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Professor of History, State Normal School, Harrisonburg, Va. ; Member Virginia Historical Society, American Historical Association, Pennsylvania-German Society, Etc. ; Author of ' 'Politi cal Opinions of Thomas Jefferson," "The Ger man Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia," Etc. RUEBUSH-ELKINS COMPANY DAYTON, VIRGINIA 1912 Copyright, 1912, JOE K. RUEBUSH and P. H. ELKINS Published and Sold by RUEBUSH-ELKINS COMPANY Dayton, Va. OUTLINE OF CONTENTS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. INTRODUCTION. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. PART L— Chronological. Chapter.I. Geography of Rockingham County. II. Geological Features. III. First White Settlers: 1727-1738. IV. Rockingham as Part of Augusta: 1738-1777. V. The New County and the New Nation: 1777-1820. VI. A Growing Community: 1820-1860. VII. Rockingham in the Civil War: 1861-1865. VIII. The Days of Reconstruction: 1865-1876. IX. From 1876 to 1912. X. Rockingham To-Day. PART II. -Topical. XL Towns and Villages of Rockingham. XII. Roads and Railroads. XIII. Race Elements and Population. XIV. Churches and Religious Life. XV. Education and Schools. XVI. Charitable Institutions. XVII. Writers and Printers: Books and Periodicals. XVIII. Singers of Rockingham. XIX. Rockingham Statesmen and Jurists. XX. Farms and Farmers. XXI. Domestic Arts and Manufacturing Enterprises. XXII. Banks and Banking. XXIII. Health Resorts. XXIV. Natural Curiosities. XXV. Hunting in the Western Mountains. XXVI. Boating on the Shenandoah River. XXVII. Court Days of Long Ago. XXVIII. Some Interesting Incidents: Spotswood's Expedition of 1716 and the Uni versity Pageant of 1909. The Coming of the Lincolns. Daniel Boone on Linville Creek. Valentine Sevier's Sale Bill. The Influenza of 1806-7. A Case of Body-Snatching. A Visit to Philadelphia in 1847. Death of Ashby: 1862. Stonewall Jackson at Port Republic. Killing of John Kline: 1864. Death of Meigs: 1864. The Thurman Movement. Sidney Lanier at Rockingham Springs. A Fence Corner Council. CONCLUSION. APPENDIX. Sheriffs of Rockingham. County Judges and Circuit Judges. County Clerks rnd Circuit Clerks. Commonwealth's Attorneys. Superintendents of Schools. County Surveyors. Members of House of Delegates. Members of State Senate. Marriages in Rockingham, 1778-1720. Landowners in Rockingham in 1789. Muster Rolls of Rockingham Soldiers. Business and Professional Directory of Rocking ham County: 1912. Bibliography: A list of books, magazines, and newspapers containing information con cerning Rockingham County and Rock ingham People. INDEX. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispiece, The Peak District Map -------- 16 Geological Map 24 General John Sevier 32 Site of First Court House 48 Bear Lithia Spring ------- 48 Suter Wheat Field 48 Steam Plow 48 Court House of 1833 64 Court House of 1874, two views ... - 64 Court House of 1896 64 Chesapeake- Western Bridge ----- 80 Bridgewater Bridge - 80 Confluence of the Rivers, Port Republic 80 Lethe 96 Lincoln Homestead .----.- 96 Miller Farm Scene 96 Mt. Clinton 96 State Normal School 112 Senator John F. Lewis - 128 Etching, 10th Va. Regt. Camp Equipment - - 138 Battle-Flag 10th Va. Reg. 144 Flag of Chrisman's Boy Company - 144 Flag Saved at Appomattox - - 144 Port Republic Battlefield 144 Hon. John T. Harris - 160 Fort Lynne 176 Conrad's Store 176 Funk Printing House 176 Madison Hall ----.--- 176 Smithland - 176 Old Stone Fort ------- 176 Bowman's Mill 176 Bogota - - : 176 Waterman House 192 Chinkapin Tree 192 Town Hall, Bridgewater 192 Farm Lands on Cook's Creek - - - 192 Historical Map - 198 Bridgewater College - - 204 Elkton Hotel 208 Singer's Glen -------- 208 First Postofflce - - - - - 208 Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters - - - 208 View of Harrisonburg 224 Site of Salyards School (McGaheysville) - - 224 Singers Glen High School 224 Orphans' Home 224 Old Elk Run Church 224 Blosser Hatchery 224 Henry Tutwiler 240 Bishop James Madison ------ 256 Big Spring 272 Ashby's Monument 272 Olden Days on Court Square ----- 272 Asbury's Chapel 272 Old St. Peter's Church 272 District Sunday School Map 280 Bridgewater Graded and High School ... 288 Waterman School - - - - 288 Harrisonburg High School 288 McGaheysville Graded and High School - - - 288 Shenandoah Collegiate Institute ... - 296 Joseph Salyards - 304 U. S. Court House and Postofflce - 312 Rockingham Memorial Hospital - 312 Rockingham County Almshouse - 312 Old Folks' Home 312 Dr. Gessner Harrison 320 Etching, Oldest Known Number Rockingham Register 336 Title-Page Genuine Church Music - 342 Judge Daniel Smith 352 Hon. Chas. T. O'Ferrall 359 Judge John Paul 360 Senator I. S. Pennybacker 368 Hand-Woven Coverlets 384 Rawley Springs 394 Massanetta Springs - - 394 Washington's Profile 400 Giant's Grave 400 Cedar Cliff Falls 4(10 Formation in Massanutta Cave ... - 400 Diamond Lake, New Market Endless Caverns - 400 Sidney Lanier Cottage - 416 Keezletown School Building 416 A Rockingham Orchard 416 First Piano Brought Into Rockingham ... 416 Pageant, Knights of Golden Horseshoe ... 426 Mt. Vernon Furnace 432 Where Meigs Fell 432 The Falls, Bridgewater 432 Brock's Gap 432 Lincoln Graveyard 432 Silver Lake, Dayton - 432 Sidney Lanier -------- 434 INTRODUCTION. In this volume we present to the public the results of the first serious attempt ever made to write and publish a com prehensive illustrated history of Rockingham County, Vir ginia. That the task herein essayed has not been undertaken before is remarkable, in view of the broad scope and inviting character of the field; for the sons of Rockingham, both at home and abroad, have been making history for many gen erations. They have made this fair land between the moun tains to blossom as the rose; they have cleared farms and enriched them; they have founded homes and kept them in the light of sacred fires; they have builded altars and worshiped before them; they have erected schools and trained their children; they have sought peace and pursued it, yet in the hour of battle they have set their bravest and best in the forefront; they have borne loss and disaster without flinching, and in the midst of wasted fields and homesteads have raised again the standards of a free and prosperous people. Not only have the brave gone forth for defense, and the strong to arduous labor, but the fair have also done faithfully their noble part. In peace or war, in prosperity or adversity, the women of Rockingham have risen always to their high destiny. Their invincible spirit has given motive to soldier and farmer and scholar; their hands have ministered to sick and wounded, their prayers have soothed the dying; the memorials raised by their toil and patience enhance the past and inspire the future. We give them honor. It has been the author's purpose in this history (1) to give due recognition to all the important phases of Rocking ham life, interests, and enterprises; (2) to emphasize those particular interests and activities that have given the county its distinctive character and influence; (3) to find and pre serve some treasures lost, or nearly lost, in the lapse of time and the obscuring din of busy days. Inasmuch as Rockingham is a great county, mine has been a great task. How well it has been performed, the intelligent reader must judge. No one more than the author will realize the lacks and deficiencies in the result, but he hopes and believes that all will at least credit him with a sincere purpose and an earnest effort. No opinion, however adverse, and no criticism, however sharp, can take from him the joy that he has found in the work. To him it has been indeed a labor of love. The splendid achievements and re sources of the county have been appreciated as never before, and things in her history have been found— often by seeming chance or rare good fortune— that were before undreamed of. At the laying of the corner stone for the new Court House in 1896, Judge John Paul delivered an address that contains much valuable information concerning the courts and civil officials of Rockingham. This address has been found very helpful by the author of this book. In 1885 Mr. George F. Compton, now of Charlottesville, Va., published an ex tended and interesting series of historical articles on the county in the Rockingham Register; in 1900 Mr. John H. Floyd of Day ton wrote a series of ten historical papers concerning Rock ingham, and published them in the Harrisonburg Free Press; in addition, many historical pieces, in books, magazines, and newspapers have appeared from time to time. To all these, so many as he has seen, the author makes due and grateful acknowledgement; all that he has found published, in any available form, he has listed, and in many cases described, in the appended Bibliography; at the same time he begs leave to state that the bulk of the matter presented in this volume has been collected and prepared by himself, with the gen erous aid of many friends, from sources that may in a large measure be termed original. It would of course be impossible to enumerate all the sources from which materials have been obtained; but some of the more important ones are herewith indicated. vi First in natural order and importance are the official records to be found in the land office at Richmond and in the county clerks' offices of Orange, Augusta, and Rockingham County. The records of marriages, of land sales, and of court proceedings are rich in facts and interest and signifi cance. Of almost equal importance with these original records, are the many printed volumes of Hening's Statutes and the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia. Old almanacs and files of old newspapers have been found to contain circumstantial accounts of important events that could scarcely be obtained from any other source. Old files of the Rockingham Register have proved of special value in this respect. Containing as they do particular and contemporary accounts of practically every notable happening in the county within the past ninety years, the successive issues of the Register are a very treasure-house to the student and anti quarian. A complete and well-preserved file of the Register, from the first issue in 1822 to the present, would be sought after eagerly by any of the great libraries of the country, and would dommand almost any price. Although the writer has not seen any complete file of this paper, he has been exceedingly fortunate in securing what is perhaps the best file in existence. Through the generous kindness of Mr. R. B. Smythe, manager of the News-Register Company, Har risonburg, Va. , he now has in his possession Register files covering many years. These have been found most helpful in the preparation of this book. Miss Hortense Devier, whose father, Giles Devier, was for many years editor of the said paper, has made a generous loan of extended files. In addition to these files, many fugitive copies of the Register, some dating back almost to the first issue, have been put into the author's hands by his friends, as either a gift or a loan. Special acknowledgement is made to Hon. Geo. E. Sipe for access to files of the Old Commonwealth. For all these favors he is duly grateful. He has also had put at his disposal files of other pe riodicals, old ledgers and day books, and even personal manu scripts and diaries. A manuscript account of Harrisonburg, vii its people, and the activities centering in it as the county- seat, written in 1892 by a lady who was born in the town in 1812, and giving realistic descriptions of days and doings nearly a century ago, should be specially mentioned. The records of the Methodist church, dating back in their begin ning more than a hundred years, have been a source of much information having a general as well as a particular interest. Photographers have contributed pictures, authors have given their books, publishers have opened their presses in hearty and generous co-operation. The librarians at Richmond and at the State University, as well as at other places where the author has gone gathering facts, have been obliging and helpful; hundreds of persons all over the county, and in many other parts of our great country, have responded cheerfully to personal letters requesting particular informa tion. It is indeed an embarrassment of riches that has confronted the author; the task has been one of selection rather than of collection, though he has sought far and long for some things herein presented. He feels, therefore, that he may be justly criticised, not so much for what he has given in this book as for what he has been obliged to leave out. It has been deemed wiser, on the whole, to keep the volume within reasonable size and cost than to include so much as to make it cumbersome in bulk or expensive in price. We have tried to make a book for the average reader, for every citizen, as well as for the scholar and antiquarian. Grateful acknowledgement is made to special contributors and others who have given aid in supplying materials or sug gesting lines of choice, and the names of many of these will be found in the proper connections throughout the volume. Special mention is yet due in this place, and is gratefully made, of the uniform courtesy extended to the author by Col. D. H. Lee Martz, clerk of the circuit court in Rocking ham, and by his assistants, Mr. C. H. Brunk and Mr. J. Frank Blackburn. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1716— September— Spotswood visits the Valley— East Rock ingham. 1727— Adam Miller settles on the Shenandoah River. 1738— November— Act of Assembly passed creating Frederick and Augusta Counties. 1745— September 23— John Sevier born in Rockingham. 1749— August 27— James Madison, first Protestant Episcopal bishop of Virginia, born at Port Republic. 1751— Thomas Lewis and Gabriel Jones buy land in East Rockingham. 1753— May 11— Valentine and Joannah Sevier sell land to Andrew Byrd, on or near Smith's Creek. 1758— April 28— Massacre at Fort Seybert. 1763— April 18— Valentine Sevier sells his personal property to Andrew Byrd. 1769— Lutheran and Reformed congregations at Peaked Moun tain agree to build a union church. 1773— August 15— Valentine and Joanna Sevier sell land in Long Meadow to Michael and David Holsinger. 1775— October— John Alderson installed as pastor of the Lin- ville Creek Baptist church. 1777— October— Act of Assembly passed creating Rocking ham County. 1778— April 27, 28— First court held for Rockingham County. 1779— August 5— Thomas Harrison sells lot for county buildings. 1780— May— Act of Assembly passed establishing Harrison burg. 1780— First Presbyterian preaching in Harrisonburg, accord ing to tradition. 1782— Abraham Lincoln goes from Rockingham County to Kentucky. A HISTORY OF 1784— First court house for Rockingham completed. 1787— December— Act of Assembly passed creating Pendleton County. 1789— October 29— Rockingham Union Lodge, No. 27, A. F. & A. M., chartered. 1791 — December— Act of Assembly passed establishing Kee- zletown. 1794 — Bishop Asbury organizes Methodist school in Harrison burg. 1801 — McGaheysville named for Tobias Randolph McGahey. 1802 — January 14 — Port Republic established by Act of As sembly. 1804 — January 5 — New Haven established by Act of As sembly. 1805— Robert Gray locates at Harrisonburg. 1807 — November 16 — Henry Tutwiler, first M. A. of Univer sity of Virginia, born in Harrisonburg. 1807 — December — Dr. Peachey Harrison writes of Rocking ham for Philadelphia Medical Museum. 1809 — George Rockingham Gilmer of Georgia visits Rocking ham. 1809 — Bishop Newcomer (U. B.) confers with Bishop Asbury (M. E. ) at Harrisonburg. 1811 — February 20— Dr. Asher Waterman sells 35,000 acres of West Rockingham land for $13,125. 1813— Daniel Bryan publishes the "Mountain Muse." 1816— Rockingham Methodists prepare memorial against slavery. 1818— Brown's "Circular" published. 1818 — Harrison's Cave discovered. 1820 (?)— Garber's Church built. 1822— Trissel's Church built. 1822— Rockingham Register founded by Lawrence Wartmann. 1824— January 26— Timothy Funk born at Mountain Valley. 1825— Mt. Crawford established by Act of Assembly. 1826— February 18— Act of Assembly passed chartering Rock ingham Academy. —10— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1828— Linville Creek Church (of the Brethren) built. 1831 — March— Act of Assembly passed creating Page County. 1832 — Dunker Annual Meeting held in Rockingham County. 1832— First edition of Joseph Funk's "Genuine Church Music." 1833— January 7 — Great Anti-Nullification meeting held in Harrisonburg. 1833— January Court — Old courthouse sold. 1833 — March — Dayton established by Act of Assembly. 1834— Valley Turnpike Company authorized to construct toll road from Winchester to Harrisonburg. 1835 — February — Bridgewater established by Act of Assem bly. 1839-40— Extraordinary snows in Rockingham County. 1840— December 19— Joseph Salyards advertises the resump tion of school at McGaheysville. 1844— Sons of Temperance organize at Harrisonburg. 1844— Liberty Springs Company buys land. 1847— Joseph Funk and Sons open printing office at Mountain Valley. 1847— October 5 — Cyclone near Friedens Church. 1848— Mt. Vernon Furnace in Brown's Gap built. 1850— Rockingham Parish reorganized and put in charge of Rev. James B. Goodwyn. 1850— Death of Judge Daniel Smith. 1858— Jed Hotchkiss publishes description of Northwest Rockingham. 1861— Dunker Annual meeting held in Rockingham. 1861— October— Girls' school at Harrisonburg turned into a Confederate hospital. 1862— May 8— Col. S. B. Gibbons killed at McDowell. 1862— June 6 — Gen. Turner Ashby killed near Harrisonburg. 1862— June 8— Battle of Cross Keys. 1862— June 9— Battle of Port Republic. 1862— December 24 — Joseph Funk dies at Singer's Glen. 1864— May 5— Col. E. T. H. Warren and Maj. I. G. Coffman killed in the Wilderness. -11— A HISTORY OF 1864— June 15— John Kline killed in Rockingham. 1866— John W. Taylor begins teaching at Lacey Springs. 1866— School for colored children organized in Harrisonburg by Misses Martha Smith and Phoeby Libby, of Augusta, Maine. 1868— February— Lutheran Church in Harrisonburg rededi- cated. 1868— July 13— Old Waterman home near Harrisonburg burns. 1868 — Thurman movement in Rockingham culminates. 1869— Rockingham Home Mutual Fire Insurance Company organized. 1869 — First railroad opened to Harrisonburg. 1869 — New stage line opened from Harrisonburg to Shenan doah Iron Works. 1870 — January — Musical Million established at Singer's Glen. 1870 — January — Navigation opened on Shenandoah River in Brock's Gap. 1870— October— Destructive Floods. 1870— December 25 — Destructive fire in Harrisonburg, south side of Public Square. 1871— Harrisonburg graded school organized under new public school system — J. S. Loose, principal. 1871 — U. S. District Court located at Harrisonburg. 1872 — January 6 — West Rockingham Mutual Fire Insurance Company organized. 1872 — April — Redivision of Rockingham County into 5 town ships. 1872 — John Cover builds tannery near Conrad's Store. 1873— September 29— Valley Normal School at Bridgewater opened. 1874 — March — First train over Valley Railroad from Harrison burg to Staunton. 1874 — November — Grading on Narrow Gauge completed from Harrisonburg to Bridgewater. 1874 — Third Court House erected. 1875 — Shenandoah Collegiate Institute at Dayton founded. —12— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1876 — May — Catholic church in Harrisonburg consecrated. 1876— Monument to soldiers erected in Woodbine Cemetery by Ladies' Memorial Association. 1877 — November — Destructive floods. 1878 — Ruebush-Kieffer printing house moved to Dayton. 1879 — June— Dunker Annual Meeting at Broadway. 1879 — August-September — Sidney Lanier at Rockingham Springs. 1879 — New Market Endless Caverns discovered. 1880 — Bridgewater College started at Spring Creek. 1880 — March — Broadway established by Act of Assembly. 1881 — April 18 — First through trains from Hagerstown to Waynesboro on Norfolk & Western Railway. 1881 — September — A. C. Kimler begins teaching at McGah eysville. 1881— A. S. Kieffer publishes "Hours of Fancy." 1885 — Lake's Atlas of Rockingham County published. 1885— G. F. Compton begins history of Rockingham in the Register. 1887 — Shenandoah Normal College located at Harrisonburg. 1889 — Dunker Annual Meeting at Harrisonburg. 1892 — February — Shendun established by Act of Assembly. 1892— March 1— Old Folks' Home at Timberville opened. 1892 — Harrisonburg synagogue dedicated. 1892 — Emma Lyon Bryan publishes "A Romance of the Valley." 1893— Massanutta Cave, near Keezletown, discovered. 1894 — February — Timberville established by Act of Assembly. 1895 — July 31 — Chesapeake & Western Railway completed to Dayton. 1895 — September 13 — C. & W. Railway completed to Bridge- water. 1897 — Fourth Court House erected. 1897 — Cross Keys Home Mutual Fire Insurance Company or ganized. 1898 — New water system for Harrisonburg put in operation. 1898 — Harrisonburg Daily News established. —13— A HISTORY OF 1899— April 18— Valley Telephone Company absorbed by the Rockingham Mutual System. 1899— May 20— President McKinley in Harrisonburg. 1899 — July 1— Rockingham County Medical Association or ganized. 1903— Nettie Gray Daingerfield publishes "That Dear Old Sword." 1905 — Harrisonburg Daily Times established. 1906 — April — Fravel Sash and Door Company moved to Har risonburg. 1906 — J. C. Paxton builds lime kiln at Linville. 1907— J. W. Wayland publishes the "German Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia." 1911 — Harrisonburg and Rockingham County adopted com pulsory education law. 1908— March— Elkton incorporated. 1909— June — Great Dunker Annual Meeting at Harrisonburg. 1909 — September — State Normal School at Harrisonburg opened, 1911 — Waterman School opened. 1911 — Rockingham Memorial Hospital built. 1911 — L. J. Heatwole publishes his perpetual calendar. 1911 — Rockingham Daily Record established. 1912 — Legislature changes the name of Shendun to Grottoes. 1912 — State Sunday-School convention held in Harrisonburg. 1912— E. U. Hoenshel publishes the "Crimson Trail." CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHY OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. Rockingham County, Virginia, extends from the Blue Ridge on the southeast entirely across the great valley to the first Alleghany ranges on the northwest, and has an area of 870 square miles. Only two counties in the State, Augusta and Pittsylvania, are larger. Excepting a great notch, cut out of the east corner in 1831 in the formation of Page County, Rockingham is nearly a square, and lies on the map as if its corners were approaching the cardinal points of the compass in a right-hand turn. The corner farthest north extends nearly up to the 39th parallel of latitude, the south corner be ing almost as near to the !38th. As to longitude, the 79th meridian cuts it almost in half. A line drawn due east from the north corner of Rock ingham, and measured in that course 107 miles, would end in sight of the Washington Monument, on the south side to wards Alexandria. One drawn southeastward from the south corner, and measured 87 miles, would end at a point near enough to Manchester and Richmond to be in sound of the chiming bells in those cities beside the James. The northeastern half of the great valley of Virginia, com prising now the ten counties of Augusta, Rockingham, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Frederick, Clark, Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan (the last three being in West Virginia), may properly be termed the Shenandoah Valley, since it is drained into the Potomac by the Shenandoah River through its sev eral branches. Prior to the year 1738 the entire Shenandoah Valley, with much more territory west and southwest, was a part of Orange County. In 1738 it was cut off from Orange, and divided into two counties, Frederick and Augusta. In 1777 a large part of Augusta was cut off and erected into A HISTORY OF the county of Rockingham. These successive steps are shown in detail by the following copies of the respective Acts of Assembly authorizing them: An act (passed November 1738) , for erecting two new Counties and Parishes; and granting certain encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof. I. Whereas, great numbers of people have settled themselves of late, upon the rivers of Sherrando, Cohongoruton, and Opeckon, and the branches thereof, on the north-west side of the Blue Ridge of mountains, whereby the strength of this colony, and it's security upon the frontiers, and his majesty's revenue of quit-rents, are like to be much increased and augmented; For giving encouragement to such as shall think fit to settle there, II. Be it enacted, by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That all that territory and tract of land, at present deemed to be part of the County of Orange, lying on the north west side of the top of the said mountains, extend ing from thence northerly, westerly, and southerly, beyond the said mountains, to the utmost limits of Virginia, be separated from the rest of the said county, and erected into two distinct counties and parishes; to be divided by a line to be run from the head Spring of Hedg- man river l to the head spring of the river Potowmack: And that all that part of the said territory, lying to the northeast of the said line, beyond the top of the said Blue Ridge, shall be one distinct county, and parish; to be called by the name of the county of Frederick, and parish of Frederick : And that the rest of the said territory, lying on the other side of the said line, beyond the top of the said Blue Ridge, shall be one other distinct county, and parish; to be called by the name of the county of Augusta, and parish of Augusta. 2 An Act (passed October 1777) for forming several new counties, and reforming the boundaries of two others. Whereas it is represented to this present session of assembly, by the inhabitants of Augusta and Botetourt counties, that they labour under many inconveniences by reason of the great extent of the said counties and parishes: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That from and after the first day of March next the said county and parish of Augusta shall be divided by a line beginning at the north side of the North Moun tain, opposite to the upper end of Sweedland Hill, and running a direct course so as to strike the mouth of Seneca creek, on the north fork of the l- Hedgman River must be what is now called Conway River, forming part of the line between the counties of Madison and Greene. 2. Hening's Statutes, Vol. 5, pp. 78, 79. -16— " M D mag V S' I t R III. II*-, i '"'¦ - 1 ' \ xU ' D V ^ ^-,-^ifWu, n^ffir. X. , n V . M A G |;' ' 1- ^ S T F „ r2 (¦ s=s ¦vtit "'{'"f r. i -- %= ;•¦ A - IS j , Mi -\" g i 8 t -e;.; r i a l- ' ,'. ,V *JU DISTRICT MAP OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA From Actual Surveys Made for D. J. LAKE & CO 1885 Scale about 4 miles to an inch. ¦_ j ROCKINGHAM COUNTY south branch of Potowmack river, and the same course to be continued to the Alleghany mountain, thence along the said mountain to the line of Hampshire county; and all that part of the said county and parish of Augusta which lies to the northward of the said line shall be added to and made part of the said county and parish of Hampshire. And that the residue of the county and parish of Augusta be divided by a line to begin at the South Mountain (Blue Ridge), and running thence by Benjamin Yardley's plantation so as to strike the north river below James Byrd's house, thence up the said river to the mouth of Naked creek, thence leaving the river a direct course so as to cross the said river at the mouth of Cunningham's branch, in the upper end of Silas Hart's land, to the foot of the North Mountain, thence fifty-five degrees west to the Alle ghany Mountain, and with the same to the line of Hampshire; and all that part which lies north eastward of the said line shall be one distinct parish (county and parish) , called and known by the name of Rocking ham. 3 Other parts of the same Act establish the counties of Green Brier and Rockbridge; fix the fourth Monday of every month as court day for Rockingham, the first session to be held at the house of Daniel Smith; establish the town of Lex ington; change the name of Dunmore County to Shanando, etc. As at first constituted in 1777, Rockingham County em braced the greater part of what is now Pendleton County, W. Va., and about a third part of what is now Page County, Va. Pendleton County was established in 1787: this trans ferred the northwest boundary of Rockingham some 25 miles southeastward— that is, from the Alleghany Mountain to its present position on the Shenandoah Mountain. Page County was established in 1831 : this cut out from the east corner of Rockingham the big notch already mentioned. The present boundaries of Rockingham may be indicated as follows: Beginning at the south corner, at a point on top of the Blue Ridge above Black Rock Springs, draw a line, straight throughout the greater part of its course, N. about 55 degrees W., some 32 miles to the top of Shenandoah Moun tain; this gives the southwest boundary, separating from Augusta County; turn north about 30 degrees east, and fol- 3. Hening's Statutes, volume 9, pp. 420-424. —17— A HISTORY OF low the top ridge of the Shenandoah Mountain some 30 miles, to a point opposite Peru, in Hardy County, W. Va. ; this gives the northwest boundary, separating from Pendleton and Hardy; turn south about 50 degrees east, and measure a straight course some 26 miles to the top of Massanutten Mountain, above New Market; this gives the northeast bound ary, separating from Hardy and Shenandoah. This is part of the original line between Frederick and Augusta, and is fre quently called the Fairfax Line, since it marks the southwest limit of the famous Northern Neck, as claimed by Thomas Lord Fairfax. Turn now southwest and follow the crest of the Massanutten Mountain some 9 miles, then turn south east and go about 12 miles to the top of the Blue Ridge, be tween Elkton and Shenandoah City; this gives the boundary about the notch, separating from Page County; finally, turn southwestward and follow the crest of the Blue Ridge about 20 miles to the beginning, above Black Rock; this gives the southeast boundary, separating from Greene and Albemarle. The boundary line of Rockingham around the notch is given more specifically in the Act of 1831, creating Page County, as follows: Beginning at a point in the line of the counties of Rockingham and Orange, on the top of the Blue Ridge, opposite to the head waters of Naked creek, in the county of Rockingham; thence, a straight line to the head waters of said creek; thence, with the meanderings of said creek, to its junction with the South river; thence, down the bed of said river, to the upper end of Michael Shuler's island; thence, a straight line to the mouth of Shuler's run; thence, with the main branch of said run, to its source; thence, a straight line, to the top of the Massanutten mountain; thence, with the top of said mountain, . . . The boundary line between Rockingham and Augusta was described in an address delivered October 15, 1896, by Judge John Paul, as follows: Beginning at the South Mountain (Blue Ridge), thence by a direct line past Benjamin Yardley's