YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ROCKLAND, AND SOUTH THOMASTON, MAINE, FROM THEIR FIRST EXPLORATION, A. D. 1605; WITH FAMILY GENEALOGIES. Bi CYRUS BATON: Cor. Member of tbe Mass. Hist. Society, also of the Wisconsin Hist. Society, and Member Elect of the Maine Hist. Society. " Gather up the fragments, that nothing be lost." — John 6, 12. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. HALLOWELL : MASTERS, SMITH & CO., PRINTERS. 1865. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by Cybus Eaton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Maine. CONTENTS. Chapter I. East Thomaston and Rockland City after the division 1848. Deputy Collector's office and deputy collectors, — telegraph office, page 1. — East Thomaston Bank. 1849. Town, municipal, and police courts and judges, p. 2. — Licenses, by-laws, &c — Partridge & Harden wharf and kiln Co. — T. K. Osgood and schools. — Celebration of 4th of July, p. 3. — Casualties, weather. 1850. Change of name to Rockland, Lime business, p. 4. — Steam-mill, ships, &c, — pic-nic, Chikawauka named, — weather, breakwater, &c, p. 5. — Shop, &c, burnt, — night watch, — "Water Company, p. 6. — Poor house and farm, — Jameson's Pt. cemetery, p. 7. — Death of Rev. A. Kalloch, of Pres. Taylor, &c. 1851. "Weather, fire, wreck, &c, p. 8. — Temperance meetings, — Young Men's Literary Club, — building, Kimball block, p. 9. — Lindsey field, Crockett pasture, — house broker, ships, lime, merchants, Rockland Bank, — Atheneum Library, 2d Baptist church, p. 10. — Antiquarian choir. 1852. Cold April, drought, fires, lightning, &c, p. 11. — The Mitchell & Young, "Wilson & Palmer, blocks, Lindsey House, 300 dwellings, &c, built, Rock land Limerock Co., — Plank Road Co., p. 12. — Steam Manufacturing Co. — Rockland Fire and Marine Insurance Co., — Commercial Advertiser, Pine Tree State, and political conventions, — Lyceum, Youth's Educa tional Union, p. 13. — Stray Sunbeam, Dial, &c, — Methodist Episcopal Society. 1853. Series of fires, p. 14. — Dirigo and Defiance engines, — business, lime, ship Red Jacket, p. 16. — Spear, Hewett, & Rankin oiocks, — Atlantic ship wharf and lime manufacturing Co., — Commercial House fitted up, — Berry & Abbott's, the Farnsworth, and the Berry, blocks, — brass foundry, — steamer Rockland and Maine Steam Navigation Co., — Rockland Gas Light Co., — protection of docks, — Shipbuilders' Bank, p. 17. — Free Will Baptist church, p. 18. — Episcopal church, — decrease of drunkenness, — Rockland Benevolent Union Association, n 1J. — Casu alties, weather, &c , p. 20. 1854. City Charter, streets, "&c, — Worth Bank, — patent lime kilns, p. 21. — L. Snow's, Crockett's or Granite, and Thorndike's, blocks, — Hotel Co., — City Guards, — severe cola, — Dirigo Engine Co. 's flag-staff, accidents, p. 22. — Lectures. 1855. "Weather, loss of property and lives, — North Fire and Marine Insurance Co., p. 23. — Steam-mill burnt, — hydrants, — City watch, — temperance jubilee and prosperity of the cause, — City loan, &c, — taxpayers, p. i.4. — Ship and other building, — Thorndike and Commercial Hotels — packet to Fox Is land, — North Marine Railway, — Savings Banks — Mechanics' Rifle Co., — U.'S. Democrat, now Democrat & Free Press, p. 25 — Lectures. 1856. Severe weather, — Palmer & "Wilson block burnt and other buildings, — meteor, &c, p. 26. — "Wreck, business, Berry's new crick block, "Wilson & "White's, Phoenix Hall, &c, — Steam-mill, wooden oiocks of Palmer & "Wilson, and of R. Walker, — accident, — petition lor setting off the 7th "Ward, &c, — political movements, and note, Dr J. "W. Robinson, p. 27. — 4th of July, muster of vol. militia, — Teaciieis' Association, lectures. 1857. p. 28. — Gales, loss of vessels and lile, — casualties and fires, — attempted bank robbery, &c, — 4th of July, p. 29. — Union S. S. celebra tion, — Young Men's Forensic Union, — death of Knott Crockett, p. 30. 1858. "Weather, casualties, and fires, — new hydrants, — business, — Ul- mer Block and Hall, p. 31. — Perry Block, — temperance meetings, &c, — death of O. Fales, — Roman Catholic or St. David's church, — Rock land a half shire town, court rooms, — open air concerts by Rockland iv CONTENTS. Band,— 4th of July, p. 32. 1859. Maine Spectator, — Young Ladies' Aid Society, — Bible Society, — Band of Hope, celebrates the Fourth, — fiiis- bury Block,tp. 33. — Decline in business and value of estate, lime, «£, — fires, accidents, Commercial House & death of Sears, p. 34. — Knox eagle, &c, earthquake, lunar bow, auroras, Sec.,- county of Knox, and Rockland its shire town, p. 35. I860. Fires, incendi anes, & 1 osses in different years, p. 36.-Ladies drowned, -Youth's Temperance Visitor, -Temperance League, schools p. 37. -Lime manufacture, -Lincoln county cattle show and fair, p. 38. - Agriculture and industry, - Wide Awakes, and political movements, — meteor, comet, See., p. 6\). Chap II 1881 and onward. Citizen's meetings, and other manifesta- tians of feeling in view of the coming conflict; first volunteer, &c.,p.40. —nurses, — 4 companies of volunteers raised, and encamped, on Tillson 8 hill,— tents, — aid to soldier's families, — voluntary contributions, pre sentation, &c.,p. 41.— The 4th Maine Regiment mustered in, attends religious services, and embarks, — its first officers, p. 42. — citizens of Rockland belonging to its Band, — to its Companies A. and B., p. 43,— to Company C, p. 44, — to Company D., p. 46, — to Companies E., F., & H., p. 47,— its history, p. 48 to 54, — death of Gen. Berry, p. 51. — Ladies aid, p. 55. — Home and State guards,— loss of shipping, &c, p. 56 —Cit izens enlisted in 1st Me. Cavalry, and 2d U. S- Sharpshooters, p. 57, — in 2d Me. Battery, p. 58, — in 19th Me. Regiment, p. 60, — in 28th Me. Regi ment, p. 61. — in other Maine regiments, p. 62, — in other States, and in U. S. regulars, p. 63, — in the navy, p. 64, — in 2d Me. Cavalry, and in Coast guards, p. 65, — in 30th Me. Regiment, — recruits of 1864, p, 66. — Internal duties, &c, p. 67. Tables. I. Highways, laid out, accepted, &c, p. 68 II. Valuation of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, to 1860. 76 III. Population of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston. 78 IV. Taxes raised each year from 1777 to 1862, 80 V. Principal Town Officers from 1777 to 1864. 82 VI. Mayors, Aldermen and Council of Rockland City to 1864. 87 VII. Licenses granted to residents of Thomaston, Rockland and South Thomaston. 90 VIII. Votes for Governor, &c, given from 1788 to 1864. 91 IX. Navigation built in the three municipalities. 94 X. Deaths in Thomaston from 1836 to 1862. 110 XI. Showing state of Schools in Thomaston, Rock land, and South Thomaston, 1863. HI XII. Meteorological Observations. U2 XIII. Justices of the Peace. U4 XIV. Other civil Officers. 118 XV. Militia Officers, &c. 122 XVI. Votes given for Presidential Electors. 127 Genealogical Table. ,„« HISTORY OP THOMASTON, ROCKLAND AND SO. THOMASTON. CHAPTER I. EAST THOMASTON AND BOCKIAND CITY. East Thomaston, after being separated from the parent town, July 28, 1848, proceeded to the election of the usual town officers and transacting other business incumbent upon her as an incorporated town. The first meeting was held on the 23d of August, in the vestry of the Congregational meet ing-house ; and a vote was passed "to accept the Act" of incorporation passed by the Legislature. In 1848, a scheme was broached for making a new collec tion district, and locating the custom house in this place. This having met with some opposition, a compromise was effected by establishing a deputy's office here, under the old Waldo- boro' district. Of this, Dr. John Merrill was appointed the first deputy collector, his first entry having been made in March, 1849. He was succeeded in May by Elkanah Spear, Jr., who was followed by Walter E. Tolman, in July, 1853, Thos. K. Osgood, in May, 1857, and Geo. W. Kimball, Jr., in June, 1861, — at which time Davis Tilson of this place was appointed collector of Waldoboro' district. The office is now kept in the Custom House block, so called, on Main street. On the establishment of the Maine Telegraph Company, Hon. Knott Crockett with his usual promptness made himself responsible for the portion of stock assigned to this place, was appointed one of its directors, and, in consequence, an of fice was opened here. The first message received was from Belfast, at nine on the morning of Nov. 29th. A. D. Nichols was appointed the first operator; who was succeeded in 1853 by Sears Ulmer, J. C. Upham, and perhaps some others who Vol. II. 1 2 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, staid but a short time, till the present operator, E. W. Aus tin, took charge of the office. It pays a salary of $500, and its income is about f 1800, yearly. The office was removed in Jan. 1857, from the Lime Rock Bank building to the sec ond story of Berry's new block. A number of citizens of this place obtained, Aug. 10th, an act of incorporation for the East Thomaston Bank, with a capital of $50,000; — but the projected institution never went into operation. B. W. Lothrop & Co. this year erected the Spofford block, so called, on land leased for the purpose by the heirs of C. Spofford, at the corner of Main and School streets, containing four stores. 1849. A Town Court for East Thomaston was estab lished by an Act of Aug. 13th, which required one justice of the peace and quorum to be chosen once in three years by the town, who, as Judge of said court, was to have concurrent jurisdiction in the county of Lincoln, and exclusive jurisdic tion in the town, over all matters triable by justices of the peace, and over all actions wherein the debt ' or damage did not exceed $100, provided the defendant resided in the town; also to take cognizance of all larcenies not exceeding $50. A court room was to be provided and expenses defrayed by the town. The act was repealed July 29, 1850, and a Muni cipal Court for the town of Rockland established in its stead, not materially differing from it, except that the Judge was to be appointed -by the Governor and Council and hold his office for seven instead of three years. John C. Cochran was the judge, elected Sept. 17, 1849, for the town court, and the same gentleman first judge of the municipal court, appointed for seven years, August, 1850. In the mean time the place having received a city charter, the first judge under it, Feb. 1, 1855, was Wm. G. Sargent; succeeded by election of the people, 1856, by Wakefield G. Frye, who, receiving an ad vantageous offer out west, relinquished the office April 4th, to John A. Meserve ; S. C. Fessenden was appointed, April 17, 1857, by the Governor and Council, succeeded March, 1858, by Nathaniel Meservey. In March, 1861, the Municipal Court was abolished by act of legislature, and a Police Court with enlarged jurisdiction substituted, of which M. W. Farwell, the present incumbent, was appointed judge for one year, and at the end of that time was elected by the people to the same office for four years. This court has a good reputation, and is said to have been lately complimented by Judge Cutting as the best in the State except the Supreme Court. At a meeting called June 4th, the town instructed the li- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 3 censing board to grant no further licenses ; to notify all those selling liquors contrary to law, to cease from the traffic; to prosecute all who, after such notice, continue in the same ; to watch all places where such sale is suspected on the Lord's day ; and to regard the written allegations of five citizens as sufficient ground for commencing action against suspected venders. These energetic measures, of course, awakened resentment in those interested, insomuch that, in revenge, an unsuccessful attempt Was made, November 9th, to blow up the store of F. Cobb, with the families of C. G. Moffitt and A. S. Richmond residing over it ; but this only led to more strenuous efforts to detect the perpetrator and suppress the traffic. On September 17th, a judicious and salutary system of by-laws for preventing improper obstructions, disorderly conduct, and disturbances, in the streets, cruelty to animals, indecent exposure in bathing, interruption of meetings, and other offences, was adopted; and 21 police officers were chosen to carry the same into effect. The Partridge and Harden Wharf and Lime-kiln Com pany was incorporated July 17th, with power to hold real and personal estate not exceeding $15,000. The discovery of gold in California caused, in this and the preceding year, the loss by emigration of some twenty or more of the enterprising young men of the place ; and the loss has been more or less continued in later years. But the town still manifested a healthy growth, and about 125 dwellings were erected. Education continued to advance in the place. In Novem ber a new and commodious school-house was finished in Grace street ; and Thomas K. Osgood came from New Hamp shire, and commenced his labors here as a teacher, which he has since conducted with eminent success when not diverted from them by more profitable or less fatiguing pursuits. A series of lectures, by Rev. E. G. Brooks, was delivered in this place, on Common Schools and in favor of the Grade or Prussian system. These were followed in the winter by meetings of the citizens, at which the subject underwent a thorough discussion, which finally led to a partial adoption of that improved system. An attractive temperance celebration of the 4th of July, here, drew large crowds from this and the neighboring towns. A long procession, marshalled by H. G. Berry, with banners and significant mottoes ; a fine oration at Rankin's Orchard, by Rev. Mr. Brooks of Bath ; and a dinner by E. W. Pen dleton, in a spacious pavilion, were its principal features ; and one occurrence only, marred its pleasure. This was the 4 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, premature discharge of a cannon by which the right arm ot Robert Thomas was so badly mangled as to require amputa tion. A small one-story house, at the North End, ownec I by Capt. N. Marshall, was consumed by fire on the night of May 30th ; insurance, $600. A shocking injury occurred to Keu- ben Hanson, September 6th, in a lime quarry, by which both of his eyes and one hand were destroyed. Another more fatal accident occurred September 1st, by which Capt. John Booker was drowned from a vessel in the harbor, being drawn overboard by the entanglement of his foot when dropping the anchor. On the 30th November, also, a fatal accident occurred in the fall of an old wooden building on Sea street; crushed by the weight of corn and flour stored above. If was occupied below as a boat-buihjer's shop by E. M. Mer rill, who was instantly killed. The year began with fine sleighing and severe weather ; the harbor, Feb. 22d, being frozen over further than the eye could see. The week ending August 1 7th was most oppres sive ; the thermometer indicating 95° and 103° of heat, with an atmosphere of lime dust by day and fog by night. 1850. At an adjournment of the annual meeting, May 1 5th, a vote was passed to change the name of the town from East Thomaston to Rockland, and instructing the Select men to petition the Legislature accordingly. This was done, and the petition complied with by an Act passed July 17, 1850; since which the town, now city, has rejoiced in its chosen name, which, when it is considered that its quarries of lime-rock are the foundation on which the prosperity of the place rests, all must acknowledge to be an appropriate one. Its lime, heretofore known as that of Thomaston, now took the name sf Rockland lime in the market ; and the place has since by common consent been considered the principal man ufactory and depot of lime for the United States. During this year of 1850, there was inspected and sent off the enor mous amount of 800,000 casks ; which, at 60 cents, the aver age price on the wharves, amounted to $480,000. The casks used, at their average price for that year, 18 cents, amount ed to $144,000 ; the stone, at 9 cents in the quarry, to $72,000 ; transporting the same to the kilns, at 6 cents, to $48,000. There were then in use 125 kilns, which, at each burning, on an average, turned out 420 casks, consumed 30 cords of wood, at the average price of $2,50 per cord, and employed two men four days and five nights. The transport ation of this lime to market, and the back freights usually ob tained, employed 120 coasters, and as many more in bringing ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 5 the wood from the eastern coast and islands ; over 200 sail of vessels being owned here. Business, in general, this year, was good, — three ships going up ; a steam mill put in oper ation by Ambrose Colby, since of Portland, for grinding, sawing, planing and other purposes ; the clothing store of O. H. Perry, enlarged, and other mercantile establishments thriving ; and many new buildings appearing, among them one of three stories, at the meadows, by Ephraim Ulmer. Among the pleasant things of the season, was a May-day festival held by the ladies in Eagle Hall. On the 29th Aug., also, a grand pic-nic, free, to which all the town was invited and all the world made welcome, was held in the oak grove on the eastern shore of Tolman's Pond, which, on this occa sion, was rebaptized by the euphonious name of Chikawauha _ Lake, or, by interpretation, (somewhat apocryphal,) " the lake of smiling waters." About 2000 citizens were present, Larkin Snow presided, speeches were made by Messrs. Kal- loch, Osgood, Farwell, Richmond and Holmes, the new name was reported by a committee of which R. T. Slocomb was chairman, and all departed well pleased with the good cheer, joyous greetings, and magnificent scenery. The summer of 1850 was variable, with many long rains and high freshets. During a terrible storm of wind and snow, Dec. 23d, the schooner Niagara, lying in the harbor, and lime-loaded, dragged her anchors, struck a ledge, and, taking fire, was a total loss, — the captain and crew having been taken off, many of them insensible from cold and 12 hours' exposure. Schooner Violet drove ashore and was left high and dry on the beach, uninjured, as was also a brig. with masts cut away, at Clam Cove. This storm called out an ar ticle in the Gazette advocating the erection of a Breakwater to protect the harbor from storms ; which was followed, in 1852, by a petition to Congress, of Knott Crockett and 807 other citizens of this place, for the construction of such a work ; but there was no report in its favor, and nothing has yet been obtained. In 1855, a bill making appropriation for this purpose, among others, was introduced into the U. S. Senate by Hon. W. P. Fessenden, and passed there, but failed in the House. The first step towards this desirable im provement of the harbor had been taken by Government as early as 1835 ; when a survey was made by Ward B. Bur nett, 2d Lieut, in U. S. army, on topographical duty. This officer reported in favor of the project, having found an eligible site for constructing a breakwater 825 yards long in the central part of the harbor, on a shoal consisting of rocks, 1* 6 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, more or less covered with smaller rocks and stones, and esti mating the cost at $1 .000,000 ; but, in consequence of the rival claims of Owl's Head harbor for a similar work, no ap propriation was at that time made for either. It remains to be settled whether this object is to be accomplished by the General Government, the people of this city, the joint action of both, or given up altogether.* On the morning of Nov. 7th, a fire broke out at the rear of the Rockland House in the boat-builder's shop of the Messrs. Dyer. This building and its contents were com pletely destroyed to the value of about $3000, the heaviest loss falling on Chas. S. Cables, who occupied the upper part as a carriage shop. Although hotel stables and piles of sea soned lumber were in close proximity, yet by the active ex ertions of the two fire companies nothing further was even scorched. This fortunate escape, due in a great measure to the tide being in at the time, had the effect to awaken the citizens to a sense of their danger and the necessity of a bet ter supply of water at all times. At a meeting for the pur pose, Nov. 28th, $400 in addition to $200 at the annual meeting, were raised by the town for repairing engines, pur chasing hooks and ladders, and constructing reservoirs, to be expended under direction of Jona. White, C. Holmes, and John S. Coburn, committee. A voluntary night-watch was also organized Dec. 1st; Dr. G. Ludwig, S. H. Fuller, and F. Harden, were chosen officers ; hooks were provided ; and members classified to serve by rotation. The Rockland Water Company was created by an Act passed August 20, 1850, with power to construct an aqueduct from Chikawauka Lake into and through the village of Rockland, to regulate the use, distribution, and prices of said water, and to hold real and personal estate not exceeding $75,000; on condition, however, that at the end of ten years, on the re funding all the expenditures and ten per cent, in addition, the town, at its option, was to have the right to take and con trol all the property and privileges of said corporation. A preliminary survey by R. T. Slocomb, and estimate of cost was made ; and the subscriptions to the stock, by exertions of Jere. Berry, and others, soon amounted to within $4000 of the sum required. This balance was taken by the New York firm of Ball & Co., in part payment for a supply 0f their newly invented Indestructible Water-pipe, of which it was N.'h.^Nov! 20Rei835! 4° "" C<>1" L°ng' T°P°g" Engineer' date capital of $100,000; and such was its 2* 18 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, prestige that its stock was rapidly taken up, and its business commenced in June, auspiciously, under direction of Henry C. Lowell, president, and Wm. L. Pitts, cashier. Some ob scurity has ever rested upon the affairs of this Bank ; but it would seem that the confidence reposed in these officers was such that the directors neglected the ordinary precautions against their mismanagement. The bonds given by the cashier were not renewed at the expiration of his first year, and he, with or without the knowledge of the president, rushed into hazardous speculations with the funds of the Bank, to supply the loss of which a vast and unknown amount of its bills were put in circulation without the knowledge of the directors, or any record by which the amount could be ascertained. These circulated for a time without suspicion ; but, as they began to return faster than the Bank was able to redeem them, embarrassments arose. New officers (viz., A. K. Kim ball, president, and A. W. Kennedy of Warren, cashier,) were appointed, and attempts were made to examine into the cause of defalcation. These attempts resulted in nothing certain, except that the funds of the Bank had disappeared, a large amount of its paper had been clandestinely put in circulation, no bondsmen were found liable, its credit was gone, and the former cashier had absconded to avoid arrest. Its affairs were put into the hands of receivers, Jan. 10, 1855; and Mr. Lowell, unable to face the defrauded stockholders and an in dignant public, whose confidence and esteem he had till then fully enjoyed, sought a retreat for his family and his mortifi cation in the far West. On the 13th of January, the house of the Free- Will Bap tist Society of Rockland, completed and finished, was ded icated to the worship of God by the usual services, including a sermon by Rev. P. Weaver, address to the church and society by Rev. J. Mariner, and dedicatory hymn written for the occasion by Mrs. Ramsey. The edifice is situated on Camden street, in the north-eastern part of the city, and has accommodations for 200 persons, being valued, by the census of 1860 at $2000. An elegant bible was presented to the society by Dr. Thos. Frye, a choice table by Franklin N. Brown, and $257 contributed for the purchase of a bell The church was organized as early as June 27, 1851, and consist ed of seven members only, of whom J. H. Young was chosen standing clerk, and Hollis Kirkpatrick, deacon! Its mpm bers, in 1862, amounted to 120, — Jacob Thomas and Stephen Prescott being then deacons, and Abel Walker ftp rT clerk. The pastors of this society have been, Rev ^ gg ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 19 Littlefield, from June, 1852, to April, 1859; Rev. Jason Mariner, from June, 1860, to June, 1862; and, in Nov., 1862, Rev. Ebenezer Knowlton, succeeded, in 1864, by Rev. Albert P. Tracj* The corner stone of an Episcopal Church, also, named St. Peters, on Park street, was laid, July 1 1 th of this year, with appropriate ceremonies by Rt. Rev. Bishop Geo. Burgess. Notwithstanding the discouragement consequent on the great fire in May preceding, in which were totally destroyed the temporary place of worship and church furniture of the small band which, on the 18th of January, had been organized into the parish of St. Peters and obtained the services of a rector, the building was, under the advice and generous gift of Bishop Burgess, now commenced and by the end of February, 1854, brought to a successful close. This edifice, in Gothic style, 65 feet long by 35 feet wide, with four buttresses on each side and at the gable an octagonal tower surmounted by a cross, with a stained glass window, ornaments, and devices, is capable of seating 300 persons ; and cost between $3000 and $4000. Much of the expense was defrayed by contribu tions from churches of the order in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. A tower and spire were added in May, 1858. The first and only rector, thus far, of this church, was Rev. George Slattery, who came from Saco, preached his first dis course here July 11, 1852, and continued the duties of his office till his resignation was, April 10, 1860, accepted with much regret by his parish. The wardens, senior and junior, of this church have been in different years, N. G. Bourne, W. L. Pitts, C. N. Germaine, Richard Walker, Lewis Hall, Chas. A. Reed, Jos. Benson, O. G. Hall, and S. H. Holbrook. There were interesting temperance lectures this season by Rev. S. C. Fessenden, John Hawkins, the reformed drunkard, and others ; and, under the operation of the Maine law and its faithful execution, during two months from July 1st, by I. G. Day, constable and keeper of the lock-up, (for the erec tion of which $200 had been voted the previous year,) it ap peared that there was 60 per cent, less of drunkenness in the place than in the months preceding. The Lime Rock and Hyperion divisions of S. of T. held a pleasant celebration, Dec. 24th, with a procession, appropriate addresses, and re freshments at Beethoven Hall ; and a series of bi-monthly mass meetings commenced Jan. 18, 1854. The Benevolent Union Association, for the relief of the * Rockland Gazette, communication of Abel Walker, Esq. 20 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, destitute, was formed at the close of Nov^ 1853 wi^h Messrs. N. A. Farwell, G. J. Burns, T. K. Osgood, and J. Wakefield, ^On'the'evening of January 3, 1853, two young men, gun ning on Jameson's Point, discovered the dead bodies of a man and woman, their broken. boat and its contents, m the surf on and near the shore. They proved to be those of John Smith and his wife, long the only occupants of Laisdell s Island, who had visited Camden for a few New Year purchases, on the 31st, starting for home and their lonely children just before dark ; had met a head wind and some sea, and, run ning for Rockland harbor, had kept in too near the Point struck a rock, and, bewildered by the darkness and chilled by the cold, failed to reach the shore. On the the 16th July, during a heavy shower, one barn and four dwellings were struck by lightning; and, on the evening of September 6th, the place was again visited by a smart thunder shower, during which, a horse belonging to J. Wakefield was supposed to have been killed by the lightning, though the building, a few feet from which he stood, was not struck. As Oliver Gay of this place, and Chas. Winslow, formerly of Waldoboro', were engaged in blasting rock at the marine railway, on Ingra- ham's Point, September 19th, having put in a charge and ignit ed the fuse, they withdrew a sufficient time, as they supposed, but unfortunately returned at the moment of its explosion. Gay was much injured, and Winslow's skull so badly shat tered that he died the next day. On the 7th October, Joseph D. Thurston,. employed at the machine shop of Thurston & Ingraham, at the North End, whilst under derangement in a typhoid fever, during the temporary absence of his brother, left his room in the night time ; and, notwithstanding an im mediate search, no trace of him was discovered till Sunday, when he was found dead, having made his way 120 feet up into a subterranean passage, which crossed the street in the immediate vicinity of the work-shop. A storm of snow with a violent north-east wind occurred December 29th, blocking up the roads and stopping the mails west of Bath for six days, so that 14 mail-bags arrived at this place simultaneously. Much shipping suffered along the coast ; and, in this harbor, among other slight damages, the schooners Edwin of Sullivan, and Richmond of this port, went ashore and were wrecked or burnt. The schooner Henry Franklin of this place, loaded with moulding sand, was lost on Race Point with all on board except the Captain, Samuel Thomas, who succeeded with great difficulty in reaching the shore through the surf. Those ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 21 who perished were Nathan A. Saunders, mate, and his father, both of Rockland, and Charles Merrill of Augusta. 1854. An Act to incorporate the town of Rockland into a city, was passed by the Legislature at its session of 1854, subject to a vote of the inhabitants, accepting.or rejecting the same. This was decided at a town meeting duly called on the 3d of June, by the following vote ; for accepting, 238 ; against, 110; and the event was greeted in the evening by martial mus.ic of the brass band, through the streets, ringing of bells, firing of cannon, sending up of rockets and Roman candles, a huge bonfire of tar-barrels, and other demonstra tions of joy. In the course of two or three weeks the select men proceeded to divide the city, by specific boundaries, into seven wards, preparatory to an election of city officers, which was made July 8th, 1854; handsome rooms were provided for the city council, in the Berry block ; and the city of Rock land, with the Hon. Knott Crockett as its mayor, commenced its career, as the 8th city chartered in tjje State and the 5th in population. At the annual meeting in March, 1854, the town had voted that the selectmen cause a survey to be made of the town lines and all the different roads and streets, designate the latter by names and guide-boards, and produce a plan of the same ; but, by a subsequent vote, this work was postponed till after the adoption of the city charier. Applications for building side-walks in many of these streets had been fre quently made since the separation of the place from Thomas ton, and usually referred to the selectmen; but, in 1853, $1000 had been appropriated for their construction. The North Bank of this city was incorporated March 20th of this year, with a capital of $50,000 ; and, in October, chose its directors and went into operation, with John Bird, president, and Stephen N. Hatch, cashier, both of whom still continue. This bank is located in the Crockett block, dis counts on Monday, and pays at present an annual dividend of six per cent, to its 132 stockholders.* Of Patent or Im proved Lime Kilns, a newly' invented one, by Messrs. A. D. Nichols and Davis Tilson, was tried this year and promised to be valuable and important ; another was introduced the following year by Hon. Chas. Crockett, which was thought to save fifty per cent, in the amount of fuel; and still an other in 1857, patented by Mr. Abner Weeks, saving the time and expense of cooling and re-heating the kiln. But, * Report of Bank Commissioners, 1863. 22 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, of the improved kilns, that now most generally used in the place is the Snow kiln, introduced from Glen Falls, N. Y., by Chas. W. Snow, Esq., about 1857; upon which, we believe, no patent fee is paid by builders here. A new brick block was this year erected by Larkin Snow, on the corner of Mam and Spring streets, containing a store in the first story, offices in the second, and the armory of the City Guards in the third ; also, at the North End, the spacious Crockett block, by Charles Crockett, containing, among its apartments, "the Granite Hall"; also, the Thorndike block of stores on the corner of Main and Sea streets. The Rockland Hotel Com pany, with a capital of $40,000, having been incorporated, March 30, 1852, organized the present year by choosing a body of directors ; but we are not aware that anything further was done. The Rockland City Guards, a light infantry company, after- instruction by Davis Tilson, graduate of West Point, and re ceiving from the State the requisite number of muskets, or ganized by choice of Col. H. G. Berry, captain, G. J. Burns, Jona. Spear, and A. S. Dyer, lieutenants, Wm. H. Titcomb, orderly sergeant, and O. J. Conant, ensign ; and, attired in its handsome uniform of blue and gold, was soon attracting gen eral admiration. It was presented with a beautiful flag, May 8, 1855, by his Honor the Mayor, as was Capt. Berry, in Aug., 1855, with a silver pitcher and gold chain and plate attached, by members of the company. A week of extreme cold occurred between January 19th and 27th, the mercury in this city falling at sunrise, for the most part, below 10° minus. On the 30th and 31st of March, fifteen inches of snow fell, and, followed by cold weather, made excellent sleighing. Dirigo Engine Company caused a fine flag-staff to be erected, May 1st; but the joy of the occasion and the day was interrupted by the fall of the shears used, which struck and seriously injured Frederic Sweetland. The company's contemplated ball was, in con sequence, postponed, and a substantial token of sympathy in a handsome subscription tendered the sufferer Knott C, a little son of Isaac Simmons, was accidently drowned, July 29th, in Chickawauka Lake. On the 30th September, the schooner Ontario, Capt. "H. G. Penniman, on her passage out from Boston to this port, went on to the ledge called the Dev il's Back ; where, after lying with bow and stern afloat three hours, she broke in two, precipitating the crew into the sea; all four of whom, including the mate, David Beals of this city, perished ; the captain alone retaining his hold on the wreck ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 23 till morning, when he was taken off by a passing fisher man. Among the lectures at Beethoven Hall, may be mentioned an attractive poem on " the past and present," by W. C. Williamson of Belfast, February 14th, repeated the 28th; and, on the week ending February 22, a series' of lectures on "sympathy or no sympathy," on "civil liberty," and on " true greatness of soul," by Charles Lowell, Esq., a native of South Thomaston. A crowded audience also assembled, August 5th, to hear a lecture on temperance, from Hon. Neal Dow, the celebrated author of the Maine Law, which was followed by lectures against the same, August 12th, by S. Carey of Houlton, and L. D. Wilkinson of Saco. 1855. The storm of Jan. 19th, with a strong north-east gale and very high tide^s, swept disastrously over the whole shore border of the city, destroying property to the amount of $20,000, distributed among the owners of wharves, lime- sheds, kilns, wood, lime, and coal, as well as the Marine Rail way company, whose entire works were swept away. The tide at Matinicus was three feet higher than ever known be fore ; and buildings that had stood 40 years were carried away by its fury. The first week in February was cold, the mer cury falling to 16u minus, at one time, and the bay, on the 7th and 8th, freezing over as far out as Owl's Head ; but the whole winter was nearly destitute of sleighing. On March 14th, much damage was done by a storm to the shipping ; two schooners were sunk or went to pieces at the wharves, — one, the Minerva, lime-loaded, went ashore at Ingraham's Point, as did also a sloop. Capt. John Hart of this place was so badly injured on board his vessel, that, after lingering about a fortnight and undergoing amputation, mortification set in and caused his death, March 25th, — leaving a wife and two young children. In a violent gale, April 2d, also, the brig Duncan, Capt. Isaac A. Porter, master, and Henry S. Verrill, mate, both of this place, from Philadelphia for Bath with coal, went down with every soul on board, in sight of the schooner Elvira, which lay by her four hours unable to render any aid, from the violence of the waves. The early spring was drv, but hay and most crops were good. In July the harbor*warmed with mackerel. The North Fire and Marine Insurance Company in Rock land was incorporated March 12th ; but its principal mover, John Bird, having become interested in the Lime Rock In surance Company, it never went into operation. Among the losses by fire this year was that of the steam-mill on Main 24 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, street, before mentioned, on the evening of Oct. 25th, the owners losing about $12,000, while O. P. & J. Merriam, manufacturers of doors, sash and blinds, and in part occu pants, lost $400, — none of the parties being insured. The fire originated near the boiler. As an additional means of safety against such occurrences, the mayor and aldermen made an arrangement with the Water Company by which twenty hydrants attached to the Company's pipes were put down in convenient places through the most compact portions of the city. A Watch was also appointed, for the nightly protection of the city ; which has, more or less, been con tinued, through the winter at least, in succeeding years. A Temperance Jubilee was held in Crockett's block March 16th, when well spread tables did honor to the ladies who prepared the feast for a gratified and crowded assemblage, who listened to eloquent speeches from several gentlemen called out by the promptness and wit of the president, Free man Harden, who, among other sentiments gave the follow ing: "our worthy mayor; a hard knot for the rummies." A grand festival, procession, and collation at Granite Hall, was held, July 1 7th, on the meeting of the Grand Division of the S. of T. with the Lime Rock and Hyperion Divisions of this city. By the energetic labors of David M. James, city marshal, violators of the law were prosecuted and liquor sell ing kept to a good degree in "check, till " after the September election, when the flood-gates of intemperance were opened anew, more especially by the refusal of the Grand Jury to do their duty in sending for witnesses in cases of persons who had been tried in' the Municipal Court, and, on clear and conclusive evidence, bound over for appearance at the October term of the Supreme Court."* On the 15th Jan. 1855, the City Council authorized the treasurer to procure by loan $10,000 to pay outstanding or ders and town liabilities. This indebtedness of the city has, of course, increased since, — especially within the last few years, in consequence of soldiers' bounties, and other expen ditures incident to a state of war; and a permanent loan of $30,000 has of late been effected at 5 per cent., all of which is taken by residents of the place. The entire indebt- I edness of th<" city, was in 1863, about $60,000.f * In a tax of seven mills on a dollar this year (1855) as sessed, 105 individuals paid over $50, forty-five paid over *Report of City Marshal, for 1855. t Mayor Wiggin's address of March, 1863 ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 25 , $100, and three over $500; whilst the number of those pay ing $20 and upwards was very large. Ship-building, which was very flourishing this year, by the high wages "it offered, drew off many workmen from other pursuits and somewhat lessened the lime .product, which was* still further decreased by the high prices of provisions, dul- ness of trade, and the want of building m New York. New buildings, however, still went up in this city. The Thorndike hotel, built the past year of brick, covered with mastic cement, three stories in front and four in the rear, extending 80 feet on Main and .60 on Sea streets, with ample accommodations for a first class hotel, and several stores on the first floor, was opened, May 8th, by Capt. Wm. H. Thorndike, proprietor. The hotel kept by J. C. Merrill before mentioned, which had taken the name of its predecessor, the Commercial House, was also this year enlarged by an additional wing of eight suits of rooms, and put in first rate condition. Both houses, were, it is believed, well patronized by the large number of steamboat travellers and the public generally. The new, beautiful, and well-appointed schooner Greyhound, in August commenced running as a regular packet between this place and Vinalhaven. The North Marine Railway was this year constructed, being commenced in June and completed by December, at a cost of $11,000, and fitted to receive ships of 1400 tons. The company was incorporated the following winter, with a capital of $75,000. The first Savings Bank, incorporated February 28, 1855, consisted of Chas. W. Snow and 27 others, principal citizens of the place, who met April 13th ; and, after voting in eight new members, accepted the charter and chose a committee on by-laws. The beneficent institution, however, seems never to have gone into operation ; and a second one, incorporated in 1861, in which Mr. Tit comb was principal mover, shared a like fate in consequence of the supervening troubles growing out of the rebellion. A new volunteer militia company was this year organized by the name of the Mechanic's Rifle company, whose uniform was gold-laced black velvet caps and grey clothes trimmed with black. Its first officers were E. C. Spalding, captain, succeeded before the close of the year by Joseph Farwell ; with Samuel J. Erskine and Gilbert Perry, lieutenants. In November, a new weekly paper, the United States Democrat, with 150 subscribers, was commenced in this city by A. & E. Sprague, printers and publishers. It was of good appearance, ably conducted, and warmly devoted to the support of the Democratic party. After a time, March, 1858, Vol. II. 3 26 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, its subscription list, having increased to about 1000, was further swollen by the transfer to it of about 800 more from the Maine Fbee Press, a paper which had been established at Belfast in support of Pierce's administration. After this, «it took the name of the Democbat and" Fbee Pbess ; is now devoted to the cause of the Union and Freedom ; and has a circulation of aboutd.400. The Youth's Educational Union, in default of other effort, this year engaged public lecturers, and devoted the proceeds to the benefit of its library. These were Capt. Stehendsohn, a Hungarian exile; Rev. I. S. Kalloch, Feb. 13£h, and again Jan. 10th; J. G. Saxe, on "the money-king," Aug. 9th; Rev. Jas. Belcher of Oldtown, on " the bible in our common schools," April 13th; Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, on "woman and the times," a poem, Nov. 27th, and " the dignity of labor," Nov. 28th; and Rev. J. O. Skinner, on "the unity of the human race," Dec. 27th. 1856. There was a severe storm Jan. 13th, in which the roads were so blocked up that the western mails 3id not reach here till the 16th. A similar interruption occurred from Feb. 17th to the 20th. On the extremely cold night of Jan. 28th, a fire destroyed the wooden blocks of G. W. Palmer and Wm. Wilson, on Main street, each valued at $2000 and insured for $1500. The principal sufferers were, E. R. Spear, book seller, F. G. Cook, druggist, Thos. Wiggjj, shoe dealer, C. N. Germaine, physician, E. A. Mansfield, Fl P. Wood & Son, ( hardware, C. G. Moffit, clothing, and N. A. & S. H. Burpee, furniture dealers. January was remarkable for being entirely destitute of its usual thaw. The whole winter is memorable for its immense depth of snow, enormous drifts, and uneven roads, over which passing sleighs rose and plunged like ships in a stormy sea. The fine sunny weather of March and April, upon the great body of snow, produced, especially in this city, bad travelling and some stage accidents. April 4th, the two story house of John -Porter (2d), at the extreme South End, took fire, from some unknown cause, at two in the morning, and, the state of the streets preventing the en gines getting to it, was totally consumed. Loss $1800, in, sured $1500. A sound resembling the explosion of a powder mill, was, at 9 A. M., of April 11th, distinctly heard in this city, and more especially at Belfast, where it shook the houses, and was supposed to be caused by a meteor falling south .of that place. There was some hot weather June 22d when the mercury stood at 99" here ; and again in July, followed by dense fogs and bad hay weather. Mackerel were abundant ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 27 in the harbor and caught from the wharves. A small two- story building owned by Pendleton & Howes, occupied as a variety store by Joseph Farnham, on North Main street, was burned at two o'clock in the morning of December 2d ; valued, building $575, insured, $375, and stock at $500, not insured. The 18th December was severely cold; the mer cury being 14° minus at sunrise, in this city. During the violent gale which accompanied this severe cold, the schooner Belcher struck on Race Point, and, but for the almost supers human exertions of the mate, A. T. Spear of this city, who cut off his frozen overcoat with a hatchet, and succeeded in reaching the shore with a line, all on board had perished. About the same time, the schooner Excelsior of this city was lost on her passage from Aux Cayes to New York, together with her captain, Alfred Babbidge, Jr., his wife, his brother, his sister, and his child. The business of the place was this year rather inactive, both in commerce and manufactures, especially ship-building. Many private residences, some of them elegant, were erect ed, and two or three brick blocks ; one by the Berrys, on the corner of Main and Lime Rock streets ; and one by Wil son and White, north of. the Thorndike hotel on Main street, containing Phoenix Hall. A new steam mill was also con structed on the corner of Main and Willow streets, at a cost of $5000, and owned by K. Crockett, F. Harrington, G. A. Stevens and I. Gregory. The wooden block of Palmer and Wilson was rebuilt, and a new one, also, by Richard Walker, opposite the Spear block, at the raising of which the owner was severely injured by a fall of part of the frame. The Palmer & Wilson block has been since, in June, 1862, again burnt, and again immediately rebuilt in a handsome manner, three stories high, containing four stores, and owned by Wood & Sons, C. G. Moffit and Dr. Frye. A petition in favor of setting off the 7th ward, which con tains all the rural portion and about two-thirds of the whole territory of the city, into a new town, and remonstrances against the same, were got up and presented to the Legisla ture in Feb., 1856, but resulted in the petitioners having leave to withdraw. The outrage upon free speech in the per son of Senator Sumner, called out in this city, May 31st, a large meeting of citizens in Beethoven Hall, without respect tp sect or party, who unanimously passed strong resolutions of condemnation. This, with the recent events in Kansas,* * Among the first to respond to the call to save this territory to freedom 28 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, fanne'd the flames of opposition to the party in power, and, the new Republican party being formed, gave unusual spirit to the elections here as elsewhere. Beautiful flags, bearing the names of the opposing candidates, were suspended across Main street, from the Kimball block, and many mass meet ings were held. This spirit, however, did not prevent a har monious celebration of the Fourth of July. A long proces sion of S. S. scholars, truckmen, military companies, fire companies of this city and Thomaston ; the beautiful ship Independence, manned and officered, drawn by four horses; the car of beauty containing 31 young ladies, representing the several States ; &c, marshalled by J. T. Berry, moved to the Lindsey grove, where prayer was offered by Mr. Fessen- den, and "America" by the children, the declaration by T. S. Osgood, ode on freedom by the Antiquarian choir, and an oration by I. S. Kalloch, then of Boston, with music by the brass band, were listened to ; the whole closing with dinner provided by C. A. Harrington in a pavilion near, the ring ing of bells, a salute of 31 guns, and fine display of fire works. From 8000 to 10,000 people were estimated to be present on the grounds. On the 16th and 17th September, the 1st regiment of the 2d brigade and 4th division of the volunteer militia of the State, was mustered for camp duty in this city, under Col. Burns; consisting of nine well drilled companies, with three brass bands, including that attending the Portland Rifle guards, who were invited guests ; and, after drill the first day, was, on the 17th, reviewed by Maj. Gen. Cochran, and Adj. Gen. Atwood, — viewed by thousands of spectators. A Teachers' Association or lyceum, comprising a large portion of the male and female instructers of the place, was organized in December for weekly discussions, essays, &c, on subjects connected with their vocation. Under its auspices, lectures were delivered Jan. 31, 1857, by Rev. N. Butler, on " the anglo-saxon race ;" Feb. 20th, by Rev. J. O. Skinner, on "common schools;" and, March 13th, by Rev. F. Wal lace, on "John Knox." 1857. In the severe gales prevailing in January, much shipping was destroyed ; among others, the schooners John Bowaom in 1849, and came from Richmond here, where he practised med icine and was surgeon of the State Prison. In Kansas his services were highly appreciated, and he was chosen its first Secretary of State ft the breaking out of the rebellion, he left his new and hapDv home be came surgeon of the 2d Kansas Cavalry, and, after more t&L a W, faithful service, died Dec. 10, 1863. year ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 29 B. and Sam'l Rankin of this city ; and among the sad losses of life, was that of James P. Haskell, lost overboard, togeth er with the mate, from the Wcrque Tidal Wave, Jan. 19th. On the 5th Jan. fire was discovered in the Crockett block, but soon extinguished ; the chief damage being to the millin ery goods of Miss F. Kirkpatrick & Co., — $314, with no insurance. The barn and shed connected with the house of Dr. J. E. Hunt, corner of Union and Grace streets, were to tally consumed and the house considerably damaged by fire, on the night of March 12th, together with a fine horse own ed by F. Case. On the 24th of March, John L. Craig, a lad of 15 years, and the only son of his parents, was accidentally shot by a gun which another boy was loading, and the iron ramrod driven through his right eye and passing out some four inches beyond the back part of the head. He died five days afterwards. On June 13th, by a premature explosion of powder in Munroe's quarry, south of the head of Pleasant street, John Murray, a native of Ireland, was so badly injur ed as to lose one hand. This was followed, July 25th, by a more fatal occurrence in Ulmer's quarry. Reuben T. Jacobs, 27 years of age, had ignited the fuse of a charge, and, after waiting long and supposing it gone out, returned to relight it, when it exploded and so shattered one of his legs as to ren der amputation necessary, from the effects of which he died the next morning. Sept. 12th, a wooden block of four tene ments, belonging to Rufus Carll, on Warren street, was near ly destroyed by fire. Insurance $2300. In the store of Bills & True, North Main street, their shoe stock was damaged by fire, Nov. 29th, about $400. A daring attempt to break open and rob the Lime Rock Bank, at the corner of Main and Summer streets, was made on the night of May 19th, the miscreants entering through a back window and trying, by means of an iron bar, a sledge, and gunpowder, to wrench the locks from the iron door of the specie vault. But, after succeeding with the two lower locks, the upper one resisted their efforts ; and, from some alarm or the approach of daylight, they decamped, leaving their tools, and the old bags which they had hung at the win dows. Much disorderly conduct, and several cases of assault, and even stabbing, perpetrated in the summer and autumn of this year, gave sufficient evidence of an inefficient police system and the non-execution of the liquor law, complained of at this time. The 4th of July was celebrated not by a formal oration and dinner, but by the usual procession, with prayer by Rev. 3* 30 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Wm. H. Littlefield, speeches from Revs. N. Butler, and J. O. Skinner, the declaration by Rev. S. C. Fessenden inter spersed with music from theWhomaston Cornet, Rockland, and Camden bands, in front of the Congregational Church ; and, in the afternoon, by the less elevating exercises of a trot- ting match and a foot-race on Jameson's Point ; the latter performed by a Penobscot Indian, 5 miles in 29 minutes 24 seconds. A pleasing union pic-nic celebration of the Con-; gregational, 1st Baptist, and Universalist sabbath schools, was held in Lindsey Grove, September 10th. The Young Men's Forensic Union, for debating and literary improvement,. organized the preceding December 18th, also provided a course of free lectures; viz.: March 26, 1857, on "the true education" by T. K. Osgood; April 16th, on " success in life" by Rev. A. Church; and, besides private lectures by their own members, aided by the sale of tickets, procured, November 10th, the reading of the poem "Yankee land," by J. G. Saxe ; lecture on " the physiology of nations" by Elihu Burrett, November 17th; "bibliography," by I. Saw yer, December 1 7th ; " cemeteries and epitaphs " by I. S. Kalloch, January 6, 1858; " compensated emancipation," by E. Burritt, March 12th; and closing the season, March 18th and 19th, with an unusually gratifying exhibition of home talents in music, declamation, original poetry, and the dramatic art. A loss befel the city, this autumn, in the death of Hon. Knott Crockett ; who, from an orphan boy, gradually rose by his industry, honesty, gentle demeanor, liberality, and good judgment, to the first rank among his fellow citizens. Though only sixty-five years of age, he remembered the city when it consisted only of woodlands and fields of grass and grain. Here, at the age of 15, he began his humble labors by teach ing, farming, and burning lime in the litde old-fashioned kiln of less than 100 casks, hauling his rock and wood himself with a single horse, maintaining the family of his deceased father, and freeing the estate from its encumbrances. In 1817, at the age of 25, having acquired a little capital, he commenced trade in a store at the corner of Main and Lime Rock streets, where the Berry block now stands; in 1838 took into partnership Wm. Thomas, afterwards a prominent and influential citizen; and, after a course of uniform suc cess, withdrew from mercantile business in 1841. He was, as before stated, the first president of the first bank establish ed in the city, the first Mayor of the city, and among the first in almost every plan to promote its prosperity. In 1856 he ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 31 was chosen one of the Presidential electors, voting for J. C. Fremont. After disposing of his ample property in legacies to relatives and friends, he devised to Lime Rock Ba.nk, over whose doings he had presided for 21 years, the sum of $5000 — partly in acknowledgment of the confidence rer posed in him, and partly to cover any possible loss the insti tution might sustain from his natural leniency and accommo dating disposition towards its debtors. 1858. The winter was unusually mild, with bare ground ; and robins were heard, Jan. 28th, singing in the gardens of the city. But after the 11th February, snow, sleighing, and cold weather prevailed. On Feb. 20th, the dwelling on Pleasant street, owned and occupied by Wm. Haskell, was wholly consumed by fire from a cause not ascertained ; loss about $2500. On the afternoon of June 5th, the building known as the old steam mill, situated between the South Point kilns and the Atlantic wharf, was destroyed by fire. It was owned by Sam'l Pillsbury, had been erected by Capt. Lemuel Andrews, 12 or 15 years before, and had never been a good investment. The house of Capt. Robt. Wheeler was much injured by fire on the afternoon of June 30th, and on the night of July 3d the bake-house of Ephraim Perkins was entirely consumed. On the 30th of June, 1858, the schooner Laura Frances, Capt. H. W. Bullock of this city, while on her passage from Salem, was struck by a sudden squall off Cape Elizabeth, thrown upon her beam ends and soon after, by a lurch of the sea, bottom up. The boat, which had broken from the davits and was floating loose full of water, was reached by the cap tain and two of his men, Edward Cobb, Jr. and Albion K. P. Duncan, where they remained till the two last successively expired in the arms of the captain. The only other person on board, a Scotchman, whose name we have not learned, was drowned ; and the captain was taken off at half past eight the next morning by a passing vessel. Nov. 17th, a two- story building at the Brook, occupied as a joiner's shop and store for sash and blinds, by Messrs. Hemenway and Jones, was totally consumed; loss $1700; insured $1000. A num ber of new hydrants were this year put down by the city au thorities. In removing the staging of the barque Orraville, Nov. 2d, R. Trowbridge, master builder, narrowly escaped death ; being precipitated from it more than 26 feet. A commodious block, at the corner of Main and Sea streets, was this year erected by Henry and Bernard Ulmer, the whole upper portion consisting of a fine hall, called the Ul- 32 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, mer Hall; also a block of stores, built on Lime Rock street, by O. H. Perry. A series of temperance meetings in the autumn of this year, was commenced with a view of preparing the public mind for the prompt and vigorous execution of the liquor law, now permanently established by a vote of the people of the State. These were largely attended and addressed by most of the leading men of the city ; continuing with much - spirit through the winter, and into 1859, when the Lime Rock Div. Sons of Temperance, which had suspended its meetings in 1856, was again revived, and has since continued its efforts in the good cause with renovated vigor. The death of Oliver Fales, a quiet, honest and honored citizen, long regarded as one of the fathers of the business and society of the place, respected by all, beloved by many, through a long life of eighty years, took place on the 10th of December. " To do good, to be and not to seem, was the re ligion of his heart as of his daily life."* A Roman Catholic Church which had been in process of building since autumn, was this year completed on Park street; being a handsome edifice, with tower and spire, and costing about $5000. It was named St. David's church, and dedicated Aug. 1st, by Rev. Andrew Barron, who was, the preceding summer, appointed to the office of priest, the first in the vicinity, and who was at this time doing a good work among the people of his charge. These still remain under his care. Not far from the same time also, a new diocese was formed and the Bishop of Portland appointed, — his jurisdiction extending to those of the Catholic faith in this vicinity, who were formerly under that of the Bishop of Bos ton. The city having at the preceding session of the Legislature been made a half shire town of Lincoln county, Phoenix Hall was prepared by the city government as a Court room; and was first occupied by the Supreme Judicial Court, which opened its session, Jan. 25, 1859. The excellent Rockland Band had, this year, a stand erected in a vacant lot opposite the head of Sea street, and held a series of out-door concerts, weekly, on fine evenings through the summer. National Independence was celebrated July 5th in this city; the principal features being the fantas ies from Ward 7 ; oration by Rev. I. S. Kalloch ; reading of the Declaration by L. G. Howes, Esq., now established here Obituary notice in Rockland Gazette. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 33 as a lawyer ; a procession of military, firemen, civic authori ties, &c, to Lindsey grove; after which the two Fire com panies with their invited guests dined, the one at the Com mercial House, and the other in a tent near the Rockland Exchange at the North End. A silver trumpet was presented earlier in the day to the Dirigo Engine Company, in behalf of citizens, by T. K. Osgood; who was fittingly responded to by foreman E. Walker. 1859. In January, the Maine Spectatob, a weekly literary paper for youth and the home circle, was commenced, and conducted in such a manner, through the taste and talent of its accomplished editor, Z. Pope Vose, that it gave promise of much usefulness to the community ; but it was discontinu ed at the end of six months. The Young Ladies' Aid Society, for the benefit of the des titute, held an entertaining levee of tableaux and other en tertainments, Feb. 21st, the receipts of which amounted to seventy-five dollars. The first annual public meeting of the Rockland Bible So ciety, which was formed by a union of all the protestant churches of the city, was held Feb. 27th, and, having pur chased bibles and testaments to the amount of $200, meas ures were taken to supply, by sale or gift, every family desti tute of a bible. On the breaking out of the rebellion and. the mustering of a regiment of volunteers in this place, this society presented, by the hands of Rev. Jos. Kalloch, a neat copy of the Testament and Psalms to each of the soldiers. Among the various temperance associations of the city, the Rockland Band of Hope was organized, which, at its third meeting, June 11th, numbered 580 youths of both sexes. These, on the 4th of July, held a grand pic-nic celebration, when, after the usual ushering in of the morning and the public presentation of a silver trumpet to the Defiance En gine company by Rev. Jos. Kalloch, the children, numbering about 700, after appropriate exercises in the Methodist church, marched in four divisions, with banners and appropriate mot toes, escorted by the Juvenile Fire King Engine Company, through the principal streets to Lindsey grove, where tables 450 feet in length, enclosing a circular area, were bountifully spread and enjoyed by the happy company. The ladies of the Episcopal church, also, on the same day held a successful strawberry festival in the same grove. A new brick block, with an iron front to the first story and a French roof, was this year erected by Samuel Pillsbury, at the corner of Main and School streets; containing three large 34 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, stores below, offices on the second story, a large hall on the third, and seyeral rooms on the fourth. But from the com mercial embarrassments of the country and the falling off of business here, the value of real and personal estate owned in the city had suffered a decline since 1857; when, by the assessors' cash valuation, it exceeded $3,000,000. The lime this year manufactured, amounted to about 815,000 casks. By fires, May 26th and June 1st, the houses of David Kidd and William Flagg were nearly destroyed ; both on North Main street; and, August 17th, the house owned and occupied by John Knights and widow Seavey, was nearly con sumed, and the barn, with its contents, wholly so, — the flames also communicating to and damaging the house of J. S. Kenniston. On the 21st of July, James Toner and James Latta, employed in Thurston's iron foundry, at the North End, lost their lives by the upsetting of a sloop-rigged sail- boat, laden with 500 lbs. pig iron and two or three bags of sand, which, being struck with a squall, two miles from Cam den harbor, immediately filled and went down. Sunday morning, December 18th, the vestry of the Congregational church was damaged by fire to the amount of $500 ; followed, two days later, by a more destructive and fatal occurrence. A fire, on the evening of the 20th, broke out in the Commer cial House, on the second floor, which, after an ineffectual attempt to subdue, without alarming the inmates, spread so rapidly between ceiling and floors through the building, that though the engines speedily arrived and were well served, they failed to extinguish the flames till the main building was wholly destroyed, with most of its furni- ure and the wearing apparel and other effects of its boarders. By the great exertions of both the engine companies, together with the damp snow and rain that was falling at the time and covered the adjoining wooden build ings, the flames were arrested without spreading further; — the Beals Hall even, though connected with the hotel, being saved. This hotel was owned by Horace Beals of New York, and kept by S. G. Dennis, both of whom were losers ; $5000 only being insured on the house, and $3800 on its contents. But the most mournful part of this catastrophe was the Occi dent which befel three brave and active young men #f this place, members of Dirigo Engine Company. James F. Sears, Edward Love, and James B. Ulmer, had erected a laddei against the building and carried up their hose to the eaves to pour a stream of water on the burning roof. While the first held the pipe at the eaves and the others were below him on ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 35 the ladder almost in the midst of the flames, the heavy chim ney was observed to totter, a shriek of alarm rose from the crowd, the victims looked up, and in a moment the whole up per mass breaking off just below the roof, fell upon them, broke the ladder, and precipitated all to the ground. They ¦were immediately extricated from the ruins in a crushed and mangled condition; Sears, in a state of unconsciousness, died in the course of an hour ; and Love was so badly injured that his life was for a time despaired of, though he finally re covered, and was able to be out in March, when $250 were voted him by the city council. Ulmer, whose external in juries were greater than those of either, recovered sooner, went to sea, and, strange to say, met his death by a fall from aloft a year later. Much sympathy was felt for the sufferers, and the death of young Sears greatly lamented, particularly by the Fire companies, who, on the following Sabbath, Jan. 1, 1860, crowded the 1st Baptist church to listen to the funeral discourse pronounced by Rev. Jos. Kalloch, from the text, " for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us." Among other valued matters destroyed in this fire, was a highly prized relic of the Knox mansion, in the form of a large American eagle beautifully carved in wood, originally surmounting the General's arched gateway at the approach to the mansion through the lane, now Knox street, and which, after the transfer of the property and the changes incident to its passing into the hands of strangers, was brought to this city and placed above a dormer window on the roof of the Commercial House. So perish alike the gains of industry and the adornments of renown! On the 1st August there was a slight shock of an earth quake felt in this city about 9 o'clock, P. M. On the even ing of August 14th a lunar rainbow was observed by many in the place ; and, on the 1st and 2d of September, the most brilliant exhibitions ever witnessed here of the aurora borea- lis, with varied colors and ever changing coruscations. The project, in 1858, of forming a new county with Cam den for its shire town, not having succeeded, a movement was this year made for the same purpose, but with this city for the seat of justice. This was deemed of so much import ance to the public at large, and to this city in particular, that, in compliance with a unanimous recommendation of a citizens' meeting, called for the purpose, Dec. 12th, the city council appropriated $500 to further it. The measure was prosecut ed with zeal ; was adopted by the Legislature ; and the new 36 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, County of Knox commenced its judicial corporate existence ; its several officers being appointed by the Governor, March 21, 1860, and its first court held here on the 8th of May. Thus this place, with the rest of old Thomaston, after peace ably abiding in the county of Lincoln just 100 years, found itself embarked on s new bottom and sailing under the new and justly honored name of Knox. 1860. On the 10th February, a small house on Gay street, owned by T. Lane and occupied by Henry Corson, was destroyed by fire. A woman named Mary Curtis, em ployed as a cook in the Thorndike Hotel, was found on Monday morning, February 20th, in the rear of Eli Sprague's blacksmith shop, at the foot of Winter street, frozen to death while in a state of intoxication. On the morning of June 1st, a double one-and-a-half story house on Masonic street, owned and occupied by S. M'Cann and a Mrs. Crawford, was con sumed by fire, supposed to be set by an incendiary. Another fire on the same street and from the same cause, took place two days after, at nearly the same hour, 2 A. M. by which a two story house, with new porch and stable, belonging to Walter J. Wood, was totally consumed, with the furniture, besides joiner's tools worth nearly $500. Insurance on buildings, $1200. These, and other less successful attempts at arson, induced the mayor to offer $100 for the detection of any perpetrator of that crime in the city. On Sunday, September 9th, a fire broke out in the range of large sheds connected with the five patent kilns known as the Haskell privilege, destroying sheds, lime, wood, and casks, and inju ring kilns to the amount of $10,000 or $12,000. The prin cipal losers were Messrs. F. Cobb, Wm. McLoon, Wm. 0. Fuller, and the firm of Spalding & Haskell, all uninsured. A similar fire took place at the North End, Jan. 26, 1862, in the lime sheds of Messrs. Bird, Fales, Crockett, and Dean, occasioned by contact of water with lime in a storm, by which $3000 worth of property was lost. Other losses by fire have taken place in the last two years, especially in 1862, when incendiarism prevailed to some extent ; and Rockland, on the whole, has usually been largely a sufferer from* fire. From her Chief Engineer's reports, which are before me with ex ception of those of 1859 and 1860, it appears that the losses from this cause, for the year ending March, 1856, were $24,463, insurance, $8,778; ditto, 1857, $3,389, insurance, $2,219; 1858, $5,700, insurance not given ; 1861 $12 075, insurance, $1,865; 1862, $5,230, insurance, $l'o40-'and 1863, $17,940, insurance $8,500. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 37 On Sept. 8th, as Amos Thompson and his wife, the wife of Dr. Zenas Colby, the wife of Chas. Hopkins, and Miss Mary Jameson, all of this city, were returning by water from a camp-meeting in Northport, the boat, when off Camden har bor, was capsized; and three of the party, Mrs Colby, Mrs. Hopkins, and Miss Jameson, were drowned. Mrs. Thompson was much bruised and exhausted, but was rescued with her husband, and the body of Mrs. Colby recovered, by the crew of a schooner under way in the harbor. The bodies of Mrs. Hopkins and Miss Jameson were recovered, the former Oct. 1st, and the latter about a week after, washed ashore on one of the Muscle Ridge Islands. In February a new periodical was started by Z. Pope Vose, editor and proprietor, denominated the Youth's Temper ance Visitok, a monthly quarto, devoted to the temperance culture of the young, everywhere. It was published in this city at the office of the Gazette, of which also Mr. Vose was now the editor, and proved a valuable auxiliary to the cause it advocated. In consequence of the disturbed state of the times, it was discontinued in July, 1861, but is again revived and flourishing. A new temperance association was organ ized on the 3d Dec, 1860, under the name of the Rockland Temperance League, which embracing, as it did, a large pro portion of the active, leading, and respectable citizens, bade fair to free the city from the intemperance which had again insinuated itself into the community by means of the ale and beer traffic. But from the supervening war and its excite ments, these efforts were probably relaxed ; and it seemed to be a' generally acknowledged fact that intemperance had again come in like a flood upon our people, insomuch that the City Marshal of Rockland was obliged to say in his re port of March 1, 1863, that "there has never been a time when rum held such complete sway as at present." This state of things, however, has been greatly modified in 1864 by a rigid and faithful execution of the law on the part of the grand jury and prosecuting officer of the county. ¦Notwithstanding the increased attention paid to education for some years past, the city has not yet succeeded in bring ing its schools under any entire, complete, and permanent sys tem, adequate to the wants and ability of the population. In the thickly settled ' portion of the city the grade system, working its way through many difficulties, has at length been satisfactorily adopted ; and one high school, six grammar schools, two intermediate, and nine primary schools have been provided. In the suburban portion of the city, consist- Vol. II. 4 gg HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ing of six school districts, the old system has been continued. The war has drawn heavily upon the corps of High School teachers employed here since 1859 ; — of whom, Ellis Spear is now Lieut. Colonel, Nath'l A. Robbins, lieutenant, T. K. Osgood, paymaster, E. T. Chapman, paymaster in the navy, and A. J. Pickard, lieutenant of cavalry; all of whom have found more lucrative employment, some of them wounds, one a prison, and one a grave, in the public service. In the troubles that have succeeded 1860, but little change has taken place in the condition of the schools, though the city rose in the scale of liberality towards them, from the 89th town or city in the State in I860, to the 23d in 1861. ' Some increase of business was this year manifested ; es pecially in the manufacture of lime, which amounted to 899,460 casks. There were, at this time, 35 patent kilns in operation ; and about one-fourth of the above amount was manufactured in those of F. Cobb & Co. But, as the cen sus of 1860 gives a very meagre and manifestly imperfect return of this manufacture, we substitute an account of it in the year 1863, when partially recovering from the great de pression occasioned by the rebellion and the loss of the Southern market. In that year, the principal manufacturers were F. Cobb, who burnt 46,777 casks; Cobb, Wight & Case, 25,238 ; Cobb & Colson, 900; Jona. White, 27,197; J. Bird & Co., 25,062 ; C. W. Snow, 24,779 ; W. A. Farns- worth, 24,181 ; John J. Perry, 23,486 ; J. H. Wheeler & Co., 22,588; A. J. Bird,19,792; Albert F. Ames, 21,260; D. C. Haskell & Co., 19,115; William Wilson & Co., 29,386; C. R. Whitney, 19,095; Calvin Hall, 18,226; Joseph Spear, 16,001 ; G. L. Snow, 13,807; S. Gould, 11,038 ; Cornelius Henrahan, 23,518 ; Thos. Lothrop, 10,877; Sumner Whit ney, 18,007 ; J. W. Hunt, 11,159; R. P. Thomas, 8,909; Thos. Walsh & Co., 7,531; John Hall, 6,015; B. Clark, 9,352; Bowler & Abbott, 6,768; J. S. Wheeler, 9,084; Jona. Spear & Co., 3,388 ; R. Sherer, 2000 ; Henry Howard, 7,263 ; and O. Sherer, 347 ; making a total of 527,193 casks. The 8th animal Cattle-show and Fair of the .Lincoln Co. Agricultural and Horticultural Society was held here on the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th days of October. The live stock was exhibited on the grounds prepared for the purpose on Lime Rock street, and the other articles in the hall and adjoining rooms of the Pillsbury block. Few animals were brought on, till the second day; when a ploughing-match and procession took place, the streets were crowded with people, the receipts of the societv were lare-e. and thp Fair !iltn^ti,„. e..i ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 30/ The two last days, however, proved rainy, and in consequence, the address by T. K. Osgood, and the equestrian exercises were deferred. The ox-teams of this city have usually been the most distinguished of any in these Fairs. In agriculture, the census enumerates in Rockland, 47 farms, cash value $200,000; value of farming implements, &c, $4,730; live stock, $17,757; animals slaughtered, $3,323; products of market garden, $1,733; orchard, $295; hay, 1,034 tons; butter, 19,075 lbs.; cheese, 1,700 lbs.; wool, 220 lbs.; and wine, 40 gallons ; besides what will appear in the valuation, Table II. It appears by the returns furnished the Maine Board of Agriculture, 1863, that Rockland exceeds every town of the county, in the number of its horses, viz. : 393, and in beets raised, viz. : 1582 bushels. The year 1860 is chiefly memorable for the animated and exciting efforts of the different political parties, the imposing mass meetings-, the picturesque array and torch-light proces sions of the Wide Awakes, and the eloquent harangues and addresses, ending in the triumphant election of Mr. Lincoln and the Republican candidates ; in all which the people and parties of this city more or less largely participated. At ten o'clock on the evening of July 20th, the splendid meteor, seen all over the country as far south as Philadelphia, was observed in this city. It appeared here about a fourth of the size of a full moon in the N. W. quarter of the Heavens, passed horizontally round toward the E. at the height of about 20° or 25° with a uniform motion apparently slower than that of a rocket, and when in the S. W. divided into two equal portions, which passed on in the same direction near each other, and, emitting sparks the whole distance, disappeared in the S. E.* This, and a small comet in June, followed by another, more splendid, which appeared about the 4th of July in the succeeding year, while they added to the fears of the timid and superstitious, who regarded them only as omens of approaching trouble, were viewed with delight by the admir ing students of nature, and imparted to the Christian fresh confidence that the same unerring hand which guides these apparently lawless wanderers of the sky on their destined er rands, will, and does, equally guide cities, States, and em pires to the accomplishment of His wise and beneficent pur poses. * Rockland papers of the day. "40 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, CHAPTER II. MILITARY EVENTS AND ROCKLAND VOLUNTEERS. The original intention of the compiler was to terminate this history with the year 1860; but the events, civil, mili tary, and naval, since transpiring, have been of so interesting and thrilling a character and so largely participated in by the citizens of Rockland, that some account of those who so promptly volunteered their services and so heroically shed their blood in defence of law, liberty, and the Union, seems absolutely indispensable. The first note of preparation for the approaching conflict was sounded here on the 8th of Jan. 1861, when, by order of the Governor, a salute of 33 guns was given by Maj.. Gen. Titcomb, in honor both of tbe battle of New Orleans and the occupation of Fort Sumter by the faithful Major An derson ; and when, April 17th, news arrived of the attack and capture of that fortress and the nation's flag desecrated by the infatuated rebels of Charleston, S. C, one burst of in dignation arose from the whole population of the city. The national flag was soon floating from the rooms of the city government, was saluted by the " Star Spangled Banner" and other patriotic airs by the Rockland Band, and cheered by a crowd of assembled citizens. Deputy Collector Osgood dis played the stars and stripes from the Custom House, and, with a few solitary exceptions, one sentiment of fidelity to the Union pervaded the city. On the evening of the same day a citizens' meeting irrespective of party and of which the editors of both the Gazette and Democrat acted as secretaries, was held at Atlantic Hall, when eloquent speeches were made, and a series of patriotic and government-sustaining resolutions adopted. A few days later, no less than 20 large and beautiful flags were raised in different parts of the city; numerous gatherings were held, and national salutes fired. On Tuesday, the 23d, another large citizens' meeting was held at the Court Room, at which the City Council was in structed to appropriate $10,000 for the support of the fam ilies of such as shall volunteer to serve in defence of the Government and Union; strong resolutions were passed; Stephen H. Chapman came forward as the fir?t volunteer soldier, as such receiving the $20 premium offered by Capt. C- F. Hodgdon; and foreman Elijah Walker tendered 25 of his Dirigo Engine Company, as now ready to enlist against ROCKLA.ND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 4] treason as they had done against fire. Soon after, Mrs. R. S. Mayhew, a valued teacher in the graded district, together with Miss Orissa A. Packard and Miss Jennie Grafton, ten dered their services to the State to attend the Maine volun teers as nurses ; and in less than a week three companies of volunteers, numbering many of the best young men as well as older and respected citizens, were filled and organized; — under Captains E. Walker, O. J. Conant, and L. D. Carver. These, on Sunday, April 28th, attended divine services con ducted by Rev. J. Mariner, in the open air at the foot of Lime Rock street. By the end of the first week in May, a fourth company was raised by Col. Geo. J. Burns, of which he was elected captain; and by May 16th, all these, followed by the other companies composing the 4th Maine Regiment, went into camp on Tilson's Hill. This was denominated Camp Knox, a name which they carried with them to the banks of the Potomac. The tents for this and the other Maine regiments were furnished on contract by Gen. Wm. S. Cochran, who employed in this city between 100 and 200 persons, and, as the reputation of his tents extended and further contracts were obtained, increased the number to nearly 500, mostly women and girls, continuing the business far into the winter, and using, a portion of the time, 8000 yards of duck, and turning out 100 tents per day. The $10,000 recommended, were appropriated by the city council to relieve the families of such volunteers as should give for the same purpose one half their bounty and $6 per month of their wages. To aid the city in this and other ex penditures, Defiance Engine Company, as well as Dirigo En gine Company, now decimated by enlistments, relinquished all compensation for their services during the year; Cornelius Henrahan and a number of other citizens offered to labor gratuitously with their teams in repairing Pleasant, Park and- Lime Rock streets ; while the ladies assembled daily for six weeks, in numbers varying at times from 25 to 150, at Pills- bury hall, making up about 800 shirts, 400 havelocks, and nearly 2000 towels, for the regiment ; 52 bed-sacks and pillow ticks with 75 yards of new cloth and large quantities of old into bandages for the hospital ; together with a hold-all, and two handkerchiefs for each soldier of the Rockland compan ies, exclusively. These articles were, June 14th, publicly presented at Camp Knox, by J. Farwell, in behalf of the fair donors, a large number of whom were present ; and his ap propriate remarks were happily responded to by Capt. Carver of company D. On the 15th, the regiment in dress parade 4* 42 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, was mustered in, reviewed, and addressed by Gov. Wash burn, who pronounced it the best looking body of men Maine had Vet sent to the service. On Sunday, the 16th, religious services, which had heretofore been conducted by most of the city clergy in rotation, were performed by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of the Methodist church, after which, a presentation of swords, procured by subscription among the citizens, was made, with a stirring address by Mr. Osgood, to the com missioned officers of the four Rockland companies, responded to in an earnest and fitting manner by Capt. Walker of com pany B. And, on the 17th, the reveille sounded at four o'clock ; at five the soldiers ate their last breakfast in the camp here ; received a day's rations ; struck and packed their tents ; and at nine, with a large white banner bearing the inscription " From the Home oe Knox," took up their line of march down Middle street, and through Main street to Atlantic wharf, where the steamer Daniel Webster was waiting to re ceive them. At Main street they were joined by the Rock land band in full uniform, who volunteered to accompany them on to Washington ; and, opposite the Kimball block, a halt was made, and a second banner bearing the motto and arms of the State, was presented the Colonel by Maj. Gen. Titcomb. The camp grounds, the streets, windows and ave nues along the whole line of march, and especially the wharf, buildings, and shipping near the place of embarcation, were densely thronged with weeping friends, relatives, and inter ested spectators. Under a salute from the ship Alice Thorn dike, the troops were all embarked, when an address was made by Maj. Gen. Titcomb to the assembled crowds, who gave " three times three hearty cheers to the Fourth Regi ment, Which were returned by the soldiers, — and the boat moved away, the band playing, handkerchiefs waving, hearts throbbing, and tears falling, as she bore our brave volun teers away to the soldier's work." The field officers of this regiment, which has ever been dis tinguished for its cleanliness and health, correct discipline, and bravery, were, at the time of leaving, as follows : Hiram G. Berry of this city, colonel ; Thomas F. Marshall of Bel fast, lieutenant colonel ; F. S. Nickerson of Searsport, ma jor ; J. B. Greenhalgh of this city, adjutant ; Stephen H. Chapman, ditto, sergeant major ; Wm. A. Banks, ditto, act ing surgeon ; Elisha Hopkins, soon supplanted by S. C. Hunkins of Windham, assistant surgeon ; Isaac C. Abbott of this city, quartermaster ; J. H. Crowell of Winterport, quar termaster sergeant ; Julius A. Clark, commissary sergeant ; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 43 Charles S. McCobb, hospital steward ; and B. A. Chase of Unity, chaplain. Besides the officers already mentioned, the following citizens of this plac; were enrolled as officers or privates : — In the Regimental band, John F. Singhi, leader, discharg ed in 1862; John R. Burpee, discharged Sept. 5, 1862; Henry G. Tibbetts, afterwards wagoner of company B, then its prin cipal musician ; John Brennan, transferred as musician to company D, left the service, Sept. 15, 1862; Sullivan K. Whiting, discharged in 1862. In company A, Benjamin F. Philbrick, wounded in May, 1864; Wm. Thompson, died Sept. 16, 1862; and William Crosby, captured at Gettysburg. In company B, Elijah Walker, captain, promoted to colonel; Orren P. Mitchell, lieutenant, promoted to captain, discharg ed July 31, 1862 ; Julius P. Litchfield, lieutenant, promoted to captain, captured at Gettysburg; Arthur Libby, sergeant, promoted to captain of company A, wounded slightly in May, 1864 ; Harrison U. Cowing, sergeant, killed at Malvern Hill; Wm. E. Crockett, sergeant, returned to the ranks, left the service August 20, 1861 ; Heman H. Burpee, promoted to sergeant, captured August 29, 1862, discharged for disability Dec. 19, 1862 ; Eben. Harding, corporal, promoted to lieu tenant, dismissed from service May 4, 1863 ; John Butler, cor poral, promoted to sergeant, discharged for disability Nov. 15, 1862; Madison Stevens, corporal, killed in battle Sept. 1, 1862; Havilah Pease, corporal, promoted to lieutenant ; Otis G. Spear, corporal ; Henry T. Mitchell, corporal, captured July 2, died at Richmond, Dec. 16, 1863 ; Henry O. Ripley, corporal, promoted to lieutenant, wounded May 10, 1864, and died June 7th, at Washington ; Cha's F. Sawyer, corporal, promoted to sergeant major, and, in 1863, to adjutant ; Robert Anderson, Jr., transferred to invalid corps; Chas. Baker; Wm. A. Barker, promoted to lieutenant of company G, and captain of company H, wounded May, 1864 ; Edwin R. Blackington, discharged for disability ; Morton A. Blacking- ton, sent to general hospital, October 15, 1863; George A. Bramhall, discharged for disability, December 7, 1862; Ed win E. Brown, wounded September 1, and discharged for disability, December 30th, 1862; Robert Christy, wounded in left side, promoted to corporal, transferred to invalid corps ; James W. Clark ; Edmund S. Cowing, wounded August 29, 1862, transferred to invalid corps ; Herbert J. Dow, wounded August 29, 1862, on duty Nov. 1863 ; George H. Dunbar, wounded September 1, 1862; Theodore H. Farnsworth, dis- 44 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, charged for disability, March, 1862 ; Wm J. Flanigan died of disease, October 1, 1863 ; Bryan W. Fletcher, killed July 21 1861- George Foreman, left sick at Cumberland Land ing ; John W. Haskell, discharged for disability, December 2, 1861 ; Artemus Heald, left the service, September 12, 1862; Rufus C. Ingraham, discharged for disability ; John L. Kal loch; Edgar L. Mowry, promoted to sergeant ; Wm. A. Phil- brick, died of fever Dec. 16, 1861 ; Thaddeus S. Pillsbury, promoted to sergeant, wounded May, 1864; Harrison A. Pitcher, left the service July 27, 1861 ; Franklin W. Potter, discharged for disability, November 17, 1862; Royall Pres- cott, discharged for disability, July 1, 1862 ; Hanson B. Sim mons, wounded July 2, 1863 ; Josiah C. Spear, wounded May, 1 864 ; Thomas B. Spear, discharged for disability, Oc tober, 1862i Elery G. Stevens, wounded in battle September 1, 1862, transferred to invalid corps; George F. Stetson, wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; George F.Taylor, wounded July 2, 1«63, and severely, May, 1864; Geo. H. Tighe ; John W. Titos ; Samuel S. Totman ; Asahel Towne, killed by a cannon bhll, July 21, 1861 ; Alonzo N. Ulmer, wounded July 2, 1863^. Wyman W. Ulmer, promoted to cor poral; George E. Wall; wounded September 1, 1862, pro moted to sergeant, wcJunded May, 1864; Aruna Willis, wounded May, 1864; Charles F. Wood, wounded in battle, July 1, 1862, promoted to corporal, discharged for disability September 11, 1862; and Alden F. Wooster, reported miss ing, after the battles n)f May, 1864. In company C, 0'iiver J. Conant, captain, resigned from ill health August, 1801 ; Charles B. Greenhalgh, lieutenant, pro moted to captain, resigned April 28, 1862; George T. Crab- tree, sergean>, promoted to lieutenant, wounded Sept. 1, 1862, promoted '< n ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table I. {Continued.) 73 LAID OUT. ACCEPTED. From Philip Ulmer's mill, alteration in, conditionally, AprilJlO, 1843. by Universalis! church, accepted by County Commissioners, Oct. 21, 1842. " the highway to Geo. Emery'sl discontinued, April 15, 1844. " E. S. Hovey's, westerly, to M. E. Thurlo's, " " " outlet of Tolman's pond to road near Calvin Tolman's, " " August 6, 1844, at Shore village to Crockett's Pt., alteration and straitening, " 14, 1845. " " " George Spears' to Pleasant St., Shore village, " " April 7, 1845, " Achorn's wh'f privilege to Cam den and Eph. Perry's road, " " " " " near E. S. Smith's to steam mill and road to Ingraham's Pt, " " March 24, 1845, " M'Kellar's store. to Geo. Thorn dike's house, " " " " " the post office in South Thomas ton, southerly,: 30 rods, by County Commissioners, August 25, " May 2, 1846, " Eph. Dean's to South Parish church, Westkeag, July 2, 1846. Feb, 26, 1847, " R. Sherer's barn to Tolman's line, alteration, March 8, 1847. " " " Camden line, by the Jameson's, to new county road, " •• March 1, 1847, " Col. H. Healey's to Main St., W. Thomaston, " " Feb. 26, •' " Leprelet Smith's house to steam boat pier, " " "- " " J. Crockett's house to Cole & Lovejoy's wharf and kiln priv ilege, " " March 1, 1848, " Mill river bridge to Morse & Fer- rend's. wharf, and to Knox St., " " Dec. 4, " " E. S. Smith's, E., to land of D. • Haskell, Spear and others, " « Feb. 29, " « the main road in Shore village, ¦ easterly, to E. Andrews, " " Feb. 16, " " C. McLoon's, northerly, to Israel Dean's, " " March 6, " " the David Gay road to Blacking- ton's Corner, ¦« " " " " Jas. Henderson's S. Westerly to land of Polly Hyler, Mar. 18J 1850. On petition of Sauford Williams, &c, as per plan No. 1, Mar. 22, 1852. On petition of J. O. Sprague, and others, as per plan No. 2, " " Vol. II. 7 74 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table I. {Continued.) LAID OUT. ACCEPTED. On petition of Abel Hildreth, and others, as per plan No. 3, " " On petition of Geo. W. Robin son, and others, Mar. 21, 1853. All the roads in town as re- surveyed by E. Rose, Mar. 20, 1853. From Main street by L. B. Gilchrist's, to school street, Mar. 19, 1855. " Land of Sam'l Watts, N. into road from Knox to Green St., " " Built by J. Barnard, called North street, Mar. 24, 1856. " Main street to Chapman & Flint's yard, " " " Knox street to Fish street, " " " Mill River to Rockland, voted to be built, Aug. 26, 1857. On petition of John Morse and others, and discontinuing the old, Mar. 22, 1858. On petition of Ranlett, Jordan & Co., " " BT EAST THOMASTON OB ROCKLAND. Sept. 1, 1848, From Main St. near I. Ames's, N. W. to D. F. Conant's; by County Commissioners, Nov. 29, 1848. Mar. 14, 1849, " Main St. near W. Blaisdell's to A. Achorn's on ship-yard road, Mar. 26, 1849. " *' " Near W. Perry's to Gay's and Blackington's corner road, " " April 7, 1849, " East terminus of Starret ship yard road to Ingraham's wharf road, April 16, 1849. March, 1849, *' Shore road at Waterman's store to the Gay & Bl. Corner road, " " " West side Main St. near G. W. Pillsbury's, N. W., 35 rods, " • " " Shore road, westerly by J. W. Sayward and A. Rankirt, •> " April 10, 1849, Shore road on Main St. as re- surveyed ; " " Dec. 5, 1849, " Yellow school-house, Lime Rock St., N. E. to near Crocker's, by County Commissioners, Nov. 15, 1849. Mar. 15, 1850, " Pleasant Street near Hix's, to Holmes farm near G. Spear's, April 1, 1850. " " " Holmes farm near J. Wheeler's to A. Simonton, Jr.'s, «• " Mar. 17, 1851, " South side Meth. church to re served road of Ulmer heirs, April 7, 1851. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table I. {Continued.) 75 LAID OUT. ACCEPTED. March, 1852, From N. W. corner Jona. Spear's land to Marsh's Mt. road, April 19, 1852. April 8, 1852, " Cam. road near S. McLaughlin's S. E. to Jameson's Pt. road, " " " " " Joseph Furbish's N. E. to Eph. Perry's, «< » March 25, 1853, " J. Furbish's, easterly, to J. Greg ory's store, « 25, 1853. " " " near Nat. Nichols's house to C. Starrett's ship-yard, " " March 28, " " near S. Starrett's to South Cove on Ingraham's Pt., " " March 29, " " Warren St., near J. Knight's, to Cedar St., " " " " " Warren st., across Cedar St., to Blackington's corner road, " " March 30, " " Warren St., near G. Smith's, to " " Cedar st., " " April 5, " " near L. Pendleton's to town way near C. Crockett's, " " April 8, " " Sherer & Ing. mill to Warren line, " " April 9, " straightened from Simonton's Corner to Mrs. S. J. Pierce's, " *• Aug. 25, " " W. end of st. by I. K. Kim ball's to near G. D. Martin's, Sept. 3, " Aug. 26, " " Pleasant St., near B. Sweetzer's, southerly, to Holmes' farm, " " " " *' the Deep Gully, Pleasant street, easterly to Union street, " " " " " E. S. Smith's, Main st., easterly to H. Ingraham road, straight ened, " " Mar. 17, 1854, " a street leading N. from Lime Rock st. N. W.'ly to Lindsey Brook, Mar. 27, 1854. Mar. 18, 1854, " the Marine Railway road to the South Thomaston road, " " " " " the Simonton Corner and Ingra ham Pt. road, to a street laid out by heirs of Sally Partridge, " " April 6, 1854, " W. end of Granite street N. W. to new town road, April 15, 1854. May 1, 1854, " Ocean street southerly to Ingra ham Point road. Referred to city government, May 20, 1854, " Pleasant street to Park st. near Episcopal church, do. May 22, 1854, Private way from barn, formerly J. Ulmer's, to quarry of the J. W. Blackington heirs, do. TABLE II. VALUATION OF THOMASTON, ROCKLAND, AND SOUTH THOMASTON. -3 CD BEFORE DIVISION. AFTER DIVISION. Articles. 1780. 1784. 1790. 1800. 1810. ¦ 1820. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1860. Thomaaton Rockland. S. Thom,\st. Thomaston Rockiand. S.Thomast. Polls,_ 80 80 203 311 457 417 616 1157 466 982 250 656 1697 314 Dwellinghouses, 35 58 85 155 215 242 423 684 300 716 167 444 1162 260 Barns, 35 45 40 115 185 228 292 408 176 273 135 276 766 190 Stores, Shops, &c, 10 24 22 47 119 15 53 281 20 Saw and Grist Mills, 2 3 8 7 9 5 4 2 Acres Tillage Land. 150 70 230 291 418 415 482 548 ' " English Mowing, 150 210 1107 1804 1769 2720 3622 " Fresh Meadow, 1 150 200 83 190 214 251 373 218 " Salt Meadow, " Pasturing, 129 99 166 808 176 1047 74 1948 70 1924 104 4299 147 4671 ¦ 5223 6535 9025 4844 5873 9837 " Wood & unimp'd, 20000 21696 21283 15685 12918 1653 1036 1450 " Unimprovable, 2670 874 2390 605 1209 422 1188 Tons of Hay, 1346 1978 1922 2618 3714 1077 1034 . 934 Bushels of Rye, 142 365 50 42 72 Wheat, 105 1191 1692 998 39 56 156 " Oats, 88 266 79 495 ¦ 247 " Indian Corn, 2348 2014 1701 965 320 830 420 " Barley, 208 504 692 883 960 495 " Peas and Beans, 164 68 116 40 86 191 201 830 " Potatoes, 25850 36219 2725 3986 960 Horses 3 yrs. & upwards, Oxen 4 do. do. 36 19 31 114 193 122 261 61 185 379 102 88 68 189 311 304 140 269 104 53 118 72 HO s O*l HM o >COHO a Steers and Cows, 150 191 398 509 699 235 350 313 318 387 291 Sheep, 304 101 140 562 60 51 450 Swine 6 months old, 81 53 151 273 349 39 104 54 116 110 73. Stock in trade, £80 £343 $4775 11694 17450 149312 1250 54225 115705 2200 Money, £55 £147 $4335 1265 31750 74738 1250 68300 68196 13200 Bank Stock, 1000 9000 49360 12502 36230 6615 51500 99745 7331 Public Stock, £12 2 1705 5100 1340 34070 21200 575 is o Tons of Vessels, 312 332 1415 24140 Note.— t To Kockland, in 1860, should be added privileges, including wharves, kilns, marries, &c, value, $336,365; valu 21 riages, $5,855 ; of house furniture and musical instruments, $16,920. The number of houses ih Rockland, for 1850, is from valuation CO of 1851, the former being destroyed by fire ; the crops raised in 1860, from the census. o H Wwo> 00HO3 TABLE III. , POPULATION OF THE TOWN OF THOMASTON FROM THE CENSUS RETURNS FOR THE YEARS 00 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1860. Engaged in 1820. 1840. 1860. White Males, White Females, Colored Persons, 416 379 4 737 660 5 1101 998 1 1343 1308 2218 1997 6 3159 3061 7 14191297 7 1453 1626 6 Agriculture,Commerce, Manufactures, Ocean Navigation, Learned profession's, 152 63 129 540 106 866456 44 6968 300201 22 Total, 799 1402 2100 2651 4221 6227 2723 3085 In 1840, Thomaston had 13 military pensioners, 5 deaf mutes, 2 blind, 4 insane and idiotic. In 1860, 24 gentlemen, 19 officials, prison guards, &c, 27 teachers, 224 day laborers and domestics, 1 bhnd, 2 deaf mutes, 6 insane and idiotic. town op SOUTH THOMASTON, after division. 1850. 1860. Engaged in 1860. White Males, White Females, 721699 822793 Agriculture,Commerce, Manufactures, stone cutting, mechanism, &c, Ocean Navigation, 67 14 136167 Total, 1420 1615 CO HO 3 o W og >HO3 In 1860, South Thomaston had 3 officials, 2 in learned professions, 7 teachers, 1 artist, 26 in fishery, 67 day laborers and domestics, 2 blind, 2 deaf mutes, and 2 idiotic. city or ROCKLAND, after division. 1850. 1860. Engaged in 1860. White Males, White Females, Colored PersonB, 2621 2420 11 3591 3725 1 Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures and mechanical pursuits, Ocean Navigation, 166 231 815 553 Total, 5052 7317 Besides which, Rockland had in 1860, 32 officials, 37 teachers, 39 in learned professions, 21 in fishery, 370 day laborers and domestics, 4 blind, 4 deaf mutes, 8 insane and idiotic, and 1 in Reform School. ooW >a > COo d H aHaoK> CO H O3 -a to cowoo«c»aoc»«cocoooOTOTCoco-.MNMOCDa)MO)0iif'0:Wl-'O<000->l Years. OiOi&OOOiOOiOiOOOOOlfflffiKi t+3 SS2nS222200000000 Ci OS tO tO O O fcO OOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOO OOOOOOO For Schools. * 1— I 0 £22222ooooooooooc,ooo -a o o o en o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OiOOOOOOOO 00x00000 oa# # Town Charges. Years, n o OiOiOtMOiOiOiOOOCliOiOiOiOl&iOOOOQOOOOiOi^OiOiHOiHOth'OOCiOOO 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 For Schools. V? OS O --* t^-OOOOOOOOOOOiOOiWOOCrrOOOOiOiCftOOl— 'C^OiWOOOO OO O OOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOOOOOOO OO O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Highways. OOQOMtSOOOOtOOiOOiOOOOOWO. 00>OWOMMOO Mf CO HOO *(H w oBi>COHO5j Ol O P ^ s» » S>§ g. h P " OB;™ ro * leg aq • n •T* OS h- 1-" 1— » 1— 1 i — ' J — ¦ ! — ¦ OO (X) no 00 00 00 OtOti^cn CJi Oi rf*. Ol rf* OO to HO© o CO 00 -^ ¦:..-. o o o o o o o o o o o o o =€£ MMOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o "» ot o OJOlOl o oi oi © © © © ©o o o o o o ^^ ,_! 1— ' 1— ' 1— • r— ' 00 OO CO CO 00 00 oo OS as o Oi Ol Ol Oi to t— ' o CO 00 - rf». |fb © rf1- rf»- to to o o o o o o o o o oo o o M i— • M ^ tf»- c c c OWM c © © © © © Ol o o ¦-¦¦ ~ ¦- - o ¦M- 0O OO 00 00 O. CJl O. Oi 00 -4 C7) Ol OO CO OO C Cm 4- HO *a OTo — f =€& td H ^£ t/J M Oi oo to co H *¦ to to Ol © tft. CO CO to -^ w o © © © w * 3 o o © o r- ' 1— 1— » r— ' a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 £ © © © Ol Q Old yi o=1 to H- O CO tf^ CO to HoSI ^ 3 =€£ Ol rf*. CO © © -J o oo o © © Ol © © © © CO rf*. Ol Ol OlOOlO© o o © o © © © CO -^ 00 CO OO OS to "^ Ol © Ol © © o ©o O © CO © o o o © © © © o © bo Co to --i to © © © o © © (— ' 1— • h-» 1— ' I-1 00 00 00 00 GO Oi Ol Oi Oi Oi **•* O Ol rf*- CO Years. ' to to to to 1— to © o o © © o © o © o © © © © For Schools. 4& OJl^HHH o o © © -*J © o© © © o o o o © Highways. to to to to to oi oi © © o< OOOOO o o o o © Town Charges. 00 00 00 CO 00 © © © Oi Oi bOHO COCO Years. to to to to to tO Ol Ol Oi o OOOOO © O O O o For Schools. h- to CO to rf*. 00 Ol to CO o OOOOO OOOOO Highways. rf*. CO © CO CO CO -^ Ol to o tnorf^oo OOOOO Town Charges. > bdt-iw C5 oS3ea, 82 HISTORY OF THOMASXUiN, TABLE V. PRINCIPAL TOWN OFFICERS. Years Town Clerk. Treasurer. Representative. 1777. David Fales, Mason Wheaton, None sent. 1778. James Stackpole, John Mathews, do. 1779. David Fales, Elisha Snow, Mason Wheaton. 1780. do. do. None sent. 1781. do. David Fales, Oliver Robbins. 1782. do. do. Mason Wheaton. 1783. Israel Lovett, Isaiah Tolman, do. 1784. John Dillaway, James Stackpule, John Dillaway. 1785. Dea. Samuel Brown Israel Lovett, Samuel Brown. 1786. do. do. do. 1787. do. David Fales, do. 1788. do. Nathaniel Fales, No choice. 1789. do. do. Samuel Brown. 1790. John Dillaway, Samuel Brown, do. 1791. do. do. do. 1792. do. do. do. 1793. do. do. Josiah Reed. 1794. do: do. None sent. 1795. do. David Fales, Samuel Brown. 1796. do. do. 1797. do. do. Samuel Brown. 1798. David Fales, do. Josiah Reed. 1799. John Dillaway, do. do. 1800. Josiah Reed, Ephraim Snow, Gen. Henry Knox. 1801. do. David Fales, do. 1802. do. James Stackpole, do. 1803. do. Joshua Adams, do. 1804. do. do. Joshua Adams. 1805. Joseph Ingraham, William Tilson, Isaac Bernard. 1806. do. do. I. Bernard, M. Wheaton. 1807. do. do. M. Wheaton, E. G. Dodge. 1808. do. do. M. Wheaton, J. Adams. 1809. do. Martin Marsh, E. G. Dodge, I. Bernard. 1810. do. Josiah Ingraham, do. do. 1811. do. dof do. do. 1812. do. Joseph Ingraham, E. G. Dodge, I. Bemaid, 1813. Charles Spofford. do. do. E. G. Dodge, Sam. Baker. 1814. do. Martin Marsh, J. Gleason, E. Thatcher. 1815. do. do. I. Bernard, John Spear. 1816. Charles Spofford, do. do. do. 1817.1818.1819.1820.1821. do. Elkanah Spear, Isaac Bernard. do.do. do. John Spear, John Spear. I. Bernard, John Ruggles. Joseph Ingraham, do. Isaac Bernard. do. James D. "Wheaton, Martin Marsh. 1822.1823. 1824. 1825. 1826.1827. 1828. Oliver Fales, Joseph Sprague, do. do. do.do.do.do.do. do. John Spear, do.do. do. John Spofford, John Ruggles. do.do. do.do.do. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table V. {Continued.) 83 Years Town Clerk. Treasurer. Representative. 1829. Oliver Fales, John Spofford, John Ruggles, 1830. do. do. do. 1831. do. Charles Holmes, E. Spear, Jona. Cilley. 1832. do. do. 1833. do. do. E. Spear, Jona. Cilley. 1834. do. Hezekiah Prince, Jona. Cilley, E. Spear. 1835. do. do. r. Cilley, N. C. Fletcher. 1836. do. do. 4.. Levensaler, do. 1837. do. do. do. Jos. Hewett. 1838. do. do. do. do. 1839. do. do. L. Wilson, I. K. Kimball. 1840. do. do. Jos. Gilchrist, do. 1841. Walter E. Tolman, Dliver Robbins, do. H. Stevens. 1842. do. do. Beder Fales, Isaac Ames. 1843. do. do. Joseph Berry, do. 1844. Sath'l Meservey, do. J. C. Adams, Jos. Berry. 1845. do. do. A.Levensaler. O.B.Brown. 1846. do. do. W. Thomas, J. W. Dodge. 1847. do. do. J. C. Cochran, A. Coombs. 1848. do* do. do. Thos. O'Brien. i849. George A. Starr, do. Jer. Tolman, J. C.Adams. 1850. do. do. do. Thos. O'Brien. 1851. do. O.Robbins, S.Waldo 1852. do. Shubael Waldo, Oliver Robinson. 1853. do. do. George A. Starr. 1854. do. do. Edward O'Brien. 1855. do. Alex. W. Brown, Atwood Levensaler. 1856. do. do. Samuel H. Allen. 1857. do. Shubael Waldo, Robert Walsh. 1858. do. Edward E. O'Brien. Samuel Watts. 1859. do. do. Moses R. Ludwig. 1860. Elisha Linnell, do. Albert P. Gould. 1861. George A. Starr. do. do. 1862. do. Joshua A. Fuller, Charles E. Ranlett. 1863. Edw. R. Levensaler, Edward E. O'Brien, Thomas O'Brien. 1864. do. do. Edmund Wilson. EAST THOMASTON. 1848. Nath'l Meservey, Charles Holmes, J. C. Cochran, T. O'Brien. 1849. do.' do. Jer. Tolman, J. C. Adams. 1850. do. do. do. Thos. O'Brien. 1S51. do. do. 1852. do. do. Hiram G. Berry. 1853. do. do. Nathaniel A. Burpee. 1854. do. Maynard Sumner, do. EOCKLAND CITY. 1854. Wakefield G. Frye, Charles R. Mallard , Nathaniel A. Burpee. 1855. do. do. John Merrill. 1856. do. E. R. Spear , do. Jeremiah Tolman. 1857. Edward R. Spear, Maynard Sumner, Davis Tilson. 1858. Aldien Sprague, Walter E. Tolman, John T. Berry, resigned, Timothy Williams, el. * After division of town, George A. Starr. 84 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table V. {Continued!) Years Town Clerk. Treasurer. Representative. 1859. 1860. 1861.1862. 1863.1864. 1848.1849.1850.1851. 1852.1853. 1854.1855. 1856.1857. 1858. 1859.1860.1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. Oliver G. Hall, do.do.do.do. do. Leander Weeks, do. do.do. do. do. south thomaston. Timothy Williams. Nathan A. Farwell. A. Stanley,. Francis Cobb. Oliver J. Conant, do. do. N. A. Farwell. N. A. Farwell, Calvin Hall. Arch. McKellar, jr. Ezekiel Hall, J. C. Cochran, T. O'Brien do. do. Jre. Tolman, J. C. Adams do. do. do. Thos. O'Brien. do. Asa Coombs, do. do. Geo. Gilchrist of St. Geo. do. do. Henry Spalding. do. Allen F. Martin, Geo. Gilchrist of St. Geo. do. do. Rich. R. Wall of St. Geo. do. do. William Rowell. Charles G. Snelling, do. Sam'l Trussell .of St. Geo. do. James Newhall, Samuel F. Coombs. James Newhall, do. Matthew Kinney of St. Ge. Richard R. Wall. do. do. do. John Dean, Dav. Vinal of Vinalhaven. do. John H. Dean, Jesse Sleeper. do. John Dean, E. D. Hall, SELECTMEN. W. Thomas of No. Haven. 1777. 1778. 1779.1780. 1781.1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786.1787.1788.1789. 1790. 1791. 1792.1793.1794. 1795.1796. 1797. 1798.1799. 1800. 1801. Col. Mason Wheaton, Lieut. John Mathews, David Fales. David Fales, Mason Wheaton, Samuel Brown. David Fales, Elisha Snow, Jonathan Crocket. Elisha Snow, David Fales, Jonathan Crocket. Samuel Brown, Jeremiah Tolman, Israel Lovett. David Fales, Israel Lovett, Jeremiah Tolman. John Simonton, Samuel Brown, Oliver Robbins, jr. John Dillaway, John Simonton, Jeremiah Tolman. Israel Lovett, Joseph Ingraham, Nathaniel Fales. Nathaniel Fales, Jeremiah Tolman, Ephraim Snow. r i, rvn°- t i. c- do- John S™°nton. John Dillaway, John Simonton, William Spear do. do. do. Ambrose Snow, Israel Lovett, D. Fales, T. Hix, O. Bobbins, jr. Samuel Brown, Mason Wheaton, Jeremiah Tolman. David Fales, Jeremiah Tolman, Mason Wheaton Josiah Reed, William Rowell, John Crockett do. do. do. Jeremiah Tolman, John Crockett, Joseph Ingraham. John Crockett, David Fales, Jr., William Spear Ephraim Snow, do. • Jonathan Spear, Jr. do- do- do. do- d°- do. do. do. COH o3 Calvin Hall, Azariah Stanley, Patr'k Simonton, Calvin Hall, Azariah Stanley, Geo. D. Wooster. Charles Crockett, C. L. Allen, Isaac Ingraham. Charles Crockett, T. Ingraham (2d), C. L. Allen Geo. D. Wooster, Geoi A. Stevens, Hiram Brewster, ICharles Crockett, Samuel Rankin, John Wakefield, John S Case. John S. Case, John Wakefield, Samuel Rankin. A. L. Lovejoy, L. Campbell, Elijah Walker, John Spofford, George J. Burns. George J. Burns, Elijah Walker, F. Harrington. O. P. Mitchell, F. Harrington, Ephraim Hall, David Robinson, Jeremiah Berry. David Robinson, Samuel Libbey, Maynard Sumner, O. B. Fales, Larkin Snow, F. W. Rhoades, Dan'l C. Haskell Sam'l H. Burpee. Sam'l H. Burpee Freeman Harden, D. H. Ingraham. John C. Hilt, Sanford Starrett, Jonathan Spear, 0. B. Brown. John Bird (2d). Oliver B. Brown, John Bird, jr. Jonathan Spear. O. B. Brown, Jona. Spear, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 89 ~ £ *^ * ^ &. m QJ S '" = *'£ -. O H w x^W1^ £ » P1^ OcJO hb«j rf o t. — - CO ; a «.t,a § § So 5 a ^22£w dtJd^B'wri^oMiJdHi-idM'd o o P.- .S . o a S S a a» ¦? § CO pK pL| . B £ £§ ^ 90 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, TABLE VII. LICENSES GRANTED BY COURT OF SESSIONS TO RESIDENTS OP THOMASTON, FROM ITS INCORPORATION TO 1800. Nathaniel Fales,* 1778, and '79. M. Wheaton,* 1779, retailer '93. D. Tales,* 1784 to 9, '93, '94, '96, retailer, '90. '91 James Fales, Jr , 1785. James Fales, 1786 and '90. David Jenks,* 1786 to '93, and '98. I. Barrows, 1787, '92, and '93. J. Stackpole, 1788, '90, '91, '92.'93. David Fales, Jr., 1789, and '95. Jos. Coombs,* .1793, retailer, '90, and '91. J.Ingraham,*1795,ret.,'91and'93. James Wheaton, 1792. John Blackington, 1792, and '94. J. Spear.Jr ,* 1794,ret.,'92, and 93. I. Tolman,* 1793, '94, and '95. J. Reed,* 1795, retailer, '93. G. Ulmer,* 1796, retailer, '93. Jonathan Crockett,* 1793. Frederic Reed,* 1794. John Ulmer,* 1795, '96, and '98. Spencer Vose,* 1795, and '96. Ehenezer Jones, 1795. William Rowell, 1795. Joseph Ingraham,* 1796. Walter Hatch,* 1796, and 1797. Samuel M. Martin, 1796 and '97. Wm. Tilson,* 1799, retailer, '97. Joshua Adams, 1797. Ebenezer Duuton, 1799. Perez Tilson, 1799. LICENSES GRANTED BY THE SELECTMEN OF THOMASTON, FROM 1821 to 1829. Halsey Healey, 1821, '2, '4, '5, '6, '7, '8, and '9. H. Prince, 1821, '2, '3, '5, and '6. Iddo Kimball, from 1821 to '28. Joshua Adams, " 1821 to '29. William Cole, " 1821 to '29. Eusebius Fales, 1821, '2, '3, '4, '8, and '9. Gleason & Keith, from 1821, to '23. John Blackington, do. Joshua Jordan, 1821, '2, '3, '4, '5, '6, '7, and '9. Knott Crockett, from 1821 to '29. James Stackpok do. '26. John Lovejoy, do. •29. Elisha Snow, do. '22. Wm. Killsa, - do. do. Geo. McLellan, do. '26. Gideon Seavey, 1821. Oliver Fales, from 1821 to '29. Chas. Holmes, do. do. Green & Merrill, 1821. Eli Merrill, from 1821 to '22. James Tolman, do. '23. Ephraim Perry, do. '28. Patrick Keegan, 1821 to '29. Samuel Fuller, 1821. Wm. Tilson,* from 1821 to '28. Josiah Ingraham (3d), 1823. Green & Foster, from 1823 to '25, Jerusha Hustings, 1823.* John G. Paine, from 1823, to '29. Jas. Vanstone,* from 1823 to '25. John Spear, from 1S21 to '25. Tolman & Barrows, 18 24. C. Harrington, from 1824, to '29. Wm. McLellan, 1825. Wm. R. Keith, from 1824 to '25. John Copeland,* from 1825 to '2.r. Anthony Hall, 1824. B. Stimpson, from 1824 to '26. J. Crockett, (2d), f'm 1824 to '27. Nathaniel Wells, f'm 1825 to '27. Coombs & Mann, 1825. B. T. Levensaler, I'm 1825 to '29. Ephraim Bartlett, 1825. Isaac Bunker, from 1825 to '27. Alex. Barrows & Co., 1825. Perry & Amsbury, 1825. Rice & Beirce, 1825. ' Innholders. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 91 Table VII. {Continued.) T. McLellan, from 1825 to '27. Dean & Hall, 1825. Wm. Stackpole, irom 1825 to '27. Amos Barns, 1825. John Barnard, 1S25. Joshua C. Adams, 1826. Geo. W. Fales, from 1S26 to '28. O. Robbins, (4th),l"m 1826 to '29. W. T. Hewett, from 1826 to '27. Josiah Achorn, from 1826 to '28. Nelson Speaiyfrom 1826 to '28. H. S. Kenneston, f'm 1826 to '29. Ezekiel & Lewis Hall, 1826. Samuel Albee, from 1826 to '27. A. Levensaler, f'm 1826 to '27. Robert Foster, do. '29. Ballard Green, do. do# Phineas Tyler, do. do. John Haskell,* do. 1827. David Shaw, 1827. Eli Perry, from 1827 to '28. Haunah' Haskell, from 1827 to '29. Ephraim Hall, do. do. Charles Pope, from 1827 to '28. Oliver White, 1S27- Lucy Spofford,* 1827- Benjamin Robinson, 1827. Isaac Stearns, from 1827 to '29. H. C. Lowell, from 1827 to '29. David Gay, from 1827 to '28. Archibald Robinson, 1827. John P. Cole, 1827, '28, '29. C. Sampson,* from 1827 to '28. Joseph Fowler, 1828. Charles Loring, from 1828, to '29. Ezekiel Hall, 1828. William Tate, 1828. Israel J. Perry, irom 1828 to '29. Jeremiah Berry*, 1828. Joseph Berry,* 1829. Elkanah Spear, Jr., 1829. Snow Paine, 1829. Lewis Fales, 1829. John B. Sears, 1829. Kimball & Robbins, 1829. Josiah W. Dodge, 1829. TABLE VIII. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, &C GIVEN Years. Governor. Votes. IN THIS PLACE, FROM 1788 TO 1864. Party. Lieut. Governor. Votes. 1788. John Hancock, 23 el. Benjamin Lincoln, 23 1789. do. 26 el. do. Samuel Adams, 12 11 1791. do. 43 el. do. 39 1792. do. 30 el. do. 30 1793. do. 25 el. do. 23 1794. Samuel Adams, 41 R. el. James Warren, 38 1795. do. 40 R. el. Moses Gill, 39 1796. do. 36 R. el. do. 3? Increase Sumner, 10 F. Elisha Sumner, 1 1797. do. 16 F. el. Increase Surnner, 10 , Moses Gill, 16 F. Moses Gill, 19 1798. Increase Sumner, 37 F. el. do. 30 1799. do. 42 F. el. do. 42 1800. Moses Gill, 24 F. do. 41 Caleb Strong, 2i F. el. Caleb Strong, 8 Elbridge Gerry, 15 R. Elbridge Gerry, 3 1801. Caleb Strong, 21 F. el. William Heath, 42 Elbridge Gerry, 45 R. Edward H. Robbins, 19 1802. Caleb Strong, 51 £'. el. do. 47 Elbridge Gerry, 12 It. William Heath, 12 * Innholders. • 92 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813.1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Christopher Gore, James Sullivan, Christopher Gore, Levi Lincoln, Christopher Gore, Elbridge Gerry, Christopher Gore, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, 71 1 59 12 85 56 82 127 74 135 53 133 85 165 81 165 48 127 101180103 Caleb Strong, 102 Samuel Dexter, 169 Caleb Strong, 82 Samuel Dexter, 144 John Brooks, 64 Samuel Dexter, 143 John Brooks, 70 Henry Dearborn, 119 John Brooks, 35 B. W. Crowninshield, 79 John Brooks, 69 B.W.Crowninshield, 128 el. el. el. el. el. el.el. el. el. el. el. Joseph B. Varnum, 155 R el el Edward H. Robbins, 71 James Bowdoin, 1 Edward H. Robbins, 62 William Heath, 10 Edward H. Robbins, 85 William Heath, 56 Edward H. Robbins, 71 William Heath, 142 Edward H. Robbins, 55 Levi Lincoln, 141 David Cobb, 51 Levi Lincoln, 125 David Cobb, 87 Joseph B. Varnum, 159 David Cobb, 77 William Gray, 166 William Phillips, 47 William Gray, 128 William Phillips, 90 William King, 179 William Phillips, 94 William King, 140 William Phillips, 101 William Gray, 163 William Phillips, 81 William Gray, 144 William Phillips, 60 William Gray, 145 William Phillips, 73 William King, 115 William Phillips, 36 Thomas Kittredge, 78 William Phillips, 63 Benjamin Austin, 121 Yrs. Governors. 1820. William King, 201 Ezekiel Whitman, 2 1821. Albion K. Parris, 106 Ezekiel Whitman, 60 Joshua Wingate, jr, 36 1822. Albion K. Parris, 134 Ezekiel Whitman, 31 Joshua Wingate, jr. 4 1823. Albion ». Parris, 236 Scattering, 11 1824. Albion K. Parris, 160 Scattering, 11 1825. Albion K. Parris, 198 1826. Enoch Lincoln, 13 1 Scattering, 2 1827. Enoch Lincoln, 136 William P. Preble, 1 1828. Enoch Lincoln, 189 Scattering, 2 1829. Samuel E Smith, 234 Jona. G. Hunton, 103 1830. Samuel E. Smith, 412 R. el. F. R. el. F. R. R. el. 1'. R. R. el. R. el. Yrs. Governors. r. el. R. el. R. el. R.el&d D. N.ii.el. D. el. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833.1831. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. Jona. G. Hunton, Samuel E. Smith, Daniel Goodenow, Samuel E. Smith, Daniel Goodenow, Samuel E. Smith, Daniel Goodenow, Robert P. Dunlap, Robert P. Dunlap, Peleg Sprague, Robert P. Dunlap, William King, Robert P. Dunlap, Edward Kent, Gorham Parks, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, 185 N. it. 359 D. el. 89 N. R. 496 D. el. 210 N. R. 279 D. 174 N. K. 162 D. el. 459 D. el. 276 n. R. 319 D. el. 94 N. R. 323 D. el. 118 w. 398 D. 325 w. el. 617 D-el. 410 w. 605 D. el. 330 w. 654 D. 452 w. el. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 93 Table VIII. {Continued.) Yrs. Governors. 1841. John Fairfield, 615 D. 361 w. el. el. Edward Kent, Jeremiah Curtis, 1842. John Fairfield, Edward Robinson 1843. Hugh J. Anderson, 374 D. el. Edward Robinson, 134 w. 1844. Hugh J. And>rson, 850 D. el Edward Robinson, 432 w. 10 A. 603 D. 218 w. Yrs. Governors. 1845. Hugh J. Anderson, 497 D. el. Freeman H. Morse, 282 w. Samuel Fessenden, 5 A. 1846. John W . Dana, 474 D. el. David Bronson, 258 "W. Sam'l Fessenden, 8 A. 1847. John W. Dana, 401 D. el. David Bronson, 242 w. Sam'l Fessenden, 8 A. IN THOMASTON, AFTER DIVISION. Years. Governors. Votes. Party. 1848. John W. Dana, 244 D. el. Elijah L. Hamlin, 140 w. Samuel Fessenden, 4 A. 1849. John Hubbard, 132 D. el. Elijah L. Hamlin, 95 w. George F. Talbot, 1 A. 1850. John Hubbard, 211 D. el. William G. Crosby, 90 w. George F. Talbot, 1 a. 1852. John.Hubbard, 154 T. D. Anson G. Chandler, 125 D. William G. Crosby, 133 w. el. 1853. Anson P. Morrill, 19 T. D. Albert Pillsbury, 300 D. William G. Crosby, 114 w. el. Ezekiel Holmes, 10 A. 1854. Anson P. Morrill, 61 T. D. Albion K. Parris, 167 D. Isaac Reed, 130 w. Shepherd Carey, 90 1855. Anson P. Morrill, 211 t.d. Samuel Wells, 273 D. el. Isaac Reed, 42 w. 1856. Hannibal Hamlin, 346 R. el. Samuel Wells, 126 D. George F. Patten, 20 w. 1857. Lot M. Morrill, 284 R. el. Manasseh H. Smith, 255 D. 1858. Lot M. Morrill, 251 R. el. Manasseh H. Smith, 320 D. 1859. Lot M. Morrill, 218 R. el. Manasseh H. Smith, 291 D. 1860. Israel Washburn, jr. 242 R. el. Ephraim K. Smart, 306 D. Phineas Barnes, 23 A. 1861. Israel Washburn, jr. 156 Charles D.' Jameson, 191 John W. Dana, 62 1862. Abner Coburn, 142 Charles D. Jameson, 71 Bion Bradbury, 125 D. 1863. Samuel Cony, 211 R. el. Bion Bradbury, 297 D. 1864. Samuel Cony, 189 R. el. Joseph Howard, 289 D. R.U. D. R.U. D. ROCKLAND. Votes. 417 229 14* 268 1S9 2 433 284 2 473 135 414 106 431338 44 404269210 481 582 144 863444 51 509494657553 554460759583 20 438336 27 348 182 81 739333 728 321 S. THOMASTON. Votes. 122 60 4 128 59 127 6064 47 102 1372 83 16 4377 100 2 150119 24 185119 13 131 88 166109136 94 164127110 63 10 73 4236 158 88 124 *And Joshua A. Lowell, 34 votes. 94 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, TABLE IX. VESSELS BUILT AT THOMASTON, BEFORE ITS DIVISION. * Yrs. Class. Names. Tns Builders. Chief Owners. 1787. (unknown.) Elisha Snow, capt. also. 178-. Experiment, Joseph Coombs. 179-. Little Sally, Arthur, do. do. 1795. Sip. Oiive, Tchabod Barrows. Sch. Betsey & Jenny, 90 Snow. Coombs, I Snow,c. Friendship, J Crockett, J. Mathews, c. Sip (unknown,) John Ulmpr 1795. Sch Jane, Friendship, Sip. (unknown,) Sch. Sl'ly, 100 E Sno\v& Sons. J. Snow,e, do Jos. Mathews. John Ulmer. 1797. 95? R Snow & Sons. 1798. Sip. Miriam, (unknown,) Sch Columbus,Rebecca, 80 Richard Keating, c. also. James Weed. Kobert Dunning1, c. S & J Brown, Lovett, S. Martin, c. 1799. Sip. Dolphin, W Spear, M. Dexter. 1803. Itichard, 80 Keatinf3f.lt Keating, jr., c. Sch. Hannah & Polly, 104 Snow & Sons, I. Snow, c. Montpelier, 110 H.Rogers, Henry Knox. (unknown.) Philip Hanson. 1804. Wessaweskeag, 100 Jas i* pal ding, capt. Brig Quantabacook, 140 H. Rogers, Henry Knox. Ship (unknown,) 200 J. Bryant, P. Hanson &c." 1804? Dulphin, 1 Josiah Ingraham, c. also. 180 >. Sip. Quicklime, 93 II Rogers, Henry Knox. 1805? rich Increase, James Stackpole &c. Ship (unknown,) Ibuilt by Snow, | Spalding, &c. for Boston men. 1806. Sip. Hannah, 56 J Ulmer, Ulmers, M. Ulmer, c. 1807. Polly, 99| Wm. Spear. Fair Play, 70.W. McLoon, J Adams, J Robinson, c. Asa, 80, Coombs, A. G.Coornbs. c. 180S. Sch. Aurora, jJ. Stackpole. b. J Keith. R. Jacobs, &c. 1808? Good Intent, 74] |den, J. & W. Spear, Brewster. 1809. Ship Holofernes, 500 McLoon, Hay- K. Phinnev & Brother. Bristol Trader, C & W. Pope, J- Spald Sch. Oliver, 80 L. Harden, ing, c. Oliver Fales &c. Industry, W5| R. Jordan. W. Keating, c. 1810. Brig Wm. Henry, 197 J. Barnard, John Paine. 1811. Elder Snow, 13 ti. Wade, Joshua Adams. J. Gray**. Cdtharine, 175 Achorn, John Paine, J. Spalduig,c. Sch. (unknown,) at Westkeasr, Oliver Fales 1815. Jane. 80! Spear, Win. Spear. M Spear, c Mary Spear, 98 J H. Counce, W & J. Spear, J.Spear, jr. c. * The records at Waldohoro' in whole, and Washington in part, having been burnt, the tir^t of this table is necessarily imperfect, b. in the 6lh column stands for builder, as being also a chief owner, and c. for captain or master. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table IX. {Continued.) 95 Yrs. 31ass. Names. Tns Builders. Chief Owners. 1315 Sun. Four Brothers, 60 at Weir Cove, E. I & Is. Snow, Spald- 1816. Catharirie, 105 J. H Counce, msc, c. H Healey, Dodge Webb c. Lavinia, 88; J. Stackpole, b Blackington, Wheaton, Hawke, c. 1817. Thomas, 72 G. Coombs, J. Spalding, c. Milo, 80, W. McLoon. F,. Snow, F. Haskell, c. Dodge Healey, ¦83 Counce of W. Healey, Dodge, J. Hath- orn, c. Three Brothers, 80 Counce of W. 1818. Sip. Shelburn, 47 I. Lovett. c. Sch. John Uilrnau, 66 I Kimball, J. Crockett, u. Hdisey, 144 bounce of W. Healey, R. Robinson, c. 1819. Hip. Seven Brothers, 73 Klisha Snow. Alfred, 75 Fales & Kimball, Wm. Spear, jr., c. Sch. George, 100 Counce of W. John Gleason, J. Tobey, c. Ann, 134 Couuce of W. Webb, c, Healey, Cole, E Brown. Nincy, 13S Spofford, K. Crockett, E. Crickett. c. 3rig Adams, 139 J Adams, E Thorndike, c. 1820. Sylvester Healey 143 Counce of W. Healey, Edw. Robinson, c. Sip. M iry Snow, 45 E Snow. Getchell. c. 1821. Lucy Healey, 3rig Beividere, 86 167 R.. C. Counce, Healey, J. D. WheatOD, Hawk, c. John , Ui Counce of W. [ Kimball. J. Spear, c. Shaw in ut, 15 1 Klisha Snow, jr *c*i. John, Geo. Coombs. Marshall, c. 1822. Brig Scio, 165 Elisha Snow. jr. Iddo, 197 Counce of W. 1 Kimball. J Spear, c. 1823. Montpclier, 199 Counce of W. Webb, c , Sprague, Hea ley, &c. Sch. Leo, 89 J. Lovejoy, Fales, Kim ball, Perry, c. Francis, 83 A. Hall ? Snow, E. Crockett, Dean, Hiskell, c. 1824. Brig Dodge Healey, 200 Counce of W. Healey, &c. A. Hathorn, c. Mark, 15a F. Harden, Fales, Spear, J Crockett, c. Ship Georges, '319 Counce of W. Healey, Foster, R. Rob inson, c. Seh. Lafayette, 103 E. Perry, Ingraham, J. Lindsey, c. Charles, 65 Thorndikes, Snow, &c. 1825. Brig Knott, 174 Crocketts, Lovejoy, G. Wooster, c. Brandywine, 179 Perry, Birrows, Holmes, R Perry, c. Mary Cole, 174 R. C. Counce, Healey, Sprague, W. Sin ger, c. Sch. Mary Thomas, 75 Oliver Fales. Georges, 72 Ludwig, Tilsons, Rice, Hathorn, c. Lincoln, 127 R. C. Counce, Healey, T. Colley, c. George, 65 G. Thorndike, b. Snow, c, Crockett, Dean, &c. 96 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table IX. {Continued.) Yrs. Class. Names. Tns Builders. Chief Owners. 1825.1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. Sip. Mary Ann, Brig Brutus, Beividere,William,Eliza,Mechanic, Sch. John & Nancy, Michael, • Denny McCobb, Margaret, Ship Hewes, Brig Pulaski, Jos. Sprague, Sch. New York, Thomas,Atlantic, Wm. Harris, John, Gen. Jackson, Peggy Thomas, Maria, SI. Hannah&Clarissa Bt. John, Ship Majestic, Brig Moscow; Sch. Martha, Volant, Bradford, Brig Pensacola, Sch. Miner, Thomaston,Enterprise, Cashier, Sip. Two Friends, Franklin, Brig Sherer, Sch. Alfred, Romp, 75 186 182 170129 J. Stackpole, E. O'Brien, R. C. Counce, 218 110 81 100 72 298235 Joshua Morton, L. Hayden, Counce of W. R. C. Counce, 183 126 85 100 133102 J. Morton, Geo. Thomas, J. Morton, 108 108 133 5621 297222125 87 121 232 73 74 102 W. McLoon, jr G. Thomas, Wade, J. Morton, R. C. Counce, L Hayden, G. Thomas, R. C. Counce, L. Hayden, Kalloch,Sweetland, J. Morton, 3561 J Morton, 144 ' 74='77|W. McLoon, J. Stackpole, A. Boyd, c. T. McLellan, jr., A. Rob inson, c. b Healey, &c.,B. Vose, c. Chas. Thorndike, &c. I. Perry, O. Fales, Job Perry, c. P. Williams, Cole, &c, L. Wilson, c. Asa Coombs. K. Crockett, Achorns, &c. E. Perry. Spofford, Robbins, L. Ul mer, c. Kimball, Lovejoy.ToIman, J. Spear, Jr., c. b. Webb, c. Singer & Rob inson, &c. Sprague, Healy, Hawk, c. Wm. Robinson, c. also. R. Jameson, &c. O. Fales, &c. b. W. Robinson, c. &c. T. McLellan, jr., J. Bur ton, c. b. Sleeper, Dean, T. Mc Lellan, c. b Tolmans, Bird, Keen, Thorndike, c. b. Snows, Hall, I. Snow, c. B. & L. Ulmer, M. Ul mer, c. Joel Miller. b. McLellan, c. Morse, Jordan, &c. b. Singer, c. Robinson, Webb. b. Wade,jHeard, Hayden, jr., c. b. Crockett, Amsbury, Wooster, c. Iddo Kimball. [c. b. Gregory, Cole, R Spear, b. McLoon, A. C. Spald ing, c. Crockett, Pease, Sleeper. Sleeper, Coombs, I.Thora- dike, c. W. R. Keith, &c. H. Pea- body, c. James Crockett. W. Watts, c. J. Miller. Ingraham. Sherer, Spald ing, c. Kimball, Fales, C Dyer, c. b. A. Hall, c. Gray, Kel- logg- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table IX. {Continued.) 97 Yrs. Class. Names. Tns Builders. Chief Owners. 1830. Sch. Dime, 95 G. Thomas, b. O. Amsbury, c Sip. Mary Snow, 54 L., C. W. & A. Snow. Ann Sarah, 85 Sears, R. S. Blasdell, &c. 1831. Sch. Hupe, 22 K. Crockett. Industry, 48R.C. Counce, b. Singer, Robinson, Watts, c. Freeman, 100 G. Thomas, Crockett, Harden, A. G. Spear, c. Gen. Wayne, 137 R. C. Counce, b. Singer & Co , Austin, Vose, c. New Sally, 65 J. Morton, S. & L Harris, T. A. Snow, c. Mary, 92 W. Hayden, G. Gault, c. &c. of Boston. Bt. Juno, 13 David Hall. 1832. Ship Brunette, 333 R. C. Counce, b. Singer & Co., W. J. Fales, c. Brig Arria, 133 J. Morton, Thorndike, Lovejoy, J. Thorndike, c. Mary Kimball, 159 Kimball, B. & J. Woos ter, c. Sch. Emeline, 115 D. Robinson, C. Holmes. Wm. Henry, 105 Ulmer, c. W. McLoon. Richmond, 98 W. & L. Hayden, c. 1833. Brig Com. Tucker, 185 R. C. Counce, b. Singer & Co., Austin, O. Robinson, c. Paragon, 241 J. Morton, Cole, Jacobs, Hatch, D. Healey, c. Zealand, 189 F. Seiders, McLoons, J. Sleeper, c. Snow, 198 P. Lermond, E. & I. Snow, Is. Snow. c. Sch. Fair Play, 116 Miller, Gilchrist, W. Gil christ, c. Tremont, 120 G. Thomas, Achorn, Dean, B Ulmer,c. Orion, 49 A. G. Spear, c, E. Hall. Vincent, 148 O. Robinson, &c. 1834. Minerva, 100 L. & 0. Gray, c. Ez. Hall. Olive Branch, 21 J. W. Dodge. Ariadne, 51 E. & P. Tilson, b. Rollins, Harrington, c. Curlew, 76 J. Crockett, c C. Holmes. Solidus, 83 J. Morton, W. & J. P. Cole, Burton, c. Brig Majestic, 156] Crockett, Sherer, Perry, c. Julia & Helen, 193 J. Thorndike, J. Bartlett,c. Raymond, 20oF. Seiders, Gilchrist, C. Levensaler, c. 1835. Sch. Effort, 78 I. J. Perry, b. Ingraham, Hill, R. Per- Gen. Knox, 149 R. C. Counce, ry> c- Singer & Robinson, Cut ler, Snow, c. Brig Zoroaster, 159 J. Morton, b. Ludwig, Keegan, &c. Lincoln, 130 Kimball, White, Lovejoy. J. Spear, c. Kimball, Tol man. , W. McLoon. Ship Peruvian, 476 G. Thomas, 183S. Sch. Dav. R.Kalloch, 129 W. McLoon, Richard Taylor, 121 Rankins, White, J. Crock ett, c. Keith, Miller. Boynton. Molaeska, 152 J. Morton, Corvo, 12f * Crocketts, Sherer, Ingra ham. D. B. Keeler, 128 W. McLoon, [b. Keeler, H. H. Ulmer, c. Vol II. 9 98 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table IX. {Continued.) Yrs. Class. Names. 183o.1837 1833. 1839. 1840. 1841. Sch. Candidus, Bt. Maria Jane, Sch. Shakeapear, Brig Voltaire, Sch. Hero, Challenge,Geo. & James, Potomac, John Spofford, Brig Lime Kock, Ship Tyrone, Talleyrand, :h. Glide, Nancy Hewett, Extio, Brig Francis P. Beck Carleton,Growler. Brk. Chas. William,* Ship European, Bt. Hope, Marion, Sch. Mars Hill, Iowa, Edinburg, Oneco, Puritan,Loretto, Brk. Suwarrow, ¦>ch. Sabine, Brig Homer,f Pantheon, Tns Builders. 396 5 126 144 100 9554 128 It. C. Counce, G. Thorndike, Ames, 100 174 J. Morton 538549 3369 149 249 24' 2472JS 593 1416 2.} 140195 198 229 241292 G. Thomas, R. C. Counce, R. Walsh, R. C. Counce, [ton, J. & C. C. Mor- W. Stetson, Mortons, E. Andrews W. Stetson, Chief Owners. b. Webb, c. Singer, Rob inson. M Achorn, O. Holmes, B. Ulmer, c. o. E. P. Sleeper, u. R. Jacobs. J. Duncan. J Dow. G. C. Dow, c. Dean, C. Tolman, Penni- man, c. J., P . & D. Spofford, c. R. Robinson. Keith, Al len, A. Butler, c. Kimball, Spear, Tolmans, Gregory, c. b. Webb. c. Jordan, Sing er & Robinson. E. Robinson. Sleeper, c. Crockett, Hew ett, Gregory. b. Read, Boynton, S.Rob inson, c. b. E Stackpole, c. Webb, Jacobs, etc. b. Oarleton, Watermans. K.Crockett, Bird, Ulmer.c. JSweetland, jr. b. A. C. Spalding. Greg ory. McLoon, «&c. b. Ludwig, Cole, T. Mc Lellan, c. J. Hewett, J. Norton. M. Burton, Webster, R. Hawes, c. b. Levensaler, G. L. Car ney, c, Abbott. Crocker, c, Kimball. &c. b Cole. Hatch. Hodgman. JSweetland, jr. W. McLoon, H. H. UI R. Walsh, G. Thorndike, [ton, 164'J. M. Blacking- 1991 R. Walsh, 196 R. C. Counce, mer, c b J. Henderson, c, Singer, Elliott. Sleeper, c. Thorndikes, Bartlett, &c. Cole, Hatch, Robbins. b. E. Robinson, Elliott, Watts, c. b. A. M. Fales, c, Jacobs, Singer, &c. * BMng the 79th vessel that had I waters, a^ it was said. Getorles'1Rive1iRU & a IT"6 °f °°u°d »<*«¦.*>' the first time - J • 8 . i , , ¦ ' . s said> was thrown with the of a bottle of spirits. been launched into the Wessaweskeag ne usual ceremonies instead ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 99 Table IX. {Continued.) Yrs. Class. Names. Tns 1841. Brk. Weskeag, Washington, Mandarin, Baltic,Teazer, 1842. 1843 1841. 1845. Mallory, Sch. Alexander, Lighttoot, Wilder, Brig Susan Spofford, Atakapas, Saline, Brk. Epervier, Sch. John Frederic, John Kendall, S wallow, Brig Chinchilla, Brk. Louisiana, Ship Alvum, Charlemagne, :h. Willow,New York, Brig Rowland, Maine,Marsellois, Mary Jane, Four Brothers, Kimball, Ship Medora, Sch. Gulnare, Peru, Lydia & Mary, Avenger, Builders. J.Sweetland, jr. G. Thorndike, [ton, J. & C. C. Mor- C. Starrett, N. A. Read, [ton J. & C. C.Mor 24S 186 275302 249 G. Thomas, 300 144149 E. Andrews, 122 199 C.&S. Starrett 149 W. Hayden, 199 R.Walsh, 264 G. Thomas, 102 J. Morton, 169 C.&S. Starrett 157 139 249 364 742 100133230 222220 148199 182 400 150 E. Andrews, W. Stetson ? J. Sweetland, G. Thomas, R. C. Counce, N. A. Read, R. Walsh, Thorndike, G. Thorndike, [ton J. & C. C. Mor do. C. Starrett, G. Thomas, G. Thomas, Chief Owners. 29 105 b O. M,-Loon,A. C. & H. Spalding, c. b. Jacobs, Kimball, Gush ing. Keith, Merriam, J. Berry, &c. b. Kimball, J. Gregory, c. Crocketts, c., Sherer, In graham . b. Ludwig, Fuller, Brown, c. Linell. Boynton, & Co. b. B. & L. -Ulmer, c, Bird, &c. W R Keith, S. M. Shi- bles. c. b. J. G. Lovejoy. -Colson, W. Soofford, c. b. McLoon, Rowell, L. Hayden. e. b. Elliotts, Brown.Fales.c. b I. Ingraham, J. C. Lib- by, Verrill, c. b. Lermond, Jacobs, Wheeler, c. White, Kimball, Ferrand. b. Bird. Caswell, Holb'k.c. b. Jacobs, Williams, O. Robinson, c. b. McLoon, Vose, W. S. Emery, c. b. Allen, Fisher, W. Smith, c. b. Webb, Singer, R. Rob inson, c. Roney, c, Rice, Shibles, Catland. W. Thomas, Hewett, Bev erage. Browns, Overlook, A. Watts c. W. McLoon, C.W. Thorn dike, c. b. Sleeper, c, Snows, Kel- loch. Alden. Lermonds, E. G., c, Wyl- lifs Spear. milder?, W. Slater, c. ). Kimballs, Sawyer & Col son. i. W. Thomas. K. Crock ett. JvCrockett, c. b. Luce. Ingraham, Berry, Spalding, c. C. Holmes, J. Ra.ckliff, c 100 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table IX. {Continued.) Yrs. |Class 1845 Names. 1846. Sch. Lucy White, Mary George, Leprelet, Adelaide,Queen Pomare, Mary Langdon, Floreo, Frances Colley, Brig Annawon, Joseph, Almira,Alida,Hamlet, Martha Sanger, Ashland, Kedron, Patrick Henry, Brk. Algoma, Alvarado, Sch. Eagle, Linnell,Santiago, Niagara, Isaac Achorn, Bengal, Pawtucket, Brig Reveille, Florence,Irving,Monterty,Susan Ingraham Benj. Litchfield, Tns 94 148100 116 95 100 120167147 178 194 234 219 1SS194 200148 293 299 98 144 99 122 Builders. W. Stetson, N. A. Read, G. Thomas, G. Thomas ? E. Andrews, J. Morton, R. Walsh, Walker, Maxy Starretts, Chief Owners. 97 100 183 175 236 200176 190 [ton, J. & C. C. Mor- C. Starrett, J. Sweetland, G. Thomas, Harrington, &c [ton J. & C. C. Mor- S. Starrett, Harrington,&c H. Merriam, G. Thomas, (C. Starrett, G. Thorndike, E. Andrews, R. Walsh, J Sweetland, jr. G. Thomas, White, Kimball, O. Jame son, c. , Rankin. Litchfield,Smith,Sleep'r,c.b. Cole, Williams, Sum ner, H. Stackpole, c. Singer, Jordan, Snow, E. L. Snow, c. b. F. Cobb, Torry, Flint E. Cobb, c. b. Libby & Fuller, Arey, S. Thomas, c. Rice, Nelson, Mathews, O. Robinson, c. b. J. Bird, H. G. Bird, c, Ingraham, Brewster. Crockett, Ingraham, Sher er. Kalloch, c. T. O'Brien, Ludwig, Boyn ton, S. Curling, c. b. Fales, c, Jacobs, Elli ott, E. Robinson. ' b. R. Robinson, jr., c, Ja cobs. Keen, Achom,Burpee,etc. I. Snow, Thorndike, c, Dennis, Abbott. b. Carney, c, T. O'Brien, Boynton. b. Cole, Lovejoy, Hewett, Packard, c. b. H. Spalding, c, "W. Vose, Martin, Graves. b. K.Crockett, W.Thomas. J Farwell, E. Snow, J. W. Haskell, c. b. Welsby, c, Watts, El liott, &c. Abbott, Spofford, Kim- balls, Ingraham, c. Cobb, Spaldings, C, c, Hunt. Fales, Mossman, Stevens, R. Crockett, c. Kimb'ls, Fer'nd,Crouch,c. Dean, Smith, Ormsby, c. b. Sawyer, F.Colson,Vose, Sleeper, c. Fogg & Fales, Ulmer, W. Fales, c. Curling, McLellan, W.JJ. Robinson, c. b. C. McLoon, J. S. Kal loch, c. b. Ingraham, S. N. Hatch, A. O Blackington, c. Litchfields, Sawyer, Col I son, Smith, c. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table IX. {Continued.) 101 Yrs. Class. Names. TnsT Builders. Chief Owners. 1846. Brig Pulaski, 249 A. Walker, b. Norris, c, Walsh, Ves [ten, per, &c. H. R. Hyler, 242 J. &C. C.Mor- l b. R. Anderson, c, Snow, &c. Jacobs. Elliott, Robinsons, Brk. Georges, 267,J. Maxey, O. Robinson, c. Leopard, 263 N. A. Read, Snow, Burgess & Co., P. Vesper, c. John Stroud, 268 Rhodes, Alden, Snow & Dennis, Spalding, Brown, c. Mary Kendall, 274 C. & S. Starrett; b. Dow, Bond, &c. , Crock Miltiades, 447W. Stetson, er, c. -3. Ranlet, 0., Lermond, Ac. 3. Stone of Boston, S. Ship Thorndike, 399.G. Thorndike, Child, c. 1847. Sip. Peace, 69[ Sch. Melbourne, 132 F. Rhoades? 1 Libby & Co., S. Libby, T. Williams, etc. Thomas His, 126 G.Thomas, Hix, Condon, Robbins ; H. Hall, c. Bengal, 97 Colson & Sawyer, Fer- rand, Crouch, c. Sea -Gull, 124 Crockett, W. Thomas, I. Gregory, Verril, c. Brig John Kendall, 180 Libby & Kimball, &c. W. McLoon, O. Ams Azores, 274 [ton, bury, c. Highlander, 206 J. & C. C. Mor- b. Snow, Burgess, Ander- Tartar, 199S. Starrett, Kimballs, Paul, c, Ul mer. Amulet, 199 C. Starrett, Spoffords, J. P. c, Kim- balls, &c. Swan, 231 G. Thomas, b. Nesmiths, Walsh, J. Pierce, c. Elizabeth Watts 225 O'Brien, Watts, Burgess, &c. F. Kalloch, Thorndikes, Matinic, 192 W. H. c, Snow. Lucy Spear, 202'C. Starrett, Spear, Ingraham,Kimball, [mond, Robbins, c. H. Kalloch, 2l7Morton & Ler- b. Burgess, Snow, A. B. Kalloch, c. Brk. Marmion, 358 W. Stetson, b. Flint & Chapman, &c, I. N. Jackson, c. Star, 298 G. Thorndike, Thorndikes, Sweetland, I. Snow, c. Catharine, 316 W. Stetson, Wattses, Elliotts, fa, J. Watts, c. Robert Walsh, 282 R. Walsh, b. W. J. Singer, c, Fales, 1 Henderson, &c. Ship Walter R. Jones 400 A. Walker, b. Counce, Ludwig, &c, J. Colley, c. Nisida Stewart, 565 J. Maxey & Co. b. Webb, Or. Fales, v , | Jacobs, &c. 9* 102 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Table IX. {Continued.) ¦VESSELS BUILT IN THOMASTON, AFTER ITS DIVISION. Yrs. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. Class. Names. Sch. Sarah Lewis, Anita Damon, Brig Bryant, Denmark, Rainbow, Brk. California, Theoxena, Ship Pyramid, John Hancock, Str. Gold Hunter, Brk. S. H.Waterman. Ithona, Ship Ionian, S. Carack, Brg Frederic Eugene Brk. Culloma, Ship Jas. Nesmith, Vaucluse, Sch. Marcelia, C. bk. Racehound, Ship Rochambeau, Wm. Stetson, Sip. Gen. Washington Brig Caroline, Brk. Linden, Ship Hyperion, Sip. Nevis, Ship Oracle; Ocean Chief, Germanicus,Juventa, Mulhouse, L. Gilchrist, Alice Counce, Tns Builders. 172 137 177 219 248 310398 23 480 315 S. Williams, R. C. Counce, [ton, J. & C. C. Mor- [Co. Morton, Ler. & I ton, J. & C. C. Mor J. Small, N. A. Read, W. Stetson, [Co Lermond, M. & R Jacobs & Co. 749JW. Stetson, 874,R. Walsh, 126 J. W. Small, I ton, 360 J. &C. C. Mor- 991 699 C. Lermond, 142 A. Walker. i ton, 506" me, 1146 43 22) 440 Chief Owners. Watts, Robinson, Miller Washburn, c. Linnell, Hodgkins, J. Bently. c. . Keith, &c , J. Bryant, c. Rice. Catland, J. W. Ja cobs, Roney, c. Elliott, Chapman, Stack- pole, c. b.Slater,c.,T. O'Brien. &c. Jacobs. Elliott, Smith, Bor land, -C. Singer, Ludwig, Snow, R. Robinson, c. Gilchrist, Levensaler, A. Snow, c. G. C, Dow, c, Sterling, Morse, &c. b. L B. Gilchrist, c, Cush ing, Waterman. Boston men, J. Lukie, c. Chapman & Flint, Jordan, Ranlet, c. b. W. J. Fales, Robinson, Snow, c. Jacobs, Maxey, Starrett, &c. Sold in N. Y. Stetson,Walker, Mills.&c. Gilchrist, Lermond & Co. Jacobs, Starrett, Dunn, Ellems. c. J & C. C. Mor-;Sold in N. Y. Mor. Ler. & Co.b. Stackpole, Overlock, Hallowell. c. b. Flint Mathews, Creigh- ton. c. M. J. Stearns. E. Baker.c. Cushing, Olive*! Brvant, c. R. & W. Jacobs, Starrett, Flinton, c. 838 J. & C. C. Mor- Sold in Boston, named Golden Racer. 58 A. Walker, b. Edwin Starrett. 1200 R. Walsh, b. Chapman & Flint, Ran- fton,1 let, c. 1229 J. & C. C. Mor- Mortons, Curlins, c. 1L67W. Stetson, b. Chapman, Creighton, I I Fales, c. 1187|W. Stetson, Webb. Watts. A- Watts.c. 113(1 J. Small, | J. W. &. R. J'bs, Healey.c Ler. Mor. & Co. b. Gilchrist, R. L. Gil christ, c. A. McCallum, Singers, W. J., e., R. Rob- I inson, Metcalf, &c. W. Stetson, Lermond & Co A. Walker, [ton, 11981157 ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. Table IX. {Continued.) 103 Yrs. Class. Names. Tns Builders. Chief Owners. 1854. Brig George Albert, 241 Ship Sebastian Cabot, 1336 Baden, S. Curling, R. Robinson, 1458 1855. Brig Austins, 292 C. F. O'Brien, Almira, 194 Brk. Mary Bentley, 396 Nineveh, Ship J. F. Chapman, 1035 Leona, 1149 R. Jacobs, Jas. R. Keeler. Samuel Watts, 1 Vesper, 1856. Brig Lorana, 339 Brk. Livorno, 456 Ship Barnabas Webb, Jos. Gilchrist, J. Morton, Wm. Singer, Marquette, Aldanah, 1048 Mary O'Brien, 1297 James Colley, 1175 1857. Ship Bolina, S. Emerson Smith, Holy-Rood, Frank Flint, 1193 S. Williams, J. Small, J. Hilt, W. Stetson, I Small, not ascertained, I. Wvl- lie. c. Ler. Mor. # Co. b. Fish,' Washburn, J. ^Vatts c. J. W. & R. Jacobs, D. Healey, c. E. & T. O'Brien, Watts, Curling, c. Stetson, Gerry & Co., R. Robinson, jr., c. Copeland and Stackpole Morse, Fer- rand. EUems, c. Burgess & 0'Brien,Watts, &c. Ludwig, O'Brien, Watts, Curling, c. Olivers, Cushing, Jacobs, Ler. Mor. § Co. Waterman, #c. A. Walker, R. Walsh, A. McCallum, 1122 Cope'd § Small [ton 192 J. $C. C. Mor- W. Stetson, H. Benner, Oliver # Co. 1342 A. McCallum, 1444,Mor.§ Lermond ' | ton, 1149 J. & C. C. Mor- I 1049 Cope'd # Small [terman. Cushing O'Briens, Bliss. Nichol son, <5;c. Montebello, 1050 Levensaler §Webb,Walsh, Henderson, c. Spiridion, 1149 Sn - Jacobs, W. Jordan, c, Whitcomb, § 0 SV £§ ?E3 H 3 OT co 1— to ^ ^ 00 00 "o ^-Cft CO 00 bo 000OOP rOOCO CO -J 00 No. male teachers in winter. No. female teachers in summer. OiOiO I— —J CO No. female teachers in winter Wages to male teachers per mo. exclusive of board. "Wages to female teachers pr week. ditto. Average cost teach ers' board per week. School money rais ed in 1863. Amount more than law requires Amount per schol ar. Amount drawn from State. Amount paid tor private tuition within the State. CO Oi Oi OlO. CO «CT)OD bO bOCTi ~-l ?£- Oi Cj. O O £-~-!Oi -J OS Oi Oi rf^- Oi COCO ?*<- Oi t— CO --ICn CD C0 090 bob No. of children be tween 4 & 21 yrs. Whole No. regis tered in summer schools. Average attend ance in summer schools. Whole No. regis tered in winter schools. Average attend ance in winter schools. Average length of summer schools in weeks. Average length of winter schools in weeks. No. of districts. No. parts of dis tricts. No. school houses Do. in good condi tion. Amount paid ditto out of State. Amount p'd to pro long pub. schools Amuunt paid for school supervi sion. *& No. of districts in which scholars are graded. Do. built last year. Cost school house built last year, Expenses for re> pairs, fuel, &c. No. male teachers, summer. 111 •jseoxsvnohx HXflOS d$V (INVTjr.OOW TABLE XII METEOROLOGICAL; COMPILED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF CAPT. GEO. PRINCE, IN THE YEARS 1850-1, MADE AT HIS RESIDENCE, MILL RIVER, AND THE THOMASTON INSURANCE OFFICE. ^ 53 w ¦a 0 <** O V * •a • a P. CO0) 1 Pi entx *1 CO0) COc0 I* Remarks. g © R 0 R 0 CO 1850, March, oqo 12 ^ 1ST 50= 31st 40 4th 1st lst.E.S.E. 6 Snow and rain, the 1st. April, Q70 2 8 64° 26th 20° 9th 8th, , 17th 13th,14th 14th,NNW6 Rain, three inches, and thunder, the 28th. May, 48° |f 70° 13th 31° 3d 6 th 1st, S. W. 5 Sev. thunder storm,6th ; flashes uninterrupted. June,f 92° 20th 40° 1st 10th, E. 6 July,} 86Q 23d 58° 3d 6th, N. W. 6 Aug. 63°^ 84° 6th 45° 28th 16th, S.W. 5 Squall of hail and rain at 3 P. M. of 16th. Sept. 56° n 79° 1st 34° 30th 13th, N.W. 5 Rain from 4 P. M. of 7th to 2 A. M. 9th ; 16 in. Oct. 40° §f 65° 23d 22° 30th 13th,N.W. 5 Four inches rain, the 18th. Nov. 31° & 55° 11th 20° 12th 1 7th, N. E. 5 First snow the 21st; three inches. Dec. 19° II 42Q 5th 40 _ 31st 23d 23d, E. 6 Snow from 1 P. M. to 4 A. M. 23d; 10 in. 1851, Jan. 18° -1! '. 40a 30th 12°— -30th, 31st 28th 29th, S. 5 Snow, 28th, warm rain, 29th, ch'g to sev. cold. GOH OW ¦4 O*! H aos i>HO ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 113 _c en .5 -w P-» -*i as o3 .-i -a faJD -o 00 ^ .9 § S CO tsa £ fthe 13 p'd22d, P. M. o -f 19th. rost, 22 o T3 CO o a .. o .?< CM night . ;sun orm, £ night f 25th heavy bib '5b :hes snow udy month hunder st 1 tempest, 2 P. M. o st, 15th; c - 2 .So Q> *t2 (D «G & fcl >-. <3 g £ -" o 3 u > = o 2 a oo O 02 H coPr 05 0(0 CO ^ iO to io ««s ^S . fc fcfc^pjaQfciz; ^ JjJ .. -jlAj£ ^J -4-» h _-. -4-» *J •*- CO to ¦£ "S O CO Tf >o CM — i .-h us rfi ^ tJ *3 >o i— 1 CO CN (M N H COJ> a cr a rj j a a o •* to cm to © r- -"tf oo •#¦ *o co i>- oo oo oo oo CCiCD oht CO rt ., .„ III 10* 114 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, TABLE XIII. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE IN THE TOWN OF THOMASTON, WITH THE DATES OF THEIK APPOINTMENT, WHEN AS CERTAINED. David Pales, about 1767, 1789, and quorum 1800, 1807, 1814. Mason Wheaton, Oct. 6, 1781, 1788, 1795, 1802, 1809. Samuel Brown, 1800, 1812. Josiah Reed, 1800, and quorum 1806. Joshua Adams, 1804, 1811, and quorum 1818, Feb. 13, 1821. Henry Knox, 1804. Joseph Ingraham, 1805, 1812, and quo. March 13, 1821, Feb. 7, 1828. Hezekjah Prince, in St. George, Peb. 24, 1804, in Thomaston, 1816, and quorum Feb. 5, 1825, dedimus Sept. 23, 1836, through the State Jan. 24, 1833, Jan. 1, 1840. Ebenezer Thatcher, in "Warren, 1805, in Thomaston, ditto & dedimus 1812, July 7, 1820, and quorum Oct. 13, 1821, Feb. 7, 1828. Otis Robbins, jr., 1808. Isaac Barnard, 1809, ditto & ded. Sept. 1, 1820, & quo. Peb. 23, 1821. Elias Phinney, 1810. Elisha Snow, jr., 1810, '17, and quorum Peb. 5, 1822, Peb. 13, 1829. Dec. 8, 1836. John Gleason, 1811, and quorum March 3, 1821, Feb. 7, 1827. David S. Fales, 1810, '17, Nov. 20, 1824, Oct. 5, 1831. Ezekiel G. Dodge, 1811. Charles Spofford, 1812. Joseph Sprague, 1818, and quorum March 30, 1822. David Fales, jr., Nov. 24, 1820, Oct. 27, 1827, Sept. 25, 1834, and quorum Oct. 3, 1838, Dec. 14, 1840. John Ruggles, ditto & ded. Sept. 1, 1820, June 21, 1827, through the Slate Jan. 26, 1832, Jan. 4, 1842, Feb. 7, 1849, ded. Jan. 21, 1857. John Spear, June 29, 1820, ditto and quorum June 21, 1827. George Coombs, ditto and quorum Feb. 23, 1821. John H. Ingraham, to solemnize marriages, Mar. 3, 1821, July 1, 1829. Elisha Snow, " " " " " " Job Washburn, " " " Oct. 10, 1822, Feb. 24, 1830. Samuel Pogg, " " ," Jan. 1, 1823. Grenville Mellen, Jan. 1, M. Marsh, Jan. 30, Wm. Heard, May 20, 1823. David Crockett, March 3, 1824, April 2, 1831, ditto and quorum Ju'ie 28, 1838, June 15, 1848. Philip Ulmer, June 20, 1824. Eusebius Fales, June 21, and Waterman T. Htwett, Nov. 29, 1825. Oliver Fales, June 29, 1826, June 29, '33, and quorum June 24, '40, July 1, '47. Henry J. Knox, Peb. 18, 1826, dedimus Feb. 5, '32. Benjamin A. Gallop, Jan. 24, 1827, Jan. 21, '36, to solemnize mar riages Dec. 25, '41. Timothy Wellman, quorum Feb. 24, 1827, March 14, '34, dedimus Feb. 25, '36, June 26, '42. Jonatnan Cilley, quorum Dec. 29, 1828, dedimus Jan. 31, '31, Jan. 21, '36, and, March 31, through the State. Elijah Davis, quorum Feb. 15, 1828. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. H5 Henry Ingraham, June 28, 1828, Peb. 2, '43, in Rockl'd June 11, '50. Daniel Rose, quorum Peb. 7, and Thomas P. Vose, Feb. 9, 1828. James Crockett, July 7, 1830, March 12, '34. Halsey Healey, quorum March 19, 1830. Richard Woodhull, to solemnize marriages Oct. 27, 1830, June 20, '34. Elisha Harding, Nov. 1, and Simeon B. Lowell, Dec. 14, 1830. Samuel G. Adams, Jan. 21, and William Cole, June 29, 1831. Asa Coombs, Oct. 5, 1831, March 21, '39, and quorum May 2, '46, and in South Thomaston May 10, '53. William J. Farley, quorum Jan. 7, 1831. Henry C. Lowell, Jan. 31, 1831, June 30, '45. Hezekiah Prince, jr., Jan. 31, 1831, dedimus Oct. 5, '32, Mar. 23, '37. Manasseh H. Smith, Jan. 21, 1831, quorum Jan. 21, '37. Rufus C. Counce, Jan. 27, and Abner Knowles, Oct. 5, 1832. John T. Gleason, March 2, 1832, and quorum June 27. '39. Atwood Levensaler, June 23, 1832, and quorum March 16, '40, Mar. 4, '47, April 11, '54. Nathaniel Meservey, jr., March 9, 1832, quorum '33, June 25, '40. June 24, '47. John Stackpole, Jan. 2, and William Perry, jr., June 23, 1832. Hermon Stevens, Mar. 9, 1832, quo. and ded. Oct. 22, '34, Oct.-23, '41. Ivory T. Hovey, quorum June 29, 1833. John C. Cochran, March 12, 1834, do. & quo. Mar. 14, '38, Mar. 6, '45. Charles Harrington, Jan. 21, 1834, April 6, '41. Oliver Heard, March 18, and Lewis Fales, Sept. 25, 1834. Charles Holmes, March 14, 1834, do. and quorum June 25, '41. Edwin S. Hovey, quo. & ded. Oct. 19, 1834, Oct. 23, '41, May 26, '49. Moses R. Ludwig, Jan. 21, and quorum Feb. 14, 1834. Joseph H. Jenne, quorum through the State Oct. 16, 1834. James Morse, Jan. 29, Asa Perkins, Feb. 19, Phineas Tyler, Dec. 31, '34. Samuel Albee, do. and quorum, Peb. 19, 1835, in Rockl. Dec. 21, '59. Harmon Moses, to solemnize marriages Sept. 23, 1836. Abner Rice, March 5, 1835, March 17, '42, July 24, '48, Nov. 10, '51. William Singer, March 19, 1835, quo. through the State Jan. 20, '42. Lucius H. Chandler, Peb. 18, 1835, quorum March 9, '43. George Emery, jr., June 20, 1836, and quorum March 14, '44. Samuel Fuller, Dec. 8, 1836, Oct. 17, '43. Nelson Spear, March 24, 1836. James C. Cochran, quorum Feb. 23, 1837, June 7, '39, June 17, '45. Nathan C. Fletcher, quorum Jan. 26, 1837, through the State Jan. 26, '41, Oct. 17, '43. Joel Miller, quorum June 27, 1837, May 28, '46. Henry Paddelford, Feb. 9, and William Masters, Feb 16, 1837. Edmund Wilson, Dec. 27, 1837, and quorum Nov. 7, '39, July 1, '47, June 26, '54. George Abbott, March 3, 1838, and quorum March 27, '45. John D. Barnard, April 27, 1838, and quo. Mar. 27, '45, Mar. 16, '52. William Beattie, Peb. 7, 1838, dedimus June 27, '38, quo. Feb. 7, '39, Nov. 20, '46. John Holmes, ditto and quorum April 25, 1838. Eliphalet Martin, Peb. 15, 1838, July 16, '46. James Spalding, March 3, 1838. John S. Abbott, do. & quo. Jan. 25, Jona. G. Dickenson, June 27, '39. Ezekiel Hall, Mar. 26, AlonzoEmery, Nov. 7, S. B. Dodge, May 2, '39. Nathaniel Liscomb, Nov. 7, 1839, May 28, '46, Sept. 27, '63. Jeremiah Tolman, March 26, 1839. \]Q HISTORY OF THOMASTON, George A. Starr, Sept. 24, 1840, dedimus Mar. 29, '54, and quorum Aug. 3, '47, June 26, '54. William R. Keith, ditto and quorum Jan. 21, 1840, Nov. 2, '47. Walter E. Tolman, quorum Dec. 30, 1840. Edwin Rose, Mar. 27, 1841, & quo. Oct. 17, '43, Nov. 19, '48, Dec. 2, '56. Ephraim Wilder Farley, quorum April 21, 1841. James O. L. Foster, April 22, and Joshua O. Le Fevre, April 22, 1841. Jos. Gilchrist, Feh. 24, L. Levensaler, May 25, B. Hardy, May 31, 1852. Israel J. Perry, June 13, and John Henderson, Nov. 10, 1842. William Lamson, to solemnize marriages June 30, 1841. Henry C. Leonard, " " March 4, '42. Enoch Hutchinson, " " June 24, " Timothy Fogg, Feb. 2, 1843. Joseph Farwell, do. and quorum March 23, 1843, ded. July 11, '45, Beder Fales, do. & quo. Mar. 23, 1843, Jan. 25, '50, July 1, '57, ded. Sept. 26, '59. Rowland Jacobs, March 23, 1843, at same time James Fogg, do. & quo. William T. Sayward, June 21, 1843, and quorum May 2, '46. Merrick Mossman, Jan. 25, 1844, and, at same time, John T. Berry, Daniel Rose, (2d,) David N. Piper, and Albert G. Lermond. Edward C. Tilson, March 21, and quorum July 1, 1844. Joshua C. Adams, Peb. 13, 1845, and in South Thomaston Feb. 7, '53. Thomas McLellan, March 6, 1845. Archibald McKellar, " " &inS.Th. Ap. 26, &ded. Mar. 8, '52' Orchard C. Ludwig, quorum April 3, Freeman Harden, Oct. 4, 1845. Joseph H. Brackett, quo. Jan. 27, Joseph H. Beckett, May 2, 1845. Thomas W. Hix, quorum August 12, 1846. David O'Brien, quo. Nov. 20, 1846, April 23, '51, Dec. 30, '57. Elisha Fales, June 14, and Albert Merrill, June 24, 1847. Christopher Prince, June 14, 1847, and quorum April 18, 1854. John Bird, July 11, 1848, in Rockland June 12, '55. George Thorndike, June 15, 1848, at same time Knott C. Perry and James Jones. James H. Rivers, July 24, 1848, and at same time Joseph W. Jacobs. Oliver J. Feriiald, to solemnize marriages, Oct. 21, 1848. George Prince, quorum Nov. 19, 1850. Benjamin Carr, quorum and through the State, March 2, 1852. Ambrose Lermond, quorum Feb. 1, 1853, Peb. 29, '60. Thomas Rose, quorum Peb. 21, 1854. John O. Robinson, quo. March 13, Rufus Pales, quo. March 25, 1856. Ezekiel Ross, quo. April 17, and Benj. A. Lowell, quo. April 9, 1857- James McLean, to solemnize marriages, Sept. 26, 1859. Ezra Sanborn, " " July 1, 1858. George W. French, quorum Sept. 30, 1858. Oliver Robinson, quo. Feb. 2, and Samuel H. Allen, March 30, 1859. James M. Beverage, do. and quorum July 18, 1859. Lysander Hill, do. and quorum Peb. 1, 1860. IN SOUTH THOMASTON AFTER ITS SEPARATION. William McLoon, Oct. 16, 1848, and, at same time, Daniel Vaughan. George Thorndike, quorum May 26, 1849, April 2, '57. Silas M. Arey, " July 30, '49. William Perry, " Nov. 18, '64. Samuel F. Coombs, " Mar. 2, '55. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. H7 J. Riley Bowler, to solemnize marriages, Oct. 3, 1854. Benj. A. Chase, « » July 18, 1859. Shubael A. Hinkley, quo. March 23, Jona. Newhall, April 6, 1859. George W. White, quorum Sept. 26, 1859. IN ROCKLAND AFTER ITS SEPARATION. John Wakefield, quorum May 8, 1849, at same time Wm. L. Pitts, and, May 26, Emery Sawyer. Henry Ingraham, quorum June 11, 1852, Jan. 19, '59. Wm. H. Titcomb, " May 8, 1849, June 24, '56, ded. Mar. 29, '53. John A. Meserve, " Jan. 16, '50, Feb. 17, '58. Hermon Stevens, " May 2, '50, July 1, '58. Joseph Parwell, « July 30, '50, Feb. 17, '59, for Waldo Co., Feb. 17, '58. Charles L. Lowell, " June 10, and Josiah I. Brown, Aug. 25, '51. Moses W. Farwell, " Nov. 26, '51, Jan. 19, '59. Manasseh P. Whiting, " Aug. 16, and Wm. G. Sargent, Mar. 9, '52. Davis Tillson, " Mar. 9, '52, Mar. 30, '59. Jeremiah Tolman, " April 13, '52, May 11, '59. John C. Cochrane, " April 26, and H. C. Lowell, Oct. 20, Chas. G. Cram, Dec. 28, '52. Nathan C. Woodard, •• Feb, 8, '53, Dec. 21, '59. Larkin Snow, Mar. 8, 1853, Wm. P. Frye, Feb. 8, '53, Dec. 21, '59. Thomas W. Hix, quo. Sept. 27, 1853, same time, Wakefield G. Prye. William Beattie, " Oct. 20, " James O. Skinner, to solemnize marriages, Feb. 21, 1854. Henry E. Ingraham, quorum April 11, 1854. Ohver Fales, quorum June 26, 1854, same time, Nathaniel Meservey. Archibald C. Spalding, quo. Sept. 29, 1854, same time, C. Glover. Peter Thatcher, quorum Dec. 29, 1854. L. M. Howes, quo. May 8, 1855, same time, John King, K. C. Perry. Charles A. Sylvester, quo. Aug. 6, J. Goodwin Day, Oct. 3, 1855. Ralph P. E. Thatcher, quo. Dec. 9, 1855, Charles Coffran, Mar. 19, '56. Walter E. Tolman, quorum Nov. 29, 1856. Lewis Richardson, quorum Jan. 1, 1857. Samuel C. Fessenden, quorum Feb. 9, 1857. Erasmus H. Cochran, Feb. 25, 1857. Ephraim W. Pendleton, quo. Mar. 26, Gershom Burgess, Ap. 2, 1857. Oliver G. Hall, quo. April 17, 1857, William Fessenden, Oct. 10, '59. William McLoon, quorum and through the State, Jan. 31, 1857. Findley Wallace, to solemnize marriages, Peb. 12, 1857. Andrew Barron, " " Jan. 27,1858. Ziba Pope Vose, quo. Jan. 5, and Alonzo D. Nichols, Feb. 17, 1858. Geo. W. Kimball, jr., quo. Feb. 17, and T. K. Osgood, Feb. 24, 1858. Chas. R. Mallard, quo. Feb. 2, and S. G. B. Coombs, Mar. 16, 1859. Archibald McKellar, jr., quo. April 6, & Albert S. Rice, Oct. 17, 1859. Ephraim C. Barrett, quorum Dec. 21, 1859. William S. Heath, quorum Sept. 26, 1859, dedimus Jan. 19, 1860. 113 HISTORY OF THOMASTOJN, TABLE XIV- OTHEE CIVIL- OFFICERS WITH DATES OF THEIR APPOINT MENT, SO FAB. AS ASCERTAINED. IN THOMASTON. Mason Wheaton, coroner, Aug. 30, 1770. Benjamin Webb, deputy sheriff, 1797. Ephraim Snow, notary public, 1800. Samuel M. Martin, coroner, 1800. Leonard Fales, deputy sheriff, 1802 and 1804. David Fales, notary public, 1803, '4, '5, '6, '7, '13, and '14; special Justice, 1808, '9, '10, and '11. David S. Fales, coroner, 1804 to '10, inclusive; notary public, 1815 to '18, inclusive. Willard Fales, deputy sheriff, 1805, '6, '7, '8, '9, and '10. Jackson Durand, notary public, 1807. Otis Robbins, jr., coroner, 1809 to '19, inclusive. William M. Dawes, surveyor and inspector of customs, 1810 to '20; notary public, 1810, and '13. Halsey Healey, coroner, 1812 to '20; Oct. 7, 1825; March 13, 1838; lime inspector, Feb. 26, 1856. Charles Pope, deputy sheriff, 1813, '14, '15, '16, and '17. Philip Ulmer, deputy sheriff, 1813, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, and '19. Joshua Adams, commissioner of wrecks, 1816, '17, '18, '19, and '20. Ebenezer Thatcher, Associate Justice for 2d Eastern dist. C. C. P. 1819. Samuel Fuller, deputy sheriff, 1819 ; pilot of the Port, June 20, 1834. Hezekiah Prince, deputy collector, 1817 to '40. Hezekiah Prince, jr., surveyor and inspector of customs, 1821 to '43. John Ruggles, notary public, June 16, 1820, June 21, 1827 ; Judge of C. C. P., March 4, 1831. Eliphalet Conner, fish inspector, May 11, 1821. Samuel Rankin, fish inspector, Oct. 22, 1821 ; Nov. 1, 1826. John Paine, notary public, Jan. 6, 1824; Feb. 13, 1831. Daniel Rose, warden of State Prison, Mar. 23, 1824; Mar. 8, 1828; land agent, June 28, 1828; June 26, 1831. Charles Ulmer, coroner, Feb. 26, 1824 ; lime inspector, June 20, 1824. James Ulmer, lime inspector, June 20, '24 ; at same time, Alden Ulmer. John Spear, inspector of State Prison, April 30, 1824, Mar. 28, 182S; inspector of lime, Peb. 15, 1825, Mar. 13, 1829, June 27, 1833. John O'Brien, coroner, Feb. 28, 1827 ; inspector of State Prison, Apr. 2, '30, Jan. 26, '35 ; warden of ditto, June 30, '36, Feb. 13, '41. Orchard C. Ludwig, coroner, Feb. 25, 1828, and Mar. 8th, Jonas Ma son, coroner. John Stackpole, coroner, March 9, 1829. Beder Fales, coroner, March 19, 1831 ; deputy sheriff, 1831 ; register of Probate, March 21, 1844 ; Judge of Probate since. John Copeland, deputy sheriff, 1831. Timothy Wellman, notary public, Dec. 8, 1831, Dec. 24, 1838. Freeman Harden, deputy sheriff, 1831. Joel Miller, warden of State Prison, June 27, 1832 ; Judge of Probate, E. division, March 21, 1844. Henry J. Knox, notary public, Feb 5, 1832. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 1 jg Abner Knowles, inspector of state prison, Jan. 21, 1834. Elkanah Spear, deputy sheriff, 1834. Michael Achorn, lime inspector, June 20, 1834, same time, Ralph Chapman, Knott Bartlett, John S. Coburn, Briggs Butler, Jas. Cudworth, David F. Conant, William Butler, Tilley Clements, George W. Coombs, John Brown, and Willard Blackington, to the same office. Daniel Cowing, lime inspector, June 20, 1834, and March 27, 1845. James Dane, lime inspector, March 25, 1834. John Butler, lime inspector, Sept. 25, 1834, Aug. 9, '48. Alexander Barrows, lime inspector, Oct. 21, 1834. John Ellems, lime inspector, June 20, 1834, and, at same time, to same office, Elisha Fales, Nathaniel Pales, jr., Philip Fales, Noyes Fales, and George Fales, who was re-appointed Dec. 31, '34. Jeremiah Gilman, lime inspector, Dec. 26, 1834. Ezekiel Hall, lime inspector, June 20, 1834, and, at same time, Chas. McLoon, Elijah Hall, Luther Lincoln, Wm. Ingraham, Isaac Ingraham, Bernard Ingraham, and John Ham, to same office. William McLoon, lime inspector, Sept. 25, 1834. Oliver Bartlett, lime inspector, June 20, 1834, and, at same time, Je rome Watson, Samuel Packard, George I. Williams, Patrick Woodcock, James Vose, Alibeus Partridge, Perez Tillson, John Sterling, Robert R. Richards, Lozier Packard, and Eli Perry, to the same office. Nathaniel Meservey, jr., notary public, Mar. 5, 1834, Dec. 31, '42. Thomas O'Brien, coroner, Jan. 21, 1834, May 28, '46. Robert R. Richards, coroner, March 5, 1834. Samuel Rankin, jr., lime inspector, Sept. 25, 1834, May 2, '39. Constant Rankin, lime inspector, Sept. 25, 1834, at same time, Eben ezer Walker, together with Elbridge G. Shepherd, and William Walsh, jr., to same office. Wm. K. Stevens, lime inspector, Oct. 26, 1834, Mar. 7, '42, resigned. David Beals, lime inspector, Mar. 14, 1835, & Feb. 19th, David Jenks. Enoch Post, lime inspector, June 19, & Dennis Smith, Mar. 19, 1835. Henry Ingraham, inspector of state prison, Dec. 29, 1836. Hanson Tolman, fish inspector, Feb. 25, 1836. William Thomas, notary public, Jan. 21, 1837, Nov. 20, '46. John D. Barnard, notary pubhc, April 27, 1838, March 27, '45, March 16, '52, public administrator, May 8, '49. George Miller, notary public, Feb. 9, 1838, Feb. 7, '39. John Holmes, inspector of state prison, Jan., 1838. John Prince, notary public, June 20, 1838. Charles Harrington, inspector of state prison, Jan., 1838. George S. Wiggen, " " " " " John G. Lovejoy, notary public, May 2, 1839. George A. Starr, inspector of state prison, Jan., 1839, Feb. 23, '43, Jan. 26, '46. John Merrill, inspector of state prison, Jan., 1839, and Feb. 3, '42. Joseph Spear, lime inspector, March 11, 1841. George Thorndike, notary public, Dec. 20, 1841. Joseph Ulmer, lime inspector, Feb. 18, 1842. Joshua C. Adams, notary public, Dec. 31, 1842. Iddo Kimball, inspector of state prison, March 16, 1841. Wm. R. Keith, " " " " " Elisha Snow, " " " " " 120 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Job Washburn, chaplain of state prison, April 21, 1841, '42, '43, '44, '45, '46, '47. John T. Gleason, notary public, March 23, 1843. George Prince, notary public, Oct. 17, 1843, Nov. 19, 1850. James C. Madigan, notary public, Oct 17, 1843. Ephraim M. Perry, notary public, Nov. 28, 1844. Benjamin Carr, warden of state prison, 1839, and Jan. 22, 1846.* Atwood Levensaler, public administrator, June 17, 1846. Daniel Small, inspector state prison, Jan. 16, 1850; school|commis- sioner, June 21, 1852. Richard Woodhull, trustee of Insane Hospital.May 11, '53, June 17,'56. Edmund Wilson, county attorney, Dec. 6, 1845 ; ditto, elected by people, 1842. Oliver J. Fernald, chaplain of state prison, Feb. 21, 1853. Wm. Bennett, warden of state prison, 1850, Feb. 28, '54, & Jan. 31, '56. Charles T. Starrett, inspector of state prison, Sept. 29, 1854. Alexander Young, coroner, Jan. 22, 1846, Jan. 16, 1850; deputy sheriff, April, 1854. Edwin S. Hovey, notary public, June 24, 1847 ; register of probate, May 8, 1849. George Abbott, notary public, July 20, 1848. James W. Rivers, notary public, July 24, 1849. Charles G. Smith, notary public, March 16, 1850 ; inspector of state prison, Nov. 2, 1858. George Moody, inspector of lime, April 1, 1853. Samuel E. Smith, notary public, Jan. 3, 1854. Christopher Prince.'notary public, April 18, 1854. Isaac Sawyer, to solemnize marriages, Sept. 29, 1854. Levi G. Marsh, to solemnize marriages, Dec. 19, 1855. David O'Brien, notary public, Jan. 31, 1856. Edward Robinson, commissioner on affairs of warden of state prison, resigned and was succeeded Jan. 1856 by George Crawford. John C. Levensaler, notary public, Nov. 29, 1856. M. R. Ludwig, commissioner on affairs of warden of state prison, Jan. 1856 ; trustee of Insane Hospital, Oct. 1864. Asa C. Fuller, notary public, April 9, 1857; collector of internal revenue, 1863. Joseph Fish, notary public, Feb. 10, 1858. James Gilchrist, (2d), coroner, April 6, 1859. Nathaniel Moody, coroner, Sept. 30, 1858, May 8, 1860; deputy sheriff, 1857 and 1863. Ohver Robinson, notary public, March 9, 1859. George Moody, lime inspector, March 21, 1859. Edward Hills, high sheriff of Knox county about 1861. Nathaniel Liscomb, assistant marshal for taking the census, 1860. S. S. Gerry, county commissioner, Knox county, March 21, 1860. Bartlett Jackson, treasurer of Knox county, March 21, 1860. B. Webb Counce, assistant assessor of internal revenue, Sept. 1862. * By this, as well as by the appointments of John O'Brien, it will be seen that the list of "Wardens on page 336, vol. 1st, furnished by the Clerk from the Prison records, is at fault in omitting the re-appointment of Mr.. O'Brien in 1841 and that of Mr Carr in 1846. The year only of Mr. Can's first appointment is given in this Table, and that of some other wardens, because, not being then residents of Thomaston, they were not included in the list obtained from the Secretary's office. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 121 IN SOUTH THOMASTON. Archibald G. Coombs, lime inspector, Aug. 11, 1848. William McLoon, lime inspector, Nov. 19, 1849. Archibald McKellar, jr., notary public, June 11, 1850; in Rockland, July 18,1859. George Thorndike, notary public, June 11, 1850 ; inspector of state prison, Feb. 7, 1853 ; clerk of courts, Knox county, 1863. Joshua C. Adams, notary public, July 10, 1850. George W. Coombs, lime inspector, Feb 3, 1852. Isaac Tolman, fish inspector, Jan. 2, 1857. George W. White, register of deeds, Knox county, March 21, 1860. IN ROCKLAND. Alden Ulmer, lime inspector, Oct. 16, 1848, Oct. 20, 1852, Feb. 19, 1857, Feb., 1861. William L. Pitts, notary public, May 8, 1849. Charles R. Mallard, notary public, May 8, 1849, June 21, 1856. Charles A. Sylvester, coroner, Oct. 16, 1849, March 29, 1854. Nathan A. Farwell, coroner, Feb. 12, 1849. Hermon Stevens, inspector of state prison, Jan. 16, 1850 ; notary public, May 1, 1857. Charles A. Macomber, coroner, Aug 31, 1850. John C. Cochran, justice of municipal court, Aug. 13, 1850. Wm. H. Titcomb, notary public, Nov. 26, 1851, Feb. 16, "59. Charles Holmes, inspector of state prison, Oct. 19, 1852. George J. Burns, inspector of lime, Feb. 8, 1853. Maynard Sumner, notary public, March 1, 1853. Alonzo D. Nichols, notary public, March 8, 1853. David M. Mitchell, coroner, July 7, 1853, deputy sheriff, April, '54. Jona. Spear, jr., inspector of state prison, May 11, 1853, Mar. 10, '58. Joseph Farwell, high-sheriff, March 21, 1854. Elkanah Spear, jr., deputy sheriff, April, 1854. J. G. Lovejoy, notary public, April 11, 1854. Stephen N. Hatch, notary public, Nov. 18, 1854. Peter Thacher, notary public, Dec. 29, 1854. Wm. G. Sargent, judge of municipal court, Feb. 1, 1855. Edward L. Lovejoy, notary public, March 2, 1855. James O. L. Poster, " " " " John King, " " June 12, " Ralph P. E. Thacher, " « Dec. 9, " Lewis Hall, lime inspector, Jan. 24, 1856. Nathan C. Woodard, notary public, March 25, 1856, assistant mar shal for taking census', I860. John A. Meserve, judge of the municipal court, April 4, 1856. William Beattie, notary public, April 4, 1856. Walter E. Tolman, '« " Jan. 1, 18o7. George W. Berry, " » March 2, 1859. Thos. W. Chadbourn, " " 21, 1860, sheriff, 1858. L. W. Howes, notary public, Mar. 2<5, 1858, county attorney, Feb. '62. Charles A. Libbey, coroner, Jan. 27, 1858, May 8, '60. Nathaniel Meservey, notary public, Aug, 25, 1851, May 11, '59, judge of the municipal court, March, '58. Charles A. Miller, notary public, Sept. 26, 1859, clerk of courts, Knox county, '63. Vol. II. 11 122 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Samuel C. Fessenden, judge of municipal court, April 17, 1857, in spector of state prison, Jan. 6, '57. „,,„.. , , Thomas W. Hix, inspector of state prison, Sept. 21, 1854, warden do. March 20, '55, Jan. 6, '57. J. Goodwin Day, coroner, July 1, 1857. Moses W. Farwell, judge of police court, March? 1861. Francis L. Jones, inspector of the customs, May, 1861. Jeremiah Tolman, assistant assessor of internal revenue, Sept., 1862. John Arnolu and Eph. Hall, assistant collectors of ditto., Sept., ditto. TABLE XV. MILITIA OFFICERS OF THE OLD ORGANIZATION, IN THOM ASTON, ROCKLAND, AND SOUTH THOMASTON, WITH THE DATES OF COMMISSIONS AS FAR AS COULD BE ASCER TAINED FROM THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, AR RANGED ALPHABETICALLY ; WITH SOME OBTAINED FROM OTHER SOURCES. Achorn, Isaac, cornet of Cavalry, Oct. 17, 1828. Achorn, Michael A., capt. co. A, Rockland, July, 1862.* Adams, Joshua, lieut., Mar. 6, 1799, capt. Ju. 4, 1801, maj*. Sept. 5, '5. Adams, Joseph, lieut. Light Infantry, Aug. 26, 1817, capt. Oct. 7, '20. Adams, Darwin, chaplain, Aug. 24, 1830. Adams, Mark S., cornet, Cavalry, Feb. 26, 1842. Adams, William, capt. co. D, Rockland, July, 1862. Allen, Samuel H., aid-de-camp, May 8, 1860. Andrews, Thomas S., 3d lieut. co. B, Thomaston, July, 1862. Austin, Aaron M., capt. co. A, Thomaston, July, 1862. Ayer, Benjamin, 1st lieut. co. B, Tliomaston, July, 1862. Baker, Samuel, chaplain, Aug. 1, 1812. Banks, William A., 2d lieut., Rockland, Light Infantry, Aug. 6, 1858. Barrows, Alexander, capt. Riflemen, July 18, 1826. Barrows, Otis, ensign co. A, Aug. 23, 1827. Bartlett, Benjamin, capt. co. A, Aug. 21, 1841. Bean, B. B., capt. co. B, Rockland, July, 1862. Bean, C. N., 1st lieut. co. C, Rockland, July, 1862. Bernard, Isaac, 2d lieut. Cavalry, 1801, capt., Oct. 12, '8, maj. Nov. 18 '20. Berry, William E., lieut. E. Thomaston Artillery, March 12, 1842. Berry, Jeremiah, ensign, June 18, 1814. Berry, Hiram G., capt. Rockland Light Infantry, Aug. 1858, having previously risen to colonel. f Berry, George W., 2d lieut. co. E, Rockland, July, 1862. Berry, Joseph T., capt. co. F, Rockland, July, 1862. * Elected, but, with others of the same date, probably not commis sioned, in consequence of some change in the law. t Of this and some other commissions, no date can be given in conse quence of defects in the Adjutant's General's records. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 123 Bickford, William K., 2d lieut. co. B, Thomaston, July, 1862. Bird, John, jr., capt. co. G, Rockland, July, 1862. Blackington, James W., quarter master, Aug. 24, 1813. Blackington, Nathan, ensign, Oct. 4, 1808. Blackington, Willard S., lieut. Cavalry, July 26, 1834. Blackington, Erastus F., lieut. co. B, Light Infantry, Feb. 22, 1840. Blood, Simeon, ensign, Aug. 21, 1841. Boyles, Edward, lieut, May 12, 1838. Brown, Isaac, (2d), ensign, Nov. 29, 1823. Brown, Oliver, ensign, April 30, 1824. Brown, John, lieut. Rifle Company, July 28, 1826. Brown, William, lieut. co. A, July 17, 1830. Brown, H. M., 1st lieut. co. D, Rockland, July, 1862. Butler, Phinehas, ensign, July 17, 1797, lieut., June 30, 1799. Caldwell, Richard D., lieut., June 29, 1839. Carr, Moses S., lieut. Cavalry, July 26, 1834. Carver, Lorenzo D., paymaster, Sept. 1856. Case, John S., division inspector, May 8, 1860. Chandler Lucius H., capt. Thomaston Guards, June 29, 1839. Chapman, Ralph, ensign, August 19, 1812. Cobb, Francis, lieut. E. Thomaston Artillery, March 22, 1841, capt. March 12, 1842. Coffin Edmund, surgeon's mate, Sept. 23, 1830. Cole, William, lieut. Light Infantry, Dec. 19, '21, capt. Jan. 25, '23. Coombs, Joseph, 2d lieut. August 14, 1785. Coombs, Archibald G., capt. April 22, 1811, major, June 30, 1814. Coombs; George, lieut. Ap. 22, 1811, capt. Sept, 1, '14, col., June 10, '17. Coombs, Asa, ensign, Sept. 13, 1819, lieut., July 15, '22. Coombs, George W., ensign, Dec. 30, 1831. Counce, Rufus H., 1st lieut. co. A, Thomaston, July, 1862, Crawford, Oliver, capt. Rifle Company, Dec. 31, 1831. Crawford, William E., 4th lieut. co. A, Thomaston, July, 1862. Crockett, Asa, lieut., Sept. 1, 1814. Crockett, James, ensign, Riflemen, May 13, 1837. Crockett, Jonathan, capt. East Thomaston Artillery, April 22, 1841. Crockett, Charles, lieut. do. do. March 12, '42. Crockett, C. S., capt. co. C, Rockland, July, 1862. Cushing, Isaiah, lieut. Artillery, April 22, 1806. Cushing, James O., ensign, Thomaston Guards, Feb. 22, 1820. Davis, C. M., 4th lieut. co. B, Rockland, July, 1862. Dean, Jonas, ensign, Mar. 6, 1799, lieut. Jan. 4, '01, capt. Mar. 7, '05. Dean, Benjamin S., heut. Sept. 22, 1818, capt. July 15, '22, col. Peb. 26, 1830. Dean, Alanson, ensign, Rifle Company, July 28, 1826. Dodge, Josiah W„ 1st lieut. Artillery, May 15, 1824, capt. May 18, '25. Dow, James, capt., March 28, 1835. Durand, Jackson, ensign, May 6, 1806. Dwight Sullivan, lieut. July 24, 1813, capt. Light Infantry, July 30, '17, major, August 16, '21, lieut. col. Peb. 9, '24. Elwell, James H.. 1st lieut. co. B, Rockland, July, 1862. Erskine, A. I., 1st lieut. Rockland Riflemen, Sept. 18, 1855. Pales, Nathaniel, captain of Coast Guards, 1777. Fales, David, jr., captain, May 15, 1797. Fales, David S., adjutant Artillery, June 1, 1810. Pales, Eusebius, lieut. Light Infantry, July 30, 1817, capt. Dec. 19, "21, later, major or aid-de-camp. 121 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Fales, George W.. lieut. Sept. 12, 1827. Fales, Oliver, jr., lieut. co. B, Artillery, Mar. 31, 1829, capt May 31, '29. Fales, Samuel H., ensign, May 7, 1836, lieut., June 27, '39. Fales Philip A., capt. first co. Light Infantry, Dec. 31, 1831. Pales, Lewis T., ensign first co. Light Infantry, Sept. 28, 1833. Fales, George D., ensign co. B, Light Infantry, Aug. 3, 1836, capt. Sept. 25, '40. Fales, Willard, jr., lieut. co. B, Artillery, Aug. 12, 1836. Farnham, J. G., 3d lieut. co. B, Rockland, July, 1862. Flint, Henry, 3d lieut. co. F, do. do. do. Fuller, Sylvester H., division inspector, March 31, 1840. Gay, David, cornet, Cavalry, Feb. 4, 1801, lieut. Oct. 5, '04, Gay, Alden, do. do. July 11, 1835. Gay, Ephraim, 3d lieut. co. C, Rockland, July, 1862. Gloyd, George W., captain, August 26, 1830. Graves, John, ensign, April 9, 1836. Green, Ballard, capt. Thomaston Guards, August 22, 1825. Green, Leonard, 3d lieut. co. A, Rockland, July, 1862. Gregory, William, capt. Cavalry, 1800. Gregory, John, ensign, Cavalry, 1801, capt., April 11, '03. Hall, Eli P., 4th lieut. co. P, Rockland, July, 1862. Hall, T. G., 4th lieut. co. E, do. do. do. Hanson, Philip, first lieut. Cavalry, Jan. 19, 1801. Harden, Freeman, cornet, Cavalry, 1815, lieut. March 20, '24. Harden, Freeman, jr., lieut. Rifle Company, July 30, 1830, captain, May 18, '39. Haskell, John, lieut. Artillery, Feb. 22, 1809, captain, August 23, '13, major, '17, col., Nov. 16, '18. Hatch, George D., ensign, June 29, 1839. Havener, R. H , first lieut. co. A, Rockland, July, 1862. Healey, Halsey, adjutant, Sept. 1, 1818, Artillery, capt. June 11, '21. major, Feb. 18, '25, Lt. col., April 24, '26. Henrahan, Cornelius, 4th lieut. co. G, Rockland, July, 1862. Hewett, Samuel, cornet, Cavalry, June 30, 1828, capt., Mar. 20, '24. Hewett, A. E., 2d lieut. co. B, Rockland, July, 1862. Hinkley, Edmund B.. capt. co. B, Thomaston, July, 1862. Hodgman, Isaac, ensign, co. B, Light Infantry, Sept. 25, 1840. Hunt, A. G., 4th lieut. co. C, Rockland, July, 1862. Ingraham, John H., chaplain, Nov. 25, 1820, Feb. 26, '30. Ingraham, Henry, lieut. Cavalry, Oct. 17, 1828. Ingraham John N., 2d lieut co. F, Rockland, July, 1862. Ingraham, Job P., first lieut. co. A, South Thomaston, July, 1862. Jameson, Robert, first lieut., August 4, 1785. Jones, Nathaniel, second lieut. co. D, Rockland, July, 1862. Keen, Rufus, capt., July 16, 1830. Kelloch, James, ensign Rifle Company. June 29, 1839. Kellogg, David, surgeon, Dec. 18, 1820. Killsa, Wm., ensign Light Infantry, June 22, 1822, lieut. July 26, '23. Killsa, Wm. C., ensign, August 26, 1830, lieut. Dec. 31, '31, capt. March 20, '33. Kimball, Iddo K., capt. Rifle Company, August',; 31, 1833, first lieut. Rockland Light Infantry, August 6, '58. Kimball, George W., jr., aid-de-camp, May 8, 1860. Levensaler, Barden, ensign, June 26, 1823, lieut. Light Infantry, Aug. 28, '23, capt. Sept. 12, '27. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 125 Litchfield, Alden, third lieut. Rockland Riflemen, May 5, 1856. Lovejoy, Enoch, surgeon's mate, Aug. 1, 1812, surgeon, Sept. 22, '17. Lovejoy, Edwin P., capt. Cavalry, July 27, 1855. Lovejoy, Arthur, capt. co. A, June 29, 1839. Lovejoy, Edward.L., aid-de-camp, Sept. 1, 1843. Lovejoy, C. C, 2d lieut. co. G, Rockland, July, 1862. Lowell, Simeon B., lieut., July 11, 1830. Ludwig, Moses R., surgeon, August 25, 1825. Mcintosh, Wm. H., cornet, Cavalry, June 20, 1840, lieut., Feb. 26, '42. McKellar, Archibald, jr., lieut. col., August 15, 1839. McLellan, George, quarter master, Dec. 6, 1824. McLoon, William, ensign, Sept. 6, 1805. McLoon, William, (2d), ensign, June 23, 1829. McLoon, Enos C, second lieut. co. A, South Thomaston, July, 1862. Madagan, James C, aid-de-camp, Sept. 4, 1843. Mathews, John, lieut., 1775 or earlier. Merrill, Eli, adjutant, Artillery, Sept. 21, 1821. Miller, Leander, lieut. Thomaston Guards, Peb. 22, 1820. Miller, Charles A., judge advocate, May 8, 1860, Governor's aid, '62. Moody, Edwin, ensign, Light Infantry, June 3, 1828. Mosman, William., ensign, May 5, 1823, lieut., April 20, '24, capt., August 10, '26. Nanson, George G., third lieut. co. A, Thomaston, July, 1862. Newcomb, Charles, ensign, June 11, 1836. O'Brien, John, lieut. Thomaston Guards, August 22, 1825. O'Brien, E. K., second lieut. co. A, Thomaston, July, 1862. Osgood, T. K., capt. co. E, Rockland, July, 1862. Perry, Joseph, ensign, July 4, 1799, lieut., Sept. 6, 1805. Perry, David, ensign, July 15, 1822. Perry, Samuel P., capt. Rockland Riflemen, August 1, 1857. Perry, G. K., second lieut. Rockland Riflemen, Sept. 18, 1855. Perry, A. W., third lieut. co. E, Rockland, July, 1862. Pope, William, ensign. Light Infantry, Dec. 19, 1821. Porterneld, Robert, adjutant, August 4, 1785. Ramsey, John, ensign of first Light Infantry, Aug. 2, 1834. Read, Alvin A., fourth lieut. co. B, Thomaston, July, 1862. Richardson, J. R., first lieut. co. E, Rockland, do. do. Rider, John B., lieut. Artillery, Aug 23, 1813, capt., Oct. 13, '17. Robbins, Otis, capt., Aug. 4, 1785, major, '98, resigned, Oct. 26, 1803. Robbins, Otis, jr., lieut. April 22, 1811, first lieut. U. S. Infantry, July 11, '14, capt. militia June 7, '17. Robbins, Arunah, lieut. Cavalry, Aug. 30, '27, capt., Oct. 17, '28. Robbins, Isaac C, quarter master, Cavalry, March 7, '27. Robinson, John W., surgeon, Sept., '55. Rollins, Alfred, ensign, Dec. 31, '31, lieut., March 20, '33. Rose, Daniel, jr„ ensign Thomaston Guards, March 29, '33. Ruggles, John, aid-de-camp, Jan. 25, '27. Russell, George W., capt. co. A, August 21, '41. Sargent, William G., adjutant, Sept. '56. Sawyer, David A., ensign, June 27, '39, lieut., Aug. 21, '41. Sayward, William T., lieut. East Thomaston Artillery, April 22, '41. Say ward. Albert, first lieut. co. F, Rockland, July, '62. Shaw, Benjamin, jr., quarter master, August 24, '30. Sherer, Josiah T., second lieut. co. A, Rockland, July, '62. Simonton, T. E.. second lieut. co. C, Rockland, do. do. 11* 126 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Smith, Leonard, second lieut. Coast Guards, '12. Smith, Richard, ensign, Sept. 22, '18, Heut., Oct. 7, '20. Smith, Leonard, jr., lieut., April 8, '37, capt., June 27, '39. Snelling, Charles G., capt. co. A, South Thomaston, July, '62. Snow, Ephraim, capt., Dec. 1, 1798. Snow, Rufus, capt. co. E, South Thomaston, March 6, 1841. Spalding, Joseph A., lieut. co. A., May 28, '36. Spear, John, ensign, June 30, 1799, lieut., May 6, '06, capt., April 22, '11, major, April 30, '12, capt. Coast Guards, '12, capt. again in militia, August 26, '17. Spear, Jonathan, (2d), cornet, Cavalry, Feb. 12, '08. Spear. Jonathan, (3d), lieut. Rifle Company, May 18, '39. Spear, Elkanah, quarter master, August 1, '12. Spofford, Charles, adjutant, Feb. 23, '13. Spofford, William, ensign, co. A, July 17, '30. Sprague, Joseph, paymaster, July 30, '22. Stabler, Dean, fourth lieut. Rockland Riflemen, May 5, '56. Starr, George A., lieut. Light Infantry, May 11, '33, capt., Aug. 2, '34. col., August 15, '39. Stevens, George W. ensign, Oct. 7, '20, lieut., May 6, '22, capt., April 20, '24. Stevens, William K., ensign Light Infantry, August 28, '23. Stevens, Hermon, division advocate, July 11, '43. * Stover, Andrew W., fourth lieut. co. A, South Thomaston, July, '62. Thatcher, Ebenezer, capt. Artillery, '06, maj., July 17, '09, lieut. col. commandant, August 16, '14, colonel, brevet, June 20, '16. Thomas, Joel, fourth lieut. co. A, Rockland, July, '62. Tillson, William F., lieut , August 10, '26. Tillson, Edward C, lieut., August 26, '30, capt., March 30, '38. Tillson, Charles S., lieut. co. B, Light Infantry, August 2, '34, capt., Oct. 8, '36. Tillson, Perez, jr., ensign, March 30, '33, capt., May 7, '36. Tillson, Davis, adjutant, Jan. 8, '59, adjutant general, '60. Titcomb, William H., major general, March 23, '60. Tolman, David, lieut. Cavalry, May 2, '15. Tolman, Thomas, ensign Coast Guards, '12. Tolman, Calvin, cornet, Cavalry, May 10, '17, lieut. June 30, '21. Tolman, Elliott, quarter master, Cavalry, June 9, '21. Tolman, David, cornet, Cavalry, July 24, '13. Tolman, Calvin, jr , ensign, July 30, '30. Tolman, Orrin P., fourth lieut. Rockland Light Infantry, Aug. 6, '58. Tolman, Walter, do. do. co. D, Rockland, July, '62. Tolman, O P., first lieut. co. G, do. do. do. Ulmer, Philip, lieut. Cavalry, July 24, '13, capt., May 10, '15, major, Sept. 6, '23. Ulmer, James, capt. Cavalry, Nov. 14, '32. Ulmer, Enos C., lieut. Cavalry, June 20, '40. Ulmer, William S., capt. co. A, April 26, '34, major, August 15, '39, brig, gen., July 13, 1843. Ulmer, Charles, adjutant, Cavalry, April 2, '27. Ulmer, Jacob, jr., lieut. Cavalry, June 21, '23, capt., August 30, '27. Vose, Thomas P., ensign, Light Infantry, Nov. 27, '20. Vose, Jas., ensign, Thomaston Guards, Aug. 22, '25, lieut., Mar. 29, '33. Watson, David, jr., cornet, Cavalry, March 20, '24. Wheaton, Mason, major, 1770, col., about '76. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 127 Wight, John M., lieut., July 17, 1797. Wilkinson, Samuel S., paymaster, Artillery, Sept. 11, '15. WilUams, Timothy, ensign, co. B, Light Infantry, Aug. 29, '35, lieut., Aug. 8, '36, promoted, Feb. 29, '40, to lieut. col. or col. Williams, Fred. O., third lieut. co. A, South Thomaston, July, '62. Wilson, William, quarter master, Sept. '58. Witham, F. P., third lieut. co. G, Rockland, '62. Wortman, E. E., third lieut. co. D, Rockland, July, '62. Several of the above have since been further advanced in the vol unteer service of the United States. TABLE XVI. VOTES GIVEN FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS AFTER THE SEPARATION OF MAINE, SO FAR AS APPEARS BY THE RECORDS OF THOMASTON. 1828. Andrew Jackson, el. 144 John Q,. Adams, 99 1832. Andrew Jackson, el. 495 Henry Clay, 171 1836. M. Van Buren, el. 320 Henry Clay, 93 1840. Martin Van Buren, 627 W. H. Harrison, el. 436 1844. James K. Polk, el. 808 Henry Clay, 286 1848. Lewis Cass, 248 1848. Zachary Taylor, el. 153 1852.1856. 1860. Martin Van Buren, Winfield Scott, Franklin Pierce, el. John C. Fremont, Jas. Buchanan, el. Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln,el Stephen A. Douglas, 163" J. C. Breckinridge, 34 John Bell, 17 2 131 259293287 19 .200 EOCKLAND. 1848. Lewis Cass, 470 Zachary Taylor, 275 Martin Van Buren, 8 1852. Winfield Scott, 374 Franklin Pierce, 603 John P. Hale, 44 1856. John C. Fremont, 788 1856. James Buchanan, 382 Millard Fillmore, 45 1860. Abraham Lincoln, 619 Stephen A. Douglas, 302 J. C. Breckinridge, 53 John Bell, 12 SOUTH THOMASTON. 1848. Lewis Cass, 119 Zachary Taylor, 61 Martin Van Buren, 4 1852. Winfield Scott, 81 Franklin Pierce, 112 John P. Hale, 8 1856. John C. Frement, 170 James Buchanan, 131 1860. Abraham Lincoln, 136 Stephen A. Douglas, 80 J. C. Breckinridge, 10 John Bell, 1 128 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE INHABITANTS OF THOMASTON, ROCKLAND, AND SOUTH THOMASTON, DOWN TO 1860, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED AND COMPILED FROM TOWN RECORDS, MONU MENTAL INSCRIPTIONS, NEWSPAPER NOTICES, AND OTHER SOURCES. From the great deficiency of records of births and deaths in the three municipalities, and the want of personal acquaintance with fam ilies, many errors and omissions will doubtless be detected. Those births, given without specifying the day and month are merely ap proximations from census returns, &c. — Explanations : — b. born ; ch. child or children ; m. married; p. published; d. died; a., aged; r. re sides, resided, resident of; rem. removed to; ret. returned to ; c. came; grad. graduated at ; ab. about ; dau. daughter ; U. Union; Wal. Waldo- borough; W. Warren; Cam. Camden; Th. Thomaston; S. Th. South Thomaston; R. or Rock. Rockland; C. Cushing; St. G. St. George; Line. Lincolnville ; Dam. Damariscotta ; and their initial capitals for the months, except January, April, May and July. Doubt is denoted by an interrogation point. ABBOT, Benjamin, m. Phebe, dau. of Hon. Jacob Abbot, of Wil ton, N. H., & rem. 1803 to Temple, Me. Of their sons, there c. to Th., 1, John S., Esq., b. Jan. 6, 1807, grad. Bowd. Coll. 1827, att'ny at law in U. '31, Th. '33 ; m. Elizabeth T. Allen, p. S. 12, '35, rem. Norridgewock, '41. 2, George, Esq., b. Feb. 22, 1813; m. Melinda, or Melina Alden of U., May 25, '37 ; practised law & r. Main St., Th., where he d. A. 18, '50. 3, Ezra, admitted to the bar when in Th., . 1842 ; practised law in Richmond, Me. George, Esqr's, ch. 1, Lucy Ellen, b. J. 3, 1839 ; i. Th. 2 Capt. George Roscoe, b. Jan. 26, '42 j a clerk in I860 ; vol. in U. S. A. since. ABBOTT ; of this Belfast family, two brothers c. to this place. 1, Capt. Isaac C, b. air. 1817 ; m Harriet W. Pressey of Deer Isle, Jan. 7, '41 ; r. R., a joiner; Quarter Master of Maine 4th Reg., promoted, '63. to Brigade Quarter Master. 2, William F., b. ab. 1822 ; m. Mary A. Sanborn of Knox, 2d, Frances A. Pendleton of Northport; r. R., where he d. Oct. 23, '64. Capt. Isaac C.'s ch. 1, Mary K., b. Jan. 24, 1843, d. Feb. 6, '4fi. 2. George L., b. ab. '46. The mother d. O. 2, '63, a, 39. William F.'s ch. 1, Mary E., b. ab. '49. 2, George W.,b. ab. '52. ABBOTT, Joseph, b. ab. 1830 ; c. from Albion ; r. R. ; a merchant, firm of Bowler & Abbott ; m. Emily Spear of W., J. 8, '57. Their ch. William Osgood, b. ab. '58. ABBOTT, George, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Emeline Thompson, N. 27, '52; r. R ; a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Ada A., b. ab. '57. 2, Harriet A., b. ab. '59. ACHORN, for Eichhorn, as originally spelled,) Jacob, (whose fath er, Jacob, and mother, Jane, c. from Germany to Broad Bay, now Wal., m 1753) was b. M. 14, 1761 ; m. Margaret Ulmer ; c. from Wal. with wife and 5 chil to what is now R., in 1796 ; & d. S. 19, 1836. Their h n r ?«7J'a JJ' 1785 ; m' "fosiah Tolman ! r- R- 2, Margaret, b. O. 6, 87 ; d. S. 25, 1800. 3, John, b. M. 14, '91 ; m. Betsey Por- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 129 ter of Cam., O. 21, 1813 ; r. & d. Cam. 4, Philip, b. S. 29, '93 ; m. Bethia French, M. 9, '15 ; i. R., & d. A. 11, '47. 5, Michael, b. in Wal., (as were the four preceding,) M. 16, '96 ; m. Celinda Gregory of Cam., May 29, '22 ; r. R. & d. M. 20, '49. 6, Jacob, (2d), b. here May 20, '98 ; m. Mary Brown of Cam. ; p. May 15, '19 ; r. Cam. 7, Isaac, b. N. 30, 1800 ; m. Olive Currier, May 21, '22 ; r. & d. R. 8, Lucretia, b. May 23, '03 ; m. Benjamin Porter, M. 24, '25, 2d, Rev. Joseph L. Cilley, Ap. 12, '58 ; r. Cam. 9, Capt Josiah, b. May 6, '06 ; m. Orissa W. Tolman, Ap. 12, '32, 2d, Mrs. Elmira, (Tolman) Hill- man; r. R. 10, Catharine, b. J. 18, '09 ; m. Oliver Holmes; r. R. Of John's ch., Albion G. was at one time in R. ; m. Lucy G. Par tridge, F. 3, '46 ; rem. Cal. Philip's ch. 1, Almira, b. S. 21, '15 ; m. Chas. W. Smith ; and d. D. 4, '35. 2, Margaret, b. N. 19, '18 ; m. Jas. Turner, N. 2, '43 ; r. R. 3, Philip, (2d), b. D. 1, '22 ; m. Mary A. Richards, N. 27, '52; r. R., &c. 4, Cyrena, b. Ju. 15, '26 ; m. Wm. Wallace Gorden ; r. R. 5, Mary P., b. S. 10, '33 ; m. Henry Brown ; r. R. The mother d. M. 10, '44, a. 49. Michael's ch. 1, Lucinda; h. Jan. 16, '23 ; m. Capt. Samuel Dun can; r. N. Y. 2, Prances B., b. P. 14, '25 ; m. Isaac Orbeton ; r. R. 3, Mary G., b. F. 13, '27 ; d. by suicide, S. 2, '42. 4. Melinda, b. Jan. 13, '29 ; m. Wm. Thorndike ; r. R. and d. Ap. 27, '48. 5, Catharine H., b. May 8, '31 ; m. Dr. A. D. Nichols ; r. R. 6, Clara B., b. May 9, '33 ; m. John Collins, a music teacher, O. 11, '51 ; rem. N. Y. 7, Margaret E., b. S. 6, '35; m. Gen. Davis Tillson; r. R. 8, Almira A., b. May 24, '37 ; m. Geo. W. Kimball, (2d) ; r. R. 9, John E., b. Ju. 7, '39 ; r. R. ; m. Adelaide E. Crockett, N. 24, '61 ; a mariner. 10, Lucretia P., b. N. 12, '41. 11, Michael J., b. ab. '45. Isaac's ch. 1, Lucy, b. J. 21, 1822 ; m. Capt. Robert Crockett ; r. R. 2. Lucretia, b. A. 13, '24 ; m. Mark S. Adams ; r. R., & d. A. 20, '64. 3, Lavinia, b. A. 20, '26 ; d. N. 19, '30. 4, Franklin, b. S. 9, '29 ; m. Abby Grant. Oct. 23, '48 ; j . R. ; a mariner, soldier in the 4th Me. reg., killed in Va , A. 29, '62. 5, Sophronia, b. O. 16, '31; m. El liot T. Harrington, 2d, Chas. L. Allen ; r. R. 6, Olive, b. A. 19, '33 j m. Capt. George Gregory ; r. R. 7, Isaac, (2d), b. & d. Ap. 1, '37. 8. Margie A., b. D. 18, '41. 9. Girard, b. ab. '44. Capt. Josiah's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Caroline E., b. A. 28, '32 ; m. Capt. Elijah Crockett, ; r. R., & d. 0. 13, '61. 2, Michael A. b. J. 16, '34 ; m. Mary L. Ulmer, S. 18, '56 ; r. R., a merchant. 3, Josiah G., b. Apr. 14, & d. S. 28, '36. 4, Capt. William W., b. F. 25, '38; m. Jennie C. Crockett, D. 7, '61 ; r R., appt. master's mate U. S. N. Feb. '62. 5, Melinda P., b. D. 28, '39 ; m. Brown of Wal. ; r. Boston. 6, Margie D., b. D. 24, '41 ; m. Lieut. Kendall K. Rankin; r. R.. 7, Josiah, (2d), b. ab. '44. 8, Isaac Alfred, b. ab. '50. Philip, (2d,)'s ch. 1, Charles E., b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary F., b. ab. '56. 3, Thomas J., b. ab. '58. 4, Sarah Bethia. •" Michael A.'s ch. 1, Nellie E., b. ab. 1858. 2, Charles A., b. Ap. 11, '60; d. May 2, '61. ADAMS, Dea., or Esq., Joshua, b. ab. 1769 ; m. Miss Gray ; c. from Cape Cod or Scituate, to Line, thence to S. Th., Owl's Head ; long a blacksmith, ship builder and merchant; d. O. 12, 1829. Their ch. 1, Nancy, b. F. 10, 1792 ; m. Joshua Fuller; r. Th., & d. Ap. 28, 1858. 2, Saba, b. J. 15, '95, -probably d. young. 3, Mary, b. O. 15, '98 ; m. Samuel P. Ingraham, a merchant of Hallowell, Jan. 15, '25. 4, Lydia, b. Ap. 13, '01 j m. Capt. Thos. McLellan ; r. Th., & d. Jan. 130 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 29, '30. 5, Capt. Samuel Gray, b. S. 28, '03 ; m. Adeline Cushing of Cam., June 28, '27 ; rem. Cam., where he has been a representative, a successful business man, &c. ; has 10 ch. 6, Capt. Joshua C, b. May 9, '06 ; m. Nancy Whitney of Castine, Jan. 19, '26, 2d, Mary Oakes, of U., M. 6, '55 ; r. Owl's Head, &c, and d. Jan. 26, '58. JoshuaC.'sch. 1, Henry W.,b. May 6, 1826. 2, Lucy Ann, b. A, 22, '27 ; m. Capt. Moses Gay, O. 18, '49 ; r. Castine. 3, Lydia McLellan, b. May 12, '30 ; m. Henry Pillsbury ; r. S. Th. 4, Charles W., b. F. 19, '36 ; m. & r. N. Y. 5, Susan Frances, b. M. 23, '37 ; m. Henry E. Tolman ; r. S. Th. 6, Phebe P., b. D 6, '39 ; m. Capt. Oliver B. Pillsbury; r. S. Th. 7, Clara, b. O. 9, '40. 8, Samuel, b. N. 19, '41. 9, John W., b. M. 1, '43. 10, Julia Helen, b. ab. '45. The mother d. D. 15, '51, a. 43. ADAMS, Capt. Joseph, b. ah. 1782, of Irish or Scotch Irish de scent ; c. from N. H. in 1803 or '4 ; m. Nancy Hyler of C. ; i. R., & d. J. 22, '37. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. A. 9, 1807 ; m. Sabra Wal ton, Ap. 5, '34, 2d, Mary Jackson, Ap. 18, '52 ; r. R., a quarry man. 2, Hannah, b. O. 6, '09 ; m. Bernard. Ulmer ; r. R. 3, Luranah, b. A. 7, '12 ; m. James Boston, Jan. 17, '30 ; r. Biddeford. 4, Mark S., b. M. 31, '15 ; m. Lucretia Achorn, A. 30, '40; r. R., a lime manufac turer. 5, Sophia, b. D. 5, '18 ; m. Samuel L. Ingraham, Ju. 1, '39; r. R. 6, John H. b. ab. '24 ; m. Mary Hooper of St. G. P. 1, '52 ; r. R., a quarry man. Thomas' ch. 1, Jacob H., b. A. 28, 1836 ; r. R., a mariner. 2, Lorana B., b. May 28, 1838. 3, Arietta A., b. Jan. 21, '40. 4, Del- phina A., b. Ju. 18, '42 ; m. Geo. E. Hewett : i. R. 5, Elizabeth, b. ab. '46. 6, Bartlett, b. ab. '53. Mark S.'s ch. 1, Issac A. b. F. 19, 1842 ; r. R., a mariner. 2, Samuel I., b. ab. '44, a mariner. 3, Lucy Helen, b. ab. '46. John H.'s ch. 1, Simeon H., b. ab. 1854. The mother died Jan. 8, '60, aged 28. ADAMS, William, b. O. 30, 1800; c. from Edgecomb ? m. Sarah A. Fuller, 2d, Mary Emerson, N. 23, '31 : r. Th. Beech Woods, a join er. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eliza J., b. Ap. 11, '26 ; m. Anthony Perkins, Jan. 20, '48; r. San Prancisco. 2, Olive P., b. O. 23, '171; m. Samuel H. Waterman ; r. Th., & d. P. 26, '57. 3, William J., b. A. 11, '29 ; m. Cassandra (Hills) Mclntyre, Jan. 15, '57 ; rem. San. Francisco. The mother d. May 16, '30, a. 24. By 2d wife. 4, Sarah E., b. N. 11, '32; Sarah C. Adams, m. Alexander Spear, (2d); r. Th. 5, Mary R., b. M. 5, & d. S. 26, '34. 6, John E.,b. M. 10, '35. 7, Mary, b. Jan. 26, '37. 8, Rebecca E., b. May 5, '39 ; r. Th. 9, Lau ra, b. O. 13, '41 ; m. Nathan W. Puller, D. 30, '63 ; r. Th. 10, Em ma E., b. Ju. 15, '44. 11, Daniel, b. ab. '46. 12, Lewis B., b. Jan. 3, '48 ; d. S. 1, '58. ADAMS, Capt. Daniel H., b. ab. 1834 ; c. from Unity ; m. Mary E. Young, A. 27, '56 ; r. Th., a carpenter ; soldier of the 4th Me. reg., rose rapidly, but d. Ap. 30, '63. ADAMS, William, b. ab. 1822, in Union ; m. Elizabeth H. Lermond of W. ; r. R., a carriage manufacturer. Their ch. Cora M., b. ab. '56. ADAMS, Capt. James, b. M. 2, 1819 ; c. from Lincoln ; m. Mary Ann Dunton, N. 17, '44, 2d, Sarah (Gilman) Andrews, Jan. 4, '61; r. R. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, John Q. A., b. D. 22, 1845 ; r. R. 2, Israel B., b. Ap. 7, '47; d. Ju. 10, '48. 3 & 4, twins, b. Jan. 25, '49, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 131 Adelia Ellen, d. Ap. 30, '59, Arinda Alice, r. R. 5, James Orson, b. May 11, '51, d. S. 5, '52. The mother b. S. 23, '24 ; d. Jan. 6, '60. ALBEE, Rev. Samuel, b. S. 10, 1794, in Wiscasset; c. to Th. May 14, 1820 ; m. 1st, , 2d, Jane R. Fales, A. 27, '22 ; r. Th., W., Monhegan, Starks, and now R. ; a joiner, merchant, local preacher of the Meth. E. Church, &c. Mrs. Albee grad. N. E. Fe male Med. Coll., Boston, and is now in successful practice in R. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sophia; m. John Thompson ; r. Salmon Falls, N. H. 2, William Harrison, b. 1815 ; d. O. 13, '31. By 2d wife. 3, Samuel, (2d), b. A. 1, '23 ; m Emily McKellar, Ap. 7, '47 ; r. R., a carpenter, &c. 4, Nancy Jane, b. S. 9, '25 ; m. Capt. Luke Andrews ; r. R. 5, Alice V., b. Jan. 29, '28 ; m. Capt. Thomas F. Thurston ; r. Wiscasset. 6, Capt. Parker Bishop, b. N. 16, '29 ; m. Rhoda G. An drews of Boothbay, Jan. '52 ; r. Monhegan. 7, Nathaniel P., b. O. 12, '33 ; r. R., a joiner, &c. 8, Seth V., b. J. 22, '38 ; i. R., a photo graphist. 9, Martha Paulina, b. Ap. 6, '41 ; m. Ephraim A. Jordan of Belmont, May 19, '58, & d. Jan. 3, '59. Samuel, (2d's), ch. 1, Mary Eliza, b. in Th., S. 23, 1848 ; d. A. 28, '49. 2. Everett S., b. Ju. 5, '53. Capt. Parker B's ch. 1, Prank S., b. in R., F. 12, 1853. 2, Her bert W., b. R., M. 22, '55 ; d. Ju. 1, '60. 3, Jane A., b. O. 1, '57. 4, Samuel A., b. ab. '59. 5, Orilla A., b. ab. '60. ALDEN, Ebenezer, b. at Middleborough, Mass., S 20, 1774, settled in Union, 1795 ; m. Patience Gilmore of Pranklin, Mass., M. 4, 1799, & d. July 10, '62. Their ch. 1, Hon. Horatio, b. P. 4, 1800 ; m., 1st, Polly G. Bachelor, 2d, Sally Bachelor, p. D. 14, 1835, sisters, of Read- field ; r. Th. or R. ; rem. Cam. ; first Judge of Probate for Knox Co. 2, Louisa, b. Jan. 30, '02; m. Phineas Tyler, '23 ; r. Th. & d. S. 29, '27. 3, Silas, b. J. 23, '04 ; m. Sarah Lindley ; r. Bangor. 4, Selina, b. D. 26, '06 ; d. N. 15, '07. 5, Lyman, b. D. 1, '08 ; m. Sarah E. Williams of Orono; r. S. Union. 6, Melina, b. J. 16, '11 ; m. George Abbott, Esq ; r. Th. 7, Augustus, b. Ju. 3, '14; m. Margaret W. Williams; r. U. 8, Ebenezer, (2d), b. D. 14, '16 ; m. Caroline Snow, J. 29, '45; r. R. ; a joiner. 9, James G., b. M. 1, '19 ; m. Alvitia C. Miller of Bangor ; r. Janesville, Wis. 10, Dr. Edward, b. D. 13 or 21, '21. . 11, Henry, b. A. 5, '24; d. A. 16, '47. 12, George A., b. July 29, '28 ; died May 9, '29. Horatio's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John M., m. Sabra R. Ulmer, A. 17, 45; r. R., rem. and d. Cal. 2, Arrevesta C.,b. Ju. 4, 1829 ; 3, Na thaniel A. b. S. 2, '30 ; 4, Horatio E , b. D. 11, '34 ; all probably rem. The mother d. F. 7, '35. By 2d wife. 5, Benjamin H., b. F. 24, '38 ; 6, William G., b. July 17, '40; all probably rem. to Cam. 7, Henry L„ born Nov. 20, 41 ; died June 16, '42. Ebenezer, (2d's), ch. 1, Francis Marion, b. May 23, '48, d. Aug. 26, '61. 2, Alex. S., b. June, 1850, d. Aug. 4, '51. 3, Willie P., b. July '62, d. S. 28, '53. 4, Adaline, b. ab. '54. 5, Pannie, b. ab. '57. John M.'s ch. 1, Emma, b. ab. '46. 2, Frank D., b. ab. '48. ALDREAD, James, with Ellaes his wife, r. in old Th. and had ch. recorded here. 1, James A , b. Sept. 18, 1840, d. April 16, '41. 2, Mary A. E., born July 29, '42. ALLEN, Charles Leeds, b. 1824 ; c. from Matinicus Isl. where he m. 1st, Martha W. Beverage, Dec. 29, '45 ; 2d, Sophronia (Achorn) .Harrington, Oct. 8, '55, r. R. a sailmaker. His ch. by 1st wile. 1, Clara Frances, b. ab. '47. 2, Martha Delia, b. Sept. 1849. 132 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ALLEN ; of this family, two brothers came from Buckfield to this place about 1819; viz. . 1, Joshua G., b. ab. 1791 ; m. Mary Gloyd, July 14, '22 ; r. Meadows, Th. a farmer. 2, Samuel, m. Mrs. Eliza beth Kelleran of C, Sept. 29, '25 ; i. Th. at Meadows, rem. Mill R. Of their brothers, 3, Jacob, r. in Buckfield, whose son, Samuel Fes senden, b. ab. 1818, c. hither; m. Larissa J. Kelleran; r. R., a hrae manufacturer, rem. Th. 3, Stephen, r. Poland, whose son, Joseph F. c. to R., m. Marietta Tolman, S. 14, '45 ; rem. Cal. and d. at Sacra mento, N 3, 1850. Joshua G.'s ch. 1, Joshua, b. June 6, 1823 ; m. Mary A. Vinal of Cam. p. Oct. 12, '47 ; r. Th. a farmer. 2, Mary, b. Ap. 25, '25 ; m. Jos. Battles; r. R. 3, Edward, b. D. 4, '27; d. D. 14, 34, drowned by falling through ice in a pond; 4, Marcia, b. M. 20, '29 ; m. Charles Morse; r. Th. 5, Augusta W., b. O. 13, '30, d N. 9, '48. 6, Orrin, b. 0. 6, '32; m. Lydia Moore, O. 19, '58; r. Th. 7, Edwin, b. Ap. 14, '34; rem. Cal. 8, George H., b. Ap. 13, '37 ; m. Lydia J. Pres- cott, J. 19, '55; r. homestead. 9, Jane, b. F. 9, .'39; m. James Ball- corn, O. 25, '56; and d. Jan. 4, '58. 10, Henry D., b, J. 9, '41. 11, Richard W., b. ab. 1845. Samuel's ch. 1, Col. Samuel H., b. O. 17, '26; m. Adelia Ingra ham, Jan. 8, '59 ; r. Th., deputy collector, 1861 ; officer in 1st Maine cavalry, resigned Jan. 5, '63, since visited Cal. 2, Ellen K., b. S, 15, '28 ; m. Capt. Bart. R. Robinson ; r. Th. 3, Lucy V., b. Jan. 12, '31, d. Ju. 18, '54. 4, Sarah, r. Th. S. Pessenden's ch. 1, Clarissa S., b. May 23, 1842. 2, Frank F., b. ab. '44. 3, Larissa K„ b. ab. '52. 4, Artemas W., b. ab. '54. Joshua (2d)'s ch. 1, C. Henry, d. Jan. 11, 1852. 2. Frederic, d .D 28, ' 51. 3, Samuel V., b. ab. 1849. 4, Mary E., b. ab. 1851. Col. Samuel H.'s ch. Lucy A.; b. ab. 1859. ALLEN, Andrew R., c. from St. George ; m. Hannah T. Clark, J. 17, '35; & had recorded here, ch. 1, David C, b. Jan. 31, 1836. 2, Lorinda, b. May 13, '37. 3, Joshua C, b. Jan. 8, 39, d. D. 14, '41. 4, James E., b. Jan. 14, '40, d. N. 28, '41. 5, Andrew W., b. F. 21, '41; m. Amelia C. Brown of N. Islesboro', p. M. 4, '64; r. S. Th. ALLEN, Sumner, c. from Belfast ? m. Sarah W. ; r. R. Their ch. 1, Russell, b. N. 7, 1840 2, Benjamin K., b. M. 23, 42 ; r. R , lost overboard from sch. Silas Wright, Oct. 1864. 3, Eliza, b. ab. 1849. 4, Ephraim W., b. ab. 1853. ALLEN, Capt. John P., b. ab. 1816, son of John of St. G., grand son of Gideon, and great grandson of John of Allen's Isl., who was somewhat celebrated in the Revolution ; m. Elvira Norton ; r. S. Th. Their eh. 1, Horace C, b. ab. 1843. 2, Josephine B., b. ab. '45 ; m. Chas M. Wiggin ; r. S. Th. 3, Abel A., b. ab. '48. 4, Deborah M. b. ab. '50. 5, Joseph H., b. ab. '52. 6, John L., b. ab. '55. ALEXANDER, Capt. Ezekiel K., b. ab. 1820, in North Haven; m. 1st, Lucy W. Sampson of North Haven, (who d. D. 11, '56, a. 35,) 2d, Anna D. Field, D. 24, '62 ; i-. R. ; a master mariner. AMES, Mark ; m. 1st, Priscilla Howland ; rem. from Marshfield, . Mass., to North Haven, took up a large tract of land ; m. 2d, Rebecca Crosbery, and d. North Haven. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mark, (2d),. m. Mercy Perry; r. & d. Appleton. 2, Rev. Benjamin, b. Ap. 1774? m. 1st, Margaret Dyer, 2d, Olive Waterman ; stud, theology in 1806, with Rev. Mr. Merrill, ord. Bap. Min. at North Haven, '09, was minis'r ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 133 at St G., from '11 till hisrfleath, A 23, '45. 3. Experience, m. Nath. Lindsey; 1-. R., & d. Jan. 7, '42. 4, Anna, m. Wm. Dyer; r. & d. North Haven. 5, John, m. Hannah Perry ; r. & d. N. Haven. 6, Isaac, m. Abigail Clark ; r. & d. Machias. 7, Abraham, m. Clark, 3d, Olive Drinkwater ; r. & d. Machias. 8, Hezekiah, m. Betsey Fowler, 2d, Sally Scofield ; r. & d. N. Haven. Mark (2d)'s ch. 1, Doyle, m. Lydia Waterman; r. Appleton. 2, Priscilla, b. Ap. 1, 1801 ; m. Capt. David Grant, 2d, Stephen Pres- cott; r. R. 3, Jabez, m. Abby Hall; r. & d. N. Haven. 4, Abner, b. ab. 1799 ; m. 1st, Mary Ann , 2d, Mrs. Charlotte Sanders, Ap. 7, '58 ; r. R., a mariner. 5, Abby, m. Geo. Hall ; r. & d. N. Haven. Rev. Benjamin's ch. 1, Abby, m. Jos. Robinson; r. St. G., & S. Th. 2, Lydia, m. Elisha Ames ; r. S. Th.. 3, Isaac, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Ann F. Sherer, Mar. 2, '34; r. R., a s'hip-builder. By 2d wife. 4, Margaret, b. S. 16, '12 ; m. Shepherd R. Small; r. S. Th., & d. N. 20, '51. 5, Sarah W., b. A. 11, '13; d. Jan. 16, '33. 6, Joseph W., b. 1815; m. Bethia Martin; 1. S. Th., a joiner. 7, Benjamin, (3d), d. at N. 0., 183 1. 8, Olive, b. S 25, '19; m. Shepherd R. Small; r. S. Th. 9, Rebecca, d. Jan. 19, '33. 10, Mark (3d), b. Ap. 11, '22 ; m. Emily Wadliu, S. 16, '61 ; r. S. Th., a joiner, &c. John's ch. 1, Dura, d. young. 2, Capt. Jesse, b. ab. 1810; m. Martha Tolman, O. 27, '33 ; r. R., rein. Minnesota. 3, Charlotte, m. Hiram Brewster; r. R., & d. F. 27, '34. 4, Olive, m. Samuel Rankin, (2d) ; r. & d. R. 5, Capt. Jackson, b. D. 30, '15 ; m. Sally Thomas ; r. R., & d. at Port au Prince, N. 22, '55. 6, Lucy, m. Nath'l Crockett, (4th) ; r. R. 7, Hezekiah, m. Thomas ; r. N. Haven ; has 2 daus. &lson. 8, Otis, d. young. 9, David, m. Sally Dyer; r. .N. Haven; & has 1 dau. & 2 sons. 10, Nancy P., m. Capt. Oliver J. Conant; r. R. Hezekiah's ch. by 2d wife. 1, Capt. Mark, (4th), m. Nancy Mathews; r. Line. & has a son George. 2. Rebecca, m» Mathews ; 1. N. Haven. 3, Amanda ; r. N. Haven, 4, Abby, m. Jos. Fish; r. R., & rem. 5, Nathan, m. Clara Ames; r. N. Haven. 7, Priscilla. 8, Lizzie. 9, Abraham. 10, John. 11, Benjamin; all r. North Haven. Fourth Generation. Of Doyle's ch. 1, Capt. Jabez Frank, b. ab. 1826 ; m. Huldah A. Spalding, Feb. 1850 ; r. Rock. Abner's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Charles P., b. F. 3, 1838; r. R. ; a mariner. 2, Roziltha, b. S. 10, '40. 3, William H., b. ab. '44; sol dier of 4th Me. ; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 8th, d. at Philadel phia, J. 18, '64. The mother d. A. 2, '56, a. 47. Isaac's ch. 1, Margaret, b. N. 23, 1835 ; m. Capt. Charles H. Mars ton ; r. R. 2, Reuben S., b. Ju. 7, '40 ; m. Almira M. Candage, Ju. 7, '61 ; r. R. ; a mariner. 3, Georgiana, b. ab. '44. 4, Eva Ann, b. ab. 1851. Joseph W.'s ch. 1. Olinda S., b. M. 23, 1846 ; d. S. 1847. 2, Ben jamin S., b. J. 16, 1849. 3, Margaret S., b. May 4, 1853 ; d. A. 15, 1854. 4, Olive W., b. Dec. 4, 1855. .Mark, (3d)'s ch. May Emily, b. S. 18, 1862. Capt. Jesse's ch. 1, John Thomas, b. F. 15, 1834 ; m. &'r. Minne sota. 2. Gen. Adelbert, b. O. 31, 1835 ; grad. at West Point Acad., 1861, being number 5 in his class ; commander of Ames's Battery, Col. of the 20th Me. reg., and since Brig. Gen. of volunteers. Capt. Jackson's ch. 1, Samuel, r. R. & North Haven. 2, Oliver Vol. II. li 134 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, C, b. S. 7, 1842, killed by a fall from a horse. 3, Clara ; m. Nathan Ames. 4, a daughter. 5, Jesse, (2d). 6, Jackson, (2d), allr. North Haven. F ift h Generation . Capt. Jabez Frank's ch. 1, Asa F , b. ab. 1851. 2, Frederic E., b. ab. '53. 3, Ambrose N., b. ab. '65. The mother d. Jan. 17, '61, a. 34. AMES ; of this Brooksville family, three brothers c. to this place. 1. Capt. David, b. ab. 1821 ; m. 1st, Lucy Prye, A. 7, 1842, 2d, Au gusta Hall, S. 19, 1863 ; r. R. 2, Capt. Albert P., b. ab. 1824; m. Margaret W. Verrill, O. 27, 1856 ; r. R. 3, Samuel V. ; m. Sylvia N. ; i-. R., a mariner, & d. by intentional drowning, as supposed, near Steamboat wharf, May 16, 1852. Capt. David's ch. by 1st wiff . 1, Ada A., b. ab. 1843. 2. Lucy J., b. May, 1844, d. April 7, 1853. Capt. Albert F.'s ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1857. 2, Brindah A., b. February, and died July, 1859. Samuel V.'s ch. ' 1, Amos M., b. 1835, d. N. 28, 1848. 2, Capt. Alonzo, b. ab. 1837 ; r. R. 3, Frances H., b. O. 24, 1839 ; r. R., a miliner. 4, Henrietta E. b. A. 20, '41 ; r. R. 5, Nancy C, b. ab. '44. AMES ; of the ch. of Asa of Skowhegan, there c. hither, 1, Ra chel, b. 1831 ; m. Jonas Wood; x. R. & d. J. 6, 1864. 2, David, (2d), b. ab. 1835 ; m. Elizabeth H. Bartlett ; r. R , a quarry man. 3, Sa rah, b ab. 1837 ; m. William Spalding ; r. R. 4, George, r. Rock. David, (2d's), ch. 1, Ada M., b. ab. 1855. 2, George W., b. 1860. AMSBURY, Capt. Oliver, b. in Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 16, 1785, son of Jeremiah of Pawtucket ; rem. with his father & family to North Haven ab. 1800; m. there, Margaret Wooster, (who was b. Jan. 23, 1788,) c. to Th. as a machinist, was employed in making the machinery & superintending it some years after the cotton factory went into ope ration ; ret. to North Haven, 1815 ; c. to R. 1828, where he r., a mas ter mariner, & d. D. 24, 1832. Their ch. 1, Sally, b. N. 30, 1809; m. Nathaniel Crockett; r. Ohio. 2, Lydia W., b. Jan. 18, 1811; m. Hon. Geo. S. Wiggin ; r. R. 3, Margaret S., b. N. 18, 1813 ; m. Ben jamin Crockett; rem. & d. at Napoleon, O., S. 3, 1846. 4, Capt. Oh ver, (2d), b. S. 24, 1815; m. Rozella C. Beattie, D. 25, 1842; r. R. 5, Mary Ann, b. N. 17, 1817 ; m. Capt. Jeremiah Sleeper; r. S. Th. 6, Cynthia, b. A. 15, 1820'; d. J. 7, 1821. 7, Capt. Joseph Otis, b. May 14, 1822 ; m. Mary Ann Thomas of North Haven ; r. Quincy, Mass. 8, Hannah, b. S. 26, 1825 ; d. Jan. 10, 1826. 9, Emily, b. July 1, 1827 ; d. Dec. 24, 1829. Capt. Ohver, (2d) 's ch. 1, Almeda, b. ab. 1844. 2, Emily, b. ab. 1847. 3, Lucius H., b. ab. 1850. 4, Celeste B., b. ab. 1853. 5, George W., b. ab. 1855. 6, Ohver W., b. ab. 1857. ANDERSON, Robert, b. in Lewiston, ab. 1812 ; m. Harriet T. Wal lace of Bangor ; r. R., a baker, deputy sheriff in 1857, &c. Their ch. 1, Leandtr D , b. ab. 1834 ; m. Rose M. Clark, Jan. 1, 1862 ; r. R., a baker, rem. Lynn. 2, Margaret D., m. John E. Wallace; r. Beverly, Mass. 3, Augusta H., m. Joseph H. Gould; r. Rock. 4, Mary M., b. ab. 1842 ; m. Mortier De Fontaine, Aug. 2, 1864 ; r. R. 5, Robert, (2d), b. ab. 1843 ; a soldier of 4th Maine reg. 6, Erastus C., b. ab. 1846. 7, Charles A., b. ab. 1850. 8, John W., b. ab. 1853. ANDERSON, Richard, b. in Buckfield, m. & r. Peru, Oxford Co.' Of his sons. 1, Daniel '!., b. in Peru, Jan. 18, 1823 ; m. Sarah E. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 135 Patten, p. May 22, 1851 ; r. R., a shoemaker; & d. M. 31, 1861. 2, James G., b. ab. 1830, in Peru ; m. Lucinda Brazier of Montville, p. M. 4, 1854 ; r. R., a shoemaker. Daniel T.'s ch. 1, Georgiana. 2, Enoch, b. ab. 1853. 3, Lucy, b. ab. 1855. James G.'s ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1856. 2, Belinda, b. ab. 1858. ANDERSON, Capt. Rasmus, b. ab. 1822, c. from Arendad, Nor way, Eu., to this place as a seaman ; m. Helen A. (Hyler) Leeds, S. 4, 1845 ; r. Th. & d. N. 28, 1852, lost overboard. Their ch. 1, Dodge Hyler, b. D. 8, 1847 ; d. by drowning, A. 14, 1852. 2, Rasmus, b. ab. 1849. 3, Alida G., b. Ap. 1, 1851 ; d A. 22, 1852. ANDERSON, James, b. in Pennsylvania, c. with his wife from the British Provinces, r. R., a steamboat engineer, rem. Portland. Their ch. 1, James M.,b.ab. '51. 2, William H. 3, George H. 4, Aurelia. ANDERSON, John H. D., b. ab. 1836 ; c. from British Provinces ; m. Statira P. Pillsbury, A. 19, 1854; r. R., a mariner, rem. Ports mouth, N. H. Their ch. 1, Fannie E. 2, Grace E. ANDREWS ; for this family in full, see Annals of Warren. Of the sons of Capt. Lemuel there c. hither. 1, Ellis, b. M. 31, 1808; m. Sarah H. Gilman of Searsmont, p. O. 10, 1836 ; r. Rock., a ship builder; & d. N. 13, 1857, very suddenly of heart disease. Of the sons of James. 1, Alden, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Sarah Hartford; r. Th., a joiner; & d. J. 2, 1855.. Of the sons of George, who himself now also r. in Th. 1, Miles Cobb, b. Ju. 29, 1819 ; m. Elizabeth Wake field, May 20, 1846; r. R., a bookseller, postmaster, &c. 2, Orris S., twin to preceding; m. Lucy H. Glover of Camden, p. Ap. 29, 1854 ; built a house & r. on Masonic street, R., a bookseller & stationer. 3, William, b. Jan. 29, 1828 ; m. Harriet B. Carleton, p. S. 2, 1852 ; r. Th., a painter. Of the sons of John, (2d). 1, Joseph, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Selina Butler; r. Th., a joiner. 2, Thomas S., b. ab. 1831; m. Mary T. Levensaler, N. 30, 1863 ; r. Th., a joiner. Ellis's ch. 1. Adelia J., b. J. 22, 1838 ; d. O. 17, 1842. 2, Henry H., b. S. 4, 1840 ; r. R., a mariner, U. S. N. 3, Frances E., b. D. 10, 1841 ; d. S. 14, 1842. 4, Lucy M., b. D. 14, '49 ; d. May 29, '58. Alden's ch. 1, Ann Sarah, b. ab. 1842; r. R. 2, Leonidas, b. O. 1843 ; r. R., a mariner. 3, Alden, b. S. 19, 1845, is in U. S. Navy. 4, Edwin. 5. Alexander. Miles C.'s ch. Julia Maria, b. ab. 1850. Orris S.'sch. 1, Adelaide, b. Jan. 1858. 2, Lucy P., b. Ap. 1860. 3, Jennie May, b. J. 1, 1862. William's ch. 1, Charles J., b. Nov. 19, 1853. 2, Gorham C, b. Sept. 2, 1855. 3, Willie, b. Nov. 17, 1860. ANDREWS, Winthrop, b. in Essex, Mass., Dec. 9, 1778 ; m. Rhoda Grover; settled in Boothbay; and d: there Jan. 1863. Their ch. 1, Copt. Luke. b. O. 2, 1818 ; m. Nancy J. Albee, S. 21, 1845 ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. William N., b. A. 18, 1827; m. Pamelia J. Gregory, M. 28, 1850 ; r. R., 3, Rhoda G., b. in Boothbay as well as the pre ceding ; m. Capt. Parker B. Albee ; r. Monhegan. Capt. Wm. N.'s ch. 1, Inez Zorilda, b. May 22, 1851. 2, Edward M. b. Ap. 3, 1858. ANDREWS, Marshall, b. ab. 1807, probably of a St. Geo. family, m. Zilpha ; 1. S. Th., a farmer. Their ch. Marshall A., b. ab. 1846. AREY ; of this Vinalhaven family, four brothers, sons of James, 136 HISTORY OF THOMASTON. c. to S. Th. 1, James, (2d) b. Ju. 29, 1793 ; m. Nancy Merrill, (who was b. J. 28, 1796) r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, Capt. John, b in Vin. Ap. 11, 1797; m. Sarah Creed (who was b. at Vin N. 11, 1805) c. to S. Th. about 1834; r. S.Th., Owl's H. 3, Capt. Lewis, b ab. 1813 ; m. Mary Calderwood ; r. S. Th. 4, Alden B. b. ab. 1817; m. Hannah Emery, Ju. 1, 1841, and d. at Edgartown of yellow fever, N. 1, 1841. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. James, (3d) b. D. 13, 1814 ; m. Nancy Wilson of St. G. p M. 13, 1838: r. S. Th. 2, Sophia, m. Jonas Mills, p. Ap. 12, 1838 ; r. Pox Is. 3, Martha, m. Asa C. Dver; r. S. Th. 4, Rodney, b. ab.-1827 ; m. Margaret A. Farr, O. 8. 1848 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 5, Nelson, b. D. 14, 1829 ; m. 1st, Almira Johnson, N. 14, 1849, 2d, Eliza A. York, D. 22, 1855 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 6, Mary A., b. Jan. 13, 1833 ; m. Samuel P. Brown ; r. So. Th. 6, Jonas M., b. July 26, 1836. 8, Jane C. b. Ap. 23, 1S38 ; m. William H. Brown of R., p. O. 21, 1854 ; r. Pox Is. Capt. John's ch. 1, Margaret L., b. F. 25, 1823 ; m. Calvin Bird- ing ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. Wm. S., b. S. 22, 1825 ; m. Hannah Brown, p. N. 2, 1850 ; i. S. Th., Owl's Head, and d. in 1864. 3, Mary C, b. Ju. 11, 1827 ; m. Capt. Richard S. Blaisdell; r. R. 4, Jane C, b. S. 20, 1829; m. . Hunt; r. 111. 5, Lucy A. b. F. 20, 1832, at Vinalhaven, as all the preceding ; m. Gilbert F. Higgens, D. 12, 1852 ; r. R. 6, Eliza S., b. May 11, 1835 ; m. Henry Dunning; r. S. Th. 7, Bradford A., b. May 17, 1837. 8, H. Howard, b. Mar. 15, 1840 ; a mariner. 9, J. Vinal, b. M. 23, 1843 ; a mariner. 10, Faus tina, b. ab. 1846. Capt. Lewis's ch. 1, Melissa, b. May 26, 1830 ; m. John Emery; r. Owl's Head. 2, Capt. Seth C, b. J. 16, 1838 ; m. Lucy M. Pills bury ; r. Owl's Head, So. Th. 3, Sarah C, b. ab. 1843. 4, Amelia Marion, b. 1848. 5, Lewis A., b. ab. 1850. Capt. James, (3d,)'s ch. 1, William D., b. Ap. 26, 1839 ; d. F. 26, 1847. 2, Catharine E., b. A. 20, 1840. 3, Martha M., b. ab. 1844; m. Clarence Ingraham; r. S. Th- 4, Lucy Adeline, b. Ap. 6, 1846; d. F. 26, 1847. 5, Adelaide, b. 1849 ; d. Ap. 17, 1859. 6, Jane, b. ab. 1849. 7, George P., b. ab. 1851. 8, David, b. ab. 1853. Nelson's ch. by 2d wife. Laura A., b. ab. 1859. Rodney's ch. Juliet, b. ab. 1857. Capt. William S.'s ch. 1, Ada I., b. ab. 1853. 2, Adela S., b. 1855. 3, Lucy E., b. 1857. 4, Oscar B., b. 1859. AREY, Ebenezer, of a different family; m. Cathleen B. Dyer, Ap. 16, 1848 ; r. So. Th., a mariner. Their ch. 1, Melvin W., b. ab. 1849. 2, Augie E., b. ab. 1851. 3, Leander B., b. ab. 1853. fei^AREY, Silas M. Esq , a son, it is believed, of Ebenezer; m. & r. Rock. Of his ch. 1, Robert A. B. ; m. Cynthia I. Mcintosh, July 2, 1854; t. Rock-. ARMITAGE, William, b. ab. 1825, in Leeds, Eng. ; m. Diana , in N. Scotia; i. R., a mariner. Their ch. 1, William N., b. ab. 186*.- 2, Sarah, b. ab. 1855. 3, Elizabeth, b. ab. 1857. 4, John, b. ab. 1859. ARNOLD, John, son of Rev. Ambrose Arnold, a Baptist minister of Meicer; m. & r. in Mercer. His ch. 1, Ambrose, b. 1814, in Mer cer: m. Mary E., dau. of Samuel G. Howard of Searsmout, July 1, 1840; r. R., a mason. 2, Abbie, b. 1819; m. Mr. Chamberlain; r. R., a widow. 3, John, jr., b. ab. 1822 ; m. Lydia Ann Hawes of W. ; . R., a street ageut. Ambrose's ch. 1, Ellen L., b. 1841. 2, Mary J., b. 1843 ; m. Dr. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 137 P. T. Prescott; r. R. 3, Samuel H., b. 1845. 4, Elliott, b. 1846. 5, Charles A., b. 1848. 6, Edgar A., b. 1849, d. M. 20, 1850. 7, Frank L., b. 1850. 8, Lucy Edna, b. 1852, d. S. 26, 1853. 9, Lucy Addie, b. 1854. 10, Alvin L., b. 1856. John, jr.'s, ch. 1, James B., b. 1845. 2, Aldana A., b., 1847. 3, Fannie E., b. 1852. 4, Annie Bell, b. 1861. ¦ASH, Nathaniel, b. ab. 1816, in Sullivan ; m. Julia Philbrook, J. 22, 1840 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. ATHERN, William A., b. hi Hope; in. Nancy W. Fuller; 1. R. ATHERTON, Gilbert L. b. ab. 1834, in Mt. Desert; m. Abbie S. Lufkin of Deer Isle ; r. R., a blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Alvah A., b. ab. 1855. 2. Caroline A., b. ab. 1857. 3, Mabel, b. ab. 1859. 4, Charles G., b. F. 10, 1861, d. A. 27, 1862. ATKINS, Capt. Robert, b. ab. 1805, in Ireland ; m. Adaline A. Andrews, O. 19, 1859 ; r. R. ' ATKINS, (changed from Joachin, a Portuguese name,) William J., b. ab. 1823, in W. ; m. Olivia P. Blackington; r. R., a blacksmith. Theirch. 1, Minnie G., b. 1856. 2, Jenny L., b. Ap. 15, &d. A. 30, '59. AUSTIN, Aaron, b. ab. 1779 ; c. from Wendell, Mass. ; m. Olive White, p. A. 18, 1808 ; settled at the Meadows, & d. S 23, 1837. His widow d. O. 19, 1843, a. 64. Their ch. 1, Adaline, b. S. 1809, d. young. 2, Alden, b. S. 1810; m. Roxana Stevens, N. 1839 ; r. Th., a farmer, 3, Cordelia, b. M. 5, 1812; m. Franklin Ferrand; r. Th. 4, Meritt, b. S. 22, 1814; m. Eleanor Bartlett, F. 6, 1838 ; r. Th., a farmer. 5, Louisa, b. J. 6, 1816 ; m. William Stackpole, (2d) ; r. Th. 6, War ren, b. Ap., 1817, d. young. 7, Jane, b. S. 18, 1818 ; m. Daniel Morse, (3d) ; r. Th. Alden's ch. 1, Sergeant Warren W., b. O. 25, 1839, a soldier of the 4th Maine, d. May 7th, from wounds received May 5th, 1864. 2, Mary Helen, b. N. 27, 1841. 3, Jane M., b. ab. 1844. 4, Emily Lou isa, b. ab. 1847. Meritt'sch. 1, Margaret E., b. M. 6, 1839. 2, Aaron, b. Ap. 26, 1840; r. Th. 3, Jacob B., b. M. 22, 1842. 4, John M., b. July 17, 1846. 5, Maynard S., b. Jan. 2, 1853. AUSTIN, Erastus W. B., b. ab. 1836, son of William B. & Eliza A_nn (Patten) Austin of Newcastle and Narraguagus ; m. Sarah C. Reed of Belfast, May 1, 1861 ; r. R., a telegraph operator, &c. AVERILL, Elijah M., b. ab. 1803 ; c. from Orono ; m. Jane Brown, Jan. 29, 1834, 2d, Lucy (Simonton) Partridge, 3d, Nancy S. Helnier- hausen, Ap. 23, 1855 ; r. R., a joiner. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. Cyrus B., b. ab. 1834; m. Hannah S. Anderson, A. 18, 1854; r. R. By 2d wife. 2, Frank B., b. ab. 1844, a mariner. By 3d wife. 3, Eunice Sawyer, d. Ap. 28, 1858. AYER, Benjamin, b. ab. 1825 ; c. from Boston ; m. Lavinia S. Cole, A. 22, 1853 ; r. Th., a merchant tailor. AYERS, George F., b. at North Haven, ab. 1828, son of Samuel & Sarah Ayers of Camden; m. Harriet L. Hosmer; r. R., a lumber dealer. Their ch. 1, Lucy F., b. ab. 1850. 2, Charles F., b. ab. 1859. 3, Georgiana L., b. ab. 1859. BABB, Harrison P., b. ab. 1825, in Boothbay; m. Harriet New- hall ; r. S. Th. ; a merchant. Alexander B., a cousin, b. in Booth- bay, ab. 1833, c. here in 1848 ; m. Jane H.Smalley of Belfast, Ap. 2, 1853 ; 1. R. ; a mariner. *12 139 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Harrison P.'s ch. 1, Adelbert, b. ab. 1856. 2, Minnie, b. ab. 1868. Alexander B.'s ch. 1, Eva A., b. ab. 1856. 2,Preddy H., b. O., 1858, d. A. 20, 1859. BABBIDGE ; of this family two brothers c. from Deer Isle, viz. : 1, Levi, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Mary Joice of Deer Isle, S. 29, 1843 ; r. R., a whip sawyer, fireman, &c, d. very suddenly, M. 15, 1860. 2, Capt. Charles, b. ab. 1819 ; m. Clarissa Spencer of Bradley, Me. ; r. R. A cousin of these, Capt. Alfred, c. from Swan's Isle; m. 1st, Hannah Hamilton, 2d, Mrs. Susan A. Perry, D. 29, 1843 ; r. R., & d. at sea in sch. Chesapeake, J. 12, 1853. Levi's ch. 1, Gardner L., b. ab. 1845. 2, Frederic, b. ab. 1850. 3, Albert, b. ab. 1852. 4, Mary L., b. F. 28, 1860, d. Ap. 7, 1861. Capt. Charles' ch. 1, Benjamin F., b. ab; 1846. 2, Clementine, b. 1848, d. May 19, 1851. 3, Clementine A., b. July, 1852, d. Feb. 14, 1853. 4, Alonzo, b. April 12, & d. Jul}' 18, 1854. 5, Charles A., b. ab. 1857. 6, Clara A., b. ab. 1859. Capt. Alfred's ch. 1, Capt. Alfred, (2d), m. Sarah B. Staples, July 6, 1852 ; r. Rock., lost at sea in 1856. 2, Augustus, lost at sea with his brother. 3, A sister, lost at same time. 4, Hannah M., b. in Rock., Aug. 11, 1839. 5, John W , b. Oct. 31, 1841. The mother d. May 10, 1842. Capt. Alfred, (2d)'s, ch. 1, Lydia M., b. Jan. 22, 1853, d. March 6, 1854. 2, An infant, lost with its parents, 1856. BACHELDER, Hezekiah, u. before 1777 to S. Th. ; m. Mrs. Ross ; followed fishing, &c. ; rem. & d. Lincolnville. Their ch. 1, Sally; in. Jacob Counce; r. & d. Cushing. 2, Jane. 3, Daniel; rem. Belfast. 4, Ezekiel. 5, Dodge. 6, Miriam ; m. William Mathews. 7, Joanna. 8, Fanny, & perhaps, others, mostly rem. Belfast or Line. BAILEY, John, b. ab. 1826 ; c. from Washington ; m. Mary J. Snow, July 29, 1850, 2d, Sophia E. Marshall of Hallowell; r. Th., a teacher, shipbuilder, &c ; rem. Georgia, & engaged in lumbering with his brother Frank, (who also c. to Th.,) and others. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah. By 2d wife. 2, Mary Josephine. BAILEY, William, b. ab. 1809 ; m. Angeline Wall of St. G. ; r. R., some time, & d. July 25, 1859. The family subsequently rem. St. G., & his widow d. March 1, 1863, a. ab. 40. "Their ch. 1, Rovena, 2, Georgianna. 3, William. 4, Sidney. 5, Lemuel. BAILEY, Lemuel, b. on Muscle Ridge Isl., April 13, 1819, son of Mrs. Sarah N. Patten, now of Rockland ; r. Rock, went to California, where his widow remains ; ret. and d. in Rockland, Dec. 18, 1859. BAKER, Rev. Samuel, (son of Joseph, who originally came from Martha's Vineyard,) was b in Readfield, April 17, 1785 ; m. Dec. 1, 1808, Hannah Parker, (who was b. at Bluehill, April 8, 1785) ; c. to r. S. Th. 1808, was colleague five or six years with Rev. E. Snow, set tled one year over Baptist church in Scituate, Mass., some years in Universalist connection, r. ten years in Dexter, but ret. & d. in Rock., May 10, 1859, having been some of his last years a free itinerant la borer & missionary at large. Their ch. recorded here. 1, Mary Wood, b. July 25, 1810 ; m. & r., it is believed, in Penobscot county. 2, Jo seph S, b. July 25, 1812 ; m. and r. Mass. 3, Hannah P., b. July 24, 1814. BAKER, Dr. Peyton R., b. ab. 1825, in Haverhill, N. H., son of Hosea & Fanny (Huntington) Baker, of puritan descent ; grad. Dart- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 139 mouth Coll. 1848, M. D. in N. Y. Coll. of physicians and surgeons; m. Catharine McQallum of W., Sept. 26, 1858 ; r. & prac. med. Th. Oliver, a brother, also came to Th., 1862, a jeweler, &c. Dr. Peyton R.'s ch. 1, Oliver, b. 1859. BAKER, John, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Jane ; r. R., a laborer. BALLCOM, or Balkum, William, b. ab. 1838, in China or vicinity ; c. here; m. Maria Moore, March 10, 1850 ; purchased the S. Creigh ton place at Meadows ; r. Th., a farmer. Their ch. 1, Melissa, b. ab. 1853. 2, Josephine, b. ab. 1856. Balkum, James, (name changed from Coombs) ; m. Jane Allen, Oct. 25, 1856 ; r. Th., member of 4th Maine regiment. BANKS, Dr. William A., b. in East Livermore, ab. 1821 ; M. D. at Jefferson Med. Coll. Philadelphia ; prac. med. in W. & other places, & in R. since 1852; m. Mary A. Tillson, Nov. 6, 1854; r. R. Their ch. 1, Lucy C, b. Nov. 30, 1857. 2, William T., b. June 21, 1859. BARKER, George R., b. in Fredericton, N. B., son of John, (who also e. hither from Fredericton; r. R. & d. Apr. 29, 1850, aged 77) ; m. Amelia H. Elwell of Northport ; r. R. Their ch. 1, George H., b. Jan. 8, 1837; m. Clementine P. Richards, Sept. 7, 1856 ; r. Cam. 2, Henry L., b. May 30, & d. Sept. 6, 1838. 3, James A., b. Feb. 4, 1840; d. Nov. 4, 1841 4, Julia E., b. July 21, 1841. 5, Cynthia J. S , born Aug. 5, 1844 ; died June 22, 1846. BARKER, Lieut. William A., b. ab. 1835, son of Dr. Barker of Bangor; m. Helen S. Porter, Feb. 14, 1863 ; i. R., a bookbinder, ser geant major of 4th Maine regiment, and May, 1862, lieut. Co. G. BARKER, Williamrb. ab. 1832; m. Maria ; 1. R., a lime burner. Their ch. William, (2d), b. ab. 1856. BARLOW, Francis R., b. ab. 1819, in Palermo; m. Lavinia W. Swift, Dec. 1844 ; r R., a teamster. Their ch. 1, Helen, b. about 1847. 2, Frederic W., b about 1849. 3", Imogene, b. ab. 1853. 4, Frank W., born about 1855. BARLOW, George, b. about 1323 in Ireland; m. Ellen ; 1. R., a laborer. Their ch. Joanna, born about 1860. "BARNARD, Dea. John, b. Mar. 12, 1773; m. Priscilla Doane; c. from Newburyport to W., where he worked as a shipwright in 1795, rem. to Th., where he was a member more than a half century of the 1st & 2d Th. Bap. churches, & d. Ap 28, 1853. Their ch. 1, Anna, b. July 20, 1797 ; d. Jan. 31, 1800. 2, Samuel, b. Aug. 24, 1799 ; d. Nov. 29, 1819. 3, John D., b. Aug. 24, 1801; m. Lucinda Buxton of W., Sept. 18, 1834; 1-. Th., cashier of Th. Bank, &c; and d. Sept. 12,-1858. 4, Mary Ann, b. Aug. 13, 1803 ; m. Lewis S. Kirkpatrick, Sept. 3, 1826 ; r. W. 5, Almira, b. March 3, 1806 ; m. John Porter of Belfast ; jr. Rock. 6, Susan E., b. 1808 ; d. Dec. 29, 1847 ; a life long sufferer from epilepsy. 7, David D., b. Oct. 1809; d. April 21, 1812. 8, Hannah D , b. April 9, 1813 ; m. Elias H. Brown, May 29, 1836. 9, Charles, b. Mar. 24, 1815 ; m. & r. Bucksport. The mother died in Rockland, Aug. 23, 1858 ; aged 82 years, 1 month & 28 days. John D.'s ch. 1, Lucy D., b. Dec. 21, 1835 ; r. Th. 2, Mary A., b. 1837 ; m. Fred. A. Robinson ; rem. to Vineland, N. J. BARNES, Asa, b. 1795, at East Machias ; m. Catharine Snowdeal of Wal. ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Sarah A , b 1838. 140 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 2, Mary J., b. ab. 1841. 3, Elwilda C, b. ab. 1843. 4, William, b. ab. 1847. 5, Emma F., b. 1852. , BARRETT, Daniel, a descendant of Humphrey Barrett, (who came from England, 1640,) was born in Concord, Mass., 1760 ; m. Peggy Grose, 1794; r. & built turnpike in Cam. & d. Dec. 1, 1850. Of his 12 ch. 1, Daniel, (2d), m. Bethia Jordan ; r. Cam. & a time in North- port. Of Daniel, (2d)'s ch. there c. to this place.. 1, Daniel T., b. ab. 1825 ; m. Louisa Rhoades of Northport, 2d, Caroline M. Heald, Apr. 19, 1863, 3d, Mrs. Lucy A. Cushman, July 28, 1864 ; r. Rock., a mason, &c. 2, Robert J. ; m. Sarah B. Gay, Dec. 19, 1858 ; r. Th. 3, Edward H. ; r. Rock. 4, Nelson M. ; r. Rock. Ephraim Barrett, a 4th cousin to those last named, was horn Sept. 27, 1810, in North Haven ; m. Charlotte A. P. Holt of Bluehill, Oct. 16, 1842 ; r. Rock., a dry goods dealer, & is a son of James Barrett, & his wife, Jenny, dau. of Maj. George White of North Haven, who served in the Revolution six and a half years under Washington, and was a commissary in the war of 1812. Daniel T.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Idella, b. ab. 1856. 2, Walter T., b. ab. 1858. 3, Dura K., b. 1860. The mother died Oct. 29, 1862. The step mother died Jan. 10, 1864, aged 37. Robert J.'s ch. Sarah E. Ephraim's ch. 1, Frederic M., b. Sept. 1, & d. Sept. 28, 1843. 2, Frances A., b. Oct. 1845, d. Aug. 14, 1858. 3, Charles E., b. Feb. 1848, d. Aug. 31, 1852. 4, Louisa A., b. June 1, 1852, d. Jan. 12, 1854. 4, Emily A , b. ab. 1856. The mother d. Feb. 1857, aged 36. BARRETT, John, son of Mrs. Ephraim Knowlton by a former husband; m. Sally Spalding, Dec. 2, 1824; r. Rock., and was lost at sea, March 26, 1830. Their ch. John (2d), born Feb. 27, 1827 ; m. Julia Lampson, March 8, 1848 ; r. Rock., a quarryman. John, (2d)'s, ch. 1, John A., b. May 28, & d. Aug. 18, 1850. 2, Gilman U., b. Apr. 9, & d. Sept. 8, 1852. 3, Prederic A. b. June 26, & d. Aug. 13, 1855. 4, James T., b. June 28, & d. Sept. 28, 1859. 6, Arietta, b. May 7, 1862. BARROWS; of this family, from Attleboro', Mass., we have ac count of six brothers. 1, Caleb, c. early to E. Th. & settled the farm now occupied by Otis Barrows, ret. & d. in Mass., his acct. with Jas. Fales being settled by his brother, in July, 1776. 2, Ichabod, b. Oct. 13, 1752 or 1756, in Cumberland; rem. Attleboro', c. to what is now Rock., about 1770; succeeded to Caleb's farm; m. Mary Young of Th., Jan. 3, 1804; & d. 1823. 3, Comfort, b. in Attleboro', Oct. 5, 1759; c. to r. W. of the Meadows in Rock., Oct. 3, 1778 ; m. Sabra Robbins, Oct. 2, 1788; & d. May 12, 1791. 4, Benajah, born June 1762; was in Th. 1790 with his family; rem. Cam. & d. Jan. 3, 1844, aged 81 years, 7 months. 5, Peter, settled in Camden. 6, Ezra, r. Mass., but became owner of the farm settled by one of his brothers, & transferred it to his son Otis. 7 & 8, Eunice & Chloe, sisters? also came hither & m. John Ulmer. Ichabod's ch. 1, Comfort, (2d), b. 1805 ; r. Cam. 2, Margaret, b, 1807; d. inTh. about 1825. 3, Mary Ann, born 1809; r. Cam. 4, Ezra, (2d), b. 1811 ; m. C. D. Withington, 1842 ; r. Cam. 5, Jack- ,, son, b. 1815; m. Nancy Skinner of W.; r. Cam. 6, Philip, b. 1818;" m. Elizabeth Young of Baltimore, Md., where he resides. , J°^/ort'S °t ,1' Sabra' b' Ma? 22' 179°: m- Reuben Sherer, Jan. »t ffi I S^pt^im™- "' ^ *' ^^ * ^ b" ^ ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 141 Of Peter's ch. Capt. Alexander, b. 1797 ; m. Charlotte Killsa, p. Mar. 13, 1823 ; r. Rock., a cooper ; rem. & d. Leominster, Mass., Sept. 23, 1864. Of Ezra's ch. Otis, b. ab. 1803 ; m. Barbara Crockett; r. Rock., a farmer. Third Generation . Capt. Alexander's ch. 1, Angelia H., b. Oct. 30, 1823 ; 2, Amanda M., b. J. 30, 1826 ; 3. Clementine A., b. Feb. 21, 1828 ; all rem. Mass. 4, Susan E., b. Oct. 5, 1829; d. in Franklin, Mass., March 31, 1852. 6, Charlotte M., b. June 1, 1833 ; rem. Mass. 6, Albert A., b. Sept. 28, 1835 ; d. Aug. 2, 1856. 7, Alfred A , b. May 22, 1838 ; d. Aug. 7, 1843. 8, Harvey H., b. Nov. 28, 1841 ; d. Feb. 3, 1842. 9, Dora, born about 1844 ; rem. Mass. Otis's ch. 1, Melinda, b. Aug. 13, 1824 ; d. Aug. 13, 1838. 2, Harriet, b. April 16, 1826 ; d. March 9, 1830. 3, Caroline R., b. Dec. 29, 1827 ; m. Lowton O. Corey of Bureau Co., Illinois, Dec. 25, 1860. 4, Serg't WilUam Ezra, b. Oct. 5, 1829 ; m. Amanda M. Thompson of Montville, June 30, 1860 ; r. Rock., an officer in 19th Me. reg. ; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. 5, George; m. Susan Fifield in Illi nois. 6, Augusta; r. Rock. 7, Miranda; m. Joseph Whitcomh of Waldo, Nov. 9, 1860. 8, Frances ; m. James C. Dexter of R. I. 9, Orissa A. ; m. Dominicus Hovey of Dubuque Co , Iowa, Dec. 25, 1860. 10, Otis, jr.; died young. 11, Clara, born about 1845. BARTER, Jacob, with Lucy his wife, was in old Th., and had one child recorded here, viz. : Isaiah, b. May 19, 1842. There were also in Rock, in 1860 two brothers, Pelatiah, and George J., with their families, who have returned to St. George, their place of origin. BARTLETT, Samuel, b. 1754 ; c. from New Meadows ? to Th. be fore its incorporation ; m. 1st. Hix, 2d, Eleanor (Martin) Kim ball of Bristol, p. Jan. 7. 1788 ; settled at Head of the Bay, & d. Feb. 9, 1819. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Priscilla; m. Brice Jameson; p. Jane 17, 1791 ; r. & d. W. 2, Capt Joshua, b. July 6, 1780 ; m. Mi riam Keating ; p. May 19, 1804 ; r. S. Th., & d. Ap. 4, 1855. 3, Wil liam; m. Ruth Waterman; rem. and d. Ohio. 4, Samuel, (2d), m. Betsey Keating ; p. June 24, 1799 ; 1. & d. Ohio. 5, Lois ; m. Rosa- mus K. Lowell ; r. & d. Farmington. By 2d wife. 6, Jane ; m. Da vid Everett; r. S. Th. and d. March 19, 1855. 7. Thomas; m. 1st, Orinda Fletcher of Line, June 5, 1816. 2d, Parkman ; r. & d. Hope. 8, Knott, b. Nov. 12, 1793 ; m. Hannah Ulmer, Feb. 15; 1816 ; 1. Th. Meadows, & d. Nov. 21, 1842. 9, Richard, b. 1795; m. Mar garet die of Matinicus, Oct. 27, 1820 ; r. at Head of the Bay, and d. Sept. 18, 1831. 10, Eleanor, b. June 17, 1799 ; m. Josiah Spalding ; r. S. Th. & Cal. 11, Ephraim S ; m. Matilda Spalding, Dec. 14, 1820 ; r. S. Th., rem. Ohio. 12, Capt. George, b; 1805 r m. Nancy D. Hall, July 6,~ 1847; r. S. Th. & d Dec. 27, 1851. 13, Hannah, m. Ira M. Gilman from Mercer, N. H., May 10, 1827 ; r. St. G. 14, David, rn. Nancy Lovett of Line. ; r. Cam., rem. Minnesota. The mother died Feb. 12, 1833, aged 73. Capt. Joshua's ch. 1, Miriam, m. John ? Wadlin ; r Northport. 2, I Oliver, lost at sea or in Long Island Sound. 3, Susan, m. John Al lien; r. & d. Hope. 4, Olive, m. Daniel Wadlin; r. Northport. 5, i Capt. Joshua, (2d), b. 1814; m. Martha M. Hix, p. July 14, 1840; I^S. Th. & d. April 5, 1849. 6, Capt. Jonas K., b. Oct. 5, 1816; m. 142 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, L. Maria Chapman, Aug. 31, 1843 ; r. S. Th. 7, Capt. Ephraim, (2d), b. Oct. 30, 1819; m. Ruth Dean, Aug., 1846; r. S. Th. 8, Capt. Samuel, (3d), b. June 10, 1823 ; m. Antoinette Chapman, July, 1846. 9, Capt. William K., b. Sept. 5, 1824 ; r. Kansas. 10, Hannah J., b. Feb. 22, 1826; m. Amos Norton; r. S. Th. 11, Knott, (2d), b. June 7, 1830 ; d. at sea, Aug. 12, 1853. Of Capt. Samuel, (2d)'s, ch. 1, Thomas Scott ; 2, Elizabeth T. ; 3, Edwin Wood; all were bap. April 6, 1826. Knott's ch. 1, Margaret, b. Aug. 1, 1816; m. John Morse (2d) ; r. Th. & d. Aug. 18, 1854. 2, Jacob, b. June 24, 1818 ; d. Nov. 10, 1839. 3, Eleanor, b. Oct. 1, 1820; m. Merritt Austin; r. Th. 4, David M., b. Jan. 8, 1823; d. June 4, 1825. 5, David, b. May 25, & d. Aug. 24, 1825. 6, Knott M., b. Nov. 23, 1827 ; m. Caroline Ul mer, Dec. 5, 1847 ; r. Th., & d. Dec. 23, 1849. 7, Hannah U., b. Ap. 20, 1830, d. Apr. 5, 1834. 8, Richard, b. May 24, 1833'; m. Frank E. McKenney of S. Th., Jan. 11, 1862 ; r. Rock., is in U. S. Navy. 9, Hannah E., b. Dec. 1, 1834; d. Sept. 24, 1835. 10, Ohver, b. March 13, 1836 ; m. Frances Burton ; r. Terre Haut, Ind. Richard's ch. 1, Rufus Y., b. July, 1823; d. Sept. 8, 1826. 2, Eveline Margaret, b. Feb. 9, 1828. Ephraim S.'s ch. 1, Mary Ellen, born Oct. 17, 1821 ; m. William Rowell; r. Ohio. 2, Francis H., b Aug. 4, 1823 ; m. Elmira Snow- deal, July 31, 1848 ; r. Ohio. 3, Larkin S.,b. Jan. 24, 1829 ; d. Sept. 17, 1841. 4, Matilda L., b. June 17, 1833 ; r. Ohio. Fourth Generation. Capt. Joshua, (2d)'s ch. 1, Emma L., b. ab. 1842. 2, Joshua, (3d) b. ab. 1847. Capt. Jonas K.'s ch. 1, Lucinda A., b. Feb. 18, 1848 ; d. Nov. 25, 1863. 2, Linda W., b. ab. 1850. 3, Nelson, b. ab. 1853. 4, Mar garet S., b. ab. 1855. 5, Warner, b. ab 1859. 6, Charles. Capt. Ephraim, (2d)'s, ch. 1, Elnora, b. ab. 1846. 2, Melvin, born ab. 1848. 3, Merrill, b. ab 1857. Francis H.'s ch. 1, Larkin, b. April 10, 1849. 2, Eva, b. Jan. 1, 1852. 3 & 4, twins, b. Mar 29, 1856 ; Archibald & Alice. 5, Luella S., b. Aug. 26, 1859. 6, Frank, b. Nov. 18, 1861. BARTLETT, Benjamin, b. ab. 1802 in Shapleigh ; m. Mary Ham mond, Sept^ 16, 1827 ; r. Rock., in quarry business, &c. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. Dec. 7, 1827; d. July 28, 1829. 2, William, b. May 25, 1830; d. April 23, 1832. 3, Edward, b. Oct. 3, 1833; m. Mary J. Lawson; r. Rock., a quarryman. 4, Elizabeth H , b. Feb. 9, 1836; m. David Ames, (2d); r. Rock. 5, James, b. May 12, 1838; d. Feb. 2, 1839. 6, Ohver, b. Feb. 20, 1840 ; d. Mar. 7, 1842. 7, Benjamin, (2d), b. ab. '43 ; m. Eliza F. Ulmer, Nov. 28, '62 ; r. Rock., in army. BARTLETT, Horatio N., b. 18a0 in Worcester, Mass.-,- m. Mar garet C. Morse, 1847, 2d, Mrs. Susan D. Levensaler, July 6, 1855; r. Th., a joiner ; rem. Illinois. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Edwin Burton, b. Sept. 3, 1848. 2, Lizzie Jane, b. Dec. 21, 1850. 3, Albert H., b. Sept. 12, 1852; d. Oct. 15, 1854. The mother died in Th., March 6, 1854. By 2d wife. 4, Rebecca C, b. 1859. BARTLETT, Seth, Esq., b. in Plymouth, Mass., 1789 ; came with his family from Wiscasset here, practised law a short time in Th., and died May 9, 1827. BARTLETT, Moses D., b. ab. 1822 in Hope ; m. Nancy I. 'i j.-. Rock., was a soldier of 4th Me. reg., killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 143 13, 1862. Their ch. 1, Bethiah, b. ab. 1846. 2, Whiting, b. 1849. 3, Emily, b. 1851. 4, Mary, b. 1853. 5, Sophronia, b. 1858. BARTLETT, John, came from Shapleighf m. Susanna R. Burton, Oct. 22, 1843 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary F., b. Feb. 28, 1846. 2, John A., b. Sept. 3, 1847. 3, George E., b. May, 1849. BARTON\ Matthew P., b. ab. 1795; m. Hannah (Elliott) Jordan, r. S. Th., or Rock., a farmer. BATTLES, Joseph, b. ab. 1826 ; c. from St. George ; m. Mary Al len, p. Nov. 29, 1849 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Ade laide A., b. ab. 1852. 2, Ella, b. ab. 1854. BATTLES, William, b. ab. 1796, perhaps from the same town ; r. with Mary his. wife, in S. Th. Their ch. John R., b. ab. 1820. BAXTER, Rev. Francis W , b. in Boston ; was pastor of Univer- salist Society in Th. ; m. Lucretia of Frankfort and had re corded here, ch. 1, Ann E., b. June 17, 1839. 2, Joseph G , b. June 8, 1841 ; but the mother d. & he m. again in New Portland an,d rem. subsequently to Illinois or other Western State. BAYNES, Dr. R., b. in England ; a surgeon dentist & homoeopar thic practitioner in Th. since 1850. BEALS, David, b. ab. 1782; c. from Dedham? Mass.; m. Nancy Robinson, Nov. 9, 1823 ; r. Rock., a farmer, & d. Nov. 10, 1860. His widow r. in Boston. Their ch. 1, Susanna, b. May 27, 1825 ; m. Capt. John Hart of St. G. & has 3 ch., Helen, Agnes, and John. 2; Mary, b. March 7, 1827 ; r. Rock. 3, Lydia, b. April 30, 1829 ; m. George R. Post ; r. S. Th. 4, David (2d), b. April 8, 1832 ; lost at sea, Sept. 30, 1851. 5, Joseph, b. Sept. 26, 1833 ; d. Aug. 3, 1834. BEAN ; of this family, three brothers c. from Belfast to this place. 1, Charles N., b. in B. ab. 1825; m. Carrie Kenister of Liberty; r. Rock., a blacksmith. 2, Benjamin B., b. in Belfast about 1827 ; m. Eunice White of B. ; r. Rock., a blacksmith. 3, James O., m. Sarah Dickey of Belmont ; soldier in the army. Charles N.'s ch. Johu C, b. ab. 1851. Benjamin B.'s ch. 1, Ada W.,b. ab. 1852. 2, Fanny A. 3, Eliz abeth. 4, Helen. BEAN, Jonathan, of a different family, b. ab. 1821; m. Sarah A. ; r. Rock., a blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Esther E., b. about 1850. 2, Elwildie, b. ab. 1853. 3, Eliza C, b. ab. 1857. BEAN, Daniel F., b. in New York ab. 1827 ; m. Mary A. ; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. Eugene, b. ab. 1859. BEATTIE, William, Esq., b. Dec. 25, 1799, in Northport; (son of Robert of that place & grandson of John, a lawyer, who was born & educated in Glasgow, Scotland) ; m. Jane Doyle of Northport, Nov. 27, 1821 ; came to Rockland in 1837,. studied law with H. C. Lowell, Esq.; admitted to the bar in 1839 ; r. & practises law in Rock. Their ch. 1, Angeline S., b. Aug. 27, 1822 ; m. John H. McClennan, Aug. 29, 1842 ; r. Boston. 2, Rozella C, b. Jan. 22, 1824 ; m. Capt. Oliver Amsbury; r. Rock. 3, Aurelia L., b. Nov. 30, 1825; m. Samuel C. Cobb of Boston, Nov. 21, 1848. 4, Justina A., b. Nov. 3, 1827 ; m. Rosamus C. Lowell; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Lucius H., b. Jan. 25, 1830; sailing master U. S. ship Sabine, &c. 6, Almatia L-, b. June 9, & d. June 26, 1832. 7, Jennie C , b. Sept. 3, 1833 ; m. Gustavus A. Hil ton of Boston, Nov. 2, 1853. 8, William A., b. Peb. 7, 1836 ; d. Oct. 144 HISTORY OF THOMA.STON, 31, 1837. 9, Frederic E„ b. June 25, 1839. 10, William A., b. Jan. 5, 1842; enlisted in U. S. Navy. 11 & 12, twins, b. Oct. 9, 1814, Charles H. & Emma F. BELL, John, b. ab. 1816 ; c. with his wife Ann & 3 ch. from Nova Scotia ; r. Th., a blockmaker. Their ch. 1, Martha, b. ab. 1843. 2, John (2d), b. ab. 1845. 3, Amelia, b. ab. 1847. 4, Catharine, b. ab. 1850. 5, Elizabeth G., b. ab. 1854. 6, Albert, b. ab. 1857. BENNER, Henry jr., son of Henry of Waldoboro'; German in descent; m. Mary Brown, Nov. 21, 182J ; r. & d. Rock. Their ch. 1, Reuben, b. March 14, 1824 ; in. Eliza F. Upham of U., r Rock., a mariner. 2, Hannah, b. Feb. 4, 1826 ; m. Capt. Andrew F. Dailey ; r. Rock. 3, Leonard S., b. Oct. 28, 1827 ; m. Helen A. Lovejoy, June 15,1852; r. Rock., a joiner. 4, Sarah, b. March 28, 1833; m. David Winslow ; r. Rock. Reuben's ch. Leroy M., b. ab. 1859. Leonard S.'s ch. 1, Clara, b. ab. 1854. 2, WilUam. 3, Mary. 4, Amasa. BENNER, Simon, b. Waldoboro', m. Alice Walsh, p. Oct. 4, 1839 ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 2, 1846. Their ch. 1, Charles H., born Dec. 10, 1839 ; r. Rock., a teamster ; 2, William N„ b. June 3, 1841 ; r. Rock., a soldier of 2d Me. Battery. 3. Henry T., b. ab. 1846. BENNER, Jackson, son of Simon (2d), and grandson of John Martin Benner, of Waldoboro ; m. Susan L. Robinson ; r. Th., a carpenter. BENNER, Gorham, b.ab. 1818 in Wal., m. & r. Rockland, a shop keeper. His ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1842. 2, Amelia, b. ab. 1844. 3, Louisa, b ab. 1851. Louisa, the mother, d. Oct. 1859,a. 38. BENNER, Hermon, b. ab. 1824, son of Charles of Wal., m. Louisa K. ; r. Th., a carpenter. Their ch. Idelle, b. ab. 1853. BENNETT, James? m. Betsey Comstock, r. &. d. in Ashby, Mas s. Of their 7 ch., the 3d, viz., Asa, came to Th., taxed 1791; was a cooper by trade; m. Mary, dau. of Resolved Healey of Providence, R. I., p. Nov. 24, 1796 ; r. & d. Th. Asa's ch. 1, Capt. Almond, m. Betsey Smith, Nov. 10, 1820 ; r. Th. & d. Dec. 23, 1852. 2, Mark Dexter, b. ab. 1800 ; m. Julia Robin son Nov. 30, 1826 ; r. Th. 3, Marcus m. Joanna Smith, Jan. 13, 1824 ; r. W. 4, Ann F., b. ab. 1807 ; m. William K. Stevens ; r. Th. 5, Resolved, died young. 6, Margaret H, m. Alexander Spear; i. Th. 7, Mahala, m. James Mero ; r. Th. 8, M. Antoinette, m. James Graffham ; r. Th. 9, Catherine W., m. Capt. William Fales (2d) ; r. Thomaston. Capt. Almond's ch. 1, Rufus S., b. Aug. 30, 1821, merchant at Mill River, 1855. 2, Almond F., b. Jan. 29, 1825, d. June 21, 1847. 3, Mary E., b. June 11, 1827; d. Oct. 1, 1828. 4, Julia A., b. July 18, 1829, d. Nov. 13, 1831. 5, Thomas S.. b. Nov. 10, 1834, d. Feb. 8, 1836. 6, Mary Elizabeth, d. Feb. 7, 1853. 7, Lihas, m. William Needham of Cambridgeport. Marcus's ch. 1, Asa, b. May 15, 1826, drowned at sea, or N. Y., Feb. 1815, from br. Caucasian. 2, Angelina, b. Oct. 22, 1830 ; m. 1st, Moses M. Smith, July 30, 1848, 2d, John Clark, of W. March 1, 1852. BENNETT, Alexander R., b. ab. 1810, in Bristol; m. Mrs. Caro line Babb; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. 1. Analette, b. ab. 1845. 2, Arabelle, b. Feb. 10, 1846, d. Nov. 25, 1861. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. I45 BENNETT, Col. William, b. ab. 1807 ; c. from Els worth, as War den of State Prison, and held that office several years ; m. 1st, , 2d, Susan L. Haskell of Th., Nov. 26,.1848, 3d, Ann E. Hen derson, Aug. 2, 1854 ; r. Th. Of his ch. by 1st wife. 1, William, (2d), b. ab. 1832, d. Oct. 17, 1859. 2, Lucy L., b. ab. 1843. By 2d wife. 3, Woodbridge Odlin, b. Sept. 1819, d. July 23, 1850. 4, An na H., b. ab. 1851. BENSON, Seth E., b. Jan. 4, 1828, in Boston ; m. Lizzie H. Hall, Dec. 21, 1852; r. Rockland, a dentist for a time, now a druggist. BENSON, William S., b. 1804, c. from Bangor ; m. Almira Ten- hey, Nov. 18, 1854 ; r. Rock., a fisherman, ret. Bangor. BENSON, Joseph, b. ab. 1822, c. from Bangor; m. Ann M ; r. Rock., a baker, some two years, and rem. Portland. Their ch. Abby M., b. ab. 1845. BENTLEY, John, c. from Boston, burned lime for Knox, taught school, &c. ; married Betsey Blye, June 9, 1792 ; r. Th. at Meadows, entered army and d. Sept. 11, 1812, being killed by a cannon ball at Burlington. Their ch. 1, Joshua, b. July 1, 1791; d. unm. Oct. 7, 1847. 2, Mary P., b. May 4, 1796 ; m. Jairus Muuroe ; r. Th. 3, Elizabeth F. b. Feb. 6, 1798 ; m. Capt. Burton Vose ; r. Th. 4, Capt. John (2d),b Oct. 24, 1802 ; m. 1st, Elsie Lindsey, Aug. 9, 1827 ; 2d, Mary Lane of Cam., Aug. 11, 1850, r. Th. 5, Thos. J., b. June 17, 1805 ; m. Fanny L. Willis, Jan. 3, 1830 ; was lost at sea same year, mate of sch. Bradford. 6 & 7, twins, b. Oct. 26, 1808 ; Harriet, r. Th.; Wm. M. died at sea, March 16, 1825, in consequence of walk ing overboard in his sleep, when coming from Boston. Capt. John (2d)'s ch. 1, John Thomas, b. July, 1829, d. Jan. 1833 ! 2, Mary E., b. April 25, 1832 ; m. Joseph L. O'Brien ; and d. May 1, 1857. 3, Lucy Jane, b. Oct. 23, 1831 ; m. Elisha A. Gould of Rock. Jan. 20, 1856. 4, Rowena, b. Jan. 19, 183 % d. Oct. 17, 1838. 5, Nancy R., b. April 25, 1837; m. Edward B. Dunham of Nantucket, Dec. 23, 1856. 6, John T., b July, 4, 1839, d. Jan. 29, 1842. BERNARD, Dr Isaac, c to this place and studied medicine with Dr. Dodge ; prac. in Union and Camden, settled finally at what is now Rock. ; m. 1st, Catherine Tolman, ab. 1787, 24, Mary (Hastings) Hanson, Nov. 23, 1806; and died Sept. 3, 1823. His ch. by his 1st wife, 1, Sophia, b. Oct. 9, 1788 ; m. Capt. James Sears ; r. Rock., & d. Dec. 1845. 2, Harriet, b. March 3, 1793 ; m. 1st, Capt. Jacob Ul mer, 2d, Whitten Hillman ; r. Rock. 3, Julia, b June 12, 1798; m. George Wooster ; r. So. Th. 4, Isaac (2d), b. Jan. 18, 1802. The mother d. Jan. 1805. By 2d wife. 5, Charles, b. Jan. 1, and d. Jan. 4, 1808. BERRY, Thomas, b. ab. 1745, probably at Falmouth, now Port land; m. at Brunswick, Abigail Coombs, August 15, 1773; was an officer in the Revolution, a pensioner; r. Portland, but died in Bock., Jan. 27, 1828. Their ch. 1, Samuel, b. May 4, 1774; m. Polly Gould; & d. in Georgetown, Me. 2, Lydia, b. Aug. 14, 1776. 3, Joshua, b. March 4, 1779 ; m. Fannie Coombs ; r. & d. in Portland. 4, Thomas (2d), b. May 26, 1781 ; m. Miss Burgess ; r. & d. in Bruns wick. 5, George, b. Aug. 14, 1783 ; m. r. & d. inTopsham. 6, Abi gail, b. April 28, 1785; m. Josiah Haskell; r. Rock., & d. Nov. 1, 1853. 7, Jeremiah, b. Sept. 8, 1787; c. to Th. now Rock., in 1812; m. Frances A. Gregory, April 27, 1815 ; r. R*., a, mason, inn keeper, Vol. II. 13 146 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, & active business man ; d. March 11, 1857. 8, Joseph, b. Sept. 20, 1789 ; c. here in 1812; m. 1st, Abigail Coombs, March 12, 1815, 2d, Jane Ann Creamer, Dec. 1845 ; r. Th., a mason, &c. ; & d. March 29, 1855. , 9, Betsey, b. 1791. 10, Benjamin, b. May 11, 1795; m. in Brunswick, Dolly Murray, Dec. 21, 1820 ; came to Rockland, where he died June 27, 1856. Jeremiah's ch. 1, Jeremiah (2d), b. Jan. 23, 1816; d. March 25, 1832. 2, John T., b. Feb. 12, 1818 ; m. Catharine C. Crockett, April 25, 1841 ; i. Rock., stage proprietor, mail contractor on Bath & Rock land route, &c. 3, William G., b. July 8, 1820 ; m. Mary M. Jones, Dec. 25, '45 ; r. Rock., an active business man in company with his elder brother, but d. March 15, '58. 4, Maj. Gen. Hiram G., b. Aug. 27, '24 ; m. Almira M. Brown, March 23, '45 ; r. Rock., president of Lime Rock Bank, officer in war for the Union, & d. May 3, '63 ; killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. 5, George W., b. July 2, '28 ; m. Julia E., dau. of the late Robert P. Pote of Belfast, Aug. 27, '54 ; r. Rock , express agent, &c. 6, Frances E., b. Aug. 14, '31 ; m. Oct. 15, '51, Edward H. Fosdick, merchant of New Orleans, but now r. in Brooklyn, N. Y., and has 2 ch., viz. : Cornelia F., b. in Rock., June 2, '54, and William Berry, b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 10, '58. Joseph's ch. (Adopted) Georgiana, b. June 1, '34 ; m. Charles L. Lowell; r. Faribault, Minnesota. Benjamin's ch. 1, Abbie C, b. Oct. 1, 1821 ; m. Capt. William S. Hatch; r. Rock. 2, Benjamin (2d), b. Dec. 6, '23 ; d. in Bruns wick, Nov. 1825. 3, Olive Jane, b; Feb. 6, '26; m. Capt Jos. Ham; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Joseph T., b. in Brunswick, March 29, '28 ; m. 1st, Hester A. Perry, June 11, '51, 2d, Hattie E., dau. of Oliver Andrews of Rockport, Oct. 22, '60 ; r. Rock. 5, Henry U., b. in East Th., March 18, '40 ; r. Rockland. Fourth Generation. John T.'s ch. 1, Frederic H., b. ab. 1845. 2, Clara C, b. ab. '47. 3, Charles H., b. ab. '49. William G.'s ch. 1, Lizzie, b. ab. 1847. 2, Ada, b. Dec. 1849, d. Oct. 19, '51. 3, Albert, b. ab. 1851. 4, Emma, b. Jan. 31, '53, d. Feb. 10, '55. 5, Annie M., b. ab 1856. Maj. Gen. Hiram G.'s ch. Lucy F., b. ab. 1847. George W.'s ch. Edward F , b. ab. 1858. Capt. Joseph T.'s ch. 1, Edward S., b. ab. 1855. 2, Arthur H., b. ab. '57. By 2d wife. 3, Everett H., b. Nov. 22, '63, d. Aug. 11, '64 BEVERAGE, Capt. Matthew, of Hope, b. in Topsham, or c. from there to Fox Islands ; m. 1st, Abigail Dyer of Fox Islands, 2d, Claris sa Cobb of W.r. & d. Hope. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Harrison, lost at sea. 2, Achsa, m. Chas. Heald of Belmont. 3, Louisa, d. young. 4, Mary Miles, m. Anselm Tucker ; r. Portland. 5, Jas Madison, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Mary J. Taylor of Hope ; r. Th, where he has beenmuchin town office. By 2d wife. 6, Ezekiel G. D., m. Martha Gilmore; r. East Union. 7, Sarah Abby, d. young. 8, Thomas Jefferson, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Deborah M. Taylor of Hope, Nov. 17, 1842 ; r. Th. a join er. 9, George W., b. ab. 1824; m. Martha Frances Piper, Jan. 11, 1846 ; r. Th., a shoemaker, 10, Martha W., m. Charles L. Allen; r. Rock, and died N.ov. 7, 1849. James M.'s ch. 1, Thomas T., b. ab. 1838, taught high school, and was nearly ready to grad. at Bowdoin Coll., but d. May 12, 1864. 2, John F., b. ab. 1840. * ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 147 Thomas J.'s ch. 1, John Thomas, b. ab. 1847. 2, Charles Henry, b. 1849, d. Oct. 10, 1853. 3, Martha Frances, b. ab. 1852. 4, Frank lin, b. ab. 1854. 5, Mary J., b. ab. 1857. George W.'s ch. 1, Edwin, b. ab. 1849. 2, Flora, b. 1851. 3, Charles, b. June 22, and died Dec. 12, 1853. 4, Ida, b. ab. 1855. BEVERAGE, Nathaniel, b. 1804, a nephew of Capt. Matthew; m. Sarah Alexander, a niece of ditto ; c. from Fox Islands ; -r. Rock., at North End, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Henry T., b. Nov. 29, 1841. 2, Mercy, b. ab. 1843. 3, Frederic, b. ab. 1847. BICKMORE, William, b. 1805, c. from Appleton ; m. Almira A ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. •1843. 2, Henry, b. 1848. 3, Abby, b. 1849. 4, William 0„ b. 1856. BICKMORE, Ohver, b. ab. 1830 ; perhaps a son of preceding ; m. Maria ; 1. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. Eva M., b. 1859. BIRD, John, b. ab. 1798 ; came from Framingham or Needham in 1805, settled in Cam. ; m. Clarissa Gregory, Dec. 20, 1821 ; rem. to Blackington's Corner, 1831; r. Rock., a merchant, lime manufacturer, pres. North Bank, &c. Their ch. 1, A. Jackson, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Hannah H.Miller of Line, r. Rock., a grocer. 2, Capt. Hanson, m. Malvina Ulmer, Aug. 17, 1845 ; r. Rock. 3, Almond, m. Sarah S. Keen, Sept. 18, 1853 ; r. Cam. 4, John (2d) ; m. Abby A. Smith of Worcester, Mass., ±. Rock., a variety merchant. 5, Harriet, m. Capt. Merrick M. Packard ; r. Rock. 6, Clarissa, m. Jackson Weeks ; r. Rock. 7, Lorinda, r. Rock. 8, Laura, m. Robert Messer ; r. Cam. 9, Mary A. 10, J. Sidney M., b. 1840 ; m Anna E. Heard, Sept. 25, 1859 ; r. Rock. ; in mercantile business. Adoniram J's "ch. 1, Emma C, b. ab. 1851. "§2, Mary M., b. ab. 1853. 3, Augustus D. b. ab. 1855. 4, Ada C, b. ab. 1857. 5, Hanson G., b. Jan. 6, 1859. 6, Anna J., b. April 17, & d. Sept. 6, 1860. 7, Hattie M., b. Oct. 3, 1861. John (2d)'s ch. 1, Adaline M., b. ab. 1858. 2,iaWilliam H., b. ab. 1859. BIRDING, or Burding ; of this family 3 brothers came from Pox Islands, and settled in S. Th. 1, Calvin, b. ab. 1824 ; m. Margaret L. Arey; r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, George W., b. ab. 1828; m. Susan Frye, Sept. 26, 1850 ; r. S. Th., a joiner, %nd soldier of 20th Me. reg. 3, Hiram E., b. ab. 1836 ; m. Mary E. Constant of Fayal, p. Jan. 24, 1859 ; r. S. Th., a carpenter. Calvin's ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1848. 2, Adelaide, b. ab. 1854. 3, a son, b. in 1860. Hiram E.'s ch. 1, Euphemia A., b. ab. 1853. 3, Eveline B., b.Jab. 1855. 3, Joseph A., b. ab. 1857. BISKEY, WilUam, a Frenchman by birth, and house joiner by trade," c. to St. George and m. Catharine Long. Their ch. 1, Capt. William, m. Hepzibah Nutting of C, July 8, 1821 ; r. Th., and d. at Norfolk Aug. 24, 1826, in the brig Tobacco Plant. 2, Michael, m. Hannah Bartlett of Th., p. July 23, 1822 ; r. St. Geo. 3, John. Capt. WilUam's ch 1, Mary Catharine, b. April 21, 1822, d. May 13, 1843. 2, Sarah L., b. June 4, 1826, m. Capt. Judson R. JY™^ burn ; 1. Th. 3, WilUam B., b. May 1833, d. Aug.J13, 1838. ^SBSH SfBLACK, (translated from SCHWARTZ, the original German name ;) of this family three brothers c. here from Wal. 1, Samuel, 148 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, b. 1805 ; m. Elizabeth Kaler ; r. S. Th., a farmer, & d. April 3, 1862. 2, Asa, b. ab. 1813; m. Agnes Benner; r. Rock., a truckman. 3, Stephen, b. ab. 1815; m. Sarah ; r. Rock. Jacob, a brother, m. and r. Wal., whose son, Thomas, b. ab. 1828, m. Sarah J. Black ington; r. Rock., a joiner. Samuel's ch. 1, Lebalister, b. ab. 1842. 2, Louisa, b. ab. 1844. 3, Martha E , b. ab. 1847. 4, Samuel G., b. ab, 1852. Asa's ch. 1, Rhoda A., m. James W. Clark; r. Rock. 2. Mary J., b. ab. 1840 ; m. Joseph L. Clark ; r. Rock. 3, Helen A., b. ab. 1842. 4. Gorham L., b. 1845. 5, Clara E., b. ab. 1853. Stephen's ch. 1, Stephen, (2d), b. ab. 1841. 2, Caroline, b, 1843. 3, John H., b. 1846. 4, Mehitable, b. 1851. 5, Jane E., b. 1853. Thomas's ch. Emma F., b. ab. 1857. BLACKBURN, John, b. 1823, in Canada East ; as was Elizabeth his wife; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1845. 2, Delaith, b. '47. 3, George, b. '49. 4, Louisa, b. '52. 5, Frank, b. '53. 6, Georgiana, b. '55. BLACKBURN, Thomas, b. 1829, in New York; as was Jane his wife in Canada West ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Frank^ b. ab. 1854. 2, Emma J., b ab. 1858. BLACKINGTON ; of this family, said to be of Italian descent, Benjamin, b. Jan. 28, 1750; m. Eunice Woodcock; came from Attle boro'; was here with his family in 1777 ; took up 3 adjoining lots W. of the Meadows on which he & his sons settled; died Sept. 6, 1812. His ch. 1, Benjamin (2d), b. Aug. 1775 ; m. Catharine Sterling of Meduncook, p. Oct 22, 1J96 ; r. Rock., and died March 31, 1850. 2, Nathan, m. Hannah Stevens, p. March 30, 1798 ; r. West of Mead ows; and died Feb. 28, 1839. 3, Rebecca, b. June, 1781; m. Daniel Palmer; r. Th., & d. Jan 9, 1853. 4? Eunice, m. Jonathan Ames; rem. Burnham. 5, James W., m. Hannah Keen ; r. Rock., was dep uty sheriff, &c; died May 4, 1850. 6, Jemima, m. Welcome Healey ; i. and died in Thomaston. Benjamin (2d)'s ch. 1, Willard, b. Dec. 5, 1797 ; d. Aug. 10, 1800. 2, Sterling E., b. April 9, 1800; m. Elizabeth Pottle, Aug. 19, 1821; r. Th., & d. Sept. 18, '39. 3, Gilbert M., b. Aug. 13, '02; m. Lucy Robbins of Union, p. May 5, '24. 4, Russell G., b. Sept. 6, '04; d. young. 5, Danforth B., b. July 28, '06 ; m. Louisa Webster ; r. U. 6, Bryant, b. Oct. 17, '08 ; m. Susan Chaples, p. July 31, '38 ; r. Th. 7, James W., (2d), b. July 17, '11 ; d. Nov. 8, '36. 8, Rufus K., b. Oct. 7, '13; m. Harriet S. Robbins, Jan. 14, '38 ; rem. to Cam. .9, Jane H., b. Jan. 18, '19; m. Col. Timothy Williams; i. Rockland. The mother died Oct. 5, '39, aged 66. Nathan's ch. 1, Harriet, born April 19, 1799 ; m. Capt. John B. Hawk; r. Th. 2, Adaline, b. June 9, 1801 ; m. George Collins; r. Rock., & d. March 4, '63. 3, Ann, b. June 1, '08 ; m. Jos. Palmer; r. Th. 4, Sophia, b. April 7, '10; in. Benjamin B. Palmer; i. Th. 5, Rebecca, b. June 1, 1812 ; r. Rock. 6, Nathan (2d), born Dec. 14, '13 ; m. & d. in Boston. 7, Erastus F., b. April 23, '15 ; r. Th. 8, Alden, b. July 2, '16 ; m. Nancy Kalloch, Jan. 29, '37, & d. in Rock. 9, Capt. Edward F., b. Jan. 9, '18; m. Emily H. Ulmer, Aug. 27, '48; r. Rock., a farmer. 10, George, b. March 7, '20; r. Rock., a farmer. 11, WiUard (2d), b Nov. 15, '22 ; m. Eliza Plaiston, Jan. 1, '55 ; jr. Rockland. James W.'s ch. 1, Willard S., (natural or adopted), b. ab. 1805; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 149 m. JuUa G. Thomas, Dec. 25, '31 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 2, Susan, b. Feb. 18, '19 ; m. Isaac Ingraham (2d) ; r. Rock., & d. Peb. 7, '58. 3, IrvinK., b. Oct. 10, '20; d. Feb. 7, '45. 4, OUvia, m. William J. Atkins ; r. Rock. 5, Alvan, b. July 21, '22 ; went south in 1850-or '52. 6, Jasper W., b. Dec. 28, '23. 7, Francis Otis, b. Feb. 12, '29 ; killed in 1859, by a fall into a shaft in California. 8, Emily A., born Nov. 7, 1831. Fourth Generation. Sterhng E.'s ch. 1, Clementine, b Feb. 2, 1822; d. April 6, '26. 2, Orrin. L., b. Feb. 3, '23; m. Rebecca Black of Wal., p. May 10, '53 -, r. Rock., a teamster. 3, Thomas T., b. Sept. 10, '24 ; m. Cath arine Richards, Jan. 27, '52 ; 1. Line. 4, Emeline H., b. March 30, '26; m. Jefferson Kalloch ; r. Rock., & d Mar. 3, '49. 5, Benjamin W., b. July 5, '27 ; m. Dora Houston of Line, Jan. 2, '54; r. Rock., a joiner. 6, Frances E., b. Feb. 25, '29 ; m. Elbridge G. Kalloch of Rock. 7, Sarah J., b. 1834; m. Thomas Black; d. Rock., July 30, '57. 8, Morton, A., b. 1835; m. Mary H. Black; r. Rock., soldier of 4th Me., &c. 9, Eliza A., b. April 6, '37 ; m. Edward Perkins of W. 10, Edward R , m. Abby Bailey of Wiscasset; 1. Cam. and Rock., a blacksmith. The mother died March 14, '54, aged 55 years, 17 days. Bryant's ch. 1, Mary M., b. Oct. 4, 1839 ; r. Rock. 2, Catharine S., b. Oct. 11, '42. 3, Helen L., b. June 30, '44. 4, Emma A., b. Oct. 16, '46. 5, Harvey A., b. May 10, '50. 6, Chester, b. Sep. 30, '58. Rufus K.'s ch. 1, Sarah G., b. April 6, 1838. 2, Alda Eliza, b. Oct. 20, '40. 3, Alphene. * Alden's ch. 1, Adelaide T., b. Oct. 30, 1837 ; m. Theodore M. Da vis, Sept. 23, 1859, r. Rock. 2, Sarah E., b. Nov. 24, 1839. 3, Frederic, b. Sept. 17, 1842. 4, Mary, b. ab. 1846. 5, Harriet, b. ab. 1849. 6, Ada, b. ab. 1851. 7 & 8, twins, b. ab. 1856 ; Cora E , and Frances E. Edward F.'s ch. 1, AnsOn U., b. ab. 1849. 2, Esther B., b. about '51. 3, William, b. ab. '53. 4, Frederic, b. ab. '55. 5, Almond H., b. '57. 6, John F., b. ab. '59. Willard (2d)'s ch. 1, Calfrena, b. ab. 1857. 2, Nathan S., b. ab. '58. 3. George H., b. '60. Willard S.'s ch. 1, Oscar E., b. Jan. 6, 1833 ; a silver ware ped- ler, &c. 2, Lucy K , b. Oct. 16, '34 ; m. John H. Additon, 1859, r. Dexter. 3, Mary T., b. Feb. 11, '38 ; m. Hanson A. Mills of Fox Is. Oct. 22, '59. 4, OUver N., b. March 14, '40 ; a freight agent. 5, Lydia J., b. May 16, '42 ; m. John F. Fogler, Jan. 1, '60, 1. Rock. 6, Olive, b. ab. '47. 7, Jerusha, b. ab. '49. 8, C. Jennette, b. ab. '52. 9, Anna BeU, b. ab. '55. Fifth Generation. Thomas T.'s ch. Cora B., b. April, 1854, d. May 6, '55. Benjamin W.'s ch. 1, Alvah, b. ab. 1856. 2, Jennie, b. ab. '59. Morton A.'s ch. 1, Hiram, b. ab. 1855. 2, Clarence E., b. May, ,'58, d. Aug. 12, '60. 3, Edgar L., b. Sept. '60, d. Nov. 17, '63. BLACKINGTON, , a distant connection of the preceding family, m. Chloe , of Attleboro, Mass., where he r. & d. His widow m. 2d, Oliver Robbins of Th., and probably was followed here by her first children, viz, : 1, Sarah, m. Alexander Jameson of Cam den, rem. Charleston. 2, John, born ab. 1756 ; came, it is thought, from Weymouth ; m. Eleanor Spear, p. June 16, 1795 ; r. Th. Mill 13* 150 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, River ; a merchant. &c, and d. Nov. 16, 1843, a. 87. 3, Barbara, m. Nathaniel Copeland, p. March 29, 1786 ; r. W., and d. Oct. 4, 1822. 4, Nancy, m. Marlboro Packard, r. and d. U. 5, Rebecca, m. John Crockett, r. & d. Rock. 6, Capt. James, b. 1766 ; m. Betsey Wat son, p. Feb. 19, 1799 ; a soldier & officer in the revolution ; r. Th., & d. Oct. 25, 1835. John's ch. 1, Margaret, b. J. 14, 1797 ; m. 1st, Otis Harding, 2d, Dyer, of Weymouth, Mass. 2, Capt. John (2d,) b. Feb. 13, 1799; m. Maria D. Howard, Jan. 3, 1830; r. Th., Mill River. 3, William, b. May, 1801, d. Oct. 1805. 4, Capt. Edward, b. May 27, 1805 ; m. Eunice Creighton, March 6, 1834 ; r. Th. & d. N. O. 5, George, b. July 14, '07 ; m. Sarah Calef, July 16, '29, & d. Dec. 15, '30, leaving 1 child who d. May 2, 1831, a. 9 mos. 6, Oliver, b. Jan. 18, 1810, d. at sea, April 24, '37. Capt. James's ch. 1, John (3d) b. 1803, d. 1804. 2, Thos. Jeffer son, b. 1805, d. at Charleston, S. C, July 29, '31. 3, Capt. James Madison, b. '07 ; m. 1st, Elizabeth B. Liscomb, Dec. 24, '36, 2d, Abby Haskell of W„ May, 1860, 3d, Nancy Fales, Aug. 14, '64, r. Th., Mill River. 4, Barbara, b. 1809 ; m. Nathaniel Liscomb ; r. Th. & d. March 4, '38. 5, Rebecca, b. 1811 ; in. Capt. James S. Colley; r. Th. & d. Peb. 3, '61. 6, Angelina, b. 1813 ; m. Alexander Young ; r. Th. & d. Nov. 21, '51. 7, Benjamin Franklin, b. 1815, & d. April 13 '23. 8, Abby S., b. Feb. 1819, d. Aug. 29, '33. Capt. John (2d)'s ch. 1, Margaret E., b. July 30, 1830, d. April 5, '55. 2, Caroline E., b. Dec. 11, 31 ; r. Th. 3, Abby M., b. Oct. 23, '34; i. Th. 4, Wm. John, b. Feb. 25, '36 ; r. Th., a mariner. 5, Horace H., b. May 14, '37, d. April 5, '60, lost overboard at sea. 6, Alfred P., b. Aug. 15, '39 ; r. Th., a returned soldier of 4th Me. reg. 7, Richard R., b. Aug. 16, '41, d. Feb. 25, '42. 8, Frank, b. ab. '43 ; r. Th., a mariner. Capt. Edward's ch. 1, Helen, b. May 17, 1837. 2, George E., b. Jan. 5, '42. Capt. J. Madison's ch. by 2d wife. James Madison (2d), b. June 9, and died Sept. 1861. The mother died Jan. 22, 1862. BLACKINGTON, Francis M., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Margaret C. Kaler, Oct. 18, '49 ; c. Rock., a shoe manufacturer. Their ch. Ada F., b. about 1851. BLAKE, William, b. ab. 1824, (native place not ascertained by the compiler) ; m. Deborah ; r. S. Th., a farmer. Their ch. 1, WilUam F., b. ab. '51. 2, Benjamin, b. ab. '54. 3 & 4, twins, b. ab. '58 ; Alphonso & Alonzo. 5, Marcia, born about '59. BLANCHARD, Loring, m. Sarah F. Jackson, Oct. 25, '61, when he resided in Rockland. BLANDEN, Jonas, b. ab. 1815 of a Southboro', Mass. family ; m. Jane Ogier of Cam ; i. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, William L, b. ab. 1840. 2, E. Arvesta, b. ab. '42. 3, CorneUa K., b. '43, died Jan. 3, 1858. BLAISDELL, or Blasdell, Richard S., b. in 1761 ; m. & r. Hamp den, but died in Rock., Nov. 1, 1846. Of his sons there came hither; 1, William, b. 1794, c. here from Orland ; m. Lucretia Spear, May 13, 1823 ; r. Rock , & d. Oct. 21, '58. 2, Capt. Richard S., m. Mary C. Arey, Sept. 14, '46 ; r. Rock., rem. for a time to California, but re turned and resides in Rockland. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. ]5] William's ch. 1, Mary P., b. Oct. 29, 1827 ; m. William Walsh (3d) ; r. Rock. 2, Dr. John M., b. April 28, '29 ; m. Roxana E. Weston of Salem, Mass., p. Dec. 14, '52 ; r. Rock., & d. at Havana of yellow fever, Nov. 23, '57, his wife having died by suicide, June 25, 53. 3, Caroline, b. April 29, '32 ; d. Feb. 26, '34. 4, Ann Eliza, b. March 3, '35. 5, William (2d), b. Dec. 29, '36 ; r. Rock., » mariner. 6, Susan, born Aug. 27, '42 ; r. Rockland. Capt. Richard's ch. we have no record of, except these, deceased. 1, Edwin F., died at Whitneyville, April 9, 1852. 2, Lucy Helen, b. Sept. 1848, died at ditto, April 19, '50. 3, Mary Sophia, died August 22, '54. 4, John B., born Jan. 1853, died August 7, '54. BLAISDELL, Sanborn, came from Hampden ; m. Mary Miller of Th., April 15, 1821 ; r. here a time, but rem. to Camden. Their ch. 1, Sarah, born June 15, '23 ; m. Josiah Burleigh of Salem, Mass., Oct. 23, '45. 2, Sanborn (2d), born July 6, '27. 3, Alonzo S., bom Sept. 21, '30. 4, David H., born Nov. 7, '33 ; all probably rem. 5, Re becca, born March 23, '22, died Sept. 5, '26. 6, Harriet, born April 6, '25, died Sept. 4, '26. The mother died April 8, 1851, aged 55. BLODGETT, George W , born about 1815 in Freedom ; m. Mary H. Gregory ; r. Rockland, a photographist. BLOOD, Simeon, b. Sept. 1782, «. from Deering, N. H. ; m. Lu- cinda Fales, Dec. 22, 1808; settled on the Meadows road, Th., was an excellent mechanic, and occasional mariner, in which capacity he went to sea and was taken captive in the war of 1812 and carried to England, where dining at an inn one day after his release, the land lord brought in his daughter who was anxious to see an American and expressed great surprise at not .finding him black ; returned in safety, r. Th. & d. March 1, 1857. Of his brothers, 1, Abel, m. Betsey How ard of St. George, p. Feb. 28, 1809, rem. & d. Hope. 2, Joel, m. Thirza Whitcomb of Hope, July 25, 1816; r. Th., soon removed to Hope. ' 3. Lemuel, e. to Th. but, after a year or two, ret. to N. H. Simeon's ch. 1, Ezekiel D., born Dec. 7, 1814 ; m. Elmira Waugh of Readfield, Jan., 1, 1841 ; r. Th., a joiner, & d. in 1864. 2, Simeon (2d), born Oct. 29, 1817 ; .m. Eunice Palmer, Aug. 4, 1839 ; r. Rock., of great mechanical genius, and made, in 1850, an entire gold watch, the first, probably, made in the State. 3, David K., born July 7, 1820 ; went to sea as mate, died in Havana, Cuba, 1847. 4, WilUam H., b. April 29, '24 ; m. Cordelia A. GaUop, Sept. 27, '46 ; r. Th., a jeweller, &c. 5, Jane A., born Oct. 14, '26; m. Capt. Alexander C. Post; r. Th. 6, Arthur M., born Dec 8, '29 ; m. Mary L. Slatery^ Feb. 16, '52 ; j.-. Sacramento city, California. 7, Nancy T , born April 28, '33 ; r. Th. 8, Lucinda, born Nov. 13, '36 ; m. Sears S. Ulmer; removed and resides near Presque Isle. Ezekiel D.'s ch. 1, Charles SulUvan, born 1847. 2, Francis D., b. '49. 3, (adopted,) Melissa Howard. 4, Ira, born April 7, '54, died April 22, '56. The mother died May 5, '61. Simeon, (2d's), ch. 1, Zulietta A., born April 11, 1841, died Sept. 24, '42. 2, Sarah R., born Sept. 25, '42. 3, Frank M., born '45. 4, An infant, died. 5, Simeon, (3d), born about '52. 6, Grace E. born June '55, died Sept. 9, '56. 7, Nellie I., born about '59. William H.'s ch. 1, Helen A., born Oct. 25, 1847. 2, William H., (2d), born Feb. 18, '52, died Nov. 14, '56. 3, George A., b. Dec. 1, '56. BLYE, Ebenezer, m. Mollie Bishop ; c. early with his family from Attleborough, Mass., r. Th., on Meadows road, and died 1811. Their 152 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ch. 1, Nancy, born 1766 ; m. Nehemiah Stevens, & died at her son's in W., Oct. 1854. 2, A son, who went into the army of the Revolu tion and never returned. 3, Another son, who was drowned in the river, at the age of 7 years, before the landing of the family at Th. 4, Betsey, m. John Bentley ; r. Th., & d. Nov. 8, 1854. 6, Mary, b. ab. 1781 ; m. Samuel Hammond; r. Rock. & died August 16, '56. 6, Cynthia, died in W. at Samuel Kelloch's. BOGGS, Dr. Life W., born March 27, 1798, in Hope, son of Wil liam f 2d) and Sarah (Jameson) Boggs ; m. 1st, Susan S. Huse, 2d, Phebe A. ; j. St. George, Warren, & Camden, came to Rock land where he successfully practised Botanic medicine till his death. May 11, 1861. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, James Harvey, m. Lilias Philbrook, 1850; settled on the Peabody farm, Th., 1862, a soldier, 21st Me. reg. 2, Sarah M., b. 1825, d. Oct. 12, '49. 3, William, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Margaret Davis of Camden, Feb. 22, '64 ; r. Rockland, a carpenter. 4, George, born about '29 ; m. Catharine Waldo; r. South Th., a. carpenter. 5, Josiah M. 6, Wilson, born March 22, '39; m. Margaret A. Sherer, Oct. 31, '61 ; r. Rock. 7, Hannah E., born July 30, '41, died Dec. 20, '45. 8, Lewis K„ born Dec. 15, '43 ; r. Rock land, a mariner. . George's ch. 1, Frederic G., born ab. 1855. 2, Emma, b. ab. '59. BOHNDEL, Christian Henry, born in Denmark, Europe, 1816 ; m. Dorothea Martin of Otwilder, Germany ; r. Th., a rigger. Their ch. 1, Josephine, born Dec. 9, '33, died Sept. 15, '40. 2, Mary E., born August 3, '41 ; m. Oliver Robinson (3d) ; r. Th. 3, Christian H., b. March 2, '43. 4, Hortense, born about '45. 5, Josephine, born about '47. 6, George M. born about '49. 7, Dorothea M., born June 16, and died Sept. 21, '52. 8, Roselia, born Jan. 17, and died August 16, '54. 9, Wilhelmina S., born about '55. BOND, William J., born about 1822 in Jefferson ; m. Rachel M. Weeks ; r. Rockland, a provision dealer. Their ch. 1, Freddie R., born about 1850 2, Grace D., born about '52. BOOKER, Capt. John B , born about 1789 ; m. 1st, Betsey Hutch- . ings, (who died January 14, 1832, aged 40;, id, Mary E. Thompson, March 9, '33 ; r. Th., rem. Rockland, where he died by drowning, Sept. 1, '49. ¦ Joseph, perhaps a brother, born about 1794; m. Nancy ; came from Boothbay ; i. Th., rem. Rockland and died May 9, 1862. From one of these two, Booker street in Th. was named. Joseph's ch. 1, Capt. Baker H., born about 1822 ; m. 1st, Julia A. Boynton, (who died May 22, '53), 2d, Mrs. Sophia R. Sproul, June 5, '56; r. Rockland. 2, Barnard. 3, Joseph (2d), bom about '34; m. Priscilla Bridges, Oct. 3, '61 ; r. Rockland, a mariner. 4, Melissa A., born about '43. 5, Gardner L., born about '46. BOWDEN, Silas, born in China, Maine; m. Vesta L. Heath ; r- Rock. Charles, born about 1837 ; r. Rockland with Matilda his wife i was a soldier in Co. D, 4th Maine regiment, and was killed at the bat tle of Chantilly, Sept. 1, '62. BOWERS, George W., came from Providence, R. I., to what is now South Thomaston ; m. Nancy, daughter of Col. David Nutt of Camden, p. April 29, 1792; and died 1848. Their ch. 1, Jane, born Feb. 27, 1793 ; m. John Murch of Castine; r. Hampden & Brooklyn, N. Y. 2, Betsey, born Oct. 4, 1796; in. David Green; r. Norridge- wock. 3, Mary, bom Oct; 17, 1799, died Oct. 25, 1822. 4 Susan, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 153 born March 27, 1803 ; m. Capt. John G. Paine ; r. Th. 5, Sylvester, born Peb. 26, 1806; m. Mercy Murray, Feb. 12, 1830, 2d, Elizabeth Davy, March 4, 1848 ; r. Beech Woods ; and died Feb. 15, 1858. 6, George, born August 5, 1808, died June 18, 1813. 7, Isaac B., born June 18, '10; m. Lydia H. Post, Oct. 31, '47; r. S. Th., a mariner. 8, Sarah B., bom May 1, '14, died Dec. 18, '38. 9, Content A., born March 28, '18 ; r, South Thomaston. Sylvester's ch. 1, Mary, born Sept. 20, 1831. 2, Content, born Jan. 18, '36. 3, George, (3d), born ab. '43. By 2d wife. 4, Cassandra, born about '51. 5, Sylvester, born about '54. Isaac B.'s ch. 1, Elbridge, died young. 2, William H., b. ab. '52. BOWLER ; of this family, two brothers c. from Palermo, Me., to this place, viz. 1, Allen, born about 1819 in Palermo; m. Lydia B. Abbott of Albion ; 1. Rockland, a merchant in firm of Bowler & Ab bott. 2, Rev. James Riley, born about 1825 ; m. Adaline F. Turner of Palermo ; was settled in South Thomaston as pastor of the 2d Baptist church ; r. since in Rockland. Allen's ch. 1, Clara E., born ab. 1849. 2, Eugene R., b. ab. '53. Rev. James Riley's ch. 1, Albert O. born about 1854 ; deaf mute. BOWMAN, John, born about 1823 in Ireland ; m. Kate Carr ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, John (2d), born about 1855. 2, Sarah, born about '57. 3, Mary, born about '60. BOYD', Adam, (son of Adam of St. George who died there April 17, 1850, aged 84) ; m. Rachel Kelloch ; r. Rockland. Their ch. 1, William, m. Lavinia Hewett ; r. California. 2, George W., born ab. 1826; m. Nancy S. Farnham ; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Mary Ann, d. in Rockland, Feb. 31, '43. 4, Eliza J., m. William Gay ; r. Rock. 5, Phinley, born July, 1830 ; m. M. Augusta Knowlton ; j. Rockland, and died May 12, '56. 6, Rachel, m. Samuel F. Coombs; r. Oregon. 7, Louisa, m. Charles Hall ; r. S. Th. 8, Susan, m. Capt. Jefferson Drinkwater; r. Rock. 9, Frances, born April 3, '39 ; r. Rockland George W.'s ch. 1, John Edmund, born about 1854. 2, Mary Josephine, born about 1859. BOYLES, Edward, born about 1811 ; came to Th. and r. many years, carried on baker's business, Georges hotel, &c; m. 1st, Caroline McClintock of Wal., p. April 3, '30, 2d, Asenath M. Willis; rem. to Wal. and the Kennebec, but ret. and r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Charles. 2, Salome B., born April 21, '33. 3, Caroline M., born April 15, '35 ; m. Joseph Nichols of Th., May 7, '56. 4, Mary Ann, born March 6, '37 ; m. James M. Elliott of Phipsburg, 1860. 5, Ed ward (2d), born Nov. 25, '39, drowned May 11, '50. 6, Hermon F., born Nov. 10, and died Nov. 18, '43. The mother died Dec. 9, 1851. By 2d wife. 7, Clara, born about 1858. BOYNTON, Hon. Nehemiah, born in Rockport, Mass., 1804; came in 1825 to St George, engaged largely in the fish business un der firm of N. Boynton & Co., nine years ; m. Mary Jane Miller, May 1828 ; was town treasurer, post master, and representative ; removed to Th. where he was in active business eleven years, at the stand since occupied by Hon. E. O'Brien, was president of the Lincoln Bible So., and treasurer of the Theological Seminary ; removed in '45 to Chel sea, Mass., where he has since resided, and done business in Boston, (N. Boynton & Co., Commission Merchants and Manufacturers of Cotton Duck, 134, Commercial St.,) has been selectman of Chelsea, 154 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, chairman of board of aldermen, president of Winnesimmet Benevo lent So., a trustee of Newton Theological Seminary, state senator two years, one of the State valuation committee, treasurer of Am. Bapt. Missionary Union 7 years, and, in '62, one of Gov. Andrew's council for Dist. No. 1, embracing Suffolk Co. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth R., b. Jan. 4, 1830 ; m. in '50 A. F. Hervey, who is connected with Mr. B. in business ; and has one son, Frank W., b. in 1854. BOYNTON, Cyrus V. R., b. ab. 1820, in Brooks ; m. 1st Delia E. W. Cochran, 2d, Mary Jones ; resides Rockland, a cabinet maker. Of his children by first wife. 1, Louisa, was b. about 1842. 2, Alfred, b. about '44. By 2d wife. 3, Fanny K., b. April 12, '60, d. April 12, 1864. BOYNTON, Hiram H., b. ab. 1827 ; m. 1st, Lucia M. Young, June 17, 1854, 2d, Albina P. Young; r. Th., a carpenter, &c. _ BOYNTON, Samuel P., b. about 1817 ; m. Emeline P. Ames ; re sides Rockland, a lime burner, and now in the army. Their children, 1, Laura Ann, b. about 1840. 2, Georgia G., b. about 1844, m. Frank M. Boynton, of Rockland, Dec. 1 '62. 3, Emily F., b. about '46. 4, Lucy A., b. about '48. 5, Lizzie, b. about '50. 6, Addie, b. about '51. 7, Samuel K. b. '52. 6, Augusta J., b. '54. 9, David, b. '56. BRACKETT, Joshua b. ab. 1805, came from Acton ; m. Jane P. Kelleran, July 13, 1837 ; i. Thomaston, a mariner. Their ch. Eliza, b. about 1846. BRACKETT, James, came from Warren, was a merchant some" years in Rockland, but removed 1864 to Portland. BRACKLEY, Lieut. Benaiah C, b. in Strong, came to Rockland, m. Fannie Ulmer, was officer for a time in 4th Me. regiment, since re- enlisted ; r. Rockland. Rufus K. Brackley, m. Fidelia Kelley, Jan. 11, '51; r. Rockland, and of whose ch. Silas was b. Jan. and died June 14, '53. BRADBURY, Wymond, came from Portland about 1804, m. Ruth Mathews, Sept. 11, 1810 ; settled at S. Thomaston in the house now occupied by John Robbins and formerly L. Wade's ; was a shoema ker by trade ; d. July 6, '37. Their ch. 1, Capt. Samuel Andrews, b. Sept. 28, 1811 ; m. Lucy R. Butler, April 5, '41 ; r. S Thomaston, & d. Nov. 16, '45. 2, Archibald M., b. April 19, '14 ; r. S. Thomaston, a mariner. 3, Rebecca, b, Aug. 16, '16 ; m. Abiezer Coombs, October 6, '44, 2d, David Owens ; r. S. Thomaston. 4, Capt. Charles, b. May 25, '19 ; m. Nancy M. Butler, Oct. 4, '46 ; r. S. Thomaston. 5, Al mira S., b. May 28, '22, d. Oct. 12, '25. 6, Henry K., b. May 20, '25 ; m. Nancy C. Suchforth, p. May 22, '52 ; r. S. Thomaston, a mason. 7, George, b. March 7, '28 ; m. Irene Kelloch, p. Jan. 28, '54; r. S. Thomaston, a mariner. 8, Caroline P., b. Dec. 13, '33, d. Feb. 1860. 9, Sarah W., b. Oct. 1, '37, d. young. Samuel A.'s ch. Charles Herbert, b. April 5, 1843, d. June 25, '44. Capt. Charles' ch. 1, Charles B., b. about 1849. 2, Ardelle M., b. about '52. 3, Almyn, b. about 1857. '¦• Henry K.'s ch. Percy, d. young. George's ch. 1, Augusta, b. about 1856. 2, Ida, b. about '58. BRADFORD, Isaiah, a descendant of Gov. William Bradford, of the honored Plymouth Pilgrims, m. 1st, Hannah Rawley, 2d, Mrs. Asenath (Morton) MiUer ; r. Cushing, and d. Oct. or November, 1851, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 155 His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Nancy, m. William Campbell ; r. Th. 2, Paul, born Nov. 1801 ; m. Mary E. Jacobs, October, 16, '29 ; r. Glea- son street, Th., a carpenter. 3, James, m. Hannah Seavey ; rem. Wis consin, & married twice. 4, Isaac, died young. By 2d wife. 5, Mar tha, married Joseph Davis ; r. Cushing. 6, Lydia, married John Bur ton ; 1. C. 7, William, married Jane Lewis ; r. C. 8, OUver, died young. 9, Harriet, died young. Paul's ch. 1, Adeliza, born Sept. 19, 1831 ; married Silas Hanly ; r. Th. 2, Mary M., born July 27, '34 ; married Joseph Eastman, ; r. Rockland. 3, Helena, born Dec. 10, '36; r. Th. and kept millinary establishment for»some time on Main street, in company with Miss A. Keating. BRADFORD, Dea. Charles, m. Mrs. Elizabeth P. (Brown) Clark, Oct. 28, 1802; succeeded to Clark's house & pottery business, but in 1813 rem. to Ohio with his family. Their ch. 1, Lucy H. 2, Harvey Stetson, bap. July 13, 1810. 3, Charles Otis. 4, Nancy L., bap. July 26, '12. 5, Sophia Maria, bap. June 20, '13. BRADY, Henry, b. ab. 1827 in Ireland; came over about 1853 ; ir. Catharine Feeley, August 26, '52 ; r. Th. Matthew, a brother, also came to Th:, was accidentally kiUed in Virginia in 1853 or '4, leaving a widow and three children. BRAMHALL, CorneUus, m. Jane Pierce, Oet. 18, 1804 ; came, it is believed, from Vinalhaven ; r. Rockland, and he or a son of the same name, m. 2 Alzada F., b. ab. 1844. 2, William A , b. ab. '46, a deaf mute. 3> Charles V., b '53. BROWN, William S., came from New York; r. some years in Rock., ab. 1842 ; rem. to New York, where, in 1856, he was of the firm of Wm. S. Brown & Son. His ch. recorded here, were. 1, Geo. Ogden, b. Aug. 5, 1834, d. in New York, Aug. 20, '56. 2, Hannah M-, b. Aug. 22.~'38. 3, Charles M., b. Nov. 13, '40. 4, Hezekiah, b. 31, '42. BROWN, Moses, b. ab. 1830, of a different family; m. Mary E. Maxwell, Nov. 11, '53; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. 1, Sarah M., b. ab. 1854. 2, Charles Keen, b. Oct. 1856, d. Oct. 5, 1857. 3, Moses, (2d), b. ab. 1859. BROWN, Samuel P., b. ab. 1832; m. Mary A. Arey, p. Nov. 11, '52; r. S. Th., a mariner. Their ch. Jonas A., b. ab. 1853. BROWN, Samuel, b. ab. 1810; m. Chloe ; r. Rockland, a mariner. Their ch. Angeline, b. ab. 1839. BROWN, William, b. ab. 1806, in Fox Islands ; m. Mrs. Clemen tine Perry ; l. Rockland, a shop keeper. BROWN, William, (2d), b. ab. 183 i, in the British Provinces, as was Mary J., his wife, in Scotland in 1837 ; j. Rockland, a mariner. 14* 162 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, BROWN, Willard B., b. ab. 1832; m. Sarah Tiuney; r. Rockland, a stevedore. BROWN, James G., b. ab. 1825 ; m. Harriet ; r. Rockland, a blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Charles W., b. ab. 1851. 2, Harriet E., b. ab. 1853. 3, George F., b. ab. 1857. BROWN, David, b. ab. 18 50 in Dam.iriscotta; m. Hannah Spear; r. Rockland, a wheelwright, in 1860. BRYANT, Charles, came from England; m. Jerusha Barstow ; r. Newcastle, & d. in Th. Their ch. 1, Charles, (2d), m. Betsey Loudon of Belfast, April 1, 1798; entered the army of 1812, & never ret. 2, Joseph, came to Th., m. Sally Vose, p. Dec. 21, 1799; a joiner, built at Mill River the house since occupied by H. & C. Prince, Esqrs. ; r. and d. Th. 3, Sarah, m. 1st, John Rigby of England, 2d, Benjamin Hussey ; r. & d. Palermo. 4, Asenath, m. Eliphalet Conner of Th., rem. and d. in Belfast. 5, Betsey, m. David Conner; rem. and d. in Montville. 6, Seth, came to Th., m. Mary Ulmer, May 13, 1804 ; rem. W., and d. in Montville. 7, Mary, in. Friend Keith of Th. ; t. Lynn, Mass. Joseph's ch. 1, Catharine Lamb, b. Aug. 18, 1801 ; m. Levi Wil- ley, a clothier, rem. Searsmont, and d. in 1862 or '3. 2, Clementina, b. Oct. 15, 1804; m. John F. Cole; r. California. BRYANT, Capt. John, came from Saco, with his brother Joseph> about 1792 or '3; m. 1st, Ruth Spalding, March 19, 1795; 2d, Mrs. Eliza Foster of St. George, 1828 ; r. S. Th., at Spalding's Point, or Ballahack. William, a cousin, also came here; m. 1st, Sarah Hayden, 2d, Polly Carr, Nov. 2, 1797; r. S. Th. Capt. John's ch. 1, Sarah, b. Jan. 17, 1806; m. Kingsbury Bridges, & rem. 2, Joseph, b. Aug. 18, 1809; m. Susan Lincoln; r. Machias- port. 3, Nancy, b. Oct. 15, 1811; m. John Robinson, (2d); r. S. Th. 4, Hannah, b. July 8, 1813 ; in. David Clark ; r. and died S. Th. 5, Jane, b. Oct. 20, 1816, died Jan. 1855. BRYANT, Jesse, son of Aaron Bryant of St. George ; m. Caroline Wheeler, p. Oct. 7, 1838; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Henry H., b. Aug. 29, 1840. 2, Francis, b. Jan. 25, '43, d. Jan. 23, '49. 3, Caroline A., b. May, '48, d. Sept. 1. '49. 4, Mary E., b. Jan. and d. Aug. 13, '54. BRYANT, Samuel, b. ab. 1824, in Montville ; m. Elizabeth H. Prescott of S. Th ; j. Rockland, a ship chandler. Their ch. Laura A., b. ab. 1849. BRYANT, Isaac S., was also in Rock., and m. Laura A. Wagner, Sept. 7, 1863. BRYSON, Peter, b. ab. 1823, in Scotland; m. Susan C. Bean, March 21, 1851; j. Rockland, a rigger. BUCKLIN; of the descendants of two brothers, who came from Rehoboth about 1764, and settled, Baruch in Camden and Nathan in Warren, there c. here, 1, Caleb, b. in W., m. Davis, who d. Oct. 24, 1848, 2d, Elvira Cooper, Sept. 9, '49, 3d, Mary E. Hall, July 27. '5'3, 4th, Eliza Babb; r. Th. & Rock., a sailmaker. 2, Edward B., son of Capt. Joseph C. of W., b. ab. ' 18 ; m. Abby Thomas of C, '39 ; r. Th., a blacksmith. 3, Moses R , a brother, b. ab. '27 ; m. Martha (Vinal) Gilchrist; r. Th., a carpenter. 4, Uapt. Edward, b. in Cam., Nov. 25, '24; m. Emetine S. McLain, Nov. 8, '54; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Wilson, a brother, b. in Cam. '26 ; m. Victorine M. Keen ; r. Rock. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 163 6. Capt. Horace, a brother, b. in Camden,1 '28 ; m. Mary J. Healy ; r. Rock., & d. Jan. 3, '64. Caleb's ch. 1, Emily. By 2d wife. 1, Adelaide. By 3d wife. 3, George' S. 4, Adelbert. Edward B.'s ch. 1, Austin H., b. ab. 1842; r. Th., a mariner, en tered U. S. navy. 2, Edwin C, b. ab, '50. 3, Henry H., b. ab. '56. Moses R.'s ch. 1, Otis Gilchrist, b. ab. 1854. Capt. Edward's ch. 1, Hattie M., b. Dec. 17, 1855. 2, Maggie L., b. March 1, '58. 3, Fannie H., b. March 27, '60. 4 & 5, twins, b. May 29, '63, Emeline, d. August 22, Edwinna, d. Sept. 1, '63. BULLOCK, Capt. Isaac, b. Sept. 3, 1796; c. from Northport ; m. Jane Simonton, August 15, 1822; r. Rock., & d. June 18. '38, lost at sea. Of their ch. 1, Barbara Jane, b. '23, d. Sept. 16, '25. 2, Capt. Francis S., b. ab. '25; m. Susan j. Rich, Jan. 2, '47, r. Rock. 3? (Japt. Henry W., r. Rock., a master mariner. 4, Lucy Ann, b. June 1830, d. July, 1840. Capt. Francis S.'s ch. 1, Susan J., b. May, 1851, d. Oct. '52. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. '54. 3 & 4, twins, b. ab. '56, Francis W., d. August 10, '58, and Carrie ; r. Rock. 5, Morton Y., b. ab. '59. BUMPS, William K„ b. ab. 1824, in Unity; m. Eliza A. Evans; r. Th., in Green St., a ship carpenter. Their ch. 1, Emma R., b. ab. '56. BUNKER, Isaac, b. April 22, 1787; m. Mary King, (b. Jan. 16, 1788); c. from Edgartown, Mass., a joiner, bought the farm of Dea. Weed; r. S. Th., & d. Feb. 10, 1861. Their ch. 1, William J., b. Dec. 29, 1812 ; m. Jane M. Reed ; r. Th., a blacksmith. 2, Rufus K., b. March 29, '15 ; d. unm., April 29, '44. 3, Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 17, '17; m. Capt. B. C. Gates fr Th. 4, John T., "b. Aug. 22, '20; m. Sarah E. Colley, March 16, '48; r. Th., a seaman. 5, Susan S., b. April 7, '23; in. Capt. George A. Mitchell; r. Th., &"a. Dec. 24, '53. 6, Nancy K., b. March 27, '26, d. Sept. 15,' '51. 7, Mary K., b. Oct. 22, '29 ; in. Capt. George A. Mitchell; i. Th., and d. May 21, 1863. William J.'s ch. 1, Melissa, b. Dec. 29, 1835 ; in. S. E. Kelloch, April 1862; r. Th. 2, AroUne L., b. Oct. 9, '37. 3, Oceana, b. ab. '40. 4, William, b. ab. '43. 5, Rufus, b. ab. '45. 6, Isaac, (2d), b. ab. '47. 7, Orient, b ab. '50. 8, Ava, b. ab. '52. 9, Cora, b. ab. '55. 10, John, b. ab. '57. John T.'s ch. 1, Aldana, b. ab. 1850. 2, John Thomas, b. May 28, 1853, d. March 15, 1854. , x BUNKER, Silas, b. ab. 1814, in Gouldsboro' ; m. Susan Wall of St. Geo., r. Rock., a limeburner. Capt. Charles, probably a brother, b. Feb. 1816 ; m. Lydia C. — , r. Rock, and d. Sept. 1, 1858. Silas's ch. 1 ? Charles, b ab. 1836 ; l. Rock., a limeburner. 2, ? Robert, b. ab. '38 ; d. April 21, '62. 3. Theodore, b. Jan. 26, '43 ; r. Rock., a limeburner. 4, George, b. ab. '46 ; m. Harriet L. Spal ding, Jan. 10, '64 ; r. Rock., enUsted in the army '64. 5, Eliza, b. ab. '48. 6, Julia, b. ab. '50. 7, Thomas, b. ab. '53. 8, Warren, b. ab. '55. 9, Silas,.(2d), b. ab.'57. 10, Leonard, b. March 8, died Dec. 20, I860. Capt. Charles's ch. 1, Abby N., b. ab. 1846. 2, Frederic, b. Jan., 1851, d. Feb. 19, '54. 3, Jennie E , b. ab. '55. BUNKER, John, b. ab. 1828, r. with Laura, his wife, at Rock., in 1860, a joiner. 164 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, BURBA.NK, Fordyce C ,' b. ab. 1821, in Bethel, Me.; m. DrusiUa P. Ingalls of Shelburn'e, N. H. ; r. Rockland, in mercantile business. Their ch. 1, Nancy I., b. ab. 1819. 2, Charles F., b. ab. '57. BURGESS ;/«/ this Warren family, 1, Capt. Joseph Swift, b. Oct. 6, 1813, son at Capt. Stephen C, and Elizabeth (Starrett) Burgess, of W. ; m/Eliza Gilchrist, p. Aug. 27, 1838 ; master mariner, and merchant in Th., and commission merchant since in N. Y. 2, Wil liam Garey, b. Oct 17, '15; m. AnnO. Wakefield, June3, '44; r.Th., a merchant, firm of Burgess, O'Brien & Co. ,/Capt. Joseph S.'s ch. 1, Thomas, b. April, 1837, d. Aug. 20, '40. 2, Levi G., b. March 4, '42. William C.'s ch. 1, Ann P., b. May 27, and d. Dec. 14, 1849. 2, Maria 0., b. ab. 1851. 3, Ann H., b. ab. 55. 4, NelUe B., b. ab. '57. 5, Edward 0., b. ab. '60. BURGESS, Gerahom P., b. ab. 1831 in Fairfield, Me., m. 1st, Mrs. Hannah S. White, Oct. 1, 1857, 2d, Christiana F. Young, Aug. 22, '63 ; r. Rock, and Rockport ; a teacher. BURKE, Patrick, b. ab. 1827, in Ireland ; m. in New Brunswick, Matilda Robbins, p. Jan. 9, '54, and, with his mother, i. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1858. 2, Joseph, b. ab. '59. BURKETT, Henry, of Waldoboro' ; m. Eleanor Crawford of W., Jan. 29, 1809. Their ch- 1, James, b. ab. 1812 ; m. Louisa Peyler of Cam., i. Rock., removed St. Johns. 2, Henry A.; m. Abby W. Hemeuway of Wal., Oct. 20, '46 ; r. Rock., a restaurateur, soldier, &c. 3, Lawrence C, m. Alma S. Ulmer, Sept. 6, '53 ; r. Rock., a grocer. Dexter, b. ab. '21, son of Jacob, of Wal.; m. Emeline Watts; r. Th., at Beech Woods, a cooper, &c. James's ch. 1, Augusta A., b. ab. 1837. 2, Ellen L., b. ab. '39, 3, George H. P., b. ab. '47. 4, Edna F., 0. ab. '52. Henry A.'s ch. 1, Arabella, b. ab. 1847. 2, Augustus H., b. ab. '49. 3, Sarah E., b. ab. '51. 4, Frank P., b. ab. '53. Lawrence C.'s ch. 1, Frederic H., b. ab. 1854. 2, Jessie H. bora about '57. Dexter's ch. Euphemia, b. ab. 1852. BURNHAM, Capt. James, b. in Yarmouth, England, 1794; c. to Th. 1805; enlisted about 1811 on board the U. S. frigate Constitu tion, & served through the war; in. Harriet M. Shibles, Ndv. 4, '21; r. TH., & d. Sept. 7, '26. Their ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. June 23, '22, Almira, m. John Peterson, r. Th., & Maria, in. Thomas H. Nichols, Sept. 28, '51, r. Boston, & d. July 2, '52, with both of her twin babes. 3, James, (2d), b. April 11, '25; m. Sarah Maxey, Sept. 15, '53; r. Th., a trader, &c, has ch. 1, Maria, b. ab. '55. 2, Frederic, b. ab. 1858. BURNHAM, Jonathan, b. March 25, 1817; m. Helen M. Rowe, Sept. 17, 1848, r. Rock., and d. June 4, '53. Their ch. 1, Susan M., b. Sept. 22, "49, d. Feb. 5, '50. 2, William R., b. July '53, d. Jan. 2, '54. 3, Charles A., b. ab. 1852. 4, Robert H., b. ab. '55. BURNS ; of this family four brothers, sons of Samuel, of Anson, came to this place ; viz. : 1, John W., b. ab. 1805, in Norridgewobk ; m. 1st, Lois Jones, 2d, JanePost, p. Nov. 27, 1834, 3dEunice S. Post, Dec. 8, '47 ; r. Rock., a truckman, &e. 2, Joseph, b. in Ansou; m. Deborah Ranlet of Freeman ; r. in Rockland where his wife d. Feb. 18/52. 3, Ephraim Hildreth, b. ab 1810; m. 1st, Hannah Luce, of ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 165 New Vineyard, 2d, Catharine Broadman of Wal., r. Rock., and d. Feb. 10, '56. 4, George]W., r. Rock., city crier. John W.'s ch. 1, James, b. April 7. 1829, d. March 17, '45. 2, William H„ b. April 18, '30 ; m. Lucy D. Trussell of Belfast, p. April 30, '53 ; r. Rock, and d. Feb. 13, '57. 3 and 4, twins, b. April 29, '33, Orris, d. Feb. 8, '53, Orrin, d. July 17, '38. By 2d wife, 5, Lu- cinda S. b. June 2, '35 ; m. Silas D. Labe ; r. Rock. 6, Nancy J., b. May 3, '37 ; m. Capt. Gardiner Robinson, Jan. 7, '60 ; r. Rock. 7, Melinda A., b. May 17, '39, d. Mar. 24, '42. 8, Mary A., b. Nov. 1, '41 ; m. H. G. Tibbets ; r. Rock. 9, Adelaide, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock. By 3d wife. 10, Hiram G., b. ab *1849. E Hildreth's ch. 1, Thomas A., b. Oct. 1837, killed in Boston, by being thrown from his wagon, July 23, '64. 2, Sarah A., b. Ap. 2, '40. BURNS ; of this Waldoboro' family, two brothers came to this place. 1. Col. George J., b. ab. 1821 ; m. Frances (Ulmer) Penni- man, p. Nov. 9, '45, r. Rock., a lime manufacturer, officer in the 4th Maine reg., &c. 2, John J., b. ab. 1825 ; m. Hannah P. ; r. Rock., and d. April 4, '56. Capt. George J.'s ch. 1, Sarah E.,;b. ab. 1847. 2, Frances A., b. Sept. 1848, d. Aug 14, '51. John J.'s ch. 1, George G., b. ab. 1830, r. Rock. 2, Thomas A., 3, Drusilla D. 4, Emily L., b. ab. '56. BURNS, Alfred K., b. ab. 1827, probably of the same family, m. Frances B. Gregory, Feb. 5, '56 ; r. and d. Rock., a joiner Their ch. 1, Frederic B., b. ab. 1858. 2, Alfred K., (2d), b. ab. '60. BURNS, James, b. ab. 1828, in Ireland, r. with Ann, his wife, in Rock. Their ch. 1, Hannah, b. ab. 1855. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '57. 3, Mary Ann, h. ab., '58. 4, Patrick, b. ab. '59. BURPEE, Heman, b ab. 1794, in Sterling, Mass. ; m. Statira Red ding in Grafton, Mass. ; c. to Th, 1 829, to Rock. '35 ; r. Rock., a pain ter. Their ch 1. Hon. Nathaniel A., b. ab. '16; m. Mary J. Par tridge; r. Rock., a cabinet manufacturer. State Senator, '57-8, &c. 2, Samuel H., b. ab. '18 ; m. Abby W. Marshall, Dec. 2, '43 ; r. Rock., a cabinet maker. 3, Heman H., m. Mary C. Spear, Nov. 15, '46; r. Rock., a painter, now in U. S. navy. 4, John R., m. Abby M. But ler, Jan. 1, '64, ; r. Rock., a painter. Hon. Nathaniel A.'s ch. 1, Capt. Edgar A., b. Dec. 19, 1839, offi cer hi 19th Me. reg. 2, Emma E., b. Dec. 9, '41. 3, William P., b. ab. '46. 4, Mary C , b. ab. '50. 5, Frank L., b. '52. Samuel H's ch. 1, Charles E., b. ab. 1845; r. Rock., entered U. S. navy. 2, Samuel A., b. ab. '49. 3. Richard H., h. ab. '51. 4, Alfred J., b. ab. '55. 5, Edwin W., b. Nov. 7, '58, d. Oct. 7, '61. 6, Annie, b. ab. '60. Heman H.'s ch. 1, Frederic F., b. ab. 1849. 2, James S. W., b. ab. 1852. BURRILL, John A., b. ab. 1835 ; m. Angeline Jameson, Mar. 13, '56 ; r. Rock., a blacksmith. Their ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab. 1859, Orris & Edith. BURROWS, Jerome, b. ab. 1835; m Sabra ; i. S. Th., a peddler, &c. Their ch. 1, Emma, b. ab. 1855. 2, Ada F., b. ab. 1857. 3, a son, b. 1860. BURTON, William, horn 1754, (brother of Col. Benjamin, son of Capt. Benjamin of Cushing, and grandson of Benjamin who d. on his 166 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, passage from Ireland to St. George's) ; m. 1st, Jane Robinson, 2d, Chloe Bradford; r. C. and d. March, 1842. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Jane, d. young. 2, Nancy, m. Capt. Andrew Robinson ; r. and d. St. George. 3, William, (2d), m. 1st, Elizabeth Parsons of C, 2d, Lucy Spear of W. ; r. C and d. Jan. 2, 1821. 4, Jane B., m. John Mont gomery of Townsend; r. C. and now Th. 5, Isaac, m. Nancy Par sons; r. C. & d. Boston. 6, Matthew, b. May 10, 1792; in. Margaret Robinson of St. George, Oct. 29, 1818 ; r. Rock., a caulker. 7, Eliza, d. young. 8, Elizabeth, m. Ephraim Robinson ; r. St. George. By 2d wife. 9, Sarah; 10, Chloe, d. 3*ung 11, Thomas, m. 1st, Rachel Vinal, 2d, Lucy (Yinal) Burton ; r. C. 12, Sarah. 13, James, m. Lucy Vinal; r. & d. C. 14, Chloe; 15, Alfred; 16, Elbridge; all d. young. 17, John R., m. Lydia Bradford; r. C. 18, Lucy, d. young. 19, William, (3d), m. Miss Hyler; r. C, d. New Orleans. Matthew's ch. 1, Capt. Alfred, b. Dec. 13, 1818; m. 1st, Elionai L. Healey, Ap. 26, '46, 2d, Sarah A. Luce, April 1, '53 ; r. Rock., died, murdered in Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 6, 1860, on board his barque Alvarado, by his crew. 2, Susanna R., born July 29, 1821 ; m. John Bartlett, Oct. 29, '46 ; r. Rock. 3, Nancy R., b. April 2, 1825 ; m. Lysander Fales ; r. Rock. 4, Margaret, b. Aug. 7, '27; m. William G Paul; r. Rock. 5, George, b. Sept. 16, '29; m. Lucy E. Clark, July 2, '48; r. Rock. 6, Capt. Benjamin, (4th), b. March 15, '35; m. Jane E. Oliver of W., April 4, '61 ; r. Rockland. Capt. Alfred's ch. 1, Mayalan M., b. June 4, 1845, d. Sept. 2, '47. 2, Elionai L., b. Feb. 3, d. April 27, '49. By 2d wife. 3, Hiram C, b. June 14, '54. 4, Aunie M., b. Sept. 30, '58, d Feb. 9, '63. George's ch. 1, Henry F., b. Aug. 7, 1849. 2, George E., b. May 28, 1856. BURTON, Elbridge, a branch of the same family, b. ab. 1826; c. from Cushing; m. Lucinda Stahl of W., p. Dec. 13, 1852; r. Th., corporal and com. sergeant in 1st Maine Cavalry. BUTLER, Phinehas, m. Bathsheba Graves ; c. from Framingham, Mass., to Old Th., at or before 1785. Their ch. 1, John, b. Feb. 10, 1756 ; was bound to Dr. Tavlor till 21 years old, & c. to what is now Union in 1774 ; m. Lucy Robbins of Th. ; p Feb. 14, 1778 ; c. to Th. & d. Feb. 6, 1840, 2, Phinehas, (2d), b. April 8, 1758 ; c. to U., un der Taylor, enlisted under Burton, three years, and joined the army Feb. 1777 ; m. Melia Robbins of Th. ; p. Oct. 18, 1781 ; r. S. Th. &d. Sept. 25, 1852, a. 94 1-2 yrs. 3, ? Anna, m. John Tyngs, & c. here from Needham as early as 1785, with her son, Henry Clinton Tyngs. 4, Dr. Joseph, b. April, 1764; m. Margaret Martin of Bristol; was also bound to Taylor ; c. to U. but rem. with his son Martin, to Penn sylvania, where he spent the last years of his life. John's ch. 1, James, b. Nov. 8, 1778; m. Mary Gray; p. May 9, 1806; r. Rock , a farmer, & d. Jan. 6, 1861. 2, Lucy, b. March 15, 1780; m. David Gay; r. Rock., & d April 3, 1860. 3, John, (2d), b. May 18, 1781 ; m., r., & d. Smithfield, R. I. ; had 3 sons.- 4, Betr sey, b. Aug 22, 1783 ; m. Richard Smith; r. & d. Rock. 5, Hannah, b. June 17, 1785; m. Capt. John Spear, (2d); r. Rock.. & d. July 4, 1856. 6, Briggs, b. March 3, 1787; m. Ruth Rowell, Feb. 3, 1817; r. S. Th., & d. June 5, 1852. 7, Alden, b. Dec. 7, 1788, d. Oct. 15, 1792. 8, Otis, b. March 9, & d. April 29, 1790, or '91. 9, Brackett, b. in Th. Jan. 28, 1793 ; m. 1st, Nancy Mathews, Dec. 25, 1816, 2d, EUza Kelloch of W., Jan. 1, 1834 ; i. S. Th., rem. Indiana. 10, Sam- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. J 67 uel Brinton, b. April 18, 1795 ; m. Harriet Perry, Jan. 24, 1822 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 11, Charles, b. Feb. 12, 1798; m. Jane H. Russ of Cam. Feb. 1, 1825 ; r. Th., & d. June 3, 1858. 12, Susan, b. Aug. 29, and died Sept'. 15, 1800. Phinehas, (2d)'s ch. 1, William, b. April 11, 1782; m. 1st, Judith Loring, p Nov. 22, 1804, 2d, Jane Singer, Aug. 3, '38 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 2,' Sarah, b. April 20, 1784, d. Nov. 26, 1792. 3, Shepard, b. March 21, 1786, d. Dec. 17, 1795. 4, Phinehas, (3d), b. April 13, 1788 ; m. 1st, Catharine Ulmer of Th., Sept. 12, 1808, 2d, Hannah De- merritt of Liberty, 1833, 3d, Silence Jameson of W. ; r. U. & d. Sept. 12, '55. 5, Melia, b. Feb. 23, 1790, d. Sept. 9, '92. 6, George, b. Aug. 27, 1792 ; m. Mima Robbins of U. Feb. 24, 1820 ; r. Th. 7, Levi, b. Jan. 22, 1795 ; m. 1st, Lucy Tolman of Th. April 17, '17, 2d, Mary Walker; r. Appleton. 8, Melia, b. Oct. 18, 1797, m. Dea. Sam uel Dean, Dec. 24, 1829: r. S. Th. 9, Joanna C, b. Oct. 20, 1800; m. Israel Dean, & d. Oct. 15, 1859. Ill, Walter, b. Nov. 22, '02; m. Joanna Packard of Nobleboro' ; i. Rock., rem. & d. in Minnesota, '59. Dr. Joseph's ch. 1, Nancy, b. Feb. 18, 1790; m. Pelatiah Pease; r. & d. Appleton. 2, John, (3d), b. Jan. 28, 1792 ; m. Sally Ulmer of Th., 1814; d. Sept. 16, '31. 3, Martin, b. Mar. 12, 1794; rem. Penn. 4, Susanna, b. June 25, 1796 ; m. Hooper ; r. & d. St. G. 5. Peggy, b. Dec. 9, 1798 ; m. Daniel Rokes of Appleton, April, '19. 6, Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1802 ; m. Sprague. 7, William, b. Nov. 15, & d. Dec. 5, 1805 ; & probably others. Fourth Generation. James's ch. 1, Capt. Anson, b. ab. 1809 ; m. Hannah T. Hunsta- ble of Boston ; r. Rock., a master mariner. 2, Sophronia, m. Matthias Cushman ; r. Rock. 3, Calvin, m. Virintha Ross, Nov. 29, 1835 ; r. Rock, and d. July 7, 1848. 4, Mary, m. J. Wheaton Sayward ; r. California. 5, James, (2d), r. Rock., a quarryman. 6, Lucy Jane, m. Meserve. 7, Emily A., m. George G. Woodward, Nov. 5, 1848; i. Boston. John, (2d)'s ch., 1, John, (4th), m. Phebe W. Hart, 1836 ; r. Th. 2, Charles, b. Feb. 19, 1811; m. Jane W. Harrington; r. Rock., a quarryman ; and d. Jan. 26, '61. 3, , b. & r. in Smithtield. Brigg's ch. 1, Alfred, b. Dec. 23, 1817 ; m. 1st, Catherine B. Has kell, 1849, 2d, DeUa Lash, May 25, '55 ; r. Rock., and d. April 27, '56. 2, Charles S., b. Oct. 3, '19; r. California. 3, William R., b. June 3, '22 ; m. Julia Sartelle ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 4, Oliver, b. May 22, 1826; m. 1st, Hannah Page, 2d, Page, r. Boston. 5, Briggs M., b. Oct., '28; m. and r. Boston. 6, Horace J., b. April 6, '34; m. Frances Nowell, March, '59 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. Brackett' s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Miriam; m. Samuel Russ ; r. Bos ton. 2, Lucy R., m. 1st, Capt. S. Andrews Bradbury, 2d, Gilbert Perry ; r. Ohio. 3, Olive, m. a Mr. Keating ; r. Ohio. 4, Nancy M., in. Capt. Charles Bradbuiy ; i. S. Th. 5, Amanda, m. a Mr. Boston, and r. Boston. By 2d wile. 6, Alden B., m. and r. Indiana. 7, Harriet E., m. and r. Indiana. 8, Rosetta ; 9, Aurelia ; 10, Leander ; 11, Josephine ; 12, Elizabeth; all r, Indiana. Sam'l Brinton's ch. 1, Harriet N., b. Nov. 3, 1822 ; married Otis McLean, Nov. 23, 1851 ; i, S. Th. 2, Samuel B., (2d), b. Nov. 30, 1823 ; m. Hannah J. Meservey, Dec. 2, 1847 ; r. S. Th., a carpenter. 3, Eliza P., b. Feb 12, '26; m. William Butler, (2d); r. Rock. 4, Alden G., b. March 18, '28; i. California. 5, Israel P., b. Aug. 6, 168 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, '30, r. S. Th. a blacksmith. 6, Henry B., b. May 20, '32 ; m. Mary Lawrence; r. Castine. 7, Robert E., b. March 16, '34 ; m. Eliza M. Healey, Jan. 13, '61 ; r. Th. 8, Ellen G., b. Aug. 19, '37. 9, Alvin N., b. July 5, '40. 10, William F., b. ab. 1844. Charles's ch. 1, Lucy Jane, b. April 14, 1826 ; m. Washington Robbins; r. S. Th. 2, Charles E , Esq , b. April 20, 1828 ; entered H. U., but did not graduate on account of failing health ; m. Harriet M. Kelley, 1861 ; r. Th., an attorney at law. 3, William H., born April 8, and d. June 9, 1831. 4, William T., b. May 19, 1832, died May 5, 1858. 5, Sarah E., b. March 12, 1835, d. May 8, 1857. 6, Roswell B., b. Jan. 6, 1837, d. Jan. 11, 1838. 7, Isabella C.,b. Aug. 7, 1839 ; f. Th. 8 and 9, twins, b. Dec. 19, 1811 ; Xavier, r. Th., a student'; Albert, r. S. Th. WilUam's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Shepard R., b. Oct., 1805, d. Jan. 1, 1806. 2, Julia, b. Feb. 28, 1807 ; m. James Dean, r. S. Th. 3, Ma ria, b. March 6, 1809 ; m. 1st, Capt. Job Perry, 2d, Jesse K. Dean ; r. S. Th. 4, MeUa R., b. April 25, 1811 ; m. 1st, Capt. Henry H. Fales, 2d, Elkanah S. Smith ; r. N. Billerica. 5, Orris R., b. June 15, 1813 ; m. Mary Ann Ingraham, Nov. 15, 1835 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 6, Mar garet B., b. June 28, 1815 ; m. Mark Perry; r. Rock. 7, William, (2d), b. July 30, 1817 ; m. Eliza P. Butler, Nov. 8, 1843 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 8, Sophia, b. Dec. 27, 1819 ; m. Hiram Worcester, Aug. 28, 1843, r. S. Th. 9, Bradford B., b. April 18, 1822 ; m. Helen M. Stevens; r. Rock., a farmer. 10, Fanny N , b. June 1, 1825 ; m. Or ris B. Ulmer, r. Rock. Judith, the mother, d. Feb. 7, 1838. Phinehas, (3d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, George W., b. June 10, 1809 ; m. Eleanor Collins ; r. Union, & had 8 ch. for which see Mr. Sibley's interesting History of Union. 2, Elioenai C, b. Sept. 11, 1810; m. Israel Melay, p. July 2, '36. 3, Thomas J., b. July 18, '12 ; m. Har riet Kinney of Liberty in 1834 ; r. S. Th. 4, Sally Ulmer, b. Aug. 8, 1814; in. Hon. John Spear; r. Rock. 5, Eunice Gallop, b. April 16, 1816; m. Samuel Dodge; rem. & d. in Weld, July 21, "50. 6, Cath arine S., b. May 1, '18; m. Isaac Simmons; r. Rock. 7, Joanna D., b. July 17, '20 ; m. William Ellems; r. Th. 8, Mima R., b. Sept. 11, '22, d. July 17, '50. 9, Lucy T., b. Jan. 20, '25 ; m. Richard Smith, (2d) ; r. Rock., & d. Sept. 27, '50. 10, Hannah R., b. Nov. 15, '26 ; m. Pressy; r. Deer Isle. 11, Phinehas S., b. March 9, '28, d. Jan. 7, '32. 12, Maria J., b. April 23, '30 ; r. & d. Union. 13, Phin ehas W., b. Jan. 6, '34 ; m. in Lynn, Mass. 14, Melea E., b. Jan. 4, '35, d. Sept. 26, '49. George's ch. 1, Ruth P., b. Sept. 7, 1821 ; m. Albert Sleeper, Sept. 2, '44. 2, Catharine U., b. April 22, '22 ; m. William G. Colby, Sept. 8, '44. 3, George W., b. Feb. 22, '26; m. Mary E. Getchell, July 20, '56; r. Rock., rem. California. 4, Walter, (2d), b. June 12, '29; r. Th., a farmer. 5, Caroline A., b. March 22, '32 ; m. Capt. Henry Johnson of S. Th., Nov. 10, '55; j.. Th. 6, Jason R., b. Jan. 16, '35; r. California. 7, Laura A., b. June 17, '37; m. Joseph G. Gookins of S. Th., Nov. 22, '56. 8, Lucinda A., b. Nov. 21, '39. 9, Shepard, (2d), b. ab. '45 ; r. Th., on homestead. Walter's ch. Levitt or Levi, a mariner. The mother died June 21, 1851, aged 44. John, (3d)'- ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. Sept. 28, 1814 ; in. Ezra Martin; r. Rock., S- d. Oct. 6, '49. 2, Margaret, b. Sept. 22, '17 ; m. Augustine Drake- . a. Th. 3, Harriet, b. Dec. 18, '20; m. William Blacking ton, p. Jaly 31, '3S. 4, Jane, b. April 13, '22. 6, Matthias, b Aug. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 169 7, '24. 6, Nancy, b. April 21, '27; m. JamesJC. Linscott; r. Th., & rem. 7, Ephraim, b. Oct. 17, 1829. F ift h G enerati on . Capt. Anson's ch. 1, H. Augusta, b. May 21, 1837; r. Rock. 2, Maria Theresa, b. March 17, 1839. 3, Edward A., b July 25, 1841 ; a mariner, appt. master's mate, U. S. N., Feb. 1882. 4, Abby M., b. ab. 1843; m. John R. Burpee; r. Rock. 5, Lucy H., b. ab.gl846. 6, Bardus R., b. ab. 1850. 7, Albert, b. ab. 1852. Calvin's ch. 1, Andrew C, m. Mary E. Weymouth, Feb, 4, 1855; r. Rock. 2, Caroline F., b Jan. 4, 1837. 3, Celinda A , b. Dec. 19, 1839, d. April 15, 1851. The mother d. April 16, 1851, aged 32. John, (4th)'s ch. 1, Ferdinand, b. ab. 1839 ; r. Th. 2, Lydia A., b. ab. 1841 ; m. WilUam Fish of Rock. 3, Arimona, b. ab. 1845. 4, Lumon, b. ab. '47. 5, Lucena D., b. ab. '52. 6, Malvina, b. ab. '54. Charles's ch. 1, Mary F., b. April 12, 1838 ; m. Roscoe Martin ; r. Rock. 2, Frederic, b. March 3, 1839; r. Rock., a quarryman. 3, Alfred H., b. April 29, 1840 ; a quarryman. 4, Josephine E.. b. June 9, 1841. 5, Oceana E., b. ab 1844, d.. Nov. 21, 1857. 6, Emma A., b. ab. 1847. 7, Eddie H., b. ab. 1854. WilUam R.'s ch. 1, Charles W., b. ab. 1858. 2, Sarah O., b. ab. 1859. Horace S.'s ch. 1, Kate, b. ab. 1860. Perhaps others. Samuel B., (2d)'s ch. 1, Lewis M.,b. ab. 1849. 2, Julia E., b. ab. 1850. Orris R.'s ch. 1, Orris E., b. April 11, 1837. 2, Lillias A., b. Aug. 1, 1839 ; m. James T. Tolman ; r. Rock. 3, Susan A., b. Dec. 19; 1841. 4, Leland M., b. ab. 1846. 5, Preston E. W., b. March, 1851, d. April 3, 1853. 6, Frederic A., b. Dec. 1854, d. Sept. 19, '55. 7, Mary E. S., b. ab 1855. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Adelbert J., b. ab. 1847. 2, Helen A., b. ab. 1850. 3, Alden B , b. ab. 1858. Thomas J.'s ch. 1, Andrew J., b. ab. 1836 ; r. S. Th. 2, Martha J., b. ab. 1841. 3, Ephraim K., b. ab. 1843 ; soldier of 4th Maine. George W.'s ch. Lovesta A., b. ab. 1857. BUTLER, John, (5th), b. Sept. 17, 1794, a grandson of David Creigh ton of Th., & brought up in his family ; m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Allen Stone of Union, wno was b. in Ashby, Mass., & d. Feb. 11, 1844, 2d, Rachel Spear of W. Aug. 24, '45 ; r. Th., a truckman, sexton, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Hannah, b. Oct. 4, 1818, a deaf mute, edu cated at the Institution of the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Con.; r. Th. 2, John, b. Sept. 19, '20; deaf mute, d. July 30, '43. 3, Sam uel, b. Jan. 24, '23, d. Sept. 11, '26. 4, James, b. Oct. 19, '2'5,d. Oct. 15, '58. 5, Josiah H., b. May 30. '28 ; m. Susan Amelia Kaler, Jan., 1, 1860 ; i. Th. BUTLER, John, of Union, (son of Christopher, from Edgartown, Mass , and Lydia, his wife, who settled in Union,) in. Hannah Haw thorn of Cushing. Tneir ch. 1, William, in. Lois Newbert; r. U. ? 2, Lydia, m. Andrus Dwinelof Orono. 3, Selina, b. Feb. 11, 'OS; m. 1st, William Bartlett of Th Sept. 20, '32, 2d, John O'Neil; r. Th. 4. Gorham, b. Nov. 20, '09 ; m. 1st, Mrs. Catharine (Gallop) Palmer of Th., Nov., '45, 2d, ? Luoinda K. Fuller, 3d, Amelia Fuller, May, '61; r. W., and '60 in Rock., a butcher. 5, Ward, b. Aug. 18, '11 ; m. Lucinda R. Hawes ; jr. Rock., a quarryman. 6, Elbridge, died Vol. II. 15 170 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, young. 7, Christopher, b. May 18, 1820 ; m. Sarah Healey, of Th , r. Rockland. Gorham's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John P., b. Sept., 1846. 2, Frederic U., b. ab. 185^. Christopher's ch. 1, Lydia A., b. Aug. 14, 1846. 2, William Os car, b. Aug. 29, 1818. BUTLER, Rev. Nathaniel, b. 1824, son of Rev. John, (who d. in Franklin, Ohio, July 1, 1856, aged 67, but formerly from Maine), m. Jeunette, daughter of Hon. Stephen Emery; a Baptist minister in Eastport many years ; rem. Rock., private secretary to Vice Presi dent Hamlin ; rem. Auburn. Their ch. 1, Jeauie, b. ab. 1851. 2, Nathaniel, (2d), b. ab. 1853. BUTLER, John, b. ab. 1833, came from New Vineyard, Me.; m. Mary C. Moody; r. Rock., a joiner. Their ch. 1, Lendall M, b. Feb. 2, and d. July 17, 1858. BYRAM, Willard W., b. ab. 1821, in Yarmouth, Me. ; married 1st, Mary T. Field of Gardiner, 2d, Sarah A. Saunders of Swanville, March 10, 1859 ; r. Th., since 1855, a music teacher, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Ella, b. in Gardiner, May 4, 1844. 2, Mary C, b. Sept. 1846. 3, Anna L., b. Sept. 1848. CABLES; of this family three brothers c. here from Cohasset, Mass. 1, Charles H., b. ab. 1818 ; m. Mary Ann Haskell, of Rick., Nov. 1837 ; j. Rock., a carriage maker. 2, Capt. George H., b. ab. 1822; m. Nancy H. Grant of Rock., April 3, 1850; r. Rock., appt. acting master U. S. sloop St. Louis, Feb. 1862. 3, Capt. John F., m. Priscilla E. Grant of Rock., Feb. 14, 1850 ; r. Rock. Charles H.'s ch. 1, John H., b. ab. 1845. 2, Ann P., b. ab. '47. 3, Charles H., (2d) b. ab. '51. Capt. George H.'s ch. 1, Divid P., b. ab 18-54. 2,' Clara W., b. ab. '6b. 3, Georgietta, b. ab. '58. Capt. John F.'s ch. I, Alvah H.. b. Feb. 1854, d. Nov. 10, '59. 2, Ada, b. April, 1857, d. July 4, '63. CALL, Francis, b ab. 1802, in New York, as was Henrietta, his wife; ir. Rock., a lime burner. Of their ch. 1, Josephine, b. 1834, d. June 28, '62. CALDERWOOD, Asa, b. ab. 1800; a son of Capt. Mark Calder- wood of Vinalhaven ; m. Barbara Brown of Vinalhaven ; r. Rock., a . blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Levi, b. Sept. 1, 1830 in Rock.; m. Ellen Mills, of Vinalhaven ; went to Brazil to work in a sugar mill, and not hear/d from since 1862. 2, John A., b. March 7, '31 ; m. Emily E. Upham of Cam. ; p. July 25, '53 ; i. Rock., a blacksmith. 3, Margaret M., b. Nov. 21, '35 ; m. Orlando B. Jones, r. Rock. 4, George A., b. Dec. 22, '37. John A.'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab. 1856 ; Margaret O. & Ina F. ; The mother d June 26, 1863. CAMPBELL; of this family, (probably of Scottish origin,) four brothers c. from Ballyglass, Sligo Co., Ireland. 1, James, b. 1781; c. in 1818 to Portland, thence to Th., with his brother; & d. July 27, 1823. 2, Robert, a coach factor blacksmith, c. 1818 to Portland, did business about 7 yrs in Hallowell, c. to Tn., which he left in 1831 for N. O. 3, William b. Dec. 15, 1794; u. to Quebec, 1817, in British ship Royal Sam ; to Th., July 8, '20 ; m. Nancy Bradford of Th., Sept. 19, '21 ; commenced the tailor's business which he still continues, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 171 bought the Thatcher house in 1822, now r. at Prison Corner in the house he built in '40. 4, Matthew A., (name changed from Patrick) came to Portland 1818, thence to Th., a tin-plate worker ; m. Expe rience (Orbeton) Keith, April 26, '26; went to N. O. about 1830. William's ch. 1, William (2d) b. July 5, 1822, d. Nov. 27, '26; 2, James B., b. Jan. 12, '25; r. Th. and d. May 16, '61. 3, Capt. Robert N., b. Dec. 1, '26 ; m. Mary C. Perkins, July 8, '51 ; lost at sea with all on board, in the bark Mandarin, which was last spoken, Dec. 10, '53, in a gale off Mobile, with six feet of water in her hold. 4, Nancy J., b. Oct. 18, '28 ; m. Nathaniel Woodcock, (2d) r. Th. and d. May 16, '64. 5, William A., b. March 8, '31 ; m. Mary E. O'Brien, July 21, '56 ; r. Th., a sailmaker, and merchant, &c. 6, John H., b. Sept. 8, '37. Capt. Robert N.'s ch. Mary C, rem., and d. in Damariscotta. CAMPBELL ; of this family, two brothers originated in Bowdoin, • Me., viz : 1, Leonard, b. in Bowdoin ab. 1815 ; c. hither, m. Han nah Eliza Condon, p. Sept. 20, 1845 ; i. Rock., cooper, &c. 2, George, b. ab. 1822 iu B., m. Mary V. Stevens, Oct. 1, 1843 ; r. Rock., team ster, &c. Leonard's ch. 1, Albert, b. ab. 1846. 2, Fannie, b. ab. 1849. 3, Leonard, (2dj, h. ab. '51. 4, James, b. ab. '53. 5, Julia, b. ab. '55. 6, Elvira A., b. Sept. 2, '57, d. Nov. 27, '58. The mother died April 19, 1858, a. 32 yrs., 11 dys. George's ch. 1, Leslie, b. ab. 1846. 2, Arthur L.. b. March 20, '50, d. July 29, '59. 3, Ella V., b. 1851, d. July 10, '53. 4, George, (2d), b. ab. '56. 5, Adilla, b. ab. '59. 6, Sidney, b. Feb. 8, '63, d. Jan. 27, '64. CAMPBELL, Thomas B., b. ab. 1833, c. from New York; m. Mary F. Keith, Sept. 13, '54 ; r. Th., a soldier in 4th Me. reg., &c. Their ch. 1, Maria, b. July 26, '55, d. Nov. 13, '56. 2, Adelai. CAMPBELL, George, r2d), b. ab. 1830 ; m. Lucy F. Davis, July 10, 1859 ; r. Rock., a teamster. CANDAGE, Heman W., b. in Blue Hill, Me.; m. Susan B. Ladd; c. to Rock, to r. in 1847- Their ch. 1, Hiram S., was lost overboard from sch. Samuel Rinkin, March 12, '58. 2, Horace E. b. ab. '38 ; m. Esther Kennedy, March 1, '62; r. Rock , a mariner. 3, Avery L., b. ab. '40 ; was corporal in the 4th Me. Reg. ; killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62. 4. Oliver W., b. ab. 1842; d. Oct. 28, '64, in the foun dered schr. Onataoia. 5, Cynthia A., b. ab. 1844. 6, Almira M-, b. ab '45 ; m. Reuben S. Ames ; r. Rock. 7, Byron W. b. ab. '47 ; r. Rock., enUsted in U. S. navy. 8, Abby Emeline, b. ab. '49. 9, Charles A., b. ab. 1852. CANN, Charles, b. 1821 in England; m. Abigail Smith of Eng.; c. from N. B.; r. S. Th., a farmer, Their ch. 1, Amelia, h. ab. 1847, in Eng ; r. S. Th. 2, Eliza, b. 1849 in N. B.; r. S. Th. CARLE, Peter, b. ab. 1836, in Ireland; m. Margaret Murphy? of I. ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Mary E., b. ab. 1853. 2, James H., b. ab. 1856. 3, Kate E., b. ab. 1859. CARLETON, Enoch, b. in Methuen, Mass., Dec. 1800 ; c. to Cam. and, after residing awhile there, at Eastport, Machias, &c. ; m. Susan Bfown of Wal., came to r. Th., Feb. 1835, superintended the shoe- making in State Prison from 1833 to 1861 ; and since carries on that business for himself and keeps a shoe store. Their ch. 1, David, b. 172 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, in Wal., ab. 1828 ; r. Th., a mariner, and d. Feb. 15, '64. 2, Charles H., b. in Wal., Dec. 1829, d. Nov. 23, 1845. 3, Gorham, b. in Wal., r. Th., a mariner. 4, Harriet, b. in Wal., m. William Andrews ; r. Th. 5, Edwaid B., b. Sept. 2, 1835 ; m. Sarah E. Fales, Oct. 4, '56 ; r. Th. 6, Elizabeth S., b. Aug. 27, "37 ; m. Edward L. DilUngham; r. Th. 7, Maria, b. July 1, 1841, d. Aug. 27, 1842. Edward B.'s ch. 1, George Ernest, d. an infant, March, 1858. 2, Flora Maria, b. 1859. CARNEY, Thomas, m. Nellie O'Murphy; c. from Cork, Ireland; r. & d. at Broad Cove, Cushing. Of their ch. 1, James, c. to what is now Th., & i. some time at Beech Woods; m. Mary McLellan, p. Dec. 5, 1778 , rem. Lower town, and d. in St. George. 2, Mary, in. 1st, John Shibles, 2d, John Dillaway ; r. Th., and d. Aug. 1799. 3, Margaret, m. 1st, Waldo Henderson, -2d, Rawley ; r. & d. St. G. James's ch. 1, Sarah, born at Beech Woods, Nov, 1780 ; m. Capt. Joseph Gilchrist; r. Th. 2, Thomas, d. at sea, in a man of war. 3, James, (2d), m. Nancy Lash ; rem. from Cushing to S. Thomaston, and was lost at sea. 4, McLellan, died at sea. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. George L, b. ab. 1813; m. Sarah J. Nicholson, May 9, 1842; r. Th., a master mariner. 2, James, (3d). 3, Clementine C, in. Henry Nash of Boston, Sept. 29, '46. 4, Mary E., m. Joseph B. Williams ; r. Thomaston. Capt. George L.'s ch. 1, Walter, b. ab 1844. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. '46. 3, Ida, b. ab. '48. 4, George D., d. March 9, '59. CARNEY, James, born in Ireland; m. Jane McLain of the same country, 1829 ; r. Th. about 20 years; and rem. with all his family to Michigan about 1850. Their ch. 1, James, (2d), b. May 9, 1830; killed in Th., April 26, '47, by the accidental discharge of a gun. 2, Daniel, b. April 12, 1832. 3, Mary Jane, b. Aug. 5, '35. 4, Nancy, b. April 6, '37. 5, Edward, b. Aug. 5, '39. 6, Thomas, b. Nov. 2, '41. CARR, Moses S., b. July 16, 1809 ; m. Mary M. Montgomery of S. Th. ; p. Nov. 16, '33; r. some time in Rock., but rem. Knox, Knox county, 111. Their ch. b. here. 1, Sarah E., b. Feb. 16, '35. 2, The- rese S., b. March 29, '37 ; 3, Helena P., b. Dec. 14, '42. CARR, Benjamin, b. 1802; c. from Palermo to Th. as warden of State Prison, '42, had been representative and councillor ; m. Roxan- na Marden of Palermo, 2d, Mrs. Nancy McLellan, March, '49 ; & d. Jan. 11, 54 His ch. by 1st wife. 1, George F., m. Maria E. Stowe of Oldtown, Sept. 12, '54 ; r. Boston. 2, Helen M., m. ElUott Sing er; r. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3. Flavel W., b. Dec. '35; r. Brooklyn, a soldier in 5th N. Y reg., was wounded in battle of Weldon Railroad, & d. on board transport, Oct. 30, '64, at Fortress Monroe. 4, Angela Estelle, r. Brooklyn. 5, Thomas A., b. in Th.. Aug. 4, '40. 6, Ben jamin F., b. Dec. 6, '42; r. Th., Lieut, in 2d Maine Battery. 7, Al- phonso, b. June 6, '43, d. Sept. 16, '44. 8, Charles E. The mother d. April 22, '48. CARR, John, a dry goods peddler, b. 1834 ; c. from Ireland to Th. ¦with his mother & sisters; 1, Mary, r. Th. 2, Kate; m. John Bow man ; r. Th. 3, Bridget, rem. & in. in California. CARRIEL, Leander T., son of Stephen of Union, b. Feb. 12, 1831 ; m. Catharine ; r. Rock. Their ch. Charles, b. ab. 1857. • CARROLL, Alice, b. in Ireland; r. Rock., a widow with 3 ch. 1, WilUam, b. ab. 1855. 2, Mary, b. ab. '57. 3, Thomas, b. ab. '59. ROCKLAND AND SOUrH THOMASTON. 173 CARTER, James, b. ab. 1795; place of origin not ascertained; m. Ruth ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Francis M., b. ab. 1833. 2, Ann M , b. ab. '36. CARVER, Lt. Col. Lorenzo D., b. ab. 1825, in Vinalhaven, a son of Melzar & Joanna (Snowman) Carver, who rem. MontvUle in their son's childhood ; c. from Montville to Rock. ; m. Catherine Willis, Nov., '47; j. Rock., a shipbuilder & officer iii the 4th Me. reg. Of his brothers, formerly of Rock., Alden S. & Albert, rem. California, where, at Goldspring, the former was shot by some Irishmen, who disputed his brother's claim there. Lt. Col. Lorenzo D.'s ch. 1, Melzar W., b. ab. 1850. 2, Gracia F., b. ab. '53. CARY, Daniel, & Lucinda, his wife, were early in Old Th. and had recorded here their ch. Mary E., b. May 18, 1843. CASE, Rev. Isaac, b. ab. 1761 ; came from Harpswell to S. Th., as a pioneer Baptist preacher ; m. Joanna Snow, p. June 23, 1785 ; r. Castine, &c, was living in 1848 at Readfield in his 87th year. Their ch. 1, Joanna, m. Rev. Philip Weaver ; r. Mercer, & d. in Belgrade. 2, Hannah, m. Ralph Haley; r. Newcastle. 3, Dr. Isaac, (2d), m. Abigail Page of Readfield; r. Kenduskeag. 4, Ambrose, b. ab. 1790 ; m. Susau Sawyer of Litchfield. 2d, Hannah (Spear) Robbins, Jan. 16, 1836; r. Rock., a truckman. 5, William, m. Eliza Hubbard of Readfield ; d. at Little Rock, Ark. 6, Betsey, m. Joshua Lane ; r. & died at Readfield. 7, Mary, m. Joseph Prescott of Readfield; rem. Arkansas. 8, Eunice, m. Dr. John Yeaton of Belgrade. 9, Louisa, m. Hiram Rockwoad of Belgrade. 10, Elisha S., m. Joanna Jenkins ; r. Readfield. Ambrose's ch. 1, George W., b. ab. 1821 ; m. Emma Smith, Mar. 11, '47; r. Rock., a truckman, &c. 2, Lt. Col. John S., b. ab. '23; m. Lucy C. White, Aug. 4, 1852 ; r. Rick., a merchant, division in spector of Maine militia, &c. 3, Nancy, m. Samuel Winston; r. Manchester, Me. By 2d wife. 4, Charles A., b Oct. 29, 1836, died Oct. 11, 1839. 5, Mary E., b. Feb. 8, 1839 ; in. Albert R. Reeve of New York city, Oct. 28, 1858. 6, Frank, b. ab. 1843 ; r. Rockland. George W.'s ch. 1, Laura A. b. ab. 1848. 2, Luiria E., b. ab. '50. Col. John S.'s ch. E.nily W., b. ab. 1856. CASWELL, Charles, b. ab. 1820, in N. H ; m. Mrs. Isabels. Choate of S. Th., Nov. 30. 13 18; r. Rock , a shoemaker. Their ch. 1, Mary I., b. ab. 1851. 2, Eliza F., b. ab. 1853. CATE3, Ambrose, b. Aug. 24, 1802; came from Machiasport; m. Grace ; r. Rock., a truckman, & d. Jan. 2), 1859. Nathaniel, a nephew, came from Machiasport ; m. 2d, Fanny Rich, Nov. 25, 1838 ; r. Rockland. Ambrose's ch. recardel here. Susan E., born Sept. 9, 1840. The mother died Nov. 2, 1858, aged about 44. Nathaniel's ch. Franklin E., born May, and died June, 1819. CATES, WiUard, b. ab. 182 1, in Thorndike, Me ; m. 1st, Mary Ble- then, 2d, Mary E., (Sullivan) Spear ; r. Rock., keeps livery stable, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Miry, b. ab. 1815. 2, Flora, b. Feb. 28, 1847, d. March 5, 1860. 3, Julius S., b. ab. 1851. 4, WiUard L., b. ab. 185 5. 5, Maudaua E., b. ab. 1857. 6, E Bartlett, b. 1859. CVTLAND- of this family, 2 brothers came from Boothbay. 1, Joshua Sawyer, b. March 20, 1803; came to i'h., 1835 ; m. Mary J. 15* 174 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Crane of W., Feb. 9, 1837 ; r. Th., a carpenter. 2, Dea. Joseph, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Sarah A. Robinson of C, Aug. 7, 1832 ; r. Th., a joiner. Joshua Sawyer's ch. 1, Susan A., b. Dec. 19, 1837. 2, Mary Ab- bie, b. May 31, 1839. 3, Luther, b. Feb. 3, 1841, d. Nov. 17, 1842. 4, Lucy H.. b. Nov. 3, 1844. 5, Lizzie M., b. Sept. 4, 1846. 6, Saw yer, b. Oct. 15, 1848, d. Dec. 4, 1853. Dea. Joseph's ch. 1, John R., born Nov. 13, 1834; m. Lucy A, Young, Oct. 6, 1859 ; r. Th., a joiner. 2, Joseph E., b. Aug. 11, '36; m. Ann Medora Moody, Oct. 17, 1857 ; r. Th., a carpenter, & soldier. 