FX94 C9 |£t trl.l,'il.',l.'il.',I.U.'J,'.IAI.'JI.',l.!,l.',l,!,l,'il.'.IJ,l,'.UIAI.'X>JM,',l,'.»,'.l.'.l.'.l.',l.'.l.'.»1'.li YALE UNIVERSITY Cibrarg of the ©ftrinitg School GIFT OF Douglas Qlgde Macintosh DWIGHT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY DWIGHT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 1916-1942 '¦'»¦¦'''' '''¦¦'' " "'¦¦' wiywi'i'i'i-iymyiYmyiyi1" ¦¦¦'¦'¦ -Ig Works on the Holy Spirit. Through the Eternal Spirit. A Bible Study on the Holy Ghost. By Rev. J. Elder Cumming-, D.D. Intro duction by Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. The Ministry of the Spirit. By Rev. A. J. Gordon, D.D. Introduction by Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A. Cloth, gilt top, $1.00; 16mo, 25c. net ; by mail, 30 cents. The Holy Spirit in Missions. By Rev. A. J. Gordon, D.D. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. By Rev. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Cloth, 50c. The Spirit-Filled Life. By Rev. John MacNeil, B.A. Introduction by Rev. A. Murray. 12mo, cloth, 30c. net. The Spirit of Christ. Thoughts on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth, 50c; paper, 25c. net. The Power of the Spirit, and Other Extracts from the Writings of William Law. Selected and with an Introduction by Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth, $1.00. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Scriptures. By Wm. C. Scofield. Cloth, $1.00. The Acts of the Holy Spirit. By Rev. A. T. Pier- son, D.D. Cloth, 75c. The Holy Spirit in Life and Service. By various authors, introduction by Rev. A. C. Dixon. Clo.,75c. Received Ye the Holy Ghost? By J. Wilbur Chap man, D.D. Cloth, 50c. The Indwelling Christ. By Rev. J. M. Campbell. Cloih, 75c. "Another Comforter." By Rev. A. D. McClure. Cloth, 50c. The Tongue of Fire. By Rev. Wm. Arthur- Cloth, 60c. ; paper, 35c. net. The Holy Spirit. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D.D. Paper, 15c; cloth, 40c. Secret Power. By D. L. Moody. Cloth, 30c. net. The Holy Ghost Dispensation, By Rev. Dugan Clark, D.D. Cloth, 50c. ; paper, 25c. Twelve Sermons on the Holy Spirit. By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. Cloth, 50c. The Divine Indwelling. By Rev. E. Woodward Brown. 16mo, cloth, $1.25. The Abiding Comforter. By E. A. Stone, D.D. 12mo, cloth, 75c. THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT A BIBLICAL STUDY ON THE HOLY GHOST BY JAMES ELDER CUMMING, D. D. FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY Chicago New York Toronto Publishers of Evangelical Literature I YALE DMNITY SCHOOL] FX94 CSl2t Copyright 1896, by Fleming H. Revell Company, CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory— Position of the Question 9 CHAPTER I. A Catena of Passages in which the Holy Spirit is directly mentioned in the Old Testament. . . 17 II. A Catena of Passages in which the Holy Spirit is directly mentioned in the New Testament. . 25 III. Comments on, and Inferences from, the Pas sages cited, taken as a whole 36 IV. The Spirit in the Word 54 V. The Relation of the Holy Spirit to the other Persons of the Godhead, and to the Mediator. 64 VI. Teaching of the Lord concerning the Holy Ghost. 76 VII. Pentecost— What it Was, and What it Did 86 VIII. Pentecost in Relation to Former Dispensations. 91 IX. What Pentecost was for the Church 98 X. Pentecost in its Relation to Individual Believers Now 104 XI. The "Baptism of the Spirit;" His being "Re ceived;" His "Falling" on Men; and Other Expressions 116 XII. The Administrator of the Affairs of the Church.. 135 XIII. The Spirit Glorifying Christ 145 XIV. TheSecretof Sanctification 154 XV. The Fruit of the Spirit 164 XVI. The Love of the Holy Ghost 175 XVII. The Communion of the Holy Ghost 185 XVIII. The Guidance of the Holy Spirit 194 XIX. Obedience to the Holy Ghost 202 6 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XX. The Anointing of the Holy Ghost 212 XXI. Power 221 XXII. Being Filled with the Spirit 230 XXIII. Temples of the Holy Ghost 242 XXIV. The Holy Ghost in the Mission Field 252 XXV. Offenses Against the Holy Ghost 266 Appendix 1 277 Appendix II 281 AppendixIII 297 Index of Subjects 307 Index of Scripture Passages 310 BY WAY OF PREFACE. Many have taken in hand, within the last few years, to write treatises on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. But amongst them, this work by my honored and beloved friend, Dr. Elder Cumming, stands in the foremost rank. It is a strong book, the production of a scholarly and well-furnished mind. It burns through out with the fire of a devout and holy soul. When on the eve of publishing his own great work on the Holy Spirit, the late Dr. Gordon, of Boston, on more than one occasion, spoke to me of his admiration for Dr. Elder Cumming's study of this great theme; and I notice he makes several references to, and ex tracts from, Dr. Cumming's pages. There was a kin ship between these two minds, though I believe there was never direct interchange of thought. Their dual witness is, therefore, all the more valuable; and from their lips the great doctrine of the Pentecostal char acter of the present age is established. Dr. Elder Cumming, as on this side of the Atlantic we all know well, is a distinguished son of the Estab lished Church of Scotland, and for many years has oc cupied a prominent position in Glasgow, hard by the church where Dr. Andrew Bonar ministered. In the early history of the Keswick convention he came as a critic, but became deeply convinced by the truth specially taught from that platform, and after a period of strong spiritual conflict, passed into an abid- 8 BY WAY OF PUB FA CE ing realization of the rest and power of a life hidden with Christ in God. On a naturally strong, well-bal anced, and highly cultured nature, was