YALE UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE AND APPLIED ARTS IN OLD SPAIN t'-'y, OF ARCHITECTUrtft fitMO'JL OF THE FIN£ AATi , Yale uwiva&rry OLD SPAIN By AUGUST L. MAyER, PH. D PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE REAL ACADEMIA DE BELLAS ARTES DE S. FERNANDO IN MADRID OF THE REAL ACADEMIA DE BUENAS LETRAS IN SEVILLA AND OF THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA IN NEWyORK WITH 3 Jo ILL USTRA TIONS NEW yORK / BRENTANO'S / MCMXXI \ ¦**£ '• Jy PRINTED By E. HABERLAND, LEIPZIG (GERMANY) R E F A C E The richness of Spain in significant architectural monuments, in characterful and characteristic old townsites, as well as conspicuous products of the applied arts, is today still overwhelming in spite of the considerable vandalisms of the Napoleonic wars and in spite of the modernization craze of the nineteenth century. To make a choice that will illustrate the various types in every branch of the wide fields of applied arts and architecture is exceedingly difficult. On the one hand is the simply immea surable plethora of materials, on the other the lack of good- photographic examples of important objects scarcely known outside of the narrowest professional circles, It is to be noted that the procuring of materials during these present troubled times was difficult. The Association of Friends of Art in Madrid Mudejar is derived from the Arabic "mudefalat" su6° mitted, and the Mudejar style means the style of the politU cally but spiritually unconquered Moor. rity to costly silversmith work, with its use of small decorative forms instead of great monumental ones, is very close. In this period there came also the Spanish late and high Baroque , o W--7mW , iJ'^y)Z' v(; $Zm ray mtiSn $Zi ^Mki*J Granada, Alhambra Stucco Ornamentation of Ambassador's Chamber. Last quarter of XIV. century Pfiot. Hauser y Menet PHot. Hausery Menet Granada, Alhambra Capitals and Stucco Decoration iri Lions' Court. Last quarter of XIV. century &#fyrys-yjjyy mMmmB »*«*$.*.*2*S%* »'**:*l:'4*-*£J' ^^%t#* m0zm ,--*•*•>.•,.;,-. v,f(*>y;; Eft -.rI,ai».'<-K-'#* -, y~ ->.-; a**/ ;-^- s- '-> ^' i [¦•'¦szM.j < ¦'j.syyj ¦ \ --y , ?/ -svSV-? y J- '.. t * r--***^ ¦*"'•:;- » «• m • • •> *» ySn »#***»*###*5 »i%* *j*«»»-#s**' y»-<»:»»:*»:««:«»-« ^Tv'"-^.^*' W&z^iixtPFf uCi^Mr-sfiftj Granada, Alhambra Stucco Decoration of the Portal of the Myrtle Court. XIV. century Phot. Hausery Menet Granada, Alhambra Sisters' Chamber, Stalactites and Gypsum Decoration, XIV. century 10 ^c -.-¦*. y^\rJ._ :>,,,\7 -* 3 Z^ rr**-w! Granada, Alhambra The Two Sisters' Chamber. Second half of XIV. century. Walls of coloured Stucco, Stalactite Ceiling Glazed Tile Socle. Marble Floor 11 Cordoba, La Mezquita Sanctuary <961— 76) 12 Cordoba, La Mezquita Capilla Villaviciosa. Mudejare Stucco Decoration. Glazed Tile Socle. XIV. century 13 Granada Remains of the Moorish Market Hall. Burnt down in 1843 Cordoba, La Mezquita Mosque <785 — 990). Marble and Porphyry Columns. Horseshoe Ardies of white Keystones alternately with Tiles 15 o H o ***¦•¦ pa . a. H Cf oex c/3 O > 3O 0"> P6ot. Hausery Menet Cuenca Typical Utilisation of rocky Slopes in Building Phot. Laurent Granada, Alhambra The red Towers of the Moorish Fortifications on the Alhambra Hill. XL — XII. century Restored XVI. century "vl 18 Phot. Ha user y Menet Alcala de Guadaira (Province Sevilla), El Castillo Hewn Stone. Principally built XIV. —XV. century Toledo, Castillo de S. Servando Citadel on the left Bank of the Tajo. Built for Defence of the Town lying on the right Bank, 'about 1100 Restored in XIII. century pw»8! 