3, Nehemiah Boynton, b. Jan. 19, 1840 ; r. Th., a joiner, & soldier in 1st Me. Cavalry; d. June 12, 1863. 4, William L., b. ab. '45; r. Th. John R.'s ch. Eunice, b. ab. 1860. Joseph E.'s ch. Osgood S , b. ab. 1859. CHADBOURNE, Thomas W., b. ab. 1817 ; came from Edgecomb or Boothbay; m. Emma D. Arnold, March 10, 1858 ; r. Rockland, a police officer, high sheriff in 1858 ; m. again & rem. Boston. Lovell P., a brother ; came to Th., where his 1st wife d.; m. 2d, Dosliska H. Willard at Harrison, Me., 1838 ; rem. W. and elsewhere. Thomas W.'s ch. 1, Eveline C , b. ab. 1840. 2, Edward P. 3, Sarah A., b. ab. 1844 ; m CM. Tibbetts ; r. Rock. 4, B. Walter. 5, Theodore I. 6, Ella Jane. CHANDLER, Dr. Charles Chauncy, b. 1774, c. from Vermont; m. Lovicy Miller, of Line, practised medicine Belfast and Warren, and d. in W. Sept. 12, 1833. Their ch. 1, Lucius Henry, Esq., graduate Waterville Coll. 1831 ; m. Susan A. Robbins of North hampton Co., Va., practised law many years in Th., rem. Boston and Norfolk, Va., ret. to Rockland, August, 1861, appointed consul at Ma- tanzas, Cuba, the same year, district attorney for E. Dist,. Va., 1863, and removed his family thither in the following June. 2, Mary Ann, m. Samuel I. Lovejoy; r. Rock. 3, Martha J., in. Francis Cobb; r. Rock. 4, Edwin, r. Rock., a mariner. Lucius H.'s ch. b in Th. 1, Chauncy L., b. Sept. 13, d. Sept. 24, 1834. 2, Maria K., b. Dec. 4, 1835. 3, Sarah P., b. April 8, 1837. 4, Esther L., b. Oct. 7, 1838. 5, Thomas D„ b. March 10, 1840, died March 30, 1841. 6, Susan. 7, Henry. 8, William T. CHANDLER, Cyrus C, b. ab. 1822; came from Winthrop, Me. ; m. Mary J. Keen, Aug. 16, 1846 ; r. Rock., a druggist, cashier, &c. CHANDLER, Henry G., b. ab. 1824 ; came from Knox ; m. Pris cilla T. Snowdeal ; r. S. Th., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Oscar A., b. ab. 1848. 2, Emily L., b. ab. 1856. CHANDLER, George W., b. ab 1822; m. Rebecca ; & r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch 1, Eliza, b. ab. 1850. 2, Susan, b. ab. 1852. 3, George H., b. ab. 1858. CHANEY, John, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Harriet his wife ; r. Th. Their ch. Fanny, b. in ISrfO. CHAPLES, James, b. ab. 1793, in St. George ; m. Sarah Fuller, of Warren, where he r. but rem. Th., a shoemaker. Their ch. 1, Oliver, m. and r. Th., where he was killed July 10, 1848, by falling from staging of a vessel. 2, Hannah. 3, Addison. 4, Albion, d. Nov. 6, '49, in W. 5, Harriet, b. ab. 1834; m. Edward Hyler; r. Th. 6, Andrew F. The mother died March 19, 1861. CHAPLES, George W., b. ab. 1810, in St. George ; a distant branch of the same family ; m. Eliza Crouse, p. Aug. 25, '32 ; r. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 175 Rock. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1843. 2, Almond, b. ab. '45. 3, Erastus, b. ab. '47. 4, James M., b. ab. '49. CKAPLE-?, Benjamin A., b. ab. 1824, in St. George, of the same family; m. Nancy Witham, 1843; r. Rock., a quarryman. Their ch. 1, N. Winfield, b. ab. 1854. 2, Adelia S., b. Oct., '58, d. Nov. 1, 1864. CHAPMAN, William, son of John, of Scituate, Mass.; c. first to Wal., thence in 1786 to what is now S. Th.; m. Deborah Caswell ; and died before 1792. Their ch. 1, Deborah, m. Thomas Farr, 2d, Andrew Eveleth ; r. and d. in Bangor. 2, Abigail, r. and d. in China, Me. 3, Lucy m. Thomas Russ in 1804, 2d, Bradbury ; 1. and d. in Leeds, Me. 4, Capt. William, (2d), m. and r. in S. Th., was lost at sea. 5, Isaac, r. on homestead, rem. China. 6, Ralph, b. ab. 1788 ; m. Abigail Cooper, Dec. 17, 1817 ; r. S. Th., a stone lay er, &c. 7, Prudence, m. George Fish ; r. Dover, Me. 8, Mary, m., j., and d. in China. 9, Achsa, r. and d. in N. Y. Ralph's ch. 1, Angeline, b. April 3, 1817, d. July 4, 33. 2, Lydia B., b Feb. 8, '19 : m. Capt. Harvey Perry. 3, Wm. Nelson, b. Dec. 30, '20 ; soldier in 4th Me , Reg 4, Lucinda, b April 20, 1823 ; m. Capt. Jonas K. Bartlett ; r. S. Th. 5, Antoinette, b. April 7, '25 ; m. Samuel Bartlett ; r. S. Th. 6, Ralph James, b. Feb. 13, '27 ; rem. California. 7, Edwin George, b. Feb. 13, '29 ; j.-. S. Th., a carpenter, corporal in 28th Me. Reg. &c. CHAPMAN, Robert, b. ab. 1788 ; c. from Nobleboro' ; m. Edie Flint ; r. Th., a merchant, and d. July 26, 1855. Their ch. 1, Isaac, m. Chapman at Damariscotta ; r. Th., & Brooklyn, N. Y.; a merchant, &c, firm Flint, Chapman & Co. 2, Benjamin F., (adopted by his uncle, and took by Leg. Act the name of Flint. See Flint fam ily. 3. Edmund B., b. July 27, 1827 ; m. Elsie Levensaler, June 17, 1855 ; r. Th., shipbuilder, of the firm of Levensaler, Walsh, & Co., d. July 20, 1858. 4. Mary Olivia, m. Capt. Dunbar Henderson ; r. Th. 5, Capt. James P, m. Olive R. Levensaler, June 30, 1858; 1-. Th. The mother d.' May 27, 1855. Isaac's ch. 1, James Raymond, b. May, 1851, d. Jan. 21, 1855. Edmund B.'s ch. 1, Edie, b. ab. 1856. 2, Josie, d. young. Capt. James F.'s ch. 1, Edmund B., (2d), b. ab. 1859. 2, James, d. Sept. 13, 1861. CHAPMAN, Stephen H., b. ab. 1825 in Nobleboro'; m, Eraeline ; r. Rock , a lecturer, &c; first vol. in 4th Me. Reg. and d. at Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Their ch. 1, Cevosta V., b. ab. 1850. 2, Caravena, b. ab. 1852. 3, Mary L., b. ab. 1854. 4, Nellie, b. ab. 1856. 5, Aroline, b. 1858. CHAPMAN, Edward T., son of Rev. Nathaniel, b. ab. 1830, grad. Bowd. Coll. 1857 ; a teacher here ; paymaster on gunboat Com. Jones, destroyed with her May 6, 1864, on James River. CHASE, Dr. Charles T., b. in Vassalboro'; grad. Bowd. Coll. 1839 ; M. D. Harvard University, 1846 ; u. to Th., in. Adelaide C. Ruggles, Sept. 15, 1852 ; r. Th. in successful practice of his profes sion. CHASE, Dr. Ebenezer P., b. in Livermore, Sept. 17, 1831 ; m. Charlotte W. Owen of Brunswick ; r. Rock., a surgeon dentist. Their ch. James E., b. Feb. 2, 1861. CHRISTIAN, Peter, b. ab. 1818 in Denmark, Europe ; m. Mary 176 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ; i. S. Th., a, mariuer. Their ch. 1, Austin M., b. ab. 1850. 2, George Bargreen, b. Oct. 6, 1852, d. June 30, 1858. 3, Hannah A., b. ab. 1854. CILLEY, Hon. Jonathan, b. at Nottingham, N. H., July 2, 1802, (son of Greenleaf Cilley & grandson of Col. Joseph, who commanded a N. H. regiment during the Revolution,) grad. Bowd. Coll. '25 ; ad mitted attorney at law, '28; opened an office in Th., Sept. '28 ; m. Deborah Prince, April 2, '29 ; Speaker of the House in Me., '35 to '37 ; M. C. from Lincoln District, '38, & d. near Washington, Feb. 24, '38. Theirch. 1, Commander Greenleaf, b. Oct. 27, '29 ; r. Th., en tered U. S. navy, &, rising in rank, took command, Oct., '63, of the iron clad monitor, Catskill. 2, Jane N., b. July 31, '31, d. May 19, '36 3, Bowdoin L., b. Sept. 1, '33, d. June 25, '34. 4, Lt. Col. Jona. Prince, b. Dec. 29, '35 ; declining a cadetship at W. Point, he grad. at Bowd, Coll.. '58 ; was admitted to the bar at Rock., '60 ; entered on the prac tice of law at Th., but soon became Capt. of co. B., 1st Me. Cavalry, promoted to Maj & Lt. Col. ; wounded a second time in '64. 5, Julia D.,b. Dec. 20, '37; r. Bath. CILLEY, Charles H., b. June 7, 1836, in Jackson, Me., son of Rev. Joseph L. Cilley ; m. Mary E. Killsa, Nov. 14, '55 ; r. Rock., a joiner, painter, &c. Their ch. 1, Lottie E., b. Feb. 4, '57. 2, Helen A., b. in Rock. Nov. 19, '59. CLARK, Dr. Daniel, c. with Larissa, his wife, from N. Yarmouth to Th., as a physician, in 1821, & after two years rem. Portland. Of their ch. Homer Johnson, d. in Th. of consumption, Aug. 12, '22. CLARK, Benjamin, c. early to Th. as a potter; m. Betsey Perkins Brown; p. Jan. 12, 1797; j. & d. Th. Their ch. 1, Lydia D. 2, Eliza P. 3, Ebenezer ; aU rem. Ohio with their mother & step-father Charles Bradford. CLARK, Benjamin, b. ab. 18 12 ; c. from Kingston, N. H. to St. G. ; m. Mary Stover ; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer. Theirch. 1, Sarah F., b. Aug. 30, '35, d. June 20, '52. 2, Orris, or Horace R., b. Oct. 24, '36 ; m. Catherine ; r. Rock., a lime burner. 3, William, b. Aug. 26, '38; r. Rock., a lime burner. 4, Nathan, b. May 8, '40; r. Rock., a lime burner. 5, Nancy J., b. ah. '42 ; m. Samandel W. Cushman, Peb. 2, '62. 6, Charles, b ab. '44, a soldier of the 4th Me. reg., killed at Bull Run, Aug. 29, '62. 7, Adelaide, b. ab. '46. 8, John, b. ab. '48. 9, Benjamin, (2d), b. ab. '50. 10, Edwin, b. ab. '55. Horace R.'s ch. Julia P., b. ab. 1857. CLARK, Charles, b. in Newburyport, Mass., 1799 ; m. Jane Pat terson of Belfast; c. thence to Rock., where he was a baker from 1833 to Nov. 1851, then a flour & corn dealer, till his death, May 3, 1852. Their ch. 1, Jane, b. ab. '22 ; m. Capt. John W. Haskell; r. Rock-, & d. June 4, '59. 2, Charles W., b. ab. '28, d. June 23, '63. 3, Ro- silla P. b. March 4, '33, d. Oct., '51. 4, George A., b. Sept. 4, '39; r. Rock., a clerk, &c. CLARK, David, c. from Hanover, Mass.; m. Delanah P. Maker; p. Aug. 20, 1818, 2d, Hannah Bryant, Jan. 11, '51, 3d, Susan Perry of Vinalhaven, '52; r. S. Th., the Islands, &c, His ch. by 1st wile. 1, Hannah P., b. Sept. 29, '20. 2, Capt. Joshua G., b. Aug. 27, '21; m. Miranda M. Heard, May 22, '51 ; j. S. Th. 3, Jonathan M., b. March 11, '24 ; m. Hannah H. Hawes; p. Sept. 1. '47 ; r. S. Th. a carpenter. 4, Tryphena B., b. April 5, '27 ; m. James R. Maker; r. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 177 S. Th. 5, Sarah E., b. April 25, '31 ; m. Eben W. Robbins, April 25, 1851. Capt. Joshua G.'s ch. 1, Kate E., b. ab. 1852. 2, George P., b. ab. '54. 3, Julia B., b. ab. '56. Jonathan M.'s ch. 1, Priscilla, b. ab. 1848. 2, Catharine, b. ab. i852. 3. Alforetta, b. ab. 1&53. 4, Miranda, b. ab. 1355. CLARK; of this family two brothers c. from Union ; 1, James W., b. ab. 1832; m. Rhoda A. Black, June 18, 1854; r. Rock., a fish- dealer. 2, Joseph L., b ab. 1836 ; m. Mary J. H. Black ; r. Rock., a teamster, &e. James W.'s ch. 1, Cyrus W., b. ab. 1855. 2, Etta A., b. ab. 1858. Joseph L.'s ch. 1, Arthur E. F., b. ab. 1858. 2, Clarence F., b. ab. 1860. CLARK, Nathaniel C, b. ab. 182:?, son of Joseph of Warren; pur chased the Ulmer mill, and r. Th. some years, rem. with his family. CLARK, 0. A., came recently from St. George; m. EUzabeth A. Harding; r. Rock. CLARK, George, b. ab. 1816; m. Louisa ¦ ; r. Rock., a limeburner. Theirch. 1, Luther, b. ab. 1841. 2, Harriet L., b ab. 1843. 3, Julia E , b. ab. 1846. 4, GarrofiUa, b. ab 1848. 5, George, (2d), b. Sept., 1855, and d.May 18, 1858. 6, George, (3d), b. ab. '59. CLARK, Samuel S., b. ab. 1830, in Mt. Desert ; m. Eliza T. Glover. Feb. 23, 1854 ; r. Rock., a painter; was in the South when the rebellion com.; was pressed into rebel army of Miss., taken at Vicksburg, and ret. home. Their ch. 1, Abbie C, b. ab. 1855. 2, Ernest W., b. ab. 1858. CLARK, WiUiam, b. ab. 1835, in England; m. Wealthy Flanders, Sept. 2, 1853; r. Rock.,, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Edwin, b. ab. 1855. 2, Caroline, b. ab. 1859. CLARKSON, John, c. to S. Th., with Mary, his wife, from N. Y.; was a mariner, and, after residing here TO or 12 years, was lost in the br. Maine, 1844. Their ch. 1, Lydia, b. Dec. 23, 1831 ; 2, Mary, b. June 26, 1833 ; 3, William F., b. April 14, 1836 ; 4, John, (2d), b. Feb. 24, 1838 ; 5, Elizabeth, b. March 19, 1840 ; all rem. and r. in different parts of Mass. CLAY, Dr. R. Richard, c. from Portland, m. Mary N. (Young) Smalley of Th., Aug. 22, 1861 ; i. Th., well known as a lecturer on consumption and its cure. CLEAVELAND, Samuel T., b. ab. 1825 in Camden, m. 1st, Caro line Pottle of Searsmont, 2d, Melinda M. Tolman of Cam.; r. Rock., a patent Ume kiln builder ; rem and trades in Cam. Their ch. 1, Sidney L., b. ab. 1849. 2, EletheaC, b. ab. 1855. 3, Mary I, b. ab. 1859. CLEMENTS, Tilley H., b. ab. 1796 in Berwick, Me.; m. Philena, dau. of Philip Hanson of Th. ; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c. (/Their ch. 1, Mary Ann H , b. April 9, 1824, d. June 9, 1836. 2, PhiUp H., b. Oct. 12, 1826 ; r. Rock., a grocery merchant. CLINTON, Henry, b. ab. 1834, in N. Y ; m. Emma F. Buckland, Dec. 13, 1858; jr. Th., a mariner. Theirch. Georgiana, b. ab. 1859. CLOUGH, David H., b. ab. 1793 ; came from Fall River, Mass., to what is now Rockland ; mar. Miriam Palmer, Dec. 22, 1812; r. Th. Theirch. 1, Amos, b. Sept. 25, 1813; m. Mary K. Tilson, Oct. 13, 178 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 1839'; r. Th., rem. California. 2, Josiah, b. March 24, 1818; mar. Lydia Hammond, Nov. 23, 1846, and d. by poison, Sept. 12, 1859. 3, Eliza J., b. ab. 1824 ; m. Ezekiel G. Dodge, Jr., r. Th. 4, David H., (2d), m. Eleanor Crandon, Sept. 15, 1850 ; r. Hope. 5, Susan E., m. John Palmer; r. Th. 6, Henry, rem. California. 7, Mary Ann ; r. Th. 8, Daniel P., b. Dec. 7, '37 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier of 4th Maine, and 38th New York, d. at Falmouth, Va., Feb. 9, '63. Amos'sch. 1, Sarah, F., b. Aug. 31, 1840; r. Th. 2, John T., b. March 19, 1842 ; r. Th., in U. S. navy. 3, Henrietta, b. ab. 1844. 4, Frederic, b. ab. '46. 5, Franklin, b. ab. '48. 6, Charles, b. ab. '50. Josiah's ch. 1, Horace C. 2, Eliza J. 3, Edward F., b. ab.1852. 4, Ellen E., b. ab. 1858. CLOUGH, Capt. Stephen, m. Sarah Decker; came from Wiscasset ; r. Th. & d. in the South West, 1817- His sister, Elizabeth, m. 2d, John Paine, r. Th., and d. Aug. 7, 1834. Capt. Stephen's ch. 1, Sarah D., b. July 5, 1790 ; m. 1st, Jonathan Bowman of Wiscasset, 2d., Rev. Job Washburn ; r. Th., and d. April 24, 1846. 2, Eliza L. St. Barbs, m. Hon. William McLellan ; r. War ren, and d. in Belfast. 3, H. Antoinette, m. Rev. Jonathan Adams, of Woolwich, July 16, 1821. The mother m. 2d, Capt. John Pen dleton, of Cam. June 24, 1836. CLOUGH, Benjamin, b. ab. 1812 ; c. from Camden ; married 1st, Wealthy Tolman, April 26, 1835, 2d, Rebecca S. Jones, June 6, 1852; r. Rock. His ch. by 2d wife. John, b. ab. 1854. CLOUGH, Stephen, b. ab. 1830, in Cam., nephew of Benjamin; m. Amanda M. ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Leander, a brother, b. in Cam. ab. 1834 ; also r. Rock, with Mary, his wife, is a mariner. Stephen's ch. 1, Joseph F., b. ab. 1852. 2, William D., b. ab. 1854. 3, Frances R.,b. ab. '56. 4, Ann M., b. ab. '58. 5, Cora E.,b. ab. '60. CLOUSE, George W., b. ab. 1822, c. to Rock. ; m. Mary T. Jack son, July 9, 1855 ; r. Rock., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Ellen I., b. June 7,' 1856, died Jan. 15, 1861. 2, Charles A., b, ab. 1859. CLUSKY, John, b. about 1838, in Ireland ; m. Hannah , r. Th. in 1860. COBB, Capt. Barnabas, b. 1760, in Plympton, Mass., c. with his family from Carver to W. in 1802 ; & d. July 9, 1807. He m. Jerusha Cobb of Plymouth, whose grandfather, Ebenezer Cobb, d. at Kings ton, Dec. 8, 1801, aged 107 years, 8 months, and 6 days. Capt. Bar- nabas's ch. 1, Clarissa, b, March 27, 1786 ; in. Capt. Matthew Bev erage; r. Hope. 2, Hannah, b. Nov. 27, 1787; m. Alexander Ler mond, (4th), of W., & d. April 28, 1840. 3, Sophia, b. Dec. 23, '89; m. George Andrews; r. W., & d. Jan. 20, 1834, in Th. 4, Ebenezer, b. Oct. 9, 1793 ; m. Patience M. Gilmore, Jan. 18, 1818 ; r. Union, a landlord, &c. 5, Eleazer Crocker, b. Oct. 4, 1798 ; m. Harriet Counce, Dec. 1827 ; r. Th., a farmer. Eleazer C.'s ch. 1, Susan, b. ab. 1830; m. Henry Lermond ; r. Th. 2, Edmund E., b. April 9, 1832 ; m. Matilda Bog"s of W., Jan. 15, 1855, &. d..Feb. 10, 1856. 3, Albion, b. June 11, 1834; m. & r. Th. or Boston. 4, Emily, b. July 7, 1837 ; m. John A. Patterson of W., Nov. 18, 1860. 5, Lawson, b. Oct. 1, 1839 ; m. Harriet R., dau. of Capt. J. H. Kelleran, Nov. 10, 1864 ; r. Th. COBB, Francis, of Portland, m. Jane Snow of Th.; r. & d. Port land. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Capt. George W. Wal- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. I79 lace; r. Knox St., Th. 2, Ambrose S., b. ab. 1811 ; m. Vesta Jane Dunbar of W., Jan. 28, 1841; r. Rock., a joiner, iSupeiintendant of lime manufactory, &c. 3, Betsey, m. Albert Counce ; r. W. 4, Capt. Edward, m. Lydia Berry of Bath, April 16, 1841 ; r. Rock., rem. to Kansas. 5, Capt. Francis, (2d), b. ab. 1818 ;*m. Martha Jane Chand ler, Oct. 8, 1839 ; r. Rock., a ship chandlery merchant, lime manufac turer, &c, in firm of Cobb, Wight & Case. Ambrose S.'s ch. 1, William S., b. in W., d. young. 2, Nelson B., b. ab. 1845. 3, Mary Elizabeth, b. April 19, 1847. Capt. Edward's ch. 1, Edward, (2d), b. 1840, d., lost at sea, June 30, 1858. 2, a daughter. Capt. Francis, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary A. C, born Nov. 11, 1840. 2, Frank K., b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock., a clerk, &c. 3, Louisa H., b. ab. '45. 4, Maria F., b. ab. '47. 5, Charles C. W., b. ab. '50. 6, Jennie W., b. ab. '54. 7, Maynard S., b. April 23, & d. Nov. 3, '56. 8, William T., b. ab. '57. 9, Martha P., b. ab. '59. COBB, Alfred B., b. ab. 1825, in Hartland, Vt. ; m. Nizaula M. Bartlett of N H.; r. Rock., a marble manufacturer. Their ch. Liz zie W., b. ab. 1859. COBB, John C. Esq., b. ab. 1838; came as a lawyer to S. Th., ab. 1860, enlisted and had a lieutenant's commission in the army, but re signed and returned to South Thomaston or Rockland. COBURN, Charles, came from Dracut, Mass., m. Elizabeth Simon ton, March 7, 1808 ; r. Th., and d. June 2, 1813. Their ch. 1, Jus tus, b. Nov. 8, 1808 ; m in N. York, Mary of Holland, Eu., r. Th., a rigger, &c, & d. from a fall, Oct. 5, 1859. 2, John S., b. Jan. 6, 1811; m. Sarah P. Levensaler, Dec. 17, 1837; r. Rock., a mason, alderman, &c. Justus's ch. 1, Charles, (2d), b. ab. 1847. 2, Catharine, b. about 1849. John S.'s ch. 1, Mary L., born Jan. 6, 1839.; m. Capt. William J. Wilson; r. Th. 2, Sarah E., b. Nov. 22, 1840. 3, Abbie A.,- b. ab. 1844. 4, Emma, b. ab. 1857. COBURN, William, b. ab. 1828 ; of a different family from pre ceding; m. Mary J. ; r. S. Th.,a farmer. Their 'ch. Rancel, b. ab. 1839. COCHRAN, Dr. James, whose ancestor came over in the Scotch Irish colony of Londonderry, N. H., was b. ab. 1777, in Windham, N.H. ; m. Jane Moore, of Standish, Me., studied med. M. D. CoU.,r. and prac. med. many years in Rock., where he died Oct. 7, 1860. Their ch. 1, James (2d), born in Limington, Maine, m. Eliza McClure of Waldo. 2, Jane M., m. I. T. Hovey ; r. Rock. 3, Eliz abeth, b. in Standish; m. Rufus Day of Gardiner. 4, Mary M. H., b., as also all the succeeding, in Monmouth, Me., m. Henry S. Dear born of Monmouth, p. Nov a, 1835 ; who d. 1839, and she 1. Rock., with one child, Marietta M., b. ab. 1839. 5, L. H. M., mar. Sarah Hooper of Kennebunk, 2d, Augusta Patten ; and d. at Melrose, Mass., Oct. 1860. 6, Hon. John C, b. ab. 1810 ; m. Susan Snowman of Sedg wick, May 8, '51 ; r. Rock., attorney, municipal judge, &c, d. Feb. 21, '55. 7, Ann U. D., m. Isaiah A. Jones ; r. Rock. 8. Marietta C, b. ab. 1814 ; m. I T. Bovey ; r. Rock., and d. Jan. 1839. 9, Margaret A., m. Emery Sawyer, of Brooks. 10, Erasmus II , in. Hannah B. Ayer of Freedom; r. Rock., insurance agent, &c. 11, Delia E. W., bora Nov. 15, 1820; m. C. V. R. Boynton; r. R. and died Feb. 29, 1857. 180 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 12, Sarah L., d. 1841. 13, George W., d. aged 2 years, in Monmouth. 14, George W., (2d), r. Rock., a trunkmaker, agent, &c. Erasmus H.'s ch. Ellen J., b. ab. 1844. COCHRAN, Gen. William S., b. in Belfast, Oct. 13, 1816; rem. Wiscasset; m. Maria L. Blaisdell of Bristol, 2d, Abby M. Rhoades, March 20, 1853; r. Wal., where he was representative, bank com missioner, sailmaker, &c, rem. Rock., 1860, & d. Nov. 23, '64. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, William T., b. ab. 1841; m. Lydia M. Jameson, July 16, '63 ; r. Rock. 2, Abby M., b. ab. '46. 3, Frank L., b. ab. '57. The mother d. Aug. 29, '62; a. 43. COCHRAN, Jeremiah, b. 1827, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife. r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James, b. ab. 1857. 2, John, b. ab. 1859. COCHRAN, James, b. 1831, in Ireland; m. Anastasia Grennan, 1853 ; r. Rock., a marble worker. Their ch. 1, Margaret A., b. '56, d. Feb. 2, '64. 2, Mary E., b. ab. '57. The mother d. May 23, '57. COCHRAN, James R. or H., of Rock., m. Ellen M. Berry, of Bel fast, Nov. 5, 1849. COFFIN, Augustus, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Ann ; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Sarah I., b. ab. 1850. 2, Louisa I., b. ab. '58. 3, George A., b. ab. '59. COFFRAN, Dr. Charles H., b. ab. 1819 ; M. D., Botanic Med. Coll. of Ohio, attended med. lectures H. U., practised med. 7 years in Weymouth, Mass. ; came to Rock. ; m. Jane Witham; r. & practised med. Rock, till, in 1861, rem. Suisun, Solano Co., since Fairfield, Cali fornia. Their ch. 1, Ada A., b. ab. 1845 ; m. in Cal., William K. Solto, county recorder, Jan. 4, '64. 2, Adriana, b. ab. '46. 3, Albina H., b. ab. '48 ; m. in Fairfield, Cal., Hiram W. Blanchard, May 10, '64. 4, Charles A., b. ab. '60. COG AN, Michael, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Julia his wife ; r. Rook. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1852. 2, John, b. ab. '54. 3, William, b, ivb. '56. 4, Michael, (2d), b. ab. '58. 5, Robert, b. ab. '60. COKELY; Cornelius, b. ab. 1830, in Ireland, as was Catharine his wife; r. Roik., a lime burner. John of Rock., probably a brother, had a thumb shot off and was otherwise wounded. May 5, 1864, in battle of Williamsburg. Cornelius's ch. 1, Catharine, b. ab. 1857. 2, John, (2d), b. ab. '58. 3, Maiy, b. ab. 'oJ. COLBUBN, John, b. ab. 1825 ; m. 1st, Frances E. , who d. April 12, 'oi-, a. 23 ; 2d, Julia A. Head, May 13, '55 ; r. Rock., a joiner. His ch. by id wife. 1, Willard, b. ab. 1858. 2, Nellie, b. ab. 1860. COLBY, Dr. Zenas, b. Dec. 30, 1797, son of Benjamin J. & Re becca Colby of Embden; m. 1st, Sophia Chamberlain; 2d, Lucy L. Kidder of Albion, p. Sept.. 7, 1853; r. Rock., in practice of medicine since 1846; & d. Dec. 30, 1861. His 2d wife d. Sept. 8, '60. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary, deceased. 2, Francis, m. & d. leaving 2 ch. 3, Adelaide, b. ab. 1832; m. Frederic W. Libbey; r. Rock. 4, Orrin S., b. Nov. 15, '34, d. March 7, '54. 5, Mary, b. ab. '35. COLBY, William G., of a different family, b. in Liberty, Me., ab. 1829 j m. Catharine U.^Butler; r. Rock., a mariner. Theirch. 1, William F., b. ab. 1846. 2, Albion C, b. ab. 1848 ; enlisted in the army. 3, Charles C, b. ab. 1850. 4, Edward L., b. ab. 1854. 5, Emery J^ b. ab. 185?. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 181 COLLAMORE; this family originated in Bristol. Peter, b. ab. 1801; m. Rizpah ; r. Rock. Benjamin, b. ab. 1825; m. Elizabeth Murphy, July 13, 1852 ; i. Rock., a lime burner. John, b. ab. 1832 ; in. Margaret Richardson, p. Sept. 29, 1853 ; r. Rock. Peter's ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1839. 2, Priscilla, b. ab. 1846. 3, Mary, b. ab. 1848. Benjamin's ch. 1, Hannah J., b. ab 1853. 2, Benjamin F., b. ab. 1855. 3, Leonard F., b. ab. 1858. 4, Patience, b. ab. 1860. John's ch. 1, Margaret E., b. ab. 1857. 2, Emma A., b. ab. 1858. COLLAMORE, Andrew J., b. ab. 1831, in Friendship; m. Ann Church of Yarmouth, Nov. 6, 1859; c. Th., a peddler, soldier of 1st Me. Cavalry. Their ch. Jane A., b. ab. 1851. COLE, Capt. WilUam, b. Aug. 18, 1791 ; c. from Nashville, Tenn., and commenced trade at Mill River ; m. Mary G. Dodge, Jan. 20, 1825 ; rem. his business to Rock.,where he d. April 22, 1849. John P., his brother, born 1801, in Virginia ; c. from Nashville to Th., a few years later, trading at the same place ; m. Lavinia Southworth, July 1, 1828 ; rem. to Illinois, but ret. 1856 ; r. Th.; a merchant ; rem. in 1862 to Mass. Capt. WilUam's ch. 1, Mary E., b. Dec. 1, 1826, d. May 5, 1851. 2, Winslow, b. Aug. 3. and d. Aug. 5, 1829. 3, Rebecca W., b. Nov. 1, and d. Nov. 2, 1830. 4, Susan W., b. Sept. 20, 1831 ; m. Capt. Artemas W. Watts, r. Th. 5, Sarah F., b. July 29, 1833, d. March 10, 1852. 6, William J., b. Aug. 16, 1835 ; r. Th.; rem. California. 7, Eveline W., b. April 30, 1837 ; r. Th. 8, Garnet G., b. May 30, 1838, d. June following. 9, Caroline, b. Dec. 20, 1839 ; r. Th. and d. Oct. 13, 1881. 10, Hirriet A., b. July 18, 1841, d. Aug. 23, 1842. 11, Henrietta, b. Aug 23, & d. Aug. 30, 1842. 12, Rindail, b. 1846, d. Aug. 12, '52. John P.'s ch. 1, Lavinia S., b. Jan. 4, 1829; m. Benjamin Ayer of Boston; r. Th. 2, Adelia F., b. May 23, '32; m. J. Augustus Herseyof Wiscasset, Sept. 3, 1855. 3, John W., b. April 20, '34; i. Th., a clerk; rem. California, 1861. 4, James D., b. Aug. 1, '36; r. Th., a clerk, enlisted in cavalry ; rem. Mass. 5, Adelaide, b. Sept. 4, 1840 ; m. Lysander Hill, Esq. ; r. Alexandria, Va. COLE, John F., b. in Wal., 1799 ; c. to Th., learned and carried on the marble manufacture ; m. Clementina Bryant, Nov. 6, '25 ; r. Th., and d. Nov. 6, '31. Sarah, a sister, b. 1793 ; m. Charles Star rett, r. Th. John F.'s ch. 1, John J., b. Aug 6, & d. Sept. 4, 1826. 2, Sarah Clementina, b. July 20, '27. 3, John Andrew, b. Oct. 16, '29 ; rem. California with his mother & the family. 4, Mary Cathar ine, b. Oct. 8, '31. COLLEY, Capt. Thomas, b. 1781 ; m. Mary Cook; came from St. George, and purchased Samuel Weed's farm ; r. S. Th , and died at Maracaibo, March" 3, 1834. His widow died Sept. 24, 1843, aged 61. Their ch. 1, Capt. Thomas, (2d), m. Eliza Singer, Jan. 11, 1825; was lost at sea, Oct. 1328, in soli. Dolphin, Leaving but 1 child which d. 1827, an infant. 2, Margaret, m. William Williams ; r. S. Th.. 3, Capt. John, m. Deborah Look of Addison, p. Aug. 6, '26 ; r. Cam. 4, Mary W., b. June, 1805 ; m. William Stackpole ; r. Th., and d. April 3, '43. 5, Nathaniel, d. in 1827, on Rainsford Island, of small pox. 6, Capt. James S., b. ab. 1810 ; m. 1st, Rebecca C. Blackington, July 23, '32.; 2d, Harriet G. (Webb) Sprague, March 1, '63; r. Cambridge, Jilass. 7, Benjamin E., m. Elizabeth Norton ; r. Somerville, Masij., Vol. II. 16, 182 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, a piano forte manufacturer. 8, Capt. Ebenezer, m. Eleanor Harding, Feb. 5, 1838 ; and died at New Orleans, Feb. 1848. 9, CaroUne, m. Charles C. Rider of Wiscasset, 1834 ; r. & died in Boston. 10, Eliza Ann, m. David Jackins, jr., of Edgecomb, 1841 ; r. & died Wiscasset. 11, Capt. William, m. Mary Small, Oct. 26, 1845 ; r. Th. Capt. John's ch. 1, William J., b. Nov. 8, 1829, a mariner. 2, Mary E., b. July 17, '32; m. Thorndike; r. Cam. 3, Louisa L., b. Oct. 9, '34 : r. Cam. 4, Stephen B., b. May 12, '39, a mariner. 5, Margaret, m. Thorndike of Camden. Capt. James S.'s ch. 1, Belmore D., b. March 14, 1837 ; r. Th., a mariner. 2, Franklin, b. June 29, '40, d. March 12, '42. 3, James, b. March 31, & d. Aug. 12, '42. 4, Clara Rebecca, b. April 11, '44 ; r. Th. 5, James Thomas, b. July 9, '46, d. April 19, '53. 6, Zora E., b. April, & died Oct. 18, '48. Capt. WilUam's ch. 1, WilUam J., b. ab. 1850. 2, Edward, b. ab. '52. 3, Charles Frederic, b. April 18, & died Sept. 9, '54. 4, Lewis, born 1859. COLLINS ; of this family, ch. of Martin & Jeanette Collins, there r. in Rock. 1, Salome. 2, Ibrook A., b. ab. 1823, a truckman, &c. 3, Converse C. G., b. ab. 1825, a book agent. COLLINS, George, came to Old Th. early ; m. Adaline Blacking ton, Feb. 10, 1820 ; & had 1 child recorded here, viz. : Sarah T , born . March 24, 1824. There was also here of the name, Zerah C. ColUns, born Oct. 30, died Feb. 23, '54. Also COLLINS, Levi, born in New Hampshire, June 15, 1792 ; married Thankful B. Spear, March 4, 1850 ; r. Rockland, & died Sept. 16, '57. COLLINS, Richard, (colored), b. ab. 1840, d. at Rock., April 21, '61 COLSON, Joseph, c. from Bath to Th., in 1824 ; in. EUza T. Fales, May 22, 1826 ; carried on saitmaking, &c, rem. Boston in 1837, thence to Glen Falls, N. Y., & thence to N. O. & California. Their ch. 1, Joseph W., b. March 24, 1827 ; m. Ann Herdmau of Liver pool, Eng. 2, Sarah Clough, b. Feb. 6, '29 ; m. 1st, John V. Mitch ell of Calais, Me., 2d, Wm. H. Bryan, of S. Carolina, and has ch. by 1st husband, viz. : Volney, b. at N. O.; & by 2d husband, EulaUe L., d. in Georgia ; Wm. Herbert ; John Arthur ; Rosa C, b. in South CaroUna, and Ernest V., d. in Miss. 3, Ann J , b. Feb. 18, '31 ; r. New Orleans & Th. 4, Rebecca C, b. Jan. 2, '33 ; m. Edward L. Robinson; r. Th. 5, WilUam J., b. March 31, '35. 6, James E., b. Glen Falls, and died there Aug. 31, '39. 7, P. Eubertus, b. Glen Falls, and d. Feb. 14, '63. COLSON, Thomas, b. ab. 1811 in Kennebec county ; m. Sarah W. Tighe of Bath, p. Dec. 22. '38", 2d, Charlotte A. Blaisdell of Cam., Aug. 7, 1851 ; r. Rock., Ume manufacturer. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, James W., b. April 7, 1839', d. Dec. 25, '40. 2, Charles T., b. June 6, '41 ; r. Rock., a cabinet maker. 3, Benjamin W., b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock., a cabinet maker. 4, John, b. ab. '47. 5, Sarah F., b. May, 1849, d. March 22, '57.. By 2d wife. 6, Abby, b. March & d. Sept. 18, 56. 7, David, b. ab. '67. 8, Herbert W , b. ab. '59. COMERY ; of this Warren family, Alexander, h. ab. 1810 ; m. Catharine Mathews of Wd., r. Th., a ship carpenter. William, a brother, b. ab. 1817 ; m. Susan A. Singer, March 1, 49 ; r. Th., a painter. An uncle of t! ese, John Comery, b. in Wal , u. to Th in age, &d. Feb. 18, 1861, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 183 Alexander's ch. 1, Harvey S., b. Dec. 27, 1837, a soldier, &c. 2, Helen M., b. Sept. 2, '39 ; m. Charles W. Peabody ; r. Th. 3, Wil liam H., b ab. '44 ; enlisted in U. S. Navy. 4, Maria H., b. ab. 52. WilUam's ch. 1, Mary A., b. ab. 1850. 2, Anna R., b. ab. '68. COMSTOCK, James, c. from Eastport or Argyle ; m. Nancy Vose, r. Th Their ch. Edwin, b. ab. 1862. CONANT, Marlborough, a descendant of Roger, of Plymouth, and Bon of John and Deborah (Perkins) Conant, was b. at Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 14, 1775 ; c. to r. in Th. May 30, '95 ; m. 1st, Mary Dun bar, (who d. 1796), 2d, Peronella Fales, of Th., 3d, Mrs. Catharine Keen, Aug. 9, '21 ; r. Th., a joiner, & d. Nov 21, '22. His ch. by 2d wife. 1 & 2, twins, b. March 30, 1800, Emily m. William S. Kimball; rem. Illinois ; and Camilla, m. 1st, Hall, 2d, Edward Newbert r. Belfast. 3, John P., b. Oct. 6, 1801, d. Oct. 1, '02. 4, David Fales, b. Oct 3, '02 ; m. Sabra Rankin, Oct. 20, '25 ; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c. 5 & 6, twins, b. Dec. 31, '03 ; Mary probably d. young, Anna, m. Hon. Nathaniel Meservey; r. Rock. 7, Oliva, b. March 16, '06 ; m. Nelson Spear; r. Rock 8, Juliet, b. Dec. 6, '07 ; m. Samuel Hall ; r. S. Th. 9, OUver, b. Sept. 20, '09 ; d. Oct. 27, '17. 10, Lucy b Jan. 11, '12, d. Aug. 20, '20. 11, Melinda T., b. April 1st, '14 ; m. James May, p. March 26, '33. 12, Sarah J , b. April 18, and d. Aug. 13, '16, at the same time with her mother. David P.'s ch. 1, Capt. Ohver J., b. Dec. 14, 1825 ; m. Nancy P. Ames, Dec. 20, '47 ; r. Rock., a merchant, officer in the 4th Me. reg., &c. 2, MeUssa, b. Feb. 9, '30 ; m. James Kelley, Nov. 20, '51. 3, Capt. Charles H. b. Sept. 7, '34; m. Carrie A. Thomas, May 26, '61 ; r. Rock., a caulker, officer of 4th Me. reg. ; kiUed in battle. May 6; '64. 6, Hannah, b. April 12, '40, d. Feb. 24, '54. 6, William Eugene, b. August 31, '43, soldier of U. S. Sharpshooters, wounded & d. Nov. 23, 1862. Capt. Oliver J.'s ch. 1, Etta O., b. ah. 1857. 2, Anna. CONDON, Joseph, b. July 8, 1794, in Friendship ; m. Frances R Hall ; r. Rock., a merchant, & d. July 22, '53. Their ch. 1, Julia A., b. Feb. 25, '31, d. Aug. 23, '53. 2, Melissa T., b. May 17, '33 ; m. Enoch Davies; r. Rock. 3, John T., b. March 4, '35, d. Feb. 17, '36. 4, AmeUa H., b. Dec. 21, 36. There are, or were, also, in Rockland, (perhaps sons of Joseph, but not recorded here,) 1, Capt. Thomas, d. at sea. in ship Elizabeth Kimball, ab. 1858. . 2, Seth C. recently of the U. S. navy. CONKLIN, John, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Catharine, his wife; r. Rock-, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, John G., b. ab. '52. 2, Michael E., b. ab. '54. 3, WiUiam H.,b. ab. '56. 4, Patrick S., b. ab. 1858. CONLUN, John, b. ab. 1813, in Ireland, as was Ellen, his wife (who d. April 4, '64) ; r. Th., a shoemaker. Their ch. Martha, b. ab. '47. CONNER ; of this family, two brothers c. here early, from New- buryport, Mass. 1, David, m. BetsejtBryanfc, August 12, 1802; i. Th., a cooper, & rem.? 2, Eliphalet, b ab. 1770; m. Bryant; r. Th., a cooper, rem. Cam., and d. in Rock. July 1 1, 1854. Of EUphalet's ch ; 1, Joseph, m. Miss Fowler, rem. west. 2, EUzabeth. 3. Mary, rem. Cam. CONNER, Charles A., b. ab. 1834 ; m. Sarah J. Robbins, July 6 '58 ; r. Rock , a lime burner. Their ch. WilUe A., b. March, 1859, d Sept. 24, '60. 184 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, CONARY, David H, b. ab. 1799, c. from Deer Isle; m. Susan Small ; r Rock., and engaged in the fishery. Of their ch. 1, Capt. Harvey, b. ab. 1820 in Deer Isle; m. Emma Conary, his cousin ; r. Rock. 2, Capt Samuel S, b. ab. 1829; m. Maria S. (Mosman) Hewes, Nov. 5, 60 ; r Rock. .3, David E., b. ab. 1844 ; i. Rock. 4, Joshua S., b. ab. 1816; r. Rock. Capt. Harvey's ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1849. 2, Alden, b. ab. '51. 3, Edgar H., b. Oct. 11, '56, d. Sept. 1, '57. 4, Emma, b. ab. '58. ' Capt. Samuel S.'s ch. 1, F. Cliftrn, b. May 30, d. Dec. 1, 1861. 2, Eddie P., b. Nov. 17, '63, d. Oct. 24, '64. CONNICK, William, b. ab. 1813 ; r. with Ellen, his wife, in Rock., 1860 ; a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Susan M , b. 1845. 2, Allen, b. '47. 3, Harriet E., b. '49. 4, Sarah N., b. Oct 1851, d. Jan. 12, '53. 6, Mary, b. '56. 6, Sophronia P., b. '60. CONWAY, Joseph, b. ab. 1835, r. Rock., in 1860 ; a mariner. COOK, Fuller G., b. 1814, in Newburyprt, Mass., m. Charlotte A. Stevens, of Waterville ; i. Rock., an apothecary. Their ch. ' Helen, b. ab. 1841. COOK, Winchell M., b. ab. 1830, in Eppingham, N. H. ; m. Maria T. Ruggles, Sept., 1850 ; r. Th., a merchant. Their ch. I, Herbert Ruggles, b. Oct. 1851, d. May 4, 1855. 2, Clara, b. ab. 1857. COOKE, John H., b. 1827 ; m. Lucy A. Hosmer, Jan. 10, '52 ; r. Rock., St d. June 28, '54. Their ch. 1, Frederic E , b. ab. 1853. 2, John C, b. ab. '55. COOMBS, George, son of Stephen, whose parents were French, was b. r. & d. at New Meadows, now Brunswick, Me. He m. Abigail Berry, and had [sons.] 1, Peter, a deaf mute, m. Berry, had 3 ch. settled in Brunswick. 2, George, (2d), m Parsley, had 5 sons & 6 daughters ; settled in Bath. 3, Benjamin, m. Sawyer, had 6 sons and 6 daughters; settled in New Gloucester. 4, Asa, m. Thomas, had 7 sons & 3 daughters, r. New Meadows. 5, Lt. Joseph, b. in Brunswick, March 10, 1752, O. S. ; came and settled at Wessaweskeag, 1773 ; m. Elizabeth Gamble, June 6, 1776, by Rev. J. Urquhart ; built mills, burnt lime, and engaged in shipbuilding; r. S. Th. till his death, Nov 22, 1817. 6, Thomas, m. Coombs, had 4 sons & 3 daughters; settled in Whitefield, Me. [And daughters.] 7, Joanna, m. Coombs, had 4 sons and 4 daughters, r. Port land. 8, Abigail, m. Thomas Berry ; r. & d Portland. 9, Betsey, m. Cowing ; r. Lisbon, Me. 10, Isabella, m. Donahue ; j. Brunswick. Of George, (2d)'s ch. 1, Abiezer, born in Brunswick ; came to S. Thomaston ; m. Sarah RandaU. Lieut. Joseph's ch. 1, Capt. Archibald G , born June 4, 1777 ; ny Nancy Mingerson, March 28, 1798 ; r. S. Th , lost at sea in sloop Asa, Oct. 28, 1818. 2, Capt. Joseph, (2d), b June 3, 1779 ; m. Sylvia Ran dall, Peb. 2, 1809; r. S. Th , became blind and insane; & d. June 22, '41. 3. Isabella, b. April 9, 1784; m Hezekiah Prince, Esq.; r. Th, and died Dec. 2, 1840. 4, Col. George, b. Dec. 19, 1783 or '85; m. Rebecca A., daughter of Dr. Oliver Mann of Castine, p. Nov 19, '08; r. S. Th., a millwright, shipbuilder, and farmer ; and died May 13, *23. 5, EUzabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1787 ; m. James Dow ; r. and died.Th. 6, Nancy, b. Dec. 31, 1789 ; m. Capt. Samuel Fuller ; r. Th , and has been its chief and, sometimes, only milUner more than 50 years. 7, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 185 Abigail, b. Jan. 10, 1792 ; m. Joseph Berry ; r. Th., and died July 9, '45. 8, Washington, b. May 18, 1794, died March 18, '97. 9, Asa, b. Aug. 28, '96 ; m. Lucretia Mann, Dec. 28, '23 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, trader, Ughtkeeper, &c. Abiezer's ch. 1, Moses, b. May 3, 1809, died young 2, Abiezer, (2d), b. March 3, '13 ; m. Rebecca Bradbury, Oct. 8, '44 ; r. S. Th., d. at sea, 1847. Capt. Archibald G.'s ch. 1, Henry, b. April 24, 1798 ; died on the coast of Africa, March 24, '25. 2, George W., b. June 7, 1800 ; m. Elsie HaskeU ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 3, Archibald G., (2d), b. April 15, '02 ; lost with his father, Oct. 28, '18. 4, Joseph, (3d), b. Nov. 8, '04 ; rem. Illinois 5, Nancy, b. Sept. 17, '07 ; m. Atwood Levensaler ; r. Th , and died Dec. 8, '62. 6, Capt. John M., b. Sept. 3, '09 ; m. Almeda Litchfield, Aug. 17, '37, 2d, Matilda P. Litchfield, Sept. 29, '45 ; i. Th., and died out South. 7, Isabella P., b. July 18, '11. The mother died Aug. 18> '19, aged 44. Col. George's ch. 1, George, (2d), b. Jan. 6, 1810; r. S. Th., a truckman. 2, OUver M., b. Feb. 21, d. May 8, '11. 3, Perez M., b. March 22, '12 ; m. Eliza Administer of Lynn, Mass., Oct. 19, '41. 4, Hezekiah P., b. Sept. 1, ' 13 ; began to learn printer's trade of E. Moody, in Th., 1828 ; went on a whaling voyage, &c. ; m. Lucinda Spofford, Aug. 14, '42 ; r. Th., publish* of the Recorder, register of deeds, &c, and died April 2 !, '53. 5, Lucy, A., b. Aug. 17, '15 ; m. Capt. Rich ard Hayden ; r. S. Th. 6, EUzabeth G., born May 21, '17 ; m. Capt. Sylvester Healey; r. Th. 7, Archibald G., (3d), b. Dec. 22, '18 ; m. Harriet Kelloch, July 24, '39 ; r. S. Th. 8, Lucretia M., b. April 22, '22 ; m. Capt. Edward Long. 9, Rebecca M., born Sept. 30, '23 ; m. Artemas W. Wall, Sept. 15, '44. Asa's ch. 1, Mary J., b. March 17, '24; d. Sept. 14, '26. 2, Asa F., b. Aug. 17, '25 ; r. S. Th., acarpenter. 3 & 4, twins, b. May 17 '27 ; OUver, r. Cal., Eliza P., m. Charles G. Snelling ; r. S. Th. 5 Abby, b. May 21, '29 ; m. Frank Parker, r. S. Th. 6, Samuel P-, \> April 16, '31 ; m Rachel Boyd, Oct. 1, '54 ; r. S. Th., a trader ; rein Seattle, Washington Territory. 7, Thomas P., b. Nov. 8, '36 ; r. S Th., a stone-cutter. Fourth G eneration . George W.'s ch. 1, d. April 15, '26. 2, Caroline M.i b March 13, '28 ; d. Nov. 22, '46 3 & 4, twins, b. ab. 1832, Capt. Joseph A., r- S. Th.; lost with his vessel, schr. Leo, Dec, 1862 ; Francis T., m. Ellen D. Duncan, May 13, '62 ; r. S. Th., a mariner, en tered U. S. Navy. 5, William H., b. ab. '35 ; r. S. Th., a joiner. Capt. John M.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Helen A., b. AprU 2, '39 ; m. JuUus A Litchfield; r. Rock., and d. April 19, '59. 2, John H., b. July 9, '41 ; r. Boston. 3, N. 'Almeda, r. Brewer. Hezekiah P.'s ch. Charles S., b. March 16, 1844. Archibald G. (3d's), ch. 1, WilUam A., b. April 21, 1841. 2, Min- gerson. 3, a daughter, r. Indiana. 4, Archibald, b. Jan., 1846, died Oct. 27, '47. 5, Esther L., b. July, 1848, d. Sept. 1850- Samuel F.'s ch. 1, Louisa, b. '55- 2, Anna, b. April, '56, d. June 17, '62. 3, Abbie F., b. ab. '57. 4, Arthur, b. ab. '59. Fifth Generation. Francis T.'s ch. 1, Willie Linwood, b. Aug. 9, & d. Aug. 30, 1863. COOMBS, Hosea, b. in Islesboro', Me., Dec 15, 1811 ;• m- Harriet 16* 186 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Drinkwater of Northport, Dec. 15, '39 ; r. Rock., a blacksmith. Thatcher, a brother, also c. here, r. & d. Rock., & Almira, his widow, also d. here Sept. 16, '64. Hosea's ch. 1, Hosea Ensign, b. Aug. 11, '41 ; soldier of 4th Me. reg. 2, Harriet T., b. Jan. 29, '43. 3, Otis D., b. Aug. 15, '46. 4, Charles S., b. ab. '49. 5, Eva M., b. ab. '51. 6. Ada A., b. ab. '58. Thatcher's ch. 1, Faustina A., b. ab. 1842. 2, Sylvena A., b. ab. 44; m Llewellyn R. Smith of Portland, July 1, '64. 3, Daniel P., b. ab '46. 4, Fields F., b. ab. '53. COOMBS, Levi G., b.Feb. 17, 1813, in Vinalhaven ; m. 1st, Maria F., who d July 15, '44, 2d, Catharine ; r. S. Th , a shoema ker, & d. July 5, '61. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary E., b. July 25, 1835. 2, Ann Maria, b. July 20, '37 ; m. Joshua Marshall of Cam., 1852. 3, Arethusa T., b. Sept. 17, '39 ; m. Wm. R. Jacobs, i. Rock. 4, Charles T., b. Nov. 16, 1840 5, Levi A., b. -April 10, '42 ; a shoe maker, soldier of 2d Me. Reg. 6, Bertha C, b. ab. '45. 7, Cora, b. ab. '50. 8, Ada K., b. ab. '58. COOMBS, Abraham B., b. ab 1824, probably also from Vinalhav en; r. with Mary A., his wife, in S. Th., a carpenter. Their ch. Julia F., b. ab. 1859. COOPER, Benjamin, b. 1757, c, from Cambridge, Mass.; m. Lydia Bartlett; settled S. Th., and d. April 19, 1843; a. 86. His wife d. May 2, 1 821, a. 67. Theirch. 1, Mary, d. unm. 2, Lydia, m. JohnHeald, Oct. 30, '17; r. and d. Hope. 3, Priscilla, m. Johnson Pillsbury ; rem. Wisconsin. 4, Benjamin, (2d), m Hannah Pillsbury, p April 2, 1808 ; r. Morrill, Me. 5, Abigail, b. 1785 ; m. Ralph Chapman ; r. S. Th. & d. April 9, 1859. 6. William, d. young. 7, George B., b. Dec. 16, 1789; m. Sarah R. Killsa, p M. 19, 1818 ; r. S.Th , & d. July 8, 1858. 8, Han nah, m Charles Dyer; r. S. Th. 9, Susan, m. Charles Sherman, Aug. 11, 1816; r. Hope. 10, Sarah, m. 1st, Capt. Nathaniel Sleeper, 2d, Hiram Brewster ; r. Rock. Benjamin, (2d's). ch. 1, Rhoda, r- Morrill. 2, Mary, m. 1st, Jos. Frost, 2d, Fletcher ; r. Morrill. 3, Almira, m. & r. Morrill. 4, Fidelle, m. & r. Boothbay. 5, Lydia, m. Bailey, in the west. 6, Hannah, m. Phinehas Pillsbury. 7, Benjamin, (3d), m. r. & d. Morrill. 8, William, m. & r. Morrill. George B.'s ch. 1, Nancy H., b. Dec. 7, 1818; r. S. Th. 2, Eliza B., b. April 15, '20; m. Oliver H Perry; r. Rock. 3, George B., (2d), b. March 28, '22 ; d. at sea. 4, John Edward, b. Jan. 14, '24, d. May 5, '31. 5, Richard B., b May 2, '26, d. July 29, '46. 6. Lois K., b. April 21, '28 ; m. Geo. Hall, (2d) ; r. S. Th. 7, Sarah, b. Feb 10, '30 j m. Edward C. Spalding; r. S. Th. 8. Capt. Edward B., r S, Th. COOPER, Leonard, b in Pittston, Me. ; m. Sarah Longfellow ; & came from Windsor to Th. Their ch. 1, Mary. 2, Caroline, m. Ab ner Mitchell ; r. Windsor. 3, Elvira, m. Caleb Buckland, and died Dec. 27, '52. 4, Hiram. 5, Sarah, m. Charles Woodcock ; r. & died Th. 6, Leonard, (2d), m. Jane E. WaUace, Oct. 7, '56 ; r. Th. 7, Elizabeth, m. Edward Gould of Bangor. 8, Octavia, m. Charles Woodcock; r. Th. 9, Hannah, m. Henry Howes of Belfast. 10, Melissa Ann, b. June 28, 1841. COOPER, Thomas W., b. ab. 1826, in Montville ; m. Ursula J. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 187 Stevens ; ? i. Rock., a Uvery stable keeper. Their ch. Marcellus A , b. ab. 1835 ; r. Rockland. COPELAND ; of the sons of Nathaniel of W., (for family in full, see annals of Warren). 1. Rev. Nathaniel, m. Lydia A. Philbrook, was dismissed from the Albion and received by Th. Bapt church, Peb. 4, 1854, and has been an evangelist since in various places. 2, Chas., m. andr. in WTarren. 3, Capt Oliver, m r. & d. in Warren. 4, Capt. John, b Feb. 29, 1792 ; m. Lucy Malcolm of C; r. Th., a hotel- keeper, deputy sheriff, '33 & '34, &c; d. May 30, '62. 3, Moses, b. Jan. 6, 1801 ; m. Sarah Andrews of W., Sept. 23, '27 ; r. Th., a tanner, &c ; rem. S Th. Rev. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Rev. William H., m. Lucinda Loyd ; r. S. Berwick, a Baptist minister. 2, Mary, d. in Albion. 3, Nathaniel, m. Lydia Lowe ; r. Th., a ship joiner ; rem Conn. 4, Almira, m. Cyrus Shaw, r. and d. China, Me. 5, Oliver E , b. ab. 1831, m. Re becca J. Fulmer of C , p. Oct. 11, '54; r. Th., a joiner, soldier, &c. 6, John, a soldier, in the army. 7, Mary, m. Jos. Denton ; r. East Boston. Of Charles's ch. there c. here; 1, Lieut. Leroy, b. in W. ab. 1819 ; m. Rachel Copeland of W., r. Th. ; a ship carpenter, officer in 21st regiment, &c. Capt. Oliver's ch. 1, Edwin, b. 1821, d. Sept. £8, '25. 2, Maria, b. ab. 1823 ; m. S. Emerson Smith, Esq., r. Th. 3, George, m. Mary F. Munroe, Dec. 1, '53 ; r. Th. 4, Mary Jane, r. Th. By 2d wife. 5, Adelia Lois, b. ab. 1831, d Jan. 5, '54. Capt. John's ch. 1, Sarah A., b. Nov. 16, '25, d. Oct. 9, '30. Moses's ch. 1, John Lewis, b. Sept. 6, 1829 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, brick manufacturer, &c. 2, Mary Ann, b. July 24, '30 ; m. Capt. Thomas Williams ; r. S. Th. 3, Horatio G., b. Feb. 4, '34 ; m. Han nah F. Hathorn, Oct. 24, '55 ; r. S. Th., a brick manufacturer, car penter, &c. OUver E.'s ch. 1, Frederic E., b. ab. 1856. 2, George A , b. ab. '57. 3, Mary, b. '59. Leroy's ch. ], Augusta C, b. ab. 1848. 2, Hilliard L., b. ab. '52. 3, AmeUa J., b. ab. '56. George's ch. 1, Lizzie, b. May, 1855, d. Nov. 10, '59. 2, Charles, b. ab. '59. Horatio G.'s ch. 1, Flora A., b. ab. 1857. 2, Frederic. CORBET, Charles B., b. ab. 1835 ; r. with Caroline, his wife, in Rock., 1860 ; a shoemaker. Theirch. Carrie E., b. ab. 1858. CORELL, Ezekiel, b. ab. 1820; m. Susan ; r.. Rock, in '60; a mariner. Their ch. 1, Harriet A., b. ab. 1848. 2, Sarah F„ b. ab. '50. 3, Mary E., b. ab. '52. 4, Susan A., b. ab. '54. 5, Elvira, b. ab. '57. CORSON, Henry, b. ab. 1804; r. Rock., a .gardener, in I860; with Annie his wife. Their ch. Susan J., b. ab. 1845. Of this name, also, Elisha H., jr., b. ab. 1829; perhaps a son of preceding ; m. Cyrena Richards ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Frances E., b. ab. 1852. 2, Charles H., b. ab. '55. 3, Anson F., b. ab. '57. 4, Amos O., b. ab. '58. 5, Flora A., b. ab. '60. CORTHELL, Rev. William, son of Jonathan of Cam.; m. Sarah A. Allen of Th.; p. Nov. 30, '48 ; r. Th., a printer, &c; rem. & became' a Baptist minister, being ordained at S. Waldoboro', March 4, '57. 188 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, COTHRELL, Daniel L., b. ab. 1804 ; r. with Bethia his wife, in Rock.; a caulker. COTTAR, WUUam, b. ab. 1806, in Ireland, m. Ellen Rock. Their ch. 1, William, (2d), b. Aug. 1832, d. March 27, '58- 2, Patrick, b. ab. 1835 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, James, b. April 3> '40 ; r. Rock., a mariner, enlisted in U. S. Navy. 4, Ellen, b. April 5, '42. 5, John, b. ab. '45. 6, Michael, b. ab. '51. COTTON, Oliver M., b. ab. 1822; m. Mary Clough of Cam., r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Joseph C, b. ab. 1841; a mariner, enlisted in U. S. Navy. 2, Diana J., b. ab. '43. 3, WiUiam J., b. ab. '46. 4, Susan, b. ab. '51. 5, Rebecca, b. ab. '53. 6, Mary M., b. ab. '56. 7, Carrie E., b. ab. '60. Of this name, also, Horatio Q., perhaps a brother to Oliver M., was b. ab. 1827 ; m. Emma ; r. Rock., a painter. Their ch. Eliza A., b. ab. 1849. COUNCE, Samuel, b. 1741 ; m. Hannah Sumner ; c from Milton, Mass.; r. Warren, and d. March 12, 1800. His widow d. June 23, 1817, a. 80. Their ch. 1, Lemuel, b. in Milton, Nov. 25, 1760 ; m. Hannah Davis; r. Warren, and d. July 24, 1802. 2, Hannah, b. Sept. 17, '63, in Milton ; m. Josiah Ingraham, r. Rock , and d. June 29, '42. 3, Jacob, m. Sarah Bachelder, p. July 9, '96; r. C, & d. Jan. 18, 1832. 4, Mary, b. Feb. 1766, r. Rock., & d. Nov. 5, 1849. 5, Eunice, b. Jan. 5, '71, r. W., & d. April 6, 1853. 6, John Holland, b. June 2, '76 ; m. Kezia Jordan, Jan. 8, 1805 ; r. W., & d. March 10, 1849. For the family in full, see "Annals of Warren." Lemuel's ch. 1, Samuel, (2d), b. 1788; m. Sarah Payson, 1808; r. W., & d. Oct. 1852. 2, Jacob, b. 1790 ; drowned at sea, about '07. 3, Edward, d. young, of canker-rash. 4, Rufus C, b. June 8, 1795 ; m. Lucy Healy Spear, June 5, 1820 ; r. Th., a ship builder, &c. 5, Ju- dah, b. June 16, 1797 ; m. Hannah Smith of C. ; r. C. & d. Phila delphia, Oct. 1843. 6, Lemuel, (2d), died in infancy. Of John H.'s ch., the 5th, Capt. Edwin S., b. ab. 1822 ; m. Sarah Alice Scrivener of Topsham, March, '50 ; rem. Th. ; built the house on Knox st. now occupied by Amos Walker, & d. Dec. 10, '54. His widow m. 2d, Lewis T. Merrow of Bowdoinham, Peb. 12, '58. Fourth Generation. Of Samuel, (2d)'s 9 ch., the 7th, Lemuel, (3d), b. ab. 1820 ; m. Sa rah F. Hilt, Jan. 30, '46 ; r. Rock., Superintendant of the city poor farm, &c. Rufus C.'s ch. 1, Rufus Harvey, b. Aug. 19, 1821 ; m. Sarah P. Edgarton, June 3, '46 ; r. Th., a carver, &c. 2, Lucy Ann, b. Sept. 10, '22; m. Capt. Elkanah Stackpole; r. Th. 3, Barnabas Webb, b. Sept. 22, '24; m. Mary S. AVard of Spencer, Mass., Nov. 7, '55; r. Th., a merchant, &c. 4, Emily Spear, b. March 17, 1827 ; m. Elisha Linnell; r. Th. 5, Richard Spear, b. Dec. 24, '28, d. May 5, '33. Of Judah's ch., \, John, a mariner, r. Th. ; 2, Edwin R., m. Mary Eliza Fales, Aug. 13, '64 ; r. Th., enlisted in U. S. navy. Capt. Edwin S.'s ch. 1, Frederic E., b. April 10, 1851. 2, Charles E., b. June 8, 1852. Fifth Generation. Lemuel, (3d)'s ch. 1, Azira M., b. ab. 1848. 2, Lucy F., b. July 5, '58, d. June 18, '63. 3, Clifford. COWING, Daniel, b. in Lisbon, Me., June 18, 1796 ; c. hither, m. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 189 Dolly Ulmer, Jan. 17, 1822, 2d, Mrs. Sarah Holmes, Sept. 25, '52; r. Rock., & d. Feb. 13, '61. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Jane E„ b. July 22, '22, d. Oct. 29, '33. 2, Susan, b. July 24, '24, d. Sept. 14, '40. 3, CaroUne Ann, b. May 23, '27; in. Capt. Orrin P. Mitchell ; r. Rock. 4, Daniel, (2d), b. June 5, '29, probably d. young. 5, Andrew C, b. Feb. 8, 1832. 6, Harrison U., b. March 15, '34, sergeant in 4th Me. reg., killed July 1, '62, near Richmond, Va. 7, Christiana I., b. July 3„'36, d. March 18, '56. 8, Edmund S , b. July 20, '40 ; r. Rock., a teamster. 9, Lucy J., b. Oct. 31, 1842 ; m, Charles H. Waldron of Frankfort, Oct. 3, 1863. COX, Capt. John, c. from Nobleboro' ; m. Susan Robinson, July 9, 1844 ; r. Th , & d. It is believed, was lost overboard on passage to Norfolk, Nov. 7, 1831. Their ch. 1, Mary E., b. June 22, 1845. 2, Susan Ann, b. Aug. 31, 1847. COX, William, b. ab. 1810, c. from Cork, Ireland, with his wife, about 1832 ; r. Rock., a gardener. His wife died June 21, 1858, in Rockland, aged 58. CRABTREE, George F., b. ab. 1822, in North Haven, adopted son of Benjamin Crabtree of that place ; m. Clementine McLoon, Nov. 13, '52 ; r. Rock., grocery merchant. Their ch. 1, Marietta, b. ab. 1854. 2, Helen, b. ab. 1855. CRAIG, Samuel L., b. ab. 1796 ; c. from Nova Scotia, a joiner, & with Sarah J., his wife, r. Rock., where their son, John L., b. Feb. 14, 1842, d. March 29, 1857 ; famUy since removed to Rockport. CRAWFORD, Capt. George W., b. April 3, 1806, son of Capt. James & Margaret (Rivers) Crawford of Warren ; m. Mary B. Leeds, Nov. 3, 1833 ; followed the sea, rem. Th., where, after residing a time in Illinois, he carried on an iron foundry, &c, and died May 4, 1860. Their ch. 1, William C, b. March 27, 1835 ; m. Catharine L. Jame son; r. Th., an iron founder. 2, George M., b. Sept. 15, '37 ; r. Th., I foundry man. 3, Mary L., b. Oct. 10, '39, d. Feb. 12, '42. 4, Mary L., b March 28, '43, d. April 19, '57. 5, Emma CaroUne, b. May 24, '45, d. July 12, '47. 6, John L., b. May 9, '47. 7, Emma L., b. April 7, '49. 8, Eliza L., b. Nov. 6, '50. 9, Spofford J. L., b. May 17, '53. CRAWFORD, Oliver, son of Dea. Archibald & Eleanor (Parsons) Crawford of Warren ; r. many years in Th., a joiner ; m. Betsey, dau. of Lieut. Isaac Bartlett of Cam., Dec. 15, 1825, 2d, EUza Sargent; rem. South with his family and died in Apalachicola, Fla. CRAWFORD, Capt. Rufus C, b. ab. 1832, son of Charles, Esq., of Searsmont ; came to Th. ; m. Isabella P. Edgarton, Aug. 7, 1849 ; since removed, it is believed. Their ch. 1, Charles E., b. April 29, '50. 2, Alfred, b. ab. 1853. CRAWFORD, Isaac, b. 1801, in Ireland; m. Rachel Rinds, Nov. 14, '22 ; r. Th., & d. April 4, '41. Their'ch. 1, Margaret A., b. June 11, '23 ; m. Henry P. Wethaby of Grafton, Sept. 3, '43. 2, Deborah, b. '24, d. Nov. 25, '25. 3, Leanora L., b. Dec. 26, '25. 4, Isaac W., b. March 8, '27 ; 5, Catharine, b. Dec. 19, '29 ; 6, Joseph H., b. Feb. 27, & d. March 8, '31 ; 7, John, b. April 2. '32 ; 8, Charles, b. Dec. 3, '33 ; 9, Almeda, b. March 5, '36 ; 10, Emerson F., b. July 5, '38 ; 11, Nathaniel, b. April, '41 ; rem. with their mother to Buffalo, N. Y. CREEGAN, Patrick, b. ab. 1810, in the North of Ireland; m. Margaret Hanly ; i.Th. Theirch. 1, Mary, died young. 2, Peter, tdied in 1859. 190 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, CRESSY, John, b. in New York, Oct. 1815 ; m. Lovina H. Nutt, Dec. 25, '39 ; r. Rock , a lime burner, &c. Their ch. 1, William Thurlo, b. March 5, 1842; m. Betsey Ann Burns of Albion, March 8, '64 ; r. Rock., a soldier, &c. 2, Aurelius W., b. Oct. 28, '44. 3, Mary Ellen, b. Oct. 28, '51, d. Aug. 4, '54. 4, Harriet M., b. ab. '56. CRIE, (originally McCrie), John, b. in Scotland, was a soldier in a Scottish regiment at what is now Castine, & deserted toward the close of the revolutionary war, became an American citizen, and settled at Matinicus. Of his ch. 1, Eben, m. and settled at Matinicus,. 2, John, (2d), b. Feb. 12, 1788 ; r. a time in Rock., but perhaps returned to Matinicus, where Julia Ann his wife d. Aug. 30, 1858. 3, Reuben, m. and r. Matinicus. Of the ch. of Eben. 1, Hiram H., b. ab. 1825, at Matinicus ; m. Abby J. Trafton of Camden ; r. Rock., a variety merchant, &c. 2, Esther, m. Rev. Josiah T. Brown; r. Rock., rem. East Pittstou. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Isaac H., b. ab. 1831, at Matinicus; m. Mary Helen Hall of Matinicus ; r. S. Th. Others perhaps were born at Matinicus ; those recorded here were, 2, Hiram Albert, b. 1839, died April 14, '49. 3, Charles G„ b. Feb. 27, '41. 4, Eben W., b. Oct. 19, '42, d. Aug. 12, '49. 5, Sarah A., b. Feb. 1849, d. Aug. 29, '50. 6, Julietta, b. 1850, d. Dec. 29, '56. Reuben's ch. 1, Reuben F., b. ab. 1841 ; m. Floretta E. Tolman; is clerk in the 2d Maine Battery. Hiram H.'s ch. 1, Alzira L.. b. ab. 1851. 2, Mary S., b. ab. '53. 3, Rufus A., b. ab. '55. 4, Henry A., b. May 28, '57, d. July 23, '58. 5 & 6, twins, b. March 25, '60, Alfred K., d. Aug. 22, '61 ; Hiram A., r. Rockland. CREIGHTON, David, one of the first Scotch Irish settlers, m. and r. W., and was kiUed by the Indians in the war of 1744 at the old Port here. Their ch. 1, Abraham, probably d. young. 2, Samuel, m. Lucretia HoweU, of Bridgewater, r. W. where he d. by drowning, Nov. 10, 1783. 3, David, (2d), b. in Upper St. Georges, now W., Jan. 2, 1736 ; m. Mary Gamble, Dec. 19, 1770, according to town rec ord, but 1769, county records ; r. Th. and d. Aug. 29, 1811. Of Sam uel's ch. 1, John, b. March 24, 1774; m. Joanna Jordan, Oct. 2, 1803 ; r. and. d. W. Por the Samuel branch in full, see Annals of Warren. . David's ch. 1, Samuel, (2d), b. Oct. 3, 1771 ; m. Susanna Davis, p. May 12, 1798 ; r. at the Meadows; andd. Sept. 19, 1832. 2, David, (3d), b. May 18, 1772 ; d. unm. in Jan., 1843. 3, Mary, b. Feb. 27, 1774 ; m. James Gordon of Cam., p. May 3, 1792. 4, James Glas- cow, b. Nov. 7, 1775 ; a mariner, d. unm. ab. 1833. 5, Robert, born Sept. 5, 1777 ; d. unm. 6, Nancy, b. Sept 11, 1785 ; r. Th. and died June 6, 1855. 7, Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1 1, 1788, m. Elijah Ripley of Hope ; d. in autumn of 1859, Fourth Generation. Of John's ch., there came to Th. 1, Capt. Ebenezer, b. ab. 1812; m. Mary Adaline Robinson, A. 29, '35 ; rem. Th., built house on Main street, in '60; & d. Aug. 4, '63. 2, Capt. James A., b. about 1821j m. Emily Meservey, Jan. 1, 1849 ; r. T., a master mariner, wholesale merchant, &c. Samuel, (2d)'s ch. 1, James, m. Mary (Robinson) Jenks, July 29, 1824; r. Th. & d. in the South, June, 1840. 2, Jane.m. Simeon Dun bar ; r. Th. 3, Henry, b. in 1795 ; married Candace Brown, Oct. 22, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 191 1826.; r. Th. and d. June 27, '45. 4, Eunice, m. Edward Blacking ton ; r. Th. & d. Dec. 1842. 5, WilUam, a sufferer from epUepsy, d. in 1822 or '3. Fifth Generation. Capt. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Ebenezer J., b. ab. 1840. 2, Emily J., b. '42, d. Feb. 4, '54. Capt. James A's ch. 1, Emma, b. ab. 1850. 2, Clara, b. ab. '51. 3, James Edwin, b. April 30, '53, d. Sept. 14, '54. 4, Harriet b. ab. '55. 5, John. 6, EUzabeth. James's ch. 1, Sarah F., b. July 20, 1825 ; m. John L. Johnson ; r. Th. 2, Orris L., b. March 29, '28, d. April 20, 1838. 3, Ann S., b. July 13, '30 ; m. George W. Standish of W., Nov. 6, '50 ; r. Th. 4, Medora B., b. AprU 13, '32. Henry's ch. 1, Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1827. 2, Margaret, b. June 30, 1830; both rem., it is beheved, to Mass. 3, WilUam, b. March 9, '32, d. March 9, '35. 4, Almira, b. April 22, '33, died Jan. 16, 1835. 5. Sarah, b. Jan. 12, '37, removed Mass. or elsewhe e. 6, Julia Ann, adopted by A. Rice, Esq., and name changed to Rice, March 24, '53 ; Bee Rice family. 7, Cleora, b. Oct. 9, '42 ; rem. Mass. CREIGHTON, James, b. ab. 1824; m. Martha J. ; r. Rock., a teamster. Their ch. 1, Lucy J., b. ab. 1846. 2, John F., b. ab '48. 3, James S., b. ab. '51. CROCKETT, Jonathan, horn at Falmouth, now Portland, July 2, 1741, O. S. ; m. EUonai Robbins, Jan. 18, 1763 ; was one of the first settlers of what is now Rockland, and died April 20, 1829, aged 88. His brother Nathaniel came 1st to Vinalhaven, thence to Ash Point, S. Th., where he was one of the first settlers ; m. Eunice Cooper ; & died in Ohio. Jonathan's ch. 1, John, b. Oct. 28, 1765 ; m. Rebecca Blackington, p. Jan. 31, 1789; i. Rock., and died in 1807. 2, Jonathan, (2d), b. 11 Aug. 24, 1768, d. Oct. 6, 1775. 3, Benjamin A., b. April 26, 1771 ; m. Eunice Crockett, p. Dec. 23, 1793 ; r. Rock., & d. March 3, 1813, 4, Enos, b. Nov. 6, 1773, d. Oct. 11, 1775. 5, Otis, b. June 21, 1776, d. May 7, 1777. 6, William, b. Feb. 23, 1778, d. April 24, 1798. 7, Dea. David, (2d), Esq., b. March 13, 1780 ; m. AbigaU Crockett, Jan. 26, 1804 ; r. Rock., a master mariner, &c, and d. June 13, 1854. 8, Robert J., born Dec. 3, 1782; m. Dorcas Holmes, July 23, 1805; r. Rock., andd. Aug. 31, 1849. 9, George, b. July 6, 1785; d. at sea. 10, Elionai, b. Nov. 9, 1788, d. Sept. 25, 1800. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Lucy, b. Aug. 3, 1772; m. Nathaniel Emery ; rem. and died in Unity. 2, Eunice, b. Feb. 17, 1775 ; m. Benjamin Crockett ; rem. and d. in Ohio. 3, Margaret, b. in Vinalhaven, Nov. 22, 1776 ; m. Thomas Rendell ; and d. in Ohio. 4, Capt. David, m. Sarah Heard, Dec. 29, 1803 ; d. in New York. ¦ 5,' Thomas, m. SaUy Godding, Oct. 10, 1805; r. Rock., and d. May 18, 1816. 6, Lydia, m. David Wooster of N. H. 7, Capt. Jonathan, (3d), b. 1780 ; m. Catharine Ulmer, March 3, 1803 ; r. Rock. ? and died June 12, 1851. 8, Jane, b. Jan. 15, 1786 ; m. Benjamin Packard, (2d) ; r. & d. at Ash Point, S. Th. 9, Nathaniel, (2d), b. Dec. 26, 1787 ; died at Bea. 10, Asa, b. Feb. 15, 1790; m. Miriam Keating, p. Jan. 1, 1817 ; rem. and i. in Ohio. 11, Enos, (2d), b. April 16, 1793 ; m. Lydia McLoon, p. April 30, 1818, 2d, Mrs. Leadbetter of Line, rem. and r. on a farm in Lrncolnville. 12, Mary, b. 1795, d. young. 13, Capt. James, b. April <9> 1798; m. Mary Haskell, Jan. 10, 1822; rem. Ohip. 192 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Th ird Generation. • John's ch. 1, Nancy, born Dec. 10, 1789 ; m. Ephraim Perry of Vinalhaven, Nov. 15, 1818 ; r. Rock., and d. Dec. 22, 1861. 2, Hon. Knott, b. Jan. 15., 1792 ; r. Rock., was the first city mayor, president of Lime Rock Bank, one of the Fremont presidential electors, 185o, &c, and died unm., Sept. 6, 1857. 3, Rebecca, b. Jan. 13, 1794; m. Tileston Healey; i. Rock., and d Feb. 12, 1851. 4, Elionai, b. Sept. 4, 1796; m. Capt. John Lindsey; r. Rock. 5, Edward, b. Feb. 3, 1799 ; m. Harriet Spear, Nov. 20, 1821 ; r. Rock., lost at sea, March 26, 1830. 6, Sophia, b. Dec. 5, 1801 ; r. Rock. 7, George, (2d), b. March 7, 1804, died young. Benjamin's A.'s ch. 1, OUver, b. Dec. 15, 1794 ; m. Bethana Nutt of Cam., 1818; rem. up countrv. 2, Sally, b. May 7, 1796, d. April 7, 1799. 3, John, (2d), b. Dec. "6, 1797; m. Eunice Rendell of Bel mont, 1823 ; rem. Ohio. 4, Nancy, b. Nov. 21, '99 ; rem. Ohio. 5, Barbara, b. Jan. 2, 1801 ; m. Otis Barrows ; r. Rock. 6, Avis, b. June 30, 1803; m. WiUiam Bartlett of Searsmont, Dec. 31, 1826; rem. & d. Ohio. 7, Eunice, b. Nov. 25, 1804 ; m. WiUiam Rendell of Belmont; rem. Ohio. 8, Jonathan, (4th), b. Aug. 24, 1806; m. Han nah Perry, Nov. 1, 1829 ; rem. & m. 2d wife in Ohio. 9, Nath'l, (3d), b. March 18, 1808 ; m. Sally Amsbury, May 12, 1833 ; rem. Ohio. 10, Benjamin A., b. Oct. 10, 1810 ; m. Margaret S. Amsbury, July 6, 1834 ; rem. Napoleon, Ohio. 11, Enos, (3d), b. Oct. 1812, d. Peb. 1, 1813. David, Esq.'s ch. 1, Charles, b. March 19, 1804; m. 1st, Susan R. Ulmer, March 18, '27, 2d. Elethea Cobb of Warren, June 17, '55; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer, city mayor, &c. 2, Celia, b. Dec. 17, 'OS-; m. Angus GilUs, Aug. 20, '51 ; rem. Ohio. 3, Cornelia, b. Feb 20, '08 ; m. Ebenezer Brown of Cam. '25 ; r. Rock. 4, Cephas, b: Nov. 6, '11 ; m. Emily M. Cox, Jan. 19, '37 ; rem. Lincolnville. 5, Cyren- ius, b. May 18, '14 ; m. Eliza C. Holmes, p. Oct. 28, '36 ; r. Rock., a quarryman. The mother died Nov. 28, 1862, aged 80. Robert J.'s ch. 1, George, (3d), b. Dec. 5, 1805 ; m. Amanda Sim mons ; d. at sea, Aug. 25, '47 ' 2, Capt. Elijah, b. March 30, '07 ; m, Roxanna Cox, Dec 20, '27, & d. from exposure, Jan. 27, '48. 3, Eli onai, b. Aug. 16, '12; ra. Capt. George D. Wooster; r. Rock. & died Mar. 9, '47. 4, Capt. Robert, b. Oct. 5, '15; m. Lucy Achorn, Nov. 7, '39 ; r. Rock., 5, Amos H., b. June 3, '20 ; m. Salmantha Sylvester, Oct., 1845 ; r. California. 6, Mary H., b. Feb. 5, '22 ; m. Henry Brown, ; r. Rock., and d. Aug. 24, '49. Capt. David's eh. 1, Jane, b. Nov. 3, 1804; m. Nathan Pillsbury. 2, Lucy H., b. May 11, '06 ; married Charles Spalding; r. S. Th. 3, Sarah, b. July 30, '07, d. Feb. 3, '40. 4, Thomas C, b. Nov. 15, '08; jr. S. Th., in fish business. 5, Moses H., b. June la, '10; m. Han nah Spalding, Dec' 23, "30; r. ft- d. S. Th. ? 6, Abigail H., b. Dec. 15, '11; m. Stephen Foster; r. S. Th. 7, David A., b. Aug. 19,'13; m. Eliza D. Rowell, Jan. 18, '43 ; r. S. Th., a butcher, &c. 8, Wil liam H., b. Sept. 2, '14; m. Harriet Heard, Nov. 6, '42; r. S. Th., boarding house keeper, &c. 9, Eunice C, b. Aug. 7, '17, d. July 7, '39. 10, Margaret H., b Nov. 17, ' 19 ; m. Nathan Witham ; r. S, Th. Capt. Jonathan, (3d)'s ch. 1, James, (2d), b. March 19, 1803 ; m. Mary Spofford, Oct. 20, '25 ; r. Mt. Desert, 2, Hannah, b, Oct. 5, '04, d. Jan. 27, '05. 3, Capt Jonathan, (5th), b. April 10, *Q6 ; m, Nancy Spear, p. Jan. 21, '26; died Dec. 27, '45, at Havana when returning from Europe in command of ship Medora. 4, Capt, John,. (3d), bora ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. I93 Nov. 3, '08 ; m. 1st, Margaret Watson, 2d, Mary A. Carle of Cam., 1839 ; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer, &c. 5, Capt. Asa, (2d), born Dec. 7, '10 ; m. 1st, Pamelia Lovejoy, Aug. 27, 1831, 2d. Elvira Rob bins, July 16, '43 ; r. Rock, a lime manu'r, &c. 6, Capt. Nath'l, (4th), b. Jan. 17, '13; m. Lucy Ames, March 5, '35; r. Rock. 7, Enos, (4th), b. June 29, '15; married Mary J. Pitts, of U., '38; r. Rock., a photographist. 8, Jacob, b. Oct. 11, '17 ; d. July 22, '29. 9, Catha rine C, b. Dec. 25, '19; m. John T. Berry; r. Rock. 10, Sylvanus C, b. April 6, '23, d. Oct. 7, '41. 11, Mary Nancy, b. Aug. 15, '25 ; m. John P. Wise ; r. Rock. 12, Lucy M.( b. Oct. 20, '28 ; m. Jabez B. Greenhalgh; r. Rock. Of Asa's ch. who mostly rem. Ohio, 1, DeUnsha, mar. Ivory W. Holbrook of R. July 15, 1860. Enos, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary, b. Feb. 26, 1819 ; m. Gen. Wm. H. Tit comb, Jan. 4, '44 ; r. Rock. Capt. James's ch. 1, George, (4th), b. Feb. 8, 1823 ; 2, Almira, b. March 16, '24 ; 3, Josiah, b. March 9, '26 ; 4, Nathaniel, (5th), b. Dec. 21, '27 ; 5, Edwin, b. Feb. 2, '29 ; aU rem. to Ohio. Fourth Generation. Capt. Edward's ch. 1, Rebecca, b. Jan. 28, 1824 ; m. Simon W. Litchfield ; & d. March 15, '49. ' OUver's ch. 1, Asa, (3d), b. Aug. 18, 1819 ; rem. & m. in Ohio. 2, Martha, b. May 13, '21 ; 3, Mary, b. Feb. 10, '23 ; 4, Oliver, (2d), b. Feb. 1, '25 ; 5, Bethana, b. Sept. 20, '27; 6, Ruth, b. Aug. 1, '29 ; all rem. up country. John, (2d)'s, ch 1, Maria B.,b. March 30, 1824; 2, Albina, b. May 1, '27 ; 3, Adelia, b. Feb, 19, '29 ; all rem. Ohio. Capt. Jonathan, (4th)'s, ch. 1, Nancy H., b. July .21, 1826 ; m. Hiram B. WiUiams of Belfast, Nov. 16, '45 ; r. Bangor. 2, Amanda S., b. Aug. 26, '28 ; m. Capt. Geo. W. Brown ; r. Rock. 3, Evehne, b. May 26, '31; m. 1st, J. M. Murphy, May 28, '50 ; rem. andm., 2d, in the South. 4, Wm. Edward, b. April 21, '34; m. H. Jane Mar shal, July 8, '54 ; r. Rock . a shopkeeper. 5, Medora, r. Rock. 6, Albert T., b. ab. '44 ; r. Rock., enlisted in U. S. Navy. Nathaniel, (3d)'s, ch. 1, Edward, b. April 18, 1836 ; 2, Arthur, b. Oct. 1837 ; both rem. to Ohio. 3, Irving, b. March 18, '39 ; d. Feb. 29, 1840. Benjamin A.'s ch. 1, Benjamin, rem. Ohio. 2, OUver A, b. 1835, d. Nov. 2, '58, at Maumee City, Ohio. Charles's ch. by 1st wife. 1. Alden, b. Sept. 27, 1830 ; m., in Ohio, Nellie V. Conner ; enlisted in 4th Me. Reg ; became division wagon master. 2, George, 5th, b. March 15, '32 ; d. Rock., Dec. 4, '47. 3, Frederic, b. March 13, '36; m. Caroline T. Knowlton ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Charles R., b. March 12, andd March 17, '42. 5, Caro Une D., b. ab. '44. 6, Ella S., b. ab. '47. 7, Charles F., b. ab. '50. By 2d wife. 8, William L., b. Oct. 25, '56. 9, Stanley, b. Feb. 19, '59; d. Nov. 10, '60. Cephas.s ch. 1, Adriel, b. March 11, 1838 ; 2, Abby, b. Oct. 15, '39; 3, Elizabeth R., b. Feb. 10, '40 ; all' rem. Lincolnville. Cyrenius's ch. 1, Warren L., b. May 26. 1837 ; m. Sylvania Sher er, Oct. 29, '59 ; j. Rock., a mariner. 2, Franklin, b. Aug. 6, '38 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Alfred, b. Oct. 30, '39 ; r. Rock., a mariner, r enlisted in U. S. Navy. 4, David Edwin, b. Feb. 1842 ; r. Rock., a I mariner. 5, Adelaide, b. ab. '45. 6, Sarah, b. ab. '53. Vol. II. 17 194 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, George, (3d)'s, ch. David G., h. Nov. 11, 1841, d. Oct. 1, '42. EUjah's ch. 1, James F., b. May 15, '28, d. July 28, '56, of yellow fever, when mate of bark Hanson Gregory. 2, Capt. Elijah D., b« April 20, '30 ; m. Caroline E. Achorn, Aug. 30, '57 ; r. Rock. 3, Alexander C, b. Aug. 25, '32 ; r. Rock., entered the U. S. Navy. 4, ¦ Harriet, b. Oct. 17, '34 ; m. Knott Rankin, r. Rock. 5, Amanda E., b. Sept. 2, '37- 6, Mary B., b. June 1, '40 ; m. Joseph H. Kalloch ; r. Rock. 7, Jennie C, b. April 23, '43 ; m. Capt. W. W. Achorn; r. Rock. 8, Frances H., h. Aug." 23, '46. Capt. Robert's ch. 1, Amos F., b. July 16, 1840 ; r. Rock., a W. I. goods dealer. 2, Charles Albert, b. Nov. 16, '42 ; r. Rock. 3, George E., b. July 2, '45, d. Feb. 13, '58. 4, Robert H., b. April 29, 1849. 6, Arthur, b. May 4, '54. 6, Louisa, b. Feb. 21, '59. Moses H.'s ch. 1, Capt. WilUam S., b. Oct. 4, 1831; m. Abigail Hayden, Nov. 4, '53 ; r. S. Th. 2, Moses H., (2d), b. Dec. 5, 1833 ; d. at N. Y., March 13, '50. 3, Norman L., enlisted in the army. David A.'s ch. 1, Oliver H., b. ab. 1844. 2, Sarah Jane, b. ab. '50. William H.'s ch. 1, WilUam Henry, b. March, 1843, d. Aug. 26, '44. 2, Oscar, b. ab. '45. 3, Frederic, b. ab. '47. 4, Lizzie, b. ab. '49. 5, Laura A., b. ab. '51. 6, Francis, b. ab. '53. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Ann Maria S., b. Dec. 11, 1826 ; m. Abner B. Weeks ; r. Rock. 2, Frances H., b. Aug. 28, 1828, d. Aug. 20, 1829. 3, Charles S., b. July 10, '30 ; m. Mary V. Flint, March 18, 1854 ; r. Rock., a mason. 4, James H., b. Aug. 21 '32, d. April 7, 1853. 5, John T., b. Jan. 27, '35; m. JuUa S. Freeman, June 3, '56; r. Rock. 6, JuUa Ada, b. Feb. 25, '37. 7, Ellen S., b. Aug. 3, '39. Capt. John, (3d)'s ch. by 1st wife, 1, Capt. William S., (2d), b. Nov. or Feb. 17, 1828 ; m. Desire E. Rankin ; i. Rock. 2, John, (4th), b. Oct. 28, '30. 3, Eliza W., b. Aug. 20, '32 ; m. George L. Smith, '51 ; i-. Rock. By 2d wife. 4, Sylvanus, b. May 18, '42; r. Rock., a mariner. 5, Alice, b. ab. 1853. Capt. Asa, (2d)'s ch. 1, Hannibal, b. Mar. 3, 1834, d. Rock. Jan. 3, '53. 2, Delileia, b. Oct. 5, 1835, d. July 31, 1837. 3, Imogene, b. May 11, 1837. 4, Jonathan, (6th), b. Nov. 23, 1839; m. Melissa A. Dean, May 12, '60 ; r. Rock., a tin plate worker; entered U. S. army. 5, Stephen D., b. March 26, d. Sept. 6, '42. By 2d wife. 5, Charles M., b. ab. '49. 6, Caroline O., b. ab. '51. Capt. Nathaniel, (4th)'s ch. 1, Pembroke, b. July 9, 1835 ; rem. California. 2, Lieut. Edgar, b. Dec. 6, '37 ; r. Rock., a mariner; offi cer in co. D, U. S. Sharpshooters, 3, Cleaveland, b. ab. '43. 4, Cath arine U., b. ab. '47. Enos, (3d)'s ch. 1, Frank H., b. ab. 1845. 2, Alfred, b. ab. 1846. 3, Eliza J., b. ab. '47. 4, Mary W., b. ab. '52. 5, Fannie, b. ab. '56. Fifth Generation. Alden's ch. Brenda, b. Sept. 3, 1854, d. March 15, 1857. Frederic's ch. 1, Eugene, b. ab. 1855. 2, Albert, b. ab. 1859. Capt. Elijah's ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1859. 2, Willie, b. Sept. 2, '61. d. July 16, 1863. Capt. William S.'s ch. 1, Alice Dell, h. April 17, 1854. 2, George B., b. Sept. 13, 1856. 3, Luther H., b. April 14, 1858. Charles S.'s ch. Charles A., b. ab. 1859. Capt. William S., (2d)'s ch. 1, Ida V., b. ab. 1854. 2, AVilliam, b. ab. 1857. 3, Margaret E., b. ab. 1859. Jonathan, (6th)'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. July 22, 1861, Wilbert Clif ford, d. Sept. 25, & Herbert Alton, d. Sept. 27, 1861. 3, Clifford R. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 195 CROCKETT, George W., of a different family, came from Vinal haven; m. Ann Lindsey of Fox Islands; r. Rock., and died at sea. Their ch. 1, Capt. Augustine W., b. ab. 1828 ; m. Harriet L. Hall, p. Aug. 10 '49 ; r. Rock. 2, George H., b. March 13, & d. Aug. 19, 1834. 3, Mary E., b. June 18, '36. 4, George H., b. Jan. 30, '38 ; corporal in 23d Mass. Reg., d. at Newbern, N. C, April 20, '62 ; much beloved by aU his company. 5, James A., b. Nov. 18, '41. Capt. Augustine W.'s ch. Marietta, b. ab. 1854. CROCKER, Capt. John, b. ab. 1807 ; came from Machias ; m. Mary J. Croner, April 13, '30 ; r. Rock., a ship master. Their ch. 1, Al- dana C, b. Jan. 21, '31 ; m. Joseph H. D. Blake of Boston, March 6, '50, & d. 1854. 2, Niles T., b. Aug. 17, '32 ; r. Rock., enlisted in U. S. navy. 3, John L., b. May 28, '34 ; m. Mary A. Fuller, May 31, '56 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Jonathan W., b. Sept. 17, '38 ; m. An nie Spear, May 20, '63 ; r. Rock., enlisted in U. S. navy. 5, Mary C, b. ab. 1847. John L.'s ch. Jennie, b. 1856. CROCKER, Thomas, b. ab. 1820; c. from Brooksville, Me.; r. Rock., a Ume burner. CRONER, Rev. Frederic, from Germany, preached awhile at Wal doboro' ; m. there Mary Ulmer, and left the country. Their ch. 1, Catharine, b. May 14, (record blank). 2, Frederic, (2d), m. Eliza Havener, p. Sept. 26, 1808 ; r. Rock., and d. Aug. 18, '27. 3, Han nah, b. Feb. 23, (remainder of record blank). Frederic, (2d)'s ch. Mary J., b. Jan. 5, 1809 ; m. Capt. J. Crocker; r. Rockland. CROSBY, Robert, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Laura ; r. Th., a mari ner. Their ch. 1, Sarah E., b. ab. 1855. 2, Frank H., b. ab. '59. CROSS, EUas, b. ab. 1808 ; r. with Nancy his wife in S. Th, 1860. Their ch. 1, EUas F., b. ab. 1838 ; m. N. EUzabeth ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, George E., b. ab. '41 ; r. S. Th. 3, Sarah F. I., b. ab. '45; m. Stillman N. Robinson; r. S. Th. 4, Mary M., b. ab. '47. 5, Althea A., b. ab. '50. 6, William I. R., b. ab. '56. EUas F.'s ch. Roderic L., b. ab. 1859. CROSS, Josiah H., h. ab. 1815; r. with LydiaH., his wife, in Rock., 1860; a carver. CROUCH, Capt. David, b. ab. 1752, in Boston; came early to Old Th.; m. Joanna Jordan, p. May 9, 1777 ; j. S. Th., and died March 3, 1829. Their ch. 1, William, died at sea. 2, Capt. Ephraim, b. Oct. 1782 ; m. Elsie Snow, p. March 13, 1819 ; r. S. Th., and d. Aug. 24, 1858. 3, EUsha, died at sea. 4, Capt. David, (2d), b. March, 1787 ; m. Mary Phinney of Boston ; r. Rock. & d. Jan. 16, 1864. 5, Susan, m. WilUam Wheeler of St. George, p. Dec. 24, 1818. 6, Joanna, m. Nathaniel Wheeler of St. Geo., p. Dec. 5, 1820. 7, Mary, m. George Fales ; r. Th. 8, a son, died young. Capt. Ephraim's ch. 1, Susan, born May 10, 1820; m. Simon D. Graves; 1-. S. Th. 2, WiUiam, b. Sept. 17, '21, d. Jan. 15, '28. 3, Ephraim, (2d), b. Feb 17, '22, d. Nov. 27, '34. 4, John S., b. Nov. 8, '24; m. Mary A. Hatch, April 24, '55; r. Th., a rigger. 5, Mar garet S., b. Sept. 3, '27 ; m. Mortimer SarteUe in Boston. 6, Nancy M., b. May 26, '28 ; r. S. Th. 7, Elsie A., b. Nov. 5, '33, d. Nov. 15, '34. 8, Effie J., b. March 22, '36 ; r. S. Th. 9, George T., b. Sept. 18, '38, d. Feb. 15, '41. 10, Charles, b. July 19, '42 ; r. S. Th. 196 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Capt. David, (2d)'s, ch. 1, Huldah L., b, ab. 1831 ; m. Demerrick Spear; r. Rock. 2, Charlotte, b. March 8, '35, d. April, 1846. CROUCH, Alden, of a different family ; m. Mary Cox of W., p. June 18, 1803 ; r. W. and Th., & d. S. Th. His widow, b. ab. 1778, r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary, m. John Winslow, r. W. & rem. 2, Charlotte, m. & rem. 3, Capt. Alden, (2d), b. ab. 1814; m. Marg. Ingraham, Sept. 25, '42 ; r. Rock., & d. at sea in sch. Lucretia, Dee. 7, '50. 4, George, d. at sea. 5, Rebecca H., b. ab. 1822 ; m. 1st, Capt. Abraham Simonton, 2d, David M. Webster ; r. Rock. Capt.Alden's ch. 1, Mary O., h ab. 1844. 2, Alden W., b. ah. '47. 3, George W., b. ab. '50. CROWLEY, CorneUus, b. ab. 1820, in Cork, I., son of James and Mary (Ryan) Crowley; m. Catharine Callahan; r. Rock., an um brella mender, &c. James, a brother, also c. & r. Rock., with his mother. CorneUus's ch. 1, Ellen, b. 1851. 2, Mary Ann, b. '53. 3, James Henry, b. June, 1855, d. Dec, '59. 4, John, b. Feb., d. Dec. '58. 5, Catharine, b. ah. '59. CROWLEY, Michael, b. ab. 1821, c. with Ellen, his wife, from Cork Co., I.; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1848. 2, John, b. ab. '53. 3, Kate, b. ab. '55. 4, Margaret, b. ab. '57. CROWLEY, Patrick, b. ab. 1820 in Ireland, as was Mary A., his wife ; r. Rock.; a soldier of 4th Maine Reg.; d. from wounds, at Washington, May 29, '64 ; was brought home and buried with dis tinguished honors at Rock., June 23d. Their ch. James, b. ab. '59. CROWLEY, WilUam, b. ab. 1828 in Ireland, as was EUen, his wife ; r. Rock. Their ch. James, b. in Mass., ab. 1853. CUMMINGS, F. L., m. Emma A. ; r. Rock., in firm of Cables & Cummings, carriage- makers. Of their ch. Addie A., b. May, & d. Nov. 25, 1863. CUMMINGS, Levi, b. ab. 1813 ; t, with Jane H., his wife, in Rock., in 1860 ; a quarryman. Their ch. 1, Wallace, b. ab. 1846. 2, William E., b. ab. '47. CUNNINGHAM, George, b. ab. 1818 ; m. Sarah , r.Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Catharine, b. ab. 1835. 2, Sarah J.,b. ab. '41. 3, George Alonzo, b. July 17, '49, d. May 7, '64. CUNNINGHAM, Asa, b. ab. 1831; m. Priscilla Whitton, April 30, '53 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Aldana, b. ab. 1855. 2, Edgar E., b. ab. '57. * CURLING, Capt. Sanders, b. ab. 1818; in Liverpool, Eng., c. to Th. ab. 1830; m. 1st, Almira C. Robinson, p. Aug. 19, '37 ; 2d, Al mira R. McLellan, Oct. 28, "47 ; r. Th. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Al mira C, b. April 23, 1840 ; m. Capt. Edwin Watts, r. Th. 2, Ada R., b. March, 1843, d. Nov. 24, '44. 3, Helen A., b. ab. '45; m. Capt. John B. Henery, Nov. 18, '63 ; r. Th. 4, Charles S., b. Aug. 6, '48, d. Sept. 28, '53. By 2d wife. 5, Frank E., h. ab. '61. 6, Caroline, b. ab. '53. 7, Sanders E., b. '55. CURLING, Daniel, m. Mary SulUvan, c. from Cork, Ireland, to Th. 1830 ; rem. and d. N. Y. CURRAN, Patrick, b. in Cork county, Ireland, 1810; c. to Th., July 7, 1832 ; m. Sarah Kenneston, Jan. 10, '37 ; r. Th., a sexton, &c. Their ch. 1, Edmond, b. Feb. 4, and d. Oct. 8, 1838. 2, Wil- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 197 Ham J., b. Nov. 15, '39, d. April 9, '62. 3, Sarah E., b. Nov. 29. '41, d. Sept. 30, '60. 4, Henry, b. Dec. 25, '43 ; r. Th. 5, Mary A., b. Dec. 15, '45. 6, AmeUa F., b. March 3, '48. 7, Almira F., b. Nov. 30, '49, d. Jan., 1850. 8, Richard E., b. Feb. 2, '52. 9, Edwin S., b. June 20, '55. 10, Coraetta, b. April 9, '58. CURTIS, Cornelius, b. ab. 1817 in Ireland, as was Catharine, his wife, r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Daniel, b. ab. 1844. 2, Hannora, b. ab. '49. 3, Mary, b. ab. '56 4, Cornelius, (2d), b. ab. '57. 5, William. CURTIS, Blynn, m. Saj-ah Robinson, Jan. 18, '46 ; r. & d. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Harriet A., b. ab. '47. 2, John B., b; ab. '51. 3, Har rison, b, ab. '56. CUSHING, Dr. Isaiah, came, it is believed, from Scituate, or vicin ity ; graduated at Harvard University, 1798 ; practiced medicine in Th. ; rem. to Nobleboro' ; m. Hannah Vose of Th. ; p. April 23, 1808 ; ret. Th., &d. 1819. Their ch. 1, Edwin, b. 1810; m. Hannah Irene Vose, July 7, '40; r. W. 2, Robert Thaxter, b. 1812; m. Sarah C. Paine, Nov. 5, '36 ;" r. Th., a joiner, &c, and d. Jan. 16, '40, on the Mississippi. 5, James Otis, b. July 1, '14-; m. Clementine B. Wood cock, Dec. 18, '45 ; r. Th., shipbuUder. 4, Hannah EUzabeth, b. Oct. 16, '16; m. Arunah Robbins, (2d); r. Rock.. Edwin's ch. 1, Leslie. 2, Martha E., d. 1864. Robert Thaxter's ch. 1, Sarah E., b Oct. 14, 1837. 2, Henry T., b. April 11, 1839. James O.'s ch. 1, Edwin O , b. Oct. 3, 1846, enUsted in U. S. na vy. 2, Henrietta, b. Oct. '50. 3, Frederic, b. Feb. '53. 4, Charles H., b. May 3, 1858. CUSHING, McCobb, b. in Camden, ? Jan. 18, 1819 ; m. Mary M. Whittier of Readfield ; r. Rock., a lime burner, soldier of 4th Me. reg. Their ch. 1, James B., b Sept. 29, '47- 2, Ella C, b Jan. 16, '53. The mother died March 4, 1864. CUSHMAN, Matthias, b. ab. 1812, in Waldoboro' ; m. Sophronia Butler, March 12, 1835 ; r. Rock., Blackingtou's Corner, a farmer. Their ch. 1, Anson B., b. Aug. 11, 1836 ; m. Lizzie Pease of Rock., Oct. 20, '60; r. Rock. 2, Benjamin F., b. Aug. 14, '39; m. Ellen E. Barnes of Cam., Feb. 13, '64 ; 1. Rock. 3, Emma, died young. 4, Reuben H., b. ab. '49. CUTLER, Abner, came probably from Camden; m. 1st, Margaret Young ; 2d, Mary (Frye) Lovies, June 22, 1838 ; r. Rock., rem. & d. Illinois. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Vilenia, b. April 23, 1811 ; m. Jos. Wooster; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Irel, b. March 26, '13; m. Mary J. Sleeper, p. Dec. 15, '38; r. Th.. 3, Alvin, b. Sept. 19, '15; m. Mary A. Spalding, p. Oct. 21, '37. 4, Abner, (2d), b. Aug. 6, '17; m. ¦ Maria P. Farr, June 2, '41 ; rem. Bristol. 5, Sarah A., b. April 21, '25 ; m. John Morrison, p. Oct. 11, '45. 6, Rosina K., b. April 12, '28. 7, Mary, b. June 14, '31 ; m. Alexander B. Munroe, jr., of Bris tol, Feb. 9, '52. Capt. Irel's ch. 1, Abigail F., b. Oct. 28, 1842. 2, Josephine, b. ab. 1846. 3, George, b. ab. 1849. '< CUTLER, Ethelbert N., b. Feb. 19, 1828, son of Nelson Cutler of U. ; m. Frances Thayer ; ? r. Rock., a horse dealer. Their ch. Ella A., b. ab. 1855. DAGGETT, Thurston, b. Nov. 28, 1820, son of Ebenezer Daggett, of Union ; m. Rachel Mitchell ; r. S. Th., inventor and proprietor of 17* 198 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Dagget's Bone & Nerve Liniment, soldier, &c. Their ch. 1, Alonzo, b. ab. 1844, soldier in 28th Me. Reg. 2, George M., b. ab. '45. 3, Rachel, b. ab. '47. 4, Edwin W., b. ab. '52. 5, Sarah F., b. ab. '54. DAGGETT, Aramander, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Arietta B., ; who d. April 23, '64, aged about 40 ; r. Rock., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, George R., b. ab. 1850. 2; Willard, b. '52. DAILEY, Capt. Andrew F., b. ab. 1822, in Camden ; m. Hannah Benner; i. Rock. DAVIES, Enoch, h. ab. 1829 ; m. MeUssaT. Condon, Feb. 12, '57; r. Rock., a pump and block maker. Theirch. John F., b. ab. '59. DAVIS, Oscar, oldest son of Wilbur Davis of Union ; b. ab. 1830 ; m. Emily S. Tolman ; r. Rock., a shipwright, dairy farmer, &c. Their ch. Frederic J., b. April 7, 1855. DAVIS, Charles M., b. ab. 1835, in Lincolnville ; m. Sarah At kins ; r. Rock., a blacksmith, artificer in Baker's D. C. cavalry, d. at Washington, D. C, March 24, '64. Their ch. Ernest C , b. ab. '68. DAVIS, James, b. ab. 1812; m. Mrs. Susanna (Robinson) Hawes, of Cam., Sept. 25, 1836 ; j. Rock , a teamster. Their ch. 1, Mary E., b. Dec. 8, 1838 ; r. Rock. 2, Susan A., b. July 7, '40, d. April 30, '41. 3, Margaret A., b. April 28, '42. 4, Hannah S , b. ab. '47. 5, Georgiana, b. ab. '51. DAVIS, James, b. ab. 1805 ; m. App'ia ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Theirch. 1, Kimball H., b. ab. 1833; married Clarinda N. Pease, March 31, '53; r. Rock., a mariner, 2, Henry, b. ab., '41; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Charles Albert, b. Oct. 6, '42 ; r. Rock., a lime burner and soldier, returned home and d May 20, '64. Kimball's ch. 1, Elizabeth A., b. ab. 1859. DAVIS, Jonas S., b. ab. 1816, son of Daniel Davis of Washington, Me. ; m. 1st, , 2d, Mrs. Margaret (Ingraham) Crouch, r. R., a teamster. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah J., b. ab. '40. 2, Waite Ann, b. '44; m. Nathau P. Carruth of Chelsea, May 5, '63. By 2d wife. 3, Amanda M., b. June and d Sept. 3, '53. 4, Effie, b. about '54. 5, Frederic S., b. ab. '57. 1, Elthea R., b. ab. '59. DAVIS, WilUam, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Clarissa ; r. Rockland, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, Alden, b. ab. 1845. 2, Charles, b. about '48. 3, Lois, b. '51. 4, Adrian, b. '54. 5, George W., b. '57. DAVIS, Michael, b. ab. 1824 ; m. Margaret, (who was b. ab. 1829, in London, Eng.,) r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. 1, John H., b. '65. 2, Joanna, b. ab, '59. DAY, Rufus F., b. April, 1834; m. Martha J. Boyd, July 5, 1857; r. Rock., a lime burner, and soldier of 4th Me. Reg , d. of typhoid, Aug. 18, '62, at Point Lookout, Md. Their ch. 1, Franklin A., b. ab. 1858. 2, Charles E., b. Nov. 2, '59, died May 16, '62. DAY, Jacob Goodwin, b. ab. 1806; m. Rhoda ; r Rock., a coroner, &c. Of their ch. 1, Samuel Q., b. ab. 1836 ; m. Nancy Kenneston, Feb. 22, '64 ; r. R , a blacksmith. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '46. Samuel Q.'s ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1855. 2, Leforest, b. ab. '57. 3, Minnie E., b. July 7, and d. Sept. 1855. 4, Percy J., b. April 27, d. July 31, 1862. DAY, Marius, b. ab. 1818 ; came from Damariscotta ; m. 2d, Nancy M. (Page) Rivers, July, 1856; *. Th., » carpenter. His ch. by 1st wife. Emma, b. ab. 1855. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 199 DAY, Thomas W., b. 1794, at Mount Desert; m. Susan W. Morey of Deer Isle; r. Rock., & d. Dec. 26, 1859. Their ch. 1, John, long absent at sea. 2, Patience, m. Twisden Bowden. 3, Hannah, m. Hozier Hesper; r. Boston. 4, Addison, b. ab. 1816; m. Matilda Douglass of Boston ; r. Rockland, a carpenter. 5, Vespasian, b. ab. 1818 ; m. 1st, Mary Douglass, 2d, Martha B. Jordan ; r. Rock., a car penter. 6, Edmund, m. Abigail GiUey; r. Mt. Desert. 7, William, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Charlotte Grant ; r. Rock., a carpenter. 8, Thomas, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Huldah Robinson of Ellsworth ; r. Rock., a brick maker. 9, Gilbert. 10, Eliza, m. Miles Tinker; r. Ellsworth. 11, Otis B., b. ab. 1834; m. Victoria Clark of Northport, Nov. 2, 1863 ; r. Rock. 12, S. NeweU, b. ab. 1838 ; m. Harriet Clark ; r. Rock. Addison's ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1838, a mariner. 2, CaroUne, b. ab. '41. 3, Hannah, b ab. '45. 4, Mary A., b. ab. '47. 5, Charles R., b. ab. '50. 6, Elizabeth, b. ab. '56. Vespasian's ch. 1, Sewall L., b. ab. 1841 ; r. Rock., a mariner, now in U. S. navy. 2, Edwin, b. Peb. 28, '42, d. Nov. 21, '58. 3, EUaM., b. ab. '53. 4, Chester F., b. ab. '55. 5, Caroline, b. ab. '58. WiUiam's ch. 1, George William, b. ab. 1850. 2, Helen A., b. April, '52, d. Nov. 25, '58. 3, Julia H., b. ab. '54. 4, Alfred T., b. July 22, '58, d. Aug. 5, '63. 5, John C, b. Oct. 16, '60, d. Aug. 29, 1863. Thomas's ch. 1, Fillmore, b. ab. 1855. 2, Ruth E., b. ab. 1856. 3, Tyler, b. ab. '58. 4, Thomas, b. ab. '60. DAY, Alpheus, b. ab. 1818; m. Almira ; r. Rock., a car penter. Their ch. 1 , Ardalissa, b. ab. 1847. 2, Amanda J., b. ab. '50. 3, Mary O., b. ab. '52. 4, Calvin A., b. ab. '56. 5, Alden H., b. ab. 1858. DAY, Algernon, b. ab. 1834 ; m. Amanda E. Smith, July 8, 1856 ; r. Roek.,^a Ume burner. Their ch. Cora Anna, b. ab. 1857. DEAN, Capt. Jonas, b. in New Meadows, now Brunswick, Sept. 5, 1765 ; came early to Th. ; m. Ruth Small of Harpswell, p. Jan. 30, '89 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, militia officer, &c, & d. March 7, 1846. Their ch. 1, Col. Benjamin S., b. Aug. 7, 1790 ; m. Elizabeth Fales, March 4, 1814; r. Th., a joiner, architect of Th. Cong, church, &c. ; rem. Bangor. 2, Dea. Samuel, b. May 22, 1792 ; m. Melia Butler, p. Nov. 30; 1818 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, &c. 3, William, b. Feb. 7, 1794, d. in Chesapeake Bay, Oct. 5, 1817. 4, Israel, b. April 7, '96 ; m. 1st, Jo anna C. Butler, p. Sept. 16, 1820, 2d, Mrs. Hester A. Johnson, p. Feb. 12, 1861 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, recently rem. 5, Ephraim, b. Feb. 21, 1798 ; m. Lucy McLoon, p. May 25, '22 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, &c. 6, Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1800; m. 1st, Anthony Hall, Nov. 11, '19, 2d, Francis Haskell ; r. S. Th. 7, Jonas, (2d), b. June 25, '02 ; m. Julia Butler, Nov. 24, '25 ; r. Rock., a limeburner. 8, Sarah, b. Sept. 6, '04 ; m. Alden Gay, & d. Dec. 2, '59. 9, Nancy G., b. June 15, '07 ; m. John Graves, & d. Jan. 1, '48. 10, Louisa, b. Aug. 16, '09 ; m. Franklin B. SarteUe. 11, ? Elionai, b. ab. '11 ; r. S. Th. Coi. Benjamin S.'s ch. 1, Elizabeth A., b. Dec. 17, 1814 ; m. An drew Wiggin of Bangor. 2, Erastus S., b. April 9, '16 ; m. & d. in Boston. 3, Hannah F., b. Jan. 27, '19; m. Artemas Edgery; rem. California. 4, Wm. Jonas, b. Dec. 16, '26 ; m. twice ; rem. Bangor. Dea. Samuel's ch. 1, Amelia R., b. Sept. 28, 1819, d. Oct. 4, '26. 2, Mary G., b. Nov. 11, '21, d. Sept. 19, '26. Israel's ch. 1, Ruth S., b. Nov. 12, 1821 ; m. Capt. Ephraim Bart lett, ; r. S. Th. % Elvira, b. Aug. 15, '23 ; m. James Merrill ; r. Bos- 200 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ton. 3, Maria B., b. Aug. 15, '25, d. in Mobile, April 6, '50. 4, Capt. Samuel, (2d), b. Aug. 1, '27 ; m. Hannah J. Sleeper, '54, & d. in Ha vana, Aug. 10, '58, master of the bk. Charles Brewer. 5, Sarah Lou isa, b. Aug. 27, '30 ; m. John S. Pierce ; r. S. Th. 6, George B., b. Aug. 13, '32, d. April 22, '52. 7, Mary Emily, b. Aug. 7, 1838. 8, Edwin W., b. June, '43, d. Sept. 27, '50. Ephraim's ch. 1, Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1823 ; m. Samuel Wiggin; i. S. Th. 2, Ephraim, (2d), b. Jan. 6, '25 ; m. Clementine J Spalding, Sept. 5, '51 ; r. S. Th , a merchant. 3, John H., b. April 14, '27 ; m. Lavona McKenny, 1854; r. S. Th., a merchant. 4, Lucy T., b. June 10, '32. 5, Lydia F., b. July 17, '39. Jonas, (2d)'s ch. 1 William B., b. Dec. 7, 1826 ; m. Mary A. Scrib- ner, July 31, '50; jr. Rock., a caulker. 2, Mary J., b. Sept. 20, '28; m._ Erastus Welt; r. Rock. 3, Otis R., b. Nov. 10, '30; m. &r. Lynn, Mass. 4, Amariah K., b. March 23, '33 ; m. Clara Rollins ; r. Rock., a caulker. 5, Julia L., b. May 28, '35 ; m. Benjamin Cushman, 1854 ; r. Bloomfield, Me. 6, Leander N., b. April 10, '38 ; r. Lynn. 7, Caroline, i. Lynn. 8, Emma P., b. ab. '45. 9, Clara A , b. April, 1848, d. Aug. 26, 1854. 10, Abby Johnson, b. ab. 1850. Fourth Generation. Samuel, (2d)'s eh. 1, Eliza Maria, b. ab. 1854. 2, Celia, b. ab. '58. Ephraim, (2d)'s ch. 1, Cora Etta, b. ab. 1852. 2, Frederic E., b. ab. '54 3, George B., b. ab. '56. 4, Hattie B., b. ab. '58. 5, Emeline. John H.'s ch. 1, Willard Harris. 2, Alvin F. 3, Benjamin W., b. 1859. WilUam B.'s ch. Clara E. b. ab. 1859. Amariah K.'s ch. Nellie, b. ab. 1859. DEAN, Luke, whose father was b. in Dedham, Mass., and grand father in England, was himself b. in Francestown, N. H., Sept. 30, 1808; m. Thankful Burgess of China; r. Rock., a quarryman. Theirch. 1, Roxana, b. Dec. 17, 1830; m. Samuel R. Ulmer; r. Rock. 2, Delphas, b. March 25, '32 ; m. Ephraim J. Ulmer, r. Rock., & d. May 25, '58. 3, William P., b. Oct. 12, '33 ; m. Marilla Mos- man, Nov. 26, '54 ; r. Rock., a teamster ; rem. California, but ret. 1864. 4, Elizabeth E., b. Aug. 16, '35; m. Dexter S. Morse, r. Th. 5, Charles H., b. Feb. 1, '37 ; m. Ellen Tolman, Jan. 12, '62 ; r. Rock. 6, Mary J., b. May 14, '40; m. CD. Smalley; r. Rock. 7 & 8, twins, b. June 9, '43, Alonzo W., r. Rock., & Melissa A., m. Jona. Crockett; jr. Rock. 9, John H., b. Oct. 8, '46, r. Rock., enlisted in the army. DEAN, Alanson, b. ab. 1797, m. E'izabeth Mosman; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Harriet, b. Jan. 22, 1822 ; m. J. W. Ormsby, r. Rock. 2, Charles, b. March 28, '24 ; d. of consumption. 3, Alanson, (2d), b. July 1, '26 ; j. Rock., & d. in Augusta, Feb. 16, '61. 4, Mary, b. March 28, '29 ; d. of consumption. 5, MeUnda, b. April 13, '31 ; r. Rock. 6, Hanson, b. March 3, '34; r. Rock., a farmer. 7, Caroline E., b. Feb. 12, '40, d. young. DEAN, Benjamin F., b. Feb. 12, 1813, son of Isaiah Dean of Lin colnville ; m. Susan U. Spear, p. Feb. 28, '34; j-. Rock., lost sight in quarrying; since a peddler, sawyer, &c. Their ch. 1, Ellen A., b. April 13, '34 ; m. James R. Durdeu; r. Rock. 2, Elbridge S., b. May 26, '36; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Mary A., b. Oct. 11, '38; r. Rock. 4, Ida F., b. ab. '51. 5, Ernest F., b. May, '31, & 'd. Aug. 27, 1855. DEAN, Capt. Oscar P., b. ab. 1835 ; r. S. Th. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 201 DELANO, Sandford, came from Friendship; m. Harriet Winchen- bach, 2d, Columbia Black ; traded a few years in W., rem. and kept victualUng saloon in Th., where his 1st wife d. Sept. 14, 1863. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Asa. 2, Olive. 3, Ada. 4 & 5, twins, Hattie & . — , both died young. By 2d wife. 6, Judith. DEMUTH, Jacob, b. 1780, came from Wal. to Union, 1796, toTh., 1798 ; was a ship carpenter ; mar. Mehitable, an adopted or natural daughter of Dr. E. G. Dodge, Sept. 14, 1805 ; r. Th., & died Dec. 26, 1863. Their ch. 1, Seth, m. Mary Watton, of Friend., & d. Dec. 19, '44. 2, Ezekiel D., b. ab. 1809 ; m. Caroline J. Copeland of Warren, May 6, '32 ; r. Th., a mason. 3, Jane Ann, m. George W. Pales ; r. Washington, D. C. 4, Charles S , b. 1813 ; m. Eliza Robinson, pub. Aug. 29, '32 ; i. Th., and d. Nov. 26, '35. 5, Julia P., b. '15, d. April 24, '37. 6, James, m. & r. N. Orleans. 7, Hermon Pisher, d. 1845. Ezekiel D.'s ch. 1, Frances O., b. Dec. 20, 1833 ; m. John B. Rog ers of Hampden, Oct. 27, '53. 2, Sarah E., b. Dec. 9, '35 ; m. John C. Delano, Oct. 27, '53 ; r. St. Geo. 3, Charles L., b. Sept. 13, '37 ; m. Mary Hart, r. Th., a mason. 4, Caroline O., b. Jan. 5, '40 ; m. Samuel B. Flint; r. Th. 5, Aroline E., b. March 10, '42. 6, Ezekiel Frank, b. ab. '44, musician in 2d Me. Battery. 7, Julia, b. ab. '48. 8, James, b. ab. '50. 9, Susan E., b. ab. '53. The mother d. June 20, '61. DENNIS, Selah G., b. 1820, in Fairhaven, Vt., m. Bethia Thorn dike, July 19, 1847 ; r. Rockland, landlord of Commercial House, Thorndike Hotel, 1856 ; rem. to Boston, Commercial House, March, '62, r. HaUoweU. Their ch. 1, George M., b. ab. 1849. 2, Charles S., b. ab. '51. 3, James B., b. ab. '53. 4, Frank C, b. ab. '55. 5, Augustus, b. ab. '58. DENNIS, Samuel D., name changed from Twitchell by Leg. act., was b. ab., 1821, in Dixmont, Me.; m. Tamson D. Rowe, July 14, 1850 ; r. Rock., a shoe manufacturer. DERBY, Rufus, b. ab. 1800 ; m. Harriet , i. Rock., a team ster. Their ch. 1, Charles H., b. Dec., 1840 ; a Ume burner, soldier in 2d Me. Battery, & d. at Washington, D. C, Sept. '62. 2, Samuel, b. ab. '42 ; r. Rock., also enUsted in the army, 3, Mary A., b. about '45. 4, Sarah E., b. ab. '47. * DEVINE, Stephen A., b. ab. 1825 ; m. Olive H. Hall, March 16, 1851, r. Rock., a foundry moulder. Their ch. Flora E., born about 1852. 2, Edith N., b. ab. '56. 3, Lewis W., b. '58. DILL, Asa, b. ab. 1809, in PrankUn Co , Me.; m. Maria Pillsbury ; r. Rock., a truckman. Their ch. 1, Thomas B., b. about 1838 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 2, Elzada M., b. ab. 1840. 3, Lauretta J., b. ab. '43. 4, Ambrose, b. Dec. 26, '45, r. Rock., a soldier of 2d Me. Cav- arly, d. at N. Orleans, Oct. 10, '64. 5, George A., b. about '47. 6, Goodwin A., b. ab. '50. 7, John, b. ab. '52. i DILLAWAY, John, b. 1733 ; c. from Boston to Th., and m. about 1778, Mary, widow of John Shibles ; was a cooper, some years an innholder, filled many town offices, and d. June 12, 1803. Their ch. 1, Betsey, b. May 1, 1779, d. young. 2, Samuel, b. April 22, 1782 ; m. 1st, Anna Farrington of War. June 6, 1805 ; 2d, Mrs. Hall, rem. and d. in Line. 3, PoUy, b. Dec. 20, 1785 ; m. John Robinson of C. rem. & d. Hope. Samuel's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eliza, mar. Sandford Libbey, r. Cam. And others probably by 2d wife. 202 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, DILLINGHAM, Edward L., born about 1837, son of Bernard and Sarah (Lincoln) Dillingham of Warren ; mar. Elizabeth S. Carleton, Jan. 24, '61 ; r. Th., a merchant in firm of Chapman, Flint & Co. DILLON, James W., b. ab. 1834, in Ireland ; r. with Ellen T., his wife, in Rock., a marble worker. Their ch. Harriet, b. ab. 1859. DIMOND, James, b. ab. 1822, in Connaught, Ireland; m. Bridget Thornton ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1849. 2, Mary J., b. ab. '52. 3, Francis, b. ab. '58. DINSMORE, Israel, b. ab. 1788 ; m. AbigaU , and had a family of ch. in Cherryfield ; m. 2d, Jane (Snow) Cobb of S. Th. ; r. & kept pubhc house in Cherryfield, Warren, Sz Th., & d. in the latter, July 29, 1849. Of his ch. by 1st wife, there came here. 1, Nancy, b. ab. 1821, d. at New Orleans, May 10, 1844. 2, Richard C, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Sarah A. Chase of Whiting, Washington county ; ir. Th., a carpenter, soldier of the 21st Me. Reg., &c. His ch. by 2d wife. 3, Maria F., b. March 6, 1836, in W. ; m. Joseph L. Reed, Jan. 26, '51 ; jr. Th., and died May 26, 1856. Richard C.'s ch. 1, Stephen E., b. Dec. 1847, d. Aug. 23, '50. 2, Abbie, b. ab. '52. 3, EUzabeth, b. ab. 1860. DINSMORE, Sam'l Frederic, b. ab. 1817 ; m. Mary K. Pillsbury; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary A., b. ab. 1851. 2, George P., b. ab. '52. 3, Sarah A., b. ab. '54. 4, Helen A., b. ab. '56. 5, WiUiam E., b. ab. '57. 6, Hermon S., b. ab. '58. 7, Minnie S., b. March, & died Oct. 1, 1860. DINSMORE, WiUiam, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Nancy Sprague, Jan. 9, '53 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Elnora, b. Feb. 1854, d. July 29, '61. 2, Edwin, b. ab. 1856. DOANE, John B., b. ab. 1804 ; m. 1st, Dorcas ; (who died Nov. 29, 1858) ; 2d, Susan A. ; r. Rock., a truckman. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Rebecca R., b. ab. 1847. 2, Fanny J., b. ab. '49. 3, JuUa E., b. ab. '57. DOCKHAM, Henry, b. ab. 1825 ; r. with JuUa his wife, in Rock., a rigger. Their ch. 1, Emma, b. ab. 1850. 2, Daniel, b. ab. 1853. 3, PameUa, b. ab. 1857. DODGE, Dr. Ezekiel Goddard, b. 1765, son of Rev. Ezekiel Dodge of Abington, Mass.; m. Susanna Winslow of Vinalhaven, p. Aug. 8, 1798 ; prac. med. in Th. 30 years ; besides engaging in trade, repre senting the town in the legislature and exerting a strong influence there as well as in this part of the commonwealth ; he died Aug. 5 , 1819. His widow died Oct. 31, 1848. Theirch. 1, Nathaniel C, b. March 9, & d. March, 1799. 2, Ezekiel G., (2d), b. Aug. 29, 1800; m. 1st, Mrs. Harriet Gilchrist, p. Sept. 15, '27 ; 2d, EUza J. Clough, Dec. 18, '49 ; r. Th., a painter, farmer, &c. 3, Mary G., b. Dec. 23, '01 ; m. Capt. WilUam Cole ; r. Th. 4, Penelope W., b. & d. Jan. 3, '03. 5, Capt. Josiah W., b. Jan. 14, '04 ; m. Eunice Graves, March 27, '36 ; officer in militia, a merchant at Owl's Head, &c, and d. after only 5 days sickness, Feb. 20, '49. 6, Penelope K., b. May 6, '06, d. Feb. 6, '07. 7, Thomas B., b. Sept. 1, '08, d. Sept. 3, '09. 8, Robert G., b. April 5, '10 ; m. Mrs. Studley of Camden ; r. Hope. Capt. Josiah' s ch. 1, Josiah W., (2d), b. March 27, 1836 ; rem. & m. in California. 2, Henry C, b. Jan. 10, '36; 3, Deborah N., b. Oct. 5, '39 ; 4, Ezekiel G., (3d), b. Jan. 4, '42 ; 5, Mary; all rem. & i. California. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 203 Robert G.'s ch. 1, Susanna, m. James Moody; r. Line. 2, Ezekiel G., (4th), m. & r. Lynn, Mass. 3, WilUam C, m. Sarah Hutchinson of Danville, Me. DODGE, Robert L., came from Edgecomb or Brunswick, Me. ; m. Louisa Fales, May 21, 1829; r. Th., a cabinet maker; rem. Bruns wick. Their ch. 1, Hezekiah, b. May 13, '30 ; 2, Harriet L., b. Nov. 12, '32; 3, Elizabeth P., b. Oct. 12, '35; 4, Prances V., b. Oct. 15, '37; 5, Arthur J., b. Nov. 24, '41 ; all rem. with their parents. DODGE, Mark Z., c. from Islesboro', Me. ; m. Sarah Knowlton, March 22, 1832 ; r. and d. Rock. Their ch. recorded here. Ephraim M., b. Sept. 9, 1832. DODGE, Elbridge H., b. ab. 1824, in Islesboro', Me. ; m. Lucy M. Spalding, July 4, 1848 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, El- dridge F., b. ab. 1843. 2, Margaret E., b. ab. '49. 3, Peter, b. ab. '56. 4 & 5, twins, b. Dec. 1859, George N., d. Aug. 13, '61, & Saul. DODGE, Capt. Jonathan B., b. ab. 1795 ; m. Deborah ; r. Rock., a master mariner. Their ch. 1, Mary E., b. ab. 1833. 2, Henrietta C, b. ab. 1838. 3, Adrian, b. ab. '41 ; r. Rock., a mari ner. 4, Alvin H., b. ab. '45. 5, Edwin G., b. ab. '48. DODGE, Samuel B., u. from Waldoboro' or Bristol ; m. Eliza (Robinson) Demuth, May, 1838 ; r. Rock., a shoemaker, but bought a farm in and rem. MontviUe. Their ch. b. here. 1, Ann E., b. April 16, 1839. 2, Mary T., b. July 23, '49 ? both r.em. DODGE, Oakes A. G., m. 1st, Amanda M. Lermond of W.; c. to Th ; m. 2d, Matilda R. Shibles, p. Sept. 17, 1853 ; & d. in Milton, Plorida, Sept., 1858. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth, b. & d. '52. By 2d wife. 2, Wilbur, b. ab. 1855. 3, Florida, b. ab. '58. DOE, Ezekiel, b. ab. 1826 ; m. Sarah L. Andrews ; c. hither and bought the I. Brown lot ; r. S. Th., a farmer, &c. Their ch. 1, Frances Ellavb. ab. 1853. 2, Frederic B., b. ab. '57. Of this name, also, Dr. Theophilus, b. ab. 1794, r. with his wife in Rock., I860,- & prac. med., but rem. Their ch. 1, Mary E., h. ab. 1835 ; m. S. K. Whiting; r. Winthrop. 2, Erastus A. b. ab. 1837. 3, CaroUne A., b. ab. '39. DOLAN, Felix C, b. ab. 1819, in Ireland, as was Margaret hia wife ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, John J., b. ab. 1853. 2, Martin A., b. ab. '57. DONAHUE, WilUam, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland, as was Ellen his wife; r. Rock., a lime burner. Theirch. 1, James, b. ab. 1840. 2, Catharine, b. June 23, '45, d. July 8, '62. 3, Parfect, b. ab. '48, in Maine. 4, Ellen, b. ab. '50. 5, William, b. ab. '52. 6, Timothy, b. Nov. 30, '54, d. by drowning, Jan. 18, '60. 7, John, b. ab. '57. DONOVAN, Daniel, c. from Ireland, with Julia, his wife ; killed in a quarry, Aug. 8, 1845, leavmg ch. 1, Daniel, C2d), b. ab. 1830 in Ireland ; r. Rock., with Hannah' his wife. 2, Joanna, b. Aug. 25, 1839. 3, Anoca, b. Jan. 18, d. Aug. 29, '42. Daniel, (2d)'s, ch. Hannah, b. in Maine, ab. 1857. DONOVAN, William, b. ab. 1823, in Ireland, as was Ellen his wife; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Michael, b. ab. 1849. 2, Ellen, b. ab. '61. 3, Jeremiah. 4, William, (2d). 5, Margaret. DONOVAN, Michael, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland ; m, Ellen ; 204 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1853. 2, Patrick, b. ab. '65. 3, Cornelius, b. ab. '56. 4,' Catharine, b. ab. '58. 5, Michael J., b. ab. 1860. DOVETON, Henry A., b. Feb. 28, 1836, in Jamestown, St. Helena; m. Mary A. Turner, of Rock., Oct. 29, '56 ; r. Rock., a mariner, and d. Sept. 25, '63. Their ch. 1, Lizzie May, b. Sept. 25, & d. Oct 16, '58. 2, Charlie E., b. May 12, '60, d. Aug. 23, '61. 3, Annie A., b. Oct. 25, '62. DOW, Capt. James, came from the British Provinces ; m. EUza beth -Coombs, p. March 17, 1806 ; r. & d. S. Th. a miUtia officer, &c. Their ch. 1, Abigail C, m. WilUam L. Hayden; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. George C, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Catharine P. Wade, Dec. 12, '33, 2d, Sa rah J. (Packard) Pales, July 26, '62 ; was thought, in 1830, to have perished in Peru, but survives many adventures, both by sea & land ; & r. Th. 3, Capt. James, m. Julia Thorndike, p. Aug. 24, '35; i. S. Th.; rem. California. Capt. George C.'s eh. by 1st wife. 1, Catharine L., b. June 26, 1835 ; m. Charles Redman ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. George, b. Aug. 27, '37 ; m.Mary D. Dyer, July 26, '62 ; r. Th. 3, Emily E., b. May 20, '40, d. Sept. 21, '43. 4, Octavia W., b. ab. '44. 5, Mary Emma, b. ab. 1846. Capt. James's ch. 1, Helen, b. ab. 1839. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '43. 3, John B., b. 1845, d. Sept. 1846. 4, CaroUne, b. ab. 1860. DOW, Phinehas, b. ab. 1813, in Jefferson, Me ; m Delight Young, p. Feb. 26. '39 ; jr. Th., a carpenter. Otis L., » cousin, b. ab. 1799 ; m. and r. Rock., a wheelwright. Phinehas's ch. 1, Maria, b. Oct 7, 1839; r. Th. 2, Dana Y., b. May 4, '41 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier of 4th Maine reg. 3, Israel, b. ab. '43. 4, Edwin, b. ab. '45. 5, Ebenezer S., b. Sept. 3, '46, died Sept. 17, '47. 5, Lucy, b. ab. '50. 6, Emily, b. ab. '54. 7, Ebenezer, b. ab. 1857. Of Otis L.'s ch. 1, Herbert J., b. ab. 1839 ; r. Rockland, a wheel wright, soldier of Co. B, 4th Me. Reg., wounded Aug. 29, 1862. 4, Byron J., b. ab. 1843. 5, Ella F., b. ab. 1845. Perhaps also, of his older ch. might have been, 1, Joseph, m. Martha -Thompson, p. Nov. 8, 1845. 2, Sarah J., m. Joseph H. Yeaton of Wal., p. Sept. 14, '52. DOYLE, WilUam, b. about 1832 ; mar. Sarah ; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. 1, Laura, b. ab. 1854. 2, Frank, b. ab. '57. DRAKE, Spencer, came from Sharon, Mass., to old Th , m Jane Kelloch of St. George, p. Feb. 28, 1806 ; r. and d. S. Th. Their eh. 1, Augustine, b. ab. 1809 ; m. Margaret Butler of U., Sept. 14, '36 ; r. S. Th., a blacksmith, &c. 2, Relief, m. Capt. William Gray; r. & d. S. Th. 3, Hartford, lost at the age of 19 years at sea with Capt. James Sayward. 4, Margaret, m. Fullerton Kelloch ; r. Th. 5, El bridge, d. in Spain, aged 21 years. 6, Jackson, d. young. Augustine's ch. 1, Elbridge Freeman, b. Dec. 11, 1838 ; r. S. Th., a blacksmith. 2, "Washington R., born March 11, '41 ; r. S. Th., a blacksmith. 3, Lillias, b. ab. '43. 4, Spencer, (2d), b. ab. '46. 5, Augustine, b. March & d. Nov. 30, '48. 6, Harriet, b ab. '50. 7, Harrison, b. ab. '52. 8, Melvin, b. ab. '55. 9, Amariah, b. ab. '57. 10, a daughter, b. in '60. DRAKE, Dr. Oramel L , came from Union, a dentist, to Th., & d. of fever, Dec. 8, 1858. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 205 DREW, Joseph, b. Nov.. 1771, o. from Dresden, Me., and with his son settled on a part of the Geo. Sayward farm, S. Th., where he d. May 8, 1849. DREW, Capt. Albert, b. in Waterville, Me., 1798 ; m. in Newport, R. I., Mrs. Mary (Jeffers) Vaughan ; c. from China, Me., & r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Laura C, m. Jonathan White, Nov. 14, 1845 ; r. Sullivan. 2, John A., h. Nov., 1829, d when returning from Balti more, June 9, '51. 3, Henry C, m. Sarah E. Everett, p. Jan. 21, '54; r. Ophir, Nevada Territory. 4, George A., m. Mary M. Mosman, Nov. 24, '58 ; r. Rock., a joiner, rem. California. 5, Mary A , b. in R. I., d. aged 11 yrs. 6, William H., b. in China, July, 1837, d. of yeUow fever, on passage from Havana to Mobile, Dec. 25, 1857. 7, Otis, b. in Rock., May 25, '40 ; drowned, 1859, in James river. Henry C.'s ch. 1, Ella, d. young. 2, Albert. George A.'s ch. 1, Mary E., b. July 30, 1860. 2, Frank Alton, b. Nov. 25, '61. DRINKWATER, Capt. James, b. ab. 1807, in Northport, Me ; m. Henrietta Philbrook of Islesbiro' ; r. Rnek., in miritime pursuits. \ Their ch. ' 1, Sylvina, b. ab. 1827, d. April 10, 1862. 2, Alice J., m. Charles H. Paine; r. Hallowell. 3, Capt James Jefferson, b. ab. '32; ra. Susan K. Boyd, Oct. 1, '55 ; r. Rock. 4, Daniel D , b. April, 1834, died June 20, '58. 5, Sarah A., m. S. P. Merrill. 6, Rose B., deceased. 7, Louisa, A , b. ab. '44. 8, Lucy A , b. ab. '46. 9, Thom as T., b. ab. '48, d. at Bangor, April 10, 61, knocked overboard by vessel's boom. 10, Leonora, b. ab. '51. Capt. James J.'s ch. 1, Mary BeU, b. ab. 1856. 2, Minnie, b. ab. '58. 3, Judson. DRISCOLL, Timothy, b. ab. 1820 in Ireland, as was Catharine his wife; r. Rock., a soldier in 6th Battery Their ch. 1, James, b. ab. 1846. 2, Cornelius, b. ab. '54. 3, Joseph, b. ab. '58. DRUMMOND, Richard, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Elizabeth his wife ; r. Rock., a shoemaker. DRYNAL, John, b. ab. 1810 in Cork, Ireland, m. Catharine Mur phy; r. & d. Th. Their ch 1, Ellen, b. ab 1848. 2, Joanna, b. ab '50. 3, John, b. ab. '55. 4, George, b. ab. '58. DUNBAR, Henry K., son of Daniel and Abigail (Kingman) Dun bar, of Warren, m. Sarah Bridges of S. Th., May 26, 1800, r. W., & d. July 9, 1805. Their ch. 1, Samuel, m. Mary Howard, June 1, 1823 ; r. W. but rem. 2, John B., m. Eliza Kenney, of St. George, p. Oct. 23, '24; r, Th., rem. St. Geo. and d. 1847. 3, Simeon, b. ab. 1804; m. Jane Creighton of Th., Oct. 5, '24; r. Th. 4, Henry K., (2d), m and r. in Eastport. Samuel's ch. 1, Henry K., (3d), r. Mass., a tailor. 2, Thomas, r. W., a shipwright, rem. Cal. John B.'s ch. 1, Sarah J„ b. Nov. 12, 1825 ; 2, Mary E„ b. Aug 4, '30 ; 3, John H., b. Feb. 11, '32 ; m. Ruth E. Harris, Aug. 17, '61 ; r. St. George. 4, William, b. March 5, '36 ; m. Naucy Gardner, Oct. 23, "53 ; all probably r. St. George. Simeon's ch. 1, Mary Jane, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Henry T. Rivers ; r- Th. and d. Aug 12, '52. 2, Simeon, b. ab. 1834; m. Albma B- Weeks, Aug. 18, '54 ; r. Th., a mariner. 3, George, b. ab. '36 ; r- Th., a mariner. 4, Elizabeth, d. in Th. 5. Ellen, b- 40, d. Feb. I, '54. 6, Eliza, b. ab. '48, r. Th. Vol. II. 18 206 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, DUNBAR, Richard, son of Asa & Jane (Butler) Dunbar, of W. ; m. Catharine L. Copeland, Jan. 3, 1828, 2d, Fanny L. (Willis) Bent- ley; r. Th. a farmer. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Joseph, d. young. 2, Charles, b. ab. 1833 ; r. Th. a mariner. 3, Alexander C, b. ab. '36 ; m. Aldana E. Jones of U., p. Dec. 19, '61 ; r. W., a painter and fac tory man. 4, Helen W., b. ab. '39 ; in. Eben C. Oxton of Cam., Jan. 1, '63. By 2d wife. 6, Nancy, b. ab. '43. 6, Oliver, b. ab. '46. 7, Frank, b. ab. '48. DUNBAR, Joseph, of the 4th Me. Reg., m. in Belfast, Emma J. Burgess, April 16, 1864, r. Rock. DUNCAN, John, m. r. 8c d. in Northport, Me. Ofhisch. 1, Ingra ham, b. ab. 1796, in Northport ; m. Rebecca N. Perry, r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 2, Samuel, m., r. & d. Northport. 3, Capt. George W., b. Feb., 1802; m. Hannah Simonton, Jan. 26, '30; r. Rock, and died Dec. 7, 1851. Ingraham's ch. 1, John W., m. Louisa Rooks of Line. 2, Capt. Charles C, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Hattie P. Farrow of Belfast ; r. Rock. & d. April, '61, drowned at the stranding of his vessel on Squam Beach. 3, George Merrill, b. ab. '33 ; m. Ellen Thomas, Nov. 1, '59, r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 4, Alphonso A.,b. ab. '37 ; r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 5, Hudson, b. March 15, '43, d. July 11, '56. 6, Ferdinand P., b. ab. '46. 7 & 8, twins, b. ab. '49, Lorana L., r. Rock., Eldora, d. young. Of Samuel's ch. Capt. Samuel, m. Lucinda Achorn, Sept. 24, '40 ; r. Rock., rem. New York. Capt. George W.'s ch. 1, George I., b. ab. 1831 ; m. Sarah E. Knowles, Jan. 11, '53, 2d, Loraine Simonton, July 22, '62; r. Rock., a mariner. 2, Albion K. P., b. Feb. 28, '36, died, lost at sea, June 20, '58. 3, Hazen Franklin, b. April 26, '38. 4, Delora E. L., b. Nov. 16, '40 ; m. Frank T. Coombs ; r. S. Th. 3, Freeman S., b ab. '43 ; r. Rock. 4, Mary A., b. ab. '46. 5, Isaac S., b. May, '51, d March 31, 1852. Capt. Charles C.'s ch. Hattie P., b. ab. 1860. Capt. Samuel's ch. b. in Rockland. Orrin C, b. July 2, 1842. George I.'s ch. by 1st wife. Etta E., b. May, and d. Oct. 18, 1855. DUNCAN, James, of a different faimly, b. ab. 1811, in Deer Isle, Me.; m. 1st, Lucretia Lane, 2d, Jane E. Low, Feb. 7, '56 ; r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Lavinia E., b. ab. 1832 ; m. Greenleaf Childs, March 28, '62 ; r. Rock. 2, Susan, b. ab. '40. 3, James E., b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, AVillis, b. ab. '53. The mother d. May 12, 1854. By 2d wife. 5, Lucretia, b. ab. '56. 6, Mary P., b. '58. 7, Vesta, b. Aug. 24, '60, d. Sept. 11, '61. 8, Simon L., b. June 20, '62, d. Aug. 20, '64. DUNLAP, Robert, was at E. Th., in 1830, a merchant in Co. with E. Hall. DUNN, Thomas W., b. ab. 1825, in Boston ; son of Thomas & Abi gail C. (Elliott) Dunn ; came to Th., 1837 ; m.- Eliza A. Giles of St. George, p. Feb. 18, '47 ; r. Th., a sailmaker. Their ch. 1, John G., b. ab. 1848. 2, Sarah A., b. ab. '50. 3, Thomas W., (2d), b. ab. '52. 4, Ann E., b. ab. '56. 5, Robert K., b. ab. '57. DUNN, John G„ b. ab. 1823, in Milton, Mass. ; m. 1st, Ann M- Hall of Bath, (who d. Dec. 31, 1856, aged 26 yrs. 9 mos. & 29 days); 2d, Lizzie W. Collamore, June 11, '57; r. Rock., a stone cutter, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Adaline A., b. ab. 1849. 2, Ann M b. ab- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 207 '51. 3, Edmund J. B., b. ab. '53. 4, Georgiana, b. April 30, '55, d. May 16, '58. By 2d wife. 5, Cora E., b. ab.' 58. 6 & 7, twins, b. Dec. 27, '59, Jenny B., d. May 10, '60 ; Minnie C. ; r. Rock. DUNNING, Capt. Robert, came from Harpswell; m. Elizabeth Bucklin of W., p. Feb. 14, 1794 ; r. S. Th., was lost at sea ab. 1800. Their ch. 1, Robert, (2d), b. ab. 1795 ; m. 1st, Mary Rowell, Jan. 9, 1817, 2d, Nancy (Horn) Boyd, April 13, '44 ; r. S. Th., a fish dealer, &c. 2, Margaret, m Anthony Mathews ; r. S. Th.. 3, Sally, m. Rice Rowell; r. and died S.-Th. Robert, (2d)'s, ch. 1, WilUam, b. Oct. 25, 1817, d. Aug. 1, 1841. 2, Henrietta, b. Oct. 22, '19, d. unm. 3, Nathaniel, b. March 26, '22, d. Oct. 25, '41. 4, Robert, (3d), b. Sept. 6, '28 ; m. Aurelia Norton of St. George, Aug. 28, '53 ; r. S. Th., a sailmaker. 5, Betsey R., b. Dec. 26, '31; m. Oliver S. Quimby, Feb. 17, '53 ; r. Cam. 6, Sarah M.. b. March 25, '36 ; m. Daniel E. WUson of Bradford, Me., Nov. 26, '56. 7 & 8, twins, and perhaps some others, died in infancy. Robert, (3d)'s, ch. 1, Charles L , b. ab. 1856. 2, EmeUne E., b. ab. 1858. DUNNING, John T., b. ab. 1818, in New Brunswick; m. Jane C- Arey; ? r. S. Th., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Stephen A., b. ab. '51. 2, Edwin B., b. ab. '59. DUNNING, Henry T., b. ab. 1831, in New Brunswick; m. Eliza beth S. Arey, May 28, '54 ; r. S. Th., a carpenter, soldier of 28th Me. Reg., since enlisted in U. S. Navy at Rock. Then: ch. 1, Bradford, b ab. 1855. 2, Elva, b. ab. '59. DUNTON, Abram, b. ab. 1822, in Hope ; m. Nancy Conant ; r. Rock., a cigar manufacturer. Their ch. 1, Silas P., b. ab. 1849. 2, Hiram A., b. ab. 1851. 3, Chloe S., h. ab. 1857. DURDEN, James R„ b.ab. 1834, in Bermuda; m. Ellen A. Dean, 1854 ; r. Rock., a boat builder. Their ch. 1, Lizzie E., b. ab. 1857. 2, Charles H., b. ab. 1859. DURGIN, James S., b. ab. 1816 ; m. Ruth ; r. Rockland, a hrae burner, soldier of 20th Me. Reg. Their ch. 1, Lucinda, b. ab. 1842; r. Rock. 2, Mary J., b. ab. 1844 ; m. John Blethen, of Frank fort, Feb. 27, '64. 3, Aurilla, b. ab. '47. 4, Rebecca, b. ab. '49. 5, Frances, b. ab..'53. 6, Sophia, b. ab. '59. DURGIN, Munroe, b. ab. 1828 ; c. from Lubec, Me.; m. Rebecca Lincoln ; r. Th., soldier of 2d Me. battery, &c. Their ch. 1, Daniel, b. ab. 1851. 2, Mary A., b. ab. 1858. DUTTON, Daniel, b. ab. 1808, in Readfield ; m. Helen Colby of Erdbden ; r. Rock., a gardener, &e. Their ch. 1, Johnson L., born Sept. 1830; m. Sarah H. Dutton ; i. Rock , a joiner, and d. March U, 1861. Johnson L.'s ch. 1, Daniel W., b. ab. '56. 2, Mary H., b. ab. '58. DWIGHT, Col. Sullivan, b. March 29, 1783, c. from Shirley, Mass. to Th. about 1810 ; m. Betsey Marsh of Bath, p. Aug. 18, 1820 ; r. Th., a marble worker and manufacturer, militia officer, &c; and died June 12, 1853. Their ch. 1, Caroline F. K., b. Dec. 5, '21 ; m. Ed ward C. Selden; r. Th., and d. Aug. 24, 1854. 2, Henrietta L. M., b. March, 1823, d. March 31, '43. 3, Francis S., b. March 21, '25 ; d. June 2, '42. 4, Helen M., b. Aug. 6, '30, died Peb. 21, '45. The mother d. in Brooklyn, New York, May 22, 1858, aged 65. 208 HISTORY Of THUMABiun, DWINEL, Andrus, b. ab. 1797, in Orono, Me., mar. Lydia Butler, May 2, 1833 ; r. Rock. Their ch. Charles A., b. ab. 1848. DYER ; of the sons of Anthony, from Vinalhaven, it is believed, there c. hither, 1, Isaac; m. Susan Eastman, p. Aug. 19, 1815; r. S. Th., and probablv rem. or died. 2, Capt. Charles, m. Hannah Cooper, Dec. 15, 1816 ; r". S. Th. and d. Aug. 10, '48. Isaac's ch. 1, Asa C, b. Oct. 10, 1818 ; m. Martha Arey, July 17, '45 ; r. & d. S. Th. 2, Charles, (2d), b. Jan. 10, '20. Capt. Charles's ch. 1, William Anthony, b. July 5, '17 ; m. Julia Arey, Jan. 1, '39 ; r. S. Th., a carpenter. 2, Benjamin C, h. March 14, '19. 3, Sarah Frances, b. Oct. 1, '22 ; m. Capt. Richard Harlow ; r. S. Th. 4, Cathleen B., b. ab. '26 ; m. Ebenezer Arey; r. S. Th. 5, Marcia A. P., b. ab. '28 ; m. Eli P. Hall; r. Rock. 6, ? Charles, (3d), b. ab. '30 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. Asa C.'s ch. 1, Ernestine, b. ab. 1848. 2, Manford, b. about 1850. 3, Edgar, b. ab. 1858. William Anthony's ch. 1, Julia B., b. July 10, 1841 ; r. S. Th. 2, Alden W., b. Nov. 7, 1842 ; r. S. Th. a mariner, soldier of 19th Me. reg &c. 3, Liuellia A., b. ab. 1844 ; m. Mark Douglas of Vinalha ven, Sept. 20, 1863. 4, Louisa F., b. ab. 1846. 5, Alvarius A, born ab. 1848. 6, Medora L., b. ab. 1850. 7, Charles A., bom 1852. 8, Josephine A., b. ab. 1854. 9 & 10, twins, b. ab. 1859 ; Leslie H. & Wesley H. Charles, (2d)'s ch. 1, Lizzie A., b. 1858, d. Dec, 1859. 2, a son, b. 1860. DYER, Asa, b. ab. 1811, son of Eben Dyer of North Haven ; m. Jane M. Beverage of that place ; r. Rock., a ship carpenter. Their ch. 1, Rosiltha, b. ab. '36. 2, Edwin B., b. ab. '41. 3, Lizzie J., b. ab. '46. DYER, Christopher, b. ab. 1815 ; c. from Cape Elizabeth with wife & family; r. some time, & built vessels, in Rock., but rem. Portland. Benjamin P., also from same place, was here temporarily, and rem. Portland. Woodbury P., a boat builder, was here also ; m. Malvina A. Brewster, Aug. 27, '53 ; rem. Portland. EARLE, Halford S., b. ab. 1812, in Brunswick, Me. ; m. Elizabeth Barker of New Bedford; r. Rock., postmaster, stevedore, &c. ; but has removed recently to California. Their ch. 1, Henry H., b. ab. '44. 2, George F , b. ab. '46. 3, Annie B., b. ab.. '48. 4, John B., b. ab. '50. 5, Clara B., b. ab. '52 ; all rem. Hal. EASTMAN, Philip, u. early, r. & d. in S. Th. Of his ch., we have noted, 1, John, b. Nov. 2, 1792; m. Abigail Munroe, Jan. 27,1825; r. S. Th., and d. Feb. 10, 1856. 2, Susan, m. Isaac Dyer; r. S. Th. 3, Mchitable, m. Ezekiel Post ; r. S. Th. 4, Mary, m. Nathan Pills bury, (2d), r. S. Th. 5, Abigail, m. Joseph Kalloch; r. S. Th. 6, Hannah, m. Benjamin Stevens ; r. Northport. Capt. Enoch, b. April, 1811 ; m. Harriet N. Washburn, June 27, '35; r. Rockport, and d. in Th.. Nov. 14, '45. John's ch. 1, Mary P., b. Dec. 30, 1826, d. May 16, '33. 2, Susan M., b. Feb. 14. '27 ; m. Israel Witham of S. Th. 3, Hannah S., b. May 11, 1828. 4. John M., b. Oct. 18, 1834 ; r. Rock., now in U. S. navy. 5, Abigail M., b. May 8, 1837. EASTMAN, Joseph, b. ab. 1822; m. Mary M. Bradford, Oct. 7, 1857 ; r. Rock., a grain merchant. Their ch. 1, George B.. b. Dec. 26, 1862, d. Aug. 19, 1863. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 209 EASTMAN, Augustus, b. ab. 1834; m. Mary ; t. Th., Their ch. 1, Nathaniel B., b. ab. 1859. EASTIS, William, was here in 1795, & p. Oct. 7th, to Mary Phil- brook of Vinalhaven. EATON, Joseph, m. Mercy Nichols ; c. from N. H. ; i. & d. Mon mouth, Me. Their ch. 1, James, b. Aug. 14, 1785 ; c. to Th. ab. 1815 ; m. Hannah Day of Monmouth ; r. Th. and d. very suddenly, Sept. 3, 1828. 2, Joseph, d. at sea. 3, Mary, m. 1st, William KeUy, 2d, John Moody ; j. and d. Monmouth. 4, Mehitable, d. unm. 5, Hubbard, c. to Th., m. Charlotte Frye of Bucksport; r. Th. & d. 1827, his wife having d. Oct. 30, '23, without ch. 6, Parker, d. unm. 7, Mercy, m. Henry Day, d. in Th. 8, Hannah P., in. Francis Weeks of Harlem, (now China,) Dec. 30, '21; i-. Patten, Me. The mother d. in Th. Dec. 18, '25, a. 70. James's ch. 1, Antoinette, b. May 9, 1819; m. Capt. Edwin S. Snow; r. St. Mary's, Texas. 2, Sarah F., b. June 9, '22 ; r. Th. 3, James N., b. Sept. 23. '24, d. at St. Thomas, W. I., March 5, '41. 4, Agarista A., b. July 16, '27, d. Sept. 13, '46. EDGARTON, Otis, b. ab. 1797 ; came from Lancaster, Mass., ab. 1819 ; m. Mary H. Pales ; r. Th., a marble manufacturer. Their ch. 1, Sarah P., b. July 12, 1823 ; m. R. Harvey Counce ; r. Th. 2, Isa bella P., b. Aug. 19, '25 ; m. Rufus C. Crawford; r. Th.. 3, Eliza M., b. Dec. 2, '27, d Jan. 13, '51. 4, Augustina, b. April 5, '30; m. Capt. Isaac M. Vose; r. Th. 5, James P., b. Nov. 21, '32 ; m. Au gustina E Graffam, Dec. 21. '56 ; r. Th., a carpenter. 6, George W., b. April 11, '35; r. Th., a marble worker and carver, &c. 7, David R., b. Oct. 12, '37 ; m. Ophelia M. Taft of Uxbridge, Mass., April 28, '64; r- Th., a painter. 8, Lucy A, b. Sept. 22, '41; m. Alfred E. Robinson ; r. Th. EDGECOMB, Eleazer, b. in Scarboro', Me., March 1, 1802 ; m. Rebecca Carleton of Whitefield, Nov. 12, '29 ; c. to E. Th., now Rock., '37 ; & d. March 16, '58. Their ch. 1, Ellery C, b. in Appleton, July 19, & d. Aug. 28, '30. 2, Cordelia, b. Aug. 27, '31. 3, David C, b. June 8, '33, lost at sea, ab. Dec. 1, '49. 4, Imelda, b. April 5, '35, in Appleton; in. C. C. Crook of Vt., Dec. 5, '52 ; r. Chelsea, Mass. 5, Adelbert, b. in Rock. Feb. 12, '39, went south, a bridge and railroad builder. 6, Warren C, b. April 15, d. Sept. 18, '45. 7, Jos. Warren, b. March 13, '47, enUsted iu U. S. Navy. 8, Helena F., b. Jan. 15, & d. May 19, '54. EDWARDS, Alexander, b. Nov. 2, 1818, in parish of Kinneff, county of Kincardineshire, Scotland ; came here, m. Mary A. Morton, May 20, '49 ; r. Th., a carpenter. Theirch. Rodney, b. ab. '50. ELDRIDGE, Littleton R., b. ab. 1823, in Bucksport, Me. ; m. H. Jane Dow ; i. Rock., a Ume burner, &c. Of their ch.. Richard A., b. ab. '44 ; r. Rock., a mariner. ELDRIDGE, Amos, b. ab. 1830, in Millbridge, Me. ; m. Elizabeth Strout ; r. Rock., in U. S. Navy. Their ch. 1, Henry, b. ab. '47. 2, Jefferson, b. ab. '50. 3, Louis, b. ab. '51. 4, Tilton, b. ab. '55. 6, Jeannette, b. ab. '58. ELLEMS, Rev. John, b. in Carlisle, Mass. ; m. Hannah Ulmer, p. Aug 16 1807, 2d, Lucy Brtwster; was a local Methodist preacher in Camden'; rem. Rock. & d. April, "43. His ch. by 2d wife. 1, Capt. William B., b. Dec. 12, '18 ; m. Joanna Butler of U., July 5, '39 ; r. 18* 210 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Th.*& d. in Havana, Jan. 14, '58. Z, Capt. Henry T., b. Oct. 5, '20; m. Sarah J. Eaton of Sedgwick, April 12, '46, 2d, Julia of Rich mond, Va.; r. Rock. 3, Cyrus, b, Nov. 8, '21, lost at sea April 24, '37. 4, Caot. Ira B., b.in (Jam., Aug. 30, '23 ; m. Caroline H. Geteh- ell, Aug. 22, '47 ; r. Rock., an alderman, &c. 5, Joseph, b. in Cam, Feb. 14, '27 ; rn. Jane Gardner, Nov. 30, '49 ; r. Rock., a stevedore, &c. 6, Mary, b. March 30, & d. Sept. 20, '29. 7, Mary C, b. April 1, '30, d. Feb. II, '36. 8, John E., b. Dec. 18, '32, in Rock. ; m. Sarah A. Smith of Vinalhaven, p. March 26, '52 ; r. Rock., a mariner, sow in U. S. Navy. 9, Hannah, b. Dec. 21, '36. Capt. WilUam B.'s ch. 1, Marcia, b. Jan. 6, & d. Feb. 28, 1840. 2, Clara, b. Oct. 23, '42. 3, Kevern S, b. March 27, '48, d. April 12, '49. Capt. Henry T.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth E., b. Jan, 30, '47 (J. Oct. 26, 1854. By 2d wife. 2, Herbert, b. ab. '56. 3, Virginia, b. ab. '59, in N. J. Capt. Ira B.'s ch. 1, Clara, b. ab. 1848. 2, Helen L, b. ab. '50. 3. Caroline A., b. ab. '59. Joseph's ch. 1, Lucy J., b. ab. 1851. 2, Oscar F., b. April 30, '56, d. Oct. 8, 57. 3, Oscar M., b. ab. '59. John E.'s ch. 1, Georgiana, b. ab. 1853. 2, Emma S., b. ab. '55. 3, Clarabelle, b. ab. 57. ELLEMS, Augustine E., b. ab. 1838, of a different family ; m. Rose B. ; r Rock. Of their ch. Alice E., b. Mar. & d. Aug. II, '60. ELLIOTT, Ambrose, b. ab. 1778; m. Sarah Choate; c. from Port land to what is now S. Thomaston, where he d. in Jan., 1827. Their ch. 1, William Henry, b. March 25, 1810; m. 1st, Mary Jordan, May 10, '32, 2d, Hannah (Emery) Arey, Nov. 7, '44 ; r. S. Th., a mariner, & d. July, '59. 2, Hannah, m. 1st, Ebenezer Jordan, 2d, Matthew P. Barton ; r. S. Th. 3, Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 31, '13, in Portland; m. Martin Keith; r. & d. Th., leaving one son, b.ab. 1846, whom she gave to her sister Susan, and who took the name of George E. Elliott, and r. Th. 4, Abigail, b. Nov. 14, '14 ; m. Leonard Johnson, Aug. 1, '30 ; r. Boston. 5, Ambrose, (2d), b. Sept. 21, '17 ; r. & d. S. Th. 6, Su san, b. Aug. 29, '19; r. Th. 7, Mary Elizabeth, b. June 10, '26; r. Boston. The mother m. 2d, Ebenezer Jordan of S. Th, 3d, Wil Uam Jackson of W. ; j. Th. William H.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary A, b. May 16, 1834, died Oct. 24, '36. 2, Caroline, b. Nov. I, '35, d. April 6, '36. 3, William, P., b. May 16, '37 ; m. Laura A Sweetland, r. Rock., a mariner, now in the U. S. navy. 4, Hester E., b. July 29, '41, d. Sept. 11, '42. By 2d wife. 5, Laura, b. ab. '45. 6, John, b. ab. '48. 7, Henry, b. ab. 1851. ELLIOTT, John, b. in Halifax, Mass., 1768 ; m. in Boston, Abigail Kneeland, 1796 ; rem. Wriscasset, 1797, to Th. in 1855, and died Dec. 19, 1862, aged 94. Their ch. 1, Abigail C, b. ab. 1797 ; m. Thomas Dunn, and d. in Boston, 1821. 2, Eliza, b. 1799 ; m. P. Call ; r. Th. 3, Sarah K., b. 1801 ; in. Samuel Goodridge, 1826 ; r. & died Th. 4, John, (2d), b. '03 ; mar. Eliza N. Robinson, July 22, '27 ; r. Th., in Knox St., a blockmaker. 5, Richard, b. March 12, '05 ; m. Elionai D. Copeland of W., Oct. 4, '34 ; r. Th., a blockmaker, & d. Jan. 27, '59. 6, Mary Ann, b. '07 ; m. Robert Walsh ; r. Th. 7, Adaline, born '09 ; jn. William Nutter. 8, Samuel, b. '12; c. to Th, m. Irene Robin son, p. May 19, '35 ; rem. Mobile in 1839, and to Florida in 1854. 9, Heury, b. 1814, i. Wiscasset. The mother d. in 1842, aged 68. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 211 John, (2d)'s ch. 1, John Henry, b. March 22, 1828; died Oct. 29, '49. 2, Sarah G., (adopted) b. '38; d. Jan. 5, '59. 3, John Henry, (adopted) b. '49, r. Th. Richard's ch. 1, James W„ b. Jan. 11, 1836, d. Sept 3, '47. 2, Oli ver G., b. May 1, '37 ; r. Th., a sailmaker; lost at sea April;,2, 1861. 3. George W. b Nov. 12, '39 ; r. Th., a sailmaker. 4, Elizabeth. Samuel's ch. 1, Susan Abigail. 2, Sarah G., b. May, 1838, died Jan. 5, '59. 3, Edwin R. 4, Alathea F. 5, Letitia. 6, Alfred B. 7, John Henry. 8, Amelia, N. 9, Martha K. ELLIOTT, William D., son of Charles Elliott, of Knox, m. Mrs. Jane KaUoch, Dec. 29, 1857 ; traded awhile in Th., and returned to Knox. ELLIS, Reuben N.. b. ab. 1822, in Blue Hill, Me.; was in 1860 a variety merchant, j. Rock., with Orillia his wife, and ch. 1, Fannie, b. ab. 1845J; 2, Minnie, b. ab. '59, but has since rem. ELLIS, Edwin, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Elizabeth Henderson, of Belfast ; inn keeper at the Georges Hotel, and returned Belfast, 1861. ELLISON, Andrew, from England, came to Th. as a tailor, mar. Mary Cobb, Oct. 16, '80S ; built a house on Main Street, but after r. here many years, rem. to and became a merch ant tailor in Boston. Of their ch. 1, Andrew, (2d), was baptised he e April 28, 1811. 2, Mary EUzabeth; 3, William Sharswood, both bap. July 25, '13. 4, Frances, bap. April 28, ' 15 ; all rem. to Boston. ELWELL, Capt. Andrew G., b. ab. 1819, came from St. George ; probably descended, as well as others of the name mentioned below, from WiUiam, one of the 1st settlers of Meduncook, now Friendship ; m. Hannah T. Maker of Th., Aug. 16, 1838; r. Rock., a pilot, lost at sea, with all on board, Oct. 1859, in the sch. Mary Farnsworth, coming from Pictou. Their ch. 1, Horace S., b. May 12, 1839 ; i. Rock., a mariner. 2, Charles H., b. June 5, '41 ; r, Rockland, a mariner. 3, Joshua C, b. ab. 1845 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Clara I., b. ab. 1850. 5, WUliam, b. ab. 1853. ELWELL, James H., b. ab. 1828 ; m. Elizabeth B. Duncan, Nov. 1848; r. Rock., a joiner. Their ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1850. 2, Eugene, b. ab. '54. ELWELL, Samuel H., b. ab. 1821: c. from St. George ; m. Jane C , or Susan P. Elwell, Sept., 1844 ; r. Rockland, a mariner. Their ch. Reuben E., b. ab. 1846. ELWELL, Iddo K., b. ab 1825 ; m. Lucy ; r. Rock., a mariner, recently entered the U. S. navy. Their ch. Cora A., b. ab. 1855. EMERY, George, b. ah. 1763, in Kittery, Me. ; c. after the Revolu tion to what is now South Thomaston ; m. Sarah Dean ; and d. ab. 1846. Lucy, a sister, who m. Nathan Pillsbury, also c. here not far from the same time ; and Nathaniel, a brother, b. April 20, 1772, set tled here, Dec, 1789 ; but rem. and died in Thorndike, Me., 1862. George's ch. 1, Sarah, m. John Whitcher; rem. Belfast. 2, Lou isa, m. Nathaniel Graves, July 11, 1809; r. St. G., and d. March 29, '52. 3, Capt. John, b. ab. 1788 ; m. 1st, Hannah Post, p. Aug. 27, 1814; 2d, Mrs. Margaret (Ciie) Bartlett, Nov. 20, '34; r. S. Th. 4, Dennis, m. in Nova Scotia; r. Belfast. 5, Jonas, b. Jan. 27, 1793; m. 1st, Abigail Sleeper, Oct. 17, 1816 ; 2d, Miss KaUoch; r. Belfast, 212 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, & d. May 27, '64. 6, George, (2d), b. 1795 ; m. 1st, Nancy Sleeper, Dec. 17, 1820 ; 2d, Rebecca Maddocks, 1826 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 7, Nathaniel, (2d), d. unm. 8, Capt. Daniel, b. July 21, 1802; m. So phia Sleeper, Sept. 6, '27 ; r. S, Th. 9, William D., b. June 15, '04 ; m. Hannah E. Pratt of Dunstable, Mass. ; r. Boston. 10, Mary, m. Joseph Pillsbury, (3d) ; r. Rock. 11, Lucy, m. Archibald C. Lowell; 2d, Jonathan Post ; r. and d. S. Th. 12, Rev. Ephraim U., a Baptist minister at Unity and other places ; m. at Islesboro', Mrs. Temperance Pruda, p. July 2, '32. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Anna, b. Nov. 21, 1792 ; 2, EUoenai, b. Nov. 30, '94; m. David Packard ; 3, Tristram, b. April 26, '96 ; 4, Levi, b. SeDt. 22, '98 : all probably rem. Thorndike. 5, Thomas, b. Sept. 22, 1802, d. April 1, '03. Capt. John's ch. by 1st wife 1, Eliza H., b. Nov. 27, '15 ; m. Ben- jamin F. Webster; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. WiUiam S., b. Oct. 10, '17; m. Lucy I. Spalding, July 7, '39 ; rem. Cal. 3, Hannah, b. Oct. 4, '19 ; m. Alden B. Arey ; r. S. Th. 4, Emily A., b. Jan. 2, 1823 ; m. Capt. Elias Sleeper ; r. S. Th. & d. July 17, '50. 5, Sarah M., b. May 17, '24, d. Sept. 1826. 6, Capt. John A., b. March 7, '29 ; m.Kate S. Thorndike, June 21, '55 ; r. S. Th. 7, Mary S., b. June 27, '31 ; m. Nathan P. Webster, Jan. 1, '52 ; d. Dec. 14, '52. 8, Alvan S., b. March 13, '33. By 2d wife. 9, Susan E., b. Nov., 1835. 10, Rich ard A., b. Nov. 13, '37, d. young? 11, Richard B., b. '39; was a member of Baptist church from childhood, became a soldier of the 2d Me. Battery, for duty's sake, and d. Nov. 26, '62, at Brooks Station, Va. 12, Capt. B. Alden, b. ab. '41 ; m. Elizabeth O. Maddocks, March 8, '64 ; r. S. Th. 13, Samuel A., b. ab. '43, ¦. S. Th., * mari ner. Of Jonas's ch. 1, Capt- George, (3d), m. Susan D. Graves, Dec. 7, '42 ; r. Th. George, (2d)'s, ch. 1, Eveline, b. Oct. 7, 1821 ; m. Charles Sher man ; & d. Aug. 18, '43. 2, Edwin Thomas, b. April 27, '23 ; m. Susan M. Perry, Feb. 18, '47 ; r. S. Th., a truckman. By 2d wife. 3, John, (2d), b. Sept. 1, '27; m. Melissa L. Arey, June 1857 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 4, Joseph M., b. March 27, '29 ; m. Mary Masters ; r. S. Th., a carpenter. 5, George W., b. Sept. 29, '30 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 6 & 7. twins, b. May 5, '32, Nancy Rosetta and Harrietta. 8, Lucy, b. April 14, '34, d June 3, '52. Rebecca, the mother, d. April 13, '56, a. 62. Capt. Daniel's ch. 1, Abigail, b. April 13, '33, d. Jan. 25, '42. 2, Sarah, b. May 21, '35 ; r. S. Th. 3, Bethiah, b. July 31, '37 ; r. S. Th. 4, Daniel W., b. Jan. 9, '39 ; a mariner, d. in Mexico, July 30, '60. 5, Harrison, b. April 30, '41 ; a mariner. 6, Clara, b. Oct. 24, '43. 7, Sophia, b. March 9, '46. 8, Knott, b. March 13, '48. 9, Abbie, b. Sept. 6, '53. William D.'s ch. 1, Harriet E., b. in Boston, March 28, 1827 ; 2, Albert T., b. in S. Th., Oct. 7, '29 ; 3, Catharine R., b. in S. Th., May 17, '31 ; 4, Mary H., b. May 21, '33 ; 5, William N , b. in S. Th., May 25, '36 ; all probably rem. Boston. Fourth Generation. Capt. WilUam S.'s ch. 1, Eleanor S., b. Feb. 20, and d. April 14, 1840. 2, William Edward, b. Feb. 21, '42. Capt. George, (3d)'s, ch. 1, Evelina P. 2, Edwin R. 3, Lizzie C. 4, Silliam M. 5, Walter. 6, Arthur. 7, Nellie. Edwin Thomas's ch. Edwin G., b. ab. 1851. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 213 Joseph M.'s ch 1, Georgiana, b. ab. '53. 2, Charles O., b. ab. '55. 3, Joseph, b. ab. '57. EMERY, Alonzo, c. with his wife from Hampden, Me ; kept the Owl's Head hotel in 1839 and '40 ; rem. Mass. Their ch. b. here- Josiah L., b. Sept. 1, 1839. Clarissa L., the mother, d. Dec. 22, '40. EMERY, William, b. ab. 182P, came from Portland; m. Marlla Ames, Oct. 14, 1856 ; j. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. Charles, b. ab. 1859. EMERSON, Thomas, b. in Dublin, Ireland ; c. to Thomaston as a teacher ; m. Lydia Morse, May 18, 1789 ; sailed for Ireland in June, 1790, and d. before his return. Their only son, John, b. July 30, 1789 ; grad. H. U., 1816 ; m. Mary Walls, July, 1829 ; rem. & prac. law in Montville. His ch. 1, Margaret Catharine, m. & rem. Burn- ham. 2, Almatia, m. Follett, r. Montville. 3, Jennie, m. a Whitmarsh, r. Beverly. 4, EUzabeth. 5, Augusta. EMERSON, Capt. Joseph, b. ab. 1800 ; c. from Edgecomb, Me., m. 1st, Rebecca Robinson, p. Oct. 21, 1826, 2d, Mrs. Mary E. Bright of Hampden, April 3, '44 ; r. Th., rem. and d. in San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 31, 1860. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary Ann, b. Aug. 22, 1827; 2, Wm. James R., b. March 28, '29 ; m. Eliza James, of London, England, Sept. 30, '54 ; 3, Joseph Edwin R., b. May, 1832 ; 4, Julia Hortense, b. May 21, 1834 ; aU probably rem. 5, Rebecca, b. May9, '36, d. Nov. 30, '55. 6, Elizabeth, b. June 18, '38, d. Oct. 11, '38. The mother b. June 16, 1806, d. Oct. 3, 1838. EMPEROR, James, b. ab. 1828, in Ireland, as was Catharine, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Ellen, b. ab. '56. 2, John, b. ab '59. ERSKINE, Abiel, b. ab. 1813, in Jefferson, Me.; m. Lucinda Borneman of Wal.; r. Rock., a joiner, &c. Their ch. 1, Royal G., b. ab. 1843; i. Rock., enlisted in U. S. navy. 2, Lincoln H., b. ab. '45. 3, Mary B., b. ab. '49. 4, Roswell, b. ab. '51. 5, Clarabelle, b. ab. '53. 6, Eugene, b. '55, d. May 13, '57. 7, Cora Emma, b. ab. '59. ESTABROOK, Dr. Theodore L., son of Dr. Joseph H. & Caroline (Jacobs) EstabrOok of Camden, b. in Cam. studied medicine & grad. at New York University ; r. and prac. med. in Rock, since 1859. ESTEN, Dr. John, b. Nov. 6, 1824, in Burrillville, Providence co., R. I. ; m. Rebecca Day of Smithfield, R. I. ; r. and prac. med. in Rock. Their ch. Nellie E., b. Aug. 1, 1850. EUGLEY, Jacob A., b. ab. 1830, in Waldoboro' ; m. Martha A. ; r. Rock., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Webster L., b. ab. '57. 2, Susan E., b. ab. '59. * EVANS, Dr. Warren R., h. in Norway, Me. ; c. to Th. 1863, as a dentist. EVANS, EUsha, c. to Th. from Sackville, N. S., with Betsey, his wife ; and ret. thither after having r. here, as appears from the record of his 9 ch., from 1826 to 1841. All ret. to Sackville, as did also Wil liam A. Evans, who r. here some years. EVERETT, David, b: ab. 1785, in Massachusetts ; m. here Jane Bartlett, Nov. 3, 1808 ; j. S. Th., a farmer, &c. Their ch. 1, Mary, b March 1, 1810, d. March 13, '12. 2, Mary, b. March 10, '12, died April 15, '44. 3, Jeannette G., b. Aug. 30, '14 ; m. Adrian Child of Harpswell, Sept. 23, '42; rem. West.. 4, Prudence C, b. Jan. 27, '17 ; m. Capt. Alfred Sherman of Hope ; r. S. Th. 5, MeleUah, b. 214 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Oct., 1821, d. Sept. 25, '26. 6, David B., b. July 16, '28; m. Clem entine Fales; rem. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7, Samuel G., b. Nov. 3, '28; m. Susan E. Emery, Nov., 1856 ; r. S. Th. a mariner. 8, Sarah El len, b. Nov. 23, '34 ; m. Henry Drew ; rem. West. Of David B.'s ch. Fannie E., b. June, 1858, d. June 26, '61. Samuel G.'s ch. Adrian C, b. ab. 1858. EVERETT, Edward, b. ab. 1828, in Montville; m. Helen T. Keat ing, June 13, '55 ; r. Rnck , in mercantile business. Their ch. John C, b. ab. '57. EVERTON, Zephaniah, b. in 1764 ; was a soldier of the Revolu tion ; c. from Gilmanton, N. H. to Th. ; worked at the mills in U., 1791-3 ; m. Margaret Watson, Jan. 25, 1798 ; was long the toll gath erer at the lower bridge in Th., where he d July 26, 1841. Their ch. 1, OUver, b. Aug. 9, 1798; enlisted at'Portsmouth in U. S. service, 1816, received a furlough to visit his parents, & has never since been heard from. 2, Mary, b. March 1, 1801, d. of measles, April 9, '09. 3, William, b. May 3, 1803, d. of consumption, May 3, '46. 4, Mar garet, b. Jan. 9, 1806, d. March 12, '42. 5, Maria, b. Dec 9, '08; r. Th. 6, John, b. 1812, d. five days old. 7, Eliza A., b. 1814, d. nine months old. FAHEY, Thomas, b. Limerick, Ireland, 1811; m. Mary Savage; came hither '35-'6 ; r. Th., a laborer. Theirch. 1, Thomas, b. ab., '41. 2, John, b. ab. '43. 3, Michael, b. ab. '45. 4, Frances, b. ab. 49. 5, Mary, b. ab. '50. 6, James, b. ab. '53. 7, Catharine, b. ab. 1856. FAIRFIELD, John, b. about 1839, r. with Mary A., his wife, in Rock., a mariner. FALES, Nathaniel, of Bradford, Mass., (who was the son of James Fales, (3d), who was the' son of James, (2d), who was the son of Jas. 1st, who came from the ancient town of Chester, in England, and settled in Walpole, Mass.) m. Elizabeth Atwood, and died Sept. 28, 1737. His wife, Elizabeth (or Jenney) d. in Bradford, 1782, aged 83 or 84. Their ch. 1, Atwood, b. March 10, 1723, (O. S. as are aU the succeeding births of this generation) r. at Amherst, N. S. and Th., and d. at the former place, Feb. 8, 1805, aged about 82. 2, EUzabeth, b. Nov. 21, 1725 ; m. it is presumed, in Mass., and died March 12, 1808, a. 82. 3, Capt. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 2, 1727; m. Sarah Badger, at Norwich, May 18, 1749 ; settled in Th., where he i. and d. April 13, 1797,. aged 70. 4, Ebenezer, b. Feb„8, 1729 ; remained probably in Mass., and d. Nov. 30, 1798, aged ab. 70. 5, James, b. March 4, 1731, d. Feb. 13, 1755. 6, David, Esq., physician, and surveyor, b. June 9, 1733 ; mar. 1st, Hannah Thorp at Dedham, 1761, by Rev. Thomas Balch ; settled in St. Georges, now Th., m. 2d, to Zibiah Partridge, June 6, 1782, by Mason Wheaton, Esq. ; & d. April 4, '22. a. ab. 89. 7, Sarah, b. April 6, 1735 ; m. it is presumed, and remain ed in Mass.; d. Jan. 28, 1817, a. ab. 82. 8 & 9, twins, b. Sept. 21, 1737, Samuel, d. Oct. 21, 1737, and John Brock, d. Sept. 23, 1737. Atwood's ch. 1, James, (2d), m. r. & d. in Nova Scotia. 2, John, m. Hannah Fales, p. Sept. 15, 1786; j. Beech Woods, Th., but ret. and d. in Nova Scotia. 3, Samuel, b. ab. 1756 ; m. Mary McLean from Mass., r. Th., at Beechwoods, and d. Sept. 29, 1841. Capt. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. at Norwich, Jan. 25, 1750 ; m. Simeon Daniels at Franklin or Hollistou, where she died. 2, Na- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 215 thaniel, (2d), b. at Norwich, Oct. 25, 1752 ; m. to Zilpah Robbins by Mason Wheaton, Esq., Dec. 1781 ; r. Th., and d. June 19, 1834, aged 82. 3, Sarah, b. at Pepperel, March 18, '55, m. 1st, Elisha Partridge, 2d, James Stackpole; r. Th., and d. Nov. 19, 1834. 4, James, b. at Providence, R. I., Aug. 21 ,57 ; m. Deidamia Jenks, p. July 27, '86 ; r. Th., and d. April 13, 1842. 5, Rhoda, b. at Norwich, March 27, '60 ; m. Oliver Smith ; r. Th., a tailoress, supporting her ch. by her industry ; & d. June 2, 1839. 6, Hannah, b. at Norwich, Oct. 2, '62 ; m. John Fales, r. Th. and Nova Scotia. 7, Capt. David, Jr., b. at Norwich, Dec. 23, 1764 ; m. by Rev. Joseph Eckley, to Abigail Webb of Boston, Aug. 14, 1788 ; r. Th., and d. Sept. 6, 1845. The mother was b. at Norwich, Sept. 14, 1726 ; r. and d. Th. David Esq.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Peronella, b. March 9, 1762, and d. June 24, 1764. 2, WiUard, b. May 31, '63, d. July 7, '64. 3, Cyn thia, b. July 27, '64, d. Dec. 24, '94. 4, Melinda, b. Dec. 26, '66 ; m. Dea. Perez Tilson, r. Th., & d. June 4, 1820. 5, Leonard, b. June 10, '68; m. Nancy James of Warren, Aug. 26, '90 ; r. Th., a constable, sheriff, &c„ and d. Nov. 18, 1826. 6, Willard, b..Dec. 4, 1769 ; m. Harriet Webb of Warren, Aug. 21, 1800 ; r. Th., and d. Oct. 15, 1853. 7, Atwood, (2d), b. Feb. 10, 1772, d. Sept. 28, 1794. 8, Capt. William, b. July 30, 1773; m. Anna Woodcock, p. Dec. 13, 1798, r. Th., a seaman, and d. Oct. 12, 1826. 9, Peronella, b. Feb. 17, '75 ; m. Marlborough Conant ; r. Th., and d. Aug. 13, 1816. 10, David S., Esq., b. May 12, '76 ; m. Mrs. Sally Bryant, March 8, 1807 ; r. Th. and d. March 5, 1846. 11, Hannah, b. June 15, '77, d. March 1, '81, of throat distemper. 12, Oliver, b. Nov. 17, '78 ; m.Mary Spear, Dec. 14, 1817 ; r. Rock., a merchant from 1807, and d. Dec. 10, 1858. Hannah, the mother, was b. Oct. 17, 1739, at Dedham, and d. July 11, '79, in the 40th year of her age. By 2d wife. 13, Asa, b. April 16, '83; m. 1st, Elizabeth Battle, Jan. 6, 1814, rem. to Strong; m. again, and d. Dec. 29, 1827. 14, Hannah, b. May 23, '85 ; d. sud denly of the disease then called angina pectoris, Sept. 18, '31. 15, Eusebius, b. June 24, '86 ; m. Sarah E. Haskell, June 15, 1826 ; and d. suddenly while at work in his garden, of the same disease as his sister, May 7, 1831. 16, Elisha, b. March 15, '88; m. Polly Lynn Gilchrist of St. George, Dec. 13, 1810; i. Th., and d. May 27, '63. 17, Elizabeth, b. Feb. 7, 1790 ; m. Col. Benjamin S. Dean ; r. Ban gor, and d. Dec. 12, 1857. 18, George, b. Dec. 1, '91; m. Mary Crouch, Sept. 3, 1815 ; r. Th., and d. Dec. 10, 1835. 19, Susanna, b. July 15, '93 ; r. Th., and d. June 4, 1844. 20, Cynthia, b. March 2, '95;'m. 1st, Wm. Spalding, 2d, John M. Foster, of Bangor, Oct. 28, 1844; and'd. July 5, 1855. 21, Julia, b. Nov. 22, '97; m. Whiting Hawesof Union, April 20, 1842; and d. Dec. 5, '63. 22, Thomas, b. May 14, '99, d. March 20, 1818. 23, Miriam, b. Dec. 28, 1800 ; m. Titcomb, r. Cincinnati, Ohio, and had dau. Mirian\ bap. here, Nov. 9, 1834. 24, Philip Atwood, b. Feb. 22, 1803 ; m. Sarah Spald ing, Feb. 7, '24 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 25, (adopted grandchild), Nan cy, m. Capt. James M. Blackington ; r. Th. Third Generation, in Thomaston . John's ch. 1, Rev. Reuben, b. ab. 1788 ; entered H. U., but did not grad. on account of iU-health ; possessed a strong desire for a knowledge of the oriental languages and for travelling in the East, was a proficient in Greek and Hebrew, took deep interest in theologi cal subjects, was at times a Universalist preacher, was some years at 216 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, the head of a collegiate institution in Nova Scotia, was the author of "Perigrinus in his Childhood," an epic poem, published at Boston by Geo. W. Briggs, which reached a 3d edition in 1849, and which ex hibits his early mental struggles against the doctrines of Calvinism, and, as he expresses it, the " Brief outlines of the fortunes of his life, From youth's fair morning, till his cherished hopes Completely vanished, like the morning dews ; And these sole expectations now remained, — To glide along unnoticed and unknown, To make life's final exit unobserved ; And mingle, in oblivion, with the dust, Without a speaking marble o'er his bed, To show that Perigrinus ever lived." His nervous sensibility was great, his eccentricities, at times, amount ed to insanity, and he died at the Thomaston poor-house in the month of Feb., 1864. 2, Irene, m. Ira Hussey of Cam., p. Dec. 7, '05. 3, Betsey, m. in Nova Scotia. 4, Arvilla. 5, James, (3d), rem. Nova Scotia. Samuel's ch. 1, Mary, b. May 1, 1798 ; m. Abner Dunton of Lin colnville, March 7, 1816. 2, Ebenezer, b. Sept. 12, 1800; m. Mary Perkins of Windsor, July 3, '34 ; r. Beech Woods, Th., a stone cutter, &c. 3, Samuel H., b. March 5, '03 ; m. Asenath Trask, '32 ; r. Beech Woods, Th., & d. Jan. 29, '51. 4, Elibeus, b. July 30, '05 ; m. Eliza beth Simmons of Wal., '29 ; r. Beech Woods, Th., & d. July 25, '53, a fortnight after his return from California. 5, Catharine, b. June 2, '07 ; m. William Hall, r. Boston ; joined the Mormons, & died among them at Beaver Isle. 6, Allen, b. March 6, '10 ; went to sea & never returned. 7, Sophia, b. March 2, '12; r. Portland. 8, John, (2d), b. Sept. 9, '15 ; d. at sea. 9, Sylvester, b. June 9, '20, d. July 10, '45, killed instantly by explosion in lime quarry. The mother d. Dec. '55. Nathaniel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah, bom April 6, 1783 ; in. Darius Brewster ; r. Rock., and d. May 3, 1844. 2, Nathaniel, (3d), b. June 28, 1785 ; m. 1st, Nancy Robinson, July 17, 1806 ; 2d, Sarah (Craw ford) Page of Warren, April 1, 1852 ; r. Beech Woods, a farmer, &c. 3, Lucy, b. Nov. 15, 1787 ; m. Simon Blood, Dec. 22, 1808 ; rem. & d. Lincolnville. 4, Nancy, b. March 31, 1790; m. Lewis Robbins of Union, Feb. 5, 1811; r. Line. 5, Priscilla, b. Sept. 2, 1792, d. Feb. 26, 1800. 6, Luciuda, b. Nov. 30, 1794; m. Simeon Blood; r. Th. 7, Joanna, b. Dec. 12, 1797, d. Sept. 1, 1801. 8, Deborah R., b. Nov. 14, 1801 ; m. Joshua Richardson, May 15, 1819. James's ch. 1, Beriah, d. young. 2, David J., d. young. 3, Be- riah, m. Je^sse Rice, Dec. 4, 1817 ; rem. Union River. 4, Marcus, d., aged 23 or*24 years. Capt. David, jr.'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. Oct. 21, 1789 ; d. same day. 3, Edward, b. Nov. 21, '90 ; d. same month. 4, Barnabas, b. March 6, '92; m. 1st, July 23, 1818, Diadama, sister of E. Phinney, Esq., was for many years in his office, rem. & did business at Washington, D. C, thence to Havana where he m. 2d, Mrs. Mary Ann McArdel, April 13, 1831, whose coffee plantation at Camarioca, Cuba, he changed into a sugar plantation and managed till his death, Oct. 1, or 20, 1840. 5, Noyes, b. Jan. 16, '94 ; m. Lydia Fountain of St. Geo.; r. Th., a mariner, &c. 6, Nathan W., b. Jan. 28, '96; m. 1st, Mrs. Elizabeth Mayo, dau. of Charles B. Davis of Washington, D. C, June 3, 1823 ; 2d, Mrs. ; r. Washington, D. O. 7, Harriet, b. Nov. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 217 14, '97 ; m. Joseph L. Gilchrist, Sept. 25, 1816. 8, Mary Holmes, b. Oct. 19, '99; in. Otis Edgarton; r. Th. and d. July 17, '61. 9, Capt. Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1801 ; m. 1st, Sarah Parker, May 4, 1835 ; 2d, Mary Kendall, June 8, '47 ; r. Shirley, Mass., rem. California. 10 & 11, twins, b. Jan. 2, '04 ; David, (4th), d. young, and George Wash ington, who m. Jane A. Demuth, May 12, '33 ; r. Washington, D. C. 12, Lewis T., b. June 17, '05 ; m. Antoinette Washburn, June 5, '32 ; r. Washington, D. C. 13, WilUam Holmes, b. 27, '07 ; m. Sarah Jenkins of Boston, Nov., 1834 ; rem. and d. in Ohio. 14, Louisa, b. May 10, '10; m. Robert L. Dodge; r. Brunswick. Leonard's ch. 1, Capt. William James, b. at Warren, Oct. 6, 1791 ; m. Eliza Ayers of New Orleans, and a native of Chichester, Del. ; r. Th., a ship master & owner. 2, Atwood, (2d), b. Jan. 15, '94 ; traded in Th., rem. and d. in Baltimore, Aug 31, 1825. 3, Eliza T., b. Feb. 22, '96; m. Joseph Colson ; r. New Orleans, and d. Feb. 19, 1862. 4, Capt. Edmund, b. June 28, '98 ; d. at Charleston, S. C, Aug. 11, 1824, of yellow fever. 5, David Thorp, b. Sept. 28, 1800 ; in. Eliza A. Bishop, 1829 ; r. a time in Lowell, ret. & r. Th. on the old place of his grandfather, Dr. D. Fales. 6, Almond, b Jan. 6, '03 ; died in Charleston, S. C, Aug. 11, '24. 7, Oliver, (2d), b. Aug. 10, '05 ; m. Sarah Pendleton of Northport, p. Jan. 14, '34 ; r. Augusta, Me. 8, Nancy James, b. Nov. 8, or Dec. 5, '09 ; m. Hon. Edward Robinson ; r. Th., and d. Oct. 23, or April 26, 1845. 9, Penelope G , b. March 31, '12; m. Hon. Edward Robinson; r. Th. 10, Capt. Arthur Mac, b. July 28, '14; m. Sarah Frank Robinson, Jan. 18, '49; r. Th., a shipmaster. 11, Ormond Leonard, b. Aug. 30, '19, d. Aug. 19, '22, by drowning. The mother died March 6, '43. WiUard's ch. 1, Willard, (2d), b. July 26, 1801, d. Sept. 1, '02. 2, Capt. Henry H., b. May 5, '03 ; m. Melia Butler, Aug. 26, '32 ; r. Th. & d. Oct. 18, '34. 3, Benjamin W., b. April 25, '05; m. Hannah T. McKellar of St. George, Sept. 24, '40. 4, Harriet W., b. March 24 '07 ; m. Ephraim HaU, (3d) ; i. Readfield ; rem. Wayne. 5, Willard, (3d), b. April 18, '09 ; m. Margaret P. Washburn, p. June 26, '37 ; r. New York. 6, Josiah, b. March 4, 12 ; m. Roxanna Poland, p. Oct. 21, '48; r. Th., a carpenter. 7, John H., b. March 26, '17, d. May 18, '48. 8, Lydia W., b. March 21, '19 ; r. Th. Capt. WUliam's ch. 1, Charles, (natural or adopted,) b. Nov. 19, 1794 ; was a mariner, entered the U. S. Navy, became a gunner, and is supposed to have died in the service. 2, Hon. Beder, b. Sept. 14, '03 ; m. Nancy F. King, p. Aug. 4, '32 ; r. Th., Judge of Probate for Lincoln county, 1856, the first chosen by the people ; magistrate, ad ministrator, &c. 3, Hannah Thorp, b. June 24, '05 ; m. Ebeuezer Mclntyre ; r. Warren. 4, Seba, b. Sept. 1, '07 ; r. Th., and d. April 19, '55. 5, Zibiah P., b. Aug. 9, '10 ; m. Josiah Sanborn of Belfast, ab. 1828; r. Belfast. 6, Avis, b. Sept. 10, '15; m. James H. Wins- low ; r. Th., and died Jan. 7, '44. David S. Esq.'s ch. 1, Oscar, b. Nov. 25, 1807 ; r. California, unm. 2, Albert Cushing, b. Nov. 23, '09 ; m. Lucinda Gates, p. Nov. 18, '36; r. Th., a mason, &c. 3, Sarah V., b. Feb. 17, '12, d. Nov. 26, '27. 4, George David, b. Dec. 12, '14 ; rem. and d. at Martinez, Cal., Dec. 20, '54. 5, Capt. Orris, b. March 20, '17; m. Clementine B. Webb, June 27, '47 ; r. Martinez', Cal. 6, Lavinia S., b. April 4, '20 ; in. Charles G. Smith; r. CaUfornia. 7, Mary Spencer, b. July 11, '24, d. Sept. 1, '25. 8, David T., (natural or adopted), m. Sarah A. Vol. II. 19 218 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Palmer, Aug. 27, '35 ; rem. Illinois, and thence to Portland, Oregon, over the Rocky Mountains, where he was obUged to winter, suffering much and losing his cattle. Oliver's ch. 1, Mary Thomas, b. Sept. 30, 1818; m. 1st, James Fogg, Esq., 2d, Dr. Hebbard of Boston or vicinity. 2, Oliver Bailey, b. Sept 9, '21 ; m. 1st, Maria L. Robinson, Sept. 11, '50 ; 2d, Emma A. Sprague, May 29, '57 ; r. Rock., a merchant, &c. 3, Edward S., b. Dec. 26, '30, d. Feb. 27, '38. 4, Julia Melinda, b. Feb. 17, '34 ; m. Dr. Herbert C. Bradford of Auburn, Me., Nov. 23, '57. Asa's ch. 1, Capt. Washburn, b- Oct. 3,' 1814; m. Rachel Gates, ' Feb. 25, '44 ; r. Th.. and was lost at sea in 1860 on passage from New Orleans to Liverpool with his wife and child, his ship St. Patrick, and all on board. 2, Ann Eliza, b. in Strong, July 4, '17 ; m. 1st, Joseph Ulmer, 1837 ; 2d, Dr. J E. Hunt ; r. Nashua, N. H. 3, Susan, m. William M. SarteUe ; r. Rock. 4, David, (3d), Esq., m. in Augusta ; r. and practises law in Saco. Eusebius, (3d)'s ch. 1, Wyman Eusebius, b. July 19, 1830. Elisha's ch. 1, Juliana, b. April 20, 1813 ; m. Col. George A. Starr ; r. Th. and d. Aug. 13, '36. 2, Joseph, b. Nov. 17, 1814, d.out South, Jan 21, '48. 3, Elisha Partridge, b. Jan. 5, '17; m. Agnes Handley, March 27, 1844, r. Th. a mason, livery stable-keeper, &c. 4, Thomas, b. Nov. 8, 1818; m. Margaret Williams, March 11, '44. r. Th., and d. Aug. 28, '44. 5, Mitchell, b. July 7, '21 ; m. Mar tha H. Kelleran, Feb. 6, '50, d. Oct. 18, '51. 6, Benjamin D., b. June 17, '23, died at N. O., May 21, '48. 7, Lucy S., b. Jan. 14, '26, m. James Payson of Cushing, Jan. 5, '45. 8, Henry, b. Oct. 8, '28 ; m. Eliza J.White, Feb. 13, '53 ; r. Rock. 9, Almira H., b. March 21, '31 ; m. William M. Vanstone. 10, Augustus S., b. July 4, '33 ; m. Lucretia Jameson ; r. Cushing, a merchant, post-master, &c. 11, Mary, b. Feb. 5, '36. The mother d. Nov. 13, '45, a. 49. George's ch. 1, Capt. Ephraim C, b. July 1, 1816 ; m. Hannah M. Wyman of Brooklyn, 1853, & d. May 22, '57, at the Chincha Is. 2, Mary Ann, b. Oct. 13, '17 ; m. Thomas Rose ; r. Th. 3, Capt. Wm., (2d), b. March 24, '19 ; m. Catharine W. Bennett, Sept. 20, '43 ; r. Th., in Government naval service. 4, George H., b. Oct- 18, '20 ; m. in N. O., r. Brooklyn, N. Y. 5, Emily J., b. Sept. 7, 22. 6, Cynthia, b. Sept. 27, '24 ; d. Oct. 18, '61. 7, Margaret H., b. Nov. 7, '26 ; m. Capt. Silas O. Pierce, of Rock., Oct. 3, '49. 8, Clementine C, born Sept. 13, '28 ; m. David R. Everett, of S. Th. ; r. Brooklyn, N. Y. 9, Eliza A., b. Sept. 14, '30, d. Dec. 11, '35. 10, Sarah V., b. Nov. 4, '32 ; m. Cyrus P. Shaw, of Rock., Nov. 4, '51 ; r. S. Th. 11, Ed mund, b. Sept 23, '35 ; r. Th., a mariner. Philip Atwood's ch. 1, Charles Atwood, b. Sept. 30, 1824 ; m. Nancy Robinson, Jan. 9, '49 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 2, John Henni- ker, b. May 20, '26 ; drowned at New York, Aug. 16, '50. 3, EUza beth D., b. Dec. 26, '29 ; m. Capt. Robert P. Guptill ; r. Rock. 4, Hannah A., b. Feb. 18, '33 ; m. Warren Rowell; r. S. Th. F ourth Generation. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Leonard K. or, as recorded, Lermond H., b. Oct. 23, 1834 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier of 1st Me. Cavalry, &c. 2, Sarah M., b. June 23, '36 ; m. Edward Carleton ; r. Th. 3, Nelson S., b. May 5, '38 ; r. Th., a mariner, sergeant in 7th Me. Reg. 4, Fenelon M., b. Aug. 3, '40 ; a mariner, soldier of the 1st Me. Cavalry, killed in battle, at Charles City Court House, April, 1864. 5, John L., b. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 2 19 Jan. 28, '43 ; r. Th., a painter, soldier in 1st Reg. D. C. Cavalry, &c. 6, Sylvester L., b. Jan 21, '45 ; r. Th., a soldier of the 21st Me. Reg., killed near Port Hudson, June 7, '63. 7, Elwyn H., b. Dec. 5, '48. 8, Laura E., b. July 12, '51. 9, Susan L., b. May 26, '56. Samuel H.'s ch. 1, Sylvanus C, b. July 1, 1833, d. June 23, '35. 2, Emerson F., b. Oct. 11, '34 ; r. Th., a mason, soldier of 4th Me. Reg., &c. 3, Albert S., b. June 3, '36 ; l. Th., and d. Nov. 29, '45. 4, Cyrus V., b. Sept. 9, '37, died Sept. 4, '56. 5, Asenath Mary, b. April 7, '39; m. John Frank Clark, and d. Oct. 4, '56. 6, Elizabeth J., b. March 28, '40; m. Andrew J. Grant, March 20, '58. 7, Mar garet C, b. Nov. 16, '41 ; j. Th. 9, Samuel W., b. ab. '43 ; r. Th., soldier of 4th Me. Reg., since in U. S. Navy. 9, Frances, b. ab. '45. 10. Alfred C, b. ab. '48 ; r. Th., entered U. S. Navy. 11, Sophronia W., b. March 28, '50. died Oct. 22, '62. Elibeus's ch. 1, WiUiam H., b. June 21, 1829; m. Pamelia A. Oliver, July 25, '52 ; r. Th., an overseer in State Prison, and d. Dec. 7, '60. 2, Mary A., b. Feb. 7, 31 ; m. George G. Carter of Portland, Feb. 20, '50. 3, Lauriton G., h. Sept. 12, '32; r. Th., a carpenter, &c. 4, Adney A., b. June 1, '34 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier in 2d Me. Battery. 5. Sarah E., b. April 13, '36. 6, Gilman W., b. June 9, '38 ; r. Th., a peddler, soldier in 35th Mass. Reg., &c. 7, Malvina B., b. Jan., 1842. The mother died Apri|l 22, '53. Nathaniel, (3d)'s eh. by 1st wife. 1, Jane R., b. Sept. 13, 1806 ; m. Samuel Albee ; studied medicine in Female Medical College, Boston, and prac. med. in Rock. 2, Alice R., b. June 28, '08 ; m. Seth Vose ; r. Th., on homestead. 3, Nathaniel, (4th), b. June 18, '10 ; m. Mary P. Morse, p. June 21, '35 ; rem. CaUfornia. 4, Rufus S., Esq., b. Dec. 25, '12; m. Julia A. Thompson in Lowell, 1838 ; r. Th., and d. June 25, '58. 5, Rebecca C, b. Nov. 2, '14 ; m. Capt. Wellman Spear ; r. Rock. 6, Burton, b. July 10, '17 ; m. 1st, Sarah Mosman, Dec, '38 ; 2d, Maribah Ann Thurston, Dec. 7, '41, who died June 19, '48 ; 3d, Rachel D. Bisbee of War , Jan. 9, '49 ; rem. California. 7, Nancy, b. Aug. 25, '19 ; m. Moses H. Watts ; r. Th. 8, Sophia A., b. April 26, '22 ; m. WUUam E. Whitney. 9, Newell, b. Feb. 27, '25, d. Dec. 11, '47, at Charlestown, Mass. Barnabas's ch. 1, A. Ann, b. AprU 30, 1819; m. John Damon of Charlestown, Mass. 2, Joseph, b. Jan. 22, and d. Aug. 6, '21. By 2d wife. 3, Charlotte, b. Peb. 22, '32. 4, Mary A., b. Nov. 7, '33. 5, David Henry, b. Feb. 16, '40. Noyes's ch. 1, Edward, (2d), b. Aug. 4, 1818, d. March 20, '35. 2, Barnabas, (2d), b. Jan. 18, '20, d. abroad. 3, Otis E., b. Jan. 29, '22 ; m. Sarah E. Rivers, Sept. 21, '41 ; r. St. Geo. 4, Abigail A., b. Jan. 15, '24 ; m. Haskell. 5, Antoinette, b. Dec. 20, '25, died Sept. 2"0, '26. 6, Nelson, b. Aug. 19, '27 ; m. Sarah G. Piper, Nov. 26, '48, and d. Nov. 14, '53, lost at sea from ship R. L. Gilchrist on ¦passage to New Orleans. 7, William P., b. May 20, '29, d. in Mex ico, r 8, Sophronia, b. May 27, '31, d. May 5, '37. 9, Helen M., b. Dec. 26, '33. 10 & 11, twins, b. Jan 23, '36 ; Clementine N., d. May 26, '42, Catharine, d. Feb. 10, '37. 12, Almeda, b. Sept. 15, '37, died April 30, '61. 13, Ami E., b. Jan. 15, '40 ; r. Th. 14, Mary T., b. March 21, '42. Nathan W.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Charlotte L., b. Sept. 5, 1824, d. May 16, '33. 2, William Ryland, b. Sept. 10, '26. 3, Nathan, born April 15, '29. 4, Henry R., b. March 29, '32. 5, Mary V., b. June 29, '35. Capt. Edward's ch. by 1st wife. Sarah Jane, b. Dec. 22, 1832. 220 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of Lewis T.'s oh. 1, Judson W., b. 1837, d. Oct. 16, '43. 2, Lewis M., b. 1842, d. Dec. 19, '43. Of WUliam Holmes's ch. Sarah, m. William L. Packard ; r. Th. David Thorp's ch. 1, Ann E , b. Oct. 6, 1831, d. March 14, '47. 2, Penelope J., b. Dec 21, '33, d. March 19, '51. 3, Ellen M., b. Sept. 19, '36, d. Jan. 20, '51. 4, Frances A., b. Jan. 20, '39, d. Sept. 18, '56. 5, Eveline A., b. Sept. 26, '41, d. Feb. 18, '54. 6, Emma, born May 3, '46 ; r. Th. The mother died Nov. 18, '48, in Lowell, Mass. Capt. Arthur Mac 's ch. 1, Annie James, b. Dec. 25, 1853. 2, Alida, b. Dec, 1858. Benjamin W.'s ch. 1, Harriet W., b. May 31, 1841, died April '44. 2, Benjamin T., b. Feb. 12, '43. WiUard (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary J., b. April 30, 1838. 2, Eugene H„ b. March 10, '40. 3, Grenville, b. Sept. 4, '41. Josiah's ch. 1, Eliza J., b. ab. 1850. 2, Harriet, b. ab. 1851. 3, Charlotte, b. ab. '53. 4, Emily, b. ab. '59. Hon. Beder's ch. 1, Ada, b. June 30, 1833 ; r. Th. 2, Oswyn, b. Sept. 8, '35, d. July 21, '58. 3, Jonathan Cilley, born Dec. 30, '36; grad. Waterville Coll., 1858 ; is a teacher, &c, at the South ; m. Mag gie A. Cleland, of Lebanon, Kentucky, Nov. 8, 1862. 4, Jane Singer, b. Feb. 15, '42, d. Dec. 18, '44. The mother d. Sept. 23, '62, a. 60. Albert Cushing's ch. 1, Mary S., b. Oct. 15, 1837, d. Dec. 1, '55. 2, Orris H , b. April 13, '40 ; r. Th., a mariner, entered U. S. navy. 3, Sarah G., b. ab. '45. 4, Anna, b. ab. '51. 5, John, b. ab. '53. Capt. Orris's ch. Nisida Stewart, b. in California, May 25, 1848. Oliver B.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary A., b. April 9, 1852, d, April 23, '53. 2, Maria Louisa, b. Feb. 5, '54, d. May 3, '57. By 2d wife, 3, Albert Barnes, b. May 17, '60. Capt. Washburn's ch. 1, Frederic, lost at sea, with his parents, in 1860. 2, Ann Maria. 3, John Gates. Elisha P.'s ch. 1, Alice Virginia, b. Sept. 21, 1845. 2, Agnes Louisa, b. Dec. 29, '46. Thomas's ch. Thomas J., b. July 19, 1840. Augustus S.'s ch. 1, Joseph. 2, Elisha. 3, Alice. 4, . Henry's ch. 1, Adelaide C, b. Dec. 4, 1854. 2, Mary H., b, Oct. 7, 1858. Capt. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Caroline A., b. about 1846. 2, Mary E., b. ab. '49. 3, Edward R., d. at N. Orleans, at the age of 10 yrs. Charles Atwood's ch. Thomas C, b. ab. 1850. Fifth Generation. William H.'s ch. 1, Rosilla, b. April, 1854. 2, Abby A. born Jan. '55, d. July 14, '57. 3, Susan A., b. March '57. Rufus S.'s ch. 1, Imogene E., b. Sept. 3, 1838, d. Nov. 12, '41. 2, Rufus Orlando, b. Jan. 12, '40 ; r. Th., sergeant in the 4th Me. reg., d. Nov., 1863, of starvation in a rebel prison at Richmond, Va. 3, Eugene, b. June 2, and d. Aug. 20, '42. 4, Imogene, b. ab. '45. 5, Eugene, b. ab. '47. 6, Nancy, b. ab. '51. 7, Anna D., b. ab. '53. 8, Fanny F., b. ab. '55. Burton's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Burton A., b. April 25, 1840, d. June 11, '44. By 2d wife. 2, Nathaniel, (5th), r. California. 3, Sarah, r. Rock. 4, Mary A., r. Th. By 3d wife. 5, Newell, (2d), r. Warren. 6, Sophia, r. CaUfornia. FALES, James, b. Oct. 11, 1785, son of Eliphalet Fales ; (who was the son of James, (3d), of Dedham, Mass., who was the son of James, (2d), of Dedham, who was the son of James, (1st), of Wal- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 221 pole, who c. from Chester, England, as was before mentioned,) was one of the early settlers in what is now Rock., m. Sybil Robbins, Oct. 30, 1771 ; & d. Jan. 27, 1827 ; a. 81. Their ch. 1, Oliver, b. Aug. 22, 1772, d. Aug. 24, '74. 