IV fcOmmendation and praise to well-deserving authors of different denominations, whether Roman Ca-- tholics, or Protestants of the establishment, or Dissenters, as is to be seen where he takes occasion to mention the writings of Thomas a Kempis, Messrs. du Port Royal, Bishop Kenn, W. Law, Dr. Doddridge, and others ; praising God for dif fusing his light and grace through the several divi^ ded churches i and, indeed, where true humility and Christian loVe haVe in any good degree taken possession of the heart, there things national and notional, and merely circumstantial in religion, di vide not in the affectionate part, but Christians of different names and classes have fellowship one with another in unity of spirit and the bond of peace. In a word, if he seemed to be deficient in any point of charity, it was chiefly at home, as he found it no easy matter to bear with and forgive himselfi As I am Unacquainted hitherto with the author's philosophical medical writings,* I must leave them to speak for themselves, observing only by the way, that from his diligent application to study from his youth up, and from his confessed abilities as a Physician, we may reasonably form good expecta tions of their usefulness. He certainly had a strong * Dissertatio Inaugufalis de Diarrlioea. 1729. An Account of some Experiments on Stephen's Medeeines. I742j A Methodical Synopsis of Mineral Waters. 1 757. A Chronological History of the Weather and Seasons, and of the prevailing diseases in Dublin during the space of 40 yrs. ]770i An Essay towards the Natural History of the County of Dublin. 1772. Materia Medica Antiquaet Nova. 1777. Observations on the London and Edinburgh Dispensatories. 1777. Concerning the Poison of Laurel Water. — Phil. Trans., 1709. Of the Copper Springs lately discovered in Pensylvania. — ibid, 170B, Thoughts on Mineral Waters. — ibid, 1759. On the Vitriolic Waters of Angelsea. — ibid, 1760. On the various suceess of the Cicuta in Ireland. 176f, tiatural propensity to seek after knowledge, and took much pains to distinguish himself both as the scholar and useful physician, but when it pleased God to reveal his Son in him, and to touch his heart with a sense of the far superior excellency of divine truth in the life of godliness, he counted all other knowledge, comparatively, but as loss and dung that he might win Christ, and that^ he might know him savingly, and the power of his resurrection, EXTRACTS FROM A SPIRITUAL DIARY. A SHORT Spiritual Chronology. I was born among a set of more refined profes sors, and about my eleventh year was transplanted to a seminary of the like, being a school not only of learning, but of religion : there I received a little of the heavenly fire from some of the ministers, particularly in private meetings, and was attended with the secret alluring of the love of God in pre ference to that of father and mother, a manifestation suitable to my situation in those tender years. About my thirteenth year, when I was about to be removed from that place to another, where there was far less religion, God gave a sense of my dan ger on the approaching change, and an earnest prayer for preservation was poured forth. From the thirteenth to the eighteenth year of my age, I was at various mixed schools, and among aliens, and lived as without God in the world, intent all the while on my learning. About the twentieth I was transplanted to afamily of friends, and here a tender visitation of divine love took place, in a sudden irradiation, tending to stop me in my career after natural knowledge. Here also, some inclination to marriage, but over ruled by a secret hand. About the twenty-second I removed to a lodging with, not a nominal, but a real friend in London. Thence to Holland, in order to finish my medical education : here the object was all nature and physic, no grace : also serious thoughts of proper qualification for a livlihood, as I had scarce any patrimony. In my tweny-fifth year commenced my practice, with some revival of religious though tfulness. 1724. I was transplanted to Dublin by a singu lar Providence, even among brethren of high profession, and 1 now made a covenant with my Maker. I saw the formality and hypocrisy of divers of the profession, and was offended ; but was preserv ed from hurt from hence by an inward call to this purpose : ' Look not out, but in.' Soon after my arrival, I opened a scheme for the improvement of the Materia Medica, which has, with some interruptions, been prosecuted to this present time, being the forty-fourth year. 1733. Began my history of the people called Quakers in Ireland, not for reward, but from zeal, and a cordial love to the exercise of Christian dis cipline among them, extended not to a few external - particulars only, as dress and address, but also to the inordinate pursuit of riches, to lukewarmness, and to prophaneness, and all immorality. The contemplation of this was pleasant, and carried me through the labour with cheerfulness. 1 737. Published an Essay on Women's preach ing, with a rebuke to false prophets, who had long given me offence : some censure ensued ; but God preserved from extreme measures. 9 From 1740, to 1745, engaged in the Natural History of the County of Dublin, and was led a long dance on birds, fishes, and fossils, and in compotations for information, and was greatly hurt in my spirituals by this means, preferring nature to grace, and moral righteousness to evangelical. 17.S1. And some time after, God stirred up to prefer grace to nature, and gave the determination and power to execute it, even to publish two spiri tual works, upon principle, previous to a certain natural work long depending. About the year 1751, The Essays of the Messieurs du Port Royal were blessed to me, bringing me to a closer view of death and judgment. About the same time God opened my eyes to see clearly, that this world is not a paradise, but a stage of troubles, even to those we call good men. 1753. 9 Mo. 29. Light, truth, and sweetness, arose and prevailed over anger. 10 mo. 7. Two precious illuminations. First, of the necessity of preparation for death brought closer to my view. Second, of the necessity of maintaining an equal degree of spiritual indigna tion against other.superfluities, as well as those that strike common sense and observation. 28. Poverty of spirit in a sense of my own vile- ness in God's presence ; yet humbly hoped for the blessing annexed to them that hunger and thirst after righteousness. 11 mo. 20. A sweet time, and humiliation ; but accompanied by a false vision, prompting to an imaginary duty, from pride. 10 2.1. Notwithstanding the repullulances of my ligly fierceness, God favoured me with some pre cious illuminations, viz. First. Prepare better, and always for every meeting. Second. On the sight of a miserable object my vexations dwindled to nothing. Third. The heighth of my spiritual and sancti fied ambition, is that part of blessing God for cross events. 12 mo. 16, Hvirry of business injured the meet ing. 18, Sol. Sowingto the spirit is a time of labour and toil, not as reaping. 26 and 27. Had the honour continued on me of accompanying two women in their visits to families ; they waiting in deep silence in each family, and bringing forth pertinent matter out of their treasury. 30. " Is not my word a fire?" O that I might find it so in consuming sensuality, and particu larly in eating, drinking, sleeping, smoking, to be used not as ends, but as means of health ; not to live to eat, drink, &c, but the inverse. Here is purgatory. 1754 1 tnd. 11, At a Parliament-meeting feasted, and sat up shamefully, yea wickedly long, to the encour agement of luxury in drinking, to the M^eakening the holy testimony, and, in reality, denying the Lord before men, I repented a little, and do and will repent, and I humbly hope, amend. It was a bewitching time, with much stupidity and inadver tence. 13, A shocking view of myself: fierce to infe riors, viciously complaisant to superiors or equals, for the base views of profit or false honour; the lying honour of this M'orld. 11 18. An humbling time on a second review of the 1 1 th above. Let it be marked nigra carhone* in consideration of the discordant character of con demning pomp and superfluity in one instance, and allowing it in another: surely the friendship of the world is enmity with God ; and surely this is an abuse of riches. 19. I was at a loss to find out one real mark of regeneration in myself; but find that a good deal of what appears specious is but constitution. 2 mo. 10. The first day of the week : lay late sinfully, even as others do, on this day ; as if here were not as much to do in spirituals, as in tempo rals on other days of the week ; a vulgar error which must be renounced. 26. At meeting a deep sense of my own vileness, and the necessity of self correction previous to that of others, O for the sword and the fire to consume the remnants of the lust of the flesh in drinking, eating, and smoking ; and love of the world in vi cious complaisance ] and for the prevalence of light and truth in quitting that grand absurdity of put ting means for ends. 3 mo. 17. A sudden irradiation, concerning the liberty of the spirit, and the liberty of the flesh — which God so far favoured, that it increased, and was brought to light under that title, A.D. 1756. 4, mo. 1. Feasting moderate, in the world's estimation; but I know and feel solitude to be better. 4 mo. 26. Sol. O the bounty of God to me! Most of my evils (i. e. troubles) are imaginary, compared with the real ones of others. 5 mo. 8, God visited me with a most dangerous fever ; the affliction was very instructive and gave * With a black coal. 12 occasion for a long retreat, and review of past follies. 8 mo. 3. Weighed the real Christian and the abstract physician in the balance of the sanctuary, and found the latter to be incomparably light: h6nce great self-contempt on a sober, clear review of the hitherto great and principal occupation of my life. A notable aera of renewed conversion, and eleva tion of love. 9 mo. 4. God visited me with a succession of bodily evils for near the space of four months, and I saw them to be good, even wholesome chastise ments. 16. Sol. How did Daniel, God's favorite, be have when he and his brethren were in captivity ? He mourned, fasted, and prayed. Is there no analogy nor application in this to the spiritual captivity ? Thou hast, indeed, addressed these, ad hominem ; but, is there not yet a more evangelical way ? What converts hast thou made ? I am sure many hug their chains in contempt of thy remon strances. 19. and 20. Morose : spoke very rashly and unrighteously, and my anger was applied to the wrong object. Lord have mercy upon me a sin ner ! Wash me, and I shall be clean ! 26, N.B, A memorable sera, viz. Now, and not until now, even in this evening of the day, as at the eleventh hour, even in my fifty-sixth year, did God first favour me with this new irradiation of gospel light, (and by means of those truly Chris tian writers, the Messrs. du Port Ro5al) viz. " That it is criminal not to hate this life comparatively, and not to desire the happiness of another life," 28. Instituted an hour's retirement every eve ning, as a check to the inordinate study of nature. 10 mo. 4. How much idle expence and super- 13 fluity in purchasing of books never read, nor to be read I 12, One sacred, solemn lesson has been learnt from my late severe three afflictions, and which, I humbly hope, mIU more than compensate for all, viz. To drink little as sufficient — a lesson, wherein are deeply interested soul, body, and temporal estate. 18, Tj'ranny over inferiors is injustice, and the genuine offspring of inordinate self-love. A pretty free access bj' prayer, for a considerable time past. 22. Visited my grave-digger, on a just com memoration of my wonderful deliverance from the grave. 27. Established a Vesper, viz. An hour every evening for retirement, besides half an hour in tlie morning, and an hour and half in the day for reli gious exercises, and all too little. O that these retreats may be consecrated to the acquisition of meekness and temperance in parti cular ! possessions beyond all outward treasure, and worth all the prayers and tears they will cost. 12 mo. 3. Provocation from my servant's ab sence from family duty : it is her loss, not mine. Lord, turn the anger from me to herself, and give me prudence to exercise the proper discipline with pity, 15. Native ferocity and preverseness,old Adam, yet unslain, sticks like bird-lime : Lord, cleanse and slay ! 27. Not yet delivered from captivity to the world's spirit, in a bold and just use of calling men by their proper names. 1755. 1 mo. 8. A feast, scarce innocent. Resolved to decline entertainments as much as possible. 14 17. A silent, but blessed meeting, in this illumi nation : godliness hath the promise of this life, as well as that to come ; as is evidently the case in regard to three subjects of my present exercise, viz. Temperance, meekness, and moderation in study, which last is also most successful. " O how do I love thy law ! Draw me, and I will run after thee :" vice versa, how does sin stupify men, even as to their temporal interest and happiness ! Hence I saw that man is assuredly corrupt. Dined on bread and water. 31, A blessed morning. Light prevailed and kept down scolding and hurry, and carried me to meeting with a little struggle. Lord increase the little spark to a flame ! 2 mo. 11. At a silent meeting — Our God is a con.suming fire : Lord, spare not the immortified affections ! 12. Stopt my career in buying books, from the near prospect of death. 17. O, how complaisant to the foibles of men for the sake of outward advantage ! But, O, how little to the foibles of those from whom nothing of this kind is expected ! and especially such as are under thy power! Lord, correct my vileness, and give a little of thy love, thou God of love. 20, Fasted on bread and water, with delight. 23. Sol. Remember the parable of the mer chant seeking goodly pearls : and, O the pearl of meekness ! but thou wilt never get it without greater ardour of prayer, and vigilance also, than thou hast yet exercLsed. Awake, awake ! Some ardency in prayer against ferocity ; but nature still recoils : be therefore instant in prayer, both in season and out of season, and in vigilence, 3 mo, 14, At a silent meeting, this precious 15 illumination, " Days without number have I idol ized natural knowledge, in pursuing it as the chief good, which it is not ;" a truth I was never tho roughly enlightened in, till I lately read Messrs, du Port Royal ; so dwarfish have I been ! Great humiliation hence, 24 On a little neglect and injustice fretted too much, for want of bridling the first motions. 4 mo . 2. God was with me in the hurry to-day : I will and must follow him more closely, and yield to his drawings. 6, My servant does that for interest (viz, exer cises a complaisance to me under my folliea) which grace hath not yet effected in me. 13. Sol, In conflict with the world's spirit and ways, the defect is truly want of courage. Lord, give me the* sapere aude ; broached even by a Heathen ! 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21. A strong impression of the transitoriness of our state, as in the progres sion of a journey. God is sensibly weaning from the breast of this world. A sensible and great injuj-y by running into con versation presently after meeting, 30, At national -meeting: blessedbethe Lord I who has lengthened my days, and placed me among my betters, even in a select meeting; an awful, dreadful situation, even that of a spiritual watch man : Lord, give me to occupy it worthily ! and enable me to attain to that high authority of saying, " Follow me as I follow Christ," 5 mo. 6. The Lord hath, within about these two years, opened to my view a New Scene, even of glory and immortality; of spirituality, as above * Dare to be wise. 16 temporality. He indeed suffered me many years to go on in nature, with an upright intention, in which I served mankind faithfully, though with many weaknesses and some sins, (Lord, pardon.) But now he calls to grace extraordinary, and an expeditious preparation for another country. O the depth of the bounty of Providence, in thus waiting to be gracious ! 11. Sol. O, what study, what liberality in ex- pences, what conversation and correspondences, what travels, what experiments and reiterations of experiments, what copyings, reviewings, and glean ings, and yet, all centering in the mere body ! But now opens the New Scene, even of grace in the Christian scheme : see and pursue it with equal, nay superior ardour ! 16. This day, chatting and temporal business hurt the divine impression received at the meeting. 18. A precious meeting, though silent, and at tended with humiliation, under a sense of God's great bounty in the singular advantages and op portunities afforded me, and my barrenness under them. 31. O my doggedness, naked and bare before thee, Lord, who art more than a thousand witnes ses. Lord, awaken my sorrow for this sin, and withhold not the fire. 6 nio. 1. A lively sense of the vast and unme rited love and bounty of God to me, with suppli cation for humiliation, so that I may receive evil as well as good (as I well deserve and must under go) cheerfully, as an obedient child. 4. On occasion of sc^ol-meeting, saw my dwarf- ishness in regard to exhortation and prayer, without the help of books or of men : Lord, bring forward to this state of manhood. 7 mo. 12. Father, teach submission to thy will in cross events, as becometh thy child. 17 Sol. The metaphorical rickets, a real malady of the soul analogous to that of the body, viz. A counsellor's head (rich in notion) but a sucking infant's limbs (in practice.) Lord, strengthen. 15. A blessed silent meeting : I will sell all to purchase the pearl, even give up every engage ment not indispensable, in order to celebrate my morning and evening sacrifice. Sol. The fruits of the earth are all ripening : but those of my inward man are all late and stunted : I will lie open to the sun to be meliorated. 26, Resolved daily to open the day with a short retirement in mental prayer, at least with my ser vant, which God strengthened me to accomplish, add sometimes opened my mouth a little in counsel. 8 mo. 8. My mattin with my servant upheld, blessed be the Lord ! who also gives a degree of courage and understanding. 13. On Ellis's history of corallines ; Lord, the earth and sea are full of thy glory. 16. Sol. I never yet broke my night's rest for my sins, as Naylor, though 'once did on natural ^ studies : hence my dwarfishness. 20. Ten patients and eleven visits entirely ab sorbed my matin, to my spiritual loss. 24. Lay late, to my spiritual loss. Sol. Thirty-one long years have been given me here, and yet I am a dwarf in spirituals. Got to meeting with a struggle, where I almost despaired of overcoming my hastiness ; yet was supported by the promise of Christ liimself to them that hunger after righteousness. 26. A good time at a meeting, and a profitable hint from a minister, even that I must speak my experience to my servants : but, O my leanness ! Lord, thou canst remove it in an instant, as thou didst in the day of my espousals. 18 Great impertinence from a patient borne tolefa- bly, blessed be God ! 28. Sol. Drinking a drop more than for health, in complaisance, is captivity to the world, from which, O Lord, deliver me hence-forward ! 9 mo. 4. Sol. The Lord hath given content ! he hath also set holy bounds to my eating, drinking, studying, and practice. 5. At meeting — A memorable illumination and holy dread, lest nature preponderate over grace, and lest '* Ye cannot serve two masters," be appli cable to me. 14. O, how remote from the character of pope Sixtus, viz.. Being thankful for indignities ! Must I, indeed, go through the fire again? Amen, Lord, if it be thy will. 19. A silent meeting, but precious : grant I may return more meek, and more slow to anger, and less gluttonous, than I came ! A dark Luciferian spirit, at my right hand, prompting to Spiritual pride. Blessed be God for my own deafness ! a just punishment for my impatience under my servant's, 22, One of our principal ministers in imminent danger : God is smiting the shepherds : a time of scattering seems to impend : Lord, preserve my poor soul ! 10 mo. 3, At meeting was instant in prayer. 20. I am ashamed of my barrenness, even my great spiritual barrenness in conversation, during ttiost of my life. I will humble myself. 21. A silent meeting, and profitable: an aspi ration from the state of childhood and weakness to that of manhood in Christ, to which all things encourage. 27. Choleric. More in words than in life : Lord, mend me ! 28. Feasted rather beyond the holy bounds. 19 29. Our trials are neither stocks, beatings, nor prisons, but alluring temptations, from which, O Lord, deliver I 1 1 mo. 4. Feasted, beyond bounds, just before the select- meeting, which was/ harmonious, good, and edifying to unworthy me : O the mercy of God to sinners ! 5. Detained from school meeting a quarter of an hour, from a cause not defensible, though un known to mortals. 1 6. A blessed time at evening-meeting. A notable epocha this : I have well nigh finish ed scribbling. I desire to give up my heart to God, as King, that he may reign over both Lucifer and Mammon. Surely, light and truth are lovely, and nothing but worldly objects hinders loving and pursuing them. 23. Lay too late for this day. Lord, I am very poor in thy holy presence. 27. An earthquake lately shook England, Portugal, Ireland, Holland, Germany, France, &c. 12 mo. 3. Lord, sanctify my studies, with a perpetual view to charity, not ostentation. 1 have a great superfluity of books. 6. Reflections on the earthquake, which was vastly, shockingly, extensive. Those that perished are gone but a little before thee, and perhaps by a death not more painful. See again the instability of wordly grandeur and riches — A noble commiseration for the sufferers in George II. 22. A vexatious day, partly from within, choler reigning, and partly from cross accidents ; not much eruption, but uneasiness, very short of ta king all things equally, as Kempis describes his saint. 