19 Manzanares el Real, Castillo Built by Juan Guas. Second half of XV. century Phot. Hausery Menet Segovia, Alcazar XI. century. Almost entirely restored in 1352—58 Phot. Beer, Ktagenfurt 20 Avila Town Fortification, Granite. End of XVI. century Phot. Beer, Klagenfurt Poblet (Province Tarragona), El Monasterio Gothic Fortification Gate (1367—82), The Cloister was fortified for the Defence of the Kings' Tombs 21 I **6 • Toledo, La Puerta del Sol About 1100 Toledo, Puerta Nueva de Bisagra Double Town Gate. Exterior Side, built 1550, restored 1575 23 Burgos Town Gate (1536-52) 4*- ^ysy^im^&. IMgMMiMMMMi *4 v ' ~~fi ¦ v ' . r f ¦ * * .- ;*./" % ¦* _ -**?f ¦ ;•» f5- Valencia, Torre de Cuarte Gothic Town Gate. 1444—90 Toledo, Convento de Sa. Isabel Mudejare Brick Sham Arcades . 1477 Toledo, Arco mudejar del Alcazar del Rey D. Pedro el Cruel Brick and Stucco Ornamentation Salamanca The Key Tower (1480) 26 ao c g « c3 C .2 o ts cu o J ^ u O V"! tU V c * S3 o ¦/¦'i T3 C « ^ X L. 3 S3 V •¦'.. \ o > *, X X o Toledo Mudejare Chapel Choir Corner, with Brick blind Arcades Barcelona, Plaza del Rey Late Gothic Palace of Charles V with high Belvedere. XVI. century ¦vi OO Phot. Laurent Burgos, Plaza Mayor Classicistic Plarf with Arcades, Gothic Cathedral in Background Phot. Lacoste Santiago de Compostela,, Plaza de Platerias Late Baroque Casa del Cabildo, completed by Sarela in 1758 30 Cadiz, Plaza de Isabel II Classicistic Townhall Phot. Hauser y Menet Sevilla, La Plaza Nueva (S. Fernando) On the Right Townhall (1527-64, restored 1891) Phot. Hauser y Menet 31 Phot. Lacoste Toledo Alley. Tower of Cathedral in Background "¦*¦•».- 32 Segovia Lower Part of the Town near St. Millan. Walls of Fortification on Iberian Fundament (XL — XII. century) Segovia St. Clement's Suburb. Typical Castilian Houses Phot. Beer, Klagenfurt Zaragoza, La Seo Originally, Mosque, afterwards Gothic Churdi Tower after H. B. Contini's Design (Rome 1683) Valencia, Catedral Cimborio. End of XIV. century.' Apostle Gate afld Belfry (1381 In Front a Renaissance Building with Arcades -1418) 41 w i_^> 34 Burgos, Catedral 1221 - 1567. Towers by Hans of Cologne (1442 and following years) 35 Burgos, Catedral Part of the Furrier's Gate (Built in 1516 by Francis of Cologne, Renaissance Style) Phot. Hauser y Menet Tarragona, La Catedral Roman and early -Gothic Building. The Window Rosette was begun in 1278 Salamanca, S. Esteban Plateresque Dominican Monastery Church by Juan de Alava 1542-1610 37 ssgy^p »j fJLf/j^Wf- c a a a 3 *^^ >s .Q ns t_ o m Oh o W .