2, Lucy, b July 3, '74 ; m. 1st, John Crockett of Bristol, p. Sept. 4, 1802, 2d, Ebenezer Thompson, rem. Hope. 3, Sabra, b. Oct. 28, '76 ; d. Sept. 16, 1800. 4, Abigail, b. Jan. 14, '79; r. Rock. 5, James, (3d), b. April 14, '81; m. Sarah Howland; r. Rock. 6, Polly, b. Oct. 28, '83, d. Sept. 23, '92. 7, Sybil, b. Peb. 16, '86, d. Sept. 26, '92. 8, Dea. Waterman, b. April 7, '92; m. Sybil Robbins; r. Rock., a farmer,* &c. Dea. Waterman's ch. 1, Lysander, b. Jan. 21, 1822 ; m. Nancy R. Burton, Nov. 5, 1845 ; r. Rock., a truckman, &c. 2, Philander, b. March 21, '24; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Philetus, b. May 7, '25; grad. Qartmouth Coll., 1849 ; is president of a college in St. Louis, Mo., where he m. and resides. 4, Oliver James, b. Feb. 29, '28, d. Jan. 6, '52. 5, Hannah, E., b. Nov. 21, '29. 6, Ariadne, b. Aug. 17, '31 ; r. Rock. 7, Francisco A., b. Dec 9, '37 ; rem. California. 8, Orpheus, b. June 16, '45. Lysander's ch. 1, Fernando S., b. Feb. 2, 1846. 2, Leonardo D., b. May 2, '48. 3, Ida G., b. May 3, '56. Philetus's ch. 1, Frank L., b. in St. Louis, Sept. 23, '62, d. Oct. 13, '63. FALES, Adrian C, b. ab. 1811, (name changed by act of Leg. 1841, from Adriel Cox) ; m. Catharine B. Ulmer ; r. Rock., a farmer. Their ch. 1, Albert N., b. ab. 1843 ; r. Rock., entered U. S. navy. 2, Sa rah C, b. ab. '45. 3, James H., b. ab. '47. 4, WilUam, b. Dec. 5, 1852, d. Oct. 19, '58. 5, Charles, b. ab. '55. FARLEY, WiUiam Jewett, Esq., b. in Waldoboro', ab. 1802, son of Hon. Joseph Farley, collector of customs ; grad. Bowd. coll. 1820 ; m. 1st, Alice McKeen of Brunswick, p. May 10, 1826, 2d, Sarah E. Foster, Dec. 10, '29 ; e. to Th. 1825 ; a lawyer, and d. June 15, '39. His ch. by 2d wife. 1, John, 2, Alice McKeen, 3, Benjamin Emer son ; all d. in infancy. FARNHAM, David, b. May 16, 1804, c. from Lincolnville, m. Mary Richards ; r. Rock., and d. Jan. 3, '62. Their ch 1, Jere miah W., b. ab. 1830, r.' Rock., a mariner. 2, Anselm D., b. ab. 1832; m. Sarah M. Moore, 1854; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Jrseph M., b. ab. 36 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, James G., b. June, 1839. 5, Georgiana, b. ab. 1846. Anselm D.'s ch. 1, Sarah A., b. ab. 1855. 2, Lucy Ardell, b. Dec, 1858, d. Oct. 18, '60. FARNHAM, Capt. Andrew, m. Ann M. Ackley, Nov. 15, 1861 ; r. Rock , a master mariner. * Dea. Fales enlisted in 1813, with some 15 others, under Lieut. Rob bins, who, however, being promoted in the regular service, did not accom pany them in their one year's campaign. They went from here to Portland with Ensign Farnsworth, and thence up the Lakes and on our northern frontier, where they had some sharp encounters with Indians and others in the woods. Of those fifteen, the following only, from the same village, are recollected by him, (but their names were not received in season for insertion at page 295, Vol. 1st), viz.: John Ham, James Watson, John Ulmer, Jonathan Spear, David Maker, and Prime ; many of them enlisting again or dying in the service. 19* 222 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, FARNSWORTH, William A., b. in Waldoboro', ab. 1815, son of Capt. William & grandson of Col. William & Elizabeth (Rutherford) Farnsworth ; m. Mary, dau. of William Sprague of Wal. ; r. Rock., a merchant and business man. Their ch. 1, Josephine, b. ab. 1837. 2, Lucy, b. ab. '39. 3, James, b. ab. '41. 4, William S., b. 1849, d. Oct. 23, '56. 5, Fanny, b. ab. '53. 6, Joseph F., b. Dec. '67, d. Jan. 25, '63. FARNSWORTH, Theodore H., of a different family, b. ab. 1817; m. Almira B. Marston; r. Rock., a mariner, soldier, &c. Their ch, 1, Caroline A., b. ab. '44. 2, George R., b. ab. '48. 3, Edgar T., b. ab. '51. 4, Emma V., b. ab. '53. 6, Frank W., b. ab. '55. FARR, William C, (probably a son of Thomas Farr, who was in South Thomaston, m. Deborah Chapman, & d. early,) was b. ab. 1798 ; m. 1st. Eunice , 2d, Susan M. Paul, p. Sept. 4, 1853 ; r. 3. Th., a farmer. His ch. by 1st wife. 1,? William C, (2d), b. ab. '36; r. S. Th., a mariner, soldier of 4th Me. reg., &c. 2, Caroline, b. ab. '38. 3, , b. July 18, '40, d. July 18, '42. 4, Rachel, d. April 21, '41. 5, Celeste, b. ab. '44. 6, Eunice, b. ab. '48. By 2d wife. 7, Ida, b. ab. '56. 8, a daughter, b. 1860, unnamed when census was taken. FARRINGTON ; of this Warren family there came here three brothers, sons of Abner, (2d), viz., 1, Percy L., b. ab. 1815 ; m. Mary Lermond of W., 2d, Susan E. Achorn, Sept. 7, '43 ; r. Rock., a car penter, &c. 2, Silas b. ab. '18 ; m. Mary E. Ulmer, April 22, '43 ; r. Rock., a blacksmith. 3, Allen P., b. ab. "24 ; m. Lucinda Spear, Oct. 26, '45, 2d, Maria S. Ulmer, 3d, Margaret ; j. Rock., a res taurateur, sergeant in 4th Me. reg. Percy L.'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Alden L., b. ab. 1844 ; r. Rock., a teamster, soldier of 2d Me. Battery, &c 2, Charles P., b. ab. '48 ; r. Rock. 3, Eva E., b. ab. '51. 4, Ellis F., b. ab. '53. 5, Crosby W., b. ab. '55. Silas's ch. 1, Jacob U., b. ab. 1844 ; r. Rock., a soldier of 2d Me. Battery. 2, George A., b. ab. '46. 3, Mary F., b. ab. '48. Allen P.'s ch. 1, Hiram A , b. ab. 1849. 2, Ada M. b. ab. '51. 3, Florence E., b. ab. '54. 4, Eli P., b. ab. '56. 5, Mary A., b. ab. '58. FARRIS, Robert, b. ab. 1836, mar. Amelia Boggs, of Union, Oct- '57 ; r. Rock., a shipwright. Theirch. 1, Henry, born about '59. 2, Ada, b. Feb. 17, and d. March 20, '62. FARROW, William, Jr., b. ab. 1827 in Islesboro, Me.; m. Marcia O. Spear ; r. Rock., a sailmaker. Their ch. Cora E , b. ab. '52. FARWELL, Henry, (son of Josiah and Lydia (Farnsworth) Far- well, of Charleston, No. 4, N. H.) came to Winslow, Me., (where his elder brother and parents had before settled but had returned- after six months), m. 1st, Ann Pattee, 2d, Margaret Pattee ; rem. Unity in tbe then wilderness, where he took up a tract of land and built mills. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Lydia, mar. Joseph Rich, of Thorndike. 2, Josiah, m. Susan Storer, of Lisbon. 3, Betsey, m. Sam'l Cates, of Thorndike, 2d, Levi Dyer, of Unity. 4, Ebenezer, m Relief Gullifer, of Vassalboro'. 5, Antiope, m. Daniel McManners of Unity. 6, OU ver, m. Nancy Barker of Montville, r. and d. in Unity. 7, Henry, ' mar. Louisa Wright of Jackson ; came to Rock, and d. in 1840. 8i'"t Margaret, m. John Woodsam of Searsmont. 9, d. an infant. By 2'd ,,', wife. 10, Jewett, m. Harriet White, of Albion. 11, d. an infant. 12, Ann, t. and d. in Rock. 13, Hon. Nathan A., b. 1812; m. Jerusha G. Thomas, Dec. 10, '37 ; r. Rock., senator 1861, president of the sen- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 223 ate from 1863 to 1864 ; and waB, in 1864, appointed U. S. senator to fill the vacancy caused by Hon. William Pitt Fessenden' s resigna tion. 14, Hon. Moses Willard,* b. June 4, 1814 ; m. Eliza White, of Albion, 2d, Mary E. Daniels, of U., r. Rockland, Judge of Municipal Court, &c. 15, Hon. Joseph, b. 1816 ; m. Abby A. R. Spofford, Mar. 8, 1844, 2d, Mrs. Samantha O. (Sylvester) Crockett, May 9, '57 ; r. Rock., senator 1853, high Sheriff April, 1854, councillor, '64, &c 16, WilUam, d. unm. 17, Eliza T., b. 1820 ; m. Charles R. Mallard, r. R. and d. Feb. 7, '64. 18, Thomas R., d. unm. 19, Charles A., m. Matty Blair, of Spring Hill, Alabama ; r. Lumpkin, Ga. 20, Louisa, V., mar. Amos Muzzy, of Unity. 21, Deborah A., mar. Richard A. Milliken, of N. Orleans, Oct. 6, 1864. Of OUver's ch., his only son, Freeman B., b. in Unity ab. 1828 ; m. Mary W. Pressey, Sept. 6, 1850 ; r. Rock., a grocer, &c. Henry's ch. 1, Cornelia L., m. Charles Brown of Belfast ; rem. California. 2, Wealthy W., d. young. 3, Capt. Henry M. Hon. Nathan A.'s ch. 1, Mary*E., b. June 28, 1837, died Feb. 23, '38. 2, Clara A., b. Jan. 18, '39. 3, Annie E., b. July 16, '41. 4, Fannie E. 5, Lucy M. 6, Marcia W. 7, Nathan T. 8, Jessie Ben ton, b. Feb. '56, d. Jan. '57. 9, Jennie B., d. young. 10, Charles, b. '59, d. July 12, '61. Hon. Moses W.'s ch. 1, Thomas R., b. Jan. 7, 1835, died Nov. 9, '54. 2, Celinda, b. Nov., '36, d. May 31, '54. 3, Eliza, died young. 4, Gracia A., d. Oct. 24, '56. 5, Oaks A , d. young. 6, Helen A., b. 1842. Hon. Joseph's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Lieut. William S. b. March 16, 1845 ; r. Rockland, officer in Capt. Chase's company of D. C. cavalry. 2, Joseph Henry, b. Dec. 17, '46, d. Jan. 12, '54. FAYER, George, c. with Mary his wife from Ireland to Th., but rem. Hlinois, his wife having d. in Th., Dec. 14, 1842. Their ch. James, b. Nov. 21, 1841. FEELEY, Terance, b. in North of Ireland ab. 1810; m. Alice *This gentleman, who with his brothers has attained to so many offices of trust, writes to the compiler that "we, the Farwell boys, had no advan tages, only a common country school education, of from six to twelve weeks in a year ; we had to haul the wood, cut it, and take care of a large stock of cattle, and, at the same time, travel more than a mile to school over the coldest of all hills to the old log school-house with its rock chimney where the schools were, for the most part. kept. "We com menced the world without a cent I was married when but nineteen, without a cent in my pocket or a home to go to. This, (1864), is my sixteenth year that I have been steamboat agent : for 14 years I was agent of about all the boats that ran on these waters ; a part of the time I had 18 boats a week, — they have been in here every hour in the night and day, and I never was sick, away from home, or caught napping, so but what.1 was on the wharf to meet them. I have collected more than $100,000 for the boats ; — can tell every cent I ever collected, who I collected it of, who I paid it to, and what I paid for all the freight that ever came or went to and from here and to whom consigned. 1 have not wet my lips with anything stronger than coffee for 42 years. And now at 50 years of age. I have enough to eat, drink and to wear, and I thank Heaven for it. I will now make a prophecy : I expect to live to see this rebellion put down, the shackles struck from every slave on the American continent, the public deht and interest all paid, and these United States to contain 100,000,000 of people." 224 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, McLune ; r. Th., a laborer. Matthew, a brother, also c. to, r. and d. Th., where Ellen, his widow, r. still. Terance's ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1848. 2, Nancy, b. ab. '50. Matthew's ch. 1, James, b. ab. 1853. 2, Mary, b. ab. 1854. 3, Matthew, b. ab. '66. FERNALD, Chase, b. June 24, 1801, in Loudon, N. H. ; c. to Th. Oct. 8, 1822 ; m. by H. Knox, Esq., to Nancy Benner, Nov. 19, '27 ; r. Th., a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Roxana B., b. Sept. 8, 1828 ; m. 1st, Gideon Young, and 2d, Charles P. Lenfest; i. Th. 2, Frances Sarah, b. April 13, '30 ; m. Nicholas H. Lenfest; r. Th. 3, George S., b. April 17, 1835 ; r. Th., a carpenter. 4, Ambrose S., b. April 15, '38, d. Sept. 4, '39. 5, Augusta C, b. May 24, '42. 6, Enoch C, b. May 25, '45. FERNALD, Rev. Oliver Jordan, b. in Boston, Nov., 1822; stud ied at H. U., and grad. at Cambridge The. School, 1847 ; ord. pastor of Unitarian church in Th., 1848; pi. Susan M. B. Ludwig, April 30, '49; built the house on Main St., where his family now reside; and d. May 8, '61. Their ch. 1, William L., b. Feb. 24, 1850. 2, Minnie, b. '52. 3, Margaret, b. '54. 4, Mary, b. '56. 5, Susan, b. ab. '58. FERNALD, James, b. May 25, 1797; m. Sarah Calderwood; was a merchant at Vinalhaven ; rem. late in life to Rock., and d. Oct. 20, 1861. Of their ch. 1, Emeline F., b. July 27, 1836 ; m. Wm. H. Glover ; r. Rock., and d. Feb. 4, '61. FERR AND ; of this family two brothers c. from Sandy River, ab. 1826 ; viz : 1, Franklin, b. Sept. 16, 1802 ; m. Cordelia Austin, Nov. 27, 1828 ; r. Th., and d. very suddenly, July 26, '55. 2, Harri son, b. ab. 1806, c. here at the age of 20 yrs., m. Nancy Ingraham, p, March 5, '34, 2d, Orinda F. Ingraham, p. June 17, '37 ; c. Rock., a farmer. Franklin's ch. 1, Aaron Austin, b. May 25, 1835 ; r. Th., a farm er, and soldier of 20th Me. Reg. 2, Olive Sophia, b. Jan. 1, '37; r. Th. 3, William F., b. Feb. 28, '39, d. Oct. 20, '43. 4, Harriet A., b. June 9, '41. Harrison's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Susan, b. Feb. 28, and d. March 28, 1836. By 2d wife. 2, Susan I., b. Dec. 15, '38 ; m. Thomas W. Hix, (2d), r. Th. or Rock. 3, Gardner L., b. Jan. 16, '39 ; m. Helen Martin of U., Oct. 3, '63 ; r Rock, a mariner and soldier. 4, Harri son, (2d), b. Feb. 28, '42. 5, Nancy I., b. ab. '45. 6, WUliam H., b. Sept. 24, '50, d. May 9, '61. 7, Eva E., b. Nov., 1854, d. Aug. 22, 1861. FERRIN, Patrick, b. ab. 1814, in Ireland; m. Nancy Hanly ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Rose, b. ab. 1841. 2, Patrick, (2d), b. ab. 1848. FESSENDEN, Rev. Samuel Clement, b. ab. 1815, son of Gen. Samuel Fessenden of Portland ; grad. Bowdoin College, 1834, and Bangor The. Seminary, 1837 ; m. Mary A. G., daughter of Joshua & Marcia (Grosvenor) Abee of Bangor, p. Aug. 3, 1838 ; r. Rock., pas tor of Congregational church of Rock, from 1838 to 1855, member of Congress from Sept., 1860 to 1862, &c There also came hither three brothers, cousins to Hon. Samuel C, & sons of Ebenezer T. Fessen den of Fryeburg, Me., viz. : 1, Caleb P., b. in Fryeburg, ab. 1818; m. Abby A. Wiggin of Limerick, Me., April 1, '45 ; r Rock., a drug gist, &c 2, Edward E., b. ab. 1820; j. Rock., a druggist. 3, WU liam, b. ab. 1824, in Fryeburg; m. Mary Dunleve of Saco ; j. Rock., , ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 225 an attorney at law, appointed paymaster of 4th Me. Reg., rem. Wash ington, D. C. Hon. Samuel C.'s ch. 1, Margaret G. A., born Dec. 1, 1839. 2, Capt. Joshua A , born Feb 15, '41, officer in Guenther's Battery, in Grant's army. 3, Eliza G., b. ab. '43. 4, Lucy W., b. ab. '45. 5, Samuel, b. ab. '47. 6, Mary E., b. ab. '49. 7, Deborah C, b. ab. '51. 8, Susan S., b. ah. '53. 9, Seth G., b, ab. '65. 10, Oliver G., b. ab. '66. 11, Abbie C, b. ab. '59. William's ch. 1, Ina D., b. Nov., 1854, d. June 29, '58. 2, Wil Uam C, b. 1860, d. young. FEYLER, John, b. ab. 1800, in Waldoboro' ; m. Elizabeth Palmer, April 11, '33 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. Their ch. 1, Augusta R., b. AprU 24, 1834 2, James L., b. Feb. 8, '36; r Th. 3, Palmer, b. Sept. 17, '39, d. Feb. 20, '42. 4, Caroline, b. '44. 5, Oscar L., h. July 16, '46, died of diphtheria, March 26, '63. 6, Helen I., b. Feb. 9, '51, died of diphtheria, April 4, '63. FEYLER, Charles, born 1793, son of Charles of Waldoboro' ; m. Catharine Neubert ; came to W. from Washington, a farmer, rem. Th , and d. July 2, 1861. Their ch. 1, Michael, m. Sarah Chapman of Jefferson ; r. Rock. 2, George L., b. ab. 1822 ; m. Lydia (Allen) Paul, Oct. 9, '53; r. Th., a soldier, &c, rem. Hope. 3, Mary C, b. ab. '30 ; m. Capt. David Oliver ; r. Th. 4 & 5, twins, b. '33, WiUiam H., m. Lorinda Woodcock, Jan. 27, '56 ; r. Th., Godfrey J., m. Love Jane Kuhn, July 30, '59 ; r. Th. 6, Martha J., b. ab. '37. Michael's ch. 1, Mary C. 2, Michael Aden. 3, Alice. 4, Carrie. George's ch. 1, Charles H., b. ab. 1855. 2, James H., b. ab. '58. 3, George A., b. '60. WilUam H.'s ch. 1, Eben O., b. ab. 1857. 2, WilUam O., b. '69. 3, Frazier Head, b. Aug. 20, '61. FEYLER, Capt. John S., b. ab. 1832, son of John of Waldoboro' ; m. Bertha E. Storer, June 29, '56; r. Th., a mariner, Their oh. EUzabeth, b. ab. 1857. FIELDS, Isaac J., b. ab. 1818, in Waldoboro', m. Nancy Walsh ; r. Rock., a quarryman. Charles, a brother, b. ab. 1826, m. Hannah Spalding, Aug. 5, '49 ; r. Rock., a Ume burner ; deceased. Isaac J.'s ch. 1, Albert L., b. ab. 1845 ; r. Rock., a soldier in 2d Me. Cavalry. 2, Mary E., b. ab. '49. 3, Lewis b. ab. '52. 4, John, b. ab. '54. 5, Emma, b. ab. '56. 6, Theodore, b. '58. Charles's ch. 1, Nancy I., b. ab. 1849. 2, Charles E , b. ab. '51. 3, John, b. ab. '53. 4, Catharine Georgiana, b. ab. '55. 6, Alfred W., b. ab. '57. FILES ; of this family, three brothers, (it is believed,) came to this place ; viz., 1, Solomon S., b. ab. 1820 ; m. Adaline A. ; r, Rock., a mason. 2, George W., b. ab. '22 ; m. Susan J. ; r. Rock., a carpenter. 3, Thomas, b. ab. '27 ; m. Laura F. Johnson, Oct. 30, '54 ; r. Rock., a joiner. Slolomon S.'s ch. 1, Flora E., b. ab. 1848. 2, Ann M., h. ab. '62. 3, Gratia. Thomas's ch. George T. FISK, Galen, b. Oct. 16, 1810, (son of John Fisk of Camden, but Who died in Readfield,) m. Sarah ; r. S. Th. and d. Sept. 22, '69. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. '36 ; m. Sarah McKellar, Feb. '59; r. S. Th., a butcher. 2, Amos, b. ab, '38 ; r. S. Th,, a mariner, sol- 226 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, dier of the 1st Me. Cavalry. 3, Lewis, b. ab. '40. 4, Irene, b. ab. '42; m. Capt. O. R. Perry; r. S. Th. 5, Olive, b. ab. '44. 6. George Franklin, b. ab. '43. 7, Merrill, b. ab. '49. 8, Laretta, b. ab. '52. 9, Emma, b. ab. '59. FISK, Capt. Moses, b. ab. 1817, (son of Benjamin Fiskof Camden and cousin of Galen,) m. Harriet S. Ingraham, Jan. 23, '48 ; r. Rock., Their ch. 1, William H., b. ab '51. 2, Eva H , b. ab. '54. 3, Nan cy I., b. ab. '56. 4, Caro S., b. ab. '58. 5, Hattie. b. ab. '59. FISH, Capt. William, third son of Ebenezer and Deborah (Church) Fish of Duxbury, Mass. ; m. Mary Sprague ; followed coasting, pur chased of John Crawford and removed with his family, in 1780, to the Fish farm, so called, in Waldoboro', Me. Their ch. I, Dea. Abel, b. 1772, was one of the first settlers of Hope, with wife and two children, (had 10 in all); m. 2d, Mrs. Sylvia Coombs, Dec. 26, 1841, 3d, Isabella (Hayden) Snow, March 26, '43 ; r, 12 years in S. Th. & d. July 12, '55. 2, Samuel, whose son, Joseph P., was b. 1800; c. from Wal.; m. Jane Young; r. Th., a wholesale and retail merchant in Rockland and Herring Gut, St. G. 3, Church, r. 8s d. unm. on the homestead, in Wal. 4, Sally, r. on the same homestead in Wal. 5, WUUam, m. & r. Wal. Of Dea. Abel's 10 ch. 1, Willis, m. & r. Hope, and his son, Jo seph P., (2d), b. ab. 1826, m. Sarah M. Pendleton; r. Rock., a groce ry merchant. Joseph P.'s ch. 1, Joseph Wm., d. July 7, 1841. 2, Loretto, m. Charles W. Stimpson ; r. Th. 3, H. Kendrick, b. ab. '35 ; r. Th. Joseph P. (2d)'s ch. 1, Marion A., b. ab. 1851. 2, Willoughby G., b. ab. '54. 3, Albert M., b. ab. 57. FISH, Joseph B., b. ab. 1832 ; m. Abby M. Ames of North Haven, p. April 19, '54; r. Rock., in 1860, a dry goods peddler. Their ch. 1, Lizzie. 2, Henry A. FISH, Job, c from Pembroke, Mass., with Lydia, his wife, in 1806, to r. in Th., where he had recorded, their ch. 1, Thomas, 'b. Oct. 31, 1806 ; Job, (2d), b. July 17, 1808 ; 3, Almira, b. March 26, 1810; but probably rem. FITZGERALD ; of thech. of John, of Waldoboro' (see Annals of Warren) 1, John, m. Sarah Keating of Hope, in 1830 ; r. Warren, a tailor, rem. and d. Whitefield. 2, Andrew, m. Sarah FuUer, of W., r. Wal., a farmer. 3, Sophia, m. PhiUp Hanly, of Bristol ; removed to & r. Thomaston. John's ch. 1, George, d. by drowning at sea. 2, John, (2d), m. Ann Caroline , of Norfolk, Va., rem. California. 3, Francis, m. Sarah Hanly ; r. Boston. 4, WilUam, lately in U. S. employ at Fort Warren. 5, Edwin, b, ab. 1827 ; m. Francis Morton; r. Th., a carpenter. 6, Anastatia, r. Boston. 7, Lewis, in U. S. navy, or other Government employ. Andrew's ch. 1, Elizabeth, m. Richard Flanagan ; r. and d. Dam- ariscotta. 2, Jane, m. William Morton; r. F. 3, Nancy, died young. 4, Andrew, (2d), d. young. 5, William, (2d), b. ab. 1822 ; m. Margaret Hanly, pub. Oct. 30, '48 ; r. Th. a wheel-wright. 6, Margaret , mar. Capt. William Parsons ; r. Wal. 7, John, (3d), b. ab. 1825 ; m. Rox- ana Keating, of Searsmont, Oct. 1852 ; j. Th., a blacksmith, and d. Nov. 2, '62. 8, Andrew, (2d), d. young. 9, Sarah, m. David Wi 1- liams ; r. W. 10, Helen, m. Joseph Mathews, of W., r. Th., or Wal. 11, Lucretia, m. Charles Fogler; r. Wal. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 227 Edwin's ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1854. 2, Sarah, b. ab. '56. 3, Grace. 4, George. WilUam, (2d's ch. 1, Sarah Elizabeth. 2, Mary Emma. 3, Wm. Dennis. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, Francis Allen. 2, Edward K. 3, Elizabeth J. FLAGG, Elizabeth, b. ab. 1798 ; i. Rock., a widow. Ch. 1, Wil liam H., b. ab. 1828 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. 2, Harriet A., b. ab. 1834, d. Aug. 18, '57. FLANDERS, Albert A. b. ab. 1837 ; m. Mary A. Boyd, Aug. 3, '58 ; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. William, C, b. ab. '59. FLANIGAN, James, b. about 1832, in Ireland, as was Mary his wife; r. Rock., a tailor. Their ch. Thomas, b. ab. 1859. Of this name also, Richard, r. Th., was sergeant in 21st Me. reg. FLETCHER, Rev. Nathan C, b. in Newburyport, Mass., Nov. 1, 1810 ; was a Universalist minister at Rock , at Belfast, and other places; sup. school committee of Th. 9 years in succession; Bank commissioner in 1837 ; executive councillor, 1839 and '40 ; furnished rules and regulations for government of Insane Hospital, 1839 ; was auditor, &c. of Madawaska war accounts, 1840 ; appointed chaplain in U. S. navy, 1845 ; m. Lucy A. Prescott, of Monmouth, 1829 ; j. Cimden. Their ch. 1, Eliza J., b. April 26, 1831 ; m. Capt. Wm. H. Thorndike; r. Rock. 2, Adelaide Ruggles, born Feb. '25, '33, in Lisbon, Me., r. Cam. 3, Edwin C, b. in Th., March 8, '35 ; m. A. Antoinette Pitcher, of Belfast, 1856; r. Cam. 4, Ann F., b. in Bel fast, 1853. FLETCHER, Bryan W., b. ab 1829 ; m. Hannah R. Harden, Dec. 12, 1850 ; r. Rock., a joiner, and soldier of 4th Maine reg., killed in battle July 21, '61. Their ch. 1, Charles L., b. about '52. 2, Susan H., b. ab. '57. 3, Josiah, b. ab. '59. FLEMING, Capt. Edward, b. ab. 1830, in England; m. Elizabeth A. Kenniston, Feb. 1851 ; r. Rock., lost at sea, as supposed, in 1862 ? his vessel having been last seen 12 miles from Thatcher's Is. Their ch. 1, Lauriette, b ab. 1851. 2, Mary Elonai, b. ab. '57, d. May, 1862. 3, Elizabeth A., b. ab. '59. FLING, George F., b. Nov. 10, 1824, in Gardiner, Me.; m. Julia E. Russ, of Cam., 1849 ; r. Rock., a portrait painter, &c. Their ch. 1, Frances J., b. ab. '50. 2, Charles W., b. ab. '51. 3, Abby F., b. ab. '53. 4, George R., b. ab. '57. FLINT ; of this family, two brothers came early from Nobleboro', Me., to W. and thence to Th. 1, Dea. Benjamin, b. ab. 1785 ; m. Elizabeth Kinsman ; r. Th. , a caulker at first, afterwards one of the firm of Chapman, Flint & Co., rem. & r. Brooklyn, N. Y. His wife d. Sept. 9, '42, aged 57. 2, William, b. ab. 1788 ; m. Fanny Clapp; r. Th„ a caulker, rem. Rockland about 1836. Dea. Benjamin's ch. 1, (sister's son, adopted), Benjamin, jr., b. ab. 1825 ; m. 1st, Sarah Tobey of Portland, who d. Dec. 8, '53 ; 2d, Frances E. Scrivener of Topsham, Sept. 14, '56 ; r. Th. & New York, merchant, shipbuilder, &«, firm of Chapman, Flint & Co. WUIiam's ch. 1, William, (2d), b. ab. 1816; m. Lucy Healey, Aug. 22, '34 ; r. Th., a merchant. 2, Priscilla, m. John Kirkpatrick ; r. Rock. 3, Zaetta Z., m. Capt. Andrew Pressy, 1837 ; r. Rock. 4, Joseph G., b. May 26, '20, d. June 3, '21. 5, Harriet N. W., b. Sept. 4, '22 ; m. James F. Tarbox ; r. Th. 6, John £., b. April 4, '26 \ m. 228 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, EmeUne D. Holmes, Sept. 19, '47 ; r. Rock., a shop-keeper, and died May 30, '60, from*injuries, by being stabbed, 3 days before. 7, Na thaniel C, b. ab. 1828; m. Olivia N. Spear, May 13, '50; r. Rock., rem. California, a caulker. 8, Joseph Henry, b. ab. '30 ; m. Ruxby M. Robinson of W., May 22, '53 ; r. Rock. 9, Samuel P., b. Dec. 27, '32; d. by drowning, March 23, '38. 10, Mary Augusta; r. Rock. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, William H., born June 1, 1835 ; m. Martha McCallum, Feb. 8, '58 ; r. Th., a caulker. 2, Augusta C, b. April 4, '37, d. Oct. 9, '58. 3, Samuel Brainard, b. March 6, '39 ; m. Caro line O. Demuth, May, '62; r. Th., a clerk in 1860. 4, Adelia, born April 4, '43. 5, Lucy A., b. Sept. 10, '45. 6, John, (2d), b. ab. '54. 7, Carrie, b. ab. '57. Joseph H.'s ch. 1, Clara, b. Jan. 12, d. March 20, '55. 2, JuUa V., b. July 13, '58, d. Dec. 19, '59. 3, . 4, ¦-. 5, . The mother d. Aug. 10, '64, her neck being broken by a faU down her chamber stairs. FLINT, James H., (a nephew of Dea. Benjamin & William), m, Charlotte Hodgman ; also came to Th. 8c d. May 5, 1854. Their ch. recorded here, but all probably rem. were, — 1, Mary, b. Aug. 13, '25. 2, Louisa, b. Nov. 5, '27. 3, James, (2d), b. Nov. 8, '30. 4, Jose phine, b. Feb. 25, '33. 5, Nancy, b. June 17, '35. 6, Leander. b. Oct. 22, '38, d. July 5, '42. 1, Jane, b. May 17, '41, d. July 24, '42. FLINT, Thomas, b. ab. 1825, in Damariscotta, Me. ; m. Nancy J. Hall ; r. Rock., a caulker. Their ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. '57. 2, Car rie, b. ab. '59. FLINTON, Capt. Thomas, b. in Scarboro', England ; m. Harriet Marshall of St. G., Aug. 10, '31 ; r. Th., the Islands, &c. Their ch. recorded here. 1, Mary A., b. May 6, '37, p. to Augustus L. Gil christ, Aug. 2, '58 ; and d. by drowning, Aug. 7, '58. 2, Ellen P., b. Oct. 22, '39; m. Joshua Thompson of F., Nov., 1861. 3, Henrietta, b. Aug. 7, '41 ; m. William Rice Davis, Oct. 24, '60 ; r. St. George. FLOYD, John, b. ab. 1805, in Ireland, as was Lydia, his wife; r. Rock., a shoemaker. Their ch. Patrick, b. ab. 1850. FLYE, Capt. Jerome B., b. ab. 1815, in BrookUu, Me., m. Laura Waterhouse; i. Rock., a ship carpenter. Capt. Daniel P., a brother, b. ab. 1822 ; m. 1st, Lucina Croxford, 2d, Ruth McLaughUn, April 27, '62; r. Rock., a truckman. Capt. Jerome B.'s ch. 1, Myron W., b. ab. 1844. 2, Shepherd L., b. ab. '48. 3, Evans H., b. about '50. 4, Jerome R., b. ab. '54. (Japt. Daniel P.'s ch. by 1st wife. WUUam P., born 1858. The mother d. April 29, '61, aged 34. FOGERTY, Samuel, b. 1794, son of Moses of St. George; m. Jane Watts of that place, c. to Th. prior to 1834, when he was road surveyor ; d. March 13, 1848. Their ch. 1, Harriet N., m. Edmund Copeland; r. W., & d. Aug. 24, '64. 2, Clarissa, b. 1821, d. Jan. 16, '41. 3, Sarah J., b. Aug. 7, 1823; m. Alexander Vf. Brown; i. Th. 4, Charles Atwood, b. Dec, 1825, d. Feb. 16, '32. 6, Woodman, b. ab. 1831 ; r. Th., a seaman. POGERTY, John, b. ab. 1831, of .the 'same St. George family, probably ; m. Cornelia M. Remick, Nov. 15, '57 ; r. Rock., a black smith. Their ch. Louisa, b. ab. 1860. FOGG, Rev. Samuel, b. March 9, 1787, in Raymond, N. H., j. S. Th., a while, with Charlotte, his wife, but rem. with their ch., record- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 229 ed here, viz; 1, Samuel Dow, b in Readfield, March 5, 1818. 2, Catharine C , b. Th., July 18, '22. 3, Abigail, b. Jan. 25, '25. POGG ; of this family, 2 brothers c. from Coruville, Me., viz. : Isaiah, m. Charlotte Hall; r. Th., rem. St. George, in 1842, and r. at Seal Harbor. Timothy, traded many years at Mill River, Th. ; m. 1st, Mary Miller of W., Nov. 14, 1830, 2d, Catharine P. Robinson, p. Aug. 25, 1836; but rem. California, sailing from Th. in Nov., 1849, in brig Perfect. Isaiah's ch. 1, Philena R., m. Capt. Eben A. Thorndike ; r. S. Th. 2, Arabelle O., m. Capt. Frederic Thonidike; r. S. Th. 3, Jel- ison K., b. 1834, d. Oct. 31, '39. 4, Alvan K., b. April 13, '40; m. Emily L. Lewis ; r. S. Th., & d. Feb. 22, '63 ; 5, Adriana, b. Nov., - '41, d. April 26, '42. 6, Charlotte. 7, Georgiana, b. Oct., 1845, d. Feb. 25, '53. Perhaps others, and these noted may not be in proper order. Timothy's ch. 1, Mary F., b. Aug. 18, 1831 ; m. Henry R. Green of Spencer, Mass., May 18, '53. 2, Margaret M., b. April 13, '33 ; m. and r. in Spencer. 3, Angelica D., b. March 2, and d. June 16, '35. By 2d wife. 4, Esther S., b. Dec. 25, '37; rem. California. 5, Catharine, b. Aug. 26, '39, d. Sept. 25, '40. 6, Richard W., b. Aug. 31, '41, d. Feb. 7, '42. 7, Shepley. 8, Lucian. 9, Lillian; all rem. 10, one other, b. in California. FOGG, James, Esq., b. ab. 1815, in Berwick, Me., grad. Bowd. Coll., 1841 ; m. Mary T. Fales, March 30, '44 ; teacher of first High School in Rock.; stud, law with H. C. Lowell ; was a popular law yer, merchant in firm of Fogg & Fales ; rem. 1846 to N. Y., where he was senior of the firm of Fogg & Brothers, and d. at Hudson, N. Y., Aug., 1855. FOLSOM, Moses, c. from Cornish, Me., with his 1st wife, who d. here ; m. 2d, Mrs. Betsey Morse, April 20, 1840 ; T. Th., but ret. to & d. in Cornish. His ch. by 2d wife. 1, Emily, b. April 21, 1842. The mother d. Sept. 6, '54, a. 33. FORSYTH, E. W., with Sarah M., his wife, r. Rock., and lost by death their ch. Nellie, b. Jan. St. d. Aug. 28, 1861. FOSS, WiUiam B., b. 1819 ; m. Sophronia Joy; j. Rock., a marin er, & soldier, killed July 21, '61. Their ch. 1, Caroline, b. ab. 1858. 2, Susan, b. ab. '59. FOSSETT, George, b. ab. 1815 ; c. from Union, Me.; m. Sarah Townsend, June, 1844; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Stephen H., b. ab. 1845. 2, Margaret, b. ab. '47. 3, Sarah F., b. ab. '54. 4, George I., b. Sept. 28, '60, d. March 21, '61. FOSTER, James 6. L , Esq., b. ab. 1818, educated in Machias ; m. Eveline Ingalls of Bethel, Me.; c. from Lewiston to R., not -far from 1850, an attorney and counsellor at law ; was some time in partnership with Mr. Lowell ; and d. in N. Y., Jan. 15, or 22, 1855. FOSTER, Stephen, b. ab. 1811; m. Abigail H. Crockett; r. S. Th., engaged in the fishery. Their ch. 1, Ellen, b. ab. 1845. 2, Stephen, (2d), b. ab. '46. 3 & 4, twins, b. ab. '50 ; Clarence & Clara. 5, Edgar, b. ab. '52. 6, Thomas C, b. '53, d. Oct. 20, '56. FOSTER, Major Robert, son of Edward, did business in Amesbury, N. H., and Newburyport, Mass. ; m. Maria, dau. of Col. Benjamin Emerson of Hampstead, N. H. ; came to S. Union about 1812 ; pur chased farm, mills, and kept for a time the only store in U. ; rem. Th., Vol. II.' 20 230 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, where he r. and was in business some years, but rem. and d. at West Chester, Penn. His wife d. in Th., July 1, 1831, aged 54. Their ch. 1, Robert N., m. Sarah J. Marsh of Bath, June 3, 1824 ; j. as a mer chant in Th, then in New York, & d. in Bloomfiekl, N. J. 2, Martha J-, b. 1803, d. in Th., May 2, 1832. 3, Maria, r. in Bloomfield, N. J. 4, Sarah, m. William J. Farley, Esq. ; rem. and r. West Chester. 5, Benjamin Emerson, d. in New York. 6, Edward, (3d), b. 1810, died Dec. 26, 1831, in Th. 7, Henry True, m. in Philadelphia, and r. in Beardstown, 111. 8, Abner, m. and r. Beardstown, 111. 9, Caroline D., bap. with the two preceding, April 6, 1828; m. Dr. Davis; r. Bloomfield, N. J. Of Robert N.'s ch. I, Robert, (2d), m. Alida P. Robinson, Oct. 15, 1853 ; a teacher, &c, r. Bloomfield, N. J. 2, Maria, m. Charles M. Davis of Bloomfield, Oct. 6, 1851. FOSTER, Amos, b. 1787 or '86, ? in Gloucester, Mass. ; m. lBt, Mary , who d. Sept. 7, 1850, aged 58 ; 2d, Mrs. Nancy Park- man of Cam., Oct. 9, 1853; r. Gleason St., Th., a shoemaker, and d. Sept. 20, '61. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary E., b. Aug. 24, '11 ; m. Capt. Joseph Norris ; r. Th., rem. St. Paul, Min. 2, Emily T., born Aug. 11, '15; m. George Gay, April 5, '43; r. Union. 3, Lucy J., b. May 25, '18 ; m. David B. Foster of Groveland, Mass, Oct. 9, '53. 4, Benjamin T„ b. April 29, '21 ; m. Susan M. Harrington, Sept. 12, '47; r. Th., a farmer. 5, William A., b. April 11, '25;' m. Harriet A. Spear, Dec. 24, '48; r. Rock., and died Nov. 29, '58. Benjamin T.'s ch. 1, Emily, b. ab. 1850. 2, Clara, b. ab. '52. 3, Lucy, b. ab. '54. 4, Mary, b. ab. '57. 5, Frank, b. ab. '59. WiUiam A.'s ch. 1, Addie W., b. ab. 1850. 2, Charles E , b. ab. 1856. FOSTER, John W., b. ab. 1810, in Machias, Me. ; m. 1st, Caroline Rackliff, July 12, 1840 ; 2d, Mrs. Maria Simonton, Nov. 7, 1847 ; r. Rock., a shop-keeper. His ch. by l'st wife. 1, Emily, b. Dec. 2, '40. By 2d wife. 2, Isaac I , b. ab. '49. 3, Freeman F., b. ab. '51. FOUNTAIN, Jacob, b. ab. 1798, in St. George, Me., it is believed; m. 1st, Mary R., (who d. in April, 1836) ; 2d, Hepzibah Morse, July 2, '36 ; j. S. Th. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, ? Lorenzo, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Keturah ; r.. Th., a carpenter. 2, Hannah P., b. Jan. 13, '30 ; m. Matthew K. Davis of St G., Oct. 1, '53. 3, Mary A., b. March 8, 31. 4, Serg't Wrilliam, b. March 19, '33 ; r. S. Th., mariner, soldier in 4th Me. Reg. By 2d wife. 5, Barney, d. Sept. 26, '37. 6, John F., b. Dec, 1838, d. at Fortress Monroe, Aug. 25, '62, lost overboard from sch. Bengal. 7, Jacob M., b. ab. 1846. Lorenzo's ch. Nancy J., b. ab. 1859. FREEMAN, Capt. Reuben, b. in Mt. Desert, Me. ; m. Sophia Ath- erton; r. Rock., and was lost at sea. Theirch. 1, Julia S., b. ab. 1838 ; r. Rock. 2, Isabel, m. Capt. G. A. Bailey ; r. Rock. 3, George A., b. ab. '44; r. Rock., a mariner, entered U. S. Navy. 4, Hilton, b. ab. '48 ; r. Rock.. FREEMAN, John, b. ab. 1831, in England ; m. Eliza C. of Nova Scotia; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, William K., b. ab. '55. 2, John H., b, ab. '59. 3, Anna B., b. July 14, aiid died Oct. 17, 'b3. FREEMAN, Gilman S., (colored,) b. ab. 1832; m. Charlotte Smith Aug. 24, 1855 ; r. Th. ' FRENCH, Dr. Jacob K., b. in Andover, Mass., July, 1776 ; studi- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 231 ed medicine with Dr. Jacob Kittredge of Brookfleld, Mass. ; came to Thomaston in 1803 ; m. Mary Jenks in '04 ; r. & practiced medicine in Th. & d. July 28, '49. Their ch. 1, Maria, b. Feb. 15, '05 ; m. Geo. W. French of Tewksbury, Mass. ; rem. to Wisconsin. 2, Mary A., b. Sept. 13, '07; m. Levi W. Hopkins; r. Boston, & d. May 23, '63. '3, James, J., b. Dec. 12, '09, d. Sept. 20, '33. 4, Theodore, b. Dec. 5, '11; m. Louisa R. Ulrick of Portland, p. Oct. 13, '45 ; r. Th., a furniture dealer, &c. 5, Sarah, b. June 27, '15 ; m. Henry French; r. Tewksbury. 6, Dr. William Kittredge, b. June 10, '20; prac med. in Warren, 1849 — 50, and went to Europe; now r. N. Y. 7, George W., Esq., b. Aug. 11, '23 ; studied law in office of Hon. J, Ruggles; m. Harriet T. Palmer of Rock., June 6, 1850 ; j. Th., an attorney at 1.8/VP &C Theodore's eh. 1, John W., b. Nov. 8, 1845. 2, T. Porter, b. April 6, '47, d. Aug. 19, '49. 3, George E., b. April 7, '48. 4, Frederic O., b. Dec. 9, '50. 5, Ulrick, b. March 14, '52. 6, Franklin I., b. Jan. 1, '54, d. Oct. 14, '57. 7, Nella Celeste, b. July 29, '56, d. Oct. 27, '57. 8, Herbert M., b. Dec. 14, '58, d. Dec. 25, '60. 9, Milton H., b. June 29, '60. FRENCH ; of this family, three brothers came from Massachusetts to this place. 1, Jonathan M, b. ab. 1823; m. Mary Saunders ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. James H„ b. ab. '30 ; ra. Mahala Hart of St. George, Oct. 26, '52; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Ezra F , m. Emma F. May, June 10, '63 ; r. Rock., where his wife d. April 26, '64, aged 18. Jonathan M.'s ch. I, Sarah J., b. ab. 1848. 2, Charles M., b. ab. '52. 3, Leroy F., b. ab. '53. Capt. James H.'s ch. James A., b. ab. 1857. FROHOCK, Joseph, b. ab. 1814, in LineolnvUle, Me. ; m. Olive'L. Calderwood; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary S., b. ab. 1843. 2, Jos. E., b. ab. '45. 3, Olive R., b. ab. '47. 4, John R., b. ab. '48. 5, Nettie S., b. ab. '50. 6, Henry M., b. ab. '55. FROST, Samuel P., b. ab. 1822, in Standish, Me. ; m. Harriet S. Hooper, March 2, '52 ; r. Rock., a shoe merchant. Their ch. 1, Em ma J., b. Dec. 5, '53. 2, Hattie, b. June 16, '61. FRYE, James Lowell, m. Alice Nutter of N. H. ; c. from Kittery to Prospect, and thence to North Haven. Their ch. 1, Joseph, went to sea, m. and remained in Europe. 2, Marj', m. Lovis, 2d, Abner Cutler; rem. Illinois, and m. again. 3, Alice Maria, m. 1st, Thomas Pierce, 2d, Ephraim Perry ; r. Rock. 4, James, m. Abigail Casper; r. Rock. 5, WUliam, m. Betsey Ames; r. & d. Searsmont. 6, Sally, m. Samuel Ayers ; r. & d. Camden. 7, Hannah, m. Lemuel Ames; r. Cam. 8, Dr. Thomas, b. 1814; grad. Waterville College, stud. med. with Dr. Potter of Waterville, and grad at N. Y. Med. University ; practiced 3 years in Cherokee nation, Arkansas, &c. ; m. Susan M. Arey of Frankfort, April, 185 1 ; j. and prac. med. in Rock. since 1847- Of James's 11 ch. there c. here. 1, Delia b. ab. 1821 ; m. Joshua Thomas ; r. S. Th. 2, Lucy, m. Capt. David Ames ; r. Rock. WUliam's ch. 1, Susan, m. George W. Birdiug ; r. S. Th. 2, Amanda, m. William H. Post; r. Rock. 3, Joseph, m. Lydia A. Leistner, 1856; r. Washington, Me. 4, Ruth, m. George Post; r. Rock. 5, Eben A., b. Feb. 2 i, '38 ; m. Lavinia Snowdeal; r. S. Th., a peddler, and died July 3, '63. "Dr. Thomas's ch. 1, Charles R., b. Nov. 7, 1852. 2, Samuel F., b. Dec. 13, '58, d. Sept. 17, '59. 3, Annie Frances, b. Oct. 27, '61. 232 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, FRYE, Wakefield G., Esq., son of Robie Frye of MontvUIe, Me. ; grad. Waterville, attorney & counsellor at law, Rock., editor of Ga zette, &c. ; m. Annie E. Arey of Frankfort, Oct. 25, '55 ; rem. Bel fast, where he is Deputy Collector, &c. FULLER. Jesse, b. 1748 ; m. Ruth, dau. of Kimbatl Prince ; r. & d. Lincolnville, Me. Their ch. 1, Joshua, b. 1778 ; c. to Th. from Castine; appren. to joiner's trade, with H. Prince, 1794; m. Nancy Adams, at Owl's Head, p. Nov. 26, 1808 ; r. S. Th., Castine, &c, and is now deceased. 2, Deborah. 3, Capt. Samuel, b. 1782 ; c. to Th., also learned joiner's trade; m. Nancy Coombs, p. July 9, 1806; in May, 1807, went to St. George, and traded in company with H. Prince, Esq.; ret. Th., traded at Mill River; followed coasting, r. a time in Boston, ret. Th., was dept. sheriff from 1815 to 1821, postmas ter, 1st reg. of deeds in E. district, Lincoln Co., &c, and d. Nov. 4, 1846. 4, Jesse, d. young. 5, Noah; 6, Ruth ; 7, John; 8, Rebecca ; 9 & 10, Barnabas and Kimball ; 11, Martha; 12, Sarah; 13, Jesse; whose marriages and places of residence have not been furnished the compiler. Joshua's ch. 1, Nancy A., b. Dec. 16, 1809 ; m, Capt. Thomas McLellan; r. Th. and d. July 2, '42. 2, Joshua A., b. ab. 1811 ; m. 1st, Susan N. Robinson, Feb. 4, '41 ; 2d, Mrs. Joanna R. Foote of Bos ton, Dec. 5, '55. 3d, Harriet L. Rogers, 1860 ; r. Th., a merchant. 3, AdeUne P., b. July 26, '13 ; d. in Th., Nov. 12, '40. 4, Abbott. 5, Silas M. 6. Thomas S. 7, Harriet N. 8, Rebecca, m. Chas. H. Av- erill, in Castine, Nov. 4, '45. 9, Ellen S. Capt. Samuel's ch. 1, George W„ b. May 23, and d. July 1, 1808. 2, Col. Sylvester H., b. Castine, Nov. 19, '09 ; m. Amelia D. Holmes, April 8, '37 ; r. Th., kept tavern Rock, and Owl's Head; andd. Jan. 10, '55. 3, Asa C, b. March 8, '12 ; m., 1st, Mary J. Snow, July 5, '46, 2d, Ann B. Snow, Oct. 25, '57 ; r. Th., a trader. 4, Caroline S., b. Oct. 30, '14 ; m. Edwin Rose ; r. a time in Wiscasset, ret. Th. 5, Nancy, b. Aug. 19, '16 ; m. Chas. N. Hopkins, March 31, '45; and d. by drowning, Sept., '60. 5, Sarah L., b. Dec. 3, '18; m. Capt. Jeremiah Murray, April 7, '42 ; r. Cal. 7, Mary S„ b. March 18, '21 , m. Capt. John T. Spofford; r. Rock. 8, Isabella B. P., b. June 20, '23, in Boston; m. Capt. William John Singer; d. in ship Alice Counce on passage from Melbourne to Callao, bur. in Th., July 20, '61. 9, Rev. Samuel A., b. July 10, '25; in. Susan E. Greenlaw of Knox, p. May 12, '55; artist, and Methodist minister. 10, Ruth J, b. Nov. 2, '27 ; music teacher, asst. register of deeds, and d. April 19, '50. 11, Abby B , b. March 4, '30; in. Levi B. Miller; r. Chelsea. 12, Jane G., b. Oct. 4, '42 ; m. Capt. William J. Singer ; r. Th. Joshua A.'s ch. 1, Ellen M., b. May & d. Sept. 26, '44. 2, George R., b. Sept. '46. 3, Frances R , b Oct., '47, d. Aug. 23, '48. 4, Susan A., b. Dec. '51, d. Jan. 1, '52. By 2d wife. 5, Jennie A., b. ab. '56. Col. Sylvester H.'s ch. 1, Mary A., b. May 13, 1838 ; m 1st, Capt. John L. Crocker, 2d, Luce of Boston. 2, Charles II., b. Sept. 25, '39 ; rem. California. 3, Frances B., b. Jan. 31, '41 ; m. Judson Kelloch ; r. Th. 4, Martha M. ; r. Boston. 5, Caroline Rose ; r. Boston. Asa C.'s ch. 1, Jane C, b. ab. 1347. 2, Caroline, b. ab. '48. 3, Frederic G., b. ab. '50. 4, William F., b. ab. '52. 5, Nancy, b. April 17, '53. d. April 30, '56. 6, Julia A., b. ab. '55. 7, Lizzie J., b. ab. '57. By 2d wife. 8, Sylvester F., b. '60. PULLER, William Oliver, b. ab. 1815, Bon of Peter Fuller, Esq., and Phebe (Dunbar) Fuller of Warren, Me., m. Bethia C. Snow, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 233 Aug. 12, 1841; r. Rock., a merchant. His brother, Daniel D., b. ab. 1817, in W., m. Mary White, of Boston ; r. Boston, a druggist, &c, rem. Rock. 1863. William Oliver's ch. 1, Delia S., b. ab. 1842. 2, Martha C, b. ab. '44. 3, Ambrose C, b. ab. •'46, was lost overboard from ship Rochambeau, Sept. 1861. 4, Mary, b. ab. '53. 5, WilUam O., (2d), b. ab. '56. Daniel D.'s eh. Mary W. FULLER, Isaac, (2d), b. in Warren, Peb. 22, 1803, son of Isaac & Anna (Boggs) Fuller ; m. 1st, Avis Cummings, 2d, Thankful Wil Uams, March 18, 1849; r. Rock., a farmer. Their ch. 1, AmeUa, b. ab 1841. 2, Ford, b. ab. '43. 3, Martha, b. ab. '50. FULLER, James W., b. ab. 1818, m. Lavinia S. ; r. Rock., a caulker, & rem. Theirch. 1, Sarah E., b. ab. 1845. 2, Lewis W., b. ab. '47. 3, Adelaide, b. ab. '49. 4, Abel M., b. ab. '51. 5, Alonzo A., b. ab. '53. 6, WiUiam C, b. ab. '56. 7, Arthur L., b. ab. '59. FULLERTON, WiUiam, m. Jane McCobb, r. and died Cushing, at Fullerton's Point, near Broad Cove. Their ch. . 1, Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1772; m. 1st, Faithful Singer, 2d, Samuel Hawthorn of Cushing, Oct 31, 1815 ; and d at Thomaston, Nov. 16, 1858. 2, WiUiam, (2d), m. Montgomery, of Cushing, d. at Boothbay. 3, Jane, mar. Alexander Kelloch, of St George. Jane, the mother, m. 2d., James Carven, of Warren, rem. Burnham, Peb. 28, 1814; and since de ceased. FURBISH, Joseph, b. ab. 1813; m. 1st, AngeUa M. Perry, Oct. 31, 1834, 2d, Louise A. Wight, of E. Medway, Jan. 12, '54; r. Rock., a stove merchant. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Joseph H., b. Aug. 9, & d. Sept. 9, 1835. 2, Capt. Mauran P., b. Dec. 18, '37 ; m. Annie M, Parsons, of Bangor, Sept. 12, '62; r. Rack., and d. Dec. 10, '64, per ishing with all f~ s crew, five in number, in the sch. Lion, wrecked, at Simmon's Point, near Nahant, in a snow storm. 3, Capt. Frederic, b. Feb. 22, '38; r. Rock., entered U. S. navy, 1862, as master's mate, promoted to acting ensign, and d. at N. Orleans, of yellow fever, Oct. 26, '63. 4, Emma S. C, b. Sept. 22, '42 ; r. Rock. 5, Richard P., b. ab. '49. 6, Joseph, b. Oct. 15, and d. Dec. 19, '51. By 2d wife. 7, Clara L., b. ab. '59. GABRILL, John, b. ab. 1809, in Washington county, Me. ; m. 2d, Catharine Huntley, Feb. 21, 1855 ; r. Th., Beech Woods. His chil. according to census of 1860. 1, Martha, b. ab. 1847. 2, John, b. ab. 1853. GALLOP, Benjamin A., b. 1796, in the State of N. York ; m. 1st, Eunice Ulmer, Sept. 2, 1816, 2d, Eliza J. Fuller; t. old Th., removed U. and IUinois, but ret. and d. in Rock., April 20, 1846. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Matthias, b. May 2, 1817, d. March 16, '29. 2, Catha rine, b. Nov. 10, '19 ; m. 1st, Benjamin B. Palmer, 2d, Gorham But ler, of Union, and d. in W. 3, Elizabeth, b. June 3, '22, d. Sept. 9, '26. 4, Cordelia A. b. Feb. 28, '25 ; m. Wm. H. Blood; r. Th. 5, Susan, b. April 26, '27 ; m. Lewis Stevenson ; r. Carthage, 111. 6, Benjamin, b. ab, '30, d. '33. The mother d. Jan. 28, '36. By 2d wife. 7, Adaline A.,b. 1837 ; d. in Th., Sept. 24, '63, from a broken leg and injuries received by being thrown from a carriage at Rock., July 4, '63. 8, Margaret J., b. '38, m. » Mr. Metcalf ; r. Lowell, Mass. 9, Edwin C, b. July 28, '40 ; r. Searsmont. 10, Mary Helen, b. Peb. '42. 20* 234 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, GAMBLE, Thomas, m Margaret Scott, r. and d. in the north of Ireland. Of their ch. 1, Archibald, c. early to St. George's, and was the fiiv-t settler on the Buckland farm in Warren ; m. Isabella (Asbell) Galloway, r. and d. Warren, and was buried in old Pres. graveyard ab. 1779. 2, Mary, b. 1697; m. Wm. Starrett in Ireland, c. with first settlers to St. Georges; r. Warren, and d. April, 1783. Archibald's ch. 1, Ann, (alias Nancy), b. in the old fort in Th., in 1743 or '4: m. John Mingerson of Boston; (who fled from that place at the commencement of the revolution and took up land in Warren, but ret., or went into the army, and d. about 1780,) spent her latter years in S. Th., and d. Feb 15, 1830. 2, Thomas, im pressed and d. in the British navy. 3, Mary, b. at Lexington, Mass., whither her mother had gone for safety during her continement, Wed. May 28, 1746 ; m. David Creighton ; r. & d. in Th. 4, Robert, lost at sea in 1770. 5, Margaret, b. Aug. 12, 1751 ; m. Nathan Buckland, of W., Sept. 4, 1770; and d. March 20, 1839, a. 88. 6, Elizabeth, b. June 3, 1754, or according to D. Fales, Esq., in Th. records, June 11, 1755, at W., but according to an obituary in the Th. Recorder, in the old block-house, or Fort, whither the family had fled from an Indian alarm and where she remained till seven years old ; m. Lieut. Joseph Coombs ; and d. at S. Th., Dec. 29, 1845, aged, according to the same obituary, 90 yrs., 6 mos., and 7 days. GAMMON, Daniel W., b. ab. 1826 ; r. Rock., a jewelry peddler in 1860, but rem. with Maria C, his wife, and ch., Rebecca C, b. ab. 1854 ; Caroline M., b. ab. '56 ; and George E., b. ab. '59. GARDNER, Nathaniel, was in Old Th., and m. by Rev. E. Snow,' to Eleanor Foster of Muscle Ridge Isls., Aug. 22, 1803. Their ch. recorded here. 1, William, b. June 3, 1804. 2, Nathaniel, (2d), b. Aug. 12, 1806. GARDNER, Benjamin B., b. ab. 1833; m. Nancy F. Spear; Sept. 19, 1854; r. Rock., a teamster, soldier in 2d Me. Battery. Their ch. William B., b. ab. '58. GARLAND, Rev. Jonathan M., m. Rebecca C. Jewell of West- port, 1S62 ; r. S. Th., whUst laboring as a minister of the Methodist E. church. GARVIN, or Gavin, William, b. ab. 1822 in Ireland; as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock., a carver. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1852. 2, William, (2d), b. ab. '54. 3, John H., b. March, 1856, d. Sept. 11, '59. GATES, Dea. John M., b. 1784; c. from Barre, Mass., to W.; m. Sarah Cobb, Aug. 21, 180S; r. a while on a lot of unimproved land at Greene, Me.; carried on the saddler's business, the clothing and grist mills at W. ; was innkeeper a few years at Portland; resumed his trade iu Th., where he was postmaster, &c , and d. Aug 19, 1854. Their ch. 1, Charity, b. Feb. 9, 1809; r. Th. 2, Horatio, b. at Greene, July 9, '11, d at sea, March, 1832. 3, Capt. Barnabas C. b. Feb. 1, 1314; m. Eliza A. Banker, Dec. 23, 1841 ; and d. at sea, be tween Gaudaloupe and N. O., Nov. 24, '52. 4, Lucinda, b. March 13, 181 i ; m. Albert Cushing Fale<, ; r. Th. 5, Capt. Miles, b. Aug. 13, 1818 ; m. at N. O , Nancy A. Hedrick, of Marietta, Ohio, Nov. 10, '55; r Tu , on homestead. 6, Rachel, b. June 30, 1820, in. Capt. Washburn Fales, and was lost at sea with him in 1860. 7, Sarah M , b. Jan. 18, 1831 ; r. Th. Capt Barnabas's ch. 1, Edward V., b. Jan. 22, '44 • r Th en tered U. S. navy. 2, Sarah Ann W., b. Dec. 24, '45. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 235 Capt. Miles's ch. 1, Francis M., b. ab. 1867. 2, Edmund C, b. ab '58. GAY, David, b. in Attleboro', Mass., October 3, 1769 ; came to this place, 1790 ;*m. Lucy Builer, Jan. 28, 1802; r. Rock., a merchant, &c. and d. March 19, 1855. Of his brothers, there c. to this vicinity, 1, Ephraim, who m. Sally Keen, Dec. 18, 1803; r. Rock, and Cam., d. without ch. 2, Asa, m. and r. Cam., rem. Ohio. David's ch. 1, Alden. b. Oct. 31, 1802; m. 1st, Sarah Dean, Nov. 30, 1826, 2d, Eliza J. ( Wormell) Long, May 31, '64 ; r. Th. 2, Han son, b. July 1, '01, d. July 24, '36. 3, Oliver, b. Dec. 1, 'OS, d. Aug. 22, '23. 4, David, (2d), b. Jan 4, '09; m. Ann, daughter of Nich olas Davis, of Belmont, pub Aug. 28, '35 ; r. Th. 5, Fisher, b. Dec. 25, '10; m. Leonora D. Hewett, Jan. 8, '46; r. Rock., a gardener. 6, Henrietta B., b. Jan. 29, '13 ; m. Capt. Jere. Jameson ; r. Rock. 7, William, b. June 6, '15; m. Eliza Jane Boyd, February 7, '47 ; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer. 8, Lucy, b. Dec. 31, '18; m. Samuel Rankin; r. Rock. 9, and 10, twins, b. Sept. 7, 21, Sarah, r. Rock., and Ephraim, m. Anna S. Case, Sept. 26, '46 ; r. Rock., a grocery merchant. 11, John S., b. Nov. 22, '25 ; mar. Thankful Perry of Gouldsboro' ; i. Gouldsboro'. Alden'sch. 1, Alden M, b. March 20, 1828, d. May 25, 1854. 2, Oliver, (2d), b. March 17, '29 ; m. Prances E. Spear, Sept. '51 ; r. Rock., a grocery merchant. 3, Alfred, b. July 21, '30 ; m. Frances I. Sweat, p. Sept. 22, '55; r. Th. 4, Sarah B., b. Feb. 9, '33 ; m. Rob ert J. Barrett ; r. Th. 5, GUmau, b. July 2-, '35 ; r. St. Albans, Vt. 6, WilUam Freeman, b. Dec. 18, '35 ; m. Henrietta Stevens, Sept. 19, '58 ; r. Th., a soldier in 21st Me. reg., &c. 7, Henry N., K March 2, '39; r. Th. 8, Lucy A., b. Jan 21, '40; r. Th. 9, Horace H., b. July 14 '42 ; r. Th., a soldier in 21st Me. reg., &c. David, (2d)'s ch. Edwin, b. ab. 1837 ; t. Th. Fisher's ch. 1, Ella F., b. ab. 1847. 2, Mary L., b. ab. '58. William's ch. 1, Ann E., b. ab. 1847. 2, WilUam H., b. ab. '49. 3, George, b. ab. '52. Ephraim's ch. 1, Grace L., b. ab. 1848. 2, Albert C, b. ab. '51. 3, Isaac, b. ab, '53. 4, Minnie B., b. ab. '57. Fourth Generation. Oliver's ch. 1 & 2, both d. in infancy. Alfred's ch. 1, Lizzie E., b. ab. 1857. 2, Cora E., b. ab. '59. GAY, John C, b. ab. 1827 ; c from Union ; m. Martha H. Stin- bou, July, '50 ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Alphonso, b. ab. '51. 2, Mary I., b. ab. '53. 3, Laura E., b. ab. '65. 4, Anna, b. ab. '57. 5, Jo seph, b. ab. '60. GAY, Mark, b. ab. 1800, of the Friendship family; m. Sarah M. Watts ; r. Th., a truckmau. Their ch. Jane E., b. ab. 1834. GEER, David R, b. ab. 1820, in Connecticut; m. 1st, Ann E. , 2d, Lucy L. Kelloch, Oct. 1, 1853 ; r. S. Th., a stone cutter, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eliza F., b. ab. 1847. 2, Maria E., b. ab. '49. 3, Edwin A., b. ab. '51. The mother d. March 28, 1852, a. 27. By 2d wife. 4, Henry F., b. ab. '53. 5, Mary Rose, b. Dec, 1854, died Nov. 22, '55. 6, James H., b. ab. '55. 7, Charles H., b. March 10, and d. Sept. 18, '56. 8, George L., b. ab. '57. 9, William H., b. ab. '59. 10, Eva Jane, b. Oct. 6, and d. Nov. 13, '61. GIOFRAY, Joseph L., b. ab. 1826, in Italy ; c. hither, m. Susan 236 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, A. Drinkwater, p. Oct. 24, '50 ; r. Rock., a barber and hair dresser. Their ch. 1, Edward Leo, b. Oct. 7, 1853 and died June 17, '58. 2, Nathan C, b. Nov. 6, '57, d. May 2, '58. 3, Emma P., b. ab. '59. GERMAINE, Dr. Charles N., b. in Boston, Mass., 1«25 ; M. D. Harvard University, 1850 ; the same year admitted Pellow of Mass. Medical Society ; came in 1853 lo Rock, and immediately entered into practice as a physician ; has filled many important offices, and ranks high, in the Masonic order ; was, in 1862, appointed Examiniug Sur geon of drafted men for Knox county, and 1863, Examining Surgeon for the State, of applicants for pensions ; m. in 1853, Mary J. Barker, a native of Hartford, Ct., favorably known for her zeal in the cause of the suffering soldier. Their ch. 1, Julia Blanche B., b. 1855, d. Jan. 9, '57. 2, Charles I., b. March, 1856, d. Jan. 20, '57. 3, OUver W. H., b. Jan-, 1858, died Aug. 13, '59. GERRY, Seth S., b. ab. 1822, in Robbinston, Me. ; c. to Th., m. OUvia M. Felt of Robbinston, June 30, 1851 ; r. Th., a ship builder. Their ch. 1, Charles* b. ab. 1853. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '57. 3, George, b. ab. '59. GERRY, Richard C, b. ab. 1820 ; r. in 1860, in Roek., with Cath arine C, his wife. Their ch. Olive M., b. ab. 1854. GERRY, Michael, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland, as was Catharine, his wife ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1852. 2, WilUam, b. ab. '55. GETCHELL, Capt. Josiah, b. ab. 1796, in Brunswick, Me. ; m. 1st, Achsah Randall, p. Oct. 27, 1820 ; 2d, Mrs. Caroline F. Emery of Portland, j>. Jan. 5, 1827 ; r. Rock., a shop-keeper. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah E., b. March 11, '22 ; m. John Clark of Owl's Head. 2, a daughter, d. Aug. 1, 1826, aged 11 mos. By 2d wife. 3, Caro line H., b. Nov. 6, '27 ; m. Capt. Ira B. Ellems ; r. Rock. 4, Sylvia, b. May 6, '29 ; m. Henry E. Ingraham ; r. Rock. 5, Mary E., b. Oct. 6, '31 ; m. George W. Butler ; r. California. 6, Josiah D., b. April 9, '34; left Rock. ab. 1852, went to Canton, China, has not been heard from since. 7, Ann, b. Dec. 7, '36, d. Nov. 11, '55. 8, Josephine, b. July 4, '40. GETCHELL ; of this family there were also in Rock., in 1850, J. W. & Sarah S. Getchell, who lost by death their ch. 1, Washington, b. March, 1830, d. at Havana, July 27, '50. 2, Marcus F., b. June, 1844, died Sept. 2, '49. GHENTNER, George W., b. Feb. 8, 1814 ; r. Rock, with Sarah, his wife, & d. July 19, 1861. Their ch. Eugene M., b. ab. 1843. GILCHRIST, Samuel, m. Hannah Robinson ; went into the army and was wounded in a skirmish, at Harlem, during Washington's retreat from N. Y., the British ball remaining in his side to the day of his death ; r. and d. St. George. An uncle, it is believed, of Samuel, r. in early times on the McLean or Andrews farm in W. Samuel's ch. 1, Capt. John, m. Margaret Pogerty, Jan. 30, 1800; r. St. George. 2, William, b. Aug. 1780 ; m. Betsey Norwood ; r. Montville, and d. 1860. 3, Capt. Joseph, b. in Cush., May 20, 1782; m. Sarah Carney, Jan. 6, 1803 ; u. to Th. Aug. 15, 1823, or '4 ; a wealthy retired mariner, and d. Sept. 7, 1864. 4, Hugh, m. 1st, Bet sey Hall, 2d, Hannah Clemonds, in Knox, whither he rem. and m. a 3d time. 5, Samuel, (2d), m. Lydia Smalley; r. St. George. 6, Archibald, d. young. 7, James, m. Deborah Robinson; r. Cushing. 8, Alexander, m. 1st, Margaret Hyler, 2d, McKeUar ; r, & d. St. G., ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 237 Aug. 8, '44. 9, Robert, m. Betsey Hall ; r. St Geo. 10, Sarah, m. Jas. Linnekin ; r. St. Geo., first house from Th. line. 11, George, m. Mar tha Linnekin ; r. St. Geo. Capt. Joseph's ch. 1, Mary, m. Lewis Spear of W , June 27, 1827. 2, Nancy, b. 1806, m. Capt, Samuel Creighton of W., and d. Oct., 1859, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 3, Harriet, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Caleb Leven saler ; r. Th. 4, James, (26V), b. ab. 1811; m. Rebecca Kelleran; r. Th., a lumber dealer, &e. 2, Capt. Levi B., in. 1st, Catharine Webb, Nov. 23, 1843 ; 2d, Hortentia E. Harrington of Rock., Sept. 28, '51 ; i. Th., ship master and builder. 6, Eliza, m. Capt. Joseph S. Bur gess of. W. ; j. N. Y. 7, Joseph, (2d), m. Martha Ann Vinal, Aug. 7,1842 ; lost at sea, April 28, '49, on passage from Havre to N. Y., 1st mate of ship John Hancock. 8, Capt. Raymond L., m. 1st, Harriet B. Jordan, May 30, 1853 ; 2d, Rebecca W. Jordan, Oct. 28, 1856 ; r. Th. James's ch. 1, Samuel C, drowned in George's River, Aug. 7, 1858. 2, Augustus S., p. to Mary A. Flinton, Aug. 2, 1858, and perished with her and his brother by drowning, Aug. 7, 1858. 3, Faustina D., b. 1841 ; d. April 2, '62. 4, Winfield Scott, b. ab. 1843. 5, Charles H., b. ab. '49. 6, Ella R., b. ab. '52. Capt. Levi B.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Webb Bliss, d. Sept. 29, '44. 2, Frederic Eugene, b. ab. 1847. By 2d wife. 3, Morisse BUss, b. March 24, '53, d. Oct. 31, '54. Joseph's ch. 1, Caleb Levensaler, b ab. 1843. 2, Mary Anna, b. ab. '46. 3, Adelia F., b. ab. '48. Capt. Raymond B.'s ch. by 2d wife. Clarence. GILCHRIST, Capt. Cornelius, of one of the St. George branches of the same famUy ; m. 1st, Harriet N. Hall, Oct. 14, 1849, 2d, Mary • Hart of St. George, Oct. 7, '54 ; j -. S. Th. GILLEY, Capt. Lewis W., b. ab. 1812, in Eden, Mt. Desert; m. an English lady; c, hither in 1849; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary A. b. ab. '39. 2, Adelaide, b. ab. '41. 3, Caroline, b. ab. '43 ; m. R. W. Burton, jr,. of Albany, N. Y., Nov. 15, '64. 4, Lewis, b. ab. '45. 5. William E. H., b, April, '47, d. May 9, '52. 6, Emma, b. ab. '51. 7. William, b. ab. '54. 8, LoweU, b. ab. '56, d. Jan. 1, '62. GILMAN, Jeremiah, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., Oct. 14, 1804 ; c. to Th. in 1827; m. Jane (Robinson) Whitney, June 1, 1828; r. Beech Woods, Th., overseer of almshouse, &c. Their ch. 1, Jane A., b. Aug. 20, '29, d. Sept. 3, '30. 2, Col. Jeremiah H., b. Nov. 11, '31 ; grad. West Point Military Academy ; m. in Gardiner, Kate Rogers of Bath, Nov. 3, '57 ; officer in the army. 3, Sophronia, b. Nov. 21, 8s d. Dec. 12, '33. Col. Jeremiah H.'s ch. Howard K. GINN, Jonathan C. b. ab. 1824 ; m Eliza ; r. S. Th., en gaged in fishery. Their ch. I, Hiram Y., b. ab. '46. 2, Alonzo P. b. ab. '49. 3, Frances I., b. ab. '52. 4, Ann, b. ab. '54. 5, Rebecca, b. ab. '56. 6, Rebecca, b. ab. '59. GITTIGAN, Patrick, b. ab'. 1833, in Ireland, as was Nancy, his wife, in New Brunswick ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. '52. 2, John I., b. ab. 'oo. 3, Charles, b. ab. '57. GLEASON, Col. John, b. July 22, 1746, in Framingbam, Mass., where he was one of the selectmen ; m. Anna Ames of Holliston ; rem, to U. in May, 1805, & d. Sept. 20, '27. Their ch. b. in Framing- ham. 1, John, Esq., b, Mar. 31, 1771 ; c. to Th, in the employ of Gen.. Knox ; m. 1st, Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, a sister to Com. Samuel Tucker, 238 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 2d, Jane Paine, May 9, '27 ; was a surveyor, innkeeper, the first Pres ident of Thomaston Bank, &c, and died Nov. 25, '31. 2, Molly, b. July 27, 1773 ; m. 1st, Capt. Nathan Miles of Barrettstown, Sept. 21, 1801, 2d, Ebenezer Scott Young of Th. & d. June 16, '49. 3, Lydia, m. Joseph Morse, & d. in Union. 4, Micajah, m. Polly Cole of Sher burne; settled, as a clothier, in Union, & d. June 19, '23. 5, Calvin, m. Sally Rice of Natick, Mass.; c. to Union, '05, & d. '50. 6, Anna. m. Joshua Underwood of Holliston. 7, Rebecca, m. Jonathan Morse, & d. in Union, '41. 8, Olive, b. July 20, 1784 ; m. Micah Stone, & d. at Warren, March 1, '12. 9, Hitty, m. John Hemenwayof Royals- ton, & rem. to Union. 10, Aaron, b. Feb. 17, 1791 : came to Thom aston, a clothier, m. Rachel Metcalf of Hope, p. May 5, '18, & d. in Jay, Jan. 16, '19, his wife & only child having died Dec. 17, '18. [See Barry's Framingham and Sibley's Union.] John, Esq.'s ch. 1, Henry K., b. Sept. 1, 1797; m. Ann Maria Hastings, Jan. 21, 1822; r. th., & d. Jan. 11, '34. 2, John T., b. AprU 30, '01 ; m. Waity Ann Sleeper ; j. Th. & N. Y., now collector of customs at Port Royal, S. C. 3, George W., b. Feb. 22, '04; m. Catharine Kuhn, Dec. 10, '27, 2d, Elizabeth Achorn, p. Nov. 2, '44; rem. to Waldoboro'. The mother died March 4, 1828, aged 63. Henry K.'s ch. 1, Capt. John Henry, b. Dec. 6, 1823 ; m. Sarah L. Harrington of Rockland, Jan. 8, '57 ; r. Th., now in U. S. naval service. 2, Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 28, '27 ; m. Capt. William Hewes ; r. Th. 3, Elizabeth C, b. Aug. 8, '33 ; r. Th. George W.'s ch. 1, Sarah K., b. May 21, 1829 ; m. George Farns worth, March, '49 ; r. Wal. & d. Nov. 19, '49. 2, George K., b. May 21, '31 ; m. Almira D. Morse of Appleton, p. May 20, '54 ; r. Th., sol dier in 2d Me. Battery. 3, John K„ b. July 21, '37, d. in Wal. Oct. 6, '53. 4, Victoria K., b. Sept. 16, '39, d. Aug. '40. 5, Mary K., b. Sept. 7, '42. The mother died June 16, '43, aged 38. Capt. John Henry's ch. 1, Ann W., b. ab. 1859. 2, , d. Feb. 8, '62. George K.'s ch. 1, Francisco, b. ab. 1855. 2, Florence, b. ab. '56. GLOVER, Charles, b. ab. 1796, came probably from Vinalhaven; m. Almira W. Say ward, Sept. 27, 182 1 ; r. Rock., a joiner, &c. Others of this name have probably r. here, as Lucy, widow of Thomas, died May 10, 1818, in 59th year of her age. Charles's ch. 1, George S., b. March 23, 1822, d. July 6, '45. 2, Susan S., born Oct. 9, '23, died March 15, '37. 3, Bethia, b. Oct. 2, '25 ; m. Capt. Alden T. Sher man ; r. Rock. 4, Mary G., b. Dec. 20, '27 ; m. William B. Staples,; : r. Rock. 5, Capt. Thomas B., b. Dec. 18, '29 ; m. Elvira S. Wheeler, Nov. 8, '51 ; r. Rock., officer in 4th Me. reg,. &c. 6, Capt. Charles, (2d), b. Feb. 3, '33 ; m. Jerusha A. Stetson, Oct. 28, '54 ; r. Rock. 7. William H., b. Dec. 14, '34 ; m. 1st, EmeUne Fernald, Aug 11, '59 ; 2d, Julia F. Fernald, Nov. 9, '62, j. Rock., a joiner. 8, Eliza T., b. Nov. 13, '36; m. Samuel L. Clark, Feb. 7, '54; r. Rock. 9, Edward K., b. Nov. 14, '39 ; mar. Sarah A. Fernald, April 14, '63 ; r. Rock., a joiner. 10, Lucy A., b. March 11, '42. 11, Abby A., b. Nov. '44, d. April, 1852. Capt. Thomas B.'s ch. Francis, b. ab. 1852. GLOYD, Col. David, b. 1766, m. 1st, Celia Smith, 2d, Susannah Reed ; came from Abington, Mass., as a tanner ; r. Th. & Rock., and d. Dec. 6, 1849. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Celia, m. Elias Hunt, r. in .the State of New York. 2, David, (2d), m. Mary Ripley, of Abing ton. By 2d wife. 3, Susanna, b. Dec. 25, 1796 ; m. James Walsh ; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 239 r. Rock., and d. April 12, 1858. 4, Spencer, m. Myra Nash ; and d. at N. Orleans. 5, Sarah, m. Joseph Cleverly, r. Abington. 6, Mary, m. Joshua Allen ; r. Th. 7, Capt. George W., b. ab. 1804 ; married Julia Marsh, Oct. 10, 1830, r. Th. 8, Charlotte, d. young. 9, Chas., rem. Cincinnati, O., last heard from in 1835, at Cuba, having been wrecked on his passage from Boston to N. Orleans. 10, Henry, died of yellow fever at New Haven, on his return from S. Carolina. Su sanna, the mother, b. in Abington, 1771, d. June 1, 1824. Capt. George W.'s ch. 1, George G., b. June 24, 1832, d. Oct. 4, '53. 2, JuUa A., b. Nov. 26, '33 ; in. William H. Hatch, February 25, '55 ; r. Th. 3, Charles H., b. Aug. 26, '35 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier in 2d Me. Battery, &c. 4, Franklin, b. Sept. 26, '37 ; r. Th., a sea man. 5, Sarah C, b. AprU 25, '40, d. April 17, '42. 6, William H. b. Aug. 25, '41 ; r. Th., a mariner, soldier of the 19th Me. reg., died at hospital in Washington, D. C, Nov. 16, '64. 7, Oscar, b. ab. 1846 ; r. Thomaston. GODDING, John, born in Mansfield, Mass., came from Fox Is. to what is now Rockland during the revolution ; m. Suviah Lucas from Mass., and d. Dec. 30, 1816. Theirch. 1, John, (2d), born Nov. 4, 1776 ; m. Nancy Killsa, Jan. 25, 1798 ; rem. to Waldo, Me., and died ab. 1862. 2, Betsey, b. Aug. 4, 1784 ; m. 1st. Samuel Lindsey, 2d, Hatevil Pease; r. Th., and d. Dec. 28, 1850 ? 3, Hatch, b. Aug. 10, 1786; m. Catharine Teal, of St. George, Oct. 6, 1810 ; r. Rock, and d. before 1815, lost at sea. 4, Sally, b. Sept. 14, 1788 ; m. 1st, Thos. Crockett, 2d, Elibeus Partridge ; r. Rock., and d. ab. 1849. 5, Lucy Jane, b. June 14, 1793, d. April 18, buried the 19th, 1817. John, (2d)'sch. 1, John, (3d), b. April 19, 1798; mar. and rem. Waldo. 2, Hugh K., b. Oct. 16, 1801 ; m. and rem. Line. 3, Sabra Killsa, b. July 24, 1805 ; m. and r. Northport. GODFREY, John, b. ab. 1804, in Nova Scotia, and c from thence with Ruth his wife, and family ; r. Rock., a ship joiner. Their ch. b. in Nova Scotia. 1, William B., b. ab. 1839. 2, Edward C, b. ab. '42. 3, Lucretia, b. ab. '44. 4, Bethia I, b. ab. '46. 5, John J., b. ab. '48, d. Jan. 8, '64. 6, Charles D., b. ab. '52. GOODELL, James E., b. ab. 1835, in Northport, Me. ; m; Sabra A. Day, July, 1855 ; r. Rock, a mariner, Ike. Their ch. I, Emma J., b. ab. 1853. 2, Ida M., b. ab. '59. GOODWIN, Dr. Jacob Scammon, grad. Dartmouth College, 1811, MD. 1814 ; came from Readfield to what is now Rock., rem. & d. Th. Their ch. 1, JuUa Annette, m. Yeaton; r. Vermont. 2, Eliza J. ; 3, William, m. & r. in Boston ; 4, Jacob B. ; 5, Eliab Stone ; 6, Daniel F. ; 7, Sarah ; 8, John ; 9, Roby Hewett ; 10, Wade Hamp ton; aU rem. Boston with their widowed mother. GORDEN, William W., b. ab. 1824, on Staten Island; m. Cyrena Achorn; r. Rock., .an ice dealer. Theirch. 1, Orestes, b. ab. 1846. , 2, Francis, b. ab. '47. 3, Lewis, b. ab. '49. 4, Eugene, b. ab. '51. ' 5, Ada, b. ab. '53. 6, Emma, b. ab. '55. 7, Annie, b. ab. '57. 8, Mary, b. ab. '59. GOTT, Capt. John, b. ab. 1809, on Swan Island, Me.; in. Abigail Merchant ; r. Rock. Capt. Joseph, a brother, m. & r. Swan Island. Of Capt. John's ch. 1, Capt. David J., b. ab. 1834 ; m. Lydia J. Ingraham, Jan. 30, '55 ; r. Rock. 2, Caroline, b. ab. '38 ; r. Rock. 3, Mary J., b. ab. '40; m. WUbert Boynton, March 30, '64; r. Rock. 240 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of Capt. Joseph's ch. Rodney J., b. ab. 1836, on Swan Island; m. Nancy E. Joice ; r. Rock., a carpenter. Capt. David J.'s ch. Mary Ella, b. Sept. 17, 1856, d. Nov. 23, '61. GOULD, John, (son of William, and descendant of a Welsh ship master who settled in Pembroke, Mass., about 1664, the first of the family in America), bought land in Winchester, N. H., 1763, built saw, grist, and clothing mills, was wealthy and noted for great obsti nacy and physical strength, sometimes, it is said, taking with his fin gers a barrel of cider by the chimes and lifting it so that he could drink out of the bung-hole. His oldest son, Thomas, b. in Pembroke, 1753 ; attended school 8 weeks only, but became learned, especially in natural philosophy and history; r. Winchester, and d. ab. 1830. His only son, Thomas, (2d), b. March 7, 1785 ; m. Abigail Briggs, a teacher, and of an ancient Brattleboro' family; was educated for a teacher and physician, but took the home/arm, devoting much time to geological and other pursuits. Thomas, (2d)'s ch. 1, Edwin P., d. aged 3 years. 2, Harriet Au gusta, m. Willard C. Brigham ; i. Rindge, N. H. 3, Abigail Nims, a successful teacher, d. in 1843. 4, Albert Palmer, Esq., b. Aug. 30, 1821, on the old homestead in Winchester ; m. 1st, Perley Bryant of Franklin county, Mass. ; 2d, Elizabeth D. Robinson of Th., jau. 4, 1853 ; came to Maine, 1845, to Th., 1848, attorney at law. 5, Henry, m. & r. Winchester, a joiner. 6, E!izabeth H., died, aged 5 years. Albert P., Esq.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Flora Elizabeth, b. ab. 1845, d. March 10, '62. 2, Abbie Augusta. 3, Mary Amelia. The mother d. March 7, '52, aged 33 years. GOULD ; of this Freedom, Me. family, perhaps descended from the same Pembroke ship-master, 3 brothers came to this place. 1, Edward, b. ab. 1815, in Freedom; m. Jane R. Bowker of Bangor; t. Rock., & d. Aug. 14, 1850. 2, Stephen, b. ab. 1819, in Freedom; r. Rock., a Ume manufacturer. 3, Benjamin, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Elmira Smith, Dec. 25, '46 ; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer. Edward's ch. 1, Charlotte, b. Feb. 18, 1839. 2, Rozetta Jane, b. Sept. 3, '41. 3, Almeda S., b. ab. '45. Benjamin's ch. 1, Leforest, b. ab. 1848. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '57. GOULD, John M., b. ab. 1825; came from Hillsboro', N. H.; m. Caroline Flye of Sedgwick ; r. Rock., a dry goods merchant. Their ch. 1, Carrie W., b. ab. 1853. 2, Howard, b. ab. '55. GOWEN, Nathaniel B., b. ab. 1823, in Union; m. Elizabeth H. Marshall ; r. Rock., a lime burner, soldier in 4th Me. Reg., and died Dec, 1861, a prisoner in Richmond, Va. GOWEN, Bradford, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Margaret ; r. Rock., a truckman, &o. Their ch. 1, John W., b. ab. 1849. 2, Mary F., b. ab. '51. 3, Charles A., b. ab. '53. 4, George E., b Dec, '55, d. Oct. 22, '56. 5, Ellena, b. April, '59, d. Oct. 1, '60. GRAFF AM ; the father of this family r. on Matmic, & d. on one of the Muscle Ridge islands. His ch. 1, George, m. Margaret Spalding, May 6, 1806 ; r. S. Th. & d. in Th. 2, Pierce, removed. 3, Capt. Ja cob, m. Andrews, and was one of the early settlers, and, it is said, founder, of Rockport. George's ch. 1, John, b. 1807, d. 1825 by a fall from aloft, at sea. 2, Capt. James A., b. April 5, 1809 ; m. Mary Antoinette Bennett, July 13, '32 ; r. Th., a painter. 3, Nancy S., b. July 12, 1811 ; mar. Robert Bramhall ; r. Rock. 4, Susan I., b. May 9, 1815 ; mar. John ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 241 Monk, '33 ; and d. May 16, '50. 5, WUliam C, b. Nov. 1, '17 ; mar. Martha F. Burns, April 19, '46 ; r. Rockport. 6, Matilda S., b. Feb. 7, '20. 7, Lyman S., b. Jan. 20, '23 ; r. N. Orleans. 8, Lucy C, bora Nov. 28, '26 ; m. Peleg Thomas, April 19, 1844 ; .. S. Th. James A.'s ch. 1, Augustina, b. Jan. 2, 1837; mar. James P. Ed- garton; r. Th. 2, Dexter, b. Aug. 23, '40. 3, Antoinette, b. about •44. 4, Ellen, b. ab. '46. 5, Almond B., b. ab. '47. GRAFTON, Joseph, came from St. George, married Nancy Mont gomery ; r. Th., and was lost at sea. Theirch. 1, JohnM., d. in'55, lost at sea in the barque Livorno. 2, Henrietta, b. ab. '46. 3, Isaac M., b. ab. '47. 4, Lucy, b. ab. '49. 5, Helen, b. ab. '51. GRAFTON, John H., b. ab. 1827, son of John and Almira (Webb) Grafton, of Warren and Union ; m. Clara F. Spofford, Sept. 17, '56 ; r. Rock., a painter, enUsted in the U. S. navy. Their ch. 1, Clara, b. ab. '57. 2, Charles W., b. ab. '59. GRAHAM, Levi N , b. ab. 1812 ; m. Eliza T. Skinner, pub. Sept. 16, '45 ; r. Rock., a quarryman. Their ch. 1, Sarah, b. ab. '48. 2, WiUiam, b. ab. '49. 3, Laura, b. ab. '55. GRAHAM, — ¦ , came with Fanny, his wife, from Ireland ; r. Th. and British Provinces, and d. His widow r. Rock. Their chil. 1, Norman, b. ab. 1857. 2, John, b. ab. '59. Their father's brother, WiUiam, also r. Rock., a ship carpenter. GRANT, John, came from Cape Cod to Pox Islands in 1785; m. Lydia Haskell of S. Th., and had 7 ch. of whom, there settled here, 1, Capt. David, b. 1801 ; ra. Priscilla Ames; came to Rock., 1830, St d. at New York, Oct., 1851. 2, Capt. John, b. in 1805 ; m. Hannah Lindsey; came to Rock, to r. in 1838. 3, Capt. William, b. 1816 ; m. Elsie Brown ; came to Rock., 1843, and was lost at sea, Dec, 1859. Capt. David's ch. 1, a daughter, died young. 2, John S., b. in 1823 ; m. Mary C. Ulmer, Dec. 19, 1843 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Abner E., m. Mary J. Childs, June 22, '45 ; r. Rock., & d. at sea, Oct. 26, '59. 4, Abby, m. FrankUn Achorn ; r. Rock. 5, Goodwin, b. 1829 ; m. Emma F. DU1, Oct. 27, '50 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 6, Nancy H., m. Capt. Geofge H. Cables ; r. Rock. 7, Priscilla E., m. Capt. John F. Cables ; r. Rock. Capt. John's ch. 1, Deborah L., m. Capt. Knott C. Perry ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. David W., m. Elizabeth W. of North Haven ; r. Rock. 3, Mahala J., m. & r. in Hohokus, N. J. 4, Capt. Isaac H., b. 1835 ; m. Amanda M. Thompson, Oct. 16, '54 ; r. Rock. 5, John F., b. July 20, '38 ; r. Rock., a mariner, now in U. S. service. 6, J»rvis B., b. Oct. 22, '40; mariner, and volunteer soldier, died, killed at BuU Run, July 21, '61. 7, William, b. Jan. 10, '43 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 8, Mary B., b. ab. '46. 9, Susan E., b. ab. '48. Capt. WUUam's ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1848. 2, Clara, b. ab. '51. 3, Frederic, b. ab. '54. ; John S.'s ch. 1, David E., b. 1845, mate of bark A. II. Kimball, i: drowned, Dec. 10, '60, on passage to New Orleans. 2, Isaac A., b. ab. '47. 3, Dora E., b. '53. 4, Mary F., b. '56. 5, George F., b. '59. Goodwin's ch. 1, Frank A., b. ab. 1851. 2, Ella P., b. ab. '53. 3, Eva M., b. ab '57. ' Capt. David W.'s ch. 1, Hannah E., b. ab. 1854. 2, Deborah P., b. '56. 3, Matthew A., b. '68. ¦ Capt. Isaac H.'s ch. Malvina, b. July, 1855, d» Aug. 8, '56. Vol. II. 21 242 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, GRANT, Hiram, b. Dec. 10, 1789 ; came from Berwick ; m. Betsey Biskey of St. G. ; r. Beech Woods, Th., & d. Nov. 20, 1862. Their ch. 1, William Joshua, b. 1823 ; m. Hannah A. Willis, Feb. 13, '44; r. California. 2, Mary Jane, m. Francis Burrill ; r. Ct. 3, Eliza A-, m. Walter Sutherland, now a soldier of the U. S., r. and d. Th. 4, Michael B., b. ab. 1829 ; m. Mary E. Achorn, Nov. 20, '52 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. 5, Hiram, (2d), b. 1833 ; m. Margaret A. Gilson, July 24, '53; r. Th. 6, A. Jackson, b. 1835 ; m. Elizabeth J. Fales, March 28, '68 ; r. Rock. 7, Frances Elvina, m. Charles Richardson ; r. Rock, and died. 8, J. Catharine, m. John Hull, p. June 21, '56 ; r. Damariscotta. 9, John B., b. 1842, soldier in the 21st Me. Reg. 10, Martha W. ; r. Th. 11, Angie R., m. WilUam H. Keene ; r. Rock. 12, Rachel, b. ab. '49. WUliam Joshua's ch. 1, Mary E., b. ab. 1845. 2, WUliam A., b. '47. 3, Edwin S., b. '49. Michael B.'s ch. 1, Willie H., b. May 25, 1855, d. Dec. 2, '56. 2, Charles L., b. Nov. 10, '59, d. Sept. 27, '60. Hiram, (2d)'s ch. 1, Albert G., b. 1854. 2, Ernest, b. '59. Andrew Jackson's ch. CJyrus N., b. 1859. GRANT, Jameif, b,,/ab. 1821 ; m. Celia ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, WiUiam Htfb. ab. 1846. 2, Jane W., b. ab. '50. 3, Hannah S., b. ab. '53. 4, Eugene C, b. ab. '57. GRANT, Djniell, b. ab. 1830, in Nova Scotia ; r. S. Th., with Mar garet S., hi -wife/ Their ch. Calvin C, b. ab. 1859. GRAJJes ; of this family two brothers came here from Deerfield, N. H.,K.: William, b. ab. 1778; m. Mary ; r. S. Th. and d. April 1^1849. Nathaniel, b. ab. 1788 ; m. Louisa Emery, July 11, 1809 ; r. S. Th., on road to St. George, and d. Jan. 8, '55. jgVfiriiom's ch. 1, Eunice, b. Oct. 18, 1800; mar. Capt. Josiah 'W. iSljfee^rem. San Francisco, Cal. 2, John, b. May 27, '03 ; m. 1st, Mncy- G. Dean, Nov. 8, '27, 2d, Mrs. Lydia W. Smith, p. June 14, '•>i"; r S. Th., a joiner, &c. 3, Joseph, b. April 2, '05; m. Caroline \,. Snow ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 4, Parley, b. Sept. 26, '07 ; m. Mercy Williams, May 22, '45 ; r. S. Th., a farmer, rem. ? CaUfornia. 5, Lydia, b.- June 1,' 10; r. Th. 6, Mary, b. Aug. 27, '12 ; m. Isaac Hall; r. Rock. 7, William D., b. July 31, '15 ; m. Mary S Graves of St. George, Dec. 16, '38 ; j. S. Th., and d. April, 1849. 8, Simon D., b. July 28, '18 ; m. Susan W. Crouch, Dec. 7, '41 ; r. S. Th., a carpen ter, &c 9 and 10, twins, b. Sept. 24, '21 ; Susan D , m. Capt. Geo. Emery; r. Th. Halsey H., lost at sea in the Gulf of Mexico. The mother d. March 19, 1842, aged 62. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Lydia, mar. OUver Wheeler of St. George. 2, George E., m. Lucy Harrington, Jan. 1838 ; r. Rock., or St. George." [A George Graves d. at Rock. April 25, '57, aged 47.] 3, Elizabeth, ' mar. Benjamin Thompson ; j. S. Th. 4, Mary S., mar. William D. Graves, r. Aroostook. 5, Dennis, b. 1818, d. at sea Sept. 5, '43. 6, Margaret, m. Oliver Butler; r. Hope. 7, Edward, m. Martha Arey; r. S. Th. 8 and 9, twins', b. A.t>ril 1826 ; Nathaniel, (2d), died at St. George, by suicide Sept. 12, '55 ; Josiah, d. at Mazatlan harbor, June 1, '51. 10, Sophia. 11, Louisa Maria. John's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John, (2d), b. Sept. 7, 1828 ; r. Rock., ? soldier in the army. ? 2, Thomas J., b. Oct. 23, '30 ; r. S. Th. 3, Louisa D., b. Sept. 7, '32; m. 1st, Tileston P. Noyes, of Rock., 2d, Solomon Stahl ; rem. Appleton. 4, AdeUne, b. AprU 7, '34 ; m. John ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 243 H. Bennett, Sept. 19, '64. 5, Ephraim D., b. Dec. 25, '35 ; r. Rock. 6, Sarah A., b. Aug. «1, '38, d. March 12, "41. 7, Elizabeth W., b. April 15, '40. 8, Lorenzo A., b. May 4, '42 ; r. S. Th. 9, Algernon, b. ab.'45. 10, Stearns, b. ab. '47. By 2d wife. 11, Nancy, b. ab. '52. Joseph's ch. 1, Orris, b. July 21, 1839 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, Harriet, b. M-iy 2 i, '42. 3, Emilv, b. ab. '44. 4, Frederic, b. ab '46 ; r. S. Th., soldier of 2d Me. Battery, d. July 5. '62. 5, William, b. ab. '48. 6, Irving, b. ab. '51. 7, Edwin, b. ab. '53. 8, Ava, b. ab. '53. Parley's ch. 1, Nathaniel, ? d. at New Orleans. 2, Archibald, b. ab. 1835 ; r. S. Th., a joiner. Simon D.'s ch. 1, Sarah, b. Oct. 18, 1842. 2, Maria, b. ab. '43. 3, Oscar, b. ab. '45 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 4, Lewis, b. ab. '46. 5, Halsey, b. ab. '48. 6, Francis, b. ab '50. 7, Laura, b. ab. '53. 8, Ella, b. ab. '55. 9,. Charles, b. ab. '57. 10, a son, b. in 1860. WiUiam D.'s ch. LilUas, b. Sept. 8, 1839. GRAY, Leverett, b. in Yarmouth, Mass., in 1776 ; m. Rebecca Sears ; came to reside in Thomaston, with his wife, in May, 1803 ; r. S. Th., a joiner, & d. Feb. 8, '42. He had brothers, Edward, who also came to Thomaston, and Capt. John, who resided on the Cape; also a sister who. married Capt. Joshua Adams. Leverett's ch. 1, Betsey, b. Jan. 17, 1803, m. Ezekiel Hall? April 18, '22 ; r. S. Th. 2, Joshua, b. Jan. 21, '06 ; r. S. Th., &d. Dec. 31, '57, unm. 3, Capt. William, b. Oct. 19, '07 ; m. 1st, Relief Drake, June 20, '40. 2d, Mary Ann Titus, Jan. 1, '52 ; j. S. Th., a farmer, & d. Nov. 18, '60. 4, Capt. Oliver, b. Oct. 27, '09 ; m. Lydia Merriman, p. March 7, '35, r. S. Th. & d. April 12, '45. 5, Nancy, b. Aug. 24, '11 ; m. Thomas Rendall and rem. to Ohio. 6, Shepard, b. April 9, '14; m. 1st, Hannah Thorndike: 2d, EmeUne Butler, April 12, '41, 3d, Mary W. Sherman, Aug. 2, '46 ; i. S. Th., a farmer. 7, Rebecca, b. June 4, '16; m Capt. Nathan Sleeper; r. Rock. 8, George S.. b. Aug. 27, '19; m. 1st, Eliza P. Sherman, 2d, M. Jeanette Paul, May 19, '51 ; r. S. Th., a joiner. 9, Caroline, b. Nov. 25, '26 ; m. 1st, John McMullen of N. S., Jan. 1, 1843; 2d, Benjamin Knowlton; r. Rock. The mother, b. Feb., 1783, d. in Rock., June 3, 1863. Capt. WilUam's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Nancy Jane, b. ab. 1844. 2, Helen, b. ab. '47. By 2d wife. 3, a son, d. young. 4, Leverett H., b. ab. 1856. Capt. Oliver's ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1837 ; r. S. Th. 2, OUver, (2d), b. ab. 1840. Shepard's ch. 1, Charles. 2, Elizabeth. 3, a son, d. young. By 3d wife. 4, Adelaide L., b. ab. '47. 5, Clara Agnes, b. ab. '50. 6, Livingston, b. ab. '56. George S.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Edward T., b. April 25, 1842 ; r. S. Th. 2, Mary A., b. March, and d. July, 1845. By 2d wife. 3, Eliza M., b. ab. 1847. GRAY, Capt. Alfred, b. ab. 1838 ; m. Nancy Spalding, June 4, '58 ; r. Rock., and d., lost from the sch. Orrin Cowl, burnt at Sandy Hook, Jan. 1, '62. Their ch. EUa, b. ab. 1859. GRAY, George H., b. ab. 1835; m. Emily ; r. Rock., a shoemaker. Their ch. Thomas, b. ab. 1857. GRAY, Andrew J., b. ab. 1830, in Brooksville, Me. ; m. Caroline Grindle ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Ada C, b. ab. 1855. 2, Arthur L., b. ab. 1859. GRAY, StiUman, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Hannah E. ; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c. Their ch. Charles W., b. ab. 1859. 244 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, GRAY, Francis, b. ab. 1772.; came with his wife in 1847 or '8 from county of Sligo, Ireland, to r. with his ch. who had preceded him to America; r. Th., and d. Sept. 10, 1854, aged 92. Their ch. 1, Ed ward, m.' and r. Ireland. 2, Dominic, b. ab. 1812; came to Th., m. Hannah Jones, Feb. 12, 1848; j. Th. 3, Luke, ra. Sarah Brazier of C; r. Th. 4, Patrick, m. Mary Henery, Sept. 27, 1847 ; i. Th. 5, Catharine, m. Daniel Preston, and died on passage to America. 6, Honoria, r. Th. 7, Frank, r. Th. 8, James, ra. Mary Jane Doherty of Appleton; r. W., a blacksmith. Honoria, the mother, d. in Th., Nov. 28, 1862. Dominic's ch. 1, Kate, b. ab 1848. 2, Daniel, b. ab. '50. 3, Ann, b. ab. '63. 4, Ellen, b. ab. '55. 5, Mary Jane, b. ab. '58, and d. Oct. 17, '61. 6, Nellie, and perhaps others. Luke's ch. 1, Lizzie. 2, Silas John. Patrick's ch. 1, Mary A,, b. '49. 2, Eliza, b. '51. 3, Charles, b. '54. James's ch. 1, Laura A., b. 1858. 2, Ellis S., b. '63. GRAY, Edward, b. ab. 1805, in Ireland; r. Rock., with Mary, his wife.' Theirch. 1, Patrick, b. ab. 1842. 2, Jane, b. ab. '44. GREELEY, Elbridge F., b. ab. 1813, in Palermo, Me. ; mar. 1st, Asenjth Longfellow, 2d, Betsey ; r.' Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Anthony N, b. ab. 1840 ; r. Rock., a soldier in the army. 2, Lucina A., b. ab. '43. 3, Almond E , b. ab. '46; also entered the army. 4, Betsey M., b. ab. '49. 5, Forest, b. Feb. & d. Nov. 18, '55. GREEN, WiUiam, m. Barbara Deago, and came from England to Plymouth, Mass., where he r. and had ch. born, but settled about the commencement of the Revolution in old Th., at Simonton's Point, on the farm lately owned by Capt. Jonathan SmaU ; was sometimes drafted into the army, was a drummer and drummed for Gen. Wads- worth ; at other times boiled salt for a living ; about the close of the war lost his English wife and buried her at the Stackpole grave-yard, near; m. 2d, (p. Sept. 23, 1790), Lucy, daughter of Asa and Joanna Thomas of Friendship, brother to Jesse Thomas, a family from near Plymouth, Mass., and after Oct. 10, 1790, removed and settled near Predericton, N. B., with his family and sister Eliza, who had also come here and kept a grocery in the Dunning house. William's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Isaac; 2, Lydia; both rem. N. B. 3, John, or Jonny, m. at the residence of Gen. Knox, in New York, Dorcas Bidda, from England, who had been a domestic in the Gener al's family ; r. here, and later at Boston, where he d. ab. July, 1855 ; his wife having d. there about 1838. 4, Barbara ; 5, Betsey ; 6, Ben jamin ; all b. in Plymouth ; 7, William, Jr., b. in Th. ; all rem. with their father ; who had a numerous family by his 2d wife. John's ch. 1, Maria, m. Abram Wendell, of Boston, removed New York and d. leaving two daughters. 2, Eliza, m. Moses S. Robinson of C, rem. and d. in N. York, without ch.. 3, CorneUus Cooledge. GREEN, Capt. Ballard, b. about 1787, a twin brother of Gardner Green, and brother of Peter H. Green of Bath, and Nathaniel Green of Topsham, both in turn high sheriffs of Lincoln county ; came to Thomaston in 1819, from Topsham, and was a merchant at the present O'Brien wharf, in firm of Green & Merrill ; mar. Jane A. Noyes or Norris, of Brunswick, p. May 15, 1819 ; and d. Peb. 10, '31. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth Titcomb, b. 1821, died in Brunswick, March, 1829. 2, Gardner, b. Sept. 22, '27, d. Aug. 19, '29. 3, Charles Ballard; 4, Harriet N. ; both rem. Brunswick. 5, Albert, b. Aug., 1830, d. Jan. 18, '31. The mother d. Feb. 6^ 132 ; aged 37. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 245 GREENHALGH, Rev. Thomas, o. from England to this country in the print-making business, left it, and about $1200 per annum, and became a Methodist minister, receiving the first year a salary of $50 ; m. thrice ; rem. Hampden, Me. Of his ch. 1, Lieut. Jabez B., b. ab. 1827; m. Lucy M. Crockett, May 13, '49; r. Rock., a saddler and harness maker, officer in 4th Me. reg., &c 2, Capt. Charles B., b. ab. '33 ; r. Rock., saddler and harness maker, till he entered on military Ufe, officer of the 4th Me., &c, since clerk in Thorndike House, &c 3, Joseph, m. Margaret E. MUler, Feb. 27, '64 ; r. Rock. Lieut. Jabez B.'s ch. 1, Charles J., b. ab. 1852. 2, Sylvanus, b. Oct. and d. Dec. 9, '55. 3, Fred. Thomas, b. April 23, and died Oct. 2, '67. 4, Lizzie K., b. ab. '59. GREGORY, William, b. 1731; m. Experience Robbins; v. from Walpole, about 1762, to St. George's fort, & r. Th. seven years ; rem. 1770 to Clam Cove, Camden, where he was the first settler, as also the first in Camden after Richards, & d. March, 1824, aged 93 ; buried at Rockland, in the Tolman graveyard. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. 1755 ; m. Isaiah Tolman, (2d), ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 2, 1830. 2, William (2d), d. yonng. 3, Experience, d. young. 4, Experience, b. Sept. 19, 1760 ; m. Samuel Tolman ; j. Rock, and d. Feb. 19, 1828. 5, Capt. WUliam, (3d), b. in Walpole, Jan. 1, 1762; m. Melia Tolman, Oct. 23, 1784 ; r. Cam. 6, Francis, d. young. 7, Mary b. 1766 ; m. Capt. WUUam Spear, r. Rock. & d. Nov. 2, 1839. 8, Capt. John, b. June 21, 1769 ; m. EUzabeth Simonton ; r. Clam Cove. 9, Josiah, b. May 6, 1771 ; r. Appleton. 10, Olive, m. Daniel Andrews; r. & d. Cam. 11, Luther, d. young. 12, Luther, b. May 17, 1780 ; m. Jane McLoon, April 28, 1803. Of Capt. William, (3d)'s ch. Calvin, b. 1801 ; m. Theresa Maker, Dec. 31, '21 ; r. Rock. Capt. John's ch. I, Mary S., m. Ebenezer Cleaveland; r. Cam. 2, Frances A., b. June 29, 1794 ; m. Jeremiah Berry ; j. Rock, and died March 24, 1857. 3, William, (4th), m. Rebecca Damon of Westmin ster, Mass. ; r. Cam. 4, Clarissa, m. John Bird ; r. Rock. 5, Capt. John, (2d), b. 1799 ; m. Phebe M. Young ; r. Rock. 6, Celinda, m. Michael Achorn ; r. Rock. 7, P. Hanson, m. Mary Barrows ; r. Cam. 8, Hiram, m. Mary Manning, p. Oct. 24, '33 ; r. Cam. 9, Capt. Isaac, b. '06; m. Merriel Ingraham, p. Sept. 20, '28 ; r. Rock. Third Generation. Calvin's ch. 1, Melinda A„ m. George Jackson ; i. Rock. 2, Mary Ann, m. 1st, John Stover, 2d, John Hall ; r. Rock. 3, CaroUne C, m. James Morton ; r. Rock. 4, Pamelia J., m. Capt. William N. An drews; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Robert, b. '35 ; m. Margaret Dumont, Sept. 24, '52 ; r. Rock. 6, Capt. Calvin, m. Sarah Kuhn, Aug. 24, '54; lost, with' his wife, in his sch. Chance, July, 1858. 7, Samuel H.,b. ab. '42 ; r. R. soldier of 20th Me. reg. 8, Amos, b. June, '44, d. Aug. 2, '62. Of Wm., (4th)'s ch. 1, Mark, b. Aug., 1826 ; m. Maria ; r. .Rock., and d. Nov. 21, '59. Capt. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Joseph, b. March 5, 1834, died May 22, '35. 2, Araminta, b. Sept. 31, '35; m. George W. Sargent, Dec. 4, '53 ; r. E. Boston. 3, Capt. Weston, b. April 20, '37 ; mar. Irene A. Lincoln, r. Rock., appointed master's mate in the U. S. N., in Feb. '62. 4, John F., b. March 8, '41 ; m. Louisa Boynton, June 10, '62 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 5, Jane Y., m. Capt. Elkanah S. Hall ; r. Rock. 6, Emma L. 7, Joseph D., d. young. 8, Almeda, d. young. 21* 248 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, P. Hanson's ch. 1, Luoinda, m. Capt. Charles Sylvester ; r. Cam. 2, Capt. George, mar. Olive Achorn, Aug. 3, '52 ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Hanson, b. 1832; m. Miry A. Merrifield, Nov. 8, '53; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Jeremiah, m. Emily S. Kirk, Aug. 20, 'ot ; r. Rock., a mariner. 5, Belinda, mar. Leonard Hall ; r. Rock. 6, Rebecca, mar. Adoniram Packard, c. Rock. 7, Henry, rem. California. Dea. Isaac's ch. 1, MeUnda, d Feb. 15, 1835. 2, Joseph I., born July 21, '37, d. April 20, '38. 3, Frances, b. April 2, '39 ; m. Alfred Burns, r. Rock. 4, Isaac, (2d), b. March 3, '41 ; a clerk. 5, Mary Melinda, b. Feb. 20, '43. 6, Lucy, b. '45. Fourth Generation. Capt. Robert's ch. 1, Clarence E., b. April, 1855, d. May 16, '56. 2, Addie A. 3, John C. 4 and 5, twins, born 1859, Albert E., and Winfred A., d. young. Mark's ch. 1, George, (2d), b. ab. 1850. 2, Martha J., b. Feb. '55, d. Sept. 9, '57. 3, Harriet, b. ab. '57. The mother mar. 2d, George Kingman of Waltham, Me., Aug. 19, '60. Capt. George's ch. Cora E., b. ab. 1853. Capt. Hanson's ch Lizzie, b. ab. 1854. Jeremiah's ch. 1, Alice A., b. ab. 1855. 2, Alvestine, b. ab. '57. 3, Katie O., b. ab. '59. GRIFFIN, George, b. ab. 1800 ; m. 1st, Lucinda T. , who d. Mar. 23, '58, 2d, Almira Bailey, Oct. 28, '60 ; r. Rock , a lime burner,&c. GROSS, Henry, born about 1811, in Orland, Me., mar. 1st, Abigail Hutchings, 2d, Joanna French ; r. Rock., a joiner, &c His chil. by 1st wife. 1, Joseph, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Mrs. Hannah J. Hart ; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c 2, Andrew, ? born about '37 ; r. Rock., in fishery business. By 2d wife, 3, Vienna, b. ab. '50. 4, Henry, b. ab. '53. 5, Elnora, b. May 1, '55, d. May 8, '56. 6, Emma, b. ab. '57. Joseph's ch. 1, Alzina, b. ab. '58. 2, Mary T., b. ab. '60. GROVER, Capt. James, m Susan Rosilla Tyler, Feb. 27, 1834 ; r. Rock., and when master of the Mary K. Kendall, died Sept., 1853, at Jamaica, 18 persons out of the barque, including the captain's wife and child, dying in a few weeks. Their ch. 1, Edmund A., b. Sept. 25, 1836, d. in Kingston, Ja., Sept., 1853. 2, Samuel A., b. Nov. 18, 1838, d. July 18, '46. 3, Lucy F., b. Aug. 25, 1840, d. Aug. 28, '46. GROVER, Edmund, b. ab. 1796 ; r. Rock., & d. by suicide, June 10, 1857 ; Lucy, his widow, b ab. 1797 ; r. Rock. GROVER, Capt. Nathan, was in Rock. & m. Mrs. Lucy B. Brews ter of Cam., Dec. 16, 1857. GROVER, Capt. Joseph, m. Caroline Snow, June 1, 1837. GRUNDY, Richard W., with Jane P., his wife, was in the place ab. 1842, & had recorded here their ch. William, b. Dec 27, 1842. GUPTILL, Capt. Nathaniel, b. ab. 1792 ; came from Lubec ; m. Eleanor Spear, Dec. 22, 1817 ; r. Rock., & d. April 5, '57. Their ch. 1, Joseph, b. Dec. 16, 1821. 2, Eleanor A., b. April 13, '23 ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Robert P., b. Dec. 1, '25.; m. Elizabeth D. Fales, Sept. 30, '48 ; r. Rock., a master mariner. 4, Phylotia C, b. March 11, '28 ; m. Winchester T. Rice of Cam., p. Sept. 19, '48. 5, Wallis, b. May 19, '32. 6, John, b. Aug. 1, '34. Capt. Robert R.'s ch. 1, Albert D., b. ab. 1850. 2, Charles C, b. ab. '54. 3, Robert C, b. ab. '53. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 247 HAHN", Jacob, of German descent, b. Nov. 30, 1811 ; mar. and r. Rick., a blacksmith ; and d. April 13, '64. His ch. 1, Eva A., b. ab. 185:1. 2, Myron, b. ab. 18 5 3. 3, Benjamin, b. ab. 1859. There was also in Rock., Edward P. Hahn, who lost Avis, his wife, March 3, '61, & m. 2d, Mary E. Frohock, of Line, Aug. 10, '62. HAHN, Sylvester, b. ab. 1331, in W.ildnboro' ; m. Mary A. Shibles, Oct. 31, '55; r. Th., a blacksmith. Their ch. Riwland, b. ab. '53. HALL, , a baker by trade, came over from England about 1722 and settled in State (then King) street, Boston, but removed to New Meadows or Harpswell, ab. 1737. His ch. 1, Isaac born about 1725 ; married Miss Coombs of New Meadows ; was a soldier at the taking of Louisburg, also in Revolution ; r. a time in old Thomaston, settled and d. iu St. George. 2, Joseph. 3, Nathaniel. Isaac's ch. 1, Caleb, m. Hannah Snow; r. St. George and d. Feb. 8, 1814. 2, Rev. Isaac, (2d), m. Sarah Saywood ; had charge of the Baptist church in Knox. 3, Rev. Ephraim, mar. Polly Snow; was many years the Baptist minister in St. George, and d. Oct. 5, 1809. 4, Dea. Peter, m. Polly Pierson ; r. and d. St. George. 5, Lewis, b. Feb. 28, 1765; m. Anna or Hannah Dyer; j. S. Th., and d. Nov. 4, 1845. 6, Elijah, Esq., m. 1st, Betsey Robinson, 2d, Rebecca (Mann) Coombs, p. May 1, 1828 ; r. and d. St. George. 7, Mehitable, m. a Stover ; r. and d. St. George. 8, Joanna* m. John Curtis ; r. and d. St. George. Caleb's ch. 1, Isaac, (3d), mar. Ann Anderson of W., r. St. Geo. 2, Elijah, (2d), b. Jan. 18, 1777 ; m. Betsey (Buckland) Dunning, 2d, Mary Wheeler; r. S. Th., a farmer, on the Dunning lot. 3, Eph raim, (2d). 4, Elisha. 5, Lewis, (2d). 6, Caleb, (2d). 7, Rebecca, m. Michael Fountain ; r. St. Geo. 8, Samuel. 9, Jeremiah. Dea. Peter's ch. 1, Joanna. 2, Joseph. 3, Bethia. 4, Dea. Peter, (2d), b. ab. 1797 ; mar. 1st, Sally Perry, 2d, Mary (Kelloch) Marsh, Nov. 15, 18 i9 ; r. Rock., a fish dealer. 5, Mary. 6, Lucy. 7, Rachel. 8, SaUy. 9, Daniel. Lewis's ch. 1, AnthonyD., b. Sept. 9, 1795 ; m. Mary Dean, Nov. 11, 1819; r. S. Th., and d. June 17, 1835. 2, Ezekiel D., b. Oct. 29, 1797 ; m. Betsey Gray, AprU 18, 1822 ; r. S. Th., a farmer. 3, Geo. D., b. June 24, 1800 ; m. Mary Ann Sleeper, Jan. 10, 1828 ; r. S. Th., and d. Feb. 25, '42. 4, Susan D., b. Jan. 24, 1802 ; mar. Thomas B. Perry ; r. S. Th. 5, Lewis, (3d), b. Dec. 26, 1803 ; mar. Hannah McLeUan, Sept. 1, '34 ; r. Rock , and d. Oct. 20, '58. 6, Ephraim, (3d), b. Dec. 10, '05; m. Harriet W. Fales, pub. Oct. 30, '34 ; was a merchant in Rock. 1846 ; rem. Readfield, and to Wayne. 7, Nancy D. b. Jan. 25," 1809, mar. 1st, George Bartlett, 2d, John Brown. .8, Eliza H., b. Aug. 5, '11 ; m. Alvan Heard, 2d, David Haskell; and d. May 23, '56. 9, Elijah, (3d), b. Jan. 26, '14; m. Mary O. Craw ford of W., Nov. 10, '42 ; r. Rockland. Fifth Generation. Elijah, (2d)'s ch. 1, George, b. Jan. 29, 1802 ; m. Ardea Monk of Winthrop, p. Jan. 27, '31 ; 2, Ephraim, (4th), b. Aug. 6, 1805 ; m. Catharine A. Spear, Oct. 3, '30 ; r. Rock , a farmer. 3, Sylva, b. Feb. 6, '10. 4, Mary, b. Dec. 25, '15. 5, Harriet, b. Dec. 26, '21. 6, Car oline, b. March 12, '23. 7, Nathan B., b. Oct. 16, '25 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 8, Isaac S., b. Oct. 17, '27 ; r. So. Th., a farmer. 9, Elijah H„ b. Jan. 16, '29. 10, Sarah, b. June 9, '31, died Dec. 4, '46. 11, Albion K.' P., b. Oct. 17, '35. 248 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of Elisha's ch. 1, George B., b. ab. 1827 ; mar. Mary A. Stover, May 12, '54 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 2, John, m. Aseuath Pierson. Dea. Peter, (2d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eli P., b. Nov. 18, 1822 ; m. Martha A. or Maria A. Dyer, Nov. 20, '46 ; r. Rock., a ship carpenter. 2, Capt Albion K. P., b. Sept. 3, '24; m. Margaret J. Pinkham of Boothbay, p. Aug. 23, '51 ; r. Rock., & d. Oct. 4, '54. 3, Mary J., b. Sept. 12, '26, d. Aug. 11, '52. 4, Merrill, b. Nov. 21, '28, d. Feb. 4, '53. 5, Leander, b. Nov. 21, '32, d. Oct. 29, '34. 6, Harriet E., b. July 26, '34. 7, Alfred, b. 1839, d. March 10, '54. 8, Jane, b. ab. 1844. Anthony D.'s ch. 1, William D., b. May 1, 1820 ; m. Catharine Cassady ; r. St. Louis, Mo. 2, Capt. Edwin L., b. June 22, '21 ; m. ? Julia Paul, p. Nov. 3, '53 ; r. S. Th., lost at sea. 3, Ann E , b. Oct. 20, '22 ; m. Silas S. Low of Bangor, March 15, '43. 4, Anthony D., C2d), b. Aug. 28, '24 ; m. Hannah Butman; rem. Lynn, Mass. 5, Mary S., b. April 20, '26, d. June 17, '28. 6, Ephraim H., b. May 27, '28. 7, Robert Livingstone, b. Jan. 13, '30. 8, Frederic C, b. Sept. 9, '32, d. Nov. 18, '48. 9, Mary S., b. Nov. 26, and d. Dec. 25, '35. Ezekiel D.'s ch. 1, Leverett G., b. March 9, 1823 ; m. Catharine Mason of Salem, Nov. 18, '57 ; r. S. Th., a carpenter, &c. 2, Eliza beth, b. Jan. 23, '27 ; m. 1st, Elisha Prescott, Nov. 7, '47 ; 2d, Samuel Bryant. 3, Ezekiel D., (2d), b. March 14, '28 ; m. Caroline E. Kal loch, June, '56 ; r. S. Th., a»merchant, &c ; rem. West. 4, Oliver G. Esq., b. March 8, '34 ; m. S. Frances White, Dec. 25, '58 ; r. Rock., attorney at law, register of probate, &c. 5, Emily, b. June 8, '35; m. Capt. Henry F. Hix ; r. Rock. 6, Caroline A., b. May 29, '38, d. Feb. 1, '46. George D.'s ch. 1, Capt. Charles M., b. July 12, 1828 ; m. Louisa K. Boyd, 1853 ; r. S. Th. 2, George, b. Sept. 28, '30 ; rem. Cal. 3, EUas, b. May 24, '32, d. Oct. 17, '36. 4, Andrews B., b. May 26, '37 ; rem. Cal. 5, Albert S., b. Oct. 17, '40; r. S. Th., a caulker. Lewis, (3d)'s ch. 1, EmeUne M., b. July 28, 1835 ; m. Rev. George Slattery; r. Rock., rem. 2, KendaU K., b. Jan. 14, '37, d. Aug. 15, '38. 3, Anna, b. April, '38, d. Dec. 19, '39. 4, Sarah. 5, CeUa A., b. ab. '48. Ephraim, (3d)'s ch. 1, Hannah Elizabeth, b. ab. 1834 ; m. Dr. Seth E. Benson; r. Rock. 2, John. 3, George, (2d), m. Lois B. Cooper, Jan. 25, '45 ; d. at Panama, April 29, '49. Elijah, (3d)'s ch. 1, Samuel L., b. ab. 1843 ; r. Rock., entered U. S. Navy. 2, Charles A., b. ab. '47. 3, Frank L., b. ab. '53. 4, Liz zie B., b. ab. '56. 5, Frederic M., b. ab. '58. The mother died April 21, '58, aged 38. Sixth Generation. Ephraim, (4th)'s ch. 1, John S., b. ab. 1843, a druggist, soldier in Sharpshooters, &c. 2, George M., b. ab. '52. George B.'s ch. 1, John A., b. ab. 1855. 2 & 3, twins, b. ab. '59, Addie P., & Ada T. Eli P.'s ch. ' 1, Eli L., b. ab. 1847. 2, Alvin M., b. ab. '49. Capt. Albion K. P.'s ch. Harriet Ann, b. Nov., 1853, d. Aug. 11. 1854. 5 Ezekiel D., (2d)'s ch. Woodbury K., b. ab 1858. Oliver G. Esq.'s ch. Edith, b. Oct. 22, 1859. Capt. Charles M.'s ch. 1, Lizzie, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary b. ab. '58. 3, a son, b. 1860. George, (2d)'s ch. 1, Francis S., b. ab. 1847. 2, Geo. L., "b. ab. '49. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 249 HALL ; of this same St. George farmly, but of the sons of Archi bald whose parents we have not ascertained, — Elijah H., b. in St. G., m. Louisa M. Hosmer, July 16, 1848 ; r. Rock., n ship carpenter. Their ch. 1, Clara E., b. ah. 13,50 2, Augustus E., b. July, '51, d. March 20, '53. 3, Fannie M., b. ab. '55. 4, Frank W, b. Dec 2, '61, died Feb. 17, '62. HALL ; of this Matinicus family, 1, John, b. ab. 1779 ; m. Olive Tolman, i. Matinicus & Rock., or S. Th. 2, George, m. Elizabeth Bur gess, May 19, '04. John's ch. 1, Fanny, m. Joseph Condon ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Hi ram, b. ab. 1S05 ; m. Mary HLx, Oct. 2, '31 ; r. Rock. 3, Isaac T., b. ab. '07; m. Sarah Hahn of Wal., p. Nov. 4, '37 ; r. Rock., a peddler, &c. 4, Samuel, b. March 19, '09; m. Julia Conant, April 1, '32; r. S. Th., a mariner. 5, John, (2d), m. Margaret Watson, r. Rock., a mariner, lost at sea. 6, George, (2d), m. Lois Cooper; r. & d. S. Th. Of George's ch. of Matinicus. Calvin, b. there, ab. 1811, m. Lydia W. Kendall, ; r.. Rock., a merchant. Capt. Hiram's ch. 1, Sarah Thomas, b. Aug. 20, 1832; m. Capt. WUliam M. Munroe ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Hiram, (2d), b. Oct. 12, '34 ; m. Susan E. Snow, Jan. 1, '53 ; r. Rock. 3, John B., b. Aug. 20, '36 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Joseph Weston, b. April 13, '38 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 5, Hezekiah H., b. June 15, '41 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 6, Richard C, b. ab. '44 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 7, Joshua B., b. ab '50. Isaac T.'s ch. 1, Olive C., b. Jan. 26, 1839 ; m. George T. Perry ; r. Rock. 2, Frederic John, b. Sept. 21, '40; r. Rock., a blacksmith. 3, Addie Mary, b. Sept. 4, '42 ; m. Thomas Dermot, March 1, '63 ; r. Rock. 4, Sarah E., b. ab. '48. 5, Simon H., b. ab. '50. 6, Isaac G-, b. ab. '52. 7, Sidney, b. ab. '54. Samuel's ch. 1, Samuel E., b. Dec. 12, 1833 ; m. JuUa M. ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, Louisa Ann, b. April 30, '35 ; m. Noyce Sav age of Rock., p. in '63. 3, Isaac Albion, b. June 16, '40 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 4, WilUam L., b. ab. '44. Calvin's ch. 1, Sophia R., b. ab. 1835 ; m. Capt. George G. Jame son ; r. Rock. 2, Aurelius, b. Jan. '44, d. by drowning, May 12, '54. 3, Capt. Elkanah S., b. ab. '47 ; m. Jane Y. Gregory, June 26, '63 ; r. Rock. 4, Lenora J., m. James G. Simonton ; r. Rock. 5, Castera. 6, Faustina B., b. July 10, '52, d. Nov. 6, '58. Capt. Hiram, (2d)'s ch. May BeUe, b. Dec, 1861, d. Oct. 6, '62. Samuel E.'s ch. 1, Marietta, b. ab. 1855. 2, Maynard W., b. ah. '57. 3, a son, b. '60. HALL, Isaac B., jr., of a different family, r. & d. in Rock. His widow, Mary B. Hall, r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Emily, b. ab. 1837 ; r. Rock. 2, Ellen L., b. ab. '38 ; m. Capt. Levi N. VerriU ; r. Rock. 3, William S., b. ab. '40 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Augusta, b. ab. '42 ; m. Capt. David Ames ; r. Rock. 5, Samuel Larkin, b. ab. Aug. 21, '44 ; r. Rock., a printer, & d. April 23, '62. 6, Charles, b. ab. '46. 7, Hudson, b. ab. '50. HALL, Jonathan, c. from Camden, m. Mahala St. Clair ; r. Rock., about 183,1, but probably returned to Camden, or died here. Their ch. recorded here. 1, Timothy, b. Dec. 31, '28, in Cam. 2, OUve, b. in Cam. July 18, '30. 3, Flora E., b. in Th., April 21, '32. HALL, Nahum H., b. Dec. 4, 1828 ; c. from Gouldsboro', Me. ; m. Lydia M. Witham, Nov. 21, '52 ; r. Rock., a botanic medicine dealer, & soldier of 28th Me. reg. ; d. Sept. 6, '63, at home, of hydrophobia, 250 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, caused by a cat's bite, received when absent in the service. Their ch. Sarah E., b. ab. 1853. HALL, John, b. ab. 1812, (son perhaps of John of Camden, who m. Mary Smith of Northport, April 29, 1803) ; m. Cyrena ; r. Rock., a lime burner. Theirch. 1, Martha J., b. ab. 1837 ; r. Rock. 2, Albert M., b. April 12, '39 ; m. Mary L. Gray, Nov. 10, '53 ; r. Rock., & d. March 10, '59. 3, Edward, b. July 16, '42 ; r. Rock., a lime burner, soldier, &c 4, Elsie F., b. ab. '45. 5, Mary E., b. AprU 23, '47, d, Feb. 25, '57. 6, Harriet A., b. ab. '49. 7 and 8, twins, b. Dec 23, '54, George W., d. Feb. 8, '55, Clara R. ; r. Rock. 9, Juliette F., b. '58, d. July 13, '64. 10, , d. Jan. 2, '62. HALL, Jeremiah, b. ab. 1826 ; m. 1st, , 2d, Hannah E. Alley of Lynn, Mass., Oct. 29, '63 ; r. Rock., a lime burner. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Almond B., b. ab. 1856. 2, Frederic H., b. ab. 1858. HALL, Ambrose A., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Elvira A. ; r. Rock., a shoemaker. Their ch. 1, Leander B., b. Jan., 1853, d. April 26, '60. 2, Angeline, b. ab. '58. 3, Frederic, b. '60. HALL, Edmund S., b. ab. 1830 ; m. Hattie E. Childs, Nov. 3, '56 ; r. Rock., a shsemaker. Their ch. Eva L., b. ab. 1860. HALL, Isaiah, b. ab. 1823; m. Sarah E. Sanders, Dec. 3, '54; r. Rock., a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Nathan, b. ab. 1856. 2, El more, b. ab. '58. HALL, Lorenzo, b. ab. 1819 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Hannah Holbrook, Nov. 26, '48 ; r. Rock., a mariner. His ch. 1, Nelson, b. ab. 1841, a mar iner, soldier, &c. 2 & 3, twins, b. ab. '43, Antoinette & PriscUla R. 4, Mary E., b. ab. '45. By 2d wife. 5, Charles E., b. ab. '52. 6, Merritt, b. ab. '54. 7, MeUssa C, b. ab. '56. HALL, William C, b. ab. 1828 ; m. Mary M. ; r. Rock., a joiner. Their ch. Jenny M., b. July, and d. Aug. 28, 1861. HALL, James, b. ab. 1814; m. Mahala ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary V., b. ab. 1846. 2, Susie E., b. ab. '50. HALL, James F., b. ab. 1833 ; m. Rebecca N. Ingalls, Sept. 9, '58 ; r. Rock., a mariner. Theirch. John M., b. 1860. HALL, Edward, b. ab. 1827, in England, as was Catharine, his wife, in Ireland; r. Th., a carpenter, soldier in the 4th Me. Reg., &c. Their ch. 1, Vesper, b. ab. 1858. 2, Robert, b. ab. '60. HALLOWELL, Capt. Reuel, b. ab. 1815, in Windsor, Me.; m. Emily Linn; i. Th., a master mariner. Their ch. 1, Leroy, b. ab. 1840 ; j. Th., a mariner. 2, George O., b. ab. '42. 3, Emily F., b. ab. '44. 4, Abbie L., b. ab. '46. 5, Reuel, b. ab. '48. 6, Ellen T., b. ab. '50. 7, Nathaniel, b. ab. '52. 8, Susan W., b. ab. '54. 9, WilUam B., b. ab. '59. HAM, Thomas, was a house holder at the incorporation of Old Th., but rem., and of him we have learned nothing more. HAM, John, b. April, 1794, in Shepley, N. H. ; came here, was a soldier under Gen. Scott at Lundy's Lane in the war of 1812; m. Mary McAllister, p. May 1, 1822 ; r. Rock., & d. Feb. 27, '64. Their < < ( ch. 1, Capt. Joseph N., b. March 28, 1823 ; m. Olive J. Berry, Nov. t i s 17, '45 ; r. Rock. 2, Lydia J., b. May 30, '25, d. Jan., 1840. 3, Wil- ' ., , Uam, b. May 6, '27, left home, quite young, and has never been heartiiJ*f"iJi ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 251 from. 4, Lucy, b. Aug. 19, '29 ; m. John Karl ; r. S. Th. 6, Lillias, b. Aug. 4, '31 ; rem. California, where she m. a Mr. Drush. 6, Sarah T., b. Aug. 2, '35 ; m. Charles Mathews, Jan. 1, '52; rem. California. 7, Elizabeth H., b. Aug. 7, '37 ; m. Anselm Davis ; r. Rock. 8, John H., b. July 10, '43; m. CaroUne E. Gott, May 28, '62 ; r. Rock., was a soldier in the 4th Me. Reg., and wounded at Williamsburg, May 5, '62, and a mariner since his honorable discharge. 9, Prank W., b. ab. 1845 ; a soldier of 2d Me. Battery. Capt. Joseph N.'s ch. 1, Edith E., b. ab. 1854. 2, Leonard S., b. ab. '55. 3, Abbie H., b. ab. '57. HAM, Edward P., b. ab. 1835 ; m. Avis ; r. Rock., a joiner. Their ch. Addie E., b. ab. 1857. HAMILTON, Alvah, c. hither; m. Caroline B. Lindsey, June 3, 1846 ; r. Rock., a stove dealer ; rem. California. Their ch. Alvah, (2d), b. ab. 1849 ; r. Rock. HAMMOND, Samuel, b. in 1770 ; m. Polly Blye, Feb. 19, 1800 ; r. at the Meadows ; and d. Sept. 26, 1826. Their ch. 1, Edward, b. June 12, 1802; m. Susan Ulmer, Oct. 2, '28 ; r. Rock., and d. March 12, '34. 2, Mary, b. Jan. 20, '07 ; m. Benjamin Bartlett; r. Rock., & died May 2, '58. 3, John, born May 28, '10; m. Susan \Ulmer) Hammond, May 31, '31 ; r. Rock., and d. Oct. 19, '46. 4, James, b. Aug. 30, '14 ; m. Mrs. Elka J. GaUop, p. Oct. 1, '46 ; r. Rock. 5, Henry, b. July 3, '17, d. unm. 6, Lydia, b. Aug. 12, '20; m. Josiah Clough of Th. 7, Susan, b. April 17, '25, d. Sept. 24, '26. Edward's ch. 1, Harriet E., b. May 20, 1829; m. Thomas Brim- igion; r. Rock. 2, Mary, b. Dec. 18, '31, d. Sept. 30, '32. John's ch. 1, Henry, (2d), b. July 7, 1836 ; m. Adeline M. Seid- linger, Aug. 4, '61 ; r. Rock., a quarryman. 2, Eunice A., b. June 30, '38. 3, Julia Ann, b. Feb. 24, '40, d. Oct. 12, '41. 4, Mira, b. April 7, '42, d. Jan. 5, '63. HANAKY, Augustus, came to what is now Rockland ; m. Cath arine (Ulmer) Seyers ; and d. Aug. 31, 1841. Of their ch. Edgar A., b. ab. 1836 ; r. Rock., sergeant in 2d Me. Cavalry. HANCOCK, Sewall, c from St. George, Me., to which John, his father, had come as a trader-; m. Lydia Jenks, p. Nov. 1, 1817, r. Th. and d. April 14, 1840. Their ch. 1, Leander W., b. Sept. 13, 1818 ; m. and went to the Red River ; d. in Texas. 2, James William, b. May 6, 1620, r rem. Texas. 3, Harriet Lydia, m. and r. in Medford, Mass. 4, , b. in 1824, d. Sept. 5, '25, of dysentery. HANDLEY, John, from Holland, Europe, m. Lucy Lewis, from Wales, England; r. Georges Fort, Th., and Canton, Mass. Theirch. 1, Henry, killed by the Indians, 1756. 2, Joseph, killed at the same time with his brother. 3, Hannah. 4, William, r. and died in Rox- bury. 5, Samuel, lost at sea. 6, Nancy, m. Simeon Hyler of C. 7, Licy, m. Hawthorn of Bangor; was drowned by the upset ting of a sail-boat in mouth of the river, when coming to St. Geo. on a visit. 8, Jane, mar. John Whipple of Boston. 9, John, mar. Mary Etheredge; took up lots No. 29 and 30 of wild land in Middle Neck, , in upper part of St. Geo., where he r. and d., a mason, having done the mason work on the Knox mansion, &c ^ John's ch. 1, Naucy, m. Ephraim Linnekin of C. 2, Mary, born Oct. 19, 1777 ; mar. 1st, Geo. Lash, 2d, John Harrington of S. Th., W St. Geo. and d. Nov. 16, 1861. 3, John, (2d), died aged 9 mos. 252 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 4, William, ra. Nancy McKellar of St. George. 5, Jane, mar. James Weed, r. Appleton. 6, Capt. Simon, m. Jane Glidden ; r. New Cas tle. 7, Henry, (2d), m. Mary Carney ; r. Boothbay. 8, Lucinda, m. John Leeds; r. W. 9, John, (3d), b. Feb. 3, 1791 ; m. Eliza Hall of St. Geoorge, r. Rock., a stone mason ; and died very suddenly, July 11, 1859. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, Capt. Freeman C, mar. Catharine V. Ulmer, Aug. 29, 1858 ; r. Rock. 2, Elijah H., b. ab. 1833 ; mar. Orrana L. Ingraham of Cam. Feb. 15, '59 ; i. Rock., a mariner. The mother d. May 12, '61, aged 58. HANLEY, John H., b. ab. 1820 ; e. from Hope ; mar. Lydia W. Beverage of Fox Is., Nov. 18, '49 ; r. Rock., a clerk. Their ch. Ad die W., b. Jan. 1, '52. HANLEY; of this Bristol family, 1, Roger, m. Mary Fitzgerald ; r. and d. Bristol. , 2, John, m. Sarah Hanly ; r. Bristol. 3, PhiUp, m. Sophia Fitzgerald ; r. and d. Bristol. Roger's ch. 1, William, m. Nancy Hatch; r. Bristol, homestead. 2, John, (2d), m. Mary Lawley ; j. & d. Damariscotta. 3, James R., b. ab. 1809 ; m. 1st, Eliza Schenk, 2d, Bathsheba Ludwig; r. Rock., a masom 4, Roger, d. young. 5, Jerome, d young. 6, Roger, died young. 7, Roger, (4th), mar. Catharine C. Clark ; r. Chelsea, Mass. 8, Felicitas, m. John Rafter ; r. Damariscotta. 9, Francis A., b. ab. 1820 ; m. Martha P. Lermond, Dec 25, 1848, 2d, Maria J. (Lermond) Welsby, July, 1853 ; r. Th., a joiner, light-keeper on Monhegan, &c. 10, Mary, m. Michael Furlong; t. Dam. 11, Sophia Ann, d. unm. 12, Theresa, m. Peter Connell ; r. and d. Damariscotta. John's ch. 1, Mary, m. George Starrett ; r. Th. 2, Sarah Ann, d. young. 3, Margaret, m. WilUam Fitzgerald ; r. Th. 4, Sarah. 5, John, d. young. 6, Dennis R., m. Anastatia Hazelton. Philip's ch. 1, Philip George, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Sarah Keating, p. Jan. 10, '57 ; r. Th., a blacksmith. 2, Sophia Kate, r. Boston. 3, Jos. W., b. ab. 1830 ; m. Catharine Pall, April 12, '56 ; r. Th., a carpen ter. 4, Anastatia, m. William Levensaler ; r. Boston. 5, Sarah Eliz abeth. 6, Silas, m. AdeUza Bradford, 1864 ; r. Th. James R.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Addie S., b. ab. 1839 ; m. Joseph W. Jackson ; r. Rock. 2, James S., b. ab. '41, a mariner. 3, Au gustus V., a soldier in 4th Me. reg. & U. S. regular Battery, 4, Dan ville, d. young. Francis A.'s ch. 1, Florence May, b. Sept. 24, 1849. By 2d wife. 2, Frank, b. July 27, '54. 3, Martha, b. May 18, '57. Philip George's ch. 1, Lizzie, d. young. 2, William Augustine. 3, George Vincent. 4, Philip Eugene. Joseph W.'s ch. 1, Joseph Edwin. 2, Ann Estelle. 3, Oswald, b. March, 1860. HANLY, Patrick, b. ab. 1820; c. from the north of Ireland, with his wife, Mary, & r. Th. Michael, a brother, also came here, but died in 1856. Patrick's ch. 1, Kate, b. in Ireland, ab. '45. 2, George, b. ab. 1847, in Maine. 3, Peter, b. ab. '49. 4, Margaret, born about 1852. HANSON, James F., b. ab. 1795 ; m. Abigail Robinson of Boston, Dec. 30, 1823; r. Th. & d. Feb. 4, '31. Their ch. 1, (Japt. William S., b. ab. '24; m. Josephine , of Paris, France ; r. Rock., in U. S. naval service. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '26 ; m. Capt. OUver Sleeper ; r. Rock. 3, Mary F. »., b. July '28, d. Oct. 20, '30. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 253 Capt. William S.'s ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1852, in N. York. 2, Ab- by, b. ab. '58. HANSON, PhiUp, b. May 27, 1774, in Dover, N. H., e. to Th., m. Mary Hastings, Jan. 6, 1799 ; r. Th., a merchant, &c, and d. July 27, 1804. Their ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. May 18, '03 ; m. Samuel Howard of Dover, March 3, '25. 2, Philena, b. Sept. 3, '04 ; m. Tilley Clem ents, i. Rock. HARDEN, Freeman, b. in Pembroke, Mass., Aug. 4, 1783; c. to old Th. in 1799 ; m. Hannah Rankin, April 22, '06 ; r. Rock., a lead ing man, and early friend of temperance ; and d. Nov. 22, '48. Their oh. 1, Freeman, (2d), b. June 30, '06 ; m. Ruth R. Spear, Nov. 9, '26 ; r. Rock , a farmer, &c 2, Hannah I., b. Aug. 6, '15 ; m. Dud ley P. Spofford ; r. Rock. Freeman, (2d)'s ch. 1, Heman P., b. Aug. 9, 1827 ; m. Martha A. J. Trueworthy, Nov. 2, 1851 ; i. Rock., in the mercantile line. 2, Capt. John, b. April 30, '29-; m. Sarah J. Pillsbury, Dec. 16, '51 ; r. Rock., employed in U. S. naval service. 3 & 4, twins, b. May 1, '34 ; Edwin A., d. May 2, '34, Helen A., d. Oct. 2, '34. 5, Clarence F., b. Sept. 4, & d. Sept. 6, '38. 6, R. Frances E., b. May 8, '46. 7, George N., b. Jan. 31, '51. Capt. John F.'s ch. 1, Charles P., b. ab. 1854. 2, Albert R., b. Oct. '57, d. Sept. 8, '59. HARDING, John, b. 1825, son of PhiUips C. Harding of Union ; m. EUzabeth OUver, Nov. 26, '51; r. Th., a butcher. Theirch. 1, Oliver C, b. Jan. 26, '54. 2, John Alden, b. Mai Zr. 27, '56, d. Oct. 3, '57. 3, Ida May, b. Aug. 5, '58. 4, Eliza F., b. April 6, '61. HARDING, Otis, came from Abington, Mass.; m. Margaret Black ington, Jan. 1, 1817 ; r. Th., and died Aug. 23, 1834. Their ch. 1, Eleanor, born Oct. 16, 1818 ; m. Ebenezer Colley, Feb. 4, 1838 ; 2d, Samuel F. Johnston, p. Dec. 15 '49, rem. Mass. 2, Harriet, b. March 9, '21 ; 3, Matilda, b. Jan. 24, '23 ; m. Prouty ; 4, Maria, born Dec. 11, 26 ; aU m. and r. Abington, and other places in Mass. HARDING, Dr. Elisha, b. 1796 ; M. D. at Brown University, 1819 ; came to Union in the spring of that year, from Franklin, Mass. ; m. Amelia Hawes of U.; prac. med. there till 1842, when he rem. Rock., continued his practice; and d. May 6, 1850. His widow d. at Rock., April 3, 1852. Their ch. 1, Harriet A. b. June 7, 1820, d. Aug. 2, '26. 2, Nathaniel MiUer, b. Feb. 9, 22 ; m. Sarah W. Cobb of Union, June 13, '39 ; r. Rock., and d. Oct. 24, '58. Nathaniel M's ch. 1, Amelia Alwilder, b. Nov. 3, 1841, d. May 13, '42. 2, Lewis Cobb, b. July 31, '49, d. Feb. 28, '51. HARDING, WilUam, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Vesta ; r. Rock., a teamster. Their ch. 1, EmUy, b. ab. 1858. 2, George, b. ab. 1859. HARDING, Josiah, b. ab. 1796 ; m. Lucinda ; r. Rockland, in the fish business. " Of their ch. 1, Lieut Eben, b. ab. 1833 ; mar. Almira Grover, May 21, '51 ; r. Rock., keeper of fish market, 1860; since in the 4th Me. Reg., now rem. 2, William H., born ab. 1842 ; m. Sarah C. Fales, April 22, '63 ; r. Rock., a fisherman, rem. recently. 3, Mary M , b. ab. '45. ™- ,. *. Eben's ch. 1, Lucinda, b. ab. 1852. 2, Henry N., b. ab. 54. 3, Charles E., b. ab. '56. HARDY Capt. Weston, born 1807 ; came from Bremen, Me., mar. Maria H. Arnold of B„ Jan. 25, 1846 ; i. Rock. Benjamin, Esq., a Vol. II. 23 254 HISTORY OF THOMASTON. brother, b. ab. 1812, m. Elizabeth M. Arnold, March 7, '44 ; r. Rock, attorney at law. Capt. Weston's ch. 1, WUliam W., b. ab. 1847 ; r. Rock., in U. S. Navy. 2, Charles S., b. ab. '62. Benjamin, Esq.'s ch. 1, Henry F, b. ab. 1854. 2 and 3, twins, b. ab. 1859, Emma I. and Albert. HARLOW, Capt. Richard F., b. ab. 1818, came from New York ; m. Sarah F. Dyer, Oct. 18, '41 ; i. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Richard B, b. July 2, '42 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 2, Hannah F., b. ab. 1845. 3, Charies, b. ab. 1847. 4, Silas M., b. ab. 1849. 5, Edwin W, b. ab. 1851. 6, Frederic W., b. ab. 1854. 7, Oscar G., born ab. 1856. 8, William H., b. ab. 1859. HARPER, Reuben A., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Mary S. Henderson, Oct 19, '51., r. Rock., a Ume burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Emma J., b. ah. 1854. 2, an infant, d. Dec. 21, '57. 3, Edward, b. ab. '59. HARRINGTON, Asa, b. in Worcester, Mass.; m. Asenath Brown ; r. Uxbridge, Mass., Barre, Vt., and Acworth, N. H., where he died. Of their 8 ch , 4 came to Maine. 1, Asa, (2d), m. Betsey Watts of St. Geo. ; i. and d. Appleton. 2, Benjamin, d. unm. in Machias. 3, Steward, m. Rosanna Robinson of St. Geo. ; r.- W. and Th., where he d. Sept. 30, 1845. 4, Panthea, b. in Acworth, Jan. 18, 1795; mar. Jacob Allen, p. Nov. 5, 1829 ; r. Th. Sz d. Nov. 2, '62. Her husband, we have learned, on the exceUent authority of T. J. Rider of Th., during the printing of this Table, but too late for insertion in the proper place, was the only ch. of Jacob & Lucy Allen (cousins) of Gloucester, Mass., b. Aug. 28, 1763 ; m. 1st. in Millbridge, or Marsh Bay, or Frankfort, whence he came to Th., 1826, & was the first man that ever built pound-weirs in George's River for catching alewives ; had been a local Free Will Baptist or Methodist preacher ; m. again here and d. Aug. 23, 1858 ; having had by 1st wife a son Jacob, who r. in MiUbridge ; a dau. Sally, who r. in Bangor ; and 6 other ch. Asa, (2d),'s ch. 1, Asenath, m. Isaac A. WiUis, and d. Dec 27, 1832. 2, Benjamin, m. and rem. Illinois. 3, Mary J., m. Maddin L. WiUis ; r. Th. 4, Asa, (3d), m. , and r. Searsmont. 5, Susan M., m. Benjamin T. Foster ; r. Th. 6, GUes, m. Lucy Davis ; r. Belfast. 7, EUzabeth, m. Alden M. Harrington ; r. Th. and died March 18, '64. Steward's ch. 1, Charles S„ b. Nov. 26, 1818 ; m. Sarah McCar- ter, Aug. 29. '48 ; r. Th., a mariner. 2, Jane R., b. Aug. 12, 20 ; m. Simon Watts ; r. Th. 3, Joseph R., b. May 9, '23. 4, Harriet T., b. May 23, '25 ; m. Dexter W. Hildreth ; rem. California. 5, Alden M., b. July 4, '27 ; m. Elizabeth Harrington ; r. Th., a mariner. 6, Lo- vicy C, b. Feb. 10, '30 ; m. and r. California. 7, Albert Chandler, b. Nov. 10, '32 ; r. Th., a mariner. 8, Mary F. D., b. Feb. 10, '35 ; m. and r. Portland. Charles S.'s ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1849. 2, -Harriet, b. '51. 3, Joshua R., b. '53. 4, Abbie, b. '65. 5, Frank Chandler, b. June 6, '67, d. June 18, '68. Alden M.'s ch. Marcia, b. ab. 1857. HARRINGTON, Jacob, b. ab. 1778 ; c. with Betsey his wife from Damariscotta, Me. ; r. Rock., and d. Nov. 16, 1854. Their ch. 1, Joel W-, b. ab. 1804 ; m. Rebecca Melcher of Newcastle, 2d, Mrs. EUzabeth Barstow, Feb., 1831 ; r. Th., a hat and fur dealer. 2, The- ron W., m. Henrietta N. Cox ; ret. Damariscotta, 1843. 3, Adaline, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON.. 255 m. James Partridge; r. Th. 4, Francis, b. ab. 1816; ra. Sarah A. Holmes, Sept. 18, '37 ; r. Rock., a pump & block maker. 5, Isabella D., m. Martin Labe ; r. Rock., as does also their mother, with her. Joel W.'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Mary R„ b. Dec. 4, 1831 ; m. T. A. Weutworth; r. Rock. 2, CaroUne A., b. July 4, '34. 3, Oliver B., b. Nov. 2, and d, Dec. 14, '36. 4, Leanora C, b. Feb. 25, '39. Theron W.'s ch. 1, Theron, b. ab. 1830, and d. of cholera in Ban- koke, Siam, March 10, '63. 2, Harriet N., b. Aug. 19, '33 ; 3, Eliza beth C, b. June 20, '36 ; both rem. Damariscotta. 4, Helen, b. AprU 2, '41, d. July 15, '42. Francis's ch. 1, Emily G., b. June 4, 1838 ; m. George F. Kaler; r. Rock. 2, Sarah F., b. Jan. 23, '42 ; r. Rock. 3, WilUam H., b. ab. '47. 4, Ada M. 5, Anna L. 6, Charles M. HARRINGTON, John, c. from Boothbay; m. Mary Handly, and d. in S. Th. Of his ch. 1, Asa, b. Sept. 21, 1818 ; m. Eliza Kel loch, Dec. 23, '30; r. S. Th. Asa's ch. 1, Charles, b. Jan. 1, 1834, d. Feb. 16, '35. 2, Nancy B„ b. Dec. 29, '34 ; mar. John B. Haley, Dec. 7, '54; j. S. Th. 3, Charles B , b Nov. 14, '36 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 4, James, b. March 2, '39 5, Isaac B., b May 8, '41. 6, Waldo. 7, Susan. HARRINGTON, Charles, b. 1792; c from Mass.; m. Margaret Keen, p. Jan. 1, 1824 ; r. Rock., a merchant, and died Dee. 12, 1847. Their ch. 1, John K., b. Jan. 3, '25, d. Feb. 15, '48. 2, Charles A., b. Oct. 13, '26 ; m. Priscilla Searc, Jan. 14, '51, 2d, Caroline E. Jones, May 26, '57 ; r. Rock., a merchant, but rem. 1864. 3, Elliott T., b. Feb. 3, '28 ; m. Sophronia Achorn, 1848 ; r. Rock., and d. May 12, '51. 4, Harriet A., b. April 26, '29 ; m. Albion P. Mosman; r. Rock. and d. Oct. 15, '58. 5, Susan M., b. Aug. 31, '30, d. Nov. 23, '36. 6, Orissa Ann, died young. 7, Hortense, b. Feb. 25, '34 ; m. Capt. Levi B. Gilchrist; r. Th. 8, M. Maria, b. Oct. 23, '35 ; m. Charles Ingraham; r. Rock. 9, Sarah L., b. May 9, '37 ; m. Capt. John H. Gleason; r. Th. 10, M. Victoria, b. June 13, '39 ; m. Capt. Arthur Prince; r. Th. 11, Julia A., b. Oct. 28, '41 ; m. Charles Waterman; r. Th. Charles A.'s ch. 1, Eva H., b. ab. 1852. 2, Edith, b. ab. '54. By 2d wife. 3, Emma H , b. ab. '59. HARRINGTON, Timothy, b. ab. 1810; came with Mary his wife, from Ireland ; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Mary M., b. ab. 1844. 2, Tim othy, b. ab. '51. 3, Margaret, b. ab. '54. 4, Jeremiah, b. ab. '56. 5, James, b. ab. '59. HARRINGTON, John, b. ab. 1829 ; came with Hannah, his wife. from Ireland ; r. Rock. Then: ch. 1, Margaret, b. ab. 1857. 2> John, (2d), b. ab. '58. HARRIS ; of this family, two brothers came here from Germany. 1, Edward, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Ottilie Matthias of Brooklyn, N. Y., June 17, '55; r. Rock., a merchant. 2, Julius, b. ab '27, in Prussia, but now a naturalized citizen of the U. S. ; m. Theresa Peavey; jr. Rock. a merchant. Edward's ch. 1, Zerlina, b. May 14, 1855. 2, Jacob C, b. Nov. 17, '57. 3, Edward, b. ab. '59. Julius's eh. 1, Anselm M., b. ab. 1858. 2, Solomon K., b. Oct. 23, 1860. HART, Rev; Henry A., from Portland, graduate Waterville Coll. 1857, Newton, The. Sem., 1860 ; m. NeUie M. Hanson of Portland, 256 . HISTORY OF THOMASTON, July 10, '60; r. Rockland, pastor of first Baptist Ch. Their ch. 1, Howard Sumner, b. June 26, and d. July 17, '64. HASKELL, Francis, b. 1749, an early inhabitant of Old Th., c, it is believed, from Deer Isle ; m. 1st, Lydia Crockett, 2d, Jane Stim son ; r. Ash Point, S. Th., a farmer, &c, and d. July 14, 1842, a. 93. His ch by 1st wife. 1, Lydia, m. John Grant; r. Vinalhaven. 2, David, lost at sea with Capt. Dunning. 3, Lucy, b. Oct. 14, 1781* in Th., m. Abraham Simonton ; and d. May 23, 1832. By 2d wife, 4, Capt. John, b. 1785 ; m. Mary Jordan of Harrington, p. Sept. 15, 1810 ; r. S. Th. 5, Betsey, b. Aug. 15, 1787 ; m. Coit Ingraham ; & d. April 16, 1814. 6, Hannah, b. 1789 ; m. William Kelloch ; r. S. Th., and d. Nov. 28, 1845. 7, Capt. Prancis, (2d) ; m. 1st Mary Kel loch, Jan. 23, 1817, 2d, Mrs. Mary Hall ; was in command of schr. Mars, and d. Nov. 21, '46, being found drowned in Bostcn harbor. 8, Ruth, m. Samuel Thayer, 2d, ? James Dusten, pub. Dec. 21, '32. 9 Capt. Thomas, b. ab. 1798 ; mar. Betsey KeUoch, Feb. 2, 1822 ; t. S. Th., a farmer. 10, Elsa, m. George W. Coombs ; r. S. Th. "11, Jane, m. Ambrose Kelloch; r. S. Th. 12, Abigail, m. Perkins, r. Boston. 13, Capt. David, (2d), b. July 17, 1809; m. 1st, Keziah Packard, Jan. 10, 1828 ; 2d, Eliza K. (Hall) Heard; r. S. Th., a mar iner, like most of his brothers, and d. Nov. 3, '54. Jane, the mother, d May 13, '44, a. 77. Capt. John's ch. 1, Alfred, b. July 27, 1814; m. 1st, Nancy P. Heard, 2d, Hannah M. PhUbrook, Nov. 27, 1843 ; r. S. Th., a wheel wright. 2, Eliza J., b. April 18, '16 ; m. Nathaniel Merriman ; r. S. Th. 3, Catharine, b. Sept. 3, '18, d. Dec. 30, '24. 4, Mary A., born Oct. 16, '20 ; m. Charles H. Cables, r. Rock. 5, Noyes P., born June 21, 23 ; m. Eveline Bartlett; r. S. Th., a carpenter. Capt. Francis, (2dVs ch. by 2d wife. 1, CaroUne S., b. Dec. 16, 1836. 2, Elbridge F., b. Aug. 9, 1840. Capt. Thomas's ch. 1, Mary Jane, b. July 4, 1823; r. S. Th. 2, Hannah, b. May 30, '35 ; m. Capt. Samuel A. Thompson ; j.-. S. Th . 3, George C, b. Oct. 24, '30: m. Eliza E. MiUer of L. C, r. S.Th ., a mariner. 4, Lydia M., b. Sept. 12, '34 ; r. S. Th. 5, WiUiam T., b. Jan. 12, '38; r. S. Th., a mariner. Capt. David, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. Benjamin F, b. Oct. 8, 1828; m. Cornelia L. Shepherd, June 8, '49 ; r. S. Th. 2, Amanda Jane, born April 7, '31 ; m. Magnus Ventress of Boston, Oct. 19, '51. 3, Cath arine C, b. July 3, '33; m. Thomas McLain. 4, James P., born July 10, '36; m. Helen M Ventress, Nov. 24, '56; died Jan. 19, '5?, lost overboard from barque Tidal Wave. Fourth Generation. Alfred's ch. by 2d wife. 1, Alfred D., b. ab. 1845. 2, Nancy M., b. ab. '47. 3, John D., b. ab. '49. 4, Francena H., b. ab. '51. 5, Mira A., b. ab. '55. Noyes P.'s ch. Mary E. b. ab. 1853. George C.'s ch. Edward T., b. ab. 1860. HASKELL, Josiah, b. ab. 1758, c. early to what is now Rockland, before the incorporation of old Thomaston, with his wife Abigail, who d. Jan. 7, 1830, a. 65 ; m. 2d, Abigail Berry, Sept. 5, '30 ; r. Rock, & d. May 5, '44, a. 86. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, John W., b. ab. '10 ; m. 1st, Mary J. Branton, p. Nov. 21, '33, 2d, Eliza J. Clark, Jan. 5, '41 ; r. Rock., a mariner, soldier in the 4th Me. reg., &c. John W.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary J., b. Aug. 15, 1837, d. Dec. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 257 14, '38. The mother d. March 16, '39. By 2d wife. 2, George, b. Oct. 2, '42, r Rock., a mariner. 3, Charles, b. ab. '48 ; r. Rock., a soldier in 28th Me. reg. 4, Edwin, b. ab. '51. 5, John, b. ab. 1854. HASKELL, Col. John, c. from Greenwich, Mass. ; m. Sarah D. Sampson of Wal. ; r. Th., as a merchant, militia officer, &c, & d. 1834 or '35. Had brothers, viz., Tilson, Ira, & William, the last of whom came to Waldoboro', and removed to Windsor. Col. John's ch. 1, Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 11. 1810 ; m. 1st, Eu sebius Fales, 2d, Charles Loring; r. Portland. 2, John E., b.Feb. 1, '11 ; m. & r. Cass CO., Virginia. 3, Mary S., b. Nov. 16, '13 ; m. Ed mund Wilson, Esq. ; r. Th. 4, Martha B., b. Nov. 3, '18 ; m. Shu bael Waldo; r. Th. 5, Susan Lovett, b. July 16, '21 ; tn. Col. ,^m. Bennett; r. Th., & d. May 20, '53. 6, Capt. Charles W. T, b. Oct. 1, '23; m. Mary U. Black; r. Ellsworth. The mother d. at Bucks- port, Jan. 21, '50, a. 66 yrs., & 6 months. HASKELL, Daniel C, b. ab. 1808, in China, Me. ; m. 1st, Hannah Sleeper, p. Aug. 24, '31. 2d, Jane R. Perry, March 16, '36 ; r. Rock., a lime manufacturer. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Samuel S., b. AprU 5, '33 ; m. Olive G. Vaughan, Feb. 16, '58 ; r. Rock,, in lime business. 2, Darnel 0., b. Sept. 8, '34; m. CaroUne Bennett or Babb, Dec. 11, '58 ; r. Rock. By 2d wife 3, William O., b. Feb. 8, '37; m. Han- , nah A. HaskeU, Jan. 12, '62; r. Rock., a mariner. 4, Charles H., b. July 15, '38 ; m. Faustina D. Morse, April 6, '62 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 5, Albert E., b. Jan. 14, '40 ; m. Susan HUt; r. Rock. 6, Amariah K., b. ab. '43 ; m. Adelaide Whitcher, Feb. 14, '63 ; r. Rock. Samuel S.'s ch. Charles A., b. ab. 1859. HASKELL, WilUam, born 1822 ; m. EmeUne ; r. Rock.,, a joiner. HASSAN, Samuel, b. ab. 1798 ; m. Martha (Richards) Pendleton ; r. Rock. Of his ch. 1, Samuel, (2d),b. ab. 1821 ; m. Harriet Spear, p. Nov. 21, '40 ; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c. Samuel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Charles, born Jan. 25, 1843 ; a mariner. 2, Martha A., b. ab., '45. 3, Susan F., b. ab. '47. 4, Joseph, b. ab. '52. 5, Rebecca A., b. Dec. 17, '54, d. Sept. 1, '56. 5, Stephen R., b. ab. 1857. HASTINGS, , of Boston, m. Mary Lushe ; r. & d. in Bos ton. Their ch. who c. to Th. (with their mother, who m. 2d, Spen cer Vose), 1, Mary, b. March, 1770, mar. 1st, Philip Hanson, 2d, Dr. Isaac Bernard; r. Rock., 8c d. Nov. 11, 1849. 2, Nancy, m. Stephen Thompson, r. Th. • HASTINGS, Benjamin, e. from Lexington, Mass. to Th., m. Jeru- sha, widuw of Capt. Alexander Pease, p. June 6, 1801 ; r. Th. where his wife kept tavern in Wadsworth street many years ; enlisted and d. in the army of 1812. Their ch. 1, Ann Maria, b. ab. 1802; m. Henry K. Gleason ; r. Th. Jerusha, the mother, d. Sept. 27, 1839, aged 80. HASTINGS, T. Matthew, b. 1823 ; (son of Thaddeus, who mar. Hannah Vaughan, and r. and d. Hope), m. Abby O. Trull, Jan. 10, 1853 ; r. Th., a carpenter, and d. Feb. 23, '61. Their ch. 1, Caro Une, b. Oct. 12, '53. 2, Alton B., b. '57. 3, Samuel, b. '60. HASTY, Joseph, c. here from Shapleigh, Me, before 1812 ; r. unm. and d. in Rock, on what was afterwards the Mcintosh place, burnt ' in 1862. 22* 25S HISTORY OF THOMASTON, HATCH, Rowland, b. ab. 1803 ; came from Nobleboro', Me. ; m. 1st, Mary, daughter of Capt. Thomas Brackett of Bristol, 2d, her sis ter, Charlotte Brackett, Feb. 26, '29 ; t. Th, a blacksmith. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth S., b. Sept. 14, 1824 ; mar. John Ellis of Halifax, N. S., Nov. 19, '46 ; i. Charlestown, Mass. 2, Charlotte B, b. Aug. 17, '25, d. Oct. 6, '31. The mother d. Sept 13, '27. By 2d wife. 3, Mary J, b. March 1, '31, d. June 25, '42. 4, William H., b Aug 6, '32; m. Julia A. Gloyd, Feb. 25, '55; r. Th, a tin plate worker, rem. 5, Arthur J., b. Dec. 4, '34 ; m. Olive Liscomb, Nov. 12, '56 ; I. Th, in tin and stove business. William H.'s ch. 1, Roland H, b. Dec. 16, 1855. 2, Lizzie E, b. July 12, '57. 3, Charles, b. '60. Arthur J.'s ch. Elizabeth B, b. ab. 1859. HATCH, Nathan, m. Jane Stetson, March 3, 1819 ; r. and d. Rob binston, Me. Their ch. 1, Nathan, (2d), b. June, 1824 ; m. Nancy J. Steams, Sept. 13, '48 ; r. Th, and d. Nov. 8, *54. 2, WiUiam L., m. Harriet M. Trussell, Jan. 21, '52 ; r. Th., a carpenter, &c 3, Mary A, m John S. Crouch; r. Th. Nathan, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary A, b. ab. 1849. 2, Charles H, b.Feb. '51, d. March 25, '52. 3, Wilbur P , b. ab. '53. The mother d. Feb. 24, '59, aged 31. William L.'s ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1853. 2, Clara, b. ab. '56. 3, Nathan, (3d), b. ab. '58. HATCH, Stephen, bom in Gorham, Me, May 10, 1786 ; mar. 1st, Mercy Dyer, March 5, 1807 ; 2d, Diadema Smith of Steuben ; rem. Eastport, and in 1829, Dec. 13th, to what is now Rockland, where he r. and d. July 4, 1858. His ch. by 1st wife, wh# was born in Stroud- water, June 25, 1787, were : 1, Eliza Jane, b Jan. 19, 1808 ; m. Capt. Luther Kendall ; r. Rock, and d. April 13, 1858. 2, Asa D, born in Gorham, Oct. 16, 1810; m. Abigail S Irish, 1832, 2d, Mercy Irish; rem. San Francisco, Cal. 3, Stephen N, b. in Eastport,' Jan. 15, '12; m. Lydia S. Thomas, Sept. 25, '33 ; r. Rock, cashier of North Bank, &c. 4, George L, b. Oct. 10, '14 ; m. Elvira Daggett, Oct. 31, '41 ; r. New York. By 2d wife, who d. Oct. 12, 1849, aged 59 veara. 5, Capt. William S, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Abbie C- Berry, Sept. 11, '43 ; r. Rock. 6, Josiah H, rem. California. 7, Mary C , m. and r. New Jersey. 8, Margaret E, b. April 26, '32, in Rock. ; r. New Jersey. 9, Loring W, b. Dec. 26, '34 ; m. Annie Coombs, July 22, '56 ; r. Rock., a mariner. Stephen N.'s ch. 1, Lucy H, b. Feb. 28, 1834. 2, Hannah Adelia, b. Oct. 25, '35, d. Sept. 12, '60. 3, Julia A, b. Jan. 13, '41, d. March 11, '42. George L.'s ch. Charles L., b. Aug. 29, 1842, and perhaps others. Capt. William S.'s ch. Henry U, b. ab. 1848. Loring W.'s ch. George N, b. ab. 1857. HATCH, Hiram, b. ab. 1814, in China, Me, son of Sylvanns Hatch, jr., e. to Rock, 1849 ; m. Eliza Ann Haskell of Livermore, March 23, '51 ; r. Rock, a millinery merchant. Their ch. 1, Nathan Grover, b. June 22, 1853, d. Nov. 14, '57. 2, Ann E, b. Sept 2, '58, d. Sept. 12, '61. 3, Jessie Waters, b. Sept. 8, '61. HATCH, Hiram P, b. ab. 1817, of a different famUy ; m- Nancy C. Davis ; r. Rock, a joiner, &c, rem. California. Their ch. 1, Gem- giana, b. ab. 1847. 2 & 3, twins, b. ab. '49, Orrin D, and Warren D, HATCH, Samuel, b. ab. 1816 ; m. Mary B. ; r. Rock, a ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 259 oiner. Their ch. 1, Wilton B, b. ab. 1839. 2, Mary E, b. ab. 41. 3, Ella B, b. ab. '51. 4. Arabelle, b. ab. '53. 5, George E., b. ab. '55. 6, Freeman L, b. April 21, '58, d. Dec. 4, '63. HATCH, Henry, b ab. 1829 ; m. Hannah ; r. Rock, a car penter. Their ch. 1, Ronelle, b. ab. 1856. 2, Estclle, b. ab. '58. HATCH, Leonard C, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Eliza E. ; j. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. WilUam, b. ab. 1855. HATCH, Andrew, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Ruth B. ; j. S. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Sarah F, b. ab. 1851. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '56. 3, Albert C. F, b. ab. '59. HAVENER, (original German spelhng, Heibener,) William H, b. ab. 1815 ; m. 1st, Clara L. Roberts of Brooks, p. Feb. 16, '41, 2d, Lucretia W, , (who died Dec. 29, 1860, a. 28,) 3d, Alice S. Trundy, March 17, '61 ; r. Rock, a meat dealer, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Clara F, b. ab. 1842, r. Rock. 2, Charles H, b. ab. 1844. 3, Abby F, b. ab. '48. 4, WilUam, b. ab. '50. 5, Mary E, b. about '52. The mother d. June 4, '57, aged 36. HAVENER, Capt Joseph Albert, b. ab. 1829 ; cousin of William H, and son of Joseph Albert Havener, of Waldoboro' ; mar. 1st, Eveline M. Paine, Aug. 29, 1853, 2d, Charlotte B. Wallace ; r. Th. His ch. by 2d wife. Clara E , b. ab. 1859. HAVENER, James A , b. ab. 1816, came, it is believed, from Bel fast, with Olive B, his wife; r. Rock, a shoemaker. Their ch. 1, Emma A, b. ab. '44; m. J. Y. Wing, Nov. 10, '63. 2, Herbert C, b. ab. '47. 3, Ada, b. ab '50. 4, Anna D, b. ab. '54. HAVENER, Richmond H, b. ab. 1826; mar. Harriet ; r. Rock, a teamster. Their ch. 1, John W, b. ab. 1852. 2, Arabella K, b. ab. '54. 3, Hattie F, b. ab. '56. HAWES, Capt. Robert, b. ab. 1807, (probably a son of Robert, of Cushing, who m. Lydia Kelloch of Th, June 10, 1802,) m. and r. Rock, a mariner. Of his ch. recorded here, Lucinda was b. May 27, 1834. Annis, the mother, d. in Rock, Sept. 10, 1861, a. 47 y. 8m. lid. HAWES, George W, b. ab. 1828, in. Mary Warren of Freedom, p. Dec. 15, '52 ; i . Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Reuel, b. ab. '54. 2, Samuel, b. ab. '56. HAWK, John B, a native of Germany, came to the W. Indies, and, in 1773, to this country ; was a soldier of the Revolution ; m. Sarah , of N. B, r. W, and d. Feb. 3, 1824. Their ch. 1, Mary, m. Joseph Hodgkins ; j. and d. Damariscotta. 2, Martha, mar. Burns; and r. Damariscotta. 3, Capt. John, b. Feb. 11, 1791 ; spent his youth in W. ; m. Harriet Blackington of Th, May 15, 1815 ; com manded a coaster, was captured, and sometime a prisoner at Halifax, in the war of 1812 ; r. Th,.and d. at St. Augustine, Oct. 18, 1839 ; (Recorder) Oct. 18, 1840. 4, Sarah, kept boarding house, &c; m. in Boston. 4, Deborah,? probably d. young. Capt. John's ch. 1, Harriet G, b. Nov. 5, 1817 ; mar. Dr. Daniel Rose, r. Th. and d. May 5, 1861. 2, Lucy W, b. July 18. '20 ; mar. WUmot Rose; r. Th. 3, James D, b. July 22, '23 ; lost at sea from sch. Frances Ellen, Jan. 1846. 4, John, (2d), b. Aug. 23, '26 ; r. Cal ifornia ; 5, Sarah F, b. Aug. 27, '28 ; probably d. young. 6, Man- dana, b. Dec. 16, '33 ; mar. S. Parker Swett of Georgetown, Nov. 1, 260 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, '57 ; j. Bath and Th. 7, Laura J, b. Aug. 15, '35, r. Th. 8, Susan L, b. Jan. 9, '37 ; m. Lieut. James H. Hewett ; r. Th. HATHORN, or Hawthorne ; of this Cushing family, Rebecca, m. J. Harvey Healey, r. Rock. 2, Mercy, m. Hon. Halsey Healey ; r. Th., and d. June 12, 1829. Of their brothers, Capt. James, who m. and r. St. Geo, and Capt, Alexander, who m. Keturah Watts, r. Th, and d. in N. York, were both masters of Col. Healey's vessels, sailing many years from this place. Of Capt. James's ch.. 1, Halsey H, m. Sarah Montgomery of C, r. and d. Th. 2, Mercy, b. July, 1811 ; m. Rev. Amariah Kalloch, and d. March 27, 1833. Of Capt. Alexander's ch. 1, , is a ship master in St. Geo. 2, Catharine, b. Aug 1824, d. Oct. 17, 1825. Halsey H.'s ch. 1, Sarah M, b. 1836 ; i. Th. 2, Hannah F. N, b. March 6, '38 ; m. Horatio G. Copeland ; r. S. Th. 3, William M, b. Feb. 25, 39 ; r. Th. a teacher, soldier of 4th Me. Reg. 3, Halsey H, (2d), b. ab. 1846 ; r. Th, in U. S. navy. HATHORN, Andrew J, b. ab. 1830, son of Capt. Aaron of Cush ing; mar. OUveL. Kelloch; r. Rock , a sailmaker. Their ch. AUce, b. ab. 1857. HAYDEN, William, m. Sarah Wade ; r. & d. Scituate, Mass. ; his widow c, with her children, to Th, now S. Th, & d. Jan. 16, '31, a. 82. Their ch. 1, Mabel, m. Stephen Sweatland; j. Hope. 2, Lu ther, b. April 19, 1769, in Scituate ; m. Martha Jones, p. Nov. 22, '93 ; r. S. Th, a ship carpenter, & d. Sept. 19, 1852. 2, Ruth, b. Oct. 6, 1770 ; m. Capt. Isaac Snow; r. S. Th, and d. Oct. 3, 1832. 4, Sally, m. WiUiam Bryant ; r. & d. S. Th. ? 5, Rebecca, m. Rev. Tristram Jordan; rem. Denmark, Me. Luther's ch. 1, Sarah W, b. July 12, 1794, d. April 30, 1849. 2, Eliza F, b. Feb. 22, '96 ; m. Robert Heard ; r. S. Th.. 3, Mary, b. May 23, '98 ; m. Percy Lermond ; r. Warren. 4, Isabel, b. May 26, 1800 ; m. 1st, William Snow, 2d, Abel Fish ; r. S. Th. 5, WUliam L, b. Sept. 24, 1802 ; in. Abigail C. Dow, July 31, '31 ; r. S. Th, a ship carpenter and builder. 6, Capt. Luther, (2d), b. Nov. 15, '04; m. 1st, Hannah Randall, Aug. 24, '30, 2d, Adaline (Heald) French of Line. ; r. New York. 7, Alden, b April 18, '07, d. Sept. 1, '13. 8, Capt. Richard, b. June 26, '10 ; m. Lucy Coombs, Oct. 13, '33 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. 9, Ann Maria, b. Dec. 13, '12; m. WilUam Kel loch ; r. S. Th. 10, John, b. July 31, '16, d. Feb. 3, '44. 11, Ezekiel G, b. April 4, '19, d. Nov. 14, '37. The. mother, b. Sept. 19, 1774. d. Nov. 14, 1828. WiUiam L.'s ch. 1, Abigail A, b. Feb. 14, 1832 ; m. Capt. WU liam S. Crockett; r. S. Th. 2, William John, b. Sept. 8, '33 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. 3, Luther James, b. Sept. 12, '35, left Boston, Dec. 19, '62, in sch. Leo, of Rock, which has never since been heard from. 4, George Dow, b. April 14, '37 ; r. S. Th, a caulker. 5, Julia D, b. Feb. 25, '39. 6, Mary Eliza, born Feb. 12, '41. 7, Frederic, born March 29, '43. 8, Charles M, b. Sept. 19, '45. 9, Sarah Martha, b. Aug, 28, '47, d. Jan. 4, '50. 10, Arthur Prince, b. Jan. 5, and died March 21, '52. Capt. Luther, (2d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Hannah, b. Oct. 23, 1841. By 2d wife. 2, AdaUne. 3, Beulah J. 4, Henry Adelbert. 5, El- den B. 6, Laura F. Capt. Richard's ch. 1, Martha R, b. Aug. 7, 1834; mar. Lieut. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 261 George W. Kelloch of W, Dec. 20, '57 ; d. April 6, '60. 2, Richard A. b. July 17, '36 ; r. Oregon. 3, Archibald C, b. AprU 10, '38, d. Aug. 27, '39. 4, Nancy F., b. July 26, '40, died March 27, '42. '5, Mary, b. ab. '45. 6, Alden, (2d), b. ab. 49. 7, Adelia, b. ab. '53. HAYDEN, John, t. to Th. as an apprentice to E. Moores, watch- maktr, about 1824T; and after a time returned to Bath, Me, where he m. and r. in the possession of wealth and influence. HEAD, Capt. Wm. Augustus, b. ab. 1828 ; m. Mary F. Ingraham, p. Nov. 5, '53 ; r. Rock, and died Oct. 1859. His widow mar. 2d, Leonard Kidder, Oct. 6, '63. HEALD, Enoch H, b. Sept. 16, 1823, in Hope, Me., m. Malvina Mosinan, Sept. 16, '49 ; r. Rock, a saloon or shop keeper. Their ch. 1, Laura C, b. July 12, 1850. 2, Freddy L, b. Aug. 24, '52, d. Dec. 23, '58. 3, Adelaide M, b. Feb. 16, '54. HEALEY, Sergt. Eliphaz, b. Feb. 18, 1755, in Attleboro', Mass.; m. Lucy Robinson ; was an officer of the Revolution ; o. to this place in 1780 and bought, in connection with bis brother-in-law, N. Wood cock, the J. Alexander lot, at Oyster River, but settled west of the Meadows, Th, a farmer ; and d. Oct. 10, 1833. Welcome, a brother, m. Jemimah Blackington ; c also to Th, settling near; was a farmer, and d. Feb. 18, 1842. Rebecca, a sister, born 1757 ; mar. Nathaniel Woodcock; r. Th. and d. May 30, 1813. Recompense, another .brother, m, j, and d. Attleboro', but his daughter Mary came here, m. ABa Bennett; r. Th. and d. April 24, 1852. Sergeant Eliphaz's ch. 1, Penninah, b. ab. 1779 ; m. Elkanah Spear, r. Rock. 2, Melinda, b. Dec. 1, 1780 ; m. Leonard Smith ; i. Th. and d. June 1, 1853. 3, James Harvey, b. Jan. 1783; m. Rebecca Haw thorn of St. George, p. Sept. 24, 1808 ; r. Rock, a farmer, & d. Dec. 7, '57. 4, Hon. or Col. Thomas Halsey, b. ab. 1786 ; seems to have dropped the Thomas from his name ; m. 1st, Mercy Hawthorn of St. George, p. Nov. 22, 1806, 2d, Mary M. (Marsh) Sprague, March 11, '30; r. Th, merchant, ship-builder &c, and d. Jan. 11, '62. 5, Tileston, b. May 9, 1793 ; m Rebecca Crockett, Feb. 9, '15; .j. Rock. and d. Sept. 1852. The mother d. March 29, '39, a. 80. Welcome's ch. 1, Eunice, b. ab. 1791; m. Henry Mcintosh; r. Rock. 2, Margaret, m. Arunah Robbins ; r. Th. ' 3, Nathaniel W. b. Aug. 11 1797 ; m. Adeline Fogler, Jan. '28 ; r. Rock. & d. without ch. Feb. 16, '57. 4, Hannah S , b. Dec. 9, 1799 ; m. Capt. John Vose ; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 8, '60- 5, Calista, b. ab '01 ; m. 1st, Dennis Long, 2d, Joseph Copeland of War. Aug. 29, '46 ; r. Rock- 6, Ziba Pope, d. unm. 7, George, b ab. '14 ; mar. Mary J. Thomas, Feb 2, '43 ; r. Th. and d. Oct. 13. '45. The mother d March 29, '39, a 79. ' James Harvey's ch. 1, Amanda F. born May 17, ,09 ; m. 1st, Asa Ulmer, 2d, Aaron Wood; r. Rock. 2, Oscar F. b. Jan. 1, '11, mar. Elizabeth A. Munroe ; Aug. 7, '36 ; r Rock, a quarryman. 3, Betsey H. b. July 14, '13 ; m Jerome Watson ; r Line 4, Penninah S , b. Sept. 25, '16 ; mar. Joseph T. Thomas; r. Rock. 5, Alexander H-, b. Dec. 29, '18! probably d. young or rem. 6, Henry.H , born Apr. 23, '21 ; m. and r. Prospect, Me. 7, Halsey H, b. March 9, '23. 8, Sally R , born March 3. '26 ; m. Christopher Butler, Sept. 14, '45. 9, Mary Jane, b. Sept. 15, '28. Col. Halsey's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Catharine P., b. March 29, 1807; m. Col. George A. Starr ; r. Th. 2, Capt. G. Dodge, b. Nov. 18, '08 ; in. Charlotte A. MitcheU, June 23, '44 ; r- Th. and d. July 3, '58 near 262 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Cairo, on his way home from N. O. ; was buried at Paducah. 3, T. Halsey, Jr, b. Oct. 7, '10 ; m. Eliza C. McLellan, June 28, '34 ; & d. of yellow fever at N. Orleans Oct. 13, '37. 4, Capt. Sylvester, b. Oct. 9, '12 ; m. Elizabeth G. Coombs, Peb. '38 ; r. Th, ship master, &c. 5, Lucy, b. May 27, '15 ; m. William Plint, Jr.; r. Th. 6, Susan D., b. July 20, '17; m. Joel Levansaler; r. Th. 7, Mary Ann, b. Oct. 29, '19 ; m. David A. Sawyer, Apr. 3, '38 ; r. Cape EUzabeth. 8, Penelope W, b. Dec. 26, '21 ; m. Joseph B. Woodbury of Cape EUzabeth, Aug. 14, '45. 9, Sarah S, b. June 5, '24 ; m. Charles T. Starrett ; r. Th. 10, Mercy A, b. March 29, '29; d. March 24, '33. By 2d wife. 11, Wm. S. Dwight, b. Dec 30, '30 ; m. Betsey Y. Drinkwater of Cumberland, Feb. 13, '56 ; r. Th. a cabinet maker. 12, Richard S, b. July 16, '32; d. March 13, '33. 13, Augusta, born Jan 15, '34, d. Feb. 3, '37. 14, Augusta M, b. Sept. 4, '35 ; m. Jacob C. Barker of Portland, Aug. 19, '63, and rem. to Portland. 15, Henrietta, b. July 4, '37, d. Apr. 14, '41. Tileston's ch. 1, Eliphaz C, b. Aug. 27, 1816, d. Sept. 17, '19. 2, Capt. Edward C, b. Jan. 5, '19 ; m. Sarah R. Spear, Sept. 5, '44 ; r. Rock, in U. S. naval service. 3, Harriet B, b. March 20. 1821 ; m. Joshua C. Worcester, & d. May 24, '61. 4, Elioenai L, b. May 27, '23 ; m. Alfred Burton; r. Rock, & d. Feb. 16, '49. 6, Capt. Russell, S., b. Nov. 2, '27 ; went to California, 1851, where he was mate of steam er Cortez, and commanded the b'k Charles Devins, but died in Rock, Aug. 23, '58. 6, Capt. Egbert P, b. May 2, '30 ; r. Rock. 7, Tile- ston, (2d), b. March 25, '34, d. in West Indies. 8, JuUa A, b. July 15, '36 ; r. Rock, George's ch. 1, Sarah, d. June 2, 1853. 2, JuUa, b. ab. '44 ; r. Th. Third Generation. Oscar F.'s ch. 1, Oscar D , b. Jan. 3, 1838; m. Elvira S. Hosmer, Nov. 16, '59; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Mary E, b. Oct. 28, '39; m, Capt. Israel Pease-; r. Rock. 3, Jairus M, b. Feb. 17, '42 ; m. Hul- dah C- Demuth, May 10, '64 ; r. Rock, now in U. S- navy. 4, Sarah F., b. ab. '44. 5, Lucy J, b. ab. '46. 6, Rebecca A, b. ab. '48. 7, Clara M„ b. ab. '50. 8, , d. young. G. Dodge's ch. 1, Rodolphus T, b. Oct. 1, 1848, d. Oct. 20, '52. 2, E. Augustina, b. Jan. 3, & d. Sept. 18, '51. 3, Lucy Kate, b. Nov. 15, '53, d. Jan. 23, '54. 4, Martha Eugenia, b. in N. O, March 25, '55. 5, George Adelbert, b. Peb. 14, '57- Halsey, jr.'s ch. 1, Ann E , b. April 12, 1835 ; m. Frank Walcott; r. Boston. 2, Deborah H, b. March 5, '37 ; m. WilUam Kendall ; r. Boston. Sylvester's ch. 1, Eliza McLellan, b Jan. 6, 1839 ; m. Robert E. Butler; r. Th. 2, Mary Emor, b. Oct. 16, '49, d. Jan. 24, '54. William S. Dwight's ch. 1, William Addison, b. Feb. 5, 1857. 2, Edwin Sprague, b. Oct. 1, '59. Edward C's ch. 1, Emily M, b. ab. 1846. 2, Charles E. b. ab. '52. 3, Lucy C, b. Sept. 25, '57, d. Nov. 29, '58. 4, William H, b ab. '69. HEALY, Patrick, d. Feb. 8, 1844, in the 28th year of his age, and was buried in Thomaston cemetery. HEARD, William,'c. at an early date before the Revolution, from New Hampshire (with his brother James, who, after awhile returned to N. II ) was a mason by trade ; m. Abigail (Crockett) Killsa, r. & d. Ash Pt., S Th. Their ch. 1, Sally, b. June 9, 1776 ; m. Capt. David Crockett ; r. S. Th. and d. March 12, 1861. 2, John, b. Apr. 6, '79 ; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 263 m. Lucy W. Heard, Dec. 13 1807 ; r. & d. S. Th. 3, WiUiam, (2d,) b. Dec. 23, '81, i. S. Th. a farmer. 4, David, b. Feb. 5, '85 ; r. S. Th. 6, Lucy, b. Nov. 5, '87 ; r. S. Th. 6, Moses, b. June 1, '90 ; m. Elio- enai Perry, p. Sept. 10, 1817 ; r. S. Th. a farmer. 7, Robert, b. July 6, '92 ; m. Betsey Hayden, p. Nov. 20, 1815 ; r. S, Th,. a farmer. 8, Oliver, b. Aug. 24, '94 ; m. Lucy W. Smith of Vinalhaven, p. Dec. 23, 1822 ; d. Sept. 25, 1836. 9, AbigaU, b. Apr. 28, '96; m. Ambrose Snow, (3d), and r. Th. 10, Margaret C, born Dec. 16, '99 ; d. Jan. 24, 1848. John's ch. 1, EUza, m. Thomas Jenkins ; r. Lincoln, Aroostook county, Me. 2, Abigail, m. Ezekiel Crockett ; r. & d. Rock. 3, Lucy, m. Hiram AUen ; r. Lincoln. 4, WilUam, (2d), r. Swanville, Me. 5 OUver, (2d), r. Swanville. Moses' ch. 1, Nancy Perry, b. Sept. 4, 1818 ; m. Alfred Haskell, r. S. Th. and d. July 22, '42. 2, Mary, b. March 25, '20 ; j. S. Th. 3, Oliver, (2d), b. Dec. 25, '21 ; r. S. Th. a mariner. 4, Margaret Miran da, b. May 25, '29 ; m. Joshua G. Clark. 5, CaroUne MatUda, born July 24, '31 -, m. V. P. Hinkley, r. S. Th. 6, Julia B, born Sept. 25, •33 ; m. Charles W. Rackliff; r. S. Th. The mother d. Jan. 27, '57 ; a. 61. Robert's ch. 1, Alvan, b. Sept. 12, 1816 ; m. Eliza H. Hall, p. Aug. 23, '38; r. S. Th. d. June 15, '46. 2, Harriet, b. Sept. 23, '18 ; m. Wm. H. Crockett ; r. S. Th. 3, Robert Henry, b. Jan. 10, '21 ; m. Ruth Rowell, Dec. 26, '45 ; r. S. Th, a boatman, &c 4, Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 13, '23, d. Jan. 25, '30. 5, Luther H, b. July 16, '33 ; m. Jane Harvey of England, Sept, 27, '59 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. , OUver's ch. 1, AbigaU Amanda, b. Aug. 19. '25 ; m. Moses Shaw ; r, S. Th. 2, James A, b. Feb. 5, '27, d. Apr. 11, '55. Fourth Generation. Alvan's ch. 1, Ann Eliza, b. May 25, 1841 ; m. Sidney Bird ; r. Rock. Robert Henry's ch. 1, Charles Spalding, b. Nov. 23, 1848 ; died Apr. 20, '49. 2, Henry Edward, b. Nov. 10, '50. 3, Charles W, b. Feb. 11, '52. 4, Emma E, b. July 3, '56. 5, Alice W, b. ab. '58. Luther H.'s ch. Jeanie Elizabeth, b. May 23, 1860. HEARSEY, Luther, b. ab. 1773 ; was here early in some part of old Th. and d. Nov. 24, 1828. His wife d. Sept. 13, '25, HEATH, Samuel, b. ab. 1825, in Jefferson, Me, m. Ruth Ann W. Murphy ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me. Regt, d. Oct. 1, 1862. Their ch. 1, Henrietta J, b. ab. 1851. 2, AtweU S, b. ab. '54. 3, WiUie E , b. ab. '59. HEMENWAY, Bickford N, b. ab. 1823, in Searsmont, Me. ; m. Emeline P. Woodcock ; r. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Avis A, b. ab. 1846. 2, Melville D, b. ab. '47. 3, Edith, b. ab. '59. HEMENWAY, WilUam S, b. ab. 1827, in Camden, cousin of pre ceding; m. Julia G. Crabtree of Hope; r. Rock, a fruit dealer. Their ch. Martha L, b. Feb. 12, '54, d. April 22, '57- HENDERSON, Capt. Thomas, from Round Pond, Bristol, was one of the first settlers of the upper St. Georges, now Warren, but, in a few years, removed to Pleasant Point, where he commanded a garrison and blockhouse in the war of 1744 ; m. the widow of the celebrated Col. David Dunbar, surveyor of the King's woods, Governor of Saga dahoc, &c ; r. & d. C. His son, Dunbar, succeeded to the estate, and 264 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, was commander of the garrison there in 1756 ; r. & d. C. His ch. were— 1, Capt. Robert, m. Jane Young; r. Pleasant Point, followed the sea, was at St. Domingo at the time of the conflagration, and, af ter years of adventure, was drowned near home, on a fishing excur sion, in 1812. 2, Thomas, (2d), m. Betsey Rivers ; r. St. George. 3, Jabez, m. Malcolm ; r. St. G. 4, William, m. Nichols. Capt. Robert's ch. 1, James, killed at sea, by accident. 2 & 3, twins, b. 1790 ; Capt. Dunbar, (2d), m. Sarah Burton, July 18, 1815 ; r. Th., in the house where his widow still resides, & d. at sea, July 20, '29, off the Tortugas, in his ship, WiUiam § John, bound to Europe. Capt. WiUiam, (2d), m. Lucy Vose, Jan. 30, 1815 ; r. Th.. & d, Aug. 31, '27- 4, EUzabeth, b. ab. 1794 ; m. 1st. Capt. Bartholomew Kel leran of C, Nov. 15, '14, 2d, Samuel Allen of Th. & d. Dec. 5, '51. Of Jabez's ch. 1, Robert, (2d), b. ab. 1793 ; m. Elizabeth O'Brien, of W, r. C, Th, and Belfast, where he died by drowning, Dec. 3, 1855. Fifth Generation. Capt. Dunbar, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. James, b. about 1817 ; mar. 1st, Sarah J. Singer, Oct, 1841, 2d, Mrs. Sarah J. Robinson, May 13, '54 ; r. Th, a ship master. 2, Ann E, m. Col. William Bennett; r. Th. 3, Susan ; r. Th. 4, Capt. Dunbar, (2d), b. ab. 1826 ; m. Olivia Chap man, July 25, '56 ; r. Th, a ship master, like most of the family. Capt. WUUam's ch. 1, Capt. WiUiam, (3d), born Oct, 1816; m. OUvia Chapman, July 25, '46 ; r, Th. and d. Feb. 19, '55. 2, Lucy, m. Rev. John Humphrey of Charlestown, Mass, July 2, '45. 3, Rob ert, b. Sept. 1819, d. March 10, '25. 4, Mary, m. a Mr. BuUard; r. Mass. 5, James, b. Aug, 1824, d. Jan. 28, '25 Robert, (2d)'s ch. 1, Jane O, b. March 24, 1811, d. July 27, 1831, 2, Capt. Edward, b. March 9, 1813; m. Hannah Holland in Belfast, and d. in Cohasset, Mass. 3, John, b. Feb. 28, d. May 4, 1815. 4, EUzabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1817 ; m. Edwin Ellis ; r. Th, rem. Belfast. 5, Thomas O, b. Sept. 14, '19; went to sea and not heard from. 6, Seth O'B, b. Dec. 11, '22; m. Oclavia Lovejoy, r. Th, was landlord of Knox hotel. 7, Sarah R,b. June 16, '24; m. Alexander Crawford; r. War, and has ch. Oliver Crawford, b. Oct. 12, '45 ; Edwin E, b. Jan. 8, '48, d. April 9, '50; Ellen F, b. April 9, '50; Inez, b. Aug. 10, '52 ; Eliza M, b. March 4, '55 ; Charles E, b. Sept. 17, '57 ; and Willie J, b. May 17, '54, d. spring of '62. 8, Susan B, b. Dec. 20, 1826, d. Aug. 15, '27. 9, Ellen M, b. Sept. 24, 1827 ; .mar. James Teague ; r. W, and has ch. George ; Frederic ; and AdeUa. Sixth Generation. Capt. James's ch.by 2d wife. Ann G, b. ab. 1856. Capt. William, (3d)'s ch. 1, WiUiam Oliver, b. Dec. 10, 1848. 2, Edward, b. Jan. 31, d. April 7, '53. 3, Lucy A, b. ab. '55. Seth O'B.'s ch. 1, Emma J, b. Jan. 21, 1845 ; m. Lieut. WiUiam K. Bickford, Nov. 1, '63. 2, Robert F, b. Sept, 1849. 3, Abbie, b. June 10, '51. HENDERSON, Elbridge D, of the same family & said to be half brother of Capt. William Henderson of Th, was born in St George i m. Elizabeth D. HaU; r. &. d. Rock, where his widow now resides. Their ch. 1, Alonzo, b. ab. 1842 ; i. Rock, a mariner. 2, Charles, b. ab. '53 ; r. Rock. HENDERSON, John, b, it is thought, in Oldtown or vicinity; m. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH TH3M ASTON. 265 1st, Alice McKenney of Madison, Me ; came to this place ab. 1844 ; m. 2d, Jacintha Davis, Dec. 6, '51 ; r. Rock , a lime burner, &c, died May, 1855. His ch. by 1st wife, who d. Sept. 1, 1850, aged 48. 1, John W, b. Sept. 29, 1829, d Nov. 17, '49. 2, Capt. Thomas J, b. May 14, '31 ; ra E'izabeth Squires, Jan. 2, '48 ; r. Rock, and served 18 months in 2d Reg. U. S. Sharpshooters 3, Lincoln L.,.b. July 6, '33; m. Catharine T. Dodge, April 12, '53; r. Rock. 4, Mary S, b. May 14, '36; m. R. A. Harper; r. Rock. 5, Samuel J, b. April 11, '38; m. Anne S Campbell, Sept. 15, '61; r. Rock. Capt. Tnomas J.'s ch. 1, Ellen E, b. ab. 1849. 2, Emma F, b. ab. '51. 3, Orrin M,b. April, '53, d. Aug. 30, '57. 4, William T, b. ab. '55. Lincoln L.'s ch. 1, Charles E, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary A, b. ab. '56. 3, Lincoln b. ab. '59. Samuel J.'s ch. Edward Herbert, b. Aug. & d. Dec. 2, 1862. HENERY; of this family, (sometimes written Henrys,) James, b. 1805, in Sligo county, Irelaud, about 16 miles from the sea-coast, was educated as an engineer ; m. Mary McHugh ; came here in 1840; r. Th, & built at Beech Woods, ab. '56. John, a cousin, b. ab. '20 ; m. Catharine O'Brien ; c. here ab. '50 ; r. Th, having purchased the Lin scott house. James's ch. 1, Eleanor, d. young. 2, Ann, d. young. 3, Capt. John C, b. Aug. 23, '39 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 4, James, d. at sea of yellow fever, aged 17. 5, Charles P, b. Feb. 5, '44, entered the U. S. navy. 6, Frederic T, b. Dec. 30, '45. 7, Joseph, b. March 11, '47. 8, Mary, b. March 23, '50. 9, Andrew, b. June 8, '52. 10, Sarah, b. Aug. 3, '54. 11, Bernard, b. March 20, '57. John's ch. 1, Capt. John B, b. Nov, 1839 ; m. Helen A. Curling, Nov. 18, '63 ; r. Th, sails a British barque. 2, Bartholomew, b. ab. '41 ; r. Th, a mariner. 3, Ann, b. ab. '43. 4, Adelia, b. ab. '45. 5, Maria, b. ab. '50. 6, Sarah, b. ab. '54. 7, Susan, b. ab. '57. 8, Ma tilda, b. '59. HEMRAHAN ; of this family two brothers came from Limerick, Ireland; 1, John, b. ab. 1812 ; came here early, & m. Eleanor O'Neil, p. July 12, '38 ; r. Th, a quarry owner, &c 2, Cornelius, b. ab. '23 ; m. Catharine, dau. of Archibald Brown, r. Rock, a lime manufacturer, &c Mary, their mother, d. at Rockland, Oct. 8, '58, a. ab. 77, hav ing m. 2d, John Henrahan, who also d. here. Michael, a cousin of these, also came here, with Catharine, his wife; r. Rock, a quarry man. John's ch. 1, Mary A, b. July 25, 1839. 2, John, (2d), b. June 12, '41. 3, James, b. ab. 1843. 4, Ellena, b. ab. '46. Michael's ch. 1, Joanna, b. ab. 1844. 2, Bridget, b. ab. 1845. 3, Mary, b. ab. '49. 4, Ellen, b. ab. '52. 5, Michael, 2d, b. ab. '54. 6, Catharine, b. ab. '57. 7, John, (3d), b. ab. '59. HERRICK, Joel, b. ab. 1805, in Sedgwick, Me. ; m. Jane, dau. of Isaac Hall of St. G. ; r. Rock, agent for marble works, Their ch. 1, LilUas, b. ab. '42 ; m. George A- Bramhall ; r. Rock. 2, Elijah, b. ab. '44. 3, Prances J, b, ab. '46. 4 Emma J , b. Feb. 12, '53. HERRICK, Joseph F, b. ab. 1823, in Northport, son of Joseph Herrick; m. Amanda M. Herrick; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Henry W. b. ab. '54. 2, Abby E, b. ab. '06. 3, Alice J., b. ab. 1858. Vol. II. 23 266 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, HEWETT, Dea. Waterman, born in Vinalhaven, ab. 1767 ; m. Pa tience Keen, Jan. 30, '92; r. Cam, and d. Sept. 1851. Their ch. 1, Sarah S, m. Charles Lowell, Esq.; r. and d. Rock. ? 2, Harvey, m. Miriam Hunt ; rem. Ill, where, near Peoria he was murdered, Oct. 12, 1850, and robbed of $1500. 3, Waterman T, m. Sarah W. Par sons ; r. Old Th. and d. at Miami, Mo, March 22, '49. 4, Rachel, m. Seth Hunt ; i . and d. Cam. 5, Ephraim G, b. ab. 1800 ; m. Diana Spring, r. Rock, a truckman, &c. 6, Capt. Peter A, b. ah. 1802; m. Jane M. Thorndike of Hope, p. Sept. 9, '34; r. Rock. 7, Joseph, b. ab, '04 ; m. Nancy Marsh, Sept. 16, '27 ; r. Rock, a merchant, ship owner, &c. 8, Patience. 9, Ann, m. William Perry ; i. and d. Cam. ? 10, Alvan, m. Eliza A. Rankin. 11, Eliza, mar. Henry Craig of Au gusta. 12, Lcander, m. Felicity Paul of Natchez, Miss and is now deceased. 13, Leverett, m. Sarah Hewett, and is deceased. Of Waterman T.'s ch. Flora, b. ab. 1850. Ephraim G.'s ch. 1, Albion E, born ab. 1825 ; mar. Rebecca W. Wilie, April 2, '49 ; r. Rock, a teamster, &c. 2, William W, b. ab. 1828 ; mar. Martha L. Babbage, Sept. 2, '49 ; r. Rock, a truckman. 3, Waterman, (2d), born ab. 1836 ; r. Rock. 5, Leonora, mar. Fisher Gay; r. Rock. Capt. Peter A.'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. Aug. 11, 1836; Leander, d. Aug. 13, '36 ; Leverett, d. Aug. 12, '36. 3, Eliza, b. Nov. 19, '39. 4, Leonidas, b. Oct. 31, '43 ; d. at Oswego, N. Y, Sept. 24, '64. Joseph's ch. Hudson J, h. June 21, 1829 ; m. Sarah C. Simpson of N. Y, r. Rock, a ship owner. Fourth Generation Albion E.'s ch. 1, Helen, b. ab. 1852. 2, Frank, b. ab. '55. William W.'s ch. 1, Alfred W, b. ab. 1850. 2, Charles E, b. ab. '52. 3, Clara L, b. ab. '54. 4, Frederic E, b. ab. '56. 5, Melinda, b. ab. '58. Hudson J.'s ch. 1, Joseph H, b. March and d. Aug. 21, 1851. ?, Hudson, b. ab. '52. 3, Jenny F, b. ab. '56. 4, Ralph, b. ab. '58. 6, Sarah, b. ab. '59. HEWETT ; of this family, there c from Hope, three brothers, sons of John. 1, Capt. Marcus L , b. ab. 1825; m. Sarah Metcalf of Ap pleton; r.Th, a carpenter, officer in 21st Me. Regt. &c. 2, Thomas R, b. ab 1829 ; m. Elizabeth Thomas, p. May 14, '54 ; r. Th, a car penter. 3, Lieut. James H, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Susan L. Hawk, Aug. '62 ; j. Th, an officer in army. Capt. Marcus L.'s ch. 1, Albert W, b. ab. 1855. 2, George T, b. ab. '56. 3, Clara. 4, Charles M. Thomas R.'s ch. 1. Lizzie T, b. April 27, 1855, d. in Boston, June 21, '64. 2, Catharine, b ab. '57. 3, Etta A, born April '59, d. July 31, '61. HEWETT, William O, b. ab. 1822, son of WiUiam of Hope ; mar. Adelia M. Perry of Hope, Sept. 27, 1846; r. Rock, a merchant. Anson, b. ab. 1830, a brother ; mar. Frances H. Alford ; r. Rock, a carpenter, soldier of 2d Me. Battery. William O.'s ch. 1, Theodore E, b. ab. 1847. 2, Emily P, b. ab. '49, 3, Cora F, b. ab. '58. HEWETT, Herbert or Hubbard, a cousin of preceding, b. in. Hope ab. 1816 ; m. Jane , r. Rock, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, George E, b. ab. 1837 ; m. Delphina Adams, Nov. 26, '63 ; i. Rock. 2, Jason B, b. ab. '41. 3, Sewall W, b. ab. '43, a soldier of 4th Me. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 267 captured.Ju.ly 21, '61, and supposed to be dead. 4. Samuel, born ; b '44; r. Rock, discharged soldier of 2d Me. Battery, since enlisted in 2d Me. Cavalry. 5, Ephraim M, b. ab. '45 ; r. Rock, soldier in the U. S. regulars. 6, Nathan A, b. ab. "47 ; enlisted in 2d Me. Cavalry. 7, Frederic, b. ab. '49. 8, Rebecca, b. ab. '51. 9, Margaret E, b. ab. 1854. HEWES, Capt. William, born ab. 1820, in Wales. G. Britain ; m. Sarah J. Gleason, Nov. 17, 1847 ; r. Th, a master mariner. Their ch. 1, William (2d), b. ab. 1849. 2, Frederic G, b. March and d. Aug. 11, '51. 3, Maria G, b. ab. '53. HEWLETT, George, b. in Euglaud ab. 1823 ; m. Eliza A. , of England, r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, WilUam V, bom ab. 1842. 2, George (2d), b. ab. '44. 3, Louisa, b. ab. '45. 4, Florence, b. ab. '47. 5, Charles, b. ab. '50. in England. 6, Amy, b. ab. '51, in N. York. 7, Fanny b. ab. '53 ; 8, Richard, b. ab. '55 ; both in New Brunswick. 9, Henry, b. ab. '60, here. HIGGENS, Benjamin L, b. in Eden, Sept, 1812 ; m. in Philadel phia, Louisa Morley, in 1835 ; r. Rock, since 1848, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Ellen R, b. April 8, 1836. 2, Zenas H, b. May 20, '38 ; m. Clarion F. Jameson, Jan, 1856 ; r. Rock, entered the U. S. Navy. 3, Naney L, b. Sept. 14, '40 ; m. Henry M. Foss of Claring- ton, N. H, had 1 ch, Henry M, b. Feb. 6, & d. June 10, '64 ; r. Rock. 4, J. Milton, b. Jan. 8, '43, d. Jan. 5, '48. 5, Eben L, b Oct. 15, '45 ; r. Rock, in 4th Me. Reg, since in U. S. Navy. 6, Sherman W, b. Oct. 2, '48. 7, Sarah E, b. Jan. 2, '50. 8, Benjamin F, b. March 12, '52. 9, Rosilla, b. Jan. 28, '54. Zenas H.'s ch. 1, UrsiUa, b. May, 1856, d. young. 2, Zenas L, b. Aug, '59. 3, Clara E-, b. June 5, '63. HIGGENS, Charles, b. ab. 1830, in Eagerlougher, Armagh county, Ireland; came hither in 1849 ; m. Emma Tall of Nova Scotia; r. Th, a peddler. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1855. 2, Emma C, b. ab. '57. 3, Rosanna, b. ab. '59. HIGGENS, WUliam T, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Orinda S. Allen, Oct. 28, '56 ; r. Rock, a mariner, in U. S. Navy. HILDRETH, Abel, b. 1795; was left by his father (who was in Th. early but rem. to Bradford, Me, 1803 ; subsequently to New York and OMo), in care of James D. Wheaton, by whom he was brought up; m. Betsey Coombs of Bowdoin, p. July 25, 1818 ; r. Th, a car penter, or millwright, and d. Oct. 20, '62. Their ch. 1, Sarah J, b. Feb. 19, and d. Nov. 11, 1820. 2. Elizabeth T, b. Sept. 8, '21; m. James L. Howe of Boston, Oct. 5, '45 ; r. Portland. 3, Dexter W, b. March 1, '25 ; m. Harriet S. Harrington, Feb. 24, '50 ; rem. Cali fornia. 4, Susan L, b. June 30, '27 ; m. Charles Freeman; r. Cal. 5, Sarah F, b. July 12, '29 ; m. Frank Sweat ; r. Portland. 6, Abel C, b. June 26, '31 ; m. Mary A. Anderson; j. Boston. 7, Joseph E, b. Oct. 4, '33; m. twice, and r. Lynn. 8, Lewis G, b. Dec 28, '35; r. Th, a carpenter, rem. Cal. 9, Emily M, b. May 19, '38 ; mar. Charles E. Lombard ; i. Springfield, Mass. HILL, Lysander, Esq, b. in Union, brought up by William Mal colm, Esq, of Cushing, grad. Bowd. Coll. 1858 ; studied law with Mr. Gould and commenced practice in Th , became an officer in the army ; m. Adelaide C. Cole, Feb 2, '64 ; r. Alexandria, Va., in practice of his profession. 268 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, HILL. Rev. Luther D, b. ab. 1525, in N. Y. State ; r. Th. as pas tor of Baptist church, but soon rem. with Eliza S, his wife, & ch., John E, EUa M, Charles I, & Hannah L. HILLMAN, Whitten, b. ab. 1807, in New York ; c. to this place; m. Harriet (Bernard) Ulmer; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Em eUne M, b. Jan. '32, d. July 28, '53. 2, Mary F, b. April 6, '33 ; r. Rock. 2, Richard B, b. June 19, '36 ; m. Augusta J. Spear, Jan. 15, '66 ; r. Rock., a joiner. Richard B.'s ch. Franklin K, b. ab. 1859. HILLS, Edward, b. ab 1822, in Union, son of Samuel, (2d), and grandson of Reuben Hills ; m. Almena Drake ; r. Th, high sheriff, &c. Austin, b. ab. 1824 son of Reuben, jr , & grandson of Reuben of Union ; m. Harriet Heald; r. S. Th, a carpenter; rem. California. Edward's ch. 1, Hiram A, b. ab. 1847. 2, Helen, b. ab. '50. 3, Caroline, b. ab. '52. 4, Charles Edward, b. Oct. 24, '54. 5, Fonta nels, b. July 3, '57. 6, Sidney W , b. ab. '59. Austin's ch. 1, Austin H, b. ab. 1851. 2, Reuben W, b. ab. '56. 3, Ernest S, b. ab. '58. HILLS, WilUam H, b. Aug, 1805. in Rochester, Eng. ; c. to this country when a boy ; m. Ann ; r. Rock, a sailmaker, went to St. John, N. B.. for materials for his business, and was killed, Sept. 3, 1862, by a secession mob at that place on account of his devotion to the Union and Government of his adopted country. Their ch. 1, Ann E, b. March 17, 1833; grad. Mt Holyoke seminary; died at Rock, July 27, '55. 2, Sarah L, b. Feb. 3, '35; d. May 9, '63. 3, Lucy G, b. Sept. 30, '36. 4, Julia L, b. Sept. 28, '38. 5, William H, (2d), b. July 1, '41, d. Aug. 12. '47. 6, Samuel C. F, b. Feb. 29, '43 ; soldier in 4th Me. Reg, d. at Rock, June 23, '64. 7, John G. E, b. Oct, '46, d. April, '47. HILT, John, b. ab. 1819; (son of Philip and Mary (Fish) Hilt of Warren); m. Lydia Jones, p. May 15, 1847 ; r. Th, a shipbuilder, &c. Their ch. 1, Estelle, b. ab. 1850. 2, Agnes, b. ab. 1854. HILT, John C, b. ab. 1820 ; (son of Henry and Mary (Crawford) Hilt of Warren) ; m. Nancy Toner, Jan. 2, '43 ; r. Rock, a ship builder, rem. Portland. Their ch. 1, Susan M , b. ab. 1846. 2, Henry, b. '49, d. Aug. 19, '5'J. 3, Ellen M., b. ab. '51. 4, Sarah C, b. ab. '57. HINCH, James, b. ab. 1829, in Birkenhead, England ; m. Catha rine Fox of England ; r. Th, a painter and photographist. Their ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1856. 2, James, b. ab. '57, d. of diphtheria, Feb. 3, '62. 3, John S , b. ab. '59, d. of diphtheria, Peb. 5, '62. 4, , d. diphtheria, Peb. 7, '62. HINKLEY, Capt. Edmund B, b. ab. 1827 ; son of Capt. Samuel and Sarah (Wilson) Hinkley of W.; m. 1st Henrietta A. Lermond, Dec 3, '50, (who d. Dec. 23, '55) 2d, Eliza A. O'Brien, Dec 25, '61 ; r. Th, stove dealer, &c HINKLEY, Vespasian F, b. ab. 1821, in Blue Hill, Me, m. Car oline M. Heard, July, 1854, r. S. Th, a stone cutter, &e. His brother Shubael A, b. ab. 1828; also came to this place ; m. Lizzie H. Spal ding, April 27, '55 ; r. S. Th, a stone cutter, &c. Vespasian F.'s ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1856. Shubael A.'s ch. 1, Fannie B, b. ab. 1857. 2, William, b. about 1859. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 269 HIX, or Hicks, WilUam, c. from England, while young ; m. Lydia Woodbury ; settled, r. & d. in Cape EUzabeth. Their son, Thomas, b. Oct. 27, 1756 ; m. Mary Jameson of Warren; settled in S. Th, & d. May 16, 1808. Thomas's eh. 1, WiUiam, b. May 30, 1780, d. Feb. 20, 1791.. 2, Dea. Thomas, (2d), born Aug. 14, 1782 ; m. Sally Holland, April 8, 1810 ; a master mariner, r. Rock, & d. Nov. 20, '61. 3, Capt. Sam uel, b. Dee. 21, 1784, r. S. Th, a mariner, unm. and died April 12, 1849. 4, Sarah, b. Feb. 29, 1788 ; m. Barzillai Pierce ; r. S. Th. and d. July 12, 1860. 5, Lydia, b. March 16, '90 ; in. Jeremiah Witham, June 5, 1814 ; r. S. Th. 6, Hannah, b. Jan. 8, '93, m. Abner Perry; r. & d. Cam. 7, Ann, b. Sept. 8, 1795, m. Jesse McLean, April 20, 1820 ; r. New Sharon, Me. 8, Rachel, b. Jan. 31, 1798 ; mar. John W. Hunt; r. Rock. 9, Capt. Isaac Jameson, born April 1, 1801; m. Mary Crane of Hope, July 22, 1824 ; r. S. Th, a mariner, &c. The mother, b. 1759, d. Aug. 25, 1839, aged 80. Dea. Thomas, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary, born Oct. 17, 1810 ; mar. Capt. Hiram Hall; r. Rock. 2, Thomas Woodbury, b. Nov. 27, '12; m. Susanna Ingraham of Cam, p. Nov. 8, '34; r. Rock, has been War den State Prison, &c 3, Capt. Samuel, (2d), b. Jan. 27, '15 ; lost at sea, Dec. 1, '37. 4, Martha M, born May 27, '17 ; mar. Capt. Joshua Bartlett; r. S. Th. 5, Capt. Hezekiah, b. May 16, '21 ; m. Abby or Hattie Ingraham ; r. Rockland. Capt. Isaac J.'s ch. 1, Capt. Isaac A, born July 30, 1826 ; mar. Amanda C. Emery, Sept. 27, '47 ; j. S. Th. 2, Capt. Henry FrankUn, b. Jan. 17, '29 ; m. Emily Hall, Sept. 2 1, '54 ; r. Rock. 3, Oliver P, b. April 7, '31; m. Elethea M. Fisk, Dec. 13, '55; r. Rock, keeps meat market, &c. 4, Hannah C, b. Sept. 25, '33 ; r. S. Th. 5, Wm. B, b. Nov. 1, '36; m. Sarah M. Rhoades, Jan. 23, '64; j. S. Th, a joiner. Thomas W.'s eh. 1, Thomas W, (3d), born April 18, 1836; mar. Susan I. Ferrand, Jan. 8. '59 ; r. Rock. 2, Orianna A, b. June 26, '38, d. Sept. 16, '40. Capt. Hezekiah's ch. 1, Hezekiah L, b. Feb, 1845, d. Dee. 12, '46. 2, Samuel, b. ab. 1816. 3, Ada L, b. ab. '48. 4, Hezekiah, b. Sept., '49, d. Jan. 30, '54. 5, Eugene, b. ab. -'55. 6, Hezekiah, (2d), born July 23, '58, d. Feb. 12, '63. Capt. Isaac A.'s ch. 1, Eugene A, b. 1847, died March 4, '48. 2, George B, b. ab. '49. 3, Alvah W, b. ab. '53. 4, Althea F, b. ab. '57. 5, Frederic L, b. ab. 1859. Capt. Henry F.'s ch. 1, Frank Herbert, b. June, 1858, d. Aug. 4, '59. 2, Harry Irving Oliver P.'s ch. Galen P. b. ab. 1859. HIX, George W„ b. ab. 1831, in Mass., m. Mary E. Howard, Dec. 3, '58 ; r. Rock, a boat builder, &c. Their ch. Alice, b. ab. 1859. HODGES, George W, b. ab. 1820, in Hallowell, Me. ; m. Sarah M. SmUey; kept Thorndike Hotel, Rock, 1862-3, but rem. Theirch. George R, b. ab. 1843. HODGKINS, Joseph, mar. 1st, Mary Hawk, 2d, Mrs. Jane Ham mond; r. Damariscotta Mills. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, James, m. Elizabeth Brown ; r. Nobleboro'. 2, Miles, m. Lucy Hatch; r. No bleboro'. 3, Patience, m. Isaac Avery; r. Jefferson. .4, William, b. ab. 1822 ; c to Th, m. Joanna P. Robinson, July 2, '46 ; r. Booker St, a caulker. 5, Ezekiel, m. Betsey Morgan ; r. Boothbay. 6, Almira, m. 23* 2"J0 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Rev. Paris Rowell, min. of Meth. E. church. 7 & 8, twins, Amasa and Sarah E, who m. Edward Hutchins, April 20, '54 ; r. Dam. WilUam's ch. 1, Ann A, b. Jan. 22, '47, d. June 7, '49. 2, Ida E, b. '49. 3, Catharine, b. '51, d. Dec. 31, '53. 4, Frank F, b. Jan. 10, d. June 17, '53. 5, WUliam, (2d), b. ab. '55. 6, Ambrose L, b. ab. 1858. HODGMAN, David, c from Ashby, Mass. to Cam, where he r. & d. He m. Lois Melvin from the neighborhood of Concord, Mass, who d. in Th. May 4, 1858, a. 80 y. and 6m. Of their ch. 1, Isaac, born ab. 1814; c. from Newcastle, mar. 1st Sarah W. Starrett, Dec. 13, '38 ; 2d, ZUpha Bryant of Knox, AprU 11, '52 ; i-. Th, a blacksmith. Isaac's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah C, b. Oct. 21, 1839 ; r. Th. 2, David J, b. April 23, '42 ; r. Th. 3, Isaac H, b. July 30, '49. The mother d. Aug. 2, '49. By 2d wife. 4, John C, b. ab. '53. 5, Mary L, b. ab. '56, a deaf mute. IIODSDON, Capt. Charles F, b. ab. 1824, in North Haven; mar. Sarah T. Lyman; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, W. Lyman, b. ab. '50. 2, Sarah C, b. ab. '54. HOLBROOK, Capt. Jesse, whose ancestor emigrated to Plymouth, Mass, with the pilgrims in the Mayflower, was born in Islesboro', in Aug. 1787 ; m. Jane Hall of Georgetown ; r. Northport, Bangor and Rock, where his wife d. Dec. 16, 1855, aged 68. Their ch. 1, Capt. John, b. ab. 1812, m. Eliza Kirkpatrick of W, r. Rock. 2, William, born '14; m. Hannah Leggett, p. July 10 '38; r. Rock, and is now deceased. 3, Jesse, (2d), rem. and r. Ohio. 4, Capt. Samuel H, b. April 8, '19, in Northport, as were the preceding; mar. in England, Catharine Rogers of Liverpool, April 11, '42 ; r. Rock, since '47. 5, Capt. Thomas K, b. ab. '22, in Bangor ; m. Melissa Robinson, July 17, '51 ; r. Rock, 1860, since deceased. Capt. John's ch. 1, Ibra W , b. ab. 1836; r Rock, a mariner. 2, Orissa J, b. April 18, '37 ; i. Rock, a milliner. 3, Harriet E. b. Nov. 8, '38 ; m. Joseph Files, Nov. 24, '55. 4, Irene F, b. Dec. 30, '40; r. Rock. 5, WiUiam D, b. ab. '46. William's ch. 1, Sarah B.', b. Nov. 30, 1839. 2, WilUam H, b. May 13, '41, d. April 12, '42. 3, Priscilla, b. Feb. 13, '43. Capt. Samuel H.'s ch. 1, John, (2d), b. ab. 1847. 2, Sarah, b. ab. '51. 3, Samuel, b. ab. '53. 4, Emma, b. ab. '55. 5, AureUa, b. ab. 1857. Capt Thomas K.'s ch. 1, Jane, b. ab. 1853. 2, Melissa E, b. Dec. '54, d. Jan. 25, '63. 3, Lizzie, b. ab. '56. 4, Ezra T. b. ab. '58. HOLBROOK, Nathan, b. ab. 1813 in Penobscot, Me, m. 1st, Mar tha Vincent in Staffordshire, Eng, 2d, Sarah G. Huntress of Otistield ; r. Rock, and keeps the Rockland Exchange. Their ch. James B, b. ab. 1845. Besides these families, there were also in Rock, in 1860, according to the census, HOLBROOK, John F, b. ab. 1807, m. Lucy A. ; r. Rock, a joiner. HOLBROOK, Samuel, b. ab. 1826 ; m. Maria J. , r. Rock, an ostler. Their ch. 1, Frances, b. ab. 1852. 2, Ella V, b. ab. '53. 3, Melbourne A, b. ab. '54. HOLDEN, Capt. Sylvanus, b. Sept. 1, J 813, in Bremen; m. in ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 271 Bristol, Catharine Fogler, 1840 ; r. Rock , since '52. Their ch, all b. in Bristol, 1, Samuel W, b. Oct. 6, '41. 2, Harriet, b. Sept. 22, '43, d. June 22, 1858. 3, Mary A, b. July 17, 1845, d. March 3, '59. 4, Margaret C, b. April 9, '47 ; m. Edwin Wade, Dec. 31, '64 5, Wil Uam, b. Sept. 16, '49. 6, Ella J, b. Dec. 2, '51. 7, Juliette, b. Feb. '59. HOLLAND, Capt. John, came early, with his family, from Ipswich, Mass., settled at Ash Point, was a lace maker by trade, as well as mariner; r. & d. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. in 1775, in Ipswich; m. Roland Wade ; r. S. Th. & d. Oct, 1834. 2, Sarah, b. in Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1781 ; m. Dea. Thomas Hix ; r. S. Th, was a member of the 1st Baptist church 40 or morejyfears, & d. May 11, 1859. 3, Lucy, m. Lt. Joseph Perry ; i. S. Th. HOLMES. Elijah, b. in Stoughton, now Sharon, Mass, Sept. 29, 1764 ; c. to Union & m..lst, Dorcas Partridge, Aug. 25, 1785 ; settled & built log house on the farm since owned by the late Obadiah Morse, and recently by Maj. James A. Ulmer ; after several removals, came to what is now Rockland, March 15, 1792; before 1812, went to the British Provinces, m. a second time, and settled at Moose river, near Lubec, Me, but returned to Rockland in 1829, & d. Feb. 10, 1839. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Dorcas, b. May 26, 1786, m. Robert J. Crock ett; r. Rock. 2, Bernard, b. Jan. 1, 1788; m. Polly Havener, July 25, 1809 ; r. Rock, & d. Dec. 25, 1825. 3, Elijah E, b. Dec. 11, 1789 ; m. Sally Havener, June 1, 1817 ; r. Rock, & d. March 11, 1849. 4, Willonghby, b May 17, & d. July 18, 1792. 5, Hon. Charles, b. Aug. 20, '93, was apprenticed to the shoemaker's trade, but went privateer ing in the Wasp, (together with six other companions, among whom were Josiah Spalding, Elijah E. Holmes, and Paul Thorndike, whose names were not ascertained till page 293, vol. 1st, was printed ;) re turned home ; m. Mary B. Prior, Jan. 30, '17, 2d, Abigail (Edwards) Ranks, Jan. 16, 1842 ; r. Rock, an active business man, senator in 1839-40, & d. MSy 17, '63. 6, Susanna, b. Dec. 29, '96, d. Feb. 8, '97. 7 & 8, twins, b. March 20, '98, Mary, m. Moses Gross of Orland, p. Dec. 2, '33, & d. May 26, '35; Hannah, d. Oct. 24, 1800. 9, Anna, b. March 31, & d. Oct. 22, 1800. 10, Amos, b. Feb. 14, '02, now de ceased. 11, Oliver, b. May 12, '03; m. Catharine Achorn, Oct. 11, '27 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 12, George, b. Aug. 24, '05 ; removed & m. twice at Fall River, Mass, and was accidentally killed in a flume, in California, Aug. 6, 52, leaving a wife and six children in Fall River. 13, Robert, b. May 4, '08 ; removed to Massachusetts. Bernard's ch. 1. William, b. Oct. 2, 1809 ; d. young by drowning. 2, Washington, b. Feb. 3, '11 ; drowned, Aug., '39, from sch. Patriot. 3, Caroline, b. Oct. 7, 1812; m. 1st, George C.Tate, 2d, Andrew J. Pierce; r. Rock. 4, Sarah, b. Oct. 3, '14; m Francis Harrington; r. Rock, 5, Catharine, b. Sept. 13, '16; m. Ephraim Knowlton; r. Rock. Elijah E.'s ch. 1, Hannah, b. April 5, 1818 ; m. William C. Ram sey, p. Sept. 27, '35. 2, Eliza, b. March 17, '20 ; m. Cyreuius Crock ett; r. Rock. Hon. Charles's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. Charles S, b. Jan. 17, 1818 ; m. Olive H. Condon, Dec. 18, '38 ;"r. Rock, & perished in sch. Lion, Dec. 11, '64. 2, Amelia D, b. May 25, '19 ; m. 1st, Sylvester H. Fuller, 2d, Henry Luce ; r. Rock. 3, EmeUne, b. May 3, '28 ; m. John Flint ; r. Rock. The mother d. Nov. 20, '40. By 2d wife. 4, George Edward, b. Jan. 3, '43 ; r. Rock, was a sergeant in 19th Me. 272 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, reg, d. from his wounds and an amputated leg, at Amory Square hospital, Washington, June 15, '64. 5, John Henry, b. Feb. 2, '45 ; r. Rock, 6, Albert P, b. Jan. 21, '48. 7, William, b. Oct. 12, '50, d. May 14, 1853. 8, Mary A, b. March 11, 1854, d. Aug. 6, '62. 9, William O, b. Aug. 13, '56. Oliver's ch. 1, WiUiam, b. April, 1833, & d. in PlacervUle, Cal, Nov. 3, '52. 2, Orris, b. ab. '38. 3, Michael A, b.'ab. '41. 4, Me linda A, b. ab. '47. Capt. Charles S.'s ch. 1, Hiram C, b. 14, 1842 ; t. Rock, a mariner, soldier in 4th Me. reg, &c 2, Bradford K, b. ab. '46 ; r. Rock, entered U. S. navy. 3, Charles, b. March, 1855, d. Sept. 18, '56. 4, Abbie F, b. ab. '59. HOLMES, Mrs. Nancy, of a different family, b. ab. 1817 ; r. Rock , a widow. Her ch. 1, Angeline, b. ab. 1837 ; m. George H. Tighe ; r. Rock. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '42; m. Charles L. Williams, Aug. 20, '60. 3. Jacob B, b. ab. '45 ; i. Rock, in the army. HOOPER; of this North Haven family, there came to this place. 1, Capt. Watson, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Adelaide Maddocks, p. March 27, '54 ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. Joel R, j. S. Th, & d. at sea, July 1858, on passage from New Orleans to New York. 3, Solomon, deceased. 4, Capt. Jeremiah, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Annie E. AVebster, Dec. 21, '54; r, S. Th. 5, Capt. George Melvin, b. ab. 1839 ; m. Elvira H. Brewster, Nov. 17, '61 ; r. S. Th. 6, Albert, b. ab. 1841 ; j. S. Th, and d. at sea, June 28, '60. Capt. Watson's ch. 1, Sidney, b. ab. 1855. 2, Edwina, b. ab. '57. 3, Minnie, b. ab. '59. Capt. Jeremiah's ch. Capt. Horatio B, b. ab. 1841 ; m. Emma F. Webster, Oct. 27, '61 ; i. S. Th. HOPKINS, James C, b. ab. 1792 ; r. here in 1860 with wife and family, but has since rem. to Portland. Of his ch. 1, Capt. Henry E, mar. Sylvenia N. ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Charles N, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Nancy B. ; r. Rock, rem. Millbridge, Me. 3, Capt. George A, m in Boston, Effie E. Wallace, Sept. 15, '57 ; r. Rock. 5, Caroline A, in. Robert L. Jackson ; r. Rock. Capt. Henry E.'s ch. 1, Herbert A, b. Oct, 1847, d. May 5, '50. 2, Herbert N, b. ab. '50. 3, Edwin F., b. ab. '56. Capt. Charles N.'s ch. 1, Frank M, b. ah. 1813. 2, Claries W, b. ab. '48. 3, Edgar L, b. ab. '54. Capt. George A.'s ch. Nellie W, b. June, and d. Aug. 20, 1860. HOPKINS, Albert, of a different family, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Sophronia ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Their ch. Ida, b. ab. 1856. HOPKINS, Martin, b. ab. 1835 ; m. RosaUnda ; r. Rock, a lime burner, and soldier in U. S. Sharpshooters, for a time. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1856. 2, Albert R, b. ab. 1859. HOSMER, Anthony, b. Dec, 1793 ; came from Camden ; r. Rock, with Mary, his wife, & d. in Aug, 1855. Their ch. 1, Frederic A, b. in Cam, Feb. 21, 1826. 2, Lucy A, b. June 15, '28 ; m. Johu H. Cooke ; t. Rock. 3, Louisa E , b. Jan. 5, '30. 4, Achsah S, b. Feb. 21, '32; m. John D. Simmons; r. Rock. 5, Josiah Haskell, b. Jan. 22, '34, d. Nov. 18, '47. HOVEY, Ivory, sou of Dr. Ivory Hovey of Berwick, Me.; m. Mary, daughter of Manasseh Smith, Esq, of Wiscasset ; r. in that place and Rock, rem. and m. 2d, in Dover, N. H, Mrs. Sarah Robinson, June ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 273 15, '52 ; but ret. & d. in Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Ivory T, b. May, 1803 ; m. 1st, Marietta Cochran, p. July 27, '37, 2d, Jane M. Cochran; r. Ro=k, a shoemaker, &c, died Sept. 5, '64. 2, Frances Eliza, m. Elbridge Pratt of ilobile, where she r. a widow with one daughter. 3, Manasseh S, b. ab. 1895 ; m. Maximilia Stinson of Deer Isle, May 7, '42; r. Rock, a merchant. 4, Mary Hannah, r. Rock, a teacher, &c. 5, Lucy Smith, r. Rock. 6, Olivia II, r. Rock. 7, Edwin S, Esq , m. 1st, Clarissa Reed of Orono, Nov. 3, '29 ; prac. law in Rock, from ab. 1828; rem. Wiscasset, as register of probate, ab. 1852 ; m. 2d, Susan Thresher ; rem. & r. Portland. S, Lydia Ami, m. Daniel Howard, Oct. 12, '55 ; r. Hope. 9, Susan Lord, in. Capt. WiUiam Spofford; r. Rock. 10, Joseph E, d. in New Orleans. 11, Sarah M , m. Robert D Post of Mobile,. July 31, '44; r. Mobile. The mother died April 21, '48, aged 72. Ivory T.'s ch. by 1st wife. WilUam, b. ab. 1839; r. Rock, an in surance clerk. Manasseh S.'s ch. 1, Mary S, b. May 7, 1841 ; m. Romanzo W. Moore of Searsport, Dec. 28, '60. 2, OUve S, b. ab. '44. 3, Susan S, b. ab. '46. 4, Caroline S, b. ab. '48. 5, Edwenia, b. ab. '50. 6, Frances E, b. ab. '53. 7, EUa Maude, b. ab. '56. Edwin S.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1. Edwin E, b. Oct. 22, 1830, d. Dec. 1845. 2, Mary E, b. May 23, & d. June 14, '32. 3, Ivory T , b. July 12, & d. 25, '33. 4, Maria Louisa, b. Dec. 14, '34, d. Aug. 22, '36. 6, Albert R, b. Aug. 2, '36 ; r. Portland, a soldier in the army. 6, Margaret L, b. Aug. 20, & d. Nov. 3, '38. 7, J:seph F, b. Feb. 13, & d. May 22, '40. 8, Milton H, b. March 13, & d. May 22, '41. 9, Clara M, b. May 1, '42 ; r. Portland. 10, Theodore F, i. Portland. 11, Emerson Waldo, r. Portland. 12, Caroline E, b. March, and d. June, 1846. The mother d. at Orono, Sept, 1850 By 2d wife. 13, Edwin S, (2d). 14, Louise S. 15, Belle Brandon. HOWARD, Caleb, came from Bridgewater, Mass. ; m. Catharine Romergar ; r. and d. Wal, below the Dr. Brown place. Of his broth ers, Capt. Joshua also c. to Wal, r. & d. down the Bay. 2, Daniel, m. and settled in St. George. Caleb's ch. 1, Philip, lost at sea. 2, EUzabeth, b. 1755 ; m. 1st, a Howard of Wal, 2d, Josiah Mero ; r. W. and d. Feb. 28, 1848. " 3, James, b. 1767 ; c. to Th. ab. '92 ; in. Lydia (Mor-. and d. in Castine. 7, Caleb, (2d), b. 1779 ; m. 1st, Mary Gerrish, 2d, Betsey (Howard) Blood ; r. U. 8, Ruth, mar. John Bartlett of Wal, 2d, George Jameson, ; r. and d. W. 9, Jane, m. John Peavey ; r. & d. Belmont. 10, Margaret, b. 1785 ; m. John D. Morse ; r. Th. & d. Sept. 15, 1840. 11, Daniel, (2d), m. Catharine Montgomery; r. U, rem. and d. St. George. 12, Susau, m. Thaddeus Sheperd ; r. Union. 13,- Joshua, (2d), m. Martha Howard of Gardiner, d. ab. 1830. Capt. Joshua's ch. 1, Caleb, (3d), m. Agnes Robinson of St. Geo, and d. leaving one son, Caleb, (4th), who removed to Ohio with his mother and step-father, Robert Porterfield. Daniel's ch. 1, Betsey, m. Abel Blood of Th, 2d. Caleb Howard, of U. 2, Mary, b. ab. 1786 ; m. David Watson, r. "Rock. 3, Daniel, (3d), r. and d. St. George. 4, Joshua, (3d), r. St. George. James's ch. 1, Freelove, b. Aug. 1, 1793 ; m. John Sterling ; r. Th. and d. Dec. 15, '32. 2, EUzabeth, b. Jan. 24, '95 ; m. Capt. Thomas 274 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Morison, p. June 15, '19 ; r. W. 3, Lucy, b. Sept. 1, '97 ; m. Richard Moore ; r. Freedom. 4, Theodore P, b. Sept. 14, '99 ; m. 1st, EUza beth (Robinson) Say ward, May 15, 182), 2d, Elethea Lindsey; r. Rock, a wheelwright, &c. 5, James Horace, b. June 22, 1801, d. Aug. 1828 in N. O. 6, Mary D, b. April 15, and d. Nov. 1803. 7, Maria Durand, b. Oct. 3, '05 ; m. John Blackington ; r. Th, and d. Jan. 2, '52. 8, Margaret Catharine, b. Dec. 1, '07 ; m. Dodapher Richards; r. Searsmont, and d. May 25, '37. , Of Joshua (3d)'s ch. (Japt. Daniel b. ab. 1830 ; m. Mary A. Mes ervey ; j.. Th. ; had his ship burned by rebel privateers 1863. Fourth Generation. Theodore P.'s ch. 1, Theodore H, born Feb. 7, 1826, d. June 16, '45. 2, Henry Swasey, b. Nov. 12, '28, d. of consumption. By 2d wife. 3, John Barry, born ab. '44 (with a twin brother who d. an in fant,) r. Rock. 4, Francis Elizabeth, b. ab. '45. Capt. Daniel's ch. 1, Julia B, b. ab. 1855. 2, Lizzie A, b. ab. '58. HOWARD, Ichabod A, b. ab. 1814, in Phillips, Me, son of Fred erick and grandson of Joseph Howard, one of the fir3t settlers of that town from Conn ; m. Olive Burns, and r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Francis A., b. June 2, 1840. 2, Gardner L, b. July 8, '42. 3, Nancy, b. ab. '46. 4, Lucia, b. ab '59. HOWARD, Henry, born ab. 1819, in Washington, Me, (son of Micah Howard, who was in Th. and m. Betsey Young of W, Jan. 20, 1809, but rem. Washington,) m. Hepzibah Turner ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. Their ch. 1, Augusta R. b. ab. 1843. 2, Emma S. b. ab. '45. 3, Henry D, b. ab. '47. 4, Kendall, b. ab. '49. 5, Ada A, b. Sept. 9, '51, d. Aug. 18, '54. 6, Gracia A, b. Aug. 12, '56, d. Nov. 25, '57. HO WARD, Elias, b. ab 1833, in HalloweU, Me, m. Nancy Snow; r. Rock., a mariner. Their ch. Clara E., b. ab. 1854. HOWARD, Michael, b. ab. 1805, in Limerick county, Ireland ; m. Ann ConkUn, p. Sept. 4, 1855 ; r. Th. Their eh. 1, Michael (2d) b. ab. 1856. 2, Mary, b. ab. '58. HOWE, Simeon, born ab. 1816, in Lincolnville ; mar. Jane, dau. of John Comery ; came here iu 1849 ; r Th, a stevedore, &e. Their ch. 1, EUen, b. in 1840, d. May 21, '52. 2, Erastus, b. ab '41 ; r. Th, » mariner. 3, Stephen, b. ab. '56. 4, Edward, b. in June & d. in July, 1859. HOWES, Lewis W, Esq, b. ab. 1821, prac. law in Belfast; mar. Clementine O. Allen, in Fayette, June, 1851 ; rem. and i. Rock, at torney and counsellor at law, appointed County Attorney of Knox, Jan., 1862, re-elected by the people and still continues. Their ch. 1, John A, b. ab. 1853. 2, Annie L, b. ab. '58. HOWES; of this family two brothers came from Solon, Me., viz.: 1, Aaron, b. ab. 1821, in Solon; m. Hannah Heald of S. Solon, Oct. 24, '52 ; r. Rock, a lumber merchant. 2, Chandler, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Adelaide C. Pendleton of Rock. ; r. Rock, a lumber merchant. Aaron's ch. Lilian B, b. ab. 1856. Chandler's ch. Frederic W, b. ab. 1857. HOWLEY, Michael, b. ab. 1827, in Waterford county, Ireland ; m. Aurelia Woodcock ; r. Th. Theirch. 1, Ellen, b. ab. 1857. 2, Jas. H. b. ab. 1859. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 275 HUDSON, John, came to old Th, m. Mrs. Abigail Kelloch, April 13, 1823, (who d. Sept, 1825, aged 30.) HULL, Robert A, b. ab 1830, son of Robert Hull of Bristol ; m. 1st, Miss Erskine of Bristol, 2d, Julia F. Spear of W, Dec. 1, '60; i. Th, a carpenter. His ch. by 1st wife, Addie. HUME, EU, b. ab. 1808, in New Brunswick ; m. Ellen of Glasgow, Scot, r. Rock. Their ch. 1, John, b. about 1834 ; r. Rock., a mariner. 2, Ann, b. ab. '36. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '38. 4, Mary, b. ab. '41. 5, Jane, b. ab. '43. 6, Sarah, b. ab. '45. 7, David, b. ab. '48. 8, Peter, b. ab. '50. 9, EmeUne, b. ab. '52. 10, Clara, b. ab. '55. HUMPHREY, Benjamin, i. and d in Boston, a wealthy merchant, originally from Weymouth, m. Oriens, daughter of Maj. WilUam Turner of Scituate, (who grad. H. U, 1767, raised a company and went into the Rev. service, was aid-de-camp to Maj. Gens. Heath and Knox, surveyed the town of Turner, Me, where he settled and died 1808,) and grand daughter of Rev. Charles Turner of Duxbury. Of their ch. 1, Henry B, born about 1812 ; was educated in the Boston schools, served 7 years in his father's counting-room against his own inclination which would have led him to college, was in trade eight years, amassing a sufficient fortune, spent four years from 1839 to '43, in traveUing through Europe, Asia Minor, Egypt, across the desert to the Red Sea, thence to Petra, Syria, and Palestine ; was appointed by Pres. Polk, consul at Alexandria, but decUned ; m. Pastora E, Ma son ; c. to Th, purchased the three story house in Wadsworth street, which he has renovated and filled with books, paintings, and all the gpr-Us of travel. HUNT ; of this family, two brothers came to this place, viz. : — 1, John W, b. Feb. 11, 1800, in Lincolnville, Me, m. Rachel Hix, July 1, '30 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer, &c. 2, Elisha, b. ab. '12, in Belmont ; m. Eunice Collamore ; r. Rock, in lime business. John W.'s ch. 1, Albina W, b. June 28, 1833 ; m. Capt. Joseph Thorndike; r. Rock. 2, John F, b. Jan. 29, '35 ; m. Ellen C , Shep herd; r. Rock. 3, Anna A., b. Jan. 9, '37. 4, Sidney P, b. Oct. 28, '39, a mariner. 5, Alfred I, b. Oct. 29, '41, a clerk. EUsha's ch. 1, Abbie Jane, b. ab. 1844. 2, Thirza H, b. ab. '46. John F.'s ch. Charles, b. ab. 1859. HUNT, WiUiam, b. ab. 1819 ; m. Angeline ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Charles W, b. ab. '49. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '51. 3, William, (2d), b. ab. '53. 4, Adelia F, h. ab. '57. 5, Kate S, b. ab. '59. HUTCHINGS, William, b. ab. 1790 ; r. Rock, with Clara, his wife, was a shoemaker, & d. Feb. 14, 1859. HUTCHINSON, Rev. E. W, son of Rev. David Hutchinson, was b. in Winslow, Me, Feb. 4, 1826 ; m. Nancy Woodsum of Albion, Oct. 19, '51 ; entered the ministry, Aug., '58, joined M. E. conference 1859 ; came to Rock, as pastor, in May, 1863. Their ch. 1, George A, b. in Winslow, Nov. 24, 1854. 2, Abby J, b. Dec. 3, 1856, in Winslow. HYLER, Capt.HaunceR, b.in Cushing, March 27, 1790 ; m. Ma ry Shibles of Th, March 15, 1818 ; rem. Th, followed coasting, & d. Aug. 18, '32. Theirch. 1, Capt. Dodge, b. Sept. 14, '18, lost at sea, '46. 2, Eliza M, b. Nov. 17, '19 ; m. Capt. John M. Brown, & d. June 14, '56. 3, Helen A, b. April 9, '21 ; m. 1st, Capt. Simon B. Leeds of Warren, July 3, '42, (who was drowned at N. O, Sept. 17, 276 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, '42,) 2d, Capt. Rasmus Anderson, (who was also lost overboard in the Atlantic ocean) ; i. Th. 4, Capt. Alden B, b. Oct. 9, '22; m. Susan H. Reed of Newcastle, and d. in Liverpool, Eng, March 14, '55. 5, PriscUla, b. Aug. 27, '24 ; m. Capt. John M. Brown, Oct. 3, '59 ; r. Th. 6, Capt. William M, b. April 18, '26 ; r. 'i'h, a master mariner. 7, Capt. J. Burnham, b. April 25, '28 ; m. Susan A. Fuller of S. Th, March 16, '51 ; r. Th, and d. ot yellow fever, in Havana, Cuba, June 24, '58. 8 Margaret G, b. Oct. 7, '2'J ; m. Capt. John Norebeck of Denmark, Eu, Sept. 13, '55, who d. July 18, '56, in Mobile, Ala. 9, Capt. Ballard G, b July 30, '31 ; r. Th, a master mariner. Capt. Alden B.'s ch. Abbie, b. ab.,.1848. Capt. J. Burnham's ch. 1, Emma B, b. ab. 1851. 2, Alvah, b. ab. '53. 3, Alida, b. ab. '55. 4, Burnham, b. ab. '57. HYLER, Edward, b. ab. 1811, son of Jacob Hyler of Cushing; m. Harriet Chaples ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Sarah, b. ab. '55. 2, Lewis, b. ab. '56. 3, Andrew, b. ab. '58. INGERSON, Willard, b. ab. 1817 ; m. DeUlah , r. S. Th, engaged in the fish business. Their ch. 1, Augusta M, b. ab. 1844. 2, John M, b. ab. '46, 3, Josiah W, b. ab. '48. 4, Charles B, b. ab. '53. 5, Marietta J, b. ab '56. 6, Sidney D, b. ab. '58. 7, a daugh ter, b. in 1860. INGRAHAM ; of this, Gloucester, Mass, family, there c. hither 3 brothers and one sister, viz. : 1, Dea. Job, b. in G. Sept. 15, 1755; v. to Old Th., m. by Rev. J. Urquhart to Lucy Tolman, May 13, '78 ; settled on what is now the northernmost lot in S. Th, at the head of the bay, and d. Nov. 27, 1834. 2, Joseph, Esq, b. July 1, 1759 ; m. Bradbury Keen, July 1, '83 ; i. Rock, and d. Oct. 23, 1848, 'a. 90. 3, Capt. Josiah, b. Sept. 3, 1761, c. to Th. '81, with one brother and sis ter ; m. Hannah Counce of W, by Col. Wheaton, Dec 15, '85 ; settled on the lot between his two brothers, now the first in Rock, & d. Jan. 22, 1849. 4, Nancy, b. 1769, m. Jedediah Spalding ; r. S. Th , and d. Jan. 11, 1832. Dea. Job's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. March 13, 1779 ; m. Joab Brown, rem. Unity. 2, Joseph, (2d), b. Dec. 29, '82, in. Nancy Spear, Oct. 9, 1804 ; 2d, Mrs. Lucy Hodgrnan of Cam, Jan. 15, '57 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 3, Job, (2d), b. Jan. 3, '85; m. 1st, Mary Crandon, Sept. 29, 1803 ; 2d, Nancy Young of Matinicus, Nov. 28, '11 ; r. Rockport. 4, Dea. Josiah, (2d), b. May 29, '86, m. Mrs. Abigail Young of Matini cus, May 11, 1809; r. Cam, and d. Sept. 6, '64. 5, Isaac, born June 29, '88, m. 1st. Susanna Crie of Matinicus, Dec. 9, 1813 ; 2d, Sarah (Libby) Norwood, 1836, 3d, Mrs. Octavia Masters ; jr. S. Th, a car penter, and d. Feb 6, '62. 6, John, b. June 18, '90, m. Lydia Pack ard, Nov. 5, 1812 ; r. Cam, & d. Feb. 22, '63. 7, Bernard, b. Jan. 29, '93, mar. Hannah Crane of Hope, Dec. 7, 1815 ; r. Line. 8, Lucy, b. April 22, '99, mar. Philip Thomas, Dec. 7, 1810 ; r. Line. 9, Archi bald C, b. Jan. 3, 1803, m. Eliza Oxton ; r. and d. Cam. Joseph Esq.'s ch. 1, Lydia, b. April 4, 1784, m. Thomas Tolman; r. Rock. 2, Coit, born Aug. 4, '87, m. Betsey Haskell, Oct. 6, 1810. 2d, Sally Witham, Sept. 9, '45 ; j. Rock , and d. Aug 27, '57. 3, Charles, b. June 16, '93 ; d. by drowning, May 9, '14. 4, Dea. Henry, b. April 23, '.97, m. Mary Lindsey, Jan. 1, 1817 ; r. Rock, a tanner. Capt. Josiah's ch. 1, Susan Hunt, b. June 29, 1794, m. 1st, Otis Robbins, Jr. ; 2d, Major John Spear, r. Rock, and died Nov. 4, 1834. 2, Josiah, (3d),b. July 13, 1796, m. Harriet, dau. of Maj. J. Spear, June ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 277 17, 1818 ; r. Rock, and d. May 17, 1824. 3, Samuel, b. Nov. 9, '98, mar. Hannah I. Spear, Dec. 17, 1818; i. Rock, and d. at Martha's Vineyard of yellow fever, Nov. 4, 1819. Third Generation. Joseph, (2d)'s ch. 1, Meriel, b. Aug. 7, 1805, m. Isaac Gregory; r. Rock. 2, Joseph, (3d), b. May 27, '07, m. Julia A. Robbins, p. Oct. 9, '34 ; r. Rock, a farmer, & d. Jan. 27, '61. 3, William S, b. June 20, '10, m. Almira Vose, July 27, '33 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 4, Isaac, (2d), born June 24, '12, in. 1st, Susan Blackington, 2d, Abby Merrill; r. Rock, and d. Feb. 12, '59. 5, Nancy, bom May 7, '15, m. Harrison Ferrand; d. March 1, '36. 6, Lucy Margaret, b. July 5, '17, m. Maj. Jona. Spear, (2d), r. Rock. 7, James S, b. July 25, '19, m. Mary C. Fassett of Union, Dec. 4, '42 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 8, Rufus C, born July 14, '21, m. Mary E. Rankin, Dec. 14, '43 ; r. Rock, lime burner. 9, Henry B, b. Nov. 8, '23, d. young. 10, Edwin, b. Feb. 7, '25, d. young. 11, Henry B, born Nov. 11, '27, m. Jane P. Hawes, p. Jan. 23, '47 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. 12, Harriet S, born May 30, '29, m. Capt. Moses Fisk; r Rock. 13, Harrison F, b. Dec. 1, '30, d. Sept. 1, '31. Job (2d)'s ch. 1, Royal, b. ab. 1817, m. Harriet M. (who d. Dec 26, '63, a. 46) ; r, Rock, a blacksmith. Probably others r. Rockport. Isaac's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Betsey B, b. Dec. 1813, m. John Kel- lock; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 22, '61. 2, Orinda, b. Dec. 23, 1815, m. Harrison Ferrand; r. Rock. 3, Mary Ann, b. April 12, '17, m. Orris Butler ; r. Rock. 4, A. Melvina, b. Aug. 15, '20, m. Josiah Ames ; rem. California. 5, Margaret, b, April 12, '22, m. Capt. Alden Crouch, 2d, Jonas S. Davis ; r Rock. 6, Elathea, b. Jan. 26, '26, m. Josiah Ran kin ; d. in N. Orleans 7, Capt. Isaac Thomas, b. July 12, '28, mar. Sophia R. Pillsbury, Oct. 26, '50 ; r. S. Th. The mother d .Nov. 26, 1835, a. 42. Bernard's ch. 1, Melvina, b. May 10, 1818, d. Aug. 18, '20. 2 & 3, twins, b. Feb. 12, '20 ; Elizabeth C, m. Abner B. Weeks, r. and d. Rock. ; Mary Jane, m. Samuel B. Perry ; r. S. Th. 4, Ezekiel P., b. Nov. 30, '21. 5, Dea. Bernard Boyce, b. Nov. 23, '23 ; m. Elizabeth 0. Mcintosh, Dec. 2, '49; r. S Th , a farmer. 6, Calvin C, b. July 6, '26 ; m. Lydia A. Pierce, Feb. 27, '49 ; r. S. Th, a merchant. 7, Margery McK, b. Dec. 21, '29 ; mar. Andrew J. Young ; r. S. Th. 8, Hannah F, b. Feb. 3, '32 ; m. Robert C. Brann, r. S. Th. 9, Job P., b. March 25, '35 ; m. M. Nettie Holbrook, Sept. 1, '59 ; r. S. Th, a marble dealer. Coit's ch. 1, EUza, b. Nov. 20. 1811 ; r. Rock. 2, Charles, (2d), b. April 26, '14; m. Eleanor Brown, Oct. 17 '41 ; r. S. Th. 3, Capt. Joseph C, b. Sept. 3, '18 ; m Mary E. Palmer, Oct. 17, '43 ; r. Rock, 4 and 5, twins, b. April 29, '24 ; Capt. David H, m. Catharine P. Vanstone, June 13, '44 ; r. Rock. Capt. Mark L, m. Julia A. Snow, Dec. 26, '45 ; r. Rock. 6, Harriet B, born Feb. 26, '27 ; mar. Henry Haywood, July 7, '46 ; r. Rock. 7 and 8, twins, born April 21, 1831 ; Capt. Otis, m. Lucy M. Stearns, Dec. 20, '51 ; r. Rock. ; Capt. Orris R, m. Arlette H Rollins, Dec. 22, '50 ; r. Rockland.. Dea. Henry's ch. 1, Ann L, b. April 25, 1819, d. April 26, 1836. 2, Achsah, born Dec. 2, '20; mar. Rev. Joseph Kalloch; r. Rock. 3, Henry Edwin, b. Aug. 25, '27 ; m. Sylvia R. Getchell, Nov. 10, '52 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 4, Oliver F, b. March 20, '37 ; r. Rock, attorney at law, vol. in Col. Mitchell's Kansas reg. 5, John N, b. Oct. 16, '39; m. Sarah L. Miller, Oct. 16, '63; j. Rock. Vol. II. 24 278 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Josiah, (3d)'s ch. 1, Capt. John S, b. Aug. 28, 1820 ; m. Elvena M. Hewett ; r. Rock, now commission merchant, South st, N. Y. 2, J. Albion, b. Feb. 2, 1824 ; m. Elizabeth Hall of Camden, Jan. 2, '53 ; r. Rock, a merchant, firm of Kimball & Ingraham. Samuel's ch. 1, Capt. Samuel L, b. Oct. 9, 1819 ; m. Sophia Ad ams, July 1, '39 ; r. Rock. & d. Jan. 29, '56, on passage from Valpa raiso to Boston, in b'k Iddo Kimball. Fourth G'e heration . Joseph, (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary S, b. ab. 1843. 2, Charles R, b. ab. '46- 3, Aldana, b. ab. '49. William S.'s ch. 1, George W, b. July 4, 1838 ; m. Agnes A. Gregory, Sept. 16, '55 ; r. Rock, a milk dealer. 2, Lizzie J., b. ab. '41 ; m. Robert A. Palmer ; r. Rock. Isaac, (2d)'s ch. 1, Adoniram J, b. May 6, 1840. 2, ? Charles Milliken. James S.'s ch. 1, Nancy E, b. ab. 1847. 2, James A, b. ab. '53. The mother d. Dec. 2, '62, aged 43. Henry B.'s ch, Ella, b. ab. 1852. Royal's ch. Flavilla B, b. ab. 1841. Capt. Isaac Thomas's ch. 1, Cora, b. ab. 1854. 2, Clinton S., b. ab. 1856. Dea. Bernard B.'s ch. 1, Albert H, b. ab. 1852. 2, Caroline I, b. ab. '56. 3, Alfred C, b. ab. '59. Calvin C.'s ch. Abigail P„ b. ab. 1857. Charles C.'s ch. 1, Charles Coit, b. July 28, 1842. 2, Clarence J, b. ab. '45 ; m. Martha Arey, Jan. 2, '64 ; r. S. Th, soldier of 2d Me. Battery. 3, Clara A, b. ab. '49. Capt. Joseph C.'s ch. 1, Ellen F, b. ab. 1847. 2, Adelaide C, b. June 16, '52, d. Feb. 5, '56. 3, Ida L, b. ab. '56. 4, Lizzie M. B, b. March 31, '59, d. AprU 27, '63. 5, Orris, b. March 16, and d. Dec. 3, '63. Capt. David H.'s ch. 1, Harriet M„b. ab. 1844. 2, Angenette H, b. ab. '47. Capt. Mark L.'s ch. 1, Albert F, b. ab. 1847. 2, Annie C, b. ab. 1855. Capt. Otis's ch. William, b. ab. 1856. Capt. Orris R.'s ch. 1, Lester A, b. ab. 1852. 2, Frederic H. b. ab. '57. H. Edwin's ch. Edwin, b. ab. 1855. Capt. John S.'s ch. 1, Emma C, b. June 8, 1846. 2, Frederic H, b. Dec, 1848, d. July 7, '51. 3, Addie W., b. Jan. 13, '53. 4, Ce leste H, b. April 17, '56. J. Albion's ch. 1, Mary K, b. Nov. 30, 1853. 2, George S, b. Jan. 7, '56. 3, Edward, b. May 4, '60, d. Oct. 4, '60. 4, Eugene, b. March 17, '61, d. July 14, '61. INGRAHAM, Rev. John Henniker, of a distant branch of the same family, (as was also Rev. J. H. Ingraham, the novelist), was b. in Portland, son of Hon. J. H. Ingraham, June 11, 1793; stud, theo logy with Dr. Payson ; m. Abigail Guild, daughter of Hon. Daniel Cony of Augusta, Jan. 28, 1818 ; Congregational minister in Th. from 1817 to 1830; rem. Augusta, became a Baptist minister and teacher, was ten years chaplain of Insane hospital, &c, died April 13, 1864. Their ch. b. here. 1, Marcia Paulina C, b. Aug 27, 1819 ; m. Ladd ; r. Bangor. 2, Edward Tyng, b. June 15, '23 ; m. & r. a mer- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 279 chant in Bangor. 3, Joseph Sprague, b Oct. 29, '25. 4, Rev. John H, (2d), b. June 7, '28. Also, born after the parents removed from Thomaston. 5, Rev. Daniel C, b. ab. '30 ; grad. Bowd. Coll, '50, Bangor Theo. Sem, '56; an Episcopal minister; d. at Augusta, '60. 6, Cornelia, and perhaps others. INGRAHAM, George H, b. ab. 1823, of a different family ; m. Lavinia Reagan, Sept. 5, '50 ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, George W, b. ab. '52. 2, Floretta C, b. Sept. 5, '53, d. Sept. 12, '54. 3, Anson L, b. ab. '60. INGRAHAM, Richard B, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Lydia Dyer, July 29, '64 ; r. S. Th, a joiner. Their ch. "t, Gilbert, b. ab. '55. 2, Lizzie May, b. ab. 1857. 3, Clara E, b. Nov. 23. 1860, d. Oct. 13, 1861. 4, Watie A, b. Sept. 30, 1862, d. Dec. 27, 1863. LRESON, George W. b. ab. 1812, in Mass, and, with Eliza J, his wife, r. Rock, a few years, ab. 1859, a trader, since rem. Their ch. Sarah M, b. ab. 1859. IRONS, Freeman W., b. ab. 1821 ; m. Martha L. ; r. Rock, a mariner, & rem. or d. His widow r. Rock, and keeps public house. Their ch. 1, John F, b. ab. 1846 ; in the U. S. Navy. 2, MeUssa A, b. ab. 1849. 3, Katie O, b. ab. 1858. JACKSON, William, a whip sawyer ; m. & r. W, rem. & m. Sarah (Choate) Jordan, in Th, March 3, 1839 ; r. Th, & d. Nov. 7, 1844. JACKSON, Robert L, b. ab. 1812, in Winthrop, Me, lost his 1st wife here, & m. 2d, Caroline A. Hopkins, Jan. 20, '52 ; r. Rock., a photographist. His ch. 1, MUler C, b. ab. '43. The mother died Oct. 18, '50, aged 36. By 2d wife. 2, Carrie, b. ab. '54. 3, Affie L, b. ab. 1857. JACKSON ; of this family two brothers c. from Derry, N. H. 1, Ebenezer T, b. ab. 1808, m. 1st, Mary B. Cotton, 2d Sarah E. Merri am, Oct. 12, '54 ; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. 2, Ivory, b. ab. 1820 ; u. to Rock, m. Mrs. Lavinia Burgess, Feb. 6, '51 ; r. Rock, a joiner. Ebenezer T.'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Edward C, born ab. 1831; r. Rock, a joiner. 2, Mary J, b. April 6, '35. 3, Caroline, b. Nov. 14, '38 ; r. Rock. 4, Edmund G, born Jan. 23, '42, died Jan. 21, '63. 5, Nancy H., b. April 2, '45, d, July 5, '54. The mother died Aug. 26, '52, a. 45. By 2d wife. 6, Clarence, b. ab. '55. 7, Cora, b. ab. '57- 8, NeUie b. ab. '59. Ivory's ch. 1, Franklin P, b. ab. 1852. 2, William R. b. April 24, '53, d. March 3, '56. 3, Charles A, b. ab. Aug. '55. 4. WUlard C, b. ab. '57. 5, Clarissa W, b. Dec. 6, '61, d. Aug. 10, '62. JACKSON, Joseph, b. ab. 1813 in Belmont, Me, m. Mary J. Moody, r. Rock, a cooper, &c. Their ch. 1, Joseph W, b. ab. 1840, m. Ad die S. Hanly, Oct. 10, '63; r. Rock, a clerk, &c. 2, Nahum R, born Dec. 1, '42 ; was a soldier of 19th Me. Reg., d. in hospital at Wash ington, Jan. 7, '63. JACKSON, Amasa, born ab. 1828, mar. Eliza Hall, Sept. 1852 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner and soldier of 4th Me. Reg, died at Baltimore, Nov. 29, '62. Theirch. 1, Charles M, b. ab. 1854. 2, Frederic E, b. ab. '57. JACKSON, Alexander. S, b. ab. 1820, mar. Flora McDonald, May 30, '55; r. S. Th, a farmer. Their .ch. 1, Lucinda, b. ab. 1851. 2, Sidney, b. ab. '56. 3, Franklin, b. ab. '59. 280 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, JACKSON, Bartlett, with his famUy r. in Th. some dozen years or more prior to 1862, when he was Treasurer of Knox county, &c, but has since removed. JACKSON, John P, born 1781 ; mar. Margaret ¦ , r. Rock. Their ch. Margaret, b. ab. 1843 ; r- Rock. JACKSON. Capt. George H, b. ab. 1822, in Brooksville, Me, m. Melinda A. Gregory ; r. Rock, 1860 & before ; since rem. St. George. Their ch. 1, Mary A, b. ab. 1843, m. Israel Curtis. 2, Sarah E.' b, ab. '45, m. William Holland. 3, Emma, b. ab. '47. 4, CaroUne C, b. ab. '49. 5, John P, b. ab. '51. 6, Augusta M, b. ab. '53. JACKSON, Nathaniel, born ab. 1797, m. Sarah ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Samuel, b. ab. 1828, r. Rock, a fisherman, soldier of 4th Me. Regt, &c. JACOBS ; of this English family, probably of Jewish descent, and at first written Jacob ; Nicholas, according to Daniel Cushing's record, "with his wife and 2 children and their cosen, Thomas Lincoln, weav er, came from old Hingham and settled in this Hingham in 1633." [See Barry's History of Hanover, Mass.] Of his 8 ch, the oldest, Capt. John,b. in Eng, m. 1st, Margery Eames, 2d, Mary Russell, Oct. 3, 1661, and had 14 ch. Of these, the 4th, Capt. David, b. June 20, 1664, m. 1st, Sarah Cushing, 2d, Mary Cushing; r. and d. Scituate; was a weaver, a deacon, a schoolmaster, and always employed in pub- Uc affairs; of his 11 ch. 7th, Joshua, b. March 31, 1702, m. Mary James, April 7, 1726 ; r. and d. Scituate. The 4th of Joshua's 8 ch. Col. John, b. May 23, 1735, m. Hannah Tolman ; r. Scituate, a ma son and active officer in the Revolution. Col. John's ch. 1, John, b. Sept. 22, 1759, m. Mabel Litchfield ; r. Hanover, a blacksmith, rem. and died Carlisle, Mass. 2, Samuel, or Lemuel, b. June 10, '61, m. Sarah Randall ; r. and d. Scituate, a ship wright. 3, Hannah, b. April 4, '63, m. Col. and Hon, Charles Turn er, M. C. ; r. 1853 in S. Scituate. 4, Sarah, b, Dec. 15, '64, m. Cal vin Bailey of Hanover. 5. Francis, h. Oct. 2, '66. 6, Mary, b. July 20, '68, m. James Bourne. 7, Charles, b. May 26, '70, mar. Elizabeth SneUing ; r. Boston, a carpenter. 8, Rowland, b. March 17, '72 ; c. to Th. about 1800, m. Anna Eames of HolUston, Mass. ; r. Th, a blacksmith, and d. Dec. 11, 1857, a. 85 ys. 8 mos. 9, Walter, b. Dec. 27, '74, m. Elizabeth Turner; r. some years in Th, ab. 1808 ; a ma son; rem. and d. Scituate. 10, Fanny, b. Nov. 18, '76, r. 1853 in S. Scituate. 11, Warren, b. March 29, '78, m. Rachel Clapp, and was killed by falling from a building in Boston. Rowland's ch. 1, Rowland, (2d), b. March 6, 1802 ; mar. Lois Young, June 30, 1825 ; r. Th, a blacksmith, shipbuUder, &c ' 2, Mary Eames, b. June 20, '04, m, Paul Bradford ; r. Th. 3, Joseph Warren, b. Sept. 23, '06, mar, Almira Boynton of Palermo, Oct. 14 '41 ; r. Th, a ship-builder, &c 4, Ann, b. Sept. 18, '08, d. March 3, '38. 6, Hannah Tolman, b. March 12, 1811 ; r. Th. 6, John, b, Dec. 15, '13, m Betsey Woodcock, Nov. 2, '41 ; r. Th, on homestead, a farmer, blacksmith, &c. 7, Walter, b. Feb. 18, '18, died Feb. 8, '19. The mother, b. June 30, 1776 ; d. May 21, 1864. Rowland, (2d)'s ch. 1, Joseph Henry, b. Feb. 11, 1828 ; m. Ellen A. Plight of Wayne, May 29, '55 ; r. Th, a merchant. 2, Mary A, b. Feb. 21, '30 ; r. Th. 3, Caroline A, b. Nov. 29, '32 ; mar. Capt. Samuel C. Jordan ; r. Th. & d. March 4, '61. 4, Theoxena, b. Aug. 9, '35, d. May 30, '39. 5, Lucy C, b. Sept. 10. '37, d. Sept. 24, 38. 6, Lucy Ann E, b. Aug. 29, '40,' d. AprU 4, '48. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 281 Joseph Warren's ch. 1, Ann, b. Oct. 16, 1842. 2, Walter E, b. Feb. 8, '44 ; r. Th, entered U. S. navy. 3, Mary Lois, b. Oot. 25, '45. 4, Almira, b. AprU 18, '48. 5, Lucy Emily, b. March 23, 1850. 6, George W, b. Aug. 25, '52. 7, Helena B, b. Dec 4, '54. 8, Na omi B, b. Dec. 27, '56. 9, Sarah Leland, b. March 18, and d. July 16, 1860. John's ch. Hannah M, b. Dec. 15, 1842. Fourth Generation . Joseph Henry's ch. 1, Edwin H. b. Jan. 15, and d. Nov. 17, 1857, 2, Charles Rowland, b. March, 1858, d. March 16, '62. JACOBS, Samuel, Esq, son of Elisha, who was a son of Dr. Jo seph, (who was the 9th child of Capt. David, before mentioned,) m. 1st, Margaret Stinson, settled in Camden, but was m. in Th. to his 2d wife Peggy McGlathery, March 19, 1789, by D. Fales, Esq, was a ship wright, representative, and d. Sept. 5, 1809- Ch. by 2d wife. 1, Sam uel, (2d), lawyer, merchant, d. unm. 1835, a. 44. 2, Frederic, mar. JuUa Cashing, and d. 1834, a. 39. 3, Robert, d. unm. 1829. 4, Bela, d. unm. 1849, a. 52. 5, CaroUne, m. Dr. Joseph H. Estabrook, 1823, r. Camden. JACOBS, WiUiam, b. at- 1834 ; probably of this Camden branch, m. Arethusa T. Coombs, Nov. 13, '59 ; r. Rock., a quarryman. JAMES, David M, Esq, b. ab. 1813 ; r. Rock, where he was city marshal, &e, but rein, and died in Conewango, Penn, Feb. 1, 1864. JAMESON ; of this family two or more brothers came from Cape Elizabeth, and in 1753 planted themselves on a point which took their name iu Meduncook now Friendship, viz. : 1, Alexander, b. ab. 1728 ; m. Mary McLellan of Falmouth ; r. on the farm in P. now owned by Emery Davis, and d. Jan, 1800. 2, Paul, in. Betsey, dau. of Patrick Pebbles of Warren ; r. & d. on the farm in F. which his son Jeremiah and descendants have since occupied, formerly distinguished for one of the best orchards in these parts, now in decay. 3, Martha, a sister, m. Patrick Porterfield; r. Th, & d. in 1771. 4, Samuel, probably the oldest, had come earUer, was the first settler of Meduncook in 1743, and the father of Samuel, who mar. Sarah McLeUan, and whose ch. settled in VV, for which branch of the family see " Annals of Warren." Alexander's ch. 1, Robert, b. April 1, 1746 ; in. 1st, Deborah Morton, Feb, 9, '69 ; 2d, Sarah Rivers, May 14, '88 ; r. F, and died Sept. 22, '32, leaving 137 descendants. 2, Martha, m. Wm. Motte, a BChool master, from France ; r. and d. F. 3, Alexander, (2d), mar. Sarah Blackington of Th, p. Oct 10, '77, r. Clam Cove or Jameson's Point, and rem. Charleston, Me. 4, Mary, mar. Abraham Jones of Cam, p. Oct. 6, '81. 5, Ebenezer, mar. Catharine Morse, formerly Z>emorse, r. and d. F. 6, Margaret, m. Daniel Howard of Wal. r. & d. St. George. 7 and 8, d. young. Paul's ch. 1, Robert, (2d), settled on and gave name to Jameson's Point, Rockland ; m. 1st, Martha Porterfield of Cam, p Dec. 30, 1780, 2d, Deborah Simmons, p. April 20, '91 ; & d. ab. 1828. 2, Chas. settled beside his brother, m. 1st, Ruth Horton, p. Nov. 13, '94, 2d, Agnes Hyler, Feb. 22, 1808 ; r. and d. Rock. 3, Capt. Paul, (2d), m. Sarah Parsons, was a seaman, r. on Burton's or Gay's Is, and d. aged about 30. 4, Jeremiah, jr. F. and d. 1829, leaving 38 grand ch, 79 great grand" ch, and 5 gr. gr. grand ch. 5, William, r. and d. F. 6, Isaac, r. and d. F. 24* 282 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Third Generation. Robert's ch. 1, James, b. June 5, 1770; m. Elizabeth Storer, of Wal, 2d, Margaret Thompson of W, 3d, Mrs. Cedonia Winslow of Wal, and d. at Rock, Jan. 4, 1861, aged 90 y. 7 m. 2, John, mar. Abigail Cook ; 2d, Celia Cook ; 3d, Mrs. Esther Gardner ; r. S. Th., rem. Matinic Is. & St. Geo, & d. in 1848. 3, Maria, m. 1st, Joseph Rivers, 2d, David Sweetland; t. & d. at Skowhegan. 4, Betsey, b. 1776 ; m. Samuel Rankin ; r. Rock, & d. Feb. 4, '50. 5, Sarah, m. Stephen Lawry, 2d, Simeon Wotton of F, 3d, Soloman Fernald of N. H. ; r. Charleston, Me. 6, Robert, (3d), m. 1st, Betsey Rivers of St. G , 2d, Lucy (Wheeler) Saywood, Dec. 1, 1833 ; was a farmer, r. and d. S. Th. 7, Sabra, born 1783, m. P. Pebbles Robinson ; r. Warren. By 2d wife, 8, Moses, d. young. 9, Joseph, d. young. 10, Deborah, d. young. 11, Margaret, d. young. 12, Thurston W., m. Caroline Robinson of F, and d. in U. 1842. 12, Mary, m Capt. Henry Rob inson ; r. W. 13, Jane, mar. Capt. Simon Robinson ; r. and d. in Friendship. Robert, (2d)'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Paul, (3d) a mariner, d. unm. 2, Martha, m. Capt. William Brewster ; r. and d. Cam. 3, Elizabeth, m. Samuel McLaughlin ; r. Rock, & d March 28, '49. 4, Isaac, (2d), m. Sarah Clough, July 1, 1832; r. andd. Cam. 5, Robert, (4th), m. Susan Clough of Cam, p. June 3, 1825 ; r! Rock. 6, Ruth, m. Wm. Clough ; r. and died Cam. 7, Patrick, r. Rock, and Cam. 8, James, (2d), r. and d. Cam. 9, Diana, born Sept. 1811, mar. John Jones; r. Jameson's Point, just over the line in Cam, and d. Jan. 21, '62. 10, William, m. Harriet Grant, Nov. 15, 1856 ; r. Cam. Charles's ch. by 2d wife. 1, Capt. Jeremiah, b. ab. 1809, m. 1st, Martha Gregory, March 6, 1836, 2d, Henrietta K. Gay, Jan 26, '61; r. Rock, a ship master, &c. 2, Charles, (2d), b. ab. 1811, m. 1st, Mary Tolman of Cam, p. May 28, '31, 2d, Cordelia Tolman, Oct. 7, '51 ; r, Rock, a farmer, &e. 3, Mark Dexter, m. Lydia Clough, p. July 30, '35 ; r. Cam. 4, Capt. OUver, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Charlotte Smith, of Cam, p. Sept. 27, 1834; r. Rock. 5, Mary, m. Geo. Johnson; r. R. Fourth Generation. James' ch. 1, Elizabeth, m James Burns ; r. & d. Wal. 2, Abby, m. a Mr. Tibbets of Bath. 3, Catharine, m John Farnsworth ; r. & d. Wal. 4, George, r. Wal, and d, supposed to have been killed by a vicious horse. 5, John, (2d), m.' Rebecca Miller ; r. Wal. or Windsor. 6, Deborah, m. Thomas Mitchell; r. and d. Union. 7, Henry, mar. Chloe Mero; i. and d. U. .8, Matthias, m. Sarah Law, 2d, Rebecca Storer ; r. U. 9, Jane, r. Rock. Of John's ch. 1, Elsie, m. Henry Stahl ; r. Wal. 2, Lucy Ann, m. Benjamin Dillingham; r. Cam, rem. Framingham, Mass. 3, Ruby, j'. Rock. By 2d wife. 4, Capt. Andrew, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Abby Morse of F. ; r. Rock, ship master, owner, &c 5, John, (3d), d. unm 6, Margaret, m. Joseph Sweetland ; r. Rock. 7, Mary Ann, m. James Murch ; r. Rock. 8, Elijah C, m. Bertha Morse; r. Th, and died July 18, '46. Robert, (3d)'s ch. 1, Capt. Thomas, b. Aug. 23, 1802, drowned at Marsailles, France. 2, Mary, b. July 14, '04, d. June 2, '30. 3, Abi gail, b. March 2, '06 ; r. S. Th. 4, Sally, b. Nov. II, '08 ; m. William Munroe ; r. S. Th, Ash Point. 5, Hannah, b. Sept. 19, '10 ; m Eben Sweetland, Oct. 13, '39 ; r. Rock , or S. Th. 6, Robert, (5th), b. June 17, '12 ; m. Louisa C. Sleeper ; jr. Rock, a ship carpenter. 7, Sylvea- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 283 ter, b. June 14, '14, d. Feb. 10, '31. 8, Alexander, b. Feb. 7, '16, d. Aug. 7, '31. 9 & 10, twins, b. Sept. 7, *18 ; Ezekiel G, m. Nancy C. Wheeler of St. G, Nov. 25, '41 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. (Susan W, m. Robert Gregory of Cam, 1837. 11, Eliza Jane, b. Oct. 20, '20.)* By 2d wife. 12, Mary EUzabeth, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Jacob Post ; r. S. Th. 13, Sabra, b. 1837 ; r. S. Th. 14, Thomas Marcellus, b. ab. '39 ; r. S. Th , a farmer. Isaac, (2d)'s ch. 1, Nelson, b. June 10, 1832 ; r. Cam, and d. at Insane Hospital, Augusta, Nov. 22, '62. 2, Rachel, m. Wm. Black ington ; r. Cam. 3, Isaac, (3d), m. Upham; r. Cam. 4, Rob ert, (6th), r. California. 5, Elizabeth, mar. Elbridge Pendleton ; r. Rock. 6, Lydia M, m. WUUam T. Cochran ; r. Rock. 7, Charles, (3d) ; r. Rock. Robert, (4th)'s ch. 1, Esther E, m. Capt. Isaac Smith ; r. Cam, and d. June 19, '51. 2, Robert, (7th), r. California. 3, Almira, r. Cam. 4, Susan, m. Prank Shepherd ; r. Rockport. 5, Isaac, (4th), r. Cam. 6, WiUiam J, b. March, 1840, d. by drowning at Delaware Breakwater, Sept. 22, '63. 7, Diana; r. Cam. William's ch. 1, Ettie. 2, Dudley. Capt. Jeremiah's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Clarian F, b. Aug. 3, 1836, m. Zenas H. Higgins; r. Rock. 2, Mary S, b. Nov. 8, '39. 3, Abi gail T, b. Dec. 12, '42, d. Jan. 18, '43. 4, Lucy. 5, Albert H, b. ab. 1853. Charles, (2d),s ch. 1, George G, born Jan. 1, 1831, d. July, 1833. 2, Catherine E, b. April 1834, d. Dec. 1835. 3, Angeline A, b. Oct. 7, '36, m. Albert BurreU; r. Bucksport. 4, Charles A„ b. Oct. 12, '38 ; r. Rock,-soldier in 2d Me. Battery. 5, Orris J, b. Aug. 26, '40, m. L. Emma Blake of Montville, July 15, '60 ; j. Rock, now in U. S navy. 6, John J. or M, b. July 24, '42, soldier in U. S. Sharpshoot ers. 7, William J, b. ab. '44. 8, Susan A, b. ab. '47. M. Dexter's ch. 1. John, (4th). 2, Lucretia, mar. Augustus S. Fales ; r. Cushing ; 3, Dexter, (2d) ; 4, Isaac, (5th) ; 5, William ; all r. Cam. Capt. OUver's ch. 1, Capt. George G, b. Feb. 9, 1835, m. Sophia R. Hall, Oct. 9, '56 ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Freeman H, b. Oct. 8, '37, m. Amelia Forman; r. Rock. 3, Oliver, (2d), b. March 29, '39, m. Mary Kelloch; r, Rock, a mariner. 4, Leonard, b. March 7, '41 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 5, Margaret A, b. Nov. 1847, d. Feb. 18, '51. 6, ? Sidney M, b. ab. '57. Sixth. Generation. Capt. Andrew's ch. 1, Capt. James L, b. ab. 1836 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 2, Caroline L , b. ab. '42, m. Albert S. Gay of F. Aug 28, '64. EUjah's ch. 1, Allen, b. ab. 1844. 2, Elijah, (2d), b. ab. '47. Robert, (5th)'s ch. 1, Ira Lee, b. ab. 1855. Ezekiel G.'s ch. 1, Luella, b. ab. 1849. 2, William, b. ab. '56. , Capt. George G.'s ch. 1, Adelbert A, b. June 30, d. Feb. 6, 1859. 2, Lenora S, b. ab. '60. JAMESON, Capt. David P, of the Warren branch of same family, b. Jan. 29, 1800, m. Penelope Jones; r. W, and d. Nov. 11, 1841. Of his sisters, Louisa and Anne F, teachers, r. Rock. * Mrs Sabra Robinson of W , a near relative, thinks the latter part of this record is erroneous ; that the twins died unnamed, aud that Susan W. and Eliza Jane are not of this family. 284 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, David P.'s ch. 1, Freeman, born 1826, d. July 11, '29. 2, John, (2d), b '28 ; i. Rock, a mariner, d. in N. O. 3, D. Erastus, b. ab. '30, r. Rock, a mariner. 4, Ormond F, b. ab. '33 ; r. Th, a joiner; rem. California. 5, Catherine L, b. ab. '37, m. WilUam C. Crawford; r. Th. 6, Martha Isabel, b. ab. '42, m. Clarance D. Ulmer ; j . Rock. JAMESON, John, m. Lydia J. Collamore, Oct. 22, 1843; r. Rock- Their ch. 1, Sarah E, b. ab. 1855. 2, Mary A, b. '57, d. Nov. '59. 3, Lydia A, b. '60, d. Sept. 17, '61. JENKS, Capt. David, b. in 1758, came, a refugee, from Nova Sco tia, in time of the Revolution ; m. Deborah Rhoades of Dedham ; r. Fox Isl. & St. Georges lower town ; c to Th, 1786, a lime manufac turer, innholder, &c, d. Feb. 26, 1825. Simeon, a brother, also came from N. S. ; m. 1st, Miss Nubbins of C, 2d, in Dover, N. H, whither he removed. Deidamia, a sister, m. James Fales, & r. Th. Capt. David's ch. 1, David, (2d), b Dec. 31, 1783; m. Sarah R. Harrup, April 17, 1806 ; r. Th, & d. Nov. 15, '53. 2, James, b. Nov. 29, 1785 ; lost at sea. 3, Mary, b. Feb. 24, 1788 ; m. Dr. Jacob K. French; r. Th, 4, Lydia, b. June 12, 1790; m. Sewall Hancock; rem. Texas. 5, John, b. Jan. 10, 1793, d. March 12, 1834. 6, Hen ry, b. May 30, 1795 ; m. Mary Robinson, p. Sept. 12, 1818 ; jr. Th, & , d. in Mobile of yellow fever. The mother d. Dec. 28, 1821, a. 65. Of Simeon's ch. 1, Robert was clerk for Col. Head, in W. ; in. Lydia Rackliff, & d. in Aroostook. 2, a daughter ; m. Jeremiah Proc tor of Th, rem. Sennebeck. 3, James, r. awhile at Warren. David, (2cl)'s ch. 1, Thomas H, b. Nov. 6, 1806 ; m. & r. Mobile. 2, Angelina, b. Aug. 18, 1809 ; m. Lincoln Levensaler ; r. Th , & d. Sept. 29, '58. 3, John W, b. Oct. 3, '11, d. Feb. 8, '20. 4, SaUy D, b, Nov. 20, 1813; m. Capt. Ira Smith of Boston, Oct. 10, '31; rem. west. 5, Henry K, b. Sept. 29, '15, went to sea and was never heard from. 6, Lydia, b. Aug. 27, '18 ; m, in Cahawba, Alabama, Isaac B. Stone, a lawyer, & d. iu Haynesville, May 10, 1852. 7, David K, b. Sept. 18, 1821 ; r. in Mobile. 8, Catharine P, b. June 27, 1824; m. John W. Smith of Boston, Aug. 7, 1848. Henry's ch. 1, Deborah R, b. March 29, 1818, & d. Sept. 17, '43. JENNISON, Dr. William, b. in Salem, Mass. ; m, at Milford, Mary Staples, & d. at Brookfleld, May 8, 1798. Theirch. 1, William. 2, Samuel, Esq, b. 1759 ; grad. H. U, 1774 ; m. Sally, dau. of Rev. Dr. Nathan Fiske, of Brookfield, Dec. 25, 1781 ; r. Th, & d. Sept. 1, 1826, buried at Rock. 3, John, a lawyer, settled in Boston, & d. of lung fever. 4, Timothy Lindall, M. D. of Cambridge. 5, Ebenezer, r. some time in Union, a teacher and surveyor ; m. Sarah Webb of Boston ; rem. to Dixmont, where he was postmaster, & d. before 1851. 6, Ma ry, m. Jonathan Whipple of Cambridge. 7, Abigail. JOHNSON, George, b. April 8, 1785, in Boston, rem. on to a farm* in Mass, but came to what is now Rock, ab. 1804, where he worked at first lor Mr. Spear; m. Abigail Tolman, May 3, 1808; r. Cam. & Rock. & d. July 25, '59. Their ch. 1, George, (2d), b. Feb. 10, '09; m. Mary Jameson; r. Rock, a rigger, and d. April 25, '62. 2, Isaiah T, b. May 4, '11 ; mar. Mary M. Morton, April 8, '35; r. Rock, since 1846, a lime burner, &c 3, Veranus, died in 1846. George, (2d)'s ch. 1, Laura F, b. Dec. 18, 1838 ; m. Thomas Files; r. Rock. 2, Ellen M, b. ab. 1845. And perhaps others unrecorded. Isaiah T.'s ch. 1, Frederic O, b. Oct. 8, 1837. 2, Freeman, born Dec. 7, '40. 3, Abby A , b Jan. 1, '43. 4, George A, b. Dec. 27, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 285 '46; r. Rock, in Coast Guards. 5, Almeda F, b. Dec 8, '48. 6, Mary M, b. Nov. 13, '52. 7, Ella A, b. Nov. 16, '59. JOHNSON, Capt. Leonard, b. ab. 1810, in South Thomaston; m. Abigail Elliott, p. May 22, '30 ; i. Rock, a mariner, &c. Their ch. 1, Almira, b. Nov. 10, 1833 ; mar. 1st, Arey, 2d, Richard R. Rankin; r. Rock. 2, Abigail, b. July 24, '36, d. Sept. 4, '39. 3, Sa rah, b. March 9, '39 ; r. Rock. 4, Hester, b. ab. '43. 5, Mary E, b. ab. '45. 6, Margaret A, b. July, 1850, d, March 4, '54. 7, Leonard F, b. ab. '55. JOHNSON, John L. b. ab. 1825, in Perry, Me. ; mar. Sarah P. Creighton of Th. ; r. Th, a joiner, &c Their oh. Edward S, born Aug. 3, 1858, died Sept. 18, '59. JOHNSON, PiUsbury, b. ab. 1827, in Jefferson ; m. Emma Ross ; r. Rock., a joiner. Theirch. Mary E, b. ab; 1855. JOHNSON, Capt. Henry, b. ab. 1825 ; m. CaroUne A. Butler, Nov. 10, '55 ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1857- 2, Merritt A, b ab. '59 3, Frederic J, b. Feb, '62, died Jan. 27, '63. JOHNSON, Capt. WUliam H, b. ab. 1826 ; m. Sarah A. r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Ella L, b. ab. 1850. 2, Edgar L, b. ab. '53. 3, Albert E., b. ab. '55. 4, Charles H, b. ab. '57. 5, Lizzie F, b. ab. '59. JOHNSON, Hudson, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Martha — ; r. Th, a carpenter. Theirch. 1, Martha L, b. ab. 1851. 2, A. Hudson, b. '60; JOHNSON, Franklin, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Amelia ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c Their ch. 1, John E, b. ab. 1848. 2, Harriet A., b. ab. '50. JOHNSON, Andrew, b. ab. 1829, in Guttenburg, Sweden; mar. Jane A. Munroe, Dec, 1855 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Nelson H, b. ah. 1857. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. '58. 3, Alfred C, b. Oct, '59, d. April 17, '63. 4, Martha J, b. Nov. 17, '63, d. Sept. 4, '64. JOHNSON, James, b. ab. 1815, in New York ; m. Mary A. Over, Sept. 16, '46; r. Rock, a barber. JOHNSTON, T. W, b. March 21, 1829, son of Thomas and EUza Johnston of Washington, Me. ; m. Margaret Robinson of Richmond, Me, took charge of the Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, in June, 1864. Their ch. 1, Mary Eva, b. April 20, 1852. 2, David W, b. Feb, 1858. JONES, James, m. Eunice Brewster of old Th, p. Nov. 11, 1791 ; r. and d. in Camden. Their ch. 1, Crowell C, h. ab. 1793; mar. Rebecca Simonton, Jan. 20, 1820 ; j. Rock, a joiner, &c. 2, James, (2d), b. ab. 1805, m. Anne Simonton, of Rock, p. April 2, 1831 ; r. Rock. 3, John, m. Diana Jameson; r. Jameson's Pt, Cam. These had two sisters, viz. : 4, Lois, mar. John W. Bums ; r. and d. Rock. 6, Sally, d. young. Crowell C.'s ch. 1, Eunice B, b. May 31, and d. July 1, 1820. 2, Mary M. b. Aug. 20, '21, m. William G. Berry; r. Rock. 3, Harriet C,b. April 21, '26, d. Feb. 19, '34. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Dudley S, born March 16, 1832; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Eunice B, b. Jan. 12, '34. 3, Lucy J, b. April, 1836, d. July 9, '56. 4, Margaret A, b. March 21, '38 ; r. Rock. 5, James, (3d), b. Nov. 17, '40 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 6, Maria M, b. Jan. 19, '42. 7, Abram, b. ab. '44. 8, CroweU, b. ab. '46. 9, William, b. ab.' 48. 10, Mary, b. ab. '51. 286 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, John's ch. 1, WilUam, b. ab. 1830, d. Nov. 14, '47. 2, Rebecca, b. ab. '29, m. Benjamin Clough ; r. Rock. 3, Mary, m. Cyrus V. R. Boynton ; r. Rock. 4, Caroline E, mar. C. AureUus Harrington ; r. Rock. 5, Augusta, r. Cam. 6, Elsie, d. young. JONES, Benjamin, b. Jan. 3, 1820, in West Camden ; m. Ann C. Grant of North Haven, Oct. 24, '44 ; r. Rock, a painter, member of coast guards, &c. Their ch. Judson Bird, b. Sept. 4, 1853. JONES, Nathaniel, b. ab. 1830, m Mercer, Me, son of Nathaniel and Phebe (Fletcher) Jones of that place ; m. Sarah H. Woodcock of Searsmont ; t. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. George E, b. ab. 1856. JONES ; of this famUy, two brothers, sons of Tobias Jones, a native of Brunswick, c. to this place, viz : 1, Isaiah A, b. ab. 1820, m. Anna U. D. Cochran ; r. Rock, a grocery merchant. 2, Frank L , b. in China, May 30, 1826, m. Lucy A. Sylvester, Feb. 13, '54 ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Isaiah A.'s ch. Everett A, b. ab. 1854. Frank L.'s ch. 1, NeUie L, b. ab. 1855. 2, WUUam L , b. ab. '58. 3, Lucy F, b. ab. '60. JONES, James, b. in Alna, ab. 1810, m. Eliza Jones of Alna, Dec. 25, '42 ; r. Th, a merchant. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1843. 2, John FrankUn, b. March 5, and d. Dec. 3, 1847. 3, Mary J, b. ab. 1849. JONES, Orlando B., b. ab. 1825, c from Auburn, m. Margaret M. Calderwood, Peb. 2, '57 ; r. Rock, a stone cutter, &c. Their ch. 1, Myrta L, b. AprU 22, 1858, d. Nov. 29, 63. 2, RosweU, b. ab. 1859. JONES, Amos P, b. ab. 1818, in China, m. Marion Jones of China; r. Rock, a provision dealer. Their ch. 1, Mary C, b. ab. 1'842. 2, Henry J, b. ab. '43. 3, Sarah A, b. ab. '54. 4, Florence C, b. ab. '60. JONES, FrankUn, b. ab. 1827, in Searsmont, Me, mar. Mary E. Neubert ; r. Rock, a farmer, &c Their ch. RosaUnda, b. 1852. JORDAN ; all the different families of the name in this place are probably descendants of Rev. Robert, an Episcopalian minister, who came from the west of England, in 1640, settled at Falmouth, m. Sa rah, daughter of John Winter, and, at her death, became owner of a large estate there. He gave much trouble, by factious opposition to the government of Massachusetts, was finally driven off by the In dians, in 1675, and ended his days in Portsmouth, N. H, 1678, a. 68, leaving six sons. 1, John, who m. EUzabeth Stilesman, and who had by his father's wiU, Richmond's Isl. and land in Cape Elizabeth. 2, Robert, (2d), who had land confirmed to him in Cape EUzabeth, be fore conveyed. 3, Dominicus, who m. Hannah, dau. of Ralph Tris tram, inherited 1000 acres of land in Spurwink, and was killed by In dians in 1703. 4, Jedediah, 1000 acres in Spurwink. 6, Samuel, 1100 acres in Spurwink. 6, Jeremiah. Their mother, Sarah, was at the same time willed "the ould plantation" in Spurwink, 1000 acres, & also the Nonsuch place in Scarboro'. The connecting Unks remain unknown ; but Robert Jordan, son of Israel, and undoubtedly a de scendant, came from Cape Elizabeth to Wessaweskeag before 1777; mar. Betsey Nutting of what is now C. ; »-. on the west side of the river, on the farm now occupied by Hanse KeUoch, and d Dec. 20, 1802. Of his sisters, 1, Betsey, b. 1740; mar. Rev. Elisha Snow 1 r. S. Th. & d. July 27, 1834, a. 94. 2, Susan, b. 1742 ; m. Capt. Is- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 287 rael Jordan; r. S. Th. & d. Nov. 22, 1800. 3, PoUy, m. Capt. Israel Lovett; r. S. Th. St d. in Line 4, Sally, m. Brown; r. east ern part of the State. 5, Joanna, b. 1756 ; m. Capt. David Crouch ; r. S. Th. & d. March 23, 1831. Their mother m. 2d, Webb, & d. nearly 100 years old, in South Thomaston. Robert's ch. 1, Joanna, m. John Creighton; r. & d. W. 2, Capt. Ebenezer, (2d), b. 1782 ; m. Belinda Dunbar, Julv 26, 1808 ; r. W. & d. Oct. 17, '28. 3, Kezia, b. ab. 1785 ; m. John H.Counce of W.; rem. Th. '58. 4, Robert, (2d), m. 1st, Margaret Winchenbach, 2d, Betsey Palmer ; r. Appleton, Brighton, Me, and Augusta,, a farmer, where he d. Oct., '60. 6, Capt. OUver, b. ab. 1790 ; m. Susan Oakes ; r. Th, a ship master, builder, owner, Sec. 6, Capt. Ephraim, b. ab. 1792 ; m. Sarah Copeland ; r. Th, retired master mariner. 7, Joshua, b. 1797 ; m. Mary Nutting, Oct. 28, '27 ; r. Th, a merchant, &c, & d. July 16, "34. 8, William, lost at sea at the age of 17. Capt. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Eliza, m. John Freeman ; r. Oldtown. 2, Phebe, m. Newell Blake; r. Oldtown. 3, Capt. George, b. Feb. 22, 1813 ; m. Betsey B. Masters, Oct. 12, '47 ; sold his ship at Cuxhaven, and, returning, was lost in steamer Pacific, which sailed from Liver pool, Jan. 23, '56. 4, Belinda, m. Silas Stowe of Stowe, Mass. ; r. Oldtown. 5, Ebenezer, (4th), r. San Francisco, Cal, engaged in a steam ferry. 6, Sarah A, m Dummer ; r. & d. Oldtown. Robert, (2d)'s ch. 1, Ebenezer, (3d), m. Phebe Knox ; r. Brighton, Me. 2, Henry, r. & d. in Brighton. 3, Capt. William, (2d), b. ab. 1815 ; m. Mary Delano ; r. Th, a ship master. 4, Eliza, m. John Tom- linson ; j. Brighton. 5, Ephraim, (2d), lost at sea. 6, Margaret, b. ab. '20 ; m. Alexander Libbey, (2d), of W. ; r. Rock. By 2d wife. 7, Martha. 8, Robert, (3d), m. & r. Augusta. 9, Kezia C, b. 1825, d. May 31, '51. 10, Harriet, m. George Wentworth, d. Tn N. O, '59. 11, Abigail, r. Augusta. 12, OUver, (2d), i. Augusta. 13, Eben, ? r. Augusta. Capt. OUver's ch. 1, Ann M. b. Nov. 25,1817 ; m. Capt. Charles Ranlett ; r. Th. 2, OUver W, b. Nov. 3, '21 ; m. Margaret J. Rob- inBonrNov. 6, '45 ; r. Th., a merchant. 3, Charles P., b. June 11, '23, d. at Havre, July 7, '44. * 4, Capt. Joshua L , b April 7, '26 ; m. Joanna Jenkins of Boston, Oct. 12, '53, 2d, Harriet McCallum of War, June, 1861 ; r. Th. 5, Susan Amelia, b. May 12, '27 ; m. Capt. WiUiam Henderson ; r. Th. 6, James S, b. July 12, '29, d. at New Orleans, Feb. 21, '50. 7, Harriet B, b. April 27, '31 ; m. Capt. Ray mond L. Gilchrist, & d. at New Orleans, Feb. 11, '54. 8, Capt. Sam uel C, b. Sept. 14, '33 ; m. Caroline A. Jacobs, 2d, Lizzie P. Ranlett, July 14, '62 ; r. Th. 9, Rebecca W, b. Dec. 22, '34 ; m. Capt. Ray- 'mond L. Gilchrist; r. Th. The mother died Feb. 13, '55, aged 60. Capt. Ephraim's ch. 1, Elizabeth H, b. Oct. 21, 1822 ; m. William Whitney ; r. Th. 2, Susan P, b. Feb. 21, '25 ; m. Gardner Winslow, Oct. 30, '44 ; r. Th. 3, Sarah F, b. June 16, '30 ; r. Th. Joshua's ch. 1, Mary T, b. Sept. 24, 1829; mar. 1st, Charles F. O'Brien, 2d, Kelley, July, 1862. 2, Joshua T, b. 1832, died June 17, '35. Fourth Generation. Capt. George's ch. George E, b. Jan. 14, 1848, d. Sept. 26, '49. Capt. WiUiam's ch. 1, Emily, b. ab. 1840. 2, Nettie, b. ab. '42 ; 'm. Edgar Stackpole; r. Th. 3, Lewis, b. ab. '45. 4, WUliam, (3d), b. ab. '48. 5, Ann, b. ab. '51. 288 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, OUver W.'s ch. 1, Clara M, b. Feb. 2, 1848. 2, Frederic O, b. Peb. 18, '50, & d. 3, Frank H., b. ab. '53. Capt. Joshua L.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Clement. By 2d wife. 2, Herbert Duncan, b. June 10, 1863, died in W, July 12, 1864. The mother died July 22, '63. Capt. Samuel C.'s ch. Clement O, b. 1855. JORDAN, Rev. Tristram, b-. ab. 1761; c to S. Th, a shoemaker; m. Rebecca Hayden, p. Nov. 13, 1797; ordained as an evangelist by 1st Baptist church, 1802 ; & d. suddenly in Denmark, Me, Sept. 4, '26. JORDAN, Capt. Israel, a cousin, it is believed, of Robert ; m. Su sanna Jordan ; c- to what is now S. Th before 1777, from New Mead ows or Cape Elizabeth ; r. Ash Point, & d, being knocked overboard and lost when coming down from Boston in company with another vessel. Their ch. 1, Betsey, m. Oaks; r. Blue Hill, and d. Bangor. 2, Israel, (2d), m. Decker ; r. Portland, & d. Bangor. 3, Polly, b. 1781 or 1778 ; m. Job Perry; r. S. Th, and d. April 17, 1857 or 1854. 4, Robert, m. Hannah Keating, rem. & d. in Ohio; of whose daus. Bethia, m. Daniel Barrett of Cam. 5, Ezekiel, d. at sea. 6, Capt. Joshua, m. Mrs. Apphia (Snow) Mathews ; t. & d. Ban gor; had a son, Joshua, jr, who mar. in Bangor, Catharine Ames, in March, 1846. 7, Simon, r. &• d. Boston. 8, Susan, m. Cum- mings of Portland. 9, Capt. John, mar. Nancy Killsa, p. Dec. 25, 1797 ; j. Boston. 10, Hannah, m. Jo3iah Haskell, (2d) ; r. and died Boston. JORDAN, Ignatius, came early from Massachusetts to this place, ' and was much employed by Kuox ; m. Sally Sampson, pub. Oct. 24, 1794; j. and d. Th, and S. Th. Benjamin, a brother, was also here and worked for Knox. Ignatius's ch. 1, Zebulon, m. Mary Knowl- ton, (p. as Barrett) July 9, 1826 ; r. S. Th. and d. Sept. 30, 1840. 2, William, b. ab. 1804 ; m. 1st, Sarah D. Buckland, 1829, 2d, Rachel Rivers, 1841, 3d, Mary Ann Kenniston, 1860 ; r. W, rem. Th, a car penter. 3, Abigail 4, Capt. Is ley ; 5, Rozella; 6, Sarah E,; 7,JSen- jamin, (2d), m, Sarah A. Rivers, March 27, 1845; mostly rem. Hope. WUliam' s ch. 1, William M, mar. Rebecca W. Counce, June 25, 1853 ; r. W. or Th. 2, Mary C, b. ab. 1836 ; m. Rufus C. Sumner, Dec. 30, '60. 3, Leander. By 2d wife, 4, Amaziah, b. ab. 1845. 5, Nancy. 6, Sarah. JORDAN, Capt. Ebenezer, a distant relative of Robert and Capt. Israel, and probably from the same region; m... 1st, Mary Packard, Oct. 16, 1804, 2d, Sarah (Choate) Elliott, Oct. 19, '28 ; r. and d. S. Th, Ash Pt. His widow mar. 2d, Wm. Jackson, and r. Th. Capt.. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Ebenezer, (3d), b. July 27, 1805 ; m. Hannah Elliott, Feb. 7, '28 ; r. Ash Point, and d. 1858 or '59, from mortifica tion caught from a diseased horse. 2, Benjamin, b. June 21, '07 ; m. Julia Johnson, Aug. 13, '52 ; r. S. Th. 3, Mary, b. Nov. 15, '09 ; m. Capt. Eben Walker; and d. Aug. 11, '42. 4, Isaac, b. Oct. 16, '11; r. S. Th, a shoemaker. 5, Lydia, b. Sept. 5, '13. 6, Nancy, b. April 8, '16, d. April 9, '23. 7, Maria, b. April 23, '18, d. June 1, '21. 8, John, b. Dec. 9, '23 ; m. Eunice Allen, April 25, '45, 2d, Mrs. Mary P. Keith, Feb. 6, '50, 3d, Elizabeth Havener,. March 5, '56 ; j . S. Th, a mariner. Ebenezer, (3d)'s ch. 1, Melissa, b. June 10, 1828, d. Nov. 22, '30. 2, Emeline, b. Sept. 4, '34 ; m. Montgomery Anderson of Rock, 2d, Ward Davis ; r. S. Th. 3, Isaac, (2d), born Sept. 24, '37 ; i. S. Th, a peddler, &c 4, Susan, b. March 27, '40. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 289 JUMPER, Joseph, mar. Phebe Milliken, Oct. 19, 1817 ; r. S. Th, but rem. Ohio, with their ch. 1, Alden H, b. Feb. 16, '19 ; 2, Mary E, b. July 31, '20 ; 3, Nancy, b. Oct. 18, '22 ; 4, Benjamin S, born July 11, '26 ; 5, George, b. Sept. 17, '31. 6, Lucy R, born Feb. 11, 1835. KALER, John S, born in 1807, and probably descended from the German family of that name in Waldoboro'; m. Mary Twist, Nov. 10, 1833 ; r. Rock., and d. Nov. 6, '52. Their ch. 1, Susan P, b. March 30, 1836; r. Rock. 2, Elsa M, b. Dec. 31, '38 ; i. Rock. 3, Lewis S, b. Aug. 1, 1841, d. June 7, '42. KALER, Robert, m. Nancy Rokes of W, p. Dec. 15, 1838, who d. in Rockland, Aug. 21, '64, aged 46. Of their ch. 1, Elmada, b. ab. 1848 ; 2, Samantha, b. ab. '54 ; j. Rockland. KALER, George F, b. ab. 1835, in Camden ; m. EmUy G. Har rington, May 11, '59 ; r. Rock, a dry goods merchant. KALER, Charles L, b. ab. 1831 ; m. Angeline F. ; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. Then- ch. Abbie E, b. ab. 1852. KARL, John, b. ab. 1825, in Lapland, Europe ; mar. Lucy Ham. April 26, 1849 ; r. S. Th., a painter. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1850, 2, John A, b. ab. '52. 3, Joseph H, b. ab. '55. 4, Grace, b. ab. '58. KAUFMAN ; of this family from Mayen, Prussia, there came to this place ; 1, Nathan, kept store several years in Th, rem, m. and r. IUinois. 2, Louis, b. ab 1828, m. Rebecca Mathews of N. York, June 4, '55 ; r. Rock, a dry goods merchant. 3, Joseph, in same business ; r. Rock. 4, Fannie, m. Henry Strauss ; x. Rock. KEATING, Dea. Richard, b. 1751, in Kittery, Me, mar. Miriam Bridges; c with his family ab. 1773, from New Meadows to Wessa- weskeag ; j . S. Th, was a soldier of the Revolution, &c, d. April 22, 1839. His wife d. April, 1830, a. 77 years. Their ch. 1, Richard, (2d), b. Oct 12, 1774, m. Mrs. OUve Mathews, p. Dec. 8, '98 ; r. S. Th., Hope' and Adams, Ohio, where he deceased. 2, Capt. William, m. Bethia Thorndike, Fe'i. 19, 1800 ; r. S. Th, and d. at Havana of yellow fever. 3, Betsey, m. Samuel Bartlett, (2d), rem. aud d. in Adams, Ohio. 5, Miriam, b. Sept. 14, 1786, m Capt. Joshua Bart lett ; r. S. Th, and d. Sept. 26, 1860. 6, Rev. John, m. Eliza Math ews, p. July 4, 1807 ; became a Bapt. minister, rem. and d. in Adams Ohio, leaving a large family. 7, Jonas, d. unm. 8, Oliver, drowned in the Wessaweskeag. 9, Susan, b. Feb. 22, '94, mar. Capt. Joshua Thorndike; r. S. Th, and d. March 21, 1863. Richard, (2d)'s ch. Miriam, b. April 12, 1800, m. Asa Crockett ; r. Adams, O. 2. Sophia, b. May 21, '02, m. Jacob Mansfield of Hope ; 2d, Hilt ; r. Hope. 3, Hannah, b. April 1, '04 ; rem. Ohio, andm, 1st, a nephew of Gen. Lewis Cass, 2d, Stone of Ohio. 4, Harriet, b. Aug. 17, '06 ; rem. Ohio. Capt. WilUam's ch. 1, Joshua, d. Oct, 1826. at City Point, Va. 2, Capt. WiUiam, (2d), m. Mary T. Spalding, Feb. 29, 1832 ; r. Afton, Iowa. 3, EUza, m. Charles W. Thorndike ; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Rich ard, (3d) b. April 22, 1807, ra. Lillias T. Snow, p. July 11, '32 ; r. S. Th, and Rock, and d. at Calcutta, June 3, '55, when in command of the India ship, Kate Sweetland. 5, Hannah, mar. William McLoon, (2d), r. Rock. Rev. John's ch. 1, John M , b. Nov. 16, 1809, d. young. 2, Jo seph M, b. Aug. 24, '12 ; 3, Asa Crockett, b. Sept. 12, '14. 4, Camp- Vol. II. 25 290 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, bell Snow, b. April 8, '16 ; all rem. Ohio; while of those b. later, 5, Henry A, was here and m. in Rock, Susan M. Thorndike, Sept. 5, 1851. Fourth Generation. Capt. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Joshua, (3d); r. Iowa. 2, Henry S, r. Iowa. 3, Bethia, b. ab. 1838 ; m. George Beyman ; r. Ohio. Capt. Richard, (3d)'s ch. 1, Richard Edwin, b. July 30, 1834, died July 25, '67. 2, Helen Taylor, b. June 13, '36 ; m. Edward Everett ; r. Rock, or Boston. 3, Luella Austin, b. Nov. 10, '38; mar. Capt. Israel L. Snow ; r. Rock. 4, Caroline A, b. Dec 14, '41. 5, Wil lis 8, b. June 9, '44. 6, George S, b. Jan. 3, '47, d. Aug. 29, '60. 7, Panny Maria, b. Dec 13, '48. 8, Henry, b. ab. 1852. 9, Adeha H, b. Feb, '54, d. March 18, '55. KEATING, William, of a different family, settled, r. and died in Hope. His ch. 1, James, m. and r. Whitefield, Me. 2, Sarah, mar. John Fitzgerald; r. W. and Whitefield. 3, WiUiam, (2d), m. andr. Hope. 4, Archibald. 5, John, m. and r. Hope. 6, Lewis. 7, George, m. and r. Hope. Of James's ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1824 ; m. Helen M. Rivers of C, June 9, '59 ; r. Th. 2, Thomas, b. ab. 1827 ; m. EmeUne A. Side- linger, Nov. 29, '56 ; r. Th, a joiner, &c. Of William's ch. Roxana, m. John Fitzgerald, (2d) ; r. Th. Of John's ch. Agnes, r. Th, some years and kept milliner's shop in company with Miss H. Bradford, bin m. and r. Hope. Thomas's ch. 1, Maria, b. ab. 1858. 2, Isabel, b. ab. 1859. KEEN, (or as sometimes spelled in early times Kein, or Kean), Josiah, a native of London, England, c. over to Boston, Mass., about 1640 ; afterwards r. in Hingham and Marshfield. Of his descendants, 1, Jacob, b. Nov. 21, 1731, in Pembroke, Mass. ; m. his second cousin, Deborah, dau. of Isaac Keen of Pembroke, and soon after purchased Hog Island near the borders of what is now Bremen, Me, where he r. some years, but to the title of which difficulties soon were raised, & he employed a lawyer by the name of Bradbury, who managed so weU that he named his eldest daughter Bradbury ; but this lawyer dying, matters went against him, he lost his possession and his island home, left in a flat-boat or gondola with his family, his cow, and all his es tate on board, stopped on the main in Bremen for a few months, and thence saUed along the indented coast of the State to what is now Rockland, settling on the west side of Tolman's or Chikawauka Lake. His brother John about the same time settled in the town of Turner. Jacob, besides being a hunter as before mentioned, was, we have since learned, an able seaman, capable of navigating a ship to any part of the world ; was of a sandy complexion, with blue eyes and a stature of six feet ; was noted for intelUgcnce, muscular strength, and en durance, together with some eccentricities — receiving the New Testa ment, but rejecting the Old, and professing the Quaker faith without being a member of the Society ; was injured by the fall upon him of the companion- doors at sea, from the effects ot which, 8 years after, he died Oct. 10, 1788. His wife died July 20, 1825, aged 84, & leav ing 14 ch, 87 grand ch, & 61 great grand ch, as stated in newspaper. Jacob's ch. 1, Bradbury, b. 1757 ; m. Joseph Ingraham ; r. Rock, and d. July 8, 1848, aged 91. 2, Mary, b. in Bristol, April 24, 1761 ; m. Major Otis Robbins ; and moving into her new house, never spent a night away from it, Irom her marriage till her death, June 26, 1836, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 291 though on one occasion at least riding as far as Belfast on horseback. 3, Lydia, m. James Killsa ; j. and d. Th. 4, Jacob, (2d), m. Hannah Adams, p. Dec. 12, 1785 ; r. Rock, and elsewhere. 5, Deborah, b. 1764; m. Rosamus Lowell ; r. S. Th, & d. Feb. 4, 1838. 6, Elisha, was drowned at sea. 7, John, b. in Bristol, June 7, 1767 ; m. Han nah Packard, Oct. 4, '94 ; r. Rock, and d. by suicidal hanging, Aug. 26, 1829. 8, Rev. Josiah, m. 1st, Jane Wade, 2d, Phebe Gould; r. in Montville, Camden, and various places, as his calling led ; and d. at the age of 86. 9, Patience, m. Dea. Waterman Hewett; r. and died Cam. 10, Capt. Peter, died of a wound received in the war of 1812, whUe in the act of firing a cannon at the enemy on board of a priva teer. 11, Rev. Reuben; b. Oct, 1777 ; m. Lois Brewster; j. in Free dom; and d. at Cam., of cramp in the stomach when on a visit to his native region, March 17, 1852. 12, James, m. 1st, Polly Simmons of Wal. p. Jan. 5, '97, 2d, Peggy Dunbar ; r. Cam, and d. April I, 1848, by a faU from an upper story when on a visit to children in Mass. 13, Sally, m. Ephraim Gay; r. and d. Cam. 14, Isaac, b. 1787, d. of throat distemper, Oct, 1794. The whole family, most of whom arrived to upwards of three score and ten years, were noted for their temper ance and abstaining from the use of tobacco. Jacob, (2d)'s ch. 1, Rufus, tn. 1st, Peggy Allen, p. May 29, 1809 ; 2d, Miss Conway; r. Rockport. 2, Jacob, (3d), d. young. 3, Han nah, m. James W. Blackington; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 18, 1839. 4, Hezekiah, r. N. Orleans. 5, Reuben, (2d). 6, Patience. 7, Ephraim, r. Cam. 8, Betsey. 9, Jane. 10, "Washburn, r. in N. Y. 11, Caro Une, m. Moses L. Simmons of Rock, and d. Nov. 30, '54. 12, Sophia. John's ch. l,Lucy, b. Nov. 4, 1794, m. 1st, Samuel Tyler of Cam., 2d, Abraham Simonton; r. Rock. 2, Elisha, b. May 13, '97, m. Pris cilla Witham, June 9,1822; r. Appleton. 3, Margaret, b. March 3, '99, m. Charles Harrington ; r. Rock. 4, Susanna, b. Aug. 28, 1800. 5, Isaac, b. May 2, 1802, m. 1st, Martha M. Watson of Cam, p. Sept. 15, '34 ; 2d, Susan I. Tolman, p. Nov. 12, '39 ; r. Cam, and d. in stantly, Nov. 8, '63. 6, Bethiah, b. Feb, 1804, m. James Tolman; r. Cam, 7, John, (2d), b. Feb. 21, '06, mar. 1st, Sarah Brown of Cam, p. Nov. 8, '32, 2d, Harriet A. Reed, Oct. 14, '55; r. Rock, a farmer on the homestead. 8, Alden, d. young. 9, Waitstill, m. RandaU Tol man; r. Cam. 10, Lydia. Rev. Josiah's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Elsie, mar. Isaac Thompson of Montville. 2, Jane, m. a Rackliff of Montville. 3, Deborah, m. Ed mund Daggett of Hope. By 2d wife. 4, Rev. Josiah, (2d), a Free Will Baptist minister. 5, Peter, (2d), a teacher of penmanship. 6, Esther, m. a Mr. Linscott, and is now deceased. Rev. Reuben's ch. 1, Eunice B, m. Benjamin Spring; r. and d. West Cam, leaving 3 ch, viz. : Hattie K. Spring, JuUa K. Spring, and Ephraim Albion Spring. 2, Comfort S, b. ab. 1811, in Cam, mar. Olive A. Lindsey, Oct. 30, '47 ; r. Rock, in shoe business. 3, Reu ben L, Esq, in. Aurelia, dau- of Jonathan Parkhurst; is a lawyer of East Montville. 4, Dr. Alden T, m. Elizabeth Perry, a descendant of the Jarvis family of Cambridge, Mass, is in the practice of med. at Gorham. 5, Orris H., Esq, attorney at law in Freedom. 6, Harriet P, m. the late Levi Woods ; r. Unity. 7, Julia Ann, d. young. James' ch. By 1st wife. 1, Sally, m. a McCarrison. By 2d wife. 2, Joshua, r. iu the Western States. 3, Joseph, supposed to be dead. 4, James, (2d), m. Caroline Schwartz, p. Nov. 7, 1835 ; r. Rock, a merchant, and d. faUing suddenly in the street, AprU 5, 1848. 292 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Fourth G eneration . John, (2d)'s ch. by 2d wife, 1, Nelson H, b. ab. 1837 ; r. Rock, a teacher. 2, Mary Ann, b. ab. '40 ; r. Rock, a teacher. The mother d. Oct. 20, '50. By 2d wife, 3, John Preston, b. ab. 1857. Of James, (_2d)'s ch. 1, Victorine M, b. ab. 1835 ; m Capt. Wil son Buckland ; r. Rockland. Comfort S.'s eh. Lois B, b. ab. 1859. Dr. Alden T.'s ch. 1, Julia M.; 2, Lillie; 3, Jarvis Brewster ; all r. Gorham. Of the other descendants of this famUy we are not informed, but probably most of these that follow belong to it, though some have added e to the name. KEENE, Wait W , b. ab. 1827, son of Capt. Wait W, and Huldah Keene of Bremen, who is either a descendant of John Keen of Turner, or Isaac of Pembroke, Mass. ; m. Mary J. Varney of Bristol, Feb. 22, '53 ; r. Th , tin and stove dealer. Maj. Samuel T., a brother, b. ab. 1833, in Bremen ; grad. Union Coll, New York, was preceptor Cher ryfield academy 2 years, came to Th, and studied law, admitted to bar at Rock, 1860; m. Sarah F. Prince, March 1, '62; was an officer in the army, and, struck at Petersburg, by a musket ball in the breast, d. June 22, '64. Wait W.'s ch. George, b. ab. 1859. KEEN, Charles A, Jr, b. ab. 1825, son of Charles A. Keen of Ap pleton ; m. Ann W. Hewett, Sept. 29, '53 ; r. Rock, keeps livery sta ble. Horatio N, a brother, mar. Elizabeth Johnson of Appleton ; r. Rock , a shoe merchant. Charles A, Jr.'s ch. Mary Rose, b. Nov. 13, 1858. KEEN, William H, b. in Bremen, April 30, 1825 ; mar. Angje R. Grant, April 30, '63 ; r. Rock, a saloon keeper. KEEN, Charles, b. ab. 1782, m , and r. Rock, and d. Oct. 5, 1860. Of his ch. 1. NeweU, b. ab. 1819, mar. Maria ; t. Rock , a blacksmith. 2, Harriet, b. ab. '23, m. Mr. Miller; j. Rock. S.Al fred, b. ab. 1829, m. Jane > — ; r. Rock, a rigger. Alfred's ch. 1, Clara J, b. ab. 1852. 2, Alfred, (2d), b. ab. '54. 3, Anna, b. ab. '59. KEEN, Dudley, b. ab. 1824, m. Rhoda Simmons ; r. Rock.. KEEGAN, Patrick, b. ab. 1798, in Dublin, Ireland, came here, m. Hannah Parsons of Canaan, Vt, p. Oct. 13, 1827 ; r. and traded Th„ Mill river, became wealthy, rem. and did business with less success in Boston awhile, but returned Th, and d. Aug. 3, '59, buried at Mt. Auburn. Their ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1830. 2, Carrie M, b. ab. '32, m. John S. Ide of N. Y, Jan. 1, '63. 3, Mary E, mar. Dr. J. A. Harlow of Waynesboro', Ga, May 6, '55. 4, Sarah A, mar. A. M. Shurtleff of Boston, AprU 14, '56. 5, an infant, died Oct. 1838. 6, Alice, b. ab. 1840.. 7, Anna, b. in Boston, ab. '42. 8, Dermot. 9, Vincent ; all rem to Mass, it is believed. KEITH, David, b. in 1747 ; (the 4th in descent from Rev. James Keith, a Scotchman, who came over in 1662, at the age of 18, and was the first minister of Bridgewater, Mass.,) m. Sarah, dau of Jona. Copeland, 1769 ; r. & d. Bridgewater. Their ch. 1, Francis. 2, Be zel-, both r. Easton, Mass. 3, Josiah, b. 1771 ; served his time as a tanner and shoemaker, with the father of the late Hon. Reuel WU- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 293 liams of Augusta ; c. to Th, m. 1st, Sarah Robinson, 2d, Experience Orbeton, Dec. 6, 1804, & d. Oct. 23, '14. 4, Friend, also, c to Th, m. Mary Bryant of Newcastle, p. April 13, '05 ; a painter by trade; r., in old age, with his son in Lynn, & d. 1863. Mitchell's History of Bridgewater says, there were probably other children of David ; and it is certain there came to Thomaston, — 5, Susanna Kingman, m. Isaac W. Lincoln of Th. 6, Mary, m. Gilbert Tilson, and d. Feb. 7, 1846. Also, 7, Jerusha, m. Quiggle, and had one son, Friend Quig- gle, overseer of thread factory, in East Mansfield, where she d. Nov., '63, a. 84. Jnsiah's ch. by 1st wife. 1, William R, b. ab. 1799; m Anne M. Smith of Bangor, Oct. 3, 1842 ; r. Th, a successful merchant, builder, &c, now secretary of M. F. Insurance Co. 2, Susanna K, b. Dec. 6, 1800, d. May 26, '07. 3, Sarah, b. Dec, '02, d. April 1, '03. By 2d wife. 4, Sarah R, b. March 27, '06 ; m. Amos Barnes of Cam, Aug. '48. 5, Clementine B, b. Jan. 24, '08 ; m. Leander Starr ; r. Rock. Friend's ch. 1, Joseph B, b. Nov. 25, 1805 ; m. Asenath Swift ; r. Th. and d. Oct. 7, '51. 2, Mary Adams, b. ab. '08 ; m. Capt. Hugh Peabody ; r. Th. 3, Andrew J, b. Nov. 11, '10 ; m. Lydia Redlon, April 21, '33 ; r. Th. 4, David Kingman, b. March 27, '13 ; m. Mary P. Barnes, Nov. 2, '45 ; r. Th., is in the U. S. Navy. 5, Sarah B, b. May 20, '15, d. Aug. 1, '33. 6, Nathaniel C, b. Sept. 25, '17 ; m. Ruth Robinson Linneken of Rockland" Sept. 17, '43 ; r. Lynn, Mass. 7, WiUiam R, (2d), b. Jan. 4, '20 ; m. Fanny Black of Dublin, Feb. 14, '43 : r. California. 8, Martha B, born Nov. 14, '22 9, Josiah, (2d), b. March 22, '25, d. at sea, July 30, '43. 10, Friend H, b. Nov. 16, '27 ; r. Th., a painter. Th ir d Generation, or 1th from Rev. James. Joseph B.'s ch. 1, Joseph Judson, m. M. Catharine Hoffsis of Wal. Oct. 15, '54; r. Rock, a teamster, &c. 2, Sarah B, m. A. Jackson Young; r. MontviUe. 3, Vesper J, b. ab. 1837; r. Th, a mariner. 4, Zipha S, b. ab. '40 ; r. Th, a mariner, soldier of the 4th Me. Reg, drowned, Nov. 15, '62. 5, Lydia Maria, b ab. '45 ; mar. Lorenzo J. Hall of W, Jan, '64. 6, Orianna or Aurelia, b. ab. '47. Andrew J.'s ch. 1, Mary F, b. ab. 1824; mar. Thomas B. Camp bell; r. Th. 2, Eliza H, b. ab. '27 ; m. Joseph T. Arnold of Wal, Oct. 15, 1855 ; r. Th. Nathaniel C.'s ch. 1, Fr.ink Harding. 2, Celia N. R. WUliam R, (2d)'s c'a. 1, WUUam Henry. 2, Hugh Peabody. Joseph Judson's ch. 1, Hattie Jordan, d. young. 2, WilUam, b. ab. 1859. KEITH, John, b. ab. 1832, in Ireland, as was Mary Ins wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1852. 2, Matthew, b. ab. '56. 3, Edward, b. ab. '58. 4, Anna S, b. ab. '59. KEIZER, or Kaizer, Edwin, b. ab. 1834, in Waldoboro' ; m. Sarah C. Jackson of W, April 5, '54; r. Rock, a lime burner, corporal in 4th Me. Reg, &c. Of their ch. Leroy C, b. Jan. 8, '53, d. May 16, 1861. KELLERAN, or Killeran, Hon. Edward, b. 1751, mar. Elizabeth Burton; r. Cush, and d. May 23, 1828, a. 77. Their ch. 1, Capt. Benjamin, b. 1775, mar. Mary Pendleton; r. and d. Cush. 2, Capt. Edward, m. Lucy Reed ; r. Portland. 3, Nancy, m. Capt. John Hall, andd. May 22, 1847- 4. Rebecca, d. a. about 21. 5, Elizabeth, mar. William Malcolm of C. 6, Sarah, mir. Capt. James Parsons. 7, 25* 294 HISTORY OF THOMASTON. Thomas, m. Young of Cushing. S, Capt. Bartholomew, m. Elizabeth Henderson, Nov. 15, '14 ; r. Th, lost at sea. 9, William, m. Gay; d. in Boston. 10, Arthur, m. Mary Norton of C. 11, Elsie, r. Boston. Capt. Benjamin's ch. 1, Capt Edward, m. Jane Ann Shibles, 1833 ; r. C. 2, Sarah P, m. Capt. James Vose ; r. Th. 3, Rebecca, mar. James Gilchrist ; r. Th. 4, Capt. James H, b. 1814 ; m. Margaret M. Huse of Cush, Sept. 1, 1839 ; r. Th. 5, Nancy M , b. 1811'; m. Nathaniel Liscomb ; r. Th, and d. March 22, '62. The mother died in Th , June 4, 1852, aged 73. Capt. Bartholomew's ch. 1, Jane P, m. Joshua Brackett ; r. Th. 2, Susan, b. March 29, 1838 ; m. Capt. Artemas W. Watts; and died Sept. 3, '56, at N. York. 3, Larissa J , m. S. Fessenden Allen ; r. Th. Capt. James H.'s ch. 1, Harriet R, b. ab. 1844, m. Lawson Cobb; r. Th. 2, James H, b. ab. '46. 3, Margaret A, b. ab. '49. 4, Frank lin, b. ab. '51. 5, Isaac S, b. ab. '54. 6, Mary L, bom ab. '55. 7, Edgar R, b. ab. '56. 8, Sarah, b. ab. '60. KALLOCH, , with his two sons, David and Finley, u. from North of Ireland to Portsmouth, N. H , & rem. Philadelphia. Pin- ley, m. Mary Young, and came with her father among tbe first settlers of what is now Warren, in 1735. Finley's ch. 1, David, (2d), b. 1725 ; m. 1st, Jane Boyd, 2d, 'Catharine (Cooper) Cox ; r. W, and d. without ch. Feb. 18, 1802. 2, John, m. Isabella Cunningham of Ar- rowsic Is. ; r. and d. St. George. 3, Mary, m. Brown of Bos ton. 4, Matthew, m. Mary Robinson ; rem. St. George, served under Com. Tucker in navy of Revolution, and d. March 22, 1824, aged about 90 years. 5, Alexander, b. 1740, m. Eleanora Gaut ; r. W, & d. Feb. 14, 1826. 6, Margaret, m. Boyd of Boothbay. John's ch. 1, David, (3d), mar. 1st, Betsey Love of Boston, 2d, Polly (Ross) Kelloch, July 25, 1833 ; served as a soldier under Gen. Gates in 1777, and through both the wars with England ; r. W. & St. G, & d. Jan, 1846, aged 91. 2, John, f2d) ; 3, James ; both died in the army of the Revolution. 4, William, d. in Halifax prison, a cap tive soldier of the Revolution. 5, Margaret, mar. 1st, Dr. Nichols of St. Geo, 2d, Shepard Robbins ; r. S. Th, & d. Sept. 7, 1848. 6, Al exander, (2d), m. Jane Fullerton of Boothbay ; r. St. G. 7, George, m. Jane Boyd ; r Boothbay; d in the army of 1812. 8, Matthew, (2d), m. Polly Forrest of Boston ; j. 8c d. St. G. 9, Finley, (2d), m. Polly Hasey of New Meadows; r. & d. S. Th, 1st lot from St. Geo. 10, Moses, d. in West Indies. 11, Archibald, d. at St. George. 12, Joseph; d. in St. G. 13, Thomas, m. 1st, Sally Farnham of Boothbay, 2d, Effie Sterling of St. Geo. 14, Jane, b 1783 ; mar 1st, Spencer Drake, 2d, WUliam McLoon, 3d, William Perry ; r Th. Matthew's ch. I, Margaret, d. unmarried in St George. 2, Fin ley, (3d), m.r. and d. Camden. 3, Moses, m. 1st, Mehitable Hasey of New Meadows ; 2, Lydia Sayward ; r. S. Th, and d. ab. 1826. 4, Hanse, m. Sally Phinney ; r. St. George. 5, Polly, mar. Adam Boyd of Broad Bay ; r. and died St. George. 6, Katie, mar. David Boyd; r. and d. St. George. 7, Jane, m. Capt. Thos. Kenney; r. & d. St. George. 8, Sarah, m. Jacob Robinson ; r. S. Th. & d. St. Geo. Alexander's ch. 1, David Y, b. 1763; m. Mary Ross; r. W. and d. June 25, 1823. 2, Margaret, b. 1766 ; m. Francis Young ; r. W. & d. June 17, '26. 3, Alexander, (3d), b. Sept. 26, '70 ; m. Elizabeth Mero ; r. W, where all his ch. were b, but rem. Rock, & d- May, '53, a. 82. 4, Mary, m. Moses Hawes of Union. 5, Jane, m. Joseph Jam- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 295 eson ; rem. Senebec Pond. 6, Adam, m. Mary Butler ; rem. China. 7, George, d. a. 19. 8, Samuel, b. ab. 1778 ; m. Lucy Lewis; r. W. 9, Sarah, d. a 13. 10, Rosanna, m. David Cummings of Union. 11, Benjamin, b. 17S5 ; m. 1st, Esther Libbey, Nov. 5, 1806, 2d, Hannah (Nichols) Mallard, '33 ; r. W. & d. very suddenly, Jan. 2, '38. Fourth Generation. David, (3d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, John, (3d), m. Mary Stover of St. G. ; r. S. Th. 2, James, (2d), m. Hannah Madding of St. G, Jan. 7, '08 ; r. & d. in Belfast or Waldo. 3, Jane, d. young. 4, William, (2d), b. ab. 1793; m. 1st, Susan Snow, 2d, Hannah Haskell, May 27, '32, 3d, Ann Maria Hayden, April 8, '46 ; r. S. Th, a mason, &c. 5. Ra chel, m- Adam Boyd, jr., r. & d Rock. 6, David, (4th), m. Eleanor Kelloch of St. George. The mother d. May 21, 1826. Alexander, (2d)'s ch. 1, John, (4th), -d. unm. at sea, Oct. 7, '41. 2, Singer, d. of yeUow fever, returning from the W. Indies. 3, Nancy, m. George Harrington of S. Th. ; r. St. G, 4, Mary, m.-Daniel Me- serve, Dec. 31, '35. 5, Capt. James, (3d), m. Louisa Kelloch ; r. St. G. 6, Fullerton, b. ab. '10 ; m. Margaret Drake, Dec. 31, '35 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 7, Isabel, m. Daniel Kinney of St. G. 8, Alexander, (4th), m. Mary Ann Kelloch. George's ch. 1, Washington, and three others ; all r. Wal. Matthew, (2d)'s ch. 1, Polly, m. Francis Haskell; j. & d. S. Th. 2, Ambrose, b. ab. 1797 ; m. Jane Haskell; r. S. Th, a merchant. 3, Hannah, d. young. 4, Betsey, m. Thomas Haskell ; r. S. Th. Finley, (2d)'s ch. 1, Isabella, m. William Sleeper ; r. & d. S. Th. 2, Joseph, m. Abigail Eastman, July 17, 1817 ; r. & d. S. Th. 3, Arch ibald, d. in Virginia. 4, Mehitable, d. young. 5, Eleonai, d. unm. 6, Capt. Jesse, b. ab. '10 ; m. 1st, Elathea Lindsey, 2d, Sarah Lindsey, Dec. 20, '32; 3d, Julia A. Davis, Dec 24, '58 ; r. Rock. 7, Mary, b. ab. '12; m. 1st. Albert Marsh, 2d, Dea. Peter Hall ; i. Rock. 8, Lydia, m. Harrison Ulmer ; r. Rock. 9, Nancy, m. Alden Blackington ; r. Rock. Thomas's ch. 1, Eleanor, m. David Kelloch, (4th) ; r St. G. By 2d wife. 2, Farnham, m. Rivers ; r. Bangor 3, Jefferson, m. Emelhie H. Blackington ; r. S. Th, 4, Capt. Madison, m. Lovicy C. Fountain, May 1, 1840 ; r. St. G. 5, Elbridge G, b. ab. '16 ; m. Fran ces E. Blackington, Nov. 20, '47 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 6, Joshua, m.& r. Eastport. 7, Jackson, b. '18 ; d. unm. at Providence, D. 22, '41. Moses's ch. by 1st wile. 1, WUliam, (3d), b. March 18, 1781 ; m. Catharine (Montgomery) Kelloch ; r. S. Th. & d. Feb. 21, 1864. 2, Me hitable, m. John Hall of Knox. 3, Hannah, m. Benjamin Bump of Knox. By 2d wife. 4, John S, b. 1796 ; m. Catharine Montgomery of W. ; r. S. Th. & d. Aug. 16, 1824, lost overboard at sea. 5, Dea. Hanse, (2d), b. 1800 ; m. Anora Montgomery, Feb. 8, '32 ; r. S. Th, a farmer. ' 6, Sarah, m. 1st. Barnabas Shea of St. G., Sept. 3, '26, 2d, Israel Elwell of St. G. 7, Charlotte, j. S. Th. 8, Moses, (2d), died young. 9, Eliza, m Asa Harrington of S. Th. 10, AbigaU, b. '09 ; m. Barney Thomas; r. Th. 11, Jacob, d. unm. 12, Capt. James S, m. Mary EmeUne McKellar, Oct. 11, '46 ; j. S. Th. ; drowned in en deavoring to get ashore from his wrecked vessel. 13, Joshua, lost at sea. Hanse's eh. 1, Matthew, (3d), d. unm. 2, Shepherd, d. unm. 3, Adam, m. Effie Linneken, d. at sea. 4, Josiah, m Jane Willie ; r. St. G, d. at sea. 5, Hanse, (3d), d. in California. 6, William, d. at sea. 7, Warren D., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Susan A. Thompson, Aug. 9, 1856 ; 296 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, r. S. Th, a mariner, and was killed by accident on board ship at Buf falo, 1864. 8, Ludwig. 9, Jane Ann, m. Levi Kinney; r. Framing- ham, Mass. 10, Eliza Helen M, m. Henry Snow ; j. St. G. For David Y.'s ch, & most of the branches, see Annals of Warren. Alexander, (3d)'s ch. 1, Dea. Mero, b. ab. 1801 ; m. Ruth Mat thews, Oct 3, '22 ; jr. W. 2, Rev. George, fitted himself for the min istry, but died not long after 1828. 3, Silas, b. ab. 1806 ; mar. Olive (Robbins) Maxey, June 20, '30 ; r. Rock, a truckman, city under taker, &c. 4, Rev. Amariah, licensed by Warren Baptist church in Jan, 1830 ; m. 1st, Mercy Hathorn, 2d, Harriet Sleeper, Oct. 3, '33, 3d, Sarah Jane Hathorn, May 28, '42 ; was pastor of the 1st Baptist church, S. Th, from 1831 to '34, then of the 1st Baptist church, Rock. ; rem. Augusta, where he was pastor of the church and Chap lain of House of Representatives, ret. Rock, sailed in Oct , 1849, for San Francisco, and d. at Hangtown or Placerville, June 16, '50. 5, Rev. Joseph, b. ab. 1814, ord. junior pastor of 1st Baptist church in St. Geo, Sept, 1841 ; m. Achsah Ingraham, Dec. 10, '37 ; pastor of 1st Baptist'church in S. Th, from '45 to '55 ; in Wal, from '55 to '59; since at Rock, as pastor of 2d Baptist church. 6, Rosanna, mar. 1st, Henry Libbey of W, 2d James Hawthorn of St. G, 1831. 7, Jane, m. Samuel Southworth of Roxbury, April 6, 1828. 8, EUza, mar. Brackett Butler ; r. S. Th. 9, Nancy, m. Joseph S. Wall of St. Geo.; r. Rock. The mother died Sept. 3, '47, aged 76. Fifth Generation. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, Louisa, m. Capt. James Kelloch, (3d), of St. G. 2, John, (5th), b. ab. 1813 ; m. 1st, AngeUna Vose, April 1, '38, 2d, Betsey B. Ingraham, July 4, '41 ; r. Rock, a quarryman, &c 3, OUver B, m. Clarissa L. Goldsmith, p. April 25, 1846 ; r. and d. in Lynn. 4, Rachel, mar. 1st Orr of Lynn, (and had 2 ch, viz. : Sarah E, b. 1845, and George W, bom '47, and both r. Rock.) 2d, Jefferson Kelloch ; r. Rock. 5, Elizabeth, mar. and d. in Lynn. 6, James, b. ab. 1817, mar. Susan Ulmer, p. Oct. 4, '45 ; r. Rock, a truckman, &c. 7, George, (2d), b. ab. 1826, mar. Mary F. Wotton, Aug. 31, '51 ; r. Rock 8, Myrick, a deaf mute, r. Rock. William, (2d)'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Harriet, b. Jan. 15, 1823, m. Archibald G. Coombs ; r. Indiana. 2, WiUiam, (3d), b. Aug. 27, '25, d. at sea in 1856. By 2d wife. 3, Susan S, b. Jan. 26, '29, m. Jesse Sleeper, (2d) ; r. S. Th. By 3d wife. 4, Eliza Paulina, b. Sept. 4, '47. 5, John Martin, b. Dec. 16, '49. 6, Maria Isabella, b. May 20, '51. 7, Mary Perry, b. May 30, '54. Fullerton's ch. 1, Judson M, b. Oct. 2, 1836, m. Francis B. Ful ler, Sept. 17, '60 ; r. Th, a teacher, &c. 2, Kendall, b. Dec. 29, '37, d. March 16, '40. 3, Bradford H, b. Aug. 28, '39, at St. George, as were the preceding ; r. Th, a teacher. 4, Jane F, b. Dec. 29, '40„ d. March 3, '41. 5, Leander F, b. Jan. 22, '42; r. Th, now in U. S. navy. 6, Lillias, b. Dec. 14, '44. 7, Frederic A, b. Oct. 22, '46. Ambrose's ch. 1, Lucy L, b. Oct. 4, 1824, in David R. Geyer ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. WilUam H, b. June 11, '26, d. on the Mississippi, in brig Sarah Lewis, Dec. 22, '50. 3, Mary F, b. March 8, '28, m. Gil bert Rose of Lowell, Sept. 18, '53. 4, Ruth, b. Dec 1, '31, m. Wm. Johnson, and d. in Marlboro', Mass, AprU 5, '63. 5, Amariah, (2d), b. Sept. 13, '33, m. JuUa E. Perry, Feb. 14, '60 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 6, Charles D, b. April 9, '36 ; m. Margaret R. Shaw, Jan. 1, '62 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 7, Lydia Jane, b. Feb. 27, '38 ; r. S. Th. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 297 Joseph's ch. 1, Joshua, b. Nov. 28, 1818, m. Frances , and rem. 2, Joseph, (2d), b. Oct. 23, '20 ; probably rem. Capt. Jesse's ch. By 2d wife. 1, Sarah Elizabeth, born Sept. 23, 1833, d. Nov. 5, '38. 2, John L, b. Jan. 7, '36 ; r. Rock, a soldier in 4th Me. Regt, &c. 3, Alfred N, bom Oct. 25, '40, mar. Angelia ; r. Rock, a mariner, and soldier ; killed at Ft. Butler, June 28. '63. 4, Joshua H., b. ab. 1844, soldier of 28th Me. Regt, wound- at Donaldsonville, June 28th, d. July 5, '63. Elbridge G.'s ch. Everett, b. ab. 1855. William (3d)'s ch. George H, b. Feb. 2, 1838, m. Mary E. Chap- les ; r. S. Th, a mariner. John S.'s ch. 1, JuUa Ann, b. March 26, 1825, mar. Thomas H. Wiggin ; r. Rock, and rem. 2, Eliza J, b. June 1, 1827, m. James Renney from Scotland, April 13, '45 ; (who d. in Warren, leaving 2 ch. Julia F, b. July 1, 1847, and John M, b. Jan. 1849.) Dea. Hanse, (2d)'s ch. 1, Edwin D, b. Nov. 15, 1833 ; r. S. Th, a mariner, & volunteer in U. S. N, d. at Chelsea, Mass, April 10, '63. 2, Alden M b. Feb. 9, '34 ; j. S. Th., a carpenter. 3, Irene, b. Jan. 25, '36, m. George Bradbury ; r. S. Th. 4, Albert S, b. Oct. 10, '41 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 5, Nancy M, b. ab. '43. Capt. James S.'s ch. 1, James W, b. Aug. 1848, d. Nov. 15, '53. 2, Charles Winfield. Warren D.'s ch. 1, Joseph W. 2, Annie E. Silas's ch. 1, Oscar A, b. May 7, 1831, mar. Abbie C. Snow of Jackson, p. Oct. 10, '55 ; r. Rock , a blacksmith. 2, Silas E, b. Dec. 14, '33, m. Anna M. Stewart, Nov. 8, '57 ; r. Rock, a hackman, &c. 3, Olive L, b. May 11, '37, mar. Andrew J. Hathorn ; r. Rock. 4, Mortimer, b. March 18, '40, d. Sept 4, '49. Rev. Amariah's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Rev. Isaac S., entered Water- viUe college but did not graduate ; m. CaroUne E. Philbrook, Nov. 19, 1850; c. to Rock, and was ordained 1851, pastor of the 1st Baptist church tUl 1855, rem. Boston and took chargt of Tremont st. Baptist church, Sept. 1855, had difficulty; left, and was admitted to bar at Leavenworth, Kansas, April, 1858, returned by invitation of his Boston church, in Sept. of the same year, has been since pastor of the Laight street Baptist church, N. Y, which he found feeble but left one of the largest of the city, in March, 1864, and went to take charge of important denominational and educational interests in Kan sas. By 2d wife, 2, Caroline E, b Feb 5, '36 ; m. E. D. Hall ; r. S. Th. 3, Amariah, (3d),b Dec. 22, '37. 4, George T, b. Aug. 4, '41, d. Jan. 19, '43. By 3d wife, 5, Mercy Jane, b. March 8, '43. Rev. Joseph's ch. 1, Joseph Henry, born about 1839 ; m. Mary B. Crockett, Apr. 28, '63 ; r. Rock, a teacher, 8cc. 2, Frank S, b. ab. '51. Sixth Generation. John, (5th)'s ch. By 1st wife, 1, Orris, b. Feb. 3, 1839, d July 26, '57. By 2d wife, 2, Isaac I. b. April 9, '42 ; r. Rock, a quarryman. 3, Harrison, b. ab '43. 4, John A, b. ab. '44 ; corporal in Me. 4th reg, of a joyous and sportive disposition, and distinguished as a wag on the route to Washington ; kUled at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. James's ch. 1, Ada M„ b. ab. 1849. 2, Hattie F, b. ab. 1854. 3, Lizzie C, b. ab. '58. 4, Herbert W, b. 1860. George, (2d)'s ch. George F., b. ab. 1857. Alfred N.'s ch. Frederic E, b. 1860. Oscar A.'s ch. Charles M, b. ab. 1857. 298 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, KELLOGG, Dr. David, son of Rev. David Kellogg, of Praraing- ham, Mass, studied medicine with his brother-in-law, Dr. Kittredge of that town; came to Th, m. Sarah Prince, Jan, 1823, and, after years of successful practice here, rem. in 1847 to Waukegan, IUinois, where he now resides. Their ch. 1, Frederic H, .b. Aug. 20, 1823, m. Catharine Woodcock of Th, Aug. 14, 1850 ; and d. July 25, '53, at Philadelphia ; mate of barque. Mandarin. 2, Sarah B, b. Jan. 18, '27 ; rem. Waukegan, and mJ'''-ht Ferry. 3, Eliza P., b. Feb. 27, '29 ; rem. Ill, and mar. J. Y. 6e*y, or Cory, of Waukegan, Oct. 12, '62. 4, Charles, b. July 14, '31 ; 5, David, (2d), b. Feb. 23, '34 ; 6, George P, b. June 22, '36; 7, Gardner, b. Feb. 26, '39 ; 8, Edward N, b. ab. '42 ; 9, EUen Hooper; all rem. 111. Frederic H.'s ch. EUza Prince, b. July 20, 1850. KELLY, Rufus, b. ab. 1810, in Freedom, Me.; m. Fidelia Russell ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Oliver, b. ab. 1834, in Free dom ; m. Mrs. Lydia Herbert ; j. Rock. 2, Joseph, b. ab. '40 ; mar. Matilda E. Mills ; r. Rock, a teamster. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '42. 4, Hannah, b. April, 1853, d. Jan. 2, '54. 5, Rufus, (2d), b. ab. '56. 6, Mary, b. ab. '58. KELLY, David J, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Lydia ; r. Th, a hack- man, rem. Rock. Their ch. 1, Frances E, b. ab. 1843. 2, Sarah A, b. ab. '47. 3, Ianthe P, b. ab. '52. 4 and 5, twins, b. ab. '56, Frederic J. and Ida Jane. 6, Ada, b. ab. '58. KELLY, John, b. ab. 1821, in England ; came with Mary his wife, and r. S. Th, a stone cutter. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1854. 2, Catharine E, b. ab. '56. 3, Horace, b. ab. '59.' KEMP, John, b. ab. 1824 ; m. Margaret ; r. Rock, a mari ner. Their ch. 1, John F, b. ab. 1857. 2, William, b. ab. '59. KENDALL, Capt. Luther, a native of Hope ; m. Eliza Jane Hatch, Dec. 22, 1833 ; r. Rock, & d. Aug. 3, 1858. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. July, 1834 ; m. George C. Harriman. 2, Edwin, b. April, and d. Oct, 1836. 3, Capt. George E, b. May, 1837 ; m. Sophia D. Baker of Steuben, Oct. 10, '60 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 4, Rosiltha J, b. March, 1840, d. Oct. 31, '59. 5, Francisco T, b. May, 1842. KENNEDY, Daniel, b. ab. 1808, in Ireland; m. Abigail r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me Reg, &c. Their ch. 1, Capt. Thomas A, b. ab. 1836; m. 1st. Deborah W. Davis, Feb. 14, '61, 2d, Henrietta Saunders, Jan. 1, '65 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 2, Esther, b. ab. '43. 3, David, b. ab. '45. 4, James, b. ab. '48. 5, Frederic, b. ab. '50. 6, Sarah, b. ab '53. 7, Paulena, b. ab. '55. 8, Nathan, b. ab. '59. KENNEDY, Fardy, b. ab. 1815, in Ireland, as was Hannah his wife ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Peter, b. ab. 18 16. 2, James F, b. ab. 1850. 3, William H, b. ab. '54. 4, Bridget E, b. ab. 1859. KENNEDY, James, b. ab. 1825 ; came from county of Waterford, Ireland ; as did Mary his wife ; r. Th, entered U. S. 1st Infantry. Their ch. 1, Catharine, b. ab. 1853. 2, John, b. ab. '55. 3 & 4, twins, b. ab. '57, George, & William. KENNEY, John, b. ab. 1828, in St. George ; ? m. Ann ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Josephine, b. ab. '53. 2, Thomas, b. ab. '55. 3, Ann E , b. ab. '57. 4, John, b. ab. '58. 5, Sarah A, b. ab. '60. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 299 KENNISTON ; of this family, 5 brothers came to Th. 1, Moses, e. from S. Berwick, m. Hannah Kenniston, rem. to and d. Appleton. 2, Samuel, m. Mrs. Nancy Young of Martha's Vineyard, Nov. 27, 1803, and was killed by caving in of a clay bank ; had one son, Sam uel, (2d), who r. Boston, which he has represented in Legislature. 3, Henry, b. Sept. 1789, m. Mary Stevens, p. Dec. 26, 1818 ; r. Th, and d. March 2, '59. 4, James, mar. Sally Robbins, April 20, 1809. 5, Theodore, both r. Th, awhile, but ret. to S. Berwick. Moses's ch. Gustavus Myrick, b. Oct. 6, 1812, m. Louisa Sibley, Oct. 8, '37 ; r. Appleton. Henry's ch. 1, Sarah, m. Patrick Curran ; r. Th. 2, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 15, '23, m. Edward Fleming of Rock, Feb. 23, '51 ; r. Rock. 3, Almira, b. July 17, '26, m. Ambrose P. Melvin ; r. Rock. 4, Wil Uam, b. May 10, '30 ; has been, since 1857, in U S. cavalry. 5, Sam uel J, b. Jan. 12, '33 ; r. Th, a ihariner. 6, Elonai P., b. Aug. 5, '35, m. John McKenny ; r. Th. 7, Edwin D, b. AprU 8, '38 ; r. Th, a caulker.KENNISTON ; of this, Mt. Desert, family, there c. here, 1, John S, b. ab. 1825, m. 1st, Elizabeth Robinson, Dec. 1, '50, 2d, S. Eliza beth Melvin, May 4, '66 ; r. Rock, a carpenter, &c, entered the army. 2, Charles H, b. ab. 1830. m. Nancy J. Babb, Nov. 25, '51 ; r. Rock., a carpenter. 3, WUUam H., b. ab. 1832, m. Martha Jane Melvin ; r. Rock, a teamster, now in the army. Charles H.'s ch. 1, Charles E, b. ab. 1853. 2, Ella M, b. ab. '55. KENNISTON, Mrs. Mehitable, bom ab. 1807 ; r. Rock, a widow. Her ch. 1, William H, b. Sept. 21, 1840 ; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 29, '63. 2, Edward, b. ab. 1843. KEOUGH, John, b. ab. 1820, in county of SUgo, Ireland, m. 1st, Mary Henery, 2d, Margaret Kavanagh ; r. Th. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Catharine, b. ab. 1836. 2, John, (2d), h. ab. '38 ; r. California. 3, Dennis, b. ab. '40. 4, Mary, b. ab. '42. By 2d wife. 5 & 6, twins, b. ab. '46, Owen and Ann C. 6, Edwin, b. ab. '52. KIDD, David, b. ab. 1818 ; of Scottish origin it is believed, m. Eliza r. Rock, a fisherman, now deceased. Their ch. 1, David, (2d), b. ab. 1840. 2, Hudson H, b ab. '46. 3, George T, b. ab. '52. 4, Eliza J, b. ab. '55. KIEFF, orKiff; of this name there were in old Th, about 1810, John, who m. Mary or Betsey Peabody ; r. U, rem. Belmont, was a carpenter. Daniel, who r. at the mouth of the Wessaweskeag ; Wil liam ; and Ephraim. John's ch. 1, Alexander, b. in U, Feb. 21, 1798 ; mar. Bradbury I. Witham of Searsmont ; r. Rock, a peddler, &c. 2, Jane, h. in Union, Aug. 29, '99 ; m. and r. Waldo, Me. 3, Mary, b. in Hope, May 4, 1801 ; m. probably, and i. Michigan. 4, Greenleaf, b. May 13, '03 ; d. in Belmont. Alexander's ch. 1, John W, b. ab. 1825 ; mar. Nancy Sawyer of MontvUle ; r. Rock, a soldier of the 4th Me. Reg, &c. 2, Abbie P , m. Horace Weeks ; r. Mass. 3, Mary Jane, m Cornelius Irish ; r. Mass. 4, Agnes R. 5, Marcus R, mar. Victoria Starkey ; r. Unity. 6, Alexander B, b. ab. 1837 ; m. Matilda Wentworth of S. Th, Feb. 27, '59 ; r. Rock, a shoemaker, soldier of 4th Me. Reg, &c. 7, Or lando S. 8, Cornelius I, b. ab. '50. John W.'s ch. Charles G, b. ab., 1850. Alexander B 's ch. Minnie J, d. May 24, '61, an infant. 300 HISTORY OF THOMAS run, Daniel's ch. 1, Hannah G, m. Benjamin Brewster ; r. Rock. 2, Sarah, m. Samuel Graves of S. Th. 3, Mary A, m. D. Hibberd; r. Belmont. 4. Abigail, m. John Bickford ; r. Mt. Desert. 5, Daniel, killed in C. Crockett's lime quarry, ab. 1844. KIEFF, James, born ab. 1820 in freland, mar. Bridget O'Brien, p. March 27, '53 ; r. Th, rem. Augusta. Their ch. 1, Ellen, born ab. 1856. 2, Michael, b. ab. '58. 3, Bridget, b. ab. '59. KILLSA, Lieut. Hugh, born in Nottinghamshire, N. H, Jan. 26, 1749, O. S. ; m. Lois Robbins ; r. at Meadows, Rock, and d. Feb. 8, 1824. 2, James, a brother, c later; m. Lydia Keen, Sept. 29, 1785; r. Meadows, Th, & d. June 25, 1792. 3, George, a brother, settled & d. by drowning at Owl's Head. 4, Sarah, a sister, b. March 24, 1761 ; m. Oliver Robbins, (2d), & d. Feb. 10, 1829. Another brother proba bly settled in Bristol. Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Damariscotta and others of the Bristol branch, write the name Kelsey. Lieut. Hugh's ch. 1, John, d> young. 2, Nancy, m. John Godding, jr. ; rem. & d. Waldo. 3, WilUam, d. young. 4, Lois, d. young. 5, Mary, m. in '05, her cousin, James Killsa of Bristol, who was b. there in 1779 ; m. 1st, a Miss Wentworth, & d. Dec. 25, '06. 6, Sabra, m, Josiah Gregory of Corinth, p. Oct. 9, '33 ; j. & d. Appleton. 7, Han nah, d. young. 8, Hugh, (2d), d. young. 9, Sarah R, b. 1793 ; m. Geo. B. Cooper ; r. S. Th. 10, Lois, m. Samuel Davis of Appleton. James's ch. 1, William, b. Aug. 28, 1786 ; m. Catharine McLean of Boston ; r. Th. & traded at Oyster river ; rem. & d. in 111. 2, Est her, b. Aug. 9, 1788; m. a Simmons ; rem Troy, N. Y. 3, Charles, b. March 24, 1790; d. unm. 4, John, b. Oct. 4, 191 ; m. t. & d. Au gusta. 5, Charlotte, b. May 20, '93 ; m. Alex. Barrows, r. Rock,. James of Bristol's ch. 1, Hugh, (3d), b. in Bristol, Jan. 30, 1807, m. Mahala (St. Clair) Hall, Aug. 6, 1835 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, See, William's ch. 1, William A, r. Th. as a merchant, rem. Canton, Fulton Co, IU. 2, Mary Ann, m. Edmund B. Lermond; rem. with her ch. to 111. 3, Erastus. 4, James, (3d). 5, Sarah. 6, Lawton. 7, Harriet, all rem. 111. Hugh (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. Nov. 12, 1836, m. Charles Cilley; r. Rock. 2, Louisa H, b. Sept. 17, '38, m. Benjamin F. Pottle, 2d. David Rich, July 6, '63 ; r. Rock. 3, WilUam J, b. July 27, '41. 4, Orinda M, b. Sept. 26, '44, d. Nov. 18, '45. 5, Huldah A, b. Aug. 5, '46, m. Emery Thorndike ; r. Rock. 6, Lois D, b. Oct. 23, '49. KIMBALL, William Story, son of Richard and Sally (Story) Kim ball of Bath, Me, and descendant of Richard and Ursula KimbaU, (who with 12 children, 4, of them twins, came from Yarmouth, Eng land, in the EUzabeth, and settled, 1734, at old Ipswich, Mass.), was b. in Bath, July 19, 1792; learned cabinet maker's trade of George Beck, was a privateersman in the war of 18 1 2, on board the America, of Salem; m Emily Conant of Th, Sept. 17, '17; r- near Prison Cor ner, Th, north side Main St, worked at his trade, but in '53, rem to Riley, St. Clair county, Michigan. Their ch. 1, Joseph S, b. June 5, 1818, m. Mary D. Davis, Dec. 22, '39 ; rem. '53, and r. Riley, Mich. 2, Sarah S, b. Oct. 31, '19, m. Charles Dudley Starr of Riley, Mich. 3, William, b. Feb. 13, '21, d. iu Charleston, S. C, Aug. 14, '40. 4, Charles, b. July 7, '23, d. at sea, July 24, '43. 5, Mary J, b. Sept. 20, '25, d. March 13, '26. 6, Emily, b, Jan. 20, '27, rem. Riley. 7, Moses C , b. April 21, '29, m. Marie De Cota, a Spanish lady of La- paz, Mexican California ; r. San Francisco. 8, Thomas Danforth, b. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 301 July 18, '31, m. Almira C, dau. of WilUam Preble of Whitefield. 9, Edward Brown, b. April 6, '33, d. May 8, '34. 10, Adah Lucy, b. March 9, '35; m. Henry Barker of Upper Alton, 111. 11, Malvina Susan, b. Sept. 24, '37 ; m. Edwin Sprague ; r. Rock. 12, William Edway, b. Oct. 24, '41. 13, Julia F, b. June 22, '44. Joseph S.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. Sept. 19, 1840, d. Aug. 5, '42. 2 & 3, twins, b. April 9, '43 ; Sarah Emily, & Mary Ellen, who m. Joshua Perry of SterUng, Mich, Dec, I860. 4, Frances Ann, b. April 29, '45 ; 5, Joseph Thomas, b. March 31, '47 ; 6, Simon Shibles, b. April 5, '49 ; 7, WilUam Benjamin, b. March 21, '53 ; 8 & 9, twins, Horace & Horatio, b. June 18, '55. 10, Martha Ada, b. Sept. 29, '58 ; all in Michigan. KIMBALL, George W, b. ab. 1806, in HaverhiU, N. H. ; m. Olive B. Carlton ; spent about four years in Philadelphia, New York, and New Orleans ; came in 1833 to what is now Rock, where he engaged in trade till 1860 ; r. Rock, a retired merchant. Their ch. 1, Alice C, b. 1832 ; mar. John A. Meserve, Esq. ; r. Rock. 2, George W, (2d), b. 1834 ; m. Elmira A. Achorn, AprU 28, '56 ; r. Rock, a boot & shoe merchant, deputy collector, &c KIMBALL, Capt. , m. Eleanor Martin ; r. Head ofthe Bay ; & perished by shipwreck off Seguin before 1788. Their ch. 1, Tim othy, m. Diana Keen ; r. and d. Bremen. 2, Sarah, m. Brotherton Daggett; r. & d. Union. 3, Samuel, d. at sea, drowned. Timothy's ch. 1, Robert K. 2, Samuel, m. Mercy Cushman ; has ch, Timothy, WiUiam C, Daniel C, and one other; r. Long Island, Bremen. 3, Sophronia, b ab. 1815 ; mar. Martin Marsh ; r. Rock. 4, Timothy, (2d), died young. KIMBALL, Dea. Iddo, b. July 14, 1782 ; c. from Bradford, Mass , to what is nowRock, in the fall of 1808 ; m. Mary Robbins, Jan. 17» 1813 ; r. Rock, a merchant, &c, d. Jan. 1, '54. Their ch. 1, Hon. Iddo K, b. Nov. 29, 1813; mar. 1st, Mary H. Spear, Feb. 8, '35, 2d, Mary L. Trundy, Sept. 19, '52 ; r. Rock, a merchant, firm Kimball & Ingraham, State Senator, 1848, & '49, &c 2, Alfred H, b. June 3, '16 ; m. Mary J. Bray of Deer Isle, Dec 12, '48 ; i. Rock, president Rockland Bank, &c. 3, Bradford, b. Feb. 5, '19 ; m. Melinda Shaw of Rock, Sept. 25, '52 ; r. Vassalboro', a farmer, &c. Hon. Iddo K.'s ch. 1, Mary T, b. April 22, 1836 ; m. Samuel W. Tate, and d. Feb. 13, '54. 2, Angeline E, b. Dec. 29, '39. 3, ? John K, b. '43, died July 10, '51, 4, Fannie, b. ab. '45. By 2d wife. 5, Clara, b. ab. '54. 6, Ida M, b. ab. '56. 7, Marietta, b. '60. Alfred H.'s ch. 1, Bradford, (2d), b. ab. 1849. 2, Mary H, b. ah. '51. 3, Ada F, b. ab. '53 4, Alfred Banks, b. Jan. 31, and d. Aug. 19, '61. 5 & 6, twins, b. Aug. 21, '62, Iddo K. jr, d Aug. 27, '63 ; .Emma B, d. Aug. 30, '63. KIRKPATRICK, James, b. ab. 1776 ; youngest son of John, one of the first Scottish settlers of Warre'n, in 1753 ; m. Elizabeth Wil liams of Long Island; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Charles W, m. Mary Babbage ; r. Bangor. 2, EUza, b. ab 1811 ; m. Capt. John Holbrook ; r. Rock. 3, Alfred, m. Harriet Leslie ; r. Bangor. 4, Jane W, m. Robert Maker ; r. Northport. 5, Mary, m. John T. Smith of Guil ford, N. H. 6, Benjamin, b. ab. 1819 ; m. Clara or Chloe Cotton of Hope ; j. Rock, a soldier in 2d Me. Battery. 7, Ann S, m. Parker Means ; r. Belmont. 8, James, (2d), m. Josephine Thurston ; r. Rock. 9, HoUis,.m. Sarah Clough; r. Rock. 10, John, (4th), b. ab, 1827; Vol. II. 26 302 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, m. Mary E. Butler ; r. Rock, a teamster. 11, Eleanor A. 12, Emily S. 13, PhUena, m. Capt. Edward Rogers ; r. Rock. 14, WiUiam F, t. Bangor. Benjamin's ch. 1, George T, b. ab. 1849. 2, Daniel L., b. ab. '61. 3, Hattie O, b. ab. '55. 4, Chloe, b. ab. '60. John, (4th)'s ch. 1, Sarah E, b. ab. '52. 2, WUliam E, b. ab.'64. KIRKPATRICK, John, (3d), son of John, (2d), and Nancy (Star rett) Kirkpatrick of Warren, b. in W. ab. 1814 ; m. Priscilla Flint of Rock, July 14, '38 ; r. Rock, a blacksmith. Frances J, a cousin, dau. of Thomas & Margaret (Starrett) Kirkpatrick of W. ; r. Rock., and keeps millinery establishment. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, Ann, F, b. March 23, and d. Sept. 20, 1838. 2, Lucy, b. July 10, '40. 3, Edgar C, b. Peb. 22, '42 ; m. Ada B. Spear, April 3, '62 ; r. Rock, a black smith, soldier, &c. 4, Frances, b. ab. '43 ; m. James Feyler, Oct. 12, '62. 5, Lizzie T, b. ab. '46; mar. Thomas Devins, Jan. 12, '64; r. Bock. 6, Emma, b. ab. '48. KITTRIDGE, Edwin, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Louisa ; j. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Cora H, b. ab. 1843. 2, WilUam H, b. ab. '47. 3, JohnW, b. ab. '51. KNIGHT, John, b. ab. 1805 ; mar. Adaline P. ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1 & 2, b. ab. 1837, John W, jr. Rock, WUliam J, mar. Georgiana Tibbets, June 29, '56 ; r. Rock, a clerk, &c 3, Ada F, b. ab. '43. 4, Francis A, b. ab. '45 ; soldier in 2d Battery, and 2d Me. Cavalry. KNOWLTON, Ephraim, came from Salem, Mass., to what is now Rock, ab. 1805; m. Mrs. Hannah Barrett, p. May 17, '06; a cooper, &c. ; r. & d. Rock. Their ch. 1, Ephraim, (2d), b. ab. 1814; mar. Catharine Holmes, April 24, '34 ; r. Rock, engaged in fishery, &c. 2, Benjamin, b. ab. '17 ; m. 1st, Margaret Spalding of Line, Nov. 1, '35, 2d, Mrs. Caroline S. McMullen, Oct. 5, '51 ; r. Rock, a grocery merchant. 3, Hannah, m. Benjamin Stone of Vinalhaven, July 22, '24. 4, Lucy, m. William Spalding; j. Rock. 5, Sarah, m. Mark Dodge of Islesboro', 2d, Sumner Allen of Montville, 3d, Moses Nick- erson ; r. Rock. Eohraim, (2d)'s ch. 1, Caroline T. 2, Mary A, b. Oct. 18, 1838 ; m. Finley Boyd, July 12, '55 ; r. Rock. 3, Ellen M, b. May 9, '42. 4, Ann E, b. ab. '46. 5, Ephraim J, b. ab. '51. 6, Clara B, b. ab. '57. Benjamin's ch. 1, WUUam N.. b. Feb. 26, 1836 ; m. Frances A. Worthley, Nov. '58 ; r. Rock, a truckman, soldier in 17th Me. reg, &c. 2, Susan I, b. Oct. 23, '38 ; m. Josiah Peabody. 3, Harriet H, b. Nov. 29, '41, d. Feb, '42. The mother d. Dec. 28, '50, a. 33. By 2d wife. 4, FrankUn, b. ab. '52. 5, EmmaH, b. ab. '54. 6, an infant, d. Aug. 4, '61. Of William N.'s ch. Annie C, b. June 31, 1861, d. Aug. 4, '62. ' KNOWLTON, JohnW, b. ab. 1822, in Belfast, Me.; m. Almira F. Ames ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Edward A,b. ab. '47. 2, Frank M, b. ab. '51. 3, Ralph E, b. ab. '57. 4, John A, b. ab. '59. KNOWLTON, Charles H, b. ab. 1825, in Liberty, Me. ; m. 1st, Delinda Davis, Dec. 26, '47, (who d. Jan. 31, '54, a. 28,) r. Rock, a pump peddler. His ch. 1, Freeland C, b. ab. '49 ; r. Rock, enter ed U. S. navy. 2, Freeman P, b. ab. '54. KNOWLES, Joseph, b. ab. 1800 ; c. from Northport ; m. & r. Th. His ch. 1, Lewis, b. ab. '33, a teacher, &c. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '36. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 303 8, Levi, b. ab. '38, a mariner. 4, Marcus, b. ab. '40, a mariner. 5, George C, b. ab. '42, soldier in 21st Me. reg , &c. 6, ? Clarena, b. ab. '56. KNOX, Maj. Gen. Henry, b. in Boston of Scottish* parents July 25, 1750 ; lost his father while yet a boy ; was educated in the com mon schools of Boston ; labored as a bookbinder & stationer to main tain his riVother, himself, and only brother, who d. young ; m'. Lucy Flucker June, '74 ; j . Boston & Philadelphia ; was artillery officer in Revolution ; secretary of war ; secretary of the society of the Cincin nati ; honorary A. M. Dartmouth CoU, '93 ; c, '95, to Th. & d. Oct. 25, '06. Their ch. 1, Lucy Fluker, b. in 1776 ; m.'PIon. Ebenezer Thatcher; r. Th, W. & Bingham, d. at Montpelier, Th, Oct. 12, '54. 2, Henry Jackson, b. 1780, was an infant at Mt. Vernon during the seige of Yorktown ; m. Eliza T. Read of Th, p. May 1, '03 ; had name changed to Henry, Feb. 11, '23 ; r. W. & Th. & d. very sudden ly, without ch, Oct. 9, '32. His wife d. Dec. '25, or Jan. '26, a. 41, at Worcester, Mass. 3, Marcus CamiUus, d. very suddenly, at the age of 8 years, in fits caused by sun' stroke, at Philadelphia. 4, George Washington; 5, Marcus; 6, Washington ; 7, H. W. Bingham; 8, JuUa; 9, Caroline; 10, H. Augusta; 11, JuUa Wadsworth ; all died young, before their father, & many in infancy. 12, CaroUne Fluker, b. in 1791 ; m. ab. 1808, James Swan of Boston, who d. here March. 22, '36, 2d, Hon. John Holmes of Alfred, July 31, '37 ; r. MontpeUer, Th. and d. without ch, Oct. 17, '51. The mother d. at 3 o'clock on the morning of June 20, 1824, aged 68. LABE, Martin D, b. ab. 1822 in Waldoboro', m. Isabella D. Har rington, May '44 ; r. Rock, a joiner. SUaa E, probably a brother, b. Oct. 12. '32, m. Lucinda S. Burns, Dec. 6, '55 ; r. Rock, a joiner, soldier of the 4th Me, and d. Feb. 4, '63. Martin D.'s ch. 1, WUliam P, b. Oct. 1846, d. March 21, '51. 2, Erastus P, b. ab. '52. LACKEY, WiUiam, c. from Hingham, Mass,, early to Th, m. Ol ive Stackpole, p. April 2, 1788 ; r. Th, & d. July 5. '97. Their ch. 1, Jane, b. April 13, '88 ; 2, WUUam, b. Feb. 12, '90 ; 3, Simeon, b. March 9, '92 ; all probably rem. Prospect. 4, Lucy, b. March 20, '94, d. July 20, '96. 5, Susan Stackpole, b. May 18, '96, and rem. LADD, Daniel, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Sarah J. Benner of Wal, in 1853 ; jr. Rock, a teamster. LAMB, Benjamin, b. ab. 1811 ; in Lincolnville, m. Mary J. Dun- neU ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c. His brother, Jacob W, a.?o ame here, m. Adelaide Dean ; r. Rock. Benjamin's ch. 1, Andrew D, b. ab. 1844, a mariner. 2, Aman da E, b. ab. '47. 3, George E, b. ab. '49. 4, Adelbert E, b. ab. '51. 5, Flora E, b. ab. '55. LAMPSON, Jonathan, m. Mary Gross ; c. from Derry, N. H, be fore 1780, and r. many years in Th, rem. to what is now Rock, had charge of Blackington's mill, and d. March 7, 1835. His wife d. Aug. 17, 1824. Their ch. 1, William, m. Mrs. Caroline Sidensberger ; r. W, and died without ch, April 13, 1836. 2, Sally, m. Ignatius Jor dan ; r. and d. Th. 3, Martha, m. Capt. Matthias Isley, 2d, Thomas Molntyre ; r. Th, and d. Nov. 16, 1856. 4, Mary, m. Adam Martin, » Knox used to visit, as a relative, Mrs. Rawley of St. George, wife of one of the Scottish settlers of Warren. 304 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, p. Jan. 1, 1803 ; r. S. Th, rem. and d. Union. 5, Abigail, b. in May, 1775 ; r. Rock , and died Oct. 27, 1843. 6, Lucy W, mar. FrankUn Stearns, July 10, 1814 ; rem. and died Burnham. 7, Ambrose, (an adopted grandson,) b. Sept. 13, 1796, m. Elsie Burns, Oct. 19, 1817 ; 2d, Eliza L. Bradley, June 9, 1850 ; r. Rock, a wheelwright, served in war of 1812 in place of Joseph Ingraham; and d. Dec-1, 1861. Ambrose's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Jonathan, (2d), b. June 1, 1818, d. Oct. 5, '26. 2, Edward I, b. Aug. 7, '19, m. Antoinette Brown, Feb. 27, '53 ; r. Rock, a quarryman. 3, Martin, b. April 7, '21, d. Oct. 7, '24. .4, Antoinette, b. March 22, '25, d. Oct. 7, '26. 5, Am- . brose, (2A)', b. AprU 22, 182-7, m. Mary O. Tolman of Cam, May 14, '61, 2d, Ardell Ingraham, Aug, 1862; i. Rock, rem. Cam, a join er. 6, Julia M, b. Oct. 22, '28, m. John Barrett; r. Rock. 7, Otis Manley, b. March 6, 1835 ; i. Rock, a wheelright, &c. The mother d. July 10, '48, a. 51 years. Edward l.'s ch. 1, Elsie E., b. April 16, 1854. 2, Anna F, b. Dec. 7, '60. Ambrose, (2d)'s ch. 1, Frederic U, b. July 23, '67. 2, LesUe.b. March 31, '61. The mother d. April 11, 1861. LANDER, William, b. ab. 1824, in England, as was Sarah E, his wife, in N. S. ; r. S. Th, a whip sawyer. Their ch. 1, Rosanna L, b. ab. '52. 2, CaroUne M, b. ab. '55. 3, Nancy E, b. ab. '58. LANDERS, Robert, b. ab. 1815, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, ? Thomas. 2, ? Michael. 3, Mary, b. ab. 1845. 4, Joanna, b. ab. '47. 5, Ellen, b. ab. '52. 6, Robert, b. ab. '56. 7, John, b. ab. "58. 8, William, b. ab. '69. LANE, Joseph, b. in Marblehead, Mass, m. Betsey Flagg; r.in Bristol, Me, lately rem. Rock-, where two of his sons had settled, viz. : 1, Joseph H, b, in Bristol ab. 1821, m, Melissa Erskine ; r. Rock. 2, PhiUp H, b. in Bristol ab. 1835. m. Nancy Martin ; r. Rock, a mariner. Joseph H.'s ch. 1. Mary A, b. ab. 1854. 2, Exie, b. ab. '57. Philip H.'s ch. Ida M, b, ab. 1858. LANGELL, Ephraim, born in Nova Scotia, ab. 1823, m. Asenath Roberts, Oct. 25, '53 ; r. Rock, a shoemaker, soldier of 4th Me, &c. LARRABEE, James, b. ab. 1797 ; m. Maria ; r. Rock, lost his sight by explosion in lime quarry. Their ch. 1, John H., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Margaret R. Young, p. Sept. 26, '45 ; r. Rock., a truckman. 2, Mary Ann, b. ab. 1835; m. Erskine; i. Rock. 3, Achsa R. ; r Rock. Of James's nephews there also came here from Knox, 3 brothers, viz. : 1, Otis, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Sarah J. Achorn, March 8, '49 ; i. Rock. 2, Solomon, b. ab. '25 ; m. Nancy Stevens, Aug. 13, '48 ; r. Rock, & d. April, 1863, from a stab received from one Foster with whom he got into a dispute when cutting timber. 3, EUas, b. in Knox, Nov. 6, 1829; m. H. Elizabeth Brewer, June 11, '53; jr. Rock, a lime burner. John H.'s ch. 1, Mary M, b. Aug. 15, 1846; m. Robert Jackson of Milford, Mass, Nov. 3, '64. 2, Marcia V., born Sept. 8, '48. 3, Valdora E, b. May '27, & d. Aug. 26, '51. 4, Charles Y, b. Feb. 28, '53. 5, James Augustus, b. March 25, '58. 6, Herbert Lincoln, born March 28, '61. 7, Orris B.. b. Feb. 25, '64. Otis's ch. 1, Ruth A., b. ab. 1851. 2, William H, 3, Emery. 4, Eugene, b. ab. '59. Solomon's ch. 1, Fidelia A, b. June, 1853, died Jan. 6, 60. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '55. 3, Frederic F, b. ab. '68. 4, Alden H, b. Dec, '62, died Oct. 27, '63. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 305 EUas's ch. 1, Cora E, b. Aug 3, 1857. 2, Albert J, b. Jan. 25, '60. 3, Alfred, b. June 1, '62. The mother d. June 4, 1862, aged 32. LASH, Casimir, of German descent, c. from Waldoboro', mar. 1st, Ann Malcolm of C, Dec. 26, 1824, 2d, Ann (Stetson) Eaton of Cam, p. Nov. 3, '37 ; r. Th, a painter, florist, &c, d. Sept. 22, '49. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Delia D, b. Oct. 24, 1825, m. Alfred B. Butler of S. Th, 2d, Dizer, of St. George ; r. Th. 2, Octavia D, b. March 10, '28, m. Edward E. O'Brien; r. Th. 3, Alcander S, b. July 17, '30, m. Adelaide Reed of Belfast, March 3, '58 ; r. Th, a painter. 4, Laura D, b. June 1, '33, d. in Boston, Feb., '51. 5, Aroline H, born Aug. 16, '35, d. Feb. 29, '36. The mother d. April 13, 1836. Alcander S.'s ch. John, b. ab. 1859. LASH, John B, b. ab. 1822, c. from Wal, m. Anstruss E. Getchell, Dec. 1846 ; r. Th, a baker. Their ch. Anna B, b. ab. 1859. LASSELL, or Laisdell, , was, with his family, the early and only occupant of, gave name to, and d. on Laisdell's Is, which lies between Cam. harbor and Long Is. Of his ch. 1, Ruth, m. Samuel Williams of Harpswell, p. May 22, 1777. 2, Lois, m. William Ler mond of W, r. and d. W. 3, Deidamia, m. William Philbrook, pub. May 6, 1780 ; r. and d. Long Is Also, probably, Joshua, who came from Vinalhaven to Cam, mar. Philbrook, and had ch. 1, Robert, mar. 1st, Mrs. EUzabeth Robinson, 2d, a Hilt of Hope. 2, John. 3, Joshua, (2d), mar. Miss Sweetland of Hope. 4, Jeremiah, m. Miss Payson of Hope. 5, Hannah. 6, Betsey. Robert's ch. 1, David, m. Lucy Crockett. 2, William, m. in Kirk- land. 3, Mary, m. James M. Tibbits. 4, Jonathan, b. ab. 1819, mar. Delilah Spalding, Nov. 1, 1838 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 5, Nancy. Jonathan's ch. 1, George S, b. Feb. 15, 1842. 2, Charles A, b. ab. '44. 3, Sarah E, b. ab. '46. 4 & 5, twins, b. Dec. 13, '49 ; Hannah C, d. March 17, '62, and Bernard I.. 6 & 7, twins, William and Ada, both died young. 8, Lucy T, b. ab. '55. 9, Jonathan, (2d), b. ab. '56. 10, Francis D, b. ab. '59. LATTA, William, b. ab. 1818, in New Brunswick, as was Ann his wife in England ; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, ? James, b. ab. 1837, died July 21, '59. 2, Kate, b. ab. '43. 3, Lucretia, b. ab. '45. 4, An drew, b. ab. '47. 5, Sophia, b. ab. '49. 6, Isabel, b. ab. '51. 7, WU Uam I , b. ab. '53. 8, Anson, b. ab. '56. LAWRENCE, Archibald, b. ab. 1825, in Hope; m. Phebe Calief ; r. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Ellen, b. April, 1847, died July 23, "61. 2, Emma, b. ab. '49. 3, Austin, b. ab. '53. 4, George, b. ab. '57. 5, Phebe, b. ab. '60. LAWRENCE, Henry F, b. ab. 1835 ; mar. Emma J. Coombs, p. April 21, '53 ; r. Rock, a mariner. Then- ch. 1, Emerette, b. ab. 1857. 2, Edwin, b. ab. '59. LAWRENCE, Samuel, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Caroline H. Day, May 23, '53 ; r Rock, a mariner. Their ch. Charles C, b. ab. 1860. LA WRY, Samuel, b. July, 1805, probably in Friendship ; m. Betsey Ann ; r Rock, a joiuer, and d. Dec. 11, 1860. Their ch. 1, Helen I, b. ab. 1834. 2, Llewellyn W, b. ab. '36. 3, Albert D., b. ab. '39. 4, Alonzo F, b. ab. '41. 5, Edwin H, b. ab. '43. 6, Let- tie E, b. ab. '49. 7, Samuel W, b. ab. '57. LAWRY, Robert, son of Robert Lawry of W. ; mar. Emma L. 26* 308 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Walker of Hampden, Oct. 25, 1857; r. Th, a carpenter. Theirch. El win, b. ab. '69. LEACH, Ambrose, son of Jerathmael of W. ; m. Julia Little- hale, 1831 ; r. and d. U. ; but his family rem. Rock. Their ch. 1, James L. 2, Frances E, r. Rock. 3, Ambrose A. LEAVETT, Charles, h. ab. 1812 ; mar. Rebecca Fish of Hope ; r. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Adolphus A, b. ab. 1844 ; jr. Rock, soldier in 28th Me. Reg, lately re-enlisted. 2, Alvina, b. ab. '45. 3, Charles B, b. ab. '49. 4, Henry, b. ab. '51. 5, Medora A, b. ab. '63. 6, Frank, b. ab. '55. LEAVETT, Silas, b. ab. 1824, in Augusta, Me, mar. Eliza Ann Wood; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c Theirch. 1, Harriet M, born Feb, 1850. d. March 2, '51. 2, Silas P, b. ab. '54. LEIGHTON, Daniel, b. ab. 1805 in Mass, m. Sarah ; r. S. Th, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Abiathar R, b. ab. 1839 ; r. S. Th, a farmer. LEISTNER, Charles, b. ab. 1793, probably in Wal, m. Lucy ; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Priscilla H, b. ab. 1841. 2, Susan, b. ab. '44. LENFEST ; of this family there came from Washington, Me, two brothers ; 1, Nicholas H, b. ab. 1817, m. Sarah F. Fernald, May 2, 1857 ; r. Th , a carpenter. 2, Charles P, b. ab. 1832, m. Roxana B. (Fernald) Young, Nov. 5, 1856 ; r. Th. Nicholas H.'s ch. 1, Henry A, b. Jan. 25, 1858. 2, WUUam C, b. May 13, 1860. 3, Ellen F, b. Aug. 12, 1862. Charles P.'s ch. Merritt F, b. Dec. 26, 1858. LEONARD, Mary, b. in Ireland, ab. 1820 ; r. S. Th, a widow. Herch. 1, James, b. ab. '35 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Mary A, b. ab. '41. LERMOND ; for this family iu full, see Annals of Warren. Of the sons of William, there c here, 1, James, (3d), who m. Elizabeth Andrews, Dec. 15, 1800 ; r. Th, on the Porterfield place, & d. in W, '06. 2, Mary, m. E. S. Young; r. Th. & d. Oct. 19, '09. 3, George, b. ab. 1787; m. 1st, Lucy Vose, Nov. 18, 1819, 2d, Sarah Vose, Nov. 26, '32, (who d. Dec. 21, '55) ; r. Th, d Jan 5, '65. Of Alexander, (2d)'s ch. Ambrose, b. Nov. 28, 1800 ; m. Sarah Lermond, Dec. 25, 1828 ; was many years commissioner of Lincoln co. ; rem. Th. : post master 8 years, merchant, &c Of James, (3d)'s ch. 1, Sarah, b. '01 ; m. Ambrose Lermond; r. Th. & d. Dec. 4, '53. 2, Capt. Edward, b. '03 ; m. EveUne Parsons of C, p. Sept. 30, '30 ; r. Th, & d. March 2, '62. Of Alexander, (4th)'s ch. Edmund B, b. Oct. 12, 1807 ; m. Mary A. Killsa, Sept. '34 ; r. Th, a merchant, & d. at Philadelphia, May, '50, on his passage home from N. O. Of Joshua's ch. Albert G, b. June 26, '09 ; m. Elizabeth Nutting, p. June 9, '38 ; r. Th, a teacher, &c, d. May 14, '55. Of Alexander, (3d)'s ch. Charles, b. ab. '16 ; m. Rebecca C. Morton, Dec. 12, '41 ; r. Th.. a shipbuUder. Of Percy's ch. Henry, b. ab. '27 ; m. Susan Cobb ; r. Th, a ship builder. George's ch. 1, Oliver, (2d), lost at sea, March 9, 1839 2, Erastus, b. ab. '22 ; m. EmeUne Woodcock, Jan. 30, '44 ; r. Th, a farmer. 3, Geo. Washington, m. Lucy A. Young, April 23, '45, d. California, '60. Ambrose's ch. 1, William Edward, b. Oct 5, 1829, d. of fever at N. Y, on passage from N. O, Oct. 5, '54. 2, Frances E. b. Sept. 16, '31. 3, Eveline, b. Oct. 23, '36. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 307 Capt. Edward's ch. 1, Edward W, b. ab 1844, entered the navy. 2, Franklin, b. ab. '46. Edmund B.'s ch. 1, Pranklin; 2, Mary Helen ; 3, Maria J. L, aU rem. to Canton, 111. Albert G.'s ch. 1, Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1839, d. April 15, '55. 2, Emma F, b. Oct. 20, '40 : m. Joshua Wyllie ; r. Th. 3, Wil liam James, b. June 4, '45 ; r. Th., a mariner. 4, Margaret H., b. Oct. 7, 1851. Charles's ch. 1, Aroline C, b. Oct. 11, 1843. 2, Lauretta R, b. May 9, '46. 3, Levi M, b. June 22, '48. 4, Lizzie C, b. May 7, '50. 5, Charles Herbert, b. Aug. 26, '52.. 6, Albert M, b. April 28, '55, d. O. 5, '58. 7, AUce M, b. May 15, '59. 8, Cora Ella, b. J. 16, '61. Henry's ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1852. 2, Merritt Alden, b. Oct. '60. Erastus's ch. 1, Irene C, b. June 28, 1844. 2, Oliver G, b. Sept. 5, '47. 3, Adelaide W. b. Jan. 15, '57. 4, Ettie K, b. May 18, '59. G. Washington's ch. 1, Elizabeth A, b. ab. 1846. 2, WUUam G, b. ab. '49. LERVEY, Capt. William, J, b. ab. 1824; m. Emily P. Snow, Jan. '47 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Melvin P., b. ab. '48. 2, Abby C, b. ab. '51. 3, George, b. ab. '53. 4, John, b. ab. '56. LEVENSALER, or Lebensaler, Adam, of German descent, b. Nov. 1773, «. from Waldoboro' to Th, before 1798 ; mar. Mary Turner of Wal, p. May 2, 1798, and d. June 16, 1849. Mary, his wife, a sup posed descendant of one of the Mayflower pilgrims, d. Sept. 21, 1853, a. 79 years and 10 months. Their ch. 1, Barden T, b. 1798, mar. Ann J. Robinson, Aug. 21, 1828 ; r. Th, and died June 4, '52. 2, Hon. Atwood, b. Nov. 8, '99, mar. Nancy Coombs, Jan. 28, 1831 ; r. Th, a merchant, councillor, 1842, and '43, &c 3, Lincoln, b. April 39, 1801, m. Angelina Jenks, 1834; r. Th, and d. on homestead, Jan. 12, '63. 4, Julia S, b. Oct. 25, '02, m. Thomas Howard ; c. W. 5, Capt. Caleb, b. Aug. 14, '04, mar. Harriet Gilchrist of C, p. June 9, 1832 ; r. Th. 6, Leanora, b. Sept. 15, '06, m. William H. P. McLel lan, Nov. 10, '33 ; r. N. O. 7, Elsie K, b. Jan. 14, '09 ; r. Th, and d. at W, Aug. 12, '62. 8, Michal, b. Nov. 19, '10, d. March 2, '17. 9, Sarah F, b. Dec. 17, '13, m. John S. Coburn; r. Rock. 10, Capt. Orris, b. Jan. 17, '17; perished by shipwreck, Feb. 11, '43. Barden T.'s ch. 1. WUliam B, b. June 10, 1829, mar. Anastasia Hanley of Bristol, Dec. 18, '59 ; r. Boston, a mariner. 2, Hester A, b. March 11, '31, d. Sept. 23, '42. 3, Edward R, b. April 21, '33 ; r. Th, a painter, &c. 4, Thomas H, b. Nov. 12, '34 ; r. Th, a mariner, entered the navy. Hon. Atwood's ch. 1, Dr. Henry C, born April 15, 1831 ; M. D. Bowd. Coll., 1856 ; r. and. practised med, St. George ; appointed asst. surgeon of the 19th Me. Regt, promoted surgeon of the 8th Me. Regt., &c. 2, Mary T, b. Oct. 15, '32, m. Thomas S. Andrews of W, Nov. 30, '63 ; r. Th. 3, John C, b. May 7, '35 ; r. Th, Cashier of Georges Bank. 4, Augusta, b. Jan. 7, '37. 5, Adam P, b. April 13, '39 ; r. Th, a mariner. 6, Atwood J, b. March 3, '41. 7, Orris, b. ab. '43, d. Oct. 1, '64. 8, Nancy I, b. ab. '45. 9, Lucius C, b. Jan. 8, '50, d. Jan. 20, '54. Line rln's ch. 1, Frederic, r. Th, a mariner. 2, George D, b. Dec. 13, 1836 ; r. Th, a clerk, &c. 3, Julia F, b. Oct. 28, '38 ; r. Boston. 4, Francis, b. ab. '40. 5, Sarah A, b. April 6, '42, and died July 26, 'iS. 6, Charles L, b. ab. '43. 7, Caleb, (2d). 8, Lydia. 9, Thom as J, b. Jan. 18, '46, d. Sept. 29, '58. 10, Catharine, b. Oct. 5, '47, d. Sept. 21, '48. 11, John West, b. ab. '50. 308 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Caleb's ch. 1, Elsie, b. Sept. 28, 1832, mar. Edmund B. Chapman ; r. Th. 2, OUve R, b. Nov. 11, '34, m. Capt. James F. Chapman ; r. Th. 3, Joseph G, b. April 19, '37 ; r. Th, a mariner. 4, Harriet, b. ab. '44. 5, Raymond, b. ab. '50. WiUiam R.'s ch. Florence N, b. April, 1860. LEVENSALER, Joel, b. ab. 1810 in Waldoboro' ; mar. Susan D, Healey, Oct. 4, '33 ; r. Th, a marble worker, and died Feb. 5, '63. Their ch. 1, Dodge H, b. May 15, 1836, mar. Bertha A. Hall, Nov. 11 ,'58 ; r. Th, a mason. 2, Winfield, b. AprU 8, '39, d. Oct. 3, '43. 3, Mary Elizabeth, b. 23, '41 ; r. Th. Dodge H.'s ch. Caroline F, b. ab. 1859. LEWIS, Thomas, b. ab. 1804 ; m. Caroline S. ; r. S. Th, a stone cutter. Their ch. Caroline M, b 1839 ; r. S. Th, a teacher. LEWIS, Capt. James H , b. ab. 1824, in Bucksport, Me. ; m. Clara Howes ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Charles H, b. Oct. 24, 1854, d. June 28, '63,. by drowning. 2, John W, b. April 4, '58. LIBBEY, Jrseph C, b. ab. 1806, in Limington, Me. ; m. Lois M. Waterhouse ; r. Rock, a merchant. Their ch. 1, Frederic W, b. ab. 1828; m. Abby W. Colby, Aug. 27, '49; r. Rock, musician in 6th Me. Reg, since in navy. 2, Helen, b. 1830, d. Nov. 13, '54. 3, Capt. Edwin, b. Feb. 28, '32 ; m. Mary F. Cook, Sept. 9, '56 ; r. Rock, of ficer in 4th Me, killed in battle of Wilderness, May 5, '64. 4, Capt. Arthur L, b. Dec. 29, '34; m. EUen F. ; r. Rock, officer in 4th Me. Reg, &c 5, Lucius H, b. May 28, '39 ; r. Rock, a tin plate dealer. 6, Charles A, b. Aug. 24, '42 ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me., &c 7, Frank Cobb, b. ab. 1844, a mariner. Capt. Arthur L.'s ch. 1, Ella M, b. Aug. 19, 1855, d. Sept. 26, '56. > 2, WUliam A, b. ab. '57. LIBBEY, Samuel, b. ab. 1786, son of EUakim of Warren ; m. Nancy Crawford, Dec 13, 1812; rem. Rock, a merchant, &c. His wife, b. March 20, 1789, in W, d. Sept. 27, 1864. Their ch. 1, (adopted), Frances, r. Rock. Of the sons of James of Warren ; 1, Alexander, (2d), b. ab. 1817 ; m. Margaret Jordan; r. Rock, a shipbuilder, rem. South. Their ch. 1, Eliza E. H. V, b. ab. 1843. 2, James A, b. ab. '57. 3, Virginia F, b. April 15, '59, d. Sept. 23, '60. LIBBEY, Charles A, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Sarah A. ; r. Rock, professor of music, asst. superintendent of State Reform School. Their ch. 1, Charles A, (2d), b. ab. 1848. 2, Sarah F , b. ab. '50. LIBBEY, Michael, r. Th, some years, a merchant; m. Rebecca Frances Copeland of W, Nov. 6, 1843 ; rem. Boston. LIDDY, Michael, c from Limerick, Ireland, with Mary, his wife, to Th. in 1835 or '6, & d. Sept. 22, '49. Their ch. , 1, John, came over with his parents, and d. June 21, '51, killed, blasting lime rock. 2, James, b. March 13, '31; r. Th, an ostler, &c 3, Michael, (2d), b. ab. '37 ; r. Th, a mariner. LINCOLN, Luther, c. from Hillsboro', N. H. ; r. Th. unm, was a mason, merchant, lime inspector, &c, & d. Oct. 3, 1852. Isaac Watt, a brother, b. 1784 ; m. Susanna K. Keith, Jan. 2, 1806 ; r. Th, a ma son, and d. Aug. IS, 1837. Isaac W.'s ch. 1, Joanna T, b. Oct. 12, 1810 ; m. David Cotton, Aug. 7, '30 ; r. Hope. 2, Ruth. b. May 20, '12 ; m. Jesse Tibbets ; r. New Sharon. 3, Isaac, (2d), b. Sept. 6, '14, d. Oct. 19, '34. 4, Angerana, b. May 10, '16 ; m. 1st, Moses H. Cob- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 309 bett of Belfast, Feb. 27, '31, 2d, James Tarbox of Th, St. rem. Lynn. 5, Jeanette, b.-May 10, '18 ; m. W. Ramsdell ; i. Roxbury, Mass. 6, John, b. Jan. 12, '20, d. July 31, '46. 7, Susan, b. Dec. 24, '23; m. Levi Cooper; r. Woburn, Mass. 8, Sarah, b. March 22, '25; mar. Cyrus S. Waterman of Hope, May 31, '45. LINDSEY, John, b. in Old York about 1735 ; removed at the close of the French and Indian war to Fox Islands ; m. Susanna Robinson ; settled, r. and d. at what is now Rockland. Their ch. 1, Nathaniel, b. Sept. 8, 1768 ; m. Experience Ames of Fox Is, p. March 24, '92 ; j. S. Th, & d. Rock, Aug. 22, 1850. 2, John, (2d), b. May 20, '70 ; m. Miss Snow in Hampden ; r. Frankfort and Bangor. 3, Martha, b. May 6, '72 ; m. WiUiam Perry ; j. and d. Hope. 4, Samuel, born July 5, '74; m. Betsey Godding, Jan. 23, 1804 ; r. Rock, lost at sea. 6, Patience, b. July 19, '76 ; m. John Hastey, March 16, 1809. 6, Susanna, b. May 25, '80 ; m. Constant Rankin ; rem. Frankfort. 7, Betsey, b. Aug. 24, '86 ; m. Robert Murdough, d. Dec. 29, 1808. 8, George, b. AprU 29, '92; mar. Rachel Simonton, Nov. 19, 1815, 2d, Sarah A. (PiUsbury) Cook, p. Jan. 31, 1835 ; r. Rock, landlord of the Lindsey House, &c. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Capt. John, (3d), b. March 20, 1793 ; m. EU- onai Crockett, Peb. 21, 1821; lost at sea, Aug. 1830. 2, Anna, born Nov. 15, '94 ; r. California. 3, Mary, b. Jan. 15, '98 ; m. Dea. Henry Ingraham; r. Rock. 4, Rebecca, b. Oct. 20, '99 ; j. Rock. & d. March* 1861. 5, Elethea, b. April 15, 1803 ; m. Theodore Howard ; r. Rock. 6, Mark, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Mary Rankin, Oct. 30, '28 ; r. Rock, rem. Northport. 7, Sarah, b. July 20, '07 ; mar. Capt. Jesse KaUoch; r. Rock, and d. April 28, '58. 8, PrisciUa, m. WUliam T. Saywood; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 30, '52. Of John, (2d)'s ch. 1, John, (4th), b. ab. 1814 ; m. Elsie J. Ellis, Oct. 4, 1840 ; r. Rock, a joiner. 2, Eliza Snow, b. June 18, '21, died at Rock, Jan. 16, '63. Samuel's ch. 1, Thomas, b. Oct. 26, 1804, d. unm. 2, Capt. Israel, m. Harriet Prescott ; rem. Bath. 3, Elsie, b. May, 1808 ; mar. Capt, John Bently, (2d), r. Th. and died May 30, '47 ; 4, Lucy, mar. John Pease, now deceased. George's ch. 1, Olive A, b. Sept. 17, 1816; m. Comfort S. Keen; r. Rock. 2, Harriet S, b. Jan. 20, '20 ; mar. Samuel I. Thomas ; r. Rock. 3, Clarissa E, b. Oct. 25, '28 ; r. Rock. 4, George N, bom Nov. 26, '30 ; r. Rock. By 2d wife. 5, Joseph O, b. Dec. 8, '37, d. July 11, 1857. Capt. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Almira, born Nov. 28, 1821 ; mar. Capt. Azariah Stanley; r. Rock. 2, CaroUne B, b. Dee. 13, '24; m. Al vah Hamilton ; r. Rock. 3, Frances H, b. June 22, '29 ; d. March 17, '46. 4, Nancy, b. AprU 15, '34 ; r. Rockland. Mark's ch. 1, Sarah F, b. March 19, 1830 ; m. Robert P. Havener of Frankfort, May 2, '47- 2, Marcia A, b. Feb. 8, '32 ; mar. John E. Moore, July 30, '54 ; and d. June 4, '56. 3, EUzabeth F, b. Nov. 13, '34 ; r. Rock. 4, John B, b. May 17, '39 ; 5, Edward, b. ab. 1843 ; 6, Talbot, b. ab. 1846 ; 7, Henry, b. ab. 1850 ; aU rem. Northport. John, (4th)'s ch. 1, Susan M, b. Aug. 26, 1841. 2, Edith J, b. ab. '52. 3, Frank EUis, b. Feb. 26, '57, d. March 28, '59. LINDSEY ; there were also of this name, & probably connected with the foregoing, Sarah, b. ab. 1805 ; r. S. Th. ; also Edwin, b. ab. '39 ; r. S. Th, a soldier of 4th Me. reg, d. Aug. 16, '62, at St. Luke's hospital, N. Y, of fever; also, Henry, b. ab '45 ; r. S. Th. 310 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, LINNEKIN, David, c. from St. George; m. Rachel Wheeler of St. G. ; r. Th, on the Finley Kelloch lot. Their ch. l,.Angeline, 2, George. 3, Clara. 4, Barbara. 5, Charles. LINNEKIN, Joshua S, b. in Appleton ; m. Marietta Richardson, May 7, 1859 ; r. Th, a cooper. LINN, Peter, b. ab. 1832 ; c. from Ireland with EUen, his wife, r, Rock, a gas worker. Their ch. 1, James, b. ab. '58. 2, Annie, b. ab. '59. LINNELL, Elisha, u. from Palermo, Me. ; m. Emily S. Counce, Sept. 17, 1847 ; r. Th, a merchant, & d. July 18, '64. Their ch. 1, , b. Peb. 17, & d. Oct. 12, '51. 2, Charles C, b. ab.. '57. 3, Herbert, b. '59. LINSCOTT, James C, b. ab. 1832, m. Nancy P. Butler, p. Jan. 27, '49 ; r. Th, a farmer, & rem. Their ch. 1, Sarah J, b. ab. '51. 2, WilUam, b. ab. '53. 3, James W, b. ab. '55. 4, Cora E, b. ab. '57. LISCOMB, Nathaniel, b. ab. 1806, c. from Cape Elizabeth in '25 ; m. Barbara Blackington, p. Feb. 16, '30, 2d, Nancy H. Kelleran, Oct. 15, '38 ; r. Th, a stove and tin plate dealer, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Orlando, b. Peb. 1, '28, d! Feb. 8, '38. 2, Abby M, m. Joel Emery, Jr. of Eden, Dec, '49. 3, John T, b. Sept. '31, d. Feb. 15, '32. 4, . OUve, b. July, '36 ; m. Arthur J. Hatch ; r. Th. By 2d wife, 5, Hez ekiah C, b. March, 1840 ; r. Th, a soldier of 4th Me. reg. &c 6, Eveline A, b. ab. '45. 7, Ettie F, b. ab. 1847. LITCHFIELD, Benjamin, b. 1782; c. from Lewiston; m. Nancy McLeUan ; r. C. and U, and rem. Rock. 1854. Their ch. 1, Eliza Jane, b. in C, Sept. 30, 1810 ; m. Asa Morse ; r. Rock. 2, Benjamin, (2d), bom Aug. 26, 1812; mar. Ruth P. WilUams of Orono, learned clothier's trade in W, r. Rock, a corn and flour dealer. 3, Simon M. C, b. ab. 1816 ; m. 1st, Rebecca Crockett, Peb. 10, '45 ; 2d, Hannah Clark, Jan. 3, '53; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. 4, Nancy M., m. Wins low Litchfield; r. Boston. 5, Orrin, d. young. 6, Almeda, b. Aug. 1818; m. (Japt. John M. Coombs; r. Th, and d. Sept. 23, '43. 7, Matilda, mar. 1st, Capt. John M. Coombs, 2d, WilUam Hopkins, r. Brewer. 8, Electa A., m. Hermon Mero ; r. W. 9, Albee K, mar. Cerena Young of Cam, r. Boston. 10, Alden, m. Mary B. Allen of Hope, May 6, '55 ; r. Rock, a clerk, quartermaster of 20th Me. reg. 11, SUas C, b. 1834 ; r. Boston. Benjamin, (2d)'s eh. 1, Capt. JuUus B, b. Feb. 19, 1839 ; m. Helen A. Coombs, r- Rock, an officer in army, long an inmate of a rebel prison, though making many bold attempts to escape. 2, Henry A., b. Aug. 17, '41, a clerk. 3, Frederic P, b. Jan. 23, '44. 4, Emma C, b. April 16, '46. 5, Georgiana F, b. ab. 1849. Simon M. C.'s ch. 1, Rebecca C. H. A, b. ab. 1846. 2, Ella, born ab. '56. 3, Edward M, b. April, and d. July 20, 1861. LITTLE, Micajah, b. in Hampstead, Oct, 1762 ; m. Sarah Noyes of Atkinson, N. H, 2d, Miss Pottle of Kingston, N. H, r. Newbury- port, came here, kept tavern, awhile, at Rockland, and died May 26, 1850. John, a cousin, m. Sarah Little of Atkinson, settled in Union, & d. Oct. 21, 1855. Micajah's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary, mar. a Mr. Kimball; r. Haverhill. 2, Eliza, b. ab. 1787; m. John Lovejoy; r. Rock. 3, ReUef, m. Mr. Pingree, r. Newburyport. Others by 2d wife. LONG, Michael, b. ab. 1736, m. and r. on the Finley Kelloch place, & d. in St. George, Oct, 1826, a. 90. Of his ch. 1, Catharine, . ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 31 1 m. WUliam Biskey. 2, Mary, m. a Simmons. 3, ? Betsey, born Aug. 15, 1783 ; m. Preserved Willis ; r. Th. 4, Capt. Madding, m. and r. St. George. 5, Fanny, m. a Wyllie. ? 6, Capt. Dennis, b. May, 1797 ; m. Calista Healey, Feb. 11, 1819; r. Th, & d. June 27, '32. Of Capt. Maddings's ch. 1, Capt. Edward, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Lu cretia M. Coombs, Feb, 1860 ; r. Thomaston. Dennis's ch. 1, Sylvanus H, b. Dec. 19, 1819, m. EUza J. Worm- eU, AprU 22, '48 ; *. Th, and d. March 9, '61 ; killed by a premature explosion in Ume quarry of Munroe, when touching off a seam blast. 2, Capt. Henry N, b. Nov. 3, '23, mar. Hannah C. Crane of W, July 7, '64 ; r. Th. 3, Meritt A, born April 8, '30, died Oct. 18, '32. 4, Americus N, b. May 6, '35, mar. Mary C. Whitney, Oct. 19, '60; r. Th. 5, Martha A. A, b. Feb. 24, and d. Oct. 3, '32. Capt. Edward's ch. George, b. ab. 1851. Sylvanus H.'s ch. 1, Almira, b. ab. 1849. 2, Henry N, b. March 4, died June 20, '50. 3, Alden, b. ab. '52. 4, Edgar, b. ab. '55. 5, Mary, b. ab. '59. LONG, John, came from Martha's Vineyard, m. and r. in Cushing, had one son, Abraham, who, on his mother's 2d marriage with Capt. John Stizaker, was brought up by him, m. and r. C, but was drown ed at Watson's Pt, May 27, 1803. Abraham's ch. 1, Hannah, mar. John McKenny ; r. Rock. 2, John, (2d), d. at Mobile or on his pas sage thence. LONG, Cynthia, born ab. 1815 ; r. Rock, a widow. Her ch. 1, Roscoe, b. ab. 1840, a mariner. 2, Theresa H, b. ab. '44. 3, Owen, b. ab. '47. 4, Henry, b. ab. '49. LONG, Lieut, Hezekiah, an officer in 20th Me. Regt, now in Grant's army; r. Th, with Sarah H, his wife, and of theirch. 1, Frederic W, b. Nov. 16, 1852, died June 26, '64, by drowning in a lime quarry, at Rock. LONGLEY, Rufus, b. ah. 1830, m. Abby A. Saunders, AprU 26, '55 ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Helen E, born ab. 1856. 2, Narcissa R, b. ab. '59. 3, Abby, b. Sept. 28, '62, d. June 8, '63. / LORD, Sabine, b. ab. 1826, in Surry, Me, m. Abby S. Swett ; r. jftock, a joiner, &c. Andrew J, b. ab. 1831, mar. Susan P. (Penne- »'man) Cook ; r. Rock, a shipwright, rem. CaUfomia. Sabine's ch. 1, LUla D,. b. Feb. 1848, d. Nov. 4, '59. 2, Sabine F, b. ab. '51. 3, WiUiam S, b. ab. '54. 4, Otis A, b. ab. '54. 5, Herbert M, b. ab. '59. LORING, Charles, c. from North Yarmouth, m. Sarah E. (Has kell) Fales, p. July 3, 1833, was a merchant many years in Th, but rem. to Portland, and d. Nov, 1856. J. G. Loring, a brother, bought Charles's stock of goods and went to trading in Th, Dec. 1829. Charles's ch. 1, George B, b. Sept. 19, 1834. 2, Sarah E, b. Oct. 9, '35. 3, Emma. LORING, Jacob B, b. ab. 1834, in Perry, m. Caroline Young, of Th, Aug. 8, '54 ; r. Th., a joiner, and orderly sergeant in 1st Me. Cav alry. Their ch. 1, Susan, b. ab. 1855. 2, Cora, b. ab. '57. 3, Etta, b. ab. '59. LOTHROP, Benjamin W, born in Searsmont, Jan 10, 1822, mar, Francis A. Washburn ; c. here from Belfast ; r. Rock, a merchant, &c. Capt. Sumner P, a brother, b. ab. 1826, also r. Rock, acting master, U. S. N„ died in Boston, June 15, '63. Benjamin W.'s ch. Carrie B, b. Oct. 1852. 312 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, LOTHROP ; of this name, but of a different family, are also, 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1815, m. Lucy ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. 2, Charles, b. ab. 1825, m. Frances ; i. Rock, a lime burner. 3, George, b. ab. 1831, m. Helen ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. 4, John H„ b. ab. '31, m. UrsUla Davis, April 12, '53 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 5, Lorenzo D, b. ab. 1835, m. Anna Bryant, p. Peb. 1, '50 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, member of coast guards, &c George's ch. Edward, h. ab. 1856 John H.'s ch. 1, John T, b. ab. 1855. 2, FrankUn C, b. Nov,, 1856, d. AprU 16, 1858. Lorenzo D's ch. 1, Lewis S , b. ab. 1852. 2, Luella V, b. about '56. 3, Mary A, b. Jan, 1859, d. Oct. 6, '61. LOURRAINE, Peter, b. in Smyrna, ab. 1831 ; r. Rock, a steve dore, with Francesca M , his wife. Their ch. 1, Ella F, b. ab. 1855, 2, Jennie N, b. ab. '57. 3, Edith. LOVE, Andrew, b. ab. 1814, in Ireland; m. Elizabeth ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Edward, b. ab. 1841 ; r. Rock., a clerk, &c. 2, Ellen, b. ab. '48. 3, Albert C, b. ab. 1856. LOVEJOY, John, b. 1778, in Andover, Mass. ; c to reside in what is now Rock, May 6, 180? ; m. Eliza Little of Newburyport, p. Sept. 22, 1807 ; was long one of the active business men and merchants of Rock, & d. Oct. 17, '43. Dr. Enoch, a brother, b. 1783 ; stud. med. in Andover, Me, u. somewhat later ; m. 1st, Martha Tilson, March 26, '12, 2d, Mrs. Margaret Porterfield,p. Nov. 6, '37 ; prac. med. manyyrs, in Rock, and d. Nov. 17, '48. Their brother, Stephen, m. and r. in Andover, & his dau. Sarah, d. here, Sept. 10, '35, aged 22. John's ch. 1, John G, b. April 15, 1808 ; m. Margaret B Bradley of HaverhUl, p. Sept. 17, '36; r. Rock, a merchant. 2, Arthur, b. March 17, '12; m. Mary H. Reed of Orono ; r. Rock, an expressman. 3, Benjamin h!, b. 1814, d. April 24, '37. 4, Samuel I, b. April, 21, '17 ; m. Mary A. Chandler, Jan. 6, '41 ; r. Rock, a commission broker. 5, Edward L, b. Dec. 17, '19 ; m. Margaret E. Porter of Cam. ; r. Rock, a res taurateur, &c. 6, Francis P, b. AprU 17, '22 ; r. Rock, and d. sud denly in the stage coach, Dec 20, '58. 7, Eliza A., b. April 21, '27, d. Oct. 20, '47. Dr. Enoch's ch. 1, Abiel Wheaton, b. May 1, 1813; m. EUza L.\ Russ; r. Cam. 2, Edwin P, b. 1815; m. Elioenai W. Robbins, p. Jan. 16, '38 ; r. Rock, a milk dealer in 1860. 3, Charles C, b. Feb. 23, '18; m. Caroline Keizer, May 20, '49; r. Rock, a quarry man, &c 4, William F, b. Oct. 16, '25 ; m. Martha A. Hilt, Feb. 4, '55 ; r. Bethel, Me, a hotel keeper. 5, Helen A, b. June 6, '29 ; m. Leon ard Benner ; r. Rock. 6, Amasa P, b. Feb. 9, 34. ? John G.'s ch. 1, George G, b. Oct. 3, 1839 ; a clerk. 2, Abby A, b. May 8, '42. 3, Joseph B, b. July, 1844, was employed in a Coast survey sch. in going aboard of which, Sept. 15, '62, the boat capsized and he was drowned. 4, Charles H, b. ab. '54. Arthur L.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. Sept. 1, 1841. 2, Sarah L, b. Jan. 6, '44. 3, Arthur Hazen, b. Aug. 31, '45, d. Feb. 11, '47. 4, Arthur G, b. June 20, '47. The mother d. March 21, '62, aged 41. Samuel I 's ch. 1, John, (2d), b. Dec. 22, 1842 ; r. Rock. 2, Sam uel, b. ab. '44. 3, Henry L, b. ab. '45. 4, Herbert, b. ab. '47. -5, Frank C, b. ab. '57. Edward L.'s ch. Seth F, b. ab. 1859. Abiel W.'s ch. 1, Mary E. 2, Adelia. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 313 Edwin P.'s ch. 1, Oliver E, b. June 12, 1841, d. March 5, "42. 2, Martha N., b. Oct. 9, '42; m. Thomas B. Spear; r. Rick. 3, Willie Tilson, b. Aug. 15, '53, d. April 28, '58. 4, Albion or Alvan W, b. ab. '46. 6, Sarah, b. ab. '51. Charles C.'s ch. 1, Laura A, b. Nov. 13, '53, d. March 9, '66. 2, Ira T, b. ab. '67. WilUam T.'s ch. 1, Ferrand. ? 2, WUliam. LOVETT, Capt. Israel, c. early to what is now S. Th. ; m. Joanna Jordan ; was a ship master ; rem. after a long residence here, & d. in Lincolnville, April 6, 1825, aged 83. Their ch. 1, Bartholomew, m. Hannah Fling, p. Feb. 3, 1792; rem. Hallowell, and d. in Jefferson, aged 99 yrs. 2, Israel, (2d), m. Rebecca DolUver, p. Aug. 21, 1794 ; and d. by drowning at HalloweU. 3, John J, m. ReUance Brown, p. March 8, 1798, & rem. 4, SaUy, m. Leonard Wade, rem. Union. 5, Simon, m. Mis3 Decker ; r. and built in Warren, rem. thence to Port land and thence to eastern part of State. 6, Mary, b. 1761 ; m. Col. John Glidden of Damariscotta, Jan. 27, 1812, and d. Oct. 1, 1829 ; buried at S. Th. 7, Jordan, app'd to joiner's trade, 1792, lost at sea with Capt. Dunning. 8, Ephraim, settled in St. Geo. ; mar. Sophia Sherman, Nov. 5, 1813; rem. and d. Hope. 9, Robert, b. 1770; m. Nancy Martin, Nov. 21, 1799 ; rem. and d. Lincolnville. 10, Joseph, m. and r. Newburypo't, Mass. Of Israel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Jordan,. (2d), m. Mrs. Katy Godding, Dec. 15, 1815 ; lost at sea with Capt. Archibald Coombs ; his widow mar. Peter Houerman of Boston, p. Oct. 14, '23. 2, Stephen, a rigger, m. and with his wife r. for a time in Th, where was recorded the birth of their ch, SaUy Ann, b. Dec. 18, 1824. Of Ephraim's ch. 1, Albert G, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Adelaide Sleeper, Oct. 25, 1852, 2d, Anna A. Brown, Oct , 1857 ; r. Rock., a joiner. 2, Capt. Edwin ; and probably others. Robert's ch. 1, Mary, b. March 2, 1801 ; m. Sweetland; r. Line 2, Margaret, b. Jan. 15, '03 ; m. Nathaniel B. Maddocks ; r. S. Th. 3, Richard M, b. Feb. 8, '04 ; m Sally Martin of St. G.; r. Line. Albert G.'s ch. by 2d wife. Eva L, b. ab. 1859. LOWE, Thomas, b. ab. 1801, in Vassalboro', Me. ; m. 1st, Sarah B. Clifford, 2d, L. AdeUza SterUng, Feb. 25, 1850 ; r. Th, a shoemaker, soldier of 4th Me. Reg, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Augustus T., b. ab. 1825 ; m. Eunice P. Achorn of Camden; 1. Rock, teacher of Grammar school 12 or more years, alderman, &c 2, John Edward, r. & trades in Omaha, Nebraska. 3, Nancy C, m. Edward H. Orbe- tou; r. Rock. 4, CordeUa P., b. in Freedom, d. young in Cam. By 2d vrife. 5, Clarence R, b. ab. '52. 6, Albion A, b. ab. '55. Augustus T.'s ch. 1, Harriet A, b. ab. 1850. 2, Clara E, b. ab. '52. 3, WUUam 0, b. ab. '55. 4, Castera, b. ab. '59. LOWELL, Rosamus, b. 1762 ; c. from Amesbury, Mass.; m. De borah Keen of Th, p. Jan. 24, 1786 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, " of regular and unimpeachable life," & d. July 27, 1829. Their ch. 1, Reuben B, b. Aug. 25, 1786, d. Sept. 14, 1812. 2, Rosamus K, b. Aug. 3, 1788 ; m. Lois Bartlett ; rem. Farmington. 3, Hannah, b. Dec 23, '90; m. Lieut. Ebenezer ChUds, July 16, 1810; r. & d. Farmington. 4, Charles, Esq, b. Oct. 1, '93; stud, law, rem. Lubec ab. 1814; m. Sarah L. Hewett of Cam, May 11, '17, 2d, Mary Crawford of Cas tine ; rem. Ellsworth and iu 1826 established the Independent Courier, prac. law, r. and d. there. 5, Archibald C, b. Oct. 1, '95 ; mar. 1st, Vol. II. 27 314 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Lucy Emery, p. May 17, 1817 ; rem. & m. 2d, in the British provinces. 6, Simeon, b. May 17-> '97, d. June 14, '98. 7, Rev. Josiah J, b. May 10, '99 ; m. & r. a preacher in State of N. York. 8, Hon. Joshua A, b. March 20, 1801 ; stud, law and rem. to East Machias before Dec, 1823 ; m. there, Miranda Turner, Jan, 1827 ; has been representative to Congress, &c 9, Mary, b. Jan. 14, and d. Nov. 28, '03. 