ttiiiiiiiliil:iiiii YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of William Little Stark LETTERS OF GILBERT LITTLE STARK \ i,-*tete LETTERS OF GILBERT LITTLE STARK JULY 23, I907-MARCH 12, 1908 PRIVATELY PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS CAMBRIDGE 1908 COPYRIGHT, I90S, BY GILBERT M. STARK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I To these who are cleansed of base Desire, Sorrow and Lust and Shame — Gods for they knew the hearts of men, men for they stooped to Fame, Borne on the breath that men call Death, my brother's spirit came. He scarce had need to dofiF his pride or slough the dross of Earth — E'en as he trod that day to God so walked he from his birth, In simpleness and gentleness and honour and clean mirth. So cup to lip in fellowship they gave him welcome high. And made him place at the banquet board — the Strong Men ranged thereby. Who had done his work and held his peace and had no fear to die. Kipling. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGK I. Japan ...... 3 II. China . . . . . no III. Diary of the Mongolian Trip . . 145 IV. Letters and Journal of the For mosa Trip ..... 191 V. Canton, Java, and Malaysia . 286 VI. Burmah ..... 378 VII. India ..... 427 Appendix ..... 477 LETTERS OF GILBERT LITTLE STARK LETTERS OF GILBERT LITTLE STARK CHAPTER I JAPAN S. S. Shinano Maru, July 23, 1907. Dear Family, — To-day we are three quar ters of the way to Japan. A map of the world hangs where I can see it as I write, and the red line which traces our course has crawled slowly past the Aleutian Islands that hang like a ham mock between the oldest and the newest conti nents, almost to Kamschatka — sounds like the farthest end of the world, does n't it .? — and now we are pointing straight towards Hokkaido — the northern island of Japan. When I look at the end of this red line and think that I am there, and then look at the other edge of North America and think how far off you are — but I don't do it very often ; it is n't worth while. We have had fog every day since we left Seattle. Sometimes fog and rain, sometimes fog 4 LETTERS OF and sunshine, sometimes just common or garden fog. Twice vie have had a sunrise, and one memorable day a sunset. The weather has been very cold, but only once did we have any wind to speak of; that once it certainly did itself proud in the wind Hne. We have had two fire-drills and seen nine whales, had three meals and five o'clock tea every day, and played two thousand five hundred and three or seven games of shuffle- board. There in a nutshell is our life on ship board for two weeks to-day. And yet we have all been contented, — more than contented, ac tively happy. It is a wonderful, calm, and unholy joy to have nothing to do but sit and watch for fire-drills and whales. I am growing so fearfully rotund under this schedule that I fear even climbing Fuji Yama v?ill not be sufficient to reduce my girth to normal proportions. The routine remains the same as it was at first : Bath — coffee — walk — breakfast — diary — luncheon — book — tea — walk or shuffle-board — dinner — talk — sleep. We do absolutely nothing; but really can't find time to get it all in. The meals continue to surprise us by their excellence and freshness — and also the inventive genius of the cook. "Toad in the hole," "Bubble and Squeak," "Fried devilled GILBERT LITTLE STARK 5 bones," and "Angels on horseback" march on to the festal board in unblushing succession. The day of storm that we had last Wednesday was one of the most interesting of the trip. We tumbled out of our bunks in the morning, to find the water in the bath-tubs splashing over in an alarming manner. The wind had veered during the night and was now driving an endless herd of great, unwieldy white horses straight down through Behring Straits on to the side of our poor ship. Big as houses were these wild white horses, foaming at the mouth as they towered over us, throwing us easily over their huge green shoulders as they rushed from beneath us, and flinging back their great snowy manes and tails as they raced off towards the horizon. We put on rubber coats and stood all morning on the wind'ard side swallowing the wind in great gulps, our faces numbed with the cold and dripping with spray. The lower decks fore and aft were swept continually by great clouds of spray. Several times a wave would swell higher and higher, and finally hurl a few barrels of green water over the rail of our promenade deck and slap up against the doors of the state rooms. In the afternoon the sun came out suddenly 6 LETTERS OF and the whole black sea was instantly trans formed into a floor of deep sapphire above which the sky was a pale arch, paler than a robin's egg. The white crests of the waves dazzled with their brightness, and the wind boomed over the great wave-hollows like a mighty organ. Some of our fellow passengers are very inter esting. At the head of the list is Juji Nakada San, a Japanese Christian missionary now re turning from his second trip around the world. He is one of the brightest, joUiest, cleverest, most cultured men that I have ever known. He is a master of jiu-jitsu, and some of his early conversions were accomplished by sitting on the neophyte's head and talking to him of the glories to come. He has told us invaluable things about the religions and prejudices of the people, and knowing him has revolutionized our ideas of his people, of the possibility of introducing Chris tianity into the Orient, and the present attitude of the United States towards Japan. Next in interest is Mr. C , the man whom I met between Chicago and St. Paul. He is Scotch, and piece by piece we have learned a little of his history. His brother is a famous musician, and Mr. Oswald C , for such is his unfortunate cognomen, is a musician of no GILBERT LITTLE STARK 7 mean education. Then it also appears that he has painted pictures which have attracted wide attention. In addition to his achievements on canvas we are assured by Nakada, with whom C is travelling, that he is a very good archi tect. Add to these accomplishments the facts that he has taught philosophy and psychology for twelve years, is an ordained minister, and intends to spend twelve years in travelling around the world, and you will appreciate the conviction with which I repeat that he is an interesting man. In the next stateroom to C are two cal low youths from Salt Lake City, Utah. Specu lation was rife for several days as to what their business could be in Japan, for they declared that their stay was to be for three years at least. Finally the truth came out with all the startling eff"ect of an exploding bomb. Aged eighteen and nineteen respectively, with hardly a grammar- school education, and unmistakable proclivities towards the Coney Island dance-hall type of amusement, these noble youths are starting out on a career as — guess if you can — Mormon missionaries ! Exhibit number four is one that we are really very fond of, but he must forgive us a brief smile He is aged twenty-nine; but before we knew 8 LETTERS OF we should have believed any one who told us he was fifty. He is Abraham Lincoln come to Ufe, in appearance. Tall, gaunt, ungainly, with hands hke hams, and a great oblong face that looks as if it had been rather poorly carved out ofa tough blockof hickory and then been severely weather-beaten for several years. He always wears a rusty black suit and a high black fedora hat with a deep crease and a brim that imitates the size and angles of his ears. He is to be seen at any time of day or night twisting his mouth around a toothpick just as some men chew a cigar. He graduated from Vanderbilt Univer sity at Nashville, and before embarking on this noble ship he had never seen an ocean. He is very shy, but rather lonely and inquisitive. The result is that he never misses a trick. Whenever a group of more than one is gathered on the deck, you may see his dark clothes and toothpick towering back of it like a brooding Fate. For the first three days he did not speak. Now that he feels more at home he is very willing, nay, anxious, to talk, but he has nothing to talk about. His life has been about as exciting as that of a sponge. Under all the awkwardness, however, there is a fine, solid character and fund of humor too. This trip is making history for him, he is GILBERT LITTLE STARK 9 learning to exchange ideas, to be flippant. The least sally will draw an appreciative roar from him, and he has even ventured one or two him self. The other day, after a good meal, he lapsed into baby talk ! Imagine it if you can ; it caused the nearest approach to an attack of apoplexy in me that I ever hope to have. Oh, yes, his name is T ! There are about as many Japanese as there are Americans, maybe a few more, and they are interesting and very friendly. They tell us that a little coldness or slow service in the country is absolutely the only result of the present trouble that we are likely to experience. Our captain is a delightful man. Commander Kaware he is, and well known among those up in naval affairs. During the late war he com manded the transport Ceylon Maru, and he has many interesting tales to tell. He has brought out his pictures of the war for us, and danced the samurai dance on deck, and made himself entertaining generally. He has some wonderful photographs of executions and battlefields. He is a little taller than most of his race; I think he is almost my height, but he is well muscled and very heavy. His face is tanned a rich apple red through the natural brown, and ID LETTERS OF his teeth are very white. He is always smihng, and his trim httle mustache curls way up at the corners in consequence. I should call him a very handsome man. In both the captain and Nakada two traits have struck me. First, their remarkable good nature and jollity and their athletic activity; they are both Hke boys in their teens. Second, the strange power of mimicry and making faces. The faces they make while they are telling a story are exactly the grotesque masks that we see on their gods and demons. I think the secret lies in the mobile mouth, for they are both remarkably good-looking men. July 26, 6.30 A. M. Since I last wrote we have had beautiful weather, two sparkling blue days during which we lay around the deck with our coats off, for the weather is now like the mildest, best Septem ber days at the Lake. Yesterday we sighted land at daybreak, and in a hazy, intermittent way it has been with us ever since. About noon a bold promontory came out to interfere vrith us, and pushed a beautiful island almost in our path. We passed so close that we could see the shade under the funny gnarled pines that cov ered the whole island, and we exchanged signals GILBERT LITTLE STARK ii for several minutes. Kinkwa San the island is called ; it is a little cone-shaped mountain rising straight out of the sea, with its sides covered by a dark olive-green forest, a lighthouse on its outer edge, and a shrine on its summit; the inhabitants are sacred apes and deer. Kinkwa San — Mount of the Golden Flower — our first ghmpse of Japan. This morning I got up at 5.30, just in time to see the mast of the poor Dakota rising above the calm water. We are now entering the Bay of Yeddo, Yokohama harbor. We have passed between two points, and the shore circles away from us on both sides. The sky line is like the sky line of a very stormy sea viewed from a deep wave-hollow — the volcanic origin is easy to see. All around us are the fishing boats starting out on their morning trip. Queer junks, with bodies like a hollow wooden wheel cut in two, and great square sails at the back. The fishermen wear kimonos and do their heads up in white towels. Sometimes, too, we run past a flock of little sampans with two men sculling as they stand, Venetian fashion. I will write fully of our plans in Japan as soon as we have landed and gotten our bearings. We shall be on shore in a very few hours, and 12 LETTERS OF you can imagine how excited I am ! Sad to say, it is too cloudy to see Fuji. I thought I had forgotten how to be excited over things, but this is teaching me over again. Loads and loads of love to all. Your loving son, Gilbert. Tokyo, July 27, 1907. Dear Family, — This is the first morning we have seen in Nippon — Land of the Rising Sun — and it is a beautiful one. I have not yet dressed, but am sitting in that cool dressing- gown of father's, which, by the way, is one of the most useful things I have with me, and look ing out over the funny waffle-like roofs of the Imperial City. Our hotel is a big, roomy European building, with verandahs and courts and gardens in un expected corners. No elevator, but it is only three stories high, so they don't need one. Our rooms are on the third floor, and we each have a single room about the size of both of our parlors together. July 28, Sunday. My letter yesterday was interrupted by the announcement that it was time to keep an en- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 13 gagement at Shimbashi station; more of that anon. On Friday the approach to Yokohama had hardly anything foreign about it to make us feel that we were really half the world away from home ; but as soon as we got close enough to the dock to see the people there to meet the steamer, then the surprises commenced. The general effect given by the crowd at the wharf was a melee of very bare legs and chests, and a cloud of light, blowy, floating draperies, all colors of the rainbow. After a great deal of talking and bowing and scraping, we succeeded in getting our baggage checked to Tokyo. Then we rode about the town in rickshaws. Getting into a rickshaw for the first time is like going back to childhood days and the baby carriage. They are frail creations on two wheels, vrith a pair of bare legs and ill- concealed brown body between the shafts, the brown affair being topped by an inverted chop- ping-bowl, or possibly a great flat disk of straw, perhaps an acre in area. As you roll comfortably along the street you look right into and through the houses and stores on both sides of the street, and every phase of private life lies open before you. We got a bite to eat at a little tea-house 14 LETTERS OF and then chmbed about one hundred steps tothe Yokohama temple and had a magnificent view of the harbor and the flat roofs of the city. At 5. 1 5 we caught a train to Tokyo, and here we are. Tokyo is a fascinating place. There is very little European architecture, and the streets are full of more strange and interesting sights than ever the Midway exhibited. Imagine yourself in a soft, cushioned, easy-running rickshaw, with a pair of legs twinkling swiftly along in front of you. On each side are little one- story stores open like caves, and full of china, silks, flowers, vegetables, fish, and bronze work. Right among the stores are the shops where the things are made, and you see carpenters or embroiderers at work in every block. The streets vary from little alleys, where you can almost touch both walls, to great broad thorough fares that equal our broadest streets. Sometimes you strike a residence district where an open gate gives you a glimpse of a quaint garden, or behind a bamboo grating you see a little maid polishing and scrubbing for dear life. Every street has the peculiarity of seeming to end in open country. That is, if you look up or down the street, you might think you were in a village and that the street led out into broad fields. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 15 That is because everything is so low; it is hard to realize that this is one of the great cities of the world, but when you have been pulled for several hours at a dog-trot and find the same streets everywhere, the truth comes home to you. Then the people ! There are two millions here, and I think I must have seen every one. Imagine if you can a street of the kind I have tried to describe above, then fill street and shops as far as the eye can reach with people. Old and young, older and younger, some of them, than any one you have ever seen before. Imagine them dressed in kimonos, the men in a sober blue or stripes, the women in all sorts of pretty colors, with great sashes, and hair like the cream whirls on a fancy charlotte russe all covered with black shellac. Sprinkle in every color and shade from almost negro black, through coffee and tan shoes, to pure pink and white. Add a little live Jap doll to every square foot of ground, until you have created about three miUion babies, and make every third man look exactly like H B . Wherever you cast your eyes let there be a flash of very white teeth from ten or twelve people at once, and let there be a continual undercurrent of audible laughter. Season well with low bows on all sides and a great abundance i6 LETTERS OF of bare skin, and you have a Tokyo street com plete. One thing I forgot, however, — just a dash of sandalwood smell everywhere. In all Tokyo we have not seen a really ugly person, a frown, or a beggar, and now we know what Nakada meant when he kept saying that we are " too much civilized." Here is a people intellectually our equal, every bit, and yet they live in play-houses and wear night-gowns all day, when they wear anything. What is the use of our elaborate kitchens when we can cook fish on a hot soapstone while sitting on the door step ? Another surprise is the absence of Euro pean costumes. I suppose they are worn more in the winter, but now they are as rare among the common people as kimonos are on Fifth Avenue. Yesterday we met John, Ted, and their friend Mr. Tsuika at the Shimbashi station as they came in from Yokohama, and Mr. Tsuika took us all to the Imperial University, where we found Dr. Sato, to whom John had a letter. Dr. Sato is one of the most famous surgeons in Japan, and he has his own hospital and is the head of the medical department at the University. That department has two beautifully appointed hos pitals, and an anatomical building that puts any- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 17 thing I have seen before to shame, with a patho logical building as large. The doctor showed us all over the University. (Called away.) 5 p. M., same day. The University has more ground and more buildings than our own, but about the same number of students. At noon, Mr. Tsuika treated us to a luncheon at the Seiyoken restau rant in one of the city parks — Neyeno Park. Luncheon was served in European style, and we had no sooner gotten well started than in came two of our classmates who are going to teach in the Philippines ! At 5.30 we started out for a dinner-party at the Maple Leaf Restaurant in Shiba Park, Dr, Sato had asked us all 'to be his guests, and we found him awaiting us with a friend. Dr. Sakai, a professor of the University and a young man about thirty years old. Neither ofour hosts could talk English, so all our conversation was in Ger man. This restaurant is the Sherry's of Tokyo. It is a long, low building, with a large courtyard in front for rickshaws. At the door our shoes were removed and we proceeded to enter in our stocking feet. Our host led the way through to the back, over mats as spotless as our table-cloths i8 LETTERS OF and soft as velvet. At the back was an exquisite garden, rocks, bridges, pools of goldfish, gnarled trees, and masses of flowering shrubs. One wing of the building stretched into the garden and almost to the edge of a high cliff that gave a fine broad view over trees and houses far below. Our party had the whole end of this wing. The room in which we found ourselves was a very large rectangle without furniture or ornament. The floor of beautiful soft mats, one wall and one end of delicately painted screens, one end open to the view from the cliff, and the remaining side all open to the garden. Outside of the open sides ran a little roofed verandah of teak-wood pol ished like a piano-top. There were niches in the one stationary side-wall, and in each niche was either a single vase of flowers or a great bronze dragon. After we had admired the room and view and garden, in came a procession of geisha girls — one for each of us, and two extra little butterflies about eleven years old. They offered us tea and then fixed cushions for us along the open end, being the end of the room that was screened off. We sat cross-legged without an)^hing to lean against, and our geishas sat directly in front, facing us. A tray was placed between each of us GILBERT LITTLE STARK 19 and our geisha, and on that the supper was served. As the light faded from outside, some quaint, soft electric lights were turned on by an unseen agency. Of course we used chopsticks only, and our geishas had a great time teaching us the art. Everything was served on little open plates or in covered bowls. First we had soup, then mushrooms cut lengthwise in thin slices, next a sort of pressed meat, fat, cut in slices and garnished with mushrooms and vegetables, then roast fish with many vegetables, then raw fish ! This raw fish was really delicious, it was almost the best dish that we had served us ! It was cut in very thin slices and looked clean and white, and the sauce in which you dipped it before eating was a marvel and a triumph; you must have raw fish at home. Next we had crawfish and vegetables, and then chicken with vege tables, mushrooms, and candied apricots. With this they served thimblefuls of warm sake, the Japanese wine made of rice. It is customary — but I will tell about that when I describe the geisha girls. After we had waded through the dishes men tioned above, we heard a few strains of the weird est music you have ever listened to, and the screens at the further end slipped back disclosing three 20 LETTERS OF women seated behind instruments like auto- harps. They gave us a little concert and then started to sing. At the first few bars of the song we heard a rustle at the door and in floated five more geishas in the most beautiful silks you could imagine. I say floated in because that is exactly what they did. The whole secret of the dance is to hide all means of motion, and you can hardly tell when the girls take a step, so smoothly do they glide. All of the movements are in unison, and there are no fancy steps — the girls simply glide from one pose to another, illustrating some love poem or some bit of history. Fans play a great part, and the hands, which are the only parts of the body visible, are most expressive. The dance lasted about eight minutes. After wards we were served with a different soup and some more cooked fish, — tai, this time, a favor ite species, — and then stuffed lobsters with a mustard sauce. After this three still different geishas acted a little play, with an orchestra of five pieces in the background. The orchestra kept chanting the story like a Greek chorus. The three characters were i, an early Emperor; 2, his Shogun; 3, a witch who enchanted them and threw magic spider-webs about them. The costumes were gorgeous, and the expression of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 21 their hands and face marvellous. They say the training of these geishas takes infinite pains and years and years of time. After this second dance we were served with rice over which green tea was poured, and then we were given great round cakes. The geishas sat facing us, and each one had by her side a little bowl of glowing coals to offer us as a light for cigarettes, a dainty china vase full of warm sake, and a bowl of water. The sake is very mild, and there is the following form involved in drinking it : you sip it, empty what you do not want in the bowl of water, wash the tiny bowl you drink from, and then offer it to the geisha. She holds the little dish and you pour for her. She takes a sip and removes it with her handkerchief, empties the rest into the water bowl, and presents the cup to you. Some of the girls drink it, but ours did not. The girls we talked with are the highest representatives of their class, many of them coming from good families. Some are dancers and some conver sationalists; they are hke the Greek Hetairae. The good ones are among the most polished, esteemed, and beautiful ladies in Japan. Their speech is much more refined than the wives of the men they entertain, and some are experts 22 LETTERS OF in philosophy and literature; all are masters of polite small talk. Aside from the tiny ones of eleven, our girls ranged in age from sixteen to thirty, the oldest being the most beautiful and by far the most accomplished. In fact, those whose services bring the highest price are be tween twenty-five and thirty years old. After the last dance about eight more geishas came in, so we had a very large party. We stayed over four hours in all, and during the evening the girls peeled great luscious peaches for us. We had a delightful time, and laughed ourselves almost sick. It was just hke a children's party. We taught them several English words and they taught us some Japanese phrases, and we got along beautifully without a sign of an inter preter, for it was all the doctors could do to get their own thoughts through our heads in Ger man. Whenever a new girl came into the room, or when a girl changed her seat to sit before another fellow, she would touch her forehead to the floor and get off a long, very polite sentence. We amused them with our American tricks, eating matches and snapping coins from the backs of our hands, and they taught us funny ways of twisting their fingers together and ap parently turning their arms inside out. They GILBERT LITTLE STARK 23 laughed more than we did, but their laughter was low and musical and their voices sweeter than Occidental voices. They were very prud ish when they handed us anything, for they took terrific pains to keep from touching our fingers. We left in a gale and whirlwind of " Good-byes" and " Sayonaras," — all the girls kneeling in the great lighted doorway and touch ing their heads tothe ground, — a great crowd of boys and coolies gathered around us, and each of us in a rickshaw with a big paper lantern lighted and swung from the shafts. Each "Say- onara" on our part was greeted with a roar of laughter from geishas and coolies, and as we raced off into the night our rickshaw boys threw back their heads and sent out peal after peal of laughter. The road wound downhill through great, tall pine trees, and a wonderful moon, al most full, shone through the branches. All down the road we could hear the laughter at the Maple Leaf growing fainter, and we found we could n't stop laughing ourselves ; so we dashed down the hill all guffawing in chorus with the rickshaw boys, a great procession in the darkness with our lanterns. All together, we swung across the road and around corners like a flock of traveUing birds. 24 LETTERS OF All afternoon and evening we had just been waiting for the leading tenor of this great comic opera company to step out of some little play house and begin his solo ! And on that ride home we decided that this is not Japan — we have wandered into fairyland by mistake. I suppose that living here has its drawbacks, but we have not found them, and we are not going to hunt them up. Loads of love to all, Gilbert. Tokyo, Friday, July, or rather August i, 1907. Dear Family, — Here goes for a yard or two of small talk with my "geliebte familie." This week has been like a long carnival. We have spent our days wandering through parks, tem ples, and shops, and our evenings in rickshaw rides or calls on our friends here. We have really seen a great deal of Nakada and his young nephew, Yoshinari; the latter has been down every day, and we have been at the Mis sion twice. On Sunday Yoshinari took us to one of the town missions, and we visited a Japanese Sun day-school, and later a church service. I wish you could have seen the children at Sunday- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 25 school. They sang " Bringing in the Sheaves " in the purest Japanese, and carried the tune much better than our children do. The children are just like little dolls; every one is as pretty as a picture, and the way the little tots carry their small relations around on their backs is a strange sight. On Monday morning we took an electric car to Nakada's house. I wish you could see us try to make the conductors on these cars under stand; by the way, none of them talk English. We rode for about an hour and then alighted at the prettiest little doll village of a suburb you can imagine. Narrow lanes, clean as the pro verbial whistle, with high hedges like boxes on both sides. Tiny houses that you can look clear through from any side, with all the screens pushed back to let in the breeze, hidden in gardens full of twisted pine trees and little gold fish pools. Now and then we would pass a car penter shop with three or four men with beautiful bronze-muscled backs, working as Father Adam worked, except for a necktie around the waist; and once we passed four farmers in a field threshing rice with flails. They had great peaked straw hats tied under their chins, and were at it so hard that they did not look up to see us. 26 LETTERS OF After fifteen minutes' walk we came to Na kada's house, and, slipping off our shoes, we stepped in on the soft white mats. Mrs. Nakada, her sister-in-law, and her mother-in-law came in and met us, and then placed mats or cushions for us to sit on. The whole family, including our old friend, were in native costume, and none of the ladies could speak English. When they entered, they knelt and touched their foreheads to the floor, and whenever we spoke to them, they salaamed again and again. After we had talked a little while, Nakada asked us to stay to luncheon, and after the proper amount of refus ing, we accepted, for it is an almost unheard-of opportunity to be allowed to dine with a Japa nese gentleman at his house. He always enter tains at a restaurant, as Dr. Sato did for us. We had been served with tea on our arrival as is always the custom, and now we had tea again. Then macaroni and buckwheat with a strange sauce; next roast fish, then two kinds of raw fish and rice, with several sweet cakes and some great luscious peaches, blood-red through to the stone. It was a regular family meal with out any extra preparation ; the ladies served us but ate separately. After dinner, Mrs. Nakada showed us her GILBERT LITTLE STARK 27 children's wardrobe. She has a boy of eleven and two of the dearest babies in Japan. Their clothes looked like butterflies' wings, they were so airy and dehcate. She also showed us her wedding-dress, a kimono of blue crepe silk with her coat-of-arms on the back, a little blue chrys anthemum. She is willing to sell it now as an offering towards the tabernacles they are going to build. We sent the family a box of cakes as a present, and I gave Juji a nice silk handker chief, but they have put us under obligations that we cannot repay. Yoshinari gave me a drawing by a famous artist who lived a hundred years ago, and Nakada has not only given a great deal of his valuable time to us, but has hunted up two servants for us. We have seen both of the boys, but they do not report for ser vice until to-morrow morning. I will write you all about them in my next letter. Another favor Naky did us was to give up an afternoon and take us to the great temple of Kwannon in Asakusa Park. The temple is al most a thousand years old, and is very large and full of beautiful gilding and carving. The over hanging eaves are so heavy with ornaments that you are almost afraid to pass beneath them. The temple is reached by passing through a gate 28 LETTERS OF almost as high as Saginaw's proudest building block; that is, the superstructure is very high, the opening itself is ordinary size. The temple itself is reached by a long flight of steps, and inside and out on the porch are hung monster paper lanterns of all shapes, some of them as big as balloons, actually twenty feet high. It is a poor people's temple, and you don't have to take off your shoes. Inside are great jars of incense and many, many gods, for this is a Buddhist temple that has absorbed some Shinto deities. The most pathetic of all is the God of Healing. His features are all gone and his body is polished a beautiful ebony color from the rubbing of many hands. We saw people bring little children and rub first the god's eye and then the child's, or maybe the god's leg and then the child's little lame foot. In front of all these gods are platforms on which worshippers throw money. Often thousands of dollars a day are collected by the priests. It means a good deal to us strangers to have such dear friends as Nakada and Chambero have grown to be, and it is a great concession for them to give up so much time. Nakada is the most distinguished preacher in Japan. In Eng land he is called the Japanese Moody, or the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 29 Pocket Dynamo, We have heard him preach in English and Japanese, and he is a remarkable orator. He dresses in coolie costume for his workmen meetings, in student costume for his student meetings, samurai silks when he calls on noblemen, and foreign costume for the new fields to impress the people. He is a very pictur esque figure in native dress. I enclose a picture of Naky and his family. The elderly lady is his mother. There are only seven native preachers in Japan that have had native mothers, and she is the mother of two of them. She is a wonder. Mrs. N. at the left is much prettier than her picture would indicate; she is quite a peach! I wish, father, that you would write him at the address I gave above and tell him how nice he has been. Also, if you can think of anything nice to send either himself or his little boy, it would be fine. I think maybe a five-pound box of Huyler's sent to Mr. Juji Nakada and Mr. Ugo Nakada in my name would be about the most suitable, for Jap boys don't use toys. The Jap anese value such attentions much more than we do, and they would never forget it. I am glad that mother and my two economical sisters have not as yet had the misfortune to enter a Tokyo shop, for if they once got inside. 30 LETTERS OF the Stark family would beg its bread for ever more ! When you enter one of the fine shops, your shoes are either removed by an attendant or encased in a large cotton bag to each foot. Then tea is served you and cigarettes are passed. Afterwards a half dozen of the little brownie boys that are grown here by the hundred fly around like bees and unroll new beauties on each side, until your head is in a whirl. Silks and crepes heavy with great masses of embroidery, silver and bronze, velvets and ivories, pearls and clois- sonne. Three or four of the fellows have made purchases in the shops. I shan't tell you whether I have made any purchases or not; wait a year and see. Wheel After you have made your purchases, if you have no rickshaw of your own with you, the storekeeper usually sends you home in his, free of charge. seen several beautiful parks and temples, but they are all much ahke, and I will leave the temple subject until we reach Nikko. At present it is the people and the life that fasci nate us. We have been twice to the Jiu-jitsu school by invitation of Baron Some-one-or-other, yesterday afternoon and to-day. The school is a large room carpeted with thick mats, and as GILBERT LITTLE STARK 31 crowded with couples as a Charity Ball. Although they are wresthng instead of dancing, there is a great deal more politeness shown than is cus tomary at a ball. There are always a number sitting squatted along the wall, and when one man challenges another, he crouches on his knees in front of him and beats his head on the floor. A match closes in the same polite way. The remainder of time between the two bows is occupied in hfting each other high in the air and slamming one's opponent flat on his back on the floor. Before you enter the building you can hear this slamming process, and it sounds hke a regiment of wash-ladies beating carpets. To-day we fell into conversation with a young wrestler who could speak English, and we dis covered that there are three thousand pupils at the school — most of them students or college graduates. They are a fine-looking set of men. The jiu-jitsu is quite different from our wrestling, and there are three divisions to the art. First, to throw a man. Second, to break a hmb or hit some vital spot. Third, to strangle him. This man was an expert, and gave us a fine exhibition illustrating the different holds; and when we left we exchanged cards and he said he hoped to correspond with us. There is only 32 LETTERS OF one teacher in all this school, and the men practise with each other. They are divided into classes, according to their proficiency, and they are distinguished by different colored belts. Our stay in Tokyo has been pleasant in every way, and we are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to returning to this hotel on the 14th of August or about that time. To-morrow — the end of our first week here — we leave for Nikko, the most beautiful place in Japan, where all the finest temples are located. It is only about one hundred miles north, or less, but it takes five hours to reach there by train and is much higher. The country round about is very moun tainous and is the summer district. We are plan ning a trip from Nikko that will be almost the most pleasant part of our stay in this country. We are going from Nikko to Karinzawa on foot and horseback, with possibly a short day in rickshaws. The distance is about one hundred and thirty-five miles, the country is glorious and full of beautiful lakes and mountains, the people are interesting and almost unacquainted with foreigners, and the climate perfect. The trip in cludes volcanoes, temples, hot mineral springs, and real rural life. I think we shall take about GILBERT LITTLE STARK 33 two weeks to the jaunt and then return direct to Tokyo from Karinzawa. After the 14th we expect to climb Fuji, then go straight to Kyoto and make that our head quarters as we have Tokyo. You will probably hear next from me at Nikko, where we shall probably spend Sunday. I wish you could have seen us last night ! We had a farewell evening together, for Wally, Ted, and John leave for the North to-night, and we shall not meet again until we reach Kyoto. We went alone to a purely Japanese inn like the one where Dr. Sato entertained us. If the Maple Leaf was the Sherry's of Tokyo, then our last night's hostelry was Delmonico's. It is in the centre of a town block, and reached through a narrow alley, but is even bigger than the Maple Leaf, and the gardens that form interior courts are very beautiful. We rattled up in rickshaws and had our shoes removed by kneeling maidens. Then we were escorted to a room like the one I described before, only on the second floor, with a teak-wood balcony running the whole length and opening on to the garden. We had tea, cakes, and peaches, and a geisha apiece. We made up names for them, like Skidoo San and Cutey San (San means Miss), and spent the whole evening 34 LETTERS OF learning Japanese. You would be surprised to see how well we get along. Not a soul in the place understood English, but we ordered every thing we wanted, and carried on such lively and interesting conversation that it was 11.30 before we knew it was 10. The geishas are the most entertaining little creatures I have ever seen. Two of our guests (for they are sent for and do not belong at the restaurant) were eight een years old and two seventeen ; none of them were over four and one half feet tall. Their hair was elaborately done, and their costumes of beautiful soft-colored silks. We played children's games again, and five-in-a-row, which we had learned on the boat, and learned a Japanese song, in return for which we taught them " Here 's to good old Yale, drink her down ! " We tried to teach them the two-step, and I wish you could have seen them learning with those tight kimonos around their feet and their great big sashes. It was interesting to see the deference paid to the geishas by the maids of the house. They bowed to them as they did to us. When we left, we had the whole house on its knees in the door and the same gale of laughter as before. Each geisha left at the same time, in charge of the old woman who trains and chap- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 35 erons her. This restaurant was called the Moon and Flower. More love than ever to all. Your loving son, Gilbert. Chuzenji, Japan, August 5, 1907. Dear Familie, — Nippon Banzai! I have found the place where I shall spend my honey moon. It is named Nikko, and is one of the most perfect combinations of the best that man and nature can do. On last Friday we left Tokyo, with many regrets, and boarded a second-class compart ment for Nikko — a five hours' ride to the north. We were the only foreigners on the train, and our travelling companions were two or three Japanese gentlemen and a rather elderly female party who smoked tobacco continually in a funny little Japanese pipe, which she had to keep filling after every second puff. The guard in our car was a gpod-looking youth of nineteen, and, as is always my custom in foreign lands, I fell a-talking with him. He knew almost as many English words as I know Japanese, so we had a lively time. He was a bit shy at first, but after a few applications of my effective taming process, (equally useful with all races, wild or 36 LETTERS OF mild) he thawed and flew to his baggage, from which he produced an English dictionary. Like hundreds of other young men, he is studying English in all his spare moments, without even a grammar, nothing but a dictionary. We dis cussed the San Francisco trouble, in humorous vein, and he said that all young men looked to America as their ideal, and that we would grow closer and closer in spite of difficulties. I shook hands with him on leaving, and he was quite overcome. His name was Handa. Nikko is in the mountains at the mouth of a very picturesque valley. To the southeast you look off over the low foot-hills ; and on all sides and up the valley are very high, magnificently wooded hills. The trees are mostly cryptomeria, and are the only trees I have ever seen that equal the beauty of the sugar-pine forests. The village is a small one, six thousand souls, and is com posed of a few stragghng hill streets hned with open-work houses and fascinating curio shops. A small wooden bridge answ^Vs to allow ordi nary humans to cross the Daija Garva (River), and a stone's throw above it is the famous red lacquer bridge that you have seen so many pic tures of, and across which no one but royalty is allowed to go. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 37 In all directions lead fascinating paths and tiny roads bordered and roofed with these giant, cedar-like cryptomerias. At about ten minutes' walk from our hotel is a group of low wooded hills, and these hills are crowned with a collec tion of the most beautiful temples in Japan. They were built about three hundred years ago, and contain the bodies of the first Shogun, leyasu, and his grandson, and represent the climax of Japanese art in architecture, painting, bronze, lacquer, and gold-work and wood-carving. You wander shoeless and open-mouthed past dragons and chimeras and more strange and familiar beasts than Mrs. Noah ever saw; over soft matted floors and across lacquered porches that are like red ice ; through gates heavy with giant figures and blazing with red and black and gold ; up long flights of stone steps, hundreds of them, with moss-covered stone balustrades, from shrine to shrine, among more gods than there are poor relations in the world. The temple of leyemitsu pleased me most. I visited it twice, and spent about an hour there each time. To reach it, you pass through gate after gate, through gardens, past shrines and holy springs, and up hundreds of stone steps; all this after entering the temple grounds. Finally, 38 LETTERS OF on the highest point possible is the temple. A simple oblong building with overhanging eaves, so heavy with carving that the sag in the roof- beams seems the most natural thing in the world, and surrounded by a red lacquer porch. The interior is all one room, bare of furniture except for a row along one wall of Buddhist bibles, each in an inlaid box on an inlaid stand. Directly facing the entrance is a shrine in a deep recess. This shrine has beautiful gold doors at the back, behind which are some sacred relics. In the centre of the recess are three wonderful bronze dwarfs kneeling on the floor and holding great pure gold bowls above their heads. These bowls are filled with a great mass of lilies that perfume the whole temple. Along the main wall on each side of the shrine-opening are corresponding figures. First, a bronze vase with black lacquer across the mouth to imitate water, full of pure gold lotus flowers. The vase and flowers are about seven feet high. Next, a gold heron, some six feet high, standing on a bronze tortoise; an other vase with lacquer water and gold cherry- blossoms and willow branches, then great bronze lanterns presented by the King of Korea. The whole interior was no larger than an ordinary drawing-room, but every available inch was GILBERT LITTLE STARK 39 completely and elaborately finished. The wall and ceiling panels are Chinese dragons in gold and color by Kano, a very famous artist. The detail is the most elaborate I have ever seen, and yet the first and last impression is extreme sim plicity. All you see at first sight is the beautiful blending of colors and the great gold bowls of lilies. Nikko, Wednesday, August 17th. I started this letter at Chuzenji, a little moun tain lake some forty-nine hundred feet above the sea and about ten miles from Nikko. We had started on a hundred-mile walking trip through Ikao to Karmizawa in the mountains, but at Chuzenji, our first stop, we found a very heavy rain that has been lasting several days already, and every one told us it would be a waste of time to attempt the mountain-passes, as we should not be able to see a thing. So, like the King of France, we all marched down again to Nikko. The Chuzenji road was very interesting. Pretty waterfalls, and now and then a wide mountain prospect that was truly magnificent. The forest growth is very luxuriant, and not unlike our own woods except for the flowering vines that climb way up into the trees, and the feathery clumps of 40 LETTERS OF bamboo — so light a green that they look almost yellow against the dark pines. Our boy Tom was a failure. He was a great success as a mirth-provoker and would be a wonderful attraction for any side-show, but as a servant, he was about as much use as a clothes pin would be in the same capacity. He was short, and twenty one. . . . His hair was long, horribly long, and parted in the middle because he considered that mode of coiffure very for eign. His knowledge of English was infinitely small. He was willing; oh, how willing he was ! But he did not understand just what was wanted. When we came to Nikko, Hervey stayed in Tokyo another day to be tattooed, and I left Tom for him, as Am.'s servant — a corker — was going with me. Hervey gave Tom twenty yen, out of which Tom was supposed to pay litde things like rickshaw fares and trips. Tom im mediately spent the whole amount in presents for Hervey. A set of silver knives, two glass tumblers, a can of peaches, and a box of coffee, and a second-hand English book on Japanese export trade pubhshed about 1870! Nothing could stop him. The first morning that I had him I started out GILBERT LITTLE STARK 41 walking and he followed. I explained in the choicest English that he was to wait at the hotel. He said he understood. I walked on; he fol lowed. I explained the same thing over in Jap anese; he said he understood. I walked on; he followed. For three mortal hours he dogged my footsteps, and every five minutes he asked what time it was. When we passed anything that he knew the English name for, he would pluck my sleeve : — " Horse, master, it ees so ? " " Every morn he brought us" — no, not violets, but black-eyed Susans and queer flowers that he gathered by the wayside. It was pitiful, and we always felt sorry for him — after we had gotten into bed at night and did not have him around to drive us wild. We might have stood the creature, for he was devoted to us, but worst of all he was a Christian. I suppose that shocks you, but if you had had a Christian of his stamp tagging about, you would pray for pagans all the rest of your life. He asked us what time it was, as I mentioned before, every five minutes, and every three min utes he asked when we were going to pray. It was his custom to walk through the streets be hind us clapping his hands and singing Christian anthems at the top of his lungs. Hervey and I 42 LETTERS OF ^ould stride along in front, boiling with rage, and keeping step against our will. He would also fan us as we walked along, no matter how •cool the day, and when he was n't singing he Tvas crooning, ^'Master's boy. Master's boy!" In our room we could get no privacy, he was always on hand trying to amuse us. He had a frightful habit of whistling hymns on a leaf by the hour, and when that did not seem to amuse ¦ns, he would stand on his head or walk on his hands. Whenever we said anything that he did not understand, he would sigh deeply, and, slap ping his chest, he would remark that his heart was heavy. As he did not understand anything Tve said, his heart weighed a great deal most of the time. I found the only way to cheer him was to clap my hands and shriek "Hallelujah !" sev eral times- Then he would shake his long hair and cry, "Glory, glory, my heart he sings!" He also prayed often aloud, kneeling by a chair. When he was hungry, when we did not under stand him, and when it rained, were his stock occasions for bursting into prayer. He also wept about once a day. We called him Tearful Tommy, or the Great God Pan, because of his leaf-whistling tendencies. Yesterday Hervey started for Tokyo with him, and he intends to GILBERT LITTLE STARK 43 leave him in that great city, returning to Ikao by rail to-morrow. We leave here to-morrow at 6.20 a. m. for the same place. I am glad to escape the great weeping and praying'' scene. When he gives Tom the shake, I quite pity Her vey. Poor Tom, — a good creature, but a poor, foolish, weak-headed heathen. More so than any Buddhist I have met. Next I shall write you about Minto, my bell-boy friend. Good-night. Lots of love, Gilbert. Ikao, Japan, August 8, 1907. Dear Ones, — After I mailed the letter to you yesterday, I fell into conversation with a young American boy who is coming home from Germany, via Japan, with his mother and sister. His name is W B , and he is a cousin of W W of New York, who "was in my class. He is going to Yale. He and I ordered horses, although there was a slight drizzle, and rode to a beautiful waterfall — Kirifuri — high up in the mountains. We took all day for the jaunt and carried our luncheon with us, eating part of it at a little wayside tea-house, with all the family sitting around to watch and no one who could speak Enghsh within miles, and the rest 44 LETTERS OF of it at the foot of the falls. A coolie boy came with us to carry our luncheon and look after the horses, and he ran practically all day long. As the path was a steep one, fully as difficult as the Yosemite paths, although not so dangerous, the feat was no mean one. It is marvellous what these people can do, and I wish you could see the kind of people that these mountains produce. They are larger than those of the plains, and darker, some of them almost after-dinner-coffee color, but they all have red cheeks and very white teeth. The views on the way were even better than those on the Chuzenji roads. Am. and Purdy had started on the mountain trip a day ahead of us, and the rain evidently did not start soon enough to turn them back; Scurve had left for Tokyo the day before to get rid of Kaniko — or the great god Pan — so that I was alone in Nikko for two nights. This morning I left Nikko at nine o'clock, with many regrets, and took the train for Mayebashi. At Mayebashi, at about three this afternoon, I boarded a httle horse-car, not quite so large as a Fifth Avenue 'bus, and rode for two hours up a very steep track to the mountain village of Shibukawa. The car was crowded with Japa nese; there were only six, but they were at least GILBERT LITTLE STARK 45 two too many for the size of the car. The road was full of children along the whole way. It seems that, when these mountain infants reach the age of ten or twelve, they attain the dignity of a string around the waist; clothes come at about fourteen ! At Shibukawa I chartered a rickshaw with two strong mountain boys to pull me, and for two more hours we climbed up to this little nest in the hill. Just as it was getting dark we stopped at a wayside tea-house for a little rest. Both the boys and I had tea, and I had a little dish of sweets, and when I gave the old lady twenty-five sen, the equivalent of twelve and one half American cents, she nearly bent double with gratitude. While we were resting, a ter rific flash of lightning shot down into a clump of bamboos just behind us, and the thun der was deafening and almost instantaneous. It threw the tea-house into great commotion, and people ran about like ants in a broken ant hill. The rest of my trip I made in the dark and in the rain, so I have seen nothing of the place or the surroundings; more of them anon. This hotel is really a Japanese inn, but the hostess, a fine, cheery, bustling little woman who speaks 46 LETTERS OF good Enghsh, has installed all the European comforts that even a finicky woman could desire. There are only rooms for about twelve European guests, however, and as they are full, I am in a Japanese room. I hear vague broken- English rumors that Hervey has arrived and has been put up at another inn, but it is too late and rainy to investigate. Am. and Purdy are still on the way somewhere. Wally, Ted, and John have gone on to Kyoto, where we shall join them later. Now about Mino, the hotel boy I spoke of in my last letter. He is just one of the boys of all work around the hotel, his main business being to show people the way to near-by spots of in terest. He is fifteen, and a perfect type of the healthy Japanese school-boy. The first night we were at Nikko, Purdy and I put on Japanese costumes, that we had pur chased in Tokyo, and stole out of the hotel by a back way. There was a troop of wandering minstrels and sword-dancers performing under the light of the hotel porte-cochere, so we squat ted down in the shadow of the porch to watch them; Mino saw us and sat down beside us, thinking that we were real Jappies; when he found his mistake, he was very audibly amused. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 47 He felt us all over and asked the usual polite questions about the cost of the goods, and then volunteered to go put on his kimono, for he had on a little white jacket. We agreed to wait, and he soon came back crowing over us because his best kimono, which he had donned in our honor, cost twice as much as ours. He took us for a long walk through the town, and everywhere we were greeted with cheery "Kumbamwaz" (good-evening). The acquaintance that we thus started grew rapidly, for Mino did not leave us again while we were at Nikko, and mighty good fun we had together, too, singing native songs that he taught us and holding long talks with the Bud dhist priests in some out-of-the-way temple. Mino talks very fair Enghsh and our Japanese is progressing, so we got along beautifully. The night before I left, Mino slipped into my room just before I had started to go to bed, and gave me a little cardboard painted with a Nikko scene, on which he had written his name. I gave him my card and a few old neckties, whereat he was quite overcome and disappeared for a mo ment, returning with his photograph, which he presented to me. He insisted on knowing every single place we were going to, and said them 48 LETTERS OF over until he had learned them by heart. " Please — a letter," he asked. He wanted to come with us, and sniffled a little when he said good-by, also hugged me around the waist. He is very anxious to come to America when he is twenty-one. W was so taken with him that he talked a good deal about trying to smug gle him in, and asked him one day if he would come back home with him. The kid turned to me and said, "Is it true ?" I think that all of us will miss him for several days. All the servants at the Kanaya hotel at Nikko are related to each other and come from village families. They are like feudal retainers, loyal to the last chap, and Mr. Kanaya told me that they have to watch them to see that they don't overwork. He keeps sixty servants all winter, although the hotel is closed, and every night he teaches them English and Japanese history. He is only twenty-six, and some of his servants have been with his family thirty-five years. His younger brother (twenty-five years old) is one of the best wrestlers in Japan, and teaches the men-servants, and even the little boys, jiu-jitsu every afternoon; all the guests go out to watch. He showed me some holds, and every time the porter, a burly brute, came to my room for shoes GILBERT LITTLE STARK 49 we had a bout. Long live Nikko ! you must all go there some day. Lovingly, Gilbert. Tokyo, Japan, August, 14, 1907. Dear Ones, — In my last letter I think I had just arrived at Ikao and had seen nothing of the place. After I sent the letter off to you, I took a hot bath and weijt to bed. The bath was a wooden hole in the floor, waist-deep and almost big enough to swim in. You know it is the fash ion for several Japanese to get in the same tub at once, all ages, sizes, and sexes at the same time. So far, however, we have always been able to have a bath to ourselves. The water is always hot, and at Ikao it was hotter than usual, for the water boils out of the ground in hot min eral springs and flows steaming through stone gutters in every street in the village. It flowed along the outside wall of our hotel, and the method of drawing a bath is simply to pull a stopper out of the wall and let the hot water gush in from outside. Am. and Purdy showed up in the morning and Scurve moved down to our hotel. Our rooms were Japanese style, no windows, only sliding paper screens; and the wall screens were bare 50 LETTERS OF of ornament but covered with silk like that in Mrs. H 's drawing-room. At this hotel they gave us the luxury of real beds. At one end the screens opened on a poHshed teak-wood porch, just beyond which was the steep hillside; at the other end they opened on a balcony, from which we looked across the roofs of the village just below us out over the wide valley of the Tone- gawa, some two thousand feet below. Across the valley rose a huge wall of rocky hills and one monster of a dead volcano — Akagi San. The village itself has one main street that runs straight down the hill. It is called a street by courtesy, for it is in reality a long flight of broad granite steps over two hundred feet in height; that is, there is a difference of two hundred feet in the level of the top and bottom steps. The houses overhang these steps, and the gutters on each side send up clouds of steam, for the water in them is almost boiling. Strange little inns, houses, baths, and curio shops line the street, and the village peters out in little side alleys in all directions. At our hotel, which has been the leading hostelry for three hundred years, there were twelve Europeans, mostly residents in Japan, up for the whole summer, and one hundred and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 51 fifty Japanese guests. Ikao is the leading sum mer resort for Japanese people. There are about six hundred spending the vacation there, and they are all a very nice class of people. You see the population of the village is practically dou bled during the season. There is nothing to do at Ikao but walk and bathe, but the walks are fine, and the baths, which are used about three times a day, very refreshing in spite of their heat. Paths lead in every direction among the hills, some of them long, steep climbs and some almost level. Whichever way you go, you are sure to find a little temple and a little tea-house. There is almost every kind of scenery, — wild rocks and steep cliffs ; long, grassy, highland moors covered with masses of wild lihes and bluebells big as asters; fine old pine forests and little thickets around stream-beds, where you can always find a cuckoo or Japanese nightingale that is willing to sing; and every now and then you come to a natural vapor-bath or hot pool, where people are bathing, or the path leads you to a dizzy look out, from which you could almost throw a stone down for three thousand feet, and where a mag nificent panorama miles in length is unrolled before you. 52 LETTERS OF These hills are full of people on a bright day, for although the country is practically uninhab ited, the summer population of Ikao chmb the high hills behind it every day. They go together in families and take it slowly, not as we do, to get to their destination, but as one ought to do — making the walk an end not a means. They stop often and sit, while the little girls chase the butter flies which they themselves rival in bright colors, and the little boys scramble up the nearest rocks, and the big boy whose hakama tells that he is a student, probably at the University, gathers in sects with a long net or studies some root with his microscope. Father tucks his kimono in his belt and sits down fanning his bare brown legs, and mother and mother-in-law get their breath and gossip, or pull a couple of big peaches out of their sleeves and daintily fall to. Towards night they all turn homewards, dragging great masses of wild lilies or an arm ful of flowering branches. Not a pair of trou sers or an ugly collar besides our own to mar the countryside. A great many of the gentlemen and even more of the boys (who were mostly students) could talk Enghsh, and we had many pleasant though halting conversations with chance acquaintances in the hills. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 53 On Monday we returned to Tokyo, and yester day we visited Kamakura, to see the Daibutsu, of which I am sending you some post-cards. It is more impressive than one can realize without seeing all the surroundings and setting. Kama kura is a little fishing village on the seashore and is very picturesque. I should have saved the word picturesque for the island of Enoshima, some three miles fur ther down the coast. We reached it by train, and then walked across a narrow neck of land, which is exposed only at low tide, and found ourselves on an island that I should judge is a mixture of the beauties of both Saint Michel and Capri. Along the shore stretches a tiny fishing vil lage, most of the inhabitants swimming or lying on the beach au naturel. The sides are steep and rocky, and the whole island not more than a mile across. As you walk around the top, you catch beautiful glimpses of the bay and sea through deep gorges and between the branches of gnarled pines and laurels which frame every view on the island. We took luncheon at a Japanese inn with a broad view, perched on the very edge of the cliff; then walked across the island and chmbed down to some great broad rocks, from 54 LETTERS OF which we entered and explored the famous caves of Enoshima. These caves are supposed to have an underground connection with Fuji, for a man who was pursued by his enemies once vanished down the crater of Fuji and appeared at Enoshima. Sounds like the legend of the lake, does n't it ? The caves are very old, and with our candles we could see strange carvings and stone idols from times far gone. One idol was in the form of a great coiled snake ! A prehistoric relic indeed. When we came out on the rock, we were surrounded by a group of men and boys, the oldest probably seventy and the youngest ten. They were in the usual dishabille peculiar to the Japanese seacoast, which may be described as being absolute, and their natural dark red color (for the lower classes are as dark as our Indians) was sunburned to a negro black. Despite their wild look they were very pleasant and most polite, and requested us to throw a small coin into the sea for them to swim after. We amused ourselves to about the extent of ten cents and then left them. They are very expert at diving for money and never fail to get it. The other fellows left early in the afternoon for Yokohama^ where they had business to attend GILBERT LITTLE STARK 55 to, but as I had nothing to do and was charmed with our Japanese inn, I spent the night on the island, leaving this morning at 7.30 and reach ing Tokyo at 9 a. m., about half an hour ago or longer. The inn at Enoshima was a large one, but of very simple construction. It was built around a court, the fourth side of which was the edge of the cliff. The three wings were connected by covered galleries and were two stories high. All the rooms opened on to the court and had the benefit of the beautiful view and cool breeze. The screens are left open all day, so from the court inside, the hotel looked like a double row of paper caves or a long dolls' house. Outside of each room runs the usual polished teak-wood porch. Of course there was no decoration in my room — spotless mats, silk-paper walls, with cherry-blossom design in soft colors, in the usual sacred niche a bronze cat, and a tall vase with one flowering branch. The meals were delicious. Lobster and fresh fish (all cooked, for a wonder), soup, bean paste, potatoes, and eggs — almost like a European meal, and a very dainty little maid to serve it. In the later afternoon I was sitting on the opposite side of the island, under an arbor. 56 LETTERS OF drinking the inevitable tea and thinking that if there were only a very high mountain this might be the Bay of Naples, when suddenly, above the line of clouds in the west, appeared the crest of Fuji. Our first meeting. It was bare of snow, but none the less beautiful. Perfect, symmetrical, too well proportioned and finished to look real — it put the period to my first impressions of Japan, and now I feel that I have really and completely reached Japan; without Fuji there was something lacking. Iwent back to my inn at about five, bathed, and donned the kimono that is always brought a guest, and kept it on until I left this morning. A kimono and nothing else is a very sensible and comfortable thing. I sat squatted on my mat- floor near the open side of the room, drinking tea and enjoying the view, with a maid to fan me. Several of the guests dropped in to talk, most of them high-class gentlemen or students; one little schoolboy could talk quite a lot of Eng lish. The evening I spent in the court, under an arbor of wisteria, talking with three Chinese stu dents from Tokyo who had the room next to me. They could talk excellent Japanese, and one of them knew a few German words. I vdsh you could have seen us; three Chinamen and an GILBERT LITTLE STARK 57 American, clad in nothing but gossamer kimo nos, sitting on the cliff of a beautiful island and talking Japanese! I think we shall leave for Kyoto on Friday or Saturday, this being Wednesday. Lots of love, Gilbert. Just another word. Railway travel here is very interesting and quite comfortable, although it is usually hot as Tophet (Aunt Lydia, you taught me that naughty expression). We always go second-class and usually take luncheon with us, buying a pot of tea from a station hawker at some stop near noon. This tea is very refresh ing, and costs one and a quarter American cents a pot. It is Japanese tea of course, green and without milk or sugar. We have grown very fond of it, and prefer it to the Ceylon tea as a general thing. Japanese railroad scenery is principally little straw-thatched villages, connected by broad rice-fields that are hemmed in by little fantastic hills. Now and then a grove of pines, a stream full pf laughing children, a lonely fisherman sit ting by a pool about the size of Simple Simon's tub or "mother's pail," and whenever you pass a clump of trees, above the noise of the train you can hear the shrill crickets or cicalas; this noise 58 LETTERS OF is the background of Japanese hfe, so constant that you become unconscious of it. Love, Gilbert. Kyoto, Japan, August i8, 1907. Ho-ho! ho-ho! That is the way the Devil used to make his entrance on the Elizabethan stage, and as I feel very devilish this morning, I adopt it. Ho-ho ! — one and all — ho-ho ! Our trip in Japan has been a steady climax. Tokyo was worth three Yokohamas. Nikko was the most ideal place I have ever seen, and now Kyoto — ! ! Kyoto is almost halfway across Japan, and the trip here took from 8 a. m. until 7.30 p. m. Our train was an express, and because it was liable to be crowded, we took first-class tickets last Friday morning, Scurve, Purdy, and I ; Am. is still in Tokyo waiting for some permits to visit things here that the Embassy has promised us. We checked our baggage, saving only the litde pieces to carry, but Scurve's outfit is so elaborate that we found a perfect stream of luggage shoot ing through the car window — three porters outside and two inside; it piled up on the seat like grain from a hopper, and when the storm cleared, we counted eleven pieces, great and small. The car was crowded, but our many side GILBERT LITTLE STARK 59 issues made such a tremendous hit with the train boy that he led us to a compartment which we occupied without extra charge. Then he re moved our shoes and brought us slippers, and about once an hour he looked in with a brush and polished something, he did n't care what, so long as he was polishing. The railroad leads along an old highway, the Tokkaido, which connected Kyoto and Tokyo, and was the most famous road in this empire of footpaths. We travelled for a long time around the base of Fuji, but its top was heavily cloaked with storms. We have given up the ascent because it has been in clouds for days, and we could not wait around for it to clear. There is no use going up in a storm, for not only is it disagreeable, but you may go up and down without even having seen the mountain you are climbing. Kyoto was the capital and Emperor's home for years and years, until Commodore Perry put an end to the old Shogun's rule and restored the lost power to the Emperor by opening the coun try to new ideas. It lies in a level basin sur rounded by high, closely-wooded hills. The basin is not quite large enough to hold it all, so some of the parks and villas and temples have 6o LETTERS OF climbed up the hillside out of the way and tried to hide in the forest. Our hotel is quite high and just out of the town. It is a low, rambling build ing, one and two stories high, and it sprawls over the hill like a weasel stretching. It is full of court yards and galleries and bridges, with high stone terraces on one side and a big Japanese garden stretching up the hill behind. You can start at the office and turn forty corners, cross a bridge, and climb four flights of stairs, and still find yourself on the ground floor. Every time we come in from a walk or rick shaw ride, a boy for each of us springs out into the courtyard and rubs our shoes with a cloth. Yesterday another boy stood behind me to fan, and he fanned so hard I almost blew away. I could feel my cowlick sticking straight up in the breeze. These two youths escorted me to the toilet-room and drew water for me, brushed me and fanned me while I washed, offered me a towel and fanned me while I used it; then es corted me to a seat and brought me mineral water ! The sights here are so many and varied that it would take weeks to see them all. Most of them are placed around on the hills in a circle about the city, and if one ever finished the sights of the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 6i city, there are dozens of delightful walks and whole day trips in the neighborhood; and after that — this is the centre for visits to Nara, Kobe, and Osaka — the garden of Japan, the Japanese call it. The city is very quiet, and the only noises we hear in our rooms are the usual roarings of lions in the Zoo, hidden among trees at our right, or the booming of some beautiful bell from one of the innumerable temples. These bells are of bronze and many of them cast in Korea; they are never rung, for they have no clappers, — they are struck by long wooden beams swung at their sides like battering-rams, and the sound is as deli cate and clear as a silver gong, but you can hear it miles away. The streets of Kyoto are narrow and have no sidewalks ; but why should they ? They are cleaner than many sidewalks at home. I have seen only two horses so far in Kyoto, and they were on a carriage that the hotel owns. The heavy loads are pulled almost entirely by men, with all their sons pushing behind. Now and then a great ox shoulders his way through the crowd, dragging a heavy truck. The architec ture is all old-fashioned and pure Japanese, and the people were more polite and simple than any we have met. 62 LETTERS OF The town is intersected by little canals of swift, clear water, and they are used as baths by the people living along the banks. Any time of day you can see two or three people splashing about whenever you cross a canal. The river is a pretty one, shallow but swift. In it are many little islands and pebbly sand-bars. These are con nected by bamboo bridges and covered with the low, matted tables that the Japanese tea-house offers for seats, and at night the people sit about and gossip in the river-bed, drinking their tea and listening to a group of musicians or singing giris. Saturday was our first morning in Kyoto, and Purdy and I started out to visit some of the tem ples near the hotel. We saw first the Chion-in Temple, which turned out to be the largest we have seen in Japan. It was built by the same man who designed the Nikko temples, but all of the temples at Nikko could, I think, be placed inside this one. Of course, the Chion-in Temple has not the elaborate finish of the Nikko mau soleums, but it has more dignity and impressive power. While the Nikko temples are all of red lacquer, this one is only bare, weather-stained wood, but the effect of this dark wood and the darker bronze work on its surface is beyond the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 63 powers of art to imitate. It was not painted be cause the work was esteemed so complete that no ornament was needed. Behind the temple is an other large building, a sort of a monastery, con nected by a covered porch with the main temple. In it is one large hall, three hundred and twenty mats long, and a number of small rooms that have been occupied by famous abbots and em perors. The screen decoration is marvellous. Pine-tree branches loaded with snow, bamboo forests, cranes, storks, landscapes, all in the most delicate coloring and all about three hun dred years old. In one room is painted a flight of sparrows, but the sparrows were so real they flew away, and you can only see slight marks on the screen where they have been. The porches are all built to give a musical sound as you walk over them; that is known to Japanese as the " nightingale squeak." In the evening we attended a festival at Kio- midzu-Dera, or Temple, but as I must stop now, I will send this letter and start another about the festival later. Love to all, Gilbert. 