^ 32 <- « -j £ ti 3§ p3 CO CJ CO m ft. o NO *2 *- o 3 ho u* c ~ m u1— ' N > X pa 38 Phot. Lacoste Plasencia, Catedral Plateresque North Facade. First half of XVI. century / 39 PBoi. Lacoste Santiago de Compostela, S, Martin Pinario Late Plateresque Church Facade (completed 1652. Outside Staircase with Church Alteration completed 1740) 4**O El Escorial Built by Juan de Herrera in the ornamentless Renaissance Style which was named after him (1563—84) Phot. Casa Lux Sa. Maria de Galdacano (Province Biscaya) Gothic Village Church 42 Sevilla, Catedral On the Site of the Main Mosque 1402 - 1506. Additional Building 1530—75. Belfry (Giralda) originally Minaret Zaragoza, Iglesia de la Virgen del Pilar Begun by Francis Herrera, Jr., in 1681,- altered and continued 1753. Coloured (Azulejos) Cupolas 43 Burgos, Catedral Late Gothic Central Tower with Plateresque Ornamentation (1540—67) 4*-4^ Cordoba, Torre de S. Nicolas Gothic Belfry, XV. century, originally Minaret Valencia, El Miguelete Gothic Belfry. Chapel Cupolas in Front, covered with Azulejos Toledo, Catedral West Facade with Gothic Portal and North Tower (1380—1440),- the South Tower crowned with a Late Renaissance Cupola Zaragoza, Iglesia de la Magdalena Late Mudejare Building (Brick Decoration and Baroque Portal) 4*-* & |.| ; Phot. Laurent Zaragoza, La Torre nueva Leaning Mudejare Belfry Tower, no longer existing Phot. Hauser y Menet Zaragoza, La Torre nueva Mudejare Brick Tower 1504. (Foreground Baroque Belfry) After Uhcfe Santiago de Compostela, Catedral Early Plateresque Way of the Cross (1521—46) with the Baroque Belfry Tower (completed 1680) Valencia, Torre de Sa. Catalina Baroque Belfry (1688-1705) S 48 Phot. Lacoste Salamanca, Catedral Vieja Late Roman Column Basilica. XII. century 49 Phot. Moreno Toledo, Catedral Choif Round with double Passage. The Cathedral of five Naves in the early Gothic Isle de France Style (1227-1493) 50 Burgos, Catedral, Capilla del Condestable Late Gothic Chapel erected 1482 (Plateresque High Altar) 51 Phot. Moreno Burgos, Catedral Entrance to the late Gothic Chapel of St. Ann (1477—88). Tomb of Archdeacon Diaz (died 1492) on the Right 52 Salamanca, S, Esteban Baroque Sacristy of the Dominican Church. XVII. century 53 — -. - Paular Churrigueresque Altars (carved Wood, gilded and painted) of the Cloister Church Phot. Lacoste 54 V Phot. Garzon Granada, Cartuja Sacristy in Churrigueresque Style (Marble and Stucco, 1727-64). The Cases are of Cedar Wood inlaid with Ivory, Mother=of=pearl and Silver (1730-64) 55 Phot. Lacoste Santiago de Compostela, S. Martin Pinario Gothic Madonna in late Baroque polychromic Altar Work,- Wood Carvings 56 t- 3 > 03w 4-1 u o" IU o ~o o O Phot. Arxiu Mas V- ¦'¦'¦"¦' Taragona, Catedral ''¦¦¦-,. 1 ? Party of the High Altar. First half of XV. century, Altar Reliefs in Alabaster,- Socle of Marble -J 58 E 0 H 4-1 •3 S •c +* u u .£. o ST c ¦,"¦*. ' t £ 8 W *T3 Q j_, u . .^ ,<3 « ^Al ', U£ v 3 03 % U < G >, - a i cc « *^S 0 03 . ¦ ~ CO > X tfc. 0 CQ »Q E 0 :-' . ' H 0 2 +. 0 0 Toledo, Sa. Maria la Blanca T* The former principal Synagogue (XIII. century). Mudejare Style 60 Burgos, Catedral Late Gothic Tomb of Archdeacon Villegas (died 1536) "~" \\ 61 Valencia, La Lonja de Seda Gothic Bourse with Passage for Defence Phot. Hauser y Menet Valencia Gothic Silk Bourse (1483—98). Battlements with Tops like King's Crowns < Zaragoza, La Lonja Completed 1551 Transition from the Gothic to the Renaissance Style After Uhde Barcelona, La Audiencia Gothic Court of Justice. XV. century Court Side with Passage of Defence and Tromb Gargoyles 0\ 0\4-- |s£ *.