10, Hon. Henry C, b. Sept. 1, '04; stud, law, m. Mercy Maker, July 27, '24; r. & prac. law in Rock, many years; rem. Faribault, Min, where he was Judge of the lower court, and d. suddenly, March 19, 1863. 11, Hon. Simeon B, b. July 29, '06 ; stud, law ; m. Marion S. Goss, June 1, '28 ; r. & prac. law in Orono, is Judge of Probate, &c. 12, Lucy, m. Capt. Jonathan Post, d. May 29, '34. Charles's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Julia A. H, b. July, 1818, d. at Rock. Jan. 3, '39. 2. AdeUa Maria, b. '20 ; m. Robert Butcher ; r. Galena, 111, & d. May 3, '57. Hon. Henry C.'s ch. 1, Agnes R, b. Feb. 5, 1825 ; m. WUUam L. Pitts; rem. to his native S. C, where he is commissary in rebel army. 2, Rosamus C, b. Aug. 3, '26 ; m. Justina A. Beattie, May 22, '44; r. Rock, & d. April 9, '56. 3, Reuben K, b. Dec. 13, '27 ; m. Nancy A. Morgan, April 2, '48 ; j. Faribault. 4, Charles L, Esq, b. Oct. 3, '29 ; m. Georgiana Berry, May 29, '51 ; r. & prac. law Faribault. 6, Maria S, b. May 10, '31, d. Feb. 24, '38. 6, CaroUne A, b. May 27, '36 ; r. Faribault. Hon. Simeon B.'s ch. 1, Martha Ann, b. May 4, 1829. 2, John Q. A, b. Sept. 3, '30 ; 3, Daniel G, b. April 15, '33 ; 4, Miranda S, b. Dec. 7,. '34, all rem. Rosamus C.'s ch. 1, Julia, b. ab. 1846. 2, Joseph Hewett, b. March '47, d. Sept. 20, '49. 3, Oliver, b. ab. '55. LOWELL, Benjamin A, Esq, c from Hope, & r. some 5 or 6 y'rs in Th, a teacher, lawyer, &c, but rem. Illinois. Martha A, his wife, d. here, June 28, 1858, a. 35. LUCE, Capt. Andrew G, b. in 1811, in North Haven, Me. ; m. Re becca Spear, Sept. 9, 1837 ; r. Rock. & d. Feb. 1860, of yeUow fever. Their ch. 1, Capt. William Henry, b. Oct. 1, '39 ; m. Eliza U, dau. of S. D. Carlton of Cam, Jan. 3, '65 ; r. Rock, a ship maBter, lately in U. S. navy. 2, Mary F, b. April 16, '42. 3, Eliza E, b. ab. '46. 4, Charles E, b. ab. '54. LUDWIG, Jacob, Esq, b. in Ninderrotte, Province of Dcntz, Ger-. many, in 1730 ; left there June, 1753, with his parents, Jose & Catha rine (Klein) Ludwig, brother, Capt. Jos. Henry, (then 15 years old, who m. Catharine Eliz. Kaler, r. & d. Wal,) & only sister, Margaretta, in Waldo's colony of sixty other families ; touched at Cowts, Isle of Wight, where his father and several other passengers died and were buried on the coast of France, — arrived at Broad Bay, now Wal, in Sept. following ; was the first town clerk, and selectman of the place, having a good German education, and after a time acquired EngUsh ; was a joiner, served as sergeant in French and Indian war. as captain in 1776 at Machias ; m. Margaret Hilt, and d. Jan. 1, 1826, a. 91 yrs.y 5m. Their ch. 1, Catharine Elizabeth, m. Christian Hoffsis; t. Wal, and d. ab. 1846, a. 87. 2, Eliza, b. April 19, 1764, mar. Moses Robinson; r. and d. W. 3, Eve Catharine, m. Mathias Havener; r. and died Wal, a. 81. 4, Joseph Henry, (2d), b. Feb. 2, '67, m. Sarah Winchenbach ; r. and d. Wal. 5, Catharine, m. Charles Kaler, r. & d. Wal, a. 80. 6, Jane, m. Christopher Walch, and d. with her first ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 815 child, a. 20. 7, Katy, b. March 5, '74, m. Michael Reed of St. Steph ens, N. B. 8, Col. Jacob, b. Oct. 10, '76, m. Susan Hutchins, of C. r. and died Wal, — the shortest period allotted to either of this large family, aside from Mrs. Walch, being 80 yrs, and the longest 95 yrs. Of Joseph Henry, (2d)'s ch. Godfrey, b. ab. 1822 ; ''mar. Rebecca ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c Col. Jacob's ch. 1, Dr. William, b. 1798, M. D. Bowd. CoU. 1825 ; m. Lucy Whitney of Line, Nov. 27, '29 ; r. and prac. med. Line. ret. and died in Wal, Oct. 14, '49. 2, Hon. Moses R, b. Wal, ab. 1800; M D. Middlebury Coll, Vt, 1824; m. Sophia Balch of Haver hill, Mass, May 6, '30, 2d, Hannah C. (Robbins) Thomas, Nov. 12, '58 ; r. and prac. med. in Th. since April 25, '25 ;* state Senator 1865, 8cc. 3, Mary, ra. Joseph Groton of Wal. 4, Orchard C, b. ab. 1802, mar. S, Jane Rokes of W, pub. July 5, '38 ; r. Rock, a meat dealer. 5, Bathsheba, b. ab. 1806, mar. James R. Hanley ; r. Rock. 6, Newall W., m. Sarah Arnold; r. Wal. 7, Clarissa J, d. in July, 1851. 8, Dr. Gardner, M. D. Bowd. Coll, 1833; m. Elizabeth Lothrop; prac. med. many years in Rock, till 1852, rem, and has a good practice in Portland. 9, Warren, m. Mary C. Smith; i. Boston, a druggist, &c. Dr. William's ch. 1, Clara W, born Dec, 1830, mar. Stephen R. Dennen of Andover, Mass., Nov. 22. '54. 2, Samuel W, d. in 1849. Hon. Moses R.'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Susan M. B, b. March 4, 1831, m. Rev. O. J. Fernald; r. Th. 2, WiUiam A. T, b. Aug. 26, and d. Sept. 10, '33. 3, Mary F, born June 16, '35, mar. Edward P. Merrill; r. Boston. 4, Moses M, b. July 15, '37, died at sea, Dec. 6, '58, on board bk. Aurelia. 5, Margaret G, b. Feb. 4, '40, d. Aug. 22, '46. The mother d. March 20, 1855, a. 48. Orchard C.'s ch. 1, Susan E, b. Feb. 15, 1843. 2, Jacob, (3d), b. ab. '45 ; r. Rock. 3, John, b. ab. '48. 4, Gardner, (2d), b. ab. '50. 5, William, b. ab. '52. 6, Rebecca, b. ab. '55. Godfrey's ch. Oliver, b. ab. 1853. LUNT, John S, and Rebecca, his wife, r. Rock, and lost, by death, their ch, Martin, Sept. 25, 1864, aged 1 year. McALLISTER, John, c. to what is now S. Th, and was here with his wife as early as 1792. Their ch. 1, Joseph, b. Sept. 18, '94; m. Ann , in Nova Scotia, where, & in N. B, he r. some time ; ret. Rock., a truckman, & d. Feb. 7, 1863. 2, John, (2d), b. in 1796 ; m. Lydia Mathews; r. Line & Rock, & d. Aug. 10, '62. 3, Benjamin, b. 1799 ; m. & r. Hope, d. in Line. Feb. 11, '39, from injury in a miU. 4, Mary, b. ab. 1802 ; m. John Ham ; jr. Rock 5, Israel, m. in Hope, rem. & d. Cam. 6, Jane, b. ab. 1810; m. John PiUsbury; r. Rock. 7, Lucy, m. Hall, now deceased. 8, Charity, m. Jos. Sweet- * In the autumn of 1851, the Doctor visitf-d Liverpool, London, Paris, Rotterdam, Frankfort, Cologne, and other parts of his Vader-land, from whence his letters were published in the Lincoln Miscellany, and re-pub lished by several principal papers in the State ; — one paragraph of which gives these impressions of the home of his ancestors. "Germany is a strange country With all its abundance of literature, and the prevalence of education, with, also, freedom of religous opinion, it is far from being a free country. The people are despotically ruled by great or petty Princes, and have only here and there a mock form of representative government. The lower classes are entirely destitute of the means of improving their condition. — Though a country from which more of the elements of free dom sprung, than any other, it is now, unquestionably, among the least free of all the nations of Christendom." 316 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, land ; r. & d. S. Th, 9, Eliza, m. John MUUken of Rockport ; r. Boston. Joseph's ch. 1, John, (3d), b. in Mirimichi, N. B, ab. 1818; m. Abby P. Coombs ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. 2, Joseph, (2d), b. ab. '31 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter, soldier in 1st Me Cavalry, &c. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, WiUiam, b. Dec. 7, 1822, d. in Port au Prince, 1849. 2, Archibald, b. June, 1824. 3, Charles, b. April, 1826, d. in Italy, 1834. 4, Edwin S, b. Sept. 21, '28 ; m. Sarah E. Thompson of W, p. March 23, '48 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 5, Sarah S, b. 1830; m. John T. Bow of New Windsor, N. Y, Sept. 28, '61 ; r. Lowell, Mass. 6, Mary Jane, b. 1832 ; m. William M. Munroe ; r. Rock, and died Dec. 11, '55. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, George A, b. ab. 1851. 2, CaroUne, b. ab. '54. 3, Charles, b. ab. '56. Edwin S.'s ch. 1, Clementine S, b. ab. 1854. 2, Joseph F, b. '66. 3, Cemantha, b. ab. '58. McCAHORN, Archibald, b. in England ab. 1825 ; m. Abby W. Rivers, Sept. 8, '54 ; r. Th, a tailor, soldier in 4th Me, &c. Their ch. 1, Henry, b. ab. 1857. 2, Adelaide, b. ab. 1859. McCALLUM, Alexander, b. in W. ab. 1800, son of John and Mary (MiUer) McCallum from Scotland ; m. Mehitable Jones, Nov. 27, '36 ; a successful ship-builder in W, rem. & continues the business in Th. Their ch. 1, Martha B , h. ah. 1838; m. James H. Flint; r. Th. 2, George B, b. ab. '40 ; r. Th. 3. Nelson, b. ab. '43. 4, Abbie F, b. ab. '45. 5, Edwin C, b. May 9, '47, died Jan. 16, '58. McCANN, Simon, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Mary his wife; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier of 21st Me. Reg, &c. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1851. 2, Kate, b. ab. '54. 3, Hannah, b. ab. '65. 4, Edward, b. '57. 5, Mary, b. ab. '59. McCARTY, Patrick, b. ab. 1810, in Ireland, as was Hannah his wife ; r. Rock, a sawyer, and d. March 11, '61. Their ch. 1, Ellen, b. ab. '49. 2, Daniel, b. ab. '51. 3, Charles, b. '59, d. July 28, '61. McCARTY, Florence, b. ab. 1812, in Ireland; m. Joanna ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Jeremiah, b. ab. 1844. 2, Mary, b. '46. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '52. 4, Johannah, b. ab. '56. McCAULIFF, Patrick, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland; m. Mary Better- mere, 1854 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Sarah, b. ab. 1859. 2, Mary EUen, b. ab. '60. McCLURE, Col. Jacob, b. in Ohio, ab. 1832 ; m. H. Jennie Eldridge ; r. Rock, a marble worker, officer in Me. Sharpshooters, &c Their ch. 1, John B, b. ab. 1857. 2, Fuller I, b. ab. '59. 3, Jennie L., b. June, 1861, d. Nov. 25, '62. McCOY, Alexander, b. ab. 1816, in Nova Scotia, as was Ann, his wife ; r. Rock, a mariner, and perished in the wrecked sch., Lion, Dec. 11, '64. Their ch. 1, Catharine J, b. ab. 1843, m. William N. Rackliff; r. Rock. 2, Priscilla, b. ab. '45. 3, James H, b. ab '47. McDADE, John, b. ab. 1822 in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, Margaret, b. ab. 1853. 2, Cath arine, b. ab. '55. 3, Ann M, b. ab. '57. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '59. McDAVIT, James, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife ; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier in 4th Me, 8:c. Their ch. 1, Eliza beth, born ab. 1856. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '57. 3, James, b. ab. '69. RJCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 317 McDONALD. John, b. ab. 1828 in Sbubenacatia, N. S, m. Isabella Ellis; r. Th. a ship builder. Theirch. Henry L, b. ab. 1853. 2. Edward, b. ab. '54. 3, John, b. ab. '56, d. in autumn of 1863. 4, an infant, deceased. McDONALD, Charles, b. Oct, 1824, in England ; mar. Mary Di- mond, 1854; r. Rock, a blacksmith, and d. Miy 28, '64. Their ch. 1, Alexander, b. ab. '65. 2, C.iarles, b. ab. '57. 3, Miry, I, b. ab. '59. • McDONALD, Angus b. ab. 1321, in N. Brunswick, as was Barba ra, his wife ; 1. Rock, a rnariuer. Tneir ch. Geo. W, b. ab. 1859. McDONALD, Daniel, b. ab. 1830, in Scotland, m. Mary McNaugh- ton, Mar. 6, '57 ; r. Rock, a quarryman. Their ch. Annie, b. ab. 1858. Of this name, there also came here from Nova Scotia, Hugh McDonald, who was b. ab. 1830; mar. Hannah SuUivan, 1854; r. Th, a carpenter, and has ch. 1, Daniel, b. ab. 1856. 2, Hannah, b. ab. '59;— Also Daniel McDonald, (2d), who was b. ab. 1828, m. Mary Cullinein, 1855 ; r. Th, a carpenter, and has ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1856. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '53. 3, Flora, b. ab. '60; — Also Angus McDonald, (2d), who w-is b. ab. 1830, in N. S , m. Bridget Quilleriug, H53; r. Th, a mariner, aud has ch. 1, Leonora, b. ab. 1857. 2, Hugh, b. ab. '59. McGLOON, Daniel, b. ab. 1830, in Ireland, as was Ann, his wife; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 18.57. 2, William, b. ab. '59. Of this name also came here,. Patrick McGloon, b. ab. 1828, in Ireland, m. Mary ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Patrick, b. ab. 1856. 2, Mary, b. ab. '59. McINTOSH, William, c. from Philadelphia, with his wife in the employment of Gen. Knox ; r. Th, but after Knox's death rem. and took charge of his grist mill in W, where, after some years, he left home in a desponding mood, and was supposed to have been drowned in Damariscotta Pond. Their ch. 1, Henry, b. ab. 1791 ; m. Cyn thia ColUns of C, p. Nov. 26, 1831, 2d, Sarah Robbins, p. Sept. 11, '24, 3d, Eunice Healey, p. Nov. 26, '31 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 2, The odore B , b. 1793, d. in'fh, Nov. 2\), 1820. 3, Augustus, b. ab. 1807; r. Rock, a peddler, 8cc Henry's ch. by 1st wife. 1, William H, b. June 24, 1817; mar. Hannah H. Palmer, Jan 1, '39 ; r. Rock, a truckman. 2, George A, b. Aug. 13, '19; r. California. 3, Theodore B, b. Dec. 22, '20; m. Melinda H. Turner, Nov. 18, '46 ; r. Rock, a truckman, &c 4, Joseph G, b. Feb. 10, '22 ; r. California. 5, Winthrop C, b. Oct. 7, '22 ; m. Lucretia Walsh, Oct. 7, '46; r. Rock, a truckman, &c. The mother d. Oct. 25, '22. By 2d wife. 6, Sarah E, b. July, '25, died Sept., '35. 7, Sampson, b. July 2, '27 ; was captured, as supposed, in California by the Indians, and either killed or held ¦ a prisoner. 8, Isaac R, b. May 6, '28 ; rem. to California, and came over, one of the company of California Cavalry. 9, Hannah E, born Nov., '29, died young. By 3d wife. 10, Elizabeth O, b. Dec. 27, '30 ; m. Bernard B. Ingraham ; r. S. Th. 11, Cynthia I, b. May 8, '35 ; m. Robert A. B. Arey; r. Rock, and d. March 8, '60. William H.'s ch. 1, Henry A, b. Feb. 9, 1842 ; r. Rock, a teams ter. 2, Edward, b. ab. '44. 3, Eveline R, b. ab. '46. 4, Sarah E, b. Oct, '52, d. Nov. 30, '5 1. Theodore B.'s ch. 1, Frank Hudson, b. Oct. 31, 1848. 2, Sidney T, b. June 11, '53. 27* 318 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Winthrop C.'s ch. 1, Hester M, b. ab. 1847. 2, Ida I , b. ab. '49. 3, Clara F, b. ab. '51. 4, Sarah A, b. ab. '56. McINTOSH, John H, of a different family ; m. Elsie M. Tolman, March 14, 1861 ; r. Rock. McINTYRE, Thomas, came from North of Ireland with his wife ; m. 2d, Martha (Lampson) Isley, Jan. 8, 1826 ; r. Th, and d. July 22, '37. His ch. 1, Matthew. 2, James, b. Jan. 20, '20, d. Jan. 2, '54. 3, Mary Ann, m. in Boston. 4, Catharine. 5, -, b. '24, d. Sept. 20, '25. Of this name also, Peter Mclntyre, b. ab. 1836, in Nova Scotia ; i. Rock, a lime burner. Catharine, his wife, was born in Ireland. Their ch. Edward W, b. ab. 1859. McKELLAR, Archibald, b. 1777, son of John & Martha (McCarter) McKellar, Esq., of St. Geo. ; m. Jane Robinson, & d. iu Rock, Jan. 22, 1863. Their ch. 1, Mary, m. Thomas Richardson, 2d, Capt. Al exander Gilchrist; r. and d. St. Geo. 2, John, (2d), b. ab. 1802; ra. Harriet Trussell; r. Th, a brewer, &c 3, Joseph, d. unm. 4, Bet sey, m. Peter Williams, jr., 2d, Capt. Richard Davis ; r. F. 5, Cath arine, m. Perly Gray; r. & d. St. G. 0, Col. Archibald, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Catharine Sweetland, Dec. 9, '33, 2d, Caroline M. Bailey, Out. 19, '51 ; was P. M. at S. Th, and in business with G. Thorndike; rem. Rock, where he has been city recorder, assistant Postmaster, &c. John's ch. 1, Mary Emeline, m. Capt. James S. Kelloch; r. S. Th. 2, Jane, b. Nov. 8, '33 ; m. Andrew J. Hathorn ; r. Th, & d. Jan. 23, '53. 3, WilUam J, b. ab. 1843 ; "r. Th, a student. Col. Archibald's ch. 1, Eliza S, m Lewis E. Beals ; i. Bucksport. 2, James Frederic, b. ab. 1843 ; vol. soldier. By 2d wife. 3, George A, b. ab. '53. 4, Arthur B. 5, Charles M, b. Sept. 30, '60, died Sept. 14, '63. McKENNY, John, b. ab. 1803 ; m. 1st, Sarah , 2d, Hannah Long, Feb. 22, '46 ; r. Rock, & d. March 17, 1853. Recorded, his ch. by 1st wife. 1, Clarissa, b. Aug. 17, '37. Also probably, though not recorded, John McKenny, (2d), who was b. ab. 1827, in Rock. ; m. Elionai F. Kenneston, Sept. 9, '52 ; r. Th, a mariner, and has ch. 1, Maria, b. ab. 1853. 2, Clara, b. ab. '55. 3, George, b. ab. '60. A child d. March 3, '62. McKENNY, Charles, b. ab. 1811 ; m. Maria ; r. S. Th , a stone cutter. Their ch. 1, William A, b. ab. 1839 ; 2, Henry H, b. ab. '41 ; stone cutters. 3, Frances E, b. ab '43. 4, George E, b. ab. '46. 5, Drusilla M, b. ab. '48. 6, Herbert N, b. ab. '51. 7, Charles, b. ah. '55. Of this name also Melinda McKenny, b. ab. 1816; r. Rock, a widow; and has ch. 1, Henry, b. ab. 1836; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Mary L, b. ab. '43. 3, George W, b ab. '45. 4, Delia F, b. ab. '47. Also, George H. McKenny, b. ab. 1835 ;.m. Henrietta Swift; r. Rock, a teamster. Of their ch. George F, b. in March, d. Sept. 14, 1860. McKENNON, Capt. John F, b. ab. 1823; came from Deer Isle; mar. Frances Shaw of Th, Jan. 25, 1846, 2d, Ellen Morey ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Helena F, b. ab. 1850. The mother d. Sept. 19, '59, aged 33. McKNIGHT, Capt. Richard, came from Scotland ; mar. Caroline Malcolm, April, 1852 ; r. Th. and Boston. Their ch. Elsie, b. 1854, died Nov. 12, '56. McLAIN, Alvin, b. ab. 1830, in Appleton ; m. Clementine Ulmer, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 319 April 21, '50 ; r. Rock., a teamster. Their ch. 1, Alden, b. 1852. 2, WiUiam, b. '54. 3, Eliza, b. '57. 4, Frederic, b. '59. McLAUGHLIN, Samuel, b. ab. 1797, in Camden ; m. Elizabeth Jameson, p. Feb. 12, 1822, 2d, Sarah (Clough) Jameson, p. Dec. 6, '61 ; r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22, '22 ; m. John H. Young ; r. Rock. 2, Patrick, b. Aug. 2, '24, d. young. 3, Baruch, b. & d. '25. 4, Ruth, b. Jan. 30, '26 ; m. Capt. D. P. Flye ; r. Rock. 5, Isaac, b. May 10, '30 ; r. Rock.- 6, Robert, b. Aug. 17, '32 ; r. Rock. 7 & 8, twins, b. Nov. 7, '34, Diana & Maria. 9, Samuel, (2d), b. '36. 10, William, b. May 7, '39. 11, John, b. ab. '42. McLAUGHLIN, Michael, b. ab. 1810, ill Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock Theirch. 1, John, b. ab. '53. 2, Michael, (2d), b. ab. '56. Of this name, there are also, James McLaughlin, b. ab. '15 ; c. from Ireland, with Catharine, his wife; r. Rock, & has a ch, Wil liam, b. ab. '36, in Ireland, who m. Ellen , j. Rock, a dry goods peddler, & who has one ch, John. F, b. ab. '59. Also Michael Mc Laughlin, (2d), b. ab. '30, in Ireland, as was Catharine, his wife ; r. Rock. & has ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. '57- 2. Hannora, b. ab. '59. Also, James McLaughlin, (2d), b. ab. 1841, iu Ireland ; m. Catharine ; r. Rock, a baker, soldier in 4th Me, &c. Their ch. 1, Ada M , b. ab. '58. 2, James E , b. ab, '60. McLELLAN, Capt. George, m. Mary Webster of Portland, where he r, was a ship master, & d, lost at sea. Their ch. 1, Rachel, m. John Simonton ; r. S. Th, & d. Dec 3, 1838. 2, Capt. Thomas, b. ab. 1749 ; m. Hannah Dyer of Portland ; c. to what is now S. Th, early; was a ship master, farmer, Sec. 3, George, (2d), lost at sea with his father. 4, William, d. on board a prison ship in the revolu tionary war. 5, Mary, m. James Carney ; r. & d. C. 6, Sarah, hi. John Nichols of Newcastle. 7, Capt Simon, m. Betsey Robinson ; r. & d. C, a ship master. 8, Betsey, b. Oct. 29, 1767 ; m. Robert K. Shibles ; r. Th. and died Nov. 11, 1846. Capt. Thomas's ch. 1, George, (3d), b ab. 1783 ; m. Deborah Weed, Feb. 14, 1813 ; r. Th, a merchant, & d. Nov. 12, '28. 2, Hon. William, b. 1785 ; m. Eliza L. St. B. Clough, Oct. 28, 1810 ; r. W, a merchant & ship owner, & d. at Insane Hospital, Augusta, Oct. 8, '42. 3, Hannah, b. ab. 1788 ; m. Capt. William Robinson ; r. Th. & d. Aug. 19, '63. 4, Ephraim, b. Feb. 4, 1792 ; m Caroline Wheeler ; r. S. Th, a farmer, d. at Augusta, Dec. 4, '50. 5, Capt. Thomas, (2d), m. 1st, Lydia Adams, Feb. '23, 2d, Nancy A. Fuller of Castine, p. Feb. 22, '32, 3d, Mrs. Huldah M. Hobbs of Cam. ; was a merchant, ¦ &c, in Th„ rem. & r. Hamilton city, Hancock county, 111, a man of wealth & standing, supervisor of the county, &c. Capt. Simon's ch. 1, Capt. Isaac, m. Deborah (Weed) McLeUan, Feb. 21, 1830 ; rem. Illinois, but ret. & r. Th , 2, Capt. Simon, (2d), m. Deborah Metcalf of F. ; d, killed in Richmond. Va, Dec. 18, '28. 3, Nancy, b. ab. 1792 ; m. Benjamin Lilchfield ; r. Rock. 4, Capt. James, m. Mary Rivers ; r. C. Fourth Generation. George's ch. 1. Eliza C, b. Jan. 2, 1S14, m. T. Halsey Healy, (2d); r. Th. 2, Hannah D, b. Feb. 22, '16, m. Lewis Hall, (2d), of Rock.; r. Th. 3, Nancy B, bom March 13, '18, mar. Isaac R. McLellan, 2d, Hon. Benjamin Carr, 3d, Hon. Thomas O'Brien ; r. Th. 4. EmeUne T, b. July 14, '20, m. Capt. Joseph WUson; j. Th. 5, George W, b. May 10, '32, lost at sea, Feb. 11, '43. 320 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of Hon. WiUiam's ch. Capt. James B, b. ab. 1826, mar. Horatia Robinson, Aug., 1861 ; r. Th. Ephraim's ch. 1, Charles A, b. May 22, 1822, m. Anna Mette of Detroit, Mich.; r. PlacerviUe, Cal. 2, Almira R, b. Feb. 20, '23, m. Capt. Sanders Curling; r. Th. Capt. Thomas's ch. by 1st wife. 1, a son, b. April, 1824, d..an infant. 2, Mary Adams, bap. May 4, '28 ; m. Benjamin Davis ; r. Hlinois. 3, Lydia Caroline, bap. May 4, '28; m. Crockett Wilson; r. LU. 4, Adaline, rem. 111. By 2d wife. 5, William. 6, Henry. 7, Adelia ; all r. Illinois. Capt. Isaac's ch. 1, Bertha D, b. May 24, 1831, m. Moses Stearns; rem. Libertyville. 111. 2, Edwin B, b. June 11, '33, mar. Mary F. Quimby of Wal, p. Aug. 23, '53 ; r. S. Th., a painter. Capt. Simon, (2d)'s ch. Ira, m. and r. Friendship. Capt. James's ch. 2, Isaac R, m. Nancy B McLellan, March 31, 183 i ; r. and d. C. 2, Eliza, m. Thomas Vose Robinson ; r. and d. C. 3, William, drbwned when sailing Out of the mouth of George's river. Edwin B.'s ch. 1, Abby W, b. ab. 1858. 2, Geo. E , b. ab. '60. Isaac R 's ch. Celia, b. Oct. 1841, d. July 13, '44. McLOON, William, b.in Bristol ab. 1774, m. Polly Mathews, 1796, 2d, Jane (Kelloch) Drake, Nov. 29, 1821 ; r. S. Th, a ship builder; and d. May 7, '31. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Betsey, born at Clara Cove, March 29, 1797, m. John SarteUe ; r. Rock. 2, Lucy, b. May 2, '99, m. Ephraim Dean; r. S. Th. 3, Lydia, b. Jan. 2, 1801, m. Enos Crockett ; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 18, 1857. 4, Hon. William, b. Sept. 2, 1803, mar. Hannah T. Keating, p. July 27, '26 ; r. Rock,_a ship-builder and owner, senator, &c. 5, Charles, b. March 2, 1809; m. Nancy Martin, p. Dec. 12, '33 ; j. S. Th, a ship-builder, &c. Hon. WiUiam's ch. 1, Mary A , b. March 26, 1828, mar. Horace WUliams ; r. S. Th. 2, Louisa, b. Nov. 21, '29, m. John Fred Hatch, of Rock, Feb. 5, '51, and d. June 25, '53. 3, Clementine, b. Dec. 5, '31, m. George F. Crabtree; r. Rock. 4, Charles William, b. Sept. 6, '33 ; r. Rock. 5, Bethia, b. May 28, '37, m. S. F. Thayer of Boston, Nov. 18, '55. 6, Lucy, b. Feb. 1, '39, m. Capt. W. G. Allen, July 8, '63, in Cardiff, Wales. 7, Juliett, b. Jan. 31, '41, mar. Richard W. Trundy of N. Y, Jan. 6, '58 ; r. Rock. 8, Eliza E, b. April 17, '42 ; r. Rock. 9, Lauretta, b. Nov. 1843, d. May 27, '46. 10, Silas W, b. ab. '47. 11, Laura F, b. ab. '52. Charles's ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1835 ; r. S. Th, an artist. 2, Enos C, b. ab. '37 ; r. S. Th. 3, N. Adelaide, b. ab. '43. 4, Mary AdeUa, b. ab. '48. 5, Charles Leroy, b. ab. '55. McLOON, James, b. in Havre, France, 1828, m. here, Clara Foster, Aug. 9, '57 ; r. Rock, a truckman. Their ch. 1, Alice M, b. ab. 1858. 2, Clara E, b. ab. '60. McMANUS, John, b. ab. 1815 in the North of Ireland, mar. Mary Hanly; r. Th. Theirch. 1, Michael, b. ab. 1838; r. Rock, a baker. 2, Larry, b. ab. '42. 3, John, b. ab. '46. McMEYER, John, b. ab. 1822, in Ireland, as was Helen, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. Michael, b. ab. 1852. McMINN, George, b. ab. 1818 in Dumfrieshire, Scotland; mar. » lady of Nova Scotia ; r. Th, a sawyer, lumberer in Maryland, &c Their ch. 1, WilUam, b. ab. 1845. 2, Eva E, b. ab. '49. 3, Rosel- tha J, b. Jan. 1851, d. Oct. 6, '56. 4, George, b. ab. '53. 5, Wel lington, b. ab. '58. 6, Elizabeth, b. 1859. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 321 MoNAMARA," Timothy, b. ab. 1800, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, William, b. ab. 1833 ; mar. Catharine , r. Rock. 2, Patrick, b. ab. '40. 3, Kate, b. ab. '42. 4, John, b. ab. 1844. WiUiam's ch. 1, Frances E, b. ab. 1857. 2, William A, b. ab. '60. Of this name, also, there are O'Brien McNamara, b. ab. 1806 in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife ; r. Rock, and has ch. 1, Bridget, b. ab. 1851. 2, Mary J. 3, Ann. 4, Kate. 5, Margaret. 6, Ellen, b. ab. '60. Also, Anthony McNamara, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland; m. Ann Lines, p. June 6, '54 ; r. Rock. His ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. ab. 1857. 2, James, b. 1859. McNIEL, Roderic J, b. ab. 1831 in Nova Scotia; mar. Martha J. Collamore, July 2, 1857 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. John F, b. ab. 1858. MACOMBER; of this family, two brothers came from Dover, Me. 1, Samuel K, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Ellen A. Robinson of Montville, pub. May 3, 1854 ; r. Rock, a jeweUer, &c 2, George B, b. ab. '32 ; m. Adaline Rankin, Oct. 28, '59 ; r. Rock, a jeweller, &c Of this name, also, Charles A, came, it is believed, from Boston, a merchant many years in Rockland, but removed about 1840. Samuel K.'s ch. 1, Eva A, b. 1855. 2, Ellen A, b. ab. '59. MADDOCKS ; of this family, two brothers c. here from Lincoln- viUe, 1, Nathaniel B, b. ab. 1804 ; m. Margaret Lovett ; c to S. Th. in May, '53, a ship builder and farmer. 2, Winthrop C, b. '07 ; m. Mary Rackliff; c. to South Thomaston in '52, where he r., a mariner. Nathaniel B.'s ch. 1, Roxana L, m. Sewall H. Knights, Dec. 9, 1858 ; r. Minnesota. 2, Capt. Thomas B, born '35, mar. Caroline E. Perry, Dec. 25, '57 ; r. Owl's Head, S. Th. 3, Joseph G, b. '38 ; *. S. Th, a mariner, soldier of. 19th Me. Regt. 4, Lizzie O, b. '40, m. Capt. B. A. Emery, March 8, '64 ; j. S. Th. 5, Ruth Ann, b. ab. '42. Winthrop C.'s ch. 1, Helena, m. Edwin Maddocks ; r. Hermon. 2, John, b. ab. 1832 ; r. Owls Head, a mariner. 3, Adelaide, m. Wat son Hooper; r. Owl's Head. 4, Sarah, b. '36. 5, Capt. Samuel, b. '38; m. Mary K. St. Clair, Oct. 26, '62 ; r. S. Th. ' 6, Julia A, b; '40, m. John H. Skinner, June 16, '64; r. S. Th. 7, Henry, b. '42. 8, Frank R, b. '44, m. Mary E. Dyer, Oct. 16, '64. 9, Lewis, b. '50. 10, Eugene, b. '55. Capt. Thomas B.'s ch. 1, Frank D. 2, Cora Edna. MADDOCKS, William, b. 1810, in England; r. Rock, in 1860. MAHONEY, John, b. ab. 1827, mar. Sarah ; r. Rock, a lime burner. MAKER ; of this Cape Cod family, there came with their widowed mother, to this vicinity. 1, Jonathan, who settled 1791 in what is now S. Th, and m. Hannah Tenant. 2, David, m. Thankful Dowlf, settled in St. George. 3, Benjamin, m. and r. St. G- 4, Jerusha, m. a Davenport. 5, Rachel. 6, Betsey, m. a Burrows of Cam. ' Jonathan's ch. 1, Ruth, m. Israel Gregory ; r. and d. Muscle R. Is. 2, Delany F, mar. David Clark ; j. and d. S. Th. 3, Eliza, mar. Daniel Elwell ; r. St. G. 4, Mercy, mar. Hon. Henry C. Lowell ; r. Faribault, Min. 5, Hannah, d. young. 6, Joshua T, m. and r. St. G. 7, Mary, m. Robert Elwell ; r. St. G. 8, Theresa, b. ab. 1806 ; m. Calvin Gregory ; i. Rock. 9, Jonathan, died unm. 10, Hannah, m. Capt. Andrew Elwell ; r. Rock. 11, WilUam R, b. ab. 1809 ; m. Sarah A. Kieff of St. G, Aug. 7, '3'9 ;r. S. Th, a fish dealer. 322 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, WilUam R.'s ch. 1, Sarah E. b. June 2, 1840. 2\ Delia A, born Peb 3, '42. 3, Rebecca R, born April 3, '44, d. at Faribault, Min, Jan.' 14, '64. 4, William A, b. ab. '47. 5, Mary A, b. ab. '49. 6, Reuben H, b. ab. '51. 7, Margaret F, b. ab. '56. 8, Harriet, b. ab. 1859. MAKER, James R, b. ab. 1823, m. Tryphenia B. Clark ; r. S. Th, in fish business. Their ch. 1, Israel M, b. ab. 1846. 2, Rosella S, b. ab. '48. 3, Ellis H, b. ab. '52. 4 & 5, twins, b. ab. '54, Alonzo and George C. 6, Sidney F, b. ab. '55. MALCOLM, WiUiam H, b. ab. 1820, son of Capt. Andrew and Mary (Lowell) Malcolm of Warren, m. Maria A. Smith, p. June 26, '52; r. Th, a painter. Theirch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1,854. 2, Fred eric, b. ab. 1856. MALLARD, Edmund, b. in Warwick, Mass, c. to Union, traded there under the firm of Mallard & Chase, built and carried on paper mills, &c ; mar. Hannah Nichols of Th, and d. in Prescott, Canada West, June, 1830. Their ch. 1, Charles R, b. ab. 1815, mar. 1st, Louisa I. Perry, Aug. 27, '43, 2d, Eliza T. Farwell, Sept. 24, '50 ; r. sometime a merchant at Watervliet, N. Y, since r. Rock, secretary Insurance Co, &c. 2, Olive, m. Charles I. Loud ; j. E. Boston. Charles R.'s ch. by 1st wife. Clara, b. ab. 1845. MANCHESTER, Jonathan, b. July 11, 1806, in Mt. Desert, mar. Betsey Rodick, Dec. 25, '30 ; r. Rock, since 1852, a fisherman, &c. Their ch. 1, David, b. June, 1832, mar. Sarah Rodick of Eden ; r. Rock. 2, John, b. Feb. 1835, m. Clarissa Whitehouse ; r. Rock, a painter. 3, Clara, m. Ephraim Wall ; r. Eden. 4, Florinda, b. 1843 ; r. Rock., a milUner. David's ch. 1, Ansel, b. ab. 1853. 2,. Florinda, b. ab. '57. 3, Charles, b. ab. '59. MANNING, Sylvester, was b. in Lancaster, Mass., May 12, 1782; c. to reside in Th, now Rock, in 1860, m Phebe Damon (who died March 7, 1835, a. '44); 2d, Ann Munroe, May 17, '35 ; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 8, 1838. John, a brother, ? b. in 1787, came to what is now Rock, m. Elizabeth Tolman, April 27, 1813, d. Nov. 9, 1822. Syl vester's ch. by 1st wile. 1, Ann, b. Feb. 1806, m. Elliott Tolman ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 24, '62. 2, Mary, b. Jan. 20, 1811, m. Hiram Gregory; r. Cam. 3, Martha, b. Aug. 7, '12, d. June 19, 1833. 4, Charles, b. Feb. 7, '14, m. Rebecca Wasgatt, March 18, '54 ; i. Rock, a lime burner, &c. 5, Timothy D, b. Aug. 12, '15, mar. Orinda F. Walker, Sept. 29, '44, 2d, Isabella T. Pitcher of Belfast, Oct. 14, '55 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, and died Nov. 21, '61. 6, Phebe, b. June 6, '17, m. Samuel Prescott of Hope, p. May 13, 1836. 7, Sylvester, (2d), b. Feb. 25, '19, mar. Louisa Fish, June, 1844; r. Rock, a truckman. 8, Elmira, b. Jan. 9, '21 ; r. Rock. 9, Susan, b. Oct. 18, '23, d. Oct. 1, '31. 10, Nancy, b. May 26, '25. 11, John, b. June 7, '27, m. Lavi nia H. Wasgatt, p. Oct. 8, '53 ; r. Rock, a mariner, and was drowned by the upsetting of a boat, in letting go an anchor, in Rock, harbor, April 5, '62. 12, Harriet, b. Feb. 17, '29, d. June 7, '50. 13, Rebecca, b. Sept. 27, '31, m. Capt. Lincoln Rhodes ; j. Rock. 14, Augustus, b. April 29, '34. Charles's ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1855. 2, Albert F, b. ab. '57. Timothy D.'s ch. 1, Edwin F. R, b. ab. 1847. 2, Emma I, born ab. '49. The mother d. Feb. 6, 1854, a. 33 yrs, 10 ms, 6d. Sylvester (2d)'s ch. 1, William; b. ab. 1846. 2, Edward, b. ab. '48. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 323 John's ch. 1, Almeretta P, b. 1854. 2, AUen M, b. '56. The mother m. 2d, Capt. Allen Merrill of Cam, Nov. 27, '63. MANNING, Capt. James, b. ab. 1825, in N. Y, m. Elizabeth D. Rhodes, April 18, '52 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Myra, b. ab. 1853. 2, James W, b. ab. '54. 3, Minnie, b. Sept. and d. Nov. 2, '59. MANSFIELD, Dr. William P, b. ab. 1833, in Hope; m. Susan J. Huston; r. and prac med. in Rock.. Their ch. 1, Nellie P., b. ab. 1856. 2, Charles E, b. ab. '58. MARDEN, WilUam H, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Angeline York, 1848 ; c. from Palermo; and r. Th, a tin plate worker. Jane, a sister, b. ab. 1817; also r. Th. Of this name, also, William T. Marden, b. ab. 1826 ; mar. Ann M. Larrabee, Aug. 1, 1849 ; r. Rock, a truckman. Their ch. 1, Emma F, b. ab. 1852. 2, Ellen M, b. ab. '53. 3, Carrie, b. ab. '56. 4, WUUam G, b. ab. '58. 5, Rose, b. ab. '60. MARKS, Warren, b. ab. 1811 ; m. Betsey E. Hubbard; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, William A, b. ab. 1840 ; r. S. Th. 2, Maria L, b. ah. '44. 3, Hezekiah H, b. ab. '47. 4, Mary I, b. ab. '48 . 5, Sarah A, b. ab. '50. 6, Gardner L, b. ab. '51. 7, George H, b. ab. '63. 8, Margaret E , b. ab. '55. MARSH, Martin, b. in Holliston, Mass, April 27, 1771 ; came to what is now Rock, and settled on or near Madambettox Mt, since often called by his name ; m. Ruth HaU, dau. of Mrs. D. Watson by a former husband, p. Nov. 12, 1798, & d. Sept. 30, 1835. His wife d. Feb. 20, '20, aged 47. Their ch. 1, Sylvia, b. June 10, 1799 ; mar, Capt. Abner Perry of -Cam, p. June 8, 1829. 2, Gilbert H, b. March 10, '01 ; grad. Bowd. Coll., 1828 ; stud, theology at Andover, and d. there, Jan. 6, '32. 3, Albert, b. Dec. 8, '03 ; m. Mary Kelloch, May 9, '30 ; r. Rock, & d. AprU 6, '50. 4, Juliet M, b. Sept. 17, '06 ; m. George W. Gloyd; r. Rock. 5, Nancy, b. Nov. 20, '08; m. Joseph Hewett; *. Rock. 6, Martin, (2d), b. Dec. 10, '10; m. Sophronia Kimball, p. Aug. 25, '36 ; r. & d. Rock. 7, Lois F, b. Dec. 10, '13, died young. Albert's ch. 1, George G, b. March 4, 1831; mar. Augusta A. Palmer, p. Jan. 11, '51. 2, Gilbert H, (2d), b. June 22, '33 ; mar. Eleanor B. Ulmer; r. Rock, a shopkeeper. 3, John B, b. March 4, '37 ; m. Hannah Ulmer, Dec. 10, '57 ; r. Rock, a teamster. 4, Leon ard S, b. Nov. 22, '39, d. Feb. 19, '58. Martin's ch. 1, Orinda D, b. Dec. 29^ 1837. 2, Lois Emily, b. Aug. 23, '39. 3, Robert Norman, b. Oct. 20, '41, soldier in 2d Bat tery, &c. 4, Sylvia P, b. Feb. 5, '44. 5, ArvUla N, b. ab. '49. 6, Elizabeth O, b. ab. '53. 7, John A, b. June 24, '57, d. Aug. 27, '64. GUbert H.'s ch. Lewis E, b. ab. 1857- John B.'s ch. Clarence S. b. ab. 1858. MARSHALL, Robert, with Ruth, his wife, c. early to old Th, but, in 1803, made, in company with James (John ?) White of this place, the first clearing in the town of Bradford, Me, whither White mov ed his family in 1804, & Marshall in 1805, & where the latter was still Uving in '58. His ch. recorded here ; 1, Olive, b. Aug. 27, 1797 ; 2, Maria, b. July 13, '99 ; & 3, Alden, b. Feb. 21, '04 ; all rem. MARSHALL, Capt. Thomas, b. ab. 1800 ; came probably from St. George ; m. Temperance ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James A, b. ab. 1834 ; r. Rock, a mariner, entered the army. 2, ? EUzabeth A, mar. Freeman A. Kingsley, April 28, '61 ; r. Rock. 3, Sarah, b. ab. 324 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 1843. 4, Addie, b. ab. '45. Of this name also, & perhaps a brother, Capt. Richard Marshall, b. ab. 1802 ; m. Abigail HaskeU, p. Oct. 28, '23 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. Sept. 19, 1824, d. AprU 19, '29. 2, Abigail W, b. Jan. 30, '26 ; m. Samuel H. Burpee; r. Rock. MARSTON, Samuel H, b. ab 1795, in Addison, Me.; mar. 1st, EUzabeth Shorey of N. H, 2d, Fanny N. (Rich) Cates,* March 28 1850 ; r. Rock, a carpenter, &c. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Almira B, b. ab. 1824, in Sedgwick ; m. Theodore H. Farnsworth ; r. Rock. 2, Andrew J, mar. Catharine Hatch. 3 & 4, twins, Sarah Se Mary. 5, Capt. Charles H, b. ab. 1830, in Sedgwick; m. Margaret B. Ames, Dec. 3, '55; r. Rock. 6, Lois D, b. in Sedgwick; m. Capt. H. W. BuUock ; r. Rock. 7, Lura E, b. in S.; m Judson Simonton ; r. Rock. By 2d wife. 8, Caroline E, b. ab '51. 9, Freeman S, b. ab. '53. 10, Melvin J, b. ab. '55. 11, Jennie B, b. ab. '59, d. Dec 19, '64. Capt. Charles H.'s ch. Charles I, b. ab. 1859. MARTIN, Thomas, b. 1780, son of Richard, c. with his father from Marblehead to St. George, mar. Margaret McKellar, 2d, Bethiah (Thorndike) Keating, May 25, 1815 ; rem. S. Th, 1848. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Richard, m. Mary A. Ogier of Cam. ; x. St. G. 2, EUza, m. George O'Brien ; r. St. G. 3, Catharine W, b. 1809, m. James Sweetland ; r. S. Th. 4, John, b. 1810, m. Jane Young, Nov. S, '40 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 5, Sarah V, mar. Richard Martin Lovett ; t. Line, in the same house where the 4th generation of both parents are Uving. 6, Nancy, m. Charles McLoon ; r. S. Th. By 2d wife. 7, Margaret, b. ab. 1819, m. Capt. Henry Spalding; r. S. Th, and died June 11, '64. 8, Thomas, d. an infant. 9, Bethiah, m. Joseph Ames ; r. S. Th. John's ch. 1, James Y, b. 1847. 2, Belmore C, b. '49. 3, Kate M„ b. '56. MARTIN, Ezra, b. ab. 1804, m. Elizabeth O Butler, Aug. 13, '37 ; r. Rock, many years sexton of 1st Baptist church, and d. Dec. 7, '59. Their ch. 1, Augustus, born Feb. 1, 1838 ; r. Rock, a teamster. 2, Elbridge, b. Jan. 22, '40. 3, John F, b. Dec 1, '41 ; r. Rock, and d. April 5, '61. 4, Sarah E, b. May 15, '44 ; jr. Rock. 5, James, born July, and d. Oct. 5, '49. MARTIN, EUphalet, m. 1st, Jane Pierce, Aug. 19, 1833, 2d, Eme Une A. Conant of Orono, p. Aug. 3, '51 ; r. S. Th, and Rock. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Almond G, b. June 9, '34. 2, Roscoe G, born Dec. 5, '35, m. Frances H. Butler, June 14, '60 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 3, Sarah I, b. Feb. 14, '38. 4, Alonzo C, b. Feb. 7, '40. 5. Archi bald P, b. Oct. 31, '42. MARTIN, Horace, b. 1804, in Appleton ; m. AbigaU Nash ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Orlando, b..ab. 1839. 2, James, b. ab. 1846. Of this name, also, Allen F. Martin, b. ab. '20, mar. Mary ; r. S. Th, was postmaster, &c, and had ch. 1, Ella K , b. ab. 1851. 2, Ada, b. ab. '58.— Also WilUam F. Martin, b. ab. '27, m. Salome E. Sprague, Nov. 22, '52 ; r. S. Th , a joiner, and had ch. 1, WUliam C, b. ab. '54. 2, D. Perry, b. ab. '57. Also Mrs. Clarissa Martin, b. ab. '23 ; * Mrs. Marston originated in Cooper, Me, and m. 1st, Nathaniel Cates, who, it has been ascertained, too late for insertion in its proper place, had 3 ch. besides the one mentioned on page 173, viz. : 1, Harriet F., m. Zeb- ulon Babb ; r. Rock. 2, Henrietta E, b. ab. 1842, m. John A Webster ; r. Rock. 3, Nathan H, r. Rock. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON! 325 r. Rock, a widow, and has ch. 1, Clariette, b. ab. '50. 2, Mary F, b. ab. '59. 3, Adeline, b. Feb. and d. May 20, '64. Also, George D. Martin, b. ab. '09, m. Lydia Wooster ; r. Rock. Also, Edward Mar tin, b. ab. '35 in Ireland, m. Sarah Mullen, Oct. 25, '53 ; r. Rock, a marble worker, and has ch. 1, Mary A, b. ab. '54. 2, Sarah I, b. '56. 3, Kate, b. ab. '58. 4, William, b. ab. '60. MASON, Capt. Jonas, came from Unity, m. 1st, Abiah Prince, 2d, Rebecca Mathews, 1824, 3d, Jane Hathorn of St. G, p. July 30,|'25 ; r. Th, a shoemaker, dept. sheriff, &c, lost his 3d wife, 1827, removed to Hermon, Me, rem. thence, and again m. 4th in N. Y. MASON; of this family from Gouldsboro' or Blue Hill, there came here 3 brothers. 1, Thomas, m. Mary I. Green ; r. and d. Rock. 2, James, b. ab. 1835, m. Irene ElweU, Nov. 17, '55 ; r. Rock. 3, Chas. b. ab. '37 ; m. Henrietta A. Miller, Aug. 6, 1857 ; r. Rock, a mariner. James's ch. 1, Ada L, b. Dec, 1856, d. March 21, 1859. 2, Ada F, b. ab. 1859. Charles's ch. 1, Charles I, b. ab. '1858. 2, Lizzie E, born Nov. 1860, d. Feb. 23, '62. MASTERS, WUUam, m. Octavia W. ; r. Rock, a clock and watch maker, ab. 1830, constable 1834, &c, d. and his widow m. again in 1856. Their ch. 1, Betsey B, b. ab. 1829 ; m. 1st, Capt. George Jordan, 2d, Capt. James Watts ; r. Th. 2, Ann C, b. Aug. 4, '32. 3, Octavia W, b. March 27, '34. 4, John H, b. Sept. 23, '36 ; died Dec. 22, '37. 4, Elvira O, b. Dec. 25, '38. 5, WilUam O, b. Dec. 19, '40; r. S. Th, a mariner. MATHEWS, Call, the ancestor of this family, with his wife, Cath arine Campbell, and one brother, name unknown, emigrated to this country from Ireland. Of his descendants, (probably ch.), four came early to what is now S. Th, viz. ; 1, Lieut. John, mar. Elizabeth, a cousin of Lieut. Joseph Coombs ; c. from Plainfield, Ct , one of the first settlers at Wessaweskeag, and d. near the close of the Revolution. In 1788 his widow m. Samuel Sweetland of Wal. 2, James, m. and r. S. Th, died in 1802 or '3, being scalded to death in Heard's salt works. 3, Ruth, m. 1st. Mr. Tenant, 2d, William Rowell ; r. S. Th, and d. in 1832. 4, Charles, who subsequently rem. to Line. Lieut. John's ch, 1, Joseph, m. Olive Lucas, p. Sept. 18, 1788, d, before '98, & was buried on Cape Cod. 2, Anthony, m. Sarah Spald ing, p. Dec. 25, '88 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, & d. '90 or '91. 3, Lydia, b. 1768, m. John McAlUster ; r. Hope, and d. Rock, Sept. 2, 1852, a. 84. 4, John, (2d), m. Apphia Snow, p. April 30, 1803. 5, Polly, b. '86 ; m. William McLoon; r. S. Th, and d. April 14, 1820. 6, Lucy, m. WUUam Spear of Brunswick. 7, Betsey, d. a. ab. '16. 8, Archibald, d. young. James's ch. 1, WiUiam, m. Miriam Bachelder, p. March 28, 1792 ; with probably others : Edward Mathews, who was murdered in WatervUle in 1848, by Dr. Coolidge, was a great grandson of James, and grandson of Capt. Mathews, who for many years com manded a ship saUing out of Bath. Of Charles's ch. 1, Isaac, of Lincolnville, m. Sarah Snow, p. Oct. 31, 1818. Joseph's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. Dec. 2, 1789, m. John . Keating, and rem. Ohio. 2, Nancy, b. Feb. 1, '92, m. Brackett Butler, & d. Aug. 21, or 16, 1827. 3, Anthony, (2d), b. Feb. 5, '94, m. 1st, Margaret Dunning, Jan. 3, 1816, 2d, Sarah Barrett of Hope, p. AprU 15, '17; Vol. II. 28 326 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, r. and d. Line. 4, Olive, b. Sept. I, 1796, m. Stephen Boardman ; r. Hope. Anthony's ch. 1. Ruth, b. June 2, 1790, m- Wymond Bradbury; r. S. Th, and d. Sept. 26, '61. 2, Archibald, b. 1792, d. in Havana, Sept. 2, 1806. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Apphia, b. ab. 1802, d. July 16, '25. 2, John,? (3d), b. ab. '16, m. Mary J. ; r. Rock, a mariner. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, Allen F, b. ab. 1839. 2, Hannah A, b. ab. '41. ra. Charles Barrett ; r. Rock. 3, Almond A, b. May 12, '44, d. Jan. 28, '46. 4, Atwood, b. ab. '47. 5, Faustina, born ab. '50. 6, Samuel, b. ab. '53. 7, Margaret, b. ab. '56. MATHEWS, Isaac, b. ab. 1829, son of Major John, and Sarah (Doane) Mathews of Warren ; m. Eliza A. Shibles, March 7, '44 ; r. Th, a blacksmith, &c Theirch. 1, Laura A, b. ab. 1845. 2, Oli ver D, b. ab. '48. 3, Alden H, b. ab. '54. 4, Alice B, b. ab. '59. Of this same Warren family, WUliam O, b. ab. 1811, son of Robert Mathews, (2d), mar. Mary G. Hemanway of U, 1837, 2d, Lucy Ann French of W, April 7, '64 ; r. Rock, a brickmaker, &c. His ch. 1, Lieut. James M, bom ab. '40 ; r. Rock, an officer in the Me. U. S. Sharpshooters. 2, Nathaniel C, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock, a clerk, soldier of 4th Me. Regt, &c. 3, Sarah A, b. ab. '45, m. James M. Gordon of Chester, N. Y, Nov. 23, '63. MATHEWS, George, b. ab. 1827, in Prussia; r. Rock, a furnish ing merchant. 2, Dorothea, b. 1830, a sister ; i. Rock. 3, Adolphus, b. ab. 1832 in Prussia, as was Henrietta his wife ; r. Rock, a dry goods merchant, and has ch. Julius, b. ab. 1859, in Rock. MATHEWSON, Daniel J, b. ab. 1826, m. Susan ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Ada C, b. Feb. 1858, d. June 2, '59. 2, Francis L, b. ab. 1860. MAXEY, Harvey, son of Lieut. Benjamin & Sarah (Fuller) Maxey of Attleboro' & Union, was b. April 30, 1782 ; m. Sally Eastman of - Kingston, 1805 ; r. Union, on north part of Mill-farm ; rem. & r. Th. Their ch. 1, John E, b. Aug. 7, 1806; m. Ann Adams; r. C. 2, Hannah, b. Jan. 4, '08 ; m. Reuben Hills ; r. Line 3, Joseph, b. Oct. 29, '09, d. Jan, 1811. 4, Joseph, b. Jan. 29, '11; r. Th, a farmer. 5, Nancy E, b. 1812 ; m. Charles Hook ; r. Danville, N. H. 6, Har vey, (2d), b. July 28, '14 ; m. Maria Staples ; r. Th. 7, Josiah, born Jan. 22, '16, d. in Th, Feb. 9, '49. 8, Henry, b. March 10, '21 ; r. Th, a merchant in company with Henry O'Brien, now officer in the prison. 9 & 10, twins, b. July 1, '23 ; Sarah; & Cyrus, who m. Mar tha Boynton, Sept. 9, '50 ; r. Th, deputy warden of State prison, &c. The mother d. June 16, 186-), aged 76. Harvey's ch. 1, George W, b. ab 1844 ; i. Th, entered the navy. 2, Harvey M, b. ab. '46. 3, James B, b. ab. '55. Cyrus's ch. 1, Josiah, b. ab. 1851. 2, Charles, b. ab. '54. 3, Henry W, b. ab. '58. MAYBERRY, Elijah N, came to Thomaston and m. Rebecca W. Palmer, Nov. 2. 1834, and d. in a foreign port, Oct. 10, '41. Their ch. 1, Mary A, b. June 25, 1837. 2, James O, b. June 27, '39. 3, Elijah N, b. Sept. 1, '41. MAYO, or Mayhew, Daniel, b. ab. 1831, in Hampden ; m. Alice L. Vose, June 1, '54 ; j. Th, a carpenter, &c Their ch. 1, Cyrus, b. ab. 1855. 2, Eveline, b. ab. '58. 3, Seth V, b. June 24, '60, d. July 8, '61. 4, Angeline. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 327 MEHAN ; of this Warren family, sons of Patrick & Maria (Craw ford) Mehan, there came to this place, 1, Capt. Francis, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Ethelda Coggans ; r. Th, a ship master. 2, Niven C, b. ab. '29 ; m. Lucy Jane Annis, Jan. 13, '56 ; (who d. Oct. 18, '59, aged 25) ; r. Th, a ship builder. 3, John, b. ab. '31 ; m. Harriet C. Trueworthy, July 1, '60; r. Rock, a ship builder. Capt. Francis's ch. 1, Alfred C, b. ab. '55. 2, Clifton A, b. ab. '57. John's ch. , b. 1862. MELVIN, Ambrose P, b. ab. 1822 ; came from South Reading, Mass. ; m. Almira Kenniston, Oct. 15, 1848 ; r. Rock, a stone mason, soldier of 4th Me. Reg., &c. Their ch. 1, Joseph H, b. ab. 1851. 2, Lorilla E, b. March, 1853, d. April 18, '58. 3, Isaac F, b. July 2, '55, d. July 12, '64. 4, Lucy E , b. Feb. 17, '59, d. July 9, '60. 5, Ambrose P, (2d), b. July, and d. Dec 23, '61. MERO, James, b. ab. 1807 ; son of Zenas Mero of Hope ; m. Ma- hala Bennett ; r. Th, a blacksmith. Eben, a brother, also r. a time in Th, a shoemaker, and some time overseer in the State Prison. James's ch. 1, WiUiam, b. ab. 1837 ; r. Th, a mariner. 2, Ann, b. ab. '39. 3, James O, b. ab. '41 ; r. Th, a mariner. 4, Nancy J, b. ab. '43. 5, EUzabeth, b. ab. '45, d. July 18, '64. 6, AmeUa, b. ab. '48. 7, CeUa, b. ab. '50. 8, Catharine, b. ab. '53. 9, Walter Clarke, ? b. 1860. * MERRIAM, Matthew T, m. & r. Morrill, formerly Belmont. Of his ch. 1, Horace, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Mary P. Bailey; r. Rock, a ship buUder, now absent doing business in Shanghai. 2, Jane S., b. 1825 ; m. Charles S. Rice ; r. S. Th. 3, Sarah E, b. 1827 ; m. Eben T. Jackson; r. Rock. Horace's ch. 1, Melissa A., b. ab. 1843. 2, George A, b. Sept. 29, '45, d. Oct. 8, '58. 3, James H , b. Aug. 3, '47, d. June 15, '48. 4, Mary A, b. ab. '49 ; 5, Emma I, b. ab. '51 ; 6, Horace A, b. ab. '53 ; 7, Prederic, b. ab. '58 ; aU r. Rock. MERRICK, William, m- and 1. Burnham, d S. Th. Of his ch, there c. here, 1, George G, b. ab 1814 ; m. Belinda (Watts) Thomas of W, 2d, Sarah A. Starrett of W, Oct. 22, '40 ; r. Th, a shipwright; 2, Gardner, b. ab. 1821; m. M. Susan BaUey, Oct 17, '56 ; r. Th, a farmer; 3, Kendrick, b. ab. '24; m. Christiana Adams; r. S. Th., a farmer. 4, Cordelia, b. ab. '26 ; m. Edwin Starrett ; r. S. Th. ; 5, WiUiam C, m. Sarah A. Young, June 4, '56 ; 1. Th, a joiner ; all, except the 4th, rem. in 1862, to LibertyvUle, III. George's ch. 1, G. Lermond, b. 1839 ; m Sarah A. Townsend, July 24, '62 ; r. LibertyvUle. By 2d wife. 2, BeUnda, b. ab. '41 ; m. E. O. Staples; r. 111. 3, Augusta, b. May, 1843. 4, Almira E, b. Sept, '44, d. April 4, '47. Gardner's ch. Gardner, (2d), b. ab. 1856. Kendrick's ch. 1, Charles A, b. ab. 1852. 2, Cora, b. ab. '57. 3, Elvira A, b. ab. '59. WilUam C.'s ch. Walter H, b. ab. 1858. MERRILL, Eli, m. Sarah M. George of Watertown, Mass, p. Oct. 28, 1819; traded in firm of Green & Merrill, at Knox's wharf, after wards, by himself, at the upper corner ; rem. to Portland & d. in N. Y, where his widow still resides. MERRILL, Dr. John, b. ab. 1802, grad. Bowd. Coll, '27 ; c. from Topsham in 1825 10 what is now Rock, where he has since been in successful practice of medicine ; m. Paulina Sawtelle of Norridge- 328 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, wock, p. Sept. 18, '38 ; r. Rock. Their ch. I, John Frederic, b.Oct. 21, '39, clerk in Rock. Bank, since in Washington, D. C. 2, Sarah L., b. Oct. 29, '42, d. Dec. 25, '43. 3, Edwin P, b. ab. 1845 ; r. Rock., entered the army. MERRILL, Capt. John, b. in Bristol, in 1S07 ; m. Nancy Holden of Bristol, in '24 ; r. Rock. Capt. Wilson, a brother, m. Hol den ; r. Cam. or Rock. Capt. John's ch. 1, Hannah, m. John Fields of Boston, 2d, William Brown ; r. Islesboro'. 2, Abby H, m. Isaac Ingraham, (2d), ; r. Boston. 3, Edwin W, b. ab. 1838 ; m. Lydia Merrifield, Aug. 27, 1859 ; r. Rock, has a son, Anson, born '60. 4, Alonzo L, b. ab 1847. MERRILL, Moses W, b. ab. 1813; c. from South Reading; m. Copeland of W, 2d, Catharine R. Patterson of W, p. May 6, '48 ; r. Rock, a painter, &c. MERRILL, Edward P., b. in Portland ab. 1828 ; m. Mary P. Lud- wig, Nov. 28, '55 ; r. 8s traded Th, rem. Biddeford & Boston. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. '57. 2, Nellie, b. ab. '58. MERRIMAN, Capt. Nathaniel, c. with Mary, his wife, from Harps- well ; j. & d. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Hannah, b. ab. 1808 ; m. John S. Wade; c. S. Th, & d. 1862. -2, John, b. Aug. 8, 1811 ; m. Deborah Spring, AprU 17, '38 ; r. & d. S. Th. 3, Nathaniel, (2d), m. Eliza J. Haskell, Feb. 27, 1840 ; i. S. Th, a mariner. 4, Jacob, r. S. Th, a farmer. 5, Joel, r. S. Th. 6, Lydia, b. ab. '20 ; m. Capt. Oliver Gray ; r. S. Th. 7, Fannie. 8, Elmira. John's ch. 1, Frances L, h. July 1, 1838 ; r. S. Th. 2, WilUam W, b. Dec. 31, '39 ; r. S. Th , a mariner. 3, Lydia M, b. Dec. 1841 ; r. S. Th. 4, Isaac W, b. ab. '44 ; r. S. Th, soldier of 19th Me, &c. 5, Lewis, b. ab. '46. 6, Helena, b. ab. '49. Nathaniel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. Dec 14, 1840 ; i. S. Th. 2, Almira, b. Feb. 23, '43. 3, Nancy J, b. ab. '46. MERROW, James R, b. ab. 1829, in ChesterviUe, Me. ; m. 1st, " Maria Reynolds, 2d, Mrs. Eliza A. Allen, p. Oct. 23, '63 ; r. Rock, a baker, shop keeper, &c. Their ch. 1, Emma F. S, b. ab. 1853. 2, Frederica B, b. ab. 1857. MESSER, John B, b. Oct. 8, '26, son of Minot Messer of Union ; m. Harriet L. Bachelder of Union; r. Rock, a merchant. Their ch. Matilda C, b. ab. '58. Of this name, also, R. W. Messer, r. Rock, a grocery merchant. MESERVE, John A , Esq, b. 1828 ; e. from Richmond, Me. ; m- Alice C. Kimball, Jan. 26, '52 ; r. Rock, an attorney at law. and Co- Attorney, 1861 ; ret. to Richmond, and d. Aug. 7, '62. Their ch. 1, Alice H, b. ab. '53. 2, John W, b. ab. '59. MESERVEY, Col. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 28, 1795, in that part of Hope now Appleton, m. 1st, Susan Ulmer, p. Sept. 19, 1829, 2d, Anna Co nant, published February 1, 1841 ; r. Rockland, was street engineer, Judge of the Municipal Court, 1860, &c, died August 24, 1864. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Emily Jackson, born April 6, 1830, mar. Capt. James A. Creighton ; r. Th. 2, John H, b. July 5, and d. Oct. 30, '36. By 2d wife. 3, Nathaniel W, b. March 7, and d. Oct. 24, '42. 4, George Frederic, b. Aug 23, '43 ; m. Ellen O'Neal, July 13, '64 ; r. Rock, a marble worker, firm, McClure & Meservey. 5, WU liam F, b. Oct. 9, '45. 6, Nathaniel H, b. July 10, '48. MESERVEY, Dexter, b. ab. 1805 ; m, 1st, Betsey Kaler, 2d, Emily ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 329 Fisk of Liberty, 3d, Susan Flanagan ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Of his ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mark Dexter, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Mary M. , r. Rock, a lime burner. 2, Arietta. 3, Benson. Mark Dexter's ch. 1, Frederic E, b. ab. 1855. 2, Reuben L, b. ab. '67. 3, John A, b. ab. '59. MESERVEY, Samuel L, b. ab. 1832 in Jefferson, Me, m. Eliza beth Richards ; r. Rock, a blacksmith, sergeant in 4th Me. &c. Their ch. 1, Edward R, b. 1854, d. Nov. 2, '59. 2, Susan J, b. ab. 1857. METCALF, or Medcalf, William, from Newburyport, Mass., mar. Sarah Day, r. & d. in Nobleboro', now Damariscotta. Their ch. 1, WUUam, (2d), b. May 15, 1799 ; m. Mary Wormell, Dec. 2, 1824; r. Th, a pump and blockmaker. 2, Hon. Benjamin D, mar. Jane Lovett, r. Damariscotta. 3, Martha Ann, b. Nov. 16, 1804 ; m. Dea. Alexander Singer, 'r. W. 4, Samuel, m. Sarah Foster of Bristol; r. Damariscotta. 5, Robert D , b. 1815; m. Lucy A. Libby of Dam, r. Rock, a pump and blockmaker. Sarah, the mother, d. in W. AprU 6, 1849. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sally Ann, b. Sept. 14, 1825 ; m. Bradford OUver; 1. Th. 2, Benjamin D, b. March 28, '27, d. in Chasta, Cal, Aug. 24, '51, for which he sailed in March, 1849. 3, Mary E, born Sept 7, '28, d. June 22, '42. 4, Martha C, bom Feb. 23, '.32 ; r. Th. 5, WilUam A, b. Sept. 23, '33 ; m. Melina A. Morse of Rock, Oct. 27, '56 ; r. Th, a blockmaker. 6, Edward G, b. Aug. 25, and died Sept. 8, '35. 7, Daniel D, b. June 21, '37 ; r. Th, a mariner. Robert D.'s ch. 1, Ann A, b. Aug. 1841. 2, Joseph L, born ab. '44; r. Rock., a mariner. 3, Leander N, b. ab. '45. 4, WUliam A, (2d), b. ab. 1848. WUliam A.'s ch. 1, Sidney H, b. ab. 1858. 2, Maurice, b. ab. '60. MICHAELS, Henry P., b. Oct. 28, 1826 ; m. Sarah G ; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 2, 1861. MILLAY, WUliam K, b. ab. 1821, in Somerset county; m. Mary J.' ; r. Rock, a quarryman ; rem. S. Hope Theirch. 1, Wil liam A, b. ab. 1850; 2, Charles A, b. ab. 1852. 3, Frederic C, b. ab. '54; all rem. 4,' Herbert L, b. Feb. 21, '59, d. March 23, '60. MILLIKEN, Charles W, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Eleanor U, ; j. Rock, a ship machinist. MILLER, Major Noah, (2d), son of Noah & Mary (Mills) Miller, of Lincoln viUe and of Scottish descent ; m. Lucy Mahoney, &c, r. & d. Line Hon. Joel, a brother, b. in Line ab. 1784 ; c. to St. George, m. Elizabeth Robinson ; rem. Th. ab. 1828 ; was warden of State Prison, senator 1828, judge of probate 1836, &c , and d. Sept. 10, '49. Lovicy, a sister, m. Dr. C. C. Chandler; aud died at her sons' in Th. Feb. 3, 1843. Of Major Noah's ch. 1, Noah, (3d), came to Th, m. Abigail E. Sellea, Sept. 1, 1836; r and d. Thomaston. Hon. Joel's ch. 1, Mary J, m. Hon. Nehemiah Boynton; r. Chel sea, Mass. 2, Sophronia, r. Th. 3, George, b ab. 1810; m. JuUa (Robinson) Spear, p. Aug. 16, '34 ; r. Th, and died Aug. 20, '41. 4, WiUiam K, b. ab. 1812; r. Th, and d. Aug. 19, '32. 5, Leander, b. 1814 ; was a merchant in the firm of Boynton & Miller, at Th. and Boston; 1. Chelsea, Mass, and d. there July 16, '50. 6, Levi B, m. Abby B. Fuller, Oct. 3, 1852 ; r. Chelsea, Mass. 7, Harriet N, b. 1823 ; m. Capt. George C. Snow ; r. Th, and d. Sept. 24, '45. 8, .28* 330 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Amasa, b. ab. 1828 ; m. Margaret Eugenia, daughter of Eben. Young, Sept. 29, '59 ; r. Th, a painter, &c. 9, Edwin, b. in Th, June 10, '30, d. Nov. 26, '32. Noah, (3d)'s ch. 1, Nathan L, mar. Hester C. Morton, Nov. 5, • 1858 ; t. Th, a caulker. 2, Noah, (4th), b. Oct. 15, '38. 3, Edward R, born ab. '41 ; inar. Margaret J. Willard, July, 1862 ; r. Th, a mar iner, &c. George's ch. 1, Albion K., b. April 30, 1835. 2, George E, bom July 28, '38, d. Aug. 28, '49. 3, JuUa A, b. March 23, '40. Nathan L.'s ch. Augustus, b. ab. 1859. MILLER, Major Charles A, came from Skowhegan to Rock, was clerk of House of Rep, 1860, '1, & '2 ; clerk of courts, Knox county, '63 ; aid- de- camp and private secretary of Gov. Coburn ; since in the army. MILLER, Capt. Peter, b. ab. 1798, in the island of Bonholm, Den mark, (family name Peterson) ; leaving Europe, bought an American protection and sailed under the name of John Harris, but was nat- uraUzed as Peter MUler ; m. 1st, Hepzibah (Nutting) Biskey, Sept. 6, 1830, 2d, Elizabeth (Nutting) Lermond, Sept. 15, '62 ; r. Th, a master mariner. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Amanda, b. June 6, 1831 ; m. Capt. John Eureka Harding from Germany ; r. Th. 2, William B , b. May 4, '33, d. Aug. 13, '38 3, Joshua J, b. May 28, '38, d. Oct. 26, '40. 4, Hepzibah, d. young. MILLER, James, b. Nov. I, 1798, c. from Waldoboro' with Mar garet, his wife, and r. Rock, a lime burner, &e. Of their ch. 1, Par ker, b. ab. 1829, mar. Abbie M. Cram ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. 2, James B, b. ab. '32 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 3, Denny, b. ab. '35 ; m. Olinda S. Burns, Oct. 10, '55 ; r. Rock. 4, Simon, born ab. '38 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 5, Sarah J., b. May, '44, d. July 28, '54. Of the same Waldoboro' family and nephews to James, there came hither three brothers; 1, William E, b. in Wal. ab. 1812; mar. Exie or Achsah Coombs ; r. Rock. 2, John E, b. in Wal, ab. 1817 ; m. Mar garet Ginn ; r. Rock, a shop keeper. 3, Warren F, m. Clara A. Ed- garton of Dam, Nov. 6, '60 ; r. Rock, a shop keeper. Parker's ch. 1, WUliam C, b. ab. 1857. 2 and 3, twins, b. Aug. '58, James A, d. Sept. 4, '60, Denny H, r. Rock. Denny's ch. Deborah E, b. ab. 1857. Wm. E.'s ch. 1, Emerson W, b. ab. 1843. 2 Mary E, b. ab. '47. John E.'s ch. 1, Margaret E, b. ab. 1838. 2, John D, b. ab..'42, m. Julia H. Hovey, Oct. 28, '63 ; r. Rock. 3, Sarah I, b. ab. '44. 4, Amelia, b. ab. '46. 6, Martha W, b. ab. '48. MILLER, Capt. Jacob, of a different family, b. ab. 1832, m. Susan ; r. Rock , a master mariner. Their ch. 1, Frank L, b. ab. '56. 2, John, b. ab. '59. MILLS, James, b. ab. 1783 in Massachusetts ; m. Mary Hathorn, settled in St. G. ; rem. Th. Of his ch. Capt. Harvey, b. ab. 1817, in St G, m. 1st, Olive Fountain, 2d, Sarah Dizer, Dec 2, '55, 3d, Mary Rhoda Adams ; l. Th. Capt. Harvey's ch. by 1st wife. Warren, b. ab. 1849. MILLS, Capt. William H„ c. from Vinalhaven ; m- 1st, Emeune Dyer, 2d, Lydia C, (Lyman) Bunker ; r. Rock. Hanson A, also, a brother, m. Mary Blackington, & r Th. but rem. Cam. ; both having come, probably, since 1860, as neither were included in the census of that year. Of Capt. WilUam H.'s 5 ch. 1, Eugene, is in U. S. navy. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 331 MILLS, Amos, b. ab. 1803, in Nova Scotia, as was Rosanna, his wife, (who died here March 5, 1854, a. 48,) m. 2d, Judith ; r. Rock, a.shoemaker. Of his eons, probably, 1, William H, b. ab. '34, •in N. Scotia ; m. Sarah A. Godfrey of N. S, p. Feb. 3, '65 ; r. Rock , a mariner. 2, OUver B, entered U. S. navy. William H.'s ch. 1, Lucy, b. ab. '59. 2, Oliver B., b. Oct. 11, '62, d. April 19, '64. MINNEHAM, John, b. ab. 1836, in Ireland ; c to Rock, with Mary, his mother, who d. Apr. 23, '64, a. 63. His ch. Mary, b. ab. '59. MINK, Thos. W, b. ab. 1829, probably in AVal. ; m. Jane U. Spear, Nov. 24, '53 ; 1-. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. Andrew b. ab. '57. MITCHELL, Dea. Cyprian, (name changed from Twitchell by Leg islative Act, March 14, 1843), was b. ab. 1800; m. Lucretia Davis, came from Freedom with his family to S. Th. and bought the Singer place, afterwards rem. Mill River. John, a brother ; r. Montville. Dea. Cyprian's ch. 1, Martha Jane, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Capt. Harris Stackpole; r. Th. 2, Capt. George Albion, b. ab. '23 ; m. Susan S. Bunker, July 22, '49, 2d, Mary K. Bunker, Oct. 29, '58 ; r. Th, & d. at Stockton, Cal, Sept. 1, '61. 3, Oakes Perry, b. '25; lost in brig Maine, 1844. 4, C. Amanda, b. ab. '27 ; m. Capt. Dodge Healey, 2d, Dr. Daniel Rose ; r. Th. 5, Horace Chandler, b. June 2, '32, d. Aug. 8, '53, at New Orleans of yellow fever, mate of barque Franklin. 6, Adelbert Davis, b. ab. '41 ; r. Th, lost at sea, Oct., 1863, on passage to Halifax, N. S. Of John's ch. David M, b ab. 1817 ; m. Elsie J. ; r. Rock. a joiner, deputy sheriff, 1854, &c. Capt. George A.'s ch. 1, Cora E, b. Nov. 21, 1851. By 2d wife, 2, George O, b. Aug. 8, '60. David M.'b ch. 1, Elvira A, b. ab. 1846. 2, Frances H, b. ab. '49. 3, Hiram B, b. ab. '51. 4, James A, b. ab. '55. 5, Elsie C, b. ab. '59. MITCHELL, Capt. Orrin P, b. ab. 1827, in MontvUle, (name changed from Twitchell, Aug. 2, '48) ; m. Caroline A. Cowing, Dec. 21, '51 ; r. Rock, a joiner, and officer in 4th Me. Reg. Their ch. 1, Carrie E, b. ab. 1853. 2, Nellie C, b. ab. '58. MITCHELL, Capt. Steuben, son of Mrs. J. Gleason by a former marriage, c with her, when a child, from Philadelphia ; m. Margaret Gilchrist, May 17, 1817, 2d, Catharine Moody, Nov. 27, '43 ; r. Th, d. W. of small pox, Sept. 22, '60. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah T, m. E. Scott Young ; r. St. G. 2, George G, b. ab. 1817 ; m. Abigail E. (Sellea) MUler.'Nov. 1, '45 ; r. Th, & d. July 11, '62. 3, Lucy A, d. Aug. 9, '45. 4, Mary M. 5, Samuel Tucker, b. 1830, d. Feb. 8, '32. 6, Samuel T, b. Dec, 1832, d. May 6, '53. The mother d. July 9, '40, aged 44. George G.'s ch. 1, Margaret, b. ab. 1844; m. J. K. Morton; r. Th. 2, Lucy -A, b. ab. '48. 3, William F., b. ab. '52. 4, George B, b May 28, d. Feb. 8, '56. ? 5, George, b. '59. MITCHELL, Benjamin P, b. ab. 1825; came from Belfast;? m. Mary W. Roberts, Sept. 16, '49 ; r. Rock, a shoemaker, soldier of 28th Me. Reg, &c. Their ch. 1, Benjamin E, b. ab. 1852. 2, Mary J, b. Nov. 22, '54, d. Peb. 15, '57. 3, Mary W, b. Aug. 31, '57, d. Sept. 21, '58. 4, Ida M, b. May, 1859, d. Oct. 29, '61. MITCHELL, C. C, b. in Crete, Is. of Cyprus ; r. a time in Th, & leaving a family in California, d. in Damariscotta, Sept. 2, 1866. 332 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, MOFFITT, Caleb G, b. ab. 1824, in Smithfield R. I, m. 1st, Lou isa M. Norcross, 2d, Julia E. Whittier, Feb. 17, '63 ; r. Rock, a mer chant tailor. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Eugene, b. ab. 1848. 2, Ralph P, b. Dec, 1849, d. Sept. 5, '51 ; r. Rock, enlisted ih army. . 3, Angeline, b. ab. '53. 4, Caleb, b. ab. '59. The mother d. July 5, 1860, a. 37. MOLECAMP, Cornelius, b.in HoUand, 1806, m. Catharine ; r. Th, and d. of consumption, July 2, 1859. His wife, b. in Ireland, d. Sept. 23, '62. Their ch. 1, Maria, born Oct. 10, '39 ; r. Th. 2, Catharine, b. June 14, '41, d. Nov. 21, '59. 3, Cornelius, (2d), b. ab. '43 ; r. Th. 4, Luke, b. ab. '45. 5, Franklin, b. ab. '47. 6, Mary A, b. ab. '50. 7, John, b. June, and d. Oct. '59. MONK, Charles Robinson, came from Vassalboro', Me, mar. Mrs. Elizabeth Dowlf, pub. Sept. 28, 1822 ; r. Th, a trader. John, a brother, also came to Th, m. Susan Graffam, p. Oct. 2, '33, was a mariner, and d. at N. O, Nov. 1843. Charles R.'s ch; 1, Mary A, b. Aug. 27, 1823, m. Mr. Swinburne of Boston. 2, George H, b. Feb. 4, '25, d. Jan. 20, '43. John's ch. 1, Eugene, b. ab. 1842, a soldier of 8th Me, Reg, d. at Hilton Head, Marcli 29, '63. MONTGOMERY, William, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Cooper) Montgomery, of Warren, was b. March, 1772 ; m, Mary Rackliff of Boothbay ; removed to S. Th, on the place of John Jameson, and d. there, May 21, 1854. Of his nephews; Percy, b. Nov. 22, 1817, son of John and Julia A. (Howard) Montgomery of W, m. Dolly Spear, Aug. 29, '41 ; r. Rock., a wheelwright, artificer in 2d Me. Battery, &c Capt. Eber S, born ab. 1820, son of Robert, (2d), and Rachel (Whittier) Montgomery, m. Maria M. Helmerhausen, p. Oct. 18, '45; r. S. Th, a master mariner, in Govt, employ. WiUiam's ch. 1, Anora, b. ab. 1803, m. Hans Kelloch ; r. S. Th. 2, Lydia A, b. 1808 ; r. S. Th.. 3, Capt. Benjamin R , b. May 19, 1810, followed the sea, but d. at home, of consumption, June 29, '42. 4, Mary, b. July 8, '13, m. Moses S. Carr of Rock, rem. Illinois. 5, Sarah G, b. March 18, '15, d. Feb. 22, '44. 6, Margaret, rem. Cali fornia with her brother. 7, Chandler R, b. April 25, '21, m. OUve L. Whitmore of Line , Dec. 9, '55, and rem. to California. Percy's ch. 1, Eliza S, born ab. 1843. 2, Martha, b. ab. '46. 3, Charles R, b. ab. '56. Capt. Eber S.'s ch. Stanley, b. ab. 1849. MOODY, Daniel, b. ab. 1812, in Nobleboro', m. Mary ; r. Th, a carpenter, &c. George, a cousin, b. ab. 1810, mar. 1st, Lucy Trask, April 8, '32, who d. June 30, '34, 2d, Deborah Gilchrist of St. G, p. Jan. 2, '35 ; r. Th, a mason, &c. Daniel's ch. 1, Ann M, b. Sept. 12, 1835, m. Joseph E. Catland; r. Th. 2, KendaU W, b. July 1, '37, d. June 6, '55. 3, Mary A, b. ab. '46. 4, Abbie A, b. ab. '50. George's ch. By 2d wife. 1, George A, b. Peb. 11, 1836, mar. Laura Partridge, Jan. 1861 ; r. Th, a caulker, soldier in 20th Me, &c. 2, Sylvanus, b. July 23, '37, d. April 20, '42. 3, Edward T, b. Feb. 8, '39, d. April 3, '42. 4, Lucy S, b. Feb. 28, '42. 5, Edward,, b. ab. '44. 6, Franklin Halsey, b. ab. '46. 7, Mary, b. ab. '49. 8, Ellie, b. ab. '52. MOODY, Nathaniel, b. ab. 1812, c. from Waldoboro', m. Sarah E. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 333 True of Freedom ; r. Th, dept. sheriff 1857, and again appt. Jan. 1863. Their ch. Sarah E., b. ab. 1857. MOONEY, James, b. ab. 1830, in Ireland, as was Ann, his wife ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. John, b. ab. 1858. MOORE, Abel, c. from China, Me. ; m. Sarah G. Hanson of China, p. April 4, 1832 ; r. Th., and d. or rem. Alfred, a brother, also came to Th, a quarryman, and was killed, May, 1846, in quarry. Abel's ch. recorded here : 1, John, b. May 9, 1833. 2, Sarah A, born Feb. 10, '35. 3, AUce H, b. Nov, 1836. 4, Eliza J, b. Nov. 16, '38. 5, Mary B, b. May 11, '41, d. Jan. 20, '51. 6, Clara B, b. '43, d. Jan. 26, 1858. MOORE, John Elbridge, b. ab. 1822, son of Richard and Lucy (Howard) Moore of Freedom ; m. Martia A. Lindsey of Rock , July 30, '54; r. Th, and died Aug. 10, '60. Their ch. Henry A, bom 1856 ; r. Freedom. MOORE, Joel, b. in Southhoro, Mass, July 15, 1768 ; m. Abigail Bubier, of Marblehead ; came to Rock, and d. AprU 23, 1859, aged 90 y. 9 m. 8 d. Of this name, also, Isaac Moore, b. ab. 1824, mar. Elizabeth Amsden, ? r. Rockland, a marble worker, &c. WUder C. Moore, b. ab. 1828 ; m. Caroline , r. Rock, a quarryman, &c. Alvah G. Moore, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Mary E. Runnels, March, 1855 ; r. Rock. John B. Moore, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Eliza J. ; r. Rock, a mariner. Nathaniel Moore, mar. Rebecca Spofford ; r. Georgetown, Mass., and Rock, a currier. Hafford S. Moore, b. ab. 1831 ; mar. Eliza A. ; r. Rock, a shop keeper. Isaac's ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1850. 2, Anna, b. ab. '54. 3, EUa, b. ab. '57. WUder C.'s ch. 1, Alfred R, b. ab. '54. 2, Mary Ann, b. ab. '60. Alvah G.'s ch. Harriet P, b. ab. 1858. John B.'s ch. 1, Winnie. 2, Mabel, b. AprU, 1858, d. Oct. 19, '60. Hafford S.'s ch. 1, Charles H, b. ab. 1855. 2, Emma L, b. 1859, d. Jan. 1, '62. MOORE, Charles, partly of African descent, but of most polished and gentlemanly manners, came to Th., Uved as coachman, &c. in the famUy of Mr. Swan, • 1826 and '7 ; went away and d. of dropsy in Havre, Prance, where he had arrived as steward of a packet ship. Edgar, a son of his, whose mother was Mary Smith of C., was born ab. 1827 ; m. a Grouse, and r. Friendship. MORGAN, Littleton T, mar. Lydia B. Pierce of Northampton, Mass., 1847 ; r. "Rook, in shoe business, but removed. MORIN, or Morang, Simon, b. ab. 1828 ; mar. Betsey ; 1. Rock, a Ume burnei*, soldier, &c. MORRISON, John, b. ab. 1836, in Ireland ; mar. Ann Cutler ; r. Rock., a quarryman. Their ch. 1, John, b. Dec, 1845. 2, Lucy. 3, Isabel. 4, Ally. 5, WilUam. MORSE, Daniel, b. in Attleboro', June 9, 1743, O. S, m. Freelove Dexter, of Cumberland, R. I, Feb. 16, '69 ; came here early, r Th, a wheelwright, and d. Dee. 16, 1808. His wife b. March 25 1747, died Jane 16, 1824. Their ch. 1, Lydia, b. Aug. 1, 1769 ; mar. Thomas Emerson, 2d, James Howard; r. Th. & d. Jan. 29, 1850. 2, John D, b. Sept. 1, '71 ; m. Margaret Howard; r. Th, a farmer at Meadows, and d. March 9, 1841. 3, Lavinia D, b. Nov. 19, '72 ; m. John M. 334 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Wight, 2d, Benjamin Tucker ; and d. Aug. 11, 1860. 4, Daniel, (2d), b. Oct. 9, '74, d. July 10, '87. 6, Capt. Henry, b. May 3, '77 ; per- ished at sea. 6, Freelove, b. Oct. 4, '79 ; m. Boaz Brown ; r. Th. & d. March 17, 1864. 7, Jabez, b. March 20, '82; m. Betsey Kaler, of Wal, 1826 ; and. d. Dec. 3, '38. 8, Lucy, born May 3, '84, d. March 23, '25. 9, James, b. April 25, '87 ; m. Hannah Mayo of Cam, Jan. 2, '11 ; r. Th, at Meadows, a farmer. John D.'s ch. 1, Capt. John D, b. Feb. 13, 1800 ; m. Margaret U. Bartlett, Nov. 9, '33, 2d, Elizabeth Copeland of W, r. Th. 2, Sarah, b. Aug, 1805, d. Jan. 26, '08. 3, Daniel, (3d), b. Dec. 26, '09 ; m. Jane Austin, June 17, '41 ; r. Th, a farmer. 4, Almira, b. Nov. '11 ; m. Christian Kaler, '36 ; r. W, rem. Aroostook, '59. 5, Julia G., b. Nov. '14 ; m. James Harper; r. Worcester, Mass. 6, Mason W, b. Nov. 1815 ; m. Priscilla C. Rankin, p. Aug. 2, '40 ; a blacksmith, r. Minnesota. 7, Ann Maria, m. Henry Gleason ; r. Watertown, Mass. 8, Henry, (2d), b. Nov, 1819 ; m. CaroUne Moore ; r. Th, a farmer. 9, Dexter S, b. 1821; m. EUzabeth Dean, Dec. 24, '53; r. Th. 10, Adaline, b. 1823, d. Sept. '25. 11, Margaret, b. July, 1826 ; m. Horatio Bartlett; r. Th, & d. March 6, '54. 12, Jabez, (2d), d. young. 13, Benjamin, b. March 6, '31 ; rem. California. Jabez's ch. 1, Sarah J, b. AprU 22, 1830 ; m. and r. Bangor. 2, ' Noah, b. Jan. 27, '32 ; r. a merchant in Bangor. 3, Jabez, (3d), b. Feb. 3, '39 ; rem. California. James's ch. 1, Mary P., b. Nov. 6, 1811; m. Nathaniel Fales ; r. CaUfornia. 2, Hannah, b. March 11, '14; m. Henry Brown; r. Th. 3, Eliza, b. Oct. 7, '16 ; m. Thomas Wentworth; r. Hope. 4, James, (2d), b. Nov. 21, '18; mar. Abby Nichols, Nov. 30, '51; r. Th,a farmer. 5, Maria, b. AprU 10, '21; m. WiUiam T. Gleason; r. Wa tertown, Mass. 6, Isaac, b. Aug. 16, '23, d. Sept. 6, '25. 7, William B, b. Feb. 3, '26 ; m. Martha Shorer of Palermo ; r. Th, & d. March 13, '59. 8, Charles, b. Peb. 22, '29 ; m. Marcia Allen, Sept. 13, '54 ; r. Th, a farmer. 9, Amelia, b. Dec. 5, '31, d. March, '46. 10, Susan P, b. Nov. 11, '35 ; m. Lathley R. Nichols; r. Th. Capt. John D.'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Harris S, b. ab. 1849. 2, , b. 1860. Daniel, (3d)'s ch. 1, John Dexter, b. AprU 6, 1842 : r. Th, soldier in 20th Me. Reg, &c. 2, Richard W, b. June 25, d. Nov. 25, '43. 3, Louisa J, b. Oct. 16, & d. Dec. 4, '45. 4, Franklin, b. May, 1848. 5, Daniel H, b. Sept. 21, & d. Oct. 7, '55. Mason W.'s ch. 1, Emma E, b. Dec. 16, 1841. 2, Charles H, b. March, '44, d. Dec. 20, '51. 3, Clara A, b. Feb, '46, d. Aug". 8, '60. 4, Richard, b. ab. '49. 5, Laura, b. ab. '51. 6, Josephine, b. ab. '54. 7, Jennie, b. ab. '56. 8, Edith E, h. ab. '58. Henry, (2d)'s ch. 1, Merritt A, b. ab. 1845. 2, Margaret AmeUa, b. ab. '47. 3, Frederic, b. ab. '50. 4, Henry 1*, b. June 25, "53, d. May 15, '54. 5, George S, b. ab. '57. Dexter S.'s ch. 1, Charles W, b. ab. '55. 2, Flora E, b. ab. '58. James, (2d)'s ch. Frank, b. ab. 1855. William B.'s ch. 1, Ida, b. ab. '57. 2, WUliam B, (2d), b. ab. '59. Charles's ch. Jane, b. April, 1860. MORSE, Obadiah, b. at Sherburne, Mass., Dec. 11, 1776; came to U, 1798 ; m. Sally Palmer, 2d, Phebe Carriel, and d. Aug. 8, 1837. His widow mar. Major James A. Ulmer ; r. Th. Of his ch. by 1st wife. 1, Asa, b. Jan 27, 1809 ; m. Eliza J. Litchfield; e. to Rock, 1848 ; r. Pleasant street, a teamster, &c. 2, Obadiah, b. May 18, '13; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 335 m. Chloe Copeland of W.; c. to Th. where he d. July 14, '47 ; being fatally injured, July 11th, by caving in of a clay bank at his brick yard. Of the sons of Levi Morse of Union, 1, William Bradford, b. Aug. 24, 1813 ; m. Emma G. (Parsons) Ross, Oct. 12, '37 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer, & d. Nov. 8, '52. Of the sons of Moses Morse of U. Dexter P, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Emeline P. Eaton in 1858, and r. Rock, a melodian manufacturer. Asa's ch. 1, Edwin P, b. July 20, 1836 ; r. Rock, corporal in U. S. Sharpshooters, &c. 2, Postena, b. March 7, '38 ; m. Charles H. Haskell ; r. Rock. 3, Argyl Dudley, b. March 28, '41 ; soldier of the Sharpshooters, &c. 4, William Spofford, b. Nov. 29, '43. 5, Sidney Adelbert, b. in Rock, Jan., 1851. WiUiam Bradford's ch. 1, Penelope C, born Aug. 29, 1838. 2, Serg't WilUam Henry, b. Jan. 1, '41 ; a clerk, and soldier of 28th Me. Reg, kUled in battle, June 30, '63. 3, Charles Bradford, b. Dec. 24, '47 ; r. Rock. MORSE, formerly DeMorse ; of this Friendship famUy, 1, John, b. ab. 1804 ; m. Mrs: Eliza Hall, p. Oct. 31, '33 ; r. Th, a carpenter 2, Capt. OUver, a cousin, b. ab. 1834 ; m. Catharine V. Haupt of Wal., May 25, '56 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 3, WilUam, another cousin, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Ann Stevens, Dec. 8, '53 ; r. Th, a mariner. John's ch. Elizabeth, b. ab, 1837. Capt. OUver's ch. Jane, b. ab. 1860. WiUiam's ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1856. 2, Prank, b. ah. '58. MORSE, James M, b. ab. 1828 ; m. Rebecca J. Briggs, p. Aug. 22, '63 ; r. Rock , a teamster. Their ch. 1, Wilmot, b. July, '56, d. May 30, '57. 2, Florabelle, b. ab. '59. 3, Ida E, b. Oct. 10, '61, d. Aug. 29, '62. Of this name, also, Archibald C. Morse, b. ab. '34 ; m. Fran ces A. ; c. Rock, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, "WiUiam V, b. June 28, '56, d. March 9, '57. 2, Delora, b. ab. '58. MORTON, Cornelius, 0. from Kingston, Mass, early, to what is now Friendship; m. Jane Johnson; 1. & d. F. Their ch. 1, Cornelius, (2d), m. Abiah Wadsworth; r. & d. F. 2, Joshua, m. Mercy How ard of Wal. ; r. & d. Friendship. 3, Sarah. 4, Deborah, m. Robert Jameson of Friendship. Of Joshua's ch. 1, Joshua, (2d), b. June 16, 1789 in P. ; m. 1st, Jerusha Cobb of W, Oct. 29, 1812, 2d, Mary A. Davis of F, March 25, '32 ; came to Th. 1827, and began shipbuilding, continuing it, building by himself and in company with his son, building no less than 22 vessels ; buUt the 2d house ever put up on Green St. 1826 ; rem. in 1840 to the Seavy house near his ship yard, and d. Jan. 25, '67. 2, CorneUus, (3d), m. 1st, SaUy (Morton) Lawry, 2d, Nancy (Pitcher) Morse ; r. F. Joshua, (2d)'s ch. 1, Lucinda C, b. Aug. 7, 1813, m. Harvey G. Snow; r. N, Y, d. and was buried in Th, Nov. 20, '64. 2, Mary Ann, b. Feb. 17, 1815, m. Alexander Edwards ; r.Th. 3, Charles C. b. Feb. 16, '17, m. Sarah Waterman of Wal, Aug. 8, '44 ; r. Th, a ship builder, in firm of J. & C. C. Morton, &c 4, Albert, b. March 16, '20, m. Harriet M. Wiggen of Brooks, Nov., 1845 ; ship builder, in com pany with C. Lermond and L. B. Gilchrist ; removed June, 1857, to W. Springfield, Mass, and d. March 26, '58. 5, Rebecca C, b. May 18, '22, m. Charles Lermond ; r. Th. 6, Alzina W, b. Nov- 11, '24 ; r. Th, and N. Y. 7, Jerusha A, b. Nov. 15, '29, d. Nov. 22, '43. The mother, b. Nov. 5, 1786, d. Nov. 16, 1829. By 2d wife. 8, an 336 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, infant, d. 9, Francis A , m. Edwin Fitzgerald ; r. Th. 10, Margaret A, m. Washington Morton of F. 11, Joshua K, b. 1838, m. Margaret G. Mitchell, AprU 9, '64 ; r. Th, a ship carpenter. 12. William J, b. '41 ; i. Th, a carpenter, and mariner. 13, Hester, m. Nathan L. MU- ler; r. Th. 14, C. Aubigne. 15, OUver A, b. Oct. 10, '48, d. Sept. 12, '49. 16, Florilla Olive. Cornelius, (3d)'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Nancy, m. 1st, Francis W. Rhoades of Rock., 2d, Dea. Isaac Robinson of War. ; r. Rock. 2, Susan, m. John Sanborn ; t. Prospect, rem. Dover. 3, Howard, b. ab. '16, m. Melinda Robinson, Oct. 9, '42 ; r. Th, a joiner. 4, Josephus B, b. ab. '21 ; r. Th. Charles C.'s ch. 1, Sarah Ellen, b. Oct. 3, 1846. 2, Mary Thomas, b. Jan. 17, '51. Albert's ch. 1, Harriet E , b. Nov. 16, 1846. 2, Ada M, b. Sept. 15, '48. 3, Albeit O, bom Dec. 26, '50, died Aug. 22, '52. 4, Eda Crockett, b. May, 1854, d. April '65. 5, a son, b. Sept. and d. Dec. 1857. Howard's ch. 1, Orilla A, b. ab. 1847. 2, Clara E, b. July, and d. Sept, '53. 3, Clara Emma, b. ab. '58. MORTON, James C, b. 1808, son of Zenas Morton of Eastport, m. Mehitable R. Morton of F.; r. R ock, a blacksmith. Theirch. 1, Leonese, b. ab. 1837. 2, Franklin, b. ab. '41. 3, Ella B, b. ab. '53. MORTON, Robert, b. ab. 1822, in Bristol ; m. Martha M. Bryant ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Frederic C, b. 1854. Capt. Jas, brother of Robert, b. in B. ab. 1828 ; m. Caroline C. Gregory, Feb. 14, 1848 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James U, b. ab. 1849. 2, b. '52, d. Jan. '53. 3, Helen F, b. ab. '56. Of this name, also, Enos B. Morton, b. in Bristol ab. 1822; m. Mary P.Lane; r. Rock, a mariner. Enos B.'s ch. 1, Mary S, b. ab. 1847. 2, Enos B., (2d), b. about - '51. 3, John M, b. ab. '53. MOSHER, James W, b. ab. 1830 in N. Scotia, mar. Margaret J. Stone, July, 1852 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Lucy E, b. ab. 1853. 2, Frank H, b. ab. 1858. MOSMAN, Aaron, h. Oct. 22, 1757, in Sudbury, Mass., came and settled south of Chickawauka Pond, where he had grist and other miUs ; was a rev. soldier ; m. Hepzibah Hosmer, May 28, 1782, 2d, Sarah Gardner, June 16, 1814; and d. Nov. 27, 1840, aged 83. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Hepzibah, mar. Nathaniel Packard; r. and d. Rock. 2, Capt. Reuben, m. Margaret Studley of Wal, pub. Jan. 31, 1808 ; r. Cam. and Rock, rem. and is supposed to be dead. 3, Mary, m. Daniel Packard, rem. Cam. 4, William, mar. Lucy Safford of Hope, Dec. 6, 1817 ; r. and d. Rock. 5, Aaron, (2d), m. Experience Andrews ; r. Cam. 6, Betsey, b. Nov. 1, 1800 ; m. Alanson Dean, AprU 19, '21 ; r. and d. Rock. 7, Merrick, born Dec. 8, 1803 ; mar. Elizabeth Ott of Cam, Oct. 10, '24 ; j. Rock, on homestead; and d. Oct. 17, '47. The mother, b. in Concord, Mass, July 24, 1759, died June 11, 1812. The step-mother, b. April 11, 1778, in Edgecomb, Me, d. Oct. 28, 1844. Capt. Reuben's ch. 1, Hannah S, m. James Murch, and d. June 15, 1840. 2, Mary S, m. Robert S. Stockbridge of Castine, Aug. 12, '32. 3, Reuben H, was mate of sch. Ann, and died on Nantucket, March 2, '29. 4, Elbridge, steward in same sch, and perished same time with his brother. 5, Capt. Gardner, mar. Sarah H. Shepherd, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 337 May 16, '40, '2d, EmeUne Ghentner, May 21, '43. 6, Sarah, m. Burton Fales, r. Th. and d. Dec. 30, '40. 7, AngeUne. 8, Daniel. William's ch. 1, Dillora, born March 14, 1820; mar. Charles Van Duyzer; r. Charlestown, Mass 2, Orris, b. Jan. 30, '22; r. Rock, a peddler, &c. 3, Albion K. Parris, b April 1, '25 ; m. Harriet A. Har rington, 2d, Maria of Charlestown, Mass. ; r. Rock , a ship builder. 4, Catharine, m. Hezekiah Puller ; r. Hope. 5, Mary J, d. young. 6, James, m. & r. Natick, Mass. 7, Henry, m. & r. in Cali fornia. 8, Judson, r. California. 9, WilUam Reuben, in. & r. Hope. Aaron, (2d)'s ch. Mial, m. Wealthy A. Clough, Dec. 22, 1855 ; r. Camden. Merrick's ch. 1, Malvina, b. June 29, 1828 ; m. E. Hinkley Heald, Sept. 16, '49 ; jr. Rock. 2, Miles, b. June 6, '30, d. Sept, 1848. 3, Mareuel, b. Jan. 5, '33; m. Bathsheba Ewell of Cam, Sept. 22, '53; r. Cam , a mariner. 4, Maria S, b. Aug. 10, '34 ; m. Cyrus Hughes, or Hewes, Aug. 24, '52, (who d. at sea, 1855, leaving 1 son, Herbert Leslie, b. ab. '55), m. 2d, Capt. Samuel Conary ; r. Rock. 5, Marilla, b. Feb. 29, '36; mar. WilUam F. Dean; r. Rock 6, Ezekiel D, b. Aug. 26, '37 ; r. Rock, a teamster, &c 7, Mary Marinda, b. July 27, '40; m. George A. Drew; r. Rock, rem. California. 8, Almeda S, b. Feb. 4, '45 ; r. Rock. Of Capt. Gardner's ch Gardner M, b. Sept., 1853, d. Jan. 16, '55. Albion K. P.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Harriet, b. ab. 1849. 2, Charles. MUNROE, or Monroe, Martin, c. from Spencer, Mass, to Th. ; m. Eliza Martin, May 4, 1818 ; r. Th, worked in Ume quarries, &c, but removed. ? His nephew, Jairus, b. ab. 1795, came also from Spencer in 1815, m. Mary Bentley, Feb. 1, '18 ; worked at quarrying, and lost his sight, 1825 ; r. Th. Martin's ch. 1, Solomon, d. at N. O, March 14, 1839. 2, Lafay ette, b. 1823, d Oct. 10, '25. 3, James, r. N. O. 4, Capt. William M, b. 1827, m. Mary J. McAUister, Sept. 3, '51, 2d, Sarah T. Hall, Feb. 10, '59 ; r Rock, a master mariner. 5, Elizabeth, r. Rock. 6, Diana, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Alley, (and has son, WUliam L, b. ab. '55), 2d, James Sholler, Feb. 21, '61 ; 1. Rock. 7, Jane Ann, b. ab, '34, in. J. Andrew Johnson ; r. Rock. Jairus's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1819, m. Oscar F. Healey; r. Rock. 2, Sally A, b. Feb. 4, '23, m. Capt. Harris Robinson, 2d, Capt. Austin Williams ; r. Th. 3, Halsey H, b. Oct. 14, '27, m. Lucy H. Tozier, Sept. 11, '55 ; r. Thomaston, a farmer, inventor of improved rotary harrow, &c. 4, Mary F, b. Nov. 5, '32, m. George Copeland ; r. Th. 5, John B, b. Oct. 13, '25, d. Sept. 20, '26. 6, Adelaide, b. May 20, '37. 7, Horace, b. Feb. 28, '39 ; r. Th, a teacher, soldier in 20th Me. Reg, &c - MUNROE, Capt. William, of a different family, mar. Susan Dyer, Aug. 4, 1822, 2d, Sarah R. Jameson, Sept. 22, '44 ; r. S. Th. His ch. 1, Ann Maria, b. Feb. 12, '24. 2, William, b. Nov. 24, '25, d. Oct. 8, '38. 3, Sarah A, b. Aug, 1834. The mother d. Dec. 23, '38. By 2d wife. 4, Robert V, b. ab. 1846. MURCH, James, came from Castine, m. Hannah Mosman, Oct. 24, 1837, 2d, Mary A. Jameson, Jan. 9, '41 ; t. andd. Rock. MURPHY, Daniel, b. ab. 1806, in Cork, Ireland, m. Joanna Murphy; c. to Th. in 1832 ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Timothy, b. May 2, 1837 ; r. Th, a mariner. 2, Daniel, (2d), b. April 4, '39 ; r. Th, a mariner. 3, Mary A, b. Nov. 2, '41. 4, Michael, b. ab. '44. 5, John, b. ab. '46. Vol. II. 29 338 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of this name also, John Murphy, b. ab. 1827, in Ireland, as ^Mar garet, his wife ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, John, (2d), b. ab. 1846. 2, Patrick, b. ab. '48. 3, Jeremiah, b. ab. '50. 4, Julius A , b ab. 52. 6, Margaret, b. ab. '54. 6, Dennis, b. ab. '57. 7, Mary, b. 59. MURPHY, Levi, b. ab. 1832, in St. Geo, m. Abby Bird; r. Rock, a mariner 1860, soldier in 4th Me. Regt, &c. Their ch. 1, Charles A, b. ab. 1855. 2, Corabelle, b. ab. '57. 3, Abby, b ab. 59. MURRAY, Edward C, born ab. 1807, in Rhode Island, as was Amanda, his wife; j. Rock, a shoemaker. Theirch. 1, EUenC, b. ab. 1837. 2, Abby S, b. ab. '39. 3, Edgar L, b. ab. 44. Of this name, also, Alexander Murray, b. ab. 1820, m. Matilda ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. Alexander, (2d), b. ab. 1853. MURRIN, Terence, b. ab. 1817, in Ireland, as was Bridget, his wife; r. Rock. MYERS, Capt. Ephraim, b. ab. 1825, m. Annie E. Blaisdell, Sept. 13, '57 ; r. Rock, a mariner, rem. CaUfomia. NASH, Thomas, and Rebecca, his wife, came early to old Th, from Lincolnville, & had recorded here, their ch. ; 1, Capt. Ezekiel R, b. May 1, 1834 ; m. Mrs. Catharine Stover, Nov. '56 ; r. Rock, a mas ter mariner. 2, Winslow, b. April 6, d. Aug. 12, '42. Amos W, a nephew of Thomas, b. ab. '33, in Line, m. Abby Nash ; r. Rock, a mariner, entered the navy. Capt. Ezekiel R.'s ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1857. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '59. Amos W.'s ch. 1, Elvira, b. ab. 1857. 2, Cora A, b. ab. '59. NASH, Andrew J, b. ab. 1828; m. Martha L. Buckminster ; ? r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Georgiana, b. ab. '53. 2, Eliza beth, b. ab. '58. 3, Ada A, b. Feb. '60, d. April 26, '61. 4, Lyman H, b. Sept. '61, d March 1, '62. NE ALLEY, Edward S. J, Esq,c. to Th, m. Lucy C. Prince, July 5, 1836, but soon rem. to Bath. Their ch. 1, Edward Bowdoui, b. in Th, July 22, '37 ; grad. Bowd. Coll, 1858 ; rem. Iowa. 2, Hezekiah P, b. in Bath, June 11, '40, d. Nov. 5, '41. 3, Henrietta P, d. young. 4. Greenleaf C. 5, Susan. NELSON, Capt. Charles H, b. ab. 1829, in Edinburgh, Scotland, c. here, m. Maria Harrington, July 7, 1853 ; r. Rock, a master mari ner. Their ch. 1, Isabella F, b. ab. '54. 2, Nellie A, b. ab. '56. 3, Arthur P, b. Jan. 4, '69, d. Aug. 15, '62. NEWELL, Samuel J, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Nancy D. ; r. Rock.. in '60, a carriage manufacturer ; shice rem. China, Me. Their ch. li Arthur W, b. ab. '43, an ornamental painter. 2, Ellen E, b. ab. '48, 3, Milton A, b. ab. '52. 4, Eben P., b. ab. '56. 5, Effie P, b. ab. '59 NEUBERT, or Newbirt, Adam ; m. 1st, Dorothy Storer, 2d, Lucy (Wentworth) Smith of Knox ; r. Wal. An older brother, Michael, m.MaryFeyler ; rem. Appleton, and, of hisch, John W, b. ab. 1819; m. Xaura E. of Fox Isl. ; r. Rock, a stone cutter, &c. Ad am's ch. by 1st wife. 1, WUliam F, b. '27 ; m. Mary L. Dunbar, Oct. 23, '64 ; r. W, a teacher, &c. 2, George G, b. 1828, d. in Wal, '56 ? 3, Andrew A, b. 1830 ; m. Arietta A. Pennimau, Nov. 17, 1852 ; r. Rock-, a ship carpenter, &c. 4, James W, b. '32 ; rem. Cal. '52, &m. there in '61. 5, Joel M. b. '36, d. at sea '57. The mother d. Feb. '46. Of other branches of this family, there also c here, Alvan, b. ab. '28 ; m. Lydia M. Hall of Wal, r. Th , a mariner. Thomas A., son of Philip of Jefferson ; m. Abby Robinson, "55 ; j. Th ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 339 John W.'s ch. 1, George G, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary L. 3, Lizzie. 4, Prank E, b. Peb. 19, '60, d. Aug. 30, '61. Andrew A.'s ch. 1, Alphonso, b. ab. 1854. 2, Fannie B. 3, Frederic W. 4, Etta E, b. Feb. 4, and died Oct. 4, '61. Alvan's ch. Susan, b. ab. 1854. NEWHALL, Jonathan, came from Lynn, Mass, to Union, before 1791, made the first horse- wagon ever built there ; m. Hannah Pea body of W, rem. and died Washington, Me. Of their ch. 1, Jona than, (2d), b. Aug. 12, 1799, m. 1st, EUzabeth D. Boyd of Wash, 2d, Margaret Yeates of Wal, came to S. Th, July, 1849, a jeweUer, millwright, &c 2, James, b. March 2, 1804, m. Mrs. Rebecca Bowles of Northport ; r. S. Th, a teacher, See. 3, Joseph, b. Dec. 9, 1807, m. 1st, Mary Neubert of Windsor, 2d, PrisciUa Jameson of Wash. ; r. S. Th, a millwright, Sec. Jonathan, (2d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, John B, b. 1828, d. in Calais, Milltown, Jan. 1849. 2, Oscar, d. in 1835. 3, Wilbert, b. Dee. 19, '30. 4, Mary E., b. 1832, d. 1835. James's ch. 1, Harriet, b. ab. 1830; m. Harrison P. Babb; r. S. Th. 2, Hannah, m. • Hopkins of Wash. 3, James T, b. ab. 1833 ; mar. Alzena Trask, Sept. 23, '61 ; r. S. Th, a clerk, &c. 4, Catharine L, m. WilUam M. Jordan of Cam, Sept. 16, '56 ; r. S. Th. 5, Ebenezer W, b. ab. '39, a mariner. 6, Margaret, b. ab. '45. 7, Ellen, b. ab. '47- Joseph's ch. 1, Mary Elizabeth m. George Bond of Jefferson, June 25, '54; r. S. Th, rem. Presque Isle. 2, , d. young. 3, Ann Maria, b. ab. '32. 4, Harriet M, b. ab. '40 ; m. Emery L. Stetson, AprU 14, '61 ; r. S. Th. NEWALL, Charles, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Louisa ; r. Th, a ped dler. Their ch. 1, Emma C, b. ab. 1844. 2, Mary, b. ab. '50. 3, Anna, b. ab. '56. NICHOLS, Dr. , a native of Ireland, came to St. George ; m. Margaret Kelloch, and d, St. G. His widow m. Shepard Robbins. His ch. 1, Hannah, m. 1st, Edmund Mallard of Union, 2d, Benja min Kelloch of W, Aug. 27, 1833. 2, George, m. & r. Frankfort. NICHOLS, Dr. Alonzo D, b. Sept, 1826, in Albany, N. Y. ; came to r. in Rock, 1848, in connection with telegraph office; m. Cath arine H. Achorn, Aug. 4, '52 ; was cashier of Lime Rock Bank, editor of Gazette, See., d. Feb. 25, '63. Their ch. 1, Frances E, b. ab. '54. 2, Florence M, b. ab. '56. 3, Charlie H, d. Sept. 24, 1863. NICHOLS, Lathley R, b. ab. 1832, in Prospect ; mar. Susan T. Morse, Dec 17, '53 ; r. Th, a carpenter. Their eh. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1856. 2, George, b. ab. '68. NICHOLS, Nathaniel, b. ab. 1810, in Bucksport, Me.; m. Sarah Atwood; r. Rock., a mariner, &c Noah, a brother, b. ab. 1813, in Bucksport; m. Sophronia Hilburn; r Rock, a painter, &c. Nathaniel's ch. Grace D, b. ab. 1848. NICHOLS, P. P, b. in Georgetown; m. Burletta Rivers, June, 1861 ; j. Th. NICHOLSON, William, b. March 2, 1791 ; came from Prescott, Lancashire, England; m. Susan Wyllie of C; r. Th, a carpenter, & d. Oct. 17, 1860. Their ch. I, John A,-b. Jan. 4, 1818; r. Th, a carpenter. 2, E'izabeth, b. June 10, '19, d. in Boston, June 22, '40. 3, William H , b. March 27, '22, d. May 30, '24. 4, Sarah J, bom 340 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, March 16, '23; m. Capt. George L. Carney; r. Th. 5, William H, b. April 27, d. June 2, '25. 6, William J, b. Sept. 29, '25, d. Nov. 14, '28. 7, Susan D, b. July 15, & d. Oct. 19, '28. 8, Lucy Frances, b. Aug. 18, 29 ; m. Thomas Russell ; r. Th. 9, Thomas W, b. June 6, '32 ; r. Th, a mariner ; & d. Jan, 1865. 10, Capt. Geoige M, b. Jan. 27, '35 ; r. Th, a mariner. 11, Marcia F, b. July 27, '37. The mother d. Oct, 1849, aged 55. NICHOLSON, Thomas, b. ab. 1821, in SUgo, Ireland ; m. Mary Brennan ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1854. 2, James, b. ab. '56. 3, Mary Hattie, b. ab. '59. NICKERSON, Moses, b. ab. 1825 ; c. from Perry ; m. Sarah W. (Knowlton) Allen, April 20, '59 ; r. Rock, a mariner, &c. NORRIS, Capt. Joseph, b. 1803 ; c. from Windsor ; m. Mary E. Foster, p. Aug. 17, '33 ; r. Th, rem. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1861, where he d. Sept, 1861. Their ch. 1, Joseph, (2d), b. March 15, and died April 7, 1836. 2, Edward B, h. April 17, '38- 3, Joseph W, born April 20, '40. 4, William, b. ab. '46. 5, Robert, b. ab. '50. 6, Mary Ann, b. ab. '53 ; all rem. NORTON, Amos A, b. ab. 1818 ; m. Hannah J. Bartlett, r. S. Th., in fishery business. Then- ch. 1, Aldrick, b. ab. 1845. 2, Amos, b. ab. '47. 3, Joshua B, b. ab. '49. 4, Asahel, b. ab. '51. 5, WiUiam S, b. ab. '53. 6, Adelaide A, b. ab. '55. 7, Miriam B, born ab. '57. 8, Ruth, b. ab. '59. Of this name, also, Enoch Norton, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Mary A. Robinson, June 26, '56 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. Their ch. Joseph, b. ab. 1857. NORTON, Edward B, b. in New Vineyard, Me, (whither his father c. from Martha's Vineyard, Mass.), c. to Th, m Rachel Moody, of Nobleboro', June 19, 1839 ; and d. Feb. 2, '57. Their ch. 1, Isaac E, b. March 1842, d. Sept. 21, '52. 2, Hezekiah Prince, b, Nov, '43 ; r. Thomaston. NORWOOD, Isaac, b. ab. 1826 ; m. Mary A. Lothrop, p. June 14, '52 ; r. Rock, a mariner. NUTT ; of this family two cousins of Irish or Scotch L"ish descent, came to this vicinity, viz.: Col. David, b. ab. 1738, m. and r. iu Cam , was an actor in the Rev. War, and d. April 20, 1797, and was buried at the Tolman burying ground, Rock. John, m. twice, r. Cam, a - farmer, rem. to Knox. Of David's ch. 1, Nancy, m. George W. Bowers; r. & d. S. Th. John's ch. 1, David, (2d), d. in Ohio, ab. 1813. 2, William, b. in Cam, May 27, 1790, m. Nancy Ladd of Belmont, March 25, 1813 ; came to Rock, 18 18, farmer, lime burner, &c. 3, Joanna, mar. Wm. Harkness ; r. and d. Cam. 4, Ashley, rem. Ohio, m. Nancy Gardner, and d. ab. 1856. 5, John, (2d), m. Jane Paul of Cam. ; r. Cam. 6, Elijah, m. Mary Mclntyre ; jr. Cam. 7, Nancy, mar. Capt. WUliam Brewster ; r. Cam. 8, Susan, m. Daniel Melvin ; r. Hope. William's ch. 1, David, (3d), b. July 5, 1813, d. Nov. 17, '24. 2, Lovina H, b. Aug. 29, '15, m. John Cressy; r. Rock. 3, WiUiam, (2d), b. June 27, '19 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 4, Louisa, born April 24, '22,'m. Elihu Tilden of Line, and d. Sept. 26, '53. 5, Nancy, b. May 6, '24, mar. Ephraim Perkins of Freedom. 7, Susan, b. Aug. 27, '26, m. Isaac M. Tilden, May 15, '45. 8, Hannah, b. Oct. 29, '28, m. Eben L. Higgens, and d. 1853. 9, Cornelia, b. April 7, '31, mar. John E. Pendleton, 1850. 10, Isaac F, b. Nov. 8, '35 ; r. Rock, a mariner. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 341 John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Nancy,- m. Elihu Tilden ; r. Line 2, John, (3d), ra. Eliza MiUer; r. Cam. 3, James, ra. Caroline Clark; r. Cam. 4, Mary J, m. Lawry Gardner ; r. Cam. 6, Caroline, mar. Lorenzo Soule of Freedom. 6, Susan, m. Jeremiah Nutt ; r. Cam. Elijah's ch. 1, Jeremiah, m. Susan Nutt ; r. Cam. 2, Alzade. NUTTER, Lorenzo, b. ab. 1831, in Pembroke, Me, mar. EmeUne Staples; r. Th, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Clifford, b. ab. '57. 2, Eliza, b. 1859, d. Feb, 1860. NUTTING, Jonathan, m. 1st, , 2d, Mary Butler ; r. and d. C. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Silas, m. Elizabeth Gardner, May -25, 1818; r. C, and died in W. I. 2, Jonathan, (2d). 3, George. 4, Barbara, m. Jacob Hyler ; r. and d. C. By 2d wife. 6, Capt. Eben ezer, lost at sea in the Hercules. 6, Hepzibah, b. May 15, 1799, mar. 1st, Capt. William Biskey, 2d, Capt. Peter Miller; r. Th;, and d. Nov. 9, '61. 7, Thomas, lost at sea, as mate of the Hercules. 8, Mary, m. Joshua Jordan ; r. and d. Th. 9, EUza, mar. Alden Robin son ; r. Cush. 10, Edward. 11, Clement, d. unm. 12, Freeman, m. r. Cush, and d. March 13, '4i. Silas's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. ab. 1818. m. Albert G. Lermond, 2d, Capt. Peter Miller ; r. Th. O'BRIEN, John, b. 1755 ; c. from Craig, Ireland, as ship's steward, to Castine ; was employed as a teacher by Mr. Beverage on the Fox Islands, by whose aid he escaped there from the British yoke; found his way to Warren, where he m. Mary, daughter of Col. Starrett, Nov. 14, 1785 ; r. W, a farmer & schoolmaster, on the place now occupied by his grandson, William L. O'Brien, & d. June 19, 1828. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth, m. Robert Henderson ; r. Belfast & W. 2, Lewis, bom June 5, 1788, d, shot, accidentally, in his father's barn, April 2, '05. 3, Mary, m. Archibald Crawford ; r. W. 4, Hon.- John, (2d), b 1791 ; m. Mary Ann George of Watertown, Mass., Sept. 30, '22; r. Th, a marble manufacturer, warden of prison, councUlor, &c, d. Sept. 23, '50. 5, Hon. Edward, b. ab, 1793 ; m. Mary Starrett, May 16, '20 ; was long an active shipwright & liberal citizen in W.; rem. Th, 1847, continued ship-buUding, was State Senator, 1856, visited Europe and the home of his ancestors in 1852; r. Th, in the house he built on Main street, is president of the Georges Bank, See. 6, James, b. 1795, d. Aug. 27, 1800. 7, Sarah, m. Otis Crocker of Machias, June 27, '24. 8, Seth, m. Nancy Lermond, Jan. 19, '26 ; r. W. 9, Rebecca, b. ab. 1891 ; m. Capt. Ichabod Boyles of St. G, Jan. 4, '21 ; r. Bel fast, & d. May, 1846. 10, William A, b. 1803 ; m. Esther Gardner, p. Oct. 22, '31; r. W, and d. July 6, '37, without ch.; his widow t. Th. 11, George, m. Eliza Martin, p. Dec. 3, '32 ; r. St. G. 12, Hon. Thomas, m. 1st, .Rebecca Malcolm of C, p. Nov. 1, '37, 2d, Nancy B. (McLellan) Carr, Jan. 5, '57 ; r. Th, has been in both branches Leg islature, a trader, &c. 13, David, Esq., studied law in the office of E. Smith, Esq, Warren ; m. Eliza A. Whitney of Boston ; r. Th. Hon. John's ch. 1, Susan Jones, b. July 31, 1823 ; r. Th. 2, Capt. John G, b. Jan. 12, '25 ; m. Margaret A. O'Brien of W, Aug. 5, '49. 3, Charles F, b. June 19, '27; m. Mary T. Jordan, Dec. 25, '51; r. Th, Se d. July 26, '55. 4, Capt. Joseph Lee, b. Jan. 30, '29 ; m. 1st, Mary E. Bentley, Dec. 6, '50, 2d, Lizzie ; r. Th. 5, Eli Merrill, b. March 25, '30 ; r. New York- 6, Edward K , b. Feb. 3, '33 ; mar. Lydia O. Masters, April 2, '56 ; r. Th, a merchant, in firm of O'Brien, 29* 342 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Burgess & Co. 7, Henry H, b. Dec. 5, ¦'34 ; r. Th, a merchant, sol dier in 20th Me. Reg, &c. Hon. Edward's ch. 1, Jane S, b. Nov, 1821, d. Sept. 3, '55. 2, Edward Ellis, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Octavia D. Lash, Nov. 11, '50 ; r. Th. a merchant, in firm of O'Brien, Burgess & Co. 3, Mary E, b. ab. 1837 ; m. William A. Campbell ; r. Th. Seth's ch. 1, Margaret A, m. Capt. John G. O'Brien ; r. W. 2, Thomas Lewis, r. W. 3, Otis C, b. in 1832 ; m. Jane E. Russell of Wal, Sept. 15, '57 ; r. War., and d. June 29, '60. 4, William L, r. War. 5, Rebecca, b. 1839, d.' AprU 29, '42. 6, Oliver L, b. July, 1841, d. Nov. 22, '58. George's ch. 1, Richard Morris. 2, William Thomas. Hon. Thomas's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Thomas, (2d), b. April 4, & d. April 10, 1840. 2, Sarah Antoinette, b. Dee. 4, '41. 3, Frederic, b. ab. 1844. The mother d. Dec. 13, 1853, aged 50. David, Esq.'s ch. 1, Eliza A , b. ab. 183 5 ; m. Capt. E. B. Hink- ley; r. Th. 2, Frances, b. ab. 1838. 3, Mary, b. ab. '42. 4. Abby L, b. ab. '47. 5, Horace, b. ab. '49. 6, John, b. ab. '54, d. May 15, '69. 7, Alice, b. ab. '57. Edward E.'s ch. 1, Frank Pierce, b. Nov. 15, 1852. 2, Freddie, b. 1854, d. Oct. 5, '58. 3, Mary Amelia, b. Sept. 12, '56, d. Oct. 5, '58. 4, Alida Maria, b. Oct. 1, '58. 5, au infant, d. Sept., 1862. O'BRIEN, Stephen, b. ab. 1825, in Cork, Ireland ; m. Bridget ; r. Rock. Of this name, also, Edward, (2d), b. ab. 1810, c. with Mary E, his wife, from Ireland ; r. Rock. 2, Patrick, b. ab. '25, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife ; r Rock, a soldier of the 4th Me. reg, missing after the battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, '62. 3, Thomas, (2d), b. ab. '22, in Ireland, as was Helen, his wife ; r Rock, a quarryman, soldier of the 4th Me, &c. Stephen's ch. 1, Timothy, b. ab. 1844. 2, Cornelius, born ab. '46. 3, ? John, b. '53, d. '64. 4, Stephen, (2d), b. ab. '56. 5, WUliam, b. ab. 1860. Edward, r2d)'s ch. 1, Edward, (3d), b. Dec 22, 1852, d. Feb. 5, '61. 3, Julia A, b. ab. '57. 4, Joanna, b. ab. '59. Patrick's ch. James, b. ab. 1853: The mother d. Oct. 24. '60, a. '40. Thomas's ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1S55. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '57. O'CONNER, Timothy, b. ab. 1810, in Ireland ; m. Hannah Bart lett, Sept. 7, 1839 ; r. Rock, lost iiis sight by an explosion in a Ume quarry. Theirch. 1, William H, b. ab. 1837 ; r. Rock. 2, Daniel, b. April 24, '40. 3, Mary F, b. ab. '43. OLIVER, William, of Phipsburg ; m. Elizabeth Young of Cush ing. David, a brother, m. & r. in Phipsburg or vicinity. William's ch. 1 & 2, twins, David, (2d), in. Susan Rogers, i. Georgetown ; George, m. 2d, Susan Parker, r. Bangor. 3, William, (2d), m. Mary Sprague ; r. & d. Georgetown. 4, Margaret, m. Patrick Duley ; r. & d. Phipsburg. 5, Alexander, b. ab. 1794 ; m. Sarah Davis of W.; r. Th. 5, Betsey, m. William Wallace; i-. Phipsburg. 6, Agnes, m. James Duley ; r. Phipsburg. 7, Robert, m. Eunice Oliver; r. Freedom. 8, Palmer, b. ab. '02 ; came to W, m. 1st, Sophronia Spear, '30, 2d, Elizabeth Montgomery, '42 ; rem. Phipsburg. Of David's ch. 1, Campbell, b. ab. 1794; m. Lydia Bearce; r. Th. 2, Bartlett, c. to W. ; m. Eliza P. Patterson, p. Aug. 29, '29, 2d, Mrs. 'Elsie J. Gilchrist, Nov. 11, '51 ; r. C. Of William, (2d)'s ch. Loring, b. 1828 ; m. Susan Oliver ; r. Th, carpenter. Alexander's ch. 1, Elizabeth, m. John Harding, Nov. 26,1851; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 343 r. Th. & d. Aug. 1863. 2, Palmer, (2d), m. Philena Ann Oliver of Georgetown, p. Feb. 24, '56 ; r. Bath. 3, Pamelia Ann, b. '32; m. William Henry Fales ; r. Th. 4, Philinda, m. David Oliver ; r. Bath, has 1 child, Frederic Eugene. 5, Joseph B, b. Feb. 5, '41 ; m. Sarah J. Delano, March 23, '61 ; r. Th , a soldier in 2d Me. Battery. Robert's ch. 1, Hannah E, d. young. 2, Robert M, b. 1830; m. Sarah J. Barlow, Dec 30, '55 ; r. Rock, a ship carpenter. 3, Addi son, c. to Rockland in '56 ; m. Mary B. Mehan of W, Dec. 3, '62. 4, WiUiam Henry, r. Rock, a ship carpenter. 5, Warren Y ; 6, Mar gery S.; 7, Benjamin P. ; 8, Wesley; all r. Freedom. 9, M. EUa, d. young. Campbell's ch. 1, Bradford, b- ab. 1822 ; m. S. Ann Metcalf, May 4, 49 ; r. Th , a blacksmith. 2, Silas ; r. Th, N. Y, &c. 3, Langley, r. Th, &c 4. Susan, m. Loring Oliver ; r. Th. 5, Harriet, r. Th. Bartlett's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. David, b. Nov. 6, 1830; mar. Mary C. Feykr, Aug. 30, '52 ; r. Th. 2, Ebenezer, b. Jan, 1835. 3, Cyrus, b. Feb, 1837, d. at sea. 4, Eliza A, b. March 1, '40; mar. Elmas Hoffsis of W, p. Nov. 19, '63. 5, Scott, b. April 15, '42. Loring's ch. 1, WilUam, b. ab. 1854. 2, Cora, b. ab. '57. 3, Esther, b. ab. '59. Palmer's ch. Willie P, b. ab. 1858. Joseph B.'s ch. , b. Aug, 1861. Capt. David's ch. 1, Cecilia, b. March 13, 1854. 2, Alton Vesper, b. March 17, '56. 3, Edwin P, b. Oct. 31, '58. 4, Mary C, b. Aug. 14, '62. Robert M.'s ch. 1, Nathan H, b. Feb. & d. May 13, '58. 2, Ada E, b '60. Bradford's ch. 1, Carrie E.. b. ab. 1851. 2, Hattie A, b. ab. '54. 3, Lawrence, b. 1857, d. Oct. 26, '58. 4, Mary, b. ab. '59. 5, Alice, b. 1861, d. 1862. O'NEILL, James, b. 1766 in Creuykills, parish of Amlish, county Sligo, Ireland ; u. to Philadelphia, thence to Th, early in the century, became wealthy, left valuable quarries and other estate to his ch. and d. June 24, 1S59. Eleanor, his wife, was b. 1770 in Ballyshannon, Donegal county, Ireland, and d in Th, Dec. 13, 1859. Theirch. 1, Mary, b. '09, d. Aug 10, '31. 2, John, b. in Philadelphia, 1811, m. Selina Bartlett, Sept. 7, '41 ; r. Th, and d. Peb. 3, '61. 3, Ann, mar. Joseph Newman, p. June 22, '32. 4, Eleanor, m. John Henrahan ; r. Th. 5, Catharine, d. young. John's ch. 1, Ellen, b. April 4, 1842, m. George F. Meservey; j. Rock. 2, Hannah, b. ab. 1844. 3, John, (2d), b. ab. '48. 4, Jane, b. ab. '52. 5, Mary, b. ab. '54. O'NEILL, Wm. Henry, m. Martha Albee, July 29, 1828 ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me. Reg, d. Oct. 15, '63. Their ch. Jane E, h. Nov. 23, 1835. ORBETON ; of this family, two brothers e. early to what is now S. Th. 1, James, m. Mary Fellows of Georgetown, p. Oct. 2, 1785 ; r. on theWilliam Montgomery place, and d- before 1803. 2, Jona than, mar. Thompson ; r. on the farm next adjoining Deacon Keating's ; rem. Cam. ; Jonathan's ch. I, Betsey, m. William Paul; r. and d. S. Th. 2, Mary, m. Samuel Paul ; r. and d. S. Th. 3, Isaac, mar. An drews ; rem. Cam. 4, Experience, m. Josiah Keith, .2d, Matthew A. CarapbeU ; r. Th, and d. Dec. 30,'1859. 5, Mercy, m. Stephen Post ; 314 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, r. S. Th. 6, Lydia, m. Benjamin Jones, 2d, Barmer, from Ire land; rem. Cam. 7, James, died at sea. 8, OUve, mar. and rem. 9, Sarah, m. Samuel Packard ; r. and d. Rock. Of Isaac's ch. I, Isaac, (2d), b. ab. 1820, m. Francis B. Achorn, Sept. 7, 1843 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 2, Edward H, b. ab. '28, in W. Cam, m. Nancy C. Lowe, Aug, '49 ; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. Isaac, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary M, b. ab. 1844, m. James Fosset of U, Oct. 7, '62. 2, William T, b. ab. '49. ORDWAY, Charles D., b. ab. 1818, m. Mary E. ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1840 ; r. Rock, a mariner, entered the navy. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. '41. 3, Georgiana, b. ab. '43. 4, FrankUn, b. ab. '48. 5, Mary E, b. ab. '53. 6, Plora E, b. ab. 1856. ORFF, Edward, b. ab. 1833, m. Jane E. Wagner, May 23, '53 ; r. Rock, a mariner. ORMSBEE, James W, b. ab. 1821, in Seekonk, Mass, m. Harriet W. Deane, Dec. 12, 1847 ; r. Rock, was a member of city council, &c. Their ch. Helen E, b. ab. 1853. ORNE; of this family, two brothers c. to this place. 1, James, b. ab. 1825, mar. Ellice ; r. Rock, a lime burner, Sec. 2, Capt. William A, m. Mrs. Alice Morse, Dec. 17, 1848 ; r. Rock. James's ch. 1, Augusta M, b. ab. 1846. 2, Henry D, b. '49, d. AprU 27, '51. 3, George, b. ab. '55. 4, John F, b. May, & d. Aug. 10, 1857. William A.'s ch. Frank C, b. July, 1858, d. June 6, '59. OSGOOD, Thomas K, b. ab. 1828, in N. Hampshire, m. Francis M. Snow, Sept. 6, '52 ; r. Rock, a teacher, &c , dept. collector of customs, now paymaster in U. S. Army. Their ch. 1, Mary L, b. ab. 1854. 2, Alice M. b. ab. '57. OTT, Peter, came with his family from Germany, r. a time in Bos ton, was one of the first settlers of Rockport, where he died at a great age, having been blind some years. His oh. 1, Elizabeth, b. 1764; m. William Harkness, r. Cam. and d. Nov. 6, 1856. 2, Peter, (2d), m. r. and d. Cam. Peter, (2d)'s ch. 1, Samuel, a soldier in the war of 1812, d. of putrid fever when stationed at Castine. 2, William, a soldier at Plattsburg, &c, a year and a haU'; c home and enlisted for the war, d. at Castine five weeks after his brother. 3, John, drowned at Cam, a. ab. 21. 4, Daniel, also enlisted during the- war, returned after the peace, mar. Phebe, dau. of Adjt. Jonathan Allen ; r. Cam, Rock, &c. 5, Mary, b. 1797, m. John Smith, and d. June 7, 1863 ; r. War. 6, Elizabeth, b. 1799, mar. Merrick Mosman ; r. Rock. 7, Frances, m. Capt. Luther H. Snow ; r. Rock. 8, Naomi, b. 1805, m. John Walsh, r. Rock, and d. Oct. 23, 1856. Daniel's ch. 1, Daniel, (2d), b. ab. 1819 ; mar. 1st, Elizabeth E. , 2d, Achsah Post, Dec. 16, 1860; r. S. Th. 2, Samuel, b. ab. *21 ; m. Margaret L. ; r. S. Th, a fisherman. 3, Mary, b. ab. '23 ; m. Henry Richardson ; r. Rock. 5, Jonathan, and 9 others not ascertained. Daniel, (2d)'s ch. 1, George W, b. ab. 1843. 2, Lizzie S, mar. George S. Ames of Cam, Dec. 18, '64. The mother d. April, 1860, aged 57. Samuel, (2d)[s ch. Phebe E, b. ab. 1846. OVERLOOK, James, b. ab. 1813; in Waldoboro' ; m. Phebe Jones ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 345 of W. ; r. Th, a joiner, &c Their ch. 1, I. Albion, b. Dec, 1843, d. April 6, '59. 2, Hollis M, b. ab. '49. 3, Frederic, b. ab. 1855, d. Dec, 1862, of diphtheria. 4, George A, b. ab '59, d. of diphthe ria, Dec, 1862. .OWEN, David, b. ab. 1820, in Wales, Eng, mar. Rebecca (Brad bury) Coombs, p. April 30, '50 ; 1. S. Th, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Wymond, b. ab. '53. 2, Caroline, b. ab. "57. PACKARD, Benjamin, a son of Solomon of Bridgewater, (who was the 5th ch. of Zacheus, who was the 3d ch. of Samuel, who came with his wife and child from Windham, England, in 6hip Diligent, of Ipswich, and in 1638 settled at Hingham, Mass, afterwards at Bridge- water, and d. 1684,) was b. Aug. 22, 1743, in Bridgewater, mar. 1st, Ruth Leach, came to St. George's river, where, his wife being lost at sea, m. 2d, Anna (James) Patterson ; rem. to Ash Pt, m. 3d, Polly Crockett, p. March 25, 1780 ; a joiner, &c, r. and d. S. Th. Benjamin's ch. by 2d wife. 1, Catharine, b. Oct. 3, 1773, mar. Capt. William Robinson; j. C, and Th, d. April 17, 1851. 2, Ben jamin, d. young. By 3d wife. 3, Mary, m. Capt. Eben Jordan; r. S. Th, and d. May 24, 1825. 4, Benjamin, (2d), m. Jane Crockett, p. Nov. 7, 1807 ; r. and d. S. Th. 5, Isaac, b. 1784, m. Lucy Cooper of Vinalhaven, p. Sept. 3, 1814 ; r. S. Th, d. May 17, '26. 6, David, m. EUonai Emery, Dec. 12, '16 ; 1. and d. S. Th? . 7, Lydia, mar. John Ingraham ; r. Cam. Benjamin, (2d)'s ch. 1, Bethia, d. young. 2, Ke^ia, b. July 17, 1809, m. David Haskell; r. S. Th, and d. March 12, '46, 3, Lucy, H. b. Feb. 1811 ; m. Harvey G. Snow ; r. S. Th. d, July 13, '37. 4, Samuel, d. young. 5, James, b. 1816, d". at sea, in brig Danube, Feb. 11, '39. 6, Asa, absent 20 yrs. or more, on whaling and sea voyages. Isaac's ch. 1, Nancy, b. Sept. 6, 1815. 2, Hiram, b. Jan. 15, '17. 3, Philena, b. Nov. 3, '18. 4, Irena, b. May 15,. '22. 5, Francis F, all rem. with their widowed mother to North Haven. David's ch. Alonzo, rem. to Ohio. PACKARD, Samuel, (probably a son of Samuel of Easton, Mass, who was the eldest son of Samuel, (4th), of Bridgewater, eldest son of Samuel, (3d), who was the eldest son of Samuel, (2d), the 2d ch. of Samuel, (1st), from Hingham, before mentioned,) came from Easton to F. and Wal, thence to Th, m. Bethia Waters ; r. and d. in what is now Rock. Their ch. 1, Hannah, b. June 7, 1775, mar. John Keen; r. Rock, and d. M'ay 22, 1842. 2, James, b. ab. 1777, mar. Sarah (Watson) Horton, Dec. 25, 1803 ; r. Rock, a farmer, &c 3, Nathaniel, m. Hepzibah Mosman, March 17, '03 ; r. and d. Rock. 4, Daniel, m. Polly Mosman, April 3, '06, 2d, Waterman ; r. & d. Cam. 5, Mary, m. Henry Perry, March 14, '02 ; r. and d. Cam. 6, Bethia, m. Daniel Brewster ; r. and d. Hope. 7, Samuel, (2d), b. ab. 1787, m. 1st, Sarah Orbeton, 2d, Harriet (Young) Fletcher, pub. Nov. 15, '22 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 8, John, mar. AbigaU Waterman, May 22, '14 ; r. and d. Cam. James's eh. 1, Samuel, (3d), mar. Anna Tolman of Cam, July 4, 1822, 2d, Eliza J. Falkingham, or Patterson, 1856 ; 1. Th, W, and now Rock, a farmer. 2, Mary, m. Simmons Barrows, p, June 12, 1824 ; r. F. Nathaniel's eh. 1, Henry, b. Nov. 3, 1805, mar. Jane Kieff, Aug. 13, '29 ; r. Rock. 2, Lozier, b. April 21, '10, m. Henrietta Sleeper, Aug. 11, '33; 1. in South. 3, Erastus F, b. Aug. 9, '12, d. Sept. 346 HISTORY OF THOMASTUJN, 28, '38. 4, Lorenzo, b. Jan. 20, '19, m. Ann Colmar, p. Sept. 23, '55 ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, Sec. 5, Capt. Merrick M, b. March 16, '22, m. Harriet A. Bird, Nov. 24, '50 ; r. Rock. Daniel's ch. 1, Reuben, b. Feb, 1806, d. Oct. 21, '12. 2, Daniel, (2d), m. Zillah Tolman, Jan. 8, '32 ; r. Cam. 3, Capt. Joseph, b. ab. 1817, m. Sarah Brewster; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Alden, mar. Mary Ac horn ; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Isaac, m. Floretta Frost of Rock.; r. Rock, all master mariners. Samuel, (2d)'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Lycidia, m. Stephen Frost ; r. Cam. 2, Harriet, m. George Studley ; r. Cam. 3, Eliza, m. Ezekiel Vinal; r. Cam. 4, Samuel E, b. ab. 1827, m. Esther E. Vinal, July 16, '57; r. Rock, a farmer. John's ch. 1, Capt. John, (2d), b. Aug., 1815, m Lucy J. Ulmer, May 24, '42 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. . 2, Oren, m. Eliza Hew ett ; r. Cam. 3, Hannah H, m. Jeremiah Tolman, (3d); r. Rock. 4, Sarah O, m. Fales, and r. Lowell, Mass. 5, Drusilla E, b. ab. '22, m. Alden Tyler ; r. Rock. Samuel, (3d)'s ch. 1, Sylvia, m. George ? Studley ; r. Rock. 2, Albert, m. Nancy J. Vinal, p. Jan. 25, 1850 ; r. Rock. 3, Irena, mar. Huse Tolman; r. and d. Cam. 4, Angelia, m. John Studley, p. May 26, '47. 5, Leander, m. Lucy Ellen Mclntyre, Nov. 3, '56 ; r. War. 6, Lucy A, r. W. 7, James W, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock, a musician in 19th Me- Reg, and d. of fever, Dec. 18, 1862. Henry's ch. 1, Hepzibah, b. Dec. 7, 1829. 2, Jerome, b. Jan. 22, '31 ; r. Rock. 3, Henry, (2d), born Aug. 9, '32, d. May 9, '37. 4, Alonzo, b. March 15, and d. April 30, '34. 5, AngeUne, b. Nov. 23, '35, m. James Barnes, p. May 5, '54. Lozier's ch. 1, Oscar H, b. May 6, 1834, m. Augusta M. Hewett, Nov. 17, '55 ; r. Rock. 2, Ardelle C, b. Nov. 17, '35, m. John Grif fith, Dec. 5, '54. 3, Orissa A , b Dec. 2, '37. 4, Lucy O, b. Nov. 8, '39. 5, Erastus F, b. Oct. 5, '41. Capt. Merrick M.'s ch. 1, Ella, b. ab. '51. 2, Clarence, b. ab. '53. Of Daniel, (2d)'s ch. Capt. Alden, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Mary Achorn of Cam. ; r. Rock. Capt. Joseph's ch. 1, Benjamin F, b. ab. 1843. 2, Eunice C, b. ab. '48. 3, Joseph L, b. ab. '55. Samuel E.'s ch. 1, Harriet M, b. ab. '52. 2, William F, b. ab. '59. Capt. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Frederic A, b. ab. 1843; a painter. 2, Charles A, b. Feb. 18, '45, d. Dec. 12, '64. 3, Lucy A, b. ab. '47. 4, Helen Leona, b. 1849, d. May 14, '51. Oscar H.'s ch. Eugene, b. March, 1858, d. Aug. 15, '59. Capt. Aldeu's ch. Margaret Viola. PACKARD, Daniel L, b. March 23, 1812, in Ipswich, Mass.; m. Eliza Flitner of Pittston, A.ug. 10, '34 ; came here in 1848 ; r. Th, a joiner. Their ch. 1, WilUam L, b. in Nobleboro', Sept. 4, 1835 ; m. Sarah Fales, Nov. 6, '62 ; T. Th. 2, AngeUne, b. Sept. 4, '39, d. Sept. 1, '40. 3, Edna Ann, b. in Wiscasset, July 1, '41, d. Aug. 25, '44. 4, Joseph H, b. June 30, '43, d. Sept. 18, '48. PACKARD, Horace B, m. Mrs. Susan Clark, Oct. 19, 1864 ; r. Rock. PAINE, John, b. in Boston, May 29, 1763 ; traded in Bristol ; m. 1st, Catharine Leistner, Jan 7, 1795, 2d, at Wiscasset, Elizabeth (Clough) Huse, Sept. 25, 1800, 3d, Ann (Greenough) Bright of Bos ton, July 17, 1836; c. to Th„ 1805, where he was long a merchant; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 847 & d. suddenly, dropping in the street whilst engaged in conversation, April 5, 1841. There also came with or after him to Th, his mother, Bethia ; his brother, Snow Paine, b. Feb. 4, 1774, who traded a long time at the Prison Comer, & d. unm, Peb. 23, 1865 ; and two sisters, Hannah; & Jane, who m. John Gleason, Esq, & d. May 12, '40, a. 62. John's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. John Gray, b. March 21, 1797 ; m. ¦Susan Bowers, Jan. 27, '28 ; r. Th, & d. Jan. 27, '41. 2, Catharine, b. May 30, '99, d. by drowning, Aug. 21, '24. By 2d wife. 3, Jane, b. Aug. 20, d. Oct. 17, 1801. 4, WUUam Henry, b. Jan. 16, '04, d. at Th, Jan. 24, '11. 5, EUzabeth, b. July 4, '05, d. at Bristol, Jan. 20, '06. 6, Susan A, b. Nov. 19, '06, d. March 10, '07. 7, Jane, b. Nov. 8, '07; m. G. Webster Shibles ; r. Th, & d. April 15, '38. 8, Eliza beth, b. Feb. 5, '09 ; built and r. in Wadsworth street, Th. 9, Sarah Clough, b. May 27, '13 ; m. R. Thaxter Cushing; r. Th. Capt. John G.'s ch. 1, Susan Gray; r. Th.. 2, John Thomas ; r. Th. ; m. Sarah N. Teel of C, April 11, 1863. 3, Catharine Brown ; r. Th. 4, Peter M, b. March 24, 1835, and d. April 6, 1859. PAINE, Henry, Esq., born 1793, in Vernon, Ct. ; rem. Amherst, Mass, grad. WatervUle college, 1823 ; commenced teaching, 1812 ; taught in Vassalboro' ; S. Th, 1821 ; Eastport, 1823 ; Windsor, Vt; ; was preceptor of Monmouth academy from 1827, 4 yrs. ; of Water vUle do, 4 or 5 yrs. ; of China do, 10 yrs. ; of Rock, select schools, 6 yrs. ; of Th. academy, 7 yrs. ; and now teaches in a department of Rock, high school ; m. EveUna Bacon ; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Charles H, b. Jan. 13, 1829; m. AUce Drinkwater of Rock, Aug. 12, 1852, printer, publisher of Th. Advertiser, &c. ; r. Th, Damariscotta, Bath, and now HaUowell. 2, Evelina M, b. July 30, '30 ; m. Capt. Joseph A- Havener of Rock, & d. Oct. 27, '55. 3, Lydia J, b. ab. '34. 4, Louisa J, b. ab. '36. 5, WilUam E, b. ab. '38. 6, Isabel M, b. ab. '40 PAINE, Josiah, b. ab. 1833, in Mt. Desert ; m. Ellen Kennedy; r. Rock, soldier in 28th Me. Reg, &c Their ch. 1, Thomas Irving, b. 1857, d. Oct, 1862. 2, Charles, b. 1859. PAINE, Daniel, b. ab. 1813, in Strong; m. Elizabeth Redlon, Oct. 29, 1845 ; r. Th. PALMER, Daniel, mar. Goudy ; c. from Bristol, Me, and Bettled early, west of the Meadows. Their ch. 1, Daniel, (2d), b. 1774, in Bristol, m. Rebecca Blackington, Oct. 4, '04 ; r. Th., and d. Jan. 18, '56. 2, Mercy, m. John, or Daniel Ray. 3, John, d. unm. 4, Mary, mar. Crockett ; r. and d. in Jackson or vicinity. 5, Amos, d. unm. 6, James, d. unm. 7, Hannah, m. George White; r. and d. Th. 8, Sarah, mar. Abraham Bradford ; r. and d. Cam. 9, Miriam, m. David H. Clough ; c. Th. 10, Elizabeth, d. young. 11, Jane, m. Eben Boynton of Cam.; t. and d. Th. Daniel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Benjamin B, b. April 15, 1805, m. 1st, Cath arine Gallop, 1837, 2d, Sophia Blackington, July 4, '46 ; r. Th, at Meadows. 2, EUzabeth, b. July 15, '07, mar. John Feyler, April 11, '33 ; r. S. Th. 3, James W , b. March 10, '09, d. in '37. 4 & 5, twins, b. March 15, '12; John, m. Susan E. Clough, p. April 16, '60 ; r. Meadows, a farmer; Sarah A, m. David T. Fales, rem. IU, and now r. Portland, Oregon. 6, Sullivan D, b. March 15, '14, d. Jan. 15, '15. 7, Rebecca W, b. Jan. 25, '16, m. 1st, Elijah Mayberry, 2d, G. Web ster Shibles ; r. Th. 8, Hannah H, b. July 1, '18, m. William Mc intosh ; r. Rock. 9, Eunice H, b. Aug. 16, '20, m. Simeon Blood, (2d); r. Rock, and d. Aug. 28, '64. 10, Henry O, b. April 23, aud 348 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, d. May 23, '24. 11, Eleanor M, b. March 7, '26, m. Capt. Joseph C. Ingraham ; r. Rock. Benjamin B.'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Benjamin F, b. ab. 1837, m. Harriet Sterling, Feb. 16, '60 ; r. Th, a soldier of 4th Me. Regt. 2, Helen M, b. Nov. 16, '38, d. March 5, '40. 3. Albion Dudley, born Oct. 31, '41; r. Th, soldier in 1st Me. Cavalry, &c. By 2d wife. 4, Emma, b. ab" '47. John's ch. Carrie Elthura. Benjamin F.'s ch. Samuel, b. ab. 1860. PALMER, Robert A, b. ab. 1836, m. Lizzie J. Ingraham, Sept. 20, '57 ; r. Rock, a corn and flour merchant, serg't in 28th Me., &c PALMER, Joseph, c. from Litchfield, Me, mar. Ann Blackington, Oct. 13, 1823, and r. sometime at Beech Woods, Th; had ch. record ed here, viz.: 1, Joseph E, b. Feb. 1, '24. 2, Frederic, b. April 11, '25, d. Dec. 5, '39. 3, George A, d. April 17, '39 ; but the family rem', to Pelham, Mass. PALMER, Daniel, born ab. 1816, in Hopkinton, N. H, mar. 1st, 2d, Asenath Plummer in Augusta, May 21, 18-52 ; c. to Th, was overseer in Prison shoe-shop, 1859, since orderly sergeant in 21st Me. Reg. His ch. by 1st wife, 1, Charles S, b. ab. 1844, soldier in Mass. 35th or 40th Reg. 2, Edwin L, b. ab. '51. PALMER, WiUiam, b. ab. 1834 in England, as was Alice, his wife in Ireland ; r. Rock. PALMER, Greenleaf W, b. ab. 1820, mar. Elizabeth ; r. Rock, a medicine agent. Their ch. 1, Eugene W, b. ab. 1846. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '51. 3, EUa F, b. ab. '59. PARKER, Josiah, c to S. Th. ; m. 1st, , 2d, Mercy Stetson, Oct. 8, 1820; r. S. Th, rem. Lowell, Mass, 'there being re corded here; his ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eliza Ann, b. March 2, 1820. By 2d wife. 2, Mary Jane, b. April 1, 1821; m. Charles Newcomb of Rock, p. April 1, '52. PARKER, Andrew H, b. ab. 1826, in Blue Hill, Me. ; m. Lucy A. Eaton; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. Of this name also, Frank Parker, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Abby Coombs, Dec. 6, '57 ; r. S. Th, a mar iner. Frank's ch. Frank O, b. ab. 1859. PARKS, William I, b. ab. 1830, in New Brunswick ; m. Christina McLain of Araisaig, N. S. ; r. Rock. PARTRIDGE, Elisha, son of Edward & Sarah, born at Medfield, July or Aug. 8, 1734 ; m. Dorcas Pond, 1756, 2d, Sarah Fales, Jan. 28, '79 ; r. on Col. Wheaton's place in U, 1786, left P. Robbins's for home, Jail. 1, '87, on horseback, & was found dead upon the ground, probably from apoplexy; his horse returning riderless. His ch. 1, Simeon, b. May 19, 1758. 2, Zibiah, b. June 18, '60 ; m. David Fales, Esq. ; r. Th, and d. Dec. 21, 1S30. 3, Judith, b. March 17, '62. 4, Miriam, b. Aug. 25, '64. 5, Dorcas, b. March 30, '67 ; mar. Elijah Holmes; r. & d. Rock. 6, Elisha, (2d), b. Jan. 1, 70. By 2d wife. 7, Elibeus, b. Nov. 14, '79, in Franklin, as were the preceding ; mar. 1st, Prudence Brown, Nov. 13, 1808, 2d, Mrs. Sarah Crockett, March 2, 1817 ; r. a time in Ohio, but ret. & d. Dee. 12, '40. 8, Dea. James, b. Sept. 10, '32, in U.; m. 1st, Betsey Brown, Oct. 11, 1804, 2d, Sarah G. Vose, Aug. 8, 1838 ; r. Rock, & d. Nov. 3, '60. 9, Sarah, b July •i, '86 ; r. Rock. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 349 Elibeus's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elisha, ^3d), b. May 9, 1811; now deceased. 2, Samuel, b. April 8, '16, in Ohio; m. Lucy Simonton, p. Jan. 12, '40; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 18, '41. By 2d wife. 3, Asa, b. April 16, '22, in Ohio ; mar. Mrs. Abigail Colamore ; j. Rock, rem. British Provinces. 4, Biancy, b. Feb. 22, '24, in O.; m. Albion G. Achorn; and rem. Mass., or California. 5, Lucy G., b. June 1, '27, in Th. ; m. Albion G. Achorn ; r. and d. Rock. Dea. James's ch. 1, Simeon, (2d), b Nov. 25, 1805 ; m. Mary A. Spofford, p. March 8, '28, 2d, Mrs. Harriet Crockett, p. Oct. 18, '34; r. Rock, and d. March 1, '56. 2, Alma, b. July 10, '08, d. March 3, '33. 3, Rev. Seavey William, b. May 21, '12 ; stud. 1831, '2, & '3, at Me. Wesleyan Seminary, Kent's Hill ; was licensed at Rock, 1838; and commenced his labors at Th. ; m: Hester A. C. Hinkley of Hal lowell ; and, after faithful and efficient labors in various stations of the M. E. Church, d. at Rock, Aug. 6, '60. 4, Eliza, b. Oct. 20, '15 ; m. WilUam S. Wyllie ; taught in the South, & died at New London, Ct, leaving one dau. Eliza R. WylUe, b. ab. 1846, who r. Rock.. 5, James, (2d), b. Jan. 9, '18 ; m. AdeUne G. Harrington, Dec. 11, '38 ; r; Th, a painter. 6, Mary J, b. July 16, '20 ; m. Hon. N. A. Burpee ; r. Rock. 7, Abigail Ann, b. Feb. 29, '28, d. May 5, '51. Samuel's ch. Mary E, b. April 29, '41, d. April 7, '53. Asa's ch. 1, Sylvanus C, b. ab. 1841, a mariner. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '45. 3, George S, b. ab. '52. Simeon's ch. by 1st wife. Rebecca, b. Sept. 20, 1832 ; m. Andrew G. Reed of Hampden, p. Dec. 2, '52. Rev. Seavey WUUam's ch. Eugene, b. ab. 1843. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Laura Isabel, b. Feb. 27, 1840. 2, James L, b. ab. '44. 3, Frank A, b. ab. '53. PARTRIDGE, Abram W., b. ab. 1816 ; m. Elizabeth Weeks, 2d, Betsey Lansil ; r. Th, a harness maker. Their ch. Charles, b. ab. '50. PATTEN, Abel W, Esq, b. ab. 1788 ; m. Mrs. Sarah N. Bailey ; ? r. Rock. & d. March 23, 1868. Of his ch. 1, Sarah E, m. in S. Th. April 18, '47, Daniel C. Prescott, corporal of 9th U. S. infantry. 2, John F., b. ab. '39 ; r. Rock, a mariner, & perhaps others. PATTERSON, John, b. ab. 1816, in Vermont ; m, Lydia Williston, Oct. 27, '54 ; r. Rock, a stone cutter, &c His ch. by a former wife. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab. '47, Betsey & Charlotte. 3, Martha, b. ab. '51. PATTERSON, Mrs. Nancy, b. ab. 1900 ; r. Rock, a widow. Her ch. 1, Sarah E , b. ab. 1835. 2, John F, b. ab. 1840 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 3, BeUe A, b. ab. '42 ; m. Erastus R. Perry of Boston, Sept. 16, '63. 4, Amos P., b. ab. '44 ; r. Rock, a mariner. PATTERSON, George S, b. ab. 1827, in Louisiana ; m. Catharine C. Stover, Aug. 7, '59; r. Rock, a mariner. PAUL, Robert, c. at the age of 18, an apprentice boy, of Scottish origin, from the north of Ireland, in the ship " Grand Design," which was wrecked on Mt. Desert about 1740, was taken off, after much suf fering, carried, with the survivors, (except 16, who stopped at this river,) to Bristol, where he m. a Miss Patterson, r. & d. His ch. 1, John, b. 1763 ; m. Polly Philbrook, p. May 9, 1795 ; r. S. Th, & d. May 25, 1838. 2, Matthew, m, r. & d. Franklin county, Mr. 3, Jane, m, r. & d. Sandy river. 4, Samuel, m. Mary Orbeton, p. Dec. 9, 1799 ; r. & d. S. Th. 5, Betsey, m, r. & d. Kennebec. 6, Hugh, m. Lydia Wade; r. & d. Bristol. 7, William, m. 1st, Betsey Orbeton, p. May Vol. II. 30 350 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 9, 1795 ; r. S. Th, 8c was a ship builder & active man some time, but went away to British Provinces, m. again, ret. Se d. in poorhouse. 8, James, m. Patty Hutchiugs ; r. & d. Cam. 9, Nancy, m. Thomas Fos ter ; r. & d. Montville. 10, Alexander, m. Se r. Montville, &c, and d. in Bangor. John s ch. 1, James, (2d), b. 1795 ; m. Mary J. Wilson, p. Jan. 4, 1822 ; r. Ash point, S. Th. 2 & 3, twins, Daniel N, m. Susan M. Wilson, p. Oct. 26, '33 ; r. & d. Ash point; Martin K, mar. Dorcas Philbrook of Bangor, p. Sept. 12, '31 ; rem. & d. Frankfort. 4, Al exander, (2d), was washed overboard from br. Samuel t$ John, Capt. Emery, Jan. 2, '27, on voyage to Mobile. Samuel's ch. 1, Hannah, b. May 11, 1801. 2, Isaac, b. July 4, '03, d. June 15, 1834. 3, Olive, b. June 6, 1805; m. David Robbins ; r. Rock. 4, Eliza, b. Dec. 1, '07, deceased. 5, Joseph, b. July, '09 ; m. Mary A. Winslow of Wal, p. Sept. 16, 1837, 2d, Lydia J. AUen, Oct. 14, '49, lost his sight, April 4, '48, in lime rock quarry ; r. Rock, and died July 30, 1852. William's ch. 1, Achsah, b. Aug, 1800 ; m. Robert Perry ; r. S. Th. & d. May 21, '56. 2, Eliza B, b. '06, d. June 17, '47. 3, Ase nath, b. April, '14 ; m. Samuel B. Perry, & d. June 6, '40. Fourth Generation. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Robert, b. Oct. 29, 1822 ; m. Lucy T. Fogler, Sept. 30, '46 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Mary Janette, b. Jan. 18, '26 ; m. George S. Gray; jr. S. Th. 3, Capt. Josiah W, b. ab. '28; rem. N. Y, has sailed several steam ships to China, &c. 4, Clara M. Daniel N.'s ch. 1, Capt. Charles S, b. Oct. 14, 1834 ; m. Lillias M. Snow, May 3, '59 ; r. Rock. 2, Harriet N. b. Dec. 16, 1836. 3, Laurette, b. Feb. 18, '39. 4, Henry J, b. Jan. 11, '41 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 5, SeUm, b. ab. '43 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. Robert's ch. 1, Albert M„ b. 1850. 2, Josiah O, b. 1852. Capt. Charles S.'s ch. Amanda, b. 1860. PEABODY ; for this famdy in full, see 'Annals of Warren," or, fuller still, the "Peabody Genealogy." Of the sons of Parent, there came to Th, from Hope, 1, John, who m. Lydia Curtis of U.; r. Th, and d. at N. O, Dec. 29, 1848. 2, Jesse, in Elizabeth Rose, June 12, '40 ; r. Th, and d. in N. O, April 8, '53. Of the sons of Nathan Peabody, there came hither, 1, Capt. Hugh W, who in. Mary A. Keith of Th, p. July 9, '33 ; r. Th, and d. at sea, Jan. '47, on his passage from Liverpool to Charleston, S. C, master of ship Rochester, of Bath. John's ch. 1, Elvira D, b. May 3, 1831, m. George C Sanborn, of Wal, June 11, '50. 2, Jesse, (2d), b. Dec. 19, '32, m. Emily Rut- ledge ; r. Th, a ' lacksmith. 3, Charles W, b. Feb. 28, '35, m. Mary H. Comery, Nov. 28, '63 ; r. Th. 4, Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, '35, mar. Simon Shibles, (2d); r. Th. 5, Lucy, b. Aug. 6, and d. Aug. 28, '38. 6, John, (2d), b. June 30, & d. July 27, '42. Mother d. June 1, '45. Jesse's ch. 1, Lucinda, b. July, 1840. 2, Frances E.. b. April, & d. Sept, '42. 3, Jane E, b. ab. '45, d May 26, '60. 4, George E., b. ab. '50. 5, Jesse W, b. ab. '52. One of the sons d. in Dec. '63. Capt. Hugh W.'s ch. 1, Hugh Edes, b. April 20, 1834, a mariner and soldier. 2, Mary A, b. April 15, '36. 3, Lucy V, b. April 30, '39. 4, WilUam K. 5, Josiah K. Jesse, (2d)'s ch. 1, Charles R, b. ab. 1855. 2, Jesse E, b. ab. '-57. 3, Lucy E, b. ab. '60. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 35 1 PEABODY, Cyrus or Josiah, of the same family, b. ab. 1824, mar. Susan J, Knowlton, June 6, '54 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, entered the army. Their ch. 1, Fanny M, b. ab. '55. 2, Wm, b. ab. '58. PEASE, Havilla, c from Vinalhaven, mar. 2d, Betsey (Godding) Lindsey, p. Oct. 17, 1818 ; 1. and d. ? Rock. Of his ch. by 1st wife. 1, Seba, b. Jan. 1805, m. Mary C. ; r. Rock, and d. March 17, '64. And probably others. By 2d wife. 1, Hatch, b. Jan. 25, '20, m. Catharine Meloney, Aug. 30, '44 ; r. Th. 2, Harriet, b. March 21, '24, m. Joel R. Thompson ; r. Th. Seba's ch. 1, Lieut. Havilla, (2d), b. ab. 1827 ; r. Rock, a mariner, officer in 4th Me., &c. 2, Jesse H, b. ab. '35 ; r. Rock, a mariner. PEASE, Capt. Israel L, b. ab. 1836, m. Mary E. Healey, June 18, '60 ; r. Rock, a mariner, Of this name also, Lorenzo C. Pease, b. ab. 1827, in Appleton, came ab. 1853 to Rock, with Adeliza, his wife ; r. Rock, acorn and flour merchant, and died Appleton, Dec. 14, '63. "Their ch. Frank, b. ab. 1859. PECK, WilUam, b. ab. 1805, in New Brunswick, as was Ruth, his wife; r. Rock, a truckman. Their ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1834; a truckman. 2, Chandler, b. ab. '47. 3, Mary S, b. ab '52. PENDLETON, Capt. William, b. Aug. 14, 1779; m. & r. Hope ; & d. in Rock, April 30, 1855. Of his sons. 1, William, (2d), b. ab. 1809, in Hope ; m. Mary Bartlett ; r. Rock, manufacturer and dealer in botanic and other medicines. 2, E. Wood, b. ab. 1811, in Hope; m. 1st, or 2d, Emily P. Hunt, p. Nov. 17, 1838, 3d, Susan H. Sher man, March, 1848 ; r. Rock, a merchant. 3, Capt. Littleton M., m. EUzabeth Crane, p. Dec. 27, 1840 ; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Ambrose, b. in Hope; m. PrisciUa Pendleton, Aug. 26, '42; r. Rock, rem. City Is, N. Y. There also came here from Northport, 3 brothers, cousins to the above, viz. : 1, Job, b. May 16, 1815, in N. ; m. Louisa A. How ard; 1. Rock, a carpenter, & d. Jan. 7, '62. 2, Capt. Benjamin G, b. ab. 1827, in N.; m. Nancy J. Patterson ; r. Rock. 3, James N, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Helen M. Farrow, June 26, '54 ; r. Rock, a joiner, and soldier, kUled iu battle, May 5, '64. WiUiam, (2d)'s ch. 1, - William R, b. ab. 1840 ; mar. Helen H. Spalding, Dec. 3, '61; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Frances A, b. ab. '42. 3, EUen A, b. ab. '44. 4, ? Charles, b. ab. '50. E. Wood's ch. 1, Adelaide C, m. Chandler Howes of Frankfort, Nov, 1854. 2, Cornelia, b. ab. '45. By 3d wife. 3, George W, b. ab. '51. 4, Annabelle. Capt. Littleton M.'s ch. 1, Capt. Albert C,'b. May 8, 1842; mar. CaroUne D. Crockett, Jan. 31, '64; r. Rock. 2, Mary E, b. March, 1854, d. Feb. 4, '58. 3, Willie B, b. April 18, '57, d. Feb. 8, '58. Job's ch. 1, Louisa E, b. March, 1842, d. Nov. 27, '54. 2, Sand ford H, b. ab. '45 ; r. Rock, entered the army. 3, Helena C, b. ab. '48. 4, F. Eugene, b. March 15, and d. Sept. 8, '53. Capt. Benjamin G.'s ch. Lucy A, b. ab. 1858. James N.'s ch. 1, Joseph Hosmer, b. Oct. 7, 1856, d. June 9, '58. 2, Lucy H, b. ab. '59. PENNIMAN, Capt. Silas, came from Hingham, Mass. ; m. Fanny M. Ulmer, May 1, 1826 ; 1. Rock, & d. at Charleston, S C, Sept. 24, 1838. Their ch. 1, Silas M, b. Oct 19, 1826, d Nov. 24, '38. 2, Susan F, b. Aug. 4, '28 ; m. S. P. Cook, Oct. 13, '41, 2d, Andrew J. Lord ; rem. CaUfornia, & d. April 9, '64. 3, Capt. Hiram G, b. Dec. 23, '31 ; m. Lydia A. Coombs, July 19, '49 ; rem. Mauston, Juneau 3^2 HISTORY OF THOM.A8TUIV, county, Wis. 4, Rufus L, b. Jan. 3, '32 ; m. Sarah H. , who d. Nov. 6,' '56, aged 28. 5, Albion P, b. Oct. 13, '33, d. Oct. 21, '34. 6, Asahel W„ born Aug. 13, '35 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 7, Arietta Amitia, b. March 18, '37 ; m. Andrew A. Newbert; r. Rock. 8, Silas H, b. June 3, '39, d. June 2, '40, perished at sea; & with him Henry T. Penniman, connection not ascertained. Of Capt. Hiram G.'s ch. Ella F, b. Jan. 9, 1858, d. Sept. 13, '62. PERKINS, Dea. Asa, b. 1798 ; mar. Mary Day of Damariscotta; c. from Windsor, Me, about 1830; r.Th, clerk of the State Prison. Their ch. 1, Alonzo, b. 1822; m. Martha D. Goodenow of Ashland, Mass, Nov. 10, 1846 ; r. Th, a sash and blind dealer, volunteer in Me. Cavalry, c. home sick with typhoid and died Aug. 24, 1862. 2, Anthony, m. Eliza J. Adams, Jan. 20, '48 ; c. San Francisco. 3, G. Barton, b. 1825 ; m. Nancy R. Delano, Dec. 8, '53 ; r. Th, a carpen ter ; soldier of the 1st Me. Cavalry; d. at home Oct. 21, '64. His wife d. May 6, '61. 4, Mary C, b. June 5, 1831 ; m. 1st, Capt. Rob-' ert Campbell, 2d, Hall; r. Damariscotta. 5, Rev. Asa, born Dec. 1, '34 ; grad. Waterville Coll, 1856, and Newton The. Sem, 1860 ; ordained at Rockport, Sept. 12, '60, a Bapt. minister. 6, Fran cis O, b. May 15, 1836, r. Th, a soldier of the 21st Reg, d. at New Orleans in 1863. The mother d. July 4, 1864. Alonzo'sch. 1, Edward E, b. 1851. 2, Alice N, b. '53. S.Rob ert C, b. ab. '55. 4, George A, b. ab. '57. PERKINS, Heman N, b. ab. 1832, in Penobscot; m. Lorinda Mason ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Oriana, b. 1849. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '52. 3, Clara E, b. ah. '54. PERRY, Job, born at Marshfield, Mass, mar. 3d, AbigaU Ford; r. Georgetown, Boothbay, and S. Th, where he d. ab. 1789. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Simeon, d. young. 2, Polly, m. Pinkham ; r, Boothbay, and d. at an advanced age leaving many descendants. By 3d wife. 3, David, died in the army of the Revolution. 4, Hannah, m. a Harrington ; r. and d. Boothbay, or vicinity. 5, Lieut. Joseph, b. 1761, in Marshfield; m. Jemima, dau. of Dr. Brown of Fox Is, p. Nov. 10, 1785, 2d, Lucy Holland; r. S. Th, and d. Jan. 18, 1853. 6, EU, r. and d. Phipsburg. 7, Job, (2d), b. in Georgetown, April 21, 1762 ; m. Polly Jordan, p. Aug. 3, '92 ; r. S. Th.and d. Dec. 19, '41. 8, Abigail, m. Robert Thorndike ; r. and d S. Th. 9, WilUam, bom in Boothbay, 1771 ; m. Polly Randall, p. Sept. 5, 1794, 2d, Mrs. Jane McLoon, Nov. 25, 1834 ; r. S. Th, and d. Jan. 29, 1853. 10, Mercy, m a Ford, r. and d. Ohio. Lieut. Joseph's ch. 1, David, born March 17, 1788 ; r. S. Th, a mariner, &c. 2, Capt. Abner, b. Aug. 6, '89 ; m. Hannah Hix, Jan. 13, 1820, 2d, Sylvia Marsh; r. Cam, lost with his vessel, being run over off Portland by a steamer. 3, Charlotte, b. May 31, '91, d April 22, 1805. 4, Sally, b. May 25, '93; m. Elliott Tolman; j. and died Rock. 5, Joseph, (2d), b. Aug 1, '97 ; m. Lydia Jordan, Oct. 14, 1832, 2d, Susan Young, May 17, 1846; r. and d. Vinalhaven. 6, Capt. Thomas B, b. Aug. 1, 1800 ; m. Susan D. Hall, Dec. 2, '32 ; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 24, '41. 7, Samuel, b. May 6, 1802; m. Susan Twist, Feb 12, '29, and d. Feb. 4, '40. The mother d April 15, 1807, aged 45. By 2d wife. 8, Capt. Mark, b. Jan. 15, 1811; mar. Margaret Butler, Jan. 22, '37; r. Rock, was sergeant, Sec. in 4th Me. reg. 9, OUver H, b. May 25, 1812; mar. Eliza B. Cooper, Jan. 26, 1837; r. Rock, a merchant. 10, Capt. Harvey, b. May 5, 1814; m. Lydia B. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 353 Chapman, Jan. 17, '39 ; 1. Rock, rem. 11, Eliza K, b. Feb. 5, '19 , m. Capt. Isaac K. Thomas; r. Rock. 12, Capt. John, b. July 3, '21 ; m. Harriet Wooster, Jan. 25, '45 ; r. Rock, a ship master, &c. 13, Susau Maria, b. Oct. 22, '25 ; m. Edwin Thomas Emery, r. S. Th. Job's ch. 1, Capt. Israel J, b. Dec. 6, 1792, mar. Eliza K. Spear, Jan. 24, 1821 ; r. Rock., & d. May 31, '52. 2, Betsey, born Oct. 14, '94, d. young. 3, Capt. Robert, b. Nov. 10, '96, mar. Achsah Paul, Dec. 2, 1819, 2d, Mrs. Frost; r. S. Th, rem. and d. in West. 4, Eze kiel, b. July 15, 1800, m. Eliza Beecher of Martha's Vinevard, Oct. 17, 1827 ; r. Rock, andd. Dec. 19, '54. 5, Harriet, b. Sept. 10, 1802, m. Samuel B. Butler; r. S. Th. 6, Capt. Job, (2d), b. July 13, '05, m. Maria Butler, Nov. 14, 1830, and d. lost at sea on his return from Mobile. 7, Susan, b. Oct. 3, '07, m. Elkanah S. Smith, aud d. Nov; 21, '34. 8, Mary, b. June 11, '09, m. Ebenezer Sweat, Aug. 25, '30 . rem. and d. in Muscatine, Iowa, Feb. 9, '62. 9, Capt. Samuel B, b. June 30, '11, m. Aseneth Paul, Dec. 4, '33, 2d, Mary J. Ingraham, Dec. 24, '40 ; r. S. Th, rem. Vinalhaven. 10, Joshua, b. Jan. 10, '15. d. March, 1835, lost overboard from ship Franklin. WilUam's ch. By 1st. wife. 1, Sally, b. Oct. 5, 1796, m. Dea. Peter Hall; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 15,1858. 2, Polly, b. Aug. 13, '98, m. Jacob Fountain; r. Rock, and d. April 24, '35. 3, William, (2d), b. June 13, 1800, m. Oliva D. Fountain of St. George, 1829, 2d, Sarah J. Seavy, p. March 15, '60 ; r. Rock, keeper of alms-house, &c 4, Eli, b. April 9, 1802, m. Alice M. (Frye) Prior : r. Rock, a trader, &c. 5, Jane, b. March 13, 1804, m. Daniel C. Haskell; r. Rock. 6, Hannah, b. April 20, '05, m. Jonathan Crockett, (3d) ; r. Rock, Se d. Aug. 20, '41. 7, Lucy, b. Nov. 18, '08, d. July 31, '10. 8, Ben jamin, b. Feb. 10, '11, d. Aug. 25, '15. Capt. Thomas B.'s eh. 1, George T, b Sept.. 17, 1833; m. Clara O. Hall, Jan. 28, '60 ; r. Rock, a caulker. 2, Horace S , b. Aug. 21, '36 ; 1. Rock, a mariner. 3, Elijah H , b. March 14, '40 ; r. Rock, a clerk. Capt. Mark's ch. 1, Albert J, b. Jan. 29, 1838, d. Dec. 29, '42. 2, Emma R, b. Nov. 10, '39, d. Jan. 5, '42. 3, Frances A, b. April, '42. 4, Lewis B, b. Jan. 30, '45, d. Feb. 1, '48. OUver H.'s ch. 1, Oliver L, b. Aug. 13, 1838, d. Sept. 27, '41. 2, Helen B, b. Feb. 27. '42, d. Feb. 25, '44 3, Frederic L, b. Aug, 1844, d. AprU 20, '47. 4, Oliver H , (2d), b. ab. '48. 5, Heman H, b. Jan. 28, '52, d. Oct. 22, '61. 6, Cora, b. ab. '58. Capt. Harvey's ch. 1, Abby, b. March, 1840. And others. Capt. John's ch. 1, Georgiana, b 1846. 2, Clara E , b. 1849. 3, Hattie H, b. 1857. Capt. Israel J.'s ch. 1-, Israel J, (2d), b. April 17, 1822; m. Han nah D. Fowler; r. Rock, landlord of Atlantic House, &c. 2, Leon ard S, b. June 11, '24, d. Dec. 23, '42. 3, Harriet Ann, b. Sept. 1, '26; m. Rufus R. Woodbridge, March 8, '46, & d. May 29, '52, hers and her father's funeral being held in one day and house. 4, Mar garet S, b. July 29, '28 ; m. Jesse R. Richardson; j. Rock. 5 & 6, twins, b. Aug. 13, '31 ; Helen L, d. Aug 5, '33 ; Hester A., m. Capt. Joseph 1". Berry; r. and d. Rook 7, Van Buren, b. Feb. 21, '35, d. Aug. 21, '39. 8, Edgar A, b. Oct. 21, '38 ; r. Rock, a clerk, vol'd Sept, 1861, became Sergeant Major of 8th Me. Reg, and d. at Tybee Is, of typhoid, May, 1862. 9, Albert W, b. Nov. 26, '40 ; r. Rock, a marble worker. Capt. Robert's ch. 1, Louisa J, b Oct. 5, 1820; mar. Charles R. 30* 354 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Mallard ; r. Rock, & d. June 16, '47- 2, Nancy J, b. Sept. 17, '27, r. Rock, & d. Oct. 31, '62. Ezekiel's ch. 1, James C, b. July 22, 1828 ; r. Rock, a paper hanger, &c 2, Erastus B.. b. March 11, '30 ; m. Amelia A. Patter son, Sept. 16, 1863 ; r. Boston. 3, Sarah B,b. Oct. 12, '31, d. Aug. 21, '33. 4, Ezekiel I, b. Oct. 27, '33 ; r. Rock, a soldier of 28th Me, since in navy. 5, Orlando G., b. Nov. 12, '35 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 6, Hester, b. Nov. 13, '37, d. March 10, '40. 7, Girdner, b. June 29, & d. July 10, '40. 8, Ambrose C, b. Dec. 4, '42 ; i. Rock, a saloon keeper. 9, Eliza J, b. Dec. '47, d. March 19, '51. Capt. Job, (3d)'s ch. 1, Capt. Gilbert H, b. Dec. 26, 1831 ; r. S. Th, officer in the army. 2, Dr. Henry F, b. Jan. 10, '34 ; went west, taught, studied medicine, engaged in lumbering, was appointed, May, '61, agent on Dayton & Mich. R. R, & is now a lieut. in co. G, 38th Indiana reg. 3, Oscar R, b. Oct. 4, 1835 ; m. Irene R. Fisk, AprU, '62 ; r. S. Th, member of Coast Guards, &c 4, Adelaide, m. An drew J. Erskine ; r. Rock. Capt. Samuel B.'s ch. 1, Leander L, b May 17, 1833 ; r. Califor nia. 2, Julia E, b. 1835 ; m. Amariah Kalloch, (2d) ; r. S. Th. 3, Frank B, b. '40 ; killed by a fall from aloft, Sept. 17, 1863, off Nan tucket shoals. Bv 2d wife, 4 & 5, twins, b. Nov. 30, 1843 ; Charles Mallard, d. Feb. 12, '49 ; Emeline, r. Rock. 6, Eber M, b. ab. '49. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Lovisa J, b. Dec. 1, 1830, d. Dec. 9, '36. 2, Sarah Olive, b. Feb. 23, '33, d. June 30, '37. 3, Benjamin, born Nov. 15, '34, d. Dec. 30, '35. 4, Wm. Henry, b. July 8, '35, d. April 13, '37. 5, George H, b. March 18, '37, d. July 14, '38. 6, Lieut. John Fairfield, b. Feb. 4, '39 ; r. S. Th, a teacher, and officer in army, m. Olive' A. Fisk, Nov. 7, '63. 7, Caroline, b. in St. George, April 26, '41, d. March 3, '50. 8, Sergt. Eli R, b. '43 ; r. S. Th, entered the army. 9, William R, b. '45. 10, Oscar, b. ab. '47. 11, Mary Florence, b. '56. By 2d wife. 12, Fanny, b. June 7, '63, d. April 3, '64. Eli's ch. Delia Maria, b. Sept. and d. Nov. 1836. PERRY, John, of a different family, c. from Cape Cod, to Fox Is, about 1773, and, in the war of 1812, to what is now Rock. Of his 13 ch there settled here, 1, Capt. Ephraim, b. 1788, m. Nancy Crockett, Nov. 15, 1814 ; r. Rock, and d. May 10, '62. 2, Capt. Robert, (2d), mar. Dolly Spear, Aug. 1, 1821, 2d, Millicent Eaton, Sept. 2, '27 ; r. Rock, and d. of fever, at N. Y, Jan. 31, '51. 3, Lucy, b. 1785, mar. Capt Benjamin Thomas ; i. Rock, and d. Feb. 23, 1851. Capt. Ephraim's ch. 1, Angelia M, b. March 20, 1815, m. Joseph Furbish ; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 4, '51. 2, Sopbia C, b. May 10, '17 ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Knott C, b. April 27, '20, m. Deborah L. Grant, July 18, '43 ; r. Rock. 4, Ephraim M, born Feb. 2, '23 ; r. Rock., a photographist, and d. Jan. 17, '62. 5, John J, b. Jan. 26, '25, mar. Mary F. Cowl of Brooklyn, N. Y, Aug. 4, '52 ; r. Rock, a merchant. 6, Oliver A, b. March 15, '28, d- April 9, '29. Capt. Robert, (2d)'s ch. 1, Harriet, b. May 5, 1822, d. July 14, '29. 2, Dolly, b. April 30, '24 ; mar. Patrick W. Walsh ; r. Rock. By 2d wife. 3, Edward C, b. Jan. 15, '29, d. May 3, '32. 4, Jasper, b. Dec. 10, '30, d. Sept. 11, '31. 5, George W. or F, b. Jan. 11, '32, mar. Adecia Spear, Nov. 28, '59 ; r. Rock, a teacher, &c 6, Chas. C , b. Apr. 24, '33; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me , Sec. 7, Mary E , b. June 23, '36. 8, Robert Frank, b. Oct. 28, '37, m. Eliza J. Aldrich, Feb. 2, '62 ; r. Rock, a sailmaker. 9, Oren C, b. April 29, '39. 10, Edward, b. Oct. 28, '42, d. ? young. 11, Lucy Ann, b. ab. '45. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 355 Capt. Knott C.'s ch. 1, Ephraim, b. ab. 1844. 2, Frederic W, b. ab. '49. 3, Rebecca C, b. ab. '51. 4, Ellen E, b. ab. '54. 5, An gelia R, b. March 4, '59, d. March 24, '60. John J.'s ch. 1, Jarvis C, b. ab. '57. 2, Orrin F, b. ab. '59. 3, John J, b. ab. '60. George's ch. George, b. IS 60. PERRY, Capt. Nathaniel, of Roxbury, Mass, settled early in S. Th. His ch. 1, Nathaniel, (2d), b. in Roxbury, 1816, m. Louisa G, Pillsbury ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, George P., m. a dau. of Henry Achorn ; r. Mass. 3, Mary, m. Peter Christian ; r. Boston. Nathaniel, (2d)'s ch. George F, b. 1849. PERRY, Chandler F, b. ab. 1813 ; c. from New Meadows, 1854 to Owl's Head, S. Th, m. Sarah ; was a farmer, and one of the first volunteers in the 4th Me. reg, a prisoner and hospital nurse at Richmond, Va, and d. Nov. 27, '61. Their ch. 1, Chandler F, (2d), b. 1836 ; m. Miss Young of Matinicus ; r. S. Th, a mariner and vol. soldier, killed in battle, July, 1863. 2, Mary Ann, born ab. '39; m. Daniel Pierce of Munroe, Oct, 1864. 3, Capt. WiUiam Henry H, b. ab. '41 ; m. Sarah C. Arey, Nov. 27, '62 ; r. S. Th. 4, Levi J, b. ab. '42, a mariner, corporal in 4th Me. reg. Sec. 5, Elizabeth, m. Thomas Maddocks ; r. S. Th. 6, Harriet C, b. ab. 1857. PERRY, WiUiam, (3d), c from Cam. or Hope ; m. Lucinda Hav ener; r. Rock, a truckman. Their ch. 1, Lieut. WiUiam A, b. ab. 1831 ; m. Marion W. Brown, April 24, 1853 ; r. Rock, a caulker, of ficer in the army, &c. 2, ? Abner A, entered U. S. navy. 3, ? Estelle H, b. '46, d. April 14, '60. 4, EUa H, b. ab. '49. 5, Mary E, b. ab. '52. 6, Charles W, b. ab. 1855. Lieut. William A.'s ch. CorneUa A, b. 1856. PERRY, Rev. David, of a North Haven family, b. 1822 ; m. Miss Rogers of Lincolnville ; was Bapt. minister in Cam, Union, and S. Th, and d. in Boston, May 27, 1859. Their ch. Celia, b. ab. 1849. PERRY, Upton, b. ab. 1811 ; c from Camden; m. Sarah A. Spen cer; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James N., b. ab. 1844. 2, Justina J, b. ab. '50. 3, Laurietta, b. ab. '52. 4, George W, born ab. '55. 5, Manly H, b. ab. '58. PERRY, Benjamin, m. Peggy Tolman, r. and d. Camden. Their ch. 1, Martha, m- Oliver Graffam of Camden. 2, Joseph E, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Araminta Philbrook of Matinicus ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. 3, Chesley B, m. Margaret Philbrook ; r. Matinicus. Joseph E.'s ch. 1, Franklin, b. ab. 1855. 2 & 3, twins, b. ab. '57, Wesley L, and Lef'orest C. 4, Martha, b. ab. 1858. PETERSON, John, b. 1822, in Sweden, Europe; m. Almira Burn ham, July 11, 1853 ; r. Th., a maimer. Their ch. 1, Albertina, b. ab. 1855. 2, Mary S, b. ab. 1859. PHILBRICK, Walter, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Rachel Sheldon, ? r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James G, b. ab. 1831 ; m. Amelia Seavey, Feb. 8, '61 ; r. Rock. 2, William A, b. Dec. 26, '33, volunteer in 4th Me. reg. & d. at Alexandria, Va, Dec. 16, '61, of fever. 3, Benjamin Franklin, b. ab. '36, r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, reg. 4, Martha J, b. ab. '43. Of this name, also, Enoch S. Philbrick, born ab. 1820 ; mar. Eunice ; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier in 4th Me, &c. Their ch. 1, MaryM, b. Aug. 14, 1839; m. Samuel Haskell; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 26, '57. 2, Celesta, b. ab. 1844. 356 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, PHILBROOK, Jeremiah, mar. Sarah Leadbetter ; r. and d. N. H. Their ch. 1, Mary, m. William Estes ; r. and d. Portland. 2, Jere miah, (2d), b. May 27, 1777 ; m. Hannah Hasey ; r. S. Th, and d. June 30, 1861. 3, Phinehas, m. Lydia Young; r. and d. N. H. 4, Sarah, m. Ezra Burgess ; r. & d. Searsmont. 5, Susan, m. Alexander Young ; r. N. H. 6, David, m. Joanna Andrews; r. Th. 7, Hannah, m. Eben. Young; r. N. H. 8, Daniel, m. Rachel Young; r. & d. N. H. 9, William, m. Rachel Norton ; r. O. 10, Ezekiel, m. Martha Young; r. Freeport. 11, Elisha, a land surveyor and agent in Mich igan. 12, Jesse, died young. Jeremiah, (2d)'s ch. 1, Jesse, b. Aug. 27, 1804 ; mar. Rose Ann Lindsey, Dec. 20, '27, 2d, Nancy Davis, Nov. 28, '41 ; r. S. Th, rem. back of Bangor. 2, Samuel, b. April 28, '06 ; m. Rebecca Hunt, p. Nov. 21, '35 ; r. S. Th, a farmer. 3, William Hafse, b. Sept. 28, '08 ; m. Joanna Dolph of Beverly, Dec. 5, '33 ; r. S. Th , a farmer. 4, Jere miah H, b. July 13, '10; m. Mary H Pratt, Dec. 25, '39 ; r. S. Th, a cooper. 5, Nancy, b. Sept. 22, '12 ; mar. David Robinson, Jan. 9, '45 ; rem. East 6, Julia, b. March 24, '15 ; m. Nathaniel Ash; r. S. Th. 7, Oliver F, b. April 10, '17 ; m. Sarah Pratt, Oct. 13, '37, 2d, Mrs. Mary J. Jackson of Rock, Dec. 15, '60; r. S. Th. 8, Joseph W, b. May 12, '19 ; m. Emily K. Petty ; r. S. Th. 9, Hannah, born March 21, ''21; m. Alfred Haskell. 10, Levi, b. July 27, '23; died young. 11, Charles J, b. March 21, '27 ; mar. Olive Buckman, Jan. 19, '59; r. S. Th., a mariner. David's ch. 1, Susan, m. Daniel Hall ; j. S. Th. 2, Sabra, mar. George Lawrence; i- Searsmont. 3, Rufus, m. Sarah Andrews; i. St. G. 4, Ruth, d. unm. 5, Sarah, d. unm. 6, Deborah, d. young. 7, David, (2d), d. unm 8, Elizabeth, mar. Turner ; r. West Newton, Mass. 9, Isadore F, m. Reuben White, jr. ; r. Boston. 10, Lilias, m. J. Harvey Boggs; r. Th. 11, Isaac, mar. Harriet Maxey; r. St. George. Third Generation . Jesse's ch. AVilliam, b. 1830 ; drowned in well, Sept. 6, 1832. Samuel's ch. 1, Horace S , b. Oct. 31, 1836, d. Dec. 18, '61, lost overboard from sch. Peru, in Portsmouth harbor. 2, Julia M , b. Aug. 28, '39 ; in. Capt. Israel A. Thorndike ; r. S. Th. 3, Levi A, b. Sept. 3, '41 ; r. S. Th, soldier in 4th Me, &c. 4, Sarah E , d. Aug. 18, '48. 5, Franklin, b. ab. '48. 6, Oscar, b. ah. '52. 7, Emma I, b. ab. '55. William H's ch. 1, Lucy A , b. Sept. 6, 1834. 2, Catharine A, b. Sept. 16, '35. 3, Margary, b. Oct. 5, '38 ; r. S. Th. 4, Paulina M, b. Aug. 2, '40 ; m. Wm. A Vose, Oct. 31, '64; r. S. Th. 5, CordeUa F , b. Feb. 10, '42. 6, WilUam J, b. 1844 ; r. S. Th, soldier in 1st Cavalry, d. March 1, '63. 7, Ada, b. Oct, and d. Nov. 16, '48. 8, James A, b. ab. '50. Jeremiah H.'s" ch. 1, Dudley S, b. Oct. 24, 1840 ; m Jennie Kal loch, May 7, '64 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Joseph M, b. May 23, '42, d. Aug. 22, '55. 3, Mary A, b. ab. '49. 4, Lucy E, b. ab. '57. Oliver F.'s ch. Matilda, b. ab. 1839 ; mar. George Mayo, Oct. 26, '64 ; j. S Th. The mother d. in May, 1860. Joseph W.'s ch. 1, Georgiana, b. ab. 1846. 2, Charles M, b. '48. 3, Malvina H, b. July, 1850, d. Nov. 27, '54. 4, Julia E, b. '55. 5, Manford, b. '57. 6, Harriet E , b. '59. The mother d. March 29, '61, aged 37. PHILBROOK, Benjamin, b. ab. 1322, in Northport ; m. Elizabeth ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 357 Maddocks; r. Rock, a joiner. Theirch. 1, Inez, b. ab. 1851. 2, Egbert, b. 1853, d. Oct. 10, '54. 3, Mabel, b. ab. '57. 4, Frances H, b. ab. '59. 5, Willie O, b. Nov, 1860, and d. June 4, '61. Of this name, also, John Philbrook, m. Clementine Thorndike ; r. Old Th, & d. in New York. Their ch. 1, Harriet P, b. Nov. 29, 1841, died March 7, '42. 2, Lucy C, b. Nov. 15, '42. PHILLIPS, George H, b. ab. 1821, in Mass. ; m. Mary J. Bennett, Peb. 20, '48 ; r. Rock, a painter & glazier. Their ch. 1, John L, b. ab. 1851. 2, Edgar, b. ab. '53. 3, Ella F, b. ab. '55. 4, Minnie, b. '57. 5, Samuel M, b. Oct. 5, '59, d. Oct. 17, '61. Of this name, also, there were here, Calvin S. Phillips, who m. Abigail M. Greeley of Palermo, p Oct. 10, 1836, 2d, Mary H. Scammon, May 4, '51 ; r. Rock. ? and Aaron Phillips, who m. Mary Wood, p. Jan. 8, 1839 ; & of whose ch, there was recorded here, 1, Adelbert, b. May 25, 1841. PIERCE, BarziUai, b. 1779 ; c from Bangor, Me. ; m. Jane Turner, June 10, 1802, 2d, Sarah Hix, Dec. 29, '33 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, & d. Oct. 24, '61. Joseph, his father, also d. at S. Th, Sept. 2, '03, a. 65. BarziUai's ch. by 1st wife. 1, William, b. Jan. 13, '03 ; m. Mercy J. Pratt of Corinth, p. Oct. 27, '27 ; r. S. Th. 2, Israel S, b. Jan. 1, '05 ; m. Mary Snow of Nobleboro', Oct. 23, '28 ; r. Rock, d. March 18, '51. 3, John, b. Feb. 1, '07, 1. S. Th. & d. Sept. 30, '46. 4, Jane, b Dec. 28, '09 ; m. Eliphalet Martin, & d in S. Th, Jan. 19, '51. 5, Joseph S, b. Feb. 5, '11 ; m. Margaret Snow, Jan. 16, '36 ; r. Rock., in Ume business. 6, Archibald, b. Jan. 24, '13, d. May 7, '35, at N. Orleans. 7, George W, b. May 13, 1816 ; m. Nancy F, Martin of Line, p. Oct. 27, '47, 2d, Mrs. Harriet N. McLane, Dec. 8, '61 ; n. S. Th, a farmer, Sec. 8, Nancy C, b. Nov. 14, '19, d. at S. Th, March 28, '43, 9, Charles G, b. June 12, '23 ; r. California. The mother d. Feb. 5. '33, a. 54. William's ch. 1, John S, b. Aug. 26, 1828 ; m. Sarah L. Dean, July 20, '51 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c. 2, Samuel D, b. April 27, '32, d. at sea, 1852. 3, Almira S, b. April 14, '39, m. Elbridge F. Has keU, p. Oct. 27, '59 ; r. Bangor. Israel S.'s ch. 1, Nathaniel I, b. Aug. 5, 1830, d. at sea ab. 1845. 2, Israel T, b. Jan. 8, '34, m. and d. at N. York. 3, Mary H, b. Sept. 30, '35 ; r. N. York. 4, Caroline E, born Sept. 24, '37, mar. Thompson; r. N. Y. 5, George W, (2d), b. AprU 12, '39, d. atN. Y. 6, Susan A, b. June 22, '41 ; r. N. Y. The mother m. 2d, Da vid PettingUl, Oct. 2, '52, and rem. N. Y. Joseph S.'sch. 1, Joseph H, b. March 7, 1839 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c , entered U. S. Navy. 2, Rosanna C, b. Aug. 15, '40 ; r. Rock. 3, Margaret A, b. Oct. 21, '42 ; jr. Rock. 4, Delia, b. May 7, 1844. George W.'s ch. 1, Sidney H, b. ab. 1849. 2, Sarah T, b. ab. '52. 3, Anna P, b. ab. '54. 4, Emma E, b. ab. '56 ; all r. S. Th. John S.'s ch. 1, Samuel, b. ab. 1853. 2, Edwin, b. ab. '55. PIERCE, Capt. Jacob L, b. ab. 1797; came from Southport, Me, m. Mary i. Day ; r. Rock. Of his ch. 1, Capt. WUUam D, b. ao. 1822, m. Emma A. Varney of U, June 7, '49 ; r. S. Th, a master mar iner. Their ch. 1, Wm. M, b. ab. 1850. 2, Charles W, b. ab. '52. PIERCE, Capt. Joseph, b. ab. 1800, c from Bucksport, m. Sophia Moore of Bucksport ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 9, 1853, late of br. Swan. Their ch. 1, Frances, b. Oct. 31, 1831, m. Hezekiah W. Wight; r. Rock. 2, Helen S, b. March 1, '33 ; r. Rock, a dress maker. 3, 358 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Imogene, b. Feb. 15, '37 ; r. Rock, a milliner. 4, Edwin, b. May 1, '39, a mariner. 5, Reuel, b. Oct. 20, '40, d. July 31, '42. 6, Joseph O, b. ab. '46 ; i. Rock, entered U. S. Navy. PIERCE, Andrew J, b. ab. 1821, mar. Caroline (Holmes) Tate, Sept. 19, '59 ; r. Th, a photographist. PIERCE, Albanius L, (colored), m. Hannah Peters of War, Sept. 6, 1857 ; r. Th, a barber. PILLSBURY, Joseph, m. Sarah Emery ; c. from Kittery, and set tled early at Ash Point, was a blacksmith, r. and died S. Th. Dea. Nathan, a brother, and also a blacksmith, was b. in Elliot, formerly Kittery, 1760 ; served in the Rev. War upwards of six years, came to Th. soon after the war; m. Lucy Emery, p. Jan. 16, '88 ; r. Ash Pt, and d. May 23, 1826. Joseph's ch. 1, Samuel, lost at sea with Capt. Dunning. 2, Bet sey, m. Stephen Frost ; r. and d. S. Th. 3, Johnson, mar. Priscilla Cooper, p. Dec. 7, 1798 ; r. S. Th. & Cam, a blacksmith ; d. at Line 4, Joseph, (2d), m. Phebe Dunham of Martha's Vineyard ; r. S." Th. and St. George, where he d. suddenly, July 13, 1822. His widow d. at Rock, March 5, '4S, aged 69. 5, Sarah, mar. WilUam RandaU of Prospect, 18 12 ; r. and d. Prospect. 6, John, m. Mary KeUoch, Sept. 27, 1808 ; r. and d. S. Th, a blacksmith. 7, Hannah, mar. Benjamin Cooper, (2d), r. Belmont. 8, Nathan, (2d), m. Mary Eastman, May 16, 1811 ; r. Dixmont and Belfast. 9, Margaret, m. Robert Alexan der ; r. and d. Indiana. Dea. Nathan's ch. 1, Nathaniel, m. Cynthia Brown, p. Oct. 2, 1817 ; r. S. Th, rem. and d. Rock. 2, Sarah, b. 1794 ; r. Rock., and d. Oct. 21, '62. 3, Joseph, (3d), m. Mary Emery, p. Aug. 17, 1816; r. and d. Rock. 4, Samuel, (2d), d. suddenly at Ash Point, Feb. 7, 1823. 5, Nathan (3d), b. ab. 1805, m. Jane Crockett, Jan. 14, 1828,; r. Rock, a merchant, &c. Johnson's ch. 1, Johnson, (2d), b. May 8, 1804 ; m. Mary Sim mons ; r. S. Th, a retired mariner. 2, Mary, m. 1st, a Mr. Simmons, 2d, Nathan Frost, 3d, Robert Perry; r: S. Thomaston. Joseph, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah Ann, mar. 1st, a Mr. Cook of Boston, 2d, George Lindsey; r. Rock. 2, John, (2d), b. ab. 1807; m. Jane McALister, Sept. 20, 1830 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 3, Joseph, (3d), born ab. 1809 ; r. Rock. 4, Samuel, (3d), born ab. 1811 ; mar. Sarah M. Spalding of Phipsburg, March 1, '32; r. Rock. 5, George W, mar. 1st, Emeline D. Pillsbury of Northport, p. March 17, '38 ; 2d, Arze- lia McLain, July 6, '56 ; r. Rock, a merchant, &c. To the famihes of this name the city is indebted for several important improvements. John's ch. 1, Marv, m. Hezekiah Stover of St. George, pub. Dec. 16, '26 ; r. and d. St. George. 2, Jane, d. young, in Boston. 3, Han nah, m. Ephraim Snow, (2d); r. Rock. 4, Capt. Dennis, b. Nov. 14, 1814; m. MatUda Sweetland, May 8, '42; r. S. Th, and d. Oct. 24, '52. 5, Mehitable, b. ab. 1817; m. Andrew Whitcher ; r. S. Th. 6, George, d. young. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Amos, b. Aug. 25, 1818, lost at sea Fe$. 14, '41. 2, Lydia, b. AprU 17, '20, and d. Rock, Dec. 25, '39. 3, Lucretia, b. March 28, '22; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Oliver B, b. April 6, '24; mar. Phebe W. Adams, Oct. 7, '58 ; r. Rock, has crossed the Atlantic 42 times, besides making the passage between this country and Fayal 37 times during the 10 years spent in that trade. 5, Nathaniel E, born Peb. 15, '26 ; d. unm. 6, Cynthia A, b. Feb. 13, '28. 7, Reuben, b. Feb. 14, '30 ; m. Martha L. Ulmer, Nov. 26, '54 ; r. Rockland. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 359 Joseph, (3d)'s ch. 1, Louisa K, b. Sept. 16, 1817; m. Nathaniel Perry of Salem, p. Sept. 7, '46 ; 1 . S. Th. 2, Henry, b. Sept. 25, '18 ; m. Lydia M. Adams, Aug. 26, '49 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 3, Lucinda M, b. May 1, '24 ; m. & r. at the West. 4, Sarah J, b. Aug. 16, '26 ; m. Perry; r. Boston. 5, S. Nathan, b. Oct. 8, '28, d. Aug. 24, '31. 6, Hannah Lowell, b. Jan. 4, '31 ; r. S. Th. 7, Josephine, born March 2, '34 ; m. & r. Mass. 8, Lucy A, b. Jan. 2, '41 ; mar. Seth Ayer; r. S. Th. Fourth Generation. Johnson, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sophia R, b. in Belmont, May 3, 1832 ; m. Isaac Thomas Ingraham ; r. S. Th. 2, Hannah, b. Sept. 29, '35 ; m. Abraham Brann ; j. S. Th. 3, Hiram G, b. Jan. 26, '37 ; m. Sarah A. Wentworth, Jan. 12, '63 ; 1. S. Th,- a mariner. 4, Charles E, b. Jan. 19, '39 ; r. S. Th. 5, Mary E, b. Sept. 26, '41. 6, Helen, b. '42, d. April 16, '59. 7, Almeida, b. ab. '44. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah J, b. Dec. 18, 1831 ; m. Capt. J. P. Har den; r. Rock. 2, John L, b. July 12, d. Sept. 18, '33. 3, E Adelia, b. Aug. 1, '34; m. C. A. Barrett of Placer county, Cal, Sept. 5, '63. 4, Capt. John Russell, b. Sept. 10, '36 ; mar. 2d, ? Jane A. Benner, AprU 7, '60 ; r. Rock. 5, Lucy E, b. Oct. 10, '38 ; mar. Rufus T. HaU, Feb. 13, '64 ; r. Rock. 6, Delora B, b. May 3, '40 ; r. Rock. 7, Charles H, b. March 7, '42 ; r. Rock, a sailmaker. 8, Montoro M, b. ab. 1846 ; r. Rock, entered U. S. Navy. Samuel's ch. 1, Mary K, b. Sept. 18, 1832 ; m. Samuel Frederic Dinsmore; r. S. Th. 2, Ann A. C, b. Feb. 11, '34, d. July 4, '53. 3, George W, b. March 9, '36 ; r. Rock. 4, Statira, b. Nov. 19, '38 ; m. John H. D. Anderson, Aug. 19, '54 ; r. Rock. 5, Phebe F., b. June 18, '40, d. Dec. 28, '41. 6, Frances E, b. Oct. 30, '42. 7, Helen L, b. ab. '49. George W.'s ch. 1, Helen M, b. 1839; m. Somers McNeil, Nov. 16, '56 ; r. California. 2, Thaddeus S, b. Oct. 17, '40 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, &c. 3, Faustina, b. ab. '43. 4, Georgie E, b. Oct, 1845, d. Aug. 24, '60. 5, AUscena F, b. ab. '47. The mother d. Oct. 6, '50, aged 37. By 2d wife. 6, Lewis M, b. ab. '57. - 7, Knott C, b. ab. '59. Capt. Dennis's ch. 1, OUver, h. ab. 1843. 2, Augustus, b. ab. '46. 3, Sidney, b. ab. '49. 4, Matilda, b. ab. '52. Capt. Oliver B.'s ch. John O, b. ab. 1860. Henry's ch. Moses, b. ab. 1851. Capt. John R.'s ch. 1, Edwin. 2, Caroline. 3, Oliver. 4, Katie. 5, LUian. 6, Anna R, b. 1863, d. Nov. 17, '64. PILLSBURY, Capt. Thomas R, b. ab 1820, in Northport ; mar. Mary Brown, p. Dec. 10, '44 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Leanoia F, b. ab. 1847. 2, Edgar T, b. ab. '50. 3, Addie E, b. ab. '58. PILLSBURY, Capt. Benjamin A, b. ab. 1832, in Belfast; m. Jane M. T. of Liverpool, Eng.; x. Rock. Their ch. 1, EUen C, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary A , b. Feb. &-d. July 19, '57. 3, Byron S, b. ab. '58. 4, Bennie W, b. Dec. '31, '61, d. Jan. 6, '63. PIPER, Capt. David Norris, b. Aug. 23 1796 in Loudon, N. H, c here in 1819, m. Eliza Gleason of Union, in 1821 ; r. Th, a clothier, deputy sheriff, now in the meat business. Their ch. 1, Aaron G, b. Feb. 27, 1822, in. Eliza Lois Young, Aug. 20, '57 ; r. Th, a joiner. 2, Sarah Jane, b. Dec. 3, '23, m. Nelson -Fales ; r. Th. 3, Mary E, b. 360 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Jan, 1825, m. Barnabas Webb ; rem. California. 4, Martha F., b. March 20, '28, m. George W. Beverage ; r. Th, and d. April 24; '64. 5, David N, (2d;, b. Jan, 1831 ; r. Th. Aaron G.'s ch. 1, Marion G, b. ab.-1858. 2, Herbert Nelson, b. ab. '60. 3, Ora, b. ab. '62. PINKHAM, Asa G, b. ab. 1826, in Steuben, Me, m. Deborah W. Buckminster.; r. Rock., a lime burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Abbie, b. ab. 1843. 2, Eugene A, b. ab. '49. 3, Edna F, b. ab. '57. 4, Clara E, b. Aug, '60, d. Jan. 23, '62. PISTON, Capt. Anthony E, b. ab. 1820, in Italy, mar. Experience Hamor of Eden, Me.; j. Rock, a master mariner. Theirch. 1, Marietta P, b. Feb. and d. March 11, '55. 2, Delia M, b. ab. '57. 3, Agnes L, b. ab. '59. 4, Susan G, b. Aug. 18, 1861, d. April 26, '62. 5, Anthony E., b. Feb, and d. Aug, '63. PITTS, Abner, b. ab. 1780, m, and, after some years residence in W. & U, c. to Rock, a saddler, &c, d. Dec 8, 1853. Of his ch. 1, William M, b. ab. 1826, m. Eliza H. Liniken of Boothbay, 1846 ; r. Rock., a farmer, but rem. to New York, with his ch. 1, AceUa, b. ab. 1848. 