plantation (now Mohler's) so as to strike North River below James Byrd's house (James Beard is the way it is now spelled). The point is at Diehl's ford, about one mile and a half above the junction of Middle and North rivers. Thence up North River to the —18- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY mouth of Naked Creek; thence by a direct line so as to cross North River at the mouth of Cunningham's branch (now Thorn Run) . This point is at Mr. Sanger's house. Thence, same course, to the foot of North Moun tain. It will be observed from the foregoing statements that two streams by the name of Naked Creek appear in the geog raphy of Rockingham. One of these heads in Augusta County, and forms a small part of the boundary line between the two counties, near Mt. Crawford; the other heads in Page County, and forms several miles of the boundary be tween that county and Rockingham, in the vicinity of Shen andoah City. Wholly within the county are two streams with the name of Dry River. Both head around the bases of Tomahawk Mountain, near the Pendleton line. One flows northeast and becomes part of the North Fork of the Shen andoah River at Fulk's Run; the other flows southeast and unites with North River at Bridgewater. The most conspicuous, and perhaps the most wonderful, feature in the physical geography of Rockingham is the south west promontory of the Massanutten, known as Peaked Mountain, or the Peak. Rising gradually to a great height, it juts out into the wide valley, then sinks down into the plain as completely and almost as abruptly as the rock of Gibraltar into the sea. From the east side it presents an ap pearance that strongly reminds one of Gibraltar. The view from the Peak is one of the finest in the world. Behind one is the great hollow in the Peak itself, know as the Kettle; and beyond it are the triple ridges of the range, flanked on the west by the towering bulk of Laird's Knob. To the east is the billowy outline of the Blue Ridge; far to the west are the first ranges of the Alleghanies; halfway between the Peak and Harrisonburg is the long, wooded range of hills known as Chestnut Ridge; and farther back, thrown around the Peak in a great semicircle, are the seven huge, wooded cones that rise out of the plain to a height varying from 300 to 500 feet: Green Hill, beyond Linville; Round Hill, near Singer's Glen; Mole Hill, at Dale Enterprise; Round Hill, at —19- A HISTORY OF Bridgewater; Wise's Hill, above Mt. Crawford; Shaver's Hill, near Friedens; and Long's Hill, toward Port Republic. Beyond Green Hill, the North Fork of the Shenandoah River comes out of the Alleghanies, through Brock's Gap; is joined by Linville Creek at Broadway; flows on past Tim berville; and, after receiving the waters of Long Glade Run, Smith's Creek, and other Rockingham streams, continues its meandering course down the Valley, west of the Massanutten range. Beyond Round Hill at Bridgewater, North River comes out of the Alleghanies, through Briery Branch Gap and other gaps; is joined on its way by Dry River, Cook's Creek, Naked Creek, and many other streams; combines with Middle River near Mt. Meridian, on the line between Rockingham and Augusta; then receives the waters of South River at Port Re public. Here it surrenders its name, the big stream from Port Republic on being called the South Fork of the Shenan doah River. This, having swept down between the Blue Ridge and the Massanutten Peak, and having been aug mented by Cub Run, Madison Run, Elk Run, and other Rock ingham streams, continues down the Valley, east of the Mas sanutten Mountain, uniting with the North Fork of the Shen andoah River fifty miles below, at the northeast end of the Massanutten range. Rockingham County is divided into five magisterial dis tricts, namely, Ashby, Central, Linville, Plains, and Stone wall. The first is named for the great cavalry leader who fell, in 1862, just outside of Harrisonburg; the second is named from its position; the third bears the name of the creek that drains its fertile vales; the fourth has adopted the distinguishing term that has long been applied to the broad, level bottoms that skirt the North Fork of the Shenandoah between Timberville and New Market; and the fifth, with much appropriateness, is named for the hero of First Man assas, of Second Manassas, and of Port Republic. It was in Stonewall District, of Rockingham County, that Stonewall Jackson began and ended his brilliant Valley Campaign. —20— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Of these five districts, Plains is the largest. Its western half is the famous Brock's Gap country. In 1858, Jed Hotch- kiss, a few years later renowned as Stonewall Jackson's chief topographical engineer, wrote of this country as follows: "The region of Brock's Gap, inside, is large enough for a county by itself. I was not prepared to find as large a stream of water there as we did find, nor so much romantic scenery. All 'Germany' is inside, and it is some ways from the Gap." The sturdy German race prevails all over Rockingham, particularly so, it seems, in the Brock's Gap country; hence the expression just quoted. In years past the region was frequently styled "Little Germany"; and one of the streams that drain it is called German River. There has been a good deal of interesting speculation as to how Brock's Gap got its name. One tradition is to the effect that "General Brock," while on his way to relieve Fort Seybert, camped in the Gap, and thus gave it his name. If there was a General Brock in the Gap at the time referred to, it evidently was not the ' 'Hero of Upper Canada. ' ' Fort Seybert was destroyed in 1758, and the general just desig nated was not born till 1769. It is most likely that the name was received from some resident of the Gap. In 1748, as the Augusta County records show, Daniel Holman and Peter Gartner became guardians for Julia, George, and Elsie Brock, orphans of Rudolph Brock, deceased. This shows that there were Brocks in this part of the Valley at a very early date. In 1752, as shown by the same records, Christian Funkhousa and Henry Brock sold to Jacob Bare 400 acres of land ' 'on ye south fork of the North River of Shanando above the gap in ye mountain." The property was warranted specially against John P. Brock and his heirs. The witnesses were Peter Scholl, Samuel Newman, and John Bare. This seems to show conclusively that the Brock name was familiar in the Gap as early as 1752, or earlier. With this brief outline of the geography of Rockingham County, let us proceed to the following chapters, in which, under the various heads, will be found many other facts that might properly be included here. —21— CHAPTER II. GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. BY JUSTUS H. CLINE, M. A., Assistant Geologist, Virginia State Geological Survey. On the basis of both geological and physiographic features the state of Virginia is divided into three great provinces: the Coastal Plain on the east, the Piedmont Plateau in the central part, and the Appalachian Mountain province on the west. Rockingham County lies entirely within the latter province. The Appalachian Mountain province is further divided into three sub-provinces, each of which shows more or less marked differences in the topographic types represented, the Old Appalachians, or Blue Ridge, on the east; the Great Val ley, in the centre; and the New Appalachians, or Alleghany Ridges, on the west. Each of the three subdivisions is well represented within the borders of the county. The topography of the county, in keeping with that of the Appalachian Mountain province in general, is varied and picturesque; and with the exception of the main part of the Blue Ridge may be defined as the parallel ridge and valley type; the ridges being generally parallel with each other and extending in a northeast and southwest direction, in keeping with the strike of the underlying rock-structure. The Blue Ridge, which forms the eastern boundary of the county, is distinct topographically from the rest of the area in that it presents an uneven and knobby crest, and shows an absence of the parallel ridge type in its main part, which is so well developed both in the valley and the ridges to the west. The foothills, or lower ridges, which flank the Blue Ridge on its western slope, being, made up of rocks sim ilar both in origin and structure to those of the west, partake ROCKINGHAM COUNTY more nearly of their topographic characters and really belong to the New Appalachian type. The highest point in the Blue Ridge in Rockingham County is High Knob, which attains an elevation of over 3600 feet above sea level. The Shenandoah Valley province, which makes up the greater part of Rockingham County, when viewed from an elevation appears as a broad, undulating plain, traversed by a series of low ridges which barely appear above it. In these ridges the cherty beds of limestone, which are more resistant than the surrounding rocks, have given rise to a series of round, conical hills which dot the landscape at intervals of a few miles, and have an elevation of from two hundred to three hundred feet above the plain. Good examples of these are Round Hill near Bridgewater and Mole Hill near Dayton. The Shenandoah plain slopes gently toward the southwest as a rule and attains an elevation of about 1500 feet at Har risonburg. The most conspicuous feature of the Valley province within the county is the Massanutten Mountain, which divides the northern part into two unequal divisions. This peculiar mountain, while only within a few miles of the Blue Ridge and parallel with it, shows no geological kinship with it, for it is in reality an outlier of the New Appalachian ridges about eighteen miles to the west. The mountain ends abruptly in a fine peak which is locally known as Peaked Mountain, 2900 feet above the sea. Laird's Knob, a few miles northward, attains an elevation of more than 3400 feet. The topography of the Massanutten Mountain is identical with that of the Alleghany ridges. The Alleghany ridges and valleys embrace the western third of the county. These ridges show a more or less even crestline, and are arranged with a decided parallelism. The most elevated part of the county is within this province. High Knob in the Shenandoah Mountain has an elevation slightly more than 4200 feet. Practically all types of ridges found in an eroded region of folded sedimentary rocks occur here: the monoclinal, anticlinal, and synclinal. These ridges are frequently cut by gaps through which streams are now —23— A HISTORY OF flowing or have flowed in a former period. The valleys be tween the ridges are narrow. The drainage of Rockingham county belongs entirely to the Shenandoah system. The two master streams are the North Fork, which flows west of the Massanutten Mountain, and the main part of the Shenandoah, which flows through the Page valley east of the same mountain. These streams and their tributaries have cut the Shenandoah plain into a deep intaglio, and they now flow in channels from 100 to 300 feet below it. The streams of the county have for the most part adjusted themselves to the underlying structural conditions, and consequently they tend to flow in a northeasterly direction. The chief exception to this is the North River, which flows eastward near the southern border of the county. This stream, instead of flowing parallel with the strike of the rock formations, takes a course at right angles to the strike and maintains it till its influx with the main Shenandoah near the foot of the Blue Ridge. This is explained by the fact that its course antedates the folding of the rock strata which has oc curred in the Appalachian province. The county is exceed ingly well watered, and springs of large size are frequent. The rocks of the county fall under the two great lithologic types, igneous and sedimentary. Both types occur in all three of the sub-provinces. It is understood that igneous rocks are those which have solidified from a molten condition, while the sedimentaries are those which are composed of material derived from the waste of land and redeposited in the form of mud, sand, gravel, chemical precipitants, etc. , chiefly in lakes and seas. The only dominantly igneous area in the county is the main part of the Blue Ridge. The formations of the rest of the county are sedimentary, with very minor exceptions. Cer tainly less than one per cent, of the rocks of the county which outcrop at the surface are of igneous origin, and all these with the few noted exceptions are entirely in the Blue Ridge. The igneous rocks of the Blue Ridge in Rockingham County are of the basaltic type, which represent material —24— . ,THm two! Liwetfoitc oil* hip of Sandstone Geological Map of Rockingham County ROCKINGHAM COUNTY thrown out on the surface by the extrusive action of ancient volcanoes. The material in its original form was dark or al most black in color, but subsequent alterations and metamor- phic changes have usually converted it into rock varying in color from a dark bluish-green to a light green, dependent on the secondary mineralogical constituents. Where these min erals are secondary amphibole and chlorite the rock is bluish green in color; and where epidote is the dominant altera tion product the color is light green. There are all grada tions between these different colors depending on the propor tions of these minerals. Originally the essential minerals which made up the basalt was plagioclase feldspar, magne tite, and pyroxene, but subsequent alterations have almost en tirely broken down the original mineral components giving rise chiefly to the three above mentioned, so that at present the rock may properly be termed an epidosite where the dominant mineral is epidote, an amphibolite where the dominant mineral is amphibole, and a chlorite-schist where the dominant mineral is chlorite. For all practical purposes the two latter types may rightly be thrown together and termed amphibolite-chlorite schists. The general name for this ba saltic formation wherever it occurs in the Blue Ridge and the Piedmont plateau is Catoctin Schist, so called because it usually presents a slaty or schistose structure, induced by the folding of the earth's crust and the development of the sec ondary minerals contingent upon such conditions. The rock frequently shows material picked up by the liquid lava streams as they flowed over the ancient land surface covered with the material of older flows; and gas bubbles, or amugdules, are common in the upper surfaces. These cavities have since been filled by percolating waters carrying mineral matter in solution, the resulting minerals being usually epidote, calcite, and quartz. It is within the Catoctin Schist that the copper deposits of the Blue Ridge occur. The rock has been as signed to the Algonkian Period and is therefore one of the oldest formations occurring in the state, and certainly the oldest in the county. —25- flLiUlalhrlhHt. (anbOuni Harriswibury itcnlO. Late investigations have revealed that igneous rocks also occur in the county within the Valley province, in limited quantity, in the form of dikes. These rocks outcrop in the vicinity of Cross Keys and at intervals entirely across the county; the most westerly outcrop reported being in the vicinity of Brock's Gap. A character istic exposure of these rocks is found near Harrisonburg, where the road leading from Harrisonburg to Keezle- town crosses the Chesapeake - Wes tern Railway tracks. The rock is of dark color and medium to fine grained. It weathers to rounded boul ders, which are broken only with great difficulty. It is a typical diabase and is composed of the minerals magnetite, augite, olivine, and plagioclase feld spar as essential ingredients. The rock is comparatively fresh, and is prob ably the youngest of the rock forma tions in the county, having been forced while in a molten condition into the fissures of the limestone and shale formations of the mountains. While the exact age of the rock cannot be de termined, on lithological grounds it may be assigned to the Triassic. x The rock, owing to its high lime and iron content, makes road material of the first quality, since it has the necessary ingredients to bind and is far superior to limestone in lasting qualities. The sedimentary rocks of the county present every phase of sedimentary i- Thos. L. Watson and Justus H. Cline, "Dikes of the Shenandoah Valley, " in prepa ration. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY possibilities, and rocks of every age occur from the beginning of the Cambrian to the Lower Coal period. Starting with the oldest rocks of this type in the county we find sandstones, which are frequently conglomeritic, and shales of Cambrian age making up the foothills or lower ridges which flank the Blue Ridge on its western slope. This formation rests on the Catoc tin Schist as a base and the material of which they are com posed was probably derived from it and from other igneous and sedimentary formations to the east of the Blue Ridge. The thickness of the Cambrian sandstone and shale formation may be estimated at from 2000 to 3000 feet. The lower part of the formation is dominantly sandstone, and the upper part shaley. The age of the formation has been determined by the remains of animal life which are preserved extensively in one of the sandstone beds in the form of worm borings by the species scolithus linearis, characteristic of the Cambrian. The Cambrian shales grade into Shenandoah limestone, which succeeds them without break in the sedimentary record, the lower part of the limestone formation also being Cam brian. The thickness of the Shenandoah limestone is from 1500 to 2500 feet. The upper part is definitely known to be Or- dovician in age, from the fossils it contains, but there is no definite line of division marked between the known Ordo- vician and the known Cambrian. Five distinct divisions of this limestone in central western Virginia have been de scribed by Prof. H. D. Campbell. These are, in ascending order, (1) Sherwood Limestone of Lower Cambrian age, (2) Buena Vista shales of Lower or Middle Cambrian age, (3) Natural Bridge limestone of Middle and Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician, (4) Murat limestone, and (5) Liberty Hall limestone of Middle Ordovician age. The Murat and Liberty are probably absent in Rockingham County, and their places occupied by the above and dolomitic limestones of Stones River age and the pure and argillaceous strata designated as the Chambersburg formation. Fossils found near Harrison burg have identified both these formations at that place. -27- A HISTORY OF The Shenandoah limestone varies in color from a grey to dove color and blue. It contains frequent cherty beds, the weathering of which gives rise to the ridges and gravelly hills common in the county. Shaley beds also occur within the limestone of varying thickness. The most prominent of these are the Buena Vista shales of Cambrian age, which are easily recognized by their reddish color. In composition the rock varies from an almost pure limestone to dolomite, in which the lime is replaced largely by magnesia. The rock also shows widely varying percentages of clayey material and silica. The Chambersburg and Stones River formations and the associated Trenton shales afford splendid material for the manufacture of Portland cement. In the upper part of the Shenandoah limestone shaley beds appear, which increase in frequency and thickness till the formation entirely gives way to the Martinsburg shale. This shale formation occupies a prominent synclinal trough extending entirely across the county. This syncline is known as the Massanutten syncline, since its position is partly oc cupied by the mountain of the same name. The syncline is very persistent, and extends far beyond the limits of the mountain both to the northeast and southwest. There are also other minor areas of the shale formation which may be seen on the accompanying map. The thickness of the forma tion is about 2000 feet. The fine blue slate lands of the county are underlain by the lower beds of this formation. The weathering of the shale gives rise to the characteristic rounded hills with oval crests, often very similar in form to the drum- lins of glacial origin in the northern part of the United States. The contact between the shale and limestone can readily be detected by the abrupt change in the topography. The Martinsburg shale is succeeded by the Massanutten sandstone, so called from its occurrence in the mountain by that name. It is to the resistant character of this rock that the Massanutten mountain owes its existence. The thickness of the sandstone is about 500 feet. It varies from a reddish sandy shale to a coarse conglomerate and light grey massive -28- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY bedded quartzite. A typical exposure of this quartzite is found at the nose of Peaked Mountain. The formation also occurs in the Alleghany ridges. Its age is Silurian. The rocks of the Alleghany ridges are as follows, given in order of age: (1) the Martinsburg shale and (2) Massa nutten sandstone, which have been described above; (3) Rockwood formation of Silurian age, composed of reddish micaceous sandstones, which grade upward into reddish and brown shales capped with a bed of greyish to yellowish quartzite. The thickness of the formation is about 200 feet. (4) Lewistown limestone of Silurian age, containing numerous fossil corals and braciopods and remains of sponges and micro scopic organisms. Its thickness is about 100 feet. (5) Mon terey sandstone of Silurian and Devonian age, in part cal careous. The thickness is about 300 feet. (6) The dark colored Romney shales of Devonian age, which were deposited on the eroded surface of the Monterey sandstone. This non conformity represents the only break in the sedimentary cycle within the bounds of Rockingham County. The thickness of the formation approaches 1000 feet. (7) Jennings formation, also of Devonian age, which is made up of olive to buff col ored shales interstratified with massive fine-grained sand stones. Its thickness is about 3000 feet. It is succeeded by the (8) Hampshire formation, made up of thinly bedded grey and reddish sandstone and thick bedded sandstone, all inter- bedded with thin layers of shale. The formation is as thick as 1400 feet, and it is of Devonian age. (9) The Pocono sandstone of Mississippian age, which is the youngest of the sedimentaries in the county. It is composed of light grey sandstones of a rather coarse texture, which are interbedded with thin layers of semi-anthracite coal. It is about 700 feet in thickness. The structure of the rocks of Rockingham County can best be understood by reference to the accompanying structure section. It will be remembered that the sedimentary rocks of the county were originally laid down by water in the order in which they now occur, but in a horizontal position. The -29- A HISTORY OF beds are rarely found in this position, but have been folded into anticlines and synclines and frequently broken by great overthrust faults and also by simple gravity faults. Since the folding and faulting of the region, erosion has been active, so that now the mountain ridges frequently oc cupy the position of the synclines, as in the case of the Mas sanutten mountain; and the river valleys in the same way oc cupy the position of the anticlines. The Valley province is not a structural valley, but it is entirely the product of erosion. The material which once occupied its position, being less re sistant to the forces of degradation, was disintegrated by chemical and mechanical forces and carried by the streams to the sea. The streams which have been responsible for this work have suffered likewise many changes, and now in a small measure only resemble their early ancestors. The drainage of the county at the beginning of the long cycle of erosion which developed its present land forms seems to have been controlled by two master streams. One of these streams occupied a position similar to North River, in the latitude of Bridgewater, and the other a position similar to the North Fork, in the latitude of Brock's Gap; the North River flowing across the Valley and Blue Ridge, possibly through Brown's Gap, and the North Fork across the Valley and the Massan utten Mountain at New Market and the Blue Ridge opposite Luray. Since the limestones of the Valley were more easily eroded than the harder rocks of the Blue Ridge, and since the Potomac came to be the master stream because of its size, tributaries of the Potomac flowing northward over the soft rocks of the valley were finally able to intercept these streams, first the North Fork at Luray and later the North River at Port Republic. Subsequently to these captures the Valley has been lowered many hundred feet below its level at the time the captures took place. The limestones of the Valley province are responsible for the numerous beautiful limestone caverns and bold springs which are so common, as well as for the remarkable fertility of the soils of the county, which has made her one of the -30- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY most desirable agricultural districts in the entire country. The hand of Providence working through long ages has pre pared a habitation for men, which in the beauty of topography and landscape, fertility of soil, excellence of water, delight- fulness of climate, luxuriance of vegetation, and all natural environment that makes for human happiness, can hardly be excelled in the entire world. MASSANUTTEN MOUNTAIN. By Miss Ruth Conn. Where the peak of old Massanutten Doth bare his broad dome to the skies, And clad with the strength of Creation Unmindful of ages doth rise, He guards day and night our green valley; For Nature who made it so fair, Grew alarmed for her beautiful treasure, And placed him as sentinel there. When the gray morning mists of the Valley, That are wont to encircle his crest, Have long faded into the sunlight, And wandering winds are at rest, When from off of his summit has faded The glow of the evening bars, He brings from the worlds shining o'er him Sweet dreams to our ' 'Child of the Stars. ' ' This sacred trust of Creation He kept since the world began, Till he smiled on the red man's wigwam And the hut of the first white man. And oft in the struggles that followed, He echoed the martial tramp, And sheltered the fires where our fathers Lay waiting with Stonewall in camp. He has stood with us in every struggle, Though burdened methinks with our pain; He has pointed to courage and patience, And helped us new visions to gain. Oh, fairer than Italy's mountains, Or Switzerland's snow-crowned towers, He is to the sons of the Valley— This rugged old mountain of ours ! Dear old Peak, thou art guarding thy treasure: May men to their trust prove as true ! Not one of Virginia's blue mountains Is so dear to our hearts as are you. McGaheysville, Rockingham County, Virginia, May, 1912. GENERAL JOHN SEVIER (Pages SIX, 3-19) CHAPTER III. THE FIRST WHITE SETTLERS. 1727-1738. From the best information at hand, it appears that the settlement of Rockingham and adjacent sections of the Valley of Virginia began in or about the year 1727. As in all similar cases, exploration preceded permanent settlement. First, therefore, let us take a preliminary survey of the earliest known explorations. In 1669, the same year that La Salle came down to the falls of the Ohio, John Lederer, a German of education, said to have been once a Franciscan monk, came up from James town and entered the Valley at or near Waynesboro; in 1670 he crossed the Valley at or near Front Royal and Strasburg. Once above, once below the present boundaries of Rocking ham, this German thus seemed to be marking out the district in which his fellow-countrymen should in the years to come build their homes and till their fruitful fields. Lederer's journal, giving an account of his exploration*;, with accom panying map, was printed in an English translation at London in 1672, and again at Rochester, N. Y., in 1902. In 1705 the Governor, Council, and Burgesses of Virginia offered a monopoly of trade to any person or persons who should thereafter ' 'at his or their own charge, make discovery of any town or nation of Indians, situate or inhabiting to the westward of, or between the Appalatian mountains."1 This was an act obviously intended to encourage pioneering west of the Blue Ridge. What response it elicited we do not know, but it may well be imagined that not many years passed before l. Hening's Statutes, Vol. Ill, page 468. A HISTORY OF some adventurous trader fared westward upon the heels of the hope it engendered. In 1716 Governor Spotswood made his famous expedition into the Valley, coming across the Blue Ridge, as we judge, at Swift Run Gap, and finding a land of "seek-no-farther" in the broad river plains about or above Elkton. We generally look upon Spotswood as doing for the Virginians, in respect to the Valley, what Caesar did for the Romans, in respect to Britain: as discovering it for them: and even as it was a cen tury before the Romans followed Caesar westward, so it was at least a decade before the Virginians began to follow Spots- wood. In the meantime Germans occasionally came in from the northeast. More of Spotswood and his knights at another place. In 1722 Michael Wohlfarth, a German sectarian, is re ported to have passed down through the Valley of Virginia going from Pennsylvania to North Carolina;2 Dr. J. A. Wad- dell, after investigating various sources of information, is satisfied that in or about the year 1726 John Sailing and John Mackey explored the Valley, both settling therein later;3 and it is likely that other white men, Germans, Scotch-Irish, and English, at other times before as well as after, walked in this great highway of nature from north to south. We are now coming to the time of permanent settlement, which we are able to fix some five years earlier than 1732, the date so long accepted as marking the beginnings in the Valley. In 1732 Jost Hite, with a number of other Germans, settled in the section now marked by Winchester; and in the same year John Lewis, with a number of other Scotch-Irish, located at or near the place where Staunton now stands; but it appears that as early as 1727 Adam Miller, a German, per haps with a few others of his own nationality, was staking out claims on the south fork of the Shenandoah River, on or near the line that now divides Rockingham County from Page. 2. Sachse's German Sectarians, Vol. II, page 332. s. Waddell's Annals of Augusta, edition 1902, page 24. -34- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY On March 13, 1741-2, Adam Miller received from Gov ernor William Gooch a certificate of naturalization, which re cites that the said Miller had been a resident on the Shenan doah for the past fifteen years. This fixes the date of his first settlement in 1726-7." In 1733, eight men, Adam Miller being one, addressed Governor Gooch in a petition, pray ing him to confirm their title to 5000 acres of land in Mas- sanutting, purchased about four years past for more than 400 pounds from Jacob Stover, reciting that they had moved upon the said land from Pennsylvania immediately after the pur chase, and that they had located thereon at the time of the petition nine plantations and 51 people.5 This would fix the date of settlement of the Massanutting colony in 1729 or 1730. On June 17, 1730, Jacob Stover, a native of Switzerland, was granted leave by the colonial council to take up 10,000 acres of land on the south fork of the Shenandoah, for the settlement of himself and divers Germans and Swiss whom he proposed to bring thither within the next two years, the said land to be laid off in such tracts as he should judge fitting. 