24. Both in nature and grace I have been more in speculation than practice. 20 O for the * lenior (S,- meliorfis accedente senecta of Horace. 27. A good time under the ministry of a poor woman, introduced with these awful words, " How is it with you? Are there some whose salvation is not begun ?" 1756. 1 mo. 2. A hard struggle for meeting, which was profitable, exhibiting a clear vision, viz., That although I be repulsed in my conflict with anger, I must continue instant in prayer, as in our Lord's simile of the importunate widow. 15. Through epidemics and impending deaths, earthquakes, bankruptcies, dissolved friendships, and temptations to two notable sins, hath God hitherto preserved and supported me, and given space to repent and grow milder, and meeker, &c. 18. Sol. Is brother vile, and Dr, vile, and my servant vile ? I have been more vile in thy presence. Lord, on many occasions. A blessed time at meeting : a review of inconsis tency in superfluous furniture, books, drinking, reading largely on waters and Materia Medica. It is now time to make a retreat, as, blessed be the Lord, I do in degree. — Want also of more consis tency in bowing, thouing, and names of months and days. 28. A rash word, 2 mo 6., A fast day in public : and I celebrated it in private, on principle. 9. Rose virtuously with the sun, and did some church work. 16. Drinking beyond the holy bounds embitters my retrospection, and stains my virtues. * : Dost thou become Milder and better with advancing age ? 21 Beware of blaspheming in relation to the wea ther : a vulgar, impious practice. 24. At a silent meeting — I was almost on the brink of despair on occasion of adhering ferocity : however, importunity in prayer according to our Lord's command to be pursued : O let the day of love be as effectual as that of judgment ! 3 mo. 19. Sinfully choleric on a slight provo cation,, for which I am to ask forgiveness to-morrow. Disqualified for an intended religious visit by the fit of anger last mentioned. 4 mo. 6. More temperance in eating vegetables, as well as more meekness, are still wanting. 8. Little effect of our labours on the people of pleasure : Lor4^ awaken them, for we cannot. 11. Forced to do something in temporals, to my spiritual loss. 18. A relaxation in spirit (a solid, sad, reality) obtains in every degree (howsoever little) of false, vicious, complaisance : soul, awake to more firm ness. 5 mo. 3. The saying of Christ with the autho rity of Christ applied to my case, " He that is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment." 21. Impends a drinking-day at parliament- meeting: Lord, preserve from captivity, and from the damnable sin ! Accordingly marched off" refreshed. It is a blessed thing sometimes to starve in the midst of plenty. 27. Thou art giving a quiet habitation : I adore thy goodness, Lord. 6" mo. 13. At evening-meeting — A secret hope that God will still farther loosen from the world, and from nature. 6 the hastening night calls for doubled diligence! 22 7 mo. ] . I have not been pierced through with thy holy fear, but have often slipt and fallen for want of a due degree of it. And I have been want ing in a due proportion of the spiritual improve ment of the uncommon opportunities afforded : Lord, look down on this my evening, and mend it. Accomplished matin, with self-denial, in medita tion and pious reading. 22. History ; they in America have improved on us in Christian discipline, particularly in pro hibiting lotteries, spirituous liquors, fighting, and dealing in slaves, all expressly specified ; and their queries relating to ministers are considerably more minute than ours ; a valuable piece of Canaan news, more worth hunting for than the news of out ward prosperity. 24. A notable saying of a sister ; "Am I cru cified with Christ, who suffered not for himself, but others? How else can I say. Follow me as I follow Christ?" 8 mo. 1. A blessed time at meeting; a degree of ravishment, and a clear illumination of the evi dence of regeneration, viz.. The son must belike the father in his imitable excellencies of love and purity ; but O the barrenness of the conversation after, how wordly ! 2. Sol. The view of our spiritual losses is far more distressing than that of Minorca ; but, we are all external and busy politicians, whilst the inward and spiritual life is neglected : surely, it were bet ter to attend less to politics. 9. The Lord is removing my reproach, in giving vigour of body and mind for the discharge of some exercises omitted ; nevertheless I will humble my self, as being of an after-growth, and having not devoted the prime of life to a zealous promotion of truth, as B. and N. and several others, whose ex- 23 amples God has presented to me as incentives, adored be his bounty ! 18. O the awfulness of my station ! I am open ly listed. O, how earnest was B. for the conversion of the Heathen ; but how remiss I in preparation for the visit. Four religious visits, wherein light, truth, and love triumphed, blessed be the Lord ! 30. Sol. " Thy will be done on earth " is speaking a lie, so long as impatience continues. 9 mo. 3. Visiting families, a new operation in our spiritual campaign, and of signal service in these dreary times. Two despised women gave an useful sample of it, and it was sanctified, blessed be the Lord ! 5. Sol. Now the Lord favours, and hath .in deed, in a manner removed all obstacles to my spiritual progress. It is enough ; I want neither riches nor honour. Of what use is bread to a dying man ? On a retrospection, religion, indeed, has always been intermingled with other concerns; but with alloys of weaknesses, sins, and an inordinate love of natural knowledge, 9. B. continued in prayer beyond the usual hours of sleep ; but when did I ? O when ! whilst yet the adherence of inward corruption calls for no less diligence this moment. The sons of Belial protract their entertainments bej'ond midnight ; but it is reckoned an extraordinary matter that Paul should have preached unto midnight, I hum ble myself under a sense of my vast deficiency in these respects. It is a day of illumination and drawing nearer to God. 12, At meeting — " Wisely to manage the last stake," deeply impressed as the voice of God to me, on the brink of the boundless ocean, and to 24 mind the head less, and the heart more hence-for- wards. Lord, slay the remnant of idolatry in nature, and raise up grace 1 17. God was with me in my feasting, adored be his goodness ! 18. On reading the transactions on the polypes and corallines: O the wonders of the creation. Lord, the earth and sea are full of thy glory, 21, A glorious introduction of prayer this day, even in my asking forgiveness of the individual I had offended, though an inferior, blessed be the Lord my God ! A blessed time at meeting : O the depth of the riches of God's bounty, who hath given to see good days in temporals and spirituals ; he hath given to reap the fruit of the travail of my soul with con tent; but above all, in the prospect and humble hope of complete redemption. I will follow thy drawings in preference to naturals; * hie labor, hoc opus. 10 mo. 2. The voice of a sheep, in a beautiful application of those words relating to Christ, " Come, see a man that told me all I have done ;" and, as usual, to the peculiar glory of our ministry, driving from all outward dependencies to the; in ternal voice of Christ. 14. Sol. Is it so, that God so loved the world that he sent his son — ushered in by preceding pro phecies and miraculous concomitant events ; to which, add his life, preaching, works, death, resur rection, ascension, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the destruction of Idolatry, and the propagation of real Christianity for some centuries? And why do not these things awaken ? And shall not real Christ- * This is a laborious work. 25 ianity be revived ; but by whose means? O give me faithfulness in my lot. 17. Sol. I doubt that great blessing of the coming of Christ in the flesh, is by many, too much forgotten. 1 1 mo. 24. O the abundant and sweet occupa tion of my solitude ; surely, this is a gift and pecu liar blessing from God. 12 mo. 7. Resolved to decline superfluous visits, in order to finish the day's work, night advancing. I bless thy goodness. Lord, who hast helped my spiritual barrenness a little ; O for more fruitful- ness. 10. O thou who overcamest the wtfrid,. fortify me against the smiles thereof in riches, which beget pride, insolence, anger, lust, and intemperance. 15. The peculiar glory and end of the gospel is the revelation of life eternal on the one hand, and God's wrath for sin on the other ; the impression of this illumination was strong. 28. A degree of noble impartiality at our meet ing of discipline, in the judgment on a delinquent illustrious brother. 1757. 1 mo. 6. Fervent gratitude for the clear evi dences of Christianity, as to the personal appear ance of Christ on earth : O for a suitable conform ity to his precepts, and the work of slaying still ! O that my obedience might bear some greater proportion to such accumulated evidence I 9. Dogged last night and this morning. Hist. In fasting the ancients had their Statio, which was continued to three in the afternoon ; their Jejunium till evening ; and their Superpositio (on extraordinary occasions and sins) till next morning. Of all this I know nothing. D 2:6 16. Behold the pittance of i^ublic worship among us, eight hours in a week, scarce equal to one night's sleep. W'ill God, indeed, accept of it alone ? Surely, nay ! 2 mo. 4. At meeting. I worshipped Divine Goodness this day, which, as in youth, so nov^?' in agp, is calling for the svipreme love ; and as, then beyond childish delights, so now from and above the more manly of natural studies. Remember well that science without charity is, but ostentation, 7. O how zealous were th,e primitive Christians in propagating Christianity. But how little zeal have we, and why ? Because we have not enough witnessed, its sweetness and privileges. 20. At meeting — Light and truth arose in a clear sight of the puissance of these three capital enemies: first, natural fierceness; second, habit, in too vehement a pursuit of natural studies.; third, the spirit of the world. 27, Avaunt Satan ! the Lore} is striengthening, and promoting my progress, 28, On reading on the types : O what a bles sing to us and me, that the antitype, the substance is come ! Shall we not walk worthy hereof? 3 mo. 13, Well : Christ is assuredly come, and he says, " Seek, first the kingdom of heaven :" wherefore— more to spirituals ; but, O the ardour that still attends natural studies ! Lord, lessen. it ! I ana the least: and latest born among many brethren : I will^quicken my steps. Meditation, with a degree of contrition, in the evening ; bnt the dark power at my right-hand. 4 mo. 3, Rev, ix, God, sent locusts to Idolaters. And, surely, we, who have lately denied Jesus^ both in practice and theory, are also rightepugly 27 plagued by the incursions of the French ; but do not seem to look up to the hand that smites, but merely to second causes. 6. A deep sense of God's love : may it operate unto a reconcilement to little cross events! 16- Matin in Kempis ; but Paul the apostle's description of charity exceeds. 23. An unrighteous murmuring at an unseason able call. Sol. * Cur seculum reliquisti, was Kempis's query to the monks, and assurely belongs to me, and to us Quakers, who in speech, habit, and de meanour, declare ourselves a separate people. Lord, help to a consistency ! 25. An openness in prayer. 5 mo. 1. At meeting. O the length, breadth, and depth of God's mercy, on a sober review of my past life ! He was all along underneath in the midst of divers infirmities and sins : I ought to have been far more heavenly minded, unto which disposition God is now calling with a louder voice, 19. Ate and drank to live. 31. A multitude of paupers : Lord, animate my administrations to them, and make them more glorious in my view \ 6 mo. 5. On some provocations from unrighteous accusations, silence was my sweet refuge. 9. O M^hat time, study, collation, review, ex amination reiterated ; what travels and correspon dencies ; what reading ; what expences unspared ; and all for the mere knowledge of outward medi cine! but how little for the inward? Behold, I turn about: Lord, lead on. 26. Of the infirm and corruptible body, both thy own and others, enough : I now devote my ves- * Why hast thou retired from the world? 28 per to the soul— God leads into solitude after meet ing : I will give way to his drawings. Read Penington, a man of deep experience and great sincerity : blessed be the Lord for such com pany. 7 mo. 3. At afternoon-meeting— A clear vision of the imperfection and unhappiuess of man in his most flourishing state, whether of riches or know ledge, both stages of temptation and great danger — and the tendency is, to wean from this world and to despise it : so Lord, raise and help. . 8 mo. 7. There is, assuredly, something in our ministry beyond that of human appointment, blessed be the Lord. N.B. Crossness will be helped by being less intense in studies. On reading the Apocalypse — Is it so really, that there is a false church, which is the object^ of God's M^rath, and shall be destroyed? Then see that thou be out of her borders. Ate and drank to live. 9, Was this day presented with Lucas's sar- castical remarks on my book. This is a wholesome discipline, though severe : a controversy ensued : God mingles trouble with pleasure. There are some imperfections and errors in my work : I thank God he has found no more. ; 20. An awful sentence : " He that heareth not this prophet (Christ) shall be cut off." 9 mo. 9, O Lord ! I sinned ; the spirit of the world prevailed in detaining from meeting through wicked complaisance to a visitor, whom I preferred before thee, and so am imworthy of thy favour, according to thy own express declaration. Hereby, first, my soul was robbed ; second, God's name was unhallowed, even in these declining times. f 16. " Do less in medicine and nature," saith the 29 Lord, who was with me, drawing on to heavenly- mindedness: O for the footsteps of those who avoided worldly incumbrances! And now. Lord, support in holding up a light in this respect ! Long have I pursued nature, and only partially found her. 10 mo. 7. O how improving, to rise early ! 10. Openness in morning prayer, 11 mo. 1 & 2. My servant says, "I am actually more cross, notwithstanding my late higher pre tensions :" indeed, I do not altogether believe her ; Lord, however, help to falsify any such testimony from this time ! 17. Read Penington : a high favour, a history of the experiences of a supernatural man, expe riences as far above the natural as heaven is above earth : Lord, I worship thee for affording this not able means of salvation. 20. Lord, I will bow and abhor myself in this the day of mercy, as I did in the day of affliction. 12mo. 11. Blessed God, for Newton upon Daniel. 16. At a silent-meeting, God was with me sweetly ; Lord, hasten thy work in my swiftly de clining days : O, I fear lest I should be numbered among hypocrites. 20. A memorable sera, wherein the Father's love was sensibly felt, in exalting heaven above earth, grace above nature ; and a clear vision that we were never intended for perfection by nature, and, therefore, that this should never be our aim nor expectation, nor this world be our rest. 21. On reading Newton on Daniel, a secret exultation on a conviction of the authenticity of this prophecy, and of the truth of God's promise to set up a kingdom that shall never have end : but what are we poor men, that God should favour us with such a revelation ? Surely we must be account- 1 30 able : Lord I bow before thee ! 22. A visit exhibiting the pious labours of Dr. Henry, Dr. Hales, and the bishojD of Worcester, against the use of spirituous liquors. 24. God blessed this week in a degree of con sistent walking in heavenly-mindedness. 1758. 1 mo. 7. Again my wretched dwarfishness ap pears ; nature hath been pursued smartly, but the Old Testament much neglected, and read in a piti ful manner, even not with the attention and perse verance bestowed on other books, which, however, it surely more abundantly deserves. 11. O the unmerited, inestimable goodness of the Lord, in placing us in these gospel-days! May the weight of the obligation sink deep. A^ lively sense of the bounty of God to man in the prophe cies concerning the coming of Christ : at the same time the Devil was at my right-hand. 20. A notable tenderness of spirit at the quar terly meeting, and some in others I observed. Yet at my return home, was dogged in the evening without just cause. O the unprofitableness of common conversation ; ' and how little on spirituals ! Lord, thou art lifting up heaven above earth in my view, I worship thy goodness. 2 mo. 3. A silent meeting, but ve^ry„ profitable- 1 1. A thought of farther medical correspondence from the country ; but as the origin and whole scope of such correspondence is mere body (hith erto too much idolized, but to be so no more) the trumpet of God sounds to eternity: and "Thy kingdom come," is the prevailing, or to be the prevailing petition, desire, and scope. 16, On quarterly-review, the paupers are con- 31 siderably more numerous than the solvents, blessed be the Lord, 18, Beware, lest the physician encroach on the christian. 21. Ten visits absorbed my matin; scarce a M^ord of Christ to-day. 24. A silent meeting— I saw clearly into that spirit that would prompt to speak and to be great, whilst the will is not yet subdued ; and e contra, i that God will speak by children, and by the weak and h.umble. Amen. 26. Struggled well, and kept up to conviction in attending meetings; performing three visits be fore, and one between^ meetings,^ both silent, save for one I deemed a babbler. Time was,, that the Scriptures were: magnified ^ too much ; time is, that they are undervalued most, ; unrighteously and. ungratefully. 3 mo. 3. Struggled hard and got to meeting, which was blessed' with a fresh divine visitation, as irt my youth, to the following purpose ; "Whoso loveth father or mother, brother, &c., more than me, is not worthy of me ;" thus God is weaning ; a painful operation, as it must needs prove, where so long continued a bent has been to mere nature ; so Lord, give only to touch with- a trembling hand ! and, soul, remember, that " Trees deeply rooted in the ground Are shivered when they're torn away." 8. Feasted beyond the holy bounds, through vicious complaisance. 13. This day an acquaintance broke deeply in my debt ; the deception great, and the loss con siderable ; Lord, thou hast smitten ; sanctify the event ! , 18. O what a. favour this, to Ijc planted in the 4 32 true church, out of Babylon and its corruptions, and where every motive draws to a holy life, agree able to the, doctrine and precepts of our Lord. 20. My soul is devoted to suff"er with Christ in our low state. 29. A renewed confirmation of the peculiar ex cellence of our ministry, even in directing unto Christ, and not unto themselves. 4 mo. 6. O my grovelling soul, ever prone to nature and to body. Look up to Jesus, 28. Opens my anniversary for celebrating God's deliverance of me from sudden death ; I lie open to hear what the Lord will say. 5 mo. 14. At a silent meeting, almost overcome with sleep ; but God gave victory over it, and I had a modest confidence that the work is going on, though slowly. 21. At meeting — Was humbled to the following purpose ; I will submit to the late robbery ; for I have abused prosperity ; I will also submit to every affliction, and to death itself, which is my due ; for I have sinned. At a silent meeting — Attacked with sleepiness ; but light and fire arose on the altar, blessed be the Lord. 27. At meeting — O the obligation of our pro fession, which is no other than an absolute renun ciation of the honours, profits, and pleasures of this world. ,30. At meeting — A clear and blessed irradia tion to this purpose ; " As I have sinned against that Friend who is above all others, even not only my Creator, but Redeemer, in innumerable short nesses and some positive sins, I am a greater of fender than my greatest offender is against me ;" and, therefore, I now first forgave him. 6 mo. ]. Grant thy holy presence. Lord, in iny 33 feasting, my commerce, and my studies both di vine and human ! 2. At a silent meeting— A struggle, wherein my grovelling heart at the beginning yielded to nature ; but at length grace prevailed, in a view of the matchless love of God in Christ. 4. 20 min. past 7. Too late for this day of devotion : the flesh is weak. Well here is a nota ble revolution : silence of late, instead of scolding ; a tendency, I humbly hope, to an improvement in spirit. An ardent wish that the just man's path may be mine. 9. At a silent meeting — Light shone, and I felt the Father's drawings, and had a glimpse of the . glories of his grace, and he is weaning from the world. 11. O my liberty and leisure compared to that of some poor children, who rise at three, and work most of the day for bare subsistence : Lord sanctify. 24. Impends a feast: soul, awake; and. Lord, preserve ! Stayed too long, though the conversa tion profitable. 29. Sol. What lack I yet? more meekness, more heavenly (less earthly) mindedness, more temperance, and self denial. A little nearer ac cess in prayer, with humble hope. 7 mo. 8 Opens my anniversary celebration of my vow — It was a timeof espousals never to be for gotten ; my progress was and is very slow. The Devil at my right-hand in my spiritual exercise. 7 mo. 8. Sol. Who so favoured with leisure? Thou art as the willow planted by the water-side, whose leaf ought not to fail : but O the weakness under all these advantages ! Christ has lately been set open to thee, both as come in the flesh, and exalted in glory, and his providence over his church demonstrated to thee from the Apocalypse ; 34 but what influence has this on thy life? Adoration, at, least, arises, and O that it may not prove with out effect otherwise. 