2, Lauretta, b. ab. '50. 3, Malcolm L , b. ab. '53. 4, Elton, b. ab. '57. Of this name also, William L, came here, mar. Agnes R. Lowell, Oct. 14, '47 ; r. Rock, cashier of Ship-builder's Bank, and ret. to his native Carolina. PLACE, Darius, b. ab 1807; m. Jane ; r. Rock, a shoe maker. Of their ch. 1, Darius, (2d), b. ab. 1831 ; m.-Mrs. Lucy E. Richards, Dec 1, '61; r. Rock, a shoemaker. 2,? James H, soldier in 19th Me. reg, &c 3? George H, in U. S. regulars. 4, Charles E, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock, a shoemaker. POLAND, Henry L, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Phebe A. ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, James A, b. ab. 1856. 2, Marietta, b. July 30, '60, d. July 10, '62. POMEROY, Francis G, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Jerusha ; r. Rock, a ship carpenter. Their ch. 1, John W, b. 1845. 2, Amanda L, b. ab. '47. 3, Rebecca, b. ab. '49. 4, Cyrus L, b. ab. '51. 5, Francis, b. ab. '53. 6, Mary E, b. ab '56. 7, Rufus, b. ab. '59. POPE, Rev. Joseph, grad. H. U, 1770 ; was long the settled Cong. minister in Spencer, Mass. ; m. , & d. 1826. Of his ch. 1, Joseph, Esq., was Counsellor at Law in Portland. 2, Charles, b. 1780 ; c to Union as a merchant ; rem. Th, continued trade, taught school, was deputy sheriff, fro, Se d Oct. 21, 1842. 3, William, came at the same time, was partner in business with his brother Charles ; m. Eliza Prince, p. Oct. 19, 1817 ; ret. to Spencer, having had ch. b. in Th. 1, Ann E, b. Nov. 12, 1818 ; in. R. VaUe, April 16, '40 ; rem. & d. Indiana. 2, Isabella, b. Dec. 17, '20, d. June 30, '24. Also, b. in Spencer, 3, Joseph, b. Aug. 14, '22. 4, Lucretia H, b. Sept. 17, '24. 5, Sarah A, b. Jan. 17, '27. PORTER, John, h. ab. 1807, in Salem, Mass. ; m. Almira Barnard of Th , Nov. 16, 1834 ; r. Th. and carried on the tailor's business ; rem. Belfast and Rock., where he commenced the Rockland Gazette, of which he, in company with his son for a time, and recently with E. E. Wortman, is stUl the publisher. Their ch. 1, Helen S, b. ab. 1836 ; m. Capt. William A. Barker, r. Rock. 2, Greenleaf, b. about 1838 ; m. Augusta C. Brown of Chesterville, Me, June 12, '61 ; r. Rock, assistant publisher, &c, is recently of the U. S. Navy. 3, Har- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 361 riet W, b. ab. 1840; m. John W. Brown, Nov. 12, '61. 4, John B, b. ab. 1845. Greenleaf's ch. George Greenleaf, b. March, & d. July 18, 1862. The mother d. June 8, 1862. PORTER, Benjamin, m. Lucretia Achorn, March 24, 1825, r. Cam den, and d. May 5, 1851, having jumped from the sch. Fountain in a fit of insanity. Of his ch. 1, Capt. Isaac A, m. 1st, Juliet M , who d. Nov. 5, 1850; at Rock, a. 19 yrs, 2d, Mary C Coburu of W., July 6, '52; r. Rock, and was lost at sea, July 2, '65. 2, ? Capt. Michael O, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Helen M. Ulmer; r. Rock., and d. Sept. 25, '59. PORTER, John, (2d), b. ab, 1825, in Nova Scotia, as was Lydia, his wife, at the Bay of Chaleur ; r. Rock, a ship carpenter. Their ch. 1, Margaret A, b. July 17, 1849, d. July 27, '56. 2, J. Newton, b. June, 1851, d. Sept. 18, '52. 3, John N, b. ab. '53. 4, Joseph M, b. ab. '57. 5, Margaret E, b. ab. '69. PORTERFIELD, Capt. Patrick, came from North of Ireland about 1749, & settled on Mr. North's Lot, No. 48 ; m. 1st, Martha Jameson, 2d, Mary (Webster) McLeUan; & d. Oct. 3, 1799, aged 77. His 2d wife d. Aug. 28, 1797, aged 70. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, WiUiam, m. Se d. in Cam, one of whose sons, Patrick, d. Jan. 27, 1811, aged 12, and was buried in Rock. 2, John, perished at sea with Patterson, 1770. ? 3, Elizabeth, b. Sept, 1754; m. Capt. James Watson; r. and d. Th. 4, Catharine, mar. Upham. 5, Ruth, mar. Benjamin Buckland; r. and d. Cam. 6, Martha, b. May 7, 1748 ; mar. Robert Jameson; r. in what is now Rock, and d. on afternoon of June 16, 1789. 7, Nancy, m. John Shibles, (2d), rem. Ohio. 8, Adj. Robert, in. Agnes (Robinson) Howard of C, Nov. 30, 1797 ; r. Th. and W, rem. Ohio, with their son, WiUiam, (2d), and four other ch. The mother d. in 1771. POST, Stephen, b. in Seabrook, Ct, m. 1st, Mrs. Eunice Hambley, p. at Th, Feb. 29, 1780 ; c. from N. Scotia to Th, Jan. 25, 1781, m. 2d, Abigail (Crane) Montgomery of W, p. Aug. 13, 1792, 3d, Mrs. Hannah Dyer, June 28, '95 ; r. S. Th, and died Dec. 9, 1834. His widow d. at Owl's Head, Jan. 1846, a. 90 y, 8 m, having had 9 ch, 67 grand ch, 87 gr. grand ch, and. 2 gr, gr, gd. ch. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Zachariah, b. in CornwalUs, N. S, Jan. 27, 1780, m. Ab igail Witham, Aug. 6, 1808 ; r. S. Th, & d. July 24, '33. 2, Stephen, (2d), b. Feb. 25, '81, m. Mercy , (who d. Feb. 20, 1864, a. 75,); r. and d. S. Th. 3, Eunice, b. June 17, '83, m. James Sweetland; r. S. Th, and d. June 3, 1827. 4, Jane, b. June 4, '85, m. 1st, Nathan iel Sleeper, p. Dec 1, 1818, 2d, Timothy Wellman; r. Rock., and d. AprU 2, '37. 5, Anna, b. Aug. 4, '86. "6, Capt. Ezekiel, b. March 13, '88, m. 1st, Mehitable Eastman, Oct. 23, 1814, 2d, Mary Snow, Nov. 4, '20 ; r. Th, and d. Jan. 10, '37. 7, Enoch, b. April 10, '91, m. Mary Curtis, p. April 19, 1817 ; r. S. Th, and d. Aug. 3, '42. By 2d wife. 8, Phebe, bom Dec. 21, '94 ; r. in War. By 3d wife. 9, Hannah, b. May 11, '96, m. John Emery, Sept. 29, 1814 ; r. S. Th, and d. May 8, '34. 10, WilUam, (natural or adopted), m. Susan Kal loch; r. S. Th. Zachariah's ch. 1, Ezekiel G, b. June 16, 1810, d. Sept. 24, '26. 2, Lowla, b. Aug. 19, '14. 3, Catharine, b. April 15, '17. 3, Zacha riah, (2d), b. Jan. 17, '20- 4, Abigail W, b. AprU 20, '22, m. Han- sou or Hirah? Hawes, March 15, '46. 5, Ira C, b. Sept. 22, '27. 6, Vol. II. 31 362 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Josiah W. D, b. July 30, '30, m. Abby H. ; r. S Th., a'mar- iner. 7, Charles W, b. March 7, '33, d. Nov. 19, '38. Stephen, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. Jonathan, b. April 18, 1807, m. 1st, Lucy Lowell, April 2, '29, 2d, Mary Simonton, Dec. 31, '34 ; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 20, '59. 2, Jane, b. Dec. 10, '08, m. John W. Burns ; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 20, '47. 3, Sally, b. Jan. 13, '10, m. Moses Ben ner of Wal, March 23, '34. 4, Nancy, b. Oct. 6, '12, m. Henry York ; r. Rock. 5, Enoch, (2d), b.- June 5, '14, m. Hannah F. Sumner of U, Jan . 21, '51 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 6, Stephen, (3d), b. Nov. 11, '16; r. S, Th, and d. Jan. 26, '62, found d. in B. Ingraham's field, near the cove at S. End, Rock. 7, Isaac, b. Feb. 12, '19. m. Elizabeth, a lady of Germany ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 8. Freeman, b. June 6, '21, d. by drowning, Nov. 23, '40. 9, Julia Ann, b. Aug. 13, '23, mar. George Bradshaw, March 15, '54. 10, Achsah, b. Sept. 16, 25, mar. Daniel Ott; r. S. Th. 11, Eunice, b. June 14, '29, mar. John W. Burns ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 30, '59. 12, William Henry, b. Aug. 4, 31, m. Amanda E. Frye, p. Sept. 17, '52 , r. Rock, a mariner. 13, George W, b. April 30, '33, m. Ruth Frye, July 19, '60 ; r. Rock, a mariner. Capt. Ezekiel's ch. By 1st wU'e. 1, Matilda, b. ab. 1815, d. April 10, '39?. By 2d wife. 2, Capt. Alex. Campbell, b. 1824, m. Jane A. Blood, Nov. 21, '48 ; r. Th, and d. Feb. 8, '63. 3, William Prancis, b. 1827, d. at sea in brig Roger Lynn, Jan. 6, '55. 4, Edward E, b. ab. '32 ; r. Th, a mariner, &c. Enoch's ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. March 18, 1818, m. Daniel Kieff, Sept. 16, '41. 2, Atwood K, b. Jan. 1, '20, d , lost at sea. Nov. 26, '38. 3, Nancy, b. July 26, '26. 4, Elijah G, b. July 25, '28. 5, Albert, b. July 1, '31, d. May 23, '40. William's ch. 1, Charlotte K, b. Dec. 25, 1825, m. Ebenezer Wil liams ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. George R, b. ab. '27, mar. Lydia Beals, March 31, '48; r. S. Th. 3, John K, m. Harriet P. Snowdeal, Sept. 7, '51 ; r. S. Th. 4, Capt. Hanson or Hanse, K, b. Aug. 8, '30, m. Mary E. Braley, Feb. 12, '57 ; r. Rock, and d. Oct. 7, '58. 5, Thos. W. ; r. S. Th. 6, Jacob, b. ab. '38, m. M. Elizabeth Jameson, Nov. 23, '59 ; r. Th, a quarryman. Josiah W. D.'s ch. 1, Frederic L, b. ab. 1855. 2, Franklin W, b. ab. 1859. Capt. Jonathan's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. Daniel, b. April 27, 1830; m. Margaret B. Simonton, Feb. 10, '52 ; j. Rock. & d. Jan. 11, '63. 2, Capt. Ephraim E, b. Jan. 31, '32 ; m. Melissa Simonton, Jan. 24, '55 ; r. Rock. Isaac's ch. 1, Lucy I, b. ab. 1852. 2, Freeman I, b. ab. '54. 3, Clara A, b. ab. '58. 4, Isaac L , b. 1860. William H.'s ch. 1, Lizzie M., b. May 23, 1853, d. Oct. 9, '54. 2, Josephine, b. ab. '56. 3, WUliam A, b. ab. '58. Capt. Alexander C.'s ch. 1, Mary F, b. March 24, 1850. 2, Wal ter E, b. Nov. 15, '52, d. Nov. 10, '53. 3, Frederic C, b. Jan. 7, & d. July 3, '55, in Havana. 4, Lucinda J, b. March 24, 1857. 5, Her bert N, b. April 17, '59. Capt. Daniel's ch. 1, Lucy M, b. ab. 1853. 2, Mary, b. ab. 1856. 3, Eveline A, b. June '62, d. April 11, '63. Capt. Ephraim E.'s ch. Margaret, b. ab 1846. Capt. George R.'s ch. 1, George T, b. Dec, 1849, d. Feb. 28, '52. 2, David, b. ab. '52. 3, Alice, b. ab. '55. Capt. Hanson K.'s ch. Frederic K, b. June 27, '57, d Feb 10, '59. Jacob's ch. Llewellyn, b. in 1860. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 363 POTTLE, Andrew D , b. ab. 1810, in Searsmont, Me. ; m. 1st, Harriet Smith, 2d, Susan Pease ; r. Rock, a shoemaker. Their ch. 1, Harriet, b. ab. '36 ; m. Charles Spear; r. Rock. 2, Benjamin F, b. ab. '38 ; m. Louisa H. Killsa ; r. Rock, a volunteer in 4th Me. reg, d. at Harrison's Landing, of fever, July 12, 1862. 3, Frederic A, m. Hannah J. Tibbetts ; r. Bangor. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '42. 5, Andrew D, (2d), b. ab. '44, a mariner, soldier iu 4th & 28th Me. reg. See. 5, Frances E, b. ab. '46, all r. Rock. Benjamin F.'s ch. William P, b. in 1860. PRATT, Capt. James W, b. Oct. 21, 1816, son of Oliver & Joanna G. (Titus) Pratt of Union ; m. Martha Linniken ; r. Rock, a ship master. Their ch. 1, Miller, b. ab. '40, a mariner. 2, Bainbridge, b. ab. '41. 3, Melvin, b. ab. '46. Of this name, also, Daniel or Da vid Pratt, b. ab. '30 ; m. Sarah C. ; i-. Rock, a joiner. PRESCOTT; of this family there is reason to believe that all or nearly aU of the name in this country have sprung from James, o^ English birth, who came over and settled in Hampton, N. H, about 1665. His son Jonathan had a son, Capt. Jonathan, (2d), who was in the royal army under Sir WUliam Pepperell at the siege of Louis- burg, where he d. of fever about 1744, & left at least one son, Micah, whose son Stephen was b. in Epping, N. H, July 24, 1763 ; m. Rachel Rundlet in 1784 ; settled in Gilmanton, N. H, where he had 12 ch, but rem. about 1806 to Liberty, Me, and died Oct. 19, 1881. Of Stephen's eh, 9 of whom were still living in 1864, the 5th, viz, Stephen, (2d), Esq., was b. Jan. 14, 1791 ; m. Betsey, dau. of Ezekiel & Mary True, Sept. 20, 1818 ; rem. from Liberty to Rock, and m. 2d, PriscUla (Ames) Grant, Nov. 13i 1852 ; r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, John T, b. June 20, 1819 ; m. Lydia, dau. of Benjamin & Hannah Brooks of Searsmont, Oct. 30, '45 ; came to Rock, in May, 1853 ; and d. Nov. 13, '54. 2, Dr. Paul T, b. Oct. 11, '21 ; studied medicine with Drs. Hollis & N. P. Munroe of Belfast; grad. Jefferson, Med. Coll, Philadelphia, 1850 ; commenced practice in Rock, 1852 ; m. 1st, Sept. 20, '55, Harriet M, dau. of Benjamin F. Se Mary Fairbanks, (b. in Hope, Sept. 2, 1829, d. Aug. 16, '62, at Rockland,) 2d, Mary J. Arnold, June, 1864 ; r. Se prac. Rock. 3, Mary J, b. Dec. 24, '26 ; m. George W. Prescott, Aug. 24, .'52 ; r. Liberty, having 2 ch, viz., Lizzie M, b. AprU 26, '58, & John, b. April 16, '59. 4, Charles S, b. May 4, '29, d. at Liberty, Oct. 4, '42. The mother b. in Salisbury, Mass, d. in Liberty, March 29, '51. PRESCOTT, Royal, b. ab. 1818 ; m. Mary E. ; r. Rock, a joiner, soldier of 4th Me, See. Their ch. 1, Georgiaua, b. ab. 1844. 2, Osear, b. ab. '46. 3, Harrison, b. ab. '49. 4, Washington, b. ab. '52. 5, Wealthy, b. ab. '55. 6, Medora, b. ab. '57. Of this name, also. EUsha Prescott, b. ab 1811 ; m. Elizabeth Wall, Nov. 7, '47 ; r. S. Th, d. in California, Nov. 16, '50. PRESCOTT, Moses, came from Sandwich, N. H. ; mar. 1st, OUve Orbeton, 2d, Susan Perry of Cam, Sept. 21, 1821 ; r. Cam. & Rock, a joiner. His ch. by 1st' wife. 1, Harriet, mar. Israel Lindsey ; r. Rock, and Bath. 2, Francie, m. Joseph Lombard ; r. Bath. By 2d wife. 3, Lucinda. 4, Ann, m. WilUam Brown ; r. and d. Th. 5, Moses, (2d), b. Oct, 1826 ; m. Mary Richards; r. Rock, and d. Dec 25, '54. 6, ? Stephen, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Mary J. ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. 7, Lydia J, mar. George H. Allen ; r. Th. 8, Elvira, 364 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, m. Eli Colson ; r. Belfast. 9, Mary Elizabeth, b. March 17, '43. 10, Susan, d. young. Stephen's ch. 1, Harriet C, b. ab. 1851. 2, Stephen G, b. ab. '54. 3, Albert T, b. ab. '58. 4, Washington, b. 1860. PRESSEY, Capt. Andrew, b. ab. 1817, in Deer Isle; came to this place; m. Zaetta Z. Flint, p. Oct. 17, 1837; r. Rock. Of his sisters there came here, 1, Sophronia S, m. Alexander M. Snow; r. Rock. 2, Olinda A , mar. Charles W. Snow ; r. Rock. 3, Harriet W, bom 1824 ; m. Isaac C. Abbott ; r. Rock , & d. Oct. 2, '63. 4, Mary W., m. Freeman B Farwell, d. in Unity, 1863. Capt. Andrew's ch. 1, Andrew B, b. March 15, 1838 ; m. Sarah Andrews, May 1, '61 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, &c, entered U. S. Navy. 2, William A, b. Jan. 23, '40; r. Rock, a mar iner, entered the Navy. 3, Charles H, b. ab. '45 ; a mariner. 4, Flora, b. ab. '52. 5, Thaniel, b. ab. '59. PRESTON, Daniel, c. from Ireland ; m. 1st, Catharine Gray, 2d, Jane Derrick ; r. Th. & d. Sept. 6, 1859. His ch. I, Dominic, b. ab. '39, a mariner. 2, Luke, b. ab. '41. 3, Daniel, b. ab. '55. 4, Ame lia, b. ab. 58. PRICE, Charles, b. ab. 1836, in Jersey, Eng, as was Sarah A, his wife, in New Brunswick ; r. Rock, a stevedore. Their ch. 1, Jen- eva, b. ab. '57. 2, Minnie, b. ab. '59. 3, Charles, (2d), b. in *60. 4, Sarah A, b. March, & d. April 12, '63. PRIEST, Wesley H, with Maria, his wife, r. in Rock. & lost, by death, Aug. 18, 1864, a son, Charles A, aged 5 months, 9 days. PRINCE, John, (son of Rev. John of East Strafford. Eng,) c over & d. at Hull, Mass, Aug. 6, 1676. Of his 12 ch, the 12th, Thomas, bap. Aug. 3, 1658, m. Ruth Thomas, (qr. Turner?) r. Scituate, & had Thomas ; Benjamin, who probably settled at North Yarmouth ; Se Job, who, b. 1695, m. Abigail , & had a son, Kimball Prince, b. May 9, 1726 ; m. Deborah, dau. of Dea. John Fuller, Nov. 13, 1749 ; r. Kingston, Mass , & d. 1814. Deborah, his wife, wasb. Dec. 25, 1729, & d. March 4, 1826. Kimball's ch. 1, Christopher, b. July 22, 1751 ; m. & r. N. Y. 2, Kimball, (2d), b. July 20, 1753 ; m. Se r. New London, Ct, & d. 1824. 3, Sarah, b. Jan. 15, 1756. 4, Ruth, b. Aug. 7, 1758; m. Jesse Ful ler ; r. Hebron, Me. 5, Deborah, b. July 13, 1760. 6, Noah, b. Jan. 18, 1763 ; m. & r. Va. & near Athens in Georgia. 7, Job, b March 22, 1765 ; m. & r. in Buckfield, Me. 8, John, b. Feb. 23, 1768, m. & r. Kingston, & d. in 1824. 9, Hon. Hezekiah, b. Feb. 7, 1771, in Kings ton; c. to Th, m. Isabella Coombs, Jan. 4, 1798 ; r. Th, senator & member of the councU, &c, &c, & d. Dec. 27, 1840. Hezekiah, Esq.'s ch. 1, Eliza, b. Oct. 14, 1798 ; m. WiUiam Pope; rem. Spencer, Mass, and d. July 25, 1828. 2, Hezekiah, (2d), Esq, b. Oct. 8, 1800, m. Henrietta Marsh of Bath, Oct. 23, '28 ; r. Th., custom house inspector, secretary of Ins. Co, &c, & d. July 28, '43. 3, Sarah, b. July 20, '02, mar. Dr. David Kellogg ; rem. Waukegan, 111, and d. May 3, '57. 4, Isabella, b. Feb. 10, '05, m. J. Bentley H. Starr ; rem. and r. Spencer, Mass. 5, Deborah, b. July 6, '08, mar. Hon. Jonathan Cilley ; r. Th, and d. Aug. 14, '44. 6, Lucy C, b.in St. George, as were the preceding, Aug. 25, '10, m. E. S. J. Neally ; rem. Bath, and d. Sept. 17, '53. 7, Joseph, b. in Th, Sept. 16, '14, grad. Bowd. College, 1835 ; was a teacher in the South, m- Lucinda A. Walker of Monroe, Ga, Sept. 12, '37, & d. there when just ready ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 3g5 to enter on the practice of medicine, Sept. 10, '43. 8, Capt. George, b. in Th, Aug. 9, '17, m. Lucy M. Rice of Eastport, April 29, '45 ; r. Th, where he was a merchant, went whaling voyage, was a ship master, editor of Th. Recorder, author of " Rambles in Chili," &c. ; rem. and r. Bath, cashier of Bank, and Capt. of Co. K, in 1st Reg. Cavalry. 9, Nancy Pope, b. in Th, May 25, '20, m. Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen, son of Rev. William, of Jefferson, Oct. 19, '42, rem. BurUng- ton, Iowa, and d. in 1858. 10, Christopher, Esq, b. in Th, July 31, '22, m. Marion W. Webb, May 3, '46 ; r. Th, on homestead, engaged in insurance, &c Hezekiah, (2d), Esq.'s ch. 1, Capt. Arthur, b. March 10, 1830, m. Victoria Harrington of Rock. April 29, '56 ; r. Th. 2, Eliza, b. Jan. 30, '32. 3, Thomas, b. Feb. 16, '34 ; rem. Vandalia, Ind. 4, Henri etta, b. Oct. 6, '35. 5-, Sarah F, b. Jan. 16, '40, m. Maj. S. T. Keene ; r. Th. 6, Isabella, b. June, 1842, d. Aug. 15, '43. Capt. George's ch. Maria, b. in Th. Christopher Esq.'s ch. Edmund W, b. March 19, 1847. Capt. Arthur's ch. Arthur Frank, b. 1858 PROCTOR, Daniel, b. ab. 1830, m. Eliza Carver, p. March 5, '51 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Lillias, b. ab. 1854. 2, Elizabeth, b. Dec. '56, d. June 9, '58. 3, Daniel L, b. June, and d. Nov. 9, '62. QUIN, OUver A, and Martha were here and had recorded their child, viz, Oliver, born Jan. 31, 1841. Perhaps there were others. John Quin d. in Th, July 1, 1864, aged 21. RACKLIFF, WUliam, ? m. r. and d on Rackliff "s Is., near S. Th. Of his ch. 1, William, (2d), m Eleanor Eustis, Feb. 7, 1803 ; r. and d. S. Th. 2, Lydia, b. 1788 ; m. Robert Jenks ; r. W. & d. Dec. 19, 1838. 3, John, r. St. George. 4, Samuel, b. 1796 ; m. Mary ; r. Rock, near Sherer's Mills; and d. Dec. 28, 1859. 5, Martha, mar. Linnekin; i. St. Geo. 6, James, b. ab. 1800; m. 1st, Rachel Chaples, 2d, Roxana Fogler of Windsor, March 23, '43 ; r. Ash Pt, and now Rock. 7, Betsey ; 8, Mary, both of whom, it is beheved, m. ElweUs of St. George. Of WiUiam, (2d)'s ch, we are not informed; but it is believed 3 of his sons, Samuel, Ezekiel, & James, were drowned at Wessaweskeag. Freeman Rackliff, perhaps his son or grandson, m. Hannah C. Maker, May 1, 1853 ; r. S. Th. Samuel's ch. 1, WiUiam, (3d), b. May 20, 1817, d. Nov. 3, 1833. 2, Ezekiel, b. April 1, '19 ; m. Mary Pearson of St. Geo, Oct. 4, '44; r. Rock., a lime burner, soldier in 19th Me. Reg, &c. 3, James H, b. March 4, '21 ; mar. Almira Elwell, Aug. 2, '45 ; j. Rock, a lime burner, soldier in 4th Me, since re-enlisted. 4, Samuel, (2d), born April 21, '24. 5, Betsey, b. Oct. 25, '25 ; m. Gilford Young, Dec. 4, '50. 6, Capt. Jeremiah P., b. Dee. 18, '27 ; mar. Mrs. Hannah F. Andrews, March 14, '51 ; r. Rock, or S. Th , a mariner, entered the army. 7, Elisha, b. Dec. 30, '29. 8, Nancy, b Jan 7, '33, d. Dec. 6, '35. 9, WilUam N, b. Sept. 9, '39 ; mar. Cathariue McCoy, Oct. 13, '63 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier in 4th Me. Reg, &c James's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John, m. Catharine Payson ; r. Hope. 2, OUver, b. ab. 1832 ; m. Olive or Alice Benner, p. April 5, '51 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 3, Elizabeth, m. Alfred Carleton, Dec. 23, '49 ; rem. Des Moines, Iowa. 4, Hannah, b. Dec 13./39 ; m. T. Jefferson Brown; r. Rock. 5, Isaac, d. in Th. The mother d. Oot. 21, '42. 31* 366 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, By 2d wife. 6, Rebecca, b. ab. 1846. 7, William Alvan, b. ab. '48 ; r. Rock, in Coast Guards. Freeman's ch. 1, Esther E, b. ab. 1857. 2, Willis P, b. ab. '69. Ezekiel's ch. 1, Artemas H, b. ab. 1848. 2, Albert, b. ab. '50. 3, Effie L, b. ab. '53. 4, George W, b. Dec, 1855, d. Sept. 4, '56. 5, Mary E, b. April, 1858, d. May 29, '59. James H.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1848. 2, Nancy H, b. ab. '50. 3, Annie L, b. ab. '53. 4, Margaret A, b. ab. '55. 6, WiUiam P, b. AprU 6, 1857, d. May 5, '60. Capt. Jeremiah P.'s ch. Ella, b. ab. 1852. Oliver's ch. 1, Mary F, b. Sept, 1852, d. Nov. 23, '60. 2, George S, b. ab. '54. 3, Ellen B, b. ab. '59. RACKLIFF, Charles W, b. ab. 1830, probably of the same family; came from Muscle Ridge Point ; m. JuUa B. Heard, p. Dec. 3, '52 ; r. S. Th, a stone cutter, soldier of 28th Me, &c. Their ch. 1, Ida, b. Sept. 13, 1853, d. June 28, '65. 2, Eleonai E., b. ab. '59. RAFTER, Daniel, b. ab. 1812, in Jefferson ; m. Antoinette Andrews of W, Jan. 18, '41 ; r. Th, a shipwright ; rem. LibertyvUle, IUinois. Their ch 1, Benedict Fenwick, b. ah. 1842. 2, Mary, b. ab. '47. 3, James, d. young. 4, Antoinette, d. Jan., 1861. RAMSEY, WUliam, was here early, and with Hannah, his wife, had recorded their ch. 1, Sarah, b. April 25, 1838. 2, Crowell J, b. Oct. 29, '39 ; perhaps rem. Of this name, also, John Ramsey, printer, r. here ; m. Burnice B. Bourke of Bath, p. June 15, '33 ; but soon rem. RANDALL, Job, b. 1772, c. from Easton, Mass, a carpenter; m. Peggy Glover, July 14, 1806 ; built a house in Wadsworth st , Th, r. there & S. Th, & d. Dec. 15, '37. There came with him, his sisters, Silvia, who, b. 1788, m. 1st, Joseph Coombs, 2d, Abel Fish, & d. Oct. 2, 1842 ; Achsah, b. 1800, m. Capt. Josiah Getchell ; r. S. Th, & d. Sept. 23, '26 ; & Sally, m. 1st Abiezer Coombs, 2d, Roland Wade. RANKIN, Capt. Constant, b. at old York, April 17, 1747, O. S, AprU 28, N. S ; m. 1st, Patience Dinstow, 2d, Mary Tolman, Aug. 22, 1775, the same year he settled here ; i. Rock, & d. Dec. 19, 1831. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Hannah, m. Stone ; r. & d. Augusta. 2, PriscUla, m. Samuel Cummings ; r. & d. Augusta. 3, James, af flicted with epilepsy, r. & d. Rock. By 2d wife. 4, Samuel, b. May 4, 1776, m. Elizabeth Jameson, Nov. 15, 1802 ; r. Rock , & d. AprU 7, '42. 5, Constant, 2d, b. Oct. 4, 1778 ; m. Susannah Lindsey, Aug. 6, 1802 ; r. Rock. & d. in Frankfort. 6, Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1781 ; m. El- lithan Taylor; r. & d. Albion. 7, Joseph, b Oct. 14, 1784; a mariner many years, & d. abroad. 8, Hannah, b. Sept. 21, 1786; m. Free man Harden ; r. Rock. & d. Aug. 1, 1862. 9, Andrew, b. Dec. 26, 1788; was one of those mentioned on p. 293, vol. 1st, who shipped on board the privateer Dart of Portland, and, during her cruise, was put on board a vessel which they captured, but which was retaken by the enemy, before they could bring her in, and, with the rest of the prize crew, was made prisoner, but returned, & m. 1st, Betsey Burns, July 2, 1812, 2d, Mary (Havener) Holmes, March 13, 1828 ; r. Rock. 10, Esther, b. April 24, 1791 ; m. 1st, Israel Gardner, Nov. 7, 1811, 2d, Joseph Walker of Albion ; r. Aroostook county. Samuel's ch. 1, Sahra, b. June 18, 1803 ; m. David F. Conant ; r. Rock. & d. Oct, '59. 2, Constant, (3d), b. April 26, '05 ; m. Harriet Stevens, Aug. 9, '27.; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. 3, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 2, '07 ; m. Ephraim Ulmer; r. Rock. & d. Oct. 4, '49. 4, Sam- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 3*37 uel, (2d), b. Feb. 11, '10 ; m. Olive Ames of Vin, p. March 8, 1831, 2d, Lucy Gay, July 1, '49 ; r. Rock, a Ume manufacturer. 5, Mary, b. Aug. 14, '12 ; m. Mark Lindsey ; r. Rock. 6, Joseph or Josiah W, b. Oct. 18, '15 ; m. Elethea L. Ingraham, Oct. 12, '48, d. in N. O. Constant, (2d)'s ch. 1, Clementina, b. Aug. 15, 1803;. m. James Havener, Sept. 5, '18; r. Frankfort. 2 & 3, twins, b. M*ay 20, '05; Richard, m. & r. Frankfort ; & Robert, m. 1st, Desire K. , who d. at Richmond, Va, Jan. 18, '45, 2d, Abby B. WardweU or Wads- worth, Jan. '24, '46 ; was com. merchant, firm of Rankin & Whitlock, Richmond, Va, '45, since deceased. 4, Presina, b. April 10, '08 ; m. Benjamin Kelly, Feb. 18, '58 ; r. Belfast. 5, Fidelia, m. William A. Kimball, p. Nov. 4, '44 ; r. Isle Haut. 6, Susan, m. & rem. west. 7, Priscilla, m. Mason Morse ; r. Th, and perhaps others. Andrew's ch. by 1st wife. 1, ReUef, b. Jan. 10, 1813, d. May 28, '25. 2, Richmond, b. Nov. 11, '14. 3, Robert R„ b. April 8, '17, d. Jan. 30, '18. 4, Hannah, b. Dec 8, '18 ; m. Daniel Blake of Th, Sept. 11, '42. 5, Eliza A, b. Sept. 10, '21 ; m. Alvan Hewett ; r. Rock. 6, Harriet, b. Sept. 15, '24. By 2d wife. 7, Mary A, b. Nov. 14, 1828, d. May 30, '30. 8, Almerin, b. Feb. 2, & d. June 1, '30. 9, Knott C, b. Dec. 4, '31 ; m. Harriet Crockett, Jan. 12, '53 ; r. Rock, a caulker. Constant, (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. July 1, 1828, m. Rufus C. In graham ; r. Rock. 2, John Edwin, bom March 24, '30, mar. Theresa Young; r. Cam.? 3, Richard R, b. June 24, '32, m. Almira (John son) Arey ; r. Rock. 4, William H, b. July 13, '34, mar. Eliza J. Heald, Jan. 3, '56, 2d, Effie J. Clouse, Oct. 15, '63 ; 1. Rock, a truck man. 5, Harriet AdeUne, b. Sept. 5, '36, m. George B. Macomber ; r. Rock. 6, Lieut. Kendall K, b. Jan. 7, '39, m. Margia D. Achorn, Oct. 30, '64 ; r. Rock, a caulker, officer in 4th Me. Reg, &c. 7, Leo nard C, b. Dec. 5, '41 ; r. Rock., a soldier of 4th Me. Reg, killed in battle of Wilderness, May 5, '64. 8, Samuel D, b. ab. '47. Samuel, (2d)'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Albert. By 2d wife. 2, Flor ence A, b. ab '51. Knott C's ch. 1, Edward C, b. ab. 1854. 2, Augustus, b. ab. '59. RANKS, John, b. ab. 1811, m. Abby Edwards of Manchester, Mass, Aug. 1, '37 ; r. Rock, a time, and d. July 11, '39. Their ch. Bethia F. E, b. June 10, '38, d. Oct. 6, '42. His widow, b. June 16, '14, m. Hon. Charles Holmes ; r. Rock. RANLETT, Capt. Charles E, b. ab. 1817, in Montville, & when his mother, (a cousin of the late Hon. Edward Everett, and a well educated woman,) married Capt. Joseph Watts of St. George, rem. thither, became a seaman and ship-master ; m. Elizabeth Stearns of St. George, 2d, Ann Maria Jordan, March, '46 ; c. to Th, engaged in ship building and other business, till 1863, when he took command of his new bk. Sunbeam. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth F, b. ab. '42, m. Capt. Samuel C. Jordan ; r. Th. The mother, b. Oct. 6, '20, d. at sea, June 4, '44. By 2d wife. 2, Charles O, b. Jan, 17, '47, d. at Calcutta. Oct. 14, '61. 3, Allie, d. young. *4, Alice, b. ab. '53. 5, Charles O, b. Aug, '54, d. May, '59. 6, F. Jas, b. ab. "58. RANLETT, David, b. ab. 1822, m. Cyrena C. Brown, April 11, '52; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c Their ch. 1, William D, b. April 11, '49, d. Aug. 9, '53. 2, Martha, b. ab. '55. 3, David E, b. ab. '58. READ, Nathan A, b. ab. 1810, c. from Attleboro, Mass, to Th, mar. ReUance W. Williams, pub. Nov. 22, '32, a ship carpenter, &c, visited California, but ret, and r. Th. Their ch. 1, Alvan A, bom 388 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Sept. 30, '33 ; r. Th. 2, Sarah F, b. March 27, '36, mar Charles E. Hovey, Sept. 24, '55 ; r. Wal. 3, Marietta, b. ab. '44. 4, WilUam Henry, b ab. 1847 : r. Th, entered U. S. Navy. Of this name, also, Isaac L. Read, was here with Ann his wife in 1842, and had recorded of their ch. 1, Isaac, (2d), b. Dec. 18, 1838. REARDEN, John, b. ab. 1830, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1857. 2, Timothy, b. ab. '59. REDLON, Nathan, came to Th, and traded many years at Paine's Corner ; mar. 1st, Elizabeth Brown of W, Nov. 26, 1837, 2d, Mary Martin of U, Sept. 7, '51 ; built the house now that of A. P. Gould, Esq, but rem. China, Me. His ch. By 1st wife. 1, James, b. May 12, and d. June 1, '38. 2, George M, b. March 28, '39 ; r. Th, cor poral in 4th Me. Reg, wounded near Centerville, Sept. 1, d. Oct. 19, '62, at Washington. 3, Frances A, b. Sept. 28, '40 ; r. China. 4, Julia, b. Aug. 20, '42, d. Sept. 12, '43. 5, Frederic, r. China. The mother d. Feb. 3, '47. REDMAN, Lorenzo, b. ab. 1815; c. from Cherryfield with Mary, his wife; r. Th, a blacksmith. Theirch. 1, John, b. ab. 1838, a teacher. 2, Charles, b. ab. 1840, d. Oct. 5, '61. 3, Lorenzo, b. ab. 1842; r. Th, soldier in 20th Me, &c. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '44. The mother d. Oct. 4, 1861. REDMAN, Charles P, b. ab. 1834 ; e. from Belfast, mar. Kate S. Dow, May 22, '56 ; r. S. Th, a sailmaker, &c Their ch. Emma K., b. ab. 1857. REED, Joseph, b. ab. 1826. in Ellsworth; m. 1st, Maria S. Dins- more, 2d, Elizabeth Mulligan, p. Nov. 25, '59 ; r. Th, and kept Knox Hotel, rem. Boston. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, . 2, Jennie, b. ab. 1855. By 2d wife. 2, Atwood J, b. 1860. REED, Andrew J, b. ab. 1821, in Hampden ; m. Rebecca S. Part ridge, Dec. 2, '52 ; i. Th, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Clarence E, b. ab. 1853. 2, Albert C, b. ab. 1858. Of this name, also, John Reed, b. ab. 1830 ; r. Rock, with Susan, his wife, in 1860 ; since rem. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1855. 2, George H, b. ab. '59. Charles A. & Elvira I. Reed were also here in 1S80, with their ch, Helen T, b. ab. 1851; and Hattie D, b. ab. 1854. REED, James, b. ab. 1834, in Waldoboro', of German ancestry . m. Abigail Welt of Wal. ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1860; Of this name, also, John Reed, b. ab. 1817, in Scotland, as was Eliza beth, his wife; r. Rock. Theirch. 1, Benjamin A, b. ab. 1847. 2, Mary A, b. ab. '59. ? RENDELL, John, b. in Old England; ra. Jane Clark ; came first to Round Pond, Bristol, afterwards to St. George's, or Th, l. what is now S. Th, & d. in Feb, 1781. His wife was b. in Ireland, April 1, 1733, & d. Nov. 5, 1801. Their ch. (sons), 1, James, b. at Round Pond, May 8, V759 ; m. by Rev. J. Urquhart, to Polly, dau. of Thomas & Susanna Toburn, April 4. '83 ; r. aud probably d. S. Th. 2, John, (2d), m. Sarah Toburn of Fox Islands, Aug. 2, 1785 ; & d. in 1785. 3, Thomas, b. at Bristol, March 10, 1769 ; m. Peggy Crockett, Jan. 25, '98 ; & d. S. Th, or rem. Belmont. 4, William, m. Jenny Farr, p. at Th, Nov. 18, 1796. (daus.), 5, Margaret. 6, Hannah. 7, Jane, m. John White, p. Nov. 10, 1789 ; i. S. Th, 1790, rem. Bradford. 8, Mary, b. 1771; mar. WilUam Perry; r. S. Th, & d. March 20, 1832. 9, Sally, m. Benjamin Sleeper ; r. & d. S. Th. TROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 369 James's ch. 1, James, (2d), b. & d. 1783 ; 2, Susanna, b. Jan. 29, '85 ; 3, John, (3d), b. Oct. 29, '86; 4, Jane, b. Nov. 29, '88 ; all prob ably rem. 5, James, (3d), b. Sept. 6, '91 ; m. Hannah Sleeper, Oct. 81, 1820 ; when he r. Prospect. 6, Israel, b. July 4, '93. 7, William, (2d), b. Aug. 18, '95 ; m. Sally Pillsbury, July 29, 1812 ; when he r. Prospect. 8, Polly, b. Aug. 15, '97 ; 9, Nancy, b. Aug. 15, '99 ; both probably rem. 10, Hannah, b. Jan. 8, 1802 ; m. Capt. Luther Hay den; & d. Jan. 1, 1842. 11, Ambrose, b. June 1, '04; probably rem. Thomas's ch. 1, Abigail, b. Nov. 1, 1798. 2, William, (3d), born March 28, 1800 ; m. Eunice Crockett, Dec. 19, '22 ; when he r. Bel mont. 3, Eunice, b. Jan. 21, '02 ; m. John Crockett. 4, Jane, born April 14, '03 ; 5, David Crockett, b. Dec. 17, '04 ; both probably rem. 6, Thomas, (2d), b. Dec. 10, '06 ; m. Nancy Gray, Sept. 24, '29 ; and rem. Ohio. 7, Louisa, b. Oct. 29, '11 ; 8, Mary B, b. Oct. 23, '13 ; 9, Nancy, b. Feb. 21, '16 ; 10, Sally, b. July 13, '18 ; all probably rem. James, (3d)'s ch. 1, Benjamin S, b. Oct. 21, 1821 . 2, Mary Eliz abeth, b. Feb. 1, 1824. 3, Caroline, b. Sept. 2, '2^. William, (2d ?)'s ch. 1, EUza Dummer, b. Dec. 17, 1823. 2, Wil liam Edwin, b. Nov. 19, '27. Thomas, (2d)'s ch. 1, Leverett G, t>. Aug. 10, 1830 ; 2, William Thomas, b. Nov. 12, '31 ; 4, George, b. Jan. 4, '36 ; 5, Rebecca C, b. Nov. 27, '38 ; all probably rem. RHOADES, George, mar. Abigail Lincoln ; r. and d. Bristol, a ship buUder. Their ch. 1, Capt. Lincoln, m. in N. C, and d. abroad. 2, Capt. George, m. his brother's widow, and d. abroad. 3, Cornelius, mar. Nancy WeUman ; r. and died Bremen ; five of whose sons have joined their country's army in the war for the Union, and four of them given their Uves in the service. 4, Jacob L, m. Miss Tirrell ; r. and d. Northport. 5, Nancy, m. Collins ; r. and d. in neigh borhood of Bangor. 6, Orris, m. Ann Worth ; r. Northport. 7, Francis W, b. 1800, m. Nancy Morton ; r. Rock, a ship builder, and d. Dec. 5, '54, leaving a vessel which he had begun, for his son Wm. G, then 18 yrs. old, to finish, as he had likewise done for his father, at the time of his death in Bristol. Of Jacob L.'s ch. 1, Capt. Wm. Henry, b. ab. 1820, in Northport, m. 1st, Mary J. Brackett of Belfast, Feb, 1847, 2d, Mary H. Hills, Jan. 31, '61; r. Rock. 2, George J, mar. Mary A. H. Hall, Aug, 1854; r. Rock, or Cal. Of Orris's ch, probably. 1, Capt. Hector, b. ab. 1818, in North- port, m. Sarah A. Brackett of Belfast ; r. Rock. 2, Capt. Lincoln, (2d), b. ab. '21, m. Rebecca G. Manning, Dec. 15, '55 ; r. Rock. A cousin of these, Capt. -Orris, perhaps a son of Jacob L, was born in Northport ab. '15, m. Lucy E. Woodbury; r. Rock. Francis W.'s ch. 1, Mary Francis, b. March, 1832, mar. Sanford Burkett, of Wal. ; t. Rock, a widow, with one dau, EUa F, b. Feb. '54. 2, Albert K, b. Jan, 1834, m. Addie M. Bradford, July 8, '58 ; r. Nebraska City, a soldier at Pittsburg Landing, and other battles. 3, William G, b. May, 1836, m. Addie T. Durgen, of Bath, Nov. 25, '61 ; r. Rock, a shipwright. 4, Ira O, b. Oct. 21, '37, a soldier, d. at Cincinnati, O , May 11, '62. 5, Sarah M, b. Jan, 1840, m. WUUam B. Hix ; r. Rock. 6, Galen M, b. Sept, 1843 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 7, Daniel W, b. Sept, 1845. 8, Ellis A, b. Dec, 1848. Capt. WUliam Henry's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Laura J, b. ab. 1848. 2, Hiram, b. ab. 1849. By 2d wife. 3, Lizzie May. 4, a dau. b. '64. Capt. Orris's ch. 1, Gideon, b. ab. 1842 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Nancy Ellen, b. ab. '44. 3, James E , b. ab. '47. 4, Ella, b. ab. '62. 370 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Capt. Hector's ch. 1, Sarah E, b. in May, and d. Aug, 1855. 2, Eugene A, b. ab. '57. Capt. Lincoln's ch. Francis, b. ab. 1857. Albert K.'s ch. Effie A, b. April, 1861. RHOADES ; of this name and probably connected with the preced ing, there are also, 1, Henry P, b. ab. 1819, m. Susan E. ; i. Rock, a carpenter, &c. ' 2, Charles, b. ab. 1830, m. Abbie ; r. Rock, a foundry engineer, soldier of 20th Me, &c Henry P.'s ch. 1, James E , b. ab. 1846 ; r. Rock, entered the army. 2, Louisa, b. ab. '48. 3, Hiram, b. ab. '50. 4, Joseph, b. ab. '53- 5, Hannah, b. ab '56. Of this name also, Sanford Rhodes, b. ab. 1813, in Washing ton, Me, m. Mary Russell of Warren ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. Their ch. Warren N, b. ab. 1843. RHONEY, Mrs. Mary, b. ab. 1832 ; r. S. Th. Her ch. 1, Ada J, b. ab. 1853. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '55. 3, William E, b. ah. '57. RICE, Abner, (a descendant of the Ed'mond Rice, who emigrated from Burkhamstead, England, in 1638,) was born in Holden, Mass, 1792, son of Elijah Rice, mar. Lucy Washburn of Kingston, Mass, 1719 ; came to Th. the same year, followed the blacksmith business at Mill river, till 1831, when he commenced trade at Paine's Corner, where he resides, much interested in mechanical inventions. Their ch. (Adopted.) JuUa Ann, b. June 12, 1840, m. Lewis Spear, April 9, '59 ; r. Warren. RICE, Warren W , a descendant, probably of the same Edmond, & son of Noah and Sarah (Shattuck) Rice of Union, m. Caroline Gould of Norridgewock ; c. to Th, June, 1863, as warden of State Prison. Charles A, his brother, b. 1825, m. Jane S. Merriman ; jr. S. Th., a carpenter. Charles A.'s ch. 1, Wilbert H, h. Aug. 1856. 2, Abby W, b. May 1, '58. RICH, Albert, b. ab. 1835, in Orrington, mar. Onera Hewett ; r. Rock. Their ch. Alphonso, b. ab. 1858. RICHARDS, Joseph, son of Dodapher, one of the early settlers in Cam, mar Elizabeth Young, r. and d. Lincolnville. Their ch. 1, Olive, m. Phinehas Manning, and r. Line 2, Deborah, mar. Eph raim Boggs of War. ; r. Cam 3, Martha, born 1787, mar. 1st, Pendleton, 2d, Samuel Hassan; r Rock, and d, Sept. 15, '55. 4, Ruth, m. Josiah Richards ; r. Searsmont, and d. 1836. 5, Nehemiah, m. 1st, Nancy Farnham, 2d, Betsey Levansaler; r. Line. 6, Rev. David, m. Susan Ginn ; r. Frankfort a Methodist minister. 7, Isaac, b. 1796; m. Lydia MiUiken ; r. Line. ; rem. Monmouth, & d. Oct. 18, '56. 8, Amos, m. Phebe Wadsworth; j. Line. 9, Mary, b. ab. '02; m. David Farnham ; r Rock. 10, Gideon Y, m. Louisa Parker of W. ; r. Belmont, a teacher, &c 11, Stephen, b. ab. 1804 ; m. 1st, Nancy Harding, 2d, Maddocks, 3d, Cordelia Dean of Line ; r. Rock, has been city marshal, &c. 12, James G, b. Dec. 21, 1806 ; m. EveUne Heald ; r. Rock. Of the sons of Dodapher, (2d), of Searsmont, brother of Joseph, Dodapher, (3d), b. ab. 1806 ; m. Margaret Maddocks, May 5, '39 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. Of this name, also, Jonas W, a son of Ben jamin Richards, was b. in Bristol, ab. '18, m. Sarah Erskine ; r. Rock. Nehemiah's ch. 1, Almond, j-. Aroostook Co. 2, Mary, m. Rich ard Maddocks ; r. Line. 3, Farnham, b. ab. 1820 ; m. Mary Wads- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 371 worth ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 4, Nancy, mar. Jacob Anderson ; i. Cam. 5, Ruth, m. and r. Cam. 6, Frances, and perhaps others, j. Lincolnville. Of Amos's ch. 1, Zealor W., b. ab. 1827 ; m. Lauretta A. Craig, Jan. 29, 1853 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Cyrena, m..EUsha H. Corson, r. Rockland. Stephen's ch. 1, James, b. 1829 ; m. Sarah J. , r. Rock. 2, Mary, m. Warren Milliken of Line ; r. Rockland. James G.'s ch. 1, Francis W, m. Annie Heald ; r. Line. 2, Adol- phus, b. 1835 ; m. Martha Richards, May 8, '58 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 2d Battery, &c. 3, James Emerson, m. Ann E. Knowlton, March 19, '61 ; r. Rock. 4, Lauretta, m. Oscar Snow ; r. Line. 5, Albert. 6, Henrietta A. 7, AdeUa. 8, George. 9, Prederic; all rem. LincolnvUle. Dodapher, (3d)'s ch. 1, Horatio N, b. ab. 1841 ; r. Rock, a quar ryman, soldier of 4th Me, &c. 2, Martha M, born May 28, '42. 3, Frank, b. ab. '45. 4, John, b. ab. '48. 5, Victoria, b. about '51. 6, Liberty, b. ab. '55. 7, Edwin S, b. '59. " Jonas W.'s ch. i, Robert E, b. ab. 1849. 2, Ida J, b. ab. 1855. 3, Willie M, b. June and d. Sept. '59. Farnham's ch. 1, Charles, born ab. 1847. 2, Louisa, born '49. 3, Emma J, b. ab. '51. 4, Alfred, b. ab. '53. 5 & 6, twins, b. ab. '55, Viola and Victoria. Zealor W.'s ch. 1, Wilbert L, b. Dec. 16, 1853, d. May 22, 1855. 2, Clinton L , b. ab. 1856. 3, Ann M. W, b. 1859. James's ch. Ada R, b. ab 1859. Adolphus's ch. Carrie E.. b. ab. 1859. RICHARDSON, Joshua, b. March, 1796; came from Litchfield, Me. ; m. Deborah Fales, p. May 15, 1819; & d. Oct. 1, 1851. Their ch. 1, Sarah, b. March 4. 1822, d. Aug. 14, '23. 2, William J, b. Sept. 6, '27 ; m. Sarah Lewis, Jan, 22, '53 ; r. Rock, & d. in Califor nia, May 17, '50. 3, Jane M, b. Dec. 25, '32; m. Samuel Thomas, Nov. 25, '52 ; r. War. 4 & 5, twins, b. June 2, '36 ; Edward, d. Jan. 3, '37, Edwin, died young. ? 6, Henrietta, b. Sept. 18, '40 ; mar. Joshua Linnekin ; j r. Th. RICHARDSON, Joseph B, came from Cushing ; m. Ann ¦ ; r. Old Th , and had recorded here their ch. 1, Warren, b. March 1, 1826. 2, Halsey, b. Oct. 8, '29. 3, John A, b. Jan. 1, '31 ; m. Nancy E. Lane of Bristol, Sept. 11, '52 ; r. Rock. 4, Mercy A, b. May 30, '33. 5, James G , b. April 28, '36. John A.'s ch. 1, Cyrena E, b. ab. 1854. 2, Nancy J, b. ab. '55. 3, John A, (2d), b. ab. '57. 4, William T, b. ab. '59. RICHARDSON, Dr. Joel, b. ab. 1819, son of Daniel Richardson of Eden, Me ; studied medicine, completing his studies at Edinburgh and Paris, Europe, in 1861 ; m. Isabelle M. Heath of Tremont, Me. ; came here in 1853, was appointed surgeon of 9th Me. Reg, but re signed, and practices medicine Rock. Their ch. 1, Lewis, (2d), b. ab. 1849. 2, Lilla Bell, b. Oct. 4, 1850, died Aug. 23, '63. RICHARDSON, Lewis, b. ab. 1815, in Moultonboro', N. H. ; c. here about 1840, commenced the Lime Rock Gazette, firm of Rich ardson & Porter, but soon withdrew ; m. Frances E. Condon, Jan. 3, '47 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Sarah F„ b. Jan. 1, 1850, d. Aug. 1, '52. 2, Emma J, b. ab. '55. 3, Abbott L, b. ab. '57. 4, Lewis F, b. ab. '69. 5, Ella, b. AprU 17, and died March 9, 1861. 372 HISTORY OF THOMASTON. RICHARDSON, Justus R , b. ab. 1826, in Jefferson, Me. ; m. Em ily R. Erskine ; r. Rock, a teamster. Their ch. 1, Ida M, b. ab. 1857. 2, Frank G, b. ab. 1859. RICHARDSON, Jesse R, b. ab. 1828, in Bath, Me. ; m. Margaret S. Perry, Nov. 23, '47 ; r. Rock, a mason, &c. Their ch. 1, Fred. Herbert, b. June, 1850, d. March 24, '53. 2, Albert A, b. ab. 1856. 3, Charles, b. ab. '59. Of this name, also, Peter Richardson, b. ab. 1800 ; r. Rock, and d. March 15, 1855. Of his ch. 1, Peter, b. ab. 1842 ; r. Rock, a mariner. Also of the same name, Henry Richard son, b. ab. 1822, in Mt. Desert; mar. Mary Ott; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 2d Batteryf &c. ' Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1846. 2, Phebe A, b. ab '48. 3, Catharine A, b. ab. '50. 4, Harriet J, b. ab. '52. 5, Ocfcivia, b. ab. '54. 6, William H, b. ab. '56. RICHIE, Ejioch S,b. ab. 1830 ; m. Annie ; r. Rock, a car penter. Theij/ eh. 1, John A, h. ab. 1852. 2, Eugene C, b. ab. '56. RICKERING, William, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Margaret ; r. Rock. a mariner. Their ch. 1, Augusta S, b. ab. 1850. 2, Ada F, b. ab. 1856. RIDER, Nathaniel, a lineal descendant of Samuel of Yarmouth, Mass., (who in 1643 was one of 18 able to bear arms, and was mar. Dec. 23, 1656, to Sarah, dau. of Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, Mass , who came over in the Ann, in July, 1623) ; m. Priscilla Bradford of Plympton, who was 5th in descent from Gov. WUliam Bradford, through his son WiUiam, the deputy governor and major ; r. & prob ably d. Halifax, Mass., where their son, Capt. John Bradford Rider, was b. Nov. 9, 1778 ; came first to Th. in 1793, as apprentice to (Japt. Richard Bosworth of HaUfax, assisted that season and in '94 to build a house at Herring Gut for John Hupper, that at Mill River for H. J. Knox, jr, by Hatch & Tilson, commonly called the Stimpson House, and the E. Scott Young house at Oyster River ; settled here in May, 1800; mar. Feb. 14, 1805, Nancy, dau. of Joel & Margaret (Shaw) White, and descendant of the Peregrine White, b. in the Mayflower in Cape Cod Harbor; m. 2d, Mary (Simonton) Wiggin, July 29, 1819; r. Th, a joiner, artillery officer, worked on most of the buildings put up in Knox's time and later ; died Jan. 9, '45, aged 66. Capt. John B.'s ch. 1, Thomas J, b. July 17, 1806 ; mar. Jane (Wilson) Smith, Jan. 17, '36 ; r. Th, a joiner, prison guard, &c. 2, Nancy, b. Dec. 18, '07 ; m. Charles White, May 27, '29 ; r. HaUfax, Mass. 3, Lurania, b. Jan. 14, '10; d. in Th, of erysipelas, June 10, '29. 4, Margaret, b. Oct. 25, '11 ; m. John Bonney, June 20, '46 ; r. Plympton, Mass. 5, John B, (2dj, b. Aug. 25, '14; mar. Elizabeth Asmet Colcord, Nov. 28, '37 ; r. S. New Market, N. H. 6, Soveiah, b. Oct. 25, '16 ; m. Harrison Fuller, Nov. 3, '47 ; r. N. Bridgewater, d. Jan. 6, '60. The mother, b. Feb. 5, 1779, d. July 4, 1818, aged 39. Thomas J.'s ch. 1, Jane, b. July 31, 1837. 2, John T, b. June 20, '46. 3, Nancy Elizabeth, b. April 4, '48. 4, Alice Carpenter, b. March 10, '53. John B, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah E, b. Sept. 30, 1838. 2, John F. C, b. July 6, '42. 3, Cada Augusta, b. Aug. 16, '49. RILEY, Thomas, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, as was Margaret, his wife ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab 1856 ; Mary & Margaret. 3, Joanna, b. ab. '58. 4, Ellen, b. ab. '60. RIPLEY, Lieut. Henry O, b. in. Appleton, ab. 1841; c. with his ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 373 widowed mother to Rock, was a printer, and officer of 4th Me. Reg, d. at Washington, D. C, May 24, or June 7, 1884, from a wound in the lungs. Of this name, also, Archelaus Ripley, b. ab. 1789, and Margaret, his wife; r. Rock, in 1860. RIVERS, Joseph, came from the North of Ireland ; mar. Margaret Robinson; settled and d. in Cushing. Theirch. 1, Thomas, mar. Katie Furness ; r. & d. C. 2, Mary, m. Dennis Fogerty of St. Geo. 3, Moses, m. Hannah Cam ^y ; r: & d. C. 4, Archibald, mar. Nancy Gardner of Boston. 5, Betsey, m. Thomas Henderson of St. G. 6, Sarah, m. Robert Jameson of F. 7, Joseph, (2d), m. Maria Jameson ; r. & d. C. 8, Margaret, mar. Capt. James Crawford ; r. Se d. W. Of the sons of Thomas. 1, Dennis, m. and r. C, and had sons, viz. : 1, Richard. 2, James H, m. Elizabeth A. Leman of Boston, 2d, Nancy Vose, Nov, 1838 ; 1. Th, was deputy collector of customs, commis sion merchant some years at Mobile Se Boston. Of the ch. of Moses. 1, Joshua, m. and r. iii C, and had ch. 1, Robert, b. ab. 1816 ; mar. Nancy M. Page of C. ; r. W, rem. Th, & d. Sept. 10, '54. 2, Rachel, m. WilUam Jordan; r. & d. Th. 3, Sarah A, m. Benjamin Jordan; rem. Hope. Thomas, also, of the same family, (descent not ascer tained), b. ab. 1809 ; m. Amelia . ; r. S. Th, in fish business. Of Richard's sons. 1, Capt. WiUiam W, m. Louisa B. Russell of Wal, Nov. 18, 1858 ; r. Th, and d. in 1862, his wife having d. previ ously, and an only child died April 28, '63. James H.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Henry T, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Mary J. Dunbar, Aug. 20, '61 ; a commission merchant at Mobile, since clerk in U. S. Navy. 2, Edward R,'b. ab. 1827 ; m. Eliza Aldrich of New Bedford; r. Th. & MobUe. 3, Sarah G, m. WiUiam H. Church, Sept. 2, '46 ; r. N. York. 4, WiUiam E, a soldier in 13th Mass, Reg. 5, Elizabeth A, b. May 5, '36 ; m. Capt. Albert J. Aldrich of N. Bed ford, Nov. 18, '54 ; r. Th. The mother d. April 15, '38. By 2d wife. 6, JuUa S, b. Sept. 29, '39 ; mar. Augustus O. Robinson ; r. Th. 7, Col. Charles C, b. March 26, '41; officer in 11th Mass. Reg. ; mar. Hannah M. Jacobs, Jan. 24, '65 ; 1. Th. 8, George M, entered the U. S. Navy. 9, Frank. 10, Mary. Robert's ch 1, Burletta, b. ab. 1841; m. P. P. Nichols; r. Th. 2, Evander, b. June, 1844, d. in W, Jan, 1845. 3, Evander, (2d), b. in W, 1846. , Thomas's ch. 1, Israel, b. ab. 1842 ; r. S. Th, a mariner, member of Coast Guards, &c. 2, Sarah, b. ab. '44. 3, Richard T, b. ab. '46. 4, Dennis, b. ab '48. 5, Ruth H, b. ab. '51. 6, Amos, b. ab. '54. 7, Hiram, b. ab. '56. 8, Caskaline, b. ab. '59. ROBERTS, Leonard, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Avi3 ; r. Rock, a mar iner. Their ch. 1, Benjamin P, b. ab. '40. 2, Mary S, b. ab. '49. 3, Leonard C, b. ab. '52. 4, Charles W, b. ab. '55. 5, Avis H, b. ab. '58. ROBBINS, Ebenezer, of Walpole, Mass, son of William & Pris- cUla, from which pair, according to Mr. Sibley's History of Union, all of the Robbins name in this vicinity descended, was b. May 19, 1691 ; m. 1st, Mary , 2d, Experience Holmes, & d. in Walpole, July 3 or 6, 1762. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary, b. Nov. 12, '20, d July 18, '46. 2, Sarah, b Oct. 23, '22. 3, Ebenezer, (2d), b. Sept. 11, '21 ; c to Fox Isl. before the Revolution, & came off, as many others did at the time, to get away from the British ; settled in Union in '79, Se d. March 1, '98. 4, Oliver, b. Oct. 1 or 30,1727: m. 1st, Elioenai Shep- VoL. II. 374 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, ard of Wrentham, c. to St. George's, now Th, m. 2d, Mrs. Chloe Blackington of Attleboro', in '75, was p. Feb. 22, '92, to Mrs. Ama Maxey of Union, & d. March 27, '92. By 2d wife. 5, Philip, b. Aug. 20, '30 : r. and d. U. 6, Margaret. 7,-Benoni. 8, Experience, b. June 2, 1735; in. William Gregory; r. Cam. & d. June 30,1827; bur. Rock. 9, Josiah, x. and d. U. And 5 others. Ebenezer, (2d)'s ch. 1, Zilpah, b. at Cumberland, R. I, Nov. 29, 1758 ; m. Nathaniel Fales of Th. & d< Oct, 22, 1827. 2, Bela, b. May 2, 1761; m. Margaret Meservey; r. U. & d. April 19, 1831. 2, Phil ip, (2d). 3, Molly. 4, Azubah, b. 1752 ; m. William Hays ; r. W. & d. March 7, 1832. Oliver's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elioenai, b. April 20, 1747 ; m. Jona than Crockett ; r. &: d. Rock. 2, Sybell„b. Aug. 30, 1749 ; m. James Pales of Rock. & d. May 27, 1825. 3, OUver, (2d), b. Aug. 22, '51 ; m. Sarah KUlsa of Bristol, Feb. 28, 1780, by Alexander Nichols, Esq. ; r. W. of the meadows, & d. July 8, 1829. 4, Lois, b. March 10, 1754; m. Lt. Hugh Killsa; r. Th. & d. Dec. 21, 1837. 5, Lucy, b. July 18, 1756 ; m. John Butler, & d Jan. 29, 1840. 6, Major Otis, b. Oct. 20, 1758 ; m. Mary Keen, Oct. 28, '84, by Mason Wheaton, & d. May 1, 1840. 7, Sabra, b. Jan. 26, 1761, at Attleboro', as were all the pre ceding ; m. Comfort Barrows, & d. June 4, 1840. 8, Melia, b. May 11, 1764, at S. Th, the first white child born east of Mill river; m. Phinehas Butler ; r. Th. & d. April 2, 1852. 9, Joseph, b. July 26, '68, d. instantly. 10, Shepard, b. May 31, '72 ; m. Peggy (Kelloch) Nich ols of Th, p. Nov. 24, 1804, r. 1st lot in S. Th. Se d. Nov. 1, or 26, '37. The mother d. May 31, '72, & was b. in Wrentham, Aug. 1, 1727. By 2d wife. 11, Ruth, b. '77, d. in Brownsville. 12, Betsey, b. Feb. 25, '79 ; m. Simon Brown ; rem- to Brownsville. 13, Rufus, b. Oct. 23, '85 ; m. Hannah Thompson of Eden, p. Feb. 20, 1808 ; traded for a time in Th. & rem. Eastward. Chloe, the mother, d. 1790. Third Generation. Oliver, (2d)'s ch. 1, Elioenai, b. June 18, 1781 ; m. John Wright of Barrettstown, July 28, 1800. 2, Oliver, (3d), b. July 31, 1783, d. in the W. I. 3, Robert, b. May 22, '86; m. Ray, had wood wharf & store in Bo3ton ; r. near Boston. 4, Araunah, or, as often speUed, Arunah, b. March 24, '90 ; m. Margaret Healey, p. Oct. 10, 1818 ; r. Th, a farmer. 5, Isaac C, b. Aug. 17, '92; m. Sally Spear; r. Th. 6, Sarah, b July 23, '95 ; m. Henrv Mcintosh ; r. Rock. & d. Dec. 3, 1829. 7, Eleanor, b. Feb. 10, 1797; m. — — — Barstow ; r. Vt. 8, Sybell, b. Aug. 31, 1799; m. Waterman Fales ; r. Rock. 9, Shepard, (2d), b. Feb. 3, 1802 ; m. & r. in Boston. Maj. Otis's ch. 1, Capt. Otis, Jr, Esq, b. Sept. 1, 1785, m. Su san H. Ingraham, March 30, 1815 ; r. Th, and died July 9, '22. 2, Mary, b. April 2, '87, m. Iddo Kimball ; r. Rock. 3, Susan, b. Aug. 17, '91, d. April 30, '49. 4, Orris, b. Oct. 12, '95, d. Jan. 22, '96. 5, Viram B, b. April 11, '97, m. Patience (Otis) Simonton, Sept. 25, 1842 ; r. S. Th, a farmer. 6, Orris, (2d), b. Feb. 7, '99, m. Hannah (Spear) Ingraham, Nov. 30, 1828 ; r. Th, and d. June 4, 1833. Shepard' s ch. 1, Dea. Oliver, (natural or adopted) born Dec 17, 1796, m. 1st, Nancy Brown, Nov. 18, 1827, 2d, Esther Starr, Sept. 8, '49 ; j. Th, a merchant, and d. Aug. 2, '51. 2, Shepard K, b. ab. 1805 ; r. on homestead and d. unm. June 19, '36. 3, Washington, b. ab. 1808, in. Lucy J. Butler, Sept. 25, '51; r. Th, a farmer. Rufus's ch. 1, a dau, in. and r. Brownsville. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTQN. 375 Fourth Generation . Arunah's ch. 1, Julia A, b. Nov. 2, 1813, m. Joseph Ingraham ; r. Rock. 2, Arunah, (2d), b. March 24, '19, m. Hannah E. Cush ing, Dec. 18, '42 ; r. Th, a farmer. 3, Charles K, b. Sept. 22, '21 ; j. Th, a farmer. 4, Margaret, b. June 17, '24. Isaac C.'s ch. 1, Harriet S, b. Dec. 22, 1817, m. Rufus K. Black ington ; r. Rock. 2, Elionai W, b. April 25, '19, m. Edwin T. Love joy; r. Rock. 3, Adela H, b. March 17, '22, m. Charles Sherer; i. Rock. 4, OUver S, b. Feb. 24, '24, mar. EUza Bishop of Braintree, Mass.; r. Th, a farmer. Otis, Jr, Esq.'s ch. 1, Hannah Coit, b. May 15, 1816, m. 1st, Hon. Wm. Thomas, 2d, Dr. M. R. Ludwig ; r. Th. 2, Horace Hudson, b. Jan. 8, '18, mar. Sophia B. Wooster, Dec. 21, '43; r. Rock, a farmer, and d. Aug. 2, '59. 3, John H. C, b. Feb. 4, '19, m. Mary A. Keen ; r. Th, a farmer. 4, Otis I, b. May 17, '21, and d. next day. Orris, (2d)'s ch. Orris K, b. May 15, 1829, d. Jan. 6, '34. Dea. OUver, (4th)'s ch. 1, OUver J, b. Oct. 11, 1828; rem. Mass. 2, Charles E, b. Oct. 2, '30, d. Oct. 5, '47. 3, William H, h. Oct. 17, '32 ; r. Th, a cabinet maker. 4, Bertha Maria, b. Dec 22, '34. 5, Marcia E, b. Feb. 24, '38. 6, Shepard K, b. Nov. 10, '40. Washington's -ch. Lucy Shepard, b. ab. 1857. Arunah, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah A, b. ab. 1844. 2, Edwin 0. b. ab. '47. 3, ? Lucy, b. ab. '49. OUver S.'s ch. Henry S , b. ab. 1858. Horace H.'s ch. 1, Clara M, b. Oct, 1844, d. April 9, '46. 2, Geo. Hiram, b. ab. '46. 3, JuUa H, b. ab. '48. 4, John T. R, b. Feb. 5, '49. 5 and 6, twins, b. Jan. 1852, Anna L, and Lauretta. John H. C.'s ch. 1, Gilbert J, b. ab. 1852. 2, Frank, b. ab. '55. 3, Frederic H, b. ab. '57. 4, Charles, b. ab. '59. ROBBINS, Lieut. Nathaniel A, b. Aug. 24, '34, son of Willard Robbins of Union, grad. Bowdoin Coll., 1857, admitted to the bar at Rockland, Oct., 1860 ; enlisted and became an officer in 4th Me. reg, taken prisoner, July, 1863, and, despite attempts at escape, was still, at the opening of 1865, enduring the slow starvation of a rebel prison. A cousin of his, Edward K. Robbins, b. April 9f 1839, son of Nathan iel, of Union, j. Rock, a druggist. Of this name, also, William J., b. ab. 1830, son of Lewis Robbins of Hope; mar. Mary E. Nash of Wal , r. Th, a joiner ; and has one ch. ElUson, b. ab. 1856. MU- ton Robbins, b. ab. 1833, in Appleton ; m. Julia Conant ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Lauraette, b. ab. 1852. 2, AlVinza, b. ab. '64. 3, Osmond, b. ab. '56. 4, Cora E, b. ab. '58. ROBBINS, Rufus G. b. ab. 1806, r. Rock, a shop keeper in 1860. His ch. 1, Margaret, b. ab. 1836. 2, Rufus G, (2d), b. ab. 1838 ; m. Mary E. Lamb of Cam, June, 1861 ; r. Rock, a soldier of 4th Me. reg, &e 3, Mary A, b. ab. '40. 4, WilUam, born ab. '42. 5, John, b. ab. 1844. Of this name, also, David Robbins, born ab. 1807 ; mar. Olive , who died May 9, 1859, a. 53 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, and had with him one son, William J, b. ab. '58. There was also here, Daniel Robbins, b. ab. 1808 ; m. EUza Sheldon ; r. Rock, a wheelwright, soldier of 2d Battery, and re-enlisted. Their ch. 1, Daniel O, b. ab. 1849. 2, Joseph W, b. Jan. 1851, d. Feb. 14, '64. Also, James G. Bobbins, b. ab. 1831 ; m. Sarah E. ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Henrietta, b. ab. 1853. 2, Chloe E, b. ab. '55. 3, Agnes M, b. ab. '57. Capt. George Robbins, b. ab. 1804 ; 376 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, m. 1st, Mary Witham, 2d, Sarah (Hartford) Andrews, r. Cam, War, and, of late, Rockland. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Orinda, m. Francis Allen of Lewiston. 2, Benjamin Otis. 3, Lydia J, m. John Cope land ; r. Rock. 4, James P, b. ab. 1836 ; mar. Cynthia Henderson, Oct. 21, '59; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier of 4th Me, &c 6, Sarah H, r. Rock. 6, Charles W. ROBINSON, Dr. Moses, of the Scotch Irish emigration, came first to what is now Cushing, afterwards, to W, with the first settlers ; d. and was buried there in the 1st graveyard, by the old Pres. meeting house. Capt. Andrew, probably a Irother, died and was buried at the old Port, 1742. Dr. Moses's ch. (sons.) 1, Joseph, m. Mary McFetheridge ; not MeKoun, as in Annals of Warren ; r. C, and d. aged about 78. 2, Moses, (2d), m. McFarlane; r. & d. C. 3, John, m. Sarah Carver, descendant of Gov. Carver of Plymouth; r. & d. Pleasant Pt. Cove, C. 4, Major Hanse, m. Bridget or Priscilla Hyler, r. &d. C* 5, Archibald, born Jan. 31, 1737; the first white male ch. at what is now W, m. Margaret Watson ; r. C. and d. Feb. 25, 1820 6, William, b. ab 1738, or the latter part of 1737, m. Mrs. Rebecca (Rea) Minot, Nov. 3, 1767 ; i. W. and died April 23, 1813. (daus.) 7, Margaret, m- Joseph Rivers of C. 8, Mary, m. Matthew Kelloch ; r. & d. St. George. 9, Jane, m. Bennett ; r. Rock., and perished in a snow storm, in 1770. Joseph's ch. 1, Hannah, m. Samuel Gilchrist ; r. and d. St George. 2, Sarah, d. unm. 3, Mary, d. young. 4, Moses, (3d), b. 1756, died 1777, said to be the first buried m the old grave yard, in Cushing. 5, John, (2d), lost at sea. 6, Joseph, (2d), d. in W. Indies. 7, Elizabeth, m. Elijah Hall ; r. and died St. Geo. 8, Archibald, (2d), mar. Sarah Hutchins ; r. and d. C. 9, Jane, d. unm. in St. Geo, aged 75 or 80. Moses's (2d)'s ch. 1, Moses, (4th), in. Jane Burton, r. C, and d. Appleton. 2, John, (3d), m. Nancy or Harriet Payson; i. St. Geo. 3, Mary m. Capt. Samuel Watts ; r. and died St. George. 4, Joseph, (3d), b. Feb, 1755 ; m. Jane Lewis ; r. St. Geo, and d. March 4, '43. 5, Matthew, m. Hannah Sterling of Bristol ; r. 1st, at McCobb's Nar rows, but rem. over nearer F. ; r. and d. C. 6, Betsey, mar. WiUiam Burton ; r. and d. C. 7, Nancy, m. 1st. Capt. Simon McLellan, 2d, James McCarter ; i. C. 8, Isaac, m. Sarah Rivers ; r. & d. C, widow m. Samuel Payson. 9, Andrew, m. Margaret Lewis, ; r. C, rem. & d. Union. John's ch. 1, Reuben, d. unm. 2, Robert, d. unm. 3, John Car ver, m. Betsey Hyler ; r. and d. C. 4, Capt. Alexander, m. PoUy * It was on his lot, near McCobb's Narrows, we believe, that, when first taken possession of, there was found what has always been called the " Old Cellar," but which, from recent examination, made by Mr. 1. S. Burton, appears to have claims to much greater interest than is usually attached to that class of ruins. The first huts of the settlers here, were usually without cellars, or, at most, with only a slight, unwalled, excavation, en tered by a trap door in the middle of the room. But this was a deep and capacious structure, 40 feet in length, and at this day not less than 9 feet in depth ; well walled, when first discovered, with hewn timber, since crumbled to dust ; and situated on a point projecting into the river, with a cove on one side, to which a subterranean passage, with similar walls and depth, led from the main structure. What was its design, and by whom it was built, whether by early French traders, or as a retreat for pirates frequenting the coast, remains uncertain. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 377 Page; r. and d. Pleasant Pt. C. 5, Charles, m. Alice Robinson; r. and d. C. 6, Betsey, m. Moses Rivers. 7, Sarah. Major Hanse's ch. 1, Priscilla, m. ¦ Gardner ; r. and d. C. 2, Margaret, b. 1763 ; m. John Roakes ; r. W, and d. April 19, 1806. 3, Simeon, m. Hannah Hyler; r. C. 4, Agnes, m. 1st, Caleb How ard, 2d, Rob. Porterfield; rem. Ohio. 5, Betsey, m. Cornelius Hyler ; r. & d. C. 7, Hanse, (2d), mar. Lucy Hyler; r. C. 8, Capt. Moses, (5th), b. 1773 ; m. Priscilla Hyler ; r. C. and d, lost overboard June, 1833, from sloop Orient, an passage from E. Th. to Bangor. 9, John, (4th), m. Polly Dillaway ; r. and d. Hope. 10, Thomas, m. a Colla- more ; r. and d. Liberty. 11, Jacob, m. 1st, Nancy, (or, as the town records have it, Anomeriah) Robinson, who died Oct. 28, 1795, 2d, Sarah Kelloch, p. Dec. 1, 1796 ; r. S. Th. and d. April 6. 1813. Archibald's ch. 1, Capt. William, (2d), born Nov. 27, 1762; mar. Catharine Packard, Oct. 3, '93 ; r. C. aud d. June 26, 1822. 2, Mary, b. Sept. 27, '64; d. unm. 3, Elizabeth, b. Aug. 17, '66; mar. Dea. James Fisher; r. W, aud d. 0<.-t. 1849'. 4, Margaret b. Aug. 17, '68, m. 1st, William Watson, 2d, John A. Ruscoe, July 27, 1805 ; r. Th, and d. F, 1822. 5, Capt. James, b. Sept. 25, '70; m. Rachel, dau. of Lieut James Thompson of Cranberry Is, (a Rev. soldier who d. in Friendship, Dec. 1, 1837, aged 93,) r. C. and Rock, and d. March 11, 1831. 6, Capt. John H, b. Jan. 11, '73, m. Jane Sumner of War. ; r. C, & d. Nov. 1, 1837. 7, Sarah, b. March 21, '75, m. Josiah Keith; r. Th, and d. May 3," 1803. 8, Lucy, b. Oct. 8, '77, m. WilUam W. French ; r. and d. W. 9, Nancy, b. July %, '80 ; r. Th, and d. Feb. 18, 1861. 10, Capt. Archibald, (3d), born Jan. 8, '83, mar. 1st, Elizabeth Vose, 2d, Mary Vose, p. May 16, 1811 ; r. Cush., and d. in W. I. WilUam's.ch. 1, Moses, (5th), b. Oct, 1739 ; m. Elizabeth Lud- wig of Wal. ; r. War, a farmer, & d. Dec 19, 18-58. 2, P. Pebbles, b. 1775 ; m. Sabra Jameson ; r. W, & d. Dec. 20, 1824. 3, Capt. Wil liam, (3d), b. Oct. 3, '79 ; m. Hannah McLellan, p. March 22, 1806 ; r. Th, Se d. Oct. 11, '45. 4, Hannah, m. William Watton of F. 5, Mary, m. Christian Kaler of Wal. 6, Daniel, b. 1785, d. Nov. 5, 1809. Fourth Generation. Archibald, (2d)'s ch. 1, Samuel, a soldier on the Lakes, and d. of fever after peace but before his return. 2, Robert, d. in 1813. 3, Mary, b. ab. 1797 ; m. 1st, Henry Jenks, 2d, James Creighton ; r. Th. 3, Archibald, (4th), mar. Elizabeth Curtis, Dec' 10, 1824; t. Th., on the place now occupied by his widow, and d. June, 1845. 4, Sarah, m. Felch of Natick, Mass. 5, Susan, m. Chas. S. Brown; r. R. Moses, (4th)'s ch. 1, Alice, in. 1st, Charles Robinson, 2d, James Hackelton; r. and d. Bristol. 2, Elizabeth, b. 1785 ; m. 1st, William Say war J, 2d, Theodore Howard; r. Rock, Se d. April 29, 1842. 3, Rebecca, m. Solomon Comstock: r. .V d. Argyle, Me. 4, Nancy, m. Nathaniel Fales, (^3d) ; r. Th, Se d. Sept. 19, 1850. 5, Jane, ra. 1st, Haynes Wnitney, 2d, Jeremiah Gilmiu ; i . Th. 6, Maria, d. young. 7, Susauna, d. in Argyle. 8, Charlotte, mar. Thomas Ellis, Jan. 25, 1821; r. Se d Argyle. 9, Benjamin B, b. 1819 ;-jn. Abigail Pottle; i. Appleton, rem. ? Rock. 10, Sarah, m. Joseph Pottle, Jan. 25, 1821 ; r. and died Montville. John, (3d)'s ch. 1, John, (4th), m. Nancy Robinson of C. ; r. St. G. 2, Ephraim, m. Betsey Burton; r. St. G. 3, Mary, mar. Adam WylUe; r. Se d. St. G. 4, Margaret, b. June 12, 1797 ; m. Matthew 32* 378 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Burton; i. Rock. 5, Moses, (6th), b. ab. 1800 ; m. Hannah Hall; r. Rock, rem. St. G, a carpenter, &c. 6, Isaac, m. Mary Wyllie ; j. St. G. 7, George, died unm. Joseph, (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary, d. young. 2, Andrew, (2d), m. 1st, Nancy'Burton, 2d, Polly Fuller; r. St. G , and d. March, 1860. 3, Jane, m. Archibald McKellar; r. Se d. St. G. 4, Capt. George, born April 14, 1784 ; m. Susan Norwood, (who it is somewhat remarkable was born the same year, month, day, and time of day with himself) ; i. Th, a ship master, tanner, fee 5, Margaret, m. Dea. John Miller; r. & d. W. 6, Elizabeth, m Hon. Joel Miller ; r. Th. 7, Rosanna, m. Steward Harrington; r. Th. 8, Joseph, (4th), m. Abigail Ames; r. & d. St. G. 9, Edward, m. Hannah Fuller; r. St. G. Matthew's ch. 1, Capt. Moses, (6th), m. 1st, Jane, dau. of Jesse Thomas of Cam, 2d, Eliza Green, 3d, Maria Diamond ; j. Rock, & d. in South America. 2, Capt. Henry, b. Jan. 4, 1796 ; mar. Mary Jameson of F. ; r. F. and War where he d. July 21, 1860. 3, Capt. Simon, b. Oct. 8, '97 ; m. 1st, Jane Jameson, 2d, Hannah Storer of C. ; r. Th, and d. Aug. 20, 1861. 4, Caroline, m. 1st, Thurston W. Jameson, 2d, Josiah Sterling ; r. F. 5, Eliza, m. Josephus Bradford of Bradford's Is. 6, Dea. Isaac, b. ab. 1803 ; m. Clarinda A. Cope land, June 11, 1829, 2d, Mrs. Nancy (Morton) Rhoades, p. Dec. 5, 1861 ; r. War, and d. Jan. 22, '63. 7, Capt. James, (2d), m. Susan Ann Robinson; r. Th., and d. in Pensacola, Oct. 26, 1834. 8, Jesse, m. Eliza Robinson; r. C. Isaac's ch. Rachel,_ m. William Parsons ; r. Cush. Andrew's ch. 1, Lewis, m. Fairbanks, of Hope; r. and d. Bradford. 2, John L, m. Hannah Burton, Jan. 16, 1814; removed Union, r. and "d. Searsmont. 3. Yarley, rem, m. and d. in the South. 4, Margaret, d. in Cush. 5, Jane, m. James Hall of W. i r. Boston. 6, Ephraim, d. in Cush. unm. 7, Mary, m. William H. Webb, Jr, of War. ; r. Boston. 8, Agnes, ra. and r. Boston. John Carver's ch. 1, Nancy, d. unm. 2, William, d. unm. 3, Elizabeth, m. 1st, Hoffsis, 2d, James Grant. 4, Carver, died unm. 5, , m. James Grant. Capt. Alexander's ch. 1, Elsie, r. Cush. 2, Alexander, (2d), d. a. about 21. 3, Hannah, m. Moses Rivers; r. Cush. 4, Hope, mar. Hermon Casual^ or Castilleux ; r. Cush. 5, Eliza, mar. Capt. Jessa Robinson. 6, Arthur, m. Eliza McLellan; r. Cush, at Pleasant Pt. 7, Dolly, d. in C. 8, George, (2d), m. and r. C. 9, M iry, mar. Mr. Pitcher of Wal. 10, Harriet, r. Boston. Simeon's ch. 1, Barbara, m. Capt. William Hyler; j. Cush. 2, Capt. John, (5th), m. Abigail Parsons, became a Mormon, rem Salt Lake. 3, Agnes, ra. Cornelius Robinson ; r. and d C. 4, Hannah, m. William Wyllie ; r. rind d. C. 5, Capt. Oliver, mar. Matilda Shibles, Nov. 6, 1825 ; came to Th. and d. 1816, lost at sea, in a g.ile, with all on board. 6, Peggy, m. Capt. Henry Ulmer ; r. and d. Rock. 7, Simeon, (2d), d. unm 8, Lawrence, lost overboard at sea. Hanse, (2d)'s ch. 1, Nancy, m. John Robinson, (4th); r. St. G. 2, Simon, (2d), m. Polly Wyllie ; r. & d. C. 3, Deborah, mar James Gilchrist; r. St. G. 4, Jacob, (2d), m. Hannah Carney; i. C. Capt. Moses, (5th)'s ch. 1, Ann, in. Grafton ; r. Rock, or C. 2, Cornelius, m. Agnes Robimo i ; j. aud d. C. 3, Mason, m. 1st, Rachel Hyler, 2d, her sister ; r. and d. C. 4, Louisn, mar. Anthony Libbey; r. and d. W. 5, Moses, (6th), m. Rsichel Elwell, r. C. and Salt L>ike. 6, EmeUne. 7, Pauliiula. 8, Edward. 9, Hannah, died unmarried. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 379 Jacob's ch. By 2d wife. 1, Nancy, b. Jan. 4, 1799, m. . Beals, it is believed, and rem. Mass. 2, Priscilla, b. July 2, 1800. 3, Mary, b'. April 26, 1802 4, Hanse, (3d), b. Aug. 18, 1804. 5, Sarah, born July 14, '06. 6, Susan, b. Dec. 15, '08, m. Hawes, 2d, James Davis; r. Rock 7, Jacob, (2d), b. June 26, '11, d. July 2, '38, his skull being broken when blasting kilnwood in Th. 8, Mathew, (2d), b. Aug. 8, '13, probably rem. St. George with most of the family. Capt. WiUiam, (2d)'s ch. 1, Marlborough, b. April 26, 1794, lost off Newport, on Briton's reef, Nov. 27, 1815 ; in a Boston vessel, the crew all perishing, save one. 2, Hon. Edward, b. Nov. 25, '96 ; mar. 1st, Joanna A. Parsons of C, April 25, 1821, 2d, Nancy J. Fales, May 29, '28, 3d, Penelope G. Fales, Jan. 15, '46 ; r. Th, a ship master, merchant, &c. State Senator, 1836 ; M. C, 1838 ; Presidential elector, 1840 ; candidate for Governor, 1843 & '4 ; d. Feb 19, 1857- 3, Eben, b. June 13, '98, d. in Salem, Mass, Oct. 20, 1820. 4, Ann James, b. May 25, 1800 ; m. Barden T. Levensaler; r. Th.. 5, William, (4th), b. July 17, '02 ; mar. Eliza Parsons of C. ; r. Th, & d. Nov. 27, '47.- 6, Capt. OUver, (2d), b. Feb. 17, '05 ; m. Margaret Patterson, Aug. 6, '35 ; r. Th, ship master, cashier of Th. Bank, &e 7, Hester, b. Aug. 8, '07; m. Abner Knowles, Esq. ; r. Bangor and Th. 8, Harlow, b. July 1, '10 ; r. Th. 9, Catharine, b. Nov. 27, '11 ; m. Timothy Fogg ; rem. California. 10, Benjamin, b. Nov. 13, '14; m. Sarah E. Wash burn, Dec. 25, '44 ; r. Th, keeps livery stable, &c. Capt. James's ch. 1, Anne, b. in C, Sept, 1798 ; m. Capt. Barna bas Webb ; r. Th. 2, Edmund, b. June 25, 1800, died by drowning, May 9, 1814. 3, Julia, b. May 1, '04 ; mar. Dexter Bennett; r. Th. 4, Rebecca, b. June 16, '06 ; m. Joseph Emerson, Nov. 30, '26, d. Oct. 2, '38. 5, Capt. James, (3d), b. Nov. 20, '08 ; m. Margaret M. Spear, Sept. 18, '32 ; r. Rock. 6, Capt. Joshua A, b. May 8, '11 ; m. Se r. a time, near the Mississippi River ; ret. and r. Rock. 7, Capt. David W, b. 1813 ; m. Mary A. Fuller of or near Boothbay, Nov. 26, '36 ; r. Rock, all master mariners. 8, Barnabas W, b. Dec. 8, '1) ; r. Rock. & d. at New Orleans, Sept. 18, '64. 9, Eliza, b. Dec. 18, '18 ; m. 1st, Charles S. Demuth, 2d, Samuel B. Dodge; rem. Montville. 10, Capt. WilUam W, b. July 28, '20 ; r. Rock, a ship master. The mother d."at Rock, Aug. 9, '53, aged 77. Capt. John W.'s ch. 1, Capt. Alden, b. Feb. 1, 1801 ; mar. Eliza Nutting, March 11, '34 ; r. C, and d. July 30, '53. 2, Sarah Ann, b. June 13, '07 ; m. Dea. Joseph Catland ; r. Th. 3, Mary Adaline, b, May 27, '10 ; m. Capt. Ebenezer Creighton of War. ; r. Th. 4, Seth, b. Dec. 8, '12, d. Sept. 23, '30. 5, Edmund Buxton, b. Aug. 30, '16, d. at New Orleans, Jan. 2, '38. 6, Ebenezer Archibald, b. June 25, '21, d. Jan. 9, '53. The mother died suddenly, July 4, '48. Capt. Archibald, (3d)'s ch. 1, Susan Ann, b. 1809 ; m. 1st, Capt. James Robinson, 2d, Capt. John Cox ; r. Th. 2, Rufus Vose, went to sea and has not been heard from. By 2d wife. 3, Thomas Vose, m. 1st, Eliza Ann McLellan of C, 2d, Jane Mclntyre; c. C. 4, Mary E, ra. Henry Bradford ; rem. Nebraska. 5, Lucy J. 6, James, mar. Lydia M. Hyler of C. For Moses, (5th)'s and P. Pebbles's descendants, see Annals of Warren. Capt. William, (3d)'s ch. 1, Capt. George W, b. Oct. 27, 1807 ; m Lucretia B, daughter of Peter Stone of Castine, Oct. 1, '33 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 2, Julia, b. Oct. 23, '09 ; m. Capt. Richard Spear, 2d, George Miller, 3d, John Griffin. 3, Electa P, b. April 26, '13 ; 380 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, m. Phinehas Tyler ; r. Th. & d. since '55. 4, Jackson, b.,Feb, 26, '15, & d. Feb. 18, '16. 5, A.mira, b. '17 ; m. Capt. Sanders Curling ; r. Th. & d. Aug. 29, '46. 6, Capt. William Jackson, b. Jan. 21, "20 ; m. Sarah Simonton of Portland, Sept. 23, '47 ; d ? Aug. 18, '50, at sea in brig Irvin. 7, Eliza A, b. Feb. 7, '23; m. 1st, Capt. Thomas Allen, Sept, '47. 2d, Capt. William Slater; r. Th. 8, Thomas M.', b. March 17, '25, d. in New York, June 29, 1852. Fifth Generation. Archibald, (4th)'s ch. 1, Mary A, b. Nov. 22, 1826, d. Sept. 1, '27. 2, Charles B, b. Feb. 15, '29, d. ab. '49, of cholera, returning from Europe. 3, Susan L, b. Oct. 15, '32 ; m. Andrew J. Benner, p. Sept. 25, '53, & d. Nov. 17, '61. 4, Ann E, b. July 22, '35 ; r. Th. Benjamin B.'s ch. 1, Calvin, r. Appleton. 2, Eliza J, b. ab. 1849 ; r. Rock.' Moses, (6th)'s ch. 1, Ambrose H, b. June 12, 1824 ; m. Mary J. (Green) Mason, Dec. 14, '51 ; r. Rock, provision dealer, &c. 2, JuUa A, m. Alexander Hathorn ; r. St. G. 3, Elizabeth ; m. John Ken niston; j-. Rock. & d. Jan. 12, '55. 4, Lovisa, m. ¦ Wellington; r Lexington, Mass. 5, Hannah, b. Nov. 8, '35, d. Dec. '54 6, Eli jah, b. Nov. 21,' '36, d. Jan. 18, '37. 7, Caroline, b. Aug. 15, '39; r. Lexington. 8, Margaret, b. Feb. 16, & d. April 2, 1842. 9, EUza, b. ab. 1844. 10, Mary, b. ab. 1846. Andrew, (2d)'s ch. 1, Jane, m. Phinley Kelloch ; rem. Oregon. 2, William B, b. ab. 1807 ; m. Eleanor Clark ; r. Rock, a carpenter, Sec. 3, Nancy, m. Samuel Tobey ; r. Machias. 4, Eliza, d. young. By 2d wife. 5, Sarah ; 6, Hannah, both dead. 7, James F, m. Catharine Clark ; r. St. G. 8, Mary, m. James WyUe ; r. St. G. 9, Almira, m. Lincoln Gilchrist ; r. St. G. Capt. George's ch. 1, Eliza N, b. July 7, 1806 ; m. John Elliott, (2d) ; r. Th. 2, Oliver, b. July 13, '08, d. July 5, '19. 3, Joel M, b. May 12, '10; m. Ann Burgoyne ; r. E. Cambridge, Mass. 4, Irene, b. Aug. 27, '12; m. Samuel Elliott ; r. Mobile, d. in Florida. 5, Al bert, b. May 12, '14 ; m. Mary E. Gault, p. Nov. 7, 1835 ; rem. Ells worth. 6, Israel, b. Nov. 16, '16, d. young. 7, Alden, (2d), b. June 9, '18 ; m. Mary A Bates of Boston ; r. E Cambridge. 8, Susan N , b. April 23, '20 ; m. Joshua A. Fuller ; r. Th. & d. May 28, 18-55. 9, George I, b. June 10, '22 ; m Helen M. Stackpole, June 9, '50 ; r. Th, a druggist, &c. 10, Capt. Edwin A, b. Dec. 31, '24; m. Amelia Waldo, Nov 28, '55 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 11, Arthur E, b. May 7, '28 ; m. Georgianne Woodward, ±. S. Boston. Edward's ch. 1, Nathan, lost at sea in brig Amanda, 1843. 2, Ed ward, (2d), d. young. 3, John, d. young. 4, Elsie, m. John, son of Ephraim Robinson ; r. St. G. 5, Abigail, d. young. 6, Mary E, b. ab. '32 ; m. Thomas Walsh ; r. Th. 7, Sarah, d. young. 8, Edward, (3d), m. Nancy Wylie; j. St. G. 9, Clara. Capt. Henry's ch. Thurston J, b. ab. 1843 ; ra. Abbie J. Williams, Aug. 7, '62 ; a soldier of 20th Me, reg, d. in Virginia. Capt. Simon's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Melinda, m. Howard Morton ; r. Th. By 2d wire. 2, Simon, (2d), b. Feb. 14, & d. Feb. 27, '33. 3, Hannah Jane, b. Aug. 31, '35. 4, Willard W, b. ab. 1837. Capt. James, (2d)'a ch. 1, Levi L, b. March 6, 1831. 2, James W, b. April 21, 1833. Capt. Oliver's ch. 1, Harriet, b. Sept. 28, 1826 ; m. Capt. John B. Roney ; r. Th. 2, R. Killpatrick, b. Sept. 14, 1827 ; m. Ellen Allen, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 381 Dec. 19, '50 ; r Th. 3, Charlotte, b. March 21, 1829 ; m. Henderson C. Miller, Sept. 30, '49 ; r. Wal. 4, Mary A, b. Dec. 21, 1832 ; m. WiUiam Woodcock; r. Th. 5, Oliver, (3d), b. May 10, 1835; m. Mary Bohndel, Sept, '62; r. Th, a mariner. 6, George Henry, b. April 1, '38 ; r. Th, a mariner. . Hon. Edward's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Sarah Prances, b. in C, April 26, 1822 ; m. Capt. Arthur M. Fales ; r. Th. 2, Catharine P, born May, 1824, d. Sept. 22, '25. By 2d wife. 3, Joanna E, b. Dec 23, '29 ; d. Oct. 16, '39. 4, Maria Louisa, b. Oct 5, '31 ; mar. Oliver B. Pales ; r. Rock, and d. April 11, '54. 5, Alida P, b. June 18, '33 ; m. Robert Foster of Bloomfield, N. J, Oct. 15, '53 ; and died Oct. 3, 1856. 6, Lieut. Edward L, b. Feb. 2, '35 ; m. Rebecca Colson, Peb, 1864; r. Th, a mariner; officer in the 20th Mass. Reg, &c. 7, Nancy Isadore J, b. Oct. 1, '36 ; r. Th. 8, Frederic A, b. Jan. 16, '40 ; m. Mary A. Barnard, March 23, '64 ; r. Vineland, N. J, an orchardist. 9, Julia Wilder, b. Jan. 4, '42. 10, EUa, b. April 9, and d. April 29, '44. By 3d wife, 11, Caroline Dwight, b. ab. 1848. WiUiam (4th)'s ch. 1, Joanna P, b. June 3, 1829 ; mar. WilUam Hodgkins; r. Th. 2, Sarah C, b. Dec. 18, '33 ; mar. Waterman M. Robbins, Aug. 3, '51, and d. April 10, '54. 3, William P, b. Dec. 3, 1836 ; m. & r. in the West, sails on the Lakes. 4, Lermond, b. Nov. 12, '40, d. Jan. 28, '41. 5, Ada E,b. July 28, '42, d. March 19, '61. 6, Mary H, b. Dec. 16, '45. 7, Oliver, (2d), b. July 30, and died Sept. 14, 1848. Capt. OUver, (2d)'s ch. Augustus Oliver, b. Feb. 19, 1840; mar. JuUa S. Rivers, Oct, '63 ; r. Th, asst. cashier. Capt. James, (3d)'s ch. James F, m. Nancy J. Sweetser, Sept. 28, '59 ; r. Rock, a painter, &c. . Capt. Joshua A.'ch. 1, Julia A , b. March 7, 1841, d. Oct. 17, '61. 2, Catharine, b. ab. '43. 3, Mary E, b. ab. '50. 4, WiUie H, b. ab. '52. 5, Clara E, b. ab '55. 6, Frederic C, b. ab. 1858. Capt. David W.'s ch. 1, Franklin F, b. June 16, 1838, d- March 2, 1856, lost overboard iu a gale, from sch. St. Lawrence. 2, David E., b. May 22, 1839. Capt. George W.'s ch. 1, Ada L, b. Oct. 11, 1835, d. July 28, '40. 2, Horatia W, b. Aug. 8, '41 ; m. Capt. James B. McLellan; r. Th. 3, George Lucretius, b. March 6, '43. 4, Adelle, b. 1845 ; m. Capt. WUliam H. Robinson of Auburndale ; & d. Sept. 24, 1864, drowned a few months after her marriage, at Gabarus Bay, when leaving the wreck of her husband's vessel. 5, Mary S, born ab. '47. 6, Anah, b. ab. '49. 7, Sarah J, b. ab. '53. Ambrose H.'s ch. 1, Lizzie D, b. May 10, 1856. 2, Albert, (2d), b. Oct. 7, 1858. Albert's ch. 1, Albert C, b. Sept. 4, 1836. 2, Edward F. George l.'s ch. 1, Helen, b. ab. 1852. 2, Fannie, b. ab. 1859. Capt. Edwin A.'s ch. Eddie Stetson, b. Dec. 17, 1854, d. March 20, 1858. R. Killpatrick's ch. Lucy Ellen, b. Dec. 8, 1855, d. March 29, '64. ROBINSON, Capt. Richard, born in North Wales, G. B, Nov. 5, 1788, came when a boy with Capt. Tobey, and was apprenticed to Miles Cobb of War, where he r. sometime; m. Jane, dau. of Capt. J. Wyllie, became commander of one of Cobb's vessels ; but rem. Th. was long a ship master here, president of Th. Bank 21 years, &c, and d. June 6, or 8, 1857. Ellen, a sister, b. ab. 1795, came later, and r. Th. Capt. Richard's ch. 1, Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1815, m. Capt. Ambrose 382 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Snow, (4th), r. N. Y. 2, Capt. Richard, (2d), b. Aug. 13, '17, mar. Mary Wentworth of Lincolnville, Aug. 26, '40 ; r. Auburndale, Mass, a retired ship master. 3, Capt. Harris, h. Feb. 2, '20, in War. as were the two preceding, m. Sally A. Munroe, July 13, '45, and d. at sea. in command of ship Arvum, July 12, '47. 4, Margaret, b. Feb. 18, '22, m. Oliver W. Jordan, (who'd. Feb. 5, '65); r.Th. 4, Esther Jane, b. June 29, '24, d. Nov. 1, '26." 5, Elizabeth D, born Sept. 26, '26, m. Albert P. Gould, Esq. ; r. Th. 6 and 7, twins, b. March 16, '29 ; Susan, j. Th, and Sarah, who d. Nov. 9, '32. 8, John Owen, b. July 7, '31, grad. Bowd. Coll, 1854, m. Clementine Yates, Nov. 28, '54 ; r. and prac. law Th, but rem. Mahanoy City, Penn., and engaged in coal mines. 9, WiUiam S, b. July 24, '35, d. Nov. 4, '40. Capt. Richard, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. WilUam Harris, m. Adele Rob inson, AprU 28, 1864 ; r. Auburndale, master mariner. 2, Richard, (3d) ; r. Auburndale. 3, Charles. Capt. Harris's ch. EUen M, b. ab. 1847 ; r. Th. John O.'s ch. 1, Lizzie, b. ab. 1856. 2, Alfred, b. '58, d. Apr. '62. 3, Catharine, b. April, and d. Sept. 1, '60. 4, John Clement. ROBINSON, , came with his wife, from England, to Boston, Mass., afterwards to this place, & r. awhile, in early times, at the old Fort. Theirch. 1, Susanna, b. 1748, m. John Lindsey; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 9, 1826. 2, George, m. Mary Quinham of Boston, rem. to Cam, thence to what is now S. Th, about 1807, afterwards to Mt. Desert, and died with his wife in Harrington, about 1834. George's ch. 1, Betsey, m. 1st, Goodspeed, 2d Speed. 2, Nathaniel, mar. Elizabeth Derry of Cam. ; r. S. Th, and d. Sept. 5, 1854. 3, George, (2d), m. Julia or Susanna Chaples of St. George. 4, Lucy, m. James Harvey. 5, Robert, rem. Northport, mar. his 2d wife in Lynn. 6, WilUam, m. Betsey Brewer of Boothbay ; rem. East. 7, Thomas, m. in Mass. 8, Patience, m. Johnson of Appleton. 9, John, m. Ann Jordan, rem. East. 10, Samuel, m. Minda Jackson of N. B. Nathaniel's ch. 1, John, (2d), b. ab 1800, m. Nancy Bryant, Nov. 9, '20 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c 2, ? Nancy, b. ab. 1802, m. David Beals ; rem. Boston. 3, Nathaniel, (2d), b. 1804 ; j. S. Th, was found dead by the meadow road, supposed murdered for his money, Sept. 4, '54. 4, Benjamin, m. Nancy M. Littlefield of Castine, p. July 28, 1828 ; r. Newburyport. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Sarah, b. March 12, '21, m. BUnn Curtis ; r. S. Th. 2, Nancy, b. July 4, '23, m. Charles A. Fales; r. Rock. 3, Elizabeth D, b. Feb. 6, '26, m. Zolmany Sewall, March 10, '46. 4, David, b. March 4, and d. Sept. 30, '28. 5, Mary, b. Aug. 3, '29, m. Enoch Norton; jr. S. Th. 6, Capt. John R„ b. Feb. 1, '32, mar. N. Maria Snow, March 8, '53 ; r. S. Th, a master mariner, &c 7, Han nah, b. May 22, '34, and d. Aug. 27, '38. 8, Harrison B, b. Jan. 25, '37, m. Emily S. Bryant, Nov. 16, '58 ; r. S. Th, and d. June 25, '61. 9, Joseph, born Nov. 7, '39 ; r. S. Th., a mariner. 10, Delilah, born March 17, '42. 11, Adeline E, b. June 2, '45 ; r. S. Th. Capt. John R.'s ch. Alma E, b. ab. 1854. Harrison B.'s ch. Annie, b. ab. 1859. ROBINSON, Edward W, came from Munson, Me, mar. Harriet Watts, May 21, 1848 ; r. Th, a tailor, P. Master, &c Of his brothers ; George W, also c. to Th, m. at Newport, Esther E. Benner, Jan. 18, '47. 2, Lyman, lost at sea in ship R. L. Gilchrist, April, 1854. 3, Alfred W, bom ab. 1832, mar. Lucy Edgarton, Oct. 7, '59 ; r. Th, a tailor. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 383 Edward W.'s ch. 1, Samuel, b. ab. 1850. 2, Clara, b. ab. 1852. George W.'s ch. George Winfield, b. Jan. 1848, d. Sept. 9, '49. ROBINSON, Warren, b. ab. 1826, in Union, son of John, and grandson of James, mar. Mercy Bridges, Jan. 31,' 52; r. Rock, a meat dealer. Their ch. 1, Fanny, b. Feb. 9, 1854, d. Oct. 14, '56. 2, Frank, b. Oct, '57, d. Jan. 17, '63. 3, Frank, b. ab. '58. Of this name, also, Stillman Robinson, b. ab. 1836, m. Sarah F. Cross, Aug. 22, '60 ; r. S. fh, soldier in 28th Me. Reg. Also QJiarles A, soldier in 8th Me. Reg. ROGERS, Capt. Howland, b. in 1764; came from Marshfield early to Th. as a ship carpenter ; mar. Hannah Bradford ; rem. to Medford, Mass, where he d. March 1, 1814. Theirch. 1, Capt. Thomas, who commanded the steamer Patent, Sec. ; rem. Boston. 2, Mehitable, m. Ephraim Wood ; r. Cam. 3, Nancy, mar. Oakes Perry ; r. Cam. 4, Hannah, m. Simon Hunt; r. Cam. ROGERS, Capt. Edward, b. ab. 1829 ; m. PhUena N. Kirkpatrick, Aug. 27, 1853 ; r. Rock, a master mariner, now in navy. Their ch. 1, Carrie' E, b. ab. 1856. 2, John Walter, b. ab. '58. 3, Mary E, b. Sept. 28, '61, d. May 5, '63. ROGERS, Lieut. EUsha S, b. ab. 1818, in New Brunswick; mar. Sarah J. ; r. Rock, a teamster, officer in 4th Me, &c. Their ch. 1, Avis G, b. ab. 1849. 2, EmeUne A, b. ab. 1851. ROLLINS, Alfred, b. ab. 1800, in Poland, Me. ; soon rem. to Jay, from whence he came to Th. ; m. Mira Tillson, p. Aug. 24, 1832_; r. Th, a mariner, &c Their ch. 1, Capt. Charles A, b June 7, 1833 ; r. Th., a merchant, officer in 4th Me. Reg, Sec. 2, Frederic A, born March 31, '36 ; r. Th, a clerk, 1860. 3, AroUue AmeUa, b. April, 1845, d. Dec. 5, or 12, '46. ROLLINS, Stacy, b. ab. 1797, & with Damaris, his wife, r. Rock. in 1860. Of their ch. 1, Marcellus M, b. ab. 1837 ; r. Rock. ROKES, Robert, (son of Isaac, & grandson of Daniel of W.) ; m. Elizabeth Neubert ; r. Appleton, and d, killed by lightning, Aug. 25, 1840. Theirch. 1, Gilbert U, b. 1827; m. Caroline Mrrse of U.; r. Rock, was taken with typhoid when on the James River, & d. at Boston, Aug. 7, '62. 2, Adelia A, m. Benjamin Eastman ; r. U. 3, Emerson, m. Aldana Neubert of Wal., Sept. 1, '55 ; r. Rock, and has 1 ch, Frank. 4, R. Marcus, b. Oct. 22, '33, d. Sept. 5, '55, in Rock. 5, Leander, m. Zilpha E- Darnels of U, Sept. 28, '61 ; r. S. Th, hav ing purchased the D. Vaughan farm. RONEY, Capt. John B, came from Holstein, Denmark ; m. Harriet Robinson of Th, Aug, 1846 ; r. Th, a master mariner. Their ch. 1, Nelson, b. ab. 1848. 2, John, b. ab. '52. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '54. 4, Maria, b. ab. '56. 5, Lizzie C, b. Oct. 17, '59, d. Nov. 28, '60. ROSE, Hon. Daniel, b. in 1771 ; m. 1st, Miss Hammond, 2d, Olive Peaseley; was in service of U. S. as engineer in war of 1812; a physician, magistrate, surveyor, See., iu Boothbay; rem. Th, July, 1823, as the first warden of the State Prison, was president of the Senate from 1822 to '24, and acting governor of Maine from Jan. 2, to Jan. 5, 1822 ; land agent, &c, d. Oct. 25, '33. His ch. by 2d wife. 1, Edwin, m. Caroline S. Fuller, Oct. 9, 1834 ; rem. Wiscasset, clerk of courts Lincoln county, 1859 & '60 ; ret. Th. 2, Olive, b. ab. 1810 ; r. Th. 3, Dr. Daniel, (2d), b. ab. 1813 ; M. D. Bowd. Coll. 1837 ; m. 384 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, 1st, Harriet G. Hawk, Oct. 28, '37, 2d, C. Amanda (Mitchell) Healey, Jan. 28, '63 ; r. & prac. med. Th. 4, Elizabeth, m. Jesse Peabody ; r. Th. 5, Thomas, b. ab. 1819 ; mar. Mary Ann Fales, Oct. 12, '41 ; r. Th, a surveyor, &c 6, Wilmot, b. ab. 1822; mar. Lucy S. Hawk, Nov. 29, '49 ; r. Th, a painter. 7, Martha J, b. in Th, Feb. 6, '24 ; m. John Shibles; r. Th. The mother d. Sept. 11, 1844, aged 56. Edwin's ch. 1, Caroline E, b. March 10, 1836. 2, Edwin T, b. Jan. 10, d. Oct. 10, '38. 3, Samuel F, b. Oct. 11, '39. 4, OUve, b. March 16, '42. 5f Henrietta D, b. 1844, d. Dec. 8, '51.* Dr. Daniel, (2d)'s ch. 1, Harriet O, b. Sept. 13, 1838. 2, Hester A, b. Jan.»28, '43, d. March 2, '50. -3, Daniel S, b. ab. '46. 4, John E. b. ab. '47. 5, Catharine, b. ab. 1849. Thomas's ch. 1, Mary Eliza, born July 11, 1842, d. May 4, '44. 2, Francis W, b. ab. '44. 3, Henry T, b. ab. '45. 4, Annie J, born Sept. 1, '59, d. Dec. 25, '63. ROSELAND, Andrew, b. ab. 1820, in Guttenburg, Sweden, as was Martha, his wife, in England, ab. 1825 ; j. Rock, a rigger. ROSS, Ezekiel, Esq, b. ab. 1830 in Jefferson; grad. Bowd. Coll. 1855; c to Rock, taught high school 1857,- studied law in Gould's office, admitted to the bar in 1858 ; r. Rock., an attorney at law, &c. ROSS, John, e. from New Meadows to S. Th, m. Mathews, and d. early. Their ch. 1, Mary, m. 1st, David Y. Kelloch of W, 2d, David Kelloch, (3d), and d. in W, Sept. 1860. 2, Catharine, m. WilUam Patten, p. Sept. 3, 1795 ; rem. LincoluvUle. ROSS, Freeman, b. in New Sharon, ra. Angela (Wheeler) GUchrist, r. W, e. to Th. 1863. Their ch. 1, Ardelle, born ab. '51. 2, Ann Maria. 3. Harriet. 4, Charles F. 5, Fred. Oscar, d. July 2, '61. 6, Frank. ROUSE, Dr. James, b. ab. 1822, in Virginia, m. 1st, , (who d. Aug, 1857, in Rock.), 2d, Mary E. ; r. Rock, & S. Th, prac. med, went to British Provinces. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Helen M, b. 1853. 2, Avis A, b. '54. By 2d wife. 3, James W. ROWE ; of this family, Capt. Joshua N, of Rock, m. Caroline A. S. Keating, Feb. 5, 1865 ; was appointed acting master in U. S. ship St. Louis ; and Adelbert Rowe, of Rock, entered the navy also. ROWELL, William, b. in 1755 ; m. Mrs. Ruth (Matthews) Ten ant ; came from Nottingham, N. II , to Th. directly after the revolu tion; was a soldier at Bunker Hill; and died Sept. 30, 1811. Ruth, his widow, d. in 1832. Their ch. 1, Betsey, mar. WilUam Russ of Cam. and d. 1854. 2, WUliam, (2d), d by drowning, aged 3 yrs. 3, Rice, b. April 27, 1789 ; m. 1st, Sally Dunning, Feb. 8, 1816, 2d, Mrs. Eunice (Davis) Allen, Dec. 30, 1839, 3d, Sally (Holmes) Ally, 1856 ; r. S. Th, a caulker, &c, d. in April, 1863. 4, John, d. young. 5, Ruth, b. ab. 1792 ; m. Briggs Butler ; r. S. Th., and d. Jan. 4, 1853. 6, Mary, b. 1794, m. Robert Dunning, (2d) ; and d. July 4, 1842. Rice's ch. 1, Eliza D, b. Nov. 23, 1816; m. David A. Crockett. 2, WilUam, b. March 22, '18 ; mar. Mary Ellen Bartlett; r. S. Th, a caulker, rem. Ohio. 3, Robert D, b. March 21, '21, d. April 6, '31. 4, Ruth, b. Dec. 25, '24, m. Robert H. Heard. 5, Margaret, born Oct. 26, '27, d. April 2, '41. 6, Warren R„ b. Oct. 24, '29 ; m. Han nah Ann Fales, April 8, '52 ; r. S. Th, a caulker, &c 7, Luther 11, b. May 10, '33 ; m. Sarah Mathews of Line, April 28, '56, r. S. Th. a caulker, &c. 8, Hannah H, b. Nov. 19, '36 ; r. S. Th. 9, Mary, b. July 14, '39; r. S. Th. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 385 WiUiam's ch. 1, Adelphus, b. Feb. 12, 1843. 2, Almenzer, born April 5, '45. 3, Prank B, b. AprU 12, '47. 4, Rice, (2d), b. Jan. 12, '52, & d. Oct. 29, '52. 5, Henry S, b. Nov. 16, '53, & d. Dec. 2, '65. 6, Mary E, b. Sept. 21, '56. 7, Margaret, b. Nov. 1, '58. Warren R.'s ch. 1, Warren R, (2d), b. ab. 1856. 2, Nathan C, b. ab. '57. Luther H.'s ch. 1, Frederic, b. ab. 1857. 2, Ida, b. ab." '69. RUGGLES, Hon. John, b. in Westboro', Mass, ab. 1790 ; grad. Brown University, 1813 ; stud, law with Gov. Levi Lincoln at Wor cester, as also, before graduating, with Estes Howe, Esq., of Westboro'; commenced practice in Skowhegan, 1815; came to Th, 1818; was speaker of the house of representatives from 1825 to '29, and again in 1831 and '32; judge of the District Court; senator in Congress from 1834 to 1840; m. Margaret George of Watertown; r. Th, a counsel lor at law. Theirch. 1, Adelaide C, b. June 11, 1825; mar. Dr. Charles T. Chase ; r. Th. 2, Maria, b. Feb. 8, '27 ; m. Winchell M. Cook ; j. Th. 3, John, (2d), b. Jan. 30, '28 ; r. Chicago, 111, a mer chant. 4, Margaret G, b. March 10, '31, d. Sept. 7, '59. RUSS, WUUam, came early to what is now S. Th.; mar. Betsey Rowell, p. Jan. 21, 1799 ; but rem. Cam. Thomas, also, was here, & m. Lucy Chapman, p. May 14, 1804. Of WiUiam's ch. 1, Jane H., b. ab. 1802 ; m. Charles Butler ; r. Th. RUSSELL ; of the sons of Thomas & Theresa (Fitzgerald) Russell of Waldoboro'. 1, William, b. ab. 1824 ; m. 1st, Mary F. Bickmore of F, 2d, L. Maria (Hahn) Havener, Oct. 21, '52 ; r. Rock, a black smith, rem. Cam. since 1860. 2, Thomas, (2d), b. ab. 1828 ; mar. Frances Nicholson, Feb., 1§59 ; i. Th, a carpenter. WilUam's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Mary A, b. ab. 1847. 2, Frank W, b. ab. '51. By 2d wife. 3, Ellen K, b. ab. '54. 4, Frederic T, b. ab. '56. Thomas's ch. Helen, b. April, 1860. RUSSELL, John, b. ab. 1823, in Ireland; j. Rock, a mariner. Frank, b. ab. 1828, in Ireland, as was Margaret, his wife ; r. Rock. Frank's ch. 1, WiUiam, b. ab. 1858. RYDELL, Henry, came from Ireland; j. Th, a tailor, and d. Nov. 5, 1861. SADDLER, Moses B, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Eunice ; r. Rock., a fisherman. Their ch. 1, Sylvanus N, b. ab. 1840, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, &c. 2, Lorenzo D, b. Aug, 1841 ; died, lost overboard from sch. Caroline, March 21, '61. 3, Flora L, b. ab. '55. SAFFORD, Gustavus A, b. ab. 1836, in Hope; mar. Almatia A. Rhoades ; r. Rock, a merchant, firm of Hewett & Safford. ST. CLAIR, James, b. 1777, in Meredith, N. H. ; m. Sarah Wiggen, landed at Owl's Head, Dec. 25, 1803, was a joiner, and worked on various houses in Th, W, &c; r. U, was more than 50 yrs. a mem ber of the Baptist church ; & d. June 25, 1858, ;n S. Th, where his widow still resides. Their ch. 1, Lavinia, m. Benjamin Burgess ; r. Matinicus. 2, Mary, m. Sion Payson ; r. Freedom. 3, George W, b. April 22, 1806 ; in. Sabra Hall, 2d Eliza ("Smith) Brewster of Cam, 1853; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c. 4, Jame3 M, mar. Miss Payson; r. Hope. 5, Erastus, m. Bowley ; r. Hope. 6 & 7, twins, b. ab. 1811 ; Thirza, m. Capt. Isaac Tolman ; r. S. Th. ; Mahala, m. Jona- Vol. II. 33 386 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, than Hall of Cam, 2d, Hugh Killsa ; r. Rock. 8, Sarah, m. Samnel Crie from Matinicus ; r. & d. Rock. 9, Lucy, m. Abijah T. Metcalf ; r. Hope, & d. 1863. 10, Abigail, m. Samuel Hastings ; r. Hope. 11, Guilford D, b. ab. 1825; m. Leonora Payson ; ±-. Rock, a carpenter. George W.'s ch. 1, Emery J, b. ab. 1835 ; m. Caroline S. Long, 1862; r. S. Th, a carpenter. 2, Mary H, b. ab. '37; mar. Capt. Samuel Maddocks ; r. S. Th. 3, Gilbert M, b. ab. '39 ; r. S. Th. By 2d wife. 4, George H. Guilford D.'s ch. 1, Ashley, b. ab. 1847; r. Rock, entered the army. 2, Laureston, b. ab. '51. 3, Eva, b. ab. '53. 4, Leonora E, b. ab. '55. Of this name, also, Andrew H. of Rock, entered the army. SAMPSON, or Sansom, Abram, born ab. 1816, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife; r. Rock, an ostler. Their ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1845. 2, WUliam, b. ab. '47 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. SANBORN, Capt. Daniel, b. March 7, 1796, in Steuben, Me, was in revenue service before 1812, entered the U. S. Navy 1814, and served in the Algerine war, under Com. Morris, then, in 1817, the merchant service ; c here with Mary, his wife, m. 2d, Lucy H. Ulmer, Oct. 17, 1847 ; r. Rock, and d. July 30, '64. Of his ch. By 1st wife. George C, b. Aug. 23, 1839, m. Fannie P, dau. of the late Alden W. Jones of Boston, Oct. 20, '61. SARGENT, Hon. William G, c. here from Portland ; m. Angie E. Haines, a dau. in law of John May, Esq., of Winthrop ; r. Rock, an attorney at law, judge in municipal court, &c, rem. Kansas. SARGENT, Simeon, b. ab. 1829 ; v. from Bow, N. H ; mar. Mary E. Thorndike, Oct. 14, '58 ; r. S. Th, a stone cutter. Their ch. Ma bel E, b. Oct, 1859, d. in Bow, Sept. 23, '61. SARTELLE, or Sawtelle, John, b. May, 1783, m. 1st, , 2d, Betsey McLoon ; c from Concord, Mass, to Cam, rem. Rock, and d. S. Th, Oct. 20, 1852. Of his ch. By 1st wife. 1, Franklin B, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Louisa Dean, Jan. 1, '32 ; r. S. Th. By 2d wife. 2, Capt. William M, b. Oct. 28, 1818, m. Susan Fales, Oct. 8, '41 ; r. Rock., and d. at Savannah, Ga, April 19, '53, when master of brig Coral of Bath. Franklin B.'s ch. 1, William F, b. Aug. 29, 1833 ; .j. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Sarah, b. March 29, '36, m. Henry E. Ames of Jeff, p. June 15, '59. 3, Eugene F, b. AprU 16, '41 ; r. S. Th. Capt. William M.'s ch. 1, Frank Cleaveland, b. Dec. 30, 1841 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Wm. Constantine, b. May 2, '44 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 3, Florence A., b. Aug, '46, d, Jan. 6, '52. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '50. 5, Susan P, b. Dec. 21, '52, d. Sept. 22, '64. SAUNDERS, Jacob P, m. Charlotte Harriman; b. and r. in Or- land, Me. Their ch. 1, Joseph, b. or r. in Bucksport, m. Sarah L. Gavett. 2, Levi, born in Orland ab. 1829. mar. 1st, Miss Arnold, 2d, Hannah Trueworthy ; r. Rock. 3, Jacob C, b. ab. '41, m. Sarah R, Holbfnok; j. Rock, a mariner. 4, Isaac S, b. in Orland ab. '43 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, d. in, or after the service. 5, John E, born in Orland ; r. Rock, entered the army. Of this name, also, Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders; r. Rock, a widow, and of her ch. 1, Thomas C, b. ab. '38 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, since in the navy or army. 2, Lucy A, b. ab. '46 ; 3, Henrietta, b. ab. '49 ; both r. Rock. Levi's ch." 1, Almira E, b. ab. 1853. 2, Willis P. h. ab '55 3 ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 337 Enoch S, b. ab. '57. 4, Eugene L, b. Sept. 20, '59, d. Sept. 25, '60. 5, Ada Estelle, b. '61, d. Sept. 13, '63. Jacob C.'s ch. Alice, b. ab. 1859. SAUNDERS, Robert, b. ab. 1810, in Ireland, as was Bridget, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Robert, (2d), b. ab. 1852. 2, Mary, b. ab. 1856. SAVAGE, Capt. John, b. ab. 1822, in Mt. Desert, m. 1st, Martha A. Hodgdon, 2d, Almira (Robinson) Whitmore of Mt. Desert; r. Rock, and d. April 12, '62. His ch. John W, b. ab. 1850. Ch. of 2d wife. 1, James F. Whitmore, b. ab. '44. 2, Caroline Whitmore, b. ab. '47 ; r. Roek. SAVAGE, Warren, b. ab. 1823, in Hampden, Me, m. Lois A. Sim- nons of Appleton; r. Rock, a peddler, &c. Their ch. 1, Asbury C, b. ab. 1846. 2, Tileston I, b. ab. '49. 3, Orinda^ B, b. ab. '52. 4, James E, b. ab. '55. 5, WUliam L, b. ab. '58. SAVAGE, James, b. ab. 1836, in Ireland, m. Sarah Carney, April 6, '59 ; r. Rock, a gardener. James Savage, (2d), b. ab. '37, in Ire land, as was Kate, his wife; r. Rock, and has ch. Kate, b. ab. '48. SAWYER, Benjamin W, b. ab. 1805 ; r. Rock, some years, but rem, was unm, a cabinet manufacturer. Benjamin W. Sawyer, (2d), b. ab. 1811, in Belfast; m. Nancy J. H. Robinson, p. Aug. 13, '36; r. Rock, furniture dealer, firm of Sawyer Se Colson. Of this name, also, Sylvester H, b. ab. 1830, mar. AbbyS. Bean, Jan. 23, '55; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. Also John A, m. Mary Helen Austin, of Th, Jan. 1, '63. Benjamin W, (2d)'s ch. 1, Frederic M, b, Feb. 20, 1839 ; r. Rock, officer in 5th N. Y. Cavalry. 2, Adjt. Charles F, b. Jan. 26, '42 ; r. Rock, officer in 4th Me, &c. 3, Helen L, b. ab. '44, mar. Capt. Wm. Wright ; r. Rock. Sylvester H.'s ch. Frederic, b. ab™ 1857. SAYWARD, Richard, c with his wife from Gloucester, Mass, af ter the peace of 1783 ; r. & d. S. Th. Their ch. 1, George, m. Lydia Snow, Nov. 23, 1802. 1. S. Th, at Wessaweskeag. 2, John, went to sea, & d. in the W. I. 3, Lydia, b. ab. 1774 ; m. Moses Kelloch; r. S. Th. 4, Sarah, m. Rev. Isaac HaU of St. G. ; rem. Knox. 5, Rich ard, m. Eliza Bradford, p. Sept. 9, '08 ; rem. Union. 6, Capt. WU liam, m. Elizabeth Robinson, Dec. 24, '12; jr. Th,.now deceased. 7, Joseph, m. Martha Wheeler of St. G , p. Dec. 3, '13 ; rem. Burnham. 8, Capt. James, m. Lucy Wheeler of St. G, p. July 4, '18 ; was lost at sea, May '30. 9, Susanna, m. James Littlehale, p. Aug. 22, '07 ; r. & d. U. 10, Judith, m. Abiel Gay of U, Jan. 15, '16 ; ±\ Waldo. Of George's ch. 1, Joseph, (2d), m. & r. Thorndike. 2, Almira W, m. Charles Glover ; r. Rock. WiUiam's ch. 1, Capt. WiUiam T, b. ab. 1813; m. PriscUla H. Lindsey, p. Sept. 13, '34 ; r. Roek, an active business man, dep. sher iff under Burgess and Cunningham, was among the first to visit Cali fornia, 2 years ; ret. '55, & settled, since, there or in Oregon. 2, James Wheaton, m. Mary E. Butler, Feb. 14, '41 ; r. Rock, a joiner, rem. & r. Sau Francisco, California. Of Capt. James's ch. 1, Lucy A, m. Francis Harding of U, June 16, '50. 2, Wm. H, m. Mary A. P. Merriam, AprU 1, '55 ; r. S. Th. Capt. WUUam T.'s ch. 1, Ophelia P, b. Aug. 27, 1836, d. Aug. 1, '46. 2, Alfred R, b. Nov. '44, d. Jan. 27, '46. 388 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Of Joseph, (2d)'s ch. 1, Albert T, b. in Th. ab. 1822 ; m. Eliza beth Burns ; r. Rock, a saloon keeper. SCANLIN, Bartholomew, b. in Sligo, Ireland, ab. 1834 ; m. Mary Armstrong ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. '49. 2, Marlin.b. ab. '50. 3, Nancy, b. ab. '52. SEARS, Capt. James, c. from Camden ; m. Sophia Bernard ; r. in what is now Rockland, & d. Jan. 19, 1810, lost at sea. Their ch. 1, Dr. John B , b. March 26, 1807; m. Priscilla Wotton of W, p. Feb. 22, '30 ; r. Rock, manufacturing Sears' Blood Root Pills, &c, doing an extensive business ab. '33, but rem. to Hlinois and California, Dr. John B.'s ch. 1, Mary Kimball, b. Nov. 30, 1830 ; m. Samuel M. Veazie ; r. Rock. 2, PriscUla, b. March 26, '32 ; m. Charles A. Harrington ; r. Rock. & d. Oct. 6, 1854. 3, John B, (2d), b. March 25, '34 ; 4, Richard W, b. Nov. 5, '36 ; probably rem. 5, James F, b. Jan. 30, '39, d. Dec. 20, '59, killed on the burning of the Commer cial House. • 6, Benjamin F. b. April 3, '42. SEAVEY, Gideon, b. May, 1784 ; c. from Beverly or Rye, as a blacksmith ; m. Mary Brown of Th, March 25, 1805, built a shop & house in W. ; ret. Th. ; r. Wadsworth house; built that now occupi ed by Mrs. Morton, & d. Nov. 3, '38. Theirch. 1, Eliza Ann, m. Martin Barnes, who is a clothing merchant in Boston. 2, William B., b. May, '08 or '6; lost at sea, Sept. '46. 3, M-ary Jane, m. Ludolph. George Fogg, p. July 9, '36 ; rem. & d. in Boston. SEAVEY, William, b. ab. 1799 ; m. Sarah ; r. Rock, a car penter. Their ch. 1, William, (2d), b. Sept. 5, 1827 ; m. Amelia Tucker, p. May 25, '54 ; r. Rock. & d. Sept. 18, '58. 2, ? Josiah, b. ab. 1835 ; r. Rock., a carpenter. 3, Joel A, b. ab. '38 ; m. Barbara D. Sawyer, Feb. 23, '61 ; t. Rock, a steam-mill engineer. 4, Alora, b. ab. '40. 5, Lucy Ann, b. ab. '42. 6, James, b. ab. '46. SELDEN, Edward C, came from Norridgewock ; m. Caroline F. H. Dwight, Aug. 13, 1848 ; r. Th, a merchant, but rem. California. Their ch. 1, Edward D, b. Sept. 22, 1851. SELLEA, Nathan, came from Saco to Th. iu 1819 ; mar. AbigaU Wormell ; r. Th, a potter, but after 5 or 6 years, d. of consumption. Their ch. 1, Mary Ann, r. in Portland. 2, Lucy P, mar. Henry H. Watts ; r. Th. 3, Abigail E, mar. 1st, Noah Miller, 2d, George G. MitcheU ; r. Th. SEWALL, George Washington, b. ab. 1832, in China, Me.; mar. there, Lucy E. ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Alden H, b. ab. 1858. 2, George W, b. Aug. 19, '59, d. Sept. 19, "60. 3, Oren A, b. Oct, 1861, d. Jan. 24, '62. SHADY, John, b. ab. 1810, in Ireland, as was Jane, his wife; r. Rock, a lime burner. Theirch. 1, Margaret, b. ab. 1841. 2, Mary, b. '43. 3, Joanna, b '45. 4, Ann Jane, b. '49. 5, Patrick, b. '53. 6, Catharine, b. '55. 7, Michael, b. '57. 8, Elizabeth, b. '59. SHALER, Capt. David, a native of Holland ; m- Alice McKnights; r. Th, a master mariner. SHAW, Capt. Zenas, b. ab. 1827; came from St. George; m. 1st, Nancy F. Elwell, Jan. 12, '49, 2d, Mrs. Lois Fletcher, May 2, '58; r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, George F, b. ab. 1849. 2, Sarah C, b. ab. '50. 3, Joseph, b. ab. '52. 4, Edwin, b. ab. '64. By 2d wife. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 389 5, Lois M, b. Feb. 21, & d. March 21, '59. 6, Charles, b. Sept. 14, '60, d. Jan. 17, '61. SHAW, Moses, b. ab. 1824, in Holderness, N. H. ; came to this place and mar. Abigail A. Heard, Nov. 15, '50 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, soldier of 28th Me, Sec. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. ab. 1851. 2, Al bert, b. '53. 3, James H, b. Nov. 30, '55, d. Feb. 22, '62. 4, Eugene. b. '57. 5, Laura, b. '59. 6, Moses, b. March 2, '63, d. March 20, '64. SHAW, Albert J., came from Albion ; r. Rock, a merchant. SHAW, Seth P, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Sarah B. Fales, Nov. 4, '51 ; r. S. Th, a painter. Their ch. 1, Ella R, b. ab. 1853. 2, Alice W, b. ab '58. 3, Allan K, b. ab. '58. Of this name there were also here John and Jane Shaw, of whose ch. 1, William J, b. Sept. 25, 1829, d. Aug, '32. 2, Ann, b. March, 1830, d. Aug, '31. SHEA, Thomas, b. ab. 1822, in Ireland ; m. Mary ; r. Rock. Their ch. WilUam F, b. ab. 1860. SHIELDS, Charles, b. ab. 1808, in Ireland, as was Ann, his wife ; r Rock, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, William J, b. June 1, 1840 ; r. Rock, an ostler. 2, Mary A, b. Dec. 31, '42. 3, Emma J. 4, Eliza F. 5, Charles A, b. ab. '48. 6, John H, b. ab. '50. SHELDON, Abiel, b. ab. 1808 ; m. Mary ; r. Rock, a fish erman, &e Their ch. 1, WilUam H, b. 1829 ; m. Susan M. Alley, p. June 1, '52 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Rachel, b. 1831 ; m. James W. Walsh ; r. Rock. 3, Lydia K, b. ab. 1833, died Sept, 1850. 4, Josiah H, b. '35, a mariner. 5, Moses, b. ab. '37 ; r. S. Th, a fish erman. 6, Vinson R, b. ab. '39, a mariner. WUliam H.'s ch. 1, Lucy E, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary F, b. '56. 3, Mercy J, b. '58. 4, Susan, b. '60. SHEPHERD, William W, b. ab. 1821, in Jefferson; m. Flora E. ¦ HaU, Feb, 1850; r. Rock, a carpenter, &c. Their ch. 1, Albert J, b. ab. 1852. 2, Ida E, b. ab. '54. SHEPHERD, Elbridge G, b. ab. 1810 ; m. Harriet S. Ulmer, Sept. 15, 1831 ; r. Rock, and d. Sept. 2, '53. Their ch. 1, Susan C, b. Feb. 11, '33, d'. May 7, '56. SHERER, Reuben, b. July 9, 1783 ; came from Enfield, Mass, and . early settled on the farm where he ever after resided ; m Sabra Bar rows, Jan. 14, 1808; r. Rock, a farmer, and d. Jan. 27, '63; having been for many years one of the largest tax payers in the city. Their ch. 1, Otis R, b. July 19, 1808 ; m. Elvira Tolman, p. July 24, '37 '. r. Rock, a farmer, lime manufacturer, &c. 2, Ann F, b. Oct. 4, '10 ; m. Isaac Ames; r. Rock, and d. April 15, '62. 3, Sabra, b. May 26, '13 ; m. John Brown ; r. Rock, & d. June, '52. 4, Reuben, (2d), b. Nov. 20, '16; mar. Orinda F. Daggett, Nov. 15, '43; r. Rock, a farmer, lime manufacturer, &c. 5, Bradish D, b. Oct. 24, '19; mar. Susan T. Keen, p. Oct. 21, '44 ; r. Rock, a farmer, &e 6, Charles, b. Feb. 20, '23 ; m. AdeUa H. Robbins, Oct. 1, '46 ; r. Rock, a farmer, &c 7, John M, b. Sept. 3, '25 ; m. Mary Lucas of U, Dec. 22, '50 ; j. Rock, a farmer. 8, Louisa R, b. May 8, '28 ; m. Josiah Tolman ; j-. Rock. Oris R 's ch. 1, Sylvania, b. April 8, 1838 ; m. Warren Crockett ; r. Rock. 2, Josiah T, b. Oct. 23, '39 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 3, Margaret A, b. July 18, '41 ; m. Wilson Boggs ; r. Rock 4, Mary S, b. Sept. 10, '43, d. Feb. 18, '44. 5, Mary, b. ab. '46. 6, Elvira, 33* 390 HISTORY OF THOMASTOJN, b. ab. '49. 7, Orrin T, b. ab. '53. 8, Imogene, b. May 25, and died July 23, '55. Bradish D.'s ch. 1, Charles M, b. ab. 1846. 2, Sabra A, b. ab. '48. 3, Harriet A, b. ab. '50. 4, Alden N, b. Nov. 8, '55, d. Jan. 23, '61. Charles's ch. 1, Oliver R, b. Jan, 1853, d. April 8, '54. 2, Alvin N, b. Feb. 8, & d. Oct. 24, '55. 3, Corinda, b. ab. '57. 4, Eleanor, b. ab. '59. John M.'s ch. 1, Frederic A, b. ab. 1852. 2, Willard L., b. ab. '54. 3, Edgar A, b. '59. SHERMAN, Nathan, b. ab. 1765 ; c. from Marshfield, Mass, mar. Bethia Thomas of Marshfield, settled about 1787, at the head of the Bay, now in S. Th, and d. May 21, 1851. His wife d. in Mass, Oct. 19, 1826, a. 61. Their ch. 1, Nathan, (2d), b. ab. 1785, m. Hannah B. Cobb of Cam. ; r. Rock, having had the misfortune to lose his sight. 2, Abigail, b. ab. 1788, mar. Jeremiah Sleeper ; r. Rock. 3, Bethia, b. ab. 1790, d. a. 16. 4, Sophia, m. Capt. Ephraim Lovett; r. St. G, and Hope, now deceased. 5, Deborah, d. at the age of 12 yrs. 6, Charles, m. Susan Cooper, Aug. 11, 1816; r. and d. Hope. 7, Abijah, b. ab. 1799, m. 1st, Hannah Wilson of St. G, pub. Feb. 10, 1819, 2d, Mrs. Palmer of Cam. ; r. S. Th, a farmer, rem. Washing ton, Me. 8, Asa, mar. Olive Pottle of Line , pub. Nov. 16, 1827. 9, Nancy, b. ab. 1807, m. J. Sumner Wentworth ; r. S. Th. 10, Thomas, m. 1st, Margaret Henderson of St. G, 2d, Phebe Holbrook, p. Nov. 26, 1840 ; r. in Ohio. Nathan, (2d)'s ch. 1, Ardra C, m. Isaiah Neal; r. Searsmont. 2, Mary Cordelia, b. Feb. 3, 1818, m. Rankin ; r. Rock. 3, Ab igail M, b. Dec. 18, '22, m. Jonathan Thompson, April 2, '48 ; r. Bel mont or vicinity. 4, Caroline A, b. Nov. 27, '24, ra. Capt. Edwin Lovett of N. York, Sept. 12, '44. 5, Lucy C, b. ab. '26, m. John W. Norwood, June 16, '47 ; r. Rock, and has one dau, Mesella, born in 1849. 6, Frank, rem. aud m. in the West. 7, Elizabeth, mar. 1st, Almond Judkins, Aug. 25, '51, and 2d, in Cal. 8, WiUiam. Of Charles's ch. 1, Capt. Alfred, c from Hope, mar. Prudence C. Everett; r. S. Th, and d. at his father's in Hope, June 20, 1858. 2, Cyrus, b. ab. '24, m. 1st, Harriet B. Lewis of S. Th, p. Nov. 6, '53, 2d, Emily A. Perkins, Nov. 11, '62 ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Abijah's ch. 1, Mary W, b. Oct. 14, 1819, m. Shepard Gray; r. S. Th. 2, Eliza B, b. Jan. 20, '21, ra. George S. Grav; r. S Th, & d. Dee. 30, '46. 3, Justus E, b Oct. 1, '28, m Rebecca Keen, June 23, '50 ; r. Rock, a painter, &c 4, Capt. Alden T, b. Feb. 24, '31, m. Bethia B. Glover, Oct. 17, '43 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. Thomas's ch. by 2d wife. Jane H, b. Jan. 17, 1842. Cpat. Alfred's ch. 1, Ida I, b. ab. 1843. 2, Edward E, b. ab. '48. 3, Mary II, b. ab. '50. 4, Alfred, b. ab. '55. Cyrus's ch. By 1st wife. 1, Henrietta, b. ab. 1854. 2, Sarah E, b. ab. 1856. 3, Hattie A, b. May, '58, d. June 11, '61. The mother d. Feb. 27, '62, a. 35. Justus E.'s ch. 1, Euretta E, b. ab. 1852. 2, Minuie, b. ab. '59. Capt. Alden T.'s ch. 1, George A, b. ab. 1845. 2, Sophia L, b. Feb. 1847, d. March 19, '49. 3, Ellen F, b. '48, d. Oct. 9, '61. 4, Myra W, b. ab. '53. 5, Emma E, b. ab. '65. SHERMAN, Alpheus, b. ab. 1823, came from Washington, Me, in 1837, mar. Mary C, Whitcomb of Yarmouth, Aug. 31, '51 ; r. Th, a ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 39 1 shipbuilder. Their ch. 1, Franklin P, b. ab. '52. 2, Angeletta, b. ab. '54. 3, William S, b. ab. '57. 4, Emma, b. ab. '59. SHERWELL, Samuel P, m. 1st, Julia A. Sweetland, 2d, Huldah H. Tabor, Sept. 30, 1832 ; r. S. Th, but probably rem. SHIBLES, John, son of John and Elizabeth (Killpatrick) Shibles, was b. at Pemaquid in 1732, c. to Th. with his mother in 1736 ; m. Mary Carney & d. Feb. 7, '77, a. 45. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. April 15, 1766 ; m. Sally (Holbrook) Coffin, Aug. 20, 1800; r. & d. Th. 2, Robert, b. Dec 29, '68 ; m. Betsey McLellan, p. June 17, '90 ; r. Th. & d. June 21, 1837. 3, John, (3d), b. April 3, 1770 ; m. Nancy Por terfield, p. July 25, '92 ; rem. & d. in the west. 4, James, b. May 22, '73; m. Betsey Rrtwley, May 16, 1800 ; rem. & d. U, June 17, 1843. 5, David, b. Feb. 4, '76 ; m. Katy Buckland of Cam, p. Oct. 6, '96 ; r. Searsmont. The mother m. 2d, John DiUoway ; r. Th. & d. Aug. 1799. Thomas's ch. 1, Ezekiel, b. Sept. 5, & d. Sept. 11, 1801. 2, Pris cilla, b. Dec. 31, 1802. 3, Naaman H, b. Jan. 6, 1805, in Camden, whither the family removed. Robert's ch. 1, Mary, b. Oct. 2, 1790 ; m. Capt. Haunce R. Hyler, May 15, 1818 ; r. Th. 2, Capt. Simon M, b. Feb. 13, 1792 ; m. Sally Achorn, p. May 15, 1819; r Th, a master mariner, farmer, &c. 3, John, b. Dec. 30, '93 ; drowned in George's river, April 20, 1813. 4, Harriet M, b. Jan. 19, '96 ; m. 1st, Capt James Burnham, 2d, Capt. Charles Walker ; r. Th. 5, Charlotte, b. Feb. 28, '98 ; r. Th. 6, EUza M, b. April 24, 1800; m. Edward Kaler, Dec. 28, '23; r. Wal. 7, Maria Matilda, b. Aug. 22. 1802 ; m. Capt. Oliver Robinson ; r. Th. 8 & 9, twins, b. April 18, '05, Geoige Webster, m. Jane Paine, 2d, Re becca (Palmer) Mayberry, June 29, '44 ; 1. Th, a rigger, inventor of improvement in reefing and furling topsails ; Robert Killpatrick, m. Abigail Butler, '32 ; drowned at sea, Feb. 26, '51. 10, Jane P. A. C, b. May 13, '07 ; m Capt. Edward KeUeran ; r. C. 11, Arthur J. C, b. Oct. 3, 1811, d. Dee. 4, 1828. Capt. Simon M.'s ch. 1, John, (4th), b. Nov. 23, 1821 ; m. Martha J. Rose, Nov. 25, '49 ; r. Th, a farmer. 2, Eliza A, b. Nov. 8, '23 ; in. Isaac Mathews; r. Th. 3, Simon, b. Sept. 27, '26 ; m. Elizabeth Peabody, Oct. 15, '51 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 4, Arthur Joseph, b. May 13, '29 ; r. Th , a carpenter. 5, Warren J, b. Feb. 5, d. July 27, '32. 6, Hanse H, b. Aug. 18, '33 ; m. Helen J. Young of C, June 8, '54 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 7, Mary A, b. June 21, '36 ; m Sylvester Hahn of Wal, Oct. 31, 1855 George Webster's ch. 1, Lucina Paine, (adopted,) b. April 4, 1829 ; m. 1st, Capt. David Brown, 2d, Horace Muzzey of Searsmont, Feb. 11, '63 ; r. Th, and d. Sept. 18, '64. 2, H. Hyler, b. Jan. 12, '31 ; r. Th. 3, Ge>rge Webster, (2d), b. Jan. 26, '32, d. Aug. 15, '53. 4, MatUda, b. Aug. 20, '33 ; m. Oakcs A. Dodge ; r. Mass. 5, Eliza beth, b. April 10, '35 ; m. Leander Woodcock ; r. Th. 6, Jane, b. Jan. 24, '37 ; m. Matthew Webb ; r. Th. By 2d wife. 7, Eldora, b. ab. '45. 8, Julietta, b. ab. '47- 9, Richard Irving, b. ab. '50. 10, Geo. W, (3d), b. ab. '52. R. KUlpatrick's ch. 1, Sarah A, b. Aug. 31, 1833. 2, Warren J, b. Dec. 29, '34, mar. Ann Hyler of C, Oct. 31, '55 ; r. Th, a black smith. 3, Helen H, b. April 12, '37, d. Aug. 30, '40. 4, Robert K, (2d), b June 16, '38 ; r. Th, a blacksmith. 5, Edward E, b. May 12, '40, d. March 29, '41. 6, Edward E, (2d), b. Feb. 7, '42. 7, Helen, b. '48, d. Dec. 13, '61. 8, Charles Henry, b. ab. '49. 392 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, John's ch. 1, Daniel R, b. ab. 1853. 2, Olive R, b. ab. '55. 3, William, b. ab. '57. Simon's ch. 1, Virginia, b. ab. 1852. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '54. 3, Peter P, b. ab. '59. Haunce H.'s ch. Prederic W, b. ab. 1855. SHIBLES, John, of a different, or distant branch of the same family, b. ab. 1821, mar. AngeUne • ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Theirch. 1, Jane, b. ab. 1846. 2, Moses W, b. ab. '48. 3, Ann P. b. ab. '50. 4, James, b. ab. '53. 5, Peter, b. ab. '57. SHUMAN ; of this Wal. family of German descent, 1, Zenas G, b. Aug. 15, 1815 ; r. Rock, with Julia, his wife, and d. Peb. 10, '64. 2, Simon, b. ab. 1816, m. Sophronia ; r. Th. 3, Nelson, b. ab. '26, m. Mary A. Levansaler, July 31, '52 ; r. Rock, a joiner. Of this name, also, James M. Shuman ; r. S.'Th, and entered the army. Zenas G.'s ch. 1, Frank, b. ab. 1845. 2, Mary J, b. ab. '47. 3, Plora, b. ab. '53. 4, George, b. ab. '57. 5, Zenas, b. ab. '60. Simon's ch. 1, George, b. ab. 1838, mar. JuUa ; r.Th. 2, Clara, b. ab. '47. 3, John. Nelson's ch. Newell A. b. ab. 1853. SIDELINGER, Elijah, b. ab. 1816, probably in Wal, and of Ger man descent, m. Mary ; r. itock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Abby N, b. ab. 1841. 2, Alvina, b. ab. '45. 3, Jane, b. ab. '48. 4, Amasa, b. ab. '50. 5, Ethal, b. ab. '55. 6, Remely. SIMMONS, Henry B, b. ab. 1808, in Waldoboro', m. Sarah Lud- wig ; r. Th, a blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Boyd, b. ab. '46. 2, George, b. ab. '48. Of the same family, or name, John A. Simmons, b. ab. '11, in Waldoboro', m. Jane Ann Bennett ; r. Rock, a joiner, &c John A.'s ch. 1, Charles T, b. ab. '37. 2, Gilman T, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock. eutered the navy. 3, Ada A, b. July 13, '47. 4, George, b. April '51, d. July 31, '54. Of this name, also, Cyrus R. Simmons, b. in Hope, '18, m. Elizabeth Chapman of Appleton; r. Rock, a joiner. Cyrus R.'s ch. 1, Francena, b. ab. 1846. 2, Adriana, b. ab. '48. 3, Elden, b. ab. '54. Also, Gershom Simmons, b. ab. '19, in Mass., m. Lydia ; r. Th, a cooper. Gershom's ch. 1, JuUa F, b. ab. '48. 2, Abbie P, b. ab. '50. 3, Mary E, b. ab. '52. 4, Hattie B, b. ab. '55. 5, Edward H, b. ab. '58. SIMMONS, Luther, b. ab. 27, in Union, m. Mary J. Andrews of W, June 18, '54 ; r. Th, a ship carpenter and builder. Their ch. 1, Effie J, b. 1860. Of this Union family, also, Moses L. Simmons, b. ab. 1825, in U, m. 1st, Caroline Keen, 2d, Mrs. Olive D, widow of Algernon Simmons, Nov. 19, '56 ; r. Rock, a teamster. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Marietta, b. ab. 1853. By 2d wife, 2, Algenora, b. Aug. 12, '58, d. July 7, '61. Of this name, also, James B. Simmons, b. ab. 1828 ; mar. Nancy Bisbee of W, p. Sept. 29, '53 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, soldier in 28th Me, &c. James B.'s ch. 1, Elvona, b. Aug, 1854, d. June 25, '56. 2, Clara Ella, b. ab. '57- Of the same name, John D. Simmons, b. ab. 1834; mar. Achsah S. Hosmer ; r. Rock, a mason. John D.'s ch. 1, Ralph K, b. July 17, 1855, died Sept. 26, '61. 2, Lizzie, b. ab. '57. There was also, Isaac Simmons, b. ab. 1820; m. Catharine S.' Butler; r. Rock, a limeburner, lately rem. with his family to. California. Isaac's ch. 1, Wilbert, b. ab. 1839, a mariner. 2, Margaret N, b. Jan, 1842, d. Oct. 11, '53. 3, Hanson B, b. ab. '44 ; soldier of 4th Me. Reg. 4, , b. 1846 ; drowned, July 29, '54. 5, Charles E. 6,Cassie U. 7, Frank W. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 393 SIMONTON ; of this family there came hither from Falmouth or Portland two brothers ; 1, John, m. Rachel McLellan ; r. & d. S. Th. 2, James, m. in Falmouth, Susan Gross ; settled and d. in Camden. There also came later, their sister, Elizabeth, b. Jan. 13, 1772; mar. Capt. John Gregory; r. Cam, and d. Nov. 4, 1857, leaving 8 ch, 50 grand ch, 71 great grand ch, and 4 gr. gr. grand ch. And their brother, Abraham, b. April 18, 1778 ; m. 1st, Lucy Haskell, Sept. 1, 1803, 2d, Mrs. Lucy Tyler ; r. Rock, and d. Oct. 25, '51. John's ch. 1, Mary, b. June 13, 1774; m. William Howe Wiggin, 2d, Capt. J B. Rider; r. Th. & Rock. & d. March 1, 1863. 2, Capt. George, b. 1779 ; r. Th, unm, & d. March 5, 1831. 3, Capt. Patrick, m, & r. in Virginia or North CaroUna. 4, Hannah, b. 1785 ; m. John Spofford; r. Rock. 5, Elizabeth, b. 1787 ; mar. Charles Coburn, 2d, Patrick Woodcock; r. Th, and d. March 10, 1853. 6, Rachel, mar. George Lindsey; r. and d. Rock. 7, Capt. John, i2d), mar. Patience Otis; r. Th, & d. in Boston or New York of small-pox in 1830. 8, Rebecca, m. Crowell Jones ; r. Roek. . James's ch. 1, William, Esq, m. EUzabeth (Roberts) Leland ; r. & d. Cam. 2, Margaret, m. 1st, Mr. Fiske; rem. Ohio, but ret, and m. 2d, Daniel Howard of St. G. 3, James, (2d), m. Mrs. Morse; r. & d. Cam. 4, Susan, mar. Josiah Hemenway. 5, Abraham, born in Cam. ; m. Sarah Townsend; r. & d Cam. 6, Joanna, m. Dea. Wil Uam Brown ; r. Cam. 7, John, m. Elizabeth Richards ; r. & d. Cam. 8, Sarah, m. Daniel Ames ; r. Cam. 9, Dr. Putnam, mar. Elizabeth Eaton ; r. and prac. med. in Searsport. 10, Charlotte, mar. WilUam Burkett ; r. East Boston. Abraham's ch. 1, Jane, b. Dee. 3, 1803 ; m. Capt. Isaac Bullock. 2, Capt. Francis H, b. Oct. 26, '05 ; m. Melissa Bullock of Northport, p. July 10, '31 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 3, Anne, b. Jan. 14, '07 ; m. James Jones, jr. ; r. Rock. 4, Hannah, b. Oct. 14, '08 ; m. Capt. George W Duncan; r. Rock, & d. Dec. 12, '61. 5, Mary, b. Oct. 2, '11 ; m. Jonathan Post ; r. Rock. 6, Maria, b. June 11, '14. 7, Capt. Abraham, (2d), b. April 17, '16;, mar. Rebecca H. Crouch, Dec. 27, '44 ; r. Rock, & d. at New London, Sept. 30, '54. 8, Lucy, b. June 12, '18; m. Samuel Partridge, 2d, Elijah M. Averill; and d. Nov. 25, '53. 9, Capt. Freeman H, b. March 17, '21 ; m. Sarah E. Rich, Sept. 19, '43 ; r. Rock, & d. July S, '59, very suddenly. 10, Margaret, b. Jan. 24, '24; mar. Capt. Daniel E. Post; r. Rock. 11, Isaac B , b. March 5, '28, d. Jan. 29, '52. By 2d wife. 12, James G, b. ab. 1836; m. Lenora J. Hall, July 18, '55 ; r. Rock, wagoner in 28th Me, Sec. Capt. John, (2d)'s ch. George, (2d), d. at sea, July, 1847. The mother m. 2d, Viram B. Robbins ; r. S. Th. & d. Nov. 22, '64. William, Esq.'s ch. 1, Eliza Ann, m. Robert White of BeU'ast. 2, Sarah G, m. Capt. James W. Clark ; r. & d. Cam. 3, Margaret J, m. Capt. Jiimes W. Clark; r Cam. 4, William P, mar. Harriet A. Sawtelle; r. Cam. 5, Thaddeus R, Esq, mar. Josephine Hall of Brunswick ; r. Cam, attorney at law, collector of customs, &c. 6, Lavinia G, m. Andrew E. Clark ; r. Cam. 7, Theodore E, b. Aug. 24, 1833 ; mar. Ellen S. Wadlin of Belfast, July 27, '57 ; r. Rock,, a dry goods merchant. 8, Frederic J, b. July 24, '36 ; mar. Flora J, dau. of S. G. Adams of Cam, Nov. 24, '63; i. Rock, a merchant. 9, Harriet A, r. Cam. Capt. Francis H.'s ch. 1, Capt. Judson, b. May 2, 1832 ; m. Lura E. Marston, Jan. 24, '55 ; r. Rock. 2, Melissa, b. Nov. 27, "33 ; m. Capt. Ephraim E. Post; r. Rock. 3, Francis W, b, Nov, 4, 35, d. 394 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, May 30, '48. 4, Lucy E, b. Feb. 5, '38 ; r. Rock. 5, Loraim, b. July 3, '39 ; r. Rock. 6, Abraham K, b Feb. 7, '43 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 7, Samuel, b. ab. '48. 8, Robert, b. ab. '50. The mother d. Aug. 5, 1858, aged 50. Capt. Abraham, (2d)'s ch. 1, WUliam A, b. ab. 1847- 2, Cora E, b. ab. '52. Capt. Freeman H.'s ch. 1, Lugilla F, b. March, 1847, d. Dec 15, '49. 2, James F, b. May, '49, d. Dec. 15, '51. 3, Eugene, b. May, '53, d. Oct. 3, '54. The mother d. Sept. 15, '58. SINGER, Faithful, (whose father came from North of Ireland, but went back, and never returned),, was b. at Edgecomb, m. Mary Fuller- ton; r. Edgecomb, and d. in W. Indies in 1810. His mother m. 2d, Williams, and left ch. in Edgecomb. His widow m. 2d. Hawthorn, and d. in Th. Faithful's ch. 1, Jane, b. ab. 1794, m. WilUam Butler; r. Rock. 2 and 3, twins, b. Jan. 8, 1797, Hon. WiUiam, mar. Mary Bridges, p. Aug. 22, 1818; j. Th, where he has long been a master mariner, merchant, and business man, president of Georges Ins. Co., was Councillor 1841, Pres. Elector in 1856, &c. ; John, d. at Mobile, July 17, 1826. 4, Susan, b. ab. 1799, d. at Th, April 12, 1830. 5, Dea. Alexander, b. July 13, 1801, m. 1st, Hannah Comery, who, with her infant, d. Sept. 14, 1829, a. 30, 2d, Martha Ann Metcalf, July 5, '30; j. Th, rem. W. 6, Eliza, b. ab. 1805, m. Capt. Thomas Colley, (2d) ; r. Th. Hon. WiUiam's ch. 1, Mary J, b. Nov. 16, 1819, m. Capt. James Henderson, Oct. 7, '41, d. March 25, '50. 2, Capt. William J, born March 9, '22, m. Isabella Fuller, Sept. '47, 2d, Jane G. Fuller, MaTch '62 ; r. Th, master mariner, &c 3, Samuel S, born Sept. 3, '25, d. Aug. 7, 1851. 4, Sarah C, b. Aug. 28, '31, d. April 7, '58. 5, Ed ward R, b. Dec. 2, '33, m. Helen M. Carr, Feb. 28, '57 ; r. N. Y, a ship chandler, ret. Th, a jeweler, Sec. 6, Henrietta, b. Nov. 4, '37, d. Dec. 23, '52 Dea. Alexander's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Eliza Colley, b. 1827, died Sept. 22, '31. 2, Susan? b. 1829, d. young. By 2d wife. 3, Susan Ann, b. July 11, '31, m. William Comery, of W, r. Thomaston. 4, Sarah E, b. April 23, '35, m. Robert Creamer, (2d), of Wal, Sept. 31, '62. 5, Alexander, (2d), b. Feb. 1, '37 ; r. Washington, D. C, a sutler, &c. 6, Mary Eliza, b. June 30, '43. 7, William Frederic, b. Dec. 6, '44. Capt. William J.'s ch. 1, Ida E, b. ab. 1847. 2, Thomas Sprague, b. ab. 1850. SINGHI, Francis A. D., b. in Lucca, Italy, ab. 1801 ; c. heie and mar. Susan Ulmer,- Feb. 10, '33 ; r. Rock, a barber, musician, &c. Their ch. 1, Lieut. John F, b. Nov. 10, '33, m. Francis A. Black ington, Feb. 13, '56 ; ±-. Rock, a leader of brigade band in U. S. Army, &c 2, Ferdinand G, b. Jan. 4, '35, mar. Lizzie Swan, Nov. 29, '57 ; r. Rock, a barber, &c. 3, Wellington G, b. Aug. 4, '37. 4, Angelo B, b. Oct. 11, and d. Nov. 23, '38. 5, Angelo L, b. Oct. 31, '39, d. July 28, '40. 6, Vittrice H„ b. Oct. 8, '41. 7, Lucinda C, b. Oct. 13, '45, d. Dec. 10, '48. 8, Martin U, b. May 4, '47 ; entered the navy and was stated to have perished in the Congress, March 8, '62. 9, Florence E, b. ab. '50. 10, George B. B, b. and d. 1856. Ferdinand G.'s ch. 1, Lizzie E, b. ab. 1858. 2, Francis- A. D, (2d), b. ab. '59. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 395 SLATER, Capt> William, b. ab. 1818, in Washington, Me, mar. Eliza A. Robinson; r. Th, a master mariner. Theirch. WilUam T, b. ab. 1852. SLEEPER, Benjamin, m. Hannah Hasey; was a shoemaker, came from N. H. to New Meadows, and d. there, being one, or a descen dant of one of three brothers, who c. from England, one of whom set tled in Massachusetts, and another in Pennsylvania. Benjamin's ch. 1, Nathaniel, b. 1762 ; c here with his widowed mother and brothers about 1788 ; m. 1st, Nancy Thomas, Nov. 28, 1796, 2d, Jane Post; r. S. Th, at Ash Pt, d. Oct. 24, 1825. 2, William, went to sea young, and not heard from. 3, Benjamin, (2d), m. 1st, Sally Rendall, April 10, 1800, 2d, PameUa C. Greeley, Oct. 13, '31 ; r. and d. S. Th, Owl's Head. 4, Jeremiah, b. ab. 1781, m. Abigail Sherman, March 18, '04 ; r. Rock. 5, John, d. young. 6, Jesse, b. 1787, mar. 1st, Rebecca Bridges, p. Dec. 18, 1808, 2d, Mrs. Mary S. HaskeU, Nov, 1852 ; j. S. Th, a caulker, &c. Nathaniel's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1797, m. Jonas Emery, and d. July 25, 1819. 2, WiUiam, b. May 11, '99, m. Isabella Kelloch, Feb. 20, 1820, and d. Oct. 9, '22. 3, Nancy, b. Nov. 2, '01, m. George Emery, Esq. ; r. S. Th, and d. May, 1825. 4, Capt. Na thaniel, (2d), b. Sept. 15, '03, m. Sarah A. Cooper, Nov. 1, '27 ; r. S. Th, and d. April 11, '30, lost at sea. 5, Stephen P, b. Oct. 15, '05, d. of dysentery, Oct. 25, '25. 6, Charles, b. May 11, '07, d. April 11, '30, of consumption, as have most of the family. 7, Hannah, b. March 27, '10, m. Daniel C. Haskell ; r. and d. Rock 8, Capt. Samuel B, b. Feb. 14, '12, m. Lucy Ann Pilsbury, Nov. 26, '35 ; r. Rock, and d. April 1, '51. 9, Henrietta Maria, b. Aug. 28, '14. 10, Benjamin, (2d), b. May 18, '16 ; r. and d S. Th. By 2d wife. 11, Elvira T, b. AprU 18, '19 ; d. in Th, Dec. 22, '55. 12, Mary Jane, b. Dec. 22, '20, m. Qapt. Irel Cutler; r.Th, and d. Aug. 17, '61. 13, Abigail E, b. Aug. 29, or 31, '22 14, a dau, b. March, and d. Oct. 17, '25, of dysentery. Benjamin, (2d)'s ch. by 1st wife. 1 and 2, twins, b. Sept. 21, 1800 ; Hannah, m. 1st, James Rendell, 2d, Jacob Clifford of Prospect, July 12, '31 ; Jenny, m. and r. Prospect. 3, Sally, b. Aug. 2, '02, m. Samuel Nichols, jr, of Prospect, Dec. 1, '25. By 2d wife. 4, Benja min F , b. April 11, '33, m. Adelia Grimes, Oct. 18, '52 ; r. Mass. 5, MeUssa Maria, b. June 20, '35 ; m. Se r. Cal. 6, Marinda N, b. Sept. 20, '37, m. Capt. David B. Clifford of Prospect, Dec. 4, '52, sailed from Bath with her husband, and was never heard from. 7, Burnam C , b. Aug. 6, '39 ; r. Owl's Head, S. Th, a farmer, soldier of 4th Me, &c. 8, Caroline Ellen, b. Feb. 3, '40 ; r. S. Th. ? 9, Helen A, b. ab. '45 ; r.-S. Th. Jeremiah's ch. 1, Capt. John, b. June 18, 1805, m. Mercy Bever age of Vinalhaven, Aug. 3, '31 ; r. and d. Rock. 2, Sophia, b. Aug. 2, '07, m. Capt. Daniel Emery ; r. S. Th. 3, Capt. Jeremiah, (2d), b. Sept. 2, '09, m. Mary Ann Amsbury, p. Jan. 9, '37 ; r. S. Th, Owl's Head. 4, Capt. Nathan, b. Dec. 7, '12, m. Rebecca Gray, p. Oct. 16, '38 ; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Oliver, b. Dec. 18, '14, m. Catharine Hanson, May 28, '48; r. Rock. 6, Capt. Alfred, b- Jan. 9, '17, m. Lydia J. Pendleton; r. Rock. 7, Joseph, b Feb. 3, and d, June, 1818. 8, 1 Lavinia, b. Sept. 22, '22, m. William K. Sherman of Cam, May 30, '41; r. Cam, and Line. 9, Bethiah, b. Oct 18, '25, d. Oct 13, '26. 10, Capt William, b. Aug. 14, '27, mar. Rebecca F. Cobb of W. ; r. Rock, all master mariners. 11, Marietta, b. June 12, '33 ; j. Rock. 396 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Jesse's ch. 1, Mary Ann, m. George D. Hall; r. S. Th. 2, Har riet, b. ab. 1810 ; m. Rev. Amariah Kalloch; r. Rock, & d. July 14, 1843. 3, Capt. Elias P, b. ab. 181-5 ; mar. 1st, Helen M. Thorndike, 1839; 2d, Emily Emery; 3d, Eliza A Thorndike of Dixmout, p. Nov. 10, '51 ; r. S. Th. 4, Capt. Albert, m. Ruth P. Butler, Sept. 2, '42 ; r. S. Th, both master mariners. 5, Arethusa, b. ab. 1819 ; m. Hon. George Thorndike; r. Rock. 6, Jesse, (2d), b. ab. 1824; m. Susan E. Kelloch, Oct. 17, '52; r. S. Th, a caulkpr. 7, Sarah E, m. Oliver Sweetland; r. S. Th. 8, Hannah Jane, m. Samuel Dean ; r. S. Th. Capt. Nathaniel, (2d)'s ch. Capt. Samuel A. b. April 4, 1829; m. Aldana C. Havener, June 17, '51 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. Capt. Samuel B.'s ch. Nancy, b. ab. 1845. Capt. John's ch. 1, Capt. Henry J, b. June 27, 1832 ; m. Lucretia Waterman of North Haven, Jan. 10, '57 ; r. Rock, in naval service. 2, Adelaide, b. Nov. 18, '33; m. Albert G. Lovett; r. Rock. Capt. Jeremiah, (2d)'s ch. 1, Eugene B, b. July 6, 1838, d. July 6, '43. 2, Otis H, b. May 3, '39 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 3, Abby, b. Oct. 2, '41, d. Sept. 18, '42. 4, Jeremiah W, b. ab. '43. Capt. Nathan's ch. 1, Irving R, b. Oct. 15, 1840 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Aramantha, b. Sept, '43, d. Oct. 9, '46. 3, Rebecca E, b. ab. '47. 4, Ida J, b. ab. '49, d. April 18, '51. 5, Winfield S, b. ab. '54. Capt. Oliver's ch. 1, James F. 2, William H. Capt. AU'red's ch. Isabel A. Capt. William's ch. George W. Capt. Elias P.'s ch. 1, William E. By 2d wife. 2, Emily H, b. 1850, d. March 3, '53. By 3d wife. 3, George T. 4, Henrietta S. Capt. Albert's ch. 1, Mary A. 2, Ella J. 3, Elida A. 4, Laura A. Jesse, (2d)'s ch. 1, WiUard F. 2, Kate M. Samuel A.'s ch. Edith M, b. June, 1855, d. Dec. 7, '58. Capt. Henry J.'s ch. Clarie Helen, b July 26, d. Nov. 12, 1863. Of this name, also, Nathaniel Sleeper, b. ab. 1790 ; probably of a dif ferent family; r. Rock, in 1860. SMALL ; the ancestor of this family m. Mary Lassell ; r. Cape Elizabeth, and d. at sea. Their ch. 1, Dea. Benjamin, b. May, 1769, m. Mary Fling, p. Nov. 22, '93, c. here with his mother, brother and sister; r. S Th, and d. March 21, 1821. 2, Jonathan, ret. to Cape Elizabeth, m. and had one dau, who m. Dea. Colby ; r. and d. Rich mond, Me. 3, Ruth, b. Nov. 24, 1767, m. Capt. Jonas Dean ; r. S. Th, was one of the early converts of Rev. I. Case, and a devoted member of the Baptist ch. for more than 75 years, and d. at her son Samuel's, June 11, 1861, leaving 49 grand ch, and 46 gr. grand ch. Dea. Benjamin's ch. 1, Capt. Jonathan, (2d), b. Aug. 17, 1791, mar. 1st, Rebecca Otis, 2d, Betsey (Wheeler) Small, April 7, '44, 3d, Thankful (Otis) Williams, p. July 20, '47 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, and d. May 30, '62. 2, Mary, b. 1801, d. Oct. 11, '1'9. 3, Benjamin, (2d), mar. Mary C. Otis, p. Feb. 3, '18 ; j. Belfast. 4, John, d. at sea. 5, Edward, m. Betsey Wheeler, p. Sept. 25, '22, d. abroad. 6, Hannah F, m. Oliver Wheeler; r. S. Th. 7, Rev. Ephraim H, m. Eliza B. Sayward, p. April 22, '34 ; r. Union, a Meth. minister. 8, Shepard R, b. ab. '13, m. 1st, Margaret Ames, pub. April 14, '37, 2d, Olive Ames, Nov. 1856 ; r. S. Th , a c.irpenter. The mother d. Jan. 11, '38, a. 65. Capt. Jonathan, (2d)'s eh. By 1st wife. John W, born May 12, 1818, mar. Caroline O. Simonton, Oct. 31, '43 ; r. Th, a shipbuilder. The mother d. Oct. 1, '42, a. 47. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 397 Edward's ch. 1, Mary S, b. March 21, 1824. 2, EmeUne, b. Oct. 1, '25 ; m-. Cyrus P. Johnson of Lowell, April 14, '50. 3, Capt. Ed ward, (2d), b. Nov. 27, '29 ; m. Sarah E. Small, Jan, '60 ; r. S. Th, a master mariner. 4, Elizabeth, b. July 12, '31. Shepherd R.'s ch. 1, Gilbert, b. Oct. 24, 1838 ; rem. Cal. 2, Sa rah E, b. Nov. 28, '39 ; m. Capt. Edward Small, r. S. Th. John W.'s ch. 1, Francis, b. ab. 1846 ; j. Th. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '48. 3, Seth, b. March, & d. June 18, '50. 4, John Bradford, b. ab. '54. 4, Charles Emerson, b. ab. '57. Capt. Edward, (2d)'s ch. Arthur A, b. Dee. 11, 1860, d. Jan. 28, 1861. SMALL, Capt. Jackson, b. ab. 1835, in Deer Isle ; m. Adaline M. HaU of St. G, June 17, '55 ; r. Rock., a master mariner. Their ch. Lilla, b. ab. 1859. SMALLEY, Capt. William W, b. 1822, in St.JGreo. ; m. Mary N. Young; r. Th. & d. Oct. '59. Of this name, also, C. David Smalley, b. ab. '25, in Reading, Vt. ; m. 1st, Mary E , Carpenter, 2d, Mary J. Dean; r. Rock, a tailor. His ch. by 1st wife. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab. '52, Willis and Frederic. SMART, Henry A, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Eliza Thorndike ; r. Rock, a joiner, &e. Their ch. 1, Eliza J, b. Feb. 18, 1832 ; m. Capt. Nel son P. Spear ; r. Rock. 2", Fannie, b. ab. 1846 ; r. Rock. SMITH, Oliver, b. in Norton, Mass, served his time as blacksmith in Easton ; e here and had a shop near Mill River ; m. Rhoda Fales, p. Sept. 19, 1778 ; r. and d. Thomaston. His younger brother, Abi- athar, also c to Th, mar. 1st, Hannah Coffee, and again in Fox Is., where he rem. after many years, and died at Isle Haut. Oliver's ch. 1, Betsey, died young. 2, Ebenezer, learned blacksmith's trade of J. Mero in W , d. unm. in Rock, or S. Th, Feb. 1, 1829. 3, Oliver, (2d), b. July 18, 1784 ; in. Catharine Stevens of Penobscot, p. March 18, '11 ; r. Belmont, Line , Hope, and now Th. 4, Abigail, m. Isaac Dun- ton of Line. 5, John, d. young. 6, Rufus, d. at N. O. 7, Betsey, m. Almond Bennett; r. Th, and d. May 6, 1852. 8, Joanna, mar. Mar cus Bennett. Abiathar's ch. by 1st wife, i, Barbara, mar. John Horton of Cam den, p. Nov. 15, 1798. 2, George, m. & r. Isle Haut. 3, Simeon, m. & r. Isle Haut. 4, Abiathar, (2d), m Nancy Thompson ; r. Cam. 5, Hannah, m. Elisha Holbrook ; r. & d. Islands. 6, James. 7, Charles. 8, Coffee. By 2d wife. 9, Susan. 10, Mary, and others rem. Oliver, (2d)'s ch. 1, Harriet, m. Andrew Pottle; r. & d. Line. 2, Rufus, m. & r. Alabama. 3, Joel B, m. Bethia Morton, p. June 3, 1847 ; r. F. 4, Moses, m. Ross ; was in the Naval service, Charlestown, Mass, before 1861. 5, Mercy I, mar. Daniel G. An drews, July 27, '45 ; r. Rockport. 6, Almira, m. 1st, Joseph Lom bard, May 26, '46, 2d, William Higgins, 1. Richmond, d. Rockport. 7, Andrew, d. young. SMITH, Jonathan, b. in Smithfield, R. I, Aug. 9, 1742, O. S, ra. Elizabeth McDougle, March 28; 1776, by Rev. J. Urquhart; c. to r. in Th, April, 1778 ; and d. ab. 1814. Elizabeth, his wife, was born at St. George's Fort, now Th, June 22, 1743, and d. June 11, 1804. Their ch. 1, Leonard, b. March 29, 1780 ; m. 1st, Submit Fuller, of Attleboro', Aug. 1, 1802, 2d, Melinda Healey, May 28, 1805 ; r. Th. & d.Nov. 1, '64, a. 84. 2, Richard, b. July 20, '83; m. Betsey Butler, April 16, 1807 ; r. Rock, and d. June 23, 1827, Vol. II. 34 398 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Leonard's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John, b. March 21, 1803 -, m. Mary Ott of Cam, Nov 14, '25 ; r. W, & d. Dec 26, '57. 2, Richar d (2d), b. Feb. 5, 1805 ; m. Jane L. Wilson, Oct. 19, '28 ; and d. Oct. A6, oo. By 2d wife. 3, Submit, b. July 12, '06 ; m. 1st, Jackson luinei, M< Capt. Samuel Getchell, Nov. 28, '51 ; r. Rock, and d. July dl.oa., Melinda, b. Jan. 3, 1808, d. Aug. 12, '11. 5, Leonard, (2d), b. April 12, '13 ; m. Ann Y. Mclntyre, Nov. 10, '50 ; r. C, and d. Oct. b, oa. 6, Tileston H, b. Jan. 19, '15, m. 1st, Mary C. Starrett, July 8, 38 2d, Emma D. Brown, July 31, '57 ; r. Th, lumber dealer, teacher, carpenter, &c 6, Charies G, b. June 29, '18 ; m. Lavinia S. Dales, Dec. 3, '42; r. Th, a joiner, &c; rem. California, and purchased a farm. 7, Albert M, b. Sept. 5, '21 ; m. RoxanaB. Waugh, AprU 30, '46 ; d. in California, Oct. 24, 1852- Richard's ch. 1, Elkanah S, born Jan. 2, 1810, mar. 1st, Susan J. Perry, Feb. 27, 1834, 2d7j>l dau. of Nathaniel Low of English descent , r. & d. WaterviUe. Of their ch. 1, Hermon, Esq, b. April, 1807, in Waterville ; graduate Waterville Coll, 1828 ; studied law with Hon. Timothy Boutelle of WaterviUe ; c. hither in Sept, 1831, & r. Rock, a counsellor at law. STEVENS ; of this Lincolnville family, 2 brothers c to this place. 1, George A, b. ab. 1818, in Line; mar. Mary U. Tyler; r. Rock, a joiner, Sec. 2, Horatio G, b. ab. 1822 ; m. Amelia E. Jenson ; r. R., a joiner; rem. Belfast, with his ch, Annie M, & George W. George A.'s ch. 1, Helen A, b. Sept, 1843, d. March 3, '51. 2, Emma C, b. '45, d. Aug. 22, '54. 3, Lucy W, b. ab. '48. 4, Kate H, b. ab. '53. 5, F- Roscoe, b. Feb, '55, d. Sept. 4, '57. 6, Edgar, b. ab. '58. STEVENS, Albert T, b. in Thorndike, Jan. 10, 1822 ; m. Bethia S. Hubbard, Dec. 24, '44, 2d, Mary E. (Cilley) MitcheU, April 22, '52 ; r. Rock, since Oct., '52, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Charles A, b. Sept. 5, '47, d. Oct. 5, '49. 2, Henry M, b. July 25, '49. By 2d wife. 3, Mary G, b. Jan. 22, '48. 4, Frank A, b. May 17, '60, died Sept. 29, '61. 5, Robert F, b. Oct. 8, '62. Of this name, also, George W. Stevens, b. June, 1804 ; came from Machias ; ? mar. Deborah T. ; r. Rock, & d. Jan. 10, '61. Their eh. 1, Ellery G, b. ab. 1840 ; r. R, a teamster, soldier in 4th Me, &c. 2, Horace, b. ab '47. STEWART, Capt. Thomas, b. ab. 1808, in Bristol ; came here from Belfast ; m. Olive H. Tolman ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas F, b. ab. 1841. 2, Jacob H. R, b. ab. 1850. STIMPSON, Brown, b. in Reading, Mass, ab. 1788 ; m. Eliza K. Sawyer ; came to Th. & r. Mill River, an apothecary, manufacturer of cordials, the celebrated Stimpson's Pills, &c, d. Aug. 23, 1838. Their ch. 1, Eliza Kidston, b. Aug. 12, 1812; r. Th. 2, Adam Orr, born Aug. 28, '14; drowned on his way home from school, Feb. 17, '21. 3, Capt. Charles Ward, b. May 20, '17 ; m. Rachel J. Field, Nov. 14, '44, 2d, Loretta Fish, Sept. 5, '53 ; r. Th. 4, Caroline Knox, b. Nov. 27, '19 ; m. Mr. Chipman of Halifax, N. S. ; r. Montreal. 5, Rachel, b. Nov. 2S, '21 ; d. young. 6, James E, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Sarah Rob inson of Halifax; r. Th, an overseer in State Prison, &c. 7, WilUam, r. Halifax, a merchant. Capt. Charles W.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Marv Caroline, d. young. The mother d. Nov. 27, '51. By 2d wife. 2, Charles W, (2d), b. ab. '55. 3, Etta, b. ab. '59. James E.'s ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1850. 2, Mary, b. ab. '53. 3, Minnie, b. ab. '60. STINSON ; of this Deer Isle family, as it is beheved, Mrs. OUve S.i r. Rock, a widow. Her ch. George W, b. ab. 1849. STODDARD, George L, b. ab. 1827 in Perry, Me, mar. EmeUne M. Gerry, Sept. 28, '52; r. Th, a carpenter; and d. June 22, 1863. Their ch. Caroline E, b. ab. 1858. STONE, Micah, son of Abel and grandson of Micah of Framing- ham, Mass, b. in 1782 ; c to Th. and W, a cabinet maker ; m. OUve Gleason, of U, Oct. 7, 1804 ; ret. Framiugham, where he d. ab. 1860. Their ch. b. at W. 1, George, b Nov. 15, 1806 ; m. Mrs. Sarah ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 419 Hills, May 13, '35 ; r. Th, rem. Mass. 2, Henry, b. Sept. 22, 1808 ; rem. Framingham, or some part of Mass. 3, John Y, born Feb. 26, '10; m. Deborah Simonton, Nov. 2, '37 ; r. Th, and d. May 27, '53. 4, an infant, d. 3 days old, March 1, 1812. John Y's ch. 1, Edwin A, b. Aug. 5, 1838, d. June 13, '39.- 2, Mary P, b. July 4, '40. 3, OUve R, b. Nov. 20, '42. 4, Alice D., b. ab. '46. 5, John O, b. ab. '49. 6, Matilda, b; ab. '51. 7, Geo. H, b. ab. 1853. STONE, James D, b. 1807, son of Allen and Hannah (Bennet) Stone, m. EUza, daughter of John Comery; c. from Union, Nov., '51 ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, Amanda, b. May 1, 1833 ; m. Stephen Pette- grew ; r. LoweU, d. Th. 2, Caroline F, b. March 11, '35 ; m. Geo. Bissell ; r. Lowell and Vermont. 3, Orrin E, b. March 2, '37 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 4, Melzar John, b. Nov. 17, '39, died Sept. 29, '62. 5, Andrew K, b. Aug. 1, '41, a mariner. 6, Sarah M, born Feb. 7, '43. 7, Clara E, b. March 19, '46. 8, Gilman, b. March 10, '48. Of this name, also, Seth Stone, c from Union ; m. Clarissa or Rachel Simon ton of Cam, r. in Th. a time, and rem. Cam. Their ch. 1, Frank lin, b. June 21, 1838, r. Th, or Cam., a mariner. 2, Frederic, bom Sept. 19, 1840. STORY, George W, c. from Camden ; m. Harriet W. Brewster ; r. Rock, a teamster, &c. Their ch. Frank Bentley, b. June 15, '60. STOVER, Caleb, of Long Cove, St. George ; m. a Clark of Clark's Is, and was Uving in Rock, in 1861 or '2. Christopher, a brother, m. PameUa ; r. Rock, rem. and d. S. Th., or St. G. Of Caleb's ch. 1, Capt. James, b. ab. 1810 ; m. Catharine Hall ; r. Rock. & d. Jan. 2, '64. And, perhaps also, 2, Caleb, (2d), who was b. in St. George ; m. Maria Snow ; r. & d. Rock. Christopher's ch. 1, John G, b. Oct. 6, 1821 ; m. Mary A. Grego ry, April 21, '44 ; r. Rock. & d. Nov. 27, '52 ; 2, Isabel G., b. May 2, 1824 ; 3, Pamelia J, b. Dec. 4, '26 ; 4, Clarissa H, b. Oct. 1, '29 ; 5, Archibald H, b. Feb. 9, '31 ; mar. Lucy A. Taylor of Lewiston, Sept. 2, '55 ; 6, Mary E, b. Oct. 6, '34 ; 7, Jesse, b. Jan. 25, '37; 8, Charles W, b. July 25, '39; 9, WilUam M, born AprU 16, '42 ; all probably removed. Capt. James's ch. 1, James A, born June 19, 1837 ; mar. Elethea Skinner; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c 2, Charles, b. Oct. 7, 1840, d. Sept. 19, '51. 3, Charles, b. Oct. 15, 1842. Caleb, (2d)'s ch. 1, Ella, b. ab. 1851. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. 1856. John G.'s ch. 1, Lilias. 2, Agnes A. James A.'s ch. 1, Henry, b. ab. 1858. 2, Alden, b. ab. '60. Of this name, also, Charles Stover, m. Catharine Seavey, Oct. 31, 1847; r. Rock. & d. April 3, '54. Andrew W. Stover, m. Abby M. Wiggin, p. Oct. 5, '61 ; r. S. Th, sergeant in 20th Me. reg, d. at N. York, July 1, '64, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va. And George Stover, b. ab. '33, m. Hattie ; r. Rock , a teamster. STOWE, Ephraim, m. Mary Ann Burns, Nov. 24, 1835 ; r. here, and had 3 ch. recorded, viz. : 1, Charles W, b. Dec. 3, 1836 ; 2, Ephraim H, b. Sept. 28, '38 ; 3, John B, b. Nov. 21, '40 ; but has probably rem. STRAUSS, Henry, came from Lyons, France, grad. at the Paris University; mar. Fannie Kaufman; has been a tutor of modern languages, now merchant and peddler ; r. Rock. Their ch. Isaac M, b. Sept. 17, 1861. 420 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, STROUT, Lemuel, b. ab. 1802, in Cape Elizabeth; mar. Louisa P. Cotton of Falmouth; r. Th, a boat builder, &c. Their ch.. 1, Capt. James Charles, grad. Bowd. Coll, 1857, officer in 16th Me., &c. 2, Abby Ellen, b. June 21, '37, d. April 1, '54. 3, Alfred C, b. ab. '40 ; sergeant in 1st Me. Cavalry. 4, Sarah L, b. ab. '43. STUDLEY, Pelatiah, b. ab. 1833, in Windsor; m. Harriet Walker, Jan. 13, '57 ; r. Th , a trader, farmer, &c George, his brother, came since 1860, & r. Rock. Pelatiah's ch. 1, Isadore, b. ab. 1857. Of this name, also, Augustus & Benjamin C. Studley ; r. Rock, soldiers of 4th Me, &c And probably others. SUTHERLAND, Alexander, b. ab. 1832, in Scotland ; as was Jane, his wife, in N. S. ; r. S. Th, a stone cutter. Their ch. 1, William, b. ab. 1860. Of this name, also, Walter Sutherland; r. Rock., soldier of 4th Me, &e SULLIVAN, Timothy, b. ab. 1810, in Ireland; as was Ellen, his wife; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Jeremiah, b. ab. 1841 ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me, &e 2, Timothy, (3d), b. ab. '44. 3, Margaret, b. ab. '48. 4, James, b. ab. '50, in Ireland. 5, Thomas, b. ab. '57, in Amer ica. Of this name, also, Patrick Sullivan, came from county of Wa- terford, Ireland; m. Jane Brady of Th, p. Aug. 18, 1851. Timothy Sullivan, (2d), b. ab. 1820 ; c. with wife Ellen from Ireland ; r. Rock. and d. very suddenly, Feb. 23, '63. Daniel Sullivan, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland ; m. Hannah ; r. Rock. Jeremiah Sullivan, b. in Ire land ab. 1829 ; mar. Ann Cronan, p. June 7, '50 ; r. Rock. Michael Sullivan, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland, & Bridget, his wife ; j. Rock. Their ch. 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1854. 2, Mary, b. ab. '58. Timothy, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1856. 2, Hannah, b. ab. '57. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '59. Daniel's ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1851. 2, John, b. ab. '55. 3, Anna, b. ab. '57. 4, James, b. ab. '59. Jeremiah's ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1851. 2, Edward, b. ab. '53. 3, William, b. ab. '56. 4, Jeremiah, (2d), b. ab. '59. SUMNER, Capt. Seth, m. Hannah HaU, July 1, 1819 ; b. r. & d. in Warren. Their ch. 1, Rufus 0, m. Mary C. Jordan, Dec , 1850 ; r. Th, a clerk, &c 2, Capt. David H, m. Sarah F. Gerrish, Nov. 30, 1854; r. Th, ret. War, sailing master in navy, &c. 3, Francis M., b. ab. 1824 ; mar. Lucy J. Benner of Wal, Sept. 15, '56 ; r. Th, a merchant. Capt. David H.'s ch. 1, David C, b. ab. 1856. 2, Benjamin G, b. ab. '59. Francis M.'s ch. 1, Elizabeth F, b. ab. 1857. 2, Rufus M, b. ab. 1859. SUMNER, Maynard, b. ab. 1822, in Dedham, Mass, son of Seth Sumner of Stoughton, Mass. ; r. Rock, Secretary Ins. Company, &c. SWEENEY; of this name, 1, Owen, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland; as was Margaret, his wife, in 1827, but who d. May 25, '62; r. Rock. 2, Francis, b. ab. 1825, in Ireland; m. Ellen Sharrow ; r. Rock. 3, James, b. ab. 1825, in Irela :d, as was Catharine, his wife, in New Brunswick ; r. Rock. Owen's ch. 1, Patrick, b. ab 1847. 2, John, b. ab. '51. 3, Mary A, b. ab. '55. Francis's ch. 1, William, b. ab: 1852. 2, Francis, (2d), b. ab. '51. 3, Marj', b. ab. '56. 4, James, (2d), b. ab. '5S. 5, Elizabeth, b. '60. James's ch. Francis J, b. ab. 1859. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 43 1 SWEETLAND, Samuel, came from New Meadows, m. 1st, ? - Gay of F, 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Lieut. J. Mathews, Jan. 7, 1788 ; r. & d. Wal. His ch. 1, David, m. 2d, Maria (Jameson) Riv ers; r. S. Th, rem. Farmington. 2, James, b. May, 1774 ; mar. 1st, Eunice Post, p. Sept. 24, 1801, 2d, Hannah (Palmer) White, Dee 18, '28 ; r. S. Th, and d. Sept. 26, '51. 3, Samuel, (2d), rem. west. 4, John, went to sea & was never heard from. By 2d wife. 5, Charles, m. & r. on homestead in Waldoboro'. Of David's ch. 1, Eben, b. ab. 1803; m. Hannah Jameson, Oct. 13, '39 ; r. S. Th , a farmer. 2, Joseph, b. ab. 1814 ; m. 1st, Charity McAllister, 2d, Margaret Jameson, Sept. 28, '34 ; r. Rock, a mariner. James's ch. 1, JuUa Ann, b. ab. 1802 ; m Samuel P. SherweU ; r. S. Th. & d. Aug, '26. 2, Jumes, (2d), b. ab. 1805 ; m. Kate Martin, March 7, '38 ; r. S. Th, a shipbuilder. 3, Archibald C, b. ab. '08 ; m. EUzabeth Sawen of W, July 22, '38 ; r. Rock. & d. May 23, '42. 4, Kate, m. Col. Arch. McKellar ; r. S. Th. & d. iu '50. 5, Matilda, m. Capt. Dennis Pillsbury; 1. S. Th. & d. Oct. 21, '52. 6, Oliver, b. ab. '23 ; m. Sarah E Sleeper, Dec. 29, '46 ; r. S. Th, a shipwright. By 2d wife. 7, Alden W, mar. Mary E. Worth, April 24, '51 ; r. CMna. 8, Abner P., b. ab. '34 ; m. 1st, Abby E. Gerry, 2d, Achsa B. Larrabee, AprU 29, '61 ; r. Rock, a cigar manufacturer. Joseph's ch. 1, Frederic S, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Mary L. Spalding, June 29, '52; r. Rock, a mariner, &c. 2, Celia A, b. Aug. 22, '39 ; r. Rock. 3, OUve F, b. Sept. 17, '42. 4, Judson J, b. ab. '46. James, (2d)'s ch. 1, Henry S , b. Dec. 8, 1838 ; m. Amanda H. Thomas of Line, July 3, '59 ; r. S. Th, a farmer. 2, Iraette, b. Oct. 2, '41 ; r. S. Th. 3, Archibald, (2d), b. ab. '44. 4, Cleora, b. ab. '56. Abner P.'s ch. by 1st wife. Willard, b. May & d. Aug. 20, 1859. Prederic S.'s ch. 1, Frederic H, b. ab. 1853. 2, Charles A. Henry S 's ch. Helen Eva. SWEETLAND, Robert L, b. ab. 1821, c from Searsmont, a grand son of .Stephen of Hope ; m. Elizabeth E. Whitten ; 1. Rock, a mar iner. Their ch. 1, Charles E, b. ab. 1839. 2, Albro L, b. May 7. '44, d. Nov. 15, '50. 3, Mary E., b. ab. '49. 4, Frederic A, b. ab. '55. SWEETZER, Beza, b. ab. 1807, in Gray, Me.; c. to this place, m. Nancy W. Snow, March 12, '35 ; r. Rock, a stone mason, &c. John, an older brother, m. Sarah W. Snow, Sept. 9, '21 ; rem. Wisconsin. Joel, b. '14, m. Roxalana Buxton, also came here and d. of consump tion, Jan., 1840. Beza's ch. 1, Charles M, b. ab. 1840. 2, Harvey A, b. ab. '55. SWETT, or Sweat, Ebenezer, m. Mary Perry, Aug. 25, 1830, was here some years, but rem. Muscatine, Iowa. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. June 25, 1831; m. Nehemiah J. Kelly, March 10, '50. 2, Avis, b. Oct. 4, '37 ; 3, Asbury C, b. July 2, '42 ; all probably rem. SWETT, John D, mar. Clarissa L. Torrey, Sept. 22, 1839 ; r. Th, buUt on Lowell St , was a joiner and d. Nov. 25, '58. Their ch. 1, George W, b. ab. 1844. 2, Charles Otis, b. Dec. 7, '49, d. Sept. 22, '50. 3, Maria W, b. ab. 1853. SWETT, Lorenzo, of a different family, b. ab. 1809, in Buckfield; m. Celestia H. Case ; was engaged in powder mills, in Camden, rem. and r. Th, at Me"adows. Their ch. 1, Frances Isadore, b. ab. L837 ; m. Alfred Gay ; r. Th. 2, Isabelle, b. ab. '42. 3 Adelaide, b. about '44. 4, Ella, b. ab. 1853. Vol. II. 36 422 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, SWIFT, Joseph and Abigail were here early, and had recorded their ch. 1, Catharine E, b. Oct. 3, 1824. 2, William J. S, b. May 28, '26 ; 3, Mary F, b July 13, '28, d. Oct. 20, '30. 4, Charles P., b. July 21, '41 ; probably removed. SWIFT, Zipha, b. at Foxboro', 1770 ; r. Canton, c. to Cush. 1800, thence to War. ; m. Deborah Morton ; and d. Jan. 10, 1829. Their ch. 1, Lyman, b. March 30, 1804 ; m. Eliz. Moore, July 5, '29, 2d, Maria Thomas, '51 ; r. Th. 2, Joshua, b. Feb. 1, '06 ; mar. Abigail (Robinson) Hanson, p. June 26, '32 ; r. Rock, a truckman. 3, Asen ath, in. Joseph Keith ; r. Th. 4, Jirah, or Jairah, b. Jan. 18, '09 ; m. Mary Lewis, Oct. 29, '47 ; (who d. June 7, '63,) r. Th. 5, WUUam, b. Aug. 10, '12 ; m. and r. Belfast. 6, Jane M, b. Sept. 1, '14 ; mar. Charles Hilt of St. George, Nov. 29, '40. 7, Chauncy, mar. and r Frankfort. 8, Adam Kinsley, b. June 12, '19 ; m Mary A. W. Cope land, Nov. 14, '44 ; 2d, Morse, r. Th. 9, Elizabeth, m. Milton Stevens, of Dixmont. 10, Lavinia W., mar. Francis R. Barlow ; r. Rockland. Lyman's ch. 1, Charles, killed in Boston. By 2d wife. 2, William, h. ab. 1850. 3, Jason, b. ab.1 '52. 4, Frederic, b. ab. '57. 5, Benja min, b. ab. 1860. Joshua's ch. 1, Joshua E , mar. Mary J. Lysler; r. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2, Asenath A, m. Seth Crane, Nov. 10, '55, r. War. 3, Henri etta, b. ab. '35; m. George H. McKenney; r. Rock. 4, Harriet F, b ab. '39, r. Rockland. Jirah's ch. (adopted,) Josephine, b. ab; 1852. Ad. Kinsley's ch. 1, Faustina, b. ab. 1847. 2, Rose, b. ah. 1852. 3, Vesper, b. ab. 1859. SYLVESTER, Chas. A, Esq, b. ab. 1797, in Winchendon, Mass. ; m. 1st, Judith Hon-, 2d, Martha B. Stevens, p. May 31, 1852 ; r. Rock, attorney at law, dept. sheriff, 1846, &e His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. Charles A, (2d), b. ab. 1822 ; m. Lucinda D. Gregory, Feb. 20, '49 ; r. Rock. 2, Evelina. 3, Samantha O, m. 1st, Amos H. Crcfckett, 2d, Hon. Joseph Farwell ; r Rock. 3, E. Angenette, m. Samuel H. Tyler ; r. Rock. 4, Lucy Ann, m. F. L. Jones ; r. Rock. The moth er d. April 29, 1850, a. 55. Capt. Charles A. 's ch. 1, George A, b. about 1850. 2, Nathaniel G, b. ab. '51. 3, Jessie, d. Jan. 4, '54. 4, Charles E, b. ab. '54. 5, Mary, b. ab. '56. 6, Joseph F. SYLVESTER, Asa, b. ab. 1824, son of Asa of Freedom ; m. Mar tha Drake of Albion ; r. Rock, a confectioner. Theirch. 1, Arthur, b. ab. '53. 2, William D, b. Nov. 23, 1859, d. Sept. 7, '60. Of this family, also, Roseoe G. Sylvester, b. ab. 1836, son of Enoch of Free dom ; m. Helen M. Johnson; r. Rock, a harness maker. Of their ch. Sarah F, b. Aug. andd. Oct. 9, I860.' TALBOT, Charles, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland ; mar. Celia Henery, p. Aug. 30, '55 ; r. Th. Their ch. 1, a daughter, b. 1857, drowned July, 1859. 2, Mary R, b. ab. 1859. TAPPAN, Moses, b. ab. 1821 ; m. Elsie ; r. Rock., a mar iner, 1860, since rem. Their ch. 1, Laura E, b. ab. 1847. 2, Etta F, b. ab. '53. TARBOX, James, b. in Biddeford, Me, 1797 ; learned the potter's trade of John Aulds of that place; e to Th. in 1819; m. 1st, Eliza beth Wormell, Jan. 2, 1823, 2d, Mrs. Angeretta (Lincoln) Corbitt, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 423 Aug, 1854; r. Th. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, James F, b. Dec 4, 1823 ; mar. Harriet Flint of Rock, Sept. 4, '47 ; r. Th. 2, George William, b. Sept. 2, '25 ; m. Sarah Clapp of Newcastle, July 2, '55 ; r. Portland. 3 & 4, twins, b. Jan. 20, '28 ; Caroline, mar. William T. Fowler of Th. ; r. Salem, Mass, & Cornelia, m. Henry E. Buckmar of Belfast, June 27, '64. James F.'s ch. Elizabeth, b. ab. 1850. TARR, Abraham, b, in Whitefield, Me. ; r. here a time with Re becca, his wife; rem. Waldoboro'. Calvin, his brother, m. Emeline W. ; r. Rock, and d. Oct. 14, 1856. Abraham's ch. 1, Edward, b. April 16, 1839 ; 2, Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, '41 ; probably rem. Calvin's ch. 1, Albert H, b. Dec. 4, 1839 ; mar. Lydia Ooster, p. Aug. 2, '59 ; r. Rock, sergeant in 2d Me, since in navy. 2, Nancy R, b. Aug. 1, '42. 3, Oren R, b. Oct. 30, '43, d. May 13, '55. 4, Caroline A, b. 18-52, d. May 28, '57. TATE, Capt. Thomas T, m. and r. Salem, Mass. Of his sons. 1, Capt. WUliam, b. April, 1792; m. Mary ; r. Rock, but rem. Newburyport, where he d. May 25, 1857. 2, George C , m. Caroline Holmes, pub. April 23, '31; r. Rock, but probably rem. 3, Capt. Thomas T, (2d), b. ab. 1814 ; mar. 1st, Catharine (Ulmer) Hanaky, Oct. 3, '47, 2d, Martha A. Knights, March 19, '54 ; r. Rock. Capt. WiUiam's ch. 1, WilUam Pierre, b. Sept, 1826, d. April 22, '48. 2, Sarah W, b. Dec. 10, '30. 3, Albert W, b. Jan. 24, '34, d. Sept. 11, '42. 4, Hannah E, b. Nov. 23, '35 ; probably rem. George C.'s ch. 1, George B, b. May 19, & d. Aug. 6, 1837. 2, Delia S, b. Jan. 21, '40 ; m. B. W. Caryl of San Francisco, Sept. 19, '57. 3, George N, b. May 28, '42.. Capt. Thomas T.'s ch. George T, b. ab. 1855. TAYLOR, Dudley H, b. ab. 1797, in Gardiner, Me. ; mar. Bertha W. Taylor; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Gates, b. ab. 1829, in Shelburn, N. H. ; m. Abigail Bowdoin ; r. Rock. 2, Solomon, b. ab. 1831, in Gardiner; m. Sophia Boynton ; r. Rock, soldier in 19th Me, Sec. 3, George F, b. ab. 1835, in G. ; m. Elizabeth Boynton ; r. Rock, sol dier in 4th Me. 4, Simeon, b. in G. ab. 1839 ; m. Elizabeth Lint; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me., &c. Solomon's ch. 1, Allena F, b. ab. 1851. 2, Elizabeth A, b. ab. '55. 3, Wilbert J, b. June, 1857, d. Oct. 28, '62. Of George F.'s ch. 1, Matilda, b. June, 1859, d. Aug. 21, '60. Of this name, also, EUithan Taylor, c. to r. here in 1807 ; m. Mary Ran kin, Feb. 1, '10; after a time rem. Albion; had recorded here their ch. Joseph, b. Aug. 13, 1810. Robert H. Taylor, also, b. ab. 1821, in Ireland; mar. Abby R. Higgens, March 5, '59 ; jr. S. Th, a stone cutter. Their ch. 1, John, b. ab. 1844. 2, Francis, b. '46. 3, Rob ert H, b. ab. '51. Of this name, also, Simon P.Taylor; j. Rock, soldier of 4th Me, &e THAYER, Samuel, came from Vinalhaven to S. Th. ; mar. Ruth Haskell, Dec. 16, 1818 ; r. Ash Point, a mariner, Se d- Sept. 10, '29. Their ch. 1, Clementine, b. Oct. 22, 1819, d. Sept. 2, '30. 2, Capt. John b Jan 16, '21; m. Eliza Paulina Eckell, Oct. 11, '46 ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Samuel, (2d), b. Aug. 22, '23; m. 1st, Deborah — — , 2d, Lucinda S. Bridges, Sept. 26, '47; r. S. Th. 4, David, b. Aug. 9, '25 ; m. Marietta Farr, July 22, '52 ; r. S. Th. ? 5 and 6, twins, b. 424 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Nov. 1, '28, Susan and Sylvia, both d. Sept. 10, '29. 7, Mary Jane, b. Nov. 22, '29 ; m. John Maddocks of U, Jan. 17, '47. Capt. John's ch. 1, Josephine A, b. ab. '50. 2, Marion, b. ab. '54. Capt. Samuel's ch. 1, Malinda, b. May 14, 1842. By 2d wife. 2, Alphonso, b. ab. '50. 3, Alforetta, b. Nov. 28, '51, d. May 11, '53. 4, E. Eugene, b. ab. '56. 5, Annette, b. ab. '58. THACHER,. Rev. Thomas, (whose father, Peter, was minister o* Salisbury in England,) e to New England, at the age of 15, with his uncle Anthony, became minister of the church in Weymouth, 1644, and, in 1669, of the Old South church in Boston ; had sons, 1, Thom as, d. young. 2, Rev. Peter, settled in Milton ; rem. & probably d. in England. 3, Rev. Ralph, minister of Chilmark, Mass. ; purchased land in 1706, & rem. in 1714, to Lebanon in Ct, where he had given farms to his three sons, Thomas, Ralph & Peter. Peter's ch. 1, Ro- dolphus, m. & r. Lebanon ; d. a. 46, leaving two orphan ch. 2, Abi gail, b. in 1723, adopted her elder brother's orphans, devoted her lit tle property to their support & the education of the son in college ; r. with him after his marriage, beloved Se revered, & d. at Kennebunk, Me, in 1813, a. 90. 3, Hon. Josiah of Gorham, Me. Perhaps others. Rodolphus's ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1776, d. before 1795. 2, Hon. Stephen, b. in 1774, an orphan when 14 yrs. old, and adopted by his aunt, as before stated ; grad. Yale coll. 1795 ; stud, theology with Rev. Dr. Howard of Springfield; was a teacher there, at Suflield, Ct, & at Beverly, Mass, where he pleached in 1798 & 9, afterwards in Barn stable ; rem. Kennebunk, engaged in trade, w as a warm supporter of Pres. Jefferson, was Judge of Probate, 1807, to '18, & postmaster, '10 to '18, when he was appointed Collector of Passamaquoddy district, rem. to Lubec, was twice reappointed, holding the office 12 years; was an indefatigable classical student even to the last year of his Ufe ; deeply religious in youth, as a Calvinist, & equally so as a Unitarian, to life's close ; public spirited, throwing the whole weight of his ener getic nature into the cause of education, improved highway & maU Se postal systems, & of progress in morals, manners, temperance, & free dom ; m. in 1804, Harriet, dau. of Col. Esaias Preble of York ; rem. in 1856, to Rock, where he r. & d. Feb. 19, 1859. Hon. "Stephen's ch. 1, George Washington, Esq., b. in 1805 ; r. Rock, counsellor at law, d. of consumption, Nov. 19, '64. 2, 3, Se 4, a son & daus, d. in infancy. 5, Peter, Esq, b. ab. '11, grad. Bowd. Coll, 1831; m. Margaret Louisa, dau. of Judge Barrett Potter, of Portland ; r. Rock, attorney at law, member of Me. Hist. Society, &c 6, Mary, mar. William B. Smith, of Machias, and d. at that place in 1838. 7, Emily Bliss, m. Edmund A. Seuder; r. Philadelphia. 8, Joseph Storer, d. at Lubec, a. 2 yrs. 9, Ralph Partridge Preble, d. at Lubec, a. 7 yrs. 10, Harriet, m. Capt. Edward Melius of Salem, Mass, (who d. in Foo Choo, China, 1856, when in command of steam ship Antelope) and d. at Lubec, 1855, leaving one son, Edward Lindon MeUus, who r. Rock. 11, Priscilla Josephine, d. at Lubec, a. 20 yrs. 12, Joseph Anderson, m. Nancy Wilder ; r. Zambrota, Min, a State senator, commissioner of enrolment in 1st Cong. District. 13, Ralph Partridge Emilius, r. Rock, counsellor at law. 14, Abigail Lindon. Peter, Esq.'s ch. 1, Francis S, b. ab. 1842, ent. Bowd. Coll. 1862, but left on account of ill health and r. Minnesota. 2, Mary P, b. ab. '44. 3, Stephen, (2d), b. ab. '46. 4, Annie B, b. ab. '48. 5, Geo. W, (2d), b. ab. '50. 6, Harriet P, b. ab. '62. 7, Margaret J., b. ab. '54. 8, Henry W. L, b. ab. 1868. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 425 THATCHER, Samuel, (a branch, probably, of the preceding fam ily, though spelling the name differently) admitted freeman, 1642, in Watertown, Mass, where he was selectman, deacon, and four years a representative ; m. Hannah , and died Nov. 30, 1669. Of their ch. 1, Lieut. Samuel, born Oct. 20, 1648, admitted freeman, April 18, 1690, m. and r. Watertown; and d. Oct. 21, 1726. Lieut. Samuel's ch. 1, Mary. 2, Samuel, (2d). 3, John; 4, Hannah, died young. 6, Mary, d. young. 6, Abigail. 7, Mary. 8, Sarah. 9, Ebenezer, b. 1703; mar. Susanna Spring, 1731; r. Watertown, and died 1757. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Samuel, (3d), b. ab. 1732 ; mar. Mary Brown of Lexington ; r. and represented Cambridge, Mass, and d. 1792. 2, Sarah. 3, Ebenezer, (2d). 4, Mary, m. Goddard. Samuel, (3d)'s eh. 1, Susanna, b. 1755; mar. Jesse Putnam. 2, Ebenezer, (3d), b. & d. 1759. 3, Mary, b 1767, m. Thomas Mayhew, d. 1805. 4, Elizabeth, b. 1771. 5, Hon. Samuel, (4th), b. 1776 ; grad. H. U. '93 ; mar. Sally Brown of Concord, 1800 ; settled in W, a law yer, rep. in Congress, &c. ; rem. Brewer & Bangor. 6, Hon. Ebenezer, b. 1778 ; grad. H. U. 1798 ; m. Lucy F. Knox; came to Th, attor ney at law, judge of court of common pleas, militia officer, &c ; rem. and d. Bingham, June 12, 1841. Hon. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Julia K, b. 1805 ; m. Rev. Oreu Sikes ; r. Mercer, Bedford, Mass, &c, d. Aug. 30, '53. 2, Commodore Henry Knox, bap. April 11, '09 ; grad. West Point Mil. Academy, 1827 ; has risen in the U. S. Navy to his present high standing ; commanded the frigate Colorado at the storming of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, &c ; m. & r. Mass. 3, Charles, b. Feb, 1809, d. Oct. 8, '10. 4, Lucy Anna, bap. Aug. 3, '10 ; took by Legislative act the name of Leeson, and r. Mercer. 5, Mary Henrietta, b. 1811 ; m. Rev. George C. Hyde; was principal many years of the Female High School at Syracuse, N. Y, & d. Aug. 30, '53, leaving 2 daughters, Henrietta C, Se Mary P. Hyde. 6, Caroline F, in. Smith, & rem. 7, James Swan, bap. Aug. 9, 1815; admitted to the bar, 1840; entered U. S. N, and, as purser, perished in the Grampus, March 18, '43. 8, Harriet Elizabeth, mar. George B. Page of Belgrade, Oct. 28, '41, and d. Feb. 18, '47. THOMAS, the ancestor of this family, came from Scotland and set tled at Plymouth, Mass. Of his sons, or, more probably, his grand sons, Joshua, b. in Duxbury, Mass. m. Mercy Ozier, Ogier, or Osyer, r. & d. Duxbury. Of Joshua's ch. 1, Peleg, b. in D.uxbury, rem. m. & settled in Vinalhaven. 2, Joshua, (_2d), b in Duxbury, m. and settled in Vinalhaven. Of Peleg's ch. 1, Capt. Benjamin, m. Lucy Perry; r. Vinalhaven ; was lost at sea, Sept. 15, 1819, in sch. Thomas, bound for Fredericksburg with plaster ; & his widow rem. Rock, with her family in 1824. 