6 Stover selected his grant in two tracts, of 5000 acres each, one along the river between the present Luray and Elkton, the other along the same river, higher up, between i. The certificate is in the possession of Adam Miller's great-great- granddaughter, Miss Elizabeth B. Miller, of Elkton, Va. It was printed in the William and Mary College Quarterly, October, 1900, and in Way- land's "German Element," pages 37, 38, in 1907. 5. The full text of this petition may be found in Palmer's Calendar of State Papers, Vol. I, pp. 219, 220, and in Wayland's "German Ele ment," pp. 35, 36. It bears no date, but the date has been conclusively determined, by various circumstances, to be 1733. 6. From records of the proceedings of the Council. These records, particularly such as refer to the settlement of the Valley of Virginia, were published in 1905-6 in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biog raphy, Richmond, with valuable supplementary notes by Mr. Chas. E. Kemper, of Washington, D. C. Jacob Stover was an interesting character — enterprising to a fault, it would seem. It is charged that some of his representations in -35- A HISTORY OF Elkton and Port Republic.7 The conditions upon which Stover received his grant were that he should actually locate a family of settlers upon each thousand acres within two years. These were the conditions usually imposed upon those receiving large grants of land at that time. Upon satisfactory proof that these conditions had been discharged, a permanent title was given. The names of the eight petitioners of 1733, who had bought land in Massanutten of Jacob Stover in 1729 or 1730, were as follows: Adam Miller8 Philip Long Hans Rood10 Abram Strickler Paul Long Michael Kaufman Mathias Selzer9 Michael Rhinehart The family names of all these men, with perhaps one or two exceptions, are to-day familiar and widely distributed, not only in the counties of Rockingham, Page, and Shenan doah, but also in many quarters beyond the limits of Virginia. It is quite probable that Adam Miller at first pre-empted his claim on the Shenandoah by squatter right, later meet ing properly the requirements of advancing governmental authority. It is possible, moreover, that the enterprising Stover sold him and his friends the Massanutten tract before the said Stover himself had a grant for it, since, as we have seen, the latter did not receive his grant until June 17, 1730. The alarm of the eight petitioners of 1733 arose from fear securing grants of land were worthy of Machiavelli. See Kercheval's History of the Valley of Virginia, reprint of 1902, page 46. 1. Mr. Chas. E. Kemper fixes the location of Stover's lower tract of 5000 acres, likely the same purchashed by Adam Miller and others in 1729> between Bear Lithia Spring, two miles below Elkton, in Rockingham County, and Newport, a village 12 miles further down the river, in Page County. See Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, January, 1906, pp. 295-297. It should be stated, however, that the httle vale and the village that still retain the name of Massanutten are a few miles far ther northeast, beyond Newport. 8. Adam Miller, who appears to have been the first settler of Rock ingham and adjacent sections of the Valley, was born probably at Schrei- -36— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY that William Beverly had an earlier or better claim than Stover. They had learned that Beverly was bringing suit against Stover for the land in question. On May 5, 1732, William Beverly, son of Robert Beverly the historian of Virginia, had received a grant of 15,000 acres on the Shenandoah River, including "a place called the Massanutting Town," provided the same did not interfere with any previous grants made in that section. Obviously sheim, Germany, the native place of Alexander Mack, about the year 1700. He came early in life to Lancaster County, Pa., with his wife and an unmarried sister. Later, going to Williamsburg, Va., he heard of the beautiful valley between the mountains from some Spotswood knights, and followed their path westward, crossing the Blue Ridge at Swift Run Gap. Having seen and desired the goodly land in the river plain below, he brought his family thither. He secured first the "uppermost of the Massanutten lots," near the present Page County line, but probably in Eockingham; in 1741 he purchased 820 acres, including the great lithia spring near Elkton, and was living thereon in 1764 when he sold 280 acres thereof to his son-in-law, Jacob Bear. Here Adam Miller lived till he died about 1780, and here the Bear family still resides, the spring being known as Bear Lithia Spring. He was a soldier in the French and Indian War, as shown by the military schedule for 1758 in Hening's Statutes. In religion he was a Lutheran, and was probably buried at St. Peter's Church, four miles north of Elkton. Among his descendants are the Mil lers, Bears, Kempers, Yanceys, Gibbons, Hopkins, Mauzys, Harnsberg- ers, and other prominent families of East Rockingham. A descendant, Hon. Chas. E. Kemper of Washington City, deserves special mention for his valuable publications regarding the pioneer. 9- Mathias Selzer of "Missinotty" is referred to by Gottschalk, a Mo ravian missionary, in his journal of 1748 as "the son-in-law of Jacob Bey- erly, of Lancaster"; as rich, generous, and respected in the whole region, but as bitter against the Moravians. He was evidently a Lutheran. In 1751 he was one of the justices of Augusta County (Summers' History of Southwestern Virginia, p. 821) , a fact which shows that he lived south west of the Fairfax line. 10- Hans Rood (John Rhodes) was doubtless the Mennonite preacher visited at Massanutten by Gottschalk in 1748, and, with his family, mas sacred by Indians in 1766. See Virginia Magazine of History and Biog raphy, July, 1904, page 69, and Kercheval's History of the Valley of Vir ginia, reprint of 1902, pp. 101, 102. It is likely that Abram Strickler and Michael Kaufman were also Mennonites. —37— A HISTORY OF there was an interference. of this grant with the one made to Stover in 1730. On December 12, 1733, Beverly entered a caveat against Stover, but the latter was sustained in his title, and given deeds for his two tracts of 5000 acres each on the 15th of December, 1733. n The fears of the eight petitioners, who held their title from Stover, were thus evi dently set at rest. Recalling now the fact that Stover's upper tract of 5000 acres, 'as well as the lower one, was granted upon the condi tion that at least one family should be located on each 1000 acres within two years, and observing that he got full title for both tracts in December, 1733, we may safely conclude that no less than five families were settled by that date along the river between the points now marked by Elkton and Port Republic. Beginning, therefore, at or near the Fairfax line, which marked the northeast boundary of Rockingham till 1831, and following up the south fork of the Shenandoah River past the places now known as Shenandoah City, Elkton, and Island Ford to Lynnwood and Port Republic, we may say that at least fifteen families, all probably German or Swiss, were settled in that district by December, 1733. Counting five persons to a family, there were likely no less than 75 individ uals; and among these we know the names of nine: Adam Miller, Abram Strickler, Mathias Selzer, Philip Long, Paul Long, Michael Rhinehart, Hans Rood, Michael Kaufman, and Jacob Stover— all doubtless heads of families. On April 23, 1734, the colonial council received a petition from a number of the inhabitants living on the northwest side of "the Blue Ridge of Mountains," that is to say in the Valley, praying that some persons in their section be appointed magistrates to determine differences and punish offenders. These petitioners lived so far away from Fredericksburg, the county-seat of Spotsylvania, and consequently so far from n. See records of the colonial council; also extracts therefrom printed in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1905, and January, 1906. —38— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY the regular administration of justice, that the reasonableness of their request was obvious. Accordingly, Joost Hyte, Morgan Morgan, John Smith, Benjamin Bourden, and George Hobson were appointed justices within the limits aforesaid— that is, in the Valley. Hite and one or more of the others lived in the lower Valley, but it is likely that one or two of the five either lived in the upper Valley, or were frequently prospecting in that section. Burden later had large holdings of land in what is now Rockbridge County and adjacent sec tions. Moreover, in August, 1734, just a few months after the aforesaid petition was presented, the county of Orange was formed. This was an act likely intended to be a still more satisfactory response to the request and desire of the Valley settlers for the efficient administration of law and justice. It shows the growth of political organization westward, and also indicates that the settlement of the Valley had reached a somewhat general stage by 1734. The rapid development from 1734 to 1738 is implied in the fact that in 1738 an Act was passed providing for the organization of the Valley and the country westward therefrom into the counties of Freder ick and Augusta. Let us now give attention to a number of items that show the progress of settlement from 1734 to 1738 in more detail. On October 28, 1734, John Tayloe, Thomas Lee, and William Beverly obtained a grant of 60,000 acres of land on the Shenandoah River, beginning on Stover's upper tract. This grant accordingly must have extended southwest from the vicinity of Port Republic, up the river past Grottoes, and a considerable distance into the present limits of Augusta County. It was bestowed upon the usual conditions, that one family be located upon each thousand acres within two years.12 From Deed Book No. 1, Orange County, the following items have been selected: 12- See Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, April, 1906, pp. 360-362. —39— A HISTORY OF September 17, 1735, Jacob Stover sold 550 acres of land to Christian Clemon, the said land being on a small run, on the south side of the Shenandoah River, adjoining the "upper corner of Stover's lower 5000-acre tract." Two of the three witnesses to this conveyance were Thomas Hill and W. Russell; the name of the third witness appears to be G. Home. November 11, 1735, Jacob Stover sold two tracts of land to George Boone, the said tracts containing 500 and 1000 acres respectively, and being situated "near the end of North Mountain,13 so called, on a small branch of Sherando River": part of 5000 acres laid out for Stover by the Virginia Council, June 17, 1730. u Mordecai Simon and S. Hughes were witnesses. Boone is put down as having come from Oley, Pa. December 16, 1735, Jacob Stover sold 1100 acres, in three tracts, on Gerundo River,15 to Ludwick Stone. On the same date he sold three tracts, aggregating 500 acres, on the same river, to Mathias Selser. At least three more men bought land of Stover on this date : (1) John Prupecker, two tracts, of 300 acres and 200 acres, respectively; both on Gerundo River, the larger adjoin ing the land of Selser; witnesses, John Bramham, Gideon Marr, 13. The Massanutten at this time was commonly referred to as the North Mountain, and the Blue Ridge as the South Mountain. 14- Boone's Run is probably the small branch referred to, likely bear ing its name from George Boone. Itflows southeastward outof Runkle's Gap, in the Massanutten, directly toward Elkton, then turns northeast ward and enters the river two miles below Elkton. One can hardly de termine whether Stover sold this land from his upper or lower tract. One would at once say, From the lower, were it not likely that he had sold the lower tract entire to Adam Miller and his friends in 1729 or 1730. 15. "Gerundo" is merely another form of Shenandoah. This name has been found in no less than twenty different spellings. See Wayland's "German Element," page 3. No attempt is made herein to reduce the spelling of proper names, of either places or persons, to uniformity. The diverse forms in which they appear are part of the material of history, and have a value. -40- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY William Ferrell; (2) Abraham Strickler, 1000 acres, at "Mes- enutten on Gerundo"; (3) Henry Sowter, 300 acres, on the south side of Gerundo, near the mouth of Mesenutten Creek. Some of these tracts, sold by Stover, in December, 1735, were possibly never within the limits of Rockingham County, but all were evidently near the Fairfax line, on one side or the other. We may place the following land sales, made in 1736, in the same locality. The complete records may be found in Orange County Deed Book No. 1. February 24, 1736, Ludwig Stein sold 517 acres, in three tracts, on Gerundo River, to Michael Cryter of Pennsyl vania; witnesses, Gideon Marr, John Newport. On the same date Ludowick Stein sold 217 acres, on Gerundo River (part of land formerly granted to Jacob Stover), to Michael Coff man. September 21, 1736, Jacob Stover sold 400 acres, on the west side of Sherundo River, to Peter Bowman; witnesses, G. Lightfoot, Thomas Nichols. September 26, 1736, Henry Sowter sold about 300 acres, on Gerundo River, to Ludwig Stine. In Orange County Deed Books 1 and 2 are to be found records of the following land sales on the South Shenandoah in 1737 : February 24, three tracts; Ludwig Stein to Martin Coff man of Pennsylvania: 300 acres on the south side of the river; 217 on the north side; and 100 acres on the north side, at Elk Lick. October 22, 400 acres; Peter Bowman to Christian Red- licksberger. This was probably the same tract that Bowman had purchased of Jacob Stover in September of the preceding year. Several transactions of special interest appear in the year 1738. On March 21 Jacob Stover sold to Christopher Franciski 3000 acres, with the mansion house, adjoining Peter Bowman on the river: part of 5000 acres patented to the said Stover, December 15, 1733. The same day Jacob Stover —41— A HISTORY OF and his wife Margaret gave a bond to Franciski for £700. At another time within the year they gave him another bond for £1000. To secure the payment of these bonds, Stover and his wife mortgaged 5000 acres on both sides of the Shenandoah River.16 How Stover could keep on selling his 5000-acre tracts, and still have them seven or eight years after the first sale, is a mystery. Possibly he took back some land on default of pay ment; or he may have obtained more than two 5000-acre grants. March 23, 1738, Ludwig Stein sold two tracts of land ag gregating 1005 acres, on the Shenandoah River, to Philip Long; witnesses, John Newport and Christian Kleman.17 December 13, 1738, Jacob Stover obtained a grant of 800 acres. This land was on the Shenandoah River, below Port Republic, and was at least in part on the south side of the river, opposite the "Great Island. " This island, containing about 60 acres, was purchased of the Franciscos on August 31, 1751, by Thomas Lewis. Two days earlier, August 28, 1751, Lewis had bought of the Franciscos a tract of 470 acres, on the south side of the river, part of the 800-acre tract granted to Stover in 1738. 18 Christopher Franciscus— "the old Stopfel Franciscus," as he was termed in 1749 by one of the Moravian missionaries who passed through the Valley— 19 had large holdings of land in what is now East Rockingham. He appears to have located in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1709. 20- It is not certain that he ever located permanently in Virginia himself, but he evi dently was in the Valley frequently, and his sons, Christopher and Ludwig, were permanent residents.21 16. See Orange County Deed Book No. 2, pp. 229-234. l"-. Idem, page 260. 18. Augusta County Deed Book No. 4, pp. 58-65. 19. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1903. 20. Rupp's Thirty Thousand Names, page 436. 21. For more particulars concerning Franciscus and his sons, see Way- land's "German Element," pp. 54-56. —42— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY It is evident, from the foregoing particulars, that a con siderable number of settlers had located within the present boundaries of Rockingham within the decade following the first known settlement in 1727. The earliest settlements were in the eastern side of the county, though it is quite likely that the tide of immigration that was creeping up the north fork of the Shenandoah had also reached and passed the Fairfax line, west of the Massanutten, by 1734 or 1735. As early as April 30, 1732, William Beverly wrote that the "northern men" were fond of buying land on the upper Shen andoah, because they could get it there six or seven pounds cheaper a hundred acres than in Pennsylvania, and because they did not care to go as far as Williamsburg.23 It should be remembered also that John Lewis located at or near Staun ton in 1732, and that a number of his fellow-countrymen came into the upper Valley with him, or soon after he came. These facts are recalled here in addition to what is definitely known concerning the first settlers and settlements, to show that a large number of persons, Germans, Scotch-Irish, and others, had located in and about the present limits of Rockingham by the year 1738. The majority of these settlers had come up the Valley from Maryland and Pennsylvania, but a few had come across the Blue Ridge from East Virginia. The first grants of land were sought and secured along the main watercourses, though it is said that in many cases the settlers in a little while sought dwelling places on the higher lands toward the hills and mountains, because of the malaria that infested the bottom-lands. It is not likely, how ever, that such conditions caused any one to relinquish per manently his fertile holdings along the rivers; and with the development of civilization— the clearing of lowland thickets, the draining of swamps and marshes, the erection of better dwellings— the malaria gradually disappeared. 22. Waddell's Annals of Augusta, 1902 edition, page 21. CHAPTER IV. ROCKINGHAM AS PART OF AUGUSTA. 1738—1777. When the first white settlers located in what is now Rockingham County, the whole district west of the Blue Ridge was a part of the county of Spotsylvania. It was thus until 1734, when Orange was formed so as to include within its limits the country west of the Ridge. The Valley thus continued a part of Orange till 1738, when, by an Act of the colonial government, that part of Orange west of the said mountain was divided into the two new counties of Freder ick and Augusta. The text of this Act has already been given in Chapter I. The district later organized as Rocking ham County fell within the limits of Augusta, according to the division of the Valley made in 1738. The complete organ ization of Frederick and Augusta was delayed for several years, the first courts being held for the former in 1743, and for the latter in 1745. In 1739 the inhabitants of the lower Valley, impatient at the delay, petitioned Governor Gooch, requesting that the said county of "Frederica" might im mediately ' 'take place. ' ' About fifty men signed the petition, but none apparently from the upper part of the Valley.1 We have already seen, however, in Chapter III, that in Augusta, particularly in that part later to become Rockingham, settle ment was going rapidly on. From various sources we are enabled to get occasional glimpses through the heavy curtain of years, and recognize some of the figures moving upon that far-off, pioneer stage. l- For a list of the names signed to this petition, see Wayland's "Ger man Element," pp. 57, 58. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY A few years years ago, Mr. Charles E. Kemper, a native of Rockingham, and Rev. William J. Hinke, a native of Ger many, discovered in the archives of the old Moravian church at Bethlehem, Pa., a series of diaries that had been kept by Moravian missionaries who traveled through the Valley and adjacent parts of Virginia during the years from 1743 to 1753. Mr. Hinke translated these diaries from the German, Mr. Kemper edited them by supplying historical and geographical notes, and then the annotated translations were published in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. In these matter-of-fact records, made by zealous heralds of the cross more than a century and a half ago, we find many things of interest relating to persons and conditions in what is now the county of Rockingham. On July 21, 1747, the Moravian brethren, Leonard Schnell and Vitus Handrup, were in the vicinity of Linville and Broadway, and staid over night with an Irishman who must have lived somewhere below Timberville. They had come across the mountains from what is now Pendleton County, West Virginia, and were traveling on down the Valley toward Winchester. The next spring Brother Gottschalk, who ap pears to have followed thus far the general course taken by Schnell and Handrup, likely fell in with the same son of Erin. He writes: At night [about April 1, 1748] I lodged in a very disorderly, wicked and godless house of an Irishman, who kept an inn. The Saviour helped me through. Who this Irish innkeeper was cannot now be determined; but he lived near the site of Timberville. Under date of April 2 Brother Gottschalk writes: I continued the journey on foot to the Germans. I crossed the Chan- ador,2 which was pretty deep, cold, and had a rapid current. If the Lord had not supported me in the water by his angels, the rapid stream would have carried me off, for I was hardly twenty feet above a fall. Having gone down the Valley to Cedar Creek, Gottschalk 2. The north fork of the Shenandoah. —45— A HISTORY OF turned southeastward, crossed the Massanutten Mountain through the picturesque Powell's Fort, and came up the south fork of the Shenandoah to the Massanutten settlements. One night he lodged with John Rhodes, the Mennonite preacher, who was doubtless one of the pioneer settlers. The next day he went to the home of Matthias Selzer, of whom he speaks as follows: He is a rude and hostile man towards the Brethren. I was compelled to stay with this man all afternoon, because I wanted to make inquiries about the people in that district and because I was surrounded by water and terribly high mountains on all sides. He treated me very rudely, called me a Zinzendorfian, threatened me with imprisonment, and re ferred to the travels and sermons of the Brethren in a very sarcastic manner. He said if I should get to the upper Germans they would soon take me by the neck, for he did not know what business I had among those people. In the first place we had been forbidden to travel around through the country, and then again they had such an excellent minister, that if the people were not converted by his sermons, they would cer tainly not be converted by my teaching. But soon afterwards he related of the excellent Lutheran minister that he got so drunk in his house that on his way home he lost his saddle, coat, and everything else from the back of his horse. I was silent to all this, but prayed for the poor man that the Lord might open his eyes. Having staid over night with Mr. Selzer, Brother Gott schalk set out eastward to cross the Blue Ridge. His host, with no mean courtesy, speeded the parting guest, the latter being witness: I started early. Matthias Selzer saddled two horses and took me not only across the South Branch of the Chanador, but even five miles far ther so that I could not go astray. 3 Having crossed the Blue Ridge, Gottschalk descended into the beautiful valley of the Robinson River, now in Madi son County, and became the guest of Rev. George Samuel Klug, pastor of Hebron Lutheran Church from 1739 to 1764. Mr. Klug was at this time extending his ministerial labors to the German communities in Rockingham and adjacent sec tions of the Valley, and was doubtless the ' 'excellent Lutheran 3. See Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1904. —46- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY minister" of whom Matthias Selzer had spoken. After a day and a night in association with him, Brother Gottschalk gave him a fair report.4 In July, 1748, Brethren Spangenberg and Reutz were in the vicinity of Brock's Gap and Timberville. On the 26th of the month they were at the home of Adam Roeder, for whom it is probable that Rader's Church, just west of Timberville, was named. The Brethren made note of the fact that Adam Rader's mother was at that time eighty-six years old, and that she was living in Lehigh County, Pa., a member of the Macungie [nowEmmaus] congregation. Crossing the Valley toward the east, the missionaries came to the Massanutten settlements, where they reported Germans of "all kinds of denominations — Mennonites, Lutherans, Separatists, and In- spirationists."5 Early in December, 1749, Brethren Schnell and Brand- mueller were on a missionary tour in Virginia. They came down from the vicinity of Staunton, into what is now East Rockingham, and made record of their goings and doings in the following interesting narrative: On December 2nd we continued our journey the whole day, because we wished to be with the Germans on Sunday. Once we lost our way. But our desire to preach to-morrow strengthened us in our journey. In the evening we attempted to hire a man to go with us part of the way, but none was willing. We continued for a time down the Tschanator, and arrived rather late at the house of the sons of the old Stopfel Franciscus, who kept us over night. On Sunday, December 3rd, the young Franciscus went very early with us to show us the way to Matthias Schaub's,6 who, immediately on my offer to preach for them, sent messengers through the neighborhood to announce my sermon. In a short time a considerable number of people assembled, to whom I preached. After the sermon I baptized the child of a Hollander. We staid over night with Matthias Schaub. His wife told us that we were always welcome in their house. We should always 4. For an extended account of Mr. Klug's life and labors, see Huddle's History of Hebron Lutheran Church, pp. 31-38. See also Virginia Maga zine of History and Biography, January and July, 1904. 5. Virginia Magazine, January, 1904, pp. 238-240. —47— A HISTORY OF come to them whenever we came into that district. Towards evening a man from another district, Adam Mueller, i passed. I told him that I would like to come to his house and preach there. He asked me if I were sent by God. I answered, yes. He said, if I were sent by God I would be welcome, but he said, there are at present so many kinds of people, that often one does not know where they come from. I requested him to notify his neighbors that I would preach on the 5th, which he did. On December 4th we left Schaub's house, commending the whole family to God. We traveled through the rain across the South Shenan doah to Adam Mueller, who received us with much love. We staid over night with him. On December 5th I preached at Adam Mueller's house on John 7: "Whosoever thirsteth let him come to the water and drink. " A number of thirsty souls were present. Especially Adam Mueller took in every word, and after the sermon declared himself well pleased. In the after noon we traveled a short distance, staying over night with a Swiss. 8 The conversation was very dry, and the word of Christ's sufferings found no hearing. On December 6th we came to Mesanoton. We staid with Philip Lung, 9 who had his own religion. I intended to preach, but he would not let us have his house, assuring us that none would come, since Rev. Mr. Klug had warned the people to be on their guard against us. We had soon an opportunity of seeing how bitter the people are towards us. Hence we concluded to leave, which we did, wishing God's blessing upon 6. Schaub (Shoup) died a month or two after Schnell's visit. On February 26th, 1750, Jacob Nicholas and Valentine Pence qualified as ex ecutors of his will. See Augusta County Will Book No. 1, pp. 312, 313. He evidently lived on the west side of the river, somewhere between Port Republic and Elkton. 7. Adam Miller, the first settler. 8. Mr. Chas. E. Kemper thinks that this "Swiss" was likely Jacob Baer, Sr., a native of Zurich, and at this time a resident of East Rocking ham. e. Philip Long was one of the first Massanutten settlers. The Long family is still numerous and prominent in upper Page County. A mem ber of this family was the wife of Gen. Sterling Price, of Missouri. Philip Long was born in Germany in 1678, and died in Page or Rocking ham County, Va., May 4, 1755. Smithland (p. 68) Looking- Toward Harrisonburg. The white cross marks site of original Court House- Photo by J. J. Reilly Bear Lithia Spring (Page 37) Suter Wheat Field, near New Erection Steam Plow (first in County) in East Rockingrham ROCKINGHAM COUNTY the district. An unmarried man, H. Reder, took us through the river. h^ told us that eight weeks before he had visited Bethlehem. 10 On their tour through Virginia in the fall and winter of 1749, to which reference has just been made, Breth ren Schnell and Brandmueller made out a table of dis tances over which they travelled, beginning at Bethlehem, Pa., crossing Maryland into what is now West Virginia, fol lowing up the South Branch of the Potomac through what are now the counties of Hardy and Pendleton, and going be yond, even to the valleys of the James and New River, then returning to Pennsylvania through the Shenandoah Valley. Beginning about Staunton, the following distances show the route taken through Rockingham and Shenandoah: [From N. Bell] To Franciscus at the Soud Schanathor, 30 To Matthias Schaub, 4 To Adam Mueller and back again across the river, 8 To Philip Lung and Mesanothen, 16 To Captain John Funk, 2011 In the autumn of 1753 a colony of the Moravian Brethren migrated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Their way led up through the Valley. In their record they mention the Narrow Passage and Stony Creek (in Shenandoah County), and speak of camping alongside the "Shanidore Creek," at a place that must now be located between Hawkinstown and Red Banks. Five miles further on they crossed the "Shani dore," and camped close to the bank to observe Sunday (Oc tober 21, 1753). They were now in the famous Meem's Bot toms, between Mt. Jackson and New Market. Brethren Loesch and Kalberland were bled, because they were not well, and all gave themselves a treat by drinking tea. The next day, coming on up the Valley, they found, in the vicinity of New Market or Tenth Legion, a tavern-keeper named Severe. This was evidently Valentine Severe, father of General John Sevier, and a relative of Francis Xavier. The next part 10. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1903, pp. 126-128. n. Idem, July, 1904, page 82. —49- A HISTORY OF of the narrative gives so many realistic touches relating ta the Rockingham of that day, that it is quoted herewith ver batim: We inquired about the way, but could not get good information. After traveling three and a half miles, we found two passable roads. Bro. Gottlob and Nathanael preceded us on the left hand road. They met a woman, who informed them about the way. Then they came back to us again and we took the road to the right. We traveled ten miles without finding water. It was late already and we were compelled to travel five miles during the dark night. We had to climb two mountains, which compelled us to push the wagon along or we could not have proceeded, for our horses were completely fagged out. Two of the brethren had to go ahead to show us the road, and thus we arrived late at Thom. Harris's plantation. Here we bought feed for our horses and pitched our tent a short distance from the house. The people v/ere very friendly. They lodge strangers very willingly. The "two mountains" above mentioned were probably spurs of Chestnut Ridge; and "Thom Harris" was probably no other than Thomas Harrison, founder of Harrisonburg. It is likely that Harrison had already (1753) erected his stone mansion house, now occupied by Gen. John E. Roller as a law office, and, according to the present lay-out of the town, situated on Bruce Street, just west of Main; and that the wayfaring brethren pitched their tent beside the big spring that was for so many years a familiar rendezvous at the west side of Court Square. Harrisonburg still has the habit of being hospitable to strangers. We follow the brethren a few miles further, as they go on toward ' Augusti Court House, a little town of some twenty houses, surrounded by mountains on all sides." On October 23 we started at daybreak [from Thomas Harrison's]. We had bought a small barrel of milk to use for dinner, but it broke and we lost all. Two miles farther we bought some meat, and then traveled six miles farther to North River, where we ate our dinner. This creek is half as large as the Lecha [Lehigh], but it is impassable at high water, nor is a canoe in the neighborhood. 12 The brethren had thus come in their journey to the 12. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1904, pp.. 144-147. —50- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY vicinity of Mt. Crawford. They tell of their dinner there of meat and dumplings, and of their experiences farther on, at Middle River, at Robert Bohk's, and at "Augusti Court House"; but having followed them to the borders of Rock ingham, we bid them farewell. Samuel Kercheval, the old historian of the Valley, says: From the best evidence the author has been able to collect, . . . the settlement of our Valley progressed without interruption from the native Indians for a period of about twenty-three years. In the year 1754, the Indians suddenly disappeared, and crossed the Alleghany Moun tains. The year preceding, emissaries from the west of the Alleghany Mountains came among the Valley Indians and invited them to move off. This occurrence excited suspicion among the white people that a storm was brewing in the west, which it was essential to prepare to meet. 13 Kercheval dates the beginning of Valley settlement in 1732. Counting thence twenty-three years would give 1755, the year of Braddock 's defeat. The war with the French and Indians began in 1754, and continued till 1763. During this time Indian raids into the Valley from the west were frequent, particularly in the two or three years following the defeat of Braddock. Occasionally the bands of red men were led by French officers. It was in April of 1758 that the mas sacres at Upper Tract and Fort Seybert took place, in which more than forty persons were killed, some twenty-odd others being carried into captivity. The Indians at Fort Seybert were led by the famous chief Killbuck. From 1777 to 1787 both Upper Tract and Fort Seybert were within the bounda ries of Rockingham County, the site of the latter being west of Brock's Gap, only a few miles beyond the present Rock ingham line.14 13. Kercehval's History of the Valley of Virginia, reprint of 1902, page 49. 14. For detailed accounts of the massacres at Upper Tract and Fort Seybert, see Kercheval, pp. 89-91, and Morton's History of Pendleton County, West Virginia, pp. 42-50. —51— A HISTORY OF During this war with the French and Indians the legisla ture of Virginia passed numerous Acts for the defence of the frontiers, for paying the troops called into ser vice, and for supplying the army with provisions. The frontier counties naturally furnished the largest numbers of men for this war. In the seventh volume of Hening's Statutes is found a schedule, appended to an Act passed in September, 1758, giving the names of soldiers to whom pay was due, together with the names of other persons who held accounts against the Colony for work done for the army, for provisions furnished, for horses sold or hired, etc. In this schedule lists are given from 39 counties. Some of these lists are very short, a few are very long. The longest four, named in order of length, are those of Augusta, Bedford, Lunen- berg, and Frederick. Inasmuch as what is now Rocking ham was then a part of Augusta, it is possible to find in the Augusta list a number of Rockingham names. The following, copied from the list of Augusta soldiers, are almost certainly names of Rockingham men : Christopher Armentrout Henry Benninger George Capliner John Cunrod Walter Cunrod Woolrey Coonrod Hugh Diver Roger Dyer William Dyer Abraham Earhart Michael Erhart Michael Earhart, Jr. Jacob Eberman John Eberman Michael Eberman Jacob Fudge George Fults John Fulse Jacob Grub John Gum George Hamer Stephen Hansburgher Gideon Harrison John Harrison Nathan Harrison Adam Hedrick George Hedrick Samuel Hemphill Leonard Herron Archibald Hopkins John Hopkins (lieut.) Honicle Hufman Philip Hufman Francis Kirtley (Capt.); Gabriel Kite George Kite -52- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Jacob Kite Valentine Kite William Kite Daniel Long Henry Long John Long William Long Ephraim Love, (Capt.)16 George Mallow Michael Mallow Nicholas Mildebarler Adam Miller David Miller Jacob Miller John Miller Peter Miller Jacob Moyers Nicholas Null Jacob Pence Henry Peninger Gunrod Peterish Matthew Rolestone Samuel Rolston William Rolestone John Seller Edward Shanklin John Shanklin Richard Shanklin Paul Shever James Skidmore John Skidmore16 Joseph Skidmore George Shillinger Isaiah Shipman Josiah Shipman Lodowick Slodser Abraham Smith (Capt.)17 15. Capt. Love probably lived near the site of Singer's Glen. On July 29, 1748, Jacob Dye and Mary his wife sold to Ephraim Love, late of Lancaster County, Pa., 377 acres of land "on ye head Draughts of Muddy Creek under the North Mountain, " adjoining Daniel Harrison. Witnesses, William Carroll, William White, and Peter Scholl. Peter Scholl lived on Smith's Creek. As early as 1742 he was one of the twelve militia cap tains of Augusta, and in 1745 was one of the first justices of the county. Valentine Sevier, father of Gen. John Sevier, is represented as being a member of Scholl's military company in 1742. See Waddell's Annals of Augusta, pp. 45-47. 16. John Skidmore was one of the original justices of Rockingham County. it. Abraham Smith, son of Capt. John Smith. A. Smith was a cap tain of militia in Augusta in 1756. In 1757 he was a prisoner in the French dominions. In 1758 he was court-martialed, but acquitted, his accuser being punished. In 1776 he was colonel of militia; in 1778, one of the first justices of Rockingham County, and county lieutenant. He owned a large estate at the foot of North Mountain, about two miles from North River, which descended to his son Henry. -53— A HISTORY OF V Daniel Smith (Lt.)18 Ury Umble * Mathias Tice (Dice?) Peter Vaneman Christian Tuley Jacob Wiece ^_ Gunrod Umble Joseph Wiece I Martin Umble Filey Yacome T" Among the persons named in the schedule as having fur nished supplies to the the troops, the following were all probably from Rockingham: James Bruister James Fowler Wooley Coonrod Felix Gilbert19 George Coplinger Ruben Harrison James Cowan Alexander Hering Charles Diver Leonard Hire Hugh Diver Nicholas Huffman Roger Dyer Archibald Huston William Dyer Gabriel Jones80 Michael Erhart Joseph Love Evan Evans Henry Peninger Nathaniel Evans Matthew Rolestone Rhoda Evans William Rolestone Lodowick Folk , Ephraim Voss21 18. Daniel Smith, a younger brother of Abraham, was a captain of militia in 1776, and in 1778 was one of the first justices of Rockingham, being presiding justice at the time of his death in 1781. He lived at Smithland, two miles below Harrisonburg, and the first sessions of the county court were held at his house. His wife was Jane Harrison. He had been a justice in Augusta County, and had held the office of sheriff in that county. When the troops returned from Yorktown, in the fall of 1781, he was colonel of militia, and was thrown from his horse and fatally injured in the grand review held in Rockingham to celebrate the victory. See Waddell's Annals of Augusta, pp. 150-152. 19. Felix Gilbert was a well known citizen of Rockingham, wealthy, and prominent in many connections. so. Gabriel Jones, "The Lawyer," lived on the river, a mile or two be low Port Republic, the place now being known as Bogota. 21. Voss may have lived in Southwest Virginia, since Fort Voss ( Vause) is said to have been at the head of Roanoke River, in the present county of Montgomery, about ten miles from Christiansburg. —54— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY By the favor of Mr. John T. Harris the author has been enabled to go over an old day book used from 1774 to 1777, etc., by Felix Gilbert, who lived and kept a store at or near the place since known as Peale's Cross Roads, five miles or so southeast of Harrisonburg. A number of items, copied from this old book, are given below. They have personal, social, and economic interest, as well as some political significance. 1775 Reed, for the Bostonians Of Patrick Frazier 1 bus. wheat Jos. Dicktom 2 do. George Boswell 5J do. (5 bus. Retd.) James Walker 1 do. Return'd George Clark 1 do. James Beard 1 do. Robt. Scott & son 2 do. It is evident from the above that contributions were being made in this part of Virginia, as well as elsewhere, for the re lief of the patriots of Boston, whose harbor had been closed by Act of Parliament in 1774, as a penalty for the ' 'Boston Tea Party." Monday, Deer. 5th, 1774 John Alford (weaver) Dr. To 1 pr. Shoe Buckles 1 [s.J 3 [d.] To 1 qt. whisky 1 0 To 1 pr. Compasses 9 To 3 doz. Buttons 2 0 [Same Date. ] Robt. Elliot Pr. Order Dr. To pd. Schoolmaster 6 0 James Wayt Pr. Order Dr. To pd. Schoolmaster 6 0 Dennis McSwyny (Schoolmaster) Cr. [By above two items and] Wm. Ham 4 4 Esther Taylor 10 0 Wednesday, Deer. 7th, 1774. Little Jack Dr. To 1 pt Tin 9 [d.] J pt. whisky -55— A HISTORY OF It is possible that Little Jack was an Indian. Whiskey was a common commodity in the Valley in Revolutionary days, as doth abundantly appear not only from Felix Gilbert's old ledger, but also from the records of the court, a number of which records may be found in the next chapter. Deer. 13, 1774 Col. Thos. Slaugh'r Dr. To a handsaw 5 6 To Drawg Knife 2 9 a hammer 2 — 1 augr 1 3 1 pr shears 1 — 200 nails 2 10 2 Gimlets — 6 1 Tin Cup — 6 li yds. flannl 3 1 Friday, Deer. 23d, 1774. Capt. Danl. Love Dr. To 1 Gal. Rum 5 0 4 lbs. Sugar 3 4 To 4 pr. Garters 3 0 Colo. John Frogg Dr. To 1 knife & fork 2 3 To 1 sack salt 1 1 0 Saturday, Deer. 24th , 1774 Little Jack Dr. To 6 pipes Tuesday, Deer. 27, 1774 Jacob Grubb per self & Frow To lib. Lead 6 To 1 stamp'd Handhf 3 6 To 27J lbs. Iron at 4 d. 9 2 To 6 lbs. Eng. Steel 6 0 To 4 lb. Blister'd do. 44 To 2 setts knit'g needles 8 Tuesday, Jany. 10th, 1775 Jacob Lincoln To 244 lbs. Blistered steel 18 44 To 144 lbs. Eng. do. 14 6 To 1 hank silk 1 0 —56— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Saturday, Jany. 14th, 1775 Jack (bigg) Dr. To 4 pt whisky - - - - 4 [d.] Were "Big Jack" and "Little Jack" both Indians? It would so appear from the nature of their purchases. Indians were frequently seen in this part of the Valley at a much later period. Saturday, Feby. 11th, '75 Gawin Hamilton To 5000 E. nails To 3 Chizels To 1 Rasp To 1 pr. saddle strops Dr. 1 7311 6 030 Friday, Feb. 17th, '75 Capt Rowland Thomas To 35 lbs. tallow at 6d To 237 lbs. Flower at 12-lc Dr. 1 17 9 674 Monday, Feby. 20th, 1775. Mr. Thos. Lewis pr Capt Smiths Cesar To makg Ring& Staple & pin for Ox Yoke - - 3 Thursday, March 2d, 1775. Mr. Gabl. Jones — per Jimm — Dr. To 6 Venison Hams at 1-9 - 10 Thursday, 9th March, 1775. Doctr. Thos. Walker22 pr Mr. To 2 yds Osnabrugs Gilmer 2 2 Mr. Peachy Gilmer To 23 yd. wt. linin To 2 Oz. wt thread To 2 felt Hats To 2 qr. paper Dr. 3 33 4 3 3006 22. This was probably the distinguished Dr. Thos. Walker, of Albe marle County, Va. —57— A HISTORY OF Friday, March 17th, 1775. Isaac Zane,23 pr W. Crow Cr. By 20—0-12 Iron 20 2 2 Tuesday, May 30th, 1775. Mr. John Madison24 Senr. pr self To 184 yds. Velveret 1 14 0 Saturday, July 1st, 1775. Danl. Love Dr. To 2 Sickles 2 3 Thursday, July 6th, '75 Jacob Purky Cr. By 1 day Reaping 2 6 By 1 day do. yr. negro 2 6 [No date: Probably 1777:] one Davis a preacher has a Hyde of Leather— John wilson owes 3 Dollars — an old Quaker on Stephen jays place— Saml. watts owes some thing. Feby. 16th— 1778 Boler Lee has rented ye plantation I had of Thos. Dooley on ye South mountain [Blue Ridge], he is to have it for one year & to make up ye Fences & pay 400 lbs. of good merchantable Tobo. or 12 Barrils of Corn, if he Dos not keep it more than one year he is to let ye person that sukceeds him put in a fall Crop. List of Tithables for 1775. Felix Gilbert was probably authorized by the Augusta County court to take the list of tithables in his distirct. At any rate, the following list, dated 1775, is found written in his book. Most of the names herein given are still familiar in Rockingham: John Coutes 1 Heny. Munger 1 Robt. Heth 2 Jno. Tack 1 Jno. Deneston 2 Henry Tack 1 23. Gen. Isaac Zane had iron works on Cedar Creek, the present boundary between the counties of Shenandoah and Frederick. He was perhaps a brother of Elizabeth Zane. 24. John Madison was the first clerk of Augusta County, and was the father of Bishop Madison. He lived at Port Republic. —58— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Jacob Tack 1 Adam Siller 1 Chas. Foy 1 Peter Siller 3 John Foy 1 Heny. Siller 1 John Mungor 1 Jacob Arkinbright 2 John Miller 1 John Rush 1 Paul Lingle 1 Henry Deck 1 John Lingle 1 John Deck 1 Danl. Price 2 Jacob Deck 1 John Futch 1 Lewis Rinehart 1 Fredk. Haynes 3 Geo. Hoofman 1 Heny. Null 3 Michl. Hoofman 1 Heny. Tamwood 1 Fredk. Armontrout 5 Jno. Null 1 Mathias Shooler 1 Jacob Lingle, Jur. 1 Ullry Hushman 2 Mathi's Kersh 1 Ullry Hushman, Jr. 1 Michl. Siller 1 Peter Nasmus 1 Avonas Bowyer 1 Geo. Conrod 1 John Bowyer 1 Conrod Petorfish 2 Jno. Futch, Jur. 2 Jacob Moyer 3 Saml. Magot 1 Peter Brunomer 2 James Madday 1 Anthony Brunomer 1 John Hardman 1 Danl. Sink 1 John Hadrick 2 Heny. Cook 1 Stephen Hansberger 3 Heny. Armentrout 1 Adam Hansberger 1 Heny. Price 2 Geo. Fridley 1 Boler Lee 1 Jacob Hammer 2 Michl. Dofflemire 1 Wm. Summersetts 1 Windal Leverts [?] 1 Geo. Blose 1 Adam Blose 1 Conrad Taylor 1 Conrod Young 1 Martin Doffilmire 1 Wm. Smith, Jr. 1 Christian Teter 1 Mijah Smith 1 Heny. Miller 3 Brustor Smith 1 Boston Noster 1 Wm. Smith 1 Thos. Barnet 1 Jacob Nicholas 4 Matthew Petmus 1 Richd. Welsh 1 Wm. Haney 1 John Lawn 1 —59— A HISTORY OF Thos. Doolin 1 Robert Hill 3 Wm. Lee 1 Willm. Lee, Jr. 1 Zephaniah Lee 1 David Koch 1 Zachariah Lee 1 Rubin Roch 1 Martin Crawford 1 Willm. Boswell 2 Robert Lynes 1 John Frizor 1 James Raynes [?] 1 Ephraim Wilson 1 Thos. Berry 1 Wm. Coile 1 Jas. Raines Jur. 1 Thos. Huet 1 Jas. Berry 1 William Campbell 1 John Siller 1 Jno. Jackson 1 Christian Miller 1 James Bruster 3 Philip Lingle 1 Felix Gilbert 12 Jno. Armontrout 1 John Craig 9 Augustian Price 3 William Hook Geo. Mallow 3 James Hook Wm. Pence 1 Robt. Hook Irish Jacob Grace 1 James Archer Geo. Pence [?] George Shaver John Pence 1 James Scott Chas. Rush 1 Nat Scott John Rush 1 Robt. Scott, Jr. Anthoney Aler 2 Jacob Scott William Oler 1 \Ti'nli«ln™ AT 32 Henry Oler 1 iNicnoias ivi Michl. Trout John Oler John Fults Cutlip Arie Robert Hook, Sr. 13 1 2 Margt. Purkey Jacob Purkey John Pence, Jur. 32 Evan Evins 1 Henry Pence John Hooper 1 Adm. Pence Jonathan Evans 1 John Purkey Saml. Twichet 1 Henry Purkey John White, Sr. 5 Jacob Pence John White, Jr. 1 Elijah Hook The evidence is already abundant in the foregoing par ticulars to show that the settlement of Rockingham was go- —60— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. ing on steadily and rapidly during the whole period now under consideration, that is, the years from 1738 to 1777. The records concerning inn-keepers, military organizations, and well established communities, as well as those concerning numerous individuals widely distributed, indicate conclusively that even as early as the first courts in Augusta (1745) that part of the county now included in Rockingham was dotted over with clearings and homesteads. Additional evidence, if it were needed, might be found in the records of the old churches, some of which can easily trace their organization back into the early 18th century. St. Peter's, below Elkton, Peaked Mountain Church, at or near McGaheysville, Rader's Church, near Timberville, Friedens, near Cross Keys, St. Michael's, above Bridgewater, and Spader's Church, near Pleasant Valley, not to mention others, are all old churches, ^nd in a few of them are well-preserved chronicles of very early days. The most complete and best preserved records are perhaps those found in the Peaked Mountain Church. Parts of these records were translated and published in 1905, by W. J. Hinke and C. E. Kemper, in the William and Mary College Quarterly. A complete translation should be given to the public in convenient form, since dozens of families, not only in Rockingham County, but also in many other parts of the United States, would find therein matter of great interest. A few of the Peaked Mountain records of births and bap tisms go back to 1750 and before, but the regular organiza tion of the congregation must, perhaps, be placed a few years later. The following extract is given from the above-men tioned translation by Mr. Hinke, as containing certain facts of historical interest relating to the period under considera tion, together with a number of family names that have been familiar in Rockingham for more than a century and a half. Agreement Between the Reformed and Lutheran Congregations Worshipping in the Peaked Mountain Church: Rockingham Co., Va., Oct. 31, 1769. In the name of the Triune God and with the consent of the whole —61— A HISTORY OF congregation, we have commenced to build a new house of God, and it is by the help of God, so far finished that the world may see it. We have established it as a union church, in the use of which the Lutherans and their descendants as well as the Reformed and their de scendants, shall have equal share. But since it is necessary to keep in re pair the church and school house and support the minister and school master, therefore, we have drawn up this writing that each member sign his name to the same and thereby certify that he will support the min ister and school-master and help to keep in repair the church and the school-house as far as lies in his ability. Should, however, one or another withdraw himself from such Chris tian work, (which we would not suppose a Christian would do) , we have unitedly concluded that such a one shall not be looked upon as a member of our congregation, but he shall pay for the baptism of a child 2s. 6d., which shall go into the treasury of the church, for the confirmation of the child 5s., which shall be paid to the minister as his fee; and further, should such a one come to the table of the Lord and partake of the Holy Communion, he shall pay 5s., which shall go into the treasury of the church; and finally, if such a one desires burial in our graveyard, he shall pay 5s. , which shall also be paid into the treasury of the church. In confirmation of which we have drawn up this document, and signed it with our several signatures. Done in Augusta County, at the Peaked Mountain and the Stony Creek churches, on October 31st, Anno Domini, 1769. The present elders: George Mallo, Sr. Nicholas Mildeberger his John X Hetrick Frederick Ermentraut mark Philip Ermentraut Jacob Bercke Henry Ermentraut his Daniel Kropf Jacob L E- Ergebrecht mark John Reisch Peter Mueller, Sr his Adam 0 Hetrich Jacob Ergebrecht T , ™ark A John Mildeberger Jacob Traut T , Tr Augustine Preisch Joh** Hausman George Schillinger GeorSe MalIo> Jr- Anthony Oehler Jac°h Lingle John Mann Peter Niclas Alwinus Boyer Jacob KroPf Charles Risch Jacob Niclas Henry Kohler George Zimmerman William Long Christian Geiger -62- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. Augustine Preisch, Jr. Peter Euler Conrad Preisch William Mchel Jacob Kissling Jacob Risch Jacob Bens John Ermentraut Adam Herman Michael Mallo Corad Loevenstein John Schaefer Christopher Ermentraut Christopher X Hau Martin Schneider mark John Bens In closing this chapter it will be of interest to record the fact that the part of Augusta County now known as Rock ingham furnished at least one company of soldiers in Dun- more 's War, and that this company took part in the famous battle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774. This company was commanded by Captain, later, Colonel William Nalle, who lived in East Rockingham, and was, in 1778, made one of the first justices of Rockingham County.35 It is also a fact of special interest that it was a Rockingham man, Valentine Sevier, who, with James Robertson, later known as the father of Middle Tennessee, first discovered the presence of the In dians early on that fateful morning at Point Pleasant. Sevier was a younger brother of General John Sevier, and was born in Rockingham in 1747. In 1773 he went to the southwest, and was thus a member of Captain Evan Shelby's company in 1774. He and Robertson went out before day at Point Pleas ant to hunt turkeys, and thus discovered the Indian army. He was a captain in the Revolution, and took part in the battle of King's Mountain. After other military services, in which he rose to the rank of militia colonel, he removed to Clarks- ville, Tenn. , where he died in 1800. Among the other captains who took part at Point Pleasant, as given by Thwaites and Kellogg, were Benj. Harrison, John Skidmore, Joseph Haynes, and Daniel Smith. Benjamin Harrison (1741-1819) was a son of Daniel Har- 25. For a list of the men in Captain Nalle's company, see the muster roll in the Appendix. This muster roll is copied from Thwaites and Kel- logg's Documentary History of Dunmore's War, page 405. —63- A HISTORY OF rison of Rockingham; father of Peachy Harrison, grandfather of Gessner Harrison. He was a colonel in Mcintosh's cam paign (1777), and led troops in 1781 to aid Lafayette against Cornwallis. John Skidmore, who was wounded at Point Pleasant, was a soldier in the French and Indian War and one of the first justices of Rockingham County. Daniel Smith, though living at this time in Southwest Virginia, was prob ably a son of Colonel Daniel Smith of Rockingham. Joseph Haynes was a resident of Rockingham or of some section ad jacent. In Felix Gilbert's day book before me, covering sev eral years from December 5, 1774, the names of Capt. Jos. Haynes, Capt. John Skidmore, and Capt. Benjamin Harrison, as well as the name of Capt. William Nalle, frequently appear. Evidently they were all frequent customers at Gilbert's store, which, as shown above, was not far from Harrisonburg. It is reasonable to suppose, therefore, that a number of the men in the companies commanded by Harrison, Skidmore, and Haynes were also from Rockingham, though the rolls of these companies seem not to be preserved.26 26. For additional particulars regarding Harrison and Smith, the reader is referred to Waddell's Annals of Augusta, Boogher's Gleanings of Vir ginia History, and Thwaites and Kellogg's Documentary History of Dun- more's War. In the last may also be found a sketch of Valentine Sevier, Jr. Korking-ham County Court House, Erected 18tn Photo by Dean [Page ITsj Front [Page 168J Views of Third County Omrt House, 1871-18'.m Rear Photo by Morrison Second County Court House. 1833-1874 Photo loaned by Mrs. C. S. Burkholder CHAPTER V. THE NEW COUNTY AND THE NEW NATION. 1777-1820. In October, 1777, the Act providing for the creation of the County of Rockingham from Augusta was passed by the Virginia legislature; and early the next year, to wit, in April 1778, the first court for the new county was held. The board of justices was in session two days, and transacted a great deal of important business, not only in process of civil organ ization, but also in reference to various personal interests of individual citizens. The following paragraph, copied from the original min ute-book of the court, will get the situation and the several actors on the scene clearly before us: Be it remembered that on the xxvii Day of April MDCCLXXviii a Commission of the peace and a Commission of Oyer & Terminer under the Hand of his Excellency Patrick Henry Esq. Governor in Chief, dated the xxiv Day of March MDCCLXXviii directed to Silas Hart, Daniel Smith, Abraham Smith, John Gratten, Josiah Davison, John Skidmore, George Boswell, Thomas Hewitt, John Thomas, William Nalle, Robert Davis, James Dyer, Henry Ewing, William McDowell, Anthony Ryder, John Fitzwater & Isaac Hinckel Gent. Justices for the County of Rockingham being read, Daniel Smith & Abraham Smith having administer'd the Oath of a Justice of Peace as prescribed by Act of Assembly also the Oath of a Justice of Oyer & Terminer to Silas Hart Gent, and then the said Silas Hart administered each of the said Oaths to Daniel Smith, Abram Smith, John Gratten, Josiah Davidson, George Bowell, Thomas Hewitt, John Thomas, James Dyer, Henry Ewing, William McDowell, Anthony Ryder, John Fitzwater & Isaac Hinckle, aforesaid, who were sworn in the Commission of the peace & Justices of Oyer accordingly. Following out a commission issued March 24, 1778, by Governor Patrick Henry, Silas Hart was sworn in as sheriff, with Gabriel Jones and Robert Cravens as sureties. Gaven A HISTORY OF Hamilton qualified as deputy sheriff. Thomas Lewis pro duced a commission as county surveyor, from the president and masters of ' 'the Colledge of Wm & Mary, ' ' and was sworn into the office, having Daniel Smith and Abraham Smith as sureties. Peter Hog was unanimously chosen and appointed clerk of the peace. On this first day of the court, April 27, 1778, the follow ing justices were present: Daniel Smith James Dyer Abraham Smith Henry Ewing John Gratten William McDowell Josiah Davidson Anthony Ryder George Boswell John Fitzwater Thomas Hewitt Isaac Hinckle John Thomas Various matters in the settlement of estates, etc., were transacted. The minutes are signed by Abraham Smith, but apparently written by someone else. The court resumed its session the next day, April 28, 1778. At the opening six of the justices were present, namely: Daniel Smith, Abraham Smith, John Thomas, John Gratten, Isaac Hinckle, and John Fitzwater; an hour or two later Thomas Hewitt and James Dyer came in, and later still Josiah Davidson. A great deal of important business was transacted this day, in addition to the formal provisions for the settling of several estates. The sheriff was ordered to summon 24 freeholders as a grand jury for the county; William Bush, Jeremiah Beasly, Henry Brewster, George Huston, William Magill son of John, Elliot Rutherford, John Fulton, Jr., John Bryan, Jr., Reuben More, Mathias Leas, Jr., Joseph Custard, William Dever, Beerton Blizard, Samuel Skidmore, and Jacob Ellsworth were appointed constables in their respective districts; Abraham Smith was recommended to the governor and council as a fit man for the office of county lieutenant; Daniel Smith was in like manner recommended for colonel, Benja- -66- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY min Harrison for lieutenant colonel, and John Skidmore for major; John Gratten, John Thomas, and Daniel Smith were ap pointed coroners for the county; It was ordered that Gawen Hamilton, being first sworn, should run the division line between Rockingham and Au gusta; also the "Length of the County from the said Line to Lord Fairfax's Line, or run any other Line by the Direction of Mr. Lewis the Surveyor to enable him to make out a plan of the County"; Gawen Hamilton was recommended as a proper man to serve as deputy surveyor under Mr. Lewis, ' 'if he is pleased to appoint him to that office"; Gawen Hamilton was appointed a captain of the militia in the county; Joseph Smith, 1st lieutenant; John Rice, 2d lieu tenant; and Wm. Smith (3d lieutenant?) ; Wm. Herring was appointed 2d lieutenant, and Joseph Dictam, ensign, in Capt. Robert Craven's company; Richard Reagen was appointed 2d lieutenant, and Joseph Smith ensign, in Capt. Daniel Smith's company; It was ordered that Daniel Smith draw from the treas urer of the Commonwealth 12 pounds, and ' 'lay it out for the Support of Bridget Fowler the distressed Wife of John Fow ler a Soldier in the continental Army from this County." Although Silas Hart had been sworn in as sheriff, under the governor's commission, he was not long permitted to enjoy the office; for in the record of the second day's session of the court we find a minute to the effect that Josiah David son, John Skidmore, and George Boswell were recommended to the governor as candidates fit for appointment to the posi tion. This procedure is explained in the same minute. It appears that Silas Hart and Daniel Smith, having been senior justices in Augusta, and having thereby held the office of sheriff before the division of the county, had agreed to relin quish their claim to the office when they should fall within the new county of Rockingham. Accordingly, they now agreed, or were required, to allow the office to be handed —67- A HISTORY OF down the line of seniority. Josiah Davidson, one of the three nominees, was commissioned by the governor, and was sworn in as sheriff at the next monthly session of the court. The court, on the second day of the first session, having taken into consideration the "properest place" for the holding of courts until public buildings could be erected, unanimously resolved to hold court at the house of Daniel Smith, Gent, until the said public buildings were completed. The court at the time of this resolution was doubtless sitting at the home of Mr. Smith; for the Act establishing the county had desig nated his house as the place for holding the first court. "Smithland, " now the residence of Geo. W. Liskey, stands on the southeast side of the Valley Pike, just a mile or two below Harrisonburg. It is one of the finest old country homesteads in many a mile. Situated near the brow of a lofty eminence, it commands a splendid view of vales, hills, and distant mountains. At the sharp turn of the pike just below the house, on the high bank at the left-hand side, the site of an old building may still be discerned: there, tradition says, the first justices of the county sat in their initial sessions. At the same time that Smithland was selected as the temporary seat of justice, it was ordered that Daniel Smith and Josiah Davidson be empowered to contract with some person for