-*.. ?SJ»i!£S«3S£X&.'!lT*XS* Phot. Hauser y Menet Alcala de Henares, La Universidad Plateresque Facade of the former University by R. Gil de Ontanon 1538 Phot. Lacoste Salamartca Baroque Townhall. First half of XVIII. century Ch01 Guadalajara, Palacio de los Duques del Infantado Late Gothic Palace with Mudejare Elements, begun 1461.' (The large Windows are Renaissance Alterations) 67 C/3 03 *6 CO u u .2 *t3 U c« ~% to »¦ 03 hg °5 CC o *-J 13 U « Cra s -2 CO (NJ u-i — (/> t_ o c S- o t- U c I. o VI f ) m w -d 03 o i/i ¦ 03 Oi u o *C res _1 O ^ CU TO U C .. " 03 w 03 _ CO % H 68 V Zy±Zu-J'WfZS^f^- Santiago de Compostela, Hospital Real \ Early Renaissance Building with Churrigueresque Additions ¦ Sevilla, Casa del Ayuntamiento Townhall. Plateresque Style (1527—64) After Uhde ¦ - ^¥^;: ** -^eE&K* - \ Zamora, La Casa de los Momos Nobleman's House/ late Gothic Phot. Lacoste Salamanca Corner Tower of the Plateresque Monterey Palace 70 Phot. Hauser y Menet Valencia, Palacio del Marques de dos Aguas Begun 1740. Originally painted al fresco, afterwards ornamented in coloured Marble Stucco. Portal of Alabaster 71 Madrid, Palacio Real Classicistic Baroque Building (1738 - 64) Granite and Limestone Madrid, Ministerio de la Guerra Classicistic Palace Building (1782) Phot. Hauser y Menet 72 2J3 •6 CB C •ii. ^* U ~3 OS > o Phot. Arxiu Mas Graus (Province Huesca), Plaza Mayor Arragon Houses' of XVI. -XVIII. century. Arcades on the Groundfloor 74 H agp* Barcelona, Cementerio viejo Cemetery. Classicistic Style 75 TTTTW Burgos, Catedral Gothic Portal to the Way of the Cross, Doors of carved Wood 76 ~*z 4-1 V 03' Z. Ui "S 0 3 OS c N | c? Leon, Catedral Gothic Antehall with the three Portals of the West Facade (yellowish Limestone) XIV. century. Carved wooden • Doors, late Gothic 78 Phot. Lacoste Santiago de Compostela, Hospital Real Plateresque Facade by Enrique de Egas (1501 — 10) 79 Phot. Lacoste Calatayud, Sa, Maria Plateresque Portal (1528), Pillar to the Left with late Mudejare Brick Decoration 00O ' .4***-** * *-- * vj* * Phot. Hauser y Menet Phot. Lacoste Barcelona, Sa. Maria del Mar Gothic Portal (1328-83) El Paular Late Gothic Portal near Altar Madrid, Hospital de la Latina , . Gothic Portal Burgos, Hospital de S.Juan Gothic Portal. XV. century 00 Oo Phot. Laurent Salamanca, Escuelas Menores Early Plateresque Portal. Beginning of XVI. century $cs0zM- Phot. Laurent Salamanca, Escuelas Menores Interior Plateresque Portal and Courtyard 83 \ 3 Q w 03 •C N -01 o u w < JS a, ni tj j= > o w CO « o CL o JS o o CU rt -1 3 < 3?