9. On reading the Jesuit's Spiritual Retrea,t — It is comfortable to see how many sheep Christ hath, though not of this fold. O the stupidity of men in their contempt of the Gospel of Christ ? 26. A nearer access in prayer, and more se- dateness this morning. 29. At meeting — O the long-forbearance and bounty of God to me, during a series of infirmities and splendid worldly-mindedness, shining with the false lustre of moral righteousness ! 8 mo. 12. On occasion of our dealing out private admonitions, a degree of fear seizes, lest the con versation should not be consistent. Lord, increase my fear. 13. Reproved a minister for an inordinate zeal about mint and anise, and he publicly retracted at the next opportunity. 17. The Jesuit's book was blessed to me, in applying his advice to regulars, to us Quakers, who, also, are a set of regulars, evidently marked and called out of the world, distinguished by badges, and by an avowed renunciation of the su perfluous honours, profits, and pleasures of the world ; and thou, O my soul ! of -the inordinate study of nature. 24. O my folly, even the greatest part of my life, to let the care of the bodies only of other men, preponderate over the care of my own soul, and Its redemption by Christ, and much more over the care that is found in some for the souls of others I but. Lord, blessed be thy love! who art turning my heart to these better, worthier objects; so, Lord, turn and keep turned. 35 27. Mark i. 3-3. " In the morning very early, Jesus went out into a solitary place, and prayed there ;" soul, what art thou doing? 31. Opened the first essay of a monthly retreat ; a day in which light, truth, and favour reigned. As this exercise proceedeth upon a supposition that I was to give an account to God this day, I will confess my sins fully. Days without number have I preferred earth to heaven, nature to grace ; behold, I turn about, and with a weak and obscure fi\ith view thee, Jesus, whom I have slighted, even as unto whom all power in heaven and earth is committed, as the searcher of hearts and judge of quick and dead ! I liave eaten like a swine sometimes. I have been very barren and unfruitful in conversation, declin ing to hold up the testimony before men. I have often drank, not to live, but to please men, at the hazard of the absolute loss of thy favour. Lord ; Lord have mercy, and cleanse! I have, indeed, in my studies ever had usefulness in view ; but with a mixture of ambition, not from pure charity. I have preferred the health of men's bodies to that of their souls ; Lord, I have sinned ; and as thou hast enlightened me to see the superior excellency of the soul, send forth more light and more love, thou gracious fountain of both. I have been angry without cause ; I will ask forgiveness of the off"end- ed — This was done, blessed be the Lord ! O how should all these sins and imperfections wean from this state ! O the bounty of God to me ! O sweet evening of the day unmerited ! Almost every obstacle to heroic virtue is removed : I will extol Divine Goodness in self-abasement. 9 mo. 9. Above a third of thy time, thy precious time, in bed. 36 The world was thy Lord when thou drankest to please men : Lord, detlirone the usurper! God is more honoured in my humble state, in my profession, than in my getting large fees. Dogged in the evening. How shall I get the better of this damnable evil? I will double the watch ; Lord, do thou preserve, and it shall be done : Amen ! and let there be no longer confessions without amendment, as among my brethren Catholics, alike in spirit, in this case in God's sight. O the beauty of William Edmundson's testi mony : " The things of the world bore no master ship over us : but the glory cf the Lord filled our hearts." The Devil at my right-hand to puff up ; Lord, bruise him under my feet ! Surely, there must be a better state. 15. A visit to the illuminators to little effect; Lord, give more courage, and more antipathy to war and fighting ; thou hast led the way to save and not to destroy. Surely, we, the called out of the world, should have nothing to do either with their rejoicings or movirnings ; but, O for the pre valence of the heavenly power and spirit which alone can enable to stand stedfast in this singula rity, both in form and power. 10 mo. 2. Quest. How hast thou fulfilled thy vow? Answ. Pretty well in private and public devo tion, and a slow, but real growth is witnessed : to God be the glory ! But here is still room for more temperance in eating and drinking, and still too much of the bent of the mind to nature, and too little fervency of love for the mysteries of faith and Christian redemption: Lord, I love thee: Lord, increase my love. 37 3. " God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son into the world :" a most pre cious declaration, far more valuable than any position in philosophy. 15. At meeting — Truth was triumphant in the ministry, and in prayer, Lord, raise up nursing fathers to the youth ! 23. Is it so, that we are distinguished beyond others by an evangelical ministry ? Why then have we so little of it ? Surely, for want of love, and that some other object hath stolen away the hearts of the people : and so we are in that spirit of the priests ; " No money, no paternoster." 28. Eleven visits and no fee, blessed be the Lord ! 11 mo. 12. At the morning-meeting, this query pierced my heart : " Of what advantage hath thy religious profession been, and wherein dost thou excel barbarians ?" Answ. (In the afternoon) In a holy hunger after righteousness ; in a daily cross-bearing in opposi tion to the worldly spirit ; in being limited in my most darling studies ; in the hope of the gospel, as a revelation of a better state ; and in a prepa ration for death ; in collecting materials for the public, both temporal and spiritual, blessed be the Lord! 28. In the night season, some sense of the di vine excellency of some of the precepts of the gospel ; but this day was wholly absorbed in practice : no meeting, nor a word of Jesus, so that I am in arrear, but not of choice. 12 mo. 17. Sol. O the dignity and vast extent of thy profession as a Quaker, even as one called out of the corruptions of the age in which thou livest, not in speech and garb merely, but in the renunciation of every superfluous and vain honour, 38 profit, and pleasure, as a Christian, at first .gight distinguished from his neighbours, and of whom an uniformity of conduct in all respects is expect ed, even on pain of the just censure of hypocrisy. 175.9. 1 mo. 17. Refused a feast, on principle, blessed be the Lord. 21. Sang praises to God in the night. 26. At a silent meeting, the fire was on the J altar, drawing from the earth, and all that is spe cious and goodly in it. 28, Seven o'clock. Rose at the call of the Lord Jesus, in order to improve this day (the first of the week) spiritually, as mucti as another day temporally, well knowing that a translation doth impend. 2 mo. 4, 30 min. past 5, Opened a holy vigil : on a strict review of my life, deep humility and self-abasement is my portion as long as I live. At meeting — Let thy love to the world be pro portioned to thy short stay in it, even become less and less. An humble hope that God's calm presence, out of the tempest, thunder, and lightning, is with me, in my humble practice of medicine, and in this writing. The Lord said, " Thou must not only love na ture less, but do less in that res]^>ect, in order to acquire a heavenly habit." 24, Remember thy servant's rebuke, that thou art moved by a straw, 4 mo. 4. Discharged my duty in speaking to the children ; but Lucifer at my risht-hand after. 14. At a silent meeting — O the long- forbear ance of God to me, even whilst idolising nature ! Surely, this should lead to long-forbearance to my brethren. 39 5 mo. 6. How do worldlings for the mere point of honour, v. g. Soldiers, sacrifice their rest, and even lives. But what do we for Christ ? 8, Rose about four, on principle, A melting meeting in the ministerial service, and I was enamoured with the peculiar glory of our ministry, with an admiration of God's unmea- surable goodness held forth to an unworthy people. 10. I was in company with my betters, men far beyond me in the heavenly life : however, 1 love the brethren, and savour the sweetness of spi ritual fellowship. 27, Lord, sweeten my sourness ! Christ's doc trine on the mount was impressed, as what would root it out fundamently, in the heavenly love and meekness by him recommended. Surely, the people in general do not steadfastly believe in Christ. 31. In the course of the religious visit, a single superfluous glass hurt the service, in clouding the* divince particula aurcE : Lord, pity and pardon. 6 mo. 23. The widow Allen, of Cork, sits up whole nights with sick persons, from a principle of benevolence. 7 mo. 29. A good time under the ministry of women, with a most tender, evangelically-spirited call to the giddy youth and the covetous elder — thus are the women taking our crowns from us. 8 mo. 16. Weak and peevish. The latent seed of life is burdened with the pre vailing conversation about wars, even wholly en grossed on that subject, and rejoicing at the ravages which the real Christian deplores. 25. An extract of some sweet flowers from the scriptures. * The «oul. 40 28. God gave resolution and integrity to attend both meetings of worship and discipline with indus try, on the recovery of my bodily strength. Behold the ease of our religious establfshment, surely, far short of what is required of every Chris tian, and of the practice of the religious in former times, and still far short of what our real vpants call for, viz. Eight hours in a week only are devoted to public worship, i. e. no more than one-third of a natural day ; but yet it must be observed, that even this one-third is far from being duly attended to ; and, to say the truth, among the multitude of those now professing with us, not above one-twelfth of the twenty-four hours, viz. Two hours on fisrt-day morning are devoted to public worship, and what to private by these is known only to the Omnisci ent : but can such a people expect to prosper in spirituals ; can they expect to make head against the puissant enemy of souls ? And, O, thou my soul ! who hast hitherto been too much immersed in the cares of mere body, and participated of the corruptions of the times, awake, awake, to superior diligence, and remember, that he who soweth spa ringly shall reap sparingly. 9 mo. 5. At the school-meeting, discharged my conscience in simplicity. 16. A glorious company of poor patients in Canaan's language : Lord, support. At meeting — A sweet gospel-spirit in the min istry. 24. Sweet Jesus, thou hast few and poor advo cates, and some very weak ones. 25. O the weight of the work of sanctification, far away beyond words, which are but shadows, and, without the life, idols : am I not coming to the life of the words, to the power in which the kingdom is said to stand ! 41 A very humbling, mortifying retrospection from 1741 to 1750, which was a sort of interregnum in spirituals, nature and natural studies prevailing over grace. O the mercy of God in thus waiting for my repentance. 10 mo. 3. At the school meeting, spoke to the children in a spiritual capacity ; but Satan buffet ed afterwards, prompting to pride : but light and truth triumphed. Thou art to rejoice in no gift, but this only, that thy name is, or may be, written in the Lamb's book of life. 12. I have not yet learned to drink righteously ; but I saw in the clear vision that, if I will proceed to perfection, I must be more an alien to the corrupt humours of the age, and even of divers of my ac quaintances in this very respect, and must stick closer to the secret whispers of the Holy Spirit. Amen, sweet Jesus, amen ! 22. One of our saints, whilst prosecuting his temporal concerns, made every thing give way to the spiritual, particularly in the attendance at/ meetings. ' 28. Two in the morning. Opened a holy vigil, and accordingly rose in the night, with a revival of a sense of the church's now coming out of the apostacy, and a serious desire of being one of her sons, particularly in an increase of heavenly-mind edness ; and I was comforted in a view of the glory of the gospel-day, and of the knowledge of Christ Jesus as the Son and Sent of God, and of a subjec tion to him as such, as preferable to all other knowledge. 11 mo. 3. A spirit of devotion in two prayers at the meeting of business. 9. Formality has overspread other professors, ^ but now attacks us, a set of professed separatists, who, when without the power, are deeper hypocrites than any. f "" 42 T4. The day concluded sweetly, with a solid sense that God is opening himself in nature to the diligent enquirer. 20. O for the holy tremour, and neutrality in temporals. 22, Uttered a rash word, 12 mo, 1. O my stupidity ! O let this coming of Christ, and this immortality brought to light by the gospel, have more influence on my temper and manners than it has had. 4, A silent but sweet meeting. 25. "Opens my sixty-second year : I formerly said, " If I arrive at sixty, I shall be pretty easy :" but I find I am still too much grovelling after na ture : Lord, lift up to grace ! and particularly to the love of Christ Jesus, as the Son and Sent of God, and of his precepts, 1760. 2 mo. 17. Resumed Law's Serious Call : blessed be the Lord ! for this true sheep of Christ, of ano ther fold, renouncing every superfluity, as much as we, and for strong Christian reasons, 28. ALa,§ilent meeting, a sweet attractioruof the Father's love. ~ " ...-—— ~ 3 mo. 2. At meeting — God has left us yet one man to speak the truth as it is in Je^us : Lord, send it home, 25. God sanctified my view of the retrograda- tion of others with this resolution, that I will, with his aid, go forward in as great a proportion as they are going backwards. 4 mo. 25. A sweet time at meeting ; but the im pression was hurt by a frivolous dispute afterwards. Humbled under a sense of God's prescience, of which we have no conception. Avaunt all osten tation of science. 43 5 mo. 18. I will praise thee, O Lord, who hast sent forth thy light, truth, and love abundantly to me! Let them guide me ! so draw, so wean, yet more and more ! Days without number have I slighted thy goodness, and preferred nature to grace. Thou hast turned me about — help for ward. Canst thou not sweeten my sourness tho roughly? Canst thou not tread Satan under my feet ? 6 mo. 10. O the blessings and comfort of the holy scriptures, now searched and applied in my old age. 12. A sweet history of a vara avis, a consci entious inn-keeper. 29. Dejection of spirits at meeting, succeeded however, by a fresh irradiation of light and truth, and the instrumental appearances good : but the grand concern now, is more weaning from natural science, and even from too close spiritual reading : thus God is leading on sweetly. 7 mo. 13. At a silent meeting: a sweet humb ling, tendering time ; and a deprecation of intem perance, and of the prevalence of the spirit of the world. 8 mo. 7. Five in the morning. Sang praises in the night. 23. Read Gill's comment on the Old Testa ment, with pleasure and gratitude to God : O how favoured beyond thousands of my inferiors. 24. Days, weeks, months, and years, have I neglected thee, sweet Jesus, thee of whom the pro phets bear witness, and of the glory of this thy gos pel-day ; so that the subjects which of right should have been the darling entertainment of my youth, are now become those of my declining day I good ness to be admired and adored. 44 9 mo. 5. A spiritual visit to a youth, with little present effect. A silent and good meeting : O thou who over camest the world, give me to overcome it and my own lust. Some awful sense of the doubtfulness of the inward warfare too little thought of, whilst the artillery of the outward enemy is counted ex actly. 10. A troublesome day: choler, indigestion, and unseasonable visits. 15. 45 min. past 5. Wakened alive in the spirit, and saw the necessity of more seriousness in that, "not only the love, but wrath of God is revealed from heaven by Christ, O the baseness of our nature, that love alone, and all the sweet and gra cious promises, will not drive home ; but terror must be called in, and is necessary ! See Rom, i. and 2 Thes, i. 19. At meeting, this truth was sealed upon my mind, that there is no wisdom but in the truth as it is in Jesus, and that all who do not possess this are fools : thus light and truth prevailed over a preceding heaviness, some fatigue, and a moist atmosphere conspiring. 21. At afternoon meeting — To make our calling and election sure, and to long to be with Christ, impressed immediately, as attainments of the ut most importance. 28. My will, O Lord, is not entirely as thy will, whence these murmurs else on trifles ! O subdue and reduce to an entire conformity. 10 mo. 5. At meeting — What is the sin that so easily besets? I think, the love of nature. A bright illumination and attraction to redeeming my time, my precious time, in this heel of the evening time past having been too little devoted to spirituals. Afternoon meeting silent, where, after a smart 45 struggle with sleepiness, light and truth shone out and God drew me nearer to himself on the wings of faith and love. 12. Behold the character of a genuine Quaker : he worships God in spirit, and hath no confidence in the flesh, in words, and exteriors, but in the life, virtue, power, and substance ; nor in any types nor representations, but is swallowed up in the antitype. True gospel- simplicity shone in a woman : the men are too wise and too worldly. 11 mo. 1. A life yet more retired, and abstem ious, would give greater liberty in spirituals, 2, Reviling and unrighteous language from a brother : I bless thee. Lord, who hast supported me in this trial, and given me a bridle for my . tongue : thou. Rock of Ages, art my confidence! Thus these troubles drive closer home : O the pri vileges of the sincere ! 11. A memorable day to be recorded for the following sweet and instructive illuminations re ceived at a silent meeting, viz. Thou art surround ed by a cloud of witnesses, even the saints who are placed in thy way, animating to superior love and ardour in the paths of piety and virtue. 23. The first-day of the week : rose at six, thus following the Lord's leadings, even in redeeming the hours, the many precious hours, which I have lost, irrevocably lost, in sleep in the mornings of this solemn day. 25. God was with me in the hours of tempta tion, in lifting up grace above nature, 12 mo, 2, Two in the morning. Rose with this sweet impression : he that fed Israel with manna in the wilderness, will, also, be thy support in the trials, being the everlasting Rock and Refuge of hi^ children. 46 4, Lay too late in God's estimation, losing time. A Christless day, except the morning and eve ning sacrifice, being absorbed in 'practice, and the medical society, and some curiosities of little mo ment in my present view of things, when the day of the Lord is come upon all pleasant pictures, and nothing but what is of solid use to the good of one's neighbcmr is to be entertained. 8 The forty-second of Isaiah is a clear descrip tion of our Lord, Christ, and applicable to no other person : behold, this is our day, our blessed day, even of salvation and redemption by him. 10, The forty-second of Isaiah a clear desprip- tion of Christ : I will, indeed, sing the new song mentioned in that chapter, even the song of thanks giving to God, for the inestimable gift of his Son to us Gentiles. 12. A precious silent meeting, wherein, amidst' the open desertions of public worship by others, God supported me, and I worshipped him in amazement for his long-forbearance toward me for a series of years. 23. At two in the morning. Rose and worship ped, and returned to bed : went not home, but to meeting, leaving temporals all behind, and light and truth shone on my soul : was conducted into the valley of humility, self-contempt, and a sense of God s unutterable love to me. Vowed to abide here. 30. A precious silent meeting : an illumination there on Peter's denying his Lord, but under very- trying circumstances, even when the whole world of Jews and Gentiles was against them, and, more over, he as yet but a young and weak disciple ; but some of us deny him in a state of tranquillity, even whilst the powers of the earth favour us ; and 47 neglect divine worship, except to gratify the itch ing ear, refusing to come to Christ as the King invisible and Lord of his church : but thou, O my soul ; must go on to confess him in this time of desolation. 1761. 1 mo. 1. 15 min. past 7. Monthly retreat : rose at the Lord's call. A doubt with respect to denying Christ, even in every little instance where man is feared more than God, V. g. in drinking a single drop to please man, and injure the temple of the Holy Ghost: Lord, give that courage that is greater than that of the Caesars or Alexanders of this world, even to confess thee before men ! 20. Four o'clock. Wakened in a sweet and joyous frame : Lord, be with my enemy, and grant that he and I may move in that sphere which thou hast allotted : a root of pride is also in me : lay thy axe to it. A most blessed luminous time during the silent part of the meeting : and a clear evidence of a fu ture and better state, arising singly from the con sideration of the low state of grace among the professors of Christianity in this time. Too impetuous on a provocation. 2 mo. 4. Seven o'clock. A hurrying morning : but a secret irradiation of light prevailed and controul- ed : so. Lord, send forth thy light and thy truth. 10. This (the world) is not thy rest, seemed to be the watch- word in the morning. Rejoiced in the late instances of the spread of the kingdom of Christ in the new awakenings among others : so come thy kingdom. Lord ! 