\ z J90(o STATE TRIALS First impression, March 1899 Second impression, September 18 All rights resetted ^^2^— , .^^ ^....^^^^.^ STATE TRIALS POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SELECTED AND EDITED By H. L. STEPHEN IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. II LONDON DUCKWORTH AND CO 1899 Edinburgh ; T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty CONTENTS PAGE LORD RUSSELL, .... 3 THE EARL OF WARWICK, . .59 SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS, . 139 SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS, . 231 INDEX, 305 LORD RUSSELL VOL, IL LORD RUSSELL Lord Russell's trial marks the moment in the latter part of Charles ii.'s reign "when his power reached its highest point. The Exclusion Bill ¦was thrown out by the House of Lords in 1680, and though StaiTord was tried and executed at the end of the year, the dissolution of the short lived Oxford Parliament in April 1681 left the Country party, who had just acquired the name of Whigs, in a temporarily hopeless position. On the 2nd of July in the same year Shaftesbury was arrested on a charge of suborning witnesses in the Popish Plot, but the bill presented against him "was thrown out by the Grand Jury, which had been packed in his favour by a friendly sheriff, and he was liberated in November. An unscrupulous exercise of the po"wer of the Court led to North (brother of the Chief-Justice of the Common Pleas, soon to become Lord Keeper) and Rich being sworn in as sheriffs in June 1682, and Shaftesbury, no longer being able to rely on his City friends, retired into hiding and entered on the illegal practices described in Russell's triaL The security afforded to the opponents of 4 STATE TRLVLS the Court was further diminished in l683 by the suppression of the charter of the City by a writ of Quo Warranto, which, although it was too late to have any effect on Russell's conduct, may help to justify it. The position of the Country party thus appeared desperate. The King had con trived to overcome all constitutional means of opposition; Shaftesbury's unscrupulous policy had alienated most of his natural adherents ; his violent disposition made it impossible for his remaining followers to take advantage of the difficulties which the King was preparing for himself and his successor; and by anticipating the crisis of 1688, Shaftesbury, Essex, and Russell brought down destruction on themselves. Lord Russell was tried at the Old Bailey on the 13th of July 1683 before the Lord Chief- Justice, Sir Francis Pemberton,^ the Lord Chief- 1 Sir Francis Pemberton was bom 1625, entered Emmanuel College 1640, entered the Inner Temple 1645, was called 1654, waa made a bencher 1671, a serjeant 1675, and was imprisoned by the House of Commons for an aUeged breach of pri"vilege in the same year. He waa made a Judge of the King's Bench in 1679, and took part as such in several trials connected "with the Popish Plot ; he was discharged in 1680, returned to the bar, and replaced Scroggs as Chief -Justice of the King's Bench in 1681. He was moved to the Common Pleas in 1683, to aUow Sir Edmund Satmders, who had advised in the proceedings against the City of London, to act as judge iu the case. He was dismissed fiom his office of judge in the same year, about five weeks after Lord Russell's trial. Returning to the bar, he helped to defend the Seven Bishops, but was imprisoned by the Convention Parliament for a judgment he LORD RUSSELL g Baron, Mr. William Montague, and nine other judges. There appeared for the prosecution the Attorney-General, Sir Robert Sawyer,i the Solicitor-General, Mr. Finch,^ Serjeant Jeffreys,^ Mr. North.* had given six years before against Topham, the serjeant-at- arms, who had claimed to be without his jurisdiction. He bore on the whole a high character for independence and honesty; and it is curious to learn that he Uved to advise the Earl of Bedford whether Lord Russell's attainder would prevent his son succeeding to the earldom. ' Sir Robert Sa"wyer was bom in 1633, entered Magdalene CoUege, Cambridge, in 1648, where he was ohamber-feUow with Pepys, joined the Inner Temple and went the Oxford circuit. He waa elected to the Houae of Commons for Chip ping 'Wycombe iu 1673, and assisted in drafting the Exclusion BUl. He appeared for the Cro"svn in most of the State Trials of this period. He afterwards led in the defence of the Seven Bishops, took part in the Convention ParUament, and was expeUed from the House on account of his conduct in Armstrong's case. He was re-elected and became Chief- Justice of the King's Bench in 1691, and died in 1692. * Heneage Finch, first Earl of Aylesford, was born about 1647: he was educated at 'Westminster and Christ Church. He entered the Inner Temple, became SoUcitor-General in 1679, being elected to the House of Commons for the University of Oxford in the same year. He was deprived of office in 1686, and defended the Seven Bishops. He sat in the House of Commons in 1685, in aU ParUaments from the Convention ParUament (1689) tiU he became a peer in 1703, under the title of Baron Guernsey. He was made Earl of Aylesford on the accession of George i. (1714), and died in 1719. 3 See vol. i. p. 240. < Francis North, Lord Guilford (1637-1685), the third son of the fourth Lord North, was educated at various Presbyterian schools and St. John's CoUege, Cambridge. He was caUed to the bar in 1661, and with the help of the Attorney-General, 6 STATE TRIALS The charge against Lord Russell was that he was guilty of high treason in conspiring to depose and kill the King, and to stir up rebellion against him. To this he pleaded Not Guilty. He objected that he ought not to be arraigned and tried on the same day, to which it was replied that he had had more than a fortnight's notice of his trial and the facts alleged against him by having questions put to him when he was in custody in the Tower. On the first juror being called. Lord Russell objected that he was not a 40s. freeholder in the City. He was allowed to have counsel assigned to him to argue as to whether this was a good ground of objection ; the counsel he chose were PoUexfen,^ Holt,* and Sir Geoffrey Palmer, soon acquired a large practice. After holding various provmcial posts, he became SoUcitor-General in 1671. He entered ParUament in 1673, and became Attorney- General the sarae year, becoming Chief -Justice of the Common Pleas in 1675. He always strongly supported Charles n.'s government, temporising during the Popish Plot, and being chiefly responsible for the execution of CoUedge. He became Lord Keeper in 1682, and was raised to the peerage in 1683 : but during his tenure of office was much vexed by intrigues, particularly by the conduct of Jeffreys, who had succeeded him in the Commou Pleas. He is now chiefly remembered on acoount of the very diverting and interesting life of him "written by his brother Roger. 1 PoUexfen. See Note in Alice Lisle's trial, vol. i. p. 241. 2 Sb Johu Holt (1642-1710) -was caUed to the bar in 1663. He appeared for Danby on his impeachment in 1679, and was assigned to be counsel for Lords 'Powya and AruudeU of Wardour, "who were impeached for participation in the Popish Plot in 1680, but against whom the proceedings were stopped LORD RUSSELL 7 Ward. The question was whether the statute 2 Hen. v. c. 3, which enacted that in the case of capital offences the jurors must have lands of the yearly value of 40s., applied to trials for treason or to trials in the City. It was decided by all the judges that it did not,^ the objection was overruled, and a jury was sworn without any challenges being made. NoHk then shortly opened the case. He alleged that in the previous October and November a council consisting of Russell, the Duke of Monmouth, Lord Grey,* Sir Thomas after Stafford's conviction. He appeared for the Crown in several trials preceding that of Lord RusseU, and having expressed an opimon in favovu: of the Quo 'Warranto proceed ings against the City of London was appointed Recorder, knighted, and caUed as a serjeant iu 1685. He was deprived of the recordership after a year on refusing to paas aentence of death on a deserter, a poiot which owed its importance to Charles 11. 's attempts to create a standing army ; but as he continued to be a serjeant, he was unable thenceforward to appear against the Crown. He acted as legal assessor to the Convention caUed after the flight of James n., as a member of the House of Commons took a leading part in the declaration that he had abdicated, and was made Chief -Justice in 1689. 1 This decision and unspecified 'partial and unjust con structions of law' were the professed ground ou which RusseU's attainder was subsequently reversed : see post, p. 66. Sir James Stephen (Hist. Grim. Law, vol. i. p. 412) expresses an opinion that the law upon the subject at the time was ' utterly uncertain.' 2 Lord Grey was the eldest son of the second Baron Grey of 'Werk. He succeeded his father in 1675: he voted for Stafford's conviction, and was a zealous exclusionist. He was convicted of debauching his sister-in-law. Lady Henrietta 8 STATE TRIALS Armstrong, and one Ferguson, were plotting a rising in conjunction with the Earl of Shaftes- buiy. The Earl was anxious that the oppor tunity of the celebration of Queen Elizabeth's birthday on the ipth of November should be used for the purpose. The conspirators objected to this on the ground that Trenehard, who was to have headed a rising in the West, was not ready. On this Shaftesbury and Ferguson left the country, and the so-called council was re-organised by Armstrong and Grey being left out, and Lord Howard,^ Lord Essex,* Berkeley, in 1682, and consequently took no part in RusseU's plot. He was arrested in connection with the Rye House Plot, but esoaped to Holland, whence he returned to take part in Monmouth's rising. He was captured after Sedge moor, but his Ufe was spared ou his being heavily fined and compeUed to give evidence against his friends. He left Eng land, but returned with WiUiam m., during whose reign he fiUed several offices. He was created Earl of Tankerville in 1695, and died In 1701. 1 Lord Howard, the third Lord Howard ot Bacrick, was bom about 1626. He entered Corpus CoUege, Cambridge. He served in CromweU's Life-guards. As a sectary he seems to have favoured the Restoration. He was committed to the Tower for secret correspondence "with Holland iu 1674. After succeeding to the peerage he furthered the trial of his kinsman Stafford. After giving evidence iu this trial (see p. 15), he gave similar evidence against Algernon Sidney, was pardoned, and died in obscurity at York in 1694. 2 The Earl of Essex was the son of the Lord Capel who was one of Charles i.'s most devoted adherents and lost his life after his vain defence of Colchester in 1648. The younger Lord Capel was made Earl of Essex at the Restora tion. Though opposed to the Court party by incUnation, he LORD RUSSELL 9 Colonel Algernon Sidney,^ and Mr. Hamp- served on various foreign missions, and was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland from 1672 to 1677. On his return to England he associated himself "with the Country party, and on Danby's faU was placed at the head of the Treasury Commission, and thereafter foUowed Halifax and Sunderland in looking to the Prince of Orange for ultimate assistance rather than Shafteabm:y, who favoitted the Duke of Monmouth. He left the Treasury in 1679, supported Shaftesbury in 1680 on the Exclusion BiU, and appeared as a ' petitioner ' at Oxford in 1680. He voted against Stafford. He was arrested as a co-plotter with Russell on Howard's information, and com mitted suicide in the Tower ou the day of his trial (aee p. 16). > Algernon Sidney (1622-1683) was the son of the second Earl of Leicester, and commanded a troop in the regiment raised by his father, when he was Lord-Lieutenant in Ireland, to put down the Irish rebeUion of 1641. He afterwards came over to England, joined the Parliamentary forces, and was wounded at Marston Moor. He continued serving in various capacities, returning for a time to Ireland "with his brother. Lord Lisle, who was Lord-Lieutenant. He was appointed oue of the commissioners to try Charles i., but took no part in the trial. He was ejected from Parliament in 1653, and adopted a position of hostiUty to Cromwell. He remained abroad after the Restoration, though uot excepted from the Act of Indemnity, and lived a philosophic Ufe at Rome and elsewhere. He tried to promote a rising against Charles in Holland in 1665, and opened negotiations with Louis xiv. during the French war. He returned to England in 1677 to settle his private affairs, and stayed on making friends with the leaders of the Opposition, and vainly trying to obtain a seat in the House of Commons. He quarreUed with Shaftes bury, who denounced him as a French pensioner (whioh he probably was), and seems to have had no connection with his plots. He was arrested on 27th June, tried by Jeffreys on 7th November, condemned, and executed on 7th December 1783. 10 STATE TRIALS den,i being taken in. Frequent consultations were held at RusseU's house, and Aaron Smith was despatched to Scotland to arrange a rising on the part of the malcontents there. Rumsey * was called, and being sworn deposed 1 John Hampden (1656-1696) was the second son of Richard HamjMJen. After traveUing abroad in his youth he became the Intimate friend of the leaders of the Opposition on his return to England in 1682. He was arrested with them and tried in 1684, when he was imprisoned on failing to pay an exorbitant fine. After Monmouth's rising he waa tried again for high treason. As Lord Grey was produced as a second witness against him, Lord Howard, who had testified before, beiug the first, he pleaded guilty, impUcating RusseU and others by his confession. He was pardoned, aud lived to sit in Parliament after the Revolution ; but falling into obscurity failed to be elected for his native county in 1696, and com mitted suicide. 2 Rumsey had been an officer in CromweU's army, and had served in Portugal "with distinction. He obtained a post by Shaftesbury's patronage; and "with West, a barrister, was responsible for the Rye House Plot. According to his o"wn account, he waa to kiU the King, whilst Walcot was to lead an attack on the guards. He appeared as a witness in the trials of Walcot and Algernon Sidney, as weU as in the preaent one. His last appearance before the public was as a witness against Henry Cornish, one of the leaders of the opposition of the City to the Court party, whom he and oue Goodenough accused of participation in RusseU's plot, and who was tried and executed in 1785. He had offered to give evidence against Cornish before, in 1783, but the second "witness neces sary to prove treason was not then forthcoming. The un satisfactory nature of Rumsey's evidence led to Cornish's pro perty being afterwards restored to his family, while, according to Burnet, ' the witnesses were lodged in remote prisons for their lives.' Cornish was arrested, tried and executed within a week. LORD RUSSELL ii that at the end of October or the beginning of November Shaftesbury had sent for him to his lodgings in Wapping, where he was hiding, and told him to go to the house of one Sheppard, where he could find Monmouth, Russell, Grey, Armstrong, and Ferguson, and to ask what resolution they had come to as to the rising at Taunton. He took this message accordingly, and received an answer that Trenehard had promised 1000 foot and 300 horse, but had failed them. Most of this answer was delivered by Ferguson, but others, including Russell, were in the room at the time. Attornev-Genebal — Was there nothing of my lord Shaftesbury to be contented ? Rumsey — Yes, that my lord Shaftesbury must be contented ; and upon that he took his resolution to be gone. Lord Chief-Justice — Did you hear any such resolu tion from him .'' Rumsey — Yes, my lord. Shaftesbury told him of the meeting ; he was not there more than a quarter of an hour; he heard something of a declaration to be made, either there, or on a report of Ferguson's. Jeffreys — ^To what purpose was the declaration ? Lord Chief-Justice — We must do the prisoner that right ; he says he cannot tell wliether he had it from him or Mr. Ferguson. There was some discourse begun by Arm- 12 STATB TRIALS strong as to the posture of the guards at the Savoy and at the Mews. Monmouth, Grey, and Armstrong, in RusseU's presence, undertook to see the guards, with what care and vigilance they did g^uard them selves at the Savoy and Mews, whether they might be surprised or not. The rising was to be on the 19th of November. It was arranged by Shaftesbury that he himself was to go to Bristol, in what capacity it was not stated. Jeffreys — If my lord Russell pleases to ask him any questions he may. Lord Russell — I have very few questions to ask him for I know little of the matter ; for it was the greatest accident in the world I was there, and when I saw that company was there I would have been gone again. I came there accidentally to speak with Mr. Sheppard ; I had just come to town, but there was no discourse of surprising the guards, nor no under taking of raising an army. Lord Chiep-Justice — We will hear you to anything by and by, but that which we desire to know of your lordship is, as the witnesses come, to know if you would have any particular questions asked of them. On being pressed by Russell, Rumsey repeated that Russell • did discourse of the rising ' at Taunton and consented to it. Sheppard was called, and deposed that in LORD RUSSELL 13 October Ferguson came to him in Monmouth's name,and desired the conveniency of my house, for him and some other persons of quality to meet there. As soon as I had granted it, in the evening the duke of Monmouth, my lord Grey, my lord RusseU, sir Thomas Armstrong, col. Rumsey and Mr. Ferguson came. Sir T. Armstrong desired me that none of my servants might come up, but they might be private ; so what they wanted I went down for, a bottle of wine or so. He confirmed Rumsey's evidence as to the discourse about surprising the guards; Mon mouth, Grey, and Armstrong went out to view them at the Mews ; the next time they met Armstrong reported the guards were very remiss in their places, and not like soldiers, and the thing was feasible, if they had strength to do it. There were two meetings : he had notice of them ; the company came in the evening ; he saw no coaches ; Lord Russell came both times. Jeffreys — Do you remember that col. Rumsey at the first time had any discourse about any private business relating to my lord Russell ? Sheppard — No, I do not remember it. Attorney-General — Besides the seizing of the guards did they discourse about rising .'' Sheppard — I do not remember any further dis course, for I went several times down to fetch wine, and sugar, and nutmeg, and I do not know what was said in my absence. 14 STATE TRIALS He remembered that a paper was read ' some what in the nature of a proclamation,' setting forth the grievances of the nation * in order to a rising.' It was read by Ferguson, but he could not say whether they were all present or not. Cross-examined by Lord Russell, he could not be positive as to the time of the meetings ; they were at the time that Lord Shaftesbury was absent from his house, and he absented himself about Michaelmas day. Lord Russell — I never was but once at your house, and there was no such design as I heard of. I desire that Mr. Sheppard may recoUect himself. Sheppard — Indeed my lord I can't be positive in the times. My lord I am sure was at one meeting. Lord Chibp-Justice — But was he at both ? Sheppard — I think so ; but it was eight or nine months ago, and I can't be positive. Lord Russell — I can prove I was then in the country. Col. Rumsey said there was but one meeting. CoL. Rumsey — I do not remember I was at two ; if I was not, I heard Mr. Ferguson relate the debates of the other meeting to my lord Shaftesbury. Lord Russell — Is it usual for witnesses to hear one another ? Lord Chief-Justice — I think your lordship need not concern yourself about that; for I see the wit nesses are brought in one after another. Lord Russell — There was no design. Jeffreys — He hath sworn it Attorney - General — Swear my lord Howard (which was done). Fray wiU your lordship give an LORD RUSSELL 15 account to the Court, what you know of a rising designed before my lord Shaftesbury went away, and afterwards how it was continued on. Lord Howard — My lord, I appear with some con fusion. Let no man wonder that it is troublesome to me. My lord as to the question Mr. Attorney puts to me, this is the account I have to give : It is very weU known to every one, how great a ferment was made in the city, upon occasion of the long dispute about the election of sheriffs ; and this soon produced a greater freedom and liberty of speech one with another, than perhaps had been used formerly, though not without some previous preparations and disposi tions made to the same thing. Upon this occasion among others, I was acquainted with captain Walcot,' a person that had been some months in England, being returned out of Ireland, and who indeed I had not seen for eleven years before. But he came to me as soon as he came out of Ireland, and when these unhappy divisions came, he made very frequent appli cations to me ; and though he was unknown himself, yet being brought by me, he soon gained a confidence with my lord Shaftesbury, and from him derived it to others. When this unhappy rent and division of mind was, he having before got himself acquainted with many persons of the city, had entered into such counsels with them, as afterwards had the effect, which in the ensuing narrative I shall relate to your ^ 'Walcot was an Irish gentleman who had been in Crom well's army. He frequented 'West's chambers, where he met West and Rumsey, who were the principal witnesses against hira. Rumsey's story was that though 'Walcot objected to killing the King, he promised to attack the guards. He was tried and con"victed earUer ou the same day. i6 STATE TRIALS lordship. He came to me, and told me, that they were now sensible all they had was going, that this force put upon them Lord Chief-Justice — Pray my lord, raise your voice, else your evidence will pass for nothing. One of the Jury — We cannot hear my lord. Lord Howard — There is an unhappy accident happened that hath sunk my voice : I was hut just now acquainted with the fate of my lord of Essex. My lord, I say, he came to me, and did acquaint me, that the people were now so sensible that all their interest was going, by that violence offered to the city in their elections, that they were resolved to take some course to put a stop to it, if it were possible : He told me there were several consults and meetings of persons about it, and several persons had begun to put themselves into a disposition and preparation to act; that some had furnished themselves with very good horses, and kept them in the most secret aud blind stables they could. That divers had intended it, and for his own part he was resolved to imbark himself in it. And having an estate in Ireland, he thought to dispatch his son thither (for he had a good real estate, and a great stock, how he disposed of his real estate, I know not) ; but he ordered his son to turn his stock into money to furnish him for the occasion : This I take to be about August, his son was sent away. Soon after this the son not being yet returned, aud I having several accounts from him wherein I found the fermentation grew higher and higher, and every day a nearer approach to action I told him I had a necessity to go into Essex to attend the concerns of my own estate ; but told him how he might by another name convey letters to me, and LORD RUSSELL 17 gave him a little cant, by which he might blind and disguise the matter he wrote about when I was in the country. I received two or three letters from him, that gave me an account in that disguised style, but such as I understood, that the negotiation which he had with my correspondents was going on, and in good con dition ; and it was earnestly desired I would come to town ; this was the middle of September. I notwithstanding, was willing to see the result of that great affair, upon which all men's eyes were fixed, which was the determination of the shrivalty about that time. So I ordered it to fall into town, and went to my own house Saturday night which was Michaelmas Day. On Sunday he came to me and dined with me, and told me (after a general account given me of the affairs of the times) that my lord Shaftesbury was secreted and withdrawn from his own house in Aldersgate Street ; and that though he had a family settled, and had absconded himself from them, and divers others of his friends and confidents ; yet he did desire to speak with me, and for that purpose sent him to shew me the way to his lodging : He brought me to a house at the lower end of Wood Street, one Watson's house, and there my lord was alone. He told me he could not but be sensible, how innocent soever he was, both he and all honest men were unsafe, so long as the administration of justice was in such hands as would accommodate all things to the humour of the court. That in the sense of this he thought it but reasonable to provide for his own safety by withdra"wing himself from his own house into that retirement. 'That now he had ripened affairs to that VOL. IL B i8 STATE TRIALS head, and had things in that preparation, that he did not doubt but he should be able, by those men that would be in readiness in London, to turn the tide, and put a stop to the torrent that was ready to over flow. But he did complain to me, that his design, and the design of the public, was very much obstructed by the unhandsome deportment of the Duke of Monmouth, and my lord Russell, who had withdrawn themselves not only from his assistance, but from their own engagements and appointments : For when he had got such a formed force as he had in London, and expected to have it answered by them in the countiy, they did recede from it, and told him they were not in a condition or preparation, in the country, to be concurrent with him at that time. This he looked upon but as an artificial excuse, and as an instance of their intentions wholly to desert him : but notwithstanding there was such preparation made in London, that if they were willing to lose the honour of being concurrent with him, he was able to do it himself, and did intend speedily to put it into execu tion. I asked him what forces he had."" He said he had enough. Says I, "What are you assured of.'' Says he. There is above ten thousand brisk boys are ready to follow me, whenever I hold up my finger. Says I, How have you methoded this, that they should not be crushed, for there will be a great force to oppose you.'' Yes, he answered, but they would possess themselves of the gates; and these ten thousand men iu 24 hours would be multiplied into five times the number, and be able to make a sally out, and possess themselves of WhitehaU, by beating the guards. I told him this was a fair story, and I had reason to think a man of his figure wpuld not LORD RUSSELL 19 undertake a thing that might prove so fatal, unless it were laid on a foundation that might give a prudent man ground to hope it would be successful. He said he was certain of it, but confessed it was a great disappointment that these lords had failed him. I told him, I was not provided with an answer at that time ; that he well knew me, and knew the general frame and bent of my spirit. But I told him, I looked upon it as dangerous, and ought to be laid deep, and to be very well weighed and considered of : and did not think it a thing fit to be entered upon, without the concurrence of those lords. He did consent, with much ado, but, says he, you will find they will wave it, and give doubtful and deferring answers, but you will find this a truth. I went to Moor Park next day, where the Duke of Monmouth was, and told him the great complaint my lord Shaftesbury had made, that he failed him. Says he, 1 think he is mad ; I was so far from giving him any encouragement, that I did tell him from the beginning, and so did my lord RusseU, there was nothing to be done by us in the country at that time. I did not then own that I had seen my lord, but spake as if this were brought me by a third person, because he had not given me liberty to tell them where his lodging was. Says I, My lord, I shall be able to give a better account of this in a day or two : Shall I convey it to my lord, that you are wiUing to give a meeting ? Yes, says he, with all my heart. This was the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th of Oct. I came to town on Saturday, and was carried to him on Monday ; and I suppose this was Tuesday the 2nd of October. On Wednesday I think I went to him again (but it is not very material) and told him 20 STATE TRIALS I had been with the duke of Monmouth and given him a punctual account of what I had from him ; and the duke did absolutely disown any such thing, and told me, he never did give him any encouragement to proceed that way, because the countries were not in a disposition for action, nor could be put in readiness at that time. Says my lord Shaftesbury, It is false : they are afraid to own it. And, says he, I have reason to believe, there is some artificial bargain between his father and him, to save one another : for when I have brought him to action, I could never get him to put on, and therefore I suspect him : and, says he, several honest men in the city have puzzled me, in asking how the duke of Mon mouth Uved : says he. They puzzled me, and I could not answer the question ; for I know he must have his living from the King; and says he, we have different prospects ; we are for a Commonwealth and he hath no other design but his own personal interest, and that will not go down with my people now (so he called them), they are all for a commonwealth : and then, says he. It is to no purpose for me to see him ; it will but widen the breach, and I dare not trust him to come hither. Says I, My lord, that's a good one indeed ! dare not you trust him, and yet do you send me to him on this errand ? Nay, says he, it is because we have had some misunderstanding of late ; but 1 believe he is true enough to the interest. Says I, It is a great unhappiness to take this time to fall out, and I think it is so great a design, that it ought to be undertaken with the greatest strength and coaUtion in the kingdom. Says he. My friends are now gone so far, that they can't pull their foot back again without going further! for, says he, it hath been LORD RUSSELL 21 communicated to so many that it is impossible to keep it from taking air, and it must go on. Says he. We are not so unprovided as you think for ; there are so many men, that you will find as brisk men as any in England. Besides we are to have 1000 or 1600 horse, that are to be drawn by insensible parties into town, that when the insurrection is, shall be able to scour the streets and hinder them from forming their forces against us. My lord, after great inlargement upon this head, and heads of the like nature, I' told him I would not leave him thus, and that nothing should satisfy me, but an interview between him and the lords. No, I could not obtain it : but if I would go and "tell them what a forwardness he was in, and that, if they would do themselves right, by putting themselves upon correspondent action in their re spective places, and where their interest lay, well ; otherwise he would go away without them : So I went again to the Duke of Monmouth, I spake to him only (I never spake to my lord Russell then, only we were together, but I had never come to any close conjunction of counsels in my life with him at that time). Says I to the duke. This man is mad, and his madness will prove fatal to us all ; he hath been in a fright by being in the tower, and carries those fears about him that cloud his understanding. I think his judgment hath deserted him, when he goes about with those strange sanguine hopes that I can't see what should support him in the ground of them. Therefore says I, Pray will you give him a meeting ? God-so says the duke, with all my heart, and I desire nothing more. Now I told him, I had been with my lord Shaftesbury, with other inlargements that I need not trouble your lordship with ; well, says he, pray 32 STATE TRIALS go to him, and try if it be possible to get a meeting ; so I went to him and told him ; Says I, This is a great unhappiness and it seems to be a great absurdity, that you are so forward to act alone in such a thing as this. Pray, says I, without any more to do, since you have this confidence to send for me, let me prevaU with you to meet them, and give them an interview, or else you and I must break. I will no longer hold any correspondence, unless it be so. Says he, I tell you they will betray me. In short he did with much importunity yield that he would come out the next night in a disguise. By this time it was Saturday, I take it to be the 6th of Oct. : an almanac wiU settle that : so the next night being Sunday and the shops shut, he would come out in a concealment, be carried in a coach, and brought to his own house, which he thought then was safest. I came and gave the duke of Monmouth an account of it; the duke I suppose conveyed the same understanding to my lord RusseU ; and I suppose both would have been there accordingly, to have given the meeting : but next morning I found colonel Rumsey had left a note at my house, that the meeting could not be that day. Then I went to the duke of Monmouth and he had had the account before, that my lord Shaftesbury did apprehend him self to be iu some danger in that house, and that the apprehension had occasioned him to remove ; but we should be sure to hear from him in two or three days. We took it as a waiver, and thought he did from thence intend to abscond himself from us, and it proved so to me, for from that time I never saw him. But captain Walcot came to me, and told me, that he was withdrawn, but it was for fear his lodging might be discovered, but he did not doubt but in a LORD RUSSELL 23 week he would let me know where his lodging was : but told me within such a time, which I think was eight or ten days, there would be a rising ; and I told the duke of Monmouth and I believe he told my lord Russell; and we believed his frenzy was now grown to that height, that he would rise immediately and put his design into execution : so we endeavoured to prevent it, upon which my lord Russell (I was told) and the duke of Monmouth, did force their way to my lord Shaftesbury's and did persuade him to put off the day of his rendezvous. I had not this from my lord Russell, for I had not spoke a word to him : but the duke told me my lord Russell had been with him (I had indeed an intimation, that he had been with him but the duke told me, says he, I have not been with him, but my lord RusseU was, having been con veyed by colonel Rumsey). After this day was put off, it seems it was put off with this condition, that those lords and divers others should be in a readiness to raise the country about that day fortnight, or thereabouts; for thei*e was not above a fortnight's time given : and, says the duke of Monmouth, we have put it off but now we must be in action, for there is no holding it off any longer. And says he, I have been at Wapping all night, and I never saw a company of bolder and brisker fellows in my life ; and says he, I have been round the Tower and seen the avenues of it ; and I do not think it will be hard, in a little time, to possess ourselves of it ; but says he, they are in the wrong way, yet we are engaged to be ready for them in a fortnight, and therefore, says he, now we must apply ourselves to it as well as we can. And thereupon I believe they did send into the country and the duke of Monmouth told me he spake 24 STATE TRIALS to Mr. Trenehard, who was to take particular care of Somersetshire, with this circumstance ; Says he, I thought Mr. Trenehard had been a brisker fellow; for when I told him of it, he looked so pale, I thought he would have swooned, when I brought him to the brink of action ; and said, I pray go and do what you can among your acquaintance ; and truly I thought it would have come then to action. But I went the next day to him, and he said it was impossible, they could not get the gentlemen of the country to stir yet. Lord Russell — My lord, I think 1 have very hard measure, here is a great deal of evidence by hearsay. Lord Chief-Justice — This is nothing against you, I declare it to the jury. ATTOBNEY-GeNERAL — If you plcase, my lord, go on in the method of time. This is nothing against you, but it's coming to you, if your lordship wiU have patience, I assure you. Lord Howard — This is just in the order it was done. When this was put off, then they were in a great hurry; and Captain Walcot had been several times with me, and discoursed of it. But upon this disappointment they said, it should be the dishonour of the lords, that they were backward to perform their parts ; but still they were resolved to go on. And this had carried it to the latter end of October. About the l7th or 18th captain Walcot came to me, and told me, now they were resolved positively to rise, and did believe that a smart party might perhaps meet with some great men.' Thereupon I told the duke of it; I met him in the street and went out of my own ' The foUowing passages seem to give a true account of the measure of the complicity of Russell and hia friends with the Rye House Plot. LORD RUSSELL 25 coach into his, and told him there was some dark intimation, as if there might be some attempt upon the king's person ; with that he struck his breast with a great emotion of spirit, and said. God-so, kill the king ! I wUl never suffer that. Then he went to the play-house to find sir Thomas Armstrong and send him up and down the city to put it off, as they did formerly ; and it was done with that success, that we were all quieted in our minds, that at that time nothing would be done : but upon the day the king came from Newmarket, we dined together ; the duke of Monmouth was one, and there we had a notion conveyed among us, that some bold action should be done that day; which comparing it with the king's coming, we concluded it was designed upon the king. And I remember my lord Grey, says he. By God, if they do attempt any such thing, it can't fail. We were in great anxiety of mind, tiU we heard the king's coach was come in, and sir Thomas Armstrong not being there, we apprehended that he was to be one of the party (for he was not there). This failing, it was then next determined (which was the last alarum and news I had of it), to be done upon the 17th of November, the anniversary of queen Elizabeth ; and I remember it by this remark I made myself, that I feared it had been discovered, because I saw a pro clamation a little before forbidding public bonfires without leave of my lord mayor. It made some impressions upon me that I thought they had got an intimation of our intention, and had therefore forbid that meeting. This therefore of the l7th of November being also disappointed, and my lord Shaftesbury, being told things were not ripe, in the country, took shipping and got away : and from that time I heard 26 STATE TRIALS no more of him tiU I heard he was dead. Now, Sir, after this, we all began to lie under the same sense and apprehensions that my lord Shaftesbury did, that we had gone so far, and communicated it to so many, that it was unsafe to make a retreat ; and this being considered, it was also considered, that so great an affair as that was, consisting of such infinite par ticulars, to be managed with so much fineness, and to have so many parts, it would be necessary, that there should be some general council, that should take upon them the care of the whole. Upon these thoughts we resolved to erect a little Cabal among ourselves, which did consist of six persons ; and the persons were the duke of Monmouth, my lord of Essex, my lord RusseU, Mr. Hambden junr., Algernone Sidney, and myself. Attorney-General — About what time was this, when you settled this council .^ Lord Howard — It would have been proper for me in the next place to tell you that, and I was coming to it. This was about the middle of Jan. last (as near as I can remember) ; for about that time we did meet at Mr. Hambden's house. Attorney-General — Name those that met. Lord Howard — All the persons I named before ; that was the duke of Monmouth, my lord of Essex, my lord Russell, col. Sidney, Mr. Hambden junr., and myself; when we met there, it was presently agreed what their proper province was, which was to have a care of the whole ; and therefore it was necessary some general things should fall under our care and conduct which could not possibly be con ducted by individual persons. The things that did principally chaUenge this care, we thought were these: Whether the insurrection was most proper LORD RUSSELL 27 to be begun in London, or iu the country, or both at one instant. This stood upon several different reasons : It was said in the country ; and I remember the Duke of Monmouth insisted upon it, that it was impossible to oppose a formed, weU-methodized and governed force, with a rabble hastUy got together; and therefore whatever number could be gathered in the city, would be suppressed quickly, before they could form themselves : therefore it would be better to begin it at such a distance from the town, where they might have an opportunity of forming themselves, and would not be subject to the like panic fear, as in the town, where half an hour would convey the news to those forces that in another half hour would be ready to suppress them. It was further suggested that if the meeting was remote from London, the King must either give an opportunity for a rising there by with drawing troops, or else give the insurgents time to gather head. Other questions discussed were what counties and towns were the fittest for action, what arms were necessary, how the £20,000 or £30,000 which the Duke of Monmouth considered necessary for the rising were to be raised ; lastly and chiefly how to ' order it, as to draw Scotland into a consent with us.' Another meeting was held ten days afterwards at Lord RusseU's, when the same persons were present. It was then decided to send messengers to Lord Argyle ' to settle an understanding with him, and others to invite to England persons' that 28 STATE TRIALS were judged most able to understand the state of Scotland, and give an account of it. Aaron Smith 1 was accordingly sent to Sir John Cochram,* Lord Melvile,^ and Sir CampbeU, and received sixty guineas from Algernon Sidney for his expenses. It was agreed that the con spirators should not meet together again till Aaron Smith's return. His absence for a month caused some apprehensions ; ' but if his letters had miscarried, it could have done no great hurt, for it carried only a kind of cant in it; ' Aaron Smith is first heard of as an obscure plotter in association with Oates and Speke. He was prosecuted in 1682 for supplying seditious papers to CoUedge, and sentenced to fine and imprisonment. He managed to escape, however, before sentence was pronounced, and was arrested in connec tion with the present trial, when, as nothing could be proved against him, he was sentenced for his previous offence. After the Revolution he was appointed soUcitor to the Treasury ; but faiUng to give a good account of various prosecutions which he set on foot, he was dismissed in 1697. 2 Sir John Cochram or Cochrane was the second son of 'WiUiam Cochrane, created Earl of Dundonald in 1689. He escaped to HoUand at the time of RusseU's trial, took part in Argyle's insurrection in 1685, tumed approver, and farmed the poll tax after the Revolution, but was imprisoned in 1695 on failing to produce proper accounts. 3 George Melville was the fourth baron and the first Earl of MelviUe. He supported the RoyaUst cause in Scotland, and tried to induce a settlement with the Covenanters before the battle of Bothwell Bridge. He esoaped from England after the discovery pf the Rye House Plot, and appeared at the Court of the Prince of Orange. After the Revolution he held high offices in Scotland tiU the accession of Aune, when he was dismissed. He died in 1707. LORD RUSSELL 29 it was under the disguise of a plantation in Carolina.' Attorney-General — You are sure my lord Russell was there? Lord Howard — Yes, sir ; I wish I could say he was not. Attorney-General — Did he sit there as a cypher .' What did my lord say.' Lord Howard — Every one knows my lord Russell is a person of great judgment, and not very lavish in discourse. Serjeant Jeffreys — But he did consent? Lord Howard — We did not put it to the vote, but it went without contradiction, and I took it that all there gave their consent. Solicitor -General — The raising of money you speak of, was that put into in any way ? Lord Howard — No, but every man was to put themselves upon thinking of such a way, that money might be coUected without administering jealousy. Attorney-General — Were there no persons to undertake for a fund ? Lord Howard — No, I think not. However it was but opinion, the thing that was said was jocosely, rather than anything else, that my lord of Essex had dealing in money, and therefore he was thought the most proper person to take care of those things ; but this was said rather by way of mirth, than otherwise. Howard then withdrew to Essex to see after some private affairs ; on returning to town he heard that Smith had returned with Sir John Cochram but did not see them. He then went 30 STATE TRIALS to Bath and had nothing more to do with the conspiracy. Lord Chief-Justice — My lord Russell, now if your lordship pleases, is the time for you to ask him any questions. Lord Russell — The most he hath said of me, my lord, is only hearsay ; the two times we met, it was upon no formed design, only to talk of news, and talk of things in general. Lord Chief-Justice — But I will tell you what it is he testifies, that comes nearest your lordship, that so you may consider of it, if you will ask any ques tions. He says after my lord Shaftesbury went off (all before is but inducement, as to anything that concerns your lordship, and does not particularly touch you ; after his going away he says) the party concemed with my lord Shaftesbury did think fit to make choice of six persons to carry on the design of an insurrection or rising, as he calls it, in the kingdom ; and that to that purpose, choice was made of the Duke of Monmouth, my lord of Essex, your lordship, njy lord Howard, colonel Sidney, and Mr. Hambden. Lord Russell — Pray my lord, not to interrupt you, by what party (I know no party) were they chosen ? Lord Howard — It is very true, we were not chosen by community, but did erect ourselves by mutual agreement, one with another, into this society. Lord Russell — We were people that did meet very often. Lord Chief- Justice— Will your lordship please to have any other questions asked of my lord Howard ? LORD RUSSELL 31 Lord Russell — He says it was a formed design, when we met about no such thing. Lord Chief-Justice — He says that you did consult among yourselves, about the raising of men, and where the rising should be first, whether in the city of London, or in more foreign parts, that you had several debates concerning it ; he does make mention of some of the duke of Monmouth's arguments for its being formed in places from the city; he says you did aU agree, not to do anything further in it, tiU you had considered how to raise money and arms : and to engage the kingdom of Scotland in this busi ness with you, that it was agreed among you that a messenger should be sent into the kingdom of Scot land. Thus far he goes upon his own knowledge, as he saith ; what he says after, of sending a mes senger, is by report only. Attorney-General — I beg your pardon, my lord. Lord Chief-Justice — It is so, that which he heard concerning the sending of Aaron Smith. Attorney-General — WUl you ask him any ques tions ? Lord Russell — We met, but there was no debate of any such thing, nor putting anything in method. But my lord Howard is a man that hath a voluble tongue, talks very well, and is full of discourse, and we were delighted to hear him. Attorney-General — I think your lordship did mention the Campbells ? Lord Howard — I did stammer it out, but not without a parenthesis, it was a person of the alliance, and I thought of the name of the Argyles. Atterhury was called, and swore that Sir 32 STATE TRIALS Hugh Carapbell was in his custody ; was captured ' making his escape out of a woodmonger's house, both he and his son ' ; he owned that he had been in London four days, and that he and his son and Bailey came to town together. West ' was then called and swom. Attorney-General — That which I call you to, is to know whether or no, in your managery of this plot, you understand any of the lords were concerned, and which. Mr. West — My lord, as to my lord RusseU, I never had any conversation with him at all, but that I have heard this, that in the insurrection in November, Mr. Ferguson and colonel Rumsey did tell me that my lord Russell intended to go down and take his post in the West, when Mr. Trenehard had failed them. Lord Chief-Justice — ^\VTiat is this ? Attorney-General — We have proved my lord privy to the consults ; now we go about to prove the under-actors did know it. West — They always said my lord Russell was the man they most depended upon, because he was a person looked upon as of great sobriety. Lord Russell — Can I hinder people from making use of my name ? To have this brought to influence I 'West was a barrister at whose chambers in the Temple Rumsey, Ferguson, and other plotters used to meet, and it was aUeged that the Rye House Plot was proposed : said by Bumet to have been 'a "witty and active man, full of talk, and beUeved to be a determined (Atheist.