£ , La Colegiata Roman Way of the Cross Salamanca Upper Way of the Cross of a Nuns' Cloister in Churrigueresque Style Phot. Hauser y Menet Granada Courtyard of- an Arabian House >0 O Avila, Convento de So. Tomas Transition from the Gothic Style to the Plateresque. XVI. century Cordoba, La Mezquita The Orange Court and Baroque Belfry Tower (1593-1664) Alcala de Henares Renaissance Court of the former Ardiiepiscopal Palace First half of XVI. century ; 55 OO Phot: Hauser y Menet Sevilla, Casa de Pilatos Phot. Hauser y Menet Sevilla, Casa de Pilatos Late Mudejare Court with Renaissance Elements. First half of XVI. century. Stucco Decoration and Tiled Walls Late Mudejare Court with a Mixture of Moorish, Gothic, and Renaissance Models 99 Guadalajara, Infantado Palace Late Gothic Lions' Court with Mudejare and Renaissance Elements After Uhde Santiago de Compostela, Hospital Real Late Baroque Court. „PIate Style" with classicistic Addition. Begun before 1769. Completed 1798 oo ^•¦gup*-'--^ li ^JtS^ tf il 1 /CI Dc^O J ii ^B ^b M ! *~^l f^^ 1 ft "'•* 1 ¦; I i 1 "jaj docj fnr»Osi -^-X?**-***** Sa ¦ Ij 1 ¦B i^ttSti [»SvS*«1 1 1 MMM i I !l 1 1 ¦ By Permission of Editor ZFotkwang, Hagen ' ''_!.!» ';-;¦ - Granada, Alhambra Moorish Double Window with wooden Grate. XIV. century »x#:*;**kh x*:#wv\^ x*4.t»:*x *:«x #,y Permission of Editor Tofkwang, Hagen Granada, Alhambra Moorish Window with wooden Grate. XIV. century By Permission of Editor Toffiwang, Hagen Granada, Alhambra Perforated wooden Ceiling. XIV. century By Permission of Editor Totkwang, Hagen Granada, Alhambra Moorish Brick vaulted Roof in the Infanta's Tower. End of XIV. century 102 *o m vo' 4-1 | & N W rt ¦»*¦ o r**— < a. 03 3 0 J3 : t-l •s -o U 0o 2 Phot. Arxiu Mas Cordoba,, La Mezquita Z. ,. .< ¦ *¦ Ceiling in the Mudejare Chapel of St. Fernando (Villaviciosa) XIV. century :•¦%?! Zaragoza, La Seo O ctoganal oblong Gothic Stone Cupola. Built at the Beginning of XV. century. Restored 1502-20 o m 104 Phot; Moreno Leon, Convento de S. Marcos, Sala Capitular Coffered Renaissance wooden Ceiling with Mudejare Reminiscences, First half of XVI. century 105 •¦**. Phot. Hauser y Menet Pastrana,- Castle of the Dukes Cofifered-Renaissance Ceiling. XVI. century Phot. Hauser y Menet Pastrana, Castle of the Dukes Coffered Ceiling. XVI. century o T^w;^f- Phot. Hauser y Menet Valencia, Audiencia. Salon de Cortes Carved Wood Plateresque coffered Ceiling, Gallery and Consoles. Completed 1561 Phot. Laurent Leon, Catedral Late Gothic Choir Pew Sevilla,. Palacio de las Duenas Late Mudejare Door of Wood. (Frame with Plaster Ornametjtation) o 108 Avila, Convento de S. Tomas Late Gothic Choir Pews. End of XV. century 109 liBnaa Madrid, Capilla del Obispo Renaissance Door, probably after a Design of Giralte (about 1550 - 60) 110 CT. 1 0000 CC £ u r3 o o o t; »» o g H Ill VI 3 O ta t-. O A, J O OS 112 t y ¦&>MZ!y>>lLy - Madrid, Don Juan Lafora Renaissance Choir Pew XVI. century Madrid, Marques de Santillana Early Plateresque Choir Pew Beginning of XVI. century 113 Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Chair. XVI. century Madrid^ Private Collection Renaissance Secretary. About 1600 Madrid, B. Peryonton Chair. XVI. century. (Velvet Seat and Badt) Madrid, Conde de Sclafani Chair. Leather Covering. End of XVI. century 114 * ij H m * $j * Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Chair. VelvetCovering.RenaissanceEmbroidery Madrid, Marques de Santillana Chair. XVI. century Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Chair. Beginning of XVI. century Madrid, B. Peryonton Chair, inlaid with Mudejare Decoration. XVI. century 