19, An almost Christless-day through the in tervention of naturals. 48 Sinfully morose on an unseasonable call. 27. I protracted an hour extraordinary, sitting up late for natural studies : but, O ! when did I, in like manner, devote an hour extraordinary for the Lord's, or rather for my soul's sake? When did 1 sit up till midnight on that account? O the scantiness of my love ! 3 mo. 3. And again, let us rejoice in the God" of our salvation, who hath made us captains in his host upon earth : Lord, give support in this awful station ! At the meeting succeeding, a greater degree of contrition and humiliation than usual : I abhorred myself, and that justly, in the Lord's presence, so as hardly to bear myself. 4, Two in the morning. Rose with a song, in blessing God for bringing his people out of the grand apostacy of Popish darkness. Another occasion for praising God was this : he hath made and will make thee a whetstone : this was evident on our last ecclesiastical journey, 6, Surely, the error of the Jews, in looking for a splendid outward Christ, is the error of this day of the many in their contempt of the King invi sible, 10, A silent meeting, and not one minister, but Jesus himself, was present, 13. The silent meeting was glorious: I see God's work in my heart prospers ; but yet saw my barrenness this day in the omission of a reproof due to lukewarmness. Righteous art thou, O Lord, in thy ordinance, that we should eat our bread in the sweat of our brow ; that the ground, accursed for our sakes, should bring forth thorns and thistles, various cares, afflictions, and disappointments! J9, 30 min. past 2. Rose and worshipped O 49 the long suffering of God to me ! May it lead to repentance. 4 mo, 3, It is literally true, that God hath given unto me such a profusion of blessings as there is not room to contain. 5. 30 min. past 3. Wakened with a spiritual song, and being very lively, rose at the heavenly call. I see clearly my brethren like half-drowned ani mals, unable to transact the afFairs of the church. God has given thee more leisure : may he sanctify it, and influence, not to despair upon this occasion, but to more diligence, and heavenly-mindedness ; and that thou mayest not only go, but run the race. A sweet gospel-sound in preaching and prayer. and the Lord said unto me, " I have long borne with thy sins, and thou must now bear with those ofothers, even unrighteous insults and reproaches." 6. Held my usual monthly-conference with a spiritual brother, (though notof this fold) the result of which was, that this is not our rest, but a pil grimage, a state of sorrows and joys, weaknesses, sins, trials and temptations, and that we are travel ling to a better country, and that God favours us in our progress in the everlasting path leading thereunto, and we are a mutual help to each other. 7. At two in the morning : rose with a spiritual song. 9. An ecclesiastical journey, and a sweet time, in remembrance of death, and of the Lord's good ness to me. 26. Behold a little sin become a great one, in the true light : and see how the little foxes hurt the tender vine : one glass of wine sometimes too much, as it proved this day, taken just before meeting : it fumes up and darkens the upper region : God's precept fo Aaron and his sons. Lev. x. 9. •* Drink 50 no wine nor strong drink when ye go into the ta bernacle of the congregation, lest ye die," stands good to this day. 5 mo. 2. O the superfluity of books on natural subjects, purchased and not read, whilst the sacred book has been neglected, and Christ Jesus, the Son and Sent of God, the Light of the world, the Searcher of hearts, the Judge of quick and dead, has been slighted days without number ! 10. I will put on humility and self-contempt to a deep degree for my contempt and slight of thee, days without number, sweet Jesus, thou Son and Sent of God, thou Light of the world, and Judg« of quick and dead ! So help. Lord, and exclude pride for evermore ! may it never appear within my borders ! Surely, every calamity that has hap pened, or may happen, is my due. 17. At meeting, the fire burned bright on the altar, and the vision was clear, that the Lord'sglo- rious day is upon the idol of my heart. 29. 30 min. past 5. Now, Lord, am I tempted to the boundless pursuit of nature, thy works never lo be thoroughly investigated : let thy light and truth moderate, limit and direct to the proper end, and exalt grace above it, 31, At a silent meeting — A degree of assurance of God's favour, 6 mo. 28. O how hard for the rich, and O how hard for the learned to enter the kingdom. 30. God's reasoning with Job, " Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth," &c. applicable to my present state and inquiries, and ample subject for humiliation and adoration : yea, we are poor purblind mortals ; yet we see a little, and (Job xxxv. 11.) " God teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser thau the fowls of heaven," adored be his goodness.^ 51 7 mo. 3. To M'alk in truth is the grand scope, viz. Truth in sleeping, truth in eating, truth in drinking, truth in studies natural to be subjected, truth in spirituals to be lifted up and pursued with superior ardour. So help. Lord ! At a silent meeting, a sweet attraction of the father's love, to superior heights of purity, and the improvement of every Christian grace> and several scripture-texts presented, all for my own use, and not for the people. So give me. Lord Jesus, to learn at thy footstool, and to walk in, not to talk of, thy ways, at least until a real further growth be witnessed, which is the sole point now in view, in a language beyond words. What is the shadow to the substance, to the life, power, and virtue ? 6. Talk after meeting hurtful, retirement ad vantageous. 8. In the country, sweet content, tranquillity, and thankfulness, in a quiet retreat from the pur suits of ambition. 20. Remember, remember, and practise ac cordingly, that the worship of God consists not in words, but in an inward bowing, submission, and conformity of will to his holy will on every occa sion : and thus now thou dost preach, and shalt preach, even by the example of silence in meetings, thus recommending works, power, life, and sub stance, ever to be magnified above words, which are but shadows. 21. Inevitable hurries preceded the meeting, and belated me ; but the Lord was gracious, and gave a sweet access to him, in some degree, of an increase of faith and love, and in the sight of the cloud of witnesses raised up among ourselves. 8 mo. 2. A true gospel-sound at meeting to-day in a sweet, humble invitation to carnal professors, in a home remonstrance on the neglect of week- 52 day meetings, for a testimony held up of loving Christ more than the world, and as a touchstone of the spirits of men as to the worldly or heavenly temper. 9. Bishop Ken, and some other writers of that church, and our friends, all point to Christ, and surely are all brethren, all Christians differently modified : we the least ceremonious of all : we cry down words, but exalt life and works. 16. At meeting, some tender exhortations to others ; but God's voice to me. was far more useful, in an unfolding and applying of that saying of the Lord Jesus, that father, mother, wife and children, brethren and sisters, yea, and thine own life also, is to be hated when thou comest unto Christ, and that otherwise thou canst not be his disciple : thus in a clear vision, all the goodly things of this world, even the objects of lawful, but moderated love, are to be hated in comparison of Christ ; thou art to look with an eye of faith into the glories of the invisible world, and despise the friendships of this, and even useful science itself, in comparison with the love of God in Christ unto thee. Amen ! 20. A Christless day devoted to a botanic walk, and an incommodious visit at a great distance. , 9 mo. 9. Bishop Ken's catalogue of sins was matter of instruction and humiliation to me, being applied home thus : I have been too negligent in hallowing the name of God in a vigilant forecast for a more early at tendance on divine worship. I have (O the Corruption of this heart of mine !) feared man more than God, M^henever I have sin ned in drinking through complaisance. I have been impatient under little crosses, the ordinance of God to us the lapsed sons of Adam, whilst, at the same time, the sorrow for sin has been far less lively. 53 I have been too unprofitable under the ministry, not enough chewing the cud. I have been sometimes guilty of rash censure. An angelic hint from the said Bishop is, not only to forgive them that trespass against us, but to desire a double portion of God's spirit to ani mate us to pray for them, even as the Lord hath said, " Pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you." In short upon an impartial survey, my defects and sins are so many, that unless they be drowned in the ocean of God's love, I perish : wherefore, O God, and Father of our Lord Jesus, in his name I ask forgiveness and true gospel-repentance. I will mourn a little over him whom I have pierced : O give to mourn more. O the favour unmerited, neglected, unutterable, of the light of the glorious gospel bestowed upon me, whilst the greatest part of the world is totally ignorant of it ! O for a suitable return in fruits meet for such favour, and for such repentance as above ! Bless the Lord also, O my soul ! for his late signal deliverance of the British Isles from im pending desolation : and. Lord, favour every hon est endeavour among all ranks of Christians for the promotion of true Christianity in the life, spirit, and essentials thereof! 25. A sensible progress in hallowing the name of the Lord, in an earlier attendance on public worship, and in forgiving an injury, and in drink ing the bitter cup of reproach for truth's sake, blessed be the Lord ! 10 mo. 4. In the afternoon: Christ says, " Seek the kingdom first :" I have sought it last : to thy mercy. Lord, do I fly : but give also to redeem the time with double diligence. 54 5. Held our monthly spiritual conference: we hope God hath heard our prayers in giving some deoree of victory over anger, blessed be his good ness ! A sweet harmony and concurrence in perform ing spiritual visits to weak brethren. 10. My matin spent in the lives of little saints, even of children of thirteen years and less, who saw into the glories of the invisible world by an eye of faith. 23. A most memorable meeting, although si^- lent. I was greatly comforted in my approach to the Lord, even on this blessed experience : "The trial of your faith is more precious than that of gold which perisheth," verified in my being sup ported under the religious public visit, when most of our fellow-professors have forsaken us : but, at the same time, I was humbled under a sense that the trial of my patience in little domestic crosses hath not been equally successful. The importance of the visit appears more and more, 11 mo. 1. Wert thou to come to judgment this night, how couldst thou stand? Answ, I have no plea but God's mercy in Christ, whom days with out number I have slighted. More temperance, more meekness at home, more heavenly-mindedness, and more of the heart- piercing tender filial fear of God ! these are thy defects, O soul ! 8. Sol. As thou hast witnessed a sensible growth in spiritual experience, in thy exercise among the youth, so despair not, but proceed in humility and fear, and God will increase thy store, thy spiritual fund of Christian graces. 14. A feast, which was burdensome, and bot wholly without sin : must I go out of the world? No : but decline the occasions of sin. 65 28. I am a door keeper, an appendix in the house ; and even in this will I rejoice and thank God, being unworthy of this honour, having slighted Christ days without number, and pursued nature in an idolatrous way. O, give to redeem the time ! 12 mo. 10. Mark well the parable of the seed and highway ground, as assuredly applicable to sudden transitions from devotion to converse on worldly matters : a too, too frequent practice : soul, beware of the contagion ! 20. Comforted under a solid assurance that the great work prospers ; and worshipped God for his special bounty in favouring with higher degrees of evangelical love and purity in my declining days, and particularly in upholding in fortitude under sufferings and the cross, my present lot, and as I humbly hope, the high road to glory ! 22. A blessed time at a silent meeting: God, indeed, is drawing to a growth, not in the branch, but in the root, even in exercising and increasing those less resplendent graces of patience in the reception of abuse, and in the renunciation of worldly glory and riches, and in a contempt of the multitude. 31. My spiritual socio is humble and modest; witness one of his sayings, "What lack I yet? is applicable to Christians of the highest growth." He sounded the mystery of godliness deeper than I, being my useful help meet and improver, both at this and other opportunities : and I bless thee. Lord, for this real communion of saints ; and so that the truth shine, no matter by whom ; let me be abased. 1762. 1 mo. 3. Humbled under a review of the days 56 without number in which I have slighted Christ, and saw that contempt and chastisement is my due, not praise, nor any honour at all ; nor have I any refuge but the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, 6. On speaking to the children, buffetings of the power of darkness, and a temptation to decking with the Lord's Jewels followed. 7. Jerom of Prague's prophecy : " A new peo ple shall be raised up, who shall renounce the glory of the world, and seek after the cultivation of the inward man, and shall have clerks and min isters among themselves, whilst those of human appointment shall gradually consume away like a moth." 16. A secret whisper, that more fasting and prayer are enjoined me, as preparatives to the grand work impending of visiting families. 19. Pestered with satanic injections : Lord, deliver ! 2 mo. 5. The Lord hath favoured me with a sit uation in the low valley, even contentment with a little in all respects, whilst the mountains of ambi tion are waste and wild. 6. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! that he has given thee to see good days in the prosperity of Christ's kingdom in the hearts of those of other societies, and inspired with hopes of our happy union, partly here, but perfectlyhereafter. 7. An useful practical hint from my socio, viz. " In our spiritual visits, our sitting in silence is a lesson of instruction in families that they may do so likewise." 18. Proceeded on the family visit, with an old woman well instructed in the essentials and vitals of Christianity, and directed by Divine Wisdom to speak pertinently : blessed be God ! who thus manifests strength in weakness, and exalts those of 57 low degree, whilst the wise and prudent of fhis world are rejcted. 19. Satan said, " What business hast thou with others?" But was answered thus, " It is no more than meet that an old traveller, at the end of his journey, should relate to the young ones the dan gerous spots he has passed through." 22. In the course of the visit, the old woman aforesaid, my associate, out-shone me by numerous degrees, even in private, pertinent, useful, and im portant exhortations to individuals; a work of more and closer labour than public preaching. Good Lord, bless it ! 3 mo. 2. Wakened with a sweet alarm of praise, and a secret hope of perfect liberty from the power of all temptations. 10. Five o'clock. Ever comforted by this early rising, all works prosper the better for it. 26. God poured contempt on all my labours in nature, however useful and speciolis^ and shewed me a spiritual idolatry therein, even in the prefer ence given them to the mysteries of grace, and in the manifestation of the secret motives of ambition defiling them, in preferring knowledge which puf- feth up, to charity which editieth : so that in Ca naan's language, all my specious righteousness became as filthy rags. 4 mo. 4. O sweet solitude and humility ! open ing scenes of duty to my neighbours, brethren, and countrymen, which would be entirely overlooked in the crowd, as sure as Jesus was lost there by Mary and Joseph : thus will I glory in attending to little things, npt envying kings or princes, tem poral or spiritual, seeing the great risk which real solid virtue runs in those stations. 6. A precious season at meeting, my mind was enlarged in its view of the duties of the first table, H 58 in trhich 1 saw my defects to be covered only hy the mercy of God in Christ. It is but lately that I have seen things in a true gospel-light, 8, My deception aH along, until about the time of my effectual call at the tenth hour, has been this, that my heaven was to be here ; but since the darting forth of the ray of the heavenly light, I see it is not to be here : and this I take to be the com mon error of every unregenerate man, even to pur sue heaven or happiness here; but upon trial, he finds all to be a dream or a shadow i blessed be the Lord Jesus, for sending "this illumination in these my declining days ! 12. Unseasonable engagements immediately succeeding the public worship, ever hurtful, and hinder the due application of the truths received. 14. An interview with J. Wesley, with an agreeable account of the destruction of bigotry, and the prevalence of universal charity in Scotland, and of the permanence and increase of the heaven ly fire kindled among the colliers in 1737, and next among the miners. 16. A precious season at meeting, with a com fortable sense that God is, indeed, lifting Up his spirit as a standard against the incursions of the enemy in the glory and incumbrances of the world : and a sweet sense of the superiority of the gospel- dispensation of grace and truth, in preference to the bondage of the law of types and shadows. 18. Thou hast devoted half an hour in the morning, and an hour in the evening, to commu nion with thy Maker, and no retrospection : be ware of robbing God in subtracting any part of the hour. Yesterday, Unrighteously murmured at a cross call. &9 Travelled zealously, on an appointment of the meeting, for the Lord's sake : I feel an animating spirit, and a spirit of subjection to labours and crosses: Lord, prosper and increase it! 27. A blessed silent meeting, in an infallible view of want of a child-like submission to the crosses of little events, amounting to no less than insolence against my Maker. Sol. In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat thy bread ; a part of our Father's curse is also comparatively entailed upon the labours, even the mental toils and anxieties, that attend the pursuit of natural knowledge ; even so, Lord, hath it seemed good to thee ! 5 mo. 1 . A sweet gospel-sound and confession of sins in S. S,, a precious, humble, intelligent, and clear minister : blessed be the Lord ! who hath thus given me to sit among princes : for truly these are kings and priests, and in God's estima tion higher than the kings of the earth. 5. Five o'clock. Rose at the call of my Lord, after awaking with a song of praise, and a prayer, and reviewed, with sweet delight, God's favour and signal blessing to me and my spiritual socio, even in comforting our souls together, and giving us some lucid, joyous intervals in this our solitary pilgrimage. 9. An humbling sense of my former station, even in a state of spiritual idolatry, in a specious moral righteousness, but with an inordinate love of nature in preference to grace ; and so I saw myself in the state of the prodigal, until God's effectual call about the tenth hour of the day. I worship his unmerited goodness. 11. Lookback to thy printed exhortations of renouncing superfluous profits, superfluous studies, and superfluous acquisitions of knowledge, any further than subservient to thy neighbour's good ; and look forward to the opening grave, for thou canst not be far from it. 18. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! who hath given thee the dew of heaven in the secret whispers of his holy spirit, as I trust ; and showers of hea venly doctrine, even in the spiritual books, with which a bountiful Providence hath supplied me without charge, and even to an inundation, for I have inore than I can read : fruit is now required by the Dispenser of all this dew and rain : and these spiritual books are as much preferable to the natural as heaven is to earth. 21. A sweet silent meeting, and holy attraction to come forward in more activity, even in speak ing ; and that here is much work to be done in the holy discipline: Lord, sustain and invigorate! 23. Sol. O ye monks and religious orders, ^ven whether of our or your denomination, who have put on Christ's livery, beware, beware of hypocrisy ! MUch scandal has been given^by many Of yoU, and the naUie Of Christ blasphemed on your account, when men who have seen yOti, whilst 'professing Christ, to be the real devotees of mam mon or Belial ! ThUs you give the lie to your pro fession, and Strengthen infidels, and are sj;umbling blocks in the way of Christianity. What is the shadow to the substaJnce ? Let us all humble our- "^elVes ; for, Purely, it is df God's mercy that Wte are not consumed. 31. Beware of the thief, the charms of natural sciende ! View the imperfections thereof, and at one glance view, with the glorious proSpect-glasS of faith, that country where we shall no longer 'see through a glass darkly, where intuition, the ken of angels, ^hall take place of the tediOUs and weari some prddess of ratiocination ! 61 God is withdrawing his gently chastising hand : adored be his clemency ! 6 mo, 4, A silent meeting, but luminous to me ; yet hurt by subsequent conversation, as usual, drawing off the mind from its proper exercise. 