64 LETTERS OF Kyoto, August 19, 1907. Dear Family, — My last letter closed, I be lieve, just as I was about to visit Kiomidzu-Dera. In the afternoon we took rickshaws up a series of narrow streets, full of life, to the foot of a very steep lane, where we descended and commenced to walk. Old men, nurses for babies, and Bud dhist nuns with shaved heads were abroad in plenty that afternoon. The steep street which led up the hill was lined with shops full of crock ery and porcelain — Teapot Lane, it is called. At the top of the hill we found a collection of temple buildings, galleries, and courtyards, over hanging a beautiful valley and giving a fine view of the cities. That day happened to be the most important festival day of the temple year, so the crowd was enormous. At every shrine were mul titudes of worshippers, and the soft gongs and droning of the priests mingled with the laughter and joking of the crowd. Everywhere was the smell of incense, and candles twinkled in the dark temple recesses, while outdoors the sun was very bright. A Japanese crowd is never noisy or disagreeable ; it is more orderly than an Ameri can sewing-circle meeting or church supper. On the way back to the hotel I bought some GILBERT LITTLE STARK 65 tabi or Japanese socks, with the big toe sepa rate. At the shop where I bought them was a very bright, attractive young fellow who could speak a few English words. After dinner all the fellows went again to the Kiomidzu Temple, but I waited at the hotel and then walked out alone. The beauty of Japan is that there is no rowdy or mucker class, and even a lady can walk through the narrowest, darkest streets at night and meet only with drawing-room courtesy. I walked for about half an hour, not much caring about di rection, and I came out in front of the Gion Temple, which I recognized. A few doors down the street was the shop where I bought my tabi, and on the bench in front were the old couple that own it, enjoying the life of the street. When I passed, they recognized me and bowed very low. I walked down a little past them and then retraced my steps, and when I passed the second time, they rose and invited me to sit on their bench. As I take every chance for an adventure I sat down, and I wish you could have seen me. There I was in this narrow street, with paper lanterns of all colors vanish ing in long lines in both directions, and the street full of light from the little open-faced houses and shops along the sides. At my right 66 LETTERS OF the old gentleman and at my left the old lady, a true old-school housewife, with her teeth blackened. Both were standing and both were fanning me for dear life, and whenever I looked in their direction, they would laugh and bow. In front, a crowd of ten or fifteen children star ing open-mouthed. Behind, the children of the family, all interested in the American visitor. I ventured my few Japanese phrases, which were received with great pleasure and surprise and many polite compliments on my cleverness — the usual convention. The old lady disappeared and returned with a picture of her eldest son, a student in San Francisco, and then she showed me his diploma from some business college there. Soon the nice youth who had waited on me in the afternoon appeared, and when I asked the way to the Kiomidzu Temple, he went with me. The evening crowd was even more interesting than that of the afternoon, and the boy — Kizo, Kizo Moni — showed me a litde waterfall of very cold water. We descended to its foot and there found a crowd of devotees, some standing underneath the cold stream, others waiting their turn. They are supposed to acquire great merit by shivering in the water for fifteen or twenty minutes. I found Kizo one of the brightest, nicest Jap- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 67 anese that I have met. He is going to join his brother in San Francisco next year. Yesterday morning I was dressing in a lei surely fashion when I received a note from J V to hurry down, as we were all invited to spend the day with Mr. Tshii and Mr. Inagake, some people to whom he had letters. They es corted us to the train in rickshaws, and there some of their servants helped to settle us in a comfortable compartment. We rode for about an hour on the train, and then alighted at a coun try station where another servant was waiting for us with eight rickshaws. A short drive brought us to the shore of a beautiful little river, the Hodzu Gawa, where we stepped into a long Japanese boat manned by three oarsmen, two steersmen, and a man in the bow with a bamboo pole to keep us clear of rocks. For an hour and a half we shot down the river through a deep gorge and over boiling mill-races and rapids; it was just like automobiling, and quite exciting, to say nothing of the picturesque scenery and the interesting human and animal life along the shores. At the end of our trip we found the Arashima tea-house, famous for cherry blossoms in the spring and maples in the fall. There we had an 68 LETTERS OF excellent Japanese luncheon, and afterwards re turned to Kyoto by train. But our party was not yet over, no, indeed. We were met by rickshaws and carried across the city up the hillside to Mr. Inagake's country villa. Of all ideal villas this was the most ideal! You enter by a courtyard with strange-shaped pine-trees and a stone-paved walk. At one side is a door for servants, leading to a quarter where the visitors, coolies, and rick shaw men are entertained, and right in front is the guests' door. Our shoes were removed by maids and boys, and then we entered. Directly inside were two very large connecting rooms with balconies on the side and end looking into the daintiest, most complete garden we have yet seen in Japan. From the farthest end a covered bridge, polished teak-wood, leads to several small reception-rooms and a large dining-room, — that is, we used it for a dining-room. Out side the garden is a thick bamboo forest that completely hedges the place in. After our entrance, servants brought us cool ing drinks, fans, and each a box of cigarettes. There were two young clerks from Mr. Inagake's company, one of whom could talk a litde Eng lish, and who, by the way, is going to dine here with me to-morrow. Mr. I. himself could not GILBERT LITTLE STARK 69 speak a word of our tongue, but Mr. T. could speak a little. We had Wally's boy Bashi along as an interpreter, however. Before us were the gardens with grotesque trees and flowering shrubs and waterfalls and pools of fish, ahd be hind us were beautiful screens, flights of sparrows, great gold screens for walls in one room covered with painted chrysanthemums and waterfalls by moonlight; beneath our feet soft white mats. As a compliment to us, Mr. I. served us with an American dinner on a table, with chairs, knives, and forks. It must have cost him an im mense amount of trouble. The appointments were perfect, the courses without end, possibly fifteen or twenty, and every description of wines and accessories. After dinner we returned to another room. Night had fallen, and the whole house was now lighted by candles on tall, breast- high candlesticks. These were placed in rows down the verandahs and around the walls of the rooms. Two maids passed along the rows snuff ing them almost incessantly. At Mr. Inagake's request we took off our coats and stretched out comfortably on soft cushions placed on the mats. Boys fanned us. After a few minutes' pause, a little flurry was heard at the farther end of room one, and in fluttered eight charming 70 LETTERS OF geishas, a picked eight, the prettiest and most accomplished in Japan, our host assured us. They talked and laughed with us awhile, and then gave us a vocal and instrumental concert and four or five dances full of beautiful poses. We are beginning to understand Japanese music a litde, and to realize the pains and skill it takes to produce the desired effect. The grand finale was a dance of Friendly Relations between Japan and America. Surely this was a royal day's entertainment if there ever was one ! On my return I found Kizo waiting. He had come to deliver some tabi at five P. m., and with the usual oriental disregard for time, had waited until ten to see us. I made an appointment with him to go to the Japanese theatre at five the next day, to-day, and will write later of the outcome. This morning Purdy and I visited the two Hongwangi temples, Nishi and Higashi, the lat ter being the largest in Japan. They were beau tiful and interesting, and the priest who showed us around was even kinder than usual, and knew more English than most of the others we have met. We have gotten so we thoroughly enjoy taking our shoes off and walking on the soft temple and house mats ; we have lived in stock ing and bare feet so much lately, that our feet GILBERT LITTLE STARK 71 feel better and more comfortable than they ever do at home. August 21 St. Night before last, at which point the last page of this letter closes, Kizo, the Japanese Apollo, appeared at five p. m., and he and I rickshawed down the hill to Mina-Uni-Za, the big theatre of Kyoto. We stopped before a building gayly decorated with lanterns and flags, and, remov ing our shoes, entered. We were led into a little balcony box by two polite and very-willing-to- be-smiled-at maids, and after we were comfort ably seated on the floor — for I refused the chair they offered — the same maids brought us fruit, tobacco, and the bill. The theatre was a large one, larger than most of our New York theatres. Around the three sides was a balcony, the two opposite portions divided into boxes, but the end furnished with "promiscuous mats." Behind this end section was " nigger heaven." The floor stretched out beneath us was like a gigantic tennis racket. In each hole three or four people were squatted, drinking tea and eating rice or peaches. The strings of the racket were narrow raised divisions which are used as aisles. A little toward the right of the centre a wide raised platform, equal in 72 LETTERS OF height with the stage, ran from the stage to the back of the house. This was used for some entrances, and between acts was a playground for the children. I stayed at the theatre from 5.30 until 11.30 p. m., and found something of interest every minute. The plays presented were, first, a six-act tragedy, and second, a three-act comedy, both modern and very like American plays in plot construction. The costumes were excellent, the scenery better than all except the best American scenery, and the acting realistic in the extreme. The denouement of the tragedy was where the hero attacks the villain in his (the villain's ) house. The attack is frustrated by the villain's wife, who seizes the hero from behind and ties her sash around his sword arm. The wounded villain drags himself into the garden and disap pears in the darkness; then the hero starts in pursuit, dragging the woman behind him, for she still holds the sash. The stage revolves slowly and you watch the murderer grope his way through the garden. At a stone arched bridge he finds his strength failing, so he pulls the woman to him hand over hand and kills her. At last a litde temple appears, and at the top of its steps lies the villain. His death is rapid. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 73 but horrible. Then the hero retraces his steps, starting at every sound, mistaking trees for ene mies and attacking them, past the dead woman on the bridge (the stage turning the other way now) to the house where he commits hari-kiri. Every step of the search and the slaying is a beautiful pose like a sword dance, and the atti tudes of the victim and avenger during the whole man-hunt are like a series of old prints. Since that night we have seen several more beautiful temples, but all of the same order. Twice the priests have served us delicious cere monial tea, and once they allowed us to feed the carp in the garden — that was at the Golden Pavilion. This morning our permits from Tokyo ar rived, and we used them to visit the Imperial palace and the Shogun's palace. These two buildings were the seats of power until the mid dle of the last century. They have no furniture, only great rooms carpeted with spodess mats, ceiled with panelled woods, and walled with wonderful screens of gold and green and blue. Lions and tigers, pine trees and bamboos, heron, geese, and sparrows, kings and fishermen — al most every screen is a masterpiece, and most of them over three hundred years old. The Sho- 74 LETTERS OF gun's palace was smaller but far more beautifully complete than that of the Emperor. We had heard it called a "dream of golden splendor," and on the spot we echoed the phrase instinc tively. Last night Purdy and Scurve grew excited over maps and decided to go from Shanghai up the Yangtze River and across to Burmah overland. It will take them about three months, and is a trip of almost thirty-six hundred miles. Of course, during that whole time, they can neither get nor send mail. I hate to leave Japan now that we are getting acquainted with some of the people and the rudi ments of the language, but as time may press us in Indo-China, I am thinking seriously of going straight to Shanghai and up the Yangtze, sailing from Japan about September 7th. It is practi cally a choice between Pekin and the Yangtze trip, and from what information I have gotten here the Yangtze trip is far the most worth while. I will write definitely in a day or two. Love to all, Gilbert. Hakone, Japan, September i, 1907. Dear Pamela, — You may remember that some time ago I wrote you about a hotel boy at GILBERT LITTLE STARK 75 Nikko named Mino. At Tokyo, after I came down from Ikao, I found a letter from him all written in Japanese. When I got to Kyoto, I found another, and after a litde hesitation, I wrote to the Nikko Hotel and asked them to let me have him for a couple of weeks. They were very nice and gave him a vacation, and he arrived in Kyoto shordy after I last wrote you. He is very much more useful than our first servant thought of being, and he is a constant source of amuse ment and pleasure. Soon after he came I moved to a Japanese hotel, the Matsunoya Hotel. Scurve Perrin went down, too, and we had four very pleasant days. Mino was a great help, as the hotel people could not speak a word of English. The building itself was much the same as other Japanese houses I have described: large, clean, soft-matted rooms, with scroll pictures hanging on the walls, and two sides opening on the inevitable and always charming garden that sends great flowering branches and the noise of running water into the room. As soon as you enter a Japanese hotel you take off all your clothes, with two or three ad miring maids, whom neither love nor money could drive from the room, to help you. Then you don 76 LETTERS OF a kimono and gird your loins with a silken obi or belt, and in this costume you lie at full length on the floor or sitwith crossed legs on litde square cushions. Meals are served on little lacquered tables about eight inches high, which the maids bring in at meal- times, a separate table for each person. The meals consist mainly of fish, raw and cooked, several kinds always, and mush rooms, potatoes, beans, eggs, and rice. When you are quite through, you push the table a litde to one side, and then the maids bring peaches and tea. It was our custom to have tea about five times a day. The native tea is green, and you take it in little cups without handles, and never use cream or sugar. At night the litde Japanese doll-maids stag ger in under great rolls of mattress, futan they are called. These mattresses are about the size of a single bed and maybe two inches thick. At the Matsunoya Hotel they were covered with silk. For our benefit they spread two thicknesses of mattress. For bed covering they have one big silk quilt with a sheet buttoned on to the edges covering the side nearest your body. The Jap anese pillow is like a small section of the hard rolls we sometimes put on our beds in the day time. The wooden rests we have seen pictures of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 77 are used only by the ladies to keep their hair in order. After the bed is made, a great orange- colored mosquito netting with silk edges is fas tened to the corners of the ceiling, so that your whole room is made into a sort of cage. The bath is a wooden opening in the floor, full of very hot water, and is made use of any time after four p. M. In the morning the water is usually cold, as the Japanese indulge always in the evening. Mino is rich in a Japanese hotel. He sits in the centre of the room and claps his hands in regular Arabian Nights fashion; at every clap in waddles a little maid, and with the air of a Daimio he orders lemonade, peaches, tea, or a clean kimono. Another of his specialties is shopping. Every day he adds something to the collection that he is taking back to Nikko, from sweetmeats to a sword-cane. The other day he appeared with a whole tea-set for his mother. I was thunderstruck, for it was a very pretty set and I could n't imagine where he got the money. Later I discovered that it had cost him fifteen cents in American money! He is an expert at imitating the geisha dancers and the Nikko temple dancers, and he amuses us for hours with his antics. Another of his imi- 78 LETTERS OF tations is what he calls "American shibai" (American theatre). It seems that some man once gave an American monologue of the Uncle Silas type at the Kanaya Hotel. In his imitation Mino pulls a hat over his eyes and walks up and down with a perfect imitation of the American hayseed. The words he utters, however, are an unintelligible jumble meant to imitate our noble English language. His English is another source of amusement. When he says, " Mio nichi my horse?" he means, "Do we make to-morrow's trip on horseback ?" Or, "Yesterday night my three hours' sleep, taihen woof-woof," means that the dog's barking kept him awake last night so that he only slept three hours. For two days at this Japanese hotel it rained so that we could not go out. In fact, they had the heaviest rains for years, and towns and bridges were swept away. Time never hung on our hands, though, for every moment there was some thing new and strange going on. I had a very pleasant visit one night from my friend Kizo, about whom I wrote you. After the rain stopped, we spent one day in making a trip by rickshaw to Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, about six miles north of Kyoto. There we saw a quaint temple and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 79 climbed a hill to see a famous view, then hired a boat and came back by canal. The scenery along the canal is very picturesque, and at one place we went under a mountain through a tun nel almost a mile long. We passed several boats in the darkness, each one with a paper lantern hung at the bow, in the light of which the bare body of the oarsman gleamed red as he swung back and forth over his scull. On last Monday we left Kyoto for Kobe. Kobe is a hustling port, with high-priced hotels and shops, and nothing to see except one water fall. On Tuesday Mr. Inagaki entertained us again at another villa about ten miles out of Kobe on the seashore. It is a very pretentious villa, situated in an imperial grant, with a beau tiful view over the tops of a pine forest out on to the Inland Sea, and a long curve of sand beach stretching towards Kobe. Tuesday night we took a steamer from Kobe to Miyajima, which place we reached the next afternoon at five o'clock. The Inland Sea down which we travelled is the finest sheet of water I have ever seen, and the night view of it by the light of the full moon, and the next day with an Italian sky and a cool breeze, are two expe riences I shall not forget. 8o LETTERS OF The postal cards I sent you from Miyajima do not give you any idea of the beauties of this place. It is an island about eighteen hundred feet high and thickly wooded. Itsikushima is the old name for it, and it has been sacred for years and years. No dogs or burials are allowed on the island, and it is only lately that women have been allowed to land on it. There is a huge tem ple built over the sea on piles, and when the tide is in, the whole building with its several thousand feet of galleries and dancing stages seems afloat. Out in front of the temple is the famous Torii in the water, a really beautiful sight, to which the picture does not do anything like justice. Our hotel at Miyajima was a famous Japanese inn, the Iwaso Hotel. It is a series of one-story villas built in a scattered fashion throughout a very beautiful maple park. Our room hung over a litde rocky gorge, with a waterfall above and a clear pool direcdy below. The rocky sides of the pool were covered with a wealth of vines and pines and maples, and queer litde stone steps led to its edge. In the morning sometimes we had the pleasure of watching a Japanese guest paddle around in the pool in preference to using the regular bath. The island is full of deer that have been treated so well for generations that GILBERT LITTLE STARK 8i they are perfecdy tame and very friendly, and wander around the streets and stream-beds quite at home. Am. and Mino and I made this Miyajima trip alone, leaving the rest in Kobe ; but on the boat we fell in with a very nice Japanese student, who stayed at Miyajima with us for two days, and with whom we took several long walks and a de lightful swim in the ocean. I wish I could make you feel the charm of that island, with its clean, sand beaches, and masses of thick, green foliage, and mountains, and temples, and quaint town streets, and deer, and smiling people, and litde brown babies tumbling about the surf all day; but it is useless to try, you must come and see for yourself. Love to all, Gilbert. Hakone, September 2, 1907. Dear Helen, — My letter to Pam yesterday left me enchanted on the sacred island of the In land Sea; before I tell you how I broke the spell and got here, I must throw in another detail. On our last night there, our Japanese student friend, who had just missed his third boat on purpose to stay with us, appeared, and our early evening was spent in the village watching an annual 82 LETTERS OF dance in which the village youngsters, in best attire and masked, competed for honors in grace and rhythm. After an hour of mingling with the crowd (we had on our kimonos, too, you may be sure), we returned to our nest above the pool, and indulged in peaches and tea for the hundred and seventh time that day. Before crawling under our mosquito tents and stretching out on the floor, we strolled through the park to the top of a small hill. The sky was heavy with stars, and below us the calm sea flashed back star for star. Behind us rose the mountain we had climbed in the afternoon, and everywhere the deep shade of pines and maples, and the sound of running water, and the never-ending shrill of the cicala. " Hear the worms sing!" said our student friend, and by performing one of the feats of will-power of the century I did n't crack a smile. On Tuesday we had said good-bye to Scurve and Purdy, who sailed for Shanghai to make pre paration for the great expedition overland to India. We shall not see them again until Decem ber. There is really hardly any danger, for the road is well marked, an easy native trade route, and the people are simple-hearted, kindly Chinese, not like the Coast Chinamen. One man who took the trip said he felt safer among them than in GILBERT LITTLE STARK 83 New York. If I had three years to travel, I should like to join them, but as it is — no, thanks. On the same day we said good-bye to John, Ted, and Wally, who have started across Siberia on their homeward trip. Reese Alsop, Sheff. '06, who has been here since March, is going with them. On Friday Am. and I parted at Miyajima. He stayed there one day longer and then in tends going north to Ama-no, Hashidate, and across Korea and Manchuria to Pekin, thence to Mongolia for a week's shooting. Mino and I took the afternoon express from Miyajima for the Hakone district, which Am. had visited a few weeks ago. I will rejoin him either at Pekin or at Hankow on the Yangtze. There is a rail road from Pekin to Hankow, and as it is three days* steam up the river from Shanghai, he would wait there for me instead of coming to the coast. Then together we will go up to Chang- sha to see the New Yale. We heard very sad news from there a short time ago : Warren Sea- bury, a very young man and brother of an inti mate friend of mine, was drowned while in swim ming. He was one of the best men that New Yale had — or old Yale, for that matter. Mino and I had a very hot trip on the train 84 LETTERS OF back through Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, and on to Numadzu, which we reached at 10.30 A. M., hav ing left Miyajima mainland station at 2.15 P. M. the day before. If you look on the map, you will find Miyajima in the Inland Sea just beyond the city of Hiroshima. Numadzu, where we left the train, is in the upper right-hand corner of Suruga Bay, and the Hakone district is the whole pe ninsula that lies between Suruga and Sagami bays. It is a district of high mountains and beautiful lakes, with picturesque passes and villages everywhere, and from each portion of the Hakone district you have a magnificent view of Fuji, which is close at hand. I had always thought of Japanese mountains and mountain passes as, in a way, toy affairs, but when you reach them, they are just as huge and dizzy as the life-size Yosemite brand. Mino had been made very ill and dizzy by the train, so I let him take a pony to Hakone from Numadzu, but I preferred to walk. First we drove six level miles in a basha, a queer sort of a covered cart, then the climb began. There is a regular road up to Hakone, but such a road ! All I could think of was Rome. I have seen old roads, but this must antedate them all by cen turies. It is paved with blocks of stone varying in GILBERT LITTLE STARK 85 size from two feet across to the diameter of an orange ; some have sunk almost two feet below the road level, and others have poked their noses high in the air. The whole road is so worn by travel that in many places it is ten or fifteen feet below the surface of the ground. Among the foothills the road is shaded by aged pines that cast the weirdest shadows across it. Later it passes through forests of bamboo so thick that no sun ever reaches the ground, and finally it emerges on a grassy rolling upland, with big hills beyond and broad views over cul tivated fields to the ocean far beyond. At the left Fuji looms bigger and bigger every moment. On the way I passed through three or four tiny villages full of bare babies with tummies that put 's achievement in that line in the deep est shade. The last hour of the t^velve-mile climb was through clouds; but I got above them at last, and just when I felt so tired that I could not climb another foot, suddenly I found myself looking down on a beautiful lake nestled in among high mountains; another Lucerne, with the added glory of a great, perfect Fuji at one end. There is nothing here but a tiny, primitive village, a summer palace of the Crown Prince, and this hotel. 86 LETTERS OF The hotel is half Japanese, and you must take off your shoes before entering. Beds and foreign food are the only Americanisms. It is built out over the water, with a neat grass-plot reclaimed from the lake behind. My room has only three walls, and the fourth side is open to the lake. Mino and I are at present the only guests, and our meals are served in my room on a table close to the open edge. To-day is our third morning here. The first it rained, and we took short walks, interspersed with cups of tea. The second day it rained, and we fished from a boat which I rowed with mighty strokes about the lake. We were rewarded with four minnows, which we ate a few minutes ago for breakfast. In the after noon we swam. To-day is cool and sunny; we are now await ing horses to take us up the famous Ten Province Pass. (Ten Province Pass, so called because from its summit Ten Provinces can be seen.) I will add that expedition to this letter on my return. Our evenings have been spent in English les sons. Mino has a book of phrases that Mr. Kanaya taught him, and he also owns the First National Reader, which the Japanese schools have adopted. It seems strange to hear GILBERT LITTLE STARK 87 some of the first reader stories again. " Come, Rover, I will run you a race." "Bad boy, bad boy, come down from that tree, do not rob the bird!" Stranger than all is it to hear them from a Japanese boy who has great trouble twisting his mouth around the syllables. He would capture mother in an instant with his love for cleanliness; a stain on a napkin is enough to make him turn a whole hotel upside down. , . , Later. At ten this morning our ponies came and we set off for the Ten Province Pass. A ride of about three hours brought us to the summit, and we spread our picnic lunch, which a coolie had carried for us, on the summit of a breezy moun tain pass that gave a glorious view of two bays of the Pacific, one at each side, and the ocean itself over the mountain ranges on the end of the peninsula in front of us. Behind, row after row of big bare hills rose above one another, and behind them towered Fuji, just visible by fits and starts through its crown of clouds. This combi nation of sea and mountain views is something I have never seen before. It is starding to look over the top of a mountain as tall as the one you 88 LETTERS OF stand on and see an island floating apparendy in blue sky; and it is equally starding to look down a long fan-shaped valley in which a great cottony white cloud is rolling about, with the blue sea for a background instead ofthe blue sky! At the end of one valley we could see a broad pine- fringed beach and the white line of the breakers rolling in. Perched in a recess of these windy heights we found a quaint old temple, quite large and well cared for. In the approach were some of the quaintest gods J have yet seen, one seated like Buddha, but with his mouth opened wide and his eyes like Pamela's when she makes a face ; as he was at least six feet high, the effect was start ling. Another god was chiselled in oudine on a big flat slab of stone. To-morrow I think we shall go down to Mi- yanoshita, another place in the Hakone district, and one that is reported to have the finest hotel in Japan. I forgot to tell you that when we went through the Miyajima temple with Mino and our student friend, they both worshipped at several of the shrines. This is done by ducking the head and clapping the hands to call the God's attention. Mino bought some candles and had them lighted GILBERT LITTLE STARK 89 at the main altar. He also fed the sacred horse some sacred beans. Love to all, Gilbert. The Grand Hotel, Ltd., Yokohama, September lo, 1907. Dear, dear Family, — This is the last letter that you will receive from Japan, the last I shall write from this delightful country, for to-morrow morning at ten o'clock I sail for Shanghai in the Yamaguchi Maru, Nippon Yuson Kaisha Line. On last Wednesday Mino, the Russian cap tain Riabbits, whom we had met at Hakone, and I took sampan for an hour across the lake, and then walked over the mountains, past the hot- waterfalls and boiling sulphur pits of Ojigoku — the Big Hell — to Miyanoshita. Miyanoshita is charming. It is a little mountain village, with one of the finest hotels in Japan, perched half way up the side of a steep, deep valley. From the village street you look down, far down over the tops of maples and bamboos and flowering bushes with glossy green leaves, to a white, foamy mountain river that lies below you like a strip of cotton cloth. Across the valley and be hind the village are smooth hills of grass that hide the sun at four o'clock in the afternoon and 90 LETTERS OF look for all the world like lazy whales asleep. At the upper end of the valley is Fuji, and at the lower, five miles away, the sea! I think you would enjoy a month there, for there are countless rambles that take from fif teen minutes to two days, and comfortable moun tain chairs and ponies for those who like to sit and watch the scenery walk by. Besides, there is excellent cooking, and hot and cold baths of soda or sulphur that spring from the ground right into your tub. Every cottage has a cool, bub bling fountain by the front door, and the Jap anese Apollinaris — Hakone Water — is bot tled in this district. At Miyanoshita I got a few letters from home that had been forwarded from Nagasaki. For the next six days, the length of time the passage to Shanghai occupies, I shall probably not have a chance to write, as the port Moji is in quaran tine ; I may get a line off at Nagasaki, however. Just now I heard two gendemen sitting next to me in the writing-room talking about a cable gram from Vancouver about a riot there, in which the Japanese quarter was destroyed. After a month's residence, or rather six weeks, among this gende, cultured people, I am not surprised that the term barbarian used to be applied to us GILBERT LITTLE STARK 91 by them. With their ready politeness, their re spect for age, their desire to learn and quickness at understanding, and the friendly good-will they show on all sides, they make me ashamed of my own countrymen and Europeans in general. I fail to see the superiority of the so-called white man. It certainly is not intellectual ; philosophy, mathematics, art, — in all these branches they can equal and surpass us. It is surely not tem peramental, for the average Japanese farmer is more of a gendeman and has better manners and a more unselfish heart than the average traveller ; and when you consider the different strata of so ciety that the farmer and traveller come from, the remark needs no comment. Most people will tell you that the superiority is moral. That is absolutely false. The same standards prevail among the Japanese as among ourselves, and these standards are even better lived up to. The average tourist hangs about the open ports the way a timid swimmer hangs to the raft, and his long-range observation is as fol lows : " Here is a people that has no beds, ta bles, or chairs. Here is a people that shows its legs in the street from the hip down. Here is a people that takes baths three and four in a tub. Here is a people that speaks openly of things that 92 LETTERS OF are never mentioned in /Europe or America. What a lot of heathen sinners tlsjeymust be!" All this criticism is superficially triie, but the fact is that our superiority of morals is a matter only of forms. We think we are spodess if we do not see or hear; the Japanese has no prudishness, but the foundation is just as firm as ours. I have seen ladies as cultured as Piety Hill's best, nurs ing their children without concealment, and I have been in the same tub with strangers of the same social level as our own family, without the least embarrassment. The seaport tourists only think of what Americans would do if Japanese customs were suddenly introduced into our land. They do not stop to find out actual conditions here. The Japanese bath, by the way, is a very clean affair. Every one carefully soaps himself and washes off with litde tubs of water before entering, and soap is never used in the big tub. These people consider us a very unclean race with our great nailed boots and our loud voices and our kissing tendencies. It makes a true Jap anese shudder to think of exchanging kisses. Yokohama is only four hours from Miyano shita, but we stopped at Enoshima for the night GILBERT LITTLE STARK 93 and I renewed some of the acquaintances that I made on my former trip to that delightful island. Here at Yokohama I have been busy securing passage and buying a few odds and ends. In the afternoons Mino and I have taken rickshaws out along the shores ofthe bay, and last night I took him to hear an American comic opera produced by an English Company just up from Australia. I wish you could have seen him; sometimes highly amused, sometimes amazed at the sense less proceedings of the chorus. Their stupid marching and counter-marching seems like baby play beside the Japanese dance, where the slightest movement of the hand is full of meaning. To-day Mino left for Nikko, and I am quite lonesome without him. To-day . . . after see ing Mino off at nine a. m., I rolled around town for two or three hours in a Japanese overgrown baby carriage and got quite away from the Eu ropean quarter. Here at Yokohama are appar ent the only disagreeable traits I have seen in this people : a sort of New York persistency and independence which is clearly the result of our boasted "civilizing influence"; but away from the hotel district and the main streets you meet the same friendly smiles and overpowering bows 94 LETTERS OF that the interior shows you. I don't see why Japan does n't send missionaries to America ; heaven knows they could do us a world of good. The criticism of this politeness you always hear from the globe-trotter, as he sits on the hotel ter race with a whiskey and soda, and views native life from this vantage-point, is that "the crafty beggars do it all for trade." They probably do keep their tempers under provocation for rea sons of policy, but courtesy is so ingrained in their nature that they never relax. You go to a store, and spend an hour and three and a half cents. Your true shopkeeper bows you to your rickshaw and down the street, and thanks you as though you had taken over his whole stock. I shall never forget the send-off they gave us at Hakone. We tipped only our maid and table waitress, but the whole staff, from manager to the third bath-steward, were on the float to see us off; and there they stood, a bright-colored little group of ten or twelve, and watched us out of sight; for twenty minutes they stayed, and not one left until we rounded the first point on the lake, and the cheery litde group had been reduced to dots of color. I should like to give a big garden party, with lots of paper lanterns and shaved ice and lemon- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 95 ade, and invite all Japan to come and live out their merry little lives eating and playing Blind- man's Buff. I should invite every soul, from the litde babies, with shaved heads and tufts of hair like a French poodle, to the courdy old men and dear, wrinkled, old, blackened-toothed women. This afternoon I put a fresh film in my kodak and sallied forth on foot. I walked first past the French Consulate and along the river-bank to the native town. The river was full of sampans, and the banks lined with funny litde monkeys from five to fifteen years old, fishing or swim ming in every garb. Long kimonos looped up at the belt, coolie coats like Old World page's jackets, with flowing sleeves and great Chinese letters on the back, trunks, loin-cloths, and skin like brown satin. I can't tell you the fun I have had using the litde Japanese I know, and I sauntered for an hour along the water-side, stop ping now with one group, now with another, asking how many fish they had or whether the water was very cold to-day. Finally I reached the bottom of the bluff, where all the foreign resi dents live. A straight flight of stone steps led to the top, right in front of my nose, so I climbed up and drank a botde of lemonade at the Hun- 96 LETTERS OF dred-Step Tea-house, with the town and harbor stretching away beneath. Coming down from the bluff, I took a curv ing road some distance beyond the tea-house, and halfway down I found a shady bit of fence, whereon I perched and opened my camera. I wish I could lead you all to that bit of fence and sit with you for the afternoon. Above and below, the road curves out of sight, and direcdy opposite is a stone embankment about twenty feet high, over the top of which a litde garden peeps down at the road. The interest ofthe spot, however, is in the stream of life going up and down. Grunting coolies zig-zagging up from below, pushing a heavy cart, or coming down from above with long half-running steps, leaning back to brace the load, and every muscle in the broad chest and shoulders standing out like steel rope. Around their foreheads they all tie figured strips of cloth to keep the sweat out of their eyes. Now and then a great ox with a straw-matting roof built over his back would swing by, his master at his head brushing off the flies with a branch. Rickshaws a-plenty, and men and women on foot there were, and peddlers with their wares balanced on each end of a long pole over their shoulders. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 97 The shady spot I had selected was a favorite resting-place for tired coolies on the way up, and so I had company all the time. They would be very friendly in a polite way, and invariably asked how much the camera cost. Judge my pride when I understood and answered in Jap anese. My few native words and the picture in the finder filled them all with delight, and I think I got some very good pictures, although when I asked them to pose they usually showed great shyness, and there was a good deal of "you first" talk among them, and laughing shoving of each other to the front. One boy hid behind his cart, covering his face with his big straw hat. My attempts to catch him, as he peeked over the hat now and then, convulsed him and the crowd around us. One little school-boy stayed with me all afternoon, and walked part way back to the hotel. I hope the pictures come out well, for the subjects were excellent. Among the best was a group of tiny girls, and then again two litde boys in long kimonos, big sashes, and straw hats, who were chasing a butterfly with long-handled nets, with which they tried to hold it against the stone wall opposite. My visit here has been perfect. The weather 98 LETTERS OF about like a summer at Higgins Lake. More ex ercise than I usually get at the lake, and abso lutely perfect health. I have more intimate know ledge of native life than I had imagined it was possible for a stranger to get. Many native friends, to six of whom I have promised to write. Above all, the meetings with college students (all of them in kimonos and bare feet), which would have been impossible at any other season than the summer vacation, and which my youth and present student status never failed to assist towards intimacy. My memories of this land shall be memories of gardens and temples and moonlight; of breezy mountain walks and still nights full ofthe sound of running water; of calm, sleepy Buddhas dreaming their lives, or rather their eternities, away in gloomy groves of huge pine trees, with a lotus pond just a step beyond ; and in contrast, an active, brave litde race of giants, busy as bees, and yetwith strange Buddha-like depths at times ; memories of gende kindness, warm friendships, and smiles. A group of memories that will make my life happier a great many times in days to come. Good-night. Loads of love, Gilbert. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 99 After dinner. When I think of how litde my letters have told you of all the strange sights and experiences of the last six weeks, it seems as though I never could end this last Japanese letter. I don't be lieve I have mentioned the tiny silver pipes that men and women of all ages and classes smoke continually. I don't believe I have told you of the shaved ice sweetened with fruit syrup that is sold at every corner. I am sure I have forgotten the high wooden clogs that make all Japanese four to six inches taller than usual on a rainy day. I have n't told you how this hotel looks out over the harbor full of ships, with our U. S. cruiser Chattanooga in the foreground. I have made no mention of the boys swimming off the rocks at Enoshima, who insisted on feeling my shoes to see whether my feet were as pointed as they looked. I have not told you of Mino's fondness for botded lemonade, to the extent of about a gallon a day; but never mind, some day we'll talk it all over, unless you are by that time tired of hearing about the East, or unless I have for gotten — which is not likely. I, have sent to father's care a box containing most of my purchases here. Mr. Neuhaus, a German friend of ours, has included the things 100 LETTERS OF in a shipment of his export company to Detroit, so the freight charges will be very slight. There will be considerable duty to pay, however. If you can curb your impatience, please wait till I reach home before opening, because I should so like to have the pleasure of showing you the things. Then, too, you would not know whom they were for. About Christmas time I shall try to send something that you can open. If you feel, however, that you had rather see them now, all right ; but don't do it if you can resist. Half the pleasure in selecting them was in thinking about showing them and explaining them to you. Good-night, Gilbert. Kobe, Japan, September 13, 1907. Dear Ones, — Just a line or two to keep you posted. You will probably start with surprise at this letter-heading, but the explanation is that after leaving Yokohama I discovered that my boat was due to stop two days at Kobe. They all do, but I had not been told of the fact before. I was delighted to Ifearn that I could have one more litde taste of Japanese comfort, and it has been a very pleasant one, although very tantaliz ing at the same time. Our boat, the Yamaguchi Maru, is small, two GILBERT LITTLE STARK loi thousand tons, but a safe boat and a great fa vorite with ladies because she is so steady. She has accommodation for only ten first-class pas sengers, and is as cozy as a bandbox. We came to Kobe with a full table, but only four of the passengers developed traits of interest during the night and day on board. No. I was a young Frenchman stationed at Hanoy or Hanoie in Cochin China. His interest lay in the fact that he had been to the Ankor Wat and gave me a card to a man at Saigon who can help us on our trip to the great ruin. No. 2 was Mr. Matsujima, a leading Tokyo barrister, taking a litde sea-trip as a bracer. No. 3 was my room-mate, Mr. V . He is a Yokohama man, but a member of the Kobe Qub, where he kindly put up my name yesterday. He is sixty-four years old, and has been in Japan for thirty-five years. He and his family would n't live any place else. Of course, he was a mine of information, and as he was willing to talk, I learned a great deal. He has been a soldier in Brazil, and was captain of a privateer that the Russians fitted out years ago when they expected to fight Great Britain. It was at that period, he says, that a Russian and a British frigate an chored opposite each other in Yokohama har- 102 LETTERS OF bor and each boat ran out its guns. A litde Japanese gunboat, about one tenth their size, dropped anchor between them and peace was preserved. No. 4 was most interesting of all. He was a boy going back to his school in Kobe. He was half English, a third American, with a litde Spanish and the rest Kanaka. He was a handsome chap, with big Kanaka eyes that are like animal's eyes, like a deer's. He is a grandson of King O'Keefe of Guam, and he himself lives on Bonine Island. These are South Sea Islands, but I had never heard of them before. They are peopled by refugees, deserters, marooned sailors, and pirates. His grandfather had two partners. Pease and Hayes. Pease was shot by a native woman, and Hayeswas hanged at Shanghai by the U, S. Con sul, the last pirate to be hanged. These details I learned from the Encyclop, my room-mate. The boy, James O'Keefe, was innocent as a lamb and the pet of the boat. He was exceptionally clever, and gave us some great South Sea yarns that I will save for Higgins Lake. We reached Kobe yesterday, the 12th, at noon — three hours ahead of time. I did some errands in the afternoon and later took the train for Kyoto. On the way to the Matsunoya Hotel GILBERT LITTLE STARK 103 I passed the tabi shop where my old friend Kizo Mori lives, and he saw me pass and rushed out to welcome me back. I asked him to come over to supper, which invitation he accepted. At the hotel I was welcomed royally by my old friends Miss Stork, Miss Wisteria, and Miss Pine-tree. It seemed almost like getting home, for they gave me the same room and futans I had had before. In the evening Kizo and I saw mov ing pictures at Mina Miza. This morning I left for Nara, the old capital, 1789 a. d., and Kizo came, too. All afternoon we wandered about the hillside at Nara, up and down paths that lead through the heart of a cool green forest. Every path is edged with stone lanterns ; not a row of them but a thicket of them, shoulder to shoulder and four to six deep. They are of different shapes and sizes and mosdy covered with soft green moss. Temples are at the end of every path, and some of them are beauties, full of rare treasures. At one temple two girls about thirteen, their faces white with rice powder, did an ancient sacred dance for us, and in another great pile we saw the largest Buddha (or rather Daibutsu, not Buddha at all, but Amida) in Japan. This colossus is about twenty feet taller than the giant at Kama kura, but not so beautiful. 104 LETTERS OF We took a late afternoon train for Osaka, where we dined and parted, Kizo going home to Kyoto, while I came on to Kobe. This hotel is sort of a family house, and much nicer than the Oriental, where I stayed last time. To-morrow at lo a. m. we weigh anchor for Shanghai, via the Inland Sea. The new moon has appeared to-night, so that if it is clear to morrow, I shall see moonlight on the Inland Sea for the second time — wonderful luck. Very, very sleepy, so good-night. Love to all, Gilbert. S. S. Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Nagasaki Harbor, September 15, 1907. Dear Pam, — I have just finished reading your good letter written on July 28th. My last letter home was from Kobe, just be fore sailing. Well, all day Saturday we steamed down the beautiful Inland Sea, and Saturday night I saw the island and water-stretches again by moonlight. On Sunday morning I woke to find the ship anchored in a narrow swift-run ning channel between Moji and Shimoniseki, the western gate between the ocean and the In land Sea. The cities on either side were nesded at the foot of big green hills, and the scene, in the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 105 fresh morning sunshine, was a delightful picture. At present Moji is suffering from a plague of cholera, so we were not allowed to land, although the boat remained at anchor until three in the afternoon. The most interesting sight of all was the coaling of the ship. All the coal, at Japanese ports, is put on board ship by hand, and the coolies do it much quicker than a machine could. On each side of our ship two wooden sailboats were tighdy fastened. Each boat or junk was loaded full of coal, and swarming with coolie men and women. As soon as the boats were well fastened, they ran a flight of steps from each boat to a hole in the ship's side. Along this stair way a long row of men and women grouped themselves, and soon they began to pass up bas kets of coal and throw them into our ship's hold. You would never believe that they could pass up so many baskets a minute as they do. They would be wonders at " Button, button, who has the button ? " For five hours these picturesque half-dressed, or rather quarter-dressed, people stood in line, and the coal-baskets shot up the stairs in a never-ending flow. Some of the women who were working hardest had babies strapped on their backs the whole day long. io6 LETTERS OF At three, prompdy, we pulled up anchor, and after a few sharp turns in the channel, we found ourselves in the open sea once more, on the far side of Japan, with Korea just to the northwest of us. But we turned south, and as long as we remained on deck in the moonlight our ship was skirting the island of the western coast. This morning we were called early, just in time to see the entrance to Nagasaki harbor. This harbor is said to be finer than the Bay of Naples, and equalled only by the harbor at Rio Janeiro. It is so surrounded by hills that it looks like a great lake, and the oudet to the ocean is guarded by steep cliffs and high, rocky islets. After the quarantine inspection, we were al lowed to go on shore, and I wandered about the town, buying a few trinkets and some fine tor toise-shell, for this is the headquarters for tor toise-shell work. The town is very old and quaint and has many historical landmarks, for it was the Dutch trad ing-post in the old days, three hundred years ago, when foreigners were allowed to enter the land only after they had trampled on the cross and spit upon the images of Christ and Mary. Some of the crosses and images that were used in the ordeals are still preserved here in museums. The GILBERT LITTLE STARK 107 Dutch used to go through these rites willingly, for Japanese trade meant guldens for their pocket, and to the Dutch that means more than doubtful credit in heaven. My fellow passengers are two English mission aries to Ning-Po, China, just returning after their summer vacation, and one Japanese gen tleman who lives on Long Island and went for two years to Yale College. I am afraid I shall not reach Hong Kong quite so early as I intended, but I will cable you all at home from whatever place I happen to be on the appointed date. Love to all, Gilbert. Dear Pam, — I was unable to mail your let ter from Nagasaki, so will do so from Shanghai this morning. Last night we went below and left the ship careening bravely through a beautiful deep-blue sea. Sails up on bow and stern, for the wind was dead behind and they could save coal. Now, this morning (it is early before breakfast), I have come on deck to find that we are sailing through a sea of bright yellow mud ! The Yel low Sea with all its beautiful blue discolored by the waters of the great Yangtze-Kiang. Off to the right are a few long, low islands, flat as pan- io8 LETTERS OF cakes, showing like thin emerald bars against the yellow background. Indeed, I am coming to a country that is different from Japan with its sparkling seas and pine-covered hills. Just before leaving Nagasaki I received a let ter from W P , who crossed on the same steamer with us from America. He has been appointed private tutor to the Korean Prince in Tokyo! If I had been able to see him before leaving, I should have applied for some regal tutorship, and stayed in Tokyo until Christmas time. If I hear of a good job in China, I should not be surprised if I took it for a few months. I think it would be a fine way to learn real facts about the country and gain valuable experience. However, I suppose all jobs are for the year and not a few months. I am the only traveller on this boat, which is now full ; all the rest are missionaries or business men and their wives, returning to work after the usual summer in Japan. Every one I have met who lives in China would n't go home for worlds, they like the people so well. The ladies say they are scared to death by the rough-looking and acting men at home; again, let me repeat that the East has no rowdy class and the coolies are as gende as highborn lords of old. I am now reach- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 109 ing the land of bedbugs, however; in Japan they can live only a few months, so I have not met them yet, but if I find them as scarce as I found fleas in Japan, I shall not complain. Oh, how I would like another month in the land of the Rising Sun ! Your loving brother, Gilbert. CHAPTER II CHINA Shanghai, China, September i8, 1907. Dear Family, — For four hours I have been in China, and oh, how homesick I am for Japan! I know that after I have seen something of the country I shall like it better, in fact I could n't like it less, but just now I am going to write as pessimistic a scribble as I can. The city, at least what I have seen of it, is just like a European city, and some of the buildings are huge stone affairs with a great deal of orna ment ; but I did n't come halfway around the world to see a second-hand Europe. The streets are filled with the ugliest lot of dirty coolies you can imagine. Their clothes hang about them in filthy rags, and they are swaddled from head to foot. After the clean brown bareness of Japan, this close-wrapped dirtiness is most unpleasant. Instead of finding in every crowd a number of handsome, smiling faces that make you feel you would like to know the owners, as I have been used to do, in every Shanghai crowd you see ugly. GILBERT LITTLE STARK iii leering faces with long yellow teeth. I used to enjoy getting in a Japanese crowd and having the people close to me, but I would give a good deal of money to keep out of a Shanghai mob ; and as for a Chinese hotel, you could n't drag me into one in my present state of mind. Of course this is all distorted to me now because I am so sorry to leave the Island Em pire, and in a few days you will be getting more enthusiastic letters from me, or else you will hear that I have taken passage back to Dai Nippon. Good-bye, and don't think I am uncomfort able, for this is a beautiful big hotel, and the weather is almost as nice as that we left behind ; only I hold my breath on the street. Lots of love, Gilbert. False alarm for tiffin, so I will give another page of groans. This morning, when the steamer reached the dock, there was a great clear space just before us, and beyond that a mass of howling yellow goblins, with great, tall, Sikh policemen, that the British have brought from India, holding them in check. One Chinaman sneaked past the guard and started to cross the space, but a great black- 112 LETTERS OF bearded Indian sprang after him and beat him back with great blows of his cane. Another man slapped a Chinese coolie's face for jogging his elbow. When the gates were finally opened, in rushed the crowd of porters and rickshaw boys like a great mob of pirates. Some had their heads wrapped in old clothes and others wore their pigtails on top or around their necks. There were a few stripped to the waist, for while a Jap anese bares his legs, the Chinaman bares his body and keeps his legs covered with pantaloons or mummy-like wrappings. What a difference, though, in the color of their skins ! Instead of the tan or bronze or sunburnt copper of Japan, you see here a hideous, nightmare yellow. The rickshaws are so dirty you don't like to enter, and your coolie makes you shudder to look at him. On the streets you see many wheelbar rows heaped with merchandise, or with a man enthroned in state and being trundled along like a market pig. The young boys all look like homely girls, and it took me about ten minutes to realize that practically no women are seen in the streets. Another thing I miss is the ready politeness of Japan. There the servants run to do things for GILBERT LITTLE STARK 113 you with a smile. Here they stand around until you call them. Every one says, however, that the Chinese are the best servants in the world, and the residents are very fond of the people, so maybe I shall discover qualities soon that offset their lack of beauty and attraction. Fare thee well, Gilbert, Shanghai, September 19, 1907. Dear Ones, — Am leaving to-day by steamer Hsiping Maru for Pekin to join Am. Pekin, after all. The trip takes four days — will write you immediately on arrival. Yours lovingly, Gilbert. Tientsin, China, September 23, 1907. Dear Mother, — From Shanghai I tele graphed Am. at Pekin to know when he was coming down, and he replied (in a few hours' time) that it was too hot south, and I had better join him at the capital, especially as there were many good trips to be taken in the neighborhood. You know what my first impression of Shang hai was, so I gladly complied. There was a boat leaving at eleven the following morning, so after one night's stay at my first Chinese city, I em barked for another. 114 LETTERS OF My boat was the Hsiping, China Engineering Co. She is a neat little ship about eighteen hun dred tons burden, maybe one twentieth as large as the Adriatic. In this tiny ship I have spent the last four days and nights on the ocean wave. We were a jolly little party, — the captain, the first officer, and the first and second engineers. There was one other passenger, but he was the company's agent at Hankow, taking a free sea- trip for his health, so I was the only "paying" passenger on board. I had a fine cabin all to myself, with two port-holes, one looking forward over the clean sweep of deck to the bows, one looking across a narrow strip of deck to the side. My door opened right into the cozy litde saloon with its table about the size of our home dining- table. The captain, the Hankow agent, and I each had a boy apiece to wait on us, and the steward filled in the chinks that the boys left open. The meals were excellent, and altogether it was more of a yachting trip than any of my other "yachts" I have written you about. Of course there was only the uncovered boat-deck, just below the captain's bridge, but we each had a reclining basket-chair, and there were awnings overhead and cool mattings underfoot. The of ficers and agent were all Scotch or English, and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 115 had some great yarns about foreign life in China. All of them had war experiences to tell, and one was captured twice in the Chino- Japanese War. We got under way about noon, and steamed down the Whampoo River through a crowd of junks and sampans, each native boat leering at us with a great painted eye at the bow. "No have eye, no can see; no can see and no can walkee!" as the Ningpo boy says. The Chinese junks and sampans have higher bows and sterns than the Japanese, boats, and the method of row ing or sculling is quite different. All the first day we were in the sea of yellow mud, but the next morning saw us back on the ocean blue. But what a bumpy ocean it was! We were right in the trough of the sea and rolled like a tipsy sailor. I spent the day in my bunk, as it was raining cats and dogs and I did n't feel any too chipper, listening to the waves slapping on the deck and sometimes banging against my port-hole and cabin wall. I thought I was going to be sick, but by confining myself to tea and toast, I was successful in holding my own. The agent did n't appear at all during the day, and the captain did n't show up at luncheon, so I was the only visitor at the tiffin table, where I ii6 LETTERS OF surveyed a long row of tempting dishes, and sat isfied myself with tea and toast, and not any too much of that. Saturday was beautiful, warm and sunny with a starding clearness. We sighted the low coast several times and passed any number of fishing junks and a little fleet of rafts ! Single-man rafts way out at sea. Towards night we passed a litde group of rocky islands that the Japanese made their base in attacking Port Arthur. They are in the straits leading to the Gulf of Pe-chi-li. The highest is eight hundred and sixty feet, a sheer cliff rising from the sea, and the others average three hundred feet. In the light of the setting sun they were brilliant orange-color, — no grass, no trees, no houses, just great masses of orange rock floating on a dark, rich-blue background and looking as light and ethereal as sunset clouds. Sunday morning found us off Taku bar, but we were two hours too late for high tide, and had to anchor until one o'clock before we could get through the shallow water at the entrance to the Taku River. This river is guarded by the rem nants of two Chinese forts that have been par tially levelled since the Boxer trouble. The coast here is a mud flat that rises above the ocean level GILBERT LITTLE STARK 117 to the majestic height of one foot. The river is of a color that would make our noble home stream look blue as sapphire, and the course of the Taku River is like that of an extraordinarily twisty angle-worm. Its width is such that you could almost jump on shore from either side of the ship. Tientsin lies forty miles up this mud creek, and it took us over six hours to get up. After an hour's travelling in a general inland direction, the character of the country changed from mud flats to fields luxuriant with grain and criss-crossed by streams and groves of wil low-like trees. Villages along the bank were frequent and most picturesque. The houses are built of mud, roof and all, and they usually cluster around a tiny stream under a clump of large, shady trees. The roofs were all loaded with brilliant-colored ears of corn, drying, that made flashes of fire among the masses of green shrubbery. The day was like our most glorious autumn weather, but there is no hint as yet of autumn color in the foliage. It was great sport to watch the wave that our ship raised along the river-bank. A great sweep of water followed us around every curve, and quite flooded the low banks, curving over the grass in a rush of foam like that at the top of a ii8 LETTERS OF glass of chocolate soda-water. Before this wave children, pigs, and chickens fled shrieking with delight and fear. Some of the small river craft were swept about in a terrifying manner, and one flock of ducks was washed squawking into the middle of a tiny field. About dark a heavy thunder and wind storm broke on us with trop ical short notice, and we anchored just in time to keep from being blown on top of the mud village alongshore. For about an hour the rain de scended like a cloud-burst, and the thunder was so incessant that I took it at first for the roaring of the wind. The lightning made the shore look like a cinematograph picture. After the fire works were over, we continued on our way, but as we were late in arriving, I spent the night on board. This city is now next to Shanghai in importance as a foreign centre, and the foreign concessions, with fine roads, shade trees, and gardens, are very beautiful and not a bit Chinese! Every building has a heavy wall on account of recent troubles. I cannot reach Pekin (eighty miles inland) to-day because it is a bank holiday, and I must buy my ticket first, which I cannot do on fifty cents Shanghai money. Each town has different money here, and the value of each coin varies every day in different ratio. Some GILBERT LITTLE STARK 119 days ninety cents, some days a dollar and twenty cents, is a dollar, and the dollar still a different value in pounds. All accounts are kept in taels, and there is no such coin. Oh, what a country! Loads of love, Gilbert. Just a few more details. Coming up the river the village life was as good as a side-show, and we could see every department in action outdoors. Here, a litde donkey walking round and round to trample out grain or turn a litde mill, and there, a couple of men filling irrigating ditches from the river by swinging a bucket between them on a rope, turn ing away like a couple of girls playing jump the rope ; one swing to fill it from the river, and one swing to empty it into the ditch above, and every where pigs, chickens, and children. Now and then a shore whiff told us that a closer acquaint ance would probably dampen our artistic appre ciation of the scene. At places we saw great heaps of salt cov ered with mats and well guarded. This is a government monopoly and a great source of revenue. 120 LETTERS OF The Chinese are not a picturesque people. Their clothes, uniformly blue among the lower classes, are in shape and material very much like the overalls and blue coats that American work men wear, except that the trousers are more baggy. The nearest approach to picturesque- ness is when they strip for action, tie a turban around their heads, tie their trousers about their ankles, and take off their coats ; then they look like Turks. Their faces are very unattractive, although you find nice bright ones at times, and they are all undeniably dirty. Last night I talked pidgin English with one of them for a time dur ing the rain. He wanted me to feel his coat to see how wet it was, and as I did so, my hand touched his chest, which was as slippery with grease as a pan in which you have just fried potatoes. They wash three times a day but never bathe — once at birth and once after death. This is true of mandarins as well, and under their silks they are as dirty as the coolie. I have not yet become used to the pigtails lying like snakes along every man's spinal column. Some are very thick and reach below the knees, where they end in twisted yarn and tassel. When they are at work the coolies twist their tails into a knot on the neck, for all the world like a wo- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 121 man's knot, and as all the women wear trousers, it is sometimes confusing. The front of the head is shaved, and young men usually have a fringe of hair standing straight up along the edge where the hair or pigtail begins. I do not know what our plans will be for the next few weeks, and shall not know until I see Am. However, I will write you fully of our plans from Pekin to-morrow or next day. To-mor row I catch a 3 P. m. train for the capital, which lands me there about 6.30. I miss gready the daily intercourse with the natives that we became accustomed to in Japan. There we made acquaintances at every stop, and always had two or three Japanese that we could count on for a stroll or a meal or a talk. Here one sits around European hotels or strolls through European streets, and the intercourse with the people is limited to giving them orders or kicking them out of the way. I 'm afraid this caste distinction between whites and natives, un known in Japan, will last until we reach Persia. I must say, however, that even if I knew the language, I have not yet seen many natives that I should like to approach familiarly. Here you look on as though each native village were a Midway side-show, and do not enter the life as 122 LETTERS OF in Japan. I wish I had not left there quite so soon. Love, Gilbert. And yet another word. It is now 7 p. m. and I have just returned from a drive. As dinner is not served until eight, I make haste to jot down a few more observations. The Chinese city here was for a time, just after the late Boxer trouble, under international government. During that time the walls about the city were levelled and the space used for a wide road, in the centre of which a trolley line runs. Around this road I have just driven. First, as to the city itself. It is built of mud with a few wooden or purple brick buildings, and between the crowded mass of houses run winding roads that you could reach across with both arms. Of course, foot-travelling or a sedan-chair is the only method of locomotion inside. The houses, alleys, and broad surrounding streets literally swarmed with people, so I had a good chance to continue my investigation of the race type. I have probably looked into hundreds and hundreds of faces this afternoon. There was plenty of interest, no one could deny that : fortune-tellers, story-tellers, barbers, cooks, all GILBERT LITTLE STARK 123 doing business in the street. Now and then a man would pass carrying a bird in the cage or a bunch of squawking ducks. Rickshaws and sedan-chairs were plentifully sprinkled through the crowd, and my mafoo (coachman) had to keep up a continual shouting. But in spite ofthe novelty and interest, I did not enjoy myself. The hostility of the people, the dirt, and the smell are too much in evidence, and you must remem ber that this is supposed to be, by some, the cleanest and best ordered of native cities. The bare bodies that I saw now and then were streaked with dirt and filth that you could see, and often disfigured by skin disease, and the hair of many looked moth-eaten and hung in litde patches on their scalps. The smell was a horrible fried smell that honestly makes me a litde sick now; a whiff of it at sea would put a whole crew flat on their backs, or cause a mad dash for the rail. I was really glad, too, that I did not understand Chinese, for many of the remarks yelled after the carriage were evidendy uncomplimentary and insulting. Then the deformed people, or people with noses missing, were rather unpleas ant, too. Of course there is no danger, for they all know that injury to a foreigner would mean swift, terrible punishment, but when you think 124 LETTERS OF that even the litde children can remember the Boxer troubles seven years ago, when it was al lowed to take a stab at a foreigner, it gives you an eerie feeling. The old men with white mustaches and white pigtails are funny, and so are the dirty litde brats with their pigtails roasted red by the sun. To day I must have seen fifty great fat men, — great human porpoises with yellow, shiny skin and great rolls of fat on their necks ; then, too, there were many of the higher class in long silk robes with drooping mustaches like rat-tails and scrubby litde goatees, just like the picture-book mandarins. The Chinese are not a nice-looking race at all, but sometimes a kindly face looks out of the crowd, or a tall, grave man passes by with quiet dignity. If they were all clean, they might look very different. Another strange sensation that I experienced now and then was finding a face in the crowd that looked exacdy like an Amer ican face, a starding sight. Still other faces were long and looked like horses. You never meet smiles in China. Sometimes they grin at you, but usually they just stare and you have to look through them, not at them, for if they catch your eye, they seem to feel they must GILBERT LITTLE STARK 125 do something unpleasant as quick as they can. I suppose an old resident would call this de scription exaggerated, but it is a true, bona-fide first impression. I may feel very differendy my self before many days. The women are pretty, I think prettier than in Japan, but oh, their feet! They walk stiff- legged, very slowly, as if on stilts, and every step is painful. Sometimes, when they are young, their feet bleed if they walk far. Almost every girl, rich and poor alike, at least here in the North, binds her feet. The only exceptions are outcasts and beggars. The women wear trousers and thick-soled shoes, with litde jackets that fit tight. Sometimes long silk coats. When they go out, the little girls and young women paint their faces thickly with bright red, and rouge their lips, and daub their necks with white powder like flour. The poor people do it very unskil fully and look like clowns, with red streaks even on the forehead, while under their chins and be hind the ears the skin is as brown as an Indian. The lower classes here, by the way, are dark brown, not yellow. Girls wear their hair in a pigtail like the men, with bangs and long locks hanging just in front of the ears, with a curl at the end. Younger women seem here to wear the 126 LETTERS OF hair in a long knot like a banana, while the older ones wear it on top of the head like a Japanese roof Both young and old women draw the hair tight back from the forehead and hang imitation gold, silver, and jade orna ments in front of the ears. Old women often wear flowers and knots of ribbon on their heads. In the South the method Girl was a mixture of the old and young Young woman Old women woman style here. Of course the women never wear hats. When you come into individual con tact with a Chinaman, you don't dislike him. I like the servants I have met, and old residents swear by their boys. The fact is, they attach themselves to you like dogs, and even give their lives for you. During the Boxer massacres many a servant risked and gave his life, not to save his master only, but sometimes to save an almost worthless bit of his master's belongings. There is no doubt that this race has a great future, for it has the force of millions of people, great perseverance, intelligence, and power, and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 127 desire to work, but at present their dirt and hos tility are great drawbacks. Education will cure both, however. Now is a fine time to visit Pekin, for to-day an edict was issued promising the people a con stitutional government. China is on the eve of a great change, and the students are preaching a revolution. Events will march quickly in the next few years, and I am glad to be here to see the be ginning of the change. I shall be able to under stand the history that will be made in the next five or ten years. I expected to find here more glories of art and architecture. I knew that the Japanese borrowed the beginnings of all their civilization from China, but I am disappointed. Japan is now paying back the debt. The big curio stores and art stores here and at Shanghai deal with Japa nese articles for the most part. Schools and gov ernment institutions are run on Japanese meth ods, with Japanese advice, and every hotel table is littered with pamphlets and guides describing the glories of, not China, but the litde island I have just left. At Shanghai just before I left I bought two books on China written by old inhabitants and professed champions of the land. I hoped that 128 LETTERS OF reading these books on the way up would in spire me with love and veneration for this people. They soon restored my good humor, which left me at Shanghai for the first time, but which has now returned for good, but alas for the mis sionary work I hoped they would do ! The first author, after describing several friends and model servants and lauding them to the skies, says, " But on the whole I dislike the people and loathe the country." The second author describes a trip to the Upper Yangtze and the Great Gorges, sixty days from Shanghai by steamer and junk. He finally gave up walk ing ashore at all, because ofthe filth and the great crowds and the dogs, one of which bit a piece out of his leg. All of his sailors and the "great part of the people" he saw were covered with sores caused by the dirt. Yet he revels in the one or two instances of kindness he met for every ten discomforts, and makes out quite a pleasant trip, barring a few shipwrecks and accidents to his coolies on the rocks. As I say, these books restored my humor, though not my rosy antici pations of pleasant days spent in native huts talking with the kindly farmers, that I conjured up, based on Japanese experiences. I believe it is true, however, that the farm-people are more GILBERT LITTLE STARK 129 friendly than the city rabble. My experience so far, you must remember, has been only with the lowest class, corresponding to the tenement people at home. Again I affirm that, although the class is low as low can be, it is not a rowdy or mucker class. Ask Pamela to remember our experience in Chinatown, — to make the streets, in her im agination, five or ten times narrower, to fill them with dead cats, decayed fish, rotten cabbage, garbage, to imagine thousands of people crowd ing about instead ofthe dozens we saw, to plaster the mob with a litde of the street mixture, to set them all yelling, and to season with smells that are different and worse than you ever dreamed at home, and she will have some idea ofthe coun try I am going into the heart of to-morrow. The buildings she and I saw were American. Let her substitute flimsy wood and add lots of pigs. Your loving son, Gilbert. Pekin, September 27, 1907. Dear Family, — My last moan, you may remember, came from Tientsin, where I was waiting for the bloody bank to open. (Of course I threw in that adjective to show you I have 130 LETTERS OF been associating with "The English-") On ten o'clock Tuesday morning it didopen,and I forth with drew enough money to buy a ticket for Pekin, and at 3.15 P. M. I set sail in a most comfortable train, which landed me in the arms of Am. at about 6.30. The Chinese city is surrounded by thick walls, and the Tartar city is protected by a tremendous wall, with huge forbidding towers of pagoda shape over the gates. The Imperial city has a wall, the forbidden city has a wall, and the lega tions have each a separate wall, as indeed has every house and most ofthe stores ofthe natives. For a few moments my train skirted the lower wall of the Chinese city, then, making a dash through a narrow break, it crossed to the oppo site wall, and doubling along the Tartar city defences, came to a halt. When we first en tered the Chinese city, I expected to dash into the midst of a busy capital, but to my great surprise the country inside the wall was ex acdy the same as it had been all the way from Tientsin : low, slighdy wooded and culti vated by turns, with here and there a mud hut. This sort of scenery followed us clear round to the station where we finally dismounted. The fact is that the walls of a Chinese city always GILBERT LITTLE STARK 131 include a great deal of the surrounding country, for protective purposes, and in many places in side the Chinese walls you would not imagine there was a city near. The Chinese city has one wide road that bi sects it, and the Tartar city has a wide road on each side of the Imperial city; there is also a broad road running at right angles to the two main ones and passing between the Imperial city and the legation quarter. For the rest, all the streets of Pekin are narrow, crooked alleys, in the usual state of filth, except throughout the legation quarter. With the exception of the wide streets mentioned, which are lined with stores with open fronts, a ride through Pekin shows you nothing but a line of high walls on both sides of the street. From one of the city towers, how ever, the whole area gives the appearance of a green forest with hardly a house to be seen ! This is because the houses are all surrounded by trees and gardens, which are absolutely hidden by the outer walls when you are on the street level. Am. has been here for two weeks to-day, and has become acquainted with practically every one in town. The foreigners here are limited to diplomats, a few missionaries, and some privi leged business men or capitalists, for the city is 132 LETTERS OF not open to foreigners for residence, and special permission is required to settle here. Therefore, the place is absolutely free from the gamblers, adventurers, and free lances that haunt Shanghai and Tientsin. Ladies are in great demand, for there are only seventeen in town. After dinner on my first night, Amasa took me across the street to call on Mr. J . He is an old inhabitant and a very well-known man here, — a civil engineer who has put through many works for the Chinese government. Outside of the diplomats, he and Mr. M , the elderly correspondent for the London Times, who is said to be the best-known man in China, and Sir Robert Hart, head ofthe Imperial Customs, who has lived here sixty years and is the most distin guished of all foreigners, — these three men are the most respected at Pekin. Mr. J lives in a Chinese house and is very hospitable. Am. has spent most of his mornings lounging about his library. From the outside nothing is visible save a high stone wall with a massive roofed gate. Passing this, you are in a litde stone-paved room, with the gate-keepers' quarters at one side ; facing you is another heavy gate. After passing this second gate, you cross a large garden, and passing down a shady arbor. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 133 are confronted by another wall. The boy who guides you opens a small door and admits you to an inner garden, around which are built the rooms of Mr. J 's house. A couple of bed rooms here in one low building, a stable there, and library and dining-room in the main build ing up a little flag-stoned path to your right. In side are soft leather chairs, a fireplace, and a great jumble of books, old embroideries, Chinese gods and lions, that make an ideal place to lounge. We talked to the owner for an hour, and then strolled up Legation Street to our American compound. The soldier at the gate presented arms as we passed into the large moonlit square around which the barracks were grouped. The whole atmosphere was full of strange sensations, and I felt for almost the first time that I was in a for eign land. Japan and the China ports have been familiar sights like old friends, but Pekin is a new experience. On Wednesday we called on Mr. R , the American minister, and he gave us some good advice as to trips in the country. Mr. J has also been very kind in helping us oudine expe ditions, and soon we start for the interior; but more of that anon. 134 LETTERS OF In the afternoon I took a rickshaw to the Yel low Temple, which lies about a mile outside the upper wall of the Tartar city. The ride was a treat in itself. Down the broad, bumpy street we rolled, past trains of loaded camels coming in from the Gobi Desert or Manchuria, past great fat men astride tiny donkeys that jingled mer rily along nevertheless, past the springless Pekin carts, with elaborate Manchu ladies peering out over the driver's head, street-barbers, peddlers, gamblers, and now and then a mandarin, his chair or cart surrounded by a group of retainers mounted on shaggy China ponies. The temple itself is a large group of marble buildings in semi-ruined condition, set in a weedy but beautiful park. There are great tortoises bearing huge marble columns on their backs and gilded Buddhas of all sizes, but the main sight is a towering dagoba of pure white marble, with every inch of its surface elaborately carved. After the siege Japanese soldiers were quartered here, and amused themselves by chipping off heads from the bas-reliefs, but they could not destroy half of the marvellous work. I was accompanied by two priests and ten or twelve boys, all clamoring for money at every gate. Some of the devices they resorted to in GILBERT LITTLE STARK 135 order to open my pocket were very funny. They would perform acrobatic stunts, or pre tend they had thorns in their feet, or fall down on purpose and then cry piteously. I escaped for a comparatively few cents, however. Our boy Lin, who is an old servant of Mr. R 's, the minister, has just arrived with his credentials, so I will postpone finishing this until later. Later. Young Mr. D , a Harvard 1907 graduate, who is out on a trip like ours and who is visiting Straight, the American Consul at Mukden, came down yesterday to join us in a trip, and at the instigation of Lin and Mr. J we start about daylight to-morrow morning for Kalgan! Kalgan is across the Nankow Pass, through the great wall, and is about five days' march from here. It is the big distributing depot on the route to Mongolia and Siberia, and through it come all the camel trains from the North. We are taking a cook and a coolie, donkeys, and two Pekin springless covered carts. Lin is an old boy of Mr. J ^'s and Mr. R ^'s, and they got him for us, so we are in the safest of hands. He is about seven feet high and acts like a foster- mother to us. We three will have a wonderful time, although the trip will be hard jogging on 136 LETTERS OF the donkeys. I will send you my diary of the trip with all the minute details. It will be about ten days before you hear from me again, so don't worry. Love to all and lots of it, Gilbert. Pekin, October lo, 1907. Dear Family, — Back in Pekin safe and sound. We reached here yesterday, but were so busy finding out about times of boat-sailings and arranging our immediate plans, that this is the first chance I have had to write you. Our trip was a perfect success and quite un usual, and Mr. J tells us that now we have ceased to be globe-trotters and have become "travellers in China." This afternoon or early to-morrow morning we leave by train for Ching-wan-tao on the upper shore of Pe-chi-li Gulf, and to-morrow evening we sail for Shanghai, where we make a rapid change of boats for Hong Kong. The next steamer for Saigon leaves Hong Kong on Octo ber. 30th, so we have a litde over two weeks to use up. At Hong Kong we shall try to catch a boat to the Philippines, if we can get back in time to catch our Saigon boat. If we cannot do GILBERT LITTLE STARK 137 that, we shall probably visit Formosa, which is very near Hong Kong. I have kept a full diary of our twelve-day trip for you, and am getting it in shape to send. It will fill several envelopes, and will give you so much to read that you will forgive me for this skimpy letter and the one I wrote just before starting for Kalgan. Some of them are written in pencil and have rubbed so that I must rewrite them. I shall have to do it on the steamer for Shanghai, and will mail them there so you will get them almost as soon as you get this. We have met many delightful people here in the different legations, and feel almost as much at home as among Saginaw people. I have more on that subject in the diary. To-day is a busy day with packing, telegraph ing for berths, and good-bye calls, so I must hurry to breakfast and work. Love to all and lots of it, Gilbert. Shanghai, October i6, 1907. Dear Ones, — Am. and I left Ching-wan-toa for this place last Friday night by the steamer Kaiping. We were due here Monday, but eight een hours out of Ching-wan-toa we ran across the 138 LETTERS OF S. S. Kwang-Ping of the same company, which was helpless, having broken her propeller. After some excitement, including the capsizing of one ofour small tenders and the confusion of pulling the men out of the water, we attached two cables to the unhappy K.-P. and towed her all the way to Shanghai, reaching here yesterday after a pleasant voyage. The Kaiping had five passen gers besides ourselves, and our accommodations were luxurious. Lin is still with us. We dis covered to-day that he has served not only Mr. J and Mr. R , but the distinguished Sir Robert Hart. Now that I have seen the real China and grown very fond ofthe good, simple-hearted peo ple of China, I apologize to Shanghai for my first slanders. I am enjoying it this time very much, and this hotel is much better than the house where I first stayed. Shanghai is just as foreign as New York or Paris, and about as gay, but we are only here for a brief stay and do not mind the little glimpse of home, for we are beginning to think of home very often now. President Thwing of Westem Reserve Univer sity is here with his wife, and Professor Smith of Columbia and his wife are travelling with them. We spent last evening with his party and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 139 Mr. Nu, head of the Chinese government ar senal works, — a Chinaman of great culture, educated at Exeter, New Hampshire ! After long deliberation on our schedule and talks with many men, we are not going to the Philippines, although it costs us a good deal mentally to cut it out. We leave to-night by steamer for Foochow, China, and on the 21st leave Foochow by steamer for Formosa! Mr. James Davidson says, "Of all the dominions which have ever acknowledged the authority of China, no corresponding portion of area can be compared with Formosa in interest and future importance, and that equally whether we con sider the richness and variety of its soil, its stores of mineral wealth, its scenery, grand and pic turesque; or the character of its inhabitant tribes of savages, as wild and untamed as can be found in all Asia and sufficiendy unknown to please the wildest ethnologist." We have good letters to A , the American consul at Tamsui, Formosa, and are going to try to get up to one of the Japanese frontier posts. The trip is as safe as living in Saginaw, but will be entirely out of the beaten tourist-track. At Pekin we met a great many people and be came great friends with Mr. R , Mr. J , 140 LETTERS OF the legation secretaries, Capt. R , the mili tary attache, and the officers of the American Guard, as well as with Mr. McC of the Associated Press, a young English merchant, and a French banker, Monsieur C . Life at Pekin is interesting, and I was glad to meet the people there and get a taste of diplomatic life, but Shanghai is full of tourists and society, and I am glad we are going to a country where there is neither. At Pekin we had made plans to take a trip into Mongolia and Manchuria with D , Mr. S- , the Consul at Mukden, Capt. R , the attache at Pekin, and M , As sistant Consul at Mukden, who is just out here for a year's vacation. He, by the way, is a master at Groton, and Dick D is filling his place now. This trip would have occupied three weeks, and would have been made by S in his of ficial capacity with a big retinue and guard of soldiers. It was a wonderful chance to see the country, but special orders from Washmgton have made S postpone it a month, and in spite of his urging. Am. and I cannot wait. This morning we had a very pleasant visit with Mr. D , our consul-general here. He asked us to dinner to-night, but we are going on board our Foochow steamer early, and so refused. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 141 At Foochow there is no hotel, so D gave us a good letter to the consul, and he will prob ably entertain us until our boat leaves for Tam sui, Formosa. I am sending you to-day my diary ofthe Mon- gohan trip we have just finished. The boat on which we leave has only two staterooms, but is a nice, comfortable craft, I am told. I have not had letters from home in so long that I am wild to reach Hong Kong, where I know I shall find a big packet. Although we are now behind time on our schedule, don't change your writing schedule, as I think we shall cut out some things and catch up, and anyway it is better to have the mail ahead than behind one. We find that we shall have to sacrifice a great many ofour plans, and are trying to omit wisely. So far, I am sure we have acted for the best and do not regret anything that we have done, for every day has given us some new information or pleasure. From the point of view of health and rest the trip is a great success. In the East there is nothing to do at night, and our bed hour varies from eight to ten, averaging about 9.30. I am 142 LETTERS OF also getting more exercise than I have had in years. Besides the pictures of Mr. S , please find enclosed some Mongol cheese and a strip of Mongol money. On this cheese we practically lived while our carts were lost. Loads and loads of love, Gilbert. P. S. At Pekin we were filled full of informa tion about Manchuria, present affairs in China, Japan, and Korea, and many stories of war-rime and the Boxer trouble by eye-witnesses and per sonal sufferers. For instance, the man who was in the carriage with Baron Ketteler when he was murdered, and who, himself, ran half a mile with a bullet in his hip, pursued by the crowd, is still in Pekin. We are also buying and reading books on recent eastern history, and careful reports of travels by men who stand high here and some of whom we know personally, so the educational side of our trip has been thoroughly justified in China, as I am sure it will be all the way around. Love to all, Gilbert. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 143 Later, October i6, 1907. Dear Family, — Yet another word or two. In this envelope are the pictures taken by Mr. S . On looking them over, I think that the one of the Mongol Queen, of the three belles, and one of the three groups I have marked I, li, III are good. In iii, notice the two deer facing a large crest on the first roof of the temple. These deer are a distinctive mark of Mongol temples and are gilded. In Mongolia we found numbers of larks and a kind of red-billed blackbird almost as large as a crow, with a musical caw. Although it was late for flowers, we saw lots of larkspur, clematis, and edelweiss, and earlier the plains are carpeted with flowers. Mr. S says that on a three days' trip he has collected fifty varieties, as a side-issue of the trip. Looking over my notes and the pictures has brought back very clearly those kindly, red- cheeked, healthy souls who were so kind to us. My detailed notes may bore you, for I feel how cold and bare they are, and how they fail to give you any idea of the warm color, the bracing air, and the simple, kindly folk that we lived among for twelve days, but if they interest you at all, I shall be very glad to know it, for I thought of you 144 GILBEUT LITTLE STARK at every new interest that revealed itself, and thoroughly enjoyed making a record of it for you. Formosa will be fully as interesting, and I hope to send you readable letters from there. Loads of love, Gilbert. Look for the edelweiss in this envelope and save it if you can. Gilbert. CHAPTER III DIARY OF THE MONGOLIAN TRIP A Thousand Li on a Donkey Nankow, China, September 28, 1907. Dear Family, — A thousand // sounds hke a tremendous distance, and that is why I wrote it at the top of this page instead of writing "Three hundred and thirty miles " on said quad ruped, which would mean the same thing. To-morrow we start across Nankow Pass, along the great Mongolian trade route to Kal gan on the Chinese frontier. We decided quite suddenly to come, and our boy Lin arranged our whole outfit for us in half a day. When we de cided on Kalgan as our objective point, we heard the most contradictory reports. We could reach there in any length of time from two days to five, according to our different advisers. We could go in a cart, and yet the road was impassable for anything besides donkeys, and a third assured us that ten days on Chinese donkeys would lay us under the sod without fail. We chose donkeys, however, to carry ourselves, and carts for the baggage, and our retinue left Pekin this morn- 146 LETTERS OF ing and has just drawn up for the night in the inn-compound here at Nankow. We, ourselves, did not come by caravan, but started at eight from Pekin by train, taking with us Lin the boy, Lee the cook, and the coolie. We left the train at the end of the line, and a mile walk brought us to this inn, which a charcoal scrawl over the gate informs us is the "Nankow Hotel — Master's name, Lu Su Chung." We tarried only for a cup of tea, and mounting in haste, clattered down the stone-paved street, forded a shallow stream, and were off for the Ming Tombs before that fast "Seth Thomas" I treasure could race around to half-past twelve. We were four : Lin the loose-jointed. Am. the amiable, Dick, a Harvard man of last year's out put, and myself. Lin being neutral, the bull-dog blue has it two to one on the crimson, but Dick keeps us working hard to catch up. Our mounts deserve honorable mention; they furnished va riety if not speed. Dick rode a zebra. It was officially a mule, but its legs and haunches were the regulation convict pattern. Am. rejoiced in a donkey that really looked like the beast whose name it bore. My horse was a small black pony (my Irish will crop out), and Lin rode a mouse. They called the mouse a donkey, but it could GILBERT LITTLE STARK 147 have strolled about under Am.'s donkey without the slightest inconvenience to either party, and, as Lin has a tendency towards seven feet, the spectacle they presented when in action was like Secretary Taft trying to ride a jack-rabbit, if you can imagine it. Our path was full of stones and great rocks, and soon resolved itself into a mere trail with widening spasms now and then, but it led through beautiful country. The railroad is stopped at Nankow by a range of sharply ser rated mountains that rise abruptly from the plains. We skirted the base of this range, keep ing it always on our left, with the great Pekin plain stretching away to our right, level as the ocean to the horizon. The country seemed rich, and is well cultivated with corn and millet, and the tiny mud-villages we passed through nestled very comfortably beneath large green trees and formed a pleasing contrast in alternate patches of tree shadow and white sunlit wall. After two hours we crossed a low outlying spur of hills and looked down into a level basin, almost round, and about three miles across. At the back, the mountains shot up steeply, with bold, jagged outline against a cloudless blue — bare rock — except where a fringe of rich green foliage hid their bases. From out this green belt gleamed 148 LETTERS OF the gold roofs and scarlet walls of the Ming Tombs. The art of choosing situations is a science and a religion in China. They call it Fengshui, and of all the deep-rooted superstitions of China this one has the deepest roots. Towns, temples, graves, houses, all are placed where they will be safe from the thousand demons, and where they will not offend the Dragon, the Tortoise, and the Snake, those mighty dwellers in the earth by whose forbearance we mortals live on its surface. The Fengshui of these tombs is perfect. For six hundred years the Ming emperors have slept soundly on this slope, protected by the high mountains from the cold winds of the North, looking out across the waving grain-fields and orchards of the basin and over the low east ern hills, along the great plain, to their own capital Pekin, invisible, but straight before them. Strange changes they must have seen in that capital, but up here in the pleasant hills it cannot have troubled them greatly. The tombs are scattered, perhaps half a mile apart, and some woman has said that they peer out like golden pheasants from their native copse. The phrase is fantastic; of course they don't look a bit like pheasants, and no one but a GILBERT LITTLE STARK 149 woman would say so, but there is a suggestion in it of the color scheme that lies before you as you cross the protecting spur. Another twenty minutes through millet-fields and persimmon orchards found us on a broad weed-grown avenue paved with large stone blocks. Up this avenue we rode, across marble bridges, to the very gate of the tomb of Emperor Ming the First. A generous pink wall with an overhanging roof of yellow tiles and a strong locked gate barred further progress, and while one of our donkey boys beat it, on the mouse, down to the village for the key, we had plenty of leisure for tif fin, which we spread on some marble fragments in a near-by grove, and a careful study of the blue and yellow frieze of porcelain dragons above the archway. A small crowd of men and boys came from the fields with their clumsy reaping-hooks and squatted around us on their heels. Ripples of amusement in the audience greeted each stage of the tiffin, and great was the consternation when luxurious Lin opened a bottle of beer he had brought from Pekin, and the froth poured down the bottle's side. At last, an old gentleman, with five long whiskers, a skimpy pigtail, and a long staff, un- I50 LETTERS OF locked the gate with a tremendous iron key. Our entire party, including the audience and the me nagerie on which we had travelled so far, passed through the open gate into a grassy park. At each side was a small square tower, and in front of us a temple-shaped building open to the winds, through which we passed to another part of the garden. This section holds some fine hardwoods and evergreens, and at the right a marble tor toise, large as a piano, stands under a stone can opy, holding on his back a shaft of marble taller than two tall men, on top of which is crouched a leering dragon. Underneath, they tell us, is a living tortoise who has breathed through two tiny holes at the base of the monument for the last six hundred years. When we reached the tortoise pavilion, our smallest donkey had clam bered in ahead of us and stood defying the mon ster bravely. He refused to be coaxed or pushed away, and so we left him, but he soon rejoined us. In a direct line with the outer gate and the temple-shaped gate is the main building, a huge stone temple with a triple terrace leading up to its broad gallery. Along the edge of each terrace is a marble balustrade with elaborately carved posts at frequent intervals. Peacocks, griffins, geese — every design seemed to be unique. This GILBERT LITTLE STARK 151 temple was bare except for a forest of large wooden pillars of teak-wood from Burmah, and one tiny shrine in the centre. From the back of the temple the marble path leads straight on past a yellow porcelain shrine, through two gates, or rather arches, around both sides of a long stone table supporting marble urns, and then directly into the centre of a massive stone tower with a red superstructure of cement-Uke substance. Above, in an open arch and under a flawless red marble shaft inscribed with his royal name, lies the founder of the dynasty of Ming. Lin says his body is in the little shrine of the big temple, but I am sure he is in the huge windowless tower, solid masonry except for the slanting tunnel which leads to the upper platform. Back through the gardens with our retinue, back through the temple with its marble balus trades full of luxuriant bushes and flowers that have sprung up unplanted under the temple gate, a garden growing between the gold-colored tiles of its roof; a dish of tay with the gatekeeper, and a little excitement recapturing the menage rie, and we were off down the marble high way. We followed this old road beyond the place where we had first joined it, and half an hour's 152 LETTERS OF riding brought us to a triple arch, a proud red edifice where ancient pilgrims dismounted from their horses and continued on foot, in the days before the Manchu reign. "Present arms, hi!" There were eight mar ble mandarins performing that honorable ma noeuvre for us as soon as ever we had passed the archway. Dignified princes they are, about ten feet high, with lots of elbow-room, fifty yards of it, between each one. Then four giant soldiers, complete in marble armor, two on each side of us to see we maintained proper dignity, and then begins a menagerie that puts ours to shame. First horses, then griffins, elephants, camels, some un known beast like a unicorn ; last, fierce lions, four of each type, the first pair of each standing, the second sitting; all marble andil^U much larger than life size. They must extendsfor over a mile, and very effective they are, standing in the edge of the millet, with never a fence, or a signboard, or any other ugly artifice to show that they did not grow there. For six hundred years those patient elephants have stood there without feel ing in the least tired, and for six hundred years those supercilious camels have sat peacefully oblivious of the mighty emperors with glittering trains who have visited their fathers' shrines. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 153 A good many millet crops have ripened behind them, and the farmers that plant them have been renewed almost as often as the crops, but nothing has changed and, barring a few picturesque weeds in the roadway, Marco Polo could stroll between the marble sentinels and never know that this was the twentieth, not the fifteenth cen tury. (I 'm not sure that Marco lived in the fif teenth century, or that he ever came up from Pekin to see the tombs, if they existed in his time, but the point is the same, nevertheless.) It took us about three hours to reach Nankow again from the avenue of beasts, but it was an interesting ride and only too short. Am. insisted on greeting the peasants with English remarks, and they answered like an echo with a perfect repetition of his words. " How the hell are you ? " he called to a reaper on the hillside, as he scuttled past on his donkey. " How the hell are you ? " came back the reply in perfect English. Pro viding the sentence was short enough, it was mimicked syllable for syllable. The sun had just set when we passed the city gate, and the narrow stone-paved street was so dark that our animals floundered and shpped from rut to puddle. Our inn is probably the best we shall strike 154 LETTERS OF on the whole trip, as foreigners come here com paratively often. The entrance is through an arched gateway into a large, muddy courtyard full of carts, with donkeys and ponies standing in mud stables along the sides. A gate at the back leads into a clean, stone-paved court, with a mat- roof held above it on pole scaffolding. In the centre of this mat-roof is a square opening to the sky, and directly underneath are some small potted trees. The rooms ofthe hotel are grouped in one-storied buildings around this court. We have taken possession of the proudest room, situated opposite the gate. One ofthe side rooms is occupied by our servants and another is our kitchen. Everything seems very private and quiet. Our room has in it a square Chinese table and some equally square Chinese chairs, and one half of the room is occupied by a brick platform three feet high, covered with a thin grass mat. This is our bed, and if it was only cold enough, they would build a fire underneath to keep us warm. Although we have only made twenty miles to-day, I am sleepy, and bed sounds hke a mighty good place. Good-night. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 155 Whei-lei-chen, Chili Province, September 29, Sunday. Lin called us at five-thirty this morning, and by half-past six our valiant cook had prepared a feast for us — good coffee, bacon and eggs, and a little chicken left from yesterday. We started on foot, leaving the donkeys and carts to follow. Our cavalcade is now of quite imposing pro portions. Two covered springless carts, with a driver and two horses tandem apiece, to carry the bedding and guns. Four donkeys — two gray and two black — with horse-hair bridles and great red pads instead of saddles. Two donkey boys, one cook, one coolie, Lin, and we three pilgrims. The cook presides over one cart, while the coolie crouches on the shafts of the other; the drivers walk. Our road led, first, straight into the moun tains beside a clear running stream. The ground is too steep for cultivation, but villages are fre quent and the hillsides are covered with flocks of sheep or herds of goats and camels. Just as we were entering one picturesque walled town, with a ponderous, frowning gate, a mass of sheep rushed towards us from the other side. For al most ten minutes they poured out like a great 156 LETTERS OF river, and the rubbing of fleece against fleece was like the sound of rushing water. The shepherds told Lin that they had twelve hundred animals in their flock. The life ofthe road is always changing and al ways interesting. Lumbering two-wheeled carts, from the covered depths of which some painted and be-flowered Manchu lady peers; trains of soft-footed camels; strings of donkeys carrying loads of grain three times their own size; beg gars in ragged cloaks; mounted farmers from the hills trotting down to market — one could never tire of it all. About half-past ten we reached the summit of the pass, and on the ridge ahead of us, curved like a long snake and climbing the steepest crests as far as the eye could reach, was the Great Wall of China. We soon reached the tower through which the road passes, and, turning our donkeys loose to graze, we climbed the wall. The top is as wide as an ordinary road, and grown with grass and flowers. On one side you look down the pass and even catch a distant ghmpse of the Pekin plain. On the other side you look over parapets, across a fertile plateau, to a srill higher range of jagged peaks. To left and right the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 157 wall winds up and down over the mountains, out of sight. While Lin spread the tiffin in a shady ruined tower, we climbed along the top of the wall to another large tower perhaps eight hundred feet higher. At some places the angle of ascent was more than forty-five degrees, and instead of a slanting roadway we climbed steep steps of stone. We lingered perhaps an hour over tiffin, then pushed on for fifty-eight li to this inn at Whei- lei-chen. From the wall, the road led through the valley we had looked into from the wall, over a desert-like plain on which the frequent villages made green oases. The first startling sight was a dead camel by the roadside, with eight men squatting about, skinning the creature with long knives. As we approached one village, a wild- looking horseman rode up on a gaunt, long- legged pony. His clothes were padded like quilts and he wore a fur cap, for it is cool here even at midday. Over his saddle were draped blankets and sheepskins. Am. took off his belt and started beating his little donkey, and the wild horseman took up the challenge; so off we dashed in a mad race for the gate. The Mongolian won, and van ished in a cloud of dust down the road. Towards five o'clock we sighted a large temple 158 LETTERS OF or monastery covering the top ofa small hill, and just behind it the battlements and wall-towers of a large city, with three stone arches of a ruined bridge reaching out at the side into a river that ran along the wall. The streets of this town were neither paved with ill-sorted stone slabs, nor filled with deep mud ruts, but they were level, clean, and gravelly, and the houses had a stone terrace along the front covered by the house-roof, supported with slender pillars at the outer edge. Nearly every house had at least one cage of birds hanging out in front, and some of the men were sitting on the stone porches holding twigs on which were perched birds tied by the foot. I think that these birds are larks or thrushes. The inn where we are quartered is a large one, but all of the rooms open on the court where fhe animals are kept. While we were eating dinner by candle-light, two donkeys alternately peered in the door or danced a clog on the brick platform outside. It is very cold, almost like December nights at home, but the weather has been cloudless for two days, and so clear that the tiniest details of distant hills are visible. It is remarkable what our cook manages to GILBERT LITfLE STARK 159 do. We brought with us only salt, pepper, but ter, tea, coffee, sugar, and a little bread and jam, expecting to rough it, but we are living hke kings, entirely off the country. To-night we had millet soup, fresh fish, roast mutton and green peas, broiled chicken, apples, grapes, and dehcious tea. Beat that if you can. Hurrah for the wilds of Mongolia ! they have Sherry's lashed to the mast! Good-night. Ching-ming-ee, Chili, China, September 30, 1907. This morning at six o'clock Lin brought in candles and told us it was time to get up. A dim gray light filtered through our paper window, and the brick floor was clammy to the foot. Old South Middle was draughty, and the mornings in New Haven are sometimes very cold, but this morning was a record-breaker. I think I shall surely invest in a fur coat at Kalgan. Am. stripped and stood out in the courtyard, while I threw buckets of icy water over him, to the great delight of the animals and drivers that were awake. After a good hot breakfast we started down the road. This has been the third cloudless day, and the air has been crisp and keen, so that even at noon i6o LETTERS OF our hands were stiff with cold, and the wind sweeping down from the mountains fairly sends your blood bounding through your veins. All day we have been travelling down the val ley we entered yesterday, with high rocky peaks on both sides of us, shutting us in behind and ahead. There is no vegetation on these hills, and the colors are like Colorado and Arizona. The valley floor is perhaps fifteen miles broadj and I should judge over fifty miles in length, and it is planted with fields of millet and buck wheat. The frequent mud villages have disappeared in this more exposed country, and all the houses are gathered into walled towns about four miles apart. The character of the valley formation is exactly what I have always imagined Palestine to be. A road now spreading out into a broad caravan track, now cutting down into the soil, with high mud sides perpendicular and broken fantastically. Strings of camels, and tall, graceful trees forming oases around a little pool or stream. The people hide their pigtails under turbans or round caps, and it is hard to believe that this is China. We stopped for tiffin at a large town, with high walls in excellent preservation. As the sunny GILBERT LITTLE STARK i6i side of our caravanserai was teeming with flies, and the shady side too cool for comfort, Dick and I sat in the street to write. I think there must have been twenty spectators gathered close around each of us, and we could easily catch the sense of their remarks. "What a stupid man! see, he writes across the page, and backwards at that ! Oh, these foreigners ! " Just before we left the inn, I saw our cook calmly sawing off the heads from two or three hens with a carving knife, so I guess we shall have chicken for some time. All afternoon we had a companion. He was a little Mohammedan boy returning home from a visit to neighbors. He wore a black round brimless cap with a red button; a long gray wadded coat belted at the waist; white baggy trousers tucked into green shoes with thick soles of white felt, and his tiny stiff pigtail was wrapped with red string. He was very sociable, and en- enjoyed travelling with us because he could watch our queer ways. We called him Commo dore, and that tickled him so that he gave us some dried beans to chew. During the afternoon we bought some fresh dates. They are about the shape and color of pecan nuts and taste a bit like an apple. The i62 LETTERS OF real apples you get here are small, but excel lent in flavor. The pears are mostly wood and water, like the Japanese nahi, and the grapes are tart and very refreshing. We reached Ching-ming-ee at five o'clock, and turned into the yard of an inn built outside the city walls and right against them. It is the most picturesque inn we have yet seen. The battle ments on this wall, which is perhaps twenty-five feet high, are in much better repair than usual. I did not see even a broken parapet, and the towers are frequent and imposing. Before the inn is a pleasing view over the whole valley, with a river at the farther side, overhung now by long shreds of mist. Above the parapets, under which we are resting, is the top of a very high, steep table-mountain. We can just make out the form of two clusters of temples on the summit, with a bridge connecting them, a great arch through which we can see the light, but so far above us that it looks like a pin-hole through the rock; they tell us it is all of marble. It would be an in teresting ascent if we had time, but it is so steep that it would take at least one whole day for the expedition. To-night the colors are like a picture by Max- field Parrish. A yellow sky behind the jagged GILBERT LITTLE STARK 163 mountains, and all the rich browns and greens of wall and valley melted into a misty blue, through which details are lost and the passing camel magnified to a tremendous shadowy size. These beasts always travel at night so they can have a clear road, and they start their day's work just as we end ours. They have closed the courtyard gate, candles are lighted, and supper is on the table; after supper — bed. Chuen-Wha-Fu, Chili, China, October i, 1907. A very cold day it has been. We started while the valley was still misty and ascended a river gorge, behind the sacred mountain, on to a small plateau that is evidently submerged at high wa ter. Here we forded several small streams, whip ping our donkeys back to bring the boys over, although at one place a human ferry saved us the trouble; we also got some good pictures of a large herd of camels drinking. We see from three to six hundred of these beasts daily, and if our average keeps up, will have passed from three to six thousand of them on the road before we re turn to Pekin. A pass, with a wall built along the outer edge ofi the sohd rock roadway, led us i64 LETTERS OF to our third plateau, a sandy, mountain-enclosed plain possibly thirty miles in length and dotted with willow trees. In the hills of the pass we heard pheasants chuckling at us from every ridge, and saw a large flock of wild geese. We ate tiffin at an unusually small and poor village, and hurried on about one o'clock. Dur ing the afternoon it rained very hard for an hour, so we did not make such good time as usual. Towards evening it cleared, and we saw the walls of a very large city, Chuen-Wha-Fu, where we are now resting. The walls enclose a space that must be three miles square, and are in perfect repair. The wall itself is about forty feet high, and the corner towers and two-storied gates are twice the height. The town is busy and interesting, and seems to drive a thriving trade in sheep skin coats. Our noble cook has just invested in one. We were escorted on our ramble through the streets by about fifty mild barbarians who caused no trouble at all. Am. turned at one corner and gave them a long harangue on the joys and merits of supporting the PopuHst party. "What has the Repubhcan party done for you ? " he shouted. They appeared politely interested, but did not pledge their votes. Many of the shops had im- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 165 ages of monkeys with red faces guarding the goods. Our evening meal is a never-ending delight. It is always served in a bare, plastered room, with one or two fantastic Chinese prints pasted on the wall, and half the room occupied by the big stove-bed. Lin spreads the table with a snowy cloth, and the two candles we allow throw great shadows over the brick floor and into all the cor ners. Lin ghdes quietly about in the darkness behind our chairs, and places course after course of fresh, well-cooked food before us, which the coolie brings from the kitchen. All this luxury at about half the price per day of a poor hotel at home. We are all in perfect health so far, and fit as fiddles. *' Full of Health and Hunger," as Dick says. To-morrow we reach Kalgan and the Mongolian frontier. Kalgan, Wednesday, October 2, 1907. This is the strangest, most interesting place we have seen in China. It is well worth coming to see, even if the country along the road were deadly dull, which it is not. The town is very large, one hundred thousand inhabitants, and is not confined to the city walls, but spreads over the surrounding country. It is the great depot. 1 66 LETTERS OF the clearing-house between China and Mongolia, and a large proportion of its population is float ing. Whole streets along the outskirts are filled with temporary shops and tents, and look like circus encampments. We left Chuen-Wha-Fu rather later than we usually start on the day's journey, and have travelled much more leisurely than our custom is, for the day's stage has been only sixty li. Towards ten o'clock Dick became excited by the flocks of pigeons wheeling above the millet-fields, and the pheasants chuckling on the ridges, and unlimbering his shotgun, took to the fields. He was followed by one of our donkey boys leading Dick's beast, expecting in the simplicity of his Chinese soul to bring the donkey back loaded with game. All the peasants within sight left their reaping and joined the procession, and as they drew farther off across the open country, we saw two wild-looking individuals with long red tasselled spears come sprinting over the lea towards our luckless Dick. Lin informed us, however, that they were not bandits, but only part of some official's escort, who were curious to see what the foolish foreigner was up to. When Dick rejoined us with a bag of pigeons, he told us that it had been very difficult to avoid adding GILBERT LITTLE STARK 167 several farmers to the day's kill, as the gentle rustics insisted on peering down the barrel when ever he made ready to shoot. Wanted to watch the bullet come out, you know. Then, whenever he dropped a bird, the whole procession would beat it to the spot, to watch the death-struggle, and every empty shell that he threw away almost caused civil war. The life of the road is more and more inter esting day by day. Travel a sample mile of it with me. A long train of camels, sixty or a hun dred of them, loaded with wool and grain. Some of the drivers are walking and some are being tossed about like ships at sea on the summits of the swaying camel-packs. Each beast is fastened to the one in front by a rope through its nose, and the hindermost wears a deep-toned brass bell a foot long. All through the night we hear the slow, solemn bells ofthe passing camel-trains. Usually they take no notice as we pass, but sometimes they swing their long necks toward us and wither us with a supercilious stare. I can bear anything but the contempt of a camel ! The camels are no sooner past than a party of northern farmers trot by on shaggy ponies, wear ing round black caps or fur hats, and sheep or goatskin coats, with thick, quilted trousers that 1 68 LETTERS OF stick out hke a Dutchman's breeches. Far ahead we see a cloud of dust and a low line like an advancing army stretching across the road, and before long we are struggling through a sheep- jani, with long-necked, Roman-nosed, fat-tailed beasts packed close against our legs. Droves of hogs, herds of square goats with long blue hair and curly horns, droves of ponies, lines of riny donkeys buried under great loads of millet, Pekin carts, sedan-chairs, palanquins swung between two mules walking Indian-file, two- wheeled open carts with five strong mules to pull them, foot-travellers or porters with loads balanced on each end of a long pole. These things we see not once a day, but as many times a day as there are fingers and toes in the party, I was going to add eyes, but we are not well furnished with eyes. We have ten humans, if you count the coolie as one, and eight animals in our train, but, instead of thirty-six eyes, we content ourselves with thirty-two. One of the cart mules has none, his mate has only one, and Bat-Eyed Bill, the first donkey agitator, leers at us with one glistening orb, the other being of an opaque whiteness highly valued in a pearl, but not much esteemed in the human eye. , At noon we lunched in the Holy Land. We GILBERT LITTLE STARK 169 had been crossing a desert-like plain, from which we looked back on the far-off walls of Chuen- Wha-Fu surrounded by groves of willows and red-topped millet-fields. Atlastthesefaded away, and not a green bush did we see, until towards noon we drew near a group of wide-spreading elms. Beneath their shade was a pool, with wash-women kneehng at its edge, and three camels standing like statues; on the farther bank was a rambling inn and a crowd of carts and donkeys. During the hour we allowed for rest I sat under one of the great trees, writing and eat ing grapes. A simple occupation one might think, and yet it furnished mild amusement to no less than, forty persons who stood about me, five deep at least. Two or three soldiers >vere in the audience, with muzzle-loaders strapped on to their backs, several spearmen from the train of some official who was taking tea at the inn, sun burnt farmers, camel-drivers, a priest with shaven head, a prosperous-looking trader who made a friendly speech of great length, not one word of which I could understand, and three children for every grown-up ofthe party. Funny children, with red worsted pigtails sticking out in every direction, like Topsy's, a ring in one ear, and pantaloons like overalls without any seats at all. 170 LETTERS OF It was a very polite crowd, and if I wanted to see an object in the distance in any direction, I had only to wave my hand, and the crowd rolled back like the Red Sea, opening up a lane wide enough for the Lord Mayor to pass through. We reached Kalgan early in the afternoon, and found the good rooms at most ofthe inns already taken, but we discovered that the Catholic mis sionary was away, and finally persuaded his ser vants to admit us to the mission compound, where we were very comfortable. We soon learned that there are only five foreigners here, and two of them are Americans. As we wished to get some information that our boys could not discover about the return route, we set out about five o'clock to visit these Americans at their com pound, a mile distant. Mr. and Mrs. S received us heartily, and told us that they were missionaries and had been in Kalgan for thirty years. Mr. S assured us that we would be very foolish to return to Pekin without pushing on for a little way into Mongolia. The result of the visit was that Mr. S has decided to take a vacation for three days and lead us into Mongolia, to visit an old Mongol priest that he has known for years. It is a windfall of good fortune for us, as Mr. S GILBERT LITTLE STARK 171 is excellently well informed on things Mongolian. He fled the whole length of the country in 1900 to escape the Boxers, reaching the Russian rail way at Lake Baikal after two months' travel in camel carts with women and children. We start to-morrow at 6.30, and shall be back in Kalgan on Saturday night. The street on which we are quartered is awide, dusty thoroughfare with a double row of shops and tent-stalls on each side, where you can buy furs and brasses of all descriptions. They have even Russian samovars that have travelled down from Siberia. The street is full of life and sun shine, and noisy with the jangle of bells and shouting and clatter of traffic. As the twilight deepens, long, soft-footed trains of camels steal out of the inn-gates like shadows, and the mournful "tonk-tonk" ofthe camel-bells begins and lasts until morning. Da Shoya's tents, Mongolia, Thursday, October 3. This morning we were up before the sun, and Am. shivered in the courtyard while I applied the Swedish cold-water treatment to his spinal col umn, to the great glee of the inhabitants of Kal gan. Mr. S appeared with his white pony 172 LETTERS OF and a roll of bedding before we were through breakfast, and we were off without delay. We have not carried out our threats to buy fur coats here, for Mrs. S with kind forethought sent down three. We have invested in heavy gloves, however, and they are not a luxury but a necessity ! Just before leaving the city this morning, we entered a delightful quarter, with neat houses and abroad street, in the centreof which bloomed flower gardens. Birds in cages hung at every door, and a temple on the city wall gave an air of calm protection. "What sort of a paradise is this ? " cried Dick, and imagine the cynical joy with which we three embryo bachelors learned that it is an Eden without an Eve. It is a "Men- only" district, and the fair sex may not settle therein to sow discord among men; and yet I imagine the dwellers therein must be rather lone some, for all their flowers and birds and quiet houses. Just beyond this quarter we passed through a gate in the real Great Wall of China and were in Mongolia. The wall at Nankow is a modern wing, we are told, a garish new thing of a slightly later date than the Crusades, but this is the outer ring, the-one-and-only-all-others-imitations Great Wall, antedating the Christian Era. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 173 It is not a massive crenellated fortress like the Nankow wall. It was built before men knew how to shape blocks of stone, and is a monument of almost prehistoric times. It is triangular, about fifteen feet high and fifteen feet wide at the base, with hardly room at the top for a man to walk. It is a grim pile of loose cobbles and boulders that have clung together some way for more than two thousand years. It walks over mountains that rise half a mile straight in the air, and on every hill-top it shoots up a formid able tower. It is a rude, elemental thing, but you feel like taking off your hat to it. Just beyond the wall they were holding a pony fair, and we saw our first real Mongols — red men, with broad faces, narrow eyes, and teeth white as milk. All that we saw at the fair wore long quilted robes of yellow or purple and had short hair; horse-trading priests, faith land they looked like jolly men as well. Kalgan is at the end of a bhnd valley leading up from the main plateau, but the hills before us opened up at our approach, and for five hours we ascended a pass, more interesting than the Nankow Pass. The only village that we passed was a village of cave-dwelhng Chinese, and inns were rare. High above the pass is the perfect 174 LETTERS OF arch of a natural bridge in the rock. When Genghis Khan first came their way, he shot an arrow through the crest of this hill. If any stupid foreigner doubts the tale, let him come and see for himself. It must be true — there is the hole ! Trains of primitive ox-carts wound down the pass, loaded with stiff skins and hides. These carts are the second form in the development of wagons from rollers to pneumatic tires. The two wheels are solid and the axle turns with them. The road is very rough in places, and we passed two carts with wheels in air and the unfortunate ox struggling in a tangle of harness. We stopped for a short rest at the summit, five thousand feet above sea level. There is a small lake here, a very rude inn, and a ruined tower of the great wall, — Haknoor, Mr. S called it. A descent of five hundred feet led to a broad, rolling plain that stretched to the north as far as we could see ; the nearest edge was broken by scattered fields of oats and mustard, but the plain proper is clean grass-land, an Asiatic Mon tana, without a tree or even a sage-brush scrub in sight. Only grass, tough yellow and green grass, and distant herds of grazing cattle scat tered over it like grains of black pepper. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 175 The roads became manifold and hard to fol low, and at one of the worst tangles of track we left a donkey boy to show the carters which way we had taken, for the rolling hillocks were so frequent that we could not count on their keep ing us in sight. Mr. S was rather in favor of waiting for the carts and keeping together, but we insisted on pressing ahead. The boy re fused to stay at first, saying that he was afraid, but we insisted, for the only possible danger was wolves, and they are not in evidence until win ter. After half a dayof steady travelling, we came in sight of our destination. A brick wall and gate enclosing three or four low buildings and six round felt tents. Our approach sent a cloud of sparrows, swallows, and pigeons wheeling into the air and all the dogs barking. The servants greeted us and led us into one of the buildings, where our host welcomed us as heartily as though we had come at his invitation instead of our own. He is a short man with a large, close-cropped head. His face is broad and high-cheeked and scarred. He is the eldest son of the former gov ernor of this part of Mongoha, in days before the Eight Banners paid taxes at Kalgan to Chinese officials. He was made a priest as half the Mon- 176 LETTERS OF gol boys are, but later he married and became what is called a business priest, losing the head ship of the family by his act. He left the old home in possession of his brother, whom we shall visit to-morrow, and built this place where he now lives with his family and several famihes of servants. The Mongols are called nomadic, but they do not move often, and rich men like Da Shoya, who have comfortable quarters and broad lands, never move. Mr. S did the necessary talking, and ex plained who we were, while our efforts were turned towards Mongol curd cheese and salted tea. The cheese was very good, and the tea thirst- quenching in spite of the salt. After tea we went out to look for signs of the carts, but although we had been in an hour and the sun was sinking rapidly, there was no sign of our stores and bedding. After a little longer wait, Mr. S saddled his pony and started off in search. The rest of us were helpless, with our ignorance of the country and language, and could only wait. Mr. S had been out of sight only half an hour, when a black cloud swept dovm from the north and poured a flood of rain and hail on us to the steady accompaniment of thunder. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 177 The big Siberian dogs chained under a cart in the compound came out and growled at the storm, but the fierce hail drove them back with their tails between their legs. It was a beautiful storm, with the setting sun gleaming through it on each side and a double rainbow in the east, but it caused us a great deal of alarm on Mr. S 's account. After the storm it grew dark almost immediately, and was bitterly cold. The ground was slippery, with an inch of ice which showed no signs of melting, and the roads, so puzzling in daylight, would be almost impossible at night. Besides, although he seems as strong as any of us, he is sixty-five years old, and the exposure in that storm would not be pleasant for the youngest of men. We hung out a lantern and shot off guns at intervals, taking turns at standing out in the cold to listen for a call. At last we heard some one shout, and all rushed out and led Mr. S back in triumph. No news of the carts or of the donkey boy we left behind. We are gathered in one of the round felt tents which is floored with thick mats. A bright fire of dried manure is glowing in a brazier in the centre of the tent and filhng our eyes with acrid smoke. We have just finished an excellent stew 178 LETTERS OF and some oil-cakes which our host sent in, and a pile of shaggy goatskins promises a comfort able night for us without our usual blankets. A young Mongol priest in bright yellow and a red- cheeked, white-toothed boy are sitting with us, to blow our fire when it dies down. The top of the tent is open and we cah see the stars. Our carters will have a cold night on the plains — if we were not so comfortable, this would be almost an adventure ! Da Shoya's tents, Mongolia, Friday, October 4. Another glorious day without a cloud. This morning we visited a small group of Mongol priests who live a few miles to the west of Da Shoya, in hopes of learning something of our carts. Our first stop was at the tent of a small caravan which had not yet begun the day's travel. The owners asked us to enter, with the true courtesy that very poor people have, the world over, and as a polite form, they asked us to share the soupy mess which they were all eat ing out of the same pot. We learned from them that our donkey boy stopped at their tent this morning very early and asked if they had seen any foreigners. As they could not give him news GILBERT LITTLE STARK 179 of us, he travelled on to the north. So he did not meet the carts after all, and had been alone on the plains all night. We stopped for a short cup of tea with the priests, who looked like convicts but treated us like old friends, and then hurried back to our tent to plan a campaign. We three were useless and Mr. S 's horse was tired and had not been fed for hours, so we left the search for carts and donkey boy in the hands of San Lama, the young priest who had sat with us last evening and who proves to be Da Shoya's head servant. He willingly saddled his horse and was off at a dead run. All of these Mongols ride as if they had been born in the saddle, the women as well as the men. At noon we made our third Mongol meal on scalded milk, curd cheese, tea, and eggs, with an oatmeal cake, which these people use as freely as most Orientals use rice. During our noon meal we heard a great commotion outside, and looking out saw a crowd of people bobbing at each other and shaking their own hands, and in the centre of it all was the lost donkey boy and a Chinaman who had found him some fifteen // away and guided him here. He had spent the night with some friendly shepherds and had not seen the carts. This place is very hard for a i8o LETTERS OF stranger to find, for it is not near any settlement nor on any regular road, and the name Da Shoya simply means "elder brother." In the afternoon we rode across country to the old home of our host's family, which he was forced to leave when he became a "marrying priest." The younger brother who lives there is called Su Shoya, or "temple brother," because adjoining the house grounds is an old temple where the family ancestors are worshipped. The priest willingly led us through the building, which is full of treasures that no price could buy from them. The interior is dimly lighted and full of rugs and soft carpets and hanging flags or draperies and the smell of incense. There are half-seen gilded idols, with tiny lamps gleaming before them. The seats for the priests are low, soft cushions, with rug-covered backs, and on the tables before them are gold and silver bells and bronze incense-burners. The priests showed us their ceremonial robes and tall, yellow-plumed hats like Grecian helmets, and the telescope horns twenty feet long that they use in great ceremonies, and the little silver trumpets with gold figures in relief. The priests were very kind and a fine-looking set of men, and I could not help thinking how interesting it would be to live GILBERT LITTLE STARK 18 1 in one of these Mongol temples for half a year and study their lives and ceremonies and reli gion. The Buddhism in Mongoha is untinged with Chinese philosophy and comes direct from Thibet. The ceremonies and prayer wheels are pure Thibetan, and the prayers are all in that strange language. Su Shoya's house is much more pretentious than his elder brother's, and he has some real jade and carved crystal which his father owned. We were received by his sister, a remarkable old lady, who has been the wife of a northern tribal king, and who was lately sent home in all honor and with a suitable allowance, for the same reason that an emperor once set aside Josephine Beauharnais. She is a queen in her own house hold, and is much loved by all the family and ser vants. She is an apple-cheeked old lady, who dresses plainly in heavy silk and does not use the beaten-silver ornaments at all that her humbler sisters wear, even when milking the cows; but there is an air of dignity about her jolly, bright flow of talk, that all women have who have been used to being obeyed always and without ques tion. She had the servants hustling about, and soon we were dipping our cheese into bowls of i82 LETTERS OF thick, sweetened cream, the greatest delicacy a Mongol host can offer. The head servant at this house looks just hke one of Cooper's Indians, a thought which struck us all. Among these people, the head servant is held to be a member of the family, and some times takes precedence over even the elder son. The head servant and the kind old lady pressed us to spend the night, but while we were mak ing our excuses, up dashed Polyphemus, better known as Bat-Eyed Bill, the half-blind donkey boy, with the welcome news that San Lama had returned with the carts after an all day's search. To-night Lee the cook did his best, and we invited Da Shoya to a foreign dinner. After wards we gathered in his house and amused him with some American close harmony. Am. also recited a string of nonsense from " Alice in Won derland," accompanied with extempore grimaces of a startling character which tickled them all, from our hosts to the tiny serving-boys ; the lady of the house, who was hiding in a dark corner of the brick stove-bed, where we could dimly see her silver ornaments reflecting the candle, could not repress a few titters. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 183 Kalgan, Chili, China, Saturday, October5. This morning we left Da Shoya's and made the 105 li to Kalgan in very good time, about eight hours of actual travel. Our brief glimpse of Mongolia has certainly been a pleasant one and profitable, and we all feel that we shall come back some time, as one always feels on leaving a pleasant place. The people are so healthy and simple and kindly that you cannot choose but like them and want to know them better. About half of the men are priests, and they wear short hair and yellow, purple, or red robes. Their priesthood does not, however, prevent their dealing in cattle and horses, and making horse-racing a great feature of their temple festivals. The men who are not priests wear pigtails and dress in long robes of a soberer color. Both classes wear heavy leather boots lined with felt or fur. The women wear boots, and robes that are a little looser than the men's, but instead of round caps, they wind their heads in cloth turbans. Even the poorest women wear heavy ornaments of red beads and beaten silver, which they hang, not in the ears, but from a band across the forehead. All, except the very i84 LETTERS OF wealthy, live in round felt tents with open tops, which are closed by a flap in stormy weather. The only fuel is dried manure, and the only oc cupation is stock-raising. Already the Chinese have begun to cultivate the edge of the plains, and the Mongols are slowly tending to move northward and westward, where there is more room for their sheep and goats and horses and camels to graze. It is a bitter pill to a race that has had its own rulers sitting on the throne at Pekin in the days of Kubla Khan and his an cestors. There is also no money among these people; coins are used only as ornaments for women and boys, and the nearest approach to currency is the strips of silk which are presented to the priests as offerings. These silk strips are used in exchange by the priests at a value cor responding to four American cents. When we left this morning, the only payment which our hosts would accept for their trouble and shelter and provisions was a spoiled kodak film, a celluloid soap-box, and a pair of scissors ! Shan-si-fu, October 6, 1907. To-day we left Kalgan for Pekin, lunched at Chuen-Wha-Fu, where we spent our last night on the way up, and pushed on to this place, a meagre GILBERT LITTLE STARK 185 village, with mud walls and a small inn. The weather continues to be a series of blue and gold days, and the crisp, keen air makes it not only possible but pleasant to travel ten solid hours. Before undertaking this trip I expected, from what reading I had done, that the inns would be filthy, the people insolently curious, and the towns reeking with offence to eye and nose. On the contrary, we have not once discovered any unwelcome guests in bed or room, except two donkeys and one rat, and the only dirt that we have had to put up with has been the dust of travel. The village streets here are clean and broad, and every house has one or sometimes four or five cages at the door, in which are larks as big as robins. We have walked by the noses of hundreds of big shaggy dogs, without having them turn a hair, and yet we were told that these peaceful creatures make it impossible to pass through a country-town on foot! And as for crowds, although our every action has been fol lowed by a rather large assembly, never once have we met with anything but courtesy and good-will and friendly advances. Even when Am. insisted on making Enghsh political speeches to them. To-morrow we shall make a very long day of i86 LETTERS OF it, and arrive at Nankow on Tuesday night, shortening the down trip by a whole day. Whei-lei-chen, October 7, 1907. This morning we breakfasted at a little after four and travelled for over an hour before sun rise. It was very cold, but the changing colors and growing light in the rocky gorge down which we travelled toward Ching-ming-ee were beau tiful, and the morning star remained in sight until we reached the river bottom just behind the sacred mountain. At Ching-ming-ee the landlord of the inn where we had stopped on the way up returned to us 180 Mexican dollars which Am. had lost, he did not know where ! That was the last blow to our preconceived notions of the Chinese, for our inn-keeper did not even know that we were returning this way. Of course the recovery is probably due to the severe penalties against stealing, but, nevertheless, the occurrence is remarkable. This Whei-lei-chen is the town with the ruined stone bridge and the monastery fortress on a hill, where we stayed the first night on our trip up country. We have made one hundred and forty li to-day and are all a bit tired. You should GILBERT LITTLE STARK 187 see the sunburn on Am. and Dick, but I suppose I am just as much burned as the rest, for if I look cross-eyed, I can see the end of my nose glowing like a live coal. To-day the air has been full of wild geese, and we have passed pheasants and blue cranes innu merable. It has been our tenth almost cloud less day, and the light and color and vigor in the air cannot be described. There is no charm about this country of the sort that you feel in Japan. It is a hard, rocky, briUiant, treeless land, where the people work hard from sunrise to sunset, and sleep hard from sunset to sunrise, and have no luxuries; they do not even try to amuse themselves, these people ; they have none but the crudest arts or comforts, and yet they are as happy as any people I have ever seen. No, there is no charm about this land, but there is certainly great fascination. The boldness of outline and the pure cold air and clean sunlight do not tire you, as mere prettiness often does; and although we do nothing but walk and eat and sleep, it has never once occurred to us to be bored, as one is often in the cities. All of these walled towns like Whei-lei-chen are surrounded by groups of beaten clay floors like tennis courts, and on these floors whole i88 LETTERS OF families work, just as families worked while the Bible was being written. At one end ofthe floor the boys are unloading millet from the donkeys and stacking it in heaps. In the centre a blind folded donkey is dragging a stone roller round and round over the grain. The young men are using flails on other heaps of millet, and the old men help with lighter paddles. The women take the threshed grain in long willow trays and toss it high in the air, so that the chaff is blown away in a light cloud and the grain falls in a neat pile on the clean, hard floor. As we drew near to Whei-lei-chen this afternoon we passed group after group of these threshing-floors, six or eight clustered together under heavy masses of willow foliage. Each floor was gay with the bright clothing of the women and children and the bare backs of the men, and from each floor we caught scraps of laughter arid the quavering falsetto songs that the Chinese love. The light was a mellow glow, like those rich floods of late sun shine that Corot poured into his landscapes; the piles of dry stalks gleamed with warm reds and browns, and the clouds of chaff that the win nowers threw into the air, a dozen clouds in sight at once, caught the sun and showed like puffs of golden smoke. A pleasant picture with a back- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 189 ground of crenellated wall and jagged moun tains, and a rich deep blue above. Nankow, October 8, 1907. To-day we have finished our thousand li, with a trifle over to our credit. To-morrow we shall catch the early train for Pekin. To-night we have seen the last of Bill Bat- Eye, who is always cold, and the wilhng Sheep skin Boy, as we called the other donkey-beater, because of his fur clothes. Lee is now a thing of the past, too, — Lee the cook, the dandy, the three hundred and fifty pound beauty with a double chin thrice repeated. Lee is a man of great eloquence, I should judge, for I have often heard him haranguing an admiring group in some inn-yard, with his fur cloak hung brigand like on one shoulder, and his portly person ill concealed by figured yellow pyjamas, which he much affected as an afternoon costume. Lee is a man of distinguished manner, and the way he sweeps the ground with his battered felt fedora when we pass his cart would be the despair of any Spanish cavalier that ever wore plumes. Lee's only vice is the banjo, which he plays every evening for half an hour after dinner. He sits on the stove during the concerts, and wears his 190 GILBERT LITTLE STARK yellow pyjamas and felt fedora. He is also alone, for reasons that are immediately evident to the auditor or audible to the spectator. I know, for I peeked at him once from the dark court out side. He sometimes sings as he plays, but he cooked excellent meals so I will say nothing further on that point. To-morrow, civilization, beds, bath-tubs, tour ists. Well, it is better to be very sorry that a thing is over than to be sorry that it is not. CHAPTER IV LETTERS AND JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSA TRIP The Yellow Sea, One day out from Shanghai, Thursday, October 17, 1907. Dear Mother, — Hi 'opes as 'ow you are quite chipper. I 've heard so much Scotch brogue and Cockney accent from the officers on this boat that I daon't knaow 'aow to talk proper nao mowr. Yestreen Am. and I said farewell to the T— — s and the S s and started out to find this worthy ship — the Loksang. Lin and the baggage had forestalled us by about two hours, and so we had no worries or responsibilities besides getting ourselves on board. I had a dim idea of where the craft should be, and we walked along the wharves until we reached a lonely dis trict — great, dark warehouses on one side and the river on the other. The wharves became dis connected floats on to which we clambered, across narrow gangways, and water-slips barred our way ; but we always managed to get across some 192 LETTERS OF way on barges or locks. Finally a wall stopped us dead and we were afraid we should have to retrace all our steps, but hearing voices some where in the darkness, we hunted them up ahd broke in on a gambling party of Chinese watch men and wharf-rats. They were a tough-looking crowd and it was a black, ruinous district, but they were very courteous, and unlocked a gate for us after we had explained our trouble by signs. Finally we discovered our little boat out in the middle of the river, and climbing over the sleeping inmates of a couple of big barges, we jumped into a sampan and were soon aboard the Loksang. She is a rather small vessel, 960 tons net, with only two staterooms, but our cabin is twice the size of that on a liner and the food is excellent, as it has been on all the boats we have struck so far. When we came on board, the saloon was lighted by the conventional dimly-burning ship's lamp, and underneath it were seated a black- visaged, square-jawed man, the mate of course, and a small German with pointed beard, broad- reaching mustachios, and a quick, nervous eye and twitching mouth. He was forever starting a story, which the mate would ponderously inter- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 193 rupt with another of his own. On these coast ing boats we get well away from tourist travel and meet a set of characters that I have never known to exist anywhere else, outside of story books. Our officers have the greatest string of yarns imaginable, and have spun us the hst of their adventures — whaling in the north, sea- lion and penguin-hunting in the Antarctic Ocean, " black-birding" or "nigger-stealing" for the French Government in the South Sea Islands, — a novelist would cry over these men, as a forty- niner might have done over a new gold field. Friday, October i8. All day we have sailed over a dreamy blue sea, with hundreds of rocky islands drifting about us far and near in a rich golden haze. From Shanghai to Hong Kong the coasting route leads through these islands; one continuous archi pelago, like Japan's Inland Sea. These waters are the famous haunts of Chinese pirates, who still lurk in some of the rock-bound bays here abouts. The great, goggle-eyed junks we pass are all in groups for safety's sake, and the inno cent-looking fisher boats, whose orange sails dot the blue water, need only opportunity to make them turn sea-rovers. 