now grafted a conception of the inner meaning of Scripture, and a perception of the possibilities of Christian experience and usefulness, which were destined to make him well known, by lip and pen, to thousands, as a clear, thoughtful and powerful exponent of the doctrine of the inner life. Such is the position which, for several years now, he has worthily maintained; whilst his white hair and venerable aspect give an additional sanction and force to his words. This book is characterized by a very scholarly, care ful study of all the passages in the Old and New Testa ments which refer to the Holy Spirit. It is after two or three chapters devoted to this most valuable consid eration of these special instances, that our author pro ceeds, by the inductive process, to the enunciation of the laws and methods of the Spirit's work, which fill the later chapters. There is no book on this sublime subject more deeply saturated with the letter and spirit of the Bible than this. It is profound enough for the most thoughtful, yet it is so lucid and interesting as to be understood and enjoyed by the youngest disciple. To those who know Dr. Cumming, it may appear an impertinence and presumption for me to say thus much. We cteuiot hold candles to light stars. But it is a pleasure at least to weave my name with his, and to wish that others may derive from him some of the benefit which he has always been the means of com municating to myself. F. B. Meyeb. Christ Church, London, February, 1896. INTRODUCTORY. POSITION OF THE QUESTION. IT may be thought to require justification, that, although many books have of late been written on the Holy Spirit of God, by able, learned, and spiritual men, another should be added to the list; and that by one who has not done much more than prayerfully study the Word. I venture to plead that the last word has obviously not been spoken on the subject; that the following pages are sufficiently distinct in the line taken to claim at least a hearing; that the subject is of the deepest importance, and has the greatest interest for many at the present day. Should the fruit of my labors prove of no avail, the Lord has others to do His work; and should it help many, His is the glory! It seems to me that there is room for a new discussion of this subject, chiefly on two grounds. None of the late treatises attempt to cover the whole field, being confined to such points as have been much in evidence of recent years; and the result has been a somewhat fragmentary treatment of questions which have been presented out of focus and of due proportion. And if I may venture another criticism of an unfavorable kind, there has not always been an adherence to a defi nite method, proceeding from step to step, either in 9 INTRODUCTORY the order of Revelation or in the order of thought. Thus a certain amount of confusion has resulted, in the minds of readers at all events, which on such a subject is apt to engender errors and doubts. Some seem to me to have erred from a lack of caution, framing subtle and metaphysical distinctions, and entering into specula tions which have no Scriptural warrant in themselves, and have not had great success; and others appear to have erred from an excess of caution, presenting oppo site views of the subject, so nearly balanced, without a distinct deliverance of opinion, as to leave the ordinary reader much at sea. While some have written in a spirit at once gracious and beautiful, as if "grace" had been "poured into their lips, " others have dealt with the whole question as a dry and difficult dogma; and others still have introduced so much of the hortatory and even the anecdotical element, as to confuse and entangle the thread of the great argument on which they were engaged. These are unfavorable comments, but one is glad to remark in addition how much has been done by those to whom reference has been made, to prepare the way for a fuller treatment; how ably the many difficult questions have been discussed; how much has been written that is admirable both in spirit and substance; and that but for their labor it had been impossible for this and other books to have appeared. It is so much easier to .cjjiiifiiflfl.._than „to^jprjginate, that no doubt what I have written will be the subject of equally unfavorable remark, spoken or felt; and I must accept and bear the blame which justly falls upon INTRODUCTORY 11 it. My obiejct has been to present the whole teaching of Scripture in a short compass and in clear and method ical order, so that all may find here not only the con clusions come to by the author, but materials gathered by means of which every reader may test the accuracy iof these, and form his own judgment. To this end I have ventured to devote two chapters to the literal repetition of every passage in the Old and New Testaments directly bearing on the subject, though in the full knowledge that these may perhaps be more used for reference than for reading continuously. Not that the latter were an unprofitable exercise; could these passages indeed not only be read, but committed to memory, by those gifted of God with that great posses sion, a good memory, what a blessing it were, and how inexhaustible in its results! But at all events, there the verses are, on the printed leaf, gathered together within a few pages, sifted gold of Ophir, for those who would be rich. I have made also an attempt in the appendix* to classify these passages, so as to bring them still more under the eye at a single glance. In them we have, and must have, our armory for this conflict. All that we know of the Holy Ghost practically lies in them! It surely must ever remain one of the painful mem ories of the Church that the Holy Spirit has so gener ally been ignored, forgotten, or kept in the background. "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost." That is the confession which many Christians, many hearers of the Word, exe.n.