5, Opens my monthly- retreat. How shall I stand before the Judge? I cannot stand at all : for indeed my righteousness has been as filthy rags : I will, therefore, fall apon the stone of Israel. A sweet and grateful sense of my singularly haippy leisure, denied to thousands, even as favour able for fruit bearing as the southern aspect ! The point is. What lack I yet ? And the answer -easy, viz. More patience, and more vigilance over the sin that easily besets, viz. Anger disproportion ate to the offence — and more walking with God all the day long. 18. Four in the morning. Methought the time of the singing of birds was come : for I waked with a 'song of thanks to the Lord, even as my Redeemer : but, O, still remember that nothing that defileth shall enter the holy city.; wherefore, put away that sin that so easily besets, even wrath, and all approaches to drunkenness and gluttony: and, good Lord, give thy grace of filial fear, and it shall be to me more precious than all earthly treasure. Behold the wretched state of the brotherhood ; some have no spirit for the work, others are in the briars : O that by how much the more others are entangled, so much the more I may be disentan- 'gled. O thegoodness of God in visiting by his minis- * ters an unworthy people ; it is beyond our compre hension, as, indeed, the ways of heaven are, in ¦nature, providence, and grace. May that raying. 62 " I was found of them that sought me not," be verified. 20. To know much is not our lot ; but to adore, fear, and obey, is our genuine lot, portion, and business^ Amen. 7 mo. 1. In the country, more clearness in prayer. Else, an almost Christless day by reason of worldly cares. 5. Not yet sweetened enough in the govern ment of my family, 8. The advice of the elders (who visited the monthly-meetings) to the youth, to dedicate their First Fruits to the Lord, was humbling to me, who have dedicated my first fruits to myself, in a spe cious moral righteousness, and during the greatest part of my life have failed in the first and greatest command, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart ;" and even now it is dragging, up-hill work : surely, 1 am as a snail in the Chris tian race. Is it possible for thee, in such a just view of thyself, to be proud any more ? To the mercy of God in Christ I fly for pardon and recon ciliation, in a new and effectual turn of heart. 13. A rare rencounter : this day a prayer and two exhortations immediately after dinner, instead of wine and useless talk. 19. O thou old man, who art tottering on the brink of eternity ! of what use is a magazine of either fame or money (two grand idols of the peo ple) to thee ? Slacken then thy pursuits after bodi ly science, and be no longer a fool. 20. Four in the morning. Rose at the Lord's drawings, even upon an illapse of light and truth in these words : "I see eternity at the door, and' the earth and all its contents subjected and des tined to conflagration. Why then so doating on natural science? Why not more elevated to the 63 glorious views of another and better country ? Yea my Maker is mine Husband, and so shall be from this day forward, if he pleases. Amen : for all these things, and we also, with all that is goodly and specious among men, pass away as a shadow." 31. Visited the sick on his death bed in com pany, in a spiritual way, where, I doubt, my com panion did not administer wholesome counsel, but rather flattered one who had been an idolater : God strengthened me to add a little supplement on that behalf: he also strengthened me to give the preference of spirituals to temporals in a joint ex pedition with a minister and elder. 8 mo. 3. Two pieces of glorious news from the kingdom of heaven : first. An Indian chief coming over to the Christian religion, and renouncing war and brandy. Second, Some soldiers become preachers. 5. 30 min. past 5. O the spirit of gluttony and drunkenness amidst what a superficial world calls sobriety : to eat and drink to live is the point : remember that nothing unclean shall enter the holy city. Lord, I am as a beast before thee ! 17. At a blessed silent meeting; the maxims of this world are diametrically opposite to those of Christ : for that says, Riches are the main chance, and get money first my son ; but Christ says, " Fir.st seek the kingdom of God and his rigteous- ness:" but the world .says, Seek it last; which maxim has had too much place, even in me ! Lord I repent ! Do not measure thyself by the wrong standard, the practice ofothers, v. g. In late-coming to meet ing, but by God's witness in thy own bosom. 20. At a silent meeting, humbled under a sense of sin, in being inadvertently taken up with tem porals, which occasioned my being belated there, 64 for want of forecast and fear : Lord, increase my fear of thee. 9 mo. 1 1 . 45 min past 5. A precious illumina tion, with a degree of contrition, to the following purpose : A guard is necessary at the door of thy lips : the ancient psalmist wanted it, so dost thou, wath respect to what comes forth and what goes in. Lord, grant I may manifest my love by my fear of thee, in eating, drinking, and speaking. 20. O the toils, travels, sufferings in body and mind, and invincible constancy of Paul the apostle in laying the foundation for the conversion of us Heathens! But what are we now doing for our selves ? 26. A sweet triumphant hymn of praise to God, from a minister returned from the work, for that he had covered his head in the day of battle, and subjected the uncircumcised. 27. Twelve penny less patients. 30. 45 min, past 5. A sweet and clear access to jny Lord in this important and deep impression, " Put thy fear in my heart, good Lord, even as an effect of thy love abounding, a fear, not of great sins only, but of little ones, even the least, O thou great Majesty of heaven. Searcher of hearts, and Judge of quick and dead." 12. Held our monthly conference, from whence it appeared, that my brother is got to the top of the ladder, even so far as to wish to be dissolved and enjoy the beatific vision : God preserve him ! However, I thought we must not build tabernacles in this mount, but descend and suff'er with Christ our Captain, who was made perfect through suffer ing. I have suffered a little : Lord, support under the residue. 14. Sing to the Lord a new song: he hatii blessed my old age in making me a witness to the 65 prevalence of his kingdom in the hearts of a later generation, both of our fold and others ! 17. A notable aera. God hath just now brought thee through one laborious natural work : now beware of any fresh engagement during this short space between thee and death. 27. I am persuaded, from rational prospects, that my race is near a conclusion : awake then to a holy contempt of the deceits of this life. I am a criminal to whom the sentence of death, the debt due from sin, is by an irreversible decree destined : this sentence is now executed upon my dear brother in the flesh, and awaits me near : I have, indeed, some glimmering of hopes of a resur rection by the second Adam, even to a state infi nitely better than this : O my groveling soul, look up to Jesus ! 29. At the meeting of ministers and elders, truth and love triumphed : it was a more searching- luminous, and melting time than usual : thus is the communion of saints begun, a pledge of our future happiness, blessed be the Lord! Lord, make meet, spare neither hammer, sword, nor fire. 30, Came early to meeting in man's sight; but late in God's sight : Lord, grant that the first may never be my standard. The text, " Labour not for the meat that perish eth," viz. So little, that it ought not, must not, bear any proportion to the labour for the spiritual meat that nourisheth up to eternal life. Here, me thought, all we tradesmen, liberal and illiberal, are defective; for, surely, the proportion of care for the mere body has universally had the pre-emi nence : Lord, have mercy upon us, and particular ly on us physicians, whose object is the body alone. Greater is the least divine, man or woman, than the greatest physician, even than Hippocrates, 66 11 mo. 1, Temporals were this day absorbed by spirituals, even in the care of souls, in preference to that of bodies. On the discharge of duty, the Devil was at my right-hand, prompting to pride : Lord, bruise him ! 3. This day, in God's sight, ate too much. 17. Judas betrayed his master for thirty pieces of silver : and even thou, in every case wherein thou betrayest or baulkest the holy testimony for any worldly advantage, art a kinsman in spirit to Judas. 19, The meeting sweet, silent, and humbling: a stage of imperfection, weakness, and war, not of rest, 21. Wandering thoughts at meeting. In the evening, read Paul on the resurrection ; a glorious piece of news to purified souls ! Now is the bait laid in natural science : Lord, preserve, or I perish, A holy dread of the world, flesh, and Devil, and especially of the first : Lord, give to retain this dread. 26, We have religion without ceremony ; but if we lose the power, we are of all formalists the most contemptible, 27. Five o'clock. Wakened with this sweet illumination : Why are some of thy associates better than thou ? Answ. Even in proportion to their faith: for they see .Jesus close and near, I see him afar off: they are of the risen with Christ, and so seek the things that are above, where Christ sitteth. An enlargement of heart in prayer, and a little contrition in self contempt. 12 mo. 5. Quest. Where is the good or real benefit of thy silence in meetings ? Answ. I am a living rebuke to that spirit which 67 saith, Where there are no words, there is no wor ship, wjiich, I am strongly jealous, is the language of not a few, but they believe a lie : Lord, open their eyes, 20. Now doth God call at the eleventh hour or later, loudly, even to this purpose : beware, beware, thou negligent servant, of surfeiting, drunkenness, and the spirit of it, and the cares of this life, how specious soever. More abstinence, less study of nature, more of grace, and adorning the inward man, lest thou be cast out from God's holy pre sence for ever ! I fear, but not enough, because I do not love God enough. 21. I will sink down into my own littleness and vileness, in remembrance of the long series of my spiritual idolatry in my groveling tendency to the study of terrestrial matters, and in comparing my self to those burning and shining lights which God hath sent among us, to my view and observation, devoted principally to the promotion of Christian ity in the power and spirit of it. Lord, let me be a servant of these, or a door-keeper, or of the meanest office, so it be in thy house. Performed a visit to a poor saint and patient, who in a private (and not preaching, but merely praying) station hath been instrumental to turn many to righteousness, in a signal manner. 26. After meeting much talk hurts and hinders the seed sown, whether by Christ himself, or his ministers, from taking root, or prospering to that degree, as if cherished by sacred silence, it would do. 28. Attended a burial, on principle, where I trod on the graves of several of my associates. Surely, the sight of one corpse is a stronger argu ment than any words can possibly be ! even of thy own mortality, and of the necessity of a prepara tion for it. 68 S. S. deceased at a very short warning, not witli the indulgence granted to me. 1763. 1 mo. 15. Impends much business : Lord, pre serve ! 1 fly a little from the snare. Physic and feasting well nigh absorbed the day, and so it proved an almost unchristian one. 17. An agreeable account of some progress of a heart-work in the county of Wicklow: two ring leaders of mobs convicted in their consciences, and flying from temptation. 28. A clear vision, at a silent meeting, of my long neglect of Christ, and that it is mere mercy that can save me. 29. I am indeed an object of God's singular long forbearance extended to these my declining days, having not been cut off in the time of idolatry and ignorance, vihen mere body was the grand and prevailing subject of my care, whilst the soul lay uncultivated, and the superior excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus lay buried under natu ral studies, whose end is the mere body destined to destruction, and for ever excluded the kingdom of God. Awake then, O my soul ; and ffy up wards on the wings of faith and love. 2 mo. 7. A groundless surmise broached, which disturbed me a good deal : but God gave the phi losopher's stone, turning it into a blessing. 14. A weighty and pertinent exhortation to a circumspect conduct in our families : O may this be the happy a;ra on which all moroseness may be exterminated from my borders. 18. A sweet time, first in an internal song of praise heard by the Eternal only, for enlightening and enlivening my old age : Secondly, in a sweet and pertinent ministry, breathing forth a sympho- 69 nic sound, with a spirit of humility and true bro therly regard to one another, and to their prede cessors. 21. Pointing to Christ, and not to themselves, remains to be the peculiar beauty and glory of our ministry. 25. At a silent meeting ; a day of renewal of love in weaning from this world, and particularly from the inordinate love of natural science ; and, after all, to know much is not thy province, but chiefly to love and adore. 28. 30 min. past 3. Wakened with a bright irradiation in a view of this passage : I go to pre pare a place for you, that where I am, ye may be also :" and rose immediately to worship. 3 mo. 4. A blessed silent meeting, with sweet drawings of the Father's love, and fervent desire that he will lift up his spirit as a standard against the inundation of worldly riches and glory, from which I fly : assist and direct my flight, good Lord ! 20. Sol. Falling into conversation immediate ly after meeting hurts, and so do our new-fashion ed committees after meeting : O the many avenues open to hurt the precious seed that may have been sown ! Soul, awake : it is a dangerous time. 4 mo. 3. The afternoon silent, but very sweet in the attraction of the Father's love to objects above flesh and blood, even the decking the inward man, and adorning it as a bride for the bridegroom, that there may be nothing in my will which may in any degree clash with his ; and let the hastening mid night cry stir up to get more oil in the lamp. 15. Blessed be the Lord for the communion of saints upon earth, in this single instance : one of those I have the honour of conversing w^th chooses dissolution, and to be with Christ. 70 22. At a silent meeting M'as in the mount in comnmnion with God: all natural knowledge shall be despised as dross and dung, in comparison of the knowledge of God in Christ. O thou pitiful, groveling mortal, who art busying thyself with the epidemic diseases of the body, and most of thy life hast made them thy principal, reigning object, neglecting the spiritual epidemic disease of unbe lief in Christ, which has had a far greater spread than any bodily disease ever had ! The least child in grace and faith in Christ is nearer the kingdom than thou. But I will follow thee, so help. Lord ! In the mean time, the following providences, even special providences, and divers of them un sought for, appeared, as signal favours, tending to my awakening, and to the promoting my Christian progress, viz., 1. Who guided the hand of that pious lady, who supplied me and other physicians of the city with the printed Evidences of thp Christian Reli gion, in order to our conviction as unbelievers, or mine at least, as a weak believer? 2. Who guided that hand, that without charges supplied me with divers illuminating comments on the Old and New Testament, to the enamouring my heart with those writings in the just preference of them to all others? And, 3. Who guided that hand, that presented me with the historical collection of the success of the gospel, in the revival of vital Christianity among absolute heathens and Christian heathens ? 5 mo. 9. Content, joyous, and cheerful, with a SM'eet sense of the love of God in Christ. 1 1 . The glory is not yet departed from our Israel, nor the flaming fire from [the lips of our ministers, nor the spirit of love and wisdom from our elders, in regard to Chriistian discipline. 71 Behold death and eternity, and a doom just and impartial are at the door : Lord, be merciful, or I perish ! What lack I yet? More heavenly mindedness, I am sure, and more contempt of natural science, in comparison of the spiritual. Still groveling towards the concerns of flesh and blood, until by a holy violence I be lifted up to those of the spirit. Shall such a one be proud ? 20. A blessed silent meeting, in a vision of the glory of this gospel-day, in a close view of impend ing eternity, and the sweet hope of a happy one, with a voluntary renunciation of the world, and all anxiety about medical business : for, indeed, what am I but one of the few odd ones escaped from the grave longer than usual ? 1 therefore retire by de grees to the country. 27. Something of a seeming impulse to go down into the valley, in a holy heavenly exercise of visits to the children, the weak and foolish, and the poor, and even gross sinners : remember that the call formerly was not to many mighty, many rich or noble, but to the poor : and that the Lord himself hath pronounced, that it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom, and that it is unsuccessful to sow among thorns. 28. A sweet luminous prospect of the heavenly Canaan ; resolved to be still more retired from the concerns of flesh and blood, so long, so predomi nantly pursued, in the paths of an unjustifying moral, not evangelical, righteousness, and to asso ciate more with the heavenly few. 6 mo. 10. Light and joyous after yesterday's fasting. Worshipped in silence, in humiliation, under a sense of my great weakness, barrenness, and brittleness ; but a glimmering of hope appear ed by and by, tending to an establishment with an 72 effectual refutation of the diabolical insinuation, that there is no worship without speaking. 17. Sleepy at meeting, with a cloudy atmos phere ; but in the sequel, witnessed that which is above words, the heavenly power drawing towards the renovation of the divine image upon my soul, blessed be God ! 20. " Look unto Jesus," was the call this morn ing, and consider him well, who said, "I search the heart." 28. On the death of a most assiduous '^modern saint and minister, who has left monuments of his holy fire, at which my soul kindled a little, to the following purpose : " Ttiou and some others have ploughed the sea, and traversed the land to gain souls ; I to collect plants and fossils : the least of you in God's sight is incomparably greater than I ; however. Lord give me a place in thy house, if it be but that of a door-keeper." 7 mo. 5. At meeting I was encouraged by a lively hope, that God will satisfy my persevering hunger and thirst after righteousness. 24. In the country to excellent purpose ; it was a serene morning within and without. Grace pre vailed over nature, in respect to a just preference of spirituals to temporals, blessed lie the Lord ! I was in the ancient valley of humiliation the w^eek past. Little public spirit : I can hardly get yoke-fel lows in nature, in medicine, nor in grace : Lord, bring to that better company, that of angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect. 31. More temperance, and more heavenly mindedness was the cry of this morning, and God gave courage to sit before the company in solemn silence in the afternoon. 73 8 mo. 9. Humbled at meeting in a clear sight of my vileness in the Lord's presence, seeing clearly, that in me dwelleth no good thing ; and that whatever good I have or do is by the drawings of the Father, and this with a violence to my natu ral bias, which tends to the earth and earthly things : but the Lord is bountiful, thus to reach forth a hand to lift me up. 11. O the Majesty of Christ, as displayed in the first chapter of the Revelation ! John was now quite beyond himself, and his style is altered ac cordingly ; yet, behold the humble epithet he gives himself, viz. " Your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ :" and truly this epithet is also appli cable to the saints of this day ; they are also com panions in tribulation and patience. 12. A silent meeting, and precious ; in which the word of the Lord to me was. Let thy day's work keep pace with thy daj' ; let thy light shine more and more unto the perfect day : for the judge is at the door. 15. O the blessing of the Holy Scriptures, and these instructive comments on them : and, O for a suitable improvement of a favour not enjoyed by thousands ! 18. More love, more meekness, more tempe rance in eating and drinking, was the watchword of this day : O how strait the gate, how narrxiw the way ! Lord, help, or I perish ! The advice to the church of Sardis was, to be watchful, or awake : we also here are spiritually asleep : Lord, look on us, and preserve my soul from the epidemical contagion, lest I perish with the multitude ! 22. At a silent meeting God gave me to see this as the hour of my temptation, and I humbly hope 74 ViiW preserve, even from the inordinate pursuit of natural science. At the men's meeting, truth triumphed, blessed be the Lord I Much superfluity and extravagance appears in buying books never to be read, 9 mo. 24. Behold the sword of God is lifted up in thee, to slay the inordinate love of nature : this is the single, grand point in view in the combat. ^ 10 mo. 2. A precious silent meeting : thus it is good with Mary to sit at Jesus's feet, My state before my espousals, was precisely that of Martha: but now God calls, and draws to that of Mary : so draw good Lord, yet more and more ! 14. Received the philosopher's stone at meet ing to-day, and saw, in the clear vision, all things to work together for my good, even reproaches, defamations, cavils, pain, and death itself as a passport. Such is the glory of the gospel mani fested to me in this the evening of my day : bles sed be God for his great love to me in Christ. 