2, Dea. George, m. Peggy Vinal ; r. Rock, and built ships many years, but rem. to Quincy Point, Mass, ab. 1854. ? Joshua (2d )'s ch. 1, Mercy S, b.in Bristol ab. 1812; m. Capt. Woos ter Smith ; r. S. Th, and d. Aug. 17, 185.5. 2, Capt. Peleg, b. in Dux bury ; m. Lucy Gratton of Liverpool, Eng. ; r Rock, awhile, rem. S. Th, & has ch, names not ascertained. 3, Capt. Isaac K , b. in Dux bury ab. 1816 ; c. to Rock. ab. 1828 ; m. Eliza K. Perry, p. May 19, '39 ; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Joshua, m. Delia Frye ; r. S. Th, all mariners. Benjamin's ch. 1, Roxana, m. Howland Dyer, 1830 ; r. Vinalhaven. 2, Julia G, b. ab. 1809; mar. Willard S. Blackington; r. Rock. 3, Lydia S, m. Stephen N. Hatch; r. Rock. 4, Hon. William, b. 1812 ; m. Hannah C. Robbins, April 16, '36 ; r. Rock, merchant, State sen ator, 1841 ; & d. May 20, '49. 5, Jerusha G, m. Hon. Nathan A. Far- 36* 426 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, well ; r. Rock. 6, Robert P, b. ab. 1817 ; m. 1st, Charlotte Tolman, p. June 6, '40, 2d, Lydia M. Tolman p. May 24, '45, 3d, Martha H. Johnson, June 12, '69 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer, &c. Dea. George's ch. 1, Charlotte V, b. Oct. 5, 1820, probably died young. 2, Mary, b. Dec. 15, '22 ; m. D. Howard Bills, rem. Quincy, & d. Nov. 15, '64. 3, Penelope, b. Sept. 4, '26. 4, Joshua, b. Nov. 13, '27, d. young. 5, EUza J, b. Dec. 2, '28 ; m. 1st, Thomas, 2d, B. Bryant of Quincy, Jan. 1, '56. 6, George E, b. Sept. 4, & d. Sept. 8, '31. 7, George H, b. May 19, '33; mar. Elizabeth J. Sias, Sept. 9, '54; r. Quincy. 8, Loretta, b. April 30, '36. 9, Theodore, b. Oct. 15, 39. The mother d. at Quincy Pt, July 6, '57, aged 59. Capt. Isaac K.'s ch. 1, Edmund W, b. July 28, 1840, m Almeda B. Flemming, Oct. 4, '63 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier of 4th Me, &c. 2, Kendall K, b. May 30, '44, m. Mary E. Holbrook, Aug. 16, '64; j. Boston. Capt. Joshua's ch. 1, Lydia F, b. ab. 1847. 2, Joshua, (4th), b. ab. 1852. Hon. William's ch. 1, Frederic, h. July 25, and d. Nov. 3, 1837. 2, Capt. Albert F, b. April 20, '39 ; r. Th, officer in 2d Me, Battery. 3, William O, b. June 20, '42, d. young. Robert P.'s ch. 1, Ellen M, b. Nov. 1, 1840 ; m. Charles Duncan ; r. Rock. 2, Susan Marilla, b. April 1, 1842. 3, Sarah Francis. 4, Clara. 5, Lucy. 6, Isabella W, b. May 14, '55, d. Nov. 22, '58. 7, Charles. Joshua's ch. 1, Lydia F, b. ab. 1847. 2, Joshua, (6th), b. ab. '52. THOMAS, John, m. Lucy Davis ; r. and d. Lincolnville. Of their ch. there c. to Rock, four sons. 1 Franklin, b. ab. 1817 ; mar. Sarah H. Wooster, Dec 9, '38 ; r. Rock. 2, Joseph T, b. ab. 1820 ; mar. Penninah S. Healey, p. Sept. 7, '38 ; r. Th, a quarryman. 3, Jacob. m. Mary J. Witham; r. Th. 4, Rufus C, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Catharine B. Starrett of War. March 28, 1850 ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Franklin's ch. George F, b. March 18, 1840 ; r. Rockland, cor poral in 2d Me. Battery, &c Joseph T.'s ch. 1, John H, b. Sept. 31, 1840 ; soldier of 4th Me. reg, &c. 2, Margaret, b. ab. '43. 3, Lucy, b. ab. '46. 4, WilUam H,, b. ab. 1851. Jacob's ch. Roscoe, b. ab. 1844. Rufus C.'s ch. 1, Josephine, b. Uune, 1853. 2, Mary Ann, born Sept, 1855. 3, Martha Prances, b. Aug. 1857. THOMAS, Edward, b. in Friendship about 1800 ; m. Melinda Til son, Sept. 3, 1830 ; came from Camden here, a clothier, &c, r. Th. Their ch. 1, Mary b. ab. 1823 ; m. George Healey ; r. Th. 2, Ed- ' ward, b ab. 1837. 3, Reuel, b. ab. 1839 ; officer in 20th Me, wounded May, 1864. THOMAS, Samuel, b. ab. 1813, in Vinalhaven ; son of Cushing Thomas of Marshfield, Mass. ; m. Mary Beverage, p. April 20, 1836 ; r. Rock, a mariner. Theirch. 1, Arabella B, b. April 21, 1838. 2, Mary E, b. ab. '45. 3, William K, b. ab. 1849. THOMAS, Leander, b. ab. 1834 ; m. Fanny L. Thomas of Line, Feb. 7, '58 ; r. Rock, a merchant. Tneir ch. Herbert L, b. ab. '59. THOMAS, David, b. ab. 1805, m. 1st, Mary, (who d. Feb. 16/40), 2d, Isabel Davis, May 23, '41, 3d, Mrs. EmeUne W.Tarr, Feb. 9, '58; r. Rock. His ch. 1, William I, b. Aug. 5, 1829, [a WilUam per ished in sch. Lion, Dec. 10, '64,J 2, Elbridge S, b. March, 1831 ; r. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 427 Rock, a mariner. 3, Edward, b. Nov. 10, & d. Nov. 26,"'36. 4, El len L, b. '37, d. Sept. 18, '38. By 2d wife. 5, Orlando Orrin, b. Nov. 4, '41 ; r. Rock, a soldier of 4th Me, &c. 6, Marcellus S, b. ab. 1846. 7, Adelbert, b. ab. 1851. THOMAS, David, (2d), b. ab. 1810; ra. Elizabeth A. ; r. Rock, a stevedore, &c. Their ch. 1, Eliza J, b. ab. '39. 2, Cinde rella, b. ab. '41; m. Martin V. Warren; j. Rock. 3, Ruth C, b. ab. '43..-S-4, Benjamin j,D,_b. ab. '45. THOMAS, Ellerson, b. ab. 1817; m. Elizabeth Foster of S. Th, Oct. 30, '47 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c. Their ch. 1, Ellerson, b. AprU 12, '48, d- Dec. 14, '64. 2, Elizabeth, d. Oct. 12, '49. 3, Sarah Lizzie, b. March 1, '50. 4, Julia Ann, b. May 7, '53. 5, Calvin, b. Jan. 30, & d. July^28, '57. 6, Emily F, b. April 29, & d. May 22, '60. THOMAS, Barney, c. from Ireland; m. Abigail Kelloch, p. March 18, 1830 ; r. Th, a rigger, & d. from a fall, Dec. 26, 1851. Their ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, '30 ; m. Thomas R. Hewett ; r. Th. 2, James H, b. Feb. 12, '36 ; m Adelaide Jackson, Oct. 18, '60; r. Th, a car penter & soldier in the 4th Me, d. iu 1862. 3, Abby, b. Jan. 15, & d. Jan. 28, '38. 4, Marietta, b. Jan. 30, '39 ; r. Th. 5, Susan Amelia, b. July 7, 1842. 6, Abner B, member of 1st Me. Cavalry, &c 7, Joshua L, b. ab. '48. 8, Ambrose L, b. ab. '51. James H.'s ch. Frank. THOMAS, Samuel I, b. ab. 1820, in Eden, Me ; m. Harriet S. Lindsey, Aug. 31, '45; r. Rock, a blacksmith. Theirch. 1, Edward H, b. ab. '47. 2, Clara L, b. ab. '49. 3, Charles H, b. ab. '52. 4, Alice L., h. ab. '56. 5, Frank C, d. Jan. 30, '59. THOMAS, Jacob U, b. ab. 1802 ; c. from Searsmont; m. Deborah S. ; r. Rock, a carpenter, Sec. Of their ch. Albert G, b. ab. '37 ; r. Rock. And, of this name, Franklin B. Thomas, b. ab. '36 ; r. Rock, with Clara S, his wife, & their ch. Hattie E, b. ab. '57 ; was a soldier of 7th Me, &c THOMPSON, John, c. from' Londonderry, N. H, to St. George's Lower Town, and m. Mary Gordon. Their ch. 1, Jane, mar. John Hart ; r. and d. St. George. 2, WUUam, mar. 1st, Nellie Gordon, (who d. March 9, 1796, a. 35,) 2d, Betsey Harrup of Cam, p. May 2, 1796, settled early, r. and d. in what is now Rock. 3, Dea. John, b. ab 1768, mar. Susan Hart, p. Dec. 15, '91, 2d, Mrs. Mary Small, 3d, Mrs. Martha Marshall. Dec 13, 1838 ; r. S. Th, and d. June 27, '43. 4, Mary, m. Thomas Briggs ; r. and d. Cam. 5, Ebenezer, m. Mary Gordon, 2d, Lucy (Fales) Crockett, 1817 ; e from Lower St. Georges to Th, in 1785 ; rem. and d. Hope. William's ch. 1, Ruth, m. in 1806, Abner Lee, a stage driver here in early times ; rem. Ellsworth. 2, Nellie, m. and d. Cam. 3, Wil Uam, (2d), m. and r. Oldtown. 4, John, (3d), m. Martha Nutt, July 27, 1800, rem. eastward. .,,.,, T Dea John's ch. 1, Ebenezer, (2d), m, Mehitable Lawrence of W, D Feb 27 1817 ; j- Th, and d. at N. O, May, 1849. 2, Susan, mar. James Wall; r. and d. St. G. 3, John, (3d), mar. Sarah Bright; r. Gouldsboro'. 4, Eleanor, m. Nathan Pease of Appleton, p. Sept. 5, 1818, 2d, John Hart ; r. St. G. 5, Rosanna, m. Jesse Hart ; r St. G. 6, Capt. Simon M. G, b. Sept, 1804 ra Abigail Kaler, P-^ov.3, 1S9fi-r S Th and d. April 7, '59. 7, Sarah, m. Leonard Hooper ; r It 'a 8 Cant Benjamin, m. EUzabeth J. Graves, June 30, 1844 ; l I m, and dPat. sea at, '51. The mother d. June 3, 1833, a. 64. 428 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Ebenezer's ch. 1, Nancy, m. Isaac Flagg; r. and d. Belmont. 2, Jane, m. Sluman Lawrence ; r. W, and d. Jan. 13, 1861. 3, Marga ret, m. James Jameson, p. Feb. 2, '40 ; r. & d. Rock. 4, Eleanor, born May 2, 1793, m. Joshua Lawrence ; r. W. 5, Mary E, b. Nov. 25, '98, m Capt. John B. Booker; r. Rock, and W. 6, Freelove, mar. Richard Howard ; j. Castine, d. Belfast. 7, Trustim, m. Susan Sum ner, Nov. 13, 1823 ; r. W, and d. Rock. Ebenezer (2d)'s ch. 1, Joel R, m. Harriet Pease, July 14, 1844 ; r. Th, and d. Dec. 5, '56. 2, Amos L, b. ab. 1818, mar. Elizabeth Snow, Jan. 31, '46 ; r. Rock, soldier of the 4th Me, Sec. 3, Capt. Samuel Albee, b. ab. '21, m. Hannah Haskell, July 21, '50 ; r. S. Th, a master mariner. 4, Jasper. 5, Susan. 6, Julia A, m. Rufus S. Fales of Th. 7, Mehitable, m. a Mr. Cotton of Boston. 8,Anastasia, m. and r. eastward. Capt. Simon M. G.'s ch. 1, Charles W. d. unm. a. 26 years. 2, Sarah, m. Thomas Gordon of Line, rem. Ohio. 3, Susan A, mar. Warren D. Kelloch; r. and d. S. Th. 4, Wm, m. Mary A. Hawes, p. Aug. 11, 1855 ; r. St. G. 5, Harriet E, b. April, 1834, d. Feb. 14, '51. 6, George Augustus, b. ab. '41 ; rem, m. and d. eastward. 7, Miles, b. ab. 1845, rem. eastward. Trustim's ch. 1, Tileston, killed at sea, by falUng into the ship's hold. 2, Sarah E, b. ab. 1829, m. Edwin S. McAllister ; r.Rock. Joel R.'s ch. 1, Rowena, b. ab. 1846. 2, Roselle, b. ab. '48. 3, Alvin Otis, b. Feb. 27, '49. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '51. 5, Ann, b. ab. '53. 6, Augustina. 7, Augusta. Amos L.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. ab. 1845. 2, Harriet A, b. ab. '48. 3, Cecilia M, b. ab. '54. 4, Franklin N, b. ab. '58. Capt. S. Albee's ch. 1, Lathley N, b. ab. 1851. 2, Lizzie E, b. ab. '55. THOMPSON, John, (5th in descent from John who came when six yrs. old with his father from England to Plymouth, Mass., May, 1623), was b. in Halifax, Mass, Feb. 14, 1725 ; m. Betty Fuller; was found frozen to death, Jan. 8, '7 7, in Plympton, on road home from Plymouth. John's ch. 1, Susanna. 2, Thaddeus. 3, Nathan, deaf mute, r. & d. Kennebec Co. 4, Zacheus, deaf mute, owned, r. & d. homestead. 5, Elizabeth. 6, Stephen, b. in Halifax, April 10, '74, and not in Bridgewater, as intimated on page -214, vol. 1, from the best informa tion then obtained ; came first to Th, 179.3, as an apprentice to Capt. R. Bosworth of Halifax ; m. Nancy Hastings, Jan. 5, 1800 ; r. Mill River, Th , a joiner & framer; & d. Nov. 15, '34. His widow d. ab. 1836. Their ch. 1, George L, rem. & d. East Abington, Mass. 2, Henry H. 3, William, b. ab. 1805 ; m. Mary Rice Washburn ; r. Th, & d. Sept, 1847 ; had one ch., Henry W, who d. Dec. 13, '52, a. ab. 18. 4, Susan T, b. March, 1807 ; m. John Peters of Boston, p. May 3, '34. 5, Elizabeth B, b. 1810 ; m. in E. Abington. 6, Andrew L, rem. m. r. and has ch. in E. Abington. 7, Nancy H, b. Jan. 7, '15 ; m. in E. Abington, & d. April, 1844. 8, Mary, d. ? young. [Thomp son Genealogy and com. of T. J. Rider, Esq," of Th, a genealogist of correct and extensive information ] THOMPSON, Capt. Augustine, b. Nov. 25, 1835, son of James of Union ; m. Linnekin, 2d, • Stewart, July 4, '62 ; r. Rock. a blacksmith, organist, officer of 28th Me. Reg, Sec. George W. Thompson, a 2d cousin of the preceding, b. ab. 1825 ; mar. Julia A. Benner ci Wal, Oct. 16, '53 ; r. Th, a ship carpenter. George W.'s ch. Bertrina, b. ab. 1856. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 429 THOMPSON, Elias, b. & brought up in Strong ; m. Cynthia Paine of Strong; r. Th, a truckman, &c. Their ch. 1, Cynthia Ann, b. Jan. 24, 1839. 2, Helen E, b. June 1, '44. 3, Theresa Emma, born Oct. 1, '48. THOMPSON, WiUiam, b. ab. 1805 ; came from Canton, Me. ; m. Lucy (Winslow) Tillson, Jan. 27, '59 ; r. Rock, ou site of the old TiUson tavern, a lumber dealer. THOMPSON ; of the sons of Benjamin of Frankfort, 1, James, b. ab. 1823 ; mar. Adelia Ulmer, Feb. 7, '50 ; r. Rock, a clerk, &c. 2, WilUam, (2d), b. ab. 1S28 ; mar. ZUpha H. Pease, June 25, '54 ; r. Rock, a quarryman, &c. James's ch. 1, Susan J, b. ab. 1850. 2, Hattie F, b. ab. '51. 3, Lucy H, b. ab. '53. 4, James Nelson, b. ab. '60. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Coraetta, b. ab. 1855. 2, Frank E, b. Sept. 1, '58, d. June 7, '63. THOMPSON, WilUam T, b. ab. 1832, in Bucksport, Me. ; mar. Mary E. Ames of Searsport ; r. Rock, in mercantile business. Their ch. 1, Hattie M, b. ab. 1855. Of this name, also, Benjamin Thomp son, b. ab. 1856 ; r. S. Th, a mariner, &c, with Antoinette, his wife, and ch, Cora, b. ab. 1856, and James W, b. ab '60. Also, Joseph Thompson, b. in Th. ; m. EUza (Everton) Whitney, p. July 8, 1833 ; r. & d. Rock. Joseph's ch. 1, EmeUne, b. April 22, 1834. 2, Joseph, (2d), b. Sept. 2, '35 ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me, &e 3, Parthena A, b. May 20, '38 ; all r. Rock, with their mother. Of the same name, also, Henry Thompson, b. ab. 1832, in Sweden, as was Mary, his wife, in England ; r. Rock, entered the navy ; their ch. WUUam H, b. April 1, 1856, d. April 21, '61. THORNDIKE ; according to a faimly tradition, the founder of this fanuly in England, was from Germany or the Low Countries, a ditcher, who introduced there the system of dikes and thorn hedges, and thus obtained the name. It was first brought to this country by John, the son of Francis, and brother of Herbert, prebendary of West minster, being 5th in descent from WUliam of Great or Little Carlton, Lincolnshire, Eng. He, John, born in Great Carlton, c. from Ipswich, England, about 1629, -was one of the first settlers of Ipswich, Mass., 1633, where he r, a leading man, 35 yrs, but, displeased with the mar riage of his .only son, returned with his daughters to England. Paul, his son, m. Mary Patch, April 28, 1668 ; r. Beverly, Mass., in which, a promontory took from him the name of Paul's Head ; he had ch. 1, Mary, m. Robert Morgan. 2, Elizabeth, m. Isaac Woodberry. 3, Hannah, m. William Pride. 4, John, (2d), b. Jan. 22, 1675 ; m. 1st, Joanna (Larkin) Dodge, 2d, Christiana West ; r. Beverly, & d. March 23, 1760. 5, Paul, m. Mary Batchelder ; r. and d. Beverly. 6, Her bert, m. Sarah Herrick, 2d, Abby Sallows. 7, Martha, mar. Richard ThisseU. John, (2d)*s ch. 1, Robert, b. Feb. 4, 1697 ; m. Elizabeth Wood- berry, 1718 ; j. Beverly, rem. Cape Elizabeth. 2, Paul, m. Mehita- ble Woodberry. 3, John, (3d), m. Eliz. Ober. 4, Joanna, m. a Lov ett. 5, James, m. Anne Ober. 6, Herbert, m. Abby Ober. 7, Ed ward. 8, Sarah, m. Joshua Thorndike. By 2d wife. 9, Anne. 10, Robert's ch. 1, Ebenezer, bom July 9, 1719 ; mar. Lydia Herrick, Sept. 5, '50 ; r. Cape EUzabeth, came to S. Th. and St. Geo, and died Feb. 4, 1819. 2, Joanna, b. July 11, 1721; mar. Israel Jordan, 2d, Webb, c. in age to, & d. iu S. Th, aged ab. 100. 3, Hannah, 4JU HISTORY UI?' THUJM.ASXUJN , u. young. 4, Ruth. 5, Hannah ; all born and recorded in Beverly. 6, Robert, (2d), b. 1730, in Beverly ; m. Deborah Wallace of Cape Elizabeth; c from Falmouth to Cam. with his 7 ch. and d. Dec 10, 1834, a. 104. 7, Paul, probably b. at C. Elizabeth ; m. there Bath- sheba Emery ; c. also to and d. in Cam. 8, John, (4th), m. and set tled in Cam. and left descendants. 9, Lucy, m. Capt. Joseph Wallace and settled at Harrington. Some of these, after the first six, may be wrongly numbered. Ebenezer's ch. 1, Cushing ; 2, Ebenezer, both d. young. 3, Capt. Joshua, b. March 12, 1755 ; m. Hannah Nutting, Aug. 23, '80 ; was a rev. soldier, r. St. G, and d. Dec. 25, 1823. 4, Lydia, b. May 22, 1757 ; m. Azor Roundy ; r. and d. St. Geo. 5, Benjamin, b. May 4, '59 ; m. Priscilla Woodbury ; r. Matinic ; and d. in S. Th, 1834. 6, Robert, (3d), b. April 22, '61 ; m. Anna Dyer, of C. Elizabeth, 2d, AbigaU Hadley of Gloucester, 1789, 3d, Abby Perry ; j. Th, was a rev. soldier, & d. Jan. 20, 1843. 7, Hannah, m. Ephraim Dyer ; r. & d. Sullivan, Me. 8, EUzabeth. 9, Mary. 10, Ruth, b. Aug. 10, 1767 ; m. Francis Yates ; r. & d. Cambridge. 11, Ebenezer, b. July 11, '69 ; m. Sarah White. 12, John, b. June 3, 1771. Robert's (of Camden) ch. 1, Mary, in. John McKellar. 2, John, m. Mary Annis. 3, Lucy, m. Lewis Ogier, of French descent, from Quebec ; r. Cam. 4, Deborah, m. Capt. Andrew Malcolm ; r. Se d, War. 5, Joanna, m. 1st, Thomas Garish, p. in Th, Oct. 10, 1785, 2d, • Annis ; r. Se d. Cam. 6, Mehitable, m. James Richards ; r. & d. Cam. 7, Patience, m. WilUam Moody, p. in Th, Oct. 3, '87 ; r. & d. Line 8, Robert, (2d), b. in Cam. Sept. 17, '73 ; m. 1st, , 2d, Mrs. Porterfield of Cam, 3d, Mary Thomas, 4th, Farn ham ; r. Cam. & d. 1860. 9, Eliza, m. Hardy. 10, Joseph Wal lace, m. Sarah ; r. Cam. 11, Herbert, m. a Harrington. 12, James, b. July, 1779 ; m. a Richards. Paul's ch. 1, Abigail, b. 1766 ; m. Samuel Crane, p. iu Th, Aug. 4, '85; r. War. & d. July 25, 1823. 2, Elizabeth, m. John Stanford of Cape EUzabeth. 3, Moses, m. Rebecca Proctor, & r. in Salem. 4, Paul, (2d), m. Isabel Boggs ; r. & d. Cam. 5, Sarah, m. Reuben Bar rett ; r. Hope. 6, Hannah, m. Robert Boggs ; r. W. & d. Nov. 12, '43. 7, Ebenezer, (2d), m. Mary Thorndike; r. Cam. 8, Larkin, m. Mary Stanford of Cape Eliz. 9, Israel, m. in Cohasset ; i. Scituate, Mass. 10, John, (2d), m. Elizabeth Hart ; r. U. 11, Joanna, m: 1st, a Pre ble, 2d, a Daily ; r. & d. Line 12, Bathsheba, m. Capt. Thompson of Cam, who d. suddenly, soon after marriage, and was soon followed by his wife, as suddenly, while sitting in her chair at breakfast, aud after relating a remarkable dream. 13, Lucy, m. Eells of Cam. Sixth New England Generation. Capt. Joshua's ch. 1, Bethia, b. May 23, 1781 ; m. William Keat ing, 2d, Thomas Martin of St. G. ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. Joshua, (2d), b. April 3, '87 ; m. Susan Keating, March 19, 1812 ; r. S. Th, a re tired master mariner. 3, Hannah, b. July 16, '89 ; m. Capt. Robert Snow ; j. and d. Th. 4, Eben, b. Aug. 26, '91 ; m. Betsey Snow ; r, St. G, and d. Sept, 1819. 5, Geotge, b. March 31, '93 ; d. at Turks Island, 1815. 6, Eliza, b. Jan. 4, '99, d. Sept, 1803. The mother, b. June 21, 1764, d. Jan. 12, 1852. Benjamin's ch. 1, Joseph, b. March 5, 1792. 2, Charles W, b, March 10, '94 ; m. Eliza Keating, April 26, 1822 ; r. Rock, & d. Dec, 15, '50. 3, Ruth, b. June 10, '96; m. Thomas G. McKellar; r. St ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 431 G. ? 4, Hannah, b. Feb. 5, '99 ; m. George Snowdeal ; r. S. Th. 5, Benjamin, b. June 9, 1801. 6, Lucy W, b. Sept. 11, '03 ; m. Israel Snow; r. Rock. 7, Eliza, b. Dee. 22, '05 ; mar. Henry A. Smart; r. Rock. 8, Thomas W, b. March 31, '08. 9, WiUiam K, b. July 14, '10. 10, Eben, b. Nov. 6, '13. 11, Lydia, b. April 16, '16 ; m. Arch ibald Fisher of War, & d. Robert, (3d)'s ch. 1, Lydia, b. Oct. 23, 1782, d. 1837. 2, Robert, (4th), b. Jan. 4, '84, d. Feb 5, 1816. 3, Anna, b. Dec. 26, '86. died Jan. 8, '87. By 2d wife. 4, Asa, b. Aug. 13, '90, d. March 6, 1803. 5, Anna, b. Jan. 12, '92, d. Oct, '93. 6, Charlotte, b. Aug. 3, '93, m. Asahel GUbert in W. Cambridge, Dec, 1827. 7, Mary, b. July 5, '95. 8, John, b. Feb. 17, '99, d. April 1, 1816. 9, William, b. Dec. 13, '98, mar. Margery Dyer, Aug. 31, 1823 ; r. Portland, since 1815. 10, Capt. Henry, b. Dee' 6, 1800, d. Aug. 12, 1827, lost at sea. 11, Capt. Israel, b. Dec. 1, '02, m. Mary A. Van Buskirk ; r. S. Th, and d. April 18, '59. By 3d wife. 12, Cushing, b. Jan. 16. '04 ; r. Rock. 13, Harriet, b. Sept. 19, '06, mar. Cornelius Kreamer of Wal, April 12, -'40. 14, Lucy, b. March 29, '09. 15, Joseph P, b. June 9, "15. The Camden branches are from necessity here omitted, but of Her bert's ch, there came to Rock , 1, WUliam N, b. in Cam, 1810, mar. Chloe Barns of Cam , and r. Rock. 2, Jane Malcolm, mar. Peter A. Hewitt; j. Rock. Also of Larkin's ch. 1, Paul, (3d), born Cam. 1827, mar. Lucinda Norwood, 2d, Ellen Havener, Sept. 25, '59 ; r. Rock., a carpenter, &c. 2, Emery, mar. Huldah A. Killsa; r. Rock, keeps livery stable. And, of the sons of James, the son of Rob ert, (2d), of Cam, James F, c. from Cam, m. Lucy S. Ulmer, Oct. 13, '25 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. Seventh Generation. Capt. Joshua, (2d)'s ch. 1, Hon. George, b. Nov. 5, 1814, m. Are- thusa Sleeper, Nov. 6, '36, shipbuilder in S.Th. for many yrs. till '48, having built 19 vessels on his own account, was State senator '50 to '55, councillor '59 and '60, was in '61 the first volunteer from Maine, being in Cassius M. Clay's battalion for the defence of Washington, D. C, rem to Rock, sailed the India ship, Kate Sweetland, was clerk of courts, 1864, but resigned and took command of ship Otago, in '65. 2, Eliza, b. March 22, '16, m. Archibald G. Snow, and d. at St. Geo, May 6, '36. 3, Julia, b Jan. 23, '18, m. Capt. James Dow; r. S. Th. 4, Helen M, b.Nov. 11, '19, m. Capt. Elias P. Sleeper; r. S. Th, and d. June 11, '47- 5, Capt. Charles Wm, b June 9, '22, lost at sea in ' br. Maine, Dec. 11, '44. 6, Joshua K, b. April 26, '24, mar. Elvira P. Snow, Dec 20, '45, rem. Cal. and Puget's Sound, Washington T'y. 7, Capt. Eben A, b. March 22, '26, m. Philura R. Fogg; r. S. Th., a ship master. 8, Susan Maria, b. Aug. 26, '29, mar. Henry Augustus Keating; r. Ohio. 9, Capt. Frederic, b. May 19, '31, m. Arabella O. Fogg, March 16, '54 ; r. S. Th, a ship master. Charles W.'s ch. 1, Capt. William H, b. July 3, 1823 ; m. 1st, Meiinda Achorn, July 19, '47, 2d, Eliza J. Fletcher of Belfast, '52 ; r. Rock, keeps livery stables, &c. 2, Charles W„ (2d), b. Feb. 15, '25 ; r. Rock. & d. Nov. 11, '64. 3, Capt. Joseph, b. May 18, '27 ; m. Al- bina W. Hunt, June 21, '57 ; i. Rock. 4, Bethiah, b. July 25, '29 ; m. Selah G. Dennis, rem. Hallowell. 5, Nancy M. b. Feb. 13, '31 ; m. (Japt. AU'red K. Spear; r. Rock. & d. Jan. 3, '61. 6, Eliza F, b. March 4, 1833. 7, Angelina A, b. July 6, 1836 ; m. Capt. Alfred It. Spear; r. Rock. 8, Hannah M. b. July 25, '38. 9, Emma L, b. April 16, '42. 10, Melinda A. b. ab. 1848. 432 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, WiUiam's ch. 1, John B, b. Dec. 12, 1824. in Portland; m. Ar- villa J. Jordan, March 19, '50 ; r. Portland. 2, Benjamin F, b. Feb. 15, '27. 3, Martha A,b. May 3, '29. 4, William H, (2d), b. Oct. 29, '30. d. young. 5, Robert, (5th), b. April 1, '33. 6, William H , (3d), b. Dec 16, '34, d. young. 7, William H , (4th), b. April 20, '37. Capt. Israel's ch. 1, Capt. Israel A, b. July 7, 1832; ra. JuUa M. Philbrook, Feb. 8, '62; j. S. Th, a master mariner. 2, Mary E, b. Jan. 20, '35; m. Simeon Sargent; r. S Th. 3, Abigail A, b. March 18, '37 ; m. John D. Currier, Sept. 15, '58 ; r. S. Th. 4, Frances El len, b. April 25, '39 ; r. S. Th. 5, Robert Henry, b. April 9, '41 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &e. 6, Annie M. b. 1843, died in Concord, N. H, Nov. 5, '61. 7, Melville L, b. ab. '46. 8, Loretta C, b. ab. '48. 9, Susan L, b. April 51, d. Feb. 18, '52. 10, George A, b. ab. '53. WilUam N.'s ch. 1, Daraxa, b. ab. 1839. 2, Harriet, b. ab. '42. 3, Lucy, b. ab. '47. 4, Isaac, b. ab. '49. Paul, (3d)'s ch. 1, Jacob, b. 1843. 2, Frederic, b. 1847, drowned Feb. 19, '63, at the N. marine raUway, Rock, where he had gone to find his father at his work. James F.'s ch. Mary E, m. S. Watson Veazie ; r. Rock. Eighth Generation. Hon. George's ch. 1, Lane, b. Feb. 20, 1844 ; r. Rock. 2, Chas. Wm. h. June 11, '46. 3, George LesUe, b. Nov. 5, '48. 4, Joshua, b. April 1, '51. 6, Alice Augusta, b. Dec. 15, '53. 6, Eliza Snow, b. July 20, '56. 7, Arthur H, b. March 30, '58. 8, Frederic Keating, b April 6, 1861. Capt. Eben A.'s ch. 1, Ava, b. ab. 1849. 2, Estella, b. ab. 1852. 3, Delia, b. ab. '54. 4, Helen, b. ab. 1858. Capt. Frederic's ch. AdeUa P., b. ab. 1855. Capt. William H.'s ch. 1, William H, b. April 8, 1848, d. young. 2, Walter H, b. May 29, '54. 3, Ralph W. E, b. June 12, '57. Capt. Joseph's ch. Josephine A, b. Sept. 9, 1858. John B.'s ch. 1, Martha E, b. Dec 17, 1853. 2, John W, bom Jan. 21, '56. 3, Charles S. b. Jan. 21, '58. Of this family, also, Al den U. Thorndike, r. Rock, entered the army, and James E. Thorn dike, j. Rock, corporal in 2d Battery, re-enlisted, &c THORNTON ; of this family two brothers came from Ireland ; 1, Thomas, b. ab. 1830 ; m. Bridget , of the same country ; r. Th. 2, John, b. ab. 1836, in Ireland, as was Mary, his wife ; j-. Rockland. Thomas's ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1855 in Th. 2, Bridget, b. ab. '57. 3, Bennett, b. ab. 1860. John's ch. 1, Bridget, b. ab. 1858. 2, John, (2d), b. ab. '59. THURLO W, Moody E, b. ab. 1811, in Hallowell; c. to this place ab. 1841; mar. Martha C. Hutchinson; r. Rock, a merchant tailor. Their ch. 1, Annie M, b. ab. 1837. 2, Sarah L, b. ab. 1838. 3, George M, b. Sept. 22, '39 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 4, Martha Au gusta, b. April 8, '41, d. Sept. 28, '59. 5, Edward W, b. ab. 1843, a mariner. THURSTON, Capt. Thomas F, b. in Bristol ab. 1822 ; mar. AUce V. Albee, March 12, '48; j. Rock, rem. Wiscasset. Their ch. 1, Flora, b. May 17, & d. June 14, 1849. 2, Samuel Albee, b. in Rock, June 9, and d. Sept. 10, '50. 3, Eliza P, b. in Rock, March 7, '54, 4, Edwin A, b. iu Rock, Dec. 11, '56. 5, Russell, b. in Bristol, Oct. 5, '61. 6, Paulina Jane, b. April 2, '63. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 433 THURSTON, Philo, b. ab. 1820, son of Philo Thurston of Union ; m. Olive Robbins, Jan. 11, '34; r. Rock, engaged in iron foundry. Their eh. 1, Willis E, b Oct. 19, 1849, d. March 21, '62. Of this name, also, William J Thurston, b. ab. 1828 ; r. Rock, a sergeant in 28th Me, &e Martha, his wife, d. Aug. 13, 1860, aged 38. TIBBETTS ; of this family two brothers c to this place, viz. : 1, Samuel, b. ab. 1811, in Bristol, Me.; m. Maria W. Morrill ; r. Rock, keeps a meat market, &c. 2, Alpheus Chandler, b. ab. 1820, in Windsor ; mar. Elizabeth F. Farrow of Belfast, p. July 27, 1840 ; r. Rock, a sailmaker, &c. Samuel's ch. 1, Charles M, b. ab. 1836 ; mar. S. Augusta Chad- bourne, July 2, '62 ; r. Rock , a meat dealer. See. 2, Chloe M, b. ab. '39. 3, Henry G, b. Nov. 4, '42 ; m. Mary A. Burns, June 1, '61 ; r. Rock, a sailmaker, musician in 4th Me, &c. 4, Horace J, b. ab. '44. 5, George W, b. ab. '46. 6, Samuel, jr , b. ab. '48. 7, Abbie F, b. ab. '49. 8, Joseph U, b. May, 1851, died March 23, '52. 9, Thomas E, b. ab. '53. Alpheus C.'s ch. 1, Hannah E, b. Aug. 17, 1841; m. Capt. Sam uel P. Wilson ; r. Rock. 2, Helen A, b. ab. '45. 3, Albert C, b. ab. '50. 4, Minnie C, b. ab. '54. 5, WUUam F, b. ab. '58. 6, Wal ter, died young. TILDEN, Samuel B, b. ab. 1821, in Belmont, Me. ; m. Ann Mc Donald ; r. Rock, a cooper, &c TILLSON, or as spelled by the earlier settlers, Tilson ; of this family, there c to this place, 1, William, b. in Halifax, Mass., April 25, 1754, m. Anna Haskell, c. to what is now Rock, before 1795, was an inn holder at Brown's Corner, a soldier of the Revolution, &c, d. June 28, 1841. 2, Dea. Perez, b. at Halifax in 1765, c. to r. in Th, in May, 1795, mar. 1st, Melinda Fales, Feb. 23, '97, 2d, Mrs. Lucy Holmes, p. Oct. 28. 1831, and d. Oct. 5, '52, aged 87. 3, Gilbert, a nephew, came later to Th, m. Mary Keith, June 7, 1812, was a shoe maker by trade ; r. and d. Th. William's ch. 1, Martha, b. 1792, m. Dr. Enoch Lovejoy ; r. Rock, and d. June 19, 1834. 2, WiUiam Fearing, b. Jan. 31, 1803, m. Jane Davis of U, 1829, 2d, Lucy Winslow of Wal, p. Sept. 19, '33 ; r. Rock , and d. Sept. 10, '51. 3, Henry Knox, b. Feb. 28, '05, d. young. Dea. Perez's ch. 1, Myra, b. Feb. 22, 1798, m. Alfred Rollins ; r. Th. 2, Melinda F, b. Oct. 19, '99, m. Edward Thomas ; r. Th. 3, Perez, (2d), b. Oct. 21, 1803, m. 1st, Ruth W. Sweetland of Hope, Nov. 16, '25, 2d, Martha Sawyer of C. EUzabeth, '33, 3d, Harriet Col- Uus of Portland, June 9, '47 ; r. Th, a farmer, &c. 4, Hannah Thorp, b. Nov. 21, '05 ; r. Th. 5, Col. Edward C, b. March 15, '07, mar. Mary P. Sawyer of Scarboro', p. Nov. 22, '32, an active man in Th, but rem, and r. Centralia, Boon Co, Mo. 6, Capt. Charles S, born March 11, '10, m. Mary J. Dyer of Portland, p. Sept. 15, '38 ; r. Th, a master mariner, and d. March 27, '56. WiUiam F.'s ch, 1, Brig. Gen. Davis, born April 17, 1830, grad. West Point, ra. Margaret E. Achorn, Aug. 4, '52 ; r. Rock , a civil engineer, Adjt. Gen. of Me. 1859—60, collector of customs, &c .raised the 2d Me. or TUlson's battery, of which he was Captain, and has risen rapidly to his present high rank as an artillery officer. By 2d wife. 2, Mary A, b. ab. '35, m. Dr. William A. Banks ; r. Rock. 3, Lincoln, b. ab. '38, m. Ada, dau. of David Ames; r. Rock. The mother m. 2d, Wm. Thompson and r. Rock. Vol. II. 37 ' 434 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Perez, (2d)'s ch. 1, Ruth S, b. Oct. 16, 1832, d. April 23, '54. By 2d wife. 2, JuUana F, b. Dec. 18, '36 ; r. Th. 3, Perez Henry, b. April 19, '39 ; volunteered in the 4th Me. Reg, and was killed at Manassas, July 21, '61. 4, Ethan S, b. Aug. 27, '41 ; r. Th, a stu dent. The mother d. Dec. 5, '45. By 3d wife. 5, Ge-rge C, b. Aug. 17, 1848, d March 12, '49. 6, John S, b. Dec. 27, '50. 7, George W, b. Dec. 18, '52. 8, Harriet, b. ab. '54. Col. Edward C.'s ch. 1, Mary M, b Oct. 29, 1833, d. Oct. 16, '34, 2, Elizabeth M, b. June 4, '35 ; removed with her parents. 3, Mary Ann H, b. July 16, '37 ; rem. and m. WUliam R. Davis of Piedmont, Va, Jan. 20, '63. 4, Edward Francis, b. Sept. 17, '39; rem, entered the army, was wounded and taken to Richmond, had a leg amputated, and d. from its effects. 5, Emeline-M, b. ab. 1842, rem. Missouri. Capt. Charles S.'s ch. 1, Sarah M., b. July 26, 1839. 2, Fannie J, b. June 24, '42. 3, Charles H, b. July 17, '46. 4, Mary A, b. AprU 13, '55. Gilbert's ch. 1, Mary, m. Amos Clough ; r. Rock. 2, Martha G, d. Dec. 31, 1855. 3, Susan K, m. David Lewis, Jan. 21, 1849, died ? Dec. 8, '50. Gen. Davis's ch. Jennie C, b. ab. 1856. TINKER, Richard, Esq, b. June 18, 1795; m. Mehitahle Jellison, Feb, 1824 ; was senator and sheriff of Hancock county, u. from Ells worth to Th as warden of the State Prison, '61 ; & as such was mur dered by a convict, May 14, '63. Their ch. 1, Charlotte J, b. Sept. 20, '26 ; m. E. C. Milliken, Jan, '52 ; r. Boston, 2, George W, b. Jan. 30, '28. 3, Mary Agnes, b. July 18, 1831, a teacher, writer, &c 4, Caroline A, b. June 5, '33 ; m. James M. Bartlett, Nov. 22, '57 ; r. EUsworth. 5, Hettie C, b. Feb. 8, '35, d. in Th. Aug. 12, '62. 6, Louise, b. June 1, '37 ; a teacher in Boston. 7, Richard H, b. April 20, '39 ; 8, Charles, b. Jan. 22, '41 ; 9, Sarah E, b. April 15, '43; 10, Helen, b. Aug. 19, '45 ; all ret. to Ellsworth, after their father's death, taking their dead with them. The mother d in Th. Nov. 26, '62. TITCOMB, Maj. Gen. William H, b. ab. 1820, e. here from Boston- where he had been a merchant ; m. Mary Crockett, Jan. 4, 1844 ; r- Rock, cashier of Rock. Bank, officer of 2d Division of Me. MUitia, Sec. Their ch. 1, Mary A, b. March 6, 1845, d. March 7, 1857. 2, Fannie M, b. ab. 1847. TITUS, Elijah, b. ab. 1812, in Digby, N. S. ; m. Eunice of Westport, N. S. ; r. Rock, a gardener, &c. Abraham Titus, b. ab. '16, in N. S, c with Phebe A, his wife & 7 ch.; r. S. Th, in fishery. Elijah's ch. 1, Capt. Wellington J , b. ab. '39 ; m. Lydia A. Bowden, March 16, '64 ; r. Rock. 2, Ezekiel M, b. ab. '41 ; r. Rock ; 3, John W, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock. ; both soldiers of 4th Me, &c. 4, Lalia, b. ab. '45; mar. Serg't Charles H. Miller, March 5, '64 ; i. Rock. 5, George, b. ab. '48. 6, Phebe, b. ab. '50. 7, CaroUne, b. ab. '52. 8, Clara, b. ab. '54. Abraham's ch. 1, Frances A, b. Dec. 1835, d. Oct. 17, 1850. 2, Charles, b. ab. '41 ; r. S. Th, soldier in 28th Me, re-enlisted. 3, Hen rietta, b. ab. '44. 4 & 5, twins, b. ab. 1846 ; William, r. S. Th, Ed ward, entered the army. 6, Jane, b, ab. '50. 7, George, b. in N. S, ab. '52. 8, Frances, b. in Maine, ab. '54. 9, Susan T, b. Sept. 15, '56, d. Feb. 1, '57. TOBEY, William, b. ab. 1817, e. from Portland ; m. Lucinda Flint ; r. Th, a sailmaker. Theirch. 1, William, b. ab. 1846. 2, Sarah E. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 435 b. ab. '48. 3, George W, b. March 8, & d. March 31, '50. 4, Mar tha E, b. ab. '52. 5, Abbie F, b. ab. '54. 6, Lucinda J, b. ab. '56. 7, Charles E, b. ab. '58. 8, Frank, b. ab. '59. TOBEY, Nathaniel, jr., son of Nathaniel Tobey of Jefferson, Me, m Sarah E. Hinkley of W, May, 1853 ; c. to Th, a joiner, rem. ab. '60, to Magnolia, Miss, ret. in '64, & r. Th. Of his brothers, 1, Al- berti, b. ab. '35, r. Th, a joiner. 2, West, m. Eveline H. Wyllie of W, p. Aug. 3, '63 ; j. Th. TOBURN, Thomas, c. from Fox Islands ; r Rock. & d. Nov. 30, 1845. Mary, his wffe, d. June 9, '38, a. 62. Of their ch. 1, , m. Arey ; r. S. Th. 2, Thomas, jr, m. Barbara A. Beaver, Feb. 3, '61 ; r. Rock., soldier of 15th Me , &c. 3, John, r. Rock. & d. Sept, 1848. TOLMAN, Isaiah, b. iu Stoughton, Mass, May 28, 1721 ; m. 1st, Hannah , (who was b. Nov. 10, 1725) ; c. with his family in 1769, and took up 500 acres around the pond long named Tolman's, now Chikawauka Lake, m. 2d, Margaret Robbins, 3d, Jane Philbrook of Vinalhaven ; rem. in his latter days and d. at Matinic. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Hannah, b. July 7, 1746 ; mar. Stone of U. 2, Mary, b. Feb. 15, '48 ; m. Constant Rankin; jr. & d. Rock. 3, Isaiah, (2d), b. June 26, '51 ; m. Elizabeth Gregory; r. Rock, & d. Nov. 15, 1823. 4, Jeremiah, b. Feb. 8, '53 ; m. Martha, dau. of John Calder- wood, Jan. 26, '84; r. Rock, Se d. Nov. 25, 1827. 5, Samuel, b. Jan. 24, '55 ; m. Experience Gregory of Cam, p. April 15, '85 ; r. Rock, rem. & d. Cam, Peb. 18, 1826. 6, Experience, b. Aug. 15, '56 ; mar. Bowen of U. 7, EUjah, b. July 18, '58, d. young. 8, Esther, b. July 19, '58, d. young. By 2d wife. 9, Lucy, b. June 11, '60 ; m. Dea. Job Ingraham; r. Rock, & d. Aug, 1846. 10, Curtis, b. May 26, '62; m. Ann Harrington, Sept. 22, '85; r. Rock, a Rev. soldier, & d. Feb. 24, 1852. 11, Melea, b. Aug. 11, '64; mar. Capt. William Gregory of Cam, & d. Feb. 9, 1856. 12, Elijah, b. Sept. 7, '66; m. Mrs. SaUy Woodward of Cam, Nov. 12, '97 ; r. & d. Cam. 13, Katie, b. Sept. 11, '68 ; m. Dr. Isaac Bernard; r. & d Rock. 14, Nathaniel, b. Oct. 9, '70, d. young. 15, Peggy, b. April 28, '73 ; m. Capt. Jos. Young, settled in Cam, & d. June 25, 1829 ; bur. in Rock. 16, Abi gail, b Nov. 24, '75 ; m. George Johnson ; r. Rock. 17, Capt. Isaac, b. Feb 28, '78 ; m. Eunice Young of Matinicus, where he d. Aug. 20, 1855. 18, Luther, b. March 27, '80 ; m. Jane Young ; r. & d. at Matinicus. 19, OUve, b.-Sept. 1, '83 ; ra. John Hall ; r. Rock. By 3d wife. 20, Lydia, m. Samuel Haskell of Gorham ; and r. in Knox. One other, died young, making 2 1 in alL Isaiah, (2d)'s ch. 1, Frances, b. April 11, 1775, d. Sept. 9, 1826. 2, Capt. Samuel, (2d), b. Jan 16, '77; mar. Nancy ; r. Cam. 3, Calvin, b. March 1, '79 ; m. Eunice Gay, Nov. 20, 1804 ; r. Rock. ? & d. Dec. 18, '54. 4, Josiah, b. May 19, '81; m.-Mary Achorn, Jan, 1804 ; r. Roek, a farmer, &c, Se d. Nov. 12, '52. 5, Betsey, b. April 20, '83 ; m. Benjamin Brewster of Cam. 6, Polly, b. April 9, '85, d. Aug 30, '94. 7, Amos, b. Nov. 3, '89, d. Nov. 7, '92. 8, Esther, b. Feb. 7, '94; m. Walter Edmunds, p. Aug. 1, 1814; rem. Burnham and died. 9, Lucy, b. Oct. 6, '96 ; m. Levi Butler. Jeremiah's ch. 1, Thomas, b. Nov. 20, 1784 ; m. Lydia Ingraham, Dec. 3, 1810 ; r. Rock., & d. May 23, '53. 2, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 3, '88 ; m. John Manning, April 27, 1813 ; r. Cam, & d. Feb. 2, '39. 3, Jeremiah, (2d), b. Sept. 19, 93, d. AprU 24, '94. 4, Mark, b. Sept. 436 HISTORY W THOMASTON, 23, & d. Oct. 7, '95. 5, James, b. March 29, '97 ; mar. Bethia Keen, Sept. 12, 1822; r. California. The mother d. Feb. 5, 1839, aged 81 years, 8 months, 8 days. Samuel's eh. 1, William, b. May 28, 1786, m. 1st, Catharine Burns of Wal, p. June 15, 1807, 2d, Mrs. Martha Greenlaw, May 16, '19; settled and d. in Cam. 2, Isaiah, (3d), b. March 22, *88v probably d. young. 3, Joseph, b. Aug. 10, '89, mar. Bethia Brown, March 26, 1818; r. Cam. 4, Shepherd, b. Sept.' 10, '92, mar. Jane Phinney of Eastport, April 25, 1816 ; r. and d. Cam. 5, Asenath, b. Aug. 17, '95, m. Moses Kelloch of St. G. ; r. Cam. 6, Hannah, b. Feb. 21, '99, m. Joshua Bradshaw ; r. and d. Cam. 7, Isaac, (2d), b Jan. 2, 1802, d. young. Curtis's ch. 1, David H, b. March 15, 1786, m. Katie Johnson, May 26, 1805 ; r. Cam, & d. Feb. 9, '63. 2, WUliam Elliott, b. Feb. 26, '90; m. 1st, Sally Perry, May 28, 1815, 2d, Ann (Munroe) Man ning, Dec. 25, '42; r. Rock, a blacksmith. 3, John Minot, b. ab. 1792, mar. 1st, Elizabeth Norwood of Cam, Sept. 12, 1822, 2d, Mrs. Catharine Hunt ; j. Cam. The mother d. April 29, 1832, aged 70. Elijah's ch. Peggy or Margaret, ro. Benjamin Perry of Cam. Capt. Isaac's ch. 1, Matilda, m. Alexander Philbrook of Islesboro' ; r. Matinicus. 2, Hanson, b. ab. 1806, m. Margaret A. Tolman, Nov. 2, '31; r. Rock. 3, Almira, m. Josiah Achorn; r. and d. Roek. 4, Margaret R., m. Lewis Leadbetter ; r. North Haven. 5-, Olive II, m. Capt. Thomas Stewart ; r. Rock. 5, Lisetta, m. Lewis Ames ; r. Se d. Matinicus. 7, Isaac, (2d), m. Susan Crie ; r. Matinicus. 8, Iddo K., m. Sally Susan Ames of North Haven ; r. Matinicus. 9, Harriet C, m. Jonathan Norton of St. G. ; r. Matinicus. Luther's ch. 1, Job, m. Lucy Studly of Bremen ; r. and d. Bre men. 2, Luther, (2d), m Sally Roberts of Matinicus ; r. Matinicus. 3, Jefferson, d. unm. 4, Elliott, m. Sarah Ozier of Bremen ; r. Bre men. Fourth Generation . Calvin's ch. 1, Archibald, b. May 25, 1806 ; m. Mercy Perry, May 9, '30. 2, Calvin, (2d), b. Feb. 12, '09 ; m. Margaret Kaler of Wal, p. Sept. 28, '31 ; r. & d. Rock. 3, Zillah W, b. Feb 5, '11 ; m. Dan iel Packard, (2d), of Cam. 4, Orissa W, b. April 19, '13 ; m- Josiah Achorn, & d. Dec. 27, '42. 5, Wealthy G, b. June 26, '16 ; m. Ben jamin Clough ; r. & d. Rock. The mother d. Jan. 1, '54, a. 76. Josiah's ch. 1, Margaret A, b. Nov. 2, '05; m. Hanson Tolman; r. Rock. 2, Isaac, (3d), b. Aug. 6, '07 ; m. Mary J. Packard, p. Sept. 17, '32; r. Blackington's corner, Rock, a farmer. 3, Walter E, b. Nov. 18, '10 ; m. Harriet Spofford, p. AprU 2, '36 ; r. Rock.,, a mer chant. 4, Elvira, b. March 26, 1813; m. Otis Sherer; r. Rock. 5, Mary, b. March 10, '16 ; m. Dea. Cephas Starrett ; r. Rock. 6, Josi ah, (2d), b. March 14, 1822 ; m. Louisa R. Sherer, Sept. 21, 1848 ; t. Rock, a farmer. 7, Orrin P, b. Dec 18, 1829; m. Mary Scholes of N. B, Aug. 7, '53 ; r. homestead, Rock, a farmer. Thomas's ch. 1, Jeremiah, (3d), Esq,b. Nov. 3, 1811 ; m. Hannah K. Packard of Cam, April 5, '38 ; x. Rock, a farmer, &c, assistant assessor of U. S. Internal revenue for 5th District. 2, Martha B, b. May 8, '13 ; m. Capt. Jesse Ames; r. Rock. & Minnesota. 3, Lydia Maria, b. Oct. 20, '17; m. Alexander Martin of Cam, Dec. 20, 1840. 4, Clarinda, b. Sept. 10, '19 ; mar. John Wyman, p. Feb. 21, '37; r. MiUbridge. 5, Marietta, b. AprU 8, '22; m. Jos. F. Allen; r. Rock. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 437 6, Harriet A, b. April 3, '24; m. Capt. Allen Linnell; r- Cam. 7, Julia, b. Nov. 21, '25 ; m. Amos Barrett of Cam, Feb. 18, '51. James's oh. 1, Lanson D, b. Feb. 24, 1823. 2, Susan, b. Sept. 27, '24. 3, Hannah E, b. April 10, '26. 4, James T, b. Dec. 9, '28 ; mar. LUlias A. Butler, Aug. 25, '60; r. Th, a farmer, &c. 5, John Jeremiah, b. March, 1831, d. in Cam, Sept. 15, '51. William's ch. 1, Capt. Isaac, (4th), b. ab. 1809 ; mar. Thirza or Louisa St. Clair; r. S. Th, Owlis Head, fish dealer. &c. 2, Mary, m. Charles Jameson ; r. and d. Rock. 3, Cordelia, m Charles Jameson ; r. Rock. 4, Sarah, m. Frederic Andrews. 5, Caroline, m. WUliam Achorn ; r. Rock. 6, Martha, m. Aaron Kelloch ; r. East Machias. Joseph's ch. 1, Maria, m. WilUam Barnes ; t. & d. Cam. 2, Har riet, m. Luther Hemenway ; r. Cam. 3, Antoinette ; r. Cam., with her father. 4, Warren, r. and d. unm. Cam. Shepherd's ch- 1, Capt. Alvin, b. March 31, 1818; m. Lucy Ann Tyler of Cam., 2d, Lizzie M. Sumner April 8, '54 ; r. Rock, d. at sea, Oct. 20, '64. 2, Exia, m. Elithan Young; r. Cam. 3, Susan, m. Isaac Keen ; r. & d. Cam. 4, Huse, m. 1st, Irene Packard, 2d, Lorina Brewster ; r. Cam. 5, Orinda, m. Ambrose Lampson, jr. ; r. & d. R. David H.'s ch. 1, Ann, m. Samuel Packard ; r. and d. Th. or W. 2, Louisa, mar. Benjamin Crandon ; r. Cam. 3, Otis, mar. Abigail Barnes; r. Cam. 4, Irene, m. Amos Fisk; r. Cam. By 2d wife. 5, David H, jr. ; r. Cam , now in the army. .6, Lucy, r. Cam. WUUam ElUott's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Abner P., m. Emily Grover, June 24, 1845 ; r. and d. Rock. 2, Charlotte, m. Robert P. Thomas; r. and d. Rock. 3, Marilla, d. unm. 4, Joshua, d. young. 5, Lucy A, d. young. 6, EmeUne, d. young. 7, Charles H, b. Nov. 12, '25 ; r. Rock, & d. AprU 23, '68. 8, Lydia M, b. Aug. 25, '27 ; m. Robert P. Thomas, p. May 24, '45 ; r. Rock, & d. July 22, '58. 9, Emily, b. ab. '29; m. Oscar Davis; r. Rock. 10, Sarah E, mar. Rev. George Watts of St. George. 11, Margaret E, d. young. John Minot's ch. 1, Minot, m. Augusta McKellar; r. W, lost an arm in defence of his country. 2, Danson, m. and r. California. 3, Orinda, m. 1. & d. in Massachusetts. 4, Henry H, d. in California. 5, Sarah F. ; 6, David ; 7, Hiram ; all 3 d. young. The mother died Aug. 15, '35, a. 33. By 2d wife. 8, Albert, d. in the army. 9, John r. California. 10, Lisana, m. Albert Tolman ; r. Cam. Calvin, (2d)'s ch. 1, Calvin N, b. Aug. 12, 1832 ; r. Rock, a mar iner. 2, Otis G, b. Dec. 29, '33 ; 1. Rock, a mariner. 3, Franklin, b. Sept. 29, '35; r. Rock, a farmer, corporal of 2d Me. Battery, &c. 4, Oscar, b. April 19, '38 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 5, Elsie M, b. Sept. 15, '39 ; m. John H. Mcintosh ; r. Rock. 6, Helen A, b. Sept. 7, '41. 7, Orissa A, b. Jan. 10, '43. Isaac, (3d)'s ch. 1, Alonzo, b. May 4, & d. May 6, 1841. 2, Ben ton I, b. ab. '44. 3, Almond S, b. ab. '48. 4, Ella A, b. ab. '52. Walter E.'s ch. 1, Norman S, b. April 5, 1837; r. Rock, a far mer, &c. 2, George, b. Jan. 22, 1839 ; m. Eliza A. Collins of Deer Isle, Nov, '62; r. Rock, a merchant in firm of Tolman & Sons. 3, Walter, b. Jan. 31, '41 ; r. Rock, a merchant in same firm. 4, Mary Hannah, b. Jan. 25, '46 ; r. Rock. Josiah's ch. 1, Charles E , b. Nov. 30, 1850, d. March 10, '57. 2, Alfred, b. ab. '53. 3, Hiram, b. ab. '56. 4, Harriet A, b. ab. '59. Orrin P.'s ch. Eudora, b. June 22, 1854. Jeremiah, (3d)'s ch. 1, Ellen E, b. Dec. 24, 1838 ; m. Charles H. Dean; r. Rock. 2, Thomas M, b. March 19, '42 ; appointed a cadet 37* 438 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, at West Point, March, '61. 3, John D, b. Oct. 3, '43. 4, Jeremiah A., b. May 13, '55. 6, Jesse, b. June 3, '68. Capt. Isaac, (4th)'s ch. 1, ? Sarah C, m. H. P. Philbrook, Dec. 23, 1851. 2,? Henry E, b. ab. '36 ; m. Frances S. Adams, Nov. 10, '57 ; r. S. Th. & d. Aug, '59, of southern fever. 3,? Guilford, b. ab. '39, d. at Brooklyn, N. Y, Sept. 11, '63. 4, Almira, b. ab. '41. 5, Eze kiel, b. ab. '43. 6, Wilfred, b. ab. 1845. 7, Charles, b. ab. 1848. 8, Herbert, b. ab. 1850. 9, Laura H, b. ab. 1852. Capt. Alvin's ch. 1, John C, b. ab. 1848. 2, LuciUe W. b. ab. '59. TONER, James, b. ab. 1816, son of Charles of Warren, but remain ed with grandparents, in Ireland, till 1837 ; m. in N. Y, rem. to Rock., a foundry man, and d. July 21, '59. His ch. 1, James, b. ab. 1846. 2, Charles, b. ab. '48. 3, William H, b. ab. 51. 4, Sarah, b. ab. '54. 5, Isaac B, b. '55, d. July 23, '61, by drowning, as did his father, grandmother, and only uncle. The mother d. Sept. 4, '63, aged 42. TORREY, Capt. Charles, b. ab. 1819 in Deer Isle, m, Ann P. Bar ker, April 5, '42 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. Their ch. 1, Charles A. M, b. Jan. 13, '43 ; j. Rock. 2, George A, b. ab '45. 3, Helen F, b. ab. '48. TORREY, Joseph G, b. ab. 1820 in Hanson, Mass, mar. Nancy Caryl of Vermont ; r. Rock, a brass founder. Their ch. 1, Helen M, b. ab. 1844, 2, George E, b. ab. '52. 3, Willard C, b. ab. '55. 4, Olive B, b. Jan. '59, d. July 10, '61. Of this name, also, there was here early Elijah Torrey, b. 1776, mar. Hannah Baker; r. here some years, a blacksmith, rem. Belfast before 1816, and d. July 27, '25, bur. under Masonic form. Ch. recorded here. 1, Leander Lo- zier, b. Oct. 7, 1808, d. March 12, '10. 2, EmeUne C, b. Dec. 20, '08. 3, James Madison, b. Jan. 29, '11 ; r. here a time with Elizabeth T, his wife, and had ch, viz. : Sarah E, b. Jan. 13, '40, and George F, d. Aug. 11, '42 ; probably rem. 4, Erastus N, b. July 2, '13. TOTMAN, Samuel S.. b. ab. 1826 in Bath, mar. Francis E. Labe, April 16, '53 ; r. Rock, a mason, soldier of 4th Me, &c. Their ch. Fannie, b. ab. 1858. TOWLE, Gorham R, b. ab. 1832 in Hartland, Me, m. Elizabeth B. Hunt ; r. Rock, a stage driver, &c. TOWNE, Asahel, b. ab. 1821, m. Nancy J. French; j. Rock, sol dier of 4th Me, kiUed in battle, July 21, '61. Their ch. 1, Michael E, b. ab. 1846, entered the army. 2, Moses A, b. April '48, d. Aug. 15, '58. 3, Flora, b. ab. '54. 4, Ada M, b. ab. '58. TRACY, Rev. A. P, b. in Vassalboro', March 18. 1838, m. S. M. Eastman of Canton, July 22, '53 ; entered Waterville Coll, but did not grad. on account of UI health ; r. Rock, pastor of P. W. Bapt. ch. Theirch. 1, Frank Edwin, b. in Webster, July 9, '54. 2, Mary Eva, b. in W. Gardiner, Aug. 19, '55. 3, Edward P, b. in S. MontviUe, May 3, '57. 4, Hattie Ella, b. in Line, Oct. 11, '58. 5, Annie F, b. in Hallowell, Jan. 10, and d. Dec. 11, '60. 6, Flora C, b. inH. AprU 22, '61. 7, James L. Phillips, b. in China, June 17, '63, d. Aug. 31, '64. Of this name, also, Michael Tracy ; r. Rock, entered the army. TRAFTON, Josiah, b. ab. 1813, in Camden; mar. Lovisa Shorey, Nov. 21, '39 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, 8jc Their ch. 1, Roseltha. 2, William H,b. Nov. 14, 1842. 3, Abby, b. ab. '44. 4, Leonidas, b. ab. '47. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 439 TRASK, Alfred, b. in Jefferson, ab. 1817 ; m. Lydia, dau. of Thomas Kennedy ; r. S. Th, on George's river side ; a farmer, &c Their ch. 1, Alzena, b. ab. 1842 ; m. James T. Newhall ; r. S. Th. 2, Almira D, b. June, 1843, d. Feb, 1860. 3, Lucinda K, b. ab. '45. Of this name, also, Daniel Trask of Th, m. Nancy M. Hatch, March 19, '53. TRIPP, Stewart, b. ab. 1831, in Jefferson, Me. ; m. Margaret, dau. of John or Thomas Linneken of St. G, p. Jan. 21, '53 ; r. S. Th, a blacksmith. TROWBRIDGE, Robert, b. ab. 1826, son of John Trowbridge of Wal.; m. Miss Lambright ; r. Rock, a ship-builder, inspector of cus toms, Sec. Their ch. Frederic K, b. ab. 1852. TRUE, Lewis M, b. ab. 1805, in North Yarmouth, Me. ; m. EUza Titcomb ; r. Rock, a carpenter, &c. Their ch. 1, Cora F, b. ab. 1836 ; a teacher, & d. in N. Yarmouth, May 4, '63. 2, Edward E, b. ab. '39 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 3, Marcia S, b. ab. '42. TRUE, Daniel M, b. ab. 1826, in Montville ; m. Julia A. ; r. Th, overseer in State Prison, &c. Their ch. 1, Martha E, b. ab. 1850. 2, Etta, b. ab. '52. 3, Israel C, b. ab. '55. 4, Julia, b. ab. '57. TRUEWORTHY, WilUam S, b. July 11, 1801, in North Haven; m. Sophronia Trueworthy; r. Rock, and d. Dec. 3, I860. Their ch. 1, Harriet C, b. 1836 ; mar. John Mehan ; j. Rock. 2, Acel E , b. 1839 ; m. AceUa H. Worthing, Peb. 4, '61 ; 1. Rock, a mariner. 3, Erastus A, b. 1841, d. Dec. 18, i860, from an accidental fall into the hold of the ship Chimborazo.. TRUNDY, John W, b. Nov. 30, 1796 ; mar. Hannah ; j. Rock, & d. April 4, 1860. Of their ch. 1, Alice, b. ab. 1826 ; mar. Bradley ; r. Rock, a widow and has one ch, Alice, b. ab '50. There also r. Rock, Lucy A. Trundy, b. ab. 1836 ; 2, Susan H., b. ab. '40 ; 3, Benj. F, b. ab. '42 ; r. Rock, a sailmaker, entered navy. TRUSSELL, Joshua, came from Camden with his wife to S. Th, 8c bought the Abel Fish place ; afterwards rem. & d. in St. Geo. Their ch. 1, Capt. Moses, m. Meloney ; r. Th, a master mariner, rem. New Orleans. 2, EUzabeth, mar. WUUam Watts ; r. Th. 3, Harriet, b. ab. 1808 ; m. John McKellar ; 1. Th. 4, Dr. Joshua W, b. ab. 1811 ; m. Lawrence ; r. War, rem. Rock., a dentist. 5, Capt. Samuel, m. & r. St. G, kept the Ocean House, Sec. 6, Roselle, m. Vose ; r. Th. T, Mary, m. and r. St. George. Dr. Joshua W.'s ch. 1, Theresa M, b. ab. 1839. 2, Orlando S, r. Rock, entered the navy. 3, Helen, b. in W, as were the" pre ceding. 4, Frederic, b. ab. 1847, d. Jan. 20, '54. 5, Edward F, b. ab. 1851. TUCKER, Benjamin, b. ab. 1779, on Copp's Hill, Boston; came to this place, m. Lavinia (Morse) Wight ; r. Th, at Beech Woods and at Watson's Pt, a cooper, and d. Sept. 4, 1846. Their ch. 1, Mary A, b. Sept. 7, 1808 ; r. Th, and d. Oct. 14, '60. 2, John, bora AprU 30, '12, in. Julia M. Dow, May 3, '62 ; r. Th. 3, Isaac H, b. June 4, '14, and d. July 4, '15. Others of this name, perhaps, r. Rock, as Bolin F. Tucker of Rock, entered navy. TUPPER, Charles F, b. ab. 1834, in New Brunswick, as was Eliz abeth, his wife; r. Rock, a merchant, formerly Methodist minister. Theirch. 1, WilUami b..ab. 1848. 2, George, b. ab. '49. 3, Mel vina, b. ab. '51. 4, Even, b. ab. '54. 5, MeUssa, b. ab. '56. 440 HISTORY DF THOMASTON, TURNER, Jackson, b. Sept. 1, 1803, in Old Th, m. Submit Smith, Aug. 1, '24; r. Rock, and d. April 11, '41. Theirch. 1, Orville R, b. March 4, '25, d. Oct. 28, '44. 2, Melinda H, b. Sept. 14, '26, m Theodore B. Mcintosh; r. Rock. 3, Andrew Jackson, b. Dec. 19, '28, m. Mary E. Ackley, Dec. 25, '50 ; r. Rock, and San Francisco, where he m. 2d, Anna M. Starbird, Oct. 4, '59. 4, Leonard S, born May 22, '31, d. in California, Sept, 1850. 5, Henry M., b. May 11, '33, d. in Rock, July 28, '56. 6, Theodore B, b. Aug. 13, 35, died April 27, '47. 7, Theron Tileston, b. Sept. 27, '37, m. Julia A. Whit- ten, Aug. 8, '59 ; r. Rock, a mariner. 8, M. Augusta, b. Aug. 15, '39, m. Henry A. Doveton ; r. Rock, rem. CaUfornia. 9, Lavinia F., b. Aug. 27, '41, d. April 19, '62. T. Tileston's ch. 1, Ada, b. Aug. 12, & d. Sept. 1, 1862. Of this name, also, James Turner, b. ab. 1812, m. Margaret Achorn, Nov. 2, '43 ; r. Rock, was a soldier of the 4th Me. Reg, and d. in Virginia by sickness, Aug. 30, '61. Their ch. 1, Almira, b. ab. 1845. 2, Lavinia, b. ab. '47. 3, Clara, b. ab. '50. 4, Lydia, b. ab. '52. Of the same name, John W. Turner, of the 2d Me. Battery, m. Flavilla V. Ingraham, Feb. 7, '63 ; r. Rock, re-enlisted in army.' TUTTLE, George W, b. ab. 1821, in Perry, Me, m. Emily Loring; r. Th, photographist. Their ch. 1, Florence, b. ab. 1848. 2, Lau ra, b. ab. '51. 3, George, b. ab. '58. Of this name, also, James F. Tuttle ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me. TYLER, Samuel, of Camden, m. Lucy Keen of Rock, March 30, 1814; r. and d. Belfast. Of their sons. 1, Alden L, b. ab. '20, in Belfast, m. Drusilla E. Packard, June 18, '44 ; r. Rock, a teacher, &c, elected Clerk of Courts for Knox county, 1864. 2, Samuel H, b. ab. '25, in Belfast, m. Elizabeth A. Sylvester, Jan. 24, '50 ; r. Rock, a merchant. Alden L.'s ch. 1, Helen, b. ab. 1845. 2, Sarah, b. ab. '48. 3, Mary, b. ab. '50. 4, John, b. ab. '53. 5 & 6, twins, b. ab. '58, Lem uel and Samuel. Samuel H.'s ch. 1, Francis O, b. ab. 1851. 2, Henry H, b. ab. '56. 3, Samuel A, b. ab. '58. 4, Charles A, b. Nov. 27, '60, died June 11, '61. TYLER, Phinehas, b. in 1798, c. from Boston to Union, m. there Louisa Alden in 1823, rem. Th, and traded many years, m. 2d, Electa P. Robinson, May 9, '32 ; and d. at Rock, Sept. 28, '56. His ch. 1, William P, b. March 30, '24. 2, Edwin, b. Oct. 25, '25. By 2d wife. 3, Louisa A, b. May 6, '33, m. Charles E. Bliss of Wal, April 2, '55. 4, JuUa G, b. May 29, '35. 5, Lucretia G, b. Dec. 27, '37. 6, Clara H, b. Aug. 25, '39. 7, Lucy C, b. July 2, '42. TYLER, Capt. Peter P., b. ab. 1802, m. Phebe ; r. Rock, a steamer pilot. Their ch. 1, Joseph, b. ab. '40, a painter. 2, Peter, , b. ab. '42. 3, Ellen, b. ab. '44. 4, Elizabeth, b. ab. '46. 5, Benja min, b. ab. '48. ULMER, Capt. John, b. in Germany in 1736; e to Waldoboro' in 1740 ; m. Catharine Remilly ; rem. to what is now Rock. & d. Aug., 1809, a. 73. His brothers, Capt. Philip M, & Gen. George, settled°at Ducktrap ; the latter was b. in 1755, was a soldier of the revolution, Maj. Gen. of 6th division of the militia, sheriff of Hancock county, senator of Mass. & Maine, & d. Jan, 1826. Capt. John's ch. 1, George, m. Mrs. Mary Beckett, 2d, Miriam Townsend, Sept. 2, 1824 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c, rem. Cam. & Hope, where he died. 2, Mary, m. R0CKL1ND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 441 Peter Schwartz; r. & d. Wal. 3, John, (2d), b. 1763; m. Eunice Barrows, p. Dec 27, '88, 2d, Chloe Barrows, April 16, 1820, 3d, Anne Andrews of St. G., Sept. 19, '30 ; rem. Burnham, ret. Se d. Jan. 15, '31, in Ulmer's mill, as was supposed, from arsenic, which was kept in the mill for the purpose of destroying rats, & was taken by mistake, for other medicine, on an attack of sickness in the night. 4, Margaret- b. Sept. 16, 1765; m. Jacob Achorn; r. Rock. & d. April 25, 1849. 6 & 6, twins ; Hannah, m. Henry Hyler, r. & d. Castine ; Jacob, m, Margaret Schwartz; r. Rock, built mills, &c. and d. Dec. 7, '48. 7, Matthias, m. Betsey Demuth; r. Rock. & d. April 8, 1841. 8, Mary, m. 1st, Rev. Frederic Croner, 2d, Isaac Brown ; r. Rock. 9, Maj. Philip, m. Susan Schwartz ; r. Rock, a deputy sheriff, militia officer, &c, & d. Sept. 6, '45. 10, Andrew, b. 1778 ; m. 1st, Jane Overlook, July 25, 1799, 2d, Lucy Brown, in 1839 ; a farmer, &c ; r. in the heart of Rock, city, & d. April 10, 1845. 11, Sarah, m. WilUam Brown; r. & d. Cam. 12, Capt. Martin, b. Jan, 1783 ; m. Susan Stoddard, p. Oct. 1, 1803 ; r. Rock. & d. Oct 4, '30. 13, Catharine, b. May 10, 1785 ; m. Capt. Jona. Crockett; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 31, 1863, The mother died Sept. 14, 1824, aged 83. Third Gener a tion . George's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Isaac B, d July 20, 1839. By 2d wife. 2, George, (2d), m. & r. in Hope, d. Aug. '27. 3, Martin ; 4, Isaac, both settled, m. & d. in or near Belmont. 5, EUza, m. ¦ Annis ; r. & d. Cam. 6, Sarah, m. Bryant ; r. & d. Cam. 7, Catharine, m. Abel Tyler ; r. Se d. Cam. Perhaps others. John, (2d)'s ch. 1, Capt. John, (3d), m. Lydia Torrey ; rem. to Burnham. Jacob's ch. 1, Hannah, b. 1797 ; m. Knott Bartlett ; & d. Feb. 23, 1842. 2, EUza, m. 1st, James Spear, 2d, ¦ Boynton ; 1. and d. Th. 3, Jacob S, b. ab. 1803 ; mar. Mary Hosmer of Cam, p. Sept. 22, '23; r. Rock, a farmer. 4, Polly, b. 1805, d Rock, March 21, '55. 5, Gilbert, b. July 20, '07 ; mar. in 1829, Mary Ann Kuhn of Bremen, (who was b. Nov. 27, 1805) ; r. Rock, a farmer. 6, Mar garet, m. R. Robinson Richards, March 6, '31 ; r. & d. Rock. 7, Asa, b. ab. 1809; m. Amanda F. Healey, Sept. 15, '33 ; r Rock, and d. May 21, '38. 8, Enos C, mar. Catharine Fields, p. Nov. 21, '35 ; j. Rock, and d. Oct. 28, '47. The mother died Jan. 9, 1848, aged 74. Matthias's ch. 1, Catharine, b. Oct. 19, 1793 ; m. Phinehas Butler, (3d) ; r. & d. U. 2, Sarah, b. April 18, '95 ; mar. John Butler of U. 3, Eunice, b. Feb. 3, '97; m. Benjamin A. Gallop; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 28, 1835. 4, Jenny, b. Feb. 9, & d. Sept. 19, 1800. 5, Ephraim, b. March 14, '01 ; m. Elizabeth Rankin, Dec. 5, '22 ; 1-. Rock, Se d. March 20, '58. 6, Susanna, b June 30, '03 ; m. Edmund Hammond, 23, John Hammond; r. Rock. 7, Major James A, b. April 14, '05 ; mar. Catharine Black, p. Nov. 16, '26, 2d, Phebe (Carriel) Morse, p. April 14, '47 ; r. Rock, in quarry business. 8, EUza, b. March 18, '07 ; m. John Richards, p. March 22. '24 ; r. Cam. 9, Mary Ann, b. March 20. '09 ; m. Elias Dodge ; r. & d. Strong. 10, Matthias, (2d), b. Aug. 11, & d. Aug. 18, '11. The mother d. April 14, '60, aged 91 years, 10 months. Major Philip's ch. 1, Capt. Jacob, (2d), b. Feb. 9, 1794 ; m. Har riet Bernard, July 31, 1314 ; r. Rock , & d. Sept. 20, '29. 2, Jane, b. March 15, '95 ; m. William Spear, (3d) ; r. Rock. 3, Philip, (2d), b. May 30, '98, d. Aug, 1802. 4, Charles, b. May 13, 1801 ; mar. Mrs, 442 HISTOTrlYDF THOMASTON, general inspector of lime, Sec. 7, Philip, (3d), b. May 18, '07 ; mar. Mary W. Thorndike, p. May 19, '29 ; r. Rock, & d. Feb. 3, '31. 8, Susan R , b. Dec. 7, '09 ; m. Hon. Charles Crockett ; i. Rock , and d. in Boston, Feb. 24, '55. 9, Harriet, b. Feb. 28, '12; m. Elbridge G. Shepherd; c. Rock, & d. Dec. 15, '63. 10, Gen. William S, b Jan. 15, '14 ; m. Louisa B. Poor, p. March 25, '35 ; r. Rock, & d. May 4, '45. 11, Julian, b. Feb. 18, Se d. July 27, '17. 12, John R, b. Sept. 28, '18 ; mar. Sarah Young of Cam, p. May 18, '39 ; r. Rock. The mother died Dec. 27, '55, aged 79 years, 11 months. 21 days. Andrew's ch. 1, Dolly, b. Dec. 11, 1798; m. Daniel Cowing; r. Rock, & d.May 19, '52. 2, Ann M, b. Dec. 28, 1800 ; m. Edmund P. Staples; r. Th, & d. May 2, '47. 3, Susanna, b. Feb. 14, '03; m. Col. Nathaniel Meservey ; r. Rock, and d July 19, '36. 4, Jane, b. Oct. 14, '04 ; m. Ezekiel Stearns, July 4, '27 ; r. Th, & d. March 16, '32. 5, Andrew, (2d), b. July 29, '08 ; m. Lucinda B. Thomas, Oct. 5, '35 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. 6, Joseph, b. Sept. 15, '10 ; m. Ann E. Fales, Sept. 17, '37 ; rem. San Francisco, and d. Nov. 1, '50. 7, Harrison, b. Feb. 14, '14, m. Lydia Kelloch, Oct. 22, '3 5 ; r. Rock, and d. Oct. 28, '50. 8, Catharine, b March 11, '16, mar. Eliphalet Seyers, p. Sept. 13, '34, 2d, Augustus Hanaky, 3d, Capt Thos. Tate, and d. Rock. The mother d. Jan. 29, '39. Capt. Martin's ch. 1, Capt. Henry H, b. Feb. 7, 1804, m. Margaret Robinson of C, p. Jan. 18, '24, 2d, Mrs. Eliza Spear, Sept. 13, '29, 3d, Lucy Black ; r. Rock, a master mariner, like his father and all his 5 brothers. 2, Fanny, b. April 21, '05, m. Capt. Silas Pennimau, 2d, George J.Burns; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Levi S, b. Sept. 9, '05, mar. Clarissa Simonton, April 6, '29, and d. of yellow fever at Mobile, Nov. 3, '43. 4, Caroline, b. Nov. 12, '07, m. Capt. Henry VerrUl; r. Rock. 5, Capt. Bernard, b. Sept. 12, '09, m. Hannah Adams, Aug. 4, '34; r. Rock. 6, Susan, b. Oct. 8, '11, m. Francis A. D. Singhi; r. Rock. 7, Mary, b. Dec. 20, '13, d. June 6, '29. 8, Capt. Matthias, (3d), b. April 14, '15, mar. Mary Ann Ripley ; r. Rock, and d. Nov. 28, '40. 9, Capt. Martin, (2d), b. Oct. 14, '16, m. Zoa Pease, p. Oct. 3, '37 ; r. Rock, and d. Aug. 25, '49. 10, Capt. Asahel, b. Sept. 12, '18, lost at sea, Nov. 24, '38. ? The mother d. May 27, '58, aged 80. Fourth Generation. Jacob S.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. Dec. 1, 1821, mar. Silas Farrington; r. Rock. 2, Anson, b. July 21, '26, d. Nov. 17, '47. 3, Gilman L, b. Dec. 19, '27, m- M. Elizabeth Palmer ; r. Rock, in quarry business. 4, Emily H, b. April 12, '30, mar. Edward F. Blackington; r. Rock.- 5, Harriet S, b. May 19, '34, in. Lorenzo D. Martin, July 2, '54; r. Rock. 6 and 7, twins, b. May 20, '38, Sarah M, m. Oliver B. Ulmer ; r. Rock, and Prances S, m. William N. Ulmer; r. Rock. Gilbert's ch. 1, Maria S, b. Oct. 19, 1830, m. Allen P. Farring ton ; r. and d. Rock. 2, Mary Ann, b. Sept. 2, '32, m. John S. Rob bins, Dec. 2, '49 ; r. Th. 3, Margaret, b. Nov. 2, '34 ; r. Rock. 4, Oliver B, b. July 18, '36, m. Sarah M. Ulmer, Sept. 3, '56 ; c. Rock, in quarry business. 5, Frederic H, b. Oct. 31, '39, m. Mary E. Fey- ler, Sept. 16, '61; r. Th, a farmer, soldier in 2d Me. Battery, re-en listed. 6, Jacob U, b. Oct. 8, '41, mar. Helen M. Wagner, Nov. 21, '63 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 7, Asa, (2d), b. ab. '44. 8, Sarah J, b. ab. '50. 9, Gilbert, (2d), b. ab. '53. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 443 Asa's ch. 1 and 2, twins, b. March 17, 1834 ; AdeUa, mar. James Thompson ; r. Rock, Angelia, d. Jan. 22, '35. 3, William, b. Feb. 22, and d. Nov. 19, '36. 4, Almira J, b. Nov. 30, '37, mar. Ezekiel Winslow ; r. Rock. Enos C.'s ch. 1, Eleanor B, born July 24, 1836, mar. Gilbert H. Marsh; r. Rock. 2, Lewis S, b. June 25, '38, m. Melissa, dau. of Capt. Holt; r. Rock. 3, Leander, b. July 24, and d. Aug. 14, '41. 4, Hannah, b. June 28, J42, m. John B. Marsh ; j. Rock. ? Ephraim's ch. 1, Sabra R, b. Nov. 18, 1823, m. John M. Alden; r. Rock. 2, Ephraim J, b. April 30, '26, m. 1st, Martha J. Proctor, p. April 24, '47, 2d, Delphus Dean, March 17, '51, 3d, Sophia Robin son ; r. Rock, in quarry business. 3, Samuel R, b. Oct. 6, '28, m. Rosanna Dean ; r. Rock., in quarry business. 4, Elizabeth, b. Jan. 23, '31, d. Oct. 4, '49. 5, Almira P., b. June 18, '33, mar. Lawrence C. Burkett ; r. Rock. 6, James W, b. April 24, '38, m. Mary A. Millikin, Aug, 1861 ; r. Rock. 7, Abby M, b. ab. '46. 8, Mary EUen, b. ab. '48. Maj. James A.'s ch. By 1st wife. 1, Frederic Thomas, b. Sept. 28, 1827, m. Mary F. Morse, Jan. 19, '51 ; r. Rock, a teamster, &c. 2, CaroUne B, b. Sept. 2, '30, m. Knott M. Bartlett, d. April 1, '53. 3, Matthias, (4th), b. Feb. 25, '32 ; r. Rock, in quarry business. 4, Martha L, b. April 15, '35, m. Reuben Pillsbury ; r. Rock. 5, Vio- letta, b. March 6, and d. Aug. 21, '40. By 2d wife. 6, Matilda M, b. Oct. 8, '48. Capt. Jacob, (2d)'s ch. 1, Catharine, b Jan. 2, 1814, m. Adriel C. Fales; r. Rock. 2, Orris B, b. Dec. 12, '16, mar. Fanny N. Butler, Nov. 25, '41; r. Rock, a farmer, Sec. 3, Charles, (2d), b. March 23, '18, d. Sept. 23, '32. 4, Alden, (2d), b. Feb. 18, '20, d. Nov. 25, '39. 5, Edward E, b. Jan. 4, '27, m. Lucinda Overlook, July 26, '51 ; r. Rock, a joiner. 6, Susan C, born June 8, '29, mar. James KeUoch; r. Rock. Charles's ch. 1, Lucy J, b- March 10, 1820, m. Capt. John Pack ard; r. Rock. 2, JuUa A, b. March 10, '22. 3, Malvina M, b. Dec. 25, '23, m. Capt. Hanson Bird ; r. Rock. 4, Capt. Charles C, b. Nov. 8, '25 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 5, Capt. William H, b. April 20, '27 ; r. Rock, and d. at Williamsburg, N. Y, Aug. 16, '56. 6, Har riet A, b. Aug. 19, '30, m. Alden Brown ; 1-. Rock. 7, Philip T, b. March 22, '33, m. Catharine Tolman of Cam, Sept. 18, '53 ; r. Rock. 8, Edwin L, b. March 2, '35, deceased. 9. Hiram F, b. Aug. 19, '37, m . Melissa H. Hookson, Aug. 22, '58 ; r. Rock, a painter, &c. The mother d. Oct. 2, '38. Alden's ch. 1, Clementine, b. Feb. 27, 1829, m. Alvan McLain ; r. Rock. 2, EUza F, b. ab. '43 ; r. Rock. 3, FrankUn, b. ab. '45. Gen. WUUam S.'s ch. 1, Capt. William N, b. Jan. 4, 1836, m. F. Sophia Ulmer ; r. Rock, a W. I. Goods dealer, officer in 2d Me. Bat tery. 2, Horatio A, b. June 4, '37, mar. and r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, since in navy. 3, Arthur, b. Sept. 26, '42 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. 4, Francis H , b. ab. '44; r. Rock, soldier in 2d Me. Battery, &c. John R.'s ch. 1, Edgar O, b. Jan. 21, 1839 ; j. Rock, corporal in 28th Me. Reg , re-enlisted. 2, Albert F, b. Dec. 4, 1840 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. Andrew, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary Lucinda, b. Sept. 5, 1835 ; m. Michae. A. Achorn; r. Rock. 2, Judith E, b. Nov. 17, '38; m. Harvey N. Greely ot Bangor, Jan. 8, '61. 3, Augustus Hauaky, b. Sept. 4, '41 ; 444 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, r. Rock, soldier in 28th Me., &c 4, Ann Charlotte, b. 1844, died March 8, '46. Joseph's ch. 1, Calphurnia P, b. AprU 15, 1838. 2, Clarence D, b. Feb. 17, '40 ; m. Martha J. Jameson, April 1, '61 ; r. Rock, quar termaster in 1st Cavalry, &e 3, Caslon F, b. Dec. 17, '47, d. May 15, '55. The mother m. 2d, Dr. J. E. Hunt, and rem. Harrison's ch. 1, Wyman W, b. Dec. 30, 1838 ; m. EmUy Hall, June 16, '61 ; r. Rock, a mariner, corporal in-4th Me. Reg, &c. 2, Mary E, b. Jan. 21, '41 ; m. Capt. John D. Cornwall of New York, Aug. 24, '58 ; has one son, (Horace B, b. ab. '57) ; r. Rock. 3, Frances K, b. Aug. 16, '43. 4, Joseph H, b. Sept. 20, '49. Capt. Levi S.'s ch. 1, Mary B, b. Feb. 21, 1830; r. Bangor. 2, Sears S, b. Feb. 14, '33 ; m. Lucinda Blood, May 31, '57; r. Rock, telegraph operator, &c ; rem. Presque Isle. 3, Augusta, b. AprU 14, '36; mar. Ransom Pierce, Sept. 11, '53. 4, Barnard U, b. Dec. 12, '37 ; died of yellow fever, at sea, in sch. Hardscrabble, March, 1856. 5, Matthias U, b. AprU 26, '41 ; r. Rock. The mother died April 6, '60, aged 52. Capt. Bernard's ch. 1, Helen M, b. March 20, 1835 ; mar. Capt. Michael O. Porter ; r. Rock. 2, James B, b. Peb. 12, '37 ; r. Rock, killed at sea, May, 1860, by a fall from aloft. 3, CaroUne V, b. Mar. 24, '39 ; m. Freeman C. Hanley ; r. Rock. 4, Frances P., b. AprU 7, '42 ; r. Rock. 5, Marion, b. ab. '46. 6, Addie, b. ab. '49. 7, George, b. ab. '52. Capt. Martin, (2d)'s ch. 1, Alonzo N, b. Peb. 20, 1841 ; soldier of 4th Me, &c Fifth Generation. Gilman L.'s ch. 1, Clarence E, b. ab. '54. 2, Lizzie E, b. ab. '55. Oliver B.'s ch. 1, Sarah F, b. Sept. 23, and d. Nov. 25, 1857. 2, Heber A, b. ab. '59. Ephraim J.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, William, b. April, 1848, d. Oct. 9, '49. 2, Elizabeth, b. ab. '50. By 2d wife. 3, Martha D, b. ab. '52. By 3d wife. 4, George II, b. ab. '59. Frederic T.'s ch. George Herbert, b. Nov. 9, '55, d. Aug. 17, '58. Orris B.'s ch. 1, Addie, b. ab. 1844. 2, Clara, b. ab. '46. 3, Helen, b. ab. '50. 4, Adriel, b. ab. '55. Edward E.'s ch. 1, Elvira L, b. May 25, 1853, d. March 15, '62. 2, Orris E„ b. ab. '58. Hiram F.'s ch Clara E, b. ab. 1859. William N.'s ch. WilUam E, b. ab. 1859. Sears S.'s ch. 1, Frank Blair, b. Nov. 30, 1858, d. Feb. '60. 2, Harry N, b. Sept. 25, '60, d. Oct. 7, '63. VANSTONE, James, b. ab. 1784, in England, a wheelwright by trade, m. Harriet Robinson, p. Feb. 14, 1818 ; kept tavern at Prison corner, Th, rem. and r. Rock. Their ch. 1, James, (2d), b. May 9, 1818, d. Oct. 29, '37. 2, Samuel, b. Sept. 21, '19, d. at Mobile, Nov. 1, or 30, '39. 3, Catharine P, b. Sept. 26, '21, m. Capt. David H. Ingraham ; r. Rock. 4, WilUam M, b. Sept. 21, '23, in. Almira H. Fales, July 18, '47. 5, Alinda F, or Melinda, b. Sept. 6, '27, d. Nov. 22, orDee 21, '45. 6, Mary A, b. Oct. 18, '41 ; j. Rock. VARNEY, Richard, b. Nov. 1, 1807; r. Rock, and d. Feb. 10, '59. Harriet D, his wife, d. Oct. 14, '58, a. 51. Alfred S. Varney, r. S. Th, soldier of 8th Me, &c. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 445 VAUGHAN, Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1787, son of James of Carver, Mass, c. to Warren, where he taught school, was an assessor, m. 1st, Polly Dunham of Plymouth, 2d, Nancy Spear of W, June 24, 1829, rem. Th, and d. at Rock, Oct. 24, '60, found dead in his bed. His ch. 1, Stetson, mar. Olive Gleason of U. ; r. Abington, Mass. 2, Nancy, m. and r. Abington. 3, George, d. unm. 4, Mary Ann, b. Oct. 10, 1818, m. Horace WilUams ; r. S. Th, and d. March 1, '47. By 2d wife. 5, Olive G, b. ab. '34, m. Samuel S. Haskell ; r. Rock. 6, Agnes C, b. July 21, '37. Nancy, the mother, d. Jan. 30, '55, a. 59. VEAZIE, Abiezer, m. and r. Camden. Of his sons, 1, Capt. Sew- ell Watson, b. ab. 1825 in Cam, m. Mary E. Thorndike of Cam. ; r. Rock, a mariner. 2, Samuel M, b. ab. 1830 in Cam, m. Mary K. Sears, Dec. 21, '51 ; r. Rock, a stove dealer. 3, Abiezer, (2d), (or Abijah, as in Adjt. Gen's Report,) b. ab. '32, m. Freelove Richards ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, re-enlisted. Sewell W.'s ch. Sarah, b. ab. 1851. Samuel M.'s ch. Morris C, b. ab. 1859. Abiezer's ch. Freelove A, b. ab. 1852. VERRILL ; of this Vinalhaven family, there came to this place, 1 1 Capt. Henry, b. ab. 1806 in V, m. Caroline Ulmer, Aug. 14, '31 ; r- Rock, a master mariner. 2, Jacob A., a brother, m. Mary R. Foger- ty, p. Aug. 14, '35 ; 1. Rock. ? Of their cousins. 1, Thomas, b. Sept. 29, 1805 in Vinalhaven, mar. Harriet , who was bom Aug. 1, 1809 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c 2, David, m. EmeUne Morrill, p. July 29, '40 ; r. Rock. ? Capt. Henry's ch. 1, Capt. Henry S, b. Jan. 14, 1833, m. Marga ret E. Porter, May 10, '54 ; r. Rock, and d. at sea, April 2, '55. 2, Margaret, b. May 1, '35, m. Capt. Albert F. Ames ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Levi U, b. Oct. 24, '37, m. EUen L. Hall, Sept. 19, '63 ; 1-. Rock. 4, Emma K, b. ab. '49. Thomas's ch. 1, John N, b. Oct. 14, 1833 ; r. Rock, d. Mar. 12, '60. 2, Maria, b. March 3, '37, m. Wesley H- Priest, Aug. 10, '62 ; r. Rock. 3, Joseph Edwin, b. Aug. 3, '39, mar. Metcalf ; r. Rock, a carver, soldier iu a Mass. Reg, &c. 4, Clara H, b. April 30, '42, d. March 17, '49. VESPER, or Wesberg, Capt. Peter, b. ab. 1807, in Slape, Sweden, c. here in 1817 ; m. 1st, Catharine Pitcher, (who d. May 18, '43,) 2d, Almira Morse of Friendship, Nov. 10, '44 ; r. Th, a ship master. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Ambro.se, b. ab. 1836 ; r. Th, a mariner. By 2d wife. 2, Oliver M, b. ab. '45. 3, Randall N, b. ab. '47, d. in May, '63. 4, AUen or Alton H, b. ab. '50. 5, Charles P, b. ab. '57- VINAL, Oliver M, b. ah. 1823, in Waldoboro' ; m. Arcan, dau. of Dr. Hill of C, Nov. 20, '47 ; r. Th, a carpenter, school teacher & su perintendent. Newell E, a brother, b. ab. '34 ; r. Th, a carpenter. OUver M.'s ch, William E, b. ab. 1850. VOSE, Jonathan, of Milton ; m. 1st, Mary , and had ch. 1, Seth, b. Jan. 4, 1733 -4 ; m. Rachel Copeland ; c east in 1763 ; r. & d. in Cushing. 2, Samuel ; 3, Jonathan, (2d) ; 4, Hannah ; 5, Jane ; 6, Thomas, probably d. in infancy ; 7, Mary ; 8, Jesse ; 9, Ebenezer ; 10, Jemima; 11, Kezia; all remained in Milton. (By his 2d wife, Mary ;) 12, Capt. Thomas, b. May 8, 1753 ; m. Sarah George; was an officer in the Revolution; c. to Th, a merchant, &c, d. Dec. 28, 1810. 13, Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1755. [Milton Records.] Vol. II. 38 446 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Seth's ch. 1, Elijah, b. Aug. 1, 1766 ; m. Sarah Andrews ; r. W„ a farmer, & d. April 10, 1840. 2, Mary, b. 1770 ; m. 1st, John Mcln- tyre, 2d, Dea. Calvin Crane ; r. W. & d. May 13, 1843. 3, Seth, (2d), b. 1772 ; j'. W, a farmer ; m. Lydia Delano, & d. Oct. 18, 1846. 4, Ebenezer, b. 1774 ; r. Th.; m. 1st, Nancy Lermond of W, Jan. 14, 1802, 2d, Sarah (Bridges) Dunbar, May 9, 1812 ; r. Th, a joiner, rem. Montville & d. May 21, '29. 5, David, b. Feb. 8, 1776 ; m. Alice L. Eastman; rem. Montville, a farmer, Se d. Feb. 25, 1844. 6, Elizabeth, m. Capt. Arch. Robinson of C. 7, Hannah, m. Dr. Isaiah Cushing ; r. Th. & d. Oct. 24, 1816. 8, Rufus, d young. 9, WilUam, m. Jane McCarter, April 7, '14; r. C. 10, Capt. John, b. 1784; m. 1st, Mary Hyler, Aug. 11, '14, 2d, Hannah S. Healey, Dec. '34 ; r. C. & Rock, & d. in Cushing, May 7, '39. 11, Rachel, b. Aug. 20, '93 ; m. George W. Stevens ; r. Rock. Capt. Thomas's ch. 1, Mary, b. Sept. 26, 1785 ; m. Capt. Archi bald Robinson of C, p. May 16, 1811, & d. Jan. 2, '54. 2, Sarah, b. Sept. 28, 1787, d. Nov. '93. 3, Margaret, b. Sept. 28, -'89, d. Nov. '93. 4, Lucy, b. April 23, 1791 ; m. Capt. William Henderson of C, Jan. 30, 1815 ; r. Th. & d. July 19, '25. 5, Thomas, (2d), b. Jan. 1, & d. Nov, '93. 6, Sarah P, b. Oct. 4, 1794 ; m. Dea. James Partridge ; r. Rock. 7, Thomas P, b. Sept. 13, 1796 ; r. Th, a merchant, &c. ; d. unm. May 10, 1832. 8, William, (2d), b. Dec. 24, '98 ; r. Th. in the homestead, Wadsworth St. 9, James, b. March 23, 1800 ; m. Sophia Andrews of W, Jan. 10, '33 ; r. Wadsworth st. The mother d. Feb. 20, '35, a. 79. For EUjah's, Seth, (2d)'s and Ebenezer's ch, see Annals of Warren. David's ch. 1, Capt. Burton, b. Sept. 21, 1797 ; mar. Elizabeth Bentley, Nov. 17, 1822 ; r. Th, and d. May 23, '40, at New Orleans. 2, Mehitable, b. Sept. 26, '99 ; m. John Evans of Montville. 3, Capt. Edward K, b. June 6, 1801 ; m. Eliza L. Spear, Oct. 7, '27, 2d, Mary Clements, 3d, Belinda M. Clements ; r. Th, rem. Montville. 4, Seth, (4th), b. May 29, '03 ; m. Alice R. Fales, Sept. 18, '28 ; r. Th, a farmer, Sec. 5, Benjamin, b. April 23, '05 ; m. Lucinda Clements, 2d, Jane P. Avery of Whitefield ; r. Th, a carpenter, sheriff, &c. 6, Elijah, (2d), Esq, b. March 19, '07 ; m. Mary True, June 4, '43, prac law, & r. U. 7, Sarah E, b. Feb. 18, '09 ; mar. Nathan HaskeU of Knox. 8, Rufus, b. March 8, '11 ; m. Eliza T. Ayer, and d. Nov. 11, '42. 9, Bartholomew K, b. March 19, '13 ; mar. Sarah T. Haskell. 10, David, (2d), b. May 11, '15, d. April 13, '39. 11, AUce L, d. a. 2 years. 12, Cyrus N, b. Dec. 21, '19, d. July, '42. William's ch. 1, Capt. James, b. June, 1814 ; mar. Sarah P. Kel leran, June 21, '42, d. March 31, '50, drowned near Mobile. 2, Al fred, b. May 5, '16 ; m. Catharine M. Mclntyre, Sept, 1843 ; r. Th, & d. Feb. 22, '53. 3, Edwin, m. Irene Counce, March 31, '57 ; r. C. 4, Robert, m. Mary (Young; Robinson; r. C. 5, Belinda; r. C. Capt. John's ch. 1, Almira, b. Feb. 2, 1815 ; m. WUliam S. Ingra ham; r. Rock. 2, Angelina, b. March 10, '18 ; mar. John Kelloch, (4th); r. Rock, & d. June 11, '40. 3, Pamela J, b. Nov. 1, '22, d. Oct. 14, '25. The mother d. Oct. 23, 1823, aged 27 years, 9 months. By 2d wife. 4, Z. Pope, b. Sept. 26, 1835 ; mar. Adelaide F. Snow, July 25, '64; r. Roek, editor of Rockland Gazette, Youth's Temper ance Visitor, &c. James's ch. 1, Lucy, b. June 6, 1833; m. John W. Mathews, p. Nov. 25, '51 ; r. W. 2, Thomas O, b. March 26, '36. 3, Oliver A, b. Sept. 25, '37 ; m. Cordelia M. Watts, Jan. 12, '61 ; r. Th. 4, Maria ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 447 A, b. March 26, '42. 5, Benjamin, born Aug. 22, 1846, died April 27, 1847. Capt. Burton's ch. 1, Edward K, b. June 24, 1824, d. Jan. 15, '44, at Staten Island. 2, Sarah A, b. Oct. 28, '25, d. Aug. 5, '33. 3, Capt. Isaac M, b. Jan. 6, '29 ; m. Augustina Edgarton, Sept. 26, '55 ; r. Th, & d. at New York, suddenly, Aug. 6, or 7, '61. 4, Susan C, b. March 27, '35 ; r. Th. 5, John B, b. Dec 2, '36, d. Nov. 3, '38. 6 & 7, twins, b. in Knox, July 29, '32 ; Thomas B, d. Aug. 24, '33, EUzabeth, d Aug.5,'33. 8, MaryE, b. May 21, '39, d. Ap'12, '42. Benjamin's ch. 1, James C, b. ab. 1830; m. Abby M. Hix, Dec. 27,'63;r. Th. 2, Sarah E, b. ab. '34. 3, Marcia P, d. young. 4, Dolly C, b. ab. '39. By 2d wife. 5, Celia M, b. ab. '44. 6, Wal lace, b. ab. '47. 7, Frank, b. ab. '49. 8, Emma W, b. Dec. 24, '51, d. July 29, '57. 9, Marcia A, b. Dec. 22, '55, d. Aug. 1, '57. Seth, (4th)'s ch. 1, Eliza L, d. Sept. 5, 1841. 2, Nancy F, b. ab. '32; m. James Comstock; r. Th. 3, Alice L, b. April 25, '36 ; m. Daniel Mayo ; r. Th. 4, David, (2d), b. ab. '43 ; r. Th, entered the navy. Capt. James's ch. 1, Emma L, b. ab. 1843. 2, Ambrose, b. May 24, '45, d. Aug. 16, '53. 3, James B, b. ab. '50. Capt. Alfred's ch. Laura C, b. 1844, d. Jan. 6, '50. Capt. Isaac M.'s ch. Ida, b. ab. 1854. VOSE^ Spencer, b. 1754, a cousin, it is believed, of Seth and Capt. Thomas ; m. Mary (Lushe) Hastings ; came from Attleboro' to Th, about 1790 ; a tanner, &c, d. Dec. 13, 1806. Their ch. 1, Sally, b. Aug. 3, 1782; m. Joseph Bryant of Newcastle, Jan. 5, 1800, 2d, Da vid S. Fales of Th, & d. Aug. 10, 1853. 2, George, b. May 4, 1785 ; m. Betsey Stackpole, March 5, 1807 ; rem. Castine. The mother died Jan. 28, 1818, aged 73. WADE, Philip, came from Scituate, Mass , m. 1st, , 2d, Mary Simmons of W, June 5, 1808 ; r. Wal. and Union. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Lydia, b. 1769 ; m. Hugh Paul ; r. Bristol, and died July 20, 1851, aged 82. 2, Roland, b. May, 1771 ; c to S. Th, mar. Mary HoUand, pub. May 4, 1798, 2d, Sarah (Randall) Coombs, June 29, 1835 ; r. S. Th, a ship carpenter, and d. in S. Danvers, Nov. 10, 1855. 3, Capt. Leonard, ; m. SaUy Lovett, p. Nov. 5, 1799 ; r. _S. Th, a master mariner, rem. Union. 4, PhiUp, m. and r. Friendship, hut rem. 5, Levi, m. Deborah Nash ; r. Wal, and d. when his only son, Moses Ellis Wade of War. was 8 years old ; his widow m. 2d, PhiUp Stahl of W, and 3d, Brotherton Daggett of U. Roland's ch. 1, Jane, b. June 19, 1799 ; m. Zebedee, or Edmund W. Wood ; r. Boston and South Danvers. 2, John H, b. March 17, 1801 ; mar. Eunice GetcheU of Brunswick, Jan. 19, '26, 2d, Hannah Merriman of Owls Head, Aug. 3, '45 ; r. S. Th. 3, Daniel, b. Dec. 19, 1802, d. Sept, 13, '04. 4, Margaret, b. Feb. 8, and d. Oct. 13, '05. 5, Nancy M, born Feb. 24, '08 ; mar. Samuel Waters of Boston. 6, Catharine P, b. Jan. 1, '10 ; m. George C. Dow ; and d June 23, '59. 7, Capt. Joseph S, b. Sept. 21, '12 ; m. Rosina Ranlett of St. George, p. Dec. 10, '37 ; rem. Montville. 8, WilUam B, b. Dec. 4, '16 ; mar. Mary Ann Witham, Aug. 22, '43 ; and d. in Florida. John H.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Achsa Jane, b. ab. 1827 ; m. William Henry Witham ; r. Rock. 2, Lorenzo, lost at sea. 3, John E, b. ab. '31 ; r. Rock, sergeant in U. S. sharp shooters, &c Capt. Joseph S.'s ch. 1, Cynthia J, b. Sept. 13, 1839. 2, Mary J, b. Aug. 18, '42. 3, Alfred, b. April, '45, d. Jan. 30, '50. 4, Jo- sephus; 5, Emma; 6, Charlotte R. ; aUrem. MontviUe. 448 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, William B.'s ch. 1, Edmund J, b. ab. 1845; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, William R, b. ab. '47. 3, Franklin S, b. ab. '49. Of this name, also, Edwin Wade, mar. Margaret C. Holdeu, Dec 31, '64 ; i. Rock, soldier of 4th Me,' &c WAGNER, Andrew, b. ab. 1806, in Waldoboro'; m. Elsie Stimp- son ; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, WilUam L, b. ab. 1833 ; m. Lorinda M. Wyman, June 6, '63 ; j. Rock, a lime burner, &c. WAIT, John W, came from Calais, Me, m. Mary Pettigrove; r. S. Th. Of their ch. Alice E. D , was b. Feb 8, 1861. WAKEFIELD, Rev. John, born ab. 1797, in Bath, Me, mar. Ann Prior of Bath, 1821 ; was Bap. minister at Th. and of Warren from 1820 to '27 ; forced by ill health to leave the ministry, he went into trade ; rem. Rock. 1844, a bookseller, afterwards corn and flour mer chant, rem. Portland 1860, returned Rock. '63. Their ch. 1, Eliza beth, b. ab. 1822; m. Miles C. Andrews; r. Rock- 2, Olivia B, b. ab. '25 ; r. Rock, an artist. 3, Ann, b. ab. '27; m. WilUam C. Bur gess ; j. Th. 4, Maria J, b. Nov, '29, d. June 27, '52. 5, Virginia W, b. ab. 1842. WALCH, John, b. ab. 1820, in Ireland, mar. in Appleton, Mary or Sarah Richardson ; j. Th. Theirch. 1, John, b. ab. 1857. 2, Mary, b. ab. 1858. "WALDO, Shubael, came from Wellington, Ct, m. MarthS B. Has kell, Nov. 15, 1835 ; r. Th, a merchant, &c. Their ch. 1, AmeUa, b. Peb. 7, 1838 ; mar. Capt. Edwin A. Robinson ; r. Th. 2, Frederic D, b. March 27, '43 ; r. Th., entered the navy. 3, Martha, b. June 29, '45. 4, Maria, b. Jan, 1849. 5, Annie or Fannie S, born May 20, 1850. WALKER ; of the sons of Amos Walker of Union, there c. here, 1, Amos, (2d), b. ab. 1816 ; mar. EUza Starrett of W, 2d, Susan A. Clements of Ellsworth, pub. Sept. 8, '50, 3d, Mary Caroline Bailey of Pawtucket, Oct. 16, '54 ; r. Th, a ship builder. 2, Col. EUjah, b. ab. 1818 ; m. Susan E. Brown of Rock. Nov. 3, '44 ; r. Rock, a lumber merchant, officer in the army, &c. Amos's ch. by 1st wife. 1, John, b. ab. 1845. 2, Susan CaroUne, b. ab. 1847. The mother d. Oct. 30, '49. By 2d wife. 3, Eliza S, b. ab. '51. The mother d. Aug. 29, '53. By 3d wife. 4, Amos B., b. Nov. 5, 1855, d. of diphtheria, Nov. 7, '62. Col. Elijah's ch. 1, WilUam H, b. ab. 1846. 2,Narcissa R, b. ab. '48. 3, Ireson B, b. ab. '50. 4, Winfield S, b. ab. 52. 5, Prank, b. ab. '56. 6, Annie B, b. ab. '59. WALKER, Capt. Ebenezer, b. ab. 1808 in Canaan, ? Me, m. Mar garet Douglass, March 7, '31 ; r. Rock, a lime burner, &c. His ch. 1, Mary Eliza, b. Nov. 23, '34. 2, Rhoda Ann, born Nov. 6, '36. 3, John Fairfield, b. Dec. 15, '38, m. Mary A. Lamb, Nov. 30, '58 ; r. Rock., musician in 4th Me, &c WALKER, Capt. Charles, b. in London, England, 1798, son of a mathematical instrument maker; c. to Th. in the war of 1812, mar. Harriet M. (Shibles) Burnham, p. Nov. 9, '33 ; r. Th, & d. Nov. 18, '44. Their ch. 1, Betsey, b. May 19, '35. 2, Harriet, b. July 30, •38, m. Peletiah M. Studley, Jan. 13, '57 ; j. Th. 3, Charles, b. Feb. 19, '40 ; r. Th. WALKER, Abel, b. in Wilton, Me, Sept. 26, 1811, m. 1st, Louisa Lake of New Sharon, Sept. 2, '38, 2d, Mary Clark of WUton, Sept. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 449 29, '43 ; r. Rock, since Dec 31, '59, a mill manager, &c. His ch. By 2d wife. 1, Louisa L, b. in Wilton, Dec. 28, '44. 2, Malvina F, b. Feb. 26, '46. 3, E. Clark, b. in Wilton, April 16, '48. 4, Catha rine E, b. in Dixfield, July 24, '57. Of this name, also, Joseph R. Walker, b. ab. 1826, mar. Susan P. Snow, July 25, '52 ; r. Rock, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Lizzie, b. ab. 1853. 2, Winthrop T, born Aug. 29, '56. WALL ; of this St. George family, two brothers c. to this place, 1, Capt. Aaron S, b. in St. G, m. Elsie F. Watts ; r. awhile iu Th, and rem. to Ashland, Mass. 2, Joseph S, b. ab. 1810 in St. G, mar. Nancy L. Kelloch, p. Nov. 4, '35 ; j. Rock, a merchant. . Capt. Aaron S.'s ch. recorded here. 1, Ellen, b. Nov. 17, 1836, d. May 5, '46. 2, Edwin, b. Dec. 17, '38, d. April 1, '39. 3, Aaron F, b. May 10, '42. Joseph S.'s ch. 1, ? Leonard, b. 1840, d. Nov. 30, '63. 2, Olive, b. ab. '43. 3, George E, b. ab. '45 ; r. Rock, sergeant in 4th Me. Reg, &c 4, Vinal E, b. ab. '47 ; r. Rock, corporal in 20th Me. 5, Frank, d. July 31, '62. WALLACE, Capt. James, b. ab. 1820 in Cape Small Point, Phips burg, Me, m. Bethana Bucklin of Cam, p. March 27, '41 ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Adelaide, b. ab. '44. 2, Helen, b. ab. '50. 3, Arthur, b. ab. '52. 4, Nellie, b. ab. '54. WALLACE, Capt. Joseph, of Cape Ann, m. Lucy Thorndike of Cape Elizabeth, where he r. awhile, took down in his vessel the first 16 settlers of Machias, settled in what is now Harrington, where he traded, was major in the militia, and d. a. 92. His only child, Col. Joseph, m. Deborah Smith of Machias, and d. at Harrington, about 1845. Of his 5 sons, and 2 dau, 1, Capt. George W, b. ab. '01, m. Mary Cobb, came from Cherryfield to W, ab. 1837, rem. Th, 18 >0. His ch. 1, Capt. Francis C, b. ab. '33, m. Jennie Watts of Great Britain; r. Th. 2, Jane C, b. ab. '35, m. Leonard Cooper; r. Th. 3, Charlotte B, b. ab. '38, m. Capt. Albert Havener ; r. Th. 4, Jo seph W, b. inW, ab. \0, d. June 26, '59, of yeUow fever at Havana. 5, Given B, b. ab. '42, a soldier in 1st D. C. Cavalry. 6, Mary Hel en, b. Jan. 1, '44; m. Serg't Leander Robinson, p. Aug. 28, '63; r. W. 7, George E, b. ab. '46. 8, Fanny S, b. ab. '49. 9, Albert H, b. ab. '50. 10, Eva A, b. Sept. 30, and d. Nov. 4, '53. WALLACE, Reuben, b. ab. 1829, in Waldoboro' ; in Arvilla A. Lothrop; r. Rock, a lime burner. Their ch. 1, Sarah H, b. ab. 1855. 2, Lucy A. E, b. ab. '58. 3, Hattie E, b. Feb, & d. March 26, '60.. 4, Winfield S , b. Oct. 11, '61, d. Nov. 1, '63. WALSH, WiUiam, b. 1765 ; c from Dublin, Ireland, in 1774, and, after some time, to Th. ; m. Sarah Pressy, p July 8, '89 ; r. Rock, a schoolmaster; d. June 30, 1837. His widow d. Feb. 19, 1844, a. 73. Their ch. 1, James, m. Susanna Gloyd, Jan. 23, '25 ; r. Rock., a farmer. 2, Lawrence, m. Eliza Harrington ; d. in the army or navy, ab. 1813 or 14. 3, WiUiam, (2d), m. Nancy Watson, May 9, '16 ; r. Rock. Se d. Jan. 22, '36. 4, John, b. ab. 1800 ; m. Naomi Ott of Cam. April 14, '25 ; j. Rock. 5, Robert, b. '03 ; m. Mary Ann Elliott, p. Oct. 25, '34 ; r. Th, a successful shipbuilder & business man ; d. in stantly, July 20, 1864. 6, Sarah, m. David Boyd, and rem. Ohio. 7, Alice, b. Nov. 28, 1819; m. Simon Benner, 2d, Oliver Rackliff ; r. Rock. James's ch. 1, Susanna, b. Aug. 27, 1825 ; m. FrankUn P. With- 38* 450 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, am ; r. Rock. 2, Spencer G, b. Sept. 3, '27 ; m. Hannah M. Keen, Dec. 17, '48 ; r. Rock, a farmer, soldier in 2d Me. Battery, &c. William, (2d)'s ch. 1, Patrick W, b. Aug. 12, 1816 ; m. Dolly Perry, June 26, '42 ; r. Rock, a merchant. 2, James W, b. Dec. 31, '18 ; m. Mary J. or Rachel Sheldon, Feb. 18, '47 ; r. Rock. & d. Jan. 31, '63. 3, Capt. WiUiam, (3d), b. Sept. 16, '22 ; m. Mary F. Blais- dell, Jan. 1, '48, d. Nov., '57, supposed murdered for his money, at Portsmouth, N. H, where his body was found. 4, Bradish W, b. June 10, '24, d. Aug. 15, '57. 5, George S, b. July 4, '27 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 6, Enos C, b. Aug. 22, '30 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 7, Susan, b. Feb. 20, '35, d. July 10, '41. John's ch. 1, Nancy, b. June 10, 1825 ; m. I. J. Fields ; r. Rock. 2, Thomas, b. Dec. 28, '26 ; m. Mary E. Robinson ; r. Rock, a lime burner. 3, Robert, (2d), b. May 22, '28 ; m. Lydia Fields, p. March 16, '50, 2d, Maria Flanders, Dec. 30, '58 ; r. Rock., a joiner, soldier, &c. 4, Mary, b. Dee. 16, '29. 5, Merrick, h Dec. 16, '33, d. March 14, '36. 6, Alvina, b. June 4, & d. June 28, '34. 7, John, (2d), b. Sept. 4, '36 ; was mate of a ship and died at sea. Robert's ch. 1, Robert K, b. Sept. 3, 1835, d. Nov. 21, 1855. 2, Edwin, b. Sept. 24, '37 ; r. Th, a merchant. 3, Ann E, b. March 2, '41. 4, Richard E, b. ab. '45. 5, Alfred, b. ab. '51. Spencer G.'s ch. 1, Augusta I, b. ab. 1850. 2, Susan G., b. ab. '52. 3, Priscilla K, b. ab. '54. 4, Raymond R, b. ab. '56. 5, WU liam J, b. ab. '58. Patrick W.'s ch. 1, Harvey S, b. ab. 1845; r. Rock, entered U. S. Navy. 2, ? Patrick, b. ab. '47; r. Rock, entered the navy. 3, ? Frank, b. ab. '49. James W.'s ch. 1, Franklin, b. ab. 1848. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '50. 3, Emma. Thomas's ch. Abby L, b. ab. 1859. WARD, Nathaniel C, b. ab. 1814; mar. twice; r. Rock, a shop keeper. Ch. 1, Nathaniel, b. ab 1848. 2, Ellen S, b. ab. '51. 3, Edward S, b. ab. '54. 4, Francis C, b. ab. '58. WARREN, Augustus, b. ab. 1836; r. Rock, a blacksmith, some time; but rem. to Augusta. Martin V. Warren mar. Cinderella Thomas of Rock, Nov. 27, '64. WASGATT, George W, b. ab. 1824, in Tremont, Mt. Desert ; m. 1st, Lucy Shorey, Jan. 11, '54, 2d, Susan G. Conary ; r. Rock, a mar iner, soldier iu 8th Me, See. 2, William, b. ab. 1829 ; m. Margaret J. Sterling, April 16, '55 ; r. Rock, a mariner, soldier in 2d Cavalry, &c. William's ch. 1, Alvah H, b. ab. 1852. 2, Llewellyn, b. ab. '56. 3, Charles F, d. Feb, 1859. WASHBURN, Rev. Job, came from Kingston, Mass, m. Sally D. (Clough) Bowman, p. March 12, 1812 ; was a shoemaker in St. Geo, a merchant in Th, where he became the minister of the 2d Baptist church, from 1822 to '41; rem. Cam., and m. 2d, Betsey, widow of William Carleton, May 8, 1848; r. Cam. Kimball, a brother, mar. Mary Stevenson ; r. Taunton, Kingston, and Providence. Lucy, a sister, m. Abner Rice, and r. Th. ; also, Sarah P, a sister, mar. Capt. Robert Snow ; r. Th. Rev. Job's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Antoinette, b. Jan. 13, 1818; mar. Lewis T. Fales ; r. Washington, D. C. 2, Harriet N , b. Oct. 18, '15 ; m. 1st, Capt. Enoch Eastman of Rockport, 2d, S. Dexter Carleton of Cam, July 15, '47 3, Capt. Judson R. or E, b. Oct. 18, '17 ; mar. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 45 1 Sarah L. Biskey, March 11, '45 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 4, John W, b. Jan. 12, and d. Oct. 2, '20. 5, Isabella P, b. Aug. IS, '21 ; m. Eben E. Carleton, Nov. 26, '39 ; r. Cam. 6, Sarah E, b. Sept. 27, '23 ; mar. Benj. Robinson, r. Th. 7, Lucy R, b. July 9, '25, d. Sept. 12, '26. 8, Mary S, b. April 2, and d. April 23, '27. 9. Job Kimball, born Feb. 10, '28 ; r. Cam. 10, Wm. Henry, b. Nov. 27, '29 ; m. Josephine S. VerriU, Dec. 12, '56 ; r. Cam, a sail maker ; 11, Abby P., born AprU 28, '32; m. Augustus C. Carleton of Cam, Dec. 7, 1851. Of Kimball's ch. 1, Margaret, m. Willard Fales, (2d), r. Th. and d. N. Y. 2, Mary, R, b. 1814 ; in. William Thompson ; r. Th, and d. March 25, '44. 3, George K, e. to Th, m. Abigail K. Dunn, June 22, '42 ; r. Knox St, a sailmaker. 4, Capt. Charles P. or B, r. some time in Th, mar. Sarah L, dau. of Horace Breed of Boston, Feb. 23, '52, 2d, Lydia Hatch of Rock, where he resides, a sailing master in U. S. N. Capt. Judson R.'s ch. 1, Katie B,, b. ab. 1846. 2, Mary, b. ab. '50. 3, Judson, b. ab. '52. George K.'s ch. 1, George S, b. ab. 1843. 2, Frank, b. ab. '45. 3, Charles, b. ab. '48. 4, Edward P, b. ab. '52. 5, Wm, b. ab. '56. WASS, Alexander H, b. ab. 1825 in Addison, Me, mar. Elizabeth S. ; r. Rock., a millinery merchant, rem. Cal. with their son, Alexander H, (2d), b. ab. '59. WATERHOUSE, Ezra, b. ab. 1822, in Liberty, Me, m. Nancy J. Orbeton ; j. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Louisa, b. ab. '50. 2, William, b. ab. '56. 3, Isaac O, b. '59. WATERMAN, Samuel H, b. Jan, 1824, in Waldoboro', m. Olive Frances Adams, Jan., 1847 ; r. Th, a house and ship joiner, and d. at Wal, Sept. 11, '49. His wife d. Feb. 26, '57 Charles, a brother, also c. and r. Th, a ship builder, & ra. JuUa A. Harrington, June 16, '63. Samuel H.'s ch. 1, Charles Wm , b. Sept. 14, '48, d. Sept. 19, '49. 2, Samuel M. WATERMAN, Winslow, b. ab. 1817 in North Haven, m. Emily A. Sampson ; r. Ruck, a carpenter, &c Albion P., b. ab. 1825, mar. Lucy A.Thomas, March 25, '52; r. Rock, a merchant. Of their sisters it is believed, three r. Rock, Lucy, Mary A., and Julia. Ad eUne, also d. in Rock., Dee 31, '61. Winslow's ch. 1, Warren S, b. ab. 1850. 2, Maria K. 3, Lucy A, b. ab. '58. Albion P.'s ch. 1, Hattie E, b. Jan. 6, 1855, d. Feb. 14, '57. 2, Frederic, b. ab. '56. WATERS, Eugene, b. in Waterville, ab. 1834 ; r. Rock., a mem ber of 4th Me. Reg. and State guards, was a merchant, and d. Aug. 27, '64, found dead in his bed. WATTS, William, e in the Scotch Irish emigration of 1719 ; m. Margaret McLellan of Casco; r. & d. Boston, or neighboring islands. Their ch. 1, John, b. on Long Island, Boston Harbor, 1740 or '42 ; m. EUzabeth McNeal of Boston ; c. to W, 1764, j. there & d. Aug. 10,1817. For his descendants, see Annals of Warren. 2, Capt. Sam uel, b. 011 Long Island ; m. Mary Robinson, Dec. 22, 1772 ; r. & d. St. G. 3, a dau. d. unm. in Mass. The mother m. 2d, Samuel Gil christ, & r. awhile on the McLean or S. Andrews lot, in what is now Warren. Capt. Samuel's ch. 1, Capt. Joseph, b. Sept. 27, 1773 ; m. Sarah Stone of Line, 2d, Cynthia (Everett) Ranlett ; r. St. Geo. & d. Sept 7 1841. 2, Margaret, b. July 27, '75 ; m. Moses Fogerty ; r. & 452 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, d. St. G. 3, Jane, b. June 23, '77 ; m. Joshua Smalley ; r. & d. St. G. 4, Capt. John, b. March 20, '79 ; m. Hannah Smalley; i. & d. St. G, a master mariner. 5, Samuel, (2d), b. April 12, 1781 ; d. at Guada- loupe, from a cut & ensuing mortification. 6, Moses, b. June 5, '83 ; m. Catharine McKellar, 2d, Polly Fogerty ; rem. & d. Montville. 7, Mary, b. July 11, '85 ; d. with throat distemper. 8, Capt. WiUiam, b. Dec. 11, '87 ; m. Jane, dau. of Thomas Henderson of St. G. ; r. Th, a carpenter, mUitia officer, &e 9, George, b. March 16, '90 ; m. Mary Giles ; r. St. G. 10, Elizabeth, b. July 20, '92 ; m. Asa Harrington ; r. & d. Appleton. 11, Sarah, b. April 2, '95 ; m. Paul Giles, 2d, Mark Gay of C. ; j. Th, Se d. Nov, 1859. Capt. Joseph's ch. 1, Mary, m. Isaac Thompson of Montville, & d. leaving but one child ; viz, J. W. Thompson, Esq, an active business man in Stockton, Me. 2. Jane, b. ab. 1798 ; m. Samuel Fogerty; r. Th. 3, Rachel, in. George Watts of W. ; rem. & d. Harrington, Me., (having had 5 ch. of whom the 4th, George, rem. with his father to Oregon, & 5th, Rachel, m William Beckett of Th. ; rem. Cal.) 4, Sarah, b. June 16, 1801 ; m. Charles Watts of Warren, (who d. Feb. 24, '63, a. 64,) r. W. 5, Elizabeth, m. 1st, John Giles, 2d, John Teal; r. St. G. 6, Capt. Wm, (2d), b. ab. '05 ; m. EUzabeth Trussell of St. G. ; r. Th, a master mariner. 7, Joseph, (2d), m. Cyrena Luke of St. Geo. 8, Nancy, m. Dea. Joseph. Simmons of St. G , 2d, William Gilchrist of St. Geo. 9, Capt. Samuel, (3d), b. ab. '11 ; *n. Clarissa Mills of St. G. ; r. Th, a ship builder & merchant, for a time under the firm of Watts, O'Brien & Co., & since by himself. 10, Capt. George, (2d), lost at sea in sch. E. O'Brien 11, Capt. Alfred, b. April 25, '16 ; m. Elizabeth W. Brown, July 20, 1843 ; r. Th. since '38, a master mariner. By 2d wife. 12, Capt. John, (3d), m. Eliza Davis; j. East Boston, Mass. Capt John's ch. 1, Samuel, (4th), Esq., m. Sarah Linnekin; r. St. G. 2, Capt. Joshua, m. Lucy Hall, 2d, Cyrena Clark ; r. St. G. 3, Ketura, m. Capt. Alex. Hathorn, 2d, Albion Wall of St. Geo. 4, Mary ; 5, David, both d. young. 6, Lydia ; m. Capt. Eben Farnham of Boothbay. 7, Hannah, m Capt. Robinson of Belfast ; r. St. G. 8, John, (4th), b. ab. '14 ; m. Sarah Linnekin of Belfast; r. Tenant's Harbor, St. G, & now Rock, a merchant. 9, Edward, died young. 10, David P., m. Mary J. Harrington ; r. St. George.. Moses's ch. 1, Isaac, m. a Foster; j. Knox. 2, Wiers, m a Fos ter ; ir. Montville. 3, Levi, m a McLaughlin ; r. Montville. 4, Cath arine, m. a Smith ; r. Freedom. 5, Eli, mar. and r. St. George. 6, Sarah, mar. and r. St. George. 7, Archibald, mar. Mary J. French of St. Geo. 8, Moses, (2d), m. Mary E. Long, r. St. George. Capt. William's ch. 1, Capt. Artemas W, b. ab 1814; mar. Susan Kelleran, p. Sept. 12, '35, 2d, Susan W. Cole, d. Dec. 6, '58 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 2, Henry H. Y, b. ab. '16 ; m. Lucy P. Sellea, Oct. 1, '37 ; r. Th, a caulker. 3, Clementine; r. Th. 4, Elizabeth, d. in April, '45. 5, Lucy A, b. 1824, d. Feb. 25, '56. 6, Nancy J, b. & d. Dec, 1829. 7, Mary Frances, b. Oct. 5, '30, d. March 19, '52. George's ch. 1, Elsie F, m. Capt. Aaron -Wall ; r. Th. 2, Capt. James, mar. Catharine Woodcock, July 10, '42, 2d, Betsey (Masters) Jordan, Nov. 5, '56 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 3, Capt. George, (3d), m. Lucy Fountain, of St. George. 4, Capt. William Henry, b. St G.. May 15, 1821 ; mar. Bessie Fountain ; j. Th , and died Dec. 23, '62, drowned on passage from Callao to Cowes. 5, Capt. Edward, (2d), m. EmeUne Gilchrist ; r. St. Geo. 6, Robert, drowned young, hav- ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 453 ing slidden on his handsled into a curbless well. 7, Capt. Charles D- ; m. Mary A. Dizer of St. George ; r. Th, and d. in Boston, Feb. 1, '63. 8, Capt. Robert G, m. Rachel M. Simonton, Nov. 18, '49 ; r. Th, a master mariner. 9, Jackson, m. Penelope Hathorn; r. St. G. 10, Simon, mar. Jane R. Harrington, Sept. 21, '49; r. Th. 11, Julia A, m. Capt. Gideon Young ; r. Th. 12, Cyrena, mar. Capt. Leonard Henderson of St. G. 13 and 14, Jane and Whitney, twins, d. young. 15, Paul G, r. St. G. 16, , d. young. Fifth Generation. Capt. WilUam, (2d)'s ch. 1, Harriet, m. Edward W. Robinson ; r* Th. 2, Joshua T, b. ab. 1832; r.Th, a mariner. 3, Capt. Edwin. b. ab. '35 ; m. Almira C. CurUng ; r. Th; 4, William, (3d), b. March 4, '37 ; d. Oct. 24, '60, lost overboard on voyage to Europe. 5, Joseph Melvin, b. March 24, '39, d. April 19, '60, killed by a fall from aloft, five days out, on passage from Liverpool to N. Y. 6, M. Elizabeth, b. April 9, '42. 7, Rose A. Joseph's ch. 1, Ann L, m. Capt. Adam Parsons of St. Geo. 2, George W, d. young. 3, Cyrena. 4, Lilias, d. young. 5, Susanna. 6, Joseph, (2d). 7th, Samuel, (5th). 8, Luke. Capt. Samuel, (3d)'s ch. 1, Mary Jane. 2, Sarah. 3, Clarissa, b. June, 1844, d. Feb. 12, '47. 4, Adelaide, b. April, and d. Sept. 1, '46. 5, Clara, b. July, '47, d. Sept. 2, '48. 6, Emma, b. ab '49. 7, James Harvey, b. March, and d. Nov. 27, '52. 8, Alice, b. '54, d. Oct. 21, 1856. Capt. Alfred's ch. 1, Edward Brown, b. June 1, 1844. 2, Iada Maria, b. Aug. 3, '52. 3, Sarah Stone, b. April 2, 1857. Capt. John's ch. One son, only, name not ascertained. Capt. Artemas W.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, Susan A, born Nov. 17, 1837, d. April 30, '53. 2, Bartholomew K, b. ab. '44. The mother d. Sept. 3, 1856. Henry H. Y.'s ch. 1, Calvin N, b. March 23, 1839, r. Th. 2, Os car, b. April 16, '41 ; a mariner. 3, Lucy J., b. ab. '47. 4, Abby, h. ab. '48. 5, Orris, b. ab. '49. 6, Leander, b. ab. 1850. Capt. James's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Charles W, b. April, 1846, d. in Weston, Ct, Mafch 4, '55. 2, Mary G, b. ab. '44 ; r. St. Geo. 3, WUUam J, b. May, and d. Oct. 26, '47. 4, Adelia C, b. ab. 1848. Capt. William Henry's ch. 1, Elsie Jane, born June 5, 1845. 2, Ellen Augusta, b. AprU 27, '47, d. at N. O, Jan. 6, 1850. 3, Mary Ada, b. Oct. 11, '50. 4, Flora E, b. March 13, '53. 5, WiUiam J, b. Nov. 14, '59. 6, Alice, b. Sept. 6, 1862. Capt. Charles D.'s ch. Everett, b. ab 1851. The mother d. March 1, 1861. Capt. Robert G.'s ch. 1, Seth, b. June 18, 1850. 2, Robert Alton, b. ab. '52. 3, Viram R, b. ab. '55. 4, John Bentley, b. ab. '58. Simon's ch. Rosanna S, b. July 20, 1850, d. Oct. 15, '59. Of the Warren branch of this family, Samuel Watts, (5th), son of Samuel of W. ; m. Eveline Farrington, Aug. 27, 1829, 2d, Mary ; r. Beech Woods & Cobb's Mills. Their ch. 1, AngeUne, m. David A. Linnekin of Appleton, Aug. 11, '56. 2, EmeUne, m. Dexter Burkett ; r. Th. 3, Mary, b. ab. '34. 4, William E, b. ab. '39 ; m. Nancy El len Copeland of W. ; r. Th. 5, Cordelia M, b. ab. '42 ; m. OUver A. Vose; r. Th. 6, Frances A, b. ab. '45. WATTS, George, a rigger, c. to Th. with his wife and family from Portsmouth, N. H, and after a time rem. Newburyport, or elsewhere. 454 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Their oh. 1, Moses H, b. Jan. 2, 1818, in S. Berwick; mar. Nancy Pales, April 18, '43 ; r. Th, a carpenter, &c. 2, George, (2d), b. in Portsmouth, July 14, '22 ; m. Sarah E. Bisbee, p. July 14, '49 ; r. Rock, & Th, and d. July 12, '61. 3, Samuel C, b. in Portsmouth, Oct. 13, '24. 4, JuUa C, b. in Th, July 16, '27. 5, Henrietta, b. Sept. 10, '29. 6, Joseph S, b. June 29, '32. Moses H.'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. ab. 1844, Ann Eunice & George Newell. 3, Julietta, b. ab. '48. 4, Clara E , b. ab. '60. 5, Emma, b. ab. '53. 6, Moses F, b. ab. '5 7. George's ch. 1, Henrietta, b. ab. 1853. 2, Esther, b. ab. '55. 3, Oscar, b. ab. '57. WATSON, William, c. from the North of Ireland, & r. first at Fal mouth, Scarboro' or vicinity; rem. here from Scarboro', Aug. 26, 1753 ; m. twice ; r. Watson's Point, now Th, and d. Sept. 21, 1768. His ch. by 1st wife. 1, Capt. John, b. May 18, 1731 ; m. & r. Scar boro', kiUed by the Indians. 2, William, (2d), b. March 6, '33, at Falmouth ; m. Margaret Lermond, Dec, 1762, by John North, Esq. ; r. Th, at Watson's Point; & d. ab. 1805. 3, Jane or Jean, b. July 5, '35 ; m. Major Hatevil Libbey ; r. Warren, and d. Sept. 26, 1819. 4, Mary, b. June 28, 17 — ; probably m. in Scarboro'. 5, Margaret, b. Aug. 22, '43 ; m. Archibald Robinson of C, & d. Sept. 1, 1817. By 2d wife. 6, Capt. James, b. July 25, '45 ; m. EUzabeth Porterfield; r. & d. Th, at Watson's Point ; a mariner, &c 7, Elizabeth, b. Peb. 11, '50 ; probably m. in Scarboro'. 8, David, b. Jan. 25, '52 ; m. Mar tha (Hathorn) Hall of St. G.; r. Se d. Rock. 9, Matthew, b. June 13, 1754 ; lost at sea with Capt. Tucker, March 30, 1785. ? WUliam, (2d)'s ch. 1, Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1763 ; r. unm. on the homestead, and d. March 24, 1849. .2, John, (2d), b. Oct. 26, '65, d. at sea, Sept. 25, 1800. 3, Margaret, b. Nov. 18, '67, m. Zephaniah Everton; r. at Th. toU-bridge, and d. April 24, 1845. 4, WUUam, (3d), b. Oct. 23, '69, m. Margaret Robinson, and d. Oct. 16, 1802. 5, Nancy, b. Peb. 25, '72, d. July 18, '96. 6, James, (2d), b. Jan. 29, '75 ; r. War, and d. March 26, 1837. 7, Alexander, b. Jan. 7, '78, d. July 14, 1804. 8, Elizabeth, b. March 3, '82, m. Edward Brown ; r. Th, and d. Sept. 8, 1809. The mother, b. at War, 1738, d. Aug. 21, 1804. Capt, James's ch. 1, Isaac, b. Nov. 15, 1777, d. unm. Jan. 28, 1808. 2, Ruth, b. Sept. 1, '80, deceased. 3, Martha, b. March 13, '83, d. unm. 4, Catren, or Catharine, b. Aug. 28, '85, mar. Patrick Woodcock, and d. Nov. 10, 1819. 5, Simon, b. AprU 16, '88, mar. of Northport. 6, Nancy, b. Aug, 1791, m. William Walsh, (2d) ; r. Rock. 7, Mary, b. AprU 7, '94 ; r. Th, a painter, & d. Feb. 27, 1864. 8, , b. Oct. 5, '97, d. July 18, '98. 9, Bradbury, b. July 20, '99, lost in brig Hercules. David's ch. 1, Sally, b. ab. 1778, m. James Packard; r. Rock., & d. Jan. 22, '64. 2, Matthew, (2d), m. Hannah Howard, pub. June 5, 1795 ; r. and d. Rock. 3, Elizabeth, m. Capt James Blackington, Se d. Oct. 9, 1848. 4, Martha, m. William Tolman ; r. and d. Cam. 5, Mary, m. WilUam Grover, June 23, 1803 ; r. and d. Cape Ann. 6, David, (2d), b. Oct. 5, '86, m. Mary Howard of St. G, Jan. 14, 1810 ; r. Rock, a farmer. 7, James, (3d), m. Eunice Porter, 2d, AmeUa Parker, p. Aug. 17, 1836 ; r. and d. Cam. His widow, r. S. Th. Fourth Generation. William, (3d)'s ch. 1, Clarissa, b. Aug. 19, 1793, m. James Young ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 455 Esq. ; r. Cush., and d. Oct. 5, 1858. 2, Asenath, or Essie, b. Sept, 1801, d.Nov. 12, 1848. Mathew's ch. 1, Martha, mar. Luther Tolman, and d. one week after, a. about 23. 2, James, (4th), b. 1803, m. in the South ; r. Rock, and d. Jan. 23, '30. 3, Eliza, m. Capt. Life Wilson ; r. Illinois. 4, Mary, m. Haywood Read, Oct. 12, '31 ; r. & d. Bangor. 5, Marga ret, m. Capt. John Crockett, (3d) ; r. and d. Rock. 6, Jeremiah, a mariner, died unm., on a voyage home, after getting into the harbor inside of Owl's Head. 7, Thomas, d. young. 8, Sarah, b. 1816, d. March 13, '29. David, (2d)'s ch. 1, Jerome, b. Nov. 30, 1810, m. Betsey Healey, June 23, '33 ; r. Rock, rem. Line 2, Jane, b. Sept. 20, '13, mar. Charles Smith ; r. Rock. 3, Margaret, m. John Hall ; 1. Rock. James, (3d)'s ch. by 2d wife. 1, Edwin, m. on Fox Is, and died Cam. 2, Jerome, (2d) ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, having early in Sept, 1862, already fought in 7 battles, and many since. 3, Martha. 4, WeUman, b. ab. '49 ; r. S. Th. Fifth Generation. Jerome's ch. 1, Jerome, (3d), b. April 16, 1834, d. July 29, '41. 2, Harvey H, b. Dec 13, '36, m. MeUssa Buzzell ; r. Rock, a mariner. 3, David, (3d), b. Jan. 20, and d. Jan. 30, '38. 4, David A, b. Jan. 17, and d. March 2, '41. 5, Gardner L, b. Oct. 9, '42; r. Cal. 6, John. 7, David, (3d), b. May, 1846, killed by accidental discharge of a gun, Nov. 23, '62. 8, Charles. 9, Loring Wilson. 10, Wm. F. WEBB, Barnabas, of Boston, b. in 1729 ; m. Mary Holmes, Sept. 6, '59 ; and d. in '95, a. 66. Mary, his wife, b. March 16, 1741, d. at her son's in Warren, April 24, 1833, a. 92. Their ch. 1, Mary, b. Oct. 23, 1761, d. Sept. 12, '62. 2, Dr. Benjamin, b. Feb. 13, '63 ; c. to War. in 1784 or '5; m. 1st, Catharine Gregg, 2d, Sarah Boggs in 1795; rem. to Th, & in 1813 to Ohio, near Zanesville, where he m. 3d, a widow lady, & d. Feb. 26, 1834, a. 71. 3, Rebecca, b. April 23, '64, d. Sept. 7, '65. 4, EUzabeth, b. July 14, '66, d. Oct. 12, '79. 5, Abigail, b. Dec 8, '67 ; m. Capt. David Fales, jr. ; r. Th, & d. Nov. 27, 1858. 6, SaUy, b. April 16, '69 ; m. Ebenezer Jennison, Esq. ; r- Th. 7, Nathan, b. April 18, '71, d. Oct. 23, '95. 8, Dea. William Holmes, b. Oct. 16, '73 ; c. to "Warren ab. '95, where he m. Ann Seids ab. 1802, 2d, Mrs. Lucy Burton, Dec 20, 1826 ; r. W. 9, Thomas, b. Oct. 13, '75, d. Nov. 6, '77. 10, Harriet, b. Feb. 25, '77 ; m. WUlard Fales & r. Th. 11, Lydia, b. AprU 16, '79 ; r. Th, long a store keeper at MiU River, & d. Oct. 7, 1864. 12, Barnabas, (2d), b. Oct. 20, '80, d. next day. 13, Barnabas, (3d), b. Nov. 9, '81, d. Nov. 8, '82. 14, Mary, b. Dec. 4, '86 ; f. & traded War, rem. & r. Th., a shop keeper. Of the above numerous family there were, April 16, 1864, five stUl living, aged, respectively, 95, 91, 87, 85, and 77 years. Dr. Benjamin's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Polly, b: April 13, 1788 ; in. John Hussey in 1805 ; r. Jefferson. 2, Capt. Barnabas, (4th), b. June i9, '89 ; mar. Ann Robinson of Rock, Oct. 11, 1815 ; r. Th, a ship master, ship owner, &c, & d. Aug. 9, 1863. By 2d wife. 3, Benja min, (2d), b Aug, 1797; r. & m. in Ohio. 4, Nathan, (2d), b. July 17, '99, d. Jan. 6, 1802. 5, Nathan, (3d), b. Aug. 26, 1802 ; m. Se r. in Ohio. Capt. Barnabas's ch. 1, Capt. Edmund R, b. Jan. 22, 1816, mar. Sarah Woodhull, Dec. 22, '50, & d. Dec. 10, '53, in N. York, of fever contracted while in command of ship Chimborazo. 2, Sarah Ann, b. 456 HIST0TT7 OF THOMASTON, Jan. 15, '18; m. Capt. Elkanah Stackpole; r.Th, & d. Jan. 27, '46. 3 & 4, twins, b. Feb. 9, '21, Clementine, m. Capt. Orris Fales, June, 1847 ; d. at Martinez, Cal, Feb. 18, '55 ; Catharine, m. Capt. Levi B. Gilchrist, Nov. 23, '43 ; d. AprU 6, '47. 5, Harriet Gilchrist, b. Feb. 14, '23; m. 1st, Capt. James Thomas Sprague, 2d, Capt. James W. Colley; j-. Cambridge, Mass. 6, Barnabas, (5th), b. May 15, '25; m. Mary E. Piper, Sept. 18, '48 ; went to California in 1854. 7, Marion W, b. July 8, '27 ; m. Christopher Prince; r.Th. 8, Franklin, b. April 21, '33. 9, Francis P. B, b. Aug. 29, & d. Sept. 8, '39. Capt. Edmund R.'s ch. Edmund Standish," b. June, 1852 ; r. Bangor. WEBSTER ; of this family, two brothers c from Waldo county. 1, David M, b. ab. 1807 ; m. 1st, Bathsheba H. Rider of Vinalhaven, p. Aug. 21, '33, 2d, Rebecca H. Crouch, June 5, '57 ; r. Rock, a join er, Sea. 2, Benjamin F, b. ab '10; m. EUza H. Emery, p. Oct. 11, '34 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. David M.'s eh. by 1st wife. 1, George, b. Nov. 1, 1835. 2, John A, b. Dec. 10, '37 ; m. Henrietta E. Cates, April 28, '60 ; r. Rock , a mariner. 3, Emily, b. Dec. 13, '39 ; r. Rock. 4, Osbirt H, b. May 6, & d. Sept. 6, '42. 5, Mary, b. ab. '47. By 2d wife. 6, JuUa. 7, Charles A, b. Aug. 6, '58, d. Oct. 10, '61. Benjamin F.'s ch. 1, Margaret, b. 1835 ; r. S- Th. 2, Hannah M, b. May 29, '36 ; r. S. Th. 3, Ann Eliza, b. AprU 16, '38 ; m. Capt. Jere. Hooper ; r. S. Th. 4, Emma F, b. ab. '44 ; mar. Horatio B. Hooper, r. S. Th.. 5, Lydia E, b. ab. '46. 6, Eveline, b. ab. 1848. WEED, Dea. James, b. at Brunswick, July 17, 1753 ; c. early to Th, m. Annah WilUams of Harpswell, July 17, '77 ; settled at S. Th, on the road to St. George ; was a tanner and farmer ; rem. and d. in Knox. His widow d. there about 1857, aged 98. Of his sisters. 1, Reliance, b. at B, Oct. 7, 1754 ; m. Dea. Samuel Brown ; c. to Th, and d. Dec. 5, '76. 2, Ruth, b. at Harpswell, May 4, 1760 ; died Th. Sept. 25, '88. Dea. James's ch. 1, Daniel, b. May 13, 1778; mar. Polly Mingerson, p. Jan. 26, '99; r. Knox. 2, James, (2d), b. May 12, '80; m. Jane Handly ; rem. & r. Appleton. 3, Betsey, b. May 29, '82 ; m. John Geyer, p. March 16, 1802 ; r. Friendship. 4, Samuel, b. May 18, '84; m. Nancy Carven of W, p. Nov. 3, 1809, rem. and d. Burnham or Knox. 5, Sarah, b. Feb. 11, '86, d. Jan. 19, '87. 6, Ruth, b. Nov. 9, '87 ; m. Mr. Young; r. Bristol. 7, Reliance, b. Oct. 23, '89 ; m. Noah P. Fuller of Hebron, Feb. 21, 1808 ; r. Hope. 8, Judith, b. Dec. 5, '91 ; m. Judah Delano of Friendship, Jan. 24, 1810. 9, Adam, b. Oct. 14, '93, d. Oct. 17, '96. 10, Deborah, b. Oct. 5, '96 ; m. Capt. Geo. McLellan, 2d, Capt. Isaac McLellan ; r. Th. 11, Adam, b. Sept. 30, '97 ; m. 1st, Sarah ? Pendleton, 2d, , 3d, Jane Otis of St. George. 12, Abner, b. May 4, 1800 ; removed, it is believed, to Knox. 13, Hannah, born May 3, '02 ; m. Ezekiel D. WUliams ; r. Burnham. Daniel's ch. 1, Nancy, b. Dec. 18, 1799, d. Feb. 1, 1804. 2, Polly, b. Dec. 20, 1802, d. April 5, 1804. 3, Jenny, b. Dec 20, 1804 ; and others probably in Knox James, (2d)'s ch. Nancy, b. Dec. 31, 1805, rem. to Appleton. WEED, Levi, born Oct. 25, 1808, in Deer Isle, son of William and Mary (Eaton) Weed of that place ; m. Sarah C. Duncan ; c. to Rock. in June, 1853, to S. Th. in April 1857 ; a farmer. Joseph, his cousin, b. at Deer Isleab. '08 ; m. Eunice D, sister of Levi Weed ; r. Rock. a lime burner, and soldier of the 4th Me. reg. David D, also, son of ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 457 Daniel and grandson of William above named, b. at Deer Isle about 1832 ; m. Pamelia C. Bray ; j. Rock, a mariner. Levi's ch. 1, James D, b. at Dqer Isle, Dec 4, 1837, m. Sarah E. Stover of St. G, July 6, '62 ; r. S. Th. 2, John E, b. Feb. 3, '40, a soldier of the 20th Me. Reg. 3, Mary E , b. July 9, '42. 4, Sarah A, b. Feb. 23, '45. 5, Levi A., b. Feb. 25, '47. 6, Susan F., b. Feb. 18, '51. 7, Eliza H, b. at Rock, Aug. 21, '51. 8, Leslie V, b. at S. Th, April 3, '59. The mother was b. at Deer Isle, Feb. 26, '18. Joseph's ch. 1, Joseph, (2d),? b. ab. 1833 ; r. Rock. 2, Thurlow, b. ab. 1839, soldier of 4th Me, &c 3, ? Luther, b. ab. 1850. 4, Hes ter A, b. ab. '52. David D.'s ch. 1, Mercy S, b. ab. 1855. 2, David E, b. ab. '57. 3, Emeretta, b. ab. '59. James D.'s ch. Carrie Florence, b. Dec. 20, 1863. WEEKS, Leander, b. in Jefferson, ab. 1823 ; m. Mary Jane Ross ; c. to Rock, in 1852, where he r, a merchant, at first in company with WilUam J. Bond, and now by himself. Jackson Weeks, a cousin, b. in Jefferson, ab. '22, also r. Rock, and m. Clarissa Bird, Aug. 27, '54. Leander's ch. 1, George, b. ab. '48. 2, Alphonso R, b. ab. '50. 3, Jennie M. b. ab. '59. 4, Frank L. Of this name, also, & probably of another branch of the same family, Edwin Weeks, b. in Jefferson, ab. '21 ; m. Mary A. Overlook of Wal.; r. Th, a mason. Edwin's ch. 1, Alfred, b.-pb. '51. 2, James E, b. ab. '54. 3, Emma F, b. ab. '58. 4", an infant, d. Sept. 1, 1861. WEEKS, Abner B, b. ab. 1813; c from Bath, m. Elizabeth C. In graham, Oct. 10, '41, 2d, Ann M. Crockett, Jan. 27, '47 ; r. Rock, a mason, inventor of Weeks' s patent lime kiln, &c. His ch. by 2d wife. 1, WilUam b. ab. '48. 2, Sophia S, b. ab. '50. 3, Charles E, b. ab. '58. 4, Mary C, b. Oct. 21, '61, d. April 8, '64. WELCH, William, & Sarah, his wife, were here early & had 2 ch. entered on the Th. records. 1, Amanda S, b. April 27, 1838. 2, Lucy E, b. Oct. 29, '41. Of this name, also, Peter Welch, b. ab. '16 ; m. Susanna ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. Theirch. 1, James, b. ab. '40 ; j. Rock, a lime burner. 2, Ephraim, b. ab. '42 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. 3. Lucinda C, b. ab. '45. 4, Jane S, b. ab. '48. 5, Isaac, b. ab. '52. Also, of the same name, Thomas Welch, b. ab. '30, in Ireland, as was Margaret, his wife, ab. '35 ; jr. Rock, an ostler. Their ch. 1, Patrick, b. ab. '51. 2 & 3, twins, b. ab. '53, Georgiana & Elizabeth. 4, Thomas, (2d), b. ab. '55. 5, James, (2d), b. ab. '58. * WELLMAN, Timothy, Esq, b. in 1781 ; e. from Salem, Mass. ; m. 1st, Jane (Post) Sleeper, Oct. 15, 1833, 2d, Phebe R. Burns, p. Feb. 2, '39 ; r. Rock. & d. May 14, '42, leaving one daughter only. WELSBY,- Capt. William N, b. Sept, 24, 1808, in Prescott, Eng land, son of WilUam & Margaret (Nicholson) Welsby ; c in 1816 to Th, when a boy of 7 years; m. Maria J. Lermond of W, Jan. 26, '45; was drowned at Trinidad de Cuba, May 12, 1847, when in com mand of sch. Linnell. Their ch. Margaret Alice, b. March 8, 1846. WELLINGTON, James, h. ab. 1822 ; m. Eliza ; r. Rock. Their ch. Louisa, b. ab. '42. 2, Charles V, b. ab, '44. 3, Lucy F, b. ab. '50. WELT, Erastus, of German descent, e. from Waldoboro' ; m. Mary J. Dean, Nov. 16, 1848 ; j. Rock, a cirpeater. Tneir ch. 1, Willie Vol. II. 39 458 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, E, b. March, '52, d. Aug. 20, '54. 2, Merrill G, b. ab. '54. 3, Ju- lietta, b. ab. 1858. WENTWORTH, John Sumner, b. ab. 1806, in Mass., m. Nancy Sherman, Oct. 27, 1829 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c. Their ch. 1, Nel son F, b. April 15, 1831 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c. 2, Thomas A., b. ab. '33, in Brooks, Me., m. Mary R. Harrington, Dec. 4, '57 ; r. Rock, hat, cap and fur dealer. 3, Arabella, b. May 11, '38, m. Lewis Childs of Rock, Oct. 2, '59. 4, John S, (2d), b. June 15, '41, d. at Rock, Aug. 21, '57. 5, Sarah A, b. ab. '43, m. H. G. PiUsbory ; r. S. Th. 6, William B, b ab. '48. Of Thomas A.'s ch. AUce, b. March, and d. Aug., 1859. WENTWORTH, Cyrus, b. ab. 1826, in Hope, m. Maria Mehan of W. ; r. Rock, a ship carpenter. Of this name also, Charles O, and Robert E. Wentworth ; r. Rock, s:ldiers, one of the 7th Me, re-en listed, aud the other of the 8th Me. Reg. ; also, J. A. Wentworth, en tered the navy. WEST, Hosea, b. ab. 1821, in Frankfort, Me, m. Ann Mehitable Boynton ; r. Rock, soldier of 19th Me., &c. Theirch. 1, Mary H., b. ab. 1848. 2, Hosea A, b. ab. '50. 3, Georgiana, b. ab. '52. 4, John F, b. ab. '57. 5, Ocena, b. ab. '59. WEYMOUTH, Nehemiah, b. ab. 1811, m. Joanna ; r. Rock. in 1860, a lime manufacturer, as did also Martin Weymouth, probably a brother, b. ab. 1815,, and also a lime manufacturer. Of this name, also, Alfred D. Weymouth, b. ab. '35, m. Melissa E. Young, Aug. 14, '59 ; r. Rock. Alfred D.'s ch. Alfred, b. ab. 1860. WHALEN, John, b. ab. 1829, in Ireland, as was Nancy, his wife ; r. Rock, a quarry man. Their ch. Ellen, b. ab. 1827. Daniel Wha len, also of Rock, entered the army. WHEATON, Col. Mason, Esq, b. ab. 1736, m. Lavinia Dexter of Providence ; c. to St. George's, now Th, 1762 or 3, was long a lead ing man of business and political influence ; and d. Sept. 15, 1812. Their ch. 1, James D, Esq. b. Feb, 1767, m. Judith Stackpole, July 30, 1832 ; r. Th, and d. Sept. 17, 1847. 2, Lucy, b, 1769, m. Wm. Southworth ; j. Th, and d. April 23, 1844. James D. Esq.'s ch. Lavinia J. M, b. Dec. 24, 1834 ; r. Th. WHEELER, David of St. George; m. Hannah Hart; r. St. G, & d. Dec. 10, 1843. Their ch. 1, Oliver, b. Sept. 25, 1802 ; m. Han^ nah P. SmaU, May 29, '36 ; j. S. Th, a farmer, &c. 2, Betsey, born Dec. 7, '03 ; m. Capt. Edward Small, 2d, Capt. Jonathan Small ; i. S. Th, & d. Jan. 29, '47. 3, John H, b. Dec 28, '11 ; m. Eliza Bry ant of St. G, Jan. 26, '36 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. 4, Joseph S, b. ab. 1813 ; m. Martha Stover of St. G. ; r. Rock, a lime manu facturer. 5, Deborah, m. Isaac A. WilUs ; r. Th. Oliver's ch. 1, Ira G, b. Aug. 28, 1837. 2, Leander S, b. Dec. 18, '38; r. S. Th. 3, Silas C, b. March 30, '40, d."Dec. 11, '46. 4, Darius, b. ab. '43. John H.'s ch. 1, Julia Ann, b. Jan. 12, 1837 ; mar. Thomas Ash- croft, Nov. 17, '55 ; j. Rock., and has one son, John W. Ashcroft, b. ab. 1857. Joseph S.'s ch. 1, Elvira, b. Feb. 21, 1836 ; m. Thomas B. Glover; r. Rock. 2, Henry P, b. March 2, '37 ; m. Phebe Orbine, July 19, '56, 2d, r in Boston, Maria Ford, June 14, '58 ; r. Rock, a lime burner. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 459 3, Alvan, b. June 21, '40, d. Sept. 4, '41. 4, Amariah, b. ab. 1843. a, Gardner, b. ab. 1851. Henry P.'s ch. Caroline, b. ab. 1859. Of this name, also, Robert Wheeler, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Eunice ; r. Rock, a joiner. Their ch. 1, Marcella, b. ab. 1853. 2, Eugene, b. ab. '55. WHITCHER, or Whittier, John, came to what is now S. Th. ; m. Sarah Emery, Dec. 27, 1804; rem. to Northport. Of their ch. 1, Joshua, b. ab. 1813; mar. Sabra . ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2,? Andrew, came from Northport; m. Mehitable Pillsbury, July 27, '41 ; r. S. Th, and d. or rem. 3,? John H, b. ab. 1820; mar. Eliza A. ; r. Rock, a mariner. Joshua's ch. 1, Ellen, h. ab. 1840 ; mar. Winthrop P. Ames of Vinalhaven, Nov. 6, '60. 2, Adelaide, b. ab. '42. 3, Mary, b. ab. '44. 4, Sabra, b. ab. '46. 5, Joshua, b. ab. '50. 6, Emma, b. ab. '52. 7, Charles, b. ab. '54. 8, Fremont, b. ab. '56. Of Andrew's eh. 1, Andrew T, b. Nov. IS, 1842 ; r. S. Th., a mariner, and d. by a fall from aloft, April 2, '64, on passage from San Francisco to Oregon. John H.'s ch. 1, George W„ b. ab. 1852. 2, Ida M, b. ab. '55. WHITCOMB, Henry, b. ab. 1797 ; came from Hope to S. Th.; m. Sarah A. R. ElUott, p. April 26, 1838 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, &c Their ch. 1, Hannah A, b. May 27, 1841 ; m. Sidney W. Oakes of Glou cester, Mass, Feb. 12, '60; r. S. Th. 2, AngeUne, b. ab. '44. 3, Mahala, b. ah. '51. WHITCOMB, Samuel, b. ab. 1833 ; c. from Worcester, Mass. ; m. Amelia H. Stackpole, Sept. 5, '56 ; r. Th, a ship carpenter. John G, a brother, b. ab. '35; m. Mary J. Fountain, June 30, '56 ; r. Th, a ship carpenter. Of this name, also, Ambrose Whitcomb, b. ab. 1836 ; m. Martha OUver of W. ; i. Th, wagoner in 20th-Me. Reg, Sec. WHITE, Oliver, son of Major George of North Haven, m. Harriet (Spear) Ingraham, June 17, 1828; r. Rock, and d. at N. Y, Aug, 1839. George W, a nephew, b. in North Haven, 1821, m. Damaris, dau. of Abram Ripley of Appleton ; r. S. Th, and Rock, a teacher in various places, editor, register of deeds for Knox county, 1860 and '62. Oliver's ch. 1, Harriet A., b. March 16, 1829. 2, Eliza J, b. Nov. 17, '30, m. Henry M. Fales ; r. Rock. 3, Capt. Oliver M., b. June 19, '34, mar. Eliza A. Small, May 29, '56 ; r. Roek, and d. at sea of yellow fever, July 22, '59. 4, Sarah F, b. March 29, '36, m. Oliver G. HaU; r. Rock. 5, Charles, b. Sept. 22, '38, d. Sept, 1841. George W. 's ch. 1, John W, b. ab. 1850. 2, Harriet K, b. ab. '54. 3, Eda E, b. ab. '57. WHITE, Jonathan, b. in 1805, c. from Belfast, m. Emily Spear, p. Oct. 21, '31 ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. Their ch. Lucy C, b. May 19, '34, in. John S. Case ; r. Roek. WHITE, Capt. John T, b. 1818, c. from North Carolina, m. Han nah Pressey, March 25, '38, did business in Rock., was a com. mer chant in N. Y, ret. Rock, and d. Dee. 29, '56. Their ch. 1, Ade laide*, b. July 25, '39, d. Dec. 30, '55. 2, Mauncell, b. Nov. 15, '41, d. April 29, '61. 3, Mary, b. ab. '48. WHITEHOUSE, Jacob, b, ab. 1830, m. Mary McLaughlin of W, p. Aug. 21, '54; r. Rock, a carpenter. Theirch. 1, AUce, b. ab. 1856. 2, Arvilla W, b. ab. '58. WHITING, Manasseh S-, Esq., son of John of Union ; r. Rock, a 460 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, while, rem. San Francisco, Cal, where he was said to be an active business man, and nominated for State senator 1862. Of this name, also, Sullivan K. Whiting, b. ab. '32, m. Mary E. Doe; r. Rock, a merchant, enlisted as musician in 4th Me. Reg, since rem. Winthrop, Me. Sullivan K.'s ch. Frances D, b. ab. 1857- WHITNEY, Haynes, b. Dec. 1788, e from Woodstock, Vt, to Th., m. Jane Robinson, Jan. 24, 1816; settled at Beech Woods, and died suddenly from bilious colic, Sept. 18, '25. Calvin, a brother, c. later, . m. Eliza Everton, and d. Oct. 1832. Haynes's eh. 1, WiUiam, b. Oct. 29, 1816, m. Eliza Brown, Sept. 16, '39, 2d, Elizabeth Jordan, April 24, '62 ; r. Th., a farmer, &c. 2, Maria R, b. June 24, '18, m. Joseph C. Stafford, Oct. 20, '44 ; r. Bos ton, andd. at St. Louis, Mo, 1845. 3, Charles R.. b. Jan. 16, '20, in. Mary Thurston ; r. Rock, a lime manufacturer. 4, Reuben K, b. Nov. 10, '23, d. lost overboard from bk. Valhalla, Dec, 1833. 5, Elizabeth H, b. Nov. 22, '25, mar. 1st, Charles A. Green of Boston, Sept. 1, '44, 2d, Stephen Styles of Cambridge, Mass. Calvin's eh. 1, Calvin P, b. April 7, 1816 ; r. Cam. 2, Henry, b. April 25, '18, d. in the South. 3, William E, b. Jan. 23, '22, m. Sophia A. Fales, Dec. 29, '42 ; r. Th, a merchant, &e 4, Joshua G., b. Nov. 10, '23 ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me , Sec. 5, John K, born June 19, '26, m. aud r. Th, went to California. 6, Mary E, b. July 31, '30, m. Americus Long ; j. Th. 7, Joshua, b. ab. '33 ; r. Rock. The mother, m. 2d, Joseph Thompson; r. R, & d. Feb. 20, '61, a. 61. William's ch. 1, Frances I, b. Sept. 12, 1842, d. June 18, '48. 2, EUza J, b. ab. '45. 3, Olena, b, ab. '47. i, Charles G, b. ab. '52. 5, Andrew F, b. ab. '56. Charles R.'s ch. 1, Mary, b. ab. 1856. 2, Lizzie, b. ab. '57. William E.'s ch. 1, Lydstone, b. Feb. 1843, d. July 21, '57. 2, Calvin H, b. ab. '45. 3, William J, b. ab. '47. 4, Rebecca Ann, b. Jan. 16, d. Dec- 8, '49. 5. Francis M, born and d. Oct. 13, '5>3. 6, Aroline, b. ab. '55. 7, Alice R, b. ab. '58. WHITNEY, Ezra, b. ab. 1823 ; m. Se r. Rock, a tin plate peddler, &c. His ch. 1, Cornelia A, b. ab. 1844. 2, Celestia A, b. ab. '49. WHITTON, Nathan, b. in Unity ab. 1828 ; m. Mary N. McAllis ter; r. Rock., an ambrotypist, 3 or 4 years about 1860 ; rem. Belfast. Ephraim, his brother, m. PrisciUa Harding ; r. Rock, ab. six years, but rem. & m. 2d, in California. Nathan's ch. 1, Leonora S, b. ab. 1850. 2, Roscoe N, b. ab. '56. WHIT TON, 'Nathan, b. ab. 1828, in Gouldsborough ; m. Rebecca Small; r. Rock , in fishery business. Their ch. 1, Larkin S, b. ab. 1844. 2, Monselle W, b. ab. '48. WHITTON, Hiram, b. ab. 1832, in China, Me.; m. Abigail Burns, p. Nov. 2, 1850 ; r. Roek, a teamster, wagoner in 19th Me. Reg, &c Their ch. Frederic A, b. June, 1859, d. Jan. 23, '03. WIGGIN, Capt. Jonathan, b. in Stratham, N. H, Jan. 19, 1740; m. 1st, Mary Little in Newbury, Oct. 10, 1761, 2d, Mehitable Thurs ton, 3d, Mrs. Mary Mason; r. and d. about 1810, in Stratham; which township had been granted to an ancestor, Andrew Wiggin, who m. a dau. of Gov. Bradstreet. Capt. Jonathan's ch. by 1st wife. 1, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1762; m. Stephen Thurston, who was a soldier under Gen. Wayne at the time of Arnold's treason ; lived in the mar riage state 75 years, and d. in Madison, Me-, a. ab. 97, leaving many ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 461 descendants, to the 5th generation. 2, Mary, b. July 30, 1767 : mar. Levi Barker ; r. Stratham, & d. leaving 8 ch. By 2d wife. 3, Ed mund, b. May 30, 1772; c. here 1794; m. Elizabeth Copeland of W, June 12, 1800 ; r. aud d. Th, being a clerk and assistant in Knox & Vose's store. 4, Mehitable, b. Aug. 18, 1773 ; m. Samuel Marble; r. and d. Stratham. 5, Abigail, b. March 22, 1775 ; m. Thomas Chase ; r. and d. Stratham. 6, William Howe, b. Dec. 16, 1776 ; c. here ab. 1795; mar. Mary Simonton, Dec 13, 1804; r. Th, overseer of lime business ; & d. Jan. 20, 1811. 7, Sarah, b. Sept. 18, 1778 ; m. James St. Clair; jr. S. Th. 8, Clarissa, b. Oct. 15, 1780; m. Stephen Bow man; r. and d. Stratham. 9, Augusta, b. Aug. 15, 1782; m. Jacob Wiggin ;. r. and d. Stratham. Edmund's ch. 1, Augusta, m. Edward Mink ; i. Waldoboro". 2, Cordelia, m. Rufus Snow ; r. S. Th. WilUam Howe's ch. 1, Hon. George S, b. Sept. 28, 1805 ; learned the mason's trade of Jere. Berry, and industriously worked his way to places of trust and eminence ; m. Lydia W. Amsbury, March 16, '33 ; i'. Rock., city mayor seven years & re-elected 1865. 2, Clarissa, b. April 26, '07 ; m. George B. Wormell ; j. Th. 3, William Howe, (2d), b. Aug. 14, '09 ; died June 16, '39, by drowning. Hon. George S.'s ch. 1, Oliver A, b. March 8, 1835 ; m. Charlotte Carman; r. Rock, stage agent, Uvery stable keeper, &c. 2, George Howe, b. May 20, '47 ; r Rock. WIGGIN, Thomas M, b. ab. 1818, probably of a distant branch of the same family ; came from China, Me. ; m. Mary J. ; r. Rock, a Ume burner. Their ch. 1, Lizzie B, b. ab. 1843. 2, Chas. T, d. Jan. 29, '49. 3, Lucius H, b. ab. '53. WIGGIN, Thomas S, b. ab. 1825 ; c. from Brooks, Me.; m. Julia A. Kelloch of W. ; r. Rock, a shoemaker, rem. Portsmouth, N. H. Samuel, also from Brooks ; m. Elizabeth Dean, May 23, 1842 ; r. S. Th, a shoemaker, and died May_15, 1860. Thomas S.'s ch. 1, Thomas D, b. Sept. 30, 1851. 2, Fannie I, b. Jan. 28, '54. 3, AUce Catharine, b. Feb. 20, and d. Aug. 16, '56. Samuel's ch. 1, Charles M, b. Mav 14, 1842 ; mar. Josephine B. Allen, Oct. 11, '63; r. S. Th. 2, Abby M, b. ab. '44; m. Andrew W. Stover, Oct. 12, '61 ; r. S. Th. 3, Ruth A, b. ab. '46. 4, Henry, b. ab. '50. WIGGIN, Nathan, b. ab. 1835 ; c. from Fryeburg ; m. Sarah E ¦ ; r. Rock, a druggist, &c Of this name, also, Abiathar It. Wiggin of Rock, entered the army. WIGHT, John M., b. in Wrentham, now Foxboro', Mass, had been in the army; was in Union 178? ; c. to Th, m. Lavinia Morse, Jan. 20, 1793, engaged in trade, was sur. of lime 1796, taught school near the head of Tolman's Pond, left the place and his family, Dec. 6, '99. Their ch. 1, Daniel M, b. April 18, '93, followed the sea. 2, James W, b. Oct. 29, '95, brought up iu Wal, mar. in Boston, went to sea. 3, Henry M, b. March 15, '98, d. in the army, at Burlington, Vt, in war of 1812, 4 and 5, twins, b. March 9, 1800, Charles, m. Elizabeth (Stevens) Braley, Sept. 7, '23, and lost his sight whilst blasting rock on the islands, before 1838 ; r. Th, and d. suddenly in a store, Feb. 7, '54 ; Osmond, drowned at sea ; had been low-spirited during the voyage, in consequence of a dream, (which he refused to tell till he should'get ashore ;) heaving the line, as if to sound, while the crew 39* 462 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, were at supper, he fell overboard, and, taking no notice of a Une thrown to him, sunk without a struggle. Charles's ch. 1, Charles O., b. July 24, 1829. 2, Elizabeth A, b. Nov. 25, '31. 3, Lavinia T, born Jan. 28, '34, d. July 16, '53. 4, Henrietta S, b. Nov. 2, '36, d. Jan. 22, '37. The mother d. April 4, '54. WIGHT, Hezekiah W, b. ab. 1832, in Penobscot, Me, ; r. Rock, a merchant, lime manufacturer, &c, now in firm of Cobb, Wight Se Case ; m. Frances S. Pierce, Oct. 8, '54. Their ch. 1, Frederic W, b. ab. '58. 2, Jennie C, b. May, 1862, d. Jan. 26, '63. WIGHT, James, b. in Lowell, Mass., m. Emma E. Burpee, Nov. 24, '64; r. Rock, a machinist. WIGHT ; of this family, 3 brothers c. from Windsor, Me. 1, Hi ram, b. ab. 1815, m. Mary EUzabeth Kelleran, Nov , 1842 ; r. Th, a trader, &c 2, Charles, r. in S. Th. a while and carried on bakery. 3, John B, b. ab. '25, m. Sarah Jane Lash of Wal, Jan. 21, '54 ; r. Th. some time, a baker in Wadsworth St. Hiram's ch. 1, William F, b. ab. 1843, m. Lucy Fuller, Oct. 30, '64 ; r. Th, a soldier of the 20th Me. Reg , &c. 2, Henderson K, b. Sept. 30, '45, d. Oct. 7, '46. 3, Mary, b. ab. '48. 4, Ernest, b. ab. '50. 5, Emma, b. ab. '52. 6, George M, b. Sept. '54, d. May 9, '57. 7, Martha W, b. May 16, and d. June 23, '58. 8, Ellen, b. '60. Of John B/sch. Willie, b. 1855, d. June 27, '58. WILLARD, James Predericfeb. ab. 1822 in Portland, mar. Olive Post; r. Th, a boat builder, &c Their ch. 1, Margaret J, b. ab. 1844, m. Edward P. Miller, June 29, '62 ; r. Th. 2, Charles, b. ab. '49. 3, Alfred V, b. July '52, d. Jan. 24, '54. 4, Penelope, b. in '60. WILLIAMS.; of this Harpswell family there came to Th, 3 broth ers. 1, Benjamin, m. Jane Otis, ab. 1790 ; r. and d. S. Th, on the 8th lot from St. G. line; a tanner. 2, Dea. Daniel, b. May 14, '75, m. Hannah Page, c. here ab. 1805 ; r. on the lot below his brother's, S. Th, and d. June 13, 1858. 3, Peter, c. to Th. 1808, mar. Margaret BuckUn of W. ; i. Th, Wadsworth Street, a joiner, &c. Another brother, George, in. and i. Durham, Me. Mercy, their mother, d. in Th, Sept, 1825, a. 94. Benjamin's ch. 1, Ebenezer, m. Thankful Otis of St. G., Nov. 26, 1810; rem. & d. Burnham, Me. 2, Nancy, m. Jas. Harvey Haynes, of Milo, Nov. 28, '23, rem. Burnham, and d. 111. 3., Benjamin, (2d), mar. Fanny Williams, Dec, 1818; r. ana d. Freedom or Knox. 4, Deborah, d. unm. 5, and 6, twins, b. March 30 and 31, '05, George S, m. Sarah Hall of St. G, p. Oct. 7, '28; r. S. Th, on homestead; Peter, (2d), m. Betsey McKeller, p. Dec. 17, '31 ; r. homestead, and died Aug. 20, '60, by a fall, whilst running in pursuit of his sheep in the pasture. 7, Ezekiel D, mar. Hannah Weed in Burnham ; rem. Minnesota. 8, Hezekiah, m. Ulmer ; r. 111. Dea. Daniel's ch. 1, William, b. Dec. 2, 1798, m. Margaret Colly, Jan. 13, 1825 ; r. S. Th, a joiner, &c. 2, Fanny, b. Sept. 5, 1800, m. Benjamin WilUams, (2d) ; r. and d. Freedom. 3, Eliza, b. July 2, '02, d. Jan. 10, '20. 4, Mercy, b. Feb. 13, '04, m. Perley Graves; r. S. Th, rem. Cal. 5, Reliance, b. April 7, '06, mar. Nathan Read; r. Th. 6, Solomon, b. Oct. 15, '07, d. June 30, '29. 7, Daniel, (2d), b. Aug. 4, '09, ra. Rachel Lawry ; r. Frankfort. 8, Oliver, b. Aug. 16, '11 ; rem. Australia. 9, Horace, b. Sept. 20, '15, mar. 1st, Mary Ann Vaughan, Dec. 16, '44, 2d, Mary H. McLoon, Jan. 1, '50 ; r. S. Th, a ship builder, and d. July 30, '58. The mother was b. AprU 17, 1772 in Harpswell; d. Sept. 19, 1858. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 4g3 Peter's ch. 1, Calista, b. Aug. 1, 1809 ; r. Th. 2, Joseph B, born April 5, '11, m. Mary E. Carney, Oct. 25, '57; r. Th, in the Hastings house, a trader. 3, Andrew, b. May 27, '13, m. Frances Dean of N. Y. ; r. Medford, Mass. 4, Sarah E, b. Dec. 25, '15, d. July 19, '17. 5, Margaret, b. Nov. 29, '18, m. Loring ; r. Boston, 6, Geo. M. L, b. Oct. 9, '21, d. Oct. 7, '25. 7, Mary A, b. May 15, "24, d. Nov. 22, '25. The mother d. March 7, '64, a. 80. Of Ebenezer's ch. 1, Ebenezer O, b. 1823, m. Charlotte K. Post, July 14, '52; r. Rock, a shipwright, and d. Sept. 17, '63, from a faU in Starrett's ship yard. George S.'s ch. 1, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1830. 2, Sarah, b. May 18, '32 ; r. S. Th. 3, George E, b. Sept. 14, '33, m. Susan H. Libby of Cam, 1858 ; r. S. Th, a farmer, entered the navy. 4, James, b. April 19, '35. 5, Isaac H, b. Dec. 16, '36, m. Lovisa H. Edwards of Cam, Sept. 11, '59; r. S. Th. 6, Maria, b. May 1, '39, mar. S. A. Sweetland of Boston, Sept. 29, '63. 7, Edwin, (2d), b. March 4, '42 ; r. S. Th. Peter, (2d)'s ch. 1, Edwin, b. Nov. 3, and died Dec. 15, 1834. 2, Benjamin, (3d), b. Feb. 22, '36 ; r, S. Th, a student. 3, John, born Jan. 24, '38 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 4, Ferroline M, b. May 23, '40, m. Dr. John T, Main of Unity, March 3, '59. 5, Frederic O, b. Aug. 7, '42. 6, Nathan H, b. ab. '48. The mother mar. 2d, Capt. Richard Davis of Harbor Is., Dec 17, '62. WilUam's ch. 1. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 21, 1825 ; r. S. Th. 2, Capt. Thomas C, b. June 14, '29, m. Mary A. Copeland, Dec. 28, '51 ; r. S. Th, a ship master. 3, Margaret C, b. Aug. 31, '31 ; r. S. Th. 4, Adelaide or AdeUne, b. Feb. 13, '34, d. Aug. 25, '64. 5, Wm. John, b. July 4, '40 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 6, Charles E, b. ab. '46. Horace's ch. by 2d wife. 1, Charles M. 2, William. 3, Fanny D, b. March 17, and died Oct. 6, '53. Joseph B.'s ch. 1, Simon Lewis. 2, . 3 and 4, twins, b. ab. 1862. Andrew's ch. 1, Joseph. 2, WUliam. Fourth Generation. Ebenezer O.'s ch. Ardella E, b. ab. 1860. Geoige E.'s ch. Loring, b. ab. 1859. Capt. Thomas C.'s ch. 1, Thomas, (2d), b. ab. 1853. 2, Horatio Herbert, b. ab. '55. WILLIAMS, Col. Timothy, b. ab. 1805 ; c. first from Woolwich to Starks when 14 years of age, thence to what is now Rock.; m. Jane H. Blackington, July 3, 1842 ; r. Rock, in 2d house from Th, is in terested in lime-quarries and lime business. His brother, Capt. Aus tin, b. in Woolwich, in 1813 ; also came to Th.; m. Sarah (Munroe) Robinson, Nov., 1853 ; r. Th, a ship master. Col. Timothy's ch. 1, Warren G, b. ab. 1843. 2, Mary J., b. ab. '45. 3, Maynard S, b. ab. '56. 4, Annie L, b. Aug. 1, d. Aug. 25, '61. Capt. Austin's ch. 1, Harris R, b. in 1854. 2, Charles A, born March, 1856, d. Oct. 25, '57. WILLIAMS, Capt. Charles, h. in England ab. 1830 ; came from Brandon, Vt.; m. Julia F. Foster of Cape Cod ; r. Th, a master mar iner. Their ch. 1, Charles E, b. ab. 1857* 2, Lena, b. ab. 1859. WILLIAMS, Sandford, b. ab. 1820, in Warren, son of Jesse and Rachel (Copeland) WiUiams of W. ; m. AngeUne B. Crane of W. ; r. Th, a shipbuilder. 464 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, WILLIAMS, SethN, b. ab. 1820, in Augusta; m. Annie Luce; r. Rock, a photographist. Their ch. Frank, b. Sept, 1859. Wil liams, Charles, also b. in Augusta, ab. 1820 ; mar. Sarah Booden ; r. Rock, a Shoemaker, See. Their ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. ab. 1844. 2, Lydia, b. ab. '46. 3, Sarah, b. ab. '48. 4, Marcia E, b. ab. '52. 5, Georgietta, b. ab. '54. 0, Abbie J, b. ab. '57. 7, Hannah F, b. ab. 1859. WILLIAMS, Henry, b. ab. 1810, in England, as was Louisa C, his wife ; r. Rock, a mariner. Their ch. 1, Louisa M, b. in Mass, ab. 1854. 2, Adelaide J, b. in New York, ab. '57. 3, Marietta, b. April 21, '59, d. Sept. 10, '60. Of this name, also, James Williams, b. ab. 1829 ; mar. Charlotte ; r. Rock, a mariner. James's ch. 1, Reuben, b. ab. '52. 2, Maria J, b. ab. '54. 3, James R, b. ab. '55. 4, Eliza A, b. ab. '58. WILLIAMSON, Warren, b. ab. 1822, in Mercer, Me. ; mar. 1st, Margaret C. ; (who d. April 19, '58, aged 35 years, 8 months) 2d, Mary ; r. Rock, a quarryman ; rem. California. Their ch. Charles E, b. Aug. 20, 1850, d. Sept. 30, '57. WILLIS, Preserved, b. April 12, 1780; c. from Taunton, Mass, burnt and inspected lime for Knox ; m. Betsey Long of St. Geo, p. Sept. 2, 1805 ; r. west of Meadows ; & d. Feb. 28, 1849. His widow still r. in his house built \>y D. Palmer, as she has done for nearly 60 years. Their ch. 1, Isaac A, b. May 10, 1806 ; mar. Asenath Har rington, 1830, 2d, Deborah Wheeler, Dec 20, '32; r. Th. 2, Fanny L, b. Sept. 13, '08 ; m. 1st, Thomas J. Bentley, 2d, Richard Dunbar ; r. Th. 3, Madding L, b. June 19, '12 ; mar. Mary J. Harrington, p. Nov. 13, '37; r. Rock, a lime burner. 4, Anna, b. Nov. 25, '14; m. Joshua Grant ; r. Th. 5, Arunah, d. at New Orleans. 6, Dennis L, b. Aug. 26, '18 ; a mariner. 7, Hannah A, b. Oct. 22, '22 ; m. Wil Uam H. Grant; r. California. 8, Mary C, b. Sept. 22, '26; hi. Lt. Col. Lorenzo D. Carver; r. Rock. 9, Asenath E, b. July 8, '32, d. March 2, '52. Isaac A.'s ch. 1, Thomas J, b. Aug.. 27, 1832. By 2d wife, 2, Asenath M, b. May 1, '33; m. Edward Boyles; r. Rock. 3, Abner N, b. May 23, & d. July 2, '34. 4, Edward A, b. May 17, '35 ; an overseer in State Prison, &c. 5, Albion K, b. April 17, '39 ; m. Re becca Poland of F, Sept. 30, '60 ; r. Th. 6, Charles E, b. April 4, '39 ; j.-. Th, a mariner. 7, Henry A., b. Jan. 16, '40 ; ±. Th, a painter, corporal, &c, in 1st Me. Cavalry. 8, Frances II, b. Oct. 11, '41, d. Feb. 7, '42. 9, Isaac Dexter, b. Aug. 21, '47 10, Mary Fran ces, b. Nov. 16, '49. 11, (adopted), WilUam L, b. Sept. 22, '50. Madding L.'s ch. 1, Asa S, b. Nov. 8, 1839 ; a lime burner. 2, Arunah, b. Oct. 1, '41 ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me, &c. 3, Ellerson C, b. ab. '44 ; a mariner. 4, Sarah G, b. April 22, '46, d. Oct. 3, '49. 5, Mary H, b. April, 1848, d. Oct. 1, '49. 6, Sarah G, b. July 12, & d. Oct. 1, '50. 7, Mary I, b. ab. '51. 8, Franklin, b. ab. '53. WILLOUGHBY, Jonathan S, b. ab. 1823, in Nashua, N. H, m. Jennie E, dau. of G. Bailey, Feb. 11, '60 ; j. Rock, a millinery and dry goods merchant. WILSON, William, son of John Wilson of Acworth, N. II, (who was a lineal descendent from Rev. John Wilson, who came over from England in the Arbella in.1630, at the instance of Gov. Winthrop, & was a preacher of note in Wilson's Lane, Boston, Mass. ;) m. Elizabeth , and settled in St. George. Of William's ch. 1, Jane L, b. in St. G, Aug. 26, 1S09, m. 1st, Richard Smith, 2d, Thomas J. Rider ; ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 465 r. Th. 2, Capt. Joseph, b. m St. G, March 14, '12, m. EmeUne Tit comb McLellan, Oct. 18, '38 ; c. Th, and d. at sea, of apoplexy, in ship Mountaineer, Dec. 30, '60. Their ch. 1, Capt. William J, born Aug. 14, '39, m. Mary L. Coburn, July 18, '62 ; r. Th, a master mar iner. 2, Eliza Emma, b. April 10, '41, d. Aug. 26, '50. 3, George McLellan, b. June 22, '46. 4, Frederic, b. July 30, '48, d. Sept. 1, '50. 5, Frank Lewis, b. May 24, '50. Capt. WilUam J.'s ch. Sarah Emma, b. Oct. 1864. WILSON, Capt. Life, b. Sept. 22, 1799, in Warren, m. Eliza Wat son, p. Oct. 12, 1823 ; long a ship master in Th, rem. 111. Their ch. 1, Life, r. 111. 2, James W, b. ab. 1830, m. Abby F. Young.-June 24, '58 ; i. Th, a mariner. 3, Mary. 4, Edward. 5, William. 6, Clara. 7, Ann Maria; aU r. 111. James W.'s ch. Mary J, d. Feb. 5, '63. WILSON, Edmund, Esq, b. ab. 1813, in Cornish, Me, studied law with Hon. Joseph Howard and Hon. E. Shepley, Portland ; was county attorney 1842, collector of customs, Wal. district, appt. March 1846, m. Mary S. HaskeU, Dec. 1, '42 ; r. and prac. law Th. Their ch. Bion Bradbury, b. ab. 1855. WILSON, WilUam, b. ab. 1820, in Industry, Franklin Co, m. Luz erne Chase of Livermore; c. from Hallowell to Rock, in 1852, where he r. and does business, as a merchant, &c, at first in- firm of Wm. Wilson & Co., now Wilson & Norton. His ch. 1, Capt. Samuel P, b. 1842, m. Hannah E. Tibbets, Dec. 24, '63 ; r. Rock. 2, Lottie A,? m. Hiram F. Huntington of Atkinson, Dec. 30, '63. 3, Annie C, d. June 25, '55. 4, WUUam C, b. ab. '56. WILSON, Capt. Richard H, b. ab. 1820, m. Clara D. Norton, p. Jan. 15, '50, 2d, Louisa B. Ulmer, pub. Aug. 4, '52, 3d, Delana Cum mings, Dee-21, '60; r. Rock. Of his ch. by 2d wife. Addie L, b. Aug. 1855, d. Feb. 13, '62. Of this name also, WUson, John M. ; i. Rock, asst. quartermaster in U. S. Sharpshooters, re-enlisted. Sam uel Wilson, soldier in 10th Me. ; John Wilson, in the navy, both of R. WINCHENBACH, Henry W, b. ab. 1793, son of Henry & Mary (Woltz) Winchenbach of Warren ; m. Agnes Spear, Oct. 15, 1818; r. Rock, a truckman. Their ch. 1, Robert W, m. Almira E. Stahl. 2, Sarah J. 3, John S. WINSLOW, James H, b. ab. 1820; u. from Nobleboro' ; m. 1st, Avis B. Fales, Dec 18, 1842, 2d, Patience Braley, Nov. 2, '44, 3d, Marilla Hussey, April 24, '53 ; r. Th, a carpenter. Cyrus N, a brother, c. to Th. ; m. Sarah Ghentner, Aug. 21, '42 ; ret. Nobleboro'. James H.'s ch. by 2d wife. William J, b. ab. 1846. The mother d. Nov. 17, 1847. WINSLOW; of this Waldoboro' family, 5 brothers settled here. 1, David, b. ab. 1822; m. Sarah F. Benner, Dec. 5, '49 ; r. Rock, in quarry business. 2, Edbert, b. ab. 1824 ; m. Mary Walter ; r. Rock. 3, Ezekiel, b. ab. 1831 ; m. Almira J. Ulmer, Aug. 20, '54 ; r. Rock, a soldier in 1st Cavalry. 4, Charles. 5, Jacob, r. Rock, a soldier of 4th Me. Reg, &c David's ch. 1, Reuben L, b. ab. 1851. 2, Frances A, b. ab. '53. 3, William H, b. ab. '55. 4, Marcena, b. ab. '57- 5, Hannah L, b. ab. '59. Ezekiel's ch. 1, WilUam S, b. ab. 1855. 2, Herbert L, b. ab. '58. 3, Mary A, b. '60. 466 history or thumastcs, WISE, John P.. b. in Kennebunk, Me , July 5, 1817, son of Dr. John and Sophia (Paul) Wise ; m. Mary N. Crockett, May 19, '44 ; r. Rock, a stove dealer, seedsman, &c. Their ch. 1, Henry M., born March 6, 1847. 2, Flora M, b. April 1, '49. WITHAM, or Whitham, Benjamin, c. from Blue Hill, Me, to S. Th, m. Sarah Philbrook, May 16, 1789, & d May 7, 1848. His wife d. May 15, 1838. Their ch. 1, Jeremiah, b. Nov. 16, 1789, m. Lydia Hix, p. May 6, 1814 ; r. S. Th, drowned Aug. 11, '40. 2, Abigail, b. Aug. 25, '91, m. Zachariah Post ; r. S. Th. 3, Benjamin, (2d), b. July 16, '93, m. 1st, Nancy Paul, July 6, 1815, when he r. Northport, 2d, Catharine Fogler, Oct. 10, '19, when he r. Cam.; died in Rock, Aug. 29, "56. 4, Sally, b. Nov. 25, '95, mar. ? John Thomas, Jr, of Searsmont, p. March 18, '22, 2d, Coit Ingraham ; r. and d. Rock. 5, Philbrook, b. May 9, '97, d. at Mirimichi, N. B. 6, Pamelia, b. March 29, '99. 7, Priscilla, b. May 16, '01, m. Elisha Keen; r. Appleton. 8, PoUy, b. Sept. 7, '03, m. George Robbins ; r. and d. W. 9, Brad bury, b. Sept. 26, '05, m. Alexander Kiff; r. Rock. 10, Jane, b. Feb. 6, '08 ; d. young. 11, Henry P, b. April 11, '10, m. 1st, Nancy Fog ler, 2d, Rebecca Elwell of St. G, Aug 26, '38, 3d, Eliza A. Mann, May 6, '49 ; r. Rock. Jeremiah's eh. 1, Capt. Nathan L, b. March 9, 1815, mar. 1st, Eliza A. Stearns, p. July 23, '38, 2d, Maria N. Spaulding, p. May 25, 1849 ; r. S. Th, and d. May 7, '56. 2, Capt. William H, b. May 21, '17, m. Aehsa J. Wade, June 18, '44 ; r. Rock, a master mariner. 3, Jane, b. Sept. 11, '19, m. Dr. Charles Coffran; r. Rock, and Cal. 4, Mary Ann, b. Sept. 5, '21, m. William Wade; r. S. Th. 5, Lydia M , m. Nahum H. Hall ; r. Rock. Benjamin's ch. by 1st wife 1, Eliza, d. young. 2, Nancy, d. unm. By 2d wife. 3, Mary J, b. May 23, 1822, m. Jacob Thomas ; r. Th. 4, Henry P., b. Oct. 31, '24, d. unm. 5, Nathaniel H, b. May 15, '27, d. Feb. 10, '46. 6, Philip U, b. April 18, '31, mar. Ellen Cram, Oct. 6, '55; r. Rock, a teamster. 7, Elkanah S , b. Jan. 17, '37, died unm. 8, Odbury Miles, b. April 4, '41, m. Ellen Pease, Jan. 29, '64; r. Rock., soldier of 2d Me. Battery, re-enlisted. Henry P.'s ch. 1, Nancy, b. Jan. 4, 1830, m. Benjamin A. Chap- les ; r. Rock. 2, Franklin P, b. Sept. 4, '33, m. Susanna R. Walsh, Aug. 16, '56 ; r. Rock, soldier in 2d Me. Battery. By 2d wife. 3, Charles P, b. March 10, '39, d young. 4, Eliza A, b. '41, d. Oct. 2, '49. 5, Susan W, b. Oct. 2, '44, d. Sept. 25, '49. The mother died Aug. 2, '47, a. 28. By 3d wife. 6, Albert M, b. Sept. 5, '49. 7, Leforest, d. Oct. 26, '53. 8, Edgar D, b. Dec. 9, '54, d. Sept. 2, '55. 9, Edo C, b. Aug. 19, '59. Capt. Nathan L.'s ch. 1, Mary E, b. May 13, 1840, d. Dec. 19, '41. 2, George P, b. Oct. 16, '41. By 2d wife. 3, Maria T, b. ab. 1855. William H.'s ch. . 1, William, b. ab. 1846. 2, Woodbury A, b. ab. '50. 3, Edmund H. Philip's ch. 1, Esmerilda, b. ab. 1856. 2, Mary E., b. ab. '58. Of this name, also, Isaac Witham, b. ab. 1812; mar. Susan Eastis, April 7, '46-; r. Rock, a mariner. WITHINGTON, Ephraim A, b. ab. 1825, in Camden ; m. Dolly G. Miller; r. Rock, a joiner, &c. Their ch. 1, Benjamin B, b. ab. '49. 2, Caroline H,'b. ab. '54. 3, Augusta B, b. ab. '56. 4, Dolly G, b. '60. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 467 WOLFF, Charles, b. ab. 1830, in Baden, Germany ; m. Christiana Martin of Germany ; r. Th, engineer in U. S. Navy. Their ch. 1, Charles, b. here ab. 1853. 2, John, b. ab. '55. 3, George, b. ab. '57. 4, Augusta, b. ab. '59. WOOD, Capt. James B, b. ab. 1822, in China, Me.; m. Abigail K. Pierce ; r. S. Th. Their ch. 1, Jacob F, b. Aug. 15, 1842 ; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Clara M, b. ab. '44. 3, Razada F, b. May, '48, d. Aug. 29, '49. WOOD, Zebedee, b. ab. 1800 ; mar. Mary Shea, Sept. 8, '33 ; r. Rock, & d. April 8, '50. His widow d. Aug. 2, '60, a. 49. Their ch. 1, Halsey, b. March 22, 1834 ; m. Mary J. ; r. Rock, a mar iner. 2, Charles F, b. ab. '36 ; m. Mary ; r. Eock, a corporal in 4th Me, &c. 3, Henry, b. Oct. 11, '38 ; r. Rock, entered the navy. WOOD, Aaron, b. ab. 1817; mar. Amanda F. (Healey) Ulmer, Sept. 1, '30 ; r. Rock, in quarry business. Theirch. 1, George W, b. Jan. 22, 1840 ; r. Rock, soldier of 4th Me, & re-enlisted, died at Alexandria, Va, July 20, '64. 2, Rebecca K, b. AprU 6, '41. 3, Jerome B, b. ab. '43 ; i. Rock, soldier of 2d Me. Battery, re-enlisted. 4, Mary E, b. ab. '46. 5, OrvUle T, b. ab. '48. 6, James H, b. ab. '51. Of this name, also, Amos P. Wood of Rock. ; mar. Abbie D. Davenport, Oct. 20, '63 ; entered the navy. And Samuel A. AVood of Rock, soldier of 4th Me, d. Dec. 13, '62. Also Jonas Wood, b. ab. 1825 ; u. from Kennebec ; ? m. Rachel Ames, 2d Anginette Har- wood, Nov. 29, '64 ; r. Rock, in quarry business. James's ch. 1, Charles P, b. ab. '45 ; entered the army. 2, Emma G, b. ab. '48. 3, Ada U, b. May 6, '51, d. Oct. 26, '56. 4, Edgar L, b. Jan, '56, d. June 18, '57. 5, Jennie A, b. ab. '58. WOODARD, Nathan C, b. ab. 1815; was landlord of the White • Mountain House in Gorham, of the Commercial House, Rock, and took the census of Rock., 1860 ; m. Ann M. Washburn. Their ch. 1, Moses E, b. ab. 1846. 2, Annette, b. ah. '48. 3, Frederic, b. ab. '50. 4, Frank L, b. ab. '56. WOODCOCK, Nathaniel, b. 1750 ; m. Rebecca Healey ; came from Attleboro', Mass, and purchased, in 1780, one-half the John Alexan der lot, Th., on which he r. & d. Jan , 1826, a. 76. Israel, a brother, was in Th. in 1774, when he worked for James Fales, 6 months, -for £90 ; but ret. and m. in the State of New York. A sister of theirs, Eunice, b. March 28, 1743 ; m. Benjamin Blackington ; r. Rock, and d. June 19, 1815. Nathaniel's ch. 1, Anna, b. in Attleboro', Dec 22, 1777 ; m. Capt. WUliam Fales; r. Th, & d. Oct. 10, 1816. 2, Patrick.Jb. 1782; m. 1st, Catharine Watson, May 5, 1803, 2d, Elizabeth (Simonton) Co- burn, Oct. 29, '20 ; j. Th, a farmer, Se d. April 23, '52. 3, Huldah, d. young. 4, Nathaniel, (2d), d. young. 5, Nathan, b. ab. 1793 ; m. Margaret Waning, Feb. 4, 1813 ; r. Th, a farmer. Patrick's ch. by 1st wife. 1, George, b. Jan. 13, 1804 ; m. Chloe Pitcher of F. or Wal. ; r. Th. 2, James, b. Feb. 4, '06 ; m. Sarah S. Robbins of U, 1828 ; r. Th, & d. Aug. 31, or July 28, 1837. 3, Cas per F, b. July 1, '07, d. May 8, '15. By 2d wife. 4, Elizabeth, (adopted),' b. Jan. 29, '17 ; m. John W. Jacobs ; r. Th. 5, Catharine, b. May 31, '21 ; m. Capt. James Watts ; r. Th, & d. Jan. 20, '56. 6, ^ WUUam, b. April 15, '24 ; m. Mary A. Robinson, July 18, '50 ; r. & d. Th. ¦ his widow is a mUliner on Main st, Th. 7, Charles, b. June 468 HISTOTTT OF THUMASTOIN, 11, '28; m. 1st, Sarah Cooper, Sept. 3, '51, 2d, Octavia Cooper, Nov. 15, '59 ; r. Th, a mariner. Nathan's ch. 1, Israel, b. July 1, 1813 ; m. Cordelia C. Kaler, p. Aug. 25, '53 ; r. Th, on homestead. 2, Rebecca, b. July 21, '15, d. Aug. 24, '16. 3, Nathaniel, (3d), b. July 23, '17; mar. Nancy A. Campbell, Sept. 12, '44 ; r. Th, a blacksmith. 4, Sarah, b. Jan. 23, '19 ; m. Edward G. Libbey of W, Aug. 11, '44. 5, EmeUne, b. Jan. 27, '23; ra. Erastus Lermond; r. Th. 6, Clementine, b. Feb. 5, '25; m. James O. Cushing ; r. Th. 7 Se 8, twins, b. May 4, '28, W. Lean der, m. Elizabeth P. Shibles, Sept. 26, '54 ; r. Th, soldier in 21st Me. Reg, & 2d Cavalry ; Alexander, d. Oct. 31, '35. 9, Catharine, b. Jan. 7, '31 ; mar. Frederic H. Kellogg; r. Th. 10, Antoinette, b. June 2, '33 ; m. John W. Tozier, May 17, '54 ; r. Hudson. Of George's ch. 1, Patrick, (2d), m. Mary (Williams) Copperholt, Jan. 20, 1856; ±. Th. 2, Lorinda, m. Wm. H. Peyler; r. Th. 3, Irene, m. Michael Howley ; r. Th. 4, Catharine, b. ab. 1842. 5 and 6, twins, b. ab. '44, Casper and George. 7, Llewellyn, b. ab. '46. 8, Julia, b. ab. '48. James's ch. 1, Leanora L, b. Feb. 17, 1830 ; m. Isaac Kaler. 2, Esther M, b. Jan. 16, '32 ; m. Edmund B. Wyllie ; j. W, & d. Sept. 10, '58. 3, Moses Ludwig, m. Mary J. Robinson, p. Sept. 7, '56 ; r. Cush. 4, Harriet, d. young. WilUam's ch. 1, Estelle, or Adelle, b. ab. 1854. 2, Ann, b. ab. '56. 3, Clara, b. ab. '58. 4, Hezekiah P, b. May, 1860. Charles's ch. by 1st wife. Charles Leonard, r. Thomaston. Israel's ch. 1, Mary Eva, b. April 8, 1855. 2, Ada Prances, born Oct. 25, '57. 3, EmmaL, b. March 3, 1858. Nathaniel, (3d)'s ch. l.Lucy E, b. ab. 1846. 2, Adelaide, b. ab. '48. 3, Orris D, b. ab. '60. 4, Adelia, b. ab. '53. 5, Ida May, b. .ab. '58. 4 W. Leander's ch. 1, Alexander, b. Aug. 31, 1855. 2, Samuel H , b. June 4, '57. 3, Webster, b. Oct, 1859. WOODHULL, Rev. Richard, b. in Conn. ; grad. Bowd. Coll. 1827; and stud, theology at Bangor The. Seminary ; m. Sarah Forbes ; was long the minister of the Th. Cong. Church ; rem. Bangor, and has since been agent of the Am. Bible Society. Their ch. 1, Sarah F, b. June 14, 1830 ; m. Capt. Edmund R. Webb,' 2d, Philip Coombs, of Bangor, Jan. 3, 1856 ; r. Bangor. 2, Caroline Augusta, born Jan. 29, '32-; m. Rev. Wm. C. Pond of Bangor, Sept. 28, '52, and rem. Cal. 3, Richard S, b. Sept. 27, '33, d. July 5, '52. 4, Helen, b. June 12, '36; mar. Rev. W. Pickard of Groveland, Mass, June 14, '54. 5, Frances, b. Nov. 30, '38, d. Nov. 8, '43. 6, Lucy, b. Sept. 3, '40. 7, Mary Elizabeth, b. May 16, '44. 8, Edward F, b. April 16, '47. 9, Harriet N, b. Feb. 27, & d. Sept. 23, '49. 10, Arthur Wm, b. April 19, '51, d. at Bangor Oct. 9, 1856. WOLTZ, Simon, m. Elizabeth Thompson, Oct. 15, 1854 ; r. S. Th. WOOSTER, (sometimes written Worcester); of this family; 1, Nathaniel, m, r. and perhaps d. in North Haven, Me. 2, Joseph, b. Nov. 31, 1759, m. Mary — ; r. North Haven, but rem. Rock, where he d. June 22, 1843, aged 84, and, as well as his wife, (who d. March 31, 1845, aged 74.) was buried in Rock. Of Nathaniel's ch. 1, Capt. John C, b. in North Haven, m. Han nah Amsbury ; r. Rock, and d Feb. 8, 1841. 2, Capt. George D., b. ab. 1804, m. 1st, Elionai Crockett, p. Oct. 10, 1835, 2d, Amanda W. (Simmons) Crockett, Oct. 16, '48 ; r. Rock, master mariner, &c, ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 469 rem. S. Th, as light keeper at Owl's Head. 3, Benjamin F, m. Dru- sUla Perry ; r. Rock, but probably rem. 4, Oliver, m. & r. N. Haven. Of Joseph's ch. 1, Joseph, (2d), b. ab. 1805, in North Haven, m. Vilenia Cutler ; r. Rock, in lime business. 2, Joshua C, b. ab. '14, in North Haven ; m. 1st, Harriet B. Healey, Sept. 21, '42, 2d, Orinda M. Smith, Dec 4, '64 ; r. Rock, a Ume burner, &c. Capt. John C.'s ch. 1, Marian H, b. April 29, 1828, m. George MaUett of W. ; t. Rockport. 2, Margaret A, b. July 5, '34, m. Alex ander Huke ; r. Rockport. Capt. George D.'s ch. by 1st wife. 1, George F, b. July 22, 1836, d. March 18, '54. 2, John H, b. Nov. 21, '40, d. Jan. 2, '42. 3, Robert C, b. ab. '45. By 2d wife. 4, Joseph T, b. ab. '51. 5, Car oline A, b. Aug. 20, '53, d. May 27, '54. 6, OUver A, b. Sept. 16, and d. Oct. 13, '56. Benjamin F.'s ch. recorded here. Drusilla A, b. April 3, 1842. Joseph's ch. 1, Sarah F, b. March 15, 1838, mar. Seth E. Condon of Matinicus, Feb. 26, '56 ; r. Rock. 2, Judson, b. April 23, '40 ; r. Rock, in Ume business. 3, Alden F., b. ab. '42 ; r. Rock, soldier in 4th Me.. &c. 4, Margaret A, b. ab. '47. Joshua C.'s ch. 1, Edward R, b. ab. 1843 ; r. Rock, entered the U. S. Navy. 2, ? WiUiam E, b. ab. '51. 3, ? JuUa A, b. Dec. 1858, d. Sept. 13, '64. WOOSTER, George, b. May 12, 1785, m. JuUa Bernard, 1818 ; r. Rock, and d. Oct. 27, 1854. Their ch. 1, Hiram, b. July 30, 1818 ; m. Sophia Butler, Aug. 28, '43; r. S. Th, a mariner. 2, Sophia B., b. Sept. 5, '20, m. Horace H. Robbins ; r. Rock. 3, Harriet, b. Dec. 15, '26, m. Capt. John Perry ; r. S. Th. 4, Susan M, b. Nov. 21, '38. WORMELL, Joseph, c. with his wife from England, and settled, first, at Grand Menan, but rem. & d. in Palmouth. Their ch. 1, Eb enezer. 2, Nathaniel. 3, John. 4, WilUam, rem. with his parents to Palmouth ; m. EUzabeth Bresto, or Barstow, of Concord, Mass. ; r. and d. Palmouth, a caulker. 5, Benjamin. 6, Susan, m. Richardson of Mt. Desert. 7, Mary, m. Gamaliel Pote, 2d, Patrick. 8, one other. WiUiam's ch. 1, Edward. 2, Sophia, m. Samuel Kinney, a brush maker from Westbrook, came with her fam- Uy to Th, but d. ab. 1S36, in Westbrook, where her husband after wards dropped dead in his shop. Of her ch, one dau, Lucy A. Kin ney, r. S. Th, the other 3 d. young. 3, WUUam. 4, Hannah. 5, Mary, m. William Metcalf; r. Th. 6, AbigaU, m. Nathan Sellea; r. Th. & d. April 18, 1836. 7, George Bresto, b. ab. 1800 ; learned the comb making trade ; c. from Falmouth, 1819; m. Clarissa Wiggin of Rock, p. Sept. 20, 1828 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 8, EUzabeth, m. James Tarbox; r. Th. & d. Sept. 14, '45. 9, Charles, b. ab. '04; m. Char lotte Kuhn of Wal, Nov. 20, '24 ; r. Th, a carpenter. 10, Joseph, m. Martha Doughty of Sangerville ; 1. Dexter. George B.'s ch. 1, Harriet M, mar. Dana R. Young ; r. Th. 2, George, b. ab. 1832 ; r. Th, a mariner. _ 3, William, (3d), b. ab. '35 ; r. Th, a mariner. 4, Antoinette, b. ab. '33. 5, Oliver, b. ab. '42. 6, Lydia, b. ab. '45. 7, Moses Ludwig, b. ab. '47, d. Dec. 3, 1864. Charles's ch. 1, Eliza J, b. Aug. 25, 1830, m. Sylvanus H. Long, 2d, Alden Gay ; r. Th. The mother d. Feb. 26, '58. WORTH, Aseph, b. ab. 1810, in Nova Scotia, as were Mary, his wife & their 4 eldest ch.; r. S. Th, a carpenter. Their ch. 1, Sarah E. b. ab. 1844. 2, Mary I, b. ab. '46. 3, Rachel A, b. ab. '48. 4, Vol. II. 40 470 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, Benjamin Howard, b. ab '50. 5, Amos, b. here, ab. '53. 6, Peter H, b. ab. '56. 7, James H„ b. ab. '58. WORTMAN, Lieut. Elijah E, b. ab. 1829, in Houlton, Me, mar. Mary J. Perley ; r. Rock, publisher, in Co. with J. Porter, of- Rock. Gazette. His ch. 1 Clarence P, b. ab. 1852. 2, Ada, b. March 26, and d. Aug. 29, '55. 3, Marietta, b. ab. '59. WOTTON, Moses, b. ab. 1828, in Friendship, ? m. Anna E. ; r. Rock, a painter. Their ch. Mary Helen, b. May, 1860, d. March 11, 1864. WRIGHT, William S, b. ab. 1836, mar. Martha J. Hahn, Nov. 7, *58 ; r. Rock, a blacksmith. Their ch. 1, Mary E, b. June 4, '59, d. Sept. 25, '64. 2, William H, b. March 26, and d. Oct. 16, 1864. Of this name also, Capt. William Wright, m. Helen L. Sawyer, Sept, 20, 1863 ; r. Rock, acting master in navy. Also James Wright of Rock, was a musician in 2d Me. Reg. WYATT, Thomas, b. ab. 1815 in Nova Scotia, as was Mary, his wife ; r. Rock, a fisherman, soldier, killed on a gunboat in bombard ment of Fort St. Charles, June 16, 1862. Their ch. 1, Mary A, b. ab. 1846. 2, Phebe, b. ab. 1848. 3, WUUam B, b. ab. 1850. 4, Lucy, b. ab. 1855. 5, George? Thomas, b. ab. 1858, d. Jan. 14, 1863. 6, Jenny Lind, b. Aug, 1860, d. Feb. 27, 1864. WYLLIE, John A, b. July 24, 1817 ; son of Capt. Alexander WyUie of Warren, m. Eliza Andrews, Nov. 10, 1843, rem. Th, and took charge of Georges Hotel. Their ch. 1, Alanson. 2, Orilla I, b. June, 1849, d. March 23, 1864. 3, Iola. 4, Alice. WYLLIE, Isaac, b. ab. 1821, c. from St. George, with Mary Jane, his wife; r. Rock, a mariner. Theirch. Sarah Maria, b. Oct., 1854, d. Sept. 1855. Of this name also, Ephraim Wyllie or WiUe ; r. Rock., entered the navy. WYNNE, Dominic, b. ab. 1830 in Ireland, m. Mary ; r. Th. John, a brother, b. ab. 1828 ; also r. Th. Dominic's ch. 1, Ann, b. ab. 1857. 2, James, b. ab. 1859. YEATON, Capt. Wm„ b. ab. 1825, in Isle of Haut ; mar. Eliza J. Sawyer ; r. Rock. Their ch. 1, Martha H, b. 1848, died April 27, '54. 2, Ellen, b. ab. '53. 3, Charles C, b. July 24, & d. Aug. 6, '56. YORK, Henry, b. ab. 1814 ; m. Nancy Post, Aug. 5, '49 ; r. Rock, kept a shop in 1860. Their ch. 1, Ann K, b. ab. 1852. 2, Helen M. W, b. ab. 1856. YOUNG, Ebenezer Scott, born Aug. 25, 1772 ; came from Scituate, Mass, a mason by trade, m. 1st, Mary, daughter of Wm. Lermond of W, Jan. 24, 1799, 2d, Molly (Gleason) MUes of Hope, pub. Sept. 6, 1810 ; r. and built on the place now owned by Capt. D. OUver ; & d. Oct. 15, 1829. Joseph, a brother, also c. to Th. & d. Oct. 20, 1835. Eben Scott's ch. by 1st wife. 1, WilUam, b. Oct. 23, 1799 ; m. Eliza Philbrick of Hope ; j. Th. '2, Lois, b. Nov. 25, 1801 ; mar. Rowland Jacobs, (2d) ; r. Th. 3, Alexander, b. Sept. 19, '04 ; m. 1st, Ange lina Blackington, July 15, '31 ; 2d, Nancy Collamore of F, March 24, 1854 ; r. Th, deputy sheriff, Sec., kept hotel at Herring Gut. 4, Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 19, '07 ; d. May 20, '10. The mother d. Oct. 18, 1809, aged 30. The step-mother d. June 15, '49, aged 76. William's ch. 1, Enoch P, b. ab. 1825 ; m. Ellen Kelleran, Jan. 29, '54 ; r. Th, a mariner. 2, Mary A, b. Jan. 19, '28 ; m. Cyras H. ROCKLAND AND SOUTH THOMASTON. 471 Shaw of China, Jan. 8, '52. 3, Lueia M, b. Feb. 8, '32 ; m. Hiram H. Boynton ; r. and d. Th. 4, Albina F, b. ab. '34, mar. Hiram H. Boynton ; 1 . Th. 5, EUza Lois, b. Aug. 2, "36 ; m. Aaron Piper ; r. Th. 6, Lucy A, b. June 11, '39; m. John A. Catland; r. Th. 7, Rowland J, b. May 28, '41, d. Sept. 15, '42. Alexander's ch. by 1st wife. Abby Frances, b. ab. 1834; m. Jas. Wilson ; r. Thomaston. Enoch P.'s ch. 1, Thomas K, b. ab. 1857. 2, Enoch D, b. ab. 59. YOUNG, Gideon, b. Feb., 1787, in Scituate, Mass, a nephew of Eben Scott Young ; came as a joiner and framer from Minot to Th, with Roxey, his wife, and three ch. b. in Minot; r. Th, and d. June 30, 1854. Two of his brothers c. to this vicinity, viz. : AUen Young to Warren, and Christopher Young to Union. Gideon's ch. 1, Ol ive B, b. Sept. 2, 1810, d. Sept. 11, '30. 2, Delight, bom Sept. 21, 1813; m. Phinehas Dow; 1. Th. 3, Ebenezer Scott, (2d), b. Nov. 30, 1816, in Minot, as were the preceding; mar. Sally T. Mitchell, April 7, '39 ; r. St. George. 4, John S, b. May 21, 1819 ; m. Sarah Hall, Oct. 29, 1849 ; r. Th. 5, Lucy A, b. July 23, 1822; mar. Geo. Washington Lermond; j. Th. 6, Gideon, (2d), b. Jan. 23, 1825; m. Roxana B. Fernald, July 3, 1847 ; r. Th. and died Sept. 7, 1854. 7, Dana R, b. July 16, 1827 ; m. Harriet M. Wormell, Oct. 29, 1853 ; r. Th. 8, Andrew J, b. Sept. 12, 1831 ; m. Sarah B. Keith, Jan. 23, 1854; r. Montville. 9, OUver, b. Jan. 9, 1834, probably d. young. E. Scott, (2d)'s ch. 1, Margaret Eugene, b. Jan. 5, 1840. 2, Mar tha B, b. Nov. 23, '41, d. Feb. 25, '64. 3, Sarah, b. '44, d. Sept, '59. 4, JuUa S, b. Oct. 15, '51, d. Aug. 13, '52. John S.'s ch. 1 & 2, twins, b. Aug. 29, 1851, Danbury L, d. Oct. 7, '57 ; George, r. Th. 3, Lysander, b. May 22, '55, d. Jan. 18, '56. 4, Frederic, b. ab. '57. 5, Roxana, b. ab. '59. Of A. Jackson's ch. Carrie Ella, b. Jan. 28, 1855, d. July 11, '57. YOUNG, Caleb, came from Lancaster, Mass., worked in Old Th. and vicinity awhile ; mar. Susanna Manning, Feb. 12, 1812 ; enlisted for the war of 1812 ; ret. and settled in Camden. YOUNG, Capt. Robert, b. ab. 1800, in Cushing, son of Francis Young ; mar. EUza KeUeran, Oct. 10, '27 ; r. Th, long a trader on Wadsworth st. Their ch. 1, Clementine W, b. Sept. 4, 1830. 2, George P, b. April 25, '32, died at sea, Dec. 7, '49, on board brig J. H. Whipple. 3, Sarah A, b. Feb. 8, '34 ; m. William C. Merrick ; rem. LibertyvUle, III. 4, Robert K., b. Jan. 14, '36 ; mar. Penelope H. Spear, Dec 19, '57; r. Th, a blacksmith. 5, Mary E, b. March 24, '38; m. Capt. Daniel H. Adams; r. Th. 6, Adelaide L, b. Oct. 7, 1840. Robert K.'s ch. 1, Ida DeUa, b. AprU 4, 1858. 2, Robert, (2d), \. Jan, 1860. YOUNG, Capt. Abraham, also probably from Cushing; r. Th., awhUe, where Nancy, his wife, d. Feb. 28, 1833, aged 32 ; and he m. 2d, Louisa Marshall, p. Dec. 21, '34. YOUNG, Daniel, b. ab. 1830 ; r. Th. in 1860, with Harriet, his wife. Their ch. 1, Clara, b. ab. 1855. 2, Ada, b. ab. '57. 3, Har riet, b. ab. '59. YOUNG Reuben H, b. ab. 1822, in Massachusetts ; mar. Martha Wetherbee '¦ ' came from. Monroe, Me, to Rock, a gas manufacturer ; ret. Monroe.' Their ch. Clementine A, b. ab. 1855. 472 HISTORY OF THOMASTON, YOUNG ; of this Lincolnville family, there came here 5 brothers, viz.: 1, Joseph T, b. ab. 1820; in Line, m. Martha J. Peabody of W.; r Rock, a 'eacher. 2, Capt. Ralph W, b. ab. 1824; m. Martha E. Howard; r. Rock, a carpenter, became an officer of the 6th Me. Reg, nd was niUed by a shot, May 3, '63. 3, Frederic B. W, b. ab. 1827 ; m. Miry Jane Howard ; r. Rock, a carpenter. 4, Capt. James, m. Fannie Richards ; r. Rock. 5, John W. or E, r. Rock, a soldier in i.a .tiaju. Reg. Joseph T.'s ch 1, Levander A, b. ab. 1846. 2, Joseph F, b. ab. '53. 3, Wilbur C, b. ab. '59. Capt. Ralph W.'s ch. 1, Charlotte B, b. ab. 1852. 2, George W, b. ab. '58. Frederic B. W.'s ch. Marietta, b. ab. 1859. YOUNG ; there also came here from Lincolnville, related probably to the preceding family, 2 brothers, 1, John H. b. ab. 1825, in Line. ; m. Elizabeth McLaughlin ; r. Rock, a carpenter, soldier in 4th Me, &c. 2, Andrew J, b. ab. 1829, in Line ; mar. Margie K. Ingraham, Aug. 16, '55 ; r. S. Th, a carpenter. John H.'s ch. 1, Charlotte E, b. ab. 1848. 2, EUa J, b. ab. '52. Andrew J's ch. Effie E, b. ab. 1859. YOUNG ; of the sons of WiUiam of Warren, there came hither, 1, WeUington Gay, b. ab. 1813 ; mar. Mahala Sylvester of MontviUe, 1847 ; r. Rock, since 1853, a shoemaker and carpenter. 2, Daniel, b. ab. 1815 ; m. Judith ; r. Th, a harness maker. Daniel's ch. 1, Oscar A, b. ab. 1847 ; r. Th, entered the navy. 2, Frank, b. ab. '55. 3, Emma, b. Oct. and d. April 19, '59. YOUNG, Aurelius, b. ab. 1824, in Union; m. Sarah G. Bachelder; r. Rock, deputy sheriff, &c. Their ch. 1, Charles E. b. ab. 1852. 2, Lizzie I, b. ab. '59. THE END. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01589 1204