~maiiy eitfU&ligs might well make. Even in the early days of * See Appendix I. 12 INTRODUCTORY Church history, when the battlefield of controversy was the great doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the engross ing debates were on the Person of the Son rather than of the Holy Ghost. And since that time, down to yes- terday,how little attention has been given to this sub ject! Where there has been an exception it has often, like the great dispute with the Eastern Church, turned aside to some theoretical question concerning Him and His offices. Indeed, two charges lie against the Church of Christ, for which there is little defense on her part: she has, since the first few generations, ceased to testify to her own great hope, — the Return of the Lord in glory, notwithstanding the perpetual reminder of it in the in- stitutory words of the Holy Communion ; and she has ceased to cherish, to teach, and almost to adore, the Holy Ghost. Some one has remarked that the hymnology of the Christian Church has often served to complete, if not to correct, her theology, and this has been specially true in respect of our subject. Even in the dark days of the Papacy there were voices, issuing chiefly from quiet corners of cell or monastery, in which the work of the Holy Ghost was recognized and sung, and in which especially the right of the Church to invoke His pres ence and aid was indicated, where the leaders and doctors hesitated either to sanction or deny. To the present day the theology of our subject is to be found largely in the hymns of Christendom. The heart of the Church has spoken where the head was doubtful. But it is surely good to learn from the utterances of the heart, and to arrange and classify the truths which it has been the first to grasp. INTRODUCTORY 13 The widespread revival of the last twenty years has been most marked, most distinctive, and full of instruc tion. It cannot fail to leave its mark on history. It began by being evangelistic, and a wave of conversions passed over many lands, chiefly over America and Great Britain. And for this purpose God found and raised up agents well fitted for His work where men would not have looked for them. There came next the teaching of holiness for the people of God; needful, one might say, in any case, but specially needful where young con verts were reckoned by the thousand, and had passed with sudden step from death to life. This work, largely confined to Great Britain, beginning in England, though not confined to it, has been one of the main features of the Church of to-day: not always wisely done; certainly fringed and accompanied by a good deal that was ex treme both in view and language; not, alas! command ing the general sympathy of the Church (wherever the blame of such a fact may rest); but largely participated in by those who were unconscious of it; no doubt des tined to attain to much greater proportions; and surely a work of God. And now the third part of this revival has come into prominence, the general interest in, and study of, the teaching as to the Holy Ghost. It is hardly too much to say that it is "the cry" of the Church of to-day. Little understood by many from whom it comes; often incorrect in form and utterance; not seldom springing from a desire in which self-glory largely mingles ; seek ing for "power," which power would be a temptation and a snare to those who are unprepared for it; yet, 14 INTROD UCT0R Y with all drawbacks, how fruitful and how significant! This, at least, is embodied in it — the recognition of Him; and the recognition that it lies with Him only to bless the Church and the world. Let the order be noted. First, the work of saving sinners — so largely as to incite both opposition and devout thankfulness — for this thing "was not done in a corner." That was the work of the Holy Ghost. Next came the edifying and building up of the body of Christ: a time of sifting, when "His fan was in His hand;" when most of the members of the Body have had presented to them an opportunity of much larger and deeper blessing, which, alas! many have refused; and it has been made plain that not the greatest workers, or the best known writers or preachers, or the chief authorities in the Church, are those who are nearest the Lord; but those only who are prepared to "leave all and follow. " That, too, is the work of Him who "sanctifies" the people of the Lord. And then has come the time of His revelation of Himself to the hearts of those who have found the Lord, and are desirous to do His work on the earth in His way. For this the Church has been made ready; and now He is permitting it to see what was hidden in the Word and never understood, save by the few in every age who have known the Holy Spirit as a Person, and been consciously under His influence. But the present are the times of blessing to a multitude whom He has led, like the host of Gideon, to the water, testing and dividing them there. The very name by which in our English tongue He is known is in its way significant. INTRODUCTORY 15 A strange name, one is compelled to think it, when all the associations of the word Ghost are considered; yet how entirely these have been shut out and forgotten when we speak of The Holy Ghost! for this, rather than "the Holy Spirit,^ or "the Spirit," has come to be His distinctive name among us, insufficient as it is. But in the Greek of the New Testament there appears the same difficulty. The neuter Pnjsuma, by which He is designated in common with the Father and the Son (John iv. 24), and the name Paraclete, which He bears in common with the Son, are but approximations (if I may so designate