hV 't ':if< '" ' :.fs-^ ;:^-tiiIili&;i^U.ri ¦• ='*- ¦¦' --1, i'^t.y .. *^?^ ' GENEALOGY OF.THE ,' LovELAND Family IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM 1635 TO 1895 CONTAINING THE DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS LOVELAND OF- Wethersfield, now Glastonbury, Conn., ALSO Information Biographical, Historical and Traditional of the Various Families, Including their Alliances and * Descendants in the Female Line SO far as Ascertained. BY J. B. LOVELAND, FREMONT, O., AND GEORGE LOVELAND, WILKES-BARRE, PA. VOL. III. "Those who do not look upon themselves as a link connecting the Past with the Future do not perform their duty to tHe world." — daniei, Webster. FREMONT, OHIO. I. M. KEELER & SON, PRINTERS. TO ALL PERSONS, WHETHER LIVING OR DEAD, WHO HAVE IN ANY WAY CONTRIBUTED TO MAKE THE NAME OF LOVELAND RESPECTABLE AND RESPECTED, THESE VOLUMES ARE SINCERELY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHORS. CONTENTS. PAGE. Prefatory Note 6 Coat of Arms 9 Letter— A. H. Snow lo Summary ii Thomas Loveland 14 Third Branch 17 Probate Records 18 Cyrus C. Loveland — Sketch 32 R. A. Loveland — Sketch 40 E. D. Goodrich — Obituary 49 Letter— S. L. Goodrich 50 Letter— Mary L. "Welch 58 Gen. F. W. Seeley— Sketch.... 65 Urial Goodwin — Obituary 68 Laura Goodwin — Obituary 69 Letter — H. S. Loveland 93 Letter — Mrs. D. Loveland 117 John Loveland — Obituary 122 John H. Dungan — Obituary 131 F. L. Loveland — Sketch 133 Abner Loveland, Sen. — Sketch 142 L. H. Loveland — Obituary 155 Abner Loveland, Jr. — Sketch.. 156 E. B. Loveland — Sketch 159 Col. F. C. Loveland— Sketch... 161 Asa J. Loveland — Sketch 181 Reuben Loveland — Sketch 191 Chauncey Loveland — Sketch... igg Col. Chester Loveland — Sketch 202 Sheriff C. C. Loveland— Sketch 207 H. Iy. Steed— Sketch 209 PAGE. Double Wedding 210 A. H. Snow — Sketch 210 Mary A. Snow — Sketch 211 Joel C. Loveland— Sketch 218 Clara J. Loveland — Obituary... 222 Edwin R. Loveland — Obituary 224 W. A. Clark— Obituary 228 Lucena L. Farquhar — Obituary 230 Alvin Loveland — Obituary 232 William S. Baker- Sketch 261 Lazarus Loveland — Sketch 268 Jesse Loveland — Sketch 269 Rev. A. L. Loveland — Sketch, 270 Rev. A. L. Loveland — Obit.... 271 B. W. Loveland — Sketch 274 Fourth Branch 276 Capt. John Loveland 286 Capt. John Loveland— Will 288 Capt. John Loveland 292 The Dunhams 294 Capt. Samuel Loveland 295 Mrs. A. C. Loveland — Sketch.. 298 John Loveland — Sketch 300 Curtis Family 303 W. G. Loveland — Sketch 306 George H. Loveland — Sketch.. 308 LaTour Family 311 Charles D. Loveland — Sketch.. 312 Index to Heads of Families 315 Addenda 329 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. Coat of Arms, Cyrus C. Loveland (31), Hon. R. A. Loveland (51 ), Mrs. Cyrus C. Loveland (31), A. H. Snow (316), Rev. A. R. Rich, D. D. (69I), W. O. Loveland (119), A. J. Loveland ( 150, iv), Zimri L. Merriam (222), Clarissa L. Merriam (222), Abner Loveland (210), Col. F. C. Loveland (227), Hiram F. Loveland (249), Chauncey Loveland (296), Col. Chester Loveland (298), Fanny Call Loveland (298), Joel C. Loveland and Wife (300), Mrs. Mary Ann Snow (316), S. L. Loveland (367), William S. Baker (388C), John Loveland (28), Capt. Samuel Loveland and Wife (27), George H. Loveland (31), Charles D. Loveland (32), OPP. PAGE. PAGE. 16 10 32 32 40 39 48 32 64 210 80 78 96 96 112 113 128 152 144 152 '52 156 160 160 176 175 192 198 200 200 208 200 216 217 224 210 240 244 256 261 372 300 288 295 304 308 312 312 PREFATORY NOTE. The preparation of the Loveland Genealogy for publication has been wholly the product of my leisure hours, and shows in a marked degree what may be done with spare moments of time. I cannot forbear in this connection to call the attention of the younger members of the Loveland family to the value of spare time. From the very nature of your occupations you must have much of it at your command, and a w^ise use of it may be the key that will give you access to the domain of thought and the treas ures of the mind, and fit you to take prominent places among men and fill desirable and lucrative positions in life. All that d stin- guishes one man from another in this world may be explained by the way he uses his time, especially his spare time. Whatever be his station or following, as he uses his spare time so will he achieve success. The doors of science, literature and art will swing wide open at its magic touch and like an Elihu Burritt, while striking sparks from the anvil, he can be forging a name for the ages. The gathering of the material for these volumes, as is well understood, has been the jo'nt work of myself and associate, as sisted by many kind relatives and friends. To our helpers we ex tend our cordial thanks. The work was begun many years ago and prosecuted by the slow process of correspondence during the leisure hours of busy farm life. Those who are farmers will read ily appreciate the situation. But fatigue and care were banished by the loving interest of our cousins in the work, and replies to their friendly messages beguiled many a weary hour. To day a feeling of sadness comes over us. One by one they have passed to the other shore, and there are many, many silent pens. But all did their work well ; they are embalmed in the shrine of our mem ory and they will never be forgotten. The arduous task of arranging and preparing for the press their material is of the past and we will ever associate it with the memory of our faithful workers. Prefatory Note. We have been unable in these volumes to give more than the most condensed history of individuals and families. Brevity has necessarily been the watchword from the beginning to the end, especially in this closing volume. If all the matter sent us had been printed it would have required double the number of pages. It has been found necessary, therefore, to rewrite many of the sketches and condense many of the records. We think we have effected this abridgement without detracting from their value. We have found place for every Loveland family sent us, and no allied family has been omitted from the records that has taken the least interest in them before their going to press. The work may not be as exhaustive as some could wish, but the means sent us would permit of no further extension. Those who have desired and expected an earlier appearance of these vol umes must remember that your editor could give only his spare time to the collection of the material and the preparation of it for the press. This work has incurred on his part constant expense and has been a task requiring great patience and labor. Those of our correspondents who may have failed to receive prompt re plies to their communications will readily see the reason and par don the omission or delay. We have been informed by some of our correspondents that they hear there is great wealth in the Bank of England belonging to the descendants of the first Loveland who came to America, and asking us about it, and what steps they should take to prove their right to their portion of it. We reply: There is not one word of truth in the report, and we caution the unwary to be on their guard against the schemes of designing men, and pay no at tention to their stories. In conclusion we take a genuine pleasure in feeling that our long years of labor are brought creditably to a close. If the work pleases you, we are content. If it begets in your children a feeling of pride for the name they bear and a moral and philo sophical respect for their ancestors, we are satisfied. We have endeavored to make these volumes a full and trust worthy history of the Loveland family in America, and we have probably succeeded so far as is possible in works of this nature, The Loveland Genealogy. considering the means at our command. Completeness, however, is impossible in a work of this character covering a period of time of over two hundred and fifty years and with so many scattered famil'es and lost records, and, withal, when so many who could aid in the work are disinclined to do so. No doubt many errors will be discovered in these volumes. Friends will confer a favor by reporting mistakes and omissions at their earliest opportunity. To the many relatives and friends who have aided in collecting the materials for these volumes we are under lasting obligations, and we can but express the hope that we may yet have the pleas ure of personally meeting the many excellent and interesting people whose courteous communications have given us a feeling of acquaintanceship and friendship towards them which will re main a bright page in our memory. J. B. LOVELAND. July 20, 1895. COAT OF ARMS. The prints of the coat of arms given in this volume require a word of explanation. The one entitled the Norfolk Lovelands, is from the earliest home of the Lovelands in England, the city of Norwich, in the county of Norfolk. It is believed that the progenitor of the Lovelands in England came over with the Norman invaders, who marched and fought under the victorious banner of Wi'liam the Conqueror, in 1066. The surname Loveland is derived from the Manor of Loveland, Norfolk County, England. Family surnames do not date back much further than the latter part of the tenth century. They first came into use in Normandy and were introduced into England by the Norman adventurers, many of the followers of William taking theirs from their paternal chateaux. At a very early date the Lovelands migrated to different parts of the British Isles, and to America. The Norfolk coat of arms is thus described : Arms. Sable. Three boars' heads. Crest: A boar's heads couped. Sable. Motto: Sans Crainte (without fear). The London coat of arms owes its modification to the follow ing record: "A certain Richard Loveland, whose patronymic name was Oldershaw, by license of the queen had his name changed to Loveland, that he might use the Loveland arms in connection with those of Oldershaw, to agree with the will of his aunt. Miss Mary Ann Loveland. His mother's name was Harriet Loveland." By intermarriage the Oldershaw coat of arms is quartered with the Loveland. There is also a change of crest and motto: The uplifted sword arm taking the place of the boar's head, signifying, doubtless, service in war. The London coat of arms was sent us by Richard L. Loveland, of London, to whom they now belong. On pages 10 and 11, Vol. II, we have given the family records of the ancestors of him who sent us the coat of arms. Opposite IO The Loveland Genealogy. page 8, same volume, is a portrait of his great-grandfather, from an oil painting. Thomas Loveland, Esq., was a contemporary of our first president, George Washington, and a gentleman of cul ture and refinement. LETTER FROM A. H. SNOW. Brigham City, Utah, Jan. 17, 1894. J. B. Loveland, Fremont, C: Dear Sir: — I enclose you herewith a brief sketch of my life taken from "Utah, Her Men and Resources." If it would be of interest for your work, I could forward you a copper cut of myself and also a cut of our residence the latter is a fair picture of our modern brick house, costing afcout $10,000. .1 do not suppose, however, you would care for these, unless it would prove of some interest to Eastern readers in consequence of both my wife and my self being born of Mormon parents. It may not be uninteresting to you to know that our people take great interest in the matter of genealogy. My father, Lorenzo Snow, born in 1814, at Mantua, Ohio, and whose father came from Vermont, has published a genealogical record and biography. It is not my purpose to recommend any of our religious beliefs to you, but as you have worked so assiduously under discouraging circumstances it may, perhaps, interest you to know a little of our ideas on this one subject. We believe that an All Wise Creator has instituted certain ordinances in His church to be administered by His appointed servants, among which is bap tism; that one of his irrevocable laws is, that no man can enter into the highest state of perfection without obedience to this ordinance, but, as many billions of people have died without this knowledge, He has provided a way whereby this ordinance can be done by proxy-vicarious baptism, as the Savior died for others, vicarious death— so the children now and hereafter living upon this earth can go into the temples (four of which are now com pleted) and be baptized for their dead ancestors. Simultaneous with the building of these temples came a movement in the United States England and elsewhere, to gather up genealogical records which is and will prove a great help m the work above referred to. The temple at Salt Lake averages seven hundred baptisms daily for those who have gone before. I hope I have not wearied you. You will thus see that we think an unseen power has been at work and that yourself with many others are but blind iMtru- ments of Providence, in assisting to carry out some of his mighty purposes Many think-you may think-this only a superstition, but you will find out some day-very likely in the hereafter-th^t all this work-temple work etc. — has not been altogether in vain. I remain ' Yours truly, ' a. H. Snow. SUMMARY. "Our family with two others. Smith and Kimberly, came from England. Loveland died on the passage. He was supercargo, and Smith and Kimberly were in his employ. Smith, Kimberly and the Widow Loveland and her three sons came to America. They together bought land of an Indian chief, the tribe assenting. When the land w^as surveyed some lay in what is now Glaston bury and some in Wethersfield, Connecticut. The Widow Love- land's land lay on each side of the Connecticut River. One of Mrs. Loveland's sons settled in Wethersfield, the other in Glas tonbury. The third son was drowned in the Connecticut River when passing from one side to the other. He died unmarried. The other two married." The above traditions of the origin of the Lovelands in this country was given us by L. H . Loveland, Brighton, Ohio, in his life time. Essentially the same has reached us from many other sources widely separated. Our first ancestors in this country were undoubtedly English, and the admixture of Scotch, Irish and Welsh blood in the family came in after the family began to mul tiply on American soil. The Widow Loveland and her sons were of the first settlers of Wethersfield, coming here in 1635. We find Kimberly at Dorchester at this time. * Tradition is not clear as to the names of the Widow Loveland's sons. Savage, in his Genealogical Dictionary, helps us out by giv ing four bv the name of Loveland. This work was very search ing and claims to be a complete record of all the first settlers in New England for three generations. The quotation below, there fore, no doubt, includes all the first Lovelands in this country: "LOVELAND, LOVEMAN, LOVENAM. "Robert, Boston, 1645, ^ witness to a deed; may have removed to Connecticut; was taxed in New London, 1666; had four years before a lawsuit with Bigot Eggleston, of Windsor, about hides to be tanned. 12 The Loveland Genealogy. "John, Hartford, died 1670; had a wife and probably children, but no more is known; perhaps the family was perpetuated at Glastonbury. "Widow Loveland, pursued a remedial action for trespass, 1649. Samuel Gardiner for himself, Thomas Edwards and Widow Loveman against Osman, defendants, in an action of tres pass; damages £\. — (Colonial Records, Sept. 16, 1649.) "Thomas, Wethersfield, 1670; proposed for Freeman that year; had a grant of land 1674; perhaps ten years later was of Hartford." We have discovered the source from whence Savage drew the above information, and we are convinced that he has given us the traditional family. Thomas, no doubt, qualified himself to use the right of suffrage as soon as the law would permit. This would fix the date of his birth in 1649. In Robert and John we recog nize the sons of Widow Loveland. From public records we learn that Robert died in 1668, and John in 1670, both old men. It is quite certain that after their death Thomas was the only one in America bearing the name of Loveland. He was doubtless born here and is the American progenitor of the Loveland family in this country. We take our count from him and all the families in these volumes are his descendants. But whose son was he? John's or Robert's? To settle this question it will be necessary to give a brief portion of their history. The names found in the suit of Widow Loveman and in John Loveland's inventory, their farms being near the Hartford line, renders it probable that with the ex ception of Robert they all lived in the same vicinity. John Love land appears to be a renter of land at the time of his death, having a part of his goods in his own house in Hartford and a part in the house of Mr. Edwards in Glastonbury. Thomas appears on the inventory as debtor and creditor to the estate. John was compar atively a poor man. His whole estate was willed to his wife, no mention being made of children. It is doubtful whether he had any living at the time of his death. Tradition carries Robert to the Connecticut Valley on his ar rival in this country. His advanced age at the time of his death would lead us to believe he was at least thirty-five years of ao-e when his father died. He probably had much to do with the dis- Sutnmary. 1 3 posal of the cargo when the ship reached Boston or Dorchester. Though tradition assigned this work to Smith and Kimberly, yet he certainly must have had an oversight of it, and thus in a meas ure qualified himself for that calling which was the principal btisi- ness of his subsequent life. He doubtless soon tired of his sur roundings in their new wilderness home and sought occupation on the sea. The deed that he witnessed in Boston does not show him to have been a resident of that town, but from Calkins' History of New London, Connecticut, we learn that he was mariner and trader from Boston, 1658. Calkins gives a lengthy report of this energetic and enterprising man. After his retirement from the sea he made New London his home, and died there. His name is frequently mentioned in the public lecords of Connecticut, and he had the reputation of being a rich man; but the assignment of his property, which was of the nature of a will, to satisfy the demands of his creditors, would indicate that he had been unsuccessful. "In May, 1660," says Calkins, "the ship Hope, from Malaga, in Spain, came into this harbor with a cargo. Robert Loveland was supercargo." Tradition says Robert Loveland married. But we find no mention of a wife in any public record. This leads us to think that she may have died before he began his seafaring life. In fact her death may have been the principal cause of his taking to the sea. If he had had children what would have been more nat ural than to have left them with his mother? We find Thomas in the vicinity of this mother, and for aught we know he was an inmate of her home. We now come to the question: Whose son was he? John's or Robert's? One of the well authenticated tra ditions in our family is that we take our descent from the super cargo. But there were two supercargos, father and son. The father died on the passage. Other facts bear on the question: Among. the early family names we find the name of the ship of which Robert was supercargo; soon after Robert's death Thomas came into notice as quite a landholder; and the names of his ^ns Robert, Thomas, John and Samuel. Robert, the oldest, was probably named in honor of his father, Thomas after himself, and John and Samuel after his uncles. It was a great fad in those 14 The Loveland Genealogy. days to perpetuate family names. Thomasi probably married in 1674, when he received the grant of land. We have exhausted the space allotted to this summary. Those who would learn more of the early history of the Lovelands in this country must consult our first and second volumes. We now repeat what we know of our American ancestor, THOMAS LOVELAND, OF WETHERSFIELD, 1670. We first find him in Wethersfield, now Glastonbury, Connect icut. It is recorded of him that he owned land in the "First Pur chase" by the town, previous to 1670. This purchase was made in 1636. As the Indian grants to the individual settlers were in cluded in the First Purchase, it gives color to the tradition cf L. H. Loveland, that the Widow Loveland and her three sons bought lands of the Indians on the Connecticut River. The name of his grandfather, w ho "died on the passage to this country," is a mat ter of conjecture. But in accordance ¦with English custom, it was probably that of his oldest son. The earliest home of the Love lands in England is believed to be the city of Norwich, in the county of Norfolk. Lovelands lived in Norfolk County at a very early date, and at a very early date they migrated to different parts of the British Isles, and to America. Thomas Loveland was made Freeman of Wethersfield in May, 1670, by the Court at Hartford. — (Colonial Records, p. 132.) Before a member of society could exercise the right of suffrage, or hold any public office, he must be made a Freeman by the Gen eral Quarterly Court. To become a Freeman he was required to produce evidence that he was a respectable member of some Con gregational Church. Previous to 1670, however, this regulation was modified by Royal Order, so that individuals could be made Freemen by obtaining certificates from clergymen acquainted with them, that they were correct in doctrine and conduct. But Thomas Loveland was an ardent supporter of the church and an influential member of the one in the society where he lived. All applicants to become Freemen were required to take the Freeman's Oath. (For oath see N. E. Gen. Reg. for 1849, P- 4i-) In 1673 he was assessed to pay "Indian Purchase of 5,000 acres" on the east side Summary. 15 of the Connecticut River, one-half penny per pound assessment, amounting to three shillings and four pence. This would make the assessed value of his real estate at this time about 80 pounds, and in 1674 he was granted by the town the last of the four score acre lots (lot 44) included in the "First Survey" of lands in Con necticut. The lands bought by the town included in these two purchases were distributed to the inhabitants of the town from time to time. In volume 4 of the Land Records we find that the ' first division of the above lands (5,000 acres) was made April 28, 1701, by a committee from Wethersfield, Thomas Loveland receiv ing No. 10, containing 120 acres. At other times thereafter he re ceived various other grants of land in Glastonbury. One of spec ial mention was 60 acres "for his good services in erecting the meeting house in 1693." We never made an exhaustive search to ascertain what disposition was made of his lands. From the Glas tonbury Records of Deeds we quote the following: "Thomas Loveland, Sen., to his son, John Loveland, in consideration of nat ural effection, five acres including house; dated 1707, acknowledged Nov. 8, 1708. Thomas Loveland, Sen., to his grandson, Thomas Loveland, Jun., and his sons Robert and John Loveland, 100 acres; John Loveland to have one-half, or 50 acres, Thomas 25 acres adjoining John, and Robert the remainder, 25 acres; dated 1716, acknowledged Sept. 10, 1716." He must have died within a few years after making this deed. We have been unable to iden tify him previous to 1670, or to find a record of his marriage, or a record of the settlement of his estate. The Glastonbury Centennial gives the family records of five of his children. Of the others, Thomas is proved to be his son from deed records, and Samuel because there was no other Love land in Connecticut at the time of his birth old enough to be his father, and the date of his birth makes him contemporary with the children of Thomas. In the family record we place these names last, though we have rcison to believe that Thomas and Robert were the oldest sons. The exact order is uncertain. Children born in Glastonbury: i. John2, m Keziah Williams, June 16, 1708. ii. Robert, m Ruth Gillam, Aug. 19, 1697. 1 6 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Hannah, m William House, Dec. i, 1709. iv. Mary, m Thomas Dickinson, June i, 1693. V. Elizabeth, m Benjamin Strickland, Dec. 2, 1708. I. vi. Thomas, Jr., m Eunice House; m 2d. I. vii. Samuel, b 1677, m Lydia Barnard, Oct. 4, 1705. REMARKS. The family of John^ Loveland and Keziah Williams and their descendants are found in Vol. I, Loveland Genealogy. Also the families of Hannah^, Mary^ and Elizabeth^ Loveland. Vol. II contains the descendants of Robert^ Loveland, and Vol. Ill the descendants of Thomas^, Jr., and Samuel^ Loveland. The index figures to the right of Christian names indicate generations and relationship, as: George'' Loveland (Elijahs, Joseph*, John3,John2, Thomasi). The names in the parenthesis are father^, grandfather*, etc., of George", and George" is the sixth generation in descent of Thomasi Loveland. Should any one bearing the name of Loveland be unable to find his name in the index, let him look for his wife or his mother's maiden name. OFlI^iAM®. NORFOLK LOVKLANDS. LONDON LOVIU.ANDS. THIRD BRANCH. 1. THOMAS3 LOVELAND, JuN (Thomasi). After 1723 he became Thomas, Sen. He m ist Eunice House, sister of Wil liam who m Hannah-i Loveland (see Glas. Cen., p. 191). The names of Eunice's children do not appear on the Glastonbury records. A child of theirs was baptised (name not given) Oct. 23, 1692, in the First Church, at Hartford, Conn. There was a division of the church on the east and west sides of the river about this time. This may account for the nonappearance of Eunice's children on the Glastonbury records. The Probate records give us one of her children, Thomas, who was chosen, in 1725, guard ian of his brother Joseph. There is a strong probability that John''', who m Ruth Chapman in Saybrook, Nov. 18, 1730, was her son, and we feel quite certain she had a daughter, Eunices, and other children. Eunice probably died about 1701. Who his second wife was is unknown. He had granted to him in 1713, by the town of Glastonbury, 36 acres of land. Afterwards he re ceived other grants from the town. The Probate records at Hart ford give the probable time of his death, and the ages and names of his minor children. Guardians were appointed for them in 1725. Elisha chose Thomas Welles; Mary, Benjamin and Elizabeth chose David Hollister, and Joseph chose his brother Thomas. These appointments would indicate that he died in 1725. Chil dren born in Glastonbury : i. Eunice^, b 1692, m Richard Keeney. Thomas, b 1700, m Elizabeth Keeney. John, b 1 701-1707, m Ruth Chapman. Elisha, b 1709, m Hannah Hills. Joseph, b 1712, m Hannah . Mary, b 1714, m Samuel Hodge, Jr. Benjamin, b 1716, m Abaigal Hollister. viii. Sarah, b 1721, m Israel French. ix. Elizabeth, b 1723. 3- 11. 4- iii. 5- iv. 6. V. vi. 7. vii, The Loveland Genealogy. PROBATE RECORDS. Vol. X, p. loo: Elisha Loveland, a minor about i6 years of age, of Glastonbury, choses Thomas Welles as guardian, which court allows. This court appoints David Hollister, of Glastonbury, to be guardian unto Mary Loveman, minor, about ii years of age; Ben jamin Loveland, minor, about 9 years of age, and Elizabeth Love land, a minor, about 2 years of age. Children of Thomas Love man, Jr., late of Glastonbury. This court appoints Thomas Loveman, son of the above named Thomas Loveman, to be guardian unto his brother, Joseph Love man, a minor, about 13 years of age, and his sister, Sarah Love man, a minor, about 4 years of age.— Dated 1725. Mary Loveland, dau. of Thomas Loveland, m Samuel Hodge, Jr., in 1748, and had three children. ( G. C, p 196.) William Dinsmore was son-in-law to Thomas Loveland, but which dau. he m we do not know. Thomas Loveland gave him land in 1739. (G. C, p. 198.) Eunice probably m Richard Keeney and had: Mary Keeney, m Samuel Bidwell, Jr., Dec. 33, 1720; Richard and Thomas Keen'ev, to whom their father gave land, 1626 and 1630. Sarahs probably m Israel French, Sept. 11, 1739. At mar riage she was of Seymour, a part of Derby, Conn. He was among the early settlers of Seymour, b there Oct. S, 1709. Thev had nine children.— N. E. H. and Gen. Reg., 1S90, p. 369. at THOMAS3 LOVELAND (Thomas^ Thomasi ) was b Glas., Conn., about 1700, d at Marlborough, Conn., Nov ^9 179c in the 96th year of his age. He was probably twice married- m' ist in Glastonbury, Oct. 17, ,721, Elizabeth, dau of Richard Keeney. Benjamin, son of Alexander Keeney, who d in Glaston bury, 16S0, left seven children, of whom Richard was the voun-- est, bemg then six years of age. Thomas Loveland probabTv married for his second wife Naomi Taylor. We have been un able to identify but four children who were born in Glastonbury He probably had others. The Loveland Genealogy. \n 8. i. Thomas*, b Aug. 30, 1726, m ist Mary White; m 2d Hannah Norkott. 9. ii. Solomon, b 1730, m 1st Experience Stowell; m 2d Lucy ISIorlev. 10. iii. Israel, b 1733-35, m Dinah* Loveland (see Vol. II). iv. Gad, d Sept. 6, 1776, in the army at N. Y. of a wound received in the fight at Long Island (see Conn. Ros., p. II and 53). In Glas. Fam. Rec, Book A., p. 46: "Thomas Loveland, Jr., and Elizabeth Keeney, dau. of Richard Keeney, were married Oct. 17, 1721." In Deed Book 5: "Thomas Loveland and his wife Naomi, Hepler Taylor and his wife Abiel, to Josiah Benton; consideration ^451- Dated June 13, 1743." x^^ain. Deed Book 5: "Thomas Loveland, of Hartford, to Richard Keeney, Jr., of Glastonbury; consideration £350. Dated Feb'y 15, 1742-3." This deed is probably made to his brother- in-law. Glastonbury Centennial: "Thomas Loveland, son of Thomas Loveland who was grandson of the original settler Thomas Love land, m Mary White, dau. of Joseph White." Deed Book 7, p. 358: "Thomas Loveland to his son, Israel Loveland. May 11, 1767." The mother of Israel Loveland was probably Naomi Taylor, as the name of his first child is Naomi, and of his second Dinah — named for his mother and wife, probably. Land Records, Hartford, Vol. 5, p. 692: "Grant by the town of Hartford to Thomas Loveman on the east side of the Conn. River, by the Commissioners, to lay out three miles next to Bol ton, 4 ch. 89 1. wide. Distribution, July 7, 1731." "Lands of Thomas Loveland, his heirs and assigns. This may certify this 29th March, 1729, at the request of Thomas Loveland, did survey and lay out to him 28 acres and f, it being the said Loveland's father's proportion of the 6,000 acres of land granted by the town, Dec. 23, 1723. Signed: Thomas Wells, Thomas Hollister." 20 The Loveland Genealogy. We see by above that Thomas^ Loveland settied or lived within the bounds of Hartford and received a grant of land from the town, July 7, 1731. He sold out to Richard Keeney, Jr., his brother-in-law, for l'35o, Feb'y 15, 1742-3, and moved to Hebron as the 28 acres and |- granted to his father by Glastonbury Com mons, in 1723, and to him as the representative of his father Thomas^ estate, March 29, 1729, lay next to Hebron bounds. Glastonbury Records: "Thomas Loveland to Job Riley, con. i^300, 25 acres and dwelling house. March 12, 1740-1." To William Dinsmore, from his father (probably father-in- law), Thomas Loveland. Release of interest in land given by town to Joseph Strickland. Jan'y i, 173S-9. — D. B. 4, p. 320. Job Riley, of Glastonbury, conveys 42 acres. March 12, 1740. Deed Book 5, p. 125: "Thomas Loveland to his brother Ben jamin. Nov. 22, 1744." Deed Book 4, p. 272: "Thomas Loveland to his brother Eli sha; con. £7. Oct. 10, 1737." This was about the time Elisha was married. There were Thomas Lovelands in the Rev. War (see Conn. Roster), but we are unable to divide the honors as there were sev eral of that name in Conn, of suitable age during the war. 8. DEA. THOMAS* LOVELAND (Thomass, Thomas^ was b at Hebron, Conn., Aug. 30, 1736, d there March 30, iSi i, a. 84; m at Glas., Conn., Nov. 26, 1747, Mary White, b there Xov. 26, 1726, d at Hebron, March 22, 1756. We have also: She d May 22, 1755, which we believe to be the correct date. He m 3d at Hebron, May 5, 1756 (we have May 3, also), Hannah Xorkott, b at Middletown, Conn., May 16, 1733. From another source, b April 16, 1729. She d at Plehron, March 16, 1S13. Farmer. Children born at Hebron: i. Marys, b May 20, 174S, d at H., Aug. 39, 180S. 1 1. ii. Thomas, b March 13, 1750, d Feb'v 9, 1S13 ; m. iii. Elizabeth, b Oct. 33, 1753, d at H.,' March 35, 1S34. iv. Ruth, b Jan'y 29, 1755. V. Maria, b Jan'y 39, 1755. The Loveland Genealogy. 13. vi. Daniel, b March 17, 1757, m Alice Kneeland. vii. Hannah, b April 33, 1760. viii. Lucy, b Dec. 3, 1762, d at H., 1834; unm. 13. ix. Amos, b Feb'y 6, 1764, m Hannah Haff. 14. X. Enos, b March 13, 1766, m Anna Finney. 15. xi. Abner, b Dec. 30, 1768, m Sylvia Kneeland (Vol. II). 16. xii. Asa, b Nov. 7, 1770, m Honor Wolcott. The above was copied from the Town Records of Hebron, Conn. From the same records: "Ruth and Maria, twin daughters of Thomas and Mary Loveland, and Mary were baptized May, 1755; Daniel, bap. April, 1757; Hannah, bap. May, 1760; Lucy, bap. Jan'y, 1763 ; Amos, ]March, 1764; Enos, Aug., 1766; Abner and Thomas, Jan'y, 1769; Asa, Nov., 1770; Molly, March, 1779; Elizabeth, Dec, 1781. Dea. Thomas Loveland d March 30, 1811. Mary, wife of Thomas Loveland, d May 32, 1755. Hannah, his widow, d March 16, iSi3, a. 78 y., 10 m. Mary Loveland d Aug. 29, 1808, a 59 v., 9 m. Thomas Loveland and Hannah Norkott, of Middletown, m May 5, 1756." Deed Book 5, p. 30: Joseph White to Thomas Loveland. Dec. 15, 1747. Same book and page: Thomas Loveland to Joseph White, for other lands; Hebron. Feb'y 22, 1750-1. 11. THOMAS« LOVELAND (Dea. Thomas*) was b at Hebron, Conn., March 13, 1750, d probably in Northfield, Mass., Feb'y 9, 1812; m probably at Gilead, Conn., previous to 1774, his cousin, Jerusha Loveland. There is a little obscurity about the descendants of Thomass Loveland. We find no record of his marriage. Dea con Thomas and Robert Loveland's families of Hebron were neighbors and the descendants of both emigrated to the vicinity of Greenfield, Mass., as we find descendants of both in this vicinity. From an old clergyman's book of Greenfield we take the follow ing, which we be believe pertains to ThomasS Loveland: "Thomas Loveland and his wife received into the church, May 8, 1774, from the church in Gilead. Thomas, son of Thomas Loveland, d June 20, 1778. Thomas, son of Thomas Loveland, bab. March 28, 23 The Loveland Genealog.y. 1779. Rachel, dau. of Thomas Loveland, d Sept. 15, 1782. Ra chel, dau. of Thomas Loveland, bap. Sept. 15, 1782. Louisa, dau. of Thomas Loveland, bap. Nov. 20, i774-" The name here is spelled Loveman. This of itself is evidence that he was of the Hebron Lovelands. His grandson, E. M. Loveland, says he was in the Rev. Army. By trade a miller. Children born in Greenfield and Northfield: i. Louisa^ (Lovica), bap. Nov. 20, 1774. ii. Axa. iii. Jerusha, m Oliver Field, of Northfield. iv. Thomas, d June 20, 1778. 17. V. Thomas, bap. March 28, 1779, m Betsy Ellis. vi. Rachel, bap. Sept. 15, 1782, d same day. 18. vii. Reuben, b Jan'y 24, 1785, m Hannah Park. viii. Rhoda. 17. THOMAS6 LOVELAND (Thomass) wash in Greenfield, Mass., 1779, d in Erie Co., Pa. He m Betsy Ellis. They had seven children: Eliza A.'?, m Blakey, had thirteen chil dren; Thomas, eight; Daniel, one; Jerusha, six; Sophronia, m Gresman, five; Mary, seven; Lovica, one. We failed to obtain anything further of this family. 18. REUBEN" LOVELAND (Thomas-, Dea. Thomas* ) w.is b in Northfield, or Greenfield, Mass., Jan'y 34, 1785, d in Conesus, N. Y., March 4, 1S65; m ist in Northfield, April 20, 1809, Han nah Park, b June 9, 17S9, d in Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1837; m 2d in Mendon, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 17, 1829, Sally ^vl. "in- man, b April 17, 1809, d in INIendon, Sept. 6, 1S48. Six years after his first marriage he emigrated to N. Y. Blacksmith. Whig. Universalist. Children, first born in Northfield, second in Perry, N. Y., the rest in Mendon : i. Miriam', b June 3, iSn, d in N., Sept. ii, 1814. 19. ii. Mary Park, b June 19, iSiS, m R. Sherwood. 20. iii. Hannah Maria, b Dec. 8, 1S29, m Thomas Turner. 21. iv. Rachel Jane, b July 10, 1832, m J. N. Denniston. The Loveland Genealogy. 23 V. Lucinda Ann, b May 9, 1S34, d in M., June 5, 1840. 22. vi. Ellen Augusta, b April 18, 1836, m J. Barnhart. 23. vii. Edwin Mortimer, b April ii, 1838, m R. D. Osgood. ,19. MARY P.' LOVELAND (Reuben^") was b in Perry, N. Y., June 19, 1S18, m in Mendon, N. Y., March 20, 1842, Rens- salaer Sherwood, b there Aug. 33, 1811. Children, the second b in Geneseo, N. Y., the rest in Mendon: i. Sarah Elizabeths Sherwood, b June 13, 1848, m George Mathews, Aug. 24, 1882. ii. Emmerton Francis Sherwood, b Feb'y 3, 1851, m Jane Howett, Oct. 13, 1S79. iii. Louisa Amelia Sherwood, b July 10, 1853, d at Con- nesus, Feb'y 26, 1885. 20. HANNAH M.I LOVELAND (Reuben" ) was b in Mendon, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1829, m there May 8, 1846, Thomas Turner, b in England. She d at Springwater, N. Y., May 17, 1864. Black smith. Repub. Children, first four born in Mendon, the fifth in Cuylerville, N. Y., the sixth and seventh in Burns, N. Y., and the eighth in Springwater: i. Henry Judson 8 Turner, b Dec. 9, 1846, m Sarah A. Miller; m 2d Mary Jane Sellers. ii. Philos Adelbert Turner, b May 24, 1848, m Phebe Van Buskirk. iii. Sarah Lavenia Turner, b March 19, 1850, d at S., May 24, 1864. iv. Celestia Melvina Turner, b Jan'y 9, 1852, m Philip Denniston. V. MariUa Jerusha Turner, b Oct. 14, 1853, m Harry H. Artlip. vi. Harriet Eveline Turner, b Aug. 14, 1858. vii. Amy Alveretta Turner, b May 19, i860, d May 24, 1864. viii. Carrie Maria Turner, b June 10, 1862, m George W. Artlip. 24 The Loveland Genealogy. 21. RACHEL J.' LOVELAND (Reuben") was b in Mendon, N. Y., July IO, 1832, m in Conesus, N. Y., July 10, 1870, John Nathaniel Deniston, b in Dryden, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 4, 1 8 19. Farmer. Dem. 22. ELLEN A.7 LOVELAND (Reuben") was b in Mendon, N. Y., April 18, 1S36, m in Danville, N. Y., Nov. 28, i860, Jacob Barnhart, b Nov. 28, 1829. Farmer. Rep. Children, first and third b in Springwater, N. Y., second and fourth in Conesus, N. Y.: i. Elmer Byron* Barnhart, b June 20, 1862, m Edith Ostrander. ii. Jennie Estella Barnhart, b Aug. S, 1S68. iii. Nellie Maria Barnhart, b Nov. 23, 1872. iv. Frank Jay Barnhart, b Dec. 22, 1875. 23. EDWIN M.7 LOVELAND (Reuben") was b in Mendon, N. Y., April II, 183S, m in Springwater, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1859, Rosina Delinda Osgood, b there April 3, 1S37. He was a private in Co. G, 130th N. Y. Vol. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1S62; dis. June 30, 1865. Carpenter. Rep. Dunkards. Children, first two born in Springwater, the third in Dansville, X. Y., the fourth in Sparta, N. Y., the rest in Union Tp., Pulaski Co., Mo.: Sarah Emelines b Nov. 15, 1S61, d July 26, 1876. Jennie Alleen, b April 16, 1863, d :May 36, 1863. iii. Arthur Eugene, b July 16, 1S66, d July 5, 1867. iv. Frank Ernest, b Oct. 9, 1S68, d Dec. 21, 1888. V. Reuben Christopher, b Oct. 29, 1S70, d in Melita, Mich., Jan'y 28, 1893. Teacher and Farmer. vi. George Edwin, b Sept. 21, 1873, d Aug. 16, 1S74. vii. Harry Leroy, b Jan'y 11, 1876. viii. John Sherman, b Oct. 16, 1S7S, d Dec. 22, 1S78. 12. DANIELS LOVELAND (Thomas*, ThomasS) was b at Hebron, Conn., March 17, 1757, m 1783, Alice Kneeland (\ o\. II), b at Hebron, Conn., March 13, 1763. They removed to The Loveland Genealogy. 25 Sandisfield, Mass., 1793, and both d there. He, May 15, 1829. She, June 5, 1837. He was in the Rev. War. Enlisted in Reg. of "Artificers," Aug. 7, 1777, for 3 years, Capt. Painter's Comp. — Conn. Ros., p. 176, 389, 316. Children, first five born in Heb ron, the others in Sandisfield : 24. i. Daniel", b JNIay 6, 1783, m Sally ii. Russel, b May 13, 1786, d March 29, 1788. iii. Alice, b Feb'y 3, 1788, m Jacob Hinsdale, of Welling ton, O. She d Jan'y 9, 1874. No children. iv. Lydia, b Jan'y 29, 1790, m Henry Dunham. She d March i, 1857. 35. V. Polly, b Oct. 3, 1792, m William Peirce. 26. vi. Hannah, b Sept. lo, 1794, m Rev. L. P. Hotchkiss. vii. Susanna, b April 27, 1796, d Feb'y 9, 1863; unm. 24. DEA. DANIEL" LOVELAN-D (Daniels, Thomas*) was b in Hebron, Conn., May 6, 1783, m at Sandisfield, Mass., Sally . He d Sept. 27, 1848. Children b at S.: i. Sarah", b Nov. 20, 1824, d in Norfolk, Conn., Sept. 2, 1883. ii. Benjamin, b April 11, 1827, d Sept. 9, 1844. iii. Joseph, b Aug. 6, 1S28; unm. iv. Alice, b July 14, 1830; unm. V. Mary, b Feb'y 2, 1832. 25. POLLY" LOVELAND (Daniels, Thomas*) was b at He bron, Conn., Oct. 2, 1792, m in Sandisfield, Mass., Jan'y 19, 1813, William Peirce. She d Nov. 23, 1855. Children: i. Amos'' Peirce, b Nov. 12, 1814; m. ii. William G. Peirce (Rev.), b Nov. 27, 1816; m. iii. Mary Peirce, b Dec. 24, 181 8, m John R. Elton. iv. Laura Peirce, b April 29, 1821, d Dec 16, 1855. y. Daniel Loveland Peirce, b Jan'y i, 1824. 26. HANNAH" LOVELAND (Daniels, Thomas*) was b at Sandisfield, Mass., Sept. 10, 1794, d at Prattsburg, N. Y., Oct. 22, 26 The Loveland Genealogy. 1829; m at S., May 13, 1812, Rev. Luman P. Hotchkiss, b in Nor folk, Conn., Jan'y 20, 17SS, d at Naples, N. Y., Jan'y 24, 1848. Buried at Prattsburg. They were children together; brought up within a half mile of each other; they lived in Norfolk for ten years after marriage and then removed to Prattsburg, where she died and is buried. Two years after his wife's death he m Ann Oakley, of Naples. Some years after his second marriage he re moved to Naples and resided there until his death. Children born at Norfolk, Conn.: i. Russel L.'' Hotchkiss, b March 9, 1S13, d at P., Aug. 19, 1832. ii. Harriet Newell Hotchkiss, b Jan'y 8, 1815, m Rev. Schuyler Parker. iii. Luman Phelps Hotchkiss, b March 31, 1817, m Gab- rilla A. Miner. iv. Levi Hotchkiss, b May 22, 1S19, m Anna X. Dwight. V. Elizabeth Hotchkiss, b Oct. 14, 1822, m Frank Hatch. 13. AMOSs LOVELAND (Thomas*, ThomasS) ^vas b at Heb ron, Conn., Feb'y 6, 1764, d at Middlefield, N. Y., Feb'y 14, 1836; m Sept. 28, 1798, Hannah Haff, b about 1774, d at Cooperstown, N. Y., 1841. Amos Loveland enlisted iri the 7th Reg., "Conn. Line" (Capt. Elderkin), May i, 1777, for three years. Discharged May I, 1780. Fought at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777; wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-78; at the battle of Monmouth, June 38, 177S: encamped that summer at White Plains; wintered at Redding, 1778-79; the following summer served on the east side of the Hud son in Gen. Heath's wing; at the battle of Stony Point, July 15, 1779; wintered at Morristown huts, 1779-S0; re-enlisted in 3d Reg. "Conn. Line," July i, 1780, for short term; served with the main army along the Hudson; went into winter quarters at Camp "Conn. Village," above the Robinson House, on the Hudson River, where he was again discharged, Dec. 9, 17S0.— Conn. Roster, p. 166, 234. Children, the last born in Cooperstown, the rest at Sand Lake, N. V.: 27. i. Hiram", b Sept. 25, 1799, m Anna jMackey. ii. Horace, b iSoi, d in infancy. 111. iv. 28. v. 29- vi. Vll. 30- viii 31- ix. The Loveland Genealogy. 27 Narina, b Aug. 15, 1804, d at M., Sept. 8, 1820. Harriette, b Oct. 10, 1806, d Nov. 20, 181 1. Juliette, b Oct. 10, 1806, m Noah Ripley. Ellis Haff, b Sept. 2, 1809, m Eliza Thornton. (Unnamed), b iSio, d in infancy. viii. Amos, b June 19, 1S13, m Pamelia Vine. Cyrus Clark, b Dec. 27, 1821, m Catharine Barney. Nov. 20, 181 1, a great tornado passed over Renssalaer Co., N. Y., which devastated the county. Harriette was out doors at the time and was killed by the falling chimney. 27. HIRAM" LOVELAND (AmosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1799, m at Middlefield, N. Y., Jan'y i, 1825, Anna Mackey, b in Ulster Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1802, d at West Farmington, O., Dec. 14, 1888. He d there Dec. 11, 1886. Farmer. Dem. Universalist. Abhorred alcoholic drinks and to bacco. Children born in Middlefield : Maria S.', b Feb'y 21, 1827. i. Ellis H., b March 4, 1831, d Oct. 27, 1857. ii. WiUiam B., b May 21, 1S34, d Feb'y 28, 1884. V. Mary A., b May 4, 1836, d Nov. 2, 1838. v. Louisa F., b Nov. 19, 1844, m at Warren, O., Sept. 10, 18S5, Frank Barkman, b at Richmond, Pa., Aug. 31, 1858. Farmer. 28. JULIETTE" LOVELAND (Amoss, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1806, m at Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1839, Noah Ripley, b at Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1797, d at C, Feb'y 15, 1875. Shoemaker. Children, first two born at Cooperstown, the third at Portlandville, N. Y., and the last at Oneonta, N. Y.: ..8«. i. Harriet A.'' Ripley, b June 16, 1840, m Charles Buriey. 283. ii. Eugene W. Ripley, b March 31, 1842, m Julia S. Teeter. 2 28 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Cyrus L. Ripley, b May 6, 1844, d at Fortress Mon roe, May 20, [862. He was a soldier in the Union Army. 28c. iv. Lucy A. Ripley, b June 6, 1848, m George Newkirk. By a former marriage Mr. Ripley had: V. Alden Ripley. Blacksmith. He m Helen Dickinson. They had three sons. He enlisted in the Union Army and d at Andersonville, Ga. vi. Delia Ripley, m Meritt Spooner. They live in Lyon Co., Ia. 28A. HARRIET A.'' RIPLEY, b at Cooperstown, N. Y., June 16, 1840, m at Oneonta, N. Y., March 5, 1856, Charles Burley, b in England, Sept. 23, 1833. He served in the Union Armv. Carriage Painter. Children, the second born at Oneonta, the fifth at Cobbleskill, N. Y., the rest at Cooperstown, X. Y. : i. Isabellas Burley, b Aug. 30, 1857, m at Troy Citv, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1S77, Daniel Gordon. He was a traveling merchant and is now dead. She d in X"ew Orleans, Sept. 10, 1S80. No children reported. ii. Frank Buriey, b Feb'y 8, i860, d at C, Dec. 13, 1875. iii. Fannie M. Burley, b Nov. 6, 1861, d Dec 11, 1886; m in Otsego, N. Y., May 22, 18S3, ^Nlarcena T. Ding- man. iy. Edna G. Buriey, b May 30, 1S66, d at C, Nov 37 iS75- v. Chariey Buriey, b July 6, 1869. 2SB. EUGENE W.' RIPLEY, b at Cooperstown, N. Y., March 31, 1842, m in Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan'y 3, 1S67, Julia S.' Teeter, b at Clay ville, N. Y., Aug. 3, ,849. Farmer. Children, the first two born at Cooperstown, the rest at Little Rock, la.: i. Grant E.s Ripley, b Nov. iS, 1S68. Farmer. " ii. Charles R. Ripley, b April 10, 1870. iii. Mattie J. Ripley, b April 13, 1873, d Sept. i^ 1873 iv. Arthur W. Ripley, b July 11, ,875. The Loveland Genealogy. V. Frederick M. Ripley, b April 6, 1877. vi. Minnie J. Ripley, b Dec. 3, 187S. vii. Grace S. Ripley, b March 5, 1S85. 28C. LUCY A.' RIPLEY, b at Oneonta, N. Y., June 6, 1848, m at Milford, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1871, George Newkirk, b at Spring field, N. Y., June 10, 1S3S. She d at Cooperstown, N. Y., April 8, 1SS4, buried in Lake Wood Cem. Children born at Coopers town: i. JesseS Newkirk, b July 4, 1873. ii. Julia Newkirk, b Sept. 20, 1875, d at S., March 1 5, 1877. iii. Almond T. X^ewkirk, b May 21, 1879. iv. Florabell Newkirk, b June 5, 1881. 29. ELLIS HAFF" LOVELAND (AmosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, X. Y., Sept. 3, 1809, m at Cooperstown, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1S33, Eliza Thornton, b at Hartwick, N. Y., March 12, 1812, d at Bloomington, 111., Oct. 19, 1870. He d there June i, 1881. Cabinet maker. M. E. Ch. She was a descendant of Roger Wil liams and Oliver Cromwell. Her mother's maiden name was Mercy Williams. Children, the last born at Janesville, Wis., the rest at Cooperstown: 32. i. Holder Cory', b Oct. 29, 1833, m Mary A. Bradney. 33. ii. Edwin Series, b April 3, 1835, m iii. George Robert, b April 6, 1837, d 1863-64, in the hos pital at Memphis, Tenn. He was Orderiy Sergeant in Comp. K, 5th Minn. iv. Frances Eliza, b April 8, 1839, ^ at C, 1841. V. Mary Minerva, b March 35, 1843; unm. Baptist. 34. vi. Emma Maria, b April 4, 1S43, m H. O. Drexler. vii. Adelbert Derostes, b Aug. 4, 1845, d July, 1881. He enlisted at the age of 17 in the Minn. Mounted Rangers, with Gen. Sibley, to quell the Sioux dep redations in Minn. At the breaking out of the Re bellion he enlisted in the 3d or 4th Minn. I. and served until the close of the war. He d near Socor- row,*N. M. 30 The Loveland Genealogy. 35. viii. Alice Jane, b July 24, 1848, m G. A. Witherell. 36. ix. Adaline Elizabeth, b May i, 1854, m H. C. Courtney. 32. HOLDER C LOVELAXD (Ellis H.", Amoss ) was b at Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1833, m in Jasper Co., Mo., Aug. 27, 1876, Mary Annie Bradney, b in Greenup, Ky., Oct. 16, 1853, d in Crawford Co., Ark., June 22, 1890. Teacher and farmer. He served through the War of the Rebellion in Comp. C, 33d 111. Inf. Gov. J. W. Fifer, or "Private Joe," was a comrade in the same company. Three brothers of his wife fought in the Union Army. One, William H. H. Bradnev, was captain in a Kentucky cavalry regiment and lost his life in Sherman's march to the sea. Mr. Loveland marched from Pilot Knob, AIo., with Gen. Curtis, to Helena, Ark.; returned to Pilot Knob and made a winter cam paign in Mo. and Ark. Returned to St. Geneveive, ]Mo., and went on Vicksburg campaign. After the surrender he went to New Orleans, was in the Red River campaign with Gen. X. P. Banks. Pie was in Texas, at Ft. Esperanza, reconnoitering all along the coast, and came by the way of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean to X. Y., thence to Springfield, 111., where he was discharged. We are proud of our loyal ancestors on both sides. My wife's people were loyal — of Virginia and Kentucky stock. Her brother, William, lost his life tearing up a R. R. bridge, fighting three companies of rebels with his one company. H. C. L. Children: i. Ariadnes, b in Crawford Co., Kan., June 16, 1S77. ii. Thorie, b in Jasper Co., Mo., Jan'y 4, 1S79. iii. Pansy Gladys, b in joplin. Mo., June 33, iSSi. So. EDWIN S." LOVELAND (Ellis H.", AmosS , was b at Cooperstown, X. Y., April 3, 1835. He was m a short time be fore the breaking out of the Rebellion. He and his wife went to England. On his return he enlisted in the 36th Ills. Inf. He was killed on the boat when going home on a furlough to visit his wife and family. Pie and two other soldiers lay down where some wood was piled, and something giving awav they were The Loveland Genealogy. 31 crushed by the falling wood. Plis name is on the monument at Bloomington, 111., but he is not buried there. They had two sons, twins, and both died while he was in the army. We never saw him after he was married, and we never learned his wife's maiden name. He was living in Metamora, 111., when he enlisted. — M. M. L. 34. EMMA MARIA' LOVELAND (Ellis H.", AmosS) wash at Cooperstown, X. Y., April 4, 1843, m at Bloomington, 111., Oct. 11, 1S69, Henry Otto Drexler, b in N. Y. City, Oct. 24, 1839. Machinist and engineer. He learned his trade in New York City, and went to San Jose, Cal., about 1877. He is now engaged in the fire department at San Jose. He was formerly in government employ. He served in the Union Army during the Rebellion, in Comp. C, 37th X. Y. Inf. They are members of the Pres. Ch. Children: i. Agnes Maud* Drexler, b at Bloomington, Sept. 13, 1870. Teacher. Grad. class of 1891, San Jose Nor mal School. She is proficient in music. Organist in Cong. Ch., San Jose. ii. Mary Hygenia Drexler, b at St. Louis, Mo., Jan'y 4, 1873, d Sunday morning at half-past six, at San Jose, Aug. 9, 1885, buried in Oak Hill Cemetery. She was a girl of much promise. 35. ALICE JAXE' LOVELAND (Ellis H.", Amoss) was b at Cooperstown, X. Y., July 24, 1848, m at Bloomington, 111., Dec. 26, 1869, George Allen Witherell, b at Farmer City, 111., Dec. 25, 1 841. Carriage trimmer. Baptists. Children, the second born at Eureka, 111., the rest in Bloomington: i. Edith Mav 8 Witherell, b Sept 34, 1870. Grad. B. High School, class 1890. She has a business edu cation and is proficient in short hand and in the use of the type-writer. She m at B., Oct. 3, 1894, Wil liam C. Stowell. ii. Mabel Clare Witherell, b Sept. 5, 1S72, d in Kan., Nov. 29, 1879. 33 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Ethel Witherell, b Aug 3i, 1883. iv. Etta Witherell, b Aug. 21, 1883. 36. ADALINE E.' LOVELAND (Ellis H.", Amoss) was b at Janesville, Wis., May i, 1854, m at Bloomington, 111., Oct. 27, 1875, Hiram Clay Courtney, b near Marlinsburg, Va., Aug. 3, 1853, d in St. Louis, Mo., Jan'y 26, 1880. R. R. employe. Chil dren born in Bloomington : i. Edna MayS Courtney, b April 15, 1876, ii. Herbert Ellis Courtney, b Sept. 3, 1S78, d at B , Aug. 8, 1879. 30. AMOS" LOVELAND (AmosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., June 19, 1812, m at Albany, X. Y., Oct. 13, 1835, Pamelia Vine, b there March 11, 1813, d there May 24, 18S3. He d there May 4, 1894. Merchant. Children b )rn at Albany. All buried in Albany Rural Cemetery. i. Robert A.'', b Aug. i, 1836, d March '3, 1845. ii. Carrie M., b Sept 35, 1S37, d Feb'y 10, 1843. iii. Amos A., b Feb'y 5, 1839, ^ Feb'y S, 1843. iv. Charlie C ., b March 13, 1840, d July 19, 1841. v. Cornwall C, b April 13, 1843, d Feb'y ii, 1843. vi. Cally M., bjune 13, 1843, d Mav 3, 1854. 31. CYRUS CLARK" LOVELAXD (AmosS, Thomas*) was b in Cooperstown, N. Y., Dec. 37, 1831, m at Santa Clara, Cal., Dec. 10, 1853, Mrs. Catharine Davis Barney, b at Chillicothe, O., Dec 2, 1828. He d in N. Y. City, Dec. 17, 1SS5, buried in Green wood Cem . Painter. He received but a common school educa tion and early in. life was apprenticed to a Mr. Tweed in N. Y. City, who afterwards was known as Boss Tweed, of Tammany fame. His mother was a very devout and conscientious woman and early impressed upon him the importance of an honest and up right life. The history of his life shows that her seed was sown on good ground. In the fall of 1846 he enlisted in the N. Y. Vols., under Col. Stevenson. This regiment made its memorable ¦ \ ¦J- %..<-:. i- ¦¦¦ f . ^¦'%^- %¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦'4 '^'. "¦''¦'^¦- M^^- CYRUS C. LOVELAND. CU). The Loveland Genealogy. 33 trip around Cape Horn and arrived in San Francisco, then but a village, in the spring of 1847. The discovery of gold held him in this State. After the close of the war he spent seven months in the mines. Making about $6,000 in the mines he returned east, invested in a drove of cattle and horses which he bought on his way up the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers from New Orleans. He crossed the plains with them in 1850. His diary across the plains shows a remarkable trip. Fights with the Indians, alkali water, thirst, incessant and weary watching, and the weary march, all got in their work. He settled in Santa Clara Valley. Here he married Mrs. Barney, a widow with two sons. This lady, whose maiden name was Catharine Davis, crossed the plains with her parents in 1850. She was young and a typical farmer's daugh ter. She was a splendid horseback rider and could ride the wild est colts. She was also an expert at driving teams, managing a team of six horses for days at a time. She bore Mr. Loveland six children. She was a hard working woman, and competent to take charge of outdoor work in her husband's absence, which she often did. Her main ambition in life was to build up a comfort able home and educate her children, of which she fully saw the necessity. Having a stroke of paralysis she now ( 1894) leases the farm, but lives upon it, cared for by her two unmarried daughters. When Mr. Loveland grew old a desire to travel seized him. He spent a year in Europe, visiting England, France, Scotland and kissed the Blarney stone in Ireland. Afterwards he went east again and died in X. Y. City. He was a well read man, and though not ranking high in the literary worid, yet had some merit as a poet. He was a strong Republican, and he and his wife Methodists— A. C. L. Children born in Santa Clara: ,7 i. Fremont^ b Nov. 19, 1853, m Lottie E. Sanderson. V9, ii Fanny, b July 16, 1855, m Daniel W.Boone. ^ i. iustin Clirk' b May'i, 1857. Grad. from the law department at Ann Arbor, Mich. Farmer and api arist in Pala Tp., San Diego Co., Cal. In 1892 was elected J. P. of that township. iv. Lillian Elizabeth, b Nov. 7, 1858. V. Naomijosephine, bjuneg, i860. 39. vi. Lucy Lincoln, b Dec 9, 1863, m James Relfe. 34 The Loveland Genealogy. 37. FREMONT^ LOVELAND (Cyrus C.«, AmosS) was b in Santa Clara, Cal., Nov. 19, 1853, m at San Diego, Cal., Oct. 18, 1881, Lottie Elizabeth Sanderson, b at Leominster, Mass., Mav 22, 1854. Farmer and stock raiser. The postoffice near their farm, where all their children were born, is now (1892) Bonsall. At first it was Mt. Fairview, the name of the school district, af terward Osgood, then at Moosa. Children born at Mt. Fairview, San Diego Co., Cal.: i. Ralph Waldos, b Oct. 17, 1882. ii. Ethel Vivian, b Jan'y 3, 1884. iii. Mabel Adelia, b April i, 1885, d April 4, 18S5. iv. Arthur Stanley, b Oct. 19, 1886. V. Florence, Rachel, b Jan'y 15, 1888. vi. Floyd Fremont, b Jan'y 25, 1891. vii. Roswell Percival, b Nov. 8, 1894. FANNY^ LOVELAND (Cyrus C", AmosS ) was b in Santa Clara, Cal., July 16, 1855, m there June i, 1879, Daniel William Boone, b at Santa Clara, Nov. 7, 1852. He is a descend ant of Daniel Boone of Kentucky notoriety. Farmer and stock raiser. Children born at Cowlytz, Lewis Co., Wash.: i. William Clarks Boone, b March 9, 1880. ii. Sarah Catharine Boone, b Sept. 5, 1882. iii. Alice Elizabeth Boone, b Jan'y 3, 18S4. iv. Daniel Raymond Boone, b July 33, 18S6. V. Fanny Ella Boone, b Nov. 5, 1S8S. vi. Clarence Boone, b Aug. 35, 1891. 39. LUCY L.' LOVELAXD (Cyrus C", AmosS) was b in Santa Clara, Cal., Dec. 9, 1863, m at San Jose, Cal., March 11, 1883, James Relfe, b at Caledonia, Washington Co., Mo., Oct. 8, 1858. Farmer and stock raiser. Children born at Sant'a Clara! i. Lydias Relfe, b March 28, 1884. ii, Annie Relfe, b Nov. 38, 1S85. The Loveland Genealogy . 35 14. ENOSs LOVELAND (Thomas*, Thomass) was b in Mari- boro (formerly a part of Glas.), Conn., March 12, 177^1 m at Spencertown, N. Y., Jan'y 15, 1789, Anna Finney, b at Warren, Conn., Jan'y 25, 1769. They moved to Westport, N. Y., from near Troy, N. Y., in 1806. He d there Feb'y 2, 1844. He was a prominent citizen of this town during his life time here, holding the offices of Supervisor, Justice of the Peace and Overseer of the Poor. Farmer. Baptist. Children, first five born at Sand Lake, N. Y., the rest at Westport: 40. i. Svlvia", b Oct. 31, 1789, m Marcus Hoisington; m 2d 'Dr. D. Holcomb. 41. ii. Asa, b Aug. 14, 1791, m Margaret Frazer. 42. iii. Erastus, b April 8, 1793, m Lucy Bradley. 43. iv. Amanda, b 1795, m Warren Harper. 44. V. Lucetta, b March 2, 1797, m Leman Bradley; m 2d Eben Edgerton. 45. vi. Narcissa, b 1800, m Elijah Angier. vii. Aretas, b April, 1803, m at W., 1843, EmeHne Man ning, b 1 8 18. Family at Blackberry Station, 111. He is dead. Farmer. viii. Datus E., b June 24, 1805, d at W., Oct. 2, 1805. ix. Datus, b Sept. 4, 1806, d at W., April 4, 181 1. x. Harriet, b 1808, m James Stringham. Family at Westport. xi. (Infant), b 1810, d 1810. xii. Enos, b Nov., 181 3, d at W., Nov. 3, 1833. 40. SYLVIA" LOVELAND (EnosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1789, m at Westport, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1807, Marcus Hoisington, b Jan'y 29, 1784, d at W., Dec 13, 1810. Farmer. Bap. She m 2d at W., March 17, 1814, Dr. Diodorus Holcoinb, b at Granby, Conn., Feb'y 2, 1780, d Sept. 25, 1859. ]VI. E'. Ch. She d at W., Nov. 3, 1839. Bap.' Children, first born at West Point, N. Y., the rest at Westport: i. Marcus' Hoisington, b May 25, 1810, m at W., May 9, 1836, Anna Babcock, b at Panton, Vt., Feb'y 12, 1812. Family. 36 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. William Darwin Holcomb, b Jan'y 18, 1815, m Persis Everest at Moriah, N. Y., 1844. He d at Gales burg, 111., Jan'y 32, 1856. Family. iii. Henry Harrison Holcomb, b Nov. 13, 1816, m Amelia M. Ferris at W., Jan'y 20, 1844. She was b at Fer- risburg, Vt., Feb'y 10, 1819. Family. iv. Amelia Sybil Holcomb, b Oct. 13, 1818, d at W., Sept. 1, 1833. v. Benjamin Franklin Holcomb, b July 34, 1821, m at Moriah, N. Y., 1844, Elizabeth Towner. He was Capt. of a company in the 45th 111. Reg. Served three years. Famil}'. vi. Almira Sylvia Holcomb, b Oct. 35, 1823, m George W. Cole at W., 1842. She d at Galesburg, May 35, 1864. Family. vii. Thomas Jefferson Holcomb, b April i^ 1826, d at W., Jan'y 27, 1827. viii. Sylvester Spencer Holcomb, b Nov. 21, 1827, ra at Jay, N. Y., 1854, Pearly Sumner. Family. ix. Thomas Addis Emmett Holcomb, b April 9, 1831, m March, 1857, Martha Ann Lyon. X. Charles Wesley Holcomb, b May 6, 1S36; m. 41. ASA" LOVELAND (Enoss, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1791, m at Westport, N. Y., IsIax 5, 1814, Mar garet Frazer, b at Grand Isle, Vt., April i, 1793, d at Plattsville, Wis., May 5, 1873. He d there April 21, 18S0. Farmer. Bap tists. Children born at \Vestport: i. Sarah"?, b 1S16, d 1S16. 46. ii. Daniel Frazer, b Sept. 10, 1S17, m Eleanor Reed. iii. Ransom Noble, b Aug. 23, 1819, d in Cal., 1S50. A miner. Unm. He went to Cal. 1849. Murdered for his money. 47. iy. Anne, b May 4, 1824, m Alanson By ham. v. Mary Jane, b Sept. 3S, 1S38, d at Galena, 111., Dec. 28, 1856. Teacher. Baptist. The Loveland Genealogy. 37 vi. Charles, b 1831, d in W., 1837. 48. vii. Charles Asa, b Nov. 14, 1836, m Mrs. Elizabeth Eyre Holmes. Asa Loveland moved to Westport with his parents when he was a boy nine or ten years of age. lie lived there until July, 1852, then vvith his family moved to Galena, where he lived until 1866, when he and his wife (all their children having gone away, married or died) moved to Plattsville, where he lived with his son Charles until his death. He served in the War of 181 2 and received a land warrant for his services. Margaret Frazer (French on her mother's side), born on Grand Isle, in Lake Champlain, lived in Westport when she was married. She died on the 59th anniversary of her wedding day. These parents and their daughter Mary Jane are buried in Greenwood Cem., Galena. 46. D. FRAZER'!' LOVELAND (Asa", Enoss) was b at West- port, X". Y., Sept. 10, 1817, m at Galena, 111., Feb'y 8, 1854, Eleanor, dau. of Eleanor Bellman and Richard Reed, b in Eng., Nov. 30, 1828, d at G., Aug. 5, 1893. Mrs. Loveland came to Galena when a child. She was a member of Grace Episcopal Church and took a warm interest in its affairs. Her funeral, held from the family residence on Prospect Street, was the occcasion of the assemblage of a large concourse of friends of the family. The services were according to the ritual of the Protestant Epis copal Church, and the services were very solemn and impressive. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Loveland left Westport for the West in March, 1846. He went by the way of the Hud son river to N. Y., from there to Philadelphia and Baltimore by rail, across the mountains to Pittsburg by stage, down the Ohio River to Cairo and up the Mississippi to Galena, and then to La Crosse, Wis., arriving there April, 1846. On the Ohio River the peach trees were in bloom, at La Crosse the snow was one foot deep. He was in the lumber business here four months, he then returned to Galena and engaged in merchandizing. June, 1866, he retired from business. Children born in Galena: 38 The Loveland Genealogy. 49. i. Jennie Bellmans, b March 6, 1858, m T. G. Wonderly. ii. William Ransom, b April 27, 1865, d July 23, 1863. 49. JENNIE B.8 LOVELAND (D. Frazer'?, Asa") was b in Galena, 111., March 6, 1858, m there Nov. 17, 1881, Thomas Gor don Wonderly, D. D. S., b Nov. 7, 185 1 . Rep. Pres. No family. 47. ANNE "7 LOVELAND (Asa", Enoss) was b in Westport, N. Y., May 4, 1824, m in Galena, 111., Oct. 8, 1853, Alanson By- ham. She d in Plattsville, Wis., Jan'y 12, 1877, buried in Suther land, la. Children born in Benton Co., Ia. : Margaret J. s, Charles A., Frazer A. and Ben. L. Byham. 48. CHARLES A.'' LOVELAND (Asa", EnosS) was b in Westport, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1836, m at Redwing, Minn., Oct. 3, 1867, Elizabeth Eyre Holmes, b at Long Buckby, Hamtonshire, Eng., Oct. 30, 1836. Farmer. Rep. M. E. Ch. P. O., Platts ville, Wis. Children born at Plattsville: i. Daniel Ransoms, b July 12, 1868, m there April 5, 1894, Dell May Harclerodes, b at P., May 13, 1875. ii. Winfield Scott, b Sept. 7, 1870. iii. Charles Asa, b May 13, 1875. iv. Jessie, b Oct. 28, 1880. 42. ERASTUS" LOVELAND (Enoss, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., April 8, 1793, m at Westport, N. Y., March 17, 1816, Lucy Bradley, b at Poultney, Vt., July 19, 1794, d at W., 1866. He d there from a fall. Farmer. Baptist. Children born at Westport: 50. i. Diodorus Holcomb'', b Dec. 37, 18 16, m Jeannette Patten. 