* LORD RUSSELL 33 the gentlemen of the jury, and inflame them against me, is hard. Lord Chief-Justice — As to this, the giving evi dence by hearsay "will not be evidence ; what colonel Rumsey, or Mr Ferguson told Mr. West, is no evidence. Attorney-General — It is not evidence to convict a man, if there were not plain evidence before ; but it plainly confirms what the other swears : but I think we need no more. Jeffreys — We have eiridence without it, and wiU not use anything of garniture ; we wUl leave it as it is, we won't trouble your lordship any further. I think, Mr. Attorney, we have done with our evidence. The Lord Chief-Justice then recapitulated the evidence given against Lord Russell, dwelUng particularly on the traitorous character of Rum sey's message, RusseU's privity to Trenchard's rising, the alleged written declaration, and the consultations as to the best method of effecting a rising, and finally caUed on Lord Russell to make his defence. Lord Russell — My lord, I cannot but think myself mighty unfortunate, to stand here charged with so high and heinous a crime, and that intricated and intermixed with the treasons and horrid practices and speeches of other people, the king's counsel taking aU advantages, and improving and heightening things against me. I am no lawyer, a very unready speaker, and altogether a stranger to things of this nature, and alone, and without counsel. Truly, my VOL. II. C 34 STATE TRIALS lord, I am very sensible, I am not so provided to make my just defence, as otherwise I should do. But, my lord, you are equal, and the gentlemen of the jury, I think, are men of consciences ; they are strangers to me, and I hope they value innocent blood, and will consider the witnesses that swear against me, swear to save their own lives ; for howsoever legal witnesses they may be accounted, they can't be credible. And for col. Rumsey, who it is notoriously known hath been so highly obliged by the king, and the duke, for him to be capable of such a design of murdering the king, I think nobody wUl wonder, if to save his own life, he will endeavour to take away mine ; neither does he swear enough to do it ; and then if he did, the time by the 13th of this king, is elapsed, it must be as I understand by the law, prosecuted within six months ; and by the 25 Edw. iii. a design ot levying war is no treason, unless by some overt-act it appear.' And, my lord, I desire to know, what statute I am to be tried upon ; for generals, I think, are not to be gone upon in these cases. The Attorney - General replies that they are proceeding under the Statute of 25 Edward in. ; that he does not contend that a design to levy- war is treason, but to prepare forces to fight against the King is a design within the Statute to kill the King ; ' to design to depose the King, to imprison the King, to raise the subjects 1 As to what is treason imder 25 Edward ui., see post, p. 36. Under 13 Car. n. c. 1 it is treason, inter alia, to devise the deposition of the King ; but the prosecution must be within aix months of the commiasion of the offence. LORD RUSSELL 35 against the King, these have been settled by several resolutions to be within that Statute, and evidences of a design to kill the King.' 1 A man cannot be convicted of treason by one witness only, but several witnesses to several acts which manifest the same treason are sufficient. Jeffreys — If my lord will call his witnesses Lord Russell — This is tacking of two treasons to gether; here is one in November by one witness, and then you bring in another with a discourse of my lord Howard, and he says the discourse passed for pleasure. The Lord Chief-Justice and Jeflfreys point out that it has been settled that the two witnesses required in treason may be witnesses to different acts, and that if Lord Russell admits the facts his counsel may be heard on the point of law. Lord Chief-Justice — My lord, to hear your counsel ' The question was, ''What is included in the expressions "Imagine the King's death" and "Levying war against the King " ! ' The Attorney-General was evidently placing a gloss on them, which was perhaps justified from a wider point of view than a merely legal one. However that may be, the same process was continned till it culminated in the theory of 'constructive treason,' according to whioh it was laid dovm in 1794 that a man who intended to depose the King compassed and imagined his death. The matter was eventuaUy decided in 1795 by a statute which made such an intent and others of the same kind treason of themselves. See further Stephen's History of Crimimd Lcm, vol. ii. pp. 243-283. 36 STATE TRIALS concerning this fact, that we cannot do, it was never done, nor will be done. If your lordship doubts whether this fact is treason or not, and desires your counsel may be heard to that, I will do it. Solicitor-General — Will your lordship please to call any witness to the matter of fact ? Lord Russell — It is very hard a man must lose his life upon hearsay. Colonel Rumsey says he brought a message which I will swear I never heard nor knew of. He does not say he spake to me, or I gave him any answer. Mr. Sheppard remembers no such thing; he was gone to and a^in. Here is but one witness, and seven months ago. Attorney-General — My lord, if there is anything that is law, you shall have it. Lord Russell — My lord, colonel Rumsey, the other day before the king [the information of Rumsey is signed by the Duke of Abermarle and Sir Leoline Jenkins, Secretary of State] could not say that I heard it, I was in the room, but I came in late, they had been there a good while ; I did not stay above a quarter of an hour tasting sherry with Mr. Sheppard. Here some of the judges desired that 25 Edw. IIL c. 2 should be read, which was done. The material parts of it declare ' that whereas divers opinions have been before this time, in what case treason shall be said, and in what not . . . when a man doth compass or imagine the death of our lord the king ... or if a man do levy war against our lord the king in his realm, or be adherent to the king's enemies in his realm, giving to tbem aid and comfort in LORD RUSSELL 37 the realm, or elsewhere, and thereof be prov able attainted of open deed by people of their condition,' it is treason. On this the point of law is re-discussed with the same result as before. Lord Russell — I do not know how to answer it. The points methinks must be quite otherwise, that there should be two witnesses to one thing at the same time. Attorney-General — Your lordship remembers, in my lord Stafford's case, there was but one witness to one act in England, and another to another in France. Lord Russell — It was to the same point. Attorney-General — ^To the general point, the lopping point. Lord Russell — I can prove I was out of town when one of these meetings was ; but Mr. Sheppard cannot recoUect the day, for I was out of town all that time. I never was but once at Mr. Sheppard's and there was nothing undertaken of viewing the guards while I was there. CoL Rumsey, can you swear positively, that I heard the message, and gave any answer to it ? Lord Chief- Justice (to Col. Rumsey) — Sir, did my lord Russell hear you when you delivered the message to the company? Were they at the table, or where were they ? Colonel Rumsey — When I came in they were stand ing at the fireside ; but they all came from the fireside to hear what I said. Lord Russell — Col. Rumsey was there when I came in. Colonel Rumsey — No, my lord. The duke of Mon mouth and my lord Russell went away together ; and my lord Grey, and sir Thomas Armstrong. 38 STATE TRIALS Lord Russell — The duke of Monmouth and I came together, and you were standing at the chimney when I came in ; you were there before me. My lord Howard hath made a long narrative here of what he knew. I do not know when he made it, or when he did recollect anything ; 'tis but very lately, that he did declare and protest to several people, that he knew nothing against me, nor of any Plot I could in the least be questioned for. Lord Chief-Justice — If you wUl have any witnesses called to that, you shall, my lord. Lord Russell — My lord Anglesey, and Mr. Edward Howard. My lord Anglesey stood up. Lord Chief- Justice — My lord RusseU, what do you ask my lord Anglesey ? Lord Russell — To declare what my lord Howard told him about me, since I was confined. Lord Anglesey — My lord, I chanced to be in town the last week; and hearing my lord of Bedford was in some distress and trouble conceming the affliction of his son, I went to give him a visit, being my old acquaint ance, of some 63 years' standing, I believe; for my lord and I were bred together at Maudlin CoUege in Oxon ; I had not been there but a very little while, and was ready to go away again, after I had done the good office I came about ; but my lord Howard came in, I don't know whether he be here. Lord Howard — Yes, here I am to serve your lord ship. Lord Anglesey — And sat down on the other side of my lord of Bedford, and he began to comfort my lord ; and the arguments he used for his comfort, were, my lord, you are happy in having a wise son. LORD RUSSELL 39 and a worthy person, one that can never sure be in such a Plot as this, or suspected for it, and that may give your lordship reason to expect a very good issue concerning him. I know nothing against him, or any body else, of such a barbarous design, and therefore your lordship may be comforted in it. I did not hear this only from my lord Howard's mouth, but at my own home on the Monday after, for I used to go to Totteridge for fresh air ; I went down on Saturday, this happened to be on Friday (my lord being here, I am glad, for he cannot forget this discourse) ; and when I came to town on Monday I understood tha my lord Howard upon that very Sunday had been church with my lady Chaworth. My lady has a chaplain it seems that preaches there and does the offices of the church ; but my lady came to me in the evening. This I have from my lady Lord Chief-Justice — My lord, what you have from my lady is no kind of evidence at all. Lord Anglesey — I don't know what my lord is, I am acquainted with none of the evidence, nor what hath been done ; But my lady Chaworth came to me, and acquainted me there was some suspicion Jeffreys — I don't think it fit for me to interrupt a person of your honour, my lord, but your lordship knows in what place we stand here : What you can say of anything you heard of my lord Howard, we are willing to hear, but the other is not evidence. As the court will not let us offer hearsays, so neither must we that are for the king permit it. Lord Anglesey — I have told you what happened in my hearing. Mr. Howard was then called, and after describ 40 STATE TRIALS ing steps he took to prevail on Lord Howard to come over to the King's side, when ' I sometimes found my lord very forward and sometimes softened him ' ; and continuing — Lord Chief- Justice — Pray apply yourself to the matter you are called for. Mr. Howard — This it may be is to the matter, when you have heard me : for I think I know where I am, and what I am to say. Lord Chief-Justice — We must desire you not to go on thus. Mr. Howard — I must satisfy the world, as well as I can, as to myself, and my famUy, and pray do not interrupt me. After this, my lord, there never passed a day for almost Lord Chief-Justice — Pray speak to this matter. Howard — Sir, I am coming to it. Lord Chief-Justice — Pray, Sir, be directed by the Court. Howard — Then now, sir, I will come to the thing. Upon this ground I had of my lord's kindness, I applied myself to my lord in this present issue, on the breaking out of this Plot. My lord, I thought certainly, as near as I could discern him (for he took it upon his honour, his faith, and as much as if he had taken an oath before a magistrate), that he knew nothing of any man concerned in this business, and particularly of my lord Russell, whom he vindicated with all the honour in the world. My lord, it is true, was afraid of his 0"wn person, and as a friend and a relation I concealed him in my own house, and I did not think it was for such a conspiracy, but I thought he was unwiUing to go to the Tower for LORD RUSSELL 41 nothing again ;* so that if my lord has the same soul on Monday, that he had on Sunday, this cannot be true, that he swears against my lord Russell. Lord Russell — Call Dr. Burnet.* ' He had been t"wice sent to the Tower ; once in 1674 in con sequence of the discovery of a secret correspondence with HoUand ; once in 1681 on a false charge by Edward Fitzharris of writing the True Englishman, a pamphlet advocating the deposition of Charles n. and the exclusion of the Duke of York, which was in fact "written by Fitzharris, it is suggested "with the purpose of imputing its authorship to the 'Whigs. It is uo doubt the second of these occasions that is referred to. ' Bumet had at this time retired into private life, having lost the Court favour which he had gained at an earUer period. He had been an intimate friend of Stafford, and was living on terms of the closest intimacy with Essex and RusseU at the time of their arrest. After RusseU's execution he left the country, and eventuaUy found his way to the Hague just before the Revolution, where he performed services for 'WiUiam and Mary requiring the utmost degree of confidence. He landed at Torbay "with "WUliam, soon became Bishop of SaUsbury, and until the end of "William's life remained one of his most trusted counciUors. He retained a position of great influence under Anne, aud died in 1715. In relation to his evidence iu this case, it is interesting to read in his history that RusseU was privy to a plot for promoting a rebeUion in the country and for bringing in the Scotch. He says further : * Lord RusseU desired that his counsel might be heard to this point of seizing the guards; but that was denied unless he would confess the fact, and he would not do that, because as the "witnesses had sworn it, it was false. He once intended to have related the whole fact just as it was ; but his counsel advised him against it ' ; in fact RusseU admitted that he knew of a traitorous plot, and did not reveal it. ' He was a man of so much candour that he spoke little as to the fact ; for since he was advised not to teU the whole truth, he could not speak against that which he knew to be true, though in 42 STATE TRIALS Lord Russell — Pray, Dr. Burnet, did you hear anjrthing from my lord Howard, since the Plot was discovered, concerning me ? Dr. Burnet — My lord Howard was with me the night after the Plot broke out, and he did then, as he had done before, with hands and eyes lifted up to heaven, say he knew nothing of any Plot, nor believed any ; and treated it with scorn and contempt. Lord Howard — My lord, may I speak for myself? Jeffreys — No, no, my lord, we don't caU you. Lord Chief-Justice — Will you please to have any other witnesses called ? Lord Russell — There are some persons of quality that I have been very well acquainted and conversed with. I desire to know of them, if there was anything in my former carriage to make them think me Uke to be guilty of this ? My lord Cavendish. Lord Cavendish — I had the honour to be acquainted with my lord Russell a long time. I always thought him a man of great honour, and too prudent and wary a man to be concerned in so vile and desperate a design as this, and from which he would receive so Uttle advantage; I can say nothing more, but that two or three days since the discovery of this plot upon discourse about Col. Rumsey my lord RusseU did express something, as if he had a very ill opinion of the man, and therefore it is not likely he would entrust him with such a secret. Lord Russell — Dr. Tillotson.* some particulars it had been carried beyond the truth.' See too post, p. 55. ' John Tillotson (1630-1694) was the son of a weaver of Sowerby. He entered Clare HaU in 1647, and became a a feUow of the same coUege in 1651. He received an early LORD RUSSELL 43 Lord Chief-Justice — What questions would you ask him, my lord ? Lord Russell — He and I happened to be very con versant. To know whether he did ever find anything tending to this in my discourse. Lord Chief-Justice — My lord calls you as to his life, and conversation and reputation. Dr. Tillotson — My lord, I have been many years last past acquainted with my lord Russell, I always judged him a person of great virtue and integrity, and by aU the conversation and discourse I ever had with him, I always took him to be a person very far from any such wicked design he stands charged with. Lord Russell — Dr. Burnet, if you please to give some account of my conversation. Dr. Burnet — My lord, I have had the honour to bias against Pnritomsm from ChUlingworth's Religion of ProtettarUs, and his intercourse "with Cudworth and othera at Cambridge. He became tutor to the son of Prideaux, CromweU's Attomey-Greneral in 1656 ; he was present at the Savoy Conference in 1661, and remained identified with the Puritans tiU the passing of the Act of Uniformity in 1662; afterwards he became curate of Cheshunt in Hertfordshire and rector of Keddington in Suffolk. In 1664 he was known aa a celebrated preacher, and was appointed preacher in Lincoln's Inn. In 1678 and 1680 he preached sermons to the House of Commons and the King respectively, exhorting the former to legislation against Popery, and pointing out to the latter that whilst CathoUcs should be tolerated, they ahould not be aUowed to proaelytise. He attended RnsseU on the scaffold, and with Bnmet was stunmoned before the Council on a suspicion of having helped to compose RusseU's pubUshed speech. He acquired great influence after the Bevolution ; and having exercised the archiepiscopal jmisdiction of the province of Canterbury diuing Sancrof t's suspension, became himself archbishop in 1691. 44 STATE TRIALS be known to my lord Russell several years, and he hath declared himself with much confidence to me, and he always upon all occasions expressed himself against all risings ; and when he spoke of some people would provoke to it, he expressed himself so deter mined against that matter that I think no man could do more. Dr. Thonias Cox was then called and said that having seen a great deal of Lord Russell during the six weeks 'before this plot came out,' he had always found him against all kind of risings ; he expressed distrust of Rumsey. He said, for my lord Howard, he was a man of excellent parts, of luxuriant parts, but he had the luck not to be much trusted by any party. The Duke of Somerset spoke shortly as to Lord RusseU's honour, loyalty, and justice. Foreman op the Jury — The gentlemen of the jury desire to ask my lord Howard something upon the point my lord Anglesey testified, and to know what answer he makes to lord Anglesey. Lord Chief-Baron — My lord, what say you to it, that you told his father that he was a discreet man, and he needed not to fear his engagement in any such thing ? Lord Howard — My lord, if I took it right my lord Anglesey's testimony did branch itself into two parts, one of his own knowledge, and the other by hearsay ; as to what he said of his own knowledge, when I waited upon my lord of Bedford, and endeavoured to comfort him concerning his son, I believe I said the LORD RUSSELL 45 words my lord Anglesey has given an account of, as near as I can remember, that I looked upon his lord ship as a man of that honour, that I hoped he might be secure, that he had not entangled himself in anything of that nature. My lord, I can hardly be provoked to make my own defence, lest this noble lord should suffer, so willing I am to serve my lord, who knows I cannot want affection for him. My lord, I do confess I did say it ; for your lordship well knows under what circumstances we were : I was at that time to outface the thing, both for myself and my party, and I did not intend to come into this place, and act this part. God knows how it is brought upon me, and with what unwUlingness I do sustain it ; but my duty to God, the king, and my country requires it; but I must confess I am very sorry to carry it on thus far. My lord, I do confess I did say so, and if I had been to visit my lord Pemberton, I should have said so. There is none of those that know my lord RusseU, but would speak of my lord Russell, from those topics of honour, modesty and integrity, his whole life deserves it And I must confess that I did frequently say, there was nothing of truth in this, and I wish this may be for my lord's advantage. My lord, will you spare me one thing more, because that leans hard upon my reputation; and if the jury believe that I ought not to be believed, for I do think the religion of an oath is not tied to a place, but receives its obligation from the appeal we therein make to God, and, I think, if I called God and angels to witness to a falsehood, I ought not to be beUeved now ; but I will teU you as to that ; your lordship knows that every man that was committed, was committed for a design of murdering the king ; 46 STATE TRIALS now I did lay hold on that part, for I was to carry my knife close between the paring and the apple; and I did say that if I were an enemy to my lord Russell, and to the Duke of Monmouth, and were called to be a witness, I must have declared in the presence of God and man, that I did not believe either of them had any design to murder the king. I have said this, because I would not walk under the char acter of a person that would be perjured at the expense of so noble a person's life, and my own soul. Lord Clifford, Mr. Suton Gore, Mr. Spencer, and Dr. Filz-Williams then all gave evidence as to Lord RusseU's character in general terms. Lord Chief-Justice — My lord, does your lordship call any more witnesses ? Lord Russell — No, my lord, I will be very short. I shaU declare to your lordship, that I am one that have always had a heart sincerely loyal and affectionate to the king, and the government the best govem ment in the world. I pray as sincerely for the king's happy and long Ufe as any man alive ; and for me to go about to raise a rebeUion, which I looked upon as so wicked and unpracticable, is unlikely. Besides, if I had been inclined to it, by all the observation I made in the country, there was no tendency to it. What some hot-headed people have done there, is another thing. A rebelUon cannot be made now as it has been in former times ; we have few great men. I was always for the government, I never desired anything to be redressed, but in a parliamentary and legal way, I have always been against innovations and all irregularities whatsoever ; and shall be as long as LORD RUSSELL 47 I live, whether it be sooner or later. Gentlemen, I am now in your hands eternally, my honour, my life, and all ; and I hope the heats and animosities that are amongst you wUl not so bias you, as to make you in the least inclined to find an innocent man guilty. I call to witness heaven and earth, I never had a design against the king's life, in my life, nor never shall have. I think there is nothing proved against me at aU. I am in your hands. God direct you. The Solicitor -General then proceeds to sum up the case against Lord Russell. The treason alleged against the prisoner is conspiring the death of the King; the overt act proving the conspiracy is the assembling in council to raise arms against the King and raise a rebeUion here. Rumsey was sent by Shaftesbury to Sheppard's house to ask for news of Trenchard's rising at Taunton; the message was deUvered in Russell's presence and an answer was given as from them all that they were disappointed there, and were not ready to rise. Monmouth, Grey, and Armstrong went out to inspect the guards and reported that it was feasible to sur prise them. Russell was present and discussed a rising with the rest ; the rising was to be on the 19th of November. Sheppard speaks to Ferguson engaging his rooms on behalf of Mon mouth ; there was consequently a private meeting there which Russell attended. He confirms Rumsey as to the inspecting of the guards, and speaks to the reading of a paper, though he 48 STATB TRIALS does not say that Russell was there when it was read. Lord Howard 'gives you an account of many things, and many things that he tells you are by hearsay. But I cannot but observe to you that all this hearsay is confirmed by these two positive witnesses.' Shaftesbury told Howard of the disappointment he had met with from noble persons who would not join with him ; Howard went from Shaftesbury to Monmouth to expostulate with him; 'and Monmouth said he had always told him (? Howard or Shaftes bury) he would not engage at that time.' This, says the Solicitor-General, is confirmed by Rum sey's account of the delivery of his message. Then follows the abandonment of the rising on the 19th of November in consequence of the proclamation forbidding the usual rejoicings on that occasion, and Shaftesbury's departure, lead ing to the formation of the committee of six, of whom Lord Russell was one, and who at one meeting discussed the proper place for the rising and at another how best to obtain assistance from Scotland. Lord Russell states that he only came to Sheppard's house by accident, about some other business, but he came with Monmouth, and Monmouth came by appoint ment. Surely this designed and secret meeting must have been intended for the purposes for which it was used. Lord Russell objects that this evidence proves no more than a conspiracy LORD RUSSELL 49 to levy war, which is not treason within 25 Edw. III., and though it is treason within 13 Car. IL, that statute does not apply because the prosecution has not taken place within six months of the offence. But the case is one of high treason under 25 Edw. iii., because 'to conspire to levy war, is an overt-act to testify the design of the death of the King'; as to which see Lord Cobham's case, 1 Jac.^ A conspiracy to levy war against the king's person tends to seizing the King, which has always been taken to be treason. It may be different in the case of a conspiracy to levy war by such an act as overthrowing all inclosures (which is levying war), which by construction only is against the King, but such cases are to be distinguished from the levying of war against the King himself; see the case of Dr. Story. As was seen in Plunket's * 1 Henry Brooke, the eighth Lord Cobham, after losiug Court favour on the death of Elizabeth, was accused in 1603 of plotting "with Axemberg, the Spanish ambassador, to place Arabella Stuart on the throne, and to MU the King. His evidence contributed largely to the conviction of Sir Walter Raleigh of the same treason, and he waa tried and convicted the next day. He waa kept in priaon tiU 1617, when he was aUowed to go to Bath on condition that he retumed to prison ; but he was struck by paralysis on his way back and died in 1619. See voL i. pp. 19-57. 2 OUver Plunket (1629-1681) was Roman CathoUc bishop of Armagh and titular primate of Ireland. He attained these positions in 1669; in 1674 he went into hiding when the position of the CathoUcs in England drew attention to their presence in Ireland, He was arrested on a charge of com- voL, II. n so STATE TRIALS case, to invite a foreign invasion is to conspire the death of the King. Coke, in the passage before that relied on by Lord Russell, admits that this is the law. When Coke says that to levy war is not an overt act for compassing the death of the King (that is, is not evidence of such an intention). Sir Henry Vane's case shows he is wrong. As to the killing of the King, I am apt to think that was below the honour of the prisoner at the bar . . . but this is equal treason ; if they designed only to bring the King into their power, tUl he had consented to such things as should be moved in ParUament, it is equaUy treason as if they had agreed directly to assassinate him. Lord Howard, it is true, testified repeatedly to Lord RusseU's innocence, but was not this the best way of concealing his own guilt? Surely Dr. Burnet would look on himself as the last person to whom conspirators would confess their crimes. Jeffreys followed, recapitulating a few of the facts, but adding nothing to the Solicitor- General's argument. Lord Chief-Justice — Gentlemen of the jury, the prisoner at the bar stands indicted before you of pUcity with the Popish Plot in 1678, and eventuaUy tried in the King's Bench for treason in 1681 by Su- Francis Pember ton, when the law waa laid do"wn as stated above. He was convicted, hung, beheaded and quartered, LORD RUSSELL 51 High treason in compassing and designing the death of the king, and declaring of it by overt-acts endeavouring to raise insurrections, and popular commotions, in the kingdom here. To this he hath pleaded. Not Guilty. You have heard the evidence that hath been against him ; it hath been at large repeated by the king's counsel which wiU take off a great deal of my trouble in repeating it again. I know you cannot but take notice of it, and remember it, it having been stated twice by two of the king's counsel to you ; 'tis long, and you see what the parties here have proved. Tbere is first of aU CoL Rumsey, he does attest a meetiug at Mr. Sheppard's house, aud you hear to what purpose he says it was ; the message that he brought, and "the return he had ; it was to enquire concerning a rising at Taunton ; and that he had in retum to my lord Shaftesbury was, that Mr. Trenehard had failed them, and my lord must be contented ; for it could not be that time. You hear that he does say, that they did design a rising; he saith there was a rising designed in November, I think he saith the seventeenth, upon the day of queen Elizabeth's birth. ^ You hear he does say there was at that meeting some discourse concerning inspecting the king's guards, and seeing how they kept themselves, and whether they might be surprised, and this he says was aU in order to a rising. He says, that at this my lord RusseU was present. Mr. Sheppard does say, that my lord Russell was there ; that he came into this meeting with the duke of Monmouth and he did go away with the duke of Monmouth he believes. He 1 Rumsey says the 19th, Howard the 17th. The 17th was the anniversary of the Queen's accesaion. 52 STATE TRIALS says there was some discourse of a rising or insurrec tion that was to be procured within the kingdom : but he does not tell you the particulars of any thing, he himself does not. My lord Howard afterwards does come and tell you of a great discourse he had with my lord Shaftesbury, in order to a rising in the city of London ; and my lord Shaftesbury did value himself mightily upon 10,000 men he hoped to raise ; and a great deal of discourse, he had with my lord Shaftes bury. This he does by way of inducement to what he says concerning my lord RusseU. The evidence against him is some consults that there were by six of them, who took upon them, as he says, to be a councU for the management of the insurrection, that was to be procured in this kingdom. He instances in two that were for this purpose, the one of them at Mr. Hambden's house, the other at my lord RusseU's house. And he teUs you at these meetings, there was some discourse of providing treasure, and of providing arms ; but they came to no result in these things. He tells you that there was a design to send for some of the kingdom of Scotland, that might join with them in this thing. And this is upon the matter, the substance of the evidence, that hath been at large declared to you bythe king's counsel, and what you have heard. Now gentlemen, I must tell you some things it lies upon us to direct you in. My lord excepts to these witnesses, because they are concerned, by their own shewing, in this design. If there were any, I did direct (some of you might hear me) yesterday, that that was no sufficient excep tion against a man's being an e"vidence in the case of treason, that he himself was concerned in it ; they are the most proper persons to be evidence, none being LORD RUSSELL 53 able to detect such counsels but them. You have heard my lord RusseU's witnesses that he hath brought concerning them, and conceming his own integrity and course of life, how it has been sober and civU, with a great respect to religion, as these gentlemen do all testify. Now the question before you will be, ¦yVTiether upon this whole matter you do beleive my lord Russell had any design upon the king's Ufe, to destroy the king, or take away his Ufe, for that is the material part here. It is used and given you (by the king's counsel) as an evidence of this, that he did conspire to raise an insurrection, and to cause a rising of the people, to make as it were a rebeUion within the nation, and to surprise the king's guards, which, say they, can have no other end, but to seize and destroy the king; and 'tis a great evidence (if my lord RusseU did design to seize the king's guards, and make an insurrection in the kingdom) of a design to surprise the king's person. It must be left to you upon the whole matter : you have not evidence in this case as there was in the other matter that was tried in the morning or yesterday,* against the con spirators to kill the king at the Rye. There was a direct evidence of a consult to kill the king, that is not given you in this case : This is an act of con triving rebellion, and an insurrection within the kingdom, and to seize his guards, which is urged an evidence, and surely is in itself an evidence, to seize and destroy the king. Upon this whole matter, this is left to you. If you believe the prisoner at the bar to have conspired the 1 Thomaa 'Walcot and "WiUiam Hone, tried for and con victed of participation in the Rye Houae Plot. 54 STATE TRIALS death of the king and in order to that, to have had these consults, that these witnesses speak of, theu you must find him guilty of this treason that is laid to his charge. Then the Court adjourned tiU four o'clock in the afternoon, when the Jury brought the said Lord RusseU in guilty of the said High Treason. On July 14th Lord Russell was brought up before the Recorder for sentence, and, demand ing to have the indictment read, pleaded that no intention to kill the King had been proved. The Recorder, however, pointed out that the point had already been taken, and that he was bound by the verdict of the jury. He then condemned the prisoner in the usual way to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. This sentence was commuted to beheading, and was carried out on Slst July. Lord Russell was accompanied from Newgate to Lincoln's Inn Fields, where the execution took place, by Tillotson and Burnet. He spoke a few words on the scaffold, expressing his affection for the Protestant religion, and deny ing knowledge of any plot against the King's life, or the government. He left a paper of considerable interest from a general point of view justifying his action in relation to the Popish Plot and the Exclusion Bill. As to his trial, he asserts that he never saw Sheppard but once, and then there was no undertaking as to seizing the guards and no one appointed to LORD RUSSELL 55 view them. It may have been discoursed of then and at other times, but he never consented to it, and once at Shaftesbury's he strongly pro tested against it. He had an intention to try some sherry when he went to Sheppard's ; but when he was in town the duke of Monmouth came to me and told me he was extremely glad I had come to town, for my lord Shaftesbury and some hot men would undo us all, if great care be not taken ; and therefore for God's sake use your endeavours with your friends to prevent anything of this kind. He told me there would be company at Mr. Sheppard's that night, and desired me to be at home in the evening, and he would caU me, which he did : And when I came into the room I saw Mr. Rumsey by the chimney, although he swears he came in after ; and there were things said by some with much more heat than judg ment, which I did sufliciently disapprove, and yet for these things I stand condemned. It is, I know, inferred from thence, and was pressed to me, that I was acquainted with these heats and iU designs, and did not discover them ; but this is but misprision of treason at most. So I die innocent of the crime I stand condemned for, and I hope nobody will imagine, that so mean a thought could enter into me, as to go about to save myself by accusing others ; the part that some have acted lately of that kind has not been such as to invite me to love Ufe at such a rate. ... I know I said but little at the trial, and I suppose it looks more like innocence than guUt. I was also advised not to confess matter of fact plainly, since that must certainly have brought me within the 56 STATE TRIALS guUt of misprision.' And being thus restrained from dealing frankly and openly, I chose rather to say little, than to depart from ingenuity, that by the grace of God I had carried along with me in the former parts of my life ; so could easier be silent, and leave the whole matter to the conscience of the jury, than to make the last and solemnest part of my life so different from the course of it, as the using little tricks and evasions must have been. Lord RusseU's attainder was reversed by a private Act of 1 Will, and Mary on the ground that the jury were not properly returned, that his lawful challenges to them for want of free hold were refused, and that he was convicted 'by partial and unjust constructions ofthe law.' 1 See ante, p. 42. THE EARL OF WARWICK VOL. II. THE EARL OF WARWICK March 28, 1699. About eleven of the clock the Lords came from their own house into the court erected in Westminster haU, for the trials of Edward, earl of Warwick and HoUand, and Charles lord Mohun,* in the manner foUowing. The lord high > Charles, fifth Baron Mohun (1675?.1712), was the eldest son of the fourth baron, who died from a wound received in a duel when his son was about two years old. He fought his first duel in 1692, breaking oat of his lodgings, where he waa confined in conaequence of a quarrel over dice, for the purpose, with the assistance of the Earl of "Warwick of the preaent case, the grandson of the Lord Holland of the Civil "War. Thia encounter ended in both combatants being disarmed. Two days later he abetted in the mm-der of Mountfort, an actor. One Captain HiU was in love "with Mrs. Bracegirdle, the famous actress, and supposed that he had cause to be jealous of the attentions she received from Mountfort, the equaUy eminent actor. Accordingly Hill and Mohun formed a plan (estimated to cost £50 in all) to carry off the lady as she came out of the theatre : and providing themselves with a coaoh-and-six and a body of soldiers aet out on the enterprise. They miaaed Mrs. Bracegirdle at the theatre, but found her by chance coming out of a honse in Drury Lane where she had supped. The attempt to carry her off in the coach faUed, o"wing to the vigorous resistance made by her friends. HUl and Mohun, however, were allowed to escort her to her lodgings in Howard Street, where &ey saw her safely home. Mountfort lived in Norfolk Street, at the 6o STATE TRIALS steward's gentleman attendants, two and two. The clerks of the House of Lords, with two clerks of the crown in the Courts of Chancery and King's Bench. The masters of Chancery, two and two. Then the judges. The peers' eldest sons, and peers minors, two and two. Four Serjeants at arms with their maces, two and two. The yeoman usher of the house. Then the peers, two and two, beginning "with the youngest barons. Then four Serjeants at arms with their bottom of Howard Street ; and aa he was passing down the latter some two hours later, he waa accosted by Mohun in a more or lesa friendly way ; but while they were talking together, he waa attacked aud kUled by HiU, who did not give him time to draw hia sword. Hill fled, but Mohun was tried by his peers in Westminster Hall, January 1692-93. The trial excited great interest partly o"wing to the youth of the prisoner, and on a question being raised as to the degree of compUcity necessary to constitute his gvult, he was acquitted. A report of the trial "wiU be fonnd in Staie Trials, xii. 950. There are alao some picturesque references to it in Chapter xix. of Macaula/s Historp. Mohun fought another duel in 1694, served for two years in Flanders, returned to England, and fought a duel "with Captain Bingham in St. James's Park, whicb was interrupted by the sentries. The same year he was present at the death of Captain HUl, in the Rummer Tavern, Tho present case occurred in 1698, and seems to have closed his career as a rake. He was sent under Lord Maccleafield on a miaaion to present the Electresa-Dowager Sophia with a copy of the Act of Succeasion, and he frequently took part in debatea in the Houae of Lords. After Lord Macclesfield's death he became entangled in a long course of Utigation with the Duke of Hamilton; and on their meeting in Master's Chambers, remarks passed between them which led to a duel, when both were MUed. The Tories suggested that the "Whigs had arranged the duel in order to get rid of Mohun because they were tired of him, and Hamilton, because they wanted to prevent his projected embassy to France. THE EARL OF WARWICK 6i maces. Then one of the heralds, attending in the room of Garter, who by reason of his infirmity, could not be present. And the gentleman usher of the Black Rod, carrying the white staff before the lord high steward. Then the lord chanceUor, the lord high steward, of England, alone. When the lords were seated on their proper benches, and the lord high steward on the wool-pack ; the two clerks of the crown in the courts of Chancery and King's Bench, standing before the clerk's table with their faces towards the state ; The clerk of the crown in Chancery having his majesty's commission to the lord high steward in his hands, made three reverences towards the lord high steward, and the clerk of the crown in Chancery on his knees presented the commission to the lord high steward, who delivered it to the clerk of the crown in the King's bench (then likewise kneeling before his grace) in order to be opened and read ; and then the two clerks of the crown making three reverences, went down to the table ; and the clerk of the crown in the King's Bench commanded the serjeant at arms to make proclamation of silence ; which he did in this manner. Serjeant-at-Arms — O yes, O yes, O yes, My lord high steward his grace does straitly charge and com mand all manner of persons here present, to keep silence, and hear the king's majesty's commission to his grace my lord high steward of England directed, openly read, upon pain of imprisonment. Then the lord high steward' asked the peers > John Lord Somers (1651-1716) was bom at "Whiteladies, 62 STATE TRIALS to be pleased to stand up uncovered, while the King's commission was read. And the peers stood up, uncovered, and the King's commission was read in Latin, by which it was set out that the Grand Jury of the County of Middlesex had found a true bill of murder against the Earl of Warwick and Lord Mohun, which the peers were commissioned to try. Proclamation that near 'Worcester, educated at Trinity CoUege, Oxford, and called in 1676, He appeared aa junior counael in the trial of the Seven Bishops, at the instance of PoUexfen (see vol. i. p. 241), and took a conspicuous part in the settlement of the monarchy after the Revolution, being an influential member of the Committee which drafted the Declaration of Righta. He became Solicitor-General in 1689, aud Attomey-Oeneral in 1692, in which capacity it is curious to notice that he con ducted the prosecution of Lord Mohun for the murder of Mountfort (see ante, p. 60). He became "WUliam ui.'s first Lord Keeper in 1692-3, and Lord ChanceUor in 1697. During aU this time he waa one of William's most trusted advisera, and was consulted by him on the most confidential questions relating to foreign policy. He waa alao famiUar with the leading literary and scientific men of hia time, being reapon- aible for Addiaon'a penaion, and receiving the dedication of the Taie of a T^ub from Swift, He alao conferred favoura on Rymer and Madox, He reaigned the Great Seal in 1700 after a motion for hia perpetual exolusion from the presence of the King had been defeated by a smaU majority in the House of Commons ; having already lost the King's confidence by the position he adopted in regard to "William's propositions for a standing army, and attracted the hostiUty of the country partly by his opposition to the biU for the resumption of the grants of forfeited Irish estates. He played a conspicuous part in the reign of Queen Anne aa the head of the "Whig junto formed at the beginning of that reign, but never resumed ofSce. THE EARL OF WARWICK 63 all persons there present should be uncovered, was then made, and the retum of certiorari, bringing the indictment before the House of Lords, was read in Latin. Order was then made that the judges might be covered, and the governor of the tower was ordered to produce the earl of Warwick ; and he was brought to the bar by the deputy-governor, having the axe carried before him by the gentle man gaoler, who stood with it at the bar, on the right hand of the prisoner, turning the edge from him. The lord high steward then informed the prisoner that he had been indicted of murder by the Grand Jury for the county of Middlesex, on which indictment he would now be tried; and proceeded — Your lordship is called to answer this charge before the whole body of the house of peers as assembled in parliament. It is a great misfortune to be accused of so heinous an offence, and it is an addition to that misfortune, to be brought to answer as a criminal before such an assembly, in defence of your estate, your life, and honour. But it ought to be a support to your mind, sufficient to keep you from sinking under the weight of such an accusation, that you are to be tried before so noble, discerning, and equal judges, that nothing but your guilt can hurt you. No evidence will be received, but what is warranted by law; no weight will be laid upon that evidence, but what is agreeable to justice ; no advantage will be taken of 64 STATE TRIALS your lordship's Uttle experience in proceedings of this nature ; nor will it turn to your prejudice, that you have not the assistance of counsel in your defence, as to the fact (which cannot be allowed by law), and their lordships have already assigned you counsel if any matter of law should arise. After a little more to the same effect the indictment was read, first in Latin, then in English, and the earl of Warwick pleaded Not Guilty. The indictment was then opened by Serjeant Wright,! to the effect that the prisoner was accused of murdering Richard Coote on the SOth of October, by stabbing him, together with Lord Mohun, Richard French, Roger James, and George Dockwra. 1 Sir Nathan Wright (1653-1721), born of an Essex family, was educated at Emmanuel CoUege, and was caUed in 1677. He was junior counsel for the Crown in the trial of the Seven Bishops, and opened the pleadings. He became Serjeant in 1692. On the retirement of Lord Somers in 1700, a difficulty was found in pro"viding a aucceaaor, and eventually the post of Lord Chancellor waa offered to, and accepted by, "Wright, He enjoyed no reputation, good or bad, aa a judge, except that he was very alow, and generaUy considered unfit for the place. After holding office for five yeara he was dismissed ou the accession to power by the 'Whigs in 1705. Speaking of hia appointment aa Lord ChanceUor, Lord CampbeU says, 'The occasional occurrence of such elevations seems wisely contrived by Providence to humble the vanity of those who succeed in public Ufe, and to aoften the mortification of thoae who fail.' THE EARL OF WARWICK 65 The Attorney-General^ then opened the case, as follows ; — Attorney-General — May it please your lordships, I am of counsel in this cause for the king against this noble lord, Edward earl of Warwick and Holland, the prisoner at the bar, who stands indicted by the grand jury of the County of Middlesex, has been arraigned, and is now to be tried before your lordships for the felonious killing and murdering of Mr. Coote, in the indictment named ; the evidence to make good this charge against this noble lord, it comes to my turn to open to your lordships. My lords, the case, as to the fact, according to my instructions, is this : Upon Saturday, the 29th of October last, at night, my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, Mr. French, Mr. Dockwra, and Mr. Coote, the unfortunate gentleman who was killed, met together at one Locket's who kept the Greyhound- tavern in the Strand, and there they staid till it was 1 Thomas Lord Trevor (1659?