building a "square Log Jayl or prison 12 feet square, laid with square Logs above & below, 8 inches thick at the least, with one Window & a Door made of Iron barrs so as to suit the public Jayl when built, with a good Lock & a Cabin roof f over the upper flour, to be fixed on the most con venient spott of the sd. Daniel Smith's plantation, and in the meantime that the Sheriff be empowered to hire a Guard to watch such prisoners as are taken into his Custody." After this action the court was adjourned to the next monthly session. The minutes of the second day are signed by Daniel Smith. It is likely that he or Peter Hog made the entries on —68— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY the pages that are now yellow with age and worn with much handling. The second court for Rockingham County was held on Monday, the 25th of May, 1778. Among other transactions, Josiah Davidson was sworn in as sheriff, under a commission from the governor dated May 7, 1778; Gabriel Jones was appointed deputy attorney for the commonwealth for Rockingham County, with a salary of £40 a year. Under commissions from the governor, Abram Smith took an oath as County Lieutenant; Daniel Smith, as Colonel; Benjamin Harrison, as Lieut. -Colonel; William Nalle, as Major. Anthony Ryder, Gawin Hamilton, Thomas Hewitt, Thomas Boggs (?), Reuben Harrison, and Daniel Smith, Jr., were appointed captains of militia, and took oath according to law. Felix Gilbert was bound to the governor in the sum of £1000, with two sureties in the sum of £500 each, for a year and a day, to perform his good behavior towards the State and all the good people thereof, he having been charged by Andrew Skidmore with having uttered "words inimical to the State" — words that tended to "sow sedition among the settlers on the western waters." Gilbert was the wealthy store keeper, east of Harrisonburg, with whom we became familiar in the preceding chapter. The next day a large part of the business consisted in the appointing of road masters for the new roads that were being marked out in various courses. A more particular ac count of these proceedings is given in Chapter XII. The sum of £20 was voted for the aid of Elizabeth Pennirey, wife of Thomas Pennirey, a soldier in the army of the United States. At the court held June 22, 1778, it was ordered that Wil liam Nalle, Gent. , take the list of tithables1 in the companies l. The tithables were those persons upon whom the poll tax was levied. —69— A HISTORY OF of Capt. Coger and Capt. Frazier; George Boswell, Gent, in those of Capt. Hewit and Capt. Pence; Henry Ewing, Gent, in those of Capt. Cravens, Capt. Hamilton, and Capt. Hop kins; John Fitzwater, Gent., in those of Capt. Lincoln and Capt. Boggs; Anthony Rader, Gent, in those of himself and Capt. Harrison; Daniel Smith, Gent., in that of Capt. Smith; Isaac Hinckle, on the North Fork and South Branch; and James Dyer, Gent, on the South Fork. In following thus the official proceedings in the organiza tion of the new county, one should keep in mind the cotem- porary events that were marking the initial steps in the life of the new nation. It was a great and stirring time. Just a little over a year before the General Assembly of Virginia passed the Act creating Rockingham County, Jefferson, a son of Virginia, had written the Declaration of Independence, upon which thirteen young states rose up before the world in a challenge of hope that was as daring as it was splendid and courageous. The very same year and month (October, 1777) that the said Act was passed, the new nation scored a tri umph at a crisis in the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga. In February following, just two months before the first court of Rockingham met at Smithland, France recognized the in dependence of the United States, and thus made a telling contribution to their success in the long struggle for freedom. Through all the first years of the county's history this struggle went on, with Fortune wavering near the point of balance, until finally the political independence of the young states was acknowledged by the mother country in 1783. At that time Rockingham County was six years old; the new na tion, counting from 1776, was just two years older. From the records of the county court, a number of which The lists included not only the planters and householders, but also their sons, men-servants, and slaves of sixteen years and upwards. The vari ous Acts of the Colonial Assembly relating to tithables may be found in Hening's Statutes. An authoritative discussion of the subject is presented in Philip A. Brace's Institutional History of Virginia, Vol. 1 1, pp. 548- 555. -70- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY are reproduced either in form or in substance in the following pages, it will clearly and repeatedly appear that Rockingham contributed in generous measure to the cause of American independence. Her soldiers fought on fields at home and abroad. Her citizens furnished supplies of varied kind and enormous quantity for military use. Her magistrates were liberal in providing for the wives and children of patriot sol diers, and alert in suppressing tories. In these records the student of government will read efficiency and equity; the industrial economist will observe many statistics of kind, measure, and value; the soldier will discern military organiza tion and activity; the sociologist will find a people simple and frugal; and the genealogist will recognize many an ancestor in honorable service. August 24, 1778, George Rootes, Gent., took the oath of an attorney at law, which was ordered certified by the court. On the same day the court appointed John Hinton to draw £20 and lay it out for Bridget Fowler, wife of John Fowler, a soldier in the U. S. service, and her children. September 28, 1778, George Boswell and John Thomas were appointed to examine and receive the Jayl house built on Danl. Smith's plantation agreeable to a former order of court; whereupon the said gentlemen reported that they had viewed the said Jayl and found it sufficient, &c, except the iron door and window, which could not be procured. November 23, 1778, the court ordered £25 to be paid Mary Rupe, wife of Nicolas Rupe, a soldier in the continental army, to relieve the distress of herself and seven children. At a court held on Monday, March 22, 1779, a "Deed from Robt. Hill to the presbyterian Congregation was proved by the Witnesses & 0 to be recorded Tho. Brewster to pay fees." Mary Sybert, widow of Chas. Fred. Sybert, a soldier who died in the service of the Commonwealth, being in indigent circumstances, with one helpless child, was allowed £30. Elizabeth Shulenberger, widow of Geo. Shulenberger, —71— A HISTORY OF deceased, late a soldier in the Continental service from this State, being in distressed circumstances, was allowed £30. George Ruddle and George Baxter, having produced com missions from the governor, were sworn in as captains of militia. John Herdman was sworn in as 1st lieut. and Thos. Gor don as 2d lieut. Upon information lodged by Jacob Plumb, Nicolas Weatherholt was bound in the sum of £2000, with Martin Witsell as surety in the sum of £1000, for the said Weather- holt to appear before the grand jury in May to answer the charge of "conspiring & consulting the Destruction of the Commonwealth. ' ' At the court continued March 23, 1779: Rachel Cash, wife of Jno. Cash, a soldier in the service of the United States from this Commonwealth, being in dis tressed circumstances with two small children, was allowed £30. Henry Peninger was bound in the sum of £5000, with Sebastian Hover and Henry Stone securities, each in the sum £2500, to appear before the grand jury in May to answer to the charge of throwing disgraceful reflections upon the Con gress, and of speaking words tending to depreciate the Con tinental currency; and also to be of good behavior for a year and a day. Thomas Hicks and Nicholas Sybert were at the same time bound, each in the sum of £500, to appear person ally before the said grand jury, to give evidence against the said Peninger. Robt. Davis, Robt. Cravens, Andrew Johnston, and John Rush, having produced commissions as captains of militia, were sworn in. Joseph Dictums was sworn in as ensign. The court proceeded to lay the ordinary [tavern] rates as follows, to wit : Rum by the gallon or French Brandy, £10 Whisky, per ditto, 4 — 16 0 Wine, per ditto, 10 —72— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Cyder & Beer, per ditto, 1 — 4 — Rum Toddy, per quart, with loaf sugar, 1 — 4 — Whisky ditto, per ditto, 0 — 12 — Warm Breakfast, 0 — 9 — Ditto Dinner, with Beer, 0 — 12 — A Bed, with Clean Sheets, per night, 0 — 5 — Oats or Corn, per gallon, 0 — 6 — Stableage, with Hay, a night, 0 — 10 — Pasturage, a night, 0 — 6 — Monday, April 26, 1779. ' 'On the complaint of Henry Brewster agt. Gabl. Jones Gent for threatening to shoot him for taking his Horse by Virtue of Authority of Capt. Rush without showing his war rant on hearing the Complaint & the answer of sd Jones the Court are of Opinion that the sd Brewster acted illegaly & therefore dismiss the Complaint." April 27, 1779. "Francis Stevins produced a Certificate of his Freedom from his master James Mcvey who acknowledged the same it is ordered to be certified." May 24, 1779. Andrew Bird took the oath "of a Captain of the militia in this County." Michael Bowyer produced a license from the governor, and took the oath of an attorney. May 25, 1779. Michl. Coger was appointed to take the list of tithables in his own company; William Nalle, in Capt. Frazer's com pany; George Boswell, in Capt. Rush's company; Wm. Her ring, in Capt. Hewitt's and Capt. Cravens' companies; Gawen Hamilton, in his own company; Henry Ewing, in Capt. Bax ter's company; John Thomas, in Lincoln's company; John Fitzwater, in Capt. Boggs' company; Anto. Reader, in Capt. Ruddle's company; William McDowell, in Capt. Bird's com- —73— A HISTORY OF pany; Daniel Smith, in Capt. Smith's company; James Dyer, in Capt. Davis' company; and Isaac Hanckle, in Capt. John ston's company. ' 'On a majority of the Justices being present & conform able to a resolution of the Court in March last, for fixing a place for the Court house, the several members having pro posed three different places a majority were for fixing it on the plantation of Thomas Harrison near the head of the Spring." "John Davis, William McDowell, Jno. Fitzwater & Benj. Harrison Gent are appointed Commissioners to let out the building of a Court house of Stone 36 feet Long by 26 in Breadth one Story of 12 feet in higth with a partition at one End twelve feet wide to be divided into two Jury rooms with two angle fire places in each of the Jury rooms as also a prison built with Square Logs 12 Ins. thick in inside, 18 feet Square in the Clear & walled with stone 2 feet thick in the lower Story & the wall 18 Inches thick in the upper Story. ' ' June 28, 1779. Josiah Davidson, sheriff, being called on to undertake the collection of the taxes for the year, and having refused, was deprived of his office; and Abraham Smith, John Gratten, and George Boswell were recommended to the governor for consideration in filling the office. An express was to be hired to carry the recommendation to the governor, the expense to be paid by the sheriff out of the "Depositum" in his hands. The commissioners appointed to arrange for the building of the court house and jail were empowered to choose a site of not less than two acres for the public buildings, and take deeds for the same in the name of the justices and their suc cessors from Thomas Harrison, the proprietor, together with the liberty of stone and timber from the said Harrison's plan tation for the said buildings. On August 5, 1779, Thomas Harrison, Sr., and Sarah Har- son, his wife, in consideration of the sum of Five Shillings —74— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY current money of Virginia, conveyed to Silas Hart, Gentle man, first justice "in the Commission of the peace" for Rock ingham County, his associate justices, and their successors, a tract of land containing Two Acres and a Half, for the sole use and behoof of the said county of Rockingham, upon which to build the Court House and other public buildings necessary for the said county. The tract of land in question had lately been surveyed by Mr. Gawin Hamilton, one of the deputy surveyors of the county, and was set and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Cedar Stump near a Small Cedar thence North ten Degrees East twenty poles to a Stake thence South Eighty degrees East twenty poles to two Spanish Oak Saplins thence South ten degrees West Twenty poles to a post thence North Eighty degrees West Twenty Poles to the Beginning. At a court held for Rockingham the 23d day of August, 1779, Thomas Harrison acknowledged the deed of bargain and sale for the lot in question, and the deed was ordered to be recorded. Teste Peter Hog, C. R. C. The record was made in Deed Book No. 0, page 291 — one of the volumes that were partly burned in 1864. 2 July 26, 1779. Abraham Smith was sworn in as sheriff of the county, with John Gratten, Henry Ewing, John Henton, David Ral- stone, George Chrisman, Francis Kirtly, and Jesse Harrison as securities. Gawen Hamilton and William Smith were sworn in as deputy sheriffs. Francis Mcbride was bound in the sum of £1000, with James Colhoon and George Chrisman, securities, each in the sum of £500, to appear before the grand jury in November to answer the charge of speaking "words disrespectful to the Government & present Constitution." John Brown, James Floyd, and John Hinton were bound, each in the sum of £100, to appear in person to testify in the case of the said Mc- 2- For a copy of the original deed made by Thomas Harrison to Silas Hart and others for the county lot, I am indebted to Capt. Geo. G. Grat- tan, formerly judge of the Rockingham County Court. —75— A HISTORY OF Bride. The bond of John Hinton was to secure the evidence of his wife, Estor Hinton. The sheriff was ordered to pay the sum of £90 to James Butcher for going to Williamsburg and returning therefrom as express for the sheriff's commission — the said sum to be paid from the "Depositum" in the sheriff's hands. August 23, 1779. Upon information of Henry Peninger, Gerard Erwine was bound in the sum of £1000, with John Brown and Thomas Campbell, securities, each in the sum of £500, to appear be fore the grand jury in November to answer the charge of having "propagated some news tending to raise Tumult and Sedition in the State." The said Peninger was also bound in the sum of £500 to appear as a witness in the examination of Erwine. "Abraham Smith Gent Sheriff protested against the Sufficiency of the Jayl. " Thomas Harrison acknowledged his deed of bargain and sale to Silas Hart and others, justices, on behalf of the county. The sum of £50 was placed in the hands of David Harnet for the relief of Bridget Fowler, wife of John Fowler, a sol dier from this county "on the Continental Establishment," the said Bridget Fowler, with three small children, being in distressed circumstances. The sum of £20 was appropriated for Barbara Woolridge, and a like sum for Mary Rylie, wives respectively of George Woolridge and John Rylie, soldiers in the continental army. H. Dever and John Dever were fined "according to law" for breach of the Sabbath. August 24, 1779. William Nalle, with Gabriel Jones and Daniel Smith as securities, gave bond for the due execution of the office of escheator for the county. —76— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY The sum of £30 was appropriated for Elizabeth Spikeard, whose husband, Julius Spikeard, and son, George Spykeard, were soldiers in the U. S. army. Vali. Sevier3 acknowledged deeds of lease and release to. Robt. Rutherford. The sheriff was ordered to pay to Wm. McDowell £93 15s. for the county seal. The sum of £40 was appropriated for Ann Gum, the wife of Claypole Gum, a soldier. The court proceeded to lay the levy: To James Dyer, for two old wolves' heads, £1 — 5—0 " Sebastian Hover, one ditto, — 12 — 6 ' ' James Davis, one ditto, — 12 — 6 " James Dyer, 2 old wolves, 1—5 — 0 " Charles Wilson, one old wolf, — 12 — 6 ' ' Joseph Kester, two old wolves, 1 — 5 — 0 " Gabriel Jones, deputy atto., for his salary, 150—0 — 0 " the Clerk for services, 1230 [lbs. tobacco?] " the Sheriff, for ditto, 1230 [lbs. tobacco?] " Gawen Hamilton, surveyor, per acct, 10 — 0 — 0 " Peter Hog, clerk, per acct, 270 [lbs. tobacco?] " Daniel Smith, per acct, 75 — 0—0 " Joseph Smith, William Crow, and Benj. Smith, as guards, 9 days each, on three to nes in the county jail, 54 — 0 — 0 " Daniel Smith, for the use of his house, in holding 5 courts "since laying last year's levy," 100—0—0 * ' Daniel Smith, jailor, for committing and re leasing of the tories, 2790 pounds of to bacco, at £5 a 100-wt, 139—10—0 3 This was either the father or the brother of Gen. John Sevier. —77- A HISTORY OF a depositum for building the court house, 1783—18—0 the Sheriff, commission on collecting £2466, at 6%, 147-19—6 Total, £2466—0—0 By 1379 tithables, at six dollars, or 36 shillings, per tithable, £2466—0—0 Ordered that the sheriff collect six dollars, or thirty-six shillings, from each tithable in the county as the levy for the ensuing year. November 22, 1779. ' 'The Court taking into Consideration the dangerous & malignant Fever that for some months past has raged in the Family of Daniel Smith Gent. & the Apprehension of the people that there is Danger of the Disorder being contagious, to remove any Obstruction to the Administration of Justice & to quiet the minds of the Suitors & others who may have Business at Court, are of Opinion that the Court should be adjourned to the plantation of Thomas Harrison & it is hereby adjourned accordingly." Signed by Daniel Smith. The sum of £30 was allowed to Anne McCoy, mother of William McCoy, a soldier. November 23, 1779. The sum of £20 was allowed Saml. Thornhill, father of John Thornhill, a soldier in the service of the States; and £30 was appropriated for Theodisia Maiden, wife of James Maiden, a soldier in the same service. It was ordered that the sheriff pay Gawen Hamilton £55 for a bookcase for the clerk's office. It was proved in court that Robert Menzies was a soldier in Capt. Hog's company of rangers in 1758, and that he had also served in Capt. Gist's4 company in the campaign of 1760. 4. Capt. Gist was doubtless the famous scout and ranger, Christopher —78— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY It was also established to the satisfaction of the court that John Smith, deceased, had been a lieutenant in Capt. John Smith's company of rangers in 1756, and had been killed at Fort Vause. Lieut. Smith was a brother to Abraham Smith. Claims for land were made upon the military service of Menzies and Smith. It was ordered that Benj. Harrison, William Herron, and John Davis, or any two of them, "let out the Building of a Courtho. of square Logs with diamond Corners Thirty feet Long by 20 feet wide from out to out with a partition twelve feet in the Clear across the house divided into two rooms one 12 feet wide & the other 8 feet wide, the room 12 feet wide to have a neat stone Chimney inside at the Gavle End of it the whole to be floored with Earth as far as the Lawiers Bar & then to be raised with a plank floor to the Justices Bench which is to be raised three feet above the floor & the Breast of the Bench to be studed with a railed Top, the pitch of the house to be 10 feet clear Ceiling & lofted with Inch plank with two window on each side of the ho. facing the Clks. Table & one in Each of Jury rooms the windows 18 Lights each Glass 8 by 10 Inches, with a Door on — side just Clear of the Jury rooms." This order was evidently to take the place of the one issued May 25, preceding, as shown above. Accordingly, it appears that the first court house was built of logs instead of stone, and that in size it was 20x30 feet instead of 26x36. Neither the court house nor the jail seems to have been com pleted before the end of 1783 or the beginning of 1784. March 27, 1780. The following were sworn in as captains of militia: Josiah Harrison, Richard Reagan, Jeremiah Beasley. The following as lieutenants: Joseph Rutherford, Stephen Conrod, Robt. Smith. Gist, who accompanied Washington on his perilous journey to the French forts in 1753. -79- A HISTORY OF The following as ensigns: Jacob Havener and Elliot Rutherford. An allowance of £120 was made for the relief of Jemima Kelly, wife of Emanuel Kelly, a soldier from Virginia in the army of the United States. This allowance was made in ac cordance with a recent Act of the State Assembly, and was probably to be reimbursed from State funds. March 28, 1780. The court proceeded to rate the ordinary prices, for the articles named, as follows: West India rum or French brandy, per gallon, £48 — 0—0 Rye liquor or whisky, ' " 24— 0—0 Wine, " 48— 0—0 Strong beer, per quart 1 — 10—0 Cyder, " 1-10-0 Hot dinner, 3—12-0 Breakfast, 3— 0—0 A cold ditto, 2— 2-0 A good bed, with clean sheets 12 — 0 Oats, by the gallon, 1—16—0 Corn, by the gallon, 2- 8—0 Stableage, with hay, per night, 2— 8—0 Pasturage, per night,5 1—10—0 David Laird proved that he had served as a corporal in Capt. Hog's company of rangers, from the time the said com pany was raised until it was discharged at Bedford, and that he had not received any warrant for land under the provisions of royal proclamation in 1763. George Huston and John Fitzwater were sworn in as captains of militia. 5. From the figures in the above schedule, as well as from other items preceding and following, it is easy to see how the purchasing value of the continental currency was decreasing. It thus continued to decrease until it had value only in the proverb: "Not worth a Continental. " And yet, by a fateful irony of circumstance, men were being arraigned, even in Rockingham, for speaking words tending to depreciate it. —80— Chesapeake-Western Bridge across the Shenandoah River near Elkton wEwyf :... ¦¦¦, -,¦'¦ ¦¦ '¦¦:¦¦'¦'¦ J»J&*H " wEfo- f " ..v --'^89H ¦ ¦ ¦ * , r yi By per. of E. G. Furry The Bridge at Bridgewater [Page 200] Port Republic: Confluence of the Rivers, the Bridge, and the Heights toward Cross Keys ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Jacob Pence proved that he had served as a soldier in Capt. Hog's company of rangers from the beginning of the said company in 1757 until it was discharged at Bedford, making oath that he had never received any warrant for land, as provided in 1763. Robt. Minnis made it appear that he had served as a sol dier in Collo. Byrd's regiment, &c. John Stephenson proved that he had been a soldier in the independent company under Capt. McClanahan, and also had served in Boqueter's (?) company, &c. April 24, 1780. Geo. Armentrout proved that he had served in Capt. Hog's company of rangers, &c. Daniel Grubb proved service in the same company. May 23, 1780. In the case of the commonwealth vs. McBride, the latter being adjudged guilty, was subjected to a fine of £250 and four days' imprisonment. June 9, 1780. At a special session of the court, called for the examina tion of John Davis, suspected of being guilty of treason against the State, and of "other misdemeanors," Daniel Smith, Henry Ewing, Reuben Harrison, Thomas Hewit, and Benj. Harrison, justices, being present, the said Davis was upon trial adjudged guilty of treason, &c, and was ordered sent to the general court to be tried for the same. Further more, Seruiah Stratton, James Rodgers, and William Gregg were bound, each in the sum of £10,000, to appear in the case as witnesses on the 6th day of the general court to be held at Richmond the following October. June 26, 1780. "Frederick Price, being bound over on Recognizance taken before Danl. Smith Gent for drinking the King of gt -SI— A HISTORY OF Britain's health & Huzzas for sd King," was tried and bound over to the grand jury court to be indicted, himself in the sum of £10,000, with Augustine Price and George Mallow, se curities, each in the sum of £5000. John Nicolas, Abraham Hammond, and Jacob Arken- bright were bound, each in the sum of £1000, to appear in the above case as witnesses. "Ordered that Benj a. Harrison & William Herring Gent be empowered to agree with the Undertaker of Courtho to omit the partion of the East End of the house for the Jury rooms & to sink the Joyst of the upper room from Gavel of the sd East end to the Joyst over the front Door so as to make a Jury room above wi a pair of Stairs in the Corner, or two jury rooms if the space will admit of it."6 August 29, 1780. Silas Hart, Henry Ewing, John Davis, and William Her ring were appointed commissioners to let the building of a county jail, according to the plan agreed on by the court, to the lowest bidder, "between this & the Nov. Court, & to give publick notice thereof." October 23, 1780. ' 'On the application of John Magill setting forth that he has kept Ruth McDonald Daughter of Randall McDonald a soldier from this County in the Army of the United States 18 months by agreement of the sd. Randall which being expired, & her Father still in the Service the Court are of opinion that the said Magill be allowed £35 for a barl of Corn & 200 Dolrs for 50 w of pork for the support of the said Ruth Mc Donald fori year." ' 'The Court taking into Consideration the distressed Sit uation of Anne Gum & two young Babes widow & orphans of 6. Evidently, as the process of building continued, the temple of justice was growing smaller. The burden of war was bearing heavily upon the young county. —82— ROCKINGHAM /COUNTY Claypole Gum a Soldier from this County who died in the service of the States recommend her to the board of Auditors for such relief as they think proper for her distressed circum stances." October 24, 1780. William Herring was sworn in as captain of militia; Joseph Dictam and Andrew Shanklin, as first lieutenants; Robt. Harrison as ensign. George Boswell, upon commission from the governor [Thomas Jefferson] was sworn into the office of sheriff. November 27, 1780. Zeruiah Stratton was sworn in as a captain of militia. "A sufficient number of the grand jury not appearing [24 had been summoned] 0 that the be discharged & the following persons being summoned & called & not attending 0 that they be fined according to Law towit Jas. Beard Jo. Rutherford Zeb Harrison Adam Reader Peter Conrod James Dever Francis Stewart Jacob Lincoln & Nico. Cairn." November 28, 1780. "Silas Hart John Davis Henry Ewing & Wm. Herring Gent Commissioners appointed to let the building the County Jayl reported that they had let out the building of the same to Cornelius Cain for Eleven Thousand nine hundred & Sev enty three pounds, & retd. a Bond of Said Cornes. Cain wi security for the Due performance of said building." Abraham Smith, having resigned the office of county lieutenant, on account of "his Disorder & Infirmities, " the court recommended Danl. Smith for appointment in his stead. The court allowed 3 barrels of corn, at £40 a barrel, and 150 pounds of pork, at 30 , to Frances Clough, wife of John Clough, a soldier in the service of the States. The sheriff was ordered to pay Thomas Harrison £100 for holding 3 courts in his house. —83— A HISTORY OF March 26, 1781. Daniel Smith, Gent, was sworn in as county lieutenant of the militia; George Chrisman and Reuben More, as cap tains; Jacob Lincoln, as a lieutenant. ' 'It is the Opinion of the Court that John Huston be al lowed 60 dollars per Day from the 8th Jany till 18th Feby for acting as Dep. Comiss. to the militia sent down against Arnold." March 27, 1781. "0 that the Clerk purchase a new Testament for the use of the Court & that the Sheriff pay him out of the Depositum." ' 'It is the opinion of the Court that James Davis a Com missary for the militia of this County ordered to the Southard in Sept last be allowed 80 Dollars per Day from 22 d Sept till the 3d Novr. being 51 Days." "Ordered that the late Sheriff [Abram Smith] pay Robt. Campbell the bailee due him for the original Contract in building the Courtho, being £187." April 23, 1781. Stephen Conrad was sworn in as a captain of militia, Capt. Jerema. Beeslie's company being divided. "Ordered that the Sheriff collect Seven Shillings & Six pence in the pound from every person within this County on each pound tax that the said person is now taxed at in the present assessment as pay for the Waggon found by this County for the State." "It is the opinion of the Court that Joseph Haines be allowed twenty pounds per day for acting as a Commissary to the prisoners Six Days when marching thro this, to Shan- doah County." May 28, 1781. "Anderson Moffet an anabist Minister having satisfied —84— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY the Court by a certificate from the Elders of his Sect that he is duely qualified to administer the Sacraments is licensed to perform the function of marrying by Banns or License in this County." ' 'The Court proceeded to alter the Ordinary rates in the following particulars towit a hot Dinner for one person, 30 Dollars strong Beer or Cyder, per Quart, 12 Dollars pasturage, per night, 12 Dollars Whiskey or Rye Liquor, per Gallon, £57-12-0." May 29, 1781. Silas Hart was appointed to take the list of tithables in the districts of Huston and Young; Josiah Davidson, in the districts of Rice and Harrison; Anto. Reader, in the districts of Fitzwater and Ruddle; William McDowell, in the districts of Harrison and Dunlop; John Davis, in the districts of Her ring and Magill; Michl. Coger, of his own company; Thos. Hewit, in Capt. Conrod and Capt. Beeslie's companies; James Dyer, in Capt. Johnson and Capt. Stratton's companies; Robt. Davidson, in his own company. This appears to be the first instance in which the term "district" is used, referring to a subdivision of the county. The original divisions, recognized for the purpose of listing the tithables, were evidently made according to the localities making up the several companies of militia. ' 'The Court are of opinion that Henry Ewing be allowed twenty pounds per day for twenty-three Days that he acted as Commissary, of the provision Law & 100 Dollars for his Expences." August 27^ 1781. Zeruiah Stratton produced an account in court for build ing a granary, and for receiving the grain tax, which was allowed and certified by the court. ' 'Thomas Hewit Gent is appointed by the Court to the —85— A HISTORY OF Office of Sheriff for the ensuing year. 0 to be certified to his Excellency the Govr." "It appearing to the Court that a traveller by the name of Moses Doughty with his wife & child was burnt up in the House of Adam Nelson & no relatives or other Connexions of the sd. Doughty appearing to claim administra. of his Estate consisting of a horse & a mare 0 that the Sheriff take the same into his possession being now in the Custody of Jno. Thomas Coroner & sell them at publick Vendue & make a return to the Court." William Nalle was sworn in as lieutenant-colonel of the militia. September 24, 1781. Isaac Hankie was sworn in as a captain of militia to suc ceed Andrew Johnston, resigned. Michael Baker was also sworn in as a captain of militia. The signature of Daniel Smith, presiding justice, appears under this date for the last time. He died before the next court, held in November. The next records are signed by John Grattan. November 26, 1781. "Leave is granted to Samuel Gay to keep Ordinary at his house in Harrisons burg for one year from this Date." A bill of sale of Moses Dougherty's estate was returned by the sheriff and admitted to record. The court made out the following budget: To Gabriel Jones, Deputy Atty., 4000 lbs. tobacco To Peter Hog, Clerk, for extra services, 1200 " To " " , account, 200 " To the sheriff, for extra services, 1200 " " Total, 6600 lbs. tob. = at 10s. cwt., £33 -86- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY To Cornelius Cain, for building the Jayl, for the balance due and the de preciation of the currency since it was undertaken, in specie, or in paper money at the depreciation fixed by the Assembly, To Samuel Parrot, 2 wolves heads, To Robt. Campbell, as a gratuity for building the courthouse, To Robt. Campbell, for the additional work on the courthouse, For finishing the Jayl, &c. , A depositum, £100 £ 1— 5—0 3— 3-0 7—19—0 40— 0—0 £ 152— 7- 10—13 -0 To the sheriff for collecting, 6 % £196— 0-0 11—15—0 £207-15-0 It was ordered that the sheriff collect 3s. in specie on every tithable in the county, as a levy for the ensuing year; or the equivalent value in paper currency, as fixed by the Assembly. Income from 1450 tithables, £217—10—0 November 27, 1781. ' 'Ordered that the late Sheriff [George Boswell] pay to Cornelius Cain the Money levied this last County Levy for building the County Jayl being £11973, the Commissioners who let the building of the same having reported that the it is finished according to the plan. ' ' George Boswell, late sheriff, settled with the court, re porting a balance on hand of £580 — 7 — 0, on 1459 tithables, 8 supernumeraries, and 51 delinquents. ' 'O that Andrew Shanklen keep the Courtho for the en suing year & provide a Stock Lock for the fore Door & an Iron Bolt for the other Door & provide the Court with Fire & Candles." —87— A HISTORY OF "Ordered that Robt. Campbell undertaker of the Courtho be allowed the further sum of £3. 