194 LETTERS OF Saturday, October 19. This morning at nine we cast anchor at Pa goda anchorage, thirty miles up the beautiful Min River, and fourteen miles from the city of Foochow. The Amoy Maru, which is to carry us to Formosa, lay near us at Pagoda, and we put most of our baggage aboard her, taking only toilet articles to the city. We received rather a setback, however, when we learned that she is not sailing to-morrow as per schedule, but on next Tuesday. Such is the East, as we have learned already, so we did not waste any rime crying over our troubles, but took a handy launch to Foochow. Aboard the launch we met Mr. W , the consul at Hong Kong, who is work ing north on a vacation leave- of several weeks. We discovered that he is a Yale man, class of '84, and were soon friends. There is no hotel at Foochow, but we estab hshed ourselves comfortably in some rooms over "Mr. Brockett's General Store," and then set out for the Consulate, with Consul W as chaperon. Foochow deserves a great deal of study and description. It is one of the largest cities in China, and is much more important from a native point of view than Shanghai, which the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 195 Chinese look on only as a foreign settlement. Foochow is a city of one million inhabitants, na tive, and very few foreigners ; in fact, only those connected with the consular service, the customs (Chinese), the missions, and the tea trade. Foo chow is approached only by the thirty miles of river which we have just traversed, and every turn is well protected by modern Chinese forts armed with Krupp guns. For years Foochow has been the centre of the tea trade, but Formosa is now superseding it, and last year the tea ship ment from Foochow dropped to four million pounds, which is, however, a tidy lot of tea. We landed, not on the mainland, but on an island where all of the foreigners and many Chinese live. The water-front is edged with a stone pier and a row of thick shade trees, and the houses are on a hilly part of the island behind, to reach which you must traverse native streets for about twenty minutes. The few homes of foreigners here are beautiful and luxurious, and are hidden in masses of shrubbery; but as our consulate is a fair sample, I will describe it only. The hill-top is not thickly settled, but is like a luxuriant park traversed by hard white paths. One of these paths leads through a grove of trees to the consulate wall. The building is large and 196 LETTERS OF square, and entirely surrounded by a deep tiled porch on the ground floor and a corresponding balcony above. The garden is beautiful, and stretches downhill at the back to the river's edge. The consul. Dr. G , is a delightful old gentleman, with white mutton-chop whiskers, white flannels, shoes, hat, and twinkling black eyes. He welcomed us cordially, and immedi ately gave orders for three extra places at tiffin. We stayed gladly, and talked all morning with Dr. G and Mr. B , his young vice-con sul, about Foochow. It seems that Dr. G 's work is of a diplomatic rather than a consular description. He has two hundred missionaries in his province, for whose safety he is responsi ble, and he has much official work to do, as Foo chow is the capital of Fuhkien Province. Shang hai has only one official, a Taotai, while Foochow has four Taotais, a Taotai-General, and a Vice roy, who rules over fifty-nine millions of people ! The Japanese are settling thickly in this district, and are turning many Chinamen into Japanese subjects by sending them across to Formosa for a few months, giving them papers, and then al lowing them to return. Many Chinese merchants take out Japanese papers, as they can then ex- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 197 ercise the privileges accorded to foreigners and withheld from the natives. The Japanese con sul openly stated at a meeting of Chinese that in five years Fuhkien province would be Jap anese, so it is easy to see which way the wind blows. Mrs. G , a charming, motherly Massa chusetts woman, appeared at tiffin and we had a jolly time. After tiffin we sat out on the terrace behind, and she pointed out some of her garden treasures, among them the hibiscus trees, whose blossoms are snow-white in the morning, rose- color at noon, and crimson at night. From the terrace we could look across the river, swarming with junks and sampans, to the native city, which stretches away for miles to the mountains that shut us in all around. The hills and moun tains here are very beautiful, the vegetation is luxuriant, and the stunted banana-palms in every mass of foliage give a very tropical touch. Altogether, Foochow is the most attractive place we have seen in China, and I am glad we must stay longer than we had planned. After tiffin President P of Foochow Col lege, over in the native city, appeared and greeted us warmly; for he is Yale '85 ! He took us back with him in chairs, but as we are going to spend 198 LETTERS OF Monday in the city and at the College, I will reserve descriptions until then. At 8 P. m. we returned to the Consulate for dinner, which we attended in soiled suits and soft shirts, with Mrs. G 's permission, as our proud clothes are not with us. Dr. G was a preacher at Salem, but his health broke down seventeen years ago, and he secured this appointment, which he has held ever since, barring two years at home. He is hale and hearty now, appearing to be about sixty, although rumor hath it that he has turned seventy-six. He has a beautiful home and twenty servants, a work which he loves and which gives him plenty of chance to indulge his religious tendencies, as he looks after one of the richest missionary fields in the East. Altogether it is a good exchange for life in a Massachusetts sani tarium. The G s told us of many delightful trips in the neighborhood, and as the season is just right to take them, it is very tempting. House- boating up the river and tramping among the beautiful hills with the chance of a tiger — every place we go we have to leave dozens of pleasant and instructive trips undone. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 199 Sunday, October 20. One of the famous places near Foochow is the old Kushan Monastery, and this morning at eight we tightened our belts and started out to pay it a visit. We took a coolie with us to carry tiffin, and crossed the river in a sampan which the whole family helped to propel. Once across, we scrambled up a muddy bank and made straight for the hills across the rice-fields, on a little raised path of flag-stones, which kept our feet out of the muddy water of the fields, but which was like walking a fat tight-rope. The monas tery is two thirds of the way up the highest mountain on the direct border of the valley, and so we had a stiff morning's climb. As the mon astery is an old and rich one, there is a stone stairway all the way, and I should estimate the number of steps as very near five thousand, for the stairway zigzags and the steps are only about four inches high. We were the only pilgrims on the way up, but we passed long lines of coolies balancing loads of mud-bricks at each end of the customary carrying-pole, for the monks are building an addition. These coolies were of both sexes, and ranged in size from the tiny, sil- ver-ankleted tot of seven years, who struggled 200 LETTERS OF along with two bricks, to the well-muscled man who carried twenty with ease. The monastery is a picturesque group of build ings in a sheltered hollow just beneath the moun tain's summit, and there are courts and carp- pools and fountains and galleries and bells and huge gilded idols enough to satisfy the most romantic. There is also a secondary group of temples, sort of a retreat, clinging to the edge of a deep chasm near by. About two hundred monks live here, and they seem to have many servants and to live in great comfort. We ate our tiffin in a gallery overhanging a large pool, which wrinkled continually with the splashing tails and gaping mouths of the great carp which live therein. We must have spent nearly five hours at the monastery, wandering about and poking into odd corners. The monks were very friendly, and whenever we blundered into some brother's cell, we were never permit ted to withdraw without a cup of tea. We poked about the great vaulted kitchen with its blackened rafters and rows of huge iron cauldrons filled with rice. We wandered into the spacious dining-hall, open to the winds with its bare walls and tables, just in time to hear the solo chant and droning chorus response of the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 201 Buddhist grace. We cracked melon seeds and lichee nuts with the old bell-ringer, who let us try our hand at swinging the wooden fish whose nose beats the deep tones out of the great bell. We sat on the bench with the young priest who was paying off the coolies as they arrived with bricks, and at every stop we drank a cup of tea. Finally we dozed over the Oxford Book of Verse in a cool cloister overlooking a sun-flooded court yard, and it was only the sun sliding towards the west that sent us back to Foochow. The young priests made friends with us very quickly and felt our clothes and tried on our hats with childlike excitement, and the old bonzes with fans, and one long tooth left in their heads, mumbled and nodded as they passed, and stopped on the outskirts to raise one hand in some sa lute that was very like a Catholic blessing. Bud dhism, by the way, is the very counterpart of Catholicism in its forms and rituals — it has a prior claim upon them, too. Two boy priests stayed with us all the time we were on the mountain, and we got a picture of them which ought to be a corker. Just before we went. Am. got started doing sleight-o'-hand tricks, and we soon had a large audience, who greeted each trick with hand- 202 LETTERS OF clapping and shouts of laughter. One old fellow in a broad straw hat, with a rosary of beads the size of hickory nuts, waddled up to Am. after each trick and shook his finger in his face with a toothless grin, as though to say, " Oh, my eye ! but you 're a sly dog ! " Another aged priest was somewhat of a conjurer himself, and capped every performance of Am.'s with one of his own. It has been a delightful day and has given us still another regret, for nothing could be pleasanter, cheaper, more feasible, or more instructive than a week's stay at Kushan with the shaven priests ; "but our boat sails Tuesday," as Frank Daniels used to say in the ," Ameer." Monday, October 21. The news of our arrival has spread abroad in town, so when we descended after break fast this morning, we found the little courtyard in front of Mr. Brockett's General Store filled with the wares of native brass-workers, silver smiths, embroiderers, and lacquer-makers. Each owner squatted by his little pile and made his bids. At ten o'clock we went to the bank by ap- pointmentVith President P , and there met him and Consul W of Hong Kong, and the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 203 four of us started out for a day's spree, — Yale '07, Yale '84, and Yale '85! We took sedan-chairs, which are the most comfortable conveyance we have yet met with, and bobbed merrily across the Bridge ofa Thou sand Ages to the mainland. It might be better called the Bridge of a Thousand One-horse Merchants, for the narrow bridge is jammed with peddlers of all descriptions, squatted be hind their piles of old junk. Foochow woman Foochow man You see the type of woman's headdress and man's hat-line approaches what we expect to find in Indo and Cochin China. The features of both sexes are more refined and intelligent than in the North, and the men are lithe and small-boned, with dainty hands and feet; in fact, many of them are effeminate in appearance, though not so in character. The Chinese women are some of them very good-looking indeed. 204 LETTERS OF Although the city walls are four miles from the river-bank, the suburbs have filled up the intervening space, and there is no difference in the character of the city inside and out. On reaching the other end ofthe bridge, our bearers pushed down a flight of stone steps, and plunged headlong into a chaos beside which the Tower of Babel or even a church sewing-circle would seem the embodiment of law and order. The main street, down which our bearers slipped and slid over stone paving-blocks wet with whatever the million Foochowites chose to throw upon them, is an alley nearly seven feet wide. Tall wooden buildings rise on both sides, and their overhanging roofs and swinging signs make a dim twilight at noon, so that every shop that can afford it burns oil or wax even in the day time. The street is bordered by open-fronted shops, where idols, silverware, gobbets of red meat, furs, brass, varnished ducks and split fish, china, silks, and rawhides flash impression after impression on your bewildered brain. In every shop you see not only the finished goods, but the makers at work and the maker's family at play. Rope-weavers, cloth-spinners, blacksmiths, tan ners, and jewelers, working hard, and among the workers are crowds of children rolling about GILBERT LITTLE STARK 205 and screaming, and the servants boiling steamy messes in great pots. All the men are stripped to the waist, and all the women have great silver hoops in their ears that reach the shoulder. The narrow street is crowded with porters and busybodies and sedan-chairs, which pass with great difficulty. We swung along over boil ing kettles and tables of merchandise set in the street, with our bearers keeping up a continu ous shouting that was drowned in the roar of street-life. I can imagine how this would have set my nerves on edge a month ago, at the date of my first letters from China; but now I re cline in my easy sedan, and gaze with calmness and pleasure at the wild faces and naked bodies that surge about within inches, and nearer space, of my own. I can now listen to the wild cries and shouts undisturbed, since I have found that these swarming people are a gentle, peaceful race, full of prejudices which a kind word will remove, and of affection which is easily awakened, and with a power of industry and love for work unequalled by any race on the globe. After some three miles of seething humanity, we darted up a narrow side street, in which I could touch both walls by stretching out, not 2o6 LETTERS OF my arms, but my elbows ! Luckily we met no thing coming down, and safely reached Dr. V 's. I am not sure of this good man's name, but I am sure of the welcome that he and his good wife gave us. These people have lived here for thirty years, curing the poor natives where cures are possible. He is a skilled surgeon and she a trained nurse, and with a few self-trained Chinese assistants these people work from morn ing till night, opening every day with an average of forty applicants at their door. The doctor led us to a little hill behind the house, where a weed-grown common exists. Scattered over this common are dozens, possi bly hundreds of coffins, some in the open, some under a straw roof, each with an occupant inside waiting for the family to earn money enough to buy a grave. We crossed the hill with our twelve chair-coolies following (for they are too superstitious to visit the place alone), and on the other side we saw a small stone tower, per haps six feet high, with two or three big birds perched on the roof and a hungry dog sneaking around the foot. Not a very formidable sight, you may think, but one that I'll warrant you would n't stop long to look at, mother, for this is the Foochow baby-tower ! It is a new one, for GILBERT LITTLE STARK 207 the old tower was filled to overflowing, and no one wished to clean it out. It is built over a deep well, and the only opening is a small hole in the side, just under the roof. Into this hole the poor people of Foochow drop the girl-babies which they do not want ! Lately a law has been passed forbidding people to throw live babies into the tower, but like most Chinese laws, it is only to look at and is broken every day. Around the foot of the tower are some mat-wrappers, in which the babies are wrapped; it was these that the dog was worrying. Against the tower is a line of pitiful wooden dolls with set, painted smiles; these dolls are to amuse the girl-babies in the spirit world, so that they will not come out of the well and haunt their parents. Al though this tower is a new one and has a deep well, it is filled full of babies within three feet of the top. I know, because I looked through the hole myself, although the smell was so strong that I soon withdrew my head. I think this plain- looking stone tower made us all a bit sick. Before getting into our chairs again, we in spected the doctor's hospital. It is a rickety Chinese building, open to the street. First is a waiting-room, a chamber of horrors in all truth. On each side is a narrow ward with cots, and 2o8 LETTERS OF behind, an operating-room : a bare place with one wall open to the weather, and three common tables. On one of these tables was a leper with his foot and leg swollen and partly eaten away; on another, a man about to have his eye removed ; and on the last, a bloody sight which I will not describe. The whole place is open to the passing crowd, and every operation is viewed by as many ofthe street rabble as can jam their way in. The doctor has money for a decent hospital, but is having trouble in buying land, so must worry along for the present. Half an hour more in our chairs brought us to the college, where we had tiffin. This mission college appealed to us as the finest institution we have visited in the East. How I wish I could leave a big check at every one of the worthy places we visit, or could welcome the offer we have had several times to accept a five-year contract and help them in their work. It would be no hardship at all, but a great pleasure and an in teresting experience. Dr. P has very large grounds and beautiful brick and stone build ings, right in the heart of the native city. There are three houses, large and comfortable, for the teachers and their families, and I think four col lege buildings. The site is hilly, and the different GILBERT LITTLE STARK 209 sections are hidden behind walls and masses of flowers, palms, banyans, and acacias. Dr. P and his sister Miss H were born here, although educated at home, and their mother, Mrs. H , has lived right here for fifty years. Mrs. P is from Middletown, Connecticut, and is delightful, the best New England type. The kiddies are mighty attractive, too, and I wish we could accept their invitation to stay with them a long time. Dr. P would go house-boating with us if we could stay. After tiffin we visited several classes at the college. Here they give an eight-year course to two hundred Chinese students. They teach English, Chinese classics, mathematics through trigonometry, psychology, and the sciences. The higher mathematics and sciences are taught in Chinese, and only about half the school study English. We visited the chemistry class and two English reading classes, then looked in on the mental arithmetic class, conducted in English. We also met two interesting Chi nese teachers, whose English is as good as our own. Dr. P had made arrangements over Sun day, so that the Taotai, who is the Fuhkien Min ister of Foreign Affairs, would call this after- 210 LETTERS OF noon. He was to arrive at four, but we had to leave before he came, in order to catch the launch out to our steamer, which leaves early in the morning. You may imagine how sorry we were to miss the official, but we were each presented with his caUing-card, which he had sent ahead. To-night we are aboard a comfortable toy boat of six hundred tons, the Amoy Maru, and early to-morrow we shall sail for the wild island of Formosa, called by the heathen, Taiwan. There I shall mail this long-drawn scrawl. As I said before, there must be long desert stretches in my letters, but I feel that I owe you the best return I can make for this great pleasure and opportunity that you home ones are giving me, and I am so afraid of missing the one thing that will interest you, that I find myself telling every thing without discrimination. When you are right in the heat of new impressions, it is hard to separate the important from the unimpor tant, and if you delay until time does the sepa rating, you lose the distinct outlines of the impression. Good-night. Your loving son, Gilbert. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 211 HoKUTO, Formosa, Shotoyen Hotel, Friday, October 25, 1907. Dear Father, — The little Amoy Maru brought us safely across the Formosa Straits, and landed us at Tamsui, on the north end of the island, at about midnight last Tuesday. Tam sui is a small Chinese town with about three hun dred resident Japanese, and is much hke towns on the mainland. We spent the night there, and on Wednesday morning we left by train for this village, which is a health resort for the Japanese. The train runs up country along the shores of the clear-running Tamsui River, and passes between two precipitous green mountains, about four thousand feet high, which guard the river- mouth. Hokuto is only seven or eight miles from Tamsui, and half an hour's puffing and snorting of the little engine landed us here. We sent Lin to the hotel with our luggage, — minus Am.'s gun and my revolver, which the police have seized for the time being, — and we con tinued eight miles further to Taipeh or Taihoku, the capital. Here we have the great concourse of foreigners, about thirty all told, i' faith ! We got our little dot from the merchant who acts as agent for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, and then called on Mr. A , the Amer- 212 LETTERS OF ican Consul. He invited us to stay to tiffin and introduced us to Mrs. A , a California girl. They are a fine young couple, and we had a jolly meal. Mr. and Mrs. A are planning a wonder ful forty-day walking trip through the wild part of the island, and he wanted to get some sup plies which were in their bungalow in the hills, so we joined him for the afternoon. We took the train back as far as Hokuto and then walked up to the bungalow, which is about one thousand feet above our hotel. It is a little box of a place, made of bamboo, camphor-wood, and straw, and is perched at the top of a ridge which commands a broad view of ocean, river, valleys, tableland, and the high mountains of the head-hunters to the east. We brewed a cup of tea and took an extempore shower-bath, then returned to our hotel. This inn, the Shotoyen, is Japanese, but they have two rooms with beds, which we occupy. Our rooms face the semicircle of mountains behind the town, and immediately before us is the downward slope of a fascinating garden full of shady trees. Our very porch-rail is swept with branches that are heavy with golden pumeloes, a fruit like our grape-fruit, and palms, acacias. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 213 morning-glories, and brilliant red flowers fill up the vista. Halfway down the hill is a little bath house with a tank full of ever-changing sulphur water, hot as blazes, and a soft-matted lounging- room. We live in kimonos, and, whenever we feel warm, all we have to do is peel and drop into the water. The house has no sides to hide us, but, pshaw ! who cares in this happy land ? At the foot of the garden runs the clear hot stream itself, its banks heavy with sword-grass and rank, glossy, green leaves gleaming with flowers. There is a pool with steps leading to it, and a hot waterfall about ten feet high, and if we prefer, we bathe there with the peasant boys. The people in the country are all Chinese, and are kind and hospitable. By the way, we are the only guests at Hokuto just now, not even any Japanese guests here. In the cities are a few Japanese, now the ruling class, and in the moun tains are the famous Formosan savages, who have held the island for over two thousand years, and who are now causing the Japanese such great trouble in the northern mountains about twenty miles from here. On account ofthe hard fighting and treacherous nature of the jungle warfare, the government will not allow us to visit the near-by posts. Imagine our joy, then, when 214 LETTERS OF Mr. A , with whom we tiffined again this noon at Taipeh, invited us to go part way on his trip with himself and wife ! A young Harvard '04 chap, who is here in the tea business, is going with them for ten days, and we can return with him. We called on the Minister of Police (a Japa nese Harvard graduate) this afternoon at Tai peh, and got the necessary permission, and day after to-morrow, Sunday, we start at six in the morning. We shall take the train for about one hundred miles straight south, and then strike off towards Mt. Morrison, which we shall climb. This mountain is 13,800 feet high, almost 2000 feet higher than Fuji, and the highest mountain in the Japanese Empire. Only about five Europeans, maybe not so many, have ever done it, although it is an easy trip. We go right through jungle country, but the savages there are friendly, in fact we get about thirty of them for coolies. We shall take with us Consul A 's cook, our boy Lin, and a Japanese interpreter, besides our savage horde of servants. We shall have also a guard of Japanese soldier-police. At night we shall live in grass huts, which our coolies will build as we halt. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 215 This is the opportunity of a lifetime, dear people; a private individual could never do it now, and it has taken the consul a year to ar range it. We shall do in comfort and safety what almost no one has ever done; more people have followed Stanley's track in Darkest Africa than have done this trip, — and in ten days you will get a letter or flock of letters describing the whole thing. The boats for Hong Kong leave here, or rather Tamsui, on Sundays, and we shall have about three days, to lounge here and put the finishing touches on our home letters, before our boat sails, two weeks from next Sabbath-day. Of course we are now living on Japanese food entirely, and manage to eat double rations, with gusto. We have made many friends among the Chinese peasants and Japanese villagers. We are the only white people between Tamsui and Taipeh, thank goodness, and are enjoying every minute. One strange feature of the Formosa landscape is the great water-buffalo, whose picture I en close. He does n't like foreigners, but native boys two feet high do what they please with him. Loads and loads of love, Gilbert. 2i6 LETTERS OF S. S. JosHiN Maru, Formosa Straits, November ii, 1907. Dear Ones, — The great trip is over, safely over, and it far exceeded our most enthusiastic expectations. We reached the railroad day be fore yesterday at Kagi, in the southern part of the island, and travelled all day to Taihoku, the northern capital, where we were busy to dis traction paying our bills, buying tickets to Hong Kong, and calling on Japanese officials to thank them for their assistance. We spent the night at Hokuto, where we collected our luggage and clean linen, and yesterday morning we came to Tamsui and established ourselves on this boat. Finding we had some time before sailing, we went up the hill to the British Consulate, and sat for an hour or so with Mr. and Mrs. C , charming English people, on their cool, deep verandah. We are leaving Formosa with many regrets, for it is a delightful spot, full of romance and interest. For instance, it is the best place in the world for a study of the comparative value of the two races, Chinese and Japanese, which you see here side by side. The foreign community is very small, about forty men and six women, and is centred in Taihoku, except for the Brit- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 217 ish Consul, who prefers his fine home at Tamsui, and two or three others in like circumstances. They are very hospitable and open-hearted, and made us feel very welcome among them. Dr. M , the German Consul, is a fine young man, very popular here. His latest fad is taking care of four South Sea Islanders who were washed ashore not long ago. They had been at sea in an open boat for five months, living on raw fish and rain-water ; and although there were six at first, two died shortly after they reached Formosa. They are dark, unclothed savages with tattooed legs, and of course no one could speak a word of their language. Dr. M took them in and has cared for them for six weeks, with the result that the four survivors are almost well. He is learning their language from them, and has discovered which island they come from. They make fine docile pets for him, and sit on his verandah, munching bananas from morning till night. The foreigners and officials at Taihoku were, I think, a little disappointed that we came through so well, for they prophesied awful things ; but sail through we did, with tired mus cles but happy hearts. It was a trip, as many Formosans told me, worth travelling way out 2i8 LETTERS OF here only to take. The best part of it all was the savage life with which we became so well acquainted. You '11 have to take my word for the great pleasure of the trip, for the account I am sending you soon is pitifully inadequate and reads like a dry catalogue or time-table. I dpspair of making you feel the charm of it, but read between the lines all you can. Love and lots of it, Gilbert. Hong Kong, Victoria, Sunday, November 17, 1907. Dear Father, — God Save the King ! Brief history from the end of my last letter. One day at Amoy spent at the U. S. Consulate; one day at Swatow spent on board ship — pic turesque places, both of these Chinese cities. A few tea warehouses and half a million Celestials plunked down beside a river among rock-strewn hills, boulders the size of court-houses sticking up in the middle ofthe town, a different language and type of junk and sampan in each harbor, and no sign of western encroachment, beyond a few white, deep-verandahed houses. I hoped to finish my account of Formosa be- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 219 fore reaching Hong Kong, but I have finished it here, and mail it to you now. Read the. letters in the order I have marked, and use your imagi nation to clothe the stilted recital with life, color, flesh, and blood. On the day before landing here, poor Am. and Lin, the Chinese boy, were taken ill with chills and fever. I got them to the hotel and had a doctor for them. It seems that exposure to the cold and wet on our late exploring tour gave them both a touch of malaria. Their fevers kept rising, so on Friday we took them both to hos- pitalsi Lin is at the government hospital in a fine airy ward, and Am. is in a private place on the Peak, eighteen hundred feet above us. They were both very weak and miserable, with tem peratures approaching 104, but have rallied quickly and were both normal all day yester day, and will be up and out by Tuesday. I have spent all my time at the bed of one or the other, and have seen nothing of the surround ings here, except as I go to and from the hos pital. There is a beautiful view from the Peak over the harbor and the ocean on the other side of the island. Last night I took a sedan-chair down from the top, instead of using the railway, and 220 LETTERS OF had a beautiful hour down a smooth road be tween heavy drooping banks of palms, ferns, and flowers, with a sunset, a great white ghost of a moon, and changing views across the town and harbor, where gunboats were sa,luting each other with white cottony puffs of smoke, and sending across the water clear bugle-calls that floated way up to my chair almost two thousand feet above them. The climate here is ideal now, and on the Peak very cool and windy. Even in the town I sleep under a blanket and spread. We had engaged passage on a Dutch boat leaving to-morrow for Java direct ; it was a sav ing of time and money, and we were congratu lating ourselves, as the boats are three-weekly only, but Am.'s sickness has forced us to giveup our tickets. For the last month our great quandary has been the Philippine question. Am.'s family feel as you do, and we have turned the subject inside out. I should certainly enjoy seeing them, and should like nothing better than a month of careful investigation. Late as we are, however, the most we could afford would be a week. Now, just what that week would be I know as well as if I had been there already. We should land at Manila, a familiar type of modem town, and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 221 should find the time too short to visit the interior and learn anything personally ofthe native char acter or practical working-out of the present theories of government. We should present let ters and ask questions ; we should dine with some very nice people, who would give us their opin ions as final, definite facts, and the next nice people we dined with would tell us the exact opposite. We should then form our own opin ions, which, by virtue of our week's stay in Ma nila (a city about as Philippinaic as Saginaw), would remain unshakable the rest of our lives. We have seen Philippine foreign residents here; in fact, one dined at my table last night, and we talked about the islands all through the meal. It means a round trip on the ocean of six days, for we must return here. On the whole, it hon estly seems to us a very pleasant waste of time and money. Nevertheless, we have decided that if Am.'s health permits, and if we can make connections with a very irregular steamer that runs from Cebu to Borneo, and then make connections with a little monthly boat to Java, we are going to take in Manila. It is doubtful, however, if we can get through that way; I shall know in a day or so, and of course will write you fully. If 222 LETTERS OF we did that, you would not hear from us for about a month. A trip like this is not all a bed of roses, if you are at all interested in making it worth while and not merely conventional. You must plan and think and worry over "what is best" all day long. Here in my room I am surrounded by books of information (not travellers' impres sions, — I have done with those), heavy steam boat and railway guides to all sorts of places. We have to work far ahead, and I am now living among the Dutch East Indies, Malaysia, and Burmah. You see we want to adopt the best route, and therefore have to cover half the world's sur face in detail. If I were getting pay for this trip, I should consider it hard work, but it is meat and drink for me. When I get back, there won't be a corner of the world that I can't direct you to, with steamboat times and fares and a brief account of what you'll find there. The few pictures I enclose are very poor, for my films were old and got wet ; but Mr. A , the Consul, took a great number, which he is having developed in Japan and will send to us at Bombay, so that in two months' time I can send you some magnificent views of the country, the people, and the mountain-top. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 223 According to our latest plans, we shall return from Java to Singapore (necessary), and then go straight to Colombo, visiting Burmah later from Calcutta. This plan saves travel. It leaves the Indian travel exactly as it would be if we took in Burmah on the way to Colombo, and the combined trips from Singapore to Colombo and from Calcutta to Rangoon and return are cheaper than the combined trips from Singapore to Rangoon and from Rangoon to Colombo. I suppose before I leave Hong Kong I had better write you a Christmas letter. This ought to reach you about the 20th of December. A great deal of love to everybody. Your son, Gilbert. 224 LETTERS OF SAVAGE LIFE IN FORMOSA > " Well, well," said Am. "I did n't know that ! " We were spending the morning very com fortably in Mr. J ^'s library at Pekin, and as my book was absorbing, it was more courtesy than interest which prompted me to grunt, — "What's the matter now?" "Why, here's a mountain in Formosa that has Fuji lashed to the mast. Mount Morrison, almost fourteen thousand feet high, — the tip top point of the Japanese Empire." "Is that all!" That was all the book said; but later on Am. brought up the subject again. "Formosa, — let me see, an island off the coast of China, is n't it?" "Yes," I added, "full of wild-eyed head- hunters and snakes. I read all about it in a Jap anese steamboat circular." Anything "wild-eyed" appeals to Am., and I could see the idea beginning to grow. "I don't suppose there 'd be many tourists there," he murmured diplomatically. ' The story ofthe Formosa trip, written by G. L. S. on the steamer and mailed at Hong Kong, November 1 9th. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 225 The one great effort of our callow young lives is to avoid the guide-book-bearing stream, with green glasses and solar-topees, and to lift our selves from the substratum of "globe-trotter" to the exalted heights of " traveller." It is a dis tinction with a difference, and we stand firm upon the conceit, so that Am.'s final shot told well. "When shall we start?" said I. "When does the next boat sail ?" said he. "To-morrow," said I. "We're off," said he; and so we were. There are three ways of reaching Formosa. You can go up from Hong Kong, via Amoy, in three days ; you can go down from Shanghai, via Foochow, in the same length of time, if you are lucky in making connections; or you can drop down from Nagasaki in four or five days, across a very, very bumpy stretch of ocean. We teetered down the China coast in a suc cession of cozy little coasting-steamers, entirely innocent of other passengers; and finally one moonlit night we saw the twin peaks that guard the mouth of the Tamsui River loom black against the stars. There is always a fascination in reaching a new land, and when the new land is one that has not been smeared with printer's 226 LETTERS OF ink and first impressions, then Romance broods over its most common commonplaces, and the spirit of adventure gathers round every step you take. The crowning touch is to reach such a land by moonlight, in the midst of strange sounds and strange fragrances that steal out of the darkness and float away and lose themselves under the shadows of great trees. That is the sugar-coating, here is the bitter pill. It is hard to think of facts and moonshine in the same breath, but facts have their use as well as moonshine, so here goes for facts. Formosa is an island two hundred and sixty miles long and about seventy miles broad at the widest part. It lies off Fuhkien Province, China, and had been owned by the Japanese since 1895. This may seem to be an unnecessary bit of in formation, but be it known that during the past year a large packing-box arrived at our con sulate, sent by our own State Department at Washington, addressed to Formosa, China! The island is very rich, producing a fine quality of tea, delicious bananas and pineapples, rice, camphor, sulphur, and gold. Most of the mineral wealth and valuable timber is in the savage country, however, and has not yet been ex ploited. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 227 The east coast is high and rocky, without harbors; in some places the steep hills rise over seven thousand feet. These hills are usually re ferred to as perpendicular cliffs, but I was assured at Taipeh, the capital, that the cliffs existed only in an old Dutch print, which Mr. Davidson has included in his book on Formosa. The moun tains run the length of the island in three parallel ranges, growing lower to the west until they merge into a fertile plain on which the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese have in turn fought for supremacy since the sixteenth cen tury. The mountainous eastern half, however, has been in undisturbed possession of the abo riginal savages since they were first washed ashore there, storm-tossed from the Philippine Archipelago. They are supposed to be of Malay origin, of the same stock as the Japanese; but more of them later. In the north are the two ports, Tamsui and Keelung, and between them is Taipeh, or Tai hoku, the northern capital. In the south are the ports An-ping and Takao, and the southern cap ital, Tainan. The two groups are connected by a railway that runs the length of the island. Travelling is perfectly safe anywhere on the western plains, and the Japanese inns are fully 228 LETTERS OF as comfortable as those in Japan. There is no foreign hotel or boarding-house on the island, but the Shotoyen Inn, at Hokuto Hot Spring in the north, has two rooms with beds in them. At this inn they will also furnish foreign food to the traveller who wishes to pamper himself, but the Japanese cooking is much better than their foreign attempts, and one may live luxuriously at any place on the island on fish, shell-fish, mushrooms, and fruit. The autumn weather is perfect, the Japanese courteous, the Chinese peasants friendly and hospitable, the country beautiful, and the hotel charges ridiculously small. We dropped off at Hokuto on the way from Tamsui to Taipeh, and finding these ideal conditions, we turned lotus-eaters for several days, strolling about in kimonos and dropping into the hot stream whenever and wherever we chose, in company with farmers and peasant lads. We were the only white people in the village, and we hated to break the spell. Finally we mustered ambition to visit the capital, Taihoku, and there we found our consul, Mr. A , and his wife, in the midst of prepa rations for a long trip around the island; a walking trip of forty days, the first twelve of which were to be consumed in climbing Mt. Mor- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 229 rison, our old Pekin friend, Morrison. During tiffin we listened to their plans with green envy eating at our hearts. It seems that it had taken Mr. A a long time to arrange the trip, be cause Mt. Morrison is well within the savage country and a great deal of government assist ance was necessary, especially now that the northern tribes are fighting so desperately; for while the tribes around Mt. Morrison have stayed quietly in their own territory for five or six years, there is no telling what the example of their northern kinsmen may inspire them to do. After tiffin, when Mr. A kindly asked us to join them on their expedition, it took us just one fifteenth of a second by an accurate stop watch to accept thankfully without conditions or reservations. Two days later we started by the six A. m. train for the south. There were five of us : Mr. and Mrs. A , I H , Harvard '04, who is out here learning the tea business, and Am. and I, who have been parted from the apron-strings of our New Haven Alma Mater by a short five months. In tow we had one Chinese cook, the real true hero of the party, by the way; our Chinese boy Lin, whom Am. and 230 LETTERS OF I had dragged down from Tientsin much against his will ; and two fox terriers, Peanuts and Dusi- bus, ferocious eaters, whom A refused to trust to the tender mercies of his Chinese coolie. There was to have been another, one Imamura San, a Japanese interpreter, kindly loaned us by the government; but the hour was early and "Stephen" did not put in an appearance, so we left without him. I don't remember who gave him the name, but it seemed apt, and " Stephen " he remained to the last chapter. From six in the morning until four in the af ternoon we watched the level fields at our right and the blue mountains at our left grow slowly more and more tropical, and when we left the train at Toroku, we found ourselves in a land of palm trees and betel-nuts. Our approach had been heralded by notices from the government at Taihoku, so we were met by the local prefect, who established us in a comfortable inn. Owing to the absence of the unhappy Stephen, who put in an appearance about bed-time, our inter course with this official was limited to numerous bowings and drawings-in of breath, until he dis covered that Mr. A could talk Pekinese, which he also knew. Later, the pigeon-toed Me' San spread our silk futans on the mat-floor, and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 231 we fell asleep, watching three lizards busding about the ceiling after flies. The next morning, Monday, we loaded our cases of tinned meats and bundles of blankets on to the train again, and travelled back north to Rinai, the next station. There we transferred ourselves and effects to little flat cars, and were pushed across rice-fields for two hours by perspiring coolies. We left the push-cars at the village of Rinkiho, and after cooking our tiffin in the yard of the police station, we girded up our loins and prepared to start. But not so Stephen. It seems that he had counted on lin gering overnight in the cozy police station, but a few vigorous prods to his ambition from Mr. A soon started wheels moving, and by two o'clock our procession marched off towards the foot-hills, which seemed very close at hand. We were a motley crowd, and I think our own friends would have stared at us fully as hard as did the good Chinese of Rinkiho, who gathered about us in large, quiet crowds. First were two of our soldier-police, neat and dapper in their buff uniforms and tasselled swords; next Am. strode along, towering almost head and shoulders above the Japanese in front of him. He had invested that morning in a 232 LETTERS OF peaked dried-grass hat, the kind that the coolies wear here, and it made him look like a remark ably tall candle wearing its extinguisher. The rest of us strung along, draped with cameras and aneroid barometers, while the rear was brought up by three more Japanese policemen, two Chi nese police orderlies, and eighteen Chinese coo lies stripped to the waist, bearing our luggage on creaking shoulder-poles. We walked all afternoon at a good pace, and rested at a picturesque police station at about five o'clock. The path had led almost all day across fine rice-fields and through the rich clumps of foliage that spring up about every litde stream. The villages were frequent, but unless the path happened to pass through them, they were en tirely concealed by surrounding shrubbery. The villagers here protect themselves by planting a square of betel and banana-palms about their houses and filling in the spaces with thorny shrubs and creepers, until the wall of living green is almost impenetrable. Men, women, and children all chew the betel-nut, with the result that their teeth are stained red, and the whole mouth looks as if it were bleeding. While we were drinking tea at our resting- place, the dark fell suddenly, as it has a habit of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 233 doing in this land. One moment we saw the betel-palms stand out black against the yellow sky, and the next moment we were looking through them at the stars. Still Stephen did not come, for he had dropped behind early" in the day, and with him were most of our coolies. An hour of rather impatient waiting finally pro duced him, and by seven we were ready to press on, supperless, to Guenroka, where we were billed to spend the night. It was a long and tiring walk in the dark, but It was a walk never to be forgotten. The path led first through thick black jungle, spangled with fireflies, then across a broad river, cold and al most waist-deep, and finally for an hour and a half up the side of a stony valley, where we could hear the river rushing along beneath us in the darkness, but could only catch a flitting gleam of torchlight or starlight on the foamy crests of its rapids. At Guenroka (fifteen hundred feet high, ac cording to our aneroids) we found a police station and a few Chinese houses, the last semblance of a village we were to see for a number of days. While we restored our energies with cup after cup of tea, we could hear the thud of falling pu meloes which somebody was shaking out of the 234 LETTERS OF tree for us ; and, sure enough, before long a little Chinese boy appeared with a big platter of glistening pink triangles, cool, acid, and meaty. The pumeloe can certainly teach several points to its first cousin the grape-fruit. We had invited our police escort to dine with us, not realizing at what hour we should finally arrive ; but the good cook did his duty, and we sat down to meat at exacdy a quarter of one o'clock on Tuesday morning. A pretty worn-out tableful it was, but Mrs. A gracefully did the honors of our onion soup and tinned corned-beef hash, and Stephen bravely interpreted, when he was n't too busy with the food. On Tuesday we were up early in spite of our dissipation ofthe night before, and by the morn ing light we could see that we were at the head of the valley up which we had travelled the day before. Direcdy behind us was a steep cross ridge that connected the lofty side-hills and closed the valley. Our first spurt in the morning carried us over this hill or ridge, and down the other side into a valley with a slighdy higher floor than the one we had left. Once over the ridge, we left the outposts of civilization behind us, and for nine days we did not see a cultivated field, a water-buffalo, or a Chinese house. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 235 This second day of walking was very hard for the whole party, although the climb was gradual, and the end of the day found us only at the twenty-eight-hundred-foot level. The path, how ever, if path you could call it, led along the side of the river, crossing it so frequendy that from our knees down we were never dry. At the be ginning of the trip we had discarded shoes, which are impossible on account of the wet, the wear, and the precarious footing, and adopted Japanese tabi, socks with the big toe separated from the rest, and waraji or straw sandals. Our first day in this unaccustomed footgear had left us with a plentiful crop of blisters, skinned toes, and embryo stone-bruises, and, as the footing on this second day consisted entirely of small pointed rocks, every step was painful. When we could forget our feet and lift our eyes to the mountains, then indeed we were re paid. All day long we travelled up the same nar row valley, hemmed in by steep mountains that rose higher and higher as we climbed into the heart of them. From ridge-crest to valley-floor these hills are rich with foliage, — acacias, betel- palms, bamboos, curving tree-ferns or fern trees, whichever they may be; and every chink in the jungle is filled with flowering shrubs, flowering 236 LETTERS OF trees, flowering vines; but at the valley-floor all foliage stops and droops luxuriously over a mo notonous level of jungle-grass. Sword-grass it is, higher than a man's head, higher than a man on horseback, green at the root and yellow at the top; an ugly grass that reaches out a gentle whis pering blade, sharp as a Toledo, and gashes the cheek or the arm till the blood flows ; and yet it is most useful, for the natives make of it mats and houses, sword-belts and hats, and maybe other things. About the time that the sun saw fit to dis appear behind the mountains at the right hand, by which you will know that we were travelling south, we found ourselves at the foot of a steep hill closing this second valley (Doone Valley, Am. called it, with John Ridd and the Lady Loma in his mind), just in the same manner that our first valley was shut in by a ridge. Twenty minutes of scrambling showed us a small plateau thinly timbered and rolling, and towering all about us were real mountains, ridge behind ridge and peak behind peak, that had been hidden until now by the close, steep hills about us. To the left, which means southeast, the brave litde mountain stream we had followed so far had split them asunder; the valley cleft was filled with gray roll- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 237 ing clouds, but against the clear sky, high above the clouds, high above everything else in sight, we had our first view of the mountain which we had come to climb — Mt. Morrison, it is called on the maps, in memory of the first Englishman who caught a glimpse of it and said so. Nii- taka-yama, the Japanese call it; the New High Mountain, their beloved Fuji being the Old. We had served our two days' apprenticeship and initiation; behind us, a dull foot-weary day's march, were the last outposts of Formosan civ ilization, and before us, suddenly revealed, an unknown land of beautiful mountains and for ests and strange people; a blessed virgin coun try, far from the influence of Baedeker and Cook's Tours. There is a lonely police outpost here, and ten minutes across the plateau brought us to the stockade, a tall bamboo fence armed with four rows of protruding bamboo-spikes, to discour age besiegers who might be inclined to crawl through or climb over; the gate-posts had sprouted green boughs ! Inside was a house, with walls and doors and a wooden box full of hot water. "Mon Doo," as the English clerk says when he wants to be cosmopolitan, " Mon Doo, a bath!" Furthermore, we found tea and 238 LETTERS OF oranges, and an officer who was to join our ex pedition. Kurota San, his name, and he has lived here seven years, knows the savage lan guage, and has been up the mountain. Here too we saw our savages for the first time : the yard was full of them, for Chinese coolies refused to go farther, and from now on we were to have savage bearers. The information published about these savage people is very slight. Mr. Davidson, a former United States Consul, has them divided into tribes and briefly described in his huge volume on Formosa. The Japanese gentleman who wrote "Japanese Rule in Formosa," for Baron Goto, has also the same material slighdy con densed, and there is an account written by the correspondent of the Hong Kong Daily Press, who went from Taihoku to a northern police- post and back, in the same day, and recorded his observations. All other books that I could find simply said that the mountains of east For mosa have been since the beginning in the hands of fierce tribes of head-hunters, supposedly of Malay origin. Practically the only visits made to the savages have been brief calls of a few hours at one ofthe border police stations of semi- civilized coast-villages, at which the steamers GILBERT LITTLE STARK 239 stop, where the visitors' intercourse with them is limited to the haggling purchase of a loin cloth or a string of beads. The gathered facts I was able to glean are that in the mountains live seven tribes of savages differing slightly in dress, appearance, and cus tom, and differing greatly in language. On the plains lives an eighth tribe, the Pepo or Pephu- ans, who have become reconciled to Chinese dress and customs. All of the hill tribes were left undisturbed by the Chinese, who drew a trench along the edge of the plains defining their country; and in return the savages kept mainly to the hills, descending now and then for a few be-pigtailed heads, for no youth could sit in council or take unto himself a wife until he had presented the village with a fresh head. In 1895, when the Japanese took possession, they passed a law that the savages should retain their old lands, and Japanese subjects were forbidden to settle in, or even to enter, savage territory with out permission, under penaltyof fine or imprison ment. They also established a series of border police stations, to protect the people ofthe plains and to gain the friendship and confidence of the savages. Of course there was fighting, but the matter mended gradually, and the southern 240 LETTERS OF tribes gave up head-hunting and ceased attack ing the stations. Just now the northern tribe, the Atayals, are making a desperate struggle, and are gleaning a very large number of Japanese and Chinese heads for their village collections; but although the trouble has threatened to spread further south, it has not, as yet. The section of the country in which we found ourselves, at the Namakama police post, has been quiet to all intents for the last six years, although as late as last January (1907) a China man was found, almost at the stockade wall, in the unfortunate condition of having had his head removed. The savages in the courtyard watched us eat and watched us bathe and watched us prepare for bed. They did this, not with vulgar crowd ing and talking, but aloof, in silence. Their bearing was a strange mixture of suUenness and dignity, and their attitude was that they might as well watch us, having nothing better to do. We watched them too, a little afraid to do so openly; for we had been warned that we must let them severely alone; they would stand no "fooling." Our first meeting with them gave us nothing definite, it was only an impression ; but you shall have it for what impressions are worth. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 241 They stood mostly in the dark, but we could see that the men were well-built and graceful, wearing very few clothes. Their faces were fine but stern, their mouths cruel. All of the men wore beads and swords, or rather, ugly long knives in open sheaths. Even the boys, children of twelve, carried these knives and wore the same sullen, old look that their fathers had. The girls were covered decently from neck to ankles, and stood by twos and threes with their arms about each other; they were rather pretty. At our door I noticed two savages talking with one of our policemen, a quiet, straight-nosed man who had walked in front of me during the day and had never smiled. I went out and asked him in phrase-book Japanese whether he under stood their talk. He pointed to the nearest sav age: "Kyodai," he said, "my brother." Then I noticed that his ears were pierced, and two of his teeth removed, and his nose straighter than any Japanese nose, but the rest of the man was as civilized as Kobayashi San, our sub-prefect, or as you or I. A hopeful sign for the future of his race. As he pointed to his savage companions, they bowed very low, without smiling or speaking. I grunted, because I did not know what else to do ; they grunted back; it seems we were friends. 242 LETTERS OF Here, you see, the Japanese have no color- problem or race-problem, as we have with the Filipinos or American Indians. Pacification, education, and absorption or cooperation, seem to be the wisest course, and have many Japanese advocates. The tribes have shown no signs of degeneration as yet, and will most probably escape the fate of extinction which has fallen upon nearly all other aborigines. Before going to sleep I thought of the account that the Hong Kong newspaper man wrote. "I was received in a very friendly way," he says, " but at the same time I felt that no trust could be put in the savages, whose faces bore the stamp of treachery and bloodthirstiness." That night I agreed with him, but now his conclusion seems tourist-like and superficial; for his impression and mine, while very true as impressions, were very false as facts. He also said, referring to the northern post he visited : " Beyond this spot no one can go; the silent forest stretches for mile after mile beyond the ken of civilized man; its denizens, man and beast alike, savage and un approachable." Here we were at a correspond ing border-post, and beyond that spot we were about to go, for several days ; there was food for pleasant dreams in that reflection, and on it I fell asleep. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 243 " Does the road wind up-hill all the way ? Yes, to the very end." " Such are the opening lines ofa poem by Chris tina Georgina Rossetti, and they are an apt com mentary on our third day's climb, except for the fact that there was no road, and the track we took did not wind at all but went straight up, like a fly's track on the wall. We started shortly after daybreak, and made straight up the new valley, above which Nii-taka- ' UP-HILL Does the road wind up-hill all the way ? Tes, to the very end. WiU the day's journey take the whole day long ? From morn to night, my friend. But is there for the night a resting-place ? A roof for when ihe slow dark hours begin. May not the darkness hide it from my face ? Tou cannot miss ihat inn. Shall I meet other wayfarers at night ? Those who have gone before. Then must I knock, or call when just in sight ? They will not keep you standing at the door. Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak f Of labor you shall find the sum. Will there be beds for me and all who seek ? Tea, beds for all who come. Christina G. Rossetti. 244 LETTERS OF yama showed itself for a time and then withdrew behind a curtain of light clouds. We left all our coolies at Namakama, without being able to per suade one of the lot to continue with us as assist ant to the cook, whose duties, we could see, were going to be very heavy. Offers of double pay and presents to boot were of no avail ; they only looked at the savages, and shook their heads decidedly. Lin, our Pekin boy, was frightened and very much exhausted, and would have turned back if he had known the language; but the Formosa Chinese speak the Amoy dialect, and Lin talks only Mandarin and Cantonese. It was funny to hear him talking with the cook in pidgin-English, their only means of communi cation. The cook, bless his soul ! was a rock of determination; it was a bad business, but he would see it through; and every night, when we straggled into camp and dropped on our blankets, tired out, there he was blowing his fire andppening tins of food. The only answers he ever gave to our commands were, "Awright, Master," "Cando, Cando," or, "That belong proper." This third valley was full of large boulders, which made walking easier for our feet, and the river was one long rapid. Two savages and a GILBERT LITTLE STARK 245 policeman had gone on, one day ahead, and had thrown two or three saplings across the torrent, where the banks were high and the river too swift to ford. Rather unsteady crossing it made, but safe if you were n't dizzily inclined. The valley was so narrow that it was almost a gorge, and often we left the river-bed and had to scramble up steep places or over great obstruct ing rocks. At several of the worst of these de tours the advance party had hung long strands of looped wire, which helped greatly. Shortly before noon the river entered a gorge, with two very large steep-sided mountains as walls ; there was not room for both our party and the river in the gorge, so we started up the mountain on the left, and reached by tiffin-time a collection of savage huts, known, or rather unknown, as the village of Tumpo. Our party on this third day was considerably larger than it had been, for we had exchanged our eighteen Chinese coolies for fifty savages. Most of our savages were grown men, but we had eight women and four children between twelve and fifteen years old. The savages car ried loads of from twenty to forty pounds only, in net Iwgs attached to a " tump-line " across the forehead. They climbed at a rapid gait, and 246 LETTERS OF seemed to cast away the restraint and dignity they had worn at the station, talking and laugh ing freely among themselves. Early in the morn ing two old men stopped and guffawed to see me drinking water out of my hat. " What ho," thought I, " this augurs well " ; but we were still wary and let them severely alone. Whenever the climb was a bit steep and slippery, one ofthe old men at the rear would throw back his head and bellow, *^'Ye-e-e-o-oh-ho-ho," and those in front would answer, "Yo-ho-ha-ha," running down the scale from his note. It is a great cry, and from a little distance sounds like a far-off en gine whisde heard through the forest. It was always given in the same order and with the same notes. By daylight we could see the details of their costume. Not that there were so many, — far from it, — but very different from anything I have ever seen. The women wear jackets, and a flat vest-cloth hangs over the breasts by a cord about the neck. Around their waists they tie a cloth that falls skirt-like to the ankles, with an opening at the side ; a garment almost identical with the sarong of Burmah, Java, and Siam. As they walked with a fine free swing, youi could see another piece of cloth, tied about the legbelow GILBERT LITTLE STARK 247 the knee and falling over the calf. On their heads they wear simply folded turbans, and about their necks string after string of hard red berries. As the day grew warmer, they discarded their jackets, but nothing else. The men wear nothing on their legs and no thing on their bodies. About their waists they have a wide wooden belt, sometimes four inches in breadth. This they draw tight like a corset, the largest man measuring only about twenty- six inches about the waist, and the result is that their chests stick out like Sandow's. I suppose this belt makes them breathe through their upper lungs when climbing. Into the belt they tuck the upper corners of a stitched blue loin-cloth. Their other garments are one or two bag-like pockets hung by strings about the neck, strings of bone and colored beads, and very rarely a small chest- protector. At night and in the early morning they wear loose jackets of deerskin with the hair inside, but these garments are resorted to only for warmth. On their heads they wear tight caps of leather, with a flap hanging over the back of the neck and on to the shoulders ; these bonnets tie under the chin like an old woman's night-cap. But the crowning glory, and by far the most in dispensable article in the outfit, is the sword. It 248 LETTERS OF is a rude, sharp knife, about twenty inches long in the blade, with a simple wooden grip; it is sharp only on one edge, and is fitted into a sheath with a wooden back and metal strips in front; it is slung over the shoulder on a grass or leather belt. This sword is worn constandy when away from the hut, and the owner is supposed never to let another handle it. It will be noticed that, from behind, the male attire appears to consist only of a wide belt about the waist. Both sexes climb barefoot. We did not stay long at Tumpo, but continued our climb for an hour and a half after tiffin. The path was merely a succession of footholds or toe- holes in the steep bank, and the heels ofthe man direcdy in front were always above my head. The thick jungle-grass about us made it a bit easier, for it was strong and could be used to pull up on, but it took heavy toll for its usefulness in the shape of cut hands. Near the top we reached a long vertical scar of rock, and apparendy our way lay up its surface. Am. and I were climb ing together, some way behind one division of savages and ahead of the rest. We scrambled up some twenty or thirty feet, but could get no farther, for the rock shaled off and crumbled at every move, and there were no holds above us. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 249 Just then the rest of the party appeared below, and showed us by shouts and signs that we had mistaken the path, which turned up the right side of the scar where the grass gave foothold ; and there, sure enough, was a long-looped wire dangling along the side from a stunted tree. Am. had been working to the right, and by strenuous effort reached the grass ; but I had worked to the left, and could not move up, down, or across. I had no foothold, and was holding up by the pres sure of my body against the steep rock, and a grip on a tough clump of grass which seemed al ready to be giving way. One of the savages, who had reached a point opposite me on the other side, handed his pack to another below and walked out across the scar as easily as you or I would walk a log. The grip of one toe seemed to give him secure footing, and with his assistance I reached the opposite edge easily. Ten minutes more brought us to a level place with an altitude of 6000 feet. For half an hour we crossed a steep slope around the shoulder of the mountain, with the river gorge below us, — a slip and a slide of fully 3000 feet by the ane roid glass; then we climbed down 1500 feet, and struck the river at the upper end of the gorge. We were to sleep this night at Laka-Laka, 250 LETTERS OF where we had been told triumphantly that there was a hot spring; so our hopes ran high and we scrambled and splashed up the edge of the river with desperate good-will. At one point the val ley widened by maybe a hundred feet, and there were three large rocks the size of small cabins ; the rest of the narrow valley was foaming river and jungle-grass. On one of the mighty boulders sat Humpo San, a warm-hearted policeman, who always spoke in a loud voice as though he were very angry, presumably to hide the fact of his tender heart. " Laka-Laka," he bellowed, as soon as we were within hearing, just as if it were our fault and he were scolding us. Then it began to rain. As usual, Stephen" was not to be found, so we could do nothing but sit by in the drizzle and watch proceedings. The savages hid the bag gage under a rock and set to work on grass and saplings with their swords. Before long Laka- Laka was a small village of grass-huts, and fires were starting up sullenly, with much heavy wet smoke that stung the eyes. The cook patiendy set to work to build his fire and cook in the rain ; but A persuaded four savages to stand in the wet and hold the corners of a sheet of heavy oil-paper, thus keeping the water out of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 251 the soup. Our tent was made of canvas that we brought along, and leaked like a sieve, while the grass-houses, as we found later, were quite dry. After the difficulties had smoothed over and supper was ready, Stephen showed up. He had spent the time of chaos and confusion sitting in the hot spring. A gray drizzling morning followed the wet night, and the roof of our tent sprayed water like a gende shower-bath. "Impossible to proceed," said our escort through Stephen. "Impossible to remain," said we through Ste phen. " The climbing will be dangerously slippery," said Stephen. "We shall drown in this shower-bath," said we. The upshot was that we decided to layoff dur ing the day and following night, at the village of Laka-Laka (there was one, after all, 500 feet straight above us), where we could be more com fortable. By such lucky mischance came about the pleasantest feature of the trip. We climbed and climbed, with wet leaves slapping us in the face, and were soon comfortably sheltered in a grass-shed, with three open sides and a blazing 252 LETTERS OF fire in the centre. Then our escort returned to the river below, and left us five unarmed stran gers, with two scared Chinese boys, in a village of one time head-hunters, who had never before seen a white man. The first thing they did was to come out through the rain and crown us with flowers ! Heavy, solid wreaths of marigolds they gave us, and the older men of the village wore them, too; there was a great store of marigolds, I noticed, under the eaves of the big house. Then they asked us in to sit by their fire. The village of Laka-Laka is not a metropolis; it is a provincial city. It comprises one big house and three litde ones, built of stones, with a heavy grass-roof loaded with boulders against the strong winds, for it is over 5000 feet high here. Besides these four dwellings, there are three sheds, two empty and one full of bones. Deer bones, antlers, monkey skulls by the dozen, and wild-boar skulls, with cruel tusks, by the double dozen. We left Mr. and Mrs. A in possession of the hut we first seized ; the three of us with the Chinese boys occupied the other empty one ; the third shed we left to the bones. Am. and I followed the head man into his big house while it was still drizzling. It was very GILBERT LITTLE STARK 253 dark inside, for there were no windows and the smoke-holes in the roof had been closed to keep out the rain. There was only one room, a rec tangle ten by twenty feet; the door being in the centre of one of the long sides. Overhead were strings of lean maize, shelves of bags with some sort of grain, and dusty hides hanging together in dim oudine. Underfoot was an earthen pave ment, and at each end of the room a sunken fire was burning. Direcdy in front of the door were two large wooden mortars, in which the women were pounding grain with pesdes four feet long. There were three women to a mortar, and they pounded in one, two, three order, just as circus men drive stakes for the tent. In a dark corner behind the fire two men were standing and work ing their feet, as if they were walking a treadmill or trying to clean them on a doormat; I could not see what they were standing on just then. There were six or eight people grouped about each fire, and they made room for us, placing billets of wood for us to sit on ; the people at the other end of the room came over to our fire. Our clothes interested them at first, and then our skins. We must roll up our sleeves to show them that we were white all over. One litde fellow kept rubbing his cheek up and down my arm. 254 LETTERS OF There was a good deal of laughter as we grew better acquainted, and the children patted our hands and played with them, whereat the elders smiled indulgendy. My eyes saw more clearly now, and I made out that the men wiping their feet in the corner were treading deer-hides rolled into a ball, working them over and over to make them soft. Tire sun came out brighdy, and the women carried their mortars out-of-doors, and we fol lowed ail together. These Laka-Laka people were of the same tribe as our fifty porters, and their dress and appearance was the same. The men are fine-looking, with high foreheads, straight noses, straight eyebrows, good eyes, and small mouths for the most part; the chin is very determined and projects, and the color of the skin is a dark tan like that ofthe Japanese coolie. Both sexes knock out one tooth on each side of the upper jaw, leaving the two front teeth iso lated ; it is a disfigurement to which you soon be come accustomed ; they also pierce the ears and wear earrings made of mother-of-pearl shell cut into half-moons and hung from the ear by wire. We saw them make a pair here; it was an all- day task. The hair of the head is worn long to the shoulders; the men sometimes tie a cord GILBERT LITTLE STARK 255 about the end; there is no hair whatever on the body. I might add that, although the nose is fine and straight, it is broad at the nostrils, and when looked at from the front, makes the unmis takable Malay triangle. Adults and children seem to be very healthy; there were no bald- headed children, scarred and pitted with dis ease, such as you see in every Chinese village; but their legs below the knee were badly scarred and cut, and many of them had open wounds, so that for an hour we were very busy with anti septic vaseline and torn handkerchiefs. One old hunter, in particular, had almost severed his great toe by a stroke of his sword. We left him a supply of vaseline in a big green leaf. While we sat about on rocks, the children brought us roasted yams and cracked nuts for us, and as a final proof of friendship, set to work on our heads to relieve us of unwelcome guests. Great was the surprise at not finding them. One boy of about ten sat behind me and gravely rubbed my back for twenty minutes. The savages apparently live on sweet pota toes, a millet-like grain, nuts, and game. We bought some very good venison of them. They also have chickens and a few healthy-looking pigs. We relieved them of two chickens, and 256 LETTERS OF hardly knew how to pay them; for they wanted clothes, but we had none to spare; money they did not care for, until we showed them how they could string the silver coins for a necklace. At that, they preferred the big copper pennies to the silver twenty-cent pieces. The voices of these savages are low and gen tle, and they never speak hurriedly or angrily, but answer the loudest shouts of our soldiers with a quiet good humor. They treat each other with kindness and consideration, and no matter how small a gift of cloth or food we gave to one, he shared it with as many as possible. They treated us without servility, as absolute equals. After dinner the entire village gathered about our fire, and we held a grand pow-wow. There we were, one white woman, the pluckiest I have ever known, four white men, two Chinamen, and twenty or thirty bare-bodied savages, miles from anywhere, huddled together around an open fire under the open stars. There was much sharing of food with the patriarch of the village- family, and then we sang all together, we white people. The savages laughed and roared at the funny sounds we made, and cried "Mashiach!" which we had discovered means "good." It was not good singing, but you can't expect savages GILBERT LITTLE STARK 257 who don't even know their own ages to be expert musical critics. After the ice was broken; two or three young braves, gay with necklaces and heavy brass brace lets, had recognized us as kindred spirits and in sisted on having their arms over our shoulders. They escorted the three of us to our lonely shed at a little distance from the houses, and as a crowning favor one stayed to sleep with us. He grew cold, however, as he had no blanket, and went back to the fire for the rest of the night. It was very dark and cold and still In our open shed, and we could hear the river far below and the owls answering each other in the jungle close about us. I had barely closed my eyes after listening to the owls, when I heard sticks crackling near at hand, and opening them again, I saw a growing light on the leaves about the shed. It grew brighter, and out of the thick grass stepped one of the children of the village with a piece of blazing pitchwood in his hand. Sure enough it was five o'clock, and time to be up and doing. There was no sign of sunrise, but there was a cold moon in the sky, and by its light I stumbled down to the big house and soon warmed through at the chief's fire. Three ofthe men were looking 258 LETTERS OF to their weapons ; they had one long gun as tall as a man, and told me by signs that they were going to hunt deer higher up the valley; while It was still dark, they set out. We gathered in our hats and extra coats, which had been adorning our friends the young bucks, and started our march shordy after sunrise. As a final honor Mrs. A sewed a button on the patriarch's chest-cloth, and pinned a big safety- pin just beneath; the old fellow swelled like the frog in the fable, and evidendy felt that his Im portance had now reached human limits. A moral, a moral ! All the pride of Lucifer over a button and a safety-pin; just as worthy hon ors truly as some we civilized people break our hearts or swell our chests over. This fifth day was a tough climb, but not over- long. For three hours we kept to the old valley, with the very high peaks close ahead now; then, near the end of the valley, we turned sharply to the right and climbed up a litde tributary. The main valley had been steep, and the swift river, through which we carried those blessed fox- terriers so often, was a succession of rapids, but this litde stream was one long waterfall or series of waterfalls, and so cold that the clear gray rock- pools we stepped into stung our feet. It was GILBERT LITTLE STARK 259 hands-and-knees work, some of it, up a smooth rock or a steep fallen tree, or a notched stick, or pulling yourself up on a wire, with your toes catching at cracks and ledges. We had tiffin at a place where the top man of our procession was perhaps sixty feet of vertical height above the bottom eater. After tiffin we left the water and struck straight up the moun tain, which was wooded to the crest. We were high above the opposite wall of the ravine, and could look for miles to the west, over the peaks and ridges we had been travelling through for the last few days. There was nothing to block the view straight off towards China. The footing of this afternoon's climb was rather uncertain; projecting rocks, clumps of moss, and tree-roots on the hillside were the best we could expect. In several places where we were forced to straddle nothing, our advance- guard had lashed saplings to the hillside, which afforded good footing If you held on by the vines. At one of these places a slight accident occurred. One of the savage girls slipped and would have fallen, had not Am., who was just behind, caught her by the arm. As it was, her load slipped and crashed down through the small trees and bushes. She was wild with excitement 26o LETTERS OF and had to be held for several minutes, during which she screamed and tried to jump down after her pack. Early In the afternoon we pulled ourselves up over the edge of a small grassy plateau where we were to camp for two nights, making the ascent and descent of our mountain In the day between them. We had left the tropics two days behind us, and here it would be an easy matter to per suade yourself that you were in Switzerland — If you could only teach the savages to wear knee- breeches and to yodel! Behind us the litde ravine led down like a ladder to the main valley 2500 feet below, and the lower mountain-ridges lay stretched out like the roofs of a German vil lage. Before us was the cozy little plateau, pos sibly a quarter of a mile square, bounded on the left and at the back by high mountains, and at the right by a deep, cliff-sided valley, across which rose the triple peaks of Nii-taka-yama. Here we met our advance-guard for the first time, and built our huts in a litde grove of twisted pines where there was water. This place Is called Hat-su-gang. The glass registered 9300 feet, and It grew cold even while the sun was shining ; but our huts were of thick, fragrant pine- boughs, and the fire blazed merrily at the foot GILBERT LITTLE STARK 261 of a centuries-old pine tree that looked as If it were trying to shelter the whole plateau under its great gnarled branches. The savages were cold and crowded about our fire, clothed In all the odd garments we could spare. It was a funny sight to see a young flower- crowned brave, with nothing on but his sword and a pair of long cotton underdrawers ; or to see another trying to get warm In a panama hat and a pair of white woollen gloves. I sat on a log, reading, with a blanket over my shoulders, and a boy named Uschlung, who had grown very friendly, crept under one corner, holding on with an arm about my waist. His teeth were chat tering, but his little brown body felt as warm as a stove against mine. His running mate, Ibi, monopolized the other end, so I closed the book and had a lesson in savage dialect. By this time I had collected about forty words, and the boys never tired of bringing new objects and telling me their names, or going over their own anatomies in search of some unnamed finger or toe. They tried to learn the English equivalents as well, and pronounced our words with far greater ease than the Chinese and Japanese beginners do, in spite of the fact that their own language has very few sounds. The most noticeable sound In their 262 LETTERS OF language is ch pronounced like the German ch In Ich ; they use this sound in almost every word, sch at the beginning or in the middle of the word, and chi at the end. The result is a sibilant sound running all through their talk; and as their voices are low and musical, and the intona tion gentle and varied, the effect Is very pleasing. The night was bitterly cold : we suffered under our blankets, and In the morning there was a heavy frost; but we got under way as soon as there was light enough. Most of the savages remained in camp with our Chinese boys, who were sadly in need of rest, but we took with us six strong young men, and one old hunter as guide. Six policemen and our five selves made eighteen in all. I have said that there was a valley at the right of the plateau. This valley runs from east to west almost to the western edge, over which we had come ; then It turns south into the very heart of Nii-taka-yama and its three peaks. The lowest peak is at the right ofthe valley, east; the second peak is at the left, west ; and the third is straight ahead, south. It was the second peak which we were to climb. Our route first led along the side of the deep valley-cleft, working towards its southern end. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 263 For an hour we crossed the steep slope of slippery grass without rising more than 100 feet. There was barely foothold for the side of the foot, and loose rocks, dislodged by our feet, reached the valley-floor beneath by great leaps. I should say this valley was not over 1000 feet deep. At the valley-head there was a lofty waterfall, above which the stream was only some 300 feet below us ; we descended to it and scrambled up Its course for half an hour. At our left the first peak rose abruptly, a wall of gray rock with quartz streaks; directly ahead was the third peak, a reddish precipice with a curved top ; the second peak, which we were to climb, was at our right, but we could not see the top, only a steep, tree-covered bank that rose up to meet the sky. An hour's climb cleared us of the forest at the 10,500 foot level. An hour over grass slopes, steep as a slope can be and remain a slope at all, brought us close to 12,000 feet. Here we found a level spot to breathe in, and a trickle of water, and soon after leaving the water, we struck bare rock and reached the crest of a ridge that led straight up to the peak, like a spinal column. This ridge was not by any means narrow enough to straddle, but It would be possible for any one so inclined to fall off either side If he chose. The 264 LETTERS OF day was beautiful, — windless, cloudless, cold, • — and the view opening about us on all sides seemed infinite ; but the climb was muscle-tiring, throat-parching, head-throbbing work, and there was not much conversation. I think the last thousand feet on rock was the easiest part of the climb, however, for footing and hand-holds were good, and when you placed your foot on a ledge, you knew that both the foot and the ledge were going to stay right there. A , our Consul, was the first American ever to set foot on the top, and the rest of us followed in quick succession. " Over the Bunch," said Am., as he sat himself down on a comfortable rock. Of the view I suppose I must speak, for it was the great feature of the expedition ; but a view from a very high mountain does not lend Itself to the limitation of words. Too many elements enter Into it. There Is the fatigue of the climb, the exhilaration of the altitude, the humming of blood in your ears, and all the fleeting glories of sunlight and atmosphere — there Is also a sug gestion of Infinity that transcends juggling with the alphabet. Suffice It to say that, near at hand, were the mighty sister-peaks, and round about, a host of lesser dignitaries like lords about the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 265 throne, less than the king but very mighty men ; behind them, peaks and peaks, north, south, east, and west, and far away, both at the right hand and at the left hand, quivered a hazy ocean. The forests below were masses of cool green, and In every valley gleamed a thread of silver; the rock- ridges were glowing browns and reds, with clear- cut blue shadows; there was a haze of smoke in one valley from a forest fire, and the light over all was glorious. For half an hour we had a clear view, then clouds blotted out everything and rolled about the valley, while the peaks still glowed In sunlight. Both of our aneroids became dizzy and rather lost their heads, for one registered over 14,000 feet and the other 13,300. The highest peak is officially supposed to be 13,880 feet, and our peak is most probably between 13,500 and 13,600 feet. There was not room for us all on the very tip top, but we perched as near It as possible and patted each other on the back. It seems that we were the first foreigners to ascend this second peak, and the second party; for two Japanese gendemen and one of our own escort, Kurota San, had preceded us by one year. We were the second party of foreigners to ascend the moun- 266 LETTERS OF tain at all, and the fourth party to try, but, best of all, the first Americans ever to enter the dis trict. Ten years ago a German party succeeded In reaching the third peak, which Is about 200 feet higher than the one we climbed. Some time later, an English party under Captain Goodfellow made the attempt, but in one of the lower valleys the Captain fell Into a trap that the savages had set for wild beasts, and was forced to return for treatment at a hospital. Last year a party from the British Museum, according to Kurota San, although I imagine it was the Royal Geographic Society, made the attempt, but they got no fur ther than Hat-su-gang, where they were delayed for several days by bad weather. The climb In Itself is tiring, and Its length, five days, makes It quite an undertaking, but there are no real difficulties In the way, and no skill or knowledge is required for the work. There are plenty of places where a misstep might prove fatal, but it Is always easy not to make the misstep. While the island was under Chinese government, there was no protection guaranteed against the savages, and now so much govern ment assistance is required that a private indi vidual hesitates to ask for it; this, rather than GILBERT LITTLE STARK 267 the natural difficulties. Is the reason why the trip has been so rarely accomplished. The descent of the mountain through clouds was rather more tiring than the ascent; but we reached the camp at Hat-su-gang before dark, and slept deeply. The next morning we started back, favored by perfect weather. We travelled fast, sliding with seven-league steps down slopes of loose rock that we had toiled up Inch by Inch. So fast we travelled that we lunched at Laka-Laka, the hot spring in which Stephen so loved to wallow, and spent the night at Tumpo over the steep hill. It was a wearing day, but we finished It with an hour of daylight to spare. Am. and I sat on a fallen log In a grove of banana-palms at the valley's edge, and talked feelingly (a banana in each hand) of the time when these beautiful silent places, disturbed only by the sound of winds and rushing streams and birds, would be spoken of as the "Japanese Alps," and Included In every globe-trotter's Itin erary. Just opposite us a short valley branched off to the south. Its green mountain walls 8000 feet at least, and a brawling torrent creaming along Its floor. We watched the shadow steal up to the top of the eastern wall and the lazy clouds 268 LETTERS OF crawl around each jutting shoulder and along the valley-bottom, until the whole beautiful scene was just a formless, solid jumble against the tender western glory. Hotels and pordy ladles en grande tour seemed a long way off just then. In this village, Tumpo, we were rummaging about the bone-shed, among boar jaws and monkey skulls, when we came quite suddenly upon three human skulls. It was the last night we were to have this tribe of savages with us, and Uschlung hung about in an access of affection, even suggesting sleeping with us, but the quarters were narrow as It was. I told him about the skulls, for this was his village. He laughed and nodded, pointing to his sword and his neck, then he cuddled closer and drew my arm over his shoulder. Truly, crime is more or less a matter of latitude and longitude, and missionaries ought to be able to do wonders with these gende people, who now look on murder as a cardinal virtue. By this rime we had grown quite expert at sign-language with our savage friends, and they told us at length of their daily life. They showed us how they hunted deer, and lay In wait with knives for the wild boar; they pointed out long tusk-scars on their legs and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 269 arms, and showed us the round tunnels or run ways that Baboo, the wild boar, makes In the jungle-grass; and they broke off the leaves of the fleshy elephant-ear plant, to show how they drink the sap. We learned nothing, however, about their religion, except that they believe impllcldy in signs and omens. They would not permit Stephen to pick a certain flowering grass, lest all their tribe fall sick. One day we passed a tiny hut of stones, not more than a foot square, and in it were offerings of wild fruit and scar let berries. They hide their graves, and seem to believe that there are spirits in the trees and rocks. Dacho and Oomush had joined our group of intimates in the last day or two, and when we parted at Hosha, we went through their ceremony of friendship, drinking out of the same cup with them at the same time, — a skill- demanding performance that Is gone through with cheek to cheek. On the day after we left Tumpo, we turned up a branch valley to the south, leaving our up- trall, and returned to the railroad by a four days' climb over Arl-san. Mt. Ari is a trifle over 8000 feet high, and the two days' climb to Its summit, up the Hosha Valley, was as rough work as we had on the Mt. Morrison trip ; but the two days 270 LETTERS OF down the other side to Kagi and the railroad were on a real path, two feet wide, at least. The new tribe of savages that we took for por ters at Hosha (sounds like a large town, but it was only ten grass and bamboo huts with a few banana-palms) were of a, slighdy different type. They wore long feathers sewed to their deer skin caps, wore more jewelry, stuck flowers through their pierced ears, when they did n't have the pearl half-moons, and talked a language which seemed to have no points in common with the language of our old Namakama friends. Their village had a large open council-shed on stilts, that you reached by climbing up a notched stick. In the centre was a stone platform for fire, and around this the boys and unmarried braves sleep. No woman is allowed to enter the shed, and no article of woman's manufacture is used there, for fear of making the young warriors effeminate. They knock out their teeth In the same way and have the same general type of features, but are on the whole a handsomer lot of men. One of the youths had a profile like a cameo or a Greek coin, and when he lay about camp after the day's work, in graceful long- limbed poses, with a wreath of white flowers and golden ferns, he looked for all the world like GILBERT LITTLE STARK 271 a young Athenian ready for some fashionable symposium. This classic youth had a fidus Achates as well, who followed his every move and walked up impossible tree-trunks to gather the ferns growing on the branches, for his friend. The Hosha people sang, too, at night. One man would extemporize a verse, and all the rest would raise their voices in the chorus, until it ran the whole length of the line of camp-fires gleaming through the long grass. A long-drawn chant of three notes, ending in a throaty slur down scale thrice repeated. No falsetto, but full chest-tones and very musical. In music and appearance, in disposition and their love of flowers, these people remind me of what I have heard ofthe Samoans. There Is also a Samoan or Tongan village named Laka-Laka! I went to sleep with the music in my ears, and early the next morning I turned In my blanket and looked out the tent- door, just In time to see the Athenian rise from his camp-fire, stretch his arms wide, black against the starlight, throw back his head, and wake the camp with a verse of his own to the old chant. Back came the answer, rather a sleepy chorus, but droning off to the very end of the camp. Dim figures rose out of the grass, and the day's work was on. 272 LETTERS OF Just over the windy crest of Arl-san, at a height of 7100 feet, is the pioneer office of the Fiyita Lumber Company. It will be eight years before they begin to cut, but they are working hard, and by that time expect to have a narrow- gauge railroad, 30 Inches, connecting them with Kagi. They have 40,000 acres of pine, cedar, and live oak; about 2,000,000,000 timber feet, they estimate ; and the wood samples they showed us were excellent. Here we returned to the luxury of a soft Japanese floor. The two days from Fiyita to Kagi are long ones, but, as I said before, there Is a real path, and the way is all through beautiful forests, with occasional sorties on the edge of valleys 2000 and 3000 feet deep, as the stone drops; The first day was all through conifers, and we did not see a house or a clearing until we reached the litde station which the Fiyita Company keeps for Its own convenience. Tall, beautiful trees they were, one of them, near the office, measuring seventy feet in circumference. Great swinging creepers drape from tree to tree and hang in hundred-foot loops from the branches; ferns grow profusely on all the trees, and huge glossy- leaved parasites or air plants fill the branches; the place is alive with pheasants and partridge. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 273 and you often hear them whir away from the path at your approach. The second day was pardy through live oak and partly through a bamboo forest, where the green sun-streaked stems were so close together that they looked like a hedge lining the path ahead of us, and their heavy plumes meeting overhead made the way dark at noonday. In this forest we passed several tiny houses, where Chinese live to make paper from the bamboo, which they soak In big pits beside the path. The final descent of almost 4000 feet Is a rapid one, and Is over with in a litde more than three hours ; a sort of a run-and-jump affair. The savages carried all the way to the rail road for us. It was a great lark and a new experience for them, and they raced along the level country singing and shouting under their loads, to the consternation of the Chinese coo lies who lined up by the roadside to let them pass. Back again to the bleeding mouths of the betel-chewers ; the wide-horned suspicious water- buffaloes ploughing under the old rice crop, or cooling their blue-black hulks in wayside pools, with only the muzzle and horns above water. Back to the fawn-colored humped oxen, steered 274 LETTERS OF In their ponderous courses by Chinese babies straddling their necks. When we left civilization, all Formosa was bending Its rice crop over by hand, to forestall the expected typhoon (which never comes, let me whisper) ; now all Formosa was threshing, — pounding bunches of rice against the edge of the tub with a net back-stop to guide the flying grain aright; or ploughing under the stubble of the last crop. All the climbing, all the toils and pleasure of mountain and forest, all the Uschlungs and Ibis are "Finish," as pidgin- English hath it, and we are the richer by a few memories and savage trinkets, and the poorer by two blankets and an extra coat, which Oomuch now flaunts to the envy of all Namakama. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 275 Hong Kong, Victoria, November 19, 1907. Dear Old Soak, — Your blessed yellow en velope and contents has been lying here since October loth, and only a few days ago did I re ceive It, for contrary to plans and expectations, I have been spending September, October, and half of this good turkey month In the grass plains of Mongolia and in the savage fastnesses of Formosa, — Ihle Formosa, — the beautiful Isle, as the Portuguese called it. We have just returned from the latter, where we joined our young consul, A , In an exploring trip through the jungle to the top of Mt. Morrison, Japan's highest point of land, almost fourteen thousand feet. I suppose you are now deep in the mysteries of Pennsylvania law, and I imagine you are mak ing a great name for yourself in Quaker-town, especially as the fate of Kirl II is at stake on your success. I can see you humped over a desk with a green shade bound to your noble dome, and a headache brewing therein, as the torts and retorts dance across the page. I suppose that by this time you have become re-acquainted with Fred, the Pride of Pennsylvania, and begin to feel at home in the great new house, where I 276 LETTERS OF intend to break a friendly crust some day, the Lord and the Ballards being willing. Hugh I have not heard from since I left home, but shall write him as long a letter as I have ink for, on the boat between this port and Singapore. Dick wrote me a steamer letter, which I answered from Japan. I have hopes of a reply. Out here where my feet are pointing straight up at the soles of all my friends' feet. It gives me great pleasure to think and wonder what you are all doing, and howthe winter that I am going to lose out of my life is beginning to set In at home. Here we have palm trees and great hedges of flowers along the roadside. There is one part of our trip that I know you would like — the water. I know that you turn up your nose at anything longer than forty feet or anything with a propeller, but you would like these boats. We have been on eight craft for over three days to a week apiece. In the Yellow Sea and North China Sea, and not one has been over two thousand tons burthen, while some have been under one thousand. Broad-decked litde cargo ships, with Chinese crews and Scotch officers and two passenger cabins. The captains and mates and engineers are usually old adven turers with wonderful yarns to spin. Wonderful GILBERT LITTLE STARK 277 nights we have had, with the spray flying and the masts reeling among the stars; wonderful days sliding over a turquoise ocean in the haze of an Indian summer, with the red islands gleaming through it, and mat-sailed junks on every hand, in which naked fishermen were pull ing In their nets. Wally, John, Ted, and Reese Alsop, who were with us in Japan, went home a long time ago across Siberia. Purdy and Scurve went mad during late Au gust in Japan, and showed their insanity by giv ing up the whole wonderful Orient, and starting up the Yangtze for India, which they will reach at the same time we do, — about January. They will have thirty-six hundred miles to travel by junk and donkey, but there is a good trade-route all the way, and the country Is perfectly safe. I wish you could have seen Scurve's outfit. He started with thirteen pieces of luggage, all cata logued and numbered with big red figures. Ask him for anything and he would pull out a book, puzzle over it for half an hour, and then announce, — " Box number ten, tray three, case four, com partment six." The joke of it was that he never put things back in the same place, and after a week his system was useless. He had one trunk 278 LETTERS OF full of photograph supplies, and it weighed more than a grand piano. It was a little innocent- looking box, and we used to watch the coolies tackle it in a gay, debonair manner. At the first attack it usually refused to budgej and finally two of them would stagger off under it, groaning like cameh. I meant to write you a merry letter, but this tract Is neither merry nor instructive. For a week I have seen nothing but a sick-room all day, and my bedroom at night, and I am very tired and a little homesick for you all ; hence the medi ocrity of these sheets. I am going to Java by way of Singapore In a day or so, and maybe I can write from there something to make you laugh. Send me a letter care of Thomas Cook, Bombay, India. If you write it by the New Year, I shall get It safely, but don't feel you must wait till then. Please give my love to your mother and to Mary, and my warm friendship to your father and Fred. For yourself, I am sure you remember our talk, and that last mournful supper you and Dick and I had, too well to need any messages. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, old Speed. Yours, Gil. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 279 Hong Kong, November 19, 1907. Dear Mrs. G , According to the rules of epistolary give and take, this letter should be addressed to Philip, who is, I suppose, by this time my most mortal enemy ; but please tell him that he Is often In my thoughts and I am waiting to write him from Java, where, if rumor speaks truly, I shall find matter to interest him withal. The debt I owe to you is not so trivial as the an swer to a letter, — It Is a debt of many happy hours and pleasant memories, which I shall never pay in full. I found here a letter from Lawrence Mason, written months ago, in which he mentioned hav ing spent a Sunday at Glazierbury. The refer ence raised such ghosts of by-gone week-ends about me, that I was moved to put pen to paper straightway. Our party of four is rather scattered at present, although we shall meet next month, I hope. For two months Amasa Mather and I have been alone with our Chinese boy Lin, whom Minister R kindly gave us at Pekin, as he was leav ing shortly for home. We have been avoiding tourists and their haunts, and have been trying to prove ourselves travellers, not mere trippers. By which I mean that we have tried to get Into 28o LETTERS OF the heart of the country and of the people we have been among, that we aim for facts rather than Impressions, that we leave prejudice at home, seeking a new point of view at every step, and giving up the threadbare "grande route" to Mr. Cook's Shepherds and their flock. Our last achievement was an exploring trip with our consul at Formosa, Into the head- hunters' district. Formosa Is terra incognita, even to those who live here and along the China coast not more than one hundred miles away from Its shores; but It Is so beautiful that people will soon dis cover It. The mountains are filled with aboriginal sav ages, the plains with peaceful, hard-working Chinese peasants, and the villages of the extreme north and extreme south are well sprinkled with Japanese, some of whom, like Mioshi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, are Harvard men and delight ful companions. There are no hotels on the Island, but plenty of clean Japanese Inns, and any one who Is fond of Japanese food, which Is delicious after you get used to the taste of the sauces and raw-fish dishes, and can sleep well on the mat-floors, can be as comfortable in Formosa as In Connecticut. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 281 At Hokuto, however, there Is a large Inn, which boasts two foreign beds and a Chinese cook, who can make omelets and souffles ! Hokuto Is a cool little village, not far from Taipeh, the northern capital, and here we lay lotus-eating, while the government completed arrangements for our trip Into the Interior. The village Is strung out through feathery bamboo-clumps along a smooth white road, with here and there an ugly Chinese joss, or a pool. In which huge water-buffaloes are wallowing, while the Chinese youngsters that tend them are squatting on the bank. Our inn faced the head of this road, but the rooms opened like wide- mouthed caves on a deep gallery at the back. Here you could lounge all day and never tire of resting. Just below is a gende slope, more park than garden, full of thick green trees heavy with golden pumeloes, flowering bushes, and hanging vines. Through them you look across level rice- fields to a semicircle of high green mountains that make a new horizon, not over three miles distant. Let me give you a sample evening. It grows dark early here, and after we have finished our fish and mushrooms and turnip- pickle and seaweed, and chased the last grain of rice about the bowl with our chopsticks, night 282 LETTERS OF has quite fallen. We are the only white people this side of Taipeh (there are only about forty on the whole Island, — tea-people), so we dress all day In kimonos only, at Hokuto, and slipping the thong of a straw sandal between our bare toes, we shuffle out to the road at the Inn door. The night Is full of strange odors and tropic sounds, and insect motor-cars whizz by over head. There Is a little open shed at the Inn gate, where a family of Chinese peasants sell fruit; they are all sitting on benches, in the shadow of the heavy foliage, outside of which the road lies white in the moonlight; but they make a place for us as soon as we appear. There are no Eng lish-speaking natives, even at our inn, nearer than Taipeh, but we know a few Japanese phrases and so do the Chinese peasants, so con versation is easy but not eloquent. One of the young fellows brings out a wooden banjo with three strings, and plays for us, while another, stripped to the waist for coolness, with his head on the player's shoulder, sings a long quavering song in high falsetto. Then a neighbor boy strolls by, his cue bound across his forehead like a wreath, and with a calm Buddha-like face, delicate and almost beautiful, — a common type GILBERT LITTLE STARK 283 among the healthy peasants. He has a big bunch of fire-crackers which he Is going to offer to the grinning joss across the road there in the acacia shadow. Everybody takes a handful, and In an instant the air Is full of brilliant explosions that quite put out the big Formosa fire-flies, and a dozen crackers tied together are spluttering at the Idol's feet. There is much laughing and jumping about and setting off of crackers under one another when not looking. Afterwards one of the boys tells me that he set off his crackers for the success of our trip Into the savage coun try; they all shake their heads over this trip, and try to persuade us not to take it. Later we take a paper lantern and towels, and all stumble downhill through the dark, to where a mountain stream brawls through the rocks and skirts the bottom ofthe inn garden ; and the won der of It all is that it Is a mineral stream, so hot that you slip into it by degrees ! The place we choose is a broad pool, as large as the Glazier- bury dining-room or larger, with high banks and a foaming waterfall at one end, to beat down on your back if you so desire. We put the lantern on the bank, and, throwing off kimonos, slip into the warm stream and pick out a shallow place where we can sit lazily on the sandy bottom and 284 LETTERS OF keep our heads above water. A new sensation It Is, in this worn-out old world, to lie there in luxury with the brown peasant boys splashing about, and look up at the open stars and the sheltering banks, heavy with drooping ferns and wild morning-glories. After a time we troop back to bed, and just at the right moment, for not far from the pool we pass an old Chinese woman and her tiny- footed daughters, stumping down on their litde sheep feet for an evening plunge, with a big dragon-sprawled lantern bobbing merrily ahead of them. Do you wonder that we take the trouble to avoid the clubs and hotels and tourist-twaddle of the beaten track, if we can spend evenings like this one by ourselves ? Do write me a letter, and thereby add a jot to the heavy load I owe you already; care Thomas Cook, Bombay, India, will reach me if you send It before the new year gets too old, and It would be a welcome Christmas gift. Please give my love to M , and my best regards to Mr, G , P , and the renowned, redoubtable, and otherwise engaged S . For yourself best wishes and a very Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Gilbert Stark. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 285 Enclosed please look for an earring made of brass and jade; It is a worthless bauble, but may interest you, as It once adorned the ear of a Manchu lady In Pekin. I did not get It at a globe-trotter's shop, but picked it up for a song from a native Manchu at Pekin. Gilbert. CHAPTER V CANTON, JAVA, AND MALAYSIA S. S. Kurong-sai, Lying in the Pearl River at Canton, 90 miles from sea, Friday, November 22, 1907 — 4 p. m. Dear Mother, — For one week and one day my life has been as follows : Sunrise and coffee simultaneously at six-thirty, a bath, then two and a half hours of writing, in pyjamas and dressing- gown. At nine-thirty, breakfast. Every other day I have returned to my room and written until tiffin-time; between days I have spent the morning doing errands for Am., Lin, or myself, engaging steamer passages and giving them up again, and then visiting Lin at the hospital. On these days I would go up to the Peak to see Am. at about eleven, and tiffin at the Peak Hotel. My afternoons have been spent every one with Am., coming down to the hotel in time for din ner at seven-thirty. In the evening I would walk for half an hour, read for an hour, and then to bed. Twice dropped into a Chinese theatre, and once to an amateur dramatic event, at which GILBERT LITTLE STARK 287 I butted Into the midst of Hong Kong decollete- gown-and-boiled-shirt society, arrayed, myself, in modest Brooks Bros.' flannels. In attending said dramatic event I sought diversion, but was so successful in not finding It that I left after Act One ! Had I been fortunate enough to possess a teacup acquaintance with the lady who played Diana Vernon and sang Scotch songs ever and anon with a throaty warble, or a tennis friend ship with the pordy person who impersonated the hero, and filled the tide role, Rob Roy, by concealing himself behind a bushy pair of red whiskers, — then I might have stayed for Act Two, and possibly, who knows in this age of marvels, for Act Three. But I could not even claim a bow and smile from one of the long- necked English matrons who, attired with care in short skirts, shirt waists, Scotch plaids and bonnets, played the Highland Lassie chorus among painted rocks to the wild notes of the pibroch, played in a different key from the piano accompaniment; so I went home to bed. I have grown to feel very well acquainted with the view from the Peak. I have seen it on gray, cloudy days, when the harbor is like a sheet of polished steel dotted with black toy steamers. I have seen it in blazing sunshine, when the eye 288 LETTERS OF Is dazzled with a sapphire sea unrolled below agate rocks, emerald hills, and a pale turquoise canopy over all. I have seen it through mists and rain, and blotted out in clouds, and after dark, with the whole black basin full of starry lights on the shipping and In the town, till it seemed as though the men below were trying to make a copy of the starry basin Inverted over all. I have made a second Philippine acquaint ance, and he shares my table, so dinner is spent in torturing him with questions. My evening ramble is always Interesting, for the streets are full of Chinese strolling about, holding hands like children. Here and there a Sikh policeman stands like a gaudily-trimmed statue, and maybe an Indian gendeman in frock coat and turban passes with his servant close behind. There are no horses on the streets, only rickshaws and sedan-chairs. A cricket match Is being played this week with Shanghai, and one night they had an Illumination at the athletic field, which I saw from afar. There you have my story. Yesterday Am. was again normal, and re mained so for ten hours. Thinking the time was ripe for a litde vacation, I caught the 9 p. M. steamer for Canton, and woke up here this mom- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 289 ing amid a babel and riot of tongues, which my travelled wisdom told me was only the throng of sampan-owners about the ship, bidding for trade. I landed, and being provided for, by telegraph, by a friend I have made In Cook's office, I set out at once with chairs and guide to see the sights. The city and its streets show no points of dif ference from Foochow; narrow, stone-paved, slippery with filth and wet, crowded with two opposing streamsof sedans and half-nude coolies, roofed with mat-awnings and a forest of heavy gold signs, venders shrieking their wares, chair- boys shouting for room, and children whining " Kumshaw," with hands stretched out for cop pers. Two months ago I should have been filled with fear and a litde disgust, but, as at Foochow, I enjoyed it all, and saw in the seething, yelling crowd only a section of the greatest hive of this nation of bees ; this calm, peaceful-minded race, in spite of appearances; the most numerous, hardest-working, easiest-governed race on earth. We saw the water-clock, which tells time by the trickling of water into four successive jars, one of which is fitted with float and scale to tell the hour; we saw the Temple of Six Hundred Genii, one of whom is a fat Buddha, crowned 290 LETTERS OF with an Italian beaver hat, said to be an image of Marco Polo ; we saw the Confucian Temple and the Temple of Ancestral Tablets, the City ofthe Dead, and the Flowery Pagoda ; hardly one of these sights younger than six hundred years. We tiffined at the Five-Story Pagoda, rode along the great crenellated wall, and entered the executive ground, an alley full of drying pottery, earthen jugs containing murderers' heads, wooden crosses for the "slicing " penalty by which a man is doomed to be cut up alive, and with huge brown blood-stains on Its pavement; we han dled the executioner's sword and saw him slice with it an imaginary head. At the advice of Dr. Swan, head of the Medical College, whom I had met on the boat, I spent most time seeing the In dustries for which Canton is famous. The king fisher feather-workers, the brocade-weavers, the ivory-carvers, the jade-cutters, the embroiderers, the rice-paper painters, and the lacquer-work ers all showed us how they make their works of art, which the rest of the world cannot duplicate, but can only admire. The Canton shops are more showy than any others in China, as indeed they should be In a city almost the size of New York proper. All of the different dealers group their shops according GILBERT LITTLE STARK 291 to the trade, and so you have Jade Stone Street and Silk Alley, and pass rows of stores of feather fans, or a district In which there are only fancy caps, or an avenue of silver filigree. All the shops are of brick with open fronts. Some stores are full of great coffins shaped like Noah's Ark. Some have varnished ducks, bloated bladders, entrails, pigs'-heads, and bloody livers In tempting array. The fish-dealers keep their ware alive In tubs, into which falls a spray of water; or else It is dried and twisted out of all shape and countenance. Anon you see a man wending homewards with a raw sheep's heart tied in the middle with a string. As I sit writing on the top deck, waiting for the boat to sail, the whole river-life is surging close around and just beneath. Canton's floating pop ulation is famous, but much as you expect It, the swarm of sampans takes you by surprise. Ugly, shapeless craft they are, with arched mat-roofs, and a whole family on board : mother and sister to do the work, father to drum up trade on shore, little brother to stand in the bow with a big pole and shout insulting remarks to other sampan- owners who happen to collide with his boat, the baby tied to the thwarts by one foot, and the older babies with big lumps of wood tied to their 292 LETTERS OF necks as life-preservers. If a girl baby falls over board, they don't bother to pull her out. It is very unsafe to take a sampan after dark, without the advice of a policeman, for, although your ship Is not two hundred yards from shore, you may never reach her. The Inhabitants of this whole river, even here alongside the quays of Canton, are pirates bred and born, and so late as yesterday the city of Canton received from the Pekin Government 2,000,000 taels to extermi nate the pirate leaders, urged to this tardy move by the threat from the British that, if the Chinese did n't make the river safe, they would seize and purge it themselves. Canton is one of the great cities of the world, and to the tourist who sees only the English cities of Shanghai and Hong Kong, it Is a ver itable plunge Into the wilderness; It Is a real untouched Chinese city, but I did not enjoy it so much as Foochow. Here at Canton you are taken by guides over the exact route that five to fifty tourists travel every day in the year. You visit shops whose show-rooms are not empty of foreigners for more than twenty hours at a stretch, and you see temples that have been de scribed In every book of round-the-world travel that has ever been written. This sort of thing Is GILBERT LITTLE STARK 293 all too cut and dried ; you can read about it, and learn almost as much as by coming here to see It; there Is none of the contact of the people, that we have been so fortunate In having; and there Is no new point of view or broadening of sympathies In It, any more than there Is In walk ing through the streets of the Midway. Pure sight-seeing it Is, which is nothing but selfish pleasure, for It does not help you to help others, and after a few hours it ceases to please. I get very tired of looking at things, and then rushing a mile further to look at something else for five minutes, unless the sight-seeing be mixed with the beauties of nature and the always fresh plea sures of good exercise. The one thing that I never tire of, and which is making this trip an era in my life. Is the acquaintance with new and strange races of people, the entering into their points of view, and feeling the living force of their thoughts and affections. Temples and shops and pagodas, seen in company with a native friend whom you like and understand, become transformed. In connection with him they be come symbols, not mere queer-shaped buildings. I could live weeks In a native village of one hun dred souls and never tire, but a great guide-book city like this would weary me in three days. I 294 LETTERS OF have probably only succeeded In making myself Incoherent, but I hope you grasp my point. The truth is that, except for one day at Shang hai and a short time at Yokohama, Canton and Hong Kong are the only points at which we have touched the trail of the Cook sheep, and until we struck it here, I never realized how blissfully far off we had been able to keep from It, both men tally and geographically. I now realize more than ever what a success the trip has been so far, furnishing all the elements we expected it to, in quantities far beyond our hopes. I am rather proud of the serious attitude towards it that we have been able to keep, never once making the mistake of thinking that we were travelling for amusement, although we feel every moment that it is the pleasantest thing we could be doing. This reflection is prompted by having seen, again at Hong Kong, some of the most usual class of young men travellers, who never go to any place where there is not " something to do at night," and who search Baedeker for clubs and theatres In picking out their itinerary. If things go as well as I expect they will, we shall be able to leave on the French Mail, Tues day next, and shall have a day at Saigon on the way to Singapore. My present determination is GILBERT LITTLE STARK 295 not to rush. I find that to complete the rest ofour Itinerary In anything like the proper time, we must use speed like to that of the new subway electric engines, and that our letters of credit would dwindle like snow in July; so with as much wisdom as I can command, and with Spar tan-like fortitude and heedlessness of pangs of regret, I am going to stay In places which seem most full of meat, long enough to gain some accu rate, worth-while knowledge, and cut the merely curious, side-show sights with ruthless hand. I shall take care, however, that the places where I stay will be pleasant, healthy, and cheap. I suppose this Is the last time I shall be in these waters for a long period, but some day I want to bring you all to the Orient, and see mother bob bing up and down In a sedan and buying all the embroidery In sight, father on a camel, and my . 'andsome sisters ogling a pair of head-hunters for their beads. Here Is another trip we must forego, oudined by Dr. Swan, a twenty-five years' resident. Six teen days up the North River, to a country where there are two million aborigines as different from the Chinese as you or I, living among beautiful, fertile hills; we should go by special permission of the Chinese Government. 296 LETTERS OF If I ever find I can't make a living at home, I can come out here; they need men more than anything else In this country. I should n't half mind teaching in a mission college, or enter ing the consular service. At every college mis sion we visit they ask us why we don't stay a year and help them out, to the tune of board and lodging. I'd do It, If It was n't for law school. I think my next letter will reach you before Christmas, so will not harp on that subject. Love and lots of It for all, Gilbert. Hong Kong, November 25, 1907. Dear Father, — I am sending to-day to your care a small Christmas packet by parcel-post. I find it impossible to pay the duty here, so you will have it to pay there, I suppose, but it will be trifling. For you, 0 Pater familias, there is a letter- holder of Foochow lacquer. This lacquer Is all of the same color, is made nowhere else in China, and is esteemed the best lacquer in the Celestial Kingdom. They say that you can soak It in boil ing water without the least Injury, but there Is really no use putting it to the test. Don't let the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 297 decoration give you a nightmare, for I assure you the creature thereon depicted is harmless as a kitten. For mother there is a lunch-cloth and a dozen dollies. The material Is grass-cloth made In Can ton, and tough as iron ; it Is said to acquire beauty and brilliance after frequent washing. I bought It In Swatow, In which place the drawn-work Is made ; and ladles here tell me that It Is superior to the Canton work. For , , and there Is a Christmas card apiece. These cards are painted on rice- paper which Is imported from Formosa. It is really not made of rice, but of peach-tree wood, and is very tough. The pictures are painted by hand, and I bought them at Canton at the work shop Itself, where I saw the artists In action. One man makes the drawing, another colors the dresses, and a third paints in the face. They are really Chinese New Year's cards, but the verses have been added above to please the foreign devils. For Helen there is a pair of embroidered sleeves, which she may be able to use In some way to adorn her wardrobe. They are made for Chinese Mandarins, but some ladles here use them as cuffs or collars or lapels to opera-cloaks ; 298 LETTERS OF I hope they will please her. Notice the scenes of Chinese life that are depicted on them. There Is also a little brooch. This brooch is made of pure silver covered with gold-leaf, and the blue portion Is entirely made of — you could never guess — kingfisher feathers ! The piece of wing enclosed Is from the same bird. There is only one shop in China where this work Is done, and I saw the process. The feathers are chipped very fine, and applied to the jewelry by a pointed brush first dipped In a cement-like gum. Only young men are employed in this art, as It soon ruins the eyes ; and beautiful brooches, pendants, and jewel-settings are turned out. For Pamela is a box of Japanese bean candy made at Nikko. It was given me by my boy Mino and his father and mother, along with three or four more boxes, and he asked me to send it to my sister, of whom he saw a snapshot that I had. It is famous candy throughout Japan; be sure to taste it even if the ants have reached It during the voyage ; don't save It, but eat it. There Is also a silver chain. The stones on the chain are Amoy cats'-eyes, and I bought them loose at that place ; the carved stones are apricot pits, and are done by hand; I also bought them loose at the same place. Look at the carving with a GILBERT LITTLE STARK 299 magnlfylng-glass, and then realize that these clever people carve them without microscopes, with simple tools, in their own homes. I had them mounted and put on the chain here at Hong Kong. I have also almost a hundred very beautiful gray cats'-eyes, with green and purple lights in them, but could not get them pierced In time to send home, as the work Is very delicate. I shall save them for Mr. G 's operations. It has been great sport for me to buy these things, bargaining and cutting prices half a day over an article. I should n't be surprised if I had several more baubles and trinkets tucked away in my luggage, but I want to see you all look them over and hear your comments on them myself, so I won't give them to you until I come home, and then only if you write me lots of nice letters, and tell me just what Aunt L and the rest think of Chinese workmanship. We have again been in luck, and have secured passage on a fine Dutch trader bound for Ba- tavia, Java. The boats of this line are as com fortable and well appointed as any boats in the East; the officers are a fine set of Dutchmen, who are compelled to learn English. We leave to-morrow (Tuesday, November 300 LETTERS OF 26th) at three p. m., and land in eight days, touching only at one Island (between Borneo and Java), whose name I have never before heard, — Billiton, It Is called. If you care to read about Java, and don't mind a lot of foolish gush, get Mrs. Scidmore's "Java, the Garden of the East," out of the library. Don't buy it, for I have a copy. You see the voyage will be as long as or longer than from New York to London, and letters from me will have to go up by Singapore and prob ably via Suez, so It may be two weeks before you hear from me again, although be sure I shall despatch a letter at the first mail-box we strike after leaving Hong Kong. If you want a real book on Java, get Professor Qive Day's "The Dutch In Java." It Is the authority, although Clive Day has never been nearer Java than New Haven, where I had him one year in Economics. That book I do not own, so it would be worth buying if you are interested. I expect to learn a great deal in Java, for it is the model colony of the world, and the Dutch have made a tremendous success for them selves, and brought comfort and peace to the natives. I have been watching Am. shop this afternoon, GILBERT LITTLE STARK 301 for he left the hospital for good yesterday (Lin has gone back to Pekin). The sidewalks here are all under deep arcades, and the shops full of priceless treasures of ivory, silver, gold, jade, silks, and rare old hawthorn vases, or blue and red porcelains and enamels. Am. was looking for an amber snuff-botde with a jade-stopper, which would be within reach of his letter of credit, and we fingered and examined a king's ransom In our search. No sooner would we leave one shop than the scent of sandalwood and cinnamon and a dozen other spices would draw us Into the dark, cool, inner rooms of the shop next door, to wander among old chests of spiced wood and brass-bround incense-coffers, while the gentle yellow owner busied his delicate long fingers In unwrapping some treasure, — a slim agate vase with loose ring-handles, a pale ruby- colored affair, translucent as alabaster, or an amber box with a heavily carved cover, through which you could see the owner's hand beneath the bottom of the box. A heavy ring of 20-carat gold tempted me greatly; it Is a snake with ruby eyes and tested pure, but I have resisted bravely all day and may get on board ship without fall ing. We went to church yesterday morning in 302 LETTERS OF frock coats and silk toppers, at St. John's Cathe dral, which lifts its gray towers out of a tangle of palms, banyans, and acacias. They sang the whole litany and some very good anthems, and the whole proceeding made us seem farther from home than ever before, because It reminded us of home so strongly. Fare thee well, and may plum puddings and the Heathen's Huylers leave you all free from pains and torments. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your loving son, Gilbert. S. S. Tjibodas, December 3, 1907. Dear Mother, — One week ago to-day. Am. and I came on board this steamer and estab lished ourselves luxuriously in a roomy cabin with two narrow, four-posted bedsteads, one on a side. The boat was supposed to leave at three, but It was nearly eight when she finally weighed anchor, and so we were able to see Hong Kong by night from the water, a sight equal to New York by night from the Cordand Street ferry. The city is built on a side hill, as Is the city of Duluth, and across the lamp-starred harbor full of shipping, It gleamed like a field of jewels, with GILBERT LITTLE STARK 303 a handful of emeralds and diamonds tossed care lessly halfway up the slope. Above, far above, the great Peak cut a dark semicircle against the stars. After we left the harbor, we could see the villa lights and road lamps along the outer edge ofthe Peak, It looked a long garland of stars, some strange new constellation ; and as we drew farther and farther south, it lay along the horizon like a golden snake, which finally dived beneath the waves. For four days we drove south with the steady northwest monsoon booming at our heels, and our smoke streaming straight before us to point the course. There was rain and there were high waves. But on the fifth day the sun came out, the monsoon swept around to the east, following the rigid course that It blows for six months at a time, and we have ever since been ploughing up a sea smooth as plum-skin. We passed within twenty miles of Great Na- tuna Island, within five of Flock Island; we saw the distant hills of Sarawak or North Borneo, and this morning at daybreak we anchored three miles off the coast of Billiton, and dumped about thirty Chinese coolies into a Billitonese craft that came out to get them. 304 LETTERS OF The Equator we crossed yesterday at 9.51 a. m., without hysterics, gush, or cracking a joke on the subject, which performance I humbly submit to your approval as a feat worthy of note. It Is usually quite the thing to tie a string across the lenses of a pair of binoculars, and then get people to look through them at the Equator. It is also en regie, among writers of the Scldmore type, to boldly assert that "now we felt we could defy old Equator with Impunity ! " or to confess to a strange feeling of wrong balance and im pending disaster as long as they were below the belt, or some such tommy-tiddle. Although we have passed the centre of the tropics, and are still hanging about In latitude 30 below, we have felt no heat. Scldmore mentions noticing the heat as she approaches the Equator and Java from Singapore (S'pore she calls It, to show how well she knows it); "the heat," she says, "that makes jelly of the white man's brain and that leaves you exhausted by the effort expended in peeling a banana." I do not doubt but that we shall feel it hot enough in Java in all conscience, but as yet we have not dampened our brows with perspiration, although I am wearing a New Haven cloth suit and long-sleeved undergar ments. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 305 This boat Is of almost three thousand tons burthen, and carries three first-class passengers, our companion being a Japanese lady taking seventeen steerage Japanese to the East Indies to dive for pearls ; her husband is an Australian, in the pearling business. The boat Is large, with roomy decks, and clean as Holland itself. Our crew Is Chinese, our servant boys Javanese, and our officers Dutch. The officers are a fine lot of men, especially the captain, and they all speak excellent English. We spend most of our time on the upper deck, where I am now writing. The forward portion is covered with a broad awning, and fitted with big Dutch easy-chairs and leg-rests and litde tables. At one side Is a long wide chest, full of growing chrysanthemums and dwarf pines from Japan. A tame Japanese rooster and a magnificent golden pheasant walk the deck at will, and peck at our shoes while we are reading, and a cage of monks'-caps compete for attention with a red and blue Macassar parrot. Here we read, write, sip lemonade, fruit-juice, and chocolate, or talk philosophy, theosophy, or vegetarian diet with the captain, who is a keen thinker and a man of great natural culture. He loves music as well as discussion, and sometimes brings out his zither 3o6 LETTERS OF and sings for us as he plays, or opens his cabin window, which commands the upper deck, and turns the big horn of his Victor towards us. Then we lie back and look at the blazing tropic stars and phosphorus-streaked water, and hear Melba and Fames and Plan^on and Caruso to our heart's content. We are now passing from the South China Sea into the Java Sea, and are threading an acro batic passage through a tangle of reefs and islands. Above Is a small reef and the distant shore of Billiton, which scene now lies before me If I raise my eyes above this paper. The sea be tween me and the reef Is wrinkled and streaked by the soaring of a school of tiny flying-fish, getting out of our boat's way. The food we have on this boat is very good, and has two distinctly Javanese features which we find delicious. The first is using molasses or syrup with the oatmeal in place of milk. The second Is the rice-table (rijst-tafel) at tiffin. The first requisite for the rice-table Is a large soup- plate. This you heap with rice. Then on the rice GILBERT LITTLE STARK 307 you put a slice of roast chicken, a bit of pressed meat, a cut of mutton, some roast fish, half of a hard-boiled egg, a spoonful of cabbage, a brussels sprout, a roast banana, some chutney, shredded red pepper, cucumbers and mayon naise, powdered cocoanut. Macassar red fish, — all this and more you heap on the rice at once, then eat it with a spoon. The rice-table in time ceases to become a meal and becomes a passion. (As I write this, a gende, barefoot, turbaned Ja vanese is drawing near me with an humbly bent back, a pleasant smile, and a tall glass of cool red currant juice. . . . M-m-m — that was a good drink!) The truth Is, mother mine, that we have fin ished, completed, and put behind us the first stage of our trip about the world. For over four months we have been studying the great Mon goloid races ; people of the temperate zone and a latitude about the same as ours. People who are destined by nature, as far as we can judge from historical experience, to rule themselves, and be a great power In the world. We are now leaving this section of the world, the Yellow Hell as Pierre Loti so unjusdy calls It, and are entering the part of the world where the dark Aryans live ; the Malays and the Hindus; the great colonial 3o8 LETTERS OF division of the world, a section where the people are all under white rule and will be for years, maybe centuries, to come. The change between these two parts of the world Is as great as the change from America to the far East, and. If you look beneath the surface, far greater. Your loving son, Gilbert. S. S. Tjibodas, Java Sea, December 3, 1907. Dear Father, — You will see from the superscription, and from mother's letter, that we have left the Far East for Malaysia and the Archipelago, Netherlands, and India, without visiting the Philippines. The question of our visit to those Islands has been, as I mentioned before, the constant theme of our thoughj:s and conversation for weeks and weeks. We felt so strongly that you and Mr. M would be intensely disappointed to see us omit them, that we became almost morbid on the subject, before it was partially decided for us by Am.'s Illness. We were both fully convinced^ that it was not best, but it seemed almost as if the only way to prove our point was to go and then say, "I told you so," which would hardly be wisdom. We are writing to several prominent men in Manila, GILBERT LITTLE STARK 309 enclosing letters of Introduction to them, asking for their opinions on certain Philippine ques tions, and information concerning the late devel opments In the Philippine politics. Our Manila acquaintance at the Hong Kong Hotel has also promised to mail us the latest publications of the Merchants' Association when he returns to the islands. Because we have omitted this trip from our itinerary, do not think thatwe are deficient in in terest in the future of the Islands and of America as a colonizing power. Far from it; that Is the question which now interests me more than any public question has ever Interested me, and It Is precisely to gain useful information and light on that question, that I am going to Java Instead of the Philippines. I believe that a thorough knowledge of the methods employed In the most successful colo nies In the world will help more to an intelligent constructive opinion In regard to the Philip pines, than would a superficial or even an inti mate knowledge of the defects in our Philippine methods. The English at Singapore and In the Federated Malay States have had a great success with one method of government. The Dutch in Java have 3IO LETTERS OF been brilliantly successful on an entirely different method. Now the United States, In a country peopled by men of the same race as In Java and the Malay States, is trying an experiment on a third line, the basis for which Is only hope, not experience. My Idea is to study the successful colonies, find why they failed at first, and latterly suc ceeded ; learn what difficulties they had and how they overcame them; understand the skeleton details of their administration, and, most im portant of all, the underlying principles on which they are governed. I have a very good book on the subject written by an Englishman who spent two years studying these colonies for the Chicago University, and who devotes almost half the work to the Philippine problem In connection with other colonies, and I shall get other books to aid and direct personal observation. When I get through, I shall have a well-founded knowledge of colonial problems and their solutions, with personal observation of the present results of a century's application, or, in some cases, almost three centuries' development. Now, suppose I ever entered the Philippine service, or had a voice In deciding any Philippine problem. My two weeks or a month's visit (had GILBERT LITTLE STARK 311 I made one) would be rendered useless to me after two weeks or a month's residence or inves tigation. I should catch up and surpass myself, and would be no better off than If I had never gone there; but In the same case, see of what value my colonial knowledge would be. It would form a valuable precedent for many difficulties, and would enable me to look Into the future results of proposed measures ; and it would be knowledge that I could not stop to collect at any period after I had started hard work. We have seen Japan's methods in Formosa, and now England and Holland are going to teach us what they know. I firmly believe now, that it is the fate of tropic races to be ruled by whites, or at least by people from the temperate zones (or Japanese), and I firmly believe it Is the duty of our great nations to possess colonies and to see that they are given the best possible government; and this should be done by our great nations without thought of personal profit, but for the benefit of the com mercial world and the tropic races themselves. I am convinced that In no other way can the resources of the tropics be developed, and the mass of Inhabitants protected from slavery and oppression. In many cases, no doubt, it will be 312 LETTERS OF found that all details of government may be left to the natives, but there must be a white protect ing power for reference and final authority. The tropical people possess the Intellect for self-gov ernment, but not the character; that, we must supply for a long time, at least. I wish I could swing back from India, through French Indo- China, where they are beginning to mend their hitherto slovenly ways, and spend, say. May and June In the Philippines on the way home via Honololu ; but I think It will be better to keep on around the globe. By that time I shall hav earned a vacation on horseback in Persia or In Egypt, too, for I am doing more brain-work now than ever I did in Senior year. Behold the list of books I have consumed in their variety during the last fortnight, besides all I have seen, and all the reams I have written to you about Formosa, Hong Kong, and this boat, and long letters to many friends; and now ban ish forever the picture of my Idling away a year In pampered ease! "Westward Ho!" Kingsley. "Among the Immortals," Marion Crawford (philosophy). "The Food of the Gods," Wells. "A Cruise through Eastern Seas," A. G. Plate. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 313 "Java, the Garden of the East," Scldmore. "Nederlandlsche India," J. F. Van Bremmelen and G. B. Hoogor. "The Tracer of Lost Persons," Chambers. "Alice In Wonderland," Carroll. "Through the Looking-Glass," Carroll. "The Queen's Quair," Maurice Hewlett. "The Far Eastern Tropics, or Studies in the Administration of Tropical Dependencies," Alleyne Ireland. "The Real Malay," Sir Frank Swettenham (Governor of Straits Settlements). And I am now reading "The Life of Toyo- tomi HideyoshI," Walter Demlng. In addition I have written up my diary in concise form for two omitted months. My letters home are for the most part merely describing the frills and decorations of the trip, with now and then some litde of the anthropo logical and ethnological facts that interest me so intensely, as for instance about the Formosa sav ages. To write fully of the opinions and facts and points of view that are thrust upon us would only plunge you In a whirl of chaotic Information without perspective, for It takes a long time to set tle the mass Into convictions, like the conviction about colonies that I have admitted to you above. 314 LETTERS OF It strikes me that America has two great prob lems to solve In the next half-century, which are of as much Importance to the world as they are to herself, and which rank together as the third great movement of the Christian Era. The first being the Renaissance In every department of life, that the Middle Ages saw; the second being the humanitarian movement of the eighteenth century, which resulted In the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the freedom of slaves all over the world ; and this last era split ting Into the two questions of Socialism : the rela tion of labor to capital, and Eastem policy, which will finally setde the fate of over two thirds of the world's population. This Eastern-policy problem splits Into: (i) the question ofthe duty or right of great civilized nations to protect and control tropical countries, which I wrote of above; and (2) the question of our treatment of and relation to the self-govern ing Mongoloid races of Northeastern Asia. In this connection, notice the article I enclose on American trade In China. I wish, by the way, that I had kept a scrap-book of the excellent newspaper articles out here on the subject of Eastern policy, but it is too late now. We are, as you know, over a month behind GILBERT LITTLE STARK 315 schedule time, and would be two months behind If we had not omitted Cochin China and the Philippines. You may think that we have spent too much time in Japan and China, but I assure you it was all too litde for the Important know ledge to be gained, and the Important Issues at stake. One month longer in Japan and two months more in China would have tripled the value ofour visits to those places, and If I should ever find myself In a position to do it, I should like to spend a whole year In Japan, China, Korea, and Manchuria, for there are tremen dous interests for our country Involved in an Intimate touch with that portion of the world. Write me what you think on these topics. From now on, to at least the middle of Febru ary, and possibly later, you had better write me at Bombay. As soon as we meet Scurve and Purdy, and perfect our Persian plans, or give them up, I will advise you further. As to our Immediate plans, we are going to stay In Batavia for several days to talk with the men there (we have a consul), and plan our campaign with their help. After getting the opinions of men in the capital on political and administrative matters, we want to go Into the interior to some mountain village, among the 3i6 LETTERS OF plantations of the Preanzer regency in Central Java, and make that our headquarters from which we can quietly observe the results of the Dutch system, the nature of the people and their customs, and also make an excursion to Djok- jokarta, a semi-independent native state with a Dutch resident, and the neighboring Buddhist ruin of Barabudur, the mightiest ruin In the world, with the possible exception of the Angkor Vhat in Cambodia, which we had to give up. If we are assured that It is well worth while, we may go to Surabaya and the Tengger Mountains of the southern end ; but we hope to spend most of our short time stationary In the country, with good books of reference to guide us. In British India, which looms up more and more wonderful and interesting as we approach it, we shall be more concerned with religion and the people themselves, for they are a mine of gold to any one who knows anything about the races of the world, and their relation to history and to each other. Before starting out, I thought that this year would be In some degree a year of self-indul gence, but it is a year of almost daily self-denial, more severe than the self-denial of giving up the whole trip would have been before starting; for GILBERT LITTLE STARK 317 we have not visited a single place where we have not had to forego some more pleasant and In structive trip or expedition beyond. Here in Java the temptation Is a cruise through the Moluccas, Bali, Laubock, Celebes, Borneo, Ambonia, New Guinea, — the most beautiful Islands In the world, where we could see the Dutch colonizing work at every stage it has ever passed through; but It would take a month, and in four months it will be April first, and we shall have to begin to move northward towards Eu rope; and before us still lie India, Burmah, and Ceylon, as well as Netherlands India and the Straits Settlements. We shall reach Colombo straight from Singapore, and as near the first of January as we can get there. We want to try, however, to spend Christmas on shore in pleasant surroundings. I hope this letter has n't tired you with Its long explanations. Love to all. Your son, Gilbert. P. S. As additional weight to my remarks I should like to quote some concluding words of Mr. Ireland's book, which I had not read when Iwrote the above. He says he found officials in the Philippines a 3i8 LETTERS OF fine, earnest set of men, but with a broad Igno rance ofthe established facts in relation to tropi cal administration, and an absence of informa tion of the neighboring colonies, which could scarcely fail to Impair most seriously the useful ness of the most conscientious and hardest- working official. To give a single example : — " I was shown in the Philippines some of the most wretched roads I have seen in fifteen years of colonial travel, and was asked with pride whether the English had ever done anything like that for the benefit of their colonial subjects; and when I replied that you could travel one thousand miles in an automobile in the Federated Malay States, on roads as good as the Massachu setts state roads, my statement was met with the last degree of surprise. Had any nation except the United States ever governed a colony with any other object than deriving a revenue from It ? And so on, through the entire range of co lonial administration! "If, Instead of going straight from San Fran cisco to Manila, the higher officials were ordered by way of Suez, taking a trip through Egypt, Ceylon, and the Malay Peninsula by the way, they would arrive in the Philippines better equipped for useful work than they are now. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 319 even after some years' residence in the islands. Nearly all the faults in Philippine administra tion are due to one of two causes — either the pernicious influence of American home politics on Philippine legislation, or the narrow vision of the officials." You see I am supported by an authority, al though I did n't know it. Love, Gilbert. Batavia, Java, December 6, 1907. My dear Father, — Our captain is still in port, and Is with us constantly. He has presented us to many of his friends here, and they have put us up at both the Civil and Military Qubs. We have also seen our Consul several times, and he presented us to some English tea-men, who are dining with us to-night, by the way. The hotel has also given us five acquaintances : four young Dutch noblemen of our own age, and one Ameri can bachelor of sixty-four years, who has been around the world three times and Is a real trav eller, not a tourist. The Dutch boys I mention are young officers in the navy, and are stationed here for three years, their ship being now at this port. They speak English beautifully (one of them says his family lives in London all winter). 320 LETTERS OF and we have had several meals with them and some long talks In the evenings. The American, Mr. C , has travelled for eighteen years, and Is a crank, or rather a special ist, on archaeology and classic history. He gets all excited over it and pounds the table. "Did Pompey ever cross that pass through the Caucasus ? Did Alexander ? Did Mithri- dates ? No, sir ; not one, sir, by God, sir ! " Then he leans back and chuckles until he shakes all over. " Pompey ! — MIthridates ! " he mumbles scorn fully between chuckles; "not one of 'em, no, sir!" He is going to leave Bombay about March ist, going up the Persian Gulf and Euphrates to see the ruins lately unearthed at Babylon. He Is then going to return to Bushire, taking our outlined Persian trip, continuing over into Turkestan, and reaching Europe in September. I have thought it well to add another sample of Mr. C 's characteristic remarks. "A liberal education, sir. Is directed energy, but culture — bah ! culture Is refined lassitude ! Cultuah, Indeed; ha-ha! refined lassitude, sir!" He says that In Constantinople, at the mu seum, is a great marble coffer, beautifully carved. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 321 that is authoritatively supposed to be the tomb of Alexander, or rather his sarcophagus. "It Is not usual, sir," says he, "that I long to revisit places I have seen; there Is always so much still to draw one on ; but that beautiful piece of stone, sir, with all its associations, " — here he would shake his head, and then continue with emo tion, — "I have been there twice to see It, and I feel I must stand beside it once more before I die. Yes, sir, once more, and that shall be this autumn ! " He says we have planned too short a time for Persia, and advises us to give up the trip, going Instead to Babylon with him, then continuing our trip up river to Nineveh, and across by cara van to Aleppo; he says this is a much quicker route to the Mediterranean. He has been to Babylon and Bagdad before, and it would be a treat to travel with him. He left last night for Burmah, but we shall see him later at Bombay. He, C , was part way up the Yangtze shortly after our friends had entered the Gorges In their house-boat, en route for India, and told us that he had heard some report of a disaster to them because of high water; he said that Chi nese bodies were floating down the river then, at the rate of about twelve every three days. You 322 LETTERS OF may Imagine our joy at receiving a letter to-day from Purdy. The letter was posted at Chunk ing on the Yangtze, after they had overcome every peril, and had nothing before them, except two thousand miles in sedan-chairs, on foot, or on donkeys. They were both well, and expect to reach Colombo the first week In January; so you see reunion is imminent. Purdy adds that Herve has grown a huge beard and looks very fierce, but is not quite satisfied, for below a cer tain line on his face the beard Is all black, while above that line it is bright red. From the captain and his friends we have re ceived our club-introductions; one of them has stored our luggage in his warehouse, another drove us about the city, and with all we have had pleasant and instructive chats, for all the Dutch talk English You may be interested to learn that not only has Germany stolen the Chinese trade from England and ousted Eng lish merchants from the interior of English col onies, but even here In Java, most conservative of all countries, they are the masters of the ex port trade. All of the planters are Dutch and all of the capitalists Chinese, but the big exporters (excluding Enghsh tea) are German. Our Consul has been very kind. Mr. T , GILBERT LITTLE STARK 323 the Enghsh tea-man, has made arrangements for us to visit the greatest plantation In Java, and so we are to be Baron H 's guests at the most Ideal place in this Ideal country, ten miles from the nearest semblance of a neighbor. Love to all, Gilbert. BuiTENZORG, December 8, 1907. Dear Mother, — We awoke on Wednesday alongside the wharf at Tandjong Priok, Bata- via's harbor, and about twenty minutes by train brought us to the capital. Batavia has had two names conferred upon her by the English ; first they called her, " Queen of the East," and secondly, "Grave of the Dutch." The last name was well earned by a few years of ravaging plagues, but she has now outgrown the scandal, and he must be a sour traveller who will dispute her title to the regal honors she claims. After the years of sickness which transpired as a natural consequence of the fact that Old Batavia was huddled together in the midst of a swamp, a new city was built on higher ground. All Europeans evacuated the lower town and moved in a body to Weltevreden, as It Is called ; so now Batavia has two distinct quarters. 324 LETTERS OF The old city is a replica of the seventeenth century Dutch Town — solid white buildings, mason-work, canals, and Holland roofs; it is used only for business purposes, and contains all the banks. Important offices, and government buildings, but no European would think of sleeping there. The new town, which is reached easily by a steam train or a short drive along a fine broad road bordered with native shops and houses, is one huge park. Its streets are broad, white, and hard, and in the centre of the main roads are roomy canals. Along the roadside and canal- edges are rows of trees, mountains of cool green shade, any one of which would be a curiosity by itself in a less luxuriant land. The houses are white and low, open on all sides, and often one can look through marble porticoes and cool, dark rooms to the gardens behind. The larger houses are like palaces, and the smallest are a tempt ing glorification of love in a cottage. Without exception they are set far back from the road, under spreading trees, and the riotous foliage that covers lawns and gardens Is hke a botanist's dream. Even the stores are housed In white, low buildings, with porches and easy chairs, and each shop has a front lawn and driveway, some- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 325 times as roomy as grandfather's. The result of all this space and greenery is that you do not fancy yourself In a city, but rather driving past a sociable group of charming country houses. Everjnivhere you see evidences of the remark able success with which the Dutchman has ac commodated himself to the tropics, and espe cially Is It noticeable in the clubs and hotels. Batavia has two clubs, the Concordia, a civil club, and the Harmonle, a military society. Both have fine structures, with high-ceiled rooms and marble floors, and are open on all sides, through deep, pillared terraces, to large gardens. At the Concordia, on Wednesday night, we sat under a great warlngen tree for three hours, and listened to the best military band of the East, while all about us the steady citizens and bemedalled officers sat quietly at tables with their wives, and the children chased one another between the slippery palm-trunks. I like the Teutonic habit of admitting the whole family to their clubs and cafes. The military is very prominent here, and it is not a toy army, either, for there is always fighting on Celebes, or Bah, or in Achin over on Sumatra. On each side of the new town Is a roomy open plain, — Waterloo- Plein at the left as you enter 326 LETTERS OF the town, and Koenigs- Plein at the right. On one are the Concordia and the Government House, on the other are the Governor's town palace and the Museum, full of native curiosities and the gold crowns and krisses of the native rulers, treasures crested and overloaded with big uncut jewels in Oriental lavlshness. The Hotel des Indes is a fair type of the style you meet with all over the Island, except that It is the most comfortable of all. Usually, all that you care to know about a hotel Is whether it is good or bad, but the hotels of Netherlands India are unlike those of any other land on earth ; they are as distinctive as the Japanese Inns. The Hotel des Indes covers as much ground as an ordinary university in the States, and within Its sacred precincts one finds a happy wedding of Science and Art that would do credit to any university; the science of right living in the tropics, and the art of comfort. It Is a long stroll from the gate to the low marble steps, and the green lawn is dotted with trees, among them two tremendous banyans, or a kind of banyan, each a whole forest in itself; the circle of dense shade they cast would measure a hundred paces in diameter. The office, the reading-room, the dining-room, and a marble out-of-doors sitting- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 327 room occupy the main building, and the bed rooms are in a series of one-story wings that radiate to the sides and back, making squares and rectangles, connected by tiled loggias. The rooms are stone-floored, white-walled, and lofty, and the only hangings are the necessary mos quito-netting on the bed ; you sleep without cov erlet, and the whole interior gives and maintains two impressions, clean and cool. On this tiled porch that runs the length of each wing, just out side each room-door is a table, a rocker, and an easy-chair. Here the guests take morning coffee and afternoon tea in sociable proximity; the men in pyjamas, and the ladles In sarong and kabayas on each occasion. This unconventional costume has called forth some comment among visitors of the type that carries all its home prejudices to Ashantee land, but It has nothing shocking about It, except that it is unusual In colder climes, and, most shocking of all, the only sensible thing to do here. A pair of pyjamas covers a man as well as does a dress suit, and a sarong is much more modest than a ball-gown ; and what, prithee, is the objection to a bare foot, if only it be a pretty one ? Here a man lives two days for every one on the calendar. At six or thereabouts the gende, 328 LETTERS OF barefoot boy, who makes you his charge, ap pears with coffee ; you emerge, having donned a clean and unused suit of pyjamas, on the tiled porch, and gaze upon a clean, green world cooled by the overnight shower-damp, and glistening under the rising sun. Coffee Is brought to you cold In a bottle ! You pour a little into your cup and fill to the brim with hot milk ; a rich caramel beverage Is the result. Then the world bathes ; not by wallowing In a tub, but by standing in a little stone room, with a shower in the ceiling, and ladling water over itself with a dipper from a stone reservoir in the corner. I always did like to splash water about. Men put on coats for breakfast, but ladles use the sarong until they dress at night for dinner. The morning is day No. i a. In it you walk or drive or transact business, and at twelve or one, you Indulge in the rice-table — a variegated meal heaped on a single plate of rice, very much more pleasing to the palate than to eye or ear. The rice-table ends day No. i a, and after it Netherlands India goes to sleep. Day No. i b commences at four o'clock, and again you emerge on your porch, for tea this time, to find a world full of hints of a cool even ing breeze, and golden with the late sunlight. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 329 You bathe, and dress in European clothes, drive, walk, or sit In a club or cafe to hear the music, until nine o'clock, at which advanced hour you dine, and dine well, at the Hotel des Indes. Another feature which Batavia alone pos sesses among Eastern colonies Is an excellent group of cafes. They are built along the great canal-road, the Noordwyjk, which is Batavia's Broadway and Fifth Avenue combined, and leads across town from one plain to the other. The spacious front yards of these cafes are filled with little tables, and there you may sit and sip an ice or a long cool drink, and munch pastry as delicate as Malllard's, and watch the flow of social life and ordinary people's life along the Noordwyjk, while the band plays, not "Annie Rooney," as per old saw, but Strauss waltzes and bits from the operas. In Batavia there Is no newness or colonial unfinishedness ; it Is as quaint and old-world as Holland itself, and just as minutely complete. The Dutch inhabitants, men, women, and chil dren, are happy and loyal to the colony, prefer ring not to return to Europe. Moreover, they are prosperous even as the oft-mentioned bay- tree, which, I believe, is said to have flourished, and, thanks to their sensible custom of making 330 LETTERS OF conventions suit the climate, they are healthy, — healthy beyond the conception of the word at Hong Kong, although Batavia Is some ten de grees nearer to the Equator. The natives of Java are of three distinct tribes, although the mere physical differences, aside from dress and language, are almost impercepti ble at first. Malay, Soeudanese, and Javanese are the accepted divisions, and around Batavia the Malays predominate. The men wear round velvet caps or battek tur bans, loose trousers, or a sarong, which is simply a long cloth wrapped about the body from the waist down, and a thin jacket. The ladies — or women, I suppose you would say — wear the sarong folded above the breasts, and their jackets are long, reaching almost to the knee in some cases, buttoned across the breast, and open from the waist down. Both men and women affect bright colors, — canary yellow, scarlet, deep shades and Intricate designs of brown and purple, — so the green-walled, tree-arched road way Is at all times a kaleidoscope of color. The cloth used for the sarong is painted and waxed, a native process known as battek-work, and some times one sarong Is worth forty or fifty gold dol lars, although the majority are of trifling value. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 331 The people themselves are brown and well formed, with gentle features and large dark eyes. They are very clean, and you can see them at all hours splashing about In the canals ; they keep their teeth remarkably white. They are friendly but not at all demonstrative, and the most noticeable thing about them is their quietness ; there is never a noise in the most crowded street. They gather by hundreds along the roadside to listen to the cafe music in the evening, but a blind man would never guess that they were there. They make no sign, but quietly listen and enjoy, and often In the daytime you will hear a few bars of some European opera, and discover a native boy whistling them at his work, which shows that they listen well. Their voices when they speak to a foreigner, or even to each other, are as gentle as a girl's when she is trying to make you think that she has never spoken that way to any one else, and there is music in the way they say "Sia," which means "Yes, sir." We were lucky enough to see the celebration of Santa Claus Night on December 5th, and the Noordwyjk was In a state of high carnival until after midnight. Hundreds of natives watched proceedings without comment, except when a 332 LETTERS OF well-aimed shower of confetti drew from them a little quiet laughter. The next day, however, native children In the side-streets acted the carnival over again, chasing one another about with scanty handfuls of confetti, which they had scraped up from the street. It was a little pitiful. I don't know why, though, for they were having a good time. There are large numbers of Eurasians or half- castes in Batavia, but their social position Is ex actly what they choose to make It, and instead of being outcasts, as they are in British India, the highest positions are open to them. -Here, as in other parts of the East, the Eurasians take most readily to work of a clerical sort. Although the Dutch policy has been to make the native beheve that the white man is a superior being, and al though natives are not allowed to marry white women, or to wear European clothes without either the turban or sarong as a badge of native blood, and until very lately have not been allowed to learn the Dutch language, — notwithstanding these facts, the sharp line between the Orient and Occident seems almost to disappear here, and the races appear to be Intermingling with excellent results. The rickshaw is unknown here, and the com- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 333 mon mode of covering ground is in the sado (dos a dos), a low dog-cart drawn by a rat of a pony. The elite, however, use huge "my lords," drawn by great Australian horses, and there are several big French motors in town. The wonderful Chinaman has come here in great numbers, and come to stay. He Is the Java capitalist, and there Is one at Surabaya worth 1^15,000,000 gold. He dresses himself in Euro pean clothes, and his wife In Paris gowns (and very sweet she looks, too) ; he drives every even ing along the Noordwyjk in the best turnout In Batavia, and In some cases he drives his own motor-car; his children are Oriental Buster Browns, with bare knees, and he sends his grown-up sons to Oxford and his daughters to a Parisian convent. Some day I believe the China man and the Anglo-Saxon will understand each other, and share the world between them. Love to all, Gilbert. BuiTENZORG, December 8, 1907. Dear Ones, — On Saturday, yesterday, we came to Bogor, Buitenzorg, Sans-soucI, or Free- from-care, as you may choose to call It. It Is about eight hundred feet above Batavia, and can be reached in an hour by express train. It Is Java's 334 LETTERS OF hill-capital, for the Governor and his officials have palaces here, where they live most of the year. Our balcony overlooks a fertile valley, the TjI-damI, with its river just below us. Native houses, of white matting, line the banks and nestle at the foot of tall cocoanut-palms. A broad stretch of level country, rich with the most luxu riant forms of tropic growth and the most de lightful shades of green, reaches out towards the horizon, and behind It all Is a towering blue volcano — mighty Salak. All day we can watch the life in the village below. A continual tumbling In and out of the swift river, it seems to be, varied with occasional walks up the trunk of a palm tree after cocoa- nuts. The feature at Buitenzorg is the Botanical Garden, and in it we have spent most of our time. It is the finest garden in the world, a fact admitted by scientists and laymen alike. The first striking feature Is an avenue of immense kanaro trees that meet In a green arch, over a hundred feet above the ground. Their trunks are twined about, and. In some cases, completely covered with vines and red-flowered creepers of endless variety ; clumps of orchids spring from every bole. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 335 Turning off this avenue, which leads the eye down a straight aisle to the distant palace of the Governor, you may wander at will through stranger plants and trees than ever grew In fairy land. One narrow path leads to the section where giant creepers writhe from tree to tree; one huge liana, that has half a score of warlngens in Its coils. Is as big round as a man's body. Then the palms, — cocoanut-palms, banana- palms, areca-palms, little palms, big palms, palms with leaves like plumes and leaves like swords and leaves like elephant's ears ; palms with stems like bamboos, stems like beeches, stems like peeled wands, stems like pineapples, stems like tennis-racket-handles, stems like bottles, stems like almost everything you can think of, except sewing-machines; screw palms, with their roots above ground, looking as If they were trying to dance on their toes, or walk in the mud without wetting their feet, and Royal Brazilian palms, a whole avenue of them, tall as church steeples. Then the banks of the River Tjiliwang tempt you to linger, and the ponds of water-plants and Victoria Regia lilies, with pads large enough to float a baby, offer you seats on their banks, but the rose garden calls you and you cannot stay. Before you have been half long enough in the 336 LETTERS OF rose garden, you must leave, because you have not yet seen the orchids, among which, by the way. Is one single plant that bears ten thousand blossoms. There Is, moreover, a spacious section of for est trees, dark glades, and aisles where strange species from strange forests in the farthest parts of the globe are gathered together, even as the strange trees are met In the magic wood of Spenser's "Faery Queen," a passage which critics have laughed at as presenting no picture to the mind, because it Is so Impossible. Before the palace Is a broad green lawn, acres of It, dotted with banyan trees that cast almost half an acre's shade apiece. Some of them seem to have no connection with the earth, but to be great living canopies held aloft by prop after prop ; for in some cases the main trunk has van ished and the tree Is held aloft by the shoots and secondary trunks that Its branches have sent down Into the earth. Here, among the tangled heaps of roots that seem to claim as much right In the air as In the earth, herds of spotted deer rest. In the shade, or follow each other In long flying leaps across the open. Trees and vines, fruits and flowers there are by hundreds, whose forms were as unknown to GILBERT LITTLE STARK 337 me as their names are, but among them were many old friends, and some like the lotus and the frangipani, the waxy-white, sacred bo-flower of the Buddha, with its golden centre, were ac quaintances we had made in China. Tropical fruits are found here In Java in the highest degree of excellence, but I really think that we have more fruits In the temperate zone that are delicious. The tropics have nothing to console one for the loss of the apple, the pear, the peach, and the plum at one fell blow. I think that our oranges are much better than the Java oranges. Bananas, however, are found here in all their excellence. You can find them of every size, from the "buffalo-horn banana," as long as your forearm, to the pee-wee, no bigger than your thumb ; you can find them of every color, from pale green to deepest orange, and of every con sistency, mealy, stringy, chewy, and smooth as cream. There is such a multitude of fruits that It would only confuse you to name them ; suffice It to say of the common herd that they have, for the most part, hard, spiny exteriors and small, unsatisfying insides, which are packed away In unlikely corners and are either too sweet or too sour. Some Java fruits, however, deserve a word of 338 LETTERS OF praise or damnation all to themselves. First there Is the jamboa, a pear-shaped, delicate thing, shading. In the same fruit, from purest white to tenderest pink; It almost makes your mouth water to look at it, but as for taste, there Is not the slightest. The ramhutan Is a red, prickly, burry growth that discloses an ellipse of semi- transparent white meat about the size of a date, with a hard stone therein. It tastes like lemon- jelly, and has a faculty of growing in your favor. Every one In China spoke with such respect and admiration ofthe mango that we quite looked for ward to crossing the Equator, where it Is now in season ; but lo ! the Java mango Is merely pleas ant to the taste, and It is the Philippine mango that they have in China during the summer months. The mangosteen, however, makes up for all the deficiencies of Its sister fruits. It is a round, hard, purple fruit as large as an apple; open it, and behold a snowy white cushion of five or six sections fitting closely against the thick red inner rind. It tastes vaguely of all the fruit sher bets and scented Ices you have ever eaten, and melts Into a tartly sweet juice as soon as you close your mouth on it. Laugh if you like, but let me hear you describe a peach. The Dun aw — yes, a capital D — Is a prickly GILBERT LITTLE STARK 339 fruit as big as your head. Its smell has been likened to a mixture of the aromas of dead dog, onions, aged eggs, and stale cheese, but this com bination does not do justice to Its peculiar pene tration. There are those who write poems to It, call It darling Durian, and describe its meat as a delicious, nutty custard, and there are those who leave the table when it appears at the pantry door. I do not commit myself, farther than to say that I do not write poems to it, by any manner of means. Of all the fruits thatwe have tasted here, the one I like the best is our old acquaintance, the pineapple. Java pineapples are the apothe osis of that fruit ; they have the color of cream, the odor of roses, and the consistency of butter, and what is best of all, they grow wild by every country roadside. Midday, December 14. On Monday morning we left Buitenzorg at sunrise and drove across the valley, between rice- fields unending, towards the Gedeh, another volcano of over eight thousand feet, which com mands that quarter of the sky that Salak does not occupy. Every possible Inch Is cultivated in this little Island, with its thirty millions of natives. Terrace after terrace rises up the hill- 340 LETTERS OF side; some, acres in extent, others, a few feet across, and everywhere the water of the flooded fields runs over the terrace-wall to the lower levels, in a hundred miniature Niagaras. It Is always harvest-time and always seed-time here, and next to a field of reapers we saw two buffa loes dragging a plough, with a riny boy balanced on the single handle. The buffaloes In Java are gray or pinkish, and not so large as the mighty blue-black carabaos of South China and For mosa. Our road was straight and planted with pri meval trees ; beside us ran a mossy stone wall ; an older, more finished highway than Massachu setts has to show. Our driver was a Chinaman, and he kept the three ponies, all hitched abreast, on a steady scamper. At the foot of the spur of Gedeh that our road crossed we added two more horses and a foot-boy, and the road wound up so steeply that Am. and I preferred to walk. For an hour we climbed the broad, steep road through an Ideal tropical jungle. Palms and forest monarchs rising out of a tangle of green, only to mingle in a riot of foliage above; every vista filled with flowering streamers and writhing liana cords. A wealth of orchids and commoner flowers of every GILBERT LITTLE STARK 341 color, not on the ground alone, but everjrwhere, even to the highest tree-tops; and against the dark background flashed the living jewels that make every clump of leaves In Java musical. Two snakes only has It been our fortune to see, one a yard long, green as grass ; the other a living chain of rubies, but much smaller than our green friend. From the summit of the pass, Poontjak It is called, we looked down upon a new regency, the Preanger. New and larger ranges of mountains greeted us, and the same terraced fields we had left behind were at our feet. The Preanger is a mountainous country, full of game, and famous for the best tea and the prettiest girls In all Java, More of the Preanger later on, when we have visited the Baron at Sinagar, From Poontjak, where there is a little lake which completely changes its color from time to time, so the natives say, we rattled down a steep road, and an hour later drew up at the Sanato rium Sindanglaya, a quiet, comfortable, pastoral place, with beautiful views of the Gedeh and several fantastic mountain ranges. The Gov ernor has a quiet residence here. Tuesday morning we again rose betimes, whatever betimes may mean, and drove, still 342 LETTERS OF downhill, to the railway station, Tjandjoer, where we caught the through express towards Surabaya and the uttermost ends of the earth. The scenery through the Preanger Is varied and beautiful, especially the fertile, mountain-en closed plain into which we peered as we rushed along a lofty hillside. A little time after noon we descended from the hills, and all the rest of the day we travelled through a gloomy jungle-swamp, where the tiger and rhinoceros and python lived in grumpy majesty, until the railroad drove them Into still deeper recesses. Towards evening we reached Maos and all alighted for the night, as the excellent Java trains do not run at night. We found a government hotel here, a big marble-porched pasangrahan, where we lived In luxury overnight for the mod est stipend of four florins, about a dollar and sixty cents. The host was a young Dutchman, very fond of hunting, and he told us that so far this year he has bagged one banteng or wild buf falo, — an animal more dangerous than the riger, — eight stags, twelve deer, and sixty wild pigs. His hunting-ground Is within half an hour of the hotel. A few months ago, a friend of his came from Europe to get a Javanese rhinoceros, which is reputed very rare, but after six weeks In the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 343 country, he bagged an excellent specimen of the ferocious one-horned type. At six on Wednesday our train continued. We travel second-class here, and find that every one who lives here does the same, unless he Is travel ling at the government expense. The road-beds are good, the cars very comfortable, and the trains run a little ahead of schedule time. At shortly before ten we reached Djokjokarta, capital of the largest of the protected Native States. Love to all, Gilbert. Djokjokarta, Monday, December i8, 1907. Dear Famille, — At Buitenzorg and In the Preanger we saw the Soeudanese people, about whom I will write you later when we return to their district, but from Maos on, we have been in the Java of the real Javanese. Djokja, as this place Is called, is the centre of real Javanese life, and we have certainly enjoyed our visit here. The city Is a beautiful one, with avenues shaded by the immense trees that are such a fea ture of every town on the Island. Most of the three hundred foreign inhabitants live on the main streets, where the hotels and government buildings are gathered, leaving the rest of the 344 LETTERS OF town an untouched native capital. Towards the end ofthe broad central avenue Is an open square with tiled roofs, where the native market is held every morning, and all of the luxuries and neces sities of native life may be seen, piled in loose heaps on every hand. You, mother, would ruin yourself buying big copper-trays and jars, I know full well. Beyond this market is a small park and the barracks, and just across the road the roomy house of the President hides at the back of a garden, which Is filled with carved gods taken from the neighboring ruins. The avenue ends shortly beyond, at a wide-open gate leading Into the kraton, or enclosure of the Sultan, "Regent of this world and Vice- Regent of the Almighty." The kraton is a very large affair, and within its walls lives almost a quarter of the population of Djokja. The stranger Is free to wander every where within the enclosure, except Into the pal ace of the Sultan, which occupies the centre. Just after entering the main gate, a large square lies before one, the aloen-aloen, with warlngen trees in the centre clipped to represent the state umbrella. Other smaller squares beyond contain the leopards and the elephants of his majesty. The stock sight of Djokja Is the Tamansari or Water-Castle, built in the last century, and now GILBERT LITTLE STARK 345 in picturesque, jungle-grown ruins; but the real sights of Djokja are the streets, and all that in them is. The little cafe on the main avenue Is a splen did vantage-point, and we have made it our wont to sit there In the late afternoon, after the daily rain. The great part of the crowd Is Javanese, but there is also a plentiful sprinkling of Chinese, who are the merchants, and Arabs, who are the money-lenders ofthe Island. The Javanese wear their sarongs very long in front, so that they have to be held with one hand sometimes, and the elaborate pleats and folds show the rank of the wearer, as does the kris, which all, except the lowest coolies, wear thrust through the girdle at the back. Some of these krisses are of elaborate workmanship, in scabbards of precious metal. The turban Is folded tighter than is the custom among the Soeudanese, and the contour Is very different. Some of the men wear the hair long, with a circle comb and knot behind. When a gentleman or small official walks abroad, he is followed by a servant bearing a state umbrella, the size and color of which tell plainly the man's rank and station; and when an official of prominence, or a prince, drives down 346 LETTERS OF the avenue, there is much galloping about and commotion of liveried servants. Although by this time we are accustomed to the most startling native deshabille, which, by the way, is much less frequent among grown people here than It Is In China and Japan, It Is never theless startling to sit on the piazza of a minia ture Parisian cafe and see a graceful, slender girl of ten standing on the curb, with her bronzed arms stretched behind her head, and no pre tence of clothing beyond a silver anklet. Her brothers dodge automobiles, themselves in the same state of unencumbered activity as little sister. The Javanese seem to me the darkest-skinned, the gravest, and the most refined in feature of the island races, but they are not so good-looking as the Soeudanese. They wear sober colors, dark blues and browns, and only the wealthy slip their bare feet into sandals. You can never catch a Javanese man without his turban. Indoors or out, unless you surprise him dressing or bathing; if he wears a hat, it is over the turban. The women carry their babies slung by a cloth astride their hips, and most of the fair ones have a large chunk of betel-nut tucked away In their cheeks. A great variety of life goes on GILBERT LITTLE STARK 347 along the curb, where sellers of sweet drinks and pastries vend their wares from group to group, or a jewelled dancing-girl gives her dramatic sing-song on a tiny square of carpet in the street. It Is a strange sight to see the servants of a native chief approach him, as he stands talking to a friend. Within a certain radius the servant may not stand, so down he squats on his heels and waddles up to the Presence, and when he speaks to his master, it Is with joined finger tips raised to the forehead. The dodok and sem- bah, these measures of respect are called. Driving In the country near here is best In the early morning, but pleasant always. In spite of the daily rains, the roads remain smooth and rutless. We have driven through countless rice- fields and kampongs, with an ever-changing series of buffaloes, babies, country passers, and out-of-door theatres. There Is a strange long- necked bird that haunts these rice-fields. It has a black body, yellow head, and a curved, snaky bill. The hens In the road are the largest hens in the world, and look like young ostriches. As our carriage rolls by a group of natives, off come their sun-hats, and down on their heels they squat until we have gone by. For the last three days we have been at the 348 LETTERS OF ruins of Barabudur near here, and I have written a separate account of the temple, as It seems too serious a subject to be treated along with the other tattle of an ordinary letter. If the style of the account seems rather pedantic and labored, it Is because I dreaded to be flippant In such sur roundings. Captain Erb, who has charge of the govern ment work going on there, was kind enough to let me see the photographs of the sculptures, burled under the first terrace, which photographs are inaccessible to the general public; and he also showed me photographs of the Ceylon temples, which formed an excellent comparison, as they treated the same subjects. He also gave me a great deal of general information. Aside from a few facts gleaned from three travellers' accounts of the temple, I got all my information about the explanation of different groups from Dr. Groneman's treatise on the Tyandl Bara budur. I was able to buy some excellent pictures from the government photographer here In Djokja, but they do not Include the reliefs I should most like to have, and I could not find a single view of any of the giant volcanoes round about, whose beauty it is Impossible to exaggerate. They are GILBERT LITTLE STARK 349 as detached as Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier on the coast, and you have the full advantage of their height from a little above sea-level. Merbaboe Is like a great arrowhead, and Soenbing, 10,464 feet high. Is not a second Fuji, but a duplicated Fuji, with an ever-changing foreground of palm groves, villages, rivers, and flooded fields, as you change your point of view. I shall send you the photographs I have from Batavia, where I can get cardboard wrappers. Please read the arti cles In connection with them and save them, as I intend to have them framed in groups. Having seen the originals, I suppose they call up much more to me than they will to you, but I am de lighted to have them. Near Barabudur are two smaller temples. There are several other groups of Buddhist and Brahman ruins near here, one comprising a thousand separate small temples. On the pla teau of Dieng, which Is itself compared to our Yellowstone and Yosemite combined, there are the remains of a holy city, and several fine moun tain villages; this plateau is only seven hours from here on horseback, and Its floor Is over five thousand feet above the sea, but duty — or Its substitute, our schedule — calls us, and we leave on the return trip to-morrow. 350 LETTERS OF To-morrow night we shall return farther than Maos, stopping at Bandoeng in the Preanger, and Wednesday (day after to-morrow) we shall dismount at Tjibadae and drive to Sinagar, the finest tea-plantation on the island, where Baron Von H has Invited us to visit him for a day or so. Then Batavia, Singapore, and Co lombo. I have not attempted to tell you half that could be told about the temple. I simply want you to know how it looks, a little of what It means, and how it impressed me. As we are going to see the ruins of Ceylon and some of the great temples of Southern India which rival the Barabudur, it will be interesting to compare my Impressions, so I will write up each great temple separately In this form, if it seems feasible after I have seen them. Although this Is the rainy season, we are hav ing beautiful weather, with a heavy shower for a few moments every afternoon. We take things easily, and I have not once been so hot as we were all summer in Japan, or are usually on the road between the Lake and Roscommon. There is generally a cool breeze, and at Sindanglaya the thermometer dropped to 60 degrees at five In the afternoon. It seems strange, though, in this land GILBERT LITTLE STARK 351 of palms and orchids and heavy fragrances, to think of father slipping home from the office with sleet blowing in his face, and Pamela snow- buried at Briarcliff, as she was one time last year when I visited her. Although it Is December, It still seems last summer to me, and when I reach home, I shall never know I 've missed a year, but go right on where I left off last July. If, father, you would like to have my opinion on the Chinese, who are still with us and will be until we strike British India, I think that they are the most wonderful, most attractive, most puzzling, most unapproachable, and all round best race of the world, except our own. Come over in May, meet me at either Constantinople, Rome, or Hamburg, and we will take the Sibe rian railway to Pekin, have a month there roundabouts, and return home via Korea, reach ing there (home) in August. It may not be wise or prudent, but I will guarantee you more fun, pleasure, and instruction than you ever had in three months before, and also that you will not regret it. Be a sport, come ahead; my letter of credit is at your disposal, If you want to buy tons of Chinese mandarin coats for mother. It would be as cheap as Europe, except for the Pacific passage, and we should take a Jap boat. 352 LETTERS OF It Is the only chance of our lives to go on a big spree together, and we could devour dozens of works on the train going across about Man churia, where we could stay with my friend S at Mukden, and altogether conquer China in the north. I have decided that after America, China is the one country In which I had rather live, work, or study. (Cf. my first Shanghai let ters.) If Pekin does n't strike you, come any way In May, and I will lead you into trouble in some other quarter of the globe. Bring a tooth brush and pyjamas, nothing else (except a dress suit for Pekin and Mr. R 's dinners, or Sir R H 's). I will send all my baggage home except two hand-pieces, and then we shall be free to go any place we have money enough to buy a ticket to. Come, be reckless, for once. Pater. As I go on, I am less and less content with the superficial knowledge I have of the history of the places we visit, and the knowledge I can cook up with the books at hand. I almost dread to go to Greece and Italy, without a few more years of special preparation ; I should like to have all the myths and heroes and battles of classic history under perfect command when I go there to spend GILBERT LITTLE STARK 353 any time. For Asia Minor or Egypt I am a little better prepared, as I read largely about them last spring. Lots of love to every one at home. Gilbert. 354 LETTERS OF THE RUINS OF BARABUDUR Once upon a time there was a smooth, green hill that rose in perfect proportions from a tiny plateau on another larger hill, which. In turn, lifted gently from a sea of waving palm-fronds and billows of Kamari foliage. All this was a hundred years ago In the Dutch colony of Java ; then the Dutch colony became English for a time, — not a long time, but long enough to enable Sir Stamford Raffles and his men, who were prying about with un-Teutonic haste and energy, to scratch a bit of earth from the sides of this perfect green hill and reveal, to the wonder of all men, a mighty ancient temple of the Buddha ; the most perfect monument that Buddhistic art has given to the world. There are ruins that cover more ground, and the great Khuner monument In Cambodia, the Angkor Vhat, Is more imposing from a distance, but In its purity and unity of design, in its wealth of detail and the finished execution of Its miles of sculpture, Barabudur stands alone In all the world. Fifty years and more of research and compara tive study of the temple have established the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 355 fact that It was built about the tenth century of the Christian Era, and completed just before Buddhism, the religion of the intellect and peace, was stamped out by Mohammedan con querors, who preached a religion of blood and war and all the fiercer passions. It was the final production of the Hindu civilization, which was higher and wealthier than any civilization that the Island has since seen; and, after Its fall, the temple silted over slowly, or, some say, was cov ered by the faithful for protection, and even the natives In the village at the foot of the hill forgot that the Barabudur had ever been anything other than a smooth green mound. The ruin stands in the centre of the old king dom of Mataram, now the protected Sultanate of Djokjokarta. To reach it one rides for almost two days on the railroad down the centre of the island, from Batavia, the capital, to the city of Djokjokarta. From there, the pleasantest way to accomplish the remaining sixteen miles is by a carriage, drawn by four Java ponies, who race along the well-shaded roads, biting at each other and giving now and then a tentative kick in the direction of the foot-boy, who cracks his whip as he runs beside them. For three hours you drive between rows of 356 LETTERS OF fine old trees, through villages of mat-houses, through native markets (fassars), bright with fruit and flowers and gay colors, with glimpses of broad padl-fields and green hills cultivated to the top, and finally you skirt the base of the hill you have come to find, and a last dash of your ponies, shouted at and cracked at by your coach man and foot-boy, lands you on the tiny plateau at the door of a comfortable rest-house, within a lame bird's flutter of the Barabudur, the House of Many Buddhas. The first sight of the Barabudur Is disappoint - Ing ; but It Is with all things as It Is with friends, the best and greatest are those that reserve hidden beauties for a closer acquaintance. This ruin first presents Itself as a heavy mass, a chaos of cold stone, streaked with gray and black. Some one has called it the photograph of a building, and a wag likened It to an old stove In which the fire has long since died ; which latter description may seem funny to some people, but Is not true. Let the newly-arrived traveller crack all his jokes and talk about his stoves and photographs and tell the old Mynheer, who luckily does not understand English, how much bigger buildings he has seen at home, and then let him sit himself down in a comfortable chair in the rest-house GILBERT LITTLE STARK 357 portico — and look. Let him look lazily through the sleepy haze of the early afternoon heat, and through the shifting veil of rain that follows, and he will see this chaos of broken stones resolve Itself into a massive temple rising terrace upon terrace and gallery above gallery to the giant dagoba that crowns it all. He will seethe jagged spires and cones that break the sky line range themselves Into orderly rows, and he will see long tiers of Buddhas smiling in their temple niches. On the day of our arrival the rain lasted far into the evening, and after dark we sat look ing out where the ruin had been. Now and again the lightning would flash It in lines of fire, perfectly restored, on the dark background; a striking contrast of light and shade, dark gal leries and arches, wide-mouthed monsters and Buddhas deep in meditation, that no storm could disturb. A rose-colored palace rising, complete In all details, out of the night, only to fade before the eye could grasp it. The base of the pyramid is thirty-six-sided, that is, a square with two rectangular projections on each face. The first terrace, as the ruin now stands, is a broad open platform about ten feet above the ground. The inner wall ofthe terrace. 358 LETTERS OF however, rises above the level of the second gal lery and forms a parapet for It, twice higher than a man's head; the Innerwallsof the second, third, fourth, and fifth terraces, in like manner, rise to form a parapet for the terrace above them. The sixth terrace forms the top of the square pyramid and has only a parapet, no inner wall; from it rise three circular terraces bearing seventy-two dagobas of stone lattice-work, each one over five feet high. In the centre of the topmost circle rises the great single dagoba of solid stone, a closed bell thirty feet high. In the centre a straight stairway, guarded by lions and monsters, leads through ornamental gateways to the sum mit of the central dagoba. Nine terraces, then, there are In all. The first, an open platform ; the next four, narrow canons with walls of sculptured stone open only to the sky ; the sixth, hidden from the world by a high parapet and open only to the zenith ; the seventh, eighth, and ninth, circular in form and open on all sides ; and above all the great closed dagoba, the secret, sacred place. The mornings in Java are always the pleasant est part of the day, and early In the morning we chmbed the ruin for the first time, up the damp stone stairs to the tipmost top, one hundred and GILBERT LITTLE STARK 359 twenty feet above the hill. At our feet lay great masses of foliage and acres of close-huddled cocoanut-palms, sending forth glittering lances of white light from their hard, polished leaves ; flooded padl-fields mirrored the lines of spindle- stemmed palm trees that march along their boundaries, and the broad valley-floor was cheq uered with every shade of green by the young rice, the growing rice, and the yellowed crop of ripened grain, which flourish side by side In this eternal summer. Hill ranges rose In a circle about the level basin, and behind them towered the blue cones of nine volcanoes; Soembing, symmetri cal as Fuji, Merapl, with a wisp of cloud trail ing from its crater, and Merababoe, each rising perfect and alone, a thousand feet above us. The morning sounds of the village drifted up through the trees, roosters' crowing and chil dren's laughter, and a great flood of light poured over the eastern hills. All of the temple Buddhas had their backs to us and their faces to the glory of the morning. This was the three hundred and sixty-thousandth odd morning since first they had looked out over the valley, yet a million mornings are as a flash of time to the dwellers in the House of Many Buddhas, for here Is Nir vana, which Is Everlasting Rest. 36o LETTERS OF There is a great work of restoration going on here at present, under the enthusiastic direction of Captain Erb. Fragments are carefully studied and replaced in their original positions; the old drainage system is being repaired, and weak spots rebuilt with the old material. Some years ago It was discovered that what Is now the first terrace is not part of the original design, and when a portion of this stone plat form was removed, a series of one hundred and sixty beautiful sculptures around the real base was revealed in a perfect state of preservation. Some of these sculptures were unfinished, which proved the fact, until then only a theory, that all of the carving on this remarkable temple was made after the structure was completed. It is supposed that, while the artists were still at work on the base, they discovered that the foundations were insufficient for so great a mass; so they carefully packed the finished bas-reliefs with earth, and added the stone platform, which Is now the first terrace. To leave these reliefs exposed would have endangered the life of the struc ture, so they were carefully photographed and re-buried beneath tons of stone. They portray scenes of the common life of the times, hunting, love-making, dancing, with a few torments of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 361 hell thrown in, to give the series a religious flavor ; but no connected meaning has as yet been dis covered in them. The inner wall of the first terrace has a high sloping base of ornamental curves; above this runs a single line of bas-rehefs; and above the bas-reliefs Is a tier of arched niches, little open temples, flanked and surmounted by solid stone dagobas, and In each niche sits a life-sized Buddha, and the back of this Buddha-tier forms the parapet of the gallery above. The outer and Inner walls of each successive gallery are cov ered with a double row of bas-reliefs, and each inner wall is surmounted by a tier of arches like that on the wall of the first terrace, so that five rows of Buddhas on each side rise, one above the other's head; four hundred and thirty-two Images of the Lord In all. On the three open terraces above, which bear the dagobas of stone lattice-work, are seventy- two more Buddha images, screened off from the world, but open to the four winds of heaven; and lastly, in the great closed dagoba above all, walled in by twenty feet of solid stone, was found a solitary Buddha, of the same size and posture as the others, but unfinished, although the sur rounding dagoba was perfectly complete. 362 LETTERS OF There have been many theories advanced about this unfinished Buddha, from the most complicated and hair-splitting deductions to the absurdly simple one that perhaps the builders thought It useless to finish a figure that was never intended to be seen. There are as many theories about the other Buddhas, general opinion decid ing that they are the five DhyanI Buddhas, ofthe Mahayana or Northern Buddhist church; the saviours of three long vanished worlds, this pre sent world, and a fifth world still to come; and that the unfinished figure Is AdI-Buddha, — the Ur-Buddha or Father Buddha, from whom the DhyanI Buddhas all came, and into whom they will all return. But this theory finds contradiction In many Internal^evidences in the temple, and the simplest and most reasonable one seems to me to be that of Dr. Groneman. He divides the Buddhas Into three groups: (i) those of the open arch-temples ; (2) those of the stone-latticed dagobas ; and (3) the unfinished Buddha of the great dagoba. The Buddhas of group one, who ornament the first four tiers, differ slightly in the position of the hands, according to the point of the compass that they face. The Buddhas of the fifth tier, who look out upon the zenith, are all identical. GILBE3RT LITTLE STARK 363 but differ in the position of their hands from all those of the tiers below. Dr. Groneman believes that all of these figures are of the same Buddha, Amitabha, the Saviour of this world, known to us as Gautama or Sakya-muni, and that the five positions of the hands show his dominion over the four quarters ofthe globe and the sky above, to typify which he took five steps in each direc tion named, just after he sprang from Maya's side In the grove Lumbini. The figures of the lattice-work dagobas are Images of the same Buddha, but show him re moved from this world and Its affairs. In a state of heavenly meditation. These Buddhas show a sixth position of the hands. The final Buddha of group three Is still the same Gautama, in a state of pari-Nirvana per fection, infinite non-existence, the goal of life. If the figure Is Intended to portray this exalted state of being or non-being, It is no wonder that the artist felt his limitations and the profanity of any conception he could conjure up, and left the work Incomplete. The great glory of the Barabudur, however, is its bas-reliefs, which cover every available surface of the mighty pile, — over two thousand separate groups, of a perfection of finish that makes the 364 LETTERS OF art of Ceylon's buried cities look like the work of children. Since Mrs. Carrie Nation informed the world that the saloons of a certain section of our noble country. If placed side by side, would reach from New York to Chicago, the formation of fictitious lines has been a popular form of giv ing an idea of great numbers of any object. An imaginary line has been formed of these care fully executed bas-reliefs, and we are assured that it would stretch for three miles ! There is plenty to Interest even the amateur for days in the endless picture galleries of the five stone valleys In the temple's sides, as I found after three days' experience; and after he has once seen the outlook from the top platform, he will never think of leaving the ruin after a morn ing spent there, without climbing up for another glimpse of the blue circle of volcanoes, gathering their clouds about them, and the smiling valley- floor beneath. Truly, I think that this view is one of the world's fairest. Many of the groups are interesting In them selves, without the least understanding of their real meaning. There are some that are funny : a monkey teasing a bull, and an elephant imitat ing a dancing-girl; and there are plenty that are beautiful, according to the same rules that Greek GILBERT LITTLE STARK 365 Art Is judged by. You will find purity of outline, exquisite modelling, free natural poses, and graceful proportions. Jewelled princesses among their ladles, lovers reclining beneath palms, wise men talking to their disciples in the shade of the sacred bo-tree, gorgeous pageants with elephants and chariots, sword-bearers and dancing-girls, follow each other up and down the passages ; and when you see them so full of life and beauty, it Is hard to realize that not only the men that fash ioned them, but the civilization they portray has passed away as though it had never been. Interesting as single groups may be, as simple works of art, there is a deeper interest in read ing through whole series a connected story, and learning what they meant to the pilgrim of a thousand years ago. Here you will find all the fabled former lives of Buddha, before he was Gautama. How the Lord was once a turtle, and, perceiv ing a ship about to sink, surrounded by hungry sharks, saved the passengers upon his back, car ried them to a desert island, and there offered them his own body for food. How the Lord was once the king of a tribe of monkeys that lived in a great fig tree. The tree was attacked, and there was no escape except 366 LETTERS OF across a deep cleft, which none but the Lord could jump. He reaches the mountain-side safely and finds there a long bamboo ; out of this ^nd his own back he forms a bridge across which the monkeys all escape. But the Lord is faint from loss of blood, being badly tom by the mon keys' feet, and falls Into the hands of his enemies, the hunters. They have watched the scene with great astonishment and nurse him tenderly, and to their questions he replies that it is a prince's duty to serve, and not be served by his subjects. Best of all, however. Is the series on the inner wall of the second terrace, — the series that tells the tale of Buddha's life, from birth to death. Around the whole terrace runs the story of his sufferings as the Saviour of the world, and his achievements at the end. You see his miraculous birth, the adoration of the wise men, the trial of the bow, the first sight of the sufferings of the world, as he rides past the beggar by the city gate. Then comes his resolve to give his life to man kind; the long discussion with the disappointed king, his father, which lasts so far into the night that all the guards about the palace fall asleep ; the parting from his wives ; and his escape on the magic sun-horse, in spite of locked gates and armed guards. Many of the Incidents next por- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 367 trayed resemble incidents in the life of Christ, although Buddha lived four hundred years b. c, and Incidents in the life of the Hindu Vishnu as well. He is seen seated on a lotus cushion in structing the Brahman teachers, although he Is but a youth. He goes Into the wilderness to fast and meditate, and then he Is tempted of the Devil, "with the aid of his daughters the Rosy Morning Mists." He is followed by disciples, who leave their homes and the religion of their fathers for him, and finally he becomes a wise, loved teacher, dying in the midst of friends. His life lacks only the crowning glory of the Cross to make It a close counterpart of our highest ideal. There is almost nothing to detract from one's romantic enjoyment ofthe Barabudur. It stands In the open country in the midst of farm-life which is much the same to-day as it was when the temple was built ; there are no guides about, no curio-shops, no tickets to buy, no fees to gate keepers, and you are free to wander over the whole pile at will, at any hour of day or night. Of course there are many broken arches and parapets, some of the reliefs are cracked and broken, the floors sag, and some of the Buddhas are headless or armless, and some have vanished altogether; but in studying the perfection that 368 LETTERS OF remains, you notice only the ruined condition in a subconscious feeling of awe and reverence and mighty age. It must have been an epoch in the life of every devout pilgrim to climb this hill and walk past the carved groups, every one of which spoke to him a living truth. And when, saddened by the sufferings of his Lord's life, he turned away won dering, "To what end; to what end?" which ever way he turned his eyes, there was one of the five hundred Master Images, to answer him with Its eternal smile: "Peace, Rest, Peace!" So that, finally, when he emerged on the upper platforms among the Heavenly Buddhas, with the glorious view of the world before him, and the Unseen Presence of the closed dagoba close at hand, he must have been In just the frame of mind to receive all that was best of this great teacher's cult. For it is a great cult, and Buddha was a very great teacher. One cannot spend even one thoughtful hour on the ruins, without feeling that this slender-waisted, smiling man, who sits cross- legged on a lotus-flower, Is no mere stone con ventionality, but a living force to-day; for he taught to the East the same principles of Love and Peace and Tolerance that Christ taught us GILBERT LITTLE STARK 369 In the West, and those who believe In him to-day are more In number than the followers of any other religion on earth. One day, while I was on the spot, there came a party of tourists to the Barabudur, rejoicing in the fact that they were doing the polite un usual. They sprang from their carriage with, "Oh, there it Is ! " and were off at a dash. They climbed the ruin as though It were a mountain, and eternal salvation awaited the first to reach the top. They had left Djokja after breakfast, had done another ruin on the way out, and were back to Djokja in time for tiffin ; a thirty- four-mile drive, with a couple of old temples on the side. Off they drove, happy that they had added one more object to the list of things, on which they could now discourse exhaustively and finally, "from personal experience, my dear!" for the rest of their lives. The old Mynheer shook his head with a know ing smile as they whirled away, and "Pouf !" he said with a shrug, as he clapped to the ledger in which they had just inscribed their names. The old Mynheer can talk no English, but his remarks are always brief and to the point. "Pouf!" How the dust flew as he banged the ledger covers together! 370 LETTERS OF On the last night there was a moon, and under it the ruin loomed mightier than ever against the sky. Not a dead relic, but a living symbol; and now, after having seen them, there Is always about the ruin the presence of the kings and princes, warriors, maidens, the spreading trees, the tangled flowers, the wise elephants and forest creatures that live in Its long silent halls. Like Keats 's sculptured urn, they "tease us out of thought as doth eternity." Somewhere, some one was playing the game- Ian and another was singing an endless, plaintive song. Perhaps It was the village-singer, rehears ing the past glories of the Sultans to a quiet audience beneath the palms at the hill's foot, behind the ruin, and perhaps — who knows ? — it was the music of the Rosy Morning Mists In the second gallery, who have been tempting Buddha with their beauty and their songs for the last thousand years. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 371 Mandalay, January 4, 1908. Dear Ones, — From Djokjokarta we de parted at the hour of seven on Monday morning, and after riding all day through a tangle of jun gle, with palm-leaf huts buried here and there In the reeking wilderness of green, we climbed again into the Preanger country and left behind us the ancient kingdom of Mataram and the quiet, sober Javanese peasants. We spent the night in comfort, nay luxury, at an excellent hostelry in the provincial capital of Bandoeng, a flourishing, attractive city of green lawns and arching aisles of waringens. I don't think that I have given you In my let ters a full sense of the excellent accommodation which the Island hotels furnish. Your room is always on the first floor, and to reach It there is no crowded office to pass through, but you step right from a garden to your marble terrace, or the tiled porch on which your room opens. Many a dreamy siesta have we spent on these verandahs, with the blazing world beyond our cool, shadowed retreat, panting for the daily flood that never fails to come ; and many a quiet even ing have we sat in our easy chairs, after our late dinner, and looked out upon the beauty and mys- 372 LETTERS OF tery of a tropic night through clouds of delicate tobacco smoke, with all the strange night noises filling our ears, and the swift flash of a lizard crossing the white streak of light on the stone floor beside us. Good food, unfalling.courtesy, and quiet, bare foot service complete the charm of the Javanese country hotel. Tuesday morning we took train again, still towards Batavia, and climbed higher and higher Into the mountains, past many prosperous towns. The contrast between the Javanese and Soeu danese people is very marked Indeed. These mountaineers, with their light skins and fre quently rosy cheeks, their pleasant laughter and chaffing, their picturesque turbans with long streamers down the back, their pinks and greens and purples, are of different clay from their low land cousins. The Soeudanese sarong is not a square of cloth folded about the body hke the Javanese sarong ; it Is a bag-like skirt, and often it Is worn over one shoulder and under the other arm, like the Scotch tartan. Early in the afternoon we dismounted at a small station called Tjibadak, and there found a carriage, with big Australian horses and a foot man, waiting for us. We piled our luggage Into a GILBERT LITTLE STARK 373 near-by sado, and as no one else appeared to claim the carriage, we trusted to luck that the Baron had sent It for us and so jumped in and rolled off, leaving quite a crowd of villagers gaz ing after our departing glory. The drive to Sinagar took about an hour, and for the latter half of the time we drove through broad fields of tea-shrubs. A last dash down a shady avenue brought us to the Baron's steps, and we dismounted to meet a warm greeting from our host, under the inspection of a gor geous peacock, perched on the railings, and a cage of Austrahan wallabies near-by. I did Intend to write Sinagar up for you in de tail, but I have decided that I will keep that for reserve material after I reach home. Suffice It to say that the place Is ideal: gardens and lawns surround the group of porch-connected buildings which make the residence; rare birds of all shapes and colors fill the aviaries in the big court yard ; beyond the rose garden is an open stone swimming-pool, bordered with a mass of palms and polnsettias. The feature of the house Itself is a great hall, at one end of which the meals are served. This hall is decorated with heads, ant lers, python skins, savage spears and weapons from Borneo and Bali, tables of elephant skulls. 374 LETTERS OF and innumerable trophies of the master's skill. Four elephants, five tigers, seven rhinoceroses, eighteen wild bulls, and many deer, leopards, and wild boar, have fallen to his gun, which the na tives regard with awe, and address by an honor able title. In the stables are Arab and Australian horses (at one time as many as ninety), from which we took our pick for the morning ride over the endless acres of tea. There Is also a pond for wild duck and waterfowl. The plantation lies at a trifle over two thou sand feet in altitude, so it Is cool and pleasant, both day and night. On its several thousand acres live three thousand people, over whom the Baron rules as absolutely as a native prince. They give to him the same reverence and sa laams that they would give to a native ruler, and In return he Is a father to the whole community, settling all disputes, even to the most Intimate and religious questions. He pays them well, cares for them when they are ill or in trouble, and even goes to great expense to amuse them, maintaining a troupe of native dancers and play ers to perform In the litde villages scattered over the place. At his house is a big phonograph; while in a corner of the factory Is a fine bio- graph .machine, which he brought back from GILBERT LITTLE STARK 375 Europe two years ago. The native houses are as neat and clean as our farmers' houses at home. White basket-weave Is the material, and some have bamboo verandahs and neat cloth curtains at the windows, and all are half buried in flowers and vines. Sinagar is eighty years old, and Its first master introduced tea-culture Into Java. They are still picking from the first plants on the Island, vet erans of eighty years. We went through the fac tory several times, and rode over the plantation with Von H , so we have a complete know ledge of tea-culture and manufacture, from plant ing to packing. One million pounds and over of tea are exported every year from Sinagar, one twenty-fifth of the production of Java. We left Sinagar early on Friday morning, and caught a boat from Batavia to Singapore the same night at ten, reaching Singapore Monday morning. On the boat were Mr. and Mrs. T from Austraha, whom we had met three times before. They are delightful people, and are visiting the places that Mr. T saw on a bachelor trip many years ago. At Singapore, an interesting and beautiful city, but primitive as to stores in comparison with 376 LETTERS OF Shanghai and Hong Kong, we spent our Christ mas uneventfully, and on Christmas Eve I cabled you requesting an answer which has not yet arrived. Singapore is one of the busiest shipping ports In the world, and Is the trade depot for the entire Malay Peninsula. It is practically a Chinese city, although Indians, Malays, and dozens of other races are met at every turn. We expected to go straight to Colombo, but there was no boat for almost a week and the local fare was excessive, so we decided to leave for Burmah on December 26th, as we found it was actually cheaper to reach India via Ran goon. The T 's were again on our steamer, and we saw a great deal of them. There were also other Interesting people: three young miners from Korea, and a fine young American with a Russian wife, a princess. He had been prospect ing In Siberia all summer, and the Princess had been helping the cook at their camp and learning how to shoot big game. They were enthusiastic and are going back. Just now they are bound for Calcutta, where Lady M Is going to en tertain them In vice-regal splendor. We stayed overnight at Rangoon, and learned GILBERT LITTLE STARK 377 that Purdy and Scurve had not yet arrived. Tuesday evening we left for Mandalay, arriving here Wednesday afternoon. We have been here ever since (It is now Friday), but as yet no news of the boys. At Rangoon I found a telegram for Scurve, telling him to reach home by March 1st. I cabled you again from Rangoon, requesting an answer. We have been invited to visit Hsipaw from here, in the Shan Hills, and will probably do so soon. This is just a skeleton letter; descriptions will follow. Suffice It to say that Burmah, although not so beautiful as Java, has much more charm. Your loving son, Gilbert. CHAPTER VI BURMAH Mandalay, January 5, 1908. Dear Famille, — This Is a continuation of the same skeleton schedule of my actions, which I am sending by the same mail. Forgive me for the scanty and uninteresting form, but I will make It up in a day or so. Just now the spirit of description Is not on me ; if I could only see you all face to face, I should talk you to death, but sometimes I get tired of this year-long one-sided conversation. Am. left this morning for the Shan Hills, but I am going to Bhamo, on the Chinese frontier, by the afternoon train, and there I shall stay until I get in touch with Purdy and Scurve, who are about two weeks overdue. Am. will join me there, unless they arrive in time to enable us to join him In Shan-land. We are now at the End ofthe World, and need the services of a boy to spread our beds, cook at times, and wait on us at table. Am. has an old Hindu named Ahmed-a-garry, and I have a Burmese youth who speaks six languages — GILBERT LITTLE STARK 379 Burmese, Tamil, Hindustani, Palaung, Enghsh, and a little Shan. He has never served a traveller before, so he Is unspoiled. He was Interpreter for a British general last year, and I am very lucky in his company. His name is Maung Tun. He wears a gorgeous red skirt, a white jacket, and a pink silk turban. He calls me master, and takes off his shoes when he enters my august pre sence. Hoop-la ! I am writing on the hotel-porch, and at my elbow a monkey about eight inches high Is en gaged in slapping a dog's face and pulling his ears; the dog seems to hke It. This is a city of pagodas and gorgeous, flimsy palaces. The days are cloudless and the nights cold. I am delighted with it. If this letter contains but litde Information, It carries much love. I am more than ever Interested in the Chinese problem, and would give a great deal to return that way. I have been seriously considering the matter, and If the Persian trip does not mate rialize, on account of the present unrest there, I am strongly tempted to get Purdy to go back from Colombo with me. I should go straight to the Philippines, then either to Changsha or Pekin, where I should put in almost a month. 