-1730) was the aon of a Secretary of State of Charles 11. He waa caUed in 1680, became a bencher iu 1689, SoUcitor-General in 1692, Attorney- General in 1695, He refused to succeed Lord Somers in 1700 ; but in 1701 succeeded Sir George Treby as Chief -Justice of the Common Pleas. He was re-appointed by Queen Anne, and was one of the twelve peers created by her in 1711 to create a majority in the Houae of Lorda, He waa removed from office in 1714 on the accession of George i. ; but leaving the Tory party, which he had joined in Anne's reign, became Lord Privy Seal in 1726, and President of the Council in 1730, but died six weeks afterwards. He enjoyed a reputation as a good judge ; but ia chiefly remembered for his proper conduct of Crown prosecutions as Attorney-General after the Revolu tion. 66 STATE TRIALS very late; about twelve of the clock at night, or thereabouts, a messenger was sent by the company to fetch another gentleman, Mr. James ; and Mr. James coming to them, in what condition your lordships will be told by the witnesses ; about one of the clock in the morning, on Sunday, the SOth of October, they all came down out of the room where they had been so late, to the bar of the house, and there, as the witnesses will teU your lordships, swords were drawn, and the chairs were called for, and two chairs which were nearest at hand came, and two of the company went into those chairs ; who they were, and what past at that time, the witnesses will tell your lord ships ; those that got into those chairs came out again, and more chairs were called for. But I must acquaint your lordships, that my lord Mohun, when the two gentlemen that went into the chairs ordered the chairmen to take them up, and carry them away, spoke to them to stop and go no further, for there should be no quarreling that night, and that he would send for the guards and secure them, and after this they came out of the chairs again ; it wUl appear there were swords drawn amongst all of them, and some wounds given : more chairs being called for, and brought, this noble lord that is here at the bar, my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, and the other four gentlemen, went all into the chairs, and gave the chairmen directions, whither they should carry them, Bt leastwise the foremost had directions given them, and the rest were to follow them ; it was a very dark night, but at last they came all to Leicester-square ; and they were set down a little on this side the rails of the square, and when the chairmen had set them down they went away ; but immediately some of THE EARL OF WARWICK 67 them heard my lord of Warwick calling for a chair again, who came towards the raUs, and there they found two of the gentlemen, that had been carried in some of the other chairs, holding up Mr. Coote between them, and would have had the chairmen carried him away to a surgeon's, but they found he was dying, and so would not meddle "with him ; after wards my lord of Warwick and Mr. French were carried by two of the chairs to Mr. Amy's, the surgeon at the Bagnio in Long-acre, where Mr. French being wounded, was taken care of particularly by the recommendation of my lord of Warwick, and the master of the house was called up, it being very late ; Mr. Coote's sword was brought to that place, but by whom it was brought we cannot exactly say. While my lord of Warwick and captain French were there, and my lord of Warwick had given orders for the denying of himself, and forbid the opening of the door, there came the other two gentlemen, Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra, and upon their knocking at the door they were let in by my lord's order, after he had discovered who they were, looking through the wicket. Mr. James had his sword drawn, but it was broken. My lord of Warwick's hand was slightly wounded, and his sword bloody up to the hUt when he came in, as will be proved by the testimony of the servants in the House. There was a discourse between my lord, Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra, about going into the country ; but before they went, the swords were aU called for to be brought to them, and upon enquiry, there was no blood found upon Mr. French's sword, but a great deal upon my lord of Warwick's, of which great notice was taken at that time. Mr, Coote, who was killed, had received one wound in the 68 STATE TRIALS left side of his breast, half an inch wide, and five deep, near the collar bone ; he had likewise another wound upon the left side of his body; both which your lordships wUl hear, in the judgment of the surgeon, were mortal wounds, and the evidence will declare the nature of them. My lords, the evidence does chiefly consist of, and depend on circumstances, the fact being done in the night, and none but the parties concerned being present at it ; we shall lay the evidence before your lordships, as it is, for your judgment, and call what witnesses we have on behalf of the king, against this noble peer the prisoner at the bar, and take up your lordships' time no further in opening; and we shall begin with Samuel Cawthorne ; he is a drawer at the tavern where tiiose lords and gentlemen were together, and he wiU give you an account of the time they came there, how long they staid, what happened in the house during their being there, and what time they went away. Lord High Steward— Give him his oath. (Which the clerk did. ) Attorney-General — My lords, I doubt the witness is so far off, that it will be difficult for him to hear the questions that we are to ask him, unless we could have him nearer to us. Lord High Steward — Mr. Attorney, my lords seem to be of opinion that it will be more for your advan tage and theirs that the witnesses stand at the distance they do ; which will oblige you to raise your voice so loud, tbat they may hear the witnesses and you too. Attorney-General — Is your name Samuel Caw thorne ? Cawthorne — Yes, my lord. THE EARL OF WARWICK 69 Attorney-General — Where do you live? Cawthorne — With Mr. Locket at Charing-cross. Attorney-General — Did you live with him at the Greyhound tavern in the Strand the latter end of October last ? Cawthorne — Yes, I did. Attorney-General — Well, pray wUl you acquaint my lords with the time when my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, and Mr. Coote were at that house, how long they stayed, what happened whUe they were there, and when they went away ? Ca"wthorne — It was Saturday night, the 29th of October last. Attorney-General — Pray teU my lords the whole of your knowledge in the matter. Cawthorne — There came my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, captain Coote, capt. French, and captain Dockwra, the 29th of October last, in the evening, to my master's house at the Greyhound tavern in the Strand. Attorney-General — How long were they there, and what time of night came they in ? Cawthorne — About 8 o'clock at night, my lord Warwick, my lord Mohun, capt. French, and capt Coote, came in. Attorney-General — What day do you say it was ? Cawthorne — Saturday, the 29th of October last, Attorney-General — How long did they continue there ? Cawthorne — It was between one and two the next morning before they went away. Attorney-General — Was any body sent for to come to them there ? Ca"wthoenb— Yes, Mr. James, 70 STATE TRIALS Attorney-General — 'What time was that ? Cawthorne — About twelve of the clock. Attorney-General — Did he stay with them tiU they went away ? Cawthorne — Yes. Attorney-General— What did you observe pass iu the company whUe they were there? Cawthorne — ^I did not observe any thing of quarrel, not so much as an angry word amongst them, tiU they came down to the bar and were going away; when they came down to the bar "they ordered me to caU them chairs, or coaches ; and there were no coaches to be had, and so I went for chairs, and two chairs came ; for the porter that went to call the coaches was a great while before he came back ; and, as I said, I going for chairs, there came two ; but that they said was not enough ; so more chairs were called for, and at length there were more chairs gotten ; in the first three chairs, my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, and captain Coote went away in ; and my lord Warwick and my lord Mohun bid the chairmen carry them home. Attorney-General — Were there then any other chairs at the door ? Cawthorne— There were two more chairs at the door, and another was caUed for. Attorney-General — Did you hear any directions given where they should carry them ? Cawthorne — My lord Warwick and my lord Mohun bid them carry them home. Attorney-General — Did you hear my lord War wick or my lord Mohun particularly, and which, say whither they would be carried ? Cawthorne — I did hear my lord Mohun say, captain THE EARL OF WARWICK 71 Coote should go and lie with him, or he would go and lie with capt. Coote that night, for there should be no quarreUing. Attorney-General — Did they upon that go away ? Cawthorne — Mr. French and Mr. Coote were in chairs before my lord Mohun or my lord Warwick, or any of the rest. Attorney-General — What then happened upou their going into the chairs ? Cawthorne — My lord Mohun came out to them and swore there should be no quarrel that night, but he would send for the guards and secure them. Attorney-General — What happened then ? Cawthorne — Upon that, both of them came out of their chairs and came into the house, aud there they came to the bar three of them in the passage by the bar, and three of them behind that passage. Attorney-General — Pray, will you tell what did reaUy pass throughout the whole transaction ? What was done after they came in again into the house ? Cawthorne — ^After that, I was bid to call for six chairs, if I could get no coaches, and so I did ; and when I had brought what chairs I could get, and returned to the bar I heard the swords clash ; when the swords were drawn I cannot say, nor by whom, it might be by all the six, for aught I know, because I was in the street to call the chairs, and when I came back to the house, I was in hopes all had been quieted, for their swords were putting up : and when they went away in the chairs, I did hope they went away friendly. Attorney-General — Pray, how did they go away ? who went together ? Cawthorne — My lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, 72 STATE TRIALS and captain Coote went in the first three chairs, them three together, and bid the chairmen go home; the sixth chair was not then come. Attorney-General — 'VThen that chair came, pray what directions were given to it ? Cawthorne — I did not hear them give the chairmen any directions at all. Attorney-General — ^Do you know any thing more that was done after this time ? Cawthorne — No, my lord, not after they went away ; after I retumed with the chairs, it was in two minutes' time that they went away. Attorney-General — My lords, I suppose he knows no more of the matter. Lord High Steward — Will you then ask him no more questions, Mr. Attorney ? Attorney-General — No, my lords, unless tbis noble lord shall ask him any questions, upon which we shall have occasion to examine him. Lord High Steward — My lord, has your lordship any questions to ask this witness ? For now is your time, the king's counsel having done examining him. Earl op Warwick — I desire to ask him, whether I did not bid the chairmen go home ? Lord High Steward — If your lordship please to propose your question to me, I will require an answer to it from the witness, and it will be the better heard by my lords. Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire to know of this man, whether, when I went away in the chair from his master's house I did not bid the chairmen go home? Lord High Steward — Witness, you hear my lord's question, what say you to it"? THB EARL OF WARWICK 73 Cawthorne — Yes ; my lord of Warwick did bid the chairmen go home. Earl op Warwick — My lord, I have another question to ask him, "Whether he knows of any quarrel there was between me and Mr. Coote at that time, or any other time; because we both used to frequent that house ? Cawthorne — No, my lords, I never heard any angry words between my lord Warwick and Mr. Coote in my life. [Then the lords towards the upper end of the House complaining that they did not hear his Grace, the Lord High Steward was pleased to repeat the question thus :] Lord High Steward — 'When my lord of Warwick bid the chairmen go home, or at any other time, did you observe that there had been any quarrel between his lordship and Mr. Coote ? Earl of Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked, since we both used that house. Whether that night, when I went away, or before or after, I had any quarrel with Mr. Coote ? Lord High Steward — ^The question my lord desires you, that are the witness, to answer, is, "Wliether you did hear any quarrelling or angry words to pass between my lord Warwick and Mr. Coote that night before or after they came down, or when they went away, or at any other time ? Cawthorne — No, my lord, I never heard any angry words pass between them then, nor ever at any time before in aU my life, but I always looked upon them to be very good friends. Earl op Warwick — I desire he may be asked. Whether Mr. Coote did not come to that house in my vol. il f 74 STATE TRIALS company, and whether he did not frequently come to that house ? Cawthorne — ^Yes; they used to be there every day almost, and they came that night together m company. Earl of Warwick — I desire he may be asked, whether I have not been frequently in his company there ? Cawthorne— Yes ; I say very frequently, every day almost, sometimes twice a-day. Lord High Steward — Would your lordship ask him any other question ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked this question, whether he knows of any par ticular kindness between Mr. Coote and me ? Lord High Steward — Do you know of any par ticular kindness between my lord Warwick and Mr. Coote, the gentleman that was kiUed ? Cawthorne — Yes, my lord, there was always a great kindness between them, as I observed : it ever was so, and I never heard angry words pass between them, but they were very good friends constantly; I waited upon them generaUy when they were at my master's house, which was every day almost. Earl op Warwick — I desire to know of this witness, whether he does not remember, or can name, some particular kindnesses that passed between Mr. Coote and me ? Lord High Steward — Can you specify any particular instances of kindness that passed between my lord Warwick and Mr. Coote ? Cawthorne— Yes ; my lord of Warwick used gener ally to pay the reckoning for Mr. Coote, and he did 80 at this time. THE EARL OF WARWICK 7^ Earl of Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked, between whom he apprehended the quarrel to be at this time ? Lord High Steward — You say, friend, there were swords drawn and a quarrelling at the bar ; can you tell between whom the quarrel was ? Cawthorne — My lord Warwick, my lord Mohun, and capt. Coote, were all on one side, and the other three were on the other side. Earl op Warwick — Who were the two persons that it was apprehended the quarrel was between? I desire he may be asked. Lord High Stbward — You say, there were three on the one side, and three on the other ; pray, between whom did you apprehend the quarrel to be ? Cawthorne — I believe the quarrel was between Mr. Coote and Mr. French. Earl of Warwick — My lord, I desire to know of this witness, what words he heard Mr. Coote say after he and Mr. French retumed into the house and came out of the chairs. Lord High Steward — ^What do you say to the question my lord proposes ? Cawthorne — I heard Mr. Coote say, he would laugh when he pleased, and he would frown when he pleased, God damn him. Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire to know, who he thinks those words were addressed to ? Lord High Steward — ^To whom did Mr. Coote speak these words ? Cawthorne — "Whether he spoke them particularly to Mr. French or to the other two gentlemen who were on the other side of the bar, I cannot directly telL 76 STATE TRIALS Earl op Warwick — I desire to know of him, whether Mr. Coote was not one of the three that was on the outside of the bar ? Cawthorne— Yes, my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, aud capt. Coote, were of the outside of the bar. Earl of Warwick — Was capt. Coote with me in the beginning of the night at that house ? Cawthorne — Yes, he came at the beginning of the night with my lord of Warwick. Earl of Peterborough —My lords, I desire to ask this witness one question. Lord High Steward — I think it is proper, my lords, in point of method, to let both sides have done before any questions be asked by any of my noble lords. Earl op Peterborough — I did apprehend my lord of Warwick had done. Lord High Steward — No, my lord, not as yet; pray, my lord of Warwick, what other questions has your lordship to ask of this witness ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked particularly this question, whether he perceived any quarrel particularly between me and capt. Coote when we went out of the house? Lord High Steward — You hear the question, did you perceive any quarrel between my lord Warwick and Mr. Coote before they went out of the house ? Cawthorne — No, I did not; nor ever saw any quarrel between them in my life. Earl of Warwick — I desire to know who paid the reckoning that night ? Cawthorne — The reckoning was caUed for before I came in to take it ; and though I think my lord of Warwick paid for Mr, Coote, yet I cannot sq directly THE EARL OF WARWICK 77 teU, because it was collected before I came into the room to receive it. Lord High Steward — My lord, have you any thing more to ask this witness ? Earl of Warwick — No, my lord, at present, that I think of. Lord High Steward — My lord Peterborough, your lordship desired to ask a question, wUI you please to propose it now ? The Earl of Peterborough reminded the wit ness that he had said that there were two sides, and that Coote and Lord Warwick were on the same side. He asked what Cawthorne meant by this, and he explained that all six had their swords dra-wn ; that Mohun, Warwick, and Coote were on one side of the bar, and the three captains, James, French, and Dockwra on the other : the cause of quarrel must have occurred above stairs, but he heard nothing pass between them. Lord High Steward — But you have not given a satisfactory answer to that question which the noble lord, my lord Peterborough, asked you. What reason you had to apprehend that the noble lord the prisoner at the bar, and capt. Coote were of a side ? Cawthorne — My lord Mohun came to the chairside, when capt. Coote and capt. French were got into the two first chairs, and told capt. Coote, that there should be no quarrel that night but that they three, my lord Warwick, my lord Mohun, and he, should go home together; and I took them three to be of a side, because they were on the outside of the bar together ; 78 STATE TRIALS and when they aU went away, their three chairs went away first, all three together. Lord High Steward — Is that all the reason you can give why you say, they were three and three of a side? Cawthorne — "Yes, my lord, I did apprehend it so. Attorney-General — If my noble lords have done with their questions I desire to ask this witness another question ; my lords, I think this person says, that there was a quarrel at the bar of the house, and swords drawn, and as he apprehended, three were on the one side, and three on the other ; but if I take him right, I do not see that he has given your lordships any manner of satisfaction, what reason he had to apprehend there were three and three of a side ; or, which will be very material in this case, if your lord ships can get to the knowledge of it, which three were on the one side, and which three were on the other ; or indeed, whether there were three and three of a side, as your lordships will have reason by-and-bye to enquire a little further into that matter. My lords, I desire he may be asked this plain question, "What words or other passages he did perceive, that made him apprehend there was a quarrel between them, and they were three and three of a side ? Cawthorne — I apprehended it from the words that Mr. Coote said. That he would laugh when he pleased, and frown when he pleased. Attorney-General — Pray, my lord, I desire he may be asked, who those words were spoken to, and who they were applied to ? Cawthorne — ^They were spoke to Mr. James, Mr. French, and Mr. Dockwra, who were within side of the bar. THE EARL OF WARWICK 79 Attorney-General— Did he apply those words to aU those particular persons ? Cawthorne— Yes, as I thought, for they three were within the bar ; my lord Warwick, my lord Mohun, and Mr. Coote, were without the bar. Attorney-General — Pray, my lord, I desire he may be asked this question. Was that before the swords were drawn, or afterwards ? Cawthorne — It was before. Attorney- General— Then I desire he may be asked, whether the swords were drawn upon those words ? Cawthorne — No, my lord ; the time of drawing the swords was when I went out to caU chairs and coaches; and I know not who drew the swords first, or when they were drawn ; but when I came back I found them aU drawn, and I heard them clashing. Attorney-General — Upon the oath you have taken, was those words that you speak of Mr. Coote's that he would laugh when he pleased, and frown when he pleased, before the swords were drawn, or after the swords were drawn ? Cawthorne — Before the swords were drawn ; for I did not see the swords drawn till I came back. In answer to Lord Wharton, the witness said that Mohun and Warwick had threatened to send for a file of musketeers, and Mohun had done all he could to pacify the quarrellers, and he 'particularly had his finger pricked with en deavouring to cross their swords, and keeping them from fighting ; which was all he got from it.' His hand was bloody ; but the witness did 8o STATE TRIALS not see him hurt, as he was outside at the time. He received their reckoning just before they came down to the bar and stayed there two or three minutes afterwards. It was after Coote came out of his chair that he heard him speak the words he had deposed to; no reply was made to them. Mohun, Warwick, and James had aU tried to stop the quarrel and threatened to send for the guard ; this was before the swords were drawn downstairs. Attorney-General — Pray, my lord, let him be asked this question. Was it after they were three on the one side, and three on the other, that my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick spoke those words ? Cawthorne — I apprehend the words were spoke by Mr. Coote, That he would laugh when he pleased, and frown when he pleased, before the swords were drawn. Lord High Steward — But that which my lords desire to know is. What the time was when my lord Warwick and my lord Mohun declared their desire to part them and make them friends ; whether before or after the swords drawn ? Cawthorne — Before and after; for I was absent when the swords were drawn. Earl Rivers — He says, that after my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick threatened to send for the musqueteers, they promised to be quiet. I desire to know who he means by they ? Cawthorne — Mr. James called to me, and said, I need not go and call for the guards, for the quarrel was over. There is one thing more that I forgot, my THE EARL OF WARWICK 8i lord : After my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick were gone away m their chairs, and Mr. Coote, I heard Mr. Dockwra say to capt. James and capt. French, they did not care a farthing for them, they would fight them at any time. Lord High Steward — Who were together then ? Cawthorne — Capt. James, Mr. French, and Mr. Dockwra, after my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick were gone with capt. Coote. Lord High Steward — Then Mr. French was with them ? Mr. Dockwra said so ? Cawthorne — Yes, my lord. Lord Wharton — If I apprehend him aright, as to what he says now, my lord of Warwick, my lord Mohun, and capt. Coote, were gone away at that time. Cawthorne — Yes, they were gone away in the three first chairs, which my lord Mohun bid go home. Lord Wharton — Who does he say spoke those words ? Lord High Steward — You hear my noble lord's question, who spoke those words? Repeat them again. Cawthorne — When my lord Warwick, my lord Mohun, and capt. Coote, were gone, I heard Mr. Dockwra say to Mr. French and Mr. James, We don't care a farthing for them, we will fight them at any time. Attorney-Genehai. — I desire to know, whether this witness testified any thing of this matter when he was examined before the coroner? Cawthorne — No ; I forgot those words when I was examined before the coroner. Attorney-General — How soon after your examina- 82 STATE TRIALS tion did you recollect yourseli as to what you now speak ? Cawthorne — The next day after. He had not mentioned the words he now said were spoken by Dock"wra either at the inquest or at the trial at the Old Bailey. Thomas Browne was sworn. Lord High Steward — What question do you ask this witness, Mr. Attorney? Attorney-General — That he would acquaint your lordships, whether he carried Mr. Richard Coute, the person that was slain, upon the 29th or SOth of October, from the Greyhound tavern in the Strand, and to what place he carried him ? Lord High Steward — You hear the question; pray speak so loud that my lords may all hear what you say. Browne — My Lords, I was between the hours of one and two in the morning, on Sunday the SOth of October last, with my fellows and our chair, at the Buffler's Head Tavern at Charing-cross, and I heard some people at Locket's, at the Greyhound in the Strand, calling coach coach, a pretty while ; but there were no coaches in the street, nor that came to them ; when they could not get coaches then they called out for chairs ; and we coming to the door with our chair, there were four other chairs there, and six gentlemen stood in the passage ; and then it was said, there was not chairs enough, and there wanted one more, and they stood discoursing ; and the first man came into my chair, who was capt. Coote, and my THE EARL OF WARWICK 83 lord of Warwick he got into another ; When the door of the chair was shut up, we asked whither we should go ; but my lord Mohun came and bid open the chair again ; and we did so, and he returned into the house, and there was some discourse between them standing at the bar in the entry. Mr. Coote came out again and came into my chair, and my lord Mohun and my lord of Warwick went into two others ; Mr. Coote bid me carry him into Leicester fields, and to make aU the haste I could ; my lord of Warwick and my lord Mohun being in the next chairs, asked him. Whither are you a-going, and called out twice, and he said. To Leicester fields; pray do not, says my lord of Warwick, but come along with us, and let it alone tiU to-morrow ; but he bid us go on ; and as we were turning up St. Martin's Lane, by the Cross Keys tavern, my lord Mohun, and my lord Warwick caUed out to us to stop, and their chairs came up to the back door of the Cross Keys tavern, and there all the three chairs were set on a-breast in St. Martin's Lane, and whUe they were talking together, there came by three chairs on the other side of the way ; and Mr. Coote bid us take up and make all the haste we could to get before them into Leicester fields, so taking up the chair again, Mr. Coote bid us make haste, aud if we could go no faster, he swore, damn him, he would run his sword in one of our bodies : There were two chairs before me, and my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick followed in two chairs after me ; and when we came to the corner of Leicester fields, at Green street end, aU the three chairs were set down a-breast again, and Mr. Coote put his hand in his pocket, and took out half a guinea to pay, and said he had no silver ; and my lord of Warwick spoke to my lord Mohun, who 84 STATE TRIALS took out three shiUings out of his pocket, who said, there was for my lord Warwick, captain Coote, and himself; and when they were gone out, I took my box and my pipe, and filled my pipe, and took the lanthorn and lighted it, and by that time I had lighted my pipe, I heard a caUing out. Chair, chair, again, towards the upper end of the square ; so I took my chair, and there was one of the chairs that was not gone ; and so we came up to the upper end of the fields, and they called to us to bring the chairs over the rails ; we told them we did not know how to do that, for we should not be able to get them back again ; at last we did get over the rails, and made up close to the place where we heard the noise, for we could see nothing, it being a very dark night ; and when we came up close to them, by our lanthorn there were two gentlemen holding up Mr. Coote under their arms, and crying out. My dear Coote, My dear Coote ! Attorney-General — Pray, who were those two gentlemen ? Browne — I did not know them, one was in red deaths, and the other had gold lace, and they would have had me have taken Mr. Coote into my chair; but seeing him bloody, and not able to help himself, I said I would not spoil my chair, and so would not meddle with him ; but they said they would make me any satisfaction for my chair, and desired me to take him in ; but he gave himself a spring from them, and we found he was too heavy for us to lift over the raUs, and all we could do could not make him sit in the chair, but the chair was broken with endeavouring to place him there ; and they said if we would carry him to a surgeon's, they would give us £100 security; THE EARL OF WARWICK 8; but we finding it impossible, the watch was called for, but nobody would come near, for they said it was out of their ward, and so they would not come anigh me ; and I staid about half an hour with my chair broken, and afterwards I was laid hold upon, both I and my partner, and we were kept tUl next night eleven a^lock; and that is aU the satisfaction that I have had for my chair and every thing. Attorney-General — Pray, my lord, I desire he may recollect himself; for we do apprehend it is' very material, who it was that desired to take Mr. Coote into the chair. Browne — I cannot tell who they were, it was so very dark I could only see their cloaths. Attorney-General — Did you see the earl of Warwick there ? Browne — ^No, Sir, he was not there ; one of them, I teU you, had officers' cloaths on, red lined with blue, and the other had gold lace on ; there was nobody there that held him up but them two. Marquis op Normanby — He says he saw two persons holding up Mr. Coote ; it would be very well to have that matter very well settied, who those two persons were ; I desire to know how he is sure my lord of Warwick was not one of them two ? Browne — I know my lord of Warwick very weU, and I am sure he was neither of the two. Duke of Leeds — I would know what light he had to discern it so well by, that he can be sure my lord of Warwick was not there ; for he says it was a very dark night, and yet he describes the particular persons that held Mr. Coote up. Browne— Yes, my lord, I am sure my lord of Warwick was none of them. 86 STATE TRIALS Duke op Leeds — How could you distinguish in so dark a night, the colours of people's cloaths ? Browne — With the caudle that I had lighted in my lanthorn. Duke of Leeds — He could not know any of the persons unless he held a lanthorn to their faces, or knew them very well before. Lord High Steward — My lord Warwick, wiU your lordship ask this witness any questions ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked. Whether I did not bid him stop at St. Martin's-lane end, and do aU that I could to hinder Mr. Coote from going any further, but to go home ? Browne — The earl of Warwick, and my lord Mohun, as they tumed up the lane, asked Mr. Coote, whither he was going? And when he said to Leicester-fields, they desired him to let it alone tUl to-morrow ; and my lord Mohun said he should go home with him ; but the other bid us go on, and said he would not go to his lodgings, but that they would make an end of it that night ; still they called to him again. Dear Coote, let us speak a word with you ; and as the chairs came to the back-door of the Cross-keys tavern, there they stood aU of a breast, and they both of them spoke to him, and stood a pretty while there, and in the mean time three chairs passed by on the other side ; he commanded us to take up, and carry him away to Leicester-fields immediately, and overtake the other chairs, or he would run one of us into the body. Lord High Steward — Would your lordship ask him any more questions ? Earl of Warwick — No, my lord. Attorney-General — My lord, I observe, he says THE EARL OF WARWICK 87 they discoursed some time together whUe they stopped in St. Martin's-lane ; I desire that he may be asked, WTiether he can tell what that discourse was ? Browne — I could not well hear, they whispered together, but I could hear my lord Mohun, and my lord of Warwick, desire capt. Coote to go home, and let the business alone tUl another time. Attorney-General — I desire he may explain him self, what that business was that they would have put off tiU to-morrow. Browne — I know not what it was ; I heard of no anger betwixt them, but they were as good friends, for anything I know to the contrary, as ever they were in their lives or as ever I see any men. Attorney-General — Our next witness is William Crippes. [Who was sworn.] Lord High Steward — What do you ask this man, Mr. Attorney ? Attorney-General —Pray, wUl you give my lords here an account who you carried to Leicester-fields, the 29th or SOth of October, and what happened in your knowledge at that time ? Crippes — Captain Coote was the first man that went into the chair when we came to the Greyhound tavern ; afterwards he came out again, and when we took him up the second time, he was the first man that set out ; and he bid us carry him to Leicester- fields ; and when we came to the corner of St. Martin's-lane, we turned up that way ; and my lord of Warwick, and my lord Mohun, called to us, being in chairs behind, to know whither we were going, and desired to speak with captain Coote ; and he said he was going to Leicester-fields; and when they asked, what to do? He said, to end the business : 88 STATE TRIALS they desired him to put it off tiU to-morrow ; and while they were discoursing about it in St. Martin's-lane, there passed by other three chairs, which, when captain Coote saw, he bid us take up and overtake them, and go faster, or he would run one of us into the body : so we went on, and at the lower end of Leicester-fields we set him down ; and the other two gentlemen, my lord Warwick and my lord Mohun, were there set down, and went lovingly together, for any thing that I saw, up the pavement of the square, towards the upper end ; and in a little time we heard a noise of calling for chairs towards the upper end, and when we came there with the chair, we were bid to lift over the chair within the rails ; and when we said it was hard to be done, they insisted upon it, and we did come in ; and wheu we came there we saw two gentiemen holding up captain Coote, and would have had us taken him into the chair ; we saw there was a great deal of blood, but I never heard how it came, and they would have had us carried him to a French surgeon's, and proffered any money. Attorney-General — My lord, I desire to know, who they were that desired him to be carried to the surgeon ? Lord High Steward — You hear the question, what say you ? Crippes — I cannot tell, my lord ; one of them had something of lace upon him, but it was so dark that I could hardly see my hand, and therefore I cannot teU who they were ; and when there was an objection made, that the chairs would be spoiled, they said we need not question our chair, they would give us £100 security to answer any damages, if we would but carry him ; so we endeavoured to put him into THE EARL OP WARWICK 89 the chair, but could not ; and so we called out to the watch, to have had some help ; but they said it was none of their ward, and so they woiUd not come to us ; so the gentiemen went away, and we left them, and went and called a surgeon, who, when he came, said, he was a dead man, and we were secured till the next day. Attorney-General — Pray, my lord, I desire he may be asked. Were there not other chairs in that place at the time ? Crippes — There was one in the Field besides, and no more that I could see ; they aU went away but us two. Attorney-General — What distance of time was there between their setting down iu Leicester-fields, and their caUing the chairs again ? Crippes — Not a quarter of an hour. Attorney-General — What became of the three chairs that passed by you in St. Martin's-lane ? Crippes — They got before us ; but what became of them afterwards I cannot teU. Attorney-General — Did they come from the same place, the tavern in the Strand that you were at ? Crippes — Yes, I believe they did, my lord ; for capt. Coote bid us foUow them, and threatened us if we did not make greater haste. Attorney - General — Do you know my lord of Warwick ? Cripfes — Yes, he had whitish cloaths on ; and none but he had such clothes on as those were. Lord High Steward — Will your lordship ask this witness any questions ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked. Whether I did not bid him stop? and, VOL. II. <* 90 STATE TRIALS whether I did not say, they should not go to quarrel that night ? Attorney-General — My lord, I desire to know of him, directly and downright. Whether my lord of Warwick was not one of them that held him when he was within the raUs of the fields ? Crippes — ^No, he was not ; he was neither of them ; for the one of them was too big for him, and the other was too Uttle for my lord Mohun. Attorney-General — Now we caU the chairman that carried the earl of Warwick into Leicester-fields, James Crattle. (He was sworn.) Attorney-General — WiU you tell my lords what you know of any person that you carried the 29th or SOth of October last, from the Greyhound tavern in the Strand, and who it was, and whither you carried him? Crattle — I was going along Charing-cross, between one and two in the morning, the SOth of October, last, and I heard a chair called for at Locket's at the Dog tavern ; and thither I and my partner went, and we took up the gentleman, and carried him to Leicester-fields. Attorney- General — Who was that gentleman? Crattle — It was my lord of Warwick. Attorney-General — ^WTiat time of night do you say it was ? Crattle — It was about one or two in the morning. Attorney-General — ^What day of the week was it? Crattle — It was Saturday night and Sunday morning. Attorney-General — ^Whither did you carry him ? Crattle — Into Green-street, towards the lower end of Leicester-square. THE EARL OF WARWICK gi Attorney-General — What chairs were there more there ? Crattle — There was one that captain Coote was in, and another that my lord Mohun was in, and we went away aU together. Attorney-General — Were there no other chairs ? Crattle — I did not know who went in the other chairs, but there were three other chairs that passed by us at St. Martin's-lane, and we followed after them to Leicester-fields. Attorney-General — Pray what became of you after you had set down your fare ? Crattle — We were discharged and paid ; the other three went up towards my lord of Leicester's ; but we were coming away, and in a Uttie time we heard the noise of caUing chairs ! chairs ! again, and there were two chairs did come up, Thomas Browne's and ours ; my lord of Warwick caUed our chair, and we took him into it, and he bid us carry him to the Bagnio in Long-acre ; and when we came there we knocked at the door, and his hand was bloody, and he asked us ifwe had any handkerchief to bind up his hand. Attorney-General — Was there any other chairs at the door of the Bagnio, at the same time when you came there ? Crattle — Yes, there was another chair there at the door at the same time, and we set down both together. Attorney-General — Pray whence came that chair ? Crattle — Indeed, I do not know. Attorney-General — Who were the chairmen that carried that chair ? Crattle — Indeed, my lord Mohun and my lord Warwick were the only persons that I knew of aU the company. 92 STATE TRIALS Attorney-General — What sort of gentleman was the other, that went out of the other chair into the house ? Crattle — He was a pretty tall man ; when he was in we went away ; I only can say, I saw my lord of Warwick go into the house. Attorney-General — Did you take any notice of any sword that my lord of Warwick had iu his hand at that time ? Crattle — No ; I cannot say I did take any notice of any sword, ouly that there was a handkerchief desired. Attorney-General — Pray, did you hear no noise at aU iu the field, tiU you heard chairs caUed for again? Crattle — No ; I cannot say I heard any noise in the field. Attorney-General — Did you apprehend there was any fighting ? Crattle — No, I knew nothing at aU of it ; but upon the caUing of chairs again, and my lord War wick coming along, we took him in, and he bid us go to the Bagnio, and thither we went. Attorney-General — My lord, we have done with this witness. Lord High Steward — My lord Warwick, wiU you ask this witness any questions ? Earl op Warwick — No, my lord. Gibson, the other chairman who carried the Earl of Warwick, was then called, and gave substantially the same evidence as the last witness. Applegate carried Lord Mohun to Leicester THE EARL OF WARWICK 93 Fields, and corroborated the account of the joumey thither given by the other witnesses. Attorney-General— What then happened after wards, can you teU ? Applegate — I cannot teU whether I had Ughted my pipe, or was just lighting it, when I heard chairs called again ; upon which we run up with our chairs towards the upper end of the fields, and there 1 did see my lord of Warwick within the rails, who bid us put over our chair into the fields ; but we told him, if we did, we could not get it over again ; and so we went with our chair to the corner of the fields ; and when we came there, there came out captain French, who bid us open our chairs, and let him in, for he did believe he was a dead man; and upon that we did take him in, and he bid us carry him with all the speed we could to the Bagnio in Long-acre, and my lord of Warwick got into another chair behind ; so we went to Long-acre ; and when we came to the door of the Bagnio and captain French came out of the chair, he was so weak that he fell down upon his knees ; and when he came out, I asked who should pay me, and desired to be discharged ; and the earl of War wick said. Damn ye, call for your money to-morrow ; so they both went in at the Bagnio door together. Attorney-General — Pray, who called for the chair first, captain French, or my lord of Warwick, in the fields? Applegate — I cannot tell ; but when I brought up my chair, I first saw my lord of Warwick, and he would have had me lifted the chair over the rails, and I told him we could not get it over again, and so went up to the upper end of the fields. 94 STATE TRIALS Attorney-General — If you first spoke with my lord of Warwick, why did you not carry my lord of Warwick ? Applegate — Indeed I cannot teU ; but I suppose it was because he did not come so soon out of the fields as captaiu French, or did not come the same way. Attorney-General — Pray, do you remember any thing that happened just at their carrying capt. French away? Applegate — Before he went into the chair, he stopped and would have puUed off his cloaths, but we would not let him. Attorney-General — Did you see any sword capt. French had ? Applegate — I did see no sword that I can say directiy was a sword ; but capt. French had some thing in his hand, but what it was I cannot tell. Attorney-General — What was it that he said to you, when he first went into the chair ? Applegate — He desired to be carried to the Bagnio; for he said he beUeved he was a dead man. Attorney-General — Pray friend, recoUect your self, if you heard him say any thing at all when he first went into the chair at the Greyhound tavern ? Applegate — I did not hear him mention any thing at all. Attorney-General — Pray what did you hear my lord of Warwick say at that time ? Applegate — Truly, I cannot say I heard him mention any thing at all neither ; but I did hear my lord Mohun say, when he could not prevaU, in St. Martin's-lane, with captain Coote to go home, that if they did go he would go and see it, THE EARL OF WARWICK 95 Attorney-General — If they did go ; who did he mean by they ? Applegate — My lord Warwick and captain Coote that were in the other chairs ; there was nobody else "to speak to. Attorney-General — Was there any talk of fight ing or quarrelUng ? Applegate — No, indeed, I do not know of any difference there was between them. Lord High Steward — My lord Warwick, wiU your lordship ask this witness any questions ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked. Whether I did not endeavour to put off the going into Leicester-fields, and to have all things let alone till to-morrow. Applegate — My lord, I cannot say any thing of that ; but I did hear my lord Mohun beg heartily of captain Coote to go home, and let the business alone tiU another time ; and indeed I think, I never heard a man beg more heartily for an alms at a door, thau he did, that they might not go into the fields then ; but I cannot say that I heard any thing that my lord of Warwick said about it. Lord High Steward— WiU your lordship ask him any other questions ? Earl op Warwick — No, my lord. Catro, who was the second chairman who carried Lord Mohun's chair, corroborated Apple- gate's evidence. Palmer, Jackson, and Edwards were three chairmen who had helped to carry French, James, and Dockwra to Leicester Fields ; but they had nothing to add to the evidence already given. 