11 mo. 1. A day of sweet spiritual solemnity, first at a silent meeting, where these words, "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom," were deeply impress'ed on my mind, with an energy, to the weaning from all, even the lawful things that minister only to flesh and blood, as physic, &c. So Lord, bless this irradiation 1 And 1 said to the Lord, I will strip me of my ornaments of moral and natural qualifications, and sit with Mary at thy feet, thou long-suffering Lord. 27. 30 min. past 5. The first day of the week : to study, to drink, and to eat, as in the Lord's presence, is the grand point : and now mind, after the example of tliy brother, to abstain as much as possible from all tfie concerns of flesh and blood this day J so shall it be a holy day indeed 1 k And /d truly, thy own state, and that of the society, call loudly for such abstraction and devotedness, won ¦¦ at a time when an evil heart of unbelief in Christ and his glorious gospel is the epidemic spiritual malady : and who, who lays this enough to heart? '' 12 nio. 15. 30 min. past 2. Rose and worship ped. We chemists are but groping in the dark, sometimes stumbling on the truth, sometimes catching her with labours and doubts. Shall I not dwell in the valley ? Lord, I am a monument of thy long-suffering ; I will praise thy unmerited goodness for this sur prizing course of health and vigour ; O let it be sanctified. 1764. 1 mo. 10. Behold the height of thy calling, even no less than to be ready at a moment's warning to enter the bridegroom's chamber. Lord, prepare, and guard against the very spirit of drunkenness, gluttony, and covetousness ; for I now see, that though a man may not stagger in the streets, yet if he drinks merely to gratify sense, he is in the spirit of drunkenness : and though he be not so far covetous, as to defraud his neighbour, he at the same time may, and actually does, rob God, when he keeps back the offerings due to him, as thou sands in the broad way daily do, even the offerings of confessions of sins, humiliation, and praise. 26. My sister- associates make a sacrifice of their health to their zeal for truth upon earth ; my flame is far more languid, but increased a little by heirs. A- Let me never forget, particularly the beautiful display of grace by their means in our visits to the poor, in excellent exhortations minutely adapted to the spiritual concerns of such. 76 27. Why do these women so far outshine me ? Answ^. Because they have renounced the world more. This week grace triumphed over nature. 2 mo. 2. Committed my patients to the Lord, and proceeded in the social spiritual visit, in which this day the maladies of the souls of some were detected and described, viz. Blindness, lameness, and one odd way of living, viz. By the ears ; or in other terms, having no support for their spiritual life, than what comes by hearing from others ; these, though metaphorical, are solid realities, and deplorable diseases of the soul. 19. Seven o'clock. O the heaviness of the bo dy and excess of sleep ! And moreover, let others cry up the dignity of human nature ! 1 will pro claim the contrary, and say, " In me dwelleth no good thing :" it is by violence that I am drawn heavenward, and to the hope of a better state. My devotion was interrupted by a natural spe culation, viz. In a discovery of what will precipi tate earth out of water : but a superior light con verted this suggestion to one of a sublimer nature, to the following purpose ; what will precipitate earthly desires out of the heart of man? Answ. The heavenly light and power sublima ting the soul upon the wings of faith and love, and death at last, will separate from this clog of flesh and blood. Lord, strengthen my feeble faith, raise my languid love. 19. Silent, mental prayer is exemplified in the life of Saint Teresa, as with us ; and I hope several of us shall meet in the happier regions. 3 mo. 13. At meeting — Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth more labour ers in doctrine and discipline ! 77 At the house of we were as live coals, kindling one another to a holy flame, and truth shone with splendour, blessed be the Father of Lights ! 17. Quest. How far doth charity influence thy natural studies ? Answ. I aim at what is for the good of my neighbour, rejecting the studies that are for mere ornament : and if there be any view to fame. Lord root it out, and give to court thy favour only, who art the eternal Truth ! 24. A temptation to forego my morning prayer hut God preserved in perseverance. 4 mo. 8. Nearer access in prayer before meeting, and possessed my soul in peace and sweetness, without rapture, but in a calm sense of God's goodness and gracious providences, past and pre sent. 10. The holy conflict continues, and light and truth prevail, blessed be the Lord ! 11. A song in the night, succeeded by a dis agreeable day. 15. 30 min. past 5. Read the scriptures thus early to edification on this the first day of the week, according to a late hint, and found the ne cessity of thus redeeming my lost time. Both meetings more lively than of late. 18, Engaged now in a laborious work for the public benefit ; and I hope in a way not interfering with my spiritual concerns : my retired present situation, in an exemption from not only vain and profane, but even needless conversation, favours the attempt. In the mean time God gives the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, being content with a little, and this with the highest reason : for, why should a man with one foot in the grave, covet much provision ? 78 29. I saw my sin of inadvertence yesterday : now sins, even of ignorance, were to be atoned for under the law ; and surely the gospel does not fall short of the purity of the law : to God's terms I fly, even to the blood which was shed for the re mission of sins, on faith and repentance ; in other terms, to the fountain or laver which is set open : for I must wash before I sacrifice. 5 mo. 1. A month of afflictions, conflicts, and buffetings, partly from causes unknown, partly from the sickly state of the church and backsliders, and some humiliation for our own temptations and sins ; yet we have pretty frequently bright irradia tions of faith and love, and our meeting is sensibly and manifestly to edification, blessed be the Lord ! A sweet sight of the Jewish sabbaths of weeks, of years, and of jubilee, as types of this and other days by me, thus, in the will of God, set apart for religious retirement, a special favour done me, whilst multitudes around me are swallowed up in worldly cares ; whereas I find, that, as rest given to the earth once in seven years, was a natural and temporal advantage, these little sabbaths are so likewise, even that my temporal studies succeed far better than in a perpetual hurry. 27. O my soul, thou hast spread in the branch, but must now shoot downwards, and grow in the root, even in the love of God, and its twin-sister, the fear of him, exerted on the objects of eating, drinking, and feeding of the brain, and in patience under impending sufferings, and in looking up unto and trusting in God under all discouragements whatsoever. (> mo. 10. God's goodness is admirable and ador able, in striving with the careless and rebellious, as this day, by a woman of low degree raised up: a well-fraught vessel truly^ with an amazing ele- 79 gatice and propriety of application of scripture, various and copious, simple, humble, and loving. My soul shrinks into self-contempt on the compa rison : there let me dwell for ever ! If I be a step- stone in thy house. Lord, it shall be enough. 30. Opens monthly retreat, 10 mo. 21. -15 min.' past 6. Too idle in bed to day : O flesh, thou cloy I 24. Brittle on divers unexpected calls, through , weakness, and an alloy of sin. 1 1 mo. 8, I was among my betters, whose faith and love is far greater than mine : these are blessed incentives : let me be their companion in this vale of sorrows, and for ever in the better country. 21. Surely, God was with me in my childhood, drawing to the love of himself, beyond that of father or mother, and in the manly state never wholly forsook me, but bore with my spiritual idol atry and moral righteousness ; but now is reviving the same tender call to the supreme love of himself as in my youth ; and moreover, to the righteous ness which is by faith in Christ Jesus, whom, days without number (even the God of grace and mercy in him) I slighted, having been absorbed in him as the God of nature, but now called forth to the love of him as the God of grace, and to a prefer ence of the knowledge of him as .such to all other knowledge, and to a holy and well-grounded con tempt of this life, and whatever merely concerns it. So Lord, raise. 30. At meeting a solemn query was put to my soul, viz. What has thy faith done for thee ? Answ. 1. It has given a nearer view of eter nity, and a sweet hope of acceptance in the beloved. 2. A -more fervent love of spiritual brethren n% 80 such, even a love surpassing that of all external connections. 3. It has, by a holy violence, lifted me up above all the specious concerns of flesh and blood even physic and natural science. 4. Upon a conviction of an inordinate attach ment to these last objects in time past, it has taught me now to redeem my time in a just prefer ence to the divine studies. 12 mo. 2. Read Doddridge, a laconic, pathetic, energetic, and heart- searching minister : O what a pigmy am I before him. 9. A sweet time in the afternoon in silence : an holy attraction to diligence in the office of an elder, and particularly in the admonitions we are now, by the church's order, engaged in. 18. A sweet luminous time at meeting, and was prompted to more industry in performing the spiritual visits, with a sweet sense that God loveth a cheerful giver : also on the comparison of the care of the immortal to the mortal ; this last, even physic, dwindled to little in the clear vision : bles sed be the Lord ! To observe strictly the precept, ' to eat and to drink to life,' is an attainment not the most easy, but one strong instance of the commandment being exceeding broad, the way narrow ; and that flesh and blood, which shall never inherit the kingdom, must be slain both spiritually and literally. 29. Did Christ the Lord offer prayers and supplications, with strong crying and tears? (Heb. y.) and hast thou no occasion to offer either ? View thy own heart, and view the state of the church, and thou wilt find abundant occasion for these: Loid, quicken. 30. For giving leisure to correct iny defects and errors in a public way, to proceed in fulfilling 8i my engagements in Natural History; for vigour of body and mind in improving the Materia Medic^; and, above all, for plenty of spiritual books, par ticularly those on the Old and New Testament, tending to exalt Christ Jesus ; for all these uncom mon favours, blessed be the God of nature and of grace. On reading Watts's Conquest over Death, more tears of joy than for many months past : O, bles sed be the Lord for such burning and shining lights, and for placing them before me ; and for this triumph of grace over nature. 1765. 1 mo. 8. Saw in the clear vision at meeting, that God did not design this for a place of rest or solid satisfaction ; but that the Christian's sabbath is in heaven only : the vast obscurity and confusion in medical science strongly confirmed this truth. 12. Caught a little of the heavenly fire from my neighbours, who make a proper preparation for leisure on the first day of the week, as a type of the everlasting sabbath. 25. Anger quick on a certain provocation, which embittered to me the subsequent meeting, sensible, however, that the sentence, " He that is filthy, let him be filthy still," is not yet gone forth. 29. A sweet access in prayer early. 3 mo. 1. Possessed my soul in a degree of am assurance of God's love, in drawing me on to supe rior heights of purity, and of my sins being drown ed in the ocean of his love. 22. Doddridge's instructions of daily use : even our very thoughts in solitude should be governed, being often on vain and trifling, instead of profitable subjects, as the perfections of God, the love of God 82 In Christ, the value of time, and the state of our souls, or the last portions of scripture we have read, or the last sermon we heard. 27. At a silent meeting, was confirmed in a clear sight of the transcendently superior glory of the gospel-worship to the temple-worship of the Jews, being not confined to time nor place. 4 mo. 5. At a silent meeting were presented to my view the inexpressible sufferings of our Lord the agony in the garden, and the desertion on the cross : surely not for his own sake, but ours : I adore what I cannot comprehend. Add to this, the glorious privilege of a deliverance from the bondage of ceremonies, by the hand-writing of ordinances nailed to the cross. Now, how far do we participate of the fellowship of these sufferings ? Truly, very little. 14. Grace reigned over nature, blessed be the Lord! 20. At a silent meeting, received as oracular, or the voice of God to me, " Thou must study na ture less, and grace more." 22. I do not yet live up fully to my profession : Lord, purge from this hypocrisy ! 23. The watchword now seems to be this : "Be without carefulness as to the world, and do less in nature, and trim thy lamp, and get ready." O for more of the filial fear of God in my bodily refreshments ! 29. N.B. Revive the practice of walking soli tarily after a meeting, even a silent one, in order to let the good impressions received sink deep, 5 mo. 12, At a silent meeting, a retreat from the world was sounded in the name of the Lord Jesus. 13, My patience was overcome by the multi tude of patients. O my weakness and sin I 83 20. First day of the week. At five in the morning : thus rose, in order to redeem, in some measure, that great treasure of time, which hath hitherto been enormously devoted to the mere con cerns of flesh and blood, Under the specious mask of moral righteousness : but now the gospel-trum pet sounds, and bids hasten to get arrayed with the evangelical, even that righteousness which is by faith in Christ Jesus, the searcher of hearts, and judge of quick and dead. Behold, a gracious Providence invites thee to a holy ardour in redeeming thy time, in reading those precious books sent to thee for elucidating the holy scriptures, and applying the wholesome soul-saving truths therein contained. O the adorable goodness of God to me an idol ater, who now sees his specious moral righteous ness to have been no better than a splendid sin ! Verily, this was the Lord's day, and I was glad in it. 6 mo. 11. A view of God's infinitely superior majesty and wisdom, in whose hands our life and breath are, with whom are fixed the bounds of our habitation, and whose eye surveys all ages from the beginning of the world to the end of it. O what am I in his presence ! 25. O the dignity and the breadth of thy law, O Lord ! I am a hypocrite in thy presence, being still short of a complete conformity to the solemn profession I have made both in word and writing. To thy mercy I fly for pardon, and to thy spirit for washing : O this world ! O this heart of mine I Give more of thy love, and then I am sure of more of thy fear. 7 mo, 3. God crowned this day with a joyous profusion of tears in a sense of his goodness. 84 9. Seven patients, paiipers, in Canaan's, glo rious, in the world's language, pitiful. Read an account of a new corporeal disease, called the Croup ; but my view was directed thence to the view of a new spiritual disease, and of a bad prognostic, viz. Play-haunting. 8 mo. 8. Thou art not a whit better than a par doned criminal, in the sight of God : wherefore, see that thou extend pity to brethren in iniquity. 13, A sweet retreat from the world, with some thing of a song of praise. Resolved to proceed on the occasional spiritual visit, maugre all opposition of men, the world, and Devils : good Lord, help ! 15. Saw my spiritual barrenness and poverty in the clear vision, and said, O Lord, keep me in this valley of humiliation. 23. A vicious feast, wherein I exceeded in meat and drink, for want of circumspection and pru dence, a sin against God, the framer of the consti tution, and not less than defiling his temple: O God, in the name of thy beloved, pardon this sin, and prevent for the future, I beseech thee: give. niore of thy fear ! 9 mo. 1 7. Upheld in weakness our Christian testimony against pleasures and pastimes, in the discipline-meeting. 10 mo. 8. Yesternight, at my retirement, was drawn on to about half an hour's extraordinary soFiloquy, aiid communiop with my Maker. 10. Blessed be the God of my life, who has- brought me to be a witness of this day's exercise, even the second general visit and spiritual inquest how made, in which God searched our "Jerusalem as with candles ;" and that text, " He that cover- eth his sins shall not prosper," was applicable. 25. God hath favoured nie in temporals, with innumerable gracious providences all my life long 85 as in now crowning my old age, by giving me sweet communion with the excellent of the earth, and in leisure to digest the labours of my youth (the review of which is pleasant) and may he ren der them serviceable after my death ! This labour, however, is as much inferior to that of the least faithful minister of the gospel, as the body is to the soul : but, let not the shoemaker go beyond his last ; yet neglect not to offer this sacrifice of praise to a most gracious God, who hath drowned my sins in the ocean of his love in Christ Jesus : adored be his unmerited goodness. 11 mo. 1. Gave up this day to God and my soul's concerns, with trust in God, that he can make up the time, and bring me to the end of my medical labour, if he (w'hose will is the best) see meet. 29. Proceeded in the new office, as volunteer, of reading and slightly commenting on the scrip tures with the young scholars : God gave wisdom ; to him be the glory : so as I descend to their capa cities, no matter how mean I appear. At a silent, but luminous meeting, the language of the serpent, " Ye shall be as Gods," with re spect to the inordinate pursuit of natural science, was descried and falsified, even in the course of a gracious Providence extended in a peculiar man ner to me. 12 mo. 3. A wakefulness attending, rose at three in the morning, and exercised something of a holy vigil. Early rising ever gives me comfort. 1766. 1 mo. 4. Dr. Madden (aged eighty) is deceased: to his ghost I say, which is best for thee now, to have devoted £300 per annum, for the benefit of the poor, or to have reserved it for the aggrandise- 86 ment of thy family? My soul, be with thine ! I have, blessed be God, followed thee in a low station : but am now called to yet sublimer objects : I have lately sacrificed the best of my time to Jerusalem's cause, and committed my medical affairs, during that sacrifice, to the Lord. 12. To the flesh, the mere body, thou hast sown abundantly. 2 mo. 23. The morning meeting was luminous ; in the afternoon, the fire upon the altar was almost out. Saw clearly, that I have no gift in the ministry, which two sisters have : So, Lord, magnify thy power and grace by weak things? O my barren ness as overseer : resolved to be a little more vigi lant. 27. Six paupers : brave times in bearing the cross. 3 mo. 15. A tender query : doth thy evening refreshment interrupt thy communion with thy Maker? Some doubt about it. 27. Crod led to the exercise of a holy policy, in sending to a brother of low degree, a spiritual registry in lieu of a natural one, with a view to awaken him to a consideration of objects higher than those of nature. 4 mo. 27. God was with me in my feasting, re straining the bestial appetite. Was enlarged a little in the evening prayer. 5 mo. 24. I love our artless preaching and pray ing, as effusions of the heart, remembering the an- cient precept of erecting an altar to the Lord, that it was to be done with rough stone, and man was not to lift up his tool upon it, lest he should defile it. J 6 mo. 6. At a silent meeting : some texts open ed, inciting to an enlargement of heart in the 87 precepts of praying for one another, with an hum bling sense of past omissions on this account. Soul, travel on, and doubt not but the Lord is with thee. 15. A temptation to expatiate on natural stu^- dies, but grace restrained, with this illumination : we shall never know here but in part, and the re gions of superior light and glory are near. 23. A secret whisper, that I should do less in nature. 27. A sweet and near access to the Lord in prayer, and an humble hope, that we are not yet arrived to that pitch of depravity which old Israel was, when, there being " no king in Israel, every man did that which was right in his own eyes :" but even then did God raise up deliverers : so raise up, good Lord, in this holy struggle with de linquents. 7 mo. 26. A lively, clear, and infallible sense, that " in me dwelleth not any good thing," but only transient visits ; and that it is truly a foreign power that gives activity to run the holy race : so Lord, send forth thy light and thy truth ! 8 mo. 1. Opened my monthly retreat. My sixty-eighth year is now passing over. O my stupid heart, which is so little, so languid- Jy touched at this most awful period, the midnight cry at the door. Lord, awaken ! Why dost thou dote on any thing here, though of the most goodly and specious appearance, even moral righteousness, as far as respects the mere concerns of flesh and blood, devoted to destruction, the meat of worms, and the sole object of physic. r Surely I am now called to the pursuit of higher objects, the promotion of the kingdom of Christ upon earth, in a joint labour with faithful elders 88 and ministers, and to a preparation for a happy translation. Look with an eye of faith on that saying of Christ in his prayer : " Father, I will that those thou hast given me be with me where 1 am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me ; for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world." In the days of ignorance and unbelief preceding my conversion, I saw the world (not as it really was, but) as it was not, having viewed it through a false magnifier : but I now begin to behold it as it really is, even no object of love, being truly a place of banishment or exclusion from, paradise, a state of imperfections, trials, temptations, dangers, and sinSj as well as of diseases and death, even death natural, and death eternal, unless the Saviour in terpose. Doubt concerning my evening's refreshment, lest it should cloud the evening devotion. 