8 in Specie on the Depre ciation as settled by the Assembly." "0 that Henry Ewing & William Herring Gent be ap pointed as Commissioners to let out the finishing the County Jayl to the lowest Bidder to [be] finished by the May Court." February 18, 1782. The former clerk [Peter Hog] being reported dead, Thomas Lewis was appointed clerk pro tern. Benjamin Harrison, Bruer Reeves, and John Fitzwater were chosen, according to an Act of Assembly passed the preceding October, as commissioners to value the lands be longing to the sundry landholders of the county. February 25, 1782. Richard Matthews was appointed clerk pro tem., and Henry Ewing was elected to hold the office permanently. March 25, 1782. William Smith was sworn in as a captain of militia. At a court opened March 26, 1782, and continued several days for adjusting claims, agreeable to an Act of Assembly passed in October, 1781, the following claims were presented and approved. The services rendered and supplies furnished were for the United States in the War for Independence. Zebulon Harrison for 39 head of cattle, 24 hours at post, stableage for 2 horses 12 hours, corn and rations. Claim dated Dec. 4, 1781. Josiah Harrison, for 6 days with his team in conducting British prisoners from the South to "Shanado Courthouse." Claim dated March 1, 1781. Zebulon Harrison, for 700 lbs. of hay— clover and tim othy— Feb. 24, 1781; 200 lbs. of beef for the use of British prisoners and guards, Aug. 20, 1781; for the use of the militia guard with British prisoners from this county to Shanado, 14 bu. of oats, at 1 s. 8 d., Dec. 4, 1781. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Josiah Harrison, for bullock driving, 1 day* Jan. 16, 1781. Gideon Harrison, for bullock driving, 1 day, Jan. 18, 1781. Archibald Hopkins, for 2 bags for the use of the militia going to "Tyger Valley," April 30, 1779, 18 s.; and for 1060 lbs. of flour, at 15 s. cwt., for the use of the militia ordered on duty, May, 1779. These two items were charged against the State; all others herein recorded were charged against the United States, unless note is made to the contrary. Archibald Hopkins for 22£ yds. of "Lining" [linen ?] for a tent for the use of the militia ordered to Richmond on duty, at 2 s. a yard, Jan. 16, 1781; for 7 head of cattle, 3 years old, "Each Extraordinary large of that age Estimated at 400 lbs. Each," at 16 s. 8 d. per cwt, for use of the militia ordered on duty to Carolina, Oct. 3, 1780. 7 George Baxter, for 24 yds. of ' 'lining' ' for use of the militia, ordered on duty to Richmond, at 2 s. a yard, Jan. 16, 1781. John Hopkins, for 4 head of cattle, estimated at 1900 gross, at 16 s. 8 d. per cwt. , for use of the militia ordered on duty to Carolina, Oct. 3, 1780. John Hopkins, for 245 lbs. flour, at 15 s. per cwt, for the militia ordered on duty to "Tygers Valley," May 5, 1779. This item was charged against the State. John Hopkins, for the making of 7 tents, £2 10 s., for militia ordered on duty to Richmond, Jan. 6, 1781; for 21 4-3 yds. of "Lining," for the militia ordered on duty to Rich mond, Jan. 16, 1781; fori 1-2 bus. corn, at 2 s. a bushel, and pasturage for 7 horses, 1 night, at 6 d. each, Oct. 27, 1780. Marthew Smith, ' 'for one Black Horse 14 Hands High Well Made five years Old one Halter and Bell at 25£ for the use of ye Mai. Ord. on Duty to tygers," April 29, 1782; charged to the State. i. A marked difference in the size of cattle has been registered since the 18th century. In 1710 the average weight of beeves sold in the Smith- field market was only 370 pounds. As late as 1795 the average weight of London beeves was only 800 pounds. See Bogart's Economic History of the United States, page 72. In recent years Rockingham cattle have reached a maximum weight of 2000 pounds or more. —89- A HISTORY OF William Hook, for 21| yds. "lining," for the militia or dered on duty to Richmond, Jan. 18, 1781; for 3800 lbs. of "good timothy Hay," at Is. 6d. per cwt, for the use of the guard removing prisoners from Albemarle barracks to Mary land, Jan. 20, 1781.— These prisoners were probably some of those taken at Burgoyne's surrender in October, 1777, and quartered for a year or two between Charlottesville and Ivy, in Albemarle County. 8 James Bruster, for 98 days' service with a team, at 10s. a day, employed for the use of the militia ordered on duty to Richmond; account dated April 25, 1781; for 3 days' service with his team, at 15s. a day, employed in removing prisoners from Albemarle barracks, Jan. 10, 1781. March 27, 1782. John Hinton, for acting as forage master 7 days, at 5 s. a day; account dated Jan. 1, 1781; for a balance on a receipt for bacon, 50 lbs., at Is. per lb., and for wheat, 35 i bus., at 6s. per bu., April 30, 1779. The last two items were charged to the State. John Hinton was allowed other claims for cattle, flour, rye, flour casks, hay, corn, horse pasture, wagoner's ra tions, etc. Thomas Moore, for 1 bullock, weight 440 lbs. neat, at 2J s. a pound, Febr. 25, 1781; for 18 "Diets" at 6d. each, and 7 horses, 1 night, at good hay, 1\ d. per horse, March 4, 1781. James Bruster, for 9 days public service with his team, at 10 s. a day; for feeding 1 public horse 3 days, at 1 s. 3d. a day; for 1 horse in public service 38 days, at 1 s. 6 d. a day; for 4 flour casks, at 2 s. each; account dated Dec. 22, 1780. John Davis, for 12 yds. of "Course lin'g," at 2 s. 6 d. a yard, Jan. 16, 1781. James Dunn, for 19 yds. "Course lining, " at 2s. 6d. a yard, Oct. 5, 1780. 8. For a detailed account of the sojourn of these prisoners in Albemarle, see Edgar Wood's History of Albemarle County, Virginia, pp. 31-44. —90- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Elizabeth Shipman, for making 1 tent, 6s. 3d., Oct. 15, 1780. John Crafford, for 16 yds. "Iin'g"at2s. 6d. a yard, Oct. 15, 1780. William Diver, for "1 Kittle 1 Do 10s. per kittle," Oct. 5, 1780. Ban. Wheton, for 10 yds. of coarse linen, at 2s. a yard, Jan. 16, 1781. George Gartner, for 1 blanket, "good in Quality," 20s., Oct. 26, 1780. Balser Counce, for 1 day public service with his team, Oct. 27, 1780. Ralph Lofties, for 1 iron pot, 20s., Oct. 9, 1780. France Ervin, for 919 lbs. flour, at 12s. 6 d. per cwt, Nov. 7, 1780. Henry Stolph, for 8 yds. of "Wolling not full'd," at 5s. a yard, Nov. 9, 1780. John Bowman, for 9 yds. of "Do.," at 5s. a yard, Nov. 9, 1780. John Cring, for 13 yds. of "Do.," at 5s. a yard, Nov. 9, 1780. Daniel Love, for "4 Dozen of Oats," at Is. 6d. a dozen, and 4 bushels of [oats?], at 2s. a bushel, Nov. 6, 1780 [?]. Margret Devier, for making 1 tent, 6s. 3d., Oct. 7, 1780. George Long, for 1J bus. wheat, at 3s. a bushel, Nov. 14, 1780. Godferry Hamileton, for 6 yds. cloth, at 5s. a yard, Nov. 9, 1780. Richard Mathews, for "halfe a bus of allum," £1 10s., Oct. 7, 1780. Thomas Shanling, for 3 days public service with his team, at 10s. a day, and for % bus. oats, at Is. 8d. a bushel, Oct. 28, 1780. Jacob Seth, for 6 days public service with his team, March 1, 1781. William Devir, for 1 bell and strap and buckle, Oct. 13, 1780. —91- A HISTORY OF Robt. Williams, for 6 days public service with his team, March 1, 1781. Isiah Shipman, for "1 Iron or Dutch oven, 1£," Oct. 6, 1780. David Harnet, for 200 lbs. hay, at Is. 3d. per cwt., Nov. 3, 1781; for 300 lbs. hay, Jan. 14, 1781. "To the Above Ord. to be aded 31 Galls, of Corn at 4D per gall., and 30 Diets at 6 per Diet." "The aforesd. Receipts Granted to Mr. Harnet the Ar- tickles Ware as appear to the Court for the use of the Mai. Called Out By Col. Jno. Smith Lieut, of Frederick County In Order to Repulse the enemy When Makeing their Rout as Was Supposed toward the Albamarle Barricks To Retake the Con-n troops Whence the Immergency that Cased [?] Oca- sion Every Man to ride [?] for Which." David Harnet, for 1100 lbs. hay, Jan. 2, 1782; for 7 rations, Is. each, Aug. 27, 1781; etc. Michael Couger, for 1000 lbs. beef, Nov. 20, 1780; for 24 diets, May 27, 1781; etc. Michael Roarick, for 11 yds. coarse linen, Jan. 19, 1781. William Donafin, for 1 gun, "Which Gun sd. Dunafin Lost In the Battle of Hot Water9 Being badly Wounded," £2 12s. John Harrison, for 26 diets, 6d. each, Nov. 13, 1781; etc. John Armentrout, for 23 days with team, Dec. 11, 1780. Peter Sellers, for 5 bus. corn, at 2 s., Nov. 14, 1780; 5 bus. rye, at 2 s. 6d., Nov. 10, 1780. Robt. Elliot, for 5 bus. corn, Nov. 14, 1780; etc. Frederick Rob, for 19 bus. corn, Febr. 23, 1781. Coonrod Fudge, for 96 lbs. pork, at 3d., Jan. 13, 1781. "The Same With Mr. Harnets from Shando." David Fudge, for 1 bu. corn and 3 suppers, at 6d. each, Jan. 13, 1781. 9. The battle of "Hot Water" was fought, probably, on the 26th of June, 1781, not far from Williamsburg. If the engagement at the time and place mentioned was the "battle" named, Donafin was distinguished, since the Americans who took part therein were picked men, commanded by a Major Willis. See Waddell's Annals of Augusta, pp. 300, 301. -92- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY William Young, for 130 lbs. hay, for 10 sheaves oats, Is., and for 8 diets, at 6d. each, Jan. 13, 1781. "Same With Harnets." Adam Hansberger, for 52 bus. corn, Nov. 15, 1780; etc. David Fudge, for 1 bag, 6 s., Febr. 19, 1.781. John Fudge, for 1 pair "Stilards," 12s. 6d., Sept. 16, 1781. Coonrod Hansberger, for 87 yds. woolen cloth, colored blue, at 7s. 6d. a yard, Jan. 16, 1781. Adam Hansberger, for 1 "Waggoner Cover Very Good," 40 shillings, Oct. 8, 1780. Reis Thomas, for 1 good blanket, £1, Oct. 26, 1780. John Thomas, for 4 diets, at 6d. each, and 2 quarts whisky, 2s., Febr. 26, 178L "Ord. that ye Sheriff summon Wm. Herring to attend Court tomorrow." March 28, 1782. Justices present: John Fitzwater Reuben Harrison William Nawl Wm. Herring Michael Couger Claims allowed: Leonard Herring, for 30 bus. corn, July 3, 1781. Frederick Armentrout, for 1 bag, and 2 bus. "Spotts," Nov. 15, 1780; for 1 bag, April 24, 1779; etc. Henry Miller, for 50 gals, whiskey, at 3s. a gallon, and ¦casks, 6s., Sept. 14, 1781; 39 horses 1 night at hay, Jan. 14, 1781; and 1 bu. "Spels,"10 Is. 8d.; for 30 morning snacks and 30 gills whiskey, Jan. 15, 1781. "This under the same Circumstances wt. harnets." io. "Spels" was doubtless spelt, a grain related to wheat and barley, much used for food in Germany and Switzerland. It is also called "Ger man wheat." This is a circumstantial touch reminding us that most of the early settlers of Rockingham came from Germany and Switzerland. The "Spotts" sold by Fred. Armentrout were likely some grain or vege table, also. -93— A HISTORY OF Henry Miller, for 1 ax, 5s., Jan. 19, 1781; for 437 lbs. beef, June 6, 1781. Jere Besselly, for 1 bu. corn and hay for 27 horses 1 night, Jan. 13, 1781. "Sam at harnet." Jere Beazle, for pasturing 5 horses 4 days, Sept. 22, 1781; Jere Beezly, for 1 gal. salt, 7s. 6d., Jan. 13, 1781. George Kessle, for hay and oats, Jan. 1, 1782. George Kelsle, for 6 days with team, March 1, 1781. Gorge Kessle, for 8 days rations for 2 men, Feb. 23, 1778. Georg Kezle,11 for 2 days with team, Feb. 12, 1781. James Laird, for 99 days public service with his team, acct. dated April 11, 1781. Alexander Miller, for 725 lbs. beef, Nov. 15, 1780. Frances Stewart, for pasturing 10 cattle 7 days, Nov. 2, 1781; etc. Jas. Rutherford, for 6 bus. rye, Nov. 17, 1780. Sam. Hamphill, for 22£ lbs. bacon, at 9d., and 97 lbs. pork, at 3d., Feb. 4, 1781. Peter Nicholas, for 10 soldiers' diets, Febr. 25, 1781; to the same, for hay, diets, forage, oats, corn, &c, at various times. Jacob Nicholas, for 200 lbs. hay, and for pasturing 14 head of cattle, Nov. 12, 1780. Reuben Harrison, for 99 days public service with his team, acct. dated Dec. 12, 1781. Banabas Carpenter, for 1 beef weighing 287 lbs., at 2d. a pound, Sept. 16, 1781; and for 1350 lbs. hay, at Is. 6d. per cwt., Jan. 1, 1782. Barnabas Simmerman, for public service with his team, Jan. 20, 1781; to the same, for hay, corn, diets, lodging, etc., at various times; and "for Damage Done by Continental troops to the possessions of sd. Simmerm., 8 shillings," Dec. 4, 1780. n. Kessle, Kelsle, and Kezle were obviously one and the same man, to-wit, George Keezell, for whom Keezletown is named. -94— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY John Brown, for 2 bus. rye, at 2s. 6d. a bushel, Nov. 17, 1780. John Frazor, for 2 bus. rye and 10 bus. corn, Nov. 26, 1780. Nana Simerman, for 66 lbs. mutton, at 3d. a pound, Febr. 21, 1781. Pat. Guin, for 3 bus. corn, Dec. 7, 1781. Daniel Smith, for pasturing 34 troop horses 20 days, for beef, corn, and whiskey, July 21, 1781; for public service -with his team, &c, Nov. 30, 1781. Michael Couger, for making 2 tents, at 6s. 3d., Jan. 18, 1781. March 29, 1782. Accounts were allowed for military supplies furnished, for public service with teams, for horses lost in public ser vice, etc., to the following: Reuben Harrison Adam Sellers John Weir Robt. Slaughter Peter Miller, Sr. John Branum Ester Stephenson Jacob Peters John Burk Woolry Hershman Peter Miller, Jr. Ben. White Leonard Miller Henry Long Robt. Hook Lawrence Slaughter Jacob Bear Ann Field Henry Miller Jacob Kiblinger James Bruster And. Hudlow Coonrod Hulvah Joseph Hannah Gabriel Jones Paul Lingal Peachy Gilmore Hans Magart George Mallow George Boswell March 30, 1782. Accounts were allowed for linen, making tents, for flour, beef, pasturage, rations, etc., to the following: William Snoding Henry Stone -95- A HISTORY OF Sebaston Hoover Henry Dove Henry Harter Daniel Smith William Nail Edward Williams Jacob Baer Woolry Hershman Jacob Moyers Darby Ragon Felex Gilbert (For putting in a new axletree, and other wise repairing a public wagon, 5s. ) To the same, for corn, horse shoes, &c. John Perky George Pence Henry Pence (For 8 flour barrels. ) John Smith (For 7 days wagoning, in assisting with the British prisoners from the south, to Shen andoah, March, 1781.) William Marshall Lewis Circle Zeb Harrison (For one "Brown Mare, 14J hands High Stout made 15 years Old 10£.") To the same, ' 'By a dutch Clark, ye hand not known, for 40 head of Bullocks at Pasture one Night at 3 per Head." Adam Argabright Martin Argabright Danl. Guin (For "1 Bay Mare 14 hands & 1 Inch High 5 years Old Well Made Lost in Publick Service twenty Pounds." ) A-'Brewer Reeves Isaac Wood Alex. Miller William Fitzwater Sarah Bags Jeremiah Ragon —96— ; H 1 i| it P . li^SiftPlF' !! ¦ ¦ Lincoln'Homestead on Linville Creek.'. Residence of S. M. Bowman Lethe- Present Home of E. B. Hopkins (Pajjes 10!). 110) p<*&A r ' ~ ^Hi^lrTi •¦• i ..'. ' Farm Home of Miss Lizzie Miller, near Elkton (Page 35) Mt. Clinton: W. C. Academy (Pages 205, 299) ROCKINGHAM COUNTY John Page John Ewin Wm. Stephenson Frances Erwin Gawin Hamilton Jacob Fowland Johnston Neilson (For "1 Riff el Gun Powder Horn and Shot bag Lost in ye Continental Service In ye year 76 In ye Expedition to Georgia £5 10s.") Jeremiah Harrison (By assignment from Conrad Smith, for 1 roan mare, with bell and pack saddle, lost in the State service in 1774, "In the Exp. to ye point Under Dunmore," £10.) Daniel Smith Handel Vance Nicholas Curry Michael Baker John Fitzwater Wm. Marshal Danl. Polser Wat. Crow James Elliot William Magill John Guin John Hemphill James Baird George Carpenter (For "1 Gun Lost In the year 81 In the Battle at Jas. Town gun Shot poutch and powder horn," £5 5s.) Wm. Smith (For acting as packhorse master in carrying provisions to "Tyger Valey," 40 days, at 6s. per day, "Who then Acted under the Direc tion of Wm. Boon accordg appt By Col. Abram Smith C £. sd Boon having someTime ago Retd his Papers By Col. Nawl," etc.) —97— A HISTORY OF Jonathan Shipman Abijiah Warrin Jno. McGlahing Lind. Wade Jno. Armstrong Thomas Collick Jacob Glaspie William Rice James Bletcher John Rice Jeremiah Harrison Robt. Craveors John Deniston Abram Smith George Peirce William Young April 1, 1782. Benjamin Harrison took the oath prescribed by law for County Lieutenant of the militia. April 22, 1782. Will of Peter Hog, first clerk of the court, written in his own hand, proved by Richard Madison, one of the subscrib ing witnesses. Gabriel Jones and George Matthews gave bond as executors. Elizabeth Hog is mentioned as surviving widow. April 23, 1782. Accounts were allowed for service in the Revolution, as follows: Sept. 27, 1780. — "To Jas. Carrel for one Waggon, 3 Horses and Geers for four horses All lost in Publick Service Under Comd. of Genl. Stevans In Carolina Being first 52 Days in ye service 7 Day Retg home at 5s. 6d. Day and 10s. 6d. Day for sd. 52 Days in service." Carrel was allowed for his horses £25, £30, and £15, re spectively; for the wagon, gears, &c, £18. -98— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY To Wm. Magill, for 15 days serving as quarter master with the militia from this county, to "Head Qt. Mopin Hills," at 6s. a day. No date. To Wm. Hook, for 1 horse, lost in public service in 1779, £10. April 24, 1782. Accounts were allowed for service, supplies furnished, etc., during the Revolution, to the following persons: George Spears Sol. Mathews John Henton John Hopkins George Baxter Jeremiah Ragon Richard Mathews Archibald Hopkins Isiah Shipman Jonathan Shipman Archibald Henderson Silas Hart James Devier Hugh Devier Fred. Armentrout Mathias Kersh (For 3 beeves weighing nett 1750 lbs., at 2£d. a pound. ) George Weaver John Weaver Jacob Perkey Thos. Care Henry Monger Adam Sellers Col. Wm. Nawl Robt. Elliot Henry Armentrout Wm. White Martin Petro —99- A HISTORY OF Wm. Davis Wm. Mills Jacob Nicholas David Laird George Mallow Ann Carpenter George Carpenter Adam Fought William Hook Thomas Harrison Frances Stewart John Miller George Huston ( "For paying for Keeping 1 Horse His Own Property But Lost In the Ctry Service in Mcintosh Expd. Taken Up and Again Rd. to Him For Sixty Days 4 Dol lars And pay Is. 6d. for 106 Days Being ye Time of sd. Expt." Dated Feb. 18, 1779.) The sheriff was ordered to collect the window glass tax, agreeable to Act of Assembly passed in May, 1780, "Which Should Have Been Collected In Augt. 81." May 27, 1782. Frances Kees [?] took the oath of an attorney "in this Court." May 28, 1782. It was ordered that James Montgomery, son of Sam. Montgomery, deceased, be bound according to law, by the church wardens, "To Mr. Jno. Hicks To Learn ye silver smith Trade untill he Comes of ye Age of 21 years he Being 14 year Spt Ensuing and the sd. Hicks Learn him read Wright and Cypher." Accounts for services rendered, supplies furnished, etc., during the Revolution, were allowed to the following persons: —100— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY James Grace John Davis Henry Stone Frances Beaverly Henry Whisler Fred. Keiler George Ruddle James Magill Handel Vance Mary Cravens Margaret Cravens John Craig Wm. Hook Abram Peters Nehemiah Harrison May 29, 1782. Accounts for services rendered, supplies furnished, etc., during the Revolution, were allowed to the following persons: Jacob Coofman John Pence John Robison David Robison John Thomas George Mallow Augustine Price Jacob Harmon Jno. Bear John Shipman Reuben Harrison Thomas Harrison Robt. Harrison Robt. Hook Walter Crow Mathew Patton Robt. Davis James Dyer , ¦ -\ \ Frederick Kester < Cui c -1 * / May 30, 1782. Revolutionary claims were allowed to Bethuell Herring Michael Stump France Irvine John Bullet David Ralston Charles Rush Robt. Slaughter Pasley Hover Jacob Moyer John Sellers Lewis Runckle Stephen Coonrod Henry Price Pet. Kize John Sword George Coonrod Hugh Dunahoe Pet. Coonrod Michael Cams Philip Long Thomas Hewitt William Pence Alex. Herring Lewis Rhinehart Frances Stewart John Fye —101— A HISTORY OF Pet. Runckle Joseph Smith David Laird Thomas Harrison John Eddy June 7, 1782. Revolutionary claims were allowed to John Herdman Jacob Bear John Hinton Robt. Elliot John McWilliams James Dier John Ewins Easther Stephenson Chrisly Painter John Blain John Hopkins Jacob Warick Archibald Hopkins Joseph Strickler Robt. Dunlap Alex. Samples Ephraim Love John McDugal Brewer Reeves Henry Ewins Godfrey Bowman Wm. Hook Wm. Pettejohn Ezekiel Harrison August 28, 1782. "Came into Court Benj Crow & made oath that there was a Rifel gun powder horn shot pouch and knife taken from Him When a continental soldier In the year 1777 and put Into the Magn. for which he Reed a certificate Which he Lodged with Walter Crow who also came into Court and Made oath that He Has Lost the sd. Cera, and never Reed any val ue for ye same the Court Is therefore of the oppinion that ye sd. Benj Crow Be allowed £7 10s for sd gun powder horn shot Pouch and knife and the Same Is ord. to Be Cert." "Came into Court Walter Crow And Made oath that He Delivered 280 lbs. of Bacon To Mr. Tate Comg. at Albamarle Barricks In April 1779 for Which he has Never Rd. any Valy or Satisfan. the Court Is therefore of ye oppinion that He Be allowed 1\ per lb. and ye same Is ord. To Be Cerd." "Came into Court Robt. Davis Gent, and Made oath the Hemshire Cty Mai When in this Cty supressing The Tories Red. of Him 30 Diets for Which he Red. no the Court Is —102— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY therefore of ye oppn. that he Be allowed 6 d. per Diet & S ord. To Cert." September 24, 1782. "To John Donaphan 1 Gun Lost in Hot water Battle a smooth Rhifle about 3 feet 7 Inches Long Brass mounted with Amidling Lock Vallued To £3 0 & C. "The Sd. Donaphan was wounded in the Action." — Ac count dated July 26, 1781. October 29, 1782. "To James Reeves for One Rifle Gun Lost in Crossing James River at Sandy Point upon the March Against Genl. Arnold Valued at £5.0.0 Specie." November 27, 1782. James Devier was appointed to procure weights and measures for a standard in the county, according to law, "upon the best Terms he can as far as 40£ Will Extend Hav ing Regard To ye Purchassing of the sd. Measures In ye first Place." March 25, 1783. "Gawin Hamilton Gent, having advertised the Court of his intentions of removing from this State to the State of Georgia and as he is informed it is necessary for Strangers to carry with them a Certificate of their Character and Conduct from the place where they remove from prayed the Court would Certifie their Knowledge of him, The Court therefore taking the same under consideration and willing to do Justice as well to the said Mr. Hamilton as to their Fellow Citizens in the State where he is about to remove to, Ordered that the Clerk of this Court do Certifie that the said Gawin Hamilton hath been for many years past an Inhabitant of this County that he hath Acted therein in the public Character of an Assistant Surveyor of the aforesaid County, A Magistrate and a Lieutenant Colonel of the Militia, in all which said Capacities he hath demeaned himself with uprightness, in tegrity Spirit and Resolution, and Show'd by his Actions —103- A HISTORY OF through the long Contest with Great Brittain that he pos sessed true Whiggish principles and upon all occasions exerted them for the Advantage of the United States." On April 29, 1783, certificates were granted to Ezekiel Harrison, Reuben Harrison, and Josiah Harrison, stating that they had been born and brought up in the county, and had behaved themselves as good, faithful citizens and soldiers in the contest with Great Britain, etc. They also were remov ing to Georgia. April 29, 1783. William Dunaphans12 was allowed £2 for a smooth bore gun lost "in Serving a Tour of Militia Duty under Colo. Naul, sd. gun was lost at Stomen [?] Mill Near Portsmouth in the Year 1781." May 27, 1783. "On Application of John Brown Senr. on behalf of James Brown that he is Eldest Brother and heir at Law of John Brown deceased a Soldier in the 8th Virginia Regiment13 was in the Continental Service at the time of his Death— which is Ordered to be Certified." June 23, 1783. ' 'Capt Stephen Coonrod came into Court and proved that he lost or mislaid a Certain Certificate granted by Col. Wm. Nail to John Fie so that it cannot be found for one old Wolfs Scalp and that the same is Ordered to be Certified." June 24, 1783. Agreeable to an order of the court in March preceding, 12. The Dunaphan family seems to have had a persistent misfortune with guns. This makes three lost by William and John. It is possible, however, that the above item refers to the same gun mentioned in the record of March 27, 1782. 13. The 8th Virginia was the famous "German Regiment," commanded first by Muhlenberg, later by Abram Bowman. See Wayland's "German Element," pp. 143, 144. -104— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY for the sheriff to let the paving "of that part of the Court House from the Lawyers Barr to the Chimney Ordered that Andrew Shanklin Let the said work with an Addition of two Windows one of each side of the Chair containing Twelve lights each Eight by Ten to be finished in a workmanlike manner with Suitable Shutters &c. by August Court next." On September 23 this work was reported satisfactorily com pleted. "0 That William Herring and Andrew Shanklin Gent do lay off the Prison bounds." Pursuant to the above, Herring and Shanklin made re port that the said prison bounds "do begin at a Walnut tree In the Corner of Reeves Lott, from thence to a Stone set up below the South East end of Deviers House, from thence to two black Oak saplins growing from one Root, in the North Side of Lanahans Lott, from thence to a Stone Set up. at the West side of Rutherf ords Kitchen and from thence to the Beginning." September 22, 1783. Daniel McKenley was granted a certificate, stating that he had been a resident of the county for "some years past," had been a person of sober conduct, had manifested true Whiggish principles in the long contest with Great Britain, and had been a good soldier, in the capacity of sergeant, in a long and tedious campaign. Mr. McKenley, like others al ready mentioned, was going to Georgia. October 28, 1783. Henry Ewin, William Herring, and Benj. Harrison, ap pointed by a former court, reported that they had viewed the work done by James Henton on the ' 'Jayl, Pillory and Stocks, ' ' and had found it done according to contract. An order was entered directing the sheriff to pay the said Henton £35 15s. for the said work. Henton was allowed 20s. for a stock lock "now on the inside Door of Jail upon his furnishing a Lock for the Iron Door agreeable to Article." —105- A HISTORY OF September 27, 1784. Gawin Hamilton and Ralph Loftus, having been appointed by a former court to examine Mr. John Lincoln in regard to his abilities as deputy surveyor of the county, reported that they had found nothing to hinder his being admitted to the office. After the successful close of the Revolution in 1783, Vir ginia bestowed a northwestern empire upon the new nation in 1784. In 1787 the famous ordinance for the government of the northwest and the new constitution for the nation were both drawn up. Two years later Washington was inaugurated first President, and the "tall young Adam of the West" began to stand erect. In 1793 Whitney invented the cotton gin; in 1798 Virginia and Kentucky passed their fateful reso lutions in protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts; in 1803 Jefferson purchased Louisiana; and in 1807 came a trilogy of great events: The passage of the Embargo, the proof of Fulton's steamboat, and the birth of Robert E. Lee. During all this time progress was rapid in Rockingham, notwith standing the fact that she surrendered a large part of her territory in 1787 in the formation of Pendleton County. The people were subduing the earth and replenishing it; they were clearing forests, building houses, laying out roads, and establishing schools, churches, and towns: they were marry ing and giving in marriage. If any one doubts the last, he may abundantly satisfy himself by referring to the list of marriages in the Appendix. At the end of the century Rev. John Walsh, of the Methodist Church, seems to have been best man to Hymen. For the year ending in April, 1798, he reported 30 marriages to the county clerk, and for the next year, ending May 13, 1799, he reported 45. In 1781 there were about 1500 tithables in the county. Accordingly, the total population was probably about 5000. In 1790 there were about 2100 tithables, and a total popu lation of nearly 7500. By 1810 the figures were about 3000 —106— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY and 12,500, respectively. There was a variety of race ele ments: German, Scotch, Irish, English, Dutch, and Negro: but the negroes were remarkably few, compared with the number to be found in the adjacent counties east of the Blue Ridge. The number of negro slaves reported for 1790 was only about 10 per cent, of the total population; the number in 1810 being about 11 per cent, of the total. Most of the tax payers had horses, while but a few of them had slaves. In 1775 Felix Gilbert reported 12 tithables, and John Craig nine, — more than any one else in their district. The largest slave-holders in the county in 1788 were Peachey Ridgeway, John Mackalls, Thomas Lewis, and William Nail, with 12, 10, 8, and 7 slaves, respectively. At the same time James Dyer had 19 horses and one slave; George Crisman, 17 horses and 4 slaves; Gawin Hamilton, 16 horses and 3 slaves; and Jacob Coonrod, 16 horses and no slaves. Usually, however, those who had a large number of horses also had a considerable number of slaves, and vice versa. Another fact of special significance presents itself in this connection. In 1790 all the negroes in the county were reported as slaves: there were apparently no free negroes; but in 1810 there were 200 or more free