them). It is as if the question asked of Jacob were reiterated still in the ears of all who seek to know Him — "Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after My name, seeing it is Pete" (wonderful and secret)? Yes! He who has revealed to us all that we know of spiritual things, Himself included, has withheld, like John in the Gospel, His own name! And yet we know, or shall know. "To him that overcometh ... I will give ... a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it" — the new_name of God, which the Holy Ghost shall bear, as well as the Father and the Son. In the Old Testament it was Jehovah; in the New it is Jesus; in the future it shall be — what? THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT. CHAPTER I. A CATENA OF PASSAGES IN WHICH THE HOLY SPIRIT IS DIRECTLY MENTIONED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. A LARGE number of passages in the Old Testament Scriptures speak of a certain Being, who is called the Spirit of the Lord. Among these we do not include a considerable number of other verses, in which it is uncertain whether the reference is to God, or to an other being, or to a disposition of mind. Two distinct words are employed in Hebrew, Ruach and Neshamah, the latter, generally at least, signifying the bodily breath, the former the Spirit — of man or of God — to be determined by the context. In two passages the words occur together. In Gen. vii. 22, we read, "In whose nostrils was the breath of the Spirit of life;" with this compare Isaiah xiii. 5. Confining ourselves, then, to the cases in which a Divine Person seems to be spoken of, the following is a brief summary of those contained in the Old Testament. As some importance is attached to the presence or absence of the definite article before the word "Spirit," in the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew, I have indicated its absence by putting it in brackets where the article occurs in English and not in Greek. I have 17 18 THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT uniformly quoted from the Revised Version, save where it is otherwise specified. 1. The book of Genesis has three such verses :— Chapter!. 2, "(The) Spirit of God moved upon the face of the '"waters," indicating that He had part in the creative work, and mentioning Him at the very opening of the record, Chapter vi. 3, "My Spirit shall not strive _ with man forever, for that he also is flesh ;" where the influence of the Divine Spirit on sinful men, yielding to temptation.is pointed out, as well as a time when that ceases. Chapter xii. 38, "A man in whom (the) Spirit of God is!" —a word coming from the mouth of the heathen Pharaoh, but probably recorded as meaning, much more than the utterer knew. 2. The book of Exodus has likewise three passages, all bearing on one line of influence: — Chap, xxviii. 3, "All that are wise-hearted, whom I have filled with (the) Spirit of wisdom." Chapter xxxi. 3, "I have filled him with (the) Spirit of God, in wisdom.'' Chapter xxxv. 31, "He hath filled him with (the) ^Spirit of God, in wisdom." These passages all refer to Bezaleel and his assistants, whom the Spirit of God "filled" for the special work of pre paring the robes of the priests and the parts of the Taber nacle. 3. The book of Numbers has seven passages, which tell us of the Holy Spirit : — Chapter xi. 17, "I will take of the Spirit which is udoii thee" (Moses), "and will put it ngon them" (the seventy elders) ; verse 25, "And the Lord . . . took of the Spirit that was upon him . . . and it came to pass, that, when (the) Spirit rested udoii them, they prophesied ;" verse 26, "And (the) Spirit rested upon them" (Eldad and Medad) . . . "and they prophesied in the camp ;" verse 29, "And Moses said . . . Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit [the Spirit of Him] upon them!" The last of these verses interprets those which go before it, and shows the meaning of the writer to be, that it was PASSAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 19 the Spirit of the Lord that was on Moses, on the seventy, and on the two who remained in the camp. Chapter xxiv. 2, "And (the) Spirit of God came upon him." The reference is to Balaam, of whom, whatever else we may say, it is safe to assert that he was enabled to utter predictions of the future through the Spirit of God. Chapter xxvii. 18, "Take thee |Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is (the) Spirit, and lay thy hand upon him." 4. The book of Deuteronomy has but one passage, which is all but a repetition of the last of those from Numbers: — Chapter xxxiv. 9, "And Joshua the son of Nun was full of (the) Spirit ofjwisdqm; for Moses had laid his hands upon him." 5. The book of Judges is the next book of the Canon in which we find the Holy Spirit spoken of, and it contains seven passages, in which the same name is given to Him, and in similar circumstances: — Chapter iii. 10, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord came up_on him" (Othniel), "and he judged Israel." Chapter vi. 34, "But (the) Spirit of the Lord came upjjn" (clothed itself with, margin) "Gideon." Chapter xi. 29, "Then (the) Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah." Chapter xiii. 25, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord began to move him" (Samson). Chapter xiv. 6, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord came mightily urjon him :" do., verse 19 ; chapter xv. 14. In these passages the thought apparently is that of the Spirit entering in and becoming a Spirit of wisdom and of niight in the men specified . 