38o LETTERS OF then home via Korea and Japan. I should reach home early In August. Europe is nearer than China, and grows nearer every year. Europe has an interest that hes in the great past, while China's interest lies in the great future. I also feel that I am now ready to visit the Phihppines intelligently. These are my reasons in brief for thinking of the above plan. Now, father, although it would be a sacrifice to give up Europe, full, as It will be next summer, of my old college friends, the biggest sacrifice would be giving up your company. Could you join me either at the Phihppines or at Shanghai ? If It is within the limits of possi bility for you to join me on such a trip, please cable me at Bombay the word "Possible," or In the opposite case the word "Impossible," and accordingly I will make my plans; also please write, as soon as you can, exacdy what you think of the affair. I am sincerely concerned about this question, for I am more anxious than I can tell you to make the best use of my time, and I strongly desire your free and detailed advice, which I shall welcome equally whatever it be. Do be sure to send both wire and letter, care T. Cook, Bombay. Your loving son, Gilbert. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 381 Bhamo, Burmah, January 7, 1908. Dear Ones, — At Singapore we spent our Christmas day very pleasandy, but very quietly, and with constant thoughts of what "they are doing at home at just this moment." We were not quite alone, for the T 's were with us, and we met four San Francisco ladies who are travelling together. Christmas Eve we all attended midnight mass at the Catholic Cathedral, and saw a very impressive service, with an Archbishop as the leading at traction. The street-life furnishes the chief Interest In Singapore, and the Botanical Gardens and the Reservoir make charming drives, while a half- day is sufficient to see the capital city ofthe Sul tan of Jahore on the near mainland. Singapore roads are excellent : the hard soil takes on a sur face like an asphalt pavement, and gleams bright red. In contrast to the banks of heavy green on either side. The city is only one degree above the Equator, so the foliage is much like that of Java ; and, strange to say, the temperature during our four days' stay was a mild, pleasant 80 degrees In the shade. Singapore is of course in the Malay country. 382 LETTERS OF but, although there are many Malays there, the Chinese predominate; there are ten thousand rickshaw coohes alone; and during our stay we were served at table, waited on in stores, offices, and banks, and pulled through the streets by Chinamen alone ! My admiration for the Indus try of this race is still increasing, and their per sonality attracts me more, the more I see of it. I do hope that father cables me the word "Pos sible," and then writes that he will meet me in Shanghai or Nagasaki on, say, June ist, prepared for a look Into China and Korea, which, by the way, is the only foreign country where Ameri can enterprise, capital, and prestige outweigh that of any other country; I have so much to talk over with father, — theories, the knowledge I have acquired this year, law school, — I do hope he will come. The ocean trip up the Bay of Bengal, past Penang and the Andaman Islands, was very pleasant. Smooth seas and sunny days and a freshness in the air that we had forgotten In the moisture-laden air of the equatorial regions. On Thursday we sailed, and on Monday we awoke in the Rangoon River, with the low allu vial banks of the Irriwaddy Delta about us. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 383 RANGOON Burmah forms a part of British India ac cording to law, but from the point of view of plain common sense, it Is no nearer India than is Pekin. The Burmese people are light in color, they call themselves a white race, are distinctly a Mongoloid people, and should be grouped with the Siamese and the Inhabitants of Cochin China. As we drew near to Rangoon, the first object that lifted Itself above the level land about us was the golden spire of the Schwe' Dagon Pagoda, and the next distinctive feature was the elephants piling teak-logs along the shore. If one of these beasts has a log balanced on his tusks in mid air, and the breakfast gong sounds, down with the log, and off he trots to be fed. Rangoon is broad-streeted and dusty, and has a new, unfinished appearance everywhere, except In the hotels, which appear to be of about the same date as the First Crusade. The population is even more cosmopolitan than in Singapore, and Klings, Tamils, Bengahs, Punjabis, Sikhs, Ghurkas, Jews, Chinese, Arabs, Armenians, Malays, Shans, Karens, Persians, and Singha- 384 LETTERS OF lese jostle one another In the noisy streets, where barbers and cooks ply their trades on the curb, and every third shopkeeper Is reading aloud out of the Koran. The strange fact Is that about one man In a hundred Is a Burmese ! — south India has seized the town. Rangoon Is gradually completing the most beautiful park In the East, Dalhousie Park, and In connection with It Is a chain of ponds called the Royal Lakes. We drove out with theT 's to see sunset across the Lakes, and it seemed as though all Rangoon had done the same, for there was a great concourse of carriages, with Indian syces and footmen. We drove back by way of the Gymkhana Club, where they were just completing an afternoon dance, which attraction we successfully resisted. From every turn we saw the sunset gleaming on the golden pagoda, Schwe' Dagon. As Sir William Scott says, " for every one that does not earn his bread there, Rangoon Is the City ofthe Pagoda." It stands on a small hill In a pretty suburb of the town, and dominates the surrounding country as the cathedral spires dom inate Cologne. It was commenced hundreds of years before Christ, and when the Parthenon was built. It was a simple dagoba of earth and stone. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 385 about twenty odd feet high. Now it reaches a slender spire upwards for three hundred and sixty feet, and around Its base are terraces and arcades, crowds of temples, and enshrined Buddhas; beneath are eight hairs of Gautama himself, and the begging or praying bowl, staff, and robe of the three former Buddhas of long- vanished worlds. Its graceful, swelling sides are covered with gold-leaf, and the spire Is sheeted with solid gold, while the hti or umbrella-top Is hung with rubles and precious stones, which sometimes send their gleams way down to earth where the worshippers crowd the lower terraces. There are three of these narrowing circles of grass and trees, before you reach the broad stone terrace at the pagoda's base, and covered stair ways and arcades, crowded with flower-stalls and relic-stands or confectioners' booths, line the sides. Behind each stall sits a Burmese girl or woman clad in pale-hued silks, a flower over one ear, a gold brooch or chain at the neck, a small cigarette stuck through her pierced ear, and a white club of tobacco eight inches long held to her lips with lazy grace, while she sends clouds of smoke curling among the gilt pillars of the passage. These Burmese women are the business men of the country. 386 LETTERS OF Before the booths a constant stream of wor shippers travels up and down, and in its eddies are borne along the strangest people from all countries of the earth. Now and then a Bur mese priest, a poonghee, walks slowly by in a Roman toga of saffron color, his right arm and shoulder bare, and a big palm-leaf fan in his hand, to shield his eyes whenever a pretty girl passes by ; a whole race of St. Anthonys, these poonghees. Every entrance and each successive flight of steps Is guarded by immense white leogryphs with red eyes, beasts twice the size of a big ele phant and very fierce, to frighten all the devils who might come poking about. The main platform has one broad, clear pas sage all around It; the side towards the pagoda Is a cluster of small spires and pagodas, shrines and altars, and the outer edge is a labyrinth of temples, big and little, three and four deep, with Buddhas of marble and Buddhas of brass and Buddhas of gold and porcelain ; all sizes of Buddha, from four Inches to twenty feet high; black-faced Buddhas, yellow-faced Buddhas, and white-faced Buddhas with cherry red hps. Around the temple-cornices little doll-figures are suffering the torments of hell, and other doll- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 387 figures are fleeing over the temple roofs pursued by grinning devils. The crowd in the open pas sage is gay with flowers and jewels (for not even a pauper in Burmah will wear imitation trinkets) and soft-colored silks. The temples and shrines on each side gleam and glisten In the rich sun light, for their pillars and open halls and fantas tic roofs are alive with gold and glass mosaic. The tinkle of wind-bells on the eaves and htis, the deep boom of gongs struck with a deer's antler, and the merry talk and laughter of the crowd, make up the voice of the Schwe' Dagon. And out of the glittering chaos the great Pagoda rises like a tongue of flame Into the dark, infinite blue above. 388 LETTERS OF MANDALAY Twenty hours on the Burmah railway from Rangoon to Mandalay, the capital of Upper Bur mah, a city whose age is less than that of many of its Inhabitants, but which has won for Itself a place in history and literature, and in the romantic Imaginings of every westerner who thinks at all of the Orient, all in its short half-century of life. It was quite the fashion for Burmese kings to build a new capital, just as the old mikados did in Japan, and about the year 1857 (reference- books are not at hand) Mandalay was built according to the old approved rules for capital cities. The palace In the centre; walls so many paces In length, gates at such and such Intervals, towers so many cubits high. Under each tower it was customary to bury alive a virgin or an un- tattooed boy; but the king who built Mandalay thought that the hearts of his subjects made a stronger foundation for his throne than did their bodies, so the sacrifice was probably omitted, although accounts differ on this point. The old palace was in part removed to Mandalay, and hundreds of pagodas were built within and with out the city walls. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 389 Here good King Mindon ruled for many years, and when he died, the machinations of one of his wives placed Thibaw, one of the least signifi cant of his twoscore sons, on the throne. Thibaw was a weak, attractive boy, and he dearly loved Supayalat, whom he straightway married. The fair bride was jealous, and instead of enjoying the company of thirty or forty dearly beloveds, Thibaw was forced to limit his affections to his first love. Under her advice and that of her mother, who was an old fox, Thibaw had all of his brothers and sisters, a goodly company, put to the sword and buried in a big pit. After three days the heap began to swell and rise, and Thibaw sent his elephants to tread it down again. For seven years Thibaw and Supayalat never left the golden palace. The British repre sentatives were treated with scant courtesy, the country was overrun with robbers and petty pretenders, but Thibaw reclined at ease in the geometrical centre of his perfecdy proportioned capital, until the British came, took him pris oner, and annexed his misgoverned country. Thibaw and Supayalat are still living in a quiet Indian fortress town, and they are only an irri table, querulous old couple. Alas for the glory of the Peacock Throne I 390 LETTERS OF There Is a great deal of empty space in Man dalay; quiet bungalows stand In the solitary midst of five-acre squares, and the broad, dusty roads are bordered with trees and grass like the roomiest of country turnpikes. Most of the houses and all of the business he outside the city walls, which now enclose only the palace, the club. Fort Dufferin, and vast park-stretches, dotted with pagodas and now and then a bun galow. Except for the great Bazaar, however, all travellers' interest In Mandalay centres about these empty walls. They are so unhke anything else in the world, and have nothing In common with the grim-walled cities of China or of North ern Europe. Everything at Mandalay was built for effect, because the natural course of events would have created a new capital before a cen tury had passed, and there was no need to build for posterity. The walls are not very high, and they are of a deep pink brick, with a crenellated top. On each side are three gates with towers and buttresses of briUiant white. At frequent intervals pagoda-like towers, vsith delicate spires and bells and curved eaves, rise llghdy from the battlements. Trees mass their rich green tops behind, and a broad, clear moat full of lotus- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 391 flowers surrounds It all, spanned by white bridges leading to the central gate on each side. The scene hghted by the clear, soft sun of Bur mese winter Is beautiful indeed. The palace is of wood, and seems at first a jungle of spires and curved roofs, open audience- halls and pillared porches; but In reality the plan is simple. The Burmese throne was a round pedestal against the wall, high above the floor, and shaped like a lotus-flower. The King en tered through latticed doors of gold at the back, and sat cross-legged on the brilliant flower, while all the nobles and princes prostrated themselves among the pillars of the Audience-Hall. Every thing is of wood and gilt and glass, and rickety walls give an impression that is, at the same time, magnificent and tawdry, — but fascinating, fascinating. That Is a strange quality that is innate In everything that touches Burmah, for, with all its dry and dusty stretches, the land breathes charm and leaves you always longing for more. Tropi cal Java with all its wealth of life and vegetation satisfied you. I have seen Java, and to revisit it would be pleasant, but I do not long to revisit It, nor did I feel a real pang at leaving, although there were many things I should have enjoyed 392 LETTERS OF doing there. It may be because Java Is so com plete. All Its problems are solved. Its gende peo ple present no great possibilities, they are merely a very, very pleasant race; but Burmah, China, and Japan are ahve, and the thought that you must leave them there with a hundred ques tions unanswered, dozens of problems unsolved, and their attractions barely tasted, grips you •with a feeling strong as homesickness, a true pang. I have talked lately with numerous travellers from India, and I am strengthened In my belief that, while I would not miss India for worlds, and while months could be spent there with profit, we shall only be able to visit the famous build ings and temples and the usual native capitals in our limited time, so I regret all the more leav ing a place like Burmah, which fulfils exacdy the requirements I desire. It Is not a country of lotus-eaters, although the Burman Is the lightest- hearted of all men. It is a rich, husding, unde veloped treasure-land. Ruby-mines, jade-mines, teak lumber-camps, gold-nugget fields, and gold- dredging operations, are crying out to be visited ; a score of kindly wild peoples on the border-land are waiting patiently to be named, classified, studied, and civilized; the Burmese are flocking GILBERT LITTLE STARK 393 to school and calling for the best the West can give, and as side-issues there are ruined cities and wild-river gorges, caves and palaces, a laughing, silk-clad population, forests teeming with tigers, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and monkeys, to lend Interest to every square mile, and the glori ous light and cool winter air transfiguring every hour of the day. Again let me wish that I had planned to spend my whole year among the Mon goloid people of Asia ! At Mandalay we again saw the T 's and met many pleasant people, travellers and resi dents. With one man I had a very valuable talk on Colonial Government and the Philippines, and our Ideas coincided beautifully. I discovered later that he Is Professor of Colonial Govern ment at Columbia. As we could learn nothing ofthe boys in China, we separated at Mandalay. Am. has gone for a short trip into Shan-land, and I have come north to Bhamo to discover the whereabouts of Purdy and Scurve. The missionaries and telegraph officials have been very kind, and yesterday I discovered through missionary letters that the boys sepa rated on December 5th, Scurve going south from Yunnan-fu to Tonkin, In Cochin China, and 394 LETTERS OF Purdy continuing to Bhamo. I was a little wor ried about him, as he Is overdue, until I received a telegram from a British official at Tengueh in China, saying that he had left that place for Bhamo on the day before. He Is due here in six days, and I am going to start for China to-morrow and surprise him on the border. I am taking four mules, two China boys, and my Burmese boy, who is a treasure. Our road Is as broad as Michigan Avenue and has a telegraph wire alongside, so don't worry. My, but Purdy will be surprised! He thinks I am In Ceylon! If I have time to-night, I will take up the tale at Mandalay and tell you how I got here and what Bhamo is hke; if not, I shall do so on my return. In six or seven days. I have a good incident to tell you : it is called "The Adventure of the Bur mese Bishop." Loads of love and more loads of the same. I am quite well and am among good American missionaries, so don't worry. Gilbert. Mandalay, January 19. Dear Mother, — Here is the tale I pro mised you In my last letter. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 395 THE ADVENTURE OF THE BURMESE BISHOP We little know when an adventure Is going to befall us, and It was with no thought of anything but an uncomfortable railway journey that I boarded the train at Mandalay, bound for Bhamo. Usually the trip to Bhamo Is made by steamer up the Irrawaddy, but it takes about five days, and, as I was going north to find the whereabouts of Purdy on the great China cara van-route, I felt that I must choose the quicker and less pleasant route by rail to Katha, and then by steamer for twenty-four hours. In an access of economy I bought a second-class ticket, which Is unwise when you are about to spend the night on a frontier railway train. I crossed the Irrawaddy by ferry, and climbed the sandy bank to the village of Sagaing, with Its ruined pagodas and Its shady streets. At first I was alone In my compartment, but, as the shadows were lengthening, we pulled up at a tiny place, where a Japanese in the railroad company's employ was waiting to blast my hopes of privacy. He was a pleasant chap, however, and as there are two six-foot seats In each com partment, I did not mind. Just at sunset, however, the Bishop appeared. 396 LETTERS OF First came a coolie with two rolls of matting. Then a little Shan boy, perhaps thirteen years old, and then the Reverend Sir. We did not know what a delightful old man he would prove to be, and we did not enthuse over his advent. He was dressed In the simple flowing robes of the poon ghee, and one wasted arm and side were bare. Over his shoulder was a heavy yellow cloak, the same shade as his robe. His head was small and close-cropped, his throat was withered, and his skull looked out through the tight, wrinkled skin of his face ; but his eyes were like black beads and his teeth were white and even. At the corners of his mouth were deep smile-wrinkles, and he gazed at the coolie and the world In general with an all-embracing smile that showed every tooth. He tittered audibly as he settled himself, reclining at length on one elbow; he tittered as the coolie withdrew backwards ; he tittered when the Shan boy placed a jar of holy water on a wreath of rushes on the floor. Then he looked at us, and remarked in Burmese that he was going to a fu neral at Katha — and tittered. He seemed a httle nervous, and his whole manner was apologetic. " I am sorry that I must take up so much room," he seemed to say, and every time the train jolted, he tittered towards us, as if it were all his fault GILBERT LITTLE STARK 397 and he would try to prevent It next time. He must have been eighty years old. The Shan boy, who was almost as pretty as a girl, curled up at the Bishop's feet, and looked reflectively across the car, as though he did not know whether it was quite wise to be friendly or no. After about an hour he evidendy decided that It was wise, and broke the Ice by grinning broadly. He wore a gray coat and yellow silk skirt, and his hair was coiled In a little knot on the top of his head, vrith a narrow ring of bare scalp around It, and a fringe around that like the fringe of hair on a Japanese doll. He wore gold earrings, and his arms were tattooed in red. As the evening wore on, it grew very cold in our draughty compartment, and our compan ions both suffered visibly, for the Bishop's sheet like robe was his only covering, and the bare brown skin ofthe Shan boy showed between his skirt and jacket; but the Bishop tittered merrily through his chattering teeth, and meditated on the emptiness of life In general and the glories of Nirvana. When his old legs grew numb with cold, he stretched them out on the seat and the boy massaged them with his elbows. The poon ghees never give a direct command to their boys 398 LETTERS OF for food or service, but when they wish anything, they repeat the formula, "Do what Is lawful," and the boy guesses at the need. That night I gave the Bishop one of my blan kets, and he kindly accepted it, that I might re ceive the credit in Heaven for a good deed ; but he only spread It over his feet, and preferred to show his contempt for fleshly feelings by shiv ering the night through. The boy slept under a corner of my own rug, curled about my feet. It was a long night, and several times I was dimly conscious that the train had stopped at a station, and that there were people in the carriage, to whom the Bishop was talking. Pious lay villagers who had waited up all night for a word with him while the train stopped at their station ; for the good people of this country honor their priests, and, unlike the Buddhist monks of other coun tries, the Burmese poonghees merit this respect. They lead chaste, austere lives, and teach boys at their monasteries; in fact, every Burmese boy becomes a poonghee for a period varjnng fro one to seven days, and until he has passed through the brief novitiate, he is not esteemed a man. The monks live entirely on charity, but they never return thanks for any service or for the most lordly gift, for the layman who assists them GILBERT LITTLE STARK 399 acquires merit by the act, and the acceptance of any service by them is in Itself a favor. As yet I had not suspected that our companion was other than an ordinary priest, so simple did his wants seem and so meagre his possessions, and I thought of giving the boy a few pice with which to buy him food for breakfast; but early In the morning the train was boarded by two poonghees, an Indian and a Kachin, who had come two hours by train to meet him; and the carriage was piled with fruit and cakes and tea pots and hot rice which the villagers had pre pared, and Instead of being allowed to cast my pice upon the waters, I shared the monk's break fast at the public expense. During the morning the old gendeman pfied me with questions about my country and why I had come to his land, and when I told him that I was wandering about the world because it brought me happiness and knowledge, he thought that I must be a sort of poonghee my self. I learned that he was journeying to the monas tery called Sapandye at Katha, to attend the burning of the body of an old friend, another bishop, who had been dead a year, preserved in honey. This cremation ceremony is one of the 400 LETTERS OF most elaborate of festivals and would be well worth going miles to see, but unfortunately for me, it was to take place several weeks later. When we arrived at Katha on the banks ofthe Irrawaddy, the whole village was at the station. Here the Bishop was revealed to us as a mighty man Instead of a poor shivering monk, but his manner never changed. He appeared at the car riage door, feeble and stooping In his yellow draperies, and every one on the platform knelt. He descended the steps, a little insignificant old man, and two youths sprang forward with gold umbrellas which they held over him. His feet were not allowed to touch the common soil, for kneeling maidens spread their delicate silk scarfs before him ; and down the shimmering path they made for him he walked gingerly, tittering the while, as though he would say, " These silly peo ple ! Do excuse them ; they are only children and must have their fun ! " The last I saw of him was a huddled yellow figure seated on a rude station bench, which had been covered with silken robes, two gold um brellas behind him, the ground about him piled with presents and offerings, and the population of Katha kneeling before him In an adoring semi circle. Just as I was boarding my steamer for GILBERT LITTLE STARK 401 Bhamo, the Shan boy came running down the bank with a big bunch of bananas, a final pre sent from my friend the Bishop. The trip up river was very pleasant. I was the only passenger, and all day long I sat in the bows, watching the changing banks. Tiny vil lages alternated with long stretches of jungle. Porpoises rolled about In the shallows near shore, and strange waterfowl of all shapes and colors were thick as flies, or as Burmese pagodas, which adorn every knoll from Thibet to Arakan. Great rafts with httle huts built on them floated past us, and canoes came slowly out from shore, fight ing the current to discharge passengers on our lower deck. Once I saw two huge elephants taking a bath, and again a dusty baby Jumbo burst through the grass at the top of the bank and raced madly along the shore, with a halloo ing youngster astride his neck. Before reaching Bhamo we passed one night tied up alongshore, and traversed the second defile ofthe river, which is pretty and interesting, but not at all magnificent. Bhamo is a straggling village, full of Hindus, Mohammedans, and Wild Kachins from the big 402 LETTERS OF hills nine miles to the east. The Burman Is not much in evidence. There is a regiment of Sikhs here, and there are several government offices and mission headquarters, and numerous ruined pagodas and monasteries are scattered through the town. As Bhamo is the end or beginning of the great overland route to China, there are many Celestials living there, and passing In and out with dusty mule-trains. My next yarn will be entitled "The Road to China," which I have travelled and returned from in safety. Love to all, Gilbert. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 403 THE ROAD TO CHINA January 17, 1908. Dear Helen, — At first I had wanted to take a cook, but Maung Tun said he could cook bet ter than any rural Bhamo chef. I had wanted an Interpreter, but Maung Tun said that I could talk English to him, he could talk Burmese to the mule-driver, who could talk Chinese or Ka chin as need arose. I had intended to secure a guide, but Maung Tun said that if he could n't find the way, I need n't pay him his wages for a week. I had greatly desired three mules and a pony for my outfit, but Maung Tun would not let me spend the money, and allowed me only two mules and a pony. Maung Tun stayed up late on Monday night to roast a chicken, which he persuaded the dak bungalow chowdikar to slaughter for him, and he arose before hght on Tuesday morning to cook a strange meat-cake, which he called "side-dish." " Some men are eating this side-dish for their tiffin, sir," he said with a pitying smile, when I asked concerning its use and aim In life. Maung Tun Is only eighteen, and he has never served as a traveller's boy before, but he is Solo- 404 LETTERS OF mon and Nestor and the Encyclopaedia Britan nica in one. My outfit was furnished by Mr. Fan Ta Sho, a portly Celestial, loaded with gold seals and speaking no English. He drove up to the bunga low at six in the morning to see me off, and he charged me only twice as much as I ought to have paid, so I can recommend him heartily as a Furnisher of Mules. At seven o'clock we moved through the bungalow gate. An Indifferent yel low pony bore me past the familiar fence-posts, at about the speed at which a Swiss glacier trav els. Maung Tun rode an animal whose father might have been a hippopotamus, and whose mother was undoubtedly a door-mat. The third creature was concealed beneath piles of bedding and canned food, so that It was Impossible to surmise its nationality and antecedents. We moved off down the highroad through a cold morning mist, and I was quite starded by a tall white dagoba, which suddenly appeared like a ghost at the roadside. Three litde boys marched by on their way to school, singing at the top of their voices. Then the mist cleared slowly as the sun grew hotter, and we saw that we were fairly started for the hills. For nine miles the road was straight and level. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 405 with Imposing teak trees rising on all sides, straight as pillars, to a height of over a hundred feet. A short way out of Bhamo there is a sign post by the roadside, on which one may read the legend, "To the Chinese Frontier." Imagine how you would feel if you were strolling along a country lane near home and asked a passer-by, "Where does this road lead ?" and received the answer, " To China " ! The broad highway was quite populous this morning, and a stream of people passed us bound for market. Ox-carts there were in plenty, with spindle-shanked Indians crouching on them, shoAvIng off the ugly blackness of their skins by wearing draperies of white or red, and hanging gold-rings in the sides of their noses. Several Northern Indians with long coats, towering tur bans, and canes, strolled past us, followed by a whole family of Burmese In holiday attire, bumping merrily along in a boat-shaped festival- cart drawn by two trotting oxen with humps and swinging dewlaps. An old man was wending a snail's way to Bhamo, driving a black pig. Be hind the pig's ears was a collar of wooden sticks, to which was fastened the string held by the old man. It never seemed to occur to the pig that the quickest way to Bhamo was to walk straight 4o6 LETTERS OF ahead, for It made expeditions to the right and to the left with mechanical regularity. These embryo explorations were nipped by the tap of a switch, and the pig's master talked to it cease lessly, as one talks to a very small child. I have often wondered whether the old man ever lived to reach Bhamo, for he had five miles more to go. Kachins and Shans added Interest and variety to the life of the road, and here and there a pig tail and a dash of blue — the old, ugly, sober, national blue of China — recalled the legend of the sign-post and gave It life and meaning. The big trees Increased In frequency as we drew nearer to the hills, and their huge, perfect columns dwarfed the approaching ox-carts and loaded coolies to mere toys, and the occasional refreshment booths, where old women sell the pink and green syrups so dear to Oriental taste, were doll-houses, nothing more. Before noon we passed through a fair-sized village of perhaps a hundred houses, all built on stilts. The inhabitants seemed to be Kachins, with a mixture of Burmese and Shans, and many were in Burmese costume. An elephant was busily piling logs in a vacant lot, and the drone of boys studying aloud floated out of the doors and windows of the village monastery. There GILBERT LITTLE STARK 407 was a small, tawdry pagoda of gilt and plaster, and a group of tall poles with flapping streamers stood In the monastery enclosure. The hills rose quite close at hand now, and our road turned north, • so that we travelled with them on our right. The teak trees grew farther and farther apart, and great clumps of bamboo, giant bamboo, threw delicate plumes across the roadway. The leaf of the bamboo is so tiny that at a distance this foliage seemed a beautiful green mist with the rich sunlight filtering through, and when the clumps were detached enough to show the entire outline, they looked like spraying foun tains or huge bouquets. While we were eating tiffin by the roadside, a black buffalo with magnificent horns, fully six feet from tip to tip, came slowly down the the atrical roadway, stopping now and then to sniff at us. At a distance of about one hundred yards he charged away into the bamboo-jungle, at right angles to the road. I confess It gave me a httle start, five minutes later, to see his eyes and those great horns of his gleaming through the leaves at the roadside, not ten feet away. These beasts from whom a tiger will run, and who in a wild state are considered a close third to the elephant and rhinoceros for dangerous ferocity, have an 4o8 LETTERS OF extreme dislike for the smell of a white man, and will often charge as soon as they catch his scent; and although I have passed close to the nose of many a water-buffalo without offending his deli cate nostrils, I have heard so many tales at first hand of adventures with them that I like to keep to leeward if possible. This fellow was merely curious, however, and soon crashed away through the trees. After tiffin I walked for nine or ten miles and left the outfit far behind; there was not much travel at this point, and except for a few small parties of Kachins, who stole quietly by In their barbaric red and blue clothes, with swords across their breasts or backs, and bows and arrows in hand, I had the road quite to myself. The foliage grew more and more dense, and the arch of graceful fronds was thirty to fifty feet above my head. The road was hke a painted vista, so fresh were the colors of forest and sky and so regular the patches and fretwork of shadow; a painted scene of blue and green and gold. There was no sound except the creaking of bamboo- stems as they swayed or rubbed gently against each other, the murmur of frequent streams, and the incessant music of bird-calls. The birds here were more numerous and beautiful than I GILBERT LITTLE STARK 409 have ever seen them In one place before. Great blue and white birds with long tails, wild doves, tiny flitting things, that gleamed like rubles and sapphires, flaming orioles, flocks of yellow birds that filled a whole bamboo-clump and made it look as though heavy with golden fruit, enchanted fruit that sang and kept flitting from branch to branch. There was, moreover, a red bird that darted through the greenery like a live coal, and a friendly little creature, something like a quail, that kept running along just ahead of me. Tip- ups ran along the stream-banks, and birds with curly bills and long necks balanced with open wings on the tree-stubs of the larger waterways. Every tiny clearing — there were only three or four — had Its solemn regiment of white egrets that walked about the buffaloes, solemn as drill- sergeants, pretending they were managing the great beasts, and long-legged brown things who contemplated the distance with their heads sunk between their shoulders. High up in the stainless blue there were always two or three hawks and kites, sailing round and round on motionless, out spread wings. And hke the Vice ofthe old Moral ities, the Launcelot Gobbo of the feathered world, screamed and blustered the ubiquitous crow. At the point where the road turns again towards 410 LETTERS OF the east and enters the hills, I remounted and we climbed several hundred feet, with the clamor of a distant troop of monkeys sounding in our ears. Avery fair bridge bore us over a wild rocky river-gorge, and another climb up a road or path, full of boulders and torn and broken as though it had been blasted with dynamite, brought us to a low saddle of the first range of hills, where stands the dak bungalow called Kalenkyet, or, as it Is pronounced, Kalengchet. Here we un-" loaded for the night; I had expected a small vil lage like the village of Mornauk, which we had passed through during the morning, but here was only the bungalow and a big crystal spring. To the north and south rose higher hills of the range on which we stood. To the west was level forest country, leading off towards the blaz ing evening sky. To the east a deep valley, com mencing at our very feet, led the eye over fine forests, past a series of mountain buttresses, where It cut through several parallel ranges to a high mountain-shoulder that closed Its upper end, beyond which lay China. The whole scene lay bathed In a rich glow, full of purple shadows, and the distant mountain was ringed with rose which faded slowly. While the sunset tints were still at their brightest, the sky above grew black and the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 411 stars leaped Into view, and the red glare of the open fire In the cook-shed threw Maung Tun's shadow far out Into the night, reminding me that I had still to taste a first sample of his cooking. The bungalows on this road are built by the Burmah Public Works Department, and they are all exacdy alike — two bedrooms and a larger room to sit in, built of whitewashed matting, and standing stiff-legged about four feet above the ground. They are usually In charge of a Hindu chowdikar, who furnishes cooking-pots If the traveller does not carry his own. The charge is a nominal one of one rupee a night, a bare bed stead being furnished you, for In India and Bur mah all travellers carry their own bedding. The first sign of dinner was a glass of water borne In by my Chinese muleteer, a jovial soul, who was so used to calling to his mules that he prefaced and concluded all his human con versations with a mule-call hke the whistle of a steam-calliope; the effect was startling at first, but I think Its producer was quite unconscious of the habit. He shambled Into the bungalow with a sheepish grin, bare-legged, with his broad trousers cut off below the knee and his flapping straw hat still on his head. He bore the glass gingerly In both hands, and wrapped about It 412 LETTERS OF were several yards of cotton cloth. I thought at first he had brought me hot water, but Inquiry discovered that he had merely been afraid of soiling the glass. Maung Tun next came with a cup of tea, which looked as though a cyclone had been playing with it. Cup and saucer were covered with white lumps, and others floated about In the tea. The cream had curdled, and had all come out of the tin at once ; all of the tins were the same, so we had a week of milkless tea and porridge to look forward to. The butter was the next disappointment. It was so rancid that even a determined washing merely alleviated, but could not remove, the hair-oil flavor. A chicken and some eggs purchased from the chowdikar did much to help out the meal, however. On the road one should never attempt to do anything but walk, eat, and sleep. Having suc cessfully accomplished the first two operations, I proceeded to the third •with equal distinction. The night was bitterly cold and the morning bath almost took my breath away, but we were up and off In good season. I walked all morning down a cool, shady road, that gradually chmbed higher and higher on the side of the valley that we had seen from the bungalow. A large river, full of rapids, filled the valley with a sound hke GILBERT LITTLE STARK 413 the rush ofa great wind, and the green and white of its rock-tortured waters flashed through the trees upon the bank. At one place a httle hill, possibly five hundred feet high, stands quite alone in the centre of the valley. It is a perfect cylinder-cone, and is plumed with waving bam boo to the very top. After our cold tiffin, eaten by one of the many little brooks that tumble downhill into the river, the road climbed by short zigzags over a cross- spur a thousand feet high, and from its grassy top I had a broad view of a new branch-valley and several parallel mountain ranges. The big shoulder, which had closed our view the night before, loomed up across the narrow valley, quite close at hand. I sat down on a stone by the roadside, to enjoy the view and wait for my mules, which were three quarters of an hour behind; and as I sat lost in thoughts, mainly about Purdy, whom we hoped to meet the following day, I became con scious of a heavy breathing near-by. I turned my head, and twenty yards away I saw a very large white buffalo, that had come quiedy around the corner and was standing hke a statue, flank towards me. So silently had he come and so motionless was he, that he might have just risen 414 LETTERS OF through the ground. He was pretending to look across the valley, but I could see his ugly red eye turned In my direction. Each waited for the other to make the first move, and his patience outwalted mine. There was a steep bank behind me, about ten feet high, and I determined that its flowery crest was a much pleasanter place to sit than this roadside boulder. I commenced to climb it slowly and deliberately, so as not to startle the beast; but at my first movement, he commenced a lumbering charge, which ended at the bank belowme just as I drew my feet out of reach. A creature the size of a piano, with two sharp three-foot horns and wicked red eyes, is a great assistance to activity, I find. He kept me on the bank for five minutes, then moved off down the road. As he neared the next turn, a few yards distant, I leaned forward to see the last of him. At the first rustle of the grass, he wheeled and lowered his horns, but as I held my breath, he considered It a false alarm, and proceeded just around the corner, where he waited for five minutes more, as I could see by his shadow on the road. Then he chmbed up the other side of the fifty-foot ridge at my back and surveyed me from above, where he crashed about for some time. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 415 When my pony came up, I remounted, and for the rest of the day was borne slowly along with out interruption, other than being pitched over his head on a bad stretch, where he stumbled flat over a log. I think we were both asleep. It was rather lucky that he was not headed towards the valley, or I should have gone over the edge, with nothing between me and the river and valley tree-tops except eight hundred feet of thin air. I asked Maung Tun to spring over the edge, so that I could see how it looked, and learn through him how It felt, but for the first time In our acquaintance, he refused to obey me, and even resisted my offer of three pice for a performance. We compromised with a big boulder, which grew steadily smaller, and then disappeared amid a great swaying of tree-tops and circling of dis turbed birds. Towards evening our pace de creased so much that I threw chips overboard to see whether my steed were moving or no. Sev eral violent applications of an old Kachin bow to Rosinante's flanks finally produced a stately trot. I thought I must have been cruel, so tried the bow on my own leg, and the only way I knew that I had hit myself was by the sound; so I determined that my steed must have heard the racket when I was beating him, and 4i6 LETTERS OF moved forward, to get out of range of the firing- line. The great roads ofthe world have a fascina tion for me that is greater than the fascination of great rivers, and this Is one of the world's great roads. The stretch we had been travelling, al though a newly built section. Is still the same route by which all overland trade and travel has passed between Cathay and Ind, the land of spices and the land of silk. It Is the very route followed by the army of the Great Khan and Marco Polo, when, after the batde of elephants at Yungchang, they moved victoriously through Burmah to Ava or Pagon, and stood amazed at the pagodas, covered with plates of gold. It Is a road which, having left the Irrawaddy valley and these Kachin hills, passes through the moun tains and lake plains of Yunnan, across the head waters of the Salween, the Mekhong, and the Dragon River, Loong, through the fertile plains and rich cities of Szechuan Province, to the banks of the Yangtze-Kiang, the River with Sands of Gold. How I envied the friend I had come to meet, who had just passed along its entire length, and seen the country of the Horned Wha Miaous, the Lihsoos, the Chinese Shans, and still other strange peoples of whom the world as GILBERT LITTLE STARK 417 yet has heard only vague rumors and travellers' tales. All day long we had passed caravans of loaded mules and strings of fifty to one hundred coo lies with carrying-poles, aU Chinese or Chinese Shans, and sometimes there were Shan women with them, soberly dressed, with cylinders of black cloth on their heads and heavy ear-ornaments. About four o'clock we entered a heavy forest of large trees, growing thickly on the almost per pendicular hillside, and although the mountains across the river were flooded with sunlight, we were in a dark twilight with the evening chill gathering about us. At every stream, we passed a caravan busy building fires and spreading branches for the night's encampment, or already stretched about the glowing logs vrith their rice- bowls and chopsticks In their hands, while two or three of their number had unpacked the one- stringed fiddle and the tiny hand-drum, and were torturing the night with that wild chaos of sound that makes up Chinese music. I never know whether they are tuning up or are in the midst of a tune, but when we learn that they have thirty odd tones Instead of the meagre eight that we are content with, it is easy to understand why it is beyond our comprehension. 41 8 LETTERS OF The bungalow Mafongkha, where we stopped for the night, stood on a shelf above the river, far above, and was surrounded by three or four grass-huts, in which about twenty Kachin people were living ; the bungalow was also in charge of a semi-civilized Kachin man who spoke a bit of Hindustani. I was very glad to have a chance to observe these wild people more closely, for apart from the village Mornauk, which we passed on the first day and which is entirely modelled after Burmese civilizing Influence, we had seen no vil lages, and had only passed the people by the road side now and then. Indeed, we often saw distant huts high up on the hillside, or a lonely, rickety watch-tower on an outlying spur, but the vil lages are all In well-protected and well-concealed retreats, and the only evidence of their proximity is a tunnel-hke path leading away from the main road. The Kachin people are a short, sturdy race, with dark skins and Mongoloid features. They seem to be healthy in the main, but both men and women suffer commonly from goitre. They hve on rice, which they cultivate, small animals, dogs, and birds, which they shoot with bows and arrows. The men pierce their ears and stretch the holes with cylindrical plugs of wood, GILBERT LITTLE STARK 419 metal, paper, or a sort of velvet; they are great tobacco-smokers and betel-chewers. On their heads they wear an elaborately folded turban, sometimes of great proportions, made of sober blue cloth. A jacket and short trousers, evidendy borrowed from the Shan style, and a large red bag decorated with beads, shells, buttons, metal- disks, and fringe, together with a long sword In an open sheath, complete the costume of those men I saw near the trade route. In the hill fast nesses they may dispense with some of the arti cles, — I do not know. The women are rather more picturesque. They wear a jacket, leggings, and a short skirt with a deep border worked In barbaric red. From the waist to the mid-thigh their bodies are wrapped with hoop after hoop of bamboo, painted black, and about their necks they wear from one to six or more large rings of thick silver wire. Their hair is a bushy shock, cut like an Elizabethan page's hair, and their arms, legs, and ears are loaded with what jewelry they can afford. The Kachins are easy to get along with, and although they have developed no startling mer its, they take kindly to education and to Chris tianity. In fact, there Is at Bhamo a flourishing mission-school under charge of Mr. Roberts, an 420 LETTERS OF American missionary, who has worked there for years. The night before, I had been rather cold and had mentioned the fact in the morning, and in consequence, this night I discovered that Maung Tun had tried to hide one of his meagre rugs among my bed-clothes, but I discovered It and made him take it back, along •with my overcoat; he was quite chagrined. On the third morning we continued to travel through the hillside forest that we had entered the previous afternoon. The trees were magni ficent old specimens, twined about with great parasites that wrapped them around with thick white cords as large as a man's leg. Wild plan tain or banana grew among the heavy under growth, out of which the teak trees lifted their straight columns, and from every branch cord like streamers hung swaying for eighty feet. From every cleft In the hillside came a cool breath and the tinkle of water falling over rock, and through the ferns and heavy red flowers we caught the white spray of a dozen waterfalls. Golden pheasants and red-shouldered jungle- fowl hardly troubled to get out of our way, rab bits and bushy-tailed squirrels whisked around comers just ahead of us, and large monkeys GILBERT LITTLE STARK 421 swung along the hana cords and took unbeliev able crashing leaps in the tree-tops. Tiger and elephant never penetrate the too open forests of these hills, but leopards abound, and with every rustle made by a timid mongoose or other tiny beast there was the wild, never realized hope that we might catch a glimpse of spotted hide. At last we descended a deep ravine, forded a pretty stream, and climbed to a tumble-down group of huts on the other side. Kuhkan, the first soil of China, the actual frontier where, if calculations were at all correct, I should meet Purdy, who for four months had been travel ling from Shanghai towards this border. I did not expect him until night, however, and In tended to spend the afternoon In making the place habitable. I rode over the rise into the collection of huts, and there a strange sight met my eyes. Two rudely-made mountain-chairs slung on poles, a collection of packs and bundles on the ground, and squatting near them, seven ragged, dirty coolies. At one side stood four coolies with red- trimmed coats In the last stages of dissolution, and beyond them a group of villagers. In the centre of this mob stood a Chinese gentleman In a long yellow robe, with his litde red-buttoned 422 LETTERS OF cap at a jaunty angle, and beside him — Purdy. His left hand held a can of cold tongue, from which he had been taking an odorous and un savory luncheon, his right hand was employed In giving medicine to the villagers, who think evety foreigner Is a doctor and come up for treatment all along the route. At the same time he was trying to give a great string of cash to the tattered red coolies, who, I discovered later, were soldiers presented by the Chinese Government as an honorary escort to the Great Foreign Trav eller. When he caught sight of me, he was almost struck dumb, for he supposed that I was In Ceylon, about twenty-five hundred miles or more from the Chinese frontier. It was a very happy meeting for both of us, and after a bite to eat we started to return to Mafongkha, where I had spent the last night. We walked the whole way, and the afternoon passed as quickly as the usual half-hour. I don't think that either of us saw anything of the road, for we had so much to ask and to tell about our different adventures during the last four months. Our trip back was made on rather short rations, for I had only provisioned myself for the three days to the border, reasoning that Purdy would have a cook and plenty of food with him. But GILBERT LITTLE STARK 423 ever since he had parted at Yunnan-fu with Per rin, who had taken the cook out through Tonkin and Cochin China, he had been hving on Chi nese food prepared at the village Inns, and he and Wong, the yellow-cloaked Interpreter, had fared excellently up to the moment we met, for thirty- two days of hard travel. Just at the border, however, all Inns stopped, with the exception of two hovel-like places where we secured some half-ripe rice for the coolies; so our trip back to Bhamo was made on two cans of lunch tongue, one can of sardines, a few eggs, and a chicken which we secured from the "Wild People," as Wong called them. Plenty to support life, but not very satisfying to our ravenous appetites. I have always held that any road which Is worth going over at all Is worth going over twice. You get an entirely different point of view and see many beauties which at first escaped notice, and our trip back to the Irrawaddy was even more interesting than the trip up, especially as it was enlivened by the company and strange experiences of my new-found friend. How they had spent forty-five days coming a htde over four hundred miles, through the gi gantic gorges and swollen rapids of the Yangtze ; how they had broken adrift again and again, as 424 LETTERS OF they were being pulled upstream by forty or fifty naked singing coolies; how they had been caught in a whirlpool and swept down river, los ing hours of work in a few minutes ; how they used to send a soldier ahead with a yellow flag Inscribed with their Chinese names, to seize a whole inn for their caravan; how they travelled all day through a heavy snow-storm, and had the gates of Yunnan-fu opened for them after dark, a thing never before heard of; how they had been very great men in China, because their huge red calling-cards had been made Viceroy's size by mistake ; how country people used to beat their heads on the ground before them In the time-honored kowtow; how they had been asked to settle disputes that were beyond the power of local authorities to deal with; how they had looked on the snow-clad mountains at Tall-fu, which are the foothills of the Himalayas, and how they had been tempted to make a dash into near-by Thibet. No wonder the days passed quickly, and we found ourselves out of the hills and back in Burmah proper before we knew It. It was a pleasure to see Purdy's delight at the sudden change which had come over the sur roundings that he had grown so used to. No more mountains to cross, no more counting of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 425 days, and looking at great stretches on the map still to be traversed. There were his first golden pagodas, his first loaded elephant, moving hke a mountain towards us along the same painted vista where I had seen the black buffalo. There was his first cart, full of laughing Burmese girls, aU flowers and silk and gold bangles, with eight- inch, white cheroots pressed to their dainty hps. A rickety tikka-gharry, a bicycle, the out skirts of the village of Bhamo, the old dak bun galow, and there 's an end on 't. Love to all, Gilbert. S. S. Kapurthala, Bay of Bengal, January 28, 1908. P. S. After leaving Bhamo we rejoined Am. at Mandalay, where we had a great Burmese dance in the hotel yard to celebrate our reunion. Am. left the next day for Rangoon and Calcutta, where he Is to join us, having investigated all sorts of trips and made plans for us in the mean time. Purdy and I waited for pictures to be developed, and to dispose of the servants and caravan he had brought across China with him. Purdy got a Burmese boy; I still have Maung Tun, who Is an orphan and swears he will follow me to the end of the world. We are now on a 426 GILBERT LITTLE STARK coasting steamer, and have been seven days mak ing a roundabout coast-trip from Rangoon. We stopped at two places In Burmah, i. e. Chank- pj^ and Akyab, and one In eastern Bengal, i. e. Chlttagong, and to-morrow we reach Calcutta. At Akyab we took our boys and went about three miles out of town for an all-day picnic In a cocoa- nut grove by the seashore, where we four caught crabs, swam In the surf, ran races on the beach, and chased strange adjutant birds among the palm trees. On our return we found the place was famous for both sharks and tigers — more careful in the future. Purdy and I are crazy to return to the Phihppines and Pekin; now that we have got in touch vrith Professor WiUiams (Yale Oriental History Professor), we could have his company. We also met H K at Rangoon, and he wants to join us If we go back. Gilbert. CHAPTER VII INDIA Written on S. S. Kapurthala, in the Bay of Bengal, at the Ganges' mouth, January 29, 1908. Dear Hugh, — Do you remember the old Belgravia, or whatever she was called, that bore us over briny seas to Hamburg ? WeU, since I have been away from home I have been on only two boats as large as she was, and on twelve vary ing in size from nine hundred to three thousand tons. This particular drownlng-machine Is about the size of the Richard Peck, but she has carried us for eight days around the coast from Burmah, over glassy seas. There are only two other pas sengers, each married to the other, and Purdy and I are almost sorry that we reach Calcutta this afternoon. We are alone at present, as Scurve has been called home, and Am. got resdess in Burmah and beat It to Calcutta, with the object of breaking the heart of the Viceroy's daughter. Lady R , before I had a chance at her. We shall rejoin him this day. Before I go any farther, dear old Falstaff, let me hope that all your family are well, and that you 428 LETTERS OF are having a happier, more care-free time than you did in the summer. Once my own father was dangerously ill, and I shudder now when I think of it, and my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your brothers. I hope that somewhere on my long road over here I shall find a letter from you which will answer all the questions I have been asking myself about you, since I last heard from you in June. I was the last of our group to leave Japan, and stayed on until September 15th. Wally, Ted, John, and R A , with whom we had been having a splendid time, went home over the Trans- Siberian Railway. Purdy and Scurve suddenly went Insane and left Japan for India by way of Shanghai, the Yangtze-Kiang, and Central China, a long walk of thirty-six hundred miles. Am. went to Korea and Manchuria, and I joined him on September 2 ist In Pekin, where we stayed a month, making a long trip In carts and on don keys through the Great Wall into Mongoha. At Pekin we met lots of fine men who have made great names for themselves, and they passed us on to friends, so that our trip down the China coast, through Tientsin, Ching-wan-tao, Shang hai, Foochow, Amoy, and Swatow, was very pleasant. In November we went to Formosa, GILBERT LITTLE STARK 429 and joined our young consul there In an official expedition of two weeks among the head-hunting savages, who became great friends of ours. On this trip both Am. and our Chinese boy, Lin, caught jungle fever, and for two weeks they were in a hospital at Hong Kong. Then we went to Java for a month, where the main feature was a visit of several days to Baron Von H , on his huge tea-plantation. We finally tore ourselves away from Java and went to Burmah, via Singapore and Penang, and there we recruited Purdy, but I went from Burmah to the Chinese frontier, with a mule caravan, to meet him. India is our next spasm, and then — Heaven alone knows. It may be Egypt, may be Persia, and may be back home through China. I will let you know which, when we decide. I have not heard much news from the fellows. You probably know all I do and more. . . . By the way, our boat is ploughing through muddy Ganges water, which our sailors think is so holy that a bath in It will take them straight to Heaven, or to a place that corresponds to our Heaven. The Ganges banks also have come In view, and they are low, muddy excuses for banks, with scrubby bushes and mangy palm trees. 430 LETTERS OF Among the dozens of pleasant features of the last half-year Is one which I know would tickle you, and many times have I wished for you to help me enjoy It. The feature I speak of Is — the kids. They have quite captured me, and I know that you, who have room in your big heart for all the smelly, ugly, htde, Jewish ragamuffins In the world, would never tire of the brown-bodied litde monkeys with white teeth and black eyes, who are scared to death at first, but gradually grow bolder and cuddle up to you and pat your hand, as though you were the only friend they had ever had In the world. Let me Introduce you to a few of the pleasant memories I have stored away. "Mr. MacWhirter MacWhylees — Mino OhashI of Nikko, Japan." Mino was a little peach. He was a sort of guide to the neighborhood at Nikko and knew a little English. I met him one night when I was strolling about in Japanese costume. He Imme diately went home for his best kimono, and then took me out for a long walk, and we became great friends. He was the pet of the whole crowd, and I took him with me for three weeks. It was almost like being married, for he would wait up for me at night and scold me when I was out late, and then put me to bed on the floor (where you GILBERT LITTLE STARK 431 have to sleep In a Japanese Inn), and bring me tea and cigarettes after I was all fixed. He was a great mimic, too, and used to amuse us every evening by acting out different things he had seen during the day. We had an English les son every evening, too, and he also taught me a bit of Japanese. I missed him greatly, and he cried when I sent him back to Nikko, and I have a queerly spelled letter from him every month. Next, shake your own hands ^n true Chinese style) at Ah Sin Ko, a little Chinese boy with thick-soled shoes, gray robe, black cap with red button, and long, shiny pigtail. He had been on a visit to some friends near Pekin and was walking home, a several days' journey, when our caravan bound for Mongolia overtook him. He at once joined us for protection, and from his manly bearing and self-rehance we called him "the Commodore." He could not speak any English, but he learned his name, and we had great fun with him. Am. and I used to walk a long way ahead ofthe animals, and he joined us. We taught him to salute like a soldier, and when we saw a camel caravan coming towards us, we would all fall into step and march up to It, then Une up by the roadside and salute as it passed. 432 LETTERS OF much to the amazement of the camel-drivers, and to the great glee ofthe Commodore. The most affectionate of all the kids I have seen, however, was, strange to say, one of the Formosa head-hunters. On this trip In the jun gle we had fifty-six savages to carry our supplies, and among them were women and children. One of these, a boy of fourteen, showed an early desire to make friends, and soon he spent all his time In camp, sitting at my feet. On the march he would not walk anjrwhere except directly behind me, and several times during the day he would reach forward for my hand and touch It. He was very anxious to have me learn his language, which Is very easy like most savage tongues, and did teach me about eighty words. He would keep touching parts of his body and repeating the name, and then make me say It after him. I wish you could have seen him ; Uschlung was his name, by the way. He was about four feet tall and very well built, as any one could plainly see, for his only clothing was a tiny square of cloth, not a loin-cloth, simply a loose curtain. He wore also a wide wooden belt, bent tightly about his waist like a corset. His neck was cov ered with necklaces of beads, wild-boar bones. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 433 and brass rings, and In his ears were half-moons of mother of pearl. Two of his very white teeth In front had been knocked out. Every man knocks these teeth out to make himself more beautiful. His eyes were big and round, his nose straight, and his chin weU modelled — altogether he Was a noble-looking little savage. I must n't forget his sword, however, which was a long, sharp, home-made knife in an open wooden sheath. This sword they use for killing wild beasts, cutting off heads, cutting their food, or cutting bamboo grass for their huts. As we spent every night at an altitude varying be tween six thousand and fourteen thousand feet. It was very cold, and our savages nearly froze, with their naked bodies unprotected. Every night Uschlung would creep under my blanket, and want to sleep there, but I always sent him off, as soon as I felt his strong little body grow warm. I did lend him a coat, however, while we were in high altitudes. Since then we have made acquaintance with children in Java, the Malay States, and Burmah, and have left a tiny friend behind us everywhere. We are living a cheap but luxurious hfe here in the East, and at present we each have a ser vant with us. Mine is a Burmese youth of eight- 434 LETTERS OF een named Maung Tun. He wakens me In the morning with a cup of tea and some toast. He lays out my clothes, he folds up what I take off, and keeps my clothes packed in order, and sees that they are washed and pressed, and my shoes blacked. He waits on me at table In the hotels, and walks behind me all day to act as interpreter, if I want to ask questions or buy anything. He rides behind like a footman whenever I get into a cab, and he tends to all tips and small fees, por ters, and checking of luggage. He helps me dress for dinner, and turns out the lights after I go to bed. Then he rubs my back and tells me funny stories until I am ready to go to sleep. On coun try expeditions he also cooks, and on the railroad trains he gets out rugs and pillows and makes everything comfortable. These boys make a regular old woman out of you in the East; why, they even take off your shoes for you ! Maung Tun wears a pink silk turban, a white jacket, and a gorgeous silk skirt, called a lungyi. On his bare feet are slippers, which he always takes off before entering my presence. Just like a comic opera. Is n't it ? Many things have reminded me of our trip to gether in 1904, and I find that that trip, together with our close friendship at college, forms one of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 435 the pleasantest memories of my life. Do write, Hugh-gins; send your letter care of Thomas Cook, Bombay, If you get It off before March. Love to your family, and Dick and Ern when you write them. Yours always, Gil. S. S. Kapurthala, January 29. Dear Father, -^ We are now steaming up the Ganges, or one of its mouths, towards Cal cutta, where we shall rejoin Am. to-night. India at last lies before us. Several matters await our attention here, and most important of all Is the decision as to our future plans. It seems that three courses lie be fore us. I : India until early in 'March, then Constan tinople via Persia; this would give us a chance for Northern India only. 2 : India until May, Including Southern India, and Kashmir when the warm weather grows un pleasant; then Europe via Egypt. 3 : India until March, then through Southern India to the Philippines direct, and later North China, Manchuria, and Korea. This third is the plan which Purdy and I are eager to adopt. I have also heard lately from 436 LETTERS OF Professor Williams of Yale, who wants us to join him. He Is working towards China with Mr. B , a distinguished Connecticut lawyer, and we shall see them next week. Their plans and advice will be a big factor in our decision. We also expect to meet Professor Woolsey, and he Is heading towards China. Am.'s African trip, on which he has set his heart. Is the only thing that keeps him from tak ing this same plan. There Is no doubt that the second plan would be the easiest, laziest, and pleasantest, but there is also no doubt that the third plan would be most fascinating, most instructive, and fully as cheap. As I have said before, Europe appeals to my sense of beauty, of romance, and calls up Images ofthe past; but just at present Is not my business more with the tremendous problems ofthe future that are just beginning to swell on the shores of the Pacific, and that are sure to fill the horizon for the next generation at least ? We are just on the eve of great doings. The Evolution of Civilization and that of the Races of Man have simultaneously reached a critical climax. The point is that Science has outstripped nature. The east and west have been abolished, but the East and West remain. The geographi- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 437 cal barriers have been cast down, but the differ ence between the Orient and Occident in mind, body, and Institutions still remains as rigid as before. Something must happen, and as the greatest factor In this coming problem Is peace ful China, knowledge and skilful legislation and diplomacy are going to settle matters, not force of arms. You see it Is not a question of military supremacy at all. Conquer China a dozen times, or divide her Into a hundred slices, and her In creasing hundreds of millions remain, spreading to the farthest parts of the earth ; and the prob lem Is as it was before. I do not think there Is a Yellow Peril at all, but there is as big a problem as the world has ever seen and grappled. When I think of these things, the soft sun of Italy and the train-ride from Cairo to the Pyramids seem things that can wait for my first two months with nothing to do, after I become a lawyer, how ever long that may be. Persia does not seem practical on account of the troubles there, but we shall hear this after noon, for Am. has had a week to make inquiries and plans at Calcutta. He will have some wild scheme afoot sure. I will continue this letter after we have landed and I have read the mail which I ordered forwarded from Bombay. 