5- Snappish on unseasonable calls, and in a time of weakness and indisposition : but this is not a sufficient apology : Lord, be, my strength in my weakness ! 8. Spent my matin in collecting and recording some short instructive spiritual sayings : these I call flowers, and deem them the especial gift of heaven. A prayer on my present state : Lord, I adore thy late chastising hand, bj' which thou hai^t gently smitten those organs which have been too earnestly devoted to nature, in an idolatrous pre ference thereof to grace ! O, let this rod be a means of weaning from that inordinate love, and of estab lishing in moderation in all the concerns of fles,h and blood, and of quickening me to a strppg^r faith in Christ, and higher degrees of purity and love ! 89 Look down upon the desolation of our Sion, and bring me forward in more activity as overseer and catechist, and favour me with ability of body and mind to discharge these offices, and to let men see the necessity of diggers and pruners in thy vine yard. I bless thee for the most happy leisure thou hast afforded me, and for thy consecration thereof ; and for the dew of heaven with which thou hast abun dantly favoured me, particularly in the histories of the lives of some Christians, blessed incentives to * a holy progression and preparation for the heaven ly company above. Preserve from conceitedness and rashness in my ¦¦ natural studies ! Give me to view death and judgment, and to live every day as the last, since the aw^ful hour approacheth with rapid strides ; and to drink and eat in thy holy fear and presence ! Divest me of thc murmuring spirit on every dis pensation of thy Providence, the old sin of my life: and teach me that excellent lesson of being content in aH states, and grant an entire union of my will to thine ! Give me to see this life no longer as it is not, but as it really is, even a state of banishment from paradise, a state of ignorance, temptations, dangers, sins and sorrows, and to aspire after a meetness for a translation to another and better state. 17. A visit to a lapsed brother. A sweet call to keep the temple clean, previous to my evening sacrifice, 26, Emerged from six weeks confinement by Sore eyes, blessed be the Lord ! Sol, See : thou art now writing a history of dis eases ; but let this be viewed in a gospel light, and it is no more than an history of the miseries 90 entailed upon Adam's children at his expulsion from paradise to an earth " cursed for his sake," in God's own language, in the third of Genesis, which miseries there is no way of so effectually alleviating, as that of the glorious opening of the gospel hope, 9 mo, 1, Opens my monthly retreat: what is yet wanting ? Answ, 1. More fasting, less feasting. 2. More moderation in natural studies, in order that I may go doM'n to my grave, loosened from the world. 3. More meekness on cross calls. 4. More seiisibi-' lity of the approach of death and judgment. 1 1 . From nature let us ascend to grace : I have traced the epidemic diseases in Dublin, hitherto the chief objects of my care : ¦ let us now take a view of the spiritual maladies : these are, an evil heart of unbelief in respect to God, and particu larly his Son Christ Jesus ; stupidity, and an in ordinate attachment to the mere concerns of flesh and blood, in other terms, a worldly spirit, which hath been justly charged upon us by our late presbytery in their visit, which charge hath not yet been wiped off: and verily, even I, who seem to herd among the faithful remnant, have evident occasion to cry out, O my leanness and barren ness ! 23. A sweet silent meeting in an heavenly at traction to further purity and love. " Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom," was the watch word. 10 nio. 7. At a silent meeting the holy hunger subsisted. Saw in the clear vision, that the great er part in these degenerate days do not prize, but despise their privileges in two important points. 1, The worship of God in silence. 2. The M'holesome discipline, and the spirit of it. 91 13, Lord, how can I do less in nature? I ne glect novelties, and am chiefly employed in digest ing old matters. Answ. The affection to nature must be yet more mortified, and the earth must be turned up side down, viz. The earth and its concerns beneath, whilst Heaven and the graces of the Holy Spirit must be uppermost. 28. A sweet prayer from one of the other sex, highly pertinent to our present state, to the follow ing effect : " Lord, command silence, that Thou, the invisible Teacher, may'st be heard, honoured, and obeyed ; and awaken the carnal professors !" 31. held our monthly conference; my brother far tran.scends me in spiritual industry, who am immersed in nature, and poor in grace ; he has also far more consolation than I, and thinks he has an antepast of heaven, and longs for it : I grovel in nature, and am a Christian of the lowest class. 11 mo. 11. Herein shineth our ministry with peculiar lustre, even in preaching and recommend ing Christ within, and not themselves, and in steadily publishing and maintaining the way of the cross as the only road to the crown. 12 mo, 16. Did we elders apply the truths preached in public to individuals, what blessed help-meets should we be to the ministry ! But, O how little of such a work appears. 1767, 2 mo, 8. An humbling time at a silent meeting, in the clear vision, thus : 1 . From my brittleness on certain little cross events, it is clear I am not enough imbued with the love of my neighbour, viz. That I do not love him so well as myself. Lamb of God, take away my sin ! 2. O my weakness and barrenness. About twelve hours, viz. AboY& 92 half my time is spent in sleep, and in eating and drinking. Finished Gill's Comment on the Old Testament. Blessed be God for this precious loan, a gracious Providence to me truly, 15. Was strongly confirmed in the expediency of my reading with and catechising the children, as far better auditors than most adults ; and at the same time instructive to myself, who though an old man, am but a child in the mysteries of grace. 27. Weaning from the world is the work now impending ; and as in nature the weaning time is painful, so in grace. Blessed be the Lord for my littleness : grandeur, avaunt ! Thou art the destruction of soul and body. 3 mo. 6. A sweet attraction yesterday from the earth, and all its concerns, which was renewed in my silent attendance at wisdom's gate, at our meeting to day, with an apposite illumination in these words : "We have no continuing city here ;" no sabbath, but a .succession of endless vicissitudes. Resolved to love the world no more. So help. Lord ! The meeting concluded with a sweet prayer. An attempt of a spiritual visit to an old scoffer, with a slight, but not total repulse. 10, Irreproachable by men, but accountable to God, in late coming to meeting, . 17. O the importance of a faithful presbytery ! But, Lord, they are asleep. O Lord, who didst raise the dead for thy own glqry's sake, awaken some of these, and inspire for thy service! 21. O the vast extent of that precept ; " Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself! Verily, I yet fall short of it : God of all grace and love, supply my defects ! 93 24. This Lent took a hint from the Papists, and devoted an hour to fasting, recollection, and prayer, on account of the present mournful state of our Sion. 27. My watch-word was : " May my fruitful- ness bear some proportion to all the dew and rain, through the unmerited bounty of God bestowed !" 4 mo. 10. Lord, turn the heart of my brother, who is forsaking me in the day of battle : frustrate the devices of the power of darkness to divide and weaken us ! and grant we may still continue to be a help to each other. 5 mo. 1. Opened monthly retreat and confer ence. More meekness and more heavenly mind edness is yet wanting. 10. My love of the brethren increases, blessed be the Lord, being firmly persuaded that here is a faithful few. 11. The botanic walk M^as revived on principle, though an utter indolence prevails among those whom it most concerns. 30. Humbled down to the earth on reading that observation of a spiritual author : ' Few, very few, keep the two capital commandments of God perfectly, viz. To love God with all the heart, and one's neighbour as himself.' 31. Our distinguishing badge is the renuncia tion of superfluities of all kinds, with respect to either profit or pleasure : and at a silent meeting a sweet illumination of the glory, beauty, and plea sure of the liberty we profess to aspire unto, even to be freed from all inordinate attachment to the pleasures, profits, and the vain honours of this world ; a liberty of promoting truth upon earth, by being freed from incumbrances. 6 mo. 14. More fasting is wanted for the 94 health of body and soul, and for the sins of our people. Both meetings silent, but luminous, washing, preparing for judgment, and improving in the Christian graces internally enforced. 22. A wonderful history of the triumphant death of a sister, though not of our fold, who man ifested by faith a conspicuous foretaste of heaven. 7 mo. 2. Humbled under a sense of some hypocrisy, in having been more in words than in life. 16. A quiet, solitary walk to a village, in a sweet and grateful commemoration of the day of my espousals to my Lord there, being about thir teen years ago : and took a summary view of my laborious life, and hoped that the last days were the best. 22. An eminent saint declared, in my hearing, whilst we were opening the state of souls to each other, that he had been no less than thirty years fighting with unrighteous anger in his own bosom. 23. Well : the clouds, the outward ministry, are in a great measure withdrawn ; and now im pends the trial of the spirits of many, for determi ning who adheres to the King invisible, Christ Jesus, the perpetual president of the assemblies of the saints, and who not. 8 mo. 18. I bow and worship thy wonderful goodness to me, Lord, even in thy countless Provi dences to me all my life long, in pitying the weak- nes.ses and sins of my youth and manhood, and in now sweetening my old age, giving vigour of body and mind, with the happy opportunity of a proper review and disposal of the labours of my youth ; but, above all, with faith in Christ Jesus, in all his manifestations and offices, and with the precious books I have been plentifully supplied with for 95 my spiritual improvement. Who so favoured ? May I walk more worthily ! A silent meeting, and not unprofitable. No minister but Christ Jesus, now despised, as in the days of his flesh. 21. God strengthened me to make some steps in the narrow way, under considerable discourage ments. A dreadful glimpse of the curse impending on the barren ground that has been often watered. 26. My small fund of patience was exhausted in a group of paupers, frustrating my intended re tirement to the country. I listened to them, how ever, though with reluctance. Ten patients, and not a penny. 9 mo. 20, It is plain that worldly embarassments are the real drawback to many from coming up in an holy activity : so then the interior watch-word of the day was, " Love not the world," 10 mo, 18, At a silent meeting: blessed the Lord that the holy struggle within is maintained, and for the hope that heaven is beginning to gain the ascendant over earth. A pressure towards the humility and meekness of Christ our pattern, and the heavenly wisdom, which is pure, peacable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full ofmercy and good fruits. 24. Lord, what will be the fate of those who tnrn their backs on thy declaration, that "where two or three are gathered in thy name, thou art in the midst of them ?" ' Answ. There will be great desertions ; a spirit of unbelief; sleep and sloth are gone forth, by an intoxication worse than wine, even by the spirit of this world : and the trial of the faith and patience of a few is at hand : Lord, preserve, lest these 90 should also be swallowed up in the common tor rent of corruption. 24, A fast. Sweet content reigns, A delightful old age, in reviewing and digesting the labours of my youth, embittered, however, by the state of the church. 11 mo. 9. A generation is sprung up, who calls the animated Christian an enthusiast, or one in fested with a degree of madness : now, let us con sider whether these, or their censors, be the mad men. 22. Saw the expediency of daily refreshing my memory concerning the love of God in Christ Je.sus. 28. Proceeded on a long meditated ecclesiasti cal journey, with two sisters engaged in the same service ; and moreover, two pilgrim brethren, who unawed by the badness of the roads, and any re gard to their healths, travelled on foot. Verily, these had more merit than we charioteers. 12 mo. 3. Shall I not embrace death, and every sorrow and trouble occurring, even as God's right eous decree, my just doom and punishment for former and latter sins ? Lord, help, and silence the voice of murmur in my habitation for ever ! O send forth thy light and thy truth, yet more and more, even unto the perfect day ! From the perplexities of natural science, and from the love of human applause, good Lord, d-eli- ver, and let my sole aim be to please thee, and to be recorded in thy book : all else is uncertain and fluctuating as the waters: give me to know my self; let not my sins nor errors be concealed from me : wash from foot to head. Breathe holiness on my natural studies ! May they be directed to thy glory, and the good of my neighbour solely, vdthr out the alloy of human respects or vieAvs. 97 Deliver entirely from the madness of the inordi nate love of the world in old age ! On the contrary let this state prove fruitful in heavenly mindedness, in faith and love, and in every Christian grace, and be attended with a holy and righteous contempt of every thing that relates to this mortal state, com pared to the regard due to the immortal. 11. A blessed silent meeting, with the following sweet illuminations for my own use : this world is a paradise to none but fools. Dust is our origin and our end : and thorns and thistles our portion and destiny here. I have been too worldly and barren in spirituals this week past, though I see eternity at my door. Moreover, I saw the narrow way in the clear vision, and that our present state is no new thing, but that now, as formerly, it is hard for a rich man to be saved, and that the poor also now are chosen, not many of the rich and mighty. 23. I will yet dwell in the valley evermore : so help. Lord ! because, days without number I have been secretly carried away by the prevailing tor rent of the infidelity of modern times, 29, In the night, some bright coruscations, with an unusual joy and alacrity, particularly from that text, I John v, " He that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not;" and Rom. xvi. 20, "The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." A suggestion of spiritual pride succeeded, but in the light it was seen and dispelled. 1768. 1 mo. 28. Sweet content and thankfulness with regard to my modicum of this world's goods, even leyond many thousands : but, O for the heavenly M 98 treasure, the gifts of the spirit, and particularly that of love, the sum total of law and gospel. 2 mo. 25. A silent meeting, yet profitable : Christ Jesus alone the minister. 3 mo. 3. Held our monthly conference : my brother's vastly superior spiritual industry hum bles me : however, my engagements in nature for the- good of the bodies of men cannot be dispensed with, and so I must be content to move in a lower sphere. It was a good day also in temporals, at our phi- losophico- medical society, several useful commu nications being made for the good of mankind, and this unexpectedly, even after a little desertion tlireatened, as in some of our church-meetings. 15. O my soul, my yet hypocritical soul ! How canst thou look back without compunction upon thy religious publications, in which thou hast been ' more in words than in life V For, in the Lord's presence (barring the voice of the accuser) I do not every day come up to the standard I have re commended : I bow therefore before him, and im plore his mercy and help on this account, even unto me a sinner. Where is pride now ? To the Devil let it go. 27. A faithful ministry is still preserved, who preach not themselves, but the Lord Jesus, and no daubers, but such who shew unto Jacob bis sins. O may we Levites second their concern. 4 mo. 4. I scarce ever saw myself so weak as this day : a certain quickness to anger appears, instead of a slowness thereto, which should obtain in God's children, since they ought to be like him. Henceforward, good Lord, strengthen and sweeten for thou canst do it. 13, Anecdote. A. B. during a series of years, 99 travelled ten miles to meeting every meeting-day, and moreover, was one of the earliest comers. 22. Ten patients, and not a penny. 5 mo. 8. Received a pamphlet from America, condemning the slave trade, written by a sheep not of our fold. 11, Opens the day of my espousals: went to the memorable place where I made my vow, sen sible of the abundant blessings with which I have been even loaded, and likewise of my hasty disso lution, and of the necessity of a preparation for it. 16. Our medical society is of use to me, who otherwise would be an alien to divere modern improvements- Lord, preserve, and keep heaven and grace uppermost with me, and earth and na ture under. 18. Two grand important points of doctrine seem to be almost sunk in oblivion : the first is, that Christ's blood was shed for the remission of sins, as he himself testifies, and that, in a view of faith, it is to be daily fled to for every omission and commission. The second is, the hell-fire denounced not only to the Devil and his angels, but to wicked men. See the positive declaration of Christ. Matt. xxiv. 41, 46. 6 mo. 6. Verily the Lord hath brought me into the narrow way, where there is but little company : Lord, keep me there, and enable me to tread StTaight steps therein, remembering the end thereof even life everlasting. • 10. I will bring my peace-offering, even of thanksgiving, to my Lord, in that for some time past I feel some real accession of courage and spi ritual strength, particularly in some public exhibi tions, and being freer from the usual attacks of spiritual pride on such occasions than formerly, 100 having prayed for humility, which God was pleased, in some good degree, to give, to him be the praise ! And, indeed, when I look back on my weak and infant state, abundant cause of humilia tion appears. 16. A botanic journey on principle, with a feast, but this last had something of a sting in the tail ; the conversation not angelic, but mixed. Such an event attending the most laudable human pursuits draws me from the world. 28. No minister at meeting, but Christ the Lord. A clear sight of the exceeding sinfulness of offer ing to the Lord the mere refuse of our time, the case of great part of the people among whom I dwell. Surely this is not my rest. 7 mo, 3, An inward voice of thanksgiving to God for the gift of his Son, the Lord Christ, to us Gentiles, the mystery hid from ages, adorable, in comprehensible, unutterable, and unmerited : and if the sweet singer of Israel had occasion to say, "Awake, sackbut, psaltery, and harp, and praise the Lord ;" so had I, so had we, and so had every one, whose eyes the God of this world had not blinded, 7. Soul, awake ! the everlasting antitypal sab bath, I trust, is at hand, the end of all labours, sufferings, and sins. See and prepare for it, by letting the earth now enjoy its sabbaths, even in a gradual relaxation and holy carelessness in all the specious concerns of flesh and blood, 8 mo, 3, Even the very memento mori is so far insufficient to proper effect, that I feel by monthly observation and experience, that it requires a superior renewed light and assistance to put it in practice, together with the practical consequence, even a comparative contempt of this life, joined to an aspiration, hope, and desire of a better. 101 24. Bless the Lord, O my soul, that even in these days of declension, a faithful ministry is still preserved, exhibiting wholesome truths apposite to our state : O may we of the presbytery co-operate with them, and second their labours. 26, Too late at meeting, although many others were much later : but I will not measure myself by their standard, nor by any other than the King's standard ; according to which I am deficient ; Lord, strengthen to come up to it. 9 mo. 2. I would gladly hope that Jerusalem is maintaining the holy preference above temporals. I feel my weakness as much as ever, and, stript of self-sufficiency, cry out. Lord, help ! 8. Too brittle on a group of paupers. Double the guard, join watching to prayer. 17. More contempt of the world is still want ing. Nearer accc^^s to my Lord, in begging an in crease of my love to him, and to my neighbour. 10 mo. 16. At a silent meeting, reviewed my natural labours thus ; I cannot say that they were quite free from the love of man's honour, though always directed to usefulness to my neighbour: but moreover, the sin of idolatry was blended with them, even in preferring these naturals and tempo rals to the spirituals and eternals, notwithstanding God hath favoured me wdth divers living examples of souls, who steered a course the reverse of this, viz. Putting heaven above earth, even from their minority. Surely I must dwell in the valley of self-contempt. A song of thanksgiving to a gracious Providence which hath limited, and is limiting, my pursuits in nature : so limit, good Lord, and bring to my re membrance this twelfth hour of my day. 11 mo. 29. Lord, purge from hypocrisy, was 102 the cry of this day : for, upon a retrospection, I have actually been more in words than in life. 12 mo. 13. A sweet view of the beauty of mode ration, even in the quiet of mind attending, and the better success even of our temporals ; but, above all, its loosening from the inordinate attach ment to this world. 