115 Madrid, Marques de Santillana Field Table. XVII. century. Inlaid Work with engraved and gilded Phot. Hauser y Menet Bronze Madrid, B. Peryonton Renaissance Double Chest/ upon it, Gothic Case covered with Leather and wrought Iron Garnishments Madrid, S. Belda Secretary. XVI. century Silver Reliefs. Covered with Velvet 116 Madrid, Don Pedro Ruiz Gothic Chest covered with Leather, ornamented with wrought Iron. XV. century Phot. Hauser y Menet Madrid, formerly Srta. Beatriz Lafora Gothic carved Chest, partly gilded. XV. century 117 Madrid, Don Bernardo Peryonton Gothic carved Chest. XV, century Phot, Hauser y Menet Madrid, Don Juan Lafora Gothic Chest covered with Velvet and wrought Iron Garnishments. End of XV. century Oo ;,-*"*" Madrid, Sr. Borondo Buffet in three Parts with carved Mudejare Decoration, painted inside XV. century Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Wooden Chest with late Mudejare inlaid Decoration and perforated Iron Work. XVI. century Phot. Hauser y Menet Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Carved Wood Secretary. Plateresque Style Madrid, Don Pedro Montal Carved Wood Secretary. XVI. century. Plateresque Style C n V u u *-< a X O O m- n C O c c W n ^j Q bon ^ 0 *-d & -rt J2 03 ft ^ O 1C 122 Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro Plateresque wooden Secretary, made for Charles V. XVI. century Phot. Oftra Huesca, Catedral Plateresque Chest for Sacristy (Wood. 1556) 123 Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro Renaissance Secretary, XVI, century Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro Small Baroque Secretary. XVII. century 124 Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro Early Plateresque Secretary with late Gothic, Mudejare and Renaissance Elements. Beginning of XVI. century Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger Carved Wood Renaissance Table with armorial Motive. XVI. century Phot. Moreno 125 Phot. Roig Formerly Madrid, Marques de Salamanca Front Part of a Bed. Wood and Bronze. XVII. century 126 c U3 3 CO 0 VI(J 03 uc03E03 GO **-. c Q' a. •a o c Bo o ^ — w o £.5 2 "OS o (LI 03 >. Q . 8-1 os o e- O *0 a ° 2 I oo o **0 S-H U -O 3 Phot.Lfado ~ Tarragona, La, Catedral Late Gothic wrought Iron garnished Double Door with Copper Nails and Kno&ers Avila Gothic Door Garnishments 128 Phot. Moreno Toledo, Catedral Renaissance Door with Knockers (Bronze) 129 -Heads of Nails (wrought Ifon) for Door Garnishments, late XV. and XVI, century (Left) Late Gothic.enamelled copper-gilded Box. About 1500 — (Right) Roman enamelled Chest. XIII, century Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro o Phot. Lacoste Kl Paular, Cartuja Late Gothic wrought Iron Gate of the Monastery Church Phot. Laurent Phot. Moreno Barcelona, Catedral Gothic Chapel Grating (wrought Iron) Alcala de Henares, La Magistral Plateresque Chapel Grating 132 03 w n 3 < c Alcala de Henares, Cloister of S. Magdalen Baroque Lodt (1672) 140 *0y ars ,v"**-te yiZ yZ £®m jkMyyyt-y Jn Phot. Hauser y Menet Madrid, Collection of Don R. Sinobas Snuffers (1800—30) 141 Phot. Roig Phot. Roig Alcora Porcelain. Polydiromic Plaquette and Saucer XVIII, century Alcora Porcelain. Polydiromic Washing Set XVIII. century Madrid, Don Felix Bois 142 Alcora Porcelain. Pyramid as Table Decoration Madrid, Don Felix Bois Phot. Roig Alcora Flower Vase with Silver Reflex Phot. Roig Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Alcora Ceramic. Chemist's Pot. Blue Decoration Phot. Roig Barcelona, Coleccion Giiell Alcora Dish with coloured Decoration 143 Madrid, Conde de las Almenas Alcora Porcelain. Group in White,- polydiromic Dishes Phot. Roig Madrid, Don Felix Bois Alcora Porcelain. Busts and polydiromic Vases Phot. Roig Madrid, Don Felix Bois Alcora Porcelain. Basins and Flower Pots Phot. Roig 4=- ?u. Formerly Barcelona, M. Paul Tachard Hispano-Moresque Chemist's Pots with blue Decpration and metallic Gloss. Manises. First half of XV. century 145 ¦*£ * o -3 <> % ST O Q} u. ™ *^ * 2 -*- 5 3 2 b •. o o C o w n « > .§ Q '£ B-liO ° J3 £ 1—1 J! o. C '*t -^ O . u M IU O w" £ w . O o caa. 2 S 3 o g 9 - '» ^ 3 P- o g-ig a o Q oc 146 After van de Put Formerly London, Art Trade Back of the Crevecceur Plate (see Page 145) After van de Put London, South Kensington Museum Hispano=Moresque Plate. Beginning of XVI. century After van de Put Sevres, Musee Ceramique Hispano-Moresque Plate. Decorations of Spirals and Lines of Writing ^mmsmzm jf?i'f-~*y 'tt*; y, v^*j(*>i/ M ZZ,*Zk'i* #*,'£ •&> After van de Put London, South Kensington Museum Hispano=Moresque Plate. Small Leaf Decoration. XV. century 147 Talavera Ceramic. XVIII. century. Polydiromic Shaving Basins Talavera Ceramic. XVIII. century. Holy Water Pots with Arms of different ecclesiastical Orders Madrid, Don Platon Paramo 4*-Oo Two Alcora Dishes XVIII. century Barcelona, Don Carlos Vallin Two Talavera Plates XVI. century Ceramica de Talavera. Siglo XVII. Upper Row; Vessels from the Eskorial Drugstore, the blue Ground treated with the Sponge. — Blue adorned Vase with Lid (Madrid, Conde de Casal). — Polydiromic Jug of XVI. century (Barcelona, Don Luis Plandiura). — Lower Row; Wine Jug with Hunting Scenes. — Two double^handled Vases (Madrid, Don Felix Bois) 4*. 150 Talavera Ceramic. Small Dish. End of XVII. century Talavera Ceramic. Plate. XVII. century Madrid, Collection J. Weissberger 151 Talavera Ceramic. Bowl. About 1700 Talavera Ceramic, Plate, XVII. century Madrid, Collection J. Weissberger 152 .&& *\ ^j^cp>^flp h P/io/. Lacoste Sevilla, Alcazar, Patio de las Doncellas Wall Tiling. Moorish Star Pattern 153 Phot. Hauser y Menet Granada, Alhambra Moorish Floor Tiling Work With white Band Work XIV. century &8$B Phot. G. Osthaus Granada, Alhambra Moorish Floor Tiling. Star Pattern. XIV. century Phot. G. Osthaus Hagen, Folkwang Museum Sevillian Floor Tiling. Pomegranate Pattern XVI. century y.JZZzZ: -jfe, i: y'A tiZ-yfiyZ'r Phot. G. Osthaus Granada, Alhambra Tiling Socle. Star Pattern and Band Work. XIV. century 154 Gothic Azulejo with Animal Motive Third quarter of XV. century Floor Tiling with the Family Coat of Arms of Fernandez de Cordoba and Zuniga Last quarter of XV. century 1 'lfiiPP Madrid, Coleccion Osma Star Pattern, Azulejo in Cuerdaseca Tedinic. XV. century Phot. G. Osthaus Hagen, Folkwang Museum Sevillian Renaissance Armorial Stone \y.m% /-to/. (3. Osthaus Hagen, Folkwang Museum Azulejo with Cock's Foot Pattern XV. century Sevilla, Museo Provincial Sevillian Renaissance Floor Tiling Altar Front. XVI. century 155 Phot. Arxiu Mas Barcelona, Museo Gothic Chest covered with Leather. XV. century Holy Family. Leather Work. End of XVII. century Hope. Leather Work in Plateresque Style, Figure in Bronze Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger Polydiromic Leather Wings of a Baroque Looking Glass. XVII. century. Relief. Left: Outside View- Right: Inside View -J 158 Chair. Leather Covering XVI. century Baroque Chair covered with Leather XVII. century Chair covered with Leather. XVI. century Chair covered with Leather. XVI. century Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger 159 After Bertaux After Bertaux Zaragoza, La Sto Moorish Ivory Box with gilded Silver Mountings ornamented with Filigree. XIV. century After Bertaux .Pamplona, Catedral Moorish Ivory Chest with the Name of Abdelmelics, Son of Almansor (1005), with secular Scenes Cordovan Work under Sassanian Influence 160 ' s OhO.O o bo 3 *>. P c 013 .. c 8W o T3 O O o h .as as . 1- 1— 1 c« -2 5. o,0.o O s 3 ^ o x o 0 0 ^ fO CU 0 u 1/1 'a, w 0 w CO 3 -a 00 £ ^ -6 -0 2 > M -t- O w C O 3 _^ CU §& SH M C -. O **-3 . 2> M^ >- to S3 ° 0. « 0 L.v fa s:« O .0 ~5Di oo a ¦¦)' 1,';^.*»^w-.•>i, '*;fr'C *".: ! Burgos, Museo Altar Front in Limoges Work. F^rom the Cloister of St. Domingo de Silos End of XII. century ,V -**"> ' t Oi Early Plateresque Pastoral Staff Beginning of XVI. century Late Gothic Monstrance. Gold-plated Silver XVI, century Enamelled early Gothic Pastoral Staff showing late Roman Influence. About 1300 Madrid, Don Jose Lazaro After Bertaux Zaragoza, S. Pablo Renaissance Tankard. Gold=plated Silver. With Saragossan Stamp Barcelona, Don Carlos Vallin Copper Jug with the Spanish Coat of Arms. XVII. century o*. OO 164 After Bertaux Teruel, Catedral Basin, wrought in Silver. Plateresque Style with Mudejare Reminiscences. First half of XVI. century 165 >5 Barcelona, Collection Don Patricio Pasco Guipure Lace Barcelona, Collection Don Patricio Pasco Catalan Lace after Russian Style Barcelona, Dona M, Casanovas de Torrus Catalan Altar Cover with Guipure Lace 166 »,K-!SL**fe London, Spanish Art Galleries Woolen Carpet. With geometrical Pattern and white ornamental Letters. XV. —XVI. century Formerly Munich, Dr. v. Buerkel Woolen Carpet. Knotting similar to Linen Lattice Work Geometrical Pattern on interlaced Ground. XV. century 167 London, Spanish Art Galleries Woolen Carpet with Armorial Shields Middle of XV. century London, Spanish Art Galleries Woolen Carpet, Last quarter of XV. century. With armorial Bearings and figural Scenes along the Edges 168 Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger Carpefwith Coat of Arms. XVII. century Phot. Mateu Barcelona, Museo Hispano^Arabic Stuff. Sassanian Influence. X.— XI. century. Green on Red 169 Phot. Mateu Madrid, Don Jose Weissberger Silk Stuff. (Red Ground. Animals yellow. Ornamentation black.) Granada. XVI. century 170 w o , S2 * ;***¦"¦ U * tS 1 C -a ,2 o x « s 3 _0 O 171 oVI 3 a= O w-a-C/5 Q o .a > o ' tire PQ* -a: . Cau o O 2 w o to 3 O -o c« C3C