negroes. This change was probably the result, in large measure at least, of the work done within this period by the Methodists and other religious bodies in behalf of emancipation. Particular instances of emigration, about the close of the Revolution, have been recorded. Many other instances might be found. Through the kindness of Mr. H. M. Strickler I am enabled to present the following paragraphs in point from two letters written by Mrs. Ryland Todhunter of Lex ington, Mo. Under date of August 26, 1911, she says: Almost the entire settlement of Madison County, Kentucky, was made up by a concourse of people who left Augusta, Albemarle, and Rockingham County in a body for that new country about 1785-91. Again, under date of September 12, 1911, she writes: In 1810 there were 100 families who came at one time from Madison County, Ky. , to settle in the new Missouri Territory. They were almost —107— A HISTORY OF without exception the same names and children of the men who left Augusta and Rockingham County, Va. With them came my Elliott fam ily and the allied families of Glasgow, Wallace, Estill, Trigg, Rodes, Lewis, Turner, Kavanaugh, Oldham, and others. It is possible that Elliott's Knob was named for my family. August 11, 1911, Maj. W. P. Pence, of Fort Monroe, Va., who has spent much time searching records in the effort to get a complete history of the Pence family, told me that about 1805-1815 there was a notable exodus from Rocking ham westward, specially into the northwest territories. In 1780 Harrisonburg was established as a town; in 1791, Keezletown; from 1801 to 1804 McGaheysville, Port Republic, and New Haven were laid out and named. The first Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Rockingham County was held in April, 1809, Judge Hugh Holmes presiding. In April, 1811, this court was put in charge of Judge Daniel Smith, to continue under his able direction till his death in 1850. Much of the work done in the magistrates' court dur ing the latter part of the 18th and the early part of the 19th century had for its purpose the improvement of facilities for travel and transportation: the laying out of roads, the clear ing of fords, etc. Many details concerning this work may be found in Chapter XII. Educational and religious work was not by any means neglected. The Lutherans, the Reformed, the Mennonites, and the Episcopalians had been in the field from the beginning; the Dunkers, the Presbyterians, the Methodists, and the United Brethren were becoming well es tablished. There were perhaps a few Catholics, Quakers, and Moravians in the county. Particulars regarding these various churches are given in Chapter XIV, while the subject of education receives special attention in Chapter XV. About 1809 George Rockingham Gilmer, later Governor of Georgia, visited Virginia, the home of his ancestors, and in particular the birthplace of his father in Rockingham County. He came up through East Virginia, stopping in Amelia, Cumberland, Albemarle, and other counties. He was in Charlottesville on the day of the election of members of the State legislature and Congress. —108— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Crossing the Blue Ridge, probably by Brown's Gap, he came into the beautiful Valley. Here I quote from his own account: I passed that evening the birthplace of my mother— then the resi' denceof my uncle, Charles Lewis— and arrived at Lethe, the birthplace of my father — the residence of my uncle, George Gilmer. I remained two months at this beautiful place, with the best and kindest people whom I have ever known. The house was of brick, situ ated upon the descent of a hill, about three hundred yards from the Shenandoah River, which was seen over a beautiful meadow, and through thinly scattered sycamore trees, flowing away with a strong current. From the top of the hill, back of the house, might be seen exceedingly fertile fields, enclosed in a semicircle, formed by the river, and mountains extending in every direction. In the middle of the valley, between the North Mountain and the Blue Ridge, rose up almost perpendicularly, and to a great height, the Peaked Mountain. In a clear day, many excavations were visible on its side. Upon inquiring about them, I was informed that they had been made by the neighboring Dutch people in search of hidden treasure. A young fellow of the neighborhood, whose father was a man of some wealth and consequence, had a club-foot and was made a tailor of, as fit for nothing else. In following his trade, he went to many places, and became wise in the ways and some of the tricks of the world. After a while he returned to the neighborhood of the Peaked Mountain. The Dutch had heard, and were credulous enough to believe, that a wealthy lord was one of the first settlers of the Shenandoah Valley, had quitted the coun try a long time before, and returned to Germany, leaving his money behind, hid in the Peaked Mountain. There had been some effort to discover the treasure by digging several places in the mountain side. The tailor told them that, in his travels through Ohio, he had been iri a factory of spyglasses, which so added to the power of sight, that he could see several feet into the earth with one of them. Having excited great interest about these glasses and the hidden treasure by his tales, he proposed to the money-hunters that, if they would make up a suffi cient sum, he would go with it to this factory, and buy them a glass, by which they could find the concealed gold. t The required sum was collected, and the tailor went to Ohio. Upon his return, he informed his employers that he had purchased a glass bet ter than he had ever seen before; that he had no doubt but that they could have seen through the Peaked Mountain, if he could have got it to them; but unfortunately, as he was traveling home with it, he was obliged to cross a rapid run, which proved more swollen than he supposed. He was washed down by the strong current, lost his saddlebags, with -109- A HISTORY OF the glass in it, and came very near losing his life. Another sum of money was made up with which the Irish club-footed tailor left the heighborhood of the Peaked Mountain, never again to be seen there. He laid out the money in the purchase of a tract of land, whilst some had theirs sold to repay the money which they had borrowed to supply the tailor with the means to buy the wonderful glass. Whilst at Lethe, I witnessed an electioneering scene, equally inter esting with the one I had been present at in Charlottesville. David Holmes, who had for twenty years immediately preceding, represented in Congress the district of which Rockingham County made a part, had been appointed Governor of the Mississippi Territory by Mr. Jefferson. A new member had to be elected. The republicans and federalists were very equally divided in the district. Mr. Smith (now Judge Smith) became the candidate of the republicans, and Jacob Swope the candidate of the federalists. The Virginians vote viva voce. The candidates seat them selves during the day of the election on the judge's bench, in the court house, and as each voter names the person for whom he votes, he is bowed to, and thanked by the candidate voted for. I was in Harrisonburg, the court-house town of Rockingham, on the day of this election, and saw Mr. Smith and Swope, thus seated and occupied. Smith was of an old Vir ginia family; Swope was German, and could speak the German language. The farmers of the county were mostly Germans; the lawyers, doctors, merchants, sheriffs, clerks, &c. , were Virginians. Mr. Smith and Swope addressed the people on the party topics of the day, British orders in council, Napoleon's edict restricting commerce, the embargo, and anti- commercial system of Mr. Jefferson. After both candidates had spoken, Mr. Swope commenced addressing the people in German, in reply to Mr. Smith. A huge old German rose, and in broken English, said Mr. Swope should not talk German, because Mr. Smith could not talk German, and stopped Swope. Mr. Swope was a merchant, a handsome man, and usually well dressed. He resided in Staunton, Augusta County. He came to Rockingham dressed in German fashion. The German succeeded, though the Smith party had the ma jority in the district; and Mr. Smith was equal, if not superior to Mr. Swope in qualifications for Congressional service. 14 The new nation won political independence in the war from 1775 to 1783, but another hard struggle was necessary to secure commercial independence. The conspicuous part taken in the Revolution by the new county of Rockingham has already been indicated, and it may be shown that in the 14. From Gov. George Rockingham Gilmer's book on Georgians and Virginians, pp. 243-246. —110— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY war from 1812 to 1815 it was not found wanting. In 1813 and 1814 no less than five companies, aggregating nearly 400 men, went into the military service of the nation from Rock ingham County. The captains of these companies were Robert Magill, Thomas Hopkins, William Harrison, Robert Hooke, and Daniel Matthews; the names of their men may be found in the muster rolls in the Appendix. It is quite proba ble that other soldiers from Rockingham, not listed in these rolls, also took part in the second war for independence. For example, Col. Joseph Mauzy (1779-1863), who was for many years a prominent citizen of the county, was in com mand of a company at Norfolk; and under date of January 11, 1861, the editor of the Rockingham Register made this statement: In 1812 we furnished more than enough men to form a regiment, yet our men served under strangers. But peace marks progress while war wins victory. Dur ing the war of 1812-15, as well as in the years preceding and following, progress in the new county was steady and sub stantial. Things intellectual and spiritual were not lost sight of in the growth of things material. As early as 1813 David son & Bourne had a printing establishment in Harrisonburg; two or three years later Lawrence Wartmann, whose publi cations were to become famous, had opened his press in the same town. Daniel Bryan was writing poetry; Joseph Funk was publishing music; John Brown was advocating missions; the Methodists and others were trying to get rid of slavery; the palaces underground were being explored, and the foun tains among the hills were being sought for health and pleas ure: the day was at the morn in Rockingham. CHAPTER VI. A GROWING COMMUNITY. 1820-1860. The period from 1820 to 1860 was one of varied and far- reaching activities. The new nation had won its political independence by the Revolution, and its commercial inde pendence by the war of 1812: it was now achieving its indus trial independence through the development of manufac tures, the invention of agricultural machinery, and the im provement of transportation facilities; and was preparing to realize its intellectual independence, as well, by thinking for itself and writing books that were no longer fashioned upon European models. Within this period fall the Missouri Compromise, the enunciation of the Monroe Doctrine, South Carolina nullification, the abolition movement, the economic crisis of 1837, the Mexican War, the Compromise of 1850, John Brown's Raid, and the beginning of secession. In Rockingham County the main currents of national movements were being felt and registered, and at the same time affairs of State and local interest were riding upon high tides. Population was increasing and being widely dis tributed by emigration; social institutions were being devel oped, law systems were being perfected, military organiza tions were being maintained, and natural resources were be ing exploited. It was a time frequently marked by sharp political agitation, the constitution of the State being re written twice within the period, once in 1829-30, again in 1850-51. Churches were being extended, and not a little at tention was being directed toward general education, but the chief local movements of the time appear to have been poli tical, social, and economic, rather than religious or literary. It was a time of "internal improvements" — some railroads State Normal and Industrial School for Women, Harrisonburg, Va (Page 30?) ROCKINGHAM COUNTY being projected, some towns, perhaps, being "boomed," several banks being established, many roads being con structed, and a large number of bridges being erected. In the decade preceding the crisis of 1837 the building of turnpikes was especially in vogue, the Valley Turnpike and the one leading from Harrisonburg to Warm Springs both being con structed within that time. The Rockingham Turnpike, lead ing from Harrisonburg eastward toward Swift Run Gap, was not built until some years later, but still within the period under consideration. The roads, good and bad, were being utilized, not only for neighborhood communication and trans portation, but also for a great wagon trade with Scottsville, Fredericksburg, Winchester, and other markets; and the Shenandoah River at the same time was a throbbing channel of navigation between the eastern sections of the county and the cities on the Potomac. Chapters XII and XXVI are devoted specially to roads and the river trade, respectively; further particulars regard ing banks may be found in Chapter XXII ; and a number of items concerning the bridges of the county will be found here and there— some further on in this chapter. Rockingham County has always been notable as a distri buting center for people. In this respect it resembles those counties of Eastern Pennsplvania, whence most of its early settlers came. Far and wide, over the south, west, and north west, in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and many other States, not only indi viduals but also communities may be found that trace their ancestry or former places of residence to Rockingham County, Virginia. As already indicated, emigration was common from the first, but so great was the exodus in the period under review that the number of Rockinghamers actually in Rock ingham in 1850 was about 300 less than in 1830; and emigra tion was so rapid in the decade following 1830 that the popu lation (only the white population is included in these figures) was nearly 3000 less in 1840 than in 1830. To cite a single instance, there were nine children in one of the Kaylor fami- —113— A HISTORY OF lies, but only one remained in Rockingham; from 1828 to 1833 the other eight moved to Logan County, Ohio, where their descendants are numerous to-day; and with the last of the eight went the mother of them all. Another reason for the decrease of population in Rock ingham between 1830 and 1840 is to be found in the forma tion of Page County, in 1831, from Rockingham and Shenan doah; but the part taken from Rockingham was small, as may be seen by a glance at the map, not large enough to re quire of itself the growth of twenty years in compensation. We must reckon still with the steady stream going westward. The main reason for this movement towards the west is doubtless to be found in the liberal policy adopted by the Federal Government in 1820 for disposing of the public lands. Immediately the movement westward was acceler ated, and for a number of years preceding 1837 the land fever was widespread and at high temperature. The popu lation of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa increased from 792,719 in 1820 to 2,967,840 in 1840. Much of the growth of Rockingham in this period must be registered in these States, rather than within her own defi nite boundaries. But temporary loss of population did not diminish the fertility of Rockingham fields, or the vigor of her sons and daughters who abode at home. About 1845 Henry Howe traveled all over Virginia, then including West Virginia, and wrote an account of each county in order. Of Harrisonburg he wrote, ' 'The village is handsomely built, flourishing, and is surrounded by a beautiful and fertile country."1 Among other towns and villages he mentions specially Mt. Crawford, Port Republic, Deaton (Dayton), and Edom Mills. One of the features — we might almost say, one of the in stitutions—of Rockingham life in the early part of the 19th century was the annual Methodist campmeeting at Taylor Springs (now Massanetta). An intimate glimpse into the l. Howe's Historical Collections of Virginia, 1852 Edition, page 460. —114— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY conditions frequently prevalent at that time is afforded by a notice that appeared in the Rockingham Register of August 11, 1825, in which a committee of the brethren (probably the committee of arrangements) assured the order-loving public that they would spare no vigilance in protecting the meeting of that year against disorder, and that they intended to en force the law against any who might interrupt the worship ers with liquor-selling, swearing, drinking, or sabbath-break ing. The committee consisted of Peachy Harrison, Stephen Harnsberger, and Edward Stevens. In the same issue of the Register appeared an article, copied with evident approval from the Alexandria Herald, which shows that the Methodists and other religious bodies of Rockingham were not alone in their desire to get rid of slavery. The article is as follows: EMANCIPATION. In addition to the fact of the emancipation of 70 slaves by Mr. Minge, of Virginia, the Richmond Whig of Friday says that two in stances of the triumph (of) philanthropy and patriotism, over the sordid selfishness of our nature, can be recited, equally as meritorious and splen did as that act of distinguished munificence. The Rev. Fletcher Andrew, an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, had received from the bounty of a dying relative, twenty slaves, at that time valued at $10,000; shortly after he attained the age of twenty-one years, al though they constituted nearly the whole of his worldly property, this amiable and pious man, generously emancipated every one of them. And Mr. Charles Crenshaw, a farmer residing in the neighborhood of Rich mond, has recently manumitted all the slaves he owned, amounting alto gether to sixty. An able writer in the Register of October 5, 1822, reviews the political condition of the country at large, and deplores the rivalries and dissensions so much in evidence among the different States and sections. He says: The preservation of our union is unfortunately too deeply connected with this interesting subject — an epoch has appeared in our History, that every federative government must sooner or later experience, an im portant crisis has arrived; our future prosperity and happiness is wrap ped within the events of the next five years, and it rests with us, whether we shall continue to enjoy the blessings of our present happy constitution, —115— A HISTORY OF or be subjected to all the vicissitudes, and destructions, of a state of an archy and confusion. Should one pillar of the Union be removed, the whole Edifice would soon tumble into ruins; and all hopes of a reestab- lishment will be preposterous. Every state will assume to itself individ ual sovereignty, the smaller states will feel the encroachment of the greater, and be a prey to every dangerous passion. There was evidently a strong sentiment in Rockingham and adjacent counties favoring a revision of the State con stitution in 1829-30. In Rockingham the vote was 630 for a convention, 125 against a convention; in Augusta, 560 for, 109 against; in Shenandoah, 968 for, 13 against All the counties of the Valley— perhaps all in the western part of the State — gave large majorities for a convention, while many of those east of the Blue Ridge gave majorities against it. After the convention had done its work, Rockingham gave 457 votes in favor of adopting the new constitution, and only 49 against adoption; in Augusta the vote was 285 and 270, pro and con; in Shenandoah, 671 and 61. In this connection it will be of interest to see how the famous Nullification Ordinance, passed by South Carolina in November 1832, was received in Rockingham County. The writer has been exceedingly fortunate in securing, through the kindness of Mr. James B. Stephenson of Harrisonburg, a copy of the Rockingham Register of January 12, 1833, in which is a full and detailed account of the great mass meeting that was held on Monday, January 7, 1833, to consider the: burning questions of the time. The following editorial note, in the Register referred to, will introduce us to the situation: "In this day's paper we give the proceedings of the meeting held in the Court House on Monday last, pursuant to notice. It will be seen from the preamble and resolutions- adopted, that Nullification finds but little favor in this county, and that the President's decided and patriotic course meets with general approbation from all parties." The meeting referred to in this note was held, as already stated, on January 7, 1833, a large number of citizens of all parties being present. Dr. Peachy Harrison was made chair- -116— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY man, and Allan C. Bryan secretary. On motion of Augustus Waterman a committee of seven was appointed to report a preamble and resolutions to the meeting. The following gen tlemen composed the committee : Augustus Waterman, David Steele, Henry J. Gambill, Samuel Cootes, Dr. Michael H. Harris, Major Edward H. Smith, and James M. Huston. A lengthy preamble and extended resolutions under seven heads were reported. The preamble referred to the recent nullification ordinance of South Carolina and acknowledged the crisis thereby impending. Resolution 1 asserted the su premacy of the national government, and denied that it was a compact or league of independent States; Resolution 2 ac knowledged the right of revolution as a last resort, but denied the right of any State of nullification or peaceable secession; Resolution 3 deplored the ' 'precipitate, rash, misguided vio lence of our Sister State of South Carolina," and denounced her conduct as "plainly, palpably, dangerously unconstitu tional"; Resolution 4 approved the proclamation of the Presi dent; Resolution 5 reprobated the action of the governor of Virginia (John Floyd) in transmitting the ordinance of South Carolina to the Virginia legislature, and declared that the Virginia Resolutions of 1799 could not properly be held as justifying the recent action of South Carolina; Resolution 6 cheered on the Union party in South Carolina; and Resolution 7 ordered that the secretary transmit a copy of the proceed ings to the President of the United States, to each of the Rockingham delegates in the General Assembly, and to the following papers: Richmond Enquirer, Constitutional Whig, Staunton Spectator, Rockingham Register, and The Globe. The resolutions adopted, particularly Resolutions 1 and 2, followed the constitutional sophistries of Daniel Webster; and on the same page of the Register with them is printed Webster's speech in Faneuil Hall, delivered December 17, 1832. Resolutions 3 and 6 were carried unanimously; the others "with a very few dissenting votes." We may infer that Peachy Grattan, I. S. Pennybacker, and Dr. Moomau were —117— A HISTORY OF among the dissenting voters; for it is reported that these gentlemen offered substitute resolutions, and supported them in speeches. The defenders of the prevailing resolutions were chiefly Mr. Waterman, Thomas Clark, and Mr. Cootes. The above-mentioned meeting was perhaps the last notable gathering ever held in the Old Courthouse; for in the same issue of the Register that contains the account of the said meeting is to be found a notice, signed by Jacob Rush, David Henton, John Kenney, and Peachy Harrison, commis sioners, that on the third Monday of January, 1833, the old building would be sold. It was to be remeved by March 15, in order to clear the ground for the new courthouse. The attitude of Virginia and Rockingham County toward the political issues of the time may be further illustrated by the following verses, which are the first two stanzas of a song reprinted from the New York Courier & Enquirer in the Rockingham Register of November 9, 1833. Save De Union. A mighty angry quarrel rose Among de Tariff's friens' an' foes, An' Souf Calina in a fit, De Union vows to curse an' quit. But save de Union, ole folks, young folks, Ole Virginny nevah tire. Virginny loves her Sistah State, An' most as much de Tariff hate, But while de Tariff she despise, De Union berry much she prize, So save de Union, ole folks, young folks, Ole Virginny nevah tire. In 1838 there were six voting places in the county, namely: Court House; Riddle's, in Brock's Gap; Zigler's School House, at Timberville; Richard Pickering's, at Sparta; Conrad's Old Store; Solomon Pirkey's, in McGaheysville. In 1842 there were seven: Harrisonburg; Addison Harper's, Brock's Gap; Schoolhouse of John Zigler, Timberville; Rich ard Pickering's; Conrad's Old Store; McGaheysville; Bright- —118- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY well's old store, on Beaver Creek. In 1858 a precinct was established at the house of Samuel Cootes. The Rockingham Register, in 1840, was ardent in its sup port of Van Buren. In the issue of August 15 a two-column campaign article appears, aimed, of course, at Harrison and the Whigs, and containing a long list of those gentlemen who constituted the Democratic Vigilance Committee for Central (or Harrisonburg) Precinct. Peachy Harrison was chairman of the committee. In 1841 the following persons were agents for the Regis ter, at the places designated: Naason Bare— Timberville Jacob Deck— Brock's Gap R. Pickering — Spartapolis Geo. E. Deneale— Smith's Creek P. A. Clark-Mt. Crawford John Dinkle — Bridgewater Joseph Conrad — Conrad's Store D. Irick— McGaheysville Reuben Emick— Linvill's Creek Wesley Bare— Parnassus Young J. Hiner — Doe-Hill Wm. McCoy— Franklin S. Sterling, of Rockh., Gen. Agt In 1844 the Harrisonburg Republican was in the Presi dential campaign, for Clay and Frelinghuysen, and against the Register — not to mention Polk and Dallas. The follow ing paragraph is copied from the Republican of July 23, 1844. Our brother of the Fairmount (Va. ) Pioneer is correct. ' 'The enter prising Whigs of Rockingham have caused a Whig paper to be estab lished in that strong hold of Locof ocoism, " and what is more to the point, they intend keeping it up. A few notes relating to military affairs within the period before us are herewith presented. On April 19 (a notable anniversary!), 1822, John Kenny was commissioned colonel (field officer of cavalry) in Rockingham. In 1828 the num ber of Virginia militia totaled 100,707, Frederick County —119— A HISTORY OF standing first with 2569, Shenandoah second, with 2556, and Rockingham fourth, with 2296. In 1835 the General As sembly passed an Act establishing in Rockingham a new and distinct regiment, to be known as the 145th Regiment of Vir ginia Militia. The commissioners named in the Act were John Cowen, Samuel Cootes, John Allabough, Anderson Moffitt, George Piper, David Lincoln, Samuel Miller, Abram Burd, and David Henton. The next year an Act to apportion more equally the enrolled militia of the three Rockingham Regiments was passed. In the Register of April 7, 1838, is found a notice from Wm. Burnside, 0. S., ordering the rifle company, commanded by Capt. Speck and attached to the 145th Regiment, to parade on the 2d Saturday of April at Paul's Mill, Beaver Creek. In another copy of the same paper, dated April 8, 1842, are three similar notices: One from J. Billhimer, 0. S., to Capt. 0. St. C. Sprinkle's com pany, ordering it to parade in Harrisonburg on the 2d Satur day of April; another, from John A. Hopkins, captain, ordering the artillery to parade at Mt. Clinton on the 2d Saturday; another, from Wm. Burnsides, 0. S., ordering the light infantry company, formerly under command of Capt. J. S. Carlile, to parade in Dayton on the 3d Saturday. In the last-named company an election was to be held for cap tain. The hour appointed for the parade in each of the three notices was 11 o'clock. Twenty years ago a lady2 who was born in Harrisonburg in 1812, and who spent her early life there, wrote out her recollections of the olden time. Her account of the "big musters" is given in the following graphic words: The annual or general muster was the greatest thing, and was looked forward to for months with the greatest pleasure by all the negroes and children. Training of officers began several days before muster day. It was the most motley crowd that filled the square around the court house. Men of all sorts and sizes, dressed in tow-linen pants and shirts; few had coats and vests; some with old wool hats, and others with straw 2. Maria Graham Carr, mother of Gen. C. C. C. Carr of Chicago. For access to copies of her manuscript I am indebted to Mr. R. A. VanPelt and Mrs. Hattie Newman -120- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY hats. I saw one man in this crowd when I was about ten years old; he had on tow-linen pants and shirt, coarse shoes, no stockings; around his waist was a bright red woolen sash: he had a rusty slouch hat on, without band, and torn at the edge. On the front of the hat was a long white feather with a scarlet top— he felt as proud as a general. I saw several soldiers there at one time with bright yellow coats trimmed with black, and green flannel ones trimmed with white or silver. I suppose these uniforms were some of the remains of the War of 1812. My aunt told me that my father had raised a company which he had uniformed at his own expense. Some men on muster day carried old umbrellas, cornstalks and sticks of wood instead of guns and swords. I suppose the officers were tired of trying to beat sense into these men, and gave up in despair, marching them out to a field in the N. end of town to try to drill them. After marching the militia out to the field, the Light Horse Company, of about fif cy men, under Col. McMahon, went out also. After all the men were on the field the staff officers went out to the Colonel's house to escort him to the field. Not one of them was uniformed. The Colonel had on a blue uniform with metal buttons, a red sash around his waist, and a helmet with a cow's tail on it, hanging down behind. The whisky, beer, and ginger-bread sellers were in their glory, as this was their har vest, many persons taking home a jug full of something and a handker chief filled with ginger-bread. I always loved dearly to hear the fife and drum, and got as near to them as I could, listening to them until the tears ran down my cheeks. I was never so affected by any other music. All the gentlemen of that day ordinarily wore knee breeches with silver buckles, some of these buckles being set with paste; they had shoe buckles to match; silk hose in summer, and black lamb's wool hose in winter. According to a letter written January 16, 1911, by Mr. D. M. Kaylor of Bellefontaine, Ohio, a famous ginger cake baker of the time was Mrs. Christopher Warvel, who lived near McGaheysville. Mrs. Carr mentions a Mrs. Nye of Har risonburg who was also noted for her ginger cake, as well as for her molasses-beer and taffy. Through the favor of Mr. J. L. Argubright, of Dayton, I am able to reproduce the following interesting roll, from the original manuscript. It is a valuable piece of source material in Rockingham military history. -121— A HISTORY OF Muster Rool of A Troop of Cavalry Commanded by Capt. John Nicholas for the year 