30, A blessed silent meeting ; wherein it was clear, that still further advances in the holy race, and a further supply of the Christian graces, are wanting, and so to God the giver I fly, imploring it from his inexhaustible treasury. 1769. 1 mo. 3. Late at meeting in God's estimate, though not in man's. 31. At a silent meeting — Deplored' my^ barren ness and spiritual idolatry for a series of years : adored my long-suffering God, who hath spared me, and given space to repent in this, my old age, and grace to sacrifice some of the best of my time to him in self-denial. I am a bankrupt in his pre sence ! I am not able to pay my debt : accept, O God, my little sacrifice, the dove and the pigeon, in the name of thy beloved Son ! 4 mo. 7. What hath thy Saviour saved thee from ? Among other sins, from anger without cause, end from the inordinate pursuit of natural science. Yea, I hope, in some degree, from these, 14. A sweet contemplation of Christ in the evening, which thus passed away insensibly. 5 mo. 2. One heavenly minded man appeared to my observation : he hath renounced superfluity in trade for the love of truth upon earth. 10. Took a solemn. walk to the place of my spiritual espousals, now about fifteen years ago : a long period truly of God's abundant bounty to me 103 in a series of events, calling for great thankfulness and humiliation. 20. A little dogged and impatient on a small cross event, and sinfully so : whither shall I fly, but to the great advocate ? 6 mo. 3. A secret whisper yesterday, tending to sweeten and humble, viz. Sink dovv'n into a deep, lively, grateful sense of God's unutterable, and al most unparalleled and unmerited bounty to thee from the beginning of thy life to this moment, even in many most gractous Providences favouring a progress heavenwards : let the voice of murmur be no longer heard in thy habitation : thou who hast received so much good, how darestthou to murmur at small evils ? 26. A bright illumination on the second great law, " Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Now, Lord, empty me of all inordinate self-love, because then, and not until then, I shall fulfil this precept, this golden precept with which my soul is ravished. Look about thee : in nature, love abounds, not only among mankind, but even in the brute crea tion, manifested particularly in a tender care of their young ; but this is no more than the work of God in nature, for the conservation of their species, hut grace rises infinitely higher, even in love to souls ; and an evident display hereof appears in faithful ministers publicly exposed to thy view, through the bounty of GoJ, and blessed incentives to higher degrees of purity and love in me: and surely nothing hinders my advancement in this state, but an inordinate selif-love : Lord, then, root this out, that the heavenly plant may take root, , spring up, blossom, and bring forth fruit in due season. 2&. From riches^, worldly honours, and the 104 snares thereof, and of the enchanting smiles of an ungodly world, good Lord, deliver, and give to seek the spiritual riches, and the honour which cometh from thee alone ! 7 mo. 4. At a silent meeting, thankful for the greater largess of heaven, in now giving opportu nity of reducing speculation to practice, even in the prosecution of the religious visit to families. Surely, Jerusalem is in some degree preferred. 23. At a silent meeting, a sweet sense of the glory of the gospel-day, and of our situation in thus sitting with Mary at Jesus's feet. Conscious that the Lord hath limited me in some degree in speaking, eating, and drinking ; and yet I saw there was room to say. Lord, increase my little store of meekness and temperance ! 28. Proclaimed a fast this day until three in the afternoon, in order to seek the Lord, on account of the desolations both in church and state : and the 17th of Isaiah fell to my lot, exhibiting an an alogy between those and the present times : and O may I be found among the two or three berries left, upon the shaking of the olive tree. The source of our outward riches is beginning to be drained, even that from America : but have we not abused prosperity ? and is it not fit that we should be chastised ? As to me, I bless God for my littleness, and even my nearness to the grave, ministers some sort of consolation, in the prospect of a removal from the evils to come. A Praver- O Lord, we are vile in thy presence, and utterly unworthy of the favours with which thou hast load ed us. We are poor, and some of the best of ua not yet 105 arrived to the spirit of our ancestors, though pant ing after it. We have abused prosperity, waxed fat and kick ed, as Jeshurun. An evil heart of unbelief, the source of all cala mities, hath entered. Lukewarmness hath overspread us like a leprosy, and carelessness in religious duties as a deep sleep. Thou hast removed many of the clouds, even most of them, from us, and we have not turned to thee, who fillest the clouds. Such as should be our fathers and instructors are themselves children. Not a few to whom thou hast given one talent are burying it in the earth. They are blind, and see not the beauty of the truth, but are dazzled by the glory and friendship of spiritual Egypt. They despise the covenant of their fathei's. Lord, look down upon us, and help us ; and, if it be thy holy will, convert them, or visit the young and the poor for thy own name and glory's sake. Increase the number of labourers ! 8 mo, 1 . Provoked by my servant, but a sweet power diverted the storm to a song of praise. 3. Lord, help us in the visit impending ! Cause the axe to be laid to the root of the prevailing lukewarmness, the criminal quietism under imper fection and sin, the insensibility of our real state, and the evil heart of unbelief. 11. The sweet impression of superabundant favours conferred on me weighed me down to a submission to any cross event, 15. O the glory of our ministry, not preaebiug 106 themselves, but Christ, and driving all to him as the light of the world, and searcher of hearts ! 9 mo. 13. In case of crossness carried on to overt expression, pardon ought to be asked 'of the offended, be he ever so mean. 11 mo. 2. Thou must not only pray, but watch : so the Psalmist, "I will set a watch before the door of my lips." 12 mo, 10. In the clear vision, this is the grand point, to keep Jerusalem uppermost. Amen, 24. A silent meeting, but profitable, in an humbling sense of my coming late, in God's estimate, though not in man's, from want of vigi lance. 27. Attended the youth's meeting, and dis charged my conscience in weakness, and had the comfort of some of low degree joining in spirit. Truly the harvest is great, but the labourers few : Lord, increase their number ! 29. At a silent meeting meditations (tending to a growth,) on Christ as the vine, and us as the branches, and on the high privilege of being mem bers of the church militant, and partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruptions that are in the world through lust. 1770, 1 mo. 20. Here is the grand point in view : to tread straight steps in the narrow way, and ever to give Jerusalem the holy and righteous preference to every other concern, 2 mo. 12, Brittle on an unseasonable, vexatioua call. 2 mo, 30. A remarkable cheerfulness after yes terday's partial fast. 3 mo, 6. A blessed sweet silent meeting, in which the Saying of the Psalmist was verified, " O 107 hovr I love thy law, it is better to me than thou sands of gold and silver !" And the beauty of visit ing the fatherless and the widow was seen in the clear vision. 9, A great change is come, and coming, viz. Instead of fierceness, meekness ; instead of the spirit of drunkenness, gluttony, and an inordinate attachment to books, a restraint on all these appe tites ; and instead of earthly mindedness, a sweet hope of heaven. 16. A botanic walk, the necessity of which abundantly appeared from the profound ignorance reigning among those concerned. 5 mo. 10. Two watch-words. 1 . The midnight cry is at hand. 2. Live in the fear, and thou shalt die in the favour ; yet not of debt, but of grace. 11. At meeting, ready to thank God that I was not in hell. 17. Act of thanksgiving to my God, 1. For thy innumerable favours and preserva tions from my youth. 2. For my civil and religious education beyond that of my brethren. 3. For inspiring with the vow I made at my first setting out in the world> though far from being kept entirely inviolate. 4. For transplanting me to a place of saints, and for a correspondence with the excellent of the earth. 5. For thy long forbearance towards me in my spiritual idolatry, in preferring nature to grace. 6. For my health and long life, and present re tirement, favouring my enjoyment of and digesting the labours of my youth. 7, For my littleness (the reverse of worldly grandeur) not the least of thy favours. Lord ! 108 a. For my profession, enabling me to practise Christian duties among the sick, 9, For having enabled and prompted to prefer grace to nature in certain publications, and for a spiritual brief work lately finished and printed : Lord, bless it ! 10. For my spiritual espousals on my sickness, in renewing my covenant. 1 1 . For the blessed opportunity of reading the scriptures in an improved way, and divers other valuable writings promoting vital Christianity. 12. For affording ample opportunities of exer cising in practice that holy discipline, which had been very beautiful in speculation. 13. For deliverance from compotations. 14. For enabling to take up the cross in the righteous preference of the spiritual studies, and setting limits to the natural. 6 mo. 8. O the difficulty of dying daily, even in putting in practice that golden precept, * Omnem crede diem till diluxisse supremum ; and in this very instance appears the necessity of crying out, God help ! 17. Two watch-words. 1. "Behold tbe bride groom cometh : trim thy- lamp, and go forth to meet him." 2. I have been loaded with an unme rited series of blessings, may I henceforward never murmur at any cross occurrences. 7 mo. 2. I find no book so apropos to the state of the church as the bible, even as affording conso lation in times of the greatest distress, in a sweet view of God's special Providences in past events, and in the prophecies of the future to the end of the world, and consummation of all things to God's glory. ? Think every day must be thy last. 109 6. Take comfort, O my soul ; for the spirit of party in religion is subsiding, and Christ hath as suredly many sheep, not of our fold. The books lately published on the spiritual life are a proof of this, calling for thankfulness and joy ; these, though few in number, in comparison of the multi tude of hypocrites and sinners, are truly amiable : may I be their companion now and for ever ! 24. Some defect in complaisance to the poor patients. 9 mo. 1. Holiness and God's presence to be witnessed in the natural studies ; for he is the God of nature as well grace. See Col, i. 16, 17. 10 mo. 20. We naturalists can testify, that the earth, air, and water, all full of God's glory : and 0 how devout ought the anatomist to be, who is daily tracing the footsteps of divine wisdom and goodness ? 1 1 mo. 12. It was near the thirty-ninth year of my age before I had just conceptions of the nature of this life : but, since that time, I was enlightened and saw it as a scene of sorrows, infirmities, and sins ; nor had I, before this period, a conception of Christ Jesus as my redeemer and advocate : Long did a gracious God bear with me, even until the renewal of my covenant with him after my sick ness in 1754, since which time he hath poured down his blessings on me, in' fav^ouring me with opportunities of reading the scriptures, and divers spiritual experimental writers : and moreover also, with opportunities of conversing with several living patterns of genuine piety, and incentives thereun to: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name : he hath not re warded according to my sins, nor recompensed me according to my iniquities," as the Psalmist also said. 110 25. I read the animated pages of Baxter in his Call to the Unconverted : Lord, give me a little of his holy fire ! 12 mo. 1. A sweet power drawing up higher than nature, a day of love and humiliation placing me in my own eyes far below the most faithful minister. 15, Solid satisfaction in helping the poor. 1771. 3 mo. 5. At a silent meeting, methought the philosopher's stone was given me, even converting afflictions (u. g. sore eyes) to blessings, as weaning from inordinate reading. 4 mo. 9. At a silent meeting — A pressure to a spiritual growth, and a sense of God's love to me from my youth ; and O my stupid heart, in being no more affected by the miracles of the Old Tes tament. 12. A sweet song in the night on the love of God to mankind. 16. A group of paupers rather overloading, on which occasion some brittleness, through want of watchfulness. 28. More fruitfulness in conversation is w^ant- ing : more of Christ there, and less of temporals. 6 mo. 25. At meeting, a sweet ravishing glimpse of help from Christ in my prevailing infirmity of brittleness : I saw it was good, in scripture-laa- guage, to cry mightily to the Lord, not that iie cannot hear a whisper, but from an acute sense of our wants, Sol. The people that desert silent meetings are in the spirit of the worshippers of the Virgin Mary, even in neglecting to sit humbly at Jesus's feet; though if any famous new preacher arrive, they^o in crowds to hear him, thus preferring the minis- Hi ter, as the others do the Virgin, to the Eternal Son. B mo. 17. A memorable call : a slight hemiple gia in tottering limbs, and a faultering tongue. 9 mo. 22. An acquiescence in, and thankfulness for, the present awful dispensation of Providence in this my seventy-third year nearly complete. Surely the time for rest is now come, and of cessa tion from practice, except in the chamber, and chiefly for the poor: for, 1. Natural strength fails. 8. The bridegroom's voice is heard. 3. If tbe Lord will, there remain natural works requiring a review and improvement. 10 mo. 31. John Gill deceased, a blessed man to me, though a rank predestinarian. His com- nients instructive and animated. 12 mo. 1. A blessed day : an humble hope of the descent of the spirit as a dove, and of a limited regard to naturals, grace triumphing over nature ; and I saw clearly, that the time for rest is come, after a good deal of labour : and now remains the chief concern, a proper prepa-ration for a transla tion, and the temporals to be transacted with a holy calmness and due subordination, the earth being kept under feet. Amen ! 1772. 3 mo. 10. Sol. O my soul, why disquieted at trifles? Surely, here is something of insolence: view the sufferings of the martyrs, and, above all, those of thy Lord. 30. Sol. Is not that state of the elders a very pitiful one, where they are little more than execu tioners or excommunicators, but have very little heart to comfort the feeble-minded, su2)port the weak, Or instruct the ignorant? 13. A degree of the genuine spirit of charity, 112 described by the apostle, seemed to prevail, on occasion of a certain event and trial of patience. 25. Grace reigns : a degree of hope bordering on assurance of a real progress. 6 mo. 14. The discouragements attending the prosecution of the family visits, is an exercise of patience and faith, the trial of which is more pre cious than that of gold. 7 mo. 31. A remote glimpse of the glory, majes ty, and adorable bounty of Christ as God-man. }} mo. 1 . A spurious ministry discouraged and suppressed ; at the same time saw that now, as formerly, God hath passed by the letter-learned, and preferred babes. 6 mo, 25. O our stupidity in regard to God's love to us even in nature, and above that, in the gift of his Son ! 10 mo. 18. Great tranquillity and thankfulness. 24. Seven patients with patience, and a due regard to the devotion of the day, blessed be the Lord : So Lord, sweeten and strengthen : 1773. 1 mo. 10. My faith was strengthened at a silent meeting, but the necessity of watchfulness and prayer was impressed. 27. The day began and ended well, even in the triumph of grace above nature under the cross, and at a silent meeting a sweet attraction of my heavenly Father. 2 mo, 3, At a silent meeting, a sense of what Christ, the green tree, suff'ered, in comparison of what befalls us dry ones, viz. contempt, reviling, and persecution, even from Bethlehem to Mount Calvary. H mo. 1. A pressure to a more close sense of th« H3 (divine presence in my temporals, according i«j Brother Lawrence. 8, Drawn to the spiritual water within (of which Christ spoke to the woman of Samaria,) a solid reality, as much as the natural water, which has been the object of my study, even in its cleansing, sweetening, strengthening, and refreshing operar tions.. 4 mo. 15. An agreeable event : the catechising the children now, after above a year and ^ half's intermission, through infirmity of body, resumecl on principle, viz. Believing the young plants to be more su^peptiblie of good impressions than jthe old on€^. 5 mo. 1§, An agr^able event ;; a school ppen? ed for the Blacks in Amicrica, 23. At a silent meeting; the circumcision of the heart, and putting off the old man, impressed;: seemed to' have nearer access, and dropt a ,tear, a rarity, 6 mo. 12, At the youth's meeting we were a help to each other, and stood by the boly cause, blessed be the Lord i 26, .Now finished the fair transcript of my Materia Medica, the principal work of my life ; a work of no present advantage to me, but I hppe will prove so to others : but still, this is far inferior to the spiritual medicines, and the labours in the gospel, as body is to soul, and earth to heaven. Lord, grant to pursue these matters in the holy subordination. 8 mo, 10. I find my prosperity and safety to fcave been in littleness. 15. At a silent meeting — A delightful view f)i the beauty of the establishment of ' watching over x»ne another for good,' and some duties in occas sional visits pointed out. 114 19. Regarded the day as an anniversary of thanksgiving, being two years since my paralytic stroke ; blessed years, even years of sequestration from worldly cares and temptations, years of bod ily weakness, yet some degree of strength return ing with the fine weather^ the upper region pretty clear, a singular favour of providence enabling me to revise and improve my former labours. Thus fruitful in nature in old age, grant to me more fruitfulness in grace, and, good Lord, prepare for the heavenly city ! 23. Lord, give more of thy presence in my naturals ! and breathe holiness on Our social du ties : we are born helpless, and all along dependent on one another. 9 mo. 12 and 13, Bad usage, with just remon strances : but the apostle saith, " Rejoice in tribu lations," and consequently in all crosses, even as trials of faith and patience more precious than gold. 1 1 mo. 23. Read John Woolman : verily it was as the dew of heaven, though in unpolished phrase. 12 mo. 6. A blessed day, though both meetings silent; the vision was clear and humbling, and some good impressions received. 1 1 . Heaven above earth to-day ; and yet pur sued hydrology with great success. 15. Held our monthly conference: my bro ther's chief object is the soul, mine the body ; but God is the framer of both. 25. Seventy-five years are now past : opens the seventy-sixth, a day of mercy and bounty, health of body and mind, blessed tranquillity and leisure, devoted, I hope, to good purposes. 1774, 2 mo. 28. At a silent meeting — " If thou seek 115 the Lord, he will be found of thee," sweetly im pressed. 3 mo. 8. Read the heart-searching pages of Mead's Almost Christian. 12. A view of the imperfections of science, and of God's mysterious adorable dispensations. 4 mo, 25. All murmuring at cross events to be excluded, according to that saying in Job, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away, bles sed be the name of the Lord !" 5 mo. 10. Crabbed on occasion : look to Jesus, on whom the spirit descended as a dove, and who said, " Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly." 8 mo. 14. Naturals gave way to spirituals, and did not suffer thereby. 22. Walked on in the narrow way. 9 mo. 6. A laborious day, wherein the prefer ence was given to the holy cause, blessed be the Lord! 11 mo. 12. Was not the Lord with me this morning in the hour of temptation ? 12 mo. 3. Conscious, that of late no fleshly in dulgence hath taken place ; beware that it creep not on now in the days of infirmity, and sitting by the fire ; I dare not trust my own heart. 8. The voice of God now sounds louder in my great infirmity, of being scarcely able to bear the cold. -Here our author finished his Diary, about four months before he finished his course, and en tered upon immortalily. He died on the 27th of the 4th month, 1775, in a very composed frame of spirit ; and it is highly reasonable to suppose that a mind, so long accustomed to spiritual exercises, was not wanting to improve that short intermediate time in a way suitable to the importance of his approaching change. YALE , ¦¦ , ¦ ¦: .' i|!. ;:¦¦...¦¦ ¦¦: 'i^'IV! :¦,.:;¦¦'¦, . \;^:i'!! villi, .:!'iW|..!!!:'V|i^;i!;S.;F ¦,.i ;l ' : I ''::'.iii ill;'; I1-" ¦¦¦' ¦¦":"¦ .; in: ":¦. ;¦: .: . ,¦ ii .1 .'.i-': ,-..:; ¦; ¦' ¦ ir^l'i .l:;...|.:ii vi;!'.' :: i-l ";¦!:'¦'' ¦.'ii^^Sg iir::;ii:;: ;' "is i: !l!:i|:i:-il!:i.;i|!.;i; ¦ii^'Sllili'l'VI- ;:¦¦:¦¦• ¦iifji;:;,:!'!;''' .|;li|i!,V|ij :;, .;:i.i-;':;'|-i':l::.::;';:"-.j, ¦::ii;|.l?5;;;;ii!,:.;r|,jriii::i:.:i;i;:! ,.., .^..^ ¦¦''•¦i''";-i;|l;:iiii^l sii.:;-: ¦'¦:¦:¦¦¦¦¦¦ ..¦':!iii|!;::"lU::!l ';i .:¦¦¦¦ :¦¦:::::;¦ ¦:::':;;^::i!iliii-^ j::!;,..'; • ¦¦¦ 1 '.¦,:;¦.¦'..];,:«! 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