51. ii. Ralph Andrus, b Jan'y 17, 1819,111 Harriet M. Kent. 52. iii. Eliza A., b May 29, 1822, m Dr. David Lewis. The Loveland Genealogy . 39 iv. Minerva, b Nov. 19, 1824, m at Waukesha, Wis., April, 184S, Cyrus Foote, b 1826. Farmer. Dis ciples Ch. She m 2d Moses Hoyt, in Minn. They moved to Tenn. She d there 1889. v. (Dau.), b June 15, 1826, d June 15, 1826. vi. (Dau.), b June 15, 1826, d June 15, 1826. vii. Thomas Bradley, b Sept. 17, 1827, d at W., Feb'y i, 1843. viii. Enos, b Sept. 17, 1827, d at W., Dec. 30, 1827. ix. Anson Andrews, b Aug. 24, 1830, m at Fox Lake, Wis., 1850, Esther Bills. They had: Ralphs, Ida May, Andrew, Nettie, Cora and Thomas. X. (Son), b April 4, 1834, d May 12, 1834. xi. Andrew Mills, b Dec. 15, 1835, d at Waukesha, Wis., Dec. 15, 1847. 50. REV. DIODORUS H.' LOVELAND (Erastus", EnosS) was b at Westport, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1816, m at Panton, Vt., July 23, 1840, Mary Jeannette Patten, b at New Haven, Vt., Aug. 19, 1823. He was a minister in the Troy, N. Y., Conference for 30 years. Circuit preacher in the M. E. Ch. He is now retired on account of age and infirmities. Although not an educated man he has been a useful and acceptable preacher. Children : i. Edward Jamess, b at New Haven, Vt., Sept. 14, 1844. ii. William Henry, b at Bakersfield, Vt., Aug. 27, 1846, d there March, 1847. iii. Mary Harriet, b at Montgomery, Vt., Nov. i, 1848. iv. William Ralph, b at Cambridge, Vt, June 18, 1S51, m Huling, of Remington, Vt., 1875. v. Freddie Patten, b at Westport, N. Y., April 4, i860. 51. HON. RALPH K.'' LOVELAND (Erastus", Enoss) was b at Westport, N. Y., Jan'y 17, 1819, m there March 25, 1840, Harriet M. Kent, b at Benson, Vt., Feb'y 29, 1818, d at East Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 23, 1887. He m 2d in San Francisco, Cal., March 8, 1894, Helen Crittenden, of San Francisco. P. O., East Saginaw, Mich. Children born at Westport: 53- 11. 54- 111. 55- IV. V. vi. 56. 57- vii. viii 40 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Daniel K.s Southworth, b Oct. 11, 1841, d Aug., 1842. Frances Lucy, b Dec. 4, 1843, m P. D. Schofield. Kate Augusta, b Jan. 26, 1850, m Rufus H. Roys. Dan Kent, b Dec. 14, 1853, m Hattie S. Goodman. Ralph, b Nov. i, 1855, d Dec. i, 1855. (Son), b Nov. I, 1855, d Nov. 2, 1855. Mary Elizabeth, b Nov. 13, 1S57, m A. C. Smith. viii. Ralph Erastus, b Nov. 23, 1863, m Blanche Bailey. Hon. Ralph Andrus Loveland passed his boyhood at West- port. During the season of navigation he devoted his time to boating on Lake Champlain, Champlain Canal and Hudson River; his winters attending the Essex Co. Academy, of which Mr. Orson Kellog, who was known far and wide as an educator, was Principal. An institution from which many students have graduated and become eminent. Among them was the late T. D. Shedd, D. D., of New York City. The pursuits of his early life gave him an insight into and a lively interest in the matter of water transportation, and it had an influence upon his later career. In 1845 he consolidated the interests he had personally ac quired with those of the Northern Transportation Line. In the year 1857 he, with others, engaged in the lumber business at Al bany, N. Y., under the firm name of White, Loveland & Co. This proved a successful venture and was continued until 1863. His health having become impaired, he disposed of his eastern business in 1865 and removed to Janesville, Wisconsin. Here his ability was promptly recognized by his fellow citizens, and he was elected Mayor of that city. Mr. Loveland had previously visited the great West, however, and had secured valuable prop erty in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. In 1862 he became im bued with the spirit of wool-growing. He purchased four thous and sheep in Michigan which he took successfully to Iowa in one year. Full particulars can be found in a book by Henry M. Randall, entitled "The Practical Shepherd." Soon he outranked all in the State in that line of business by the proportions of his enterprise. The Loveland Genealogy. *\ Having recovered his health he again embarked in the lumber business. This time the venture was made in Chicago, with part ners residing in Albany and New York. The enterprise proved a successful one for five years, when a calamity overtook him caused through his eastern connections in business. It was as tre mendous as it was unforeseen and unmerrited on his part. A failure occurred which created wide spread disaster among many noted firms, it was termed the nine million dollar failure, and Mr. Loveland was one of the greatest sufferers through this. Over three hundred thousand dollars of indebtedness was placed on his shoulders, and all of this misfortune was caused, not by his want of prudence — because he was prudent, thoughtful and careful — but by the unwisdom of others. Every part of his legitimate loss was paid in full or satisfactorily settled, leaving him without a dollar. Such a blow as this would have utterly prostrated many men. Here he was at the age of fifty-five years entirely bereft of a munificent competence, the result of a life time of effort and struggle; but instead of dismaying him, the disaster seemed to in vest him with new vigor. In 1 88 1 he induced eastern gentlemen of large means to strike hands with him and purchase a large mill and salt block in Sag inaw and nine thousand and two hundred acres of valuable pine lands which proved a very successful enterprise, and the firm is now (1894) known as the Saginaw Lumber and Salt Co., of which Mr. Loveland is the president and general manager, also one of the largest stockholders, whilst his sons and son-in-law, Rufus H. Roys, are engaged with him. He is quite as active and vigorous now in promoting the business as the younger blood. In 1856 he was elected to the Assembly from the Essex Co. (New York) District. At the expiration of his term he was re nominated at the convention, but declined to accept. The Sena torial District, which comprised Essex, Warren and Clinton Counties, was not slow to recognize his abilities and nominated him as Senator of that district, which elected him by a handsome majority. At the expiration of his senatorial term he did not seek further political preferment. He was originally a Henry Clay Whig in politics, but since the organization of the Republican 42 The Loveland Genealogy. party he has been an active supporter of its men and measures, be ing a thorough Protectionist so far as the industries of the United States are concerned. Mr. Loveland has been a member of the Baptist Church since 1840, and an officer in the church for many years. In 1840 he was married, his wife being Miss Harriet M. Kent, a daughter of Dan M. and Mehetable (joodrich Kent. She was a woman of rare intelligence and refinement. Her Grandfather Kent, also a number of her uncles, were prominent Congregational ministers of New England. The names of her children are found in their place in these records. In 1887, after many months of patient suffering, on the 23d of Dec, after every effort had been exhausted by travel and medical skill, she passed away surrounded by her husband and children. The fragrance of her hopeful Christian life will ever be sweet to those who knew and loved her so well. Since he became a resident of the Saginaw Valley, his home being in Saginaw, Mr. Loveland has not filled any public office, his time and his energy being engrossed by the responsible cares of his busines enterprises. He is known and esteemed for his beneficence and the interest taken in those who are less fortunate than himself. His fellow citizens term him a Christian gentle man. For a number of years Mr. Loveland has found it pleasant and profitable to spend his winters on the Pacific Coast, and thus be free to some extent from business cares. During a sojourn in California he formed the acquaintance of Miss Helen Crittenden, a woman of refinement and culture and a member of an old and highly esteemed family, the result of which was their maiTiage in San Francisco on the 8th of March, 1894. Mr. Loveland has re sided in the city of Saginaw the last thirteen years and has kept pace with that progressive and enterprising city which has doubled its population within the last few years, now numbering over sixty thousand. Mrs. H. M. K. Loveland writes from East Saginaw, ISIarch i, 1883: "Dear Sir— I send you vvith this a copy of information that we received with the "Coat of Arms" from James Voher, anti- The Loveland Genealogy. 43 quarian and genealogist. * * * I think the coat of arms ought to be copied. My daughter, Mrs. R. H. Roys, who is something of an amateur artist, thinks she shall take a copy for herself. * * My own maternal ancestors, Goodrich and Hollister, were from Wethersfield and Glastonbury, Conn. My grandfather's name was Elisha Hollister. He had a large family — twice married. My grandmother Lucy was the youngest of the first family. Among the names of her sisters were Mehetabel, Experience, Martha and Pamelia. A friend of mine in Boston, who m Sarah Loveland (See Vol. Ill), has a complete record of the Good- riches. • My grandparents were married in Connecticut and came from there 1785 and settled in Vermont. My stepmother (French) had a sister who married a Loveland." NoTB. — The Hollister referred to above was doubtless the greatgrandson of John Hollister, who was admitted a freeman of Wethersfield in 1643. He married Joan Treat. He d 1665; she, 1694. Their son, John, Jr., married Sarah, daughter of William Goodrich, Jr., in 1667. Thomas, the son of John and Sarah, mar ried Dorothe, daughter of Joseph Hill, 1696. They had a large family. Elisha, aforesaid, the youngest, was b after 1714. The date of his birth not given. — Glas. Cen., pp. 183 and 191. 53. FRANCES L.s LOVELAND (Ralph A.', Erastus") was b in Westport, N. Y., Dec. ^, 1843, m Proctor D. Schofield, June 5; 1866. Children: i. Harriet Loveland' Schofield, b March 9, 1867, m Cor bin A. Dana, Aug. 20, 1887. ii. Bessie Winnifred Schofield, b Feb'y, 1869, d Oct. 9, •^875- iii. Roy Waterbury Schofield, b Sept. 10, 1877. 54. KATE A.s LOVELAND (Ralph A.'', Erastus") was b at Westport, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1850, m Rufus H. Roys, Nov. 26, 1874. Children: i. Ralph Lovelands Roys, b Feb'y 14, 1879. 44 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Lawrence Roys, b Oct. lo, 1884. iii. Allan Goodrich Roys, b July 12, 1889. 55. DAN K.8 LOVELAXD (Ralph A."?, Erastus") was b at Westport, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1853, m March 16, 1886, Hattie Snell Goodman, dau. of Rev. John S. Goodman, a Baptist minis ter, who with his wife, Mary D., went to Western Africa as mis sionary, in 1853, returning on account of their health in three j'ears. Children : i. Kent G.8, b March 3, 1887. ii. Cara G., b March 21, 1889. iii. Ralph A., b Jan'y 17, 1891. iv. Rufus Roys, b Nov. 26, 1894. 56. MARY E.s LOVELAND (Ralph A.'?, Erastus") was b at Westport, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1857, m Alfred C. Smith, July 6, 1881. Children: i. Sidney Loveland' Smith, b March 30, 1882. ii. Bessie Loveland Smith, b March 29, 1884. iii. Ralph Loveland Smith, b Aug., 1885. iv. Alfred C. Smith, b Feb'y, 1887. V. Marguerite Smith, b Feb'v', 1890. vi. Kenneth Smith, b Feb'y, 1890. 57. RALPH E.8 LOVELAND (Ralph A.'?, Erastus") was b at Westport, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1863, m Blanche Bailey, April 15, 1891. They have: i. Trafton', b July 20, 1894. .V2. ELIZA A. 7 LOVELAND (Erastus", EnosS ) was b in West- port, N. Y., May 29, 1833, m at Waukesha, Wis., June 3, 1S52, Dr. David Lewis, A. B., b in New Haven, O., 1821, d Dec. 15, 1880. Dr. Lewis was government surgeon in the Union Army during the Rebellion. Served in the hospital at Quincy, 111. They had three children b at Upper Sandusky, O. The two youngest (sons) d in infancy. The Loveland Genealogy. 45 i. RosabelleS Lewis, b Aug. 3, 1855, m at Virginia, 111., April 4, 1877, James E. Lanham,b at Morgantown, W. Va., March 6, 1855. Contractor and builder. Rep. Bap. Wife and children Methodists. Chil dren born at Ashland, 111.: I. James Harold' Lanham, b July 26, 1878. 3. Fred Grant Lanham, b Sept. 9, 1882. 3. Ada May Lanham, b March 20, 1885. 4. Oklahoma Lanham, b March 25, 1889. 5. Helen Lanham, b Dec. 23, 1891. 43. AMANDA" LOVELAND (EnosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., April, 1795, m at Westport, N. Y., Jan'y, 18 19, Warren Harper, b about 1774. She d in Ind. Farmer. Bap. They had a large family. We have the names only of Rhodelia'', Henrietta, Marietta, Horace, William and Caroline. 44. LUCETTA" LOVELAND (EnosS, Thomas*) was b at Sand Lake, N. Y., March 2, 1797, m at Westport N. Y., March, 1821, Leman Bradley, b 1785, d Nov., 1822. Farmer. She m 2d Ebenezer Edgerton, b in N. H., 1795, d 1855-58. Farmer. They had Cephas'' Bradley, b in W., Jan'y, 1822, m there 1847, Ruth Andrews, b 1825. Boatman. M. E. Ch. They had: Agness, Ella, Mary, Thomas, Caroline and Anna. 45. NARCISSA" LOVELAND (Enoss, Thomas*) was b at Westport, N. Y., 1800, m there 182 i, Elijah Angier, b 1793, d in Garnavillo, la. Farmer. Bap. Children born in Westport: i. Orrilla'' Angier, b March 31, 1822, m at W., 1847-8, Jonathan Nicholls, b at W., 18 17. Farmer. Bap. They had LuellaS, b 1849. ii. Charie's Angier, b 1824, m at W., 1854, Elvira Lewis, b at W., 1828. Mechanic. Bap. She was wid. of Sabra Morrow. They had, b at Garnavillo: CeliaS, Lucy Jane and Roene Horton. 46 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Perrine Angier, b 1827, m at W., 1856, Drusilla Lewis, b 1830. Farmer. M. E. Ch. Family. iv. Persis Angier, b 1834, m 1854, David Renshaw, b 1828. Farmer. Bap. Family. V. Anson Angier, b 1833. vi. Mary Jane Angier, b 1835. vii. Salinda Angier, b July 23, 1840, m at Garnavillo, 1S56, Freeman Beckwith, b 1835-8. Lawyer. Baptist. Family at McGregor, la. 15. ABNERs LOVELAND (Thomas*, Thomass) was b at Hebron, Conn., Dec. 30, 1768, m there 1792, Sylvia Kneeland, step daughter of Eliphaz* Loveland (p. 189, Vol. II). Abner removed to Franklin, N. Y., about 1793, and d there Aug. 29, 1798. She d there Dec, 1823. Farmer. His granddaughter, Mrs. Foote, furnished much of the information of his descendants. They had, born at Franklin: 58. i. Benjamin K.", b Aug. 26, 1793, m Clarissa Mann. 58. BENJAMIN K." LOVELAND (Abners, Thomas*) was b at Franklin, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1793, m there March 2, 1814, Cla rissa Mann., b in Hebron, Conn., Jan'y 30, 1794, d at Franklin, April i^, 1868. He d there Nov. 6, 1831. Farmer. Cong. Ch. His. daughters, Sylvia and Rachel, live on the old homestead in Franklin. Children born in Franklin: 59. i. Sylvia E.'', b April 5, 1820, m Russell Foote. ii. Althea A., b Dec. 23, 1833, d at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1848. Unmarried. School teacher. Cong. Ch. iii. Clarissa, b Oct. 15, 1826, d at F., Feb'y 21, 1S69. Teacher. Cong. Ch. 60. iv.' Rachel b Aug. 8, 1838, m S. A. Wheat... 61. V. Abner B., b July 4, 1830, m Rachel A. Chambers. 59. SYLVIA E.' LOVELAND (Benjamin K.", Abners ) was b at Franklin, N, Y., April 5, 1820, m there April 7, 1842, Rus- The Loveland Genealogy. 47 sell Foote. He d at Franklin, Jan'y 26, 1883, a. 72. Mechanic. Rep. Cong. Ch. P. O., Franklin. Children born at Franklin: 59a. i. Augustas Foote, b April 16, 1843, m M. Gibbons. ii. Albert Foote, b March 27, 1S45, d at F., Jan'y 3, 1871. iii. Frances A. Foote, b Nov. 15, 1855, m at F., Nov. 19, 1884, A. J.Jacobs, of Masonville, N. Y., Merchant. Rep. They have, b at M., William H.', b April 7, 1 886. 59A. AUGUSTAS FOOTE, b at Frankhn, N. Y., April 16, 1843, m there Dec. 25, 1867, Marshville Gibbons, b Sept. 3, 1838, d Sept. 5, 1883. Farmer. Rep. Family all members Cong. Ch. Children born at Franklin : i. Frank' Gibbons, b Jan'y 17, 1869. Grad. of Del. Lit. Institute, class of 1886. Entered Hamilton College, 1886; grad. 1890. Studied law in Buffalo, N. Y. Admitted Oct., 1892. Practicing in B. ii. Dora B. Gibbons, b May 30, 1870. Grad. Del. Lit. Inst., class '89; now (1894) student in Mt. Holyoke College, at South Hadley, Mass. iii. Vernette L. Gibbons, b Jan'y 5, 1874. Student at Mt. Holyoke Coll. iv. Bertha J. Gibbons, b Feb'y 9, 1877. 60. RACHEL'' LOVELAND (Benj. K.", AbnerS) was b at Franklin, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1828, m there Nov. 28, 1849, ^ylvanus A. Wheat, b April 7, 1823. Farmer. M. E. Ch. Rep. Chil dren born at Franklin: i. Louisa A.s Wheat, b March 24, 1853, d April 6, 1852. ' ' " ii. Mary A. Wheat, b Aug. 26, 1853, d Oct. 5, 1861. iii. Emma E. Wheat, b Oct. 27, 1855, d Oct. 23, 1861. iv. Alice C. Wheat, b June 4, 1858, d Oct, 15, 1861. V. James W. Wheat, b Aug'. 8, 1861, d Oct. 2, 1861. vi. Emma R. Wheat, b Sept. 15, 1862, m April 2, 1890, Arthur W. Rowell. He is a grad. of Oswego, N. Y., Normal School. They have: Mahlon W.', b March 2, 1891; Mary Avis, b Jan'y 4, 1893. 48 The Loveland Genealogy. vii. Ella F. Wheat, b June 9, 1865. viii. Duane D. Wheat, b Aug. 7, 1867. 61. ABNER B.'' LOVELAND (Benj. K.", AbnerS) was b at Franklin, N. Y., July 4, 1830, m at Walton, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1854, Rachel A. Chambers, b there Jan'y 23, 1836, d at Franklin, June 30, 1885. He d there May 28, 1882. Two sons, James E. and Albert F., are living on the homestead first occupied by their grandfather in Franklin. Children born at Franklin: i. Benjamin C.s, b Feb'y 12, 1856, d March 29, 1862. ii. Charles M., b March 12, i86(j, d May 28, 1861. iii. James E., b April 21, 1869. iv. Albert F., b March 14, 1876. 16. ASAs LOVELAND (Thomas*, Thomas^) was b at Hebron, Conn., Nov. 7, 1770, m at Tolland, Conn., Feb'y 14, 1796, Honor Wolcott, b at Tolland, Nov. 17, 1772, d at Manchester, Vt., Feb'y 24, 1831. He d there Aug. 30, 183S. Carpenter. Cong. Ch. Children born at Manchester: i. Horace W.", b Nov. 25, 1796, d at M., March 26, iSii. 62. ii. Abner, b Aug. 29, 1798, m Ann E. Swartwout. 63. iii. Lucy, b Sept. 10, 1800, m Cyrus Munson. iv. Elizabeth, b Jan'y 12, 1803, d at M., Oct. 22, 1S58. V. Newton, b Oct. 25, 1805, d at M., Nov. 3, iSi3. 62. ABNER" LOVELAND (Asas, Thomas*) was b at Man chester, Vt., Aug. 29, 1798, m at Troy, N. Y., April 12, 1826, Ann Eliza Swartwout, -b there Jan'y 7, 1804, d at Troy, Nov. 29, 1879. He d there Feb'y 19, 1S60. Children born at Troy: 64. i. Sarah Merrill'', b March i, 1837, m Elijah D. Good rich. ii. Frances Amelia, b May 20, 1839, d Nov. 5, 1846. 65. iii. liorace Newton, b Sept. 22, 1833, m Anna S. White. iv. George Henry, b June 35, 1836, d Feb'y 27, i860. MRS. CYRUS C. LOVELAND. (31). The Loveland Genealogy. 40 64. SARAH M.7 LOVELAND (Abner", Asas) was b at Troy, N. Y., March 6 (we have also March i), 1837, m there June 7, 1848, Elijah Decatur Goodrich, b at Farmington, Conn., Feb'y 27, 1821, d at Cambridgeport, Mass., Oct. 28, 1888. Children born in Boston, Mass.: i. Charles NewtonS Goodrich, b Aug. 31, 1850, m at Medford, Mass., Nov. 29, 1882, Anna M. Grout, b at Brattleborough, Vt., March 13, i860. ii. George Decatur Goodrich, b Sept. 13, 1851, d in B., Feb'y 20, 1853. iii. Frances Loveland Goodrich, b July 3, 1863, d in B., March 19, 1864. OBITUARY. Mr. Elijah D. Goodrich, of Cambridge, died suddenly of ap- poplexy while attending worship yesterday morning at Shepard Memorial Church. The sad event happened while Rev. Dr. Mc- Kenzie was in the midst of his sermon. Mr. Goodrich was noticed to fall over on his wife's shoulder, and as soon as aware what had occurred many friends in the neighboring pews rushed to his as sistance, and the service was interrupted. Death, however, re sulted in a few seconds and the deceased was soon afterward con veyed to his home at 309 Broadway, Cambridgeport. Mr. Good rich was 67 years of age and a native of Farmington, Conn. Since 1850 he had resided in Cambridge, where he was well known. He, with Mr. Hora'ce Whitney, who died a few years ago, were the originators of the Dover Stamping Company, and when the firm subsequently passed into a corporation, Mr. Good rich was made its first president, which office he held for many years. He retired from that business some fifteen or more years ago, since when he had devoted his time to real estate interests. Ifis services as an appraiser of and expert in real estate had been frequently sought after, and his judgment in that direction was always considered very reliable. Mr. Goodrich had been during his life a very active man in religious and missionary work, as well as very philanthrophic in a quiet and unostentatious way. 50 The Loveland Genealogy. He was once the superintendent of the Steam's Chapel Mission, and also of the Prospect Street Sunday School. For the past eight years he had been a member of the Shephard Church. His love for mission work led him to bear the expense of supporting several missionaries in Turkey, and he was also a leading spirit in missionary work in Mexico when it was first begun. Previous to his going to Cambridge Mr. Goodrich had lived and done business in New York, Albany and Troy, marrying a lady of the latter city. His wife and one son, Mr. Charles Newton Goodrich, of Medford, survive him. His son has been associated with him in the real estate business for the past 15 years. — Boston Morning Journal, Monday, Oct. 29, 1888. Cambridgeport, March 14, 1883. Mr. George Loveland: Dear Sir: — Yours of July 9th would have been answered at an earlier date, but I have been exceedingly busy and have been away from home a part of the time since it came to hand. I en close a copy of our Family Record as is found in my grandfather's family Bible. I regret I cannot give you more information about the places of residence of m}' ancestors. JSIy grandfather went from Glastonbury, Connecticut, to Manchester, Vermont, when a young man. He married Miss Honor Wolcott, of Tolland, Conn., and was a carpenter by trade. They united with the Congrega tional Church in Manchester in 1804, and soon after he was ap pointed deacon, which office he held until his death, Aug. 30, 1838. He was an exemplary Christian, and his name is honored to this day by the residents of the town. He died of apoplexy. My father, Abner Loveland, was born in Manchester, and went to Troy, N. Y., when about seventeen years of age, was a clerk in a flour store and in a few years became one of the firm. He re mained in the flour and milling business uutil his death, for over forty years. He was honorably identified with the business in terests of the city and held many offices of trust. His death was regretted by all who knew him. He died of consumption, Feb'y 19, i860, and as a token of respect the millers and flour dealers in Troy closed their places of business and attended his funeral in a The Loveland Genealogy. 51 body. He was pronounced a model clerk, merchant and Chris tian. He was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church for many years. He died as he had lived, a Christian. His last words were: "1 trust all in the hands of my Redeemer." My youngest brother, George Henry Loveland, was born in Troy and lived there until his death, which occurred only eight days after father's death. He died of consumption. He was in the flour business and gave evidence of business qualifications of a high order. He was a kind friend, an affectionate son, and a model young man in every walk of life. We need more like him. His death was an exceedingly triumphant one, such as few are permitted to witness. He was only twenty-four years of age and unmarried. My oldest brother, Horace Newton Loveland, is in business in Boston, in the manufacturing of tin and sheet iron goods, of the firm of Doon Stamping Company. He married Miss Annie Sampson White, of Boston, about twenty-eight years ago. He has no children, and when he is taken to another world I suppose this branch of the family, as far as the name is con cerned, will become extinct. My only sister, Frances Amelia Loveland, died Nov. 5, 1844, of fever, aged seventeen years. She was in the graduating class in Troy Female Seminary. She was a fine scholar and an artist. Brother and I are in possession of many oil paintings of her work, which we prize highly. I mar ried Elijah Decatur Goodrich, June 7, 1848. His ancestors also came from Glastonbury, Conn. We have had three children. Two, a son and a daughter, died in infancy. We have one son hving, Charles Newton Goodrich. He is in business with his father in Boston; was married to Miss Anna M. Grout, of Med ford, Nov. 29, 1882. There are no other descendants of Asa Loveland living, except a son of Lucy Loveland who married Cyrus Munson, of Man chester. His name is Loveland Munson and he is a lawyer of considerable ability. He is in possession of Asa Loveland's fam ily Bible, and it is through him I have received the record I en close. I found my father's record was not complete. My hus band's office is No. 7, Exchange Place. Our family residence is in Cambridgeport, where we have resided thirty years. In com 52 The Loveland Genealogy. paring the record I send you with the one you sent, I notice a slight difference in dates, and in the list of names of the children of Thomas Loveland the name Abner is given in my record where you have written Thomas. The clergyman of Marlborough made several mistakes which I corrected before sending the record to you. I knew he was wrong, but this one puzzled me, as no doubt it did you. I am respectfully yours, Sarah Loveland Goodrich. 65 HORACE N.'' LOVELAND (Abner", Asas) was b at Troy, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1832, m in Boston, May 31, 1855, Anna Samp son White, b at New Bedford, Mass., May 31, 1836. Manufac turer of tin and sheet iron goods. Firm: Doon Stamping Com pany, Boston, Mass. No children. 63 LUCY" LOVELAXD (AsaS, Thomas*) was b at Manches- ter, Vt., .Sept. lo, 1800, m there X'^ov. 10, 1S41, Cyrus Munson. She d at M., March 24, 1878. Born at Manchester: i. Loveland'' Munson, b July 31, 1S43, m at M., May 4, 1883, Mary B. Campbell, b at Mendon, 111., Oct. 13, 1862. Judge Munson has an extensive law practice in Manchester. 9. SOLOMOX* LOVELAND (Thomass, Thomas^) was b in Glas., Conn., i730,d in Pompey, N. Y., 1831, a. 91. He m at G., Experience ,b at C;., 1731, d there Dec. 20, 1773, in her 52d year. She had three sons and two daughters. He m 2d at G., July 14, 1775 (another authority gives July 14, 1773), Lucy Mor ley, b at G. She d at Pompey, 1854. Seven children. This family settled at Pompey in 1797. He was a sea captain, a very large, broad shouldered man, over six feet high, of great powers of endurance. There seems to be a div ersity of opinion as to the names and order of birth of their children. The weight of the testimony is in favor of the following: Children born in Glas.: i. Experiences, d Dec, 30, 1773, m ^^'m. Morley, Feb'v 6, 1770. The Loveland Genealogy. co ii. Onner, b 1757. Engraved on her monument: "In memory of Onner Loveland, who died March 27, 1839, ^- 82. For fifty years she resided in the fam ily of Samuel Welles and his children, a faithful friend and companion. This stone is erected in grateful remembrance and affection, of her care and kindness, by those who knew her worth and mourn her death." iii. Gad, d young. 66. iv. Eli, b 1760, m Onner Porter. V. Joab, d in infancy. 67. vi. Joab, m Lucy Nicholson. 68. vii. Gad, b Nov. 18, 1777, m Lucy Catlin. viii. Solomon. If m he left his family in Pompey. ix. Elizabeth, m Manoah Pratt. Children in P. 69. X. Esther, b Dec. 10, 1781, m Brazil Rich; m 2d Cyrus Root. xi. Sally, d at Ashtabula, O., 1837; unm. xii. Lucy, m Elisha Couch, Sept. 8, 1799. She d at Rome, N. Y., and left children there. Erastus Root, son of Esthers, writes from Rivera, Cal., March 20, 1893: "I was at my grandfather's funeral. He died at Pom pey, N. Y., 182 1, a. 91. I have often heard my mother speak of her uncle. Gad Loveland, who died in the Rev. War. Solomon^ died at Ashtabula, O. I never heard that he married. I was well acquainted with him. His sister Sally lived with him." 66. ELls LOVELAND (Solomon*, ThomasS) was b in Glas., Conn., 1760, d there April 14, 1807, in his 46th year; m there Jan'y 22, 1783, Onner Porter, b in East Hartford, Conn., 1760, d there June 28, 1840, a. 80. Children born in Glastonbury: 70. i. Clarissa", b Oct. 36, 1783, m Solomon Wrisley; m 2d William James. ii. Anson, b Aug. 3, 1785. In War 1812. 71. iii. Penelope (Nelly), b Sept. 15, 1787, m Charies Wil liams; m 2d Hezekiah Wickham; m 3d Samuel Har rison. 54 The Loveland Genealogy. iv. Electa, b March i6, 1790, d in G., Aug. 28, 1858. V. Nancy, b May 13, 1792, d in G., May 26, 1792. vi. Leonard, b May 27, 1793, d in G., Feb'y 24, 1804. 72. vii. Oliver, b Jan'y 17, 1796, m Elizabeth Wilson; m 2d Margaret R. Fetter. 73. viii. Eli, b June 6, 1798, m Nancy Clark. 70. CLARISSA" LOVELAND (Elis, Solomon*) was b in Glas., Conn., Oct. 26, 1783, d there June 28, 1842; m Solomon Wrisley, b in East Hartford, Conn., 1779, d in Glas., Feb'y 26, 1810; m 2d, 1822, William James, of R. I. Children, the first three born in Glas., the two last in Hartford, Conn.: i. Leonard'' Wrisley, b Feb'y, 1803, d Nov. 4, 1803, 70a.. ii. Nancy Wrisley, b Sept. 23, 1806, m Stephen Hurlbut. iii. Rufus H. Wrisley, b Jan'y 31, 1809, m Nov. 24, 1834, Caroline Austin. Family. iv. Abby Loveland James, b March, 1824, m Feb'y 28, 1847, George W. Fuller. Family. V. Ellen Frances James, b June 6, 1828, m in Knowles- ville, N. Y., 1854, John N. Perry. No children. 70A. NANCY^ WRISLEY, b in Glas., Conn., Sept. 23, 1806, m there Feb'y 29, 1832, Stephen Hurlbut, Jr. He d in Glas., Sept., 1866. She d Jan'y 24, 1875. Manufacturer. Repub. M. E. Ch. Children born in Glas.: i. George AlmarinS Hurlbut, b Sept. 28, 1833, d Oct. 10, 1882. Graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City, in 1857, practiced there until Dec. 10, 1861, when he was appointed First Assistant Surgeon of ist Conn. Light Battery. Jan'y 9, 1864, he was promoted Surgeon ist Conn. Cavalry, mustered out at Washington, D. C, Aug. 5, 1865. After this he practiced medicine at in Glas. until his death. ii. Henry Hart Hurlbut, b July 6, 1836, d Feb'y 23, 1S38. The Loveland Genealogy. 55 iii. Hester Ann Hurlbut, b April 22, 1838. iv. Clara Amelia Hurlbut, b April 13, 1840. Teacher. These two ladies inherited the old Hurlbut homestead and farm in Glas., where Hester resides. Clara teaches in one of the New Haven schools, spending vacations at home. They are the last of the name of their branch. Have no known relative of the name. — H. A. H. 71. PENELOPE" LOVELAND (Elis, Solomon*.) was b at Glas., Conn., Sept. 15, 1787, d there Feb'y 25, 1877; m at Glas., Charles Williams, of Eastbury, Conn. Shoemaker. He died and was buried at sea. She m 2d at Glas., Hezekiah Wickham, of Eastbury. A sailor ; died and buried at sea. She m 3d at Glas., Samuel Harrison. Sailor; died at Hartford, Conn., on his way home. Buried at Wethersfield, Conn. Children born at Glas.: i. Penelope'' (Nelly) Williams, d in G. ii. Eliza Williams, b Jan'y, 1808. 71a. iii. Anson Williams, UJan'y 4, 1811, m Keziah M. Phelps. iv. Timothy Wickham, b July 20, 1821, m Helen Saper( ?). He d. No issue reported. 713. V. Electa Maria Wickham, b Jan'y 10, 1824, m Joseph W. Torbert; m 2d Fraray Hale. 71A. ANSON'' WILLIAMS, b at Glas., Conn., Jan'y 4, 181 1, d at Saxton's River, Vt., July 16, 1880. Cabinet maker. He m at Northampton, Mass., May 7, 1835, Keziah Miranda Phelps, b there April 16, 1814. She m 2d William K. Wright, of N., March 24, 1881. Children, first born in Plainville, Conn., second at Saxton's River: i. Catharine Mirandas Williams, b June 28, 1840, m at Saxton's River, Oct. 23, 1S61, John B. Minard. She d at S. R., April 13, 1863. Had Kate W.', b Jan'y 2d, 1863. Teacher. ii. Jennie Frances Williams, b June 22, 1853, m William F. Ford. They have, b at New Haven, Conn.: Jennie Lizzie', b Sept. 4, 1872; Lena Williams, b Nov. 15, 1875, d 1878, and Carrie May, b Nov. 27, 1877. 56 The Loveland Genealogy. 71B. ELECTA M.'' WICKHAM, b in Glas., Conn., Jan'y 10, 1824, m there Oct. 16, 1845, Joseph W. Torbert, b 1S04. Dyer. He was drowned in Burlington, Wis., June 2, 1851. She m 2d at Glas., Oct. 2, 1856, Fraray Hale, b at Glas., Feb'y 26, 1781, d there Oct. II, 1 87 1. Manufacturer. She a seamstress. Children, first and last born at Glas., second at Wilsonville, Conn., the third at Millburg, Mass.: i. James McClements Torbert, b July 31, 1846, m June, 1872, Catharine Lunt. They have Grant Lunt' Torbert, b Aug. i, 1874. ii. Henry Lee Torbert, b Nov. 24, 1848; m. No report. iii. Joseph Warner Torbert, b April 7, 1851, d at G., Aug. 16, 1853. 71C. iv. Fraray Hale, b Sept. 29, 1857, ^ Effie C. Ives. 71C. FRARAYs HALE, b at Glas., Conn., Sept. 29, 1857, m at Wallingford, Conn., Sept. 8, 1S81, Effie C. Ives, b there Nov. 9, 1854. Book-keeper. Clerk in the office of Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden, Conn. Besides is now (1894) and has been for a number of years clerk of the borough in Wallingford. Epis. Ch. Children born in Wallingford: i. Fraray' Hale, b July 28, 1882. ii. Clarence Earl Hale, b Nov. 2, 1887. 73. OLIVER" LOVELAND (Elis, Solomon*) was b in Glas.,' Conn., Jan'y 17, 1796, d in N. Y. City, Oct. 14, 1S75; m there March 10, 1819, Elizabeth Wilson, b in N. Y. City, Aug. 17, 1798, d there July 38, 1833; m 3d in N. Y. City, Sept. 5, 1833,' Margaret R. Fetter, b in Newbury, N. Y., Nov. 'x^, 1803, d in N. Y. City, Aug. 28, 1863. Children born in N. Y. Citv: i. Isaac W.', b Feb'y 11, 1820, d Feb'y 17, 1820. 74. ii. Leonard, b March 7, 1821, m Margaret G. Travis. iii. John B., b Sept. 26, 1S33, d July, 1S34. iv. Margaret E., b Feb'y 33, 1835, d July 5, ,835 V. Isaac W., b Sept. 14, 1827, d June 25, 1828 The Loveland Genealogy. 57 vi. Electa L., b Oct. 21, 1829, d Nov. 22, 1835. vii. John F., b July i, 1834, d July 24, 1834. 75. viii. Mary Louisa, b March 11, 1837, m Peter A. Welch. ix. Oliver, b May 3, 1840, d Dec. 11, 1843. 74. LEONARD'? LOVELAND (Oliver", Elis) was b in N. Y. City, March 7, 1821, m there April 2, 1850, Margaret G. Travis, b in N. Y. City, March i, 1825. He d there June 17, 1894. ^^- tired com. merchant. Methodists. Children born in N. Y. City : 76. i. Elizabeth VanwordenS. b Oct. 23, 1851, m William G. M. Conklin. 77. ii. Oliver, b Nov. 10, 1853, m Brisca Gernaud. iii. Frank, b Sept. 18, 1855, d Nov. 26, 1892. Telegraph operator. M. E. Ch. iv. Willard, b Aug. 27, 1857, d Feb'y 13, 1888. V. Mary Louisa, b Oct. 6, 1859. M. E. Ch. 78. vi. Clara, b July 13, 1863, m Charies H. Lovelace. vii. Leonard,bAug. 24, 1865. Dry goods clerk. M.E.Ch. 76. ELIZABETH V.s LOVELAND (Leonard'', OHver") was b in N. Y. City, Oct. 23, 1851, m there Feb'y 23, 1871, William George Miller Conklin, b in Essex Conn., Oct. 28, 1848. Born inN. Y. City: i. Florence Evelyn' Conklin, b Sept. 3, 1872. ii. Roscoe Chamberiain Conklin, b July 6, 1879. 77. OLIVERS LOVELAND (Leonard^ Oliver") was b in N. Y. City, Nov. 10, 1853, m there Jan'y 6, 1884, Brisca Gernaud, b at Nyack, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1859. He d in N. Y. City, Jan'y i, 1890. ..Dutch Ref. Ch. Born in N. Y. City: ¦. i. Lillian Grace', b March 10, 1885. M. E. Ch. ,,, ii. Harold, b June 14, 1888. M. E. Ch. :-y.. ::- ' . 78. CLARAS LOVELAND (Leonard'', Oliver") was b in N. Y. City, July 13, 1863, m there Jan'y 5, 1887, Charles H. Love- 58 The Loveland Genealogy. lace, b at Danbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1858. Manf. sash and blinds. Born in N. Y. City: i. George' Lovelace, b Nov. 15, 1887. 75. MARY L.'' LOVELAND (Oliver", Elis) was b in N. Y. City, March 11, 1837, m there June 16, 1857, Peter A. Welch, b in Rhinebeck, N. Y., May 10, 1832. She d in N. Y. City, Sept. 10, 1894. Children born in N. Y. City: 75a. i. Minnie Lovelands Welch, b April 30, i860, m Rev. J. O. Wilson. 751$. ii. Herbert Welch, b Nov. 7, 1862, m Adelaide F. McGee. iii. Oliver Loveland Welch, b Jan'y 6, 1869, d Dec. 11, 1890. iv. Wilbur Abbott Welch, b June 8, 1873. 75A. MINNIE L.s WELCH, b in N. Y. City, April 30, i860, m there May 29, 1884, Rev. James Oliver Wilson, b in Manchester, 111., April 10, 1849. She d Aug. 23, 1888. Born in Gill, Mass.: i. Marguerite Loveland' Wilson, b Aug. 18, 1887. 75B. REV. HERBERTS WELCH, b in N. Y. City, Nov. 7, 1862, m there June 3, 1890, Adelaide Frances McGee, b in Brook lyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1866. Born in Bedford, N. Y.: i. Dorothy' Welch, b June 7, [891. N. Y. City, 11 W. 127th St., June 6, 1893. Mr. J: B. Loveland: Dear Sir— Your letter of May 28th was received and the sympathy you expressed for those in affliction was appreciated, I assure you. I did not know that you desired any facts about my family more than I had given yon . I certainly am very willing to do so if they will be of any use to you. I will say of my father, Oliver Loveland, that he was one of the best of men, an upright, consistent Christian man. He was very active in church work, and was a leading spirit in the church with which he was connected. He was a Methodist. He was an honor to his fam- The Loveland Genealogy. 59 ily, and to any one bearing the name. My family have been urg ing me to send you his photograph, that you might have it inserted in the book. My husband is not in any active business, but finds his time fully occupied in attending to his personal affairs, and also in do ing very much church work, such as attending meetings of differ ent boards, etc. He is also connected with two banks, which also demands some of his time. He is a thorough Methodist, and a staunch Republican. I am also a Methodist. My son, Wilbur A. Welch, is just finishing his freshman year in Wesleyan Uni versity, Middletown, Conn. My son Herbert and my son-in-law, Mr. Wilson, are Methodist preachers. Herbert went through Wesleyan University and graduated in 1887, having taken more prizes than have ever been taken by any one person. He then spent three years in the Drew Theological Seminary, at Madison, New Jersey. He graduated from there in 1890, and entered the ministry. He is now stationed at Summerfield M. E. Church, in Brooklyn, an important charge. Rev. J. O. Wilson, D. D., is also stationed in Brooklyn, at Simpson Church. He has a large church and is doing a fine work there. He is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, and also graduated from Drew Theo logical Seminary. I should have said that Herbert is a Prohibi tionist and Mr. Wilson is a Republican. Minnie died near Brandt Lake, in what is known as the North Woods, a spur of the Adiron dack Mts. She was killed in a runaway accident. She is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, New York, where my father, mother and my son Oliver, who died two years ago, all lie. Hoping that I have not wearied you by the recital of all these facts, I am Truly yours, Mary L. Welch. 73. ELI" LOVELAND (Elis, Solomon*) was b in Glas., Conn., June 6, 1798, m at Northampton, Mass., Oct. 18, 1821, Nancy Clark, b in N., Jan'y 9, i8oi, d in Marion, Ala., Feb'y 9, 1880. He d there July i, 1877. Cabinetmaker. He was a strong ad vocate of temperance, himself a teetotaler. They were Old School Presbyterians. Children, first four born in Northampton, the fifth in Glas., the sixth in Hartford, Conn.; the rest in Marion: 6o The Loveland Genealogy. i. Augustus Porter'', b Feb'y 6, 1823, d in M., Sept. 30, 1842. ii. Nancy (Ann) Edwards, b Dec. 4, 1824, m in M., March 12, 1840, Henry F. Godden, d in M., Oct. 16, 1856. She m 2d in M., June 26, 1864, A. M. Sherill, b in Catawba Co., X. C, Sept. 10, 1809. She d in M., April 14, 1888. Their dau., Helen L.s, b there July 27, 1865. iii. Rebecca Maria, b July 28, 1827, d at N., Nov. 6, 1829. iv. Chauncey Clark, b June 24, 1830, d in H., April 11, '«33- V. Charles Eli, b May 7, 1833, d in G., May 10, 1833. vi. Helen Maria, b March 15, 1835, d in ]SI., June 15, 1855; unm. vii. Martha Clark, b Aug. 15, 1837, m Rev. C. C. God den, June, i860. Shed at DeWitt, Ark., Oct. 11, 1862. No children. viii. William Henry, b May 25, 1840, d in M., Aug. 15, 1840. ix. Charles Edwards, b Oct. 26, 1S42, m in Louisville, Ky., May 5, 1881, Kate Casey, b in jSlayo, Ireland, May 20, 1851. Merchant. Pro. No children. 67 JOABs LOVELAND (Solomon*, ThomasS) was b in Glas., Conn., m there 1799, Lucy Nicholson, b in Glas., 17S1, d there June 14, 1854, a. 73. He d on Staten Island, X. Y., of yellow fever, in the fall of 1800. Born at Glas.: 79. i. Adaline", b July 33, iSoo, m Josiah B. Holmes. 79. ADALINE" LOVELAND (Joabs, Solomon*) was b at Glas., Conn., July 32, 1800, m there Sept. 7, 1826, Josiah B. Holmes, b in Glas., 1803, d there July 19, 1856. Mrs. Holmes is yet (1893) living, with eyesight, hearing and strength good. Born in Glas.: i. Margaret Lucy'' Holmes, b March 28, 1827. ii. Franklin Holmes, b Aug. 25, 1830, d Nov. 10, 1865. The Loveland Genealogy. 6 1 iii. Ambrose Nicholson Holmes, b Aug. 5, 1832, m at G., 1856, Julia Plummer Harden. They have, b in G., Charlotte Hubbard s. 79a. iv. Adaline Holmes, b Nov. 4, 1835, m John C. Rockwell. v. Lucian B. Holmes, b Nov. 6, 1837. 79A. ADALINE'' HOLMES, b at Glas., Conn., Nov. 4, 1835, ^ there April 5, 1855, John C. Rockwell, b at Bloomfield, Conn., Nov. 25, 1833. Children, first born at Weston, Mo., the second at Glas.: i. Clinton H.s Rockwell, b Feb'y 3, 1859, d at G., March 10, 1880. ii. Lucv Adaline Rockwell, b March 29, 1868. 68. GADS LOVELAND (Solomon*, ThomasS) was b in Glas., Conn., Nov. 18, 1777, d at Ashtabula, O., April, 1851. He came to Pompey, N. Y., 1797, m there July 14, 1799, Lucy Catlin, b at Harrington, Conn., March '3, 1784, d at Ashtabula, June, 1854. They came to Ashtabula in 1812. Lucy was the dau. of Major Geo. Catlin, whose wife was a Davis. He was major of cavalry in the Rev. War. In the winter of 1810-11 Gad Loveland went with Ambrose Stewart to Ashtabula and took up a tract of land, now known as the Old John Brown Farm. June, 1811, he went to Buffalo in the sail boat Catharine (afterward the gunboat Summers, in honor of Lieut. Summers of 1812). He took his family by the same boat to Erie, where he worked as joiner. Afterward they settled on the Brown farm, cleared off a square piece of two and one-half acres of land and built a log house. He followed his trade and hired his land cleared. He was Justice of the Peace eight years. Children, the first fite born at Pom pey, the rest at Ashtabula : 80. i. George Catlin", b July 16, 1800, m Phoebe Pierce. Henry, b May 23, 1803, m Sarah B. Smith. Laura, b May 6, 1805, m Urial Goodwin. Emily, b June 6, 1807, d at A., April 6, 1830; m there Sept. 2, 1827, Washington Graves. She was killed by lightning. They had Mary'', b Aug. 2, 1828. 51. 11. 32. iii.iv. 62 The Loveland Genealogy. S3. V. Lucy, b April 10, 1809, m John Pierce. vi. James, b Aug. 1 3, 18 1 3, m Isabella Ramsay. He went to Loveland, O., in 1840. Carpenter. He m the dau. of John Ramsay, a well to do farmer, and in connection with him purchased a grist mill and set up a small store. Mr. Loveland being the resident manager and the first postmaster, the place took his name. No report of his family. 84. vii. Sarah (Sally), b July 36, 1S14, m Ira O. Seeley. 85. viii. Hiram, b June 33, 1816, m Helen Scott. ix. Joab, b June 18, 1818, d 1835. X. Orrin Fisk, b March 13, 1820, d July 16, 1824. xi. Mary Elizabeth, b Feb'y 18, 1833, m at Ashtabula, Oct. 31, 1847, John Donnels, b Jan'v 15, 1812, d March 6, 1870. No children. xii. John, b Oct. 13, 1823, d Nov., 1838. 86. xiii. Julia Ann, b Aug. 23, 1825, m Q. C. Cully. xiv. Harriet M., b June 7. 1828, d 1852. XV. Kate (Emily Catharine), b June 20, 1830, m at Love land, O., 187S, Thomas Paxton, b Dec. 18, 1822. Np children. Mrs. Donnels lives with Kate at Loveland. 80. GEORGE C." LOVELAXD (Gads, Solomon*) was b at Pompey, N. Y., July 16, 1800, d at Ashtabula, O., Feb'y 27, 1S83. He came to Ashtabula in i8t3, m there Dec. 16, 1S24, Phoebe Pierce, b at Lyme, N. H., Sept. 14, 1801, d at A., May 27, 1S82. Carpenter and farmer. Episcopal. Rep. Children born at Ash tabula : 87. i. Eliza Ann'', b Oct. 13, 1835, m Orrin B. Hall. 88. ii. Phoebe, b July 3, 1827, m George H. Bissell. 89. iii. Henry, b May 18, 1831, m Julia M. Dickinson. 90. iv. Mary Jane, b Feb'y 7, 1S34, m George W. Dickinson. V. Amos Pierce, b Dec. 17, 1836, m at iSIaquon, 111., June 30, 1865, Calista A. Selby, b there June 14, 1S38. He went to 111., 1853; to Neal, Kan., 1S66. Farmer, Epis. Rep. No children. The Loveland Genealogy. 63 91. vi. George Edward, b Dec. 7, 1840, m Jessie A. Wager. vii. Susan Amelia, b Oct. 13, 1843, m at A., Aug. 29, 1867, Albert A. Benham, b at A., Jan'y 6, 1847. She d at Elgin, 111., July 22, 1876. No children. 92. viii. Emily Cornelia, b Feb'y 27, 1846, m F. W. Seeley. 87. ELIZA A.'' LOVELAND (George C", Gads) was b at Ashtabula, O., Oct. 12, 1825, d there May 20, 1864; m at Ashta bula, Oct. 19, 1846, Orrin B. Hall, b at A., Dec. 18, 1823, d at Wayne, Mich., April 15, 1875. Both buried at Wayne. They moved to Mich, in 1846. Farmer. Meth. Rep. Children, first born at Wayne, the rest at Belleville, Mich.: i. HenryS Hall, b June 14, 1851, d at W., Jan'y 20, 1854. ii. Ida Jane Hall, b March 21, 1854, m at Romulus, Mich., Aug. 23, 1874, Marcus Monroe. Family. iii. Emma Phoebe Hall, b June 11, 1858, m at Plymouth, Mich., Nov. I, 1877, Charles Fox. Family. iv. Orrin Adelbert Hall, b Dec. 16, i860, d Dec. 26, i860. PHOEBE'' LOVELAND (George C", Gads) was b at Ashtabula, O., July 3, 1827, m there Feb'y 10, 1848, George Henry Bissell, b at Kent, Conn., Nov. 13, 1818. He moved to Austinburg, O., 1835. Farmer. Cong. Rep. Born at Austin- burg : i. Eliza JaneS Bissell, b Sept. 14, 1849, d at A., Aug. 28, i860. ii. Ruth May Bissell, b July 7, 1854, m at A., Dec. 12, 1877, Joseph J. Rose. Family. ... ¦ .iii. ., Ellen Frances Bissell, b Nov. 16, 1,857, d ^* ^¦¦' March 21, 1862. iv. Emma Phoebe Bissell, b Jan'y 15, 1861, d at A., April 16, 1862. v. George Mills Bissell, b Jan'y 14, 1864, m at Plymouth, Mich., Jan'y 10, 1883, Sarah E. Clark. Family. 64 The Loveland Genealogy. 89. HENRV LOVELAND (George C", Gads) was b at Ash- tabula, O., May 18, 1831, m there May 17, 1857, Julia Maria Dickinson, b at New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13, 1835, d ^^ Ashtabula, March 27, 1874. She came to Ashtabula in July, 1848. He m 2d April 22, 1890, Jane Huggins, b in Rootstown, O., Sept. 9, 1835. Farmer. Epis. Rep. Children born at Ashtabula: i. Ellen Phoebes, b July II, 1858, ii. Fred Amos, b May 17, 1862, d at A., Oct. 5, 1865. iii. Harriet Eliza, b Sept. 29, 1867. 90. MARY J.'' LOVELAND (George C", Gads) was b at Ashtabula, O., Feb'y 7, 1834, m there Sept. 7, 1854, George Waite Dickinson, b at Watertown, Conn., May 1 1, 1831, came to A. in 1850. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., 1854; returned, 1859. Jeweler. Epis. Rep. Children, the second born at M., the rest at A.: 1. Julia WilcoxS Dickinson, b June 25, 1855, m at A., William D. Richards. Wholesale grocer there. Pres. Dem. They have: Robert Dalzell', b Sept. 19, 1884; Harold William, b April 23, 1890; Frances, b Sept. 22, 1891. ii. Mary Frances Dickinson, b Aug. 26, 1857. iii. Ellen Florence Dickinson, b Jan'y 23, 1862, m at A., April 16, 1884, DeLacy Gillette Johnson, b Dec. 29, 1856. Postal clerk. Rep. They have Florence Lura', b Feb'y 22, 1890. iv. George Edward Dickinson, b July 30, 1865, m Oct. 18, 1893, Mary Lucinda Haskell, b at A., Aug. 23, 1870. Jeweler. Epis. Rep. V. Frederick Blake Dickinson, b Nov. 18, 1871, m Dec. '2, 1893, Nellie L. Stevenson; b Nov. 2, 1874. Postal clerk. Pres. Rep. 91. GEORGE E.'' LOVELAND (Geo. C", Gads) was b at Ashtabula, O., Dec. 7, 1840, m at East Rockport, O., Sept. 3, A. H. SNOW. (316). The Loveland Genealogy. gir 1872, Jessie Anna Wager, b there Jan'y 31, 185 1. He moved to Cleveland, O., 1864. Paymaster C. & P. R. R. Now (1894) claim agent Nickel Plate R. R. Epis. Rep. Children born at East Rockport: i. Lura Elizabeths, b July 5, 1873. ii. Jesse Gertrude, b June 19, 1879. iii. Amos Wager, b April 23, 1889. 93. EMILY C.I LOVELAND (Geo. C", Gads) was b at Ash tabula, O., Feb'y 27, 1846, m there Aug. 5, 1863, Francis W.'' Seeley (84), b at A., April 12, 1837. They moved to Minnesota, 1864. Children, first born in Ashtabula, the rest at Lake City, Minn.: i. Emma FrancesS Seeley, b Oct. 22, 1864, d at L. City, Sept. 18, 1865. ii. Frances Emma Seeley, b Sept. 25, 1866, m May 12, 1888, George Jerome Allen, b Dec. 19, 1856. Pos tal clerk. Epis. Rep. GENERAL F. W. SEELEY. Frances W. Seeley, son of Ira O. and Sarah Loveland Seeley (84), was born in Ashtabula, O., April 12, 1837. His early edu cation was obtained in the public schools. When he was nine years of age his parents removed to Marquette County, Wisconsin Territory, where his boyhood and youthful days were passed. In the summer of 1852 he, with his parents, removed to Minnesota Territory. He entered the regular army February 15, 1855, as private in Battery E, Third Artillery (Sherman's), and was promoted brevet second lieutenant Third Artillery, Sept. 19, i860; second lieutenant Fourth Artillery, Feb. 4, 1861; first lieutenant Fourth. Artillery, May 14, 1861, and captain Fourth Artillery, July 11, 1864. He was on duty in the Adjutant General's office, Washington, D. C, from Feb. 21 to March, i86i,and joined Battery H, Second Ar tillery, April I, serving with it at Washington, D. C, to April 5, 1861, when ordered to Fort Pickens, Florida. Here the lieuten ant served as adjutant general of the department under Col. 66 The Loveland Genealogy. Harvey Brown from July, 1861, to Jan. 18, 1862, and was pres ent at the action of Santa Rosa Island, Florida, Oct. 9, and bom bardments of Forts McRae and Barrancas, Nov. 22, 1861, and Jan. I, 1862. He then left to join his own battery and regiment, which he served with at Washington City to March 10, when he took the field with the A.rmy of the Potomac, participating in the siege of Yorktown, Virginia; White Oak Swamp, Virginia, June 30, 1862; Malvern Hill, Virginia, July i, 1862; Malvern Hill, August 5, 1862; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Chancellorsville, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Penn., where he was twice wounded — having com manded his battery in all the above engagements. On account of his wounds Lieutenant Seeley was forced to leave the field until August 15, 1863, when he rejoined the Army of the Potomac and commanded his battery to Oct. i, 1863. He was appointed regi mental quartermaster and reported at Fort Washington, Md , re maining on duty there until he resigned August 31, 1864. The following is an extract from the report of the Congres sional Committee on the conduct of the war, Yo\. i, p. 9, 1865 series: "At the conclusion of the battle of Sunday, Capt. Seeley's battery, which was the last battery that fired a shot in the Batde of Chancellorsville, had forty-five horses killed, and in the neigh borhood of forty men killed and wounded; but being a soldier of great pride and ambition, and not wishing to leave any of his ma terial in the hands of the enemy, he withdrew so entirely at his leisure that he carried off all the harness from his dead horses, load ing his cannoneers with it; he even took a part of a set of harness on his own arm, and so moved to the rear." And from an extract from the official report of Major General Humphreys on the Battle of Gettysburg, and referring to the oc casion of Longstreel's attack: "Seeley's battery (K, Fourth U. S. Artillery) was placed at my disposal. * * * The firing of Seeley's battery was splendid, and excited my admiration, as well as that of every officer who beheld it. His loss in men and horses was heavy, including himself severely wounded." In Walker's "History of the Second Army Corps" his battery is mentioned in most favorable terms (referring to ISIalvern Hill): The Loveland Genealogy. 67 "The regular batteries of Kingsbury, Seeley and Ames, and the volunteer battery of Weeden, far surpassed the ordinary achieve ments of artillery; they fairly smashed the artillery which the con federates sought to bring into action ; battery after battery on that side was driven from the field without being able to get a single shot out of one of their guns, while upon the daring infantry lines which pressed forward in the hope of carrying the crest, they rained a fire which, for destructiveness, has seldom if ever been exceeded in the history of the war." In regard to Chancellors ville: "One of General Sickle's batteries, K, of the 4th U. S., holds its post after all the infantry has passed to the rear, exchang ing fire with the advancing enemy; only when these are close upon his guns does the gallant commander Seeley, condescend to retire, carrying along everything that might serve the enemy as a trophy." In "Historical Sketches of the U. S. Army", The regimental historian writes of his battery as follows: "May 3 it fought at Chancellorsville, losing Lieut. I. Arnold (Ordnance Department attached), wounded, and forty-four men and fifty-nine horses killed and wounded. It was in this battle on the height at Fairview, at the extreme left of the crest, while under the most terrific fire, that K Battery won the admiration of all who beheld it; and its record at Chancellorsville under Lieut. F. W. Seeley, that prince of battery commanders, must always form one of the brightest pages in the history of our field artillery. Its work may be equalled, but it cannot be surpassed." Capt. Seeley resigned Aug. 31, 1864, on account of physical disability resulting from wounds, since which time he has been a resident of Minnesota. He was recommended for several brevets, but his early separation from the service prevented action on them. His first business was entered upon as a merchant in Lake City, Minnesota, immediately after his resignation from the army. He was appointed postmaster there, serving for 12 years. For one term he was a member of the State Legislature. In 1887 he re moved to St. Paul, occupying the position of Adjutant-General of the State, with the rank of Brigadier General, for one term ( 1887-8). He was married in 1863 to Emily C. Loveland of Ashtabula, 68 The Loveland Genealogy. Ohio. One daughter, Frances E. (now Mrs. George J. Allen) is the only child. — From "Officers Regular of the Army and Navy who served in the Civil War." Pub. by L. R. and Co., Phil., Pa. 81. HENRY" LOVELAND (Gads, Solomon*) was b at Pompey, N. Y., May 23, 1803, d at Smithfield, Ky., Dec. 12, 1831, m at Ashtabula, O., Dec. 2, 1829, Sarah Burnette Smith, b at Clinton, N. Y., Feb'y 28, 1802, d at Ashtabula, Sept. 23, 1852. Children, first born at Ashtabula, the other at Unionville, O.: i. Henry Smith'', b June 11, 1830, m there March 28, 1854, Eliza Smith Morey, b at Ashtabula, June 23, 1834. He d there Feb'y 4, 1855. No children. ii. Henrietta Sarah, b Feb'y 8, 1832, m at A., Jan'y 18, i860, John Brown Galpin, b in Bethlehem, Conn., Sept. 6, 1S30. They have, born at A., Jennie Lovelands Galpin, b Dec. 12, 1862. 83. LAURA" LOVELAND (Gads, Solomon*) was b at Pompey, N. Y., May 6, 1805, m at Ashtabula, O., Sept. 2, 1S37, Urial Goodwin, b at Oneida, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1796, d at A., Nov. 1882. She.d there May 23, 1892. Farmer. Rep. Cong. Children, first born at A., the rest at Saybrook, O. 82a. i. Urial' Goodwin, b June 23, 1828, m Harriet Story; m 2d, Malinda Van Scoyoc King. ^zb. ii. Laura Goodwin, b Jan'y 5, 1830, m S. D. Heath. iii. Lucy Goodwin, b Aug. 25, 1831, d Jan'y 6, 1837. iv. Chloe Goodwin, b Jan'y 3, 1S33, d Dec 31, 1836. v. Eliza Goodwin, b Aug. 5, 1S38. United with First Baptist Church in Momence, 111., 1866; bv letter with First Baptist Church in A., 1S6S. vi. Elizabeth Goodwin, b Feb'y 11, 1840. Joined Cong. Ch. at A., 186S. 82c. vii. Julia Ethel Goodwin, b March 6, 1843, in A. Gary. Mr. Goodwin died on Thanksgiving at the ripe age of eighty- six. He was one of the early settlers of Ashtabula county coming here some sixty years ago. He resided with his family upon the The Loveland Genealogy. 69 farm where he died more than fifty years. His life was marked by strict integrity. He early gave his adherence to the anti-slavery cause by contributing largely to further its ends. He was modest and unassuming. A friend and helper of the poor and oppressed. He was a Congregationalist and a practical Christian in every sense of the word. — E. G. Mrs. Laura Goodwin, notice of whose death appeared in the Telegraph last week, came with her parents to Ashtabula in 1812. The place was then a little settlement containing but one framed house. The year following her marriage, they removed to their farm in Saybrook, where she has lived for sixty-four years. In her 85th year she pieced ten quilts giving the most of them to the needy. She brought up several motherless children. She was a tender mother and loving wife — beloved by all. One by one the old landmarks are taken away, and but few remain of the pioneers of Ashtabula. Mother Goodwin lived a long and useful life, and her deathbed testimony was that most of that life she tried to live a Christian. — E. G. 83A. URIAL'' GOODWIN, b at Ashtabula, O., June 23, 1828, m there Aug. 10, 1849, Harriet Story, b at A., June 17, 1830, d at Momence, 111., Nov. 9, 1865; m 2d, at Grant Park, 111., Dec. 23, 1868, MaHnda Van Scoyoc (wid. King), b Nov. 16, 1834. Radi cal on temperance. Farmer. Repub. Methodist. Children, the second born at Ashtabula, the rest at Saybrook, O. : 82(f. i. Charles AugustusS Goodwin, b Oct. 15, 1850, m Min nie Harmon. %2e. ii. Ellen Elizabeth Goodwin, b Nov. 19, 1854, m Edwin E. Hatch. 82/: iii. Albert Edward Goodwin, b June 3, i860, m Hattie M. Benham. 82D. CHARLES AS. GOODWIN, b at Saybrook, O., Oct. 15, 1850, m at Austinburg, O., Minnie Harmon, b at Berlin, O., June 15, 1858. Children, first born at Saybrook, the second at Atwater, O.: i. Albert Mathias' Goodwin, b Nov. 19, 1880. 70 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Walter James Goodwin, b Oct. 14, 1883. 82E. ELLEN E.s GOODWIN, b at Ashtabula, O., Nov. 19, 1854, m there June 15, 1875, Edwin Eugene Hatch, b at Southington, O., March 13, 1846. Farmer. Repub. Cong. Children born at Saybrook, O.: Leroy Goodwin' Hatch, b July 19, 1878. i. Myra Ellen Hatch, b Jan'y i, 1880. ii. Robert Edwin Hatch, b Nov. 10, 1881. V. Fannie Gertrude Hatch, b Dec. 11, 1883. V. James Allen Hatch, b Dec. 5, 1885. vi. John Albert Hatch, b Dec. 5, 1885, d Dec. 5, 1885. vii. Walter Albert Hatch, b Jan'y 15, 1890. viii. Bertha Harriet Hatch, b Sept. 21, 1S92. 83F. ALBERT E.s GOODWIN, b at Saybrook, O., June 3, i860, m there Aug. 2, 1882, Hattie Malinda Benham, b at S., March 23, 1863. Mechanic. Repub. M. E. Ch. Born at Ashtabula, 0.: i. Fred Albert' Goodwin, b Oct. 14, 1883. ii. Alfred Urial Goodwin, b Nov. 23, 1885. iii. William Henry Goodwin, b March 3, 1890. iv. Clarence Benham Goodwin, b Sept. 4, 1893, Saybrook. 83B. LAURA'' GOODWIN, b at Saybrook, O., Jan'y 5, 1830, m there Jan'y 30, 1864, Seth Darius Heath, b at Chardon, O., March 4, 1818. She d at Saybrook, March 23, 187 i. Born at Saybrook: Wilber Ws. Heath, b April 19, 1864. Farmer. Leroy Urial Heath, b Feb'y 9, 1866. Farmer. m. Flora Elizabeth Heath, b Feb'y 34, 1870. 82C. JULIA E.7 GOODWIN, b at Saybrook, O., March 6, 1843, m at Jefferson, O., April 3, 1S68, Alanson Gary, b at Sadbury, Crawford Co., Pa., Aug. 35, 1S41, d at Saybrook, May 19, 1890. Farmer. Repub. M. E. Ch. Born at Saybrook: The Loveland Genealogy. Hi i. Herbert Goodwins Gary, b Dec. 13, 1868, m Mary Laird, in Ashtabula Nov. 16, 1892. Machinist. Repub. M. E. Ch. ii. Alice Elizabeth Gary, b Nov. 17, 1869. iii. George Elmer Gary, b Feb'y i, 1871. Farmer. M. E. Ch. iv. Edward Alanson Gary, b Dec. 15, 1873. V. Freddie Horton Gary, b Dec. 9, 1877, d March 4, 1879. 83. LUCY" LOVELAND (Gads, Solomon*) wash at Pompey, N. Y., April 10, 1809, m at Saybrook, O., Nov. 14, 1832, John Pierce, b at Lyme, N. H., Aug. 31, 1S04. She d at Saybrook, July 21, 1870. Buried at Austinburg, O. The sixth family re union of the Loveland-Pierce family, was held at his residence at Munson Hill, Aug., 1894. He is the oldest living member of either family. He has resided on the farm where he now lives since 1816. ^Children born at Saybrook: 83a. i. John Henry'' Pierce, b Sept. 12, 1833, ™- Josephine Hartsook. 833. ii. George Edward Pierce, b Feb'y 2, 1836, m Mary Ellen Harris. 83c. iii. Thomas Wilson Pierce, b Jan'y 18, 1839, "^ Lucelia Hotchkiss. 83(f. iv. Lucy Manuella Pierce, b Jan'y 31, 1841, m Theodore Hall. 836. V. Susan Elizabeth Pierce, b Feb'y 17, 1847, m Edgar Hall. vi. Elijah Amos Pierce, b Jan'y 21, 1849, m at Tuscola, 111., Oct. 26, 1 88 1, Kate Brown. Grocer. 83A. HENRY J.'' PIERCE, b at Saybrook, O., Sept. 12, 1833, m at Maquon, 111., April 3, 1873, Josephine Hartsook, b at Summit, 111., May 20, 1852. He d at Maquon, June 1 1, 1883. Mrs. Pierce says: "My husband changed his initials from J. H. to H. J., be cause he went by his second name." Born at Maquon: i. Eddies Pierce, b May 21, 1875, d at M., Aug. 10, 1875. ii. Charies David Pierce, b Sept. 28, 1876. 72 The Loveland Genealogy. 83B. EDWARD G.'' PIERCE, b at Saybrook, O., Feb'y 2, 1836, m there Oct. 6, 1868, Mary Ellen Harris, b at S., Dec. 31, 1844. Initials changed as in the family above. Born at Ashtabula, O.: i. Mary Louises Pierce, b Oct. 24, 1869, d Feb'y 7, 1872. ii. Charles Harris Pierce, b Dec. 26, 1870. iii. Edward Rufus Pierce, b Nov. 13, 1872. iv. William Harris Pierce, b May 23, 1874. 830. THOMAS W.'' PIERCE, b at Saybrook, O., Jan'y 18, 1839, m at Geneva, O., Oct. 26, 1865, Lucelia Hotchkiss. Children born at Saybrook: i. Lucy Lovelands Pierce, b Aug. 19, 1868. ii. John Henry Pierce, b Feb'y 28, 1870, d July 20, 1S73. iii. Hattie Louisa Pierce, b Feb'y i, 1872. iv. Thomas Carl Pierce, b Aug. 19, 1875. 83D. LUCY M.7 PIERCE, b at Saybrook, O., Jan'y 31, 1841, m there Dec. 25, 1862, Theodore Hall, b at Ashtabula, O., Aug. 29, 1838. She d at A., Sept. 29, 1889. He m 2d at A., Jan'y 28, 1893, Nellie Elizabeth Ketcham, b in Green Tp., Trumbull Co., O., Feb'y 6, 1862. Atty-at-Law at A. Children, first born at Geneva, O., second at Ashtabula: i. Edward Pierces Hall, b May 5, 1864. ii. Ruth Booth Hall, b Jan'y 18, 1866. 83E. SUSAN E.' PIERCE, b at Saybrook, O., Feb'y 17, 1847, m there Sept. 10, 1866, Edgar Hall, b at Ashtabula, 6., Sept. 16, 1841. Atty-at-law at A. Children born at Ashtabula: i. John Stephen'' Hall, b Oct-'ii, 1S67, d Aug. 28, 1868. ii. Edgar Booth Hall, b May 3, 1S69, d Aug. 16, 1870. iii. Theodore Hall, b Aug. 10, 1S76. 84. SARAH" LOVELAND (Gad", Solomon*) wash at Ashta bula, O., July 26, 1814, m there May 15, 1836, Ira O. Seeley. The Loveland Genealogy. 73 She d at Appleton, Minn., Oct. i, 1868. He represented the Minn. Territory one term in Congress, d about 1889. Children, first four born at Ashtabula, the next two at Berlin, Minn., the seventh at Wabash, Minn., and the rest at Mazeppa, Minn.: i. Francis Webb'' Seeley, b April 12, 1837, m Emily C. Loveland of family 92. (See her family.) ii. Julia Augusta Seeley, b May 20, 1841, d at Laporte, Ind., May 11, 1846. iii. Elizabeth Adelia Seeley, b Dec. 29, 1843, m at Ashta bula, Nov. 6, 1868, Orville F. Davis. They have: Ira Ortons, b March 13, 1877. iv. John Henry Seeley, b Jan'y 1 1, 1845, d at B., Feb'y 20, 1846. V. Robert Seeley, b Nov. 2, 1848, m at Zumbro Falls, Minn., Estelle Pomeroy. They have: WordenS, b Sept. 17, 1872; Clarence, b July 8, 1874; Ira Orton, b Oct. 4, 1876, and Maud, b April 10, 1880. vi. Elvira Seeley, b Feb'y 24, 1851. vii. Emma(?) Lane Seeley, b Nov. 20, 1853; m. viii. Nellie Seeley, b Nov. 20, 1856; m. ix. Albert Seeley, b May 21, 1859, >" ^^^^ Somberger, July 17, 1880. X. Elmer Ellsworth Seeley, b Feb'y 17, 1861. 85. HIRAM" LOVELAND (Gads, Solomon*) was b at Ashta bula, O., June 22, 1816, m Ellen Scott, b March 26, 1820, d Jan'y 6, 1863. Harness maker and trimmer. They have: i. Lucy Ann'', b March 21, 1844, d March 11, 1857. ii. Scott, b Feb'y 18, 1847, d Sept. 7, 1854. iii. Charles, b April 24, 1849, d Feb'y 1 1, 1873. iv. William, b Dec. 3, 1852. v. Harry, b June 18, 1856, d Dec. 29, 1890, at Loveland, O. 86. JULIA ANN" LOVELAND (Gads, Solomon*) was b at Ashtabula, O., Aug. 23, 1825, m there April 9, 1843, Quintus C. Cully, b in Mohican Tp., Wayne Co., O., July 4, 1820. Manu- 74 The Loveland Genealogy. facturer. Rep. Cong. She d at A., May 31, 18S0. Children born at Ashtabula: i. Ellen E''. Cully, b March 17, 1844, d Jan'y 31, 1861. ii. James E. Cully, b Feb'y 4, 1846, d April 17, 1850. iii. John Loveland Cully, b Oct. 11, 1847, ™ ^" Cleveland. O., July 15, 1884, Carrie H. Stevenson, b in Green ville, Pa., Nov. 3, 1853. Civil Engineer. No family iv. George Cully, b July 18, 1849, m at Ashtabula Nov 15, 1873, Rosalind N. Gillet, b April 11, 1853 Children: Burritt N.s, b Oct. 23, 1875; Ellen F. . June 18, 1877; Walter G., Aug. 25, 1879; Annie May 25, 1881; Carieton, Dec. 29, 1883; Ruth, Aug 25, 1886; Grace, June 29, 1889. Civil engineer. V. Frederick W. Cully, b Aug. 11, 1851. vi. Fannie Ida Culley, b Jan'y 19, 1854, d June 14, 1S86. She was a grad. of the Ashtabula public schools, class of '72 which was the first class that graduated. vii. Arthur E. Cully, b June 4, 1856, m at Franklin, Pa., Aug. 13, 1878, Ida E. Ellis. He d at A., Dec 20, 1881. They had EvaS, b July 7, 1S79. 