1828 John Nicholas Capt John Miller 1st Lt Henry Oungst 2nd Lt John Albright Cornet Charles Yancey 1st Ser t (Jacob Frederick 2nd Sert) Samuel Royer 3th Sert Joseph Moyer 4th Sert Jacob Kiblinger John Royer Joseph Mahoy Jonathan Peal Jonathan Rush Jacob Armentrout James Dovel John Fisher John Alfred (Frederick Krahn) Charles Nicholas miller David Irick Tyree R. Brown Samuel Moor Michael Rowtz William Fisher (William Danner) Nicholas Miller Nathan Huston Peter Miller Philip Moyer (Alexa Newman) Hamilton I Hufman John Cline Thomas Reaves William Reaves Charles Chandler David Chandler (Tandy Dovel) William Bird John Anders David Weaver George Kaylor George Nicholas Philip Deal Solomon Leonard Berryman Dorsson David Royer Abraham Argebright James Kook (John Williams) David Huston John Argebright Jacob Royer Peter Roler John May Jacob Earman Jacob Allabaugh John Huffman Albert Yancey Francis Kertly John Dovel William Youst (John Wallace) George E. Craige William Eater David Oungst William Eaton (Joseph Oungst) Samuel H. Huffman David Eitor Samuel Showalter Adam Blose Jr Joshua Snider Abraham Whitmore Daniel Rife Benja Miller David Eversole (Jacob Kiblinger Jr) Henry Conrod Henry Hansbarger George Huston Reuben Propst Jacob Linaweaver —122- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Wm Peterfish Jacob Conrod Ninrod Hitt Samuel Gibbons Jacob Blose Thomas Miller Isaac Hammer George Kellar John Hammer John Swats John Williamson George Secrist Westely Bear John Roberts St Clair Kertley Upon special inquiry made not long since of two vener- ble gentlemen, Mr. Richard Mauzy of McGaheysville and Mr. J. N. Liggett of Harrisonburg, I was informed that Rocking ham County, although a stronghold for Polk and his party, took very little interest in the Mexican War, 1846-8. Of Rockingham soldiers in Mexico, the following were all that could be recalled: John P. Brock3 (1823-1892) ; N. Calvin Smith4 (1823-1897); William Smith (brother of Calvin). In October, 1873, William Ralston died near Linville Depot, aged about 50. It was said that he had been in the Mexican War, as well as in the Civil War. He was known as "Soldier Bill." Mr. Robert Coffman of Dayton states that Frederick Linhoss, formerly of the same town, was a soldier in Mex ico; and Mr. Benj. Long, also of Dayton, agrees with Mr. Coffman in reporting the tradition, received from Mr. Lin hoss and Mr. St. Clair Detamore, that a number of men (about a dozen) left Dayton for the Mexican War. The favorite method for raising money for all "good causes," particularly the building of expensive bridges, was by a lottery. Here is something specific in point: 3. Born May 17, 1823, near Lacey Springs, died in November, 1892. He was captain of the Valley Rangers in the Civil War. 4. Calvin Smith died in Providence, R. I. —123— A HISTORY OF COME ON! COME ON! THE ROAD TO WEALTH. ALL HAIL! Ye elect sons and daughters of the goddess of For tune, call and buy tickets in the Shenandoah Bridge Lot tery, where large sums of CASH can be bought for the inconsiderable sum of $4. This is the heading of an advertisement that appeared in the Rockingham Register in January, 1833, regarding the Shenandoah Free-Bridge Lottery, to construct a bridge across the Shenandoah River on the Swift Run Gap road. The drawing was to take place in Winchester, on Tuesday, February 5, 1833. The capital prize was $10,000; other prizes in decreasing amounts were offered, there being finally 18,000 prizes of $4 each. In all there were 18,556 prizes, aggregating in value $108,000. The number of blanks was 17,434. David S. Jones was manager, with his office at Har risonburg. At the same time that the above lottery was being pro moted, another, with a capital prize of $8,000, was being advertised by Bruffy & Paul, managers, Mt. Crawford, Va. This was being conducted for the purpose of constructing a free bridge across the North River near Mt. Crawford. The drawing was to be held at Strasburg on January 15, 1833. In this there were 30,000 prizes— no blanks; but the small prizes were only $2 each, while the price of a ticket was $4. The aggregate value of the prizes offered was $90,000. This scheme therefore, would have allowed a balance of $30,000 to the managers with which to pay expenses, aid the bridge building, and profit themselves. The gross balance falling to the management under Mr. Jones' lottery would have been $35,960. However, there were repeated drawings for the same bridge — at least in some cases. Mr. Jones states in -124- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY his advertisement that he had already paid out prizes in the Shenandoah Bridge lottery ranging from $10,000 to $200; and in the same issue of the Register he advertises another draw ing to be held at Winchester in April, 1833, for a capital prize of $12,000, with smaller prizes in great number. Among other contemporary lotteries that were author ized or operated in Rockingham were the following: One in 1831-2 for raising money to construct a road from Harrisonburg to Moorefield; another at the same time for the benefit of the Port Republic and New Haven bridge; in 1833, one to be conducted by Wm. Thompson, Anderson Moffitt, John Zigler, Peter Grim, Saml. Hoover, and Isaac Thomas for erecting a free bridge near Thompson's Store (now Tim berville); and one in 1838 for the benefit of the "Mt. Craw ford Free Bridge." In the Rockingham Register of November 9, 1833, the following notice appeared: The annual general meeting of the Stockholders of the New Shenan doah Company will be held at the house of Mrs. Graham, in Port Re public, on the 15th day of November inst. A general attendance of the Company is requested. S. H. LEWIS, Treas'r. N. S. Com. In 1836 the General Assembly agreed to a resolution re questing the board of public works to employ a competent engineer to survey a route for a proposed railroad from Gor donsville, in Orange County, to Harrisonburg, in Rocking ham County. The winter of 1840 in Rockingham was of unusual sever ity, and is thus described by Joseph Funk in a letter written January 11: As our winter weather here has thus far proved to be rather extra ordinary, I will state to you something about it. On Saturday night and Sunday before Christmas there fell a snow 14 or 15 inches deep, on a previous snow several inches deep; and on Friday after Christmas, (being on the day of Hannah's infair which was held at Daniel Frank's) there fell another about 10 or 12 inches deep, which drifted, together with the other, in such a manner that many places of roads are impassible either with wagon or horse. Mounds of snow are drifted together from 4 to 6 -125- A HISTORY OF feet deep. Your sister Elizabeth could not return home from the wed ding till the following Wednesday and they were obliged to go through fences and fields to get along: Since then we have had 3 snows several inches deep. Both our lanes and many others, have not yet been passed through by any person since the snows fell. The weather has also been extremely cold, iut^has now moderated and become more mild and pleasant. Financial, agricultural, and religious conditions are de picted, in a letter written by Joseph Funk, October 2, 1842, as follows: Times with us are very pressing in the money way; of which, how ever, our county has felt less weight than any of the adjacent. But in many respects the times are good. The season has, the past summer, been very good; heavy crops of wheat oats and corn were produced, so- that we abound in the provisions of life. But, with regret I mention, that I fear there is too little of true and unfeigned religion among us;. which in a great measure, may be owing to the Clergy. If in the room of a pious life — good examples — and warmly preaching the Word of God to our hearts, the preachers read their sermons, and live in conformity to the world, and its vain fashions, I think the church committed to their charge, of course, cannot grow and thrive. The California gold fever of 1848-9 seems to have affected Rockingham only slightly. Says Mr. Mauzy: ' 'If any persons from this county went, at that time, to California, I do not know it, though it is probable that a few did so. I know of two who went from Woodstock— John Anderson and a friend of his named Harrison."5 Says Mr. Liggett: "As to gold seekers: On conference with Mr. John Ken- ney, whose memory of ancient occurrences is more tenacious than mine, the following are recalled: John Higgins, Thomas Fletcher, Jacob Jones, Benj. Miller (probably), — Britt, and John Williams; the last a lawyer. . . . Mr. William Dainger field emigrated too at an early date, and achieved distinction and fame, ultimately being elevated to the judicial bench. He was a brother of Capt. Daingerfield and Leroy, soldiera celebrated for gallantry in the Confederate army."6 5. Letter of February 25, 1912. 6. Letter of February 24, 1912. -126- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Gen. Samuel H. Lewis,7 who lived a mile or two below Port Republic, was a wealthy farmer and man of affairs. Like many of his contemporaries, he frequently consulted the almanac in the management of his farm, and was in the habit of recording weather observations and related items at the proper places in the calendar. His almanac for 1852 is before me, and I reproduce from it the following item: Great Flood. April 19.— Great flood in the river & runs— Being as high (within two inches) as in 1842.— The Bottom field being recently ploughed, & almost ready to be planted in corn, was very much damaged In his letter of 1840 Joseph Funk makes reference to a wedding and an infair. In order that present-day readers may know what an infair was, and at the same time appre ciate more definitely the social conditions that obtained in the earlier half of the century, I append the following account, written for this work, upon special request, by Mrs. Bettie Neff Miller, of Bridgewater. I will tell you of the first wedding I ever witnessed. My step-grand mother Neff's maiden sister, Barbara Landes, was united in marriage with David Stemphley (a German) sometime in the forties. I was about 8 years old. (You remember Stemphleytown near Bridgewater; since he was the first settler there the place was named for him. ) I will describe the costumes. The groom was dressed in drab cloth; the bride in a brown merino dress-made petticoat and short gown, with a white apron and handkerchief and a white jaconet cap. The first relative wedding I ever attended was Uncle Abe Neff's. That was soon after the other— sometime in the forties. He was attired in fine black cloth, the bride in a white dress, with apron of the same material, a beautiful white silk handkerchief and a bobinet cap. The *". Samuel H. Lewis (1794-1869) was the son of Charles Lewis (1772- 1832), who was the son of Thomas Lewis (1718-1790). Thomas was the eldest son of John Lewis, pioneer of Augusta. Thomas lived and died at Lewiston, below Port Republic. He was the first surveyor of Rocking ham, and had one of the largest libraries in the West. General Andrew Lewis (1720-1780) and Col. Chas. Lewis (1736-1774) were his brothers. Samuel H. Lewis was the father of Sen. John F. Lewis and Samuel H. Lewis (1820-1892). -127— A HISTORY OF ceremony was rather long, including a prayer, in which all knelt When they arose the minister sang a few lines: Bless, Lord, this newly-married pair, And make the match a blessing prove. Uncle Abe's was the first infair I attended. All rode on horseback. When they came near the house they galloped the horses, and all alighted in a huddle. The friends came to meet them, and ushered them into the house, where the bride and her attendant dressed for dinner. The bride wore a blue alpaca dress, a black silk apron, and a fancy silk handker chief. Her bonnet was a white lawn over a whole pasteboard — or half a one, I should have said. Of course, we all thought it was beautiful and tasteful. The table was set with pies, puff cakes, pickles, and different kinds of preserves, with chicken, turkey, and ham on a side table. After eating plenty of meat and chicken, the plates were removed, and pie and cakes were served. After dinner all went into a room prepared to have them spend their time in playing the oldtime apple-butter plays. We children looked on with delight Bridal presents were unknown. I attended several infairs just like the one I have described. In earlier days, while on the road to the groom's home, two young men were sent for two bottles of wine to treat the bride and groom before they arrived at the house. When Aunt Mary Neff was married to William Pence they prepared to send out two bottles of wine — had the bottles trimmed, and looked for the men to come. Old Mr. Pence was an old- fashioned man, and wanted to treat his new daughter-in-law. Your mother and I were in that bridal procession. Times changed somewhat before your mother and I were married. My bridal presents were a home- woven wash line, a home-made linen towel, and a wash-bowl with pitcher^ Since then there have been many changes, as you know. 8 In the four-cornered fight for the Presidency in 1860 the Rockingham Register supported Douglas. In the issue of August 3, 1860, the editor disapproves the talk of revolution and declares for the preservation of the Union, yet expresses fear of "black republican fanaticism" and flays the aboli tionists. At the same time the division of the Democratic party is deplored. On election day the vote in Rockingham stood as follows: 676 for Breckenridge, 888 for Bell, and 1354 for Douglas. If Lincoln got any votes in the county, the Register did not report them; yet it was only 78 years since 8. From a letter written September 4, 1911. —128- SENAT OK JOHN F. LEWIS (Pates :->5n, 35G) ROCKINGHAM COUNTY his father and grandfather had left Rockingham, and a num ber of his relatives were still residing in the county at the time. By December 14, 1860, the Register, while still adoring the Union, showed decided signs of secession sentiment. Evidently it had veered considerably during the last pre ceding month or two. In the issue of December 28 appears the following, anent the secession of South Carolina: We are sorry that the gallant Palmetto State did not continue in the Union until the North had time to retrace its steps and do us justice. There are unequivocal signs of returning reason in many portions of the North, and we at least hope they will yet do what they ought before the rest of the Southern States dissolve their connexion with the Union. These words have an ominous sound. Coming events were casting shadows.9 9. For letters, almanacs, old newspapers, etc. , belonging to the period covered by this chapter, I am indebted, among others, to Mrs. E. Rue- bush, Dayton, Va., and to Mr. S. C. Rohr and Hon. George N. Conrad, both of Harrisonburg. R.C-H-5. CHAPTER VII. ROCKINGHAM IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1861—1865. A consecutive and detailed narrative of a great county in a great war cannot be attempted in a single brief chapter, yet enough may be given to bring those "old, unhappy, far- off things and battles long ago" vividly before us. The rising spirit of early '61 may be felt in the following, copied from the Rockingham Register of January 25, 1861: Military Meeting. Monday was a proud day for old Rockingham. Notwithstanding the diversity of opinion which exists as to the best mode of settling our present difficulties, all are agreed on arming our Volunteer Regiment The immense crowd was addressed by Messrs. Warren, Shands, Winfield and Yancey, in patriotic and thrilling speeches, and when the motion was made by Mr. Shands, to ask the County Court to subscribe $2000 in addi tion to the amount already subscribed, there was not a dissenting voice in the crowd that was audible. The meeting adjourned with three cheers for the Regiment. The arming and equiping of that Regiment is a fixed fact. It was the largest meeting ever convened in our Court-House. Hundreds outside could not gain admittance, but endorsed the action of the meeting. The voting places in the county at this time were as follows: District No. 1. Conrad's Store McGaheysville District No. 2. Taliaferro's Store Port Republic District No. 3. Mt. Crawford Dayton ROCKINGHAM COUNTY District No. 4. Bridgewater Ottobine District No. 5. Mt Clinton Bowman's Mill District No. 6. Court House Keezletown District No. 7. Spartapolis Henton 's Mill District No. 8. Cootes' Store Timberville Mennonite School House District No. 9. Sprinkel's Store Wittig's Store On February 4, 1861, an election was held to choose delegates to the State convention. S. A. Coffman, John F. Lewis, and A. S. Gray were chosen. An unusually large vote was polled, and was distributed among the several candidates as follows: Coffman, 2588 Lewis, 2081 Gray, 1999 Woodson, 1120 Newman, 705 Liggett, 503 In reporting the election, the Register of February 8 says: The delegates elect are all conservative Union men, and were voted for by the people with the understanding that they are to be the repre sentatives of the strong Union sentiment of the county. Yet while they are all Union men, yet none of them desire to be classed in the category of "submissionists." They will go for the Union as long as there is hope of its honorable preservation; but when all just and proper efforts in that direction fail, then they will go, as Virginians and Southern men, for the rights, the honor, and dignity of the old Commonwealth out of the Union. — We hope and pray that such an alternative may not be pre sented; but if it should, we know enough of the metal of our delegates —131— A HISTORY OF to the Convention, to be assured, that Virginia's sacred honor will be safe in their hands. Politics were ignored in the canvass. In politics, the delegates stand as follows: Two democrats, (Messrs. Coffman and Gray,) and one whig, (Mr. Lewis.) They are all comparatively young men, Mr. Coffman, the foremost man in the race, being the youngest of the three. Vote for and against referring the action of the conven tion to the people: For Ref. Against Ref. Harrisonburg, 474 183 Keezletown, 52 4 Conrad's Store, 144 76 McGaheysville, 77 73 Port Republic, 145 2 Taliaferro's Store, 107 14 Mt. Crawford, 175 38 Dayton, 118 9 Bridgewater, 151 6 Ottobine, 180 20 Mt. Clinton, 93 1 Bowman's Mill, 185 8 Spartapolis, 138 49 Henton's Mill, 82 10 Timberville, 123 3 Trissel's School House, 61 6 Cootes' Store, 100 64 Sprinkel's Store, 13 22 Wittig's 71 00 2499 593 As shown by the unusually large vote, the people all over the county were intensely aroused. Wednesday morning, March 27, 1861, a Confederate flag was seen floating from the Exchange Hotel in Harrisonburg— three weeks before the Virginia convention adopted the ordinance of secession, and eighteen days before Lincoln's call for troops. "It was," said the next Register, "the work of a portion of the gallant —132— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY fair ladies of our town, who are in favor of joining the Confederacy." On April 17 the convention at Richmond adopted an ordinance of secession by a vote of 88 to 55. Consistently with his declarations before the election, Mr. Lewis voted with the minority, and steadfastly ref used to sign the ordinance after it was passed. The division of opinions and convictions in the convention but reflected the similar divisions over the State— particularly in the western part. In Rockingham the majority agreed with the majority of the convention, but there were also a number who thought differently. For example, in the Blue ¦ Ridge sections of East Rockingham, where anti- slavery sentiment and martial spirit were both strong, a number of men went north and joined the Union armies. In other sections of the county the peace principles of large numbers of the people, particularly the Dunkers and Mennonites, kept many from assuming a decided attitude one way or the other; ' but notwithstanding all these conditions, the attitude of the county as a whole was soon definitely and decidedly for the Confederacy. On April 20, when the "Mountain Guards," from Spring Hill, Augusta County, and the "Rockbridge Rifles" were passing through Harrisonburg the ladies pre sented them with flags. The firing on Sumter, Lincoln's call for troops, and the action of the Virginia convention had aroused tremendous enthusiasm. Meetings to organize home guards, etc., were held at Bridgewater, Lacey Spring, Harrisonburg, and elsewhere. Before the war was over, Rockingham men were serving in many different commands; but the organization that is perhaps most frequently thought of in connection with the military history of the county is the 10th Regiment, Va. V. I., made up chiefly of Rockingham soldiers; and we deem our readers fortunate in having presented to them herewith an account of this regiment, written by one who knows its history at first hand. —133- A HISTORY OF THE 10th VIRGINIA REGIMENT, VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. BY COLONEL D. H. LEE MARTZ.i Written Specially for This Work. The nucleus of the 10th Regiment Virginia Volunteer In fantry was formed in Rockingham County just prior to the commencement of the Civil War. One company, the Valley Guards, was organized before the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry, with S. B. Gibbons as captain. This company was sent to Charlestown as part of the military force used as a guard. These events created or aroused a military spirit in Rockingham, resulting in the formation of six other com panies, viz., the Rockingham Rifles, captain, James Kenney; Chrisman's Infantry, captain, George Chrisman; Bridgewater Grays, captain, John Brown; Brock's Gap Rifles, captain, John Q. Winfield;2 Peaked Mountain Grays, captain, William l- Col. Martz was born at the old family homestead near Lacey Spring, March 23, 1837. After his early life on the farm he engaged in mercan tile business, which was interrupted by the war. He rose from the rank of sergeant in the 10th Virginia Infantry to that of colonel, and at the close of the war he was in command of the 10th, 23d, and 37th Virginia regiments. After a number of years in business again he was elected, in 1887, clerk of the circuit court in Rockingham County, and still holds that office. He has been commander of the S. B. Gibbons Camp, Confederate Veterans, since 1893. On November 14, 1860, he married Miss Mary Nicholas Carter. Mr. Ed. C. Martz, a well-known lawyer of Harrisonburg, is his son. 2. Capt. Winfield was born at Mt Jackson, Va., June 20, 1822, the son of Dr. Richard Winfield. He was a graduate of Washington College, Lexington, Va. , and of Jefferson Medical College, Phila. As captain of the Letcher Brock's Gap Rifles, in the 7th Va. Cavalry, he won dis tinction, and was mentioned as the one likely to succeed Ashby in command of the regiment, but failing health interrupted his military service. In spite of failing health he continued the practice of medicine at his home in Broadway, where he died July 29, 1892. Mr. Chas. R. Winfield, attorney-at-law, is his son. —134— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY B. Yancey; Riverton Invincibles, captain, W. D. C. Covington. These seven companies were organized as a regiment just before the war, under the Virginia laws, as State Volunteer Militia, with S. B. Gibbons colonel, E. T. H. Warren lieu tenant-colonel, Burke Chrisman and George W. Miller majors. The last two did not see active service. At the outbreak of the war this regiment was ordered to Harper's Ferry, leaving home on the 18th day of April, 1861, as the 4th Virginia Regiment of State troops. The regiment, as finally organized, became the 10th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., with S. B. Gibbons colonel, E. T. H. Warren lieutenant- colonel, and Samuel T. Walker major. With the addition of three companies from Shenandoah County — one each from Strasburg, Woodstock, and Edinburg — the regiment remained at Harper's Ferry until some time in June, 1861. Then it moved to Romney, now in West Virginia, by way of Win chester, as part of the 4th Brigade, commanded at the time by Col. A. P. Hill of the 13th Va. On the way back to Win chester the Brock's Gap Rifles were transferred to the cavalry, the regiment being finally composed of eleven companies: six from Rockingham, three from Shenandoah, one from Page, and one from Madison. The impending battle of Manassas caused the army in the Valley, under Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, to be moved to eastern Virginia, reaching Manassas Junction on the 21st of July. Thence it was hurried to the field of battle. Only four companies, however, of the 10th Regiment (now in Gen. Arnold Elzey's brigade) took part in the battle, having been detached from the regiment and sent to strengthen the Con federate left. These four companies suffered some loss in killed and wounded. After this battle the Confederate army remained around or near Manassas Junction until the following spring, when it was moved to the south side of the Rappa hannock River. Nothing of importance affecting the 10th Regiment occurred in this time until April, 1862, when it was trans ferred to the Valley, and made a part of Gen. W. B. Talia- -135- A HISTORY OF ferro's Brigade, Jackson's Division, then at what is now Elkton. The regiment was composed of the eleven companies aforesaid: A, C, and F from Shenandoah; B, D, E, G, H, and I from Rockingham; K from Page; and L from Madison. While at Elkton Co. C was disbanded, and a new Co. C from Rockingham, Robert C. Mauck captain, assigned to the regiment. Early in May, 1862, Jackson's command was sent to reinforce Gen. Edward Johnson, in the campaign ending May 8 in the battle of McDowell, with Gen. Milroy in com mand of the Federals. In this battle the 10th Regiment had the misfortune to lose its colonel, the brave and chivalrous S. B. Gibbons,3 as well as several men. Soon the command was marched back to the Valley by way of Bridgewater, moved down to New Market, thence over the mountain into the Page Valley, down by Front Royal, thence across to the Valley Pike at Middletown, and on to Winchester after Gen. Banks, who had withdrawn to Winchester and there made a stand. Being so vigorously assailed by Jackson and Ewell as to be completely routed, he hurried on toward the Potomac. The 10th Regiment did not actively engage in this battle, but nevertheless suffered some loss, Capt. Mauck of Co. C being wounded and permanently disabled. After pursuing Banks several miles, the troops were withdrawn and moved rapidly up the Valley to Harrisonburg, the 3d Brigade going to a point between Port Republic and Cross Keys. While a battle was being fought there, on Sunday morning, June 8, the enemy occupied Port Republic and planted a piece of artillery at the mouth of the bridge, on the Port Republic side of North River. The 3d Brigade was hurried to the bridge, drove the enemy away and took possession of the village. 3. Simeon B. Gibbons was born May 25, 1833, at Shenandoah Furnace, Page Co., Va., and was educated at the Virginia Military Institute. When put in command of his regiment, he was the youngest colonel in the Confederacy. His.father was a Col. Gibbons of Virginia, later of Georgia. -136— ROCKINGHAM COUNTY The battle of Port Republic was fought on the next day, June 9, but the Tenth did not become engaged, though hurried to the front to join in the attack upon Shields. A few days after Fremont and Shields had been disposed of, Gen. Jackson was ordered east to join Gen. Lee in the defence of Richmond. Marching to Mechum's River, he went thence by rail to Beaver Dam; thence marched to the scene of the conflict, which culminated in seven days of desperate fighting, Mc Clellan to capture, Lee to save, Richmond. However, from the time the Tenth reached its destination until the end of the struggle, it did not fire a gun, being held in reserve; but it was exposed for a time to damage from the exploding shells of the enemy at Malvern Hill, while supporting a bat tery, two or three men being slightly wounded. Soon after the close of this part of the campaign Gen. Jackson with his corps was ordered to Gordonsville to look after the redoubtable Federal general, John Pope. On the 8th of August (1862), a few miles south of Culpeper Court House, near or at Slaughter's Mountain, called by the Con federates Cedar Run, the first encounter took place between Jackson and Pope, resulting in a hard-fought battle, with vic tory for a time trembling in the balance. The Tenth, under command of Major Stover, was in the fray from start to finish, suffering a considerable loss in killed and wounded. After this battle the troops followed Pope's discomfited army, ex pecting to give him battle before he could recross the Rap pahannock; but this plan failed from some cause. The next move was to cross the Rappahannock and give him battle. For Jackson, the next thing was to move up the river, cross its two branches, pass around Pope's right, and move on Manassas Junction, thus getting completely in Pope's rear — a very daring and desperate move, resulting in a three days battle, the Second Manassas. In all this the 10th Virginia took an active part, losing heavily in killed and wounded. Among the latter were Lt-Col. Walker and Major Stover. On the second day, Col. Warren being absent, the command —137— A HISTORY OF of the regiment devolved upon Capt. W, B. Yancey. Pope's army was routed and driven back with tremendous loss. The next move was the invasion of Maryland. The Tenth passed through Frederick City, and came back into Virginia by Williamsport to Martinsburg, where it was left on duty with the 2d Va., while Jackson captured Harper's Ferry. The Tenth remained here until the army returned to Vir ginia, after the battle of Sharpsburg. After remaining in the lower Valley for a time, the army crossed into eastern Vir ginia, and, moving near Fredericksburg, took position on the hills running parallel with the Rappahannock, back of the town. The Federal general, Burnside, was on the Stafford Heights, on the opposite side of the river. On the 13th of December (1862) Burnside, having suc ceeded in crossing the river, fought the desperate and bloody battle of Fredericksburg. The Tenth did not take an active part on the 13th, but was placed on the front line that night, expecting bloody work the next day; but Burnside thought it better not to renew the battle, and withdrew to the north side of the river. Gen. Lee went into winter quarters at Skinker's Neck, on the south side of the Rappahannock. In the meantime "Fighting Joe Hooker" was placed in command of the Federal army, and in the spring of 1863 began his "on to Richmond" campaign, posting his army about Chancellors ville. Then was planned Jackson's famous flank movement around Hooker's right. The Tenth, being with Jackson, took an active part in the assault upon the enemy, losing many officers and men, on Saturday evening, May 2. Among the wounded were Col. Warren and the writer. On Sunday further heavy losses were sustained, among the killed being Lt.-Col. Samuel T. Walker and Major Joshua Stover. The next movement was into Pennsylvania, and on to Gettysburg, where the Tenth again participated in some heavy fighting, under the command of Capt. W. B. Yancey. The loss here was not heavy. After the battle of Chancellorsville the writer was pro- —138- ^^/Z6» .^c II s /^ -/€-, 4L< / c? .2- / //J J/ zt J/i- J, 2.6c /Cf z //? J6 z£ /