110 • ILIlSIB^ISy • ^S^^SESCTB ^'wct ¦¦¦¦wr ' ; s^sssz^^ af ale Univ'Jrsity Library' MAINE PENSION ROLL. Statement showing the Names, Rank, 8?c. of Invalid Pensioners residing in the State of Maine. CUMBERLAND COUHTT. Jarvia Beal William Barton Josiah Chute Do Do Do Do William Campbell Salter Cobb John Downer, 2d Jeremiah El well Do Do Abel Glogsom William J3arris Do Thomas House John Lunt Do Jedediah Lombard Ebenezer Lord Do Jojln Low Benjamin Morton- Rank. Private do Sergeant do do do do Private do Lieut.Private do do do do do dodo dodo do do do^ do Annual allow ance. Sums re ceived. 48 00 72 00 40 00 64 00 96 00 64 00 96 00 72 00 72 '00 120 00 48 00 76 80 96 00 96 00 48 00 72,9032 00 60 00 96 00 96 00 48 00 96 00 72 00 48 00 . ,983 20 142 76 1,200 20 -185 06 95 74 626 60 400 53 411 38 144 00 825 00 45 86 335 44 1 ,296 00 1,665 06 742 25 276 00 609 90 43 67 1,714 66 1,973 33 114 40 368 00 71 00 896 00 Description of ser vice. When placed on the pen sion roll. Stanley's volunt's Danforth's volunt's Massachusetts mil- do do do do Herrick's volunt's 21 reg't U. S. inf. do do dododo dodo 26 reg't U. S.inf. 21reg'tU. S.inf. do Elkin's volunteers Hale's corps artil. do ¦, 34 reg't TJ. S. inf. 24 reg't U. S. inf. May 12, 1821 Mar. 28,1832 July 11, 1776 Ap'l 28, 1818 Mar. 9, 1821 June 25, 1828 Mar. 14, 1832 May 30, 1821 Nov. 30, 1815 Feb. 8, 1817 July 31, 1816 August 1817 Ap'l 18, 1816 July 22, 1817 July 10, 1827 Mar. 9, 1833 Aug. 3, 1816 Commencement of pension. Sep. 11, 1813 Mar. 12, 1832 Mar. 17, 1786 Ap'l 24, 1816 Mar. 5, 1819 Mar. 4, 1820 Jan. 9, 1830 June 17, 1828, Mar. 6, 1832 Feb. 15, 1821 May 11, 1815 Apr. 24, 1816 Sep. 6, 1820 Oct. 30, 1816 Nov. 12, 1814 May 6, 1830 Feb. 17, 1815 Aug. 2, 1815 Apr. 24, 1816 Aug. 14, 1813 Dec. 14, 1825 Jan. 1, 1828 Mar. 9, 1833 July 5, 181SL Laws under which inscribed, increased and reduced ; and remarics. Apr. 24, 1816. * L Acts military establishment, .je june 7, 178S. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Relin. for benefit of act March 18,. 1818. Increased by act Mar. 18, 1818. Drop ped act May 1, 1820. -<$ Reinstated on invalid roll under act May 1, 1820. Increased to this rate. April 24, 1816. Acts military establishments Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Increased by act Ap'l 24, 1816. Trans ferred from Mass. March 4, 1817. Increased by act March 3, 1819. Acts military establishment. Trans- ferred from Mass. Sept. 4, 1817. Acts military eslablShment . Increased by act May 6, 1830. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Mass. Sept. 4, 1818. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts mUitary establishment. March 3, 1827. May 20, 1830* Died Feb. 29, 1832. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. to Jeremiah McLucas - 1 do John Parker, guardian 1 , do to Dexter Brown - I do Stephen Twist - Sergeant George Ward - Private Thomas Witham - Seaman Do - do Jeremiah Woodman - Private HANCOCK COUNT! . John Coudon - Private Samuel Emerson - do Do - do William Heath . do Henry Keler - du Richard Palmer - do Ebenezer Richardson do KENNEBEC COUXTI. John Allen - Private Do - do Do - do ; .: Do - • do EHjab. M. Barton - Sergeant Do - do Squire Bishop, jr. . Private Do . do Do . do John Beans . do Do . do 96 00 60 00 96 00 96 00 48 00 64 00 96 00 96 00 , 24 00 40 DO 72 00 72 00 96 00 72 00 48 00 30 00 48 00 72 00 96 00 48 00 72 00 40 00 64 00 96 00 96 00 64 00 1 ,808 80 125 85 1 ,722 93 593 06 898 40 666 13 581 33 217 86 474 40 51 20 1,286 00 819 50 1,672 00 461 06 - 34 60 96 83 984 20 181 03 494 93 609 35 1 ,1S0 20 156 96 1,344 53 182 66 812 04 44 reg't U. S. inf. U. S. artillery do 5 reg't U. S. inf. U. S. artillery Bt'ig Civil Usage - do Binney's 4 reg. inf. Hawkins' 4th inf. • 34 reg. U. S. inf. do Scammell'sN.H. reg. Bell's light artil'y Cap. Millikin's c. inf. 1 reg't artillery . 9 reg't U. S. inf. dodo do 21 reg't U. S. inf. do Blunt's comp. inf. do do N. Hampshire line do Sep. Jan. 21, 28, 18181815 Sep. 21, 1830 July 8, 1817 June 24, 1824 Dec. .2, 1831 Oct. July 21, 7, 18161817 Nov.Oct: 6, 21, 1822 1816 June Nov. 6, 1834 25, 1824 Dec. 19, 1815 Dec. 28, 1816 Apri 5, 1793 Mar. s, 1819 June 11, 1821 May Mar. Apr. 2, 19 24, 18151814 1816 Jan. 1, 1828 June 16, Oct. 10, Feb. 15, Nov. 28, 1815 1823 1828 1831 May 29, April 1, Ap'l 24, Oct. 16, Oct. 3, 1814 1815 1816 1822 1816 MayJuly 20, 26, 1834 1824 Jan. Apr. Sep. 28, 24, 18, 1815 18161818 Ap'l 16, 1832 May 25, 1815 Sep. 17, 1825 June 22, 1787 Ap'l 24, 1816 Feb. 28; 1820 April 9, 1818 Mar 4, 1820 Acts military establishment. Acta military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Trans- ferred from Mass. March 4, 1817. May 20, 1830, ^ansferred from Es sex county,. Mass^Bspt. 4, 1831. Acts military establisbj»S&t. April 10, 1806. , Increased by act February 4, 1822. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment . Increased by act April 24, 1816. April 10, 1806. Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Mass. Mar. 4, 1817. Acts military establishment . Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1815. Increased to this rate. Transferred from Massachusetts Sep. 4, 1825. Increased to this rate. Acts military establishment. Increased to this rate . March 7, 1792. Increased by act April 24j 1816. Increased to this rate. March 18, 1818. Transferred from Massachusetts Mar. 4, 1819. Drop ped under act May 1, 1820. May 1, 1820. Restored to invalid roll. Died Nov. 12, 1833, CO Statement, fyc. of Invalid Pensioners —Continued, Or KENNEBEC CO. COllt'd Heard Biackelt James Carlton Do Stephen Chase Do Ebenezer Childs John Couch, jr. Do Do Henry Doe Do Joseph Emery James F.vans Allen Freeman Do Joshua Grant Benjamin Gilbreth Samuel Hodgdon Robert Ham Thomas Hunter Do Nathaniel Hoyt Lemuel Jones John Knowles Rank. Private Musician do Private do CaptainPrivate dodododododo do do do Sergeant Private do dodo do do do Annual allow ance. 96 00 30 00 48 00 48 00 72 00 240 00 48 00 72 00 96 00 64 00 72 00 32 00 48 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 96 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 72 00 20 00 Sums re ceived. 243 96 32 00 545 33 542 13 88 67 4,080 00 136 00 162 00 12 26 744 00 171 00 454 29 958 40 636 00 558 13 1,809 06 E09 06 668 53 148 80 788 60 596 80 357 68 Description of ser vice. Douglass' c. U.S. in. Adams' 33d inf. do 21 reg't infantry do 9 reg't U. S. inf. Bradford's U. S. inf. .do do Ulmer's volunteers do U. S. artificers 33 reg't U. S . inf. Herrick's volunt's do 2 1st reg't U. S.inf. Hall's co. 9th int. do Herrick's volunt's Danforth'sU. S.vol. do M'Cobb's volunt's 9th reg't U. S.inf. Capt. Dearborn's co. When placed on the pen sion roll. Apr. 10, 1833 Dec. 14, 1815 May 16, 1822 June 17, 1817 Jan. 1, 1829 June 12, 1821 Feb. 20, 1821 Oct. 25, 1819 Sep. 6, 1821 Sep. 14, 1822 Oct. 11, 1816 Nov. 28, 1817 June 12, 1821 May 29, 1830 Feb. 18, 1817 Mar. 2, 1826 Dec. 5, 1796 Commencement of pension. Aug. 22, 1831 Mar. 31, 1815 Ap'l 24, 1816 Aug. 25, 1S21 Dec. 11, 1833 Mar. 4,*1817 Dec. 19, 1828 Oct. 18, 1831 Jan. 18,1834 Mar. 2, 1820 Oct. 12, 1831 Dec. 23, 1819 Mar. 17, 1814 Oct. 20, 1820 Jan. 18, 1834 July 18, 1822 May 1, 1815 Mar. 26, 1815 Mar. 31, 1820 May 24, 1830 Juno 31, 1834 Ap'l 16, 1815 Nov. 2, 1825 Mar. 4,1795 Laws under which inscribed, increased and reduced ; and remarks. March 2, 1833. Acts military establishment. Increased bv act April 24, 1816. Died October 3"l, 1827. ,vcs/. Acts military establishment. Increased to this rate. Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Mass. Sept'r 4, 1826. Acts military establishment. Increased to this ratW Increased by act June 25, 1824. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Trans. ferred from Mass. Sept'r 4, 1825. April 24, 1816. Increased to this rate. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Trans. ferred from Mass. Sep. 4, 1825. Acts military establishment. April 24, 1816. February 6, 1-812. Increased.Acts military establishment. Transfer- red from N. Hampshire Sep. 4, 1832. Acts military establishment. April 20, 1796. Do - Do Mary Knight, widow or Joseph Knight Joseph Linn Jabez Lane Nathaniel M'Nelly Thomas M'Curda .- Do Stephen Morrell ,Dq James F. Norris " Do Christopher Newblt - Do Stephen Nock Rufus Preble, 2d William Ridout Do Do Benjamin Roundy. - Jeremiah Robinson ¦ Elijah D. Savage _ Do Joseph Saunders - - DoDo Do David Smith do 33 00 do 72 -00 do 48 00 do 72 00 -do 72 00 do 72 00 do 30 00 . do 48 00 Sergeant 72 00 do 96 00 Captain 120 00 do 240 00 " Private 60 00 do 96 00 do 72 00 Lieut. 90 00 Private 40 00 do 60 00 do ;96 00 do 48 00 do 96_00 Musician 60 -00 da 95 00 Corporal ~ 26 66$ do 60 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Private 48 00 166 0G 912 35 674 13 156 80 1 ,340 60 75 06 908 00 664 0Q 228 26 1 ,465 00 1 ,781 46 1 ,795 36 994 91 160 68 1 ,159 90 936 93 732 17 1 ,416 00 854 66 1 ,081 06 64 65 1,712 60 552 60 524 80 1 ,475 77- do db Piejce's artillery Vose's corps U.S.inf. 23d reg't U. S. mf. 34th reg't U. S. inf. 4th reg't U. S. inf. do 33d reg't U. S- inf. do 9th reg't U.S. inf. ¦do do do 21st reg't infantry 4th reg't U. S. inf. Wilkins' light art. Adams' 33d reg. inf. 21st reg't U.S. inf. do Bradford's reg't inf. do dodo 24th reg't U.S.inf. Nov. 12, 1833 Ap'l 10, 1833 July 26, 1834 July 2, 1819 Mar. 20, 1816 Dec. 5, 1827 Feb. 3, 1820 Nov. 3, 1786 Dec. 22, 1831 Nov. 20, 1817 Ap'l 2, 1790 Nov. 28, 1817 Dec. 1, 1818 Jan. 26, 1816 Oct. 27, 1796 Ap'l 1,1834 Ap'l 24, 1816 July 2, 1821 July 1, 1815 Jan. 1, 1832 May 28, 1834 July 21, 1815 Nov. 6, 1814 Ap'l 24, 1816 Feb. 17, 1827 Oct. 18, 1831 July 21, 1814 Oct. 4, 1826 Mar. 17, 1786 Ap'l 24, 1816 Dec. 10, 1831 Ap'l 10, 1814 Ap'l 2, 1790 July 7, 1804 Ap'l 24, 1816 May 14, 1816 Dec. 31, 1814 Mar. 20, 1815 Ap'l 24, 1816 Mar. 17, 1786 Feb. 7, 1807 Ap'l 24, 1816 Jan. 1, 1S34 Increased by act April 24, 1816. Increased. Transferred from Massa chusetts March 4, 1822. Feb. 23, 1833. Died July 15, 1829. March 2, 1833 . Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts military establishment. Increased . Acts military establishment. Increased.June 7, 1785. Increased. Transferred from Mass. Sep. 4, 1822. Died October, 1826 Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Transfer red from N. Hampshire Sep. 4, 1826. June 7, 1785. Increased by aet January 13, 1815. Increased by act April 24, 1816. . Trans ferred from Mass. March 4, 1818. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. .Died No vember, 1825. - Acts, military establishment. Increased by act Ap'l 24, 1816. Trans ferred from Mass. Sep. 4, 1825. June-7, 1785. Increased by act April 25, 1808. - Increased by act April 24, 1816. Transferred from Plymouth co. , Mass. March 4, 1826. Died Dec. 12, 1831. Acts military establishment. Ox la all cases marked thus *, the papers containing the principal information required by the resolution were burnt when the War Office was destroyed in 1801 and 1814 ;" and«hence the impracticability of giving all the. particulars .caUed for. Ox Statement, Sec. of Invalid ^Pensioners — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Descriptio'n of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which inscribed, increased SAKES. allow- . ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. and reducedj and remarks. KENNEBEC CO. COnt'd John Thompson - - Private 43 00 - 11th reg't U.S. inf. Mar. 25, 1834 Mar. 21, 1834 Acts military establishment. Eleazer Whitney do 96 00 1,875 46 Hoit's9th infantry Aug. 4, 1818 Aug. 22, 1813 Acts military establishment. Timothy Wyman do 72 00 880 40 Vose's 21st infantry Oct. 29, 1818 June 13, 1813 Acts military establishment.] Acts military establishment. John Whitehouse • do 72 00 1,458 00 Vose's 9th infantry Oct. 25, 1819 Dec. 6, 1813 Moses Wing - Drummer 48 00 839 12 Knox's reg't art. July 17, 1786 Mar. 17, 1786 June 7, 1785. Do do 60 00 572 00 do . Dec. 24, 1806 Increased by act March 3, 1807. Do od 96 00 1,618 65 do " - Ap'l 24, 1816 Increased by act April 24, 1 816. Trans ferred from Mass. March 4, 1833. Samuel C. Walker • do 48 00 12 33 33d reg't U. S. inf. Mar. 2c], 1834 Dec. 3, 1833 Philip Yeaton Private 32 00 61 86 21st reg't U.S.inf. Oct. 21,1816 June 14, 1815 Acts military establishment- Do do 64 00 1,024 00 do - Mar. 4, 1818 Increased. Transferred from Mass. L1NC0LK COUNT*. September 4,1825. Asa Baker' Private 64 00 1,248 00 Pollard's 34thregtt * infantry. Aug. 12, 1817 July 7, 1814 Acts military establishment. John Barbarick Corporal 30 00 496 64 21st reg't U. S. inf. Ap'l 4, 1789 Mar. 17, 1786 June 7, 1785. Do do 60 00 495 46 do - Dec. 15, 1808 Increased by act March 3, 1819. Do do 96 00 1,072 06 do " Ap'l 24, 1816 Increased, by act April 24, 1816. Trans ferred from Mass. March 4, 1818. Jonathan Brown, 2d - Do Isaac Connery do do do 30 00 537 75 4th reg't U.S.inf. Mar. 1, 1816 May 29, 1814 Died June 25, 182r\ Acts military establishment. 48 00 24 00 88 53 282 33 do Pinney's 4th inf. Oct, 21, 1816 May I, 1832 May 29, 1814 Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts, military establishment. Trans * ferred from Suffolk county, Mass. Isaac Collamy do 48 00 185 87 Bretterfield'sco. 4th March 4, 1826. Jacob Crcascy do 48 00 611 20 infantry Eastman's 4th inf. Ap'l 21, 1830 Aug. 9, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1830 Dec. 10, 1814 Acts military establishment. . Acts military establishment. Ot OS Joshua Dow Do William Foster Do John Henry Oliver Herrick James Lamb Thomas Linnen Do Do Benjamin Marshall Andrew Marshall Do James'McFarlandSamuel Robbins Do Do Hezekiah Richardson Ebenezer Row Do John P. Read JohnBeynolds Jonas Shattuck Do Solomon Tibbetts Do Ezckiel Varney Jonas Walch Do Nehemiah Ward do 48 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 48 00 So 76 80 Private 48 00 Captain 120 00 Sergeant 72 00 Corporal 20 00 32 00 do 96 00 Private 48 00 do 30 00 do 48 00 do 96 00 do 30 00 do 48 00 do 72 00 do 48 00 Seaman 60 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 72 00" Private 96 00 do do dodo do Matross do Private 60 00 96 00 48 00 96 00 48 00 60 00 96 00 48 00 942 66 71 20 324 26, 1 ,562 64 100 00 - 261 33 1,298 60 65,0-00. 503 37 203 33 925 86 33 75 857 50 610 13 4 42 816 46 20 33 667 20 558 34 1722 93 156 80 1228 34 1717 33 592 80 117 86 563 20 846 27 1741 25 632 53 4th infantry do Col.Bridge's reg.inf. do U. S. volunteers M'Cobb'a volunt's 21streg'tU.S. inf. MoGobb's volunteers dodp Cap. Carter's co. in. 34th reg. U. S, inf. do 9th reg. U.S.inf. Burr's volunteers *. Herrick's' volunteers Beall's artillery 9th reg. artillery do. Cap. Biddle's art'y U. S. artillery* do 2d reg. U,S. inf. May 27, 1820 Aug. 8* 1796 Mar. 25, 1820 Feb. 14, 1832 Feb. 5, 1833 Aug. 5, 1816 July 9, 1786 July 25, 1817 July 25,1815 Ap'l 24, 1816 Nov. 22, 1827 June 12, 1821 Nov. 17, 1832 Feb. 21, 1819 June 12, 1821 July 9,1817 Aug. 7,1834 Ap'l 18, Dec. 8, Sep- io, Ap'l 24, Feb. 4, Jan, 1, Mar. 21, Mar, 17, Ap'l 24, Feb. 15, 18141833 1793 1816 1832 1,832 1815 17861816 1831 Nov. 21, 1814 Nov. 15, ]>815 Ap'l 24, 1816 Oct.»27,Mar. 1, Ap'l 24, Dec. 8, Ap'l 10, Jan. 16, Jan. 24, Jan, 1, June 28, 1827 18161816 18331820 1807 1816 1832 1819 Mar. 4, 1790 Ap'l 24, 1816 Aug. 7, 1820 Dec. 12, 1832 June 10, 1817 Ap'l 21, 1812 Ap'l 24, 1816 Jan. 1, 1821 Acts military establishment. Increased . February 7, 1793. Increased by act April 24, 1816. February 6, 1812. , , March 2, 1833. *' Acta military establishment. June 7, 1785. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Increased. Transferred from Massa chusetts March 4, 1826. Acts military establishment. Do do- Increased byact Apr. 24, 1816. Trans ferred from Massachusetts March 4, 1826. Acts military establishment. Do do Increased by act April 24, 1816. Increased. ' Acts military establishment, April 25,. 1808. Increased by act April 24, 1816.. July 16, 1832. Acts military establishment. Died in 1819. June 7, 1785. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts military establishment. Increased.Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from New Hampshire to New York September 4, 1817, and from New York March 4, 1826. March 16,1812. ' Increased by act Ap'l 24, 1816; Trans- ferredfrom Worcester county, Mass. September 4, 1826. June 25, 1834. Or Statement, S?c. of Invalid Pensioners— Continued. Rank, Annnal Sums re NAMES. allowance. ceived. OXFORD COUNTT. - Ebenezer Bodwell Corporal 96 00 1,914 93 Jotham Bragdon Private 48 00 340 65 Do do 72 00 388 20 Phineas Frost do 60 00 90 60 Do do 96 00 272 20 Do do 84 00 1,125 36 Do do 96 00 154 66 Jacob M. Holansby - Corporal 64 00 140 46 Joel Ireland Private 38 40 635 03 Do do 72 00 216 75 Living Lane do 24 00 346 13 Do do 48 00 149 06 Ammi Mitchell do 48 00 34 13 Joseph Peterson do 24 00 102 00 Do do 48 00 ,543 77 Ebenezer Perkins Marine 60 00 1 ,808 33 Do do 96 00 1,732 93 John Pearle Private 48 00 216 33 Nathaniel Philbrick - do 24 00 90 00 William Swett Captain 240 00 4,492 00 Ebenezer Seavy Lieuten't 103 00 1,674 50 Do do 204 00 631 25 Spencer Thomas Corporal 34 00 462 83 Da do 72 00 218 00 Description of ser vice. ?Revolutionary army lstregt. U. S. art'y do 9th regt. U. S. inft. do do do Sanborn's co. U. S. in- Burbank's 24th in. Burbank's 21st inf. Murdock's co. 25h in do 21st infantry Poland's 34th inf. do Revolutionary army do Hale's oo. 11th inf. Neale's 40th inf. Neale's 34th inf. 33d inf. do 5th rgt. U. S. inf. do When placed on the pen sion roll. May 11, 1822 Nov. 30, 1815 Mar. 30, 1831 Dec. 23, 1817 Feb. 20, 1816 Nav. 19, 1833 Aug. 8, 1814 Aug. 9, 1786 Nov. 15, 1830 June 5, 1830 Feb. 17, 1819 Jan. 6, 1820 Deo. 23, 1817 Commencement of pension, Mar. 24, 1814 Sep. 23, 1321 Oct. 11, 1828 Oct. 5, 1814 Apr. 24, 1816 Mar. 3, 1819 July 25, 1832 Dec. 24, 1831 May 11, 1815 Mar. 1, 1831 Feb^. 26, 1815 July 28, 1829 Dec. 18, 1832 Mar. 13, 1814 Nov. 6, 1822 Mar. 17, 1786 Apr. 24, 1816 Jan. 1, 1828 June ,4, 1830 June 16, 1815 Sep. 3, 1814 Feb. 1, 1831 July 15,1817 Feb. 24, 1831 Ot __ *=a ¦— ¦ , ^, Laws under which they were inscribed, ' ¦ increased, and reduced; remarks. Acts military establishment. Transf 'd from Mass. March 4, 1817. Acts military establishment. Increased. Transferred; from Suffolk county, Mass., Sep. 4, 1826. ¦- Acts military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Reduced by act March 3, 1819. Increased. Acts military establishment. do do Increased. Acts military establishment. Increased. Acts militaiy establishment. Died De cember, 1833. Acts military establishment. Increased. June 7, 1785. Increased by; act April 24, 1816. Acts military establishment. do do do Increased, CO PENOBSCOT COCNTT. Thomas Dinsmdre Benjamin Dow William Ferguson *° Elias Innman. . Samuel Kincaid Robert Mann Charles Peabody John S. Peavy Do Isaac Plummer Asa Bobbins Oliver Randall Do James Swett George- Warren ¦%.. Do SOMERSET COUNTY. Samuel Adams Do Jotham Buzzle Asa Holt Do Do DoDo Do John Kincaid Nathaniel Martin Do Robert McCausland - John Moody Elihu Norton, 1st Do William Parker ""¦ Do Captain 240 00 *>- Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 60 00 do 96 00 do 48 00 do 72 00 Corporal 60 00 do 96 00 Private 34 00 do 48 00 do 96 00 do 48 00 do 96 00 do 48 01 Sergeant 32' 00 do 72 00 do ^ 64 00 do 72 00 Private 32 00 do 48 00 do 96 00 do 40 00 do 96 00 do •48 00 Corporal 72 00 Lieutenant 102 00 do 153 00 Private 48 00 do 96 00 1313 33 33d infimtry Ap'l 15, 1828 Mar. 15, 1828 141 06 4th infantry Ap'l 4, 1833 Jan. 1, 1830 593 04 Maine militia Oct. 23, 1830 Jan. 1, 1828 352 60 Treat's co. 21st inf. July 16, 1830 July 12, 1830 1300 80 Dinsmore's 33d inf. May 16, 1822 Aug. 7, 1821 1812 26 Treat's co. 21st inf. April 17,1818 Ap'l 18, 1315 1748 80 do June 18, 1817 Aug. 2, 1815 113 20 4lh reg't U.S. inf. Jan. 5, 1816 May 29, 1814 1645 25 do . April 24, 1816 \§9,6 53 Herricks's volunt's Sep. 20, 1830 Jan. 1, 1828 1366 66 , Rice's 3d artillery Dec. 20, 1815 Ap'l 11, 1815 67 80 Treat's 21st inf. Mar. 6, 1815 Mar. 6, 1815 1645 25 do - April 24, 1816 645 59 Elkins' 44th inf. June 25, 1817 Apl. 11, 1815 726 00 Morris's artil'y June 30, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 180 53 do - ,Oct. 18, 1831 112 53 Crossman's 24th inf. Oct. 31, 1311 Oct. 13, 1831 12 64 do _ Jan. 18 , 1834 935 20 Drew's co. 21st inf. Aug. 15, i817 May 25, 1815 138 66 do Dec. 9, 1816 Mar. 21, 1815 481 00 do _ June 30, 1819 23 45 do _ Mar. 4, 1826 550 20 ;. do . July 15, 1826 570 29 U. S. infantry Aug. 11, 1819 Jan. 9, 1814 114 13 do _ Oct. 18, 1831 113 06 4th reg. U. S. inf. Aug. 7, 1834 Jan. 1, 1832 83 58 *_ . Mar. 13, 1814 1710 00 - « April 24, 1816 ,632 53 33d inf. Apl. 5, 1833 Jan. 1, 1821 . 103 00 U. S. infantry Aug. 7, 1834 Mar. 4, 1832 * 55 22 34th reg't U. S.inf. June 6,1832 May 28, 1832 189 08 do - Dec, 11, 1832 633 56 Col Johnson's reg't Dec. 28, 1819 Dec. 28, 1819 95 2? do . ':\ -' Mar. 8; 1833 January 29, 1813. Transferred - from N.H. Sept. 4, 1829. March 2, 1833. May 20, 1830. Acts military establishment do do do do Increased by act April 24, 1816. May 20, 1830. Acts military establishment. do - Increased by act April 24, 1816. Transf'd from Ms. Sep .4, 1826. Acts military establishment. do Increased. Acts military establishment. Increased. Acts mil'y est. Transferred from New York Sept. 4, 1818. Acts military establishment. Increased.Reduced . Increased. Acts military establishment. Increased. June 25, 1834. Acts military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1816. March 2, 1833. Acts military establishment. do Increased. June 7, 1785. Increased. so Ot Statement, Sec. of Invalid Pensioners — Continued. ¦fc. Nathaniel Strout Samuel Simmonds - Gilman B. Shaw Simeon Young WAHID COUNTY. TimothyChadbourne Do Richard Cummings • Do Do John Carlton, 2d James Clark Elisha Douglass Levi Gould Luther'G-regory David McDuffie John Penny Do Joseph Russell Uriah Spearin Solomon Sanborn, or Sanbourne .Samuel Shorey Joseph Stubbs Do Cornelius Williams Do . Rank. Private do do do Sergeant do Private dodo do dodo do do do 1 dodo dodo Corporal Private dodo do do Annual allow ance. 72 00 96 00 96 00 72 00 30 00 48 00 32 00 24 00 48 00 96 00 96 00 48 00 48 00 96 00 72 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 24 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 72 00 Stuns re ceived. 1437 80 1396 80 187 73 1434 00 45 00 857 33 126 11 166 13 388 13 593 06 183 46 296 53 680 00 1731 20 1364 80 555 46 171 00 293 87 454 45 902 40 906 00 387 46 102 00 754 13 593 17 Description of ser vice. Poland's 34th inf. Libbey's 24th inf. Elkins' volunteers 'Dongless 34th inf- Curry's co. 23d inf. do Hull's 9th inf. dodo Watson's co,3drg m, Mass. militia Nealey's Mass. mil. Stanley's co. 45thjnf. Bender's 9th inf. 21st infantry Ulmer's volunteers do Cummings' co. vol . Drew's 24fh inf. Libbey's 4th inf. Hogg's 9th inf. Poland's 34th inf. do Mass. militia do When placed on the pen sion roll. Nov. 6, 1817 June 30, 1819 Mar. 23, 1832 Dec. 19,1815 Jan. 10, 1833 Mar. 1, 181S Mar. 16, 1826 Aug. 17, 1S30 Apr. 20,-1832 Sep. 30, 1830 June 12, 1821 Ap'l 21, 1817 Qct. 15, 181f Oct. 28, 1819 Mar. 28,1828 Jan. 26, 1818 April 7, 1820 Jan. 9, 1822 Apl. 9,1825 Dec. 7,1820 Commencement of pension. Mar. 15, 1814 'Aug. 16,1818 Mar. 21, 1832 May 7, 1814 Oct. 23, 1814 Apl. 2i, 1816 Mar. 26, 1815 Mar. 3, 1819 Feb. 4, 1826 Jan. 1, 1828 April 7, 1832 Jan. 1, 1828 Dec. 27, 1819 Feb. 22, 1816 Mar. 21, 1815 Mar. 22, 1820 0.ct. 18, 1831 Jan. 21, 1828 Mar. 28,1815 May 17, 1815 Aug. 4, 1821 Sep. 8,1824 Oct. 3, 1832 Dec. 18, 1815 Dec. 9, 182.5 Laws under which they were inscribed, increased and reduced ; and remarks. Acts military establishment. do February 6, 1812. Acts military establishment. Acts military establishment. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts military establishment: Reduced under act Mar. 3 ,41819. Increased. ,_ May 20, 1830". © April 24, 1816. Transferred from New Hampshire March 4, 1832. May 20, 1830. Acts military establishment. April 30, 1816. Acts military est. Transferred from Mass. March 4, 1826. April 24, 1816. Increased.February 6, 1812. Acts military establishment. do dodo Increased. April 30, 181j6. Increased. Died Jan. 14, 1832. YORK COUNTY. John Allen Joseph Bryant, 2d Benjamin Bartlett Do Edmund Braddish Do James R. Bean • Henry Becker Henry Cole, 2d John Dunnclls Isaac Kelly Do Do Abner Men-ill Isaac Osgood Jonathan Patch Do Thomas Poindexter Joseph Prescott William Symmes,. Do- Benjamin Stephens Jabez Sawyer William Trask Noah Taylor Private Lieut. Sergeant do. Private do dodo Lieut. Private do . dodododo do do Sergeant Private do dodo dodo do 48 00 180 00 60 00 96 00 48 00 96 00 96 00 96 0Q 180 00 32 00 48 00 72,00'96 00 48 00 48 00 60 00 -96 00 96 00 48 00 96 00 60 00 64 00 48 00 96 00 60 00 688 53 3510 00 548 34 610 53 95 32 581 03 362 66 785 06 2554 00 114 40 324 53 585 00 398 66 104 60 420 26 123 21 1570 93 672 53 176 60 ¦ 347 50 819 50 544 00 808 00 1628 34 M'Callaster's co. in 33d infantry Whiting's co. art. do Stanley's co. vol. Whiting's co.lst art. 33d reg't U.S.inf. Revolutionary army Pratt's co. 5th inf. do do Pratt's U. S. inf. 29th reg. U.S.inf. 33d reg. U.S.inf. Cap. Germain's co. in. . U. S. army do Lathrop's 33d inf. Goodman's 33d inf. Douglass's 34th inf. Col.Brewer's re"g.in. Aug. 7, 1834 Aug. 12, 1817 May 3, 1826 May 25, 1830 Ap'l 23, 1831 July 6, 1820 Aug. 12, 1830 Aug. 3, 1816 Aug. 7, 1834 Aug. 3,1816 May 2, 1808 July 16, 1827 Aug. 7,1834 Junel0,'18l9 Oct. 10, 1820 June 14, 1821 Sep. 1, 1821 Dec. 14, 1816 Jan, 1, 1820 Sep. 4, 1814 Mar. 3, 1807 ApU 24 1816 Feb. 12, 1826 Feb. 16, 1828 May 24, 1830 Jan. 1, 1826 Dec. 27, 1819 Aug. 10, 1830 July 8, 1815 Ap'l 12, 1832 Jan. 9, 1830 Jan. 1, 1832 June 2, 1815 July 11, 1806 Ap'l 24, 1816 Mar. 3, 1827 Jan. 1, 1818 May 6, 1818 Mar. 4, 1820 May 14, 1821 July 18, 1821 Oct. 6, 1816 Mar. 4, 1790 June 25, 1834. Acts military establishment. ' , Trans ferred from Massachusetts Septem ber 4, 1819. March 3, 1807. Died in 1825. Increased by act April 24, 1816. Acts military establishment. Increased.February 6, 1812. March 2, 1831. Acts military establishment- May 24, 1828. Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Massachusetts March 4, 1818. Increased. do June 25, 1834. Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Massachusetts March 4, 1817. '¦ April 10, 1806. Increased 'by act April 24, 1816. Transferred from March 4, 1826. March 3, 1827. June 25, 1834. March 18, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820; and restored to invalid roll under act May 1, 1820. Acts military establishment. do Acts military establishment. Died No vember 19, 1825. ' June 7, 1785. Increased- by act April 24, 1816. Transferred from Massa chusetts September 4, 1836. Ot Statement, fyc. of Invalid Pensioners-r-Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which inscribed, Increased names: « allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion, roll. of pension. and reduced; and remarks. Noah Taylor Private 96 00 1717 33 Col.Brewer's reg.in. Ap'l 24, 1816 William Tozier do 72 00 126 00 Massachusetts mil. Aug. 7, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 June 25, 1834. Stephen Webster do 96 00 1808 60 34th reg. U. S. inf. Dec. 28, 1816 July 5, 1815 Acts military establishment. Thomas Webster Sergeant 60 00 106 18 3d reg. U.S.inf. Nov. 24, 1814 July 17, 1814 Acts military establishment. Increas ed by act April 24, 1816. Trans -. ferred- from Massachusetts March 4, 1817. Do do 96 00 1720 00 do _ Ap'l 24, 1816 Paul Wentworth Private 34 00 433 56 23d inf. April 4,1821 Dec. 7, 1820 Acts military establishment. Ichabod Wentworth do 48 00 296 00 Adam's reg. U.S.in. Dec. 26, 1827 Dec. 31, 1827 do Jedediah Wentworth Corporal 48 00 976 26 do May 22, 1818 Nov. 2, 1813 Acts military establishment. Trans ferred from Massachusetts Septem ber 4, 1830. William Walker Private 64 00 1G 55 33d inf. Mar. 22, 1834 Dec. 3, 1833 Acts -military establishment. Joseph Webb, jr. do 72 00 146 75 Militia volunteers Aug. 7, 1834 Jan. 1, 1832 do r— I OX I— ¦ t» Statement of the Names, fyc. of the Heirs of non-commissioned Officers,, Privates, fyc. who died in the United States'1 service, who obtained five years' half -pay in lieu of bounty land, under the second section of the act of 'April 10, 1816, and who resided in the State of Maine. Names of the ori ginal claimants. Rank. Description of service. Benjamin Clarke Private 21st reg't inf. Sam. Chamberlain do Artillery Joseph Clark do State artillery William Claridge do 21st reg't inf. Samuel Dunbar - do do Jedediah Dorsett do do Robert Evans Corporal 34th reg't inf. Daniel Hall Artificer 3d reg't art'y Humphrey Libby Private Corps art'y Daniel Mann Sergeant Corps St. art'y Joseph Noyes Barstow Newell - Priviate Corporal State art'y 21st reg't inf. cease. Names of the heirs, Dee. 9, 1813 Aug. 11, 1813 Ap'l 19, 1815 Jan. 3, 1814 May 12, 1813 May 20, 1815 Oct. 12, 1814 Dec. 15, 1813 Oct, 18, 1813 Dec. 10, 1814 Nov. 20, 1813 July 20, 1813 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Thankful, Sally, Rebecca and Mark Fernald Clarke Thomas, Samuel, Jonathan and Anna Chamberlain William, John, Benj'n, Charles and Mary Ann Clark Louisa, Comfort, Lucy, Willi am, Henry, Hiram, Cyrus, Cynthia and Ira Claridge Eliza, Muril, Olive, Prince, Pe ter and Nancy Morse Dunbar Thomas, Edmund, Salome, Wil liam, John, Jedediah, James and Dudley F. Dorsett Mary, Robert, Sally, Frederick and Josiah Evans Ebenezer, Daniel and Hannah Hall ~ Amelia, Jane, Margaret, Han nah, Mary, Mercy and Keziah Libby - - - Daniel, Hannah, Elizah, Catha rine and Mary Hamblin Mann Jane Noyes .... Julia, Anne and Barstow New ell - ... A.nnu'1 allowance, 48 00 48 00 48 00 Sums re ceived. 48 00 48 00 48 00 60 00 78 00 48 00 66 00 48 00 60 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 300 00 39Q 00 240 00 330 00 240 00 30.0 00 When placed on the roll. Feb. 17, 1817 Aug. 6, 1817 Jan. 6, 1818 Mar. 5, 1818 Feb. 17, 1817 Nov. 11, 1817 Oct. 17, 1817 Feb. 17, 1817 r June 6, 1818 Oct. 17, 1817 Feb. 17, 181? Nov. 13, 1820 Commence ment of pen sion. Feb. 17, 1815 do do do dodo dodo do dodo Mar. 6, 1819 Ending of pension. Feb. 17, 1820 do do _ dodp' dodo do do dodo Mar. 6, 1824 CO Ox Statement of Heirs of non-commissioned Officers, Privates, fyc— Continued. Names of the ori. ginal claimants. Benjamin Rowe - Nathaniel Stearns Nathan Saunders William Amis - Robert Rodgers Francis Read William Tufts - Joseph Witham David Wescoat - .Stephen Clapham Ezra Cole Rank. Private dodo do Sergeant Private do do do do Description of service. Light art'y 34th reg't inf. 21st ' do 45th 21st9 th do, do do do Eleazer'Cummings do James Douglass I do do do 34th do 34th reg't inf. 26th 21st do do Time of de cease. Aug. 14, 1814 Dec. 21, 1814 Dec. 21, 1812 Archibald Rowe Eunice Stearns Mary, Nathaniel, Celia Saunders do Names of the heirs. CUMBERLAND COUNTY— cont'd. Jordan and HANCOCK COUNTY.. May 3, 1815 John, William and Lydia Amis July 25, 1814 Lyman, Oramel and Catharine Rodgers - . Jan, 8, 1814 Betsey and Charles Read Sep. 30, 1&12 William, John, Freeman, Sally and Milton Tufts July 5, 1814 David, Rufus, Maria, Philip, John, Samuel and Eliza Wit- ham Sept. 8, 1814 Sally, Lucy, David and Daniel Weseoat ... KENNEBECK COUNTY. Aug, 30, 1814 Charles, John, Thomas, George and William Clapham Mar. 3, 1815 George and Aschah Cole Oct. 9, 1813 Anna, Isaac, Seth, Asa, Enos, Joseph and Sally Cummings Dec. 1, 1813 John Douglass . ". ' . Annu' allow ance 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 66 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 0b 48 00 Sums re- ceived. 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 330 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 When placed on the roll, Jan. 6, 1818 Feb. 17, 1817 Aug; 11, 1817 May 21, 1819 Aug. 18, 1817 Jan. 9, 1822 Aug. 11, 1817 Nov. 23, 1817 Dec. 24, 1821 Nov. 7,1817 do Nov. 13, 1817 do Commence ment of pen sion. Feb. 17, 1815 do do Dec. 2, 1818 Feb. 17, 1815 Dec. 12, 1821 Feb. 17; 1815 do June 15, 1821 Feb. 17, 1815 do dodo Ending of pension. Oi Feb. 17, 1820 do do Dec. 2,1823 ^ Feb. 17, 182,6 Dec. 12, 1826 Feb. 17, 1820 do June 15, 1826 Feb. 17, 1820 do do do Allen Door do 9th do June 1, 1813 John Djckey do ,31st do. Mar. 12, 1815 Levi Eldridge . ¦ : do 9jh do July or Aug't 1814 Bolton Fish Sergeant do July 25, 1814 Winthrop Glidderi. "Private 21st do Dec. 27, 1813 John. Gold Wiffigm Haskell Zacnariah'Hussey do . do do do 40th reg't inf. 31st do Aug. 28, 1814 ;KJar. 31, 1815 Sept. 7, 1813 Jabez Harlow - Sergeant •9ih 'do, Nov. 20, 1813 Daniel Horn - ( Private do Jan. 12, 1814 James Le Barron . do do Dec. 18, 1813 William Milchel do '21st do July 28, 1813 John McCurda - do dp June 11, 1813 John Quimhy do 9th do July 6, 1813 John Springer • Joseph Trask - Sergeant Private do 21st do Jan. 27, 1815 Sep. 13, 1813 Asa Wing do 4th do Nov.'17, 1814 Jeremiah. W ingate do 3d reg't art'y Nov. 30, 1813 Clarissa, Margaret and Martha Ann Door - - Horace W., Mary E. and Ho ratio G. Dickey - - - Levi, Mehitable, Rhoda, Eunice - Betty and William Eldridge Meribah, Ruby, Hiram, Ephraim, David and Nathaniel Fish - Lois, Cqmfort, Joseph and Da-. niel Glidden - - - Mary Ann.Q-pld - - - William and Greenleaf Haskell . Experience, Polly, Betsey, John and,Theodore Hussey Atallne, Eliza, Moses H., Ma ria, Catharine, Joseph and ..D.olly Harlow - - - Ebenezer, Samuel,. Mary, Archi bald and Emily Horn- - Elizabeth, Dorcas, Lavinia and Samuel Le'Barron " - Adah, Joshua and William Mit- chel * ' ?'- Luther, Mary, Isaac, Wiliiam, Abiel, Rosanna and Calvin McCurda Benjamin, Joseph, Love, Eli- phalet, Vienna, Dennis, Lu- cinda and Celia Quimby Maiy and John Springer Ruth, Alfred, George, Jefferson and Polly Trask - Deborah, William, Dan'l, John, David, Asa ' and Parmenio Wing - - - - Lydiah H.., Noah, Ebenezer and Driscilla Wingate 48 00 240 00 Dec. 1, 1818 do do 48 00 240 00 Oct. 12, 1818 do do 48 00 240 00 Nov. 7, 1817 do do 66 00 330 00 Nov. 23, 1817 do do 48 00 .48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 Nov. 13, 1817 db Nov. 4, 1817 dodo do dododo 48 00 240 00 Nov. 7, 1817 do do .66 00 3f 330 00 do do do 48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 do Dec. 1, 1817 do do do do cn 48 00 240 00 do do do '48 00 240 00 Jiily 23, 18J8 do do 48 00 66 00 240 00 330 00 June 29, 1818 Nov. 7,1817 do do dodo 48 00 240 00 May 11, i818 do do 48 00 240 00 Nov. 13, 1817 do do rr Or 48 00 240 00 Mar. 5, 1819 do do £» Statement of Heirs of non-commissioned Officers, Privates, 8,-c. — Continued. Names of the ori Rank. Description of Time of de Names of the heirs. Annu'l Sums re When placed Commence Ending of pension. ginal claimants. service. cease. " / allowance. ceived. . ^ on the roll. ment of pen sion. LINCOLN COUNTY. William Adams - Private 9th reg't inf. Septem. 1813 Alpheus, Nancy, Olive, Eliza beth, Mary & John W. Adams 48 00 -240 00 May 4, 1818 Feb. 17, 1815 Feb. 17, 1820 Jesse Benjamin - do 4th do Nov. 28, 1813 Eliza Ann Benjamin 48 00 240 00 May 1, 1818 do do David Boyd do 21st do Jan. 2, 1814 Peggy, Mary, Washington, Da vid and Hannah Boyd 48 00 240 00 May 16, 1818 June 6, 1818 do do William Bicker - do 45th ' do Aug. 15, 1814 William Bicker ... 48 00 240 00 do do Charles Cobum - Sergeant 9th do June 1, 1813 Justice and John Coburn 66 00 330 00 Oct. 18, 1817 do do Reuben Coburn Samuel Cratih, or Private Corps It. art'y Dec. 17,1813 Mary P. Coburn 48 00 240 00 Ap'l 6, 1818 do do Craighton do 9th reg't inf. Jan. 23, 1814 James, Henry, William, Jane, ¦ • ¦ and Eunice Cratin 48 00 240 00 Sep. 23, 1819 do do Patrick Dorsey - do 45th do Jan. 7, 1815 Honour, John, Margaret, Mary and Catharine Dorsey 48 00 240 00 Feb. 12, 1817 do - d( Elijah Douglass . do 9th do Decemb. 1813 Abigail, Jane and Elijah Doug Nathan Eaton do 45th do Dec. 26, 1814 lass ..... Nathan, Betsey and Ruth Eaton 48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 Aug. 3, 1818 Mar. 5, 1818 do do dcdo John Gould do do Nov. 28, 1814 Isaac, Lavinia, Hiram', Abigail, Mary and Samuel Gould 48 00 240 00 May 4, 1818 do do do John Gordon, jr. do 21st do Mar. 15, 1815 Justin, John and Josiah Gordon 48 00 240 00 do do William Gordon do do Aug. 5, 1813 Freelove, Alfred, Hugh, Eliza beth and Jane Gordon 48 00 240 00 July 31, 1818 do / do do Benj'n Hastings do do Dec. 11, 1812 Ann Maria Hastings 48 00 240 00 do do Simeon Jones Corporal 9th do June 17, 1813 Arthur, Richard, Enoch and Si Arch'd McAllister Private 4th do Nov. 30, 1813 meon Jones ... Ruth, Ann, Hiram, Sally and 60 00 300 00 Aug. 4, 1S17 do do 1 Rosanna McAllister - - 48 DO 240 00 May 1, 1818 do do Ot ©5 James. Macumber James Morton - John Oldes Jon'n Philbrook Samuel Rice William Simpson William Tarr Wait Weeks Samuel Boynton Samuel Carpenter Calvin Crooker - Ezekiel Duston - Thomas Eustis - William Healy - Joseph Levett - Marshall Lewis - Scl'n Messowey John McLaughlin Corporal Private dododadododo dododo do Drummer Private do do dodo 33d do May 10, 45ih do Dec. 17j do Jan. 14, 21st ' do Dec. 1, 45th do Oct. 22, do Nov. 23, 9 th do June 8, 45th do Nov. 25, Corps artillery 11th reg't inf. 9th do do 3d reg't art'y 11th reg't inf. 9th < do Corps artillery 45th reg't inf. do 1814 1814 1815 ,1814 1814 1314 1813 1814 Sep. 7, 1814 Dec. 19, 1813 Feb. 8, 1814 Jan. 2, 1814 In 1813 Dec. 6, 1814 July 1813 May 13, 1814 Mar. 10, 1815 Oct. 13, 1814 Abner, Pitts, Gideon, Conrad, Sophionia, Joseph and James Macumber Magnus, -Susanna, 1'riscilla, Ma ry, Elizabeth and Hannah Morton .... William C, John, David P., Elizabeth and Sarah Oldes - Abigail H, Elisha, Lucy H., Al- mari and Phcebe Philbrook Andrew, Sally, Samuel and Da vid Rice .... Samuel, Rachael and Margaret Simpson Charles, Mary, Leonard and Sally Tarr - Mary Weeks .... OXFORD COUNTY. Jane, itoyal and Roxanna Boyn ton - Eliza and Albion Carpenter Doras, Deborah, Rhoda, Calvjn and Almira Crooker - John, York, Perigrine, Chand- . ler R , Hannah, Leander G. and Ezekiel W. Duston Minerva, Hannah, Mary, Cy prus, Soton, Thomas and John C. Eustis - John, Sally and Mehitabel Healy Jonathan, Elijah, Abigail, Sa muel and Sarah Levett Sally, Alexander, Olive, Abigail, Hannah and Daniel Lewis - Charles, Harriet and Robert Mes sowey - - - - James, Phineas, Amasa, Benja min and Hiram McLaughlin 60 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 4S 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 54 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 300 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 270 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 Aug. 4, 1817 dodo Aug. 22, 1817 Aug. 4, 1817 May 1, 1818 Mar. 6, 1820 June 29, 1818 Feb. 13, 1818 Sep. 29, 1817 Jan. 9, 1824 Feb. 17, 1817 Dec. 22, 1817 Ap'l 11, 1821 Feb. 5, 1817 Feb. 21, 1820 Feb. 17, 1817 Jan. 6, 1818 dododododo do Feb. 8, 1820 Feb.. 17, 1815 dodo Oct. 17, 1818 Feb. 17, 1815 do Jap. 2, 1821 Feb. 17, 1815 dodo do do do do dodo do Feb. 8, 1825 Feb. 17, 1820 dodo Oct. 17, 1823 Feb ; 17, 1820 do Jan. 2, 1826 Feh. 17, 1820 do do do mnw/tC/tt fj J ncus vj nui t-commissionea Officers, i "rival es, Sfc. - -Continued r— i Ut Names of the ori ginal claimants. Rank. Description of service. Time of de cease. Names of the heirs. Annu'l allow ance. Sums re ceived. When placed on the pen sion roll. Commence ment of pen- Ending of pension, Van Oxford county— continued. . Joseph Mitchell - Private 21st do June 10, 1813 Almira, Arthur, Emily, Joseph, Josiah Smith Jesse Wright Corporal Private do - 9th do Nov. 11, 1813 Nov. 23, 1813 Edward and Alfred Mitchell Montillion Smith Jesse, Josiah, Daniel, Lang, 48 00 60 00 - 240 00 300 00 June 29, 1818 Dec. 14, 1816 Feb. 17,1815 do Feb. 17, 1820 do Abel and David Wright 48 00 240 00 Nov. 13, 1820 Nov. 1, 1820 Nov. 1, 1825 PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Amos Heath William Lancaster do do 21st reg't inf. do Jan. 8, 1814 Jan. 15, 1815 Eunice, John and Sally Heath Mary, Thomas and Catharine 48 00 240 00 Oct. 6, 1819 Feb. 17, 1815 Feb. 17, 1820 t-Mj *> Lancaster .... SOMERSET COUNTY. 48 00 240 00 June 20, 1821 Mar. 19, 1821 Mar. 19, 1826 CJ) Amos Baker . - do 21st reg't inf. October, 1814 Henry K., Mary, Delia and Jo Benjamin Church Joseph Littlefield do do do ' 9th do Septem. 1813 Dec. 25, 1813 seph Baker Harriet, Greenleaf, Drusilla, Pol ly and Abigail Church Susanna and Eleanor Littlefield YORK COUNTY. 