6. In the first book of Samuel there are also seven pas sages in which He is mentioned by name : — Chapter x. 6, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord will come mightily upon thee" (Saul). Chapter x. 10, "And (the) Spirit of God came mightily upon him, and he prophesied." Chapter xi. 6, "And (the) Spirit of God came mightily upon Saul when he heard these words." Chapter xvi. 13, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward ;" verse 14. "Now (the) Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul." 20 THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT Chapter xix. 20, " (The) Spirit of God came upon the mes sengers of Saul, and they also prophesied;" verse 23, "And (the) Spirit of God came upon him also" (Saul himself), "and he went on, and prophesied." 7. In the second book of Samuel there is but one mention of the Holy Spirit, and it has reference to David's inspira tion : — Chapter xxiii. 1, 2, " The anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet Psalmist of Israel . . . (the) Spirit of the Lord spake by me." 8. In the first book of Kings we have two references: — Chapter xviii. 12, where Obadiah, meeting Elijah, says to him, "(The) Spirit of the Lord shall carry thee whither I know not." Chapter xxii. 24, where the false prophet Zedekiah says to Micaiah, " Which way went (the) Spirit of the Lord from me_to speak unto thee?" "i^, t,« >.,_jm. -h -"-!:.'<¦-¦-. '{V 9. In the second book of Kings there is one reference: — Chapter ii. 16, "Lest peradventure (the) Spirit of the Lord hath taken_him" (Elijah) "up, and cast him upon some mountain."^' / fcc, /T',,' z. , 10. The first book of Chronicles has two passages: — Chapter xii. 18, "Then (the) Spirit came upon" (clothed, margin) "Amasai, who was chief of the thirty, and he said." Chapter xxviii. 12, "The pattern of all that he had by the Spirit." 11. In the second book of Chronicles there are four pas sages : — Chapter xv. 1, "(The) Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded." Chapter xviii. 23, "Then Zedekiah said, Which way went (the) Spirit of the Lord from me to speak unto thee?" Chapter xx. 14, "Then upon Jahaziel . . . the Levite . . came (the) Spirit of the Lord in the midst of the congregation." Chapter, xxiv. 20, "And (the) Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest . . . and he said unto them, Thus saith God." 12. In the book of Nehemiah there are two passages PASSAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 21 both found in the 9th chapter (one of the most remarkable, chapters of the Old Testament) :— Verse 20, "Thou ga_ves_t also Thy good Spirit to instruct them." Verse 30, "Thou . . . testjfiest against them b£ (Thy) Spirit through Thy prophets: yet would they not give ear." 13. In Job there are two references : — Chapter xxvi. 13 (otherwise in Sept.), "By His Spirit the heavens are garnished." %*-?.<-. Chapter xxxiii. 4, "(The) Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty giveth me life. " Cx^Kj»« . The former passage seems to refer to the creative work of God, and the latter to Providence. 14. The book of Psalms contains five references to the Holy Spirit: — (One which should probably be classed as doubtful is not included, namely, Psalm xxxiii. 6, "All the host of them"— the heavens — "by tlie breath" — the Spirit— "of His mouth.'') Psalm li. 11, "Take not Thy Holy Spirit frxun me." Verse 12, "And uphold me with a free Spirit." Psalm civ. 30, "Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created" — God's work in Providence, tf sw^ ^ -^ ; u, , Psalm cxxxix. 7, "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit ?" '•• Psalm cxliii. 10, "Thou art my God : Thy Spirit is good ; lead me." 15. In Proverbs one passage occurs : — Chapter i. 23, ' 'Behold, 1 will pour out My Spirit untp you.'' (Otherwise Sept. ) 16. In the book of Isaiah we have fifteen references, all very distinct : — Chapter xi. 2, "(The) Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, (the) Spirit of wisdom and understanding, (the) Spirit of counsel and might, (the) Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord" (sevenfold Spirit). Chapter xxx. 1, "That cover with a covering, but not of My Spirit. [(The) Spirit of Me.] Chapter xxxii. 15, "Until (the) Spirit be poured upon us from on high," Chapter xxxiv. 16, "Seek ye out of the Book of the Lord, • and read : no one of these shall be missing, . . . for His Spirit it hath gathered them." 22 THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT Chapter xl. 7, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, because the breath '(the Spirit, Ruach) "of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass." (Omitted in Sept.) Chapter xl. 13, "Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord?" Chapter xiii. I, "Behold My servant, . . . I have put my Spirit upjxn Him." Chapter xliv. 3, "I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed." Chapter xlviii. 16, "From the time that it was, there am I; and now the Lord God hath_g£nt Me, and His Spirit." Chapter lix. 19, "He shall come as a rushing stream, which the breath" (the Spirit, Ruach) "of the Lord driveth.' (The A. V. is, "The Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.") Verse 21, "My Spirit that is upon thee .... shall not depart out of thy mouth." Chapter lxi. 1, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach." Chapter lxiii. 10, "But they rebelled, and grigyed His Holy Spirit." Verse 11, "Where is He that put His Holy Spirit in_the_mjdst of them?" Verse 14, "(The) Spirit of the lord causedjthem to rest: so didst Thou lead Thy people." 