69. ESTHERS LOVELAND (Solomon*, ThomasS ThomasS Thomasi) was b in Glastonbury, Conn., Dec. 10, 1781, moved with her father to Pompey, N. Y., 1797, m there 1799, Brazil Rich. He was b in P., and died there. She m 2d, in P., July 7, 1805, Cyrus Root, b at Saratoga, N. Y., March 30, 1785, d at Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 19, 1876. She d at Otisego, Wis., Sept. 28,1866. Farmers and Methodists. His father, Stephen Root, b Jan'y 11, 1755, d July 14, 1836. His mother, Elizabeth, b March H' 1744' d Oct. 17, 1834. They were m Xov., 1777. Children born in Pompey: 69(7. i. Russell" Rich, b Oct. 32, iSoo, m ist, Mary Hale; m 2d, Permelia Roena Adams; m 3d, Susannah Street. ii. Charles Root, b Jan'y 20, 1S06, m in Utica, N. Y., d 1870; had a son John Edward', m Morton in Fonthill, Canada. Thev lived with their dau., Nellie Root Edwards, wife of Dr. Charles Edwards. 693. iii. Nelson Root, b March 6, iSoS, m Maria Beard. 69c. iv. Erastus Root, b Aug. 4, 1809, m Esther Pickett. The Loveland Genealogy. 75 6<^d. V. Cyrus Root, b Sept; 26, 1811, m Hannah Henton. vi. Elizabeth Root, b Feb'y 4, 1814, d Sept. 11, 1816. 696. vii. Philemon Frisbie Root, b May 20, 1816, d Nov. 5, 1893, m Philadelia Fay. viii. Lucy Root, b Dec. 7, 1819, d in P., Sept. 4, 1818.' 69/". ix. William Root, b April 8, 1820, m Mary Shaver; m 2d, Henrietta Nason. x. Henry Root, b April 12, 1824, d Dec. 3, 1826. 69A. RUSSELL" RICH, b in Pompey, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1800, m in Auburn, N. Y, June 20, 1823, Mary Hale, d there Aug. 20, 1825; m 3d, in A., Jan'y 28, 1827, Permelia Roena Adams, b Dec. 28, 1802, d in A., July 2, 183 1; m 3d, in St. Johns, Canada, Oct. 12, 1832, Susannah Street, b there Oct. 15, 1808. He d in St. Johns, Jan'y 12, 1849. She m in Lewiston, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1867, Adam W. Uline. They removed to Amherst, Wis. She d there Oct. 7, 1887. He, 1S75. Mr. Rich was brought up by his aunt Sally Loveland, became a machinist and lived for many years in Auburn. He moved to Black Rock, N. Y., about 1830 and in a year or two to St. Johns where he established a large manu facturing business — foundery, machine shop, and woolen factory. At the time of his death he had built more than jialf the woolen factories in Western Canada. Buried at St. Johns. Children, first three born in Auburn, the fourth at Black Rock, the rest at St. Johns: i. Alberf Rich, b Sept. 20, 1824, d July 4, 1825. ii. Mary Hale Rich, b Sept. 3, 1827, m at Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 1843, Daniel Markle, b 1821, d at St. Johns, June 30, 1856. They had: John Russell Richs, b April, 1845 (m Addie ); Joseph, b 1847. iii. Sarah Maria Rich, b Sept. 2, 1829, m at N. F., Nov. 8, 1848, George Smith, b in Middleport, N. Y., June 2, 1819, d at Springtown, N. J., Sept. 3, 1873. They had, born in St. Johns, Oct. i, 1849, PermeHa Roenas, m in Westboro, Mass., Sept. i, 1870, Harland Forester Witherby, b in Grafton, Mass., Feb'y I2, 1846. Jeweler. 76 The Loveland Genealogy. iv. Permelia Roena Rich, b June 25, 1831, d July 10, 1831. V. Susannah Margery Rich, b Sept. 12, 1833, d Sept. 29, 1833. vi. Margery Eliza Rich, b April 19, 1835. Grad. from Fort Edward Institute, Fort Edward, N. Y., and from Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton, Canada. Teacher in High school Waupaca, Wis. (1891). ^9S- ¦^"- J°hn Street Rich, b April 9, 1837, m Hannah Robert son. viii. Esther Susannah Rich, b Sept. 4, 1839, ™ ^'i Fonthill, Can., Nov., 1862, David Keltic, b in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She d in Hamilton, Sept. 18, 1867. Grad. from Toronto Normal School; was a teacher many years in Hamilton Central schools. 69/2. ix. Permelia Roena Rich, b Oct. 17, 1S41, m Rev. Alex ander Langford. X. Phebe Margaret Rich, b March i, 1843, m in Amherst, Wis., Nov. 39, 1875, Lewis Lombard, b in Readfield, Me., Aug. 5, 1828. They have, b in Amherst, Martha Mauds, b Nov. 21, 1876; John Lewis, b July 8, 1879. 692. xi AlbertRussellRich,bJan'y i3,iS45,mIsabellaAdams. xii. Samuel Rich, b 1846, d Jan'y i, 1847. xiii. Lachlin Taylor Rich, b May 18, 1S48, d Jan'y i, 1S59. 69G. JOHN S.7 RICH, b in St. Johns, Can., April 9, 1837, m in Hamilton, Can., Aug. 8, i860, Hannah Robertson, b in Ancaster, Ont., Can., Oct. 31, 1835. He d in Oil City, Pa., Nov. 13, 187S. Educated in Can. public schools, went to Cal. in 1854 overland route— engaged in mining, returned to Can. 1859 and engaged in mercantile business until 1865, went to Oil City that year and en gaged in the oil business, buying and selling oil territory until his death. Children, first two born in Fonthill, Ont., Can., the third at St. Catharines, Can., the fourth at Oil Citv : i. Edith Marias Rich, b April 33, 1861, m Mav 12, 1S86, J. W. Kinnear, b in Tidioute, Pa., Aug. 3, 1859. Lawyer. They have: Jay Rich', b in Oil City, Jan'y 29, 1889, d in infancy; Raymond C, b in Pittsburg, Pa., Jan'y 29, 18S9. The Loveland Genealogy. 77 ii. Alexander Robertson Russell Rich, b July 2, 1862, m in Oil City Nov. 8, 1889, Mary Burke, b in Limerick, Ireland, July 25, 1866. They have, Edith Esther', b in St. Marys, Pa., Sept. i, 1890. iii. Samuel Frederick Rich, b Feb'y 24, 1864, m in Wash ington, Pa., July 14, 1887, Madeleine Bureau Acheson, b there Sept. 15, 1864. iv. Esther Susannah Rich, b Oct. 12, 1867. Grad. in Meadville Conservatory of Music. 69H. PERMELIA R.s RICH, b in St. Johns, Can., Oct. 17, 1841, m in Fonthill, Can., Aug. i, 1861, Rev. Alexander Langford, b in Edinburg, Scotland, Xov. 12, 1835. He is a Methodist clergyman, and served the following charges: Cayuga, Innisfield, Sarnia, Chatham, London, Brantford, St. Catharines, Chatham (2d term), Hamilton, Winnipeg (Manitoba), London (2d), Brampton. He was president of the London Conference in 1881 and of the Manitoba District in 1886, and was chairman of the Chatham, Brantford, St. Catharines, Chatham (2d term), Hamilton, Win nipeg, and Brampton Districts. Children born in Canada, first in York, two next in Innisfield, the fourth in Sarnia, fifth and sixth in Chatham, seventh in Brantford, eighth in St. Catharines, ninth in Hamilton: i. Arthur Leopolds Langford, b June 27, 1862, m in H., Aug. 17, 1 891, Lizzie S. Stobbs. He grad. B. A. in Victoria University, Cobourgh, Can., in 1884; took a post graduate course in Beriin University in German, Ancient Classics, and Archelogy. He is ProL of Classics in Winnipeg University, Manitoba. ii. Maria Rich Langford, b April 21, 1864. iii. Charles Embury Langford, b Nov. 10, 1865, d July 31, 1866. iv. Henry Langford, b April 4, 1867. Grad. B. A. from V. U. 1888. Admitted to the Bar, 1891. At Rat Portage, Can. V. Frederick Langford, b April 23, 1869. Grad. in V. U. 1889. Admitted to Meth. ministry 1889. Grad. Bachelor of Divinity from V. U. 1892. 78 The Loveland Genealogy. vi. William Langford, b May 18, 1871. Matriculated in arts, V. U. 1890. Grad. M. D. 1894. vii. Nellie Langford, b Dec. :6, 1874. viii. George Langford, b May 8, 1879, d July 8, 1880. ix. Edward Langford, b March 11, 1883, d May 17, 1883. 691. REV. ALBERT R.'' RICH, b in St. Johns, Ontario, Can., Jan'y 12, 1845, m in Blytheswood, Ont., Can., Sept. 27, 1870, Isabella Adams, b in Kingsville, Ont., Can., Aug. 15, 1850. Mr. Rich was local preacher four years in Methodist Church of Canada, and during that time was pastor of Sandwich, Ontario. He was matriculated in Victoria University, Cobourgh, Canada, in 1864, but was admitted ad eiiitdem statem in Toronto University, and after teaching a few years, finished his course there in 1870, entering the itinerancy of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Erie Conference at the session of Sept. 18, 1870, at Cleveland, Ohio, and was admitied Deacon, Sept. i8th, by Bishop Clark at same confer ence, and was ordained elder by Bishop Peck in Erie, Pa., Sept. 6, 1874. He traveled Irving, N. Y., Harmonsburg, Espyville, Con- neautville, Salem, Sandy Lake, West Middlesex, Grove City, Union City, and Ridgway charges. Pa. He has for eight years served as one of the secretaries of Erie Conference. P. O., Ridg way. Children, first born in Irving, second in Dicksonburg, Pa., the third in Espyville, the fourth at Sandy Lake, the fifth at West Middlesex: i. Joshua Alberts Rich, b July 22, 1871, d in E., March 7, 1874, buried at Sandy Lake. ii. John Street Russell Rich, b Sept. 22, 1872. Entered Freshman in Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., in 1891. iii. Claribel Susanna Rich, b Sept. 7, 1874. Entered Freshman in scientific course. Grove City College, in 18S9. iv. Paul Adams Rich, b Jan'y 18, 1883, d Aug. 31, 1883, buried at Sandy Lake. V. Henry Lloyd Egerton Rich, b Feb'y 17, 1884. The Loveland Genealogy. 79 69B. NELSON" ROOT, b in Pompey, N. Y., March 6, 1808, m in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb'y 18, 1S35, Maria Beard. He d at Sylvania, O., March 13, 1893. Children: i. Melvina'' Root, b Oct. 7, 1835; d. ii. Louisa Root, b Sept. 18, 1836; d. iii. Silas B. Root, b Sept. 11, 1838; m. iv. Emma Jane Root, b July 19, 1843, m at Ripley, N. Y., Aug., 1869, Maurice Daughatay. They have Calebs, b 1878. 69C. ERASTUS" ROOT, Born in Pompey, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1809, m in Bennington, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1833, Esther Pickett, b in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Aug. 22, 1804, d Jan'y 13, 1892, buried in Little Lake Cem., Los Angeles Co., Cal. Mr. Root has heard his mother speak of her uncle Gad who died in the army in the Rev. War. Farmer. Dem. Freethinker. She, Spiritualist. P. O., Rivera, Cal. Children, first born in Bennington, the next two in Orleans Co., N. Y., the last at Grand Rapids, Mich.: i. Xelson'' Root, b Jan'y 18, 1835, ™ i" ^°-' J^^y 4' i860, Ann Clark, bin Ireland, Aug. 10, 1838. Children born in Vernon, la.: Edward E.s, b April 1, 1861; Charles M., b Jan'y 17, 1858; Esther, b Jan'y 17, 1858, d in Los Angeles, March 4, 1885. ii. Fanny Jane Root, b July 4, 1836, m in Markham, Ont., Can., July 15, 1854, William Abell. She d at Mt. Pleasant, la., Jan'y 10, 1877. iii. James Root, b April 20, 1840. Unm. Proprietor of the Rivera Tropical Nurseries. iv. EmmaMariah Root, b July 39, 1846, d Aug. 19, 1846. 69D. CYRUS" ROOT, b in Pompey, N. Y., Sept. 26, 181 1, m in Erie Co., Pa., May 10, 1837, Hannah Henton, b in Venango, Pa., April 10, 1817, d in Otsego, Wis., Aug. 15 1889. He d there Tan'y 19, 1893. Children born in Ripley, N. Y.: 8o The Loveland Genealogy. i. Helen M.'' Root, b July 23, 1840, m Oct. 4, 1863, John Sickles, b in Danube, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1830, d at Otsego, Nov. 30, 1865. They have, born at Otsego: Edith Marias, b Aug. 9, 1864, (m Oct. 24, 1888, John C. Ashmore, b in Wis., Nov. i, 1859, d in Bath, S. D., Dec. 13, 1888, m 2d, in Minneapolis, Minn., May I, 1890, William Norton, b July 15, 1856), and Jessie C.s Sickles, b March 16, 1866. ii. Henry T. Root, b May 24, 1843, m in Otsego, Jan'y i, 1869, Jane M. Mitchell, b in Edinburg, Scotland, Jan'y 12, 1849. Children, the last born in Rio, Wis., the rest in Otsego: Olivia H.s, b Sept. 19, 1870; Ralph M., b June 6, 1872; Harry, b Aug. 5, 1874; Alma M., b May 16, 1876; Carrie, b Nov. 12, 1878, and Clara, b Sept. 29, 1887. 69E P. F.e ROOT, b in Pompey, N. Y., May 20, 1816, m in Ripley, N. Y., Dec 6, 1836, Philadelia Fay, b in Bethany, N. Y., Feb'y 19, i8i6, d in Otsego, Wis., Jan'y 25, 1888. He d there Nov. 5, 1893. Jeweler. Children, first three born in Ripley, the last in Otsego:i. Elizabeth Rosalie' Root, b Nov. i, 1837, m in Otsego, Aug. 20, 1862, Jabez Hunting, bin Ellisburg,N."y'., March 4, 1834. Farmer. Soldier in Co. R 32d Reg. Wis. Vols. He d at Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 30, 1864. She m 2d, at Columbus, Wis., Nov. i, 187 1, Henry L. Stevens, b at La Porte, Ohio, July 3, 1835. Car penter. She had, Frank Meads Hunting, b July 12, 1863, d Oct I, 1S64. ii. Emmerson Resolve Root, b Sept. 17, 1841, d Dec. 31, 1844. Drowned in Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y. iii. Emmett Henry Root, b May 3, 1848, m in Randolph, Wis., Oct. 3, 1 87 1, Ellen Dunham, b at Fox Lake, Wis., March 6, 1852. They have: Lulu M.s b at R., Aug. 9, 1873, and Eva May, b at Rio, Wis., June 30, 1880. Kev. Albert R. Rich, D. D., (691.) The Loveland Genealogy. 8i iv. Ellie Annabel Root, b Aug. i3, 1853, m in Otsego, Feb'y 22, 1S77, James M. Young, b in Maine, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1853. Merchant in Otsego, Wis. 69F WILLIAM" ROOT, b at Pompey, N. Y., April 8, 1820, m at Ripley, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1844, Mary Shaver, b there Oct 5, 1828, d there June 8, 1853. He m 3d, at R., Dec. 22, 1853, Henrietta E. K. Nason, b at Lawrence, N. Y., May 13, 1839. P. O., Ashta bula, O. Children born at Ripley: i. Alberf Root, b April 16, 1850. Killed by Indians at Pine Bluff, Wyoming Ter., Feb'y 25, 1870. ii. Adelaide Root, b Jan'y 2, 1852, m at Bloomington, 111., July 3, 1872, James McGregor. She d in Leeds Co., Ont., Can., Feb'y 6, 1879. They had, Rob RoyS, b July 20, 1877, d June 19, 1878. iii. Jessie P. Root, b Dec. 4, 1854, m at Brocton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1881, Emma Barber, b at Nina, N. Y., Xov. 8, 1851. They have: Florences, b in Erie, Pa., Feb'y 12, 1S83, and Louisa, b at North East, Pa., Aug. 19, 18S5. iv. Frank E. Root, b May 4, 1856, m in Buffalo, N. Y., July 19, 1881, Maggie Dowcey. They have: Mauds, b Jan'y 25, 1889, d March 27, 1892; Olive, b Jan'y 14, 1S91. V. Mary E. Root, b April 5, 1858, m at Girard, Pa., June 5, 1877, Augustus T. Dorman, b at Southwick, Mass., June 4, 1852. Children born at Ashtabula: Alda M.s, b Oct. 5, 1879; Harvey A., b April 4, 1881; Lulu B., b Oct. 2, 1883; Robert Hazen, b July 19, 1891. vi. Emory N. Root, b Oct. 10, i860. vii. Clarissa A. Root, b Sept. 2, 1862, d Sept. 2, 1862. viii. Nellie M. Root, b Jan'y 14, 1864, m William B. Gates, Oct. 14, 1891. ix. Lizzie E. Root, b June 13, 1865. x. Mark M. Root, b Sept. 16, 1866, d Aug. 23, 1869. 82 The Loveland Genealogy. xi. Amanda B. Root, b Sept. 23, 1869, d Oct. 21, 1884. xii. Minnie E. Root, b June 11, 1872, d April 2, 1875. 10. ISRAEL* LOVELAND (ThomasS, Thomas^, Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., 1732-1735, d at Grafton, Vt., 1827; m at Glas., Oct. 19, 1755, Dinah* Loveland (Vol. II, p. 104; 3, vi), b in Glas., Jan'y 20, 1738, d at Grafton, 1826. Children born in Hebron, Conn., the last two in Gilsum, N. N.: Naomis, b Nov. 29, 1756, m Abner Bliss, M. D. Dinah, b Sept. 14, 1758, m Asa Wilcox. Israel, b July 25, 1760, m Sarah Chapman. Alice, b June, 1763, m David Adams. Anna, b Sept. 11, 1764, m Baruch Bolster. Asher, b Aug. 23, 1767, m Mary Wright. Ruth, b Nov. 9, 1768, m Ebenezer Burdette. viii. Jared, b 1770, m Roxana Pease. Aaron, b May 26, 1775, m Hannah Reed. Eunice, m at Grafton, Oct. 6, 1796, Isaac Gleason. Rhoda, b July 9, 17S5, m at Grafton, June 10, 1803, Periey Dutton. They had: Chandler", Willard, Pulley, Sabina, Rhoda and Harriet. Ephraim Mathews deeded to Israel Loveland 120 acres of land in Grafton, Vt., in 17S7. Israel moved to Gilsum in 1778. He resided at one time in Stoddard, N. H., and built a house there. Mrs. Pettee says he was in his 95th year when he died. His age is settled by the following records: For 1834, '25 and '26, Israel Loveland and his wife were bid off to be taken care of for $2.33 per week. On March 5, 1S37, Israel Loveland alone was bid off for 89 cents per week. This shows Dinah died in 1826, and as 1827 is the last time Israel was bid off he must have died that year Prok. J. S. L. 93. NAOMIS LOVELAND (Israel*, ThomasS) was b at He bron, Conn., Nov. 29, 1756, m Dr. Abner Bliss, b at Tolland, Conn., Nov. 29, 1752, d at Alstead, N. H., May 29, 1813. She d there 1842. Children born at Alstead: 93- 1- 94. 11. 95- 111. 96. iv. 97- V. 98. vi. 99. VII 00. Vll 01. ix. X. xi. The Loveland Genealogy. 83 i. Naomi" Bliss, b July 28, 1782, m Seth Marvin, May 36, 1834. She d at A., 1859. ii. Ruth Bliss, b July 28, 1783, m Joseph Knight, Jan'y 18, 1814. She d at A., Jan'y 25, 1815. iii. Abner Bliss, b Oct. 30, 17S4, m at A., Dec. 12, 1822, Sally Worster, b at A., Dec. 15, 1797, d there Nov. 6, 1S48. He d there Dec. 29, 1851. They had, b at A.: Ann Eliza'', b Aug. 5, 1823; Arvilla M., b April 26, 1S26, d Aug. 14, 1828; Abner F., b July 30, 1829, and Frederick, b May 29, 1833, d Dec. 23, 1856. ' iv. Lucinda Bliss, b Jan'y 8, 1787, m Timothy Swan, Feb'y 21, 1808. Both d at Plainfield, N. H. v. Sibyl Bliss, b April 12, 1788, m at A., Dec. 17, 1810, Asa Wilcox, b at Newport, N. H., May 27, 1787. They had Oriando B.''. vi. Levi Bliss, b July 29, 1790, m at A., July 6, 1812, Polly Shepard. He d at Brookfield, Vt., 1829. Children: Nancy'; Samuel S., bjuly 16, 1816; Pru dence Ann, d 1859; Luke, d young; Levi, d young; Sophronia, d young; Mary, b 1826; Alfred, b 1829, d 1845. vii. Sally Bliss, b April 20, 1793, m Thomas Webster, Aug. 31, 1814. She d at Scranton, Vt. viii. John Bliss, b Oct. I, 1795; unm. ix. Nancy Bliss, b Nov. 12, 1797, m at A., Gardiner Shepard. She d at A., Jan'y 4, 1823. They had: Philena'', b Aug. 30, 1818. 94. DINAHS LOVELAND (Israel*, ThomasS) was b at Heb ron, Conn., Sept. 14, 1758, m there Jan'y 11, 1781, Asa Wilcox, b at H., May 10, 1856, d at Surrey, N. H., Sept. 24, 1840. ' She d there July 30, 1850. Children born at Surrey: i. Asa" Wilcox, b Sept. 30, 1781, m Nov. 15, 1804, Nel lie Wetherbee, b at Nelson, N. PL, Dec. 19, 1781, d at S. Sept. 22, 1812. He d there Nov. i, 1869. They had: George', b at S., Feb'y 6, 1807. 84 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Aaron Wilcox, b Feb'y 20, 1783, d at Rochester, N., Y. Had one child (dau.). iii. John Talcott Wilcox, b March 31, 1786, d at West Point, N. Y.; m Sarah Sawyer. They had: John' (killed by Mexicans in Texas) ; Ann, Jane and Aaron. iv. Dinah Wilcox, b Aug. 16, 1796, d Oct. 4, 1823; unm. 95. ISRAELS LOVELAND (Israel*, Thomass) was b at Heb ron, Conn., July 25, or July 30, 1760, m at Keene, X. H., March S, 1785, Sarah (Sally) Chapman, b there June i^, 1767, d at Gil sum, N. H., Feb'y 28, 1825. He d there Sept. 23, 1850. Chil dren born at Gilsum: 102. i. Samuel Chapman", b Aug. 25, 1787, m Eunice Stowe. ii. Sally, b Dec. 4, 1789, or 1790, m at Alstead, N. H., March 16, 1S47, Elijah Mansfield, b at A., 1787, d at Keene, Jan'y 11, 1866. She d at Gilsum, Nov. 29, 1866. 103. iii. Isaac, b April 30, 1793, m Martha Farnsworth; m 2d Mrs. Betsey B. D. Davis. iv. Abaigal, b Aug. 8, 1794, m at Gilsum, Feb'y 5, 1839, Chauncey Jones. He d at Stoddard, N. H., March 27, 1850. She m 2d at S., March 2, 1851, William Robb, b at S., March 15, 1787, d at S., July 10, 1874. 104. V. Israel Belding, b April 19, 1799, m Sarah Thompson. 103. REV. SAMUEL C." LOVELAND (Israels, Israel*) was b at Gilsum, N. H., Aug. 35, 1787, m at Weston, Vt., Aug. 21, 1817, Eunice Stowe. He d at Gilsum, April 8, 1859. Universal ist clergyman and a scholar of some reputation in that sect. Au thor of a lexicon of the Greek Testament, published at Wood stock, Vt. He represented the town of Reading, Windsor Coun ty, Vt., in the legislature in 1S34-3S; was assistant judge of the Windsor County Court in 1S33-33; a member of the "Governor's Council," 1831-34, and was founder and publisher of the Christian Repository. Children, first born at Barnard, Vt., the rest at Reading: 05- IV. o6. V. vi. vii. The Loveland Genealogy. 85 i. Fidelia', b Dec. 15, 181S, d April, 1852; unm. ii. Samuel Stowe, b Jan'y i, 1820, d 1820. iii. John Stowe, b March 7, 1821, m March 12, 1848, Jeannette L. Latham. He d in San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 28, 1853. They had: Angle Parkers, b there Jan'y i, 1853. George, b July 2, 1822, m Annette E. Noyes. Eliza, b Sept. 3, 1823, m Watts Hubbard Pettee. Eunice, b Sept. 21, 1824, d March 13, 1850; unm. Elhanan Winchester, b Dec. 9, 1825, m Aug. 15, 1855, Margaret Gray. She d Feb'y 8, 1856. He m 2d Eunice Rice. He is a physician and surgeon at Red wood City, Cal. viii. Mary, b Dec. 22, 1827, d Jan'y 16, 1828. ix. Sarah, b Oct. 28, 1829, d Oct. 8, 1850; unm. 105. GEORGE' LOVELAND (Samuel C.», Israels) was b at Reading, Vt., July 2, 1822, m at Montpelier, Vt., April 10, 1863, Annette E. Noyes, b in Northfield, Vt., Nov. 3, 1844. He d at Burlington, Vt., March 12, 1882. He was a printer in the early part of his life. Later he was a partner in a book store with Rev. Eli Ballon, and they published the Christian Repository for many years. Rev. Samuel C. Loveland was the founder of the paper many years before. George Loveland, like his father, was a Uni versalist, and the paper the same, partially secular. He was a Democrat of the old school. Born at Montpelier: i. Georges, b Dec. 31, 1864. 106. ELIZA' LOVELAND (Samuel C", Israels) was b at Read ing, Vt., Sept. 3, 1823, m Oct. 31, 1848, Watts Hubbard Pettee, b at Weston, Vt. Children born at Weston: i. Lucia Lovias Pettee, b Oct. 17, 1849. ii. Sarah Elizabeth Pettee, b Oct. 31, 1851. iii. Eva Claire Pettee, b Nov. 13, 1853. iv. Cora Lillian Pettee, b March 17, 1858. v. Mary Eliza Pettee, b May 10, i860. 86 The Loveland Genealogy. vi. George Watts Pettee, b Sept. 21, 1862. vii. Frederick Pettee, b Sept. 6, 1865. 103. ISAAC" LOVELAND (Israels, Israel*) was b at Gilsum, N. H., April 30, 1793, m there Jan'y 18, 1819, Martha Farnsworth, b at Gilsum, May 16, 1806, d there March 14, 1842. He m 2d Aug. 16, 1842, Mrs. Betsey B. D. Davis, b at Sempster, N. H., Aug. 3, 1812. He d at G. Children born at Gilsum: i. Esther', b March 8, 1821, m at G., Dec. 22, 1842, George W. Newman, b at Keene, N. H., Nov. 18, 1818. Children b at G.: Florentines, b Aug. 19, 1843, d Sept. 24, 1843; Abba Stella, b July 4, 1844, d Dec. 21, 1848; George Elmore, b March 5, 1850 (m); David Webster, b Dec. 16, 1851 (m); Isaac Barton, b Feb'y 5, 1853 (m); Charles Dudley, b Nov. 15, 1857 (m), and Fay Loveland, b Feb'y 2, 1S62. ii. Syrena, b Sept. 3, 1822, m at G., Feb'y 26, 1839, Cal vin C. Bingham, M. D., b March 19, 1821. She d at Nashua, N. H., Oct. 25, 1S46. They had: Ana- rettas, b Aug. 8, 1840, d Aug. 19, 1841, and Mar- thetta, b Oct. 18, 1S43. iii. Martha Ann, b May 28, 1824, m at G., Dec. 10, 1S44, Daniel Smith, b at G., April 14, 1825. Children b at G.: Daniel Elliotts, b March 3, 1847, d March II) 1847; John Algernon, b April 27, 1849 (m); Frederick Seymour, b June 34, 1853 (m). iv. Sarah, b Oct. 15, 1826, d Nov. 16, 1826. V. Abby, b June 16, 1828, m at G., May 38, 1849, George Webster Gould, b at Stoddard, X. H., Aug. 17, 1817. They have, b at Norwich, Conn: Webster V.s, b May 31, 1854; Florence, b Feb'y 8, 1S58, and Alice Rogers, b Aug. 20, 1862, d Jan'y 31, 1871. vi. Elliott, b Aug. 29, 1833, d Aug. 19, 1835. vii. Isaac, b Oct. 16, 1834, d Dec 7, 1869; unm. viii. Milton Elliott, b Nov. 20, 1837, m July 31, 1868, An toinette V. Oliver, b in N. Y. City, Dec. 15, 1839. The Loveland Genealogy. 87 ix. Moses Baruch, b May 14, 1842, d March 23, 1844. X. Stiletus Samuel, b April 14, 1845, d Sept. 25, 1846. xi. Byron Stiletus, b Feb'y 13, 1849, ^ April 27, 1871, Clara Belding Lawrence, b at Winchenden, Mass., d there Aug. 10, 1873; m 2d Oct. 2, 1880, Fanny Helena Goodale, b at Readsborough, Vt., Dec. 25, 1855- 104. ISRAEL B." LOVELAND (Israels, Israel*) was b at Gil sum, N. H., April 19, 1799, m there Feb'y lo, 1842, Sarah Thomp son, b at Alstead, N. H., Oct. 3, 1816. He d at G., July 27, 1875. Children born at Gilsum : 107. Viola', b March 22, 1844, d March 31, 1846. i. Isaac Amasa, b Nov. 3, 1850, d March 7, 1868. Israel Albert, b Nov. 3, 1850, m Lucy M. Bill. 107. ISRAEL A.' LOVELAND, M. D. (Israel B.", Israel") was b at Gilsum, N. H., Nov. 3, 1850, m there Oct. 21, 1875, Lucy Mahala Bill, b at G., Dec. 14, 1851. Dr. Loveland is a laborious student in his profession. He has made a careful study of the al coholic habit and also of the various narcotic habits, and for several years has been receiving patients at his residence for his special treatment. In his researches he has discovered, as he verily be lieves, the application and method of compounding a drug that acts as a specific in these habits and also as a specific in some func tional nervous diseases. The Triple Gold Cure Company, of Gil sum, of which Mr. Loveland is president, has recently (1894) been organized to systematically carry out his treatment of the alco holic, morphine and tobacco habits. He claims the Triple Gold Cure treatment absolutely destroys the appetite for strong drink and for narcotic drugs. The cure is permanent and no bad re sults are experienced during and following treatment. Mr. Love land is a contributor to the best medical literature of the country. Children born at Westmoreland, N. H. : i. Fanny ViolaS, b Aug. 2, 1876. ii. Ada Mahala, b June 15, 1881. The Loveland Genealogy. ALICES LOVELAND (Israel*, ThomasS) was b at Hebron, Conn., June, 1762 (another authority gives March, 1763), m Jan'y 7, 1784, David Adams, b at Canterbury, Conn., March 7, 1757, d at Gilsum, N. H., Oct. i, 1844. She d there Oct. 13, 1846. He served in the Rev. War; mustered in at Cambridge, Mass., May 26, 1775, participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was three years moderator and selectman. He bid off a pew in the Cong. Ch., which indicates his religious views. Farmer. Children born at Gilsum : 96a!. i. Elsie" Adams, b Oct. 28, 1784, m Ebenezer Bill. 9615. ii. Annie Adams, b Feb'y 2, 1786, m Amasa Chaffe. iii. Hannah Adams, b Aug. 21, 1787, m at G., Aug. 13, 1820, Stephen Mansfield, b at Stoddard, N. H., Oct. 31, 178S, d at G., Aug. 9, 1872. She d there May I, 1825. No children. 96c. iv. Salome Adams, b March 22, 1789, m Calvin May. V. Amasa Adams, b March 19, 1793, d Sept. 26, 1806. 96A. ELSIE" ADAMS, b at Gilsum, N. H., Oct. 28, 1784, m there Nov. 7, 1802, Ebenezer Bill, b at G., March 30, 1776, d at Keeue, N. H., Feb'y 9, 1850. She d there July 15, 1868. Captain in State militia. Served as treasurer four years. Farmer. Children born at Gilsum : Willard' Bill, b Dec. 8, 1803, m Clarissa Estey; m 2d Betsey Isham. Harvey Adams Bill, b April 30, 1808, m Susan B. Keyes. Emily Bill, b April 30, 1808, d Sept. 19, 1S79; unm. Hiram Bill, b July 3, 1810, d July 29, 1810. Mary Bill, b April 19, 1813, m Samuel Woodward. 96D. WILLARD' BILL, b at Gilsum, N. H., Dec. 8, 1S03, m May I, 1834, Clarissa Estey. She d at Westmoreland, N. H., Dec. 19, 1856. He m 2d Nov. 18, 1857, Betsey Isham. He d at G. In youth he loved knowledge and applied himself through life to its 96^^. i. 96^. ii. iii, iv, q6/-. V. The Loveland Genealogy. 89 acquirement. He became a fine scholar and for many years taught school with marked success. He resided on his farm in West moreland until failing health required him to give it up. He served as captain in the State militia, v\as member of school board and selectman six years in G. Dem. Universalist. They had, born in West Moreland : i. Willards Bill, b Oct. 14, 1839, m Ellen O. Isham, April 12, 1S66. They have, b in W.: Clara Fran ces', b June 23, 1869, and Jennie Lillian, b Aug. 21, 1873- 96E HARVEY A.' BILL, b in Gilsum, N. H., April 30, 1808, m Dec. 30, 1840, Susan Butterfield Keyes, of Keene, N. H. He d at K., April 21, 1858. No children. He was brought up on a farm, learned the printer's trade in the office of the Cheshire Re publican (Keene), became its manager and eventually its editor. From a notice of his death: "His editorial labors extended over a period of ten years, during which time the paper maintained a high reputation. Unswerving in his principles, a mind peculiarly disciplined to investigation and rigid criticism, his labors for the cause in which his heart was enlisted was acknowledged by all with whom he was engaged." 96E. MARY' BILL, b at Gilsum, N. H., April 19, 1813, m April 2, 1833, Samuel Woodward. He d April 19, 1876. Children, first born at Westmoreland, N. H., the rest at Gilsum: i. George Samuels Woodward, b May i, 1834. Printer. ii. Mary Elizabeth Woodward, b May 27, 1838, m Wes ley Austin, Oct. 7, 1875. iii. Harvey Woodward, b July 18, 1841, m Oct. 19, 1870, Mary A. Spinney. Children: Mabel Adelaide', b Oct. 18, 1872; Leonard Samuel, b Oct. 24, 1876; George Ernest, b June 5, 1878. iv. Elsie Amanda Woodward, b May 29, 1844, m James Madison Hathaway, July 20, 1871. V. Laura Ann Woodward, b Feb'y i, 1848, d Oct., 1851 . 90 The Loveland Genealogy. 96B. ANNIE" ADAMS, b at Gilsum, N. H., Feb'y 2, 1786, m Jan'y 15, 181 1, Amasa Chaffe, b at Westminster, Vt., March 30, 1786, d at Westmoreland, N. H., March 22, 1863. She d there March 13, 1815. Children born at W.: i. Annie L.' Chaffe, b Sept. 26, 1811, m Otis Ammi- down, Feb'y 14, 1839. Family. ii. Constant Chaffe, b Oct. 15, 1813, d July 9, 1815. 96C. SALOME" ADAMS, b at Gilsum, N. H., March 22, 1789, m there Dec. 31, 1818, Calvin May, b at Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 17, 1792, d at Swansey, N. H., Feb'y 13, 1875. ^he d there Feb'y 13, 1875. Children born at Gilsum: i. Anna Adams' May, b Sept. 5^ 1819, m March 2, 1854, Hardin Abee. He d at Swansey, Nov. 13, 1863. She m 2d, Maj' 5, 1868, Roswell Whitcomb. She d at Swansey. ii. Amasa May, b Feb'y 5, 1821, d in N. Y. City, Oct. 19, 1874; m June 11, 1S45, Roxana L. Hayward, b in Surrey, N. H , Feb'y 38, 1824. Teacher. With Epes Sargent he was joint author of a series of school readers. They had: Sidney HarveyS, b May 31, 1847, lieut. in U. S. Army; Helen, b Sept. 16, 1849; Kate I., b July 14, 1855. iii. Calvin May, b April 7, 1823, d at Keene, N. H., Sept. 20, 1862; m Dec. 31, 1854, Jane E. Bemis, b in Sur rey, N. H., Oct. 27, 1S29. He was a briUiant scholar and magnetic speaker. They had: Mabel EstelleS, b May 31, 1859. iv. Lucy Amy May, b Dec. 19, 1S27, d Dec. 20, 1827. V. Harvey Bill May, b Aug. 9, 1831, m Abie C. Angell, Oct. 19, 1865. 97. ANNAS LOVELAND (Israel*, ThomasS) was b at Hebron, Conn., Sept. 11, 1764, m Dec. 30, 1790, Baruch Bolster. She d at Stoddard, N. H., Feb'y 19, 1833. Children, first two born at Stod dard, the rest at Grafton, Vt.: 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 91 i. Baruch" Bolster, b June 8, 1792. ii. David Bolster, b Oct. 24, 1793. iii. Aaron Bolster, b July i, 1795. iv. Ziba Bolster, b May 25, 1797. V. Anna Bolster, b May 25, 1797. 98. ASHER5 LOVELAND, M. D. (Israel*, Thomass) was b at Hebron, Conn., Aug. 23, 1767, m at Stoddard, N. H., 1790, Mary Wright, b there 1776, d there Oct., 1841. She was aunt to Silas Wright the N. Y. statesman. Dr. Loveland d at S., Aug. 7, 1849. He was a remarkably successful physician of his time. After he had ceased general practice he would occasionally be seen going to visit a patient, and it was at once known that some one was dangerously sick, or old Dr. Loveland would not have been called. He was a ready writer of songs and composed many for special occasions, such as the 4th of July. He was an ardent patriot, and sent his two oldest sons into the army in the war of 1812. He was a Democrat of the old school of Jefferson, and a liberal in religion. At eighty his memory was so tenacious that he could beat his grandson, fresh home from college, conjugating Latin verbs. He was a good and able man. — Prof. J. S. L. Children born at Stoddard: 108. i. Roswell", b Dec. 19, 1793, m Lucinda Stevens. 109. ii. Samuel Wright, b Dec. 12, 1795, m Keziah B. Petts. He m 2d, Lucy Ann Holt. no. iii. Erasmus Darwin, b March 25, 1805, m Mary J. Keith. He m 2d, Anna McCoy. III. iv. Mary Croft, b May 16, 181 2, m Addison Nutting. 108. ROSWELL" LOVELAND ( Asher s, Israel*) wash at Stod dard, N. H., Dec. 19, 1793, m there 1817, Lucinda Stevens, b at S., Jan'y 7, 1800, d at S., May 16, 1883. Her family (Stevens) in cluded old Thad, of Penn. He d at Daysville, 111., March 3, 1839. Served in the war of 181 2 on the Canadian frontier. He was Orderly Sergeant of his company, and was in the famous bayonet charge at the battle of Lundy's Lane. While stationed at N. Y. 92 The Loveland Genealogy. citj- after the close of the war he was upset in a boat and swam a mile with clothes and boots on. In his life he had rescued several persons from drowning, and yet was himself drowned in a very narrow creek by breaking through the ice. Children, the second born in Londonderry, Vt., the rest at Stoddard: 112. i. James Stevens', b March 21, 1818, m Sophronia Drew. He m 2d, Helen E. Chandler. 113. ii. Philena, b June 27, 1820, m Charles A. Cutter. 114. iii. Henry Stevens, b July 21, 1822; m. iv. Samuel, b Dec. 22, 1824, m at Claremont, N. H., Nov. 1848, Eleanor C. Reed. They have, b at Strasburg, N. Y., Loren A.", b 1S51, d 1856; Carrie, b Aug. 1859, m Elmer King. No family reported. 115. V. Mary Jane, b Oct. 20, 1827, m David E. Blood. 116. vi. Martha Ann, b March 12, 1832, m George Bailey. She m 2d, George Blodgett. vii. Asher Alonzo, b April 14, 1834, m Susan Wood. No family. 117. viii. Lucindfe Valeria, b Nov. 17, 1837, m George Ruffles. 112. JAMES S.' LOVELAND (Roswell", AsherS) was b at Stoddard, N. H., March 21, 1818, m there Persis Sophronia Drew. Divorced. He m 2d, at Charlestown, Mass., Jan'y 13, 1856, Helen Ehzabeth Chandler, dau. of Frederick, and grand dau. of William Chandler. Her parents were from Quincy, Mass., and settled in Roxbury, Mass. She was b at R., Nov. 12, 1826. Since 1888 Prof. Loveland has been President of the Mississippi Valley Spiritualist Association. Previous to this date and since he has been a public lecturer and author on spiritualism, and various re formatory and scientific topics. He took a thorough course in medicine also, and lectured on anatomy and physiology. Children: i. Mary LoviniaS. In Constantinople, Turkey. ii. James Roswell, b July 13, 1859, at Medford, Mass. 118. iii. Charles Fremont, b Sept. 17, 1861, m Georgie G. Lowry. The Loveland Genealogy. 93 118. C. FREMONTs LOVELAND (James S.', Roswell" ) was b in Willimantic, Conn., Sept. 17, 1861, m in Somerville, Mass., April 12, 1887, Mrs. Georgie Gertrude Lowry, b in Plymouth, Mass., Feb'y 19, 1862. When an infant she was adopted by Alonzo and Sophia Burbank. Mr. Loveland is a job and music typographer. 113. PHILENA' LOVELAND (Roswell", Ashers ) was b in Londonderry, Vt., June 27, 1820, m at Bellows Falls, Vt., June 2, 1846, Charles A. Cutter, b in Jaffrey, N. H., June 28, 181^, d there Dec. 8, 1873. Farmer. Children, first born in Claremont, N. H., the second in Marlow N. H., the third in Jaffrey: i. Gustavus AdolphusS Cutter, b Feb'y 23, 1847. ii. Lucy Ann Cutter, b July 13, 1851, m Sept. 4, 1880, Leander Kneeland. They have Mary Catharine', b June 3, 1881. iii. William Mark Cutter, b Sept. 21, 1857. 114. HENRY S.' LOVELAND (Roswell", AsherS) was b in Stoddard, N. H., July 21, 1822, m at Half Moon Bay, Cal., July 13, 1856. He came to Cal., Aug. 9, 1844. Fam. not reported. April 9, 1884, H. S. Loveland writes from San Francisco, California. "Dear Sir: On returning from the southern part of the State I found your circular in relation to the genealogy of the Loveland family. I have been so long on this coast that my recol lections are becoming somewhat dim so far as dates are concerned. My oldest brother J. S. Loveland who res des in San Bernardino, in this State, has received your circular, and as he has had access to the family records much more recently than myself and withal somewhat of a literary man, you will doubtless receive from him all the particulars you desire. All the Lovelands I have ever met agree that the family came from Bradford, Yorkshire, England, and settled in Connecticut in very early days. My great grand father went from Conn., and settled in the town of Gilsum, N. H., more than a hundred years ago. He raised a numerous family. 94 The Loveland Genealogy. many of whom became prominent men in that section of the country. A grandson of his was for many years town clerk of Gilsum and the records of that town would furnish abundant information in regard to the family. My great grandfather's name was Israel, and the grandson mentioned_above as well as his father were named Israel. My grandfather was Dr. Asher Loveland of Stoddard, N. H., and his eldest son Roswell was my father, who was drowned in Ogle county. 111., in 1838. My father was dis tinguished in the war of 1812. He was Orderly Sergeant of his company at the famous battle of Lundy's Lane and led the company into the battle and off the field at its close. He belonged to a regi ment called the Bloody i ith commanded by Col. McNeil who was for many years Collector of the port of Boston. McNeil was severely wounded and carried off the field early in the action. My father's company had been deployed as skirmishers and met the enemy in force, losing every commissioned officer, and more than half their number. My father, however, led the company into the fight and contributed largely to the success of that eventful day, which you will remember was won at the point of the bayonet. The Americans had been driven back from a battery planted on the hill where the monument now stands that commemorates the battle, when General Miller, also a New Hampshire man and a relative of our family on my mother's side, was asked the famous historical question by General Ripley, 'Can you take that battery?' and made the equally famous reply, 'I'll try sir.' Divesting his men of everything but the naked steel he led them up the hill down which they had thrice been driven with fearful loss. When vvithin about thirty feet of the guns mv father observed a gunner about to apply the match. He immediately converted his musket into a harpoon, transfixed the gunner and before another could take his place the gun was in the hands of the Americans and the fight was won. I never heard my father speak of this incident, but I did hear it told in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1849 ^y ^ i""^" ^'''o was in the fight, but did not know that the son of the man he was describing was a listener. An uncle of mine, Samuel W. Loveland, was wounded in the early part of the battle and has been a pensioner ever since. My grandmother on The Loveland Genealogy. gc my father's side was Mary Wright, a daughter of Major Wright of Stoddard, N. H., an officer of the French and Revolutionary wars, and grandfather of Silas Wright the famous New York statesman. My mother was Lucinda Stevens from the same family as the late Thad. Stevens, well remembered statesman of Penn. Her mother's famil}' was from the celebrated Scotch Irish stock that escaped from the siege of Londonderry, during the Catholic Rebellion and settled the town of Londonderry, N. H. From this stock came the Morrisons, Wilsons, Millers, Starks, Greeleys, Sullivans, McNeils, and many others whose names adorn the history of the whole country as well the 'Old Granite State.' My ances tors on both sides were remarkable for longevity. I had the pleasure of seeing all four of my great-grandfathers, great-grand father Loveland having obtained the advanced age of 104 years. I should be glad to write to you more at length for I am proud of the Lovelands. I have never heard of one who was a sneak or a coward. Few of them ever become rich. The trickeries of money getting do not seem congenial to them, and they usually entertain and express very positive opinions which is not conducive to money getting, but many of the name as you have doubtless learned have been men of very distinguished intellectual ability, and I have yet to learn of one who has ever been convicted of violating the laws of his country. I shall be glad to hear of your progress in this matter and hope to see the result of your labors. You will doubtless expend much time and means, and I should be pleased to contribute so far as necessary my share of the expense as I expect much pleasure in the result of your labors. I came to California Aug. 9, 1844. Vote the straight Republican ticket, am opposed to Chinese emigration, and hope to see Blaine the next President." 115. MARY JANE' LOVELAND (Roswell", AsherS) wash in Stoddard, N. H., Oct. 20, 1827, m there David E. Blood, b at Mason, N. H., Jan'y 15, 1846. She d at Santa Ana, Cal., Oct. 27, 1892. Children: i. George E.s Blood, b at Mason, N. H., Sept. 3, 1847, m Dec. 25, 1 866, Elizabeth Bailey, d Jan'y 1872. He m 2d, at M., 1882, Jane Adams. 96 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Henry P. Blood, b Nov. 26, 1850, m at Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 15, 1874, Lucy T. Beard. They have, Albert PI.', b Feb'y 29, 1876; Francis G., b Dec. 3, 1877; Charies Edward, b Feb'y 16, 1884. iii. Mary F. Blood, b Aug. 16, 1854, m 1885, John P. Hutchins, iv. Ida M. Blood, b Sept., 1856, m Sept. 3, 1881, Roswell B. Hawley. Divorced on grounds of desertion. She has custody of children. She m 2d, in Mesopo tamia, O., June 19, 1S92, James A. Wilcox, b there Sept. 17, 1854. Children: Ediih E.'. b July 1883; Mabel F., b May 13, 1884; Helen B., b Nov. 26, 1886, and Dare, b March 29, 1893, d Mav 18, 1893. V. Edward Loveland Blood, b Xov. 26, 1859, m in Boston, Mass., Jan'y 15, 1893, Fannie E. McCulloch. 116. MARTHA ANN' LOVELAND (Roswell", Ashers) was b at Stoddard, N. H., March 12, 1833, m 1850, George Bailey. She m 2d, 1865, George Blodgett. She left Mr. Bailey giving her son by him the surname Loveland. She d at Stoddard, April 2, 1887. Children: 119. i. William OwenS Loveland, b March 20, 1859, "i Abbie A. Stickney. ii. Frank Lincoln Blodgett, b in S., July 39, 1867. iii. Eva Blodgett, b 1S69, d young. 119. WILLIAM 0.8 LOVELAND (Martha A.', Roswell") was b at Thompson Station, R. I., March 20, 1859, '" ^t Fitchburg, Mass., May 23, 1883, Abbie Anne Stickney, b in Townsend, Mass., Oct. 15, [858. Miller and lumber cutter. Deals in grain, flour, feed, lumber and fuel. Prohibitionist. Cong. Ch. Mr. Loveland writes: "My father-in-law's family is large— father, mother and twelve children. All members of the Cong. Church. There are two doctors and two deacons in the family." P. 0., Ashby, Mass. Children born at West Townsend, Mass.: The Loveland Genealogy. 07 i. Harold William', b Dec. 13, 1884. ii. Nancy Rebecca, b Aug. 14, 18S6, d Aug. 37, 1886. iii. Eva Sticknej', b Oct. 24, 18SS. iv. Irving Everett, b Aug. 20, 1892, in Ashby. 117. LUCINDA V.' LOVELAND (Roswell", Ashers) was b at Stoddard, N. H., Nov. 17, 1S37, m May, 1852, George Ruffles. Children: i. Willie Edgars Ruffles, b April 5, 1854, r" ^'^ Antrim, N. H., Laura Jane Case. He d 1879. They had: Frederick', d young, and Alice. ii. Charles Henry Ruffles, b Oct., 1855. In U. S. Army. iii. Flora Adelaide Ruffles, b Nov. 1, 1856, m Sept., 1880, George S. Holt. Thev had: Waller', d young, and Helen May, b Oct., 1887. iv. George Roswell Ruffles, b Aug., 1859, m 1880, Hattie Hastings. They have: Gertie', b 1884, and Harvey, b Sept., 1887. V. Harry Merton Ruffles, b Feb'y 24, 1 864. vi. Lucy Lillian Ruffles, b Jan'y, 1867, d young. vii, Walter Irving Ruffles, b June, 1870, d 1876. viii. Eva May Ruffles, b May 23, 1874. 109. SAMUEL W.« LOVELAND (AsherS, Israel*) was b at Stoddard, N. H., Dec. 12, 1795, m there June 16, 1821, Keziah B. Petts, b at S., March 30, 1792, d there Feb'y 6, 1870; m 2d at S., Jan'y 30, 1871, Lucy Ann Holt, b at Nelson, N. H,, April 29, 1825, He d at Munsonville, N, H,, Nov, 5, 1890. Children born at Stoddard: i. Rebecca Melissa', b Sept. i, 1821, m at S., Jan'y 30, 1846, John Stillman Jones, b at Charlestown, N. H., June 23, 1825. He was killed on R. R. at Fitch burg, Mass. They had: EllaS, Mary, Indiana, George, Alice and Martha Browning. ii. Ruth Miller, b Aug. 22, 1823, m Ephraim Eaton Al len. They have: Sallv Adelaides, b Oct. 29, 1848, m; Winfield Scott, b June 29, 1851, and Katie, b Feb'y 25, 1871. 98 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Arvilla Copeland, b Sept. 12, 1825, d Aug. 31, 1841. 120, iv. Andrew Jackson, b May 25, 1828, m Belle Adams. 121. V. Francis Matson, b July 3, 1830, m Fidelia Fay. vi. Indiana Eaton, b June 23, 1833, m Nelson Nourse. They have: Albeit Everetts. 122. vii. Samuel Josiah, b Dec. 13, 1835, m Jeannette Hazeltine. Samuel Wright Loveland enlisted in the nth Reg., U. S. Inf., Jan'y 10, 1813. He was discharged Jan'y 10, 1818. Has drawn a pension since 1824 for wounds received at the Battle of Bridge- water, sometimes called Lundy's Lane. He has voted eighteen times for President, the last time for Cleveland and Thurman. He has always voted the Democratic ticket. He was a successful teacher in early life, has been town clerk of Nelson, N. H., several years since he was 80 years old. He now (1889) is in his 94th year, reads without glasses and goes out on the lakes and captures five and six pound bass as easily and readily as a young man. His standing in the community is evidenced by the fact that he is uncle to them all, all calling him Uncle Sam. He was wounded early in th* Battle of Bridgewater, and some of the British lead has never been extracted from his arm. He has always been a fine song singer and was a member of the band when discharged from the Army J. S. L. 120. ANDREW J.' LOVELAND (Samuel W.", AsherS) was b at Stoddard, N. H., May 25, 1828, m Feb'y 24, 1870, Rose Belle Adams, b at Williamstown, Vt., 1844. Children, the first two and the last born at Northfield, Vt., the rest at Bridgewater, Vt.: i. Myrtie Mays, b April 20, 1871. ii. Mina Petts, b Aug. 25, 1872. iii. George Parker, b June i8, 1873. iv. Ama Pamelia, b Jan'y 24, 1875. V. Carrie Adams, b May 31, 1882. 131. FRANCIS M.' LOVELAND (Samuel W.", AsherS) was b at Stoddard, N. H., July 3, 1S30, m at Nashua, N. H., Feb'y 24, 1852, Fidelia A. Fay, b at Alstead, Oct. 8, 1S31. Children, first The Loveland Genealogy. 99 born at Bennington, N. H.; second at Stoddard; third at Morris- town, Vt. ; the next two at Munsonville, N. H.; sixth at Morris- ville, Vt.; the two last at Hyde Park, Vt.: i. Charies F.s, b Dec. 7, 1853, d at H. P., Dec 25, 1861. ii. Willie, b Feb'y 19, 1858, d at H. P., Jan'y 23, 1862. iii. Clarence F., b June 25, i860, d at H. P., Dec. 25, 1861. iv. Frank A., b Aug. 19, 1862. V. Eddie L., b Dec. 30, 1S64. vi. Herbert E., b Aug. 7, 1S67. vii. Ernest M., b April 16, 1871. viii. Carrie F., b Aug. 29, 1873. Francis Matson Loveland has been farmer and blacksmith. He enlisted in the 9th N. H. Reg. for three years, Aug. 11, 1862. His son, Frank A., is a graduate from Burdette Commercial Col lege, also of Boston Dental College. Office 2283 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Eddie is a boot and shoe salesman. 122. J. SAMUEL' LOVELAND (Samuel W.", AsherS) was b at Stoddard, N. H., Dec. 1 3, 1835, m Janette Hazeltine. Children, the last born at Northfield, Vt., the rest at Morristown, Vt.: i. Nellie J.s Loveland, b Oct. 21, 1857, d Sept. 23, 1870. ii. Samuel W. Loveland, b Feb'y 27, i860. iii. Edward S. Loveland, b Aug. 9, 1862, d Nov. 26, 1864. iv. Hattie A. Loveland, b April 8, 1866. V. Gilson J. Loveland, b June 7, 1877. 110. ERASMUS D.« LOVELAND (Ashers, Israel*) was b at Stoddard, N. H., March 25, 1825, m in Boston, Mass., Dec, 1840, Mary J. Keith. She d in Mobile, Ala., Oct. 9, .1S49. He m 2d in Liverpool,. Eng., 1857, Anna McCoy, of Liverpool. §he d in .Calcutta, India, 1863. He d in Stoddard, Dec. 25, 1887. Dem, Universalist. Children, first born in Boston, tbe two next in N. Y. City, the three next in Mobile, the last in Liverpool: 123. i. Ellen Theressa', b Sept. 29, 1841, m A. M. Hill. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b Oct. 3, 1842, d in N. Y., 1844. too The Loveland Genealogy. 124. iii. Sylvester Darwin, b Sept. 10, 1844, m L. Celenda T. Clough. iv. George Washington, b Jan'y, 1846, d June, 1847. V. William Henry, b Nov., 1847, d March, 1848. vi. Anna, b Oct. 8, 1849, d Oct. 9, 1849. vii. Anna Margaret. The records of this family were lost at sea in 1858. The above dates are correct as far as they go. Mr. Loveland left his home in Stoddard when nineteen and engaged in the restaurant business in Boston. In 1842 he removed to N. Y. City, and in 1846 to Mobile where he kept hotel. After his first wife's death he followed the sea for some years. After his second marriage he went to Calcutta and kept a shipping office. He made three voyages around the world; was a man of pleasing address and of most excellent memory; was an interesting talker, and his fund of anecdote and incidents of history and travel made him a welcome addition to many a social circle. On the subject of fishing he was authority. This was a sport of which he was very fond, and he indulged in it to within a few weeks of his death. — Nellie L. Hill (Ellen T.). 133. ELLEN T.' LOVELAND (Erastus D.", AsherS ) was bin Boston, Mass., Sept. 29, 1841, m in Temple, N. H., Dec 8, 1861, Albert Marshall Hill, b in Rindge, N. H., Oct. 9, 1829, d in Fitch burg, Mass., June 6, 1889. Children, first three born in Mason, N. H., the last in Fitchburg: i. Frank Alberts Hill, b Dec. 20, 1862, m at Ravenna, O., March 23, 1893, Sarah E. Kegerreis, formerly Mrs. Sadie E. Morehead, b in Houston, Pa., Oct. 2, 1866. Born in Ravenna: Albert Henry', b July 31, 1893, d Nov. 2, 1893. ii. tx^d. Willis Hill, b March 26, 1864, m in Provideh6e, R. I., July 3, 18S7, Minnie Emma Sherman, b in Westeriy, R. I., March 5, 1865. Born in Fitchburg: Albert Loveland', b June i, 1S88, d June i, i888, iii. Harry Norton Hill, b Aug. 9, 1867. iv. Joseph Charies Hill, b April 3, 1870. The Loveland Genealogy. loi 134. SYLVESTER D.' LOVELAND (Erastus D.", Asher") was b in N. Y. City, Sept. lo, 1S44, m Oct. 18, 1883, L. Celenda T. Clough, b in Deering, N. H., Oct. 30, 1850. Mr. Loveland served eleven years in the U. S. service — two terms in the navy and one in the army. He served in the navy during the War of the Rebellion. Plier maker. Free Bap. Rep. No children. P. O., Manchester, N. H. 111. MARY C." LOVELAND (AsherS, Israel*) was born at Stoddard, N. H., May 16, 1812, m there Jan'y 22, 1837, Addison Nutting. Children, first two born at Mason, N. H., the next four at Temple, N. H ., the last at Hancock, N. H.: i. Mary Frances' Nutting, b Oct. 9, 1837, m at Wood bine, Md., April 2d, 1866, Samuel Leatherwood. Children: Anna Bells, b Dec. 21, 1867; Harry Mar shall, b March i, 1872; Mary Elizabeth, b Jan'y 4, 1874; Joseph Hanson, b Jan'y 4, 1876. ii. Willis M. Nutting, b Nov. i, 1838, m May 20, 1863, Mary A. Dixon. They d at Newberne, S. C she, July 3, 1884; he, Sept., 1884. Children: Vinet Bur ton 8 , b Oct. 20, 1 864, d 1 883 ; Frederick W., b Dec. 20, 1865; Harry Arthur, b Oct., 1867; Annie Florence, b Aug., 1869; Ida, b July 9, 1879; Nellie, Willie, Mamie. iii. George Everett Nutting, b Jan'y i, 1844, m May 22, 1865, Adaline Tenney. She d Jan'y 12, 1887. Children: Henry s, b Sept. 3, 1866, d 1866; Mary C, b Sept. 22, 1867; Walter Granville, b June 16, 1873; Ella Frances, b March, 1879; Everett Willard, b March 4, 1881. Family at Waltham, Mass. iv. Warren Asher Nutting, b Feb'y 25, 1848, m Feb'y 25, 1872, Mary E. Cariisle. They have: John Warren s, b in Boston, Mass., Dec. 31, 1873. V. Henry Elliot Nutting, b Nov. 29, 1849, d Feb'y 17, 1850. I02 The Loveland Genealogy. vi. Granville T. Nutting, b April 12, 1851, m Eva J. Gushing. Children: Helen C.s, b 1882; Phoebe, b May 22, 1886. Waltham. vii. Lizzie Maria Nutting, b Jan'y 2, 1855, m Nov. 18, 1875, Orrin H. Wiswall. Children: May Ruths, b Dec. 27, 1877, George G., b April 5, 1879; Herbert, b June 4, 18S1 ; Eva, b Oct. i, 1882, d Dec. 25, 1887; Nellie, b Dec. 26, 1883; Ada, b Aug. 27, 1886. Marlboro, N. H. 99. RUTH" LOVELAND (Israel*, Thomas^) was b at Hebron, Conn., Nov. 9, 1768, m at Pittsford, Vt., March 16, 1785, Ebenezer Burdette. She d at Sullivan, N. H., Jan'y 15, 1856. Children born at Grafton, Vt. : i. Ebenezer" Burdette, b Oct. 23, 1786. ii. Abel Burdette; m. iii. Israel Burdette, b March 22, 1792, m Martha Winchell, April 30, 18 1 5. iv. Ruth Burdette, b Feb'y 3, 1797, m Gilson, Sept., 1815. V. David Burdette, b Nov. 7, 1799. The above record was copied from the Grafton Town Rec ords. From the same records: "Abel Burdette was first constable at one time. Israel Burdette had a son, George, who settled in Troy, N. Y., became wealthy, went to Whitehall and died there." — PuoF.J. S. L. 100. JAREDs LOVELAND (Israel*, Thomass) was b at He bron, Conn., 1770, d at Grafton, Vt, July 17, 1S02, m Dec 24, 1794, Rox.ana Pease, b May 3, 1770, d at Grafton. Children born at Grafton : Anna", b March 6, 1796. i. Roxana, b March 12, 1798. ii. Rhoda, b Aug. 4, 1800, d Aug. 2, 1802. V. , b 1S03, d March 15, 1826; unm. The Loveland Genealogy. io% 101. AARON 5 LOVELAND (Israel*, ThomasS) was b at Heb ron, Conn., May 26, 1775, m Feb'y 21, 1799, Hannah, dau. of Josiah Reed, b Oct. 4, 1780, d at Glen's Falls, Vt., Oct. i, 1852. He d at Townsend, Vt., 1866. Children, the first five born at Grafton, Vt., the rest at Surrey or Gilsum, N. H.: i. Aaron", b April .30, 1800. > 125. ii. James Loren, b June 15, 1802, m Sophronia Day. 136. iii. Hannah, b Jan'y 26, 1805, m Jonathan Howard, M. D. iv. Dinah, b June 26, 1807, m Joseph Whitcomb, Oct. 23, 1827. V. Jared, b Nov. 22, 1809, m Eliza Ford, b at Ft. Miller, N. Y. He d in Rupert, Vt., Oct. 17, 1867, buried in Hebron, N. Y. vi. Asher, b Jan'y 2, 1812, d in Rupert; m. vii. Alfreda P., b Dec. 28, 1814, m George B. Ramsay. The above record differs somewhat from that found in the book of the Reeds, page 219. — J. S. L. 125. JAMES L." LOVELAND (Aaron", Israel*) was b at Graf ton, Vt., June 15, 1802, m Nov. 12, 1827, Sophronia Day. He d at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Children, first born in Keeseville, N. Y.; second in Gilsum, N. H., the rest in E. Townsend, Vt: 127. i. Daniel Day', b Nov. 19, 1831, m Mary E. Orange. ii. Abbie, b 1834, m Gray. iii. Hannah, b Nov. 29, 1836. iv. Alfreda, b 1841, m Oliver Cromwell. V. Andrew Jackson. 127. DANIEL D.' LOVELAND (James L.", Aaron") was b at Keeseville, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1831, m in Sacramento, Cal., July 23, 1864, Mary Elizabeth Orange, b in Bloomington, 111., Feb'y 4, 1844. Carpenter. Rep. Meth. Children, the first two born in Sacramento, the last in Farmer City, 111.: i. Willie Lorens, b March 4, 1866, d June 14, 1866. I04 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Mary Ellen, b June 23, 1867, m in Fisher, 111., March 23, 1888, James Ballou Fisher, b in F. Barber. Rep, They have: Nora', b in F,, Nov, 23, 1888, iii. Aaron Lincoln, b Sept. 4, 1870. Farmer in Fisher. 136. HANNAH" LOVELAND (AaronS, Israel*) was b at Graf ton, Vt, Jan'y 26, 1805, m in Gilsum, N. H., May 6, 1829, Jona than Howard, M. D., b at Winchester, N. H., March 27, 1805. She d at Linden, N. Y., June 22, 1884, buried in Middlebury, N. Y. Children, the third and fourth born at Athens, Vt, the rest in Winchester: 126a. i. Louisa Hannah' Howard, b March 5, 1830, m A. Hull. 1 2616. ii. Sarah Arvilla Howard, b March 31, 1831, m Albion E.Judd. iii, Myron Lemont Howard, b June 30, 1833, d young, iv, Aaron Eliab Howard, b Feb'y i, 1836, m in Middle- bury, May 4, 1862, Lois Voorhees, b at Mt, Morris, N, Y,, Sept 16, 1839, Merchant They have, b in Attica, N, Y., Mabel ElizaS, b Aug, 31, 1872, V, Elvira Antoinette Howard, b Nov, 24, 1841, d May 2, 1842, 126A. LOUISA H.' HOWARD, b at Winchester, N. H,, March 5, 1830, m in Bethany, N. Y., April 11, 1861, Albert Hull, b in Lei cester, N. Y,, Aug, 27, 1831. Farmer, Rep, Univer.salist P, O., Perry, N. Y. They have: i. Albert Howards Hull, b Oct 3, 1866, m in M'ddle- bury, N. Y., June 9, 1893, Gladys Morse, b there 1865. He is a farmer and teacher. Rep, Bap. They have: Herbert Herrell', b Oct 20, 1893. 136B. SARAH A.' HOWARD, b at Winchester, N. H., March 31, 1 83 1, m in Linden, N. Y., Oct 8, 1856, Albion E. Judd, b in Greenfield, N. Y., April 26, 1831, d in Linden, June 13, i860, buried in Perry, N. Y. She m 3d in Linden, Nov. 8, i860, Ben jamin Franklin Baird, b in Shoreham, Vt, Sept. 4, 1813. She a Bap. P. O., Perry. Children born in Middlebury, N. Y,: The Loveland Genealogy. 105 i. Henry Howards Judd, b Aug. 12, 1857, m Oct. 11, 1882, Emma Wolcott, b in Lament, N. Y., Nov., 1864. They have: Mildred', b in Cuba, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883; Albion, b in Attica, N. Y., Aug. 28, 18S7; Bessie, b in Lamont, July 26, 1889. ii. Jesse A. Baird, b Feb'y 25, 1862, m in M., Oct 15, 1885, William Knight, b in Lincolnshire, Eng., Dec. I, 1862. They have Clyde Frank', b in M., July 13, 1886; Edna Jessie, b in Attica, Dec. 6, 1887. 4. JOHNS LOVELAND (Thomas^, Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., 170C-1709, m at Saybrook, Conn., Nov. 19, 1730, Ruth*, dau. of Josephs and Sarah Chapman, b at S., March 16, 1713. The book of the Locks gives her birth March 6, 1713, and her m Nov. 18, 1730. The Saybrook record gives her m Nov. 18. The above record is from the 'Chapman Family," p. 43. The Say brook record gives the date of birth of the first two children. We can find no record proving Ziba and Titus to be their children. We have made an exhaustive search of the Town Records of Say brook and adjoining towns. They are doubtless natives of Say brook. We can find only one married man there by the name of Loveland at the time of their birth. Our conclusion is they are the sons of Johns. Children born at Saybrook: i. Ruth*, b April 28, 1733. 128. ii. John, b Aug. 30, 1735; m. 129. iii. Ziba, b 1737, m Rebecca 130. iv. Titus, b 1744, m Lydia" Chapman. 138. JOHN* LOVELAND (Johns, Thomas^) was b at Saybrook, Conn., Aug. 30, 1735. He settled in Adams Tp., Berkshire Co., Mass., and raised his family there, 131, i. Georges, b 1765, m Hannah Combs, ii. William, d in Mass, 132, iii. Frederick, m Rhoda Combs (sister to Plannah), iv. Anna, m Joshua Combs (brother). lo6 The Loveland Genealogy, [33, V, Chloe, b March 7, 1772, m Philip Potter; m 2d Jairus Shaw, 134, vi. Dudley, b 1779, m Priscilla Tracy; m 2d Rachel Canon. 131. GEORGES LOVELAND (John*, Johns) was b in Adams, N. Y., about 1765, d 1847, m in Mass., Hannah Combs; she d 1800. He m 2d, Fanny Beebe. Hannah had four children. No one has been found who could give much information concerning Fanny's children. Mr. Loveland served in the Rev. War, after which he settled at Gill, Mass. His first work there was to make himself a log cabin. Children: i. Graty". 135. ii. John, b 1784, m Betsey . 136. iii. George, b Oct. 4, 1786, m Azubah Bradley. He m 2d, Zilpha E. Harris. 137. iv. Joshua, b Oct., 1791, m Susannah Hoag. He m 2d, Mary Frost. V, Roswell. vi. Hannah, m James Landers, She d 1885, vii, Thomas, 135. JOHN" LOVELAND (Georges, John*) was born at Gill, Mass., 1784, d 1861, m Betsey . Children born in Gill: i, Cephas', b 1812. Drowned in Conn. River, 1847, 138. ii, Chauncey H., b June 10, 1813, m Rhoda Williams, iii, Betsey, b 1819, d 1849, iv. Seviah, m Lorin Williams, She d 1879, Family, 139, V, Henry L,, b April 29, 1825, m Arvilla W, Webster. 138. CHAUNCEY H,' LOVELAND (John", George") was b at Gill, Mass,, June 10, 1813, m Dec. 9, 1834, Rhoda WiUiams, b in Wendell, Mass., Aug. 6, 1813. He d at Montague City, Mass., March 2, 1889. I" early life owner and captain of a freight boat on the Conn. River, Later, a farmer, P, O,, Miller's Falls, Mass. Children born in Montague City : 140. i, L, Isabel", b April 4, 1836, m Henry A, Ryther, 141, ii, Henry W., b Oct 14, 1838, m Mary J. Piatt 142. ni. 143- IV. 14^. V. VI. H5- vii. 146. viii The Loveland Genealogy. 107 Frederic A., b April 5, 1841, m Flora A. Taft Calista A., b Dec. 25, 1843, m Dwight D. Holden. Franklin W., b Aug. 30, 1846, m Martha E. Brooker. George H., b July 10, 1849, d Aug. 10, 1853. Arthur E. b July 28, 1852, m Carrie E. Rowe. viii. George E., b Feb'y 20, 1855, m Emma F. Hastings. 140. L. ISABELS LOVELAND (Chauncy H.', John") was bin Montague City, Mass., April 4, 1836, m Dec. 7, 1859, Henry A, Ryther, b in Greenfield, Mass,, March 6, 1835, d Aug, 19, 1864, Member of Co, C, 27th Reg., Mass. Vols. He was killed in battle before Petersburg, Va, Born in Greenfield: i, Frederick H,' Ryther, b April 4, 1861, m in Greenfield, April 6, 1882, Louise Miller, b there June 27, 1864, Iron moulder at Miller's Falls, Mass, They have: Henry A.io,b in G,, March 26, 1883, d; Ethel L,, b at M. F,, March 8, 1885; d. 141. HENRY WS LOVELAND (Chauncey H,') was b in Mon tague City, Mass,, Oct 14, 1838, m in Gill, Mass., March 14, 1865, Mary J, Piatt, b in Gill, Dec. 8, 1837. Enlisted in U. S. service Sept 27, 1861, disc. Sept, 27, 1864 — Co. C, 27th Reg., Mass. Vols. He d in Coos, N. H., Dec 7, 1886, buried at Gill. P. O., Riverside. Born at Gill: i. Ernest P.', b July 9, 1867. 142. FREDERIC A.s LOVELAND (Chauncy H.') was b in Montague City, Mass., April 5, 1841, m at Greenfield, Mass., Nov. 15, 1865, Flora A. Taft,b in Montague City, Aug. 23, 1848. He enlisted in the U. S. service Sept. 26, i86r, served four years, was taken prisoner at the battle of Drury's Bluff, confined in various prisons from May 16, 1864, until Feb'y 25, 1865, He was in thirteen battles, besides numerous skirmishes and was mustered out July, 1865. Member of Co. C, 27th Reg., Mass. Vols. Was promoted from Sergeant to Second Lieut The last ten years io8 The Loveland Genealogy. (1892) has been mill-wright at Turner's Falls, Montague Paper Mill, Children born at Montague City. i. George C, b Feb'y 12, 1869, d Oct 8, 1869. ii. Leon A., b April 24, 1870. iii. Nellie E., bJuly 17, 1872. iv. Mabel E., b Feb'y 7, 1874. V. Robert T., b May 10, 1876. 143. CALISTA A.s LOVELAND (Chauncey H.') was b in Montague City, Mass., Dec. 25, 1843, m in Greenfield, Mass., Not, 23, 1864, Dwight D, Holden, b in Greenfield, May 7, 1842. He enlisted in the U. S, service Sept. 27, 1861, served three years, discharged Sept. 27, 1864. Member of Co. C, 27th Reg,, Mass. Vols. Master carpenter and builder. Children, first two born in Greenfield, the third in Deerfield, Mass.: i. Charies N.' Holden, b Sept 25, 1865, ii. Arthur E. Holden, b April i, 1868. iii, Percy L, Holden, b May 20, 1880. 144. FRANKLIN W.s LOVELAND (Chauncey H.'} was b in Montague City, Mass., Aug. 30, 1846, m in Greenfield, Mass., Martha E. Brooker, b June 12, 1846, d in G., Dec. 14, 1872, bur. at Riverside (Gill), Mass. Hotel proprietor at Erving, Mass. They have, born in G.: i. Lillian E.', b Oct. 4, 1871. 145. ARTHUR E.s LOVELAND (Chauncey H.') was b in Montague City, July 28, 1852, m there April, 1878, Carrie E. Rowe, b there July 22, 1855. Carpenter at Greenfield, Mass. Born in Erving, Mass.: i. Edith M.9, b Aug. 26, 1879. 146. G. EDWARDS LOVELAND (Chauncey H.') was bin Montague City, Mass., Feb'y 20, 1855, ^ in Greenfield, Mass., March 8, 1876, Emma F.s Hastings, grand dau. of Hannab« Love- The Loveland Genealogy. lOo land (George", John*), b in G., April 15, 1858. Iron moulder. Now farmer at Turner's Falls, Mass. Children, first born in Montague City, the rest in Greenfield: i. Harry E.', b Dec. 4, 1876. ii, Jessie M., b May 17, 1880, d June 24, 1881. iii, Chauncey H,, b March 25, 1884. 139. HENRY L.' LOVELAND (John", George" ) was b in Gill, Mass,, April 29, 1825, m in Brattleboro, Vt, Dec, 6, 1849, Arvilla W. Webster. She d in Gill, Sept. 16, 1875, a, 44. He d in Nor- walk, O., Sept. 13, 1892. Children, the second born in Conway, Mass,, the tenth and eleventh in Gill, the rest in Montague City, Mass, : i. Emma A.s, b March 28, 1852, m Austin D. Childs, in Brattleboro, May 26, 1872. Came to Norwalk 1873. Have: Merill Mead', b July 8, 1888. ii. Cephas E., b May 15, 1853. Whereabouts unknown. iii. Nellie A., b Dec. 33, 1854, d Jan'y 4, 1862, iv, Frank W,, b Aug. 8, 1856, m in Norwalk, July, 1879, Lizzie Ward. Family. v. Flora E., b Dec, 7, 1859, i" i" N-' April, 1883, E, J. Russell. She d in Kaukauna, Wis,, July 18, 1890. vi, Truman M,, b May 26, 1861, d Aug. 9, 1863. vii, Addie M,, b March 3, 1865, m in N., Sept 29, I886, W, N. Curtis. viii. Annie F., b Jan'y 18, 1867, m in Vernon, Vt, Feb'y 7, 1883, Orra Harris, ix, Truman H,, b Sept 3, 1868. X. Lucy W., b March 22, 1871, d in N,, Jan'y 17, 1893. •xi. Grace A., b July 16, 1875. 136. GEOtlGE" Loveland (George", John*) was b rrt Adams, Mass., Oct 4, 1786. He lived with his grandfather Combs at Thurman, N. Y., until he was fifteen years of age. His father then bound him out to Mr. Bradley, living in Vermont, to learn the mason trade. He m his dau., Azubah, in i8io, who d no The Loveland Genealogy. 1814 leaving two children. He m 2d in Ballston Springs, N. Y,, 1814, Zilpha E., dau, of Joseph Harris, b in Saratoga, N. Y,, Dec, 21, 1795, d in Johnsburg, N, Y,, Oct. 23, 1881. He d there March 25, 1873, Lumber cutter and farmer, Dem. M, E, Ch, He was a model farmer, industrious and economical and left his family well provided for. Children, the first two born in Ohio, the third in Saratoga, the next four in Warrensburg, N. Y., the next three in Thurman, the next three in Moriah, N, Y., the last three in Schroon, N. Y, : i. Alexander', killed in the Mexican War. ii. Lovina, m in O, No report, 147, iii, Chauncey L., b March 19, 1815, m Minerva Spalding. 148. iv, John Loren, b Sept. 12, 1816, m Clarissa Ross. 149, V, Laura Ann, b Sept, 12, 1816, m Allen Ferris, vi, Mary, b 18 18, vii. Azubah, b 1820, 150, viii. George Dudley, b Sept 15, 1822, m Althea Mead, 151, ix. Roxeana, b Feb'y 15, 1824, m Eli Reynolds. 152, X. Emeline, b March 11, 1826, m Anthony Snyder, xi. Lyman, b June 25, 1828, d May 6, 1853; unm. 153. xii. Miles, b March 13, 1830, m Lucy Frazier. 154. xiii. Daniel, b March 29, 1832, m Mary A. Armstrong, 155- xiv, Frederick Thomas, b Aug, iS, 1834, m Mary Duell. 156, XV. Margaret Ann, b April 16, 1837, ™ S. Millington. 157. xvi. Edward Martin, b Oct, 5, 1840, m Eva A, Jenks. 147. CHAUNCEY L,' LOVELAND (George"), was b at Sara toga, N, Y,, March 19, 1815, d in Fulton Co,, O,, Sept 19, 1845, buried in Ayer's Cem, He m at Crown Point, N. Y., Oct 12 1837, Minerva Spalding, b there Jan'y 3, 1821, d at Brookfield Mich,, Sept, 11, 1879, ^^e m Jacob Numbers, 1846, who d Nov,, ¦1887. Both buried in King's Cem., Eaton Rapids, Mich. U. B, Ch. Children, first born in Richland Co., O., the rest near Wan seon, O. : 158. i. Loyal Chauncey 8, b July 28, 1839, m Hannah J. Sfli der; m 2d Mariah B. Scrafield, The Loveland Genealogy. in 159. ii. Harriet Theodosia, b Sept. 14, 1841, m B. W. Post. 160. iii. Augustus Miles, b May i, 1844, m Laura A. Barnum. 158. L. CHAUNCEYs LOVELAND (Chauncey L.') was b in Richland Co., O., July 28, 1839, m there Feb'y 23, 1861, Hannah Jane Snider, b there April 8, 1842, d in Blooming Grove, O., Sept. 18, 1877. Bap. He m 2d in Richland Co., Jan'y 31, 1878, Mariah B. Scrafield, b in Cambridge Shire, Eng., Jan'y 23, 1849. He d in B. G., Oct. 21, 1889. He was sergeant of Co. F., 45th Reg., O. V. I.; enrolled Aug. 5, 1862; served to the close of the war. Farmer. Disciples. Rep. P. O., Corsica, O. Cl>ildren, first born in B. G., the second in Eaton Co., Mich., the next in Morrow Co., O.: i. Dau. 9, b April 27, 1862, d same day. ii. John Charley, b May 6, 1869. iii. Eliza Austin, b Sept. 5, 1878. iv. Frank S., b Dec 18, 1880, d Jan'y 12, 1881. V. Ernest Marshall, b Oct. 3, 1882. vi. Clifford D., b May 12, 1886. 159. HARRIET T.8 LOVELAND (Chauncey L.') was b at Wauseon, O., Sept 14, 1841, m Jan'y 19, 1858, Benjamin Wesley Post, b in Richland Co., O., June 10, 1831. Served twenty months in Co. I, 1 20th O. V. I. ; enlisted Aug. 1 1 , 1 862 ; engaged in the siege of Vicksburg. Farmer. Rep. P. O., Eaton Rapids, Mich. Children: i. Emma Lovina' Post, b in Troy Tp., Richland Co., O., Oct I, 1858, m in Hamlin Tp., Eaton Co., Mich., Nov. 15, 188 1, D. D. Van Allen, b there Jap'y 31, 1855. Farmer. Dem. Children b at Eaton Rap ids: Floyd W.i«, b Oct 5, 1884, d Sept, 3.3, 1887; Emma Mildred, b Oct 16, 1887; Forest Dean, b Aug. 19, 1892. ii. Mary Minerva Post, b Feb'y 15, 1868, m at Eaton Rapids, Oct. II, 1 89 1, George Laurbrun. They have: Nellie Hazelio, b Sept 29, 1892. 112 The Loveland Genealogy. 160. AUGUSTUS M.8 LOVELAND (Chauncey L.') was b at Wauseon, O., May i, 1844, m in Lexington, O., Oct. 6, 1869, Laura Ann Barnum, b in Bridport, Vt., Jan'y 12, 1832. Carpenter. Dem. Cong, Ch, They left their old home in L., 1885, and came to Colorado Springs, Colo., for the benefit of Mrs. Love land's health. He d here July 7, 1891. He is represented as a model man whose hand was always open to help the needy. 148. JOHN L.' LOVELAND (George", Georges) was b in Warrensburg, N. Y., Sept 13, 18 16, m at Johnsburg, N. Y,, Sept 12, 1843, Clarissa, dau of Elijah Ross, b at J,, March 9, 1826, d there Aug. 12, 1882. Soldier in Union Army three years; drew a pension. He d at J,, Dec, 29, 1890, Farmer, Dem, Children born at Johnsburg: 161, i, Angeline", b Oct. 7, 1845, m David Kearns. ii. Stimulus M., b June 9, 1850; unm. When a resident of Johnsburg he was constable and collector two years, school collector one year, and assistant post master. He is now (1892) lumber cutter in Cal, Dem. iii. George L., b Dec, 17, 1855, d at J,, 1872, 161. ANGELINEs LOVELAND (John L.') was b at Johnsburg, N. Y., Oct 7, 1845, m there Sept. 7, 1867, David son of Henry Kearns, b in Hemmingford, Prov. of Quebec, April 16, 1843. Teamster, P, O., Mendocino, Cal, Children: i, Carrie S.' Kearns, b at J., Aoril 2, 1869, d at Little River, Cal., May 20, 1880. ' ii. Georgie H. Kearns, b in Wis., Feb'y 1 1, 1878, d at L. R,, June 18, 1879, iii. Willie J, Kearns, b at L. iR,, Nov, 17, 1879, d there Sept, 19, 18S0. iv. (Infant), b at J,, Nov. 12, [881, d there Nov, 12, 1881. 149. LAURA A.' LOVELAND (George") was b at Warrens burg, N. Y,, Sept 12, 1816, m in Schroon, N. Y., July 4, 1837, ANDREW J. LOVELAND. (150. iv.) The Loveland Genealogy . 1 1 3 Allen Ferris, b in Chester, Warren Co., N. Y., Jan'y 28, 1806, d there March 17, 1870. She d there Oct. 24, 1853. Children, the second born in Franklin Tp., O., the rest in Chester: i, Georges Ferris, b Aug, 6, 1839, d June 28, 1858, ii, John Ferris, b Oct. 16, 1842, m in Thurman, N. Y., March 25, 1862, Mary Jane Hammond, b at Lake George, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1848. Farmer. Rep. M. E. Ch. Born in Chester: Laura Ann', b June 22, 1863, m in C, 1885, Woodard Z. Wells. She d in C, June 4, 1888, buried in Olmsteadville, N. Y. Had two children, son and dau., who d at birth. iii. Zilpha Elizabeth Ferris, b April 25, 1848, m in War ren Co., N. Y., Sept, 28, 1873, Jonathan S, Gates, b in Bolton, N. Y., Aug, 2, 1847, Merchant She was the adopted dau. of her aunt, Mrs, Eli Rey nolds, They have, b in Bolton: Walter Edward', b Feb'y 23, 1874. 150. GEORGE D.' LOVELAND (George") was b in Thurman, N. Y., Sept 15, 1822, m in Warren Co., N. Y., Jan'y i, 1845, Alathea Mead, dau. of Andrew and Spisey Spegeil Mead (maiden name Moseman), b in Chester Tp., July 19, 1824, d there April II, 1884, buried at Igerna, N. Y. He d there June 29, 1893. There are three postoffices in Chester Tp.: Chester, Pottersville and Igerna. This family live in the part called Igerna. In early Hfe he drove the river as boatman twenty-two springs in succes sion. Later a farmer. Dem. Children, the second born in Johns burg, N, Y,, the rest in Chester Tp. : i, Naomi AnnS, b March 13, 1846, d in J., Oct 27, 1846. 162. ii. Charies Francis, b Sept. 16, 1848, m E. J. Snyder. iii. Nathaniel Emerson, b Nov. 24, 185 1. iv. Andrew Jackson, b Sept 7, 1854, Farmer, carpenter and road builder. In this latter occupation he is a specialist, and few men in the Adirondack lumber region can handle a crew of men to better advantage or build a better road than he. 1 14 The Loveland Genealogy. 163. V, Hattie Florence, b Feb'y 19, 1857, m D. S. Witherbee, vi, Lelliajane, b Sept. 21, 1859, m in Warrensburg, N. Y., April 26, 1893, Archie Edward Beldin, b in Newcomb, N. Y., May 22, 1871, Farmer and lum berman. Rep. Bap. vii. Laura Emeline, b Sept. 15, 1862, m at Glen's Falls, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1882, Frederick E. Lavery, b in Chester. Farmer and carpenter. She d in C, Jan'y 22, 1889. Methodist They had, b in C.: Helen Florence', b Oct. 3, 1883. 163. CHARLES F.s LOVELAND (George D.', George") was b in Johnsburg, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1S48, m at Warrensburg, N. Y., Feb'y 4, 1875, Electa Jane Snyder, b at Newcomb, N. Y., Jan'y 22, 1855. She is the fourth child and only daughter of An thony Snyder and Emeline' Loveland (152). Farmer. Both Methodists, P. O., Igerna, N. Y. Children born in Chester and buried at Igerna: i. Morton Ernest', b Jan'y 3, 1S76, d Feb'y 3, i88i. ii. Lillian Maud, b April 17, 1877, d Sept. 11, 1877. iii, Shirley Morris, b March 25, 1S78, d Jan'y. 25, 1881. iv. Leslie Snyder, b Nov. 2, 1881, d May 25, 1889. V. Henry Arthur, h Oct 9, 1SS5, d Feb'y 9, 1886, vi. Harry Charles, b Oct 9, 1885, d Oct. 7, 1886, vii, Berlin Frederick, b Aug. 21, 1890, d Aug, 29, 1891. viii. Bertha Florence, b Sept. 6, 1893. 163. HATTIE F.s LOVELAND (George D,', George") was b in Chester, N. Y., Feb'y 19, 1857, •" '" Newcomb, N. Y., Oct 8, 1887^ Daniel Stillman Wetherbee, b in Newcomb, June 24, 1860.; Farmer. Rep. Nonprpfessor. She Bap, She d a.t Ne.wcomb, Feb'y 8^ 1893V ¦ Her remains were taken to her father's at Igerna, Friday, Feb'y 10, and buried the next day by the side of her mother and sister in the cemetery near the Methodist Church at that place. In her death a sweet life has gone out full of hope and promise from earth. Calling her husband and family around The Loveland Genealogy. 115 her bed she bade each farewell and asked them to meet her in heaven, then closing her eyes she peacefully sank to rest and eternal life. She was an affectionate uife, a dutiful daughter, a kind neighbor, social and companionable, and beloved by all who knew her. Children born in Chester: i. Marion Alathea' Wetherbee, b May 18, 1889. ii, Laura Alleen Wetherbee, b June 14, 1S92, 151. ROXEANA' LOVELAND (George", George") was b at Thurman, N. Y., Feb'y 15, 1824, m in Chester (Warren), N. Y., Sept. 3, 1843, Eli Reynolds, b in Hebron, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1S17. Followed lumbering 23 }ears. Farmir. Rep. M. E. Ch. No children of their own, but they adopted and raised four. P, O., Hill View, N. Y.: i. Zilpha Elizabeths Ferris (149, iii). ii. Amos H. Reynolds, b in Johnsburg, N. Y., Jan'y 5, iS53- iii. Mary Eliza Reynolds, b in Caldwell, N. Y., April 29, 1870, m Marvin Lanfair. iv, Eva May Reynolds, b in Johnsburg, Feb'y 19, 1872. Twice married. The father of Amos H. was a Mr. Fish who died leaving Amos (three years) and four sisters who were taken by people to raise. Mary Eliza's father was a Mr. Loomis. She was about five years old when she came to our house. She has a home of her own now, — Mrs. Eli Reynolds, 153. EMELINE' LOVELAND (George", George") was b in Thurman, N. Y., March 11, 1826, m in Newcomb, N. Y., March 20, 1845, Anthony Snyder, b in Germany, Oct. 16, 18 16. He came, to this country with his fatherrin •1827. Puddlerin the ijian- ufacture of steel'; later farmer, lumberman, guide and hunter. Rep. Cath. He d at Xewcomb, May 5, 1872, buried in Olm steadville, N. Y. She m 2d in Chester (Warren), N. Y., April 29, 1880, WiUiam O. Donald, b in Donegal, Ireland, May 9, 1839. Farmer. Dem. Cath, Children born in Newcomb: 1 1 6 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Harriet MariaS Snyder, b Dec. 15, 1845, d 1846. ii. Henry Howe Snyder, b Feb'y 25, 1848, m in Troy, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1885, Kate Golden. She d Sept 4, 1888; buried in Troy. He d Sept 4, 1887. No children. iii. Archibald Snyder, b May 3, 1850, d Jan'y 7, 1862. iv. James Robinson Snyder, b Feb'y 21, 1852, d 1853. V. Electa Jane Snyder, b Jan'y 22, 1855, m Charles F, Loveland ( 162). vi. George Morris Fred Snyder, b March 26, 1858, m in Essex Co., N. Y., April 9, 1882, Hannah Matilda Lewis, b in Bridport (Addison), Vt,, Dec, 5, 1863, He d at Long Lake, N. Y., March 12, 1894. Dem. vii. Anthony Ellsworth Snyder, b Oct, 6, 1863; m. 153. MILES' LOVELAND (George", George") was b in Moriah, N. Y., March 13, 1830, m at Hadley, N, Y., May 23, 1854, Lucy Frazier, b in Day, N. Y., April 9, 1831. Farmer. Dem. She Methodist. P. 6., Riparius, N. Y. Children, first three born in Johnsburg, N. Y., the fourth at Day: i. Daniel Lorenzo", b Feb'y 7, 1856, m in Thurman, N. Y., Dec. I, 1880, Armida Baker, b there Jan'y 26, i860. Employe in paper company at Palmer Falls, N. Y . She a milliner and dressmaker and member M. E. Ch. P. O., Warrensburg, N. Y. They have: Millie', b Dec. 24, 1883. ii. Eugene, b March 18, 1862, d Sept i, 1869. iii. Miles M., b Jan'y 5, 1864, d Sept 3, 1869. iv. Llewellyn, b July 3, 1870. 154. DANIEL' LOVELAND (George", Georges) b at Moriah, N. Y., March 29, 1832, moved to Johnsburg, N. Y., with his parents, March 38, 1844, m in Chester, Warren Co., N. Y., Feb'y 15, 1863, Mary Ann Armstrong, b in Johnsburg, May 4, 1843. Occupation, lumbering and farming. He has quite an extensive business of the former during the winter months. Rep. The Loveland Genealogy. ti? M. E. Ch. He was drafted at the last call for soldiers to sup press the rebellion, and while on the way to the front the war closed. His family suffered a sad bereavement in 1883 by the sud den death of three children by diphtheria. Buriel place: Johns burg. Children born in Wevertown, N. Y.: 164. i. Salome Belles, b Sept 14, 1864, m Archibald Noble. ii. Charles Harrison, b June 5, 1866. Attended one course at Burlington, Vt., Medical College. Graduated at Albany Med. Coll., April, 1892. iii. Mark Lawrence, b Dec. 13, 1867, d Dec. 13, 1883. iv. Nora Ella, b Oct 3, 1870, d Dec. 6, 1883. V. Gertrude Estella, b May 26, 1874. vi. Hollis Irving, b Oct. 7, 1877. vii. Grace Elizabeth, b Aug. 3, 1881, d Nov. 25, 1883. Wevertown, N. Y., April 22, 1890. Mr. J. B. Loveland: Dear Sir: — You see, Mr. Loveland, we have had great trouble in the deaths of three of our children by diphtheria, taken so soon, that is in such a short period of time. Gracie, our dear little babe, so sweet and good, was first taken from us. We thought it was so hard to bear. She was a lovely child and such a sweet little singer, only two years old when she died. In one short week the Lord took another, Nora, the light of our home, so pure, so good. We thought we could never give her up, but the Lord knew what was best for us, so we had to part with her. She was loved by all. The same night she died, Mark, our boy, just commencing to make a start in his studies, was taken sick and in a few days he too was taken from us, and oh how desolate and lonely it left us; no one can tell only those who have gone through such trials. But what we know not now we shall know hereafter. I should be pleased to hear from you again, as you seem like an acquaintance. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Daniel Loveland. 164. S. BELLES LOVELAND (Daniel', George") was b in Wevertown, N. Y., Sept 14, 1864, m there June 6, 1883, Archi- II 8 The Loveland Genealogy. bald R. Noble, b in W., Feb'y 23, 1855. Druggist and (1890) postmaster. Now (1S92) county clerk of Warren Co., N. Y. Rep. Meth. Born in Wevertown: i. Kate Elsie' Noble, b April 12, 1884. 155. FREDERICK T.' LOVELAXD (George", George") was b at Schroon, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1834, m in Johnsburg, N. Y., June 23, 1S67, Mary Ann Duell, b in Chester, Warren Co., N. Y., Sept. 29, 183S. Farmer and lumberman. Dem. Children, first two born in Johnsburg, the last in Minerva, N. Y. : i. AnnieS, b Sept. 3, 1S6S, m in Port Henrj-, N. Y., March i, i89i,John Thornton, b in Plattsburg, N. Y., March 6, 1861. Lumberman. Guide in the hunt ing and fishing season. Born in Newcomb, N. Y.: Charies H.', b Jan'y 27, 1S93; Forest Widiam, b July 3, 1894. ii. Cora Maud, b Jan'y 7, 1871. iii. Morris, b Sept 37, 1872. 156. MARGARET A.' LOVELAXD (George", George") was b in Schroon, N. Y'., April 16, 1S37, m in Johnsburg, N. Y^, May 30, 1853, Samuel Millington, b in Queensbury, N. X ., May 3, 1839. Farmer. P. O., Riparius, X. \'. Children born in Johnsburg: i. George Frederick" Millington, b Dec. 23, 1S54, m in J., Sept. 23, 1S73, Melita Anette Robins, b in J., 1845. Farmer. Dem. M. E. Ch. Chiklren b in Johnsburg: Carrie Lina', b July 5, 1S74; Edgar Harris, b July 20, 1S75; Edith Olga, b July 20, 1875. a 1 J J ii. Agnes Jeannette Millington, b Jan'y 12, 1858, m in Chester, Warren Co., N. Y., May 30, 1S83, John Orson Smith, b there March 37, 1S5S. Children b in J.: Joseph Eari^, b May 13, 1S83, d Oct, 17. 1885; Maggie May, b Aug. 37, 1SS4; Orson Harris, b Aug. 7, 1SS6; Rosamond, b Dec 10, 1890. The Loveland Genealogy. 1 1 9 iii. Laura Emeline, Millington, b Feb'y 16, i860, m in Warren Co., Nov. 15, 1884, Melancton Dunkley, b in J., Nov. 27, 1866. iv. Chauncey Alexander Millington, b March 15, 1862, m at Griffin, N. X ., Dec. 5, 18S6, Lona Margaret Bruns, b in J., Aug. 24, 1870. Children b in J.: Vaneta Andray', b Nov. 8, 1887; John Warren, b Nov. 21, 1888; Gladys Horatio, b Feb'y 16, 1890. V. John Warren Millington, b Sept. 21, 1864, m in J., Oct. 13, 1889, Lillie May Sanders, b at North River, N. Y., May 12, 187 1. They have, b in J.: Samuel Winnifred', b June 15, 1890. vi. Philip Sheridan Millington, b April 12, 1866, m in Warren Co., March 26, 1890, Edith Magan, b at J., April 12, 1870. vii. Archie Harris Millington, b Sept. 11, 1870, d Sept., 1874- . . viii. Rosa Lillian Millington, b April 13, 1872, m at Indian Lake, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1890, Columbus Bruns, b in J., July 16, 1866. ix. Leon Howard Millington, b Aug. 24, 1879. 157. EDWARD M.7 LOVELAND (George", George") was b at Schroon, N. Y., Oct 5, 1840, m in Troy, N. Y., April 26, 1872, Eva A., dau. of Mason and Ann Eliza McKee Jenks, b in Chester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1852. Farmer and stock raiser. Moved to Iowa 1888. Now (1892) dealer in wood and coal and proprietor of dray line at Forest City, la. He owns a farm two miles from the city. Dem. Wife M. E. Church. Children born in Johnsburg, N. Y., the seventh in Forest City: i. George MasonS, b Oct. 12, 1873. ii. Minnie Dell, b Jan'y 24, 1876. iii. Lina May, b Oct. 27, 1878, d July 19, iv. Mabel Inez, b Oct. 8, 1882. V. Omar Jenks, b April 2, 1885. vi. Edward Martin, b Sept. 6, 1887. vii. May Eva, b Oct 13, 1892, I20 The Loveland Genealogy. 137. JOSHUA" LOVELAND (George", John*) was b in South Adams, Mass., Oct., 1791, m in Warren Co., N. Y,, 1813, Susan Hoag, b in Warrensburg, N, Y., d in Plymouth, N. Y., 1818; m 2d- at Thurman, N. Y,, Feb'y, 182 1, Mary Frost, b at T., Sept i, 1801, d at T., Dec. 2, 1870. He d there July 16, 1846. His mother dead, he was taken by his grandparents to raise (Joshua and Elizabeth Jefferson Combs), who lived at Athol, now Thur man. Mr, Loveland served as sergeant in the War of 1812, 23d Reg, N. Y, I, He was stationed at Plattsburg. Farmer, Dem. M, E, Ch, Children, the third born at Plymouth, the rest at Thurman: i, Hannah', b May 16, 1814, m at T., Oct 25, 1858, Al len T, Ferris, b in Chester, N, Y,, Jan'y, 1803, d there March 17, 1870, No children. 165, ii. Jefferson, b April 26, 1816, m Mary Ann Daggett. 166, iii. Joshua C, b May 10, 1817, m Susannah Pendell; m 2d Susannah Daggett. iv, Mary Ann, b July 27, 1822, m in T,, Sept, 3, 1843, John E. Kenyon, b in T,, April i, 1820, d there Jan'y 18, 1890. Farmer, Rep, They had, b in T.: Fredericks, b May 9, 1848, m there May 15, 1870, Dolly Kenyon. They have, b in T,: Lewis', b Oct 4, 1873; Abiel, b Jan'y 12, 1879, 167, V, John, b Jan'y 29, 1826, m Sarah Jane Wilsey. vi. William, b May 31, 1829; m. His wife d. He has a son, Williams. 168. vii. George, b Dec. 3, 1831, m Elizabeth Potter. 165. JEFFERSON' LOVELAND (Joshua", Georges ) was b at Athol, N. Y., April 26, 1816, m there 1837, Mary Ann Daggett, b at A., Nov. 21, 1819. He d there Aug., i860. She d at Stony Creek, N. Y., Sept. 25, 189 1, buried at A. He held the various town offices. Farmer. Rep. Children born at Athol: i. Mary Janes, b April, 1840, d Aug., 1859. 169. ii. Frederick, b June 20, 1842, m Rebecca M. Trumbull. The Loveland Genealogy. 121 iii. John J,, b March, 1844, d April, 1848. iv, Sarah A., b Nov, 25, 1849, i" ^'^ Lake George, N. Y., June 29, 1888, Wesley Twiss, b in Johnsburg, N. Y"., Dec. 29, 1856. Farmer. Rep. No children, 169. FREDERICKS LOVELAND (Jefferson', Joshua") was b at Athol, N, Y,, June 20, 1842, m in Warren Co,, N, Y., Sept, 1863, Rebecca Minerva Trumbull, b at Johnsburg, N. Y., March 13, 1834. Mr. Loveland enlisted Aug., 1864, in i86th N. Y. S. v.; participated in the Battle of Hatcher's Run, Oct. 25-27, 1864; in the capture of Fort Fisher, Jan'y, 1865, and in the Battle of Five Forks, Va., April i, 1865. He did picket duty with his reg iment in front of Petersburg in the fall and winter of 1864-5, fre quently away to fight and then to return to their old post at Fort Sedgewick. His life was one of almost continuous battle while in the service. He was at the surrender of Gen. Lee and saw him give up his sword. He was discharged June, 1865. This regi ment was landed at City Point, Va., the last of Aug., 1864, full one thousand strong, and embarked at the same place the last of April, 1865, with only 380 men, Mr, Loveland does not (1890) draw a pension. Farmer. Meth. Rep. P. O., Glens Falls, N. Y''. Children born at Athol: i, Frankhn', b March i, 1865, d Nov. 2, 1882. ii. Nellie, b July 15, 1867, m at Warrensburg, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1890, John E. Marcellus, b in West Day, N. Y., July 18, 1 86 1. Farmer. Dem. They have: Dallasi", b Sept 15, 1891. iii. Frederick, b Nov. 20, 1869, m at West Pawlet, Vt, April 19, 1894, Katie Parry, b at Granville, N. Y., Jan'y 28, 1872. Carpenter and builder. Rep. P. O., W. P. iv. Mary, b March 2, 1872, m at Warrensburg, Aug. 30, 1890, Edgar Stowe, b in Newaygo, Mich., Oct. 14, 1870. Farmer. Dem. They have: Anceli", b June 22, 1891, d May 27, 1893, and Muriel E., b Aug. 30, 1892, v. Dallas, b April 5, 1874. 122 The Loveland Genealogy. 166. JOSHUA C LOVELAND (Joshua", George") was b in Plymouth, N. Y., May lo, 1817, m at Athol, N. Y., April 15, 1838, Susannah Pendell, b at A., March 11, 1818, d there July 15, 1869; m 2d at A. (now Thurman), Oct. 15, 1878, Susannah Dag gett, b in A., Sept. 10, 1838. Farmer. Rep. Has held import ant town offices. P. O., Athol. Children born at Athol: i. Susannah M.s, b Aug. 5, 1839, d Feb'y 6, 1843. ii. Maria, b Feb'y 27, 1844, m at A., Feb'y 27, 1864, La fayette Everts, b at A., April 23, 1843. Lumber dealer and farmer. Rep. M. E. Ch. No children, 170, iii, John L,, b Feb'y 27, 1844, m Libbie Everts, 170. JOHN L.s LOVELAND (Joshua C) was b at Athol, N, Y., Feb'y 27, 1844, m there Nov. 21, 1867, Libbie Everts, b there July 30, 1 85 1. Lumber dealer and farmer. Has held the various town offices, M.E.Ch. P. O., Athol. Children born at Athol: i. Delbert J.', b Oct 18, 1870. ii. Franklin, b Dec. 12, 1875. 167. JOHN' LOVELAND (Joshua", George") was b at Athol, N, Y., Jan'y 29, 1826, m there June 4, 1850, Sarah Jane Wilsey, b at Johnsburg, N, Y., March 19, 1834, d at A., May 19, 1886. He d at Thurman, Feb'y 31, 1891. Rep. M, E, Ch, Children, second born at J., the rest at Thurman, N. Y'.: Cordelia", b June 18, 1851. John Joshua, b March 17, 1853, d Aug, 11, 1855, Benjamin Franklin, b Jan'y 13, 1857, d Nov, 30, 1862, Eloise, b Dec. 8, 1863, m at T., Dec 8, 1881, John W. Cameron, b at T., July 22, 1853. Carpenter. Rep. M. E. Ch. They have: Benjamin Franklin', b at T., April 19, 1887. John Loveland, ex-sheriff of Warren County and one of the best known men of this section, died Saturday noon, February 21, at his hotel in Thurman, aged sixty-five years. His death was not The Loveland Genealogy. 123 unexpected, as he had been for the past three years a sufferer from Bright's disease which caused his death. The deceased held the office of sheriff two terms, being first elected in 1870 to succeed W. W, Hicks of Queensbury, He began his next term on January I, 1877, as the successor of the late Gideon Towsley of Chester, Mr, Loveland also filled at various times the offices of Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, and Commissioner of Highways. The funeral occurred from his late residence Monday afternoon at one o'clock and was conducted by Warrensburg Lodge F. and A. M., of which deceased was a member. — Warrensburg, N. Y., News, Thursday, February 26, 1891. 168. GEORGE' LOVELAND (Joshua", George") was b in Thurman, N, X ., Dec. 3, 1831, m at Sandy Hill, Washington Co., N. Y., Sept 38, 1858, Elizabeth Potter, b in T., May 25, 1831, He has held important town offices. Rep. Born in Thurman: i, Charles H,s b Nov, 19, 1859, 133. FREDERICKS LOVELAND (John*, Johns) was b at Adams, Mass., m Rhoda Combs. He d in Newbury Tp., Geauga Co., O., a. 80. He came to Newbury previous to 1818, He served through the Rev, War. The following is all we have been able to obtain of his descendants. Children: Diantha", m William Brown; Lucy m Ezra Brown; Rhoda m Solomon Herendeen; Betsey m Benjamin Dresser; Clarissa m Jothan Houghton; Polly m Daniel Houghton; Harvey; Edson m Sally Daggett; Gilbert m Belinda Dayton. 133 CHL0E5 LOVELAND (John*, Johns) was b in Adams, Mass., March 7, 1772, m there Philip Potter. He d. She m 2d, Jairus Shaw, b in Surrey, N. H., April 14, 1765, d in Munson, O., Aug. 12, 1845. She d there April 29, 1846. It is said she once lived in Gill, Mass., and in Danby, Vt Farmer. Bap. Her children by Potter were born in Mass., by Shaw born in Shrews bury, Vt. : 133a. i. Eliza" Potter, b Dec, 16, 1801, m Daniel Bartlett; m 2d, Joseph Bartlett, 124 -^^^ Loveland Genealogy. ii. Mary Potter, b May 26, 1803, d Dec. 11, 1858; unm, iii, Betsey Potter, m Thomas Billings in Mass, She d in Newbury Tp,, Geauga Co., O,, about 1827. iv. Meriby Potter. In the State of N. X. V. Almon Potter, d in Hartland Tp., Huron Co., O., 1822. vi. David Potter. Nothing known of him. vii. Austin Shaw, b Jan'y 7, 1808. viii, Elvira Shaw, b Jan'y 11, 181 1, m Alexander McNish, ix, Anson Shaw, b Aug. 16, 181 2, m and d in Monticello, O., Feb'y 21, 1886, She d Aug, 2, 1840. X. Allen Shaw, b Dec. 27, 1815, d in Danby, Vt, Feb'y 13, 1832. 133(5. xi. Alvin Shaw, b Dec. 27, 1815, m Lois A. Savage. 133A. ELIZA" POTTER, b in Mass., Dec 16, 1801, m in Danby, Vt, 1819, Daniel Bartlett, b Feb'y 11, 1794, d in D., Dec. 11,1822. She m 2d, 1823, Joseph Bartlett, b Aug. 2, 1791, d in D., Dec. 17, 1875, She d there Sept, 5, 1849. ^he. Bap, They, carpenters and Quakers, Children born in Danby: i. Annis' Bartlett, b Jan'y 11, 1821, m in D,, 1839, Salathiel Canfield. Farmer, She d in Bloomfield, Pa,, Jan'y 27, 1872, Family. ii. Alma Eliza Bartlett, b May 3, 1822, m Horace Barden, Family, P, O,, West Pawlet, Vt. iii. Daniel Potter Bartlett, b Dec 22, 1S24, m Mary Olivia Emerson. Family in Danby. iv, Phebe Bartlett, b Aug. 16, 1826, m Frank Carpenter. 133c- V, Chloe Shaw Bartlett, b Oct, 29, 1828, m Silas Fuller. vi, George Loveland Bartlett, b Sept 30, 1 83 1, Killed at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 7, 1862, buried in the field. He enlisted in the 41st O, V, I., Sept. 1861, He m Sarah Jane Smith, Family. 133C CHLOE S,' BARTLETT, b"in Danby, Vt, Oct 29, 1828, m in Chardon, O,, July 4, 1 846, Silas Fuller, b in Newbury, 0., The Loveland Genealogy. 125 Jan'y 25, 1823, Divorced from him on scriptural grounds May 24, 1861, P, O,, Chardon, O, Children, the first two born at New bury, the rest at Chagrin Falls, O.: i. Eliza Bartlett" Fuller, b July 13, 1847, i" ^^ C. F,, Oct. 2, 1867, Carlos Harper. ii, Spencer Morgan Fuller, b Aug. 30, 1850, Alice M. Hickax. She d March 26, 1886. He m 2d, 188S, Lena Parkerson. Family. iii. George Wilmot Fuller, b June 7, 1854, m Dec. 12, 1883, Carrie Heighton. Family. iv. Montravill B. Fuller, b Nov. 6, 1856, m Nov, 8, 1881, Amanda Rose. Family, 133B. ALVIN" SHAW, b in Shrewsbury, Vt, Dec. 27, 181 5, m in Newbury,- Geauga Co., O., Dec. 5, 1846, Lois Acenath Savage, b in N., June 9, 1828. Farmer. Rep. Disciple Ch. P, O,, Painesville, O, Children: i, Rosetta Amelia' Shaw, b Jan'y 16, 1848, d March 17, 1867. ii. Mary Ann Shaw, b March 6, 1852, m in Newbury, Dec, 36, 187 1, Nelson Stone, b in N,, 1843, They have: Vene Walters, b in Munson, O,, June 3, 1873, and Franklin Shaw, b in Newbury, April 9, 1878. 184. DUDLEY" LOVELAND (John*, Johns) was b in Adams, Mass,, Sept 14, 1779, m there Priscilla Tracy, They settled in Newbury, Geauga Co,, O., 1818. She d there 1821. He m 2d in N., 1823, Rachel Canon (Widow Burnett), b near Salem, Mass. Mr. Loveland served as sergeant in the 2d Brigade, 9th Division, Mass. militia, under appointment signed by Calvin Hub- bell, L. C, C, dated at Adams, He was a wagonmaker by trade, and cleared his farm in Newbury from the wilderness. He d here Nov. 28, 1855. She d here Oct 24, 1869, a. 85 yrs, 5 mo. Chil dren, first four born in Adams, the rest in Newbury: i. Dudley", m Susannah Bullock. She d at Munson, O., i860. He m 2d, 1864, Nancy Clements. She d at Claridon, O., 1883, He d there 1886. Their only child, Alonzo'', d 1856. 126 7 he Loveland Genealogy. ii. Calvin, m Nancy McNish, 1841, They moved to Wyocena, Wis. He d in Iowa, 1884. No children. iii. John, m Samantha Dunning, 1835. He d in Mich. She d in 1856, They had: Harvey', Amelia and one name not given, iv. Marshall, b March 28, 1816, m 1865. He served in the Union Army during the War of the Rebellion. V, Adaline, b June 30, 1820, m Ira Dain, He d 1880, Children: Roxana', Hartweil and Mary Jane. 171. vi, David Franklin, b Oct. 5, 1824, m Eliza Harvey. 171. DAVID F." LOVELAND (Dudley", John* ) was b in New bury, O., Oct. 5, 1824, m at Munson, O., Feb'y 14, 1856, Eliza Hovey, b there June 29, 1837. ^^ succeeded to the farm settled by his father in iSiS. He d at this home June 26, 1887. Farmer, Rep. M. E. Ch. Children born in Newbury: 172. i. George Franklin', b Feb'y 11, 1857, m Lizzie E. Walter. ii, Nellie E,, b April 25, 1870. 173. GEORGE F,' LOVELAND (David F,", Dudley") was b in Newbury Tp., Geauga Co., O, (on the old farm that his grand father cleared from the wilderness), FeVy 11, 1857, m at Burton, O., Sept. 24, 1885, Lizzie E. Walter, b in Sugar Creek Tp., Tus carawas Co., O., Sept. 28, 1869. Farmer and stock raiser. Rep, M, E. Ch. He has charge of the old home settled by his grand father. The ninth annual reunion of the Loveland Family of Northeast Ohio was held at this home in 1893. Born on the old farm in North Newbury: i. Flossie E.8, b Feb'y 3, 1891. ,'.'.'-''. . , 139; . '¦ "••' ¦•¦'¦ ¦"•-¦-¦¦"-- ¦ ZIBA* loveland; SEN. (Johns, Thomas^) was"b 1737- m .Rebecca . She d in Canfield, O.. He d in West Huron, Vt,, Aug., 1822, in his S5th year. Children, last born in Canaan, Conn.: 173, i, AaronS, m Naomi Foster, The Loveland Genealogy. 127 ii, Charles, (probably), iii, Hannibal, m. Family not reported, 174, iv, Ziba, b Nov. 8, 1777, m Anna Ames. 173. AARON" LOVELAND (Ziba*, John") was b about 1765. This date is based on date of birth of his oldest son. When this son was b he lived in Canaan, Conn. At one time he lived near Plattsburg, N. Y". Afterwards, some fifteen years in Vt. His buildings were burned here and he then moved to Sheffield, Mass. He d away from home. He had nephews who moved to Grand Isle, Vt. The name of their father was Charles. He had a brother Obadiah (prob. Ziba), The above are selections from correspondents. These selections seem to connect him with the Grand Isle Lovelands. As the name Ziba is found only among the descendants of Thomas^ Loveland, there is hardly a possibility that Ziba sen. can be other than the son of John and the father of the four sons given above. Aaron was a cooper by trade; m Naomi Foster. Children, first and second born in Canaan, the third at New Haven, Vt, the rest at Middlebury, Vt. 175. i. Socrates", b Jul)* 27, 1789, m Lydia Taft. ii. Polly, b 1791, m Josiah Whiting. Both d'at West Farmington, O. ; she. May 3, 1852, he, Sept. 5, 1836. They had: Josiah', m Maria Chaffe; Corydon, m Nancy Moore; Sally,, m Samuel Evans; Linda, m Frederick Taft, and Julia, m a Mr. Salsbury. Lyman Foster, b 1797, m Polly Smith. Lucius, b 1800, m Anna Bosworth. Sally, m Hiram Ladd. Family. 175. SGCRATES"-LOV-ELAND ( Aaron s, Ziba*) -was bat Ca naan, Conn., July 27, 1789, m at ;Sheffield, Mass., Jan'y 7, 1813, Lydia Taft, h there April -26, i7ci'3'i d' af West -Fai'ni'ingfon,*' O., Jan'y 27, 1867. He d there Nov. 19, 1870. He came to Ohio in company with his brother-in-law, Chauncey Taft. They settled in Farmington, Jan'y 21, 18 18. Farmer. Children, first two born in Sheffield, the rest in West Farmington : 176. iii. 177. IV. V, 178. iii. 179- IV, V, vi. vii. Vlll. 128 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Lydia', b Dec, 29, 1813, m Isaac Brewer. They had Marthas, who m W. H. Day. ii. Edwin, b May 20, 1817, m Harriet Benton. The town of Loveland, la,, took its name from the circumstance of his doing a milling business there. They had: Albert", Carrie and Mary, No report, Archy Taft, b April 6, 1820, m Clarinda Cotton. Sherburn Harvey, b June 2, 1822, m Mahala Rood. Cordelia Ann, b June 6, 1824, i" Urial T. Cotton, Born at W, F,: Marians, b July 17, 1845, d Dec 22, 1847, Anne Janette, b Feb'y 26, 1826, m James Tracy, Martha Alvira, b March 9, 1828, m Daniel Powell, Lucia Maria, b July 18, 1831, m Emory Powell, She d at W, F., Oct 5, 1867. They had: Fred" and Florence, ix. Chauncey Taft, b May 17, 1834, m Cortensia Hatch, They have: Ella l.s, Lewis E, and May B, X. Henry Lucius, b June 4, 1836, d Aug. 28, 1837. 178. ARCHY T,' LOVELAND (Socrates",' AaronS) was b at West Farmington, O., April 6, 1820, m at Parkman, O., Dec. 12, 1844, Clarinda Cotton, b at Austintown, O., Dec. 8, 1828. He d at Parkman, Aug. 24, 1854, buried at W. F. Farmer, merchant and speculator. Whig. She m Feb'y 18, 1856, John K. Smith. The names of Smith children not reported. Mrs. Smith is the sixth generation in descent from the "May Flower." (See Cotton Family.) Children born at Parkman: i8o. i. Darwin Cottons, b April 19, 1846, m Amanda Crooks. Ji. Frank Mdconib, b May 31, 1851, d Aug. 12, 1865. DARWIN C.s LpVELAND (Archy t.\ Sbcrates") wash at Parkman, O., April 19, 1S46, m at Ravenna, O., Feb'y 26, 1867, Amanda Melvinas Crooks (Vol. II, fam. 184), b at Aurora, O., Oct. 30, 1847. Carpenter in Missoula, Mon. Children, first born at Bainbridge, O.; second at Elkhorn, Neb.; the next two at Zimri L. Merriam. (222.) The Loveland Genealogy. 129 Chester, Mich.; the next at Des Moines, la.; the sixth at Colum bus, Neb. : i. Myrtie Emma', b Dec. 12, 1867, d Jan'y 24, 1868. ii. Theophilus Grier, b Sept. 11, 1869. He is named af ter Judge Grier, a nephew of his grandmother. iii. Harriet A., b Jan'y 31, 1871, d Feb'y 14, 1871. iv. Hester M., b Jan'y 31, 1871, d March 3, 1871. V. McKinney Edwin, b March 21, 1872. vi. Mary Clarinda, b Oct 5, 1879. 179. SHERBURN H.' LOVELAND (Socrates", Aaron") was b at West Farmington, O., June 2, 1822, m at Braceville, O., April 2, 1856, Mrs. Mahala Rood Taft, b in Canaan, Conn., Aug. 28, 1820, d at W. F., Jan'y 11, 1880. He d there. Children born in W. F.: Lydia Taft", b Jan'y 8, 1857, m Arthur Trew. Henry Rood, b April 21, 1858. 176. LY'MAN F." LOVELAND (AaronS, Ziba*) was b at New Haven, Vt, about 1797, m Polly Smith. He d at Riverton, Conn., 1 860. He lived at Sheffield, Mass. Carpenter and mer chant. Children : i. Warren B.', m Josephine Smith, of Sandisfield, Mass. He lived in New Hartford, Conn., about thirty-five years. In the clothing business there and dealt in real estate. He is now (1893) proprietor and man ager of the Miller House, in Great Barrington, Mass. Family not reported, ii, Ann, m Edward Rowley, of Colebrook, Conn. She d. No children. iii. Almira, m Ansel L. Adams, of Victor, N, Y, She d. No children. iv, Julia, m Albert Williams, of Collinsville, Conn, She d. No children. igo The Loveland Genealogy. 177. LUCIUS" LOVELAND (Aaron", Ziba*) was b in Middle bury, Vt., 1800. Came to Ohio in 1824, settled at West Farm ington, and afterward removed to Eagleville. He m at W. F., Feb'y, 1826, Anna, dau. of Daniel and Anna Bosworth, b in Rome, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1803, d in Lee Co., Ia., Jan'y 11, 1856. He d at E., Sept. 5, 1833. Tanner. She m 2d at E., Nov., 1835, Frank lin Smith, b in Mass., 1800. They moved to Putnam Co., Ind., where they lived a few years, and then they moved to la. Chil dren, first two born in W. F., the next two in E., and the rest in Indiana: 181. i. Louisa', b Oct. 12, 1827, m Jesse Dungan. 182. ii. Albert, b May 20, 1829, m Belle Hood. iii. Darwin E., b Oct. 13, 1S30, m Delia Cowles. He d Feb'y, 1875. Family in Fremont Co., Ia. No re port. 183. iv. Frederic Lucius, b June 10, 1832, m Julia Cowles; m 2d Anna Bosworth; m 3d Martha Rhode. ' V. Mary' Smith, b April, 1837,01 June, 1859, d June, 1S61. vi. Howard Smith, b March, 1S40, d Feb'y, 1S56. vii. Frank Smith, b March, 1844. Stock raiser. 181. LOUISA' LOVELAND (Lucius", Aaron") was b in West Farmington, O,, Oct, 12, 1827, m in San Francisco, Cal., Feby 15) i857) Jesse H. Dungan, b in Harrison Co., Ky., March 24, 1824, d in Eureka, Cal., ]\Iarch 6, 1SS9. P. O., Eureka. Children born in Humbolt Co., Cal.: i. Jesse Henry s Dungan, b Jan'y 37, 1859, d ^^'^y '' 1^79- ii. Lucy Amy Dungan, b May 13, 1S63, m in Eureka, April 39, 1 89 1, S. I. Allard, b in Danvers, Mass. Dec. 29, 1 866. Real Estate and Insurance business. They have, Jessie', b March 25, 1S93. iii, Stella Dungan, b Oct. 26, 1S64. iv. Fred Loveland Dungan, b Mav 13, 1S66. V, Mary Amelia Dungan, b Aug. 39, 1S67. vi, Inez Louise Dungan, b May 36, 1S69. Ihe Loveland Genealogy. 131 DEATH OF A PROMINENT CITIZEN. Jesse H, Dungan died at his residence in this city yesterday morning. Deceased was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, March 24, 1834, and consequently lacked a few days only of being 65 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Dungan came to Hum- bolt County in 1853, and settled at that point on Eel River which he has made his home ever since, until he removed to this city two years since, Mr. Dungan engaged in farming, having located in one of the most fertile sections of Humbolt County, and out of the wilderness carved one of the most productive and valuable farms in the val ley, which was worked under his individual supervision until it was leased for dairy purposes upon his removal to this city. He also was among the first to engage in salmon fishing, and con tributed largely toward establishing that industry in this county. He also for many years owned and operated the lower ferry across Eel River, which will probably be always known as Dungan's Ferry, He early took a prominent position in the enterprise and devel opment of the county and was conspicuous in the political councils of his party. He was one 0»f the three supervisors of the county for several years, commencing in 1857. Soon after removing to Eureka he was appointed Police Judge to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the death of Judge Sevier, and also Justice of the Peace. Judge Dungan was a man of sterling integrity and most hon orable record. He was respected by all who knew him during the quarter century of his residence here. He was endowed with a just, candid mind, which, with his wide information and practical knowledge, inspired the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. He was a kind and faithful husband, an affectionate father and an obliging neighbor. Four brothers and one sister survive him. Three of the broth ers, G, W,, John and Thos,, are residents of this county. His wife and five children (all grown) remain to mourn his loss. To these the sympathy and condolence of the many friends of deceased will be extended in this their great affliction. — Daily Humbolt Times, March 7, 1889, 132 The Loveland Genealogy. 183. ALBERT' LOVELAND (Lucius", AaronS) was b at Farmington,_0,, May 20, 1829, m Belle Hood. She d in Ham burg, la., 1873. He m 2d, Helen . He left the Hawkeye State in 1875, and with his family crossed the Rocky Mountains and located in Humbolt Co., Cal. Subsequently he removed to other parts of the State, but his children still remained in Humbolt Shoemaker. He was appointed postmaster at Ferndale by President Hayes and held his commission for eleven years. Justice of the Peace of Pacific Tp., Humbolt Co., three terms. Children, the first three born near Hamburg, the fourth in Ferndale: i. Emmet", b 1857. 184. ii. Weltha May, b May 4, 1862, m J. H. Trost iii. Ernest Macauley, b April 14, 1868. He is an account ant by profession, but becoming connected with the Daily Humbolt Times he has adopted journalism and is now manager of the Nerve Printing Company and publishers of "Nerve", the most influential and widely circulated paper in Northern California. Unmarried. iv. Helen Alberta, b April 8, 1878. 184. W. MAY'S LOVELAND (Albert' Lucius") was b near Hamburg, la., May 4, 1862, m near Ferndale, Cal., Oct 33, 1880, John Henry Trost, a native of Paducah, Ky., b June 26, 1854. He was the the Ferndale postmaster at the time of his marriage. He held the office eleven years, going in during a Republican adminis tration and holding it until the election of Harrison. He then re moved to Eureka, Cal., and engaged in the grocery business. .-Vt the end of three years he returned to Ferndale and vvith others organized the Ferndale Bank of which he is now ( 1893) secretary and cashier; also one of the directors. He is Past Master of the Masonic Lodge. Dem. Cong. Ch. Children: i. Brice Loveland' Trost, b April 5, 1SS3. ii. Jesse Henry Trost, b March 30, 1885. iii. Mary Agnes Trost, b Jan'y 27, 1887, d Sept 27, 1887. The Loveland Genealogy. 13^ iv. Mattie May Trost, b April 7, iJ V. Helen Gertrude Trost, b May 6, 1889. vi. Howard Stanley Trost, b May 28, 1892. 183. FREDERIC L.' LOVELAND (Lucius", Aaron") was b at Eagleville, O., June 10, 1S32, m in Sidney, la.. May 13, 1870, Julia, dau. of Giles Cowles, b there 1847, d in Riverton, la., June 9, 1871. He m 3d, in Tabor, la,, Anna Bosworth, b 1846, d in R., July 30, 1882, He m 3d, in Tabor, March 15, 1884, Martha, dau, of Hon, Joseph Rhode, b in T., Jan'y 6, 1850, Farmer. Dem. Children: i. Julia Blanches, b June 3, 1871, d May 6, 1873. ii. Nellie Blanche, b May 18, 1875. iii. Ana Louisa Inez, b July 30, 1880. iv. Bessie Lucille, b May 11, 1886. v. Edith Bernice, b May 16, 1888. vi. Stella Marguerite, b March 23, 1890. F. L. LOVELAND. Our Supervisor from the Fifth District is a farmer — that is he is engaged in raising grain and stock and fruit, near Winchester, in San Jacinto and Pleasant Valley Irrigation district. Mr. Loveland is a man ripe in years and experience, though hale and heartj-, with his faculties all in their prime. He was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, but moved, in childhood, with his parents, to Indiana. He spent his early manhood in that state and Iowa, engaged in farming, stockraising and trading. He came to California in '59, and after ten years on this coast, returned to "the states." In '79 he came back to California, and some six years ago settled in the Winchester country. Here he has been prosperous, and bids fair to spend the rest of his days in peace and comfort, surrounded by an interesting and happy family. Mr.. Loveland is an eminently practical man, of quick intelli gence, and the wide range and varied character of his experience has fully qualified him to take part in the management of the affairs of this county. His disposition is kindly and his manner 134 The Loveland Genealogy. most cordial. He is in every way a true, good man, and a most worthy citizen. — Riverside County Reflex, Riverside, Cal., June 24, 1893. 174. ZIBA" LOVELAND (Ziba*, Johns ) was b in Canaan, Conn., Nov. 8, 1777, m in North Hero, Vt., April 20, 1809, Anna Ames, dau. of Capt. Adon and Betsey Ames, b in Canaan, N. Y., Feb'y 17, 1786, d in Grand Isle, July 8, 1865. He d there Sept 12, 1855. Mr. Loveland was a resident of Grand Isle as early as 1803, purchasing a farm here that year. In 1804 he was elected first constable in that town. Children, the last born at Plattsburg, N. Y., the rest at North Hero: 185. i. Caroline R.", b Nov. i, iSio, m William Wilsey. ii. Janette, b July 14, 1812, m John Williamson. She d in Elkader, la., Sept., 1885. 186. iii. Aurilla, b June 10, 1814, m Carpenter Griswold. 187. iv. Homer, b June 23, 1816, m Rhoda Potter. V. Charles Ames, b March 3, iSi8, m Sarah Hyde. His dau. Helen' m in G. I., Nov. 17, 1870, Herbert W. Ladd. She was b in South Hero, Vt, 1846. Fam. vi. Hannibal, b July 23, 1S22, d Aug, 20, 1822. 188. vii, Frederick Mortimer, b Aug, 17, 1823, m Jane E, Pearl. viii. Sophia Ann, b Feb'y 17, 1825, d Jan'y 24, 1826. ix. Abraham LaDue, b March 9, 1827, d May i, 1830. 185. CAROLINE R." LOVELAND (Zibas, Ziba*) was b in North Hero, Vt, Nov. i, 1810, m William Wilsey, b July, 1810. She d in Lawrence, N. Y., Oct., 1884. Children: i. Albert' Wilsey, b 1831. ii. Abraham Wilsey, b Oct. 3, 1833. iii. WiUiam Wilsey, b Oct. 8, 1S35. iv, Anne Wilsey, b 1840, v., Jane Wilsey, b Feb'y 12, 1S43. vi. Phineas E. Wilsey, b Sept. 39, 1S47, m Calista M. Macomber, in Grand Isle, Vt, May 4, 1878. vii. Elizabeth Wilsey, b May 15, 1 85 1, viii. Helen Wilsey, b March 12, 1853. The Loveland Genealogy. 135 186. AURILLA" LOVELAND (Ziba", Ziba*) was b in North Hero, Vt., June 10, 18 14, m in Grand Isle, Vt., March 13, 1834, Carpenter Moss Griswold, son of James and Lois (Hyde) Gris wold, b in Grand Isle, Oct. i3, 1809. She d Nov. 16, 1883. Chil dren, first two born in London, Canada, the fourth in South Hero, Vt., and the rest in Grand Isle: i. Annie Caroline Elizabeth' Griswold, b Feb'y 9, 1835, m in Plattsburg, N. Y., Sept 33, 1875, Charles E. Tobias. ii. Ursula Prudence Griswold, b May i, 1837, m in Mil ton, Vt., Jan'y 33, 1863, Darius M. Wilcox. iii. Charles Wesley Griswold, b May 13, 1840, d in S. H., July 38, 1842. . iv. Lois Orilla Griswold, b July 9, 1843, m in Plattsburg, Feb'y 21, 1865, Hiram T. Hoag. V. Helen Frances Griswold, b May 2, 1848, m in Grand Isle, March 28, 1874, Herman H, Pearl, vi. Janette Griswold, b Sept. 26, 1852, d in G. I., June 18, 1883. vii. Homer Edgerton Griswold, b July 23, 1855, m in G. I., Jan'y 12, 1881, Edna S. Adams, 187. HOMER" LOVELAND (Ziba", Ziba*) was b in North Hero, Vt, June 23, 1816, m in Diana, N. Y., Feb'y 15, 1842, Rhoda Burnett Potter, d March 6, 1852, a. 33. He d in Grand Isle, Vt, Oct 26, 1845. Children, first born in St. Albans, Vt., the second in Swanton, Vt. : 189. i. Frances Augusta', b Jan'y 5, 1843, m Edward Gordon. ii. Randall Homer, b March 29, 1844, d Aug. 2, 1844, 189. FRANCES A,' LOVELAND (Homer", Ziba") was b in St Albans, Vt., Jan'y 5, 1843, m in South Hero, Vt., Feb'y 20, 1867, Edward Gordon, of Grand Isle, Vt., son of Norman and Electa (Wilcox) Gordon, b in Grand Isle, June i, 1840. Chil dren born in Grand Isle: 136 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Carrie Electa" Gordon, b June 30, 1868, d March 8, 1884. ii. Jennie Augusta Gordon, b July 10, 1869. iii. Ida Rhoda Gordon, b Aug. 24, 1872. iv. Abbie Naomi Gordon, b Oct. 4, 1873, d Aug. 19, 1874. 188. FREDERICK M." LOVELAND (Ziba", Ziba*) was b in North Hero, Vt., Aug. 17, 1823, m in Grand Isle, Vt, 1846, Jane E., dau. of Stephen and Rhoda (Griffith) Pearl, b in Grand Isle, 1822, d there Feb'y 6, 1867. Children born in Grand Isle: i. Rhoda', b 1847, d April 28, 1881 . 190. ii. Frank Quincy, b Dec. 6, 1857, m Mary A. Chadwick, 190. FRANK Q.' LOVELAND (Frederick M.", Ziba") was b in Grand Isle, Vt, Dec. 6, 1857, m in Plattsburg, N. X ., Nov, 18, 1886, Mary Almira Chadwick, b in Evansburg, Vt, March 28, i860. Born in Grand Isle: i, Hubert Orsons, b March 7, 1889, Frank Q, Loveland writes Jan'y 4, 1889: — "Ziba* Loveland, Sen., had a brother, Hannibal, who d at North Hero, Vt, Aug, 30, 1822. My father says he has heard his father say that Ziba and Hannibal came across the wide waters. Father says that his father had a brother that got mad and left home when 18 years of age and was never heard from afterwards. We think Ziba, Sen., and Hannibal came from England to Connecticut. My father thinks the name of the boy who left home was Aaron," From G, L,, Jan'y 17, 1889:— "I find the Ziba, Sen,, to whom you refer, in the Saybrook Record, and as the name and dates cor respond so well I think we shall be warranted in supposing that he, or he and his two sons, Ziba and Hannibal, migrated to Canaan, and from thence to Vermont, I think the idea of their having come from England had the same origin that exists in the other branches of the family, that our ancestors came from Eng land, This branch of the family seems to have been separated from the other branches for two or three generations and when 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 137 they appeared among the others would naturally talk about their ancestry, I believe the Saybrook Lovelands descended from Thomas^, that Johns of Saybrook was his son, and was brother to ThomasS, Elisha, Joseph and Benjamin. We find Ziba a family name among Elisha'ss descendants. Rev. Ziba is a descendant of ElishaS, and he had an uncle Ziba who died unmarried." 130. TITUS* LOVELAND (Johns, ThomasS) d in Durham, Conn., Nov, 29, 1815, in the 72nd year of his age; m Lydia" Chapman (see Chapman Genealogy ),b in Durham, Jan'y 3, i743) d there May 20, 1790, Farmer, He moved from Saybrook, Conn,, to Durham a short time before the Rev, War. He was appointed guardian of Sarah Loveland, dau, of Jonathan Loveland, Oct. 5, 1783 (see Lib. v, p. 155). He was also appointed guard ian of William, son of Jonathan (Lib. vi, p. 400). His sons, Titus and Richard, were administrators of his estate. Inventory (p. 527) $3,834.46. Children born in Durham: i. Tituss, b May 5, 1768. ii. Lydia, b Oct. 31, 1770. 191. iii. Ezra, b Sept, 21, 1772, m Sarah Kelsey, 192, iv. Isaac, b Feb'y 5, 1 775, m Matilda Cone. V, Richard, b April 20, 1779. vi, Orpha, b Sept. 29, 1786. 191. EZRAS LOVELAND (Titus*, JohnS ) was b in Durham, Conn., Sept 21, 1772, m Sarah Kelsey. Children born in Durham: i. Nancy", b Oct. 29, 1798. ii. Horace, b Jan'y 16, 1801. iii. Sabrina, b May 20, 1810, m Ford. iv. Mary, b Dec. 17, 1812. V. Titus, b May 15, 181 5. vi. Catharine, b Feb'y 15, 18 18, m Fisher. vii, Rosanna, b June 25, 1824, m David S, Brooks, 193. ISAACS LOVELAND (Titus*, Johns) was b in Durham, Conn., Feb'y 5, 1775, m Matilda Cone. Children born in Durham : 138 The Loveland Genealogy. 193. i. Isaac C." b Aug. 22, 1812, m Susan Hall. ii. Louisa Matilda, m Jesse Brown; she died. 194. iii. Elizabeth Ann, b Nov. i, 1820, m Levi Brown. 193. ISAAC C." LOVELAND (Isaac", Titus*) was b in Dur ham, Conn., Aug. 22, 1812, m in Killingworth, Conn., Susan Hall, b there March 29, 1818. Shoemaker. Came from Middle- town to D., and then to New Windsor, Colo. Children born in D.: i. Revilo', b March 13, 1838, m in Greely, Colo., Dec. 10, 1872, Sarah E. Carpenter. No children. ii. Ellen, b June 23, 1840, m in K., Aug. 16, 1863, John Newton Isbell, b in K., Nov. 7, 1837, Artist They have: Gertrude Eloise", b in New Haven, Conn., Sept, 24, 1864; Orlando Sidney, b in Bridge port, Conn., Nov. 19, 1866; Ethel Emma, b in N. H., June I, 1880, d March 30, 1881. iii. Eldridge, b March 29, 1842. Whereabouts unknown. 194. ELIZABETH A." LOVELAND (Isaac", Titus* ) was b in Durham, Conn., Nov. 1, 1820, m in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 23, 1841, Levi Brown, b in M., Aug. 19, 1817, d in Bloomington, Wis,, Sept 15, 1874. Hardware merchant. Children, first born in Patch Grove, Wis., the rest in Patois, Grant Co., Wis.: i, Emma J.' Brown, b March 4, 1S46, m in B., July 19, 1868, William H. Holford. Merchant. They have: Elva J.8, U. Lee and Laverna L, ii. Ada Louise Brown, b Sept. 16, 1S4S, m in B,, Dec 7, 1S7') Cyrus Alexander. They have Elmer". iii. Egbert Paoli Brown, b Dec. 15, 1S52, d Aug, 8, 1855. 5. ELISHAS LOVELAND (Thomas^ Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., 1709. Vol. x, p. 100, Probate Records: "Elisha Loveland, a minor about 16 years of age, of Glas., chooses Thomas Welles as guardian, whic4i court allows." Dated 1735. He m in Glas., Jan'y 19, 1737, Hannah Hills, b in G., June 34, 1716. Both d in G. From Glas. Centennial: "Elisha Loveland m Hannah 195- 1. 196, 11. Ul. 197- iv. 198, V. The Loveland Genealogy. 139 Hill or Hills, dau. of Josiah Hill, Jr., Jan'y 19, 1737, These fam ilies were in Glas. in 1693, The Hill or Hills, of Glas., are sup posed to be the descendants of William Hill, of Hoccanum." Farmer. Owned and kept the ferry between Glas. and Wethers field. Town Records of Glas., Book A, p. 88, gives his family: Elisha*, b May 4, 1738, m Lucy Sparks. Elijah, b Nov. 16, 1742, m Sarah Smith. Hannah, b Oct. 31, 1744, d Dec. 4, 1769. Pelatiah, b Jan'y 13, 1748, m Ruth Sparks. Levi, b Nov. 19, 1749, m Esther Hill. vi. Lucy, b June 8, 1754, m f homas Forbes, Oct. 27, 1773. 195. ELISHA* LOVELAND (ElishaS, Thomas2) was b in Glas., Conn., May 4, 1738, m Lucy Sparks (Widow Stratton). Conn. Roster, p, p. 86 and 176: "Elisha Loveland, or Loveman (as he was sometimes named), served in the Rev, War, First in the 8th Reg, and 2d Co. This Reg. was stationed on the Sound until Sept 14, 1775, when it took part at Roxbury in Gen. Spencer's Brigade, The service of this Reg, expired Dec, 1775, He en listed in this Reg. July II, 1775. Second, he served in the 3d Reg., Conn. Line, Capt Barnard's Co. Enlisted March 30, 1778, for 3 years ; discharged Dec. 20, 1780." Children born in Glas.: 199, i, Isaacs, m Judy Holden, 200, ii, Abner, b April 18, 1764, m Lois Hodge. iii. Dorothy (Doley), m Walter Parsons. No children. iv. Lucy, thrice m. No children. 199. ISAACS LOVELAND (Elisha*, ElishaS) was b in Glas., Conn., lived at Sandisfield and Otis, Mass., Brownville, N. Y'., and Freedom, O, The Church Records of Eastbury: "He m Ruth (Judith) Holden, Nov, 30, 1784," She is buried at Gar- rettsville, O. He d at Freedom, April 28, 1832, buried at Hiram, O. He served in the Rev. War, 3d Reg,, Conn, Line, Capt, Barnard's Co. Enlisted for 3 years. May 2, 1778; disc March 4, 1781. Drew a pension. See Conn, Roster, p. p, 176, 316, 635. Children born in Litchfield Co., Conn.: 140 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Tirzah", b 1786, m Williams. They had Laura'. ii. Honor, m Abner Smith, June 27, 181 1. Settled in Brownsville, N. Y. She d March 24, 1874. She had a large family. Her son Orlow' m Amelia Harriet Little, March 21, 1832. (See Little Gene alogy, p. 361.) 201. iii. Colby, b March 9, 1790, m Lucy Larckom. iv. Laura, m Lyman Hunt. Large family. 201. COLBY" LOVELAND (Isaacs, Elisha* ) was b in Litchfield Co., Conn., March 9, 1790, m in Otis, Mass., Oct. 20, 1814, Laura, dau. of Paul and Comfort Larckom, b in Otis, April 2, 1797. He d at Freedom, O., April 2, 1876, Children, first two born in Otis, the three next in Clayton, N. Y'., the rest at Hiram, O.: i, Tirzah', b July 27, 18 15, m in F., Sept. 3, 1835, Bige low Barber. He d in Windham, O., March 6, 1850, She m 2d in W,, July, 1850. Francis X. Poor. Isaac, b April 16, 181 7; unm. Levana, b July 20, 1819, m John T, Hunt. Laura, b Feb'y 25, 1821, m in F., Nov. 23, 1S47, James E. Udall, She d at Garrettsville, O., June 27, 1885. Elvira, b April 16, 1823, m Oscar F. Niles, Honor, b Sept. 4, 1828, m James L, Hunt Orpha, b Sept. 4, 1828, m L, L. Udall. No family, 205. viii, Sophina O,, b April 30, 1832, m E. T. Caldwell. 202. LEVANA' LOVELAND (Colby", Isaacs) was b in Clay ton, N. Y., July 20, 1819, m in Freedom, O., March 9, 1838, John Theodore Hunt, b in Otis, Mass., Jan'y 25, 1815, d in Garrettsville, O,, Oct II, 1855, Farmer. Grocer. Dis. Ch. Children born in Freedom : i. Caroline Elizabeth" Hunt, b April 19, 1839, "i i" ^^¦ venna, O,, Nov, 12, 1863, Joseph E, Ranny; m 2d in Peoria, 111,, Feb'y 17, 1882, Flavius J. Daniels. P. O., Garrettsville. 11. 202. iii. iv. 203. V. 204. VI. VII, The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Loveland Colby Hunt, b July 25, 1844, d in F., Aug. 22, 1869. Mechanical engineer. iii. Florence F. Hunt, b Sept. 33, 1851, d Feb'y 14, 1857. 203. ELVIRA' LOVELAND (Colby", Isaac") was b in Clay ton, N. Y., April 16, 1S23, m in Hiram, O., March 21, 1844, Oscar Fitzalan Niles, b in Brighton, O., Dec. 23, 1834. Carpenter. Rep. Disc. Children born in Freedom, O.: i. Henry Bigelow* Niles, b March 25, 1845, m at Brace ville, O , Oct. 13, 1S69. Ellen Ferguson, b in Ga- zetta, O., Oct. 4, 1845. Dealer in lumber. Rep. Cong. Ch. They have, b at Garrettsville, O.: Grace Isabel', b Aug. 13, 1870. ii. Carl Roscoe Niles, b July 24, 1848; unm. Moulder. Rep. P. O., Garrettsville. 204. HONOR' LOVELAND (Colby", Isaac") was b at Hiram, O., Sept. 4, 1828, m in Freedom, O., July 12, 1848, James Lewis Hunt, b in Otis, Mass., May 31, 1824. Farmer. Rep. Disc. Children born in Freedom : i. George Wallace" Hunt, b April 21, 1849, ™ ^^ Ra venna, O., Dec. 23, 1873, Addie Fox, b in R., Nov. 6, 1855. Family at Garrettsville, O. ii. Oscar Fitzalan Hunt, b Jan'y 13, 1862, m in F., July 27, 1887, Sarah Elizabeth Houtz, b in Green, O., Feb'y 11, 1859. iii. Lura Hunt, b Oct. 3, 1864, m in G., March 15, 1888, Albert Davis. 205. SOPHINA O.' LOVELAND (Colby", Isaac") was b at Hiram, O., April 30, 1833, m in Garrettsville, O., Oct. 7, 1851, Edward Treville Caldwell, b in Braceville, O., Nov. 28, 1829. Farmer. Rep. P. O , Garrettsville. Children, the third born in Hiram, the rest in Freedom, O.: i. Elva Corrinne" Caldwell, b Aug, 14, 1859, d at G., Aug. 25, 1859. 142 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Ernest Lerue Caldwell, b March 14, 1861, d at G., July 30, 1866. iii. Flora May Caldwell, b Feb'y 7, 1865, d at G,, Dec 14, 1874. iv. Elmer L. Caldwell, b Jan'y 16, 1868. 300. ABNERS LOVELAND (Elisha*, Elisha", Thomas^ Thom asi) was b in Eastbury Parish (Glas.), Conn., April 18, 1764, m there Jan'y 11, 1787, Lois, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Welles) Hodge, b in Glas., June 25, 1764, d at Brighton, O., Aug. 12, 1835. He d there Sept. 6, 1S47. Children, the first five b at Southfield, Mass., the rest at Otis, Mass.: Luman Elisha", b Oct. 11, 1787, m Philecta Hawley. Loring, b July 3i 1790, m Polly Warren. Luther, b Aug. 3i, 1792, m Sophia P. Hills. Leonard Hodge, b Oct. 3, 1794, m Margaret V. Whit lock; m 2d Anna Allen, nee Rulison. Abner, Jr., b Nov. 5, 1796, m Pamelia DeWolf. Sophia, b May 24, 1799, m Albert Niles. Dorothy (Doley), b March 12, 1802, m John Norton, m 2d Daniel Squires. Seven children. Lovina, b Nov. 4, 1805, d at B., Aug. 11, 1S25; unm. Pamelia, b Nov. 34, 1S07, d at Wellington, O., Oct 31, 1839. She was a teacher in the Norwalk Sem inary, Norwalk, O. At the time of her death she was engaged to be married to Mr. Roswell Smith. — F. C. L. X. Phila Minerva, b June 7, 181 1, m Samuel Osborne. She d in Webster City, Iowa. Her husband sur vived her a few years. She left a daughter whose whereabouts is unknown H. D. N. Abner Loveland lived at home until sixteen 3-ears of age, and then enlisted in the U. S. Army fbr three months. He then en gaged in the privateer service (Rev. War). He was made pris oner and confined at Quebec and Montreal. He escaped with three others and crossed the Sorelle River to Vermont, was recap- 206. i. 207. ii. 308. iii. 209. iv. 3IO. V. 21 I. vi. vii. viii. ix. The Loveland Genealogy. 143 tured and confined in Quebec until the close of the war. He then returned to Glastonbury. After his marriage he moved to South- field, where he lived until March, 1797. He then moved to Otis, Mass., and afterward to Glastonbury. In 1S21 he removed to Brighton, onto a farm which his son Abner had purchased for him. This was before the township was named and before the county was organized. This section then was a part of Medina County. His wife, Lois, lived at Sandisfield, Mass., and Otis, un til her marriage. She had four sisters and one brother: Lydia, Anna, Jerusha, Eunice and Benjamin. Mv grandfather, Elisha* Loveland, was born and died in Glas tonbury. He was a soldier in the Rev. War. He had two sons and two daughters: Isaac, Abner, Doley and Lucy. He died from a fall from a load of hay, and his wife, Lucy, afterward lived with my father. She had one daughter, Onor Stratton, by her first husband. The maiden name of Lois Hodge's mother was Lydia Welles. She married a Hodge, and her daughter Lois married Abner Loveland, my father. Lydia Welles lived to be 88 years old. Her oldest daugiiter married a Scoville, and lived to be 105 years old. My great-great-great-grandmother, Lydia Linkhorn, married Lord Goff in England (Welsh). Anna Hodge married a Webster, and died at 102 years (O. J. Hodge says: "She wash Feb'y 11, 1758, d Nov. 25, 1861, a. 104"). Benjamin Hodge, Sen., of Buffalo, X. Y., d at 98 (O. J. H. says: "Born 1753, d 1837, a. 84"). Jerusha Hodge married Ebenezer Goodale. The Hodges are Scotch. Doley Loveland married Walter Par sons, of Granville, Mass., and lived and died there. They had no children. Lucy Loveland was born in Glas., and died there (East bury Parish). All our ancestors on the Loveland side are of Eng lish extraction, -but on the mother's side they are Scotch and Welsh. I saw my great-grantlfather, Elisha, when I was a boy. I have been on his farm, and I am sure he was either the son or brother of Thomas Loveland; (L. H. L. is right. Elisha'ss father and brother both bore the name Thomas, and so did his grandfather who was made Freeman by the -Hartford, Conn., Court, 1670.— J. B. L.) 144 The Loveland Genealogy. My father was a man of great memory, and I have from him that Elisha (ElishaS) was either the son or the brother of the one who came from England, and his name I am sure was Thomas. (L. H. and his father are both wrong. It is a fact which cannot be disputed that Elisha" was the grandson of Thomasi Loveland, of 1670. They have not gone back far enough. Traditional and circumstantial evidence leads us to believe that Thomasi Loveland was born in this country, and that his grandfather, whatever his name, died on the passage, leaving a widow and three sons to con tinue the voyage to this country. His son Robert died at New London, Conn., 1669; John, another son, died in Glastonbury or in Hartford near the Glastonbury line, 1670; both old men. Another son, probably Elisha, was drowned in Connecticut River. These three men and their father and mother were born in Eng land. We believe that Robert was the father of Thomasi Love land. The reason why we have not commenced our count with the Loveland who died on the passage, or vvith Robert, is, that we have no positive recorded evidence connecting them to him whom we know to be the progenitor of all the Lovelands recorded in the Loveland Genealogy. We have therefore commenced our count with Thomasi Loveland, grandfather of Elishas Loveland. -J. B. L.) I know nothing of Elijah (Elijah*), but think he lived up in the hills. I know nothing of Hannah*. I visited Uncle Levi* and Aunt Esther when I came to Ohio. His wife was the daugh ter of Ebenezer Hill, of East Hartford. I remember two of Levi's children: Hannah, b Aug. 25, 1775, and George, b Dec 8, 1776. — L. H. Loveland. 306. LUMAN E." LOVELAND (Abners, Elisha*) was b at Southfield, Mass., Oct 11, 1787, m at Otis, Mass., Feb'y 18, 1813, Philecta, dau, of Ozias and Sarah Hawley. She was b at Otis, June 13, 1790, d at Huntington, Vt., Jan'y 3, 1829. He m 2d at H., Nov. I, 1829, Patty Fitch, b at H., May 15, 1799. Shed there March 34, 1864. He d there Dec. 14, 1843. He removed from Otis to Huntington in Feb'y, 181 3, and purchased a farm in the south part of the town. His second wife was the daughter of * -if. C'larrisa Loveland Merriam. (222.) The Loveland Genealogy. 145 John and Anna Fitch. Mr. Loveland was elected Selectman a number of years, was Constable two years and Justice of the Peace twenty-two years. He was always a farmer, and their children were all born at Huntington, i. Infant, b Nov., 1813, d Nov., 1813. ii. Infant, b Sept., 1814, d Sept, 1814, 212. iii. Corydon Luman', b April 31, 1816, m Susan M. Morrill, iv. Clarydon Elisha, b March 13, 1818, d at Charlotte, Vt, May 12, 18S2, buried at H.; unm. 213. V. Alonzo Hawley, b March 27, 1820, m Amanda A. Southmayd. vi. Philecta, b ISIay i6, 1822; unm. 214. vii. Sarah Lucy, b July 18, 1824, m George P. Hatch. viii. Minerva, b Nov. 19, 1826, d at H., March 13, 1845. ix. Abner James, b Nov. 12, 1828, m in N. H., Feb'y 25, 1872, Mrs. Sarah A. Perkins. She d at Springfield, X. H., Feb'y 25, 1890. No children. X. Theodore, b April 16, i83i;unm. xi. Catharine, b July 25, 1832, d at H., Nov. 26, 1840. xii. Loring, b Nov. 24, 1833, d Oct. 18, 1859, Drowned in Minnetonka Lake, Minn. Body never recovered. Unmarried. xiii. George Burrows, b June 15, 1835, m Nov. 26, 1874, Martha E, Saul. He d Sept., 1891 ; buried in Forest City, Cal. They have: Howard Lumans, b July 7, 1879. 215. xiv. Lovina Susan, b Nov. 15, 1836, m Irvin Smith Ring. 313. CORYDON L.' LOVELAND (Luman E.", Abner") was b at Huntington, Vt., April 31, 1816, m at Starksboro, Vt., Feb'y 3, 1840, Susan M., dau. of James and Eunice Morrill. Farmer. Children born at Westport: i. Helen Lorett8,b Jan'y 6, 1841, m H. D. Wedge. Fam. ii. Catharine Angelia, b Feb'y 15, 1843, m E. P. Colburn, Family, iii, Sarah Jane, b April 37, 1844, m J, G, Beardsley, She d Nov. 31, 1871. 146 The Loveland Genealogy. 