48 00 48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 Nov. 13, 1817 Jan. 26, 1820 Dec. 17, 1817 Feb. 17, 1815 dodo Feb. 17, 1820 do do Joseph Bridges - Dearborn T. Blake John Bolden Trueworthy Dud ley do do do do 3d reg't art'y 9th reg't inf. 21st do 33d do Apr, 19, 1813 Nov. 19, 1813 Sep. 12, 1813 June 4, 1815 Ivory and Joshua Bridges, jr. Joseph and William Blake William, Samuel, Jemima, Mary and Barbara Bolden - Thomas, William, and Samuel 48 00 ' 48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 Feb, 17, 1817 Nov. 23, 1817 Jan. 6, 1818 dodo do dodo do John Ham - | do - artillery July 5, 1813 Dudley .... Mary and Sarah Ham 48 00 48 00 240 00 240 00 Jan. 6, 1819 Nov. 4,1817 dodo do do John James do 21st reg't inf. Jan. 7, 1314 Ebenezer and Eliza James ¦> 48 00 240 00. June29, 1818 do do Jacob Lord do 9th do Dec. 27, 1813 Dolly and Jacob Lord 48 00 240 00 Nov.: 4, 1817 do do John Moore do Corps artillery Dec. 8, 1813 Joshua, Samuel and Mary Moore 48 00 240 00 Nov, 23, 1817 do Ot Statement showing the names, rank, o>c. of persons residing in Cumberland county, in the State of Maine, who have been inscribed on the Pension List under the act of Congress passed on the 18th March, 1818. n Ot Joseph Allen Nathaniel Abbot Jonathan Abbot Israel Bailey James Barker David Bachelder Samuel Baker • Jesse Brown Daniel Beal James Barker - Nicholas Brag Joab Black Pelatiah Berry Moses Banks - James Boas John Blake Caleb Bartlett John Bailey, 2d James Barrett Timothy Bacon Rank. Trivate t!o do do do Sergeant Private do do do do dodo Lieut. Private dodo dodo do Annual allowance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived, 1521 60 645 32 730 40 1163 20 1126 39 1033 33 113 06 661 60 705 60 888 00 1518 13 177 60 1472 53 1334 00 1521 33 748 26 19 74 416 80 112 53 1024 00 Description of ser vice. Mass. cont'l lino do do dodo N. Hampshire cOn'l Massachusetts con'l do do dododo do dododododo dodo When placed on the pen sion roll. C ommencem ent of pension. Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 5, 1819 do Feb. 10, 1819 Oct* 10, 1818 Nov. 6, 1821 Jan. 9, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Mar.Dec.Jan. Feb. Aug. May Apr. May Mar. Sept.Mar. Nov. 5, 1^19 22, 1825 29, 1819 10, 1819 4, 1819 11, 1819 -7, 1819 12, 1819 6, 1819 7, 1819 5, 1819 30, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 do do Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 30, 1818 Apl. 3, 1818 Dec. 30, 1818 May 5, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Dec. 4, 1824 Mav 11, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 May 2, 1818 Aug. 18, 1818 Ap'l 30, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 dodo , , Aug. 6, 1818 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. 75 727582 81 74 88 73 66 65786670 Suspended under act May 1, 1 820. Restored, commencing July 25, 1826. - Died April 8, 1830. /"» Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 25, - 1826. Died May- 22, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing April 14, 1824. » Died January 8, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Febru ary 13, 1829. Died September 4, 1825. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died October 10, 1823." Died August 23. 1820. Died August.3 1, 1822. Died June 30, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Febru ary 2, 1824. Daniel Barnard Josiah Bracket Nathaniel Butler Jacob Bemi3 - Peter VV. Brown Melzar Byram Moses Bennett Joseph Blake John Bragdon, 2d Jonathan Barker l_>;jvid Cook William Cleaves Edmund Cleaves Benjamin Creay Samuel Crockett David Clark Loring Cushing Thomas Cummings Joseph Cross Samuel Cash Silvanus Cobb Joseph A. Grossman Aaron Chamberlain Thomas Cummings- Simeon .Case well Silas Chadbourne Joshua Crooker Alexander Campbell John Cornish Luther Dana John Doty Samuel Downing Bickford Dyer James.Dobbins do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Ensign 240 00 Private ¦ 96 00 do 96 03 Corporal 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Captain 200 00 do 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Lieut. 240 00 Musician 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Mariner 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do ; 9J5 00 Lieut. * 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Midshipm. 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do #6 00 177 60 222 €6 585 06 513 60 2840 00 174 31 1223 73 1198 39 1521 60 596 59 712 42 464 26 1521 60 976 26 1521 60 1,521 21 73 06 192 00 1,8^3 33 384 00 9 86 66 66 1,271 46 1 283 46 1,521 6Q 1,525 06 1,014 00 - 172 00 850 13 1,522 40 1,337 86 888 26 1,525 60 953 33 1,521 34 dodododo do dododo dododododododododo do do do dodo Continental navy Mass. continental do do do. do x do d° Continental navy Massachusetts line do -do South Carolina -line Nov, 24, May 11, Sep. 14, Mar. 27, Ap'l 29, May 7, Mar. 19, Jan. 23, 1819 18191819 1819 1818 1819 1819 1819 July 26, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Mar. 6, 1819 May. 11, Apl 1, May 6, Mar. 6, Aug. 3, Aug. 4, Apr. ,26, Mar.: 5, May 5, July 29, July 15, Oct. 2 , July 27, Jan. 22, Jan 23, 1819 1819 1.819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 18191819 1820 1820 1820 1820 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 July 17, 1819 May 7, 1819 Jan. 29, 1819 Sep. 26, 181-8 Jan. 22, 1819 do May 6, 1819 Ap'l ,38, 1818 72 Sep. 28, 1818 64 Sep. 17, 1818 90 Ap'l 27, 1818 76 Apr. 29, 1818 80 May 11, 1818 61 Ap'l 28, 1818 78 Ap'l 15, 1818 76 Ap'l 28, 1818 74 Apr. 24, 1818 70 Oct. 5, 1814 . Ap'l 29, 1818 73 Ap'l 28, 1818 79 do 78 do 78 Ap'l 28, 1818 73 May 28, 1819 73 Ap'l 28, 1818 68 Ap'l 4, 1818 83 Ap'l 30, 1818 69 Julv 27, 1818 74 June 24, 1819 72 Ap'l 24, 1818 82 Ap'l 28, 1818 79 do 79 Ap'l 15, 1810 71 Ap'l 13, 1818 71 - May 19, 1818 . Ap'l 7, 1818 72 Ap'l 25, 1818 79 Mar. 27, 1818 69 June 29, 1818 65 Ap'l 13, 1818 69 June 15, 1818 87- Ap'l 29, 1818 80 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died August 8, 1820. Died May 21, 1824. Died February 28, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died February 12, 18^32. Suspended under act May 1, 1S20. Restored, comrnencing May 6, 1823. Died February 11, 1824. December 16, 1791. Invalid. Relinquished for the benefits of this act. Died October 27, 18231 Died June 29, 1828.' Dropped under act May 1, 1820' Died April 1820. Died October 24, 1825. Died May 2, 1822. Died August 4> 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died July 22, 1831. Died September 11, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated February 15, 1S2I. Died June 15, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Died February 15,* 1827. Died February 19, 1832. Died October 5, 1827. Died May 5, 1828. >o Ot Statement, fyc. of Cumberland county— Continued. Abner Dodge John Dacy Isaac Davis Ichabod Doughty Amrni Dunham Paul Dyer- - , John Dillingham James Doughty, 2d Nathaniel Doughty, Doty Nathan Dudley Joshua Dunn Zachariah Eastman Samuel Eaton Joshua Emery James Flood Vinson Fickett Thomas Flint Thomas Frank Nathaniel Fickett Benjamin Green Thomas Gustin Eliab Gurne'y Benjamin Gatchell Enoch Graffham Prince Hamlin Luther Hall Benjamin Hogsdon Rank. SergeantPrivate dodo do dodo do do - dodo dododododo Mariner Private dp dodo dodo do dodo do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1 ,416 00 1,170 60 1,473 86 1,522 40 1,473 86 862 66 108 26 178 40 1,522 66 182 40 1,526 93 1,522 40 1,177 86 - 864 00 610 66 1521 60 177 60 1297 06 1553 86 608 90 37 33 792 26 548 00 898 66. 1525 33 817 33 1529 06 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line do do dodododo do dododododo do do do Continental navy Massachusetts line do do do do do dodo dodo When placed on the pen sion roll. Ap'l 6,1819 Mar. 18, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 July 19, 1818 May 6. 1819 do Ap'l 6, 1818 July 10, 1819 Sep. 23, 1819 Nov. 25, 1819 Ap'l 12, 1820 Jan. 25, 1819 July 19, 1819 June 12, 1820 Mav 11, 1819 Mar. 6, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 Mar. 18, 1818 June 3, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 May 11, 1819 June 7, 1819 May 7, 1819 May 6, 1819 Aug. 2, 1819 May 7, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Commencement of pension . Apl 28, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 18, 1818 May 15,-1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 24, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 do ' do Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 16, 1818 Ap'l 23, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 July 10, 1818 Ap'l 18, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Mar. 31, 1318 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Ot Died January 28, 1833. Died July 4, 1830. Died April 13, 1827. Died July 1, 1819, Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Suspended Under act May 1, 182Q. Died August 4, 1830. Died April 6, 1827. Died. September 22, 1825. -Dropped under act May 1, 1820. N Died October 11, 1831. Died May 23, 1832. Died August 4, 1824. Died September 4, 1818. Died November 5, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing March 25, 1823. Died Jan. 5, 1827. Died August 28, 1827. Died November 1826. 13 William Hobbey Stephen Hutchinson Joseph Haws James Hands Charles Hall Samuel Hatch ..William Hans Morrell Hohbs William Hasty Stephen Haskell John. H olden John Hoyt Richard Humewell Oliver Hunt William Harman Jacob Hazen Elijah Hackett Samuel. Hicks Silas Holbrook David Harding Hezekiah Harding David Jones Hezekiah Jordan Solomon Jones Daniel Jumper Jonathan Johnson Nathan Johnson Abraham Jordan Humphrey Jordan Eii Jackson Thomas Jordan John Kilburn Ichabod King Jorathan Knig-ht, 2d Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96; 00 do •96 00 do 96 00 Lieutenant 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Lieutenant 240 00 do 240 00 Fifer 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Lieutenant 240 00 Surgeon . * Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00' do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do -96 00 S73 33 826 93 1525 32 717 33 1525 28 1478 13 1282 66 817 06 3044 00 1210 40 991 46 1034 13 728 00 702 66 392 79 1521 60 180 53 180 53 996 80 949 33 1400 66 444 66 173 73 584 53 1334 13 1404 26 1296 53 1521 60 1369 06 728 53 177 60 197 20 181 06 1496 60 do do do do do dodododo do do do do dodo dodo do dododo do dodo do do do do do dodo do do do Ap'l 6, 1819 Mar. 5, 1819 May 10, 1819" July 26, 1819 May 12, 1819 Mar: 18, 1819 Mar. 5, 1819 Ap'l 17, 1819 June r, do 1819 June 22, 1819 Dec. 18, 1818 Nov. 6, 1813 May 2, 1818 Jan. 23, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 Oct. 29, 1819 May 20, 1819 Dec. 21, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Mar. 5, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1819 May 7, 1819 May 11, 1819 July 26, 1819 Jan. 25. 1819 July 26, 1819 Sep. 30, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 July 26, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1818 65 Ap'l 28, 1818 85 Ap'l 14, 1818 79 Ap'l 16, 1818 63 Ap'l 15, 1818 75 Ap'l 11, 1818 77 Ap'l 28, 1818 73 Ap'l 16, 1818 81 Ap'l 17, 1819 '78 Ap'l 14, 1818 65 May 6, 1818 74 Ap'l 29, 1818 84 May, 22, 1818 66 Mar. 31,1818 67 Ap'l 14, 1818 70 Ap'l 28, 1818 72 Ap'l 17, 1818 69 do •80 Ap'l 28, 1818 72 Ap'l 14, 1818 .96 June 29, 1818 80 Ap'l 28, 1818 86 May 5, 1818 75 Apr. 28, 1818 .65 May 11, 1818 70 May 1, 1818 74 Ap'l. 28, 1818 88 do 73 do 80 do 69 do 68 Apl. 22, 1818 64 April 15, 1818 75 May 13, 1818 76 Died March 10, 1831. Died December 9, 1826. Died October 6, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated April 4, 1824. Died September 8, 1831 . Died October 20, 1826. Died December 23,* 1831. Died December 3, 1830. s Died February 6,1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 14, 1822. Died May 14, 1823. Died March 24,. 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Decem ber 21, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Do do do Died September 16, 1828. Died March 1, 1828. Died May 1, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died June 4, 1824. Died December 17, 1832. Died October 30, 1831. Died October 13, 1833. Died November 30, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. «5 CO Ot Statement, §c. of Cumberland county— Continued. Ot Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser-. NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. Abraham Knight Ebenezer Kemp Private 96 Od 1521 60 New Hampshire line do 96 00 1418 13 Massachusetts line do do Zachariah Knight James Kavan dodo 96 00 96 00 993 33 406 66 Jacob Knight John Knight dodo 96 00 96 0» 1521 60 1526 93 dodo Thomas Libby do 96 00 177 60 do Reiiben Libbey do 96 00 369 86 do John Lincoln do 96 00 177 60 do James Libbev do 96 00 960 80 do Daniel Lunt Captain 240 00 -448 60 do Isaac Lawabee Private 96 00 1515 20 do Richard M. Libbey - do 96 00 181 06 do Nathan Lewis do 96 00 443 20 do James Lara do 96 00 1109 33 do Mark Leach dc 96 00 335 20 do Simeon Libbey Corporal 96 00 170 60 dodo George Leach Private 96 00 593 60 Nathan Libbey do 96 00 476 26 do Josiah Lovell do 96 00 177 60 do Southworth Macomber do 96 00 1430 13 do James Means Captain 240 00 224 66 do John Martin Drummer 96 00 1250 13 do Jonathan Moores Private 96 00 174 40 do Robert Maxfield do 96 00 1193 86 do When placed on the pen sion roll. July 29, 1819 Sept. 6, 1819 May 19, 1819 Jan. 25, 1821 Junell,1831 Oct. 22, 1822 Jan. 25, 1819 Mar. 24, 1819 Mar. 5, 1819 Mar. 6, 1819 Mav 5, 1819 Apr. 17, 1819 May 6, 1819 do May 11, 1819 May 10, 1819 July 7,1819 July 27, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 June 10, 1819 July 26, 1819 July 19, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Commencement of pension Apr. 28, 1818 May 26, 1818 July 26, 1818 Dec. 9, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Apl. 8, 1818 Apl. 28, 1818 Apl. 27, 1818 Apl. 28, 1818 do- Ap'l 13, 1818 May 22, 1818 May 8, 1818 April 23, 1818 May 2, 1818 July 27, 1818 Apl. 28, 1818 do Ap'l. 28, 1818 do April 11, 1818 Mar. 27, 1819 Apl. 22, 1818 May 13, 1818 Apr. 28, 1S18 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Died December 1, 1828. Died February 22, 1823. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died in 1822. Suspended under act May 1, 1S20. Died May 1828. • Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died March 27, 1820- Died December 5, 1822. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Continued commencing Janu ary 6, 1824. Died January 23, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 13, 1828. Died April 14, 1823. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Suspended under actMay 1, 1820. Died May 23, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing August 2, 1823. William Merrow Solomon Meseroe John Mugford William McGaughlin - ' William.McKinney - John Mcintosh John McDonald William Mayberry - Moses Merrill James McCormick - David Martin William Magill John McManus David Morton John Mason Daniel Mathews, 2d • Trince McClellan Isaac McKinney Do Do Robert Martin Joshua" Moody Josiah Millikin Matthias Murch Joel Milligin Pelatiah McDonald ¦ Jonathan Margary Daniel Moses Anthony Noble Luke Nicholson Clement Pennell Nehemiah Packard Daniel Page William Plummer do 96 00 Ensign 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Lieut. 240 00 Private 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Seaman 96 00 Private 40 00 do 64 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 •do 96 00 do 96 00 -do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Musician 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 1525 59 523 86 1521 60 177 60 3572 00 177 60 641 60 1473 60 1425 86 996 00 1522 93 1000 00 1474 40 179 46 465 33 466 26 801 06 1083 67 309 04 1152 10 1525 06 1027 73 1414 13 1525 34 1529 20 1525 60 273 06 553 60 749 06 1058 40 1521 60 1522 93 1429 33 1137 60 do do dodo dodo do do do do do do do . do do do Continental navy Massachusetts line do dodo do dodo do do dodododo dodo do N. Hampshire line Sep. 14, 1819 Oct. 5, 1819 Mar. 24, Mar. 27, do Apr. 29, May 6, do Mar. 27, May 6, Sept. 14, May 7, Sept. 9, May 12, May 20, Dec. 30, July 11, Sept.29, Apl. 24, 1819 1819 18191819 1819 1819 181918191819 1819 18201S20 1821 1789 1816 Mar. IB, 1818 Jan. 21, Jan. 25, Jan. 23, Jan. 22, Jan, 21, do Mar. 6, Mar. 9, May 7, July 19, Jan. 22, do Jan. 28, 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 18191819 1819 18191819 Mar. 5, 1819 Apl. 13, 1818 May 8, 1818 Apl. 28, do Apr. 16, Apr. 28, do do Apr. 27, Apr. 17, Apr. 28, Apr. 25, Apr. 25, Apr. 21, Dec. 17, Apr. 24, Mar. 15, 181818181818 18181818 1818 1818 18181818 1819 18181821 July 11, 1821 Apl. 13, Apr. 4, Apl. 14, do May 7, Apl. 13, Apl. 30, Apl. 25, May 15, Apl. 25, Apl. 28, Apl. 23, Apl. 11, 1818 1 18 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 18181818 1818 Apl. 28, 1818 7577 67 66 84 737775 7788 73 81 75 60 65 6490 91 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing March 35, 1823. Died Aug. 2, 1823. Died February 20, 1820. Died January 27, 1823. Dropped, under act May 1, 1820. Died February 8, 1825. Died October 27, 1823. Died September 2, 1829. Died September 25, 1S28, Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died October 22, 1824. Died February 10, 1823. Died July 19, 1829. March 4, 1789. Invalid . April 24, 1816. Increased by act April 24, 1816. March 6, 1821. Relinquished for benefit of act March 18, 1818. Died December 28, 1828.- Died January 7, 1833. DtedMarch5, 1821. Died February 8, 1824. Died March 2, 1826. Died May 4, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated September 4, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored com».iencing May 22, 1824. Ot Ot Statement, fyc. of Cumberland county — Continued^ Ot -, \ Rank. NAMES. Benjamin Prince Private David Partridge do Jonathan Pollard do Thomas Pool Sergeant Job Pool Private Isaac Plummer do Joseph Phinney do Daniel Plummer , do Lemuel Rice do Solomon Russel^ do Joseph C. Rackliff • do Abraham Reed do Ebenezer Redlon do Joseph Ross do Benjamin Radford do James Band do John Robinson do Jonathan Reed do David Rice Mids'man Nathaniel Shaw Private James Snow Sergeant Joshua Snow do David Sessions do Annual Sums re Description of ser allow ceived. vice. ance. 96 00 1521 60 Massachusetts line 96 00 1520 53 Mass. line. 96 00 560 06 do 96 00 568 00 do 96 00 1523 73 do 96 00 181 33 do 96 00 91 20 do 96 00 180 80 du 96 00 836 80 do 96 00 178 06 do 96 00 1017 86 do 96 00 1819 46 New Hamp. line 96 00 786 13 Mass. line > 96 00 850 13 do 96 00 203 73 do 96 00 1520 53 do 96 00 847 73 do 96 00 1520 80 New Hamp. line 96 00 321 86 Cont'l navy 96 00 178 13 Mass. line 96 00 1210 52 do 96 00 170 40 do 96 00 615 2d New Hamp. line When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. June 7, Ap'l 30, May 7, do May 11, Aug. 2, Aug. 4, July 25, Jan. 25, Jan. 22, Mar. 9, Mar. 25, 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 18191819 1819 1819 June 11, 18i9 July 19, 1819 "Sep. 6, 1819 May 25, 1819 July 3, 1820 Sep. 7, 1820 Jan. 23, 1821 Feb. 13, 1819 Jan. 30, 1819 \ Mar. 11, 1819 Mar. 19, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 May 2, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 do Ap'l 20, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Mar. 22, 1819 May 16, 1818 Ap!l 28, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 May 8, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 16, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 May .1, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Mar. 21, 1818 May 25, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 76 Laws under which they were for- merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Died May 6, 1824. . Died March 4, 1824. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. do do Died January 16, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died December 15, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing January 5, 1821: Died July 15, 1832. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 13, 1823. Died November 4, 1828. Died February 2, 1827. Died May 30, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated February 25, 1821. Died October 18, 1827. Died February 13, 1827. Died August 11, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing June 7, 1823. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died September 22, 1824. OS Lewis Shepherd John K. Smith Richard Stubbs John Starbird Jeremiah Small Walter Simonton Zachariah Small John Sanborn Daniel Small, 3d John Stanford Peter Smith, 2d ' Israel Sweet - Prince S trout Paul Sanborn John Sadler Daniel'Sargeant, 2d John Sanborn, 2d John Smith, 1st James Snow EUsha SmaU Jonathan Sommers Job Sylvester . James Soul Benjamin Sanborn, 2d Jeremiah Smith Peter Sanborn William ShuTtliff John Sawyer Richard Shean Joseph Townsend Jacob Thurston John Tobey Elijah Stetson John Thurlo Elisha Tory Samuel Tobin Private Captain Sergeant EnsignPrivate dodo dodo do do dododododododododo CorporalPrivate dododo dodo CorporalPrivate do do dodo do do do 96 00 | 240 00 96 00 240 00, 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 QO 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 9.6 00 96 00 .96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 ] 1400 80 1920 20 177 60 1568 86 1473 60 758 66 178 66 173 60 249 86 1521 86 1428 53 1521 40 1521 40 177 86 1522 40 318 13 1333 33 1525 33 1476 53 184 80 182 40 1425 60 1521 33 96 80 1382 93 901 60 604 00 ,88 53 952 00 179 93 171 20 1521 60 173 60 1526 .13 1013 86 1227 86 Mass. line do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do New Hamp. line Mass. line , do do do do do do do New Hamp. line Mass line do do do do do do do do do do Jan. 25, 1819 I do Sep. 21, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Feb. 10, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 dodo Ap'l 29, 1819 do May 5, 1819 May 6, 1819 dodo Mar. 6, 1819 May 7, 1819 do May 11, 1819 May 12,1819 do . do June 7, 1819 June 21, 1819 July 26, 1819 do July 10, 1819 Oct. 20, 1819 Nov. 23, 1819 Nov. 30, 1*819 do July 5, 1822 Sep. 16, 1818 Jan. 7,1819 Feb. 13, 1819 June 12, 1820 Mar. 4, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 Ap'l 24, 1819 Ap'l 28, Ap'l 17, Ap'l 28, ApU 9, Ap'l 24, May 13, July '27, Ap'l 27, Ap'l 17, Ap'l 28, Ap'l 28, Ap'l 27, Ap'l 25, May 11, Ap'l 14, do Ap'l 17, Mar. 1, Ap'l 12, Ap'l 28, Ap'l 29, Mar. 1, Ap'l 8, Ap'l 13, Ap'l 24, Mar. 2, Ap'l 30, May 8, May 22, Ap'l 28,- do Ap'l 11, Ap'l 28, Ap'l 7, 90 1818 63 1818 73 1818 68 1818 84 1818 66 1818 56 1818 76 1818 91 1818 73 1818 74 1818 76 1818 80 1818 72 1818 72 1818 61 1818 92 74 1818 80 1818 78 1819 67 1819 94 1819 81 1819 70 1818 80 1818 75- 1818 68 1.818 74 1818 77 1818 8,0 1818 57 1818 77 70 1818 68 1818 85 1818 72 Died November 28, 1822. Relinquished for the benefit of act May 15, r828. Died January .21, 1820. Died November 4, 1824.' Died in 1826, . Suspended under act May 1, 1820. do do Died February 21, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died August 16, 1821. Died January 4, 1832. Dropped under, act May 1, 1820. Suspended under act May 1 , 1820. to do do Died August 12, 1832. - Died August 6, 1827. DiedJuJy3,1825. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died March 31, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. do do Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died March I, 1834^ I- 1 Died November 20, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820." °J. Restored, commencing August ^ 21, 1823. Statement, $,-c. of Cumberland county — Continued. ot t_j K50© Statement, eye' of Hancock county, Maine.' Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser- When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for ', NAMES. allow ceived. . vice. on the pen of pension. bo merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. < roll ; and remarks . Nathan Atwood Private 96 00 1,519 45 Massachusetts line Sep. 7, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 77 Dropped under sfet May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Decem ber 27, 1823. Solomon Barber do 96 00 608 53 do Aug. 5, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 7T . Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June " 2~4, 1823 . Died June 12, 1827. Ebenezer Booden do 96 00 171 46 Rhode Island line May 30, 1819 May 21„1818 67 Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Amos-Bowden do 96 00 542 13 Massachusetts line Aug. 5, 1819 Ap'l 30, 1818 62 Died December 23, 1823. Thomas Burkman Lieut. 240 00 1,940 00 do Apl. 26, 1819 Mar. '31, 1818 82 Died May, 1826 Ezekiel Brown Surgeon Private 240 00 465 00 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 78 . Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Charles Branscum 96 00 712 00 do Ap'l 10, 1819 Ap'l 18, 1818 85 ' Died September IS, 1825. Moses Black -* do 96 00 1 ,138 93 do do Ap'l 16, 1818 83 Died December 22, 1829. Courtney Babbage - do 96 00 1,519 46 do Aug. 5, 1819 May 6, 1818 73 Edmund Bridges Edward Carter do , 96 00 1,520 80 do Aug. 4, 1819 Mav 1, 1818 71 do 96 00 864 00 N. Hampshire line Aug. 26, 1819 April 10, 1818 84 -Died April, 1827. ¦ Hateevil Colson do 9*6 00 266 65 Massachusetts line Jan. 13, '819 Sep. 14, 1818 84 Died June 26, 1821. Solomon Collins „ - do 96 00 1,529 06 do Jari. 18, 1821 Mar. 31, 1818 72 Silas Coolidge _- ,^osea Corms John Downing do 96 00 1,512 26 do Aug. 4, 1819 June 3, 1818 78 -do 96 00 506 40 do July 9, 1819 May 5, 1818 68 Died June 14, 1824. do 9'6 00 632 26 do Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 71 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June 24, 1829. Ephraim Dy~er David Dunbar do 96 00 1 ,527 20 do June 28, 1819 April 7, 1818 77 - do 96 00 61 06 do Sep. 22, 1819 July 15, 1819 Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Thomas Davis, 2d Seaman 96 00 1,222 92 Continental navy Apr. 26, 1819 May 25, 1818 76 Died February 20, 1831 . Peter Dalliver Private 96 00 948 00 Massachusetts line Sep. 17, 1819 May 19, 1818 73 Died April 4, 1828 Nathaniel Evans do 96 00 110 40 do Ap'l 26, 1819 Ap'l 20, 1818 72 Died June 14, 1819. ' Jacob Eustice do 96 00 - 7"60 00 ' do Jan. 21, 1820 April 4, 1818 71 Joseph Fruthy - do 96 00 769 99 do Ap'l 10, 1S19 Ap'l 24, 1813 80 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 24, 182S. co Ot Statement, 8,-c. of Hancock county— Continued. Ebenezer Frye Jonathan Foster William Grindle J oseph Gordon Parley Haynes Ephraim Haynes Elnathan Handy Richard Jaques Trueworthy Kilgore Simon Knowles Israel Kenney . William Kitfield Thomas Kinch Noah Litchfield Daniel Lord Benjamin Lowell Jacob Lurvey . Joseph Legrow Michael Larry Abner Millikin Archibald M'Mullen David Melvin John Madden Jacob Morrill Alexander M'Castin Benjamin Marshall Rank. CaptainPrivate * dodo Drummer Private do do dododododododo do do do dodo dododo dodo do Annual allowance. 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 2,382 66 1,524 26 166 13 183 46 1,523 20 1 ,*80 40 793 59 1,520 80 1,137 60 183 99 470 13 1,560 80 1,220 80 917 06 1,509 86 185 06 1 ,226 93 1 ,305 06 1,518 66 171 46 1,520 53 1,132 26 1,527 46 1 ,216 33 1 ,525 60 384 00 Description of ser vice. N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line Rhode Island line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do dodo dodo do do Pennsylvania line Massachusetts line do dodo N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do When placed on the pen sion roll. Ap'l 26, 1819 Sep. 20,' 1819 July 9, 1819 Ap'l 26, 1819 " do June 28, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Aug. 5, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 July 21, 1819 do July 2, 1819 July 9, 1819 Jane 25, 1819 Apr. 9, 1819, July 21, 1819 Sep. 24, 1819 Oct. 25, 1819 May 30, 1819 Ap'l 26, 1819 dodo May 11, 1819 July 22, 1819 Aug. 4, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Commencement of pension. Aprils, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 May 8, 1818 Ap'l 6, 1818 May 7, 1818 May 10, 1818 Mar. 31, 1818 May 1, Ap'l 28, Ap'l 4, Ap'l 11, May 16, Ap'l 30, Ap'l 28, June 12, Mar. 31, May 23, 1818 1818 1818 18181818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 July 31, 1818 May 9, 1818 May 21, 1818 May 2, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 6, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 do Ap'l '9, 1818 Laws under which they were for- merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Oti— • Died March 9, 1825. Died January 31, 182Q. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Septem ber 2, 1823. Died Mar. 4, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died March 5, 1820. Died January 17, 1831. Died November 17, 1827. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing March 18, 1821. Died February 25, 1832. Suspended under act May 1, 18?0. Died January 20, 1830. Died December 15, 1830. Died March, 1822. Co O Samuel Maddocks Joshua Mayhue Neil M'Gee Bela Nichols Samuel Nichols Joshua Oaks Adam Patterson William Philbrooks - Seth Pratt, 2d Benjamin Rowe Timothy Richardson - Paul Dudley Sergeant Jesse Sturtevant Samuel Selsby Richard Smart John Smith, 3d Samuel Stinson Joseph Stetson David Smith John Smith, 4th John Staples Thomas Stephens, 3d Joshua Thomas Enock Wentworth David Wasgate George White John Wentworth Daniel Webber William Webber Joseph Whitmore Joshua Williams do do do Lieut. _ Musician .do Private Marine Private do do Colonel . Lieut. Private dodo dodo do dododo do "do Sergeant Captain Private Lieut. Sergeant Private do 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 1,525 33 157 86 670 66 3,120 20 469 60 ,1,528 26 1,040 26 616 20 657 86 834 13 1,215 74 2,253 33 102 66 753 06 872 00 584 26 1,378 93 602 66 1,379 20 938 93 35 46 1 ,515 73 182 65 1,292 26 1,521 86 1 ,940 '66 588 26 1,185 22 157 33 1,516 80 1 ,427 73 dodo do do. Continental navy N. Hampshire line do Continental navy Massachusetts line do do dodo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do . do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line Rhode Island line Massachusetts line dodo do dodo do dodo do Sep. 17, 1S19 do Sep. 30, 1819 Ap'l 26, 1819 June 7, 1820 Sep. 21, 1819 Ap'l 26, 1819 Mar. 10 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 Sep. 26, 1819 May 27, 1827 May 18, 1818 Apr. 26, 1819 dodo. Aug. 2, 1819 Aug. 4, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Sep. 20, 1819 Sep. 13, 1819 Jan. 21, 1819 Sep. 5, 1821 Ap'J 26, 1819 April 9, 1819 Ap'l 8) 1819 Mar. 10, 1819 July 24, 1819 Aug. 4, 1,819 Sep. 17, 1819 Sep. 7, i819 July 2, 1819 Ap'l 14., 1818 May 19, 1818 Sep. 7, 1818 Ap'l 17, 1818 May S, 1818 June 3, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Mar. 31, 1818 Ap'l 30, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 22, 1818 May 23, 1318 Oct. 21, 1818 May 20, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 May 10, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 16, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 May 2, 1818 July 15, 1819 May 16, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 72 83 63 77 70 Died Jan 11. 1820. Died September 2, 1825. Died November 18, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June 25, 1823. Died in 1826. Died February 8, 1827. Died November 2, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 26, 1827. Died February 26, 1831. Died December 9, 1830. Died September 1, 1818. Died February 10, 1826. Died May, 1827. Died May 11, 1824. Died July 17, 1825. Died January 7, 1823. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Suspended underact May 1, 1320. Died December 26, 1821. Died May 20, 1826. Died June 18,1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Decem ber 24, 1823. Died February 1, 1827. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. CO Ot Statement, 8,-c. of Kennebec county, Maine. Ot NAMES. Moses Averill John Austin Eleazer Ames John Arno Ezekiel Brown Nathaniel Berry Peter Benner Joab Bragg Eliphalet Bailey William Batchelder John Buman Ichabod Brownwell Isaac Billington Josiah Booker John Britt David Bolton Joseph Burr William Btiggs Prince Bailey Jeremiah Babcock John Brown Peter Biter Edward, Burgess Jonathan Ballard Rank. Private do •do do Surgeon PrivateCorporal Private nodododo do, do dodo do Captain Private do dodo do do Annual allowance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 0Q 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1,523 20 166 40 647 63 1,237 60 456 00 1,481 06 1,480 00 1,528 00 179 46 1,470 13 68 26 465 06 603 20 470 66 1,424 80 936, 06 648 00 328 02 601 33 183 20 1,392 53 849 60 1,216 00 470 65 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line dod,i do do do do "- do do N. H. line Massachusetts line dododo Maryland line Massachusetts line do do do do do do do do When placed on the pen sion roll. Feb. 6, Jan. 8, Jan. 16,do Jan. 28, Jan. 8, Jan. 26, Feb. 13 , July 27, Sep. 6, Nov. 8, Oct. 2, Dec. 4, Nov. 20, July 12, June 5, July 24, 1819 1819 18191819 1819 1819 18191819 18191819 1820 18241819 1819 1819 1819 June 5, 1819 July 27, 1819 Jan. 26T 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 Jan. 26, 1819 do Jan. 8, 1819 Commencement of pension. Apr. 22, dodo Apr. 13, Apr. 10, Mar. 30, Apr. 9, Apr. 4, Apr. 21, May 11, June 18, Apr. 30, Sep. 4, Apr. 9, Apr. 7, May 1 , Apr. 23 , 1-818 181.8181818181818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1823 181818181818 1318 Mar. 30, 1818 June 11, 1818 Apr. 7, 1818 Apr. 20, 1818 Apr. 28, 1818 May 12, 1818 Mar. 31, 1818 74 100 76 87 907872 76 777170 85 70 78 80 64 84 78 74 79 8572 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension -roll; and remarks. Died January 16, 1820. D ed January 20, 1825. Died June, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Died September 9, 1333. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Suspen'd under act May 1, 1820. Died in 1823. Died December 16, 1829. Died February 27, 1823. Died in 1833. - Died February 4, 182S. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing March 24, 1828. . Died August 11 ,1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820.. Restored commencing August 22, 1827. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820 Died October 22, 1822 Died March 4, 1827. Died January 12, 1831. Dropped under act' May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Dee. 7, 1827. Died Nov. 2% 1830. CO Malachi Bartlett Daniel Barker, 2d Pelatiah Bointori *" Jonathan Carlton Moses Chamberlain Thomas Colburn James Cliadwick Sawyer Chesley James Churchill John Coambs Hanson Clark Jeptha Coburn Richard Crueh John Chaney Moses Chandler Bunker Clark William Cowan John Carl Benjamin Chase John Conch Barnet Cole Stephen Crosby Reuben Cookson Enoch Crowell Michael Crowell Thaddeus Carter John Cole do dodo dodo do do do dodo do dododo CorporalPrivate do Sergeant Private do dodododo do do do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96.00 96 00 96.00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96" 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 492 73 23.0.93. 1,523 20 1,529 06 658 93 1,521 86 815 20 433 86 1,526 66 1,526 93 1,462 13 1198 40 23 40 1186 66 116 00 100 80 1529 06 1384-00 184 00 713 06 1529 86 ' 1160 26 1036 26 141 06 805 60 1000 26 1S1 60 do dodo dodo N. Hampshire line Mass. lins N.- Hampshire line Mass. line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do do N. Hampshire line do Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do dodo do do dodo June 7, 1819 July 2, • 1819 Jan. a, 1819 July 15, 1819 Mar. 20, 1819 May 20, 1819 June 5, 1819 Aug 1, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Oct. 12, 1813 May 25, 1820 July 12, a1822 Jan. 28, 1819 Feb. 13, 1819 Feb. 6, 1819 Jan. 28, do ¦1819 do -- do do do do Feb. 6, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Feb. 6, ,i„ 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Apr. 14, 1818 Apr. 11, 1818 Apr. 22, 1818 Mar. 30, 1818 Apr. 23, 1818 Apr. 27, 1818 Apr. 28, 1818 Nov. 22, 1818 Apr. 7, 1S18 Apr. 4, 1818 Dec. 11, 1818 Sep. 10, 1818 May 28, 1818 April 13, 1818 Dec. 19, 1818 April 22,1818 Mar. 31, 1818 April 3, 1818 April 4, 1818 Mar. 31, 1818 Mar. 27,1818 April 4, 1818 April 28,1818 Mar. 8, 1818 April 13, 1818 April 3, 1818 April 13, 1818 70 78777373 61 77 Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Restored commencing Dec, 7, 1828. Died Feb. 29, 1832. Died August 22, 182Q.'. Dropped.underact May 1, 1820 p Restored commencing March 4, 1832. Transferred from Stafford county, N. H. Sep. 4, 1822. Died October 25, 1826. Died May 29, 1823. . \ Transferred from, Merimac co. N. Damp, from March 4, 1826. Transferred from Middlesex coun ty, Mass., from Sep. 4, 1828. Died June 13, 1819. , Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Nov . 15, 1827. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820 . Died May 10, 1819. Died Sep. 17, 1832.. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died Sep 5, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated . Died May 5, 1830. Died Feb. 14, 1829. Died April 4, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1S20. Restored, commencing Aug. 4, 1827. Died June 16, 1328. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, COCO Ot' Statement, fyc. of Kennebec county— Continued. Ot John Carlton Joseph Cook Isaac Cowan Oliver Drake Simeon Dearbourn, Jr Sampson Doe Nathan Delaney Michael Davis Nicholas Dodge Ezra Davis Sanford Davis Samuel Davis Moses Davis C orneliu s Dunfee Benjamin Durrill William Dix "William Dorr Jonathan Ewer Robert EHis Joseph Evans Rank. Private do do do do dodododo do do Lieutenant Private dodo Sergeant Private do do do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 0 0 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1378 93 466 13 336 00 940 86 810 40 1029 86 856 00 1319 46 923 19 809 06 737 60 1894 00 367 20 1525 60 140 80 981 06 342 40 1032 53 1226 00 771 20 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line do do do N, Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do dodo dodo N. Hampshire line Mass. cont'l line When placed on the pen- sion roll. Aug. 17, 1819 June 2, 1819 June 21, 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 do do do do dodo April 3, 1819 June 5, 1819 do Sep. 18, 1819 do Nov. 29, 1819 Aug. 11, 1830 Jan. 28, 1819 Feb. 13, 18L9 Jan. 8, 1819 Commencement of pension April 7, 1818 Jan. 13, 1818 May 6, 1818 May 12, 1818 May 16,1818 April 3, 1818 April 4, 1818 April 9, 1818 April 29,1818 Mar. 30, 1818 April 22,1818 April 13,1818 May 7, 1818 July 13,1818 July 16,1819 June 15, 1818 Aug. 10, 1830 April 27, 1818 April 9,1818 Ap'l 3, 1S18 Laws under which they were for- merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 6, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June 17, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing, Dec. 3, 1827. Died March 3, 1830. Died March 3, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Jan. 13, 1827. Died December 25, 1828. Died March 5, 1827. Died January 7, 1822. Died December 10, 1827. Died September 9, 1826, Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 10, 1828. Died March 6, 1826 . Died March 6, 1822. Died January 4, 1820. Died January 29, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated August 7, 1831 . Died April 15 , -1826. CO Daniel Emery . Joshua Edwards Edward Ellis Samuel Frost DavidFish " Mark Frost David Foster James Flamming Samuel Foster" Isaac Fuller John Freeman, 1st Miles Ford Abraham Fitz Enoch Fuller John Flanders Benjamin Furbush Seth Getchell James Gordon Francis George Noah M. Gould Caleb Gordon William Gaitskill Spencer Goding Gideon Glidden Daniel Green Silas Gould " George Goodwin Jabez Gould Charles Harris do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 .do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 0Q do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Corporal .96 00 Privats 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 375 99 1386 80 1521 86 524 26 460 00 422 13 168 26 891 93 638 13 1443 46 1523 19 1185 60 175 73 673 06 39 46 133a 60 1526 66 1239 20 769 60 1193 06 1465 33 208 26 78 66 1474 66 1528 53 1474 93 1061 60 646 13 945 86 do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line dodo R. Island line Massachusetts line R. Island line Massachusetts line do . do R. Island line Massachusetts line do - N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line Conn, line Massachusetts line dodo Jan. .20, 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 June 11, 1821 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 Jan. 30, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 do do. Jan. 22, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 July 24, 1819 July 22, 1819 Nov. 27, 1819 May 20, 1820 Feb. 9, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 do do do do Jan. 4, 1819 June 5, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 Mar 18, 1819' Mai- 27, 1819 Mar. 18, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 1, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 May 11, 1818 Ap'l 13 , 1818 Ap'l 16, 1818 Aug. 14, 1818 May 7, 1818 Aug. 14, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 22, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 May 5, 1818 Ap'l 1, 1818 Oct. 6, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 Ap'l 9, 18l8 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 April 1,1818 April 3,1818 May 28, 1818 June 9, 1818 Ap'i 24, 1818 April 2, 1818 Ap'l 23, 1818 May 1, 1818 May 5, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 75 8295 827274 6867 79 76 758086 76 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Nov. 11 , 1825. Died Nov. 18, 1830. Died October 27, 1823. Died January 28, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. . Restored commencing August 30,1831. Died April 7, 1825. Died August 18, 1827. Died April 7, 1825. Died April 27, 1833. Died August 15, 1830. Dropped under May 1, 1820. Dropped under May 1, 1820. Re stored commencing Jan. 30,1829. Dropped under act May 1,1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing July 19, 1827. Died September 1 , 1830. Died July 8, 1833. Died July 29, 1820. Died April 4, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1.820. Restored commencing June 16, 1824. Died January 28, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 27, 1826. Died July 1, 1832. CO Ot Ot M Statement, 8?c, of Kennebec county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement CO Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ance? ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bo merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Nathaniel House Marine 96 00 244 26 Continental navy Jan. 28, 1819 May 6, 1818 78 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Sept. 20, 1828. William Hankerson - Private 96 00 1143 06 R. Island line do Ap'l 6, 1819 70 Died March 3, 1830. William Hallow ay Samuel Haines Sergeant Private 96 00 1258 40 Massachusetts line Jan. 8, 1819 April 1, 1818 84 Died May 10, 1831. 96 00 344 26 do Jan. 28, 1819 May 28, 1818 81 Died December 29, 1821. John Ham do 96 00 1536 60 N. Hampshire line do Ap'l 13, 1818 70 Dropped under act May 1, 1S20. Reinstated. Ezra Hodges Private 96 00 1,520 00 Massachusetts line Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1818 73 Jonathan Hawes do 96 00 537 33 do do Ap'l 6, 1818 76 Died November 10, 1823. Joab Harriman do 96 00 1,382 13 do do Ap'l 13, 1818 74 Joseph Hall do 96 00 1,524 80 do do Ap'l 16, 1818 71 Ezekiel Hackett do 96 00 1,526 13 do June 4, 1819 Ap'l 11, 1818 72 Job Hall do 96 00 419 20 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 76 Died May 22, 1823. William Hardy Tch'abod Hunt do 96 00 1.370 40 do Dec. 9, 1818 May 25, 1818 79 do 96 00 184 26 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 3, 1818 63 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Paulipus Hammond - Solomon Hallet do 96 00 1,381 33 do do Ap'l 14, 1818 73 do 96 00 176 53 do Feb. 6, 1819 May 2, ISIS 66 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. William Haskell do 96 00 184 80 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 1, 1818 61 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Stephen Hollis Josiah Hayden do 96 00 179 20 do do Ap'l 22, 1818 66 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Major 240 00 99 33 do do Ap'l 4, 1818 83 Died September 2, 1S18. Abiel Harrington Private 96 00 1,512 00 do June 4, 1819 Ap'l 17, 1818 74 Jabez Hall do 96 00 1,474 93 do Mar. 20, 1819 Ap'l 23, 1818 68 Timothy Hudson do 96 00 671 99 R. Island line April 3, 1819 Ap'l 3, 1S18 87 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restore3, commencing February 5,1829. John Hutchmgs - j do - 96 00 613 06 N. Hampshire line June 4, 1819 Ap'l 15, 1818 77 Died September 5, 1824. Isaiah Hayward do • 96 00 1,480 00 Massachusetts line do Ap'l 4, 1818 79 EliphaJet Jennings - do 96 00 760 26 do Jan. 29, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 68 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Rest, commencing Feb. 15,1828. OtI— > CO OS David Ingheam do John Jacobs do Thomas Johnson do James Johnson Captain Luthsr Jotham Private Richard Jackman do Samuel Jones do Jacob Judkins do Calvin Jotham do ,lo!iu J-ames do Samuel Judkins do James Jones do Jonathan Judkins do Elijah Jordan do l3aac Knowlcs do Joseph Ktlley do Isaac Keene do William Kelley do Thomas Knowlton - do Thomas Kenney - do Benjamin Libbey, 2d - Mariner Elias Lord Private Roger Loomis do Timothy Littlefield - do Increase Leadbetter - Mariner James Lindsay Private Shubael Luce do John Linn do Nathaniel Marslon - do 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00- 96 08 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 665 69 723 72 48 00 2,900 00 1,364 00 1,526 93 1 ,376 53 424 00 1,525 33 1,526 66 1,325 06 1,014 66 1,523 73 931 20 369 86 181 86 1,524"80 1,523 20 38 93 670 93 1,468 26 663 19 370 40 1,368 80 1,068 79 1,525 33 172 26 1,523 80 589 06 Connecticut line Massachusetts line do do do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do Continental navy . Massachusetts line R. Island line Massachusetts line Continental navy Massachusetts line dodo N. Hampshire line Feb. 6, 1810 Ap'l 23, 1818 78 Jan. 26, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 77 Mar. 20, 1319 Ap'l 22, 1818 75 Jan. 22, 1819 May . 2, 1818 96 Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 7, 1818 83 do Ap'l 10, 1818 75 Jan. 29, 1819 May 22, 1818 78 June 5, 1819 Ap'l 6, 1818 62 Ap'l 14, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818. 74 July 23, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 80 Aug. 3, 1819 May 15, 1818 74 Oct. 26, 1819 July 1, 1818 64 June 7, 1819 Ap'l 20, 1818 74 Mar. 18, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 80 Feb. 20, 1819 Ap'1.27, 1818' 80 Jan. 20, 1819 Ap'l 11, 1818 62 July 24, 1819 Apr. 11, 1818 59 Sept. 18, 1819 Apr. 22, 1818 71 Jan. 21, 1820 Oct. 8, 1819 68 Ap'l.- 5, 1819 Ap'l 15, 1818 64 Jan .. 29, 1819 Nov. 18, 1818 76 Jan. 23, 1819 Apr. 7, 1818 75 July 22, 181-9 Ap'l 25, 1818 64 May 13, 1822 Dec. 1, 1819 72 July 24, 1819 May 11, 1818 70 Sep. 16, 1819 Apr. 14, 1318 79 Oct. 5, 1819 May. 18, 1818 77 Feb. 6, 1819 Apr. 1, 1818 70 J une 4 1819 Apr. 11 1818 67 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Feb . 5, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 15, 1828. Diol October 22, 1818. Died June, 1330. Died June 22, 1832. Died September 1, 1832. Died September 3, 1822. Died January 26, 1829. Dropped underact May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing April 1, 1823. Died Dec. 26, 1827. Died March 3, 1822. Dropped under act May 1,. 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died April 11, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 18C0 . Restored, commencing March 2, 1829. Died September, 1822. Dropped underact May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Novem ber 9, 1824. Dropped under act Mav 1, 1820. Died April 23, 1834. Died June 4, 1824. CO ~1 Ot Statement, §c. of Kennebec county — Continued. - Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for SAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. o bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Isaac Morse Private 96 00 1,425 86 N. Hampshire line Jan. 8, 1819 Apr. 27, 1818 84 Josiah Mitchell do 96 00 1,103 46 Massachusetts line Jan. 1, 1819 Apr. 14, 1818 70 Died November 12, 1819.. John Marchant Sergeant 96 00 81 33 do' Jan. 8, 1819 Mar. 31, 1818 67 Died February 5, 1819. David Moores Mariner 96 00 1,528 80 . Continental navy Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 1, 1818 73 James M'Causland Private 96 00 760 00 R- Island line Jan. 20, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1818 60 Died March 4, 1826. John Marble do 96 00 1,528 56 N. Hampshire line Ap'l 20, 1819 Ap'l 3, 1818 79 Transferred from Strafford county, N. H., from March 4, 1820. Jonathan Morgan do 96 00 1,313 02 do Jan. 28, 1819 Mar. 30, 1818 83 Died December 2, 1831. Theodore Marsdon - do 96 00 172 00 do Jan. 8, 1819 May 19, 1818 64 Dropped under act May 1, 1820- James M. Mansfield - do 96 00 658 40 Pennsylvania line Feb. 13, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 73 Died February 22, 1825. Samuel Mitchell do 96 00 1,529 06 Massachusetts line do Mar. 30, 1818 82 Henry M'Causland - do 96 00 1,083 20 do Feb. 8, 1819 May 9, 1818 75 Died August 21, 1829. John Melvin do 96 00 1.4S5 60 do do Ap'l 28, 1818 85 Thomas Means, 1st - do 96 00 945 60 do do do 72 Died January 5, 1828. Joshua Moore do 96 00 1 ,427 46 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 77 James M'Farland do 96 00 1,529 06 do Jan. 8, 1819 Mar. 30, 1818 75 Died March 3, 1834. William Maxwell do 96 00 1,226 93 do June 11, 1819 Ap'l 25, 1S18 80 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing April 2, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. William Mallet do 96 00 182 93 do June 21, 1819 Ap'l 8,1818 77 James Moore do 96 00 1,530 13 N. Hampshire line do Mar. 26, 1818 73 Valentine Mink do 96 00 1 ,362 40 Massachusetts line July 14, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 80 Died June 19, 1832. Thomas Millet Mariner 96 00 560 00 Continental navy Sep. 16, 1819 May 28, 1818 87 Died September 6, 1824. Jacob Morse Fifer 96 00 1 ,366 93 N. Hampshire line Jan. 1, 1822 Dec. 8, 1819 69 Ichabod McLane Private 96 00 - 960 80 Massachusetts line June 30, 1824 Mar. 1, 1823 89 Thomas Nutting do 96 00 1,513 60 do Mar. 18, 1819 May 28, 1818 69 Joseph Norton do 96 00 420 40 do June 4, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 82 Died October 7, 1822. Moses Nickerson do 96 00 ,1,528 00 do Oct. 3, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1318 70 Hugh Osbourne Mariner 96 00 1..518 13. Continental navy Sept. 10, 1819 May 11, 1S18 79 Transferred from Muskingum CO., 1_ — -5^^'*^-^«t. ~ = . - ¦- >... Ohio, March 4, 1822. Ot CO Mark Pearson Moses Porter Jarius Phillips Abijah Poole David Philbrook Abraham Page Benjamin Pratt Edward Plummer George Pareher Joseph Pulcifer Barton Pollard Seth Pratt Joshua Peck Salathiel Penney Caleb Page Hugh Potter Ichabod Phillips Frederick Porter William Pullen Winthrop Peavy Valentine Prentiss Seth Peadody Samuel Prescott BarnabasJParker John Penney Simeon Palmer Abraham Pray John Palmer Benjamin Quimby Private 96 00 Ensign 240 00 Private 96 00 Lieutenant 240 00 Private 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 Musician 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 d0 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 1 I 265 86 3,581 24 172 "86 487 33 1,232 00 373 60 661 60 1,528 26 1,248 80 251 46 1,001 go 1,529 86 1 ,428 26 1,526 13 181 60 1,526 40 173 86 624 00 175 20 1 ,517 86 328 00 947 46 552 00 772 86 824 26 1,529 86 1,311 20 1,428 00 665 99 Massachusetts line do dodo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line dododo N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do dodo do do R. Island line do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line dodo do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do N. Hampshire line Feb. 13, iai9~ Jan. 29, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Dec. 21, 1819 Jan. 28, do do do dododo do do 1819 Mar. 20, 1819 Jan. 28, dodo 1819 Feb. 6, do 1819 Feb. 13, 1819 Feb. 28, 1819 -_ do June 5, 1819 July 15, 1819 July 24, 1819 May 30, 1820 Jan. 30, 1821 May 13, 1822 Jan. 28, 1519 fVp'l 24, 1818 63 Ap'l 3, 1818 ,82 May 12, 1818 64 Ap'l 28, 1818 78 Mar. 27, 1818 99 Ap'l 13, 1818 64 do 68 Ap'l 3, 1818 76 Ap'l 13, 1318 81 Ap'l 16, 1818 : 80 Ap'l 28, 1818 75 Ap'l 27, 1818 71 Ap'l 13, 1818 74 Ap'l 11, 1818 81 Ap'l 13, 1818 70 Ap'l 10,1818 70 May 12, 1818 55 Ap'l 1, 1818 73 May 7, 1818 67 do 68 Ap'l 1, 1818 84 Ap'l 21, 1818 70 June 4, 1818 81 Ap'l 7, 1818 77 do 74 Mar. 27, 1818 83 July 9, 1820 81 Ap'l 19, 1820 80 May 12, 1818 75 ¦ Died January 21, 1821.; Transferred from. Essex county, Mass, from Sep. 4, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died May 9, 1820. Died February 17, 1831. Died March 6, 1822. Died September 8, 1825. Died April 16, 1831 . Died November 27, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped.under act May 1, 1820. Died September, 1824. Dropped underact May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated. Died September 4, 1822. Died January 4, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820 . Restored, commencing March 1 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing January 12,1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Decern- ber31,1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing January 31, 1829. COco Ot Statement, fyc. of Kennebec county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of sei> When placed Commencement « Laws under which they were for KAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. ba •< merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Joseph Rice Private 96 00 245 59 Massachusetts line Jan. 23, 1819 Mar. 30, .1819 67. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing January 21,1826. Died Sept. 11, 1826. John Ranking Sergeant 96 00 976 00 do do April 7, 1818 80 Died May 1,1828. Eliphalet Robbins Private 96 00 1,212 80 Massachusetts line Feb. 6, 1819 Ap'l 16, 1819 73 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing April 7, 1823. Died June 1, 1831. Reuben Rand do 96 00 1 ,264 00 New Hamp. do Feb. 1, 1819 Apr. 9, 1818 67 Daniel Robbins do 96 00 432 00 Massachusetts do Jan. 28, 1819 Apr. 16, 1818 73 Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Restored com'g July 22,1831. William Rowe do 96 00 1,526 66 New Hamp. do Feb. 1, 1819- Ap'l 9, 1818 82 Daniel Reynolds do 96,00 1,351 73 Massachusetts do Jan. 28, 1819 April 14, 1818 78 Died May 13, 1832. William Raymond do 96 00 1,517 86 do Feb. 22, 1819 May 12, 1818 77 Joseph Robbins do 96 00 704 80 New flamp . , do Feb. 1, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1818 - 76 Died August 7, 1825. David Ridley do 96 00 1,482 13 Massachusetts do Jan. 28, 1819 Mar. 26, 1818 72 Bradley Richards Ensign 240 00 528 00 New Hamp. do Feb. 1, 1818 Mar. 31, 1818 73 Died June 12, 1821 . Caleb Rowe Private 96 00 532 00 Massachusetts do Feb. 13, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 66 Died July 1, 1821. John Roach do 96 00 997 06 do Mar. 5, 1819 Apl. 15, 1818 85 Died August 22, 1828. John Rogers do 96 00 1 ,524^0 New Hamp . do Feb; 1,1819 Ap'l 16, 1818 78 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. . Reinstated. Daniel Robbins, 2d - John Robins do 96 00 174 00 Massachusetts do June 7, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1818 77 Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. do 96 00 1 ,432 00 Rhode Island do June 21, 1819 do 77 Jabez Rollins do 96 00 1,522 40 New Hamp. do • Aug. 3, 1819 Apr. 25, 1818 74, Joseph Rawlings Sergeant 96 00 1,432 00 Massachusetts do May 31, 1819 April 4, 1818 78 Lazarus Rowe Private 96 00 1,223 20 New Hamp. do June 14, 1819 May 22, 1818 108 John Row do 96 00 856 00 do July 29, 1825 Ap'l 4, 1825 72 John Rider do 96 00 648 80 Massachusetts do July 26, 1827 June 1, 1827 70 Batchelor Stetson do 96 00 181 33 do Feb. 1, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 66 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. David S terry do 96 00 1,529 28 do Jan. 30, 1819 Mar. 31, 1818 77 Rctransferrcd from Essex county, Mass. March 4, 1834. Ot >— t © Richard Swectsere - do Lot Stuitevant do Ebenezer Smith do DummersScwail do Simeon Simpson . do Daniel Smith do James Shaw Ensign William Sprague Private Andrew Sturtevant . do Nehemiah Stratton - do Nathaniel Smith do Francis Sourcee do Samuel Stephens v - do SamueLStubbs Ensign Rowland Smith Private John Sprague do Henry Sewall Captain Jacob Shaw Private Nathan Smith do WiUard Sears do. Levi Sheppard do Ephraim Shaw do Hugh Stewart do Jacob Sparrock, or SparUank do Abraham Southard - do Job Sherburne do William Thompson - do 96 00 96 00' 96 00' 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96.00 96 00 96/00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 425 33 465 59 336 80 1,524 26 1,526 66 558 32 936 00 181 33 658 39 1 ,480 26 1,405 60 184 26 1 ,427 20 1,172 00 1 ,528 80 265 86 222 66 .138 66 698 13 1,309 60 1 ,432 00 1,189 06 1 ,274 40 313 60 1,418 13 960 80 1 ,08O 26 do do do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts do do do N. Hampshire do do do Massachusetts' do do do do -° do do N. Hampshire line do Massachusetts do dodo dodo N. Hampshire line Massachusetts do ¦•- Feb. 1, 1819 Feb. 30, 1319 Jan. 30, 1819 Feb. 1, 1819 do do do dodo dodo do do do Mar. 20, 1819 Juno 5, 1819 June 21, 1819 do July 21, 1819 July 24, 1819 Oct. 26, 1819 Nov. 8, 1819 Jan. 21, 1819 June 7, 1820 Apl. 1, 1822 Ap'l 18, 1823 Jan, 28, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 84 Oct. 30, 1818 75 Ap'l 3, 1818 75 Ap'l 18, 1818 74, Apl. 9, 1818 68 May 12, 1818 67 Ap'l 11, 1818 76 Ap'l 14, 1818 61 May 23, 1818 94 Apl. 3, 1818 76 May 13, 1818 76 Ap'l 3, 1818 67 Ap'l 22, 1818 74 Ap'l 16, 1818 73 Apr. 1, 1818 71 Mar. 27, 1818 67 Mar. 30, 1819 67 Mar. 24, 1819 .60 Apr. 10, 1818 69 April 2 1,1818 82 Apr. 4, 1818 81 Oct. 15, 1819 83 Nov, 25, 1819 83 May. 28, 1819 69 May 26, 1818 78 Mar. 1, 1 823 . 76 Apl. 1, 1S18 74 Dropped under act May 1 , 1320. Restored commencing August 23", 1830. Dropped under act May 1,1820. Restored commencing Aug. 2, 1830. Died September, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated. Died August 24, 1824. Died April, 1822. • Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Restored commencing February 6, 1829. Died May 2, 1833. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Died September 14, 1833. Died March 3, 1823. Died January 4, 1821. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died August 29, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing April 20, 1827. Died August 25, 1832. Died December 12, 18*31. Died September 4, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing April 10, 1S23. Died Nov. 2S, 1832. OtI— ' ifc. Statement, fyc. of Kennebec county-— Continued. Jeremiah Towle Starbird Turner John Taggart Jeremiah Thayer Philip Thayer Abraham Talbert John Tinkham Zebulon True Jonathan Thomas Robert Taggart Alex'r Thompson, 2d Simeon Taylor Jacob Townsley Samuel Varnum Jesse Vose David Vickery Benjamin Williams - Israel Webster James Wills JeBse Wood Joseph Wadsworth Ebenezer Waldron Robert Whittington Daniel Wyman, 1st - Rank. Annual allow ance Private 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 do 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 db 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant . 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Captain 240 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 .00 Sums re- ' ceived. 1 ,477 60 1,512 06 412 26 181 33 180 26 1,545 60 937 06 1,142 66 576 80 511 46 90 93 1,429 33 ¦ 24 00 933 06 611 20 527 46 181 33 1 ,477 60 1 ,474 33 1,099 12 1 ,496 66 1 ,193 06 200 39 184 26 Description of ser When placed Commencement 01 vice. on the pen of pension. bo sion roll. < N. Hampshire line Jan. 28, 1819 Apr. 13, 1818 75 Massachusetts do do May 11, 1818 81 New Hamp . do do May 18, 1818 95 Massachusetts do do Ap'l 14, 1818 76 do July 24, 1819 Ap'l 18, 1818 80 do Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 28, 1818 77 do Feb. 28, 1819" Mar. 27, 1818 71 do Feb. 6, 1819 Apl. 9, 1818 65 New Hamp . do do May 27, 1819 84 do June 4, 1819 Ap'l 1, 1818 72 Massachusetts do June 21, 1819 Mar. 23, 1818 64 do July 24, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 78 do Apr. 13, 1819 Dec. 4, 1819 85 Rhode Island do Jan. 20, 1819 Apr. 11, 1818 81 Massachusetts do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 82 V -,do May 5, 1819 May 7,1818 89 do July 15, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 65 New Hamp. do July 24, 1819 Apl. 13, 1818 69 Massachusetts do Mar. 20, 1819 Apr. 14, 1818 76 do do Ap'l 13, 1818 69 . - do June 21, 1819 Apl. 9, 1818 74 New Hamp. do JaV 8, 1819 Mar. 31, 1818 64 Massachusetts do do Apr. 15, 1818 80 do Jan. 29, 1819 Ap'l 3, 1818 66 Laws under which they "were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. OtM Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated. Died in 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. do - do do Died December 21 , 1827. Died February 4, 1830. Died June, 1824. Died July 29, 1823. Died February 23, 1820. - - Died February 3, 1823. Sus'pended underact Mav 1, 1820. Died Jannary, 1828. Died September, 1824. Transferred from Mass. May 31, 1819. Died Nov. 4, 1823. Dropped under act May% 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 16, 1824. Died July 4, 1824. Died in 1830. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Restored commencing June 4, 1823. Died August 19, 1833. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. to Benjamin White Richard Warren James Wills Timothy Walker Joseph Webber Shubael Wixom John Whitehouse Gideon Wing Benjamin Woodman James #illis John Wheeler Pelatiah Warren Thomas Ward Abraham Wellman Abraham Whitney - John Wingate Daniel Whitehouse Charles White Peter Warren Paul Yeaton do do do dodo dodo dododo Mariner Private do do do SurgeonPrivate dododo 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96,00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 9fi 00 96 00 96 00 1 ,408 80 695 72 1,526 66 1,528 26 414 66 1,293 60 181 06 278 40 1,477 60 1,129 86 179 20 1,520 53 176 80 479 19 710 40 289 62 809 60 666 66 1,488 60 1 ,526 36 do Massachusetts do New Hamp. do-. Massachusetts do Rhode Island do Massachusetts do New Hamp. do Virginia do Rhode Island do Massachusetts do Continental navy Massachusetts line dodo do ' do do New Hamp. line Virginia do New Hamp, do Jan. 8, 1819 Apr. 1, 1818 Jan. 29, 1819 Apl. 27, 1818 do Jan. 8, Feb. 6, Feb. 12, Feb. 13, do Mar. 9, June 30, Jan. 4, Jan. 8, Jan. 25, Jan. 8,. 1819 18191819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 do do Oct, 5, 18 i 9 Feb. 5, 1827 April 14, 1819 June 4, 1819 Apl. 9, Apr, 3, May 9, Apr. 13, Apr. 15, Mar. 31, Apr. 13, Ap'l 11, Ap'l 22, May 2, May 1, Apr. 27, 1818 181S 1818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 Apr. 10, 1818 May 21, 1818 Apr. 4, 1818 Sep. 24,- 1826 Sep. 16, 1818 Sep. 9,1818 80 Died December 17, 1833. ' . Dropped under act May 1,1820. Restored commeneiug Novem ber 12, 1828. Died September 4, 1822. Died October 4, 1831. . Dropped underact May 1, 182Q. Died February 24, 1831. Died January 18, 1830. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. do do do Dropped under act May 1, 1820. - Restored commencing January - 14, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Octobei Id, 182& Died July 25*. 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 25, 1827. Transferred from Ross co., Ohi' March 4, 1828. Dropped under act May 1 , 1 820 . Reinstated. 0^ C3 Ot Statement, S,-c. of Lincoln county, Maine. George Michael Acorn Samuel Adams Daniel Allen, 2d Joseph Adams, 1st - Alexander Arskine - William Atkinson Joel Adams , John Abbot, 2d Ezekiel Avercll Henry Abbott Jedediah Adams Ephraim Allen Samuel Avery Hezekiah P. Allen - Peter Allen Josiah Berry Joseph Baitlett Rank. Annual allow ance. Private Sergeant Private 96 00 240 00 96 00 dododododo 96 00 96 00 96 00 . 96 00 96 00 dodo 96 00 96 00 do 96-00 . do 96 00 do do do .do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 do 96 00 Sums re ceived. 470 40 208 00 1016 79 16 80 758 20 1521 56 177 86 482 40 1522 60 1222 39 1487 02 1226 66 1518 50 7.54 34 903 20 671 46 9C9 86 Description of ser vice. Mass. line dodo dodododo Rhode Island line Mass. line Rhode Island line Mass. line do New Hump, line Mass. line do do do When placed on the pen sion roll. July 14, 1819 Jan. 26, 1819 Jan. 16, 1819 do July 20, If 19 July 26, 18 19 July 20, 1819 July 19, 1819 Mar. 25, 1819 Apr. 29, 1819 May 7, 1819 May 10, 1819 Sep. 18, 1819 Sep. 25, 1819 Nov. 4, 1820 Jan. 26, 1819 June 6, 1819 Commencement of pension. Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 do Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 Mav 9, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 17, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 77 89 71 Ap'l 22, 1818 71 Ap'l 9. 1818 84 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 74 74 75 Ot , t— < ' ' it- Laws under which they were for- | t merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Died February 27, 1823. Died March 6, 1819.. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing June 21, 1825. Died June 25, 1818. Died in 1826. . Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Feb. 14, 1821. Died April'i8, 1824. fi....- Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing April 24, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing February 4, 1829. Died July 17,1832. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing April 28, 1824. Died February 3, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820^ Restored commencing January 31, 1829. ., Transferred from Massachusetts. Died June 2, 1828. Daniel Blasdell do Josiah Bailey do James Brown do Andrew Brown do David Brown do Josiah Bailey do ' Nathan Barnard do Elijah Bradford do Sam'l Baloon or Maloon do Elemezer Bearce Lieut. Joseph Bartlett Private Thomas Berry Lieut. Benjamin Barstow Private Samuel Bean do John Barter do Jacob Brown do David Bassett Mariner Thomas Booffee Ensign Thomas Brimigion - Private Pelatiah Barter do Benjamin Beall do James Blackington - do John Blackstone do WiUiam Brown do Phineas Butler do Theophilus Blancher do Samuel Rogues do John Barton do James Blair do John Bolden do Nicholas Cain do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 •96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 1034 40 1525 86 840 80 1527 46 1525 S3 177 86 182 40 369 06 937 33 2175 33 969 86 1161 80 184 00 29 06 178 93 1307 73 802 12 420 00 559 20 658 93 509 06 1528 00 56 00 1521 86 1526 93 196 5^ 1526 93 1521 86 1522 "40 1412 00 748 00 do Jimr- 3^1819 do Jan. 20, 1819 do Jan. 27, 1819 do Jan. 26, 1819 do Jan. 20, 1819 do May 7, 1819 do Sep. 7, 1819 do May 31, 1819 do June 12, 1820 do Oct. 17,1820 do June 6, 1818 do June 27, 1823 do July 15, 1819 Rhode Island line July 19, 1819 New Hamp. line July 20, 1819 Mass. line Oct. 29, 1818 Cont'l navy Jan. 27, 1815 New Hamp. line Feb. 6, 1819 Massachusetts line Jan. 8, 1819 New Hampshire line July 20, 1819 do July 24, 1819 Massachusetts line July 14, 1819 New Jersey line Mar. 25, 1819 Massachusetts line July 19, 1819 do June 4, 1819 do July 27, 1819 do Jan. 5, 1819 do Jan. 2, 1819 do. May 7, 1819 Virginia line July 29, 1819 Massachusetts line May 22, 1819 do Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 24, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 May 20, 1823 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 23, 1818 Ap'l 18, 181§ Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Apl. 10, 1818 Apl. 23,1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Apr. 4, 1818 May 20, 1818 Apr. 27,1818 Apr. 8, 1818 Apr. 21, 1818 Apr. 8, 1818 Apr. 27,1818 Apr. 25,1818 June 19, 1819 Dec. 16, 1818 Died February 4, 1829. Died January 28, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Dec. 16, 1826. Died November 23, 1829. Died January 16, 1828. Died May 3, 1827. Died June 2, 1828. Died January 27, 1828, Dropped un !er act May 1, 1820. . Died August 14, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Died December 2, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing March 17, 1827. Died January 10, 1820. . Dropped under act May.l , 1820. Restored, commencing April 1, 1822. Died March 1, 1825. Died July 26, 1823. : Died December 20, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1S20. Transferred from Suffolk county, ®J Massachusetts, March 4, 1 820. ^ Died September 4, 1S26. Wt Statement, fyc, of Lincoln_county— Continued. Ot Rank. Annual Sums re- Description of ser When placed Commencement tn Laws under which they were for NAMES ¦ allow ance. ciived . vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. be < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. John Chick Private 96 00 787 20 Massachusetts line June 5, 1819 Apr. 11, 1818 75 Died June 23, 1826. Thomas Clark do 96 00 279 20 do "- July 15, 1819 Apr. 7, 1818 81 Died in 1821. Jeremiah Ghamberlain do 96 00 1301 86 Connecticut line June 21, 1819 Apr. 4, 1818 7.1 Died October 26, 1831. Jeremiah Cromelt Sergeant 96 00 936 00 Massachusetts line do Apr. 10, 1818 82 Died January 1828. Simeon Carey Private 96 00 679 60 do July 14, 1819 Apr. 9, 1818 70 Died May, 1825. Samuel Cole do 96 00 1221 60 do Mar. 6, 1S19 Apr. 28, 1818 78 \ Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing March 19, 1823. Samuel Carleton do 96-00 1395 46 do July 23,1819 Apr. 9, 1818 80 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. .- . - Reinstated July 16, 1821. Charles Curtis do 96 00 134 40 do July 20, 1819 Apr. 10, 1818 74 Died August 27, 1819. Roland Cobb 1 do 96 00 1526 40 do do do 78 Ebenezer Carll, or Car- roU do 96 00 1525 60 do Jan. 21, 1819 Apr. 13, 1818 78 Hezekiah Combs do 96 00 1170 13 do Feb. 6, 1819 Apr. 11, 1818 73 Died June 19, 1830, Calvin Cowing do 96 00 1525 33 do do Apr. 10, 1818 82 , John Chaney do 96 00 901 60 do Jan. 20, 1819 Apr. 13, 1818 76 Died September 11, 1827. Sylvanus Colby do 96 00 1420 80 do do Apr. 14, 1818 70 Died February 2, 1833. Thomas Cunningham do •96 00 1523 33 N. Hampshire line do do 79 Robert Chase do 96 00 1524 46 do Oct. 17, 1819 Apr. 21, 1818 73 Joseph Cromwell do 96 00 1255 46 Massachusetts line Jan. 20, 1819 Apr. 14, 1818 91 Died May 12, 1831. John Cotton do 96 00 586 66 do Mar. 29, 1819 Apr. 10, 1818 S7 Died May 20, 1824. David Clifford do 96 00 1517 86 N. Hampshire line May 7, 1819 May 12, 1818 65 Samuel C. Cooms do 96 00 817 60 Massachusetts line Sept. 9, 1819 Apr. 25, 1818 75 Died October 31 , 1826. William Coker do 96 00 567 46 Continental navy Sept. 17, 1819 Apr. 6, 1818 74 Died in 1824. Joseph Clark do 96 00 1,524 53 Massachusetts line Sep. 14, 1819 Apr. 17, 1818 70 Samuel Colby, 2d - do 96 00 1,233 60 do Dec. 4, 1819 Apr. 28, 1818 72 Isaiah Cole do 96 00 1 ,526 66 do May 31, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 79 - Thomas Calderwood - do 96 00 820 26 do June 24, 1823 May 28, 1818 81 Died December 12, 1831. Caleb Curtis do. 96 00 342 40 do Aug. 11, 1830 Aug. 10, 1830 75 lb. So Thomas Decker James Doughty Michael Davis •rJames Dunlap Jonathan Delano Abner Danforth Alexander Davidson William Davis, 2d William Durow Stephen Dodd Atpheus Delano Ellis Dowlf Isaac Dyer, 1st John Dunlap Paul Dodge Henry Dow Thomas Decker Zephaniah Everton John Fairbank John Fitzgerald Richard Ferrin John Ferrin Samuel A. Flagg do 96 00 do dodo. do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 do 96 00 dodo dodo * 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 do do - DrummerPrivateLieut. Private 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 do 96 00 dodo 96 00 96 00 do 96 00 dodo Drummer 96 00 96 00 96 00 1,031 13 168 26 642 93 1,526 13 908 40 815 73 1,624 53 1,526 67 1,390 13 660 93 806 66 1,234 93 171 73 47 46 210 00 937 06 1,030 13 1,526 93 1,190 40 388 80 1,478 13 1,522 40 1,526 40 do Jan. 20, 1819 dodododo Jan. 22, 1819 Jan. 8,. 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 July 19, 1819 do July 23, 1819 dodododo Mar. 25, 1819 June 5, 1819 Mar. 25, 1819 June 5, 1819 do do do dododo July 20, 1819 do May 7, 1819 July 19, 1819 Oct. 11, 1819 Mar. 8, 1822 do Jan. 20, 1819 do do June 4, 1819 Feb. 4, 1819 do June 4, 1819 cu ft a< ooo 1 July 23, 1819 July 19, 1819 June 5,1819 May 30, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 17, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1S18 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 23, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 do Ap'l 9, 1319 Aug. 5, 1819 May 7, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1813 68 74 90 82 71 64 65 83 72 83 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. , Restored, commencing April 8, 1825. Died January 30, 1820. Died February 11, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820- Restored, commencing April 4, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 28, 1827. Died October 21, 1832. ,- Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Februa ry 17, 1829. Died February 10, 1820. Died October 25, 1818. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Transferred from Hillsboro' coun ty, N. H, September 4, 1824. Died June 9, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing April 8, 1825. Transferred from Middlesex coun ty, Mass., September 4, 1826. Died July 10, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Jan. 7, 1832. *>-•¦^ Ot Statement, 8,-c. of Lincoln county— Continued. Ot NAMES. Andrew Fuller Abner Farrington Simeon Fish Benjamin Greenleaf Enoch Greenleaf Samuel Graves - Nathaniel Gilpatrick Joseph Green Josiah Goddard Martin Grant Josiah Gorham John Gray Patrick Grace -Samuel Gilchrist Charles Gardiner Thomas Grant Jacob Goodwin Morrill Hilton Daniel Huff John Hodgman Rank. Private do do dododo do Midship man Private do Fifer Private do do do SergeantPrivate do dodo Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96,0096 00 96 00 96,00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96-0096 00 Sums re ceived. , 174 66 1,528 00 1,190 66 1 ,477 33 1,525 33 1528 00 1225 60 373 06 305 06 182 40 1528 00 738 13 177 86 1527 16 566 40 846-13 1312 00 1505 33 1526 66 1314 40 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line do' N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do N. Hamp . line Massachusetts line Continental navy Massachusetts line dododo do Rhode Island line Massachusetts line dodo dodo * do When placed on the pen sion roll. Sep: 7, 1819 June 9, 1820 July 13, 1820 Jan. 20, 1820 do Jan. 20, 1819 Feb. 6, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Mar. 25, 1819 do July 19, 1319 July 1,1819 July 20, 1819. Nov. 9, 1819 May 16, 1820 Jan. 20, 1819 do Jan. 28, 1819 Commencement of pension. Ap'l 6, 181S Ap'l 4, 1818 May 9, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1S18 do Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 July 9,1818 Ap'l 1, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l. 17, 1813 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 8,1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 May 11, 1818 June 4, 1818 June 29, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818, Ap'l 10, 1818 Laws under which they were for merly" inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Died January 31, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June 4, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1S20. Restored, commencing April 22, 1823. Died May 28, 1822. Died June 5, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died December 25, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act -May 1, 1820. Reinstated March 15, 1821. Died in 1824. Died in 1827. Transferred from Middlesex co., March 4, 1832. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated April 4, 182?. Died February 24, 1834, GO Nehemiah Hutchinson JJy. F. HelmershauBen Levi Hall -* Nathan Hancock Josiah Harlow Benjamin Hutchings Thomas Hodkins, 1st Samuel Hutchinson - Samuel Hinds Conrad Hyer William Howe Josiah Haskill William Wewit William Hamblin John Hanscomb, 2d • William Hall Charles Havenor James Haynes John Harris Jesse Humphrey Daniel Hood John Jones Robert Jack Lemuel Jenkins Abner Jordan Samuel Jennison Joseph Jackson, 2d - Moses Jewet Joseph Kilgore James Kennedy Reuben Kincade David Kellock . Cornelius Keath Matthew Kellock Andrew Knowlton - David Kenniston Sergeant Private do FiferPrivate Marine Sergeant Private do dododo do do dodo do -> do do dodo Corporal Private do do Lieutenant Private do do dododo do Mariner Private do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 -96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00, 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 822 13 1270 13 1384 00 518 40 662 13 997 33 851 40 1526 40 1517 60 1526 66 925 06 1475 20 733 33 1333 33 1526 40 127 20 182 67 576 53 1142 86 261 33 157 86 565 33 1269 86 182 40 129 86 808 53 182 66 170 66 679 33 662 13 1237 60 1526 93 1138 40 576 00 3334 13 85 06 N.. Hamp. line Connecticut line Massachusetts line do do Continental navy Massachusetts line dododo dodo New line Connecticut line- Massachusetts line do do do dododo dodo dododo N.'Hamp. line Massachusetts line do N. Hamp. line Massachusetts line dodo do do N. Hamp. line do June 4, June 21, June 4, do June 5, May 7, July 15, June 5, July 14, June 5, do do Mar. 25, June 4, June 21, July 20, Oct. 29, June 8, Ap'l 1, July 24, Jan. 28, do Mar. 20, 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 18191819 1819 181918191818 1322 182718191819 Mar. 25, 1819 June 4, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 do Feb. 6, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 do Mar. 11, 1819 May 7, 1819 June 5, 1819 June 21, 1819 May 20, 1819 do Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 May 13, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 22, 1818 Ap'l .7, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 May 28, 1818 May 12, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 July 12, 1827 Ap'l 10, 1818 Ap'l 17, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818, Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 2, 1818 Ap'l 9,1818 May 14, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1§18 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1813 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 ApT 8,1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 81 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 5, 1827. Died July 2, 1831. Died Septembei-,1823. Died in 1825. Died March 7, 1827. Died December, 1827. Died April 27, 1826. Died July 31, 1819. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Died June 1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died June, 1831. Died June, 1824. Died July 9, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, com. July 20, 1824. Died September 22, 1820. Died September 1, 1826. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Do do do Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Restored, com. Oct. 30, 1827. Died in 1825. Died January 9, 1830. Died March 1825. Ot Suspended underact May 1, 1820. I_l Statement, 8>-c. of Lincoln county— Continued William Ke'ene John Lake Benjamin Libby, 1st "Daniel Landerkin Jo=cph Lancaster James Lord Joseph Linnekin Benjamin Lilley John Lamont . George Leissner Levi Leathers William I.ampson • - Peter Lehr, Or Leaher David Lincoln William Lawrence - Moses Morrison James M. Mitchell - Joshua Milchell Samuel McLain William McFarland - Hugh Monroe Joseph Mc Mali an Daniel McMahon Paul Nowell John Nichols JoJm Neal Abel Nutting Rank. Private dodo MarinerPrivate Lieutenant Private do Captain Sergeant Private dododo MarinerPrivate do ' do do do dododododo Ord. ser. Private Annual allowance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 61 33 470 13 1469 33 1525 33 1525 06 1228 66 182 93 942 40 2126 00 1417 60 1425 33 529 06 374 40 1427 73 497 80 1474 40 1517 C6 713 86 1477 86 466 93 1360 00 714 00 1523 46 1430 40 648 00 1427 73 902 13 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line dodo Continental navy Massachusetts line do dodo do do N.Hamp. line Massachusetts line do New York line Continental navy Massachusetts line doclo do dodo dododo N. Hampshire line do Mass. line When placed on the pen sion roll. July 14, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 Jan. 29, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 Jan. 29, 1819 do Mar. 11, 1819 April 9, 1819 May 7, 1819 May 12, 1819 June 5, 1819 June 7, June 9, June 11, Nov. 5, Jan. 8, May 7, May 6, June 5, July 14, do Nov. 26, Mar. 30, Feb. 6, Jan. 28, Mar. 25, June 5, 1819 1820 1821 18301819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1820 1819 1819 1819 1819 Commencement of pension. July », 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 21, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 Mar. 30, 1818 Am-il 8, 1818 April 7, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 May 28, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 do Jan 1,1828 Ap'l 25, 1818 May 12, 1818 Ap'127, 1818 Ap'l 12, 1818 May 21, 1818 April 23, 1818 April 1,1818 April 21, 1818 April 10, 1818 April 25, 1818 April 20, IS! 8 April 11,1818 o» 677583 75 73 73647587 78 746780 55 C6 73 83 8266 91 67 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died in 1823. Died August 10,1833. Dropped under act May 1,: 1320. Restored, commencing, Dec. 3, 1827. Died February 13, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died January 31, 182S. Died February 23, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820 Reinstated February 14, 1821. Died October 8, 1823. Died in 1822. Died November 6, 1826 Died April 2, 1823. Died June 22, 1832. Died August 22, 1825. Died in January, 1825. Died September 4, 1827. Ot © Thomas Oliver Samuel Odiorne Michael Osborn Lemuel Pierce Josiah Parsons James Pearce George Parkhurst David Paul Benjamin J. Porter Samuel Payson William Page Nathan Pittsbury William Potter James Potter Daniel Parker Nathaniel Palmer Seward Poland Samuel Payson James Perkins David Packard Bezaleel Palmer John Poleresky Nathaniel Rundler Stephen Ridout Daniel Ridley George Ridley Joel Richardson Sergeant 96 00 Seaman 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Surg, mate 240 00 Captain 240 00 Private 96 00 'do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Major 240 00 Private 96 00 do S6 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 1525 06 1477 6Q 1527 20 45 86 800 80 182 40 1212 53 761 06 410 00 277 33 260 80 323 99 1088 26 1470 40 1374 13 182 66 1261 86 675 73 86 13 1433 46 176.80 324 66 646 40 720 53 524 80 53 60 854 40 do Cont'l, navy Mass. line do do do dodo do do dodo do do do dodo do do do do De Louzan's corps Jan. 20, 1819 Mar, 30, 1819 June 7, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 do Feb. 6, 1819 May 6, 1819 June 5, 1819 April 5, 1819 June 5, 1819 do June 4, 1819 July 15, 1819 July 20, 1819 do do Aug. 3, 1819 Dec. 4, 1819 June 9, 1820 Oct. 2, 1830 Rhode Island corps Jan. 20, 1819 line Feb. 1, 1819 do. dodo Jan. 28, 1819 do Mar. 20, 1819 April 13, 181S do April 7,1818 Mar. 30, 1818 April 28, 1818 April 10, 1818 April 3, 1818 April 11, 1818 June 19, 1818 April 23, 1818 April 21,1818 April 23, 1818 April 10, 1818 Nov. 10, 1818 May 11, 1818 April 9, 1818 April 27, 1818 April 23, 1818 April 11, 1819 May 6, 1818 May 1, 1818 Jan; 1, 1818 April 13, 1818 May 4, 1818 April 10, 1818 do do 75 Died September 22, 1813. Died August 31, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. DieJ November 21, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing February Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died June 19, 1819. Died January 9, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing April 5, 1824. Died May 1826. Died August 11, 1829. Died in 1822. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Died June 19, 1831. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Jan. 1, 1828. Special act, May 20, 1830. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Died February 19, 1833. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Special act, May 20, 1830. Died June 8, 1830." Died January 7, 1825.' Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored , commencing June 2, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing August 10, 1830. Died October 31, 1818. Died February 23, 1827. Or Ot u_> Statement, $c. of Lincoln county — Continued. John Rand • Ebener Rockwood James Robinson William Ripley William Robbins Robert Rankin Levi Russel Samuel Robbins John Rogers, 2d Thomas Stephens Christopher. Stover William Sheldon John Shaw Charles Smith William Stenson Samuel Stirbird Elias Storer Ebenezer Smith Thomas Stinson John Sadler. DaVid Sparks James Shepherd William Shepherd Joseph Stockbridge John Stanford, 2d Rank. Private dodo do dodo do do dodo do do dodo MusicianSergeant Private Captain Private dodo dododo do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 819 46 1,141 60 1,410 40 490 40 182 66 1,046 13 373 32 1,392 80 577 86 1,525 60 1,000 00 1,316 00 1,508 00 806 60 182 40 1,430 40 556 53 434 66 801 86 1,522 40 178 40 174 93 576 00 1,521 83 1 ,425 83 Description of ser vice. N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do dodo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do dododo dodo do dododododo do do do When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. Mar. 25, 1819 do July 15, 1819 July 27, 1819 July 14, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 Sen. 14, 1819 May 2, 1820 Sep. 8, 1820 Feb. 1, 1819 Mar. 11, 1819 Jan. 29, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 Feb. 6, 1819 Feb. Feb. May 1, 1819 do 6, 1819 7, 1819 dodo do July 15, 1819 July 29, 1819 July 19, 1819 Sep. 9, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 May 9, 1818 May 18, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 June 19, 1818 Ap'l 10, 1818 do do Nov. 18, 1818 May 12, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 25, 1818 + do May 9, 1818 do Ap'l 27, 1818 do 6177 6075 7972 75 57 60 7477 Ot - >-a It- Laws under which they were for- i i merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Died November 11, 1826. Died June, 1831.- Died January 18, 1833. Died June 27, 1823, Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May' 1, 1820. Restored commencing February 21, 1832. Died October 28, 1832. Died Ap'l 18, 1824 Died September 8, 1828. Died December 26, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Septem ber 6, 1824. Died December 17, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820 Died September, 1824. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died March 6, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died in 1824, Ot Peleg Smith Barnahas Sullivan Thomas Stephens Heman Smith Daniel Stanwood Joseph Thompson Richard Thompson Noah Town Joseph Tarr Alexander Thompson Giles'Tibbetts Michael Toppon Stephen Tibbetts David Terry Thomas Trask, jr. Ephraim Taylor Joshua Thorndike John Terry John Trevett Joseph Videto John Varner Joshua Whitham James Woodworth Samuel Whitney William Welch Benjamin Winslow - do 96 00 do 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Lieut. 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 , do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 ¦ 4° 96 0*0 Mariner 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00' do . 96 0.0 do 96 00 1,381 86 1,161 06 159.06 177 86 3,324 66 864 00 1,516 80 583 86 180 53 1,431 46 1268 26 566 13 1377 60 964 53 667 20 693 06 ,. 628 80 1526 40 640 80 1521 60 182 66 675 46 1524 60 184 80 682 46 1525 33 do N. Carolina line Massachusetts line do dodo do . N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do . Massachusetts line do do do R. Island line Massachusetts line do Continental navy Massachusetts line dodo do do dodo do Nov. 29, Jan. 18, May 25, May 24, July 19, Jan. 28, do Feb. 28, 1819 1820 1820 1820 1819 18191819 Jan. 20, 1819 do Jan. 20, 1819 Mar, 20, 1819 Mar., 25, 1819 June 21, 1819 July 15, 1819 do July 14; 1819 Aug. 3, 1819 May 13, 1824- Mar. 5, 1819 July 14, 1819 Jan. 8, 1819 do do do Jan, 20, 1819 Jan. 20, 1818 83 Ap'l 3, 1818 70 May 30, 1818' 76 Ap'l 27, 1818 73 do 82 Ap'l U 1818 72 May 12, 1818 64 Ap'l H, 1818 80 Ap'l 17, 1818 . Ap'l 6, 1818 74 Apr. 14, 1818 77 do 68 Apr. 28, 1318 80 May 21, 1818 99 Apr. 10, 1818 76 Apr. 4, 1818 76 May 14, 1818 69 Apr. 10, 1818 70 Jan. 1, 1824 82 Apr. 28, 1818 82 Apr. 9, 1818 - Apr. 25, 1818 61 Apr, -17, 1818 80 Apr. 1, 1818 65 Apr. U, 1818 80 Apr. 14, 1818 75 Died June 12, 1832. Died May 7, 1830. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died January 7, 1820. Died June, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing^ October 10,1827. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820, Reinstated July 15, 1822., Died July 12, 1832. Dropped under act May" 1 , 1820. Restored, commencing August 2, 1827. Died Aug. 5, 1831. Died June 8, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Februa ry 16, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820 Restored , commencing Novem ber 15, 1828. Died December 2, 1824. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died May 8 , 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 15^1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 29, - 1828. Ot CO Ot Statement, S?c. of Lincoln coun^—Continued. Christ'her Woodbridge Caleb Witham Noah. Webber John Williams John White Abner Wade Ezekiel Winslow Samuel Weston Abraham Walker Nathaniel Webb William White, 2d. - John Watson Charles Walch Joseph Willman Phineas Wells Phineas Wiggin LemuelWelchWilliam Welch Ezekiel Webber David Winslow John White Lemuel Wentworth - Richard Young Rank. CaptainPrivate do do do Captain 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do ¦96 00 do j 96 00 do 96 00 Annual allowance. 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1655 33 412 53 995 46 1524 53 213 33 2318 00 1477 06 1046 40 1526 66 1397 86 854 66 584 27 182 66 182 66 754 v93 177 86 1521 60 1528 80 1525 33 941 06 867 66 989 86 1424 00 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line do do do do dodo do R. Island line Massachusetts line dodododo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line dodo R. Island line When placed on, the pen sion roll. Jan. 20, 1819 do Mar. 20, 1819 Mar. 25, 1819 do May 7, 1819 May 11, 1819 June 5, 1819 June 7, 1819 July 15, 1819 do July 24, 1819 July 20, 1819 July 20, 1819 July 14, 1819 Sep. 16, 1819 Sep. 15, 1819 July 19, 1819 Dec. 20, 1.820 Nov. 4, 1822 Sep. 12, 1823 Nov. 28, 1823 July 14, 1819 Commencement of pension. Apr. 11, 1818 Apr. 17, 1818 Apr. 21, 1818 Apr. 17, 1818 Apr. 14, 1818 May 12, 1818 Oct. 14, 1818 Apr. 10, 1818 Apr. 9, 1818 May 14, 1818 Apr. 1, 1818 Apr. 29, 1818 Apr. 9, 1818 . do Apr. 23, 1818 Apr. 27, 1818 Apr. 28, 1818 Apr. 1, 1818 Apr. 14, 1818 May 15, 1818 July 9, 1823 Nov. 12, 1823 May 19, 1818 80 76 6780 79 6669 80 73 7563 80766874 84 87 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Km Died March, 1825. Died August 5, 1822. Died in 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 15, 1822. Died November 14, 1822. Died October, 1827. Died in 1829. Died December 5, 1832. Died March, 1827. >'--• Died June, 1824. Suspended under act May 1, 1820, Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped underact May 1, t820. Died in 1828. Died September 3, 1832. " Died June 27, 1324. Ot Statement, §-c. of Oxford county, Maine. John Andrews Abner Abbott Samuel E. Andrews Wright Allen Jeremiah Andrews Joel Ai'therton Joseph Adams, 2d Henry Aldrick Samuel Akley Thaddeus Bemi3 Benjamin Blake Jacob Brown Joseph Bointon Moody Brown Jesse Briggs Daniel Beckler Jonathan Bean Ephraim Barrows Joseph Besse Morris Bompus Frederick Ballard Rank, CorporalPrivate do do do do do do dodo do dodo dodo do dododo do do Annual allow ance. 96 00 95 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 OO 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 944 80 518 66 334 66 368 53 663 73 1190 66 1523 20 377 06 1513 86 1453 60 1479 20 1307 73 2373 33 1424 53 1431 46 1477 06 830 93 1477 33 1213 85 1524 33 388 00 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line , dp,. Massachusetts line do do dodo dodo do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do dodo dodo When placed on the pen sion roll. Jan. 22, 1319 Jan. 2, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 do Jan. 22, 1819 Mar. 5, 1819 May 10, 1819 Mar. 6, 1820 June 12, 1827 July 26, 1819 Oct. 2, 1819 Oct. 29, 1818 Oct. 2, 1818 Jan. Jan, 27,'1819 22, 1819 do do do do Feb. 10, 1819 Ap>\ 17, 1828 Commencement of pension : April 4, 1818 April 9, 1818 July 6, 1818 May 2, 1818 May 7, 1818 Apr. 13, 1818 Apr. 22, -18 18 Mar. 30, 1818 May 5, 1818 July 17, 4818 Apr. 7, 1818 Apr. 18, 1818 Apr. 14, 1818 Apr. 18, 1818 Apr. 6, 1818 Apr. 15, 1818 Apr. 23, 1818 Apr. 14, 1818 Apr. 9, 1818 Apr. 17, 1818 Feb. 19, 1828 73 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Ot o» Died February 7 , 1828. Died September, 1823. - Died January 1, 1822. Died January 2, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing March 27, 1823. Died Feb. 25, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May' 8, 1823. Died in 1822. Transferred from Windham coun ty, Vermont, March 4, 1827. Died December 2, 1831. Relinquished for the benefit of act May 15, .1828. - Died February 8, 1833. Died September 4, 1833. Died November 19, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing June 17, r~l 1823. ^ Transferred from Strafford county, ^ N. Hampshire, September 4, 1829. Died March 4, 1832. | | Statement, fyc. of Oxford cotmty—Continued. Rank. NAMES. Amos Brown Private Samuel Brooks, 2d - do Amos Brown, 2d - do John Bailey do Samuel Benjamin Lieut. Daniel Barker Private Elisha Bisbee Lieut. Samuel Barker Private John Bartlett do Samuel Bridgham do Timothy Berry do Uriah Ballard do Levi Bearce do Joshua Churchill do Jonathan Conn Corporal Moses Coburn Private David Chaplin do Ezra Carlton do Squire Caswell do Ebenezer Cobb do Stephen Curtiss do Moses Chandler do Peter Coffin do Benjamin Cox do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 920 80 682 13 681 33 1478 40 437 33 174 66 1746 66 178 93 1477 33 1525 06 1473 86 1393 60 852 53 1527 20 1526 66 1526 93 173 60 1477 60 320 00 765 60 1191 20 182 93 1524 26 299 33 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line dodo do do do do do l dodo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do Massachusetts line do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do N. Hampshire line do Massachusetts line When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. May 6, 1819 do Aug. 3, 1819 Apr. 17, 1819 Apr. 1, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 May 7, 1819 June 7, 1819 Apr. 29, 1819 May 6, 1819 Apr. 5, 1819 Apr. 30, 1819 July 17, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 July 15, 1819 April 29, 1819 Jan. 28, 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 do Oct, 2, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Apr. 27, 1818 81 May 7, 1818 62 May 6, 1819 74 Ap'l 10, 1818 71 May 8, 1818 ay May 9, 1818 89 Ap'l 24, 1818 78 Ap'l 23, 1818 73 Ap'l 14, 1818 82 Ap'l 15, 1818 71 Ap'l 27, 1818 82 Ap'l 13, 1818 74 Ap'l 15, 1818 77 Ap'l 7, 1818 92 Ap'l 9, 1818 80 Ap'l 8, 1818 69 May 13, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 May 18, 1818 Ap'i 7, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 18, 1818 Ap'l 11, 1818 6069 66 67 79 55 76 82 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Ot ife. Died December, 1827. Died April, 1825. DiedJanuary.il, 1826. Died July 19, 1833. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped underact May I, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 6, 1821. Died December 4, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 19, 1821. Died December 17, 1826. Transferred from Middlesex co. Mass. March 4, 1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died August 13, 1821. Died May 9, 1826.. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored,- commencing Oct. 20, 1831. Died Jan. 14, 1832. Ot Jabish Churchill Jabez Churchill. i Zebedee Cushman Ephraim Chamberlain Elijah Cone Daniel Coolbroth Nathaniel Day Ebenezer Drake Peter Durell Joshua Davis Richard Dole John Douglass Jabez Delano William Davis Ebenezer Eames John Eastman Charles Fogg Nathaniel Farnham Robert Fuller Nathaniel Frye, sr. Elijah Fisher Barzilla Fuller Nicholas Furnald Jonah Fobs John Fifield John Folson Joseph Foss do 96 00 Sergeant Mariner Private 96 00 96 00 96 00 do dodo dododo 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Corporal Private do * 96 00 96 00 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Private dodo do do Lieutenant 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 Private 96 00 do do dodododo 96' 00 96 00 96 00 96- 00 96 00 96 00 1145 86 1526 40 1523 46 597 60 1526 13 712 60 1524 80 1121 06 518 40 1194 66 639 20 1522 66 1333 06 221 26 1472 53 901 60 1527 20 1525 60 1051 73 760 20 518 40 181 33 395 20 757 33 181 59 1,158 66 1,426 66 r do do Cont'l navy Massachusetts line do do do dododo do do do do do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do do do do do dodo do do do Mar. 18, 1819 April 17, 1819 Sep. 6, 1819 May 30, 1819 June 12, 1819 Oct. 30, 1826 Feb. 10, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 do do Mar. 11, 1819 May 12, 1819 July 29, 1819 Mar. 18, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 July 26, 1819 Jan. 27, 1819 Feb. 6, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 May 26, 1819 Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1819 May 10, 1819 May 11, 1819 Feb. 10, 1819 Nov. 8, 1819 June 9, 1820 Ap'l to, 1818 75 do 80 Ap'l 21, 1818 71 Ap'l 13, 1818 71 Ap'l 11, 1818 69 Oct. H, 1826 80 Ap'l 16, 1818 71 Ap'l 10, 1818 74 do 65 Ap'l 7, 1818 76 do 87 Ap'l %.. 1818 73 May 12, 181-8 75 Ap'l H, 1818 72 Ap'l 17, 1818 80 Ap'l 13, 1818 65 Ap'l 7, 1818 71 Ap'l 13, 1818 77 Ap'l 14, 1818 77 April 9, 1818 75 Ap'l 10, 1818 78 Ap'l 14, 1818 69 Ap'l 13, 1818 72 do 85 do 58 Apr. 28, 1818 75 Apr. 24, 1819 74 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 21, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing June 5, 1823. Died November, 1827. Died December 14, 1829. Died July 24, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 21, 1823. Died December 4, 1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated Feb. 27, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. . Restored commencing June 25, 1823. Died Nov. 18, 1823. Died August 19, 1833. Died September 6, 1827. Died March 18, 1829. Relinquished for the benefit of act .May 15,-1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Sept. 4, 1829. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died May 25, 1822. Died in 1826. Suspended under act May 1, 1 820. Died May 23, 1830 Ot Ot Statement, cj-c. of Oxford county— Continued. On Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement m Laws under which they were for NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension ba statement, fyc. of York county, Maine. John Allen James Allen Benjamin Austin Stephen Andrews Joseph Allen, 2d Silas Abbott John Bragdon Ezekiel Bragdon John Banks William Boothby Joseph Berry James Bracey Thomas Brown James Boice James Brown, 2d Timothy Burdeen Peter Babb Henry Black Ebenezer Bean Daniel Bragdon Daniel Bridges John Bickford Nathaniel Butland Gideon Batcheldor Abraham Barnes Stephen Bryant Daniel Bryant John Baker Rank. Annual allow ance. Private 96 00 Seaman 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Mariner 96 00 do 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do . 96 00 do < » 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do | 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1330 93 1236 76 180 53 1527 02 1477 60 783 20 1526 76 881 60 1525 60 181 60 1525 60 1523 46 401 06 1468 20 1515 20 1529 06 1526 60 1528.26 704 80 274 40 1513 93 1470 66 1637 93 183 20 173 06 472 26 1554 00 164 53 Description of ser- _ vice. Massachusetts line Cont'l. navy Massachusetts line do New Hamp, line Massachusetts line do dodo do do do Con'l. navy Virginia line do Massachusetts line dodo dodo New Hamp. do Massachusetts, line do do dodo do liiye When placed on the pen sion roll. July 20, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 July 16, 1819 Mar. 9, 1819 Mar. 13, 1820 July 11, 1821 May 4, 1818 Jan. 21, 1319 dodo Sep. 7, 1819 June 9, 1819 July 31, 1819 June 2, 1819 June 2.1, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Mar. 9, 1819 Mar. 31, 1819 July 29, 1819 June 9, 18 19 Aug. 4, 1819 June 11, 1819 July 23, 1819 May 6, 1819 May 5, 1819 Mar. 9, 1819 do Mar. 26, 1819 Commencement of pension. Apl. 23, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l. 17, Ap'l. 7, Nov. 13, Ap'l. 7, Ap'l. 9, Ap'l. 13, do dodo Ap'l 21, Dec. 30, May 18, May 8, Mar. 21, Ap'l 13, Ap'l. 1, Ap'l 27, Ap'l 25, May 8, May 7, Ap'l. 8, do May 15,. April 3, do Ap'l 13, 1818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 1818 18181818 18191818 1819181818271818 1818 1818 1818 1818 18181818 72 7879 83 77 86 76 76 789168 7774,7072 7696997275 84 876267 75 66 Laws under which they were for. merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Died February 27, 1832. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Decem ber 6, 1823. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died June 30, 1826. Died June 19, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. •1 Ot Died in 1824. Died in 1821. Died February 13, 1834. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. f- 1 Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. <13x Died in 1823. *+-, Died December 17, 1820; ,, Statement, Sec. of York county — Continued. Ot Jonathan Baston Samuel Brooks Bray Cox Alexander Cooper Joseph Curtis Samuel Cammett David Cain Noah Cluff John Carlisle Ebenezer Cousens John S. Cram Ebenezer Clark John Cash Benjamin Clay William Campernell John Carter Richard -Dresser John* Dormari . Moses Drown Stephen Drown Nathaniel Day, 2d Private Sergeant?Seaman Private do do do do do do Drummer Private do do dodo do dododo do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re Description df ser When placed Commencement ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. « sion roll. 182 93 Massachusetts line May 6, 1819 Ap'l 8,1818 809 06 do May 5, 1811 Ap'l 1, 1818 1174 93 Cont'l. navy July 19, 1819 Ap'l 17, 1818 1525' 06 Massachusetts line Mar. 16, 1819 Ap'l 15, 1818 546 66 do Mar. 30, 1819 Ap'l. 1, 1818 181 60 New Hamp. line Aug. 2, 1819 Ap'l. 13, 1818 277 60 Massachusetts line Mar. SO, 1819 da 614 66 do July 7, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 1,525 60 N. Hampshire line May 5, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 182 93 Massachusetts line Jan. 25, 1819 Ap'l 8, 1818 550 66 do May 6, 1819 do 1,317 60 N. Hampshire line Mar. 26, 1819 Ap'l 4, 1818 177 33 Massachusetts line Mar. 27, 1819 Apr. 29, 1818 158 66 do Oct. 23, 1819 July 9, 1818 1 ,473 60 do Sep. 7, 1820 Apl. 28, 1818 313 33 N. Hampshire line May 8, 1821 Nov. 29, 1818 677 33 Massachusetts line Jan. 23, 1819 Apr. 17, 1818 892 80 do Jan. 25, 1819 April 8, 1818 662 93 do do do 1,526 93 do .* do do 686 66 do July 23, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 70 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on die pension I— w roll; and remarks. Died in June, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated Sep. 5, 1820. Died January 14, 1821. Died Dec. II, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 25, 1823. Died March, 1825- Transferred from Massachusetts March 4, 1819. Died Septem ber, 1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died January 3, 1824. Died December 25, 1831. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died in March, 1822. Dropped under act May 1 , 1820. Restored commencing January 1, 1829. Died July 26, 1827. Died in 1825. Dropped under act Mayl, 1820. Restored commencing Decern* 3, 1828. OJ Nicholas Davis Thomas Davis, 1st Obadiah Donnell Jotham Donnell James Deshon Daniel Eldridge Stephen Edwards Jacob Emery Ralph Emery Nathaniel Edwards Daniel Emery Jacob Eastman William Frost" Jonathan Farnham John Fenders'on John Fairfield Henry Flood Phineas Fowle David Fitzgerald John Fifield Jonathan Ferren Parker Foster Nathaniel Frost Tobias Fernald Stephen Frost John Freeman, 2d William Fairfield Jonathan Farnham George Fall Aaron Fogg James Foy John Gilford, jr. do 96 00 do 96 00 Mariner 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Musician 96 00 Lieutenant 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 Ser. of mar. 96 00 Private 66 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Marine 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do - 96 00 1,323 26 179 33 84 53 54 66 432 00 1,359 20 661 60 1,526 93 1,144 26 1,517 36 1,526 93 1,521 86 2,192 66 490 40 1,521 33 1 ,478 73 1.221 86 135 74 88 53 1,328 00 182 60 1,528 80 1,044 26 932 80 624 26 373 60 182 93 1,518 66 181 33 366 13 911 73 1,221 80 do do Continental Navy Massachusetts line do do dododododo N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do dododo Rhode Island line Massachusetts line Continental navy Massachusetts line do do do Continental navy Massachusetts line dodo N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line Mar. 9, 1819 Jan. 21, 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 Nov. 16, 1819 Oct. 2, 1829 Jan. 21, 18ly Jan. 23, 1819 Nov. 6, 1818 Jan. 23, 1819 May 12, 1819 July 29, 1819 May 6, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 Jan. 15, 1819 Oct. 6, 1818 May 22, 1818 Jan. 21, 1819 Mar. 9, 1819 July 15, 1819 Mar. 11, 1819 June 3, Mar. 30, dodo Mar. 16, Mar. 30, do Mar. 25, June 9, Mar. 9, Sep. 22, Jan. 21, 1819 1819 1819 181918191819 1819 1819 1819 Apl. 13, 1818 79 Apl. 29, 1818 74 Apl. 17, 1819 69 Aug. 9, 1819 70 Sep. 5, 1829 72 Apl. 13, 1818 73 do 70 Ap'l 8, 1818 77 Apl. -3, 1818 70 May 12, 1818 79 Ap'l 8, 1818 76 Apr. 27,1818 72 Ap'l 13, 1818 80 Ap'l 20, 1818 68 Ap'l 29, 1818 78 Ap'l 8, 1818 77 Ap'l 13, 1818 79 do 77 Ap'l 2, 1819 60 Ap'l 16, 1818 81 Ap'l 9, 1818 65 Ap'l 1, 1818 73 do 75 Ap'l 13, 1818 71 Ap'l 7, 1818 82 Ap'l 13, 1818 86 Ap'l 8, 1818 66 May 9, 1818 81 Ap'l 14, 1818 66 Ap'l 13, 1818 60. July 7, 1818 75 Ap'l 13, 1818 70 Died January 14, 1832. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under net May 1, 1820. do - do do Died June 10, 1832. Died February 12, 1825. Died in 1830. Died June 2, 1827. Died May 29, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 3, ' 1823 Died September 12, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Transferred from Strafford co., New Hampshire, September 4, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated March 22, 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died February 17, 1829. Died January, 1828. Died October 8, 1824. Died in 1822. / Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died February 5, 1832. Died January 1, 1828. Dropped under act Mayl, 1820. Restored commencing May 7, 1823. ' -J Ot L_J Statement, eye. of York county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement m Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. bo merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. < 80 roll ; and remarks. William Grant Private 96 00 661 06 N. Hampshire line Jan. 25, 1819 Ap'l 15, 1818 Died in 1825. Aaron Gray . do 96 00 797 86 Massachusetts line Jan. 23, 1819 May 12, 1818 87 John Grant Qr. master 240 00 1,813 33 do Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 8, 1818 80 Died November, 1825. Philip Goldthwait Private 96 00 177 30 do Jan 23, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1818 67 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. James: Gilkey do 96 00 189 60 do June 21, 1819 Mar. 13, 1818 - Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Paul Goodwin do . 96 00 1,526 93 do Mar. 15, 1819 Ap'l 8, 1818 87 lohn Gould do 96 00 1,528 80 do Mar. 26, 1819 Ap'l 1, 1818 80 Edmund Grant do 96 00 1,528 00 N. Hampshire line July 23, 1819 Ap'l 4, 18,18 80 Transferred from Essex county, Massachusetts, March 4, 1819. Reuben Goodwin do 96 00 104 00 Massachusetts line June 3, 1819 Feb. 4, 1819 60 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Stephen Googins do 96 00 1,221 06 do Mar. 9, 1819 Ap'l 17, 1818 80 Dropped uuder act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 2, 1823. Died September 4, 1832. Benjamin Goodrilge - do 96 00 1,383 20 do do Ap'l 7, 1818 76 Daniel Goold or Gould do 96 00 744 00 do do Ap'l 1, 1818 76 Died December 31, 1825. Joshua Grant do 96 00 864 60 do do .Ap'l 13, 1818 89 Dropped under act May 1,1820. Restored commencing January 25, 1825. Reuben Goodwin jr. - do 96 00 183 20 do July 29, 1819 Ap'l 7, 1818 72 Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Benjamin Goodwin - do 96 00 170 40 do Sep. 18, 1819 Mav 25, 1818 66 Dropped underact May 1, 1820. Joseph Giles do 96 00 516 26 N. Hampshire line Sep. 21, 1819 Ap;l 17, 1818 77 Died September 3, 1823. John Giles do 96 00 661 33 Massachusetts line May 25, 1820 Ap'l 14, 1818 76 Died in 1825. Zachariah Goodale - do 96 00 240 80 do May 21, 1823 Mar. 1, 1823 92 Died September 2, 1825. Aaron Goodwin Mariner 96 00 274 93 Continental navy Mar 28, 1825 Nov. 17, 1824 73 Died September 28, 1827. .Solomon Hopkins Private 96 00 1,331 46 Massachusetts line Jan. 20, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 81 Died March, 1832. Benjamin Horsom do 96 00 1,448 79 do Jan. 25, 1819 Apr. 15, 1818 80 Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 10, 1831. William Hobson do 96 00 874 60 do Jan. 23, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 97 Died September, 1827. James Hart Lieutenant 240 00 1694 66 do Oct. 8, 1818 April 8, 1818 78 Died May, 1825. Abner Harmon Ser. major 96 00 1384 26 do Jan. 23, 1819 April 3, 1818 78 Ot -J 00 Simeon Hutcheons Richard Haley Levi Hutchins Gideon Hanscom Jonathan Hanson Jeremiah Hill Enoch Hutchins Jacob Horsom Reuben Hanscom John Huston, jr. Samuel Hill Solomon Hopkins Eastman Hutchings Samuel Hodsdon Nathaniel Hanscomb Daniel Hubbard John Hanscomb, 1st William Hancock Robert Hansicum Stephen Hardison William Hall Elijah Hatch James Head Edmund Hutchkins Daniel Horn William Johnson John Jewell, 1st George Jaccbs - David Inaham Thomas Jones Richard Ingerson John Jenkins Dennis Johnson John Jewell, 2d Private dodo do do Captain Sergeant Private . dodo MarinePrivate Sergeant Private do do do dododo do do dodo do do do Lieutenant Private dodo Marine Private do 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 1526 93 do 1132 53 do 1526 93 do 662 93 do 182 93 .%> dodo 506 66 1233 73 do 507 20 New Hamp. line 181 06 Massachusetts line 1526 93 do 592 80 Continental navy 1446 66 do 129 33 Massachusetts line 712 00 New Hamp . line 1152 53 Massachusetts line 654 40 do 1477 60 do 1505 86 do 1526 94 do 183 73 do 123 20 ' do 976 60 do 1336 80 do 582 40 New Hamp. line 1294 66 do 1151 20 Massachusetts line 1337 06 New Hamp. line 3157 53 Massachusetts line 1474 66 Connecticut line 183 73 Massachusetts line 1429 60 New Hamp . line 853 60 Continental navy 1525 33 Massachusetts line 570 12 do Jan. 25, 1819 do do Sep. 16, 1818 Jan. 26, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 Mar. 26, 1819 June 2, 1819 July 26, 1819 Mar. 15, 1819 Mar. 8, 1819 July 29, 1819 May 10, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Mar. 31, 1819 May 6, 1819 Mar, 9, 1819 May 12, 1819 July 7, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 June 21, 1819 Sept. 8, 1819 Sep. 17, 1819 July 19, 1820 Jan. 9, 1823 Jan. 2S, 1819 Oct. 2, 1818 Jan. 25, 1819 Feb. 6, 1819 May 6, 1819 May 5, 1819 July 23, 1819 Mar. 18, 1819 Mar. 18, 1819 April 8, 1818 81 do 88 do 86 do 69 do 64 May 1, 1818 72 Ap'l 13, 1818 74 Ap'l 27, 1818 87 Ap'l 15, 1818 66 Ap'l 8, 1818 73 Ap'l 1, 1818 63 Feb. 9, 1819 82 Oct. 29, 1818 68 Mar. 31, 1818 70 Ap'l 1, 1818 73 Ap'l 9, 1818 72 Ap'l 13, 1818 77 June 27, 1818 73 Ap'l 8, 1818 73 Ap'l 5, 1818 69 Ap'l 4, 1818 64 Ap'l 8, 1818 78 Ap'l 28, 1818 85 Dec. 10, 1819 65 Sep. 11, 1820 79 Ap'l 13, 1818 82 Ap'l 18, 1818 69 Ap'l 8, 1818 80 Ap'l 23, 1818 75 Ap'l 9, 1818 70 Ap'l 13, 1818 7? do Ap'l 14, 1818 79 Ap'l 21, 1818 70 Died January 25, 1829. Died in 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died June 11, 1820. Died February, 1832. Died August 8, 182.3. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died June 4, 1824. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died August 31, 1825. Died April 1, 1830.., Died February 2, 1825. Died in 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died July 31, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Novem ber 28, 1853. DiedMarch 31, 1832. Died March 1, 1825. Died April 10, 1830. Died April 22, 1831. Died June 4, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Febru ary 5, 1829. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died March, 1827. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing July 10, 18S3. Died Aug. 5, 1827. -J Ot *"t ife. ^'Statement, Sec. of York cown/y—Continued. or NAMES. Nathan Kimball John Kilborn Abraham Knowlton David Knox Hezekiah Kimball John Kingsbury Abraham Kimball Joseph Knight, 1st John Knox Cabel Lassell Jotham Littlefield Joel Littlefield Ezirah Libbey Nathaniel Leavett Theadore Linscott Noah- M. Littlefield Jabez "Lane Solomon Libbey Wintworth Lord Joseph Leland Johnson Littlefield Daniel Lunt Phineas Low "--- Rank. Corporal Private do do dodo do dododo dodo do Lieutenant PrivateLieut, col. CaptainPrivate do Lieutenant Private . do ..do Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 240 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived , 854 93 179 20 1138 90 853 86 936 00 174 66 1046 93 1526 93 276 60 1525 60 1527 73 1526 93 183 20 1624 54 518 13 712 00 1680 00 860 92 1088 00 254 66 182 93 1525 60 545 33 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line dodo do dodo do do dodo do do do New Hamp . line Massachusetts line dodo do do dodo New Hamp. line Massachusetts line When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. Jan. 22, 1819 do Mar. 5, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Mar. 27, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 May 6,1819 June 3, 1819 June 9,1819 Jan. 21, 1819 do Oct. 8, 1818 Jan. 21, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 do Jan. 25, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 do: Mar. 9, 1819 do Mar. 15, 1819 May 5, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 22, 1818 Ap'l 1, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l May Ap'lAp'l 9, 1818 9, 1818 3, 1818 do 7, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 Ap'l 8,1818 do Ap'l 13, 1818 do Ap'l 11, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 3,1818 do?-, .-.*. May 7, 1818 Feb. 12, 1818 April 8, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 June 2?,. 1818 78 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died January 12, 1830. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing Dec, 6, 1823. Died September 1, 1830. Died January, 1 828. Dropped' under act May 1, 1820. Died February 13, 1829. Died September, 1821. Died March 7, 1834. Transferred from Massachusetts March 4, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died February, 1825. Died October 25, 1821 . Died Octgber 25, 1825. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored, commencing May 2, 1823. Died March 1, 1831. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored,, commencing Septem ber 18, 1823. '-¦¦" Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died March, 1824. ODO Samuel Libbey William Leaver Abraham Littlefield Joseph Lord Elisha Lord * Daniel Lord, 2d * Daniel Lord, 3d John Low Benjamin Leach James Marr Mark Mors Nathaniel Meserve John Matthews, 2d Pierce Murphy William Mendum Edward Moore James McDaniel George M°°dy William Morris John Miller Henry Maddock John. Meldruni Benjamin Moore Pelatiah Moore John Millet John Moore William Mitchell Nathaniel Nason John Norman Jonathan Newell Jonathan Nason Sylvanus Nocke Nathaniel Norton John O'Rian Isaac Pope Daniel Pacca'd Mariner j 96; 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do- 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Captain 240 00 Private 96 00 Corporal 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Marine 96 00 do 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Lieut. 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 95 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Captain 240 00 Private 96 00 Captain 240 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Captain 24,0 00 Private 96 00 1027 46 1474 40 1273 86 183 20; 183 20 1473 86 161 86 210 00 1525 60 1414 93 177 60 656 26 1426 93 1527 20 1234 30 757 60 277 60 1211 72 1133 33 727 73 301 86 447 73 750 00 1527 20 1526 40 44 53 856 80 74 66 194 93 705 33 1260 80 1525 60 181 06 433 69 520 00 1179 20 Continental navy New Hamp. line Massachusetts line New Hamp. line Massachusetts line P do New Hamp. line Massachusetts line New Hamp . line Massachusetts line do do do Continental navy do Mass. line do do Continental navy Mass. line Rhode Island line Mass. line New Hamp. line Mass. line New Hamp. line Mass. line New Hamp. line Mass. line do dodo New Hamp. line Mass. line do dodo May 8, May 7, June 9, dodo July 29, Sep. 7, Sep. 15, Dec. 9, Jan. 21, Mar. 6, Mar. 9, do do Mar. 30, dodo May 7, 1819,1819 1819 1819 1819 18191820 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 Mar. 26, 1819 May 6, 1819 dodo Jan. 5, 1819 June 11, July 7, May 10, July 9, Jan. 25, May -22, Mar. 16, Mar. 26, Sep. 14, May 31, Jan. 20, Jan. 25, Jan. 22, 1819 1819 1820 1820 18191818 18191819 1819 1820 1819 1819 1819 May 1, Ap'l 25,' Ap'l 13, Ap'l 7, do Ap'l 27, June 27, Ap'l 19, Ap'l 13, June 23, Ap'l 28, May 5, Ap'l 23, Ap'l 7, Ap'l 13, dodo Ap'l 27, 181818181818 18181818 1818 1819 18181818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 Mar. 30, 1818 Ap'l 29, 1818 July 2, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1818 ApJl 21, 1818 Ap'l 7, Ap'l 10, Sep, 17, Ap'l 1, Ap'l 5, Ap'l 8, Mar. 26, Ap'l 1, Ap'l 13, May 15, June 22, Ap'l 8, Ap'l 7, 1818 1818 18191818 18181818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 1818 1818 Died' January 14,. 1829. Died July 20, 1831. Dropped'under act Mayl, 1820; Suspended tinder act May 1, 1820. Died December 15, 1833. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Do do do Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Died January, 1625. ¦_ Died February.18, 1831. Died September, 1826. Died August, 1821. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 27, 1823. Died December 20, 1822. Died November 28, 1825. Died August 25, 1821. Died December 7, 1822. Dropped under act May I, 1820. Restored Commencing June 10, 182.4. . Died May 14, 1826. Susp'd under act May 1, 1820.. Died March, 1827. Died July 27, 1818. Died May 19, 1820. Died January 5, 1821. Died March 18, 1831. Died December 28, 1822. Died Junr, 1820. 06 Cn Statement, Sec. of York county — Continued. Ot ¦ ¦ H- » Laws under which they were for- \ | merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. John Pierce John Patch Amos Place William Perkins Samuel Pease Paul Pindexter John Phinney Edward page John Richards Samuel Rines Webber Row Ephraim Redlon John Robinson George Robinson George Rfcker Michael Rand James Rendall Stephen Ricker Abraham Ridout Theodore Rounds Samuel Roberts Love Roberts Jacob Rhoades Rank. Corporal Private do do Drum maj. Private do do dododo do do do do do do do dodo do do do Annual allowance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived . 173 60 988 00 1433 06 184 80 1285 33 1521 86 1230 13 1525 60 1472 09 1350 93 1524 26 1048 26 177 60 88 26 1315 46 613 60 173 06 1526 66 1526 66 1526 92 177 60 1095 46 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts line do do do New Hamp. line Mass. line do New Hamp. line do Mass. line New Hamp. line Mass. line do dodo do dodo dodo New Hamp- do line 1527 20 Mass. line When placed on the pen sion roll. Mar. 30, 1819 do do July 3, 1819 July 23, 1819 July 9, 1819 Aug. 2,1819 Ap'l 4,1822 Sep. 22, 1818 Jan. 22, 1819 Oct. " 2, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 Jan. 21, 1819 Jan. 20, 1819 Mar. 9, 1819 do May 5, 1814 May 6, 1819 do do June 2, 1819 July 23, 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 Commencement of pension. May 13, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Mar. 30, 1818 Ap'l 1, 1819 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 27, 1818 Ap'l 14, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 Ap'l 8, 1819 Ap'l 18, 1818 Ap'l 3, 1818 Ap'l 28, 1818 Ap'l 3, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 May 15, 1818 Ap'l 9, 1818 do Ap'l 8, 1818 Ap'l 29, 1818 Ap'l 7, 1818 do 80 Susp'd under act May 1, 1820. Died July 29, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 1, 1823. Transferred from Strafford co., N. H., September 4, 1826. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died March 13, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Sep. 16, 1823. Died Dec. 25, 1833. Died September, 1824. Susp'd under act May 1, 1820. Susp'd under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Sep. S3, 1824. ' '¦ OO Moses Rhoades Andrew Rankins Samuel Remick David Rogers John Sutton Ebenezer Symmes James Smith John Seates Pelatiah Stephens William Spencer William Smith John Sutton Eleakin Sevey Joseph Staples ' Charles Sargeant James Stanley Daniel Sargeant Dominicus Smith William Stacy John Stoiie Daniel Stewart Anthony Starbird Daniel Sully William Shaw Henry Small Thomas Spencer Caleb Spinney William Smith Jacob Smith do do do dododo do dodo dodo do do dodo do do do Seaman MarinerPrivate do dodo do do Sergeant Private do 96 GO 1525 60 96 00 1072 00- 96 00 173 60 96 00 725 33 96 00 174 I? 96 00 103 20 96 00 1047 73 96 00 1237 06 96 00 1480 00 96 00 1524 26 96 00 178 66 96 00 134 13 96 00 1171 73 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 98 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 1336 26 741 60 174 13 864 00 1181 33 1066 13 1481 06 1527 19 498 66 1430 40 384 00 62 93 1525 60 25 33 960 00 184 53 dodo New Hamp. line. Mass. line S* do ;--¦ do do do dododo dodo dodo dodo do Continental navy do Mass. line do R. Island line Massachusetts line dodo _ N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line do Sep. 13, 1819 Sep. 14, 1819 July 19, 1819 Oct. 29, 1822 Jan. 21, 1819 Mar. 9, do 1819 Mar.16, 1819 do Oct. 2, 1818 Jan. 23, 1819 Jan. 21, 1819 June 30, 1818 Jan. 23, 1819 Mar, 30, dodo 1819 June 11, 1819 July 16, 1819 July 23, do 1819 July 29, 1819 July 29, 1819 July 20, 1819 Aug 4, 1819 Ap'l 23, 1819 May 20, 1819 June 12, 1819 July 15, 1819 Ap'l 13, 1818 do May 13, 1818 Sep. 11, 1820 June 25, 1818 Feb. 7, 1819 Ap'l =8, 1818 Ap'l 15, 1818 Ap'l 4, 1818 Ap'l 18, 1818 Ap'l 24, 1818 June 25, 1818 Ap'l 20, 1818 Ap'l 3, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 May 11, 1818 Ap'l 13, 1818 May 16, 1818 Ap'l 17, 1818 Mar. 31, Ap.'l 8, June 24, Ap'l 10, Ap'l 24, July 8, Apr. IS, Nov. 29, April 1, April 3, 1818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 18181818 1818 1818 76 Died June 11, 1839. Susp'd under aot May 1, 1820. Died April 1, 1828. Died November 18, 1819. Susp'd under act May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing March 31, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died November 18, 1819. Dropped under act. May 1, 1820. Restored commencing Nov. 12, 1824. Died January 21, 1832. Dropped uuder act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 27, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Died in 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 2, 1823. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing May 29, ¦ 1823. - Died August 15, 1823. Died in 1822. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Suspended under actMayl, 1820. Died April, 1828. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Rest'd com'ncing June 24, 1823. QO CO Ot Statement, §c. of York county — Continued. Ot John Stacy Edward Staples Richard Soward Noah Smith Aaron Snow Joseph Tyler David Thompson Ephraim Thompson - Joseph Town Isaac Townsend Abraham Tyler John Thompson ? Jonathan Thompson - Robert Tripp Josiah Trafton Joseph Tinan Benjamin Trafton Reuben Tourtelott - Eliphalet Trafton - James Uran Francis Varney Tbomas Worster Ephraim Woodman - Jonathan Webber Samuel Wheelwright Samuel Whitehouse - Richard Whitten Daniel Warren Thomas Warden Ebenezer Whitehouse Rank. Private do dododo do CorporalPrivate do dodo do dodododo dodo do do dodododo Sergeant Private dodo Drummer Private Annual allow ance. 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 1528 80 1528 80 332 00 1127 73 1325 60 177 60 1286 93 1526 66 1526 92 1396 80 1526 13 713 06 700 26 1478 93 181 06 721 86 129 60 727 20 ' 29 86 182 93 1190 93 181 33 171 20 1526 93 1236 53 901 06 1525 60 181 60 850 13 1321 33 Description of ser vice. N. Hampshire line do do Massachusetts line R. Island line Massachusetts line dodo do do dodo ~ do do do do do R- Island line Massachusetts line dodododod6 do dododo Massachusetts line N. Hampshire line When placed on the pen sion roll. July 19, 1819 do April 4, 1819 Dec. 2, 1819 March 5, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 do Jan. 25, 1819 do Mar. 9, 1819 do Mar. 26, 1819 do Mar. 27, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 May 6, 1S19 May 10, 1819 July 20, 1819 June 8, 1820 May 22, 1818 May 6, 1819 May 22, 1819 Jan. 23, 1819 Jan. 25, 1819 dodo Mar. 9, 1819 do Mar. 15, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 Commencement of pension. April 1, do Ap'l 13, Mar, 4. May 13; Ap'l 28, April 8, April 9, Ap'l 8, Ap'l 13, Ap'l 11, Mar. 31, May 18, Ap'l 8, Ap'l 15, Ap'l 8, Oct. 28, Ap'l 22, Nov. 12, April 8, do Ap'l 14, May 23, Ap'l 8, Ap'l 7, Ap'l 15, Ap'l 13, do Ap'l 11, Mar, 30, 1818 1818 18181818 1818 181818181818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 18181818 1819 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 18181818 1818 80 78927580 747772 727671 8094 706672 63 75 66668880 75 77 74 6984 66 77 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Died October 6, 1832. Died December 3,18.29. Suspended under act May 1, 1820- Died November 1, 1833. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Died October 15, 1825. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died September, 1825. Suspended underact May 1, 1820. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. do do Died February 24, 1831. Died September 4, 1827. Dropped under act May 1, 1820.. Died February 15, 1827. Died January 4, J 832. 00 Samuel Whitehouse John Spicer Witham Benjamin Webber Moses Weymouth Paul Webber - Aaron Warren John Woodman Edward Walker Daniel Wadlid William Worcester Andrew Witham Paul Welch Bartholomew Witham Nathan Witham Moses Wardley Jlfieph Wilson James Witham Stephen Wopd Joshua Whitney Andrew Wentworth - Henry Waid Amos Williams P.elatiah Weeks do 96 00 do 96 00 do . 96 00 Sargeant 96 00 Private 96 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private - 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 Marine 96 00 Private 96 ,00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 do 96 00 558 13 565 60 163 26 1234 13 132 80 141 33 181 60 1430 93 89 86 519 73 1527 20 1174 40 745 06 616 80 133 06 497 60 1453 60 1525 60 1244 53 25 33 8ll 73 760 80 373 86 Massachusetts line dodo do do do dododo do do do dodo do N. Hampshire line Massachusetts line dodo do Connecticut lino New Hampshire line do Mar. 15, 1819 Jan. 9, 1819 Mar. 30, 1819 do do May 8, 1819 May 12, 1819 June 3, 1819 June 21, 1819 do do July 23, 1819 dodo Sep.- 6, 1819 do Sep. 13, 1819 Sep. 14, 1819 Oct. 7, 1819 May 20, 1819 May 26, 1819 July 19, 1819 Sep. 9, 1823 Ap'l 8,1818 78 Ap'l 13, 1818 84 June 3, 1818 69 Ap'l 26, 1818 92 June 3, 1818 60 Sept. 14, 1818 60 Sep. 13, 1818 69 Sept. 8, 1818 73 Mar, 26, 1818 63 May 5, 1818 89 Ap'l 7, 1818 80 Ap'l 13, 1818 68 May 31, 1818 78 Apr. 1, 1818 81 Mar. 31, 1818 86 May 16, 1818 74 Ap'l 13,1818 77 do 84 do 59 Nov. 29, 1818 60 May 7, 1818 73 Ap'l 1, 1818 69 July 2, 1823 81 Died January 31, 1824. Died March, 1824. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died December 21, 1819. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. do do Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Restored commencing August 4, 1829. Died December 22, 1829. Died September, 1820. Died July 22, 1823. Died December 2, 1833. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Reinstated July 15, 1821. Died February 25, 1832. Suspended under act May 1, 1820. Died October 21, 1826. Died January 7, 1825. Died May 26, 1827. GO Ot Ot Statement showing the names, rank, Sec. of persons residing in Cumberland county, in the State of Maine, who have t"~! been inscribed on the Pension List under the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. Ot Rank. Annual Sums re D escrip tion of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for SAMES. allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. a,tuO merly inscribed on the pension ance. - sion roll. - -•", ' < roll ; and remarks. Job Allen Private 96 00 113 06 Massachusetts cont. May 7, 1819 Dec. 30, 1818 71 March 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 18*20. Do do 80 00 240 00 do - Aug. 3, 1832 Mar; 4, 1831 71 Pensioned again under act J une 7, 1832. Jonah Austin do 96 00 513 60 do Apr. 6, 1819 Apr. 28, 1818 81 March 18, 1818. On under act March 18, 1818. Relinquished Do do 80 00 200 00 do Sep. 7, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 81 for benefit of act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Jacob Allen do 96 00 113 06 do May 7, 1819 Dec. 31, 1818 71 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 60 00 180 00 do Sep. 19, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 71 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Robert Anderson do 33 75 101 25 Mass, militia Nov. 28, 1832 do 73 Nathaniel Aldi-icks - do 80 00 240 00 Mass. continental Jan. 25, 1833 do 82 Died March 5, 1834. William Allen do 26 66 79 98 Mass. militia Apr. 9, 1833 do 82 Robert Andrews do 80 00 240 00 Mass. continental Apr. 10, 1833 do 82 - .- - - Isaac Allen do 96 00 181 06 do Jan. 22, 1819 Apr. 15, 1818 82 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do ' May 21, 1833 do 77 Pensioned again under act Jane 7, 1832. Nehemiah Allen do 75 32 225 96 Mass. militia Feb. 1, 1834 do 81 John Brackett do 96 00 177 60 Mass. continental Mar. 27,1819 Apr. 28, 1818 March 18, 1818. On roll under act March 18, 1818. Dropped under act May 1 , 1828. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 3, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 83 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Peabody Bradford Corporal 96 00 179 73 do Apr. 6, 1819 July 20, 1818 76 the roll under act May 1, 1820. 00 OS Do Abner Briggs Do William Buxton Timothy Barstow Seth Blanchard Job Beal James Bruckett Jonathan Byram Do John Bridgeham Do Joseph Brocklebank - Aaron Breman James Blake William Bridgham ,- Jacob Bates Zebulon Berry Josiah Berry Andrew Brown Peter Bracket Joseph Bryant - Eiios Bishop James Bibber Daniel Cobb Ephraim Chamberlain Isaac tgbase John Coombs Joseph S. Coombs • Do do 83 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 do 33 33 do 26 66 do 36 66 Pr. & ser. 80 00 Pr. of art. 87 50 Private 96 00 do 80 00 Ser. & ens. 240 00 do 170 00 Private 53 33 do 24 64 do 36 66 do 33 33 do 80 00 do 25 90 do 26 66 do 80 00 Pri. of art. 67 50 Pr. & q. m. 95 00 Private 36 66 do 41 97 Pri. of art. 100 00 Private 26 66 do 26 66 do 53 33 do 96 00 do 80 00 264 00 177 06 240' 00 99 99 79 98 109 98 240 00 262 50 174 13 273 35 430 00 510 00 159 99 73' 92 109 98 99 99 240 00 77 70 79 98 240 00 202 50 285 00 125 91 300 00 48 03 79 98 133 32 178 40 240 00 do Rhode Island cont. do Mass. militia do dodo Mass. continental dodo dodo Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. State Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass. State troops do Ma?s. continental Massachusetts mil. do dodododo Mass. continental dodo Aug. 4, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 76 Man 6, 1819 Aug. 10, 1832 Sep. 27, 1832 dodo Oct. 25, 1832 Jan. 7, 1833 July 26, 1819 Feb ¦'" 7,1833 Mar. ,1819 Aug. 17, 1833 Mar. 25, 1833 Apr. 5, 1833 Apr. 9, 1833 Ajjr. 13, 1833 Ap'l 17, 1833 May 25, 1833 May 17,1833 July 23, 1833 July 27, 1833 Sep. 26 , 1833 July 22, 1834 July 24, 1833 May 26, 1834 Ap'l 28, 1834 Dec. 24, 1833 Sep. 28, 1833 July 19, 1819 Sep. 12, 1832 mar. -i-, ioji Apr. 30, 1818 71 Mar. 4, 1831 71 do 71 do 72 do 74 do 74 do 79 May 11, 1818 79 Mar. 4, 1831 80 May 19,1818 80 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do 71 do 71 do 71 do 78 do 74 do 74 do 73 do -. 71 do 78 do 75 do 87 do 78 do 72 do 70 do 77 do 78 Ap'l 25, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 77 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped frpm the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, .1832. No report yet received of pay ment made. Died December 23, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, - 1832. GO -4 Ot Statement, fyc. of Cumberland county-^-Coiilinncii. ot Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement ut Laws under which they were for S1MES. Rank. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. V bo < 86 merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. John Cay Private 26 66 79 98 Mass. continental Oct.-«I9, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 Isaiah Cushman do 96 00 179 46 do Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 74 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Oct. 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 77 • Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Ebenezer Choate do 96 00 175 73 do Jan. 22, 1819 May 25, 1818 70 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 79 56 238 63 Mass. State troops Oct. 25, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. John Chaplin do 53 33 159 99 do Nov. 1,1832 do William Culley do 36 66 109 98 Mass. continental -Jan; 7, 1833 do 82 Eli Cook do 96 00 178 40. do May 7, 1819 Ap'l 25, 1818 76 March 18, 1818. Dropped from , the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 100 00 300 00 do Jan. 17, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 76 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. - March 18, 1818. Dropped from Josiah Chute do 96 00 do Mar. 5, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 75 . the roll underact May 1, 1820. Do Cor. & ser. 103 50 310 50 do Mar. 8, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died January 30, 1833. Josiah Churchill Sergeant 54 64 104 22 Mass. State troops Ap'l 13, 1833 do 77 Joseph Collins Private 23 33 58 33 Mass. militia Ap'l 13, 1833 do 74 John Chandler do 63 33 f89 99 Mass. eontinen'al Ap'l 17, 1833 do 75 Ephraim Crockett do 80 00 240 00 do Ap'l 25, 1833 do 79 John Chamberlain do 36 66 109 S8 Mass. militia Ap'l 29, 1833 do 84 Benjamin Clough do 96 00 173 33 Mass. continental Feb. 6, 1819 May 14, 1818 - March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pr. & dr'mr 80 00 " 240 CO do May 15, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Nathaniel Chandler - Private 80 00 240 00 do July 24, 1833 do 74 Richard Colley do 63 42 205 26 do July 30, 1833 do 78 OO ce Josiah Cummings William Combs Nathaniel Cobb John Cash JJ Abijah Carter Samud Davis Do Allen Davis Do James DoughtyDo Aaron Dresser Joseph Doughty David Dennison Do Zebulon Davis John Dunning «¦ Joseph Dresser John Dillingham Levi Dingley Samuel Doten Benjamin Doughty James Edgecomb Do Jedediah Elliott Do Pri. & cor. Private Pri. &, cor. Private 54 33 26 66 51 18 80 00 dodo 34 64 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 do do do 30 00 71 00 96 00 do 80 00 Drummer - 33 00 Ser. & pri. Private - do do Mariner Private do 95 43 26 66 21 31 80 00 36 00 60 00 96 00 da 70 97 do 96 00 do 43 66 135 82 79 98 153 54 103 92 180 79 240 00 179 46 240 00 178 40 240 00 90 00 213 00 177 60 240 00 286 29 79 98 63 93 240 00 108 00 173 33 177 42 174 13 130 98 Mass. militia Mass, continental do do Mass, militia Massachusetts cont. do -i do do dodo Mass. State troops Massachusetts con. do do Massachusetts mil'a dodo vdo Massachusetts con. State navy Massachusetts mil'a Massachusetts con. dodo do July 31, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 July 22, 1834 May 3, 1833 Mar. 27, 1819 Aug. 8,1832 Mar. 18, 1819 Aug. 23, 1832 July 10, 1819 Sep. 19, 1832 Jan. 10, 1833 Jan. 7, 1833 Jan. 25, 1819 Jan. 7, 1833 Apl. 13, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 do Julv 23. 1333 do . Aug. 3, 18 j ¦ July 22, 1834 May 9, 1819 Aug. 4, 1832 May 26, 1819 Jan. 20, 1834 - tin do do do 7981 8582 do Ap'l 17, 1818 72 78 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Ap'l 21, 1818 78 Mar. 4, 1831 - Ap'l 25, 1816 69 Mar. 4, 1831 - dodo Ap'l 28, 1818- 7678-74 Mar. 4, 1831 - . do ?9 do do do dodo do Ap'l 29, 1818 8186 7178 76 9277 Mar. 4, 1831 - May 4, 1818 73 Mar. 4, 1831 - Nq, report yet received of ment made. pay- March 18, 1818 the roll under Pensioned again 1832. March 18, 1818. the roll under Pensioned again 1832. March' 18, 1818. the roll under Pensioned again 1832. , Dropped from act May 1, 1820. under act June 7, Dropped from act May 1, 1820. underact June 7, Dropped from act May 1, 1820. under act June 7, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet received of pay- ment made. Died April 12, 1833. March IS, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832r GOCO Ot I— I Statement, Sec. of Cumberland county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice, on the pen sion roll. of pension. 0, bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Jacob Elliott Private 26 66 79 98 Massachusetts mil'a Ap'l 15, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Thomas Edes do 30 00 75 00 do July 23, 183 J do 70 Isaac Eveleth do 36 67 110 01 do Oct. 7, 1833 do 73 Ebenezer Files do 96 00 177 86 Massachusetts con . Mar. 5, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 76 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 40 00 100 00 do Aug. 10, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Samuel Files do 96 00 177 86 do Mar. 5, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 74 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 40 00 120 00 do Aug. 10, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Pelatiah Fenderson - do 96 00 177 86 do Sep. 7, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 75 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 17, 1832 Mai-. 4, 1831 — Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Zachariah Foss do 96 00 177 60 do Mar. 6, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1818 74, the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 19, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. James Frank do 36 66 109 98 do Jan. 17, 1833 do 82 William Farrington - Ser. maj. & adjutant 93 33 _ do - Jan. 21, 1833 do 72 Died August 11, 1832. John Fowler Private 80 00 . Massachusetts mil'a Jan. 7, 1833 do 80 Died August 25, 1832. . William Files do 33 33 99 99 do Apr. 26, 1833 do 73 James Foss do 36 66 . do Apr. 29, 1833 do -85 ¦* . Samuel Fitts do 31 33 . do July 8, 1834 do 72 John Given do 96 00 177 86 Massachusetts con. May 7, 1819 Ap'l 27, 1818 80 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Sergeant 120 00 360 00 do Aug. 7,1832 Mar. 4, 1831 81 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, Ot COo Richard Goodwin Do David Gross Daniel Green Joseph Goold James G oft' srrs Do Lemuel Gurney Nathaniel Gattchell William pattehell Samuel Hicks Do Daniel Hill Do William Hamilton Do Josiah Hobbs Do Daniel Haney Edmund Hugens Do David Hooper Gershom Holmes Do Corporal 96 00 do 58 66 Private do " dodo 48 92 80 00 60 00 96 00 Cor. & ser. 108 53 Pri. & mar. Private do Corporal 82 66 48 32 60 00 96 00 do 80 00 Ensign 240 00 Ens. & ser. 215 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 Sergeant 96 00 do 120 00 Private do 40 00 96 00 do 30 00 dodo 60 00 96 00 do 48 33 177 33 175 98 146 76 150 40 180 00 1,138 93 325 59 247 98 89 78 180 00 180 53 240 00 488 00 645 00, 121 33 240 00 177 70 360 00 120 00 184 00 90 00 180 00 173 60 144 99 do do Massachusetts mil'a Massachusetts con dodo do Massachusetts mil'a do do Massachusetts con. do do do do do do do do do do Massachusetts mil- do do Ap'l 22, 1830 Sep. 19, 1832 Jan. 8, 1833 Mar. 25, 1833 May 14, 1833 Mar. 5, 1819 July 23, 1833 do Aug. 8, 1833 Oct. 7, 1833 Mar. 27, 1319 Aug. 29, 1832 Aug. 23, 1819 Aug. 3, 1832 Jan. 7, 1819 Aug. 17, 1832 Mar. 27, 1819 Aug. 24, 1832 Aug. 27, 1832 June 21, 1819 Sep. 19, 1832 Sep. 27, 1832 Jan. 19, 1319 Sep. 28, 1832 Ap'l 29, Mar. 4, dodo do Ap'l 11, Mar. 4, „ do do do Ap'l 17, Mar. 4, Ap'l 22, Mar. 4, Nov. 30, Mar. 4, Ap'l 28, Mar. 4, do Ap'l 4, Mar." 4, do May 13, Mar. 4, 1818 80 1831 - 1818 68 78 83 74 1831 - 1818 70 797780 1831 - 1818 79 1831 - 1818 72 1831 - 1818 71 1831 - 1818 7975 1831 - 1818 9069 1831 - March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820, Pensioned . again underact June 7, 1832. Died January 20, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died January 12, 1833. March 18, 1818. the roll under Pensioned again 1832. March 18, 1818, the roll under Pensioned again 1832. * March 18, 1818. the roll under Pensioned again 1832. March 18, 1818. the roll under Pensioned again 1832. Dropped from act May 1, 1820. under act June 7, , Dropped from act May 1, 1820. under act June 7, Dropped from act May 1, 1820^ underact June 7, Dropped from act May 1, 1820. underact June 7, CO March 18, 1818. Dropped from , the roll under act May 1, 1820. '- Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. " March 18, 1818. Dropped from Ot the roll under act May 1, 1820. h* Pensioned again under act June 7, ^ 1832. ij Statement, $c. of Cumberland coimly — Continued. Benjamin Hale Do Amos M. Hays Silas Howell Isaac Hilton . Robert Hilborn Nathaniel Ham David Hasty - - Humphrey Hanscom Jacob Herrick Joshua Jones Do John Jordan Nathan Ingalls Asa Johnson N'l Ingersoll's (widow) Thomas Irish Samuel Joidan Isaac Irish David Johnston James Johnston Phineas Ingalls John Jones Joseph Johnson Nathaniel Josselyn - Rank. Private do do do Dr. 8c mar. Pri. of art. Private do Pri. & cor Pri.&lieut. Private do do dododo Pri. & ser. Private . do - vdo Sea. & mat. ArtificerPrivate do do Annual allow ance. 96 00 80 00 62 52 26 66 86 00 83 20 33 33 Sums re ceived. 3D UU 64 89 100 00 96 00 80 00 26 66 30 00 36 66 36 66 36 66 80 00 33 33 74 60 79 86 144 00 53 33 70 00 40 00 183 47 240 00 187 56 79-98 258 00 236 64 90 00 194 67 285- 26 177 60 240 00 72 58 90 00 99 06 114 56 53 33 240 00 97 98 223 80 239 58 432 00 159 99 200 00 Description of ser vice. Mass. continental do dododododo Massachusetts mil'a Massachusetts con. Mass. State troops Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil'a do do do Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil'a dododo Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental Mass. State troops When placed on the pen sion roll. Mar. 16, 1819 Dec. 19, 1832 Ap'l 13, 1833 July 31, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 Dec. 16, 1833 Dec. 24, 1833 do Mar. 14, 1334 Jan. 6, 1331 Mar. 6, 1819 Aug. 17, 1832 Oct. 30, 1832 Jan. 7, 1833 Ap'l 8, 1833 Ap'l 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 do May 6, 1833 do July 23, 1833 Dec. 13, 1833 Oct, 24, 1833 Mar. 8, 1834 Commencement of pension. Ap'l 7, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 71 do 79 do 87 do 73 do 94 do 79 do 72 do 82 do 76 Ap'l 28, 1818 76 Mar. 4, 1831 - do S6 do 79 do 73 do 81 do 95 do 78 do 71 do 77 do 75 do 77 do 78 do 76 do 80 Laws under which they were for- *^ merly inscribed on the pension ¦ i roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died January 8, 1834. No. report yet received of pay ment made. Died December 16, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died November 25, 1833. Died November 16, 1833 . Died April 20, 1834. Died August 16, 1832. Died February 10, 1834. No report yet received of pay ment made. CO to Daniel Kingsley Do Elijah Kellogg Do Ebenezer Kollock Adam Kneeland Jonathan Knight Do Mark Knight Azel Kingsley John Knight Robert Libbee Bo Zebulon Libby Da Edward Libby Do John Lawrence Do Elijah Littlefield Robert Leightoh Eliakim Libby Samuel Lane John Lombard Jonathan Larrabee Daniel Lunt Sergeant 96 00 Pri. & ser. 115 00 Musician 96 00 Drum moj. 104 00. Private do do 30 00 40 0Q 96 00 do 36 66 do Pri. &fifei Pri.&drum. Private 30 00 68 42 58 SI 96 00 do 40 00 do 96 00 do 63 33 do 96 80 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 dodo do do do Pri. & cor. Pri.& serg. 80 00 46 66 40 00 26 66 32 00 31 10 25 35 - 345 00 312 00 90 00 120 00 109 98 90 00 205 26 76 88 132 80 100 oo 177 60 189 99 177 60 240 00 180 53 240 00 240 00 139 98 120 00 79 98 96 00 93 30 76 05 Mass. continental Mass. cont'l line do do Mass. militia do Mass. continental do Mass. militia Mass. continental dodo do do do do dodo do Mass. militia do Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass. militia do do Jan. 22, 1819 Aug. 30, 1832 July 16, 1818 Dec. 25, 1832 Jan. 26, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 Jan. 21, 1819 July 31, 1833 Dec. 24, 1833 May 18, 1833 May 25, 1833 Nov. 30, 1819 Aug. 3,1832 Feb. 10, 1819 Aug. 4, 1832 Mar. 24, 1819 Aug. 10, 1832 May 7, 1819 Aug. 17, 1832 Sep. 27, 1832 do do Nov. 1, 1832 Jan. 10, 1833 Ap'l 19, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1 833 May 11, 1818 76 1 Mar. 4,„1831 - Ap'l 30, 1818 72 Mar. 4, 1831 - do do Ap'l 13, 1818 72 81 72 Mar. 4, 1831 - dododo Oct. 16, 1818 77 72 87 77 Mar. 4, 1831 - Ap'l 28, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 - Ap'l 28, 1818 73 Mar. 4, 1831 - Ap'l 17, 1818 78 Mar. 4, 1831 - do dodo do Mar. 4, 1831 do do 7777 8972 ¦77 3672 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll underact May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Math 18, 1818." Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died June 28, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again, under act June 7, 1832. COto Ot Statement, See. of Cumberland county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement 00 Laws under which they were for NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll;' and remarks. Samuel Lennell Private 20 00 60 00 Mass. militia Apr. 25, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 72 ElrLangley do 42 96 128 88 do July 23, 1833 do 73 Amos Lunt Sergeant 96 00 - Mass. continental . May 7, 1819 Ap'l 25, 1818 81 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Ser. & ens. 150 00 450 00 do Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 81 Pensioned: again under act June 7, 1832. Archelaus Lewis Lieut. 320 Q0 800 00 Mass. militia Oct. 7, 1833 do 81 SethXibby Private 23 33 69 99 do Oct. 26, 1833 do 79 Jacob Larrabee do 36 67 110 01 do Nov. 1, 1833 . do 72 Mark Libby do 20 i% 60 66 Mass. continental Ap'l 28, 1834 do 84 _ John Mcintosh do 96 00 177 60 do Ap'l 24, 1819 Ap'l 28, 1818 73 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240. 00 do Aug. 3, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. , Dropped from James Morton do 96 00 178 60 do Aug. 2, 1819 Ap'l 24, 1818 83 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 66 66 199 98 do Aug. 4, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 83 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Levi Morse do 96 00 177 33 do Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 29, 1818 72 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 17, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Thomas Morton do 96 00 180 79 do Aug. 6,1819 Ap'l 16, 1818 70 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Sep. 12, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under.act June 7, 1832. John Merrill do 96 00 1525 34 do Jan. 22, 1819 Ap'l 14, 18J8 73 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 26 66 79 98 Mass. militia Sep, 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Ot CO Moses Merrill Joshua Milliken Lemuel Milliken Jambs Murdock Do Nathan Merrill Joseph Mann Amos Merrill William Maxfield Jacob Merrill Jonathan McKinney Joseph Moulton William McLelland John Mayberry Richard Mitchell Thomas Mayberry Josiah Moses Do Enoch Morse . Zachariah Newell Do John Noyes Jonathan Nash Phillip Owen Do Thomas Paine Do John Plaisted Ser. & It. 80 00 Private 43 33 Serg. & It. 110 00 Private 96 00 do 81 50 do 26 66 do 26 66 do 56 66 do 43 33 do 35 08 do 40 00 do 26 66 do 23 33 do 26 66 do 53 33 do 40 00 do 96 00 do 64 22 Pri. of art. 100 00 Sergeant 96 00 do 120 00 Private 26 66 Pri. & ser. 71 66 Private 96 00 do 90 00 Sergeant 96 00 do 120 00 Private 96 00 240 U0 74 97 330 00 85 33 244 50 79 98 79 98 169 98 129 99 105 24 120 00 79 98 69 99 79 98 159 99 120 00 174 00 192 66 300 00 180 00 360 00 79 98 214 98 177 86 270 00 177 86 360 00 181 33 Mass. continental do do do do do Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass. continental Massachusetts mil. Mass. State troops Mass. militia dodo Massachusetts contl. do do Mass. State troops Massachusetts contl. Mass. militia Mass. cont'l. line Mass. militia Mass. cont'l. line Mass. militia Mass. cont'l. line Mass. militia Mass. cont'l. line do dodo June 7, 1819 Dec. 22, 1832 Jan, , 7, 1833 dddo Ap'l 10, 1333 do Apl. 15, 1833 do , do Apl. 29, 1833 Oct. 7, 1833 do May 12, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 May 26, 1834 Mar. 27, 1819 July 2, 1832 May 14, 1833 Aug. 2,1833 May 7, 1819 Aug. 7, 1832 May 6, 1819 Aug. 7, 1832 Apl. 14, 1819 do 90 do 79 do 86 Ap'l 14, 1819 80 Mar. 4, 1831 80 do 82 do 73 -do 82 do 74 do 79 do 72 do 75 do 77 do- 70 do 76 do 74 Apl. 14, 1818 78 Mar. 4, 1831 78 do 71 Apl. 18, 1818 65 Mar. 4, 1831 83 do 79 do 81 Apl. 27, 1818 78 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Apl. 28, 1818 78 Mar. 4, 1831' 78 Apl. 14, 1818 78 Died November 27, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1320. Pensioned again undej act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under. act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. COOt Ot Statement, 4*c of Cumberland county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which -they were for NAMES, allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. to y 7, 1819 Sep. 19, 1832 Sep.Sep. Oct. 27, 27, 26. 1832 1832 1832 do : do Apr. 15, Mar. 4, do do Apr. 24, Mar. 4, Apr. 14, March 4, Apr. 28, Mar. 4, Apr. 28, Mar. 4, Apr. 14, Mar. 4, Apr. 28, • - Mar. 4 , Apr. 28, Mar. 4, dodo do 71 81 1818 76 1831 76 8581 1818 80 1831 80 1818 * 74 1831 74 1818 80 1831 80 1818 71 1831 71 1818 8Cf 1831 80 1818 77 1831 77 1818 77 1831 77 9070 L78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again* under act June 7, 1832.- No report yet received of pay ment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under-act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June . 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under aet May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1332. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. CO-4 Ot A. Statement, $c. of Cumberland county — Continued. Ot Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. * on the roll. of pension. c; 00 < merly inscribed on the pension roll j and remarks. Thomas Sawyer Private 25 10 52 82 Mass. continental Nov. 1, 1832 Mar.J 4, 1831 75 Died April 11, 1833. Levi Shaw Fr. & cor. 24 55 73 65 N. H. militia Nov. 2, 1832 do 75 Joseph Shaw Pr. & sea. 45 33 135 93 Mass. militia Nov. 2, 1832 do 72 Thomas Silvester Private 66 66 199 98 Mass. continental Jan. 10, 1833- do 75 Samuel -Sweet do 46 66 ,¦ ' 139 98 Mass. militia Jan. 7, 1833 do 74 Paul Stanton do 46 66 139 98 do Apr. 9, 1833 do 76 Isaac Sawyer William Story do do 40 54 26 66 121 62 44 57 do do Apr. 25, 1833 Aug. 1 , 1833 do do 75 68 Died November 5 , 1832. John Sawyer •do 43 33 129 99 do Apr. 25, 1833 do 73 Solomon Sawyer Elijah Stetson do 26 66 79 98 do Apr. 29, 1833-t do 77 do 60 55 181 65 do May 18,.1833 do 94 William Stevens Seaman 67 65 202 95 Continental navy July 24,1833 do 78 Elisha Stetson Private 56 66 141 65 Mass. State troops July 31 , 1833 do 74 Ephraim Smith Ephraim Stinchfield - do do 80 00 96 00 240 00 170 93 Mass. continental -.do Aug. 5, 1833 May 7, 1819 do May 8, 1818 82 73 Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Do •do 56 67 170 -01 do Oct. 7, 1833 Mar.. 4* 1831 73 Pensioned again under act June -7, 1832. Enoch Spurr do 96 00 175 73 do Mar. 16, 1819 May 6, 1818 73 Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Do Pr. & ser. - 83 50 280 50 , do Oct. 5, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Pensioned again under act Jutre 7, 1832. Jonathan Siinhorn Micah Stockbridge - Private do 26 67 96 00 80 01 177 86 Mass. militia Mass. continental Nov. 1, 1833 Apr. 24, 1819 do Apr. 28, 1818 73 77 Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under" act May 1, 1820." Do do 56 66 169 98 do Apr. 28, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 77 Pensioned again under act Jane 7, 1832. Jonathan Sturges do 26 66 - do do do 92 No report yet received of pay - . ment made. AbelSfcfttei- do 43 33 129 99 -do , - Aug, 10, 1833 do .76 CO00 James Sampson Joseph Thomas Do Charles Thomas Do William True - Do Joseph Talbot William Thompson Samuel Tarbox John Titcomb Robert -Townsend Charles Thomas William Tukey Joseph Thomas John Vining = Do Samuel Varrel Isaac Whitney - Do Joseph Waterhouse Do John Webb Joseph Wright Do . do Corporal . 55- 00 96 00 do 88 00 Private 96 00 do 66 66 do 96 00 do 66 66. dodo dodododo Pri. & ser. Pri. of art. Private 26 66 26 66 23.3326 66 58 09 30 00 35 66 100 00 96 00 do 76 21 Pri. & fifer Private 53-7396 00 do 30 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 dodo 36 66 96 00 do 80 00 165 00 176 00 176 00 178 66 199 98 ; 1514 93 199 98 79 98 79 98 58 33 51 09 174 27 106 98 300 00 175 46 219 63 161 19 177 83 90 00 181 60 240 00 109 98 177 60 240 00 do. Massachusetts con. Massachusetts St. tr. Massachusetts con. Massachusetts St. tr. Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. . do do do Massachusetts State Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts State Massachusetts con. Massachusetts St. tr, Massachusetts mil Massachusetts con. dodododo do do- Aug.Mar. 27, 1833 « 1819 Aug. 3, 1832 July 19, 1819 Au&- 7, 1832 July 19, 1819 Oct. 9. 1832 Jan. 7, do Ap'1.13,Ap'l 29, Dec. 24, Dec. 13, May 26, . do June 26, 1833 1833 1333 1833 1833 1834 1819 Jan. 8, 1834 Feb, Jan. 1, 8, 1834 1819 Aug. H, 1832 Sept 21, 1819 Aug. IS, 1832 Sept Mar. 7, 5, 1832 1819 Sept. 12, 1832 _ .. do Ap'l 28, 1813 7094 Mar. 4, 1831 87 Ap'l 25, 1818 74, Mar. 4, 1831 74, May 23, 18*18 74, Mai-. 4, 1831 74, dodo - do dodododo do May 7, 1818 70 75 76 80 74 84 70 7471 Mar. 4, 1831 71 do Ap'l 30, 1818 77 85 Mar. 4, 1831 85 Ap'l 14, 1818 81 Mar. 4, 1831 81 do Ap'l 29, 1818 .80 70 Mar. 4, 1831 75 March IS, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820, Pensionedagain under act June 7, 1832 March. 18, 1818. 'Dropped from the roll under aet May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died February 3, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under aet May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under actjilne 7, 1832. April 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under acli»June 7, 1832. April 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. April 18, 1818. Dropped from theroll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. CO CO Statement, fyc. of Cumberland [county— .Continued, CJt Joseph Woodford Charles Walker John Winship Nathan Warren George Waterhouse Uriel Whitney Do Noah Waterman Zebulon Whitney Josiah Walker - Daniel Whitney Do Samuel Woodard Joshua Woodman Joseph Woodman John Watson . John Yates William R. York Do Isaac York Do Rank. PrivatePri.fk ser. Private dodododododo do do do do Pr.&seam'n Private do Pri&mar. Private dodo do Annual allow ance. 30 00 64 97 33 33 80 00 36 60 96 00 80 0Q 34 97 22 09 57 00 96 00 80 00 40 00 83 33 30 00 26 67 33 33 96 00 40 00 96 00 80 00 Sums re ceived . 90 00 194 91 99 99 240 00 106 80 176 30 240 00 87 43 55 23 171 00 181 60 240 00 65 31 249 99 90 00 80 01 83 33 177 86 120 00 178 93 200 00 Description of ser vice. Connecticut militia Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con. dado Massachusetts St.tr. dodo Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts St.tr. do -Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. do do Massachusetts mil. When placed on the pen sion roll. Nov. 2, 1832 Ap'l 13, 1833 do Ap'l 17, 1833 Jan. 7, 1833 July 29, 1819 May 16, 1833 May 17, 1833 July 31, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 Aug. 2, 1819 Oct. 24, 1819 May 21, 1834 Sep. 27, 1833 do do Jan, 10, 1833 Ap'l 7, 1819 May 6, 1833 July 17, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 Commencement of pension. Mar. -4, 1831 do . do do do Ap'l 28, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo do Ap'l 14, 1818 do * dododo do Mar. 4, J831 Ap'l 2, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 23, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 73 7572 8184 72 77 7986 78 71 79838185 93 8081 77 71 76 Laws under which they were for- . merly inscribed on the pension roll, and remarks. April 18, 1818. Dropped from roll under act May 1, 1820. • Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Oetober 21, 1832, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. March IS, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, i820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. © Statement showing the names, rank, Sec. of persons residing in the State of New Hampshire who have been inscribed on the Pension List under the act of Congress passed June 7, 1838, and who are paid at the Portland agency in the State of Maine. ' NAMES. Rank. Annual allowance. Sums re ceived; Description of ser vice. When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. toV be < - Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the -pension roll ; and remarks. STRAVFOIID COUNTY. Pelatiah Har-man >. Do GRAFTOK COUNTY. Timothy Noyes Private do Pr. & corp. 96 00 80 00 32 67 181 60 Mass. cont'l line 240 00 do 98 OK N. H. militia Jan. 21, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Ap'l 27, 1833 Ap'l 13, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 4, 1831 62 78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll underact May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Statement, See. of Hancock county, Maine. KAMES. Rank. Annual allowance. Sums re ceived. Description of ser vice. When -placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. tnIUbo ¦ < Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension 'roll; and remarks. - V Cyril Brown Moses Butler Abel B llings Abijah Cole David Dunbar JesseDavis Benjamin Gross Do Pr. & ser. Private do do do * do do do 100 00 37 75 36 29 20 00 80 00 20 00 96 00 40 00 300 00 113 25 90 72 60 00 240 00 60 00 183 20 120 00 Mass. militia Mass. St. troops Mass. militia Mass. cont. do N. Hampshire cont. Mass- continental do- . Oct. 23, 1832 May 15, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 Aug. 15, 1833 July 23, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 Sep. 7, 1819 Mar. 22, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 dodododo do Apr. 7,1818 Mat. 4, 1831 78 78 7872 77 70 75 75 March IS, 1818. Dropped from _ the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pen'd again under act June7t l§3j$ cn Statement, Sec. of Hancock county — Continued. «n Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement! ^ Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension: ba < merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Nehemiah Hinckley - Private 96' 00' 183 20 Mass. continental Aug. 5, 18191 Apr. 7, 181S 71 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00' 240 00 do Sep. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 71. t Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. Moses Hammond do 60 00 180 00 do July 23, 1833 do 72 William Hutchins do 21 66 64 98 Mass. Stale July 31, 1833 do 70- Noah Hall Lt. & cor. 313 40 955 20 Mass. State troops Sep. 26, 1833 do 92 Rogers Lawrence Pri. & mar. 41 31 123 93 Mass. militia May 3, 1833 do . 70 -; ' .