17. In the book of Ezekiel we have fifteen passages which speak of the Holy Spirit (besides some that are doubtful): — Chapter ii. 2, "And (the) Spirit entered into me when He spake with me." Chapter iii. 12, "Then (the) Spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me the voice of a great rushing,* saying, Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place." Verse 14, "So the Spirit lifted_me up, and took me away." Verse 24, "Then (the) Spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and He spake with me." Chapter viii. 3, ' 'And the Spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven." Chapter xi. 1, "Moreover (the) Spirit lifted me up, and brought me unto the east gate of the Lord's house." Verse 5, "And (the) Spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and He said unto me, Speak, Thus saith the Lord." Verse 19, "And I will put (a) new Spirit withjn_ you." Verse 24, "And (the) ^Compare Acts ii. 2. PASSAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 23 Spirit lifted me up, and brought me in the vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea." Chapter xxxvi, 26, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you.'' Verse 27, "And I will put My" — the — "Spirit within you." Chapter xxxvii. 1, "The hand of the Lord was upon me, and He carried me out in (the) Spirit of the Lord." Verse 14, "And I will put (My) Spirit in you, and ye shall live." Chapter xxxix 29, "For I have poured out My Spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord God." (Other wise in Sept.) Chapter xliii. 5, "And the Spirit took_mejip." 18. The book of Joel has two well-known verses in which the Holy Spirit is mentioned :— Chapter ii. 28, 29, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions ; and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit." [The Spirit of Me.] The whole passage to which these verses belong is the prophetical description of the day of Pentecost, as declared by St. Peter in his sermon delivered upon that day in Jerusalem (Acts ii. 16). 19. The prophet Micah has two references to the Holy Spirit in his short and beautiful Book :— Chapter ii. 7, "Shall it be said, O house of Jacob, is (the) Spirit of the Lord straitened? Are these His doings?" Chapter iii. 8, "But I truly am fullof power by (the)Spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgressions, and to Israel his sin." 20. In the book of Haggai there is one passage :— Chapter ii. 5, "When ye came out of Egypt, and My Spirit abode among you." 21. The book of Zechariah has three passages, which are distinct and clear : — Chapter iv. 6, "Not by might, nor by power, but by (My) Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts"— a promise that where man's power and wisdom could do nothing, the Spirit of the Lord would cause the Temple to be rebuilt. 24 THR O UGH THE E TERNAL SPIRIT Chapter vii. 12, "The words which the Lord of hosts-had sentby (His) Spirit by the hand of the former prophets." Chapter xii. 10, "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, (the)Spirit of grace, and of supplication;* and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced." 22. And lastly, the book of Malachi contains a verse: — ii. 15, "And did he not make one, although he had the residue of (the) Spirit?" (probably referring, I think, to the case of Abraham, who took Hagar to wife, seeking a "godly seed :" he did this "although he had the residue of the Spirit.") [In the same verse we have, "Take heed to your Spirit" (the Spirit of you).] * Compare Romans viii, 26,last clause, "The Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us," and verse 27, "He maketh intercession for the saints." CHAPTER II. A CATENA OF PASSAGES IN WHICH THE HOLY SPIRIT IS DIRECTLY MENTIONED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. THE teaching as to the Holy Spirit is of course much fuller in the New Testament than in the Old; and with the exception of three of the minor Epistles, it is found in every book. Many somewhat remarkable differences are found in what may be called the distri bution of the teaching; but in the present chapter I propose to confine myself to a short notice of what is contained in each of the books in turn. (The absence of the definite article in the original is marked by put ting the English article in a parenthesis. ) 1. In St. Matthew's Gospel there are twelve passages in which the Holy Spirit is mentioned : — Chapter i. 18, "She was found with child of (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 20, "That which is conceived in her is of (the) Holy Ghost." Chapter iii. 11, "He shall baptize you with (the) Holy Ghost, and with fire;" verse 16, "He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him." Chapter iv. 1, "Then was Jesus led up of the. Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil." Chapter x. 20, "For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you." Chapter xii. 18 (quoting from Isaiah), "I will put My Spirit upon Him ;" verse 28, "If I by (the) Spirit of God cast out devils;" verse 31, "The blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven ; " verse 32, "Whosoever shall 25 26 THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not beforgiven him." Chapter xxii. 43, "How then doth David in (the) Spirit call Him Lord?" Chapter xxviii. 20, "Into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." 