438 LETTERS OF I am more than grateful to you and mother for your Christmas present. Thank you so much, too, for sending Ugo Nakada the candy ; the address was quite correct. I suppose my third cable, of the late series, told you that I had finally received both of yours, which were stupidly delayed at Singapore and Rangoon, I am surprised that you could not read my first — It meant "Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, Let me know that you have received this." Calcutta. On arrival here, we found Am. hobnobbing with Lord M and the rest. He had secured invitations for us to the great Durbar, for which we arrived a day too late, and for a ball given by the Countess of M , for which we are not going to wait. We have been here one night, and leave to-day for Darjeehng In the Himalayas. H K — — Is again here with us, but has decided not to return via Pacific, Am, has planned so much for us in India that it almost looks as If we had better stay here until May, and then beat It for Europe, and a month's study of languages there, before going home. A wire from you saying that you could not go to the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 439 Philippines, but might come to Europe, would absolutely decide me to adopt the above course. Our plans here. If we stay, Include a visit to the Maharaja of Gwallor and a month In Kashmir! Darjeeling, February 3. Hooray! the most magnificent place I have seen since leaving China ! Wonderful mountains, fascinating natives in furs and pigtails. Hordes of Lepchas, Bhutias, Nepalese; and, best of all, real Thibetans, loaded with silver and tur quoise ornaments ! Am. has gone down for a two weeks' hunt with Prince Hiti, son of the Rajah of Kuch-Behar, and Purdy and I are leaving for a two weeks' trip into SIkkIm, the Heart of the Himalayas, the country of the Lychas, and the vestibule of Thibet. Although we shall be among the highest, grandest mountains of the world, our road Is a broad one along valleys, and the trip will be very easy. The Lycha people are also the kindest, most primitive, and hos pitable people under the sun; so don't imagine we are In the least danger. SIkkim Is closed, as are Thibet, Nepal, and Bhutan, but we have secured passes from the British Government that will enable us to cross the border of British SIkkim, in which we are 440 LETTERS OF practically now, and enter the Independent King dom. In all the time I have been away, I have not been so enthusiastic about a trip. We have four ponies, our two Burmese boys, a young Thibetan Interpreter, Chhodhar by name, who Is a little peach, seven coolies, and four syces or pony-boys. We shall stay each night In a gov ernment rest-house, with a roaring wood-fire, for here we are having proper February weather. It is our purpose to visit Gangtok, the capital, Pamiongshi, the biggest Lamasery this side of Thibet Itself, and Kalimpong, where there Is a missionary. I will not tell you more, but save the rest for the actual description ofthe trip. In two weeks you will hear all about it. I have received the Xmas presents from all of you, — many, many thanks; they delighted me. Loads of loVe to all of you. Gilbert. By the way, our syces are to be Nepalese Ghur kas, and our coolies Bhutias and Thibetans. How about that, — Is n't It good ? Darjeeling, February 17, 1908. Dear Ones, — Back again to civiUzation after a magnificent, easy trip in mountains that GILBERT LITTLE STARK 441 filled us full of health and enthusiasm. I am working at an account of It for you, from fuU notes I made every night. If you only have patience. It will arrive In large doses ; but I 'm afraid there will be more quantity than quality. However, it will tell you how we put In our time during these two weeks of silence. Professor WiUiams and his classmate and com panion are here with us, and we are constantly together. It is a treat to be with these fine, schol arly men, especially as Professor Williams Is a distinguished Orientalist. This morning we all rose at four and rode ponies to the top of Tiger Hill, six miles distant, to get a peek at Everest and to see the sunrise. The view was glorious and beggars all description, but a handful of cloud was sufficient to hide Everest, one hundred and twenty miles distant. All you can see any way Is a white dot, and the only object of see ing it is to be able to talk about it afterwards ; a ridiculous object. Only forty-five miles away, however. Is a half-circle of snow peaks, 180 de grees of solid snow and Ice crowned with twelve distinct peaks over twenty thousand feet high, and many others just under that altitude. In the centre rises the majestic mass of Kinchln-junga, only a few feet lower than Everest, itself over 442 LETTERS OF twenty-eight thousand feethlgh. Just before sun rise the entire snow mass gleamed blood-red. It was magnificent, and Professor Williams, who does not take breakfast, remained behind until ten o'clock, over four hours, and has just re turned. The view is practically the same as the one from our hotel, and from every other spot in Darjeehng. Tiger HIU Is twelve hundred feet higher, and so the intervening valley across which the peaks rise Is deepened to six thousand feet straight down. From my back window I could apparently drop a stone five thousand feet. Full details and future plans In a day or so. Love to all, Gilbert. Delhi, March i, 1908. Dear Helen, — ... The beautiful pin you sent me arrived safely, and smuggled Itself through the customs In fine style. It has since gleamed resplendent In my ragged and crumpled neck-gear, and has been the envy of all India. It was great of you to think of me way out here, and I thank you ever so much. At Darjeeling Purdy and I lingered two days with Professor WiUiams and Mr. B , and were with them constantly, walking, eating, and riding. Professor Williams and I had some great GILBERT LITTLE STARK 443 talks about Eastern questions, and filled In the chinks swapping stanzas from Omar Khayyam. We hated to say good-bye to them, and I do wish I could join them In China; but I have about given that plan up, as I should not think of going back east without fuU approval from home, and the time is too short for that. Am. had finished his visit to the Rajah of Kuch-Behar long before we came down to Cal cutta; and as he grew tired of waiting for us, he proceeded to Agra, to wait there. On the 19th we finally returned to Calcutta, and stayed for only one night. Calcutta Is a nice modern city, but not a bit more Indian than Montreal or Toronto, except for the color of the people In the street. Finis Calcutta. Our next stop was Benares, and there we put In two full days. Benares Is the sacred city ofthe Hindus, and there are over one thousand temples there; but, as some of them are n't any larger than a cheese-box, they are not so much In evi dence as you would imagine. The city is built on the holy Ganges River, and is for the most part a coUection of mud-walled houses; but along the river-bank, and for some distance back, the buildings are of stone and rise three or four stories in height, almost meeting 444 LETTERS OF over the narrow, winding rat-holes that take the place of streets. We did the usual things. Visited first the Mon key Temple, a sort of stone backyard, with a stone shrine In the middle under a carved canopy. At one side is a big bathing ghat, with stone steps on all sides ; at the gate are the usual loathsome Indian beggars, and swarming all over the place are big, filthy monkeys. I bought some grain for them, and they could n't wait, but jumped about and tried to knock the plate out of my hands. There are almost two hundred of them, and they are thought to be very sacred and close friends of the goddess Durga, whose temple this really is. I scratched one on the back with my cane, and the people almost mobbed me. Horrible place. The only spot that I have ever seen that is dirtier is the cow-temple adjoining the Golden Temple of Siva. These shrines are a collection of small carved-stone buildings, so huddled and tangled up with the surrounding structure that it Is hard to get an idea of their shape. Being out casts and pagans, we were not allowed to enter the holy places, but we peeked through doors and gateways Into slimy courtyards full of carved figures of bulls and other beasts, live cows, and aU kinds of Hindu people. I also looked through GILBERT LITTLE STARK 445 a hole In the wall into the ladles' department, and here was even more confusion. A jam of fat and ugly females, with nose-rings like oxen, were throwing flowers and water over the emblems of the god Siva and making an awful racket about it. By climbing up on a building near by I could see the gold roof, which gives the temple Its name. It would be hard to Imagine a greater contrast than these temples present to the Buddhist tem ples I have seen. The great sight at Benares Is the river-front. The banks are about forty feet above the water at this time of year, and magnificent flights of stone steps and terraces stretch for two miles along the water's edge. These steps are topped by strong fortresses and grim, bastioned palaces; for all the Hindu rajahs have houses here. Be tween the palaces and temples you peer down the black mouths of the narrow streets. The river-steps are dotted with big mat-um- breUas, under each of which sits a fakeer; un clothed holy men these are, who sit on spikes, or never speak, or look forever Into a mirror as did the Lady of Shalott. A mass of people, in bright robes, crowd always up and down, and the water is fuU of praying bathers. There are young and old, weU and sick, widows and brides, the 446 LETTERS OF dying and even the dead. After the bath the holy fakeers paint a fresh caste mark on the bathers' foreheads. In two or three different places are great stacks of wood, with bodies lying on them ready to be burned, and in other places you can see the attendants with long poles poking charred bits back Into the flames, or rajring over the ashes before flinging them into the river. All Hindu bodies are burned, except those of the fakeers, and on our first trip to the river a dead fakeer rubbed against our boat as he floated down stream, followed by a dead dog and a monkey. There Is no doubt that Benares Is Interesting, but I think you would find It a bit disgusting. On our last afternoon we made a trip up river for a few miles, to visit the Rajah's palace. It Is a magnificent fortress rising sheer and grim out of the river, and its forbidding towers and but tresses are capped by graceful galleries and ar cades. The Interior is elaborately furnished, but without much taste. His Highness was out hunting, and had twenty-five elephants with him, so the palace offi cials could not offer us an elephant to carry us to a neighboring temple; but they put at our dis posal a queer sort of conveyance with a pair of GILBERT LITTLE STARK 447 good horses, and we drove a mile or so to the temple and the royal gardens, where the gardener gave us fragrant boutonnleres of rosebuds and mignonette. We had a proud coachman, two footmen, two liveried attendants vnth resplen dent turbans, and, as we had an Arab guide and my Burmese bearer, Maung Tun, with us, our carriage looked like a Barnum and Bailey's band wagon, or a float In the firemen's parade. After we left Benares, we went straight to Agra, to rejoin Am., and although we did not see the Taj until the second day, I am going to write you about it, as you mentioned It In one of your letters. It was built, you know, by Emperor Shah Jehan, the third of the Great Moguls, as a tomb for his beloved •wik, the "Jewel of the Palace." It took twenty thousand men over twenty years to bmld, and although the beautiful marble and the precious stones of which it Is built were aU presented to the Emperor by his servants, the Indian Rajahs, and although labor in this country is very cheap, only a trifle a day, it cost Shah "Jehan over a million dollars In gold, according to some accounts. It has been claimed that an Italian designed the tomb, but now it seems clear that, although there were some 448 LETTERS OF French and Italian assistants In the inlaid de signs, the credit and the glory belong to Persian and Indian Mohammedan architects. Now that you have swallowed the bare facts, you can look at the building Itself. Before reaching India I was sick of the word Taj. Everyone spoke ofthe Taj, the Taj, just as they used to talk about the Wizard of Oz, and I got to think it very cheap to mention the word. I read so many descriptions of it and saw so many pictures of It that I knew I should be disap pointed. I had no doubt that It was a very pretty little building, but I felt sure that seeing It would be an old story and would give me no pleasure. But I knew nothing about the matter. The Taj Is one of the few things in the world that noto riety and vulgar praise and hackneyed descrip tion are powerless to spoil. You cannot be dis appointed in it, and to all alike It reveals Itself, fresh and pure and new, as though it were newly born, and quite unspoiled by the feeble attempts at praise that the world has made for the last four hundred years. We went at sunset. The approach Is through a broad, rather dusty park. Then you enter a large green square, surrounded by fine walls of red sandstone, and at one side Is a beautiful tow- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 449 ering gateway, hke the face of a great cliff, all red stone, inlaid with fine designs In white marble. You are now in the vestibule of the Taj garden. In one corner Is a stone caravanserai, and several fine red stone mosques are clustered near the walls. Here traveUers found a welcome, and the poor were cared for in memory of the loved wife and Empress. As soon as we stepped through the great gate, the Taj burst on our sight. It is so sudden that it almost hurts. The picture I enclose is taken from the gate, but It gives no Idea of the beauty of the view. High stone walls surround the spa cious garden and absolutely shut out the rest of the world. A mass of green trees and flowers, divided by a marble canal with a wall on each side, fiUs the foreground, and beyond rises the Taj. The great surprise is the size ofthe build ing. It is huge like a great cathedral. Each of the four towers Is a massive monument, one hun dred and thirty-seven feet high. The platform on which It stands Is no mere pedestal, but a broad field of dazzling white; the dome, like an Imprisoned balloon, seemingly on the point of breaking away and soaring Into the sky, is one hundred and eighty-seven feet above the ground, and the whole is of marble, white and pure as 450 LETTERS OF snow. The only color about the building Is the tracery of precious stones, which you can see In the picture. Cornelian, agate, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl, and jade worked Into beautiful flowers and delicate Persian letters that sing the praises of the dead Empress. The evening light trans formed the marble Into cream-colored ivory, and filled the hollows with warm, glowing shadows. I was honesdy moved. I did not think a building could ever have power to give me a thrill, but the three hours I spent there were almost dreamlike. We walked closer and saw the marble screens that fill the openings in the alcoves. Carved stone that looks like cobweb or the softest lace. We entered the tomb with a group of Indians clad in green velvet and gold, and stood beneath the great dome beside the tomb. The light filter ing through the carved stone was soft and dim, there was a smell of sandalwood, and the beau tiful tombstone was heaped with roses. One of the Indians stepped forward and cried, "Allah! Allah ! " and the clear musical sound rose to the dome and circled round Its smooth white walls, making the marble ring like a bell; again and again it sounded, and then crept whispering down, as though it could not leave so beautiful a place. GILBERT LITTLE 'STARK 451 Direcdy behind runs the river Jumna, and we sat for some time on the broad marble field that forms the platform, and looked far down on the river, or across to the miles of flat ruin-dotted country beyond. Then as the light faded, we wandered off to one side Into the Persian rose garden, heavy with fragrance and blessed with frequent glimpses of the Wonder rising close at hand among the trees. We did not leave until after dark, and starhght was even more beautiful than the evening sun. The next day I saw it again at high noon, when It was ablaze with light. It rose out of the dark greenery about It like white fire, and was as glorious as on the day before. The effect it makes on all kinds of people from all countries proves that beauty Is not relative but absolute. My boy was overcome by It, and the gardens are always full of wondering natives. I saw an old American man, white-haired, wandering about alone with his hat on the back of his head, and when he saw me, he could n't hold in, although he probably thought I was English, and he called out, "WeU, I guess this is big aU right!" That was just his way of paying tribute, and I felt kindly towards him. I think that the Taj, set as It is In perfect sur- 452 LETTERS OF roundings, is the most beautiful single object of any sort that I have ever seen. When we reached Agra, we found that Am. had driven out to Fatehpur Sikhri, a ruined cap ital of Akbar near-by, so we drove out, twenty- five miles, to join him. We found that he had been hunting around the dak bungalow, and had secured six buck and two peacocks, besides Innumerable hare, pigeon, and partridge, so we lived well for a time, both at Fatehpur and at Agra. The bungalow was comfortable and I spent the night. The old city, vrith Its mosques, baths, au dience-halls, and palaces. Is in almost perfect preservation, but Is absolutely deserted. Every thing Is of stone, — fine, hard, red stone, carved so richly that It Is like embroidery or tapestry. There is only a tiny village nesded beneath the walls, so I had the place quite to myself, and at sunset, by starlight, and at sunrise, I wan dered about the deserted rooms and courts, and explored the underground passages and rooms with which the hill Is honeycombed. Maung Tun Is a great lover of the country and quite a naturalist, and together we went hunting without guns. He showed me a wild pigeon's nest with eggs, a peacock's nest, the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 453 cool places In some neighboring ruins where the leopard cats spend the hot noons ; and we flushed twenty-five wild peacocks and a small kind of wild boar. Altogether It was a delightful two days. I enclose also a picture of one of the great gates of the deserted city. These buildings are just the sort that children imagine. The palaces and fortresses of fairy tales, massive. Imposing, and romantic beyond description or Imagina tion. At Agra, besides seeing the Taj, we saw the fort. It is a formidable enclosure, crowded with palaces that put Versailles to shame for luxury and magnificence. There are two types of build ings, — those strong, massive, red palaces of Akbar, the fighter, and the delicate, dreamlike, luxurious, white-marble buildings, added by his grandson Shah Jehan, — the pleasure-loving. Akbar's palace has something of Egyptian grandeur, and is full of towers and courts, and balconies, from which he used to watch tiger- fights and battles royal among his elephants. Shah Jehan's palace has marble passages lighted by the sun shining through the stone! Boudoirs Inlaid with onyx and emerald and pearl, scented baths, and marble brooks run ning through the rooms, and fountains with 454 LETTERS OF beautifully carved basins that used to spray per fume. Broad marble courts for flowers and grape-arbors, tiny marble mosques, audience- halls, zenanas, the jasmine tower built out on a rampart ofthe grim wall, all of marble, — white, unspotted marble. He had one white court laid out like a parchesi board, and he played with slave-girls for pieces, directing their movements by a throw of the dice. Underneath Is a labyrinth of rooms and dun geons and passages leading, they say, to the Taj and even to Fatehpur, twenty-five miles away. These Mogul triumphs are well worth a trip to see. Until I visited them, I thought that Oriental magnificence was a fable, but it must have been something beyond belief. Here at Delhi the greatest Interest to me lies In the street-life, — a crowd of veiled ladles In flowing skirts or trou sers, Hindus, Mohammedans, Pathans and Af ghans from the North, sacred cows as big as buffaloes, that stand majestically in the middle of the crowded streets, thoughtfully chewing what they have stolen unrebuked from the way side stalls, wedding processions, street-dancers, jugglers and hawkers, all In one grand jumble. Pekin is the only other place I have seen with more interesting street-life. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 455 There are also fine palaces here, and miles of ruins outside the city, the Imposing Kutab Mi nar, the Jama Mazid, India's greatest mosque, — many things of interest for the student of the Indian mutiny, and shops galore. India has certainly many Interesting sights, and is well worth a visit, no matter how short a time one has, but it Is very tiring and depress ing, and the distances are enormous. I think I shall go from here to Amritsar and Lahore, then to Bombay, by Jaipur and Udai- pur, passing again through Delhi on the way down. Purdy and Am. are leaving shordy for two weeks In Kashmir, and wiU then proceed south to Ceylon, but I shall not see much more of them, for they have now decided to remrn through China, Am. having given up all his other plans. Unless they change again, we prac tically part company for the rest of the trip. Scurve has already sailed for Europe. With Maung Tun, who Is well educated and Is a de voted companion, I shall not be lonely, I hope. India, while a cheap country in which to live, is proving a very expensive one in which to travel. The hotels and railroads are very reasonable, but to reach the native city in each place, one must always drive about two miles, and as the 456 LETTERS OF heat and dust prevent walking. It means that a carriage must be hired for each day and for the whole day. None of the drivers talk English, and for the places we have visited so far a guide has been an absolute necessity. Then there are fees to the keepers of each place, for India is cursed with seekers after backsheesh. The English live an English life here, in com plete Isolation from the native, and the easy Intercourse and chance to know the native, so pleasant In China and Japan, Is here absolutely Impossible. I am hoping against hope that the native capitals Jaipur and Udalpur may be different. I think I am a bit homesick to-day and do wish I could sge you all; but Europe Is next door to America, and I shall be in Europe, I think, be fore the end of April. As soon as plans definitely mature, I shall cable where to address your let ters from home. Do not send any to Teheran or Constantinople, for I shall probably not visit either place. I wish I could take Maung Tun to Europe with me. Loads and loads of love to all. I '11 write a better letter In a few days; to-day the words don't flow well. I am In fine health and will soon send the account of the SIkkim trip. I have re- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 457 ceived a letter from home dated January 19th, so feel quite in touch with you again. Yours, Gilbert. Udaipur, March 6, 1908. Dear Ones, — At Delhi I separated from Am. and Purdy, who went north into Kashmir, but I trust that the first of April wIU see us to gether again. Father's fine letter, in which he tells me that I may return through China, came after they left, so they do not yet know that there is a possiblhty of my joining them ; I had defi nitely given up the Orient. In father's letter he does not say whether or no he could join me in Italy this spring, and I am hoping that in a few days at Bombay I shall find letters that will clear up that point. At pre sent my plans are as follows : To-morrow I shall proceed to Bombay, reaching there on Monday the 9th. From Bombay I shall go straight to Colombo by rail, if it is not too murderously hot, otherwise by water. I shall spend a week or two In the hills of Ceylon, resting after the exertions of Indian travel, and waiting for Purdy and Am. If I find that father wIU join me In Italy, I shall then proceed to Europe early in April. If I find he Is not planning to join me, I shall sail for Mamla about April loth. 458 LETTERS OF If I go east, I shall simply hit the high spots, I should like to make Manila and Pekin and Seoul the three only real stops, and if I found time before the steamer sailed, I might climb Fuji, a three or four days' trip, to get a bit of ex ercise before the long sea-voyage. If the steam boat fares are too steep for this schedule, I may cut out my admired Pekin, and substitute a week with friends at Canton College and a week's visit to the Peets at Foochow College, At both those places I should meet Intelligent men, who have spent their lives among the Chinese, and could introduce me to many English-speaking Celestials in the schools and cities of Canton and Foochow. While Pekin is the most picturesque and interesting place In China, and the political centre, and while I should there have a chance to talk to more famous and Influential foreigners than In the South, I should not meet English- speaking Chinese. Canton and Foochow, on the other hand, pride themselves on being Intellectual and com mercial centres and call the Pekinese barbarians, and as both these cities lie on my direct route home through Japan, they would Involve no extra expense. If I have to substitute them for Pekin, I should proceed direct to Moji in Japan, GILBERT LITTLE STARK 459 and from there visit Seoul, an Inexpensive side- trip of one night on a ferry and a short day on a slow train. I expect that Korea would be fuU of meat. From Delhi I had planned to visit Lahore and Amritsar, then to start south, passing once more through Delhi, and taking in Jaipur and this place on my way to Bombay. But father's letter made me anxious to reach Bombay, to get the rest of my mail and get Into cable communica tion with you once more. If possible ; then, too, the Idea of " doing" Amritsar and Lahore alone, and spending two extra sleepless nights on these bouncing, dusty trains, did not appeal to me, so I started south from Delhi on last Monday night, reaching Jaipur at five In the morning, pitch- dark, without having had one minute's sleep all night. As I said In my letter to Helen, although India Is distincdy worth while, it is not pleasant and is very tiring. Darjeeling Is a garden spot, the buildings at Agra are magnificent, and this place, Udaipur, Is a typical Eastern city, whose equal no imagination could create unaided. I should not care to have missed these things at all, were the unpleasant features doubly accentuated, but I am panting for Ceylon. Before I proceed to give you the jewels I have packed away In my 46o LETTERS OF memory during the last few days, let me outline the unpleasantnesses. In the first place, India is a sight-seers' coun try and I am not a born sight-seer, in fact, dis like It as a rule. If I can run across a " sight " on my daily ramble or ride, I absorb It and am thankful for it and take it as one of the plums of life; but to spend weeks stalking through mediocre and tawdry old piles, with a garrulous commission-hunting guide egging one on, and a rabble of beggars and children shrieking for "backsheesh," Is not my Idea of self-develop ment at all. The natives of India are either cringing or Insolent at first acquaintance, and to treat them all as servants and shoiit monosylla bic orders at them in a loud, frowning tone is the customary and really the best way to treat them. If you don't do it, they think you are afraid of them. The educated Babus are full of words and meaningless phrases, and those I have talked with have universally condemned British rule, with arguments less logical than the parrot-like war-cries ofthe rabid socialists at home. Heaven help us if our educational system In the Philip pines produces anything hke the Bengah Babu ! Of course, there are fine men among them, and in some sections the natives are splendid gende- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 461 men throughout; but long residence and a know ledge of the language are absolute essentials to getting any first-hand Information about them, or forming acquaintance with them. Hence, travel in India resolves Itself Into look ing at the picturesque cities and monuments with which the country Is dotted. That many of these are worth seeing at any cost In comfort, I not only admit but staunchly maintain, but to reach them one must travel hundreds of miles over barren, dust-choked wastes. The hotels are all built in cantonments two or three miles from the cities. These cantonments are dreary collections of fields, with stunted trees rising at sparse Intervals from the baked and cracking earth, each building being from an eighth to a quarter of a mile distant from all its neighbors. The roads are without paths or side walks, open to the deadly sun and ankle-deep in red dust. The result Is that exercise is almost Impossible (although I have managed a walk al most every evening, swearing each time I would never do It again), and you go from point to point in rattling carriages that move along in a plUar of fine dust. The hot sun throws you Into a perspiration, and the cold wind stiU blow ing, north of Agra, chills you at the same time : 462 LETTERS OF result, bad colds for all of us. The dust, which hangs In the air and makes haloes about the lights at night, parches you Inside and outside : result, chapped hands and face and cracked lips, smarting throat and nostrils. The glare is unre lieved by a cloud the size of a man's hand : re sult, a continuous squint and tendency to head ache. Do you wonder that I regret the ocean travel we have been able to make use of almost exclusively for the last seven months, and the freer stretches and more attractive and more easily studied questions of the Far East ? With an Interesting party of people, ladies in cluded (for this is a Mem Sahibs' land, full of shops), and a special train and plenty of ice and soda, I should like to attack India once more; but for the present I am satisfied to leave. Now for the plums. Jaipur and Udaipur are two native capitals of two adjoining Rajput States. Their rulers are among the proudest of Indian kings, and trace their descent through generations of princes, stretching back to times when the ancestors of European kings were long-haired brigands. Jaipur Is a walled city of about one hundred and fifty thousand Inhabitants, lying In the midst of a sandy desert full of peacocks, black buck. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 463 and ruins, all of which you can see In almost every direction you cast your eyes. A stroll, or rather drive, of a mile from the hotel brings you to one ofthe gates In the crenel lated wall about the town. There is a waUed outer courtyard, with a gate on the side, built around each of the main entrances. The town is well laid out — a broad main street bisecting It, and three cross avenues one hundred feet wide trisecting its length. The huge blocks Into which these avenues divide the town are pierced In all directions by a network of picturesque alleys, overhung by balconies of pierced stone, from which the ladies can look down unobserved upon the passing throng. The whole town is painted a dehcate pink, and the type of architecture Is or nate to the last degree, sometimes beautiful, but more often a bit tawdry and spectacular, hke the stucco buildings one sees at our Expositions. I went through the palace, after having ob tained a pass from the president, but did not wax enthusiastic about the huge pile and Its scat tered courts and gardens. Two things within the sacred precincts did Interest me intensely, how ever. One was the lake of crocodiles. We stood above the lake, on a platform belonging to some pavilion or other, and a wild-looking Rajput 464 LETTERS OF stood on the bottom step below us, at the water's edge, and uttered a series of wild cries, belting the water meanwhile with an Inflated bladder on a string. Soon we saw ripples on the surface drawing closer to the steps, and a big tortoise and two crocodiles, eight or ten feet long, climbed on the steps. They opened their huge jaws, and the wild Individual who had sum moned them up from the depths threw great chunks of meat down their gullets, with such force that it seemed as though the gobbets of flesh must drive to the tips of their tails. When the beasts grew ugly and snapped at him, he rapped them on their noses with a big cudgel, and the blows sounded as though they were delivered on a steel plate. The second Interesting sight was the Mahara jah's paymaster exercising his functions. Two of the curtains screening the arches of the Di- wan-I-Khas, or great audience-hall, were heavily looped up, giving ghmpses into Its cool dark re cesses where one caught the gleam of gilt and glass mosaic. On the outer edge of the hall- platform. In a strip of brilhant sunlight, half a hundred gay retainers of the palace were seated in a semicircle around the paymaster, an impas sive fat man gorgeously dressed, squatting with GILBERT LITTLE STARK 465 his back against a plUar. Facing him, and within the semicircle, sat five scribes, who wrote simultaneously the name of the man caUed and the amount paid him. Between them and the paymaster was a great heap of silver coins, and on either side a man with scales weighing each amount as the crier called the sum due. Outside the city gates Is a park, full of pretty walks and drives and tiger-cages; the Mahara jah spends a large sum on It yearly. The street-hfe of Jaipur Is jusdy famed, but we could not judge its full Interest, as the city is now half deserted on account of the plague. Many shops are closed, and a comparatively small traffic Is carried on in the great pink avenues; the Maharajah himself has fled, leav ing behind his four vrives and two hundred sub- wives, and of those remaining seventy to eighty are dying every day. There Is one gate through which all the bodies are carried to be burned; and when I first entered the city through that gate, I met a victim borne on a stretcher under a red velvet robe. In one of the main thorough fares I saw a buffalo freshly sacrificed in front of a wayside shrine to appease the angry gods. It Is almost unheard-of for Europeans to catch the plague, but I took every precaution and 466 LETTERS OF stayed only one night. I also forbade Maung Tun to enter the city, except with me In the car riage. On our last evening we visited the old capital. Amber, now deserted for Jaipur. It Is distant a drive of five miles Into the barren hills, and the first sight of it Is most impressive, swung as It Is above the road between two higher hills, vrith lofty gateways, high blank walls, and carved turrets. The Interior Is interesting, too — there are some fine apartments with beautiful views through the hills and across the desert to Jai pur. The garden Is pretty and the baths under ground; the inlaid work, the carved marble, and the doors of sandalwood inlaid with ivory, are better than any I have seen outside of Agra and Delhi. Opening off from one of the lower courts Is a temple to Kali, the goddess with a necklace of human skulls, and on the stone floor was a pool of undried blood, where the morning sacri fice of a goat had just taken place. They say that the greedy goddess used to claim a man In the brave old days. I rather dreaded the trip to Udaipur, and my worst fears were realized, but one interesting feature was the quantity of black buck we saw from the train. I think we passed at least a thou- GILBERT LITTLE STARK 467 sand between five In the afternoon and sunset, shortly before seven. During the long, arid crawl from the second junction, Chltorghar, to Udaipur, the next day, I was beguiled by the company of Major I , the Resident Surgeon of this Mewar State, who gave me a great deal of valuable information, and asked me to call. It seems that the Maharana of Udaipur is the proudest of the proud. He is direcdy descended from the Sun, and is the only man In India who did not bow his head when the proclamation of the King-Emperor was read ; neither threats nor persuasion could Induce him to admit King Edward as more than a brother sovereign, and a foreigner at that. His wife, the Maharanee, has never looked on the face of a white woman (ex cept possibly from behind her marble fretted screen) ; and last year when the Princess of Wales graciously sent word that she would call, the spirited old lady said that she would n't for a moment think of seeing her ! The old gentleman Is a fine ruler, but he hates innovation, and despises the post-office and the little one-horse railroad that creeps across the desert at ten miles an hour and connects him, after a fashion, with the outside world. He will not 468 LETTERS OF allow the horror within three miles of the palace, so the visitor bumps for three miles In a tonga (the only sort of vehicle or cart here available), to reach the meagre shelter, owned by the rail road and humorously dubbed "hotel." The Maharana has an income of ;^i,ooo,ooo In gold a year, and out of this he pays all expenses ofthe State. He really governs himself, and does not even allow budgets to his departments, but passes on each expenditure separately. He goes into camp all winter, with a court of three thou sand followers, and shoots tiger and leopard to his heart's content, transacting all State business in his royal tent. He has two daughters, but there Is a curse on the house of Udaipur, and for centuries no son has succeeded his father. The present prince — there Is only one — is an inva lid, and suffers severely from tuberculosis of the spine. At the "hotel" I had a chance to absorb my surroundings. I had pictured a fair countryside, with emerald hills and gleaming lakes, but no such Kashmirian Idyll met my gaze, as I stood on the painfully bare and unsupported knoll on which the tiny hotel rested, looking like a grim, stone powder-magazine, or smallpox camp, in Its loneliness. GILBERT LITTLE STARK 469 We had crawled for six hours across an arid desert, and had entered the hills only at the last moments ofthe journey. Now I gazed on a mass of disordered hills and broken ranges running in every direction, and behind the shoulders of the nearest elevations peered others and still others, drawing the eye away to the west, where the wild Bhils live. One ofthe hiUs bears a white fortress or palace so far away as to seem a toy, and down the flank of a range to the south wanders a snake-like wall. The prevailing non-escapable withered yellow of a famine year Is over every thing the eye can see. But In a hollow, not very far to the west, floats a mirage, low-lying like an early morning mist. A phantom of the brain it must be, or a strange illusion born of the sun and the dust-haze. A fair strong city, with flat roofs and minarets and temple-towers. White and dazzhng it Is, and bound with mighty walls and girded about with gardens of great green trees ; and out of It rises a marble palace that seems half the city in Itself. It seems as though the whole desert of Rajpu- tana must have been created just to form a set ting for Udaipur, the City of Sunrise. In the mellowness of late afternoon I ventured in a tonga through the streets of the dream-city. 470 LETTERS OF Everything was as It should be. The Arabian nights became real. All of the streets were nar row and twisted about, uphill and down. All of the houses were white, and elbowed each other about, and some stood In the middle of the road, and others leaned across the way to whisper se crets, and the upper balconies were pierced with tiny loop-holes and screen-work so the ladles could watch the passing show unseen. At Udai pur It Is very stylish to have a life-sized tiger or lion, or an elephant, or horse and rider, painted In brilliant colors on the white wall of the lower story, and nearly every one Is In style. The crowd in the street was gayly clothed and quite self- satisfied and self-assured. Children ran shout ing after my tonga ; fine-looking men, with their beards brushed straight out on each side like a cat's whiskers, strolled by carrying heavy swords in the hollow of the arm ; lines of women carry ing brass jars on their heads wound downhUl, and as they passed, each statuesque figure drew her draperies over the face and peered at me with one bright eye. Camel-riders looked down on me from their swaying heights, and a line of ponderous ele phants, loaded with straw, came out of the great palace gate moving like mountains, their great GILBERT LITTLE STARK 471 backs level with the balconies over the street. Beyond them I could look through three suc cessive courtyards, thronged with retainers and hangers-on of the majesty of Udaipur. In the great rambling palace, huge even ac cording to our Ideas of a large building, there are some modern apartments, with glass chandehers and mechanical toys in cases, and French furni ture; but these are mere curiosities; the great suites of rooms, the audience-halls, the old courts and palaces, the blank-walled zenana, with ridiculous slits and stone-screen balconies instead of windows, are pure Indian, as befits the lineal descendant from the Sun, by a thou sand generations of pure-blooded Rajputs. One of the princesses is going to marry the Maharajah of Jhodpore In May, and in one courtyard all the Imperial jewelers are hard at work, each In his little stall, creating magnifi cence for the bride. At another place the court painter phes his trade, and all about are cour tiers and messengers, servants and soldiers. In a balcony overlooking a quiet corner the Invalid Crown Prince lies all day on a silver couch among his gentlemen and friends. A lonely, hopeless boy, heir to the curse of Udaipur. The outer western walls of the palace rise ab- 472 LETTERS OF ruptly from the waters of a large artificial lake, a briUiant blue sheet of water, with three Island water-palaces resting on Its surface. It would be hard to imagine anything more idyllic than these white marble pleasure-halls, with dehcate bal conies and arches and a mass of greenery rising from their inner courts, the whole apparently floating on the blue lake. These lakes are a feature of the country round Jaipur, There are several, and one Is one hun dred miles In circumference. They are held In, walled-up in steep valleys by Immense dams and marble banks, relieved with cool pavilions. Tri umphs of ancient engineering, — but the old ex perts dared not impair their solidity by admitting frequent sluices, so the great pure lakes remain shut up in the valleys, and the hills rising above them remain brown and bare, and the desert round about remains arid and unproductive. If the dam ofthe great lake should burst, the coun try would be flooded halfway to Bombay ! The gardens at Udaipur are the finest I have seen In India, and form a broad-reaching park system. It makes one realize what a great land this India would be. If the British could produce rain as well as they confer peace upon it. One afternoon I drove halfway around the GILBERT LITTLE STARK 473 city lake to see the wild boar fed. Great buUocks passed us drawing heavy loads, and each beast had Its horns painted green or red. On the way through the city I passed a wedding procession. A boy gorgeously dressed being driven through the streets, at the end of a velvet cord, by his bride, a tiny veiled girl of eight or ten; a strange sight, even in India. At sunset we stood on a tower across the lake from the city, and watched the Maharana's sol diers pour maize from great sacks to a fighting, squeahng horde of wild boar beneath. Hun dreds gather from the open jungle about the tower to partake of this charity, and pigeons, doves, and peacocks lurk about to pick up the crumbs. I counted sixty wild peacock In sight at once; the boar were coundess. Bombay, March 12. It took me part of three days to reach Bombay from Udaipur, but I had a chance to see the great fortress and tower of victory at Chltor, and the temples and mosques of Ahmedabad on the way. I also met some dehghtful Anglo-Indians, I had the pleasureof a veryinstruc.tive and enjoy able six hours' conversation on the train with the Right Reverend Bishop of Nagpur, who has 474 LETTERS OF charge of all Central India and Rajputana. He Is a charming Enghsh gentleman ofthe best type. I have also joined forces for the time being with a young Scotchman by the name of Dick, Mur ray Dick. He has been tea-planting in Ceylon for two years, and Is now going home on a visit, but first he thought to see India. I met him at Udaipur, and we are going on to Colombo to gether by steamer to-morrow. We are taking a slow British-India coast-boat, and will not reach Ceylon before ten days' time. We stop, however, at five or six interesting places on the Malabar coast, and also at Cochin, a city of Travancore, the Interesting native state at the bottom of the Indian peninsula. Dick's acquaintance with and in Ceylon will make my visit there pleasanter than under ordi nary circumstances. The length of the voyage will also enable Am. and Purdy to catch up with me, I hope. Although I would not have missed India for worlds, I am delighted to be through with it; It has not been a pleasant month and I have been dreadfully homesick, although my health Is ex cellent. The home mail came to-day with a letter from father dated February i ith, and one from Helen GILBERT LITTLE STARK 475 enclosing some Interesting pictures ; It was very thoughtful of her and I appreciate it. I am hav ing all mail forwarded to Colombo, and from that place I shall cable you definitely which way I am going and where to send letters. I am fear fully torn by duty, pleasure, and diverse ambi tions. The SIkkim trip Is a poor, lame account which I will finish on the steamer. I think I can send you post-cards from some of the ports In Malabar to keep you au courant with my doings. I hope the sea-air vrill blow the cobwebs out of my brain and freshen my mental appetite, for India has put me stale for the time being. My enthusiasm Is unimpaired, but It Is not enthusiasm for the things at present about me. I saw the Parsee towers of Silence yesterday, but I will spare you a description of them. Bombay is another Montreal. A fine, busy city, however, and Interesting from the point of view that makes Chicago Interesting. Love and hugs to all. I am growing very anx ious to see you. Gilbert. Message by Cable Mangalore, India, March 26, 1908. Gilbert M. Stark, Saginaw, Michigan. Gilbert died to-day. Everything possible done. Immediate funeral necessary. We separated three weeks ago and only rejoined him to-day. Mather. Stout. APPENDIX Extracts from Journal of the Voyage between Seattle and Yokohama THE SCARLET WOMAN She Is the only woman on the passenger list, and she Is deeply In love with the Japanese boy who brought her on board ; he does not love her. She pays the bUls for both ! She does not look hke a bad woman ; she has great dark eyes, and under the paint, which seems necessary to her Ideas of elegance, her face is pitifully young. She behaves herself ex cellently, except that her manners are modelled after the servant girls' Ideal of what a perfect lady should be. On this boat, where every other man is a missionary, her presence Is regarded with about the same complacency as that of a Russian bomb, with time-fuse lighted, would be. One Sunday night she appeared for the first time in finery, — a lace dress, just the kind you see In department store windows on wide-eyed wax ladies. Every one treats her with icy politeness, and one cannot help admiring the pluck she shows, for she Is neither brazen nor callous ; she Is simply unused to anything else. Later, when one of the missionaries brought his folding organ 48o APPENDIX on the deck and started a song service, she came out to listen, and as she came she two-stepped unconsciously to the tune of the old hymn they were singing. She was cold in her lace gown, and some one gave her a steamer rug. It was a strange picture. At the organ three Japanese, one playing, one turning the leaves, and one leading the singing. Behind, a dozen men singing, hard-working missionaries and college youths that had never worked. In front, facing them, alone — the scarlet woman. Lips red with rouge, eyes big and dark and a little tired looking; the high, cheap pompadour above them looked strangely out of place. At first she beat time gayly, but the tunes were strange, and she sat quiet on the foot of a steamer chair. She still shivered under the heavy rug, but stayed until the end. Just beyond was the fog, and the sea. APPENDIX 481 Nakada San. Juji Nakada Is his fuU name. San Is simply a much prettier way than ours of saying Mister. He Is short even for a Japanese, so short that he could never enter the army. He is a Christian missionary and owns a school In Tokio where Orientals are trained to preach. His Idea is that each country must be Christianized by native missionaries, and It Is his aim to supply them. He is very jolly and very active ; in fact, he was expelled from one mission school because he spent so much time in learning jiu-jitsu. He Is now returning from his second trip to Europe and around the world, and is carrying home with him a traveUing organ, an Americanized Jap to teach music, and an Englishman to teach Eng lish Literature and philosophy. We talk with him a great deal, and have learned many more interesting things from him than from any of the books we have read. He is a samurai, was chaplain under General Kurokl in the late war, and Is a cousin of the " Hero of Port Arthur." 482 APPENDIX Samurai spirit. The samurai spirit Is a strange thing, one that a foreigner can scarcely grasp. It cannot be put Into words, but neither can it be destroyed, Na kada says that while he may go years without feeling It, at every crisis In his life, pouf! he Is again the old samurai. Its two great demands were loyalty to the Emperor and piety to the parent, and as the samurai were the warriors, it was aggressive In the extreme. The old jiu- jitsu motto Is the essence of samurai spirit — " If your opponent cut your skin, do you cut his flesh; If he cut your flesh, do you cut his bone"! "My mother," says Nakada, "my mother very nervous woman, she all-a-the tears," And yet, when her son died and Nakada, who had been alone with him at death, brought the news home, and when all the household broke into loud crying and lamenting, the old lady, usually so weak, dashed aside her tears with her hand and cried, "Why you-a-make so much the noise, he wiU not come back!" "Samurai spirit," says Nakada. "Old samurai spirit, for she was cry ing In-a-the heart ! " Now that the old classes have been abolished, the samurai spirit animates the whole nation. APPENDIX 483 and of late years It has coined the word " pa triotism," very popular now, unknown before. Poetry. The other morning Hervey happened to say that he had never been able to discover any meaning In Japanese poetry; he quoted the translation of one poem — " It Is night, the frogs jump Into the marble pool." Nakada says that just such simple lines convey a wealth of mean ing to the Oriental mind. They are pregnant with this will-o'-the-wisp — samurai spirit, that seems to cover every phase of life, from blows to meditation. The characters In which the words are written also add to the beauty ; some char acters are whole pictures In themselves. Words worth is the foreign poet most read by Japanese — Byron next. . . , Races of Japan. There seem to have been five different im migrations to Japan from four directions — from the southern islands, from India, from China, and from Korea. Traces of the different races are quite distinct to-day, and of some men you can say with surety at what immigration their families entered the country. Our friend 484 APPENDIX Nakada has a Malayan cast of countenance, others are plainly Chinese. Most Interesting of all is the Imperial immi gration, and those belonging to the Imperial race are easiest to detect. The characteristics are long, narrow, low cheek-bones, high-bridged nose, and a well-developed moustache or beard. This race entered from Korea and the north, and are supposed to have been the first comers. On their arrival, the Islands were Inhabited by the AInus, the "hairy AInus," the Japs call them, who now survive in scanty numbers on the island of Ezo, or Hokkaido, as the natives call It. "A most-a-the shaggy people," says Nakada. The Imperial race intermarried with these peo ple — hence their tendency towards beards. In Japanese Inns the charge made Is according to a person's rank, and the beard is so universally esteemed a sign of high rank that only the rich can afford to wear a beard while travelling. Asia Minor — home of the Imperial race. The Emperor is almost sixty, and is a very tall man, — contrary to newspaper reports, — in fact, almost six feet high. He is the one hundred and twenty-sixth descendant in a direct line, and his sacred possessions are a sword, a mirror, and a APPENDIX 485 large pearl. These were brought Into Japan by his ancestors, and it is a significant fact that the sword is a Damascus blade, the mirror has a Chaldean inscription on its back, and the pearl is unmistakably from the Red Sea. The con clusions are obvious, and the usual number of enthusiasts claim that here Is the lost tribe of Israel. There seem to be as many lost tribes of Israel as there are descendants of Jonathan Edwards, and a tribe so well and so frequently found ought, I think, to lose once and for all the appellation "lost." There Is, however, excellent ground for believing that the Emperor's race came more or less directly from the old cradle of the human race, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. 486 APPENDIX Partial Account of the Sikktm Trip found among the papers of Gilbert Little Stark^ A short railway journey In the late afternoon, a ferry across the Ganges, a night in the cars, travelling always to the north, and you are at the very spot where the great plain of Bengal first rises into the foothills of the Himalayas. It was a warm, pleasant morning, the last in January, when we made a hurried change at this spot into a toy train standing across the station platform on a little two-foot track. We crammed our odds and ends in somehow, under our feet and behind our backs, and up we went Into the hills like a fly up a wall. This litde railroad performs the most marvellous feats during Its six hours' climb to Darjeeling: It crawls along precipices and around jutting promontories, zig zags up vertical slopes, and crosses itself in loop after loop. As It puffs on, rising over a thousand feet an hour, the air grows perceptibly cooler and the vegetation completely changes Its char acter. Not only the vegetation but the people ^ G. L. S. intended to finish this story of the Sikkim trip during the voyage from Bombay to Colombo. It was on this voyage that he fell sick, being put ashore at the city of Mangalore. APPENDIX 487 change absolutely in type. A few hours ago we were surrounded by half-nude coolies, with black or brown skins and sharp noses; now we pass htde villages where all of the inhabitants wear trousers and heavy coats, and have flat noses and httle Mongoloid eyes. Our companions were two French priests and an Australian, an elderly gentleman with a tre mendous propensity for asking riddles. Be tween riddles he divided his attention, giving some notice to the broad views of the Indian plains, which were opening out down the valleys, but betraying far more interest In a series of whitewashed inscriptions on the rocks, which exhorted the passer-by to "Come to the Lord to-day," with many variants on that excellent theme. Our Australian friend acknowledged tremendous admiration for the activity which prompted this embeUishment of the landscape, and repeatedly announced his Intention of look ing up Its possessor on his arrival at Darjeeling. A day or so later I met him In the Bazaar, and he told me that he had kept his word. "A most excellent man he is, too," our friend announced, "a lovely man, a reformed drunk ard, to whom the Lord sent a special message to reform Thibet." 488 APPENDIX Another peculiarity in which this old gende man rejoiced was the habit of addressing all natives In the language of the Australian abo rigines. He would lean from the car-window and electrify a whole village by pouring forth his soul In a string of syllables that sounded like the pop ping of corn. Our first Impressions of Darjeeling were a jumble of steep, misty streets, bordering on bot tomless pits of wreathing clouds. On every side strange pigtailed people, men and women, in heavy robes, thrust towards us knives and battle-axes, prayer-wheels and amulets, and through the fog still other shadowy figures hur ried towards us bearing heavy silver ornaments loaded with turquoises, and about us was much laughter and many cries of, "You buy this!" "Master make bargain!" A little further on, we ran the gauntlet of pony-boys and double rickshaws, and finally warmed our hands over the cozy fires in our hotel room; for Darjee ling is over seven thousand feet in altitude, and in January the weather is cold even at mid day. For three days we gathered information about SIkkim, the country we were about to visit, and arranged for our passes, coohes, and ponies. APPENDIX 489 which we secured easily, thanks to the valuable assistance of the kind Scotch missionaries. Darjeehng is built on the side of a spur run ning out into a deep valley. Behind is the first range of the Himalayan foot-hills, which rise a few hundred feet above the town ; on three sides is nothing but atmosphere, and almost six thou sand feet below Is the tropical valley of the Run- geet River. On the third morning we had a glorious view at sunrise, and to the north we saw for the first time the mighty snow-peaks of the Himalayas. Six or eight lower ranges of rock and forests lie between Darjeeling and the snows, but these are barely noticed, and the eye travels at once to the great masses of ice and snow tower ing behind them, only forty-five miles away. The whole range makes a glittering arc of 180 degrees, comprising twelve peaks over twenty thousand feet high, and massing glacier and snow-pinnacles together In the centre to form KInchln-junga, twenty-eight thousand feet and more above the sea. From a height behind the town, Everest, eighty miles away. Is visible, but only Its peak appears, and Kinchin-junga domi nates the view. Am. was forced to leave that very evening to join a shooting trip on which the Rajah of Kuch- 490 APPENDIX Behar had Invited him; so we considered our selves remarkably lucky to have had this morn ing glimpse. By breakfast-time the mists had shut In all about us, and the rest of the day was cold and gloomy. It was Sunday, and the usual weekly Bazaar was in progress In the village square and stretch ing far down the main road. Most of the trade was carried on by women, although throngs of men from a dozen neighboring hill-tribes wandered back and forth before the stalls. The street was lined with vegetables, oranges, cooked food, Thibetan boots and jewelry, and warm home-made garments piled In great heaps on colored blankets, behind which squatted pordy dames from Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Thibet. A greater variety of ornaments it would be hard to find in one place. The Nepalese women pierce the left side of the nose and Insert a large gold button ; around their necks they wear thick cylin drical necklaces of red plush, circled with brass rings. The women from the Mongoloid tribes, including Thibet, wear heavy silver earrings, whose weight Is supported by a band across the forehead, and about their necks are chains of silver and coral, supporting silver boxes studded with turquoises. Sometimes these boxes contain APPENDIX 491 prayers or images, and sometimes holy rehcs. I also saw earrings of gold In the shape of arrow heads three inches long. At Darjeeling the tribes are mixed, and have often partially adopted the dress and ornaments of their neighbors ; so it Is hard to draw correct distinctions between them. All In all, the Bazaar showed a laughing, good- humored crowd, a bit unwashed it is true, but delightfully free from the whining servility of the Indian plainsmen. Half of the fun of any trip lies In the prepara tion, and Monday morning was full of that par ticular type of fun. There were tinned goods and supplies to buy for two whole weeks, for eggs, and anon a chicken, were all that we could safely trust to find on the road. There were ex tra blankets and gloves and woollen head-pieces, with a hole In front, shaped like King Arthur's helmet, to buy, and all our belongings must be packed In loads of just the right weight for coolies to carry. There was great bustle and stir on the litde terrace outside our room. Fur-dealers and curio- hawkers forsook their haunts under the hotel porte-cochere, and came to offer suggestions as to the loads and ropes, and to see what foohsh things the Sahibs found necessary to lug off into 492 APPENDIX the mountains. One old rake in a sky-blue coat and fur cap poked his pigtail Into everything. He was just as drunk as a man can be and stand on two legs, and he felt it Incumbent on him to tell me the nationality of every man on the terrace over and over again, as If It were all an Interest ing anthropological exhibit of which he was the show-man. At last we were packed and strapped, and could review our little army. Lowest of all on the social scale came the carrying coolies : three slovenly young Bhuria women, swaddled In dirty red robes and muscled like ploughmen; three burly Thibetan men, pigtails, top-boots worked with red cloth, and belted gowns, big turquoises In their ears, charms about their necks, and jaunty caps with the brim turned up all the way around ; two ragged but pleasant Nepalese, who carried the grain and blankets for the horses, topped the lower strata. Next In Importance came the four syces, one for each pony. They were all Ghurkas from Nepal, and with their slight forms and InteUigent faces they made our Thibetans seem more like good-humored bears than men. Our Burmese boys, Maung Tun and Maung Hia, rode ponies and were distincdy the aristocrats of the outfit. Maung Tun, I knew APPENDIX 493 well, was a fine young fellow, faithful, willing, and far above ordinary InteUigence, — a boy to be trusted at aU times. Maung Hia was stiU an unknown quantity, middle-aged and reticent, limiting his conversations with us to vehement "Yes, sirs," and "Very well, sirs." We had been lucky enough to pick up a Thibetan boy of fif teen, who spoke excellent English, as well as Thibetan, Hindustani, Nepalese, and Lepcha, the native speech of Sikkim. He was to be offi cial Interpreter on our visit to the Lamaseries of Sikkim. With the usual hberty allowed boys, he chummed with every one, from the most be nighted coohe to the honored Sahibs, Purdy and me. Chhodhar was his name, and I shall have a great deal to say about him, for he was an un usually Interesting subject of an unusually inter esting nation. We sent the coohes ahead under one Dowa, who outshone the rest in dirt and jewelry, and acknowledged Nani Babu as cap tain of our Nepalese servants. As the first stage was to be a short one, we delayed our own de parture until three in the afternoon. The weather was fine and cold when we started. The snow-mountains rose in a ghtter- ing wall to the north, and Darjeeling was sur rounded by a sea of tossing billowy clouds that 494 APPENDIX completely filled the valleys beneath. Down Into this cloud-belt we plunged; our horses, fine, strong Bhutia ponies, were In high spirits, but the steepness of the descent soon caused us to dismount, for In places the road was a mere stairway and the stone steps very abrupt. One of the Scotch missionaries, who had been so kind in helping us with our arrangements, travelled with us during this first afternoon. The heavy clouds about us blotted out the fine view we should otherwise have enjoyed, but after an hour's descent we reached the lower edge of the belt and caught glimpses of the river below, at first hazily and then clearly as we emerged Into clear air. About four thousand feet below our starting- point, we reached the cozy bungalow of one of the tea-planters, whose round clipped bushes cover these first slopes of the Himalayas; and here we stopped for a short chat and an excellent cup of Darjeeling tea. Mr. Duncan was to spend the night here and take a different route In the morning, so we said good-bye, and dropped down another thousand feet to the Badamtam dak bungalow, where we found our boys and coolies awaiting us. As we approached, the Thibetans made ducking bows, hfting their caps, the boys APPENDIX 495 and Ghurka syces salaamed, and Maung Tun presented us with piping hot cups of tea. It was quite Uke a proper home-coming. Maung Hia hung about in the background hke a huge bird of prey. He had purchased an old frock-coat at Darjeeling, and that garment, together with his pointed silk turban and withered face, made him look for all the world hke an old vulture. The bungalow was built on a ridge at the junction of three valleys, and the river was stiH a thousand feet below us. By daylight the wooded flanks of the great hills and mountains about us looked like virgin jungle, but as the night grew darker, twinkling cottage-lights and smouldering camp-fires appeared thickly sprinkled on their dark surfaces, and the ridges towered above us so that It was hard to tell where the real stars ended and the lights began. Early in the morning we sent off our coolies, and an hour later we followed. The road led down a pretty wooded slope, and above and below us, through the tree-trunks, we could see big mounds of earth, smoking like volcanoes, tended by charcoal-burners and their wives and chil dren. Most of these people were Nepalese, whose costume, language, religion, and cast of feature show that they are more closely allied with the 496 APPENDIX Hindu plainsmen than with the other hill-tribes, which are all distinctly Mongoloid. On the road, which continued broad and well-banked, we met strings of Nepalese coolies or bare-legged Simboo people, with great baskets of oranges on their backs. For more than an hour we de scended, and after reaching the valley-floor, we left the main road, which here crosses the Run- geet on a narrow suspension bridge, and turned up the left bank of the stream. By noon we had left the tea-gardens of British Sikkim behind us and were at the very edge of the Rajah's own country, the wedge which pushes Its point Into Thibet and is bounded on the east by Bhutan and on the west by Nepal, — three lands closed absolutely to the traveller. To enter Sikkim it self one must secure a pass from the British Gov ernment of India, and in this pass your entire route Is oudined, and you are warned not to visit any place not named in your permit. The spot we chose for tiffin was a point of wooded land between the Rungeet and a small tributary. To the south were the massive shoul ders of the Darjeeling range, dotted with tea- gardens, and to the north was the second tier of the Himalayan advance-guard. The spit of land on which we paused to rest bears a small APPENDIX 497 collection of wooden stores, all built In an open- faced group about the vlUage green. The inhab itants are Nepalese and Hindus, with a touch of the sans culotte Simboo. Our actions were all carefully inspected by the good merchants of Singla Bazaar, as the hamlet is caUed, who gravely squatted on their heels among their treasures and puffed religiously at the asthmatic hookah. Two young specimens of the same breed, warmly clothed in a pair of zinc com posite anklets, popularly beheved to be silver, executed a war-dance about us, and tried to see how closely they could approach us without being bitten. The remarkable part about these youths was their faces, which, for some undis covered reason, had been painted a fresh spring like green. Shordy after noon we were stopped by a lordly Sepoy and relieved of one copy ofour passes, and then allowed to enter Sikkim across an extremely wobbly bridge, hung by spider-threads above the Singla River. Immediately before us rose the second range of hills, and we attacked it at what was apparently Its boldest rise. After a good three hours we conquered It, having again re moved ourselves from an altitude of scant two thousand to over six thousand feet. 498 APPENDIX These abysmal valleys are a striking feature of the Himalayas. A thousand feet below us was a cottage-crowned hummock, which we had sup posed to be the summit when we were below, and the banana trees, that an hour before had been outlined against the sky above, now lay spread out like starfish below us. The valley-floor was in deep shadow, and against this shadow, far below us, the sun gilded the outspread wings of a motionless hawk, and to the good people of Singla Bazaar this same bird no doubt seemed poised immeasurably above In the very zenith of the heavens. To the north lay a valley just as deep, and across It — we had but to stretch out our hands to stroke the forests on its ridge — was a third wall waiting for us. As we rode along the crest of the second ridge to the bungalow at Chakung, a Lepcha wedding party crossed our road and wound down the hill side below: a single line of gayly-decked men and women, headed by the lamas of the neigh borhood, with pipes and conches, cymbals and sheepskin drums. Long after the individual wedding guests had dwindled Into black ants on the long slope, the piercing notes of the pipes, so hke a Scotch bagpipe that a Highlander would fall homesick at once, rose clearly to our ears. APPENDIX 499 A steep scramble up a further rise on the crest of the range brought us to the Chakung bunga low nestled under a clump of giant bamboo- plumes. It was a golden evening, and through the great silence of the mountain-tops rose an undertone of life from the valleys. The eyes wandered over jungle and precipice and tilted field, down, down, down, past oak and laurel to the land of palm trees, lost in purple haze below. Not a living figure appeared over all the vast slopes, but on every hand, out of the shadowy valley and from its glowing sides, rose the music of the herders, caUing home the goats and cows, a long-drawn yodel, a snatch of song In a fresh, boy's voice ; the sounds of pigmy life but served to accent the majestic quiet of the upper air. Near Chakung there are two ruined chaits containing Buddhist scriptures, a tupa in ex cellent state of preservation, and a long stone mound, rectangular in shape, containing the body of Minnhopet, a lama who died about eighty years ago at the age of twenty-one. This tomb Is made of large, smooth stones fitted rudely together without mortar, and about halfway up its surface Is a band of stones, carved with pic tures and the sacred formula, " Om mani padme 500 APPENDIX hum," which means In English, "Oh! the jewel in the lotus!" and is probably the most often quoted phrase In any language In the world. This decorative line of stones, which runs en tirely around the tomb. Itself twenty paces long and about nine feet high. Is protected above by projecting eaves of Irregular flat stones. The solid but primitive character of the architecture, and the naive Inscriptions translated by Chhod har, the beauty of the Thibetan characters carved in high rehef, and the mass of tall grasses and tangled flowers growing from the top of the tomb and crannies in its sides, threw a charm about the narrow ridge and made us loath to leave. The night was cold, and the roaring wood-fire in the bungalow successfully roasted our hands and faces, without making any impression on the chills that ran merrily up our spines; so we sought warmth and oblivion under a mountain of blankets. A flood of sunlight woke me, and hurrying to the door, I saw the snows, which had been cloud- wrapped the night before, gleaming high above the ridge across the valley. However magnificent a view may be. Its fascination soon weakens when one is clad in gossamer, so to speak, and an APPENDIX 501 icy breath steals up the leg of one's — shall I say, nocturnal apparel ? Hence It Is that I was think ing seriously of again retreating to the Inner depths of two heavy army-blankets, when a clucking noise, of which I had been subcon sciously aware for some time, caused me to drop my eyes from eternal winter to the strangest group of suffering mortals ever bound to Bud dha's wheel of life. They were six, and two of them wore shaggy mops of snow-white hair, and two of them wore painted fans projecting from each ear, and two of them had no superstructure to relieve the grim monotony of their faces. They were Thibetans, that I could see, and some were booted and some were barefoot, and their robes were more gayly colored than the common, ordinary Bhutia sees fit to wear. As I looked, they gravely scratched each man his ear, and stuck their tongues out at me; and such a length of tongue as each man possessed! At first, I was rather inclined to take umbrage and to advance upon them in wrath, all unarmed as I was; but something in the dim recesses of my mind told me that I had heard a Munchausen tale somewhere to the effect that that was a friendly mode of greeting practised in Thibet, and so I spared their fives. 502 APPENDIX Chhodhar appeared around the corner, with his mouth full of rice, and explained that these men were Thibetan dancers bound for some merry making where their services were required, and that my coolies had persuaded them to stay and give us a matin exhibition. We reconnoitred the ridge for a level spot, — It Is hard to find a level spot in SIkkim large enough to support a bowl of goldfish, — and when semi-success crowned our efforts, the troop sprang at once into action. The two unadorned proved to be the orchestra. The first vigorously clanged a pair of cymbals, and the second played the drum. I say played, but what he really did was to hold the drum aloft — It was shaped hke a gigantic baby's ratde — and tap It ever and anon with a drumstick shaped like a shepherd's crook. The dancers wore, hung from their belts, long cords with tasselled ends, and as they leaped and whlrfed about, these cords stood out like wheel- spokes and made every turn seem twice as rapid as It was in reality. The usual method of pro cedure was for two of them to stand on the side lines and sing lustily, while the remaining two leaped and sprang about, growling and mutter ing. Sometimes, however, all four would advance together and execute a rude ballet, and each in- APPENDIX 503 dividual performer gave us several solo dances. The step was rather comphcated, and some ofthe leaping and whirling in mid-air was quite re markable from an acrobatic point of view. They gave variety, not by varying the dance, but by changing the head-dresses, and lions and pea cocks appeared before us in the same gyrations. The ground on which they danced was very much hke the top of an A tent, and on each side there was a sudden slope of at least three thou sand feet. On account of these natural obstacles, they informed us, they could not leap and whirl so well as they would like, for a sudden trip to the valley on the part of one of the performers might seriously Interrupt the sequence of the dance. Down again to the valley-floor, and up the third ridge to a rocky saddle. Our coolies were carrying at this time a large bundle of paper strips printed with the sacred "Mani," as the phrase Is called, and whenever our path crossed a stream, Dowa would bend a sapling at the water's edge and tie two or three prayer-strips to Its top branches. The Ghurka syces laughed at this proceeding as mere superstition, but they plucked bunches of green leaves, which they laid on the edge ofthe rickety bridges we passed over, 504 APPENDIX and felt sure that this was the only true way to ensure a pleasant journey. The ravine up which we travelled was full of flocks of small parrots, red and green, that flew noisily from tree to tree ahead of us ; and once a graceful red deer trotted up the path before us for a few yards, and then vanished up a preci pice, as lighdy as though he had winged hoofs. TraveUing In SIkkim Is a bit like walking a treadmill, for you surmount range after range only to find before you a narrow valley cleft to the bowels of the earth, and another wall of hills towering before you. The valleys, however, and the succeeding ranges are ahke only In their mas sive proportions ; the details and vegetation, even at corresponding altitudes, are constandy chang ing, and the fresh barriers constantly arising are so different and so beautiful that they inspire the traveller instead of discouraging him. From the summit of the third range we looked down Into a funnel-shaped valley. Its walls covered with thick jungle, broken In places by the rocky scar of landshps and mountain torrents, and scat tered patches of yellow mustard-flowers, bril liant as the daubs of ochre on a painter's palette. It was not necessary to descend to the bottom of the valley to reach the fourth parallel ridge ; APPENDIX 505 we were able to work along the sides of the funnel, and we achieved the fourth saddle after a short climb of fifteen hundred feet. The road during the entire day had been a mere bridle path, but It was in good condition, and always afforded secure footing for the horses. We rode with one foot over a precipice, however, and at some corners the pony'p neck projected so far over the edge that I could look between the reins and his shoulders and see the bottom of the valley, three quarters of a mile below. From the saddle we turned east and rode for two miles along the hillside, maintaining ap proximately the same altitude. Rinchinpong, where we spent the night, boasted eight houses, a KhazI, and a temple. The Khazl's house was a very good example of Thibetan architecture, and pots of geraniums along the balcony railings showed pleasantly against the white plaster walls. The bungalow was a strongly-built native house, with a floor of thick planks roughly shaped with an adze. The temple on the hiU behind the bungalow was a grim stone buUding, with an avenue of sixty flag-bedecked poles leading to it. These flags are inscribed with the characters, "Om mani padme ham," and 506 APPENDIX whenever the breeze flutters them, the prayer Is given efficacy. It was dim twilight before we reached the temple, and so we postponed our examination of it until the following morning. GILBERT LITTLE STARK was born on April 28, 1885, at Saginaw, Michigan. He attended the public school In Saginaw, and during his High-School course competed In a State Oratorical contest, winning first place In the local, district, and state competition, with an oration on MIrabeau. He prepared for college at the Phillips Academy, Exeter, New Hamp shire, entering Yale with the class of 1907. At Exeter he was awarded the Merrill prize in Ad vanced English, for having shown the greatest steadiness of interest in his work and the most Intelligent appreciation of the authors read. In college he contributed to the Tale Literary Mag azine and the Record; he was a member of the Cercle Franfaise, Deutscher Verein, Folio Qub, Exeter Qub, Pundit Qub, University Qub, Corinthian Yacht Club, Dramatic Association, the Yale Chapter of the PsI Upsilon Fraternity, and Wolf's Head. He was vice-president of the French Club, president of the German Club during his Senior year, and coach of the French play for two years. He was prominent in dra matics during his entire college course, taking a 5o8 APPENDIX part In the French play during his Freshman year, and the part of Isidore in "The Magis trate," presented during the spring term of the next year; he played the part of Prince Hal in " Henry IV," presented during his Junior year, and the part of the King in "The Pretenders," of his Senior year. He held a first-dispute schol arship appointment. Immediately after graduat ing, with a party of classmates, he sailed from Seatde, Washington, for a trip around the world, and these letters were written during that trip. He died at Mangalore, India, on March 26, 1908, In the midst of his trip. Professor William Lyon Phelps of Yale, writ ing for the Tale Alumni Weekly soon after Mr. Stark's death, said : — " In the death of Gilbert Stark, Yale has lost one of her most promising young graduates, and I have lost a friend for whom I had the highest respect and the warmest affection. I had the privilege of an Intimate acquaintance with him during nearly all of his college course; and wholly apart from his well-earned distinction In dramatics, English and French literature, and multifarious outside activities, he was one of the APPENDIX 509 most Interesting and thoroughly attractive young men that I have ever known. His personality had an extraordinary charm; and he was ex acdy the kind of man that we like to see go out into the world and represent Yale. His influence cannot die. *No work begun shall ever pause for death.'" ill' 1 il IP 11^' ,"1--'. t ^ ^.fj 1 , ,1 t*''i II • "J \ lll 1 liii'ii^^i)!''! l!l|,i'W,, (;i!',l i [li'll] !1i""!i