- -¦ Oliver Mann Surgeon's mate 240 00 - Mass. continental July 1, 1834 do 76' No report yet received of pay ment made. Noah Norton Pr. & cor. 39 26 117 78 Mass. State troops Dec. 18, 1833 do 86 Freegrove Parker Private 56 66 169 98 Mass. militia Feb. 15, 1834 do 79 Benjamin Rea Pr. & cor. 53 99 161 97 do Apr. 6,1833 do 83 James Richardson Pr. & sea. 37 00 111 00 do Oct. 28, 1833 do 81 John Springer Private 40 00 120 00 Mass. militia May 15, 1833 do 72 Thomas Seavy Pr.& team. 38 41 115 23 N. H. St. troops July 30, 1833 do 69 Elijah Stratton do 22 22 166 66 Mass. militia Sep. 28, 1833 do 71 Thomas Summers Nathan, Thomas do 46 67 140 00 do. Oct. 28, 1833 do 76 Pr. & bom 95 66 286 98 Mass. St. troops Feb. 9, 1833 do 76 Cornelius Thompson - Private 26 66 79 98 Mass. Continental Mar. 21, 1834 do 78 Samuel Thomas' widow Pr. & cor. 67 87 98 02 do May 5, 1834 do 79 Died August 14, 1832. Thomas Wasson Fifer 96 00 157 33 Mass. continental Sep. 17, 1819 July 15, 1818 73 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Musician 88 00 264 00 do Dec. 26, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 T Pensioned again act June 7,,1832. John Wasson do ' 96 00 157 33 do Sep. 17, 1819 July 15,1818; 81 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. John Wasson Drummer 102 00 306 00 do Dec. 26, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. John Wilson do 40 00 120 30 Mass. militia July 22, 1833 do 79 Samuel Wasson do 34 86 104 58 . do ' Aug. 8, 1833 do 74 - -" j - - Solomon York do 40 00 120 00. Mass. St. troops July 27, 1833 , : rf '" do 71 43 Statement, Sec. .of Kennebec county, Maine. Rank. Jacob Ames Solomon Adams Stephen Austin Robert Anderson Amos Adams Daniel Allen '•¦'.' Do John Allen Thomas Additon Nathaniel Arnold Do Jphn Allen Obadiah Abbee Daniel Bun- Daniel Burr's widow - Ebenezer Byram Ebenezer Byram's heir Eleazer Butbank Do Josiah Bean Private dodo SergeantPrivate do Pri.. St cor. Private do do Pri. & cor. Pri. & ser. Private dododo Pri.& art'r Musician do Private Annual allow- ance. 70 00 80 00 30 00 80 00 75 00 96 00 82 33 23 33 80 00 .96 00 81 54 46 66 40 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 141 33 96 00 88 00 96 00 Sums re ceived. 210 00 213 00 90 00 240 00 225 00 172 53 252 81 69 99 240 00 212 61 139 98 120 00 177 60 242 41 48 5*3 385 85 182 92 264 00 182 64 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts mil, Massachusetts cont'l Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts cont'l do dodo Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont'l do Massachusetts mil. do Mass. continental Mass. cont'l troops Mass. continental dodo do N. Hampshire cont'l When placed on the pen sion roll. Ap'l 8,1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 do April 29, 1833 Jan. 18, 1819 Mar. 8, 1834 May 3, 1834 do June 22, 1832 July 19, 1834 July 24, 1834 Julv 19,1834 Jan. 8, 1819 Sep. 20, 1833 May 19, 1820 Oct. 22, 1832 Jan. 26, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Jan. 26, 1819 Commencement of pension. 0J bo < 76 Mar. 4, 1831 do 75 do 71 do 78 do 87 May 18, 1818 87 Mar. 4, 1831 81 do 73 do 71 June 15, 1832 75 Mar. 4, 1831 75 do 75 do 70 Ap'l 23, 1818 72 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Sep. 2, 1819 79 Mar. 4, 1831 79 Ap'l 8, 1818 69 Mar. 4,1831 69 Ap'l 9, 1818 75 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed ori the pension roll; and remarks . Died November 4, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll underact May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1318. Dropped from the roll underact May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Oct. 13, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped frpm the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died March 15, 1834. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May J, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Nov. 27, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped'from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. ©CO Statement, fyc. of Kennebec county — Continued. Josiah Bean George Berry Do Samuel Raker Eliphalet Bailey Do William Blaekston Josiah Baeon Jeremiah Brown Supply Belcher Samuel Boyd Isaac Beales DoughtyBates Robert Blake Thaddeus Bailey Jabez Besse Thomas Bates Benjamin Bickford Jabez Bates Zadock Bishop Samuel Bradley Jona'han Burgess Do Rank. Private do do Pri. & ser. Private ArtificerSergeantPrivate do Pri. & ser. Pr.& drum. Fifer, mat. & drummer Private dodo do Ser. & fifer Private Pr.&seam'n Private do do Ser. major 120 00 Annua] allow- 80 00 96 00 80 00 41 66 96 00 72 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 50 00 48 66 65 92 21 53 26 66 30 65 50 00 32 74 40 00 53 87 20 00 26 66 96 00 Sums re ceived. 240 00 • 180 26 240 00 124 98 179 46 216 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 125 00 143 98 197 76 64 59 79 98 91.95 150 00 98 32 120 00 161 61 60 00 79 98 820 26 360 00 Description of ser vice. N. H. continental Mass. continental do Massachusetts mil. N. Hampshire cont'l N. H. State troops Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental do Massachusetts mil. do do do dodo do Mass. continental dodododo When placed on the pen sion roll. Dec. 28, 1832 Jan. 25, 1819 Dec. 28,. 1832 Jan; 21, 1833 July 27, 1819 Feb. 5, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 do do Ap'l 29, 1833 do Ap'l 30,-1833 do do May 3, 1833 do May 18, 1833 July 20, 1833 July 24, 1833 dodo Jan. 26, 1819 July 23, 1833 Commencment of pension. Mar. 4, Ap'l 18, Mar. 4, do Ap'l 21, 1831 1818 1831 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo dododo do do dodododo do do do do Ap'l 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 75 78 7881777779 72 74 82 81 74 7382 74 72 77 9173857275 73 Ol Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. . - • March 18, 1318. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1818. O John Blake . Paul Bradbury Samuel Bassett Jonathan Bussell Church Brainard £ Peter Bradford Jesse Butterfield John Cushman Robert Coffren Do John Cool Do Andrew Cushman Do Abijah Crane Do Amos Child Do -Jonathan Cushman Elks Craig Jonn ~' Cliandler Do William Crawford Abraham Cleaves Daniel Coney James Golby - - Benjamin Cole Private Pri. & cor Pri. & ser Private Pri. & mar. Sergeant Cor; & ser at arras Private dodo dodo do do do do Musician Mus.of art. SergeantPrivate do do Pr.of art. PrivatePr. & lieut. Private - do 73 78 40 09 44 86 36 66 42 00 40 00 107 93 80 00 -96 00 40.3396 00 80 00 96.0080 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 104 00 38 00 63 S3 -96 00 43 55 100 00 33 33 123 33 26 ~o6 22 08 221 34 134 58 109 98 126 00 114 21 323 79 231 78 184 26 100 72 186 13 240 00 178 94 240 00 174 13 240 00 1,481 33 312 00 , 95 00 189 99 181 33 130 65 300 00 99 99 369 99 79 98 55 20 do do Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil. N. H. State troops Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental do N. Hampshire cont'l do Mass. continental do Mass. continental dododo do dododo R. Island contin'l do Mass. State troops Massi militia dododo Sep. 23, 1333 Mar. 10, 1834 do May 24, 1834 May 20, 1833 July 23, 1833 Nov. 4, 1833 Sep. 21, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 July 22, 1833 June 21, 1819 Dec. 22, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 Dec. 22, 1832 July 28, 1819 Dec. 22, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 17, 1833 Jan. 21, 1«33 do Feb. 6, 1819 Mar. 10, 1834 Feb. 6, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 do Apr. 26, 1833, do do dodo dododo do do Ap'l 3, 1818 Mar.: 4, 1831 Mar. 26, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 23, 1818 Mar. • 4, 1831 May 11, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 30, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do , Ap'l 14, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do dodo do do 7277 86 73 77 89 82 73 %9 79 79 797373 73 73 7070 79 787979 7471 82 71 74 No payment. Died January 11, 1834. Died January 27, 1834. «arch 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act Mav 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act Jui.e 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, ¦-1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7i 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under' act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, © 4n Cn i— < Stale7nent, Sec. of Ke7inebec county — Continued. en Caleb Cross' Benjamin Chapman Benjamin Colby Lemuel Collins Do James Campbell Do William Churchill Samuel Church Charles Clark Lemuel Colbroth Benjamin Clough Do Isaac Case Mahoah Crowell Benjamin Carrell Hugh Cox • Enoch Craig Christopher Dunn Do Philip Davis Rank. Private do Sergeant PrivatePri. of art. Private Drum maj, Private do dodo do do do do dodo Pr. & mat. PrivateMusician Private Annual allow ance. Sums re ceived. 34 64 30 43 35 00 96 00 100 00 96 00 125 00 51 87 23 66 21 66 20 00 96 00 33 33 30 55 29 10 37 32 23 33 63 92 95 00 88 00 96 00 103 92 91 29 105 00 179 20 300 00 758 40 375 00 155 61 70 98 64 98 60 00 173 33 99 99 91 65 87 30 111 96 69 79 191 76 136 53 264 00 171 73 Description of ser vice. Mass. militia do do Mass. continental do N. H. continental do Mass. State troops Mass. militia do do Massachusetts con'l do R. Island militia Massachusetts mil'a Mass. State troops dodo Massachusetts con'l dodo When placed on the pen sion toll. Apr. 29, 1833 do Apr. 30, 1833 Jan. 28, 1819 May 21, 1833 Jan. 28, 1819 July 22, 1833 July 20, 1833 do July 23, 1833 July 19, 1833 Feb. 6, 1819 July 19, 1833 Dec. 13, 1833 Mar. 10, 1834 July 24, 1833 do Mar. 8, 1834 Jan. 8, 1819 Dec. 28, 1832 Jan. 8, 1819 Commencement of pension. Mar. 4, 1831 do do Apr. 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do do do May 14, 1818 Mar. 4,1834 dodododo do Oct. 2, 1818 Mar. 4,1831 May 21, 1818 8174 84 77 7777 777178 7471 7079 74 717j 75767474 76 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll j and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under aet June 7, 1832. March 18. 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. . Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820^ © Do John Davis Do Ebenezer Dennett - Do ' Jeremiah Dummer - Thomas Davenport - Michael Doyle Levi Dearborn Arhaziah Delano Bteh>d"Dummer's heirs Robert Dennisoii Joshua Elder Ebenezer Eaton Do Samuel Eames Do James Eveleth's widow Edward Esty Nathaniel Fairbank John Foy Thomas Fillebrown Caleb Fogg - Stephen Foster William Farris Obadiah French Elijah Fairbanks James Fillebrown William Fuller Pri. of art. 89 16 Private 96 00 Drum maj. 108 00 Private 96 00 do 60 00 do 20 00 do 20 00 Corporal 26 82 Pr. & Gorp. 37 66 Private 41 66 do 66 66 do 23 33 do 50 00 do 96 00 do 46 66 do 96 00 do 36 66 Pri. & cor. of cav. 32 46 Pri. & ser. 39 16 Private 23 33 do 30 00 Matross 100 00 Private 40 00 do 30 00 do 33 33 ' do 60 00 do 20 00 Pri. & cor. 53 80 do 44 52 207 48 1 ,475 20 524 00 180 79 180 00 60 00 60 00 80 46 112 98 124 98 99 63 69 99 150 00 ~ 181 06 139 98 109 98 93 56 117 48 69 99 90 00 300 00 1-20 00 90 00 99 99 180 00 60 00 161 40 133 56 do do Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. militia do do do Mass. continental Mass. militia do do Mass. continental do N. Hampshire con'l Mass. cont'l do Mass. Mass.Mass.Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. do militia cont'l do State troops militia do cont'l Statemilitia do cont'l Dec. 28, 1832 Jan. ' 8, 1819 Jan. 17, 1833 June 5, 1819 Mar. 12, 1833 Apl. 26, 1833 do Ap'l 28, 1833 May 4, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 July 24, 1833 July 19, 1833 July 22, 1833 Mar. 5, 1819 July 22, 1833 May 12, 1819 Feb. 6, 1833 May 4, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 Jan. 21, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1SJ3 do Ap'l 26, 1833 Ap'l 28, 1833 May 3, 1833 dododo- Mar.. 4, May 21, Mai'. 4, Apr. 17, Mar. 4, do dodo do dododo do May 15, Mar. 4, Dec. 20, Mar. 4, 1831 1818 1831 1818 1831 1818 183118201831 dodo dododo do do do dododo do Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. the roll under i Pensioned again \ 1832. March 18, 1818. the roll under i Pensioned again i 1832. Dropped from ¦act May 1, 1820. i underact June 7f Dropped from • act May 1, 1820. i under act June?, Died September 2, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7. 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died January 22, 1834. O Statement, Sec, of Kennebec county— Continued. Nathaniel Ford Ebenezer French Thomas Fields Jeremiah Fletcher Noah Greely Do Timothy Goldthwaithe Do Josiah Gordon Jesse Gould Alexander Gray Daniel Gould Nathan Hanscom Israel Hutchinson Do Solomon Hallet Do John Hall Calvin Hall Asa Hutchinson Edward Hartwell Rank. Pr., cor. & sergeant Private Gun's mate CorporalPrivate do do Pri.of art'y dododododo do do do Pr. & mas at arms Surg's m. Pri. & ser. Private do Ot Annual allow ance. 44 14 23 33 45 00 22 00 96 00 61 66 96 00 76 00 70 00 39 73 66 66 20 00 36 66 96 00 80 00 96 00 86 14 230 00 103 33 51 53 40 00 Sums re ceived. 132 42 69 99 112 50 66 00 178 93 184 98 184 26 228 00 210 00 119 19 199 98 40 00 109 98 182 13 240 00 176 53 258 42 690 00 309 99 154 59 120 00 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts con'l New Hamp. cont'l Mass. State Mass. cont'l New Hamp. cont'l do Mass. cont'l Mass. militia Mass. cont'l Mass. militia dodo do New Hamp. cont'l dodo mihtia dodo New Hamp. militia Mass. cont'l When placed on the pen sion roll. July 19, 1833 July 24, .1833 Dec, 10, 1833 Mar. 12, 1834 Nov. 9, 1819 Dec. 28, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 21, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 Ap'l 29, 1833 July 19 1933 Oct. 30, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 Dec. 28, 1832 Feb.- 6, 1819 Feb. 8, 1833 Feb. 9, 1833 Ap'l 13, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 do Commencement of pension. Mar. 4, 1831 dodo do Ap'l 23, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 3, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do dododo do Ap'l 11, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 May 2, 1818 do do do dodo 75798478747472 72 77 7883 68 8470 70 66 Laws under which they were for- i i merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from. the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820, Pensioned again act June 7, 1832 . March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1832. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. ©OO Thomas Holmes Elihu Hatch Joseph Holland Asa Hemmenwrey Thomas Heald Francis Hubbard Daniel Hosmer Jonathan Haydon Edward Hayward Thomas Jackson Do John Jackson Silvester Jones Benj. Judkins' widow Daniel Ingham John Jewitt Joseph Knowlton Do Ezekiel Knowles Joseph Knapp Nathaniel Kimball John Kent - Simeon Kimball James Lord ' - - George Lathrop * Jonathan Lowe William Lydstow - John Lyttle Nathaniel Lovering ¦ John Leach Ephraim Layton James Lumb Joseph Leavitt Do do 50 00 do 33 33 ?r. & corp'l 35 33 Fifer 29 33 Private 25 27 do 20 10 Corporal 40 73 Private 23 22 :-do 29 63 Sergeant 96 00 Ser & qr mr 120 00 Private 20 00 " do 70 00 — do 33 99 do 80 00 do 27 44 do 96 00 Sergeant 118 18 Private 26 66 do 32 22 Pr. & serg. 44 00 Pr. & corp.- 27 00 Private 35 09 do 30 00 Pr. of ar'y 60 36 Private 50 00 do 51 66 do 46 66 do 38 32 Matross 75 00 Private 20 00 do 22 19 do 96 00 Pri. & corp. 63 16 150 00 99 99 105 99 87 99 75 81 60 30 .122 19 58 05 59 26 184 00 290 64 48 92 210 00 94 94 240 00 82 32 182 13 354 54 43 16 96 66 132 00 81 00 105 27 90 00 181 08 150 00 154 98 116 65 114 96 150 00 60 00 66 57 174 13 137 56 Mass. Mass; Mass. Mass, Mass, Mass. State troops militia continental militia do do continental militia do continental Mass, Mass. cont'l troops Mass. militia Mass. State Mass. continental Mass. State Mass, militia Mass. continental Mass. State N. H. continental Mass. continental Mass, militia do do do Mass, State Mass. continental Mass. militia do do Massachusetts cont'l Massachusetts militia do Rhode Island cont'l Ap'l 26, 1833 do Ap'l 30, 1833 dodo May 18, 1833 July 20,1833 do July 23, 1823 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 11, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 do July 19, 1833 Dec. 13, 1833 Aug. 3, 1819 Jan. 17, 1833 Feb. Feb. July Nov.Jan.Feb.Ap'l Ap'l Ap'lAp'l Ap'l 6, 1833 8, 1833 19, 1833 do do 29, 1832 23; 1833 8, 1833 do 25, 1833 26, 1833 26, 1833 30, 1833 do 12, 1820 July 19, 1833 do 75 do 80 do 73 do 71 do 70 do 73 do 86 do 71 do 73 April 4, 1818 82 Mar. 4, 1831 82 do 71 do 74 do 85 do 74 do 94 Ap'l 11, 1818 84 Mar. 4, 1831 84 do 83 do 71 do 77 do 79 do 74 do 71 do 69 do 76 do 79 do 78 do 72 do 77 do 69 do 74 May 11, 1818 85 Mar. 4, 1831 85 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died August 6, 1833. Died August 15, 1833. Died December 20, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act of June 7,1832. Died October 15, 1832. O CS Dropped from J2 March 18, 1818. the roll under act May 1, 1820, Pensioned again act June 7, 1 832. Statement, Sec. of Kennebec county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement in Laws under which they were for- NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. Io < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Caleb Leonard Private 25 42 76 26 Massachusetts mil. July 19, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Robert LOw ' do 38 42 115 26 do July 20, 1833 do 74 Ezekiel Lancaster Pri. & corp. 44 00 132 00 . Mass. State troops July 24, 1833 do 75 Daniel Lothrop Ser. & It. 258 66 775 98 Massachusetts mil. do do 88 Sherman Lincoln Private 77 65 232 95 do do do 72 Stephen Larrabee do 23 33 73 32 Massachusetts State May 3, 1833 dp 79 Philip Morse do 96 00 177 86 Massachusetts cont'l Feb. 6, 1819 Ap'l 27, 1818 79 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May i, 1820. Do do 77 16 231 48 Mass. State troops Dec. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 79 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from David Marstoh do 96 00 172 26 N. Hampshire cont'l Jan. 28, 1819 May 18, 1818 78 the roll under act May I, 1820. Do do 56 66 169 98 do Dec. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 76 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Joseph McKenny Sergeant 96 00 174 93 Massachusetts cont'l May 6, 1819 May 8, 1818 78 Do do 120 00 360 00 do Jan. 11,1833 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. William Mallet Private 80 00 240 00 do Feb. 8,1833 do 77 Samuel Mowen do 57 19 171 57 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 25, 1833 do 73 Andrew Mace Pr. &ser. 66 66 199 98 do Mar. 12, 1833 do 76 Roger Merrill Private 56 66 169 98 Mass State troops Ap'l 26, 1833 do 72 Joseph Marston do 32 41 97 23 Massachusetts State do do 72 Goff Moore do 26 66 79 98 N. Hampshire cont'l do do 73 Ebenezer Mason do 30 00 90 00 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 30, 1833 d» 71 Peter Moores do 33 33 99 99 do do do 82 Samuel Moody Fif. & ser. 101 00 303 00 Massachusetts State do do 76 Edward Mulliken Private 20 00 60 00 Massachusetts mil. July 20; 1833 do 68 John Mower Private 57 '21 176 63 Mass. militia July 231, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Samuel Moores '; do ¦40 00 120 00 do j Sep. 28, 1333 do- 86 William Morrison ^Villiam'Morse Thomas' NeSle' Do Elisha Nye Do John Nicholls William Pettingell Elam Pratt Obadiah Pettingall James'Putiiey Benjamin Parker Joseph' Pratt Seth Pitta Nathan Prescott SamnelPool Matthew Pettingell Do Shubael Pitts Joseph Rya.nt Do Matthias Redlow Samuel Randall Asa Robbins Mitchell Richards Joseph ROlfe John Rice Luther Robbins Jedediah Robinson George'Read Nathaniel Rolings do do do do Captain tt. & capt Private do Pri. & ser. do "do . do dodododo Marine do Private dodo 20 44 33 33 96 00 33 33 240 00 431 33 44 86 80 00 85 00 20 00 21 64 23 33 80 00 79 18 36 66 29 63 96 00 70 66 30 55 96 00 80 00 Corporal 47 66 do 80 58 do 46 66 Private 80 00 do 80 00 do 30 00 Pri. & q.m. 72 29 Private 3.0 00 Pr. & cor. 81 02 Private 61 76 - 99 99 38 13 99 99 462 66 927 25 134 58 240 00 225 00 60 00 54 10 69 99 240 00 237 54 109*^8 88 89 174 13 211 98 91 65 181 06 240 00 119 15 241 44 139 98 240 00 240 00 90 00 216 87 i 90 00 243 06 185 28 do Mass. continental do dododo Mass . militia Mass. State troops Mass. militia do N. Hamp. cont. Mass. mihtia dodo N. Hamp. cont. Mass. continental Continental navy Mass. State N. Hamp. cont. Massachusetts cont. Massachusetts mil. N. Hampshire cont. Massachusetts cont. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont. Massachusetts mil. dodo Massachusetts State Massachusetts mil Nov. 4, 1833 Mar. 12, 1834 May 20, 1820 Oct, 19, 1832 June 5, 1819 Jan. 11, 1833 Apr. 26, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Ap'l 26, 1833 do do Ap'l 29, 1833 do Ap'l 30,-1833 July 20, 1833 July 24, 1833 July 15, 1819 'July 5, 1832 July 20,1833 July 23, 1819 Oct. 22, 1832 Nov. 29, 1832 Jan. 24, 1833 Feb. 6, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Ap'l 25, 1833 Ap'129, 1833 ' do May 17,-1833 July 19, 1833 July 19, 1833 do 75 do 73 Oct. 11, 1819 80 Mar. .4 , 1831 81 Mar. 31, 1818 68 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do 75 do 74 do 82 do 72 do 77 do 85 do 75 do 76 do 75 do 72 May 12, 1818 79 Mar. 4, 1819 79 do 69 Ap'l 15, 1818 78 Mar. 4, '1831 78 do 84 do 76 do 75 do 74 do 80 do 74 ^. 76 u 68- o 75 0 73 No report yet received of pay ment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died May 12, 1833, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1,1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. Cft State77ie7il, Sec. of Kejinebec county — Continued. Rank, Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for- NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. OJ bo < 81 mery inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Joshua Robinson Pri. &ser. 75 00 150 00 Massachusetts mil. July 20, 183& Mar. 4, 1831 David Reynolds Nathan Richmond Private 28 00 74 00 Massachusetts con. July 23, 1833 do 75 do 43 33 131 28 Massachusetts St.tr. May 20, 1833 do 79 • Asa Reding ton Pri. & cor. 83 00 207 50 do May 24, 1833 do 72 William'Stephens Private 50 00 150 00 N. Hampshire con. Nov. 29, 1832 do 80 Eli3ha Sylvester Pri. of art. 50 00 150 00 Massachusetts St.tr. do • do- 81 Thomas Seawell, dec'd Private 23 33 50 55 Massachusetts mil. Feb. 9, 1833 do 83 Died May 4, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Jaziel Smith do 96 00 177 06 Rhode Island con. Mar. 6, 1819 Ap'l 30, 1818 72 the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June Do do 80 00 240 00 do Feb. 8, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Ephraim Small do 53 56 160 6g Massachusetts St.tr. do do 74 7, 1832. Ebenezer Sweet do 30 00 90 00 Massachusetts mil. do do 94 Thaddeus Snell do 57 75 176 25 Massachusetts con. do do 77 Elisha Shaw Ser. & en. 103 33 489 99 Massachusetts St.tr. Feb. 9, 1833 do 76 Eliab Shaw Private. 73 33 157 04 Massachusetts con. Feb. 8, 1833 do 76 Died April 24, 1833. - William Sawyer do 23 33 -69 99 Massachusetts mil. Feb. 9, 1833 do 71 Do Surg, mate 240 00 462 66 N. Hampshire con. June 5, 1319 Mar. 31, 1818 71 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June Do do 180 00 240 00 do Mar. 12, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 81 Adin Stanley Private 96 00 137 06 Massachusetts con. Feb. 1, 1819 Oct. 1, 1818 80 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1§29. Pensioned again under aet June Do Matross 100 00 300 00 Massachusetts St.tr. Juiy 22, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 73 James Stephens Private 66 66 199 98 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 26, 1833 do 73 7] 1832. Real Stanley Drum.&fif'r 27 61 82 83 do Ap'l 30,-1833 do do 76 Luther Sampson Private 80 00 240 00 do do 74 Stephen Sciibner do 26. 66 79 98 do do do 75 Enoch Swift * ' - Pri. & cor. 34 54 103 62 do Mav 17, 1833 do 74 i kO «o Jacob Sawyer - Samuel Stowers . ... Do M John Smith Ut Benjamin Stickney Do John Shed William Stone - Abraham Smith Elias Taylor Samuel Tolman Edward True Nathaniel Tibbets Levi Thing Samuel Titus - Ebenezer Trask John Temple - Do William Vance Joel Varnum . Samuel Veasey James Weymouth Do John Wadsworth -- - Do ^x; Lewis Webber Private 35 55 do • 96 00 do 56 66 Pri. & fife major Musician .26 66 96 00 Pri. & fife major 108 00 Private 40 00 Pri. & cor. 39 65 Private 60 00 do 20 00 do 31 64 do 35 63 do 80 00 Pri. & cor. 31 34 Private 35 75 do 34 65 Lieut. 240 00 de 400 00 Pri. & fifer 31 24 Private 20 00 do 53 33 do 96 00 Pr. &sea- man 88.00 Private 96 00 Musician 50 00 Private i 96 00 106 65 17« 00 169 98 .79 93 176 00 • 324 00 120 00 118 95 150 00 60 00 94 92 90 07 240 00 48 04 107 25 103 95 445 33 .200 00 243 72 60 00 159 99 77 06 220 00 1'85.06 150 00 184 80 do Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. do do do Massachusetts mil. do do do dodo do do Rhode Island mil. Massachusetts con. do. Mass. cont'l line Mass. militia - Mass. State troops N. Hamp. cont'l do Mass. cont'l line do U. I. cont'l July 19,1833 June 21, 1819 July 20, 1833 do June 5, 1819 July 23, 1833 July 24, do Mar. 8, Ap'l 25, Ap'l 26, Ap'l 29, Ap'l 30, May 18, July 24, July 23, Jan. 28, 1833 1834 1833 18331833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1819 Jan. 16, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Apl. 30, 1833 Apl. 26, 1833 July 21, 1819 Mar. 10, 1834 June 4, 1819 Dec. 28, 1832 Feb. 6, 1819 do May 4, 1819 Mar. 4, 1831 do May 6, 1818 dodododo Mar. 4, 1831 do dodo do do do Ap'l 27, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 4,J831 do do Mar, 1, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 31, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Apl. 1, 1818 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from , the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died. September 16, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll, under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 18)2. '. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act Mayl, 1820, •Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. 03 Or Statement, Sec. of Kennebec cowxty— Continued, en Lewis Webber . James Works Isaac West Do Asa, Webber Do Benjamin Worther Samuel Wood Samuel Whitney Moses Wing John Wettherell, John Wilcox Samuel Whiting Enoch Wood James Weeks Joshua Wells Zoe Withee Do James Young Jonathan Yeaton Rank. Private Cor.&pri. Private do do Pri. & mus. Private do do Surg, mate Pri. & ser. Pr.& mat. Private do dododo Bombard'r Private do Annua] allow ance. 43 33 42 97 96 00 80 00 96 00 82 23 60 00 26 66 51 97 373 33 66 66 97 50 21 76 22 08 22 85 75 75 96 00 108 00 34 19 20 00 Sums re ceived. 108 33 128 91 183 20 240 00 173 86 246 69 180 00 79 98 155 91 1119 99 199 98 292 50 65 28 66 64 68 58 237 25 179 46 • 324 00 102 57 60 00 Description of ser vice. R. I. State troops Mass. cont'l line do do do do do Mas;, militia Mass. cont'l line do Mass. militia R. I. militia Mass. cont'l line do Mass. militia Mass. cont'l do do Mass. militia do When placed on the pen- sion roll. Jan 2, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Mar. 15, 1819 Feb. 16, 1833 June 4, 1819 May 12, 1833 Apl. 28, 1833 do July 6, 1833 July 19,1833 dodo July 24,1833 Apl. 29,1833 Apl. 30, 1833 July 20, 1833 Mar. 20, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 Apl. 30, 1833 May 17, 1833 Commencement of pension Mar. 4, 1831 18181831 do Apl. 8, Mar. 4, do do do dodo dodo do do do do do Apl. 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo 7783818174 7475 7575 75 76767674, 72 79 72 Laws under which they were for- , , merly inscribed, on the pension roll; and remarks. Pensioned again under, act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Drooped from the roll under act May*l, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Statement, frc. of Lincoln county, Maine. Samuel Adams Do Do Amos Allen Do Jonathan Brown Thomas Burton Jeremiah Brand Jacob Bornhumen Benjamin Babcoek - Solomon Blanchard - Darius Brewster William Button Willing Blake Do Timothy Blanchard • Timothy Blanchard - Isaac Chase Timothy Cunningham Samuel Cunningham Joseph Carlisle Abel Cole Rank. Private do do do MatrossPri., cor & lieut. Private Pri.& ma'ne PrivatePr. & art'y Seaman Private do SergeantPri. & ser. do Private Pr. & sea. Private dodo- Annual allow ance. 96 00 80 00 90 00 80 00 50 00 174 00 40 00 25 27 29 29 85 00 88 00 43 33 96 33 120 00 96 00 100 00 40 00 82 00 40 00 43 33 20 00 Sums re ceived. 757 10 160 00 182 13 150 00 522 00 120 00 87 81 87 87 255 00 264 00 129 99 129 99 360 00 422 92 300 00 120 00 246 00 120 .00 129 99 60 00 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts con'l do do do do Massachusetts mil do do do Rhode Island militia Continental navy Massachusetts State Massachusetts con'l Massachusetts con'l Rhode Island cont'l do • Mass. State troops Massachusetts State do Massachusetts mil. Mass. State troops !When placed on the pen sion roll. Jan. 16, 1819 Dec. 28, 1832 Ap'l 21, 1819 Sep. 3, 1834 July 20, 1833 July 23, 1833 July 19, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 Nov. 11, 1833 do July 20, 1819 Feb. 1,1834 Jan. 22, 1819 Mar. 12, 1834 Nov. 29, 1832 Mar. 23, 1833 do Ap'l 29, 1833 July 20, 1833 Commencement of pension. Ap'l 11, Mar. 4, Ap'l 26, Mar. 4, dododo •do do dodo do Ap'l 3, Mar. 4, Ap'l 24, Mar. 4, dodo do dodo 18181831 1818 1831 181818311818 1831 Laws under which they were for- : merly inscribed on the pension / roll ; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act. June '7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under, act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned agnin under act June 7, 1832. Ox Statetnent, fyc. of Lincoln county — Continued. CA Rufus Crane Thomas Crawford Do John Creamer -Silvanus Cushman Asa Cree Asa Cree's widow Ebenezer Chase Richard Cnmmings James Campbell Abraham Day John Dain Do FJijah Dunbar Aaron Davis William Decker David Erskine William Fly John Freeman George Fogg Do Rank. Private do Pri. of art'y Private do do Pri. of art'y do do do do Sergeant do Private dodo do do dodo do Annual allow ance. 35 00 96 00 83*33 21 87 21 67 96 00 100 00 20 00 26 66 23 33 66 66 96 00 120 00 33 33 '80 00 30 00 23 33 40 00 30 00 96 00 80 00 Sums re ceived. 87 50 177 87 249 99 65 61 65 01 1338 93 262 83 60 00 79 98 199 98 1333 33 360 00 99 99 240 00 75 00 69 99 120 00 90 00 240 00 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l do Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con'l do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l do Mass. militia Mass. State troops Mass. militia Mass. continental do When placed on the pen sion roll. July 24, 1833 July 19, 1819 Aug. 1833 Aug. 3, 1833 Sep. 28, 1833 Jan. 28, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 Nov. 4, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 Oct. 24, 1833 May 3, 1833 Jan. 8, 1819 May 21, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 Oct. 24, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 July 19, 1333 Mar. 23, 1833 Mar. 25, 1833 Jan. 8, 1819 July 19, 1833 Commencement of pension. vx - Vbo < Mar. 4, 1831. Ap'l 27, 1818 7578 Mar. 4, 1831 79 dodo Ma% 13, 1818 7778 83 do 83 dododo 70 84 79 Mar. .4, 1831 Ap'l 14, 1818 71 81 Mar. 4, 1831 81 dododo do dodo May ll,i 1818 7972 8875 83 74 72 do 72 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died October 20, 1833. No report yet rsceived of pay ment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. OJ William Farnsworth John Farrow Do Rob ert Faros worth William Foster Bailey Grinnell Peter Gilman's widow Andrew Genthner Royall Grinnell Richard Horriden Thomas Hutchings . Zacchetis Hatch Philip Hatch Moses Huff Isaac Heath Benjamin Henderson Eliphaz Healey's widow William Hunter Nathaniel Hathorn Ezekiel Hager Charles Heavenor Do Caleb Hogdon Philip Higgins Noah Hearsay John Holbrook Abijah Hawes Abraham Howland Isaac Hall Pri. k lieut. 71 94 Private 96 00 do 60 00 Pri. & sea. 36 47 Sergeant 40 00 Pri., cor. and serg. 86 00 Private 60 00 do 21 98 do 80 00 Lieutenant 131 59 Private 43 33 do 80 00 do 60 00 Pri. & sea. 77 33 Private 20 00 Sergeant 40 00 Private 111 80 do 30 00 do 60 00 do 33 33 do 96 00 do 80 00 do 20 00 do 50 00 do 20 00 do 43 33 do 56 66 do 21 66 do 25 00 215 82 182 56 180 00 109 41 111 81 65 94 240 00 39.4 77 129 99 170 88 180 00 231 99 60 00 120 00 290 52 75 00 180 00 67 82 182 67 240 00 60 00 169 98 64 98 H. H. continental Mass. continental do Mass. State navy Mass. State troops R. I. State troops N. H. continental Mass. militia R. Island militia Mass. militia do Mass. continental Mass. militia do do do Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass. State troops Mass. militia Mass. continental do Mass. militia do Mass. State troops dod? Mass. continental Mass. militia July 30, 1833 July 20, 1819 Aug. 10, 1833 Dec. 28, 1833 July 22, 1834 July 22, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 Dec. 24, 1833 June 5, 1833 Oct. 30, 1832 May 16, 1833 Feb. 8, 1833 May 16, 1833 Mar. 25, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 July 20, 1833 July 23, 1833 July 24, 1833 Aug. 1, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 July 20, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 Nov. 4, 1833 Dec. 19, 1833 July 27, 1833 Dec. 19, 1833 July 27, 1833 May 23, 1834 Julv 2, 1834 May 11, 1818 81 Ap'l 9, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 77 do 70 do 84 do 74 do 83 do 76 do 79 do 80 do 75 do 84 do 78 do 73 do 77 do 78 do 80 do 67 do 79 do 77 Ap'l 9, 1818 75 Mar. 4, 1831 75 do • 76 do 75 do 71 do 72 do .82 do 73 do 87 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet received of pay- ment.made. No report yet received of payment made. Died April 23, 1833. Died March 17, 1833. March*18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June . 7, 1832. No report yet received of payment made. No report yet received of payment made. t No report yet received of payment made. Ox Statement, fyc. of Lincoln county— Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. roll; and remarks. Christian Hoofses Private 96 00 182 67 Mass, continental June 4, 1819 ApT 9, 1818 65 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1830. Do do 34 54 67 72 do Oct. 24, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 80 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Feb. 19, 1833. Job Ingraham do 20 00 60 00 Mass. militia Oct. 23, 1832 do 79 Lemuel Jenkins do 96 00 184 40 Mass. continental Mar. 20, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pri. & sap. 100 00 300 00 do May 30, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. -: Bartholomew Jackson Private 45 53, 136 59 Mass. militia July 20, 1833 do 85 Isaac Jones do 21 66 - do May 23, 1834 do 77 No report yet received of payment made. No report yet received of pay Samuel Kinney do 36 66 . Mass. militia Mar. 23, 1833 do 79 ment made. Abijah Kinney do 36 66 109 98 do do do 73 Benjamin Kinney do 60 00 180 00 Mass. continental Aug. 5, 1833 do 77 John Lowell do 65 21 195 63 do Mar. 23, 1833 do 76 James Laughton Sergeant 100 00 229 70 Mass. militia July 19, 1833 do 91 Died June 20,1833. William Lewis do 70 00 210 00 do Mar. 28, 1833 do 78 Thomas Lombard Private 24 21 - do July 1, 1833 do 73 No report yet received of pay ment made. Died April 30, 1833 . Samuel.Leeman do 20 00 43 13 do May 15, 1833 do 70 Thomas Lemoat do 50 00 150 00 Mass. continental July 31, 1833 do 75 .V-, David Lemoat do 43 33 129 99 Mass. militia do do 75 •«? Seth Luce do 40 00 - Mass. continental Aug. 2, 1833 do 82 No report yet received of pay ment made. Amos Lawrence do 51 32 128 30 do Aug. 8, 1833 do 79 William Lee Lieut. 320 00 960 00 Mass. State troops -Nov. 11, 1833 do 81 John Lancaster Private 23 33 69 99 Mass. militia Dec. 17, 1833 do 73 Ox 00 John Moody do 96 00 184 00 Mass. continental Do Pri. & cor, 57 98 173 94 do Aaron Moosman Private 96 00 181 86 do Do do 40 00 120 00 do. Daniel Morse Daniel M'Mannets John McDaniel- James McMichael Richard McAlester - dodo •> dodo do 26 66 26 66 26 66 43 33 96 00 "79 98 66 65 66 65 129 99 173 33 Mass. State troops Mass. militia do Mass. continental N. Hampshire con'l Do do 53 33 159 99 do Levi Morse, 2d Josiah Mero John C. Mink Paul Mink Amariah Mero - do do dodo Sergeant 64 64 66 66 46 66 26 08 96 00 193 92 199 98 139 98 78 24 Mass. militia - dododo Mass. continental Do do 120 00 360 00 do Jonathan Merritt FrankMiller Robert M'Kinney Jonathan Morse Isaac Moore Private do do dodo 42 86 20 44 48 64 26 66 96 00 128 58 61 32 145 92 79 98 183 20 Mass. State troops do Mass. militia do N. H. continental Do do 40 00 120 00 do Benjamin M'Farland - Stephen Norton Elijah Norton Nathaniel Norton William Nickells David Oliver Henry Oliver do do Pri. of artil. Mariner Sergeant Pri. of artil do 66 66 44 65 68 97 82 00 45 00 100 00 100 00 199-98 135 95 206 91 246 00 65 72 300 00 300 00 Mass. continental do do Mass. militia do Mass. State troops do July IS, 1819 May 28, 1834 Sept. 7, 1819 July 22, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 Ap'l 20, 1833 do July 19, 1833 Sep. 18, 1819 July 19, 1833 July 24, 1833 do July 30, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 June 5, 1819 Oct. 25, 1833 Aug. 3, 1833 - do Dec. 19, 1833 do Ap'l 29, 1819 Ap'l 4,1834 May 26, 1834 July 22, 1833 July 8, 1S33 Sept. 18,1833 Feb. 8, 1833 Oct-. 7, 1833 do Ap'l 4, Mar • 4, Ap'l 12, Mar. 4, do do do do May 14, Mar. 4, do do do do Ap'l 9, Mar 4, do do do do Ap'l 7, Mar, 4, do do do do do do do 1818 82 1831 82 1818 78 1831 76 86 68 70 73 1818 75 1831 74, 73 79 71 81 1818 - 1831 77 80 69 76 79 1818 80 1831, 80 83 77 75 72 83 75 79 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820., Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died August 19, 1832, CD Ot Statement, Sec. of Lincoln county — Continued. ox Hugh Owen Charles Overlook Jonathan Oliver Joseph Osher William Oliver John Oliver Calvin PinkhamDo Nathaniel Pinkham Abner Perkins David Perry Job Perry Nathaniel Palmer Joseph Perry William Patterson Jonathan Prastee James Preble Jamps Rogers Otis Robbins Andrews Robinson Alexander Rogers David Reed,- 2d Benjamin Rideeut William Rogers James Rollins Thomas Rand Rank. Annual allow ance. Private 30 00 do 35 00 do 45 00 Lieut. 160 00 Private 80 00 do 46 00 do 96 00 do 40 00 do 40 00 do 20 00 Pri. & cor. 51 99 Private 20 00 do 53' 33 do 78 00 Pr. & sea'n 72 00 Pr.&ser. 41 66 Private 46 66 Sergeant 30 50 Private 80 00 do 40 00 do 40 00 do 30. 00 do 54 99 ' do 40 00 do 20 00 do 31 32 Sums re ceived. 90 00 105 00 480 00 240 00 101 50 181 53 120 00 120 00 60 00 60 00 159 99 234 00 216 00 124 98 139 98 91 50 240 00 120 00 120 00 75 00 132 74 120 00 60 00 93 96 Description of ser vice. Mass. State troops do Mass. continental Mass. State troops dodo R. Island contin'l do Mass. militia do do do; Mass. continental do Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. State troops Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. militia do dodo dodo N, Hampshire con. When placed on the pen sion roll. Ap'l 26, 1833 Nov. 4, 1833 June 24, 1834 Nov. 11, 1833 Dec. 19, 1833 do Jan. 20, 18W Dec. 16, 1833 Mar. 23, 1833 do May 24, 1334 Oct. 5, 1833 Oct. 24, 1833 Mar. 7, 1834 May 25, 1833 July 19, 1833 Dec. 19, 1833 July 24, 1833 Aug. 10, 1833 Oct. 5, 1833 Dec. 19, 1833 Mar. 23, 1833 Apr. 25, 1833 Apr. 26 , 1833 July 19, 1833 do Commencement to of pension. fco Mar. 4, 1831 66 do 74 do 84 do 88 do 79 do 73 Ap'l 17, 1818 79 Mar, 4, 1831 79 do 82 do .72 do 73 do 68 do 76 do 74 do 83 do 79 do 73 do 77 do 77 do 75 do 73 do 67 do 79 do 78 do 71 do 74 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. No report yet received of pay ment made. Died May 7, 1834. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, .1820. Pensioned again under act Jane 7, 1832. * No report yet received of pay ment made. Died August 3, 1833. 121 ! [ 514 ] 1 o -o g O* ^ i-i CO ¦* Ol h- *s- 00 00 «o *. to *>. ©»ChVST}<0*OCOi-'b-coio,|*N.OlCO^OtOOiOOCO^,W5tO'^' l^i>b-t^*>i>.N.co^.b,cocob.tob-*s.t*.t-!>.h-KJ>-coK. Ol .^ O W to Of) M !>. *- CO ts. ^ t*. t^ OOOOOOO "d *d "O 'd *d "d >d OOOOOOOOOOOOOO QOOOOO OOOO *dFd,d'"d'drO'dfdfd*o *d' £ «* s » CD S.s g gg §H m to a « ™ 5, ,,-.-¦, dl OJ a m g to g S » a a.