2. In St. Mark there are six passages : — Chapter i. 8, "He shall baptize you with (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 10, "He saw . . the Spirit as a dove de scending upon Him;" verse 12, "Straightway the Spirit driveth Him forth into the wilderness." Chapter iii. 29, "Whosoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness." Chapter xii. 36, "David himself said in the Holy Spirit." Chapter xiii. 11, "It is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost." 3. In St. Luke there are eighteen passages : — Chapter i. 15, "He shall be filled with (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 35, "(The) Holy Ghost shall come upon thee;" verse 41, "Elisabeth was filled with (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 67, "Zacharias was filled with (the) Holy Ghost." Chapter ii. 25, " (The) Holy Spirit was upon him ;" verse 26, "Revealed unto him by the Holy Spirit; " verse 27, "He came in the Spirit into the Temple." Chapter iii. 16, "He shall baptise you with (the) Holy Ghost, and with fire;" verse 22, "The Holy Ghost de scended in a bodily form as a dove, upon Him." Chapter iv. 1, "Jesus, full of (the) Holy Spirit;" also "Was led by the Spirit into the wilderness ;" verse 14, "Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee;" verse 18, "(The) Spirit of the Lord is upon Me." Chapter x. 21, "He rejoiced in "the" Holy Spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father." -Chapter xi. 13, "Give (the) Holy Spirit to them that ask Him." Chapter xii. 10, " Unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit;" verse 12, "The Holy Spirit shall teach you in that very hour." Chapter xxiv. 49, "Behold, I send forth the promise of My Father upon you." 4. In St. John there are twenty passages : — Chapter i. 32, "I have beheld the Spirit descending as a PASS A GES IN THE NE W TESTAMENT 27 dove;" verse 33, "Upon whomsoever thou shalt seethe Spirit descending, and abiding upon him, the same is He that baptizeth with (the) Holy Spirit." Chapter iii. 5, "Except a man> born of water and (the) Spirit;" verse 6, " That which is born of the Spirit is spirit;'' verse 8, "So is every one that is born of the Spirit; " verse 34, "He giveth not the Spirit by measure." Chapter vi. 63, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth." Chapter vii. 39, "This spake He of the Spirit . . . for (the) Spirit was not yet given." Chapter xiv. 16, "Another Comforter;" verse 17, "Even the Spirit of Truth;" verse 26, "The Comforter, even the Holy Spirit . . . He shall teach you ... and bring- to your remembrance all that I said unto you." Chapter xv. 26, "When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth He shall bear witness of Me." Chapter xvi. 7, "If I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you;" verse 8, "And He, when He is come, will convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment;" verse 9, "Of sin, because they believe not in Me;" verse 10, "Of righteousness, because I go to the Father, and ye behold Me no more;" verse 11, "Of judg ment, because the prince of this world hath been judged ;" verse 13, "When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He shall guide you into all the truth : for He shall not speak from himself; but what things soever He shall hear, these shall He speak : and He shall declare unto you the things that are to come;" verse 14, "He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall declare it unto you ;" verse 15, "He taketh of Mine, and shall declare it unto you." Chapter xx. 22, "He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye (the) Holy Ghost." The Acts of the Apostles has fifty-seven passages di rectly referring to this subject. It is the special book of Scripture devoted to it ; and we are not therefore surprised to find that the verses to be quoted are nearly as many as in all the four Gospels, and that we are here told more about the Holy Ghost than elsewhere. Chapter i. 2, The Lord "had given commandment through (the) Holy Ghost unto the Apostles;" verse 4, "He charged 28 THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT them ... to wait for the promise of the Father, which, said He, ye heard from Me;" verse 5, "For John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with (the) Holy Ghost not many days hence;" verse 8, "Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be My witnesses;" verse 16, "It was needful that the Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost spake before by the mouth of David concerning Judas." Chapter ii. 4, "They were all filled with (the) Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance ;" verse 17, "I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh" [The Spirit] ; verse 18, "On My servants and on My handmaidens in those days will I pour forth My Spirit; and they shall prophesy" [The Spirit]; verse 33, "Having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath poured forth this;" verse 38, "And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Chapter iv. 8, "Then Peter, filled with (the) Holy Ghost, said ;" verse 25, "[O Lord], who by the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of our father David Thy servant, didst say;" verse 31, "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the Word of God." Chapter v. 3, "Wliy hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Ghost;" verse 9, " How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?" verse 32, "We are witnesses of these things ; and so is the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him." Chapter vi. 3, "Men of good report, full of (the) Spirit and of wisdom;" verse 5, "A man full of faith and of (the) Holy Spirit;" verse 10, "Not able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake." Chapter vii. 51, " Ye do always resist the Holy Ghost;" verse 55, " But he, being full of (the) Holy Ghost, looked up." Chapter viii. 15, 16, "Who . . . prayed for them, that they might receive (the) Holy Ghost : for as yet He was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized; " verse 17, "Then laid they their hands on them, and they received (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 18, "When Simon saw that through the laying on of the Apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given ; " verse 19, "That on whomsoever I lay my hands, he may receive (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 20, "Thought to obtain the gift of God with money;" verse 29, PA SSA GES IN THE NE W TES TAME NT 29 "And the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot;" verse 