96 STATE TRIALS Pomfret was a servant at the Bagnio in Long Acre. In answer to the Attorney-General he said : — My lord, on Sunday the SOth of October last, between two and three in the moming, there came "to my master's door the earl of Warwick, and knocked at the door, and there was capt. French with him ; and when they were let in, my lord of Warwick told me that capt. French was wounded, and he himself had a wound, and he desired that my master might be called up for to dress the wounds ; especially, because capt. French was very much wounded ; which accordingly was done in about a quarter of an hour after they were brought in. Attorney-General — Did he desire to be concealed when he was come in ? Lord High Steward — Of whom do you speak, Mr. Attorney ? Attorney-General — My lord of Warwick. Pomfret — He did desire, that if any body asked for him, it should be said he was not there. Attorney-General — Pray in what condition did my lord of Warwick seem to be in at that time ? PoMPRBT — He seemed to be very much concerned at that time, and his right hand, in which he had his sword, and which was drawn, was very much bloody. Attorney-General — Was the sword bloody that he had iu his hand ? Pomfret — ^The blade was bloody ; but whether it was all over bloody, I cannot tell ; there was besides some blood upon the shell ; it was very near all over bloody, as I remember. THE EARL OF WARWICK 97 Attorney-General— Pray, friend, consider what you swore at the Coroner's Inquest about the blood upon the sword. Pomfret — Indeed I cannot say it was bloody all along the blade ; but there was blood upon the shell, and there was blood upon the inside: it was so, to the best of my remembrance. Attorney-General — What condition was Mr. French's sword in? Pomfret — He had a drawn sword in his hand, but I did not perceive it had any blood upon it ; it was a large blade. Attorney-General — How do you know what sort of sword Mr. French's was, and in what condition it was? Pomfret — He desired me to take notice of it next moming, and I did so ; and there was no blood upon it. Attorney-General — How came you to be desired to take notice of what passed there about the swords ? Pomfret — My lord, there was three of them the next day, and one, it was said, was Mr. Coote's, and another of them was my lord of Warwick's, which I do believe was bloody from the point upwards, very near; but I cannot directly say but that was after wards. Attorney-General — Who brought in that sword that you say was Mr. Coote's ? Pomfret — To the best of my remembrance, capt. Dockwra brought it in ; it was almost half an hour after my lord Warwick and capt. French came in to the house, when they came thither. Attorney-General — ^They, who do you mean? Pomfret — Captain James and he. 98 STATE TRIALS Attorney-General — ^Were they let in presently? Pomfret — No, my lord of Warwick had desired that they might be private there; but when they knocked at the door, my lord of Warwick desired to know who they were; and when it was understood that they were Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra, they were let in by my lord's order. Attorney-General — Pray, which of all the four brought in any sword in a scabbard ? Pomfret — It was captain Dockwra. Attorney-General — Pray, did they appear to be all of a party ? Pomfret — ^They were glad to see one another ; and they talked a pretty while together; but indeed I cannot say I heard what they talked. Attorney-General — Pray, do you remember my lord of Warwick's sword, and what there was upon it? Pomfret — It was a steel sword, water-gilt, and as near as I can remember, there was blood upon it for the most part from the point upward. Attorney-General — And what did appear upon Mr. French's sword ? Pomfret — There was water and dirt, but there was no blood at all. Attorney-General — How long did they stay there ?. Pomfret — They all continued about half an hour ; and then went away, all but Mr. French, who staid there. Attorney-General — What then became of the others ? Pomfret — Mr. James, Mr. Dockwra, and my lord of Warwick went away ; and my lord of Warwick desired particularly, that we would aU take care of THE EARL OF WARWICK 99 Mr. French, for he was his particular friend ; and Mr. French continued there till Sunday about one of the clock. Attorney-General — Was there any discourse at that time about Mr. Coote ? Pomfret— Not that I heard of, one word. Attorney-General — Was there any notice taken of any quarrel that happened between any body, and who ? Pomfret — No, indeed, I did not hear them take notice of any quarrel at all between any body. Attorney-General — You say Mr. French, when he came into your house, was wounded, and there was care particularly taken of him because he was wounded. Pomfret — ^Yes ; my lord of Warwick desired to take care of him. Attorney-General — Then pray, was there uo dis course how he came to be wounded ? Pomfret — Indeed I do not know how he came to be wounded ; nor did I hear one word of discourse about it ; indeed I cannot say any thing who wounded him. Attorney-General — Pray will you recollect your self, and tell my lords what sort of handle had my lord of Warwick's sword when you saw it ? Pomfret — It had a steel handle. Attorney-General — Pray, can you tell whether the sheU was open or close ? Pomfret — I cannot tell justly ; I saw it, and that was all. Attorney-General — If I apprehend you, you say my lord had a wound in his hand. Pomfret — Yes, my lord, he had so. IOO STATE TRIALS Attorney-General — Pray, in what hand was it that he was wounded ? Pomfret — To the best of my remembrance, it was in his right hand. Attorney-General — Pray, did there appear much blood there ? Pomfret — Yes, my lord, indeed there did. Serjeant Wright — You talk of Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra's swords ; pray in what condition were they? PoMPRET — Mr. Dockwra's sword was by his side, and not drawn. Serjeant Wright — What did you observe of captain James's sword ? Pomfret — His sword was naked, and he had lost his scabbard ; but how that came I cannot tell ; and there was dirt on one side of the sword ; and he said he had left his scabbard behind him. Attorney-General — Was there any blood upon his sword ? Pomfret — No, there was no blood that I did see upon it. Attorney-General — Pray did you see any blood upon Mr. Dockwra's sword ? Pomfret — No, indeed, I did uot see Mr. Dockwra's sword, it was in the scabbard by his side. Warwick's was ' a pretty broad sword ' : he did not take notice what length or breadth the other swords were of ; French's sword was not a broad sword ; he saw the swords at about three in the morning. James broke his sword on the floor after he came in. THE EARL OF WARWICK loi Goodall, a servant in the Bagnio, and his wife were called. They spoke to Warwick coming in with his sword drawn in his hand and bloody; his hand was wounded. There was blood on the hilt of his sword, which was a close one. French may have come in with Warwick ; James and Dockwra came in half an hour afterwards. Warwick gave orders that nobody was to be ad mitted ; but he opened the door for James and Dockwra when they knocked and he saw who they were. Warwick, James, and Dockwra went away in a little time, Warwick ordering that particular care should be taken of French, who was his friend. Henry Amy, the surgeon who lived at the Bagnio, was called, and said that he was called up at two in the moming of the 20th of October to attend the lord Warwick and captain French. The latter was seriously wounded, the former on the first joint of his fore-finger. While French's wound was being dressed there was a knocking at the door ; Warwick ordered that nobody should be admitted, but when he found it was James and Dockwra ordered that they should be let in. They and Warwick went away in a little time, the latter telling the witness to take particular care of French. Warwick's sword was very bloody; French called for his sword the next morning, when the witness saw it, and it was a little dirty, but not with blood. There was 102 STATE TRIALS no talk of any quarrel ; the witness asked no questions ; he did not then hear an}rthing about Coote being killed. French's sword was a middle-sized one ; it was not a broad blade. Lord High Steward — Mr. Attorney, who is your uext witness ? Attorney-General — Captaiu Loftus Duckinfield. (Who was sworn). Attorney-General — ^This gentleman wiU acquaint your lordships what discourse past between these geutlemen the next day ; pray. Sir, acquaint my lords what you heard about Mr. Coote's death, and when aud where. Captain Duckinfield — Early in the morning I was told ofthis accident. Attorney-General — By whom ? Captain Duckinfield — One of the company, I can not tell who, I think they were all together then, my lord of Warwick, capt. James, capt. Dockwra, and nobody else. Attorney-General — "What was their discourse ? Captain Duckinfield — They said, they believed captain Coote was killed. Attorney-General — Did they tell you by whom ? Captain Duckinfield — By Mr. French, every body did say he was his adversary. Attorney-General — ^What account was given of the action ? Captain Duckinfield — They said it was done iu the dark, and capt. French was his adversary. Attorney-General — Was there any notice taken of any duel ? Captain Duckinfield — Yes, there was, between THE EARL OF WARWICK 103 those two, and the other persons on both sides ; and it was said my lord of Warwick was friend to Mr. Coote, and my lord Mohun. Attorney -General — Who were ou the other side ? Captain Duckinfield — Mr. Dockwra and Mr. James. Attorney-General — Was there any discourse, who actuaUy fought ? Captain Duckinfield — It was said, that capt. French fought with capt. Coote, as they believed, and Mr. James with my lord of Warwick. Attorney -General — Did you see my lord of Warwick's sword? Captain Duckinfield — Some time of the day I did ; but I cannot teU whether it was in the moming, or no. Attorney-General — In what condition was it? Was it bloody or not ? Captain Duckinfield — It was a steel sword. Attorney-General — How long did they stay with you? Captain Duckinfield — About half an hour. Attorney-General — Did they come publicly ? Captain Duckinfield — We went away in a hackney coach together. Attorney-General — Pray, what discourse was there about consulting to go into the country to gether ? Captain Duckinfield — ^That might be discoursed, but by whom I cannot teU. Attorney-General — Did my lord of Warwick talk of going into the country ? Captain Duckinfield — Whether the company 104 STATE TRIALS talked of it, or my lord of Warwick in particular, and the rest assented to it, I cannot weU "tell. Attorney-General — Whither did they go ? Captain Duckinfield^I cannot directly tell. Attorney-General — What time of the day was it? Captain Duckinfield — It was about six of the clock. Attorney-General — Cannot you tell whither they went? Captain Duckinfield — Capt. James and capt. Dockwra went to the Ship and Castie iu CornhiU about five o'clock or six, as near as I can remember. Attorney-General — Can you teU what time my lord of Warwick went away ? Captain Duckinfield — No, I cannot teU what time he went away, not directly. Attorney-General — Can you tell of any agree ment amongst them, whither they were to go ? Captain Duckinfield — ^No I cannot. Attorney-General — "What discourse or concern did you observe past between them, concerning capt. Coote? Captain Duckinfield — My lord of Warwick shewed a great deal of concern for his friend Mr. Coote. Attorney-General — Had you any notice of Mr. Coote's death amongst you ? Captain Duokinfirld — We had notice before we went away ; but I cannot tell whether it was before my lord of Warwick was gone. Attorney-General — Was it after the discourse of going into the country, or before ? Captain Duckinfield — Indeed, I cannot directly say when it was. THE EARL OP WARWICK 105 Attorney-General — Pray, what reason was there for their going into the country before he was dead? Captain Duckinfield — They believed he was dead. Attorney-General — Cannot you tell the reason why they would go into the country ? Captain Duckinfield — No, indeed, I cannot tell the reason. Attorney-General — Did you observe my lord of Warwick's sword ? Was there any blood upon it ? Captain Duckinfield — I cannot say his sword was bloody at the point; the whole blade and shell was bloody, to the best of my remembrance. Attorney-General — What sort of a sword was it ? Captain Duckinfield — It was a pretty broad blade, a hollow blade, and a hollow open sheU. Attorney-General — Was there auy discourse con ceming capt. French ? Captain Duckinfield — Yes, they thought he was very iU wounded. Attorney -General — Was there auy, and what, discourse who should give my lord of Warwick his wound ? Captain Duckinfield — It was said, they believed capt. James gave my lord his wound. Attorney-General — Pray, was there any blood upon Mr. James's sword, or was he wounded ? Captain Duckinfield — I saw no wound upon capt. James, that I know of. Lord High Steward — Do you believe that my lord Warwick's sword was bloodied with the hurt of his owu hand, or any otherwise ? Captain Duckinfield — I cannot teU ; it was a cut shell, and the outside bloody as well as the in. VOL. n. ** io6 STATE TRIALS Lord High Steward — My lord Warwick, will your lordship ask this witness any questions ? Earl of Warwick — No, my lord. Lord High Steward — Mr. Attorney, if you have any other witness, pray call them. Another Witness was produced, that belonged to the Ship and Castle in Cornhill. Attorney-General — This man wiU give you an account what passed at his house at that time, aud between whom ; pray, will you tell my lords who was at your house the SOth of October last, and what past there theu ? Witness — My lord of Warwick, capt. James and capt. Dockwra ; and when my lord of Warwick came in I thought my lord was in a very great concern, and called for pen, ink and paper, and I feared there was some quarrel in hand ; but they said uo, the quarrel was over, and says my lord of Warwick, I am afraid poor Coote is kiUed. Attorney-General — Did you observe any desire to be private ? Witness — No, indeed, I cannot tell that. Attorney-General — How long did they continue there? Witness — About six a-clock my lord of Warwick, aud capt. James, and capt. Dockwra, and capt. Duckinfield went away. Attorney-General — Can you tell who went with my lord Warwick ? Witness — No, indeed, I cannot tell who went with my lord Warwick ; there came in a gentieman iu black, whom I knew to be my lord of Warwick's steward, and he came and spoke some words to my lord of Warwick, about a quarter of an hour after they came THE EARL OF WARWICK 107 in, and then they went away, for after that I did not hear any further discourse. Attorney-General — What became of the rest of the company? Witness — They went away; I do not know what became of them, nor whither they went ; some of them went in and out of one room into another several times, two or three times, and came out again. Attorney-General — My lord, we have done with the witness. Lord High Steward — My lord Warwick, wUl you ask him any questions ? Earl of Warwick — ^No, my lord. Mr. Salmon, the surgeon who, by the coroner's orders, examined Coote's wounds, was called. There were two wounds : one on the left breast, near the collar-bone, running down four or five inches. He could not guess what sort ofa sword made it ; the wound was about half an inch broad. There was another wound under the last rib on the left side, an inch broad, six inches deep. They were both mortal. In answer to Lord Warwick, he said that neither could be given by a sword run up to the hilt. He could not say that they must have been given by the same weapon : but they might have been. Stephen Tumer, Coote's servant, identified his master's sword ; he believed he fenced witli his right hand, but had never seen him fence ataU. io8 STATE TRIALS Earl of Warwick — I desire he may be asked, whether he has not observed a particular kindness and friendship between his master and me ? Turner — Yes, my lord ; I have several times waited upon my master, when my lord and he was together, and they were always very civil and kind one to another ; and I never heard one word of any unkind ness between them. Earl op Warwick — "Whether he knows of any quarrel that was between us ? Turner — ^No, I never did. Earl op Warwick — "Whether he did uot use to lie at my lodgings sometimes ? Lord High Steward — ^You hear my lord's question : what say you ? Did your master use to lie at my lord of Warwick's lodgings at auy time ? Turner — Yes ; very often. Attorney-General — Pray call Pomfret again, and let him see the sword. [Then he came iu, and two swords were shewn him.] Attorney-General — I desire he may acquaint your lordships what he knows of those two swords. Pomfret — ^These two swords were brought in by some of the company that came to my master's house; and when they were shewn to captain Prench in the morning he owned this to be his, and the other to be Mr. Coote's; and he desired that notice might be taken, that his sword was dirty but not bloody ; and there was some blood upon the other. Attorney-General — Who brought in Mr. Coote's sword ? Pomfret — Indeed I cannot tell. THE EARL OF WARWICK 109 White, the coroner, was called, and said that he had asked Salmon whether the two wounds on Coote's body were given by the same weapon, and he said he could not say. Attorney-General — We have done with our evi dence, until we hear what my lord of Warwick says to it. Lord High Steward — My lord of Warwick, wUl you ask this witness any questions ? Earl op Warwick — No, my lord. Lord High Steward — Make proclamationfor sUence. Clerk of the Crown — Serjeant at arms, make pro clamation. Serjeant-at-Arms — O yes, O yes, O yes ! His grace, my lord high steward of England, does strictly charge and command all manner of persons here present to keep silence, upon pain of imprisonment. Lord High Steward — My lord of Warwick, the king's counsel have made an end of giving evidence for the kiug ; now is the proper time for you to enter upon your defence. Earl of Warwick — May it please your grace, and you my noble lords, my peers. I stand here before your lordships, accused of the murder of Mr. Coote, of which I am so innocent, that I came and voluntarUy surrendered myself so soon as I heard your lordships might be at leisure to try me ; and had sooner done it, but that the king was not then here, nor your lordships sitting, and had no mind to undergo a long confinement; and now I think I might well submit it to your lordships' judg ment, even on the evidence that has been offered against me, whether there hath been any thing proved no STATE TRIALS of malice prepense, or my being any actor therein, so as to adjudge me guilty. And I think I may with humble submission to your lordships say, that my innocence appeareth even from several of the witr nesses who have been examined against me, which I wiU not trouble your lordships to repeat, but sub mit to your memory and observation. But, my lords, the safety of my life does not so much concern me iu this case, as the vindication of my honour and reputation from the false reflections to which the prosecutor has endeavoured to expose me ; and I shall therefore beg your lordships' patience to give a fair and full account of this matter : in which the duty I owe to your lordships, and to justice in general, and the right I owe to my owu cause in particular, do so oblige me, that I will not in the least prevaricate, neither wUl I conceal or deny auy thing that is true. My lords, I must confess I was there when this unfortunate accident happened, which must be a great misfortune in any case, but was more so to me iu this, because Mr. Coote was my particular friend ; and I did all I could to hinder it, as your lordship may observe by the whole proceedings. It was on the Saturday night when my lord Mohun and I, and several other gentlemen, met at Locket's, where the same company used often to meet ; and in some time after several of us had been there, Mr. Coote came unexpectedly, and for some time he and we were very friendly, and in good humour, as we used to be with each other ; but then there happened some reflecting expressions from Mr. Coote to Mr. Prench, who thereupon caUed for the reckoning ; aud it being paid, we left the upper room, and I THE EARL OF WARWICK in pioposed to send three bottles of wine to my own lodging, and to carry him thither to prevent the quarrel. But whUe the company stopped to caU for a glass of ale at the bar below, Mr. Coote (whose unfottunate humour was sometimes to be quarrel some) did again provoke Mr. French to such degree, that they there drew their swords ; but we then pre vented them of doing any mischief: then Mr. Coote stiU insisting to quarrel further with Mr. French, my lord Mohun and I proposed to send for the guards to prevent them : but they had got chairs to go towards Leicester-fields; and my lord Mohun and I, as friends to Mr. Coote, and intending to prevent any hurt to him, did follow him in two other chairs ; and as he was going up St. Martin's- lane, stopped him, and I extremely there pressed him to return and be friends with Mr. French, or at least defer it, for that the night was very dark and wet ; and whUe we were so persuading of him, Mr. French in one chair, and Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra in two other chairs past by us (which we guessed to be them), on which Mr. Coote made his chairmen take him up again, and because the chair men would uot foUow Mr. French faster, threatened to prick him behind; and when we were gone to Green-street and got out of our chairs, Mr. Coote offered half a guinea to be changed to pay for aU our three chairs, but they not having change, he desired lord Mohun to pay the three shUlings, which he did. And iu a few minutes after, Mr. Coote and Mr. Prench engaged in the fields, whither I went for the assistance and in defence of Mr. Coote, and received a very UI wound in my right hand; and there this fatal accident befel Mr. Coote from Mr. 112 STATE TRIALS French whom Mr. Coote had dangerously wounded, and I must account it a great unhappiness to us aU who were there : but so far was I from encouraging of it, that I will prove to your lordships that I did my utmost endeavours to prevent it; so far from any design upon him, that I exposed my own life to save his ; so far from prepense malice, that I will, by many witnesses of good quaUty and credit, prove to your lordships a constant good and uninterrupted friendship from the first of our acquaintance to the time of his death ; which wUl appear by many in stances of my frequent company and correspondence with him, often lending him money, aud paying his reckonings ; and about two months before his death lent him au hundred guineas towards buying him au ensign's place iu the guards, and often, and even two nights before this, he lodged with me, and that very night I paid his reckoning. And when I have proved these things, and answered what has been said about the sword aud what other objections they have made, I doubt not but that I shall be acquitted to the entire satisfaction of your lordships, and all the world that hear it. Before I go upon my evidence, I will crave leave further to observe to your lordships, that at the Old Bailey, wheu I was absent, Mr. French, James, and Dockwra, have been aU tried on the same indictment now before your lordships ; and it was then opened and attempted, as now it is, to prove it upon me also ; and by most of them the same witnesses who have now appeared ; and they were thereupon convicted only of manslaughter, which could not have been, if I bad been guilty of murder. And on that trial it plainly appeared that Mr. French was the person THE EARL OF WARWICK 113 with whom he quarrelled, and who killed him. And now I will call my. witnesses. Lord High Steward — WUl your lordship please to go on to call your witnesses, for the proof of what you have said ; that is the method, and theu you are to make such observations as you please. Earl of Warwick — My first witness is capt. Keeting, who was with me at Locket's, but went away before capt. Coote or any of them came ; and he wiU tell you I was with him a whUe. [Then captain Keeting stood up.] Lord High Steward — Capt. Keeting, you are not upon your oath, because the law wUl not allow it. In cases of this nature the "witnesses for the prisoner are not to be upon oath ; but you are to consider that you speak iu Grod's presence, who does require the truth should be "testified iu all causes before courts of judicature ; and their lordships do expect, that in what evidence you give here, you should speak with the same regard to truth as if you were upon oath ; you hear to what it is my lord of Warwick desires "to have you examined, what say you to it ? Captain Keeting — My lord, I wiU tell your lord ship all the matter I know of it. I met with my lord of Warwick that evening at Tom's Coffee-house, and we continued there tUl about eight at night ; I went away to see for a gentleman that owed me money, and afterwards I went to Locket's ; and while I was there, the drawer came up and told me, my lord of Warwick desired to speak with me ; and when he came up in"to the room, he said he was to meet with my lord Mohun there, and capt, Coote, and he asked me if I knew where capt, French and capt. James were ; I told him I dined with capt. Coote at Shuttle- 114 STATE TRIALS worth's ; and in a whUe after, capt. Coote came in, and about an hour aud an half, I think, I continued there, and capt. French came in ; capt. Dockwra and we drank together for an hour and an half, and they admired, about ten o'clock that my lord Mohun was uot come ; and I payed my reckoning, uot being very well, and away I went home ; Mr. James came iu just before I went away ; but there was no quarrelling, nor any thing Uke it before I went away. Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked. Whether we did not usually meet there as friends, especially capt. Coote and I ? Captain Keeting — Captain Coote aud my lord of Warwick used to be almost every day together at that place. Earl of Warwick— Pray, did he ever know or observe any difference or quarrel between capt. Coote and me ? Captain Keeting — No, my lord, I never saw any thing but the greatest friendship between my lord of Warwick and captain Coote that could be ; I was with them, and saw them together almost every day. Lord High Steward — Have you any thing further to examine this witness to ? Earl of Warwick — No, my lord, I have uo further question to ask him. Lord High Steward — Who is your next witness, my lord ? Earl op Warwick — My lord, I suppose I shall not need to trouble you to examine the chairmen over again ; your lordships have heard what they can say : I desire colonel Stauhope may be caUed. [Who it seems stood by the Chair of State, and it was some while before he could get round to come to the place the witnesses were to stand.] THE EARL OF WARWICK 115 Lord High Steward— While this witness gets round, if your lordship has any other witness ready to stand up, pray let him be caUed. Earl op Warwick — ^To prove the kindness between capt. Coote and me, I desire col. Blisset may be called. [Who stood up.] Lord High Steward— "What is it your lordship asks this witness or calls him to ? Earl of Warwick — To testify what he knows of any kindness or unkindness between capt. Coote and me ; whether he has not beeu often in our company ? Lord High Steward — Have you been often in company with my lord of Warwick and capt. Coote ? Colonel Blisset — Yes, my lord, I was very well acquainted with both of them for a twelve-month past before this accident and I have often been in their company, and always observed that there was a great deal of friendship and kindness between them. Earl of Warwick — My lord, I desire he may tell any particular instance that he knows or can re member. Colonel Blisset — I remember when capt. Coote had his commission in the regiment of guards, he was complaining of the streightness of his circumstances ; he was to pay for his commissiou 400 guineas, and said he had but 300 for to pay for it : and my lord of Warwick did then say to him, do not trouble yourself about that, or let not that disturb you, for I will take care you shall have 100 guineas, and he said he would give order to his steward to pay him so much ; and I was told afterwards that he did so. Earl of Warwick — I desire he may teU, if he knows of auy other particular instances of my friend ship to Mr. Coote ? n6 STATE TRIALS Colonel Blisset — Once when he was arrested by his taylor for ^IS, my lord lent him five guineas, and used very frequently to pay his reckoning for him. Earl of Warwick — I desire he may tell, if he Knows any thing else ; and whether he has not lain at my lodgings, and particularly but some small time before this accident happened. Colonel Blisset — About ten days before this un happy accident happened, I was at my lord of Warwick's lodgings, and when I came there I found capt. Coote a-dressing himself; and I asked him how that came to pass, and they told me they had been up late together, aud that he had sent home for his man to dress himself there, upou which I did observe that they had been a-rambliug together over night ; and there was a very great famUiarity between them. Earl op WARwicK-^Did you observe auy quarrel between us? Colonel Blisset — No, none at all ; I never knew of any quarrel between my lord of Warwick and capt. Coote, but I observed there was a particular kindness between them ; and a great deal of friendship I know my lord of Warwick shewed to him, iu paying of reckonings for him, and lending him money wheu he wanted. Earl op Warwick — My lord, I desire he may be asked, whether he does not know that capt. Coote was straitened for money ? Colonel Blisset — I did hear capt. Coote say, that he had not received auy thing from his father for 13 months, and his father was angry with him, aud would not send him any supply, because he would uot THE EARL OP WARWICK 117 consent to cut off the entail, and settle two or three hundred pounds upou a whore he had. Attorney-General — Pray, Sir, wiU you consider with yourself, and though you are not upon your oath, answer the questions truly, for you are obliged to speak the truth, though you are not sworn, when ever you come to give your testimony iu a court of judicature; pray, acquaint my noble lords here, whether you did never hear my lord Warwick com plain of capt. Coote ? Colonel Blisset — No, I never did hear him complain of him. Attorney-Genbbal — Did you never hear the least word of any quarrel between them ? Colonel Blisset — ^No, indeed, I did never hear of auy quarrel between them. Attorney-General — Did you never hear of any unkindness at aU ? Colonel Blisset — No, indeed, my lord, not I : I never so much as heard of the least unkindness whatsoever. Lord High Steward — Well then, my lord, who do you caU next ? Earl op Warwick — Now colonel Stanhope is here, I desire he may be asked the same question, whether he does uot know the particular friendship that was between capt. Coote and me, and what instances he can give of it ? Lord High Steward — You are to consider. Sir, though you are not upon your oath you are in a great court, and under uo less restriction to testify the truth, and nothing but the truth : You hear what my noble lord asks you. Colonel Stanhope — My lord, I have known my ii8 STATE TRIALS lord of Warwick aud capt. Coote for about a twelve month, and I did perceive that they did always profess a great kindness for one another. Earl op Warwick — I desire to know of him, whether he observed any particular friendship between capt. Coote aud me, much about the time of this business ? Colonel Stanhope — About eight or ten days before this unhappy accident, I went to wait upon my lord of Warwick twice at his lodgings : Once I found capt. Coote there, one of them was in bed, and the other was dressing of himself; I thought they were very good friends that were so familiar, and I had good reason to think so, because of that famiUarity : Both the times that I was there, when I found them together, was within eight days before the accident happened. Earl op Warwick — ^The next witness I shall call will be Mr. Disney. Attorney-General — But before colonel Stanhope goes, I desire to ask him this question, whether he did never hear or know of any unkindness between my lord of Warwick aud capt. Coote ? CoTxiNEL Stanhope — ^No, indeed I did not ; I always thought them to be very good friends. Lord High Steward — Will your lordship go on to your next witness ? Earl of Warwick — Yes, my lord, there he is, Mr. Disney ; I desire he may be asked what he knows of any expressions of kindness and friendship between me and capt. Coote. Disney spoke to Lord Warwick lending Coote 100 guineas towards the price of his commission; THE EARL OF WARWICK 119 he had observed great kindness between the two, and had several times seen Lord Warwick pay Coote's reckoning. Colonel Whiteman was then called. He had constantly seen Lord Warwick and Coote together; they dined "together almost every day for half a year's time almost; and as to this time, when this business had happened, I went to my lord of Warwick, being sent for by him, and found him at a private lodging, where he expressed a great deal of concern for the death of his dear friend Mr. Coote ; and he shewed me the wound he had received in his hand, aud he desired he might be private, and he told me he believed people would make worse of it than it was, because he did not appear; but he did but intend to keep himself out of the way tiU he could be tried ; and I took what care I could to get him a convenience to go to France. Attorney-General — Pray, what reason did he give for his going away ? Colonel Whiteman — The king being at that time out of England, and so the parliament not sitting, he said he did not love confinement, and had rather be iu Frauce tiU the parliament should meet, and he might have a fair trial, which he thought he should best have in this House. He had never seen any unkindness or quarrel between them. Edmund Raymund, Lord Warwick's steward, knew of the loan of 100 guineas by him to Coote, and provided the money paid on that occasion. 120 STATE TRIALS Lord Warwick then stated that he wished to call French as a witness, and desired that counsel might be heard on his behalf as to whether he could be guilty of the death of a man on whose side he was fighting equally with those who were fighting on the other side, and who had already been convicted of man slaughter. After a brief discussion, it was decided that counsel should be heard on the question whether French was a competent witness. The facts were that he had been indicted for murder, and convicted of manslaughter ; he claimed the benefit of clergy,^ which was allowed him ; the 1 Benefit of clergy was originaUy the right of the clergy to be exempt from the jurisdiction of the lay courts, and to be handed over to the oidinary to make ' purgation.' This the accused clerk did by swearing to hia 0"wu innocence and producing twelve compurgatora who awore to the same effect. He was then ' usnaUy acquitted ' by a jury of twelve clerks ; but otherwise he was degraded and put to penance. The right itself was graduaUy restricted : partly by a construction of the Statute of Westminster the Fiist (1275), by which it was held to be necessary that the clerk should be indicted before he could claim hia benefit ; partly by the practice prevaiUng in the time of Henry "vi. that he muat firat be convicted. Mean while its scope had been largely increased by ita extension in 1350 to all lay clerks, who were taken to mean peraona capable of reading. The law, however, which was appUcable to the piesent case depended on two statutes, 4 Henry vn,, c, 13, and 18 Elizabeth, v. 7; by the former any person aUowed his clergy was to be branded, and was not to be aUowed it again imless he was actuaUy in orders ; by the latter purgation waa aboliahed, and any person taking benefit of clergy was to be THE EARL OP WARWICK 121 burning on his hand was respited, and a pardon remitting the burning altogether had been de Uvered to the Lord High Steward under the Privy Seal, but had not passed the Great Seal. discharged from prison subject to the power of the judge to imprison him for a year. By a statute of Edwaid vi. alao, a peei ('though he cannot read') was aUowed a privUege equivalent to benefit of clergy, but was not to be branded. A certain number of offences were excluded from benefit of clergy duiing earUei times, and a gieat numbei duiing the eighteenth centuiy, at the beginning of which the privUege was extended to aU piisoneis. FinaUy, the system waa aboliahed in 1827. How this aystem, occupying aa it did an impoitant position in the criminal piocedure of this coimtry tiU a comparatively modem date, impresaes a, lawyer of the present day, may best be described in the woids of Sii James Stephen: — 'Of this branch of the law, Blackstone chaiacteriaticaUy lemaika that the Engliah legialatoie "in the course of a long and laborious procesa, extracted by noble alchemy rich medicines out of poisonous ingredients." According to oui modem views it would be moie conect to say that the mle and the exception were in their origin equaUy crude and baibaious, that by a long series of awkward and intricate changes they were at last worked iuto a system which was aboUshed in a mannei aa clumsy aa that in which it was constructed ' (Histo-ry of the Criminal Lam, voL i. p. 458) 'The lesult of this was to bring about, foi a gieat length of time, a state of things which must have leduced the administiation of justice to a soit of farce. TiU 1487 any one who knew how to read might commit murder aa often aa he pleaaed, with no other result, than that of being delivered to the ordinary to make hia puigation, "with the chance of being deUveied to him ahsqw purgatione. That this ahould have been the law foi aeveial centuries seems hardly ciedible, but there is no doubt that it waa. Even after 1487, a man who eould lead could commit muider once with no othei punish- VOL. II. I 122 STATE TRIALS Lord Warwick had accordingly to maintain that French was a good witness without having been bumt on his hand, or having been pardoned. The Attorney-General first proceeded to argue that an allowance of clergy did not make a felon convict a competent witness.^ It did not dis charge him from his offence, set him rectus in curia, and ' make him in all respects a person fit to have the benefit and privileges of a " probus et legalis homo"' till he had passed through those methods of setting himself right in the eye of the law, that the law had prescribed. The burning in the hand under the statute of Henry vii. was not a punishment ; it only showed that the branded person was not to have his clergy again. Purgation was abolished by the statute of EUzabeth, but satisfaction was not made to the law, the convict was not fully dis charged from its operation, and his credit was not restored, till he was branded or pardoned. Till then 'the conviction remains upon him,' and he was not capable of being a witness. The SoUcitor-General, Sir John Hawles,* fol- ment than that of having M. branded on the bia"wn of hia left thumb, and if he was a cleik in oideis he could, tUl 1547, commit any numbei of muiders apparently without being branded moie than once ' {Ibicl., vol. i. p. 462). 1 Convicted felons were incompetent aa witnesses tUl the passing of Loid Denman's Act in 1843. 2 Sir John Hawles (1645-1716) waa bom in Saliabury of a Doisetshire family. He was educated at "Winchester and Queen's College, Oxford. In 1689 he sat in the House of THE EARL OF WARWICK 123 lowed to the same effect, and, by the order of the Court Poniys^ was then heard on behalf of the prisoner. He agreed with the Attorney-General that the branding under the statute of Henry vn. was only for the purpose of showing that the branded man has had his clergy once, and was not a punishment ; the punishment still remained to be inflicted by the process of purgation. But purgation was abolished after the Reformation by the statute of Elizabeth ' because it was only an outward appearance and shew of purgation, and was often the occasion of very great perjuries.' The Court had power to imprison the convicted man for a year ; but that was not any more a punishment and a means of restoring a man to credit than was the branding.^ Commons foi Old Saium ; he succeeded Sii Thomas Trevor as SoUcitoi-General in 1695 and so remained tUl 1702. He afterwards represented various westem boroughs in Parliament, most of them Cornish. He waa one of the manageia of SachevereU's impeachment in 1710. He died at Upwinborne. 1 Sir Thomas Powys (1649-1719), of a Shiopshiie family, waa educated at Shiewsbuiy, and was caUed in 1673. He became SoUcitoi-Geneial in 1686, and as a suppoitei of the dispensing powei became Attomey-Geneial in 1687. As such he conducted the prosecution of the Seven Biahopa. He frequently appeals foi the defence in State Trials during the reign of 'WUUam in. He repiesented Ludlow in ParUament from 1701 to 1713, waa made a Serjeant at the beginning of Anne'a reign, and a Judge of the Queen's Bench in 1713. He was, howevei, removed from the bench on the accession of George i. 9 To a modern practitioner to whom benefit of cleigy ia 124 STATE TRIALS ' What we insist on is this, that the allowance of clergy sets him right in court, since pur gation is abolished, and is the same thing as if he had undergone the ceremonial parts of a formal purgation'; the prisoner was to have the same benefit of his clergy as purga tion would have given him before the statute, and on being allowed his clergy is to be in the same condition as if he had undergone purgation or been pardoned. The respiting of the burning of the hand till the king's pardon could be obtained was not to put him in a worse condition than he would have been in had he been actually bumt. Cases were quoted, one of which was afterwards fairly distinguished, and it was urged that the burning was only a condition precedent to the accused getting out of prison, not to his being restored to his credit. Serjeant Wright replied for the Crown. He admitted that a pardon would restore a convict to credit as a witness, and that an allowance of clergy, followed by a burning of the hand, would have the same effect : now that purgation was abolished, the burning had taken its place; 'that is the very terms of the statute on which merely an archaeological puzzle, it woiUd seem that the piopei aigument waa that the impiiaonment waa a puniahment, and that aa Fiench had not been imprisoned he waa quit of the law; but two centuries make a great deal of difference in arguments on points of law. THE EARL OF WARWICK 125 he is to be discharged ; that must actually be done before he can be put into the same condition that he was in before the conviction, and con sequently make him capable of being a witness.' One of the cases quoted by Powys was dis tinguished, and Hale was quoted to support the argument for the Crown. Lord Chief-Justice Treby''- was then called on for his opinion, and gave it that French was not a competent witness. He had not yet actually been pardoned, for pardons were not operative till they had passed the Great SeaL By his convic tion he had forfeited his liberty, his power of pur chasing chattels or holding land, and his credit. These losses formerly might be restored by purgation; but purgation was now replaced by burning in the hand. The imprisonment under the statute was not a necessary condition to a restoration of credit, because it was 'a collateral and a new thing'; the party was not 1 Sii Geoige Treby (1644-1700), the son of a Devon gentle man, entered Exeter College in 1661, and was caUed in 1671. He repiesented his native town of Plympton in the House of Commons in both Parliaments in 1679, and was a manager in the impeachment of Lord Stafford. He succeeded Jeffieys as Recorder of London in 1680, but was removed after the success of the Quo Wa/rramto proceedings. He sat in the Oxford Parliament of 1681, and resumed his seat as Recorder after the arrival of the Prince of Orange. He afterwaids le- enteied Pailiament, succeeded PoUexfen as SoUcitoi-General in 1689, as Attorney-General in the same yeai, and as Loid Chief -Justice of the Common Fleas in 1692. 126 STATE TRIALS imprisoned ' by virtue of his conviction, but by a fresh express order of the judges, made upon the heinousness of the circumstances appearing on the evidence. They may, and generally do, forbear to commit at all ; and when they do, it may be for a month or two, at their discretion.' In any case the burning was a condition pre cedent to a restoration to credit. 'To me the law is evident. A peer shall have this benefit without either clergy or burning. A clerk in orders, upon clergy alone, without burning. A lay-clerk, not without both.' Lord Chief-Baron Ward^ and Nevill, J.,^ ex pressed themselves as of the same opinion ; and it was decided that French should not be admitted as a witness. ' Edward Ward was called in 1670, and was engaged to aaaiat Lord RuaaeU in his trial. He was a candidate foi the office of Sheriff of London in the famous election of 1683 amte, pp. 3, 15). He refused a judgeship at the Revolution ; became Attorney-General in 1693, and Chief Baron in 1695. He died in 1714. He was an anceatoi of the late Mi. G. Waid Hunt. ' Sii Edwaid Ne"riU was caUed in 1658. He was knighted in 1681, on presenting an address to Chailes ii. aa Recoidei of Bath. He became Serjeant in 1684, and a Baron of the Exchequer in 1685. He waa diamissed aix montha afteiwaids foi refuaiug to aupport the royal assumption of the dispensing powci. Fosse gives a striking extiact from his evidence befoie Parliament in 1689, to show how the power of the Executive was actually brought to bear on the Stewart judges. He waa lestoied to hia office aftei the Revolution, lemoved to the Common Pleaa in 1691, and died in 1705. THE EARL OP WARWICK 127 It was then suggested that counsel should be heard on the point whether, supposing that Lord Warwick had been on Coote's side in the fight, he was guUty of his death ; but it was decided that as there was still a question whether the facts were as alleged this could not be done. Lord Warwick was then invited to sum up his evidence, • which is your own work, as not being allowed counsel as to matter of fact,' and to make any observations he liked. He preferred, how ever, to say nothing. The Solicitor-General then proceeded to sum up for the Crown, and since he could not be heard by some lords at the upper end of the house, the Duke of Leeds moved either that 'any person that has a stronger voice should sum up the evidence,' or that 'you will dispense with the orders of the house so far, as that Mr. Solicitor may come to the clerk's table, or some other place within the house, where he may be heard by all. ' The Earl of Rochester opposed the second alternative on the ground that 'in point of precedent many inconveniences' would occur were such a course adopted. The Earl of Bridgewater suggested that the difficulty might be met by sending the guard to clear the passages about the court, which was accordingly done, apparently with success. The Solicitor-General then continued his sum ming up the evidence ; his only original comment 128 STATE TRIALS on the case being that as there was no evidence as to whose hand it was by which Coote was wounded, ' until that can be known, every person that was there must remain under the imputation of the same guilt, as having a hand, and con tributing to his death.' Then the lords went back to their own house iu the same order they came into the court in Westminster HaU, and debated the matter amoug themselves, what judgment to give upon the evidence that had been heard ; and iu about two hours' time they returned again iuto the court, erected upou a scaffold in Westminster-haU ; and after they were seated iu their places, the Lord High Steward being seated in his chair before the throne, spoke to the Lords thus : Lord High Steward — Will your lordships proceed to give your judgment? Lords — Ay, Ay. Then the Lord High Steward asked this question of every one of the lords there present, beginning with the puisne baron, which was the lord Bernard. Lord High Steward — My lord Bernard, is Edward Earl of Warwick guilty of the felony and murder whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty ? The lord Bernard stood up in his place uncovered, and laying his right hand upon his breast pronounced his judgment thus : Lord Bernard — Not GuUty of murder, but Guilty of manslaughter, upon my honour. The same question was asked severally of all the lords, who in the same form delivered the same opinion. THE EARL OF WARWICK 129 Then the Lord High Steward reckoned up the number of peers present, and the opinions that were given, and announced that there were 9S present, and that they had all acquitted lord Warwick of murder, but had fouud him guUty of manslaughter. Lord Warwick was then caUed in, the judgment was announced to him, and he was asked what he had to say why judgment of death should not be pronounced against him according to law. And he claimed the benefit of his peerage, under the statute of Edward the 6th. Lord High Steward — My lord, your lordship has demanded the benefit of your peerage upon the statute of Edward the 6th, and you must have it by law ; but I am directed by their lordships to acquaint you that you cannot have the benefit of that statute twice ; therefore, I am Ukewise directed by their lordships to say that they hope you wiU take a more than ordinary care of your behaviour for the future, that so you may never hereafter fall iuto such unfortunate circumstances as you have been now under ; my lords hope this will be so sensible a warning, that nothing of this kind wiU ever happen to you again ; your lordship is now to be discharged. Lord High Steward — Is it your lordships' pleasure to adjourn to the House of Lords ? Lords — Ay, Ay. Lord High Steward — This House is adjoumed to the House of Lords. Then the lords went in procession, in the same order that they came into the court. The next day Lord Mohun was tried on a similar indictment before the same court. And I30 STATE TRIALS most of the same witnesses having given the same evidence again, he was acquitted and dis charged. He then expressed himself thus : Lord Mohun — My lords, I do not know which way to express my great thankfulness and acknowledg ment of your lordships' great honour and justice to me ; but I crave leave to assure your lordships, that I wiU endeavour to make it the business of the future part of my life, so to behave myself in my conversa tion iu the world, as to avoid all things that may bring me under any such circumstances, as may expose me to the giving your lordships any trouble of this nature for the future. Then proclamation was made dissolving the Coramission, and the Court adjourned. As is well known, the duel described in this trial is the original of that described in Esmond between Lord Castlewood and Lord Mohun ; it may therefore be of interest to transcribe a few passages out of the latter work, premising only that there seems to be some faint relationship between Captain Macartney, Lord Mohun's second in his duel with Lord Castlewood, and the Lord Macartney who afterwards assisted him in the same capacity in his final meeting with the Duke of Hamilton. Lord Castlewood, as will be remembered, had come up to London to fight Lord Mohun, really on account of his relations with Lady Castlewood, nominally as the result of a quarrel at cards, which it was arranged THE EARL OP WARWICK 131 should have all the appearance of taking place. Lord Castlewood, Jack Westbury, and Harry Esmond all meet together at the ' Trumpet,' in the Cockpit, Whitehall. "When we had druuk a couple of bottles of sack, a coach was called, and the three gentlemen went to the Duke's Playhouse, as agreed. The play was one of Mr. Wycherley's — Love in a 'Wood. Harry Esmond has thought of that play ever since with a kind of terror, aud of Mrs. Bracegirdle, the actress who performed the girl's part in the comedy. She was disguised as a page, and came and stood before the gentlemen as they sat on the stage, and looked over her shoulder with a pair of arch black eyes, and laughed at my lord, and asked what ailed the gentle man from the country, and had he had bad news from Bullock fair ? Between the acts of the play the gentlemen crossed over and conversed freely. There were two of Lord Mohun's party, Captaiu Macartney, in a miUtary habit, and a gentieman in a suit of blue velvet and silver, in a fair periwig with a rich faU of point of "Venice lace — my IjOtA the Earl of Warwick and Holland. My lord had a paper of oranges, which he ate, and offered to the actresses, joking with them. And Mrs. Brace girdle, when my lord Mohun said something rude, turned on him, and asked him what he did there, and whether he and his friends had come to stab anybody else, as they did poor WiU Mountford ? My lord's dark face grew darker at this taunt, and wore a mischievous, fatal look. They that saw it remembered it, and said so afterward. When the play was ended the two parties joined 132 STATE TRIALS company; and my Lord Castlewood then proposed that they should go to a tavern and sup. Lockit's, the 'Greyhound,' in Charing Cross was the house selected. All three marched together that way, the three lords going a-head.' At the 'Greyhound' they play cards, and Esmond tries in vain to quarrel with Mohun himself. My Lord Mohun presently snuffed a candle. It was when the drawers brought in fresh bottles and glasses and were in the room — ou which my Lord "Viscount said, 'The Deuce take you, Mohun, how damned awkward you are. Light the candle, you drawer.' 