^ 8*8 fl MM* gg oooo»iiS'3S -O -o 13 ^a da^S'rf _ooooooo a^o* ^ -a i3 i3 ^ -a- 13 • S2 ft wi '-5 w w H n en a ri a 5 ggggcjglg e eri g S. S.2S 6 §g »2 »s "fl 13 => i.2 2 3 * d d « d d m OT rn OT S ESS S^SSSS o o to O O O Ol o> to o CT oi Oi **- coco ^ O0QMO*-O'OO0»0)^O0)<0f5^O1flOlOOiOOJO^V!(MH03000fflO>n*3,aiHOOtOO <0OOONO'0C0KN-iS^H00lC0NPI^NK,0,*'0 HhWCO Wx-H-^^h 01 C t (N m MM MM CO HOVJOlOiOO "OOHQiOlOO 1>- O Ol «-? Cft O O 00 V> »>. M tO CO CO OtOKOOOOOOWOPjOOOCOIO'OOtOOtDOlO OtOiOOOtoOOOeOOCOOOOCOtOi-^'OtOCrcO «jO OOC^OOOtO "n ' !j ft ft co w ft i-aO'a^« -m - at 'u "t, jf' a <» O 13 ^ .S'5 t. B £7 03 to a S 2. 3 iu •S o a is -s <_ -g ,c ,2_, iu Et.sJp s E is-ga.ra.5g| j! •S j: 'C s d « S 16 w >, S 6at,iia_-aS»j j^f- ft. Q0fJ 3 E-ns rf C r« -1 r_j bIC-i^ Statement, Sec. of Li7icoln cowity— Continued. NAMES. Foster Wentworth John Wilson George Winslow Lemuel Walker George Webber Do Joseph White Andrew Whitmore Jason Ware e Beniah Young Rank. Private do Ser. & fif. Pri. &mat. Sergeant do Private dododo Annual allow ance. 40 00 56 66 100 00 53 34 96 00 120 00 46 6e 46 66 78 90 23 33 Sums re ceived. 120 00 141 65 250 00 160 02 182 40 360 00 139 98 139 98 236 70 %9 99 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts mil. do R. I. State troops Massachusetts mil, Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. dodo New Hamp, con. When placed Commencement on the pen of pension. OJbo sion roll- < May 18, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 70 July 30, 1833 do 76 July 31, 1833 do 76 Nov. 1, 1833 do 75 June 8, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 - Mar. 12, 1834 do 74 Dec. 19, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 76 do do 72 May 22, 1834 do 79 Oct. 7,1833 do 71 Ot Laws under which they were for- j„j merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820, Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died July-22, 1833. Statethent, Sec. of Oxford county, Maine. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. John Atherton Corporal 96 00 173 93 Mass. continental Mar. 5, 1819 May 23, 1818 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Private 80 00 240 00 do Dec. 19, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Isaac Abbot - do 70 00 210 00 do July 27, 1833 do 72 Samuel Ames Drummer 88 00 264 00 Mass. State troops Sep. 28, 1833 do 75 John Ames Private 27 77 58 12 Mass. continental Dec. 11, 1833 do 77 Died September 20, 1833. Philip Abbot do 33 33 - N. Hampshire militia July 22, 1834 do 77 No report yet received of payment made. Silas Alden do 41 66 124 98 N. H. continental Aug. 2, 1834 do 69 Joseph Abbot Pr. &,cor. 20 31 35 27 Mass. State troops Mar. 10, 1834 do 80 Died November 30, 1832. William Barrows Private 96 00 173 06 Mass. continental Mar. 5, 1819 May 15, 1818 78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 82 91 248 73 do Nov. 2, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Samuel Brown do 96 00 _ do June 7, 1819 Mar. 24, 1818 66 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 200 00 do Dec. 21, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 66 Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. Abijah Bryant do 20 00 60 00 Mass. State troops Mar. 25, 1833 do 74 Gideon Bearce Marine 43 98 131 94 do Apr. 16, 1833 do 76 Isaac Bonneys Private 64 99 ¦ 194 97 Mass. continental Apr. 29, 1333 do 79 James Brackett do 56 66 169 98 Mass. militia May 17, 1833 do 70 David Big-ge do 34 99 104 97 do • July 5, 1833 do 85 Asa Barrows ' do 33 33 99 99 do July 23, 1833 do 83 Thaddeus Brown do 26 66 79 98 , - do July 24,1833 do 73 Amzi Bett do 40 00 120 00 do do do 72 Thaddeus Bartlett - do 20 00 60 00 do July 27, 1833 do 75 Asa Battles do 30 00 90 00 do do do 69 Joseph Baker do 66 66 186 00 Mass, continental do do 91 Died December 19, 1833. toCo en Slat67nenl, fyc. of Oxford county — Continued. m en --* Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for ' HAMES. . allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. 00 «! 79 merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Benjamin Barker Private 80 00 240 00 Mass. State troops July 31, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 Nathan Brackett - do 56 66 169 98 do Aug. 2, 1833 do 80 Arthur Bragdon do 86 00 181 06 Mass. continental Mar. 30, 1819 Apr. 15, 1818 78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pr. & cor. 81 66 204 15 do Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. William Bracket Pr. & serg. 86 66 259 98 Mass. State do do 82 Jonathan Blodget Private 36 66 91 65 N. H. continental Aug. 5, 1833 do 78 Daniel Bean > do 36 66 112 28 Mass. continental do do 75 Thomas Berry do 66 66 199 98 R. I. State troops Aug. 2, 1833 do 72 Ichabod Benson do' 52 10 125 60 Mass . militia Sep. 18, 1833 do 77 Died August 1 , 1833. Jesse Barker do 40 00 120 00 Mass. continental July 27, 1833 do 92 Thomas Chase Mariner 96 00 178 94 Continental navy Mar. 19, 1819 Apr. 23, 1818 78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Private & "- seaman 91 33 273 99 do Dec. 22, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Luther Carey Musician 83 00 264 00 Mass. State troops Mar. 11, 1833 do 73 Nathaniel Chase Private 40 00 120 00 Mass. militia Apr. 25, 1833 do 73 Isaac Cushman do - 21 53 64 59 do May 14, 1833 do 90 Isaiah Cushman do 96 00 179 46 Mass. continental Jan. 22, 1819 Apr. 21, 1818 74 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 33 33 83 33 do July 23, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 74 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Caleb Cushman Pr. & fifer 34 33 102 99 Mass. militia do do 78 Asa Cummings Private 28 98 72 45 do July 26, 1833 do 73 David Chaplin do 96 00 If 3 60 Massachusetts cont. June 7, 1819 May 13, 1818 80 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under aet May .1, -1820b Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 80 Pensioned again under act June 7, . 1832. Caleb Cushman William Cushman Benjamin Conant Do William Cobb Joseph Cbblidge Gideon Cushman William Chapman Eleazer Cole Edmond Dean Do Moses Dunham Do ^lijah" Dresser Nathan Dudley Do Abraham Dean Richard Doloff Joshua De Basse ,Aaron Davis Do Ephraim Davenport Jacob Dunbar Levi Dresser John Drake Gersham Davis William Evans Pr. & ser. Private do do dododo do Sergeant Private do dodo do do Pr. & of ar Pr. & ser. Private Pr. & raus Private do dodo Pr. & cor. Private do do 60 98 50 00 96 00 80 00 80 00 30 00 53 33 59 66 40 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 80 00 30 00 96 00 100 00 93 33 46 66 82 00 96 00 26 66 20 89 40 00 82 66 42 86 51 76 124 12 150 00 164 53 340 00 240 00 90 00 159 99 96 67 170 66 240 00 181 59 240 00 90 00 182 40 300 00 279 99 139 98 246 00 184 26 79 98 43 33 62 67 120 00 247 98 126 80 129 99 do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont. do Mass. State troops Massachusetts cont. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont, Mass. State troops Massachusetts cont. dodo do do do do Mass. State troops N.Hamp.St. troops Mass. State troops Mass. continental do Mass. militia do ' Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil, do do Aug. 10, 1833 Sep, 18, 1833 May 10, 1819 Oct. 24, 1833 Nov. 8, 1833 Dec. 16, 1833 Ap'l 12, 1834 July 8, 1834 July 27, 1833 Jan. 22, 1819 Sep. 14, 1832 Apr. ;29, 1819 Sep. 4, 1832 Nov. 2, 1832 Nov. 25, 1819 Dec; 27, 18S2 Mar. 13, 1833 May 6, 1833 July 23, 1833 May 31, 1820 July 22, 1833 July 24, 1833 do July 17, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 Jan. 20, 1834 Nev. 1,1832 do * do June 17, 1818 83 70 78 Mar. 4, 1831 78 dodo dodo 70 72 83 70 do May 9, 1818 8774 Mar. 4, 1831 74 Ap'l 14, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 77 do Apr. 10,1818 83 76 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do dodo Apl. 3,1818 72 79 7674 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do do do dodo 72 9372 76 75 do 69 Died March 16, 1833. March 18, 1813. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again Tinder act June 7, 1832. No report yet received of pay ment made. Died August 4, 1833. March 18, i818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from ¦¦¦. the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Drop'ped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. to No report yet [received of pay- **" <« ment made. Statement, Sec. of Oxford county — Continued. CJ1 NAMES. James Eames James Eastman Daniel Eastman John Fletcher Do Ebenezer Fessenden . John Fox Aaron Fuller Jacob Fish Ithamar Earrington • Charles Ford Moses Frost Joshua Ford Jacob Frost Do Do Daniel Gould Do Samuel Gammon Jonathan Gardner David Gammon Israel Glines Jacob Gurney John Goodwin Rank. Private do do dodo do dododo Pri. & ser. Private dodo do do Pri. & ser. Private do dodo dodo do do Annual allow ance. 36 66 40 00 53 33 96 00 80 00 33 33 23 33 43 33 51 66 55 00 66 66 36 66 80 00 30 00 48 00 61 87 96 00 70 00 26 66 80 00 30 00 24 64 20 00 26 66 Sums re ceived. 109 98 104 43 159 99 179 40 240 00 - 99- 99 69 99 129 99 154 98 165 00 199 98 109 98 240 00 185 61 174 66 210 00 79 98 240 00 90 00 73 92 60 00 79< 98 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts cont. N. Hamp. cont. Mass, State troops Mass. continental do Mass. militia do Mass. continental do militia do continental do State troops do militia do continental do militia dodo do continental do do do do militia do do continental do militi*~ When placed on the pen sion roll. Apr. 10,1833 July 23, 1832 July 27, 1833 Mar. 5, 1819 Dec. 28, 1833 Ap'l 2, 1833 Ap'l 9, 1833 May 8, 1833 May 3, 1833 July 20, 1833 July 22, 1833 do July 18, 1833 'Aug. 29, 1788 Aug. 1, 1833 July 19, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Dec. 1, 1832 Mar. 25, 1833 do Ap'l 6, 1833 Ap'l 12, 1833 May 17, 1833 Commencement of pension. Mar. 4, 1831 do do Ap'l 22, 1818 March 4, 1831 do do dodo dododo do , Mar. 17, 1786 Ap'l 24, 1816 Mar. 4, 1831 May 9, 1818 March 4, 1831 do do do do do do 71 8168 72 72 7773 788378 77 73 74 Laws under which they were for- ¦ , merry inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Died November 13, 1833. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832, June 7, 1785, Invalid pension. Increased to this rate by act of April 24, 1816. Also in the re ceipt of a pension under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. K305 Pelatiah Gibbs Joseph Gammon Amos Gage Do Daniel Gage Do John Goodenow Samuel Gilbert Joshua Gamage Moses Gammon Do Joseph Howard Do Enoch Hall Do Ephraim HathawayDo Thomas Harman Do Richard Hine Do Israel Hale Do do do do 49 51 50 00 96 00 do 73 33 Sergeant 96 00 d° 120 00 Private do Sergeant do 35 98 61 33 120 00 96 00 Private 20 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 47 00 do 96 00 Pr. & artifi. 85 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 Sergeant 120 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 148 53 110 00 175 19 182 49 107 94 183 99 360 00 181 60 177 33 240 00 186 93 142 08 241 50 179 20 200 00 184 80 360 00 183 20 240 00 do continental do State N. H. continental do N. II. cont'l troops do N. H. continental Mass. continental do State do continental dododo do do do do Mass, continental do do dodo do May 23, 1833 May 24, 1833 Aug. 4, 1819 Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 18, 1819 Aug. 8, 1833 Aug. 10, 1833 Sep. 26, 1333 Nov. 11, 1833 May 18, 1819 May 22, 1833 Nov. 24, 1819 Aug. 13, 1832 June 7, 1819 Aug. 14, 1832 Mar. 17, 1819 Aug. 15, 1832 Jan. 23, 1819 Aug. 19, 1832 July 17, 1819 Oct, 27, 1832 Mar. 17, 1819 Dec. 19, 1832 dodo May 11, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 23, 1818 March 4, 1831 do dodo Ap'l 13, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 29, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 3, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 May 23, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 1,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 7, 1818 Mar. 4,1831 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Aug. 29, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll underact May 1, 1820. No report yet received of pay ment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll Underact May 1,1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18 , 1813. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June ~ 7 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pen'd again underact June 7, 1832. to en Statement, Sec. of Oxford county ^-Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement en Laws under which they were for NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen- sion roll. of pension. So merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. James Head Private 30 00 • Mass. militia Mar. 25, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Dead. No report yet received of Amos Howard do 30 00 90 00 N. H. continental Apr. 5, 1833 do 82 payment made. James Hearsay Pri. corp. - and ser. 87 00 348 00 Mass. continental Apr. 16, 1833 do 76 Benjamin Handy Marine 82 17 328 68 Mass. State troops ',May .17, 1.833 do 74 William Hayford Private 33 33 99 99 Mass. militia July 5, 1833 do 72 Oliver Hall do 44 64 133 92 do July 24, 1833 do 73 Levi Hubbard do 29 62 88 86 Mass. continental do do 69 America Hamblin do 96 00 184 00 do Mar. 7, 1819 Apr. 5, 1818 72 Mar. 18, 1818. tDrppped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do . do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 4,1831 72 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Reduced to $56 66, October 23 , 1834. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the Moses Hutchins do 80 00 240 00 Mass. State troops Sep. 9, 1833 do 68 Samuel Jenkins Sergeant 96 00 - Mass. continental Apr. 10, 1819 Apr. 1, 1818 76 roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 120 00 204 00 do Aug. 18, 1832 Mar. 4, 1331 76 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Nov. 15, 1832. Samuel Jackson Private 25 30 75 90 Mass. militia May 15, 1833 do 70 Cornelius Jones Pri. & sea. 81 40 244 20 Mass. State troops Aug. 3, 1833 do 72 Isaac Jackson Private 60 00 150 00 Mass. militia Aug. 16, 1833 do 76 Samuel Jewell do 40 00 120 00 do Sep. 27, 1833 do 75 Meshack Keen do 96 00 182 39 Mass. continental Jan. 22, 1819 Apr. 9, 1818 75 Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Sep. 19, 1832 Mar, 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June Ebenezer Keys do 96 00 179 20 do Jan. 29,1819 t Apr. 22, 1818 70 7, 1832- Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do . 80 00 240 00 do Dec. 22, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June . 7,1832. cn 00 John Keen Joseph Lalhrop John Lombard Thomas Lombard Benjamin Lupkin ?5 Jacob Lothrop Seth Morse • James Masterson Eliphalet Morse Isaac Meharin Moses Mason Philip Mills David-Moulton Elias Monk Nathan Nelson John Needham Josiah Newman Asa Osgood Do Samuel Parris Stephen Pearcy Do Dudley Pike Josiah Frootor Stephen Pengree Joseph Perkins Do James Perry Dan Pratt Job Packard Eleazer Parsons lthamar Phinney Josiah Parris do 80 00 do 20 00 do ¦ 24 96 do 56 €6 do 66 66 do 20 00 Pri. & cor. 86 31 Pri. & sea. 51 31 , Private 31 75 do 30 00 do 34 65 do 28 33 do 20 00 do 61 31 do 26 66 do 31 27 Pri. ser. & corporal 98 06 Ser. major 96 00 do 120 00 Lt. & ser. 220 00 Private 96 00 .do 80 00 do 24 64 Mar.& sea. 87 44 Private 20 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 Pr. corp. & serg'l 67 66 Private 76 66 ¦ do 34 43 do 56 66 do 80 00 Pri.& ser. 100 00 240 00 60 00 74 88 169 98 199 98 48 23 258 93 183 93 95 25 90 00 103 95 84 99 60 00 183 93 66 65 78 17 294 18 182 40 300 00 660 00 37 06 240 00 73 92 262 32 50 00 179 20 240 00 202 90 227 98 103 29 169 98 240 00 30.0 00 Mass. State troops Mass. continental do Mass. -militia dododo do Mass, continental do N. Hamp.. militia Maes, militia N. Hamp. militia Mass. militia do Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass. continental do Mass. State Mass, continental do New Hamp. militia Mass. militia do Mass. continental do Mass. State R. I. State troops Mass. militia do Mass. continental Mass. State troops July 24, 1833 Dec. 1, 1832 July 23, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 Sep. 9, 1833 Aug. . 5, 1833 July 22, 1833 July 24, 1833 July 26, 1833 Aug. 3, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 Sep. 27, 1833 July 23 , 1833 Sep. 24, 1833 Mar. 13, 1833 Apr. 19, 1833 July 19, 1833 Oct. 2, 1818 July 25, 1833 Aug. 15, 1832 Sep. 14, 1819 Aug. 22, 1832 July 24, 1833 July 26,1833 July 27; 1833 Jan, 22, 1819 July 27, 1833 July 31,. 1833 Aug. 13, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 do Dec. 16, 1833 May 12, 1834 do 74 do 79 ' do 70 do 72 do 72 do 72 do 70 do r* do 79 do 72 do 77 do 80 do 74 do 73 do 74 do 75 do 76 Apr. 10, 1818 79 do 79 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Aug. 16,1819 84 Mar. 4, 1831 84 do 71 do 71 do 81 Ap'l 22, 1818 - Mar. 4, 1831 79 do 76 do 72 do 72 do 72 do 69 do 73 Died August 2, 1833, Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. Died August 1833. March 18, 181 8 . Dropped from the rollunder act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. enit*. Statement, Sec. of Oxford county — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for- . NAMES. allow ceived. vice. on the; pen of pension. ho merry inscribed on the pension- ... ance. sion roll. \ < roll ; and remarks. Joshua Pool Private 70 00 175 00 Mass. militia Aug. 8, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Bennet Pompilley do 96 00 1527 20 Mass. continental July 24, 1819 Ap'l 7, 1818 70 March 18, 1818. : Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, Do Sergeant 105 00 - do July 22,1834 Mar. 4, 1831 74 1832. No report yet received Job Randall Private 36 66 109 98 do Apr. 25, 1833 do 91 of payment made. Simon Record do 61 31 183 93 do July 5, 1833 do 81 Benjamin liussell do 30 00 75 00 Mass. State troops July 22, 1833 do 71 - Tobias Ricker do 50 00 150 00 N. H. State troops July 31, 1833 do 74 Edwai d Richardson - Lt. & capt 381 20 1143 60 Mass. St. trOpps Aug. 3, 1833 do 86 Jonathan Record Pri vate 70 00 210 00 Mass. militia Sep. 18, 1833 do 84 William Russell do 25 00 75 00 Mass. State Aug. 3, 1833 do 74 Hezekiah Stetson do 1 96 00 171 73 Mass. continental Jan. 22, 1819 May 21, 1818 81 March 18, 1818. Dropped from Do the roll under act May 1, 1820. do 76 16 152 32 do Oct. 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 81 Pensioned again under act June Joseph F. Swain Sergeant 96 00 174 13 do Oct. 2, 1818 May 12, 1818 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Do the roll under act May 1, 1820. do 36 33 51 47 do Dec; 3, 1832 Mar 4, 1831 72 Pensioned again underact June 7, Francis Sturtevant - do 96 00 182 66 do Mar. 18, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 79 1832. Died August 3, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped froth Do Pri. of art. 120 00 261 00 do Jan. 16, 1833 do 79 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned againlltider act June 7 Thomas Symonds Private 23 44 58 60 do Mar. 25, 1833 do 73 1832. Died May 6, 1833. Laban Smith • do 96 00 185 06 do Nov. 25, 1819 Mar. 30, 1818 74 March 18, 1818. Dropped from Do do 80 00 240 00 do Ap'l U 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 74 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. ',;" - , c* 00 o Joseph Swift Nathaniel Seger do John Sias Jonas Stephens do Jonathan Shed Jairus Shaw David Stone Joel Stevens James Swan James Sprague Thomas Spring Sylvanus Stephens Nathaniel Shaw Nathaniel Shaw Samuel Swain . Jeremiah Stevens Holmes Thomas Oliver Travis - Asa'lhurlowOliver Turner - Peter Twitchell Eli Twitchell - Amos Upton Sampson Whiting Do William Wait * Do do 27.97 do 96 00 do" 80 00 . do 41 31 Sergeant 96 00 do 120 00 Private 78 32 do 31 31 do 41 97 do 46 66 do 30 00 do 33 33 dp -?«« Pri.&mus. 31 66 Pri.& ser. 103 33 Private 51 76 Pr. & cor; 22 00 Private , 80 00 do 80 00 do 40 00 do 23 33 do 21 10 do 34 44 Pr & ser. 31 71 Sergeant 30 00 Privaie 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 Pri.& cor. 80 88 83 91 173 60 200 00 323 90 182 93 222 00 234 96 93 93 125 91 139 98 90 00 99 09 79 15 258 32 155 28 66 00 240 00 240 00 120 00 69 99 52 75 183 32 75 00 182 40 240 00 176 00 242 64 do do do N. H. continental Mass. continental i do do Mass. militia do do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. Massachusetts St.tr Massachusetts mil. dodo. Massachusetts St.tr Massachusetts mil. do do dododo Massachusetts cor. dodo do Ap'l 12, 1833 Mar. 5, 1819 Aug. 5, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 Jan. 22, 1819 May 3, 1833 July 23, do 1833 July 24, 1833 July 27, 1833 July 27, 1833 July 31, 1833 Ap'l 10, 1834 Sep. 18, 1833 do - Sep. 19, 1833 Dec 16, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 Mar. 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 July- 27, 1833 July 30, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 June 12, 1834 Aug. 2, 1833 Sep. 14, 1819 Aug. 13, 1832 Mar. t?, 1819 July 6, 1833 do 74 May 14, 1818 79 Mar. 4, 1831 79 do 77 Ap'l 9, 1818 84 Mar. 4, 1818 84 do 75 do 79 do 72 do 79. do 73 do 95 do - do 76 do 89 do 71 do 72 do 79 do 79 , do 72 do 74 do 69. do 73 do 73 do 92 Ap'l 11, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 77 Ap'l 26, 1818 - Mar." 4, 1831 80 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll underact Mayl, 1820. Pensioned again under act Juno 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll undir act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Feb. 9, 1333. ' No report yet received of payment made. No report yet received of payment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, CO Stateme7it, fyc. of Oxford county — Continued. en Jacob Whitman - • William Walker Ebenezer Washburn Benjamin Woodbury Moses Warren Nathaniel Young Do John York Benjamin York Rank. Private dodp dodo dodododo Annual allow. ance. 43 33 56 66 21 42 53 66 26 66 96 00 80 00 26 66 37 66 Sums re ceived. 86 66 169 98 53 55 160 98 64 03 182 93 240 08 79 98 112 98 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts -con. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. Massachusetts. St.tr. Massachusetts con. dododo N. Hampshire con. WJjen plaped on the pen sion roJL Deo. 1, 1832 Ap'l 13, 1833 July 6, 1833 July 30, 1833 July 31, 1833 Mai-. 5, 1819 Aug! 8, 1832 July 22, 1833 July 24, 1833 Commencement of pension. Mar. 4, 1831 dodododo April 9, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo 73 86 73 Laws under which they were for- ij mprjy inscribed cm the pension roll; and remarks. Died December i? }833, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1,182Q. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. J * CO US 'Statement, $c. of Penobscot county, Maine. •— - — r I ' ' Rank. Animal Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement (A - the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 40 00 100 00 - do Mar. 9, 1853 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June . 7,1832. Phineas Bachelder do 23 33 69 99 N. Hampshire mil. Sep. 27, 1833 do 73 Eben Crosby do 56 66 169 98 Massachusetts mil. Apl. 12, 1833 ; do 74 . Samuel Craig do 56 66 169 98, do Sep. 9, 1833 do 76 William Colburn do 80 00 -240 00 do , Apr. 23, 1833 do 74 Oliver Doane Pri. & sea. 38 67 116 01 Mass. State troops ApM 20, 1833 do 80 James Pratt Evans - Private 40 00 - do- May 19, 1333 do 79 Died March 14, 1833, Ebenezer Fisher do 96 00 183 19 Mass. continental Apr. 11, 1819 Ap'l 7, 1818 75 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Feb.. 19, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. John Fatrington do 65 00 195 00 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 23, 1833 do 76 Simeon Farnum do 43 33 129 99 Mass. continental Aug. 10, 1833 do 78 Samuel Gilmore do 96 00 182 96" do Ap'l 10, 1819 July 19,1818 69 March 13, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. COCO en Statement, 4'c- °f Penobscot county— -Continued. Ol Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement yi Laws under which they were for NAMES. allowance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll j and remarks. Samuel Gilmore Private 80 00 240.00 Massachusetts con'l Jan. 24, 1833 March 4, 1831 69 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Joshua Gammon do 60 00 180 00 Massachusetts mil. July 20, 1833 ¦>. do 71 Elisha Gibbs do 30 88 - Mass. continental Apr. 28, 1834 do 81 No report yet received of payment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped fiOm John Hart do 98 00 ' 156 00 N. Hampshire cont'l Sep. 10, } 81 9 July 19, 1818 70 the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Do do 30 00 90 00 do Oct. 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. William Holt do 20 00 60 00 Mass. continental Feb. 19, 1833 do 69 John Hunt do 50 00 150 00 Conn. State troops Feb. 27, 1833 do 76 Simon Harriman . do 80 00 160 00 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 12, 1833 do 70 Sylvanus Harlow do 31 32 93 96 do July 20, 1833 do 72 Sylvanus Howes do 40 00 120 00 do July 23, 1833 do 72 Ebenezer Hasey do 43 33 129 99 do Sep. 26, 1833 do .> 76 Daniel Herring. do 43 32 129 66 do Mar. 10, 1834 Mar. 21, 1818 96 James Harvey do 96 00 1,473 60 New Hamp. cont'l Mar. 18, 1819 do 74 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May. 1, 1820. Do Corporal 120 00 360 00 do Mar. 12, 1834 Mar. 4,1831 72 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. David Holbrook Private 20 00 - New Hamp. militia Ap'l 28, 1834 do 68 No report yet received of payment made. John Johnston Ser & mar. 46 66 93 32 Continental navy July 20, 1833 , do 76 Henry Leland , Private 58 96 176 88 Massachusetts con . Ap'l 12, 1833 do 74 Isaac Lawrence do 40 00 120 00 Mass. State troops June 6, 1833 do 75 Died June 20, 1833. Antoine Lachanie Pri. & mar 60 00 180 00 do Sep. 9, 1833 do 83 William March Private 33 33 66 66 Massachusetts con. Feb. 19, 1833 do 71 Nathaniel Moore do 56 67 170 01 do Ap'l 25,-1833 do t 74 Joseph Mansell Ser.St lieut 170 00 510 00 do Ap'l 20, 1833 do 84 David Mann Private .40 00 120 00 do do do 1 75 CO If* Nathaniel Martin Amos Mann Nathaniel Pierce Peter Pm-ham John Phillips Meshuck Robinson Ward Reed Do Joshua Severance Do Benjamin Sargent Harding Snow Samuel Stickney Samuel Turner . John Tucker Thomas Tukesbury Ichabod Thomas Daniel Whitney- Benjamin Wyatt Ephraim Washburn Zebulon Young Do - do dodo dodo do do Pri. & ser Private do do do Musician Private Matross Private do do do dodo ; do 46.66 34 66' no oo OO OO 26 66 73 33 23 33 96 00 110 00 96 00 80 00 20 00 43 33 63 17 50 00 50 00 22 31 48 88 33 33 30 00 56 66 96 00 30 00 116 65, 103 98 89 99 79 99 183 33 69 99 185 06 330 00 184 80 240 00 60 00 129 99 150 00 150 00 66 93 146 64 99 99 90 00 169 98 182 93 47 66 do,do , Mass. State troops Massachusetts con. do Mass. State.. troops Massachusetts con. dodo do do do Mass. State troops Massachusetts, mil. New Hamp. State do Massachusetts mil. do do , do Massachusetts con. do July 26, Dec. 16, Ap'l 20, Ap'l 23, Aug. 8, Oct. 24, Sep. 6, 1833 1833 1833183318331833 1819 Mar. 12, 1334 July 2, 1819 Ap'l 20, 1833 Ap'l 12, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 July 22, 1834 Ap'l 20, 1833 May 4, 1833 July 19, 1833 Mar. 10, 1834 Ap'l 20, 1833 June 26, 1833 July 27, 1833 Nov. 29, 1819 Ap'l 20, 18,33 do 88 do 72 do 83 do 84 do 87 do 70 Ap'l 1, 1818 - Mar. 4, 1831 75 Apr. 1, 1618 78 Mar 4, 1831 78 do 70 . do 79 do 72 do ' 79 do 73 do. 77 do 77 do 71 do 72 do 74 Apr. 9, 1818 72 Mar. 4, 1831 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 ,- 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1332. No report yet received of payment made. CO Ox March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again Under act June 7, 1832. Died October 6, 1832. Statement, Sec. of Somerset county, Maine. .< en NAMES. Rank. Annual allowance. Sums re ceived. Description of ser vice. When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. toto < Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. James Adams David .Burgess Private do 52 32 137 06 156 96 Mass. State troops Massachusetts Con'J Nov. 4, 1833 Jan. 8, 1819^ Mar'. 4, 1881 Oct. 30, 1818 9072 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 " do Sep. 20, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Pensioned, again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet received of payment made. Died Nov. 11, 1832. Ebenezer Bessee do 40 00 120 00 do Feb. 8, 1833 do 81 Stephen Bacheldor - do 36 66 109 98 New Hamp. cont'l Aug. 8,1833 do 79 Samuel Briggs Humphrey Burrell - do Pri., &c. 20 00 96 00 60 00 601 33 Massachusetts con'l do Feb. 4, 1834 Jan. 26, 1819 do Ap'l 27, 1818 70 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Gun'r, pri. & cor. 101 00 - do .May 24, 1834 -Mar. 4, 1831 81 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Noah Bui-rill Sergeant 96 00 182 66 do Jan. 26, 1819 Ap'l 9, 1818 73 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 120 00 - do June 11, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. i Charles Church Private 96 00 179 20 do Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1&H?0. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Dec. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 72 Pensioned again under act June, 7, 1832. Daniel Collins do 96 00 179 46 Hew Hamp. cont'l Feb. 6, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 - March 1 8, 1 81 8. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 62 92 188 76 do Jan. 26, 1833 Mar."_ 4, 1831 76 Pensioned.again, act June 7, 1832. John Church Pri., drum'r — 39 84 99 60 Massachusetis mil. Feb, 8, 1833 do 81 ¦ Mallatiah Cobb Private 96 00 1382 4.0 Massachusetts con'l July 2, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 79 March 18, 1818. Dropped" from I the roll under act May 1, 1820. CO Oi Mallatiah Cobb Philemon Collins Enoch Childs William Carll oo Daniel Collins Do John Clark Do Seth Delano Do David DavisDo Samuel Emery Do John Evans 0 Benjamin Eaton Eliab Eaton Do Samuel Fogg Isaiah 'Foss Richard Fassett William Farrand John Greenleaf Do Sergeant 120 oo; Private do do do 36 66 26 66 26 66 96 00 Pr. & m'ne 50 00 Ensign 240 00 do 46 66 Sergeant 96 00 Ser. &cor. 101 82 Private 96 00 do 43 56 Sergeant 96 00 do .120 00 Private do Sergeant 30 00 72 30 96 00 Cer. & ser. 103 62 Pr.&.drum'r dododo Private 43 63 31 53 35 31 40 00 96 00 do 30 00 360. 00 109 98 75 82 79 93 179 46 150 00 462 00 185 06 305 46 36 53 108 90 179 73 360 00 75 00 180 75 182 93 259 05 130 89 94 59 105 93 120 00 179 20 90 00 do ,. . Massachusetts mil. dodo Rhode Island cont'l do New Hamp, cont'l do Massachusetts con'l do do do dodo Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con'l do Massachusetts mil. do do do Mass. Continental do July 23, 1833 July 19, 1833 do - Nov. 4, 1833 July 23, 1819 Aug. 4, 1833 Ap'l 10, 1819 Mar. 12, 1834 Mar. 5, 1819 July 23, 1833 Jan. 21, 1820 Sep. 26, 1833 Jan. 8, 1819 Jan. 11, 1833 Mar. 12, 1S33 May 18, 1833 Jan. 25, 1819 July 23, 1833 May 18, 1833 May 20, 1833 July 19, 1833 July 23, 1833 Jan. 28, 1819 Nov. 2, 1832 Mar. 4, 183J do , do; do Ap'l 31, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 1, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 30, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Nov. 17, 1819. Mar. 4, 1631 Ap'l 20, 1818 Mar. 4,1831 - . do . do Ap'l 8,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do do do Ap'l 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 18>1 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died January 7, 1834. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under acjt May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. No report yet received of payment made. Died Sept. 2, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1,820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March, 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act Kay 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedjrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned, again, under act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, i'833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. CO cn Statement, S>-e..of Somerset county — Continued. en Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for. NAMES. allow ceived. vice. oi the pen of pension. bu merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. < roll; and remarks. Joseph Goodwin Private 31 66 94 98 Massachusetts mil. Nov. 2, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 82 Daniel Gale do 96 00 179 46 Mass. continental Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 73 March 18, 1818. Dropped from --• the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Mar. 12,1833 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Pensioned again under act June 7, 18?2. Peter Gilman do 21 20 63 60 Massachusetts mil. May 3, 1833 do 80 William Hilton, 1st - do 96 00 179 20 Mass. continental Jan. 28, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 75 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Sep. 20, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. William Hilton, 2d - do 96 00 179 46 do June 5, 1819 Ap'l 21, 1818 '75 March 18, .1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pr.& marine 80 00 240 00 do Sep. 21, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 • 74 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Uriah Howard Private 40 Oft 120 00 N- II. 'State troops Jan 21, 1833 do 70 Jonathan Holt Pri. 8c ser. 80 75 143 32 Mass. continental July 22, 1833 do 79 Died December 12, 1832. Stephen Holman Private 23 97 71 91 Massachusetts mil. Ap'l 30, 1833 , do 76 Nimrod Hinds do 55 31 165 93 do July 19, 1833 do 76 Lemuel Howes do 36 20 108 60 do July 20, 1833 do 82 Tristram. 1 1 eard Corporal 22 00 66 00 N. H. State troops July 19, 1819 do 86 Josiah Hody Private 20 00 60 0U Massachusetts mil. July 24, 1833 do 72 Enoch Hall do 43 33 129 99 do Mar, 10, 1834 do 81 Peter Holbrook do 33 33 99 99 do May 24, 1834 do 82 David Jewitt do 23 33 69 99 do May 20, 1833 do 80 Enoch JacksOn Pri.& mar. 26 66 74 17 do Mar. 12, 1834 do 80 Died December 20, 1833. John Knowles Private 20 00 50 00 do May 14, 1833 do 82 Asa Long-ley do 96 00 182 66 Mass. continental Jan. 29, 1819 Ap'l. 9, 1818 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from . the roll under act May 1, 1820- Pensioned again under act June Do do 80 00 240 00 do July 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 72 - . -. .- 7, 1832. CO CO Nathaniel Lombard i. Do Samuel Lancy Joseph Maynard Do Tilly Mason - Edward Moody John Merrick Jonathan Nye Do Edmund Paiker Do Enoch Page Solomon Pratt Josiah Parker Do John Piper Nathan Paulin William Parker Joseph Russell James Ridgeway Benjamin Rose Amasa Stewart Do William Spalding Do Sergeant 96 00 Corporal 98 66 Private Sergeant 52 22 96 00 do Private do Pri. & cor. Private 120 00 20 00 53 33 91 10 96 00 Sergeant 120 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 Pri. & ser. Pri. & mat. Private 195 00 99 18 96 00 do 47 00 dodo do do Pr. & art. Private do 78 20 38 34 40 00 20 00 144 00 80 00 96 00 do 75 53 do 96 00 do 66 66 lira 00 295 98 156 66 179 19 360 00 50 00 133 33 225 00 1,382 40 360 00 179 46 240 00 328 08 91 74 - 179 40 141 00 234 60 107 03 120 00 50 00 432 00 182 66. 226 59 179 20 N. II. continental do Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental do Massachusetts mil. N. H. continental Mass. continental do dododo N. H. State troops Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental do Massachusetts mil. do do : do do Massachusetts cont. do do do do Jan. 29, 1319 Sep. 20, 1832 July 24, 1832 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 22, 1832 July 20,1833 July 24, 1833 May 23, 1834 Jan. 28, 1819 Jan. 10, 1833 Jan. 28, 1819 Aug. 2, 1832 Nov. 2,1832 July 19, 1833 July 15, 1819 July 23, 1833 do Nov. 1, 1833 July 24, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 Nov. 4, 1833 May 24, 1831 Feb. 1, 1819 July 22, 1833 Ftb. 1, 1819, Mar. 10, 1834 Ap'l 9,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do Ap'l 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo do Ap'l 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 23, 1818 Mar. 4. 1831 do do ' May 12, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dododo do ,. dodo Ap'l 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 23, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 March 18, 1813, Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned: again- under act June 7,1832. ¦-.,7- --, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under aot May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died November 22, 1832. Died February 6, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Die.d December-13, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under aetMay 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet receiv ed of payment made. - COCO r t Statement, Sec. of Somerset county — Continued. en Samuel Spraguo Do Josiah Spauldirig Do George Sawyer Rufus Sanderson Ichabod Simmons Daniel Steward Jonathan Smith Luke Sawyer Matthew N, Sanborn Do William Towb Jonathan True Obadiah Wetherill Do Phinehas Whitney Simpson White Jacob Whitney Ezra Willard Silas Wood Thomas Wilbur Benjamin Young William Yqjitifc^L, 'T r Rank. Private dodo do Pr. & Ber. Private do do Sergeant Private do Sergeant Private do Lieut. do Private do do do & cor. dododo Pr. Annual allow ance. 96 00 • 80 00 96 00 46 66 98 33 36 66 36 98 33 33 91 87 33 33 96 00 120 00 40 00 48 75 240 00 320 00 43 33 63 23 30 00 36 66 57 10 33 33 33 33 33 33 Sums re ceived. 179 20 200 00 422 67 139 98 294 99 109 98 68 69 99 99 209 47 99 99 179 46 120 00 146 25 448 66 960 00 73 42 189 99 90 00 109 98 171 30 99 99 99 99 99 99 Description of ser vice. ¦ Massachusetts con. dodododo Massachusetts mil. ' Massachusetts cont do. Massachusetts mil. do N. Hampshire cont. do Massachusetts cont. Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont do Massachusetts mil- Massachusetts coat. Massachusetts mil, at do Conn. St. troops Massachusetts mil. do When placed Commencement on the pen of pension. sion roll. Feb. 1, 1819 Ap'l 23, 1818 Oct. 22, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 Feb. 1, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1818 Jan. 21, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 25, 1833 do Ap'l 30, 1833 do May 18, 1833 do July 20, 1833 do July 24, 1833 do Aug. 5, 1833 do Jan. 8, 1819 Ap'l 22, 1818 Mar. 12, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 30, 1833 do July 20, 1833 do Jan. 8, 1819 Apr. 22, 1818 Aug. 2, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 Jan. 21, 1833 do Mar. 12, 1833 do Ap'l 26, 1833 do July 19^1833 do July 20, 1833 do Dec. 16, 1833 do May 24, 1834 do do do Laws under which they were for- merly inscribed on the pension » » roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. Died January 12, 1833* Died June 14, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,' 1832. No'report yet receiv ed of payment made. March 18 , 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. Died November 13, 1832. O ' V*«S&5'»^ ¦"^rr ?--*p£*r j^assi^ :¦ Statement, fye. of Waldo county, Maine. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement Laws under which they were for NAMES, allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. be < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Benjamin Ayer Private 96 00 757 10 Massachusetts con . Jan. 8, 1819 May 23, 1818 70 March IS, 1818. Dropped from the roll, under act May 1, 1820. Benjamin Ayer Musician 27 62 82 86 do Dec. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Benjamin Barton Captain 240 00 780 00 Rhode Island con. Dec. 14, 1830 Dec. 11, 1830 75 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 480 00 1440 00 do Aug. 23, 1832 Mar. 4,|1831 94 Pensioned again under act June 7,]1832. Matthew Beveridge - Private 20 00 50 00 Massachusetts mil. July 23, 1833 do 68 Abner Bicknell do 72 10 206 25 do Aug. 15, 1833 do 70 John Calderwood Marine 40 00 120 00 Continental navy- Apr. 8, 1833 do 81 Ebenezer Colburn - Private 86 21 108 62 Massachusetts St.tr. June 20, 1833 do 73 " Joseph Churchill do 40 00 120 00 Massachusetts mil. Aug. 1, 1833 do 73 Pelutiah Carthill do 40 00 120 00 Massachusetts St.tr. Aug. 3, 1833 do 87 Joseph Carl Joseph Crary - do 26 66 66 65 Massachusetts mil. Aug. 8, 1833 •do 81 Sergeant 96 00 182 40 Massachusetts con. June 8,1820 April 10, 1818 78 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pri. & ser. 70 00 210 00 do Sep. 28,1833 Mar. 4, 1831 78 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. ; Judah Covall do 43 33 129 99 Massachusetts mil. Nov. 5, 1833 do 76 David Caryell - do 75 00 - do July 24, 1834 do 80 No report yet received of pay ment made. Lemuel Dillingham - Seaman 30 00 '90 00 Continental navy April 25, 1833 do 76 John Dean Pri. cor. & matross 64 30 192 90 Massachusetts con. May 3, 1833 do 73 Cyrus Davis Pri. & ser. 32 12 96 36 Massachusetts mil. . do ¦ do 83 John Dwelly Seaman 28 00 84 00 ,. .do , Sep. 25, 1833 do 68 Asa Edmonds Pri. & ser. 108 00 324 00 Massachusetts con. Feb. 7,1833 do 77 Isaac Flagg Private 46 66 139 98 N. Hampshire con. Aug. 1, 1833 do 86 Silas Fay Pri. & cor. 42 66 127 98 Massachusetts con- Aug. 3, 1833 do 84 Ot t_J State77ient, S,*c. of Waldo county — Continued . Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement oi Laws under which they were for IS AMES. allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. roll} and remarks. Andrew Gledden Pri. & ser. 45 00 135 00 Massachusetts con. May 3, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 84 David Gregg - Cor. & ser. 117 33 351 99 Massachusetts St.tr. July 20, 1833 do 82 William Groat Private 46 66 139 98 Massachusetts con. Aug. 15,1833 do 80 Nathaniel Gettchell - do 46 77 - Massachusetts mil. Sept. 12,1833 do 72 No report yet received of payment made. . - No report yet received of payment made, March 18, 1818. Dropped from Jonathan Gilman do 39 33 - N. Hampshire con. July 8, ,1834 do 84 Samuel Houston do 96 00 183 46 do July 21, 1819 April- 6, 1818 81 - the roll under act Mayl, 1820. Do Cor. of art. 120 00 360 00 do Dec. 21, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 81 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. -Walter Hatch - do 98 12 294 36 Massachusetts mil. Apr. 17, 1832 do 75 Sylvanus Hatch Private 26 07 65 17 Massachusetts con ¦ May 18, 1832 do 74: Seth Harding - do 72 09 216 27 Massachusetts mil. July 19, 1832 do 80 Isaac Hall Pri. & cor. 83 00 249 00 Massachusetts con . Aug. 17, 1832 do 77 Stephen Kelly - Private 32 31 80 78 Massachusetts mil. July 20, 1833 do 92 Chever Kendall Pri. & ser. 97 22 291 66 MassachusettsSt.tr. Nov. H, 1833 do 79 John Lang Private 20 00 46 23 N. Hampshire mil. July 20, 1833 do 81 Died June 26, 1833. Isaac MayO do 40 00 120 00 Massachusetts con. Jan. 23, 1833 do 76 James M'Lure Ser. & l't 113 33 339 99 N. Hampshire con. Apr. 15, 1833 do 81 William Michals Private 27 42 82 26 Massachusetts mil. Apr. 29, 1833 do 71 Titus Metcalf do 80 00 240 00 Massachusetts St.tr. Aug. 5, 1833 do 80 John Mulliken John Nason do 20 00 60 00 Massachusetts mil . Oct, 24, 1833 do 72 do 40 00 - do May 13, 1834 do 74 No report yet received of pay ment made. s Josiah Parker do 44 33 132 99 Massachusetts con. July 20, 1833 do 75 James Piltchard do 20 00 60 00 do Mar. 10, 1334 do 75 Natlian Page do 20 00 60 00 ; do Mar. 14, 1833 do 71 William Philbrook • do 43 33 • Massachusetts St.tr. May 24, 1834 do 75 No report yet received of payment made. to Jonathan Richards Moses Robinson Joseph Roberts Do John Savteli Ephraim Sheldon Benjamin Smith Libbeus Simmons Joseph Sherman Andrew Tylor Do Simeon Tyler , Samuel Triyett Jonathan Welson John Wade do SergeantPrivate 20 00 65 00 96 00 do 76 66 r dodO Pri. & ser. Private do do 32 08 20 00 83 33 34 75 23 33 96 00 Ser. & cor. 90 66 Pri. & ser. Private do do 91 66 43 33 20 00 53 33 60 00 195 00 182.93 229 98 96 24 60 00 249 99 104 25 69 99 182 66 271 98 274 98 129 99 42 19 " Massachusetts mil:. do Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con. do Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con. • do Oct. 24, 1833 Nov. 11, 1833 July 21, 1819 Ap'l 10, 1834 July 23, 1833 July 22, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 Aug. 8, 1833 Dec. 2, 1833 Ap'l 8, 1819 Aug. 9, 1S32 Ap'l 25, 1833 May 17, 1833 Dec. 18, 1833 June 18^ r834 do do Ap'l 9,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do dodo do Ap'l 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodododo 7378 7578 75 707885 77 84 84 79 7772 79 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died April 13, 1833. No report yet received of pay ment made. S3CO en 06, Statement, Sec. of Washi7igton cowity, Maine. en Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement! oi Laws under which they were for- IfAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bo < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. London Atys Pri. of art') 100 00 300 00 Mass. State troops April 11, 1833 Mar. 4,1831 , - William Abbree Lieut. 400 00 1 ,200 00 Continental navy April 8, 1833 do 87 Jonathan Barry Private 36 66 109 98 Massachusetts mil. do do 78 - John Bryant Pri. of art'y 100 00 300 00 do April 11, 1833 do 69 Peter Colbeth do 50 00 125 00 do April 11, 1833 do 83 Richard Collins Private 40 00 100 00 Massachusetts con. Nov. 5, 1833 do 81 Obed Dunbar do 35 63 106 89 Massachusetts mil. May 16, 1833 do 90 . Gamaliel Demons do 80 00 240 00 Massachusetts con. July 30, 1833 do 80 Abiah Damans Pri. of art'y 100 00 300 00 Mass. State troops Sep. 7, 1833 do 73 Lewis F. Delesdernier Lieut. 320 00 960 00 do Dec. 27, 1813 do 82 Nezer Dallly Private 53 33 159 99 Massachusetts mil. Aug. 2, 1833 "do 72 Gideon Dean do 63 33 189 99 do April 10, 1834 do 77 Joseph Gettchell Pri. of art'y 100 00 300 00 Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil. July 23, 1833 do 77 John Gibson Private 50 00 - Dec. 5, 1§33 do 71 No report yet received of payment made. Zadock Hearsay do 46 66 139 98 do Aug. 3, 1833 do 83 Nicholas Hawawas - Lieut. 320 00 - Mass. State troops Aug. 10, 1833 do 90 No report yet received of payment made. Ebenezer Ingbe Private 40 98 122 94 Massachusetts con. May 16, 1833 do 70 John Johnston do 80 00 240 00 N. Y. State troops July 31, 1833 - do 92 Joseph Leighton do 80 00 240 00 Massachusetts mil. Jan. 8, 1833 do 80 Josiah Libbey Pri. of art'y 100 00 300 00 Mass. State April 11, 1833 do 79 David Libbey do 100 00 250 00 do April 19, 1833 do 79 - Joseph Libbey Private 25 53 - Massachusetts con. July 22, 1834 do 86 No report yet received of payment made. George Peck Cap. & l't colonel 460 00 1,380 00 R. I. State troops Aug. 30, 1833 do 96 Alexander Patterson - Private 28 21 84 63 Massachusetts mil. Feb. 5, 1834 do 81 Dominicus Rummery do 96 00 175 20 Massachusetts con. June 28, 1819 May 7, 1813 70 1 March 18 , 1818. Dropped from I | | the roll under act May 1, 1820. Mat Do Pri. of art'y 100 00 300 00 do Sep. 24, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Samuel Runnells Sergeant 120 00 300 00 Mass. State . April 11, 1833 do 83 , Ebenezer Rumsdell - Private 20 00 60 00 Massachusetts con. Dec. 16, 1833 do 74 Ashbell Rice do 33 44 100 32 do Feb. 4, 1834 do 79 5 Nathaniel Stanley Corporal 22 66 68 88 Massachusetts mil. July 24, 1833 do 79 Daniel Smith Private 80 00 240 00 Mass. State troops Sep. 26, 1833 do 72 Benjamin Sanborn - do 96 00 183 19 New Hamp. cont'l June 28, 1819 April 7, 1818 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 200 00 do Oct. 24, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 - Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, Daniel Small do 36 19 108 57 Massachusetts con. Feb. 4, 1834 do 78 f Do do 23 33 - Massachusetts mil. July 22, 1834 do 78 No report yet received of payment ma.dc> Samuel Tuttle Ser. & l't 311 66 934 98 Mass. State troops April 6,1833 do 80 0\ State77ient, Secof York county, Maine. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement a Laws under which they were for NAMES. allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. bs> < merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Jacob Allen , 2d Private 96 00 171 73 N. H. continental Sep. IS, 1819 May 20, 1818 75 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 66 66 199 98 do Aug. 11, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. John Abbott do 96 00 185 00 Mass. continental Mar. 16, 1819 Mar. 30, 1818 76 Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 11, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 76 William Andrews do 96 00 178 03 R. I. continental Mar. 9, 1819 Ap'l 23,1818 79 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pri. & ser. 90 00 270 00 do Sep. 19, 1832 do 79 Pensioned again under act June » 7, 1832. John Allen Pri. &cor. 42 52 127 56 N. H. State troops Oct. 30, 1832 do 76 Daniel Abbott Private 96 00 462 66 Mass. continental Mar. 22, 1819 May 9, 1818 86 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 66 66 199 98 do Ap'l 15, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 86 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1332. Stephen Aunes Pri. & ser. 36 66 109 98 N. H. State troops May 23, 183 do 79 Barsham Allen Private 63 33 189 99 do July 30, 1833 do 72 Simeon Applebee"' - Marine 96 00 177 86 Continental navy June 2, 1819 April 2, 1818 74 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do. Pri.St mar. 80 00 200 00 do Sep. 22, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 74 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. John Bourne Private 41 66 124 98 Mass. militia Ap'l 17, 1833 do 74 Solomon Brooks do 47 75 143 25 Mass. continental do do 80 Robert Bradan do 43 33 79 43 Mass. State troops do do 89 Died January 4, 1833. John Brown do 22 85 68 55 do May 18, 1833 do 77 Henry B.eedle do 36 66 109 98 do Oct. 18, 1832 do 75 Jeremiah Bettis do 96 00 169 3? Mass. continental Jan. 23, 1819 May 29, 1818 71 March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do Pri. & ser. 120 00 360 00 do Oct. 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 71 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. CTI OJ Najjhanie-f Butler Jesse Butland Joshua Bracket Elijah Boston Do Thomas Boston Do John Burbank Do Jonathan Berry William Beckford Aaron Booker Robert Benson Jpshua Bracket William BroOkB James Brown James Buzzell Shebruel Boston Josiah Black John Bragdon Ephraim Clark- Do Eli Cole Do Josiah Clark Private do do do 26 66 1 40 00 26 66 . 96 00 do 66 66 do 96 00 do 75 86 Mariner 96 00 Ser.& mas. at arms 120 00 Private dodo Drummer Private 26 66 45 40 20 00 58 66 26 66 dodo Drummer PriYate dodo Mariner 26 66 23 33 29 33 20 00 80 00 26 66 96 00 do 36 07 Private' 96 00 do 50 00 do 96 00 I 79 98 120 00 79 98 182 93 160 53 227 58 162 66 360 00 79 98 136 20 60 00 136 33 79 98 69 98 87 99 60 00 240 00 79 98 174 93 108 21 J81 33 89 11 178 94 Mass. militia dodo Mass. continental do do do Mass. State navy Mass. State troops Mass. continental Mass. militia Mass, continental Mass. militia Mass. State troops Mass, militia Mass. continental Mass. militia do Mass. State troops Mass. continental Continental navy do Mass. continental do N. H continental Oct. 30, 1832 .» do Nov. 2, 1832 July 23, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Mar. 15, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Mar. 9, 1819 Mar. 14, 1834 Jan. 7, 1833 July 21, 1833 July 27, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 do Sep. 18, 1833 Sep. 26, 1833 Sep. 27, 1833 Nov. 2, 1833 Nov. 5, 1833 Ap'l 30, 1833 Sep. 14, 1319 July 23, 1832 Jan. 23, 1819 Sep. 12, 1832 Mar. 20, 1819 do 76 do 77 do 72 Ap'l 8, 1818 81 Mar. 4, 1831 81 July 2, 1818 74 Mar. 4, 1831 74 June 24, 1818 83 Mai- 4, 1831 83 do 78 do 72 do 80 do 79 do 76 do 79 do 74 do 76 do 78 do 84 do 71 d:> 78 Mar. 4; 1831 78 Ap'l 19, 1818 74 Mar. 4, 1831 74 Ap'l 23, 1818 - March 18,1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet rec'd of payment made. March 13, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died July 1,1833. No report yet received of payment made. March 18, the roll Pensioned 7, 1832, March 18 the roll Pensioned 7, 1832 March 18, the roll 1818. Dropped from under act May 1, 1820. again under act Juno , 1818. Dropped from under act May 1, 1820. again under act June Died Dec. 16, 1832. 1818. Dropped from under act May 1, 1820. «4 Ot Statement, $c. of York county — Continued. Rank. 3 Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed C ommencement m Laws under which they were for Names. allow ceived. vice. on the pen of pension. W> merly inscribed on the pension ance. sion roll. < roll; and remarks. Josiah Clark Private 46 66 139 98 N. H. continental Sep. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Pensioned again under act June 7. 1832. Abraham Currier do 40 00 120 00 Mass. continental Oct. 24, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Josiah Colcord do 33 33 99 99 N. H. continental Nov. 2, 1832 do 79 Isaac Coffin do 33 33 99 99 Mass. militia Nov. 28, 1832 do 78 Northend Cogswell - do 20 00 40 00 do Mar. 9, 1833 do 72 John Clark do 60 00 150 00 Mass. State troops Mar. 13, 1833 do 79 Nathaniel Cousins Lt.cor.&c. 268 92 387 47 do July 6, 1833 do 89 Died August 13, 1832. William Clark Private 26 66 79 98 N. H; militia July 15, 1833 do 82 Isaac Chick do 40 00 120 00 Mass. militia July 27, 1833 do 74 James Carlisle do 20 00 40 00 do do do 76 Cummon Chadbourne do 36 66 109 98 do July 30, 1833 do 79 Ebenezer Colby do 20 00 60 00 N. H. State troops do do 74 Ebenezer Clark do 26 66 66 65 Mass. militia Aug. 3, 1833 do 82 John Carle do 300 0 76 31 Mass. continental Aug. 5, 1833 do 75 Simeon Chadboume - Sergeant 65 00 166 00 Mass. militia Aug. 8, 1833 do 84 Charles G. Clark Private 22 00 - do Dec. 15, 1833 dp 70 No report yet received of pay ment made. Thomas Carpenter - do 20 00 60 00 N. H. State troops May 27, 1S33 do 71 Samuel Grafts do 20 77 62 31 Mass. militia do do 72 Isaac Dyer do 96 00 94 94 Mass. continental July 21, 1819 May 6,1818 74 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820, . Do Pr. of artil. 87 50 262 50 do Aug. 28, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 74 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from Thomas Davis, 1st - Private 96 00 177 33 do Jan. 26, 1819 Apr. 29, 1818 74 the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 30 00 75 00 - do Oct. 1, 1819 do 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. * Jonathan Dame Pri. & cor. 86 00 258 00 Mass. militia Apr. 9,1819 do 83 David Durrell Sergeant 100 00 91 S 05 TMIftrjt Sl"lt*» trp-i-tp An" IT IP'S do 87 Died Mav 9. 1833. Cft 00 John Dilrgen Israel Dorman Do Joseph Dennett Do Moses Deshon Josiah Davis Paul Downs Do Robert Davis Gibeon Elden Gibeon Elden James Emery Richard Edgerly Pendleton Emmons William Eaton Do Daniel Eastman Isaac Emery Benjamin Evans Samuel Edwards Job Emery Do Samuel Emerson James Emery Jacob Fisher Do Private do 30 00 96 00 do 70 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 dododo 26 66 76 66 96 00 do 56 67 do do do dodo do Sergeant 45 42 96 00 46 66 26 66 28 52 26 66 96 00 do 120" 00 Private do Pri. of art. Artificer Private 56 66 30. 00 46 72 54 00 96 00 do 71 31 Fifer & fife major Private do 57 21 66 66 96 00 do 80 00 90 00 182 92 210 00 179 46 240 00 79 98 229 98 118 53 170 01 136 26 179 20 139 98 79 98 71 30 79 98 182 93 360 00 169 98 90 00 140 16 162 00 182 66 99 80 173 63 199 98 182 39 240 00 Mass, continental do dododo militia do Mass, continental do Mass. State troops Mass, continental do Massachusetts mil. N. H. militia Massachusetts mil. Mass. continental do Massachusetts mil. do do Mass. State troops Mass. continental do N. H. State troops Mass. continental do do Ap'l 13, 1832 May 6, 1819 Apr. 16, 1832 June 5, 1819 Apr. 16, 1832 July 24, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 July 19,1819 Sep. 27, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 May 11, 1819 Aug. 17, 1832 Oct. 24, 1832 Oct. 30, 1832 do Jan. 25, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Mar. 13, 1832 Apr. 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 do May 6, 1819 Ap'l 16, 1833 July 30, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 Mar. 30, 1819 Aug. 2, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 9, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 21, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do Sep. 2, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do Apr. 22, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do dodo Apr. 8,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo dodo Apr. 9,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo Apr. 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 183f 84 92 92 79 79 7184 77777473 70 85 89 78 787877 84 82 87 87 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May I, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again undn- act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Died July 27, 1832. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died September 12, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. Ot Statement, Qc. of York cou7ity — Continued. Rank. Annual Sums re Description of ser When placed Commencement a Laws under which they were for NAMES . allow ance. ceived. vice. on the pen sion roll. of pension. be merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Elias Fosse Private 96 00 178 66 Mass. continental Jan. 23, 1819 Apr. 24, 1818 68 March 18, 1813. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 80 00 240 00 do Aug. 3, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 68 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Elliott Frost do 96 00 184 80 do Mar. 30, 1819 Apr. 1, 1818 73 Do do 80 00 240 00 do Oct. 27, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Hercules Fernald do 36 66 73 32 do Mar. 25. 1833 do 84 Benan Foster do 100 00 300 00 . Mass. State troops May 15, 1833 do 74 William French do 20 65 61 95 Mass. militia May 17, 1833 do 72 Moses Folsom do 23 33 6&99 N. H. State troops Ap'l 19, 1833 do 82 Caleb Ford do 36 66 109 98 Mass. militia July 27, 1833 do 79 Abner Fisk " Pr. & serg. 41 66 124 98 do Aug. 1, 1833 do 78 Ralph Furnham do 61 66 184 93 do Aug. 2, 1833 do 78 Dennis Fernald Private 50 00 150 00 do Aug. 8, 1833 do 76 Moses Foy do 20 00 60 00 do Dec. 28, 1833 do 74 John Foss Simeon Goodwin CorporalPrivate 29 33 96 00 87 99 199 46 do Mass. continental Aug. 1, 1833 June 3, 1819 do Feb. 6, 1818 84 71 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 55 74 166 22 do Mar. 14, 1833 Mar. 4, 1831 71 Pensioned again under act June.7, 1832. Nathaniel Gillpatrick - James Gillpatrick do do 33 33 96 00 99 99 182 46 do do Oct. 24, 1832 May 6, 1819 do Apr. 9, 1818 73 75 March 18, 1318. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 71 66 214 98 do Oct. 25, 1832 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from William Grant do 96 00 661 06 N. H. continental Jan. 29, 18 19 Apr. 15,1818 m the roll underact May 1, 1820. Do do 26 66 79 9,8 do Oct. 30, 1832 Mar. 4,1831 78 Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. CJl OjO Joseph Gillpatrick -':¦-? Do Alexander Gould Do Adam Goodwin Do Reuben Goodwin Do Benjamin Gowell Amos Goodwill Joshua Gillpatrick Benjamin Goodwin Josiah Gunnison Timothy Gerrish Silas Grant David Gdogins Peter Grant Jedediah'Gooch Do Amaziah Goodwin John Grace William Harvey Do Benjamin Horn Samuel Hatch Daniel Huff Dudley Hilton do 96 00 do 80 00 Manner 96 00 Seaman 88 00 Private 96 00 do 36 66 do 96 00 do SO 00 do 30 00 do 23 33 do 34 97 do 76 66 do 60 00 Pr. & sea. 89 50 Private 26 66 do 28 33 do 26 67 do 96 00 do 71 31 do 38 33 do 30 00 Sergeant 96 00 Private 80 00 do 22 54 do 26 66 do 30 00 do 40 86 182 46 240 00 184 80 264 00 161 86 109 98 183 20 240 00 90 00 69 99 104 91 229 98 180 00 223 75 79 98 80 01 182 46 104 75 114 99 90 00 167 46 240 00 67 62 79 98 90 00 - Mass. continental do Continental navy- do Mass. continental do do do Mass. militia do do Mass. State troops do do Mass. militia N. H. militia Mass. continental do do N. H. continental Mass. State troops Mass. continental do N. H. continental ' Mass. militia dodo Jan. 25, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 May 5, 1819 Sep. 26, 1833 Mar. 26, 1819 Dec. 27, 1832 July 29, 1819 Mai;. 25, 1833 do Ap'l 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 May 15, ,1833 Aug. 8, 1833 Sep. 20, 1833 Dec. 20, 1833 July ' 8, 1834 Sep. 26, 1833 May 6, 1819 June 27, 1833 July 15, 1833 Sep. 2, 1833 Mar. 26, 1819 Oct. 8, 1832 Oct. 30, 1832 dodo Dec. 1 , 1832 Apr. 9, 1818 70. do 70 Ap'l 1, 1818 82 Mar. 4, 1831 82 June 27, 1818 76 Mar. 4, 1831 76 Ap'l 7, 1818 72 do 72 do 84 do 79 do 76 do 80 do 74 do 70 do 81 do 74 do 77 Ap'l 9, 1818 81 Mar. 4, 1831 81 do 75 do 73 June 6, 1818 74 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do 81 do 73 do 81 do 81 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, Or March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1332. Died Aug. 22, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820 ' Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. ' I OtI— • I* Statement, Sec. of York county — Continued. Edmond Hammonds Edward Hilton Do Ebenezer Hilton Do John Heart David Hatch Israel Huft1 John Huff Joel Harmon • Ezekiel Hatch . Roger; Hammond Walter Hayens John Hamilton Joseph Hilton Do David Horsum Do Samuel Horsum Jonathan Hubbard Caleb Hopkinson Samuel Hasty Rank. Private dodo do dodododo do dodo dododo dodo do Pri. & mar. Pri. & sea. Private do Pri. & ser. Annual allow ance. 50 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 80 00 60 00 40 00 33 33 80 00 36 66 80 00 63 33 26 66 40 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 84 00 60 66 20 00 20 45 57 78 Sums re ceived. 150 00 183 47 171 83 527 46 111 07 180 00 120 00 99 99 240 00 109 98 240 00 189 99 79 98 120 00 182 93 240 00 184 00 252 00 181 98 60 00 61 35 173 34 Description of ser vice. Mass. State troops Mass. continental do do do Mass. militia do do do do Mass. State troops do Mass. militia do Mass. continental do N. H. continental, do N. H. State troops Mass. militia dodo When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. Dec. 12, 1832 Mar. 15; 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Jan. 22, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Mar. 27, 1833 Apr. 13, 1833 do Apr. 15, 1833 Apr. 29, 1833 May 16, 1833 May 18, 1833 July 23, 1833 do June 9, 1819 July 23, 1833 Mar. 26, 1819 July 31, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 do Sep. 26, 1833 Dec. 24, 1833 Mar. 4, April 7, Mar. 4, Apr. 8, Mar. 4, do do do do dodo do dodo April 3, Mar. 4, April 4, Mar. 4,. do do dodo 1831 1818 18311818.1831 1818183118181831 8369 697068 79 70 797472 79 74 79 74 81 81 7474 73 87 91 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. Died Apr. 27, 1833. Mar. 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. ' Pensioned again under act June 7, 1833. Died July 23, 1832. Mar. 18,1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Mar. 18, 1818, Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. David Hall Richard Hubbard Jonathan Hosum Joseph Haley Samuel M. Jefferd - g Noah Jewitt Benjamin Kimball do Privat* dado do do do 100 00 40 00 46 66 80 00 26 66 36 40 96 00 300 00 120 00 139 98 200 00 79 98 109 20 182 93 Mass, State troops do do Mass. militia Mass. State troops Mass. continental do Do do 60 00 180 00 do Jonathan Knight do 96 00 - do Do do 53 33 159 99 do Timothy Kennard Francis Libby - do do 40 00 96 00 120 00- 175 46 do do Do do 80 00 240 00 do Joseph Le.wis do 96 00 181 60 do Do do 74 42 223 26 do William Libby do 96 00 179 73 do Do do 80 00 240 00 do William Leavitt do 96 00 148 26 N. H. continental Do ". do 80 00 200 00 do Nathan Lord do 96 00 183 19 Mass, continental- Do do 80 00 218 19 do Richard Lord do 96 00 181 06 do DO do 80 00 38 46 do Dominicus Lord do 30 00 90 00 Mass. militia Aug. 14, 1833 Sep. 28, 1833 Oct. 24, 1833 June 4, 1833 Apr. 13, 1833 Apr. 15, 1833 July 23, 1819 bet. 22, 1832 Jan. 21, 1819 Nov. 15, 1832 Sep. 18, 1833 Jan. 21, 1819- Aug. 3, 1832 Sep. 14, 1819 Aug. 17, 1832 Jan. 23, 1819 Aug. 22, 1832 May 11, 1819 Sep. 28, 1832 Mar. 26, 1819 Sep. 28, 1832 Mar. 16, 1819 Sep. 28, 1832 Oct. 24, 1832 Apr. do dodo dodo do 8, 1818 817476 75 ,71 76 83 Mar. 4, 1831 83 Apr. 13, 1818 72 Mar. 4, 1831 72 May do 6, 1818 78 83 Mar. 4,1831 83 Apr. 13, 1818 70 Mar. 4, 1831 70 Apr, 20, 1818 80 Mar. 4, 1831. 84 Aug. 18, 1818 83 Mar. 4, 1831 83 Apr. 7, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 77 Apr. 15, 1818 77 Mar. 4, 1831 77 do 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under .act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. _ March 18, 1818. Dropped from or the roll under act May 1, 1820. OS Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 182a. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Nov. 26, 1833. __ March 18, 1818. Dropped from *^ the roll under act May 1, 1820. Cn Pensioned again under act June 7, . •¦" 1832. Died Aug. 25, 1833. *• Slateme7it, Sec. of York county — Continued. Robert -Libby Harvey Libby Do Daniel Littlefield Do Benjamin Littlefield, 1st Benjamin Littlefield 2d Samuel Lord Nathaniel Libby Do Royall Lincoln Ichabod Lord -Do James Libbey Isaac Lane David Littlefield George Libby David Legro Ephraim Littlefield - Isaac Libby Rank. Annual allow ance. Private 26 66 do 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 40 00 do 33 33 do 30 00 do 20 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 Bombard'r & seaman 133 94 Private 96 00 do 80 00 do 40 00 Pr. & fifer 83 35 Private 36 66 do 40 00 do 33 33 do 26 66 do 26 67 Sums re ceived . 79 98 178 73 240 00 176 80 120 00 99 99 90 00 60 00 240 00 240 00 52 09 166 70 73 32 120 00 99 99 79 98 80 01 Description of ser vice, Mass. militia Mass. continental do do do Mass. State do N. H. State troops Mass. continental do Mass. militia Mass. continental dodo Mass. militia Mass. continental Mass. State troops Mass. militia dodo When placed on the pen sion roll. Oct. Sep. Oct. July Oct. Oct. Nov.Mar.May 26, 1832 14, 1819 27, 1832 23, 1819 27, 1832 30, 1832 28, 1832 9, 1833 11, 1819 Apr. 6, 1833 Apr. 15, 1833 Mar. 30, 1819 Apr. 17, 1833 Apr. 19, 1833 May 10, 1833 July 30, 1833 Sep. 26, 1833 Feb. 10, 1834 Apr. 12, 1834 Oct. 7, 1833 Commencement of pension. Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 24, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 May 1, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do dodo May 10,1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do June 3, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do dododododo do 73 80 80 76 76 9076 747171 79 79 797271 73 74 74 82 70 Oi - I—* : ^ Laws under which they werfe for- , , merly inscribed on the pension -roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1813. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. No report yet received of payment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 182Q. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died June 22, 1832, Oi ifc Samuel Larrabee James Morrison Do Samuel Merrill Simeon Moulton Do Thomas Murphy Do Abel Merriil Daniel Moulton Jacob Merrill James March Phineas Mclntyre Do Lemuel Miller Do David Moulton Stephen Marsh Thomas Manson David Marston Amos Main William Murray Jonathan Nock Do Mark Nowell Do do do 26 66 96 00 do 76 66 dodo 33 33 96 00 do 80 00 Mariner 96 00 Private 88 00 Pr. 8c mus. Private do do do 54 00 26 66 68 85 23 33 96 00 do 40 00 Lieutenant 240 00 do 320 00 Pri. 8c ser. Private do do Sergeant Private do 53 33 22 31 20 55 56 66 45 00 46 66 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 Pri. & mus'n 82 00 79 98 174 13 229 98 83 33 179 46 240 00 182 93 264 00 162 00 79 98 206 55 69 99 178 93 120 00 960 00 159 99 66 93 61 65 169 93 135 00 117 96 181 06 240 00 181 06 246 00 do N. H. continental do Mass. continental N. II. continental do Continental navy do 4 Mass. State troops Mass. continental do Mass. militia Mass. continental do Massachusetts con'l do N. Hampshire con'l N. H. State troops Massachusetts mil. N. Hampshire con'l Massachusetts con'l do N. Hampshire con'l do Massachusetts con'l do May 19, 1834 July 23, 1819 Oct. 6, 1832 Oct. 27, 1832 Jan. 23, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 July 23, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Oct. 30, 1832 Apr. 17, 1832 Apr. 17, 1833 Apr. 25, 1833 Jan. 8, 1819 Feb. 6, 1833 Jan. 25, 1819 May 20, 1833 July 24, 1833 Aug. 2, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 do Nov. 11, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 June 9, 1819 Aug. 9, 1832 June 9, 1819 Ap'l 18, 1833 do May 11, Mar. 4, do Apr. 21, Mar. 4, Apr. 8, Mar. 4, dodo do do Apr. 23, Mar. 4, Ap'l 8, Mar. 4, dododo do do do Ap'l 15, Mar. 4, Ap'l 15, Mar. 4, 1818 8581 1831 81 1818 80 73 1831 73 1818 78 1831 78 1818 78 Si 75 73 82 1831 82 1818 84 1831 84 1818 80 74 86 78 84 7576 1831 76 1818 - 1831 72 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped frorrl the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died September 14, 1833, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. OtOt Ox ifc [ Statement, Sec. of York coimty — Continued. o* Rank. Annual allow ance. Private 96 00 do 80 00 do 50 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 Artificer 105 00 Pri. & mar. 42 21 Private 96 00 Fifer 88 00 Private 96 00 do 80 00 do 30 00 do 96 00 do 30 00 do 20 53 do 46 66 do 96 00 do 66 66 do 96 00 Sums re ceived. Description of ser vice. When placed on the pen sion roll. Commencement of pension. Laws under which they were for- i , merly inscribed on the pension roll ; and remarks. Edward Nason Do Walter Neal George Newbegin Do Samuel Norton Stephen Noble James Osborn Do John O'Brien Do Benjamin Pierce Benjamin Penny Do Zebulon Pease Pelatiah Perkins Norton Philips Do Samuel Pray 182 93 240 00 100 00 172 80 240 00 207 13 126 63 182 66 264 00 172 53 240 00 90 00 182 40 90 00 61 59 138 98 178 93 199 98 180 53 Massachusetts cont do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l do Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil. Masachusetts con'l dododo Mass. State troops Massachusetts con'l do Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts con'l do do Sep. 16, 1818 Oct. 26, 1832 Nov,28, 1832 June 9, 1819 Dec. 15, 1819 Jan. 14, 1834 Mar. 7, 1834 Jan. 25, 1819 Oct. 4, 1832 June 26, 1819 ,Dec. 27, 1833 Oct. 23, 1832 Mar. 30, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Dec. 1, 1832 Apr. 13, 1833 June 21, 1819 Apr. 17, 1833 May 16, 1819 Ap'l 8, Mar. 4, do May 16, Mar, 4, do do April 9, Mar. 4, June 17, Mar. 4, do Ap'l 10, 181818311818 1831 1818 1831 1818 1831 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do Ap'l 23, Mar. 4, Apr. 18, 1818 1831 1818 787671 77 77 7775 75 73737472 72 73 80 8479 March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again underact June 7, 1832. Died August 12, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 1, 1832. Died February 22 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act#May 1, 1820. OS Do Nathaniel Perkins Peter Pray John Payne Joseph Richards Do Noah Ricker Do Stephen Randall Noah Randier . Maturian Ricker Do Nathan Raymond Jonathan Ross Simeon Richer Timothy Ricker Jeremiah Roberts Paul Roberts Simon Roberts Joseph Rounds Daniel Small, 2d Do Abraham Shaw Do Joseph Storers Joel Stevens Isaac Storer William Small do .50 00 do 73 33 Pri, 8c ser. 31 67 Private 32-33 do 96 00 do 80 00 Marine 96 00 do 30 00 Private 26 66 do 20 00 do 96 00 Pri. Sc sea'n 90 00 Pri, 8c ser. 87 13 Private 46 66 do 33 33 do 21 67 do 46 66 Private 64 42 Seaman 30 48 Private 30 00 do 96 00 do 80 00 do 96 00 do 51 09 Pr.&mus. 61 66 Private 26 66 do 58 33 Pri. 8c ser. 43 33 150 00 164 79 95 01 96 99 .178 66 240 00 183 20 90 00 79 98 60 00 412 26 135 25 . 261 39 139 98 99 99 54 17 116 65 193 26 75 00 176 00 240 00 56 80 153 27 171 04 79 98 174 99 129 99 do Mass. State troops Massachusetts con'l Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l do Continental navy do Massachusetts mil, do N. Hampshire con'l do Mass. State troops Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts con'l Massachusets mil. Mass, State troops Mass. cont'l N.-Hamp. cont'l Mass. militia Mass. cont'l do dodo Mass. State troops Mass, militia do do Ap'l 23, 1819 Aug. 8, 1819 Sep. 27, 1819 do Jan. 23, 1819 Aug. 31, 1833 June 2, 1819 Deo. 15, 1833 Dec. 22, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 Mar. 26, 1819 May 6, 1833 May 18, 1833 Aug. 3, 1833 Sep. 26, 1833 do July 23, 1833 Oct. 24, 1833 Dec. 11, 1833 Aug, 8, 1833 Mar. 5, 1819 Aug. 10, 1832 Sep. 22 , 1819 July 6, 1833 Oct. 24, 1832 do Oct. 26,1832do do 79 do 76 do 87 do 79 Ap'l 25, 1818 75 Mar. 4, 1831 75 Ap'l 8,1818 72 Mar. 4, 1831 72 do 75 do 72 Ap'l 15, 1818 74 Mar. 4, 1831 74 do 80 do 86 do 80 do 73 do 81 do 74 do 73 do 81 May 5, 1818 75 Mar. 4,1831 75 Aug. 2, 1819 71 Mar. 4, 1831 71 do 77 do 85 do 74 do 75 1 Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died July 31, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May lVl820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1833. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1S20. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died Sep. 5, 1832. Died Oct. 5, 1832. No payment. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7 1832 Died Sept. 30, 1833. Ot cn Statement, Sec. of York couiity — Continued. George Stone Do John Stone Do Ebenezer Sawyer Do Samuel Shuckford Nathaniel Sayer Do Joseph Shackley Do Seth Spring Absalom Stackpole Samuel Smith Benjamin Simpson Do Jesse Soule Isaac Sherman Rank. Private dodo do -do dododo do dodo Pri. & ser. Private Sergeant Private do Pr.8c mam. Private Annual allow ance. 96 00 80 00 96 00 80 00 96 00 80 00 26 66 96 00 40 00 96 00 57 28 86 66 46 66 30 00 96 00 76 66 30 00 34 00 Sums re ceived. 161 33 240 00 1S1 60 200 00 65 60 240 00 79 98 174 66 120 00 182 93 171 84 159 98 139 98 90 00 102 40 229 98 90 00 102 00 Description of ser vice. Mass Mass.Mass. N. H- continental do dododo do militia cont'l dodo do cont'l state cont'l dodo State Mass. militia When placed on the pen sion roll. May 12, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 May 7, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Aug. 2, 1819 Oct. 27, 1832 Oct. 20, 1832 July 25, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Jan. 25, 1819 Dec. 14, 1832 Mar. 14, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 do June 12, 1820 May 6, 1833 May 3, 1833 June 19, 1833 Commencement of pension. June 29, 1848 Mar. 4, 1831 Apr. 14, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 June 29, 1819 Mar. 4, 1831 do May 10, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 Ap'l 8, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do do do Feb. 10, 1819 Mar. 4, 1831 do do ba 79 77 76 767375 75 70 708082 8574 7475 78 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June 1832. March 18, 1318. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832, March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again, under act June 7,1832. Died February 9, 1833. Ot00 Moses Stevens Abner Sanborn William Stone Samuel Smith William Staples Chase Sargent Caleb Spinney Jonathan Stone Barnabas Sawyer Daniel Straw John Stevens Zebadiah Simpson Samuel Shaw Joseph Thompson Do James Thompson Do Joshua Trafton Do Ephraim Tibbits Nathaniel Thing Do Nathan Thompson • Benjamin Thompson Joseph Thompson Samuel Treadwell Thomas Towle Jesse Wedgewood Do dodo dodo dodo Cor. 8c ser. Private Pri. & fifer Private do dodo do do dodo Captain do Private Sergeant Pri. & ser. 50 00 46 66 61 66 25 42 56 66 43 33 97 60 25 42 34 57 51 00 60 00 40 00 80 00 96 00 53 65 96 00 80 00 240 00 480 00 46 66 96 00 111 66 Private 80 00 do 60 00 Pr,8c mus'n "62 66 Pri. & ser. 53 33 Private 43 33 Mariner 96 00 do 40 00 87 63 193 98 184 98 76 26 169 98 129 99 289 80 76 26 103 71 135 44 180 00 74 97 240 00 56 80 134 13 86 93 240 00 446 00 1,446 00 139 98 180 00 334 98 240 00 180 00 187 98 159 99- 108 32 173 33 120 00 do N. Hamp. cont'l Mass. State Mass. militia Mass. State troops do do Mass. militia do N. H. State troops Mass. State troops do do Mass, continental dodo do R. I. continental do Mass. continental do do Mass. militia Mass. State troops do Mass. militia do Continental navy Mass. continental July 12, 1833 July 24, 1833 Aug. 20, 1833 Sep, 19, 1833 Sep. 18, 1833 July 25, 1833 Sept. 18, 1833 Sep. 19, 1833 Dec. 28, 1833 Feb. 13, 1834 Sep. 26, 1833 Jan. 14, 1833 May 14, 1833 Sep. 22, 1819 July 11, 1833 Jan. 25, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Jan. 23, 1819 Feb. 9, 1833 Mar. 9, 1833 Nov. 6, 1818 Mar. 22, 1833 Ap'l 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 do May 6, 1833 Aug. 3, 1833 June 24,-1819 Aug. 16, 1832 do 89 do 88 do 88 do 75 do 76 do 79" do 84 do 88 do 74 do 85 do 76 do 78 do 77 Aug. 2, 1819 69 Mar. 4, 1831 69 Ap'l 8, ,1818 73 Mar. 4, 1831 73 Ap'l 24, 1818 89 Mar. 4, 1831 89 do 72 Ap'l 17, 1818 87 Mar. 4, 1831 87 do 80 do 80 do 82 do 82 do S3 May 15, 1818 73 March 4, 1831 73 Died December 5, 18Ji: Ot CO Died November 7, 1833. Died January 8, 1833. March 18, 1318. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March IS, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. . March 18 , 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Droppedfrom the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7,1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from jj, the roll under act May 1, 1820. i— Pensioned again under act June tfc 7, 1832. ,_, State77ient, Sec. of York county— Continued. Ot Joseph Winn Samuel Woodson Do Joseph Williams Joseph Weelright Nathan Wakefield Joshua Warren Do Benjamin Wild Stephen Webber Do Nathan Wiggen Joseph White s Do Ephraim Welder James Wormwood Daniel Wise Ezekiel Wakefield James Woodman Jeremiah Weare Rank. Private do dododododododododo do do do Pr. 8c cor, Private Pr. Scseam, Pr. 8c ser. Private do Annual allow ance: 20 00 96 00 80 00 20 00 30 00 26 66 96 00 80 00 26 66 96 00 80 00 20 10 96 00 30 00 61 16 33 33 92 66 92 46 '50 00 96 00 Sums re* ceived. 50 00 162 93 200 00 60 00 90 00 79 98 181 86 240 00 176 00 200 00 50 25 182 93 90 00 128 75 60 65 277 98 125 00 168 26 Description of ser vice. Massachusetts mil Massachusetts cont. do Massachusetts State Massachusetts mil. do Massachusetts cont do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont. , do Massachusetts mil. Massachusetts cont. do Massachussetts mil. do Mass, State troops do do Massachusetts cont. When placed on the pen sion roll. Oct. 24, 1832 Sep. 14, 1819 Oct. 25, 1832 do Oct. 30, 1832 do Mar. 9, 1819 Nuv. 1, 1832 Nov. 28, 1822 June 2, 1819 Nov. 28, 1832 Dec. 1, 1832 June 21, 1819 Dec. 15, 1832 Ap'l 13, 1833 Ap'l 15, 1833 Ap'l 7, 1833 do May 9, 1833 Mar. 30, 1819 Commencement of pension. do June 15, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 dododo Ap'l 13, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do May 4, 1818 Mar. 4, 1831 do Ap'l 9, 1819 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo - do do do June 3, 1818 85 Laws under which they were for merly inscribed on the pension roll; and remarks. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. )— Pensioned again under act June oj 7. 1832. O March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll underact May 1 , 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Pensioned again under act June 7, 1832. Died April 11, 1833. No report yet received of pay. ment made. March 18, 1818. Dropped from the roll under act May 1, 1820. Do do 63 33 Jonathan Winn do 53 33 John White do 33 33 Charles White do 80 00 J2 Aaron-Warren Ser. 8c ser. mate 312 39 Joseph Wilkinson Private 56 66 Jonathan Wingate ' - . do ; 28 86 Jonathan Welsh ¦?. -do 53 19 Richard Wentworth - Pr. 8c ser. 82 67 -Timothy Wentworth - Lieut'. 106 67 Stephen Watson Private 30 00 Daniel Warren do 63 66 189 99 101 64 99 99 240 00 877 17 169 98 68 58 157 57 248 01 318 00 90 00 160 98 do Massachusetts mil. do Mass. State troops do do New Hamp. mil." Massachusetts mil. Mass. cont. line Mass. State troops do; ¦¦¦ - Mass. cont. May 23, 1833 do July 19, 1833 July 24, 1833 May 2, 1834 Aug. 2, 1833 Aug. 5, 1833 Sep, 19, 1833 Sep. 27, 1833 Oct. 26, 1833 July 27, 1833 Ap'l 14, 1834 Mar. 4, 1831 dodo do do dodo dodo do do do 77 76 7277 767976 84 38 87 72 69 Pensioned agaia under aet JEune 7,1832. Died January 30, 1833. Of Ifc YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 02168 8149 '¦..¦¦¦¦.¦ ' i: