YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The Editor tenders 'his humble apologies to the Members of the WoDRO'W SOCIETT, for the delay ivhich has taken place in the pre paration of this Volume. Anxious as he was to do justice both to it and to them, he was repeatedly interrupted by other duties, and em barrassed by obstructions which it is here unnecessary to state. Tlie Council are in no respect to blame for the delay. On the contrary, their anxiety for the appearance of the volume was repeatedly and strongly •urged upon ihe Editor ; who makes this statement with the greater ear nestness, because, to his deep regret, he has learned that the Council have been, in this matter, subjected to reproaches, which are merited by him alone. Uth August 1849. SELECT WORKS OF ROBERT ROLLOCK. THE WODEOW SOCIETY, INSTITUTED MAT, 1841, FOE THE PUBLICATION OF THE WORKS OF THE FATHEES AND EARLY WRITEES OF THE REFOEMED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. X'A'-V. moiJEEir m(o)iLrL®( .-^i/^^j4a6^ ^'7^, ,w /Muve^.,^)^ <^ V