'Damned awkward is a damned awkward expression, my lord,' says the other. 'Town gentlemeu don't use such words — or ask pardon if they do.' ' I 'm a country gentleman,' says my Lord Viscount. ' I see it by your manner,' says my Lord Mohun. ' No man shall say damned awkward to me.' ' I fling the words in your face, my lord,' says the other ; ' shall 1 send the cards too ? ' 'Gentlemen, gentlemen ! before the servants?' cry out Colonel Westbury and my Lord Warwick in a breath. The drawers go out of the room hastily. They tell the people below of the quarrel upstairs. 'Enough has been said,' says Colonel Westbury. ' Will your lordships meet to-morrow morning ? ' 'Will my Lord Castlewood withdraw his words?' asks the Earl of Warwick. ' My lord Castlewood will be first,' says Colonel "Westbury. THE EARL OF WARWICK 133 ' Theu we have nothing for it. Take notice, gentie men, there have beeu outrageous words — reparation asked and refused.' 'And refused,' says my Lord Castlewood, putting on his hat. 'Where shaU the meeting be? and when?' 'Since my lord refuses me satisfaction, which I deeply regret, there is no time so good as now,' says my Lord Mohun. 'Let us have chairs, and go to Leicester Field.' 'Are your lordship and I to have the honour of exchanging a pass or two?' says Colonel Westbury, with a low bow to my Lord of Warwick and Holland. ' It is an honour for me,' says my lord, with a profound congee, 'to be matched with a gentleman who has been at Mons and Namur.' 'WUl your Reverence permit me to give you a lesson ? ' says the captaiu. 'Nay, nay, gentlemeu, two on a side are plenty,' says Harry's patron. 'Spare the boy. Captain Macartney,' and he shook Harry's hand for the last time, save one, in his Ufe. At the bar of the tavern aU the gentlemen stopped, and my Lord Viscount said, laughing, to the bar- woman, that those cards set people sadly a-quarreUing; but that the dispute was over now, and the parties were aU going away to my Lord Mohun's house, in Bow Street, to drink a bottle more before going to bed. A half-dozen of chairs were now caUed, and the six gentlemen stepping into them, the word was privately given to the chairmen to go to Leicester Field, where the gentlemeu were set down opposite the ' Standard Tavern.' It was miduight, and the town was a-bed by this time, and only a few lights in the windows of the 134 STATE TRIALS houses; but the night was bright enough for the unhappy purpose which the disputants came about; and so all six entered into that fatal square, the chairmen standing without the railing and keeping the gate, lest any persons should disturb the meeting. AU that happened there hath been matter of public notoriety, and is recorded, for warning to lawless men, in the annals of our country. After being engaged for not more than a couple of minutes, as Harry Esmond thought (though being occupied at the time with his own adversary's point, which was active, he may not have taken a good note of time) a cry from the chairmen without, who were smoking their pipes, and leaning over the raUings of the field as they watched the dim combat within, announced that some catastrophe had happened, which caused Esmond to drop his sword and look round, at which moment his enemy wounded him in the right hand. But the young man did not heed this hurt much, aud ran up to the place where he saw his dear master was down. My Lord Mohun was standing over him. ' Are you much hurt, Frank ? ' he asked iu a hoUow voice. 'I believe I 'm a dead man,' my lord said from the ground. 'No, no, not so,' says the other; ' and I caU God to witness, Frank Esmond, that I would have asked your pardon, had you but given me a chance. In — iu the first cause of our falling out, I swear that no one was to blame but me, and — and that my lady ' ' Hush ! ' says my poor Lord "Viscount, lifting him self on his elbow and speaking faintly. ''Twas a dispute about the cards — the cursed cards. Harry, my boy, are you wounded too ? God help thee ! I loved thee. THE EARL OF WARWICK 135 Harry, and thou must watch over my littie Frank — and — and carry this Uttle heart to my wife.' And here my dear lord felt in his breast for a locket he wore there, and, in the act, fell back fainting. We were all at this terrified, thinking him dead ; but Esmond and Colonel Westbury bade the chairmen come iuto the field ; and so my lord was carried to one Mr. Aimes, a surgeon, in Long Acre, who kept a bath, and there the house was wakened up, and the victim of this quarrel carried in. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS Spencer Cowper,^ a barrister ; EUis Stephens and William Rogers, attorneys; and John Marston, a scrivener, were indicted at the Hertford Summer Assizes in 1699 for the murder of Sarah Stout, on the 13th ofthe previous March. They were tried at the same Assizes, before Baron Hatsell,2 on the l6th of July. * Spencer Cowpei (1669-1727) was the youngei brothei of Earl Cowpei, who was the fiist Loid ChanceUoi of Gieat Britain, He was educated at 'Weatminater, and made Con troUer of the Bridge Houae Estates in 1690, At the time of this trial his brother waa the member for Hertford, In 1705 and 1708 he repreaented Beeralston in ParUament ; he was one of the managers in SachevereU's trial, and lost hia aeat in conaequence, but waa afterwarda elected for Truro in 1711, In 1714 he became Attomey-Geneial to the Piince of Wales, and in 1717 Chief-Justice of Cheater, On the accession of George the Second he was made Attorney-General of the Duchy of Chester, and a Judge of the Common Pleas in 1727. He died the same year. He waa the grandfather of WilUam Cowper the poet. ^ Sii Hemy HataeU (1641-1714) waa the son of an active Roundhead who sat in the House of Commons daring the Commonwealth. He was educated at Exeter CoUege, waa called to the Bar in 1667, aud became a Baron of the Exchequer in 1697, The preaent trial was the most conspicuous with 139 I40 STATE TRIALS The indictment alleged that they had murdered Sarah Stout by strangUng her, and had then thrown her body into the Priory River to con ceal the body. To this, all the prisoners pleaded Not GuUty. Jones appeared for the prosecution ; Cowper defended himself, and practicaUy the other prisoners as well. The prisoners agreed that Cowper's challenges should be taken to be the challenges of all of them; and enough jurors were then challenged to exhaust the panel. Accordingly, after some discussion, Jones was caUed upon to show cause for his challenges. Clerk of Arraigns — CaU Dauiel Clarke. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Jones, if you can say any juryman hath said anything concerning the cause, and given his verdict by way of discourse, or showed his affection one way or the other, that would be good cause of challenge. Jones — My lord, then we should keep you here tUl to-morrow morning. Hatsell, Baron — If there hath been any great friendship between any juryman and the party, it wiU look iU if it is insisted upou. Cowper — My lord, I do not insist upon it, but I profess I know of no friendship, only that Mr. Clarke in elections hath taken our interest iu town ; I know wiiich he was ooimeoted, from which fact it may be supposed that he nevei enjoyed a veiy high leputation. He was removed from the Bench soon after Queen Anne's accession. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 141 I have a just cause, and I am ready to be tried before your lordship and any fair jury of the county ; there fore I do not insist upon it. A jury was then sworn, and Jones opened the case for the prosecution. Jones — May it please your lordship, and you gentle men that are sworn, I am of counsel for the king in this cause, and it is upon an indictment by which the gentiemen at the bar stand accused for one of the foulest and most wicked crimes almost that any age can remember; I believe in your county you never knew a fact of this nature ; for here is a young gentle woman of this county strangled and murdered in the night time. The thing was done in the dark, there fore the evidence cannot be so plain as otherwise might be. After she was strangled and murdered, she was carried down into a river to stifle the fact, and to make it supposed she had murdered herself; so that it was indeed, if it prove otherwise, a double murder, a murder accompanied with all the circumstances of wickedness and villainy that I remember in all my practice or ever read of. Thistfact, as it was committed in the night time, so it "was carried very secret, and it was very well we have had so much light as we have to give so much satisfaction ; for we have here, in a manner, two trials ; one to acquit the party that is dead, and to satisfy the world, and vindicate her reputation, that she did not murder herself, but was murdered by other hands. For my part, I shall never, as counsel in the case of blood, aggravate ; I wUl not improve 142 STATE TRIALS or enlarge the evidence at all ; it shall be only my business to set the fact as it is, aud to give the evi dence, aud state it as it stands here in my instructions. My lord, for that purpose, to lead to the fact, it wUl be necessary to inform you, that upon Monday the 13th of March, the first day of the last assizes here, Mr. Cowper, one of the gentlemen at the bar, came to this town, and lighted at Mr. Barefoot's house, and staid there some time, I suppose to dry himself, the weather being dirty, but sent his horse to Mrs. Stout's, the mother of this gentlewoman. Some time after he came thither himself, and dined there, and staid tUl four in the afternoon ; and at four, when he went away, he told them he would come and lodge there that night, and sup. According to his word he came there, and had the supper he desired ; after supper Mrs. Stout, the young gentlewoman, and he sat together tiU near eleven o'clock. At eleven o'clock there was orders given to warm his bed, openly to warm his bed in his hearing. The maid of the house, gentiemen, upon this went up stairs to warm his bed, expecting the gentleman would have come up and foUowed her before she had done ; but it seems, whUe she was warming his bed, she heard the door clap together ; and the nature of that door is such, that it makes a great noise at the clapping of it to, that any body in the house may be sensible of any one's going out. The maid upon tbis was concerned, and wondered at the meaning of it, he promising to lie there that night ; she came down, but there was neither Mr. Cowper nor Mrs. Stout ; so that we suppose, and for all that we can find aud learn, they must go out together. After their going out, the maid and mother SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 143 came into the room ; and the young gentlewoman not returning, nor Mr. Cowper, they sat up all night in the house, expecting what time the young gentle woman would return. The next morning, after they had sat up all night, the first news of this lady was, that she lay floating and swimming in water by the miU dam. Upon that there was several persons called ; for it was a surprize how this should come to pass. There she lay floating with her petticoats and apron, but her night rail and raorning gown were off, and one of them not found till some time after ; and the maid will give you an account how it came to be found. This made a great noise iu the country; for it was very extraordinary, it happening that from the time the maid left Mr. Cowper and this young gentle woman together, she was not seen or heard of till next morning, when she was fouud in this condition, with her eyes broad open, floating upon the water. Wheu her body came to be viewed, it was very much wondered at; for in the first place, it is con trary to nature, that any persons that drown them selves should float upon the water. We have sufficient evidence, that it is a thing that never was ; if persons come alive into the water, then they sink ; if dead, theu they swim ; that made some more curious to look into this matter. At first, it was thought that such an accident might happen, though they could not imagine any cause for this woman to do so, who had so great prosperity, had so good an estate, and had no occasion to do an action upon herself so wicked and so barbarous, nor cannot learn what reason she had to induce her to such a thing. Upon view of the body, it did appear there had been violence used to 144 STATE TRIALS the woman ; there was a crease round her neck, she was bruised about her ear ; so that it did seem as if she had been strangled either by hands or a rope. Gentlemen, upon the examination of this matter, it was wondered how this matter came about, it was dark and blind. The coroner at that time, nor these people, had no evidence given, but the ordinary evi dence, and it passed in a day. We must call our witnesses to this fact, that of necessity you must conclude she was strangled, and did not drown her self. If we give you as strong a proof as can be upon the nature of the fact, that she was strangled, then the second matter under that enquiry will be, to know who, or what persons, should be the men that did the fact, I told you before, it was, as aU wicked actions are, a matter of darkness, and done in secret to be kept as much from the knowledge of men as was possible. Truly, gentlemen, as to the persons at the bar, the evidence of the fact will be very short, and wUl be to this purpose. Mr. Cowper was the last man unfortunately in her company ; I could wish he had not been so with aU my heart ; it is a very unfortunate thing, that his name should upon this occasion be brought upon the stage : but then, my lord, it was a strange thing, here hap pens to be three gentiemen ; Mr. Marson, Mr, Rogers, and Mr. Stephens. As to these three men, my lord, I do not hear of any business they had here, unless it was to do this matter, to serve some interest or friend that sent them upon this message ; for, my lord, they came to town (and in things of this nature it is well we have this evidence; but if we had not been straightened in time, it would have brought out SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 145 more ; these things come out slowly), these persons, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Rogers, and Mr, Marson, came to town here on the thirteenth of March last, the assize day. My lord, when they came to town, they came to an house, and took lodgings at one Gurrey's ; they took a bed for two, and went out of their lodging, having taken a room with a large bed in it; and afterwards they went to the Glove and Dolphin, and then about eight o'clock one Marson came to them there; in what company they came, your lordship and the jury will know by and by ; they staid there, my lord, at the Glove from eight to eleven, as they say. At eleven these three gentiemen came all into their lodging together to this Gurrey's. My lord, when they came in, it was very observable amongst them, unless there had been a sort of fate in it, first. That they should happen to be in the condition they were; and, secondly, faU upon the discourse they did at that time ; for, my lord, they called for fire, and the fire was made them ; and while the people of the house were going about, they observed and heard these gentiemen talk of Mrs. Sarah Stout ; that happened to be their discourse ; one said to the other, Marson, she was an old sweetheart of yours : Ay, saith he, but she cast me off, but I reckon by this time a friend of mine has done her business. Another piece of discourse was, I believe a friend of mine is even with her by this time. They had a bundle of linen with them, but what it was is uot known, and one takes the bundle and throws it upon the bed ; weU, saith he, her business is done, Mrs. Sarah Stout's courting days are over; and they sent for wine, my lord ; so after they had drank of the wine they talked of it, and one pulled 146 STATE TRIALS out a great deal of money ; saith one to another, what money have you spent to-day ? Saith the other, thou hast had 40 or 60 pounds for thy share : Saith the other, I wUl spend all the money I have, for joy the business is done. My lord, this discourse happened to be among them ; which made people of the house consider and bethink themselves ; when the next day they heard of this Mrs. Stout's being found in the water, this made them recollect and caU to mind all these discourses. My lord, after these gentlemen had staid there all night, next moming, truly, it was observed (and I suppose some account will be given of it) that Mr. Cowper and they did meet together, and had several discourses, and that very day went out of town ; and I think as soon as they came to Hoddesden, made it aU their discourse aud business to talk of Mrs. Stout. My lord, we will call our witnesses, and prove all these facts that I have opened to your lordship ; and then I hope they will be put to give you some account how all these matters came about. Call Sarah Walker {who was sworn). Jones — Mrs. Walker, pray give an account to my lord and the jury, of Mr. Cowper's coming to your house the ISth of March, and what was done from his coming there at night to his going out ? Walker — May it please you, my lord, on Friday before the last assizes, Mr. Cowper's wife sent a letter to Mrs. Stout, that she might expect Mr. Cowper at the assize time ; and therefore we expected Mr. Cowper at that time, and accordingly provided ; and as he came iu with the judges, she asked him if he would SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 147 alight? He said no ; by reason I come in later than usual, I "will go into the town and show myself, but he would send his horse presently. She asked him, how long it would be before he would come, because they woidd stay for him? He said, he could not tell, but he would send her word ; and she thought he had forgot, and sent me down to know, whether he would please to come ? He said, he had business, and he could not come just then ; but he came in less than a quarter of an hour after, and dined there, and he went away at four o'clock : and then my mistress asked him, if he would Ue there ? And he answered yes, and he came at night about 9 ; and he sat talking about half an hour, and then caUed for pen, ink aud paper, for that, as he said, he was to write to his wife ; which was brought him, and he wrote a letter ; and then my mistress went aud asked him, what he would have for supper ? He said mUk, by reason he had made a good dinner ; aud I got him his supper, and he eat it ; after she called me in again, and they were talking together, and then she bid me make a fire in his chamber ; and when I had done so, I came and told him of it, and he looked at me, and made me no answer ; then she bid me warm the bed, which accordingly I went up to do as the clock struck eleven, and iu about a quarter of an hour I heard the door shut, and I thought he was gone to carry the letter, and staid about a quarter of an hour longer, and came down, and he was gone and she ; and Mrs. Stout the mother asked me the reason why he went out when I was warming his bed? and she asked me for my mistress, and I told her I left her with Mr. Cowper, and I never saw her after that nor did Mr. Cowper return to the house. 148 STATE TRIALS She sat up all night ; she next saw Sarah Stout when she had been taken out of the water the next morning. On being pressed, she was certain that it was a quarter after eleven by their clock when Cowper left the house ; their clock was half an hour faster than the town clock. Cowper — Pray, what account did you give as to the time before my lord chief-justice Holt? Walker — I gave the account that it was eleven, or quarter of an hour after. Cowper — In her depositions there is half an hour's difference ; for then she said it was half au hour after ten. Hatsell, Baron — Which clock was earliest, yours or the towu clock ? Walker — Ours was half an hour faster than theirs. Cowper — How came you to know this ? Walker — By reason that dinner was dressed at the cook's, and it was ordered to be ready by two o'clock, and it was ready at two by the town clock, and half an hour after two by ours. Cowper — When you came down and missed your mistress, did you enquire after her all that night ? Walker — No, Sir, I did not go out of the doors ; 1 thought you were with her, and so I thought she would come to no harm. Cowper — Here is a whole night she gives no account of. Pray, mistress, why did not you go after her ? Walker — My mistress would not let me. Cowper — Why would she not let you ? Walker — I said I would see for her ? No, saith she, by reason if you go and see for her, and do not SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 149 find her, it wiU make an alarm over the town, and there may be no occasion. Cowper — Did your mistress use to stay out all night ? Walker — No, never. Cowper — Have not you said so ? Walker — I never said so iu my life. Cowper — Pray, Mrs. Walker, did you never take notice that your mistress was under melancholy ? Walker — I do not say but she was melancholy ; she was ill for some time; and I imputed it to her iUness, and I know no other cause. Cowper — Have you uot often told people that your mistress was a melancholy person, upon your oath? Walker — I have said she hath been Ul, and that made her melancholy. The witness admitted that she had bought poison twice within the last six months; she bought it at her own instance, and not at the order of Mrs. Stout, or of Mrs. Crooke. She asked for white mercury. She bought it to poison a dog with ; the dog used to come about the house and do mischief. It was another maid who gave it to the dog ; she swore at the inquest that she had given it because- she had seen it given ; it was given in warm milk which did not seem discoloured. Hatsell, Baron — You said just now your mistress was iU, and that made her melancholy ; what illness was it ? ISO STATE TRIALS Walker — My lord, she had a great pain in her head. Hatsell, Baron — How long had she been troubled with it? Walker — ^Ever since last May was twelve months was the beginning of it. Jones — Did you ever find her iu the least inclined to do herself a mischief? Walker — No, I never did. Cowper — ^You bought poison twice, did you give aU the poison you bought to the dog ? Walker — Yes. Cowper — The first and the last ? Walker — Yes, the whole, Cowper — How much did you buy ? Walker — I am not certain how much I bought, Cowper — Pray, what mischief did it do the dog ? Walker — I cannot tell, he may be alive till now for aught I know. Cowper — "What mischief did the dog do ? Walker — ^A great deal, he threw down several things and broke them. Jones — Did Mr, Cowper, upon your oath, hear Mistress Stout give you order to make his fire, and warm his bed ? Walker — He knows best, whether he heard it or uo ; but he sat by her when she spake it, Jones — Did she speak of it so as he might hear ? Walker— Yes, she did ; for he was nearer than I, Jones — And did not he contradict it ? Walker — Not in the least, Jones — Was it the old or young woman that gave you the order? Walker — The young woman. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 151 Cowper — Pray did the dog lap it, or did you put it down his throat, upon your oath ? Walker — No, he lapt it, upon my oath. Jones — Did Mr. Cowper send for his horse from your house the next day ? WAiiKER — I cannot say that ; I was not in the way. Jones — Did he come to your house afterwards ? Walker — No, I am sure he did not. Jones — Was the horse in your stable when it was sent for ? Walker — Yes, sir. Jones — And he did not come to your House again, before he went out of town ? Walker — No, sir. Jones — Do you know which way he went out of towu? Walker — No, Sir. Hatsell, Baron — Did Mr. Cowper use to lodge at your house at the assizes ? Walker — No, my lord, not since I came there ; the sessions before he did. Cowper — Where did you come to invite me to dinner ? Walker — At Mr, Barefoot's, Cowper — Then you knew I was to lodge there ? Hatsell, Baron — Who wrote the letter on Friday, that Mr, Cowper would lodge there ? Walker — I know not who wrote it, his wife sent it, Jones — Did he tell you he would lodge there that night before he went away ? Walker — "When he went from dinner he said so. James Berry could not remember exactly which day it was that Sarah Stout was found in his mill ; 1 52 STATE TRIALS out he went out at six o'clock to shoot a flush of water and saw something floating in the water, and on going to see what it was, saw that it was part of her clothes. He did not see her face ; no part of her body was above the water, only part of her clothes. The water might be about five foot deep and she might be about five or six inches under the water. She lay upon her side ; when she was taken out her eyes were open. Jones — ^Was she swelled with water ? Berry — I did not perceive her sweUed ; I was amazed at it; aud did not so much mind it as I should. Jones — But you remember her eyes were staring open? Berry — Yes. Jones — Did you see any marks or bruises about her? Berry — No. Cowper — Did you see her legs ? Berry — No, I did not. Cowper — They were not above the water ? Berry — No. Cowper — Could you see them under the water ? Berry — I did not so much mind it, Cowper — Did she lie straight or double, driven together by the stream ? Berry — I did not observe, Cowper — Did you uot observe the weeds aud trumpery under her ? Berry — ^There was no weeds at that time there abouts. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 153 Jones — Was the water clear? Berry — No, it was thick water. Jones — Was there anything under her in the water to prevent her sinking ? Berry — ^No, I do not know there was ; she lay on her right side, and her right arm was driven between the stakes, which are within a foot of one another. Jones — Did anything hinder her from sinking ? Berry — Not that I saw. Cowper — Mr. Berry, if I understand you right, you say her arm was driven between the stakes, aud her head between the stakes; could you perceive her right arm, and where was her left arm ? Berry — Within a smaU matter upon the water. Hatsell, Baron — Did you see her head and arm between the stakes ? Berry — Yes, her arm by one stake and her head by another. Jones — Did her arm hang down or how ? Berry — I did not mind so much as I might have doue. John Venables and Leonard Dell corroborated Berry's account of the position of the body, the latter asserting that the right arm did not reach to the ground. Dell also helped to carry the body to land, but saw no bruises. Hatsell, Baron — "When you took her out of the water, did you observe her body swelled ? Dell — We carried her into the meadow, and laid her ou the bank-side, and there she lay about an hour, and theu was ordered to be carried iuto the miller's. VOL. II. L 154 STATE TRIALS Hatsell, Baron — Did you observe that any water was in the body ? Dell — None at all that I could see ; but there was some small matter of froth came from her mouth aud nostrils. Juryman — My lord, I desire to know whether her stays were laced. Dell — Yes, she was laced. Cowper — How was she taken out of the water ? Dell — My lord, we stood upon the bridge, I and another man, where she lay, and he laid hold of her and took her out. Jones — And did you not perceive she was hung ? Dell — No, my lord. John Ulfe saw Mrs, Stout when she was taken out of the water; she lay there on one side; there was nothing at all to hold her up ; she lay between a couple of stakes, but the stakes could not hold her up. Katherine Dew, Edward Blackno, William Ed munds, William Page, William How, and John Meager all gave the same account of the position and state of the body. Dew and Ulfe adding that her shoes and stockings were not muddy. Jones — Now, my lord, we will give an account how she was when she was stript, and they came to view the body. Call John Dimsdale, junior. (Who was sworn.) Dimsdale — My lord, I was sent for at night on Tuesday the last assizes. Cowper— My lord, if your lordship pleases, I have SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 155 some physicians of note and eminency that are come down from London ; I desire that they may be caUed into Court to hear what the surgeons say. Hatsell, Baron — Ay, by all means. Cowper — My lord, there is Dr. Sloane, Dr. Garth, Dr. Morley, Dr. GUstrop, Dr. Harriot, Dr. Wollaston, Dr. CreU, Mr. WUliam Co"wper, Mr. Bartiett, and Mr. Camlin. [Who respectively appeared in Court.] Jones — Give an account how you found Mrs. Stout. Hatsell, Baron — You are a physician, I suppose. Sir? Dimsdale^ — A surgeon, my lord. When I was sent for to Mrs. Stout's, I was sent for two or three times before I would go ; for I was unwUling after I heard Mrs. Stout was drowned ; for I thought "with myself, what need could there be of me when the person was dead ? but she stUl sent ; and then I went with Mr. Camlin, and found a littie swelling on the side of her neck, and she was black on both sides, and more particularly ou the left side, and between her breasts up towards the collar-bone ; aud that was aU I saw at that time, only a little mark upou one of her arms, and I think upon her left arm. Jones — How were her ears ? Dimsdale — There was a settling of blood on both sides the neck, that was all I saw at that time. ^ Thia John Dimadale waa apparently the fathei of the firat Baion Dimsdale, who inoculated Catharine of Russia and the Grand Duke Paul, her aon, for amaUpox iu 1728. John'a father was WiUiam, who accompanied William Penn to America in 1684 ; so that it is not clear who the Mi. Dimsdale, senioi, and Dr. Robeit Dimsdale of thia trial were. The fanuly is, however, one which has long been settled in Hert- {oidshiie. 156 STATE TRIALS Jones — How do you think she came by it ? Dimsdale — ^Truly I only gave an account just as I say now to the gentlemeu at that time, I saw no more of it at that time, but about six weeks after the body was opened by Dr. PhiUips Cowper — My lord, he is going to another piece of evidence and I would ask him Jones — Let us have done first ; how was her ears ? Dimsdale — There was a blackness on both eai-s, a settiing of blood. Jones — CaU Sarah Kimpsou. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, now you may ask him anything, they have done with him. Cowper — I would ask him, whether he was not employed to view these particular spots he mentions at the Coroner's inquest ? Dimsdale — I was desired to look upon the face and arms, aud breast, because they said there was a settling of blood there. Cowper — When you returned "to the Coroner's inquest, what did you certify as your opinion ? Dimsdale — I did certify that there was a settling of blood ; but how it came I could not teU. Co"wpER — I ask you. Sir, did not you say it was no more than a common stagnation usual in dead bodies ? Dimsdale — I do not remember a word of it. Cowper— Sir, I would ask you ; you say the spot was about the collar-bone ; was it above or below ? Dimsdale — Prom the collar-bone downwards. Co"WPER — Had she any circle about her neck ? Dimsdale — No ; not, upon my oath, Sarah Kimpson saw the body examined; she SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 157 saw a great bruise behind the ear, as big as her hand, and another under her collar-bone. Jones — Did you see nothing about her neck ? Kimfson — Nothing round her neck ; on the side of her neck there was a mark. Jones — Was there any other part bruised ? Kimpson — Only her left wrist, and her body was very flat and lank. She saw the body the day it was found ; it was not swollen ; she did not see any water about it. She had seen a child which was drowned in the same place about ten weeks before; it was drowned at night and found the next mom ing; it was found at the bottom of the river, the eyes were shut, and the body was very much swelled. Sarah Peppercorn saw the body of Sarah Stout when it was brought to Mrs. Stout's house. She saw bruises on the head and near the ear, Mrs. Stout asked her whether her daughter had been "with child, and she said she had not ; she was a midwife. Elizabeth Husler was sworn. Jones — Had you the view of the body of Mrs. Sarah Stout the day you heard she was drowned ? Husler— She was not drowned, my lord ; I went thither and helped to pull off her clothes. Jones — In what condition was her body ? Husler — Her body was very lank and thin, and no water appeared to be iu it. 158 STATE TRIALS There was no water about her mouth and nose ; there were bruises at the top of the collar bone and upon both her ears, Ann Pilkington saw the body, and gave the same evidence as to its general condition as tbe other witnesses. Cowper — Had she any circle about her neck ? Pilkington — No, not that I did see. Cowper — Pray, did you not make some deposition to that purpose that you know of? Pilkington — Sir, I never did, and dare not do it. Cowper — It was read against me in the King's Bench, and I wiU prove it ; was not Mr. Mead with you at the time of your examination ? Pilkington — Yes. Co"WFER — Did he not put in some words, and what were they? Pilkington — Not that I know of. Cowper — But you never swore so, upou your oath ? Pilkington — No, I do not beUeve I did ; if I did it was ignorantly. Jones — Here is her examination, it is ' cross her neck.' Mr. Coatsworth, a surgeon, was caUed and deposed that in April he had been sent for, by Dr. Phillips, to come to Hertford to see the body of Mrs. Stout, who had been six weeks buried. Various parts of the body were ex amined ; the woman had not been with child ; the intestines and stomach were full of air, but there was no water in them, or the breast, or SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 159 lobes of the lungs; there was no water in the diaphragm. Then I remember I said, this woman could not be drowned, for if she had taken iu water, the water must have rotted all the guts ; that was the construc tion I made of it then ; but for auy marks about the head or neck, it was impossible for us to discover it, because they were so rotten. The inspection was made on the 28th of April, and the woman was drowned on the 13th of March. The doctor had offered to examine the skull, to see if it had been injured, 'but they did not suspect a broken skuU in the case, and we did not examine it.' All the other parts were sound. Jones — Call John Dimsdale. Cowper — My lord, I would know, and I desire to be heard to this point ; I think where the Coroner's inquest have viewed the body, and the relations have been heard, and the body buried, that it is not to be stirred afterwards for any private inspection of parties, that intend to make themselves prosecutors; but if it is to be taken up, it is to be done by some legal authority ; for if it should be otherwise, any gentle man may be easily trepanned : for instance, if they should have thought fit, after the Coroner's view, to have broken the skull into a hundred pieces, this was a private view altogether among themselves. Cer tainly, if they intended to have prosecuted me, or any other gentleman upon this evidence, they ought to have given us notice, that we might have had some i6o STATE TRIALS surgeons among them, to superintend their proceed ings. My lord, with submission, this ought not to be given iu evidence. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, I think you are not in earnest ; there is no colour for this objection : if they did take up the body without notice, why should not that be evidence ? unless you think they had a design to forswear themselves. Cowper — Had you a Melius Inquirendum, or any lawful warrant for making this inspection ? Coatsworth — No, there was not, Hatsell, Baron — Suppose they did an Ul thing in taking up the body without some order, though I do uot know any more ill in taking up that body than any other ; but, however, is that any reason why we should not hear this evidence ? Coatsworth — Mr. Camblin, sir Wm. Cowper's surgeon, was there by. Mr. Dimsdale, senior, a surgeon, was sworn and deposed that he had been sent for on the 28th of April by Mrs. Stout, to view the body of her daughter. Finding her head so much mortified, down to her neck, we thought all the parts were seized, and had a consultation, whether we should open her or not ; but Mrs. Stout was very enraged, because a great scandal had been raised, that her daughter was with child ; and she said she would have her opened to clear her reputation. The body was examined, with the same result that the other witness had described, no water SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS i6i being found either in the stomach or the lungs. After this we had a consultation, to consider whether she was drowned or not drowned ; and we were all of opinion that she was not drowned ; only Mr. Camblin desired he might be excused from giving his opinion whether she was drowned or not ; but all the rest of us did give our opinions that she was not drowned. The grounds for this opinion were the absence of water from the lungs and intestines ; and this was a sign which would show whether she had been drowned or not weeks after her death. In answer to Cowper he admitted that he had never seen a body opened which had been drowned six weeks. If a body had been drowned a fort night, the bowels would be so rotten that it would be impossible to come near it. John Dimsdale, junior, believed that the body had not been drowned, and signed a certificate to that effect after looking at the body ; he believed it, because he found no water in the body. He had seen the child that was drowned the morning after it was drowned, and had found abundance of water in the body then. Dr. Dimsdale saw the body after it was opened, and on finding no water in the thorax or abdomen, signed the certificate. Had the woman been drowned he would have expected to find water in the thorax. i62 STATE TRIALS Cowper — Is it possible there should be water iu the thorax accordingto your skill? Dimsdale — Yes, we did think there would have beeu, if she had been drowned. He would have expected to find traces of it after six weeks. Cowper — Pray by what passage does the water go into the thorax ? Dimsdale — It will be very difficult for me to describe the manner here ; but we should have fouud some iu the stomach and intestines. Cowper — Pray, sir, how should it go into the thorax ? Dimsdale — By the lymphseduct, if carried by any No water would come into a body after it was dead, but he questioned whether or not it might come into the windpipe. Cowper — Sir, I would ask you, was you uot angry that Mr. Camblin would not join with you iu opinion ? Dimsdale — ^No. CowpBR — Did you not tell him that you were a graduate physician, and was angry he would not join you? Dimsdale — Suppose I did ? Hatsell, Baron — But did you so or no ? Dimsdale — Yes, my lord, we had some words about it. Jones — Swear Dr. Coatsworth. (Which was doue.) Now, my lord, we call these gentiemen that are doctors of skUl, to know their opinions of them that SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 163 are found floating without water in them, how they came by their death. Dr. Coatsworth — I have not seen many drowned bodies to make observation upon ; but it is my opinion, that every body that is drowned, is suffocated by water passing do"wu the windpipe into the lungs upon respiration ; and at the same time, the water pressing upon the gullet, there will be a necessity of swaUowing a great part of it iuto the stomach ; I have beeu in danger of being drowned myself, and I was forced to swaUow a great quantity of water. If a person was drowned, and takeu out immediately, as soon as the suffocation was effected, I should not wonder if there were but littie water in the stomach and guts ; but if it lay in the water several hours, it must be very strange if the beUy should not be full of water ; but I wUl not say, it is impossible it should be otherwise. Cowper — I desire to know, whether this gentleman attempted to drown himself, or was in danger of being drowned by accident ? Dr. Coatsworth — It was by accident: I was passing up the ship-side, and took hold of a loose rope instead of the entering rope, which faUing me, I feU into the water. Cowper — But you struggled to save yourself from drowning ? Dr. Coatsworth — I did so ; I have seen several persons that have beeu drowned, and they have lain several days, until by fermentation they have been raised ; but I never made my observations of any persons that have been drowned above six hours. Jones — Did you ever hear of any persons that, as soon as they were drowned, had swam above water ? 1 64 STATE TRIALS Dr. Coatsworth — I have not known such a case, Cowper — Did you ever know. Sir, a body that was otherwise killed, to float upon the water ? Dr, Coatsworth — I never made any observation of that. Hatsell, Bahon — Dr. Browne has a learned dis course, in his Vulgar Errors, upon this subject, concerning the floating of dead bodies ; I do not understand it myself, but he hath a whole chapter about it.' Then Dr. Nailor was swom. J0NE.S — We ask you the same question that Dr. Coatsworth was asked, "What is your opinion of dead bodies ? If a body be drowned, wiU it have water in it or no ? Dr. Nailor — My lord, I am of opinion, that it wUl have a quantity if it be drowned ; but if there be no water in the body, I beUeve that the person was dead before it was put into the water. Cowper — I would ask the doctor one question, my lord. Whether he was not a constant voter against the interest of our family in this corporation ? Dr. Nailor — I never did come to give a vote but sir WilUam Cowper, or his son, opposed me, and said I had no right to vote. Cowper — I would have asked the same question of the Dimsdales, if I had remembered it; they are of another party, as this gentleman is, Hatsell, Baron — It is not at all material, as they are witnesses. Then call Mr. Babington. (WTio was sworn.) 