313. ALONZO H.' LOVELAND (Luman E.", Abner") was b at Huntington, Vt., March 27, 1820, m at Jay, N. Y., Feb'y 24, 1848, Amanda Angelica Southmayd, b at J., Sept. 28, 1833. Merchant and engineer. He d at H., Feb'y 14, 1893. Children, first born at Jay, the rest at H.: i. Mary Cynthia", b Oct. 28, 1849, d Aug. 30, 1854. ii, Charles Herbert, b July 9, 1S51, m at Fairfax, Vt., Nov. 21, 1877, Emma Loviah Northrop, b at F., May 12, 1856. Conductor on R. R. They have, born at Sommerville, Mass.: Frank', b Mav 12, 1879; Don Everette, b July i, 1883. iii. Mary Emma, b July 28, 1855, m at F., June 30, 1880, John B. Drew, b at F., May 30, 1854. Born at F.: Fred Loveland', b April 17, 1882. 314. SARAH L.' LOVELAND (Luman E.", Abner") was bat Huntington, Vt, July 18, 1834, came to Ohio 1S53, m at Freedom, O,, Nov. 30, 1854, George Putnam Hatch, b at Lee, Mass., Oct 18, 1824. Farmer. Rep. P. O., Farwell, Mich. Children, first born in Weymont, O., the rest in Kent, O.: i. George Bions Hatch, b Aug. 19, 1858, m at Roots- town, O., April 4, 1883, Lottie Everette. Formerly manufacturer of cheese, now of chairs. ii. Mary Lucinda Hatch, b Nov. 20, 1859, d at K., 1S67. iii. Charles Franklin Hatch, b May 7, 1861, d 1S67. iv, WaUie Bingham Hatch, b Xov. 19, 1S62. V. Grant Putnam Hatch, b Dec. 30, 1863. vi. Don Sherman Hatch, b Aug. 5, 1S65, m at Farwell, Sept. 20, 1893, Mattie Davison. They have: Ena May', b April 28, 1893. 215. LOVINA S.' LOVELAND (Luman E.", Abner") was b at Huntington, Vt., Nov. 15, 1836, m at Richmond, Vt, Oct. iS, 1863, Irvin Smith Ring, b at H., Xov. i i, 1834. He served in the Union Army, Enlisted Aug, iS, 1862; mustered in Sept 26, The Loveland Genealogy. 147 iS62;disc. April 4, 1S64. Draws a pension. Served in the ist Yermc)nt Cavalry. Car inspector. Rep. Cong. P. O., Con cord, N. H. Children, first born at Richmond, second at Dux- bury, Vt; the third at Enfield, N. H.: i. Burton LoringS Ring, b June 28, 1865, m at C, Oct. 39, 1S88, Mary H. Patterson, b at C, Dec 14, 1858. Mason. Rep. Cong. They have: Doris Helen', b at C, Aug. 4, 1S91. ii. Cora Ellen Ring, b Oct. 38, 1867, m at C, Dec. 15, 1885, Charles L. Fellows, b at Canterbury, N. H,, Sept, 25, 1857. Contractor and builder. Rep. Cong. Children b at C: Raymond Henry', b Jan'y 28, 1887; Enid Nina, b Feb'y 22, 1889, d Nov. 7, 1890; Sydney Carl, b Dec. 9, 1890. iii. Georgie Lovina Ring, b June 18, 1872. ' 207. LORING" LOVELAXD (AbnerS, Elisha*) was b at South- field, Mass., July 21, 1790, m at Brownsville, N. Y"., Jan'y 4, 1818, Mary (Polly) Warren, dau. of David and Elizabeth Chapin War ren. She was a niece of Gen. Warren, and was b at Stephen- town, X. Y'., June 28, iSoo, d at Brighton, O., Feb'y 12, 1874. He d there Sept. 25, 1865. Mr. Loveland settled first in Jefferson Co., X. Y., and moved from there to Brighton, in 1833. Farmer. Children, first born in Orleans, N. Y"., second at Clayton, N. X ., next four at Watertown, X. Y^., the last two at Brighton: 216. i. Mary Lois', b March 17, 1819, m Abraham Myers. 217. ii. David Abner, b March 24, 1823, m Helen Culver. 218. iii. Linus Clark, b Aug. 21, 1823, m Martha A. Hogal. 219. iv. Harriet E. L., b Aug. 15, 1826, m Philander N. Powell. v. Benjamin Warren, b April 22, 1829, m in WeUington, O., July I, 1852, Maria Bentiey. She d at W,, 1867. He was killed in Houston, Tex., 1869. Had: Susan Pamelia", b June 28, 1853. vi. Susan Pamelia, b Dec. 16, 1831, m William H. Bell in Camden, O., June 14, 1874, b in Brighton, Feb'y 9, 1831. Farmer, No children, 148 The Loveland Genealogy. vii. Leonard Whitlock, b Nov. 5, 1834, d May 9, 1854. He was killed accidentally while at work on a bridge across Sandusky Bay, O. „ viii. James M. D. A., b Oct. 22, 1837, m Elizabeth French. 216. MARY" LOIS' LOVELAND (Loring", Abner") was b at Orleans, Jefferson Co., N. Y., March 17, 1819, m at Brighton,©., Nov. i6, 1843, Abraham, son of John and Xancy Haymaker Myers, b in Cumberland County, Pa., Dec. 25, 1818. Farmer. Children, first eight born in Brighton, the ninth in Center Tp., Williams Co., O., the rest in Washington Tp., Defiance Co., O. : i. Delavan Alvinza" Myers, b Sept. 8, 1844; m. 216a. ii. Polly Lovina Myers, b Aug. 28, 1846, m Enoch Metsker. iii. David Abner Myers, b Nov. 5, 1848. He went into the army Dec. 6, 1S64, as a substitute. He was in the battle near Nashville, Feb'y, 1865. Has not been heard from since. iv. Delazon Benjamin Myers, b Aug. 16, 1S53; m. V. Linus Loring Myers, b July 28, 1854; d- vi. Leonard Franklin Myers, b May 7, 1856. vii. Loring Warren Myers, b Oct. 27, 1858. viii. Susan Elizabeth Myers, b March 30, 1S60, m J. R. Law rence. ix. Harriet Pamelia Myers, b Aug. 5, 1S63, m Alonzo G. Morris. X. Helen Estella Myers, b March 31, 1865, m Wilber. Two others d in infancy. 216A. POLLY L.s MYERS, b in Brighton, O., Aug. 2'$,, 1846, m in Center Tp., Williams Co., O., Feb'y 16, 1863, Enoch Metsker, b in Green Tp., Wayne Co., O., Nov. 4, 1S40. Mason. Chil dren, first three born in Center Tp., the fourth in Springfield Tp., Williams Co., O. ; the fifth in Ogden Tp., Lenawee Co., Mich., the next two in Riga, Lenawee Co., the eighth and ninth in Pe- tosky, Emmet Co., Mich., the tenth in Evangeline Tp., Charle voix Co., Mich., the eleventh in Hayes Tp., Charlevoix Co.; The Loveland Genealogy. 149 i. Lucetta Lovina' Metsker, b Aug, 16, 1866, d in O, Tp.,July II, 1878. ii. George Abner Metsker, b Aug, 15, 1868, iii, Daniel Franklin Metsker, b Sept, 15, 1870, d in S, Tp,, June 18, 1873, iy. Elmer Peter Metsker, b July 19, 1874, d in S, Tp., Aug. 19, 1875, V, Herman Warren Metsker, b July 8, 1876, vi. Enoch Metsker, b Feb'y 2, 1879, d in R,, Oct 17, 1879. vii. Charles Eugene Metsker, b Sept. 28, 1880. viii. Rose Elizabeth Metsker, b Aug. 13, 1S83. ix, Mary Lois Metsker, b Aug. 13, 1883, d in P., Aug. 13, 1883. x. Ralph Abram Metsker, b June 3, 1886. xi. Grace Metsker, b Sept, 5, 1888, d Sept. 9, \i 217. DAVID A.' LOVELAND (Loring", Abner") was b at Clayton, N. Y., March 34, 1832, m in Winchester, Conn., Dec. 30, 1847, Helen Louisa Culver, b in Colbrook, Conn., Oct, 29, 1825, d at Charlotte, Mich,, Oct 9, 1888, Farmer, Formerly car penter. Children, first three born in Huntington, Mass,; the fourth in Camden, O,, the rest in Brownhelm, O,: 220, i, Edward Eugene", b Dec, 28, 1848, m Rasma E. Whelan, ii. Helen Elizabeth, bJune 33, 1850, d July 38, 1850, iii. Nellie Elizabeth, b Dec 24, 1851, d June 11, 1881. iv. Lucien Oscar, b Jan'y 11, 1854, 221, V, Arthur Warren, b Oct. 18, 1855, m Ellen E. Van Horn, vi, Fred Hewett, b July 4, 1858, m at East Lee, Mass,, April 28, 1866, Agnes Charlotte Bristol, b in Pitts- field, Mass,, Feb'y 7, i860. Dry goods store, Char lotte, Mich, vii. Alfred L., b Oct. 16, i860, m in Lapeer, Mich., April 33, 1884, Mary A. McCormick, b in Port Huron, Mich., Oct 10, 1864. Railroad conductor. They had: Gertrude Maud', b at P. H., March 4, 1886, d there Aug. 8, 1886. viii. Frank Walter, b Jan'y 39, 1868. Painter. 150 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 330. EDWARD E.s LOVELAND (David A.', Loring") wash in Huntington, Mass., Dec. 38, 1848, m at Charlotte, Mich., Dec. 16, 1873, Rasma Elnora Whelan, b in Chester, Mich., Oct. 11, 1853. Carpenter and farmer. Children, first born at Winsted Conn., second in Chester, Mich.: i. Louise Wilber', b June 9, 1876. ii. Elmon J., b Dec. 16, 1880. 331. ARTHUR W.s LOVELAND (David A.', Loring') was b in Brownhelm, O., Oct. 18, 1855, m at Chesterfield, Mich., Oct 20, 1886, Ellen EHza Van Horn, b at C, Dec. 5, 1865. Employe of the Chicago & Grand Trunk R'y Co., first as brakeraan and for past five years as conductor. He has always taken a prominent part in labor organizations, served three years as master of lodge of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and was elected dele gate to their convention two years in succession. Was chief con ductor of Div. 316, Order of Railway Conductors, for three years, delegate to their convention in May, 1890, and again in May, 1893, at Toledo, O. P. O., Ft. Gratiot, Alich. Born at Pt Huron, Mich.: i. Ada Helen', b May 10, 1890. 318. LINUS C LOVELAND (Loring", Abner") was b at Watertown, N. X ., Aug. 21, 1823, m at Akron, O., Xov. 35, 1S53, Martha Ann Hogal, b in Talmage, O., May 9, 1835. Farmer. P. O., Brighton, O. Children born in Brighton: i. Hariey Linuss, b Sept. 6, 1S54, m at Ravenna, 0., Dec. 7, 1S81, Ella E. Wadsworth, b at Braceville, O., Dec 30, 1855, d at R., Jan'y 11, 1890. They had: Carrold NA'adsworth', b March 4, 1S85; Car roll Plarry, b Feb'y 4, 1SS9, d Sept. 3, 1889. ii. Henry Lero}-, b Feb'y S, 1S56, m at ^Vakeman, 0., Feb'y 9, 18S6, Kate Murray, b at W., Dec. 11, 1S67. iii. Charley Harwell, b Nov. u, 1857. iv. Alpheus Joshua Woodard, b June 4, 1859. The Loveland Genealogy. 15! V. Willie Lorian, b Sept. 27, 1861, m in Huntington, O., March 14, 1S91, Grace Hattie West, b at Sullivan, O., Nov. 28, 1869. vi. Hettie, b Jan'y 29, 1863, d Sept. 13, 1864. vii. Welby Warren, b April 7, 1865. viii. Addie May, b Oct. 27, 1866. ix. Leon Ernest, b Feb'y 17, 1870. x. Alda E., b Sept. 15, 1872. 219. HARRIET E. L.' LOVELAND (Loring", AbnerS) was b in Watertown, X. Y., Aug. 15, 1826, m at Brighton, O., March 17, 1850, Philander N. Powell, b at Rochester, N. Y., July 13, 1818, d in Wakeman, O., Nov. 27, 1879. Mason. Disc. Chil dren born in Camden, O.: i. Mary PameliaS Powell, b July 4, 1852, m in Erie Co., O., Jan'y i, 1S73, Heman Wilber, b there Jan'y 31, 1849. Family in Birmingham, O, ii. Rachel Aurilla Powell, b March 6, 1855, m in Erie Co., O,, July I, 1873, Clark Wilber, b in B,, June 31, 1854. Farmer in Lenape, Kan. 308. LUTHER" LOVELAND (Abner", Elisha*) was b at South- field, Mass., Aug. 31, 1792, m at Otis, Mass., Feb'y 23, 1811, So phia Philona Hills, b at S., June 13, 1790, d at S., Jan'y 28, 1877. He d at Depau ville, N. Y., March 20, 1849. Farmer. Children, first three born at Otis, the rest in Clayton, N. Y.: i. Henrietta Maria', b Dec. 13, 181 1, d Sept 5, 1815. ii. Abner Nelson, b Oct 13, 1813, m in Ravenna, O., Dec. 25, 1889, Rose A. Chapman, b in Rootstown, O., Oct. 14, 1S46. Dressmaker. Cong. Ch. P. O., Ravenna. iii. Philander Ward, b March 30, 1817, m Lucy Sperry. He d at Depauville, June 7, 1857. Farmer. They had: George Washington" and Sophronia Ann. iv. Sophronia Maria, b June 20, 1819, d April 29, 1843. 153 The Loveland Genealogy. V. Henry Monroe, b Dec. 9, 183 1, m Lovina Osborne. He d at D., June 13, 1858. They had: Henry Mon roes and Mortimer Dunreath. 222. vi. Clarissa Maria, b March 4, 1823, m Zimri Merriam. vii. Mary Lovina, b March 23, 1827, d July 30, 1861. viii. Rotier, b Sept. 16, 1830, d at D., Sept. 10, 1855. Killed by the fall of a tree. 222. CLARISSA M.' LOVELAND (Luther", Abner") was b at Clayton, N. Y., March 4, 1823, m there Dec. 27, 1848, Zimri L. Merriam, son of Isaac and Lydia Merriam of Adams, N. Y., b Sept. 17, 1825, d at Fulton, N. Y., Feb'y 26, 1887. She d at Syracuse, N. Y''., Nov. 9, 1890. Miller. Had charge of large flouring mills in Jeff., Oswego and Onondaga Counties, N. X. He looked carefully after his business and was universally respected and honored. After her husband's death she went to Syracuse to live with her dau. Eva. She was buried by the side of her hus band. She was of a quiet, retiring nature, and her home was her realm. She was a loving wife and mother and "her children rise up and call her blessed," M. E. Church, He was a Republican, Children, first two born at Brownville, N. Y"., the others at Pierre- pont Manor, Jeff. Co., N. X. : i, Delmer D." Merriam, b June 2, 1850, d Feb'y 8, 1856. 222a. ii. William F. Merriam, b Sept. 12, 1852, m Mary Butler. 222^. iii. Zimri M. Merriam, b Jan'y 5, 1855, "i Mary E, Matty, iv, Eva Estelle Merriam, b Aug, 12, 1856, Has been as sociated with the Northern Christian Advocate for a number of years, Episc, Sent her mother's records, 322A. WILLIAM F.s MERRIAM, b in Brownville, X. Y., Sept 12, 1852, m April 14, 1873, Mary Butler, b at Little Utica, Os wego Co., N. Y., April 27, 1852. A miller in St Louis Mills, Fulton, N. Y". Republican. Besides the three children that died in infancy, they have, born in Fulton: i. William F.' Merriam, b June 19, 1876. ii, J, Edward Merriam, b Sept 4, 1879, ABNER LOVELAND. (210) The Loveland Genealogy. i co iii, Clarence Merriam, b April 15, 1882, iv, Edith M. Merriam, b Feb'y lo, 1884. V, Lloid Z, Merriam, b June 20, 1888, 233B. ZIMRI M.s MERRIAM, b at Pierrepont Manor, N. Y., Jan'y 5, 1855, m Dec. 29, 1887, Mary E. Matty, b at Hastings, N. Y'., April 25, 1852. Carpenter, Rep. 309. LEONARD H." LOVELAND (Abner", Elisha*) was b at Southfield, Mass., Oct. 3, 1794, m at South Brunswick, N. J., March 13, 1820, Margaret Vanderbeck Whitlock, b there Sept. 10, 1802, d at Brighton, O., Oct. 3, i860; m 2d at Wellington, O., Aug, 31, 1862, Annie Allen, nee Rulison, b at Knox, N, Y,, Dec. 22, 1809. He d at Brighton, Aug. 18, 1887. Farmer and dairy man. Rep, M. E, Ch, He is frequently quoted in these vol umes. He was 88 years old when the writer got acquainted with him. We found him to be a man of remarkable memory and be lieve the facts stated by him and his father to be mainly reliable. The home of this family is-in Brighton Township, Lorain Co., O. — .J. B. L. Children, the first born in Brunswick, the others in Brighton: i. Abner Whitlock', b Jan'y 2, 1821, d Oct. 13, 1821. 223, ii. Cordelia, b Nov. 12, 1823, m H. S. Seeley. 224. iii. Emeline Margaret, b March 4, 1833, m I. L. Comstock. 323. CORDELIA' LOVELAND (Leonard H.", Abners ) wash in Brighton, O., Nov. 12, 1823, m there March 25, 1841, Hum phrey Smith Seeley, b at Westmoreland, N. J., Nov. 22, 1817. She d at B., March 23, 1852. Children born in Brighton: 223a. i. Morell Elroy" Seeley, b May 22, 1842, m Rachel C. Rulison; m 2d Cordelia A. Rulison. 223(5. ii. Annie Renet Seeley, b Nov. 6, 1843, m Olive J. Ruh- son; m 2d John Eddy. 333A. MORELL E.s SEELEY, b in Brighton, O., May 22, 1842, m there Sept 30, 1868, Rachel C. Rulison, b in B., Feb'y 5, 1852, 154 '^^^ Loveland Genealogy. d in B., March 28, 1873; m 2d at Oberhn, O., May 18, 1874, Cor delia A. Rulison, b at B., March 18, 1849. Farmer. Rep. Mr, Seeley enlisted in the 103d O. V. I., at B., Aug. 5, 1862. At the siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863, he was seriously wounded in the right leg, which confined him to the hospital until April 18, 1865. He was then discharged, but was unable to work for more than a year thereafteV. Children born at Brighton: i. Herbert Eugene' Seeley, b March 2, 1875, m in Clarks- field, O., Oct. 5, 1893, Jessie L. De Wolfe, b in C, Nov. 10, 1S75. He has a complete business educa tion, was clerk in a bank at Oberlin in 1893, is now (1895) farmer on his great-grandfather's farm in Brighton. ii. Leonard Elroy Seeley, b May 22, 1877. 223B. ANNIE R.s SEELEY', b in Brighton, O., Xov. 6, 1S43, m at Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 3, 1866, Olive Jesse Rulison, b at Brigh ton, March 37, 1846, d there Xo\ . 19, 1S74; m 2d at B., May 2, 1878, John Eddy, b at Camden, O., June 3, 1839. P. O., Wel lington, O. Children, first born at Brighton, the others at Fulton, Mich.: i. Amber E.' Rulison, b Sept. 10, 1867, d Xov. 25, 1885. ii. Jesse Morell Rulison, b April 35, 1S70, m Mina Belle Calkins, Nov. 10, 1893. She was b at Wexford, Mich., Nov. 10, 1S73. Farmer. iii. Effie Mabel Rulison, b April 35, 1S70, m Clarence T. Robinson, March 30, 1893. He was b at ^Manches- ter. Wis., Sept. 14, 186S. Real estate dealer. 324. EMELINE M.' LOVELAND (Leonard H.", AbnerS) was b at Brighton, O., March 4, 1S33, m there July 3, 1S51, Isaac Lancaster Comstock, b at Great Barrington, INlass., Oct. 18, 1828, She d at B., Oct 29, 1874. Children, first three born at Brighton, the others at Wellington, O.: 224a. i. Helen Marilla" Comstock, b April 30, 1853, m Walter D. Warren. The Loveland Genealogy. 155 224^. ii. Jay Lancaster Comstock, b April 15, 1854, m Adah Peck. iii. Jasper Hugh Comstock, b June 16, 1861. iv. Wilbur Milan Comstock, b Aug. 31, 1866. V. Edith Margaret Comstock, b Aug. 38, 1S68. vi. Ida Ruth Comstock, b Aug. i i, 1870. 334A. HELEN M.s COMSTOCK, b in Brighton, O., April 20, 1853, m at Wellington, O., Nov. 16, 1875, Walter Daniel Warren, b at W., Sept. 15, 1851. Farmer. Prohib. Born at Wellington: i. Clarence Luther' Warren, b Jan'y 29, 1877. ii. Albert Isaac Warren, b March 6, i88i. iii. Emma Laura Warren, b Nov. 22, 1885. 334B. JAY L.8 COMSTOCK, b at Brighton, O., April 15, 1854, m at Henrietta, O., Jan'y 11, 1880, Adah Peck, b at Camden, O., May 20, i860. Born at Wellington, O.: i. Lee' Comstock, b Dec. 9, 1880. ii. Floss Comstock, b Jan'y 20, 1882. OBITUARY. Leonard H. Loveland died Aug. 18, 1887, at the age of almost 93 years. He was born in Southfield, Berkshire County, Mass., Oct 3, 1794, and came to this county in July, 1821. His home the first settlement, himself the second settler. He lived to be the old est citizen of Brighton Township. By persistent application in early life he had fitted himself for teaching, and developed those qualities of mind and heart which marked his success in later years. He was the leader of the first Methodist society organized in Brighton Township in 1827, which met at his house under the pastoral charge of the famous Harry O. Sheldon. He continued to be its leader for many years and a member to the close of his life. The companion of his early toils and hardships passed away in i860, and two of their children had already died. Though after ward left childless, the attention of his grandchildren and the de votion of the wife of his later years have relieved the infirmities of 156 7 he Loveland Genealogy. declining life. He preserved in a large measure his mental and physical powers to the close of his life. It will be seen that he was born while George Washington was President of the United States, and lived while twenty Pres idents passed away. He saw the States of the Union increase from 13 to 38. He saw the population of his native country rise from three millions to nearly sixty millions. He saw the church of his choice increase from two hundred thousand to two million communicants or more. While he lived three generations had come and gone and thrice the population of the globe had passed away. — The Enterprise, Aug. 31, 1887. 110. ABNER" LOVELAND (Abner", Elisha*) was b at South- field, Mass., Nov. 5, 1796, m at Wellington, O., March 28, 1826, Pamelia De Wolf, b at Otis, Mass., July 16, 1794, d at W., June 5, 1862. He d there March 2, 1879. Children, first two born in Brighton, O., the rest at W.: i. Celestia Aurelia', b Jan'y 13, 1829; unm. 225. ii. Corelia J., b July 12, 1831, m Daniel P. Reamer. 226. iii. Edwin Alonzo, b July 21, 1834, m Caroline Benedict 327. iv. Frank Clarence, b Aug. 26, 1839, m Isabella Sayles. Mr. Loveland's parents moved from Southfield to Otis in 1797, where they lived until 1821. In 1807 he was sent to Sandisfield, Mass., where he lived four years with bis uncle. He then returned home and remained until nineteen years of age. He was industri ous, enterprising and economical, and his labors were wholly for his parents (who were in moderate circumstances) until his mar riage. To obtain occupation to assist them, in 1815 and thereafter we find him in Newtown and Smithtown, Long Island, at Spots- wood, South Amboy, etc., N. J., and on Staten Island, N. Y. In 1S19 he went to Ohio, where he arrived November 13th at the new settlement in the woods at Wellington, named after one of its then residents, William Welling. There were twenty-five souls, men, women and children, in this place when on this day in November Abner Loveland came among them and was a stranger to all. The next year (1820) he moved to Brighton Township The Loveland Genealogy. 157 Lorain County, five miles west from Wellington, and with his own hands cleared a spot in the forest and built the first human habitation in the township. This section was then a part of Me dina County, and the township not named. In July, 1821, his father, mother and three sisters, Lavina, Pamelia and Manerva, joined him from Massachusetts, also his brother Leonard H. with wife and infant son, all moving into the house Abner had pro vided for them. In 1826 Abner Loveland, having bought another farm, mar ried, March 28th, Pamelia De Wolf, from Otis, Mass. She was a lady of education and refinement who in that early day emigrated to Ohio with her brother, Mathew De Wolf, and others from their old home in Massachusetts. That she was a charming Christian woman and brought joy and sunshine into every household she graced with her presence, all who ever knew her bore witness. In the log house which he had built for their home she taught the first school in the township, had about one dozen pupils, and re ceived about seventy-five cents per week each, paid by the parents of the children. In this manner she aided in clearing up their little farm. At this place they remained until 1833, when, he sold his farm and moved to Wellington again, bought a third farm in the woods and cleared it up. He subsequently became much interested in stock raising, and his fine horses, cattle and sheep were for some years quite noted in that section of the country. He remained on this farm until 1855, when, having became quite well to do for that section of the country, he removed to the village of Welling ton and built for himself and family a fine home where he led a. retired life until his death. Abner Loveland was an honest, sagacious, practical, successful farmer, possessed of those qualities needed to make a hardy pio neer. Reticent and of a retiring disposition, never seeking notori ety, yet a man of strong convictions and ready to defend them at any cost. He was a reader of many books and in his house also might be found the best secular and religious newspapers of the times. In later years, as soon as the New Y'ork Tribune and In dependent were published, he became a constant subscriber and 158 The Loveland Genealogy. was a great admirer of their early editors, Horace Greeley and Henry Ward Beecher. Politically he was in early life an old line Whig. He was a firm friend of the bondman, hence he gave his earnest and early support to the Liberty Party, then to the Free Soil Party. His house was a well known station on the underground railroad, all trains passing that way staffed there, and the passengers received the needed rest and refreshment and assistance to proceed towards freedom. He was one of the responsible parties arrested in v\ hat was known as the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue Case, in which one John Price, a slave who escaped from Kentucky, was kidii ipped at Oberlin, Ohio, while on the way south vvith his owner, at Wel lington was captured and escaped to Canada. It hardly need be added that Abner Loveland in his later days was a staunch Republican. He was also a strong temperance man. In church connections he was a Congregationalist, yet nev^er sectarian. He was always in his place in the house of God, and by quiet helpfulness and self forgetfulness iie exhibited his Christian character. — F. C. Loveland. 325. CORELIA J.' LOVELAND (Abner", Abner") was b at Brighton, O., July 13, 1S31, m at Wellington, O., Jan'y 37, 1856, Daniel P. Reamer, b in Penn., March 10, 1833. No children. Mr. Reamer was for many years one of the leading merchants in Wellington and Oberlin, O. He is now retired from that busi ness. They have a beautiful home at Oberiin given ]Mrs, Reamer by her father, to which he has added a small farm of eighty acres just out of the city limits. His specialty is Jersey cattle, all reg istered.— F. C. L. 226. EDWIN A.'- LOVELAND (Abner". Abner") yvas bin Wellington, O., July 21, 1834, m there Feb'v 12, 1856, Caroline Benedict, b in N. Y. City, June 30, 1S35. He d in W., Nov. 4, 1 866. He was educated in the \A'ellington public schools and at an early age, while with his father, exhibited commendable pride in raising blooded horses, cattle and sheep. When his father re tired from active farming in 1855, he succeeded to the care and The Loveland Genealogy. 159 management of the old homestead and farm of about 300 acres. He was a capable man of business in that line, a man of good judgment, active, shrewd, a natural trader and successful specula tor in all things pertaining to a farm. During the Civil War he and his partner, Charles Phelps, supplied many horses fbr cavalry and artillery in the army. They also raised, purchased and shipped large quantities of stock to the Neyv York market, realiz ing large profit. He was a member of the Congregational Church at Wellington, a man of high character and universally respected. He had the confidence of everyone with whom he was acquainted. — F. C. L, Children born at Wellington: 228. i, Edwin B.s,b Jan'y 17, 1858. ii. Frances E., b July 31, 1861, m Will L. Loveland (29, Vol. II). 228. EDWIN BENEDICT LOVELAND, b Jan'y 17, 1858, was at eight years of age deprived of the affectionate care and counsel of a father. His widowed mother soon thereafter removed to Oberlin, in order that her children might be afforded the best op portunities of obtaining an education. The boy Edwin made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Reamer, who had no children, and re mained there until he left college in the Junior year, about 1879. It was intended by his mother, aunt and Uncle Frank, that he should complete his college course, but he became impatient to en gage in business, and with the firm resolve to carve out for him self a fortune, perhaps, at least an honorable record, he sought the acquaintance of Mr. B. F. Hobart, who was largely engaged in coal mining in Missouri and Kansas. Without letters of introduc tion or recommendation, other than his bright intellectual face and pleasing address, he made so favorable impression upon this shrewd, successful business man, that he gave him, in 188 1, a sub ordinate place on a small salary as book-keeper in the yard of the Oswego Coal Company, at Wichita, Kansas. In 1882 the Rogers Coal Company was formed and Mr. Love land became general agent of these two companies, and in 1883 their vice-president. In 1882 Mr. Hobart moved to Springfield, i6o The Loveland Genealogy. Mo., and opened a bank there, and Mr. Loveland in 1884 also be came vice-president of this bank. Another coal plant of this company was at Pittsburg, Kansas, then a small village, but now a city of about 20,000 people. The business of this corporation was much extended. They became possessed of coal lands in Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Territory and Texas, and formed what is now known as the Kansas & Texas Coal Company, with' headquarters at St. Louis, Mo., and a paid up capital of $2,500,000. The president of this company is Mr. B. F. Hobart, and Mr. E. B. Loveland is vice-president and gen eral manager. Mr. Hobart owns a controlling interest in the company. Mr. Loveland is with others a large stockholder. Among the list of shareholders appears the name of James G. Blaine, of Maine; Richard C. Kerns; Hon. Stephen B. Elkins, Secretary of War; Mr. John T. Davis, of St. Louis; Powell Clay ton, ex-Governor of Arkansas, and many others. This company owns mines at various points in the above named S'ates. and now employ over three thousand men, and turn out about five hundred car-loads of coal a day, conduct eight general supply stores and are interested in several banks. For some years Mr. Loveland made his home in the family of Mr. Hobart, but recently (1891) he has owned his home in the the most desirable part of St. Louis for residences, known as Van- deventer Place, and his widowed mother presides over his house hold. He is unmarried. His sister, Frances E ., married Mr. Will L. Loveland, of Denver, Colorado, who is a graduate of Ann Arbor College, Michigan, and descends from another branch of the original tree through Thomasi, of Glas., Conn. — F. C. L. 327. COL. FRANK C LOVELAND (Abner", Abner") was b at Wellington, O., Aug. 16. 1839, m at Cleveland, O., Feb'y 33, 1871, Isabella Sayles, b there Feb'y 15, 1S43. Children, first born in N. Y\ City, the second in Brooklyn, N. Y',: i. Helen Bertha", b Sept. 16, 1S74, d in N. Y'. City, Feb'y 39, 1876. ii. Frank De Wolf, b Jan'y 11, 1S80. >|*^"**»ftl!-!U, -rVfe^if ^;y-A:i!!^ "*' -^«^/:., *<«>/ -.:.^V COL. F. C. LOVELAND, (227). The Loveland Genealogy. i6i THE PENSION DISBURSING AGENCIES. Of the many great bureaus necessary to the detail work of the National Government, perhaps none are more intelligently admin istered or better systematized than the disbursing agencies for the payment of pensions. These agencies, eighteen in number, located in large cities in as manv* States, except onl}- the one at Washing ton, D. C, the capital of the Nation, are the subject of interest to a great may people. Thence, either by personal payment or through the mails, on vouchers as to identification necessary in every instance, the checks which evidence the gratitude of the Na tion in dollars and cents to its surviving veterans, or the widows, orphans and dependent parents of those who have died, to the number of 975,000, are conveyed to the beneficiaries. This, it should be remembered, is not a contribution by either of the polit ical parties for the time being in control of the affairs of the Gov ernment. And this we say, notwithstanding it is a subject much discussed and much abused by politicians. It is the act of all the people, through their representatives in Congress and the Presi- dlent, ungrudgingly bestowed for value received in services ren dered and sacrifices undergone on land and sea, through which the Nation was redeemed. When it is considered that these oayments are usually small in amount, the highest being $300, for loss of both hands, and the lowest $6 per quarter; that they are made four times annuallv'; that preceding each payment the same forms as to identification and making of vouchers are gone through with; that not a single dollar in currency is handled by the disbursing agents — all payments being by check to the order of the pensioner — some idea may be had of the detail work as also of the safeguards em ployed by the government for its own protection in dispensing this evidence of its kind care. While some of the agencies cover a larger territory than others, it suffices our present purpose to say that the payments at each average more than 60,000, and it is probable that at this writing each agency exceeds that number. This means passing on 250,- 000 sets of vouchers and the drawing of 250,000 checks every year by each agent These pension agents are required to give a bond to the Government in the sum of $300,000 each. 1 62 The Loveland Genealogy. During the past six years the pension roll has been increased by nearly 500,000 names. While the work has more than doubled in every detail, the income of the officer in charge remains the same. As it is necessary that these agents should be men of the highest intelligence and ability their compensation ought to be in creased in proportion to the additional responsibility, which is very great. As a rule — in fact we are not aware of a single exception — these pension agents are men who have seen service in war times, and many of them have lost their limbs, or bear upon their bodies other scars which evidence their devotion to home and country in the "days which tried men's souls." The location of these agencies and the names of the agents are as follows: Augusta, Maine, Hon. Joseph A. Clark; Boston, Mass., Hon. Wm. H. Osborne; Buffalo, N. X ., ]\Iajor Jacob Schenkelberger; Chicago, 111., Hon. Isaac Clements; Columbus, Ohio, Gen. John G. Mitchell; Concord, X. H., Hon. Thos. P. Cheney; Des Moines, Iowa, Hon. Stephen A. Marine; Detroit, Mich., Hon. Edward H. Harvey; Indianapolis, Ind , Col. Nicholas Ensley; Knoxville, Tenn., Col. W^n. Rule; Louisville, Kv., Col. C.J. Walton; Milwaukee, Wis., Hon. Levi E. Pond; New York City, N. Y., Col. Frank C. Loveland; Philadelphia, Pa., Major William H. Shelmire; Pittsburg, Pa., Hon. H. H. Bengough; San Francisco, Cal., Hon. John C. Currier; Topeka, Kan., Governor Geo. W. Click; Washington, D. C, Hon. Sidney L. Willson. Each and every one of them are good men and true. Each is worthy illustration and has a history. But the one we publish must answer for all. Col. Frank C. Loveland, U. S. Pension Agent at New York, N. Y., was born in Wellington, Ohio, August 36, 1S39, of New England parents. A student at Oberlin when the war broke out in 1861, he left there to enlist as a private in the 6th Ohio Cavalry. The records of the War Department show that at the front, for brave and efficient services, he was successively promoted to Ser geant, Sergeant-Major, Second Lieut, First Lieut, Captain, Lieut- Colonel and Colonel. He participated with his regiment in over 50 skirmishes and battles, being always present for duty until very severely wounded by a shell in 1S64, while with Gen. Phil Sheri, The Loveland Genealogy. 163 dan, which disabled him for some months, after which he returned to the command of his regiment, where he remained until the close of the war in 1865, when he was mustered out. Coming to New York in 1866, he engaged in the jobbing dry goods business, and has resided here ever since. During Gen. Garfield's campaign in 1880 Col. Loveland, being an ardent Republican, was very ac tive for his old armv comrade and friend, and soon afterwards, under President Arthur's administration, he was appointed special agent for the investigation of pension matters in New York and New Jersey, in which position he remained until removed for po litical reasons by Secretary of the Interior Lamar during Mr. Cleveland's administration. In May, 18S9, he was appointed U. S. Pension Agent at New York by President Harrison, to succeed Gen. Franz Sigel. This is one of the largest disbursing agencies in the country, its jurisdiction extending over all New York State east of Buffalo, and the greater portion of New Jersey as well as parts of Connecticut. On assuming this office Col. Loveland found very little system in practice and much less comfort in office accommodations, which with a constantly increasing pension roll, were throwing the district into almost hopeless chaos. With the energy of a soldier and the executive ability of an ex perienced and practical business man he soon reorganized the de partment, and has conducted its vast and rapidly increasing busi ness with apparent ease and very little friction, winning commen dation of all regardless of political affiliations. During quarterly payment months, he and his clerks work from seven o'clock in the morning until midnight, often including Sunday, in order that the deserving soldier or his widow shall not suffer by reason of any delay which any extra work on their part may prevent. When it is remembered that nearly $10,000,000 per annum are disbursed at this agency to about 60,000 pensioners, it will readily be understood that the necessary detail and labor of the oifice is very great not alone during payment months, but in the preparation for each quarterly payment; and the fact that 15,000 pensioners come personally to the office and receive their checks, adds mater ially to the work. About 45,000 pensioners have their vouchers ejcecute^ where they reside, send them in and receive their checks 164 The Loveland Genealogy. by mail. This office under previous management never paid 3,000 pensioners in any one day, but Col. Loveland has, by his more perfect organization and improved system for expediting business, in the same building and with but slight additional force of clerks, made a record average of over 8,500 pensioners paid per day for six successive days; on one of these six days the number of pen sioners paid at oifice and by mail was 10,750, and amount dis bursed $362,850. Another new and very creditable feature of this office under Col. Loveland's management is its "G. A. R. Mission," so called. For years it had been the custom of from one to two thousand old veterans to arrive at the Pension Office during the day and night before each quarterly payment began, in order to secure places in line, and stand there all night and until the doors of the agency opened and the payment commenced at 7 A.M. This practice is esteemed by many a privilege that they would consider a greater hardship to surrender than the exposure to the weather that it ne cessitates. There are many saloons in the neighborhood, and thev of course have been doing a paying business at these times at least, not alone during the night while the crowd wait, but the follow ing days — by cashing the pensioners' checks at a high rate of dis count — also having a fine opportunity to continue the sale of liquors to many of these unfortunate veterans. Now, through the efforts of Col. Loveland, a Grand Army Mission has been organized, the managers of which are Major- General O. O. Howard, of the U. S. A.; Gen. Alexander S. Webb, President of the College of New Y'ork ; Col. Frank C. Loveland; Gen. Fred'k T. Locke; Col. H. H. Hadley; Major- Gen. Wager Swayne; Capt. Killian Van Rensselaer; :Mr. William T. Wardwell, Treasurer of the Standard Oil Co.; Mr. Henry Hall, Supt. of the New Y^ork Tribune, and Mr. John S. Huyler. It occupies the entire basement floor under the Pension Agency, is open all day and night during the payment months, and any old soldier or sailor can there be accommodated vvith sandwiches and hot coffee free of charge, and any who choose to take part in sing ing old army songs or Moody and Sankey hymns can do so to the accompaniment of piano, violin and bugle. Col. Loveland has alsq 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 165 had it arranged in this mission-room for all pensioners to whom he pays checks to have them cashed free of charge. The necessary expense of this mission, amounting to about $5,000 per year, is borne by the contributions of a few friends of Col. Loveland, he sharing equally with others. It hardly need be stated that the old veterans are loud in their praises of the Pension Agent for this protection from the weather and to their pockets, as well as wholesome supply for their stom achs, not to mention the patriotic or religious features of the case that many appear to enjoy. The only parties who do not like the present arrangement at the Pension Office are the claim agents and saloon-keepers, who charge Col. Loveland with having ruined their business. Col. Loveland is an active business man, a tireless worker, a strict disciplinarian, a true friend to the soldier and a terror to the shyster claim agents who, before he took charge of this office, had free entree to all parts of it, and were usually in collusion with some clerk employed there in robbing soldiers at every oppor tunity. Col. Loveland is a Royal Arch Mason, a member of The Patria Club, Ohio Society of New Y^'ork, The Business Men's Re publican Club, The Republican Club of New York, The New England Society, The Society of the Army of the Potomac, Gregg's Cavalry Association; Lafayette Post, 140, G. A. R.; The United Service Club, and the New Y'ork Commandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion. His grandfather and greatgrandfather having been soldiers in the Revolutionary War entitles him by enheritance to member ship in the military order called The Sons of the Revolution, to which he belongs. — Home and Country Magazine, Oct-Nov., 1892. 211. SOPHIA" LOVELAND (Abners, Elisha*) was b in Otis, Mass., May 24, 1799, m at Brighton, O., March 21, 1824, Albert, son of Jonathan Niles, Jr., b in West Stockbridge, Mass., March 31, 1803, d in B., March 24, 1855. She d at Bath, O., March 27, 1868. Children, second and fourth born at Wellington, O., the rest at Brighton: 1 66 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Oscar Fitzalan', Niles, b Dec. 23, 1834, m Elvira' Loveland (203). ii. Henry De Lano Niles, b June 19, 1827, m July 16, 1849, Lucina Augusta Baker. Family. iii. Lovina Charlotte Niles, b Jan'y 8, 1831, m April i6, 1849, Reuben Orrin Daniels. iv. George Franklin Niles, b Aug. 7, 1834; m* V. Delia Jane Niles, b May 22, 1842, m Sept. 22, 1861, Elias C. Sweet. No children. 196. ELIJAH* LOVELAND (ElishaS, Thomas^) was b in Glas., Conn., Nov. 16, 1742, m in Sandisfield, Mass., Sarah Smith. They moved to Hinsdale, Mass., and lived to be quite aged. They both d here. Children, first born in Glas., the rest in Hinsdale: i. Hannah", m Smith. She d 1839. Fam. extinct ii. Lucy; m. Nothing further known. 229. iii. Hiel, b about 1778, m Sally Bartlett iv. Elijah, d from a fall in a barn. 230. V. Alfred, b 17S3, m Polly Russ. 231. vi. Levi, b 1784, m Polly Stoddard. vii. Clara; m. 232. viii. Erastus, b Oct 23, 1787, m Olive Forbes. 229. HIELs LOVELAND (Elijah*, ElishaS) was b in Glas., Conn., 1778, m there Sally Bartlett They moved to Pittsfield, Mass., where there children were born. In 1826 they moved to Royalton, N. Y., where he d in 1828, a. 50. i. Sally Melinda" ; m. Had four children. One living, Mrs. Lucy' Carter, at Allegan, Mich. Abiel Seymour, b Oct. 24, 1805, m Clarissa Hale Lyman Anson, m and had: Mary Ann', William and Martha Jane. Martha, m Alvin Soddles. No report Stephen Bartlett, b July 3, 1809, m Philena Hyde Josiah, b March 13, 18 14, m Louisa Hyde. vii. Hiram Dwight, b June 6, 1816, m Elizabeth Russel. 233- 11. iii. iv. 234- V. 235- VI. 236. vii. The Loveland Genealogy. 167 viii. Lorinda, d at Comstock, Mich., 1S3S, a. 18. ix. Lovisa, m George Pratt. They had: Comstock', and Julia. Julia d 1846, a. 10 nio. 233. AHIEL S." LOVELAND (Hiel", Elijah*) was b at Pitts field, Mass., Oct. 24, 1S05, m at Gaines, N. X ., March 10, 1831, Clarissa Hale, b at Castleton, Vt., May 10, 1814. He d at Faris- ville, Kan., xYug. 24, 1SS3. He was a man of remarkable memory. Farmer and cooper. Members Pres. Ch. P. O., Farisville. Chil dren, first born at Gaines, second at Carlton, N. Y.; the third at Comstock, Mich.: 237. i. Hiram Dwight', b March 30, 1832, m Lucy M. Cos- sleman. 238. ii. Eleanor, b April 28, 1834, m Benjamin Turner; m 2d E. M. Fades. iii. Elisha Gates, b June 24, 1839; unfn- 237. HIRAM D.' LOVELAND (Abiel S.«, Hiel") was b at Gaines, N. Y., March 30, 1832, m June, 1855, Lucy M. Cossle- man. He d at Sullivan Center, 111., Sept. 12, 1878. Farmer. Children, first two born at Comstock, Mich., third at Kalamazoo, Mich.; next four at Chillicothe, 111., the last at Sullivan Center, 111.: i. Ehzabeth Deborah", b March, 1856, d Sept 22, i{ ii. Clarissa, b Dec, 1857, d Sept 25, 1859. iii. A. I. Adis, b Sept. 22, 1859. iv. I.J. Don, b March 17, 1864, m Jan'y 1, V, I, E. Dora, b June, 1866, d 1866. vi. Ella Estella, b Sept. 9, 1873. vii. I, E, Daniel, b Oct. 20, 1876. viii. William Henry, b Aug. 16, 1877- 238. ELEANOR' LOVELAND (Ahiel S.«, Hiel") was b at Carlton, N. Y., April 28, 1834, m at Comstock, Mich., Feb'y 2, 1853, Benjamin Turner. She obtained divorce and children. She m 2d at Chillicothe, 111., June 14, 1876, Edward Mitchell Fades, b at C, Jan'y 28, 1838. He served in the Union Army nearly four 1 68 The Loveland Genealogy. years, P. O., Farisville, Kan. Children born in Ross, Kalama zoo Co., Mich.: i, Elisha Abiel" Turner, b Sept, 9, 1856, Farmer. ii. Lill Rosabell Turner, b March 12, 1858. Teacher. 234. STEPHEN B." LOVELAND (Hiels, Elijah*) was b in Pittsfield, Mass., July 3, 1809. He went to Comstock, Mich., in 1834, m Philena Hyde, b June 16, 1815, d at C, Feb'y 4, 1870, He d there Aug. 24, 1879. Children born at Comstock: i. Cynthia A.', b 1836, d July 6, 1880. ii. Ahiel, b 1838, d in infancy. iii. Lorinda S., b April 1, 1840, d May 16, 1874. iv. Alvin Settles, b Aug. 16, 1841, d Sept. 29, 1876. V. David Horatio, b Jan'y 28, 1843, d Feb'y 24, 1883. vi, Mary Elizabeth, b Jan'y iS, 1845, d Oct 17, 1888, vii. Martha Jane, b Nov. 26, 1846, d Aug, 7, 1870, viii. Stephen Ahiel, b Dec. 1850. ix. Charles Rufus, b Aug. 26, 1854. X. Aden Hillard, b Oct 6, 1859. 235. JOSIAH" LOVELAND (Hiels, Elijah*) was b in Pittsfield, Mass., March 12, 1S14, went to Comstock, Mich., 1831;, m there 1840, Louisa Hyde, b June 8, 1823, d at C, Jan'y 13, 1S73. He d there May 29, 1882. He ^yas postmaster at C. thirty years. Fam ily record lost. Children born at Comstock : i. Charles', b 1S43, d 1S47. ii. Cleora Orilla, b June 31, 1845, m at C, 1863, Edward K. Root. They have: Cora MayS, b March 28, 1864, d Jan'y 3, 1S73; Susan Myrta, b April, 1SS2. Plainwell, Mich. iii. Florence Antoinette, b July 28, 1S47, m at C, Oct 23, 1S69, Robert K. Shand. They have: George J.s, b Aug. 28, 187S; Robert Leverne, b June 33, 1885. iv. Anson, b 1849, d 1852. The Loveland Genealogy. 169 v. Orson Gilbert, b Oct 35, 1853, m at Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 12, 1874, Elizabeth Janette McMillan, b at Perry, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1853. Tel. op. and P. M. They have, b at C: Edna Lomiras, b July 13, 1875; Roy Anson, b Nov. 9, 1876, d 1886; Ralph J., b May 17, 1878. P. O., C. 336. HIRAM D." LOVELAND (Hiel", Elijah*) was b at Pitts field, Mass., June 6, 1816. He moved with his father's family to Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y., in 1826, and to Comstock, Mich., in 1835. He m Dec. 28, 1842, Elizabeth Russel, b in Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N. Y'., March 19, 1819, d at Comstock, Jan'y 23, 1874, and buried at Kalamazoo, Mich., Mt. Hope Cem. Miller. Children born at Comstock: i. George Thomas', b April 9, 1846, m Anglia A. Aus tin. No children. ii. Jay Maurice, b Oct. 9, 1853, m at Racine, Wis., June 12, 1879, Fannie G, Gibson, b in Chicago, 111,, July 30, 1856, d at Denver, Col., Aug. 2, 1888. Two children, d in infancy. iii. Ella A., b Nov. 29, 1856, m Henry H. Brown. iv. Fred Henry, b June i, i860, m in Buffalo, N. Y., June 20, 1882, Kate Smith, b March 29, i860. R. R. employe. 330. ALFREDS LOVELAND (Elijah*, Elisha") was b in Hins dale, Mass., 1783, m there about 1805, Polly Russ, b there July 22, 1787, d in Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 13, 1881. He d in Hinsdale. Children born there: Caroline", b March 3, 1806, m Lyman Stockwell. Hannah, b Aug. 30, 1808, m Henry Belden. Polly, b 1810, d, a. 13 mo. Mary A., b July 33, i8i3, m Henry Warner, Alonzo, b Sept, 18, 1814, m Almira West, Julia E,, b July 6, 1816, m William West vii, Lorenzo D,, m Mary , 239- 240. 11. Ill, 241, iv. 243, V. 243- VI. 170 The Loveland Genealogy. 244. viii. John W., b Sept. 11, 1821, m Amelia Shepard. 345. ix. Aurelia, b Aug. 18, 1833, m Calvin Smith. 246. X. Milo, b Sept. 30, 1834 Mary A. Shepard. xi. Alanson, d, a. 13 mo. 339. CAROLINE" LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b at Hinsdale, Mass., March 3, 1806, m at Stamford, Vt., Sept., 1831, Lyman Stockwell, b in Whitingham, Vt., Feb'y 17, 1806, d there Aug. 5, 1867. Farmer. Rep. M. E. Ch. P. O., Reedsboro, Vt. Children born at Whitingham: i. Sarah Jane' Stockwell, b Sept. 26, 1833, "^ ^^ W., June 19, 1858, Edmund Blanchard. Family. ii. Mary Emeline Stockwell, b April 12, 1840, m at W., Oct. 28, i860, Adin 'W. Shumway. Family. iii. William Henry Stockwell, b July 3, 1843; m. 340. HANNAH" LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b in Hinsdale, Mass., Aug. 30, 1808, m in Stamford, Vt., March 27, 1 83 1, Henry Belden, b at W hately, Mass., Aug. 30, 1S08, d at Darien, Wis., Jan'y 20, 1850. She d at Cummington, Mass., Oct. 15, 1877. Children, first three born at Pittsfield, Mass., the fourth at Whately, the rest at N. Hadley, Mass.; i. Hannah Maria' Belden, b July 19, 1832, d May, 1838. ii, Polly Amelia Belden, b March 13, 1834, d April, 1841. iii, Henry Belden, b June 25, 1S36, m in Washington, Mass., Feb'y 2, 1S61, Ellen Maria Brooks, b in Northampton, Mass., Nov. 30, 1S42. He enlisted in Co. G, 37th Mass., and served through the war. Family at Hartford, Conn. iv. Caroline Belden, b April 14, 183S, m at Deerfield, Mass., Feb'y 33, 1859, Henry A. Brown, Toledo, 0, v. Seth Belden, b March 4, 1S40, d Sept. 19, 1864, from a wound receiv ed at the Battle of Winchester, Co. G, 37th Mass. vi. Charles Anson Belden, b May 33, 1S43, m in Brattle boro, Vt., Sept 29, 1867, Ellen J. Bowers. 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 171 vii. James Belden, b Nov. 6, 1S44, m at Heartwellville, Vt, June iS, 1866, Almira Kennedy, Pie d in Cum mington, Mass„ April 28, 1874. Co, G, 37th Mass, viii. Thomas Belden, b June 5, 1S46, m in Whately, Feb'y 23, 1870, Lucy A. Lamb, b there March 7, 1851, d in Toledo, Jan'y 17, 1884. He m 2d in T,, Dec. 8, 1886, Jennie G. Ellis, b in T., May 30, 1851. 341. MARY A." LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah* ) was b in Hins dale, Mass., July 32, 1S12, m at Pittsfield, Mass., Jan'y 16, 1834, William Henry Warner, b in Lanesboro, Mass., Oct. 17, 18 14, d at Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 13, 1870. Children: i. Mary Emeline' Warner, b at P., Jan'y 10, 1836, m at W., May 13, 1859, Henry William Wadhams, b in Goshen, Conn., Aug. 14, 1831, d May 26, 1864, from wounds received in battle. Lieut, of Co. K, 14th C. V. She m 2d at W., Sept. 11, 1867, Orrin A. Robbins, b June 22, 1S35. Sergt. in 6th C. V. ii. William Henry Warner, b Dec. 26, 1845, m at W,, April, 1872, Kate Sleeper. Family in Waterbury. 243. ALONZO" LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b in Hins dale, Mich., Sept 18, 1814, m at Canaan, N. Y., March 25, 1842, Almira West, b there Feb'y 11, 1820, He d in H., Sept 19, 1845. Farmer. M. E. Ch. She m 3d at C, April 35, 1852, Marshal Parson Bailey, b in Pittsfield, Mass., March 8, 1819, d March 4, 1885. Children born in Stephentown, N. Y. : 247. i. Sidney Moses', b May 28, 1843, m Ella M. Gaston. i. Henry S.' Bailey, b March 31, 1855, d Sept. 19, 1883. ii, Olive E. Bailey, b Dec. 9, 1859, d Feb'y 3, 1863, 347, SIDNEY M.' LOVELAND (Alonzo") was b in Stephen- town, N, Y,, May 28, 1843, m in Richmond, Mass,, June 2, 1869, Ella Maria Gaston, b there July 21, 1848. Gardener. Rep. M, E. Ch. Born at Lenox, Mass.: i, Mary Gaston", b Jan'y 15, 1877. 173 The Loveland Genealogy. 243. JULIA E." LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b at Hins dale, Mass., July 6, 1816, m at Canaan, N. Y., July 18, 1836, William West, b there Sept. 10, 1810. She d at Dalton, Mass., May 28, 1867. Born in D.: i. Josiah' West, b Sept. 13, 1837. ii. William West, b Nov. 21, 1847, ™ Melissa Pierce. He d at Pittsfield, Mass., Sept 27, 187 1, 344. JOHN W." LOVELAND (Alfred", Elijah*) was b in Hins dale, Mass., Sept. II, 1821, m in Worthington, Mass., April 4, 1849, Hannah Amelia Shepard, b in Windsor, Mass., Dec. 4, 1824. Farmer. Rep. They have: i. Monroe Clifton', b in Williamstown, Mass., March 20, 1850, m there Sept. 28, iSSo, Claribel Torrey, b there Feb'y 20, 1853, d at Bethany, Mo., Nov. 16, 1884, P. O,, Bethany, 245. AURELIA" LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b at Hinsdale, Mass., Aug. 18, 1822, m in Middlefield, Mass., Sept 19, 1844, Calvin Smith, b there Jan'y 6, 1S14, d in Huntington, Mass., Dec 10, 1882. P. O., H. Children born in Middlefield: i. Edwin Dudley' Smith, b Sept. i, 1S45, m in Pittsfield, Mass., July 3, 1872, Mary E. Jones, b in Stock- bridge, Mass., Feb'y 25, 1S51, d in Huntington, Feb'y 33, 18S8. ii, Dwight Newton Smith, b June 17, 1847, d Aug. S, 1849, iii. James Lofton Smith, b March 6, 1857, m at Spring field, Mass., Jan'y 15, 1877, Alice E. Xewton, b in Brookfield, Mass., March 22, 1855. iv. Frank Wendell Smith, b Sept. i, 1S60, m in Lebanon, N. Y.,June7, 1879, Emma Petitt, b in Williams- tow'n, ]\Iass., Dec. 13, 1S60. 246. MILO" LOVELAND (Alfreds, Elijah*) was b in Hinsdale, Mass., Sept. 30, 1824, m in Worthington, Mass., Feb'y 5, 1852, The Loveland Genealogy. 173 Mary A. Shepard, b there Oct. 28, 1829. He d in Northampton, Mass., Oct. 38, 1885. Mechanic. Rep. Cong. Ch. Children, first born in Williamstown, Mass., the second in Worthington, the third in Florence, Mass., the rest in Northampton: i. Lucia Gertrude', b Dec. 18, 1854, m at N, Amherst, Mass,, Feb'y, 1890, O, S, Senter, Att'y-at-law and lecturer. ii. Lucius Shepard, b Dec. 14, 1856, d Jan'y i, 1858. iii. Annie Bell, b Sept. 15, 1861, m in N. A., April 36, 1886, Frank Kingsley Cloud, b in Cold Creek, O., Nov. 18, 1853. Merchant. Cong. Ch. They have: Frank Kingsley", b in Chicopee, Mass., April 9, 1887; Annie May, b in N. A., Oct 30, 1888. iv. Mary Shepard, b July 26, 1863, d Sept. 26, 1884, V. Jessie Brown, b June 10, 1865. 331. LEVIS LOVELAND (Elijah*, ElishaS) was b in Hinsdale, Mass., 1784, m there Polly Stoddard. He d in Florence, N. Y., Dec, 1865, in his 82d year. She d there 1844, a. 73. They re moved from Pittsfield, Mass., to Smithfield Tp., Madison Co., N. Y., in 1806, to Florence in 1824. Farmer. M. E. Ch. Children born near Hinsdale: Allen", b 1797, m Betsy Dodge; m 2d Lucetta Rice. Hiram F., b March 20, 1801, m Polly Rice. Elijah, m Betsy Rose. Family extinct. William S., b May 29, 1808, m Lucy Gant Polly, m Ephraim Doolittle, No report, Sarah Ann, m James Conolly, 348. ALLEN" LOVELAND (Levi", Elijah*) wash in Hinsdale, Mass., 1797, m in Smithfield, N. Y^, 1828, Betsy Dodge, b in St. Albans, Vt, 1801, d in Lenox, N. Y., July, 1848, a. 47; m 2d at Florence, N. Y., 1851, Lucetta Rice, b in Vt., about 1812, d in Newark, N. Y., 1881. He d in Lenox, July, 1876. Children, first two born in Smithfield, the rest at Lenox; 248, i- 249, n. Ul, 250, iv. V. vi. 1 74 The Loveland Genealogy. 251. i. Levi Allen', b April 30, 1829, m Isabel M. Munson; m 2d Tryphena H. Bellows; m 3d Marg. A. Braman, ii. Bradford Churchill, b Oct., 1831, d 1856. iii. Betsy Ann, b 1833. iv. George, b 1835, d, a. 14 mo. 252. V. Joseph Dwight, b Sept. 20, 1837, m Caroline R. Cooper. vi. Agnes Isabella, b 1853, m in L., 1879, J. H. Walter, b in Orville, N. X ., 1848. She d at at N., March, 1885. Born there: Lulu", b Sept. 2, 1880; Clarence Allen, b March, 1883. 351. LEVI A.' LOVELAND (Allen", Levi") was b in Smith- field, Madison Co., N. Y., April 30, 1829, m at Fairmount, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1856, Isabella Maria Munson, b at Great Bend, Pa., March 9, 1835, d at Newark, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1S67; m 2d at N., March 10, 1869, Tryphena H. Bellows, b in Florence, X. Y., April 3, 1835, d at N.,June 2, 1S7S; m 3d at N., Dec. iS, 1884, Margue rite A. Braman, b at Marion, N. X ., Sept. 10, 1828. Mr. Love land and his first wife were graduates of Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y. They taught school several years. He is now (1888) pro prietor of a greenhouse in Newark. P. O., Newark Valley, N. Y. Children, first born at Liberty, Md. ; second at Clockville, N. Y., the rest at Newark: i. Allen Walker", b March, 1858, d a. 4 m. ii. Dwight Munson, b Nov. 8, 1859, d Dec 13, 1879. 353. iii. Bradford Churchill, b Feb'v 18, 1863, m Christian May Wilson. iv. Ann Maria, b Dec. iS, 1S63, m in X., Sept, 1890, Ly- sander M. Woodworth. They have: Allen L.', b May 31, 1S93. y. HoraceHall, b Marchg, 1S66. Grad. Cazenovia Sem., class 1890. He then took a four years' course in medicine in the university at Ann Arbor, Mich. During interim of lecture course was assistant in his private practice and clinical work with Dr. Theo, A, McGraw, Pres. of the Faculty and Prof, of Surgery in the Detroit College of Medicine. He took the last year of his course at this college, grad, April 19, 1894. Ass't smg. to Republic, Mich,, Iron Mill- The Loveland Genealogy. 175 353. BRADFORD C." LOVELAND (Levi A.', Allen") was b at Newark, N. Y., Feb'y 18, 1S63, m at Metuchen, N. J., Oct. 14, 1891, Christian May, dau. of Rt Rev. Edward Wilson, D. D. He graduated in 1888 from the College of Medicine and Surgery of Michigan LTniversity, at Ann Arbor, Mich. He is now (1892) on the medical staff of the Sanitarium Company, at Clifton Springs, N. Y. Born at Clifton Springs: i. May Wilson', b May 7, 1893. ii. Bradford Churchill, b Sept, 24, 1894. 252. JOSEPH D.' LOVELAND (Allen", Levi") was b in Lenox, N. Y., Sept 20, 1837, m at Oneida, N. Y^., Oct. 22, 1861, Caroline Regina Cooper, b in Lenox, May 33, 1842. He d at Florence, N. Y., June 3, 1874, buried in Canastota, N. Y. Children, first born Oneida, second in Chittenango, N. X ., third in Newark, N, Y"., fourth in Canastota, fifth in Liverpool, N. Y^., two last in Ft. Plain, N.Y.: i. Caroline EmmaS, b Aug. 5, 1S63. ii. Dwight Allen, b Dec. 17, 1863, d in C, Jan'y 3, 1865. iii. Harriet Elizabeth, b June 6, 1865. iv. Helen Isabella, b Sept. 23, 1866. V. Edwin Allen, b Jan'y 14, 1869, d in C, May 8, 1870. vi. Joseph Dwight, b Feb'y 3, 1872. vii. Laura Anna, b Aug. 27, 1873, d in C, March 21, 1874. 349. HIRAM F.« LOVELAND (Levi", Elijah*) was b in Hins dale, Mass., March 20, 1801, m in Florence, N. Y., 1824, Polly P. Rice, bin Vt., 1803, d in F., Sept. 26, 1884. M. E. Ch. He went to F. in 1824. The town was new and heavily timbered. Bear ravaged his cornfields and pigpen, wolves destroyed the sheep and young stock, panthers abounded and were dangerous. Mr. Loveland during his lifetime cleared many acres of land, cut hundreds of cords of wood, peeled thousands of cords of bark for tanning leather, made tons of potash, shoes for the family and gver^thing else wanted from an ^x helve to a savy miU- He 176 The Loveland Genealogy. owned and run a saw mill some thirty years. He celebrated his 93d birthday with his children. Mr. Loveland's occupation was farming, and when a very old man he took great pride in his gar den. He never wore glasses. His eyesight was perfect, and he retained his faculties to the end. He was a respected resident of Florence for seventy years, and d in Taberg, N. Y^., Sept, 9, 1894. The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church at Florence and the remains were laid in the family lot in that village. The engraving represents him at 85. Children born in Florence: i. Lafayette', b 1835, d May 38, 1838. Stoddard J., m Sophroni Balton. Stephen Rice, b July i i, 1839, m Caroline E. Rood. Philander Jonathan, b Nov. 32, 1833, m Maryette Mc- Call. Lydia M., b March 10, 1834, rn Newton Gant. Lovisa T., b July 16, 1836, m Charles W. Gibbs; m 2d Frederick Thalman. vii. James H., b Feb'y 5, 1838, m Jane Judd; m 2d Kate Dickson. viii. Mary F., b Jan'y 21, 1S41, m Wesley Drake. ix. George W., d, a. 33. 355. STEPHEN R.' LOVELAND (Hiram F.", Levi") was b in Florence, N. Y'^., July 11, 1829, m in Pulaski, X. Y., April 2, 1867, Mrs. CaroHne E. Rood, maiden name Gibbs, b in Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 26, 1827. He has followed the occupation of farmer, mechanic and lumber cutter. Dem. He is naturally ingenious. Now (1894) a mechanic in a factory at Taberg, N. Y. No chil dren. Mrs. Caroline E. Loveland has been twice widowed. Her first husband, Otis Cronk, was killed by the falling of a tree. She was left with three small children. Her second husband, James Rood was among the first to enlist in the Union Army to suppress the rebellion. He was killed in battle in 1863. She is a member of the M. E, Ch. 356. PHILANDER J.' LOVELAND (Hiram F,«, Levi") was b at Florence, N, Y., Nov. 22, 1832, m at Camden, N, Y,, Oct 8, 254- 11. 255- Ill, 256, IV, 257- V. 258. VI, 259- vii 260, vii H. F. LOVELAND. (249). The Loveland Genealogy. 177 1862, Mayryette M., dau. of Chauncey and Chloe Scoville McCall (Scotch descent), b at C, Feb'y 34, 1843. Mr. Loveland followed the occupation of school teaching twenty seven years, and was an ordained minister of the M. E. Church. He retired from the ministry on account of failing health and since 1880 a packer of sugar corn at Taberg, N. Y". He is owner of the plant. He is a member of the Darius Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of Camden, N. Y'., and for nineteen years has held the position of High Priest of that order. Prohibitionist. Children, first born at Cleveland, X. Y., second, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth at Cam den, the third at Minaville, N. Y'., fourth and fifth at Palatine Bridge, N. Y'., the rest at Taberg: i. (Infant), b Aug. 13, 1863, d Aug. 30, 1863, ii. Stephen Burdette", b July 30, 1S64. Grad. Cazenovia Sem., N. Y., 1890. X'ow (1894) at Syracuse Uni versity, N. Y. iii. Francis Chauncey, b July 22, 1866, d Dec. 12, 1867. iv. Iru Truman, b Jan'y 17, 1869. Canning business, V. Philander Jonathan, b July 4, 1870, m at T., Aug. 7, 1893, Jennie Isabel Clark, b at T., July 8, 1877. Engaged in the canning business at Sibley, 111. Rep. M. E, Ch, vi. Chloe Joanna, b Dec. 30, 1872. Grad. Cazenovia Sem., class 1892. Teacher. vii. Chauncey Warner, b March 8, 1875, d at T., April 12, 1892.* He was a student at Cazenovia. He returned , home with the measles, and a cold setting in caused his death. He was a young man of lovely Christian character and bright intellect. His loving face and kind words will never be forgotten. viii. James McCall, b April 19, 1877, d Feb'y 10, 1878.. ix. Benj. McCall, b March 13, 1879, d May 29, 1880, x. Maryette Marion, b July 18, 1881. xi. Hiram Fuller, b Sept. 8, 1884, xii. Avis Claude, b Feb'y 11, i88§, 178 The Loveland Genealogy. 257. LYDIA M.' LOVELAND (Hiram F.«, Levi") was b at Florence, N. Y., March 10, 1834, m there Feb'y 27, 1858, A, N. Gant, b in Smithfield, N, Y^., Aug. 25, 1833. She d in Lawrence, Mich., Sept 15, 1893. Farmer. M. E. Ch. Children, first born in Florence, the second in Smithfield, the third in Morrisville, N. Y., the fourth in Lawrence: i. Irene Elizabeth" Gant, b Nov. 21, 1859, ™ i" Benton Harbor, Mich., Dec 28, 1878, George M. Fish. She obtained divorce for desertion, Jan'y 17, 1887. She m 2d, at Lawrence, Aug. 2, 1890, A. A. Armstrong, b at Waverly, Mich., Dec. 16, 1849. Foreman in R. R. shop at Paw Paw, Mich. Children: Zora M.9 Fish, b Dec 2, 1S79; Mason L. Fish, b Jan'y 12, 1881; Ada Lydia Armstrong, b Sept. 1, 1893. ii. Melvin A. Gant, b Oct. 7, 1861, d July 10, 1871. iii. Mina A. Gant, b May 12, 1S63, m at L , July 31, 1S80, Samuel Reynolds, b July 25, 1859. Children b at Arlington, Mich.: ¦Mary E.', b June ii, 1S81; Stephen, b May 7, 1883; Jessie Fern, b Dec. 37, 1887; Verow Benjamin, b Feb'y 7, 1890; Celia Maria, b June 13, 1893. P. O., Lawrence. iv. Leverett Asa Gant, b Feb'y 8, 1875. 258. LOVISA T.' LOVELAND (Hiram F.«, Levis) wash at Florence, N. Y., July 16, 1836, m there July i, 1866, Charies W. Gibbs, b in Schaghticoke, N. X ., Oct. 14, 1835, din Williams town, N. Y^, June 14, 1867. Machinest Member of Masonic Fraternity, at Camden, X. \'. She m 3d, in F., Dec 24, 1S73, Frederick Thalman, b in Alsace, Germany, April 39, 1829. M. E, Ch, Children, the first born in W., the second in West Leyden, N. Y.: i. Charles W. S.s Gibbs, b May 13, 1867, m in Taberg, N. Y'., Dec 8, 1888, Margaret I. Bailey, b in Lee, N. Y., Nov. 13, ,866. ii. Frederick Hiram Thalman, b July 33, 1876, The Loveland Genealogy. 179 259. JAMES H.' LOVELAND (Hiram F.", Levi") was b at Florence, N. Y., Feb'y 5, 1838, m there Sept. 37, 1864, Mrs. Sarah Jane Myers Judd, b in Turin, N. Y., Sept 10, 1S37, d at Osceola, NT. Y'., Dec. 10, 1866. He m 2d, at F., March 38, 1868, Kittle V. Dickson, b in Bathurst, Lawark Co., Ontario, Dec. 33, 1846. In early life followed teaching. In 1864 he bought a farm in Osceola, which he sold in 1887 and moved to New York Mills, N. Y. This family are Methodists and Mr. Loveland is Supt. of the Sabbath School. In 1883 he joined the Prohibition party ; previous to that time he was a leader among the Democrats and held the various tovvn offices. Children, the last born at N, Y, Mills, the rest at Osceola: i. Cora Denas, b June 5, 1865, d Sept 5, 1865. ii. Leonard Alvin, b Dec. 9, 1866, m at Topeka, Kan,, Sept, 30, 1889, Emma Pinger, b in Eudora, Kan,, March 17, 1864, Farmer. They have: Freddie James', b at Vera, Kan., May 14, 1890, and Lina Jane, b at V., Nov. 36, 1891. iii. Minnie Anna, b July 11, 1869, m at Whitesboro, N. Y., July 18, 1888, Fred D. Stephens, b at Rome, N. Y., Feb'y 3, 1867. Engineer. Dem. Bap. They had, Howard David', b in Oriskany, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1889, d Sept I, 1889, Glenside Cem,, N. Y. Mills. iv. Nettie Jane, b April 2, 1871. M. E. Ch. y. Josephine Maria, b Oct. 12, 1872. Book-keeper and stenographer, M, E. Ch. vi. Russel James, b Jan'y 10, 1875. vii. Lilla Belle, b Jan'y 21, 1878. viii. 'Delbert Stephen, b March 31, 1879. ix. Howard Ralph, b Feb'y 17, 1881, X, Flora Elizabeth, b Nov, 20, 1882. xi. Grace Susi^, b Aug, 19, 1885. xii, Chester Hiram, b Dec, 13, 1886. xiii. Kittie Emma, b July 17, 1891, d Oct 4, 1891, 260. MARY^ F.' LOVELAND (Hiram F.", Levis) was b in Florence, N.Y., Jan'y 21, 1 841, m there May 15, i860, Wesley i8o The Loveland Genealogy. Drake, b in Charlestown, Albany Co., N. Y., Sept. 13, 1831. Children, first born in Durhamville, N. Y., second in Florence, third in Oneida, N. Y^.: i. Manilla(.^) U.s Drake, b Feb'y 31, 1863, m at Lee Center, N. Y., April 3, 1882, Herbert Pelton, b at Lee, N. Y^., May 9, 1859. Born at Lee: Mortimer W,', b May 12, 1S83; Carrie M,, b Feb'y 15, 1885. ii. Asa W. Drake, b June 8, 1868. iii. George W. Drake, b Oct. 13, 1S71, 250. WILLIAM S." LOVELAND (Levis, Elijah*) was b at Hinsdale, Mass., May 29, i8o8, m at Bouckville, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1837, Lucy Gant, b in Madison, N. X ., May 28, 1812, d at Topeka, Kan., Sept 13, 1885. He d there Sept. 13, 1891. Children: i. Andrew J.', b at Smithfield, N. Y., Jan'y 25, 1829, m May, 1850, Olive Deutcher. He d at Lockport, N. Y., 1876. Union soldier. Family. No report. ii. Nancy S., b at S., Aug. 31, 1831, m Thomas Quick. She m 2d, Baldwin Hanan. Family. No report iii. Riley J., b Feb'y 21, 1834. Whereabouts unknown. iv, George W., b Nov. 8, 1836, m 1853, Emeline Deutcher. He served in the Union Army, d at Syracuse, N. V., Dec, 35, 1883. Family. ISTo report. V. William D., b Oct. 35, 1S3S, m i860, Maria West She d 1863. He m 2d, 1866, Emma Van \'alken- burg. He served in the 17th N.Y'. Vols., and d 1876. Family. No report. vi, Lucia M., b 1840, d in infancy. vii, Caroline L., b Oct 3, 1842, m at Osceola, N. Y., 1869, Daniel McCarty. She d at Friendship, N. Y., June 24, 1892. No family. viii. Harry H., b 1845, d 184S. 261. ix. Asa J., b Feb'y 6, ,848, m Catharine Fox. X, Bradford A,, b March 28, 1S51, m at Osceola, 1869, Martha Chase, d there 1870. He moved to Topeka 1877, m 2d in T., 1877, Emma . Carpenter and engineer. Killed by a threshing machine. Sept, J883. The Loveland Genealogy. i8i xi. Horace W., b July 19, 1853. Engineer on R. R. He m at Topeka, 1879, Jennie Raglin. Family. No report, xii, Harvey D., b in Sullivan, N, X ., July 19, 1853, m Catharine Falvey, 1873, School teacher, Atty-at- Law in Topeka. No further report. 261. ASA J,' LOVELAND (William S.", Levis) was b in Sul livan, N. Y., Feb'y 6, 1848, m at Redfield, Oswego Co., N. Y., July 7, 1867, Catharine Fox of N. J. In 1869 he moved to Erie, Pa., and in 1876 to Topeka, Kan. Foreman (1888) in Shawnee Mills, capacity 300 barrels per day. Carpenter until 1876. He is a member of Topeka Lodge No. 17, A, F, & A, M. They cele brated their silver wedding and had a good time. Children, first born at Osceola, N. Y., the rest at Erie: i. Viola L.s , b May 22, 1868, m at T., Dec. 25, 1887, Frank B. Ford, b in Sigourney, la., Oct 15, 1861. Born in T.: Asa J.', b Nov, 11, 1888; Frank F., b July 29, 1892. ii, Harvey A,, b Jan'y 5, 1870, Printer, iii. Rosamond L,, b Sept, 25, 1876, We quote from the Kansas Home: "Brother A, J. Loveland of Capital Lodge No. 7, D. of H. (A, O. U, W,), has designed and published a work descriptive of the Team work used in the above named lodge. The book is a valuable work for D, of H. lodges and coming from a drill master with the reputation Bro, Loveland enjoys, insures it a rapid sale. D, of H, lodges will do well to send to Bro, Loveland for a copy at once and begin work in the right direction." 232. ERASTUS" LOVELAND (Elijah*, Elishas) was b in Hinsdale, Mass., Oct, 23, 1787, d at Washington, Mass,, Aug. 15, 1840, m Olive Forbes. She was b at Old Hartford, Conn,,' Feb'y 18, 1790, d at Hinsdale, June 12, 1849, Buried at W, Farmer. Children born in Hinsdale: 182 The Loveland Genealogy. i, Lewis", b Aug, 18, 181 1, m Fanny S, Hill. ii. Amanda, b 1812, m William Roth. iii, Lucy, b Feb'y 18, 1815, m William Beach, iv, Erastus, b 1817, d at W,, Sept 3, 1843, Unm, M. E. Ch. V. William, b Feb'y 27, 1818, m Lucinda A. Tower. vi. Orin, b 1822, d at W., May 24, 1851, a. 29. vii. Emily, b 1824, d in infancy, viii. Almira, b Sept. 4, 1826, m John Day. ix. Louisa, b June 28, 1829, m Andrew J. Goodsell, X, Samuel H,, b July 28, 1832, m. Has an adopted dau, xi, Emily, m; died a, 24, 197. PELATIAH* LOVELAND (Elisha", Thomas^ ) was b in Glas. (Eastbury Parish), Conn., Jan'y 13, 1748, m there Dec. 7, 1774, Ruth Sparks, b at Glas., d there April 28, 18 16, a. 66, He d in Glas,, April 28, 1823. Rev. soldier. Entered service Aug. 3, 1778, disc. Sept. 18, 1778. He was in the expedition to dislodge the British at Newport, R. I., and was in the battle of R. I., Aug. 29, 1778. — Conn. Ros., p. 531. He taught the South Eastbury (Glas.) common school in 1778 at a salary of X5 per month. The school master was an officer of the town to whom great respect and deference were to be paid. Blacksmith, and owned and tilled a farm. In addition to the above we have: Peletiah, a. 22, m Aug., 1767, Molly Sparks; m Dec. 7, 1774, Molly Goodale Molly Loveland d Aug, 18, i8i6, a. 67. All b in Glas., and buried in Eastbury cemetery. Rev. Ziba Loveland writes: Pelatiah was my grandfather, his wife was a Sparks. I was well acquainted with the Sparkses. I never knew her Christian name, but I remember her well. She was a sister to Elisha's* wife. Children born in Eastbury Parish : i. Charity", b May 6, 1776, m in Glas., Sept. 3, 1796, Israel Weirs. Family in Oppenheim, N. Y. 262. ii. Asa, b Jan'y iS, 1778, m Mary Stoddard; m 3d, Sally Burbank. 363, iii, Elisha, b Aug, 28, 1780, m Tirzah Fox. The Loveland Genealogy. 183 iv. Polly, b Oct. 30, 1783, m Welden. Two sons. 264, V. Reuben, b July 34, 1785, m Betsy Buck, VI, Katy, b May 19, 1787, m Dec, 18, 1805, Alfred Chap- pel, Family in Verona, N, Y'". vii, Vicy (Lovisa), b Aug, 35, 1788, m March, 1807, Abraham Couch, She d 1878, Had four children, viii, Ziba, b April 35, 1791, d young. 265. ix. Luther, b March 18, 1793, m Lucy Wickham. 362. ASA" LOVELAND (Pelatiah*, ElishaS) was b in East Glas., Conn., Jan'y 18, 1778, m at Berlin, Vt., Nov, 39, 1798, Mary Stoddard, b in Glas,, July 15, 1775, d at B,, Aug, 4, 1849, He m 2d, at B,, Feb'y 11, 1850, Sally Burbank nee Freeland, b at Hopkinston, Mass,, Oct, 15, 1788, d at B,, April i, 1861, He d there July 26, 1865, Blacksmith, M, E, Ch, Children born at Berlin : Phoebe", b Oct, 29, 1799, m Daniel Flagg. Welthy, b June 7, 1801, m at B,, 1831, George G, Cook, She d at Northfield, Vt, Aug, 5, 1843, Asa, b May 27, 1803, m Harriet M. Bloss, Mary, b May 29, 1805, d at B., May 25, 1829, Reuben, b July 13, 1807, m Belinda Boutwell, John, b April 12, 1809, d at B,, Aug. 23, 1809, Betsy, b Dec, 25, 1810, d at B,, Sept 28, 1813, viii. Leonard, b April 17, 1813, m Katharine Richardson. Charles, b Oct. 20, 18 15, m Louisa Rowell. 266. PHOEBE" LOVELAND (Asa", Pelatiah*) was b at Glas., Conn., Oct, 29, 1799, m at Berlin, Vt, March 25, 1819, Daniel Flagg, b there May 9, 1794, d at B., Jan'y 16, 1831. She d there June 25, 1824. Farmer. Cong. Ch. Children, first born at Middlesex, Vt., the rest at Berlin: i. Sarah L.' Flagg, b Jan'y 2, 1820, m at Berlin, June 22, 1852, John S. Wright She d Jan'y 2, 1856. No children. 2bb. 1. ii. 267. iii. ly. 268, y. vi. vii. 269, vii: 270, IX, 184 The Loveland Genealogy. ii. Mary A. Flagg, b March 23, 1821, m at B., April 12, 1843, Lyman G. Boutwell, b at Barre, Vt., April 2, 1816, They have: Mary O.", b March 25, 1845; George W,, b Dec. 3, 1852; Florence N., b 1859, d i860, iii, Phoebe Flagg, b Aug, 26, 1823, d at B,, April 18, 1825, 267. ASA" LOVELAND (Asa", Pelatiah*) was b at Berlin, Vt., May 27, 1803, m at Irasburg, Vt, June 27, 1830, Harriet M. Bloss, b there Jan'y 27, 1812. He d at Irasbur}', April, 35, 1878, Farmer. Children born at Irasburg: i. Angeline W.', b May 30, 183 1, m Joseph L. Deming. ii. Mary Ann, b Jan'y 27, 1833, m John F. Colby. iii. Phoebe, b Sept, i, 1834, m George B, Hazen, iv. Leonard, b Aug. i, 1836, d at I., Aug. 23, 1839. V. Roselthea C, b June 23, 1838, m Reuben Baily, vi. John C, b Aug. 31, 1840, m Ida P. Easterday. vii. James, b March 27, 1843, d Nov. 24, 1863. viii. Olive B., b May 4, 1845, m Emily S. Crittenden. ix. Walter M., b May 14, 1S47, m Jenny Olstein. X. Oscar F. b April 27, 1849, m Emma C. Wells. xi. Leonard O., b June 29, 1S50, m Ellen S. Hart. xii. Elma E., b April i8, 1853, d Nov. 14, 1868. xiii. Harriet E., b Dec. 20, 1857, m Charles D. Barry, 368. REUBEN" LOVELAND (Asa", Pelatiah*) was b at Berlin, Vt,,July 13, 1807, m April 26, 1831, Belinda Boutwell, bat Barre, Vt, Oct 9, 181 2. Farmer. Adventists. Children, first four born at Northfield, Vt, the rest at Johnson, Vt. : i, Dorothy A,', b March 11, 1833, m Orange Bailey. ii. Florinda C, b Sept. 10, 1834, d at N., Oct 9, 1855. iii. Mary A., b Nov. 27, i84i,d at N,, Dec 13, 1858. iv, Welthy, b Feb'y 9, 1S44, m Francis E, Peck, V, James H,, b June 10, 1851, m Betsey E. Robbins, The Loveland Genealogy. 185 369. LEONARD" LOVELAND (Asa", Pelatiah*) was b at Bedin, Vt, April 17, 18 13, m there April 33, 1846, Katharine Richardson, b at Barre, Vt, July 21, 1823, He d at West Ran dolph, Vt, April 24, 1884. She d there March 24, 1886. Farmer. Children, first two b at Northfield, Vt., the last at West Randolph, the rest at Berlin : i. Infant son, b Jan'y 6, 1847, d Jan'y 6, 1847. ii. Charity A.' b Feb'y 17, 1848, m Charles S. Shepard. iii. Mary Ellen, b Oct 28, 1849,' i" Charles C. Boutelle. iv. John, b Aug. 27, 1851, m Mary J. Blay. V. Samuel R., b Aug. 19, 1853. Farmer. vi. Willie, b May 9, 1855, d at B., July 24, 1857. vii. Katie F., b July 8, 1867. 370. CHARLES" LOVELAND (Asa", Pelatiah*) was b at Berlin, Vt., Oct. 20, 1815, m there July 10, 1850, Louisa Rowell (widow of Joseph Huse), b at Corinth, Vt,, Sept, 8, 1809, He d at Berlin on the old AsaS Loveland homestead March 16, 1856, Farmer, Mrs, Loveland says: "The Old Family Record (Bible) descended to Asa" Loveland, Jr, My father-in-law was a dear, good father and a friend to everyone," Born in Berlin: i. Emily', b Nov. 33, 1853, d at B., Aug. 37, 1881 ; unm, 363. ELISHAS LOVELAND (Pelatiah*, Elisha" ) was b at East Glas,, Conn., Aug. 38, 1780, m there March 7, 1803, Tirzah, dau, of Isaac Fox, b in E, Glas,, Sept. 19, 1783, d there April 19, 187 1, He d there Jan'y 2, 1852. Children born in East Glas,: — See Book B (Eastbury Records), p, 205, i. Tirzah", b Jan'y 10, 1804, d Jan'y 13, 1833, 271, ii. Cynthia, b Sept 26, 1805, m Charles Welles. 372, iii. Ziba, b Oct 28, 1807, m ist, Pamelia Manning; m 3d, Huldah Perkins; m 3d, A. A. Royce. iv, Julia, b Feb'y 11, 1810, m in E, Glas,, Feb'y 18, 1853, John Winchester, b at Hebron, Conn., Nov, 6, 1803, d at E. Glas., April 19, 1874. They had: Charles Ransom', b Feb'y 5, 1855. 1 86 The Loveland Genealogy. 273. V. Philander Cook, b July 22, 1814, m ist, Jane E.John son; m 2d, Lucy E. Condrey. 374. vi. Orlanza, b Oct. 21, 1817, m 1st, Marinda E. Andrews; m 2d, Sarah S. Shepard. vii. Silas Flavel, b June 21, 1821, d Oct, 30, 1837, viii, Henry Albert, b Dec. 15, 1837, d Oct. 7, 1830. 371. CYNTHIA" LOVELAND (Elisha", Pelatiah*) was b at E. Glas., Conn., Sept. 36, 1805, m there Jan'y 12, 1834, Charles Welles, b at East Hampton, Conn., March 18, 1809, She d at E, Glas,, Sept, 15, 18S1. Children born at East Glas.: i. Tirzah Amelia' Welles, b Jan'y 33, 1835, m i^^ Andrew M. Spencer; m 2d, Charles P. Greene; ra 3d, Joseph Snow. ii. Philona Matilda Welles, b Jan'y 14, 1836, m Jan'y 38, 1857, Leverett T. Allen. iii. Henry Philetus Welles, b Oct. 27, 1839, m Oct 11, 1868, Mary E. Mitchell. iv. Julia Phidelia Welles, b Dec, 8, 1S42, m Nov. 38, 1865, Francis M. Pease. V. Seldon Hanford Welles, b Oct. 32, 1845, d June 16, 1862. He gave his life for his country. 272. REV. ZIBA" LOVELAND (Elisha", Pelatiah*) was b at East Glas., Conn., Oct 38, 1807, m ist, at Petersham, Mass., April 27) 1833) Pamelia Manning, b there Jan'y 12, 181 1, d at Savoy, Mass., Feb'y 23, 1834, He m 2d, at Mansfield, Conn,, May 34, 1835, Huldah Perkins, b at Steriing, Conn., April 16, 1803, d at Rahway, N.J,, Aug, 21, 1858, He m 3d, in Gurleyville, Conn., Sept. 18, i860, Almira Adelaide Royce, b at Mansfield, July 5, 1825, d in Vernon, Conn., Dec. 3, 1883. Children, first born in Plain ville, second and last in Vernon, third in Manchester, fourth in East Glas., the fifth in Rockville. All in Conn.: 275. i. Henry Allen', b April 29, 1836, m Salencia Hawks, 276, ii, Emory Manning, b Dec. 24, 1839, m Harriet E, Safford, The Loveland Genealogy. 187 iii. Albert Eugene, b May 13, 1S43, d Sept. 19, 1862. He enlisted in the Union Army in spring of 1861 and was killed at the battle near Sharpsburg, Md, 277. iv. Huldah Pamelia, b Oct, 27, 1845, m William H, Porter, V, Herbert Royce, b Aug, 12, 1865, vi, Jennie May, b Dec. 3i, 1868. Ziba was brought up a farmer. In early life a school teacher; joined the M, E, Church at 19; licensed as" local preacher at 26; local deacon's orders at 3 1 ; local elder's orders at 35 ; retired at 58. Politics of himself and family. Republicans. 375. HENRY' A,' LOVELAND (Rev, Ziba", Elisha") was b at Plainville, Conn., April 29, 1836, m at Southbridge, Mass. Dec. 7, 1865, Saleucia Hawks, b there Aug. 25, 1838, enlisted in ist Conn, Artillery in spring of 1861, served to the close of the war. Farmer and teacher. Children, first born in Centralia, Pa., the three next in Vernon, Conn., the next three in East Haven, Conn., the last in New Haven, Conn.: i. Charlotte Elizabeth", b Oct. 4, 1866, m in New Britain, Conn., Frederic Rackliff. In organ shop. Epis. They have: Mabel Loveland' Rackliff, b May 3, 1890, and Frank Eugene Rackliff, b June 17, 1892. P.O., New Britain; children born there. li, Bessie Lyon, b Sept, 4, 1868, iii, Albert Emory, b Nov, 30, 1869, iv, Arthur Lincoln, b May 22, 1871, d Jan'y 25, 1877. y, Henry Daniel, b Jan'y 20, 1875, d Dec. 23, 1876, vi, Mildred Rosetta, b March 12, 1879, vii, Eugene Francis, b May 7? 1880, viii. Hattie Marion, b Sept 4, 1883, 276. EMORY M,' LOVELAND (Rev Ziba", Elisha") was bat Vernon, Conn,, Dec. 24, 1839, ™- ^^ Rahway, N, J,, Sept. 20, 1858, Harriet Elizabeth Safford, b at Canterbury, Conn., Aug. 29, 1842. He was drafted during War of the Rebellion and sent a substitute. Carpenter. Master builder. P. O., Allen, Kan. Children, first born at Manchester, Conn:, the rest at Berlin, Conn. : 1 88 The Loveland Genealogy. 2']6a. 1. Helen Elizabeth", b July 30, 1859, m Rev. Francis A. Piper. ii. Ida Adelaide, b Sept 12, 1861, d at Allen, Kan., Oct 25, 1877. iii. Eva Adelia, b Feb'y 17, 1864, m in Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 30, 1880, Dorman Page Ingraham,' b at Akron, 0.,July 7, 1857. Born in K. C: Amy Adelia', b Aug, 14, 1 88 1. 276A. HELEN E.s LOVELAND (Emory M.', Rev. Ziba") was b at Manchester, Conn., July 20, 1859, m at Burlingame, Kan., March 9, 1880, Rev. Francis Asbury Piper, M. E. Ch., b in Fenton, Mich., Oct. 16, 1858. Children, first born in Kan. City, Mo,, the second at Swartz Creek, Mich,, third at Pella, Iowa, fourth at Lynnville, la,, fifth at Chillicothe, la,; * i. Henry Francis' Piper, b May 23, 1881. ii. Lorin Bradford Piper, b March 28, 1883, iii, Huber Bethuel Piper, b Oct 6, 1886, iv. Margaret Faith Piper, b Nov. 22, 1888. V. Ernest Howard Piper, b Xov. 8, 1890. 277. HULDAH P.' LOVELAND (Rev. Ziba", Elisha") was b at East Glas., Conn., Oct. 27, 1S45, m at New Haven, Conn., Dec. 31, 1873, William Harrison Porter, b at Bolton, Conn,, March 13, 1840, Farmer, Repub. Methodist. Born at Allen, Kan.: i. Carrie Louisas Porter, b ISIay 7, 1881, d Feb'y 17, 1895, ii. Edith Winnifred Porter, b July 26, 1883. 273 PHILANDER C,« LOVELAND, M,D, (Elisha", Pelatiah*), vvas b in E, Glas., Conn., July 22, 1814, m at Etowah, Cass Co,, Ga., Dec. 2, 1847, Jane Elvira Johnson, b in Iredell Co., N, C, May, 1830, d at Etowah, Nov. 5, 1857. He m 3d, at E., Dec 5, i860, Lucy Elizabeth Condrey, b in Iredell Co., Nov. 32, 1835. The Civil War ruined Mr. Loveland financially. He returned to the free North in June, 1868, and located in'Mt Vernon, Ind. He d there Nov. 17, 1894. Children, first born in Etowah, the rest in Itawamba Co., Miss.: The Loveland Genealogy. 189 i. Helen Louisa', b Sept. 25, 1848, m in Hardin Co., Tenn., March 4, 1867, A.J. Odem", b in Lauderdale Co., Ala., April 16, 1S44. She d at Walnut Grove, Hardin Co., Oct 27, 187 1, They had: Thomas WarrenS, b Dec. 30, 1867 ; Mary Pyrena, b Aug. 30, 1870. ii. James Orlanza, b Feb'3^ i, 1852, m at Mariana, Ark., April 10, 1878, Mary Elizabeth Wallace, b in Madison, Ark., May 11, 1858. Contractor and builder. Children b at Mariana: Helen MayS, b Sept. II, 1879; Belle Allicia, b Nov. 18, 1881. iii. Walter Burnham, b Oct. 9, 1854, d Oct. 14, 1859, iv, Pyrena Agnes, b Nov. 26, 1856, d Aug. i, 1878. V. Varina Davis, b Sept, 35, 1861, d Feb'y 12, 1863. vi. Preston Philander, b Oct 9, 1863, m at Vernon, Dec. 9, 1883, Annie Minnie Warfield, b in Henderson Co., Ky., Dec. 15, 1865. Confectioner and music dealer. vii. Lulu, b Feb'y 3, 1866, m at Mt. Vernon, June 25, 1884, Edward Everett Shepard, b there Dec. 22, i860. Merchant at Fairfield, 111. 274. ORLANZA" LOVELAND (Elisha", Pelatiah*) was b at Oppenheim, N. Y',, Oct, 21, 1817, m at East Glas,, Conn,, Feb'y 13, 1842, Marinda Ellice Andrews, b at East Glas., April 6, 1818, d at Portland, Conn,, July 17, 1855. He m 2d, at P., Jan'y 29, 1856, Mrs. Sarah S. Shepard, b there May 6, 1818. He d there Dec 28, 1879. Children, first born at Bolton, Conn., the next three at East Glas., the rest at Portland : Mary Fidelia', b Sept. 6, 1843, m Henry E. Fits, Martha Candace, b Aug, 15, 1845, m Mark Mince. Katie Eliza, b Jan'y 6, 1849, d at E. G., Oct.'i4, 1851. Katie EHza, b Dec 13, 1851, m Peter Dunbebin. Eddie Orlanza, b May 12, 1857, d July 34, 1862. Nellie C, b Dec. 33, i860. 278. i. 279, 11. Ill, 2S0. iv. v. vi. 190 The Loveland Genealogy. 278. MARY F.' LOVELAND (Orianza", Elisha") was b at Bolton, Conn , Sept. 6, 1843, m at Hartford, Conn., Jan'y 13, 1868, Henry Ebbin Fits, b there Feb'y i, 1844. Children born at Hartford: i, Alice Parker" Fits, b Oct 6, \i ii. Henry Loveland Fits, b March 5, 1873, d March 6, 1872, iii. Florence May Fits, b Sept, 7, 1875, iv. Gracia Phelps Fits, b March 7, 1877, 279. MARTHA C LOVELAND (Orianza", Elisha" ) was b at East Glas., Conn., Aug. 15, 1845, m at Portland, Conn., Dec. 24, 1863, Mark Mince, b Jan'y 28, 1843. Children born at North Glas., Conn.: i. Sarah Elizabeth" Mince, b Nov. 5, 1866, d Oct 5, 1S67. ii. Willie Lewis Mince, b Oct 9, 1869, d July 5, 1880. iii. Rosa Mince, b Sept. 16, 1S72. iv, Willie Mince, b Nov. 6, 1880. 280. KATIE E.' LOVELAND (Orlanza", Elisha") was bat East Glas., Conn., Dec. 13, 1851, m at Portland, Conn., Peter Dunbebin, b in Cheshire, Eng. Children, first born at Portland, second at Columbus, O., third at Peninsula, O.: i. Albert" Dunbebin, b Nov. 31, 1870. ii. Eddie Orlanza Dunbebin. iii. Charlotte Marinda Dunbebin. 264. REUBEN" LOVELAND (Pelatiah*, ElishaS) was b at Glas., Conn., July 34, 1785, m at Chatham, Conn., Dec 38, 1808, Betsy Buck. She d at E. Glas. May 5, 1830, a. 46, He d at Jessup, Pa., Oct 28, 1868. He was in the War of 1812 from Conn., Capt. Buell's Co. He united with the M, E, Church in 1808 and was a class leader until he came to Pa., 1862. He d at the residence of his son-in-law, Marvin Hall, His zeal for God and his cause was unabated to the close of his life. His last words were: "All is clear." He was a man of very robust constitution, 28l, I, ii. 282. iii. 283, iv. 284. V. 285, vi. Vll. The Loveland Genealogy. 191 and a great walker. He walked from Conn, to Ohio and return averaging fifty miles daily. — R. L, Children, first two and the last born in Glas., the rest at Portland, Conn,: Betsy", b March 5, 18 10, m Boland. Reuben, b Aug, 17, iSii, m Candace Moses, He m » 2d, Nancy Rossman, William, b Feb'y 2, 1S13, m Amanda M, Sherman, Charity, b Sept. 3, 1815, m Marvin Hall. Catharine, b Feb'y 26, 1818, m Charles Willard. She m 2d, Wm. Jickells. Harriet, b Feb'y 22, 182 1, m M. E. Bunce. Sarah, b Feb'y i, 1824, d at Fairdale, Pa., 1881. viii. Nancy Maria, b Oct. 12, 1827, d Nov. 3, 1829. 281. REUBEN" LOVELAND (Reuben", Pelatiah*) was b at Glas., Conn., Aug, 17, 181 1, m at Canton, Conn,, June 9, 1834, Candace Moses, b there March 4, 180S, d at Milesburg, Pa., Feb'y' 23, 1845. He m 2d, in Clinton Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1845, Nancy Rossman, b in Porter Township, CHnton Co., Pa., Feb'y 23, 1824. He d at Lamar, Pa,, April 13, 1886, Children, first b in Glas., second in Milesburg, the rest in Lamar, Pa.: Isaac', b May 39, 1835, m Catharine Poorman. Wilber Fisk, b Sept 9, 1841, m Hannah Watson. He m 2d, Josephine Custard. Henry Dill, b Aug. i, 1846, m Frances B. Watson. AmeHa Amanda, b Nov. i3, 1848, m Ira C, Eddy, Harriet Alice, b Aug. 1, 1851, m Philip Krape. Reuben (Rev.), b Nov. 39, 1853, d Sept. 29, 1879. William Hall, b Aug. 21, 1857, m Laura Holt viii. Charles Wesley, b April 12, i860, m Clara. Belle ; Watson, ix. Lyman Milford, b Jan'y. 19, 1863. Mr. Loveland moved from Connecticut to Center County, Pa., in 1838, and in 1845 settled in Lamar where he engaged in the niahufacture of axes, and succeeded in building up a prosperous business which is still carried on by his sons. Being of Methodist 286, i. 287. ii. 288. iii. 289. iv. 290. V. VI. 391. vii 292. vii 193 The Loveland Genealogy. parentage and converted when a small boy he immediately identified himself with a small Methodist class of which he soon became the leading member. Mainly through his efforts a church was soon erected and Methodism firmly established in the community. He filled well the oflSces in the church open to laymen. The itinerant always found a warm welcome at his house, and one of his sons (Reuben) became a traveling preacher. — G. W. 386. ISAAC LOVELAND (Reuben", Reuben") was bin Glas,, May 39, 1835, m at Lamar, Pa., Sept. 22, 1857, Catharine Poor- man, b near Cranberry, Pa., Nov. 25, 1837. He came to Pa. with his parents when three years of age. In 1S52 he went to New Haven, Conn., and learned the trade of carriage blacksmithing. In 1858 he moved to Jasper Co., Ia. He followed blacksmithing and farming until 1880, since which time he has been engaged in the manufacture of axes in the R. Loveland Ax Co.'s establishment at Lamar. His specialty is the art of tempering axes. Rep. M, E. Ch. Children, first born at Newton, la., the rest at Kelly, la.: i. Cordelia", b Sept. 10, 1858, m at L., Dec. 3, 1884, Alfred W. Mitchell, b at Fleming Center, Pa., Oct 5, 1 85 1. Axe forger. Rep. M. E. Ch. Born at L., Reuben Isaac', b Feb'y 19, 18S6; Glenn Ralston, bJuly 19, 1889; Ralph Loveland, b Oct 13, 1891, ii. Arthur Meyer, b Nov. 30, i860. Teller in bank at Oberiin, O. iii. Reuben Eddy, b Nov. 34, 1863, m Dec. 31, 1890, Jennie R.Jackson of Avon, O. Grad. of Oberiin College, class 1890. Now (1893) Asst Prin. High School at Monroe, Wis. iv. Minnie Luella, b July 31, 1S65, m at Clintondale, Pa., Jan'y 13, 1S85, Frank A. Shields, b at Hublersburg Center, Pa., Jan'y 21, i860. Woodsman, Dem, • Evangelical, They have: Florence Estella', b Nov, 13, 1885; Gi-ace Viola, b Oct 30, 1887; Mary Elizabeth, b July 5, 1889; Jennie Luella, b Sept 19, J891. CHAUNCEY LOVELAND. (296). 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 193 V. Candace Matilda, b May 30, 1S70. Grad, at State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa. Teacher, Johns town, Pa. vi. Harry Wilber, b Feb'y 27, 1S74. Clerk, Oberhn. vii. Grace, b Nov. 3, 1S78, d at K., Nov. 5, 1878, 387. WILBER F.' LOVELAXD (Reuben", Reubens) was b at Milesburg, Pa., Sept 9, 1S41, m Hannah Watson, d. He m 2d, at Salona, Pa., Dec 3i, 1S71, Josephine Custard. Merchant. Rep M. E Ch. Children, first and third born at Lamar, Pa., the second at Clintondale, Pa.: i. Ida MayS, b iS6l. ii. Harry Dill, b Nov. 30, 1S73. iii. Reuben, b March 17, 1S81. 288. HENRY D.' LOVELAND (Reuben", Reubens) was b at Lamar, Pa., Aug. i, 1846, m there June 24, 1869, Frances Belle Watson, b in Porter Tp., Clinton Co., Pa., June 6, 1850. Mr. Loveland and his brother Charles, since their father's death have full control of the business at Lamar of manufacturing axes. Rep. M.E.Ch, Born at Lamar: i. Harry ThomasS, b July 5, 1870, d at L., Nov. 27, 1871, ii, Mina Elizabeth, b Sept. 10, 1S72. iii. Nancy Bell, b May 31, 1875. iv, James G, Blaine, b Oct, 4, 1880. 389. AMELIA A.' LOVELAND (Reuben", Reuben") was b at Lamar, Pa., Nov. 13, 1848, m at Lock Haven, Pa., Nov. 33, 1870, Ira C, Eddy, b in Lamar, June 3, 184S, Clerk in clothing store, Repub, M. E. Ch. Born at Lock Haven: i. Lyman Ernest", b Sept. 37, 1873, ii. Earl Hamlin Eddy, b Dec, 3, 1874. 390. H. ALICE' LOVELAND (Reuben", Reuben") was b at Lamar, Pa., Aug. i, 1851, m there July i, 1875, Philip Krape, b 194 The Loveland Genealogy. at Clintonville, Pa., Nov. lo, 1851. Employe in axe factory. Children born at Lamar: i, Frances Maude" Krape, b Jan'y 6, 1878. ii, Reuben Benson Krape, b May 19, 1880, d Sept 16, 1881. iii, Karl Krape, b May 10, 1882, d Sept. 15, 1882. iv. Elsie Almira Krape, b Sept, 27, 1886. 391. WM. H.' LOVELAND (Reuben", Reuben") was b at Lamar, Pa., Aug. 3i, 1857, m at Snow Shoe, Pa., Oct. 6, 1881, Laura Holt, b there Aug. 21, 1 86 1. He d at Lamar, 1888. Painter, and employe in axe factory. Rep. M. E. Ch. Born at Lamar: i. Pearl, b Aug, 21, 1882, d Sept, 15, 1883, n, Nora M,, b March 15, 1S86, 393. CHARLES W.' LOVELAND (Reuben", Reuben") was b at Lamar, Pa., April 13, i860, m at Tyrone, Pa., Jan'y 16, 1884, Clara Belle Watson, b at Lamar, July 12, 1865. Student in Al legheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1S80-1883, then teacher to 1890; settledat Andersonville, Ind., in 1884. Repub. M. E. Ch. Heis now (1888) partner with his brother Henry in axe factory at Lamar. Children, first two born at Andersonville, the rest at Lamar: i. Leslie Loraine", b Nov. 20, 1884. ii. Stella, b March 14, 1886. iii. Edwin, b April 16, 18S9. iv. Amy, b Aug. 23, 1893. V. Edwin, b Oct. 3, 1893. ¦m. WILLIAM" LOVELAND (Reuben", Pelatiah*) was b at Portland, Conn., Feb'y 3, 181 3, m at Bridgeport, Conn., Oct 11, 1837, Amanda M. Sherman, b at Monroe, Conn., Sept 31, 1817. She d at Bridgeport, Aug. 9, 18S5. Carriage maker, Bloomfield, Conn. Born at Bridgeport: i. Walter S.' b March i, 1853, m Eleanor Lee. Mer chant. They have: Eleanor Harriet", b at B., April 23, 18S0: Louisa, b at Hartford, Ct, Sept 30, 18S3. ii. Wilber F., b April 7, 1854. Merchant. The Loveland Genealogy. iqc 383. CHARITY'" LOVELAND (Reuben", Pelatiah*) was b at Portland, Conn., Sept. 3, 1815, m April 3, 1836, Marvin Hall, b 1812. He d at Fairdale, Pa., Dec. 23, 1887. Children born at Fairdale : i. Laura Eltruda' Hall, b March 28, 1838. ii. Helen Matilda Hall, b March 4, 1841, d at F., March 18, 1843. iii. Marvin VVebber Hall, b Nov. 17, 1843. iv. Julia Ann Hall, b Dec. 5, 1847. V. William Orrin Hall, b Nov. 8, 1850. 284. CATHARIXE" LOVELAND (Reuben", Pelatiah*) was b at Portland, Conn., Feb'y 26, 1818, m Dec. 25, 1836, Charles Willard, b A|ril 5, 1813, d May 6, 1885. She m 2d, at East Townsend, O., Nov. 5, 187S, WilHam Jickells, b in Linconshire, Eng., Nov. 25, 1829, d in Brighton, O., April 12, 1893. Farmer. Member Kipton, O., G. A. R. Post M. E. Ch. Children: i. Leverett H.' Willard, b. Sept 34, 1838, d Feb'y 10, 1863. ii. Albert A. Willard, b April 23, 1843, d Feb'y 19, 1845. iii. Reuben L. Willard, b Feb'y 21, 1848, m Nov. 17, 186S, Ida Thorp. i V. Charles B. Willard, b Nov. 17, 1 854, m Alice Wetherly. 385. HARRIET" LOVELAND (Reuben", Pelatiah*) was b at Portland, Conn., Feb'y 33, 1821, m at Brighton, O., May 30, 1842, Edward S. Bunce, b at Sheridan, N. Y''., Aug. 17, 18 17. Farmer. Children, first born at B., the two next at Fredonia, Wis., the last at Townville, Pa.: i. Mary Albina' Bunce, b Aug. 22, 1845, d at F., March 26, 1852. ii. Alvira Jane Bunce, b Aug. 16, 1847, d at F., March 31, 1852. 196 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Luther Loveland Bunce, b Jan'y 3, 1849, i^ at New Richmond, Pa., Dec. 31, i874,Florence Ann Hutchin son, b at Little Cooley, Pa, Aug. 5, 1851. H d at Townville, Pa., April 19, 1879. Family. iv. Emma Jane Bunce, b Sept. ii, 1859, m at T., Dec. 25, 1879, Jonathan W. Clark, b at New Richmond, Feb'y 6, i860. Family. 365. LUTHER" LOVELAND (Pelatiah*, EHshas) was b in East Glas., Conn., March 18, 1793, m May 15, 1814, Lucy Wick ham. He d in New Haven, Ind., 1863. She d in lona, Mich. He was a soldier in the war of 181 2; enlisted under Capt. Buell July 18, 1813, to Sept 16, 18 1 3. Born in Glas.: i. Lucy", b Jan'y 23, 1815, m William Barnes. 393, ii. Luther, b Oct 10, 1816, m Mary M. Clemmer. in. Lucius, b Sept 30, 1818, d Nov. 8, 1844. iv. Lucretia, b Nov. 18, 1820, m Purdy. V. Levi, b Jan'y 11, 1823; d. vi, Robert H., b Jan'y 9, 1825, d Oct 30, 1S44. vii. Hezekiah W., b March 17, 1837. ' viii. Cyrus, b July 14, 1830. ix. Polly, b April 13, 1833, m Worthington Parker. 393. LUTHER" LOVELAND (Luther", Pelatiah*) was b in East Glas., Conn., Oct. 10, 1816, m Oct 32, 1S40, Mary M. Clem mer. He d May 6, 1S90. Children born in Hicksville, O.: 394. i. Phebe Jane', b Oct 14, 1841, m Harrison Shaw, May 20, 1858. 295. ii. Lucius C, b June 3, 1S44, m Margaret J. Shroll. iii. Sarah Catharine, b Oct. 27, 1S46, m Amos Keener, Dec. 22, 1S64. Three children. iv. John N., b Nov. 9, 1S4S, m July 7, 1870, Sarah Henley. She d Oct, 1874. He m 2d, 1S76, Ella Eaton. No report. v. Lucy Ann, b July 5, 1851, m Cyrus C. Kilgare, Dec. 12, 1S77, Shed May 19, 187S. The Loveland Genealogy. 197 vi, Pelatiah, b Sept, 21, 18^3, d Oct, 5, 1874; unm, vii, Mary F,, b Feb'y 37, 1S59, i" Lewis Eck, Feb'y 14, 1883. 394, PHEBE JANE' LOVELAND (Luther", Luther") was b in Hicksville, O., Oct. 14, 1S41, m there May 20, 1858, Harrison Shaw, b in Palmyra Tp., Portage Co., O., Dec. 9, 1835. He came to H., 1851, and to Coffeyville, Kan., Aug., 1878. Farmer, He d at C, Nov. 15, 1893; buried by the Masonic Lodge of that place of which he had been a member thirty years. Children, first nine born in H., the rest in C: i. Mary Jane" Shaw, b Nov. 19, 1859, d Jan'y 17, i860. ii. Julia Ann Shaw, b March 22, 1 861, d Nov. 18, 1861. iii. Perry Frankhn Shaw, b Jan'y 20, 1862, d Sept. 27, 1863. iv. Eve Marinda Shaw, b March 23, 1864. v. John Nicassius Shaw, b Dec. 14, 1866. vi. Laura Charlotte Shaw, b April 4, 1869, d Oct. 36, 1873 vii. Wallace Edward Shaw, b Oct. 4, 1871. vin. WilHam Sherman Shaw, b Sept 25, 1874. ix. Clyde Harold Shaw, b Feb'y 18, 1877. X. Hattie A. Dair Shaw, b Dec. 10, 1879, d a. 1 1 days. xi. Claude Raynon Shaw, b Jan'y 5, 1883. 395. LUCIUS C LOVELAND (Luther", Luther") was b in Hicksville, O., June 3, 1844, m Dec. 22, 1864, Margaret J. Shroll. He is a breeder of Red Polled Cattle at Newville, Ind. Children: i. Frank S." b March 4, 1866. ii. Luther J., b Oct. 19, 1867. iii. Cora, b May 4, 1870. . iv. Ora, b May 4, 1870, V, Maud M., b Aug. 19, 1873, vi. Ray P, b Sept 18, 1875. vii, Maggie, b March 13, 1878, d April 26, 1880, viii. May M,, b Oct 19, 1880, ix. George L,, b April 23, 1882. 198 The Loveland Genealogy. 198. LEVI* LOVELAND (Elisha3,Thomas2, Thomasi) was b at Glas., Conn., Nov. 19, 1749, m there April 20, 1775, Esther, dau. of Ebenezer Hill of East Hartford, Conn. Levi Loveland was in the Rev. War from Glas. As there were two of the same name who bore part in that s'ruggle it is difficult to specify the services of each. Those interested will find frequent mention of them in the Conn. Roster. Mr. Loveland settled on the Western Reserve in Ohio about 1803. Farmer. His children were proba bly all born in Eastbury Parish, Glas. There were several of his children buried there. — Book B, p. 67. i. Hannah", b Aug. 35, 1775, m there Nov. 16, 1797, Elisha Forbes. They had, Francis" Forbes, who m Amanda Dodge. No children. Family extinct. ii. George, b Dec. 8, 1776, d a. i y., 6 m. iii, Esther, b 1778, m Samuel Graham, iv. Asenath (Polly), b 1780, m Martin Owens. V. Lois, b Nov. 26, 1781, d Dec. 8, 1781. vi. Joel, b 1783, d 1794, vii, Chester, d young. viii. Elijah, b May 30, 1789, d Sept. 30, 1794. 396. ix. Chauncey, b Oct, 1795, m Nancy Graham, X, Lois, d in Ohio, 296. CHAUNCEY's LOVELAND (Levi*, ElishaS) was b in Glas., Conn., Oct 1795. He came with his parents to Ohio in 1803; m in Madison, O., 1815, Nancy Graham, b 1796, d at Carthage, 111., Sept 30, 1S45. He d at Bountiful, Utah, Aug, 6, 1875. Children born in Madison: Levi", b Feb'y 20, 1816, m Hannah Pease. Chester, b Dec 30, 1817, m Fanny Call. Sophia, b 1819, m Ch.aries Weaver in Amherst, O,, 1839, Both d here 1S40. Almond, b 1822, d at Carthage, 1843. Hannah, b May 38, 1835, m Seth Dustin. Joel Chauncey, b Aug. 5, 1835, '" Amanda Simmons. 297, I. 298, ii. 111, iv. 299. V. 300. VI, The Loveland Genealogy. 199 After his father's death, Chauncey Loveland came in possession of the homestead in Madison, He was of a very industrious dis position and never content unless profitably employed. In 1836 he moved to Lorain Co,, O,, where he lived about five years. His sons Levi and Chester joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1837 and moved in 1840 to Carthage where they were soon joined by their parents. Here his wife and son died. In the spring of 1846, he married Mrs, Sally Horn Crockett, and after joining the church started with other members of it for Council Bluffs, Iowa, In 1847 he went to Utah with the Mormon pioneers, leaving his family at the Bluffs. In 1848 he crossed the plains again, taking his family with him. They located at Bountiful, ten miles north of Salt Lake City, During the gold excitement he visited California, exploring the mining regions quite extensively before his return. The remaining yea's of his life he resided on his farm and took great pride in securing fine horses. In disposit'on he was kind and una^sumino- and neVer aspired to positions in public life. As a pioneer and adventurer he ranks among the bravest. He had three wives and held the position of High Priest in the chu'-ch. His life was full of love for his fellow men which was manifested by his good deeds toward thera. He is buried in Bountiful Cemetery. — H. L. S. 297. LEVI" LOVELAND (Chauncey", Levi*) was b at Madison, 0., Feb'y 20, 1816, d at Council Bluffs, la., July 31, 1846, m at Madison, O., Feb'y i, 1836, Hannah Pease, b at Hamden, O., March 23, 1814, P. O., Belleville, W'S. Chi'dren, first born in Amherst, O., the second in N^uvoo, 111,: 301, i, Maria Antoinette', b Sept 11, 1838, m Thomas Oakes, ii, Nancy, b Jan'y 27, 1844; unm, 301. MARIA A,' LOVELAND (Levi", Chaunceys) was b in Amherst, O,, Sept 11, 1838, m at Cannon River Falls, Minn,, May 7, 1858, Thomas Oakes, b in the Sate of New York, Children, first born in Pecatonica, 111., the rest in Exeter, Green Co., Wis.: 30o The Loveland Genealogy. i. Edgar Levi" Oakes, b Dec. 13, 1859. ii, Edith Lillian Oakes, b Feb'y 8, 1867, iii. Florence Lucy Oakes, b Dec, 23, 1870. 298. CHESTER" LOVELAND (Chauncey", Levi*) was b in Madison, O., Dec. 30, 1817, d at Call's Fort, Uiah, March 5, 1886. Farmer. He was elected Colonel (Sept. 10, 1865) of the 2nd Reg, Infy, ist Brigade Nauvoo Legion, Military District, U. T. He was commissioned by Governor Durkee. He m at Madison, Feb'y 15, 1838, Fanny Call, b at Fletcher, Fairfax Co., Vt, May II, 1816; m 2d, in Nauvoo Temple, Jan'y 15, 1846, Rosannah Winters, b in Bartholomew Co., Ind., Dec, 6, 1825; m 3d, in 1853, CeHa Simmons, b April 4, 1831; m 4th, at Salt Lake City, Uiah, Nov, 17, 1866, Rosetta Adaline Snow, b in Pisgah, la,, in 1846; m 5th, Sept. 5, 1868, Louise Faulkner, b in England, Aug. 12, 1847. Chester Loveland and his descendants all believe in and are members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Not one of them has married, so reported, outside th's church. Children of Fanny Call: 302, i. Fanny Emoret', b at Amherst, O,, Dec 13, 1838, m Perrigrine Sessions, 303. ii, Chester Carios, b at Carthage, 111,, April 23, 1841, m Mary Ann Barnes, 304, iii, Agnes Melissa, b at Warsaw, 111., Jan'y 30, 1844, i" Chester Rufus Call. iv. Levi Cyril, b at Pottowattomie, la., Oct 19, 1846, d there July 7, 1850, 305, V, Heber Chauncey, b at Pottowattomie, Dec, 19, 1848, m Columbia F, Call. 306. vi. Anson Cassim, b at Bountiful, Utah, March 1 1, 1853, m Lydia R. Call. 307. vii. Orson Clinton, b at Bountiful, June 35, 1855, m Mary Isabel le Gardiner. viii. Josiah Call, b at Call's Fort, Sept 21, 1861, d at Brigham City, Utah, March 18, 1862. COL. CHESTER LOVELAND. (298). The Loveland Genealogy. Children of Rosannah Winters: 308. i. Sarah Sophia, b at Pottowattomie, la,, Nov, 3, 1848, m Charles Valentine, 309, ii, Don Carlos, b at Bountiful, May 11, 1851, m Eliza R, Harper, iii. Seth, b at Bountiful, Aug. 3, 1854, d Oct. 25, 1873; killed by a runaway team. 310. iv. Nancy Jane, b at Bountiful, April 26, 1859, '^ Joh" Gibbs. 311. V. David, b at Call's Fort, Aug. 15, 1861, m Julia Hunsiker, 313, vi, Fannie Ro'annah, b at Call's Fort, Jan'y 9, 1864, m William T, Harper, vii. Eldorus Bertram, b at Brigham City, Dec. 15, 1866, Children of Celia Simmons: i, Joel, b at Bountiful, Dec, 3, 1854, d there 1855, 313, ii. William Elmer, b at Bountiful, Dec. 3, 1856, m Sarah F. Whitworth. 314. iii. Almon Francis, b at Bountiful, May 7, 1859, m Eliza beth H, Dewey. iv. Lorenzo Chester, b at Brigham City, Jan'y 9, 1868, d there July 14, 1874. V. Mary Adaline, bat Brigham City, Dec. 19, 1869. vi. Rosetta Abigail, b at Brigham City, Aug. 7, 1875, d there Nov. 12, 1875. vii, Myrtie Adell, b at Brigham City, April 17, 1878, d there Sept. i, 1878. viii, Oliver George, b at Brigham City, Oct, 3, 1882, ix, Isadore, b at Brigham City, Aug. 28, 1884, d there Sept, I, 1884, Children of Louise Faulkner: i, Edward, b at Brigham City, Dec. i, 1869, d at Dewey- ville, Utah, Dec. 33, 1878, bur ed at Brigham City. ii, William, b at Brigham City, May 31, 187 1, iii, Lawrence Moroni, b at Brigham City, Oct 28, 1872, d there Dec, 1873. 203 The Loveland Genealogy. iv, Louisa Sarilla, b at Brigham City, Aug, 17, 1875, V. Duane, b at Brigham City, Jan'y 25, 1S78. vi, Rebecca Jane, b at Dewey ville, Feb'y 8, 1880. vii, Lillian, b at Dewey ville, Dec. 18, 1885. Col. Chester Loveland was raised on a farm in Ohio, and his educational advantages were only such as the pioneer school af forded. It was in the pioneer school he formed the acquaintance of Fanny Call whom he married in 1838. He joined the Latter Day Saints in June 1837, and moved with his father to Lorain County where he lived until 1840, when he removed to Carthage, 111., and purchased a farm. On account of his religious belief, in 1845, he and his sick family were attacked at midnight and their home and household goods were burned, by a mob, led on by a lawyer named Stevens. In the fall of 1845, he moved to Nauvoo, 111,, and was appointed captain of the Nauvoo Legion in its first organization. During the turbulent times through which the church passed he had many hair breadth escapes. In one instance a leaden ball designed to take his life came so near as to graze his face, scorching it sufficiently to cause the skin to peal off. He relates this incident of himself; "I was on a jury when some of our brethren who had been falsely accused were brought to trial before eleven mobocratic jurors, I held that jury thirty-six hours, until they were nearly starved. Two verdicts were before us: One guilty, the other not guilty. Eleven signed the guilty verdict and insisted that I should do the same. No gentlemen, I said, before I will sign that paper I will die here on this floor, and the red ants may carry me out through the key hole," The result was: Every man signed the verdict of not guilty and the innocent went free. He entered into plural marriage, January 15, 1846, having sealed to him in the Nauvoo Temple a second wife by the name of Rosannah Winters. The following spring he went west and took up a farm at Council Bluffs, Iowa, which he cultivated until 1849, when he was employed by the U. S. Government to asssist in building Fort Kearney on the Platte River. About the first of May, 1850, he was appointed captain of the first 10 in Captain Willies' company of 50, and started with his family for The Loveland Genealogy . 303 Salt Lake City, Utah. During the journey he buried his son Levi who died with cholera which was then raging in the country. After a long, perilous journey of four months he arrived in Salt Lake City, September, 1850. He located soon after in Bountiful, Davis County, where he built a log cabin to shelter his family through the winter. To procure food for his wives and children he burned charloal on Weber River which he sold and delivered to blacksmiths in Salt Lake City. In 1853 he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel by Pres. Brigham Young, then Governor of Utah, with instructions to organize a regiment in the northern part of the Territory. He subsequently carried out these instructions and was commissioned Colonel by Governor Cummings, which position he held until his death in 1886. In the fall of 1853 he married Celia Simmons. In 1855 he went to Carson Valley which at that time was a part of Utah, but is now Nevada, to assist in locating a colony of Latter Day Saints. During one of the explorations at Walker's Lake, they were overcome with thirst, and so intense were their sufferings that every man's tongue was swoolen out of his mouth. Providentially some Indians met them and brought water to their relief. Never was a humane act better appreciated, for which the Indians were clothed from head to foot with new suits. Returning home in the fall, he removed his family the next spring to Carson Valley and succeeded Orson Hyde in the presidency of the mission. He was called again to Utah in the latter part of 1857, previous to the arrival of Johnson's army in Utah. During the defensive opera tions in Echo Canyon he acted as commissary. The following spring he and family went south with other church members to Provo but returned the same year to Bountiful. In i860 he moved to Call's Fort where he resided on a farm. While here he ex perienced many perilous adventures, so frequent in pioneer life. He kept a hotel for transient miners and emigrants; his only neighbors for some time were his son sheriff C, C, Loveland and family. Late in the fall of 1862, about forty-five emigrants known as Captain Smith's Company were en route for California, On Raft River they were attacked by Indians who killed four and wounded nine others of the company. All their teams and pro- 304 The Loveland Genealogy. visions were stolen and the company left without food. By almost superhuman strength and fortitude three emigrants made good their escape and called upon Col, Loveland to rescue the remaining members of the company. The Colonel with three others started for the scene of trouble and upon their arrival found about thirty men women and children on the verge of starvation. All they had eaten for nine days previous was wild berries from the mountain shrubs. Although the teams and provisions were lost the remaining members of the company were rescued and shared the hospitality of the whole-souled Colonel. In 1865 he moved six miles south to Brigham City. He was elected first mayor of Brigham City. This position he held with honor and credit two consecutive terms (four years). He subse quently was assessor and collector of the county for several years. Through his influence and ability he did much to formulate the laws and ordinances of the beautiful city of Brigham, which rightly is styled the "City of Homes." He married Rosetta Snow, November 17, 1866. Early in the year 1868 he was appointed captain of a company to go to the terminus c f the Union Pacific R. R. on the Platte River after an emigration of Latter Day Saints who were on their way to Utah. They were attacked by Indians on the Sweet Water who stole their teams. However the animals were recovered, but not without a hard struggle in which four Indians were killed. The company arrived safely under the judicious management of the Colonel. He married Louise Faulk ner, September 5, 1S68. The Colonel was six feet two inches in height, weighed 240 pounds, had blue eyes, a high forehead, and brown curly hair. He had a fine physique. When in his military suit and mounted on his horse he was the admiration of all. He was a stranger to fear and never shunned positions of danger where duty called to rescue either friend or stranger. In physical development he was evidently formed for a champion— tall and robust he might well pass for a modern Ajax in strength and agility. Although he acquired considerable wealth during his life, yet owing to his proverbial generosity and whole-souled disposition he never became rich. He was the friend of the poor and needy. No one ever left his door hungry. In politics he was a Democrat The Loveland Genealogy. 305 Probably no one did more to bring into subjection this desert country than the honored and courageous Col, Loveland, His fame as a leader and pioneer will be handed down for generations to come. Fond memories of his honesty and friendship will ever be cherished by his numerous posterity. He was beloved by allj especially children whom he always noticed and made happy. On March 5, 1S86 he passed peacefully away. — H. L. S. 303. F. EMORET' LOVELAND (Chester", Chaunceys) was born at Amherst, O., Dec, 13, 1838, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 13, 1S52, Perrigrine Sessions, b at Newry, Me., June 15, 1814, d at Bountiful June 3, 1893. Children, the second born at Carson Valley, Xev., the rest at Bountiful, Utah; 3020!. i. Fanny Emoret" Sessions, b Oct. 25, 1855, m James H. Baird, Alice Sessions, b 1856, d at B., 1S57. Chester Sessions, b May 22, 1858, m Isabel J. Corbage, Agnes Sessions, b March 36, 1861, m John R, Stoddard. Svlvanus Sessions, b ISIarch 23, 1864. Lucina Sessions, b Oct. 4, 1865, m J. A. Waite, jr. Orson Sessions, b Aug. 18, 1871. viii. Sylvia Sessions, b 1873, d at B., 1874. ix. Samantha Sessions, b Feb'y 9, 1874. X. Perrigrine Sessions, b Feb'y 17, 1875. xi. Chancy Sessions, b Sept. 9, 1S80, Perrigrine Sessions was the last of the three pioneer settlers of Bountiful. During his life he was devoted to missionary work. He crossed the plains six times and traveled over fifty thousand miles. He was the son of David and Patty Sessions. Much of the latter part of his life was spent in laboring in the temples for the dead and much means was used for that purpose. 302A. F. EMORETs SESSIONS, b at Bountiful, Utah, Oct 25, 1855, m there March 7, 1870, James H. Baird, b at Quincy, 111., 11, 302^, iii. 302c. IV. V. 302^. vi. VII. 2o6 The Loveland Genealogy. I.ii,V. V,vi,vii. Feb'y 5, 1848. Blacksmith. Children, first two born at Bountiful, the next five at Centerville, Utah, the next five at Farmington, Utah, the last at Mountain Green, Morgan Co., Utah: Sylvia' Baird, b May 4, 1871, d at B., May 5, 1871. Hyrum Baird, b April 11, 1873. Perry Baird, b Aug. 6, 1874, d at C, April 21, 1876, Minnie Baird, b Feb'y 9, 1876, Chloe Baird, b Aug, 10, 1877. Zina Baird, b Jan'y 10, 1879. Asa Baird, b May 24, 1880. viii. Eliza Jane Baird, b Aug. 17, 1S81. ix. Walter Baird, b March 10,-1883. X. Emorette Baird, b June 15, 1885, d at F., March 26, 1S87. xi. Chester Baird, b Nov. 14, 1887, d at M. G., Jan'y 7, 1892, xii. Chancy Baird, b Jan'y 31, 1890. xiii. Clarence Baird, b Jan'y 6, 1892. 302B. CHESTER" SESSIONS, b at Bountiful, Utah, May 22, 1858, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2, 1879, Isabel Jane Corbage, b at Bountiful, March 28, 1862. Farmer. Children, the third born at St Johns, Arizona, the rest at Bountiful: Chester' Sessions, b July 5, 1880. Edward Sessions, b Aug. 35, 1882. Laura Belle Sessions, b Jan'y 4, 1885, d at B., Aug, 13, 1885, Roy Sessions, b June 10, 1S86. Willey Ray Sessions, b Nov. 13, 18S8. Alice May Sessions, b Mav 16, 1S91. 303C. AGNES" SESSIONS, b at Bountiful, Utah, March 26, 1861, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 36, 1876, John Robert Stoddard, b at Bountiful, Jan'y 36, 1855. Farmer. Children born in Richmond, Cache Co., Utah: i, Agnes Emorette' Stoddard, b Aug. 5, 1878. 1,ii, iii, iv,V,vi. The Loveland Genealogy. 307 ii. John Henry Stoddard, b Sept. 36, 1S80. iii. Lucina Jane Stoddard, b March 15, 1883, iv, Mary Alice Stoddard, b May 6, 1884, V, Anna Lenore Stoddard, b Feb'y 11, 1886, vi. Perry Stoddard, b Jan'y 19, 1888, d in R., March, 1891, vii, Joseph Victor Stoddard, b June 36, 1890, d in R,, Aug,, 1890, 302D. LUCINA" SESSIONS, bin Bountiful, Utah, Oct. 4, 1865, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 39, 1883, John A. Waite, jr., b at Bountiful, Feb'y 16,1863. Farmer and stock raiser. Children, first born at Bountiful, the rest at Mountain Green, Utah. i. Lucina' Waite, b Aug. 13, 18S5. ii. John Earl Waite, b Oct. 23, 1SS7. iii. Elbert Ernest Waite, b Aug, 18, 1889. iv. Alvin B. Waite, b May 6, 1892. 303. CHESTER C LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Carthage, Hancock Co., 111., April 23, 1841, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan'y 13, 1860, Mary Ann Barnes, b in Tippecanoe Tp., Salt Springs Co., Dec. 33, 1842. Children, first four born at Call's Fort, Utah, the rest at Brigham City : i. Henry Carlos", b Oct 22, i860, d at C. F., Jan'y 27, 1861, buried at B. C, 315. ii. Sarah Jane, b Aug. 6, 1862, m Henry L. Steed. 316. iii. Mary Ann, b Dec. 25, i866, m Alphonso H. Snow. 317, iv, Fanny Lillian, b Sept i, 1871, m Alvirus E. Snow. V. Agnes Luella, b Dec i, 1876, d at B. C, Feb'y 3, 1878. Sheriff Chester Carlos Loveland, son of Col. Chester Love land and Fanny Call, was born in Carthage, 111., April 23, 1841, In his boyhood, during the winter months, he attended the rude schools which the Mormons had at that time, and by close appli cation acquired the rudiments of a practical education. At the age of seven we find him inducted teamster to break prairie sod on his father's farm in Iowa, and at nine driving the same ox team across the plains to Utah, At the age of fourteen, during the necessary 2o8 The Loveland Genealogy. absence of his father, with the aid of his sister Agnes, two years younger, he harvested the crops and secured the provisions for the family. In 1856 he went to Carson Valley to assist in cutting timber, and, during the same year, with others made a journey to Cali fornia for supplies. It was while on this journey that the sheriff for the first and only time in his life felt fear. He was placed on guard one dark and stormy night, and being young his imagination discovered lurking Indians near his beat. His hair was lifted but not with a scalping knife. A stray ox from the herd was the inno cent cause of his trepidation.. In i860 he married Mary Ann Barnes. This estimable woman has been a "crown to her husband" and "her children arise up and call her blessed." They settled oh a farm at Call's Fort. The next year he was elected constable of that precinct. This honor was conferred on him for acts of courage in arresting criminals: He was called on to assist in the capture of a notorious thief; at the critical moment the commanding officer's heart failed him and the sheriff was ordered to make the arrest With only one trusty companion he entered the camp of six desperadoes, placed them under arrest and seeured the thief. This courageous act gave him prestige and from that time to the present (1895) he has been an officer in active service. In 1866 he was chosen assistant captain of a posse organized to bring a company of Mormon emigrants across the plains to Utah. The next year he moved to Brigham City, Utah, where he was chosen Lieutenant of a military organization called the "minute men" formed for the protection of settlers against the Indians and horse thieves who were causing great distress among the people. He was also appointed deputy sheriff this year and during the con struction of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1869, acted on the police force. He held the ofiice of deputy sheriff until 1877, when he was elected Marshal of the city. He served eight years. He also belonged to the "Standing Army," a military force organized to protect the settlers from the attack of Col, Johnson's Army, and, should circumstances demand, destroy every vestige of improve ment. He enlisted in 1868, FANNY CALL LOVELAND. (298). The Loveland Genealogy. 309 In 1 88 1 he was elected sheriff of Box Elder County and with the exception of two years has held that office to the present time, being re-elected at the last election. His early pioneer life and his natural bravery have developed in him the essential characteristics for an eminent officer of the law, and to day he is recognized as one of the oldest and best in the territory. We cannot here give space to relate the many dangers he has passed thro'gh in his official career, but many a time he has left h's brave wife and family, and with but one assistant recovered stolen property from the Indians and desperadoes. In making ar rests of desperate characters he has never had occasion to kill a criminal. He is very cautious and uses great tact in his official work, and many noted murderers, train robbers, and burglars have been brought to justice by his skill. The sheriff resembles his father somewhat, though less in sta'ure. He has black hair and blue eyes and is the most popular man in Box Elder County, He is a firm believer in democratic principles and was one of the first in the county to divide on party lines. He is congenial in his nature and so free hearted that his genercity is a detriment to his financial prosperity. He enjoys himself never better than exchanging jokes with his numerous friends. — H. L. S, 315. SARAH JANES LOVELAND (Chester C, Chester") was b at Call's Fort, Utah, Aug. 6, 1862, m at Logan, Utah, June 18, 1884, Henry Lee S'eed, son of Henry and Lydia Rebecca Reed Steed, b in Farmington, Utah, July 11, 1862. He was raised a farmer. Grad. of Utah University, class 1883; Prosecut ing Attorney for Davis Co., Utah, 1883 1885; County Sup, of Dist Schools. 1885 1889; chosen Principal cf Dist Schools of Farmington, 1890, and instructor in Davis Co. Academy; moved to Brigham Ci'y, March, 1890, and engaged there in the hardware business, his present occupation. Democrat. We quote from the "Brigham Bugler" of April, 1884: "Last week President Cleve land nominated Henry L. Steed of this city for Probate Judge of Box Elder County, and Saturday the nomination was confirmed by the. Senate. Mr, Steed is a popular young man of this city; 3IO The Loveland Genealogy. has held numerous offices of public trust, in all of which he has given perfect satisfaction, and he will no doubt bear this new honor with equal credit to himself and to the gratification of his party," Children born in Farmington: i. Henry Leclyde' Steed, b Feb'y lo, 1886. ii, Jennie Lysle Steed, b Jan'y 35, 1889, A Double Wedding. — It is with sentiments of gen ume pleas ure that we record the union of two happy and well mated couples which was consumated in Logan Temple on Wednesday la=t, Al phonso H, Snow, son of Apostle Lorenzo Snow of Brigham City, became the husband of Miss Minnie Lovel nd, a beautiful, intelli gent and amiable young. lady of that place, and Henry L, Steed as sumed an eternal alliance with Jennie, her sister, equally endowed with the qualities most desirable in a wife. The br des are the daughters of Carl Loveland, Esq., Sheriff of Box Elder County." — Utah Exchange, 316. MARY^ ANNS LOVELAND (Chester C, Chester") was b at CaU's Fort, Utah, Dec. 35, 1866, m at Logan Ciiy, Utah, June 18, 1884, Alphonso Houtz Snow, b at Brigham City, Utah, Oct 13, 1858. Merchant Dem. Children born at Brigham City: i, Alphonso Houtz' Snow, Jr,, b March 38, 18S5, d March 3, 1891, ii, Percy Loveland Snow, b Oct, 17, 1886, iii, Carl Loveland Snow, b June 13, 18S9. iv. Victor Hugo Snow, b May 3, 1892. V. Chester Loveland Snow, b Jan'y 7, 1894, We quote from a work published in 1892: "Utah, Her Citizens and Resources." Mr. Alphonso H. Snow, manager of the Box Elder Stock and Merchantile Co., is one of the leading business men of Brigham City. Having been identified, both in private enterprises and public positions with various interests of the city, he has proven himself a highly qualified and enterprising business man and a steriing- citizen. He entered active commercial life in 1880, and now (1894) devotes the most of his time in directing the The Loveland Genealogy. 311 affairs of the extensive company of which he is manager. 1884- 86 he acted as Prosecuting Attorney for Box Elder County, has filled the position of Recorder of Deeds and County Clerk, has served in the city council and as Rep esenta ive in the Utah Legis lature. He is director of the Utah Loan and Trust Co., and the Ogden Investment Co.. both large corporations of Ogden, Utah. He was app inted postmaster in 1895, i® a staunch supporter of the Democratic party and believes in the adoption of such public measures as are likely to promote the general good of the Terri tory. He was educated in the University of Utah and is a man of progressive ideas. His wife, Minnie Loveland, is a bright intel lectual woman and a le der in the society where she moves. She was the prime mov. r of the Woman's Suffrage Association for Box Elder County duiing the past two years, is now president of a young ladies' organization of seven hundred members, a very ac tive and important association, organized for mutual improvement, and is also a writer of some note, 317. FANNY L.s LOVELAND (Chester C, Chester") was b at Call's Fort, Utah, Sept. i, 187 1, m Jan'y 30, 1889, Alvirus E, Snow, Divorced April 9, 1892. She m 2d in Brigham City, Utah, March 29, 1894, Emil Maeser of Provo, Utah. They are now (1894) in Germany, where he has gone as a Mormon mis sionary. Children born in Brigham City: i. Alvirus E,' Snow, b July 3, 1890, ii. Chester Alvero Snow, b May i, 1892, d Sept 27, 1892. 304. AGNES M.' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Warsaw, 111., Jan'y 30, 1844, m at Bountiful, Utah, Jan'y 12, i860, Chester Rufus Call, b at Ramus, Hancock Co., 111., May 13, 1841. She d at Bountiful, Aug. 22, 1867. Children, first born at Call's Fort, Utah, the rest at Bountiful: 304a, i, Agnes Emoret" Call, b May 4, 1861, m Lamoni Tolman, ii. Anson Chester Call, b April 29, 1863, d at B., Oct 26, 1867. ¦ . 212 The Loveland Genealogy. iii, Mary Fanny Call, b Sept 23, 1865, d at B., Feb'y 28, 1868, iv, Vastie Melissa Call, b Aug, 33, 1867, d at B,, Dec, 19, 1867, 804A, AGNES E.s CALL, b at Call's Fort, Utah, May 4, 1861, m Lamoni Tolman, b at Bountiful, Utah, March 14, 1858, Farmed Born at Chesterfield, Idaho: i, Chester Lamoni' Tolman, b Oct, 13, 1882, ii, Judson Leo Tolman, b Feb'y 25, 1885, d at C, June 5, 1885, iii, Agnes Lavon Tolman, b April 24, 1887. iv, Rufus Call Tolman, b Sept, 3, 1889, V, Cyrus Carleon Tolman, b Dec, 8, 1892, 305. HEBER C LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Pottowattomie, la,, Dec, 19, 1848, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan'y 19, 1867, Columbia Filmore Call, b at Filmore, Utah, Jan'y 28, 1853. P, O,, Chesterfield, Idaho, Children, the first, third and fourth born at Brigham Ciiy, Utah, the second at Centerville, Utah, the fifth at Call's Fort, Utah: 318, i, Heber Carios", b Oct 21, 1867, m Elizabeth Jones Higginson, 319. ii, Henrietta Columbia, b Oct 23, 1869, m S, B. Call, in, Josiah Howe, b Dec. 7, 1871, m in Logan City, Utah, Nov. 26, 1893, Esther Ada King, dau, of Thomas Franklin and Lucy Ann King, b in S, Weber, Utah, June 20, 1873, They have Lucy Columbia', b in C, Oct 28, 1894, iv, Fanny, b Dec, 31, 1873, V, Alzina, b Feb'y 6, 1878, m at Salt Lake City, March 22, 1894, Israel Ernest Thompson, son of David Wilkin Thompson and Permelia Elizabeth Barlow, b in Bountiful, Utah, Dec, 13, 1869. 818. HEBER C,8 LOVELAND (Heber C, Chester") was b at Brigham City, Utah, Oct 21, 1867, m in Logan, Utah, Nov, 28, The Loveland Genealogy. 313 1888, EHzabeth J, Higginson, b in Bountiful, Utah, Nov. 9, 1866. Born in Chesterfield, Idaho: i. Chancy Carlos', b Oct. 19, 1889. ii. Elizabeth Ray, b Oct. 34, 1891. iii. William Carman, b Dec. 37, 1894. 819. HENRIETTA C* LOVELAND (Heber C, Chester") was b at Centerville, Utah, Oct. 23, 1869, m at Logan, Utah, Nov, 26, 1884, Sydney B, Call, b at Bountiful, Utah, Dec. 27, 1861. Farmer and stock raiser. Children born at Chesterfield, Idaho: i. EHza Columbia' Call, b Sept 16, 1886. ii. Arnold Benajah Call, b Feb'y 18, 1889. iii. Henrietta Filmore Call, b Feb'y 26, 1891, d Sept. 19, 1893. iv. Elva Fanny Call, b April 30, 1894. 306. ANSON C LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Bountiful, Utah, March 11, 1853, m at Salt Lake City, April 7, 1874, Lydia Rosetta Call, b in Filmore City, Utah, June 9, 1856. Farmer. P. O., Chesterfield, Idaho. Children, the first born at Brigham City, Utah, the next two at Deweyville, Utah, the two next at Smithfield, Utah, the rest at Chesterfield: i. Anson Josiah", b June 35, 1875, ii, Chester Howe, b Jan'y i, 1877, d at D,, Jan'y i, 1878, buried at Call's Fort, Utah, iii. Rosetta CaroHne, b Oct 31, 1878, d Sept 26, 1880, Call's Fort. iv. Lydia May, b Aug. 14, 1881. V. Alzina C, b Sept 16, 1883. vi. Levi, b July 38, 1886. vii, Agnes, b Jan'y 25, 1888, d April 9, 188S, viii. Ethel, b Sept. 10, 1889. ix. Cyril, b Aug. 16, 1S91. X. Rosco Clinton, b Jan'y 18, 1895. 214 The Loveland Genealogy. 307. ORSON C LOVELAND (Chester", Chaunceys) was bat Bountiful, Utah, June 25, 1855, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 6, 1879, Mary Isabelle Gardner, b at North Ogden, Utah, March 27, 1861, Farmer. P, O., Deweyville, Utah. Children, the second born at Gentile Valley, Idaho, the rest at Deweyville: i. Margaret Isabelles, b April 10, 1880. ii, Agnes Loretta, b June 30, 1882, iii, Lucinda Maud, b Sept. 17, 1884, iv, Fanny Estella, b Oct. 9, 1886. V. Florence Ethel, b Nov. 18, 1888, vi, Beatrice Emoret, b Sept, 24, 1891, 308. S. SOPHIA' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Pottowattomie, la., Nov. 2, 1848. Moved to Bountiful, 1850, and to Call's Fort, Utah, i860; m at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3o, 1867, Charles Valentine, b in Holm, Denmark, May 2, 1846. Farmer. Moved to Smithfield, Utah, 1883, and to Salem, Idaho, Oct., 1885. Children born at Call's Fort: 308a. i. Rosannah ElviraS Valentine, b April 3, 1868, m David Nelson. ii. Agnes Catharine Valentine, b Oct. 5 1869, d at C. P., Oct 6, 1870. iii. Sarah Sophia Valentine, b June 13, 1871, m Dec. 31, 1890, Joseph, son of Kauren and Edward Larsen, b at Hyrum, Utah, Jan'y 33, 1869. They have, b at Salem: Sarah Delilah', b Jan'y i, 1891; Jennie Lavon, b March 31, 1894. iv. Charles Bertram Valentine, b March 3, 1873, m Sept. 13, 1893, Minerva, dau. of Mary and Arvis C. Dille, b at Hyrum, Sept. 10, 1S73. V. Chester Valentine, b Feb'y 7, 1876, d same day, vi. Myrtie L. Valentine, b Oct. i, 1878, m Feb'v i, 1894, Christian, son of Carrie and Peter Morteiisen, b in Denmark, Feb'y 33, 1867, vu, Venice Jane Valentine, b Jan'y 4, 1880, d at C, F,, Aug, 14, 1883, The Loveland Genealogy. 315 viii. Wealthy Susanah, dau, of Cordelia and C, F, Lutz, b Oct, 3, 1888; adopted when three weeks old, ix, Jesse Seymour Valentine, b at S., Sept, 39, 1891, 308A. ROSANNAH E.s VALENTINE, b at Call's Fort, April 3, 1868, m at Salt Lake City, Feb'y 38, 1884, David, son of Kauren and David Nelson, b in Lehi, Utah, Oct. 3, 1855, -^^ moved to Salem, Idaho, July, 1883. Farmer, Children born at S.: i, James Valentine' Nefton, b Feb'y 14, 1886, ii, Sarah Inez Nelson, b Aug. 13, 1888. iii, Kauren Luella Nelson, b Dec, 11, 1890, iv, Evelyn Nelson, b Feb'y 5, 1893. V, Violet Clare Nelson, b March 31, 1893, 309, DON C LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Bountiful, Utah, May 11, 1851, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct, 25, 1874, EHza R, Harper, b at B,, Oct 35, 1855, P, O,, Albion, Idaho, Children born at CaH's Fort, Utah : i. Hannah R,", b Oct 14, 1875, ii, Eliza R,, b June 3, 1877, d at C, F,, Jan'y, 1878. iii, Thomas, b Feb'y 33, 1880. iv, Edna, b Feb'y 9, 1882, V, Isabel, b April 2, 1884, vi, Ida, b April 29, 1885, vii. Seth, b Dec. 4, 1893, 310. NANCY JANE' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Bountiful, Utah, April 36, 1859, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec II, 1879, John Gibbs, b at CaU's Fort, Utah, March 26, 1855. Farmer, P. O., Gentile Valley, Idaho, Children, first born at C. F,, the rest at G. V,: i, Nancy AdeU" Gibbs, b May 8, 1881. ii, John Chester Gibbs, b Oct 9( ?), 1882, in, Mary Rosannah Gibbs, b Aug, 8, 1884, iv. Seth Gibbs, b Jan'y 25, 1886, 3l6 The Loveland Genealogy. 311. DAVID' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at CaU's Fort, Utah, Aug. 15, 1861, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 6, 1883, Julia Hunsaker, b in Box Elder, Utah, Nov, 38, 1865. (Mrs, Loveland is of Swiss descent. Her father Abraham Hun saker, b in Jonesboro, 111,, Nov, 29, 1S12, her grandfather Jacob, b in Fayette Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1781, her g,-grandfather Jacob, b in Pa., May 6, 1759, her g,-g.-grandfather John, b in Switzerland, May 22, 1728, her g,-g,-g,-grandfather Hartman Hunsaker, b in Switzerland, was the first with his family to come to America,) Children born in Honey ville, Utah : i. David Chancy", b Nov, 15, 1884. ii, Chester, b Jan'y 5, 1887, iii. Vera Delila, b May 6, 1889, iv. Oscar Fitz Allen, b Feb'y 25, 1892, V. Harvey Ray, b Oct, 5, 1894, 313. FANNY R.' LOVELAND (Chester", Chaunceys) was b at Call's Fort, Utah, Jan'y 9, 1864, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan'y 30, 1884, WilHam T. Harper, b at C, F,, April 7, 1861. Farmer, Children, the fourth born at Call's Fort, the rest at Albion, Idaho: i, Hannah Myrtles Harper, b April 30, 1885, d at A,, June 30, 1885. ii. William Chester Harper, b Sept. 26, 1887, Hi, Fannie Rosannah Harper, b June 29, 1889, d June 30, 1889, iv, Thomas Ray Harper, b June 17, 1890, d at A,, Feb'y 6, 1891, V, Seth Franklin Harper, b Nov, 25, 1S91, 318. WILLIAM E. ' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b at Bountiful, Utah, Dec. 3, 1856, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 6, 1879, Sarah Florence Whitworth, b at Florence, Neb., June 2, 1 86 1, Children, first three born at Call's Fort, Utah, the fourth at Chesterfield, Idaho: JOEL C. LOVELAND. (.300) AMANDA LOVELAND. 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 317 i. George ElmerS, b March 11, 1880. ii, Sarah Florence, b Feb'y 37, 18S2. iii, Mary Celia, b Nov. 30, 1SS4. iy. William Chester, b Aug. 5, 1887. 314. ALMON F.' LOVELAND (Chester", Chauncey") was b al Bountiful, Utah, May 7, 1S59, i" at Deweyville, Utah, Nov. 20, 1880, Elizabeth Ha' riet Dewey, b at Call's Fort, U'ah, Sept. i, 1S63. Farmer. Children, first, third and sixth born at Dewey ville, second at Gentile Valley, Idaho, the rest at Chesterfield, Idaho: i. Celia EHzabeth", b Oct 5, 1882 u. Harriet Adelaide, b March 7, 1884. iii. Almon Francis, Jr., b Aug. 10, 1886, d at C, April 4, 1891, iv. Florence Ellen, b Jan'y 23, 1889. V, Susie Myrtle, b May 5, 1891. vi, Ivie May, b Feb'y 13, 1894, 299, HANNAH" LOVELAND (Chauncey", Levi*) was b in Madison, O., .May 28, 1835, m in Hancock Co., IU., 1846, Seth Dustin, b in N. Y., Oct 21, 1825. P. O., Garden City, Utah. Children, first born at Council Bluffs, la., the rest in Utah: i. Edwin' Dustin, b May 28, 1847; m. ii. Sophia Dustin, b Feby 23, 1849; m, in, WiUiam Dustin, b June 28, 1851; m, iv, Chauncey Dustin, b Feb'y 8, 1853; d, V, Chester Dustin, b March 10, 1854. vi, Hyrum Nephi Dustin, b Oct 27, 1855; m, vii, James B, Dustin, b Dec. 24, 1857; d. viii. Chauncey S. Dustin, b Nov, 27, 1863; m, ix, Levi Dustin, b April i, 1865; m, 300. JOEL C," LOVELAND (Chauncey", Levi*) was b in Madison, O,, Aug. 5, 1835, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, by Pres. Brigham Young, Dec. 13, 1857, Amanda Simmons, b in the 3iS The Loveland Genealogy. County of Leeds, District of Johnstown, Upper Canada, Jan'y 35, 1838, In 1853, Isaac Bullock in charge, he with others, was called to make a settlement in Green River Co., Utah, returning to Bountiful, Utah, in 1854, Two years later with his brother Chester and others he went to settle the Carson Valley, Nevada, region, September, 1857, he was called to intercept the U, S. Army then on its way to Utah, and prevent its access to the Salt Lake Valley. In the spring of 1858, on account of the U. S, Army, the Bountiful people moved south to Provo Bottoms, re turning in July. March, 1861, he moved to Call',s Fort, returning in June. The Morrisite War broke out June, 1S63, and he was engaged in a three day's battle. They moved to Woodruff, Utah, in 1873, and to Fish Haven, Idaho, in Oct, 1878. He early espoused the Mormon cause and was present at the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, who were murdered by a mob in dis guise, at Carthage, 111., June 37, 1844. Children, second born at C. F., the seventh and eighth at W., the ninth at F. H., the rest at B.: 330. i. Rhoda Elvira', b Sept 17, 1858, m Oscar L. Schenck, 331, n, Joel Chauncey, Jr., b April 25, 1861, m Maria S, Shirley, 333. iii, Harlon Edward, b Nov, 11, 1864, m AmeHa Jane Welker, iv. Chester, b April 9, 1867, m at Logan, Utah, Oct, 17, 1894, Lydia, dau, of W^illiam and Janette Roberts, b in Bloomington, Idaho, July 8, 1875, V, Almon, b Aug, 31, 1869, d at B., Aug, 31, 1870, vi, George, b Oct i, 1871, m at Paris, Idaho, Sept 17, 1894, Alice Florence, dau, of George and Susan Gardner, b June 6, 1S70, in England, vn, Nancy Amanda, b June 5, 1875, d at W,, June 16, 1877; buried in B. vin, Hyrum Melvin, b Feb'y 13, 1878, ix, Dora Lillian, b Aug, 9, iS8i, 320. RHODA E,' LOVELAND (Joel C", Chauncey") was b in Bountiful, Utah, Sept, 17, 1858, m in Laketown, Utah, March 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 216 24, 1877, Oscar Lorenzo Schenck, b at Belvidere, 111,, Dec. 33, 1849, d in Fish Haven, Idaho, May 21, 1883. Stock Raiser. P, 0., F, H. Children, first born in Woodruff, Utah, the rest at Fish Haven : i, Oscar Lorenzo" Schenck, b Dec, 23, 1877, ^ May 21, 1863; buried at F, H, ii, Joel Melvin Schenck, b Nov. 5, 1879. iii, Harlon Amos Schenck, b Feb'y 19, 1882, d at F, H,, May 3, 1883. 321. JOEL C LOVELAND, JR. (Joel C", Chauncey"), was b at Call's Fort, Utah, April 35, 1861, m at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 8, 1883, Maria Sarah Shirley, b in Big Cottonwood, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Feb'y 23, 1864. Farmer, Children, first four born in Garden City Utah, the fifth at Fish Haven, Idaho: i. Charles Joel", b Aug. 4, 1884. ii, Chauncey LeRoy, b Feb'y 5, 1886, iii, Sidney, b May 3, 1888. iv, Chloe, b March 28, 1890, V. Oscar, b July 3, 1893. 832. HARLON E.' LOVELAND (Joel C", Chauncey") was b at Bountiful, Utah, Nov. 11, 1864, m at Logan City, Cache Co., Utah, Oct. 17, 1888, Amelia Jane Welker, b at Bloomington, Idaho, April 19, 1871. P. O., Border Station, Idaho. Children born at Fish Haven, Idaho: i. Harriet Amanda", b Oct 3, 1889. ii. AmeHa Adaline, b July 15, 1891, d Aug. 20, 1892. iii. Annie Luella, b Oct. 19, 1893. 6. JOSEPH" LOVELAND (Thomas^, Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., about 1712, m there about 1738, Hannah We find in the History of Derby, Conn.: "Joseph Loveland m Hannah . Lived in Stratford, Conn, They had: Joseph, b Feb'y 8, 1739," We have never been able to find the family record of Joseph" Loveland. Mrs. Judd, his grand-daughter says: 230 The Loveland Genealogy. "Joseph* had a brother Ashbel who was probably b in Stratford or Derby. The two brothers took the oath of fidelity, 1777." 333, i, Joseph*, b Feb'y 8, 1739, m Lois Chatfield. 324, ii. Ashbel, b 1841, m Patty (Martha) Wilmot 323, JOSEPH* LOVELAND (Josephs, Thomas2) was b in Stratford, Conn,, Feb'y 8, i739) m in Derby, Conn,, Aug. 18, 1762, Lois Chatfield. He was a soldier in the Rev. Army; Capt. of 4th Com., 2d Reg. Conn. Alarm List. Commission presented to him by Commander-in-Chief Jonathan Trumbull, Esq., on the 25th day of May, 1770. Conn. Roster, p. p, 434, 549, shows further war service. Children born in Derby, now Oxford, Conn.: i. Lois", b July, 17, 1763, d young probably. Clark, b Aug. 11, 1765, m Hannah Pierson; he m 3d, Lydia Goodwin. Treat, b Sept. 6, 1767, m Betsy Prindle. Sarah, b Dec. 3, 1770, m John Pope. Miles, m Betsy Ann Twitchell. Arnold, b Aug. 35, 1778, m Clarinda Twitchell. Betsy Ann, m in Oxford, Conn., June 36, 1795, Moses Wheeler, b in O., March 4, 1773. 339. viii. Lewis, m Susan Pierson, 825, CLARKS LOVELAND (Joseph*, Josephs) wash in Oxford, Conn,, Aug. 11, 1765, m Hannah Pierson. She d at Morris, Conn., Jan'y 34, 1810, in her 38th year. No children. He m 2d, at M., Lydia Goodwin, She died at M,, Sept, 3i, 1850, in her 76th year. He d here July 17, 1851, Children born in Morris: 330. i. James Lewis", b Jan'y 9, 1813, m Maria DeForest; he m 2d, Mrs. Louisa Cables. ii. Willis W., b Sept 7, 1813, m March 33, 1836, Eunice DeForest, b in Bethlehem, Conn., Oct 30, 1815, d June 20, 1889. He d at M,, March 30, 1863. They had: George Seymour', b at M,, Jan'y 10, 1849, m in New Haven, Conn., AprU 33, 1876, Lizzie Jane Young, b there March 8, 1847, They have Emily Mays, b Jan'y 13, 1877, d July 13, 1877; Willis Seymour, b Jan'y 23, 1879, 325- 11. 326. iii. IV. 327- V. 328, Vl. VII. The Loveland Genealogy. 221 331, iii. Nathaniel Goodwin, b Aug. 9, 1815, m Sarah J. Stone. 332. iv, William Judd, bJune 15, 1817, m Almeda Landon; he m 3d, Lydia Moore, 330. JAMES L." LOVELAND (Clark", Joseph*) was b in Mor ris, Conn., Jan'y 9, 181 3, m there Aug, 9, 1830, Maria DeForest, b 1810, d in M,, June 32, 1872, a, 62, He m 2d at M,, March 31, 1875, Mrs, Louisa Cables, He d at M,, Oct. i, 1882. Farmer. Cong. Ch. Children born in Morris: i, Lydia Goodwin', b June 17, 1832, m Linus Gilbert, ii, Harriet Elizabeth, b Sept. 15, 1833, m S. Curtis. iii, Louisa Judd, b Sept, 17, 1835, iv, James Lewis, b July 31, 1841, m M.J. Watson. V. Mary Eliza, b July 31, 1846, m John Ruwet, vi. Ellen Maria, b Feb'y 4, 1848, m Charles Kilbourn. vii, Edwin Willis, b 1852, d July 7, i860, 331. NATHANIEL G." LOVELAND (Clark", Joseph*) was b in Morris, Conn,, Aug, 9, 1815, m there Nov. 29, 1838, Sarah Jane Stone, b in M,, Jan'y i, 1816, d there March 6, 1863, He d there June 3, 18^5, Carpenter, Cong. Ch, Children born in Morris: 333. i. Clark Stone', b Sept, 20, 1840, m Catharine Kilbourn. ii, Dwight Henry, b Jan'y 4, 1848; unm. Farmer, 333, CLARK S,' LOVELAND (Nathaniel G,", Clark") was b in Morris, Conn,, Sept 20, 1840, m in Birmingham, Conn,, April 35, 1865, Catharine KUbourn, b in M,, Nov. 19, 1841. Teacher and farmer. The past twenty years member and secretary of the Morris Board of Education and acting visitor. She Epis. He Cong. Ch. He d at M., AprU 24, 1895. Children born in Morris: i. Clara Jane", b March 30, 1868, d March 10, 1888. n. Ernest Kilbourn, b Jan'y 27, 1871. Grad. N. Y^ Col lege of Pharmacy, 1894. Epis. Ch. iii. Florence Leila, b Oct 33, 1885. 32 2 The Loveland Genealogy. Mr. C. S. Loveland writes from N. Y". City, Sept 25, 1888: "Clara Jane left home Jan'y 30, 1888, for a course of study at the State Normal School at New Britain, Conn. After five weeks of school work she was taken down with nervous prostration, in duced by hard ^study coupled with great anxiety for her father who she knew was to leave home about that time for N. Y. City for the purpose of a surgical operation. The nervous prostration soon developed into typhoid fever, and on Saturday morning, March loth, she quietly fell asleep to waken on the other shore. On the- following Monday morning — the day of the memorable blizzard of 1888 — her parents, with the remains, left New Britain by train for their home in Morris. After an hour's ride, and when within five miles of Waterbury, the train became blockaded with snow. After two days and two nights spent on the train we reached Waterbury Wednesday morning, just at daybreak, but could proceed no further. The following day the roads were opened sufficiently so that we could resume the sad journey, and we reached home, fifteen miles from Waterbury, on that day, just at night." 333. WILLIAM J." LOVELAND (Clarks, Joseph*) was b at Morris, Conn., June 15, 1817, m there April 20, 1842, Almeda Landon, b at M., 1820, d there Nov., 1854; m 2d Lydia Moore. He d in New Haven, Conn., 1864. Children born at Morris: i. AmeHaJane',b April 20, 1844, m in M., Jan'y 34, 1*878, Arthur W. Judd. She d at N. H., Aug. 9, 1890. No children. ii. Charles Joseph, b Feb'y 2, 1848, d Aug. 14, 1849. in. Theron J., b Aug. 33, 1853, m in M., Nov. 27, 1874, .Ida Strickland, b in M., Jan'y 35, 1856. Paper hanger. Children b at M.; Lillian Almedas, b Jan'y 33, 1S76; Ximenia Diana, b Jan'y 26, 1877, d March 32, 1879; Theodora Belle, b Jan'y 10, 1879; Lena May, b June 9, 1881; Maud S., b March 16, 1SS3, 336. TREATS LOVELAND (Joseph*, Josephs) was b at Ox ford, Conn., Sept 6, 1767, m Betsy Prindle, She d in Thomp- 334> 1. 335- 11. 336- ni. IV. 337- V, 338- Vl, The Loveland Genealogy. 223 son, O,, 1829, He d there 1S41, Farmer, They moved to Castle ton, Vt, 1809, and to Ohio in 1815, He and his wife joined the Cong, Ch, in Oxford, Nov, 4, 1802. At this date his six children were baptized. Children born in Oxford: Truman", b Jan'y 19, 179I) m Clara Lyman, Lois, b May 11, 1793, m W^illiam Bagley, Alanson, b June 17, 1795, m Sophia M. Orms. David, b 1797, m Hannah Nye.* He d at Thompson, 1875. No report. Alvin, b Dec. 17, 1799, m Emily K. Merill. Horace, b Nov. 21, 1801, m Eliza Vail; m 2d Sarah Vail (sisters), 339. vii. Hanford, b Feb'y, 1803, m Jaenette Clark. viii, Jaenette, b 1804, m Harry Mann, Both dead. Left a family. Whereabouts unknown, 334. TRUMAN" LOVELAND (Treats, Joseph*) wash at Ox ford, Conn., Jan'y 19, 179', m at Castleton, Vt., Dec. 5, 1821, Clara Lyman, b there Sept. 23, 1794, d at Thompson, O,, Aug, 3, 1843, He d there Feb'y 27, 1844. Farmer. Children, first four born at Castleton, the rest at Thompson : i. RoUin Carlos', b AprU 5, 1823, m Mary Lawrence. ii. Charies Clark, b Nov. 4, 1824, m Sarah M. Tyler. Hi. Clarissa Ann, b Jan'y 21, 1825, d Jan'y 31, 1825. iv. Mary Jane, b May 24, 1827, m Hackley Burton. V. Marcia Louise, b Jan'y 5, 1829, m Stephen Hollis. vi. William Henry, b March 28, 1831; m. vii. Clara Augusta, b Dec. 27, 1832, m Calvin Moffatt. vni. Caroline Sophronia, b April 11,1 836, m Israel B. Curtis, 340, ix. Edwin Ruthven, b June 29, 1837, m Mary E. Bosley. 340. EDWIN R.' LOVELAND (Truman", Treat") was b in Thompson, O., June 29, 1837, in in Chardon, O,, July 4, 1859, Mary Eliza Bosley, b there June 19, 1834. He d in Mesopotamia, 0,, Sept 16, 1892, at 4:44 A. M, In 1885 Mr, Loveland was the leader in the organization known as the "Descendants of Treat 2 24 The Loveland Genealogy. Loveland." The tenth annual reunion of this society was held at the home of his widow in Aug., 1894. Born in Mesopotamia: i, Ralph Lyman", b Sept, 20, 1875, We quote from the Geauga Leader of Oct. 7, 1892: "Mr. Loveland enlisted in the 41st O. V. I., Oct. 10, 1861, and was with the regiment at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 7, 1863, when a grape shot wounded him and so shattered his leg that he was discharged. The knee has ever since been stiff and several fragments of bone have at different times been taken from the limb. He has suffered very much and the leg has given him much trouble. After receiving his wound, while at the hos'ital, his wife went to him and remained with him until he had sufficiently recovered to be brought home on a cot, the last of Novemter, He was a punctual and faithful charter member of C, A. Eddy Post, No, 558, G. A. R., which post and the W. R. C. in a body attended the funeral. Hall Post, of Farmington, was also present in a body, and members of Patchin Post, Bur'on; Delos Northway Post, Orwell, and comrades from Bloomfield and other placts were also present. The funeral was very large. The services were held in the M. E. Church, the Rev. G. H. Fairbanks, of Troy, preaching the sermon. The post had charge of the services, mostly. Kind friends contributed flowers plentifully, including a beautiful floral pillow from the W. R. C, on which was arranged in beautiful design "Comrade Rest," of which Mrs. Loveland was a charter member; also a beautiful floral pillow from Mrs. C. M. Bates, a handsome floral cross by Mrs. J. H. Laird, and floral star by Mrs. L. E. Peck. Fine and appropriate music was furnished by a double quartette, directed by Mrs. L. E. Peck." 335. LOIS" LOVELAND (Treat", Joseph*) was b in Oxford, Conn., May 11, 1793, m in Castleton, Vt. May 11, 1814, William Bagley, b in N. H., Jan'y 14, 1791, d n West Liberty, la., Sept 3, 1838. Clothier. Owned mill property at Duncan's FaHs, O., and carried on dyeing and dressing cloth, later a farmer. She d in Tipton, la , Jan'y 6, 1S53. Mr. Bagley laid out and named the town of West Liberty. Children, first born in Hampton, N. Y., MRS. MARY ANN SNOW. (316). The Loveland Genealogy. 335 second in Geauga Co., O., the next six in Athens Co., O., the ninth in Muskingum Co., O., the tenth in Logan Co., O., the last in Princeton, IU.: 3353. i. Phoebe Adaline' Bagley, b May 1, 1815, m William Corns; m 2d Marquis Kirkpatrick. ii. Mary Ann Bagley, b March 17, 1817, m at Muscatine, la., July 13, 1837, John D. Wolfe. She d in Cal., 1884. No family. 335^. iii. Louisa Mariah Bagley, b Sept. lo, 1819, m William A. Clark. iv. William Alanson Bagley, b June 2, 182 1, m at Musca tine, June 37, 1847, Lucretia Burgan. No report v. Nancy Bagley, b April i, 1823, m at W. L., Dec. 30, 1846, Calvin Cole, b in Portsmouth, O., Oct. 14, 1819. Rep. M. E. Ch. They have, b in Wind ham, la.: Lois", b Nov. 9, 1852; Charles, b Nov. 12, 1855- vi. Elizabeth Jeanette Bagley, b Aug. 25, 1826, m at M., April 13, 1845, WUliam D. Mann. She d at Du- buqe, la., Jan'y 23, 1846. She left a son, where abouts unknown. vii. Samuel Bagley, b Oct. 3, 1828, d Aug., 1830. 335c. viii. Amy Bagley, b March 6, 1830, m Hezekiah Healy. ix. Alvin Bagley, b Nov. 7, 1832, d a. 31110. 3351;?. X. Lucena Loveland Bagley, b Dec. 5, 1833, m Frank P. Farquhar. xi. Horace Bagley, b March i, 1837, m Nancy Drake. She d one year after marriage. He enlisted in the 35th la, and d in the hospital at Memphis, Tenn., buried there in the National Cemetery. They had: Franks, b 1858. 335A. PHOEBE A.' BAGLEY, b in Hampton, N. Y., May i, 1815, m in Muskingum Co., O., Jan'y 7, 1832, WUliam Corns, b April 8, 1805, d at West Liberiy, la., Sept. 5, 1846. They moved to la., April, 1803. She m 2d at Muscatine, la., April 21, 1853, 336 The Loveland Genealogy. Marquis Kirkpatrick, b Oct, 39, 1810, d at Atlantic, la,, Jan'y 8, 1888. P, O,, Atlantic, Children, first born at Taylorsville, O., second in Lima, O,; the next three in W, L,, the sixth in Pedee, la,, the last in Indianapolis, la, : i, EmilyS Corns, b Oct, 19, 1833, m at W. L., Sept 19, 1853, WilHam O, Billups. No report ii, William Corns, b Oct, 37, 1834. iii, Lois Corns, b July 19, 1837, m in Indianapolis, Feb'y 13, 1857, Everett Hutchinson, b at Bucyrus, O,, Oct. I, 1827. They have: William Charles', b Nov. 28, 1857, d i860; Edward Everett, b Oct. 20, i860; Fannie Adaline, b April 9, 1864; Elizabeth Lois, b July 6, 1866; Mary NeUie, b Sept 19, 18^1; Annet- tie Grant, b Jan'y 27, 1874; Clarence Emory, b Jan'y i, 1884, iv, Alonzo Corns, b March 31, 1845, m at I,, March 6, 1873, Mary Jane Ellis, b Sept 23, 1850. They have: WilHam Otway', b Dec, 11, 1873, d 1875; Flora Etta, b July 4, 1877, d 1879; Harry Albertas, b April 5, 1883, d 1883; Clara Albertis, b April 5, 1883. V, Amos Corns, b Oct, 17, 1840. Killed in the Red River expedition, vi, JuHus Kirkpatrick, b May 11, 1854, m in Walnut, la., March 24, 1887, Lola Calkins, b in Venango, Pa., July 2, 1865. vii, Milo Kirkpatrick, b Feb'y 8, 1856, m in W,, June 30, 1885, Clara Calkins, b in V., Sept 10, 1856, 335B. LOUISE M.' BAGLEY, b in Dover Tp., Athens Co., O,, Sept 10, 1819, m in Muscatine, la., Jan'y 38, 1839, William Aylesworth Clark, b at Canaan Four Corners, N. X ., Dec. 13, 1809, d at West Liberty, la., Sept 21, 1893, buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Farmer. Rep. Pres, Ch, Children born in West Liberty ; The Loveland Genealogy. 337 1. Sarah Aylesworths Clark, b Jan'y 10, 1840, m in W, L., May 6, 1857, Isaac Decatur Vose, b in Frederick- town, O,, March 4, 1S30, She d at W. L,, May 19, 1874, He served three years as Lieut, and Capt, in the nth 111, Inf, Born at W, L,: Mary Louise', b Feb'y 19, 1865, m there Oct, 36, 1887, George WU liam Dilloway, b in Boston, Mass,, May 13, 1857. P, O,, Muscatine, ii, WiUiam Aylesworth Clark, b Nov, 37, 1841, m at M,, Nov, 30, 1 87 1, Laura Louisa Blanche Hawley, She d at M,, May 17, 1885, He m 3d at M,, Dec, 15, 1887, Susan Augusta Arnold, He served as Lieut. and Capt. in Co, D, 35th la, V, I, Broker. They have: Kate Louise', b in M,, Aug, 6, 1874, iii, John Sylvester Clark, b March 11, 1844, d Jan'y 37, 1866,' bur, in W, L. iv, Katie C, Clark, b Feb'y 13, 1846, m in W. L., Oct, i, 1867, Joseph Henry Cornwell, b at New Lebanon, N. Y., June 39, 1 8 18. Rep. Pres, Ch, Born at Rochester, N. Y,: Catharine Louise', b Jan'y 19, 1869, V, Elizabeth Jeannette Clark, b July 17, 1848, d at W, L,, Feb'y 17, 1868, vi, Mary Louise Clark, b Feb'y 4, 185 1, m at W, L., AprU 3 2, 1875, Charles Edwin Chesebrough, b at W. L., Aug. II, 1848. Book-keeper. Born at W, L,: Albert Clark', b AprU 14, 1876; WilHam Ed win, b Sept 31, 1878; Charles Robert, b May 15, 1884, vii. Robert Schenk Clark, b May 17, 1856, m in W. L., Nov. 36, 1879, Eva Belle Aldrich, b at Montrose, la., Jan'y 14, 1857. Farmer. They have: Blanche Louise', b at W. L., Oct 12, 1883, viii, Joseoh Henry Clark, b Sept, 8, 1858, m at W, L,, Sept 3, 1 88 1, Mary Dana Shipman, b at W. L,, Sept 13, 1 86 1. He farms the homestead. No children, ijc, Fannie Clark, b Aug. 5, 1861, d Feb'y I3, 1868, 328 The Loveland Genealogy. Mr. Clark came to Iowa at the age of twenty-seven years, to find on its broad prairies a home and a fortune. He gave evidence of his characteristic foresight and good judgment ly his choice of locations. Having but little money he first laid claim to the i6o acres on which he lived and died, .^fterward when the land came into market and subject to entry, having unwavering confidence in the future greatness and prosperity of his adopted State, he bor rowed money at the usurious interest then asked and invested it in timber land, thus laying at that early day the foundation of the ample fortune left as an enheritance to his wife and five children who survive him, Mr, Clark was a typical pioneer, finding congenial work for his brain and hands in attending strictly to his own business; he was satisfied to allow his neighbors the same privilege. Yet he was not indifferent to the success of those less fortunate than him self and would give from the store of his ripe experience valuable advice when asked, never obtrusive and usually retiring. He was not born to shine in social circles, his mind sought solid, not froth, and his reading and thought was that of a practical man. Like most frontier-men he was undemonstrative in his hospitality, yet you could feel it was free and welcome as the prairie air you breathed. There was always a place at his table and home for the friend or neighbor, or stranger guest. 'Although a business man, he was free from the methods often practiced by the modern busi ness man, no questionable smartness or deep laid tricks; he hated meanness and his promise once given was never broken, but it was never given hastily. In all the forty-nine years of the writer's ac quaintance with William A. Clark this trait has been the most prominent of his character. In his long and wearisome and often painful sickness, he displayed the same quiet endurance and patient waiting for the result that was true to his nature and almost stoical. It is by such men as this "The wilderness is made to blossom like the rose" and States grow prosperous. 335C. AMY' BAGLEY, b at Athens, O., March 6, 1830, m at Tip ton, la.. May 17, 1855, Hezekb h Healy, b in Windham Co., Conn., Sept 7, 1839, She d at St, Helena, Cal,, April 4, 1891, The Loveland Genealogy. 339 He d at Colfax, Cal,, July 32, 1894, Carpenter and fruit raiser. Rep. -Cong. Ch. P. O,, Colfax, Children born at Moscow, la, : i, Edwin Ruthven" Healy, b April 33, 1856, m at Peta- luma, Cal,, Sept. 19, 1881, Addie Violet Gossage. Portrait painter. Rep. Cong, Ch, Children: Clyde Elbert', b at Oakland, Cal,, Aug, 30, 1882; Ethel Emma, b at O,, Jan'y 26, 1884; Nellie Myrtle, b at P,, Aug. 5, 1886; Virgie, b at P., Dec. 14, 1887. ii. Clarence Loveland Healy, b Sept. 15, 1859. Electri cian. Rep. iii. Nellie May Healy, b Aug. 18, 1862, m at Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 31, 1893, Frank W. Soracco. 335D, LUCENA L,' BAGLEY, b in Cherokee, Logan Co., O,, Dec, 5, 1833, m at West Liberty, la,. Sept 19, 1852, Francis Par- vin Farquhar, b in Fredericktown, O,, Dec, 17, 1826, They re moved to F,, Dec, 1858; returned to W, L,, AprU 15, 1873; re moved 'o Audubon, la,, AprU 3, i886. She d here Dec, 7, 1893. Farmer. Rep, P, O,, Audubon . Children, the first three and the last born at W, L,, the rest at Fredericktown: i, Ada Aurelias Farquhar, b Sept. 24, 1853, d at A., Nov. 4, 1886. ii, Louisa Elma Farquhar, b June 17, 1856, Teacher. iii. Horace Edwin Farquhar, b June 17, 1858. Merchant. iv. George P. Farquhar, b Aug. 15, i860, m at W. L., Oct 18, 1882, Lizzie Marie Barkalow, b at W. L,, March 25, 1863, Farmer, Pres. Ch, They have: Ethel Blanche', b at W, L,, Sept 27, 1883; Arthur Bruce, b at Atalissa, la,, June 17, 1889, d July 4, 1889, V, Fred Curran Farquhar, b Feb'y 18, 1863, Farmer, vi. Amy May Farquhar, b May 18, 1865. vu. Francis Arthur Farquhar, b March 27, 1868, m in A,, Jan'y 27, 1892, NeUie M, Leach, b in Dariington, Wis,, June 17, 1870, Teacher, viii. Mary Belle Farquhar, b Feb'y 3, 1877. 230 The Loveland Genealogy. OBITUARY, Died — At her home in Melville Township, Dec, 7th, at 10:30 A, M,, Mrs, Lucena Loveland Farquhar, nee Bagley, aged 60 years and 3 days, Mrs. Farquhar was born in Logan County, Ohio, Dec. 5, 1833, and was married to Mr. F, P, Farquhar in Muscatine County, Iowa, Sept, 19th, 1853. There have been eight children, seven of whom are living. Mrs. Farquhar was a woman in whom the elements of charac ter were strong and positive and yet genial and winning in her spirit and manner, possessing a magnetic kindness which made her generally and greatly beloved. She was a devoted wife and mother, and her death has brought to the home sorrow of an un speakable loss. Mrs. Farquhar did not profess her faith in Christ in the divine appointed way, but gave evidence that she possessed the reality of faith in the risen Redeemer as her Savior and Lord. Two hymns sung at the funeral were to her favorite hymns: "Nearer my God to Thee," and "God be with you till we meet again," The funeral was attended at the home, the services conducted by Rev, E, Dickinson, and the remains laid to rest in Maple Grove Cemetery, A large gathering of friends and neighbors gave evi dence both by their presence and evident sorrow of the general sense of loss, — Audubon, Audubon Co,, la., Republican, Dec. 14, 1893. 336. ALANSON" LOVELAND (Treat", Joseph*) was b at Ox- ford, Conn., June 17, 1795, '" at West Haven, Vt, Jan'y 33, 1817, Sophia M, Orms, b there March 11, 1790, He d at Madison, O,, April 6, 1846, She d there April 2, 185 1, Children, first born in Hampton, N, Y,, the second in Fair Haven, Vt: 341. i. Cornelius', b Oct. 29, 1817, m Fanny Stetson. 342. ii. Alanson, b March 2, 1823, m Laura W, Long, 341. CORNELIUS' LOVELAND (Alanson", Treat") wash at Hampton, N, Y., Oct 29, 1817, m at Leroy, O,, June 36, 1850, 343- 1- 344- 11. 345- Ill, 34^- IV, V. vi, The Loveland Genealogy. 231 Fanny Stetson, b in Hamburg, N, Y^., June 39, 1831, d at Leroy, April 13, 1879, He d at Bloomfield, Oakland Co,, Mich,, Sept, 6, 1872, Children, first, second and sixth born at Madison, O., the rest at Leroy : Emma Annette", b April 3, 1851, m Gilbert M. Wood. Alma Augusta, b July 7, 1853, m Daniel Taylor. Delia Ann, b March 34, 1856, m George H. Barber. AmeHa Adelaide, b Nov. 4, 1857, m I, E, Magargil, Frank Elson, b May 25, 1859, d in B,, Oct 4, 1873, Mary Maria, b Oct, 26, i860, d at L,, Jan'y 20, 1862. vii. Ida LaVerne, b Feb'y I3, 1863, 343. EMMA A.8 LOVELAND (Cornelius', Alanson") was b at Madison, O., April 3, 1851, m at Commerce, Mich., Jan'y 38, 1868, Gilbert M, Wood, b in Woodstock, Madison Co,, N, Y,, Oct. II, 1829. P, O., Vassar, Mich, Born at Commerce, i, Edwin Lamar', b Dec, 6, 1868, 344. ALMA A,s LOVELAND (Cornelius', Alanson") was b at Madison, O., July 7, 1853, m June 25, 1871, Daniel Taylor. Children, first born at Commerce, Mich., the rest at Milford, Mich.: i. Minnie M.' Taylor, b AprU 8, 1872. ii. Norman Taylor, b Oct. 18, 1882. in. Ora L. Taylor, b March 15, 1885. 345. DELIA A.s LOVELAND (Cornelius', Alanson") was b at Leroy, O,, March 34, 1856, m July 3, 1871, George H, Barber, Children, first born in Wayne, Mich., second at Commerce, Mich., third at Northville, Mich., fourth at Lyons, Oakland Co., Mich, : i, David George' Barber, b May 19, 1873. ii. Frank Cornelius L. Barber, b Dec, i3, 1875, d at Sa lem, Mich,, Dec, 6, 1880. iii, Clauda Otis Barber, b Nov, 6, 1879, d at Milford, Mich,, May 37, 1887, iv. Grace Le Verne Barber, b May 21, 1881. 232 The Loveland Genealogy. 346. AMELIA A,s LOVELAND (Cornelius', Alanson") was b at Leroy, O,, Nov, 4, 1857, Dressmaker before marriage. She m at Painesville, O,, Nov, 19, 1890, Isaac Evans Magargil, b in Lancaster, Pa,, March 11, 1849, Carpenter, Rep, M. E, Ch, He is an employe P. & W, R, R., in repair shops, Painesville. 343. ALANSON' LOVELAND (Alanson", Treats) was b at Fair Haven, Vt, March 2, 1823, m at Madison, O., July 4, 1843, Laura W. Long, Farmer, Children born in Madison: i, Henry AlansonS, b April 9, 1844, m Sept., 1864, Emma Ford, She d. He m 2d April, 1867, DeHa Caldwell. No report, ii, Lamar Mann, b Feb'y i, 1847, m at Leroy, O., Dec. ( 14, 1869, Jemima Maranda Caldwell, No report in, Ella Adelia, b June 8, 1853, m at M,, July 3, 1S70, Jay William Scott, No report. 337. ALVIN" LOVELAND (Treat", Joseph*) was b at Oxford, Conn., Dec 17, 1799, m at Castleton, Vt, Sept, 1822, Emily Kas- son Merrill, b there Feb'y 8, 1803, d there Sept. 6, 1863. He d there Sept 27, 1883. It is the tradition in this family that the Lovelands sprang from three brothers who settled in Conn. Chil dren born in Castleton: i. Julian Merrill', b M.ay 6, 1823, d at C, Jan'y 8, 1884; unm. Grad. Middlebury Coll., Vt, 1840. Teacher. 347. ii. Emily Jane, b Jan'y 3, 1828, m John A. Beals. iii, Laura Eliza, b April 37, 1838, m at C, Dec, 33, 186S, Walter G, Shaw. Gen. ticket agent Rutland & Bennington R, R,, Vt No children. iv. John JuHus, b June 16, 1840; unm, V, Albert, b Dec 11, 1846, m Dec 33, 1868, Lucia L, Spaulding, He d April 33, 1870, Shoemaker. They had: Albert WUliam", b Jan'y 8, 1870. At one o'clock Monday afternoon a good old man closed life's weary course and went peacefully to rest, Alvin Loveland was The Loveland Genealogy. 233 one of the oldest men in town, and we believe there are but one or two now living who were here when he came to Castleton from Connecticut nearly three-quarters of a century since. For 60 years he had been a consistent member of the Congregational Church in Castleton, having joined it in 1823, He commenced working at the shoemaking business here about 70 years since and toiled at it cheerfully until a recent period, Mr, Loveland was an honest, gentle-hearted man, and, although modest and unobtrusive, was one of the most intelligent and companionable of men; he preferred to serve humanity by honest toil at his vocation. His dislike of office and participating in public affairs was decided, but all the same, those who knew him well honored and esteemed him highly. Among them the writer can bear testimony to the fact that there were few^ men to be found in the ordinary walk of life possessing a more thorough knowledge of English literature and current events. He was a man of good judgment and correct busi ness principles. The writer has had intimate business relations with Mr, Loveland, having been in a situation where he passed months and years in his society; saw him often during his patiently borne illness, and was with him at his death; he therefore feels im pelled to bear his humble testimony to the worth of a good old man and to express a fervent hope that "after life's fitful fever, he sleepeth well," 347. EMILY JANE' LOVELAND (Alvin", Treat") was b at Castleton, Vt., Jan'y 3, 1828, m there March 2, 1854, John Ash ley Beals, b in Wells, Vt, Feb'y 9, 1828, Farmer. P. O., Galva, 111. Children, first born in Victoria, 111., the rest at Galva: i. Sarah Emily" Beals, b Feb'y 19, 1855, m at G., June 9, 1881, Ernest Sumner Hunting, b in Boston, Mass., Dec. 18, 1855, Farmer. They have: Ernest Alvin', b March 10, 1882; Lyman Arthur, b Sept i, 1883; Emily Ruth, b May 27, 1885; Florence May, b AprU 27, 1887. ii, Alice Laura Beals, b Oct 24, 1856, m at G., June 9, 1881, Fred Guernsey Foote, b in Buffalo, N. Y., March 17, 1853. They have: Mabel May', b in N. Y. City, Dec 7, 1883. 234 "^^^ Loveland Genealogy. iii, Henry Alvin Beals, b July 23, 1858, d Jan'y 4, 1862, iv, Mary Eliza Beals, b March 19, i860, m at G,, Oct, 30, 1883, Alva Waite Foster, b at Victoria, May 3, 1859, Farmer. They have: Nellie', b at Beatrice, Neb,, March lo, 1885, d March 15, 1885, V, Harriet Merrill Beals, b Nov, 11, 1861, vi. Clarence Beals, b Feb'y 6, 1865, d Feb'y 37, 1865. vii. Albert J. Beals, b Jan'y 1 1, 1866, d April 4, 1866, viii, William Ernest Beals, b Nov, 6, 1870, Farmer, ix. Arthur Raymond Beals, b July 4, 1873. Farmer, 338. HORACE" LOVELAND (Treat", Joseph*) was b at Ox ford, Conn,, Nov, 31, 1 80 1, m at Poughkeepsie, N, X ., March, 1833, EHza Vail, b there AprU 11, 1803, d at Troy, N, Y,, 1S33; m 3d at T,, 1834, Sarah Vail (sister), b at P., May 16, 1812, Children born at Troy: May', b June 30, 1823, m Henry L, Palmer. Sarah Jane, b Sept. 20, 1828, m D. L, Deyoe, Eliza, b April 18, 1833, m Harvey H, Hayes; m 3d David B, Ramsey, iv, Henry Edward, b Oct, 23, 1837, m at T,, Jan'y, 1865, Angeline Becker, Lumber inspector. They have: Horace B,s, b at West Troy, N, Y,, Dec, 1865, V, Charles Alvin, b Oct, 3, 1841, m Dec, 34, 1873, Elsie Sheldon, b at Be'dford, O,, March 4, 1841, Em ploye in N, W, Mut, Life Ins, Co,, Milwaukee, Wis, They have: Perry P,s, b at M,, Sept 16, 1875, d March 30, 1876. vi. George Morgan, b Dec. 33, 1S49. Artist in M, 348. MARY'' LOVELAND (Horace", Treat") was b at Troy, N, Y,, June 30, 1823, m there May 18, 1843, Henry L, Palmer, b at Mt, Pleasant, Pa,, Oct. 18, 1819, She d at Milwaukee, Wis,, June 33, 1854, Pres, of the N, W, Mut Life Ins, Co,, of Mil waukee. Children, first two born in T., the last at M.: 348. i. 349- 11, 350- 111 The Loveland Genealogy. 235 i, Jessie" Palmer, b Nov. 14, 1844, m at M., July 6, 1865, Dexter N. Kasson, b at Broadalbin, N. Y., Feb'y 8, 1840. Life ins. They have, b at M.: Jessie M.', b July 3, 1869; Alice Palmer, ,b Jan'y 13, 1876. ii. Horace L. Palmer, b March 30, 1849, ™ at Waukesha, Wis., April 10, 1884, Alice Morris. They have: Henry L.', b at Oconomowoc, Wis,, Jan'y 31, 1885; Daisey Elsie, b at M,, July 19, 1887, id. Frank Palmer, b Feb'y 16, 1853. 849. SARAH JANE' LOVELAND (Horace", Treat") was bat Troy, N. Y., Sept. 30, .1828, m at Milwaukee, Wis., March 28, 1853, David L. Deyoe, b in Ulster Co., N. Y., Oct 33, 1838. Phy sician. Children, first born at Independence, la., the next two at Milwaukee, the last at St, Louis, Mo, : i, Irving P." Deyoe, b March 8, 1854, d March 6, 1865, ii, Charles L. Deyoe, b June 38, 1857. iii, Mary G. Deyoe, b Aug. 36, i860. iv, Bessie V. Deyoe, b Feb'y 33, 1867. 350. ELIZA' LOVELAND (Horace", Treat") was b at Troy, N, Y,, April 18, 1833, m at Milwaukee, Wis,, Aug, 21, 1854, Harvey H, Hayes, b at Prattsburg, N, Y,, Aug, 12, 1831, d at Madison, Wis., Aug. 13, 1857; m 3d at M,, Oct 26, 1865, David B. Ramsey, b at Hancock, N, H., Sept. 13, 1829. Conveyancer, Born at Madison: i. Frank L.s Hayes, b May 38, 1855, d July 35, 1855. 339, HANFORD" LOVELAND (Treats, Joseph*) was b in Ox ford, Conn,, Feb'y, 1803, bap. May 13, 1804, m in N. Y. City, Dec 8, 1835, Janet Clarke, b at Newburg, N. Y,, Feb'y 11, 181 1, She was the sixth child of James Clarke and Janet Reid of Mad- derty, Perkshire, Scotland, He d in N. Y^ City, Jan'y, 1853. She d at the home of her son-in-law, W.J, Pattison, in New Or leans, La,, Nov, 16, 1893, She was a devout Presbyterian. Chil dren born in N. Y. City: 336 The Loveland Genealogy, i, James Hanford', b April 12, 1838, m i860, Amantha Settoon, of Ponchatoula, La, Connected with his father in the saw mill and land interests of the latter near P, He d there Dec, 20, i860. No children, ii, Joseph Alvin, b, Nov, 22, 1839, d at Havanna, Cuba, Nov, 14, 1855, 351, iii, Caroline b, Aug, 20, 1841, m William J, Pattison, Joseph Alvin Loveland went to Havanna, Cuba, under his uncle, Santiago Clarke, who was at that time the superintendent of civil engineers for the island. The promise of exceptionable ability in the young engineer was nipped in the bud, for after but few months' residence he died of yellow fever. He lies there buried in the family tomb of the Marquis de la Caux A, T, P, 351. CAROLINE' LOVELAND (Hanford", Treats) was b in N. Y. City, Aug. 30, 1841, m in New Orleans, La., June 30, 1861, WiUiam James Pattison, b in N. Y'. City, Oct 37, 1838, Only child of WUliam Pattison and Elizabeth Kemp of N, Y, City, Mr, Pattison is an elder in the First Pres. Church in N. O,, and with his wife and family are members of it. He comes from the good old Scotch-Irish family of that name in County Antrim and Argylshire, He has been a resident of N, O. for fifty years and consequently indentified with the southern cause, in whose army he served. Before the war a member of the wholesale grocery house of Hall, Kemp & Co., and then of the cotton business of Allison, Pattison & Co. The close of the war found him with little property. He is now (1893) the manager of the great cot ton interest of Richardson & May, Dem, Residence, 314 Third St, Children, first and last born in N, O., second in N, Y', City, the third in Brooklyn, N, Y., and the fourth in Cornwall, N. Y.: i, Alfred T.aylor" Pattison, b Aug, 13, 1862, ii, Cora Jeanette Pattison, b Dec, 14, 1864, iii, Charles Ernest Pattison, b March 4, 1867. iv, Elizabeth Kemp Pattison, b Sept, 7, 1868, V. Annie Pattison, b May 10, 1870. The Loveland Genealogy. 337 Alfred Taylor Pattison is a graduate (A. B.) of Davidson Col lege, North Carolina, class 1882, and is now (1893) a member of the firm of Pattison & ISIay, New Orleans, foreign dry goods com mission merchants. Democrat, His brother, Charles Ernest Pat- fison, a matriculate of Tulane University, New Orleans, is now connected with the St, Louis & New Orleans Anchor Line, Dem. 337. MILES" LOVELAND (Joseph*, Josephs) m in Oxford, Conn., Feb'y 22, 1798, Betsy Ann TwitcheU, b at O., 1778, d there July 13, 1827, a. 49. He was b in O., and d there. Dates unknown. They renewed their covenant with the Cong. Ch. at O., Oct. 13, 1799. Farmer. Children born at Oxford: i. Amanda", b June 30, 1799, m in New Milford, Conn., Dec. 9, 181 7, Alba Morehouse, b in Washington, Conn., April 30, 1794, d at Hartford, Conn., March 20, 1849. She d there June 5, 1870. Dem. Epis. They had: Hannah', b in W., Dec. 36, 1830, m in H., Aug. 31, 1S57, Sidney Wadsworth, b in H., July 13, 1813, d there June 29, 1887. Farmer. Dem. Epis. They had one child who d in infancy. 352. ii. Giles, b Jan'y 33, 1801, m Larinda Hurlburt. iii. Harper, b July 31, 1803, d in Watertown, Conn,, April 8, 1851 ; unm. iv, Julia Ann, b Feb'y 18, 1805, m at Washington, Nov, 3, 1825, Levi Judd, b in Bethlehem, Conn., AprU 7, 1797, d at Washington, June 27, 1877. She d Jan'y 8, 1893, buried in Washington. They had: George L.', b in W., Sept 17, 1836, m Jane Rose. She d Jan'y 6, 1893. V. Sheldon, b Dec, 17, 1806, d young, vi. Miles, b Jan'y 30, 18 10, d unm, in Ohio, 353, vn, Betsey Ann, b AprU 6, 181 1, m Rufus Miller, vin, Sheldon Clark, b Oct 3, 1812, m at New Milford, Oct 3, 1842, Mrs, Lucinda Hall French, b in Win chester, Conn., April, 181 1, d at N. M., 1890, They had: Betsey Ann', b at N, M,, Sept, 10, 1843, m there July 4, 1865, Philip G, Marsh, b at Bath, N, Y.,June I, 1837, They had: Milton L,", b at N. M., Sept 3, 1869. 338 The Loveland Genealogy. ix. Maria, b May 7, 18 18; m. Went west. X. Nancy, b Aug. 15, 1819, m Russel Smith. Family, No report, xi. Jane, b Jan'y 34, 1831 ; unm. 853, GILES" LOVELAND (Miles", Joseph*) was b in Oxford, Conn., Jan'y 33, 1801, m in Roxbury, Conn., Jan'y 3i, 1839, La rinda Hurlburt, b in R., June 36, 1805, He d Nov, 33, 1866, buried at Zoar Bridge, Conn, Children born in Newton, Conn,: i, Juliett', b May 6, 1830, m George Barrett, No rept, ii. Stiles, b Dec, 39, 1831, m June 5, 1868, Mrs. Mary Curly, No report, iii. Emily, b Jan'y i, 1834, iv, Cornelia, b June 19, 1836, d Oct, 3, 1841, V, Henry E,, b Sept, 3, 1838, d Oct, 4, 1841, vi, Augusta, b Feb'y 11, 1841, vii, Henrietta, b Oct, 7, 1843, viii, Amanda, b Jan'y 37, 1845, ix, Henry G., b Sept i3, 1847, m Dec, 34, 1871, Julia Tuttle, He d. They had: Grover N.s, b June 35, 1885, X. Nancy E., b Oct, 16, 1851, 353. BETSEY ANN" LOVELAND (Miles", Joseph*) was b at Oxford, Conn., AprU 6, 181 1, m there Nov, 7, 1836, Rufus Mil ler, b in Bedford, N. Y^., Nov. i, 1816. Children: i, Henry Atwater' MUler, b Sept 5, 1837, ii, Maria Seward Miller, b Jan'y 3o, 1839, "i William Waters, She d. No report, iii, Rufus James Miller, b Sept, 18, 1841, iv. Elizabeth Ann Miller, b Oct 14, 1843, m William Waters. She d. No report, v. Emma Jane Miller, b Jan'y 11, 185 1, m Thomas D. Barber. 338. ARNOLDS LOVELAND (Joseph*, Josephs) was b at Ox ford, Conn., Aug, 35, 1778, m at 0„ Nov. 25, 1798, Clarinda 354- 1- 355- 11, 111, iv. V, vi. 7^he Loveland Genealogy. 339 TwitcheU, b at O,, July 31, 1781, She d in Broome Co,, N, Y, He d at Hillsborough, Wis,, July 36, 1864, Soldier in War 1813. Free Mason, Farmer, Children born at Oxford: Joseph", b Aug, 33, 1800, m Hannah Woodruff, Albert, b Aug, 38, 1803, m Margaret Tompkins, Harriet, b Dec, 38, 1804, d July 9, 1806, Isaac Nelson, b April 16, 1807, m Verity Bennet, Jay, b Sept, 8, 1810, m Phoebe Bound, Harriet, b Dec. 38, 181 2, m Ambrose Hines, vii, Jane, b May 22, 18 15, m Norman Monroe, viii, Jeannette, b Sept, 11, 1817, ix, Clarissa, b Oct,, 1819, m Cross, 356, X, Starr, b June 6, 1822, m Catharine VanDeusen, xi. Abijah, b Dec. 9, 1824, d Nov. 2, 1825. xii, Eliza, b Dec, 12, 1827, 354. JOSEPH" LOVELAND (Arnold", Joseph*) was b at Ox ford, Conn., Aug, 23, 1800, m Fanny Woodruff, Children born in Windsor, N. Y.: 357. i. Mordecai H.', b Sept. 13, 1824, m Martha Hungerford, 358, ii, Urial, b Sept. 5, 1828, m Lucy W. Stanton, 359, iii. Charles L., b Sept, 16, 1830, m Laura A, Saunders, 360, iv. Silks W,, b April 16, 1833, m Sarah J, Vail, V, Jay RUey, vi. Amy, m Oliver H, Carpenter, No report, 361, vii, Sarah A,, b March 16, 1840, m Orrin Woodruff, 357. MORDECAI H.' LOVELAND (Joseph", Arnolds) was b in Windsor, N, Y,, Sept. 13, 1824, m at Binghamton, N. Y., Oct 3, 1855, Martha Hungerford, b Nov. 6, 1833. He d at B., Feb'y 4, 1855, Carriage maker. Children born in Binghamton: i, Lizzie May", b Jan'y 9, 1862, d June 14, 1864, H, Sarah Dell, b May 29, 1865. iii, Charles Hurd, b June 22, 1867, iv. WiUiam Henry, b Aug, 8, 1873, 340 The Loveland Genealogy. 358. URIAL' LOVELAND (Joseph", Arnolds) was b in Wind sor, N, Y., Sept. 5, 1828, He went to Wis., 1849, m in Mound- ville. Wis,, Feb'y 28, 1854, Lucy Wilkes Stanton, b in Birming ham, Eng,, Aug, 7, 1837, He served in the Union Army from Aug,, 1S62, to the close of the war, P. O., Kingston, Wis. Chil dren, first two born in Kingston, the three next at Monticello, Wis., the two next at Dekorra, Wis., the rest at Packwaukee, Wis.: i. Rhoda Fanny", b March 19, 1855, d Nov. 2, 1856. ii. George Henry, b Sept, 23, 1856, m at Poynett, Wis., Jan'y, 1877, Alice Buzzle, They have: Lucy', b Jan'y, 1880; Clara, b AprU, 1882, iii, Herbert Albert, b June 23, 1859, m Nov. 29, 1884, Ida Dalton, No report, iv. Jennie Clair, b March 33, 1861, m Jan'y 29, 1885, Samuel Dalton. No report, V, Charles Urial, b Oct 14, 1863, d June 5, 1864, vi. May Ethel, b Nov, 26, 1864. vii. WilHam Ashbel, b Dec 6, 1S66. viii, Sarah Josephine, b Nov. 23, 1868. ix. John Frank, b Dec. 24, 1S70. X. Harry Stanton, b Oct. 29, 1872. xi. Lucy (Lulu) Ellen, b April 12, 1875. xn. Minnie Alma, b June 25, 1877. 359. CHARLES L.' LOVELAND (Joseph", Arnold") w.as b in Windsor, N. Y., Sept 16, 1830, m at Weyauwega, Wis,, Nov. 7, 185";, Laura A. Saunders, b at Schuyler, N, Y\, Oct, 30, 183S, d at W., Nov. 27, 1889. Carpenter. Prohib, P, O,, W, Chil dren, first two born at Lind, Wis., the third at Metomen, Wis,, the rest at W,: i, Laura D.", b Nov, 24, 1856, ii, Evelyn M,, b Aug, 25, i860. Teacher. iii. Fannie L., b Aug, 31, 1S66, iv, Bert C, b Dec, 13, 1867, Rep, V, Gracip E,, b May 10, 1881. S. L. LOVELAND. (367). The Loveland Genealogy. 341 360. SILAS W.' LOVELAND (Joseph", Arnold") was b in Windsor, N, X .., AprU 16, 1S33, m at Herrick, Pa., Nov, 5, 1859, Sarah J,, dau, of Rev. C. L. Vail, b in W,, Feb'y 3, 1830, Farmer. Rep. She a Free Bap. P. O,, Windsor, Children, first b at Kirkwood, N, Y",, the rest at W,: i, Idella", b Aug, 39, 1864, m June 39, 1889, George Da venport, No report, ii, Luther, b Nov, 10, 1865, iii, Martha, b Dec, 16, 1867, m Deroy Riley, No report, iv. Myrtle, b Aug, 37, 1870, 861. SARAH A,' LOVELAND (Joseph", Arnold") was b in Windsor, N, Y., March 16, 1840, m there May 25, 1856, Orrin Woodruff, b in W,, Aug, 18, 1831, Manufacturer of tobacco and cigars at Binghamton, N, Y. Children: i. Wilber A." Woodruff, b Aug. 14, 1857, m AprU 2, 1886. No report. ii. Ida M. Woodruff, b May 15, 1861. iii. Ellen A. Woodruff, b March 10, 1863. iv. Fannie E. Woodruff, b Sept, 4, 1864, 355. ALBERT" LOVELAND (Arnold", Joseph*) was b at Ox ford, Conn,, Aug. 28, 1802, m at Windsor, N. Y,, Nov. 29, 1826, Margaret Tompkins. He d Sept 25, 1875, Children: i, William T,', b Feb'y 10, 1828, m at Alfred, N, Y., June 18, 1851, Mary L, Warren, They have: Lu ther E,s, b Aug., 1854, m; Josephine, b Dec 9, 1856, d Jan'y 21, 1871; John A., b July 30, 1861; Murray U., b Sept i, 1869; Fayette D., b AprU 19, 1 871; Margaret A., b June 15, 1874, d Jan'y i, 1875. ii. Electa, b Aug. 9, 1830. in. Henry H,, b May 2, 1838, iv, Emily M,, b Nov, 16, 1844. 343 The Loveland Genealogy. 856. STARR" LOVELAND (Arnold", Joseph*) was b at Ox ford, Conn., June 6, 1832, m in Windsor, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1844, Catharine VanDeusen, b in W., Sept. 6, 1822, d at Elroy, Wis., April 14, 1894, He d at Hillsborough, Wis,, June 29, 1885, Fifer for Co, D, i6th Wis, P, O., Elroy, Children, first three born in Verona, Wis,, the fourth at Madison, Wis,, and the last at H,: i. Edwin Nelson', b Feb'y 13, 1849, m in Glendale, Wis., Dec. I, 1874, Caroline D. Burdin, b in West Almond, N. Y,, June 6, 1855, No children, ii, Clarissa Adelia, b April 20, 1851, m in Elroy, Nov. 9, 1 88 1, Hiram Moshier. She d in Wiston, Wis,, Nov. 6, 1883. iii, Hannah Emily, b Oct, 7, 1854, m in E., Aug. 7, 1874, William Bones, b in Essex, Eng., Aug. 11, 1844. Have: Gilbert Raymond", b Nov. 2, 1S77; Edith May, b June 16, 1879. iv. Lydia A., b Sept. 18, 1856, m in Hillsborough, July 3, 1887, Edward Isaacs, b at Pound Ridge, N. Y., Jan'y 12, 1859, No children, V, Albert Lewis, b Aug, 14, 1863, d June 20, 1885, 339. LEWIS" LOVELAND (Joseph*, Joseph" ) was b at Oxford, Conn., and d in Wolcott, Conn., 1809; m Susan Pierson, b Sey mour, Conn., 1768, d in Harwinton, Conn., Dec. 5, 1850, a, 82, buried in Thomaston, Conn. Epis. Ch. Children, first three born in O.,' the rest in W, ; Miles", b Oct 3, 1795, m Tryphena Carter. Keziah, b May 26, 1798, m Mdes Barnes. Nancy, b 1801, m Adin Horton; m 2d Richard F. Welton, He d in H., June 5, 1838, a. 44. She d in H,, Feb'y 13, 1856, a. 55. No children. Susan, b Nov, 13, 1806, m Edmund Todd, Lewis Pierson, b 1805, m Huldah A, Beach, 362, 363- H, IU, 364- iv. 365- V, The Loveland Genealogy. 243 3bb. 1. ii. iii. 367. iv. V. 368, vi. Vll, 369- viii 370- IX, 363. MILES" LOVELAND (Lewis", Joseph*) was b in Oxford, Conn., Oct 3, 1795, m in Wolcott, Conn., 181 7, Tryphena Carter, dau. of Stephen and Tryphena Upson Carter, b in W., Nov. 17, 1800, d in Forestville, Conn., Nov. 21, 1889, buried in PlainvUle, Conn, He d in P,, Nov, 36, i860, Dem, Cong, Ch. Upson Carter was a Rev, soldier. Children, first seven born in W,, the next two in P,, the rest in Harwinton, Conn,: JuHa EmeHne', b Sept. 38, 1819, m J. M. BunneU, Susan, d in Wolcott, a. 7, Hannah Reed, d in W., a. 3, Stephen Lewis, b April 2, 1827, m Maria A, Todd; m 3d Elizabeth M, Kellogg; m 3d Marcia J. Kellogg, Susan, b 1830, d a, i y,, 8 mo, Joseph Miles, b Feb'y 6, 1S33, m Josephine Beach, Myron Carter, d in P,, a, 4. viii, Albertina Delight, b Nov, 13, 1837, m J, L, Davis. Mary Jane, b May 3, 1840, m Loren Burnham, X, Antoinette, b Sept, 25, 1842, d Jan'y 5, 1853. 371. xi, Nancyette, b Sept, 35, 1842, m Henry W, Hinman. 866. JULIA E.' LOVELAND (Miles", Lewis") was b in Wol cott, Conn., Sept. 28, 1819, m in Plainville, Conn., Feb'y 25, 1844, John Mackson, son of Sheldon Bunnell, b in Oxford, Conn., Feb'y 27, 1812. He d in Robertsville, Conn., Aug. 9, 1871. Black smith. Dem. Cong. Ch. P. O., Riverton, Conn. Children, first four born in Canaan Valley, Conn., the two next in Norfolk, Conn., the last in Clayton, Mass.: , 3660;. i. Emogene Delight" Bunnell, b March 32, 1845, m Charles D. Smith. ii. Lyman Phelps Bunnell, b Oct. i, 1846, d at Canaan Valley, Nov. 16, 1847. iii. John Lewis Bunnell, b March 39, 1848, m in Ridge- viUe, Conn., Oct. 16, 1872, Ann EHza Mead, b in R., Feb'y 4, 1853. Carpenter. Rep. Cong. Church. Thej have: Marion EHza', b in Winsted, Conn., Dec. 24, 1874; Anna Bertha, b in Danbury, Conn., Dec. 31, 1880. 344 The Loveland Genealogy. iv, Edward Carter Bunnell, b Oct, 3i, 1849, ^ at C, V,, Feb'y 35, 1850, V, Myron Edward Bunnell, b April 33, 1851, m in Brews ter, N, Y., Nov, 37, 1879, Lottie Estelle Lee, b in Uxbridge, Mass,, Dec, 7, 1857, Carpenter, They have: Roy Irving', b in W,, March 33, 1881; Ivan Lee, b in W,, Jan'y 19, 1885; Harold Maxson, b in D,, Oct 4, 1887; Hattie Belle, b in D., Jan'y 3, 1890, vi, Elbert Loveland Bunnell, b March 35, 1856, m in N,, Jan'y 35, 1882, Abbie Rebecca Clark, b in Goshen, Conn,, Nov, 25, i860, d in Hartford, Conn,, Nov. 20, 1888, He m 2d in New Hartford, Conn., AprU 25, 1894, Rose Belle Johnson, b in Harwinton, Conn,, July 8, 1866, Farmer. Democrat. No children. P. O,, N, H, vii, Everett Eugene Bunnell, b July 2, 1859, m in Harwin* ton. May 12, 1886, Anna R, Reynolds, b there Nov, 7, 1865, Carpenter. Rep. Cong, They have: Eugene Henry', b in W,, Jan'y 14, 1888; Louis Henry, b in H,, July 13, 1889, 366A. EMOGENE D.s BUNNELL, b in Canaan VaUey, Conn,, March 22, 1845, m in Norfolk, Conn., Nov. 21, 1863, Charles D, Smith, b in Hartland, Conn, Aug, 22, 1840, Scythe maker. Rep, Cong. P. O,, Riverton, Children, the third born in Clay ton, Mass., the rest in Riverton, Conn.: i. Frederick Coe' Smith, b Dec. 21, 1864, m in Winsted, , Conn., Oct 2, 1887, Ida Canfield, b in Colebrook, Conn,, Sept 4, 1870. Mechanic. Rep, Cong, They have: Inez Louisaio, b July 7, 1889. u. Charies Clifford Smith, b June 8, 1866, d in R,, Aug, 2> 1873. in, Anna Louise Smith, b Oct 8, 1870, iv, Dewitt CHnton Smith, b Nov, 18, 1873, 367. STEPHEN L,' LOVELAND (Miles", Lewis") was b in Wolcott, Conn., April 2, 1827, m in Plainville, Conn,, Sept 5, The Loveland Genealogy. 245 1847, Maria Ann Todd, b in East Plymouth, Conn,, April 18, 1831, d in Rochester, 111,, July 10, 1856; m 2d in Buckeye, la,, April 23, 1858, Mary Elizabeth Kellogg, b in Elizabethtown, N. Y., Oct, 10, 1S31, d in Marshalltown, la., Jime 8, 1864; m 3d in M,, Nov. 29, 1865, Marcia Jane Kellogg, b in E., Dec, 5, 1833, Machinist and engineer, Repub, Pres, since 1847, Church el der since 1879, Supt, of Sab, school. He left Conn, in 1854 and settled in 111, Moved to Iowa in 1857, settled at M, Remained here until 1880, then moved to Minn,, settled in St Charles until 1887, then in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Children, first born in P., second in Andover, Conn,, third in East Plymouth, Conn,, fourth in Rochester, 111,, the two last in M,: 372-373- 374- Lewis Mdes", b Sept. 13, 1848, d Sept 19, 1849. Elvah Mary, b April 38, 1853, m J. E, Curran, Charles Stephen, b April i, 1853, m Sarah C, Car- mody; m 2d Mary Jane Dunn, Stephen Green, b July 10, 1856, d in R., Aug. 16, 1856. Franklin Kellogg, b Jan'y i, 1859, m Victoria M. Nelson. Hattie Jane, b Dec. 16, 1862, m in St. Charles, Minn,, Sept I, 1880, Frank W, Connell, b in Fulton Co,, N, Y,, Dec, 28, 1859, Painter and paper hanger. Rep. Cong. Ch, They have: Lewis ChurchiU', b in Marion, la,, April 29, 1881 ; Geneva Henrietta, b in Cedar Rapids, Dec, 34, 1884, P. O., C. R. 373. ELVAH M.s LOVELAND (Stephen L,', Miles") wash in Andover, Conn,, AprU 38, 1853, m in Green Mountain, la,, June 27, 1868, Josiah Enoch Curran, b in Fnmklin Co,, N. Y',, July 14, 1846, Painter and paper hanger. Repub. She church member. Children, first born in Missouri Valley, la,, the three next in New Jefferson, la , the fifth in Marshalltown, la,, the sixth and seventh in Grundy Center, la,, the eighth and ninth at Spirit Lake, la., the tenth at Eldora, la., the next two in Shamrock, Neb.: 24^ The Loveland Genealogy. i. Mary Maria' Curran, b Nov, lo, 1869, m at Spirit Lake, la., Aug, 17, 1885, Osborn Eddy, b in Crans ton, R, I,, April 7, 1847, They have: Evangelinei", b Sept, 16, 1886; Arthur, b Sept, 30, 1887; Eugene Nelson, b Feb'y 9, 1890, ii, WilHam Wynecoop Curran, b April 20, 1871. iii. Stephen Lewis Curran, b Sept, 26, 1872, iv. Frank Julius Curran, b July 21, 1874, V, Marcia Jane Curran, b Feb'y 6, 1876, m at Spencer, Neb., Jan'y 21, 1894, Errick Hedlund. vi, Allen Bertie Curran, b April 20, 1879. vii. Myrtle Olie Curran, b Sept, 15, 1880, .viii, Clarence Edward Curran, b June 37, 1884, ix. Albertina May Curran, b May 2, 1885, d in Alden, la., Oct 31, 1885. X, Gertrude Delight Curran, b Oct 17, 1886, d in E,, Nov, 10, 1S86, xi, Harry Ernest Curran, b Sept, 9, 1888, d in S,, Sept 28, 1888, xii, Justin Eric Curran, b March 23, 1S90, 373. CHARLES S.s LOVELAND (Stephen L.', Miles") was b at East Plymouth, Conn., April 1, 1853, m in Marshalltown, la,, Feb'y 2, 1876, Sarah C. Carmody, b in Marysv lie, Ky,, Oct 13^ i857> d in M., July 16, 1879; m 2d in Boise City, Idaho, Feb'y 2, 1S86, Mary Jane Dunn, b in New Orieans, La., March 14, 1846. Born in Timber Creek Tp., Marshall Co., Ia.: i, Lydia Leuellan', b Dec, 27, 1S76, 374. FRANKLIN K.s LOVELAND (Stephen L.', MUes" ) was b in Marshalltown, la., Jan'y i, 1859, ^ there Jan'y i, 1880, Vic- -toria Maria Nelson, b in Delaware Co., Ia., Oct, lo, 1857, Farmer. Rep, P, O,, Dow, la. Children born in Vernon Tp,, Wright Co,, la.: i, Hannah Walter', b July 8, 18S3, ii, Vernie, b Nov. 24, 1884. The Loveland Genealogy. 347 iii, Irving Eugene, b Jan'y 7, 1890, iv, Lena Maj', b May 12, 1892, 868. JOSEPH M.' LOVELAND (Miles", Lewis") was b in Wolcott, Conn., Feb'y 6, 1832, m in Torrington, Conn., Oct. 24, 1852, Jane Josephine Beach, b in Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 9, 1834, Moved to la., 1855; Cal , 1873. Carpenter, In the Union Army: Co, H, 32d Iowa, P, O,, Olive, Cal, Children: i, Nettie Josephine", b in T,, Sept, 15, 1853, m in Boons- borough, la,, April 2, 1873, George W, Hutchings, b in Lawrenceburg, Ind,, Dec, 21, 1849, Moved to Fresno, Cal,, 1876, They have: George Edwin', b July 3, 1876, d Jan'y 15, 1879; Pearl Everett, b Oct, 23, 1881; Birdie Alice, b Oct. 3, 1883. ii, Emma Jane, b in Alden, la,, Nov. 33, 1858, d 1859, iii, (Son), b Jan'y 16, 1863, d same day, 369. ALBERTINA D.' LOVELAND (MUes"", Lewis") was b in Plainville, Conn,, Nov, 13, 1837, m there Sept, 3, 1856, John L. Davis, b in Seymour, Conn., Feb'y 30, 1831, d at Van Buren Hosp'tal, at Miliken's Bend, July 10, 1863, He enlisted Aug, 36, 1863, in Co, K, 33d la. They settled in Alden, la., 1856, after ward moved to Marshall, la. She now lives in Forestville, Conn, Draws a pension. They had: i. Ella M.s Davis, b.in A,, July 10, 1857; m. Has fam ily. No report, ii, Edward Benson Davis, b in M,, Nov, 36, i860, m in New Haven, Conn., Oct 5, 1887, Mattie E, Shew, b there March 16, 1863, They have: Harold Love land' Davis, b in N. H., Oct 10, iT" 370. MARY^ JANE' LOVELAND (Miles", Lewis") was b in PlainvUle, Conn,, May 3, 1840, m in Hardin Co., Ia., Nov, 15, 18571 Loren Burnham, b in Montague, Mass,, June 26, 1831. Born in Alden, la.: 240 The Loveland Genealogy. i, Ernest Charles s, b Sept, 24, 1858, m in Hardin Co,, Aug. 10, 1881, Belle Hucy, b in Paw Paw, Mich., Feb'y, 17, 1862, d in Hardin Co,, Mar, 36, 1883; m 3d at Eldora, la,, May 39, 1888, Flora Clarriel, b in E,, April 14, 1867. They have: Roland Edward', b in Fresno, Cal,, March 31, 1889; Albert DeRoy, b in Burrough, Cal,, Dec, 34, 1890. ii, Frederick Lyman Burnham, b Jan'y 31, 1861, d Dec, 18, 1864, iii, Irene May Burnham, b Dec, 16, 1863, d Nov, 37, 1864, iv, Eugene Lewis Burnham, b Oct. 3, 1865, m in Fresno Co., Cal,, Jan'y 39, 1888, Sadie Musick, b in Napa Co,, Cal,, March 3, 1865, They have, b in Fresno Co,: Henry Loren', b March 8, 1889, d June 19, 1890; Clarence Leslie, b Sept, 19, 1890, V, Albert MUes Burnham, b July 9, 1868. vi. Dwight Edson Burnham, b Aug, 11, 1871, vii, Lucie Alice Burnham, b Aug, 29, 1873, viii, Maurice Wardell Burnham, b July 17, 1876, 371. NANCYETTE' LOVELAND (Miles", Lewis") was b in Harwinton, Conn., Sept 25, 1842, m in PlainvUle, Conn,, Jan'y 29, 1859, Henry Waite, son of Augustus P, and Harriet Cables Hinman, b in Litchfield, Conn,, April 30, 1837, Ca«e maker in clock shop, Dem. Epis. Ch, P, O., Forestville, Conn. Chil dren, first three born in P., the rest in Forestville: i. Hattie Maria" Hinman, b Jan'y 3, i860, m May 12, 1880, Evered Wardell Day, They have: Rupert Stanley', b Feb'y 9, 1881; Evered WardeU, b 1883, d 1884; Cornelius Winfield, b Feb'y 14, 1886; Harry Hinman, b July 11, 1891, d Dec, 9, 1892, ii, Cora Jane Hinman, b Aug, 24, 1863, m Nov. 28, 1883, Wright L, Glidden, They have: W, Lanis', b Oct 17, 1884; Albert N,, b Nov, 7, 1S85, d Jan'y 28, 1S88; Jessie C, b July 14, 1887, d Jan'y 5, 1888; Earl Stanley, b May 6, 1S90. The Loveland Genealogy. 2An iii. Mary Antoinette Hinman, b Oct. 12, 1864, m May 4, 1887, J. E. Prior. iv. Tryphena C. Hinman, b March 5, 1867. V. Gertrude Delight Hinman, b Oct. 4, 187 1, m in Hart ford, Conn., Nov. 38, 1893, William Mortimer, only child of Daniel B. and Luc}- Shepard, b in H„ June 17, 1868. They have: Daniel Miles', b in Water bury, Conn., Feb'y 35, 1894. 363, KEZIAH" LOVELAND (Lewiss, Joseph*) was b in Ox ford, Conn,, May 36, 17.98, m in Wolcott, Conn,, Thanksgiving Eve., 181 7, Miles, son of Jonah and Abaigal Curtis Barnes, b in Harwinton, Conn,, April 31, 1795? d at Plymouth, Conn,, July 30, 1862. She d in W., Oct 30, 1886, buried at P. Farmer, Jonah Barnes was a private in the Rev. War. Children born at Ply mouth: i. Betsy Humiston' Barnes, b June 12, 1819, m in P., June II, 1836, Ephraim Beecher, son of Moses and Patty Beecher Gilbert, b in Watertown, Conn,, Jan'y i, 181 3, d at Wolcott, Feb'y 10, 1890. She d at Waterbury, Conn., Sept, 14, 1842. Children b in Plymouth: Annis A,8, b July 13, 1837, d AprU 15, 1838; Mary Ann, b March 28, 1840, m at Bristol, Conn,, Nov, 14, 1859, George Mills Bassett, b at Harwinton, AprU 22, 1838 (She d at Cambridge, 111,, May 6, 1863); Betsy, b April 25, 1843, m at Bristol, Conn,, March 13, 1866, William Wallace, only son of WilHam and Sarah Gilbert Bradley, b at Southington, Conn,, Oct, 39, 1843. n, Annis Barnes, b Nov, i, 183 1, d March i, 1830, 364. SUSAN" LOVELAND (Lewis", Joseph*) was b in Wol cott, Conn., Nov. i3, 1806, m in Plymouth, Conn., Oct 10, 1830, Edmund Todd, b in P., Aug. 14, 1803, d in Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 16, 1869. She d in Meriden, Conn., April 10, 1864. Chil dren, first born in Franklin, N. Y., the rest in Meriden: 250 The Loveland Genealogy. i. Sarah Ann' Todd, b Aug, 14, 1831, m in Plainville, Conn,, Oct, II, 1852, Lucius Burnham, b in Mon tague, Mass,, Dec 10, 1826, Family in Tacoma, Wash, ii. Ellen Augustine Todd, b April 14, 1840, m in M., June 16, 1859, WilHam H, Bangs, b Jan'y 14, 1836, d Aug, II, 1869; m 2d Nov. 25, 1870, George W, Page, Family in Meriden, iii, Edmund Delos Todd, b April 26, 1843, d in hospital at New Haven, Conn., Nov, 26, 1864, In the Union Army; 2d Conn. He ivy Artillery, Buried at M, 365. LEWIS P," LOVELAND (Lewis", Joseph*) was bin Wol cott, Conn,, 1809, m in Plymouth, Conn., April 19, 1S35, Huldah Amanda, dau. of Barnias and Sylvia Humiston Beach, b in P., Nov, 33, 1816, d in Harwinton, Conn., June 7, 1836. He d there Oct 10, 1838, a. 39. Both buried in P. Shoemaker, They had: i, Huldah Amanda', b in H,, June i, 1836, m there June 10, 1858, Albert Martin, son of Enos BunneU and Mrs, Matilda Barnes Moses, b in H,, Sept, 16, 1838, Divorced Sept, 39, 1865, Neglect caused by strong, drink. He d in H., May 29, 1875, She m 3d in P,, Dec, 3, 1871, Nathan Thomas Painter, b in P., Nov, 8, 1S26, d there June 21, 18S6. Children b in Har winton; Charles Albert", b May 3, 1859, m Minnie Flora Brown; Frank Lewis, b AprU 25, 1861, m Emma Austin; Ella Maria, b March 13, 1S64, d June 15, 1865, P. O., Plymouth, 324 ASHBEL* LOVELAND (Josephs, Thomass) was b at Stratford, Conn., about 1741, m Patty (Martha) Wilmot, of Woodbridge, Conn, They settled at Watertown, Conn., 1770. He d there April 22, 1837. She d there Sept 3, 1796, a, 60. The house he purchased in 1770 remained standing until 1885, and had been occupied by five generations. He carried on an exten sive business of tanning and currying and was a manufacturer of shoes. Children born in Watertown: 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 251 375, i, Truman", b about 1759, m Ann Elizabeth Wooster, ii, Martha, m Stark, Family, No report, 376, iii, Landon, b i773) m Rosannah Hungerford, 375. TRUMANs LOVELAND (Ashbel*, Josephs) was b in Watertown, Conn., 1759, m in Oxford, Conn., Ann Elizabeth Wooster, b there about 1766, d at Seymour, Conn., April 2, 1842, a, 76, He d there March 13, 1839, Farmer, Served through the Rev, War. Enlisted aboard the marine ship Trumbull of 28 guns, April 3, 1.777. ^'^ name is in the list of Conn, pensioners. The Trumbull yvas captured off the Delaware Capes by two British ships, the Iris fnd Gen. Monk, in 1781, after a gallant re sistance of more than one hour, during which time she was com pletely dismantled. Children born in Derby, Conn.: i, Ruth Ann", m David Hotchkiss, of Derby, They had: Eliza', m Rufus Buddington, of Stratford, Conn, (Large family); and Truman, m. Family. No reports, u, Eunice, m Edmund Storrs, Family.- No report. 377, in, Sarah Minerva, b Sept, 31, i8o3, m SUas Hawkins, 377. SARAH M." LOVELAND (Truman", Ashbel*) was b in Derby, Conn,, Sept, 3i, 1802, d at Oxford, Conn,, Jan'y 2, 1888; m about 1824, Silas Hawkins, b 1756, d at O,, Oct 15, 1844, Buried in the Old Quaker Farm Cem, Children born in Oxford: i. Silas' Hawkins, b Dec, 8, 1825, d July 3, 1890; unm, 377a, ii, Charles Hawkins, b March 31, 1828, m Louisa J, Johnson. 377A. CHARLES' HAWKINS, b at Oxford, Conn., March 31, 1828, m Dec 17, 1848, Louisa Jane 'Johnson. Farmer. P, O,, Oxford. Children born in Oxford : i. Sarah Minerva" Hawkins, b Jan'y 17, 1853, d at O., July 18, 1863, ii, Mary Louisa Hawkins, b Feb'y 16, 1855, d at O., May 19, 1875. 353 The Loveland Genealogy. iii. Charles Nathan Hawkins, b Aug. 5, 1858, d at O., July 7, 1863, iv, Ira Lincoln Hawkins, b March 16, 1861, m in O,, April 12, 1 88 1, Martha Jane Hubbell, b in O,, May 18, 1859, They have: Mabel Louise', b in O,, Sept 3, 1885, V. Grace Amelia Hawkins, b Aug, iS, 1865, m in O,, April 37, 1890, David Frank Roberts, b in Stratford, Conn,, Sept 3, i860. They have: Elsie May', b in O,, AprU 27, 1891, vi, Robert Zachariah Hawkins, b May 21, 1873. Charles' Hawkins writes, 1890: "From the birth of my grand father,, Zachariah Hawkins, to the present time is 174 years. Father was 69 years old when he married my mother, Sarah M. Loveland, His first wife was Sarah Perry, b}' whom he had seven children. He was married to Sarah Perry, Feb'y 25, 1781, She d Feb'y 24, 1820, a, 58. My grandfather, Capt, Zachariah Hawkins, was five time-i married. He left a widow, had 14, chil dren, 85 grandchildren and 95 great grandchildren. His son Silas, my father, was own brother to Elijah Hawkins who married Abi gail Loveland, I live within a stone's throw of where Elijah and my grandfather died, I enherited some of the land, I have in my possession a captain's commission of Capt, Zachariah Haw kins, dated the 22d of March, 1760, in the 33d year of the reign of Sovereign Lord George the Second, King of Great Britain, We support the Episcopal Church and vote the Republican ticket, and are quite temperate," 376, LANDON" LOVELAND (Ashbel*, Josephs) was b at Watertown, Conn,, 1773, m there Rosannah Hungerford, b in W,, 1769, d there March 23, 1843, a- 74- He d there March 4, 1834, a. 61, Carried on his father's business in Watertown; also farmer, Mary Ann inherited the family Bible containing the family rec ords. She took it with her to Ohio, No one can trace it Sup posed to be lost, — Emily, Children b >rn in Watertown: i, Edmund", b 1797, d Aug, 19, 1817, a, 20, 378. ii. Ashbel, b March 31, 1800, m Ruanna Lewis. The Loveland Genealogy. 