39, "(The) Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip." Chapter ix. 17, "That thou mayest receive thy sight, and be filled with (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 31, "Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost." Chapter x. 19, "The Spirit said unto him, Behold three men seek thee;" verse 20, "I have sent them;" verse 38, "God anointed Him with (the) Holy Ghost and withpower;" verse 44, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard ;" verse 45, "On the Gen tiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost;" verse 47, "Which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we." Chapter xi. 12, "And the Spirit bade me go with them;" verse 15, "As I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, even as on us at the beginning;" verse 16, "Ye shall be baptized with (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 24, "He was agood man, and full of (the) Holy Ghost and of faith;" verse 28, "Agabus . . . signified by the Spirit that there should be a great famine.' ' Chapter xiii. 2, "The Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul ;" verse 4, "So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost;" verses 9, 10, "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with (the) Holy Ghost . . . said:" verse 52, "The disciples were filled with joy and with (the) Holy Ghost." Chapter xv. 8, "God . . . bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as He did unto us;" verse 28, "For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us." Chapter xvi. 6, "Having been forbidden of the Holy Ghost to speak the Word in Asia;" verse 7, "And the Spirit of Jesus suffered them not." Chapter xix. 2, "Did ye receive (the) Holy Ghost when .ye believed? . . . Nay, we did not so much as hear whether (the) Holy Ghost was given ;" verse 6, "When Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them ; and they spake with tongues, and .prophesied." Chapter xx. 22, "I go bound in the Spirit" (?) "unto Jerusalem ;" verse 23, "The Holy Ghost testifieth unto me in every city ;" verse 28, "In the which the Holy Ghost hath made you bishops." Chapter xxi. 4, "These said to Paul through the Spirit;" 30 THR 0 UGH THE E TERNAL SPIRIT verse 11, "And said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, so shall the Jews . . . bind." Chapter xxviii. 25, "Well spake the Holy Ghost by Isaiah the prophet." 6. The Epistle to the Romans directly mentions the Holy Spirit in twenty -five passages, as follows : — Chapter i.4,"Declared to be the Son of God with power, ac cording to(the) Spirit of holiness;" verse 11 (?), "That Imay impart unto you some spiritual gift" (Xapia(j.a nveuij.azr/.w). Chapter v. 5, "The love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts through (the) Holy Ghost, which was given unto us." Chapter viii 1, "Who walk not afterthe flesh, but after (the) Spirit" (A. V.); verse 2, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free;" verse 4, "Who walk not after the flesh, but after (the) Spirit;" verse 5, "Thej' that are after (the) Spirit (mind) the things of the Spirit;" verse 9, "Ye are ... in (the) Spirit, if so be that (the) Spirit of God dwelleth in you. But if any man have not (the) Spirit. of Christ, he is none of His;" verse 10, "The Spirit is life;" verse 11, "If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, He . . . shall quicken also your mortal bodies through His Spirit that dwelleth in you;" verse 13, "If by (the) Spirit ye mortify the deeds of the body;" verse 14, "As many as are ledby(the) Spirit of God ;" verse 15, "Ye received (the) Spirit of adoption;" verse 16, "The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit ;" verse 23, "Which have the first-fruits of the Spirit;" verse 26, "The Spirit also helpeth our infirmity . . . the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us;" verse 27, "He . . . knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh interces sion . . . according to the will of God." Chapter ix. 1, "My conscience bearing witness with me in the Holy Ghost." Chapter xiv. 17, "Righteousness and peace and joy in (the) Holy Ghost." Chapter xv. 13, "That ye may abound in hope, in the power of (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 16, "Being sanctified by (the) Holy Ghost;" verse 19, "Signs and wonders, in the power of (the) Holy Ghost ;" verse 30, "I beseech you . . . by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit." PASSA GES IN THE NE W TESTAMENT 31 7. The First Epistle to the Corinthians is also one which very fully dwells on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, and contains twenty-four passages in which He is mentioned directly: — Chapter ii. 4, "My speech and my preaching were . . in demonstration of (the) Spirit ;" verse 10, "God revealed them through the Spirit : for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God;" verse 11, "The things of God none knoweth, save the Spirit of God;" verse 12, "We re ceived . . . the Spirit which is of God;" verse 13, "Words . . . which (the) Spirit teacheth ;" verse 14, "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." Chapter iii 16, "Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" Chapter v. 4 ( ?), "In the name of our Lord Jesus, ye being gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus." Chapter vi. 11, "Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God;" verse 19, "Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost?" Chapter vii. 40, "I think that I also have (the) Spirit of God." Chapter xii. 3, "No man speaking in (the) Spirit of God saith" . . . "No man can say, Jesus is our Lord, but in (the) Holy Spirit;" verse 4, "Diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit;" verse 5 (?), "And the same Lord;" verse 7, "Tq,