1 Vulga/r Errors, Book iv,, oh, vi., 'Of Swimming and Floating.' SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 165 Jones — Pray, what is your opinion ofthis matter? Babington — I am of opinion, that all bodies that go into the water alive and are drowned, have water in them, and sink as soon as they are drowned, and do not rise so soon as this gentlewoman did, Cowper — Pray, what is your profession. Sir ? Babington — I am a surgeon, Cowper — Because Mr. Jones called you doctor. Hatsell, Baron — Did you ever see any drowned bodies ? Babington — Yes, my lord, once I had a gentie woman a patient that was half an hour under water, and she lived several hours after, and in all that time she discharged a great quantity of water; I never heard of any that went alive into the water, and were drowned, that fioated so soon as this gentlewoman did ; I have heard so from physicians. Hatsell, Baron — I have heard so too, and that they are forced to tye a bullet to dead bodies thrown into the sea, that they might not rise again. Cowper — The reason of that is, that they should uot rise again, not that they wUl not sink without it. But I would ask Mr. Babington, whether the gentiewoman he speaks of went into the water voluntarily, or fell in by accident ? Babington — By accident, but I believe that does not alter the case. Dr. Bumet was called, and expressed an opinion that if a person jumped into the water or fell in by accident they would swallow and inhale water as long as they were alive, but not afterwards ; and that they would sink. Dr. Woodhouse expressed the same opinion. i66 STATE TRIALS If a person had swallowed water in drowning, signs of it would be visible some time after wards. Jones — Call Edward Clement. (Who was sworn.) Are not you a seaman ? Clement — Yes, Sir. Jones — How long have you been so ? Clement — Man I have writ myself but six years, but I have used the sea nine or ten years. Jones — Have you known of auy men that have beeu kiUed, and thrown into the sea, or who have fallen in and been drowned ? Pray tell us the difference as to their swimming and sinking. Clement — In the year '89 or '90, in Beachy fight, I saw several thrown overboard during the engage ment, but one particularly I took notice of, that was my friend, and kiUed by my side ; I saw him swim for a considerable distance from the ship; and a ship coming under our stem, caused me to lose sight of him, but I saw several dead bodies floating at the same time ; likewise in another engagement, where a man had both his legs shot off, and died instantly, they threw over his legs ; though they sunk, I saw his body float : likewise I have seen several men who have died natural deaths at sea, they have wheu they have beeu dead had a considerable weight of ballast and shot made fast to them, and so were thrown over board ; because we hold it for a general rule, that aU men swim if they be dead before they come into the water; and on the contrary, I have seen men when they have been drowned, that they have sunk as soon as the breath was out of their bodies, and I could see no more of them. For instance, a man fell out of the SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 167 Cornwall, and sunk down to rights, and seven days afterwards we weighed anchor, and he was brought up grasping his arm about the cable, and we have observed in several cases, that where men fall over board, as soon as their breath is out of their bodies they sink downright ; and on the contrary, where a dead body is thrown overboard without weight, it will swim. Jones — You have beeu in a fight ; how do bodies float after a battle ? Clement — Men float with their heads just down, and the small of their back and buttocks upwards ; I have seen a great number of them, some hundreds in Beachy-head fight, wheu we engaged the French. I was in the old Cambridge at that time. I saw several (what number I wiU not be positive, but there were a great number, I cannot guess to a score) that did really swim, aud I could see them float for a consider able distance. Jones — Have you seen a shipwreck ? Clement — Yes; the Coronation, in September 1691. I was then belonging to the Dutchess, under the command of captain Clement ; we looked out and see them taking down their masts ; we saw the men walking up and down on the right side, and the ship sink down, and they swam up and down like a shoal of fish one after another ; and I see them hover one upon another and see them drop away by scores at a time ; and there was an account of about nineteen that saved themselves, some by boats, and others by swimming ; but there were no more saved out of the ship's complement, which was between five and six hundred, and the rest I saw sinking downright, some twenty at a time. There was a fisherman brought our 1 68 STATE TRIALS captaiu word, that in laying in of his nets he drew up some men close under the rocks that were droimed belonging to the Coronation. We generaUy throw in bags of ballast with them. Jones — I suppose aU men that are drowned, you sink them with weights ? Clement — Formerly shot was allowed for that pur pose ; there used to be threescore weight of iron, but now it is a bag of baUast that is made fast to them. Jones — Then, you take it for a certain rule, that those that are drowned sink, but those that are thrown overboard do not ? Clement — ^Yes ; otherwise why should the govern ment be at that vast charge to aUow threescore or fourscore weight of iron to sink every man, but ouly that their swimming about should not be a discourage ment to others ? Then Richard Gin was swom. Jones — You hear the question ; pray what do you say to it? Gin — I was at sea a great while, and aU the men that I see turned overboard had a great weight at their heels to sink them. Jones — ^Then will they swim otherwise ? Gin — So they say. Jones — Are you a seaman ? Gin — I went against my will in two fights. Jones — Then, gentlemen of the jury, I hope we have given you satisfaction that Mrs. Stout did not drown her self, but was carried into the water after she was kUled. That was the first question ; for if it be true that all dead bodies when they are put into the water do swim, and the bodies that go alive into the water and are SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 169 drowned do sink, this is sufiBicient evidence that she came by her death not by drowning, but some other way. Now, my lord, as to the second matter, and that is to give such evidence as we have against these gentlemen at the bar. Mr. Cowper, it appears, was the last man that any one give an account of was in her company. "What became of her afterwards, or where they went, nobody can tell; but the other witnesses have given you evidence that he was the last man that was "with her. I shall only give this further evidence as to Mr. Cowper, that notwith standing all the civiUty and kindnesses that passed between him and this famUy, when the bruit and noise of this fact was spread abroad, Mr. Cowper did uot come to consider and consult with old Mrs, Stout what was to be done ; but he took no manner of notice of it, and the next day he rode out of town, without further taking notice of it, CaU George Aldridge and John Archer. John Archer was swom. Jones — Do you know anything of Mr, Cowper's going out of town about this business of Mrs, Stout's being drowned ? Archer — Yes, I did see him go out of town after wards, Jones — Which way did he go ? Archer — He went the way back from the Glove ; I suppose he came that way. Cowper — What day was it I went ? Is it not the way that I used to go wheu I go the Circuit into Essex ? Archer — ^Yes, I believe so. Cowper — I lodged at Mr. Barefoot's, and he has a VOL, II, M I70 STATE TRIALS back-door to the Glove, where my horse was, and I went the direct way into Essex, and it was Wednesday morning : What day was it you see me go ? Archer — It was on the Wednesday morning, Cowper — That was the very day I went into Essex. Then George Aldridge was swom. Jones — ^When did Mr. Cowper go out of town the last assizes ? Aldbidgb — On Wednesday. Jones — Which way did he go ? Aldridge — He went the way to Chelmsford. Jones — Did you not fetch his horse from Stout's ? Aldridge — Yes, sir. Jones — How often did you go for it ? Aldridge — Three times. Jones — When ? Aldridge — On Tuesday night I sent once, and went twice myself; the first time there was nobody at home to deliver the horse ; so I went to Mr. Stout's, and asked him about the horse, and he said he could not deliver him tiU the maid went home ; and then I went about eleven o'clock and had the horse. Hatsell, Baron — Was it eleven at night ? Aldridge — Yes, my lord. Cowper — When I sent you to fetch my horse, what directions did I give you ? Aldridge — You gave me directions to fetch your horse, because you said you should have occasion to go out next morning betimes with the judge. Cowper — The reason I sent for my horse was this; when I heard she had drowned herself, I think it concerned me iu prudence to send a common hostier SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 171 for him, for fear the lord of the manor should seize all that was there as forfeited,' Hatsell, Baron — There was no danger of that, for she was found Non compos mentis. Cowper — ^No, my lord, I sent before the verdict, Jones — It seems you did not think fit to go and take horse there yourself, though you put your horse there. Now, my lord, we will go on, and give the other e"vidence that we opened concerning these three other gentlemen that came to town ; two of them took lodgings at Gurrey's at five in the afternoon, but did not come in till between eleven and twelve, and then they brought another in with them ; and though he had been in town five or six hours, his feet were wet in his shoes, and his head was of a reeky sweat ; he had been at some hard labour I believe, and not drinking himself into such a sweat. Call John Gurrey, Matthew Gurrey, and Elixabeth Gurrey. John Gurrey was sworn. Jones — Do you know any of the gentlemen at the bar? J. GUBREY — Yes, Jones — Name who you know. J. Gurrey — ^There is Mr, Stephens, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Marson, Jones — Pray do you remember when they took lodging at your house ? 1 The Lord of the Manor might have a right to the forfeited goods of a felon. 172 STATE TRIALS J, Gurrey — The last assizes ; when they first came, there was only Mr. Stephens and Mr. Rogers. Jones — At what time did they take it ? J. Gurrey — I was at church, and cannot tell that, they hired the lodgings of my wife. Jones — What can you say more ? J. Gurrey — I was in at night when they came; there came three of them at eleven at night, whereof Mr. Marson was the third person and he said he was destitute of a lodging and he asked for a spare bed ; my wife told him she had one, but had let it ; where upon Mr. Stevens and Mr. Rogers said he should lodge with them ; so they went up altogether, and they caUed for a fire to be kindled, and asked for the landlord, which was I, and they asked me to fetch a bottle of wine, and I told them I would fetch a quart, which I did, and then they asked me to sit down and drink with them, which I did ; and then they asked me if one Mrs. Sarah Stout did not live in the town, and whether she was a fortune ? I said Yes, Then they said they did not know how to come to the sight of her ; and I said I would shew them her to-morrow morning, not questioning but I might see her some time as she was coming down the street ; so they said they would go to see her, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stephens charged Mr. Marson "with being her old sweet-heart ; saith Mr. Marson, she hath thrown me off, but a friend of mine will be even with her by this time. Hatsell, Baron — What o'clock was it then ? J. Gurrey — I reckon eleven of the clock when they came iu, Hatsell, Baron — Did you observe in what con dition Mr, Marson was iu ? SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 173 J. Gurrey — I did not observe, only that he was hot, and put by his wig ; I see his head was wet, and he said he was just come from London, and that made him in such a heat. Jones — Had he shoes or boots on ? J. Gurrey — I did not observe that. Jones — What did they do the next day ? J. Gurrey — ^The next moming I heard this party was in the water ; I sat up all night, and was fain to wait tiU my daughter came down to look after the shop ; and then I went to see her, and she removed iuto the barn, and they were wiping her face, closing her eyes, and putting up her jaws ; and as I came back these persons were walking, and I met Mr. Marson and Mr. Stephens, and told them the news ; said I, this person has come to a sad accident: say they, so we hear ; but nevertheless we wiU be as good as our word, and go and see her. I went with them and overtook Mr. Rogers ; and Marson said we are going to see Mrs, Stout, ' O landlord ! ' said Rogers, 'you may take up that rogue' (pointing at Mr, Marson) 'for what he said last night'; but I did not think, they speaking so jocularly, that there was any suspicion of their being concemed in the murder, A second time I went, the barn-door was locked ; I knocked, and they opened it, and let us in, and they un-covered her face to let me see her, and I touched her ; and looking about for them they were gone, and I cannot say they see her or touched her : Then Mr. Marson and they were consulting how to send a great-coat to London, and I directed them to a coachman at the Bell-inn ; but I did not hear he went to enquire after the coach man ; then they went to your lordship's chamber, and I went home ; and about eleven o'clock I saw 174 STATE TRIALS Mr. Marson and Mr. Stephens coming down "with Mr, Spencer Cowper. Marson. — I did not go out that night after I came in. Jones — ^No; we agree that. Did you see Mr. Cowper and these gentlemen together ? J. Gurrey — Only at eleven o'clock on Tuesday noon, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Marson, and Mr. Stephens were coming down to the market place, Jones — Did not they take their leave of you when they went away from you that forenoon ? J. Gurrey — No ; only in the morning they told me they would send me word at noon if they intended to lodge there. Marson — I desire to know of Mr. Gurrey, if his sister was not iu the i;oom when we came in ? J. Gurrey — She was in our house that day; but whether when they came in I cannot teU. Cowper — Pray, have you not had some discourse with your sister, the widow Davis, conceming some suspicion that you had of Sarah Walker, that hath been produced as a witness ? J. Gurrey — I do not remember any such. Cowper — Then did not you say these words. We must not concern ourselves with Sarah Walker, for she is the only witness against the Cowpers ? J. Gurrey — I cannot remember any such thing. Hatsell, Baron — You may answer according to the best of what you remember ; if you say you have forgot when you have not, you are forsworn. Cowper — If your lordship pleases to give leave to Mr. Gurrey to recollect himself, I ask him, "Whether he did not talk with his sister Davis about some suspicion his wife and he had about Sarah Walker, the maid-servant of the deceased ? SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 175 J. Gurrey — I believe there might be some talk of a person that was seen to go into the churchyard at some distance with Sarah Walker. Cowper — Did your wife say that she did suspect that person ? J. Gurrey — Yes. Cowper — ^Did your wife say they behaved them selves strangely, and that she would have persuaded the widow Blewit to have watched her ? J. Gurrey — There was something of that. Cowper — Was there not some such words, that they must not meddle with Sarah Walker, for she is the witness against the Cowpers ? J. Gurrey — I said. Do not concern yourself with Sarah Walker, for fear of taking off her evidence. Cowper — Pray did not the widow Davis warm the sheets for these gentlemen ? J. Gurrey — She was with my wife, but I cannot say whether she warmed the sheets. Cowper — When they came home, had you any lodgers that wanted to come home? Had not you one Gape ? J. Gurrey — I cannot say whether he was in before or after them. Cowper — Did not you say to your sister Davis, Now these gentlemeu are in bed, if Mr. Gape would come home, our famUy would be quiet ? J. Gurrey — I do not remember that. Cowper — Pray, did not you go to look for Mr. Gape ? J. Gurrey — Yes, I went to Hockley's. Cowper — Who did you employ to speak to Mr. Gape ? J. Gurrey — Mrs. Hockley. Cowper — When you came home to your own house, 176 STATE TRIALS and after you had been at Hockley's to speak with Mr. Gape, what account did you give of the time of night, and other particulars ? J. Gurrey — I gave no account of the time. Cowper — Not to Mrs. Davis ? J. Gurrey — I cannot tell whether I did or no. Cowper — Did not you say, Mr. Gape asked Mrs. Hockley what a-clock it was ? J. Gurrey — No, I do not remember that; but Mrs. Hockley went in, and told him what time of night it was ; it was eleven or twelve of the clock, which I cannot say. Jones — Call Martha Gurrey. (WTio was sworn.) Which of these gentlemen do you know ? Mrs. Gurrey — Mr. Marson, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Stephens. Jones — "What time of the night was it when they came to your house ? give an account of it, and what you heard them say. Mrs. Gurrey — It was a little after five, or there abouts that they came. Jones — Who came ? Mrs. Gurrey — Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Rogers, and there was one Mr. Gilbert, that married a first cousin of mine ; he came and asked me for my husband ; and I asked him his business, and he said he wanted to speak to him. Jones — Pray come to these men ; when did they come to your house ? Mrs. Gurrey — ^They hired the lodging at five of the clock. When they first came to see them I was not at home ; Mr. Gilbert brought them, and as I was coming along the street I saw Mr. Gilbert walking off, and would not look at me. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 177 Jones — When did they go out ? Mrs. Gurrey — They never staid there. Jones — "When did they come in again ? Mrs. Gurrey — Between eleven and twelve. Hatsell, Baron — What did they do when they came again ? Mrs. Gurrey — I was laying on some sheets two pairs of stairs when they came, and then there was three of them ; so they saw me a little after, and begged my excuse for bringing iu another, for they said it was so late that they could not get a lodging any where else : and said, if 1 thought fit, the gentle man should Ue with them : And I told them I liked it very well. Jones — What firing had they ? Mrs. Gurrey — The firing I laid on in the moming, and they sent for my husband to fetch them some wine. Jones — What did you hear them talk on ? Mrs. Gurrey — They discoursed with my husband, and asked him if he knew Mrs. Sarah Stout ; and one of them said to Mr. Marson, I think she was an old sweetheart of yours ; Ay, said he, but she turned me off, but a friend of mine is even with her : And Mr. Rogers said he was in with her ; aud afterwards said, her business was done. They had a bundle, that was wrapt up in pure white cloth, like to an apron, but I cannot say it was an apron ; and there was a parcel hanging loose by it ; and when he laid it down he said, he would pass his word Mrs. Sarah Stout's courting days were over ; and I said, I hoped it was no hurt to the gentlewoman ; and then I looking upon Mr. Marson, saw him put his peruke aside, and his head reeked, and he told them he was but just come from 178 STATB TRIALS London that night, which made him disappointed of a lodging. Jones — What did you hear them say about any money ? Mrs. Gurrey — I asked them how they would have their bed warmed ? And Mr. Marson answered, very hot : With that I went down to send my daughter up, and she could not go presently ; I told her then she must go as soon as she could. Hatsell, Baron — Pray, do not tell us what passed between you and your daughter : What do you know of these gentlemen ? Mrs. Gurrey- I went to the next room, to see if every thing was as it should be; I hearkened, and they had some discourse about money, and I heard somebody (I do not know who it should be except it were Mr. Stephens) answer and say, the use money was paid to-night ; but what money they meant I cannot tell. Jones — What did you find when they were gone ? Mrs. Gurrey — Sir, I found a cord at the end of the trunk. Jones — Was it there in the morning, or before they came? Mrs. Gurrey — No, it could not have been, for I swept my room, and wiped down the dust. Jones — Was the cord white ? Mrs. Gurrey — No, it was more dirty than it is now, for my husband and I have worn it in our pockets. Cowper — Pray, who brought the cord down from above stairs ? Mrs. Gurrey — My daughter that lived with me, and she laid it upon the shelf. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 179 Cowper — Did not you hear there was a coroner's inquest sitting ? Mrs. Gurrey — The next day at night I did hear of it. Cowper — "Why did not you go to the coroner's inquest and give an account of it there ? Mrs. Gurrey — I told my husband of it, and I asked my husband if he did not hear what they said con cerning Mrs. Sarah Stout? And he answered, yes, they ought to be taken up for the words they said last night : WTiy, saith I, do not you take notice of it? I think you ought to take them up. But he went out of doprs, and I saw no more of him tUl the afternoon. When I heard the words, I thought some body had stole away and got to bed to her. Cowper — Pray, if your husband heard these words, why did not he go to the coroner's inquest ? Mrs. Gurrey — I did speak to him to have them taken up. Cowper — Why did he not do it ? Mrs. Gurrey — He said he would not do it, he did not know but it might cost him his Ufe. Jones — How came you after this to discover it ? Mrs. Gurrey — Because I was so troubled in mind I could not rest night nor day ; and I told him if he would not tell of it, I would tell of it myself, for I was not able to live. Elizabeth Gurrey was sworn. Jones. — Pray, do you know Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Marson ? E. Gurrey — 1 Imow Mr. Marson, and these are the other gentlemen, I reckon. Jones— "What discourse did you hear from them ? i8o STATE TRIALS E. Gurrey — Mr. Marson asked the other gentle men how much money they had spent? the other answered, what was that to him ? you have had forty or fifty pounds to your share. Then the other asked him, whether the business was done? And he an swered, he believed it was ; but if it was not done, it would be done to-night. Then, my lord, he puUed a handful of money out of his pocket, and swore he would spend it all for joy the business was done. Jones — ^Was Mr. Cowper's name mentioned ? E. Gurrey — I heard them mention Mr. Cowper's name, but not Mrs. Sarah Stout's. Jones — What condition was the gentleman's shoes in? E. Gurrey — I think it was Mr. Marson, his shoes were very wet and dirty ; one of them was very hot, and he wiped his head with his handkerchief. Jones — Now, my lord, we have done as to our evidence. Mr. Marson pretended he was just then alighted and come from London, and was in a great heat, and his shoes were wet : for when he was examined, he said, he came to town about eight of the clock, and went to the Glove and Dolphin inn, and stayed there tiU he came to his lodging. Now it was a wonderful thing that he should come wet shod from a tavern, where he had been sitting four or five hours together. Then the Examination of Mr. John Marson was read: The Examination of John Marson, taken before me, this 27th day of April, 1692. ' Who being examined where he was on Monday the ISth of March last, saith. That he was at the borough of Southwark (he being an attorney of the SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS i8i said court) tUl past 4 of the clock in the afternoon ; and saith, that he set out from Southwark for Hertford soon after, and came to Hertford about eight the same afternoon, and put up his horse at the sign of , an inn there, and then went to the Hand and Glove, together with Godfrey Gimbart, esq., Ellis Stephens, WiUiam Rogers, and some others, where they stayed tiU about eleven of the clock at night, aud then this examinant went thence directly to the house of John Gurrey, with the said Stephens and Rogers, who lay together in the said Gurrey's house all that night. And being asked what he said con cerning the said Mrs. Sarah Stout, deceased, this examinant saith, that on Sunday the 12th of March last, this examinant being in company with one Thomas MarshaU, aud telling him that this examinant intended the next day for Hertford, with the marshal of the King's Bench, the said Thomas Marshall desired this examinant and the said Stephens, who was then also in company, that they would go and see the said Sarah Stout (his sweetheart). He confesseth, that he did ask the said Gurrey, if he would shew this examinant where the said Stout Uved; teUing the said Gurrey that his name was Marshall, and asked him if he never heard of him before ; and jocularly said, that he would go and see her the next morning, but doth not believe that he said any thing that any friend was even with the said Sarah Stout, or to such like effect. And doth confess, that he did the next day, upon the said Gurrey's teUing him that the said Stout was dro"wned, say, that he would keep his word, and would see her. And saith, that meeting with Mr. Cowper (who is this examinant's acquaintance) he believes he did talk with him concerning the said 1 83 STATE TRIALS Stout's being drowned, this examinant having seen her body that morning. ' John Marson. ' Cogn, Die et Anno cmtediet. Coram J. Holt.' Jones — AU that I observe from it, is this : That he had been five hours in towu, and wheu he came to his lodging, he came in wet and hot, and said he was just come from London. Marson — I had rid forty miles that day, and could not be soon cold. Hatsell, Baron — ^They have done now for theking; come, Mr. Cowper, what do you say to it ? Jones — If your lordship please, we will call one witness more, Mary Richardson. Mrs. Richardson, do you know Mr. Marson, or any of these gentiemen ? Mrs. Richardson — They came on Tuesday night to the Bell at Hoddesdon, and lay there, aud one of the gentlemen, when I was warming the sheets, asked me if I knew Mrs. Sarah Stout? And I said Yes. He asked me if I knew which way she came to her end ? And I told him I could not tell, Jones — Is that all ? What did they say more ? Mrs. Richardson — ^They did desire and wish it might be found out how it came about ; and one gentleman took no notice of her at all. They had a little bundle, but what was in it I cannot tell, but there I saw it bound up in some coloured stuff or other, but what it was I cannot tell, Jones — Is that all you can say ? Mrs. Richardson — Yes, that is aU. Jones — Then we have done. Hatsell, Baron — Come, Mr. Cowper, what do you say to it ? SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 183 Cowper — Now they have done on the part of the king, my lord, and you gentlemen of the jury, I must beg your patience for my defence. I confess it was an unfortunate accident for me (as Mr. Jones calls it) that I happened to be the last person (for aught appears) in the company of a melancholy woman. The discourse occasioned by this accident had beeu a sufficient raisfortune to me, without any thing else to aggravate it ; but I did not in the least imagine that so little, so trivial an evidence as here is, could possibly have affected me to so great a degree, as to bring me to this place to answer for the worst fact that the worst of men can be guilty of. My lord, your lordship did just now observe, that I have appeared at the bar for my clients ; but I must say too, that I never appeared for myself under this, or the like circumstances, as a criminal, for any offence whatsoever. He then goes on to point out that there is no positive evidence against him, but only suppositions and inferences — what to-day would be called circumstantial evidence ; and that even admitting the evidence of the prosecution, it is as strong to show that the deceased woman was not murdered as that she was. Even if the evidence proved that Mrs, Stout was murdered, there was nothing to show that he or his fellow- prisoners were guilty of the murder. The body was not floating when it was found, as could be shown by the parish officers who were employed by the coroner to take it out of the water. It in fact had sunk, and had then been carried by i84 STATE TRIALS the force of the stream sideways up the stakes which were about a foot apart pointing down stream ; and yet the alleged fact that the body was floating was the only evidence produced to prove that the woman was not drowned. Evidence would be given to prove that the fact that the body contained little or no water was immaterial, for drowning takes place when only a very Uttle water is received into the lungs; and in a case of suicide it is probable that water would enter the lungs sooner than it would in cases of accident. As to the evidence derived from the examination of the body after exhuma tion, it ought not to have been given, as the exhumation was itself an offence ; ' but as it is I have no reason to apprehend it, being able to make it appear that the gentlemen who spoke to this point have delivered themselves in that manner either out of extreme malice, or a most profound ignorance ; this "will be so very plain upon my evidence, that I must take the liberty to impute one or both of these causes to the gentlemen that have argued from their observa tions upon that matter,' It had been suggested that he had an interest in the death of the deceased by reason of holding money of hers which he had received as her trustee or guardian. He had been concerned in investing some £200 in a mortgage for the deceased the previous December; he had paid SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 185 over this money to the mortgagees, and the mortgage had been found by the prosecutors among the papers of the deceased after her death. This was the only money transaction he had ever had with her. The prosecution had proved that there was no concealment of shame to induce him to murder her ; and that, though they had no inclination to favour him. He would produce evidence to show that the dead woman committed suicide, though he only did so most unwillingly and under compulsion. The prosecution had shown that she was melan choly, and he could show that she had reason for making away with herself This he would do by producing letters of hers, which were he alone concerned he would not allude to; but as he was in honour bound to make the best defence he could for his fellow-prisoners, he had no choice in the matter. The maid Walker was the only person who gave any direct evidence against him, and she said that she heard the door shut at a quarter past eleven, and that on going downstairs directly afterwards she found that both he and the deceased had left the house. But he would prove that he had entered the Glove Inn as the to-wn clock struck eleven, that he had stayed there a quarter of an hour, that after he had done several things at his lodgings he had gone to bed by twelve, and had not gone out again vol. il n i86 STATE TRIALS that night. He had sent to fetch his horse from Mrs. Stout's house on Tuesday morning, as was only prudent, but he had told the man whom he sent that he would not want it till the next day, when he was going into Essex with the rest of the circuit, which he did. He had not heard that his name was con nected vrith Mrs, Stout's death till two months after the event; and the prosecution had in fact been set on foot by the Quakers, who were scandalised at the idea of one of their number committing suicide, and the political opponents of his father and brother in the town. Cowper went on to explain that he always had the offer of a share in his brother's lodgings, which were some of the best in the town, when ever the latter went circuit, ' which out of good husbandry I always accepted,' At the time of the last circuit, when the present case arose. Parliament was sitting, and his brother 'being in the money chair,' could not attend. As Cowper had been invited to lodge with Mrs. Stout during the assizes and wished to accept the invitation, he asked his brother to ask Bare foot, the keeper of his lodgings, to dispose of them if he could. The brother said he would do so ' if he could think on it,' and accordingly Cowper went down to Hertford intending to lodge with Mrs, Stout unless his brother had failed to write to Barefoot. On arriving at Hertford he found SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 187 that his brother had not written to Barefoot, and that the rooms there were ready for him. He accordingly stayed there, sent to the coffee-house for his bag, and took up his lodging at Barefoot's as usual. As soon as he had done this, the maid Walker came round from Mrs. Stout's to invite him to dinner there. He accepted the invitation, and also a further invitation to come again in the evening ; but he did not agree to sleep there. When he came the second time he paid the deceased the interest on her mortgage, some six pounds odd, in guineas and half-guineas, which money was found in her pocket after she was drowned. He wrote a receipt for the money, which she refused to sign ; she pressed him to stay there that night, which he refused to do. He then went on : — ' My lord, I open my defence shortly, referring the particulars to the witnesses themselves, in caUing those who will fuUy refute the suppositions and inferences made by the prosecutor, whom first, my lord, I shaU begin with, to show there is no evidence of any murder at aU committed ; and this I say again, ought to be indisputably made manifest and proved, before any man can be so much as suspected for it. Hatsell, Baron — Do not flourish too rauch, Mr. Cowper ; if you have opened all your evidence, call your witnesses, and when they have ended, then make your observations. Mr. Cowper— Then, my lord, I wUl take up no more of your time in opening this matter. Call i88 STATB TRIALS Robert Dew. (Who appeared.) When Mrs. Sarah Stout drowned herself, was not you a parish officer? Dew — I was. I was next house to the Coach and Horses ; and about six o'clock came a little boy (Thomas Parker's boy), and said there was a woman fallen into the river. I considered it was not my business, but the coroner's, and I sent the boy to the coroner, to acquaint him with it, and the coroner sent word by the boy, and desired she might be taken out ; so I went to the river, and saw her takeu out : she lay in the river (as near as I could guess) half a foot in the water ; she was covered with water ; she had a striped petticoat on, but nothing could be seen of it above water. I heaved her up, aud several sticks were underneath her, and flags; and when they took her out, she frothed at the nose and mouth. Cowper — How was she ? Was she driven between the stakes ? Dew — She lay on the right side, her head leaning rather downwards : and as they pulled her up, I cried, ' Hold, hold, hold, you hurt her arm ' ; and so they kneeled down and took her arm from the stakes. Cowper — Did you see any spot upon her arm ? Dew — Yes, sir. Cowper — "What sort of spot was it? Dew — It was reddish ; I believe the stakes did it ; for her arm hit upon the stake where she lay. Cowper — Pray, how do these stakes stand about the bridge of the mill ? Dew — I suppose they stand about a foot asunder ; they stand slanting, leaning down the stream a littie. Cowper — Could you discern her feet ? Dew — No, nothing like it, nor the striped petticoat she had on. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 189 Cowper — Might not her knees and legs be upon the ground, for what you could see ? Dew — Truly, if I were put upon my oath whether they were so, or not, I durst not swear it ; sometimes the water there is four feet, sometiraes three and a- half ; I believe her feet were very near the bottom. Cowper — ^Are not the stakes nailed with their head against the bridge ? Dew— They are nailed to the side of the bridge. Cowper — Pray, describe the manner in which they took her up. Dew — They stooped down, and took her up. Cowper — Did they take her up at once ? Dew — They had two heavings, or more. Co"wPER — "What was the reason they did not take her up at once ? Dew — ^Because I cried out, 'They hurt her arm.' Cowper — Was she not within the stakes ? Dew — ^No, this shoulder kept her- out. Cowper — When you complained they hurt her arm, what answer did they make you ? Dew — They stooped down and took her arm out from between the stakes ; they could not have got her out else. Cowper — After she was taken out, did you observe any froth or foam come from her raouth or nose ? Dew — ^There was a white froth came from her, and as they wiped it away, it was on again presently. Cowper — What was the appearance of her face and upper parts at that time ? Dew — She was so much disfigured, I believe that scarce any of her neighbours knew her, the slime of the water being upon her. Cowper — Did you see her maid Sarah Walker at that time ? igo STATE TRIALS Dew — No. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, do you intend to spend so much time with every witness? I do not see to what purpose many of these questions are asked. Cowper — I have done with him : caU Young. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, I would not have you straiten yourself, but only ask those questions that are pertinent. Cowper — Pray, give an account of what you know of the matter. ' Young — Ou Tuesday moming between five and six o'clock, last assizes Cowper — "What officer did you say ? Young — I was constable. Cowper — Was you employed by the coroner ? Young — ^Not by him in person. Between five and six o'clock some of the men that came into ray yard to work, told rae a woman was drowned at the mill ; I staid a little and went down to see, and when I carae there, I saw a woman, as they had told me, and I saw part of her coat lie on the top of the water to be seen, and I looked strictly and nicely within the bridge and saw the face of a woman, and her left arm was on the outside the stakes, which I beUeve kept her from going through ; so I looked upon her very wishfuUy, and was going back again ; and as I carae back I met with R. Dew and two of my neighbours, and they asked me to go back with them, and said they were going to take her up ; and being constable, I told them I thought it was not proper to do it, and they said they had orders for it ; so I being constable went back with them, and when I came there I found her in the sarae posture as before ; we viewed her very wishfuUy ; her coat that was driven near the stakes SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 191 was seen, but none of her coats, or her legs ; and after we had looked a little whUe upon her, we spake to Dell and Ulse to take her up, and one of them took hold of her coat till he brought her above water ; and as her arm drew up, I saw a black place, and she laid sideway, that he could not take her up till they had let her down again, and so they twisted her out sideway ; for the stakes were so near together that she could not lie upon her belly, or upon her back ; and when they had taken her up, they laid her down upon a green place, and after she was laid down, a great quantity of froth (like the froth of new beer) worked out of her nostrUs. Hatsell, Baron — How much do you caU a great quantity ? Young — It rose up in bladders, and run down on the sides of her face, and so rose again ; and seeing her look like a gentlewoman, we desired one Ulse to search her pockets, to see if there were any letters, that we raight know who she was ; so the woraan did, and I believe there was twenty or raore of us that knew her very well when she was alive, and not one of us knew her then ; and the woman searched her pockets, and took out six guineas, ten shUUngs, three pence halfpenny, and some other things ; and after that I desired sorae of my neighbours to go with me and tell the money ; for when it came to be known who she was, I knew we must give an account on it, and I laid it upon a block and told it, and they tyed it up in a handkerchief, and I said I would keep the money, and they should seal it up to prevent any question about it ; and during all this while of discourse, and sealing up the money, the froth still worked out of her mouth. 192 STATE TRIALS Cowper — Have you measured the depth of the water ? What depth is it there ? Young— I raeasured the water this morning, and it was so high that it ran over the floodgate, and the height of it was about four foot two inches ; but sometimes it is pent up to a greater height than it is to-day. Cowper — Was it higher to-day than when the body was found ? Young — To the best of my remembrance, it was as high to-day as it was then. Cowper — Was any part of the body above water ? Young — No, nor nothing like the body could beseen. Cowper — Could you see where her legs lay ? Young — No, nor nothing but her upper coats, which were driven against the stakes. Cowper — Pray give an account how long she lay there, and when she was conveyed away ? Young — I stayed a quarter of an hour, and theu I went and sealed up the money at ray own house, so that 1 did not see her removed. Jones — Was anybody there besides yourself at this time ? Young — Yes ; twenty people at the least, Jones — Now here is ten of them that have sworn that the body was above the surface of the water, Hatsell, Baron — ^No, her cloaths, they say, were, but the body was something under the water. Cowper — Now I will trouble your lordship no more with that fact, but I will give yOu an account of the coroner's inquest, how diligent they were in their proceedings, and produce a copy of the inquisition itself, that she was found to have drowned herself. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, that is no evidence SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 193 if it be produced in order to contradict what these witnesses have said, that have been examined for the king; but if you wiU prove that they have sworn otherwise before the coroner than they now do, then you say something, otherwise the coroner's inquest signifies nothing as to the present question. Cowper — Call Thomas WaU. I am loth to be troublesome ; but, if you please to favour me, I desire to know of them whether they do admit there was an inquisition, and that she was found non compos mentis and did kUl herself. Jones — "We do admit it. Juryman — We desire it may be read. Hatsell, Baron — Why, wiU not you believe what they agree to on both sides ? Juryman — If they do agree so, I am satisfied. Wall was one of the coroner's jury, and saw the marks on the body which he described ; Mr. CamUn and the younger Dimsdale were requested to examine them, which they did, and reported that they were no more than were usual in such cases. Wall refreshed his memory from his notes, and said that Sarah Walker had said that it was about eleven when she had taken the coals up to warm Cowper's bed, but she could not say when it was that Cowper went out, for she took up some more coals, and then tarried a little, and then went down and found that Cowper and her mistress had gone out. Hatsell, Baron — The woraan said the same thing. Cowper — It is necessary in this particular as to time. 194 STATE TRIALS Hatsell, Baron — She told you the clocks did differ. Bowden and Shute gave evidence as to the find ing of the body and as to its state when found, corroborating the other vritnesses. Cowper — My lord, I am very tender how I take up your lordship's time, and therefore I will not trouble you with any more witnesses on this head ; but with your lordship's leave I will proceed to caU some physicians of note and eminence, to confront the learning of the gentleraen on the other side. Dr. Sloane^ said he had not heard the other witnesses very distinctly, because of the crowd ; but that cases of the present kind were very un common, and that none of them had fallen under his own knowledge. It was plain that a great quantity of water might be swallowed without suffocation ; drunkards, who swallow freely a great deal of Uquor, and those who are forced by the civil law to drink a great quantity of water, which in giving the question 1 Sir Hana Sloane (1660-1753) was born in Co. Do"wn. He studied medicine abroad, and waa elected a member of the Royal Society in 1685. In 1687 he went to the "Weat Indies as aecietaiy to the Duke of Albemarle, and made valuable acientific coUectiona. He waa elected secretary of the Royal Society in 1693, and succeeded Sir Isaac Newton as president of the same body in 1727. He was physician to Queen Anne and George the Second, and foimded the botanical garden at Chelsea for the Society of Apothecaries. He left his coUec tions to the nation, and they f oimed part of the original nucleus of the British Museum. Sloane Stieet and Hans Square derive theii names from him. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 195 (as it is caUed) is poured into them by way of torture to make them confess crimes, ^ have no suffocation or drowning happen to them. But on the other hand, when any quantity comes into the windpipe, so it does hinder or intercept the inspiration, or coming in of the air, which is neces sary for the respiration, or breathing, the person is suffocated. Such a small quantity wiU do, as some times in prescriptions, when people have been very weak, or forced to take medicines, I have observed some spoonfuls in that condition (if it went the wrong way) to have choaked or suffocated the person. He took drowning to be when water got into the windpipe or lungs, and believed that whether a person fell into the water alive or dead, some quantity would find its way there. He inclined to believe that the general condition of the body was consistent with the woman having been drowned. Dr. Garth gave reasons for disagreeing "with the doctors caUed for the prosecution in con sidering that the general state of the body proved that the woman had not been drowned, pointing out that it was as unnatural for a human body to float on its side, as for a shilling to rest on its edge, or for a deal board to float edgewise rather than otherwise. In spite of what had been said about the seamen, he believed that dead bodies would generally sink. 1 The lay leadei mnst obseive that Sloane is talking of the ' civU law.' 196 STATE TRIALS Hatsell, Baron — But you do not observe my question ; the seamen said that those that die at sea and are thrown overboard, if you do not tye a weight to them, they will not sink ; what say you to that ? Dr. Garth — My lord, no doubt in this they are mistaken. The searaen are a superstitious people, they fancy that whistling at sea wUl occasion a terapest. I must confess I have never seen anybody thrown overboard, but I have tried some experiments on other dead animals, and they will certainly sink ; we have tried this since we came here hither. Now, ray lord, I think we have reason to suspect the seaman's evidence ; for he saith that three-score pound of iron is allowed to sink the dead bodies, whereas six or seven pounds would do as well. I cannot think the commissioners of the navy guilty of so Ul hus bandry; but the design of tying weights to their bodies, is to prevent their floating at aU, which otherwise would happen in some few days ; therefore what I say is this, that if these gentlemen had found a cord, or the print of it, about the neck of this unfortunate gentlewoman, or any wound that had occasioned her death, they might theu have said something. Dr. Morley was called, and supported the view that a drowned body need not necessarily have much water in it, and that it need not float. He had tried experiments on two dogs the night before ; he drowned them both, and dissecting one found no water in its stomach, while the other sank to the bottom of the water. Dr. Woollaston a'nd Dr. Gelstrop both gave SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 197 evidence to the same effect as the preceding witnesses, Cowper — Now, my lord, I would call Mr, William Cowper; and because of his name, I must acquaint your lordship that he is not at all acquainted with me, though I should be proud to own him if he were so ; he is a man of great learning, and I believe, most people admit him to be the best anatoraist in Europe, Mr. Cowper, will you give your opinion of this matter ? Mr. W. Cowper''- accordingly, premising that he would not only ' speak, from reason,' but give an account of experiments, stated that the symptoms described were consistent with drown ing; this is a truth that no man can deny who is acquainted with any thing of this nature, that when the head of an animal is under water, the first time it is obliged to inspire (or draw iu air) the water will necessarUy fiow into its lungs, as the air would do if it were out of the water ; which quantity of water (if the dimensions of the windpipe and its branches in the lungs be considered), will not amount to three inches square, which is about three ounces of water. 1 WiUiam Cowper (1666-1709) was a leading surgeon at the time of this trial, having been elected a member of the Royal Society in 1696, and in 1698 having published a treatise on anatomy, which led to a vigorous controversy between him and a Dutch doctor of the name Bidloo, whose anatomical plates he seems to have adopted for his own woik. He subsequently pubUshed a variety of papers on snigery, and was the dis coverer of Cowper's glands. 198 STATE TRIALS And this quantity of water would be sufficient to cause suffocation, and after suffocation, swallow ing would become impossible. This he said, not by way of conjecture or hypothesis, but as the result of experiment. I shall by the bye, tell you how fallacious the first experiment was, when I proposed to satisfy myself whether a dead body would float in water. It happened that a spaniel, that had a great deal of long hair was hanged for this purpose, which I found to float on the surface of the water; but when I con sidered that his hair raight buoy him up, I caused another dog, which had shorter and less hair, to be hanged and put into the water, which (according to what I had always conceived of the human body) sunk directly to the bottora. In order to satisfy myself what quantity of water was necessary to enter the body of an animal, and cause suffocation in water, I caused three dogs, when aUve, to be suddenly plunged under water till they were stifled ; the result was that about three ounces of water were found in their lungs, aud none in their stomachs. Dead bodies generally sank ; weights were attached to dead bodies, not so much to make them sink at the time, as to prevent thera floating afterwards. Cowper — With your lordship's favour, I now think it a proper time to make this observation. The witnesses that have given evidence for the king do say they beUeve she was not drowned ; but they have not pretended to say how she died otherwise. Hatsell, Baron — That is very true. Dr. Crell was generally of the same opinion as SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 199 that expressed by the last witness, and, in spite of the suggestion of the judge that he should confine his evidence to matters within his own experience, quoted the opinion of Ambrose Parey ('who was chief surgeon to Francis the 1st, employed by him in most of his sieges and battles against emperor Charles the 5th, and consequently must observe, and could not be ignorant of such like casualties in such great bodies of men '), as expressed in his chapter of Renunciations, to the effect that the certain sign of a man being drowned was an appearance of froth about his nostrils and mouth. Altogether his firm opinion was that the woman was drowned. Mr. Harriot, who had been a surgeon in the Fleet ; and Bartlet, who had been in several naval engagements, both swore that dead bodies when thrown overboard sank at first, though they floated again afterwards. Mr. Camlin was called at the coroner's inquest, and examined the body. He found certain marks on the head and breast which Mr, Dimsdale said were only the result of drowning ; he had seen more decided marks on the body of the child that was drowned. He saw no indications that Mrs, Stout had been strangled, So"WD — It was much about this time twelve month I had some business in London ; and she [Mrs, Stout] sent to me, to know when I should go to London ; and I waited upon her before I went, and 20O STATE TRIALS she desired me to do some business for her ; and when I returned, I acquainted her with what I had done ; and sitting together in the hall, I asked her, what is the matter with you ? Said I, there is something more than ordinary; you seem to be melancholy, Saith she, you are corae from London, and you have heard something or other : said I, I believe you are in love. In love ! said she. Yes, said I, Cupid, that little boy, hath struck you home : she took me by the hand; Truly, said she, I must confess it; but I did think I should never be guilty of such a folly : and I answered again, I admire that should make you uneasy ; if the person be not of that fortune as you are, you may, if you love him, make him happy and yourself easy. That cannot be, saith she : the world shall not say I change my reUgion for a husband. And some time after I had been in London, having bought some India goods, she came to my shop aud bought some of me for a gown, and afterwards she came to pay me for it ; and I asked her. How do you like it? have you made it up? No, said she, and J believe I shall never live to wear it. Cowper — Pray how long is it since ? Bowd — It was about February or January before her death. I asked her, why she did not come to my house oftener She said, she had left off all company, and applied herself to reading ; and company was indifferent to her. Several other witnesses were then called to prove that they had recently seen the deceased woman in a state of melancholy, and that she had admitted that she was in love, though she would not say with whom. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 201 Cowper — Mrs. Cowper, what do you know of Mrs. Stout's melancholy ? Cowper — My lord, this is my brother's wife. Mrs. Cowper — About spring was twelve month, she came to London, and I believe it was not less than once or twice a week I saw her ; and I never had an opportunity to be an hour alone with her at any time, but I perceived something in her melancholy. I have asked her the reason of it several times, and sometiraes she seemed to dislike her profession, being a Quaker ; and sometimes she would say, that she was uneasy at something that lay upon her spirits, which she should never outUve ; and that she should never he weU whUe she was in this world. Soraetiraes I have endeavoured to persuade her out of it seriously, and sometimes by raUlery, and have said are you sure you shaU be better in another world? And particularly I remember I have said to her, I believe you have Mr. MarshaU in your head : either have him, or do not trouble yourself about him ; make yourself easy either one way or another ; and she hath said no, in an indifferent way, I cannot make myself easy : Then I have said, marry hira : no, saith she, I cannot. Sometimes with com pany she would be diverted, and had frequentiy a way of throwing her hands, and shewed great disturbance and uneasiness. This time twelvemonth, at the summer assizes, I was here six days, and I saw her every day ; and one time, among other discourse, she told me she had received great disturbance frora one TheophUus, a waterman and a Quaker, who coraing down to old Mrs. Stout, that was then lame, she had gathered about 20 or 30 people together to hear him preach ; and she said he directed his discourse to her, VOL. II. Q 202 STATE TRIALS and exasperated her at the rate that she had thoughts of seeing nobody again, and said, she took it heinously ill to be so used, and particularly, that he had told her that her mother's faUing outwardly in the flesh should be a warning that she did not fall inwardly ; and such ' canting stuff,' as she called it ; and she said, that Theophilus had so used her, that she was ashamed to show her head. Another time, the same week, she had a fever, and she said, she was in great hopes it would end her days, and that she neglected herself in doing those things that were necessary for her health, in hopes it would carry her off, and often wished herself dead. Another tirae, which I think was the last tirae I saw her, it was at my sister's lodgings, and I sent for her to drink a dish of tea with us, and she carae in a great toss and melancholy: Said I, what is the matter? you are always in this huraour. Saith she, I cannot help it, I shall never be otherwise. Saith ray sister, for God's sake keep such thoughts out of your head as you have had, do not talk any more of throwing yourself out of window: Saith she, I may thank God that ever I saw your face, otherwise I had done it, but I cannot promise I shall not do it. Hatsell, Baron — What is your narae, raadara ? Cowper — It is ray brother's wife, ray lord. I desire Mrs. Toller may give an account of what she knows as to her being raelancholy. Mrs. Toller — My lord, she was once to see me, and she looked very melancholy, and I asked her what was the matter? and she said, soraething had vexed her that day ; and I asked her the cause of it, and she stopped a Uttie while, and then said, she would drown herself out of the way. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 203 Hatsell, Baron — How long ago was this ? Mrs. Toller — About three quarters of a year ago, John Stout — I desire to know whether she has always said so, or not told another story, Mrs, Toller— I told you no story ; it may be I did not say so much to you, but I said she talked some thing of drowning. I have been with her when Mr. Cowper's conversation and name has been mentioned, and she said she kept but Uttie company ; that sorae tiraes she went to Mrs. Low's, and that she kept none but civU raodest company, and that Mr. Cowper was a civU modest gentleman, and that she had nothing to say against hira, Cowper — This is Mrs, EUz, Toller, ray lord, Elizabeth Toller — My lord, she came to see rae some tirae after Christraas, and seeraed not so cheerful as she used to be ; said I, what is the matter ? Why are you not so merry as you used to be ? Why do you not come often to see me ? Saith she, I do not think to go abroad so much as I used to do, and said, it would be as much a rarity to see her go abroad, as to see the sun shine by night, Cowper — Mrs. Grub, what do you know concerning Mrs. Stout's puUing out a letter at her brother, Mr. John Stout's ? Give an account of it, and what she said upon that occasion. Mrs. Grub — I have a daughter that lives at Guernsey, and she sent me a letter, and I prayed Mrs. Sarah Stout to read the letter ; and while she was reading it I cried ; saith she, why do you cry ? said I, because my child is so far off. Said she, if I live till winter is over, I will go over the sea as far as I can from the land. 204 STATE TRIALS Hatsell, Baron — What was the occasion of her saying so ? Mrs. Grub — I was washing my master's study, Mrs. Sarah Stout came in, and I had a letter from my daughter at Guernsey, and I prayed Mrs. Sarah Stout to read it, and she read my letter, and I cried, and she asked me, why I cryed ? Said I, because my child is so far off: Saith she, if I live to winter, or till winter is over, I will go over sea as far as I can from the land. Co"wpBR — Now, my lord, to bring this matter of melancholy to the point of time, I wUl call one witness more, who wUl speak of a remarkable instance that happened on Saturday before the Monday when she did destroy herself. CaU Mr. Joseph Taylor. Pray will you inform the court and jury of what you observed on Saturday before the Monday on which Mrs. Stout destroyed herself. Joseph Taylor — I happened to go iu at Mr, Pirrain's shop, and there she sat the Saturday before this accident happened, the former assizes, and I was saying to her. Madam, I think you look strangely dis contented ; I never saw you dressed so in my life : Saith she, the dress wiU serve me as long as I shall have occasion for a dress. Cowper — In what posture did she appear in the shop? Joseph Ta"ylor — She appeared to be very melan choly. Cowper — What part of her dress did you find fault with ? Joseph Taylor — It was her head cloaths. Cowper — Whfit w^s the matter with them ? SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 205 Joseph Taylor — I thought her head was dawbed with some kind of grease or charcoal. Cowper — What answer did she raake ? Joseph Taylor — She said, they would serve her time. Co"WPER — As to this piece of evidence, if your lord ship pleases, I desire it may be particularly takeu notice of ; it was her head-dress that she said would serve her tirae. Pray, Mr. Taylor, was you at Mr. Barefoot's when I carae there on Monday morning ? Joseph Taylor — Yes ; I went up stairs with you into your chamber. Cowper — Pray, what did I say to Mr. Barefoot ? Joseph Taylor — You asked him if they had received a letter from your brother, and he said. No, not that he knew of, but he would call his wife, and he did caU his wife, and asked her if she had received a letter, and she said. No ; then said you, I wUl take up this lodging for miue ; and accordingly you went up stairs, and I went with you, and staid there about four times as long as I have been here. Co"wpER — Are you very sure that I said, I would take up my lodgings there ? Joseph Ta"ylor — Yes, I ara very sure of it. Hatsell, Baron — What tirae of the day was it ? Joseph Taylor — It was the fore part of the day ; whUe I was there, my lord, Mrs. Sarah Stout's raaid came to invite Mr. Cowper to her house to dinner. Cowper — Did you know anything of my sending to the coffee-house ? Joseph Taylor — You sent to the coffee-house for your things. Hatsell, Baron — Did Mr. Cowper use to lie at Mrs. Barefoot's ? 2o6 STATE TRIALS Joseph Taylor — His brother did, but I do not know whether this gentleman did, but at that time he took up that place for his lodging ; and said, it was all one, my brother must pay for it, and therefore I wiU take it up for myself, Cowper — Call Mrs. Barefoot and her maid. [But they not presentiy appearing,] Cowper — ^My lord, in the meantime I will go on to the other part of my e"ridence, iu opening of which I shall be very short. My lord, my wife lodging at Hertford, occasioned me frequently to come do"wn, Mrs, Stout became acquainted with her ; When business was over in the long vacation, I resided pretty much at Hertford, and Mr, Marshall carae down to pay me a visit, and this introduced his knowledge of Mrs, Stout. "When she was first acquainted with him she received him with a great deal of civUity and kindness, which induced him to make his addresses to her, as he did, by way of courtship. It happened one evening that she and one Mrs. Crook, Mr. Marshall and rayself, were walk ing together, and Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Crook going some little way before us, she took this opportunity to speak to me in such terms, I must confess, as surprized me. Says she, Mr, Cowper, I did not think you had been so dull, I was inquisitive to know in what my dulness did consist. Why, says she, do you imagine I intend to marry Mr, Marshall? I said I thought she did, and that if she did not, she was much to blame in what she had done : No, says she, I thought it might serve to divert the censure of the world, and favour our acquaintance. My lord, I have some original letters under her own hand which wUl SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 207 make this fuUy manifest ; I will produce the letters after I have called Mr. MarshaU. Mr. MarshaU. Mr, Marshall — If your lordship pleases, it was in the long vacation I carae down to spend a little of ray leisure tirae at Hertford ; the reason of my going thither was, because Mr. Cowper was there at that tirae. The first night when I carae down I found Mrs, Sarah Stout visiting at Mr, Cowper's lodgings and there I first came acquainted with her ; and she afterwards gave me frequent opportunities of improv ing that acquaintance; and by the manner of my reception by her, I had no reason to suspect the use it seems I was designed for. When I carae to town, ray lord, I was generaUy told of my courting Mrs, Stout, which I confess was not then in ray head ; but it being represented to me as a thing easy to be got over, and believing the report of the world as to her fortune, I did afterwards make ray application to her; but upon very little trial of that sort, I received a very fair denial, and there ended ray suit; Mr. Cowper having beeu so friendly to rae, as to give rae notice of some things, that convinced me I ought to be thankful I had no more to do with her. Hatsell, Baron — When did she cast you off? Mr. Marshall — I cannot be positive as to the time, my lord, but it was in answer to the only serious letter I ever writ to her ; as I remember, I was not over importunate in this affair, for I never was a very riolent lover. Hatsell, Baron — WeU, but teU the time as near as you can. Mr. Marshall — I believe it was a second or third time I carae down to Hertford, which is about a year and a half since ; and, during the whole of my 2o8 STATE TRIALS acquaintance with her, I never tiU then found her averse to any proposal of mine ; but she then telUng me her resolution was not to comply with what I desired, I took her at her word, having, partly by my own observation, but more by Mr. Cowper's friend ship, been pretty well able to guess at her meaning. Cowper — Because what you say may stand con firmed beyond contradiction, I desire you to say whether you have any letters from her to yourself? Mr. Marshall — "Yes, I have a letter in ray hand which she sent rae, upon occasion of some songs I sent her when I came to town, which she had before desired of me ; and this is a letter in answer to miue ; it is her hand-writing, and directed to rae. Hatsell, Baron — How do you know it is her hand writing ? Mr. Marshall — I have seen her write, and seen and received several letters from her. Cowper — Pray shew it Mr. Beale. Mr. Beale — I believe it to be her hand ; I have seen her write, and have a receipt of hers. Clerk of Arraigns — It is directed to Mr. Thomas Marshall at Lyons-inn, and dated Sept. 26, 1697, 'Sept. 26, 1697, 'Sir, ' Yours carae very safe ; but I wish you ' had explained your meaning a little more about 'the accident you speak of; fori have beeu puz- ' zling ray brains ever since ; and without I shall ' set myself to conjuring, I cannot imagine what it ' should be, for I know of nothing that happened ' after you went away, nor no discourse about you, ' only when we were together, the company would SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 209 sometimes drink your health, or wish you had been there, or the like ; so that I fancy it must be something Mr. has invented for ' diversion ; though I must confess we have a sort of people here, that are inspired with the gift of ' foreknowledge, who wiU tell one as much for ' nothing as any astrologer will have a good piece of money for. But to leave jesting, I cannot tell wheu I shall come to London, unless it be for the ' night and away, about some business with my brother, that I raust be obliged to attend his raotions ; but when I do, I shaU remember my ' promise, although I do not suppose you are any ' raore in earnest than rayself in this matter. I ' give you thanks for your songs and your good "wishes, and rest, 'Your loving Duck.' Cowper — Have you any more letters ? Mr. Marshall — Yes, I have another letter here, but before it is read, I think it will be proper to give the court an account of the occasion of its being writ. I waited on Mrs. Stout one evening at her lodgings in Houndsditch, and at our parting she appointed to meet me the next day ; and to excuse her not coming according to that appointment, she sent rae this letter. Clerk of Arraigns — It is directed to Mr. Thomas MarshaU ; it is without date. 'Mr. Marshall, ' I met unexpected with one that came from ' H d last night, who detained me so long with ' relating the most notorious inventions and lyes ' that are now extant amongst those people, that I could uot possible come till it was late ; and this 2IO STATE TRIALS ' day was appointed for business, that I am uncertain ' when it will be finished ; so that I believe I can- ' not see you whilst I am iu town. I have no more * at present, but that I am 'Your obliged Friend.' Cowper — Now, my lord, if your lordship please, I proceed to shew you, that I went not so much voluntarUy as pressed by her to come to this house, and for that I will produce one letter from her to myself; and, my lord, I must a little inform you of the nature ofthis letter. It is on the outside directed to Mrs. Jane Ellen, to be left for her at Mr. Har- grave's coffee-house. Por her to direct for me at a coffee-house, raight raake the servants wonder and the post-man might suspect, and for that reason she directed it in that raanner. I'here was Mr. MarshaU by whom I received it, and I can prove the hand by Mr. Beale. Mr. Marshall — My lord, I verily believe I was by, and that Mr. Cowper shewed me this letter imraedi ately on receipt of it, as he had done several others from the same hand. Clerk of Arraigns — This is directed for Mrs. Jane EUen. It is dated March the 6th, without any year. ' March the 5th. 'Sm, 'I am glad you have not quite forgot ' that there is such a person as I in being ; but I ' am willing to shut ray eyes, and not see anything ' that looks like unkindness in you, and rather ' content rayself with what excuses you are pleased to make, than be inquisitive into what I must not SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 211 ' know. I should very readily comply with your ' proposition of changing the season, if it were iu • ray power to do it, but you know that lies alto- ' gether in your own breast ; I am sure the winter ' has been too unpleasant for me to desire the con- ' tinuance of it ; and I wish you were to endure ' the sharpness of it but for one hour, as I have ' done for raany long nights and days ; and then ' I believe it would raove that rocky heart of yours, ' that can be so thoughtless of rae as you are ; But ' if it were designed for that end, to raake the ' suraraer the raore delightful, I wish it raay have ' the effect so far, as to continue it to be so too, ' that the weather raay never overcast again ; the ' which if I could be assured of, it would recora- ' pense rae for aU that I have ever suffered, aud * raake rae as easy a creature as I was the first ' moment I received breath. 'When you corae to ' H d pray let your steed guide you, and do ' not do as you did the last time ; and be sure * order your affairs to be here as soon as you can, ' which cannot be sooner than you wUl be heartUy ' welcome to ' Your very sincere Friend.' 'For Mrs. Ja/ne EUen, at Mr. Ha/rgra/v^s, •nea/r Temple-bar, London.' Cowper — ^Though it is directed to Mrs. Jane EUen, it begins in the inside 'Sir,' and it is dated the Sth March next before the ISth. Hatsell, Baron — ^What March was it ? Mr. Marshall — I kept no account of the time, but I am very positive, by the contents, that Mr. Cowper shewed me this letter and I read it, but by ray now 212 STATE TRIALS remembrance, it should be longer since than March last. Cowper — It was March last. That which will set Mr, Marshall's raeraory to rights is this other letter, which I received at the Rainbow, when he was by, and he read it ; and it importuning me to a matter of this kind, I did produce it to my brother and him ; they both knew of it ; and both read it, and that wiU refresh his raeraory conceming the date of the other. Mr. Marshall — My lord, I was in the coffee-house with Mr. Cowper when he received this letter ; and he afterwards shewed it to Mr, WiUiam Cowper, at the Covent-garden tavern, when I was by. Clerk of Arraigns — This is dated the 9th of March, and directed to Mrs. Jane Ellen, at Mr. Hargrave's. March 9. 'Sir, ' I writ to you by Sunday's post, which I hope ' you have received ; however, as a confirmation, I ¦ wiU assure you I know of no incon veniency that can ' attend your cohabiting with me, unless the grand ' jury should thereupon find a bill against rae ; but ' I won't fly for it, for come life, come death, I am ' resolved never to desert you ; therefore according ' to your appointraent 1 wUl expect you and till ' then I shall only tell you, that I am ' Yours,' etc. 'For Mrs. Jame EUen, at Mr. Hargrave's, near Termple-bar, London.' Cowper — If your lordship please, I will further prove this letter by my brother. William Cowper said that about a year and a SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 213 half since, when Mrs, Stout was in London, his brother came to his chamber in the Temple, and told him that he had received a letter from Mrs, Stout, saying that she intended to "visit him in his chamber that day. His brother told the witness that because of her connection with Marshall, as well as for other reasons, he would not receive her there ; and it was arranged that as she in tended first to dine with their father at his house in Hatton Garden, where the vritness was then living, he should take the opportunity for casually remarking that the prisoner was that day gone to Deptford, as he in fact intended to do. This plan was carried out, with the result that Mrs. Stout left the room fainting. The witness then went on to give an account of how his brother showed him the last letter mentioned, at the Covent Garden Tavern — Saith he, the occasion of ray shewing it, is not to expose a woraan's weakness, but I would not willingly Ue under too raany obUgations, nor engage too far ; nor on the other hand would I be at an unnecessary expence for a lodging. It was accordingly arranged that the witness should write to Barefoot to dispose ofhis lodgings, as Cowper had already related, I said I would write the next day, being Saturday ; but when I should have writ, it was very late, and I was weary, being then tied down to the business of parliament ; and partly for that reason, and partly in 214 STATE TRIALS point of discretion, which I had upon my second thoughts, that it would be better for my brother to be at Mr. Barefoot's, which is near the court, and in the market place, I did neglect writing ; and though I thought of it about eleven o'clock, yet, as I said, partly for one reason, and partiy for another, I did not write that time.' Beale was then called to prove the hand writing of the letters, and the jury declared themselves satisfied. Hatsell, Baron — I believe you raay ask her mother, she wiU teU you whether it be her daughter's hand. Mrs. Stout — How should I know ! I know she was no such person ; her hand may be counterfeited. Hatsell, Baron — But if it were written in her more sober stile, what would you say then? Mrs. Stout — I shan't say it to be her haud unless I saw her "write it Mr. Stout — It is Uke my sister's hand. Hatsell, Baron — Do you believe it to be her hand ? Mr. Stout — No, I don't believe it ; because it don't suit her character. Mrs. Barefoot had expected Cowper at her lodgings, and had prepared a bed for him. Cowper came to her house as usual, and sent to the coffee-house for his bag. Mrs. Stout sent her maid over to invite Cowper to dine at their house. Cowper came back to her house about eleven, by the town clock, and did not go out again. Hanwell, the last witness's maid, made some SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 215 preparations in Cowper's room before he went to bed, which he did a little before twelve. Referring to the last-quoted letter of the deceased woman, Cowper says : ' I had rather leave it to be observed, than make the observation myself, what might be the dispute between us at the time the maid speaks of. I think it was not necessary she should be present at the debate ; and therefore I might not interrupt her mistress in the orders she gave ; but as soon as the maid was gone I raade use of these objections ; and I told Mrs. Stout by what accident I was obliged to take up my lodgings at Mrs. Barefoot's, and that the family was sitting up for me ; that ray staying at her house under these circumstances, would in probabUity provoke the censure of the town and country ; and that therefore I could not stay, whatever my inclination might other wise be ; but, my lord, my reasons not prevailing, I was forced to decide the controversy by going to ray lodging ; so that the maid may swear true, when she says I did not contradict her orders,' Spurr proved that Cowper came to the Glove and Dolphin Inn as the clock struck eleven, and stayed there about a quarter of an hour. The Glove and Dolphin was a little less than a quarter of a mUe from Mrs. Stout's house. Cowper then pointed out that, according to Sarah Walker's evidence, he left Mrs. Stout's house at a quarter to eleven by the real time ; that if, as he should prove, it took half an hour to go from tbere to the place where Mrs, Stout 2i6 STATE TRIALS was drowned, he could not, according to the evidence he had just called, have been there. Sir W. Ashurst said it took him half an hour and one minute to walk to the place where the deceased was drowned. Sir T. Lane said it took him about three-quarters of an hour, ' and we did not stay at all by the way, except just to look upon the hospital.' Kingett and Man, two servants at the Glove and Dolphin, confirmed Spurr's evidence as to the time when Cowper arrived there and the time he stayed there ; adding that he came there to ask about an account for his horse. Hatsell, Baron — Pray, wherein hath Sarah Walker said anything that is false ? Cowper — In this: I asked her wheu she gave evidence, whether she went out to see for her mistress all that night, and whether her mistress did uot use to stay out at nights, and whether she herself had not used to say so ? If your lordship pleases to remember, she said no. Pray, Mrs. Mince, what have you heard Mrs. Stout's maid say concerning her raistress, par ticularly as to her staying out all night ? Mrs. Mince — She hath said, that her mistress did not love to keep company with Quakers ; and that she paid for her own board and her maid's ; and that, when she entertained any body, it was at her own charge. And she hath said, that Mrs. Stout used to ask, who is with you, child ? and she would not teU her ; and that she did entertain her friends in the suraraer house now and then with a bottie of wine ; aud when her mother asked who was there ? her mistress would say. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 217 bring it in here, I suppose there is none but friends ; and after the company was gone, she used to make her mother believe that she went to bed : but she used to go out and take the key with her, and some times she would go out at the window , and she said particularly, one time she went out at the garden window, when the garden door was locked, and that she bid her not sit up for her, for she would not come in at any time. Hatsell, Baron — Did ever Sarah Walker tell you that Mrs. Stout staid out aU night? Mrs. Mince — She hath said, she could not teU what time she came in, for she went to bed. Cowper offered to prove that Gurrey, at whose house the other prisoners had stayed, had said that if he had gone to visit Mrs. Stout, meaning apparently, if he had gone to visit the mother after the daughter's death, the prosecution would not have taken place. To this he would answer that he never had gone to see her in his life. Now, for a raan officiously to make a new visit in the time of the assizes, one engaged in business as I was, and especiaUy upon so raelancholy an occasion ; I say for rae to go officiously to see a woman I never had the least knowledge of, would have been thought more strange (and justly might have been so) than the omission of that ceremony. For my part, I cannot conceive what Mr. Gurrey could mean, this being the case, by saying, that if I had visited Mrs. Stout, nothiug of this could have happened. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Cowper, he is not the prose cutor, I think it is no matter what he said. vol. ii. p 2i8 STATE TRIALS Sir W. Ashurst, Sir T. Lane, and Mr. Thompson were then called to Cowper's character, and described him as a humane, upright, and capable man. This concluded the case against Cowper, and the case of Marson was next considered. In reply to a question from the judge, he explained that Stephens was the clerk of the paper in the King s Bench ; that Rogers was steward of the King's Bench ; and that it was their duty to wait upon the Lord Chief-Justice of the King's Bench out of town. On Monday they all went to the Lord Chief- Justice's house in Lincoln's Inn Fields, according to their custom, and all set out from there. Marson, being only an attorney in the borough court, could not go further with the others than Kingsland, and returned from there to his business in Southwark, where he attended the Court, as was his duty, and set out again at past four in the afternoon. On arriving at Waltham he met one Mr. Hanks, a clergyman, who was returning from attending the Lord Chief-Justice to Hertford, whom he persuaded to return with him to Hertford, on the plea that he did not know the way. They galloped all the way, and did not arrive at Hertford till eight. There they found the marshal, Stephens, Rogers, Rutkin, and others of the marshal's acquaintance at the coffee-house, from which they went to the Glove and Dolphin, and stayed SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 2ig there tUl eleven o'clock. Rogers and the vritness had a dispute about which of them should lie with Stephens at Gurrey's house, and they all went to Gurrey's to see what could be arranged, and to drink a glass of "wine. Eventually Stephens, Rogers, and Marson, aU stayed at Gurrey's; while Hanks and Rutkin went back to the marshal's. The party at Gurrey's drank three bottles of wine, and afterwards, in jocular conversation, I beUeve Mr. Stephens raight ask Mr. Gurrey if he knew of one Mrs. Sarah Stout? And the reason why he asked that question our witness will explain. I believe he might likewise ask what sort of woman she was ? and possibly I might say the words. My friend may be in with her, though I remember not I did say anything like it ; but I say there is a possibiUty I raight, because I had heard she had denied MarshaU's suit, and that might induce me to say. My friend may be in with her, for all that I remember. I confess Mr. Rogers asked me what money I had got that day, meaning at the Borough Court ? I answered fifty shillings ; saith he, we have been here a-spending our money, I think you ought to treat us, or to that purpose. As to the bundle mentioned I had no such, except a pair of sleeves and a neck-cloth. As to the evidence which goes to words spoken, the witnesses have fruitful inventions ; and as they have wrested and improved the instances I have been particular in, so they have the rest, or otherwise forged them out of their own heads. Hatsell, Baron — Mr. Rogers, what do you say toit? 220 STATE TRIALS Rogers — We came down with the marshal of, the King's bench, it rained every step of the way, so that my spatter-dashes and shoes were fain to be dried; and it raining so hard, we did uot think Mr. Marson would have come that day, and therefore we prorided but one bed, though otherwise we should have provided two, and were to give a crown for our night's lodging. We went from the coffee-house to the tavern, as Mr. Marson has said, and from the tavern the next way to our lodging, where there was some merry and open discourse ofthis gentlewoman; but I never saw her in my life, nor heard of her name before she was men tioned there. Stephens — We never stirred from one another, but went along with the marshal of the King's bench, to accompany my lord chief-justice out of town, as is usual. Hatsell, Baron — I thought it had been as usual for him to go but half the way with my lord chief-justice, Rogers — They generally return back after they have gone half the way, but some of the head officers go throughout, Stephens — It was the first circuit after the marshal came into his office, and that is the reason the marshal went the whole way, Hatsell, Baron — Did not you talk of her courting days being over ? Prisoners— Not one word of it ; we absolutely deny it, Stephens — I never saw her. Jones — Mr. Marson, did you ride in boots? Marson — Yes. Jones — How came your shoes to be wet ? Marson — I had none. SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 221 Hunt gave an account of how he was at the Old Devil Tavern at Temple Bar, on Sunday night, and Marson and three or four others of Clifford's Inn being there at the same time, discoursing of the marshal's attending the Lord Chief-Justice to Hertford, Marson said he too might be required to go ; on which one of the company said, 'If you do go to Hertford, pray enquire after Mr. Marshall's mistress, and bring us an account of her ; ' and it was this discourse that gave occasion to talk of Mrs. Stout at Gurrey's house, which was done openly and harmlessly. This story was corroborated by one Foster, who had been at the Devil ; and Stephens offered to call another witness to the same purpose, but was stopped by the judge. Hanks was called, and gave the same account of his arrival in Hertford as Marson had already given. He was in Marson's company from the time he met him till he left him at his lodgings, at about eleven o'clock. Rutkin was called by Marson to give an account ofhis coming to Hertford. Rutkin — My lord, I carae to wait on the raarshal of the King's Bench to Hertford, and when we were corae to Hertford we put up our horses at the Bull, and made ourselves a little clean; we went to church, and dined at the Bull, and then we walked in and about the court, and diverted ourselves tUl about seven o'clock ; and between seven and eight o'clock came Mr. Marson and Dr. Hanks to town, and then we 222 STATE TRIALS agreed to go to the Dolphin and Glove to drink a glass of wine ; the marshal went to see an ancient gentleman, and we went to the Dolphin and Glove, and staid there till past ten o'clock, and after the reckoning was paid we went with them to their lodging, with a design to drink a glass of wine ; but then I considered I was to lie with the marshal, and for that reason I resolved not to go in, but came away, and went to the Bull Inn, and drank part of a glass of wine and afterwards went to the next door to the Bull Inn, where I lay with the marshal. Marson called witnesses to character, who swore that they had always had a good opinion of him, that they had never seen him but a civilised man, that he had been well brought up amongst them, and that they had never seen him given to debauchery. Cowper said that he was concemed to defend the other prisoners as much as himself, and that there was something he wished to say in their behalf. ' The principal witness against them is one Gurrey ; and I will prove to you, that since he appeared in this court, and gave his evidence, he went out in a triumphant manner, and boasted that he, by his raanagement, had done more against these gentleraen than aU the prosecutor's witnesses could do besides. To add to that I have another piece of evidence that I have just been acquainted with ; ray lord, it is the widow Davis, Gurrey's wife's sister, that I would call. Mrs. Davis was asked by her sister to help her SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 223 lay the sheets for the men in Gurrey's house, and whUe she was doing so the gentlemen came into the room ; it was then about ten, or something later. They had three quarts of wine and some bread and cheese, and then went to bed; and after that Gurrey went to fetch Gape, who lodged at his house, from Hockley's. Cowper — I only beg leave to observe that Gurrey denied that he went for him. Hatsell, Baron — Ay ; but this signifies very Uttie, whether it be true or false. 'Various other witnesses were called, who gave all the prisoners excellent characters in their private and professional capacities. Jones — My lord, we insist upon it, that Mr. Cowper hath given a different evidence now, from what he did before the coroner ; for there he said he never knew any distraction, or love fit, or other occasion she had to put her upon this extravagant action. Now here he coraes, and woiUd have the whole scherae turned upon a love-fit. Call John Mason. Mason, in answer to questions put to him by Mr. Stout and Jones, said that Cowper, before the coroner, had said that he knew no cause for Mrs. Stout's suicide ; and that she was a very modest person. He was asked whether he knew any person she was in love with, and he said he knew but of one, and his name was Marshall, and he was always repulsed by her. 224 STATE TRIALS Archer was present at the inquest, and heard Cowper say that he knew no occasion of Mrs. Stout's death, nor of any letters. Cowper — Then I must caU over the whole coroner's inquest, to prove the contrary. Hatsell, Baron — Did they ask him concerning any letters ? Archer — They asked him. If he knew of any thing that might be the occasion of her death ? Hatsell, Baron — I ask you again, if they asked him if he knew of any letters ? Archer — My lord, I do not remeraber that. Mr. Stout — I would have caUed some of the coroner's inquest but I was stopped in it. Juryman — We have taken minutes of what has passed ; If your lordship pleases we will withdraw. Hatsell, Baron — ^They must make an end first. Mrs Larkin was called, and said that Rutkin came to her house between nine and ten, and that the marshal did not come in till an hour afterwards. Mr. Stout desired to call witnesses to his sister's reputation ; and Jones said that the whole town would attest to that, Hatsell, Baron, then summed up. He said that the jury could not expect that he should sum up fully, but that he would notice the most material facts, and that if he omitted any thing, Jones or Cowper would remind him of it. He then recapitulated Sarah Walker's evidence, very briefly ; and then went on : — SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 225 The other witnesses that carae afterwards, speak concerning the finding of the body in the river, and teU you, in what posture it was, I shall not under take to give you the particulars of their evidence ; but they tell you she lay on her right side, the one arra up even with the surface of the water, and her body under the water ; but some of her cloaths were above the water. You have also heard what the doctors and surgeons said on the one side and the other, conceming the swimming and sinking of dead bodies in the water; but I can find no certainty in it; and I leave it to your consideration. Further, there were no signs of water in the body, and it was said that this was a sign that she was not drowned ; but then it was answered that it might show that she had drowned her self, because if she wished to drown herself she would choke herself without swallowing any water. The doctors and surgeons have talked a great deal to this purpose, and of the water's going into the lungs or the thorax ; but unless you have more skill in anatomy than I you would not be much edified by it. I acknowledge I never studied anatomy; but I perceive that the doctors do differ in their notions about these things. . . . Gentlemen, I was very much puzzled in my thoughts, and was at a loss to find out what inducement there could be to draw in Mr. Cowper, or these three other gentlemen, to commit such a horrid, barbarous, murder. And on the other hand, I could not iraagine what there should be to induce this gentlewoman, a person of plentiful fortune, 226 STATE TRIALS and a very sober good reputation, to destroy her self.' But if they believed the letters that had been produced to be in her hand, there was evidence to show that although she was a virtuous woman, a distemper might have turned her brains, and discomposed her mind. As to these three other gentleraen that carae to this town at the time of the last assizes, what there is against them, you have heard ; they talked at their lodging at a strange rate, concerning this Mrs. Sarah Stout, saying, her business is done, and that there was an end of her courting days, and that a friend of theirs was even with her by this tirae. "What you can make of this, that I must leave to you ; but they were very strange expressions; and you are to judge whether they were spoken in jest, as they pretend, or in earnest. There was a cord found in the room, and a bundle seen there, but I know not what to raake of it. As to Mrs. Stout, there was no sign of any circle about her neck, which, as they say, raust have been if she had been strangled ; sorae spots there were ; but it is said, possibly these might have been occasioned by rubbing against some piles or stakes in the river. Truly, gentiemen, these three men, by their talking, have given great cause of suspicion; but whether they, or Mr. Cowper, are guilty or no, that you are to determine. I am sensible I have omitted many things ; but I am a little faint, and cannot remember any raore of the evidence. The jury then retired, and in half an hour SPENCER COWPER AND OTHERS 227 returned with a verdict of Not Guilty as to aU the prisoners. The acquittal in this case led to an appeal of murder, the most curious survival of the earliest English criminal procedure, which was not finally abolished till I8I9. The effect of such a pro ceeding was that after an acquittal on an indictment for murder, the prosecutor might challenge the accused to an ordeal by battle. Accordingly, in the long vacation following the trial, Mrs. Stout, the mother of the dead woman, sued a writ of appeal out of Chancery, against Cowper, in the name of an infant who was her daughter's heir. The sealing of the writ was delayed, it is said to nearly the last possible day, a year after the alleged murder, for the purpose of keeping the matter in suspense as long as possible ; and the consent of the mother of the infant to Mrs. Stout's being named as his guardian for the purpose, was obtained from her by a fraudulent representation that the object of the proceeding was to obtain the deceased woman's property for him. On dis covering what its real effect was, she and her friends applied to one Toler, the under-sheriff of Hertfordshire, for the writ, and on his giving it up to them, burnt it. On a rule being obtained for the return of the writ, and it appearing that Toler had delivered it to the infant's mother, he was adjudged guilty ofa gross contempt, and 228 STATE TRIALS heavUy fined. Holt, Lord Chief-Justice, said on this occasion that he wondered that it should be said that an appeal is an odious prosecution. He said he esteemed it a noble remedy, and a badge of the rights and liberties of an EngUshman. The court of king's bench, to show their resentraent, committed Toler to the prison of the king's bench for his fine, though the clerk in court would have undertaken to pay it. And Holt, chief-justice, said to Toler, that he had not been in prison long enough before, and that he might now, if he pleased, go to Hertford and make his boast that he had got the better of the king's bench. Afterwards Mrs. Stout petitioned the Lord Keeper for another writ ; the infant and his mother presenting a counter-petition disowning their former writ as sued forth without their consent. After an argument before a full court it was decided that the Court had power to grant a new writ, but that it would be unjust to grant one under the present circumstances, because, among other reasons, the appellant and his mother had renounced the writ as soon as they understood its nature, and there was no proof that the appellees had been privy to their action. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS On the 18th of March 174.1, at the Bristol Gaol- delivery, Samuel Goodere,i Matthew Mahony, and Charles White were indicted for the murder of Sir John Dineley Goodere, the brother of the first-named prisoner. They were tried before ' Samuel Goodere (1687-1741) entered the na"vy in 1705, served through the "War of Spanish Succession, but in 1719 waa found guUty by a court-martial of having been very much wanting in the performance of his duty in the attack on St, Sebastian in the same year. He was temporarUy appointed to another ship for rank in 1733, He was then Uving with his father, who had quarreUed with John ; and apparently John had quarreUed with his wife, who was supported against him by Samuel. The father's "wiU disappointed both sona, and John, having cut off the entaU of his estate during his son's life, after his death announced his intention of leaving it to one of the Footes, a cousin of the actor, which probably led to his murder. Samuel left two sona ; it aeems doubtful whether they succeeded to the baronetcy. The elder died inaane. The younger became a poor knight at Windaor, and dropped the name of Goodere. He made himaelf conapiouous by the oddity of his behaviour. He beUeved that a smaU aum of money expended in law-proceedings would reaUse a fortune, and that that money would be obtained through a wife. He therefore frequented crowded places, and on seeing any woman or girl he did not know would present her respectfuUy with a printed proposal of marriage. He died in 1809. 231 232 STATE TRIALS Serjeant Michael Foster,^ The trial was ad joumed to the 26th on account of Goodere's health, when there appeared for the prosecution Vernon, and for the prisoner Goodere, Shepard and Frederick. The other prisoners were un defended. Vernon opened the case. He began — May it please you, Mr. Recorder, and you, gentle men that are sworn on the jury, I am counsel for the King against the prisoners at the bar, who stand indicted for the murder of sir John Dineley Goodere ; they are also charged on the coroner's inquest with the same murder ; and though it is irapossible for human nature uot to feel some emotions of tenderness at so affecting a sight as now presents itself at the bar ; yet, gentleraen, should the guilt of this black and frightful murder be fixed upon the prisoners (as frora ray instructions I fear it wUl be), pity must then give way to horror aud astonishment at the baseness and barbarity of the fact and circumstances ; and our sorrow ought to be that, through the lenity of the laws, the unnatural author and contriver of so shocking a piece of cruelty, and this, his brutal accompUce in the ruffianly execution of it, should be to share the coramon fate of ordinary malefactors. I Sir Michael Foster (1681-1763) entered Exetei CoUege 1705, was caUed to the Bai in 1718, aud practised locaUy at his native town of Mailboiough. He became Recoidei of Bristol in 1735, and a piuane judge of the King's Bench in 1745. He enjoyed a gieat reputation as a master of Ciown Law, aud was the authoi of the weU-known Diaeoij/nes on that subject. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 233 He then proceeds to point out that the indict ment alleges that Mahony strangled the deceased, and that Goodere was present aiding and abetting him in the act ; that therefore it would be im material for the jury which of the two actuaUy committed the act, if they were acting together; and that it would not be material whether they strangled the deceased with a rope, a handker chief, or their hands, ' so the kind of death be proved.' Goodere was Sir John's brother, and there had long been a quarrel between them o"wing to various causes, particularly because Sir John had cut off the entail of a property in Worcestershire, to which Goodere would other wise have been the heir in default of Sir John's issue. He had recently been appointed captain of the Ruby man-of-war, and in January last she was lying in the King's road, within the county of Bristol. Sir John had been ordered to Bath for his health, and had made an engagement to caU, on his way there, at the house of Mr. Jarrit Smith, in Bristol, to transact some business, Goodere had asked Smith to arrange a meeting between him and his brother to effect a recon ciUation, and accordingly this visit, which was to take place on Tuesday the 13th of January, had been fixed upon for the purpose. On Monday the 12th, Goodere and Mahony called at the White Hart Inn, near the foot of College Green, in view of, and almost opposite to. Smith's house; VOL. II. 9 234 STATE TRIALS and Goodere, commending the view from a closet above the porch, ordered breakfast to be pre pared for him there the next day. On Tuesday, Goodere, accompanied by Mahony, and a gang of men belonging to a privateer called the Vernon, whom he had hired to assist him in seizing Sir John, 'but whom one woiUd have thought, the name of that gallant admiral should have inspired with nobler sentiments,' came to the White Hart, where Goodere went upstairs to the closet he had ordered, and the others posted them selves below to watch for Sir John. He soon arrived, armed with pistols, and followed by a servant, but only made a short stay at Mr. Smith's, promising to come again the next Sunday. He was too well protected for it to be advisable to interfere with his movements, but Goodere's men, at his order, followed him a little way down the hill as he left the house. Mr. Smith afterwards told Goodere that his brother would retum the next Sunday, and advised him to be in the way, that he might bring them together. Goodere accordingly made all his arrangements to effect his purpose. He ordered one Williams, a midshipman, to bring up the man-of-war's barge on Sunday, to leave it at a point a little below Bristol, with two or three men in charge of her, and to bring on the rest of the crew to meet him at the White Hart, explaining that he was going to bring some one SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 235 on board. Accordingly, on the Sunday, Goodere, the barge-men, and the privateersmen, all met at the White Hart ; and at three in the after noon Goodere went across to Mr. Smith's. There he met his brother, with whom he spent some time, conversing and drinking with him appar ently on perfectly friendly terms. After half an hour, however. Sir John rose to go, followed by his brother; as soon as they got into the street Goodere made a sign to his men in the White Hart, who immediately seized Sir John, and partly led him, and partly carried him towards the boat which was waiting for them, as Goodere had ordered. Sir John made what resistance he could, calling out that he was ruined, and that his brother was going to take his life ; his captors, however, explained to by standers who tried to interfere that he was a murderer, whom they were arresting, and kept off the crowd by means of the bludgeons and truncheons with which they were armed. They could not prevent Sir John, however, from calling out, as he was being put into the barge, that he was going to be murdered, that the people by were to tell Mr. Smith, and that his name was Sir John Dineley, The privateersmen were landed lower down the river, and at about seven in the evening Sir John was brought on board the Ruby. There his brother pretended to the crew that he was a madman, and shut him up 236 STATE TRIALS in the purser's cabin, on to the door of which he had two new bolts fitted. A sentry was posted outside the door, but at some time after mid night he was relieved by Goodere himself, who admitted Mahony and White, keeping back another man from approaching it, A struggle was heard in the cabin, and Sir John calling out, ' Murder ! must I die ! Help, for God's sake ! save my life, here are twenty guineas, take it ! ' Then Mahony called for a light, which was handed in to him by Goodere, while he still kept another man away from the cabin door by his cutlass, Goodere then withdrew to his cabin, and Mahony and White were put ashore in the ship's yawl. In the morning the ship's cooper, who had heard Sir John calling out, and in fact seen a part of the attack on him through a chink, broke open the door of the purser's cabin and found the dead body. Goodere was then arrested by the crew, and brought before the Mayor of Bristol, where he denied all knowledge of the matter. Shepard asked that the witnesses for the pro secution should be ordered out of court, Vernon replied that he had no right to this, and that as it would seem to cast a slur upon their honesty he objected to it being done. Shepard admitted that he had no right to it, but asked it as a favour ; on which all witnesses were ordered to leave the coqrt, an exception SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 237 being made in favour of Mr, Jarrit Smith, who claimed a right to be present as he was prose cuting solicitor as well as a witness, Chamberlayn was called, and said that about three weeks before the death of Sir John he was asked by Goodere to interpose with Mr. Jarrit Smith to bring about a reconciliation between him and Sir John. He went to Mr. Smith as he was asked to, and he promised to do all he could in the matter. The brothers had been at law a long while, and spent a great deal of money, and that was why Goodere wanted Mr. Smith to bring about a reconciliation between them. Jarrit Smith was then caUed, and deposed that Mr, Chamberlayn had brought him the message he had described, and had brought Goodere to his house, and that he had promised him to do what he could to bring about a reconciliation. Some little tirae after they were gone, I saw sir John, and told him that Mr, Goodere had applied to me to do aU I could to reconcile them. Sir John seemed to speak much against it at first, and thought it would be to no purpose ; for that he had been a real friend to the captain, who had used him very ill ; but at last he was pleased to pass a compliment on me, and said, I cannot refuse anything you ask of me. He then mentioned several things the captain had said ; and in particular told me that at the death of sir Edward Goodere, his father, Mr. Goodere, the prisoner, had placed several persons in the house 238 STATE TRIALS where sir Edward lay dead, in order to do him some mischief, and he apprehended to take away his life. Shepard — I raust subrait it to the Court, that what sir John said at that time is not a matter of evidence. The Recorder — It is not evidence, but perhaps it is iutroductory to something Mr. Smith has further to say ; if it be not, it should not have been mentioned. Smith — And that he had endeavoured to set aside a common recovery, and made strong appUcation to the Court of Common Pleas for that purpose. Shepard — Whether this be evidence, I insist upon it that in point of law it is not, and it may have an effect on the jury. The Recorder — I will take notice to the jury what is not evidence. Go on, Mr. Sraith. Smith — After sir John had repeated several stories of this sort, he concluded at last (as I told you before). And why, Mr. Sraith, if you ask it of me, I can't refuse, I saw Mr. Goodere soon after, and told him I had seen sir John and talked with him, and he was pleased to teU me, that he would see him, and bid rae contrive a convenient place to bring them together. I told Mr. Goodere about the attempt to set aside the recovery. I wonder, said Mr. Goodere, he should mention anything of that, for I can set it aside when I please. I told hira, I thought he could not; for, said I, I have a good opinion on it, and am to lend a large sum of money on the Worcestershire estate. He said, I wonder that any body will lend him money ou that estate ; I am next in remainder, and they will run a risk of losing their raoney, I do assure you ; and he cannot borrow a shilling on it without ray consent : but if my brother was reconciled, then, if SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 239 we wanted money, we raight do it together, for he cannot secure it alone. He told rae, that he should take it as a great favour, if 1 could fix a time as soon as I could to bring thera together. Soon after I saw sir John, and he told rae he was very deaf, and was advised to go to Bath, and then appointed to be with rae on Tuesday, the ISth of January last, in the morning, when he would talk with me about the business of advancing the money on his estate. After this I saw Mr. Goodere, and told him that I had seen his brother ; that he was to be with me on Tuesday, the ISth of January last, and desired hira to he in the way, for sir John was always very punctual to his appointraent ; and if business or anything happened to prevent hira he always sent rae a letter. Mr. Goodere thanked me, and told rae he would be in the way; and on the Tuesday raorning sir John carae to rae on horseback, just alighted and came into my office. I asked hira to sit down, which he refused, saying his head was bad ; that he must go for Bath, having been advised to go there for some time, and then he did not doubt but he should be better. I told sir John, that his brother knew he was to be in towu therefore hoped he would sit down a Uttle, for that I had promised him to bring them together. He said, I can't now, but you shaU see me again soon, and then I may do it. I asked him, when shaU I see you again, to finish the business you and I are upon? the writings are ready, name your own time, the raoney wUl be paid. He appointed to be with me on Monday moming to settle that business ; and said, I shaU corae to town the Saturday or Sunday before, and when I corae I wiU let you know it : he then mounted his horse and rid off. 240 STATE TRIALS Shortly after (as I was going to the Tolzey) at, or under Blind-gate, I raet Mr. Goodere, and told him I was glad to see him and that his brother had been in town. He said he had seen him and thought he looked better than he used to do. I told Mr. Goodere that his brother had appointed to be with me on Monday moming next on business, and I expected him to be in town either the Saturday or Sunday before. I then had raany compliments from Mr. Goodere, and he said, how good it would be to raake up the raatter between him and his brother. I heard nothing of sir John being in town tiU Sunday the 18th of January last, in the morning, when he sent me a letter to let me know that he came to town the night before, and would be glad to call upon me at any time I would appoint. I sent him for answer, that I was to dine from home, but would return and be at home at three o'clock that afternoon. And as I was passing by, I stopt the coach at captaiu Goodere's lodgings in Princes Street. I asked if he was at home? Found him alone, and then shewed him sir John's letter. He read it, and asked the tirae I appointed. I told him three o'clock that afternoon. Said he, I think my brother writes better than he used to do. I said, Mr. Goodere, I think it would be best for you to be accidentally on purpose at that tirae at my house. No, says he, I don't think that wUl be so weU, I think it would be better for you to send for rae. I returned to my house, and ray servant told rae that sir John had called, and that he would be here again presently. Whilst my servant was telling this, sir John came iu ; I took hira by the haud, and asked hira how he did ? I thank God, says he, I ara something better ; and after I have settied SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 241 this affair with you, I will go to Bath for some time, and then, I hope, I shall be better. I said, captain Goodere is waiting, I beg you will give rae leave to send for him ; you know you said you would see him. With aU my heart, says sir John, I know I gave you leave. I theu sent down a servant to captain Goodere's lodgings, to let him know sir John was with me, and desired him to come up. The servant retumed, and said. Here is captain Goodere ; on which I said, sir John, please to give me leave to introduce your brother. He gave me leave : captain Goodere came in, went directly and kissed him as heartily as ever I had seen any two persons who had real affection one for the other. I desired them to sit down. Sir John sat on one side of the fire, and captain Goodere on the other, and I sate between them. I called for a table aud a bottle of wine, and filling a fuU glass, I said, sir John, give rae leave to drink love and friendship. Ay, with all ray heart, says sir John; I don't drink wine, nothing but water ; notwithstand ing, I wish love and friendship. Captaiu Goodere fiUed a bumper, and pledged it, spoke to his brother, and drank love and friendship with his brother's health. We sate some time, all seemed weU, and I thought I could have reconciled thera. The cork lying out of the bottle, captain Goodere takes up the cork in his hand, put it into the raouth of the bottle and struck it in very hard. I then said, though sir John wiU not drink wine, you and I will. No, says captain Goodere, I will drink water too, if I drink any more ; and there was no more drank. After they had talked several things (particularly captain Goodere of the pleasantness of the situation of the estate in Here fordshire and goodness of the land) in a very pleasant 242 STATE TRIALS and friendly way, sir Johu rose up, and said, Mr. Smith, what time would you have rae be with you to-raorrow raorning ? I appointed nine o'clock. He said. Brother, I wish you well ; then said to me, I will be with you half an hour before. Sir John went down the steps ; the captain was foUowing ; I stopt hira, and said. Pray don't go, captain, let you and I drink a glass of wine. No more now, I thank you, sir, said he. I think, said I, I have done great thiugs for you. He paused a Uttle and said. By God, it wiU not do ; and in a very short time the captaiu went very nimbly down the steps, I followed him to the door, and observed him to go after sir John down the hiU ; and before he turned the churchyard wall, to be out of my sight, I observed some sailors come out of the White Hart ale-house, within view of my door, aud tbey ran up to captain Goodere. I heard him say. Is he ready ? (I thought he raeant the boat), they said. Yes. He bid them make haste. Then they ran very fast towards the lower-green, one of them having a bottle in his hand ; captain Goodere went very fast down the hUl, and had it not been by mere accident I should have followed him (but some people think it was weU I did not), for I promised ray wife to return to the house where we dined in Queeu's-square, where I went soon after. Mr. Recorder — Mr. Smith, did they aU go toward the lower green ? Smith — No, Sir ; but some towards the butts on St. Augustine's back. Sir John went that way, and captain Goodere followed him ; but the men who carae out of the ale-house went toward the lower green some of them. About 6 o'clock in the evening, as I was riding up the hill towards the CoUege-green I ob- SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 243 served a soldier looked hard at rae into the coach, as if he had something to say, and seemed to be iu a con fusion. I walked into the court, the soldier with rae, and then he said, I am informed. Sir, your narae is Mr. Jarrit Sraith. Yes, says I, it is. (What I am now going to say, Mr. Recorder, is what the soldier told me.) He told rae, that as he was drinking with a friend at the King's Head ale-house at the Lirae- kilns, he heard a noise, and ran out to see what was the matter, when he saw a person dressed (as he described) like sir John's dress. Vernon — Pray, Sir, how was sir John dressed ? Smith — Sir John was dressed in black clothes, he had a ruffled shirt on, a scarlet cloak, a black velvet cap (for the sake of keeping his ears warm) and a broad-briraraed hat flapping. He described this exactly, and told me Ukewise, that the captain of the man-of-war and his crew had got the person into custody, and by force had put hira on board the raan- of-war's barge or boat lying near the Slip, by the King's Head ; that the gentleman cried out. For God's sake if you have any pity or compassion upon an unfortunate man, go to Mr. Jarrit Smith, and teU him how I am used : and thatthe captain hearing him cry out, stopt his mouth with his hand. Mr. Recorder — What did the soldier desire of you? Smith — The soldier desired me to enquire into it, for that he did not know the intention of taking off a gentleman in that way. Mr. Recorder — Did you do any thing on that request of the soldier ? Smith — ^Yes, Sir; it immediately occurred to me, that sir John, when he left ray house, told me that 244 STATE TRIALS he was going to his lodgings, I went to his lodgings (which was at one Mr. Berrow's near the mint), I there asked for him, and related the story I had heard ; they told me they had not seen him since he went to my house. Vernon— Mr. Smith, Sir, wiU you inform us by what name the unfortunate gentieraan (you are speak ing of) was commonly caUed ? Smith — Sir John Dineley Goodere ; his raother was a Dineley, and there came a great estate from her side to him, which occasioned his being called by the name of Dineley. Vernon — "When sir John went frora your house on Tuesday, was he alone, or had he any attendants with hira ? Smith — Sir John was weU guarded ; he had pistols, and I think his servant had pistols also. Vernon — I think you told us but now, that sir John was to be with you on Sunday ; pray, when did you let Mr. Goodere know it. Sir ? Smith — I raet captain Goodere that very day at Blind-gate, and told him of it ; and he said, he had raet his brother himself. Vernon — Pray, Sir, did Mr. Goodere teU you, to whora the estate would go on sir John's death ? Smith — Yes, he has often said he was the next remainder raan, and that the estate would corae to himself on his brother's death, Mr, Recorder — Well, Mr, Goodere, you have heard what Mr, Smith hath said, have you any questions to ask him ? Mr, Shepard — Mr. Recorder, what I have to ask of you, with submission, in behalf of Mr. Goodere, is, that you will indulge counsel to put his questions SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 245 for him to the Court, and that the Court will then be pleased to put thera for him to the witnesses. It is every day's practice at the courts of Westminster, Old Bailey, and in the Circuit, Vernon replied that the matter was entirely in the discretion of the Court, and that Shepard could ask for nothing as a matter of right. The judges, I apprehend, act as they see fit on these occasions, and few of them (as far as I have observed) walk by one and the sarae rule in this particular; some have gone so far as to give leave for counsel to examine and cross-examine witnesses, others have bid counsel propose their questions to the court; and others again have directed that the prisoner should ask his own questions; the method of practice in this point is very variable and uncertain ; but this we certainly know, that by the settled rule of law the prisoner is allowed no other counsel but the court in matters of fact, and ought either to ask his own questions of the witnesses, or else propose them hiraself to the Court, He then asked Jarrit Smith one more ques tion, to which he replied, Vernon — Sir, I think you were present when Mr, Goodere was brought to Bristol after his brother's being kiUed ; I 'd be glad to know whether you then heard him say anything, and what, concerning this foul business ? Smith — I was present when Mr. Goodere was brought to Bristol after this murder happened, when he was asked (before the justices) about the seizing. 246 STATE TRIALS detaining and murdering sir John Dineley; and he then directly answered that he did not know that his brother was murdered or dead. He was then asked in relation to the manner of seizing him, and carrying him away; he said he knew nothing of it tiU he came to the boat, and when he came there he saw his brother in the boat; but he did not know that his brother had been used at that rate. Shepard— Mr. Smith, Sir, you are speaking about sir John ; by what name did you commonly call him ? Smith — Sir John Dineley Goodere. The Recorder — Mr. Goodere, have you any ques tions to ask Mr. Smith ? Goodere — Yes, Sir. Mr. Smith, I ask you what sir John Dineley's business was with you, and how much money were you to advance ? Smith — Five thousand pounds. Sir ; and I told hira that I was satisfied that it was a good title. Goodere — I ask you if you knew hira to be a knight and a baronet? Smith — I can't tell ; I never saw the letters patent. Goodere — Can't you tell how you styled him in the writings ? Vernon objected to this, because baronetage must be derived from letters-patent, and there fore could not be properly proved by Mr, Smith's personal knowledge ; and added that it was not material, because the indictment alleged that the person murdered was Sir John Dineley Goodere, and the prosecution would prove that he usually went by that name. To this Shepard answered that if the person SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 247 killed was a baronet, and was not so described, there was a misdescription, and the prisoners could not be convicted on that indictment. Vernon then argued at some length that the necessity of setting out a personal description in an indictment applied only to the defendant, and that all that the law required in the descrip tion of the person on whom the offence was committed was a convenient certainty ; and that a description by the Christian and surname sufficed. Besides, this was all begging the ques tion, for as it did not appear in proof that the deceased was a baronet, he might, for all that appeared judicially, have been christened Sir John. Had we called the deceased in the indictment sir Johu Dineley Goodere baronet, then. Sir, we should probably have been told that we had faUed in proof of the identity of the person, for that the baronetage was iu its creation annexed to, and made a concomi tant on, the patentee's name of Goodere, and waited only on that name ; and that the deceased, considered as a baronet, was not of the raaternal name of Dineley, and so upon the matter no such person as sir John Dineley Goodere baronet ever existed in rerum natura.^ 1 After mentioning certain obsolete rulea relating to indict- menta. Sir Jamea Stephen aaya : — ' I do not think that anything has tended more strongly to bring the law into discredit than the importance attached to such technicalities as these. As far as they went, their tendency was to make the adminis- 248 STATE TRIALS Shepard pointed out that they could not be expected to produce letters-patent to show that the deceased was a baronet, because the prisoner had not been allowed to see, or to have a copy of his indictment ; and that it was only on hear ing it read that the defence became aware that the deceased was not described as a baronet. He therefore hoped that Goodere might be allowed to ask the question he proposed of Mr. Smith, who having been famiUar "with Sir John, and seen all his papers and title-deeds, must know the certainty of his title and degree. The Recorder held that it was sufficient if the deceased was described by his Christian and surname ; and that the question proposed to the witness was improper, for that it was not material whether the deceased was a baronet or not,^ Morris Hobbs was the landlord of the White Hart. He could see Mr, Jarrit Smith's house from his windows; and had seen the prisoners before. tration of justice a solemn farce. Such scandals do not seem, however, to have been unpopular. Indeed, I have some doubt whether they were not popular, aa they did mitigate, thongh in an irrational, capricious manner, the excessive severity of the old criminal law ' (Hist. Grim. Laiv, vol. i. p. 284), 1 It is curious that Shepard did uot take the point that the prisoner waa not described as a baronet, whioh he in fact became on hia biothei's murder, TiU recently such an objec tion would have been fatal. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 249 Vernon — I would not lead you in your evidence, but would be glad you'd give an account to Mr. Recorder, and the jury, whether Mr. Goodere (the gentieraan at the bar) applied to you about coming to your house ; if so, pray teU us when it was, and upon what occasion ? Hobbs — The 12th of January (which was on Monday) captain Goodere and Mahony came to my house; captain Goodere asked my wife. Have you good ale here ? She said. Yes ; he also asked. What place have you over-head ? I answered, A closet, a place where gentlemen usuaUy sit to look out. WUl you please to let rae see it, says he ? Yes, Sir, said I, I went up to shew it, he and Mahony went up ; the captain said it was a very fine prospect of the town ; he asked for a pint of ale, I drawed it, and he gave it to Mahony, he drank it : and then the captain asked my wife, whether he might have a dish of coffee made to-morrow morning? Sir, said she, it is a thing I don't make use of in my way ; but, if you please, I wUl get it for you. Then he told her, he would be there to-morrow morning by about nine o'clock, Mahony was by then. Vernon — Did you hear this discourse pass between your wife and Mr. Goodere ? Hobbs — Yes, I did, and then the captain paid for his pint of ale, and went away ; and the next morning (being Tuesday the 13th of January) he came again to my house before my wife was up, and I was making the fire (for I keep no servant). I did not know him again, I thought he was another man ; says he. Land lord, can't you open thera windows in the parlour? I told him, I would, and so I did ; he looked out, and I thought that he had been looking for somebody VOL. II. R 250 STATE TRIALS coming from College prayers. He asked where my wife was ? Says I, she is a-bed : because, said he, I talked with her about having sorae coffee for break fast. I told hira, she should corae down presentiy, but I had much rather he would go down to the coffee-house, where he would have it in order. No, says he, I wUl have it here. My wife came down, he asked if he might go upstairs where he was before ; he went up, and by and by Mahony and three men raore came in ; I did not know Mahony's name ; when they carae in, the captain was above stairs ; he directed rae to make his raen eat and drink whatever they would, and he would pay for it ; I brought them bread and cheese, they eat what they pleased ; Mahony went backwards and forwards, up stairs and down several times ; he went out, hut where, or what for, I did not know. Vernon — Did Mahony, when he went up stairs, go iu to Mr. Goodere ? Hobbs — ^Yes, several times ; Mahony put the coffee, and some bread and butter, and made the toast, and did everything for the captain, I thought he had been his footman. "When the captain had breakfasted, and had made the men welcorae, he shifted himself (some porter brought fresh clothes to him). By and by a man rid along, who, I believe, was sir John Goodere's man, with pistols before him ; I heard somebody say that it was his man : and soon after the captain had shifted himself, Mahony went out about a quarter of an hour, and came back sweating, and went up to the captain ; and I looking out of the window saw the man on horseback, and leading another horse (which I took to be his master's) and by and by sir John mounted, and rid down between my house and the SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 251 church ; and I had some glimpse of him, and heard the captain say. Look well at hira, but don't touch him. The Recorder — This you heard the gentleman above stairs say to the four men below ? Hobbs — Yes, Sir, he spoke these words to the four who carae in. Vernon — Did sir John and his man appear to have any arras ? Hobbs — Yes, Sir, they had both pistols before them, Vernon — Those men that were along with Mahony, do you know what ship they belonged to ? Hobbs — ^There was a young man, I believe some thing of an officer, came to my wife, and asked her. Is the captain of the man-of-war here ? She answered that she did not know ; but there was a gentleman above, and there were six other men besides in the other roora in another company, which I did not know belonged to the captain, until he ordered six pints of ale for them. The captain ordered entertain raent for ten men. Vernon — Where were those six men ? Hobbs — In the kitchen ; they did not belong to the man-of-war, nor were not in company with the other four. Vernon— Now, will you proceed to give an account what followed upon Mr. Goodere's saying. Look well at him, but don't touch hira. Hobbs — As soon as sir John went down the hiU, this Mahony stept up to the captain and came down again, and he and the other three in his company went down the hUl, and the captain followed them ; the "clothes which the captain pulled off were left in 252 STATE TRIALS the room ; wheu the captain was going out at the door with his sword and cloak, I thought I was pretty safe of my reckoning, because of his clothes being left. The captain said at the door. Landlady, I will corae back and pay you presently. Vernon — How long was it before Mr, Goodere returned to your house ? Hobbs — He came again in about a quarter of an hour : When he came again, he went upstairs, changed a guinea, he asked what was to pay? I told him four shillings and one penny half-penny, and then went away. About an hour and a half after Mahony and the other came again, sweating, and said they had been a mUe or two out in the country. Mahony asked credit for a tankard of ale, and said his master would come up on Saturday foUowing, and then he would pay for it : WeU, said I, if he is to corae up on Saturday, I will not stand for a tankard of ale ; but if he don't corae, how shall I have my reckoning? Says Mahony, I live at the Scotch arras in Marsh-street. Well, said I, I vriU not deny drawing you a tankard of ale, if you never pay rae. Said he. You had best get the roora ready against Saturday, and make a fire, and just dust it. Vernon — Pray, when Mr. Goodere went away from your house was he in the same dress as when he came that day ? Hobbs — No, Sir. MTien he came there he had a light-coloured coat, and he looked like a country farmer at his first coming in ; but when he was out, he had a scarlet cloak on, wore a sword, and had a cane iu his hand ; a porter brought him the things. Vernon — Do you know any thing of what happened on the Sunday foUowing ? SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 253 Hobbs — ^Yes, Sir; the Sunday morning Mahony carae to my house, having trousers, a short jacket and leather cap on, asked for a quart of ale, this was Sunday : My wife said. Don't draw any more upon tick. Mahony gave a sixpence and paid for it, and said. See that the room be clear, the captain wiU be up in the afternoon, and then he will be here ; And as he was going out of the house, he said to me. If you fortune to see that gentieman go up with the black cap before that time, do you send a porter to me to the Scotch arms, I told hira I had no porter, and could not send. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon when he carae again with a person who had a scalled face, and one or two raore, a man who lodged in the house came and told me, that they wanted to go up stairs ; but I would not let thera, because it was in service-tirae. They all went into the parlour, and had a quart of ale, and when that was drunk, Mahony caUed for another ; and then eight or nine raen raore carae and caUed for ale, and went into the parlour, but StiU kept looking out ; and one of them being a little feUow, I don't know his narae, kept slamming the door together, ready to break the house down. Says I, Don't break ray house down about ray ears, don't think you are in Marsh-street ; then the little fellow carae up as if he was going to strike me, as I was coming up out of the ceUar with a dobbin of ale in ray hand, for a gentleman going to the college ; I saw this gentieraan (pointing to the prisoner Samuel Goodere) and the deceased walk down the hill, I looked after them, and so did Mahony ; and then all those men rushed out, and followed them. Mahony paid the reckoning, and went away : I ran in to see after my tankard for I was more afraid of losing that 254 STATE TRIALS than the reckoning. And that is all I do know from the beginning to the end. Vernon — How long did he continue at your house on the Sunday ? Hobbs — I believe. Sir, an hour and a half; and there was some or other of them still looking out and waiting at the door. The Recorder — You say that Mahony desired you that if you saw the gentleman in the black cap go by, to send a porter ; who did you apprehend that gentle man to be ? Hobbs — The gentleman that rode down the Tuesday. One op the Jury — To what place were you to send the porter ? Hobbs — To the Scotch arms in Marsh-street, where Mahony lodged, if the gentleman in the black cap did go up to Mr. Smith's. Vernon — I think, you say, you saw Mr. Goodere on the Sunday go down the hill, after the gentleman in the black cap ? Hobbs — I did. Sir ; but nobody at all was with him. Goodere — Did you see rae at all that day ? Hobbs — Yes, Sir, I saw you go into Mr. Jarrit Smith's; and when you carae down the hUl, after the gentieraan in the black cap, you called out to Mahony and his corapany, and bid them to look sharp. Goodere — Did you see anybody with me that day ? I was not at your house that day. Hobbs — I did not say you were ; but as you was going to Mr. Jarrit Smith's, I heard one of your raen say. There goes our captain, or else I had not looked out. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 255 Mahony — I beg leave, ray lord, to ask him, who it was that the captain bid Mahony to look sharp to ? Hobbs — The gentieraan with the black cap. The Recorder — Was the gentieman in the black cap, at whose going by they aU rushed out, the same gentleman whom you had seen before go to Mr, Jarrit Smith's ? Hobbs — Yes, Sir, but Mahony gave half-a-crowu for my reckoning, aud as they rushed out so hastily, I was afraid they had takeu away my tankard ; for which reason I went to look after it, and saw no more, Thomas Williams, swom. Vernon — Mr. WiUiams, I think you belonged to the Buby at the time when this melancholy affair happened ? Williams — Yes, Sir. Vernon — What station were you in ? Williams — I was ordered to walk the quarter-deck. Vernon — WiU you give an account of what you know in relation to the ill-treatment of sir Johu Dineley Goodere ? TeU all you know about it. Williams — I came up on Sunday the 18th day of January last for my commander, weut to his lodgings, he was not at home. I was told there that he dined that day at Dr. Middleton's and he was just gone there. I went to Dr. Middleton's after him, and he was just gone from thence ; I then returned to his lodgings and found him there ; I told him the barge was waiting for his honour. He asked me if I knew the river, and if I knew the brick-yard at the lime-kUns ? I told him that I knew the lime kilns, aud at last I recollected that I did remember 256 STATE TRIALS the brick-yard he meant. That is well enough, says he. While I was there, Mahony came up to him, and the captain desired of me to go down stairs, for he wanted to speak to Mahony in private. I went down stairs, by and by Mahony came down and went away ; then I went up to captain Goodere again, when he directed rae to get all the hands together, and go down into the barge, and, says he, let it be landed at the brick-yard. He asked rae, if I knew the White Hart in the College Green ? I told hira, I did, and he directed me to take eight men up with me to the White Hart, and let two reraain in the boat for I have a gentieraan coraing on board with rae. I did as I was ordered; and when I came to the White Hart, I saw Mahony and sorae of the privateer s men with him there in a room ; I did not Uke their company ; I went into the kitchen ; I asked the landlord to make me a pint of toddy ; he asked me, whether I would have it hot or cold ; I told hira a little warm ; he was going about it but before it was made, Mahony and the privateer's men rushed out of the house : I seeing that, followed thera ; they had the gentleman iu possession before I came to them, and were dragging him along, I asked them what they were at ? One of the privateer's raen told rae, if I did not hold ray tongue he would throw me over the key into the river, and immediately captain Goodere carae there hiraself; The privateer's men asked what they should do with him, and he directed them to take him on board the barge. I foUowed them down the butts, the gentleman cried out Murder, murder ! Mr. Stephen Perry, the anchor-smith, came out of his house, and asked me what was the matter ; I told him I did not know : Mahony said he was a SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 257 murderer, he had killed a man on board the man-of- war, and that he had run away ; they had carried him before a raagistrate, and he was ordered back to the raan-of-war to be tried by a court-raartial. The Recorder — Was the captain "within hearing at the tirae Mahony said that ? Williams — He was just behind. The Recorder — Was he within hearing ? Williams — He was ; and when they had brought him into the barge captain Goodere desired to have the cloak put over sir John to keep him frora the cold, hut sir John said he did not want a cloak, neither would he have it. The privateer's men wanted rae to put them on the other side the water, but I said I would not without the captain's orders. They asked the captain, and he directed me to do it, and I put them ashore at the glass-house, and just as we came over against the hot-wells, there was a gentieraan stauding whora sir John knew, to whom sir John cried out. Sir, do you know Mr. Jarrit Smith ? But before he could speak any more, the cloak was thrown over him to prevent his crying out, and the captain told me to steer the barge on the other side, until we got clear of the noise of the people ; and when we were got clear, he directed rae to steer the boat in the middle, as I ought to do. I obeyed his orders. The Recorder — Who threw the cloak over him ? Williams — The captain. And the captain being as near to sir John as I am to your lordship, sir John asked the captain what he was going to do with him ? Says the captain, I am going to carry you on board, to save you from ruin, and from lying rotting in a gaol. Vernon — And what reply did sir John make to that? 258 STATE TRIALS Williams — He said, I know better things, I believe you are going to murder me ; you may as well throw me overboard, and murder me here right, as carry rae on board ship and raurder me. No, says the captain, I am not going to do any such thing, but I would have you make your peace with God. As I steered the boat, I heard all that passed. We brought sir John on board between 7 and 8 o'clock, he could hardly go up into the ship, he being so benumbed with cold ; he did go up of his own accord, with the men's assistance. Vernon — How was he treated on board the man-of- war? Williams — Sir, I don't know how they treated him after he went on board the ship. I was excused from watching that night so I went to my hammock ; but after I was got out of my first sleep, I heard some people talking and walking about backwards and forwards : I was surprised ; at last I peeped out of my hammock, and asked the centinel what was o'clock. He said, between two and three. And then I saw captain Goodere going down the ladder from the deck towards the purser's cabin, but for what intention I know not. I believe he came frora his own cabin. The Recorder — Whereabout is the purser's cabin ? Williams — The purser's cabin is in a place called the Cockpit, the lower steps of the ladder is just by the door of the purser's cabin. The Recorder — And it was that ladder you saw the captain go down, was it ? Williams — Yes, Sir, it was. Vernon — Mr. WilUams, you have not told us aU the particulars of sir John's treatment between the seizing and carrying him to the barge. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 259 Williams — One of the raen had hold of one arra, and another the other, and a third person was behind shoving him along. Vernon — Where was captain Goodere then ? Williams — He was just behind him. Vernon — How near was he to hira ? Williams — Sometiraes he was as near to him as I am to you. The Recorder — How many were there in the company, do you think, in the rope-walk, when they were carrying sir John along ? Williams — There were five of the privateer's men, and Mahony made six, and there were nine belonging to the barge ; about sixteen in all. Recorder — At what distance were you ? WiLiiiAMS — At a pretty great distance ; I walked just before them ; I saw them take hira along in the manner I have said ; I heard sir John cry out murder several times as he went, as they took him along the rope-walk. In answer to Goodere, the witness said that he slept on the starboard side of the gun-room, and that he could see people coming down into the cockpit, because the gun-room came un usually far out ; there was no other cabin but the purser's in the cockpit. He did not know where the ship lay, being but a foremast man. Samuel Trivett, swom. Vernon — WUl you give an account to Mr. Recorder and the Jury of what you know relating to this business ? 26o STATE TRIALS Trivett— Ou Sunday the 18th of January last, I was at a public raeeting in the rope-walk ; I heard a noise of people cried. Damn ye, stand off, or else we will knock your brains out ; I stepped up, and asked what right they had to carry a man along after that manner ? I foUowed them : their answer was, it was a midshipman who had coramitted murder, and they were taking him down to the ship to do hira justice; other people likewise followed, enquiring what was the matter the gentieraan was behind, and ordered them to make more haste. Vernon — Look upon the prisoner at the bar, Mr. Goodere; is that the gentleman that ordered them to raake raore haste ? Trivett — I believe that is the raan, my lord. On the gentleman's ordering them to make raore haste, five or six of thera caught him up in their arms, and carried hira along ; and as they were got down about the corner of Mr. Brown's waU, he insisted upon their making more dispatch, and then they hurried him as far as captain Osborn's dock. By that tirae his clothes were ruffled and shoved up to his arm-pits; they put him down, and settled his clothes, and then I saw his face, and knew him to be sir John Dineley : he cried out murder several tiraes, and said, they were taking him on board to kUl him, he believed. As they were going with him along, he cried out to Mrs, Darby, For God's sake assist rae, they are going to murder me. I told Mrs. Darby it was sir John Dineley : she said she knew him ; the cloak was then over his face. As they got him further, he called out to a little girl, to get somebody to assist him, for they were going to murder hira. They pushed hira along to Mrs. New's house, and made a little stop there. SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 261 and then they brought him to the water-side, where was a boat ; they put out a plank with ledges nailed across : he was ordered to go on board the boat ; they got hira on board, and put him to sit down in the stern-sheet: then he cried out, Por God's sake, gentiemen, if any of you know Mr. Jarrit Smith in the College-green, tell him my name is sir John Dineley. One of the men put his cloak and covered hira, and before he could say any more, that gentleman (point ing to the prisoner Goodere) took his hand and put it on his mouth, and would not let him speak any further, and ordered the boat to be pushed off, which was done ; and the tide making up strong, the boat got almost to the other side, I heard that gentleman (pointing as before) say. Have you not given the rogues of lawyers money enough already? Do you want to give them more ? I wiU take care that they shall never have any more of you ; now I '11 take care of you. The Recorder — Prisoners, will either of you ask this witness any questions ? Goodere — ^No, I never saw the man before in my life. Thomas Charmsbury, sworn. Charmseury — On Sunday the 18th of January last, between the hours of four and five in the afternoon, I was on board the ship caUed the Levant, lying in Mr. Thompson's dock ; I heard a noise coming over the bridge of the dock, and I saw a man in a scarlet cloak, and a parcel of people, some before and some behind, guarding of hira, and he made a noise. I went towards thera, to see what was the raatter, and at Mr. Stephen Perry's counting-house (they rested) 262 STATE TRIALS I asked, what was the raatter ? They said, he had killed a raan on board a raan-of-war ; that he had run away ; and they had had him before a magistrate, and he was ordered on board the king's ship to be carried round to London to take his trial. Mr. Perry (on hearing the noise) came out and saw him ; says Mr. Perry, Gentlemen, do you know what you are about ? I would not be in your coats for a thousand pounds, for it is 'squire Goodere. They threatened to knock down any that should come near; a fellow, I take hira to be Mahony, carae up to rae, and threatened to knock me down several times. They took and carried him as far as captain James Day's lofts and warehouse, where he keeps his hemp ; and there they rested him again, and threatened to knock down any that should corae near thera. Then said Mahony, Damn ye, here coraes the captain. Iraraediately I turned about, and saw a gentieraan with his cane poised in one hand, and his sword in the other ; he had a dark shag coat and yellow buttons, whom I take to be that gentieraan the prisoner at the bar. They took up the raan in the scarlet cloak again, and carried him so far as coraing out from the lower College-green into the rope-walk : the prisoner Goodere came up to them and ordered thera to raend their pace ; they took him up again, and carried him as far as Brown's garden, at the lower end of the rope-walk, as fast as they could well carry hira, where they settled his clothes, and in the raeanwhUe the prisoner Goodere came up to them again, and ordered thera to raend their pace. With much difficulty they got him between the gate and stile, and carried him as far as the warehouse at the corner of the glass-house, there they rested and settled his clothes again ; then they took him up, aud SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 263 cai'ried hira down to the Lime-kilns, as far as the lower part of the wall below madam New's ; and then brought him down to a place opposite to the King's- head, and then they put him on board a boat (I take it the man-of-war's barge) having ten oars, and they handed him in. After, the prisoner Goodere went into the boat after hira, and set sir John on the starboard-side, and the prisoner Goodere on the larboard-side ; then sir John cried out. Murder ! you gentleraen that are on shore, pray teU Mr. Jarrit Smith that ray name is Dineley, and before he could say Goodere the gentleman took up the flap of the cloak, threw it over the face of sir John, and stopped his mouth ; and says he, I will take care of you, that you shall not spend your estate; and ordered the barge to be put off ; and then he took the gentleman's cloak from his shoulders, and put it on his own. The Recorder — Who was it that stopped his mouth with his cloak? Chabmsbury — That gentleman the prisoner at the bar. The boat was so fuU, had so many people in it, that they were obliged to row but with eight oars : and when they proceeded down the river, it being about three quarters flood, and the gentleman con tinuaUy crying out, they went out of sight, and I saw no more of them. Mrs. Darby, who lived at the limekUns, saw Sir John forced along between two men; he was crying out. Murder, murder ! for the Lord's sake save me, save me, for they are going to kill me. She knew Sir John very well ; she had mended his chair for him last summer ; she was told that the gentleman at the bar was the 264 STATE TRIALS captain of the man-of-war ; he was dressed in a dark drab-coloured coat, and his waistcoat was trimmed with gold. She heard Sir John cry out something as he was being hurried into the boat, but she could not hear what. William Dupree was drinking at the King's Head with a friend, and a young woman who was reading at the window said she heard a great noise, on which they went out, and saw a company of men forcing a gentleman along, the prisoner Goodere coming behind them. They said that he had murdered a man, and that they were taking him on board for justice. They put him on the yawl, while Captain Goodere stood by. He cried out, ' For God's sake ! go and acquaint Mr. Jarrit Smith, for I am undone, they will murder me.' The witness went back to the King's Head, where the people advised him to go to Mr. Jarrit Smith and inform him of it, which he did. When Sir John cried out he saw Goodere put his hand on his mouth. Theodore Court, Master ofthe Ship, swom. Vernon — Will you tell Mr. Recorder and the jury what you know conceming the death of sir John Dineley Goodere ? T. Court — On the 18th of January last, being Sunday, the barge went up to fetch captain Goodere from Bristol, and about seven of the clock in the evening he came on board, and when he came into the gangway, says he. How do you all do, gentiemen? SAMUEL GOODERE AND OTHERS 265 Excuse me, gentleraen, from going the right way to-night, for I have brought an old mad fellow on board and I raust take care of him. I saw a gentle man with a black cap coming up the ship's side, and his groans shocked rae, so that I could not help him ; he looked much surprised as a person used iU; as soon as he was on board he was "taken into custody, and carried by the captain's orders down to the cock pit, and put into the purser's cabin, aud a centinel ordered upon him; and I saw him uo more at that time. Next raorning I was told that the captain's brother was murdered, and that the captain had given Charles "White and Mahony leave to go on shore. The Recorder — By whose direction was he put iuto the purser's cabin ? T. Court — ^The captaiu himself went down and saw them put him in. Vernon — ^Whereabout in the ship is the purser's cabin? T. Court — In the cock-pit. Vernon — Was it a place where gentlemen who came on board commonly lay ? T. Court — No, nobody had laid in it for a con siderable time. The next morning the cooper met me, and said. Here is fine doings to-night, Mr. Court ! Why, what is the matter ? said I. "Why, said he, about three o'clock this morning they went down and murdered sir John. The ship was in an uproar ; the Cooper said, if Mr. Perry (the lieu tenant) did not secure the captain, he would write to the board ; we had several consultations in the ship abo;