353 iii. Maria, b 1805, d Aug. 18, 1834, a. 19, 379, iv, Mary Ann, b Aug. 39, 180S, m Hiram K. Noble, 380, v, Emily, b June 12, 1811, m Chauncey Bidwell, vi. Emeline, b June i3, 181 1, m William Peck, She d at W,, Sept II, 1833, vii, Truman, m Miss Hayden, of Waterbury, Conn, They removed to Rochester, N, Y, Merchant, From Rochester he went to Canada, where he died. 378. ASHBEL" LOVELAND (Landon", Ashbel*) was b in Watertown, Conn., March 31, 1800, m there Ruanna Lewis, b in Watertown, AprU 7, 1799. He d there July 5, 1885. Children born at Watertown: 381. i. Eliza Ann', b May 13, 1S31, m Chas. R. Hinman; m 3d Abel W. Sm'ith. ii. Maria J., b June 6, 1823, m Jan'y i, 1846, Edward Morse. They have: Ellen J.", b June 19, 1847, m William Wheeler. Family. No report. iii. Edmund, b Feb'y 12, 1825, d Aug. 3, 1836. iv. Aim ra E,, b AprU 4, 1828, m in W., Sept. 15, 1847, Henry E, Judd, b in W., March 23, 1825, They have: Alberts, b Feb'y 6, 1849, "i Martha Riggs; and Ella, b 1874, 382. V, EmeHne, b Feb'y 19, 1832, m Charles McNeU, 881. ELIZA ANN' LOVELAND (Ashbel", Landon") was bat Watertown, Conn., May 13, 1S31, m thee May 10, 1S43, Charles R, Hinman, b at Torrington, Conn., May 11, 1831, d at W., Aug, 21, 1859, Carpenter and farmer. She m 3d at W,, Nov, 1, 1876, Abel W, Smith, b at Northfield, Conn., Jan'y 25, 1820. She d at W., Nov. 20, 189 1. She owned the Loveland homestead at Watertown where five generations had been born. Children: l%\a. i, Edla R.s Hinman, b April 21, 1846, m Merritt Hem- minway, Jr, ii. Berkley L, Hinman, b at W„ Aug, 6, 1849, m at W,, Sept 18, 1870, Gertrude Ladd, d there Jan'y 20, 1884, He m 3d Nov,, 1886, Alice Riggs. Boot and shoe dealer. No children. 354 The Loveland Genealogy. 381A. EDLA R.s HINMAN, b in Thomaston, Conn., April 2i, 1846, m at Watertown, Conn,, Sept. 14, 1864, Merritt Hemmin way, Jr,, b at W,, Aug. 9, 1842, Partier in M. Hemminway Silk Company at W, Children born in W,: i, Charles Merritt' Hemminway, b May 16, 1867, m in Brooklyn, N, Y,, Nov, 4, 1891, Jeannette Cochran Callender, b there Jan'y 12, 1S67. He grad, at Yale Coll., class 1888, Has charge of Philadelphia office of silk company. ii, Harry Hinman Hemminway, b Nov, 5, 1869, m Oct 18, 1892, Charlotte B, Lewis, b in W., Dec. 29, 1873. Grad. (1887) from M'hegan Lake Military School, Peekskill, N. Y'. With his father in silk business. 383. EMELINE' LOVELAND (Ashbel", Landon") was b in Watertown, Conn., Feb'y 19, 1832, m Feb'y 5, 1851, Charles Mc NeU, of Litchfield, Conn., b Feb'y 25, 1823. Druggist at Tor rington, Conn. Chi'dren born in Torrington: i, Franks McNeU, b July 13, 1853, m at T., Aug 31, 1876, Addie U. Brooker, b at T., 1856. In drug store. They have: Gertrude H.', b Feb'y i, 1879; Arthur B., b Feb'y 34, iSSi, d March 20, 1886; Ruanna Loveland, b Sept. 16, 1885, ii. Merritt McNiil, b Sept 13, 1865, m at T., Feb'y 8, 1888, Gertrude McClellan Hunter, b in Gardner, Me., April 7, 1865. In drug store, 379. MARY ANN" LOVELAND (Landons, Ashbel*) was b at Watertown, Conn., Aug. 29, 180S, m there Sept. 30, 1831, Hiram K. Noble, b in ColesviUe, N. Y'., April 18, 1808, d in Litchfield, O., April II, 1865. She d there Jan'y 5, 1886. Children, first three born in ColesviUe, fourth in Rochester, O,, fifth in Litchfield: i, DeForest' Noble, b 1832; d. 7 he Loveland Genealogy. 255 ii. Benjamin D, Noble, b Jan'y 19, 1833, m at Canaan, O,, AprU 30, 1856, Mary A. Kimmal, She d in Wellington, O., Oct. 3, 1883, They had: EvaS and William, iii. Mary Rosanna Noble, b Nov, 39, 1834, m in Brigh ton, O,, April 10, 18,5, Charles H, Stone, They have: Florence M,", b in Strongsville, O,, July 14, i860, m Oct 3, 18S3, Charles F. Matterson, of Litch field, O. iv. Edmund B, Noble, b Aug, 10, 1841, m Delia French, v, WilHam W. Noble, b Jan'y 35, 1846, m Mary S, Henry, Druggist in Berea, O, 380. EMILY" LOVELAND (Landon", Ashbel*) was b in Water- town, Conn., June 12, i8ii, m there Jan'y 14, 1834, Chauncey Bidwell, b in W., July 8, 1805. P. O., Thomaston, Conn, They have: i, Henry A,' Bidwell, b in Thomaston, April 8, 1841, m at South Windsor, Conn , Oct 4, 1865, Emily Wol cott She d Feb'y 14, 1879; m 2d Oct, 18, 1879, Martha S, Johnson, They have: Jennie M,s, b in Brooklyn, N. Y,, Dec. 33, 1875; Ida L., b in Wind sor, Conn., Jan'y i, 1879. 7. BENJAMINS LOVELAND (Thomas^ Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., 1716, m there Abigal Hollister, b in G,, Jan'y 26, 1713. He d in Glas., 1754. Court appointed David Hollister his guardian in 1825, the date of his father's death. The estate of Benjamin Loveland was administered by John Miller and Abigal Loveland. His dau. Hope chose Thomas Harris as guardian. His son Benjamin d in the army at Havannah, 1762, in the French and Spanish war with Eng, Children born in Glas,; i. Abigal*, m Benjamin Hunter, Feb'y 4, 1761, She had a dau., Abigal", See Glas, church and deed records, ii. Benjamin, b 1743, d 1763. (jlas. records. 256 The Loveland Genealogy. iii, Hope, b 1744, Court record, iv, Hosea, d 1777, His brother, Lazarus, adm'r. 384. V. Asa, m Mary . His brother, Lazarus, adm'r. 385, vi, Lazarus, b 1750, m Rachel Reeves. 384. ASA* LOVELAND (Benjamins, Thomas^) was b in Glas,, Conn, He was a soldier in the Rev, War and d in the army at Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 34, 1775. He m in Glas., Mary . Children born in Glas,: 386. i, Abigal", b Oct, 30, 1771, m Elijah Hawkins, 387, ii, Benjamin, b Nov, 33, 1773, m Hannah Hinman, 388, iii, Sarah, m Scott Baker, iv. Martha, m Anson Little, 386. ABIGALs LOVELAND (Asa*, Benjamin") was b in Glas., Conn., Oct, 30, 1771, in in Oxford, Conn., Elijah Hawkins, b there July 2, 1748, d there Feb'y 23, 1809, She d there May 10, 1830. Farmer, Children born in Oxford : 386a, i, Asa" Hawkins, b Aug, 18, 1796, m Hannah Wooden, ii, Phebe Hawkins, b Jan'y 33, 1803, m Morris, One child, AU dead. iii. Sarah Hawkins, b July 11, 1804, m Clark Tomlinson. They had: George' and William. No report. iv, Martha Maria Hawkins, b Sept, 30, 1S07, m Burr, She d April 30, 1839, No fam, 386A. ASA" HAWKINS, b in Oxford, Conn,, Aug, 18, 1796, m there Hannah Wooden, b Oct. 11, 1798, d there Feb'y 12, 1885, He d there Dec, 9, 1868, Children born in Oxford: i, Lewis' Hawkins, b March 29, 1822, m in O., Dec. 24, 1854, Mary Grace Holbrook, b in O., July 14, 1834. They have, b in O, : Henrietta Augusa", b March 30, 1856, m Frank P. Wooster, Oct 15, 1879; Mary Lewis, b Dec, 20, 1858; Phebe A,, b Nov. 25, 1864, d Aug. 3, 1869. WIIl^LEAM S lAlKiEl. The Loveland Genealogy. 357 n, William Hawkins, b July 15, 1824, d Oct, 23, 1835. 3863, Hi, Jane Hawkins, b Feb'y 20, 1S28, m M, F, Sharpe, iv, Maria Hawkins, b Aug. 14, 1S31, m in O., Oct. 21, 1855, Samuel Everett Hubbell, b in O., June, 1830, She d in O,, Feb'y 3, 1879, FamUy at O, V, Mary Hawkins, b Jan'y 24, 1834, d May 20, 1834, vi. John Hawkins, b May 4, 1836, m in O., Aug., 1866, Harriet Wooster. No family, vii, Phebe Hawkins, b June 2, 1838, m in O., July 4, 1858, George Lewis Hubbell, b in O., 1833, d there Aug. 13, 1867, She m 2d July 27, 1876, WiUiam L, Chadwick, FamUy, viii, Samuel Hawkins, b Sept, 30, 1840, m in O,, Sept, 30, 1869, Celestia W, Stoddard, b in O., AprU 21, 1848, Family, 386B. JANET HAWKINS, b in Oxford, Conn., Feb'y 20, 1828, m there Nov. 25, 1849, Minot F, Sharpe, b at Newton, Conn., June 6, 1828, She d in Seymour, Conn., Dec, 17, 1873, They had, born in N, : i, Frankhn Newton" Sharpe, b Oct, 26, 1855, m in Hart ford, Conn., Sept 17, 1884, Chariotte E, White, b there, 1862. Broker. They have: Roy Sherman', b in H,, Dec, 3, 1886. n. Carrie EsteUa Sharpe, b Oct. 22, 1857, m in S,, Sept, 23, 1879, WUliam Nelson Woodruff, b in Orange, N. J., June 23, 1846. Inventor of Woodruff's sys tem of keying. No family. P. O., Hartford, 387, BENJAMINS LOVELAND (Asa*, Benjamins) was b in Glas,, Conn., Nov. 23, 1773, m at Oxford, Conn., Feb'y 29, 1796, Hannah, dau, of John Hinman, b in O., Sept 13, 1777, d in Scipio, N, Y,, Dec. 18, 1847, He d there Nov, 19, 1845, Carpenter, Children, the first three born in O., the rest at Scipio; 389, i, Abijah", b Nov, 1 1, 1797, m Polly Cowell, 390. ii. Asa, b Dec. 23, 1799, m Susan C. Hinman. 358 The Loveland Genealogy. iii, Alfred, b Dec. 35, 1801, m in S., Dec, 10, 1838, Eliza Ramsey. She d in S., Jan'y 4, 1S43. He m 2d in S,, Diantha Fish, He d in Auburn, N, Y,, Oct 18, 1870, Family, No report, iv, Sarah, b June 14, 1804, m in S,, Feb'y 20, 1822, Ste phen Reynolds, b Dec, 19, 1798, d Nov, 23, 1847-48. She d at Eaton Rapids, Mich., Jan'y 4, 1850, They had sixteen children. V, Abigal, b May 15, 1806, d Aug, 18, 1806, vi, Martha, b Aug, 18, 1807, m in S., June 30, 1839, Jacob Bela Powers, She d in Groton, N, Y,, Nov, i, 1852, He d there Sept 15, 1879, No family. vn, Mary, b Nov, 13, 1809, m in S., Jan'y 26, 1837, Mar cus Powers, b in Groton, Feb'y 23,1811, d in Mo ravia, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1887, Family, vni. John Coe, b June 29, 1813, m at Ingleside, N, Y,, March 20, 1856, Nancy Stone, b at Geddes, N, Y,, May 18, 1819. He d at I., Aug, 23, 1887, No fam. ix. Michael D, H., b Sept. 10, 18 16, m at Ithaca, X. Y., Nov. 24, 1839, Caroline Ackerman. She d Jan'y 13, 1894, a. 71 y., 6 m., 3 d. No family. 889. ABIJAH" LOVELAND (Benjamin", Asa*) was b at Ox ford, Conn., Nov. 11, 1797, m at Auburn, N. Y"., Feb'y 37, 1821, Polly Cowell, b at Albany, N. X ., Dec..26, 1797, d at Grand Rap ids, Mich., Sept 10, 1865. He d there June 21, 1872. Carpenter. Both buried at Homer, Mich. Children, the third born in Scipio, N. Y., the fourth in Ira, N. Y^, the rest in Auburn; 391. i. Polly Ann', b Jan'y 3S, 1S30, m Bela S. Brooks. ii. John Wesley, b Jan'y 4, 1S33, m July 3, 1854, Caro line Van Bramer. He d at Detroit, Mich., Feb'y 11,1883. They had; William A." No report. in. Stephen Henry, b Oct. 33, 1834, m in IMentz, N. Y., Dec. iS, 1 86 1, Anna Houghtaling, b in Kingston, N. Y., April 29, 1S41. Merchant Rep, They have; Minnie", b in Auburn, April 28, 1865, m in Quincy, Mich,, Dec. 16, 1S80, Hugh C. Alger, b there 1863, They have; Olin Loveland', b March 13. iSSa. The Loveland Genealogy. 259 iv, William Benjamin, b July 7, 1S36, m in Auburn, Dec. 14, 1859, Elizabeth Van Keuren, b in Mentz, N. Y., Jan'y 6, 1837. He d at Grand Rapids, Jan'y 8, 1893, No children, 392. V, Abijah Hinman, b July 23, 1838, m Mary A, Babcock. 391. POLLY A.' LOVELAXD (Abijah", Benjamins) was b in Auburn, N. Y., Jan'y 38, 1830, m there Aug. 5, 1851, Bela Smith Brooks, b in Roxbury, N, Y',, May 26, 1823. Rep, M, E. Ch, They moved to Mich., 1865. She was 2d wife to -Mr. Brooks. His first wife was Caroline Martha Woodworth, b in Georgetown, N, Y., July 22, 1823, m in Cincinnatus, N. Y., Jan'y i, 1843, d in Scipio, N, Y^,, Jklarch 14, 1851. M. E. Ch. Children; i. Harriet Celestia Brooks, b in Marathon, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1844, m May 9, 1873, Charles C, Philbrick, b in Cassopolis, Mich., Nov. 22, 1864. Hardware mer chant at Grand Rapids, Mich. Rep. M. E. Ch. No children. u. George Leibbens Brooks, b in Scipioville, N, Y,, March 29, 1847, M, E, Ch, He d Aug, 24, 1864, in the service of his country. National Cemetery, Baltimore, ui. John Howard Brooks, b at S,, March 12, 1851, m at JonesviUe, Mich,, Oct 4, 1872, Ruth Campbell, b Nov, 5, 1852, Farmer. M, E. Ch. They have: Harvey Olin, b Sept 30, 1878; Harriet Irene, b Feb'y 9, 1884; Raymond Richmond, b June 21, 1887. iv. Stephen OHnS Brooks, b Feb'y 28, 1853. Mercantile business in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of a commer cial college. Republican. 393. ABIJAH H,' LOVELAND (Abijah", Benjamin") was b at Ira, N,Y,, July 23, 1838, m at Auburn, N. Y., Sept 25, 1866, Mary A. Babcock, b in Cortland, N. Y., Dec 21, 1844. Carriage maker. P. O., Hastings, Mich. Children, first two born in A„ third in AUen, Mich., fourth in Hillsdale, Mich,: 26o The Loveland Genealogy. i, Fred D,", b Aug. 9, 1867, m March 3, 1887, Delia Vrooman, b in Hastings, Nov. 26, 1867, Tailor, ii. Will H., b Sept, 12, 1868. Clerk in store. iii, Frank Stephen, b Sept. 8, 1873, d July 11, 1886, iv, Lizzie L., b Sept, 23, 1877. 390. ASA" LOVELAND (Benjamins, Asa*) was b in Oxford, Conn., Dec. 23, 1799, m at Auburn, N. Y., May i, 1828, Susan Caroline Hinman, b in Derby, Conn., July 20, 1806, d Oct. 24, 1855; he d Feb'y 9, 1849; both buried in Fair Haven, a suburb of New Haven, Conn. Manufacturer of brushes. Children, first born in Scipio, N. Y., the second in Auburn: i, Harriet Caroline', b May 15, 1829, She lives in New Haven, Conn., and rendered valuable aid in collect ing the records of her relatives. She is a woman of more than ordinary ability, li, Almeda Hinman, b Sept, 17, 1833. 388. SARAH" LOVELAND (Asa*, Benjamin") wash in Glas., Conn., and d in Bridgeport, Conn., 1794-95, of smallpox. She m 1790, Scott, son of Anthony Baker of Cape Cod, Mass,, b about 1768. His older brothers were soldiers in the Rev. War, and soon after its close the family settled in Nova Scotia. Scott came from there to Bridgeport about 1785. They moved to Bakerville, Conn., about 1810, where he d Sept 19, 1852. Scott Baker m 2d Mary Beush and had children. Names not reported. Tanner and shoemaker. Children born in Bridgeport; 388a, i, Asa" Baker, b 1791, m Deborah Keeler, l%%b. \\. Jesse Baker, b Sept 18, 1794, m Charlotte Burr, 388A. ASA" BAKER, bin Bridgeport, Conn,, 1791, m at South Salem, N, X ., Oct 14, 1S13, Deborah Keeler, b there Dec, 1789, d in New Hartford, Conn,, Dec 24, 1871. He d in Granville, Mass., Sept 30, 1833. Farmer. Children, first two born in Bakerville, Conn,, third in New Hartford, the rest in Granville: The Loveland Genealogy. 201 388c, i. WUUam Swayze' Baker, b Nov. 28, 1814, m Fanny M, Rogers, ii, Sarah Baker, b Sept., 1816; unm, ¦^M. in, John Fletcher Baker, b Oct,, 1817, m Clara Benjamin, 388^, iv, Scott Baker, b March 2, 1819, m Abbie E, Burwell, V, Charles Linus Baker, b July 4, 1824, d May, 1849, vi, Emily Baker, m Hiram Pond, He d. She m 2d Chauncey Johnson, They had: Ella Emily", b Aug, 22, 1852, m G. S, Carroll— no family; Myra Louise, b Dec. 4, 185S, d July 9, 1878, 388C. WILLIAM SWAY'ZE' BAKER, b in Bakerville, Conn., Nov. 28, 1814, m at New Hartford, Conn., Nov. 15, 1S40, Fanny M., dau, of Daniel and Margaret Rogers, b in N, H,, Sept, 16, 1821. He was a lecturer and teacher and was associated with the Hon, Horace Mann, Hon, Henry Barnard and others in educa tional work. He d in Collinsville, Conn., March 16, 1886, Chil dren, first two born in Harwinton, Conn,, the last in Burlington, Conn.:388/", i, Edward Everett" Baker, b April 16, 1842, m Rosetta L, Fenn. ii. Albert Hebard Baker, b Oct, 18, 1845, d at New Berne, N, C, May 21, 1862; unm. He enlisted in the 8th Conn,, and d in the government hospital; reinterred May, 1S70, in South West Cemetery, Canton, Conn, iii. Frank RusseU Baker, b April 15, 1855, m at Hartford, Conn,, Nov, 14, 1888, Anna A. Gray, dau, of John Chevious and Emma Kingman Hall Gray, b in Hol land, Vt, June 30, 1859, Carpenter and farmer. They have: Robert Howard Baker, b Aug, 10, 1886; adopted from the county home. His name before adoption was Robert Boax, His father and mother were husband and wife and no relation of the Bakers, P, O., CoUinsville, Conn, WUHam S. Baker was remarkable in his boyhood for being of a studious nature. By diligent home study winter evenings, sup- i^i The Loveland Genealogy. plemented by the district school and a few terms at an academy, he mastered the intricacies of mathematics and elementary science. His father being poor necessitated him to go out early to service, and when, in 1833, his father was killed by the kick of a horse, the care and support of the family fell to the management of him and his mother. His qualifications enabled him to teach school. By this occupation and farming he managed to support the family. We find him in turn teaching the district schools at Gran ville, Mass., Bakerville and Nepaug, Conn,, and later in charge of the new academy at Bakerville, He was a good school teacher, and enthusiastic and conscien tious in his work. His services were in great demand by school committees, and their competition to secure him gave him wide spread notoriety. He was a pioneer in the normal methods of in struction, which at this time were but little known in the New England towns, and a strong adv'ocate of graded schools, Nov, 15, 1840, Sunday, he was publicly married to one of his former pupils in the Bakerville M. E. Church. This accomplished and intelligent lady, Fanny Matilda, was the youngest daughter of Daniel and Margaret Smith Rogers, a descendant of John Rogers, the English martyr. Mr. and Mrs. Baker both taught school the first year of their married life, in West Brewer and West Dennis, Mass, They then set up housekeeping at the Cape, where he taught during the win ter of 1841-2, Here his special talent attracted the notice of Hon, Horace Mann, the great New England educator, who was devot ing his whole time to the cause of education, Mr. Mann secured his services in normal school and institute work. In 1848 we find him editor of the Rhode Island Practical Teacher, In 1851 he entered the employ of Hon, Henry Barnard, LL, D., as itinerant educator, traveling and speaking in every school society in the State and making many lifelong friends. In 1856 he went to Minnesota and Missouri, where he was engaged in educational work three years. In 1857-She was agentof State Teachers' Asso ciation, headquarters at St, Louis, In 1865 he accepted a position with Collins & Co,, as traveling salesman in the western and southern States, He visited the Andersonville Rebel Prison, col- The Loveland Genealogy. 26JJ lected the material for his lecture on the "Atrocities of Anderson ville," which drew large audiences. He also visited many of the Freedmen schools, advising them on the possibilities of getting education under difficulties. The last few years of his life were devoted to farming and teaching select schools, winters. He was a strong anti-slavery man, benevolent to a fault, ever ready to as sist the needy, and if necessary sacrifice his last dollar for their good. In school government he was firm, yet kind and, full of sympathy for the unfortunate. He sought by a pure life to lead others to high morals and noble daring. Who shall say his work yfas not well done, and that the many crosses he had to bear will not lead to a brighter crown? — F, R, Baker, In Barnard's Journal of Education, Vol, 14 (New series. Vol. 4), Sept, 1864, is a portrait of Mr. Baker and a complimentary sketch of his educational work. Through the courtesy of Hon, Henry Barnard, at the request of his son Frank, we are enabled to have the same portrait of this distinguished educator in this volume, 388F. EDWARD E,8 BAKER, b in Harwinton, Conn,, AprU 16, 1842, m June 19, 1864, Rosetta Lavina Fenn, b in BurUngton, Conn,, May 23, 1S44. He served in the Union Army: Battery B, ist Conn, Artillery, Millwright and buildei^. Children born in Harwinton: i. Dennis G,' Baker, b Jan'y 2, 1867, m in W,, Jan'y 36, 1888, Carrie, dau, of Jonathan Balch, They have: Addie Louiseio, b in H., March 18, 1889, ii, Emma AurUla Baker, b Aug,, 1869, m in H., April 4, 1889, Clifford Wood, She obtained divorce and m 3d in H,, Nov. 39, 1894, Frank A, Cleveland, b in H,, AprU 26, 1869. iii. Eva Louise Baker, b Feb'y 8, 1875, d March 13, 1878. 888D. JOHN F.' BAKER, b in Hartford, Conn., Oct, 1817, m in Salisbury, Conn., May 14, 1847, Clara Benjamin, b in Sheffield, Mass., July 39, 1834, d in New Haven, Conn., Oct 16, 1890. He dat Bristol, Conn,, March 11, 1895, Both buried at Winsted, ±6^ The Loveland Genealogy. Conn, Children, first born in Salisbury, second in New Hartford, Conn,, the third in Winsted: i. Emmerson J, s Baker, b Feb'y 14, 1848, d Oct, 8, 1849, ii, Emma C, Baker, b Sept, 25, 1850^ d Sept, 8, 1851. iii. Ellis B. Baker, b Sept. 24, 1854, m in Meriden, Conn., Sept 15, 1876, Mary G. Frost, b in Bristol, Conn., Nov. II, 1852. Supt. of Southern N, E, Telephone, Children: Ellis B,', b in M., July 24, 1877; CaroU F,, b in Springfield, Mass,, Jan'y 2, 1880, 388E. SCOTT' BAKER, b in GranviUe, Mass., March 2, 1819, m in Bakerville, Conn., Sept. 20, 1846, Abbie E. Burwell, b in Mil ford, Conn,, March 31, 181 8, d AprU 30, 1894. Wood turner. Children, first three born in Bakerville, the last in Birmingham, Conn,: i, Robert Scott" Baker, b Aug, 16, 1847, d Dec, i, 1865, H. Mary Louise Baker, b Jan'y 4, 1849, m in B., Nov, i, 1866, WiUiam L. Flynn, Supt of the Detroit Knit ting and Corset Works. They have, b in Detroit, Mich,; Robert Lansing', b Sept 10, 1867; Bertha Gardiner, b June 17, lS7i,d Jan'y 2, 18S9; WUliam Burwell, b March 4, 1875, iii, Clara Elizabeth Baker, b Nov. 31, 1854, iv. Scott Robert Baker, b Oct 2, 1856; m. Has a dau,, b Sept 21, 1894, Physician, No report. 888B. JESSE" BAKER, b in Bridgeport, Conn,, Sept 18, 1794, m there Chariotte Burr, b there Dec, 21, 1795, d in East Hartford, Conn., 1869-70. He was in the War 1812. Traveling preacher. Died west. Children: 388^, i, Asa Burr' Baker, b Oct. 15, 1815, m Prudence Rhodes, ii, Jesse Lee Baker, b Nov. 23, 1816, d July 3, 1824. iii. Mary Baker, b Dec 11, 1818, m Sanford S. Under wood. She d in Hartford, Conn., July 17, 1887. No report. The Loveland Genealogy. 265 iv. Sarah Ann Baker, b June 8, 1832, m Charles Corps. She d in Windsor Locks, Conn,, May 15, 1847. No report, 388^, V. Caroline Baker, b Oct, 10, 1834, m F, I, Frisbie. vi. George Baker, b March 9, 1827; m. No family. He , was in the Mexican War, and died of a fever soon after the capture of Mexico, 388/, vii, Harriet Baker, b Jan'y 4, 1829, m Charles Deming, viii, Jane C, Baker, b Jan'y 9, 1831, d May i, 1835. 388;'. ix. Charles Wesley Baker, b March 8, 1834, m Philadel phia Scott, X. Charlotte Jane Baker, b June 20, 1836, m Sept, 12, 1855, Benj, Wilcox, She d in East Hartford, Nov. 5, 1893. They had: George K.s, m Lizzie Palmer; Frederick B., m Kate Lester. 388G-. ASA B.' BAKER, b Oct 15, 1815, m in Glas,, Conn,, Nov, 20, 1836, Prudence Rhodes, b in Wethersfield, Conn., Sept 24, 1818, d in Plainville, Conn., AprU, 1857. Children, first born in Glas,, second in Aliddletown, Conn,, the rest in Plainville: i. Marshall Asa" Baker, b Oct. 2, 1837, d Nov. 29, 1844, ii, Herschell Burr Baker, b July i, 1839, m in Forestville, Conn., Oct. 12, 1864, Sarah Atkins, d in P., Sept 20, 1871. He m 2d June 6, 1887, Josephine Pal- meter, They have, b in P,: Edward Burr', b April 16, 1868; Lottie May, b AprU 24, 1871, in, Everett Murray Baker, b Dec, 9, 1841, m in Sunder land, Mass., Oct 30, 1871, Eliza Winslow. They have: Minnie Belle', b in P., Feb'y 17, 1873, iv. Georgianna Baker, b Oct 4, 1843, d July 29, 1852. V. MarshaU D, Baker, b May i, 1845, d July 21, 1853, vi. Ransom Lee Baker, b May 4, 1847, m in P., Sept 33, 1868, S, Electa Carter, They have, b in P,: Elton BurweU', b July 19, 1869; Charies Ransom, b Dec 33, 1876, vu. Herbert Henry Baker, b May 6, 1849, d July 21, 1852. 466 The Loveland Genealogy. 888H. CAROLINE' BAKER, b in BurUngton, Conn., Oct lo, 1834, m in Farmington, Conn., Jan'y i, 1843, Frederick Israel Frisbie, b in Middlebury, Conn., March 7, 183 1, Foreman in'fac- tory of railway news agents' supplies. Rep, Cong, Ch, P. O,, St, Louis, Mo, Children: i, Ellen Augustas Frisbie, b in Hartford, Conn,, Sept. 8, 1847, m in Bunker Hill, 111., April 10, 1873, WU liam Ferrel Bohn, dealer in railway news agents' supplies; ofifice and factory in St. Louis, Mo. Chil dren b in St. Louis: Harry Frisbie', b March 2, 1874; Charles Duncan, b Jan'y 39, 1876; WilHam Frederick, b Aug. 34, 1878; Jesse Isabel, b June 39, 1880, d Aug. 13, 1881 ; Lillian May, b July 4, 1882; Ethel Jennie, b Feb'y 4, 1885; John Wesley, b Nov. I, 1888; George Perry, b June 13, 1891. ii, Charlotte Jane Frisbie, b in New Haven, Conn,, May 21, 1855, m in St Louis, June 13, 1888, Commodore Perry Short Children b in River Falls, Wis,: Harry Perry', b Aug. 3, 1889, d July 11, 1890; Jo seph Emory, b Nov. 24, 1891, d Sept 23, 1892; Frederick, b Nov. 24, 1891, ni, Jennie Whitney Frisbie, b in Watertown, Conn,, Jan'y 20, 1859, 8881. HARRIET' BAKER, b in East Hartford, Conn., Jan'y 4, 1829, m there Jan'y 4, 1848, Charles Deming, b there Oct 29, 1826, She d in St Louis, Mo,, Dec. 15, 1886, Brokerage and commission, P, O., St, Louis, Children: i, Charies Elliotts Deming, b in E. H., April 22, 1850, d in Alton, 111., Aug. 19, 1858. n, AUce Baker Deming, b in E. H., May 17, 1852, m Jan'y 14, 1873, Robert Lester WiUis. Children b in St Louis: Roy Lester', b Jan'y 13, 1S75; Zoe Bes sie, b April 29, 1S78. iii, Frank Lucius Deming, b in St Louis, May 3, 1857, ra there Pauline Gray, Children born in St Louis: Harry', CaroU E. and Helen. The Loveland Genealogy. 3^7 iv. Everett Brainard Deming, b in St Louis, Sept, 13, i860, m Carrie Spratt, b in Galena, 111, They had: Cecil Kershaw', V, Arthur Willie Deming, b Sept, 34, 1863. vi, Laura Lillian Deming, b Oct, 19, 1865, d April 19, 1870 vii. Harriet Judd Deming, b in St. Louis, July 3i, 1868. 888J. CHARLES W.' BAKER, b in Glas., Conn., March 8, 1834, m in N. Y, City, Jan'y, 1864, PhUadelphia Scott, b in London, Eng,, June, 1839, Children, first and third born in St, Louis, Mo,, the second in Burlington, Conn, : i, George W," Baker, b Nov., 1864, u, Emma J, Baker, b March, 1866, m in St, Louis, Dec, 7, 1886, Frederick L, Frantz, They have: Florence B,9, b in St Louis, Dec, 19, 1887. iii, Lillie L, Baker, b Aug,, 1870, 885. LAZARUS* LOVELAND (Benjamins, Thomas^) was b in Glas,, Conn., about 1750, m there Aug. 4, 1773, Rachel, dau. of John Reeves. No record of her birth or death. She probably outlived her husband, who d at South Glas., Feb'y 3i, 1823, a. 73- He was in the Rev. War. (See Conn. Roster, p. 385.) The Glas. Record of Families, Book B, p. 140, gives: i. Rachel", b Dec. 13, 1774. ii. Anna, b April 16, 1776. in, Hosea, b Feb'y 14, 1778 (Paine Gen,, b Oct 26), iv, Asa, b Oct, 26, 1779. V. Luther, b Aug. 16, 1781. vi. John, b July 6, 1784, d at sea Feb'y 16, 1806. 393. vii, Jesse, b Sept, 6, 1786, m Lucretias Paine, viii, Sarah, b Feb'y 9, 1789. ix. Molly, b Feb'y 13, 1791 (nicknamed Nabby), 394, X, Lydia, b Dec, i, 1792, m Luther Paine, xi. Harvey, b Feb'y 4, 1795. xn. OHver, b Aug, i, 1798, d at S, Glas,, Sept 13, 1822. xiii. Samuel (one authority James), b July 22, 1800. xiv, Polly, b May 10, 1S02 (Paine Gen,, b Aug, 2), 268 The Loveland Genealogy. Lazarus Loveland lived and died in the same house where his son Jesse was born and died, and where the nine children of Jesse were born. He entered the American Army early in the War of the Revolution, and continued in the service to the triumphant cessation of hostilities. He was an active participant in most of its important battles. While he aimed to make his own home a constant source of happiness to his family, his own daily life illus trated the Puritanical exactness and rigid applications of principles so characteristic of the times. His la'er years were pleasantly spent in quiet retirement, and in the cultivation of his little farm, beautifully situated among the hills of his native town. It gave him pleasure to recall and vividly describe the many heart thrilling experiences through which he had passed while fighting his coun try's battles whenever he found an attentive and interested listener. The old house in which he passed his symmetrical and well ordered life was burned in the year 1873. Rachel Loveland, wife of Lazarus Loveland, was a very social woman and naturally en joyed the society of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was conscientious in the strictest sense, and particularly punc tilious regarding the observance of the Sabbath, She had also a tenderly sympathetic nature which prompted generous gifts of material aid and the expression of loving words of consolation to the poor and afflicted. She died at a very advanced age, a mem ber of the Presbyterian Church, She was beloved by all who knew her, 393, JESSES LOVELAND (Lazarus*, Benjamins) was b in South Glas,, Conn,, Sept, 6, 1786, m there Aug. 30, 18 13 (Paine Genealogy), LucretiaS, dau. of John Paine, b in Southold, N. Y,, AprU 21, 1794, d at S, Glas., Sept. 10, 1876, He d there Sept 19, 1868, Children born at S, Glas,: i. RoUin Reeves", b Oct i, 1817, m 1856, Lydia Jean nette Richmond, b at Meriden, Conn, Carpenter, They had, b in East Hartford, Conn,: James M,',b June 13, 1858; Frederick, b Oct 15, 1861. The Loveland Genealogy. 260 ii, Chariotte Ann, b Aug. 3, 1819, m at Wellington, Conn., Emory Williams. She d at Wellington, 1869. They had: Jennie' and a son, Jennie m and has two children and resided (1879) at Holyoke, Mass. She was a gifted singer and received appointments in the choirs of several churches. Her brother served in the War of the Rebellion, After his return home to Holyoke he was found dead ; supposed to have bten shot. Hi, Luther Paine, b April 26, 1821, m at Hartford, Conn,, Celia Hard, They had: Frank', m 1 881, and Alice, m iSSi, iv, James Monroe, b Feb'y 14, 1823, d 1836, 395, V. Alfred Lawrence, b Feb'y 24, 1825, m Martha O. Lee. 396, vi. Francis Harvey, b July 2, 1828, m Harriet P, Doolittle, vn, Lydia Jane, b M.ay 12, 1830, d Nov, 14, 1846, vin, Benjamin Franklin, b July 6, 1834, "" at New Haven, Conn., 1866, Mary Hobson Bolles, b in New Lon don, Conn, They have: Lydia Jane', Albert Rol- lin. Flora Ann, Mary EHassic, Lena Frances and Benjamin Franklin, ix. Harriet Lucretia, b May 17, 1836, m at Hartford, June 13, 1854, William Henry Durang, b at Wilbra- ham, Mass., Dec. 3, 1821, d at Brooklyn, N. Y,, March 19, 1874. She d there Oct 18, 1889. They have, b ip B.: William Henry', b May 3, 1855, and Charles Edward, b April 33, 1S59. Jesse Loveland was a housebuilder by occupation. He was born in the house in which he lived and died. He led an unevent ful life, was a quiet man, a great reader and a deep thinker. He was identified with the reform party of the times, rallied under the banner of "Jefferson and Liberty." On his return from the war (1812) he was enthusiastically received by his fellow townsmen and was chosen captain of the town militia company by acclama tion, which office he held many years. He was earnestly patriotic and devoted to the welfare of his country. His wife, Lucretia 270 The Loveland Genealogy. Paine Loveland, was a most exemplary Christian woman and an ardent and consistent member of the Wethersfield Episcopal Church, Her memory is held in deeja affectionate remembrance by her large family of children. She was a woman of deep aijd enthusiastic religious nature. She did not reason to conclusions, she simply believed all things, hoped all things and was happy in that condition. She had a wonderful store of information regard ing the useful things of life and its duties. She was family phy sician, tailor, instructor and woman of all work. She was emi nently a home woman and derived her chief happiness from its daily round of experience. Their son, Benjamin Franklin Loveland, learned the art of moulding in all its branches. The confinement proving irksome he engaged in the business of whaling — had command of a vessel many years. He was a courageous captain and single handed sub dued a mutinous crew who had demanded the surrender of the vessel for piratical purposes. Pie is at present (1884) engaged in the business of stock raising on the Pacific slope. He owns large tracts of land including several islands. He resides at Coupville, Island County, Washington. 395. REV, ALFRED L." LOVELAND (Jesse", Lazarus*) was b in South Glas., Conn., Feb'y 24, 1835, m at North Granby, Conn., Oct. 9, 1850, Martha Olivia Lee, dau. of George and Ada- line Hayes Lee, of Granby, b there Jan'y 13, 1S3S. He d at N, G,, Sept, 22, 1884, Children, first born at Norwich, Conn,, the rest at Granby : i. Flora', b Aug, i, 1851, d Aug. 17, 1865, ii, Lottie, b Sept 15, 1858, d Aug, 16, 1865, in. Marius, b Oct 9, 1867, In Texas. Mr. Loveland in early life learned the mason's trade, but being of a literary turn of mind he sought every opj^ortunity to add to his store of practical and useful knowledge. When his attention was called to the ministry he entered upon a course of study under the supervision of Rev. H, B, Soule, and was ordained by the Hartford County Association of Universalists, Jan'y, 1848. His The Loveland Genealogy. 271 ministerial labors were with the congregations at Granby, Nor wich, Lyme, Goshen, Barkham, Street, Winchester and Somers, Conn,, and Granville, Mass, He owned a large and successfully conducted fruit farm at North Granby, He was a frequent con tributor to various religious, reformatory, agricultural and scientific periodicals. He held the appointment several years of State lec turer under the auspices of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, Martha Olivia Lee, wife of Rev. A. L, Loveland, graduated at the Southwich, Mas',, High School, and before her marriage spent several years in teaching. Her sister, Mary Victoria Lee, only other child of George Lee and Adaline Hayes, graduated from the medical department of Michigan University at Ann Ar bor. She is a successful lady physician. Mrs, Loveland's grandfather, Orrin Lee, was a person of rare natural gifts and accomplishments. He had noble endowments of mind characteristic of the highest type of development which prompted a continual life of usefulness. His venerable and com manding presence constituted a perpetual inspiration in the direc tion of honor, REV. ALFRED L. LOVELAND. A TRIBUTE BY MARY I,. HART, READ AT THE MEMORIAI, SERVICE IN THE UNIVERSAI.IST CHURCH, GRANBY, OCT. 12, 1884. With the unerring revolu'ion of Time's wheel we are brought again to the Sabbath day of rest, and into the sacred sanctuary dedicated to the one universal God who is the same yesterday, to day and forever. But five Sundays ago a little band of faithful worshippers heard from this desk those sweet words of Christ— "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be fiUed," — and they came from one whose hunger and thirst had bi-en filled with joy and peace; who had drank at the fountain of living waters, and been fed by the Hand of Infinite Love. How carelessly the words fell on those who listened to the be loved teacher! They co.uld not understand how life's short day was ebbing to its close. After fifty-nine years of a continuous step. ping towards heaven, in the ripened beauty of manhood and far. 272 The Loveland Genealogy. reaching influence and glorified consumation of a ministerial career, the death angel has laid his icy touch upon the shepherd of this flock, "I have laid help upon one who is mighty; I have exalted one chosen of the people." "And we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand." But a few days ago, a day so filled with sorrow and mystery that it seems almost like a dream, underneaih this desk, shrouded in its emblems of woe, surrounded by tributes of loving hands like a king in regal stated lay the pastor and fritnd whose life had been made up of heroic deeds, and whose heart-throbs had been given to the cause of truth and the good of humanity. From the hillsides and valleys they came — a vast throng, tear ful and mourning because of t^eir great love for him. Indeed, a mighty man among men had fallen! Upon his noble brow God had set his sign and seal and giving to the world an assurance of a man. My feeble pen can give no fitting memorial tribute to the life and character of a man like him. Like many of you, I have set at his feet and been taught les sons of faith and resignation. From the open page of nature's book he has gained inspiration and led us step by step through na ture up to nature's God. When sorrow has entered our own dwelling, and sickness and death has walked hand in hand with us, across the hills has come many a ray of sunshine, and words of blessed promise have fallen upon our bleeding hearts like dews of heaven upon the thirsty earth. He was tender and gentle as a woman, with the self reliance and fearlessness of a Christ, Is it sacrilege that when the frail tene ment was given back "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust," in yonder quiet cemetery thoughts of the Savior's grave came to us? And as apology for our own fast falling tears it was a blessed comfort to think that even Jesus wept at the grave of one he loved, • • It is a rare thing to find a character of inflexible uprightness of purpose and wherever such exist they are the salt of the earth. The living strive but the dead alone are glorious. The light of a good life never goes out JOHN LOVELAND. (28). The Loveland Genealogy. 273 We say of the casket that shielded the gem of utmost value as we lay it to its repose after Hfe's fitful fever is over: "It sleeps well!" But the memory of those who pass through the "Beauti ful Gates Ajar" are sunsh'ne in our hearts forevermore. To the widowed heart of her who has walked in daily companionship for thirty four years of sunshine and shade, and to the one deprived of the watchful care and guidance of a father's love, do we feel especially drawn, for onlj' in the home circle can they truly under stand how fearful a thing it is to love what death can touch. Like those who sat seven days and seven nights to comfort one of old, we find no words but sit down with the multitude — for upon all has the shadow fallen and all are mourners. As we enter this church we seem to see again the fond eyes beaming with wondrous beauty, the tongue moves in silvery sweet ness at the movements of the soul, and the beloved presence falls upon us like a father's benediction. The very air is full of his presence and his influence lingers around us like grateful perfumes. The gentle guide, with hand white as the driven snow, beckons us on and makes us patient to "labor and wait," As he led and taught us here, so wUl he greet us on the confines of the new country — and what marvels of travel wUl he unfold to our enrap tured vision as we move on in that existence where every presence is a halo and a joy forever! In the lofty chambers of God's great universe, like clouds gather the beckoning hands, and like doves home to their win dows are we winging our way. Those in the sere and yeUow leaf of their pilgrimage, the youth in life's green spring, and the little buds of a summer's day are passengers to the skies. In this dispensation of Providence we find it hard to see the di vine will done on earth as it is done in heaven, and amid the busy sound of life's duties we pause and look out upon the hills of God from whence cometh strength. In the consciousness of our great immortality we revel and ex patiate in the life to come. It is the omnipresent thought and re lieves the burdened heart and "casts off the pain-thrObs of this mo mentary existence. Through the blessed teachings of our trans-. 274 The Loveland Genealogy. lated Shepherd we sit down to the feast of the immortals, and in this high life we find God our father who dwelleth in immortality. As of those who have been down in the midst of sorrow and the vale of tears, we find it especially sweet, as we come to the feast, to feel in our inmost soul that we have a friend who "stick- eth closer than a brother," and we realize all that sweetness in the knowledge that Jesus is our companion who leads the way to the new and ever increasing discoveries of that world of light where no darkness shall enfold us nor mystery trouble us. One by one "we shall know as we are known," Voices will come to us out of the mist like the sound of many waters. Music softer than the harmony of the spheres shall sing down the hills of heaven, and in the home of "many mansions" loved one shall meet the "one gone before;" pastor and people shall be reunited, and there shall be no more sorrow or tears, and in the end "God shall be all in all," "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning," 396. FRANCIS H.« LOVELAND (JesseS, Lazarus*) was b at Glas., Conn., July 2, 1828, m at Hartford, Conn., 1856, Harriet Preston Doolittle, b at Woodbury, Conn., Sept 28, 1834. He was a master mechanic and d at H., Sept. 19, 1883. She is now the wife of Henry AUender. Children born in Hartford: i. Charies Lee', b Jan'y 11, 1858, m in Chicago, 111., Feb'y 17, 1884, Grace Evans. He holds a respon sible position on the staff of the Chicago Herald, No children, n. Edward Collier, b Sept 7, i860; unm. He lives in C, and is in the electrical business, in, Benjamin Walter, b Nov. 27, 1864, m at Manchester, Conn., M.ay 20, 1891, Clara Gertrude Robbins, b at East Haddam Conn., April 5, 1867. They have, b at Hartford: Florence Robbins", b Oct 8, 1892; Helen Robbins, b Oct 17, 1893, Benjamin Walter Loveland went with his parents to Chicago, March, 1878. He attended school here three years and studied The Loveland Genealogy. 275 music. In 1881 he returned to Hartford and engaged in the life insurance business with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, He holds an important position in this company. He is organist of the Pearl Street Congregational Church, where he has charge of a fine quartette choir. He has been director of sev eral choral societies in and about Hartford, and given a large num ber of concerts with great success. He and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church, 394. LYDIA" LOVELAND (Lazarus*, Benjamin") was b at South Glas,, Conn,, Dec, i, 1792, m there Aug, 30, 1813, Luther Paine, b in Springfield, Mass, She d here July 2, 1824, For history of this family see Paine Family Book, We are indebted to Dr. H. M. Paine (its author), of Albany, N. Y'., for the records of Jesse" Loveland and his sister Lydia, who married brother and sister. Children born in Glas. : i. Betsey Melissa" Paine, b April 22, 1814, ii, Lydia Sophronia Paine, b Aug. 11, 1816, d at Warre, Mass., July 3, 1826, iii, Adaline Cynthia Paine, b April.6, 1819, FOURTH BRANCH, 1. SAMUEL 2 LOVELAND (Thomasi) d in Glas,, Conn,, Sept, 27, 1772, in the 95th year of his age. From Prof, Hoadley, State Librarian at Hartford, Conn,, who has a copy of the First Cong, Ch, Rec, of that place: "Samuel Loveman m Lydia Barn ard, Oct, 4, 1705," Glas. Town Records: "Samuel Lov^eland be gan to beat the drum the first Sabbath in the month, which is the 6th of April, 1701" (supposed for the purpose of calling the people to meeting). Colonial Records, 1706-1716: "At a meeting of the Governor and Council in Hartford, May 22, 1712: Resolved, that an order be given the Treasurer to pay Samuel Loveman of Glas., a soldier in Col. Whitney's Reg. in the late expedition against Canada, £"3, i8s." Deed Records: "Joseph Dickinson to Samuel Loveland (March 28, 1731), four acres of land with mansion house thereon standing. — Samuel Loveland to his son, Charles Loveland (March 31, 1731), — Samuel Loveland to Samuel Love land, Jr, (Nov, 28, 1737), forty acres of land. — Samuel Loveland to John Loveland, for the love and affection I bear towards him, that he may be accommodated with land to work upon, — Samuel Loveland to his daughter Beriah, wife of David Dickinson (Dec, 22, 1756)," Samuel Loveland removed from this p irt of Glaston bury to that part which later became the northern part of the town of Marlborough, Marlborough was incorporated as a parish out of portions of Hebron, Glas. and Colchester. The first house in this section was built by him in 1747. Fourteen subscribers "hereto, in habitants in Colchester, Hebron and Glastonbury" petitioned (May 15) 173^) ^^^ General Assembly for a separate place of worship: "We would humbly show to your Honors our Difficult Circum stances, our living so far from any place of the publick worship of God, some living seven, some eight miles and several of us have so weakly wives that are not able to go to any place of publick worship," They asked the privilege of "hiring an orthodox min ister to preach the word to and amongst us," Samuel Loveland was one of these petitioners, and Charles Loveland and Nathan The Loveland Genealogy. 277 Dunham signed a similar petition in 1737, On the first petition the Assembly granted the petitioners liberty to employ a minister, but did not release them from taxes for the support of the ministry in the ecclesiastical societies to which they respectively belonged. — History of Hartford County, From Hartford Probate Records: "Will of Samuel Loveland, approved Dec. 9, 1772, John Love land, Executor. Gives all his mova'de estate to his wife Lydia, and the land lying on the east side of the High Way. Gives his son Charles five shillings; his son John five shillings; his daughter Abigal ten Pounds; his grand-daughter, Abigal Porter, six Pounds; his daughter Beriah ten shillings. Will dated 10 Jan'y, 1765," Samuel Loveland at various times received his quota of the public lands from the town. The births and deaths of his children are found in the Middletown, Conn,, Records. Middletown was formerly a part of Glastonbury, Charles*, b about 1706, m Silene , Samuel, b about 1709, m Rebecca Rowland, John, b Aug, 30, 1716, m Susannah MiUer, Abigal, m Porter. Beriah, m David Dickinson. 3. CHARLESs LOVELAND (Samuel^, Thomasi) was b in Middletown, Conn., about 1706, m SUene Deed Records: "Samuel Loveland to his son Charles (March 31, 1 73 1 ),— Charles Loveland and Silene, his wife, to John House, March 11, 1730-31. —John Barnard to Charles and John Loveland, of Glastonbury, July 14, 1749," He removed to Hartford, Conn,, previous to the Rev, War, as is shown by deed record. His son Charles* m in M., 1776, and was Corporal in Capt. Warner's company in the Rev, War, He enlisted for the war, April 25, 1777, from Hartford. He had one son, Charles", b in Hartford, From William A, Loveland, of Sioux City, Iowa, we have: "My grandfather's name was Charles Loveland. He was b in Hartford and was the only son of his father. From Hartford he moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was married three times, the second time to my grand mother,, Maria Raynard, in 1814." They had five children, only 2. 1. 3- ii. 4- 111. IV. V. 278 The Loveland Genealogy. one, Charles Daniel, the father of William A,, married, Charles* Loveland probably had one other son named Samuel*, who moved to Wooster, Mass, From William H, Loveland, of Elizabeth, N, J,, we have: "My Father Samuel Barnard" Loveland, was b in Wooster, Mass., Dec, 15, 1799," We have no positive proof that Samuel Loveland was the name of Samuel B,'s father, but we are quite sure Samuel B, was Charles s Loveland's grandson. Chil dren born in Hartford: i, Charles*, m in Middletown in 1776. ii. Samuel (supposed name). Charles Loveland served in the Rev. War. — See Conn, Roster, p, 176, He had only one son, Charles", who moved to Halifax, where he was three times married. The name of his first wife unknown. By her he had: James", died unmarried, lost at, sea, and Sarah, married William Knock, or Nock, of Halifax, They moved to Louisville, Ky, He married 2d Maria Raynard, 18 14, She died in Halifax, 182 1, Had two children: Charles Daniel", born Nov, 15, 1815 (married Sarah A, Hunt, He graduated at a medical college in Philadelphia, Pa., practiced in Louisville, Ky., Pittsfield and Havana, 111. At this latter place he married. His only living child, William A.', has a family at Sioux City), and William", lost at sea in his fifteenth year. He married 3d Freeman, and had Maria" who married Judge Charles W, Clark, of Kansas City, Mo, Samuel Loveland moved to Wooster, where he married and had a family. We have been unable to identify but one son, Sam uel Barnard", born in Wooster, Dec, 15, 1799, married there about 1820, Susan Dalerymple, who died at Wooster, Jan'y, 1822, He married 2d in N, Y, City, Jan'y 5, 1826, Margaret Sidmon, born in Rockland Co,, N, Y,, July 4, 1798, died in N, Y', City, June 12, 1863, He died there June 16, 1883, Six children: Lyman", born in Wooster; Susan, born in Wooster, Jan'y 10, 1822, married Elias Crandell; Laura P, H,, born in N, Y'^, City, Jan'y 28, 1827, married there Nov,, 1843, Jeremiah Keyser, born there Nov. 14, 1831— family; WUliam Henry, born in N. Y', City, May 20, 1828, married there Feb'y 7, 1852, Catharine Matilda Akley, born there The Loveland Genealogy. 279 Nov, 25, 1830 — family in Elizabeth, N. J,; Samuel Hasting, born in Philadelphia, Pa,, March 29, 1831, died 1850, lost at sea, and Charles Blanchard, born in N, Y', City, Jan'y 6, 1835, married there April 20, 1861, Sarah Julia Bergen, born Dec, 2, 1841 — family in Elizabeth, 3. SAMUELS LOVELAND, JR, (Samuela, Thomasi ), was b in Middletown, formerly a part of Glas,, Conn,, about 1709. He was recorded Freeman in 1730, Deed Book 4, p, 314: "Samuel Loveland to Samuel Loveland, Jr., forty acres, Nov. 28, 1735." Lyme, Conn,, Records give: "Samuel" Loveland, Jr,, m Rebecca Rowland, March 6, 1735, and had Samuel, b Dec, 12, 1735." In New Jersey Roster: "Samuel and Charles Loveland in the Rev. War, from Burlington Co." Glas, Deed Book: "Charles Love land, Sen., of Little Egg Harbor, N, J,, executor of the last will and testament of Samuel Loveland, deceased, to Daniel Ward, one piece of forty acres; dated Nov, i, 1797." This deed carries the New Jersey Lovelands back to Glas, Mrs, Thomas F, Loveland, New Gretna (formerly Egg Harbor), N, J,, writes: "Charles and Samuel Loveland came from Conn, and settled here," From the above we conclude that Samuels Loveland left Lyme for Egg Harbor after the birth of Samuel and had Charles , These two were in the Rev, War. The New Jersey Lovelands claim descent from these two brothers. 5. i. Samuel*, b Dec, 12, 1735; m. 6, ii, Charles, m Phoebe , 5. SAMUEL* LOVELAND (Samuels, Samuel^) was b at Lyme, Conn,, Dec 12, 1735, Soldier in the Rev, Army from Buriington County, N, J, Children born in Egg Harbor (now New Gretna), N, J,: 7, i, Samuel"; m, 8, n. Charles, m Sarah Grant, 7. SAMUELS LOVELAND (Samuel*, Samuel*), Children born in New Gretna, N, J,: 280 The Loveland Genealogy. i_ 9. i, Samuel", m Hannah Gale, ii, Catharine, m Ebenezer Sooy, iii, Jemima, m Daniel Townsend. iv. Joanna, m William Adams, V. Jesse, m Elvira C. Loveland (Family 10). 9. SAMUEL" LOVELAND (Samuels, Samuel*) was b in New Gretna, N. J,, m Hannah Gale, Both dead. ChUdren born in N, G,: i, James', m Mary Darby, They have: MeHnda", Jesse, Joanna, Abbie, ii, Joanna, m William Ford, Have: Maurices, WUHam, Mary, iii, Sarah Ann, m Thomas Winterbottom, Have: Let- tices, Annie, Thomas, iv, Melinda, m Rufus Butterfield, Have: Ureldas, Frances, V, Jesse, vi, Benjamin, m Sarah Carter. Have: Georges, Ida, Lilly. vii. Daniel, m Hannah Gifford, Have: Leahs, Sarah, Addie, EUis, Annie, Lewis, Frank, Bella, vni, Reuben, m Louisa AUen; m 2d Mary E, Gaskill, Have: Josephs, Jesse, Laura, Abbie, Ella, Benja min, Mary Jane, Norris, Rose, Lettice, Hannah Lida, Gussie, Delia, Florence, Julia, 8. CHARLES" LOVELAND (Samuel*, Samuels) was b in Egg Harbor, N. J., m Sarah Grant Children born in New Gretna, N, J, : i, Hester", ii, Sarah, iii, Charlotte, 10. iv. John, m Rachel J, French. V. Charles Wesley. The Loveland Genealogy, 281 10, JOHN" LOVELAND (Charies", Samuel*) was b at New Gretna, N, J., m Rachel J, French, They have, born at N, G,: i, Thomas F,', m Mary E, Loveland (Family 15,) u, Henry P., m JuHa H, Weeks, They have: Harvey", Harry, Russel, iii. Marshal A., m Mary Etta Crowley. Had: Edward Kirk", Mary Etta, Carrie E,, Rachel J,, Henry P, iv, James W,; d, V, John B,, b March 25, 1837, m at N, G., Jan'y 34', 1864, Mary E, Hatfield, b at Egg Harbor, N, J,, Oct, 8, 1844, Sea captain, Dem, Pres, Ch, They have: Jennie R,", b July 23, 1865 (m Sept, i, 1887, James Kelsey); Sophia A,, May 21, 1869; Lizzie, b 1872, vi, Sarah L,, m Robert F, Makeen, Have: Craig", John and Samuel. vii. Elvira C, m Jesse Loveland (FamUy 7), viii, Abbie A,, m Charles W, Palmer, Have: Charles W.s, Victor, Claude, Nettie, ix. Asbury. 6. CHARLES* LOVELAND (Samuel*, Samuel^). We have no record of his birth. From New Jersey Roster: "Samuel* and Charles* Loveland in the Rev. War, from Burlington County." From Glas. Deed Book: "Charles* Loveland, Sen., of Little Egg Harbor, N. J., executor of the last will and testament of Samuel Loveland, deceased, to Daniel Ward, one piece of forty acres; dated Nov, i, 1797." He m Phoebe ChUdren born in Egg Harbor (now New Gretna): II, i, Charles", m Mary Gleason, 12, H, John, b Aug, 9, 1771, m Martha Grant 11. CAPT, CHARLES" LOVELAND (Charles*, Samuel*) sailed a brig and made foreign voyages. He m Mary Gleason. Children : 13. i. Charles", m Elizabeth Wilson. ii. Mary, m David Monroe. 383 The Loveland Genealogy. iii, Abigail, m Lonsdale; m 3d Culpepper. iv, Elizabeth, m Clayton Kindle, V, Esther, m John Baker, of Phil,, Pa, vi, Henrietta, m in Phil, vii, Catharine, m William Leek, Had: George', WilHam, Mary, Catharine, 14, viii, Robert, m Carlton, 13. CHARLES" LOVELAND (Charles", Charles*) m Eliza beth Wilson, Children born in New Gretna, N, J, : i, Mary ' ; d, 15, ii, Oliver B., m Mary Jane Cramer, iii, Catharine, m George W, Dubuisson, Children: Ab bie", Catharine, Louisa, Charles, Robert, Faremene. iv, Abigail; d, V, EHzabeth, m Joseph Cale, ChUdren: PhebeS, Charles, Josiah, vi, Charles, m Anna Young, Children; Mary Jane", m WUliam Darby; Sarah L,; Charles; Caleb C, m Annie Cramer; Abbie, m Frank White; Kate, m Harrison Totten. 15. CAPT. OLIVER B.' LOVELAND (Charles", Charles") was b in New Gretna, N. J., m Mary Jane Cramer. Children born in N. G, : i, Caleb C,s, drowned 1S60, u, Mary E,, b AprU 25, 1837, ^ Capt Thomas F. Love land, Children: Katie M,', d a. 6; Jeanie E., d a, 5, iii. Abigail, m Alfred H. Matties; family, iv, Julia A,, m Henry C, Adams; family, V, Charles D., m Syrena O, Cromley ; family, vi, Oliver B,, m, Eliza Cramer; family, vii, William Towers, m Mary E, Hickman; family, viii. Arthur T., m Maggie Cromley; family. The Loveland Genealogy. 283 14. ROBERT" LOVELAND (Charles", Charies*) was a miUer by trade; m Carlton, They had several children, but we have the names of only two : i, Charles', lived in Burlington Co., N, J,, m and had: Oliver H.s, b June 10, 1834 (m Abbie H. Fisher. They had: Walter', b Oct 9, 1858; George, b May 20, i860, and OHver, b July 10, 1862), d Sept 7, 1863; William; John, d; Mary, d, and Rachel. ii. Caleb, b Nov. 30, 181 3, m at Vincentown, N. J., Feb'y 13, 1843, Mary Ann King Themeley, b there Feb'y 1, 1S21. Caleb Loveland died at Vincentown, N, J,, Feb'y 24, 1859, Children: Guy B,", born at Vincentown, Dec, 33, 1843, died there Dec, 19, 1S71 — married and had family; Thomas J, W,, born at Vincentown, Oct 6, 1844, married Dec, 31, 1865, Esther F, Rog- gers — family ; Lydia T,, born July 11, 1847, married June 3i, 1868, Josiah S- Houston; Anna R., b Dec, 18, 1849, married Feb'y 33, 1868, Leander B, Clerenger; John M, R., born May 36, 1853, married Sept, 15, 1871, died March 13, 1874; Adelaide A, H,, born Aug. 37, 1855, married April 37, 1874, Enoch W. Cooper — she died, 13. JOHNS LOVELAND (Charles*, Samuel*) settled in Salem County, N, J. The family record of his father states: "John Loveland, son of Charles and Phoebe Loveland, was b Aug. 9, 1771, and his wife, Martha, dau. of Joseph and Susan Grant, was b AprU 25, 1776," They both d at Daretown, N, J,; he in 1847, she in 1849, Children: 16, i, Charies", b Sept 3, 1796, m Catharine Pearce, ii, Susannah, b Sept, 23, 1798, iii, Letitia, b Oct, 34, 1800. iv, Ann, b June 25, 1803. V, Phoebe, b Nov, 30, 1805, vi, John, b Dec, 4, 1807, m Rebecca Shinn, b at Mt Holly, N, J., June 20, 1810. He is dead. They had : Emma Curtis', b at Freesburg, N, J,, Sept 33, 183 1, m and had two children. 384 The Loveland Genealogy, vii, Joseph G,, b Oct, 11, 1809; m. No report. viii. Hannah, b Nov. 38, 181 1 ; d. 17. ix, William, b Sept, 10, 1813, m Rebecca Shinn, x, Hannah, b March 3, 1816, xi, Sarah, b Feb'y 20, 18 19. 16, CHARLES" LOVELAND (John", Charies*) was b at Mt Holly, N, J,, Sept 3, 1796, m at Point Pleasant, N, J,, Aug, 5, 18 1 7, Catharine Pearce, b there May 31, 1798. Both d at P, P,; he March 20, 1878; she Dec, 4, 1882, Children: 18, i, James', b Aug, 18, 1820, m Ann E, Havens, 19, ii, John, b Feb'y 15, 1823, m Catharine A, Wardell, 18. JAMES' LOVELAND (Charles", John") was born at Point Pleasant, N, J,, Aug, 18, 1820, m there Sept 8, 1848, Ann Eliza Havens, b there Nov, 10, 1828, P, O., Bay Head, N, J, Chil dren born at P, P,: i. Frances G,", b March 10, 1849, d July 16, 1851, ii, Lydia Ann, b June 5, 1851, m Sept 8, 1873, Charles Osborn Pellet, b in BurrsvUle, N. J., March 34, 1847, Children b at B, H,: WUlie', b Dec, 20, 1873, d Dec, 29, 1873; Robert Chetwood, b Aug, 16, 1877; WUliam Thompson, b June 27, 1881, in, Catharine, b May 29, 1853, d June 5, 1859, iv, George Contoil, b March 12, 1855, m at P, P,, April 23, 1885, Anna J, Moore, b Dec 9, 1868, Have: Clarence', b at B, H,, May 5, 1888, V, Charles Banks, b Sept, 11, 1856, m May 26, 1881, El mira Hulse, b March 29, 1857, Have: Ada Ge neva', b al B, H,, March 26, 1883, vi. James Edward, b March 4, 1859, "i ^"^Z- 26, 1880, Flora J. Brewer, b May 17, 1861. Have: Laura', b at B, H, vii, Mary Catharine, b Aug, 25, 1861, m Dec, 20, 1883, Daniel Culver, b May 39, 1856, Have; 'Harry R,', b at B. H. The Loveland Genealogy. 385 viii. Alfred Sherman, b Feb'y 18, 1864, m July 14, 1886, Annie E. Herbert ix. Margaret Stout, b Feb'y 9, 1868, d July 7, 1S78, X, Carrie Gran*-, b Nov, 30, 1876, d July 7, 1878, 19. JOHN' LOVELAND (Charles", John") was b at Point Pleasant, N . J,, Feb'y 15, 1833, m there Oct. 8, 1846, Catharine A, WardeU, b at BurrvUle, N, J , Oct, 21, 1S28, He d al Bay Head, N, J,, July 20, 1879, Children born al P, P,: i, Edward G,8, b Feb'y 7, 1847, d Sept, 3, 1849, n, John Edward, b July 18, 1851, m at Warelown, N, J., Feb'y 27, 1876, Celestine Derby, b al Highlands, N, J., Feb'y 14, 1859. ChUdren b al B. PL: Lillie Thompson', b Jan'y 30, 1877; Fred Harrington Levy, b June 25, 1879; Leander Waterbury, b March 19, 1883. iii. CaroHne, b June 15, 1854, d Sept 7, 1858, iv, Warren Nash, b July 24, 1857, d Nov, i, 1858, V, Samuel Wardell, b Dec. 30, i860, m al P. P., Oct 3, 1889, Jennie Devon, b Jan'y 28, 1867, vi, William Treadwell, b July 19, 1866, 17. WILLIAM" LOVELAND (John", Charies*) was b at Medford, N, J,, Sept, 10, 1813, m at Friesburg, N. J,, Feb'y 10, 1834, Rebecca Shinn, relict of his brother, John, She was b at Mt Holly, N, J., June 30, 1810. Farmer, He d al Shirley, N, J., Aug, 3, 1888, She d there Aug. 10, 1888, Both burled in the old Pittsgrove grave yard . Children born in Cohansey, N. J. ; i, Frances Ann', b Oct, 4, 1834, m Lemuel Shull, H, Theodore Henry, b Sept. 13, 1836, d Nov. 23, 1836. in, Rebecca WUlis, b Nov. 18, 1837, m 2d Wm^ Gentry. 20, iv, John Reeves, b Aug. 10, 1840, m Caroline C, Kates. 21, V, Robert Maclay, b March 16, 1843, m Jane Stevens; m 3d AmeHa McNickols. vi, Joseph, b Nov, 4, 1845. Expressman, vii. Samuel M., b March 3, 1848, d July 33, 1849, 286 7^he Loveland Genealogy. 30. JOHN R.' LOVELAND (WUHam", John") was b al Co hansey, N. J., Aug. lo, 1840, m in Germantown, Pa, Dec. 28, 1865, CaroHne Cecelia Kates, b at G., Aug. 1 1, 1836. He Si rved in the War of the RebeUion nine months; was in the first Battle of Fredericksburg: Co, C, 24th N.J. V. Supt in one of the de partments of the works of WilHam Sellers & Co. Dem. Lu-- theran, P, O,, G, Children born in Germantown; i. Minnie Rebeccas, b July 2, 1867, m in Phil., Pa , Die. 20, 1884, Chariis Albert Paul, b Dec, 1865. She d AprU 14, 1886. Ivy Hill Cem. He Ira els in the interest of the oil business. Epis. Rep. Born in G,: Charies Albert', b Dec. 6, 1885, d Jan'y 18, 1893. He was a bright, intelligent boy. He d at the home of his grandparents, John S, and Emily D, Paul, PhU, ii. Walter Henry, b Jan'y 36, 1870 With Bailey, Banks & Biddle, jewelers, Phil. iii, Emma Gertrude, b May 39, 1872, d July 30, 1888, 21. ROBERT M.' LOVELAND (William", JohnS) was b al Cohansey, N. J., March 16, 1843, m at Bridgetown, N.J,, June 4, 1864, Jane Stevens, b there May 24, 1S41, d at Daretown, N, J,, June 19, 1877. Teacher before marriage. He m 2d at D., 1878, AmeHa McNickols. Farmer and agent for farm implements and fertilizers. Lutheran. P. O., Aldine, N. J, Children born in Daretown: i. Elim M.s, b Dec 17, 1866. ii, David Herbert, b March 16, 1879, 4. JOHNS LOVELAND (Samuel^, Thomasi) was b in Glas., Conn., Aug. 30, 1716, m there Sept. 6, 1744, Susannah, dau. of WUHam MiUer and Susannah Kilbourn, b in Glas., Sept 28, 1721, d in Middletown, Conn., July 14, 1784. He d there Jan'y 30, 1776, (See Glas, Centennial, p, 192.) Children born in Middletown: i, Susannah*, b July 12, 1745, d June 21, 1750, The Loveland Genealogy. 387 n. Mary, b Jan'y 21, 1747, d June i, 1750. iii, John, b May 7, 1748, d June 4, 1750, 22. iv, Susannah, b Feb'y ii, 1751, m James Jones; m 2d Samuel Chamberlain, V, Mary, b Feb'y 19, 1753, m John Paddock, vi. Lucy, b Feb'y 3, 1755, m William Paddock. vu, John, b Feb'y 28, 1757, d May 22, 1759, 23, vin. Mehetabel, b Jan'y 29, 1759, m Samuel Paddock, ix, Martha, b May 3, 1761, d Sept 8, 1762, 24, X, Samuel, b Feb'y 8, 1763, m Dorcas Jones, 25, xi, Martha, b July 4, 1767, m Robert Paddock. xii, (Infant), b Feb'y 20, 1776, d same day, Capt. John* Loveland removed to Middletown about 1750, The records there show that he bought of Thomas Canfield, of Durham, for £380 current money, "Land on the West Side of Connecticut River, on the nth Day of July, in the 24th year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord, George the Second, of Great Britain, &c,. King, Anno Domini 1750," It appears he was a man of public spirit. He opened a street through his land from what is now South Main Street to High Street and gave il to the town, and it is called Loveland Street Another proposal of his and the action taken in Town Meeting was as follows: To the Inhabitants of the Town of Middletown at their Lawfull Meeting held in said Middletown the 24th of December, 1764: — The Memorial of John Loveland of said Middletown humbly showeth and proposeth to this Meeting that on proper Incouragement he would Build a Wharf of one hun dred and 20 feet in Length East and West, Butting Southerly on Sumner's Creek and of the Width of 50 feet whereof the Westernmost half part should be free at all times for the use of the people of Middletown to land Wood and lay Lumber on Provided that the Remainder Shall be at your Memori alist own Use for him and his heirs &c. , and that if the Town Desire or it shall be judged Reasonable he would give a Two Rod Highway across the land about 15 Rods to lay next the River West of Highwater Mark in Ex change &c. Praying that a Committee be appointed to act and make an agreement with him in Behalf of the Town for the Exchange &c. with full Power to pass the Title on Each Party and make such further Covenants about Building & Maintaining as shall be thought Reasonable and as in duty bound shall ever pray. Dated in Middletown, 24th December, 1764. John Lovei 189 9045 116, 178 227223 80 302 265 5-1 » S9. 169, 250 35. 259 324, 239 178, Bailey, 44, 95, ^6, 171 184, Baird, 104, J05, 305 Baker, 116, 166, 260 to 267, 383, Balch, 363 Baldwin, 180 Balton, 176 Bangs, 250 Barber, 81, 140, 331, 338 Barden, 1 24 Barkalow, 339 Barkman,Barrett, Barry,Barnard, Barney, Barnhart,Barnes, Bardett, Bassett,Beach,Beals,Beard,Beardsley, Becker,Beckwith,Beebe, Belden, Bell, Bellman, Bellows,Bemis,Benedict,Benham,Benjamin,Bennet,Bentiey, Benton,Bergen,Beush,Bidwell, Bill, or Bills, Billings,Billups,Bingham, Birdsey, Bissell, Blanchard, Blay, 37 338 184 376 32 24 196, 307, 249 124, 125, 166 249 182, 347, 250 233 79^96 i45> 234 46 106 114, 170 147 37 174 90 158 63, 70 263 239 147128 279360 18, 355 39, 87, 88, 89 134 326 86 3H 63 170185 3i6 The Loveland Genealogy. Bliss, Blodgett,Blood,Bloss, Bohn, Boland,Bolles, Bolster,Bones, Boone,Bosley, Bosworth, Bound, Boutelle, Boutwell, Bowers,Bradley, 38, 45, 109, ; Bradney, Braman,Bremer, Brewer, Bristol, Brooker, Brooks, 137, Brown, 71, 123, 138, 250, 291 Bruns, Buck,Buddington,Bullock,Bunce,Bunnell,Burbank,Bureau,Burdette,Burdin, Burgan, Burke, Burley,Burnham, 347, Burr,Burton,Burwell, Butler, PAGE. 82,83 Butterfield, PAGB. 280 96 Buzzle, 240 95^96 Byham, 38 184 Cables, 221 266 Caldwell, 141, 232 191 Cale, 282 269 Calkins, 154, 336 90 Call, 200, 311,313,313 243 Callender, 254 34 Cameron, 133 223 Campbell, 52. 259 i3o> 133 Canfield, 134, 244 239 Canon, 125 185 Carlisle, lOI 184 Carlton, 283 170 Carmody, 346 249, 291 Carpenter, 124, 138,239 30 Carter, 243. 265, 380 174 Case, 97 128 Casey, 60 284 CatHn, 61 149 Chadwick, 136,257 108, 254 Chaffe, 90, 137 170, 259 Chambers, 48 169, 170, Chamberlein, 391 Chandler, 02 119 Chapman, 84, 105, 137, 15'!, 190 183 251 Chase, 180 125 Chatfield, 330 195 Chesebrough, 227 243> 250 ChUds, 109 93. 183 Clark, 59, 63, 79, 177, 196, 77 236, 227, 23; , 344 102 Clariel, 348 242 Clements, 125 225 Clemmer, 196 77 Clerenger, 283 28 Cleveland, 263 248, 250 Cloud, 173 256, 264 Clough, lOI 223 Colby, 184 250, 264 Colburn, 145 152 Cole, 36, 225 sJBPPSJBifflPPcncnccicccc:^';;^^;! 2, 3000000000000000000 -iM ^^O0»-'t0t0fc0K)''t0Wt-''-'t0HHtJ.-ifc0 M--MlgfcOtOtOtOi-tH^ i-i.-ii-it-i>. -P- ^ 00 0\-^ -f^^Nl tOVOVO O O OO-f^ 00 00 00^ oooo M O 00 00 OOOO Ul 00 00 to Os ONVO to O 00 0O--J Ul OO ^Ln WO >, " vo to ovoo O 00 o\oo oo oo to oo - ON oo-f^ to -1^ m vo Oooo to -f>- oo oo oo to oo oo^i Ui « On Onoo oo oo ^ -^i coui oo P ^Si 00 to 00 M -fi. 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